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Vol.8      NO.1 



AUGUST      11,      1944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through   the    Public    Relations    Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Stoflef 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Foymon 

Frank  Martin,  Cai  OXallohan 

Staff  Cartoonist  George  Duncan 

Special  Features  Page 

Ryan's  Boy  Engineers 

— inside  story  of  a  unique  experiment   1 

Women  Artists  Are  Different! 

— beautiful  girls  eaii  be  cra^y  4 

Play  Ping  Pong  for  Pep 

— lunchtimc  fun  outdoors 6 

Don  Miles,  Foreman 

— /(c^l.'  liead  man  in  Maeliine  Sliof  7 

Santa  Clous  in  July 

— JJ'ar  Bonds  for  ideas  8 

Contract  Administration 

—K-I-R-K  spells  Scrviee  9 

Slim's    Pickin's    23 

Sports 26 

What's   Cookin?    31 

Ryan   Trading   Post    32 

Departmental  News 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Frances  17 

Bonus  Colculotions  by  Dortha  Dunston   17 

Cafeteria  Notes  by  Potsun  Pan:: 23 

Digs  from  Jigs  by  Art  and  Pete  30 

Dispatching  the  News  6.v  Dawes  and  Shaffer 20 

Drop  Hammer  2nd  Shift  by  No::::lc-Rack  21 

Inspection  Notes  by  Dorothy  Trudersheini   21 

Machine  Shop  fev  Dorothy  Wheeler  20 

Manifold  Dispatching  6_v  Ben  Smith   14 

News  and  Flashes  by  Earl  Vaughan   24 

Notes  from  Dawn  Workers  by  Ralph  Ceist  16 

Pings  and  Purrs  from  Power  Plant  by  Idle  Cutoff 15 

Puddia  Pushers  on  the  Swing  by  Doris  Williksei:   19 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie  13,  30 

Ship  Tide  by  Leigh  MaeDonald   22 

Stacks  'n'  Stuff  by  Manny  Fohlde 19 

Stress  Report  by   Virginia  Pi.rley    24 

Tool-In  Specks  by  Kay  15 

Tool  Rumors  by  Brae  and  Kay 17 

Wind  Tunnel    13 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  by  U  and  Me 19 

Copy  Deadline  for  next-  issue  is  August  21st 

Ryan^s    Boy  Engineers 


Bob   Gunter   was   getting   desperate. 

As  head  of  the  Change  Group  in  Ryan's  Engineer- 
ing department,  it  was  his  job  to  see  that  changes  in 
engineering  blueprints  kept  up  with  changes  in  de- 
sign.    But  the  changes  were  coming  too  fast. 

"Our  group  is  falling  farther  behind  every  day," 
he  told  his  assistant,  Carlisle  Harley.  "E.O.'s  are 
coming  in  by  the  bushel  basketful.  We're  making 
blueprint  changes  as  fast  as  orders  pour  in,  but  we 
can't  get  the  revised  blueprints  checked  fast  enough. 
Do  you  realize  we  have  a  backlog  of  more  than  a 
hundred   drawings   waiting    to   be   checked?" 

Harley  nodded  gloomily.  "A  good  checker  con 
overage  six  or  eight  drawings  a  day.  We  usually 
have  only  three  men  assigned  to  checking.      I   don't 

see  how  we  can  spare  more.  Nobody  likes  to  check, 
anyhow,  because  it's  the  most  nerve-racking  work 
in  the  department.      Bob,  we're  in  a  tough  spot." 

Gunter  rubbed  his  chin  and  looked  out  over  the 
long  tiers  of  draftsmen  bent  at  their  boards.  "How 
about  these  high  school  kids  who  are  working  here 
during  summer  vacation?  Maybe  we  can  figure  some 
way  to  use  them  in  breaking  this  log  jam.  They've 
got  more  pep  than  most  of  us  older  guys." 

"I  think  I  feel  a  brainstorm  coming  on,"  Harley 
said.  "Let  me  think  this  over  tonight.  Maybe  I'll 
have  0  suggestion  in  the  morning." 

The  next  day  he  laid  a  radical  new  plan  before 
Gunter.  He  suggested  dividing  up  the  high  school 
boys  into  teams  of  three,  with  an  adult  draftsman  as- 

Ryan's   schoolboy   draffsmen    ore   instructed   to   study   a    problem    carefully    before   drawing    a    line.     Shown    here    examining    a    tricky 
blueprint  are    (left  to   right)    Fred   Maple,   Lawrence   Anderson,   John    Bryont,    Lloyd   Board. 

signed  to  each  team  as  an  adviser.     The  adviser  would 
check  the  drawings  of  the  boys  in  his  team. 

"Think  what  a  load  this  will  take  off  the  regular 
checkers,"  Harley  said.  "When  a  stack  of  drawings 
come  in  cold,  without  the  draftsmen  there  to  explain 
them,  the  checker  can't  see  whether  a  drawing  is  right 
until  he's  analyzed  the  whole  problem.  But  this  way, 
each  adviser  will  be  a  part-time  checker,  and  he  won't 
have  to  study  a  drawing  at  all  in  order  to  check  it. 
The  kid  who  has  just  finished  the  drawing  will  be  at  his 
elbow  to  explain  it.  Besides,  the  boy  will  have  been 
peppering  his  adviser  with  questions  while  making  the 
drawing,  so  the  problem  involved  will  be  fresh  in  the 
minds  of  both  of  them.  They  should  be  able  to  whiz 
through  the  checking  in  a  hurry." 

"Brother,  you've  got  something,"  Gunter  agreed. 
We'll  not  only  be  able  to  speed  up  checking,  but  we'll 
also  be  able  to  give  more  help  to  our  so-called  boy  en- 
gineers. All  they  need  is  close  supervision  and  they'll 
go  to  town." 

So  Harley's  plan  was  put  into  effect.  Two  weeks 
later  the  entire  mound  of  unchecked  drawings  had 
vanished,  and  the  Change  Group  was  up  to  date. 

The  regular  checkers  had  been  able  to  clean  up  the 
backlog  while  the  schoolboys  and  their  advisers  were 
working  together  to  get  day-by-day  changes  drawn 
and  checked  at  a  galloping  pace. 

This  little  drama,  which  occurred  late  in  July,  was 
the  payoff  on  a  lot  of  hard  work  Gunter  and  Harley 
have  been  putting  in  all  summer  with  a  group  of  teen- 
age boys  from  San  Diego  high  schools.  They've  coach- 
ed them,  prodded  them,  slapped  their  ears  down  when 
they  got  cocky,  pulled  in  the  reins  when  they  wanted 

to  go  too  fast.  The  patience  and  close  attention  of 
these  Change  Group  men  paid  dividends  in  the  end, 
but  there  were  times  when  Gunter  and  Harley  almost 

"Some  of  the  kids  were  friendly  and  scatter-brained 
as  puppies  when  they  first  started,"  Gunter  recalls. 
"They  talked  to  everybody.  They  dashed  over  to  the 
window  whenever  they  heard  a  plane  taking  off.  They 
asked  a  million  questions — and  they  could  hove 
answered  half  the  questions  themselves  if  they'd  taken 
ten  seconds  to  think." 

A  few  of  the  boys  were  downright  unruly  in  the 
beginning.  They'd  gather  around  for  a  bull  session 
about  football  or  dance  music,  and  half  an  hour  might 
slip  by  without  anything  accomplished.  They'd  throw 
spitballs  or  write  each  other  notes.  Some  of  them  even 
went  so  far  as  to  start  a  game  of  tag  among  the 
Engineering  desks  one  day. 

Finally  after  the  boys  had  been  at  Ryan  about  a 
week,  Gunter  and  Harley  called  them  all  aside  for  a 
special  meeting.  In  friendly  but  firm  language,  they 
read  the  riot  act.  "Most  of  you  fellows  are  good 
workers,  but  a  few  of  you  are  stirring  up  mischief  in 
the  whole  gang,"  they  declared.  "You've  turned  out 
good  drawings  but  you've  also  caused  trouble.  From 
now  on  let's  see  you  concentrate  on  your  work  and  quit 
disturbing  the  rest  of  the  department.     Or  else." 

Such  plain  talk  proved  to  be  just  what  the  doctor 
ordered.  The  boys  buckled  down  to  work  with  a  will, 
and  began  turning  out  drawings  at  a  speed  that 
startled  the  old-timers.  From  then  on  Harley's  main 
problem  was  to  keep  them  from  driving  ahead  too  fast. 

—  2  — 

The  story  of  another  Ryan  experiment  in 
manpower  utilization  that  paid  dividends 

"Remember  that  accuracy  counts  most,  not  speed," 
Harley  kept  telling  them.  "Never  draw  a  line  until 
you  figure  out  exactly  what  your  problem  is — I  don't 
core  if  you  have  to  sit  and  look  at  it  for  a  half  day 
first.     Make  your  drawings  right  the  first  time." 

With  the  vacation  season  drawing  toward  its  close, 
Ryan's  Engineering  department  is  highly  pleased  with 
the  results  of  its  summer  experiment.  The  high 
school  youngsters  have  helped  the  department  pile 
out  an  unusually  large  volume  of  work.  They  are 
usually  among  the  earliest  arrivals  in  Engineering  each 
morning,  and  their  attendance  record  has  been  ex- 
ceptionally good.  Some  of  them  have  turned  in  such 
high-quality  work  in  the  Change  Group  (where  they 
all  started)  that  they  have  been  moved  on  to  other 
groups.  Donald  Danner  is  now  in  the  Equipment 
Group;  Arthur  Heath  and  Frank  Lopez  have  been  sent 
to  Template  Reproduction.  Another  of  the  boys,  David 
Stegmuller,  started  in  the  factory's  Sheet  Metal  de- 
partment, and  had  been  there  only  a  short  time  when 
he  submitted  a  shop  suggestion  (a  channel  guide  for 
hand  shears)  which  won  him  a  silver  award.  Since 
he  had  had  mechanical  drawing  at  high  school,  the 
company  was  glad  to  let  him  transfer  to  Engineering 
when  he  asked  to  do  so. 

Ryan  executives  give  these  youngsters  credit  for 
level-headedness  in  making  some  difficult  psychologi- 
col  adjustments.      "They're  settled  down  to  the  six- 

day  week  of  war  industry  without  a  backward  glance 
at  the  short  hours  of  high  school,"  says  Robert  Codding, 
director  of  Engineering  personnel.  "And  they've 
stayed  sensible  about  money,  in  spite  of  taking  home 
bigger  pay  checks  than  we  adults  ever  heard  of  at 
their  age  .  .  .  Remember  when  you  got  your  first  job? 
How  long  did  it  take  before  you  were  earning  $35  a 
week?  Or  $40?  Most  likely  your  first  job  paid  you  a 
dollar  or  two  a  week  when  you  were  in  high  school.  But 
these  youngsters  have  jumped  into  man's  work  at 
mon's  wages  without  the  usual  time-consuming  and 
low-paying  preliminaries.  Today  Junior  at  16  may 
have  an  earning  power  the  like  of  which  Dad  hadn't 
oVtained  until  he  had  a  home  and  wife  to  support. 
Yet  Junior  probably  has  no  financial  responsibilities  at 
all — except  to  file  an  income  tax  return. 

"You  couldn't  exactly  blame  these  kids  if  their 
heads  began  to  swell,  and  they  started  spending  money 
like  playboy  millionaires,  or  telling  Dad  where  he  mode 
his  mistakes.  But  these  boys  have  both  feet  on  the 
ground.  Practically  every  one  of  them  is  saving  all 
the  money  he  earns,  except  for  enough  to  pay  for  his 
lunches  and  buying  a  few  clothes.  And  there's  no 
trace  of  cockiness  in  them — because  these  youngsters 
are  wise  enough  to  realize  that  they're  merely  reaping 
the  benefits  of  manpower  shortages  and  boom-time 
wages.  They're  hard-working,  intelligent,  nice-  man- 
nered boys.     My  hot  is  off  to  them." 

They  look  eager  and  full  of  drive — and  they  are.    Left  to  right,  front   row:   Lloyd   Board,   Robert   Hoyt,   Fred   Maple,   Claude   Wood, 
Robert  Bennett.     Second   row:   Arthur   Riffel,   David   Stegmuller,   Lawrence  Anderson,  William  Vulliet,  John   Bryant,   Ernest  Ohisen. 

—  3- 

^^omen  cj^rtists  oAre  Q)ijferent! 

Consider  the  plight  of  Joe  Thein,  a  man  surrounded 
by  girls.  The  girls  ore  artistic  and  gay,  and  they  love 
to  tease  him.  Yet  Joe  not  only  has  to  keep  his  mind 
on  his  own  work,  but  also  boss  the  girls. 

He  is  head  of  the  engineering  illustration  group  at 
the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company,  and  the  girls  com- 
prise a  large  majority  of  his  group.  Which  makes  his 
life  interesting  and  active — somewhat  like  living  in  a 
cement  mixer,  he  says. 

An  engineering  illustration  is  a  blueprint  converted 
into  a   drawing,   with   correct  proportions  and   three- 
dimensional    perspective.      These    drawings    are    pre- 
pared for  the  purpose  of  making  it  possible  for  factory 
workers    to    understand    the    parts    they   are    making, 
since  many  cannot  read  blueprints.      To  make  such 
drawings   requires   not  only  an   understanding   of  en- 
gineering drawings,  but  also  con- 
siderable artistic  talent.     Conse- 
quently,  as    the   company's  work  Py     KEITH 
expanded   under   the  pressure  of 

war,  Ryan  has  recruited  qualified  girls  from  several 
art  schools — and  Joe  Thein's  group,  which  used  to  be 
entirely  staffed  by  men,  is  now  two-thirds  women. 

Factory  people  have  always  suspected  that  artists 
were  slightly  mad.  And  aircraft  men  have  never  felt 
entirely  at  ease  with  women  around  the  plant.  So, 
when  a  gang  of  women  artists  are  turned  loose  in  an 
aircraft  factory,  the  potential  result  is  likely  to  make 
older  executives  turn  pale. 

During  lunch  periods  Thein's  girls  decorate  the  walls 
with  unflattering  but  expert  drawings  of  him.     They 
write   satirical    poetry   about   him.      They   play   jokes, 
wisecrack    incessantly,    and    devise    bizarre    practical 
jokes.    Joe  takes  this  noon-hour  bedevilment  in  stride 
(he  is  a  trained  artist  himself,  so  he  understands  the 
artistic  temperament)  and  somehow  contrives  to  keep 
his   high-spirited   team   function- 
ing at  top  efficiency,     in  spite  of 
MONROE  °"    fhe    giggling    and    thrashing 

around,  every  job  turned  over  to 

the  illustration  group  is  completed  on  time. 

"The  job  of  drawing  all  the  fine  detail  of 
an  intricate  piece  of  machinery  is  tricky 
enough  to  get  an  artist  wound  up  like  a  time 
bomb,"  Thein  soys.  "The  girls  need  to  blow 
off  steam  occasionally,  and  I  let  them.  That 
way,  they  find  it  easier  to  bear  down  when 
the  pressure  is  on.  Whenever  a  heavy  job 
comes  along,  the  office  gets  as  quiet  as  a 
nunnery,  and  everybody  works  at  top  speed. 
We've  never  done  any  overtime  work,  and 
we  never  will  if  I  can  ovoid  it.  Why?  Well, 
we'd  be  a  prize  bunch  of  heels,  wouldn't  we, 
if  we  let  the  company  pay  us  overtime  wages 
just  because  we  couldn't  get  our  chores 
finished  in  regular  working  hours?  If  the 
girls  want  to  clown  a  little,  that's  okay — 
but  they  know  their  day's  work  has  to  be 
done  by  4:30  on  the  dot." 

In  spite  of  the  large  volume  of  illustra- 
tions they  turn  out,  the  girls  do  manage  to 
produce  a  bewildering  assortment  of  pranks. 
Fake  blobs  of  ink  on  important  drawings; 
bogus  sandwiches,  exploding  cigars  and  other 
standard  April  Fool  paraphernalia  are  routine 
noon-day  equipment  in  this  office.  More 
original  bits  of  whimsy  constantly  turn  up, 
too.  One  of  the  department's  luckless  young 
men,  who  had  been  keeping  a  water  bottle 
at  his  desk  in  order  to  avoid  frequent  trips 
to  the  water  cooler,  was  dismayed  at  lunch 
one  day  to  find  a  live  snail  in  the  bottle. 
"There  were  algae  in  it,"  blandly  explained 
Mary  Lea  Davis,  the  perpetrator.  "The  snail 
will  clean  your  water  by  eating   the  algae." 

Sometimes  one  of  the  men  con  turn  the 
laugh  on  the  girls.     Jean  Holmes  once  took 

great  pains  to  construct  a  convincing-look- 
ing stick  of  chewing  gum  from  cardboard, 
scotch  tope,  and  powder.  She  inserted  it 
lovingly  into  a  Wrigley  wrapper,  and  later 
offered  it  to  Junius  Bethke,  an  unsuspecting 
male.  He  accepted,  but  instead  of  dis- 
gorging the  "gum"  when  he  tasted  it,  he 
chewed  with  gusto  for  twenty  minutes  while 
Miss  Holmes  watched  dazedly  and  the  rest 
of  the  group  snickered  at  her. 

The  blithe  spirit  of  the  inmates  has  caused 
many  changes  in  the  appearance  of  the 
illustration  office.  An  elaborate  pulley  de- 
vice, somewhat  similar  to  those  Rube  Gold- 
berg created,  is  used  to  open  and  close  the 
door  from  any  port  of  the  office.  The  top 
drawer  of  the  office  filing  cose  is  labeled 
"Things,"  while  the  second  is  "Stuff,"  and 
the  lowest  is  helpfully  labeled  "Bottom." 
One  of  the  walls  is  adorned  with  a 
large  Beer  Chart  which  shows  the  number 
of  beers  each  member  owes  the  group. 
Violations  of  discipline  such  as  late  arrival 
or  too  many  trips  to  the  powder  room  cause 
the  offender  to  be  assessed  one  beer.  When 
the  total  assessments  grow  large  enough  the 
group  plans  to  hold  a   picnic. 

The  feminine  members  of  the  illustration 
group  are  aware  that  their  spare-time  habits 
aren't  altogether  orthodox,  but  this  knowl- 
edge does  not  disturb  them.  "We  turn  out 
the  work,  don't  we?"  they  soy.  "And  even 
if  we  do  make  Joe's  life  sort  of  turbulent, 
we  never  let  him  down.  So  why  should  we 
be  grim  and  sedate?  In  our  own  way  we're 
living  up  to  the  company  motto:  'Keep 
Ryan  a  Better  Place  to  Work.'  " 

One  of  Ryan's  hardest-working  departments 
is  mildly  mad  in  its  spare  time.  Joe  Thein's 
beautiful  girls  get  gaga  between  assignments. 

Those  people  you've  seen  floiling  their  arms,  skip- 
ping from  side  to  side,  uttering  shrill  yips  and  gen- 
erally having  themselves  a  big  time  during  lunch 
period  are  Ryan's  ping-pong  devotees.  They're  taking 
advantage  of  our  newly  installed  ping-pong  facilities 
n  the  Cafeteria  Plaza. 

G.  E.  Barton  and  Eddie  Molloy  try 
out  the  tables  just  to  make  sure 
they  work.  Eddie  is  obviously  one 
of  Ryan's  most  relaxed  ping-pong 

The  new  paddles,  tables  and  balls  were  officially 
launched  on  the  first  day  by  vice-president  Eddie 
Molloy  and  factory  manager  G.  E.  Barton.  Also  in 
there  pitching  were  Art  Coltrain,  assistant  to  the  fac- 
tory manager,  and  Roy  Cunningham,  production  con- 
trol superintendent.  They  all  had  a  good  time 
(although  reliable  sources  declare  that  some  partici- 
pants appeared  to  deteriorate  visibly  during  the 
proceedings) . 

The  new  facilities  were  made  available  through 
the     Employee     Service     Department.       If    you     feel 

A  general  view  of  proceedings. 
Handsome  gent  in  right  foreground 
is  Fire  Chief  Dan  Driscoll.  Head  of 
hair  in  left  foreground  belongs  to 
editor    Frances   Statler. 

that  urge  to  start  slapping  the  little  white  ball  around, 
just  see  fire  chief  Dan  Driscoll  or  his  assistant, 
Harvey  Noll.  They'll  be  glad  to  sign  you  up  for  a 
paddle  and  ball.  F.  P.  Beare,  likewise  of  the  Fire 
Department,  will  handle  distribution  on  the  second 

In  order  to  give  everybody  a  chance,  paddles  and 
balls  should  be  returned  promptly  to  the  Fire  Depart- 
ment clerk  in  charge.  And  whatever  you  do,  don't 
get  so  fascinated  with  the  game  that  you  linger  after 
the  whistle  blows!  A  word  to  the  wise  is  worth  two  in 
the  bush,  we  always  say. 

Art  Coltrain  and  Roy  Cunninghom 
really  put  their  hearts  into  the 
gome.  Roy  is  said  to  be  one  of  the 
company's  most  demoniac  ping-pong 

6  — 

He  looks  like  a  poet 
but  works  like  a  Fiend. 

Take  a  look  at  any  group  of  Ryan  fore- 
men and  try  to  figure  what  the  "typical 
foreman's  face"  would  be.  What  do  our 
foremen  have  in  common  in  the  way  of 

The  answer  is — nothing.  Anybody  who 
thinks  he  can  pick  out  Ryan  foremen  by 
their  faces  just  hasn't  seen  many  foremen. 
Some  have  thin  faces,  some  have  chubby 
ones.  Some  look  dreamy,  some  dynamic. 
Some  are  good-looking  enough  to  be  movie 
heroes — Frenchy  Foushee,  for  example,  or 
Roy  Ryan.  Others,  such  as  Ed  Carson  and 
Clarence  Harper,  might  be  token  for  school 
teachers.  Carl  Palmer  looks  like  a  sales- 
man. Erich  Faulwetter  would  pass  for  an 
athletic  coach.  Clarence  Hunt,  who  was 
foreman  of  Machine  Shop  until  he  left  to 
open  a  shop  of  his  own  this  summer,  looked 
like  an  accountant. 

Don  Miles,  who  recently  replaced  Hunt 
and  is  the  subject  of  this  month's  essay,  has 
the  appearance  of  a  poet.  Warm  dark 
eyes,  wavy  hair,  a  sensitive-looking  mouth 
— everything  in  his  face  seems  to  add  up 
to  a  Byron  or  Shelley.  Which  just  goes  to 
prove  once  more  that  you  can't  tell  by  ap- 
pearance— because  Don  Miles  is  actually  a 
fast-moving,  two-fisted  worker  who  has  been 
poking  his  head  into  the  innards  of  ma- 
chinery since  he  was  old  enough  to  crawl. 
If  the  only  way  he  could  save  his  life  was 
to  write  a  poem,  he'd  probably  cur!  up  and 
wait  for  the  undertaker. 

Don's  life  story,  far  from  being  the  tale 
of  0  talented  artist,  is  really  the  story  of  one 
of  those  typical  American  kids  who  fought 
their  way  up  the  ladder  by  getting  jobs 
after  school  and  on  Saturdays — who  paid  for 
a  higher  education  by  working  while  they 
studied — who  moved  up  from  one  job  to  a 
better  one  because  they  were  steady  and 
energetic  and  kept  their  mind  on  their 

He  was  born  in  1916  in  the  little  town 
of  Lamar,  at  the  southeastern  corner  of 
Colorado.  His  father  was  an  interior  deco- 
rator— which  may  account,  after  all,  for 
that  artistic  face  of  Don's.  But  Don  showed 
no  leanings  toward  decoration.  He  was  al- 
ways interested  mainly  in  taking  things 
opart  to  see  why  they  ticked;  in  building 
things  and  tearing  them  down  and  rebuild- 
ing them  better. 

Whenever  he  got  on  extra  dollar  he  spent 
it  on  solder  or  nails  or  a  new  tool.  In  fact, 
his  requirements  for  material  put  such  a 
strain  on  his  allowance  that  from  the  age 
of  eight  he  was  out  rustling  for  extra  money. 
He  began  by  selling  papers  on  a  street  cor- 
ner after  school.  At  ten  he  graduated  to  a 
newspaper  delivery  route.  At  sixteen  he 
got  a  job  that  he  really  enjoyed — as  errand 
boy  and  miscellaneous  flunky  in  a  garage. 

He  worked  there,  after  school  and  on 
week-ends  and  during  vocations,  all  through 
his    high    school    years.  He    swept    floors, 

changed  tires  and  gradually  edged  into  more 
important  assignments. 

"I  wouldn't  trade  that  experience  for 
anything,"  Don  says.  "Maybe  it  made  me 
miss  a  lot  of  things  as  a  youngster.  Sure, 
I  lost  out  on  sports  in  high  school,  and  on 
lots  of  social   activities.      But   I   was  one  of 

mnchinE  Shop  Fareman 

the  few  kids  in  town  who  had  money.  And 
I  learned  things  about  machinery  that  I've 
been  using  ever  since." 

One  of  his  favorite  pursuits  was  buying 
old  cars  from  the  junk  yard,  rebuilding  them, 
driving  them  until  they  wore  out,  then  drag- 
ging them  back  to  the  junk  heap.  His  back 
yard  was  always  cluttered  with  ancient 
automobiles  and  parts  thereof. 

Even  earlier,  at  the  age  of  twelve  or  there- 
abouts, Don  got  interested  in  airplanes  to 
the  point  of  trying  to  build  a  combination 
airplane  and  automobile.  He  hod  a  coaster 
wagon  to  which  he  attached  a  propeller 
whittled  from  an  applewood  stump.  The 
propeller  was  powered  by  a  Smith  motor 
wheel,  but  for  technical  reasons  the  wagon 
never  gained  any  acceleration.  It  probably 
would  hove  eventually,  if  Don  had  been  al- 
lowed to  continue  tinkering  with  it.  But 
when  his  father  set  eyes  on  the  menacing- 
looking    contrivance,    he    decreed    a    perma- 

nent stoppage   of  work   on   the    project,    and 
Don  turned  to  other  affairs. 

In  school  he  attained  recognition  as  the 
school's  leading  expert  on  electrical  matters. 
He  was  electrician  and  sound  effects  man 
on  all  school  plays,  and  ran  the  motion  pic- 
ture projector.  Aside  from  this,  his  extra- 
curricular activities  were  at  a  minimum. 
Although,  as  one  of  the  school's  better- 
heeled  young  men,  he  could  have  had  dotes 
with  many  girls,  he  concentrated  on  one, 
whom  he  was  later  to  marry. 

When  Don  finished  high  school  he  de- 
cided that  he  needed  more  education.  It 
wasn't  bookish  knowledge  that  he  wanted, 
however,  but  expert  training  in  a  machinist's 
trade.  Since  the  U.  S.  Navy  taught  its  men 
a  trade  while  they  served,  the  most  sensible 
and  economical  way  to  get  his  education 
seemed  to  be  to  join  the  Navy.  Which  is 
what  Don  did,  at  19. 

(Continued   on    page    27) 

7  — 


S.  C.  Wayte,  left,  hydropress  man,  gets 
o  $50  War  Bond  because  Ryan  found 
his  suggestion  for  hydropress  carriage 
pins  a   real   money-saver. 

Santa  Claus 
In  July! 



E.  L.  Williams  of  Inspection,  center,  shows  Patent 
chief  Doug  Jones,  left,  and  Chief  Inspector  George 
Dew,  right,  his  capping  device  for  ball  and  socket 
assemblies.  Ryan  gave  him  $100  bond  in  ap- 
preciation  last  month. 


Fred  Hill,  in  first  picture  below, 
got  $25  bond  for  vise  clamps 
he  suggested. 

Bond  for  Glenn  Humphrey, 
lower  left  corner,  who  devised 
trimming  tool.  Patent  chief 
Jones  made  awards. 

Harold  Ingle,  right,  was  given 
$100  bond  last  month  for  a 
Shop  Suggestion.  So  was  James 
Lassetter,  Modeling,  who  has 
since  left  the  company. 


George  Sherman,  right, 
also  gets  big  bond  for 
suggestion.  Fron  k  I  i  n 
Dixon,  not  shown,  won 
$50  bond  for  another 

Lower  right  corner,  Wil- 
ard  Harpster  gets  bond 
from  Doug  Jones  for 
suggesting  replaceable 
guides  for  router  pilots. 

/     '     \ 

\    I 




\  1 




y  \ 

Went  to  George  Brooks, 

drophommer,  below.  All 
,  usable  Shop  Sugges- 
'  tions    are    evaluated    by 

Ryan   for   possible   Bond 



7Sie  Sta^  0^ 

Concluding   a   series   of   articles   on   the 
Contract  Administration  Department 

Contract  Administration 

To  finish  our  survey  of  the  Contract  Ad- 
ministration Department,  let's  take  a  quick 
look  at  two  fellows  called  Kirk,  who  both 
spend  a  lot  of  time  remonstrating  with  other 
Ryan   supervisors. 

Kirk  Sellew,  head  of  Automotive  Ser- 
vice, and  Wendell  V.  "Kirk"  Kirkpotrick, 
head  of  Office  Service,  are  both  attached 
more  or  less  loosely  to  the  chariot  of  Walter 
Locke,  heed  of  the  Contract  Administration 
department.  Kirk  Sellew  remonstrates  with 
Ryan  men  who  want  company  cars  all  to 
themselves  for  business  trips  to  Los  Angeles. 
"Kirk"  Kirkpotrick  remonstrates  with  Ryan 
men  who  want  lots  of  new  desks,  telephones, 
typewriters  or  paper  clips. 

Just  why  these  two  divisions  happen  to  be 
placed  under  Contract  Administration  may 
be  a  mystery  to  the  uninitiated — although 
veteran  Ryanites  who  watched  Walt  Locke 
patiently  nurse  them  from  infancy  know  that 
they  grew  up  from  the  days  when  Walt  was 
virtually  office  manager  for  the  whole  Ryan 
plant.  Office  Service  does  perform  certain 
chores  which  expedite  contract  work — such 
as  obtaining  government  bills  of  lading, 
picking  up  travel  priorities,  logging  incoming 
government  moil.  It  also  procures  office 
equipment,  which  is  ordered  against  Defense 
Plant  Corporation  purchase  orders.  So  there 
may  be  a  certain  logic  in  putting  it  under 
Contract  Administration,  in  spite  of  the  fact 
that  it  also  handles  telephone  installations, 
orders  printing  for  all  office  departments 
and  delivers  the  inter-office  moil — none  of 
which  are  connected  with  our  government 
contracts,  except  by  contributing  to  the 
overall  efficiency  of  the  organization. 

As  for  Automotive  Service,  no  one  tries 
to  explain  its  connection  with  administra- 
tion of  contracts.  "I  guess  they  just  threw 
us  in  Walt  Locke's  lap  because  no  one  else 
could  be  persuaded  to  take  over  all  our 
headaches  and  tribulations,"  says  Kirk 

The  Mechanical  Maintenance  department 
used  to  be  responsible  for  automotive  re- 
pairs. But  that  was  back  in  the  days  when 
the  company  owned  just  four  cars.  When 
Ryan's  fleet  of  cars  began  multiplying  like 
rabbits,  the  work  of  maintaining  and  dis- 
patching them  grew  too  big  to  handle  as  a 
sideline.  The  company  erected  a  $10,000 
building,  equipped  to  do  all  kinds  of  garage 
work  except  major  overhauls,  and  brought 
in  Kirk  Sellew  to  take  charge  of  it. 

Sellew  found  a  certain  irony  in  his  ap- 
pointment as  Ryan's  Automotive  Service 
Manager.  He  had  previously  been  a  Dodge, 
Plymouth  and  Chevrolet  dealer  in  La  Jolla, 
but  when  the  war  come  he  decided  that  this 
was  an  excellent  chance  to  forget  about 
automobiles  for  a  while  and  get  into  some- 
thing different.  For  a  few  months  he  re- 
turned to  on  old  hobby  of  his,  surveying, 
and  helped  lay  out  port  of  Camp  Pendleton. 
When  that  was  finished  he  signed  up  with 
Ryan,  expecting  to  be  assigned  to  some  sort 
of  production  work.   Instead  he  was  put  right 

back  at  his  old  task  of  wet-nursing  automo- 
biles. What  mode  it  more  ironic  was  that 
for  years  Sellew  had  been  selling  Chevrolets 
in  direct  competition  with  Ford.  When  he 
came  to  Ryan  he  found  himself  acting  as 
valet  to  forty-four  Fords. 

"The  insurance  company  must  be  getting 
rich  on  our  automobile  insurance,"  Sellew 
soys.  "No  Ryan  man  has  gotten  a  company 
cor  into  any  accident  that  caused  damage 
worse  than  a  scraped  fender — in  spite  of 
the  fact  that  each  of  our  cars  is  driven  from 
100  to  1000  miles  weekly.  Apparently  Ryan 
supervisors  are  extra-careful  drivers." 

The  same  thing  goes  for  the  drivers  of 
Ryan's  trucks  and  buses.  Each  of  Ryan's 
buses  makes  1  50  trips  weekly,  carrying  an 
overage  of  10,000  passengers  eoch  week — 
yet  accidents  have  been  virtually  non-exist- 
ent. The  trucks  and  trailers  are  on  the  go 
all  day  long  through  San  Diego's  heavy 
traffic,  but  none  has  ever  been  involved  in 
on  accident.  (Sellew  keeps  a  piece  of  wood 
handy  to  knock  on  whenever  he  makes  this 
statement.  I 

In  spite  of  the  department's  rather  amaz- 
ing safety  record,  Ryan  vehicles  do  break 
down  occasionally.   Sellew  and   his  staff   are 

"Kirk"  Kirkpatrick 


forever  on  the  jump  trying  to  keep  our  fleet 
in  good  repair,  "It's  pretty  tough,  with  ports 
hard  to  get,  and  experienced  mechanxs 
completely  out  of  circulation,"  Sellew  sovs. 
"The  only  reason  we've  been  oble  to  keep 
going  so  well  is  because  I  have  crackerjock 
mechanics.  Ralph  Giffen,  who  heads  the 
mechanic  staff,  is  one  of  the  best  I've  ever 
seen.  He  came  in  from  Mechanical  Main- 
tenance when  the  division  was  first  organ- 
ized, and  he's  been  right  in  here  pitching 
ever  since.  He's  fast  and  steady  and  doesn't 
mind  doing  the  dirty  little  jobs  as  well  as 
the  big  ones.  If  a  Ryan  bus  breaks  down  in 
the  middle  of  the  night,  Ralph  will  get  out 
of  bed  to  fix  it.  Sometimes  he  has  worked 
from  early  morning  till  late  at  night  for 
weeks  at  a  stretch,  in  order  to  keep  the 
wheels  rolling.  And  yet  that  fellow  owns  on 
auto  repair  shop  downtown,  and  could  be 
concentrating  on  it  instead  of  giving  all  his 
time  to  Ryan.  He's  one  swell  guy,  and  I'm 
sure  glad  we've  got  him." 

Sellew  and  his  crew  are  responsible  for  all 
Ryan's  vehicles — from  the  lowly  5-horse- 
power  hoist  cor  and  foctory  Budas  up  to  the 
12-000-pound  capacity  tractor  and  semi- 
trailer used  for  hauling  B-24  wing  panels  to 
Consolidated.  He  records  the  mileage  they 
travel,  tons  they  carry,  fuel  they  use  and 
passengers  who  ride  in  them — on  a  big  yel- 
low crossruled  sheet  almost  os  large  as  his 
desk.  He  knows  where  every  vehicle  is  every 
hour,  and  no  government  investigator  has 
asked  questions  he  couldn't  answer  about 
Ryan's  rolling  stock. 

It's  the  passenger  automobiles  that  give 
Sellew  his  biggest  headache,  however.  His 
phone  buzzer  is  blotting  constantly  as  Ryan 
supervisors  ask  for  the  use  of  company  cors 
on  long  or  short  business  trips.  To  gront  all 
the  requests  would  meon  using  three  times 
OS  many  cars  as  Sellew  has  at  his  disposol. 
So  he  has  to  sell  everyone  on  the  idea  of 
doubling  up  and  coordinating  plans  so  that 
one  cor  con  suffice  for  3  or  4  men  on  diverg- 
ent errands. 

"Nobody  likes  to  chonge  his  own  plans 
to  accommodate  somebody  else,"  Sellew 
soys.  "If  you  want  to  stort  to  Los  Angeles 
at  a  certain  time,  it's  a  nuisance  to  stort 
hours  earlier  or  later  than  you  planned. 
And  it's  unpleasant  to  wait  around  in  Los 
Angeles  till  the  other  men  in  the  car  are 
ready  to  start  home.  But  nearly  oil  Ryan 
executives  are  good  sports  about  it.  We've 
been  able  to  get  a  full  carload  of  passen- 
gers into  almost  every  company  car." 

Kirkpotrick  has  on  even  tougher  problem 
of  making  supply  meet  demand.  It  has  been 
a  long  time  since  any  new  typewriters  were 
manufactured  for  civilian  use  onywhere  in 
America — yet  Ryan  departments  are  con- 
stantly expanding  and  somehow  Kirk  has  to 
find  typewriters  for  them.  The  some  prob- 
lem confronts  him  in  the  cose  of  desks, 
chairs,  telephones,  office  machinery  and 
even  the  annoying  trivia  such  as  staplers 
and  paper  clips.  It's  no  easy  job  to  tell  a 
hard-driving,  fast-moving  Ryan  supervisor 
that  he  can't  hove  a  piece  of  office  equip- 
ment that  he  urgently  needs — yet  sometimes 
that  is  Kirkpatrick's  sad  task.  His  chores  are 
made  somewhat  easier  by  Jane  Dennis,  his 
efficient  aide  who  handles  detail  work  for 
him.  "Nearly  all  my  work  here  at  Ryan  is  o 
continuation  of  my  experience  the  past  ten 
years,"   says   Kirk.   "I   was  formerly  head  of 


Kirk  Sellew 

a  local  business  college,  operating  o  small 
print  shop  and  letter  shop,  and  managing 
an  office  building  on  the  side." 

The  moil  room,  teletype  room  and  tele- 
phone switchboards  ore  also  Kirkpatrick's 
babies.  These  are  vital  nerve  centers  with- 
out which  no  nook  or  cranny  of  the  plant 
could  keep  functioning.  Consequently  the 
quiet,  obscure  people  who  handle  these  jobs 
take  their  responsibilities  seriously,  and  pay 
meticulous  attention   to   the   tiniest  details. 

All  day  long  big  stacks  of  mail  are  moving 
into  the  mail  room  in  an  endless  stream. 
Working  fast,  the  clerks  sort  it,  decide  which 
to  open  and  which  to  leave  sealed,  and  dis- 
tribute it  without  the  loss  of  on  unnecessary 

The  men  who  look  after  these  chores  ore 
specially    picked    for    their    reliability.       Ber- 
nard R.  Moloney,  one  of  the  moil  clerks,  has 
a  perfect  attendance  record  since  he  started 
in  May,    1942,  except  for  unavoidable  time 

—  10  — 

lost  when  he  was  hospitalized  from  on  auto 
accident.  72-year-old  Nelson  Acheson 
walks  through  the  entire  factory,  a  distance 
of  about  1  5  miles  a  day,  6  days  a  week,  yet 
has  been  absent  only  a  few  days  since  he 
went  to  work  more  than  2  years  ago.  Jule 
S  Vaughon  and  Aubrey  M.  Draper,  newest 
recruits,  ore  also  notably  reliable.  As  for 
Charles  Walker,  the  white-haired  grand- 
father who  presides  over  the  mail  room  and 
mokes  a  number  of  delivery  trips  on  foot 
himself  each  day,  the  only  time  he  has  token 
off  in  3  years  (except  for  a  vocation  I  was  a 
day  and  a  half  for  his  son's  wedding.  Inci- 
dentally, Walker  still  does  bock  flips  on  the 
beach,  although  he  is  72,  and  con  shoot  a 
better  golf  gome  than  some  men  half  his 

The  teletype  room,  where  the  pressure 
sometimes  builds  up  so  high  that  the  girls 
think  the  roof  may  blow  off,  is  operated  by 
Lee  Perlee  Cloud  and  Marie  Louden.  Cooped 

up  by  themselves  in  this  tiny  room  all  day 
long,  the  girls  do  nothing  except  send,  re- 
ceive and  distribute  teletype  messages.  But 
the  confining,  nerve-racking  work  doesn't 
bother  them.  "It's  really  exciting,"  Mrs. 
Cloud  says.  "We  see  all  kinds  of  interesting 
messoges.  We  practically  had  to  sign  our 
lives  away  before  we  storted  work."  Marie 
switched  to  teletype  only  a  few  months  ago 
from  Manifold  Production  Control,  while  Lee 
has  been  on  the  job  nearly  two  years.  Both 
girls  can  hammer  out  their  messages  at  a 
sizzling  speed,  as  well  as  repair  their  com- 
plex machines  when  they  go  haywire. 

The  telephone  switchboard  girls  have  a 
similarly  high-tension  job.  Frequently  as 
many  as  twenty  long-distance  calls  from  all 
parts  of  the  country  hit  our  switchboard 
within  an  hour — and  with  dozens  of  callers 
clamoring  for  local  connections,  Ryan's 
operators  have  to  handle  their  plugs  at 
lightening  speed. 

Their  biggest  headache  is  the  Ryan  super- 
visor who  puts  in  a  long-distance  call  and 
then  wonders  away  before  it  is  completed. 
"When  you  place  a  long-distance  call — 
especially  a  priority  one — please,  please  stay 
in  your  office  and  wait  for  it,"  the  opera- 
tors beg.  "If  we  get  a  call  established 
and  then  can't  locate  you,  the  connection 
must  be  broken  down — and  operators  in 
other  cities  reolly  unsheathe  their  clows  in 
telling  us  what  they  think  of  Ryan." 

The  use  of  priorities  in  speeding  through 
an  important  telephone  call  is  something  of 
a  mystery  to  many  newer  Ryan  people.  The 
operators  are  kept  busy  educating  newcomers 
on  the  intricacies  of  priority  calls.  One  in- 
nocent newcomer  even  wanted  the  girls  to 
put  a  priority  on  a  phone  coll  to  Coronado. 
Another  demanded  a  1  priority,  blithely  ob- 
livious of  the  fact  that  a  3  is  the  highest 
ever  given  to  war  industry,  and  that  a  1 
would  be  used  only  in  case  of  a  notional 
emergency  such  as  invasion. 

"Some  people  ask  for  a  priority  when  it 
isn't  really  necessary,"  the  operators  say. 
"It  saves  only  20  minutes  on  a  coll  to  a 
city  within  500  miles.  We  sometimes  won- 
der if  20  minutes'  delay  on  certain  colls 
would  hove  impeded  the  war  effort — 
especially  when  we  have  to  slow  down  our 
service  on  other  calls  in  order  to  push 
through  a  priority.  We're  required  to  stay 
on  the  line  all  the  time  a  priority  call  is 
being  established." 

Mrs.  Lorna  Warren  Odom,  the  senior 
telephone  operator,  has  been  with  Ryan 
almost  four  year — which  probably  gives  her 
longer  service  than  almost  any  other  woman 
in  the  company.  She  has  been  o  teelphone 
operator  all  her  life,  chiefly  with  luxury 
liners  and  swank  resorts  where  she  had 
to  satisfy  hard-to-please  customers.  She 
has  a  son  in  the  Army  Air  Forces. 

Mrs.  Bernadine  McCafferty,  the  other  day 
operator,  spent  I  5  years  with  the  telephone 
company  before  coming  to  Ryan.  Her  hus- 
band, also  a  Ryan  employee,  met  her  here. 
Mrs.  Alice  M.  LoPorte,  the  night  operator, 
hod  1  7  years'  experience  with  the  telephone 
company  before  joining  Ryan  two  and  a 
half  years  ago.  She  also  married  a  Ryonite. 
Edith  Smith,  the  new  relief  girl,  graduated 
to  the  job  from  her  previous  post  as  driver 
of  Ryan's  station  wagon.  She  is  new  to 
switchboard  work  but  the  other  girls  soy  she 
has  picked   it  up  quickly. 

Kirkpatrick  is  also  in  charge  of  the  store- 
room of  stationery  and  supplies.      A  glance 

at  the  thousands  of  blank  forms  on  the 
shelves  indicates  that  paper  too  plays  its 
port  in  keeping  the  organization  running 
smoothly.  Marie  Johnson  keeps  on  eagle 
eye  on  the  stock  on  the  shelves  and  attempts 
to  anticipate  the  usage  of  all  printed  forms. 
Sometimes,  it's  cheaper  and  faster  to  print 
our  own  blank  forms  as  well  as  our  own 
illustrated  catalogs.  Accordingly,  Kirkpatrick 
has  organized  a  small  prinr  shop  which  does 
a  lot  of  Ryan's  lithographic  work.  This  is 
Larry  Barker's  field  of  endeavor.  Much  of 
the  copy  is  prepared  by  Eva  Gross,  who  pre- 
sides at  the  keyboard  of  the  Vori-Typer. 

Then,  who  hasn't  heard  of  Kirkpatrick's 
Master  Filing  System?  A  phone  coll  to 
Office  Service  will  bring  out  Amy  Jerde,  o 
conscientious  convert  to  the  new  filing  sys- 
tem and  an  aide  to  Kirkpatrick,  who  will 
assist  any  office  in  converting  their  present 
files  over  to  Ryan  adaptation  of  the  Dewey 
Decimal  System  advocated  by  Office  Service. 
Correspondence  has  recently  become  so 
heavy,  particularly  in  the  case  of  correspon- 
dence relating  to  government  contracts,  that 
frequently  important  letters,  reports,  etc. 
could  not  be  found,  as  each  office  had  its 
own  filing  system.  Consequently,  Walt 
Locke  commissioned  Kirk  to  set  up  a  system 
that  would  be  flexible  enough  to  be  used 
throughout  all  offices  in  the  organization, 
and  accommodate  expansion  as  the  company 
continued  to  grow.  Today,  a  letter  filed  in 
one  office  is  filed  in  other  offices  under  the 
same  code  number,  and  con  be  specifically 
identified  in  all  other  offices  using  the 
system  by  the  some  file  number. 

In  this  series  of  articles  little  has  been 
said  about  the  second  most  important  man 
in  the  Contract  Administration  group,  Mel 
Thompson.  He  wears  the  pants  when  head 
man  Walter  O.  Locke  is  away  from  the  plant, 
and  is  Assistant  Contract  Administrator.  Mel 
is  admirably  fitted  for  his  present  assign- 
ment, having  been  with  Ryan  for  over  ten 
years.  He  was  formerly  Chief  Inspector 
and  later  was  assistant  to  Eddie  Molloy, 
Vice  President  for  Manufacturing,  before 
receiving  his  present  assignment.  Mel's 
broad  smile  and  genial  attitude  hide  a  highly 
technical  knowledge  of  aviation.  Only  rarely 
does  he  find  it  necessary  to  live  up  to  the 
characteristics  ossocioted  with  red  hair.  Mel 
says  "Everyone  in  the  department  seems  to 
know  what  he's  doing,  and  goes  ahead  and 
does  it.  That  mokes  my  job  very  pleosant. 
Right  now,  most  of  my  energies  are  concen- 
trated on  the  operations  of  the  Change 
Board,    but   that's   another   story." 

From  Contract  Administrator  Walter 
Locke  down  to  the  newest  moil  clerk  or 
messenger,  everyone  in  the  Contract  Ad- 
ministration department  —  one  of  Ryan's 
largest  non-production  departments — is  im- 
portant to  the  building  of  planes.  Yet  none 
of  them  ever  touches  a  plane.  They're  port 
of  the  "invisible  crew"  in  the  office  building 
of  every  war  plant  who  ore  vitally — but  in- 
directly— helping  strengthen  America's  war 

IIeui  members  on  the 
Cafeteria  Committee 

New  members  hove  been  appointed  to  the 
Employees  Advisory  Cafeteria  Committee  for 
July  and  August.  Each  shift  is  now  rep- 
resented by  a  separate  Cafeteria  Committee. 
The  first  shift  committee  meets  every  other 
Wednesday  in  the  Cafeteria  Dining  Room  at 
3:00  p.m.,  the  second  shift  every  other 
Wednesday  at  4:15  p.m.,  and  the  third  shift 
the  first  Thursday  of  each  month  at  7:00 
a.m.  Your  committee  member  is  listed  be- 
low and  don't  hesitate  to  go  to  him  or  her 
with  your  comments,  suggestions,  or  compli- 
ments. Your  Cafeteria  Committee  was  orig- 
inated to  work  for  you  and  is  your  clearing 
house.  Therefore,  any  constructive  sugges- 
tions you  give  to  your  committee  member 
will  be  given  serious  consideration  by  the 
Cafeteria  Committee  and  changes  made  if 

For    July    ond    August 


H.  A.  Farris,  Manifold  Welding 

E,   G.   Magers,   Sheet   Metal 

M.   Boterman,   Drop  Hammer 

N.    F.    Newton,    Machine    Shop 

Marie    Benbough,    Ryan    Institute 

H.    M.    Donnelly,    Modeling 

R.   B.    Kopke,   Finishing 

O-    L.    Brown,    Maintenance 

W,   R.   Lewis,   Engineering 

A.  W.  Coltroin,   Factory  Mgr's.   Office 

Mrs.    Esther    Long,    Indust.    Relations 

Harry  E.   Siegmund,   Public   Relations 

Jean   Bovet    (Chairman)    Commissary 

OTHER    WEDNESDAY    AT    3:00    P.    M. 


Hortense  Ortiz,   Final  Assembly 

W.    L.  Thorpe,   Sheet   Metol 

L.   R.   Freeman,   Drop   Hammer 

E.    I.    Leach,    Machine    Shop 

Helen   West,    Fuselage 

E.  M,   Beckett,  Manifold  Welding 

M.    L.    Kelly,    Night    Supt. 

A.   W.  Coltroin,   Factory  Mgr's.   Office 

Mrs.    Esther    Long,    Indust.    Relations 

Horry    E.    Siegmund,    Public    Relations 

Jean    Bovet    (Chairman)    Commissary 

W.  W.  Corley,  Manifold  Assembly 

G.    I.   E.   Eriywine,  Manifold  Assembly 



Jean   Bovet    (Chairman)    Commissary 
Mrs.    Esther   Long,    Industrial    Relations 
A.  W.  Coltroin,   Factory  Mgr's.  Office 
Harry   E.   Siegmund,   Public   Relations 

C.  E.    Scates,    Foremon,    Manifold   Assembly 
Pearl    Whitcomb,    Manifold    Assembly 

D.  P.    Hansen,    Manifold    Assembly 
D,    R.    Bennett,    Manifold   Assembly 
J.  W.  Chess,  Manifold  Assembly 
George   Christian,   Manifold   Assembly 


Your  committee  member  will  appreciate  your 
comments  and  suggestions  regarding  your  cafe- 
teria  and   service. 

—  11 


R.  E.  Van  Meter  has  been  appointed 
supervisor  of  Tool  Planning  and  Opera- 

Ryanites   who've    joined    the    service    since 
lost  issue  of  Flying  Reporter: 

Armstrong,  O.  D.,  Final  Assem. 
Brown,  W.  S.,  Sheet  Metal 
Carlson,   L.    I.,   Elec.   Maint'n'ce 
Deitsehman,  A.  H.,  Mfld.  Assm. 
Dressier,  C.  S.,  Sheet  Metal 
Fonaas,  J.   W.,  Wing   Assembly 
Hale,  J.  D.,  Sheet  Metal 
Hipas,  J.   S.,  Modeling 
Howarth,  J.  C,  Mech.  Mntnce. 
Irwin,  H.  R.,  Sheet  Metal 
Jones,  R.  I.,  Fuselage  Assembly 
Kildow,  F.  W.,  Sheet  Metal 
Moncebo,  G.  P.,  Tool   Room 
McCallough,  J.,   Sheet  Metal 
McCormick,  G.   H.,   Engineering 
Medler,  V.  S.,  Mfld.   Dvelpmnt. 
O'Neil,  J.  T.,  Sheet  Metal 
Rosenthal,  H.  R.,  Engineering 
Sanders,  G.   H.,   Final  Assembly 
Weed,  J.  M.,  Jr.,  Engineering 
Wilson,  F.  B.,  Mfld.  Small  Ports 
Wiser,   W.    F.,   Elec.    Mntnce. 


Steinruck,  W.  A.,  Sheet  Metal  Assembly 
Akey,  E.  R.,  Manifold   Development 
Hertner,  J.  E.,  Manifold  Assembly 
Triefler,  H.  L.,  Manifold  Assembly 
Kolb,  J.  D.,  Tool  Room 
Lawrence,  G.  F.,  Tool  Room 
Christopher,  L.  D.,   Inspection 
Wharton,  R.  C,  Receiving 
Ackerman,   M.,   Engineering 

V.  V.  Ortiz,  Drop  Hammer 

R.  B.  Biehler,  Manifold  Assembly 

I.  D.  Cordon,  Manifold  Assembly 

W.  A.  Lee,  Manifold  Assembly 

M.  W.  Wilson,  Prod.  Control,  WAVES 

Helen   Lyal   Leaves 

Members  of  Manifold  Tail  Pipe  give  a  surprise  party  for  Helen  Lyol,  center,  who  was 
leaving  to  join  the  Woes. 

"Pu^  Sccm^icti  ^«t 

Some  fellers  start  right  in  the  rut,  while  others  lead  the  throng. 
All  men  may  be  born  equal,  but  they  don't  stay  that  way  long. 
There's  many  a  man  with  a  gallant  air  goes  galloping  to  the  fray, 
But  the  valuable  man   is  the  man  who's  there  when  the  smoke  has 

cleared  away. 
Some  "Don't  get  nuthin'  out  of  life."  But  when  their  whines  begin, 
We  often  can  remind  them  that  they  "don't  put  nuthin'  in." 

LET  US  THINK   .   .   . 

One  great  danger  to  Democracy  is 
human  gullibility.  Our  newspapers, 
our  politicians,  our  capitalists,  our 
racketeers,  and  our  crusaders  oil  tell 
us  what  is  so  and  what  to  do  about  it 
We  go  out,  champion  their  causes, 
and  preach  what  they  say  with  a 
vehemence  born  of  conviction  when 
all  the  basis  we  have  for  that  con- 
viction is  that  we  listened  to  or  read 
what  somebody  wanted  us  to  hear  or 
see.  We  tear  down  or  build  up  on 
the  basis  of  emotion  rather  than 
thoughtful  consideration.  We  damn 
other  nations,  other  religions,  other 
political  and  economic  beliefs  be- 
cause we   have  been  gullible,   not  be- 

cause we  think  or  know.  The  Ger- 
mans, more  than  any  other  people, 
have  seen  this  weakness  in  Democ- 
racy and  are  playing  it  to  the  limit. 
Let  us  do  some  thinking  as  o  preface 
to  acting  or  speaking. 

Let  us,  also,  remember  that  the 
freedoms  of  Democracy  are  not  our 
exclusive  possession.  They  belong  to 
everybody.  We  are  no'  worthy  of 
them  unless  we  are  sufficiently  demo- 
cratic to  recognize  the  rights  of 
others  to  these  same  freedoms.  We 
are  not  worthy  of  them  if  we  condemn 
any  belief  or  creed  with  our  ears 
closed  to  any  defense  that  can  be 



Gourmet's  Holiday:  Or,  Whining  and  Dining 
In  Old  San  Diego 

It  was  the  annual  banquet  of  Les  Amis 
D'Escoffier,  as  fine  a  collection  of  lovers  of 
good  eating  as  you  will  find  anywhere.  We 
had  just  finished  a  topping  repast  of  weenies 
and  hot  potato  salad,  pushed  back  our 
chairs,  and  were  prepared  to  punctuate  with 
short  gentle  belches  the  narrative  of  one 
of  our  members  who  had  been  selected  to 
tell  us  of  the  most  memorable  dinner  of  his 
life.  Stirring  our  coffee  royal  with  little 
wooden  paddles,  we  listened  attentively. 

"At  the  time  of  which  I  speak,"  he  be- 
gan, "I  was  traveling  in  Italy,  touring  the 
wind-swept  Appenines.  One  evening  I  was 
a  guest  of  the  little  monastery  of  Costello, 
and  just  before  dinner  the  abbot  of  Cos- 
tello   " 

We  immediately  selected  another  speak- 
er, and  had  the  waiters  remove  what  was 
left  of  the  first.  The  new  one  got  off  to  a 
better  start.   This   is   his  story. 


One  Sunday  afternoon,  at  about  four 
o'clock,  I  dropped  into  a  charming  little 
food  joint  in  La  Jolla.  The  place  was  empty, 
except  for  a  couple  of  music  lovers  who 
were  engaged  in  feeding  nickels  to  a  hungry 
juke  box.  I  found  a  table  and  listened  to 
the  entire  repertory  of  the  fiendish  machine 
several  times  over;  then  it  occurred  to  me 
to  have  some  food,  for  after  all  that  was 
why   I   hod  come  into  the  place. 

A  waitress  had  been  strolling  post  my 
table,  bock  and  forth,  bock  and  forth,  for 
the  past  hour,  but  from  the  rapt  expression 
on  her  face  I  gathered  that  she  was  think- 
ing great  thoughts,  or  that  like  Joan  of  Arc 
she  was  beholding  some  mystic  vision,  so  I 
dared  not  interrupt  her.  Another  waitress 
was  looking  out  the  window,  watching  the 
ebb  and  flow  of  traffic  out  in  the  street. 
She  too  was  in  some  transcendental  mood 
which  v/ould  brook  no  trifling. 

So  I  let  another  hour  slip  by,  hoping  for 
the  best,  and  meanwhile  lapsed  into  reverie 
myself,  trying  to  capture  some  of  that 
dreaminess  that  possessed  the  two  girls  in 
blue  and  white.  But  on  empty  stomach  does 
not  lend  itself  to  deep  thinking,  and  I  grew 
restless.  As  the  transfigured  waitress  passed, 
I  coughed,  and  lifted  my  hand,  and  rattled 
the  ashtray  on  the  table,  but  to  no  avail. 
I  was  slowly  getting  the  horrors:  I  thought 
that  perhaps  I  hod  broken  out  into  some 
visible  evidences  of  leprosy,  and  was  being 
shunned  as  unclean;  or  that  I  had  suddenly, 
like  Topper's  friends,  attained  the  power  of 
becoming  invisible;  or  that  perhaps  the 
waitress  was  mesmerized,  or  was  even  a 
somnambulist  who  could  turn  into  a  homi- 
cidal maniac  if  awakened  too  suddenly. 

But  I  decided  to  take  a  chance  (I  was 
getting  desperate)  and  address  her.  It  was 
getting  dark,  and  they  might  decide  to  close 
the  place  for  the  night  before  I  ate.  So,  the 
next  time  she  passed,  I  called  out,  in  a 
loud  firm  voice,  "Miss,  may  I  have  a  menu?" 

She  stopped  and  looked  at  me,  wide-eyed. 
Then  there  rose  to  her  lovely  cheeks  a  flush 
of  color;  her  mouth  became  an  angry  wound, 
and  she  turned  on  her  heel  and  ran  to  the 
bock  of  the  restaurant,  crying,  "Mr.  Bilch! 
Mr.  Bilch!  That  man — that  horrid  man  at 
table  number  six — he,  he  SPOKE  to  me.  O, 
the  cad!" 

A  man  appeared,  all  excited,  who  put  a 
fatherly  arm  around  the  girl.   He   murmured 

0  few  soothing  words  to  her,  took  off  his 
coat,  and  rolling  up  his  sleeves  strode  fierce- 
ly to  my  table.  "A  masher,  eh?"  he  said. 
"Well,  that's  the  last  girl  you'll  ever  insult." 

I  put  up  a  trembling  hand.  "Excuse  me, 
sir,"  I  said,  "I  didn't  mean  any  offense.  I 
just  wanted  a  menu.  All  I  came  in  for  was 
something  to  eat." 

"Well,  you  shouldn't  go  around  speaking 
to  strange  waitresses.  Wait  until  you're  in- 
troduced, or  write  for  an  appointment.  It's 
hard  enough  to  get  any  help  these  days,  and 
I'm  certainly  not  going  to  lose  the  help  I 
have  by  asking  them  to  work.  I'll  take  your 
order.  What  do  you  want?" 

"A  menu."    He   handed   me   a   menu,   and 

1  selected  on  item  at  random. 

"Lamb?     No,  no  more  lamb  today." 

"Pork  Chops?" 

"All  out  of  pork  chops." 


"Trying  to  be  smart  again?" 

"Sorry."  I  turned  to  the  bock  of  the 
menu.  "Con  I  hove  a  ham  sandwich?" 

He  sneered.  "No,  you  can't.  We're  all 
out  of  ham." 

"Swiss  cheese?" 

"No  more  Swiss  cheese." 

"Well,  for  heaven's  soke,  what  con  I 

He  pondered  a  moment.  "Well,  you  could 
hove  a  raw  onion  sandwich  on  whole  wheat, 
but  not  toast.  The  toaster's  broken." 

So  was  my  spirit.  I  took  the  raw  onion 
sandwich.  The  next  time  I  eat  out  I  am  go- 
ing to  take  0  picnic  lunch  along,  just  in  case. 


Sheet  Metal 


by  Ernie 

On  July  12,  FRED  HILL'S  group  helped 
him  celebrate  his  birthday  at  coffee-time. 
There  were  two  lovely  cakes  and  coffee,  lots 
of  it — but  where  were  the  candles,  Fred? 
Enjoying  the  fun  were  BESSIE  HEARN,  BES- 

July  17  sow  CARL  PETERSEN  celebrating 
his  birthday.  There  to  help  eat  the  delicious 
home  made  coke  which  Mrs.  Petersen  sent 
LEO  STAMPER.  It  was  also  LEO  STAM- 
PER'S birthday,  so  double  cause  for  good 

—  13- 

MR.  CARROLL  enjoyed  a  grand  visit  with 
his  20-year  old  grandson.  Bob,  whom  he 
hasn't  seen  in  two  years.  The  youngster 
hod  16  months  duty  with  the  Atlantic  Fleet 
before  arriving  here  recently. 

Asked  about  his  vocation,  BILL  RUNNELS 
soys  he  hod  a  wonderful  time  just  LOAFING. 
Good  enough.  Bill,  that's  what  vacations  ore 
for,  contrary  to  the  general  belief  that  they 
should  be  spent  in  painting  house,  cleaning 
garages,    building   fences,   and   what   not. 

Our  blithe  spirit,  perhaps  better  known 
OS  ART  KILMER,  was  welcomed  bock  with 
open  arms  and  smiling  faces  by  his  group 
on  return  from  his  vacation. 

And  why  was  NAT  CURRIE  so  worn  out 
that  night?  All  from  the  strain  of  welcom- 
ing a  brand  new  grandson  into  the  family. 
Congratulations,   Grondpop! 

CLAIR  SACHS,  and  FRED  BENDER  have  re- 
ceived their  pins  for  5  years  service  here  at 
Ryan.  Nice  going,  all  of  you,  and  aren't 
those  pins  grand? 

The  Power  Brake  gong  was  intrigued  and 
pleased  with  Brownie's  original  birthday 
idea.  Brownie,  who  is  O.  L.  BROWN,  a 
Coast  Guardsman  working  part  time  on  the 
Power  Brakes,  was  unable  to  be  here  on  his 
birthday,  July  25.  Imagine  our  delighted 
surprise  to  receive  a  box  and  explanatory 
note  from  Brownie.  In  the  box  were  a  beau- 
tiful rosebud  each  for  CLARA  DUNHAM 
and  myself,  and  cigars  for  WALT  STRING- 
HAIGHT.  Brownie's  note  explained  that  he 
had  more  fun  giving  than  receiving,  hence 
his  gifts  to  us.  So,  happy  birthday.  Brownie, 
and  thanks  a   lot. 

THERESA  DELAYO  has  left  us  to  return 
to  her  home  in  New  Jersey;  and  DOR  IE 
JENNER  is  returning  to  her  home  in  Oregon. 
Best  of  luck  to  the  both  of  you.  TENNIE 
ALEXANDER  has  transferred  to  Methods 
Engineering,  while  MARY  PALMER,  EFFIE 
NEAL,  and  LIL  KNOWLES  hove  all  trans- 
ferred to  the  first  shift.  On  July  27,  ART 
KILMER'S  group  served  coffee  and  dough- 
nuts (very  good,  too)  in  Lil's  honor  and 
presented  her  with  a  tablecloth  and  napkin 
set.  We'll  miss  all  of  you,  but  good  luck 
to  you. 

It's  good  to  see  JO  HERNDON  back  at  her 
old  place  on  the  spotwelder  after  her  leave 
of  absence.  Also  returned  from  her  leave  is 
LOVEANNIE  FOUCH  in  Dept.   1. 

Anytime  any  of  you  hove  nothing  to  do 
and  feel  in  the  mood  for  a  sociology  lecture, 
do  not  hesitate  to  call  upon  Professors  PIN- 
NEY and  HUMPHREY.  They  will  be  de- 
lighted to  give  you  their  views  of  what  con- 
stitutes 0  perfect  society  and  how  this  Uto- 
pia should  be  conducted.  They  may  be 
reached  by  Indian  signal  drum  or  simply  call 
at  the  nearest  tepee  where  you  will  find  the 
professors  communing  with  nature  and 
watching  the  butterflies  flutter.  If  not  at 
this  location,  do  not  become  discouraged, 
but  take  a  flying  trip  to  Alaska  and  search 
for  our  two  intrepid  sociologists,  whom  you 
will  no  doubt  find  perched  upon  on  iceberg 
trying  to  convince  a  very  badly  upset  polar 
bear  that  they  really  didn't  mean  to  shoot 
at  him.  I'm  sure  that  if  you  con  divert  the 
polar  bear  or  compete  with  butterflies  you 
will  find  the  resulting  lecture  well  worth 
your  time  and  effort.  A  word  of  warning, 
girls,  don't  be  too  upset  if  their  ideas  seem 
slightly  radical;  remember  that  men  do  a  lot 
of  wishful  thinking. 

Charles  H.  Miller  hos  been  appointed 
Outside  Liaison  Man  in  the  Tooling 
Department  to  expedite  and  coordinate 
problems  in  connection  with  the  model- 
ing and  fabrication  of  certain  phases  of 
our  tooling   with   outside   vendors. 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

Did  you  folks  see  those  pictures  of  ANDY 
last  issue  of  FLYING  REPORTER?  Those 
attendance  records  were  the  excuse,  but  I 
hove  a  hunch  that  the  suggestion  in  this 
column  some  time  bock  that  RALPH  FLAN- 
GREER  might  get  called  to  Hollywood  for 
screen  tests  was  the  real  incentive.  With 
all  that  array  of  masculine  pulchritude  don't 
be  surprised  any  day  to  learn  of  movie  scouts 
trying  for  contacts.  But  we  here  and  now 
serve  notice  on  Hollywood  that  we  hove  first 
claim  on  their  services  for  the  duration. 

Here  are  some  recent  changes  that  have 
occurred  in  our  department,  all  of  which,  we 
are  proud  to  soy,  are  forward.  CARROLL 
CRITTENDEN  has  gone  on  to  Shop  Follow- 
up.  EDDIE  HAEGER  has  token  over  as  Dis- 
patcher at  Final  Inspection.  LEWIS  HAR- 
NED,  who  has  done  excellent  work  in  the 
half-stampings  yard,  is  now  keeping  score 
in  Hangar  Adjustment.  BOB  FAILING  is 
on  the  job  at  the  schedule  board  in  the  Jig 
area.  MAX  ULIBARRI,  formerly  in  Ship- 
ping, is  helping  the  fellows  over  in  Drop 

RALPH  CALLOW  carried  through  with  his 
job  while  HELEN  was  away  on  her  recent 
vocation,  but  all  who  know  him  will  agree 
that  he  did  look  lonely.  You  don't  mind  my 
saying,  do  you  Ralph,  that  you  were  not  the 
only  one  who  missed  Helen  with  her  quiet 
smile  and  helpful  answers? 

One  of  the  best  helps  in  co-ordinating 
work  between  shifts  is  the  practice  of  leaving 
a  note,  explaining  to  the  person  who  follows 
you  on  the  job,  any  unusual  point  that 
might  otherwise  be  confusing.  Second  only 
to  personal  contact,  this  is  the  best  possible 
means  of  carrying  through  in  a  unified  man- 
ner.     We  of  the  day  shift  find  the  notes  left 

by   TY   SATTERFIELD   and   CARL    HUTCH- 
INGS   mighty  helpful.      Thanks,    fellows. 

Should  KEN  BARNES  and  MORT  ANDER- 
SON decide  on  a  service  station  for  their 
post-war  activities,  they  would  get  one  en- 
thusiastic recommendation  from  NANCY 
CREWS,  the  little  lady  to  whom  we  all  take 
our  scheduling  problems.  Finding  her 
stranded  in  the  parking  lot  with  a  flat  tire 
on  her  cor.  Ken  and  Mort  changed  it  with 
the  celerity  of  professionals.  Of  course 
they  could  not  give  oil  customers  the  same 
follow-up  service  given  Nancy.  That  v/as 

JOHN  OAKES,  who  for  more  than  a  year 
has  been  bumping  in  the  bump  shed,  has 
transferred  into  our  department  and  is  help- 
ing CLARENCE  PAYNE  in  the  Pre-j'g  area. 
Mighty  glad  to  have  you  with  us,  John. 

One  of  the  pleasures  of  the  afternoon  shift 
change  is  meeting  the  ready  sm  le  of  IRENE 
LOUTHERBACK,  who  takes  over  at  the  Small 
Ports  desk.  With  JENNIE  SHINAFELT  pre- 
siding there  through  the  day  and  Irene 
through  the  swing  shift,  it  is  always  a  pleas- 
ure to  coll  at  that  desk. 

CLAIRE  PERKINS  lost  none  of  the  bright- 
ness of  her  smile  while  doing  extra  work 
during  the  absence  of  ELEANOR  FORS- 
BERG  on  recent  vocation.  We  like  your, 
smile,  Claire. 

Recent  newcomers  to  our  department  are 
ELEANOR  PRICE,  who  is  speedily  mastering 
numbers  of  and  proper  locations  for  the 
many  small  parts  in  the  accumulation  rocks 
down  in  Shipping,  and  DOUGLAS  McMUR- 
RAY,  who  is  finding  his  way  around  in  the 
half-stampings  and  weld  section  areas.  Big 
LLOYD  DAVIS,  shuffling  boxes  and  loading 
manifold  parts  in  the  Jig  area  on  the  swing 
shift,  has  been  with  us  some  weeks.  Wel- 
come, folks. 

FHarping  bock  to  the  theme  of  co-opera- 
tion, we  want  to  express  our  appreciation 
to  the  fellows  in  Production  who  ore  doing 
so  much  to  moke  our  work  easier.  In  Tack 
and  Trim,  Weld  and  Prejig,  CLAUDE  COP- 
NOW  and  DEE  CASTLEBURY  are  showing 
us  what  real  co-operation  means.  They  are 
all  on  the  day  shift.  Let's  hear  from  Dis- 
patchers in  other  areas  and  on  other  shifts 
about  how  well  they  and  production  ore 
working  together  to  get  the  job  done.  Co- 
operation is  the  key  to  all  successful  group 

A.  M.  CHENEY  is  still  hot  on  the  trail  of 
those  hot  jobs  that  need  attention,  but  does 
not  let  that  interfere  with  his  check-up  of 
his  entire  area.  We  get  good  reports  of 
you,  old  timer. 

Hove  you  written  to  the  fellows  in  the 
armed  forces?  Recent  letters  from  RAY 
how  much  the  boys  appreciate  hearing  from 
Ryan.  They  both  wont  to  be  remembered 
to  the  whole  gang  here.  While  glad  to  be 
doing  whot  they  are  doing,  both  show  plainly 
how  much  they  miss  their  friends  and  pleas- 
ant associations  here.  They  are  both  in  the 
Air  Corps,  Roy  a  combat  flyer  and  Vaughn 
a  radio  man.  Their  new  addresses  are:  Pfc. 
C.  R.  Sanders,  39864692,  Combat  Crew 
Training  Moil  Room,  Section  One,  A.  A.  B. 
Sioux  City,  Iowa,  and  Pvt.  G.  V.  Shomblin, 
38668728,  Sec.  Q,  Bks.  1949,  3508  A.  A. 
F.  Base  Unit,  Truax  Field,  Madison,  Wiscon- 
sin.     Write  them  and  write  the  others.    And 

—  14  — 

Sue  Gunthorp,  retiring  editor  of  Flying 
Reporter,  hands  over  the  perquisites  of 
her  office  to  the  new  editor,  Frances 

Frances  Statler 
Becomes  Editor 

Following  the  Ryan  Company's  policy  of 
promoting  from  within  the  ranks  whenever 
possible,  rather  than  importing  outside 
specialists  to  fill  vocancies.  Public  Rela- 
tions Director  William  Wagner  this  week 
announced  the  appointment  of  Frances 
Statler  to  replace  Sue  Zinn  Gunthorp  as 
editor    of    Flying    Reporter. 

Miss  Statler  has  served  for  nearly  two 
years  as  Wagner's  secretary,  and  previously 
was  a  stenographer  in  the  Ryan  School  of 
Aeronautics.  For  many  months  she  was  one 
of  the  Flying  Reporter's  staff  of  volunteer 
contributors,  writing  the  "Beauty  Isn't 
Rationed"  page,  as  well  as  providing  the 
drawings  for  it. 

Mrs.  Gunthorp  and  her  husband  hove 
just  adopted  a  baby,  and  Sue  has  left  Ryan 
in  order  to  devote  full  time  to  home  life. 
She  was  also  Wagner's  secretary  in  earlier 
days.  Later  she  became  assistant  to  Keith 
Monroe  in  editing  Flying  Reporter,  and  took 
over    the    editorship    six    months    ago. 

After  getting  this  issue  of  the  magazine 
under  way.  Miss  Statler  left  on  her  annual 
vacation,  and  on  "interim  committee"  of 
Wagner,  Monroe,  and  Harry  Siegmund 
finished  the  job  of  preparing  Flying  Re- 
porter for  publication.  The  next  issue,  how- 
ever, will  find  the  new  editor  firmly  estab- 
lished in  the  editorial  chair  I  known  to  the 
cognoscenti    as    "the    hot    seat"'. 

above  all  else,  let's  not  forget  what  we  owe 
to  those  who  ore  fighting  our  war.  Let's 
accept  the  good  news  coming  from  all  fronts 
OS  added  incentive  to  increase  our  efforts. 
If,  by  absence  from  or  carelessness  on  the 
job,  we  prolong  the  war  just  one  short  min- 
ute, that  one  minute  will  cost  men's  lives. 
Can  we  afford  to  risk  that?  Let's  stay  on 
the  job  and  finish  the  job. 

Happy  Birthday  to  Mrs.  Mattcson 

Tool-in  Specks 

by  Kay 

The  guest  of  honor  looks  pleased  as  the  other  members  of  this  luncheon  party  sing 
Happy  Birthday  to  her  on  her  56th  birthday.  Mrs.  Mamie  Matteson,  second  from  left, 
has  7  children  and  1  5  grandchildren,  but  she  still  has  time  to  help  win  the  war  in 
Manifold  Flux.  Left  to  right  are  L.  D.  Matteson  of  Sheet  Metal,  her  husband;  Mrs. 
Matteson;  Boyd  Farrell  of  Drop  Hammer,  her  son-in-law;  Rachel  Romero  and  George 
Reynolds  of  Manifold  Flux;  Joe  Flynn  of  Time  Study,  and  Art  Clinton  of  Manifold  Flux. 

Pings  and  Purrs 
From  Power  Plant 

by  Idle  Cutoff 

We  have  always  thought  multiple  initials 
were  an  English  institution.  But  Power  Plant 
is  blessed  with  a  tiesh  and  blood  exponent 
of  that  ancient  and  honorable  theory  that 
"if  two  names  are  good,  three  must  be 
better."  At  least,  that  is  the  impression  one 
gets  being  around  ELLIS  BLADE.  Daily,  we 
hear,  "Hey,  who  knows  about  A.D.I.?" 
"What  about  this  A.D.I.?"  Sounds  myster- 
ious but  we  call  nonchalantly,  "Oh,  Blade? 
He's  over  there." 

That  brings  up  the  question  of  what 
A.D.I,  really  signifies.  The  most  concise 
summary  was  overhead  recently  during 
clean-up  time.  "You  mean  you  ain't  heord 
the  meaning  of  A.D.I.?  That  stands  for 
Ah  Demands  Information."  Seriously,  Ellis 
deserves  a  lot  of  credit  for  his  investigation 
work  on  anti-detonation  installations. 

Riding  home  recently,  we  heard  a  few 
pings  from  Power  Plant.  The  first  coming 
from  the  engine  laboring  up  a  slight  hill  to 
the  driver's  fervent  exhortations  of  "Corns 
on,  Nellie,  come  on  Nellie."  The  second  ping 
come  from  the  back  seat.  By  the  way,  Mrs. 
JOHNSON,  what  is  your  first  name? 

Gore  marches  on!  Did  I  say  marches? 
Anyone  wondering  about  the  blood-curdling 
shriek  that  shook  the  walls  of  the  cafeteria 
recently,  might  ask  LOUISE  about  the  cause. 

Your  scientific  mind  (slightly  fermented! 
cannot  but  wonder  at  the  rare  faculty  of 
olfactory  supersensitivity  exhibited  by  one 
RALPH  (Termite)  ERSKINE.  Logically,  there 
is  no  satisfactory  explanation  of  this  pheno- 
menon. Even  the  keenest  sense  of  smell 
couldn't  detect  the  aroma  of  a  newly  opened 
package  of  Life  Savers  the  length  of  En- 
gineering building.  But  Termite  always 
seems  to  know. 

Stick  around,  Mr.  Erskine,  you  may  as 
well  be  included.  Power  Plant  is  indebted 
to  Mrs.  GORDON,  FRANK  ANDREWS  and 
PAPPY  BUNSEN  for  the  but  super  fruit 
(peaches,  plums,  grapes,  etc.)  that  we  have 
all  enjoyed  of  late. 

And  now  for  our  theme  music,  may  I 
present  Power  Plant's  silver-throated  Mr.  C. 
EDWARD  CORRENTI,  warbler  deluxe,  ren- 
dering "Oh,  Sinatra,  Where  Is  Thy  Swoon?" 
Oh,  sob! 


new  BDoks  at 
Public  library 

Engineering    Materials,    Machine   Tools     and 
Processes:  by  W.   Steeds. 

Written  to  help  students,  apprentices 
and  others  entering  or  engaged  in  the  en- 
gineering industry  to  acquire  a  knowledge 
of  the  elements  of  the  basic  branches  of 
mechanical  engineering  other  than  design. 

Aircraft  Materials  and  Processes,  by  Tit- 

Manual      for      Aircraft      Hydraulics,      by 

Thompson    &    Campbell. 

Plastics  for  Industrial  Use:  by  John  Sasso. 
An  engineering  approach  to  plasties 
with  discussion  confined  to  a  limited 
number  of  materials  which  have  been 
found  porticulorly  suitable  for  industrial 

Welding:    by  James  A.  Moyer. 

Describes  in  o  general  way  the  var- 
ious modern  methods  of  welding  metals, 
particularly  iron  and  steel.  Has  excellent 
section  on  trouble  shooting  for  arc  weld- 
ing, giving  the  trouble,  cause  and  cure 
for  the  many  problems  such  as  brittle 
welds,  spatter,  undercut  and  poor  fusion 
that    arise. 

—  15  — 

This  is  Tooling  Inspection's  first  attempt 
at  writing  in  the  Flying  Reporter;  we  hope 
it's  as  good  as  some  of  the  columns  written 
by  other  Depatrments. 

Well,  I  guess  our  moving  won't  be  news 
to  anyone  now,  but  we  certainly  like  our  new 
location;  and  we  even  have  o  new  pencil 
sharpener  that  works.  Come  over  some  time 
and  try  it  out.  That  olone  was  worth  moving 

Wonder  if  there  was  a  special  attraction 
at  the  beach  this  post  month?  BILL  HENRY 
and  JOHNNIE  CHARLTON  must  have 
known  about  it.  They  surely  stayed  a  long 
time  because  did  you  notice  how  beautifully 
cooked  they  were??  My!!!  My!!!  Johnne 
had  to  do  it  up  right  though;  he  went  back 
the  second  time,  and  came  back  to  work 
looking  like  a  lobster.  We're  not  going  to 
mention  the  scratching  and  peeling  that 
went  on.  Say!  don't  you  think  Bill  Henry  and 
Betty  Grable  have  pretty  legs?  We  all  got 
to  see  Bill's  when  he  had  his  sunburn.  Oh! 
I    wasn't  going   to   mention   that.    Sorry,    Bill. 

We're  sorry  to  say  that  TED  GRABOW- 
SKY  has  been  III  for  the  lost  few  days. 
Hurry  and  get  well  Ted,  you  can't  do  that 
to  us. 

We  had  a  visitor  lost  week,  CHUCK  KEL- 
LOGG; he's  in  the  Navy  too,  and  also  sta- 
tioned at  the  Training  Station.  He  used  to 
work  with  WHITEY  FRASIER  in  the  new 
building.  Don't  forget  to  come  bock  real  soon 

Did  you  know  that  we  hove  an  A- 1  farmer 
here  in  Tooling  Inspection?  Well,  we  have. 
It's  none  other  than  T.  A.  SMITH.  If  you 
don't  believe  It,  try  some  of  that  fruit  he 

I'll  take  this  opportunity  to  welcome 
LEONARD  HANSEN  into  our  department. 
He  transferred  from  Manifold  Dispatch  into 
Tooling  Inspection;  he's  with  ROY  TAYLOR 
in  the  Modeling  Shop.  Hope  you  like  us 

JERRY  LOWE  out  in  the  Modeling  Shop 
thought  up  the  cute  name  for  our  column 
Besides  being  a  good  name-picker-outer 
Jerry  is  quite  an  athlete.  He  plays  on  the 
men's  boseball  team.  And  that  isn't  all 
either;  have  you  ever  listened  to  him  ploy 
his  trombone?  Well  you  oughta;  he  swings 
a  wicked  note. 

Among  our  recruits  from  the  musical  pro- 
fession we  have  EL  BERRY  and  MAX  RY- 
LAND.  Max  come  to  Tooling  Inspection 
from  0  well  known  dance  bond  in  San  Fran- 
cisco. El  has  a  background  of  several  years 
as  a  concert  violinist  and  music  teacher 

W.  B.  KLEIN  flew  to  Michigan  this  past 
month.  He  said  he  enjoyed  the  beautiful 
Eastern  country.  But,  and  I'm  quoting,  tra- 
veling's tough,  unless  you'd  like  to  be  a  bum. 

ROY  TAYLOR  of  the  Modeling  Shop  has 
in  past  weeks  been  galavanting  and  in- 
specting at  the  vendors  in  Los  Angeles  and 
has  left  the  Pattern  Dept.  rather  short 
handed.  However  recently  the  Inspection  in 
the  Pattern  Department  has  been  bolstered 
by  the  expert  services  of  WINN  ALDERSON, 
who  we  regret  to  say  is  only  with  us  tem- 
porarily and  will  return  soon  to  his  duties 
in  Crib  3. 

Tooling  men  ore  shown  above  congratulating  each  other  on  their  recent  promotions. 
Left  to  right,  F.  W.  Carmody,  new  assistant  supervisor  of  tool  design;  A.  Z.  Bohanon, 
also  tool  design  assistant  supervisor;  E.  H.  Prouty,  tool  control  assistant  supervisor; 
L.  H.  Schneider,  assistant  supervisor  of  operations;  K.  E.  Colvin,  assistant  supervisor 
of  manifold  tool  planning;  L.  W.  Reid,  assistant  supervisor  of  tool  planning;  Charles 
Soltzer,  assistant  supervisor  of  tool  control;  R.  E.  Van  Meter,  supervisor  of  tool  plan- 
ning and  operations;  W.  F.  Barrett,  production  engineer.  Not  in  picture  ore  R.  W. 
Macomber,  new  production  engineer,  and  R.  S.  Webster,  assistant  supervisor  of  tool 

Notes  From 



by   Ralph   Geist 

Chalk  another  Ryan  romance,  culminating 
July  22  when  BOB  QUARRY  and  MABEL 
ALDAHL  were  married  in  Los  Angeles.  Bob 
was  a  metal  fitter  on  first  and  third  shifts 
until  entering  the  army,  stationed  at  Camp 
Roberts.  He  slipped  down  to  Los  Angeles 
where  the  ceremony  was  performed.  Mabel 
was  one  of  the  first  girl  welders  to  work  at 
Ryan.  Standing  up  with  the  bridal  couple 
were  Mr.  and  Mrs.  SAM  ALDAHL,  both 
third  shift  welders.  FRED  LETCHER  is  cred- 
ited with  locating  the  minister.  Congratula- 
tions, Bob  and  Mabel — this  from  every  one 
on  the  third  shift. 

"Hundred  and  seventeen  pounds,  mud 
and  all"  was  the  report  brought  in  by 
ORAN   FONVILLE  of  a   stingaree  caught  by 

his  son,  WILLIAM,  16-year-old  Ryan  em- 
ployee. Oran  felt  pretty  proud  about  the 
big  catch  until  his  story  was  squelched  by  a 
tale  of  a  stingaree  weighing  "around  800 
pounds"  told  by  Mr.  ROGERS  of  Tool  Crib, 
he  being  a  fisherman  of  note.  Maybe  Les 
Bowen  of  Second  Shift  could  top  that  one, 
Les  being  o  sport  fisher  from   Nebraska. 

DOROTHY  HANSEN,  Manifold  Assembly, 
has  been  quite  ill  for  past  two  weeks. 
FRANCES  KING  of  Inspection  is  leaving  for 
Toledo,  her  old  home,  but  will  be  back  ere 
long.  By  the  way,  we  never  ore  quite  able 
to  see  what  FRANK  WALSH's  (our  Fore- 
man) pet  block  cat  drinks  out  of  her  paste- 
board cup — one  says  milk,  another  tells  us 
tea,  but  it  could  be  some  of  Frank's  favorite 
Welch  grope  juice,  which  is  making  Frank 
a  strong  man.  BILL  RISSO,  stock  clerk,  is 
proving  to  be  our  heaviest  coffee  consumer, 
says  he  has  learned  how  to  keep  awake  in 
the  Receiving  Building  at  night.  And  speak- 
ing of  tall  tales — FRED  POPE,  leadman  in 
Small  Ports  recently  put  his  pet  colt  in  bed 
with  him,  believing  the  colt  was  under  the 
weather  and  we  understand  on  good  author- 
ity the  colt  broke  the  bed  down.  Fred  lives 
down  on  the  form  at  Lakeside.  That  husky 
fellow,    L.   V.   CORLEY   is  gaining   weight   by 


Stainless  steel,  frosty  and  cold. 

My  hands  will  make  you  a  manifold. 

As  you  take   life   and   begin   to  grow. 

What    is   your   destiny?  Where   will    you   go? 

Dangerous  missions  up  there   so   high — 

Traveling  with  young   lads  in  a   blue  sky. 

Each  port  I   must  fashion  with  accuracy  ond 

Fates   depend   on   the   details   for   safety   up 



eating  watermelon  and  more  of  it  each  mid- 

Going  to  First  Shift  ore  ROBERT  REINERT 
to  Manifold  Small  Parts;  FRED  POPE,  Small 
Ports  Leadman  and  ED.  TAZELAAR  to  in- 
spection. ED.  is  taking  a  week's  leave  to  visit 
his  brother  who  expects  to  go  overseas  soon. 
ALMA  GREGORY,  metal  fitter  and  OLIVE 
ALDAHL,  welder,  are  taking  leaves  for  a 
month.  SAM  ALDAHL,  welder,  takes  a  three 
weeks'  leave  to  undergo  on  operation  on  his 
nose.  Transferring  to  Small  Parts,  Third 
Shift,  are  STELLA  KRENNING,  H.  KARL 

Welcome  to  Third  Shift,  ED.  WEBER, 
sandblast  leadman,  LEE  JACKSON  goes  to 
Second  Shift,  as  leadman.  And  now,  Congrats 
to  MR.  and  MRS.  FRANK  GIAMANCO  upon 
the  birth  of  a  9-pound  son  born  July  27. 
Youngster  has  been  named  Joseph  Philip. 
Thanks  for  the  cigar,  Frank. 

VIDAL  "Fief"  ORTIZ,  veteran  dropham- 
mer  man  has  terminated  to  enter  the  army. 
Leadman  JOHN  CHESS,  of  manifold,  also 
got  his  call  to  service.  GEORGE  BROOKS, 
foreman  of  drophommer,  recently  won  the 
$100  bond  on  one  of  his  suggestions  for 
"change-idea"  for  C-47  manifold. 

PAULINE  LOVI,  of  drophammer,  has  re- 
turned from  o  week's  vacation.  GLADYS 
McBRIDE  of  Small  Ports  has  left  us  for  her 
"home  in  Indiana."  MAVA  HOWELL  is  now 
on  Second  Shift  Inspection.  GANAT  LORD 
has  been  transferred  to  First  Shift  checker. 
KATHERINE  BALEY  has  come  in  to  Small 
Ports  from  Final  Assembly.  And,  there's 
GEORGE  C.  KREBS  with  the  distinction  of 
being  the  only  man  on  a  port  time  job  sur- 
rounded by  hundreds  of  pretty  girls.  Where? 
Down  at  a  local  school  of  hair  styling  and 
cosmetology.  Some  kid,  George!  MRS.  B.  G. 
BROTHERTON  had  the  misfortune  to  smash 
three  of  her  fingers  while  "on  the  job"  in 
Small  Parts  this  week. 

Tool  Rumors 

by   Brae  and    Kay 

The  biggest  thing  since  the  last  issue  was 
the  moving  of  the  Tool  Room  to  its  new 
location.  Sheet  Metal  moved  outside  and 
the  Tooling  Department  moved  in  .  .  .  Mon- 
day morning  on  the  17th  found  the  Tooling 
employees  running  around  trying  to  find 
their  work  benches,  tools,  etc.  We  spent 
half  the  morning  looking  for  the  safe  and 
it  was  right  under  our  noses  .  .  .  There  were 
five  stools  with  GALLOWAY'S  name  marked 
on  them  .  .  guess  he  wanted  to  be  sure  he'd 
have  one  at  least  .  .  .  "CHIEF"  didn't  move 
with  us  for  several  days  as  it  was  a  little 
difficult  to  move  the  furnace.  He  said  he 
was  a  lonesome  Indian  staying  in  the  old 
location   by  himself. 

Illness  and  injury  struck  our  department 
quite  a  blow  .  .  GEORGE  STRATTON  was 
injured  by  a  jig  table  that  fell  on  his  leg. 
He  was  in  the  hospital  for  about  two  weeks. 
Yesterday  he  come  in  to  see  us  and  is  feel- 
ing much  better.  We  miss  "RED"  WEB- 
STER of  Tool  Control.  He  has  been  out  for 
over  a  week  with  pneumonia  .  .  not  a  very 
nice  way  to  spend  his  time  after  his  promo- 
tion. Get  well.  Red  .  .  .  LOUISE  EDGE  is 
still  out  on  sick  leave.  Perhaps  it  won't  be 
long  until  she  can  be  bock  with  us.  We 
were  surprised  to  see  "POP"  LONGTIN  bock 
this  morning.  He  has  been  ill  but  says  the 
doctor  has  released  him  to  come  to  work. 

We  hear  that  GUY  MOORE  is  anticipating 
the  sound  of  little  feet  around  his  house  .  .  . 
When  will  the  blessed  event  be,  Guy? 

DICK  GRABOWSKY  is  now  living  with  H. 
T.  STOVALL.  STOVALL  soys  he  never  sees 
DICK  in  the  evenings.  We  believe  congra- 
tulations are  in  order  for  LEIGH  McDONALD 
is  wearing  a  beautiful  engagement  ring. 
Why  don't  you  tell  us  these  things,  DICK? 

Strange  things  do  happen.  MILDRED 
JUSTICE  whose  husband  has  been  in  many 
battles,  including  Soipan,  picked  up  o 
Time  magazine  one  day  last  week  and  sow 
her  husband's  picture.  The  some  picture  is 
on  a  large  poster  here  at  Ryan  ...  it  shows 
a  picture  of  him  and  two  other  marines 
right  after  o  battle  .  .  .  they  are  tired  and 
dirty  and  MILDRED  says  she  has  never  seen 
him  so  thin.  "All  1  have  to  do  when  I  get 
tired  of  working,"  she  said,  "is  to  pick  up 
that  picture  of  GIN  and  I  wont  to  do  all 
the  work  I'm  capable  of  just  to  get  him 
back."  He  is  now  wounded  and  she  has 
hopes   of    his    returning    to    the    States    soon. 

That  happy  look  on  OLLIE  EVAN'S  face 
these  days  is  due  to  that  daily  letter  she 
receives  from  her  husband  in  the  South 
Pacific.  He  has  been  in  the  Marine  Corps 
for  four  years. 

GRACIE  MONROE,  now  a  Tool  Liaison 
"man,"  has  token  over  all  work  that  goes 
to  the  Balboa  Park  Vocational  School.  We 
told  her  she  looked  typical  with  that  black 
notebook  under  her  arm  .  .  .  who  ever  sow 
a  liaison  man  without  one?  LEO  QUINLAN 
mokes  Outside  Contacts  .  .  .  He  and 
BROWNIE  and  GRACIE  are  very  busy  with 
their    new     jobs.  Maybe    we    should    say 

"Pusher"  BROWN  as  that  is  a  new  nick- 
name BROWNIE  has  acquired. 

Among  the  school  boys  we  hove  working 
with  us  ore  HOWARD  LAMBERT,  CLEO 

SEAMAN.  These  boys  will  return  to  school 
in  September  but  right  now  they  are  doing 
a    fine    job    helping    make    Tools    and    Dies. 

We  welcome  MICHAEL  HOFER  into  the 
department.  He  is  from  Detroit,  where  he 
worked  for  Vinco  .  .  a  Greek  word  meaning 
to  excell.  There  Hofer  made  precision 
tools.      We  are  glad  to  have  him  with  us. 

MR.  BUTEUX,  another  new  employee,  left 
Los  Angeles  to  buy  a  ranch  in  Escondido. 
He  recently  returned  from  overseas  where  he 
was  with  the  8th  Air  Force  for  a  year. 

Other  new  employees  include:  D.  INGER- 
ANDERSON,  and  TOBEY  on  the  second 
shift.  IRENE  HOBBS  transferred  from  Ma- 
chine Shop  and  CHARLIE  BROWN  trans- 
ferred from  Inspection  to  the  Tooling  De- 
partment. This  is  welcome,  Charlie.  How 
about  making  up  with  us? 

HAROLD  CAMP  transferred  from  the 
third  shift  to  day  shift.  How  does  it  feel 
to  come  out  in  the  daylight  again,  HAROLD? 

We  feel  we  have  really  neglected  the 
second  shift  this  time  but  with  VERA  WEST 
on  a  leave  of  absence  we  couldn't  do  much 
else.      Goodbye  until  next  time. 

Although  it  is  rather  late,  Happy  Birthday 
to  BETTY  KERSHAW  .  .  Payroll  and  Time- 
keeping surprised  Betty  with  a  huge  cake  .  . 
SYLVANIA  VOUVALIDES  gave  a  farewell 
dinner  for  JEAN  McCLELLEN  who  left  re- 
cently. To  show  her  appreciation  Jean 
honored  the  girls  at  a  beach  party  at  her 
home  .  .  .  From  Kansas  City  we  welcome 
blonde  VIVIAN  STROHM  to  Inventory  .  .  . 
We  have  a  native  Colifornian  in  our  midst 
.  .  .  None  other  than  DOROTHY  BUSBY, 
formerly  from  Los  Angeles  .  .  .  SHIRLEY 
KARLSON  is  on  leave  to  be  with  her  folks 
who  are  here  from  Seattle  .  .  .  ELLEN 
SHRODER  is  back  in  our  midst  .  .  quote  Ellen 
"I'll  take  California  anytime."  Inventory's 
Beach  Party  must  have  been  a  gala  affair  .  . 
food  .  .  sun  burns  .  .  food  .  .  and  everything 
to  entertain  our  Ryanites  and  their  families 
...  We  miss  BETTY  RADEWAN  who  trons- 
fered  from  MR.  NOAKES'  office  to  be  BILL 
WAGNER'S  secretary  .  .  We  are  glad  to 
hear  PAT  EDWARDS  from  Traffic  is  con- 
valescing .  .  HELEN  ULLUM  is  busy  these 
evenings  showing  San  Diego  to  her  mother 
and  sister  who  are  here  from  West  Virginia 
.  .  LA  VERNE  COLANTONI  has  replaced 
BETTY  RADEWAN  ...  La  Verne  hails  from 
Pittsburg,  and  is  here  with  her  hubby  who 
just  came  back  from  nine  months'  duty 
overseas  .  .  . 

I  wish  I  had  o  phonograph  to  play  for 
all  of  you  folks  right  now  ...  I  picked  out 
a  few  pieces  I  would  like  to  dedicate  to 
various  members  of  the  Accounting  Depart- 
ment: To  all  the  guys  and  gals  on  the  swing 
shift  "Swinging  on  the  Swing  Shift."  .  .  To 
JENNY  HUTTON  "When  My  Dream  Boat 
Comes  Home"  (with  Bill  on,  of  course!) 
"Jeonnie  with  the  Light  Brown  Hair"  for 
Let's   Dance"    ...    "I    Can't   Say    No   to   a 

—  17  — 


By  Dortha  Dunston 

Calculate  I'd  better  change  the  name? 

The    same    department,    but    I'm    not    the 
Bequeathing  "Time  Study  Observations" — 

Writing  now  for  "Bonus  Calculations." 
With  six  brand   new  girls  we're   right  up  on 
Right    up    to    date,    and    we    simply    won't 
With    "PEGGY,"    and   MARY,    CHARLOTTE 
and  "MICK" — 
The    cream    of    the    crop — the    best    1    did 
LORRAINE  and  WINONA  moke  group  com- 
Each  is  intelligent,  pretty  and  sweet. 
I  know  it's  possible — beauty  and  brain — 
Believe  it  or  not — we  have  it  at  Crane! 
Of  such  0  small  group  it's  queer  I  did  pick 
Two  pills  for  the  work,  though  no  one   is 
Apologies  girls,  but  it  struck  me  as  queer 
That  a  HENKEL  and  CARTER  should  both 
Don't  you  think  WAGNER  looks  nice  in  blue? 
It  sets  off  his  coot  and  his  mustache  too! 
Congratulations,  you  deserve  it  we  know. 
You  can  smoke  cigars  now  and  your  blue 
badge  show. 
Now  what  do  you  think  of  a  big  husky  mole 
Who  opens  a  door  and   pulls   kitty's  tail? 
When   it  just  caught  a  mouse  and   fought  a 
Now    do    you    think    that    was    nice,    Mr. 
I'll  miss  ribbing  MAJORS  about  his  car, 
Perhaps  someone  else  can   harangue  that 
The  poor  fated  Chrysler's  no  longer  my  pet. 
And    I've    not   found    o    good    replacement 
ELIZABETH'S  record   is  one  to  admire; 

She's  checked  in  each  day  from  the  date 
of  her  hire ! 
Queen  Elizabeth  scoffs  at  absentees 

Doing  her  job  for  the  man  overseas. 
YVONNE   found   that    leg    makeup  won't  go 
on  right 
Still  half  asleep — in  the  dork — without 
But  she  takes  our  jests,  she  knows  it's  in  fun 
For  her  I.   D.  cord  shows  she's  now 

Sailor"  says  EDITH  KEEVER  .  .  To  MARK 
CRIPE  "How  You  Gonna  Keep  Him  Down  On 
the  Farm?"  .  .  .  with  all  that  fertilizer  Mark 
bought,  WHO  is  going  to  stay  on  that  form? 
.  .  .  We  ore  "Breathless"  after  a  phone  con- 
versation with  MR.  SHERMAN  .  .  for  AL- 
DEAN  SCHULZ  "A  Gal  from  Kalamazoo" 
.  .  "I'm  Gonna  Buy  a  Paper  Doll"  for  CARL 
WHITE  .  .  .  let's  pause  a  moment  to  hear 
"Any  Bonds  Today?  dedicated  especially  to 
SYLVIA  VOUVALIDES  .  .  .  "He's  My  Guy" 
goes  to  BEA  AVANT,  that  is  of  course  if  it 
is  Ben  .  .  .  For  a  grand  finale,  let  us  all  join 
in  on  the  chorus  of  "He's  a  Jolly  Good  Fel- 
low" for  our  own  Mr.  NOAKES. 

Have  you  written  to  your  serviceman  this 
week?  .  .  It  is  a  pretty  lonesome  and  let- 
down feeling  not  to  get  a  letter  at  mail  call. 

Five-Year  Vets  Get  Service  Pins  From  Claude  Ryan 

Meeting  with  T.  Claude  Ryan  to  receive  their  service  pins  are,  front  row,  R.  "Butch"  Ortiz,  Paul  Weeland,  Mr.  Ryan,  L.  O.  McGriff, 
A.  C.  "Ace"  Edmiston.  Second  row,  Al  Gee,  H.  M.  Henson,  A.  M.  "Kay"  Lorkin,  Ray  W.  Pyle,  J.  H.  Wood,  R.  Elliott  ond  Don 

Mr.  Ryan  congratulates  a  group  of  beaming  swing-shifters  on  their  completion  of  five  years  at  Ryan.  Left  to  right,  W.  L.  Poison,  F. 
Bender,  C.  A.  Sachs,  L.  H.  Steinauer,  Sam  Pinney,  J.  L.  Gould,  Mr.  Ryon,  F.  E.  Hill,  Walt  S.  Stringer,  Henry  "Hank"  Hanggi,  W.  R. 
Mattson,  R.  G.  Wells,  R.  L.  Walker. 


The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

Welders,  being  welders,  are  a  group 
amongst  themselves  no  matter  how  you  may 
scramble  them.  As  a  result  they  have  de- 
manded a  news  column  of  their  own,  re- 
gardless of  their  departmental  columns. 
Thus  the  birth  of  this.  But  while  it  is  com- 
paratively easy  to  start  something,  it  is  an- 
other thing  to  keep  the  ball  rolling.  So  if 
you  like  this  idea  as  much  as  we  thought 
yau  did,  please  send  in  your  news.  Your 
leadmon,  BILL  KUPILIK  of  Tack  and  Trim, 
or  this  pinhole  peeking  mamma  will  accept 
and  gladly — any  items  you  have  to  offer. 
Okay,  you  puddle  pushers,  let's  push!  (Don't 
be  like  HAP  who  just  gives  idle  promises!) 
....  VERLA  DAHL  had  a  lot  of  us  wor- 
ried right  along  with  her  when  she  received 
no  mail  for  over  five  weeks  from  that  ma- 
rine husband  of  hers.  However,  we  con  take 
a  deep  breath  now  that  the  South  Pacific 
letter  arrived  and  orent  we  happy  for  her! 
....  BOOTS,  who  says  she  doesn't  want  to 
be  called  an  "arc  tacker"  but  an  "Arc 
welder"  is  back  on  second  shift  and  in  high 
spirits.  Incidentally  we  call  her  "Faline" 
after  that  cute  little  relative  of  Bambi,  who 
is  always  batting  those  eyelids  so  enticingly. 
Some  deer!  ....  Did  you  ever  see  DUTCH'S 
mother?  She's  the  cutest  little  thing  and 
dresses  like  a  fashion  plate.  I  actually  heard 
two  he-men  agree  that  her  hat — a  froth  of 
gloried  air — was  "really  a  hat"!  ....  We 
are  very  sorry  over  FAYE  ALUMBAUGH'S 
continued  illness  and  hope  to  see  her  bock 
on  those  seam  welds  very  soon  ....  Some 
transfers  include  JEANETTE  McGRAYNE  to 
first  shift  OS  a  clerk  in  Experimental;  IMO- 
also  on  first  shift  now;  ELLA  MATHESON 
and  GRACE  BARTMAN  to  reweld  in  Depart- 
ment 16-20  and  D.  WONG  back  to  seams 
....  Up  in  Les  Bowen's  department  14, 
MARY  MACRAE  just  returned  from  a  sick 
leave  only  to  have  blouse  trouble.  Someone 
likes  her  taste  in  blue  and  white  seersucker 
blouses  for  they  borrowed  it  when  Mary 
wasn't  looking  and,  as  yet,  have  not  re- 
turned it  ...  .  PHYLLIS  CARROLL,  gas  re- 
welder,  is  taking  up  arc.  (Wonder  if  she 
can  make  macaroni  and  cheese  yet — one  of 
Jack's  favorite  dishes)  ....  Pretty  MAR- 
JORIE  PENTICO  is  vacationing  back  where 
the  tall  corn  grows.  BETTY  McKIBBIN  looks 
quite  lost  without  her. — GERTRUDE  HAN- 
NA  is  still  in  the  middle  west  too  and  there 
are  those  who  also  look  lost  without  her. — 
PAT  PATTERSON  is  another  vacationist  of 
department  14  while  ROY  and  PEARL  MEEK 
are  getting  ready  for  theirs  as  this  column 
goes  to  press  ....  NICKI  GOLDEN,  who 
has  been  on  crutches  following  a  car  acci- 
dent, hopes  to  be  back  to  work  very  soon. 
We  are  glad,  Nicki.  PEARL  K.  IRWIN,  too, 
will  be  back  soon  from  a  sick  leave  and  she 
will  go  on  the  down  shift.  Good  Luck!  .... 
ELISA  MARTINEZ  joined  the  Presbyterian 
Church  0  few  weeks  ago,  so  GERRY  CAMP- 
BELL, "the  Taco  Kid,"  reports.  Congratu- 
lations Elisal  ....  Lovely  JEAN  BUTLER 
ROMERO  is  bock  at  Ryan!  Married  life 
seems  to  agree   but  she  says   it  doesn't  oc- 

cupy enough  of  those  hours  while  CHUCK 
is  a'welding,  so  she  returned  to  the  line. 
She  says  they  gave  "FLASH"  GORDON  a 
good  send-off  several  weeks  ago.  "Flash"  is 
in  the  army  now,  you  know,  and  we  wish 
him  the  best  of  luck.  .  .  .  NILE  BARBER'S 
wife  has  come  down  to  work  in  Manifold 
Inspection  but  both  Mr.  and  Mrs.  expect  to 
transfer  to  days  soon  ....  We  are  glad  to 
see  that  NORM  EDWARDS  is  able  to  move 
about  better  now.  By  the  way,  I  wonder  how 
the  stingaree  felt  after  the  meeting?  .... 
DORENE  QUIMBY  is  getting  ready  for  a 
trip  bock  to  Minnesota,  her  first  in  two 
years.  We  hope  her  burned  "pan"  is  better 
then.  She  soys  the  sympathy  she  receives 
helps  to  relieve  the  pain.  She  lost  some  eye- 
lashes on  this  occasion  ....  Hasn't  RUTH 
JOE  a  line?  Frankly,  she  keeps  me  amused 
and  confused.  And  did  you  ever  hear  her 
sing?  She  has  a  very  excellent  voice  .... 
Open  hint  to  some  of  our  Ryan  lovelies: 
Your  pancake  make  up  may  moke  you  love- 
ly to  look  at,  but  oh,  baby,  if  you  keep 
forgetting  to  keep  those  sponges  fresh,  you 
will  continue  to  be  not  so  sweet  to  smell!.. 
Goodbye  now, 

Stacks  'n'  Stuff 

by  Manny  Fohlde 

This  being  the  season  for  canning,  SLIM 
COATS  comes  up  with  an  appropriate  yarn 
concerning  a  couple  of  cans,  a  lug  of 
peaches  and  some  watermelon  preserves. 
Told  as  always  in  the  incomparable  Coats 
manner,  it's  a  classic.  Get  him  to  relate  it 
the  next  time  you  are  able  to  slow  him  down. 

BROWNIE  BROWN,  B-29  tailpipe,  is  the 
proud  possessor  of  a  piece  of  real  "govern- 
ment work."  It  is  a  ring  sent  to  him  by  his 
brother  and  was  made  from  a  piece  of  fuel 
line,  port  of  the  instrument  panel  and  inlaid 
with  a  gold  star  from  a  Jap  officer's  rank 
insignia.  Needless  to  soy  the  aforementioned 
ports  were  salvaged  from  a  demolished  Zero 
and  a  very  dead  Jap. 

ROW GUAGE"  OFFER  now  have  competition 
since  the  C-54  has  started  "railroading." 
B-29  tailpipe  is  in  there  too  steaming  along 
in  long  strings  of  box  cars.  It  looks  as  though 
CATCHER"  JONES  ore  in  for  a  little  roil 
splitting  under  the  present  set-up. 

I  con  now  truthfully  say  without  reserva- 
tion that  I  have  met  up  with  at  least  one 
true  optimist.  HANK  HANGGI,  bent  on  a 
fishing  trip,  mode  the  rounds  the  eve  of  his 
departure  presenting  to  all  who  would  take 
them,  little  slips  of  paper  bearing  his  ad- 
dress and  telephone  number.  "I'm  going 
fishing  in  the  morning,"  said  Honk,  "and 
if  you  like  fish  and  wont  one,  just  give  me 
a  ring  at  this  number  and  the  fish  will  be 
yours!"  I  never  followed  him  around  but  I 
swear  that  he  passed  out  at  least  a  couple 
of  hundred  of  those  little  slips  of  paper. 
I    haven't   heard,   as  yet,   how  he   mode  out. 

RED  JONES  is  bock  on  the  night  shift 
again  after  a  short  hitch  on  first.  He  is  now 
major-domo  on  A-20-H  semi-collector  pro- 

—  19  — 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

There  wa:  a  sandy  dry  beach,  the  air  was 
just  cool  enough,  the  waters  of  the  bay  lay 
like  a  giant  mirror  reflecting  the  stars.  A 
large  fire  was  built  and  as  red  and  yellow 
flames  raised  skyward  fifty-some  faces  look- 
ing with  eager  eyes  in  the  fire.  That  is  the 
picture  many  of  us  will  carry  in  our  minds 
for  years  to  come  whenever  we  see  a  crowd 
around  a  beach  fire.  And  those  weenies — 
did  they  taste  good  after  they  were  toasted 
over  that  bed  of  red-hot  coals! 

We  would  mention  PAUL  who  was  so  nice 
to  see  the  food  was  on  hand,  MIKE  the  boy 
that  brought  in  the  wood.  FRANK  and 
CARDINAL  who  were  the  boy  scouts  that 
built  the  fire.  Let's  see  who  hove  we  to 
thank  for  the  hatchet?  Then  MAGGIE  and 
RUTH  were  so  kind  to  chop  all  that  sweet 
onion  relish.  Did  you  ever  hear  of  a  water- 
melon getting  so  cold  it  cracked  all  apart? 
Well  that  was  the  way  we  saw  it  lost.  There 
were  bathing  beauties  enjoying  that  nice 
bay  water.  They  went  in  again  and  again. 
We  heard  Paul  went  in  for  a  swim,  but  some 
thought  he  went  in  for  a  bathing  beauty. 
Not  Paul. 

Thanks  CONKLIN  for  bringing  your  "har- 
monikey,"  JERRY  LAMB  and  ROY  can  sure 
make  it  talk.  With  all  the  singing  under 
the  powerful  leadership  of  ARCHIE.  Folks 
never  forget  to  sing — it  just  does  something 
to  that  old  heart  inside. 

Those  solos  by  RAY  (Sinatra)  BERNER 
v/ere  good  to  listen  to.  More  next  time,  we 

CONKLIN  has  bought  a  car,  and  it  runs. 
Not  without  gas  though. 

We  hope  before  now  "OLIE"  will  be 
getting  better. 

In  each  of  our  hearts  we  do  wish  you 
0  lot  of  happiness  LOIS,  and  that  goes 
for  your  hubby  too. 

Soy  if  you  have  a  few  nice  thoughts  of 
fun  or  praise  just  jot  it  down,  hand  it  to 
your  leadman  and  he  will  see  that  it  gets 
from  U  to  Me. 

duction.  Congratulations,  Red!  BILL  GRAY 
has  also  joined  the  ranks  of  the  "Blue 
Stripers"  being  appointed  to  lead  spot  on 
A-20-B.  JIM  CONKLE,  leadmon  in  hangar 
adjustment,  is  vacationing  this  week  by 
building  himself  a  home  somewhere  near 
the  cone  brakes  in  El  Cajon. 

So  goes  the  stuff  and  nonsense. 

I  sit  here  in  my  lonely  room 
Enshrouded  in  the  deepest  gloom 

Searching  my  barren  mind 

Hoping  somehow  to  find 
A  beginning  and  an  end  to  this". 

The  radio — marvelous  spanner  of  space — 
Changes  its  tempo  and  seeks  to  embrace 

The  muse  that  eludes  me, 
The  mind  that  refutes  the 
Glimmerings  of  thoughtful  gist. 

*This;  a  colloquialism  used 
in  Missouri,  meaning  corn. 

You  know  when  you  get  right  down  to 
the  crux  of  the  matter,  work  is  what  wins 
the  wars,  saves  our  sanity,  mokes  life  in- 
teresting, and — sh-h-h!  is  a  pretty  good 
way  to  get  hold  of  a  little  root  of  all  evil. 
Perhaps  the  song,  "Work,  for  the  Night  Is 
Coming,"  should  be  revised  to  read,  "Work 
to  Keep  the  Night  from  Coming."  At  any 
rate  a  lot  of  us  like  the  song,  and  we've 
heard  it  many  times  through  the  days  of 
our  years. 

Do  you  girls  admire  the  Navy?  Perhaps 
that  likeable  twinkle  in  FRANK  STONE- 
STREET'S  eyes  is  a  remnant  of  his  years 
spent  OS  on  ensign  in  the  Navy  of  the  first 
World  War. 

NORMAN  GINN  and  his  wife  hove  just 
passed  through  o  very  bod  time.  Their  lit- 
tle baby  girl  died  shortly  after  its  birth. 
Mrs.  Ginn  was  grief-stricken  and  quite  ill 
for  some  time,  but  seems  to  be  in  better 
health  now.  We  extend  to  you  both  our 
deepest  sympathy  in  the  loss  of  the  child. 

The  last  few  months  hove  seen  quite  a 
few  of  our  members  out  on  sick  leave,  but 
almost  everybody  is  back  with  us  again. 
ART  FUCHS  returned  to  work  on  July  19; 
FRANCES  BENNETT  come  bock  on  August 
I;  PHiLA  FROHMAN  ended  her  leave  on 
July  27;  FRANK  "D.  A."  PAGE  brought 
his  wife  back  to  Son  Diego  and  was  at  work 
again  on  July  14;  WALLIE  HINMAN  com- 
pleted his  sick  leave  on  July  31,  and  come 
back  to  work  looking  brown  and  fit  as  a 
fiddle;  GEORGE  HULSE  will  probably  be 
back  from  his  business  trip  to  Idaho  shortly 
after  the  middle  of  August;  RUTH  GATES 
will  probably  return  around  August  7;  and 
everyone  hopes  that  ALICE  COURTRIGHT 
is  well  enough  to  be  with  us  again   soon. 

Vocations  ore  exerting  their  customary 
mid-summer  lure.  Indulgers  hove  been  the 
following;  FRANK  FLINT,  ROCHFORD 
STOCKWELL.  Believe  you  all  hod  nice  re.ts, 
and  know  you  deserved  it.  Deacon  Stockwell 
says  that  he  was  cheated;  his  vacation 
brought  no  fish,  no  fishing,  and  it  was  all 
cluttered  up  by  a  bunch  of  inlaws! 

The  bond  drive — less  any  popular  appeals 
or  ballyhoo — is  still  going  well.  MARY 
TOWNSEND  is  buying  a  bond  each  week; 
"CHRIS"  CHRISTJAENER  has  doubled  her 
bond  allotment;  BARNEY  HOLBROOK 
bought    0    sizable    cash    bond    for    his    son; 

JIMMY  MOORBY  bought  another  good- 
sized  bond  for  his  wife  and  himself.  Many 
others  are   increasing   their  purchases. 

New  people  on  the  first  shift  are  EMMA 
J.  J.  WALTER,  U.  S.  N.,  is  a  welcome  addi- 
tion on  second  shift,  as  is  also  DELORES 
RINZEL.  We're  very  glad  you're  here,  and 
are  looking  forward  to  a  long  and  pleasant 
association  with  each  of  you. 

The  News 

Marion  Dawes  and  Billie  Shaffer 

We've  been  a  half-confirmed  rumor  long 
enough,  so  we've  decided  to  burst  into  print 
and  prove  we're  really  here.  Hope  you  oil 
will  help  to  make  this  column  a  success  for 
the  glory  of  dear  ol'  Department  30. 
Keeping   Posted 

"HOT  FOOT"  GEER,  our  super  supervisor, 
slowed  down  long  enough  to  attend  o  sur- 
prise party  given  for  him  by  the  folks  in  the 
stock-room.  The  occasion  was  his  birthday, 
but  we  are  too  polite  to  ask  how  many 
candles  adorned  the  coke.  Many  happy  re- 
turns, Byron,  from  all  of  us! 

FREDA  WOLFE,  of  the  stock-room,  is  still 
among  the  faces  we  miss.  Freda  took  a  leave 
of  absence  in  order  to  see  more  of  her 
brother,    who  came    home   from    foreign   ser- 

vice; then  had  her  leave  extended  because 
of  illness  in  the  family.  It's  too  bod  such  a 
joyous  occasion  hod  to  give  way  to  one  of 
illness,  but  that's  the  way  things  go.  Hurry 
bock,  Freda! 


We  don't  mean  the  kind  that  comes  on 
paper,  but  rather  people  like  SYLVIA 
SAYRE,  Shop  Follow-up,  who  moved  right 
out  of  our  beat  and  in  with  the  day  shift. 
Also  take  ANN  NICHOLSON.  She's  punch- 
ing the  clock  at  Hydro-Press,  filling  the  va- 
cancy created  by  LOUISE  BURGER'S  termi- 
nating. BETTY  WALLACE  moved  into  a 
desk  job  up  in  the  office.  In  short,  dispatch- 
ers are  a  very  trovelling  crowd  of  people. 
Like  poker  chips,  we  hove  no  home. 


We  would  like  to  requisition  on  orchid 
for  ANN  STEBBINS,  our  genial  department 
clerk.  Ann  and  her  husband,  Stanley,  come 
from  North  Dakota  to  do  their  part  in  the 
war  effort,  and  brethren,  they're  doing  it! 
Anything  from  on  aspirin  to  an  absentee  is 
right  in  her  line.  She  never  stops  for  breath, 
but  still  is  never  too  busy  to  exchange  a 
smile  and  o  cheery  word. 
Tog  Ends 

Too  bad  about  GLADYS  TRENHOLM'S 
cor  .  .  .  Parked  in  front  of  her  house  mind- 
ing its  own  business,  when  another  cor  rolled 
down  the  hill  and  pushed  it  into  a  third  cor. 
A  blitz  couldn't  hove  done  much  more  dam- 

Delicious  fudge  EDDIE  DE  MARS  mokes 
to  send  the  little  woman  in  the  WACS  .  .  . 
at  least  that's  his  claim. 

H.  W.  Graham  of  Tooling,  right,  gets  the  Bronze  Production  Star  from  Douglas  Jones, 
head  of  the  patent  department  at  Ryan.  The  Bronze  Star  is  awarded  only  to  men 
who  have  submitted  500  points  woith  of  Shop  Suggestions — and  Graham  is  the  second 
man  in  the  plant  to  qualify  (E.  L.  Williams  of  Inspection  was  first).  Graham  now  has 
over  800  points,  so  is  well  on  his  way  to  the  1000-point  Silver  Production  Star. 

—  20  — 

Assistant  Reporters 
Crib  1       .      .      .    Edna  Farnsworth 
Crib  3  Jeanetts  Thompson 

Crib  4 Bill  Rossi 

Crib  5  .    Marjorie  Steverding 

Crib  7      .      .      .        Marjorie  Bclos 

August  5  will  be  another  gala  day  for  the 
Inspection  Department — the  Annual  Picnic 
is   scheduled  on   that  date.  (By   the   time 

this  issue  is  out,  the  picnic  will  have  come 
and  gone  so  any  highlights  will  have  to  be 
reported  in  our  next  edition.)  We'll  never 
forget  that  rolling  pin  throwing  contest  and 
our  privilege  of  watching  MRS.  C.  D.  WIL- 
COX display  her  skill.  We'll  watch  her  this 

It  is  always  interesting  to  know  that  peo- 
ple have  loved  ones  in  the  armed  forces. 
Some  of  our  cribs  have  listed  their  nearest 
reatives,  others  will  do  it  for  the  next  edi- 

Crib  3 — 

GUY  F.  KYLER,  a  brother  in  the  army, 
now  discharged;  FREDA  BARKER,  husband 
in  the  Navy;  CLARENCE  LAFLEUR,  a 
brother  in  the  Marine  Corps  overseas,  and  a 
sister  in  the  Navy;  PAUL  ATKINSON,  an 
uncle  in  the  Navy;  BILL  WELLS,  a  brother- 
in-law  in  the  Navy;  GORDON  TASCOTT,  a 
son-in-law  in  the  Navy;  JIM  RING,  brother- 
in-law — Navy;  J.  R.  KENNEDY,  son,  dis- 
charged— Coast  Artillery;  F.  A.  KENDRICK, 
a  nephew — Army;  JEAN  DAVIS,  husband- 
Navy;  JENNIE  SCHROEDER,  husband— Ma- 
rines, 2  brothers-in-law  Army;  INEZ  SALAS, 
brother — Navy;  GEORGE  TIEDEMAN,  broth- 
er— Army;  JEANETTE  THOMPSON,  husband 
— Marine;  brother-in-law  in  Army  and  one 
in  the  Marines;  CARMACK  BERRYMAN, 
step-father — Navy;  GORDON  BECKER,  one 
brother — Navy,  one  brother — Army  Air 
Corps,  one  brother-in-law — Army;  DORO- 
THY TRUDERSHEIM,  two  brothers  in  the 
Army  Air  Corps  and  6  cousins  ranging  in 
rank  from  Captain  to  Pfc. 

Crib  4 — Did  You  Know? 

That  ALICE  JOHNSON  can  jitterbug  now 
along  with  the  best  of  them?  That  LEONA 
DAY  was  given  a  farewell  send-off  by  the 
girls  in  Small  Parts  Inspection?  That  SU- 
SAN ROWAN  has  returned  from  that  east- 
ern trip  just  as  sweet  as  ever?  What's  hold- 
in'  ya  boys?  That  BEVERLY  MOORE  has  a 
beautiful  ring  with  a  diamond  or  so  more, 
and  claims  the  most  wonderful  man  in  the 
world  gave  it  to  her — her  father?  The  fun- 
ny part  of  the  whole  thing  is  that  she  isn't 
kidding.  That  D.  J.  DONNELLY  has  just 
returned  from  L.  A.?  It  seems  like  old  times 
with  his  cheery  greeting  to  all  his  fellow 
workers.  That  EVELYN  GOBER  seems  to 
smile  continuously — even  when  she  tries  to 
convince  people  she's  feeling  badly  and  has 
0  temperature?      That  WILMA  HARPER  has 

lost  another  pound  (from  laughing)?  That 
W.  S.  COTTRELL  is  one  of  the  busiest  and 
most  capable  inspectors  we  have?  That  D. 
Y.  OLSEN   is  one  of  our  new   inspectors  and 

0  very  welcome  one?  That  K.  H,  SHEHI  is 
really  swinging  along  fine  on  the  third  shift? 

Crib  5 — 

"On  the  Beam  And  Off  The  Record  with 

Blame  the  humidity  if  this  column  sounds 
rather  "wacky"  this  time.  We  are  really  be- 
ginning to  feel  the  ,heat  around  here.  To 
the  extent  of  circulating  a  petition  and  now 
we  ore  all  hoping  that  the  cool  breezes  will 
start  circulating  as  well.  RODNEY  RAILS- 
BACK,  our  amiable  lead  man,  has  finally 
landed  his  house,  after  waiting  over  a  year 
to  move,  and  then  only  next  door;  but  that 
isn't  unusual  out  here.  We  all  miss  our  gal 
friend  FRANCES  CARR  and  her  cute  hair  do. 

1  especially  miss  her  Missouri  drawl  when 
she'd  greet  me  with,  "Well,  good  for  you" 
every  morning.  "PAPPY"  GRIMES  has  the 
tallest  tomato  plants  and  the  tallest  stories 
to  go  with  them.  He  informed  me  that  he 
has  to  use  a  ten-foot  stepladder  to  tie  up 
the  plants.  35  to  50  tomatoes  is  only  aver- 
age. That  is  really  a  record  for  some  of 
you  gardeners  to  shoot  at.  We  are  plenty 
proud  of  our  Supervisor,  LARRY  ANDER- 
SON, for  walking,  or  I  should  say  riding 
away,  with  the  Gold  Loving  Cup  at  the 
Horse  Show,  for  being  the  best  all-around 
Ryan  Cowboy.  (I  told  you  that  guy  really 
understands  horses.)  And  so  folks  that's 
all  for  this  time,  as  the  heat  has  really  got 
me,  but  I  suppose  by  the  time  this  comes 
out,  we  will  hove  it  so  cool  in  here  that  we 
will  need  our  silver  foxes  to  keep  us  warm. 
On  second  thought,  we  hove  wolves  enough 
around  here  to  do  that  now.  To  FRANCES 
CARR  we  dedicate  this  original  poem:  "The 
friends  we  make  out  here  are  swell.  We  get 
to  know  them  pretty  well.  And  then  as  time 
goes  swiftly  on,  We  find  one  day  our  friends 
are  gone."      MS 

Crib  7 — 

Relatives  of  Crib  No.  7  Personnel  in  the 
Armed  Forces:  J.  P.  WESTLER:  2  brothers, 
one  an  Ensign  in  the  Amphibious  Corps  and 
one  a  Lt.  in  the  Medical  Corps.  A.  SCHRIE- 
NER:  a  brother  who  is  a  Top  Gunner  on  a 
B-24  with  the  8th  Air  Force  in  England. 
W.  McCLELLAN:  a  brother  receiving  Baisc 
Training  in  the  Army.  P.  F.  DUKELOW:  2 
brothers,  one  a  Chief  Aviation  Machinist 
Mate  U.  S.  N.;  the  other  one  attending  En- 
gineering School  in  Seattle,  Washington. 
J.  BOULDIN:  a  cousin  who  is  a  Staff  Ser- 
geant in  the  Combat  Engineer's  Battalion. 
D.  PIERCE;  a  brother  who  is  a  Lt.  in  the 
Army  Air  Corps,  piloting  B-24's.  J.  C.  AT- 
KINS: 2  sons,  one  a  sailor  and  one  a  Ma- 
rine. R.  L.  ATKINS:  Relatives  in  every 
branch  of  the  service,  so  many  in  fact,  he 
can't  count  them.  M.  NICOL:  a  nephew 
in  the  Army.      H.  M.  POWELL:  4   nephews, 

2  in  the  Navy  and  2  in  the  Army.  One 
nephew,  on  Instructor  in  the  R.  A.  F.  was 
killed  in  the  line  of  duty.  A.  L.  HALLAND: 
a  son.  Fireman  1st  Class,  U.  S.  N.  V.  RUN- 
NER: Step-father,  Chief  Radioman  U.  S.  N. 
W.  SEVERSON:  a  cousin  who  is  a  Lt.  in  the 
Army  Air  Corps:  I.  HARRIS:  2  brothers,  one 
in  the  ground  crew  of  the  Army  Air  Corps, 
and  one  in  the  Ferry  Command.  C.  McAFEE: 
a  brother  who  is  a  pilot  in  the  Army  Air 
Corps.  C.  F.  COLE:  2  brothers,  one  is  A. 
O.  M.  1  -c  in  the  Navy,  aboard  the  carrier 
Enterprise;  the  other  is  a  Staff  Sergeant  in 
the  Army.  M.  BOLAS:  a  brother  serving 
overseas  in  the  Army;   cousins  in  the  R.A.F. 

Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle-Rack 

I  wish  to  congratulate  all  these  people 
for  their  fine  attendance  records.  Our  one 
perfect  record  so  for  is  held  by  JULE 
VAUGHAN  of  planishing.  He  hasn't  missed 
a  day  or  been  late  since  he  started  work 
April,  1943.  Mrs.  PAULINE  STICKT  of 
planishing  missed  only  a  half  day  since  she 
started  lost  September,  and  that  to  enable 
her  to  take  core  of  some  legal  matters. 
ELMER  CHURCH,  also  of  planishing,  has 
missed  only  a  day  and  a  half  since  March, 
1941,  and  as  yet  has  not  accepted  a  vaca- 

Another  fine  record  is  held  by  IVAN  GA- 
DEN,  a  drop-hammer  operator,  who  has 
missed  only  one  day  since  he  started  In 
September,  1940.  The  necessity  of  moving 
his  household  that  one  day  was  the  cause 
of  marring  that  otherwise  perfect  record. 
He  has  never  been  late  during  that  time 
and  has  accepted  only  one  week's  vacation. 

One  fully  appreciates  these  records  only 
after  witnessing  the  strain  these  people  work 
under  because  of  the  continual  noise  and 
jarring  from  the  drop-hammer  and  planish- 
ing hammers.  Again  we  doff  our  hots  to 
them.  That  is  one  form  of  loyalty  that  will 
beat  the  Axis. 

The  drop-hammer  and  hydro-press  per- 
sonnel helped  LORETTA  RODGERS  of  heat- 
treat  celebrate  her  birthday,  July  20,  by 
wishing  her  the  best  of  everything  and 
sharing  a   luscious  coke. 

misfortune  of  receiving  several  bod  burns 
from  the  salt  both  in  heat-treat.  All  ore 
healing  rapidly  now. 

CLAYTON  RUSH,  erstwhile  leodman  in 
drop-hammer,  paid  the  gang  a  visit  on 
Saturday  night  while  on  leave  from  Army 
duty.  Everyone  was  sure  glad  to  see  him  and 
he  looked  mighty  fine.  VERN  WINMILL,  a 
former  hammer  operator  who  is  now  in  the 
Air  Corps  at  Stockton,  is  making  rapid 
progress.  He  was  one  of  60  cadets  at  San'*i 
Ana  chosen  to  enter  a  special  course  that 
is  a  short  cut  to  the  B-25's.  These  boys  still 
have  to  do  as  much  studying  as  the  ones 
who  were  not  chosen.  Vern  says  to  say 
"hello"  to  all  the  gong. 

Speaking  of  servicemen,  here's  a  sugges- 
tion. When  you  have  a  get-together  of 
friends  of  someone  in  the  service,  why  not 
get  them  each  to  pen  a  few  lines  on  a  letter 
to  him  or  her?  I  am  sure  they  will  oblige  wil- 
lingly. The  happiness  the  one  in  service 
would  get  from  it  would  more  than  compen- 
sate everyone  for  the  effort. 

We  wish  to  welcome  these  new  employees: 
Leo  is  operating  a  drop-hammer  and  Al  is 
helping  with  the  dies.  We  were  all  sorry  to 
have  good-natured  ANGELLETTA  DIETRIK 
leave  us.  She  is  leaving  for  her  home  in 
Arkansas.  "Angle"  always  hod  a  smile  ready 
for  everyone. 



by  Leigh 

The  Show  Was  Free 

I  was  just  wondering  what  to  say  when 
Mr.  HOWES  started  it  off  with  a  Bang — 
At  least  he  gave  us  something  to  "wonder" 
about.  Seems  he  has  a  new  way  of  maneu- 
vering the  tired  Body.  Formula,  (as  far  as 
I  could  gather  in  the  startling  moment  he 
floated  by  my  desk!    As  follows: 

(Place  the  right  hand  behind  the  left  ear 
— in  back  of  head;  take  two  steps,  sw'nging 
the  left  arm  furiously  back  and  forth  each 
time;  hop  up  into  the  air  on  the  3rd  step; 
stop  and  repeat  automatically  until  destina- 
tion is  reached.) 

One  of  my  greatest  allergies  is — o  dentist. 
Now  I  don't  mean  that  they  aren't  a  boon 
to  mankind — and  stuff  like  that — but  have 
you  ever  been  told  when  small,  not  to  talk 
with  your  mouth  full?  Well,  evidently,  my 
dentist,  DOCTOR"S",  doesn't  believe  in  that! 
Or  else  he  has  a  clever  way  of  keeping  wo- 
men from  having  the  last  word.  I  went  to 
see  him  the  other  day  (dental  purposes! 
and  he  just  sort  of  grunted  at  me  while 
preparing.  Then  he  inserted  o  fist  and  a 
half  into  one  side  of  my  mouth,  holding  a 
drill  in  the  half  fist,  and  a  mirror  in  the 
other,  and  the  nurse  inserted  two  thirds  of 
both  her  hands  and  an  exhaust  pump  of 
some  kind,  which  blew  air  down  my  throat 
so  forcefully  that  my  tonsils  were  doing  o 
Samba.  And  Then — he  started  talking  to 
me!   Isn't  that  just  like  a  dentist? 

He  asked  the  nurse,  "Wasn't  that  jani- 
tress  very  dark — looked  like  an  African,  like 
Miss  McDonald  here?"  I  struck  at  him  with 
my  foot,  but  missed,  and  he  didn't  notice. 
Then  he  turned  to  me  saying,  "Will  you  be 
my  janitress  for  a  penny  a  day?"  "As  I 
couldn't  answer  of  course,  without  biting  a 
few  fists  off,  I  said  nothing — .  So  he  re- 
taliated with:  "Oh,  a  cheapskate,  huh?  Well, 
all  right  then,  I'll  give  you  a  penny  and  a 

Tactfully,  I  said  nothing.  He  then  studied 
my  teeth  again — then  suggested  he  pull 
all  my  teeth!  I  began  to  squirm,  but  what 
could  I  do?  The  worst  come  last.  As  he  saw 
my  brand  new  diamond  engagement  ring, 
he  looked  at  it,  called  the  nurses  in,  and 
said,  "Hm!  good  day  at  Kress's,  wasn't  it?" 
Well,  but  after  all  was  over,  he  really  mode 
me  feel  much  better.  He  knew  my  fiancee, 
and  proceeded  to  praise  him — ending  with 
the  remark,  "Well,  I  don't  know  about  him 
— but  You're  pretty  lucky.  Tsk.  Tsk."  But 
the  best  port  of  it  all,  the  joking  aside,  he 
didn't  hurt  me  at  all.  So  why  spend  money 
at  a  theatre,  when  you  can  hove  both  dental 
care,  and  entertainment  for  the  some  price? 
(A  small  fee  will  be  charged  to  each  extra 
sensitive  person  who  wishes  me  to  direct 
them  to  this  super-dentist!) 

We  said  goodbye  to  JEANNE  ANDERSON 
lost  week,  who  left  because  of  recurrent 
illnesses.  The  department  presented  her  with 
a  luggage  tan  leather  shoulder  strap  purse 
as  her  parting  gift. 

JUNE  HUNTER  is  in  Los  Angeles,  of  the 
illness  and  death  of  a  very  close  friend. 
The  department  wants  to  extend  deepest 
sympathies  to  her,  and  to  JUNE  LEEPER, 
who  lost  her  fother  recently. 

A  free  bond  show,  for  Ryanite  bond-buyers  only,  was  given  by  the  Broadway  theatre 
during  the  Fifth  War  Loan  drive.  A  preview  of  "Christmas  Holiday"  with  Deonna 
Durbin  was  shown  to  Ryan  employees  who  packed  the  theatre. 

At  present,  the  "Shipperettes"  Bowling 
team  seems  to  be  up  in  the  air.  With  the 
definite  loss  of  JEANNE  ANDERSON  and 
her  husband  as  scorekeeper,  and  the  tem- 
porary loss  of  the  two  JUNE'S,  it  leaves  them 
without  enough  to  constitute  a  full  team. 
There  is  some  hope,  however,  of  recruiting 
new  players. 

Also — as  a  loss  in  the  future  will  be  our 
genial  GENE  TALBOTT,  who  is  to  go  back 
home  to  Iowa  for  school  this  fall.  He  intends 
to  leave  in  two  weeks.  Gosh,  Gene,  the  ship- 
ping gang  will  really  miss  you — Especially 
those  poor  unfortunates  who  suffered  the 
bruises  inflicted  by  you  and  your  original 
type  of  Jiu  Jitsu  at  the  bowling  gomes! 
Anyway,  anybody  is  lucky  to  get  to  go  back 
to  school,  so  more  luck  to  you.  We  promise 
to  take  care  of  PAUL  when  you're  gone. 

Dresses  in  the  shipping  department  instead 
of  slacks  really  started  something.  Heard 
about  that  girl  that  said,  "It  sorta  scared 
me  that  first  day  I  donned  a  dress  after  so 
many  dark  months  of  wearing  slacks.  I 
looked  down  and  couldn't  figure  out  what 
those  things  were  stretching  below  my 
clothes,  but  finally  was  assured  that  they 
were  legs.  At  least  that's  what  the  fellows 
assured  me." 

EVELYN  HAMILTON  got  see-vere  sun- 
boin!  Well,  now  wouldn't  any  one  after  3 
hrs.  45  minutes  continuous  sunning?  Heard 
something    about    her    husband    pushing    her 

—  22  — 

back  in  the  woter  all  the  time,  but  from 
what  I  hear — I'd  bet  it  was  "THAT"  book 
she  was  telling  me  about  that  made  her  for- 
get all  time! 

Well — so  much  for  so  much,  and  how 
about  a  little  more  of  Samual  Hoffenstein's 

You  work  and  work,  and  keep  on  working 
While  poets,  even  worse,  are  shirking; 
Your  hair  falls  out,  your  eyes  grow  bleory. 
Your  bones  grow  old,  your  outlook  dreary; 
But  you  never  seek  to  break  the  fetters — 
You  go  on  filing  useless  letters. 
Well,  a  day  arrives,  end  it  must  be 

spring  yet; 
The  birds,  somehow,  begin  to  sing  yet; 
The  gross  is  green,  the  cows  ore  mooing, 
The  flies  are  buzzing,  the  people  shooing. 
The  air  is  fresh — it  makes  you  tipsy — 
And,  all  of  o  sudden,  you  turn  gypsy. 
The  thought  of  the  office  makes  you 

You  come  in  late,  you  go  home  early; 
The  thought  of  the  office  makes  you 

You  come  in  later,  you  go  home  earlier 
You've  worked  enough,  you've  earned 

the  leisure 
To  have  some  poor,  but  honest  pleasure. 
No  desk,  you  think,  should  rise  and 

quell  you — 
And  what  do  you  get?  Do  I  have  to 

tell  you? 

At  the  risk  of  becoming  known  as  Nos- 
tradamus Coats,  I  am  going  to  make  a  few 
prophecies  on  the  far-reaching  effects  of 
the  general  food  rationing  plan.  It  will  in- 
fluence love  and  romance.  It  will  influence 
music.  It  will  influence  people  and  win  and 
lose  friends. 

The  effect  of  the  food  ration  plan  on  love 
and  romance  is  as  obvious  as  why  the  Venus 
de  Milo  never  won  the  national  bowling 
championship.  Do  you  think  for  a  minute 
that  in  the  future  a  man  with  a  great  big 
appetite  would  even  consider  courting  a  girl 
with  a  big  appetite?  No,  indeed,  not  when 
there  ore  sparrow-like  eaters  running  around 
with  just  as  many  "points"  as  the  hefty  eat- 

From  now  on  the  real  charm  of  a  maid  for 
0  man  will  not  lie  in  blue  eyes,  or  dimples, 
or  skill  at  needlepoint,  but  rather  in  how 
she  tucks  away  the  food  when  it  is  placed 
in  front  of  her. 

Just  as  heiresses  hove  been  warned 
against  someone  marrying  them  for  their 
money,  light-eating  girls  are  cautioned 
"ore  you  sure  that  it  is  you  he  loves,  my 
dear,  and  not  all  those  ration  points  you 
hove  left  each  month?" 

Men,  of  course,  will  face  the  same  dan- 
ger. The  most  eligible  man  in  town  may 
be  the  fellow  with  stomach  ulcers.  Girls 
who  like  their  food  are  going  to  think  twice 
before  plighting  their  troth  to  a  man  who 
needs  700  or  800  points  a  day  to  keep  his 
6-foot,  200-pound  frame  moving  around. 
When  inquiring  into  a  suitor's  background 
parents  will  care  more  about  the  oats  he 
has  eaten  than  the  ones  he  has  sown. 

The  ration  plan  will  result  in  a  thousand 
new  songs.  Already  the  slap-happy  Mo- 
zorts,  Bachs,  Beethovens  and  Wagners  of 
Tin  Plan  Alley  are  hard  at  work  composing 
immortal  songs  to  the  food  shortages.  Here 
are  a  few  likely  titles:  "I  met  a  700-point 
Baby  in  an  A  and  P-ee  Store."  "My  Heart 
Went  on  a  Riot  when  I  met  a  Girl  On  a 
Diet."  "My  Heart  is  all  A-flutter  Over  a 
Gal  Who  doesn't  Like  Butter."  "I  Can't 
Ration  my  Passion  for  You." 

Just  wait  and  see,  there'll  be  some  even 
worse  than  those. 

As  for  friendship,  the  food  you  serve  a 
guest  in  your  home  is  going  to  show  plainer 
than  any  of  your  other  actions  how  much 
you  think  of  him.  Give  him  a  dinner  that 
cost  more  points  than  Notre  Dame  gets  in 
one  season  and  he  will  think  of  you  ds  a  true 

On  the  other  hand,  give  him  a  dinner 
which  his  knowing  eye  will  quickly  see  hasn't 
cost  you  more  than  a  few  measly  points 
from  your  ration  book  and  he  will  never 
again  shake  your  hand  with  the  same  fer- 
vor. For  the  first  time  since  the  founding 
of  this  country  friendships  are  going  to  be 
mode  and  lost  over  such  items  as  canned 
sifted  peas,  dried  apricots,  catsup,  and 
noodle  soup. 

In  the  future,  ration  points  will  determine 
the  great  hosts  and  hostesses  of  the  country. 
Those  who  are  willing  to  sacrifice  all  week 
to  really  give  a  bang-up  dinner  on  Saturday 
night,  and  not  necessarily  the  wealthy,  will 
be    famed    entertainers.      Already   old    Nos- 

tradamus Coats  con  see  the  society  columns. 
A  big  dinner  will  be  written  like  this: 
"The  highest  point  dinner  of  the  season 
was  given  last  evening  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Gus 
Riboflavin.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Riboflavin,  who 
hod  existed  on  plentiful  cereals  for  a  fort- 
night in  order  to  give  the  2700-point  din- 
ner, were  so  weak  they  had  to  be  helped 
to  the  table  at  an  early  hour.  The  dinner 
started  with  a  60-point  appetizer,  was  fol- 
lowed by  a  200-point  clear  soup,  a  500- 
point  entree,  and  they  shot  the  rest  of  the 
points  on  the  salad  and  the  dessert." 

Maybe  this  all  sounds  far  fetched,  but 
wait  and  see.  Nostradamus  Coats  has  never 
mode  a  wrong  prediction  on  general  food 
rationing  in  the  United  States. 

Cheyenne,    Wyoming 

"Hove  you  ever  seen  the  sunrise 

On  the  high  and  rollin'  plain? 
Did  you  ever  smell  wet  sagebrush 
After  sudden  springtime  rain? 
In  Wyoming?  — Anon. 

I  always  like  to  come  back  to  Wyoming. 
It  was  a  stamping  ground  for  many  a  cow- 
woddie  now  working  at  Ryan.  Just  men- 
tion Wyoming  to  Frank  Walsh,  and  watch 
his  eyes  light  up  like  a  pawn-shop  window. 
Mention  it  to  the  Marlotts,  Dole  Foris,  Carl 
Thomas  or  Frank  Kindoll. 

Probably  some  of  you  hove  never  been 
to  Wyoming;  you  really  have  missed  some- 
thing. Shall  I  tell  you  a  little  about  it? 
Too  late,  I'm  started  now  and  I'm  going  to 
finish  it.  The  part  of  the  Wild  West  that 
remained  wild  the  longest  is  Wyoming.  As 
late  as  1909  the  cowmen  and  sheepmen 
of  Wyoming  were  settling  their  arguments 
with  gun  play.  Around  1913  the  citizens 
of  Wyo.  began  to  tame  down.  By  1916 
even  the  wolves  were  tamer  as  in  that  year 
a  wolf  was  trained  to  carry  the  mail.  How- 
ever, the  women  of  Wyoming  were  still  a 
little  wild  in  1919  as  at  that  time  a  female 
horse  thief  was  arrested  near  Cheyenne. 

Cheyenne  is  pronounced  Shy-Ann.  That 
reminds  me,  what  ever  became  of  Simone 
Simone?  .  .  .  President  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt 
visited  Wyoming  three  times  during  the 
summer  of  1936  .  .  .  Nellie  Tayloe  Ross 
elected  Governor  of  Wyoming  in  1925,  was 
the  first  woman  Governor  of  the  state.  Mrs. 
Ross  now  has  charge  of  the  United  States 
Mint;  she  is  the  first  woman  to  have  that 
job  too  .  .  .  Tho  Wyoming  only  has  a  popu- 
lation of  250,000,  it's  78  times  as  large  as 
Rhode  Island  ...  In  my  opinion,  Wyoming's 
auto  license  plate,  with  a  likeness  of  a  cow- 
boy and  a  bucking  bronco  on  it,  is  the  most 
attractive  of  all  state  licenses  .  .  .  First  auto 
license  was  not  issued  in  Wyoming  until 

In  Owen  Wister's  best  seller,  "The  Vir- 
ginian," it  was  at  Medicine  Bow,  Wyoming, 
the  hero  gave  utterance  to  the  immortal 
words:  "Smile  when  you  soy  that."  The 
most  beautiful  town  in  Wyoming  is  Laramie, 
seat  of  the  University  of  Wyoming.  Bill 
Nye,  the  humorist,  was  once  editor  of  the 
Laramie  Boomerang.  In  1923,  when  Mr. 
A.  G.  Crone  arrived  from  the  East  to  begin 
his  duties  OS  president  of  the  U.  of  Wyo.  he 
was  met  by  over  500  students  each  riding 
horseback.  Silver  fox  raising  is  a  major 
industry  here. 

United  States  Petroleum  No.  3  is  in  Wyo- 
ming. This  is  the  oil  property  once  known 
as  the  Teapot  Dome.  Haven't  forgotten 
the  Tea  Pot  Dome  scandal,  have  you?  J.  C. 
Penny,  the  chain  store  magnate,  worked  as 
a  clerk  in  Kemmerer,  Wyo.  And  started  his 
first  store  there.  It  was  in  Kemmerer  that 
the  principal  barroom  had  a  huge  sign  dis- 
played,   reading    "Don't   buy   a    drink    before 

—  23  — 

Cafeteria  News 

by   Potsun   Panz 

It's  orchids  to  MAUDE  ROOT  and  T.  PAR- 
CHEN,  the  very  pleasant  third  shift  workers 
in  our  cafeteria.  Your  reporter  has  been 
unable  to  find  out  what  the  T  stands  for  but 
in  any  event,  we  congratulate  them  on  do- 
ing a  nice  job. 

The  big  smile  on  Chef  HOMER  CHANEY'S 
face  is  the  result  of  a  recent  visit  from  his 
son,  Norwood,  who  is  attached  to  the  Naval 
Air  Service.  VERA  BLAKELY  is  more  like 
her  old  self  since  she  received  news  from 
her  son,  Carrol,  who  is  in  Italy.  RAMOLA 
KILM  is  the  proud  possessor  of  a  new  home. 
This,  plus  word  that  her  son,  Donald  Youse, 
Seaman  First  Class,  is  well  and  safe  has 
mode  her  a  very  happy  person. 

LILLY  MAE  BARNES  tells  us  she  sends 
her  copy  of  Flying  Reporter  to  her  husband 
who  is  stationed  with  the  Second  Marines  in 
the  South  Pacific,  and  he  writes  her  that 
the  men  read  and  thoroughly  enjoy  our  ma- 
gazine. We  very  much  appreciate  this  fine 

Newcomers  include  STELLA  HOLLAND 
COLE.  Very  cordial  greetings  to  you  and 
we  hope  that  you  will  like  our  port  of  the 
Ryan  family. 

JUANITA  BARNES,  our  cafeteria  golf 
champion,  is  reported  to  have  shot  1  8  holes 
at  the  La  Mesa  course  in  92  which  is  really 

It's  hard  to  believe  but  nevertheless  it's 
true  that  DAISY  COLE,  our  expert  coffee 
maker,  is  a  grandmother  and  is  she  proud! 
HELEN  DERTH  has  returned  to  duty  after  a 
month's  leave  of  absence,  and  mighty  glad 
we  are  to  see  her. 

seeing  your  baby  has  shoes."  .  .  .  Remem- 
ber old  Sheriff  Oakley  of  Kemmerer?  Broth- 
er,  I  do  ..  . 

On  November  9,  1867,  John  Hardy  and 
John  Shaughnessy  fought  1 26  rounds  to  a 
draw  in  Cheyenne.  Wyoming  has  a  60-day 
divorce  low.  That's  only  1 8  days  more 
than  it  takes  to  get  a  divorce  in  Nevada. 
Women  getting  divorces  in  Wyoming  usually 
spend  the  necessary  60  days  on  a  dude 
ranch.  Cody,  Wyoming,  was  named  after 
the  famous  "Buffalo  Bill."  Cody  hod  re- 
ceived his  nickname  "Buffalo  Bill"  when  he 
chalked  up  a  record  of  shooting  4,280  bison 
in    1  8  months. 

There  is  a  college  sorority  convention  ban- 
quet being  held  at  the  hotel  here  in  Chey- 
enne. In  my  opinion,  90  per  cent  of  the 
college  girls  look  much  better  in  bobby  sox 
and  sweaters  than  they  do  in  evening  gowns. 

Cheyenne  also  has  one  of  the  finest  air- 
ports in  the  country.  It  is  directly  across  the 
pork  from  the  huge  grandstand,  home  of 
the  famous  Cheyenne  Frontier  Days  Rodeo. 
I  can  see  a  wove  of  nostalgia  hitting  the 
"bronc  peelers"  as  I  mention  this.  One 
thing  I  like  about  the  bars  here,  liquor  is 
not  rationed  out  with  an  eye-dropper  as  in 
other  states.  The  bartender  pours  until  his 
fingers  ore  wet,  then  he  knows  the  glass  is 


S    a  DASHES -- 



A  new  idea  is  to  be  installed  in  this  col- 
umn which  will  give  everyone  of  this  depart- 
ment a  c\\ance  to  help  in  writing  our  col- 
umn. Instead  of  the  usual  corn  dished  out 
by  yours  truly,  the  majority  of  space  will  be 
composed  of  six  or  seven  writeups  by  indi- 
viduals representing  each  group  of  Materiol 
Control.  All  employees  are  entitled  to  par- 
ticipate and  submit  on  unusual  write-up, 
not  exceeding  100  words,  about  someone  or 
some  event  concerning  their  group.  Let's 
go  folks  —  give  out  with  those  stories  and 
make  our  column  bigger  and  better  in  the 
near  future. 

As  an  example,  the  following  write-ups 
have  been  submitted  for  this  issue  to  help 
others  in  writing  for  the  next  issue. 

"And  They  Lived  Happily  Ever  After" 
By    Elsbeth    Hoisington 

The  slogan  of  the  Canadian  Mounted  Po- 
lice of  "get  your  man"  has  been  followed  by 
HELEN  FREY,  Material  Analyst  in  Govern- 
ment Reports  &  Statistics.  On  July  15, 
Helen  was  united  in  marriage  to  Mr.  Richard 
Powers  at  the  Unitarian  Church,  Dr.  Bard 
officiating.  Quite  a  number  of  relatives 
and  friends  were  present.  Helen  was  dressed 
in  a  biege  suit  with  harmonizing  colors  of 
brown  and  aqua  blue  and  wore  a  corsage 
of  talisman  roses.  The  groom  wore  a  suit 
of  dark  blue  gabardine.  Following  the  cere- 
mony, the  guests  attended  a  reception  at 
the  home  of  the  bride.  A  gorgeous  wed- 
ding cake  which  was  prepared  by  Helen's 
aunt  was  served  to  the  guests.  Following 
the  reception,  the  happy  couple  left  for 
Green  Valley  resort  for  a  honeymoon  of  sev- 
eral days.  The  personnel  of  Material  Con- 
trol joins  in  wishing  them  happiness. 

"Wishful  Thinking"  by  Helen  Powers 
Wish  I  had— 

A  ton  like  MARGE  WEST'S — ROSEMARIE 
HAINES'  beautiful  brown  eyes — as  much 
PAASKE'S  infectious  smile — nice  manners 
toctful  way  of  putting  people  at  ease — on 
upswept  hairdo  like  MARY  WILLIAMSON'S 
(When  I  put  mine  up  it  looks  like  a  bath 
coiffure! ) 

Wish  i  could — 

Ruffle  the  serenity  of  HOWARD  ULBERG, 
just  once!  Out-wisecrack  JONESY — buy  a 
dress  that  couldn't  possibly  be  relegated  to 
office  wear — choose  a  tie  for  SMITTY — get 
fruitful  ideas  like  our  reporter — play  the 

Office  Aircroff  Terms  Glossary 

Going  through  the  hopper — From  10  to 
100  people  performing  their  operation  be- 
fore it's  your  turn  to  do  the  same. 

A  good  deal — On  the  beam,  in  the  groove, 
or  you've  got  something  there. 

Paper  work  artist — One  who  con  moke 
much  of   nothing. 

Crud — Anything  for  which  there  is  no  ex- 

It  smells — Anything  that  does  not  agree 
with  your  opinion. 

It's  being  worked  on — Something  you  for- 
got to  do. 

A  hot  deal — The  kind  of  deal  that  always 
comes  up  when  you  are  behind  in  your  reg- 
ular work. 

Your  reporter  has  been  requested  to  con- 
vey the  thanks  and  appreciation  of  HELEN 
and  RICHARD  POWERS  for  the  beautiful 
wedding  gifts  presented  to  them  by  this  de- 

Farewells — 

Mrs.  CLEO  McCUBBIN  is  leaving  our 
group  August  12  and  will  be  greatly  missed 
by  us  all.  Cleo's  husband  received  a  phy- 
sical discharge  from  the  Navy  and  they 
are  to  return  to  Hot  Springs,  Arkansas,  for 
his  health.  Cleo  says  she  has  enjoyed  her 
year  and  o  half  at  Ryan  and  really  hates 
to  soy  goodbye  to  her  many  friends  so  she 
will  just  say  "I'll  be  seeing  you"  as  she  may 
be  bock  one  of  these  days. 

R.  S.  SMTH,  Supervisor  of  Manifold  Ma- 
terial Control,  is  enjoying  a  two-weeks  vaca- 
tion studying  the  beauties  of  noture  in  Yose- 
mite    National    Pork    with    Mrs.    Smith.  It 

looks    like    instead    of    Smitty,    the    beach- 
comber, it  will  be  Smitty,  the  backwoodsman. 

Hoots  &  Toots  from  Night  Owls — 
By  Elizabeth  Mitchell 

We  of  the  night  shift  have  been  wonder- 
ing about  those  gentlemen  who  have  been 
seen  smoking  Missouri  Meerschaums.  MR. 
SWENSON  have  been  sporting  fancy  new 
10c  corn  cob  pipes  filled  with  30c  tobacco. 
This  combination  has  us  all  baffled,  unless 
it  is  because  DORCUS  MANFULL  prefers 
pipes  to  cigars. 

A  birthday  coke  decorated  with  roses  for 
trimmings  and  the  inscription  POLLY  AN- 
DERSON (?)  is  another  question  we  would 
like  to  hove  clarified.  This  cake  marked 
another  milestone  for  Polly  and  a  treat  for 
Material  Control's  personnel  on  Polly's  birth- 
day. Pretty  Polly,  please  tell  us  if  a  new 
name  is  represented  by  that  question  mark 
OS  JACK  GOODMAN  and  his  curiosity  has 
the  rest  of  us  wondering. 

We  are  all  glad  to  have  ANDREW  BREU- 
ER  back  with  us  after  his  long  absence.  We 
really  missed  him. 

New  recruits  joining  our  ranks  are  in- 
deed welcome  and  we  hope  DORIS  FULLER, 
typist  for  MR.  MOORE,  DOTTIE  GULBRON- 
SON  and  CARL  HOPKINS  of  Purchased 
Parts,  ROBT.  PACE,  of  Gov.  Reports  and 
of  the  Aluminum  Group  will  like  their  new 
jobs  and  their  fellow  night  owls. 

Those  who  ore  leaving  us  are  going  to 
be  missed  and  we  all  join  in  saying  goodbye 
and  good  luck  to — 

JANE  WINTERS  leaving  to  join  her  hus- 
band who  has  returned  from  England  and 
is  waiting  in  New  York  City.  CLARA  BO- 
NARDI  is  being  transferred  to  Receiving — 
first  shift.  JACK  GOODMAN  transferring 
to  the  daylight  shift  with  the  Purchased 
Parts  group. 

—  24  — 

Carl  "Jack's  Beanstolk"  Coverston  really 
pulled  0  good  one.  Even  though  the  joke 
was  on  me,  it  showed  quick  thinking  end 
deserves  a  place  in  this  column.  I  was  in 
Carl's  way  when  he  tried  to  unlock  a  cabi- 
net. When  he  asked  me  to  move  aside  I 
stuck  my  little  short  fat  neck  out  a  foot  and 
asked  him  in  return  why  he  didn't  go  around. 
He  quipped,  "I  can't — I've  only  got  an  "A" 
cord!"  Next  time  I  pass  him  in  the  aisle, 
I'm  going  to  jump  up  and  bite  him  on  the 

Riddle:  Why  is  BERNARD  BERNES  like  a 
pair  of  old  suspenders? 

Answer;  Because  the  snap's  all  gone! 

When  I  want  some  salt,   I  want  it  to  pour 
Is  the  name  of  this  verse  about  LEONARD 

So  Leonard  proceded  to  shake  and  shake 
And  what  did  the  shaker  do,  but  break. 
Then  he  gathered  o  handful  from  the 

little  pile 
And  salted  his  food  in  excellent  style. 
If  you're  shocked  and  think  he  should 

I'm  a  witness  that  it  was  on  accident' 

AL  CROOKS  is  beginning  to  label  the 
members  of  the  steno  pool.  Best  nickname 
so  for  is  "Slim  Jim"  for  CLARISSA  RIDDLE. 
GENEVIEVE  DURHAM  was  recently  trans- 
ferred to  the  lob  and  we  were  just  getting 
ready  to  nickname  her  too.  I  You  know 
what'.  Before  she  was  married,  her  name 
was  Gunn  and  her  nickname  Bee-Bee.  She 
would  marry  a  fellow  named  Durhom!!  We 
miss  Genevieve  but  we  know  she'll  mix  even 
better  down  there  than  she  did  up  here. 
She's  going  in  the  Chemistry  dept.,  that's 
why!  We've  even  nicknamed  a  brand  new 
member  of  our  group,  Mr.  HANCE.  How  do 
you  like  "Fancy  Hance"? 

The  fellows  in  the  department  accused 
LEM  KOHLI  of  having  lipstick  on  his  collar 
but  Lem  wants  everybody  to  know  the  truth: 
It  seems  he  hod  his  white  shirt  washed  along 
with  a  red  sport  shirt,  or  maybe  it  was  o 
po'r  of  maroon  socks  and  that's  his  story. 
P.  S.  Have  you  heard  that  Lem  Kohli  hod 
lipstick  on   his  collar? 

We're  planning  another  one  of  those 
beach  parties.  This  will  be  No.  3,  I  believe. 
This  time  we  hope  to  have  Drew  Allen,  now 
of  the  Marine  Corps,  as  guest  of  honor  if 
LLOYD  drags  him  there. as  he  promises.  He 
was  the  best  baseball  player  we  hod  anyway. 
Wives,  children,  girl-friends,  bov-friends 
and  dogs  cordially  invited  os  usual. 

Speaking  of  Hats  .  . 

That  Ryan  women  are  endowed  with 
a  remarkable  sense  of  humor  wos  never 
more  ably  demonstrated  than  when  the 
new  safety  ruling  on  women's  cops  went 
into  effect. 

Our  first  inkling  of  their  hidden 
literary  and  artistic  humor  came  in  a 
petition  signed  by  twenty-five  members 
of  Sub-Assembly  requesting  that,  due 
to  the  painful  injuries  recently  suffered 
by  people  getting  their  tresses  caught 
in  moving  machinery,  Bill  Billings  be 
required  to  wear  a  safety  cap  to  protect 
his  hair  when  going  through  the  foctory. 

If  we  hadn't  known  better,  we  might 
have  thought  that  Bill  belonged  to  the 
musicians'  school  of  hoircuts.  But 
knowing  the  condition  and  giving  the 
matter  serious  consideration,  we  de- 
cided to  sign  the  petition,  too.  For  if 
Bill  Billings  has  a  hair,  we,  too,  would 
hate  to  see  him   lose  it. 

Jovial  Bill,  not  to  be  outdone,  came 
back  with  a  treatise  on  the  value  of 
hair,  but  concluded  that  he  now  realized 
that  if  a  man  has  no  hair,  there  is  no 
reason  for  him  to  try  to  cover  it  up 
with  a   hat. 

Well  that  was  just  the  start. 

A  few  days  later  an  inter-department 
letter,  purportedly  written  by  Ernie 
Moore,  but  evidently  devised  by  the 
girls  in  Manifold,  was  brought  to  our 
attention.  The  subject  .  .  .  Suggested 
Types  of  Caps  for  Women.  The  letter 
opened,  "In  an  effort  that  caps  for 
women  may  be  as  pleasing  as  possible, 
the  following  types  are  sketched."  Evi- 
dently Ryan  women  were  to  select  their 
model  according  to  their  own  individual 
personality,  or  their  age  or  their  home 
state.  A  modest  P.  S.  to  the  letter  said, 
"This  lacks  three  things — artistic  obil- 
■ity,    good    taste    and    common    sense." 

■ * 

Suiing  Shift 
Band  Starts 

The  embryo  Ryan  swing  shift  dance  bond 
had  a  rehearsal  Sunday  morning,  July  30, 
with  six  members  present.  This  was  the 
second  of  the  rehearsals  which  started  a 
short  time  ago,  and  which  will  be  continued 

Those  present  July  30  were  Don  D'Agos- 
tino,  leader;  Joyce  Larsen,  Bob  Follette, 
Jerry  Skloar,  Clayton  Pond  and  Martin  Bald- 

D'Agostino  states  that  more  musicians  ore 
wanted  at  once,  including  one  bass  player, 
one  trumpet  player,  four  sax  men,  two  trom- 
bone players  and  one  guitar  player.  Pros- 
pective members  should  leave  their  names 
with  Employee  Service  Department,  Marty 
Baldwin  in  Sheetmetal  Toolcrib  or  Buck 
Kelly,  night  superintendent. 

Plans  call  for  a  large  band  if  sufficient 
men  can  be  obtained,  and  a  number  of  play- 
ing engagements  are  anticipated. 

Several  of  those  who  originally  signed  up 
hove  not  been  present  at  rehearsals,  and  are 
advised  that  they  will  be  eliminated  from 
the  lineup  if  absences  continue. 

It's  up  to  you  to  keep  the  fire  en- 
gines away  from  the  factory.  Sure 
your  company  has  fire  insurance — 
lots  of  it.  But  that's  not  the  point. 
You  can't  make  airplanes  with 
money.  You  make  them  with  ma- 
chines and  tools. 

So,  use  extra  precaution  against 

Don't  smoke   in   prohibited   areas. 

Dispose  of  cigarette  butts  with 
special   care. 

Don't  occumulate  piles  of  waste 
materials  of  any  kind.  Oily  rags 
or  waste  are  especially  susceptible  to 
spontaneous  combustion. 

Fires  are  respectors  of  cleanliness, 
orderliness  and  good  maintenance. 
They  ore  respectors  of  thoughtful 
and  intelligent  workers.  They  are 
respectors  of  good  fire  protection. 
Let's  all  work  together  to  keep  the 
fire  engines  away  from  our  factory. 

Huiards  made  For 
Sliop  Suggestions 

At  the  Shop  Suggestion  Award  Meeting 
held  on  Saturday,  July  8th,  Douglas  Jones, 
head  of  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company's 
newly  established  Patent  Department,  dis- 
cussed in  some  detail  how  the  company  is 
now  equipped  to  assist  employees  in  the  de- 
velopment of  their  inventions  and  explained 
the  exact  terms  of  the  Ryan  Employee  Pat- 
ent Plon. 

The  following  people  were  presented 
awards  for  shop  suggestions; 


J.  W.  Chess Manifold  Assembly 

G.    E.    Christian Manifold 

Joseph    LeRoy    Conklin Final    Assembly 

James    B.    Lloyd Drop   Hammer 

W.    B.    Powell Manifold    Dispatching 

Irving  A.   Price Tool  Control 

F.  M.  Stevens Machine  Shop 

C.  W.    Terry Engineering 

Mrs.   D.  M.  Wright Manifold  Dispatching 


Jock  N.  Field Drop  Hammer 

R.   M.   Gonzales .Manifold 

Richard   Harlan Manifold   Development 

Brittinia  Lapoze Small  Ports 

Frank  Mix Sheet  Metal  Assembly 

M.    A.    Schwerin Tooling 

Henry    U.    Williams Hydro-Press 


Roy  W.    Bingham Manifold   Assembly 

Mrs.    F.    M.    Brown Finishing 

W.  W.    Donyluk Tooling 

E.   M.    Ebbs Stock   Room 

Dexter   E.    Eddy Manifold    Pre-Jig 

Orvol   N.   Hall Sheet  Metal 

Gordon   S.   McCoy ..Tool    Room 

Verne   C.    Madison Manifold   Assembly 

E.  J.    Morrow Sub-Assembly 

N.  F.  Newton Machine  Shop 

Demeter  Oprian Manifold   Assembly 

Harold  Peif... .Sheet  Metal  Cutting  &  Routing 

D.  R.  Stegmuller Sheet  Metal   Fabrication 

Fred    S.    Stewart Tooling 


Austin    Freeman Tool    Room 

F.  W.  Jennings Tool   Room 

D.   L.  Jervey Template  Making 

Gerald  W.   Lowe Lofting 

Donald  E.  Lumley Manifold  Assembly 

Glenn    E.    Murphy Sub-Assembly 

C.  C.   Ryker Stainless  Steel 

T.  Aubrey  Smith Tooling    Inspection 

R.   G.   Stockwel! Machine   Shop 

George    E.   Voughon Material    Control 

Stanley    Wilkinson Process    Inspection 

H.  W.  Graham Tool   Room 


All  discharged  veterans  of  World 
War  II  now  employed  at  Ryan  are 
being  listed  by  the  company.  If  you 
are  a  veteran,  please  write  your  name, 
department,  badge  number,  and  shift 
on  a  slip  of  paper,  and  send  it  in  the 
inter-department  mail  to  Frank  Saye, 
Industrial    Relations   Department. 

25  — 


Recreational  Director,  Paul  Tedford 

The  Score  Board 

The  Ryon  All  Stars  have  lost  their  last 
two  games  by  scores  of  10-9  and  5-4.  The 
loss  of  four  ball  players  to  Uncle  Sam,  plus 
the  inability  to  hit  with  men  on  bases,  has 
been  too  great  a  handicap  for  the  talent 
on  hand  to  overcome. 

The  Club  has  won  1  0  and  lost  6  for  both 
rounds  of  the  Summer  League  with  one  more 
game  to  be  played  with  Wensloff's  All  Stars 
who  are  on  top  of  the  league. 

The  games  during  the  season  have  been 
well  attended  and  except  for  one  or  two 
games  have  all  been  excellent  entertainment 
for  the  fans. 

Ryan  Icb  Skating 

For  the  benefit  of  swing  shift  industrial 
workers,  ice  skating  has  been  resumed  at 
the  Glacier  Gardens  directly  after  work  on 
Monday  and  Wednesday  from  midnight  to 
3:30  0.  m.  The  rink  is  located  at  175  South 
Eighth  Avenue.  Ryan  had  more  than  I  5 
skaters  interested  in  the  sport  last  winter, 
and  at  least  that  many  employees  ore  ex- 
pected to  turn  out  again.  Consolidated, 
Solar  and  Rohr  also  have  been  invited  to 
join  the  ice  skating  parties. 

Girls  Softball 

Managed  by  Dean  Hoffman  of  Wing  As- 
sembly, the  Ryan  girls  won  two  of  their  first 
three  starts  in  a  Softball  league  sponsored 
by  the  Son  Diego  city  recreation  depart- 

After  dropping  their  first  gome  to  River- 
lawn,  9-8,  the  Ryonettes  trimmed  Solar's 
girls,  3-2,  and  then  won  a  forfeit  from  the 
Convair  Stumblebums. 

Riverlawn  scored  two  runs  in  the  extra- 
inning  eighth  to  win  at  Golden  Hill  Wednes- 
day evening,  July  12.  Eight  errors  led  to 
the  downfall  of  Ryan — one  of  the  miscues 
coming   in   the  fatal   eighth. 

Helen  Schwenecker  was  the  shining  light 
at  bat  for  Ryan  with  two  ringing  hits  in  four 
times  up,  Cecilia  Miromontes,  shortstop, 
made  up  for  some  bobbles  in  the  infield  with 
two  singles. 

Mabel  Aldahl  yielded  only  six  hits,  while 
Ryan  nicked  the  Riverlawn  chucker  for  eight. 

Cleo  Runner  made  her  debut  as  a  Ryan 
pitcher  in  the  second  gome  and  defeated 
Solar  3-2  in  a  fast  gome  at  Horace  Mann 
before  a  large  crowd.  Connie  Davis,  third 
baseman  who  caught  for  the  Ryan  girls  in 
the  absence  of  Goldie  Hartsell,  scored  the 
winning  run  in  the  fifth  when  Solar  attempt- 
ed to  turn  a  line  drive  into  a  double  play 
and  threw  for  the  runner  to  the  plate  too 
late  to  catch  the  fleet  Davis. 

Martha  Takes  Second 

Industrial  Tennis  Winners 

gpr  ^i^^g 



^^^.  ^&— 

Left  to  right,  Carmack  Berryman  of  Ryan,  Bill  Bond  of  Consolidated,  Jock  Folsom  of 
Rohr  and  Howard  Smith  of  Ryan.  Berryman  and  Bond  won  the  men's  doubles  and 
Folsom  the  men's  singles. 

—  26  — 

Martha  Jones  of  Ryan,  left,  congratu- 
lates Lois  Olsen  of  Consolidated  after 
latter  won  women's  singles  title  in  In- 
dustrial tennis  tournament  at  North 
Park  courts   Sunday,  July   23. 

Golf  ileius 

Ryan  golfers  ore  reminded  they  have  un- 
til Monday,  September  4,  to  turn  in  their 
score  cards  in  the  annual  72-hole  tourna- 
ment. They  should  be  left  with  Paul  C.  Ted- 
ford,  recreation  director,  in  Employee  Ser- 

The  tournament  is  being  played  on  three 
courses — 18  holes  at  La  Mesa,  18  holes  at 
Emerald  Hills  and  36  holes  at  La  Jolla. 

M.  M.  Clancy,  golf  commissioner,  reports 
considerable  interest  in  the  tournament. 
Identical  prizes  will  be  awarded  for  low 
gross  and  low  net.  First  award  will  be  a  S25 
war  bond. 

"Choose  your  foursomes  as  soon  as  pos- 
sible. Let's  hove  a  big  turnout  for  this  tour- 
nament,"  Clancy  said. 


Carmack  Berryman  of  Ryan  and  Bill  Bond 
of  Consolidated  defeated  Howard  Smith  of 
Ryan  and  Jock  Folsom  of  Rohr  for  the  men's 
doubles  championship  in  the  annual  Indus- 
trial tennis  tournament  on  the  North  Park 
courts  Sunday,  July  23.  Folsom  won  the 
men's  singles  crown  from  Smith,  6-2,  6-S, 
7-5.  Honors  in  women's  singles  went  to 
Lois  Olsen  of  Consolidated,  who  defeated 
Martha  Jones  of  Ryan  in  the  finals,  6-2, 
2-6,  6-3.  Handsome  trophies  were  award- 
ed in  each  division.  They  were  donated  by 
all  the  aircraft  companies. 

"What  s  My  Batting  Average? " 

Leff  to  right,  Lloyd  Huffstutter,  Leo  Fundoro,  Manager  Cormack  Berrymon,  Howard 
Smith,  Jacic  Phillips  and  Bob  Smith  of  Ryan  Receiving  team  inspect  scorebook  after 
recent  Softball  gome  in  SB  league. 


Three  Ryan  men  and  two  Ryan  women 
each  won  a  $25  war  bond,  donated  by  Em- 
ployee Service  Department,  for  finishing 
among  the  "first  five"  during  all-Ryan 
Night  of  the  current  Head-Pin  Tournament 
at  the  Tower  Bowl  Saturday,  July  29. 

Charles  LeClare  paced  the  Ryan  entrants 
with  310  pins  out  of  a  possible  three-game 
series  of  360.  George  Dew,  286,  and  Rudy 
Riesz,   285,   were   the   other   men   who   won. 

Nan  Nader  was  high  for  the  Ryan  women 
with  a  score  of  270,  followed  by  Enid  Lar- 
sen's  234. 

LeClore's  310  score  may  qualify  him  for 
a  prize  donated  by  Tower  Bowl  for  the 
Head-Pin  Tournament  which  closes  Sep- 
tember 3. 

■ l!V 

men's  Softball 

With  a  record  of  five  wins  against  a  lone 
defeat,  Newell  Carlton's  Ryan  All-Stars  cap- 
tured the  first  round  title  in  the  Men's  A 
Softball  league. 

As  long  as  "Speedy"  Cole  is  on  the  firing 
line,  the  All-Stars  stand  an  excellent  chance 
of  winning  the  second  round,  too.  Manager 
Carlton  believes.  He  has  strengthened  his 
lineup  for  the  second  round. 

Cormack  Berrymon  has  token  over  as 
manager  of  Ryan  Receiving  in  the  BB  league 
for  the  second  round.  He  has  signed  some 
new  players  and  hopes  to  end  the  club's  los- 
ing streak.  Don  Walker,  Softball  commis- 
sioner, will  continue  as  manager  of  Ryan 
Tooling  in  the  BB  league. 

Ryan  will  be  represented  in  the  B  league 
for  the  first  time.  The  Shippers,  managed 
by  Paul  Eraser,  will  be  the  representative. 
They  held  their  first  practice  game  with 
Arden  Forms  at  Stockton  Field  Friday,  July 
28,  in  preparation  for  the  second  round  of 
league  ploy. 

Most  notable  of  the  Nite  Hawks'  victories 
in  the  Swing  shift  industrial  league  was  a 
I  -0  shutout  Frank  Lightfoot  hurled  against 
Rohr  on  Thursday  morning,  July  I  3.  Light- 
foot's  double,  following  Joe  Woggner's  sin- 
gle and  stolen  base  in  the  eighth  inning,  won 
the  gome.  Lightfoot  was  in  rare  form,  fan- 
ning eight  and  yielding  only  one  hit.  He 
mowed  down  the  opposition  I  -2-3  after  the 
first  Rohr  man  up  singled. 


Second  Shift 

By  Charles  A.  Carlson 

The  Ryan  Nitehawks  kept  their  slate 
clean,  as  far  as  the  post  three  weeks  were 
concerned,  by  winning  all  four  games.  One 
of  these  was  a  practice  game,  and  the  other 
three  league  gomes,  one  of  which  was  won 
on  a  forfeit  from  Consolidated  "Primary 

The  game  played  with  Rohr  at  Golden 
Hill,  July  13,  was  undoubtedly  the  best  of 
the  year  in  this  league,  and  as  good  as  any 
played  in  the  city — they  just  don't  come  any 

The  Rohr  lead-off  man  singled  to  left 
field  for  the  only  hit  his  team  got  from 
Frank  Lightfoot,  Nitehov/k  pitching  star. 
Besides  allowing  only  one  hit,  Frank  gave 
just  two  bases  on  balls.  His  team-mates 
played  faultlessly  afield. 

Walt  Anderson,  hurler  for  the  Rohr  team, 
did  almost  as  well.  He  had  a  no-hit  game 
until  the  final  inning.  In  this  inning,  Joe 
Waggner,  Nitehowk  second  baseman,  sin- 
gled to  right  and  advanced  to  second  on 
a  wild  pitch.  Then  with  two  down,  Frank 
helped  to  win  his  own  boll  gome  by  hitting 
safely  to  left,  scoring  Joe  with  the  winning 

This  winds  up  the  league  season  and  the 
Nitehawks  record  is  four  wins  and  three 
losses  to  finish  in  third  place. 

—  27  — 



(Continued  from  page  7) 

After  boot  camp  he  was  sent  to  machinist 
school  at  Norfolk,  Virginia,  where  he  got 
thorough  training  in  the  care  and  feeding 
of  all  kinds  of  machine  tools.  Then  he  was 
put  in  charge  of  the  machine  shop  on  on 
ammunition  transport  which  took  him 
through  the  Panama  Canal  sixteen  times  and 
to  the  Philippines  twice. 

Ten  months  before  he  was  discharged 
from  the  Navy  he  married  his  hometown 
sweetheart,  who  had  moved  to  Albany,  Ore- 
gon, and  whom  he  hod  continued  to  court 
by  moil.  They  decided  that  they'd  set  up 
housekeeping  wherever  he  happened  to  be 
when  the  Navy  turned  him  loose.  That 
proved  to  be  San  Diego. 

At  first  they  weren't  enthusiastic  about 
California.  It  looked  brown  and  dusty  that 
dry  summer  of  1939.  But  Don  browsed 
around  Son  Diego  for  several  days,  inquiring 
about  various  jobs,  and  finally  took  one  with 
Ryan.  Since  then  both  he  and  Mrs.  Miles 
hove  grown  considerably  happier  about  our 

Don  did  well  at  Ryan  from  the  very  start. 
He  began  in  the  Machine  Shop  on  the  night 
shift,  was  transferred  to  days  after  two 
months,  and  became  o  leadman  when  he 
had  been  here  less  than  a  year.  He  moved 
up  to  assistant  foreman  in  July,  1942,  and 
when  Clarence  Hunt  left  a  few  weeks  ago 
Don  was  boosted  into  the  driver's  seat. 

"Mr.  Hunt  was  a  mighty  smart  man," 
Don  says  soberly.  "If  I  can  just  keep  things 
running  along  as  smoothly  as  he  did,  I'll  be 
satisfied.  The  only  innovation  I've  put  in 
is  to  hove  weekly  conferences  with  the  lead- 
men,  which  may  help  us  work  our  woy  out 
of  a  couple  of  problems  thot  have  come 
up  lately." 

Don  isn't  the  only  member  of  his  family 
who  has  worked  at  Ryan.  His  72-year-old 
father  come  out  here  from  Colorado  recent- 
ly on  vocation,  and  decided  to  pitch  in  at 
the  factory  instead  of  relaxing.  He  worked 
for  two  months  in  Manifold  Small  Ports. 
Likewise,  Don's  brother  Bob  formerly  worked 
here  in  Machine  Shop  and  in  Tooling,  but  is 
now  in  the  Army  Air  Forces.  Incidentally, 
it's  fortunate  that  the  Miles  family  isn't 
superstitious.  Don's    father    was    born    on 

January  13;  Don  himself  was  born  February 
13;  and  his  young  daughter  Diane  was  born 
on  Friday  the    13th  of  March,    1942. 

Machinery  is  still  Don's  hobby  as  well  as 
his  job.  He  has  a  small  machine  shop  at 
home  where  he  makes  furniture,  repairs  all 
the  household  equipment,  overhauls  the 
family  cor,  and  tinkers  with  anything  else 
that  strikes  his  fancy. 

At  28,  Don  is  one  of  Ryan's  youngest 
foremen.  Some  day  he  hopes  to  open  a  lit- 
tle machine  shop  of  his  own.  But  in  the 
meantime  he's  doing  mighty  well  right  here 
at  Ryan — in  spite  of  the  fact  that  he  looks 
more  like  o  poet  than  o  machinist! 

Houi  to  Become  o  ''Champion"  Bouuler 

With  the  bowling  season  at  the  half-way 
mark,  competition  is  becoming  quite  keen 
among  the  various  league  teams  through- 
out the  Company.  For  those  who  might  as- 
pire to  the  title  "Most  Unpopular  Man.  on 
the  Team,"  we  offer  below  the  Marquis  of 
Razzberry  Rules  for  bowlers: 

I  .  After  picking  out  the  best  ball,  run 
and  stand  in  front  of  your  favorite  alley, 
thus  giving  no  one  a  chance  to  bowl  there. 

2.  Before  throwing  the  ball,  have  your 
captain  coll  the  attention  of  oil  bowlers  to 
your  perfect  stance. 

3.  If  you  moke  a  strike,  look  around  and 
show  a  big  smile. 

4.  If  you  make  two  strikes,  calmly  walk 
over  and  chalk  it  up,  being  very  careful  not 
to  smile  this  time. 

5.  If  you  make  three  strikes  in  a  row, 
nonchalantly  light  a  cigarette;  even  if  you 
don't  smoke,  light  one  anyhow. 

6.  If  you  throw  the  ball  in  the  gutter, 
grab  your  leg  quickly  and  limp  to  the  bench, 
growling  something  about  slippery  shoes  or 
the   bad   breaks. 

7.  If  you  get  a  railroad,  study  the  situ- 
ation   carefully,    meanwhile    thinking    of    the 

good  time  you  had  on  your  vocation.  After 
you  are  sure  you  formed  a  good  impression, 
try  and  make  it. 

8.  If  you  have  a  low  score,  tell  the  cap- 
tain confidentially  that  you  did  it  for  the 
purpose  of  getting  a  bigger  handicap.  If 
you  haven't  your  own  bowling  shoes  or  if 
you  haven't  your  own  boll,  remember  these 
are  also  good  excuses  for  low  scores. 

'9.  If  a  bowler  on  the  opposing  team 
makes  a  bum  shot,  lough  as  loudly  as  pos- 
sible  and   attract  everybody's   attention. 

10.  If  your  opponent  mokes  a  strike,  al- 
ways lough  and  talk  about  horseshoes  and 
four-leaf  clovers. 

1  1  .  Never  give  the  other  bowlers  any 
credit.  Always  talk  about  how  funny  they 
throw  the  boll.  Or  if  they  go  over  the  foul 
line,  ask  them  if  they  intend  to  walk  all  the 
way  or  only  half  way. 

13.  If  you  miss  an  easy  spore,  laugh  and 
say  you  tried  something  new. 

14.  If  your  team  lost  the  lost  gome,  point 
to  the  fellow  who  mode  a  couple  of  bum 
shots  and  yell:  "You're  the  guy  who  lost 
the  gome."  This  will  restore  his  confidence 
and  he  will  appreciate  your  calling  the  mat- 
ter to  his  attention. 

Ryan  Shouu  Set  for 
llugust  2B  and  27 

With  rehearsals  taking  place  doily  at  Rot- 
liff's  Bollroom,  the  Ryan  employees  musical 
show  is  rapidly  rounding  into  shape. 
Beautiful  girls,  sparkling  music,  and  uproari- 
ous comedy  are  the  prime  ingredients  of  the 
revue,  titled  "We  Like  It  This  Way"  and 
based  on  life  in  the  Ryan  plant. 

Dorcas  Cochran,  well-known  Hollywood 
movie  writer  and  producer,  wrote  the  script 
for  the  show  as  well  as  original  music  for 
the  dance  numbers.  On  vocation  between 
movie  studio  contracts,  she  was  signed  by 
Ryan  to  come  to  Son  Diego  ond  direct  re- 
hearsals. Miss  Cochron  has  been  writing 
comedy  and  musical  scripts  for  Paramount, 
Universol,  Twentieth  Century-Fox  and  other 
major  studios  for  the  post  five  years.  Pre- 
viously she  was  vocal  coach  for  Alice  Faye 
and  Tony  Martin,  and  earlier  was  producer 
of  amateur  shows  for  little  theater  groups 
in    Hollywood. 

Miss  Cochran  is  being  assisted  by  Eula 
Huff,  professional  donee  director  whose 
background  includes  numerous  European 
tours;  Frank  Curron,  former  owner  of  circus 
and  theatrical  troupes  in  Asia;  and  Al  Pol- 
homus,  whose  all-girl  orchestra  is  tentatively 
scheduled  to  ploy  for  the  Ryan  show.  Other 
special  music  will  be  presented  by  the  Ryan 
choral  group,  organized  by  Russ  Nordlund 
and  directed  by  El  Berry, 

One  unique  feature  of  "We  Like  It  This 
Way"  is  that  it  gives  a  moment  in  the  lime- 
light to  every  individual  in  the  group,  even 
each  chorus  girl,  by  providing  brief  speaking 
ports  for  everyone. 


Rolling  up  32  wins  against  12  losses, 
Woodshop  and  Jigs  &  Fixtures  are  tied  for 
the  lead  in  the  Ryan  Summer  Bowling 
league,  following  the  eleventh  week  of  com- 
petition at  the  Tower  Bowl. 

Individual  gome  honors  went  to  Danyluk 
with  a  score  of  209.  Brown  compiled  the 
high  individuol  series  of  529.  Jigs  Gr  Fixtures 
rolled  the  high  team  game  of  873  and 
Woodshop    the    high    team    series   of    2299. 

In  the  tenth  week  of  competition,  Austin 
won  individuol  gome  honors  with  a  score 
of  222.  He  also  sported  the  high  individual 
series  of  615.  The  Tool  Room  five  scored 
the  high  teom  game  of  899  and  also  the 
high  team  series  of  2356  pins. 


Won  Lost 

Jigs  and   Fixtures  32  12 

Contract    Engineering    31  ]3 

Toil    Winds    30  14 

Pin  Topplers  30  14 

Sliipping 29  15 

Putt  Putts  27  17 

Tool    Room    26  18 

Experimental  25  19 

Plant    Engineers   25  19 

Laboratory     24  20 

Maintenance  '. 23  21 

Pin    Savers    22  22 

Production    Control    19  25 

'^ocs    16  28 

Low    I.   Q 15  29 

Fliglnt    Test    n  33 

Live  Five  10  34 

Shipperettes 6  38 

Manifold    Engineering    6  38 

Paul  Tedford,  former  national  light- 
heavyweight  champ,  who  is  now  direc- 
tor of  recreation  at  Ryan, 

noted  nthlete  to 
Guide  Our  Recreation 

Paul  Tedford,  nationally-known  amateur 
and  professional  athlete,  has  been  oppointed 
recreation  director  of  the  Rvon  Aeronautical 

At  Boston  University  Tedford  was  a  letter- 
man  in  football,  bosketball,  track,  baseball 
and  boxing.  He  won  the  notional  intercolle- 
giate light-heavyweight  boxing  champion- 
ship OS  a  freshman,  sophomore  and  junior, 
and  twice  knocked  out  the  Olympic  Gomes 
light-heavyweight  champion  in  exhibition 
bouts.  He  was  never  beoten  in  his  entire 
ring  career  of  287  bouts. 

Tedford  left  college  in  the  middle  of  his 
junior  year  to  accept  o  professional  contract 
in  Class  AA  baseball.  He  pitched  two  sea- 
sons for  St.  Paul,  winning  35  games,  ond 
had  been  offered  a  contract  with  the  De- 
troit Tigers  when  he  decided  to  retire  from 
professional  sports  because  of  distaste  for 
continuous  traveling. 

Turning  to  newspaper  work,  Tedford  be- 
came sports  editor  of  a  smoll  New  England 
daily  paper,  and  wrote  sports  columns  which 
soon  were  being  syndicated  by  seven  news- 
papers in  that  region.  For  seven  years  he 
continued  in  newspaper  work,  both  in  the 
business  and  editorial  fields.  In  1943  he 
came  to  San  Diego  and  became  publicity 
director  of  the  San  Diego  Club,  o  position 
which  he  held  until  joining  Ryan. 

Keep  the  blue  star  in  your  service  flag 
from  being  changed  to  gold.  Your  blood  in 
the  form  of  plasma  will  save  a  man  from 
certain  death.  Don't  delay  making  your 
appointment — called  Franklin  7704  now. 


Above  are  shown   some   fact-ory   supervisors   at  work   laying   out   templates   after   finishing   their  own    day's   work.     They   did    this   for 
severol   weeks   just   because   they   were   eager  to   help   break   a    foctory    bottleneck. 

n  message  From  The  Nauy 


As  loyal  members  of  the  great  force  which  has  been  mobilized  to  supply  our  "FIGHT- 
ING NAVY"  with  the  ships  and  planes  end  guns  needed  on  the  fighting  fronts,  I  feel  you 
ore  entitled  to  a  frank  statement  from  that  Navy  as  to  what  are  your  future  prospects  and 
obligations.      To  put  it  in  one  word — it  is  WORK — and  more  WORK. 

The  Navy's  production  program  is  still  increasing.  The  last  six  months  of  1944  will 
show  an  increase  in  production  of  approximately  10%  over  the  first  six  months  of  1944, 
and  the  program  for  the  first  six  months  of  1945  will  be  approximately  3%  greater  than 
the  first  six  months  of  1944.  At  the  present  time,  we  are  short  some  thirty  thousand  work- 
ers in  the  naval  establishments,  principally  on  the  Pacific  coast.  We  expect  this  production 
program  will  be  carried  out,  and  it  is  not  expected  that  the  ending  of  the  war  in  Europe 
during  this  period  will  affect  this  program.  Our  battle  of  production  will  end  only  with  the 
defeat  of  Japan. 

This  means  that  for  the  next  year  the  Navy  must  rely  upon  the  civilian  employees  of 
its  own  Naval  establishments  and  upon  the  workers  in  the  private  plants  and  shipyards  or 
Navy  suppliers  throughout  the  country  to  keep  our  Pacific  operations  going  at  top  speed; 
OS  we  approach  nearer  and  nearer  Japan,  the  tempo  will  increase  and  the  necessity  for  more 
and  more  supplies  available  at  the  proper  place  and  time  will  become  more  and  more  vital 
to  our  success.  We  therefore  call  upon  all  such  employees,  regardless  of  peace  talk  and 
developments  in  Europe,  to  stick  on  their  jobs — back  up  the  Navy — and  prepare  it  to  pour 
on  the  Japanese  the  cumulative  power  of  our  fleet  and  our  production  lines — so  that  the 
fleet  will  be  effective  and  our  soldiers  and  sailors  will  have  the  necessary  arms  and  ammuni- 
tion to  take  an  instant  advantage  of  the  opportunities  which  will  be  presented  to  shorten 
this  war. 

While  our  over  all  demands  will  show  little  if  any  material  decrease — there  will  of 
course  be  some  terminations  and  here  and  there  cutbacks  based  upon  the  changing  war 
conditions.  Based  upon  the  program  for  the  year  ahead  as  we  now  see  it,  there  should  be 
just  as  many  workers  employed  on  the  Navy  production  program  a  year  from  now  as  there 
are  at  the  present  time.      The  Navy  depends  upon  you — we  know  you  will   not  fail." 

Under  Secretary  of  the  Navy 

Bosses  Ulorh  at 
Factory  Benches 

When  a  bottleneck  developed  recently  in 
Template  Cutting,  some  of  Ryan's  factory 
supervisors  were  so  eager  to  break  it  that 
they  rolled  up  their  sleeves  and  pitched  in 
to  lay  out  templates  for  several  hours  each 
evening  after  their  own  day's  work  was  done. 
For  several  weeks  a  group  of  assorted  fore- 
men, assistont  foremen  and  other  factory 
managers  showed  up  in  Template  Making 
around  4:30  or  5  o'clock  and  worked  at  the 
benches    for   three    or    four    hours. 

Some  of  these  men  hadn't  manned  a  fac- 
tory workbench  for  years,  but  they  seemed 
to  enjoy  doing  this  job.  "The  work  helped 
speed  along  a  project  we  were  mighty  in- 
terested in,"  one  of  them  said.  "And  it  was 
fun,  because  we  were  all  friends  and  we  en- 
joyed working  together." 

Those  who  gave  up  their  evenings  to 
break  the  bottleneck  included  HOWARD 
NIE MOORE  and  ACE  EDMISTON.  Two  of 
the  night  shift  men,  WALTER  STRINGER 
and  AL  TARIO,  also  got  into  the  spirit  of 
the  drive — they  began  coming  to  the  fac- 
tory around  1  p.m.  and  cutting  templates 
until   their  own   shift   began   at  4. 

—  29- 

The  June  24th  Department 

Irene  Clayton  looks  on  while  L.  A.  Martin,  seated,  pins  a  one-year  pin  on  H.  E.  Raw- 
lings  and  vice  verso. 

Euerybodv  Pins  Pins  on  EuErybDifv 

Actually  this  is  the  Safety  Department, 
but  it  might  very  well  be  called  the  June 
24th  department.  One  year  ago  this  last 
June  24th,  L.  A.  Martin,  Safety  engineer, 
and  H.  E.  Rawlings  employed  as  a  produc- 
tion control  dispatcher,  joined  the  Ryan 
forces.  They  took  their  physicals  together 
and  sat  in  the  same  induction  class,  but 
once  within  the   plant  their  ways  separated. 

As  the  factory  grew  and  the  duties  of 
safety   engineering    broadened,   the   need    for 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts 

by  Marge  Best 

Well,  Folks,  this  is  our  first  article  under 
our  new  Flying  Reporter  Editor.  We  hope 
she  likes  working  with  us  half  as  much  as  I 
know  we  are  going  to  enjoy  working  with 

Sheet  Metal  Department  is  really  torn  up 
right  now.  Department  I  seems  to  be  pretty 
stabilized  and  settled  down,  but  Department 
3  is  still  scattered  over  a  forty-acre  field. 
Some  of  that  department  is  even  out  in  the 
courtyard.  To  eliminate  the  dangers  of 
sunburn  they  just  up  and  mode  themselves 
some  sunbonnets  out  of  paper,  and  real  cute 
they  were  too.  Some  of  them  hod  various 
decorations,  from  every  color  point  they 
could  find  in  the  department  to  big  blue 
ribbons.  They  are  certainly  making  the 
best  of  their  outdoor  work,  even  to  the  point 
of  having  a  picnic  out  there  one  noon. 
HAROLD  WALL  was  to   be   guest  of  honor 

a  safety  inspector  arose.  Rawlings  heard 
about  it  and  applied  for  the  job.  Last  month 
he  took  up  his  new  duties  with  Mr.  Martin. 
Work  was  still  stacking  up  and  it  was 
decided  to  add  a  secretary  to  the  staff. 
You  guessed  it — Irene  Clayton  joined  the 
ranks  on  June  24,  1944.  That's  why  it  was 
a  bit  of  the  unusual  when  Rawlings  pinned 
a  one-year  service  pin  on  Martin  and  Mar- 
tin pinned  another  on  Rawlings  at  the  three- 
party  celebration  this  month. 

but  JIMMIE  FITZGERALD  had  to  take  his 
place.  ( It  seems  troop  movements  detained 
Harold's  return  trip  from  his  vacation!! 
When  Harold  did  finally  make  it  bock  from 
his  EXTENDED  vacation  every  one  of  his 
women  employees  expected  the  worst — that 
Harold  hod  token  the  fatal  step  and  gotten 
hitched  while  he  was  gone.  Harold  swears 
he  is  still  single  but  he  has  the  look  of  the 
cat  that  swallowed  the  canary  all  the  time 
and  that  is  what  Con-fuses  us! 

are  all  back  to  work  after  their  various 

The  girls  in  Department  3  gave  GERRY 
HARGRAVES  a  handkerchief  shower  before 
they  left  us  last  week.  Gerry  was  also  given 
a  shower  for  the  "whats-its"  that  go  with 
the  patter  of  little  feet.  Eleanor  is  going 
back  to  Missouri,  Mary  is  returning  to  Ar- 
kansas and  Gerry  is  going  home  to  Nebras- 
ka. A  gift  was  also  given  to  KAY  CLOSSER 
before  she  left  last  week. 

The  foremen  on  first  shift  all   have  their 

—  30  — 

Digs  From  Jigs 

by  Art  and  Pete 

Flash!  PETE  HAYWORTH  bowls  a  200 
game!  Date:  July  13,  1944.  Time:  8:51  Vz 
P.  M.  Place:  Tower  Bowl.  Reoson:  Not 
known.  After  trying  for  the  past  two  years 
to  bowl  200  or  over,  Pete  finally  broke  the 
ice.  Nice  work,  Pete,  but  don't  let  us  down, 
keep  it  up. 

We  would  also  like  to  make  mention  of 
other  200  games.  BILL  DANYLUK  with 
209,  CHARLEY  RICE  an  even  200.  Nice 

AUSTIN  FREEMAN  really  went  to  town 
on  July  20.  He  came  home  with  high  game 
of  222  and  high  series  of  615.  Boy,  was  he 
hot.  Austin  tried  a  new  style  bowling  several 
weeks  ago  and  it  seems  he  was  quite  con- 
fident of  cleoning  up  on  some  small  wagers. 

On  vocation  since  the  last  issue  were 
TRICK  and  CLARK.  Ferguson  had  as  his 
guests  his  mother  and  father  from  Tennes- 
see. Gilles,  Kirkpatrick  and  Clark  styled  close 
to  home.  Schmitz  took  a  nice  trip  to  Salt 
Lake  and   Pinedale,  Wyoming. 

Wonder  why  BILL  BILLINGS,  the  Ryan 
All-Star  manager,  doesn't  look  over  the 
rookie  pitchers  during  the  lunch  and  rest 
period,  just  outside  Final  Assembly  building. 

The  following  people  spent  a  very  enjoy- 
able evening  at  the  Bostonio  Nite  Club.  A 
large  table  was  reserved  for:  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
ART  TORGERSEN,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  HARRY 
GRAHAM,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  BILL  DANYLUK, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  JOE  DE  BATE,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  L.  HAYWORTH  and  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  JEWEL  KOLB.  The  occasion  hon- 
ored Mr.  Kolb  who  was  leaving  for  the  Army 
Air  Forces  the  following  Monday.  The  de- 
partment wishes  him  the  best  of  luck. 

Coming  to  us  from  Final  Assembly — 
CYRIL  SHEA,  and  from  the  Tool  Room  in 
our  other  building,  EVERETT  BALDRIDGE. 
D.  R.  DIXON  from  Mechanical  Maintenance. 

HARRY  GRAHAM  is  wearing  o  Bronze 
Star  Suggestion  Award.  It  takes  500  points 
to  receive  this  award  and  there  are  only  two 
of  these  stars  in  the  plant.  So  our  hats  ore 
off  to  you,  Horry.    Nice  work. 

Rex  Pearson,  AMM  2c  USN,  husband  of 
our  clerk,  BILLIE  PEARSON,  left  July  18  for 
parts  unknown.  We  wish  him  safe  journey 
and  good  luck. 

Would  you  think  a  fellow  could  be  so  in- 
terested in  playing  ball  that  he  missed  out 
on  renting  a  house?  Ask  Mrs.  ART  BEHM. 
She  will  give  you  the  lowdown  on  this  fellow. 

clerks    now.  Introducing    to    you    MILLIE 

RICE  in  Dept.  2.  I  mentioned  lost  time 
that  it  is  MARTHA  WILSON  in  Dept.  3  and 
DORIS  CROW  in  Dept.  1.  The  girls  are  all 
bustling  around  busy  as  bees,  and  the  fore- 
men are  as  proud  as  punch.  The  girls  are 
working  together  beautifully  and  we  know 
you  will  enjoy  working  with  them. 

We  are  all  watching  the  installation  of 
the  new  machine  in  front  of  the  Sheet  Metal 
Office  with  great  interest.  No  one  seems 
to  know  just  what  it  is  going  to  do.  The 
bets  are  laid  that  it  will  do  almost  anything, 
from  baling  hay  to  turning  out  baby  car- 
riages or  it  might  even  bob  your  hair. 

You  folks  just  get  busy  next  time  and 
turn  me  in  some  news.  We've  got  to  keep 
this  column  represented. 

'W^i<!i;^  ^00^7 

Edited  by  MRS.  ESTHER  T.  LONG 


1.  Use  a  clear  vinegar  of  5%  ac'dity.  Use  light-colored  vinegar  to  keep  pickles 
light  in  color. 

2.  If  cucumbers  are  mature,  peel  them. 

3.  In  covering  and  v/eighting  pickles,  use  a  container,  cover,  and  weight  of  o  ma- 
terial that  will  not  react  with  the  brine  or  the  acid.  Crockery,  porcelain,  wood, 
and  glass  are  suggested;  do  not  use  aluminum,  iron,  zinc  (galvanized  metal) 
copper,  brick,  or  stone. 

4.  In  cooking  pickles,  avoid  using  or\  iron,  galvanized,  or  copper  container. 

5.  Jars  with  glass  lids  are  recommended  for  sealing  pickles.  Do  not  use  a  porce- 
lain-lined zinc  screw  cap. 

6.  As  a  possible  substitute  for  1  piece  of  stick  cinnamon,  3  inches  long,  use  1 
dried  chili  tepine. 

7.  Avoid  cooking  relishes  and  spreads  too  dry. 

8.  To  process  and  seal: 

Pickles  and  relishes  of  finely  divided  pieces  are  processed  in  a  boiling  water 
bath.  Pint  jars  are  recommended.  While  the  product  is  still  boiling  hot,  place  in 
sterilized  jars.  Fill  pint  jars  to  within  V4  inch  of  top,  quart  jars  to  within  Va  inch 
of  top.  If  glass  lids  ore  used,  partly  sea!  the  jars.  Completely  seal  jars  that  hove 
metal  disks  for  lids.  Process  jars  for  20  minutes  in  the  boiling  water  bath.  Finish 
sealing  jars  having  glass  lids. 

For  other  pickles  that  are  sealed  hot,  invert  immediately  after  sealing  for  two 
or  three  minutes  or  longer  if  glass  lids  are  used.  Or,  pack  hot  leaving  'A  inch  head- 
space  in  pint  jars,  V2  inch  in  quart  jars,  and  process  in  boiling  water  bath  for  5  min- 
utes, sealing  according  to  the  type  of  lid  directed  above  for  processing  relishes. 

9.  Be  sure  fruits  and  vegetables  ore  well  covered  with  the  pickling  liquid  during 
storage  and  after  the  jar  is  opened.  Save  pickle  juice  for  making  salad  dressing  and 
for  basting  meats. 

10.      Store  opened  jars  of  pickles  or  relish  in  the  refrigerator. 


4    quarts     sliced    small     cucumbers 
1    quart   sliced   onions 

Soak  in  cold  water  overnight.  Bring  to  boil  the 
following    mixture: 

1  quart  pickling  vinegar 

2  cups   sugar 

2   teaspoons   celery   seed 

2   teaspoons  turmeric,  if  available 

1    teaspoon   ground   mustard 

V2    cup   sack   salt 

Pour  mixture  over  cucumbers  and  let  stand  one 
hour.  Boil  for  3  minutes.  While  hot  put  in 
sterilized    jars   and   seal. 

WATERMELON    PICKLES    (CRISP)     (4   to    5    pints) 

4  pounds  rind    (4  quorts) 
2/3    cup   sack   salt 
6   cups   cold   water 

Trim  off  outer  green  and  inner  pink  of  water- 
melon. Cut  into  two- inch  segments.  Dissolve 
the  salt  in  the  water.  Soak  the  prepared  rind  in 
this  solution  for  24  hours— using  a  crockery, 
enamel  or  glass  container.  Drain.  Cover  with 
cold  water.  Leave  rind  in  cold  water  6  to  1 2 
hours.  Drain.  Boil  in  clear  water  to  cover  for  I 
hour.      Drain.      Cook   In   sirup    I    hour. 


2  cups  white  sugar 

2  cups  vinegar 

2  cups  water 

Spices   tied    in   a    bog: 

24  cloves 

1    stick   cinnamon — 2   inches    long 

1    piece  ginger   root — 1    inch   long 

1    tablespoon   coriander  seeds 

Boil  all  ingredients  five  minutes  and  then  add 
rind.    Pack    into   sterilized    jars.    Cover  with   boiling 

sirup.    Seal. 

CATSUP    (4   points) 

IS   pounds  tomatoes,  or  7   quarts   of   puree 

3    tablespoons  salt 
2/3   cups  sugar 

1    tablespoon  paprika 
V4  teaspoon  cayenne  pepper 

1    tablespoon   dry    mustard   blended   with   a    little 
of  the  juice  to  prevent  lumping 

Tie  seasonings   in  a  bag: 

1    tablespoon    whole    black    peppers 
1   tablespoon  whole  allspice 
1    tablespoon   mustard  seed 
4  bay  leaves 
4   chili   tepines 

1  tablespoon   dry   basil 

2  cups   distilled   vinegar    (light-colored   vinegar) 

Cook  tomatoes  until  soft  and  press  pulp  through 
a  sieve.  Add  all  remaining  ingredients  except 
the  vinegar  to  the  puree  and  cook  until  thick. 
This  will  take  approximately  I  hour.  Add  the 
vinegar,  the  last  1 0  to  15  minutes  of  the  cooking. 
Seal    hot    in   sterilized    jars. 

TASTESPREAD    (9  pints) 
4  quarts  green  tomatoes 

6  small  green  peppers  6  red  peppers 

6  small  onions  V2   cup  salt 

2  stalks  celery,  or 

1  scont  teaspoon   celery  seed 

Using  the  fine  knife,  put  the  tomatoes,  pep- 
pers, and  onions  through  the  food  chopper.  Add 
the  salt  and  let  stand  overnight.  In  the  morning, 
drain  and  toss  on  a  towel  to  dry.  Add  the  celery, 
ground  very  fine,  or  the  celery  seed.  Make  o 
paste   of    the    following    ingredients : 

4  toblespoons  mustard 

3  cups  sugar 

2  scant   cups    flour 

1    tablespoon   turmeric,   if  available 
Salt,   pepper,  2   quarts  vinegar 

Combine  the  dry  ingredients.  Scald  the  vine- 
gar and  combine  the  vinegar  with  the  dry 
ingredients.  Cook  to  the  consistency  of  medium 
white  sauce,  stirring  constantly.  Add  the  vege- 
tables, heat  through  (bring  to  a  boil)  and  place 
hot  in  sterilized  pint  jars.  Process  in  the  boiling 
water  bath  as  directed  for  Chutney.  One  cup 
chopped,  cured  ripe  olives  Improve  this  spread. 
Add  them  when  using  the  spread,  not  in  preparing 


4   quarts   small   peaches,   pears,   or   apricots 

2  pounds    l5'/2   ^^  ^  cups)    brown  sugar,  or 
1    pound    (21/4  cups)    white  sugar  and 

1    pound    (2%   to  3   cups)    brown  sugar 

1    quart  vinegar 

1/3  ounce  stick  cinnamon 

(about  6   pieces,  3    inches   long) 

Whole   cloves 

Boil  the  sugar,  vinegar,  and  cinnamon  together. 

Dip  the  peaches  quickly  into  hot  water,  then  rub 
off  the  fuzz  with  a  towel.  Stick  each  peach  with 
4  cloves.  Prick  the  fruit  thoroughly  with  a  sliver 
or  stainless  steel  fork.  Put  peaches  into  the 
sirup,  and  cook  until  soft,  using  one-half  the 
quantity  of  peaches  at  a  time.  Pack  hot  into 
sterilized  jars  and  seal.  Pears  and  apricots  may 
be  prepared  in  the  same  way  except  for  omitting 
the  dip   in  hot  water.      The   pears  may   be   peeled. 

(Recipes  from  the  University  of  Californio,  Col- 
lege of  Agriculture,    Berkeley,   Calif.) 

^31  — 

Ryan  Trading  Post 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sale    (continued) 

1937  Chrysler  coupe  with  reconditioned  motor. 
Price  $550.00  cash  or  terms.  See  Y.  B.  Leo, 
Stress    Dept. 

Or  trade.  1941  Royal  DeLuxe  car  heater.  Used  but 
three  months.  Hot  water  electrically  controlled 
with  fan.  Cost  42.50 — will  sell  for  $25.00  or 
trade  for  32  or  38  caliber  automatic.  See  G.  R. 
Bills,  Plant  Protection,  Ext.  351  or  J-9663  eve- 

Violin   with   case.   Good   tone.   J.    Higgins,    Ext.   235, 
3834  45th  Street,  East  Son  Diego. 

One  team  of  good,  gentle  work  horses.  Weight, 
approximately  1400  pounds.  One  horse  broke 
to  ride.  Including  harness  and  some  farm  im- 
plements. Contact  T.  A.  Smith,  8130  Tooling 

1 936    2-door     Ford.    A    verv    good    buy    at    $400. 
J.    F.    Moher,    3445,   Wing. 

Antiques  fresh  from  Vermont.  Oval  walnut  frames, 
Victorian  lamps,  gloss,  buttons,  etc.  Ralph  Brig- 
ham,  Template   Crib,   or   3154    B   Street. 

Zimmerman  Autohorp  musical  instrument.  12 
chord  bars.  With  accessories  and  instruction 
book.  Has  never  been  used.  $18.00,  or  will 
trade  for  guitar.  See  Horry  Turner,  Eng.  Illus- 
tration,   Ext.    283. 

Fishing     deep-sea     reel     and     pole — split     bomboo. 
Both   brand   new.    $30.00.    H.   Sarkiss,   Tooling. 

'31    Hupp  sedan;  good  tires,  good   motor.   $120.00. 
H.    Sarkiss,    2527,    Tooling. 

10-tube    Zenith    console.      New    condition.      C.     L. 
Baker,   Manifold   Small   Parts. 

Man's  1 7 -jewel  Swiss  wrist  watch,  with  rock  crys- 
tal, $30.00.  Was  purchased  June  6,  1944.  Con- 
tact Mort  Craverman,  Engineering  Power  Plant, 
Ext.    235,    or   call    Main    6041. 

Beautiful    clarinet   in    first-class   condition.    $35.00 
Sid    Smith,    Cutting,    Ext.    381. 

.38   Smith   &   Wesson   special    revolver,    $40.00.    Sid 
Smith,    Ext.    381,    Cutting. 

Car    radio,    $1 5.00    cash.    James    Maher,    Wing. 

Bed-davenport  and  chair,  prewar,  springs.  $30  00. 
Contact  A.  J.  Rush,  5255,  Manifold  Welding, 
or   phone   T-8014. 

Living  room  set.  Good  condition.  Not  yet  a  year 
old.  Will  sell  by  piece  or  as  a  whole.  For  terms 
see  J.   L.  Johns,   Factory    Inspection  Office. 

.22  Automatic  rifle  shells.  12  boxes.  32  automatic 
pistol.  One  box  shells.  $70.00.  Harry  Park,  Tool 

A  "Notional"  nickel  plated  Hawaiian  guitar.  Hardly 
used,  not  a  scratch  or  dent.  Cost  new,  $150  00 
Will   sell   for  $70.00.   Paul   Atkinson,   Ext.   343. 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spoulding  ice  skates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Hoswell,  Ext. 

One  air  conditioning  unit,  suitable  for  cooling  one 
room,  also  12  to  14-inch  electric  fan.  Jack  N. 
Field,   Department  4. 

If  you  are  going  to  the  East  Coast  why  not  trade 
your  home  here  for  my  home  near  Boston. 
Contact  C.   F.   Brown,  Tooling   Department. 

One  pre-war  bar  bell  set  with  dumbbells.  C. 
Mellinger,    Ext.    396. 

I  FBfE  4  Smith,   Ltd.,   San   Dieoo 

Winchester  .32  special  carbine,  new  condition,  with 
170  rds  ammo,  saddle  scabbard  and  cleoning 
rod.     Make  offer.     J.   E.  Thompson,  Ext.  283. 

35  mm.  cut  film  camera,  31/2x41/2  or  4x5,  or 
an  Arguss  35  mm.  Martha  Porter,  Dispatching 
Office.      Ext.    387. 

Schwinn    Light    Weinht    Bicvcle  for    sole.  Gear, 

twin-handbrakes.       $60.00.  See    Frank  Durar, 

Electrical    Maintenance,    First  Shift,    Ext.  232   or 
call   Randolph  6628. 

Automobile     tire     pump,     good  condition,  $2.50. 

W.    B.     Klein,    Ext.    354    or    7235    Volta  Court, 
Linda  Vista. 

Man's  tux.  Black,  size  34-36.  Shirt,  with  attach 
shirt  front,  collars,  pearl  studs  and  cuff  links. 
Excellent  condition,  worn  but  few  times,  orig- 
inal cost,  $42.00.  Price  $29.00.  Coll  W-0845 
anytime  after  5:00  P.  M. 

Singer  or  White  Rotary  Portable  Electric  Sewing 
Machine.  Jewell  Murray,  Contract  Engineering, 
Phone  373. 

G.  E.  ultra-violet  roy  sun  lamp.  Built  like  o  living 
room  floor  lamp.  Type  S-2.  Also  includes  two 
new  spare  bulbs,  each  having  300  hours  of 
radiation.  $26.75  or  will  trade  for  a  toble 
radio.    Harry  Turner,  Eng.   Illustrotlon.    Exf.  283. 

Used   jewelers   lathe.      See  W.   G.   Wofford,    1709 — 


Man's  15  jewel  Bulova  wrist  watch.  Sell  or  trade. 
E.   Mellinger,   Ext.   396. 

Complete  drafting  set,  board,  pen  and  ink.  Sell 
or  trade  for  tools  or  motor,  500  or  1750  speed. 
J.    H.   Costello,    Manifold    Developing,    Ext.   284. 

8  tube  console  radio:  6  tube  chev,  auto  radio, 
$25-00;  7  tube  table  set,  $15.00;  Crystal  set, 
$2.00;  Head  phone,  $4.00;  Jock  Graham,  Ext. 
381.      Address,  4488  Central   or  coll   T-0217. 

One  20  gouge  shotgun,  Ronaer  bolt  action,  6  shot 
with  plug  for  3  shot.  $15.00.  L.  Moore,  1913, 
Wing    Assembly,    Second    Shift. 

Any  size  pictures  or  plans  for  USS  Hornet  Aircraft 
Carrier.     Contact  W.  G.  Wofford,  1709 — Tooling. 

One  .38  colt  automatic.  Nicely  cased,  with  clean- 
ing equipment,  two  boxes  of  shells,  standard 
U.  S.  M.  C.  right-hand  holster  and  custom-built 
left-hand  open  holster.  $100.00  cash  or  terms. 
L.    Moore,    1913,    Wing    Assembly,    Second    Shift. 

One  14  ft.  solid  mahogany  hull  boat  with  24  H.  P. 
Evinrude  twin  outboard  motor.  Just  overhauled, 
with  trailer.  $200.00.  Cash  or  terms.  L.  Moore, 
1913,  Wing   Assembly,   Second   Shift. 

One  pair  Willson  welding  goggles  (No.  5  green). 
Never  been  used.  $1.75.  L.  Moore,  1913,  Wing 
Assembly,   Second   Shift. 

Bookcase,  three  sections,  art  metal  with  doors, 
can  be  locked,  semi-fireproof.  New,  never  used. 
Cost  $80.00.  Sacrifice  for  $50.00.  Mr.  Cridge, 
Ext.   392. 

Child's  tricycle,  pre-war,  very  little  used.  $10.00. 
Also  brand  new,  white  picket  fence  and  gate  in 
8  ft.  sections,  $45.00.  Old  lawn-mower  needs 
repair.  Old  but  in  good  condition,  wardrobe 
trunk,  $15.00.  See  Ed  Dreyer,  Department  4, 
1st  shift. 

1940  Packard  110,  light  six  cylinder  4-door  tour- 
ing sedan,  point  pockord  blue,  very  clean. 
37,000  actual  miles.  Motor  excellent,  tires, 
good,  never  recapped.  A  beautiful  riding  cor. 
Must  see  to  appreciate.  For  quick  sale,  will 
sell  $1085.  W.  B.  Klein,  Ext.  354  or  7235 
Volta    Court,    Linda    Vista. 

Two  50  pound  cotton  mattresses,  $10.00.  Wolly 
Adams,    Inspection    Department. 

One  lot  in  Harbison  Canyon.  Mrs.  C.  Hill,  phone 
Talbot  2345. 

n  Letter  From 
The  U.  5.  Treasury 

The  sincere  congratulations  of  the  Treas- 
ury Deportment  ore  extended  to  the  em- 
ployees and  executives  of  Ryan  Aeronautical 
Company  upon  their  splendid  participation 
in  the  Fifth  War  Loan  by  exceeding  t'^eir 
quoto  of  $100  average  investment  in  War 

We  take  pleasure  in  outhorizing  o  speciol 
Award    of   Merit    for   this    patriotic    achieve- 
ment towards  financing  a  victorious  war. 
ROBERT  H.  MOULTON,  Chapman 
Payroll  Savings  Plan 

WANT      TO       BUY 

Good  bedroom  suite  including  box  springs  and 
mattress.  Prefer  waterfall  type.  No  junk.  E.  Mell- 
inger, Ext.  396. 

Will  poy  cash  for  a  good  washing  machine.  Badly 
in  need  of  one.  Contact  G.  R.  Bills,  Plant  Protec- 
tion, Ext.  351   or  J-9663  evenings. 

Baby     bed,     playpen     and    Taylor    Tot.     See     Bob 
CInilds,  Materiel  Control,  second  shift.   Ext.  397. 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  tackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534, 
Manifold   Welding,   second  shift. 



W.  McBlair. 

Call  B 


or  Ext. 


or   large- 
Ext.   346. 

size   tricycle 

■.    Broc 

Mathis,  Tool 

Large-size   tricycle 
Metal   2. 

.   See   E.   C. 




Radio  sets,  any  kind,  working  or  not.  Also  test 
equipment  and  parts.  Jack  Graham,  Ext.  381  or 
Talbot    0217. 

8-mm.  movie  camera.  Call  Bob  Childs,  Ext.  397, 
second  shift  Material  Control,  or  Henley  3-4323 
during    the    day. 

Working  couple  does  not  drink  or  party,  desires  a 
furnished  apartment  or  house.  Permanent.  Ext. 
293.     Ask  for  Mary. 

Two  riders  from  La  Jollo;  working  hours  7:30  a.m. 
to  4:00  p.m.  See  Thaver  in  Dept.  35,  call  Ext. 

Medium   size   tricycle    in   good   condition.      Contact 
N.    E.   Westover,   Tool    Plonning,    Ext.   396. 

Child's     Automobile.       Wally     Adorns,     Inspection 

Good  English  or  German  made  straight  edge  razors 
and  barber  thinning  shears.  R.  S.  Eckert, 
Experimental.     Second  Shift. 

35  MM  candid  comera.     See  S.  M.   Hoiley,  Experi- 
mental  Department. 

Portable     typewriter.        R.     I.     Seder,     Engineering, 
Ext.   281. 


If  you  want  to  buy  a  horse,  sell  a  horse,  or  trade 
a  horse,  see   Bob   Bradley,  Airplane   Dispatching. 

Trade  one  double  bed,  box  spring  and  new  Seoly 
mattress  for  twin  beds  complete.  King  4954, 
Dept.   38.      Phone  F-6-7981. 

—  32- 




A  good  football  team  doesn't  weaken  in  the  second  half 
just  because  the  game  is  going  well.  A  good  boxer  doesn't 
ease  up  when  his  opponent  begins  to  get  groggy.  If  he's 
smart,  that's  when  he  slugs  the  hardest.  So  let's  not  stop 
pushing  the  war  now  that  our  enemies  are  retreating. 

Remember  that  after  Germany  surrenders — which  may 
stiU  be  a  long  time  off — we'll  have  our  own  war  to  win 
here  on  the  West  Coast.  Japan  is  still  far  from  being 
beaten.  We  haven't  yet  gone  up  against  the  great  bulk 
of  its  navy  or  of  its  land  army — an  army  which  even  today 
is  bigger  than  the  combined  armies  of  Germany  and  Italy 
were  at  their  peak. 

There  is  every  indication  that  Ryan's  work  will  be  con- 
tinually expanding.  The  biggest  production  drive  at  Ryan 
is  ahead  of  us.  It's  a  drive  for  all-out  production  which 
will  play  an  important  part  in  defeating  Japan.  Every 
Ryanite  is  needed  every  hour  of  every  working  day.  Let's 
all  stay  on  the  job  to  finish  the  job. 



In  Europe,  in  Asia,  in  the  South  Pacific  ...  on  battle 
fronts  around  the  globe  . .  .American  pilots  are  light- 
ing to  Victory.  Thousands  of  these  air  heroes  won 
their  wings  in  Ryan  PT-22's ...  at  Ryan  flying  schools. 

To  get  these  superb  military  pilots  started  right,  Ryan 
has  been  privileged  to  conduct  a  most  extensive 
flight- training  operation  for  the  United  States  Army 
for  nearly  five  years. 

Daily,  Ryan  Schools  at  Hemet,  California,  and  Tuc- 
son, Arizona,  fly  a  distance  equal  to  five  trips  around 
the  world.  Hundreds  of  seasoned    pilots,  men   and 

FIRST  IN  THE  U.  S.-Ryan,  in  192S.  eslMisheJ 
the  first  year  'round  passenger  air-line  in  the  United 
States.  The  next  year  this  pioneer  organization  began 
manufacture  of  planes  for  the  air- mail  service  and 
pioneered  in  establishing  the  important  Pacific 
Coast  airway  from  San  Diego  to  Seattle. 

RELY    ON    RYAN    TO    BUILD    WELL 

women  skilled  in  maintenance,  and  technical  experts 
make  the  Ryan  Schools  a  smooth-functioning  organi- 
zation experienced  in  the  operational  problems  which 
must  daily  be  met  to  keep  such  a  large-scale  project 
operating  at  peak  efficiency. 

Ryan  Schools,  with  more  than  20  years  of  active 
flying  experience,  are  also,  in  effect,  operating  labor- 
atories for  the  airaaft  designers  of  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical Company;  they  are  instrumental  in  bringing 
new  and  improved  methods  to  flying  operations  and 
better  ideas  on  streamlined  maintenance. 








"WE    LIKE    IT   THIS   WAY" 




No.    2 

SEPTEMBER     1 ,     1944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through  the   Public   Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Statler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Foyman 

Frank  Maitin,  Cal  O'Callahan 

Staff  Cartoonist George  Duncan 

Special  Features 


We  Like  It  This  Way 

— hack  stage  scenes  from  the  big  Ryan  sbov.'  .... 
It's  Not  What  You  Say,  But  How  You  Say  It 

— a  hint  on  hoic  not  to  step  on  your  friends'  toes  .  . 

Doing  Double  Duty 
— the  story  of  a  bottle-neck  and  Iwze  it  zeas  broken 

Jimmy's  Blind  Date 

— he  got  quite  a  sliock   

Meet  Paul  Tedford 

— for  lie's  a  jolly  good  fellozi.' 9 

War  Is  Hell 

— does  this  sound  like  someone  you  knowf 

Scoutin'  Round ' 

Slim's  Pickin's    '  0 

Sports 24 

What's  Cookin'? 29 

Ryan  Trading  Post 32 


Departmental  Newis 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Frances  U'illford 

Cafeteria  News  6v  Potsun  Pane 

Dispatching  the  News  by  Daices  and  Shaffer 

Downtown  Frome-Up  by  Mildred  Murphy 

Drop  Hammer  2nd  Shift  by  No::de-Raek 

Engineering  Personnelities  &v   J'irginia  Pixley 

Fumes  from  the  Paint  Shop  6_v  Kitty  Matheny 

Inside  Outside  Production  6_v  /.  L.  "Tubby"  Can'son    . 

Inspection  Notes  by  Dorothy  Trudersheim 

Machine  Shop  by  Dorothy  Wheeler 

Manifold  Dispatching  by  Ben  Smith 

News  and  Flashes  ^v  Earl  Vaughan 

Notes  From  Dawn  Workers  by  Ralph  Geist 

Plant  Engineering  by  Bob  Cliristy 

Putt  Putts  on  Parade  by  Millie  Merrill 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie 

Shipping  Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

Smoke  from  a  Test  Tube  by  Sally  and  Sue 

Wind  Tunnel    

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  by  U  and  Me 


1  1 

Copy  Deadline  for  next  issue  is  September  11th 



Sendi  uou   ikii 

Essage  of  Importance 

The  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  has 
now  arransed  to  offer  every  employee  a 
basic  home-study  training  course  in  Aircraft 
fundamentals  on  a  plan  by  which  each  em- 
ployee is  afforded  the  opportunity  to  receive 
a  full  reimbursement  of  his  tuition. 

Employees  of  every  department  —  regardless 
of  salary  and  length  of  service — d,rz  entitled  to 
enroll  for  this  training  course  offered  by  the 
Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute. 

Read  every  word  in  this  folder  -  VOUR  FUTURE  IS  IRIPORTflnT! 


Would  you  like  to  gel'  a  complete  course  of  training  in  Aircraft 
Construction  and  Maintenance — exactly  the  same  course  now 
being  sold  to  the  public  at  $120.00 — ond  have  the  entire  cost  of 
the  training  paid  by  the  Ryan  company?    Well,  you  con! 

Yes,  the  company  is  willing  to  provide  the  full  28-lesson  home 
study  course,  compiled  by  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute,  for  all 
employees  who  are  willing  to  take  the  course  and  put  in  some 
serious  study  on  it. 

Here's  how: 

When  you  sign  up  for  the  course,  you  agree  to  pay  $2.50  each 
week  until  you've  put  up  $25.00.  This  amount,  deducted  from 
your  pay  checks  in  weekly  installments,  is  all  you  ore  osked 
to  pay  at  any  time  —  and  every  cent  of  it  is  refunded  to  you  if 
you   pass  the  final  examination  with   a   grade   of   90%    or   better. 

Ryan  lUill  Pay  Up  Td  Entire  Cast 

If  your  grade  on  the  final  exam  is  90%  or  better  you  get  back 
the  entire  $25.00  you  have  paid  for  the  course.  If  your  grade 
is  between  80%  and  90%  on  your  final  exam,  you  ore  refunded 
$22.50,  and  if  you  score  between  70%  and  80%,  you  get  $20.00 
back.  Since  the  final  examination  is  not  a  difficult  one,  the 
company  figures  that  everybody  who  seriously  studies  the  course 
can  easily  do  better  than  70%  on  the  test. 

KnDui  more  Hbout  Vour  Job 

If  you  are  seriously  interested  in  KNOWING  MORE  about  your 
job — if  you  really  wont  to  get  ahead  in  the  aircraft  industry,  this 
training  course  is  just  what  you  are  looking  for.  It  gives  you  the 
brood  understanding  of  the  whole  field  that  you  need  to  speed 
you  along  the  rood  to  success  as  a  skilled  aircraft  worker,  mechanic, 
pilot,  or  service  technician.  It  is  beneficial  to  every  employee  in 
office  work,   maintenance,   service,   or  production. 

Plan  nnuu  Tn  Get  Hhend  In  nuiotinn 

No  time  is  better  than  right  now  for  getting  ahead  in  aviation. 
There's  a  crying  need  for  TRAINED  MEN  AND  WOMEN,  and 
opportunity  for  quick  advancement  as  they  prove  their  knowledge 
and  ability.  Aircraft  manufacture  and  maintenance  is  a  technical 
field  that  holds  a  real  future  for  men  and  women  who  ore  really 
willing  to  LEARN  something  about  it.  That  is  the  reason  your 
company  has  made  this  training  plan  available,  to  help  you  get 
exactly  the  training  and  knowledge  you  need  to  take  advantage 
of  future  opportunities. 

The  enrollment  period  is  open  from  Sept.  4th  to  Sept.  30th. 
No  enrollments  will  be  accepted  after  this  month,  so  study  this 
folder,  see  the  sample  set  of  lessons  at  any  of  the  sign  up  locotions, 
and   register  your  enrollment   NOW. 

VOUR  REiuno 

The  $25.00  that  you  ore  charged  for  this  course  is  the  price 
paid  to  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute.  The  Ryan  Aeronautical 
Company  will  return  ALL  or  PART  of  that  $25.00  to  you  on  the 
basis  of  your  final  examination  grade.  Here  is  the  refund  schedule: 

Grade  90%    to    100%    —  You   receive  o  refund   of   $25.00 

Grade  80%   to      90%   —  You   receive  a  refund   of  $22.50 

Grade  70%   to      80%   —  You   receive  a  refund  of  $20.00 
Grade   below  70%   —  No   refund. 


Read  These  letters  From 
Ryan  Institute  Graduates: 


"I  have  had  sixteen  years'  experience  in  aircraft  as  a  pilot, 
instructor  and  inspector;  still  there  were  a  great  many  things  that  I 
knew  of  only  vaguely,  and  your  course  cleared  these  things  up  for 

The  lessons  are  so  expertly  written  that  even  a  beginner  should 
have  no  trouble  with  them,  and  yet  they  cover  the  subjects  so  thor- 
oughly that  an  experienced  aircrafter  can  derive  much  benefit  from 
them.  My  congratulations  to  you  for  putting  out  such  an  excellent 
course." — 



1125  25th  St.,  San  Diego 


"The  course  I  took  from  Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute  has  helped  me  a  great  deal. 
I  find  I  can  name  nearly  every  assembly  of  an  airplane  simply  by  seeing  the 
assembly  put  together.    I  could  not  do  this  before  taking  your  course. 

i  sincerely  recommend  this  course  to  anyone,  whether  mechanical  or  technical 
worker,  if  he  desires  to  improve  his  method  of  aircraft  production.  The  course  is 
worth  many  times  its  price  even  if  no  refund  is  granted. 

In  ending,  I  say  that  my  job  in  expediting  Production  Tooling  has  been  greatly 
augmented  by  my  course  from  Ryan." — 

D.   L.  PRICE 

2912  Sherwood  Drive.  San  Diego 

"  .  .  .  .  the  Ryan  course  is  one  of  the  best  any  man  could  take. 
I   did   not  know  that  a  person  could  learn  so  much  as  I   have  from  a 
home  study  course. 

After  working  in  the  Aircraft  Plant,  for  three  years,  and  from 
the  knowledge  I  got  from  your  course  in  Aircraft  Construction  I 
went  from  leadman  to  Asst.  Foreman,  and  after  completing  the 
course  I  was  made  Coordinator  of  the  whole  department.  Due  to 
the  knowledge  I  got  from  the  course  I  am  able  to  perform  my  duties 
on  the  new  job. 

I  would  recommend  this  course  to  any  man.  or  woman,  in  the  Aircraft  Industry 
who  wishes  to  increase  his  or  her  knowledge  in  Aircraft  Construction  and  Mainten- 

1631  W.  Walnut  Ave..  San  Diego 

"I  am  glad  I  did  take  your  course  in  Aircraft  Construction  and 
Maintenance.  It  has  afforded  me  a  knowledge  of  aircraft  that  I 
never  could  have  gained  otherwise,  and  qualified  me  for  many  duties 
in  the  construction  of  aeroplanes  where  I  could  only  do  one  job 
before  enrolling  for  your  training. 

Each  lesson  is  simple,  instructive  and  interested  me  with  an 
urge  to  get  into  each  succeeding  one.  And  now  that  I  am  a  Ryan 
graduate  in  Aircraft  Construction  and  Maintenance  I  highly  esteem 
my  Ryan  diploma." — 


2717  Ulric  St..  San  Diego 

"I  find  this  course  particularly  applicable  to  my  present  work — 
that  of  supervisor  in  one  of  our  largest  aircraft  industries.  And, 
with  the  fundamental  knowledge  obtained  through  this  course,  my 
work  takes  on  new  fields  of  interest  and  I  am  more  pleased  every  day. 
I  would  like  to  particularly  recommend  the  data  book  to  any 
individual  interested  in  Aircraft  Construction  and  Maintenance  for 
it  is  a  very  conclusive  and  comprehensive  book — one  well  worth  the 
price  of  the  course  itself." — 

Oceanside,  California 


"Your  home  study  course  is  a  complete  course  on  Aircraft  Con- 
struction and  Maintenance.  It  is  really  an  advanced  course  yet  it  is 
so  arranged  that  most  anyone  can  master  the  course  by  applying 
himself  an  hour  or  two  per  day. 

The  course  has  expanded  my  knowledge  of  aviation  and  made  me 
more  efficient  in  my  present  position.  I  do  not  hesitate  to  recommend 
it  to  anvone  interested  in  aviation." — 

Ft.  Worth.  Texas 


"I  found  your  course  an  excellent  one  for  giving  a  person  a  broad  view  of  general 
aircraft  construction  and  maintenance  principles. 

All  phases  of  aircraft,  and  their  operating  principles,  were  covered  thoroughly 
enough  to  give  a  person  a  clear  understanding  of  the  principles  involved.  The  course 
is  well  planned  and  easy  to  follow  and  complete. 

I  highly  recommend  the  course  to  anvone  emploved  in  aircraft  work  of  any  type 
as  it  will  give  them  a  far  clearer  understanding  of  the  principles  and  problems  in- 
volved in  aircraft  construction.  For  persons  to  whom  aircraft  work  is  entirely  new  it 
is  an  excellent  course  to  give  them  the  groundwork  necessary  for  a  thorough  general 
understanding  of  aircraft." —  L.  J.  SOLHEID 

4724  Meade,  San  Diego 



You  get  28  interesting,  easy  to  understand  lessons  cov- 
ering the  whole  field  of  Aircraft  Construction  and  Main- 
tenance. These  lessons  are  written  in  clear,  simple  lon- 
guoge,  printed  in  easy  to  read  type  on  large  8V2  by  1 1 
inch  pages,  ond  are  illustrated  with  hundreds  of  big 
drawings  and  diagrams.  The  28  lessons  come  bound  in  8 
separate  volumes  for  convenient  handling  and  reference. 
The  whole  course  is  neatly  boxed  in  an  attractive  shelf 

You  also  get  a  complete  Data  Sheet  Manual  contain- 
ing scores  of  mathematical  tables,  Dictionary  of  Aircraft 
Nomenclature,  and  other  reference  material  that  will  come  in 
handy  throughout  a  lifetime  career  in  aviation.  You  also  get  a  pad 
of  special  work  sheets — ond  as  many  extra  pads  as  you  need — on 
which  to  work  out  the  interesting  assignments  that  come  with  each 

You  study  these  fascinating  lessons  in  your  spare  time,  and  you 
have  as  long  os  7  months  in  which  to  complete  your  course-^-or  you  may  finish  as 
quickly  as  your  time  permits.  Thus,  you  can  go  as  fast  or  as  slow  as  you  like.  As  you 
complete  each  lesson  you  fill  out  an  examination  sheet  which  you  will  mail  to  the 
Ryon  Institute  for  correction  and  grading.  Your  work  will  be  carefully  checked  and 
graded  by  the  Ryan  Institute  Instructors  and  returned  to  you  with  complete  "perfect 
answer"  sheets  as  well  as  helpful  suggestions,  as  you  need  them.  Thus,  you  get  per- 
sonal, individual  coaching  to  help  guide  you  in  your  studies. 

Your  instruction  is  exactly  the  same  as  that  for  which  the  outside  student  must 
pay  $120.00!  Everything  he  gets — YOU  get — including  the  personal,  sympathetic  help 
that  the    Institute  gives   each   pupil   by   correspondence. 

There  are  no  "extras"  to  buy!  The  special  low  tuition  price  of  $25.00  which   you   pay   at   the 
rate  of  $2.50   weekly,  deducted   from   your   poy   check,   is  the  TOTAL  cost  to  you  of  this  training.  AND — you  may 
earn  a  refund  of  the  entire  cost  of  the  course,  or  a  great  port  of  it,  depending  upon  your  final  examinotion  grade' 


vouR  DiPiomn 

Your  diploma  will  be  issued  directly  from  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute 
and  will  be  a  distinctive  certificate  of  ability  and  knowledge.  On  heavy 
parchment  paper  with  the  gold  seal  of  the  Institute  affixed,  this  diploma 
can  be  framed  for  your  home.  It  is  on  impressive  document  of  which  you 
may  well  be  justly  proud. 

"I  am  very  satisfied  with  the  knowledge 
that  I  have  derived  from  your  course  on 
Construction  and  Maintenance  of  the  air- 

If  you  have  an  advanced  course  in  the 
same  line,  would  you  please  let  me  know 
as  I  sure  would  take  it  up  as  the  illustra- 
tions and  reading  are  so  easy  to  under- 


6201  Tessenden  Court.  San  Diego 

"I  am  very  proud  of  my  diploma  from  the  Ryan  School 
covering   Maintenance  and   Construction   of  aircraft. 

I  found  the  course  very  clear  and  complete  and  of 
invaluable  aid  to  me  in  my  work  in  aircraft  mainten- 
ance at  the  Naval  Air  Station.  It  meant  the  difference 
in   doing  a  routine,  and   knowing  why  and  the  result. 

I  am  deeply  appreciative  of  the  promptness  with  which 
the  course  was  conducted,   the  completeness  of   instruc- 
tions,  and    the   cordial    relationship   as   a   student." — 
2550  Broadway,  San  Diego 

sicn  UP  nr  nnv  of  these  poihts 

Industrial  Training  Office 2nd   Floor,  Office   BIdg. 

(over  Cafeteria) 

Production  Superintendent's  Office Marjorie   Koenig 

Production  Control  Department Helen  Bliss 

Engineering  Department R.  B.  Codding 

Employee    Service Desk 

Final  Assembly  - - Desk 

Wing  Assembly     .  Desk 

Manifold   Department  — - Desk 

Tooling    Department — Desk 

Drop   Hammer   Department  - Desk 

Tooling  Superintendent's  Office Betty  Phillips 



The  28  interesting,  fascinating  lessons  in  your  course  are  bound 
in  8  separate  volumes  for  easy  handling  and  convenience.  Each 
volume  of  lessons  is  devoted  to  a  separate,  vital  aviation  subject. 
Here, kin   simple   everyday   language,   the   important  ^essentials   of 

aviation  are  clearly  explained  to  you.  YOUR  JOB  will  be  more 
interesting  as  you  leorn  the  basic  principles  of  aviation  develop- 
ment, construction,  and  maintenance. 




HERE   IS   n   BRIEF   OUTIIRE   01 

VOLUME  1,  Leaaons  I  through  4:  AIRCRAFT 
Aviation,  Monoplanea  and  Biplanes,  Aeronautical  Mechan- 
ics, Kinetics  and  Energy.  Functions  of  the  Angles. 

VOLUME  2.  Lessons  5  through  7:  THEORY  OF 
FLIGHT;  Basic  Aerodynamics,  The  Four  Forces  on  the 
Aircraft,  Wing  Section  Graphs  Explained,  Lift  and  Speed 
Calculations,  Methods  of  Control,  Basic  Fundamentals  of 
Flight,  Sweep  back. 

VOLUME  3,  Lessons  8  through  10:  TYPES  OF  AIR- 
CRAFT CONSTRUCTION;  Stick  and  Wire,  Bicycle  and 
Welded  Steel  Tube  Construction,  Materials  Used,  Compari- 
son of  Wood  and  Metaf,  Structural  Parts,  Monocoque,  Semi- 
Monocoque  and  Metal  Monocoque,  Basic  Construction  De- 

VOLUME  4.  Lessons  II  through  14:  WING  CON- 
STRUCTION; Structural  Elements,  Wing  Spars,  Wing 
Covering  and  Bracing,  The  Development  of  Wing  Design, 
Stressed  Skin  Wing  Construction. 

VOLUME  5,  Lessons  15  through  18:  CONTROL  SUR- 
FACES   AND    THEIR    OPERATION;    Ailerons.    Elevators, 

Rudders,  Tabs  and  Flettners,  Methods  of  Control  and  Aero- 
dynamic Effects,  Horns  and  Bell  Cranks. 

VOLUME  6,  Lessons  19  through  21:  LANDING 
GEARS;  General  Consideration.  Tread,  Full  Axle.  Split 
Axle-Type,  Single  Leg  Gears,  Classes  of  Retracting  Mechan- 
ism, Retractable  Gears.  Breaking  Knee,  Jointed  Trusses. 
Gear  Type   Retractions,   Brakes  and   Brake  Control  Systems. 

VOLUME  7,  Lessons  22  through  26:  AIRCRAFT  EN. 
GINES;  Combustion  Engines,  Two  and  Four  Stroke  Cycles, 
Fuel,  Compression.  Efficiency,  Cycle  of  Operation.  Valve 
Lap,  Mechanical  Elements,  Firing  Order,  Crank  Cases, 
Valves  and  Valve  Drives,  Carburetors,  Superchargers,  Igni- 
tion, Lubrication,  Fuel.  Fuel  Systems,  Air  Cooling,  Baffles, 
Cowling,  Liquid  Cooling,  Pumps,  Circulation  Systems,  En- 
gine  Mounts. 

VOLUME  8.  Lessons  27  through  28;  PROPELLERS: 
Propeller  Nomenclature,  Diameter,  Pitch,  Slip,  Materials 
and  Construction,  Micarta  Propellers,  Metal  Propellers,  Ad- 
justable, Variable,  Electrical,  Oil  Pressure  Control,  Constant 
Speed,  Full  Feathering,  Hydromatic,  Gyroscopic  Force. 
Singk,  Three  Blade,  Four  Blade  and  Geared-Oown  Pro- 
pellers, Types  of  Gearing. 




"I  have  been  employed  in  the 
Aircraft  Industry  for  some  time, 
and  consequently  considered  my 
knowledge  of  aircraft  quite  exten- 
sive. However,  after  taking  your 
course  'Aircraft  Construction  and 
Maintenance',  1  found  many  details  completely  un- 
known  to   me  clearly  and  concisely  presented. 

This  added  knowledge  played  an  important  part 
in  progressing  me  from  the  position  I  had  held  to 
the    Engineering    Department  of   a   large  concern. 

I  heartily  endorse  your  course  as  a  thorough 
background  to  anyone  interested  in  playing  a  part 
in  the  aviation  industry,  for  I  know  definitely  that 
it   helped    me   qualify  for  a  better  position." — 

F.  L.   HUGHES 

4ll7'/2   Maryland  St.. 

San   Diego 

"I  feel  that  the  Ryan  course  has  definitely  improved  my  qualifi- 
cations in  my  present  capacity  and  furthermore  has  increased  my 
capabilities  for  a  better  job.  The  knowledge  gained  has  given  me  a 
better  overall  picture  of  both  construction  and  maintenance,  result- 
ing in  increased  aptitude  and  confidence." — 


4024  Ibis,  San  Diego 

"Your  course   is   easily   understood,   very   well   written,    interesting 
and   to  the   point.     It   has   been   a   tremendous   help   in    my   everyday 
work  as  an  Aircraft  Maintenance  Mechanic. 

In  the  past  week  I  had  the  opportunity  to  take  my  C.A.A.  Engine 
Exam  and  want  you  to  know,  that  your  course  played  an  important 
part  in  my  success  in  this  respect. 

Anyone   interested   in   a  future   in   aviation   would   do  well   to  take 
your   home   study   course,    as    I    am    one   who    has   read    many    books 
that  have  said  more  and  meant  less  than  any  part  of  your  course." — 
3642  Reynard  Way,  San  Diego,  California 


"One  cannot  be  a  success  in  an  industry  until  he  has  acquired  a 
complete,  working  knowledge  of  th?  products  of  his  industry.  That 
is  a  truth  which  was  confirmed  aftrr  six  months  of  experience  at 
Consolidated  Vultec,  San  Diego  Division. 

Regardless  of  a  quarter  century's  experience  in  industrial  activi- 
ties, the  requirement  was  seen  of  a  basic,  intimate  knowledge  of 
aircraft  terminology,  construction  and  flight  fundamentals.  Indeed. 
these  are  requirements  if  I  wpre  to  do  the  kind  of  job  whirh  each 
of  us  wants  to  do  to  win  this  war.  and  to  assure  ourselves  of  an  im- 
portant place  afterwards  in  the  aircraft  industry. 

Your  course.  Aircraft  Construction  and  Maintenance,  gave  me 
exactly  what  I  sought.  It  is  remarkably  well  written,  excellently 
presented  and  presages  great  care  and  thought  in  its  subject  matter. 

May    I   add   my  personal  recommendation   to  that  of  my  company. 
and   say   simply   that  this  course   is   more  than   worth   while." — 
H.  L.  SMITH 
3033  First  Avenue,  San  Diego.  California 

EnRoiiniEnT  opeiis  sept.  4th  -  sicii  UP  nouii 




Tomorrow     night     is    opening 
night  for  "We  Like  It  This  Way" 
— a    sparkling    musical    revue    of 
39  acts  and  78  performers  which 
represents    the     biggest     project     Ryan     em- 
ployees hove  ever  tackled   in   the  entertain- 
ment  field.      When    the   curtain   goes   up   at 
8:15  tomorrow  evening,  a  capacity  audience 
is  expected  to  pock  Russ  Auditorium  to  see 
the     fast-moving     extravaganza     of     songs, 
dances,  skits  and  stunts  which  Ryanites  have 
been  rehearsing  for  the  past  two  months. 

"We  Like  It  This  Way"  is  no  crude  hodge- 
podge of  amateur  acts,  but  a  smooth,  well- 
written  revue  based  on  the  funnier  aspects 
of  life  at  Ryan.  Full  of  pretty  girls  and 
catchy  tunes,  it  was  written  and  directed  by 
Dorcas  Cochran,  a  top-flight  Hollywood 
writer  now  on  vacation.  Miss  Cochran  has 
been  writing  and  coaching  musical  shows 
for  Paramount,  R-K-0,  Twentieth  Century- 
Fox  and  Walt   Disney  Studios   for  the   post   five   years. 

The  show  is  scheduled  to  play  Saturday  and  Sunday  evenings  at  the  Russ. 
All  seats  are  reserved,  and  tickets  are  restricted  to  Ryan  employees  and 
their  friends.  The  complete  program  of  the  revue  is  shown  on  the  following 
pages.  Take  a  tip  from  those  who  hove  seen  "We  Like  It  This  Way"  in 
rehearsal — it's  going  to  be  a  smash  hit,  and  if  you  miss  it  you.'ll  always 
be   sorry! 


at  Ryan  Show 

Mix  together  Ryan  comedians,  dancers,  singers, 
and  chorus  gals  galore  —  stir  well,  rehearse  for 
three  months,  and  you  get  the  smooth  revue  called 
"We  Like   It  This  Way." 


IJDozens  of  beautiful  girls  —  blonde  and 
ebrunette,  tall  and  short  —  will  feature 
iiRyan's  musical  extravaganza. 

''We  Like  It  This  Way" 

ACT   I 

1.     We   Like    It  This  Way 

A.  A   Very   Big   Deal 

Bill  Putnam,  David  Bracken,  Jack  Westler,  Lloyd  Huffstutter. 

B.  A   Point  of  View 

J.  L.  Dawson,  Don  Dewey,  Gordon  Becker,  Ellen  Mosely,  Jack  Moyer,  Bill  Putnam,  David  Bracken 
Jack  Westler,  Betty  Christenson,  Eleanor  Duchene,  Marjorie  Floyd,  Sue  Anderson,  Barbara  Gibbs, 
Marie  Benbough,  Rose  ladorola,  Mariorie  West,  Merle  Dunfee,  Billie  Pearson,  Shirley  Carmichael, 
Margaret  Anderson,  Dorothy  Grisham,  Kay  Blount,  Oneida  Blount,  Doug  Biggs,  Bonnie  Metcalf, 
Peggy  Paaske,  George  Compbell,  Don  St.  John. 

C.     Three    Best   Nephews,    Uncle   Sam 
Art  Kilmer,  Jerry  Kent,  beni  Vincent  Morquez. 

2.     It's   Nice   to   Hove  a   Man  Around   the   House 

A.     Janet  Anderson,  Johnnie  Brooks,  Ruth  Corbett 

B.     Gordon  Becker,  Betty  Christenson 

C.     Jack  Mayer,  Merle  Dunfee,  Billie  Pearson 

D.     Don  Dewey,  J.  L.  Dawson,  David  Bracken,  Marjorie  Floyd,  Ellen  Mosley 

3.     Somewhere   in    India 

Art  Kilmer 

4.     Pacific   Paradise 

A,     Make  With  The  Lyrics  as  requested  by  Jock  Westler.      The   lyrics  interpreted   by 

Erma  Wood,  and  helping  her  to  get  into  the  mood  are 
Billie   Moore,   Barbara   Gibbs,   Margaret   Anderson,   Sue   Anderson,    Marie    Benbough,    Marjorie    Floyd, 
Ruth    Corbett,    Billie    Pearson,    Janet    Anderson,    Johnnie    Brooks,    Dorothy    Grisham,    Ellen    Mosley, 
Oneida  Blount,  Key  Blount,  Merle  Duntee,  Shirley  Carmichael. 

B.     Make  With  the  Hips 
Betty  Sturtevant. 

C.     Jungle  Rhythm 
Moydalene  Ruhnow. 

D.     An  Unpleasant  Surprise 
Don  Dewey,  George  Campbell. 

5.     The   Housing   Problem 

Betty  Christenson,  Margie  West. 

6.     The   Sixty-Four   Dollar  Question 

A.     Asked — But  Not  Answered 
Art  Kilmer,  Ruth  Nelson 

B.     More  Questions 

beni    Vincent   Marquez,    Ginger   Thomas,    Earl    McCanna,    Chariene    York,    Jerry     (Brooklyn)     Kent, 

Ruth  White,  Ray  Berner,  Rosemary  Nystrom 

C.     One  Answer 
Joan  LeRoy 

7.     There's  Always  A   Reason 

W.  R.  Baker,  Bill  Putnam,  Jack  Westler,  J.  L.  Dawson 

8.     South   Rampart  Street 

Marion  Caster 

9.    The   People's  Choice 

Hemmingway — Jack  Westler 

Rosco — Don  Dewey 

The    People — Ellen    Mosley,    Gordon    Becker,    Bonnie    Metcalf,    George    Campbell,    Don    St.    John, 

Peggy  Paaske 

10.     King  of   the  Cafeteria   as   presented   by   David   Bracken 

The  King — Lloyd  Huffstutter 

The  Pages — Rosemary  Nystrom,  Joyce  Donaldson 

Nutrition  Nellie — Joan  LeRoy 

Minister  of  W.F.A. — Earl  McCanna 

Minister  of  WPB — Roy  Berner 

Minister  of  WLB — Don  D'Agostino 

Minister  of  OPA — Jerry   (Brooklyn)   Kent 

Subjects  of  the  Court — Joyce  Stead,  Mary   Blanco,   Mary   Hillary,   Chariene  York,    Irma  Wood,    Ruth 

White,  Ginger  Thomas,  Ruth  Nelson,  Lillian  Templeton 

1  1 .     Porterhouse   Lucy 

Peggy  King 

With  0  lulu  of  0  lift  from 

Jack  Mayer,  George  Campbell,  J.  L.  Dawson,  Jack  Westler 

12.     One   for  All   and   All    for  One 

President — Don  D'Agostino 

Secretory — Roy  Berner 

Mr.  Bangs — beni  Vincent  Marquez 

Mr.  Mordicai — Marvin  Craig 

A  woman  member — Joyce  Stead 

A  Bobby  Sock  member — Chariene  York 

An  Objector — Rosemary  Nystrom 

Spike — Earl  McCanna 
The  Scab — Jerry   (Brooklyn)    Kent 

(Continued  on   page   23) 

—  3  — 

■  KNOW  a  genius  among  writ- 
ing men  who  invariably  gets 
bad  service  from  waiters. 
The  experience  always  leaves 
him  in  a  state  of  puzzled  innocence. 
His  words  are  decent  enough,  but 
his  overtones,  in  the  simple  oper- 
ation of  ordering  a  dinner,  are  in- 
sultingly masterful.  Without  the 
slightest  knowledge  on  his  part,  he 
is  saying  to  the  waiter,  "I  began 
life  as  a  farm  boy;  and  look  where 
I  am,  and  look  where  you  are.  So 
snap  into  it,  incompetent  crea- 
ture." With  all  his  convincing  art 
in  the  use  of  the  written  word,  he 
is  completely  unaware  of  that 
other  language,  the  language  of 

Twenty  years  of  work  on  prob- 
lems of  human  relations  have 
made  me  aware  that  one  of  the 
prime  reasons  people  fail  to  get 
along  smoothly  with  one  another 
is  the  seemingly  unknown  fact 
that  the  voice  tone  often  transmits 
a  message  contradictory  to  the  one 
registered  by  the  words  we  say. 

The  Chinese  language  is  sup- 
posed to  be  unique  in  that  its 
words  may  be  given  another  mean- 
ing depending  upon  the  level — 
high,  medium,  or  low — of  the 
voice  tone;  and  contradictory 
meanings  are  often  conveyed  by 
simply  var3'ing  the  singsong  ac- 
companiment of  both  words  and 
phrases.  English  is  also  rich  in 
tone  and  singsong  meanings,  al- 
though the  books  say  nothing 
about  it  In  fact,  folks  are  stirred 
to  anger  or  resentment  more  often 
by  the  tone  meanings  than  by  the 
literal  significance  of  the  words.  "I 
rlidn't  mean  it  that  way,"  we  pro- 
test, and  we  are  hurt  because  we 
are  misinterpreted. 

The  commonest  misuse  of  the 
voice  tone  is  to  be  noted  in  polite 
phrases  that  thinlj'  conceal  bore- 
dom or  dislike.  But  the  unspoken 
words  shout  the  true  feeling  that 
underlies  the  accepted  conven- 
tional phrases — as  when  one  gush- 
es insincerely,  "I  loved  your  party, 
mj'  dear!"  or  in  the  rapid-fire 
breathlessness  of,  "It  was  so  dar- 
ling of  you  to  have  us  over  to  meet 
your  charming  guest.  We  adored 
every  minute  of  it,  didn't  we, 
Charles?"  Beatrice  Lillie  pene- 
trated to  the  very  heart  of  these 
disguises  with  her  alleged  remark 
to  the  duchess,  "And  don't  think 
that  your  party  wasn't^  charming, 
because  it  wasn't." 

Other  examples  of  misused  voice 
tone  causing  friction  in  human 
dealings  include  the  voice  of  ill- 
ness that  lingers  on  into  health 
and  sometimes  hangs  oh  forever; 
the  girlish  voice  prolonged  ab- 
surdly into  middle  age;  the  voice 
of  resigned  patience  that,  to  chil- 
dren, is  worse  than  open  scoldings. 
Then,  too,  there  is  the  cares-of-the- 
day  voice,  taking  the  liousework  to 
dinner,  bringing  the  office  home  at 
night.  No  wonder  that  at  times 
endurance  break.-;  down  and  tem- 
pers flare  up. 

Complete  awareness  of  the  real- 
it\'  of  tone  language  is  neces.sary 
beroi'e  much  personal  improve- 
ment can  be  made.  Try  translat- 
ing the  words  we  hear  into  the 
true  declarations  which  the  tone 
used  reveals  as  lying  back  of  the 
words.  One  "How  do  you  do!"  be- 
comes "How  nice  you  are!"  An- 
other "How  do  you  do!"  becomes 
"Go  to  the  devil!"  A  "Do  you  ex- 
pect to  be  away  long?"  may  turn 
into  "Here's  hoping  you  never 
come  back!"  A  "Let's  see  more  of 
one  another"  translates  into  "Nev- 
er again  if  I  can  help  it!" 

After  recognition  of  this  com- 
mon double  talk  should  come  de- 
liberate practice  in  the  use  of  de- 
sirable tones.  This  cannot  be  put 
on  like  gestures  or  make-up.  True 
feeling  lies  deep.  It  takes  energy 
to  bring  it  up  and  to  send  forth 
our  best  self  as  the  carrier  of  or- 
dinary words.  However,  if  main- 
tenance of  good  relations  among 
those  we  love  is  important  to  us,  it 
is  worth  working  for. 

Sincerity  in  conventional  social 
matters  is  best  conveyed  by  a  sim- 
ple lowering  of  the  voice  and  a 
calculated  slowing  up  of  speech 
Drop  the  complimentary  speech 
altogether  when  no  decent  feeling 
is  back  of  it.  Fortunately,  most 
of  our  communications  with  one 
another  may  be  carried  on  in  the 
level  tone  of  literal  statement.  It 
suggests  neither  liking  nor  dislik- 
ing; it  carries  no  hidden  meanings 
or  insinuations.  One  asks  a  stran- 
ger, "Which  is  the  waj'  to  the  near- 
est bus  line?"  in  the  harmless  vi- 
brations of  the  level  tone.  So  when 
someone  in  the  family  asks, 
"Where  is  the  long  screwdriver?" 
the  answer  should  call  nobody  to 
account  for  not  knowing,  convey 
no  annoyance  at  being  asked,  ex- 
press no  interest  in  what  the  tool 
is  wanted  for.  It  should  be  a  cool 
—  4  — 

and  disinterested  simple  state- 
ment of  fact. 

There  is  nothing  like  the  delib- 
erate use  of  this  level  tone  to  re- 
duce tensions  that  arise  in  our 
day-to-day  dealings  and  show  up 
in  our  voice.  There  are  times,  for 
instance,  when  our  tone  uncon- 
sciously carries  over  annoyance  or 
anger  from  one  relationship  to  an- 
other, to  the  discomfiture  of  be- 
wildered friends.  The  level  tone, 
employed  thoughtfully,  will  re- 
duce our  own  tensions  and  at  the 
same  time  ease  the  tensions  of 
the  other  fellow  A  smart  use  of 
the  level  tone  in  \our  replies  will 
have  a  mu'aculous  effect  on  a  per- 
son who  is  talking  to  you  too  emo- 
tionally, whether  shouting  or 

It  would  be  well  to  study  our 
telephone  talks  with  the  level  tone 
in  mind.  Some  people  behave  bet- 
ter with  a  mechanical  contrivance 
in  their  hands.  We  should  study 
the  reason  for  this  and  use  our 
best  telephone  manners  when  we 
are  not  talking  into  a  mouthpiece. 
Often,  though,  we  will  find  that 
our  telephone  voice  becomes  high, 
dramatic,  effusive.  The  illusion  of 
safety  traps  us  into  an  attempt  to 
act  up.  Here  again  the  use  of  the 
level  tone  will  come  to  our  aid,  foi 

it    conserves    energy    we    usuallj' 
waste  in  gestures  of  tlie  voice. 

The  next  easy  step  is  to  practice 
the  "stranger  tone."  In  many 
families  guests  or  even  strangers 
often  receive  a  more  friendly  voice 
vibration  than  is  commonly  served 
out  to  members  of  the  household. 
Hence  it  often  helps  to  imagine 
the  husband,  wife,  or  child  as  a 
person  met  for  the  first  time.  For 
example,  the  mother  might  think 
of  her  own  child  as  a  new  little 
boy  just  come  into  the  neighbor- 
hood Then  the  sharp  admonitory 
tone,  that  has  often  become  ha- 
bitual, is  dropped;  friendliness  is 
carried  with  every  spoken  word. 
It  is  a  device  that  has  worked 
well;  you  should  see  the  child  re- 

\\'riters,  musicians,  anyone  with  a 
creative  gift,  a  chance  to  create. 

When  I  asked  Hervey  White  the 
secret  of  his  great  success  with  the 
men  who  dug  his  ditches,  broke 
shale  for  his  roads,  or  built  his  the- 
ater in  the  woods,  he  said,. "Any 
man  who  works  for  me  is  doing 
me  a  personal  service;  I  am  there- 
fore always  grateful.  Besides  that, 
I  look  upon  him  as  an  expert,  a 
man  who  can  do  superbly  what 
my  education  never  taught  me  to 
do."  So  the  feeling  that  controlled 
his  tone  was  his  genuine  respect 
for  those  who  worked  with  him. 

This  low  tone  of  respect,  of  rec- 
ognition that  the  other  fellow 
knows  more  about  a  thing  than 
you  do,  is  one  we  could  profitably 

language,  ancient  heritage  of  man; 
get  acquainted  with  this  thing  that 
shouts  our  secrets  to  all  the  world. 
Remake  your  conversation;  get 
yourself  a  new  voice.  It  is  not 
words  that  stir  up  opposition,  sug- 
gest suspicion,  or  make  us  comic 
material  for  the  satirist;  it  is  the 
song  that  goes  with  the  words. 

If  you  want  practical  help,  start 
right  off  eliminating  the  false 
tones  Bring  down,  way  down, 
that  high  excitement  tone  when 
there  is  nothing  really  to  be  ex- 
cited about;  and  obliterate  that 
deep  tone  of  interrupting  agree- 
ment with'  persons  who  at  the 
time  are  saying  nothing  in  par- 

Scare   yourself   with   the   great 


—buL  IIdw.  ^IJDiL  Saij^  9t 

Reprinted  by  courtesy  of  The  Rotarian  and  Reader's  Digest 

By  Hughes  Mearns 

spond  with  cheery  obedience  rath- 
er than  sullen  resistance. 

Husbands  are  usually  too  self- 
conscious  to  make  much  of  a  go  of 
the  stranger  tone.  Women  take  to 
the  idea  with  better  understand- 
ing. Besides  they  are  more  used 
to  summoning  personal  resources 
in  the  presence  of  strangers;  so 
they  try  it  out  by  stealth  and 
watch  the.  warmth  come  back  into 
family  relations.  The  husband 
finds  himself  hearing  again,  after 
long  years,  that  friendly  voice  of 
interest-in-him,  that  touch  of  a 
laugh  in  the  words,  that  assuring 
tone  which  abolishes  past  and  fu- 
ture cares  and  lives  only  in  the 
blessed  present. 

Those  who  get  along  best  with 
workmen,  servants,  and  children 
have  learned  to  dismiss  from  their 
speech  the  medium-high  tone  of 
conscious  superiority.  Let  us  draw 
an  encouraging  and  instructive  il- 
lustration from  Hervey  White, 
"the  moneyless  philanthropist  of 
the  Catskills."  For  30  years  in  his 
mountain  colony  ^t  Woodstock, 
New  York,  he  has  given  artists, 

adopt  in  our  day-to-day  dealing 
with  many  people. 

The  language  of  tone  was  in  use 
a  million  years  before  man  in- 
vented artificial  words;  if  we  have 
forgotten  it.  it  is  nonetheless  our 
possession  today.  Good  communi- 
cations can  still  be  made  in  tone 
where  language  barriers  block  the 
way.  I  have  participated  with 
friendly  white  men  who  talk  in  our 
language  with  Indians  who  reply 
in  theirs;  goodwill  is  expressed 
and  understood  without  either 
comprehending  the  other's  speech. 
Social  workers  tell  me  that  with 
immigrants  a  smile,  a  gesture, 
words  of  no  particular  signif- 
icance, but  charged  with  welcome 
and  helpfulness  are  all  that  is 
heeded  to  banish  apprehension 
and  induce  trust  and  friendliness, 
despite  the  fact  that  they  can't  un- 
derstand a  word  that  is  said. 

Conscious  use  of  the  language  of 
tone  will  enrich  all  human  rela- 
tionships.  So  look  over  your  tone 

—  5  — 

truth  that  something  individually 
precious  is  lost  with  every  failure 
to  express  truly  your  real  feeling. 
Encourage  yourself  with  the  faith 
that  a  remaking  of  personality, 
along  the  lines  suggested  here,  is 
possible  at  any  age  and  is  quite 
worth  the  effort  involved. 

Doing  Double  Duty 

How  part-time  work  by  service- 
men helped  us  solve  a  pressing 
manpower  problem  in  our  plant 

They  work  like  Trojans,  as  one  Ryan  foreman  puts 
it  rather  poetically. 

They  move  quickly  from  one  task  to  the  next, 
throwing  their  full  weight  into  every  job,  brushing 
aside  distractions  and  interruptions,  pushing  ahead 
fast  and  hard  hour  after  hour.  They  are  quiet,  husky- 
looking  chaps,  and  they  are  rather  grimly  intent  on 
their  work.  In  spite  of  their  strenuous  labors,  their 
shoes  are  shined  and  their  uniforms  neat — as  befits 
members  of  the  United  States  armed  forces. 

These  men  are  the  military  part-time  workers  whose 
fame  has  spread  all  over  the  Ryan  plant  in  the  few 
weeks  they  have  been  working  here.  Coast  Guards- 
men, sailors,  marines  and  soldiers  have  been  pouring 
into  Ryan  for  part-time  jobs  in  their  off  hours  almost 
every   night   since   early    in    June.    They   come    from 

Point  Loma,  from  Camp  Elliott,  from  the  Coast  Guard 
Station  and  the  Air  Transport  Command  and  the 
Naval  Air  Station.  They  usually  start  at  six  in  the 
evening  and  work  until  ten,  but  many  also  put  in  a 
full  day  at  the  factory  whenever  they  have  a  day  of 

It  all  started  one  day  in  May  when  Art  Coltrain 
and  Frank  Saye  crossed  the  street  from  the  Ryan 
factory  to  the  Coast  Guard  Station  to  see  if  they 
could  drum  up  a  few  desperately  needed  part-time 

"Wouldn't  it  be  a  good  idea,"  they  suggested  to 
the  Coast  Guard  officers,  "if  your  men  could  be 
allowed  to  spend  part  of  their  spore  time  working  at 
Ryan?  They  could  earn  extra  money,  and  they'd  be 
helping  us  whip  our  manpower  shortage." 
(Continued   on   page    16) 

—  6- 

Port  of  the  Brains  Trust  at  work  on 
plans  for  "We  Like  It  This  Way." 
Clockwise,  Dorcas  Cochran,  Frank  Cur- 
ran,  Bob  Rankin,  and  Garrick  O'Bryan 
— energetically  talking  things  over  at  a 
rehearsal  of  the  show. 

Was  she  surprised?  Sue  Gun- 
thorp's  startled  expression  was 
due  to  being  called  to  Bill 
Wogner's  office  (on  pretext 
that  an  important  deal  was 
cooking)  only  to  find  the 
office  gang  had  arranged  a 
farewell   shower  for   her. 

•W-  -M-  1^ 

Scautut  i<M«td 

ik      ix      ix 

George  Duncan,  our  cartoonist,  in  his 
native  haunts  in  the  Manifold  Small 
Parts  department. 

Marjorie  Bolas  looks  up  from  her  in- 
spection work  long  enough  to  give  the 
cameraman  a  big  smile.  She's  another 
Flying  Reporter  contributor. 

Jovial  Jean  Bovet,  chief  stew- 
ard, says  "This  ping  pong  is 
wonderful.  Just  the  thing  to 
help  me  keep  my  girlish  fig- 

—  8  — 

What  would  you  do 
iF  you  were  in 
Andrea  Kelly's  shoes? 

The  doy  Jimmy  left  for  overseas  duty, 
Andrea  Kelly  took  a  job  in  a  war  plant.  She 
was  0  little  worried,  at  first,  about  working 
in  0  factory — because  she  was  young  and 
attractive,  and  the  risk  of  marring  her 
beauty  by  an  accident  frightened  her.  But 
Andrea  took  the  job  anyway,  to  bock  up 

She  soon  found  that  factory  work  wasn't 
so  risky  after  all.  Her  job  as  o  drill  press 
operator  was  safe  enough  as  long  as  she 
followed  the  simple  precautions  which  her 
leodmon  explained  to  her  the  first  day. 
Andrea  discovered  that  she  really  liked  her 
work,  and  wrote  long  enthusiastic  letters  to 
Jimmy  about   it. 

Only  last  week,  she  hod  a  letter  from 
Jimmy  saying  he  would  be  coming  home 
soon  and  they  could  be  married  on  his  fur- 
lough— that  is,  if  she  was  willing. 

Then  it  happened.  The  day  ofter  Andrea 
received  the  letter,  she  was  so  happy  and 
excited  that  she  got  careless  at  the  factory. 
She  didn't  take  time  to  check  out  a  pair 
of  safety  goggles. 

A  chip  of  high  speed  steel  pierced  her 
eyeball  just  far  enough  to  allow  the  fluid 
to  escape.  Andrea  lost  one  eye.  So  now 
Jimmy  ond  Andrea  will  spend  his  furlough 
getting   her  fitted  with  on  artificial  eye. 

Of  course,  they  moke  wonderful  artificial 
eyes  these  days.  It's  hard  for  your  best 
friends  to  tell  which  one  is  the  fake.  You 
con  take  it  out  at  night,  wash  it,  do  almost 
anything  with  it — except  see  with  it. 

Maybe  you're  thinking,  "it  can't  hap- 
pen to  me."  But  it  happened  to  more  people 
like  you  in  industrial  plants  than  among 
all  our  armed  forces.  Think  that  over. 

Injuries    to    the    eyes    by   flying    particles 

present  the  most  serious  problem  with  which 
Ryan's  Safety  engineers  have  to  contend. 
In  July  alone,  800  employees  mode  a  trip 
to  First  Aid  for  eye  injuries.  Think  that 
over,  too. 

Our  Safety  department  statistics  prove 
that  80  °o  of  these  accidents  would  hove 
been  avoided  if  the  proper  sofety  goggles 
had  been  worn.  And  1  1  °o  more  are  due 
to  not  using  safety  shields. 

You  may  scy,  "I  know  I  should  wear  my 
safety  goggles,  but  they're  just  too  heavy 
and    uncomfortable    to    wear   oil    day    long." 

(Continued   on    page    17) 

Meet— Paul  Tedford 


Paul  was  toush  kids'  prey — until 
Jim  Quinlan  took  the  reins 

Take  a  boy  of  high  school  or  college  age. 
Moke  him  an  athletic  hero.  Get  him  column 
after  column  of  newspaper  praise,  shower 
him  with  undergraduate  hero  worship — and 
you've  probably   ruined   him   for   life. 

Nine  out  of  ten  sports  heroes  never  re- 
cover from  the  sickening  jolt  they  get  when 
their  athletic  career  ends  and  the  crowd 
forgets  them.  The  adjustment  from  glory  to 
limbo  is  a  hard  one  to  make. 

But  Paul  Tedford,  Ryan's  new  director  of 
recreation,  is  the  one  sports  hero  in  ten 
who  kept  his  feet  on  the  ground  during  and 
after  a  glamorous  career.  And  it  really  was 
glamorous.  In  high  school  he  was  an  all- 
state  football  quarterback  and  a  widely- 
known  star  in  basketball,  baseball  and  track. 
At  Boston  University  he  was  a  letter  man  in 
all  four  major  sports,  besides  being  one  of 
the  most  famous  college  boxers  of  his  day. 
He  won  the  national  intercollegiate  light- 
heavyweight  boxing  championship  as  a  fresh- 
man, sophomore  and  junior,  and  twice 
knocked  out  the  Olympic  Games  light-heavy 
champion  in  exhibition  bouts. 

After  his  college  days,  Tedford  became  a 
professional  baseball  player  and  kept  on 
getting  big  block  headlines.  He  left  college 
in  the  middle  of  his  junior  year  to  jump 
straight  into  the  American  Association — 
fastest  minor  league  in  the  country — where 
he  pitched  for  St.  Paul,  winning  35  games 
in  two  seasons  and  batting  over  330.  Then 
he  turned  down  a  contract  with  the  Detroit 
Tigers  in  order  to  retire  into  the  obscurity 
of  small-town  newspaper  work. 

Since  the  day  Tedford  hung  up  his  pitch- 
er's glove  eight  years  ago,  he  has  had  no 
more  headlines.  Yet  there  is  no  trace  of  the 
forgotten-hero  complex  in  Tedford.  He 
doesn't  buttonhole  people  and  try  to  tell 
them  about  his  past  triumphs.  He  doesn't 
decorate  his  office  with  pictures  of  himself 
in  athletic  attire,  nor  keep  big  scropbooks  of 
newspaper  clippings  handy  to  show  visitors. 
At  Ryan  he  is  becoming  known  as  a  nice 
fellow  with  a  lot  of  drive,  who  likes  to  or- 
ganize employee  sports  on  a  systematic, 
foolproof  basis.  He  never  tells  about  his  own 
sports  triumphs  unless  someone  drags  them 
out  of  him. 

Yet  his  past  is  a  fascinating  one  to  any- 
one interested  in  sports.  Tedford  was  the 
son  of  a  wealthy  New  England  shoe  manu- 

facturer in  Newburyport,  Massachusetts.  He 
lived  in  the  wealthy  "high  town"  section  and 
from  earliest  youth  was  a  favorite  target  for 
the  fists  of  the  tough  kids  from  the  other 
side  of  the  tracks,  who  regarded  "sissies 
from  high  town"  as  their  special  prey.  From 
the  time  he  was  six  or  seven,  he  began 
taking  savage  beatings  from  boys  older  and 
tougher  than  he.  The  beatings  probably 
wouldn't  hove  been  so  bad  had  Tedford 
known  when  to  quit,  but  he  had  the  deep- 
seated  aversion  of  a  redheaded  Irishman  to 
giving  in,  and  kept  getting  up  for  more 
punishment  long  after  he  should  have  stayed 

Finally  his  father  determined  that  young 
Paul  should  learn  to  defend  himself.  So  he 
sent  the  boy  to  a  professional  trainer  in 
Boston — 0  man  named  Jim  Quinlan,  who 
Tedford  swears  was  one  of  the  best  fighters 
who  ever  stepped  into  a  ring.  "He  never 
weighed  more  than  137,"  Tedford  recalls, 
"but  I  think  he  could  beat  almost  ony  fighter 
who  ever  lived — regardless  of  weight.  He 
never  boxed  professionally  because  he  didn't 
like  the  gome.  But  I  once  watched  him  step 
into  the  ring  and  cut  o  heavyweight  to  pieces 
because  the  big  fellow  was  roughing  up  a 
young  lightweight." 

Quinlan  trained  Tedford  for  four  years 
without  ever  letting  him  put  on  boxing  gloves 
except  to  punch  the  bag.  The  boy  spent 
those  four  years  learning  to  block  and  roll 
and  clinch;  learning  to  dart  his  hands  in- 
side an  opponent's  guard  and  tap  him  on 
the  face  or  the  stomach.  Simultaneously,  by 
special  exercises  with  the  bog  and  hours  of 
practice  at  footwork,  he  was  developing  on 
explosive  punch  with  either  hand.  Tedford 
loved  it.  He  trained  with  fanatic  enthusiasm 
— from  eight  to  fourteen  hours  daily.  He  did 
six  miles  of  roadwork  every  morning,  shadow 
boxed,  skipped  rope,  pulled  weights,  punched 
bags  month  after  month.  "Incidentally,  every 
kind  of  exercise  except  the  roadwork  was  in 
three-minute    rounds    of    exercise    for    eight 

—  9  — 

hours  a  day,  I  got  so  I  knew  to  the  second 
when  that  bell  would  ring.  It  helped  me  a 
lot  when  I  got  into  competitive  fighting  I 
could  time  each  round  to  end  in  my  corner 
so  it  was  always  my  opponent  who  had  to 
walk  across  the  ring  to  his  stool." 

Needless  to  say,  Quinlan's  training  soon 
made  Tedford  too  much  of  a  terror  for  the 
local  toughs  to  tackle.  But  Paul  had  learned 
to  love  boxing,  so  he  kept  on  with  it  year 
after  year.  From  the  time  he  was  nine  until 
he  was  twenty-two,  he  never  went  to  bed 
later  than  ten  o'clock — never  ate  candy, 
never  smoked  or  drank.  This  training  made 
him  absolutely  invincible  when  he  entered 
intercollegiate  boxing.  In  his  entire  ring 
career  of  287  bouts,  he  was  never  beaten. 

Some  of  those  287  fights  were  terrific 
contests.  As  a  freshman  Tedford  took  the 
eastern  championship  from  Red  Bailey  in  a 
bout  that  college  ring  fans  still  remember. 
Tedford  was  outboxed  and  outslugged  for 
the  first  six  rounds  but  pulled  through  by 
sheer  brains.  "Red  was  the  best  boxer  I 
ever  fought."  Tedford  says.  "Much  better 
than  I  was.  Red  was  a  left-hander — and 
when  you  meet  a  lefthander  you  try  to 
right-hand  him  to  death.  But  my  rights 
weren't  even  touching  him  and  his  right 
forearm  was  blocking  every  single  punch  1 
threw  with  my  left.  However,  in  the  seventh 
round  I  got  a  bright  idea.  I  started  hitting 
that  right  forearm  with  the  hardest  punches 
I  could  throw.  By  the  middle  of  the  eighth 
he  couldn't  lift  his  right  arm  at  oil.  He 
didn't  walk  out  of  the  ring  that  night." 

In  another  famous  intersectional  battle, 
Tedford  whipped  Lew  Murray  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  West  Virginia,  although  Murray 
outweighed  him  by  ten  pounds.  Here  again 
Tedford  seemed  to  be  outclassed  for  the  first 
six  rounds.  Murray  was  a  murderous  puncher 
with  a  wild,  unorthodox  style  and  a  cast- 
iron  stomach.  Tedford  tried  to  box  him  and 

(Continued  on   page    18) 

Siim->  '^'^^'"  ' 

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1  don't  want  to  appear  irrational  on  the 
subject  of  rationing,  but  I  can't  seem  to 
stop  writing  about  it.  Even  though  several 
of  my  more  vicious  readers  have  urged  by 
mail  that  the  rationing  that  is  really  needed 
is  rationing  of  my  articles  about  rationing, 
I  must  touch  on  the  subject  just  once  more. 

The  other  morning  I  went  to  visit  old 
Re-paint,  who  has  been  in  storage  since  last 
November.  I  wanted  to  get  the  serial  num- 
bers of  his  tires.  It  was  while  burrowing  in 
the  rust  and  cobwebs  and  t;rmites  that  now 
hove  tal<en  charge  of  old  Re-paint  (a  spider 
was  amusing  himself  blowing  the  horn  when 
I  arrived,  and  a  little  beaver-like  animal 
had  set  up  light  housekeeping  in  the  bock 
seat)  that  I  decided  to  tell  the  government 
every  blessed  thing  it  wanted  to  know  about 

One  questionnaire  at  a  time,  the  govern- 
ment has  been  ferreting  out  information  on 
its  citizens.  I  have  looked  at  so  many  printed 
forms  (when  my  taste  runs  to  the  more 
animated  types  of  forms)  that  a  few  more 
"Fill  in  here — do  not  fill  in  below — Print 
clearly"  instructions  and  I  will  be  off  to 
the  neighborhood  nuttery. 

Just  think  of  the  forms  we  have  filled  out 
already.  There  was  the  first  draft  question- 
naire. Then  there  was  the  second  one.  Then 
there  was  the  form  for  sugar,  then  gasoline, 
now  tires.  Soon  there  will  be  forms  for  lots 
of  other  things. 

So  here  is  everything  I  think  the  govern- 
ment will  want  to  know  about  me.  I  am 
about  6  feet  2  inches  tall,  and  my  shoulder 
and  waist  line  are  about  the  same  width,  and 
my  walk  is  like  that  of  a  penguin  with  a 
rock  in  his  shoe.  My  ears  ore  about  the  size 
of  book  ends.  My  hair  is  reddish-brown,  and 
there  is  just  about  enough  of  it  to  fill  a 
$1.35  gold-filled  locket.  At  the  rate  it  is 
retreating,  however,  there  won't  be  enough 
a  year  from  now  to  moke  the  cross  bars  in 
a  binocular. 

The  hardest  word  in  the  English  language 
for  me  to  write  is  "government."  I  still  don't 
think  there  is  an  "n"  after  the  "r."  Also 
I  am  a  firm  believer  in  two  sayings  of  O.  B. 
Keeler.  The  first  is:  "Never  trust  a  man  who 
soys  he  is  not  afraid  of  his  wife,  because 
he'll  lie  about  other  things  too."  The  sec- 
ond is:  "I  con  resist  everything  but  tempta- 
tion." I  like  a  good  steak.  And  I  think 
there  is  nothing  like  a  well-done  hamburger. 
Or  a  thin   little  bit  of  meat  all  covered  with 

flour    and    fried    until    it   can't    wriggle    in    a 
thick  cream  gravy. 

My  glove  size  —  well,  the  government 
(notice  I  got  the  "n"  in  there)  will  never 
know  it.  Put  a  pair  of  gloves  on  me  and  I'm 
so  helpless  that  I  can't  open  a  revolving  door. 
But  I  think  I  weor  about  a  number  eight 

There  is  nothing  that  I  wouldn't  rather  do 
than  sit  at  a  typewriter  and  write  anything. 
One  of  my  happiest  moments  was  when  I 
read  that  Joseph  Conrad  hated  to  write  so 
much  that  he  had  to  be  practically  knocked 
down  and  locked  in  a  room  to  make  him  turn 
out  a  word.  Me  and  Joseph,  Joseph  and  me. 

Well,  you  are  probably  pretty  sick  hear- 
ing about  me.  Don't  complain.  I'm  just  as 
tired  writing  about  myself,  but  de  guvviment, 
he  seems  to  want  to  know  mighty  neah  all 
theah  is  to  know  about  us  folks. 

When  I  wrote  a  column  several  weeks  ago 
complaining  that  I  couldn't  get  a  suntan  and 
simply  blistered  and  peeled  every  time  I 
went  out  in  the  sun,  I  never  expected  to  get 
such  a  reaction  from  fellow  broilers  through- 
out the  country. 

I  hove  received  parcels  of  assorted  vita- 
mins to  swallow.  I  have  received  packages 
of  suntan  oil.  Letters  containing  recipes  of 
homemade  remedies  for  the  prevention  of 
sunburn  have  come  in  by  the  score,  as  well 
as  letters  of  deep  sympathy  from  others 
who  know  the  pain  and  shame  of  having  to 
wander  around  looking  like  a  lobster  in 
search  of  mayonnaise. 

Up  until  now  I  have  tried  half  a  dozen 
of  the  remedies  suggested.  Aside  from  caus- 
ing a  lot  of  comment  by  passers-by  who 
were  puzzled  by  the  seemingly  strange  ritual 
I  was  going  through  as  I  sat  hopefully  and 
damned  uncomfortably  on  the  beach,  no 
good  has  come  of  the  remedies  yet. 

Mr.  Robert  Kuzell  of  Atlanta  Go.,  was 
the  first  whose  advice  I  followed.  The  recipe 
which  enabled  him  to  ton  is  this: 

Take  a  handful  of  tea  and  steep  or  rather 
boil  it  so  that  the  resulting  liquid  amounts 
to  about  a  half  of  a  pint.  After  it  is  cool 
apply  to  all  exposed  portions  of  the  body 
and  stay  in  the  sun  for  a  period  of  about 
1  5  minutes  and  continue  to  apply  the  tea 
while  you  are  in  the  sun.  Don't  stay  out  in 
the  sun  if  you  begin  to  feel  any  burn. 

I  brewed  the  tea,  and  repaired  to  the 
beach    in    front   of    the    house,    and    started 

—  10  — 

sloshing  it  all  over  me.  Bill  McNoily,  my 
neighbor,  informed  me  later  that  a  number 
of  people  asked  him  what  he  thought  I  was 
doing.  He  said  that  he  told  them  he  knew 
what  I  was  doing — that  I  was  having  my  tea. 

He  said  the  general  reaction  to  this  was 
that  most  everyone  felt  that  my  trip  to 
England  had  gone  to  my  head;  that  I  was 
not  satisfied  with  having  tea  just  in  the 
afternoon,  but  felt  that  I  had  to  pour  it  all 
over  myself  all  morning.  Being  the  kind  of 
a  friend  he   is,  he  didn't  set  them   right. 

After  four  days  of  this  Kuzell  torture  I 
was  as  untanned  as  ever,  which  leads  me 
to  believe  that  Kuzell  may  have  forgotten 
to  tell  me  whether  he  used  lemon  or  cream 
in  his  tea. 

Ernie  Fields  of  the  Northrop  Aircraft  Com- 
pany at  Inglewood,  Calif.,  sent  me  a  pack- 
age of  vitamins  with  instructions  as  to  how 
many  of  them  to  take  a  day.  I  followed  Mr. 
Fields'  instructions  and  found  that  I  had 
no  time  to  stay  out  in  the  sun  as  every  few 
minutes  my  watch  would  tell  me  that  it  was 
time  to  dash  to  the  kitchen  to  take  another 

Another  homemade  recipe  called  far  me 
to  dig  up  a  palmetto  tree,  boil  the  roots, 
bathe  in  the  root  water,  run  out  into  the 
sun,  bathe  in  the  root  water,  run  out  in  the 
sun,  ad  infinitum. 

The  man  who  suggested  this,  Les  Wilson 
of  Los  Angeles,  forgot  only  one  thing — he 
didn't  mention  how  long  to  keep  up  this 
treatment.  I  have  a  feeling,  though,  that  to 
make  this  cure  stick  a  fellow  would  hove  to 
make  it  o  career. 

Having  tried  these  and  many  other  recipes 
I  have  about  come  to  the  conclusion  that 
Mrs.  D.  J.  Thompson  of  Southgate,  Calif., 
has  the  best  answer  to  the  problem.  She 

"I  want  to  join  your  sunburned  league. 
I  have  suffered  embarrassment,  isolation, 
blisters,  peeling  and  freckles  for  years.  This 
is  the  first  summer  of  my  life  that  I  have 
had  the  perfect  cure.  I've  opened  a  day 
nursery  in  my  home  and  I  don't  have  to 
go  out  to  get  sunburned." 

Now,  if  I  can  just  find  1  5  sets  of  parents 
who  ore  willing  to  trust  their  children  to  my 
care,  I  shall  open  a  day  nursery  and  let  the 
children  drink  the  tea,  play  with  the  palmetto 
roots,  and  throw  vitamins  at  each  other. 

Before  we  call  it  a  day,  we  would  like  to 
offer  our  congratulations  to  Murray  Leonard, 
formerly  of  Production  Planning,  on  his  pro- 
motion to  Lt.    ( jgl  . 

Proof  That  They  Must  Like  Working  at  Ryan 

A  happy  occasion  with  everyone  beaming  after  being  presented  their  five-year  service  pins  by  T.  Claude  Ryan.  Front  row,  D.  Eddy, 
V.  J.  Pork,  Leonard  Wolslager,  Mr.  Ryan,  W.  L.  Knight  and  R.  M.  Hals.  Second  row,  Harry  Goodin,  W.  F.  Helmer,  W.  M.  Sarsfield, 
Willard   Harpster  and  Gordon   F.  Johns. 


Virginia  Pixley 

We've  had  so  many  beach  parties  that  I 
don't  remember  what  number  to  give  this 
last  one,  but  'twas  a  success  again  according 
to  "them  what  went."  MR.  SEDER  will 
probably  agree  that  the  party  was  fine  but 
the  grunion  hunt  a  complete  flop.  Can  we 
help  it  if  our  private  little  party  was  sud- 
denly invaded  by  throngs  of  people  who  pro- 
claimed the  grunion  were  due  to  run  at 
11:10  on  the  dot  and  so  we  decided  to  get 
in  on  it.  Then,  just  because  the  grunion 
never  did  find  our  particular  shore  at  11:10 
or  otherwise,  Mr.  Seder  choses  to  hold  me 
personally  responsible  since  I  live  out  that 
way.  I  really  believe  we  had  more  fun  NOT 
finding  them  than  if  we  had  gotten  a  bucket- 
ful. COYE  SLIGH  would  scream  and  gather 
a  crowd  and  the  light  would  be  flashed  on 
the  spot  just  in  time  to  reveal  a  publicity 
shunning  little  sand  crab  burrowing  for  some 
privacy.  Guests  of  honor  were  BUD 
SCROGGS  and  his  very  charming  wife  who 
seemed  sorry  they  had  missed  out  on  the 
previous  parties.  Highlight  was  the  initial 
appearance  of  DREW  ALLEN  in  his  Marine 
uniform  who  has  gotten  bronze  and  lean- 
faced  and  looked  mighty  handsome.     GOR- 

DON McCORMICK  showed  up  in  his  over- 
sized sailor  uniform  but  has  made  up  for  it 
since  by  a  visit  here  at  Ryan  in  his  Ensign's 
uniform  with  that  gold  stripe  gleaming  and 
flashing.  We  are  very  proud  of  Gordon  and 
Drew  and  always  tickled  pink  to  see  them. 
Drew  visited  us  at  work  too  but  we  spoiled 
things  for  him  by  trying  to  put  him  to  work 
on  some  old  problems.  Got  a  cute  cord  from 
LLOYD  LOOMER  saying  he,  too,  was  now  a 
member  of  the  Marine  Corps,  and  a  card  at 
last  from  TONY  CONTI,  who  is  now  serving 
Uncle  Sam  in  the  Navy.  LEM  KOHLI  is  ne)<t 
to  leave  our  fold  but  if  he  will  keep  in  touch 
with  us  as  the  others  hove  done,  it  won't 
be  so  hard  to  give  him  up. 

Did  you  hear  about  the  fellow  who  came 
to  our  department  to  see  YUEN  B.  LEO 
thinking  he  was  "Chink"   Lee? 

We  like  LOUISE  WILSON'S  new  upsweep 
hair-do.  Also  MARIE  LOUDEN'S.  It  is  a 
very  becoming  style  for  both  of  them.  Van 
Sicklin  quips,  "Yeah,  it  will  BECOMING 
down  any  minute,"  but  pay  no  attention  to 
him  as  he's  been  saving  the  joke  for  years 
and  years  and  he  was  dying  to  use  it. 

FROM  BIRTHDAY  WEEK.  Amy  really  hod 
quite  a  birthday  this  year.  Four  cokes  in 
all  and  lots  of  presents  because  everyone 
knows  that  Amy  is  so  generous  herself,  it's 
a  pleasure  to  turn  the  tables  on  her. 

YUEN  B.  LEO  TIRED!  Or  should  I  soy 
DE-TIRED?  Some  mischievous  kids  stuck  an 
ice  pick  in  all  his  tires  for  no  good  reason  at 
all.  It  really  hod  us  boiling  so  think  how 
Leo  felt!! 

—  II  — 

Chief  characteristics  of  WILLIAM  LATTA 
are  his  "Roll  Your  Own"  cigarettes  and  the 
way  he  gets  so  MAD  he  could,  "eat  a  mess 
of  chicken  and  dumplings  all  by  myself." 
When  Mr.  Lotto  lights  one  of  those  ciggies, 
I  don't  know  how  the  others  around  him 
react  but  I  always  investigate  my  clothes  to 
see  what's  burning.  Mr.  Lotto  is  burning 
after  my  mentioning  that  out  loud  recently. 
I  think  I  insulted  him,  but  if  he's  mad 
enough  to  "eat  a  steak  dinner  with  French 
fried    spuds,"    I'm    really   sorry. 

JACK  EDMUNDS  punned  to  J.  H.  Wood's 
stenog  that  Wood  was  just  a  splinter  to 
him.  So  now  everyone  greets  poor  Woody 
with   "HI,   HO,   SLIVER." 


Basic  "A"  gas  ration  books  will  be 
available  to  Ryan  employees  early  this 

You  are  urged  to  secure  your  Basic 
"A"  books  here  at  the  plant.  This 
will  not  only  be  more  convenient  for 
you,  but  will  reduce  the  paper  work 
considerably  which  would  be  caused 
by  the  necessity  of  transferring  your 
record  to  your  local  gas  rationing 

An  announcement  will  be  made 
shortly  as  to  the  exact  date  they  will 
be  available  and  the  proper  procedure 
to  be  followed  in  securing  them. 



WAR     IS    HELL! 

A  manufacturer:  "They 
keep  me  waiting  a  half- 
hour  for  a  table,  and  an- 
other half-hour  before  my 
food  comes  —  and  then 
my  steak  is  too  well- 

A  pilot:  "It  wasn't  so 
bad  on  that  rubber  life- 
raft  for  the  first  ten  days, 
but  then  my  emergency 
rations  ran  out.  All  I 
could  think  about  was  a 
big  steak!" 

A  traveling  man:    "I  hod 

a  reservation  but  they 
couldn't  let  me  in  my 
room  till  late  in  the  day. 
And  the  room  I  finally  got 
overlooked  the  alley!" 

A  corporal:  "They'  re 
really  swell  at  the  .  .  . 
Hotel.  They  check  oil  our 
stuff  without  charge — 
and  let  us  sleep  in  those 
comfortable  chairs  in  the 


A  stenographer:  "I  think 
I'll  quit,  I'm  only  getting 
$1  50  a  month  and  I  know 
where  I  con  get  $175.  It 
will  be  easier  work — and 
I'll  get  more  time  off." 

AWAC:  "I  never  knew  I 
was  able  to  work  so  hard 
and  it  takes  a  lot  of  plan- 
ning to  get  along  on  $50 
0  month — but  we're  all 
awfully  happy." 

Do  you  let  it  get  you  down  when  you  hove  to  do  some  extra  work,  to  moke  up  for  the  men 
and  women  in  the  services?  or  when  you  have  to  stand  in  a  crowded  bus?  or  you  can't  get 
the  cut  of  meat  you  want?  or  the  dust  in  the  parking  lot  makes  your  cor  a  mess?  or  the 
weather  gets  so  hot  that  you  don't  feel  like  working? 

Yes,  war  is  hell.  And  everybody  is  prey  to  war  nerves  these  days.  It's  easy  for  you  to 
feel  sorry  for  yourself.  Work  up  a  foul  temper.  Snarl  at  somebody — anybody.  You  con 
very  quickly  turn  off  your  brain  power  and  think  with  your  lungs.  Yell!  Grouse!   Belly-ache! 

But  if  you  think,  as  we  do,  that  war  nerves  are  no  excuse  for  squawking,  moaning,  or 
lying  down  on  the  job,  then  you'll  take  it  out  in  grinning.  Not  only  will  you  learn  to  enjoy  it, 
but  it  will  get  you  more  in  the  end. 

Leave  the  moaning  for  those  poor  devils  who  reolly  get  hurt. 

—  12  — 

Ryan  Employees  Hear  Lt.  Serle 

Lt.  Eduard  Serle  surveys  a  group  of 
Ryonites  while  being  introduced  by 
Earl  D.  Prudden  before  telling  of  his 
exciting  experiences  as  commander  of 
a  division  of  mine  sweepers. 

Will  Vandermeer,  left,  discussing  Hol- 
land memories  with  Lt.  Serle  and  Hon. 
Alexander  van  Leer,  Vice  Consul  for 
Southern  California  of  the  Netherlands. 

Frank  DeMoor  of  Manifold  Small  Parts, 
Holland-born,  whose  brother  is  still  in 
Holland,  talks  with   Lt.   Serle. 

Ryanites  on  the  first  and  second  lunch 
periods  of  the  first  shift  and  on  both  second 
shift  lunch  periods,  listened  enthusiastically 
to  Lieutenant  Eduard  George  Serle  of  the 
Royal  Netherlands  Navy  tell  of  his  exciting 
experiences  as  the  commander  of  o  division 
of  mine  sweepers  operating  in  the  danger- 
ous North  Sea. 

Best  known  as  the  man  who  escaped  from 
the  German  foe,  not  with  one  but  with  eight 
Dutch  ships,  Lt.  Serle  is  making  an  exten- 
sive lecture  tour  of  America  enroute  to 
Australia  where  he  will  serve  as  public 
relations  officer  for  Vice  Admiral  C.  E.  L. 
Helfrich,  commander  in  chief  of  the  Nether- 
lands Indies  navy. 

At  the  time  of  the  invasion  of  the  Nether- 
lands, Belgium  and  France,  Lt.  Serle  was  in 
Paris  where  he  represented  eleven  Dutch 
shipping  lines  as  well  as  American  export 

He  was  placed  in  charge  of  the  reception 

John  Van  der  Linde,  who  came  to  the 
United  States  from  Holland  via  the 
Dutch  East  Indies  as  a  boy,  seen  talk- 
ing to  Lt.  Serle. 

of  Dutch  refugees  coming  into  the  French 
capital  in  the  van  of  German  invaders. 
Defiantly  he  raised  the  Dutch  Flag  and  en- 
gaged in  other  anti-German  activities  which 
brought  a  warning  from  the  crumbling 
French  government  to  leave  the  country.  He 
went  instead  to  Nantes.  Later,  despite 
bombings  and  strafings  and  the  fall  of 
France,  he  plotted  and  directed  the  escape 
of  eight  Dutch  ships  docked  in  a  French 
port  getting  them  safely  to  England,  where 
they  were  placed  into  service  against  the 

Will  Vandermeer,  Chief  Project  Engineer; 
John  Von  der  Linde,  General  Foreman, 
Assembly  Departments;  and  Frank  De- 
Moor  of  Manifold  Small  Parts,  all  Holland- 
born,  were  especially  interested  in  talking  to 
Lt.  Serle  personally  about  their  homeland. 
Mr.  DeMoor  came  to  the  United  States  when 
he  was  19  and  has  a  brother  still  living  in 

—  13  — 

The  News 

Marion  Dawes  and  Billie  Shaffer 

Keeping  Posted: 

Ever  hear  of  the  three  "R's"?  To  most 
people  it  represents  the  old  red  schoolhouse, 
but  to  FRANK  JANOS  it  means:  "Ryan, 
Romance  and  Raises."  Frank  started  at 
Ryan  a  little  over  a  year  ago,  and  offhand 
we'd  say  he's  done  all  right.  Romance  en- 
tered the  picture  when  he  married  CATH- 
ERINE SWITZER,  a  Ryan  inspector,  last  July. 
Then,  to  prove  the  old  adage  that  every- 
thing comes  in  threes,  he  was  appointed 
Supervisor  in  the  Final  Assembly  building. 
Guess  you  could  call  this  a  success  story. 

You  can't  blame  us  for  being  a  little 
jealous  of  VIRGIE  SEAL.  She  just  come  back 
from  a  glorious  vacation,  and  was  awarded 
a  one-year  service  pin.  KITTY  MATHENY 
is  still  going  around  talking  enthusiastically 
over  the  fun  she  had  at  Warner's  Hot  Springs 
last  week-end.  Speaking  of  Kitty,  she 
divides  her  lunch  now  with  a  little  kitten 
that  wandered  into  the  paint  shop  and  adopt- 
ed her. 

This  month  would  seem  to  call  for  a 
special  service  flog  for  "Pop,"  known  to 
more  formal  souls  as  JACK  ROPPLE.  Pop 
saw  a  lot  of  the  Panama  Canal  while  serving 
as  a   Lieutenant   in   the   last  war. 

His  son,  John  Ropple,  and  son-in-law, 
DWIGHT  YARMAN,  ore  both  in  the  Army 
now.  We'll  betcha  Pop  would  give  a  year's 
pay  to  be  right  in  there  with  them.  As  long 
as  he  can't,  he's  following  them  up  as  "Shop 
follow-up,"  and  doing  a  good  job  at  it. 
We'd  say  Pop  is  the  head  of  an  ail-American 
family.  (Note  to  Pop:  Hope  you  don't 
mind  waiting  till  pay  day  for  the  flag!  The 
orchid  we  requisitioned  last  month  is  still  on 
the  cuff)  . 
Identification  Stubs 

Meet  the  people!  Step  right  up  and  shake 
the  hand  of  some  brand  new  members  of 
our  merry  band.  Over  in  the  stockroom  we 
have  two  new  additions — LEONA  WILSON 
is  the  new  face  in  the  cutting  room.  Inci- 
dentally she's  a  new  bride  too.  KAY  BUN- 
NELL is  our  recently  acquired  "hunt  and 
peck"  expert. 
Tag  Ends 

Did  you  know  that  BEN!  MARQUEZ  used 
to  be  a  Shakespearian  actor  at  the  Old  Globe 
theatre  in  Balboa  Park?  Not  only  that,  he 
was  in  numerous  other  theatre  and  radio 
dramas  for  fifteen  years.  NORMA  ZIMMER- 
BINS  were  all  school-teachers  before  joining 
the  Ryan  student  body?  We  wondered  why 
they  shuddered  at  the  sight  of  a  big  red 
apple!  BETTY  COCKRALL  and  ANN  MAC 
BROYER  of  Experimental  were  both  glamour 
girls  in  white?  MARTIN  BALDWIN  used  to 
edit  a  newspaper?  And  can  he  blow  a  mean 
trumpet!  "Hot  Lips"  they  call  him  in  these 
parts.  RALPH  BRIGHAM  used  to  sell 

FWAB    BQMDfil 


I  was  sitting  in  my  citadel  the  other  eve- 
ning, chatting  with  a  visiting  Naval  officer 
by  the  name  of  Nada  (yes,  it  was  Ensign 
Nada),  when  suddenly  the  public  address 
system  barked  out;  "Dr.  Swaybrace!  Call- 
ing Dr.  Swaybrace!  You're  wanted  in  the 
surgery."  By  an  odd  coincidence,  my  name 
happens  to  be  Swaybrace;  putting  two  and 
two  together  (two  hookers  of  scotch  and  two 
ice  cubes),  I  decided  that  1  was  wanted  in 
the  surgery,  where  doubtless  some  poor 
devil's  life  was  hanging   In  the  balance. 

Dr.  Vixen,  girl  interne,  was  assisting  me 
that  month,  and  I  found  that  she  had  al- 
ready prepared  the  patient.  1  usually  have 
either  ether  or  ether  either  administered  as 
anesthetic  to  my  cases,  but  this  patient  hod 
fought  off  these  drugs;  hence,  as  a  last 
resort,  it  had  become  necessary  for  the 
anesthetician  to  read  to  the  patient  from 
the  D.R.M.  Now  he  lay  uneasily  in  a  deep 
stupor,  from  which  no  agency  on  earth  would 
be  able  to  rouse  him  for  another  four  hours. 

"Who  is  this  patient?"  I  asked,  ogling 
Dr.  Vixen's  stunning  strapless  surgeon's 
gown.  Fondly  I  wished  I  were  one-tenth  as 
dashing  as  Dr.  Kildare. 

"This?  This  is  patient  No.  26356,"  she 
answered  with  icy  hauteur.  I  put  aside  any 
hopes  I  had  of  winning  her  with  my  dazzling 
smile,  and  decided  to  devote  myself  strictly 
to  business. 

"Is  it  an  on-the-spot  case?" 

"Yes,  Dr.  Swaybrace.  I  should  have  said 
X-26356.  He  has  been  diagnosed  as  having 
ptosis  of  the  right  eyelid." 

"Dr.  Vixen!"    I    reprimanded. 

"Sorry,  sir,"  she  said,  and  corrected  her- 
self.  "Ptosis  dash  eyelid   R.H." 

"Better,"  I  grumbled.  1  had  finished  dis- 
infecting my  arms  by  dipping  them  in  boiling 
creosote,  and  drew  on  my  rubber  gloves,  just 
lately  retreaded  at  the  fingertips.  I  spat  on 
my  hands,  and  was  ready  to  operate. 

The  bell  rang,  and  the  amphicurtoin  rose, 
disclosing  us  to  on  amphitheater  full  of 
eager  young  medical  students  whose  voices 
rose  in  one  great  AH!  when  they  sow  Dr. 
Vixen.  It  had  not  even  been  necessary  for 
me  to  tell  them  to  "say  'oh.'  " 

As  1  began  outlining  the  procedure  1  in- 
tended following,  two  nurses  dashed  up 
and  tied  a  surgical  mask  over  my  mouth, 
saturating  it  liberally  (the  mask,  that  is) 
with  a  powerful  germicide.  I  forget  its  name, 
but  it  is  named  after  a  famous  doctor.  Lister? 
No,  not  Listerine.  Oh  yes — Dr.  Benedict. 
Benedictine,  that's  it.  Or  maybe  it  was  just 
plain   hexylresorcinol. 

I  glanced  at  the  slips  tacked  to  the 
patient's  head,  and  nodded  sagely.  "Ob- 
serve, gentlemen,"  I  said,  "that  the  well- 
known  Salzpfeffer  technique  is  now  inactive, 
never   used.   This   patient   comes   within   the 

group  29-6  and  up,  but  I  must  caution 
you  against  that  method  of  reference.  The 
Salzpfeffer,  or  experimental,  group  was  29-0 
and  up,  is  now  29-0-5;  the  operation  I  per- 
form tonight  employs  the  production  tech- 
nique effective  29-6-99.  Also  note  that 
any  cases  of  ptosis  dash  eyelid,  R.H.  -1 
which  suffer  relapses  are  to  be  reoperoted 
with  the  production  technique,  which  is 
retroactive  for  replacements.  And  now,  gen- 
tlemen,   1   am   ready  to   begin." 

A  hushed  awe  emanated  from  the  amphi- 
theater. I  lit  a  cigar  to  steady  my  nerves; 
and  lacking  an  ashtray,  I  placed  it  between 
the  inert  toes  of  the  patient.  One  of  the 
nurses  had  already  washed  the  surgical  area 
with  Lifebuoy  soap;  with  a  flick  of  the  wrist 
1  opened  my  scalpel  to  the  largest  blade, 
and  mode  a  superficial  incision.  "The  length 
of  the  first  incision  should  be  %  plus  or 
minus  1/32,"  I  said.  "This  involves  a  radical 
deviation  from  both  the  Salzpfeffer,  Goebel 
and  Rosocker  techniques,  as  you  all  know." 

I  could  hear  a  hundred  busy  pencils  taking 
notes  and  voices  whispering:  "Incision — was 
.750  plus  or  minus  .010,  now  %,  plus  or 
minus  I  /32." 

"Hemostats,"  1  snapped  out.  "Four  re- 
quired. Mfd.  by  Dandy  Hemostot  and  Gas 
Plier  Co."  The  nurse  handed  me  the  in- 
struments, which  1  immediately  thrust  back 
at  her  with  a  snarl.  "These  have  not  been 
sterilized  per  spec.  AN-FF-S-71I,  Mayhem 
Clinic  spec.  MA — 2A." 

After  the  correct  instruments  had  been 
prepared  and  applied,  1  called  out,  "Muscle 
retractors,  2  required.  Hard  chrome  plated 
per  spec.  QR-St-UO-497."  With  great  skill 
1  attached  one,  but  unfortunately  the  other 
dropped  to  the  floor  and  broke.  I  snatched 
it  up  and  handed  it  to  Dr.  Vixen  with  the 
curt  instruction:  "Rework  for  service  repair. 
Quick!   The    Patient's   pulse    is   weakening." 

You  can  sense  the  drama  in  the  situation. 
Here  we  were,  fresh  out  of  retractors;  and 
while  1  injected  adrenalin,  spec.  AD-USP- 
147  Into  the  patient's  bloodstream.  Dr. 
Vixen  was  discovering  that  hole  edge  dis- 
tance permitted  reaming  for  bushing  for 
service  repair  only,  installing  a  bushing  con- 
centric to  within  a  plus  or  minus  .003, 
riveting   in  a  new  hinge  pin   34567,  and   in 

a    moment    the    operation    was    under    way 

Everything  proceeded  smoothly,  and  1  was 
ready  to  embroider  the  trauma.  "Suture, 
ANF-995,"    I  called. 

"Suture  self,"  replied  the  nurse,  a  flip 

"Are  you  suture  giving  me?"  I  flipped 
bock,  and  began  threading  the  needle  like 
an  old  housewife.  I  threaded  in  o  very  long 
suture,  knowing  that  1  hod  a  pair  of  socks 
to  darn  after  the  operation.  1  might  remark 
that  the  conversation  I  had  with  the  nurse 
kept  the  patient  in  stitches,  but  perhaps  I 
hod   better   not. 

At  any  rate,  we  applied  a  coot  of  1 
brown  iodine,  spec.  AN-TT-P-5440  to  the 
area,  applied  2  layers  of  gauze,  spec.  OK-53, 
and  the  operation  was  finished.  Pande- 
monium broke  out  in  the  amphitheater;  Dr. 
Vixen  raised  my  right  arm  above  my  head, 
and  a  boy  brought  o  basket  of  Tolisman 
roses  to  the  operating  stage;  these  I  gal- 
lantly gave  Dr.  Vixen,  who  buried  her  head 
in  them,  looked  at  the  sea  of  shouting  faces 
before  us  and  sobbed,  "Dear  people — some- 
day I  will  come  bock  and  sing  'Tosco'  for 
you  again." 

After  picking  the  coins  from  the  floor  and 
splitting  them  four  ways  (for  myself.  Dr. 
Vixen,  the  nurse  and  Henry  Morgenthou), 
we  departed,  feeling  that  we  hod  contributed 
our  bit  to  science,  and  knowing  that  when 
the  cigar  (don't  forget  the  cigar,  folks i 
had  burned  down  to  the  patient's  toes,  he 
would  awoke,  and  remember,  and  under- 

They  Hate  To  See  Him  Go 

H.  E.  Ingis,  seated,  was  guest  of  honor  at  a  farewell  luncheon  party-  given  by  his 
friends  in  the  Monifold  Small  Parts  department,  first  shift,  who  are  sorry  to  see  him 
leave.  Mr.  Ingle  is  being  transferred  as  leadmon  on  the  third  shift  in  the  same 

—  14  — 

No  Word  In  Two  Months 


Mrs.  Mildred  Justice  of  the  Tcoling  depaitmenf  had  had  no  word  from  her  husband 
for  two  months  and  was  steeling  herself  to  receive  notice  that  he  was  missing  or  dead. 
Mildred  was  surprised  one  morning  to  see  her  marine  husband's  picture  on  a  new 
government  poster  displayed  in  the  factory.  The  picture  showed  her  husband,  Pfc. 
Jennings  Justice,  safe  aboard  a  bottlaship  after  the  Soipan  victory.  Shortly  afterward 
she  received  a  letter  from  him  confirming  his  safety,  and  indicating  that  he  might  soon 
be  coming   home. 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

Just  look,  Labor  Day  is  in  just  a  few  days 
and  September  23rd  is  the  first  day  of  Fall. 
Now  I'm  asking,  where  has  Summer  gone? 

Rudder  and  Elevators  have  a  few  new 
faces:  M.  R.  VANBUSKIRK,  G.  S.  UNDER- 
WOOD, T.  N.  HURT,  J.  M.  BUCHENAU,  S. 
S.  WORTH,  E.  J.  BRAKAGE.  We  take  plea- 
sure in  welcoming  all  of  you  and  hope  you 
will  be  long  in  the  Ryan  family. 

Just  learned  that  our  mass  production 
riveter,  MEDINA,  has  just  bought  a  car.  Now 
all  he  has  to  do  is  learn  to  drive  it!  It's  a 
good  chance  for  soma  of  you  girls  who  know 
how  to  drive — all  you  have  to  do  is  worry 
about  gas. 

BUZZ  is  taking  a  little  vacation  visiting 
his  folks  up  North.  He  said  he  wanted  to 
cotch  up  on  his  fishing,  but  the  report  we 
received  is  that  he  is  running  a  combine  in 
a  wheat  field.  We  told  him  about  the  labor 
shortage,  serves  him  right. 

We  lost  a  good  friend,  SMITTY  the  Navy 
Inspector,  who  has  gone  on  days.  What  we 
lil'ied  about  Smitty,  besides  being  a  good  in- 

spector, was  that  he  kept  us  informed  on  all 
the  ball  games.  Speaking  of  ball  games  the 
Ryan  Nite  Hawks  celebrated  when  they  won 
their  30th  gome  of  the  season  while  losing 
only  8. 

We  do  miss  BILL  "KILLER"  KANE  and 
RED  HAY,  our  inspectors  who  went  up  to 
Balboa  park  to  be  with  the  boys  and  girls 
on  ailerons. 

One  of  the  leadmen  in  Elevator  and 
Rudders  has  had  a  few  worries  lately.  His 
wife  and  kiddies  take  a  trip  bock  home  to 
see  the  folks  and  ship  their  clothes  via  truck. 
On  the  way,  the  truck  catches  fire  and  Bill's 
wife  lost  four  hundred  dollars  worth  of 
clothes.  Tough  luck,  Bill.  If  any  of  you 
wont  to  get  the  latest  "hair  do,"  go  see  Bill 
at  4th  and  Market.      He's  a  barber  now. 

Introductions  ore  in  order  for  our  new 
Navy  Inspector,  MR.  LARRY  ALLEN.  Larry, 
who  followed  his  Dad's  footsteps  and  joined 
the  Marines  after  Pearl  Harbor,  spent  his 
boot  training  in  Son  Diego.  He  got  a  bod 
case  of  pneumonia  just  before  completing 
his  boot  training  so  he  got  a  medical  dis- 
charge. After  kicking  around  a  bit.  Lorry 
got  drafted  and  spent  seven  months  in  the 
Army.  Finally  his  medical  discharge  caught 
up  with  him  and  he  got  surveyed  out  of  the 
Army,  which  was  our  gain.  He's  from 
Oregon.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  have  you  with 
us,   Larry. 

—  15  — 

We  hear  CONKLIN  goes  to  Arizona,  not 
only  to  fly,  but  for  the  steaks  too.  With  all 
that  heat  over  there,  we  wouldn't  doubt  their 
being  tender  if  cooking  helps. 

MARY  SHANNON  has  been  out  on  the 
sick  list  for  sometime.  We've  missed  you, 
Mary,  you're  a  fine  worker. 

HELEN  ATHEY  will  be  Mrs.  John  Seven- 
son  the  30th  of  September.  John's  a  grand 
fellow  in  the  Marines.  Our  best  wishes — 
Johnnie  and   Helen 

Everyone  is  happy  to  see  MRS.  FREEBORN 
back  in  the  pitchers  stand. 

DICK  STONE  is  on  o  vacation  and  off  for 
Holly, .'ood.  Remember  Dick,  there's  a  short- 
age of  actors  and  prop  men,  watch  out. 

MRS.  MAGILL  really  had  a  happy  birth- 
day. A  knock  on  the  door  and  there  stood 
her  son  whom  she  hadn't  seen  in  fifteen 
months.  Could  she  ask  for  anything  more 

The  gang  at  Balboa  pork  tells  us  the  ham- 
burgers, hot  dogs  and  pop  is  "delic"  and 
that  they  like  to  work  up  there. 

PAUL  FLEISCHER  and  his  big  family  from 
the  swingsters  are  missed  here  at  the  home 
plate  a  lot. 

MARY  MACDONALD  had  a  surprise  party 
for  her  husbond  on  his  birthday.  Conklin  was 
there  with  his  "movies"  which  added  to  the 

Did  you  know  Janie  is  getting  married 
soon  now?  "I  knew  him  in  school,"  says 
Janie,  but  that  doesn't  fool  us.  That  wasn't 
so   long  ago  at  that. 

Good  to  have  MR.  WILLIAMS,  our  fore- 
man, bock  from  his  vocation.  We  know  he 
must  have  had  a  fine  time.  He  looked  so 
happy  on  his  return. 

"Honey  child"  ORTEGO,  that's  one  fine 
young  skipper  you  have  in  that  photo.  May 
years  as  they  come  and  go  be  kind  to  him. 

As  the  wife  came  in  the  door,  the  husband 
exclaimed,  "Darling,  why  the  bondage  on 
your  eye?"  "Don't  try  to  be  funny,"  said 
the  wife,  "as  if  you  couldn't  tell  it  is  my 
new   hat!" 

Last,  but  not  least,  happy  birthday  to 
Tillie  and  Hoyden. 









Don't  miss  Ryan's 
Free  Training  Offer 

A  $120  training  course  in  Aircraft  Con- 
struction and  Maintenance,  with  all  costs 
paid  by  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company — 
that's  the  bargain  you  may  be  able  to  get 
if  you  act  quickly!  For  full  details,  see  the 
Special  insert  in  this  issue  of  Flying  Reporter. 

President  T.  Claude  Ryan  is  making  this 
offer  because  he  knows  that  a  well-trained 
employee  is  an  asset  to  the  company.  "To 
help  its  own  workers  obtain  training  is  defi- 
nitely to  the  company's  interest,"  he  soys. 
"There  will  continually  be  opportunities  for 
the  men  and  women  in  our  organization  who 
are  willing  to  study  and  prepare  themselves 
for  greater  responsibilities." 



(Continued  from  page  6) 

"Sounds  like  a  good  idea,"  the  officers 
responded.  "We'll  let  any  man  do  it  provid- 
ing he  gets  the  okay  of  his  direct  superior 
and  his  executive  officer.  Why  don't  you 
come  in  and  tell  our  whole  gang  about  it? 
When  they're  all  assembled  you  can  put  your 
proposition   up  to  everybody  at  once." 

So  Art  and  Frank  mode  a  speech  to  the 
Coast  Guardsmen.  The  result  was  good; 
about  a  dozen  showed  up  for  work  that 
very    some    night. 

The  number  was  to  multiply  later,  be- 
cause of  the  way  the  Ryan  supervisors  han- 
dled the  first-comers.  They  welcomed  each 
serviceman  like  a  long-lost  brother. 

Mickey  Meyers,  formerly  night  foreman 
of  Manifold  Assembly  and  a  key  man  in  the 
Manifold  labor  pool  system,  took  a  personal 
interest  in  the  servicemen  from  the  very 
start.  That  first  night  he  was  on  hand  at 
the  gate  to  meet  every  one  as  he  come  in. 
He  hod  a  chat  with  each  man,  swiftly  an- 
alyzed his  background  and  capabilities,  and 
mode  sure  that  each  was  assigned  to  what- 
ever available  work  was  best  suited  to  him. 
During  the  evening  he  stopped  off  once  or 
twice  at  each  man's  bench  to  see  how  he 
was  getting  along.  At  ten  o'clock,  when  the 
men  checked  out.  Meyers  was  again  waiting 
for  them  at  the  gate  for  a  friendly  parting 
word.  And  with  him  was  none  other  than 
factory  manager  G.  E.  Barton,  who  offered 
cigarettes  all  around  and  chatted  for  several 
minutes  with  the  servicemen  about  their 

Naturally,  all  this  made  a  big  hit  with 
the  Coast  Guardsmen.  Word  soon  spread  all 
over  San  Diego  via  the  scuttlebutt  route  that 
Ryan  was  a  better  place  for  servicemen  to 
work.  "They  really  take  an  interest  in  you 
there,"  one  sailor  told  another.  "The  big 
shots  themselves,  foremen  and  factory  bosses 
and  guys  like  that,  come  around  to  moke 
sure  you're  getting  along  okay.  I  guess  they 
really  wont  us." 

As  Ryan  has  found  m.ony  times  before, 
word-of-mouth  recommendations  ore  the 
very  best  advertising.  Soon,  instead  of  one 
dozen  servicemen,  the  company  had  many 
dozens  on  its  rolls.  In  spite  of  the  growing 
number,  Ryan  supervisors  still  took  pains  to 
see  that  every  serviceman  was  made  wel- 
come and  assigned  to  an  appropriate  job. 
Servicemen  were  all  referred  to  Mickey 
Meyers  as  they  come  in — his  close  connec- 
tion with  the  labor  pool,  and  his  natural 
Irish  friendliness,  mode  it  easy  for  him  to 
get  the  men  started  right.  Mickey  talked  the 
servicemen's  language.  He  is  on  old  Marine 
himself  from  the  last  war,  and  still  carries 
shrapnel  and  machine  gun  wounds  from 
St.  Mihiel  and  the  Argonne.  The  servicemen 
took  to  him  as  a  sort  of  adopted  uncle  and 
never  failed  to  hail  him  eagerly  whenever 
his  battered  felt  hot  and  beaming  Irish  grin 
hove  in  sight. 

Although  it  meant  extra  work  for  Mickey, 
he  took  time  to  find  the  very  best  available 
spot  for  each  man  who  came  in.  He  scattered 
them  all  over  the  factory — some  as  pipe- 
fitters, some  as  machinists,  others  to  Sheet 
Metal  or  Final  Assembly  or  Manifold.  Ma- 
rines who  hod  been  driving  giant  ten-ton 
trucks  were  vastly  omused  to  find  themselves 
assigned  to  the  tiny  Budas  in  the  transporta- 
tion department.  A  few  unskilled   men  were 

given  janitor  assignments,  and  took  to  them 
with  a  will. 

The  hook-up  between  Ryan  and  the  armed 
forces  has  been  a  good  deal  for  all  con- 
cerned. The  men  are  enthusiastic  about 
their  work  and  their  bosses.  Ryan  is  en- 
thusiastic about  the  results  the  men  turn 
out.  The  armed  forces  ore  enthusiastic  about 
the  worthwhile  spare-time  occupation  and 
extra  income  it  gives  their  men — and  about 
the  increased  production  for  the  fighting 
fronts.  So  the  part-time  hiring  of  service- 
men at  Ryan  is  one  of  those  arrangements 
where  everybody  wins  and  nobody  loses. 

Complete  With  Ants! 

Line  forms  to  the  right  at  the  Inspec- 
tion Department  picnic.  Mrs.  Walter 
Stevens,  whose  husband  works  in  In- 
spection, is  one  of  the  first  lucky  people 
to  be  served. 

August  6,  I  944,  was  a  day  of  "Whoopee" 
and  fun  for  the  Ryan  Inspectors,  their  fam- 
ilies and  friends.  The  invasion  of  Flinn 
Springs  was  accomplished  with  no  casualties 
except  for  two  gentlemen,  one  who  lost  his 
teeth  (we  won't  mention  his  name),  and 
Cecil  Kuhm,  who  broke  his  wrist  reaching 
for  on  extra  hot  dog. 

Bert  (Start  'em  Off)  Holland  and  Speedy 
(Pick  'em  at  the  Finish)  Cole  and  Bill 
(Tug  o'  War)  Bilben  did  their  very  best  in 
trying  to  keep  people  away  from  the  beer 
line  by  insisting  they  ploy  games  and  pull 
on  ropes — which  could  hove  been  annoy- 
ing, but  for  the  able  assistance  of  Dove 
(Bottle  Opener)  Bracken,  Dick  (Hove  a 
Beer)  Collins  and  Huffie  (Schlitz)  Huff- 
stutter  biting  off  beer  bottle  tops  and  by 
saving  the  life  of  many  parched  and  weary 

After  becoming  exhausted  from  playing 
gomes  and  pulling  ropes,  our  able  crew  of 
Chefs  and  Disher-Uppers  supplied  our  gastro- 
nomic satiety  with  admonishment  to  a  state 
of  deglutition  consistent  with  our  dietetic 
integrity,  with  baked  ham,  baked  beans, 
hot  dogs,  hot  tamoles,  potato  salad,  pickles 
and   olives   and    stuff    like    that   there  I    The 

—  16  — 

Mess  Crew  consisted  of  Charles  'Cut  it 
Thick)  Christopher,  Sea  (Hambone)  Gillebo, 
Bill  (Pilot  High)  Jennings,  Polly  'Pickle) 
Swift  and  Mory  (Don't  Cut  Your  Finger) 

All  afternoon  our  ears  were  jarred  by 
ad  libbing  from  Jack  I  Loud  Mouth  I  Dennis 
and  Huffie  (Hi-Lo)  Huffstutter,  who  ren- 
dered "Mairzy  Doots"  over  the  P. A.  system. 

The  prizes  were  guarded  by  George 
(There  is  No  2nd  Prize  for  this  Event)   Dew. 

Those  who  were  still  able,  danced  until 
they  became  completely  exhausted  and  foot- 
weory,   then  wended   their  way   home. 

After  the  dust  cleared  away,  Dave  (Bottle 
Opener)  Bracken  and  Mourie  'Gimme  an- 
other Beer)  Clancy  were  seen  loading  the 
truck  with  the  refuse  from  the  picnic  with 
Bracken  doing  the  work  and  Clancy  singing 
"Mary  Ann  McCarthy"  to  bolster  his  morale. 

Mission  Accomplished. 

Inside  Outside 


by  J.  L.  "Tubby"  Cawson 

Outside  Production  has  moved  to  new 
quarters,  increased  its  floor  space  and,  con- 
sequently, its  personnel.  We  ore  probably 
the  fastest  expanding  group  in  all  of  Ryan. 
Here  we  ore  with  our  own  new  column. 

Ten  months  ago,  Outside  Production  con- 
sisted of  four  office  employees  and  two 
"Vendor  Contact"  men.  Today  counting 
Superintendents  and  all  in  San  Diego,  we 
hove  twenty-eight,  and  in  L-  A.,  six. 

The  other  day,  we  had  o  visitor  from  Los 
Angeles.  In  the  course  of  his  trovels  about 
the  factory,  he  come  to  the  place  where 
Sheet  Metal  Assembly  is  working  outside.  He 
remarked  to  his  guide,  "Is  this  the  Ryan 
Outside  Production  Department  I've  heard 
so  much  about?"  Well,  if  I  may,  I'll  tell  all 
of  you  that  it  isn't.  Our  department  is  the 
one  which  handles  all  of  the  Ryan  work  that 
is  contracted  to  vendors  who  make  parts  and 
assemblies  for  us  on  the  outside.  it's  our 
job  to  act  as  co-ordinator  between  the  Sub- 
Contractor  and  Ryan.  We  furnish  material, 
priorities,  all  change  information  and  supply 
"Vendor  Contact"  men  who  act  as  direct 
Liaison  Agents  to  the  Ports  Plants.  Sounds 
easy,  huh!  If  I  were  to  give  you  any  more 
information,  I  would  have  to  supply  you  with 
our  book  of  procedure,  which  I  don't  believe 
our  "Flying  Reporter"  Editor  would  like,  as 
it  would  more  than  fill  this  edition,  and 
wouldn't  the  rest  of  the  contributors  raise 
heck  with  me! 

As  I  am  beating  my  brains  out  over  this, 
my  first  column,  oil  the  gals  in  the  office 
have  bothered  me  about  writing  of  their  boy 
friends,  birthdays,  etc.  But  if  I'm  going  to 
catch  this  dead-line,  oil  I'm  gonna  have  time 
for  is  a  short  note  on  our  party  celebrating 
our  moving  into  our  new  headquarters.  It 
was  a  gala  affair  where  we  knocked  off 
twenty-six  chicken  pies,  four  quarts  of 
potato  salad,  two  gallons  of  iced  tea,  two 
watermelons  and  two  cakes. 

Well,  if  this  passes  the  censors,  next  edi- 
tion I'll  tell  you  a  little  obout  our  personnel. 

P.  S.      From  censor.      It  did  Tubby! 


F.  P.  Cooksie 
Machine  Shop 

W.  D.  Cress 
Manifold  Assembly 

Gilberf  A.  Cusey 
Pattern  Dept. 

G.  R.  Hollenbeck 
Manifold  Assembly 

Edward  A.  Erickson 
Manifold  Dept. 

W.  D.  Horner 
Final  Assembly 

Jim  Key 

G.  E.  Leonard 
Experimental  Dept 

Robert  D.  Swauger 

Manifold  Small 




(Continued  from  page  8) 

The  Safety  Department  felt  this  was  a  legiti- 
mate complaint  and  undertook  a  thorough 
survey  to  find  more  comfortable  and  attrac- 
tive   goggles. 

Through  this  survey,  goggles  which  are 
light-weight  and  comfortable  to  wear  with 
acetate  frames — with  or  without  side  shields 
— and  available  in  various  sizes  were  lo- 
cated. The  lenses  are  either  clear  glass  or 
with  varying  degrees  of  color.  All  persons 
needing  safety  goggles  on  their  job  should 
contact  their  foreman.  He  will  give  you 
an  approved  slip  which  will  enable  you  to 
check  out  a  pair  of  the  new-type  safety 
goggles  from  the  Tool  Crib. 

For  the  numerous  employees  who  must 
now  wear  clumsy  goggles  over  their  pre- 
scription ground  lens  glasses,  arrangements 
have  been  made  with  the  American  Optical 
Company    to    provide    your   own    prescription 

lens  in  light-weight,  comfortable  safety 
goggles  frames  at  a  very  nominal  fee.  Take 
a  few  minutes  today  and  come  up  to  the 
Safety  Department  in  the  Tooling  office,  or 
call  Extension  396  and  secure  blanks  for 
sending  these  orders  through.  Those  few 
minutes  invested  today  may  save  YOU  years 
of  total  darkness. 


Downtown  Frame-Up 

by  Mildred  Murphy 

Due  to  vacations,  we  lost  track  of  time 
lost  month  and  forgot  the  deadline  so  we 
missed  out  on  the  last  issue! 

First  of  all,  we  hove  several  changes  to 
report:  MARION  LEONARD  left  us  to  go 
to  Engineering  so  we  now  have  POLLY 
HOOVER  taking  over  on  files.  JANICE 
ABRAMS  is  spending  her  summer  vacation 
up  here  helping  us  make  room  for  those 
bales  of  paper  we  keep  getting  to  be  filed. 

—  17  — 

We  were  all  very  sorry  to  learn  of  the 
death  of  FRANCES  McLEOD's  mother  and 
at  this  time  we  wish  to  extend  our  sincerest 

MR.  SAYE  and  MR.  ODOM  have  been 
missed  lately.  MR.  SAYE  is  bock  East  on 
business  and  MR.  ODOM  just  returned  from 
a  few  days'  trip  to  Tucson — also  on  business 
— we're  just  going  to  sit  back  and  wait  for 
results  now! 

Last  month  MURPHY  and  McLEES  took 
vacations  and  this  month  MILDRED  BRU- 
NETTE is  on  vacation — to  be  married  to 
PAUL  LUKENS.  Here's  wishing  them  lots  of 
luck  and  happiness.  Wish  we  could  go  to 
the  wedding! 

ways seem  to  be  left  out  of  this  column  and 
they're  beginning  to  resent  it.  I  vowed  I'd 
get  their  names  in  this  month  but  still  they 
haven't  done  anything  to  warrant  any  pub- 
licity— well,  at  least   I   tried. 

MR.  ODOM  is  always  springing  new  words 
on  us — the  latest  is  "saronkey" — does  any- 
one know  of  a  good  use  for  it? 

M.  Siraton  recently  appointed  Assistant 
Foreman    in   the    Fuselage   department. 



(Continued  from  page  9) 

got  belted  all  over  the  ring.  He  tried  to 
counterpunch  but  couldn't  even  make  his 
man  wince.  Finally  he  went  berserk,  threw 
all  his  ring  science  to  the  winds,  and  slugged 
it  out  with  Murray.  For  two  rounds  the  crowd 
at  Mechanics  Hall  in  Boston  never  stopped 
screaming  as  the  two  fighters  stood  with 
their  feet  planted  in  the  center  of  the  ring, 
smashing  away  at  each  other  without  any 
attempt  to  block  or  dodge.  It  was  finally 
Murray  who  fell,  not  Tedford — the  long 
years  of  conditioning  stood  him  in  good 
stead  that  night. 

Tedford's  record  in  other  sports  is  also 
sprinkled  with  glamorous  incidents.  Probably 
his  most  famous  football  game  come  in 
1930  on  the  day  Newburyport  High  played 
Salem,  a  much  larger  school.  Salem  had 
beaten  Newburyport  twenty  times  in  the  last 
twenty-two  years  and  figured  to  win  handily 
this  time.  But  quarterback  Tedford — only 
fourteen  years  old  though  he  weighed  165 — 
ran  back  the  opening  kickoff  82  yards  to  o 
touchdown.  For  54  minutes  thereafter,  New- 
buryport held  Salem  scoreless,  although  Ted- 
ford hod  three  ribs  cracked  a  few  ploys 
after  the  beginning  of  the  gome.  He  stayed 
in  the  game  but  didn't  carry  the  boll,  even 
though  he  was  New  England's  ace  broken- 
field  runner.  He  just  didn't  feel  good  that 

However,  with  six  minutes  to  play,  Salem 
scored  and  converted  to  take  the  lead.  New- 
buryport hod  been  passing,  running  the  ends 
and  trying  razzle-dozzle  plays  all  day  with- 
out avail.  So  signal-caller  Tedford  began 
sending  himself  through  the  line — though  he 
had    never    done    any    line-plunging    before 

in  his  life.  He  bucked  the  line  twenty-four 
consecutive  times  for  six  first  downs  in  a 
row.  Then,  with  forty-four  seconds  to  play, 
he  hit  the  line  again.  But  this  time,  he  didn't 
hove  the  ball.  The  fullback,  who  had  never 
before  carried  the  ball,  went  off  tackle  to 

Tedford  hod  his  troubles  when  he  got  into 
college  football.  At  Boston  University  he 
was  slated  to  be  first-string  quarterback,  as 
befitted  an  all-state  high  school  quarter, 
until  the  first  day  of  practice.  Then  he  dis- 
covered that  Boston  University,  like  most 
colleges,  requires  its  quarterbacks  to  be 
blockers.  It  the  first  blocking  drill,  the  coach 
thought  Tedford's  ludicrous  attempts  to  block 
were  persistent  clowning,  and  was  so  infuri- 
ated he  nearly  threw  Tedford  off  the  squad. 
After  the  coach  realized  that  Tedford  had 
actually  never  learned  to  block  in  high 
school,  he  was  switched  to  halfback  and 
did  well.  But  Boston  University  was  a  weak 
sister  in  college  football  and  Tedford  never 
won  much  renown,  particularly  since  he  was 
alwoys  more  interested  in  boxing.  He  did 
acquire  letters  each  year,  however,  in  base- 
ball, basketball,  track  and  football,  as  well 
03  boxing. 

At  college  baseboll  he  was  so  scintillating 
that  St.  Paul  offered  him  o  contract,  and  the 
lure  of  big  money  was  too  much  to  resist. 
He  left  Boston  University  in  his  junior  year 
and   become  a  pitcher  for  St.   Paul. 

Tedford  will  never  forget  his  first  gome 
with  the  professionals.  He  pitched  a  three- 
hit  game — and  lost  13  to  0.  There  were 
several  humpty-dumpties  in  the  St.  Paul 
infield  that  doy,  but  Tedford  also  walked 
six  men — and  of  the  three  hits  he  allowed, 
one  was  a  homer  and  another  o  triple,  each 
time  with  the  bases  full. 

Later  he  struck  his  stride,  however,  and 
became  one  of  the  league's  leading  pitchers. 
Opposing  teams  rode  him  mercilessly  as  the 
"boy  wonder" — he  was  still  only  twenty — 
but  the  most  caustic  bench  jockeys  never 
made  him  falter.  Once,  before  o  crucial  game 
at  Toledo  with  22,000  in  the  bleachers,  the 
whole  opposition  squad  come  out  of  the 
dugout  to  razz  him  as  he  warmed  up  on  the 
mound.  On  the  pretense  of  picking  up  a 
pebble  along  the  base  line,  he  strolled  over 
to  their  dugout  and  remarked,  "All  right, 
sweethearts,  just  for  that  I'm  going  to  pin 
your  ears  bock  today.  But  good."  He  did — 
he   shut  out  Toledo  with  one   hit. 

Sticking  one's  chin  out  that  way  is  no  fun 
unless  you  do  it  twice,  Tedford  soys.  So  the 
next  time  he  worked  against  Toledo,  when 
they  gave  him  the  some  pre-gome  treatment 
that  they  hod  previously,  he  again  ambled 
over  to  them  and  remarked,  "What  I  did 
to  you  last  time  is  just  a  sample  of  what 
you're  going  to  get  today."  That  day  five 
out  of  the  first  six  men  to  face  him  got  hits. 
The  sixth  belted  a  homer  over  the  center 
field  wall.  He  lost  the  game  by  about  sixteen 

At  the  end  of  his  second  seoson  with  St. 
Paul,  Tedford  married.  He  decided  that  the 
itinerant  life  of  a  big-leogue  ballplayer 
was  no  existence  for  o  family  man,  so  he 
turned  down  a  preferred  controct  with  the 
Detroit  Tigers  and  became  combination 
sports  editor  and  advertising  manager  of  a 
small  New  England  doily.  His  years  in  the 
limelight  were  over. 

But  Tedford  didn't  mind.  He  settled  down, 
began  writing  a  sports  column  which  soon 
was  syndicated  in  seven  other  New  England 
newspapers,  and  lived  happily  ever  after — at 
least  so  it  would  appear.   He  certainly  shows 

—  18  — 

no  signs  of  unhappiness.  Today  he  tears  into 
his  Ryan  work  with  great  gusto  and  good 
humor,  just  as  he  did  with  his  previous  news- 
paper jobs  and  with  the  position  he  has  held 
for  the  post  year  as  publicity  director  of 
the  San  Diego  Club. 

Tedford  did  well  in  business  because  he 
has  brains  as  well  as  athletic  skill.  In  high 
school  he  never  got  any  grade  except  A.  In 
college  he  was  consistently  near  the  top  of 
his  class.  Even  today,  his  mind  works  so  fast 
that  he  con  odd  up  o  column  of  four-digit 
figures  faster  than  on  adding  machine  can- 
One  might  expect  a  man  with  o  job  and 
background  like  Tedford's  to  be  the  back- 
slapping  falsely  hearty  professional-swell-guy 
type  of  recreotion  leader.  Instead  the  one 
thing  that  impresses  most  people  about  Paul 
Tedford  is  his  sincerity.  He  really  seems  to 
get  a  tremendous  kick  out  of  meeting  peo- 
ple, listening  to  them  talk,  and  helping 
them  hove  a  good  time  in  the  gym  or  on  the 
athletic  field — which  is  probably  one  reason 
why  our  recreational  director  seems  well  on 
the  way  to  making  a  big  success  of  the  com- 
pany's whole  recreation  program. 

^     Plant 

"»*■  IPBJ 

by  Bob  Christy 

Ah,  sweet  summer-time  with  its  sunshine, 
vocations,  beach  picnics,  trips  to  the  moun- 
tains, and  all  that  stuff  like  that  there. 
Sounds  like  post-war  planning  doesn't  it? 
Still,  the  sunshine  we  hove  everyday  now; 
the  vocations,  well,  IRENE  COOK  just  re- 
turned from  one  and  seems  to  hove  hod  a 
swell  time.  We  ore  glad  she  is  back  although 
she  doesn't  seem  to  be  as  happy  about  it  as 
we.  The  beach  picnics,  we  hove  hod  a  couple 
that  will  be  long  remembered.  Trips  to  the 
mountains  ore  something,  that  as  for  as  1 
con  see,  ore  definitely  post-war  planning 
with  tires  and  gas  at  its  present  low  level. 

We  have  a  few  new  additions  to  Plant 
Engineering,  one  in  Maintenance  Control,  so 
welcome,  KATHERYN  TAYLOR.  There  ore 
also  two  newcomers  in  the  Drafting  Room 
and  though  they  ore  still  a  little  young  (5 
and  6  weeks  old  to  be  exact!  both  BILL 
KUYKENDALL  and  myself  feel  that  our  new 
sons  ore  going  to  be  tops  in  helping  to  win 
this  war  and  keeping  the  peace  that  follows. 

I  noticed  that  Ryan  was  quite  well  repre- 
sented at  the  Annual  Eost  West  Football 
Gome  and  I  understand  that  some  suffered 
from  sunstroke    lor  was  it  Sunnybrook>. 

Tsm^ LI 




The  following  excerpts  were  written  by 
Ryanites  of  Material  Control  for  our  column, 
therefore  this  reporter  presents — 

First  Impressions  at  Ryan: 


— by   L.   D.   HIBBARD 

I've   worked   at   many   places 

In  my  travels  thru  the  land. 

Where  the  homefolks'  smiles  were  friendly 

And  they  smiled  to  beat  the  band. 

And  I've  worked  at  many  places. 

If  you  gather  what  I  mean. 

Where  the  warmth  of  peoples'  greetings 

Seemed  to  hold  a  holy  sheen. 

And   I've  worked  at  several  places 

Where  the  going  got  quite  rough. 

And  the  cold  unfriendly  gestures 

Made  me  say,  "I've  had  enough." 

But  I  never  dreamed  that  I  would  find 

A  place  so  bright  and  gay. 

Where  everyone  seems  glad  to  throw 

A  helpful   hint  my  way. 

Where  everyone  seems  happy 

And  their  duties  do  not  shirk; 

Yet  I  find  this  true  at  Ryan's 


There'll  Be  Some  Changes  Made 


I'm  just  beginning  to  realize 
A  fact  that  everyone  knows 
A  BM  is  never  completed 
Without  a  dozen  E.O.'s 
And  just  to  confuse  me  further 
Are  changes  A,  B,  C  and  D 
With  Stop  Work  Orders  to  follow 
And  Change  Notices  1 ,  2  and  3 
All  this  I  bear  with  fortitude 
But  what   really  brings  the   moans 
Are  the  latest  Special    Instructions 
Signed  by  C.   B.  JONES 

You-AII— by   POLLY  and   LUCILLE 
(Second  Shift) 

If  you've  something  to  ad-lib. 
Or  something  to  relate; 
For  fear  "She"  might  be  near 
You  sort  of  hesitate. 
You  wonder  if  "She"  over-heard 
Some  of  your  thoughtless  "glib." 
"She's"  just  a  little  Southern  girl. 
I    guess,   you   know   it's   "Lib." 
Since  "She's"  just  a  Southern  gal, 
"She"   has  a   Southern   drawl. 
Yep!     You've  guessed  it  there. 
It   is  the   phrase   "You-all." 

Purchased  Parts  Pony  Express 


Purchased  Parts  Pony  (not  Puny)  Express 
goes  for  a  ride  and  a  race.  A.  FARKAS 
riding  "Pete,"  C.  KELLY  up  on  "Chico"  and 
O.  MEEHLING  trying  to  stay  on  "Pal." 

They're  off!  Kelly  takes  the  lead,  Meehl- 
ing  next,  Farkos  gets  a  late  start.  Farkas 
comes  up  fast  on  the  inside  and  passes 
Meehling  swinging  his  crop.  Meehling's 
horse  crowds  into  Kelly  on  the  outside, 
almost  pushing  Kelly  off  the  track  (just  a 
50  ft.  drop  straight  down).  Farkas  takes 
the  lead,  Meehling  next  and  Kelly  brings  up 
the  rear.     At  the  first  turn,  Meehling  takes 

the  inside  and  makes  his  bid  for  the  lead. 
Meehling  forgets  to  pull  on  the  reins  and 
his  horse  doesn't  make  the  turn,  but  goes 
straight  ahead.  Meehling,  thinking  the 
horse  knows  a  short-cut,  lets  him  go.  Farkas 
is  crowded  off  the  track  and  has  to  follow 
Meehling.  Kelly  makes  the  turn  and  wins 
the    race. 

Moral :  The  race  is  not  always  to  the 

Did  you  Know — by  MARY  MELTON 

I  wonder  if  you  know  that  we  have  a  very 
interesting  and  talented  group  of  people 
working  in  Material  Control?  Well,  just  in 
case  you  have  not  had  much  time  to  think 
about  those  with  whom  you  work,  here  is  a 
sneak-view  into  the  lives  of  your  co-workers. 

Did  you  know  that  every  section  of  the 
United  States  is  represented  here,  and  that 
EARL  VAUGHAN  and  R.  C.  SHANLY  were 
born  in  Canada? 

There  is  OWEN  MEEHLING  from  West 
Virginia  and  proud  of  it,  who  paints  pictures 
and  has  sung  over  Radio  Stations  WSAZ 
and  WJEJ.  (How  about  a  song  sometime, 

The  good  State  of  Indiana  is  well  repre- 
sented by  HAROLD  WRIGHT.  He  has  been 
a  member  of  the  Indiana  State  Guard,  and 
during  the  1943  flood  they  evacuated  people 
from  small  towns  and  sand-bogged  the 
levees.  Also,  he  has  done  some  flying,  is  a 
member  of  Delta  Kappa  Chi  Fraternity,  and 
came  to  San  Diego  to  get  into  aircraft  work 
and  to  see  some  of  California. 

HILDA  CHRISTENSEN,  from  Denver, 
worked  for  a  telephone  company  for  1 7 
years,  which  must  be  some  sort  of  record. 

We  must  tell  you  about  a  charming 
notive  daughter,  who  sings  in  a  trio  and  the 
Ryan  Chorus — does  the  hula  and  Tahition 
dancing  —  likes  sports  of  all  kinds,  loves 
swing  music  with  lots  of  jive,  and  is  single 
too.  Guess  who?  Yes,  it  is  MARJORIE 

These  people  have  some  interesting  hob- 
bies too.  Honest  to  Goodness  Dirt  Gard- 
miniature  animals  and  poetry.  JAMES 
HALLEY'S  hobby  is  electric  trains.  BILL 
HANSON  is  a  radio  bug.  HELEN  POWERS — 
music.  PEGGY  BURROUGHS  and  DOTY 
KARNEY — swimming.  And  HARRY  BER- 
MAN'S  hobby  is  playing  hearts  (he  evidently 
meant  with  cards,  don't  you  think?) 

ELSBETH  HOISINGTON — playing  bridge. 
sleep  and  more  sleep.  IRMA  DUGUID  and 
GEORGE  BALDWIN  are  the  readers.  JEANNE 

MILLER— fishing  and  riding.     RUTH  LEEDY 

—  sewing.  MARY  CHRISTOPHER  —  knit- 
ting, "and  not  small  garments."  MARY 
MILLER — fixing  up  her  new  home.  ARNIE 
FARKAS — photography.  C.  H.  KELLEY — 
all  kinds  of  sports.  Baseball  for  BEN 
JUNDT.     DOW  E.  WILLIAMS— cake  eating 

(doesn't  he  know  he  can't  have  his  cake  and 
eat   it  too?) 

Please  note:  I  cannot  be  held  responsible 
for  the  following  since  accommodating 
friends  supplied  the  information.  MARY 
WILLIAMSON  —  gaining  weight.  PEGGY 
PAASKE'S  hobby  is  eating  and  talking. 
discussing  their  babies.  C.  B.  JONES — col- 
lecting pencil  stubs.      ROSE  MARIE  HAINES 

—  man  hunting.  PAT  LUNDGRUM  —  the 
State  of  Washington.  PAT  SANFORD,  born 
in  Washington,  bored  in  California,  and  her 
hobby — shoplifting. 

Congratulations  go  to  J.  L.  HALLEY  of 
Manifold  Material  Control  as  he  recently 
celebrated  his  third  year  with  Ryan.  Yes, 
J.  L.,  as  he  is  known  to  his  many  friends, 
knows  manifolds  from  stem  to  stern  and 
stock  to  stack,  and  learned  the  hard  way. 
Congrats,  J.  L.,  and  that  3-year  pin  you're 
sporting  looks  like  a  million  and  sets  a  good 
example  for  the  rest  of  us  Ryanites. 

A  hearty  welcome  is  extended  to  the 
following  new  members  who  have  recently 
joined  our  ranks,  FRANCES  ROSE,  Inventory 
Control  Group;  JAMES  WILFORD,  Second 
Shift;  CONNIE  GANNON,  Second  Shift; 
ANARITA  MURTAGH,  Gov.  Reports  and 
Statistics  Group;  ESTHER  RADER,  Second 

Goodbyes  and  farewells  were  extended 
recently  to  the  following  folks  who  hove 
been  missed  by  us  all,  CELO  McCUBBIN, 

A  patriotic  fellow  is  Waldo  Opfer  of 
Manifold  Small  Parts  department  on 
second  shift.  Waldo  hasn't  been  late 
or  absent  for  the   past  two  years. 

—  19- 

Shipping  Notes 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

MOTTO — We're    still    alive    in    Shop   45! 

The  Shipping  Department  has  lost  a  good 
columnist  due  to  the  termination  of  Leigh 
MocDonold,  our  Ship-Tide  reporter.  We 
hope  we  con  carry  on  equally  as  well  in  the 
future  as  she  has  in  the  past.  The  column 
for  this  issue  is  the  result  of  the  combined 
efforts  of  all  three  shifts  in  Shipping.  It  was 
decided  that  since  we  are  starting  anew  it 
would  be  appropriate  to  secure  a  new  head- 
ing for  our  column;  consequently  ideas  and 
suggestions  have  poured  in  from  all  direc- 
tions! There  was  on  abundance  of  en- 
thusiasm and  cooperation  which  mokes  one 
realize  that  department  45  is  REALLY  olive! 

Since  "Shipping  Mate's  Traits,"  "Shipping 
Sharpies,"  and  "Notes  and  Quotes  of  45" 
ran  so  close  in  the  final  vote  it  was  found 
necessary  to  compromise  in  order  to  satisfy 
the  majority! 

Through  a  survey  of  the  number  of  em- 
ployees in  the  department  on  all  three  shifts, 
it  was  discovered  that  we  ore  composed  of 
quite  o  few — all  of  us  working  and  striving 
together  for  the  same  ultimate  goal! 
Because  the  Navy  and  Ryan  Inspectors  in 
our  midst  are  such  a  vital  part  of  our  every- 
day work  life  we  think  it  only  fair  that  they, 
too,  should  be  counted  as  a  port  of  our  de- 
partment where  news  is  concerned. 

How  true  the  saying  "time  changes 
everything!"  People  come,  go,  and  shift 
around  on  various  jobs  within  the  depart- 
ment and  since  "variety  is  the  spice  of  life" 
there  is  no  monotony  here.  So,  with  the 
necessary  preliminaries  eliminated,  let's  get 
on  with  the  news! 

ART  "OLIE"  OLSON  just  returned  from 
his  well-earned  week's  vocation.  To  say  he 
was  missed  would  be  putting  it  mildly! 

AL  DOSHIER  was  gone  two  weeks  to  see 
his  Navy  father  in  Yellville,  Ark.,  who  has 
just  returned  from  overseas.  Al  fortunately 
managed  to  visit  his  brother  also,  who  is  in 
the  army  and  stationed  in  Texas. 

JOHN  "DAD"  GEE,  as  reliable  and  steady 
o  worker  as  there  ever  was,  has  a  son,  AL, 
whom  everyone  knows  as  Chief  of  Plant 
Production;  and  Al  in  turn  has  a  son  named 
DOUGLAS  in  Manifold  Pre-jig  who  is  an 
electric  welder,  which  means  that  being 
there  ore  three  generations  of  Gees  in  the 
Plant,  it  would  be  difficult  to  hold  back  pro- 
duction.    What  0  combination ! 

LOUANNA  WINTERROTH  (isn't  that  a 
beautiful  name?)  our  recent  newcomer  has 
replaced  MILLY  WULFF  at  the  Ditto 
Machine  in  the  office  and  seems  quite 
pleased  with  her  new  position.  Milly's  hus- 
band was  recently  discharged  from  the 
Marine  Corps  and  they  ore  going  to  Los 
Angeles  to  live. 

HENRY  REYNOLDS,  Navy  Inspector,  went 
on  the  night  shift  (gee — no  more  Henry 
Aldrich  calls  from  the  packers,  Henry!)  so 
who  do  you  suppose  replaced  him?  A  very 
cute  MISS  (check  that  Miss,  fellas) 
MARIAN  MENDENHALL  who  originally 
hailed  fom  Leavenworth,  Kansas.  Quite  o 
pleosing  addition  to  our  Deportment,  we 
must  soy! 

Recently  promoted  to  leadmen  in  the  Inspection  department  ore,  first  row,  Donald  L. 
Goulet,  Receiving  Inspection;  John  R.  Tibbetts,  Receiving  Inspection;  Rodney  M.  Rails- 
back,  Sheet  Metal  Inspection;  and  F.  W.  Haywood,  Experimental  Inspection.  Second 
row,  Lloyd  C.  Huffstutter,  Receiving  Inspection;  Milton  C.  Ring,  Machine  Parts  Inspec- 
tion; Axel  L.  Holland,  General  Assembly  Inspection,  and  Kenneth  H.  Shehi,  Manifold 

Swing  Shift  news  includes  the  surprise 
birthday  party  for  that  charming,  adorable 
(and  this  is  no  exaggeration — just  ask  some 
of  the  day  shifters)  young  lady — ROBERTA 
CULBREATH.  Popular  among  her  fellow 
workers  this  lucky  gal  received  a  lovely  set 
of  pottery  for  her  gift  Cake,  ice  cream,  and 
coffee  were  also  supplied  for  her  pleasure. 
Yum!  Her  spirit  of  cooperation  is  'oil  reef' 
considering  she  worked  on  her  star  birthday 
and  especially  on  a  Saturday  night!  She 
should  certainly  be  added  among  the  list  of 
"those  doing  their  part"  for  it's  these  people 
who  help  insure  a  shorter  rood  to  victory  for 
us  all. 

There  are  two  fine  fellows  working  in  our 
shop  whom  we  should  all  know  more  about. 
It  is  always  interesting  to  leorn  what  our 
co-worker's  pre-war  occupations  were  and 
what  their  post-war  secret  ambitions  are. 
In  interviewing  DON  NELSON,  it  was  dis- 
covered his  past  and  future  interests  ore 
identical.  Looking  into  the  post,  we  find  he 
was  a  bus-boy  at  the  Palisades  Cafe,  worked 
in  an  East  Son  Diego  grocery  store,  and 
finally  owned  and  operated  a  food  and  meat 
market  in  Escondido  for  seven  years.  He 
resides  there  at  this  time  and  drives  forty 
miles  a  day  to  work.  When  asked  about 
his  opinion  of  our  department  he  replied, 
"I    like   it,   that's  why   I'm   here!"      It   is  his 

—  20  — 

desire    to    resume   operations    in    the    grocery 
business  directly  after  victory. 

Next  we  hove  that  spry  old-timer  HER- 
MAN GILLETT,  carpenter  by  trade  and 
ambition.  To  put  his  variable  life  briefly, 
he  was  a  Depot  Agent  and  Operator  on  the 
Burlington  Railroad  for  ten  years.  He  come 
to  California  in  1918  and  for  twenty-six 
years  has  done  Carpenter  work  of  all  kinds. 
If  you  haven't  heard  of  Termite-work,  ask 
him  about  it  sometime,  he  did  that  for  six 
years  at  Long  Beach.  He  himself  having 
been  a  foreman  of  a  Carpenter  Shop  for 
Shell  Oil  Compony  for  eight  years,  has  the 
sincere  opinion  that  TOMMY  GETZ  is  the 
finest  Foreman  for  whom  he  has  ever  worked. 
He  also  has  a  very  high  opinion  of  Ryan,  so 
evidently  he  is  well  satisfied  with  his  present 
surroundings.  That  coming  from  a  mon 
"who  knows"  is  very  gratifying.  More  power 
to  you,  Herman! 

The  world  is  now  going  through  a  very 
chaotic  period  and  heartbreaks  fly  thick  and 
fast.  During  the  post  few  months,  tragic 
news  has  reached  more  than  a  few  of  our 
own  co-workers  in  this  department,  and  we 
all  wish  to  wholeheartedly  extend  our  sym- 
pathies and  understanding  to  you  who  have 
carried   on   so   bravely. 

A  bundle  of  thought  .  .  .  Wouldn't  it  be 
nice  if  we  were  half  as  interested  in  others 
lives  OS  we  are   in  our  own? 

Two  Georges  Receive  Five -Year  Pins 

George  M.  Lane,  left,  of  Manifold  Small  Parts  and  George  E.  Christian,  right,  of 
Manifold  Assembly  have  their  pictures  snapped  just  after  being  presented  five-year 
service  pins  by  Mr.  Ryan. 

Sheet  Metal 

by  Marge  and  Ernie 

With  our  changing  department,  we  daily 
wonder  just  what  is  going  to  be  moved  next. 
One  of  these  mornings  we  will  come  to  work 
and  not  be  able  to  find  the  punch  presses. 
The  boys  are  really  doing  a  fine  job  moving 
all  these  departments  around  and  the 
changes  on  Monday  mornings  really  make 
you  sit  up  and  take  notice. 

a  joint  birthday  party  on  August  I  I .  They 
were  both  just  SIXTEEN.  Cake  and  coffee 
were  served  and  their  department  hopes 
they  will  both  be  here  next  year  for  another 
party  just  like  it. 

L.  W.  WHITE  in  Department  No.  3  is 
leaving  us  to  work  in  Tool  Design.  His 
department  surprised  him  with  a  huge  deco- 
rated cake  and  with  a  handkerchief  and 
sock  shower.  It  was  a  gala  affair,  socks 
and  hankies  everywhere.  His  department 
is  very  sorry  to  see  him  leave,  and  he  will 
have  to  come  back  and  see  us  real  often. 
He  wishes  to  thank  everyone  for  the  party 
and  the  lovely  gifts  and  he  said  "I'm  not 
quite  sure  whether  they  were  giving  thanks 

that  I'm  leaving  or  if  they  want  me  to  have 
something  to  remember  them  by." 

We  wish  to  welcome  all  our  new  people  at 
this  time.  We  have  several  that  are  trading 
shifts.  JERRY  HAIGHT  and  HARVEY 
STEGNER,  both  Leadmen  on  the  brakes,  are 
trading  shifts  next  week.  Since  JOE 
SWINGLE  was  inducted  into  the  Army,  FRED 
HILL  has  come  on  first  shift  to  fill  that  Lead- 
man  vacancy.  BESSIE  HEARN  and  EARLE 
NELSON  have  come  on  first  shift,  too. 
Bessie  used  to  be  on  day  shift,  and  it  seems 
good  to  see  her  back. 

We  wish  to  mention  at  this  time — the 
great  T.  Kell  and  his  "wolf  whistle."  Some- 
where Terry  hit  upon  the  idea  that  if  he 
could  make  himself  a  little  whistle  he  would 
not  have  to  stretch  his  neck  so  for  to  get  the 
girls'  attention.  So  moke  himself  a  whistle 
he  did — and  it  could  be  heard  from  one  end 
of  the  building  to  the  other.  The  girls  fairly 
hung  by  their  heels  in  the  rafters,  and  every 
girl  would  stop  and  listen  and  hope  it  was 
her  that  the  whistle  was  for.  Terry  had  a 
lot  of  fun  and  we  wonder  what  happened  to 

—  21  — 

that    little    "wooden"    whistle — we    guess    it 
just  "wooden"  whistle  any  more. 

W.  D.  DIXON  and  J.  E.  SWINGLE  are 
now  G.  I.'s.  We  will  be  onxious  to 
hear  just  what  they  get  into.  Uncle  Sammy 
has  a  couple  of  fine  boys  there  and  we  hope 
they  keep  in  touch  with  us. 

CLARENCE  HARPER  is  on  a  two  week's 
vacation.  He  will  come  back  brown  as  a 
berry  and  fit  as  a  fiddle.  Martha  hasn't 
hod  any  flowers  lately,   Harpy. 

Please  turn  in  your  news  just  any  time 
you  go  by. 


My  word!  Such  a  lot  of  transfers  this 
time.  BOB  FLANAGAN,  formerly  leodmon 
in  Dept.  1,  has  left  us  for  Mechanical 
Maintenance,  but  we  still  see  him  around. 
Also  leaving  Dept.  I ,  JOYCE  DONELSON 
transferred  to  Dept.  32;  and  RUBY 
MATHEWSON  went  on  day  shift.  Down  in 
Dept.  3,  ALICE  GAY  transferred  to  day  shift 
in  another  department,  and  MILDRED  RYAN 
went  to  Final  Assembly,  days.  ODIEVE 
LOUTHERBACK  has  gone  bock  to  Okla- 
homa, and  LILLIAN  RODRIQUEZ  returned 
to  Los  Angeles.  Now,  Dept.  2:  FRED  HILL 
EARLE  NELSON  have  all  decided  to  try 
day  work  for  awhile,  but  we  now  hove 
HARVEY  STEGNER  as  leadman  on  the 
Power  Brakes  to  take  Gerry's  place. 

At  this  time,  allow  me  to  present  the  new 
Clerk  in  Dept.  2 — BETTY  DOLBY.  Betty  is 
proving  herself  a  valuable  addition  to  the 
Dept.,  and  we're  all  glad  to  have  you  with 
us,  Betty.  I  might  odd,  also,  that  Mr. 
Stringer  and  Mr.  Humphrey  ore  quite 
pleased  with  the  whole  idea. 

August  6th  saw  Supervisory  personnel  of 
Cutting  and  Routing  Dept.  all  enjoying  a 
picnic  at  the  beach  near  Charley  Frantz' 
home.  And  be  it  known  to  all  that  this  was 
one  picnic  where  there  was  plenty  of  food 
and  some  to  spare.  Both  day  and  night  shift 
supervisors  and  their  families  got  together 
and   had  a  grand  time, 

ANDY  ANDERSON,  leadman  in  Dept.  1, 
and  EUNICE  HAVENS  were  married  recently! 
Congratulations,  Andy,  and  our  best  to  you 

I  know  that  you've  all  noticed  our  open- 
air  addition  to  Dept.  3,  out  there  in  the 
Cafeteria  area,  which  I  personally  think 
would  be  a  lovely  place  to  work  in  all  this 
grand  weather.  Out  there,  we  hove  a  very 
nice  group  of  people.  LORENE  FITE  and 
LORETTA  ANDREWS  are  one  team  of  riv- 
eters, and  ANNIE  WILKERSON  and  MARIE 
SPARKS,  who  both  transferred  from  day 
shift,  compose  another  riveting  team  NELLIE 
DARDEN  and  JULIA  MILLER  are  specialists 
with  the  squeeze  gun.  ELVIRA  MARTINEZ 
is  another  member  of  the  group,  but  is  at 
present  home  on  sick  leave.  The  leadman 
CURLY  STILLMAN,  says  he  doesn't  count! 
Why?  Because  he  is  going  on  his  vocation. 
Oh,   happy   day! 

I  think  we  all  owe  a  vote  of  thanks  to 
our  two  very  splendid  nurses  in  First  Aid! 
and  two  very  nice  people  to  boot. 

Does  anyone  know  anything  about  the 
rumor  that  VERN  HUMPHREY  is  now  reign- 
ing OS  Beauty  Queen  of  Dept.  2?????? 

Until    next    time,    be    seeing    you    around 


Cafeteria  News 

by  Potsun   Panz 

September  6th  marks  the  first  anniversary 
of  the  Ryan  employees'  cafeteria. 

Today  as  we  look  back  over  the  year  just 
closing  it  brings  a  feeling  of  pride  and  satis- 
faction for  the  great  strides  accomplished. 

We  especially  congratulate  the  following 
employees  who  hove  been  with  the  cafeteria 
since  the  opening  date  and  are  still  with  us 
and  doing  a  fine  job;  K.  Baldwin,  L.  Barr, 
B.  Brown,  B.  Hamilton,  A,  Heathman,  E. 
Hermes,  R.  Kihm,  M.  Kurth,  F.  Mayer,  N. 
Stough,  N.  Washam,  R.  Moffott,  H.  North- 
rop, T.  Porchen  and  Maud  Root.  All  will 
receive  their  one  year  pins  in  recognition  of 
their  service  this  month. 

The  new  Ryan  employees  Cafeteria  Ad- 
visory Committee  for  September  and  October 
including  the  third  shift  committee  for 
September  is  as  follows: 



For  September  and  October 


W.  W.  Harpster  Sheet  Metol 

F.  M.  Page  Machine  Shop 

Jeanne  Stutz  Production  Control 

T.  C.  Niemi  Rec-Ship-Stores 

B.  R.  Wishort Drop  Hammer 

E.  P.  Fober  Wing  Assembly 

J.  S.  Howell  Finishing 

D.  J.  DeKoven  Manifold  Assembly 

H.  S.  Blackmore  Final  Assembly 

H.  J.  Speed  Tooling 

L.  E.  Garrison  Inspection 

L.  G.  Carson  Engineering 

Barbara  Dean  Ryan  School 

Mrs.  Esther  Long  

Industrial  Relations  Dept. 

A.  W.  Coltroin  

Factory  Managers  Office 

Horry  E.  Siegmund  ....  Public  Relations 
Jean  Bovet    (Chairman)    ..  Commissary 



M.  L.  Kelly  Night  Superintendent 

P.  H.  Stillmon  Sheet  Metal 

W.  E.  Hinman  Machine  Shop 

G.  H.   Biehm   Production  Control 

J.  H.  Eddy  Wing  Assembly 

G.  Grosselfinger  Final  Assembly 

M.  A.  Stevens Manifold  Assembly 

A.   L.   Meek   Modeling 

A.  W.  Allen  Inspection 

R.  M.  White  Maintenance 

L.  E.  Hoffener  Manifold  Welding 

R.  W.  Anderson   Dispatching 

Mrs.  Esther  Long  .    Industrial  Relations 

A.   W.   Coltroin   

Factory  Managers  Office 

Horry  E.  Siegmund    ..    Public  Relations 

Jean  Bovet    (Chairman)    .     Commissary 




A.  I.  Pork  Drop  Hammer 

K.   H.  Shehi  ...  Manifold   Development 

G.  M.  Lane  Manifold  Small  Ports 

R.  D.  Gardner  Manifold  Assembly 

A.  M.  Thomas  Tooling 

L.  W.  Russell  - Inspection 

K.   L.   Banner  Tabulating 

Mrs.  Esther  Long  

Industrial  Relations  Dept. 

A.  W.  Coltroin  

Factory   Managers  Office 

Horry  E.  Siegmund  ....  Public  Relations 
Jeon  Bovet    (Chairman)         Commissary 

Your    committee    member    will    appreciate 

your    comments    and    suggestions    regarding 

your  Cafeteria  and  the  service. 

Notes  From 



by   Ralph  Geist 

Remember  that  old  song:  "Everybody 
works  at  our  house,  but  my  old  man.  He 
sits  around  all  day,  feet  in  front  of  the  fire, 
smoking  his  pipe  of  clap!"  First  appear- 
ing with  the  pipe  on  Third  Shift  was  the  lady 
guard,  puffing  nonchalantly  while  she 
checked  I.  D.  cards  and  lunch  buckets. 

Hammer  Foreman,  takes  a  vacation  via  mo- 
torcycle to  Nevodo,  but  the  first  week  home 
the  cycle  does  a  cats  pajoma  and  George  re- 
ceives a  broken  arm  and  shoulder  injuries. 
Not  to  be  "outdid,"  CARL  HENDERSON  and 
FRANK  GIAMANCO  come  up  with  foot  and 
leg   injuries  while  on   the   job. 

MRS.  RUTH  FONTANA,  drophammer, 
has  returned  from  Michigan  where  she 
visited  for  30  days.  LOTTIE  RUSSELL,  in- 
spector, is  back  from  Florence,  S.C.  Spent 
her  30-day  leave  eating  corn  pone  and  fried 
chicken,  we   understand. 

FRED  LETCHER,  welder,  receives  a  cord 
from  ex-welder  BILL  MAGELLAN  now  at 
Son  Diego  Naval  Training  Station.  Bill  re- 
ports a  healthy  sunburn  and  loss  of  curly 
locks  and  mustache.  Says  Bill,  "the  barber 
put  the  clippers  to  my  head,  spun  the  chair, 
ond  zip — a  haircut!"  GEORGE  "CHIEF" 
WALKER  might  learn  something  there. 
Aside  to  Magellan — Letcher  has  a  bad  sun- 
burn too,  and  now  the  boys  are  trying  to 
grow  mustaches,  namely,  Letcher  and  Bob 

HUGH  HAM  ILL,  metal  fitter,  enjoyed 
having  his  daughter  visit  him  the  past  month. 
He  accompanied  Elaine  as  far  as  Los  Angeles 
on  her  return  to  her  school  in  Chicago. 
Sorry,  Hugh,  you  forgot  to  show  her  the 
Ryan  "zoo." 

Ex-Ryonite  HOWARD  BROGAN,  U.S.N., 
visited  the  plant  recently  with  his  brother, 
DEAN  BROGAN,  leadmon  in  Manifold  Small 

C.  A.  CRISWELL  of  Small  Ports  is  leaving 
for  two  weeks  to  visit  his  father  in  Texas. 
EVELYN  JOHNS  is  taking  a  months  leave  of 
absence.  D.  C.  WEAVER,  mechanical  main- 
tenance, is  laid  up  sick  this  week.  MOX- 
ALMA  GREGORY  ore  proudly  wearing  their 
new  one-year  pins. 

Welcome  back  to  Manifold  Welding, 
JEWEL  ASHTON  from  a  visit  to  the  hospital 
and  the  Julian  country.  JAMEA  PIZION, 
inspector,  is  out  on  sick  leave  the  post  two 
weeks.  J.  NAJERA  and  LEON  FORD  ore 
new  sandblasters,  and  we  welcome  you  to 
the  Third  Shift. 

Conspicuous  by  their  absence  on  the  third 
"HAP"  and  CHRISTINE  MILLER  who  have 
transferred  to  the  first  shift,  while  DOROTHY 
SPENCER,  inspector,  is  "chasing  puddles" 
on  the  swing  shift.  HAROLD  INGLE,  lead- 
man,  has  transferred  from  first  to  third  in 
Small  Parts.  New  certified  arc  welders  ore 
WHALEN,  now  adding  to  the  list  of  com- 
bination welders  on  the  third.  MR.  BELL, 
Small  Ports  dispatcher,  has  migrated  for 
three  weeks  stay  "with  the  home  folks"  bock 
in  Tennessee.  CLYDE  WARD,  of  Shipping, 
has  departed  for  the  sights  of  old  Chicago, 
to  be  there  three  weeks. 

Congratulations,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  D.  F. 
MILLER  upon  their  wedding  August  5th. 
Mr.  Miller  is  cutter  grinder  in  the  tool  crib. 
Mrs.  Miller  was  Maria  Laxdal  before  her 
marriage.      Welcome   to  Third   from   Second 

—  22  — 

JOHN  KOTZBECK  in  Manifold  Small  Ports. 
JOHN  KELLEY  come  in  from  2nd  and 
"PAPPY"  RYKER  has  transferred  from 
Manifold   to   Small    Ports. 

Do  you  remember  the  good  time  we  hod 
lost  year  at  Manifold  Picnic  in  the  Flynn 
Springs  country?  Gee,  let's  all  go  again  this 
year  fellers!  Ma  and  pa  and  the  kids  hod 
such  a  swell  time — so  let's  do  it  again.  Mani- 
fold Foreman  LOVE  tells  us  it's  to  be  soon. 

Fred  Tomrell  has  service  people  clear 
down  the  line.  His  daughter  is  a  Phar- 
macist Mote  3rd  class,  and  her  son, 
Morgan  Anderson  Thompson,  Jr.,  pic- 
tured with  Fred  above,  has  been  with 
a  Photographic  Squadron  in  the  Pa- 
cific covering  the  Gilbert  and  Mar- 
shatls  action.  His  lost  base  was  at 
Eniwetok.  Young  Thompson,  who  for- 
merly working  in  Lofting,  stopped  in 
for  a  chat  with  his  grandfather  when 
in  town   recently. 

Putt  Putts 
On  Parade 

by  Millie  Merritt 

Among  our  newest  employees  are: 

The  girl  with  the  winsome  smile  is 
FRANCES  DURNELL.  Frances  is  new  only 
to  our  department  as  she  has  been  with  Ryan 
since  July,  1943.  Having  been  off  for  two 
months,  after  last  Christmas,  she  returned 
to  Ryan  and  transferred  from  Paint  to 
Transportotion  in  August.  And,  believe  it 
or  not  she  is  single. 

Our  new  station  to  station  Mobilift  man 
is  HUGH  E.  COUCHMAN.  becoming 
a  Ryan  employee  Hugh  was  employed  at 
Twin  City  Ordinance  Plant  in  Minnesota. 
From  making  30  and  50  caliber  ammunition 
to  operating  a  Mobilift  is  quite  a  jump,  but 
Hugh  has  turned  out  to  be  one  of  our  best 
operators  and  the  most  cautious. 

At  the  controls  of  the  other  Mobilift  is 
GEORGE  FRIESE.  George  was  born  in  Chi- 
cago, but  has  been  in  San  Diego  for  the  past 
seven  years.  Operating  a  Mobilift  eight 
hours  a  day  is  no  picnic,  but  George  and 
Hugh  ore  doing  a  beautiful  job  working  the 
stations  and  doing  odd  jobs  in  the  factory. 
We  only  hope  that  they  stand  up  under 
the  strain  and  remain  with  us  for  some  time 
to  come. 

Working  with  Dan  since  August  7,  has 
been  MILT  JOHNSTONS'  job.  Milt  came  to 
Ryan  after  2  V'z  years  of  bookkeeping  at 
Consolidated.  Milt  acquired  a  beautiful  sun- 
burn his  first  few  day's  working,  and  we'll 
have  to  admit  he  is  getting  a  nice  ton  out 
of  it. 

On  Saturday,  August  12th,  we  all  bid 
SALLIE  LEVICKAS  a  fond  farewell,  with  the 
usual,  "have  a  good  time  and  don't  forget 
to  come  bock."  She  and  hubby  Anthony, 
were  going  to  return  to  Ohio  for  a  visit  with 
all  the  folks.  Came  Monday  morning,  and 
lo  and  behold,  there  sat  Sallie  all  ready  for 
a  day's  work.  After  asking  a  few  questions, 
here  and  there,  Sallie  finally  let  off  a  lot  of 
steom  about  the  Sergeant  needing  a  leave 
a  little  more  than  Corporal  Levickas  and 
family.  To  get  Sallie's  dander  up,  just 
mention    Sergeants. 

FRANCES  and  BETTY  were  initiated  into 
our  department  in  on  unusual  manner.  At 
the  time  they  started,  the  Service  Depart- 
ments Buda  broke  down  and  had  to  be 
brought  in  for  repair.  In  such  a  case,  our 
department  is  called  upon  to  supply  a  Buda 
and  driver.  So  Frances  and  Betty  took  turns 
in  driving  the  well  known  "Trash  Truck." 
Altho  they  took  a  lot  of  ribbing  they  showed 
us  they  could  take  it. 

We  ore  all  wondering  why  DOTTIE  is  get- 
ting up  earlier  these  mornings  in  order  to 
prepare  lunch  for  herself  and  Honk.  Seems 
a  little  odd  to  see  Dottie  carrying  a  lunch 
pail,  especially  since  it  almost  matches  her 
in  size. 

Transportation  had  a  hard  blow  dealt  to 
them  the  other  day,  when  DAN  DELSO 
casually  strolled  into  the  office  and  informed 
us  that  he  was  terminating.  We  really  hated 
to  see  Dan  leave  us  after  being  one  our  most 
reliable    employees    for    ten    months.       Best 




We  Like  It  This  Way 

(Continued  from  page  3) 
The   Hand    Is   Quicker  Than  The   Eye 

Junie  Bethkie 

14.     We're  All    In  This  Together 

The  Inquiring  Reporter — Earl  McCanna 

His  Victims — 

Don   D'Agostino,  Joyce  Stead,  Mary   Blanco,  Joyce  Donaldson,  Mary   Hillary,  Charlene  York,   Marvin 

Craig,    Irma   Wood,    Rav    Berner,    Rosemary    Nystrom,    Jerry     iBrooklynl     Kent,    Ruth    White,    Ginger 

Thomas,  Ruth  Nelson,  Art  Kilmer,  Lillian  Templeton,  Joan  LeRoy,  Ed  Shoffner 


1.  Opening    Chorus 

A.     What  Happened  To  It.' 
Joyce  Stead,  Mary   Blanco,  Joyce   Donaldson,   Mary   Hillary,   Charlene   York,   Earl    McCanno,   Marvin 
Craig,    irmo    Wood,    Ray    Berner,    Rosemary    Nystrom,    Ruth    White,    Ginger    Thomas,    Ruth    Nelson, 

Lillian  Templeton,  Joan  LeRoy 

B.     We'll  Find  It 

Swomi — beni  Vincent  Morquez 

His  Assistants — Don  D'Agostino,  Jerry  (Brooklyn)    Kent,  Art  Kilmer 

2.  Super-Assembly 

Rose  ladorola,  Jack  Westler,  Bill  Putnam 

3.     Must  V/e   Dance 

A.     The  Dance  Quiz 

Irma  Wood,  Joyce  Donaldson,  Rulh  White,  Joyce  Stead 

B,     The  Opposition 

Ruth  Nelson,  Rosemary  Nystrom 

C.     The  Dance  Maniacs 

Alice  and  Eddie  Carvajal 

4.  T.   Claude   Dictates  A   Letter 

Don  Dewey,  Jack  Westler,  David  Bracken  and  Peg  The  Pigeon 

5.  Out  Where  The  West   Begins 

Bonnie  Metcalf 

6.     Fashion    Notes — as  observed   by   David    Bracken 

Lloyd  Huffstutter,  Gordon  Becker,  Johnnie  Brooks,  George  Campbell,  Eleanor  Duchene, 
Ellen  Mosley,  Marie  Benbough 

7.     For   Further   Details,   See  My   Heart 

A.     A  Miss — Barbara  Gibbs,  A  Mr. — Jack  Westler 

Another  Miss — Ruth  Nelson,  Another  Mr. — Ed  Shoffner 

C.     From  The  Right  Side  of  the  Track 

Betty  Christenson,  Marjorie  West,  Douglas  Biggs 

8.     Boy  Meets   Girl 

Girl — Peggy  King 

Boy — Lloyd  Huffstutter 

Cop — David  Bracken 

Nurse  maids — Marie  Benbough,  Margaret  Anderson 

9.     The  Classics — God   Bless   'Em 

The  Impresario — Bob  Foliette 
His  Downfall — Joyce  Donaldson 



We  STILL  Like   It  This 

Entire  Cast 


wishes  ore  extended  to  Don  and  we  hope 
he  will  come  back  soon. 

With  Dan  leaving  us  R.  C.  BERG,  of  night 
shift,  will  be  joining  the  day  crew  again. 
Berg  has  been  with  us  for  over  a  year  and 
his  attendance  is  almost  perfect.  Welcome 
back  to  days.   Berg. 

On  nights,  the  newest  addition  to  the 
Putt  Putts  is  little  RUTH  KENNEDY.  Ruthie 
was  born  in  Los  Angeles  (a  native  Cali- 
fornion),  but  has  been  in  San  Diego  for  the 
post  year.  Before  coming  to  Transportation, 
she  was  a  member  of  Department   12. 

Ruthie's  chief  interest,  at  the  moment,  is 
Ping-Pong.  If  she  has  indigestion  everyday 
it  is  her  own  fault.  As  I  understand  it,  she 
hurries  her  lunch  in  order  to  ploy  Ping-Pong 
as  long  as  possible.  Anyway,  we  are  glad 
you're  with  us,  Ruthie. 

PAULINE  NEWTON,  also  night  shift,  has 
taken  a  month's  leave  in  order  to  return  to 
Oklahoma  due  to  a  death  in  the  family.  We 
would  like  to  extend  our  sympathies  to  her 
and  the  Newton  family.  Pauline  is  a  very 
steady  worker  and  night  shift  will  miss  her 
gaiety  during  the  month's   leave. 

"RODIE"  NYSTROM,  night  shift,  was  also 
off  on  a  ten-day  leave.  Her  husband  was 
home   on    furlough   before   going   over-seas. 

Joe  Johnson's  sister,  Ruth  La  Verne 
Johnson,  wanted  to  see  where  her  big 
brother  works  while  visiting  in  San 
Diego.  Ruth  is  a  Spar  stationed  in  Son 
Francisco.  Joe  is  Foreman  of  Fuselage 


Ted  O'Neil  scorekeeping  for  the  Manifold  Engineering  bowling  team  at  the  Tower  Bowl 
surrounded  by  feminine  pulchritude  is  kept  company  by  his  wife,  Borbora  (the  one  with 
the  shiny  curls  in  the  foreground).  Seated,  left  to  right,  ore  Ruth  Robinson,  Maxine 
Littlefield,  Kotherine  Ponsford,  Stella  Fay  ond  Mary  Pollock. 

They're  Real  Sports 

You  can  have  your  champions  and  laud 
them  to  the  skies  for  their  skill  and  prowess 
that  brings  home  the  gonfalon.  You  can 
have  your  runners-up,  whose  forward  surge 
stopped  just  short  of  the  goal.  You  con  have 
your  varsity  and  your  scrubs,  your  greets 
and  your  near-greats,  but  we'll  take  our 
hots  off  to  the  competitors  who  get  the  most 
out  of  any  game;  those  who  are  in  the 
sport  for  all  the  fun  and  exercise  that  they 
can  get  out  of  it — who  are  in  there  pitching 
all  the  time,  even  though  they're  hopelessly 
behind  in  the  race,  and  steadily  losing 

Here  at  Ryan,  we've  a  team  of  bowlers 
that  exemplifies  this  spirit.  A  team  that  is 
sunk  in  the  cellar  of  our  Thursday  night 
bowling  league.  One  by  one,  they're  always 
present.  They're  "in  there"  every  minute. 
And,  there's  no  team  that  has  any  more  fun, 
sociability,  or  good-fellowship,  than  the  gols 
that  wear  the  colors  of  Manifold  Engineer- 
ing. And,  what  is  more,  the  good  sports- 
manship and  cheery  good  spirits  that  ema- 
nate from  these  beauteous  femmes  radiates 
a  wonderful  "bon  esprit"  throughout  the 
whole  league. 

Barbara  O'Neil,  Ruth  Robinson,  Maxine 
Littlefield,  Kotherine  Ponsford,  Stella  Fay, 
and  Mary  Pollock  comprise  the  Manifold 
Engineering  Team  in  the  league,  and  a 
general  idea  of  the  fun  they  have  can  be 
gleaned  from  a  glance  at  their  pictures  in 
this  section. 

Here's  a  toast  to  you,  gols.  You  all 
exemplify  the  aims  of  our  Recreation  De- 
partment— to  have  loads  of  fun  in  off  hours. 
You  surely  portray  the  spirit  that  mokes 
Ryan  "a  better  place  to  work." 

The  Score  Board 

It's  two  more  on  the  win  side  for  the  Ryan 
All-Stars  as  this  club  is  being  molded  Into 
a  winning  unit  by  Manager  Bill  Billings.  On 
August  I  3th,  Erv  Marlette  pitched  a  beauti- 
ful game  in  the  tail-end  of  a  double-header 
to  hand  Wensloff's  All-Stars  their  second 
league  defeat.  The  score  was  4-3  over  the 
nine-inning  route.  The  big  blow  spelling  vic- 
tory for  the  All-Stors  was  Jock  Billings' 
two-base  clout  that  drove  in  two  runs,  and 
sparked  a  three-run  roily  mid-way  through 
the  gome. 

Erv  had  little  trouble  in  notching  an- 
other win  OS  he  mowed  down  the  Home 
Plant  team  August  17th,  winning  1 2  to  1. 
The  All-Stars  garnered  16  hits  in  this  game 
and  played  beautiful  ball  afield.  Marlette 
allowed  but  six  scattered  sofeties  ond  might 
well  have  had  a  shut-out.  Brother  Jack 
Marlette  put  his  team  off  in  front  in  the 
first  inning  with  a  two-run  homer  far  over 
the  right  field  wall. 

Bob  Brown,  shortstop,  also  homered  in 
this  game,  with  Jock  Horshmon  smashing 
out  four  safeties  and  Jock  Billings  collecting 

It  looks  OS  if  the  All-Stars  will  be  the 
team  to  beat  in  this  round  of  the  Managers' 
League.  Billings  has  his  squad  in  tip-top 
shape  and  ploying  sound  baseball.  Fans  will 
do  themselves  a  favor  by  getting  out  to 
see  our  club  in  action. 


With  enthusiasm  at  a  high  pitch,  the  Tri 
League,  composed  of  six  three-man  teams 
meets  each  Tuesday  p.  m.  at  4:30  at  the 
Tower  Bowl.  Plans  ore  that  the  league  will 
be  expanded  to  as  high  as  sixteen  teams 
as  we  go  into  the  winter  season.  Jim  Atwill, 
league  prexy,  will  welcome  trios  desiring 
participation  in  the  league  meeting  at  this 
convenient  time. 

Standings  as  of  August  1  5  show  the  Snap- 
dragons pacing  this  loop,  with  the  City 
Slickers  in  second  spot.  Wilfley  and  Hib- 
bord  are  setting  the  pace  for  individuals, 
each  boasting  a   1  58  average. 

Three  entries  hove  been  turned  in  for  a 
new  Swing  shift  mixed  foursome  Industrial 
League  about  to  moke  its  appearance.  This 
league  will  bowl  Thursday  mornings  and 
teams  are  held  to  a  580  maximum  handi- 
cap. Two  men  and  two  girls  will  form  the 
complement  of  each  club  and  four  entries 
are  wanted  from  Ryan,  which  means  that 
there  is  room  for  one  more  team. 

The  Swing  Shift  Ryan  Winter  League  will 
get  under  way  Sept.  28  and  Gene  Miller 
is  accepting  entries  for  the  outfits  who  wish 
to  roll  in  this  loop.  Entries  for  all  leagues 
may  also  be  left  at  the  Activities  Desk  in 
Employee  Service. 

—  24  — 

Barbara  O'Neil  rolling  for  the  Mani- 
fold Engineers  bowling  team  cuts  a 
cute  figure  at  the  Tower  Bowl. 


Recreational  Director,  Paul  Tedford 


September  finds  Softball  teams  from  Ryan 
active  on  all  fronts,  and  giving  a  good 
account  of  themselves  in  all  leagues.  The 
Ryan  All-Stars  of  the  A  league  are  off  to 
a  slow  start  in  the  second  round  but  are 
sure  of  playing  in  the  championship  series 
as  they  won  the  first  round.  Newall  Carlton 
is  in  the  process  of  whipping  the  boys  into 
winning  stride  and  bonks  heavily  on  the 
hurling  of  Speedy  Cole  to  clinch  honors  for 
the  A  league. 

In  the  BB  loop,  we  find  Carmack  Berry- 
man's  Receiving  squad  setting  the  pace.  As 
of  August  21,  three  wins  and  no  losses 
found  this  club  in  first  place  and  playing 
fine  ball.  Dean  Hoffman,  Leo  Fundoro,  and 
Lloyd  Huffstutter  are  macing  the  apple  for 
the  team,  while  a  brace  of  pitchers  are  serv- 
ing them  up. 

Don  Walker  heads  the  Ryan  Tooling  ten 
in  the  BB  league  and  has  his  eye  on  the 
pennant,  lending  merry  chase  to  Berryman's 
Receiving  team. 

Ryan  Shippers,  a  new  outfit  in  the  B 
league,  ore  being  managed  by  Paul  Fraser, 
who  is  suffering  the  headaches  of  welding 
together  a  new  team.  To  dote,  the  club  is 
playing  about  .500  boll  and  ore  shaping  up 
better  and  better. 

More  girls  are  needed  by  Dean  Hoffman 
as  he  shepherds  the  Ryan  Girls'  team  through 
the  Women's  Softball  League.  Womonpower 
is  lacking  here  and  all  girls  ore  invited  to 
join  this  club.  Experienced  or  not,  there  is 
room  for  your  talents,  and  under  the  man- 
agement of  Hoffman,  this  club  is  sure  to 
cause  plenty  of  trouble  for  their  opponents. 


My  Problem  Is  This, 

Sport  [hotter 

Golf  news 

M.  M.  Clancy,  Golf  Commissioner,  re- 
ports that  score  cards  ore  coming  in  every 
day  from  the  boys  taking  part  in  the  Annual 
Ryan  72-Hole  Handicap  Golf  Tournament. 
The  tourney  is  being  played  on  three  courses 
—  1  8  holes  at  La  Mesa.  I  8  holes  at  Emerald 
Hills,  and  36  holes  at  La  Jollo. 

The  artists  with  the  woods  and  irons  are 
really  interested  in  the  tourney  that  rewards 
the  winners  with  various  prizes.  The  first 
award  will  be  a  $25  war  bond,  and  identical 
prizes  will  be  offered  for  both  low  gross  and 
low  net  scores. 

Reports  are  that  nearly  forty  golfers  are 
after  the  prize-money  with  handicaps  rang- 
ing for  and  wide.  Barnes  and  Bills  are 
sporting  the  lowest  handicaps,  each  cata- 
logued at  9. 

"Get  your  foursome  out  there  right  away," 
soys  Clancy,  "for  score  cards  must  be  turned 
in  to  Paul  Tedford  in  Employee  Service  by 
September  4." 







"It's  this  way,  Ump,"  says  Art  Boland, 
Ryan  Receiving  slabster,  as  a  slight  dif- 
ference of  opinion  arises  in  a  recent 
game  with  Ryan  Tooling,  won  by  Tool- 
ing 9  to  7.  Flanking  Bcland  and  the 
ump  are  hluffstutter.  Manager  Berry- 
man,  and  Lehne  of  Receiving  and 
Marto  of  Tooling.    It  ended   peaceably. 


ice  Skoting 

The  ring  of  flashing 
blades  on  perfect  ice 
and  the  thrill  of  gliding 
along  on  winged  feet 
feet  is  being  enjoyed  these  days  by  some 
two-score  Ryan  Swingshifters  who  turn  out 
twice  a  week  to  enjoy  this  "sport  from  the 
North"  here  in  Son  Diego.  Exclusively  for 
swing  shift  industrial  workers  ore  the  noc- 
turnal skating  parties  held  every  Monday 
and  Wednesday  from  midnight  to  3:30  a.  m. 
at  the  Glacier  Gardens,  175  South  Eighth 

More  Ryanites  than  ever  before  ore  head- 
ing directly  after  work  for  this  mecca  of 
skating  enthusiasts  to  mingle  with  other  de- 
votees of  the  sport  from  Consolidated,  Solar, 
and  Rohr.  They  all  agree  that  ice  skating's 
a  sport  with  zest — and  it's  most  convenient 
to  be  fitted  with  skates  right  at  the  Gardens. 

—  25  — 

Behold,  a  Man!  That  should  be  in  CAPS 
— A  MAN.  A  mere  295-pound  babe,  stand- 
ing well  over  6  feet  and  hard  as  iron.  That's 
SGT.  FRANK  GRAY  of  Plant  Protection,  and 
a  man  with  a  post  that  proves  those  rippling 
and  bulging  muscles.  For  FRANK  has  led  his 
men  to  many  a  victory  in  important  matches 
throughout  the  West  .  .  .  Tug-O-Wor 
matches,  where  the  brown  really  tells. 
FRANK'S  interested  in  forming  several 
squads  in  this  sport  at  Ryan.  He  expects 
to  get  matches  for  the  various  teams  with 
other  industrial  Tug-O-War  teams.  So,  you 
he-men,  leave  your  names  with  PAUL  TED- 
FORD  in  Employee  Service  and  we'll  get 
going  on  this.  .  .  .  DON  D'AGOSTINO,  Tool- 
ing Design,  is  a  man  with  o  musical  back- 
ground. He's  tops  at  welding  on  orchestra 
into  a  unit  that  sets  the  feet  to  dancing. 
He  feels  that  we  can  hove  a  top-notch  Swing 
Shift  dance  orchestra,  and  is  already  hold- 
ing rehearsals  and  is  well  on  his  way  with 
on  organization.  If  you're  an  instrumentalist, 
see  DON,  or  leave  your  name  at  the  Activi- 
ties Desk.  Let's  hove  on  orchestra  from  the 
Swing  Shift  that  will  do  full  credit  to  the 
Ryan  Co.  ...  On  Friday  evening,  August 
I  8th,  some  75  couples  from  our  plant  and 
from  Solar  mingled  at  the  Front  and  Ash 
Sts.  USO  in  an  evening  of  sociability  and 
dancing.  This,  the  third  and  last  in  a  series 
of  dances  proved  to  be  much  fun.  Watch  for 
future  announcements  on  Ryan  dances.  .  .  . 
Tournaments  are  being  planned  for  ping  pong 
devotees  at  Ryan.  Did  you  know  that  this 
sport  has  more  participation  than  any  other? 
Tables  ore  always  at  full  blast  outside  the 
fire  station,  and  reports  are  that  every- 
one's happier  and  getting  more  opportunity 
to  ploy  by  following  the  recently  posted  rules. 
Nice  going,  DAN  DRISCOLL,  in  the  effi- 
cient way  you  take  care  of  the  fellas  and 
gals  out  there.  .  .  .  Just  a  word  to  everyone 
at  Ryan.  Whatever  your  interest,  let  us  know 
at  the  Activities  Desk,  and  we'll  find  a  place 
for  you. 



Tennis  stars  from  Ryan  renew  their  rivalry 
on  the  court  with  the  men  of  Rohr  Sun- 
day, September  10  as  six  singles  and  three 
doubles  matches  will  test  the  court  skills  of 
the  two  companies  in  o  special  tourney. 

Ryan  men,  led  by  Carmack  Berrymon  and 
Howard  Smith  are  confident  of  victory  and 
ore  polishing  their  games  in  the  continuous 
ladder  tourney  now  going  on  in  our  own 
plant.  The  delegation  from  the  Chula  Vista 
plant  will  be  headed  by  Jack  Folsom,  smooth- 
stroking  strategist,  who  recently  defeated 
Smith  in  a  torrid  match  to  cop  titular  honors 
in   the   annual    industrial   tennis  tournament. 

Is  Softball  so  soft?  Leo  Fundoro,  lead- 
ing hitter  of  the  Ryan  Receiving  team, 
lies  momentarily  stunned  after  being 
trapped  off  first  base  in  a  recent  game. 
Fundaro  recovered  quickly  and  finished 
the  gome. 

Keglers  In 
Three-Ulav  Tie 

There's  a  merry  old  race  in  the  Ryan  Air- 
craft Bowling  League  with  three  teams  bat- 
tling for  the  lead  as  the  race  nears  the  end 
of  the  road.  Jigs  and  Fixtures,  Contract 
Engineering,  and  Tail  Winds,  are  perched 
atop  the  ladder  in  a  three-way  tie  with 
38  points  won  and  14  lost  as  of  August 
10th.  The  Woodshop  spurted  from  seventh 
place  to  fourth  and  are  just  behind  the 
leaders  with  a  34-16  showing.  Tool  Room 
and  Shipping  ore  a  point  off  the  mark  of  the 

Bob  Williams  rolled  the  high  Ind.  Series 
on  the  1 0th,  rolling  a  neat  560  while  R. 
McClendon  was  macing  a  229  for  the  high 
single  game.  Team  honors  went  to  the  Pin 
Savers  who  accounted  for  a  2338  three- 
game  pinfall.  Plant  Engineering  toppled  830 
pins  for  high  single  game. 

August  10  Standings 

Team  Won  Lost 

Jigs  and  Fixtures 38  14 

Contract   Engineering    38  14 

Tail  Winds 38  14 

Woodshop     34  18 

Tool  Room    33  19 

Shipping 33  19 

Pin  Topplers 32  20 

Putt   Putts    30  22 

Experimental     29  23 

Plant   Engineers    29  23 

Maintenance     28  24 

Laboratory    27  25 

Pin  Savers    26  26 

Production  Control 23 

Low  I.  Q 21 

Mace    20 

Flight  Test 13 

Live   Five    11 

Shipperettes    11 

Manifold  Engineering 6 




more  Bouiling 

The  Ryan  Winter  Bowling  League  will 
open  on  September  1  2,  1  944  at  the  Tower 
Bowl.  We  have  secured  28  lanes  this  year, 
and  our  schedule  calls  for  6:30  on  Tuesdays. 

Entries  for  this  League  will  be  accepted 
by  Paul  Tedford  in  Personnel  or  M.  M. 
Clancy  in  Inspection.  The  first  28  entries 
will  make  up  the  Winter  League.  Additional 
entries,  over  28,  will  be  organized  into 
another   league   and   alleys   will    be   secured. 

Team  captains  will  be  called  together  at 
a  loter  date  to  discuss  plans  for  the  league 
and  to  elect  officers. 

Sorry  I  was  caught  napping  and  didn't 
make  the  last  edition  folks,  so  will  try  and 
crowd  two  month's  news  in  this  issue. 

You  really  missed  something  girls,  not 
seeing  LARRY  LARSON  (Leadman  of  Dope 
Shop)  without  his  shirt  on  the  other  Sunday. 
For  shame.    Lorry! 

NAN  WHEELIHAN  (Dept.  Clerk  for  Paint 
Shop  I  is  on  a  leave  of  absence.  Seems  odd 
without  Nan  around  and  we  miss  her  plea- 
sant voice  over  the  P. A.  system,  too.  Hurry 
back.  Nan. 

Congratulations  and  many  happy  returns 
to  the  following  who  celebrated  their  birth- 
days this  months;  LOUISE  THOMAS  of  Dope 
Shop,  (Louise  insists  she  isn't  a  day  over  21 
and  here  we  thought  she  was  sweet  sixteen. 
Tsk  Tsk!);  HAZEL  ADAMS  of  Rivet  Crib, 
formerly  of  the  Dope  Shop;  COOKIE  KENOY- 
ER  of  Dope  Spray  and  last,  but  not  least, 
EVELYN  SACKS.  I  guess  you  know  there 
were  cakes  and  cokes  and  all  very  delicious, 

A  cheery  hello  to  LUCY  PARRA,  LILLIAN 
TEMPLETON  and  MARY  BLANCO.  Lucy  is 
a  new  employee,  but  Lillian  and  Mary  come 
to  us  from  Fabric. 

Lucky  people:  L.  R.  McMASTERS, 
who  ore  all  enjoying  a  vacation. 

A  pot-luck  dinner  was  held  on  August 
16th    with    RAYMOND    DERLIN     (our    little 

—  26  — 

ray  of  sunshine)  as  guest  of  honor.  Roy  wos 
recently  transferred  to  Sheet  Metal  Assembly. 
The  gang  presented  Ray  with  an  I.  D.  brace- 
let and  their  very  best  wishes  go  with  him 
on  his  new  job. 

RUTH  KENNEDY  of  Dope  Shop  left  us  for 
Transportation.  Ruth  seems  very  happy  on 
her  new  job  and  looks  real  pert  cruising 
around  in  her  Buda. 

Point  Shop  has  a  mascot  these  nights.  A 
black  and  white  cat  who  appears  regularly 
every  night  at  dinnertime  for  its  milk.  All 
we  have  to  soy  is  "smart  cat  I" 

I  hope  all  you  girls  have  read  the  notice 
on  our  bulletin  board  pertaining  to  the  "Pie 
and  Cake  contest"  sponsored  by  no  less  then 
the  "Three  Master  Minds"  namely,  "Rosy," 
"Larry"  and  "Clyde."  Here's  your  chance 
now,  girls,  lets  see  what  you  con  do.  For 
such  high  stakes,  it  should  be  good?? 

Hove  a  new  name  for  CLYDE  WILCOX 
(Inspection!  —  "Whirlaway."  He  comes 
whizzing  through  the  paint  shop  and  is  out 
of  sight  before  you  know  it, 

PEARL  SPANGLER  of  Fabric  has  taken 
over  the  duties  of  Department  Clerk  for 
Point  during  Nan  Wheelihon's  absence  and 
is  doing  a  very  nice  job. 

New  members  in  the  departments  in- 
clude: BETTY  STONEKING,  formerly  of 
Denver,  in  Traffic;  NONA  PURDY  from 
Oklahoma,  in  Timekeeping;  ABILENE  STAR- 
BUCK  and  LORRAIN  PERKINS  both  in  Pay- 
roll, Lorrain  is  on  second  shift,  RUTH 
MITCHELL  is  in  general  accounting,  Ruth 
was  with  us  way  back  in  July  last  year  and 
DONNA  PARSLEY  is  on  third  shift  in 

Farewells  were  paid  to  GLADY  KENNEDY 
of  Traffic  and  PAT  ELDRIDGE  of  Tabula- 
ting. HELEN  ELLIS  of  Timekeeping  was 
transferred  to  the  Ford  Building,  DOROTHY 
HAAG  HALCOMB,  formerly  from  Inventory, 
is  now  in  Office  Service  with  o  new  name 
added.     Best  wishes  Mrs,  Holcomb! 

Congratulations  to  ALDEAN  SCHULTZ, 
HELEN  KING  and  MARK  CRIPE  of  Inven- 
tory, SYLVIA  VOULVALDIES  of  Timekeeping 
and  GENNY  HUTTON  of  Accounts  Receiv- 
able who  recently  received  their  one-year 
service  pins, 

DOROTHY  POGGEMEYER  returned  from 
her  vocation  looking  like  a  million,  TRUDY 
McCarthy  is  bock  from  a  leave  to  be  with 
her  hubby  on  his  furlough,  DICK  ANSLEY 
was  on  leave  in  Los  Angeles, 

Sorry  to  hear  of  DICK  SNELL'S  illness, 
one  of  those  childhood  diseases  we  under- 

VIRGINIA  PATTON  of  Accounts  Payable 
has  transferred  from  second  shift  to  daysl 

What  are  the  little  garments  SEA  AVANT 
is  knitting?    "For  new  cousin,"  she  soys. 

I'll  have  to  leave  with  o  short  column  this 
week — everything  else  seems  to  be  rationed  I 

Don't  forget  your  appointment  with  the 
Red  Cross  Blood  Bonk!     Make  it,  keep  it  I 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by   Ben   Smith 

We  are  indebted  to  BOB  JONES,  the 
genial,  elongated  lad  presiding  over  Tack 
and  Trim  on  the  Swing  Shift,  for  the  follow- 
ing. Why  he  used  the  fanciful  pseudonym 
at  the  end,  we  will  leave  to  your  surmising. 
Thanks,  Bob. 
Swing  Shift  Items,  by   Bob  Jones. 

New  personalities  expediting  on  second 
shift  .  .  .  Rugged  and  ready  J.  C.  (JOE) 
FEILER,  a  recent  arrival  to  the  Tack  and 
Trim  board,  hails  from  New  Jersey  where 
he  was  operating  a  thriving  garden  produce 
business,  until  war's  shadows  come  along. 
Anxious  to  do  his  bit  in  the  conflict,  Joe 
sold  his  business  and  farm  preparatory  to 
being  drafted.  However,  when  called,  he 
was  turned  down  because  his  38th  birthday 
came  just  two  weeks  before  his  scheduled 
induction  making  him  just  another  1-A-H 
in  the  draft.  Genial  Joe,  though  not  what 
you'd  call  massive,  is  a  powerhouse  of  energy 
and  vitality,  contributing  a  great  deal  to 
the  efficiency  and  credit  of  the  department. 
Although  not  known  for  brilliant  prognosti- 
cations, we  venture  to  soy  that  Joe  is  going 
places  at  Ryan. 

Also  new  to  the  T  &  T  outfit  is  H.  D. 
(SARGE)  CONWAY,  who  until  8  months 
ago  was  a  technical  sergeant  in  our  army. 
Slow  talking,  philosophical  Sorge,  like  Joe, 
is  a  hard-working  man  who  really  takes 
pride  in  doing  things  right.  He  recently 
transferred  from  P-47  Hood  production  to 

Another  recent  transferee,  this  time  from 
Sheet  Metal,  is  JOYCE  DONELSON  now 
expediting  in  the  Jig  area.  Joyce  is  featured 
in  the  big  Ryan  show  to  be  staged  at  the 
Russ  on  the  2nd  and  3rd  of  September. 

More  about  new  arrivals  in  the  next  issue, 
but  now  0  little  about  the  old-timers. 

Congratulations  to  RICHARD  (RUSTY) 
NITZ  on  his  reception  of  the  "A"  dis- 
patching post  in  the  Short  Stock  and  Tail- 
pipe area.  Rusty's  former  boss,  DICK 
YOUNG,  now  has  the  important  "A"  posi- 
tion in  the  Small   Parts  section  of  the  plant. 

CARL  HUCHTING,  vacationing  Tack  and 
Trimmer,  writes  of  the  beauties  of  pastoral 
life  from  his  up-county  hideaway  and  de- 
votes long  pages  in  his  letters  to  his  corny 
stories  and   poems  so  well-known   to   us   all. 

Our  sympathies  to  ORVILLE  (STRONG 
'N'  SILENT)  MATTSON,  who  struggles 
along  without  a  helper  or  even  a  desk  at 
which  to  sit.  He  claims  though,  that  his 
duties  keep  him  busy  all  the  livelong  night, 
and  that  he  hasn't  even  ONE  spore  moment 
to  sit  around  (Tsk,  Tsk.)  01'  Final  Inspec- 
tion IS  a  pretty  busy  place  at  times!  Hey, 

A  white  orchid  to  LOIS  ARLICH  for  doing 
a  man-sized  job  and  doing  it  well,  sans 
helper,  up  in  Small  Parts  shipping. 

While  we're  in  the  flower-giving  dept., 
how  about  a  dozen  pink  gardenias  for 
IRENE  LOUTHERBACK,  for  looking  as  fresh 
and  cool  and  pretty  at  12:30  as  she  does  at 
4:00?    How   do   you   do    it,    Irene? 

Before  we  soy  goodbye  for  now,  GENE 
(BUZZ)  BOYLE  asks  that  all  dispatchers 
interested  in  getting  up  a  Swing  Shift  Bowl- 
ing Team  see  him  at  the  Weld  board  any 
day.  Buzz  is  an  old  and  experienced  hand 
at  bowling,  so  his  team  should  really  go 

Well,  I've  run  out  of  words  and  time,  and 
the  foreman  wonts  his  typewriter  back,  so 
this  is  the  end  for  o  while, 

'^^'°='  DON   QUIXOTE,   JR, 

Among  recent  additions  to  our  day  shift 
force,  ore  two  errant  wanderers  from  that 
hick  town  on  the  East  Coast,  New  York  City, 
They  ore  BERT  JORY  and  LEO  BERKO- 
WITZ,  the  light  weight  team  doing  good 
work  in  half-stamping  storage  area.  Bert,  a 
traveling  salesman  for  more  than  twenty 
years,  soys  that  he  is  at  lost  finding  him- 
self being  sold  on  the  idea  that  Ryan  is 
really  a  better  place  to  work  and  ours  the 
best  department  in  the  plant. 

In  other  days — on  the  cattle  range — we 
never  asked  a  man  where  he  was  from, 
what  he  hod  done  or  what  name  he  hod  for- 
merly used.  But  at  Ryan  we  find  no  such 
reticence  about  discussing  things  past  and 
It  is  interesting  to  think  of  the  conglomerate 
mass  of  experience  and  ability  amalgamated 
in  our  own  deportment.  For  instance: 

RED  KEITH  formerly  operated  a  garage 
and  service  station  in  Los  Angeles, 

GORDON  GREER  spent  years  as  o  travel- 
ing salesman. 

EDDIE  HAEGER  was  among  the  well- 
known  printers  in  the  Chicago  area. 

LYLE,  all  musicians,  hove  been  with  some 
of  Our  best  known  orchestras, 

MRS.  WRIGHT  was  forelody  in  one  of 
the  big  candy  concerns  in  the  Chicago  area. 

RALPH  CALLOW  did  accounting  work 
with  a   large  packing  firm   in  Colorado. 

BILL  STRAW  wos  a  street  cor  operator  in 
the  east. 

EDDIE  BARKOVIC  was  a  paper  maker 
in  northern  Minnesota, 

MORT  ANDERSON  was  a  grain  tycoon  in 
the  middle  west, 

LOUIS  HARNED  formerly  engaged  in  the 
film   booking   business. 

ELEANOR  PRICE  was  a  dispatcher  for 
Curtiss  Wright  Co.,    in  Columbus,   Ohio. 

CLARENCE  PAYNE  was  in  the  roofing 
business    in   Tennessee, 

were  cowboys,  Carroll  in  Colorado  and  Tex 
in  Texas. 

KEN  BARNES  grew  up  In  and  around  Son 
Diego,  doing  banking  and  merchandising  as 
sidelines  to  golfing, 

and  BILL  HOTCHKISS  all  engaged  in  min- 
ing, Ralph  for  gold  in  Alaska,  Hop  for 
vanadium  in  Colorado  and  Bill  for  coal  in 

MACK  McCAFFERTY  was  o  news  photog- 
rapher and  publicity  man. 

At  the  risk  of  seeming  monotonous,  I 
con't  resist  a  further  appeal  for  the  great- 
est possible  cooperation  between  shifts  and 
between  stations  in  our  department.  Nothing 
in  oil  the  world  is  so  important  as  ending 
the  war  at  the  earliest  possible  moment,  Ryan 
products  ore  playing  on  important  port  in 
keeping  air  protection  over  our  fighting 
men.  Our  department  is  directly  responsible 
for  the  uninterrupted  movement  of  those 
parts  along  the  production  line  and  out 
through  shipping  to  their  appointed  mission. 
Each  individual  worker  has  o  personal  re- 
sponsibility to  do  his  or  her  very  best.  Let's 
stay  on  the  job  and  finish  the  job. 

George  Westover,  S  2/c,  who  used  to  be  a  leodman  in  the  Final  Assembly  department 
until  he  joined  the  Navy,  paid  his  Ryan  friends  a  surprise  visit  recently.  The  girls 
thought  he  looked  mighty  nice  in  his  uniform  too.  Left  to  right,  Christine  Memory, 
Frances  Book,  Lois  Barnett,  George,  Wanda  Williams,  Helen  Williams  and  Jean  Lorkin. 

—  27  — 


by  Dorothy  Trudersheim 

Assistant  Reporters 
Crib    1      .      .     .      Edna  Farnsworth 

Crib   4 Bill  Rossi 

Crib    5  Morjorie  Steverding 

Crib   7     .     .     .     .     Morjorie  Bolas 

Crib  4 — Did  You  Know — 

ERN got  their  blue  badges?  We  are  all 
happy  because  such  worthy  and  popular  men 
are  deserving! 

SHULTZ  are  all  new  end  welcomed  by  the 
Inspection  Department. 

That  LOU  STONE  is  making  a  serious  bid 
to  outdo  ED  WILLIAMS  in  conjuring  ideas 
and  inventing  gadgets? 

That  WARD  COTTRELL  has  a  fine  smile? 
Flash  it  on  Ward ! 

That  ALICE  JOHNSON  is  looking  for  a 
strong  handsome  man — to  carry  her  heavy 
thermos  jug  of  lemonade. 

That  D.  J.  DONNELLY  can  change  flat 

That  SUSAN  ROWAN  has  more  gentlemen 
friends  than  any  other  girl    in    Inspection? 

That  IDA  THURNELL  loves  to  give  away 
her  wonderful  home-made  coffee?  Try  it 
sometime,  but  bring  your  own  lunch! 

That  BEVERLY  MOORE  has  a  cor  now 
that  has  no  soils — not  even  a  mast? 

That  CLAUDE  HINKLE  works  so  hard  that 
often  he's  too  tired  to  talk  bock? 

That  LENNIE  CHESTNUT  has  got  her 
hand  out  of  the  bondages  now  and  the  blood 
poisoning   is  gone? 

Crib  5 — "On  the  Beom  and  Off  the  Record" 

with  Margie 
Echoes  from  the  Inspection  Picnic 

When  bigger  and  better  picnics  are  to  be 
hod — Ryan  will  still  have  them.  Inspection 
made  a  grand  showing  and  gave  us  all  a 
chance  to  meet  the  families  of  our  gang. 
Speaking  of  families,  RODNEY  RAILSBACK 
has  the  most  adorable  baby  that  I  could  just 
love  to  pieces,  CLARE  SKINNER  hod  her 
darling  little  3  year-old  that  could  fake  a 
beauty  prize  anywhere.  PAPPY  GRIMES 
had  his  family  there  and  even  brought  the 
dog.  It  really  seemed  good  to  get  all  the 
amber  fluid  we  could  handle  and  if  some  of 
the  gong  had  more  than  they  could  handle, 
so  what!  The  dinner  was  excellent  and 
plenty  of  it,  and  an  orchid  goes  to  whoever 
baked  the  hams.  They  were  delicious.  HOP 
IRWIN  developed  a  real  taste  for  the  Slitz, 
made  a  special  bodyguard  for  the  lotter's 
hubby  who  seemed  to  be  enjoying  it  im- 

I  made  the  swell  discovery  that  LARRY 
ANDERSON  is  as  good  on  a  dance  floor  as 
he  is  on  a  horse  and  at  that  he  is  super. 
The  little  ivory  cubes  were  much  in  evidence 
and  for  awhile  the  gome  was  really  hot. 
Another  orchid   should   be  tossed   to  the   or- 

chestra. Those  boys  are  on  the  beam  and 
know  how  to  beat  it  out.  And  so  ends  another 
Ryan  Inspection  Picnic  for  me  and  if  we  all 
aren't  here  for  the  next  one,  at  least  we  will 
all  have  the  memories  of  a  swell  bunch  of 
friendships  that  we  hove  mode. 

Crib    7 — Favorite    Jokes    of    the    Inspection 

A  little  boy,  while  standing  on  a  street 
corner,  was  approached  by  a  well  dressed 

Gentleman:  Would  you  direct  me  to  the 
local   bonk? 

Little    boy:      Just    go    two    blocks    to    the 

right,  then  one  to  the  left  and  you  will  see 
the  bank  on  the  corner. 

Gentleman:  How  much  do  I  owe  you  for 
this  information? 

Little  boy:     One  dollar.  Sir. 

Gentleman:  Aren't  you  a  bit  high  in 
your  price? 

Little  boy:  Bank  directors  always  moke 
big  money  don't  they? 

P.    F.    Dukelow 

If  2  and  1  is  shoe  polish  and  3  and  1  is 
machine  oil;  what  is  4  and  I?  Answer: 

R.  L.  Atkins 

Smoke  From 
A  Test  Tube 

by  Solly  and  Sue 

One  of  the  main  points  of  attraction  in 
the  Lab  at  the  present  time  is  our  "MORRIS 
ACKERMAN  Bulletin,"  which  is  growing  by 
leaps  and  bounds  and  has  been  ever  since 
Morry  left  the  fold  to  become  on  integral 
part  of  the  U.  S.  Navy.  We've  been  accused 
of  setting  up  a  travel  bureau  for  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  but  it's  just  0  certain  sailor's 
patriotic  instinct  that  mokes  our  wall  so 
colorful.  And  do  we  like  it!  That  reminds 
me — we  owe  him  a  letter  again.  In  case 
any  other  Ackermon  fans  are  reading  this, 
we  ought  to  mention  that  he  is  stationed  at 
Camp  Peary,  Vo.     His  address  is  as  follows: 

M.  Ackerman  A/S 
Batt.  A-2,  Co.  944 
Camp  Peary,  Vo. 

Another  faithful  correspondent  who  reads 
each    issue   of  the   Flying    Reporter   is    DAVE 
ADAMS,  our  representative  in  the  Army.  We 
think  we're  mighty  lucky  to  have  such  good 
letter  writers  keeping  us  busy  answering  their 
questions   and   keeping   them   posted  on   the 
latest  news.      Dave   likes  to  get  letters,  too. 
So    when    you    get    in    one    of    those    moods, 
snatch  a  piece  of  paper  and  a   pencil   quick 
and  address  your  envelope   like  this: 
Pvt.    Dave    S.    Adams,    39721218 
Co.  L,  341   Inf.,  A. P.O.  450 
Camp  Livingston,  La. 

A  lot  of  things  hove  happened  since  this 
column  last  appeared  in  the  Flying  Reporter. 
On  August  6th,  we  hod  our  annual  Lab  get- 
together,  only  this  year,  it  was  a  beach  party 
instead  of  a  picnic.  Once  a  year  the  Lob 
staff  gets  together,  bringing  wives,  children, 
girl  friends,  beaux  of  the  moment,  and  any- 
one else  who  might,  in  their  opinion,  enjoy 
the  affair.  It's  always  a  big  success,  and  if 
it  weren't  for  the  amount  of  effort  it  entails, 
we'd  have  one  more  often.  No  one  went 
oway  hungry  or  thirsty,  so  it's  easy  to  see  we 
must  have  been  contented.  As  usual,  there 
were  a  few  flies  in  the  ointment.  One  was 
the  presense  of  several  pesky  cameras — 
movie  and  otherwise — recording  our  esca- 
pades for  posterity.  The  boys  searched  and 
searched,  but  all  in  vain,  for  the  mermaids 
we've  heard  so  much  about.  That  was  o 
big  disappointment.  Hub  caused  a  bit  of 
excitement  when  he  called  us  all  over  to 
see  a  big  fish — red  with  yellow  stripes.  We 
should  hove  known  better  from  experience, 
'cause    when    we    got    there,    it    was    plainly 

—  28  — 

seen  that  the  fish  was  a  very  ordinary  green 
color  with  yellow  stripes.  Poor  Hub — he'll 
learn  not  to  believe  his  sense  of  color,  and 

someday  we  will  too. 

The  next  thing  that  gave  us  o  jolt  was  the 
news  that  JIM  SCURLOCK,  our  boss  here 
in  the  Lob,  hod  resigned  and  would  no  longer 
be  around  the  premises.  We  certainly  will 
miss  him,  but  we  also  hope  he  will  be  very 
happy  in  his  new  work.  We  had  a  dinner 
party  as  a  sort  of  a  forewell  for  Jim,  and  it 
was  so  much  fun  that  we  ore  desperately 
trying  to  dig  up  an  excuse  for  another  one. 
We  didn't  need  any  entertoinment  to  keep 
us  hoppy,  what  with  WES  KOHL,  CLAUDE 
FLOERSCH,  and  the  four  gols— E.  J.  HAR- 
giving  their  all.  Also,  we  hod  an  extra- 
special  waitress  who  hod  something  new  to 
offer  with  every  course  she  served.  Just 
mention  her  to  the  boys,  and  they'll  tell  you 
all  about  it.  It  was  a  good  meal,  too,  by  the 
way — turkey  and  all  that  goes  with  it.  This 
dinner  also  served  as  a  welcome  to  our  new 
Supervisor,  HAROLD  W.  "HAL"  HASEN- 
BECK. Hal  was  in  charge  of  the  Radio  and 
Electrical  Group  before  he  was  given  the 
new  appointment  of  Supervisor  here,  so  we 
all  know  what  o  fine  fellow  he  is,  and  are 
looking  forward  to  working  with  him. 

The  Lab  wimmin  received  a  very  welcome 
invitation  recently  from  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Young 
to  visit  them  in  their  lovely  home  on  Mount 
Helix.  We  all  come  home  with  the  firm 
conviction  that  it  was,  positively,  a  dream 
home.  I  am  still  trying  awfully  hard  to  re- 
member some  of  the  many  clever  ideas  which 
they  hod  incorporated  into  their  home.  A 
few  of  the  highlights  were  their  view  from 
the  patio  overlooking  the  mountain  range 
and  the  valley,  their  wheel-gate,  the  blue 
ceiling  in  the  kitchen  with  phosphorescent 
stars,  comets,  and  moon  (we  didn't  stay 
until  it  got  dark,  so  didn't  see  them  light 
up',  the  built-in  carpenter  work,  and  oh, 
me,  I  could  go  on  forever.  Above  oil,  we 
certainly  will  remember  them  for  their  grand 
hospitality — Mrs.  Young's  delicious  sand- 
wiches and  cookies  and  Mr.  Young's  special 
brew  of  coffee.  Here's  to  a  mighty  fine 
couple ! 

Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

«,j «  j^  -^x  ■ 

Fundamental  Foods 





Servings  per  day: 

1  pint  or  more  for  adults 
1  quart  or  more  for  children 
To   drink   or  combine  with 
other  foods. 

1  or  more  servings 

2  or  more  servings 
At  least  I  green  or  yellow — 
the  other  preferably  raw. 

2  or  more  servings 
At  least  I  of  citrus  fruit  or 

1  or  more  servings  of  meat, 
fish,  poultry,  cheese,  nuts, 
dried  beans  or  peas. 

1  serving  of  liver  per  week. 

1  serving  of  fish  per  week. 

3  to  5  per  week 
1  daily  preferred 

C!EIR£AL  ^  °'  more  servings 

and  BREAD  whole  grain  or  enriched 


Fortifieii  Margarine 


2  or  more  tablespoons 

2  quarts  or  more 

(water,  milk,  soup,  fruit 
juices,  and  other  bever- 


The  above  illustration  is  a  page  of  the  booklet,  "Are  We  Well  Fed."  This  booklet 
will  acquaint  you  with  principles  of  food  selection  which  will  improve  your  health  and 
increase  your  enjoyment  of  life.  You  may  obtain  these  booklets  in  Mrs.  Long's  office, 
Employee    Service    or    Counselors'    offices    in    the    factory    buildings. 

Pattern  For  Planning 
Well  Balanced  and 
Economical  Meals 




Bread  and  butter 

Milk  for  children 

Coffee  or  ^^a  for  adults 


Orange  juice 

Rolled  Oats  with  wheatgerm 

and  top  milk 
Wholewheat  toast  and  butter 
Milk  for  children 


Milk  or  milk  soup 

One  of  these  meat  substitutes: 

Eggs,  cheese,  dried  beans 

or  peas 
A  vegetable,  leafy  once  a  day 
Bread  ond  butter 
Simplest  dessert  or  fruit 
Milk  for  children,  always 


Deviled  egg  sandwich 
Mixed  vegetable  salad 
Apple  pie 


One  of  these  —  meat,  fish. 
Poultry,  rabbit  or  meat 

Vegetables,  leafy  once  a  day 

Bread  and  butter 

Fruit  or  simple  dessert 

Milk  for  children 


Pot  roost 

Brown  potatoes  and  gravy 

Buttered  carrots 

Tossed  green  salad 

Fresh  peaches  and  cookies 

—  29- 

These  Manifolds  Lool< 

Dich  ThompsDn  Pays 
Old  Friends  H  Uisit 

Flight  Officer  Dicl<  Thompson,  known  as 
"Little  Abner"  to  his  old  friends  at  Ryon, 
paid  them  a  visit  here  recently.  Dick  came  to 
Ryan  in  July,  1939,  and  went  to  work  in 
Manifold  Assembly  department  under  the 
supervision  of  Slim  Coats,  who  hod  started 
work  here  only  three  days  before.  "Slim 
showed  me  the  ropes  my  first  day  and  we've 
been  close  friends  ever  since,"  said  Dick  with 
the  "personality  grin"  that  his  buddies  here 
remember  so  well. 

"While  I  was  working  here  on  manifolds 
for  Ryan  PT-22's,  I  was  always  wishing  that 
some  day  I  would  hove  a  chance  to  learn  how 
to  fly  one.  Well,  my  Uncle  Sam  gave  me  the 
chance.  I  was  sent  to  the  Ryan  School  of 
Aeronautics  of  Arizona  at  Tucson  for  my 
primary  training.  I  wasn't  a  bit  disappointed 
in  the  planes  I  helped  to  build,  because  the 
PT-22  turned  out  to  be  one  swell  little  sh-p." 

Dick  received  his  basic  training  at  Lan- 
caster, California,  and  his  advanced  train- 
ing at  Douglas,  Arizona,  where  he  gradu- 
ated on  August  4  of  this  year. 

Dick  took  a  tour  of  the  plant  escorted  by 
Slim.  "I  enjoyed  seeing  some  of  the  fellows 
I  used  to  work  with,  but  missed  a  lot  of 
familiar  faces.  Guess  Uncle  Sam  needed 
them  too.  I'm  hoping  to  come  back  to  work 
as  a  pilot  for  the  proposed  new  Ryan  Airlne 
after  the  war  is  over,  because  wherever  Ryan 
is,  there's  always  something  doing." 

Dick  will  leave  San  Diego  shortly  to  attend 
E-17  school  in  Hobbs,  New  Mexico. 

Ryanites   who've   joined   the   service   since 
lost  issue  of  Flying  Reporter: 

Clark,   R.  J.,  Tool   Room 
Hammond,  Clyde  Newell,  Hydro  Press 
Harringt-on,  John  C,  Experiment-ol 
Hathaway,  Lewis  T.,  Wing  Assembly 
Herbert,  George  Jackson,  Sheet  Metal 

Holbrook,   Wm.    Charles,   Mfld.    Dispatching 
Howard,  Guss   Davis,   Experimental 
Humphrey,  Glenn   Leo,   Experimental 
Loomer,  Lloyd,  Engineering 
Ohison,  Richard  N.,  Sheet  Metal  Fabrication 
Seley,   Ira  Oakley,  Manifold  Assembly 
Wright,  James  Elden,  Experimental 
Schwab,  Albert  Con,  Sheet  Metal  Assembly 
West,  Margie  Marie,  Sheet  Metal  Assembly 
Gasele,  Raymond  Grant,  Drop  Hammer 
Hutchinson,  Lourice  Wayne,  Final  Assembly 
Sly,  William  Glenn,  Final  Assembly 
Lyall,  Helen,  Manifold  Small  Parts 
Moore,  Richard  Thos.,  Manifold  Small  Parts 
Cameron,  John  Munroe,   Inspection 
Bottiger,  Harry  Lester,  Wing  Assembly 
Dixon,  Walter  D.,  Sheet  Metal  Fabrication 
Dominguez,  Albert,  Manifold  Assembly 
Heatherly,  Moynard,  Manifold  Assembly 
Kay,  Palmer,  Manifold  Welding 
Lamb,  Morris  E.,  Experimental 
Oxenford,  James  M.,  Final  Assembly 
Ross,  Richard  D.,  Experimental 
Scheidle,  Harry  F.,  Experimental 

Keep  the  mail  rolling 

Pvt.  O.   D.  Armstrong 

A.S.N.  39591722 


U.  S.  Army 

Fort  Sill,  Oklo. 

Lt.    (j-g-'    Murray  Leonard 
Floyd  Bennett  Field 
Naval  Air  Station 
New  York,  N.  Y. 

Lt.  Goodwin  C.  Groff 

Co.  "\,"  3rd   Battalion 

8th  Marines,  2nd  Marine  Division 

Fleet  Post  Office 

San  Francisco,  Calif. 

Private  J.  D.  Lassetter — 39587276 
B-18   A.   R.  T.   C. 
Fort  Knox,  Kentucky 

Private  L.  E.  Parman — 37745583 
Sec.  "N"  Bks.  531 -Fit  55 
Buckley  Field 
Denver,  Colorado 

Private  Joye  S.  Hipes — 39592095 
Co.  "A"  153rd  Bn. 
91st  Reg.  J.  R.  T.  C.  Bks   1 
Camp  Hood,  Texas 

Private  Jess  S.  Larsen,  Jr. — 39586170 
Section  P-AAF 
3705th  Base  Unit 
Lowry  Field,  Colorado 

A/C  Al  Loube— 39713299 
Sqdn.  No.   1 — Fit.  A  Section  H 
General   Pre-Flight 
Santa   Ana,  California 

M.  Ackerman,  AS 
Battery  A-2,  Co.  944 
Camp  Peary,  Virginia 

M.  G.  Ryan,  Sp.  A.  2/e 
Physical  Training  Dept. 
ATB,  Camp  Bradford,   NOB 
Norfolk,   I  1 ,  Virginia 


The  sparkle  in  the  eyes  cf  Ruth  Mc- 
Elroy  says,  "I'm  pulling  for  these  two 
boys  of  mine."  Welsley  McElroy,  left, 
is  now  in  training  for  a  fighter  pilot 
and  O.  F.  "Larry"  McElroy,  right,  is 
back  from  14  months  in  the  South 
Pocific,    including    Guadalcanal. 

Summer-time  is  vacation-time,  and  Ma- 
chine Shop  people  ore  no  exception  to  the 
rule.  CONRAD  ADAMS  spent  his  with  his 
family,  and  came  back  to  work  all  sun- 
tanned and  rested.  BILL  BRYAN  went  up 
into  the  mountains  and  had  a  wonderful 
time  until  Lady  Luck  betrayed  him.  He 
took  a  bad  fall — dislocated  his  shoulder — 
and  had  to  miss  work  much  longer  than  he 
intended.  LEONA  BELSHA  also  fell  lure  to 
the  vacation  bait. 

IVA  "JOHNNY"  JOHNSON  and  her 
handsome  husband  spent  a  wonderful  few 
days  at  Idylwild  Resort  near  Riverside.  He  is 
a  chief  in  the  Navy,  and  she  makes  a  radial 
drill  work  magic. 

VEDA  TUCKER  and  her  husband,  Ver- 
non, who  also  is  a  faithful  Ryan  worker, 
spent  a  pleasant  few  weeks  visiting  their 
families  bock   in  the  Middle  West. 

"SLIM"  McDowell  is  out  on  a  month's 
sick    leave.    This    veteran    of    the    last    war 

has  not  been  feeling  in  the  "pink"  for  some 
time,  and  was  finally  forced  to  take  time 
off  for  treatment  at  the  Veterans'   Hospital. 

For  an  interesting  little  anecdote,  you 
might  ask  JESS  McCRAY  what  he  knows 
about  the  hot  seat.  He  con  give  you  a  burn- 
-to-burn  description  from  personal  experi- 
ence. His  theme  song  now  is,  "I  don't  wont 
to  set  the  world  on  fire"!  GEORGE  WOLF 
joins  in  on  the  bass  with,  "I've  been  blow- 
ing bubbles."  We  always  like  close  harmony, 

passed  their  first  wedding  anniversary  on 
August  14.  May  you  have  many  more  happy 
years  together! 

Only  a  little  more  than  a  year  ago, 
came the  proud  parents  of  their  son,  Darryl 
Jewell.  He  has  grown  into  a  regular  little 
"iron  man"  —  strong  and  even-tempered. 
Occurrences  that  would  moke  most  babies 
cry  for  hours  don't  even  ruffle  his  temper. 
One  evening  at  the  beach  by  their  Mission 
Beach  home,  he  lost  his  balance  and  fell 
headfirst  into  the  sand.  His  eyes,  ears,  and 
nose  were  full  of  the  fine  particles.  But  did 
he  cry?  No,  he  stoically  waited  until  the 
sand  was  wiped  off  him,  and  was  smiling 
and  playing  again  in  no  time  at  all. 

New  to  the  Machine  Shop  are  the  follow- 
ing   people,    all    of    whom    hove    our    sincere 

Claude  Ryan  Attends  Dedication 

T.  Claude  Ryan,  right,  and  Donald  W.  Douglos,  president  of  the  Douglas  Aircraft 
Compony,  were  among  the  oviation  men  who  attended  the  dedication  of  the  NACA's 
$18,000,000  Ames  aeronautical  laboratory  at  Moffett  Field,  near  San  Francisco, 
recently.  They  converse  beneath  the  painting  of  the  laboratory's  founder.  Dr.  Joseph 
Sweetman  Ames,  which   hangs  in  the  reception  room   of  the  laboratory. 

—  31  — 

welcome:  DON  ESTES  from  Experimental; 
GREITEN,  all  of  Tooling;  BETTY  LAWTON, 
cute  and  red-headed  —  very  much  George 
Lawton's  sister;  JOHN  TELFORD,  originally 
from  Illinois;  EDWARD  KRIST,  another  nice 
product  of   Illinois. 

Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle-Rack 

AL  WHITTAKER  of  the  die  yard  had  the 
misfortune  of  breaking  four  of  his  toes  and 
won't  be  with  us  for  awhile.  We  also  have 
lost  the  services  of  CHARLY  McALISTER 
because  of  a  heart  ailment.  We  hope  it  is 
only  temporary,  Charly,  and  that  you'll 
soon  be  bock  again.  Very  likeable  K.  B. 
WALKER  and  "LARRY"  MORROW  also 
have  left  us.  Walker  has  gone  to  his  home 
at  Modesto  while  Larry  was  called  back  to 
a  former  job.  We're  sorry  to  see  these  two 
leave  us  permanently. 

There  are  a  few  congratulations  in  order: 
To  ED  PETEK,  of  Planishing,  and  FLORENCE 
SMITH  who  were  married  a  few  weeks  ago. 
Also  to  JULE  VAUGHAN  and  ESSIE  BUL- 
LARD,  both  of  Planishing,  who  were  married 
August  27th  and  are  now  spending  their 
honeymoon  in  Los  Angeles  and  vicinity.  Who 
turned  Dan  Cupid  loose  in  Planishing  any- 
how? Congratulations  also  go  to  WALTER 
their  promotions  to   leadmen. 

HERMAN  MORTON,  drop-hammer  dis- 
patcher, has  two  new  aides  in  MARGARET 
McCANNA  and  LARRY  LYNCH.  We  also 
have  a  new  dispatcher  in  heat-treat.  Her 
name  is  FREDA  WOLFE  and  was  formerly  of 

The  boys  paid  EDDIE  TILLIS  a  visit  last 
week  and  managed  to  promote  a  little  game 
while  there.  Eddie  is  still  laid  up  with  his 
broken  leg  from  a  motorcycle  accident,  but 
is  getting  along  much  better  now.  Someone 
should  have  told  LOUIS  SPLIER  that  a  full 
house  doesn't  beat  four  kings  in  straight 
draw.  Boy,  Eddie  really  cut  that  limb  from 
under  Louis  on  that  one.  We're  paging  a 
good  lumberjack  who  can  cut  that  tall  tree 
down  that  "TEX"  HELMS  is  perched  atop. 
Call  Ext.  6661  I. 

Ryan  Trad  ins  Post 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sale    (continued) 

Violin  with  case.  Good  tone.  J.   Higgins,   Ext.  235, 
3834  45th  Street,  East  San  Diego. 

One  team  of  good,  gentle  work  horses.  Weight, 
approximately  1400  pounds.  One  horse  broke 
to  ride.  Including  harness  and  some  farm  im- 
plements. Contact  T.  A.  Smith,  8130  Tooling 
Inspection,   Ext.   234. 

Zimmerman  Autohorp  musical  instrument.  12 
chord  bars.  With  accessories  and  Instruction 
book.  Has  never  been  used.  $18.00,  or  will 
trade  for  guitar.  See  Harry  Turner,  Eng.  Illus- 
tration,   Ext.   283. 

10-tube  Zenith  console.  New  condition.  C.  L. 
Baker,   Manifold   Small   Ports. 

Living  room  set.  Good  condition.  Not  yet  o  year 
old.  Will  sell  by  piece  or  as  a  whole.  For  terms 
see  J.  L.  Johns,  Factory   Inspection  Office. 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spouldlng  ice  skates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Haswell,  Ext. 

If  you  are  going  to  the  East  Coast  why  not  trade 
your  home  here  for  my  home  near  Boston. 
Contact  C.   F.   Brown,  Tooling   Department. 

Man's  tux.  Block,  size  34-36.  Shirt,  with  attach 
shirt  front,  collars,  pearl  studs  and  cuff  links. 
Excellent  condition,  worn  but  few  times,  orig- 
inal cost,  $42.00.  Price  $29,00.  Coll  W-0845 
anytime  after  5:00  P.   M. 

G.  E.  ultra-violet  ray  sun  lamp.  Built  like  a  living 
room  floor  lamp.  Type  S-2.  Also  includes  two 
new  spore  bulbs,  each  having  300  hours  of 
radiation.  $26.75  or  will  trade  for  a  table 
radio.    Harry  Turner,  Eng.   Illustration.    Ext.  283. 

Complete  drafting  set,  board,  pen  and  ink.  Sell 
or  trade  for  tools  or  motor,  500  or  1750  speed. 
J.    H.   Costello,   Manifold   Developing,    Ext.    284. 

One  14  ft.  solid  mahogany  hull  boot  with  24  H.  P. 
Evinrude  twin  outboard  motor.  Just  overhauled, 
with  trailer.  $200.00.  Cash  or  terms.  L.  Moore, 
1913,  Wing   Assembly,   Second   Shift. 

One  pair  Willson  welding  goggles  (No.  5  green). 
Never  been  used.  $1.75.  L.  Moore,  1913,  Wing 
Assembly,   Second    Shift. 

Bookcase,  three  sections,  art  metal  with  doors, 
can  be  locked,  semi-fireproof.  New,  never  used. 
Cost  $80.00.  Sacrifice  for  $50.00.  Mr.  Cridge, 
Ext.   392. 

1940  Packard  110,  light  six  cylinder  4-door  tour- 
ing sedan,  point  packard  blue,  very  clean. 
37,000  actual  miles.  Motor  excellent,  tires, 
good,  never  recapped.  A  beautiful  riding  car. 
Must  see  to  appreciate.  For  quick  sole,  will 
sell  $1085.  W.  B.  Klein,  Ext.  354  or  7235 
Volte    Court,    Linda    Vista. 

Two   50   pound   cotton    mattresses,    $10.00.      Wally 
Adams,    Inspection    Department. 

Girls  roller  skates,  size  6,  Hockey  fibre  wheels. 
Shoes  and  wneels  like  new.  Price  $17.00.  Dick 
Wilson,  1st  shift,  Airplane  Service  Dept.,  Ext. 

Deer  Rifle,  30-40  Krog  Carbine,  good  condition, 
scobord  and  1 00  220-gr.  shells.  $49.00.  See 
N.  V.  Descoteau,  Salvage  Crib  No.  4,  Day  Shift, 
or  call  W-0845  anytime  after  5  p.m. 

Ford  Phiico  auto  set,  $35.00;  RCA  Table  set, 
$20.00;  8  tube  console  large  speaker,  $35.00; 
Headphones  and  material  for  crystal  set.  Jock 
Graham,  Ext.  381    or  T-0217.  4488  Central. 

Airplane  cloth,  spar  varnish  and  airplane  pro- 
pellers. See  Reed,  Room  210,  Contract  Admin- 

fE  Sl  Smith,   Ltd.,   S*n  Dieoo 

Set  of  Bunk  Beds  complete,  $60.00.  Chest  of 
Drawers,  $10.00.  Good  condition.  See  F.  Light- 
foot,  Manifold,  2nd  shift. 

Model  341 -P  Remington  .22  col.  rifle.  Fifteen  shot 
tubular  magazine.  Fitted  with  29-S  Weaver 
'Scope  sight  on  low  mounts  with  altered  bolt. 
Also  iron  sights  with  two  aperotures  and  am- 
munition. Excellent  condition  throughout. 
$55.00.  Sgt.  D.  W.  Carney,  Plant  Police  De- 

Deer  Rifle.  35.  Remington  6  shot  bolt  action. 
Model  30  S.  Pistol  grip,  checkered  stock  and 
fore  arm.  New  condition.  Swivels,  gun  case  and 
20  rounds  ammunition.  $69.00.  See  N.  V. 
Descoteau,  Salvage  Crib  4  or  call  W-0845 
after  5  p.m. 

Youth's  Bed,  Light  Oak  with  pre-war  inner-spring 
mattress  and  coil  spring.  Excellent  condition. 
$25.00.  G.  H.   Braverman,   Engineering,  Ext.  374. 

Two  $1500.00  and  One  $1000.00  Investor  Syndi- 
cate policies.  Paid  up  until  next  year.  Will  sell 
for  my  equity  plus  4%  interest.  E.  Mellinger, 
Extension   396. 

Two  gallons  S.A.E.  70  motorcycle  oil.  Rite-lube 
brand  in  1 -quart  cons,  25c  a  quart.  E.  Mellin- 
ger, Extension  396. 

Baby  bed,  springs  and  mattress  in  good  condition. 
5  X  3  ft.  See  Dan  Hyder,  Monifold  Small 
Ports  or  call    Mrs.    Hyder,   Randolph   4826. 

1  pair  silver  fox  furs;  1  small  natural  fox  fur. 
All  in  No.  1  condition.  Very  reasonable.  Call 
Bill  Odom,  Employment  Office,  M-6191  or  4071 

3  fine  doors  with  fancy  hardware  attached. 
Charles    E.    Walker,    Mail    Room,    Ext.    323. 

One  electric  refrigerator,  '38  model.  Good  condi- 
tion. Contact  Dr.  Earl  W.  Boteler,  Development 

Small  baby  crib  and  mattress.  Inside  dimensions, 
171/2  X  33.  Price,  $5.00.  See  H.  M.  Ulberg, 
Ext.    227. 

Small  light  Cletrac  Tractor  and  disc.  Ideal  fc^' 
small  ronch.  Completely  overhauled.  Price 
$490.00.    Call    C.    H.    Paxton,    Ext.    313. 

Pre-war  tricycle,  Colston  large  size.  Chain  drive. 
Needs  minor  repairs,  otherwise  in  good  condi- 
tion. $15.00.  See  Paul  Atkinson,  Inspection 
Crib  No.  3,   Ext.   343. 

Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  glass  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close,  Dept.  1,  Airplane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

54  Cu.  Ft.  Reoch-in  box,  2"  cork  insulation  all 
around.  New  motor  and  reconditioned  com- 
pressor. $400.00  cash.  W.  G.  Taylor,  Mech. 
Maintenance,    1st.  Shift. 

Boys'  bicycle.  Full  size,  balloon  tires.  Sturdy  built 
but  needs  attention.  See  J.  L.  Muchemore, 
Engineering,   Ext.   281. 

1937  Chrysler  coupe  with  reconditioned  motor. 
Price  $525.00  cash  or  terms.  See  Y.  V.  Leo, 
Stress  Department. 


Beautiful  3  bedroom  home  in  Crown  Point.  Fur- 
nished or  unfurnished.  Large  lot,  nicely  land- 
scaped. Wont  home  on  East  Side  near  La  Mesa. 
Contact  Mr.  OIney,  Factory  Navy  Office,  Ext. 

WANT      TO      BUY 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  tackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534, 
Manifold   Welding,   second   shift. 

Radio  sets,  any  kind,  working  or  not.  Also  test 
equipment  and  ports.  Jack  Graham,  Ext.  381  or 
Talbot   0217. 

—  32  — 

Want  to  Buy   (continued) 

Washing  mochine.  W.  McBlair.  Call  B-5176  or  Ext 

8-mm.  movie  camera.  Call  Bob  Childs,  Ext.  397, 
second  shift  Material  Control,  or  Henley  3-4323 
during    the   day. 

Medium  size  tricycle   in  good  condition.     Contoct 
N.   E.   Westover,  Tool   Planning,   Ext.   396. 

Child's     Automobile.       Wolly     Adorns,     Inspection 

35  MM  candid  camera.     See  S.  M.  Halley,  Experi- 
mentol  Department. 

Singer  or  White  Rotary  Portoble  Electric  Sewing 
Machine,  Jewell  Murroy,  Controct  Enqineerinq 
Phone  373. 

Any  size  pictures  or  plans  for  USS  Hornet  Aircraft 
Carrier.     Contoct  W.  G.  Wofford   1709,  Tooling. 

Taylor    Tot.      See    Bob    Childs,    Materiol    Control, 
second  shift.      Ext.   397. 

Want    to    buy    or    rent    on    electric    refrigerator. 
Contact   W.   Thompson,   Development,    Ext.   371. 

One  air  conditioning  unit,  suitable  for  cooling  one 
room,  also  12  to  14  inch  electric  fan.  See  Jack 
N.   Field,    Drop   Hammer. 

One   Taylor   Tot.      See   Charles   Lehton.      Electrical 
Maintenance.    Extension    232. 

An  electric   iron.   Edith  Sabin,    Inspection  Crib   No 
4,  Clock  No.  7767,  Ext.  344 

16   mm.   Model   70   Bell   &   Howell   comero.    H    M 
Ulberg,  Ext.  227. 

Brass  fire  screen  and  andirons.  Must  be  in  good 
condition.  See  Talia  Lawson,  Manifold  Welding, 
Ext.  358. 

A  camera,  will  consider  any  kind.  See  Joel  Culver, 
Timekeeping.  Ext.  398. 


If  you  want  to  buy  a  horse,  sell  a  horse,  or  trade 
a  horse,  see  Bob  Bradley,  Airplane  Dispatching. 

Trade  one  double  bed,  box  spring  and  new  Seoly 
mattress  for  twin  beds  complete.  King  4954. 
Dept.  38.     Phone  F-6-7981. 

One  pair  sun  glasses  lost  at  Inspection  Department 
picnic  on  Sunday,  August  6th.  Will  finder  con- 
tact William   Davies,   Quality  Control,   Ext.   285. 

Will  swop  75  ft.  PIux  X  35  mm.  film  for  what  you 
hove.  C.  E.  Hyatt,  Point  Shop,  Ext.  348. 

Lost  near  Drop  Hammer  Department,  o  pair  of 
channel  lock  pliers.  Contact  W.  Jones,  Electric 






Have  you  noticed  that  recent  issues  of  Flying 
Reporter  have  been  carrying  large  numbers  of  pic- 
tures of  newly-promoted  Ryanites?  And  that  the 
magazine  also  reports  more  and  more  five-year  pins 
being  presented? 

These  two  facts  fit  together  to  make  a  rather  good- 
looking  picture. 

The  steady  stream  of  promotions  indicates  that  there 
is  plenty  of  room  for  ambitious  employees  to  work 
their  way  up  the  ladder  at  Ryan;  that  supervisors 
are  constantly  watching  for  talent  which  can  be 
developed  and  promoted.  The  increasing  nimiber  of 
five-year  (as  well  as  ten-year  and  fifteen-year)  vet- 
erans shows  that  employees  are  staying  and  grow- 
ing with  the  organization. 

Altogether,  it  adds  up  to  impressive  proof  of  our 
company  slogan.  Ryan  really  is  "A  Better  Place  to 







Ryan  designs  and         \ 
manufactures  manifolds,     | 
turbo -supercharger         I 
installations,  f 

heat  transfer  units 
for  carburetion, 
cabin  heating  and 
wing  anti-icing, 
flame  dampening, 
other  specialized  exhaust 
system  applications. 

X  /  __.  IN   THE    DESIGN    STAGE 

means   lower   weighty  better  performance 

To  plan  the  exhaust  manifold  system  when  the  original  design  for  the  air- 
plane is  being  made  saves  costly  engineering  time,  brings  reduction  in  weight, 
and  results  in  better  performance.  In  a  typical  instance  a  Ryan  manifold 
design  saved  forty-eight  pounds  in  the  weight  of  a  military  transport  plane. 
By  planning  with  Ryan  during  the  design  stage,  the  type  of  manifold 
system  and  installation  best  suited  to  your  specific  requirements  can  be 
readily  ascertained. 

Whether  planning  to  use  Ryan  ball  and  socket  type  or  slip- 
joint  type  manifolds,  let  Ryan  work  with  you  in  the  design 
stage.  You  will  obtain  a  superior  product  and  maximum 
performance,  and,  in  wartime,  lower  weight;  in  peacetime, 
bigger  payload. 

k   i  I   r       ON       RYAN       TO 

19  2  2-1944 

Ryan  Aerenaulical  Company,  San  Diego  —  Member,  Aircraft  War  Production  Council,  Inc. 
Eastern  Office  — 420  Lexington  Avenue  — New  York  17,  New  York 






No.    3 

SEPTEMBER    22,     1  944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through   the   Public   Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Fronees  Statler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Fayman 

Frank  Martin,  Cal  O'Callahan 

Staff  Cartoonist George  Duncan 

Special  Features 


.      1 

Hove  You  Heard  The  One  About  Traveling  Salesmen?.  . 

— never  a  dull  luomeni  for  our  seri'icc  representatives. 

You  Are  Your  Own  Rich  Uncle 3 

— raliu  your  fears  ahoul  old  age. 

Red    Hammock,   Manifold   Development    Night   Foreman  4 

— he  ivouldn't  take  no  for  an  ansicer. 

Across  The  Desk    5 

— an  imforlant  message  to  you. 

Brainstorms   Brought   Bonds    6 

— these  ideas  paid  off. 

"We   Liked    It  That  Way" 8 

— houquels  go  to  participants  of  the  Ryan  shoi^'. 

Your  Roving  Photog    II 

— candid  shots  of  Ryaiiiles. 

Secret  Ambitions 12 

■ — zve  all  ha'i'C  day  dreams. 

Slim's   Pickin's    .  .  .' 10 

Sports 26 

What's    Cookin?     31 

Ryan  Trading   Post    33 

Departmental  Nevrs 

Accounting  Notes  by  Afary  Frances  U'illford 28 

Digs  From  Jigs  by  Art  and  Pete 15 

Drop  Hammer  2nd  Shift  by  Noccle-Rack 15 

Engineering  Personnelities  by  Virginia  Pi.vley 22 

Floshes  from  Fuselage  by  Bcttic  Murrcn 23 

Fumes  from  the  Paint  Shop  &v  Kitty  Matheny 19 

III   Group   by  Jean   "Hurry"  Holmes 32 

Inside  Outside  Production  by  J.  L.  "Tubby"  Daicsou .  .  33 

Inspection    Notes   by   Dorothy   Trndersheim 25 

Machine  Shop  by  Dorothy  Wheeler 17 

Maintenance  Meanderings  by  Bill  Taylor 10 

Manifold  Dispatching  by  Ben  Smith 24 

Manifold  Small   Parts  6v  Mariane  Lightfoot 13 

Methods  Engineering  by  J.  B.  Williams 24 

News  and  Flashes  by  Earl  Vaughan 21 

Notes  From  Dawn  Workers  by  O.  C.  Hudson 29 

Puddle  Pushers  on  the  Swing  by  Doris  JJ'illiksen 30 

Putt  Putts  on   Parade  by  Millie  Merritt 20 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie 14 

Shipping   Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Chrisleuson  25 

Smoke  from  a  Test  Tube  by  Sally  and  Sue 20 

Termite  Tally  /\v  Donna  Johnson 18 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  by  l'  and  Me 29 

Copy  Deadline  for  next  issue  is  October  Snd 

[HAVE  y O llJl B Ey RmTiH B  O N E- 

The  trials  and  tribulations  of  Ryan's  Manifold 

Service  Representatives.     The  first  of  two 

stories  about  our  Sales  Department 

When  the  phone  rang  by  Bob 
Chase's  bedside,  he  didn't  want  to 
answer  it.  A  phone  coll  late  at 
night  usually  means  trouble.  But 
he  groaned,  turned  on  the  night 
amp  and  picked  up  the  receiver. 

"Bob?"  it  was  Jack  Zippwald's 
voice.  "We're  in  a  jam  up  here  at 
Santa  Ana.  You  know  these  Navy 
blimps  we  built  manifolds  for?  Well, 
some  of  the  manifold  sections  have 
been  damaged  and  the  Navy  neeeds 
more.  Fast.  We've  got  a  blimp 
tied  up  here  that  can't  take  off  on 
anti-submarine  patrol  until  those 
manifold  sections  are  made." 

Chase  groaned.  "Hove  a  heart. 
Jack.  I've  been  in  bed  for  on  hour 
...  Oh  well,  what  is  it  you  need?" 

"Look,  this  Is  pretty  complicated. 

(Continued  on  next  page) 

s'ZijI^  ^^rf^  y»iii'"-^^:w.^>ja«a».s;i'^j*WTrK'-. 

Get  your  pencil  and  paper  and  I'll  try  to  draw 
you  a  blueprint  over  the  telephone." 

Chase  groaned  again,  wrenched  himself 
out  of  bed  and  went  hunting  a  pencil.  An 
hour  later,  as  the  first  of  the  graveyard  shift 
workers  were  drifting  into  the  factory  to 
prepare  for  the  midnight  shift.  Chase  was 
fully  dressed  and  walking  into  the  plant  with 

He  found  himself  some  tools  and  a  vacant 
bench,  and  for  the  rest  of  the  night  he 
plugged  away  hour  after  hour,  making  the 
necessary  manifold  parts  himself  by  hand. 
The  ports  were  different  from  any  previously 
mode,  because  the  Navy  had  just  changed 
certain  features  of  its  blimps  which  required 
changes  in  the  manifolds.  The  job  of  making 
new  parts  was  so  tricky  that  Chase  dared  not 
trust  it  to  anyone  else.  At  six  o'clock  in 
the  morning,   he  stumbled   from  the  factory 

for  the  scene  of  the  trouble.  For  a  special- 
ized accessory  manufacturer  to  provide  such 
swift  and  expert  service  is  a  rarity  even  in 

These  three  trouble-shooters  know  all 
there  is  to  know  about  the  woes  of  wartime 
traveling.  Jams  in  roilv/oy  stations,  waits 
in  airports,  hours  of  standing  in  crowded  day 
coaches  and  buses  ore  part  of  the  pattern  of 
their  everyday  life.  Most  of  their  trips  ore 
to  crowded  war-boom  cities  where  hotels  ore 
so  packed  that  there  sometimes  isn't  sleeping 
space  even  in  the  lobby. 

As  a  typical  example.  Chose  wos  in  Chi- 
cago recently  when  he  got  an  emergency 
summons  to  Winnipeg,  Canada.  After  his 
first  day's  work  in  Conada,  he  noticed  his 
suitcase  in  the  hotel  lobby.  He  was  told  he 
could  stay  only  one  day,  despite  the  foct 
that  the  hotel  hod  wired  confirmation  of  his 

the  weather.  So  he  spent  the  next  three  doys 
and  two  nights  on  a  doy  cooch  without  sleep, 
food  or  even  a  chance  to  wosh  his  foce. 

"That's  the  sort  of  trip  we  hove  most  of 
the  time,"  Zippwold  says.  "A  telegram 
from  a  hotel  confirming  your  room  reservo- 
tion  doesn't  mean  a  thing  any  more.  A 
ticket  for  a  Pullman  berth  is  no  more  de- 
pendable than  a  Hitler  treaty — you're  likely 
to  find  two  other  passengers  with  tickets  for 
the  some  berth.  We've  forgotten  what  it's 
like  to  see  a  restaurant  where  we  don't 
hove  to  wait  in  line,  or  a  hotel  room  where 
we  don't  have  to  double  up  with  some 

Clothes  are  a  problem,  too.  Each  Ryan 
field  service  man  has  to  keep  a  wardrobe  of 
several  dozen  shirts,  socks  and  underwear 
to  ovoid  running  out  of  laundry.     They  fre- 

with  the  manifold  sections  under  his  arm;  a 
few  hours  later  a  huge  Navy  blimp  took  off 
from  Santo  Ana  for  anti-submarine  control, 
the  new  parts  safely  installed  after  a  quick 
oirplone  trip  from  San  Diego. 

Such  incidents  ore  more  or  less  routine  in 
the  lives  of  the  three  young  ex-factory  work- 
ers who  comprise  the  unique  "Flying  Squad" 
of  Ryan's  manifold  service  department. 
Ryan-built  manifolds  are  standard  equip- 
ment not  only  on  Navy  dirigibles  but  also  on 
such  mighty  fighting  planes  as  the  B-29 
Superfortress,  the  Douglas  A-20  dive-bomb- 
er and  C-54  cargo  ship,  the  Consolidated 
PBY  patrol  seaplane,  the  Lockheed  Lodestar 
and  several  Grumman  fighters.  Whenever  o 
plant  manufacturing  one  of  these  planes  en- 
counters a  problem  involving  the  exhaust 
manifold  system,  it  telephones  San  Diego — 
and  within  an  hour  or  two  Chose,  Zippwold 
or  Shannon  Long  will  catch  o  train  or  plane 

Sam  Breder,  the  head  of  the  manifold 
sales  and  service  deportment-.  Breder 
is  the  genial,  dynamic,  polished  sales- 
man   type. 

reservation  for  three  days.  He  spent  the 
next  two  nights  in  the  chilly  waiting  room 
of  the  Winnipeg  railroad  station.  Finally 
completing  his  job  in  Canada,  he  got  his 
priority  for  the  plane  flight  home  and 
climbed  aboard  the  oirplone.  One  of  the 
season's  worst  blizzords  was  roging  and  he 
waited  hours  before  the  plane  finally  took 
off.  After  five  hours  of  such  turbulent  fly- 
ing that  even  Chase's  toughened  stomach 
was  feeling  queosy,  the  ship  londed.  When 
Chose  stepped  out  of  the  plane,  he  found 
himself  bock  in  Winnipeg — the  plane  hod 
hod  to  return  to  its  storting  point  becouse  of 

—  2  — 

quently  are  forced  to  buy  o  new  suit  of 
clothes  to  conform  to  o  sudden  chonge  in 
climote.  Once  Chose  fie*  from  Washington, 
D.C.,  where  the  temperoture  was  7  below,  to 
Miami  and  a  temperature  of  80.  "It  was 
obsolutely  impossible  to  wear  those  winter 
clothes  I  hod  with  me,"  Chose  recoils.  "I 
wos  suffocating.  So  I  bought  o  Polm  Beach 
suit — and  the  next  doy  I  was  called  to  New 
York  City  where  the  temperature  was  5 

The  service  men  probobly  wouldn't  be 
able  to  endure  this  sort  of  thing  os  o  con- 
tinuous diet  if  it  weren't  for  their  realization 
that  their  missions  ore  desperately  essentiol. 
War  emergencies  ore  their  routine.  Recently 
one  of  them  speeded  o  C-54  on  its  way  to 
India  because  he  was  able  to  get  some 
missing   manifold   ports  to   Son    Francisco   ot 

(Continued   on    poge    131 

You  could  have  knocked  me  over 
with  G  sledge-hammer  when  I  met 
Cuthbert  Terwilliger  on  the  street. 
It  must  hove  been  years  since  I'd 
seen  him. 

"Hiyo,  Fran,"  he  said,  trying  to 
Igive  me  a  hug  which  I  straight 
armed.  "Nice  to  meet  you  after  all 
these  years.  But  there's  something 
slightly  askew  or  anti-social  about 
meating  anybody  on  a  Meatless 
Day.  It's  lunch-time,  let's  nosey 
into  this  restaurant  and  see  if  we 
can  order  some  fish." 

When  we  were  safely  seated  and 
Cuthbert  had  his  head  down  among 
the  foodstuffs,  he  began  muttering 
to  himself.  "What  bologna,"  I 
heard  him  growl.  "What  tripe. 
What  applesauce." 

"Cuthbert,  you  speak  in  riddles," 
I  said.  "What  ore  you  talking 

"Social  security.  I  just  realized 
I've  been  paying  out  money  for  it 
every  pay-day.  I  go  on  paying  all 
my  working  life,  and  all  I  get  is  a 
measly  pension  if  I   live  to  65." 

Now,  social  security  is  a  subject 
that  I  take  very,  very  seriously,  since 
I  happen  to  know  quite  a  lot  about 
it.  So  I  challenged  Cuthbert.  "It 
also  pays  benefits  to  your  family 
in  case  of  death.  So  the  money 
you're  now  paying  will  come  bock 
later — either  to  you  or  your  depend- 

He  snorted.  "The  way  my  port- 
able adding  machine  is  operating 
these  days,  the  one  cent  deducted 
by  my  employer  from  every  dollar 
I  earn  doesn't  add  up  to  much  even 
over  a  period  of  years." 

"Say,  Cuthbert,  you're  forgetting 
an  important  fact,  your  employer 
puts  in  another  cent  out  of  his  own 
pocket  for  every  one  he  deducts 
from  your  paycheck.  He  then  sends 
the  whole  sum  to  the  US.  Treasury 
every  three  months,  along  with  your 
social  security  account  number." 

Cuthbert's  face  lit  ud  like  a  Cali- 
fornia sunrise.  "Say,  I  just  thought 
of    something.     I'll    be    way    ahead 

when  I  get  to  be  65.  i  just  remem- 
bered I  have  two  social  security 
cards  taken  out  on  different  occa- 

"Brother,  that's  where  you're 
way  off  the  beam.  Don't  you  see 
what's  happening?  Part  of  your 
wages  have  been  recorded  in  one 
account  and  port  in  another.  You're 
endangering  your  rights  to  all  your 
benefits  because  you  won't  have 
one  complete  record  of  your  wages." 

He  started  up  in  alarm.  "Say, 
that  theory  sounds  therious.  What 
should  I  do  to  get  my  accounts 
straightened  out?" 

"Better  hustle  on  down  to  the 
Social    Security    Board.    It's    in    the 

U.  S.  Customs  Building,  corner  of 
State  and  F  Streets.  Come  on,  fin- 
ish your  lunch  and  I'll  walk  over 
with  you." 

A  few  minutes  later  we  arrived  at 
the  Social  Security  office.  Cuthbert 
strode  up  to  the  receptionist.  "I 
wish  to  speak  to  your  master,"  he 
told  her. 

She  gave  him  a  smile.  "You  mean 
Mr.  A.  W.  Louch?  He's  manager  of 
this  field  office.  One  moment, 
please."  A  few  seconds  later  she 
ushered  us  into  Louch's  office. 

"Mr.  Louch,  this  is  Cuthbert 
Terwilliger,"    I    said.    "He   has    two 

(Continued   on    page    16) 

What  Terwilliger  didn't  know  about 
Social  Security  would  have  Filled  a 
book   until   Fran   set  him   straight. 

"Say,  dad,  now  that  I've  graduated  from 
high  school,  I  want  to  join  the  Navy," 
Archie  'Red'  Hammock  told  his  surprised 
father  one  summer  morning  at  the  break- 
fast   table. 

"Not  on  your  life,  son.  Besides  you're 
only  17  and  that's  too  young  to  join  the 
Navy."  said  Archie's  father.  His  father  re- 
mained adamant  but  Red  was  determined  to 
join  the  Navy — which  is  exactly  what  he  did. 

Red's  father  was  a  building  contractor 
in  Wichita  Falls,  Texas,  and  being  a  typical 
father  checked  up  on  his  runaway  son,  but 
decided  because  Red  was  so  set  on  being 
in  the  Navy  to  just  let  him  stay.  "He'll  get 
tired  of  it  soon  enough  anyway."  But  Red's 
father  was  wrong  on  that  count.  Red  was 
in  the  Navy  from  1926  to  1936  and  it  was 
seven  years  before  Red  set  foot  on  home 

"My  older  brother's  interest  in  the  dial 
telephone,"  continued  Red,  "took  him  to 
Oklahoma.  I  was  only  a  baby  when  he  left 
and  when  he  finally  came  home,  16  years 
later,  he  didn't  recognize  me  nor  I  him. 
However,  our  three  sisters  mode  up  for  the 
roving  sons,  I  guess.  They  have  all  married 
and  settled  in  Wichita  Falls  close  by  our 

"Dad  wanted  me  to  follow  in  his  footsteps 
and  be  a  building  contractor,  but  I  wanted 
none  of  it.  When  I  enlisted  in  the  Navy, 
the  recruiting  officer  asked  me  what  kind 
of  work  I  wanted.  Heck,  I  don't  know, 
what've  you  got  to  offer,  I  asked?  Well, 
he  started  reading  off  a  list  of  possible  jobs 
and  when  he  come  to  coppersmith,  I  stopped 
him.  That's  for  me — and  so  it  was."  Red's 
ten  years  of  valuable  experience  in  metal 
work  in  the  Navy  included  a  nine-months 
trade   school   course   at   Norfolk,,  Virginia. 

"That  old  saying  about  join  the  Navy 
and  see  the  world  was  certainly  true  in  my 
case.  We  used  to  take  Midshipmen  from 
the  Naval  Academy,  on  what  we  called 
break-in  cruises,  and  I  went  all  over  the 
world:  Cherbourg,  France;  Kiel,  Germany; 
Oslo,  Norway;  Edinburgh,  Scotland;  Wey- 
mouth, England;  Nice,  France;  Naples,  Italy; 
Gibraltar;  Lisbon,  Portugal;  Barcelona,  Spain, 
and  many  other  places." 




night  Fareman 

"I've  sailed  the  seven  seas  and 

seen  the  world,  but  missed 

the  boat  for  China." 

"In  fact  after  my  ten  years  in  the  Navy, 
my  greatest  desire  is  to  own  a  40-foot 
auxiliary  sloop — which  will  sleep  four  people 
and  then  when  I  get  'regusted'  and  down- 
in-the-mouth,  1  can  just  start  out  on  my 
boot  and  go  any   place   my   heart  dictotes." 

"Once  I  was  all  set  for  a  boat  trip  to 
China  and  I've  regretted  missing  it.  How- 
ever, two  days  before  I  was  due  to  leave, 
my  orders  were  changed.  I  was  put  on  an 
oil  tanker  called  the  Kanawha  and,  brother, 
what  a  ride  I  got  on  that.  For  two  and  a 
half  years,  I  was  never  in  any  port  longer 
than  3'2  days.  The  Konawho  had  a  regulor 
schedule:  one  trip  to  Bremerton,  Washington, 
two  trips  to  Panamo  ond  one  trip  to  Hono- 
lulu. Then  we'd  start  the  same  route  all 
over  again.  On  the  Panama  trip,  we  would 
deliver  fuel  oil  on  one  side  and  high-octane 
aviation  gas  on  the  other." 

"When  my  enlistment  period  in  the  Navy 
was  up  in  1936,  I  landed  in  Son  Francisco. 
I  just  couldn't  make  up  my  mind  whether 
to  stay  in  California  or  return  to  deep  in 
the  heart  of  Texas.  So  I  bounced  off  the 
train  in  Los  Angeles  with  o  ticket  back  to 
Texas  in  my  pocket.  I  thought  I  might  as 
well  see  the  sights  in  Los  Angeles  before 
returning  home — my  ticket  was  good  for 
thirty  days.  The  thirty  days  were  almost 
gone,  as  was  my  money,  so  I  decided  I'd 
better  go  to  work  for  a  while  before  at- 
tempting the  trip  back   home." 

"In  three  days,  I  had  walked  through  a 
brand-new  pair  of  shoes  trying  to  find  a 
job — jobs  weren't  so  easy  to  find  back  in 
19361  Gee,  was  I  a  greenhorn  about  know- 
ing how  to  apply  for  a  job.  You  see,  I  had 
gone  into  the  Navy  right  after  I  graduoted 
form  high  school  in  Paris,  Texas.  But,  I  soon 
learned  the  right  procedure.  1  sauntered 
into  Mueller  Brothers,  the  world's  greatest 
service  station,  and  demanded  a  job.  'Sorry, 
bub,  we  just  don't  have  a  thing  at  the 
present  time,'  the  proprietor  quipped.  How- 
ever, I  never  have  been  one  to  take  no  for 
an  answer.  I  hounded  the  guy  for  the  next 
four  days,  until  finally  in  desperation,  he 
put  me  to  work  sweeping  floors.  I  didn't 
sweep  floors  long.  After  working  a  few 
months  in  the  body  and  fender  department, 

(Continued   on    page    18) 

•4  — 

,LL  OF  US  are  naturally  thrilled  with  the  encouraging 
news  coming  in  from  Europe,  and  pray  that  we  will  soon  have 
the  Nazis  knocked  out. 

A  very  grave  danger,  however,  is  created  here  on  the  home 
front  by  this  good  news  from  Europe.  Many  people  are  assum- 
ing the  seriously  mistaken  attitude  that,  because  Germany 
seems  almost  beaten,  the  war  is  practically  over  but  for  the 

Until  the  Japs  are  conquered,  the  war  is  a  long  way  from 

Every  person  who  quits  a  war  job,  eases  off  in  his  or  her 
efforts,  or  detracts  in  any  way  from  accomplishing  the  maxi- 
mum war  output,  is  definitely  prolonging  just  that  much  the 
fighting  and  dying  of  our  boys  in  the  Pacific. 

You  and  I  carry  a  serious  responsibility  indeed! 

We  at  Ryan  are  engaged  in  vital  work  directly  and  urgently 
needed  in  the  Pacific  War.  We  cannot  fail  or  let  down  in  the 
slightest  degree,  but  must  carry  forward  still  faster  and 
harder  until  the  last  Jap  left  has  surrendered. 


—  5- 

'  fO^  '  • . 



A   $25    War   Bond 

was     presented    to 


A.   W.    Kilmer, 


Sheet     Metal     De- 

portment,   for   this 

HHk  -K^^Lu 

■  set  of  dies  which  he 

developed.     These 

eliminated    the    oil 

con  effect  on  small 

skin      surfaces      or 


Paul  S.  Hoffman,  now 


in  the  U.  S.  Army,  won 

H^  9r 

a   $25   War  Bond   for 

WSk           < 

hts  suggested  straight 


eilge   guide  being 

shown  by  Harold  Peif, 

W^^^        ~y 

leodmon     of     Routing 

Sheet   Metal    Depart- 







■  The  men  pictured  here  set  their 
minds  worl<ing  and  it  paid  dividends. 
These  ideas  are  coming  from  many 
sources  in  the  company.  No  one  has 
a  corner  on  thinking  up  new  short 
cuts  or  valuable  suggestions.  How 
many  times  have  you  thought  how 
much  better  a  certain  operation  could 
be  performed  by  some  slight  change 
in  method?  Your  idea  may  be  just 
as  valuable  as  those  that  hove  been 
selected  for  these  awards.  Don't  set 
it  aside  with  the  feeling  that  it  is 
insignificont.  Write  it  down  on  a  Shop 
Suggestion  blank  and  drop  it  into  one 
of  the  suggestion  boxes  throughout 
the  plant.  It'll  be  investigated  and 
reviewed    by    the     labor-management 

David  L.  Jervey's  idea  of 
using  a  holding  jig  for 
holding  templates  and  pro- 
viding easy  access  to  them 
while  they  are  being  filed 
brought  him  a  $25  War 
Bond.  David  is  in  Template 

"My  idea  of  designing  a 
spring  catch  for  holding 
part  of  a  welding  jig  was 
to  eliminate  the  extra  oper- 
ator to  insert  a  holding 
pin,"  says  Edwin  Harris  of 
the  Tooling  Department. 
"That  $25  War  Bond  I 
received  was  oil  right,  too." 

A  $25  War  Bond  went  to  Che 
ter  C.  Hough,  Experimental  D 
partment,  for  his  hand  ri', 
squeexer  which  he  designed  i 
riveting  or  dimpling  structwt 
which  ore  either  inoccessible 
too  thin  for  ordinary  riVeti 



'\  ^*%»M' 

G.  F.  De  LoMoter, 
Sheet  Metal  Deport- 
ment, had  the  idea 
that  by  hoving  on 
adjustable  table-type 
fixture  as  a  means  of 
feeding  material  to  the 
nibbler  would  elimi- 
nate the  use  of  pliers 
for  holding  the  metal 
parts.  That  it  did,  and 
Mr.  De  LoMoter  was 
the  recipient  of  o  $25 
War  Bond  for  his  idea. 




Delmor  Conde,  right,  Mech 
VNi  leal  Maintenance,  being  f, 
sented  his  $100  War  Bond 
D.  H.  Palmer,  Plant  Engini' 
for  his  suggested-  new  type  Ti' 

■6  — 


War  Production  Drive  Committee  and 
you'll  receive  from  them  o  Medal 
Award  if  your  idea  is  accepted.  Then 
the  Production  Drive  Committee  turns 
over  all  accepted  suggestions  to  a 
special  management  committee  which 
considers  them  for  financial  awards 
In  addition  to  the  War  Bond  win- 
ners shown  on  these  pages,  Claude  B 
Stevenin,  Manifold  Small  Parts,  who 
is  now  on  vocation,  received  a  $25 
War  Bond  for  his  shop  suggestion. 
Also  the  following  employees  received 
a  total  of  $47.50  in  War  Stamps: 
C.  R.  Bowman,  Dean  M.  Brogan,  C 
T.  Dennhardt,  Carl  L.  Ingrahom',  E. 
E.  Mayberry,  J.  H.  Price  and  S.  C 


The  doping  jig  which  William 
SAcBlair,  Airplane  Finishing,  is 
jsing  as  a  backdrop  was  devised 
>y  him  in  order  to  make  it  pos- 
'iible  to  dope  both  sides  of  an 
levator  by  revolving  it  in  the 
Voider.  William  received  a  $25 
iVar    Bond    for   this    suggestion. 

"Instead  of  welding 
the  surface  table  di- 
rectly on  the  jig,  I 
had  the  idea  thot  the 
holder  be  welded  on 
and  then  the  toble  be 
bolted  to  the  holder," 
says  H.  W.  Graham  of 
the  Tool  Room.  His 
idea  was  a  good  one 
as  it  eliminated  the 
warping  and  subse- 
quent grinding  of  the 
table  and  brought  him 
a  $25  War  Bond  as 


A  $25  War  Bond  went  to  Austin 
Freeman,  Tool  Room,  for  the 
special  spring  type  holding 
clomps  he  designed  for  the  spar 

Spencer  S.  Pur  key. 
Manifold  Assembly, 
shown  using  the  lever 
controlled  valve  for 
which  he  designed  a 
special  attachment  to 
overcome  the  leaking. 
His  idea  closes  both 
gas  lines  simultane- 
ously through  the 
function  of  a  single 
plate  which  is  self  ad- 
justing. $25  Wor  Bond 
goes  to  Mr.  Purkey..' 


The  set  -  bock  chart 
which  Gerald  W. 
Lowe,  Modeling  De- 
portment, is  holding 
brought  him  o  $25 
War  Bond  and  pro- 
vides a  quick  means 
of  finding  the  amount, 
of  set-back  required 
for  each  metal  thick- 
ness at  each  bend 

w       i     °°*^'  ^'■'  *•'  *^^  ^'°P   Hommer   Department  won   a   $25 
War  Bond  for  his  suggested   process  wherein  a  one-inch   layer  of  I 
rubber  is  vulconized  on  both  sides  of  the  rubber  hydro-press  pod 
after  the  pod  has  been  badly  worn.  Heretofore  the  pad  was  dis- 
carded after  it  had  become  worn  through   use. 

lewitx  bond  saw  brake  shoe 
hich  is  made  of  two  ports  held 
•gether  by  springs  and  is  not 
jibject    to    constant    breakage. 

—  7 


"We  Liked  It  Thot  Woy"  and  how!  The  Ryan 
show  was  a  big  surprise  to  all  and  as  on  example 
of  a  first  attempt  at  staging  a  professional  musical 
show,    we   did   ourselves   proud. 

"What  if  these  people  are  amateurs?  They  can 
be   shown    how   to   put   on   a    good    performance." 
Producer  Dorcas  Cochran  did  just  that. 

The  theme  of  the  show  was  o  take-off  on  work 
at  Ryan  —  complete  with  a  caricature  of  Jean 
Bovet,  done  with  aplomb  by  Lloyd  Huffstutter, 
which  was  one  of  the  funniest  acts  of  the  entire 
show.  Jean  took  a  lot  of  ribbing  about  the  butter 
situation  in  the  cafeteria. 

Apparently,  we  hove  a  number  of  aspiring  actors  J 
and  actresses  who  in  the  work-o-doy  world  appear  i 
OS  very  staid  citizens,  but  who  really  blossomed  i 
out   into  poised  and  colorful   character  actors  ond  i 

1.  Alice    and    Eddie    Corvajal    were    really    in    the^ 
groove  and  their  act  was  well-ncmed — The  Dance 
Maniacs.    As   interpreters   of   the   jitter-bug    school 
of  the   danse,  they're    hep! 

2.  Garrick     O'Bryan     lends     an     ear     to     Earl 
Prudden    and    Bob    Rankin    backstage    exchonging jj^ 
opinions  on   which   was  the   beet   oct   in   the   show.IL 
Garrick  and   Bob,  grab  your  wcli-earned   bouquetslL 
for  your  assistance  in  getting  the  show  underway,  i 

3.  The    climax    of    "Three    Best    Nephews,    Uncle 
Sam"  was  this  backside  view  of  Art  Kilmer,  Jerry.  ^ 
Kent,  and  beni  Vincent  Marquez. 

4.  "Pacific  Paradise  is  putting  it  mild,"  said  Jack  [ 
Westler  (the  shipwrecked  sailor)  while  watching  L 
Betty    Sturtevant    "Make    With    the    Hips."  y 

5.  W.  R.  Baker's  rendition  of  "There's  A  Boy  On  (■' 
Batoan"  brought  a  tear  to  many  an  eye  and  came  ■ 
near  to   stealing   the   show.  \  ■ 

6.  Dorcas    Cochran    receiving    congratulations    on 


—  8  — 

comedians.  The  People's  Choice  was  that  indeed 
for  it  was  one  of  the  most  amusing  highlights  of 
the  show.  Jock  Westler  and  Don  Dewey  gave  us 
a  satirical  preview  of  the  political  speeches  we'll 
all  be  hearing  in  the  near  future.  As  a  comedy 
team  Jack  and  Don   really  clicked. 

Special  credit  goes  to  the  musicians  for  corry- 
ng  the  show  along  with  pace  and  smoothness. 
Kenny  Gurtin,  first  piano,  was  on  hand  at  every 
rehearsal,  five  days  a  week,  every  afternoon  and 
evening  for  both  the  first  and  second  shift  re- 
hearsals. A  round  of  applause  for  Kenny  Gurtin 
and  the  rest  of  the  musicians.  What's  a  musical 
how   without   music? 

It's  the  concensus  of  opinion  of  those  seeing 
"We  Like  It  This  Way"  that  we  shouldn't  stop 
now,  but  should  make  the  Ryan  Employees'  Show 
a  yearly  feature. 

the  swell  job  she  did  on  "We  Like  \t  This  Way" 
by  T.  Claude   Ryan  and   Earl   D.   Prudden. 

7.  "Ummmmmm,  nice,"  was  the  comment  heard 
when  Betty  Christenson  and  Margie  West  gave 
with   "He   Went  to  Work   in   the   Morning." 

8.  Clockwise,  beginning  with  the  tall  hat,  is 
Marion  Caster,  Ruth  White,  Joyce  Donaldson  and 
Rosemary  Nystrom  adding  that  final  touch  to  their 
make-up   before  the   "on   stage,   please"   call. 

9.  Lloyd  Huffstutter,  alias  Jean  Bovet,  was  an 
A- 1  mimic  in  "King  of  the  Cafeteria."  Rosemary 
Nystrom,  left,  and  Joyce  Donaldson  added  femi- 
nine appeal  as  The  Pages. 

10.  Caught  by  "Your  Roving  Photog"  during 
intermission  were  T.  Claude  Ryan,  George  Wood- 
grd.  Vice-president;  Harry  Siegmund,  Public  Re- 
lations and  Dale  Ockerman  of  the  Ryan  School  of 

11.  The  entire  cast  of  "We  Like  It  This  Way" 
n  the  finale  were  greeted  by  hearty  applause. 

The  hours  are  as  good  as  a  baseball  um- 
pires, the  pay  isn't  bad,  and  you  do  meet 
the  most  interesting  people,  but  there  is  no 
reel  happiness  in  being  o  newspaper  col- 
umnist. The  postman  sees  to  that.  Through 
rain,  snow,  sleet,  gloom  of  night  and  all  the 
other  things  a  postman  is  pledged  not  to 
let  daunt  him,  he  gets  through  to  the  col- 
umnist to  deliver  the  letters  the  readers 
write.  To  read  them  is  not  only  to  weep,  but 
to  come  to  the  daily  conclusion  that  you 
might  just  as  well  moke  a  living  by  butting 
you  head  against  a  stone  v/all  for  a  fee. 

All  columnists,  whether  they  admit  it  or 
not,  have  a  definite  aim  when  they  pound 
out  their  600,  700  or  800  words  each  day. 
Some  like  to  bring  gloom,  others  like  to 
bring  sunshine.  Some  want  to  get  their  read- 
ers mod,  some  want  to  pacify. 

But  no  columnist  has  ever  accomplished 
his  purpose  completely,  or  even  come  close 
to  accomplishing  it.  This  is  because  readers 
never  interpret  a  piece  the  same  way.  If 
you  write  something  you  think  is  funny,  for 
every  reader  who  agrees  with  you,  you  get 
a  raft  who  write  that  the  stuff  brings  tears 
to  their  eyes. 

If  you  settle  down  and  do  what  you  con- 
sider an  uplifting  article  on  some  subject, 
the  postman  always  arrives  with  a  batch 
of  letters  telling  you  to  put  down  your  type- 
writer and  go   into  the  eyewash    industry. 

I  am  convinced  that  if  you  took  a  group 
of  column  readers  and  showed  them  a  sign 
that  said  Main  Street,  you'd  get  a  goodly 
number  who'd  go  to  bat  with  their  fountain 
pens  and  make  out  a  good  case  that  the 
sign  said  Oak  St.,  Market  St.,  or  Pacific 

Take  the  letters  that  have  been  coming 
in  to  me  concerning  the  articles  I  did  sev- 
eral months  ago  on  wartime  travel.  Mr. 
Smith  says  thank  you  very  much  for  giving 
me  a  clear  and  interesting  picture  of  war- 
time travel.  Mrs.  Brown  says  I'm  a  liar  and 
a  skunk  of  the  first  water,  and  obviously  in 
the  pay  of  the  Nazi  Minister  of  Propaganda. 
Mr.  Jones  soys  all  I  did  was  belittle  the 
American  public  from  start  to  finish  and 
that  he  is  sending  clippings  of  my  stories 
to  the  proper  authorities  so  see  I'm  exiled 
to  National  City  for  all  time.  Before  I  get 
through  with  this  batch  of  letters,  I'll  be 
wondering  what   I   really  did  write. 

To  continue,  you  should  see  the  moil  I 
got  on  a  harmless  little  story  I  once  did 
on  women's  slacks.  I  thought  it  about  as 
innocent  a  little  piece  of  writing  as  any- 
thing since  the  Mother  Goose  rhymes,  but 
there  were  those  who  read  into  it  a  bitter, 
bitter  hatred  on  my  part  of  all  women  and 
all  slacks.  I  was  accused  of  subversive  ac- 
tivities and  of  sabotaging  the  war  effort. 
Some  threatened  to  indict  me  under  the 
alien  sedition  act.  And  others  who  said  that 
the  Humane  society  should  take  me  in 
charge.  (Those  aren't  quite  the  words  they 
used,  but  we  hove  a  censor,  remember?) 
I  have  been  asked  several  times  to  repeat 
the  "slack  story,"  but  you  must  remember, 
kiddies,    I    hove    a    family    to    support. 

One  of  these  days  I'm  going  to  write  a 
column    in  which    I    come    right  out  and   sayin 

that  milk  is  a  beneficial  beverage,  teeth 
ore  fine  for  chewing  food,  and  that  bee 
stings  are  painful.  Then  if  I  get  any  letters 
from  readers  who  disagree  with  these  state- 
ments, I  am  going  back  to  making  a  living 
selling  art  pillows  and  lamps  mode  from 
coconut  shells. 

A  lady  writes  me  wondering  if  my  wife 
doesn't  get  mod  when  I  write  about  her. 
She  sure  does.  I  guess  the  maddest  she 
ever  got  was  when  I  said  she  was  taking 
swimming  lessons  and  could  empty  the  tank 
in   two  dives. 

She  knows  that  I  don't  mean  it,  but  she 
gets  mod  just  the  same.  I  know  a  monolo- 
gist  in  vaudeville  who  used  to  talk  about 
his  wife.  She  sat  in  the  audience  and  lis- 
tened to  them  lough  at,  "My  wife  is  a  good 
girl.  She  went  no  place  without  her  mother. 
But   the    old    lady   would    go    anywhere." 

Well,  the  audience  would  whoop  and  hol- 
ler and  tear  up  the  seats  and  throw  them 
at  each  other.  At  the  end  of  each  show  she 
would  meet  him  at  the  stage  door  and  beat 
him  to  a  pulp.  He  would  remonstrate  with 
her,  saying,  "Honey,  why  not  be  reasonable? 
I'm  making  fifteen  hundred  smackers  a 
week  and  giving  you  two  thirds  of  it  .  . 
You've    got   diamonds,    furs   and    silks." 

She  admitted  all  that  but,  nevertheless, 
after  each  show  she  would  run  him  through 
the  wringer.  She  just  didn't  like  jokes  about 
herself.  Once  he  said,  "My  wife  hod  her 
face  lifted  so  many  times  she  has  baggy 
knees  under  the  eyes."  Well,  that  cracked 
the  chandeliers  and  brought  down  the  plas- 
ter. But  his  wife  was  a  beautiful  brunette 
who  had  worked  in  Ziggy's  Follies.  But  she 
didn't   like   it,   she  shot  him. 

One  time  I  wrote  something  about 
women's  styles.  I  said,  "When  a  woman 
has  no  toes  in  her  shoes,  she  is  in  style. 
When  a  man  has  no  toes  in  his  boots,  he's 
a   bum."   Brother,   my  wife  sizzled. 

My  advice  to  all  young  and  lovely  ladies 
is  never  to  marry  a  gag  man.  A  gag  man 
is  0  fellow  who  would  chose  his  old  mother 
through  a  forest  fire  with  a  load  of  wood 
on  her  back — if  he  thought  he  could  get  a 
lough  out  of  it. 

Sometimes  I  don't  seem  to  be  able  to 
make  Mrs.  C.  happy.  Like  the  other  day. 
It  seems  she  made  a  cake  for  a  coke  sale 
that  the  Parent-Teacher  Association  was 
putting  on.  (Imagine  asking  gals  to  bake 
cokes  .  .  .  what  with  the  butter  and  egg 
situation  as  it  is)  .  But  it  seems  the  P.-T.  A. 
couldn't  think  of  any  other  way  to  raise 
money  so  they  decided  on  a  coke  sole. 

Mrs.  C.  made  hers  .  .  .  o  particularly 
delectable  looking  chocolate  layer  affair. 
That  night,  just  before  I  went  to  bed,  I 
looked  in  the  place  where  we  keep  various 
foodstuffs,  and  here  was  this  cake  .  .  .  sit- 
ting there  minding  its  own  business. 

I  carved  myself  off  a  large  chunk  and 
enjoyed  it  thoroughly  .  .  .  until  morning 
when  Mrs.  C.  discovered  what  hod  hap- 
pened. She  then  hod  to  take  the  coke  to 
the  sale  and  buy   it  bock  herself  .  at  a 

nice   profit    (for  the   P.-T.   A.). 

I'm  just  as  satisfied,  however,  because 
she  probably  would  hove  felt  it  her  duty  to 
buy  somebody  else's  cake.  But  between  you 
and  me  .  .  .  hers  are  better. 

Recently  I  overheard  one  of  the  girls  in 
the  Engineering  Dept.  express  the  desire 
to  go  to  Hollywood  to  "see  movie  actors." 
(Wotta'n  ambition).  We  could  save  her  a 
lot  of  time  by  taking  her  into  the  plant 
and  introducing  her  to  A.  L.  Westmoreland 
who  used  to  be  known  as  "Wesley  Barry," 
the   freckled   faced   kid  star  of  silent  pix.  ' 

Then  there  is  Syd  S.  Wilson,  who  worked 
the   "Big   House"   with   Wolly   Beery.    He 

—  10  — 

also  worked  in  "The  Big  Porode,"  "Dawn 
Patrol,"  "Hell's  Angels,"  "Wings,"  and 
many  others.  Also  we  have  with  us  Johnny 
"Red"  Kent,  internationally  famous  bronc 
rider  ond  rodeo  contestant,  who  used  to 
double  for  "Hoot"  Gibson,  star  of  Westerns. 
When  Red  hod  his  makeup  on,  it  was  almost 
impossible  to  tell  which  was  Red  and  which 
was  Hoot.  And  if  you  didn't  see  Al  Gee  in 
"Thunder  Afloat"  you've  missed  one  of  the 
most  dramatic  scenes  ever  filmed.  As  this 
girl  expressed  a  preference  for  the  strong, 
athletic  type,  my  good  friend  George  Duncan 
suggested  we  introduce  her  to  Paul  "Super- 
man"  Tedford. 

It's  been  only  a  few  minutes  since  we 
parted,  but  it  seems  a  week  already.  A 
week!  It  seems  forever!  I've  tried  to  relax 
and  forget,  but  it  is  impossible.  From  where 
I  sit  I  can  look  out  of  the  window  and  see 
other  girls  passing,  dozens  of  girls,  but  all 
I  want  is  you.  Darling,  why  don't  you  come 
bock?  At  every  approaching  step  my  heart- 
leaps,  thinking  it  might  be  you.  But  it  never 
is  .  .  .  and  my  heart  grows  colder  at  each 
disappointment,  each  more  poignant  than 
the  lost.  I'm  longing  for  you — my  gosh,  am 
I!  If  you  don't  come  quick,  I'll  sure  get 
pinched  for  parking  by  this  hydrant. 


by  Bill  Taylor 

Maintenance  was  honored  recently  by  a 
visit  from  a  former  Ryanite  by  the  moniker 
of  PAT  "From  the  Beam"   KELLY. 

We  also  hove  suffered  o  loss  of  two  good 
mechanics.  A  dinner  was  given  in  their 
honor.  The  senior  member  leaving  was  CE- 
CIL WALL  who  had  just  passed  his  three 
year  mark  at  Ryan.  He  leaves  for  his  native 
Colorado.  The  junior  member  who  hod 
passed  his  year  mark  here  was  RED 
SCRUGGS.  He  journeyed  bock  to  Oklahoma. 

D.  L.  CONDE,  who  has  hod  numerous 
shop  suggestions  accepted  by  Ryan  recently 
had  his  tintype  took  in  relation  to  one  of 
his  ideas. 

JOHN  WAGNER  has  changed  to  third 
shift  so  he  could  work  on  his  "El  Rancho  To- 

We  would  like  to  welcome  some  new- 
comers to  our  humble  midst.  They  ore: 

BELLE  "The  Belle  of  Maintenance" 
DRAKE  is  enjoying  a  leave  of  absence  while 
visiting  her  sister  in  Orange.  We  really  miss 
you.  Belle. 

n.<L  cdtz  ujtrJt  cm, 


^^-5^'=/  to, 

era   o- 

^ex:A£jt  ^mJut&jcnvL. 

"I  was  born  in  bonnie  Scotland,  but  my  secret  am- 
bition was  to  come  to  the  United  States  ond  be  a  school 
teacher.  Twenty-one  years  elapsed  before  I  finally  ar- 
rived in  America,  but  I  never  did  get  to  be  o  school 
teacher.  However,  perhaps  my  other  ambition  will  be 
fulfilled  through  my  youngest  doughter  because  she  too 
wonts  to  be  a  school  teocher,"  Mrs.  Corswell  is  a  lead- 
man  in  the  Jonitor  Service  Deportment  ond  con  hardly 
woit  for  the  war  to  be  over  so  she  con  stay  home  and  take 
core  of  her  children. 



"Aw,  shucks,  people  always  lough  when 
I  tell  them  my  secret  ombiticn.  I  alwoys 
wanted  to  be  an  undertaker  Guess  my 
father  got  me  started  in  that  general  direc- 
tion -  he  was  a  doctor.  1  even  went  to  col- 
lege and  took  courses  pertoining  to  the 
undertoking  profession,  but  things  hap- 
pened and  I  got  side-tracked.  Who  knows, 
though?*  Maybe  some  doy  my  secret  ombi- 
tion  will  come  true." 

Larry  is  the  fellow  who  handles  the 
moking  of  multilith  plates  for  Office  Serv- 
ice, and  has  been  with  us  about  o  year 






"Mei'  Well,  OS  o  kid  I  really  hod  the  flying 
bug  bad  I  was  going  to  be  o  pilot  Guess  that's 
the  reason  I  got  in  the  aviation  industry  just 
so  I  could  be  around  airplanes  ond  flying  "  Carl 
Hotfield  is  now  a  Ryan  guard  and  has  been  with 
Ryon  for  neorly  five  years,  You"ve  probably  seen 
Carl  at  some  of  the  company  picnics  as  he  is 
always  colled  on  to  be  Sheriff  at  these  shindigs. 

-h  ^ 







"My  secret  ambition  became  a  reali- 
zation. I  always  wanted  to  be  o  school 
teacher  and  I  finally  became  one.  My 
speciolties  were  Math  and  English.  I 
taught  in  Iowa,  Missouri  ond  South 
Dakota  and  wos  County  Superintendent 
of  Schools  for  six  years  in  Iowa."  Mr. 
Gardner,  everybody's  friend,  has  been 
with  jjs  two  years  and  is  now  in  charge 
of  the  stockroom  for  Plant  Engineering. 

—  12  — 



(Continued  from  page  2) 

4  a.m.  At  about  the  same  time  anotiner  of 
the  trio  wos  in  an  automobile  speeding  to 
Santa  Ana  with  a  factory  welder  to  repair  a 
dirigible  manifold  on  the  field  at  midnight. 
And  another  was  rolling  up  his  sleeves  in  the 
factory  to  build  some  manifold  parts  that  no 
longer  existed  so  that  an  old-model  patrol 
plane  could  take  off  on  an  urgent  flight. 
Another  time,  when  on  engine  test  stand 
was  running  night  and  day  for  America's 
newest  torpedo  bomber,  the  manufocturer 
suddenly  mode  design  changes  which  re- 
quired a  new  style  of  exhaust  manifold; 
Ryan's  service  men  hod  the  new  manifolds 
ready   the   following   morning. 

To  be  able  to  give  this  kind  of  hell-for- 
leather  service  requires  more  than  iron  nerves 
and  inexhaustible  pep.  It  takes  a  background 
of  factory  savvy.  Chase,  Zippwald  and  Long 
are  all  quiet,  pleosonl  young  men  who 
started  with  Ryan  as  factory  workmen  end 
come  up  through  the  ranks.  Chose  worKed 
at  a  manifold  bench  for  two  and  o  half  years. 
Long  was  in  inspection  for  three  years. 
Zippwald  started  as  a  swing  shift  factory 
worker,  and  moved  up  through  the  night 
foreman  and  assistant  day  foreman  spots 
before  putting  on  a  coat  and  necktie  and  be- 
coming a  field  service  man.  Consequently, 
when  a  situation  develops  where  the  service 
man  needs  to  jump  into  a  pair  of  coveralls 
and  start  tinkering  with  a  Ryan  manifold  in 
the  hangar  or  factory,  he  doesn't  feel  out  of 
his  depth. 

But  that  isn't  all.  Ecirh  man  also  has  to 
be  a  close  student  of  latest  developments  in 
aircraft  engineering  and  manufacture.  He 
must  be  in  frequent  contact  with  the  engi- 
neering departments  of  other  factories  in 
developing   new  and   improved   manifold   de- 

signs. He  has  to  keep  up  to  date  on  fine 
points  of  power  plant  installation.  On  the 
first  installation  of  every  new  type  of  Ryan 
manifold,  a  Ryan  service  man  has  to  be  on 
the  spot  for  two  weeks — helping  juggle  the 
final  nuances  of  design,  and  making  sure 
that  workmen  learn  exactly  how  to  put  the 
manifold    in   place. 

"Sometimes  last-minute  design  problems 
get  pretty  tough,"  Zippwald  says.  "We  hove 
to  put  a  collector  ring  wherever  the  manu- 
facturer leaves  space  for  it  which  means  that 
we  have  to  work  under  a  terrific  handicap. 
However,  we've  always  been  able  to  figure 
out   the   right  answer  somehow." 

Ryan's  three  traveling  trouble-shooters 
work  under  Sam  Breder,  the  head  of  the 
manifold  sales  and  service  department. 
Breder  is  the  genial,  dynamic,  polished 
salesman  type — but  he  also  knows  how  to 
blow  flame  from  his  nostrils  and  invoke  hell- 
fire  and  damnation  when  there's  a  good 
rea30n.  When  one  of  Ryan's  customers  needs 
some  manifolds  in  a  hurry,  it's  up  to  Sam 
to  see  that  the  manifolds  are  forthcoming 
— which  often  means  that  he  has  to  sell 
hard-worked  factory  supervisors  on  the  dire 
nature  of  the  customer's  predicament.  Like- 
wise, when  some  engineer  or  maintenance 
chief  or  factory  boss  in  on  outside  plant 
begins  making  unreasonable  demands  on 
the  Ryan  field  men,  it's  up  to  Sam  to  make 
the  customer  see  the  light  of  wisdom.  Breder 
con  do  it,  either  with  the  soft  answer  which 
turneth  away  wroth,  or  with  the  thumping 
fist  which   makes  desks   jump. 

These  four  men,  aided  by  a  corps  of  office 
girls  and  supervisors,  comprise  a  fast-moving 
and  powerful  team  which  is  helping  aircraft 
manufacturers  all  over  the  country  to  speed 
up  their  manifold  installations.  Because 
Ryan  has  whipped  the  toughest  manifold 
problems  in  all  kinds  and  sizes  of  planes, 
Breder  and  his  service  men  probably  know 
more  about  airplane  exhaust  than  any  other 
four  men  in  America.  And  they're  making 
their  knowledge  count! 

Manifold  Small  Parts 

by  Mariane  Lightfoot 

First  Anniversary  For  Cafeteria 

The  Ryan  Employees'  Cafeteria  celebrated  Its  first  anniversary  on  September  6th.  The 
entire  cafeteria  staff  was  present  for  cake  and  refreshments  as  were  Vice  Presidents 
Eddie  Molloy  and  George  Woodard,  Harry  Siegmund  of  Public  Relations  and  host,  Jean 
Bovet,  head  of  the  Cafeteria. 

—  IB- 

Here  it  is,  deadline  time  again  and  we're 
caught  without  a  column.  This,  of  course, 
is  nothing  new,  having  happened  the  last 
two  editions.  Seriously,  we  slipped  up  and 
failed  to  get  Manifold  Small  Ports  in  its 
regular  niche  of  Flying  Reporter,  but,  with 
everyone's  forgiveness,  we'll  try  and  see  that 
it   doesn't  happen   again. 

Hope  our  genial  foreman,  "BOB"  HAR- 
RIS (lucky  guy)  is  enjoying  his  well-earned 
vocation  while  we  try  to  carry  on  without 
him.  Sure  miss  you,  "Bob."  (P-s-st  "Bob" 
isn't  really  his  moniker.  Try  to  get  him  to 
tell  you  the  real  name!  I'll  probably  be 
fired   for  that  one !) 

Two  more  vacationists  ore  CLAUDINE 

We  recently  said  goodbye  to  quite  a  few 
of  our  veterans  members  of  M.  Among 
them  were  FREDA  BATES,  "JERRY"  CAMP- 
Freda  and  "Jerry"  have  returned  to  being  a 
housewife,  Inez  has  returned  to  teaching 
school  and  Cecil,  we  hear,  as  o  photograph- 
er's assistant. 

GOW, two  swell  leadmen,  are  trading  shifts 
with  "RUSTY"  SCHAEFER  and  C.  L.  (Proud 
Popol  BAKER.  Small  Ports  is  really  fortu- 
nate to  have  such  a  swell  bunch  of  likeable, 
cooperative  fellows  for  leadmen.  Two  more 
to  odd  to  the  list  are  PEARL  BROWN  and 
FRANK  MORAN,  who  were  recently  made 
leadmen  over  the  C-54  job.  Congratulations 
Pearl  and  Frank. 

ore  still  being  missed  by  their  many  friends 
in  Small  Ports.  George  and  "Wes"  both  re- 
cently transferred  to  Manifold  Development. 

The  department  wishes  the  speediest  of 
recovery  for  MRS.  LOVENA  POUCH'S 
daughter  who  underwent  a  most  serious  op- 
eration several  days  ago. 

Congratulations  and  best  wishes  to  one 
of  our  brand  new  members.  She  is  little 
ANGELINA  GRANA — or  I  should  soy  Mrs. 
Kozub  from  Detroit?  She  and  CHARLES 
KOZUB  were  married  Saturday,  September 
9,  1944.  When  Charles  was  sent  to  the 
Marine  Base  here  in  San  Diego,  "Angee" 
decided  Detroit  wasn't  the  some  and  so  she 
joined  him  here.    Best  of  luck,  kids! 

E.  R.  ROBINSON,  an  A-1  turret  lathe 
operator,  recently  enjoyed  having  his  son 
home  on  furlough.  His  son,  B.  A.  Robinson, 
is  a  radio  gunner  on  a  scout  dive  bomber. 
Mr.  Robinson  is  a  retired  Ensign  of  the 
U.  S.  Navy. 

FRED  MILLER,  first  shift  welder,  received 
o  letter  from  his  brother,  Richard,  several 
weeks  ago.  Richard  is  one  of  our  American 
soldiers  now  in  France  and  our  heartfelt 
good  wishes  go  to  him. 

And  from  our  folks  on  leave:  GRACE 
RICHARDSON  reports  that  she'll  be  well 
enough  to  return  in  another  week  and 
NELLIE  BROWN  is  hoping  to  get  someone 
to  stay  with  her  invalid  mother  soon  so  that 
she    may    rejoin    us. 

Three  cheers  for  C.  H.  STARRETT,  weld- 
ing leadman,  who  has  just  received  a  gold 
award  for  a  Shop  Suggestion  idea. 


-       ,T<  ^    ,^ 

Sheet  Metal 

by  Marge  and  Ernie 

Gosh,  but  we  have  really  had  a  sick  list 
here  lately.  Yours  truly  was  out  for  a  week 
with  a  bod  back,  only  to  return  and  find 
DORIS  CROW,  clerk  in  Dept.  1,  quarantined 
first  with  measles  and  then  scarlet  fever. 
MILLIE  RICE,  clerk  in  Dept.  2,  has  been 
ill,  too.  BOB  O'KEEFE  and  JAKE  LUNSFORD 
are  both  bock  to  work  again  after  their 
little  sick  siege. 

A  sharp  contrast  to  "us  sick  absentees" 
who  can't  seem  to  all  be  healthy  at  the 
same  time,  is  MARY  McFARLANE  of  Dept. 
2,  who  has  never  missed  a  day's  work  or 
gotten  a  pass  out  since  coming  to  work  at 
Ryan  two  years  ago.  One  of  our  outstanding 
workers,  she  really  deserves  a  lot  of  credit. 
According  to  my  books,  she  holds  the  rec- 
ord for  perfect  attendance  here  in  the  Sheet 
Metal  Dept.  Congratulations,  Mary,  let's 
keep  that  record. 

MARY  JANE  BATTENSBY  had  a  birthday 
on  August  1 7th.  Her  group  presented  her 
with  a  pair  of  PINK  silk  lounging  pajamas. 
"Boo-ful"  things  they  were,  too,  and  we'd 
like  to  see  her  wear  them  to  work  some  day. 
(Maybe  we  hadn't  better  tempt  her,  she 
might  just  do  that  little  thing!) 

RHEA  HOFFMAN  spent  her  week's  vaca- 
tion   in    Los    Angeles    visiting    her    daughter. 

JO  DZIERLATKA  just  returned  from  a 
trip  home  to  Detroit  with  her  Marine  hus- 
band.   Swell    to   go   home,    isn't   it,   Jo? 

CLARENCE  HARPER  was  pleasantly  sur- 
prised on  his  birthday  August  19th,  when 
his  leadmen  and  clerks  presented  him  with 
0  lovely  decorated  coke  served  with  ice 
cream.  JAKE  LUNSFORD  then  reminded 
everyone  that  his  birthday  was  on  the  31st 
and  threatened  to  fire  the  works  if  he  didn't 
get  a  cake,  too.  So  sure  enough,  on  August 
31st,  simply  because  he  had  reminded  every- 
one doily  when  his  birthday  was — his  de- 
partment had  coke  and  orange  juice  in  honor 
of  the  occasion.  "Harpy"  just  turned  old 
enough  to  vote  and  Jake  said  it  was  none 
of  our  business  how  old  he  was! 

WALLY  KNIGHT  is  back  from  his  voca- 
tion sporting  a  healthy  tan  and  his  chest 
stuck  out  a  foot  because  of  that  new  grand- 
daughter he  has.  The  mother  will  be  re- 
membered as  DORIS  KNIGHT  who  worked 
with  us  here  in  Dept.  3.  That  mokes  a 
grandson  and  a  granddaughter  for  Wally 
now  and  we  don't  wonder  he  is  mighty  proud. 
The  rumor  was  around  that  Wally  spent 
most  of  his  vocation  indulging  in  either 
"deviltry"  or  "carpentry,"  I  didn't  catch 

Dept.  3  hod  a  lovely  chicken  dinner  on 
Labor  Day.  With  15  fried  chickens  I'll  let 
you  judge  how  wonderful  it  really  was.  By 
the  bones  on  Kitten's  plate,  it  looked  like 
a   chicken    hod   crawled    up   there    and    died. 

JERRY  KENT  is  back  on  first  shift  now 
and  "HAP"  BAKER  is  back  from  Experi- 
mental. Seems  good  to  see  those  old  familiar 
faces  again. 

We  wonder  why  EDITH  SIMPSON  hasn't 

been  pinning  any  more  tails  on  people 
lately.  Could  it  be  that  MR.  FAULWETTER 
was  on  interested  spectator  one  day  during 
such  on  operation? 

HAROLD  and  HELEN  PEIF  celebrated 
their  fourth  wedding  anniversary  Sept.   9th. 

HELEN  ZAHRADKA  really  looks  like  a 
typical  Hawaiian  hula  dancer  in  that  classy 
outfit  her  husband  sent  her  from  the  South 
Pacific   .    .    .   some   gross   skirt! 

In  closing,  we  want  everyone  who  helped 
in  the  Ryan  Show  to  know  that  it  was  more 
than  enjoyed  by  all  and  that  we  ore  proud 
of  each  and  every  one  of  you.  It  was  o  fine 
performance  and  we  will   long   remember  it. 

Turn  in  your  news  as  you  go  by. 


HI,  again,  everyone.  Just  had  another" 
one  of  "them  thor  notes"  from  Frances,  so 
I  guess  it's  time  to  get  started  on  the  Shorts. 

Dept.  1  is  glad  to  have  GERALDINE 
KEMP  bock  again.  Geraldine  was  gone  some 
time  on  sick  leave,  and  it  is  good  to  see 
her  back  looking  so  well.  Also  returned  from 
sick  leave  up  there,  is  BETHEL  ELMORE. 
CARVER  hove  returned  from  leaves  of  ab- 
sence and  Cutting  and  Routing  is  beginning 
to  look  like  i*s  old  self  again  now.  New- 
comers in  Dept.  1  are  DOROTHY  SPENCER 
and  BETTY  JANE  PAUL,  transfers  trom 
Manifold,  and  E.  N.  DIDRIKSEN,  who  trans- 
ferred from  day  shift.  We  all  hope  you'll 
like  our  Dept.   1 . 

and  NELLIE  DODDERER  of  Dept.  3,  hove 
returned  from  leave;  so  welcome  bock,  all 
of  you  returnees. 

No,  CLAIR  SACHS  isn't  lost.  He's  been 
transferred  to  Cutting  and  Routing,  and 
although  it  does  seem  a  bit  strange  to  see 
Sachs  up  there,   he's  doing   a   good  job. 

RUTH  IE  WHITE,  of  Transportation,  says 
that  RAY  GEISINGER  is  a  Budo-looder  de- 
luxe. He  con,  says  Ruthie,  lift  one  whole 
gun  turret  all  by  himself.  Well,  good 
enough,  but  don't  overdo,  Ray. 

RUDD,  and  ALBERT  HANCOCK  have  re- 
ceived their  pins  for  one  year's  service  with 
the  company.  Congratulations,  all  of  you, 
and  keep  up  the  good  work. 

On  August  30,  oh,  auspicious  date.  Max 
Grimes  had  o  birthday,  so  his  group  gave 
him  a  birthday  cake.  I  beg  your  pardon, 
there  were  two  cokes  and  very  good  cakes 
they  were.  There  to  help  Max  with  the  cake 
and  coffee  were  SAM  PINNEY,  DICK 
LIAMS and  HARRY  GRADY.  Max  wishes  to 
thank  all  of  you  for  the  good  time,  good 
wishes,  the  card,  and  the  cakes. 

—  14  — 

The  Dispatchers,  Inspectors,  and  Cutting 
and  Routing  Dept.  personnel  gave  a  fare- 
well party  on  Sept.  2  for  REBA  ARMISTON 
of  Inspection  Dept.  Rebo  is  returning  to 
Texas  with  her  sister  and  parents.  We  know 
Texas  will  be  glad  to  hove  her  bock,  but 
we'll  all  miss  her,  and  the  best  of  luck  to 
her  always. 

They  didn't  hove  any  particular  reason, 
but  just  thought  it  would  be  fun,  so  on 
August  30,  ART  KILMER'S  group  hod  cof- 
fee and  doughnuts  at  10:30.  It  was  also  o 
swell  chance  for  Betty  to  get  better  ac- 
quainted with  the  personnel  of  Dept.  2,  and 
as  I  said  before,  Dept.  2  just  loves  having 
their  new  blonde  clerk  out  there,  and  she's 
doing  a  swell  job. 

JERRY  KENT  ore  on  their  vacations.  Vaca- 
tion! Doesn't  that  sound  good?  Anyhow, 
when  he  returns,  JERRY  KENT  is  transfer- 
ring back  to  days.  Brooklyn  will  be  missed, 
but  we'll  see  you  around,  Jerry. 

The  FRED  BENDERS  hove  moved  into 
their  new  home  at  5138  Imperial  Boulevard, 
and  I  hear  they  have  chickens  and  rabbits 
and  con  be  talked  into  giving  their  guests 
chicken  dinners  or,  if  you  prefer,  rabbit. 
Fred  has  some  very  nice  pictures  of  their 
new  home,  and  after  seeing  the  pictures, 
I  don't  blame  the  Benders  for  being  proud 
of  their  house.  But,  for  heaven's  sake,  don't 
everyone  pick  the  some  Sunday  to  wont  a 
chicken  dinner! 

Has  anyone  ever  seen; 

BYRON  GEER  when  he  wasn't  in  a  hurry? 

MAC  MAGDICK  when  he  wasn't  looking 
for  Sam   Pinney? 

JEAN   TUSA   without   her   cheery   "Hi!"? 

WALT  STRINGER  really  hurry? 

FRIEDA  ASMUS  without  that  lovely  smile? 

Until    next    time,    be    seeing    you    around. 


Right  Over  There! 

Eddie  Carvajal  of  Fuselage  Assembly, 
left,  chats  with  his  former  co-worker 
Bob  Clark,  Machinist  Mate  1c,  when 
Bob  recently  paid  o  visit  to  his  old 
stomping  ground.  Bob  was  working  in 
the  Manifold  Department  when  he 
joined  the  Navy  in  1939  and  has  seen 
action  in  the  Solomon,  Marshall  and 
Gilbert  Islands  as  well  os  in  the  Aleu- 
tions.  He  will  return  for  new  assign- 
ment after  the  completion  of  his 
thirty-day   leave. 



Pastor  Patriot 
Builds  Cliurch 

A  minister  who  leads  a  double  life 
is  one  of  Ryan's  newer  employees  in 
the  Wood  Shop,  He  is  Alan  A.  Hughes 
— war  worker  on  week-days,  volun- 
teer pastor  on  Sundays. 

When  Mr.  Hughes,  an  ordained 
minister  who  has  had  churches  in 
Bedford,  N.  Y.  and  Los  Angeles, 
moved  to  the  little  community  of 
South  Spring  Valley,  near  Son  Diego, 
he  found  that  it  had  no  church.  He 
decided  to  tackle  the  job  of  getting 

First  he  persuaded  a  friend  to  do- 
nate a  vacant  lot  for  the  site.  Next 
he  looked  around  for  a  building — and 
kept  on  looking  for  months.  Finally, 
however,  he  obtained  an  old  barracks 
building  through  the  California  State 
Guard,  in  which  he  is  a  lieutenant. 
The  only  stipulation  was  that  he  would 
have  to  move  the  building  himself. 

As  Mr.   Hughes  was  financing  this 

whole  undertaking  himself,  assisted  by 

donations     from     a     few     friends,     he 

couldn't    afford    to    hire    a    wrecking 

company    to    move     the    building    by 

hand   and    load    it  on   a    rented   truck, 

then  rebuild  the  structure  after  it  was 

moved  to  its  new  site. 

All  the  major  problems  finally  solved,   the   minister  spread  the   news   by  word  of 

mouth  that  Spring  Valley  had  a  new  Community  Church,      For  the  past  two  months, 

he   has  been  giving   spiritual   guidance   to   the   people  of   his  community   at   services 

every  Sunday  morning  and  evening  and  at  prayer  meetings  on  Wednesday  night. 

Rev.  Hughes  was  a  first  lieutenant  in  World  War  I  and  saw  active  duty  in  France 
and  Belgium  as  on  observation  officer.  He  has  been  working  at  Ryan  since  June 
26,  1944. 

When  Alan  A.  Hughes  rsn't  using  his 
artistic  talents  as  a  means  of  liveli- 
hood here  at  Ryan,  he  is  giving  spiritual 
guidance  to  his  congregation  in  Spring 
Valley  in  the  new  Community  Church. 


Digs  From  Jigs 

by  Art  and  Pete 

Well,  boys  we  did  it!  After  some  hard 
fought  gomes,  we  took  first  place  in  the 
Ryan  Summer  League  bowling.  It  was  a  very 
interesting  season  with  very  good  competi- 
tion. We  enjoyed  every  gome  and  hope  each 
team  that  participated  hod  as  much  fun  as 
we  did.  The  highlights  of  the  season  for  our 
team  were  the  fine  bowling  of  BEN  STIL- 
LEY  who  had  a  very  good  game  of  255  and 
high  series  with  646  pins.  PETE  HAY- 
WORTH  bowling  his  first  200  game.  Of 
course,  we  don't  wont  to  forget  to  mention 
the  four  gomes  that  we  beat  the  Tool  Room. 
This  gome  hod  been  talked  pro  and  con 
for  some  time  and  everyone  was  primed 
and  ready  to  go.  We  did  enjoy  bowling  the 
Tool  Room,  especially  the  special  prize  we 
received  after  the  game.  However  the  writer 
didn't  receive  his  until  a  week  later,  but 
the  interest  was  worth  waiting  for.  The 
prize  we  receive  will  be  nice,  but  we  under- 
stand it  won't  do  any  of  us  any  good.  It 
was  rumored  our  wives  were  planning  on 
making     a     down     payment     on     some     new 

clothes.  So  it  looks  like  our  hard  work  to 
win  first  prize  was  for  glory  only.  Cheer 
up  boys. 

Newcomers  to  our  department  ore  E.  T. 
SOUTHWELL.  Welcome  to  Jigs  and  Fixtures 
also  among  the  NEWCOMERS  is  a  fine  baby 
girl  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  W.  H.  Kohrumel.  Con- 

Leaving  us  to  return  to  school  are  RICH- 
SANCHEZ.  Glad  you  were  with  us  helping 
and  doing  your  bit  on  your  vacation  from 

Vocations  were  enjoyed  by  W.  W.  DANY- 
LUK  and  VAUGHN.  Donyluk  spent  his  vaca- 
tion fishing  at  Big  Bear  Lake.  Fishing  was 
good   too,    says    Bill. 

We  had  quite  a  traffic  jam  September 
8th  at  4  p.m.  It  seems  L.  COLE  bought  a 
new  Ford,  but  forgot  to  get  the  gas  to  go 

—  15  — 

returned  from  the  Ford  building  at  Balboa 
Pork  where  they  have  been  doing  some  very 
high    class   work. 

R.  L.  CLARK  ond  R.  D.  PINSON  were  in- 
ducted into  the  Army  lost  month.  Good  luck 

One  of  our  former  employees,  BILL 
KERNS,  tells  us  he  received  a  Flying  Re- 
porter in  England  and  it  was  sure  nice  to 
hear  from  our  gong.  Glad  to  hear  from  you 
too.   Bill. 

CHARLEY  RICE,  you  had  better  watch 
that  thumb  and  not  get  it  all  skinned  up 
while  bowling. 

Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle-Rack 

First  we  have  had  an  epidemic  of  weddings 
and  now  it  seems  as  though  the  blessed 
events  are  muscling  in.  FRANK  "Poppa" 
GIAMANCO  is  throwing  his  chest  out  (we 
believe  it's  a  tummy  in  disguise)  because  the 
little  bambino  has  gained  five  pounds  since 
its  arrival,  July  26th.  CHARLEY  RILEY 
was  passing  out  cigars  and  candy  because  of 
the  newcomer,  September  2nd,  who  answers 
to  the  name  of  Frank  Harvey.  Congratula- 
tions to  you  both  and  to  the  proud  mothers. 

While  on  the  subject  of  congratulations, 
we'll  pass  them  out  to  these  newcomers: 
BILL  PINNELL,  who  is  operating  number 
one  hammer;  Willord  Grasse,  operator  of 
number  1 7  hammer;  and  Frank  Koopstus, 
who  is  assisting  in  the  die  department. 

Another  new  assistant  to  WALT  CAR- 
PENTER in  the  die  yord  is  MARTHA  MAT- 
TIE  who  is  doing  the  dispatching  having 
been  transferred  from  the  power  shears — 
jitter-bugs  to  youse  guys. 

We  wish  to  announce  that  we  hired  a 
lumber  jack  who  did  a  very  commendable 
job  of  cutting  that  tree  from  under  "TEX" 
HELMS.     Please,   no   more   phone  colls! 

Everyone  was  very  glad  to  see  EDDIE 
LILLIS  bock  on  the  job  this  week,  and  we 
certainly  hope  he'll  be  able  to  stay  and  that 
his  injury  has  finally  decided  to  throw  in  the 
towel.  Eddie  has  been  gone  since  May  be- 
cause   of    a    broken    leg JOHNNY 

DAWSON,  of  pickling,  must  hove  enjoyed  a 
lot   of    sunshine    during    his    recent   vacation 

according  to  thot  nice  ton   he  has 

ELBERTA  EJAKOS  returned  today  from  a 
visit  to  St.  Louis  and  that  certainly  is  a 
beautiful    wrist    watch,    adorned    with    eight 

rubies,   she   is  wearing JULE  and 

ESSIE    VAUGHN    hove    returned    from    their 

honeymoon ART  SCHAAF  is  bock 

after  a  week's  vacation  and  says  he  just  took 
things  easy  around  Son  Diego  and  caught 
up  on   his  visiting   and   ballgomes. 

We  hear  that  CHUCK  CARLSON  will  be 
married  before  the  next  issue  is  printed.  The 
girl  is  Miss  Luella  Pinske  of  Minneapolis, 
Minn.,  who  will  arrive  from  there  next  week. 

ED  PETEK  of  Planishing  became  so  lone- 
some for  his  newly  acquired  bride  and  vice 
versa  that  she,  Florence,  started  work  lost 
week  in  Small  Ports. 

The  Planishing  Department  hod  a  cele- 
bration a  little  ahead  of  time  in  honor  of 
the  birthdays  of  MAUDE  RAMEY  and  EL- 
MER CHURCH.  We  hope  you'll  both  hove 
several   more  of  them. 


you  ARE  yOUR  OWN 

'Continued  from  page  3) 

social  security  accounts.  Can  you  do  any- 
thing  for  him?" 

"I  think  so,"  he  said.  "Mr.  Terwilliger, 
if  you'll  give  me  the  numbers  of  both  ac- 
counts, I'll  have  our  office  consolidate  the 
two  accounts  into  one,  and  tell  you  which 
number  you  should  use  for  the  rest  of  your 

"Hmph,  that  sounds  easy,"  Cuthbert 
growled  as  he  wrote  down  the  numbers.  "I 
thought  I  was  up  against  something  tough." 

"It  might  have  been  very  tough  indeed," 
Louch  replied,  "if  you  had  died  without 
consolidating  the  two  accounts.  Your  de- 
pendents might  not  have  received  the  total 
benefits  to  which  they  were  entitled." 

"Gosh,  and  to  think  that  whenever  I 
heard  about  social  security  before,  I  just 
shrunk  my  shoulders!  Are  there  any  other 
ways  that   people   can    lose   their   benefits?" 

"One  very  common  way  is  for  a  woman 
to  change  her  name  without  notifying  the 
Social  Security  Board.  When  a  woman  mar- 
ries, her  name  should  be  changed  on  the 
board's  records  at  Baltimore,  so  it  can  is- 
sue her  a  new  card.  Her  number  won't  be 
changed,  just  her  card. 

"To  cite  a  specific  example,  down  at  the 
Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  40  percent  of 
the  198  incorrect  names  and  numbers  we 
sent  to  them  to  be  checked  turned  out  to 
be  women  employes  who  had  failed  to  ad- 
vise their  Social  Security  Board  when  they 
had  changed  their  names." 

"Maybe  my  wife  should  look  into  that," 
Cuthbert  mused.  "In  case  she  hasn't  noti- 
fied the  board,  what  should  she  do?" 

"Fill  out  a  special  form  which  we  have 
here  at  the  office,  attach  the  Social  Security 
cord  bearing  her  maiden  name,  and  send 
it  to  the  board.  The  same  procedure  ap- 
plies in  case  of  divorce,  or  any  other  change 
of  name.  The  board  keeps  oil  information 
strictly  confidential." 

"Another  common  failing  with  men  as 
well  OS  women  in  that  they  lose  their  So- 
cial Security  cords  and  thinking  they  hove 
memorized  their  number  fail  to  obtain  a 
duplicate  card.  A  shining  example  of  what 
can  happen  in  a  case  of  this  kind  is  the 
man  who  hod  memorized  his  Social  Security 
account  number — he  thought — only  to  find 
that  for  five  years  he  hod  been  using  an 
incorrect  account  number.  Every  person 
should  give  their  social  security  account 
cards  the  same  careful  treatment  that  they 
would  give  any  ordinary  insurance  policy 
and  to  be  sure  they  ore  using  the  correct 

"There  seem  to  be  a  lot  of  angles  to 
Social  Security,"  Cuthbert  remarked 
thoughtfully.  "To  use  a  Biblical  phrase,  it 
apparently  is  a  coat  of  many  collars.  How 
can  I  find  out  whether  all  the  wages  I've 
earned  so  for  hove  been  credited  to  my 
Social  Security  account?" 

"Simple  enough.  Just  fill  out  one  of  these 
post  cards  (form  7004)  and  moil  it  to  Bal- 
timore, where  wage  accounts  are  kept.  With- 
in a  few  days  you'll  receive  a  statement  of 
all  wages  recorded  in  your  account.  If  you 
find  an  error  in  the  statement,  let  us  know 
immediately  so  we  can  correct  it.  This  rec- 
ord of  your  wages  is  very  important,  be- 
cause it  is  used  in  figuring  your  benefits 
when  they  ore  due." 

"Just  what   are   my   benefits   based   on?" 

"The  size  depends  on  your  average  pay 
(in  jobs  which  are  covered  by  the  low)  plus 
credit  for  each  year  you've  earned  ot  least 
$200  on  such  jobs.  Here's  a  chart  which 
shows  examples  of  old-age  benefits  and  fam- 
ily  benefits."    He   showed    us   this  chart:.  .  . 


For  II  sin  tile  workor,  iinil  Jnr  a   ivorUcr  and  his  ivifc 
{or  fur  II  tvurUer  iinil  oiw  ilopenileiit  i-hild) 

M<intlily   Lciicfit   pajnienis   to— 


\\,.rl,..r.,„.I  »,fc 

3  years'  coverape: 












61  80 

5  years'  coverape: 

S31  50 

100       .    . 





10  icars'  coverage: 




19  50 



70  00 

20  years'  covcrajte: 





30  years'  coverage: 



58  50 





40  years'  coverape: 

S50 '. 





I  For  nverjce  njonihlv  waf>e«  umlcr  550  ihe  bcnefiti  arc  s: 
c;iniiot  b«  lesB  tliun  SIO  j  moiiib  for  tbe  worker,  gr  515  a 
Worker  and  wife. 


For  icitloivs,  dependent  children^ 
or  dependent  parents 

I  Muiitlil>   l«:iicfil  (>:i>inc.ii-  u.— 

.\»rr;i5c  momlil.v  ^t.-ijcs 
of  ilci-xiiscti  *»Mrkcr  ' 

W  i.l.>» 

a.i.l  0..1, 

One  .-h.l.l 

3  years'  coverage: 



30.90  • 




S  19.50 








S  10.30 





5  years'  coverage; 
■     SSO 








10  years'  coverage: 







20  years'  coverage: 








30  years'  coverage: 









40  years'  coverage: 
S50               ! 








cannot    i^   )c^8   t'h.i 
pjrcul,  ui  .1 

.  HjpcBundir  SSO  llio  bcncGtd  .imiRl3lWr;  but  the7 
lu  ji  mr>nt)i  Tor  llic  wi.luM.  or  one  cliilU,  oc  oao 
JiL  for  ibc  willow  and  one  child. 

After  we'd  finished  perusing  the  chart, 
Cuthbert  resumed  his  cross-examination. 
"How  can  I  find  out  how  much  my  own 
monthly  benefits  will  be  when   I    retire?" 

"This  office  can  help  you  figure  it  out 
in  less  than  60  seconds,"  Louch  responded. 
"Or,  if  you  prefer,  I'll  give  you  this  book- 
let, Old-Age  and  Survivors  Insurance  For 
Workers  ond  Their  Families,  ond  you  con 
figure  it  yourself.  It  explains  exactly  how 
to  compute  these  benefits." 

"Here's  another  question,"  Cuthbert  pur- 
sued. "A  minute  ago  you  made  a  statement 
which  I  filed  in  one  of  my  mental  pigeon- 
holes .   .   ." 

"Assuming  that  the  pigeons  were  out 
for  the  day,"    I   put  in. 

"You  made  a  statement,"  Cuthbert  con- 
tinued more  loudly,  "about  jobs  covered  by 
the  Social  Security  law.  Aren't  all  jobs  cov- 

"Unfortunately  no.  About  twenty  mil- 
lion workers  are  in  'uncovered'  jobs,  where 
their  wages  don't  count  toward  benefits. 
Such  jobs  are  farm  work,  domestic  service 
in  private  homes,  work  for  any  unit  of  lo- 
cal, county,  state  or  federal  government 
(such  as  teaching,  or  nursing  in  a  city  hos- 
pital); self-employment  Ithe  small  business 
man,  the  farmer  or  professional  man  I  ;  and 
work  for  certain  non-profit  organizations 
such  as  the  Red  Cross,  YMCA,  churches,  and 
so  forth.  However,  the  Social  Security  Board 
has  recommended  to  Congress  that  cover- 
age be  extended  to  all  groups." 

"I'd  never  thought  much  about  it  before," 
Cuthbert  mused,  "but  I'm  sure  a  lucky  guy 
— more  than  I'd  ever  realized — to  be  work- 
ing in  a  covered  industry.  Wonder  how  many 
more  people  there  are  like  me  that  didn't 
realize  before  just  what  a  potential  gold 
mine  that  little  piece  of  cardboard  called  a 
Social  Security  Account  cord  we  carry  around 
in  our  billfolds  really  is?" 

"Here's  another  point,"  Cuthbert  went 
on.  "Do  I  hove  to  quit  working  at  55  in 
order   to   collect   my    retirement    insurance?" 

"That's  0  very  good  question,  which  can- 
not be  answered  with  a  plain  'yes'  or  'no'  " 
said  Louch.  "Many  workers  of  retirement 
age  tell  us  they  did  not  realize  that  they 
may  continue  in  employment  and  earn  cred- 
its toward  benefits  after  reaching  age  65,  or 
that  after  filing  their  claim  for  benefits, 
they  may  return  to  covered  employment 

"The  true  facts  are  that  a  worker  may 
qualify  for  retirement  benefits  at  any  age 
above  65,  and  that  after  he  has  filed  for 
his  benefits,  he  merely  gives  up  his  bene- 
fits for  those  months  in  which  he  mokes 
OS  much  as  $15  in  covered  employment. 
He  might  work  one  month,  and  give  up 
his  benefit,  and  not  work  the  next  month, 
and   receive   his  benefit." 

Cuthbert  sat  silent.  "The  well  has  run 
dry,"  he  proclaimed  at  last.  "I  have  no 
more  questions." 

"In  case  you  think  of  any  more  later," 
Louch  said,  rising,  "just  telephone  our  of- 
fice   here.    Franklin    7287." 

Cuthbert  and  I  stood  up  and  made  with 
the  glad-to-have-seen-you,  drop-up-and- 
see-me-sometime,    it-sure- has-been-nice, 

"Sure  has,"  finished  Cuthbert.  "And  say, 
look;   where  can    I    find  you  when    I'm  65?" 

And  as  a  parting  shot,  Louch  said,  "I'll 
be  looking  for  you — and  regardless  of 
whether  you  quit  working  at  65,  be  sure 
to  call  at  our  office  so  that  we  can  advise 
you  as  to  your  insurance  status — and  by  so 
doing  you  will  'know'  instead  of  'wonder' 
about  your  equity  in  Old-Age  and  Survivors 

16  — 

Machine  Shop  and  its  friends  and  families 
had  an  all-day  picnic  at  Lakeside  Park  on 
September  1  0.  Thanks  to  the  wholehearted 
participation  on  the  part  of  everyone  con- 
cerned and  to  the  beautiful  day,  we  oil  had 
an  abundance  of  food  and  fun. 

On  behalf  of  BOB  STOCKWELL  and  BUD 
DILLON,  committee  for  the  picnic,  we  take 
this  occasion  to  thank  Employee  Service  for 
their  generous  contribution. 

In  the  afternoon,  after  partially  recovering 
from  the  appetizing  spread  dinner,  a  num- 
ber of  races  and  other  contests  were  held. 

Athletic  champions  of  the  women  were 
each  had  two  wins  to  their  credit.  Irma  Lee 
won  the  egg-in-spoon  race  and  the  women's 
backward  race.  Marty  won  the  softbal! 
throwing  contest  for  women,  and  the  ladies' 
race.  Although  Marty  herself  is  in  Experi- 
mental, her  husband  "Jonesy"  is  a  member 
of  second   shift  Machine   Shop. 

In  the  three-legged  race  for  men,  JACK 
LYONS  and  DON  MILES  broke  the  finish 
tape.  Toll  space-covering  Jack  set  the  pace 
and  somehow  or  other  Don  followed  through. 

The  piggie-bock  race  was  won  by  the 
Kelley  &  Kelley  combination.  DONNIE 
KELLEY,  son  of  Basil  Kelley,  was  mounted 
on  the  bock  of  BUCK  KELLEY,  night  super- 

Speediest  in  the  blindfold  race  for  men 
was  "Jonesy,"  and  first  across  the  line  in 
the  children's  race  was  JEANNIE  HA- 
WORTH,  attractive  young  daughter  of  FRED 
HAWORTH.  Winners  of  the  three-legged 
race  for  women  were  two  of  night  foreman 
Malloy's  daughters. 

Best  and  fastest  peeled  potato  was  han- 
dled by  JAMES  SAYLES.  Whether  his  speed 
was  accomplished  through  secret  practice  or 
through  being  cheered  on  by  his  eldest  sailor- 
suited  son,  we  would  not  attempt  to  say. 

The  farthest  thrown  (and  kept  unbroken) 
raw  egg  was  tossed  and  caught  by  AL 
RADER  and  BUCK  KELLEY  were  a  close 
second,  and  they  ended  the  bout  eggy  but 

First  shift  team  wrested  the  honors  from 
the  second  shift  during  the  ball  game. 
JIMMIE  LOUTHERBACK  held  the  winning 
stub  for  the  attendance  prize. 

There  is  nothing  quite  like  a  departmental 
picnic.  It  is  good  for  lathe  operator's  wife 
to  discuss  canning  vegetables  with  mill  op- 
erator's wife,  and  the  set-up  man's  son  to 
run  a  race  with  the  superintendent.  It  is 
enjoyable  for  the  girls  in  the  shop  to  meet 
the  wives,  and  the  non-plant  husbands  to 
meet  the  fellows. 

Here's  to  next  year's  picnic! 

Parties^  Picnics  and  Pow-wows 

An  old-fashioned  houseworming  complete  with  delicious  looking  edibles  was  prompted 
by  the  Outside  Production  Department  moving  into  new  quarters. 

"If  I  ever  leave,  an  underwear  shower  will  suit  me  fine,"  said  L.  W.  White,  formerly 
leadman  in  Sheet  Metal  Assembly.  Mr.  White  recently  transferred  to  Tool  Design  and 
he  got  his  underwear  shower  and  how! 

Under  the  cover  of  night,  the  Methods   Engineering   Department  gathered   round  the 
camp  fire  to  hold  a  community  sing  after  devouring  the  usual  picnic  foodstuffs. 

—  17  — 



(Continued  from  page  4) 

I  was  put  on  a  job  running  a  frame-straight- 
ening machine  on  a  percentage  basis.  After 
seven  months  at  this  position,  I  found  my- 
self talking  when  I  should  hove  been  listen- 
ing and   I  was  terminated." 

"That's  always  been  a  bad  habit  of 
mine,"  Red  recalls.  "1  was  busted  from  a 
first  class  rating  in  the  Navy  back  to 
second  class  twice  for  the  same  reason. 
However,  I  think  I've  learned  the  lesson 
well  by  this  time  and  now  I  listen  instead 
of  blotting   my   head   off." 

"After  leaving  Los  Angeles,  I  started 
back  to  Texas  again.  However,  in  Yuma, 
Arizona,  I  again  ran  short  of  lettuce  and 
had  to  work  there  for  three  months.  Then 
off  to  Phoenix,  where  I  worked  nine  months. 
The  weather  by  this  time  was  really  getting 
me  down,  1  became  sick  and  decided 
that  home  was  the  place  for  me.  Upon  ar- 
riving at  home  sweet  home,  I  spent  the 
first  week  and  a  half  sick  in  bed.  After 
recuperating,  I  worked  for  nine  months  for 
the  Williams  Manufacturing  Company  — 
they  made  oil   equipment." 

"The  heat  got  me  in  Arizona,  but  the 
winters  at  home  were  more  than  I  could 
stand,  so  I  pulled  up  stakes  and  started  out 
once  more  for  sunny  California  heading  for 
San  Diego.  When  I  reached  town  I  hired  out 
in  the  body  shop  of  the  Davis  Motor 
Company.  Then  I  heard  there  was  an  open- 
ing at  the  V.  B.  Dennis  Construction  Com- 
pany so  I  left  my  job  at  Davis,  and  went 
down  to  get  it.  1  was  too  late.  The  job  had 
been  filled.  I  went  back  three  or  four  days 
in  succession,  repeatedly  requesting  a  posi- 
tion. Finally,  the  fellow  got  tired  of  looking 
at  me  and  gave  me  a  job." 

"It  was  while  working  in  this  location 
that  I  decided  to  apply  for  a  job  at  Ryan," 
Red  related.  "I  used  to  watch  people  coming 
off  work  at  Ryan  looking  as  clean  as  I  did 
when   I  started  at  the  beginning  of  the  day. 


<;■  1W 




Eugene  M.  Jones,  left,  and  William  H. 
Gray  recently  appointed  leadmen  in  the 
Jig  area  of  the  Manifold  Assembly 

That's  why  I  decided  that  Ryan  must  be 
a  pretty  good  place  to  work — so  I  applied 
for  a  job  as  a  welder." 

"Foiled  again,  was  my  thought,  when  I 
was  told  that  they  didn't  need  any  welders 
here  in  1  940.  However,  Mr.  Marco,  who  was 
personnel  director  at  that  time,  asked  me 
to  come  back  for  another  interview.  He  said 
he  had  a  job  in  the  shop  for  a  body  and 
fender   man." 

Red  wasn't  too  enthusiastic  about  the 
wages,  but  Mr.  Marco  fixed  that.  He  sug- 
gested that  if  he  went  to  work  on  the  night 
shift  his  income  would  be  just  about  com- 
parable to  what  he  was  making  on  his  pre- 
vious job.  "That  sounded  plausible  to  me," 
Red  said,  "so  I  decided  to  take  the  job." 

"The  first  day — I'll  never  forget  it — I  hod 
brought  all  my  regular  body  and  fender  shop 
tools  along  with  me  and  did  I  get  a  horse 
lough  from  the  gang.  Butch  Ortiz  sauntered 
over  to  me  and  asked,  'What  are  you  going 
to  do  with  those  things?'  Well,  they  told  me 
to  bring  my  regular  body  and  fender  tools, 
so  I  did.  Butch  laughed  and  said,  'If  you 
ever  touch  a  manifold  with  one  of  those 
tools,    I'll   wring  your  neck'." 

Red  took  this  ribbing  good-naturedly  and 
took  all  his  tools  home  with  him  again  that 
night.  He  was  put  to  work  bumping  mani- 
folds, which  to  us  laymen  means  straighten- 
ing and  smoothing  the  bumps  out  of  mani- 
folds. "After  a  week  of  bumping.  Butch 
come  around  and  asked  me  how  I  liked  my 
job  by  now.  I  had  to  admit  that  it  seemed 
more  like  a  vacation  and  it  was  the  easiest 
job   I'd  ever  held.   Like   it — I   really  did." 

After  a  few  months  of  bumping.  Red 
admits  that  he  was  getting  kinda  tired  of  it 
and  let  the  fact  be  known.  "They  told  me 
they'd  give  me  another  job  if  I  could  get 
someone  to  come  to  work  and  take  my  place. 
I  was  stuck  for  a  while,  but  after  much 
persuasion  I  finally  talked  Bob  Harris,  who 
is  now  Night  Foreman  of  Manifold  Small 
Ports,    into   coming    to    work    for    Ryan." 

Red  then  went  over  to  a  newly  organized 
department  called  Cutting  and  Fitting  where 
he  did  such  a  swell  job  they  mode  him  a 
leadman  in  that  department  after  he  hod 
been  working   at   Ryan   for  nine   months. 

"I  still  wasn't  satisfied  completely,"  Red 
admits,  "and  I  guess  I  was  always  fooling 
around  making  tools  and  things  when  I 
shouldn't  have  been.  Butch  Ortiz  and  Joe 
Love  finally  come  to  the  conclusion  that 
they  would  benefit  by  having  a  Manifold 
Experimental  group  and  thought  that 
with  my  tinkering  around  all  the  time  I'd 
fit  in  pretty  well.  They  hod  to  do  some  tall 

dickering,  but  they  finally  made  arrange- 
ments for  the  new  department  and  I  was 
mode  leadman  on  the  night  shift  and  Herb 
Simmer  was  leadman  on  the  day  shift.  The 
new  group  turned  out  to  be  a  good  thing  and 
was  eventually  mode  a  separate  department 
under  the  name  of  Manifold  Development 
and  Experimental.  Frenchy  Fouchee  was 
placed  in  charge  and  in  July  of  last  year,  I 
was  made  foreman  on  the  night  shift." 

Red  is  having  a  change  of  pace  at  the 
present  and  after  four  and  a  half  years  of 
working  the  night  shift,  he  is  going  to  spend 
the  next  month  or  two  working  days.  "It 
was  really  funny  the  first  doy  I  worked  day 
shift.  I  went  to  bed  about  nine  o'clock, 
thinking  I'd  get  a  good  night's  sleep,  and 
I  rolled  and  tossed  until  two  o'clock  in  the 
morning.  I  finally  decided  to  get  dressed 
and  went  to  an  all-night  show.  Got  out  of 
the  show  at  five  a.m.,  ate  a  hearty  break- 
fast and  started  off  to  work.  You  con  bet 
your  life,  I  really  went  to  sleep  early  the 
next  night." 

Red  commutes  from  his  home  in  Imperial 
Beach  where  he  lives  with  his  wife  and 
two  sons —  13  and  14.  "The  kids  have 
grown  up  since  I've  been  working  on  night 
shift,  but  I  still  have  some  time  to  help 
them  build  their  model  airplanes  —  which, 
by  the  way,  is  a  hobby  of  mine.  However, 
since  buying  a  house,  most  of  my  time  is 
taken   keeping  the   place  up. 

His  worst  failing.  Red  divulged,  is  the 
fact  that  he  can't  remember  people's  names. 
Whenever  he  is  introduced  to  anyone,  he 
always  concentrates  on  their  names — think- 
ing perhaps  that  this  time  will  be  different 
and  he  will  remember  it.  One  embarrassing 
moment,  his  wife  enjoys  ribbing  him  about, 
occured  when  she  was  introducing  him  to 
another  fellow.  "I  was  concentrating  so 
hard  that  when  I  heard  her  mention  Mr. 
Hammock,  which  is  my  own  name,  I  just 
automatically  said,  I'm  glad  to  meet  you 
Mr.  Hammock.  You  can  imagine  the  man's 
amazement  at  my  opoarent  obsentminded- 
ness.  That  was  one  time  when  I  certainly 
would  liked  to  hove  dropped  out  of  the 
picture,"   Red  soys. 

In  common  with  many  other  men  who 
work  in  the  shop.  Red  hod  his  own  shop  at 
home  until  it  was  destroyed  by  a  fire.  "I  still 
have  all  the  tools  necessary  to  equip  a 
shop,  though,  and  I'm  going  to  hove  another 
one  some  day." 

Red  typifies  Ryan  foremen.  He  has  seen 
a  lot  of  the  world,  is  a  specialist  at  his 
job  and  is  constantly  seeking  a  new  idea 
which  will  revolutionize  his  work. 

O     " 

'  TemitB  Tallij 

by  Donna  Johnson' , 

Speaking  of  termites  as  we  ore  often  re- 
ferred to,  it  takes  the  early  bird  to  catch 
MR     CARSON,   Chief  Woodshopper. 

TEX  BODENHAMER,  Woodshop's  combi- 
nation Radio  and  Romeo,  latest  theme  song 
IS  "Dont  Get  Around  Much  Anymore."  Max- 
well's  reply   was,   "Hard   to   Believe". 

You  may  have  your  Bulova  time  and  your 
Gruen  time;  we'll  take  BLAIR  time  —  the 
man    has   been    late   once    in    four  years. 

Rush  Russ  claims  some  things  are  out 
of  this  world,  bowling  a  200  game  for  in- 
stance,   I    agree! 

—  18  — 

Perhaps  you  girls  have  noticed  "Siebert 
the  Shiek"  is  back  this  week,  after  o  well- 
earned  vocation. 

CRAFT  have  at  least  one  thing  in  common, 
"a  way  to  moke  work  out  of  play." 

OLELS,  one  of  the  painters,  really  be- 
lieves in  abbreviations,  when  given  a  requi- 
sition reading  —  5  gallons  of  T/25  —  he 
returns  with  one  blond  policewoman  and  4 
other  gals. 

For  the  night  shift  and  others  who 
escaped  the  razz,  there's  always  another 
chance.  So  to  the  buzz  of  ADKINSON'S 
saw,  the  swish  of  HUGHES'  point  brush, 
and  the  constant  pounding  of  ECKERT'S 
hammer — all  I  can  say  is,  "such  is  the  life 
of  one   girl    and   forty-nine    men." 

Mrs.  Peorl  Brown 
Manifold  Small  Parts 

C.  A.  Carlson 
Drop    Hammer 

W.  E.  Carpenter 
Drop    Hammer 

LeRoy  Engel 
Monifold    Pre-Jig  Dept. 

Charles   Jarvie 
Drop    Hammer 

F.  E.  Moron 
Manifold  Small  Parts 

Eugene   J.  Rawson 
Machine  Shop 

This  month  we  welcome  female  employees 
of  Tool  Design  who  have  moved  into  our 
building  headed  by  AL  BOHANAN,  Assistant 
Supervisor.  The  first  few  days  were  pretty 
rugged  for  them  as  the  temperature  was 
pretty  high  but  after  they  got  a  fan  installed 
and  the  proper  ventilation,  everybody  seems 
to  be  settling  down  very  nicely  at  the  present 

A  lovely  box  of  candy  was  presented  to 
PEARL  CLORE  of  Finishing  by  the  gang  in 
that  department  for  making  that  special 
"pepper  upper"  for  them  every  night.  (That 
good  to  the   last  drop  of  coffee.) 

The  Pie  and  Cake  Contest  was  a  huge 
success  and  one  particular  night,  there  were 
twelve  pies  brought  in.  The  idea  was  to 
moke  the  "Big  Three" — namely,  "ROSY," 
"LARRY"  and  "CLYDE,"  sick  of  pastry,  but 
it  backfired — it  seems  they  are  as  fond  of 
pastry  as  ever.    'Twos  lots  of  fun,  anyway! 

DORCY  HORNE  of  Dope  Shop  is  at  Mercy 
Hospital  having  had  to  undergo  an  opera- 
tion. Miss  you,  Dorcy — sorry  you  ore  ill  and 
hope  you  will  soon  be  well  again. 

We  hove  often  heard  tell  of  the  results  of 
what  a  little  bit  of  paint  would  do  and  hod 
the  point  proven  when  somebody  painted  o 
couple  of  supports  in  the  Point  Shop  like  a 
barber  pole.  Workmen  all  now  busy  repair- 
ing the  proper  places  and  should  be  through 
in   short  order. 

LOUISE  THOMAS  of  Dope  Shop  and  DELL 
FAY  PAWLEY  are  spending  part  of  their 
shift  over  at  Time  Study  these  nights.  Looks 
like  we  are  going  to  lose  these  two  girls 
before  long. 

ZOE  KENDALL  celebrated  her  birthday 
today  with  a  huge  coke.  Many  happy  re- 
turns, Zoe,  and  best  wishes  from  all  of  us. 

ESTEEM  HIVELY,  Inspection,  terminated 
to  go  back  to  her  home  in  Texas.  Esteen 
was  0  former  employee  of  Finishing  so  the 
gals  in  that  department  presented  her  with 
a    lovely   negligee   and   gown. 

COOKIE  KENOYER  celebrated  her  second 
wedding  anniversary  with  a  beautifully  dec- 
orated cake  for  the  department.  Her  hus- 
band, who  is  serving  with  the  U.  S.  Army  in 
Iran,  Persia,  wired  her  two  dozen  American 
Beauty  roses  which  mode  her  very  happy. 

HAZEL  ADAMS,  formerly  of  Dope  Shop 
and  now  at  Rivet  Crib,  will  terminate  this 
week  to  await  the  arrival  of  "Old  Doc 

Will  somebody  on  second  shift  (Tool  De- 
sign) give  C.  R.  BARBER  a  map  of  San  Diego 
so  he  can  locate  Pacific  Square.  We  hear 
he  started  there  one  evening  not  long 
ago,  but  was  observed  going  in  the  wrong 

—  19  — 

On  the  evening  of  August  22nd,  a  buffet 
lunch  was  held  for  the  members  of  Tool 
Design  at  the  home  of  P.  H.  HERON.  ROB- 
ERT FOLLETT  of  Ryan  Show  fame  played 
the  accordion  ably  assisted  by  MR.  CHAUN- 
CEY  ASHLEY  who  played  the  piano.  Lots  of 
fun  and  a  good  time  was  had  by  all. 

Our  mascot,  the  block  and  white  cat  of 
Point  Department,  became  a  mother  a  couple 
of  Sundays  ago,  by  giving  birth  to  five  little 
kittens.  They  sure  are  cute  little  things  and 
ore  just  now  starting  to  open  their  eyes.  So 
many  people  handled  them  that  "mama" 
got  panicky  and  moved  them  and  at  the 
present  writing  their  whereabouts  are  a  mili- 
tary secret. 

MARY  JOHNSON  of  Dope  Shop  termi- 
nated last  week  and  is  now  residing  on  a 
ranch  out  Escondido  way. 

We  ore  glad  to  see  NAN  WHEELIHAN, 
Department  Clerk  for  Paint,  bock  with  us 
after  a   leave  of  absence. 

We  can't  understand  why  ROSY  BAR- 
THOL  doesn't  weigh  a  ton  as  he  is  always 
eating  and  someone  is  always  bringing  him 
something  to  eat,  even  to  box  lunches  with 
chicken  in  them  and  all  the  trimmings.  Nice 
work  if  you  can  get  it,  and  it  looks  like  he 
gets  it! 

War  bond  prizes  were  paid  Sunday  night, 
September  10,  to  winners  in  the  Daily  Jour- 
nal Lower  Bowl  Heodpin  tournament  with 
Miss  DOROTHY  YILK  of  Department  12 
placing  fourth  in  the  women's  division  there- 
by winning  a  $25.00  bond.  Congratulations 
Dottie,  we  knew  you  could  do  it. 

Fate  Had  a  Hand 

Fate  stepped  in  when  Chief  Photog- 
rapher Ray  Platnick,  left,  of  the  Coast 
Guard,  stationed  for  the  time  being  in 
Son  Diego,  just  happened  to  be  look- 
ing through  the  lost  issue  of  Flying 
Reporter  and  saw  a  picture  of  Mrs. 
Mildred  Justice  of  the  Tooling  Depart- 
ment, right,  pointing  to  her  husband's 
picture  on  a  government  poster.  Mr. 
Platnick  immediately  called  the  Flying 
Reporter  office  and  reported  that  he 
hod  taken  the  picture  and  would  like  to 
contact  Mrs.  Justice  and  tell  her  about 
her  husbond  who  he  had  talked  to 
while  on  board  ship  taking  the  pictures. 
With  the  Flying  Reporter  office  act- 
ing as  a  meeting  place,  Mrs.  Justice 
learned  some  sidelights  on  her  hus- 
band's experiences  from  Roy  Platnick 
and  was  a  very  happy  person  when  she 

Smoke  From 
A  Test  Tube 

by  Sally  and  Sue 

Just  so  all  you  folks  above  and  about  the 
Laboratory  don't  hold  your  breath  until 
you're  block  in  the  face  on  Wednesday  morn- 
ings, we'd  better  tell  you  about  o  little  im- 
provement recently  installed  in  the  Lob. 
Remember  how  we  used  to  dial  your  num- 
ber early  Wednesday  (the  warmest  day  of 
the  week)  and  sweetly  request  that  all  your 
windows  be  closed  for  an  indefinite  length 
of  time?  Well,  that's  no  longer  a  necessary 
procedure,  as  we  have  o  big,  black  pipe 
that  is  especially  intended  to  get  rid  of  all 
dangerous  cyanide  gas,  which  heretofore 
was  likely  to  drift  into  unsuspecting  win- 
dows if  we  weren't  careful.  We  just  wanted 
to  ease  your  minds  and  maybe  even  calm 
your   nerves   about   the   situation,    that's   all. 

With  vacations  in  full  swing,  we've  had 
some  additions  to  our  fan  mail  that  are 
really  humdingers.  Just  for  on  example, 
here's  one  from  WES  KOHL,  which  was 
written  on  his  train  trip  back  to  Chicago:. 
.  ."Dear  Gang — Just  have  time  to  drop  you 
a  line  before  climbing  back  on  this  "rat- 
tler" for  the  next  round.  Tell  the  boys 
Upper  4  is  a  man — dammit!" 

Congratulations  to  ED  KOPS  upon  pass- 
ing that  stiff  examination  for  second  class 
radio  operator.  He  worked  just  plenty  hard 
and  worried  a  lot  even  though  we  told  him 
we  had  a  "feeling"  is  was  going  to  be  oil 
right.  He  doesn't  trust  our  intuition,  I  guess, 
but  we  forgive  him,  and  we're  all  proud 
of  his  achievement. 

For  oil  you  old-timers  who  knew  SEY- 
MOUR SCHWARTZ — we  want  to  tell  you 
about  his  surprise  visit  one  doy  lost  week. 
He's  been  gone  for  about  a  year  and  a  half 
now  and  is  working  for  North  American  at 
the  present  time.  At  Ryan,  he  was  one  of 
our  process  engineers.  Seymour  looks  fine 
and  is  happy  about  life  in  general.  He 
brought  a  picture  of  his  little  daughter  along 

which  made  us  all  wish  we  knew  her.  It 
was  nice  seeing  him.  Old  friends  ore  al- 
ways welcomed  bock  at  Ryan. 

JEANETTA  McGRAYNE  says  there  has 
never  been  anything  in  the  Flying  Reporter 
about  her  that  was  true,^  so  here's  a  little 
item  that  will  ruin  that  proud  boast.  We 
have  a  choir  here  in  the  Lab  that's  a  little 
weak  in  the  knees,  but  she  likes  it.  So  we've 
tacked  a  sign  on  it  which  says:  "RESERVED 
declaration  is  upheld  by  the  following  dig- 
nitaries, who  approved  and  signed  said  doc- 
ument: Process  Engineer  BO  FLOERSCH, 
Navy  Inspector  ED  HIGHT,  E.  J.  HARRING- 
and  SUE.  No  one  else  dares  sit  on  that  par- 
ticular chair — not  so  much  because  it's  re- 
served, but  because  we  all  know  from  expe- 
rience   how    undependoble    it   con    be! 

Last  week  one  of  our  long  awaited  mo- 
ments arrived  when  KEITH  WHITCOMB 
showed  the  movies  he  took  on  our  Lab 
beach  party.  All  I  con  say  is — he  sure  got 
around  and  at  the  psychological  moment, 
too.  Those  who  escaped  the  notoriety  sighed 
with  evident  relief  and  smiled  gloatingly 
and  triumphantly  at  the  rest  of  us  poor  un- 
fortunates. There's  always  another  year  com- 
ing, and  it  might  happen  that  this  year's 
victims  will  turn  on  their  oppressors.  It's 
an   idea  anyhow. 

We  want  to  welcome  a  new  member  to 
our  ever-increasing  fold  —  HOWARD  UL- 
BERG.  Howard  has  been  appointed  co-ordi- 
nator  of  laboratories  for  the  purpose  of  as- 
sisting HAL  HASENBECK  with  the  adminis- 
trative detail  associated  with  the  operations 
of  the  Laboratories.  He  offered  the  three 
secretaries  gum  one  day  last  week,  and  we 
all  accepted  eagerly.  "Experience  is  man's 
best  teacher,"  he  sighed  as  he  made  his 
exit,  with  the  evident  resolution  not  to  carry 
his  generosity  to  on  extreme. 

Putt  Putts 
On  Parade 

by  Millie  Merritt 

On  the  closing  night  of  the  Ryan  Summer 
Bowling  League,  Putt  Putts  were  in  a  posi- 
tion to  either  bowl  like  demons  and  come 
into  fifth  place  or  let  up  and  drop  down 
into  ninth  —  well,  I  guess  we're  demons  for 
after  a  night  of  fine  bowling  we  placed 
fifth.  Our  special  thanks  to  CLARENCE 
HARPER  for  turning  out  some  very  good 
scores  when   they  were   most  needed. 

Putt  Putts  ore  also  entered  into  the  Win- 
ter League  along  with  27  other  teams.  By 
the  looks  of  things  now,  the  Winter  League 
should  prove  both  exciting  and  interesting. 
We   only   hope   that    it  will   turn  out  as  well 

OS  the  Summer  League.  We  all  had  a  lot  of 
fun  and  good  clean  sport  (not  to  mention 
the   prize   money)  , 

Saturday  night,  August  26,  was  a  big 
night  for  Transportation,  as  we  all  gathered 
at  Lo  Jollo  for  a  beach  party.  To  say  we 
had  fun  would  be  putting   it  mildly — 

All  of  us  are  really  pulling  for  SALLIE. 
The  third  time  is  always  the  charm — so  they 
soy.  Sallie  has  said  goodbye  twice  now  and 
has  been  oil  ready  to  leave  for  Ohio — only 
to  get  home  and  find  that  Tony's  furlough 
has  been  cancelled  again.  Never  say  die  or 
there's  a  moral  to  this  story — or  something. 
Anyway,  we  hope  you  make  it  this  time. 
I'm  running  out  of  goodbyes. 

Ryan  has  a  new  prospective  Softball  player 
in  the  person  of  BOB  O'CONNOR.  Bob  is 
the  newest  addition  to  our  swing  shift.  The 
thing  he  is  most  interested  in  at  the  present 
is  finding  o  home.  He  has  become  quite 
desperate  and  has  even  threatened  to  buy 
0  tent  and  move  in.  We  wouldn't  wont  him 
to  do  that,  so  if  any  of  you  good  people 
know  of,  or  have   (don't  laugh  now)   a  vacant 

—  20  — 

house  or  apartment,  let  us  know  about  it. 
Bob  has  been  in  California  for  only  two 
months  and  before  that  he  was  a  resident 
of  Kankakee,   Illinois. 

Has  anyone  noticed  the  dashing  beret 
HUGH  COUCHMAN  is  wearing  these  days? 

We  found  out  that  DOTTIE  HALL  can 
consume  more  watermelon  than  any  two 
people.  She  ate  most  all  of  the  melon  we 
had  on  our  picnic,  that  is  all  except  the 
one   I  fell  on  top  of  and  smashed. 

Here's  a  little  thought  I  would  like  to 
leave  with  you.  "It  takes  a  push  to  start 
things  rolling." 


S   a  DASHES---— NEWS  a 


by  e/kRL    YAUGHAN 

Here  we  are  again,  folks,  at  the  track  of 
little  Santa  Anita  Material  Control.  It's  a 
great  day  for  another  great  Ryan  Derby  and 
that  $400,000  purse,  with  all  the  famous 
aeronautical  notables  on  hand  for  whatever 
may  happen  AND  USUALLY  DOES.  Direct- 
ly behind  me  sits  that  well-known  outdoor 
(ping-pong)  sportsmon,  J.  B.  WILLIAMS, 
giving  final  instructions  to  his  hard  riding, 
leather  pounding,  die  hard  jockey,  C.  B. 
JONES.  At  my  right  is  no  other  than  that 
great  tobacco  auctioneer  from  the  old  South 
of  Market  Street,  R.  S.  SMITH,  who  between 
those  gigantic  puffs  of  Model  Tobacco,  is 
giving  a  pep  talk  to  his  faithful  jockey,  J. 
L.  HALLEY.  By  the  way,  watch  this  boy 
Halley  when  that  home  stretch  is  in  sight 
03  in  either  bowling,  politics,  or  racing,  this 
boy  is  always  out  in  front  at  the  finish. 
Many  other  important  celebrities  ore  here 
today.  Your  announcer  also  sees  F.  E.  WAL- 
NEY,  C.  P.  ALLRED  and  C.  E.  MOORE  talk- 
ing to  their  many  colleagues  they  have  with 
them  today.  The  horses  are  now  at  the  post 
and  waiting  for  the  gun.  Other  jockeys  than 
those  mentioned  are  PAT  LINDGREN  (a 
2  to  one  shot)  L.  D.  HIBBARD  (even  mon- 
ey) ELIZABETH  MITCHELL  (5  to  I)  IR- 
MA  DUGUID  (a  3  to  one  shot)  and  yours 
truly   at    500   to   one. 

Sit  tight  folks — "They're  Off"  and  every 
man    for   himself. 

As   my   parting   gift,    I    leave   you    my   fa- 
vorite recipe — Material  Control  Cocktail 
Two  parts  SANFORD'S  morning  cheerfulness 
One  port  WEST'S  shy  manners 
Three  parts  FARKAS'  bashfulness 
Squeeze  in  a   half  of  GOODMAN'S  serious- 
Add    PAASKE'S    lady-like    manners   to   taste 

Garnish   with   JONES'    faith    in   humanity 

Caution:    Only    one    per    person. 

P.S.  Really  will  miss  you  all. 



A  Star  Is  Born:  A  certain  seat  in  Material 
Control  was  vacant  recently  while  its  usual 
occupant  was  pacing  the  fifth  floor  of  the 
Mercy  Hospital.  Perspiration  was  pouring 
from  his  brow,  anxiety  was  seen  in  his  eyes, 
his  chest  was  protruding,  a  satisfied  smile 
was  on   his  lips.  What  it  would   be,   was  on 

his    mind,    a    boy,    a    girl,    or no,    not 

that — I  don't  think  there  is  Canadian  blood 
in  the  family.  A  quick  look  at  his  watch, 
another  cup  of  black  coffee,  and  then  a 
thought  "Boy,  I  wouldn't  go  through  this 
again  for  anything.  "  And  then  in  a  twinkle 
of  on  eye,  it  happened — the  nurse  stuck 
her  head  out  the  door  and  said  "MR.  ALL- 
RED  you   are  the   proud   father  of  a 

pause 7   lb.  9  oz.   baby  boy.  What  a 

relief  to  PRICE  and  the  rest  of  us  as  little 
Richard  Price  Allred  entered  the  world  and 
joined  Material  Control.  We're  glad  we  don't 
hove  to  go  through  with  this  ordeal  with  all 
new  employees,  eh  Price?  (Congratulations 
Papa   Allred) 

We  Liked  It  That  Way:  Congratulations 
are   in  order  for  MARGE  WEST  and   PEGGY 

PAASKE  for  their  fine  performance  and 
singing  in  "We  Liked  It  This  Way."  It  was  a 
swell  show,  girls,  and  lived  up  to  it's  name 
from  beginning  to  end  as  we  all  certainly 
liked  it  that  way.  Who  would  hove  thought 
that  we  hod  professional  actresses  in  our 

Farewells  and  Goodbyes:  Material  Control 
Employees  recently  extended  farewells  to 
three  swell  personalities  who  we  hated  to 
lose:  MARGARET  BURROUGHS  (Peggy)  of 
the  Government  Reports  Group,  who  retired 
to  domestic  life  and  raising  a  family  (Let 
us  know  Peggy  if  it's  a  boy  or  a  girl)  PAT 
LINDGREN,  of  the  Bill  of  Material  Group, 
who  left  Ryan  to  join  her  husband  as  he  re- 
cently returned  from  overseas.  Pat's  pleas- 
ing personality  and  jolly  disposition  have 
been   greatly   missed. 

HOWARD  ULBERG,  former  Supervisor  of 
Reports  &  Statistics  Group,  for  the  past  two 
and  a  half  years,  transferred  from  this  de- 
partment to  Ryan's  Engineering  Laboratory 
(Good  luck,  Howard,  and  be  careful  when 
mixing  those  chemicals  and  elixers  as  the 
Lab    is    located   under  this   department)  . 

News  &  Flashes  from  2nd  Shift  by  ELIZA- 

HARRY  HOLTHUSEN,  former  night  Su- 
pervisor, visited  us  recently  in  his  new  Ma- 
rine uniform  and  told  of  six  easy  ways  to 
become  a  Marine.  He  looked  like  o  million 
and  we'd  swear  that  he  gained  weight  and 
grew  six  inches  in  height.  Good  luck,  Harry, 
on   land  or  sea. 

A  hearty  welcome  is  extended  to  the 
following    new    swing-shifters: 

JOHN    THOMSON    of    the    Steel    Group 
MIRALDA     FIDELL     of     the     Aluminum 

J.  D.  CLAFLIN  of  Reports  &  Statistics 
JUNE   GROGAN,    General    Clerk   transfer- 
red   from   Tucson 

BILL  GUERIN,  of  Purchased  Ports  Group, 
who  worked  formerly  on  the  day  shift  for 
R.  S.  SMITH,  Supervisor  of  Manifold  Mate- 
rial Control. 

We  were  sorry  to  lose  CARL  HOPKINS  to 
the  day  shift  but  we  do  wish  Carl  luck  in 
his  new  responsible  job  working  under  A. 

A  letter  has  been  received  from  on  old 
friend,  DWIGHT  LAMM,  sending  his  best 
regards  to  his  friends  here  at  Ryon.  He  also 
said  the  fishing  has  been  great  and  is  look- 
ing forward  to  the  pheasant  season  which 
will  be  opening  soon.  (Do  we  envy  him  right 
now)  . 

The  Aluminum  Group  has  been  bright- 
ened up  lately  by  those  blazing  colors  worn 
by  FLEMMING  and  BALL.  (Lovely  to  look 
at,  but  hard  on  the  eyes)  . 

Congratulations  ore  in  order  for  BOB 
CHILDS  as  he  recently  was  on  the  receiving 
end  of  a  bright  and  shining  three-year  pin. 
(That's    our    boy)  . 

Harold  W.  Hasenbeck,  right,  recently  appointed  Supervisor  of  Engineering  Laboratories, 
consulting  with  Hayden  S.  Gordon,  seated.  Assistant  Chief  of  Development  in  Charge 
of  Research;  Howard  M.  Ulberg,  left,  newly  appointed  Coordinator — Laboratories, 
who  will  assist  with  the  administrative  detail  associated  with  the  operations  of  the 
Laborotories;  and  J.  W.  Bordon,  center,  of  Engineering  who  will  serve  in  on  advisory 
capacity  in  connection  with  the  Structural  Test  work  undertaken  by  the  Laboratories. 

—  21  — 




Virginia  Pixley 




If  anyone  happened  to  see  a  curvacious 
blonde  in  canary  yellow  slacks  floating  about 
three  feet  above  the  floor,  it  was  AMY 
STEVENS  who  finally  got  her  Stevie  home 
from  overseas.  They  had  been  married  just 
one  month  when  he  had  to  leave  her,  and 
now  after  two  and  a  half  years  of  separa- 
tion, you  can  imogine  how  Amy  feels.  She 
has  watched  every  ship  come  into  the  har- 
bor and  has  been  disappointed  so  many 
times,  but  now  her  husband  is  back  and  all 
those  lonely  days  are  over  with  for  good. 
At  least  we  all  certainly  hope  so  for  her  sake. 
She  says  her  Stevie  is  just  the  same,  but 
we'll  say  our  Amy  is  different.  She  has  al- 
ways been  outstanding  for  her  cheery  smile 
and  wonderful  good  nature,  but  you  should 
see  her  now!  Amy  is  going  on  a  leave  of 
absence  and  we  hope  she  decides  to  return 

to  us  because  she's  our  chief  morale  boost- 
er and  we  need  her. 

By  this  time  everyone  surely  has  seen 
the  flashing  diamond  on  JOAN  HARVEY'S 
finger.  PAT  CARTER  presented  it  to  her,  of 
course,  and  we  all  wish  them  our  heartiest 

BOB  CLOSE  certainly  was  the  typical  new 
father  but  on  the  day  before  he  was  to  pick 
up  his  wife  and  new  little  daughter,  he  got 
in  the  way  of  some  metal  drawings  and 
they  crashed  on  his  leg  and  cut  it  up  pretty 
badly.  Haven't  heard  how  he  is  getting 
along  as  yet  but  from  the  way  he  acted  over 
being  a  new  papa,  we  doubt  if  he  even 
knows  he  got  knocked  down,  let  alone  what 
hit  him!  Congratulations  foi  the  baby  and 
condolances  for  the  accident.  Hope  every- 
thing is  O.K.  now. 

Slim  Coat's  column  is  always  just  tops, 
but  I  think  he  will  be  happy  to  know  that 
it  also  does  a  lot  of  good.  Van  Sicklin  says 
his  wife  always  used  to  buy  little  fancy, 
but  useless  ashtrays  until  she  read  his  col- 
umn pertaining  to  such  knick-knacks,  and 
maybe  you  think  Van  isn't  grateful.  He 
came  home  one  evening  and  found  a  very 
practical,  deep,  he-man  ashtray  staring  him 
in  the  face.  Then  Dorothy  Van  Sicklin  read 
another  column  which  dealt  with  ridiculing 
women    who    always    served    something    pa- 

Mortha  Cox,  left,  of  Janitor  Service  proudly  shows  some  Japanese  trophies  sent  to  her 
by  her  son,  Pvt.  Whitie  E.  Cox.,  to  Bessie  Corswell,  leadmon  in  the  same  deportment. 
The  Japanese  items  in  the  picture  include  chopsticks,  a  fan  painted  with  the  rising 
sun,  postcards,  cigarettes,  a  horn  spoon,  tooth  brush,  Japanese  currency,  belt  buckle, 
baskets,  pencils  and  knives.  Mrs.  Cox  has  been  working  at  Ryon  since  January  of 
this  year.  "My  son  enlisted  in  the  Army  four  years  ago  and  was  in  the  South  Pacific 
during  the  Pearl  Harbor  bombing.  I  also  have  another  son,  Claude,  who  is  in  the  Navy." 

thetically  done  and  apologized  for  it  as 
though  that  would  help  any.  Dot  decided 
never  to  apologize  again  but  almost  broke 
down  shortly  after  her  resolution  when  she 
made  a  double-layer  chocolate  cake  for  a 
friend's  birthday  and  the  two  layers  togeth- 
er were  about  the  width  of  the  proverbial 
flat  pancake.  She  didn't  apologize,  however, 
and  we  don't  think  she  should  have  anyway 
OS  the  thought  was  as  beautiful  as  her  cakes 
usually  ore.  Keep  up  the  good  work.  Slim. 
How  obout  on  article  sometime  on  how  a 
husband  should  help  his  wife  with  the  dishes 
especially  if  she  works  at  Ryan.  My  husband 
just  can't  see  it  my  way.  We  women  workers 
would  appreciate  it  very  much  and  all  you've 
got  to  lose  for  writing  about  it  are  your  male 

Unless  something  very  unusual  happens, 
we're  going  to  lose  TOM  HEARNE  from 
Standards  and  Materials,  and  JOHN 
MUCHEMORE  from  Structures  as  they  are 
I  A.    (Isn't  this  column  getting  gruesome!!) 

BILL  HAYS  got  tired  of  watching  Bur- 
geson  and  Lotto  rolling  their  own  cigarettes 
because  of  the  shortage  and  so  he  brought 
down  one  of  those  pre-war  little  machines 
that  helps  you  turn  out  a  professional  job. 
Bill  is  thinking  of  charging  one  cent  per  fag 
and  expects  to  clean  up  o  cool  million.  We 
think  his  prices  ore  encouraging  inflation 
and  would  much  rather  smoke  a  hand-rolled 
job  even  if  it  does  look  more  like  a  tomole 
than   0  cigarette. 

A  very  stupendous  occasion  which  just 
missed  lost  month's  Flying  Reporter  was 
when  IRVING  DICKENS  passed  out — not 
cigars  because  he  had  just  become  a  father, 
but  cigarettes  because  his  dog  hod  just  be- 
come a  mother.  Pretty  cute  idea  of  Irv's  and 
it  gave  everyone  a  good  laugh  along  with 
the  free  cigarette. 

HELEN  YOUNG  is  now  on  her  hard- 
earned  vocation  and  we  hope  she  is  having 
the  swell  luxurious  restful  existence  she  so 
richly  deserves.  Helen  was  quite  the  prim 
little  schoolteacher  when  she  came  to  Ryan 
over  a  year  ago,  but  after  associating  with 
the  Structures  Department  she  has  now  got- 
ten hep  and  in  the  groove  as  Helen  herself 
would  now  express  it.  She  never  would  touch 
a  thing  to  eat  between  meals,  and  slang  was 
unheard  of  in  her  excellent  vocabulary.  Now 
she  is  a  habitual  peanut  muncher  and  she 
claims  Fronkie  Sinatra  sends  her  "out  of 
this  world."  She  seemed  to  have  a  hard 
time  at  first  taking  the  kidding  that  all  the 
members  of  this  department  bond  out  so 
generously,  but  now  she's  three  jumps  ahead 
of  them  all  the  time  and  believe  me,  they 
have  trouble  keeping  up  with  her.  We  like 
the  new  Helen  a  lot  better  than  the  first  one 
we  hod  and  we  hope  she  has  a  swell  vaca- 
tion and  comes  back  "on  the  beam." 

Ice  cream  bars  to  COYE  SLIGH,  CARO- 
CLARISSA  RIDDLE  who  make  up  the  best 
dog-goned  steno  pool  a  department  ever 

We've  got  a  new  system  for  answering 
letters  from  LLOYD  LOOMER,  RALPH  DAR- 
LING, etc.,  who  are  now  in  the  Armed 
Forces.  We  pass  around  the  letters  we  re- 
ceive from  them,  attached  to  blank  sheets 
of  paper  and  each  person  who  reads  their 
letters,  jots  down  a  note  as  it's  fresh  in  his 
mind.  It  works  just  dandy  folks,  and  keeps 
our  boys  from   being  too   lonesome. 

In  case  anyone  asks  what  kind  of  a  noise 
annoys  an  oyster — just  tell  'em  that  a  noisy 
noise  annoys  an  oyster.  PETER  VANDER- 
SLOOT'S  little  daughter,  Karen,  taught  that 
to    him. 

—  22- 

iFlashes  From  Fuselage 

by  Bettie  Murren 

Gee!  Three  Generations 

As  I've  missed  the  last  two  issues,  some 
of  this  news  may  be  a  little  old,  but  it's 
still  news  of  our  people  in  Fuselage  and  of 
course  good  news  never  gets  too  old.  Just 
a  feeble  excuse.  I  did  have  a  very  good 
reason  for  missing  the  first,  the  very  best, 
but  on  the  second  issue  all  I  can  say  is  I 
forgot,  so  now  that  the  apology  is  over, 
on  with  the  gossip. 

ELINOR  DANYLUK  returned  to  her  home 
in  Minnesota  to  be  with  her  mother,  who 
is  in  ill  health.  We  all  hope  she  will  be 
able  to  return  soon  as  we  miss  her  sunny 

SARINE  VAN  DERMARK  has  re-enlist- 
ed in  the  WACS.  She  has  a  wonderful  op- 
portunity for  training  as  an  X-ray  tech- 
nician. She  has  left  for  training  in  Georgia 
and  hopes  to  go  overseas  in  about  four 

We're  bidding  farewell  to  some  of  our 
schoolboys,  too,  namely,  BILL  DAWSON, 
ERIC  SCOTT  and  ROLLIN  WEBB.  Bill  Daw- 
son played  on  the  Ryan  Softball  team  and 
was  quite  good,  too,  from  all  reports.  He 
will  continue  in  sports  in  high  school.  Ron- 
ald Makinson  will  be  going  to  Virginia  with 
his  parents  where  his  father  has  been  trans- 
ferred by  the  navy.  To  all  of  them  we  say 
"the  best  of  everything."  They  have  done 
a  good  job  and  we  all  know  what  summer 
vacation   means   to    1 6-year-olds. 

We  extend  our  best  wishes  to  our  fore- 
man, MOOSE  SIRATON,  and  MRS.  SIRA- 
TON,  on  the  celebration  of  their  fourth 
wedding  anniversary.  They  spent  a  short 
vocation   in   L.  A. 

The  Department  welcomes  some  new- 
comers, too.  Some  came  from  the  school 
in  Balboa  Park  and  others  from  other  air- 
craft plants:  BONNIE  BALLARD,  BETTIE 

TOMMY  GARRETT  has  left  for  the  army 
and  Fuselage  bade  him  goodbye  at  a  beach 
party.  Everyone  tells  me  they  had  a  swell 
time,  sorry  I  missed  it.  Mary  tells  me  Tommy 
is  in  Washington  in  the  Engineer  Corps.  I 
know  Tommy  would  enjoy  hearing  from  all 
his  friends  at  Ryan  and  here  is  a  tip — you 
can  get  his  address  from  Mary  in  Dept.   10. 

GLENN  LOCKWOOD  transferred  from 
second  shift  to  take  Tommy's  place  as  lead- 
man.  Hope  he  doesn't  mind  that  getting 
up  so  early  because  we're  certainly  putting 
out  the  WELCOME  mot  for  him. 

Did  you  see  EDDIE  and  MRS.  CARVAJAL 
dance  in  the  Ryan  Revue?  Of  course  you  did, 
but  we  are  real  proud  of  them  and  this 
IS  just  a  way  of  telling  you  Fuselage  hod 
their  tag  on  them. 

SCOTTY  GALLEN'S  son,  Jackie,  a  for- 
mer Ryonite,  is  now  in  the  Merchant  Ma- 
rine and  is  seeing  service  on  the  Thomas 

MARY  UNDERWOOD  is  very  proud  of  her 
boy,  too.  He  graduates  from  Army  Air  Force 
training  this  month  and  will  be  awarded 
his  wings  and  commission. 

'Twould  appear  they're  happy  about  the  whole  thing,  and  why  not?  You'll  ogree 
that  three  generations  working  at  one  place  is  a  bit  unusual.  John  H.  Gee,  left,  father 
of  Al,  decided  to  leave  Nebraska  and  come  to  Son  Diego  to  help  in  the  war  effort. 
He's  been  in  the  Shipping  Department  for  nearly  a  year  now  and  plans  on  working 
here  for  the  duration.  Al  Gee,  center,  is  well  known  to  oil  Ryonites  as  our  genial 
Chief  of  Plont  Production.  Douglas  Gee,  right,  Al's  17-year-old  son,  worked  in  the 
Welding  Department  during  school  vacation  and  left  recently  to  resume  his  studies 
as  a  Senior  at  La  Jolla  High  School.  Guess  this  just  goes  to  show  thot  Ryan  is  one 
big  happy  family. 

DOROTHY  NOONER'S  son  just  gradu- 
ated also  and  has  gone  on  to  further  train- 
ing in  the  Air  Forces.  These  mothers  are  all 
very  proud  of  their  boys  and  we're  here  to 
say  congratulations  on  having  such  swell 

GLEN  LOVELADY  spent  his  vacation  up 
north  in  the  valley.  Came  back  very  tired, 
but  said  they  really  hod  on  enjoyable  trip 
and  that  it  was  good  and  hot.  Glen  and 
Mrs.  Lovelody  hove  had  the  pleasure  of  a 
visit  from  Glen's  cousin.  Chief  Radioman 
Mike  Lovelody,  who  just  returned  from  duty 

VIOLA  DRISCOL  was  very  happy  on  her 
birthday.  Her  husband  may  be  right  on  the 
firing  line,  but  he  wired  her  birthday  greet- 
ings from  France. 

ROSALIE  SALAZAR  is  now  21.  Saturday 
the  ninth  was  her  birthday.  We  wanted  to 
paddle  her,  but  we  took  pity  on  her  and 
didn't,  just  wished  her  happiness.  Funny, 
she   still   looks    18. 

MAY  RICHARDSON  is  all  thrilled  about 
moving  into  their  new  home.  I  think  it's 
about   ready   for  occupancy. 

You  should've  seen  BETTY  NEELEY  when 
she  received  the  Air  Medal  awarded  her 
husband,  Staff  Sgt.  Bud  Neely,  for  distin- 
guished service.  She  had  his  picture  here, 
too.  You  know,  folks,  I  don't  believe  Bettv 
minds  at  all  "taking  orders  from  a  sergeant." 
Not  if   I   read  her  smile  and  her  eyes  right. 

So  long  till  next  issue  and  hope  this  all 
has  been  news  to  you. 

—  23  — 

The  sweet-voiced  announcer  you  heor 
over  the  public  address  system  during 
the  second  shift  lunch  periods  is  Doro- 
thy Robbins  of  Tool  Control. 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

This  is  being  written  Sunday  night,  Sep- 
tember 10th,  beating  that  darned  "dead- 
line" In  a  photo  finish.  This  entire  day  I 
have  spent  at  the  plant,  watching  a  fine 
bunch  of  huskies  turning  out  some  special 
work  they  have  been  asked  to  do.  Could 
some  of  those  skeptics  who  write  and  talk 
of  letdown  In  war  work,  hove  seen  BILL 
WITZ  on  the  job  In  Pre-jig  area  today,  a 
lot  of  their  doubts  would  have  been  dis- 
pelled. JUNE  EDWARDS  looked  after  the 
schedules  and  kept  the  production  line  mov- 
ing, while  LELAND  LeFEBURE  shuffled  the 
putt-putt  bock  and  forth,  moving  materials 
and  packing  boxes.  Asked  about  the  broad 
smile  he  wore,  Leiand  explained  that  he  Is 
the  proud  father  of  a  new  boy. 

That  dependable  old  Texan,  JOHN 
OAKES,  had  a  justifying  reason  for  not  be- 
ing with  us  today.  It  was  his  only  chance 
to  spend  a  day  with  his  son,  home  on  fur- 
lough from  long  fighting  in  the  Southwest 

Others  of  our  department  could  be  seen 
throughout  the  plant.  As  to  how  much  work 
they  did,  I  cannot  say  of  my  own  knowl- 
edge, but  let's  give  them  the  full  credit 
and  take  it  for  granted  they  were  not  there 
just  for  the  fun  of  it. 

To  fill  the  vacancy  occurring  when 
CLAIRE  PERKINS  found  it  necessary  to  leave 
for  her  Idaho  home,  LOUISE  POWELL  has 
taken  over  the  stenographic  and  clerical 
work  in  Manifold  Dispatching  office.  By 
the  cheerful  and  efficient  manner  in  which 
she  is  doing  the  job,  she  is  fast  endearing 
herself  to  all  of  us. 

If  you  sometimes  wonder  at  the  smooth 
manner  in  which  "KEN"  KENWORTHY 
gets  by  with  his  follow-up  work  through 
the  various  departments,  perhaps  it  is  ex- 
plained by  his  having  spent  many  years 
in  a  political  position  in  the  county  engi- 
neering office  in  Kansas.  Experience,  even 
in  politics,  makes  for  proficiency,  you  know. 

RUTH  DAUGHERTY,  day  shift  dispatch- 
er in  Pre-jig,  has  been  absent  because  of 
illness  for  several  days.  LARRY  LYNCH  has 
stepped  into  the  breach  ond  is  cheerfully 
carrying  the  added  burden  and  doing  a 
nice  job.  Thanks,  Larry,  and  we  all  join 
you    in    hoping    for    Ruth's   early    return. 

Should  you  meet  CHARLIE  WELDEN  com- 
ing into  the  plant  for  second  shift,  I'll  lay 
you  odds  that  you  can  get  him  to  talk  a 
little  politics.  Should  you  not  core  for  that, 
by  handling  the  matter  just  right,  you  might 
get  him  to  put  in  a  "plug"  for  San  Diego 
and  Southern  California. 

TY  SATTERFIELD  is  just  another  farm- 
er at  heart.  He  talks  of  how  nice  it  will  be, 
when  peace  returns  to  our  nation,  to  build 
a  little  rural  home  and  raise  chickens,  fruit 
and   vegetables. 

At  breakfast  in  the  Cafeteria  area  the 
other  morning,  JOE  McCOY  reminisced  about 
his  former  haberdashery  business  in  Akron, 
Ohio,  and  spoke  longingly  of  the  time  when 
this  war  will  be  ended.  But  methinks  it 
doubtful  that  Joe  will  leave  California  to 
return   to  Akron. 

A  recent  letter  from  JERRY  RYAN  our 
former  columnist  now   in  the  army,  tells  all 

about  his  interesting  work  in  the  Physical 
Training  department.  He  sends  "kind 
thoughts  to  all  the  boys  and  girls"  at  Ryan. 
You  who  knew  and  liked  Jerry,  take  time 
to  write  him,  at  Physical  Training  Depart- 
ment, ATB,  Camp  Bradford,  NOB,  Norfolk, 
I  1,  Virginia.  One  of  his  brothers  was  killed 
in  action  and  another  seriously  wounded 
in  June  of  this  year.  Let's  all  hit  the  line 
hard  and  hasten  the  end  of  this  war. 

In  the  Jig  area,  ONITA  ENGEL  and 
JOYCE  DONALDSON  are  doing  a  swell  job, 
so  pleasantly  and  cheerfully  that  it  is  al- 
ways good  to  stop  by  when  the  shifts  ore 
changing  for  a  word  with  them. 

BOB  JONES,  our  guest  writer  for  last 
issue,  is  now  taking  that  well-earned  vaca- 
tion. Must  have  been  that  CARL  HUTCH- 
INGS  talked  so  enthusiastically  about  his 
vocation  that  he   sold   Bob  on  the   idea. 

JOE  FEILER  has  transferred  his  activities 
from  Tack  and  Trim  to  Drop  Hammer,  but 
was  back  at  the  old  stand  tonight  helping 
"SARGE"    CONWAY   handle   the   job   there. 

RALPH  FLANDERS  is  going  to  be  away 
for  a  few  days,  starting  tomorrow.  Make 
it  snappy,  Ralph,  for  we  don't  wont  to  be 
too  long  without  your  protection  from  that 
second   "Simon   Legree,"    HAP. 

On  the  third  shift,  the  three  musketeers, 
BELL  are  still  doing  the  job  and  keeping 
them  rolling.  Strange  as  it  may  seem  to 
day  workers,  those  fellows  seem  to  enjoy 
that  shift  and  are  always  ready  with  a 
hearty  greeting  and  a  broad  smile,  when 
the   day   shifters   come   to   take   over. 

DON  MARON,  who  has  been  doing  second 
shift  work  in  the  Tail  Pipe  area,  has  now 
transferred  to  the  first  shift.  Don  is  taking 
over  as  our  transportation  expert  in  all 
Pre-jig  areas  and  is  doing  a  swell  job  of 
keeping  material  and  par^s  in  their  right 
places.  All  Pre-jig  workers  welcome  you, 

Methods  Engineering 

by  J.  B.  Williams 

Jimmy  Bryan  of  the  Fuselage  Depart- 
ment has  been  on  the  job  for  21  months 
and  nary  absent  a  day.  That's  what 
we  call  a  good  record,  Jimmy. 

—  24  — 

Immediately  after  work  on  Saturday,  Sep- 
tember 2,  cars  were  loaded  with  all  the 
refreshments  and  eats  necessary  for  a  beach 
party,  which  was  held  near  Ocean  Beach  pier. 
Upon  arriving,  we  determined  o  good  loca- 
tion and  proceeded  to  drive  one  of  the 
heavily  loaded  cars  down  into  the  sand,  after 
which  on  enjoyable  two  hours  were  spent  in 
trying  to  remove  the  car  to  a  sound  footing. 
At  least  we  were  thankful  that  we  hod  tried 
the  experiment  with  only  one  car. 

Several  huge  bonfires  started  the  festiv- 
ities with  weinie  roasts,  and  the  appetites 
certainly  indicated  the  food  was  excellent. 

But  that  is  not  oil  the  fun.  The  evening 
was  permeated  with  songs  and  dancing,  espe- 
cially as  night  fell  upon  the  group.  They 
gathered  around  the  fires  and  song  oil  the 
old  and  new  songs  in  a  typical  "Community 
Sing,"  blending  their  voices  in  a  grand  array 
of  harmony  that  would  cause  many  opera 
choruses  to  bow  their  heads  in  shame.  Many 
played  games  of  all  sorts,  some  enjoyed 
swimming,  while  others  had  a  lot  of  fun 
wading  in  the  water. 

As  the  evening  drew  to  a  close,  all  the 
people  felt  they  hod  hod  a  wonderful  time 
and  gave  a  vote  of  thanks  to  everyone  who 
contributed  to  the  gala  affair  hoping  our 
next  party  comes  soon. 


The  Methods  Engineering  Deportment 
welcomes  into   its  organization: 

Time  Study  Clerical   Section: 

Tennie  Alexander 

Marjic  Love 

Beryl   Allman 

Virginia  Syers 

Mary   Bilben 

Mary   Metz 

Freida  Finney 

Shirley  Bracket 
Procedures   Section: 

John  Vought 

Clif  Muzzy 

Louise  Knobel 
Department  Clerk: 

Sharon    Thompson     (Welcome    back!) 
Production   Methods  Section; 

Ed  Bascom 

Bill  Wilson 

Josephine  Hermanns 

Howord  Stonecipher 

Jean   Holmes 

Glynn  Shaffer 
Time  Study  Section: 

Dorothy  French 

Frank  Sleeper 

We  regret  to  announce  the  serious  illness 
of  our  co-worker  ond  Standards  Section  su- 
pervisor, O.  E.  McCRAY.  We  wish  him  a 
speedy  recovery  and  his  return  to  us  as  soon 
OS   his   health    permits. 

We  regret  the  temporary  loss  of  our 
esteemed  co-worker,  DOTTIE  DUNSTON, 
who  is  our  department  columnist  for  Flying 
Reporter.  Sudden  illness  compelled  her  to 
take  0  leove  of  absence,  and  until  she  re- 
gains her  health,  we  will  miss  her  kind  and 
gentle  encouragement  that  is  a  shining  guide 
in  helping  others. 


No.    5 
No.    7- 

Marjorie  Steverding 

Marjorie  Bolas  (On  vacation) 

Many  of  our  Inspectors  are  on  vocations 
or  getting  ready  to  go.  MARJORIE  BOLAS 
is  at  Lal<e  Arrowhead  and  promised  to  send 
back  her  notes  from  that  well-known  va- 
cation ground.  We  understand  when  one 
gets  away  from  the  usual  routine  that  one's 
mind  is  not  prone  to  dwell  on  more  serious 
matters.  No  hard  feelings  Margie,  for  you 
have  always  come  through  faithfully.  We 
would  like  to  hear  about  vacation  highlights. 

CRIB  No.  3 — J.  R.  KENNEDY  is  now 
teaching  at  San  Diego  High  School  halftime 
and  working  in  Crib  No.  3  the  remaining 
works  hours   in  the  day. 

Leadmon  JIM  RING  is  back  from  his  va- 
cation and  during  that  time  he  moved  into 
a  new  home  in  La  Mesa.  More  power  to  you, 
Jim.  Do  you  know  of  any  more  new  homes? 

CARMACK  BERRYMAN,  an  employee  of 
Ryan  for  four  years  has  recently  accepted 
a  coaching  job  at  Pacific  Beach  Junior  High 
School.  He  has  coached  winning  teams  here 
at  the  plant  and  has  been  a  first  ranking 
champion  in  tennis,  baseball  and  many  oth- 
er company  sports.  Magnetic  Inspection  has 
lost  a  capable  leadmon,  but  our  teaching 
field  is  also  badly  in  need  of  good  coaches. 
Good   luck  to  you.  Coach   Berrymon. 


CLARE  SKINNER  has  added  barbering  to 
her  other  accomplishments  as  she  cut  her 
little  girl's  pretty  curls  off  the  other  day  and 
claims  she  did  a  good  job  at  that. 

A  new  and  good  worker  is  KAY  TRUAX, 
even  if  she  is  only  as  big  as  a  pint  of  cider. 

We  ore  all  going  to  miss  ELENORE 
BLACK  around  here  as  she  is  leaving  for 
Long  Beach. 

BERNICE  PENSE  is  certainly  o  tireless 
worker  who  does  her  share  and  more,  help- 
ing   in   this  war  effort. 

GERTRUDE  GALL  loves  her  work  and 
doesn't  core  who   knows   it. 

RODNEY  RAILSBACK  is  such  a  hot 
papa,  he  carries  ice  around  to  keep  cool. 
P.S.  Don't  shake  hands  with  him  or  you'll 
know  what   I    mean. 

MARY  ANN  FORNES  is  still  complaining 
about  those  "butterflies."  I  think  they  ore 

PAPPY  GRIMES'  tomato  plants  are  get- 
ting bigger  and  taller  every  day  and  the 
samples  he  brings  us  ore  really  delicious. 

We  are  all  glad  to  see  MARIAN  PAPINI, 
and  her  hubby  back  from  their  well-earned 

IRENE  JUENGAR  has  that  for  away  look 
in    here    eye    these    days.    That    Navy    boy    I 

Capt.  C.  1.  Helber 
Hssumes  neui  Post 

Captain  C.  L.  Helber,  newly-appointed 
Navy  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  Representative 
for  the  Son  Diego  area  is  no  newcomer  to 
the  aviation  field  as  his  post  17  years  have 
been  concentrated  on  aeronautics. 

Captain  Helber  replaces  Captain  C.  M. 
Huntington  who  recently  left  for  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.,  where  he  will  be  manager  of 
the  naval  aircraft  factory. 

The  Annapolis  graduating  doss  of  1922 
was  the  one  from  which  Captain  Helber 
started  on  his  Naval  career.  His  aeronautical 
background  began  with  flight  training  at 
Pensocolo,  Flo.,  followed  by  I  1  years  in  the 
Navy  Aircraft  factory  yards  at  Philadelphia, 
a  year  and  o  half  aboard  the  U.S.S.  Lexing- 
ton and  five  years  in  the  Bureau  of  Aero- 
nautics at  Washington,    D.   C. 

Lt.  Comdr.  R.  O.  Deitzer,  Bureau  of 
Aeronautics  Resident  Representative  here 
at  Ryan  served  with  Captain  Helber  on  the 
gallant  U.S.S.  Lexington,  the  carrier  sunk  by 
the  Japs  in  the  South  Pacific. 

sow  her  with  at  the  Rendezvous  Room  may 
have  something  to  do  with   it. 

I  made  the  pleasant  discovery  attending 
the  Ryan  Show  at  Russ  Auditorium  lost  Sat- 
urday nite,  that  we  have  some  wonderful 
talent  here  in  our  midst.  I  think  all  of  us 
who  sow  it  will  agree  that  BETTY  STURTE- 
VANT'S  Hawaiian  Dance  was  really  a  work 
of  art,  but  she  should  know  quite  a  bit  about 
rhythm  having  spent  over  5  years  on  the 
Islands.  Also  MAYDALENE  RUHNOUS  and 
her  Drum  dance  was  really  super.  I  hope  a 
talent  scout  was  in  the  audience. 

LARRY  ANDERSON  will  be  bock  with  us 
(we  hope  I  by  the  time  this  issue  is  out  al- 
tho  the  night  shift  is  sure  trying  hard  to  lure 
him  away  from  us. 

—  25  — 

Shipping  Notes 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

Addifions — How  fortunate  we  are  in  hav- 
ing four  such  splendid  new  members  added 
to  our  department.  First  we  hove  CHARLES 
PETTY,  a  toll,  handsome  lad  who  just  grad- 
uated from  a  high  school  in  Los  Angeles 
where  he  spent  the  last  year  and  a  half. 
Originally  he  is  from  Fort  Worth,  Texas, 
and  his  ambition  is  to  become  an  eye,  ear, 
nose  and  throat  specialist.  From  his  appear- 
ance we  believe  he  would  moke  a  very  be- 
commg  doctor.  Second,  we  introduce  DORIS 
ANNE  MOORE  with  that  strong  Texas  ac- 
cent— really  solid!  She  is  from  Lockhart, 
Texas,  and  her  reason  for  being  here  isn't 
exactly  original.  She  came  to  San  Diego 
seven  months  ago  to  be  with  her  husband, 
who  is  a  corpsman  in  the  Naval  Hospital. 
Third,  we  hove  RUTH  LANGE,  a  real  city 
girl  since  she  is  from  Chicago,  and  has 
spent  a  great  deal  of  her  time  in  New  York. 
Her  husband,  a  navy  man,  is  in  Amphibious 
training    at    Coronado. 

Our  fourth  newcomer  is  Inspector  FRAN- 
CES KLITSCH  from  Mason  City,  Iowa.  Any- 
one else  around  here  from  there?  Maybe 
you  can  get  together  and  swap  yarns  about 
the  home  state.  Her  husband  works  right 
here  at  Ryan  in  the  laboratories.  Isn't  she 
0  lucky  gal?  Our  other  inspector,  MAYDA- 
LENE RUHNOW,  is  taking  a  two-weeks 
leave  and  upon  her  return  will  be  checking 
into  a  new  deportment.  We  consider  this 
quite  a  loss  and  will  miss  her  cheery  smile 
and  gay  personality!  Here's  hoping  ELEA- 
NOR DUCHENE  will  be  with  us  soon.  EIpc- 
nor  has  been  absent  due  to  ill  health  and 
we  wont  her  to  get  well  and  stay  that  way 
because  the  road  to  health  is  the  road  to 

Vacations — The  captain  of  our  crew  in 
Shipping,  TOMMY  GETZ,  took  his  week's 
withdrawal  from  plant  routine  during  the 
first  week  of  September.  We  hope  he  was 
different  from  the  ordinary  vacationer  and 
really  took  full  advantage  of  the  opportun- 
ity to  relax.  DORACE  WEST,  we  discovered 
to  our  dismay,  come  bock  to  the  plant  to 
rest  up  after  her  vocation.  It  seems  her  am- 
bitious nature  overpowered  and  inspired  her 
to  varnish  the  kitchen  and  bathroom  floors 
of     her     home. 

The  bowling  Shipperettes  hove  a  new 
name!  The  team  now  consists  of  four  girls 
and  one  fellow  so  they  coll  it  "Shipping 
Spares."  There  is  ERNESTINE  LAWSON, 
VIEVE LATTMAN  (Jack's  wife,  who  from 
all  reports,  is  very  nice  and  loads  of  fun!) 
and  CHARLES  PAXTON  (the  Cafeteria 
Plaza  ice  cream  "salesman").  Credit  for 
the  clever  title  goes  to  our  quick-witted 
friend   PAUL   ERASER. 

Time  out  here  to  give  a  certain  quiet, 
hard-working  girl  a  pot  on  the  bock.  She 
faithfully  enters  the  plant  each  morning 
with  the  same  purpose  in  mind — to  accom- 
plish OS  much  that  day  as  she  possibly  can. 
She  works  alone  most  of  the  time,  packing 
steadily  and  neatly.  It's  a  privilege  to  have 
such  a  fine  worker  among  us.  You  all  know 
who  it  is — Miss  MILLY  BORNSCHEIN.  Our 
hats  off  to  you,  Milly! 


Recreational  Director,  Paul  Ted  ford 


By  the  time  this  issue  of  the  Flying  Re- 
porter greets  the  public,  Ryan  participation 
in  Softball  will  practically  be  over  for  the 
year.  For  most  of  the  leagues  in  the  Asso- 
ciation will  have  completed  their  schedules 
and  championship  playoffs  should  be  out 
of  the  way. 

As  this  article  goes  to  press,  the  keenest 
Ryan  interest  lies  in  the  fate  of  Newall 
Carlton's  All-Stars  of  the  A  league,  who 
are  battling  for  the  championship  of  their 
loop.  Winners  of  the  first  round  of  play, 
the  All-Stars  dropped  their  first  of  the  two- 
out-of-three  playoff  games  with  the  Fire 
Dept.,  second  round  winners.  The  score  was 
6  to  4,  and  it  is  our  opinion  that  a  little 
better  orbiting  would  have  resulted  in  a 
win  for  Carlton's  boys.  The  All-Stars  had 
the  bases  clogged  in  the  ninth  and  only 
one  out,  when  on  umpire's  ruling  resulted  in 
a  game-ending  double  play,  on  just  about 
the  most  dubious  play  we  have  ever  wit- 

The  All-Stars  are  after  the  next  two 
games,  however,  and  may  well  bring  home 
the  bacon  behind  Speedy  Cole's  twirling. 

Ryan  Tooling,  Ryan  Receiving  and  Ryan 
Shipping  teams  are  all  playing  good  ball  in 
the  other  loops  and  have  two  or  three  games 
left  before  winding   up  the  season. 

Joe  Woggner  has  concluded  one  of  the 
finest  Softball  seasons  as  helmsman  of  the 
Nite  Shift  club.  Winning  30  out  of  38  con- 
tests, the  Nite  Shift  softballers  are  turning 
to  baseball  as  the  winter  Nite  Shift  league 
starts  play  very  shortly. 


neyed  to  the  San  Diego  Country  Club  and 
came  off  with  the  honors  in  a  tight  battle 
with  Solar  golfers.  This  was  a  handicap 
match  play  tourney  and  the  final  score 
showed  1 3  points  for  Ryan  as  against  1  1 
points  for  Solar. 

September  1  7  saw  the  windup  of  the  Ryan 
summer  72-hole  handicap  tournament  with 
nearly  40  golfers  entered.  Results  will  be 
forthcoming  in  the  next  issue  of  this  maga- 

GbH  nenii 

M.  M.  Clancy,  commissioner  of  Ryan  golf, 
has  an  active  season  ahead  lined  up  for 
the  wielders  of  mashie  and  niblick  at  Ryan. 
The  big  news  of  the  moment  is  that  a  huge 
Aircraft  Match  Play  Tourney  is  scheduled 
for  the  end  of  this  month  or  the  first  of 
October.  This  is  to  be  open  to  all  aircraft 
workers  with  an  expected  entry  of  some 
300  players  from  the  various  aircraft  plants. 

War  Bonds  and  War  Stamps  will  be  the 
awards  to  the  winners  in  this  handicap 
event.  Qualifying  rounds  will  be  carded  at 
La  Jolla  and  La  Mesa  with  the  grand  fi- 
nals at  Chula  Vista.  This  is  open  to  all  golf- 
ers here  at  Ryan,  and  they  should  contact 
M.   M.   Clancy  for  entry   in   the   tourney. 

Sundoy,  Sept.  24,  will  see  a  strong  field 
of  Ryan  tee  artists  doing  battle,  for  two 
matches  have  been  arranged  for  this  dote. 
At  Chula  Vista  on  eight-man  all-star  team 
will  play  0  return  dote  with  the  men  of 
Rohr.  This  will  be  match  ploy.  A  team  of 
Ryan  golfers  with  20  to  30  handicaps  will 
do  battle  on  the  same  day  with  a  team 
from  Solar. 

On  August  27,  Clancy  and  his  boys  jour- 

Sport  Chatter 

It's  good  news  that's  forthcoming  from 
ROY  CUNNINGHAM,  commissioner  of  ping 
pong  who,  following  a  meeting  with  a 
tournament  committee  last  week,  tells  of 
the  table  tennis  tourney  starting  in  Octo- 
ber. Divisions  for  both  sexes  and  for  the 
top-flight  player  and  the  novice  will  mean 
plenty  of  keen  rivalry  for  the  different 
classes.   You'll   have   plenty  of  entries,    Roy. 

As  announced  over  the  P. A.  system,  en- 
tries for  the  Tenth  Annual   Horse  Show  and 

Gymkhana  of  the  La  Jolla  Bridle  Paths  Assn. 
must  be  turned  into  Employee  Service  before 
Sept.  24th.  It  looks  like  a  most  successful 
event,  and  wouldn't  it  be  nice  if  Ryan  horses 
and  owners  walked  off  with  some  of  the 

We're  glod  to  see  so  many  swingshifters 
soaring  over  the  glassy  surface  of  the 
Glacier  Gardens  every  Monday  and  Wednes- 
day from  midnight  to  3:30  a.  m.  The  skat- 
ing parties  on  these  days  are  exclusively 
for  swingshifters,  and  whether  or  not  you 
have  your  own  skates,  new  recruits  are  most 
welcome  to  these  sessions.  So,  get  in  the 
swing   and   join   the   fun. 

Just  a  note  to  all  Ryan  employees.  What- 
ever your  interest  along  any  line  of  recrea- 
tion, be  it  on  active  or  passive  sport  or 
hobby,  be  sure  and  drop  in  to  Employee 
Service  and  see  Paul  Tedford.  This  depart- 
ment wonts  to  place  everyone  interested  in 
anything  in  some  organized  group.  If  no 
group  has  been  organized  in  your  activity 
yet,  it  con  be  if  you  make  your  interest 

Ten  good  men  and  true  .  .  .  the  Ryan  All-Star  Softball  team,  first-round  winners 
of  the  Industrial  A.  League  who  line-up  for  the  camera  man  prior  to  doing  battle 
with  the  Fire  Department  for  championship  honors.  Rear  row,  I  to  r:  Art  Dewar, 
Speedy  Cole,  Johnny  Reese,  Bill  Reese,  Joe  Love.  Front  row,  I  to  r:  Sammy  Gilbert, 
C.  B.  Curtis,  Olie  Olson,  Terry  Kelt,  and  Lou  Dunfee.  Missing  from  the  group  is 
Newall  Carlton,  peerless  pilot  of  the  All-Stars. 

—  26  — 

Jigs  and  FiKtures 

After  1  8  weeks  of  friendly  rivalry,  much- 
enjoyed  sociability,  and  good-notured  ban- 
ter, the  Ryan  Summer  Bowling  League  drew 
to  a  close  September  7th.  Unofficial  figures 
released  after  the  final  match  reveal  the 
Jigs  and  Fixtures  as  champions  just  nosing 
out  the  Contract  Engineers,  who  ended  up 
in  second  place  followed  closely  by  the  Tail 
Winds  and  Wood  Shop  Fives. 

Horry  Graham  captained  the  winning 
team,  the  members  of  which  were  Bill  Dany- 
luk.  Art  Behm,  Charlie  Rice,  and  Clif  Hay- 
worth.  Bill  Berry  was  the  leader  of  the  sec- 
ond place  Contract  Engineers. 

Prize  winners  for  high  team  and  individ- 
ual honors  have  not  as  yet  been  announced, 
but  will  appear  in  the  next  Flying  Reporter. 

Here's  how  they  finished: 

Won  Lost 

Jigs  and   Fixtures    55  21 

Contract   Engineers    54  22 

Toil    Winds     51  25 

Wood  Shop 49  27 

Putt  Putts 48  28 

Shipping    46  30 

Plant  Engineers 45  31 

Maintenance      44  32 

Tool    Room    43  33 

Pin  Topplers 43  33 

Experimental 42  34 

Laboratory     41  35 

Production   Control    38  38 

Pin  Savers 33  43 

Macs 30  46 

Low   L  Q 28  48 

Flight  Test    20  56 

Shipperettes     19  57 

Live    Five     18  58 

Manifold    Engineering    13  63 

The  Score  Board 

The  Ryan  All-Stars  played  their  best  ball 
of  the  season  at  Golden  Hills  before  a  large 
crowd  on  Sunday,  September  3,  when  aided 
by  the  excellent  pitching  performance  of 
Erv  Marlett,  the  Club  defeated  the  strong 
ABG-2  nine  (winners  of  the  Summer 
League)   by  a  score  of  3  to  1  . 

The  Ryan  All-Stars,  with  Bill  Billings  at 
the  helm,  aren't  fooling  in  this  the  third 
round  of  the  County  Manager's  Baseball 
Association  play.  They  figure  that  there's 
only  one  place  with  which  to  be  satisfied 
and  that's  the  top  spot. 

The  first  game  in  this  round,  on  Sunday, 
Sept.  10,  saw  Bill  send  his  ace  right-hander, 
Erv  Marlette,  to  the  mound  against  the  Navy 
Field  All-Stars,  and  this  smart  elbower 
twirled  his  best  game  of  the  year,  and  won, 
5  to  1. 

Marlette  struck  out  six  men  in  the  first 
two  innings  and  racked  up  a  total  of  18 
strikeouts  as  he  allowed  but  two  scratch 
hits  and  one  other  solid  single  while  his 
teammates  were  gleaning  seven  hits  and 
five  tallies  over  the  route.  The  big  right- 
hander had  a  no-hitter  through  the  sixth 

Playing  nearly  flawless  ball,  the  All-Stars 
missed  no  scoring  opportunities,  and  cashed 
in  on  every  bit  of  Bill's  canny  strategy.  Jack 
Marlette  and  Jack  Billings  were  the  offen- 
sive stars  of  the  day,  while  Outfielder  Pat- 
terson crossed  the  platter  on  three  occa- 
sions, racking  up  three  sack  thefts  in  the 

The  All-Stars  will  be  the  team  to  beat 
in  this  round  of  ploy,  and  ore  playing  the 
type  of  ball  that  is  deserving  plenty  of  sup- 
port from   Ryan   baseball    fans. 

The  San  Diego  County  Managers  Asso- 
ciation Sunday  League,  the  schedule  of 
which  appears  in  the  Sunday  papers,  has 
been  organized  with  10  good  ball  clubs  en- 
tered,  which  will   assure  everyone  of  an  oc- 

Lunch  Time  Exercise 

ceptable  brand  of  baseball  on  Sunday  after- 
noons. The  Club  has  been  strengthened  con- 
siderably in  the  past  five  weeks  by  the  addi- 
tion of  such  players  as  Bob  Brown,  UCLA 
star  shortstop;  Red  Mathies,  Naval  Air  Sta- 
tion; Johnny  Carres  of  Engineering,  whose 
hitting  has  been  something  to  rave  about; 
Mel  Nanez,  formerly  with  Bakersfield,  and 
Paul  Tedford,  who  is  desperately  trying  to 
get  into  shape  to  assist  the  club  in  the 
pitching    department. 


In  a  return  match  with  the  Rohr  Air- 
craft Company,  the  Ryan  Tennis  team 
avenged  a  former  defeat  by  losing  but  a 
single  match  while  garnering  a  6-1  win 
at  the  Municipal  Courts,  Sunday,  Septem- 
ber  10. 

It  was  the  farewell  appearance  for  Car- 
mock  Berryman  and  Howard  Smith,  who 
have  been  our  Ryan  team  mainstays  for 
some  time.  Berryman  is  now  teaching  at 
Pacific  Beach  Junior  High,  while  also  doing 
his  turn  on  our  night  shift,  and  Howard 
Smith  is  completing  his  course  at  San  Diego 
State  College.  Their  loss  will  be  greatly 
felt  in  future  matches. 

Berryman  displayed  a  brilliant  array  of 
shots  in  disposing  of  Howard  Folsom,  re- 
cent winner  of  the  Industrial  tournament. 
Smith  played  a  fine  and  steady  gome  in 
turning  back  hard-hitting  Paul  Henneberg 
after  a  long  tussle.  Bill  Baldwin  and  P.  All- 
dred  also  won  their  matches. 

The    Results: 

Berryman  (Ry)  defeated  Folsom  (Ro) 
6-4,   6-2. 

Smith  (Ry)  defeated  Henneberg  (Ro) 
6-4,   10-8. 

Baldwin  (Ry)  defeated  Dogan  (Ro)  6-1 

Alldred  IRy)  defeated  Johnson  (Ro)  7-5, 

Speed  (Ro)  defeated  Alderson  (Ry)  9-7, 


Smith  and  Berryman  (Ry)  defeated  Fol- 
some  and  Henneberg    (Ro)    6-1,   6-4. 

Alldred  and  Garinger  (Ry)  defeated  Pa- 
gan and  Johnson    (Ro)   9-7,  6-2. 

— Bill    Baldwin. 


One  of  the  most  popular  and  certainly  the  best  patronized  sports  on  our  recreational 
program  is  ping  pong.  Here,  we  see  a  typical  lunch-period  bit  of  rivalry  on  the  six 
fine  tables  beside  the  fire-station.  More  employees  enjoy  this  sport  than  any  other 
at  Ryan,  and  rivalries  are  many  and  keen — and  exercise  plenty! 

—  27  — 

Team  In  Tourney 

Ryan  has  a  team  entered  in  the  National 
Telegraphic  Bowling  Tournament  to  be 
rolled  September  30th.  Trophies  in  this 
nation-wide  event  will  be  awarded  winning 
teams  and  to  bowlers  rolling  the  high  indi- 
vidual  scores. 

Bowlers  representing  Ryan  include  Jim 
Key,  Cliff  Baker,  Ed  Sly,  Charlie  LeClaire 
and  Carl  Hutter,  with  W.  C.  Durant  as  alter- 

PitcKer  Orvcl   Hall   of  the   Ryan   Shippers,   newest  addition    in   the    Industrial    League 
Softball,  not  only  twills  well  —  this  shot  caught   Hall   booming   a   double  to   left. 

Winter  Leagues  Off 

Wow — clear  the  lanes  for  strong  men  and 
pretty  girls  from  the  Ryan  Co.  The  winter 
bowling  season  sees  leagues  galore  sprout- 
ing out  on  every  side.  A  quick  glance  at  the 
coming    season    shows    the    following; 

No  less  than  28  teams  will  face  the  foul 
line  every  Tuesday  night  at  the  Tower  bowl 
from  now  through  March  13,  1945,  in  the 
Ryan  Winter  Mixed  Bowling  League.  This 
league  comprises  1  68  bowlers  from  the  day 

The  officers  for  the  season  include  Lon 
Humphrey,  president;  Joe  Love,  vice  presi- 
dent;   Millie   Merritt,    secretary. 

At  the  Hillcrest  alleys,  an  overflow  of 
eight  teams,  nearly  50  bowlers,  will  fulfill 
the  same  schedule  in  an  eight-team  league. 

Two  teams  from  the  day  shift  will  roll  in 
the  City  Industrial  League,  as  will  one  team 
from  the  night  shift.  At  least  one  all-girls 
team  is  to  roll  in  a  newly-formed  Girls'  In- 
dustrial League.  Two  mixed-foursomes  from 
the  night  shift  are  to  roll  in  a  new  swing- 
shift  league. 

Then,  there's  a  1  0-team  Nite  Shift  League 
under  way. 

From  the  day  shift,  we  find  the  TRl 
league  growing  with  leaps  and  bounds.  Bowl- 
ing once  a  week  at  4:45  p.m.  at  the  Tower, 
this  league  has  been  made  up  of  six  three- 
man  teams,  but  latest  reports  indicate  that 
at  least  16  trios  will  mace  the  pins  through- 
out the  winter. 

M.  M.  Clancy,  bowling  commissioner, 
Lon  Humphrey,  Jim  Atwill,  Glenn  Miller  and 
Millie  Merritt  ore  all  embroiled  in  the  or- 
ganization of  these  various  leagues  and  have 
done  a  bang-up  job  of  getting  things  roll- 
ing   (no  pun) . 

pletion  of  the  tourney  which  will  be  an  elimi- 
nation event. 

Commissioner  of  ping  pong,  Roy  Cun- 
ningham, is  in  charge  of  the  tournament  as- 
sisted by  a  committee  comprised  of  Jim  At- 
will,  Don  Wasser,  Frank  Finn,  and  Paul  Ted- 

Complete  rules  of  play  and  drawings  will 
be  posted  both  inside  and  outside  the  Fire 
Station  prior  to  the  opening  date,  October  1  . 

Table  Tennis 

The  heat  will  be  on  the  ping  pong  tables 
starting  October  1st  as  the  Annual  Table 
Tennis  Tournament  gets  under  way  at  Ryan. 
Entries  will  be  received  until  September  25 
either  in  the  Fire  Station  or  at  the  Outside 
Activities  Desk.  Winners  in  the  singles  and 
doubles  will  be  awarded  trophies  at  the  com- 

"You're  working  nice.  Speedy,  boy," 
soys  Catcher  Johnny  Reese  to  the  Ryan 
All-Star  Club  ace  hurler.  Speedy  Cole. 
This  star  battery  was  snapped  as  the 
All-Star  club  battled  the  Fire  Depart- 
ment recently  for  championship  honors 
in  the  Industrial  Softball  A  League. 
Speedy  doesn't  look  very  worried,  does 

—  28  — 

One  cannot  realize  the  many  changes 
that  take  place  until  they  are  away  for 
a  few  days.  .  .  .  Looking  over  in  General 
Accounting  way  .  .  I  missed  EILEEN  EL- 
ROD  .  .  sister  JENNY  HUTTON  informed 
me  she  is  convalescing  in  Chicago  after  a 
recent  throat  operation  .  .  Eileen  is  just 
on  leave,  we  will  be  seeing  her  sunny  face 
again  soon  .  .  To  those  who  would  like  to 
write,   Eileen's  address  is: 

Miss  Eileen  EIrod 
1131    N  Street 
Bedford,    Indiana 

While  Eileen  is  away  we  are  happy  to 
welcome  CONNIE  NIEHAUS  who  is  render- 
ing her  services  to  MR.  HOFFMAN.  .  .  . 
Connie,  a  bride  of  five  months,  is  from  In- 
dianapolis, Indiana  .  .  .  hubby  is  on  Ensign 
in  the  Navy  .  .  PAT  EDWARDS  from  Traf- 
fic is  bock  after  a  two  month  sick  leave  .  . 
welcome  stranger!  RUTH  MITCHELL  .  .  that 
pretty  little  blond  in  General  Accounting  .  . 
has  moved  .  .  desk  and  all  .  .  into  Tabu- 
lating .  .  .  RUTH  WARD  has  joined  the 
graveyard  shift  replacing  FEROL  REYNOLDS 
who  left  Tab  to  be  with  her  husband  in  the 
service  .  .  .  BETTY  SELLAR  back  from  her 
vacation  telling  about  the  big  fish  they 
didn't  catch  .  .  seems  they  went  down  En- 
senado  way  .  .  deep  sea  fishing  .  .  but  as  it 
turned  out  .  .  they  went  for  a  six-hour  boat 
ride  with  a  few  spore  minutes  of  fishing  on 
the  side.  Soys  Betty  "There  were  fish  in 
the  ocean!  Other  people  were  bringing  in 
the  big  ones  .  .  but  we  settled  for  small 

Birthday  Parties!  Ah,  yes  .  .  'twos  CHAR- 
LIE GREENWOOD'S  birthday  August  26th 
.  .  he  was  the  guest  of  honor  at  Tobulating's 
surprise  party  .  .  it  seems  they  couldn't  agree 
on  the  number  of  years  so  they  settled  for 
one   large  candle. 

Another  birthday  party  honoring  GEOR- 
GIA PURDY  .  .  Accounts  Payable  night  gals 
got  together  with  a  potluck  supper  .  . 
EDITH  KEEVER  returned  from  her  trip  to 
Son  Francisco  looking  very  rested  .  .  .  Wel- 
come to  RUTH  JENNINGS.  A/P  Ruth  is  the 
niece  of  NANCY  O'NEAL  .  .  .  Sorry  to  hear 
BEA  AVANT  is  out  .  .  we  understand  she 
is  quite  ill  .  .  .  Welcome  to  MARSHA  B. 
STEINBRUECK  in  Accounts  Receivable  .  .  . 
Marsha  is  a  bride  of  one  month  .  .  Hubby 
Bob  works  in  Engineering  .  .  .  New  in  Time- 
keeping is  ELIZABETH  MAZE,  fonnerly 
of  Wisconsin  .  .  Elizabeth  took  over  MARIE 
METZ'S  work  .  .  .  Marie  transferred  to 
Methods  Engineering  on  second  shift  .  .  . 
Don't  look  now  .  .  but  MAE  OWENS  just 
walked  in  .  .  Mae  left  us  in  January  to  join 
her  hubby  in  Son  Francisco  .  .  welcome  to 
the  old  homestead! 

Socially  speaking  .  .  .  we  met  VIOLA 
BUCK  and  ELLEN  SCHRODER  recently  at 
the  wedding  of  SARA  MEHRER  .  .  .  although 
Sara  is  in  Purchasing  we  feel  she  should  be 
mentioned  here  for  the  benefit  of  all  her 
Accounting  friends  ...  we  certainly  wish 
you  the  best  of  everything  in  your  new  road 
of  life. 

Notes  From 



0.  c 

.  Hudson 

RALPH  L.  GEIST,  our  congenial  metal 
fitter  left  suddenly  to  visit  his  mother  "in 
dear  old  Kansas" — hence  we  have  found 
few  items  of  interest  from  our  third  shift 
folk.   Ralph  will  be  away  for  thirty  days. 

Welcome  back  to  the  Dawn  Shift,  MAR- 
GIE BELLAH,  from  Manifold  first  shift,  the 
"third  time  is  the  charm" — for  us  to  have 
you  back.  JAMES  W.  CAMPBELL,  arc  weld- 
er, has  come  in  from  the  second  shift 
— and  we  are  glad  to  welcome  you  bock, 

Speaking  of  new  faces  "RAGS"  RAGS- 
DALE  seems  much  perturbed  this  week.  His 
Inspection  Department  block  cot  is  proudly 
displaying  her  newly  found  kittens  at  his  of- 
fice door.  He  soys  he  is  now  feeding  two 

GEORGE  "POP"  SAYER,  leodman  of 
punch  press,  was  surprised  Tuesday  morn- 
ing when  G  group  of  Small  Ports  Depart- 
ment workers  gave  him  a  birthday  coke, 
mode  by  WILBERTA  HOBB  —  nice  going 
George.  Congratulations!  And  JIMMIE  Mc- 
MAHON  has  returned  to  dawn  shift  from 
second — but  NOW  as  on  inspector.  Some 
more   Congrats,    old   timer   to   you. 

JANET  LORD  has  been  transferred  to 
Manifold  Department  inspection.  Aren't  we 
happy  to  see  her  smiling  face  at  "midnight" 
when  we  say  good  morning.  JAMEA  PIZION 
of  Inspection,  left  for  her  home  in  Michigan 
to  see  her  mother  who  is  ill. 

HELEN  JAMES  of  Small  Ports  left  last 
week  for  Philadelphia,  Pa.  to  marry  "the 
dear  man"  of  her  choice.  Best  wishes  to 
you  both.  And  MABLE  QUARRY  is  to  leave 
to  visit  Bob  (husband I  up  at  Camp  Roberts, 
won't  that  be  nice?  Tell   Bob  "hello"   for  us. 

MARILYN  HOLSTEAD,  arc  welder,  is  the 
proud  mother  of  a  fine  baby  daughter  — 
name  Karen  Aliene,  born  August  26th.  Best 
wishes  to  mom  and  pop.  And  there  is  cheer- 
ful BETTY  KELLER  of  Timekeeping  the  only 
third  shift  worker  who  has  more  mileage 
to  the  square  foot.  We  can't  find  any  roller 
skates  yet.  Gee  kiddie,  you  do  cover  a  lot 
of  the  ground  in  your  work  each  night 
throughout  the  plant. 

MR.  EDWARDS  of  Mechanical  Mointen- 
once  has  been  ill  the  post  week.  We  wish 
him  0  quick  recovery. 

WANDA  WEBB,  gas  welder,  has  departed 
for  first  shift.  Watch  your  step  young  lady, 
and  don't  get  lost  in  that  crowd.  We  shall 
miss  you. 

FRANK  L.  WALSH,  dawn  shift  Foreman, 
celebrated  his  37th  wedding  anniversary 
yesterday  (the  11th)  at  his  Pacific  Beach 
home,  where  the  many  old  time  friends 
dropped  in  and  surprised  Mrs.  Walsh  and 
him.  May  we  not  extend  to  you  our  warmest 

FRANCIS  KING  of  Inspection  hos  been 
transferred  to  first  shift.  MARY  KLINGEL 
of  Indiana  is  a  newcomer  on  Down  Inspec- 
tion. L.  LIGNOSKY  is  taking  his  vocation 
down  "deep  in  the  heart  of  Texas".  Where 
those   pecans   grow.   Yum-yum. 

Jimmy  Dorsey,  center,  handing  his  baton  to  his  old  friend,  Don  D'Agostino,  right  of 
Tool  Design  and  Planning.  Don  used  to  have  a  band  in  the  East  where  he  met  Jimmy. 
Don  has  already  started  a  Ryan  band  which  we  should  be  hearing  in  the  near  future. 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

are  taking  a  little  vacation  over  in  Arizona 
before  going  back  to  school,  send  best  wishes 
to  all  the  bunch. 

CHARLES  EVANS,  that  grand  gentleman 
who  helps  keep  house  for  us,  hod  o  birthday. 
We  all  join  in  wishing  "Casey,"  as  some  of 
us  know  him,  a  good  year  ahead  with  many 
more  to  come. 

It  is  good  to  have  MILDRED  CHILDRESS 
back  with  us.  Does  she  know  how  to  give 
parties  for  her  husband!  Everyone  had  a  fine 

FLORENCE  MANASTEROLA  we  sure  need 
you    bock. 

Wish  we  had  some  more  fine  fellows  like 
HAMMY  FEARS.  Glad  to  hove  you  with  us 
ole   boy. 

MARY  McDonald  is  home  now  and  is 
just  counting  days  when  the  Doctor  will  say, 
yes,  to  her  returning.  We  are  back  of  you 
with  a   lot  of  good  wishes,  Mary. 

Did  you  tell  me  right?  That  some  over 
at  the  pork  were  homesick?  Well  we  miss 
every  one  of  you  too,  hold  on  it  will  not  be 
so    long    now. 

Good  to  see  KILLER  KANE,  nice  to  see 
him  anytime. 

How  is  the  smoothing  business.  Buz? 
Smoothie,   eh? 

—  29  — 

That  little  lady  with  such  a  gentle  little 
way  about  her  and  such  pretty  hair  is 
BLANCHE  HARDIN.  Hope  you  have  a  long 
stoy  with  us  here  at  Ryan. 

Wouldn't  forget  to  welcome  "TED"  JA- 
COBS. He  is  a  local  boy  that  is  out  of  the 
service  after  having  been  in  active  duty. 
Hope  you  will  continue  for  some  time  with 
us  and  like  your  work.  We  ore  proud  of  you 
and  the  way  you  take  hold. 

What  is  that  about  DICK  STONE  maybe 
changing  his  bodge  o  bit.  Hope  so  for  you 
Dick.  Dick  wanted  to  see  the  Ryan  show  so 
much  he  took  off  on  evening  to  attend. 
Did  he  praise  the  whole  affair!  It  was 

So  happy  for  some  of  you  who  have  hod 
the  pleasure  of  having  your  sons  home  on 
leave.  The  words,  visit  and  leave,  mean  a 
lot  to  us  these  days.  A  girl  said  the  other 
day  she  was  going  to  get  her  teeth  fixed 
while  on  her  vocation  as  she  wanted  to  look 
her  best  when  her  hubby  returns.  Reminds 
me  of  a  joke — A  dude  and  a  hillbilly  were 
both  privates  in  the  same  barracks.  One 
day  the  dude  inspected  his  toilet  kit,  glanced 
at  his  neighbor  and  demanded,  "Did  you 
take  my  tooth  paste?"  "No  I  didn't  take  no 
tooth  paste,"  came  the  answer,  "I  don't  need 
no  tooth  paste.  My  teeth  ain't  loose." 

Just  another  thought  in  signing  off  this 
time.  FRITZ  KREISLER  once  said  if  we 
strive  toward  perfection  of  our  art,  we  strive 
toward  the  perfection  of  our  lives.  That 
could  apply  to  the  smallest  duties  in  life, 
even  to  the  keeping  of  the  work  bench  and 
tools  orderly.    An  art  itself. 

The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

What  ho!  Another  deadline!  We  missed 
the  last  one  and  so  hope  to  double  up  on 
our  news  this  time TALI  A  LAW- 
SON,  ore  welder  on  first  shift,  informed  us 
that  while  her  nice  black  Buick  was  parked 
out  in  front  of  the  plant,  someone  stole  the 
fender  pants!  However,  she  laughed  very 
merrily  saying,  "It  might  have  happened 
to  me."  .  .  .  .Well,  CARL  STARRETT 
and  ERNIE  THAYER  have  traded  shifts 
again.  Incidentally  Carl  was  recently  given 
the  Gold  Production  Award  for  one  of  his 
suggestions.  Congratulations!!  Now  Ernie 
and  Mrs.  Thayer  celebrated  their  14th  an- 
niversary last  month  and  he  was  so  anxious 
to  get  out  of  the  plant  that  he  left  his  weld- 
ing hood  and  gloves  out — a  rare  thing  for 
Ernie!  By  the  way,  femmes,  Mr.  Thayer  says, 
"Men  like  women  who  work  while  at  work." 
Just  an  idea  I  thought  I'd  pass  along!  .  .. 
We  heard  the  other  day  that  JOHN  B.  TA- 
TUM  is  in  the  infantry  at  Little  Rock,  Ar- 
kansas. He  marches  50  miles  a  day  (!)  but 
claims  his  biggest  problem  is  the  difficulty 
in  getting  acquainted  with  any  women! — 
Don't  you  love  it?  ...  .  RUTH  STANLEY 
is  back  on  third  shift,  I  hear.  .  .  .  MRS. 
BEN  STEIGER  has  been  on  leave  in  Texar- 
kana,  Arkansas.  We  hope  she  didn't  find 
it  too  too  hot.  .  .  .  JESSE  MARTIN  is 
so  proud  of  his  family!  Recently  his  daugh- 
ter, "Pat,"  came  to  Ryan  as  a  Production 
Checker  and  Jesse  spent  his  rest  period  intro- 
dusing  her  to  all  of  his  friends.  "Pat"  is  a 
lively  young  thing  and  has  her  dad's  cute 
habit  of  "tch"  out  of  one  side  of  her  mouth 
while  one  eye  screws  up.  .  .  .  Did  you 
know  that  our  popular  BILL  KUPILIK  used 
to  be  a  sailor?  Mhm — Mhm!!!!  .  .  .And 
so  the  Ryan  Talent  Show  has  gone  on  its 
way  with  many  complimentary  memories. 
We  were  disappointed,  however,  in  that  the 
talent  scouts  overlooked  Supervisor  Gordon 
— "I  love  that  boy"  KIESEL,  that  he  could 
shout  "Minnie  the  Moocher"  at  his  unsus- 
pecting audience.  .  .  .  We  ore  so  sorry 
to  know  that  MR.  ALLEN  of  Department  14 
is  homesick.  We  do  hope  he  won't  be  leav- 
ing us  for  a  long  time  yet.  .  .  .  Did  you 
hear?  'Tis  said  that  LLOYD  DOERGE  is  tak- 
ing in  hand  laundry  and  also  has  plans  for 
a  football  team?  Sideline  relaxation  I  guess 
you'd  call  it.  Can't  quote  his  prices  though. 
Sorry!  .  .  .  ."GERRY"  SYLVIA  CAMP- 
BELL quit  recently  and  we  were  so  sorry  to 
see  her  go.  At  a  farewell  luncheon,  she  an- 
nounced a  future  date  with  Mr.  Stork  in 
Texas  this  spring.  Best  wishes,  "Gerry." 
.  .  .  RUTH  JO  and  G.  W.  ANDERSON, 
both  of  Department  14,  are  now  welding 
over  in  Department  15.  .  .  .  You  will 
all  be  relieved  to  know  that  MAX  THOMP- 
SON'S son,  Don,  has  written  home  to  soy 
he  is  recovering  splendidly  from  shrapnel 
wounds  of  the  leg  and  recently  sent  his  par- 
ents an  interesting  collection  of  Japanese 
souvenirs.  Don  Is  one  of  the  Marines  who 
has  seen  action  in  Saipan.  Both  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Thompson  ore  very  happy — and  we're 
happy  for  them!  .  .  ,  .JOSEPHINE 
TONDY,  known  as  "Geezil,"  (why?)  has 
returned  from  a  30-day  leave  in  Nevada. 
.      .      .      Sweet  SUE   KUTCH   heard   recently 

from  her  sailor  husband  who  has  seen  action 
in  Soipon,  Guam  and  the  Marshall  Islands. 
.  .  .  Rumor  says  that  GERTRUDE  HAN- 
NA  is  writing  a  book  titled  "What  to  Do 
When  Air  Sick."  .  .  .  VERLA  DAHL  left 
on  o  two  week  leave  to  see  her  husband  who 
is  in  the  San  Francisco  Navy  hospital.  Verio 
hasn't  seen  him  for  nearly  two  years  and 
she  was  very  excited.  Happy  days,  Verio! 
.  .  .  "FLASH"  GORDON,  former  gas  re- 
welder  of  Department  1  5,  writes  emphasiz- 
ing the  importance  of  keeping  the  service- 
men supplied  with  correspondence.  Says  he 
never  before  realized  the  true  meaning  of 
it  as  he  does  now.  Let's  not  let  him  down, 
gong!  .  .  .  Department  14  will  surely 
miss  PEARL  and  ROY  MEEK,  who  go  on 
the  first  shift  next  week.  .  .  .  When 
everything  begins  to  get  a  bit  humdrum  and 
faces  all  familiar,  along  comes  something 
new  and  completely  delightful.  In  this  case 
it  is  the  new  arc  tacker  of  Department  14, 
that  very  attractive  NATHA  LEE  DAVIS. 
"Kitty,"  as  she  is  called,  is  that  rare  speci- 
men— a  native  Californian,  a  San  Diego  gal! 
She  worked  at  Consolidated  as  a  clerk  for 
three  months  last  year  but  claims  it  was  not 

nearly  as  much  fun  as  welding  for  Ryan! 
Married  to  on  Army  pilot  now  in  England, 
Natho  Lee  carries  the  "torch"  double  duty 
at  home.  .  .  .  HAROLD  STONE,  former 
welding  leodman  in  Department  15,  is  now 
at  Camp  Stewart,  Georgia.  He  has  been 
going  to  a  specialists  school  for  quite  some 
time.  He  is  soon  to  receive  a  furlough  and 
hopes  to  spend  it  in  Son  Diego.  "Stoney"  is 
another  serviceman  who  would  like  to  hear 
from  old  friends.  His  address  is  Pvt.  Harold 
A.  Stone,  39587918,  Btry  C,  12th  A.A.R.T., 
Camp  Stewart,  Georgia.  .  .  .  GLEN 
HOLLENBECK,  Leadmon  in  Department  15, 
and  his  wife  MARGARET,  gas  welder  in  Pre 
Jig,  celebrated  their  first  wedding  anniver- 
sary Saturday  the  9th.  We  wish  them  many 
more.  .  .  .  FRANK  MARSH,  Assistant 
Foreman  of  Department  1 6,  was  surprised 
August  17th  with  a  beautifully  decorated 
coke.  The  occasion  being  his  birthday.  The 
coke  and  coffee  were  served  at  the  10;30 
rest  period  with  the  singing  of  "Happy  Birth- 
day, Frank."  .  .  .  PHYLLIS  CARROLL, 
rewelder  in  Department  1  6,  hod  a  birthday 
September  7th.  She  also  received  a  nice 
cake  (no  candles,  so  didn't  find  out  her  age) 
and  coffee  was  served  with  it  at  10:30.     .     . 

Have  ycH<  ever  noi'iced  a  feftow  snapping  pictures  of  yoyr  friends  when  they  weren't 
looking?  Don't  be  surprised  if  one  day  in  the  near  future  you're  the  victim.  If  you 
ore,  don't  Jet  it  bother  you  for  it's  only  "Your  Roving  Photog"  gathering  candid 
snapshots  for  Flying  Reporter. 

Pot  Kelly,  Ship  Fitter  3/c,  center,  left  the  Maintenance  Department  not  long  ago  to 
join  the  Navy.  Pat,  who  was  well  known  as  a  Flying  Reporter  columnist  as  well  as  a 
good  guy,  is  shown  talking  to  K.  O.  Burt,  left,  of  Plant  Engineering  and  R.  M,  Hals  of 

—  30  — 

Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

You  wouldn't  attempt  to  make  a  dress  without  a  good  pattern  would  you?  But,  just 
how  many  of  us  go  about  preparing  the  day's  food  without  any  rhyme  or  reason?  Most  of 
us  ore  guilty  of  that  now  and  then.  Meal  planning  is  much  simpler  and  more  healthy  when 
some  thought  is  given  to  the  problem  before  the  actual  meal  preparation  is  started. 

Try  these  simple  rules  for  one  day  and  see  how  much  easier  it  is  to  get  well-balanced, 
attractive  and  economical  meals. 





1  .  Prepare  your  menu  several  days  in  ad- 
vance. Plan  the  breakfast  first,  making  it 
relatively  simple  and  standardized,  then 
plan  the  dinner  and  finally  the  luncheon. 
When  you  are  through,  you  should  have  a 
well-balanced  diet  for  the  whole  day  as 
one  complete  picture. 

Be  sure  and  include  all  the  essentials  of 
an  adequate  diet  for  the  family.  (Refer  to 
Page  29  of  your  September  1st  issue  of  Fly- 
ing Reporter  for  a  list  of  the  fundamental 
foods  which  should  always  be  included  in 
every  day's  menu). 

2.  Each  meal  should  contain  one  food 
with  staying  quality  (meat,  fatty  foods, 
etc.);  one  food  which  requires  chewing  (raw 
fruits,  vegetables,  hard  toast,  etc.);  one 
food  which  contains  roughage  (fruits,  vege- 
tables, cereals,  etc.)  and  some  hot  food  or 
drink     (soup,    hot   chocolate,    etc.). 

Also  take  into  consideration  when  plan- 
ning a  meal  the  number  of  foods  to  be 
served.  When  a  large  number  of  foods  ore 
served  at  one  meal,  decrease  the  size  of 
the  portions  and  use  fewer  rich  foods. 

When  a  simple  meal  is  desired,  serve 
larger  portion  of  a  few  nutritious,  easily  di- 
gested foods. 

3.  A  very  important  consideration  in  meal 

planning   is  the  digestibility  of  foods  served 
in  one  meal. 


Fats  and  foods  rich  in  fats 
Foods  swallowed   in   large   pieces 

I  Especially  when  coated  with  fat) 
Protein  rich  foods  which  have  been 

made  tough  by  over-cooking 
Foods  In  which  the  fibre  has  not 

been  solvent  by  long  cooking 


Liquid    foods 

Finely  divided  or  soft  foods 

Hard  foods  like  dry  toast  or  crackers 

4.  If  you  hove  been  having  trouble  get- 
ting your  family  to  eat,  perhaps  you  ore 
not  taking  into  consideration  that  your  first 
course  should  stimulate  the  appetite.  Try 
starting  your  meal  off  with  a  clear  soup  or 
fruit  juice.  Notice  the  difference  in  the  way 
your  family's  appetite  increases! 

5.  Do  you  find  it  a  hard  job  for  you  to 
combine  flavors  to  moke  your  meal  one  of 
variety  and  contrast?  It  is  desirable  to  in- 
clude some  sour,  some  sweet,  some  bland, 
and  some  foods  of  distinctive  flavor  in  the 


Salmon  and  Stuffed  Onions 

Cabbage   and   Turnips 

Pork  Roast  and  Baked  Bananas  , 

Cauliflower  and   Onions 

Baked  Fish  and  Glazed  Sweet  Potatoes 


Salmon  and  Stuffed  Tomatoes 

Cabbage    and    Carrots 

Roost  Pork  and  Baked  Apples 

Cauliflower  and  Green  Beans 

Baked  Fish  and  Escailoped  Irish  Potatoes 

6.  A  variety  of  textures  should  likewise 
be  included  in  each  meal. 


Congealed  Vegetable  Salad  ond 

Pineapple   Bavarian   Cream 
Cheese  Souffle  and  Fruit  Whip 
Chicken    a    la    king    and    Escailoped    Cabbage 
Creamed   Eggs  and   Meshed   Potatoes 
Asparagus   and   Okra 


Combination   Vegetable   Salad   and   Pineopple    Ba- 
varian  Cream 
Cheese  Souffle  and  Fruit  Cup 
Chicken  a  la  King  and  Cole  Slaw 
Creamed  Eggs  and  Baked  Potatoes 
Asparagus  and  Beets 

7.  Hove  you  ever  gone  out  to  dinner  at 
friend's  home  and  found  that  your  hostess 
served  food  all  the  some  color,  such  as  to- 
mato juice,  Italian  Spaghetti  with  tomato 
sauce,  sweet  potatoes,  buttered  carrots  and 
pumpkin  pie.  It  wasn't  too  appetizing,  was 

This  is  another  pitfall  in  meal  planning. 
Color  combinations  should  always  be  token 
into  consideration.  The  natural  colors  of 
foods  must  be  preserved  in  the  cooking 
process  to  make  the  meal  attractive. 

8.  It  is  quite  easy  to  overlook  the  shape 
of  food  when  other  factors  are  being  con- 
sidered in  planning  a  meal.  A  variety  of 
shapes  mokes  a  meal  more  interesting  than 
one  in  which  everything  is  of  a  similar  form. 

9.  Mother  Nature  is  very  kind  to  us  by 
offering  us  seasonal  variations  in  food  sup- 
ply and  we  should  certainly  take  advantage 
of  this  factor.  In  winter,  a  heavier  diet  and 
one  containing  rich  foods  may  be  token,  but 
in  hot  weather  a  diet  of  less  nutritious,  cool, 
and  easily  prepared  foods  is  more  desirable. 

10.  Be  economical  always  and  use  left- 
overs as  much  as  possible. 

The  crux  of  the  whole  problem  of  meal  planning  is  to  offer  your  family  o  well-balanced, 
appetizing  and  attractive  looking  meal.  If  you  solve  this  problem,  you  will  hove  no  trouble 
getting  your  family  to  eat  food  which  is  good  for  them  and  at  the  same  time  enjoy  it. 
The  planning  of  attractive  combinations  of  food  with  the  proper  cooking  and  serving  will 
make  on  enjoyable  meal  and  one  which  will  bring  praises  to  the  deserving  cook. 

—  31  — 

Here's  a  "shorty"  on  o  guy  we'll  call  Joe. 
So  did  his  Mom  and  Pop,  as  far  as  that  goes 
.  .  .  Joseph  J.  Thein  to  be  exact.  He's  the 
man  in  the  starched  white  coat,  who  insists 
on  being  the  keeper  of  the  keys  for  the 
inner  sanctum. 

There  are  oodles  of  tales  about  Joe  that 
are  held  deep  within  the  eerie  mists  of  the 
Inner  sanctum  by  loyal  inmates.  Tales  like 
the  one  about  his  utter  lock  of  concern  for 
healthy  growing  appetites  (they  grow  faster 
before  lunch),  that  crave  hard  boiled  eggs, 
artichokes  and  mayonnaise,  raisins,  avo- 
cados, and  other  dainties  during  long  work 
periods.  No  lonesome  raisin  is  safe  from  his 
grasping  hands  that  reach  out  from  the 
starchy  white  folds  of  his  coat  like  grappling 
hooks.  There's  the  juicy  little  tidbit  about 
the  songs  this  Thein  man  sings,  too  .  .  .  but 
that  again  can't  be  told,  cause  he  wouldn't 
want  it  known  that  he  contributes  his  ver- 
sion of  the  "Sheik  of  Aroby"  during  dull  mo- 
ments.     Most   people   will    never   know   just 

why  those  poor  artistic  souls  pour  forth  their 
long  restrained  "chit  chat"  in  such  wild  pro- 
fusion during  the  lunch  hour,  either.  They'll 
never  know  that  the  only  accepted  topic 
of  conversation  is  work.  "C'n  I  borrow 
y'r  eraser?",  "Sure."  "Thonx."  Or  the 
standard  "QUIT  SHAKIN'  THE  DESK!!!" 
Now  is  that  interesting?  Besides,  any  bit  of 
oral  exercise  usually  ends  in  a  bet  on  diction: 
You  might  guess  who's  getting  rich  on  that 
deal.  Joe  reads  a  dictionary  like  you'd  read 
a  fairy  story  before  the  fire  on  a  cold  win- 
ter night.  But  .  .  .  the  secret  of  all  secrets 
is  the  one  that  holds  the  truth  about  the 
foul  fiend  who  swoops  down  on  empty  desks 
to  letter  "Foo"  significantly  in  a  vital  but 
inconspicuous  part  of  a  drawing,  only  to  be 
found  hours  later  by  some  unsuspecting  vic- 
tim, who's  been  slaving  over  a  "hot  drawing 
board"  all  day.  It's  nerve  racking,  I  tell 
you  .  .  .  nerve  racking,  racking,  racking! 
Oh  .  .  .  when  his  "racking"  horse  ran  away 
.  .  .  but  purple  and  yellow  suspenders  are 
better,  'cause  the  seeds  don't  get  in  your 
teeth  .  .  .  unless  y'  start  swimming,  'cause 
a  flat  tire  is  only  flat  on  one  side  .  .  .  See? 
Old  J.  J.  Thein  really  makes  sure  that  the 
inmates  will  always  need  a  good  "key" 

There  ore  a  FEW  insignificant  things  that 
can  be  said  for  and  about  Mr.  Thein  that 
ARE  OK  to  tell.  As  far  as  the  job  goes  he's 
a  remarkable  man.  Ever  test  your  patience 
by  wearing  a  white  coat  around  a  ill  group? 
Hear  tell  that's  a  good  way  to  join  the  gong. 
And    y'     know    that    prune-puss    he    wears 

Grinding  more  than  a  million  drills  in  four  and  a  half  years  at  Ryan  is  no  small  feat 
but  that's  just  what  Quinley  M.  Rader,  right,  of  Tooling  has  done.  "I've  averaged 
from  800  to  900  drills  a  day  since  I  started  here,"  he  says.  "I  never  thought  that  the 
little  drilling  I  used  to  do  along  with  my  blacksmith  work  in  Brown  County,  Kansas, 
would  turn  into  a  full-time  job,  but  I'm  sure  glad  it  did."  Mr.  Rader  is  so  en- 
thusiastic about  his  work  that  even  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Helen  Renois,  left,  became 
interested  in  her  father's  work  and  is  now  working  right  along  with  him  in  Tooling. 

—  32  — 

around  sometimes?  That's  just  cover  up, 
cause  it's  rumored  his  heart's  as  big  os  a 
water  melon  .  .  .  No,  not  iced. 

Now  here's  sumpin'  that  takes  some  REAL 
doing  to  beat.  Wonder  man  Thein  was  only 
late  once,  and  even  at  that,  he  got  his  riders 
here  on  time.  "Why  were  you  late?"  the 
gong  asked  in  wee  little  voices.  "I'll  moider 
that  Moikery  ...  It  wouldn'  poik  on  the  way 
to  woik!"  Come  on,  Joe  .  .  .  what's  the 
trick?  Don't  y'  EVER  oversleep  or  miss 
a  bus? 

During  off  hours  his  life  is  filled  with  a 
wife,  a  dog  and  a  house.  Oh  yes,  a  Hearne, 
too,  lately.  Mrs.  Thein,  by  the  way  is  one 
of  those  "super-duper-gem-hondy-dondy" 
pie  bakers,  in  cose  you're  interested.  Es- 
pecially apple.      Slurp  .   .  .    ! 

The  dog?  Oh,  his  name  is  "Tawky"  .  .  . 
spelled  T-o-r-k-y.  You  know  like  "Point 
Lomer"  is  spelled  Point  L-o-m-a  in  true 
Thein    fashion. 

The  house  is  a  new  member  of  the  fam- 
ily and  has  been  undergoing  considerable 
plastic  surgery  and  face  lifting.  If  y'  need 
any  pointers  on  how  to  spruce  up  a  nine- 
teenth century  bathroom,  just  ask  Joe.  He's 
got  some  good  ideo-ers  on  the  subject  and 
is  up  on  all  the  dope,  except  on  them  there 
new  fongled  sunken  tubs.  (He  insists  that 
HIS  house  doesn't  hove  termites)  . 

That  covers  J.  J.  from  tales  to  termites. 
If  he  should  ask,  better  not  remember  who 
told  y'.     See? 

I   WAR    BONDSl  I  ,..,«,..„. I 


Pa^  SV^WO 


KGB  •  12i 

Monday  thru   Saturday^ 


KFSD  •  10  P^^ 

Tuesday  and  Thursday 

RYAM  ^ 



Ryan  Trading  Post 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sale    (continued) 

Ford  convertible  sedan.  Needs  top  and  body  work. 
Motor  and  tires  OK.  First  good  offer  takes. 
See  Marjorie  Neal,  Ext.  385,   Dispatching. 

Two  bedroom,  stucco  house,  furnished.  Fenced 
yard,  lot  62x108.  $6000.00  Terms.  616  Chula 
Vista  Avenue,  Chula  Vista,  California,  See 
J.    L.   Attaway,   No.    1  1-12278. 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spaulding  ice  skates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Haswell,  Ext. 

Complete  drafting  set,  board,  pen  and  ink.  Sell 
or  trade  for  tools  or  motor,  500  or  1750  speed. 
J.    H.   Costello,   Manifold    Developing,    Ext.   284. 

Baby    bathinette,    collapsible   buggy,    play  pen,   cor 

seat  and   nursery  chair,  all   for  $19.00.  Will   sell 

sepo.'-ately.     D.     L.    Conde,    Mechanical  Mainte- 
nance,   Ext.   231. 

Girls  roller  skates,  size  6,  Hockey  fibre  wheels. 
Shoes  and  wneels  like  new.  Price  $17.00.  Dick 
Wilson,     1st    shift.    Airplane    Service    Dept.,    Ext. 


Pre-war  Big   Ben   intermittent  alarm  clock   i 
condition.   $4.00.    N.    H.   Acheson,   Mail    Room 

Ford  Phiico  auto  set,  $35.00;  RCA  Table  set, 
$20.00;  8  tube  console  large  speaker,  $35.00; 
Headphones  and  material  for  crystal  set.  Jock 
Graham,  Ext.  381   or  T-0217.  4488  Central. 

Combination  bar  and  coffee  table,  almost  new. 
$15.00.  D.  L.  Conde,  Mechanical  Maintenance, 
Ext.    231. 

Youth's  Bed,  Light  Oak  with  pre-war  inner-spring 
mattress  and  coil  sprinn.  Excellent  condition. 
$25.00.  G.  H.   Brovermon,   Engineering,  Ext.  374. 

Two  $1500.00  and  One  $1000.00  Investor  Syndi- 
cate policies.  Paid  up  until  next  year.  Will  sell 
for  my  equity  plus  4%  interest.  E.  Mellinger, 
Extension  396. 

Living  room  end  dinette  furniture.  See  it.  6436 
Goodwin  Street,  Linda  Vista,  or  Wm.  V.  Fer- 
guson,   Jigs    and    Fixtures,    New    Assembly    BIdg. 

Small  baby  crib  and  mattress.  Inside  dimensions, 
17 1/2  X  33.  Price,  $5.00.  See  H.  M.  Ulberg, 
Ext.    227. 

Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  glass  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close.  Dept.  1,  Airplane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

54  Cu.  Ft.  Reach-in  box,  2"  cork  insulation  all 
around.  New  motor  and  reconditioned  com- 
presser.  $400.00  cash.  W.  G.  Taylor,  Mech. 
Maintenance,   1st.  Shift. 

22  Revolver,  Harrington  Richardson,  double  action, 
nine  shot,  like  new.  $25.00.  R.  L.  Hoyward, 
Engineering    Ext.    378. 

35  MM  candid  camera.  See  S.  M.  Halley,  Experi- 
mental Department. 

Any  size  pictures  or  plans  for  USS  Hornet  Aircraft 
Carrier.     Contact  W.  G.  Wofford   1709,  Tooling. 

Taylor  Tot.  See  Bob  Childs,  Material  Control, 
second  shift.      Ext.   397. 

Want  to  buy  or  rent  an  electric  refrigerator. 
Contact   W.    Thompson,    Development,    Ext.    371. 

16  .mm.  Model  70  Bell  &  Howell  camera.  H  M 
Ulberg,  Ext.  227. 

A  comera,  will  consider  ony  kind.  See  Joel  Culver, 
Timekeeping.  Ext.  398. 

Motorcycle,  1930  Indion,  new  tires,  new  battery, 
new  paint.  First  class  condition,  $325.00.  D. 
Shirk,    Engineering,    Ext.    378. 

FfifE  &  Smith,  Ltd.,  San  Diego 

Winchester,  12  goge  pump  gun,  97  model,  $65.00. 
Sse  E.  H.  Crandall,  Fire  Department,  1st  shift, 
Ext.   265. 

Graflex  for  21/2  x  41/2  (No.  1161  roll  film.  John 
D.  Hill,  Secretary's  Office.  Home  phone,  W- 

Man's  tux.  Block,  size  34-36.  Shirt  with  attach 
shirt  front,  collars,  pearl  studs  and  cuff  links. 
Excellent  condition,  worn  but  few  times,  original 
cost,  $42.00.  Price,  $24.00.  N.  V.  Descoteau. 
Salvage  Crib  No.  4.  Call  W-0845  anytime  after 
5:00    p.    m. 

Pre-war  26-inch  blue  and  white  girl's  bicycle,  knee 
action,  skirt  guard,  carrier,  basket,  bell,  etc. 
Very  nood  balloon  t-res.  Used  very  little.  Orig- 
inal throughout.  $50.00  cash.  C.  La  Fleur,  day 
shift.    Crib    No.    3. 

Soil  boat.  16  ft.  Sun  class,  new  sails,  new  rigging. 
$225.00.     D.   Shirk,   Engineering,    Ext.   378. 

Paint  sprayer  with  1/4  h.  p.  motor,  gun  and  40  feet 
of  rubber  hose.  Has  been  used  very  little. 
Motor  In  first-class  condition.  See  Nelson  H. 
Acheson    in    the    Moil    Room.    Price,    $50.00. 

A  pair  of  beautiful  silver  fox  furs.  In  perfect  con- 
dition and  well  worth  the  money.  May  be  seen 
at  1612  Upas  Street  or  telephone  Jackson  3363. 
Mrs.  Frank  Saye. 

1934  Ford  Deluxe  coupe,  neat  and  clean,  good 
rubber,  runs  good.  $370.  See  Peterson,  Mani- 
fold Small  Ports,  second  shift,  badge  No.  2291 
or  phone  R-7357. 

Siamese  kittens.:  make  lovelv  pets.  Sold  very  rea- 
sonable at  $20.00.  Only  three  left.  See  Peter- 
son in  Manifold  Small  Parts,  second  shift,  bodge 
2291    or  phone  R-7357. 

One  oair  ladies  shoe  ice  skotes,  size  6,  good 
condition.  See  B.  McMorris,  Dept.  30,  second 

Bedroom  suite  with  bench,  night  table,  springs 
and  mattress,  very  nood  condition,  $85.00.  Two 
piece  living  room  suite,  $45.00;  maple  floor 
lamp,  $7.50;  50  ft.  garden  hose,  almost  new, 
$4.00.  Sell  now  for  possession  October  31st. 
See  Frank  Lightfoot,  No.  1533,  Manifold  second 

"31  Horley.  See  W.  G.  Taylor,  Mechanical  Main- 
tenance,   1st    shift. 

WANT       TO       BUY 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  fackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534, 
Manifold   Welding,   second   shift. 

Radio  sets,  any  kind,  working  or  not.  Also  test 
equipment  and  parts.  Jock  Graham,  Ext.  381  or 
Talbot   0217. 

Washing  machine.  W.  McBlair.  Call  B-5I76  or  Ext. 

8-mm.  movie  camera.  Call  Bob  Childs,  Ext.  397, 
second  shift  Material  Control,  or  Henley  3-4323 
during    the    day. 

Two  reclining  canvas  deck  choirs.  T.  E.  Stover, 
Industrial    Relations.      Extension    315. 

'38  Buick  Special  coupe  or  sedan.  T.  E.  Stover, 
Industrial    Relations.      Extension    3  I  5. 

Lawnmower — See    W.    Thompson,    Ext.    37 1 , 

Washing    machine.       See    H.     L.     (Hank)     Hanggi, 
Manifold  Assembly,   Ext.   360  or  Main   8666. 

Electric  Heater.  Contact  C.  F.  Cole,  No.  1582. 
Exp.    Inspection. 

Trickle  battery  charger.  Small  size.  Contact  S.  V. 
Olson,    2nd    shift.    Fuselage. 

Electric  motor,  bond  sow,  drill  motor  or  what  hove 
you.  W.  Severson,  Inspection  Crib  No.  7.  F.  A. 

—  33  — 

Want  to  Buy   (continued) 

1936  Oldsmobile  rodio  in  working  condition  or  not. 
S.    V.    Olson,    2nd    shift,    Fuselage. 

One-third  or  1/2  h.  p.  electric  motor,  or  stationary 
gasoline  motor.  Point  sprayer  outfit.  Aaron 
West,    Ext.    396. 

380  caliber  and  25  caliber  shells.  Wes  Kohl, 
Ext.  227. 

Electric  iron.  Angelina  Grana,  13115.  Second 
shift.    Manifold    Small    Parts. 

Washing  machine.  Alpha  Feiler.  Manifold  Small 
Parts,  second  shift. 


Beautiful  3  bedroom  home  in  Crown  Point.  Fur- 
nished or  unfurnished.  Large  lot,  nicely  land- 
scaped. Want  home  on  East  Side  near  La  Mesa. 
Contact  Mr.  Olney,  Factory  Navy  Office,  Ext. 


If  you  wont  to  buy  a  horse,  sell  a  horse,  or  trade 
o   horse,  see  Bob   Bradley,  Airplane   Dispatching. 

Will  swop  75  ft.  Plux  X  35  mm.  film  for  what  you 
have.  C.   E.  Hyatt,  Paint  Shop,  Ext.  348. 

Lost — An  old  fashioned  diamond  ring.  A  "hand 
me  down."  Lost  in  the  Russ  Auditorium  on  Sun- 
day, September  3rd,  in  dressing  room  6.  Finder 
please  return  to  guard  gate  or  V.  S.  Stead, 
Department   21,   second   shift. 

Inside  Outside 


by  J.  L.  "Tubby"  Dawson 

One  transfer  and  two  new  Ryanettes  have 
again  swelled  our  forces.  All  girls  —  oh- 
Happy  Day!  PEGGY  HENKEL  is  the  little 
dark-haired  lass  who  transferred  from  meth- 
ods Eng.  She  Is  a  joyful  gain  to  our  ranks 
and  we  can't  help  but  feel  just  a  bit  sorry 
for  "Methods."  Yep,  she's  single!!  The 
two  new  girls,  GWEN  SILER  and  MICKEY 
McMillan,  ore  both  Navy  wives  here  to 
do   their  bit.    Pretty?  Oh,    Brother! 

Did  I  mention  this  week-end?  I  did.  Well, 
we  combined  forces  with  the  Los  Angeles 
office  and  had  a  real  steak  fry  Saturday 
night.  Location  of  the  party  site  was  Palm 
Canyon,  just  in  bock  of  the  Presidio  Park 
in  Old  Town.  Sixty-seven  steaks  (any  points 
not  needed  for  the  rest  of  the  month  would 
be  greatly  appreciated)  were  consumed  and 
beans,  vegetable  salad,  with  all  the  trim- 
mings galore.  Liquid  refreshments  abounded 
and  more  than  one  person  ate  a  "drop" 
for  dinner.  We  met  husbands,  wives,  boy 
friends  and  girl  friends  and  it  was  the  first 
time  many  of  us  had  met  all  of  the  Los 
Angeles  crowd.  Rumor  has  it  that  a  "mov- 
ing party"  was  still  going  strong  in  the 
wee  small  hours  Sunday  morning.  Need- 
less to  say,    it  was  not  a   quiet  evening. 

Well,  according  to  yours  truly's  physician, 
I  have  to  spend  some  time  in  the  hospital 
and  don't  any  of  you  believe  these  lugs 
who  say  it's  for  a  "rest  cure."  I'm  going 
to  send  in  a  few  lines  via  friends,  so  don't 
be  surprised  if  I  start  spouting  Philosophy. 
Hospitals  do  funny  things  to  me  (men- 
tally, I  mean).  Anyhow,  the  gals  ore  going 
to  write  this  for  me  until  I  get  back.  There- 
fore, our  next  column  should  be  a  good  one. 


EACH  "BURST   OF   FIRE''   PUTS    12    RIVETS 

(count  'EM  t?!tff1ft?!f  )  INTO  THIS 

Plane  production  goes  at  a  fast  clip  when  rivets  are  put  in  perfectly 
12  at  a  time.  That  kind  of  speedy  riveting,  replacing  setting  individual 
rivets  by  noisy  pneumatic  rivet  guns  is  production  with  a  capital  "P". 
It  speeds  warplane  production  and  means  lower  costs  to  the  taxpayer. 

Ryan  was  foremost  in  the  application  of  multiple  hydraulic  riveting 
to  aircraft  work.  These  new  methods  aren't  just  "something  that 
happened".  Their  development  at  Ryan  is  the  result  of  far-sighted 
planning  of  methods  to  combat  the  shortage  of  labor,  and  get  more 
airplanes  into  the  air  at  our  fighting  fronts. 

This  wholesale  riveting  technique  is  new  and  unique  in  the  industry. 
Cooperation  is  being  extended  to  other  airplane  manufacturers  in 
giving  them  full  technical  information  on  the  advanced  "gang  rivet- 
ing" methods  developed  by  Ryan  — methods  which  are  symbolic  of 
this  pioneer  company's  leadership  in  aircraft  design  and  engineering 
for  production  ...  in  wartime  and  in  peacetime. 


THE  PROBLEM  :  The  outer  wing  panel  skin  of  the  potent 
warplane  shown  ia  the  illustration  contains  about  5.000 
rivets.  Ordinarily  it  would  take  eight  workers  {four  good 
riveting  teams  of  two  people  each)  two-and-a-half  hours  to 
complete  this  |ob  using  noisy  pneumatic  rivet  guns  and  set- 
ting one  rivet  at  a  time.  How  to  cut  these  work  hours.' 

THE  SOLUTION:  Ryan  production  experts  introduced 
multiple  hydraulic  riveters  larger  and  deeper  throated  than 
ever  attempted  to  be  used  before.  Using  a  specially  designed 
overhead  conveyor  system,  the  entire  riveting  job  is  now 
completed  in  an  hour-and-a-quarter  by  three  workers,  (one 
operator  and  two  unskilled  helpers.)  Because  a  machine  sets 
the  twelve  rivets  at  a  single  stroke  of  the  ram.  absolute  uni- 
formity and  perfection  of  workmanship  is  gamed. 

THE  ADVANTAGES:  On  assemblies  adaptable  to  Ryan's 
"super-gang  riveting"  technique  great  savings  m  man  power 
are  possible.  Rivet  gun  marks,  skin  waviness  and  swelled 
rivets  between  skin  layers  are  eliminated.  And,  no  special 
training  of  the  operator  is  necessary;  women  can  be  used  as 
readily  as  men.  Figuring  up  the  man-hours  saved  by  the  per- 
fection of  this  siagle  production  idea,  as  applied  to  the  eight 
multiple  hydraulic  riveters  in  operation  in  the  Ryan  plane, 
the  amount  totals  some  1500  man  hours  per  month  ....  the 
equivalent  of  the  work  of  about  75  people. 


Ryan  Aerenaufical  Company,  San  Diego— Member,  Aircraft  War  Production  Council,  Inc. 
DESIGNERS       AND       BUILDERS       OF       COMBATANT       TYPE       AIRPLANES       AND       EXHAUST       MANIFOLD       SYSTEMS 





No.    4 

OCTOBER     13,     1944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through   the   Public   Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Stafler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Foyman 

Frank  Maitin,  Cal  O'Ccllahan 
Staff  Cartoonist  George  Duncan 

The  Pacific  War  As  Seen  By  Experts — 1 

— the  men  zvho  kiwit.'  tell  their  opinions. 
How  To  Turn   In  A  Shop  Suggestion 2 

— an  easy  guide  to  follozv  ivhen  an  idea  hits  you. 
The  Jap  Pilot 4 

— their  fighting   tactics — good  and  had. 
Meet  Bill   Brotherton   5 

— he  tells  our  story  to  the  community. 
Of  Every  $10  You  Give  8 

— zvhere  the  money  you  give  to  the  War  Chest  goes. 
Transplanted  From  The  Desert  9 

— our  Tucson  employees  weren't  left  holding  the  bag. 

Your  Roving  Photog  12 

Slim's   Pickin's 10 

Sports    -     - 28 

What's    Cookin? 32 

Ryan    Trading    Post    33 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Frances  ]]'iUford 22 

Cafeteria  News  by  Potsnn  Pan:: 24 

Department  24  by  Amalie   Tate 31 

Drop   Hammer   2nd  Shift   by  Noccle-Rack 26 

Engineering   Billboard   ^.v  Bill  Berry 26 

Engineering  Personnelities  by  Virginia  Pixley 27 

Flashes  from   Fuselage   by  Beltie  Murren 23 

From   Four   'til    Dawn    in    the  Tool    Room   b\   Vera   and 

Pearle    ! 27 

Here  and  There  by  Jonnie  Johnson 17 

Inspection   Notes  by  Bill  Rossi 21 

Jig  Assembly  Jerks  2nd  Shift  fc_v  Biicz  and  Shorty 31 

Maintenance  Meanderings  by  Bill  Taylor 33 

Manifold  Dispatching  by  Ben  Smith 23 

Manifold  Small   Ports  by  Mariane  Lightfoot 18 

News  and  Flashes  by  Earl  Vaughan 16 

Notes  From  Dawn  Workers  by  O.  C.  Hudson 21 

Pings  and  Purrs  by  Idle  Cutoff 24 

Puddle  Pushers  on  the  Swing  by  Doris  U'illiksen 19 

Putt  Putts  on  Parade  by  Millie  Merritt 13 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie 13 

Shipping  Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Christenson....  20 

Stacks  'n'  Stuff  hy  Manny  I'ohlde 15 

Tooling  Rumors  by  lone  and  Kay 18 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  by  U  and  Me— 22 

Wind   Tunnel    15 

Copy  Deadline  For  next  issue  is  October  23rd 


The  eyes  of  Ryan  workers  ore  being  drawn  westward,  even  these  days, 
across  the  broad  expanses  of  the  Pacific  to  the  battle  of  Japan.  The 
European  war  is  yet  to  be  won,  but  for  those  of  us  on  the  west  coast  there 
is  the  growing  realization  that  the  war  against-  the  Japs  is  even  more 
directly  our  war.  Read  well  what  our  military  leaders  have  to  say  of  that 
war.  Then  you  will  understand  why  our  greatest  job  is  still  ahead;  why  we 
cannot  for  a  single  day  —  not  even  on  V-Doy  in  Europe  —  let  up  in  our 
expanding  production  program. 












Attics  ot  «^  accelet  ^.^3  tbe  ^i^es 

swe  a^  ^^  ^t  .he  -'e^^^f  t^   s.^1  ^^^^^^  ,  W^  C 

II      I-  ^^^1        wh. 

•\V»»  ^.  >»'  vo^''  \  CO***  »,.       ^^f-  ^.    0^*° 


ftO**     \^'     x\°  V*      „>><         v^o*      .kh^^ 

"The  Japs  are  a  people  to 
„hom  treachery  comes  natur- 
ally Their  internal  history  .s 
punctuated  with  assassinations 
^nd  underhand  dealing  to 
which  Americans  could  not 
descend.  I  state  with  all  ser- 
olsness    that    I    shall    not    feel  ,    .Sl^^^^^o'k-'^^^^^S 

3,fe    for    my    grandsons    un^^ess  /      Je,/^  .^^    '^^.^f^S,^^    O^^'^  sZ^> 

,He    fire-eating,    sword-ratthng  /    ^^-A^/^o  >X  '-^     ^'  *e>4f*      / 

elements    of     Japa"     are    com        ^      %''^^  ^^^  O^^^^^^J^^^   ^yt^  f^     / 
pletely      liquidated      "P  "      f/     /     ^ V'^%  f  <X    <  °^  /'"^    '>       / 
conclusion  of  this  ---"7^"  /    ^^^^^^  '°4^-  ^>*  <^*  HvJ^    e^       / 
Admiral  Thomas  L.  Gatch,  whrX        '^^^^^^  '•    (jf  H^^^^e  ^^^,^/^,  ^^-oy^        / 
commanded  the  famous  Battle:-^^         c^;^     ^^y^^  'o  ^^  S^^^S ^^      / 
ship   SOUTH  DAKOTA   in  the 
Battle   of   Santa   Cruz. 

OS       ^ 


■\«>»' '    ^°  vo**'' 


How  To  Turn  In  A  Shop  Suggestion 

A/OW  THAT  ive  GOT 
/DBA,   /M   eO/AlO    TO 
nU   W  A    SHOP 

SoaaESriOfii  BtAniK 

Just  stop  a  moment  to  look  around 
and  see  what  improvements  can  be 
made  on  your  job.  When  you  get  on 
idea  and  let  it  develop  in  ycur  mind, 
you're   all   set  for  the   next  rtep. 

Get  a  shop  suggertion  blank  from  your 
nearest  suggestion  box.  Take  as  many 
blanks  as  you  think  you'll  need.  Maybe 
on3  idea  will  lead  to  another.  Once  you 
get    started,    you    won't    wont    to    stop. 

It's  best  to  fill  your  suggestion  blank 
out  in  the  quietness  of  your  own  home 
where  you  can  concentrote.  Write  out 
your  idea,  legibly  and  completely,  giv- 
ing oil   the  details  and  sketches. 

Put  your  suggestion,  with  as  many 
sketches  as  are  needed,  in  the  sugges- 
tion box.  Caution — several  employees 
have  dropped  their  suggestions  in  the 
Flying  Reporter  box  which  causes  a 
slight    delay. 

Several  times  a  week,  the  shop  sugges- 
tion boxes  ore  opened  by  labor  and 
management  members  of  the  War  Pro- 
duction Drive  Committee.  These  sug- 
gestions are  turned  over  to  Methods 
Engineering    for    investigation. 

The  wheels  of  progress  are  beginning 
to  grind.  A  man  from  the  Methods  En- 
gineering Department,  assigned  to  the 
War  Production  Drive  Committee,  per- 
sonally investigates  every  shop  sugges- 
tion turned   in. 

To  simplify  the  rating  of  shop  suggestion  ideas  which  ore  re- 
viewed by  the  Labor-Management  War  Production  Drive  Commit- 
tee, 0  "point  system"  has  been  adopted.  A  suggestion  which  rates 
a  Certificate  of  Merit  from  the  Committee  receives  a  value  of  5 
points,  while  the  Bronze  Award  is  rated  at  1  5  points,  the  Silver 
Award  at  50  points  and  the  Gold  Award  at  1  1  0  points.  Thus  an 
employee  who  has  turned  in  four  suggestions  all  rated  for  Bronze 
Awards  has  a  total  of  60  points,  and  at  a  presentation  meeting, 
will  receive  not  four  Bronze  Awards,  but  a  Silver  Award  which  re- 
quires a  total  of  50  points.  However,  his  record  is  still  credited  with 

60  points  toward  a  Gold  Award  and  all  points  earned  by  future  shop 
suggestions  will  be  added  to  the  60  points  until  he  has  earned  the 
1  10  points  necessary  for  a  Gold  Award. 

Because  a  number  of  employees  hove  turned  in  so  many  sugges- 
tions which  have  been  accepted,  further  awards  are  provided  in 
the  form  of  Production  Star  Awards.  500  points  are  required  for 
the  Bronze  Production  Stor,  1,000  points  for  the  Silver  Star  and 
2,000  for  the  Gold  Star.  Thus  far,  three  employees  have  quali- 
fied for  the  Bronze  Star  and  one  of  these  men  is  within  100  points 
of  receiving  a  silver  star. 

—  2  — 

Every  week,  after  the  suggestions  have  been  investigated  by 
Methods  Engineering,  the  War  Production  Drive  Committee 
meets  to  review  the  suggestions  and  decide  what  awards  your 
suggestion  rates.  You'll  get  a  letter  from  them  advising  the 
status  of  your  suggestion. 

If  your  suggestion  won  an  award,  you'll  receive  an  invitation 
to  attend  a  meeting  where  you  will  hear  an  interesting  speak- 
er or  see  a  timely  combat  motion  picture  and  receive  your 
award.  Or  perhaps  like  Mr.  Grider,  your  award  will  be  made 
by  a  returned  hero. 

Suggestions  which  rated  an  award  from  the  Production  Drive 
committee  are  re-investigated  to  determine  their  actual  value 
after  being  in  operation  for  some  time.  This  information  is 
then   sent  to  c  special   Management  Committee  for  review. 

Charles  Judd,  Management  member  of  the  War  Production 
Drive  Committee  submits  detailed  reports  to  the  Special 
Management  Committee  for  possible  financial  awards  which 
are  made  in  War  Bonds  or  War  Stamps. 

If  you're  as  ingenious 
as  H.  W.  Graham  of 
Tooling,  that  eventful 
day  will  come  when 
you  will  receive  your 
Wor  Bond  or  War 
Stamps.  However, 
whether  you  won  last 
time  or  not,  THINK 

—  3  — 

With  the  rapid  progress  being  made  against  the  Nazis  in  Western  Europe,  the  eyes  of  the  nation 
turn  westward  to  the  Pacific.  Particularly  here  at  Ryan,  and  at  other  west  coast  plants  producing  equip- 
ment for  the  war  with  Japan,  the  Navy's  aerial  blows  against  the  yellow  men  take  on  new  and  import- 
ant significance. 

With  this  issue.  Flying  Reporter's  editors  bring  you  the  first  in  a  continuing  series  of  articles  about 
America's  Naval  Aviation. 

We  ore  indebted  to  the  editors  of  FLYING,  one  of  the  country's  outstanding  aviation  magazines, 
for  permission  to  reprint  this  material  from  their  fine  "U.  S.  Naval  Aviation"  issue  recently  off  the  press. 

"TYPICAL  "  JAP  PILOT  would  run 
something  as  follows:  He  is  a  second 
class  petty  officer  and  has  been  ed- 
ucated through  two  years  of  high 
school.  He  can  speak  enough  English 
to  ask  for  chewing  gum  and  in- 
quire after  the  health  of  Judy  Gar- 
land. Probably  a  native  of  Tokyo,  he 

Our  PaciFic  enemy  is  a  Fanatic  with  a  one-track  mind 
which  has  proven  a  detriment  to  his  success  as  a  pilot 

Top:  Associated  Press  Photograph  Courtesy  San  Diego  Tribune-Sun. 
Bottom:  Official   U.  S.   Navy  Photograph. 

has  a  cultural  finish  roughly  corres- 
ponding to  that  of  a  Dead  End  child 
in  lower  Manhattan.  In  1940,  at  the 
age  of  22,  he  responded  to  Hirohito's 
call  for  cannon  fodder  and  entered  a 
Navy  ground  school.  After  two  years 
of  the  ground  school,  he  attended  a 
pilot  school  for  a  year,  getting  in 
300  hours  flying  time.  Following  this 
was  a  year  of  operational  training 
that  was  highly  energetic;  he  flew 
about  5  consecutive  hours  a  day, 
generally  taking  along  a  lunch  ham- 
per filled  with  rice  and  elderly  fish. 
During  his  last  year  of  training  he 
worked  in  240  hours  of  flying,  which 
included  qualification  in  instrument 
flying.  After  winding  up  his  training 
he  got  ferry  duty  in  Soipan  and  then 
he  joined  an  air  group  assigned  to 
repel  our  attacking  force  at  Palau. 

LOTS to  enlisted  pilots  is  about  one 
to  six.  Captured  Jap  officers  are 
much  surlier  than  the  enlisted  men. 
They  remain  unco-operative,  moody, 
peevish  and  tricky,  no  matter  how 
they  are  treated,  whereas  the  enlist- 
ed men,  after  they  have  become  ad- 
justed to  kindness,  sometimes  get 
playful  and  happy,  like  little  chil- 
dren. Their  mentality  has  often  been 
compared  with  that  of  children,  in 
fact.  Physically,  the  Jap  pilot  is 
scrawny,  weighing  around  110 
pounds  and  standing  about  5  ft.  2 
in.  toll.  Most  Jap  prisoners  are  in 
good  health,  although  by  and  large 
they  are  distinctly  unimpressive 

During  the  past  year  and  a  half 
the    character    of    the    air    fighting 

—  4  — 

against  Japanese  pilots  particularly 
in  the  Solomons,  has  undergone 
great  changes.  When  Capt.  Joseph 
Foss  and  his  teammates  were  bat- 
tling against  the  Japanese  over 
Guadalcanal  we  were  fighting  a  de- 
fensive war,  hanging  doggedly  onto 
whatever  island  bases  we  had  man- 
aged to  muster  in  the  first  few 
months  after  Pearl  Harbor  and  Mid- 
way. Consequently,  although  nu- 
merically in  the  minority,  we  had 
the  advantage  of  fighting  over  our 
own  home  ground.  The  Japs  came 
down  each  day,  had  a  look  around, 
dropped  a  few  bombs  and  several 
planes,  and  limped  home  again. 
Gaining  offensive  strength,  we  mov- 
ed north  in  the  Solomons  and  the 
advantage  of  fighting  over  our  own 
bases  disappeared. 

(Continued  on   page    1  1  ) 

U.  S.  Marines  moving 
in  at  Agat  beach  on 
Guam  pass  an  up- 
side-down Jap  "Vol" 
dive  bomber  destroy- 
ed by  Navy  planes  in 
pre-invosion    missions. 



Ryan's  ace  public  speaker  tells  the  story 
of  the  aircraft  industry  to  the  community. 
He  talks  . . .  they  listen  and  they  like  it. 


Sdi  Snot^^ent<M> 

Although  he  is  Ryan's  after- 
dinner  speaker  de  luxe,  publicity 
writer  par  excellence,  and  man 
of  a  million  friends,  William  P. 
Brotherton  would  have  ample  ex- 
cuse for  being  strictly  the  anti- 
social type.  His  boyhood  was  hec- 
tic enough  to  make  a  nervous 
wreck  of  any  less  sunny  soul. 

Bill  was  the  son  of  a  U.  S.  Navy 
captain  whose  work  required  wide 
travel  all  over  the  United  States. 
Consequently  young  Brotherton 
never  stayed  in  any  school  more 
than  a  few  months.  Inasmuch  as 
he  was  always  large  for  his  age 
(today,  full-grown  at  last,  he  ad- 
mits to  a  stature  of  six  feet  two 
inches  without  heels)  he  became 
the  butt  of  many  caustic  com- 
ments from  schoolmates  when- 
ever he  entered  a  new  school. 

"Hey,  gong!  Lookit  the  big  new 
kid!  We  better  not  pick  on  him 
—  probably  some  dumb  punk 
that's  been  demoted!''  This  was 
the  general  trend  of  the  shrill  re- 
marks which  assailed  his  ear- 
drums at  each  entry  into  a  new 
institution   of   learning. 

It  is  a  tribute  to  Brotherton's 
natural  aptitude  for  public  rela- 
tions that,  even  at  the  age  of 
eight,  he  retained  his  good  humor 
in  the  face  of  such  unflattering 
comments  from  the  juvenile  pub- 
lic. It  is  a  further  tribute  to  his 
talent  for  gaining  public  favor 
that  in  later  years  he  was  able 
to  win  applause  in  such  diverse 
fields  as  banking,  engineering, 
and  trap-drumming. 

Brotherton's  nomadic  childhood 
drew  to  o  close  with  sojourns  at 

three  local  high  schools  —  St. 
Augustine's,  Point  Loma,  and  San 
Diego  High.  After  receiving  his 
diploma  at  the  normal  age  for 
high  school  graduates,  he  entered 
San  Diego  State  College,  where 
he  studied  electrical  engineering 
with  the  hope  of  making  this  his 

However,  his  scientific  ambi- 
tions were  almost  sidetracked 
when  he  became  actively  inter- 
ested in  trap-drumming.  Since 
early  youth  he  had  harbored  a 
suppressed  desire  to  enter  this 
field  of  art,  and  had  frequently 
practiced  for  as  long  as  five  hours 
at  a  stretch  using  knitting  nee- 
dles OS  drumsticks  and  an  old 
ukulele  as  a  drumhead.  It  is  said 
that  at   this   stage   of   his   career 

his  parents  seriously  considered 
renting  him  out  as  a  lease- 
breaker.  However,  Brotherton's 
enthusiasm  for  music  eventually 
brought  him  a  professional  offer, 
which  he  accepted  after  thinking 
the  matter  over  for  fully  ten  sec- 

"Was  I  ever  thrilled,"  Brother- 
ton  recalls.  "The  offer  was  from 
Jay  Eslick,  to  play  drums  and 
trumpet  (not  at  the  same  time, 
however)  at  Bostonia.  Maybe  you 
think  that  $25  or  $30  1  picked 
up  every  now  and  then  didn't 
come  in  handy!  For  about  five 
years  I  paid  all  my  school  ex- 
penses by  orchestra  work.  How- 
ever, when  the  time  came  to 
choose  between  education  and  a 

(Continued    on    page    14) 

Bill  laying  groundwork  for  a  technical  article  on  different  metals  by  talking 
to  Wilson   Hubbell  of  the  Loborotory  who  is  in  charge  of  Metallurgy. 



It  may  be  your  boy!  Heartsick  oway  from  home, 
or  fighting,  and  weary  with  wounded  and  dying 
comrades  all  around  him.  He  might  feel  like  run- 
ning away  from  this  hell-on-eorth.  But  he  won't 
do  that.  Instead  the  U.S.O.,  War  Prisoners  Aid, 
United  Seamen's  Service  or  U.S.O.-Camp  Shows 
will  come  to  him,  bringing  your  brand  of  American 
hope  to  put  courage  back  in  his  heart. 
You  con  do  that  for  him!  You  con  send  comfort 
and  courage  by  giving  your  full  shore  to  your 
War  Chest.   Keep   Giving! 


Of  course  you  would!  You'd  share  your  food  that 
the  starving  might  eat.  You'd  tear  your  clothing 
in  strips  to  bind  their  wounds  and  you'd  shore 
your  coat  with  a  freezing  stranger. 
You're  not  there  but  you  can  still  do  all  of  these 
and  more  by  giving  your  full,  fair  shore  to  your 
War  Chest.  This  fund,  ably  administered,  Is 
America's  effort  to  see  that  starving  babies  in 
allied  nations,  that  cold  and  homeless  hungry 
men  and  women  in  terrorized  countries  have  some- 
thing to  eat  and  o  garment  to  cover  refugees' 
nakedness.  Moke  your  contribution  as  generous 
as  you  would  if  you  were  there. 


That  young  girl  the  policewoman  is  half  leading, 
half  carrying  to  her  car.  Or  that  brazen,  sullen 
kid  between  two  cops.  The  boy  who  took  a  gun 
from  the  gun  shop  to  get  himself  on  automobile, 
and  shot  a   man? 

It  could  be!  If  wartime  delinquency  increases 
through  your  failure  to  support  your  War  Chest. 
Character  building  agencies  in  the  Wor  Chest 
which  prevent  such  things,  provide  proper  recre- 
ational facilities  for  boys  and  girls,  which  they 
must  have  to  develop  morally,  spiritually,  mentolly, 
physically  and  socially. 

So  strengthen  the  Home  Front  and  secure  family 
unity   by  giving   generously  to  your  War  Chest. 

—  8- 




"Now  look  fellas,  we're  going  to  do  our  darndesf-  to  help 
you  find  a  job  in  which  you'll  be  happy,"  says  Doug  Maw, 
former  Resident  Manager  of  the  Tucson  school.  Walter 
K.  Bolch  looks  on  from  the  sidelines  ready  with  pertinent 

"This  is  a  lot  different  from  what  happened  to 
me  at  the  last  place  I  worked,"  said  a  Ryan  Field 
mechanic,  mopping  his  forehead  in  the  hot  Tucson 
sunshine.  "That  place  closed  down  too,  just  like 
the  Ryan  School  is  closing  down.  But  at  that  place 
the  bosses  never  even  said  goodbye  or  good  luck 
or  where  do  you  go  from  here.  They  just  padlocked 
the  place  and  we  were  out  on  the  street  without 
a  job." 

His  buddy  nodded,  watching  the  last  of  the  train- 
ing planes  towed  off  the  field.  "\  guess  this  Ryan 
gong  does  things  differently.  When  the  Army  can- 
celled the  contract  for  flight  training  here,  there 
was  no  law  saying  Ryan  had  to  find  jobs  for  all 
workers  it  laid  off.    And  yet  look  what's  happening. 

Every  Ryan  employee  here  in  Tucson,  whether  he's 
been  with  the  organization  two  days  or  ten  years, 
has  a  choice  of  new  jobs  lined  up  for  him  by  Ryan. 
The  boys  at  the  top  are  really  going  to  bat  to  make 
sure  that  we  all  get  placed.  For  my  money,  Ryan 
is  100%  okay." 

You  could  have  heard  conversations  like  this  re- 
peated hundreds  of  times  last  month  all  over  the 
vast  sprawling  expanse  of  the  Ryan  School  of  Aero- 
nautics of  Arizona.  This  big  desert  flying  school, 
which  the  Ryan  company's  flight-training  affiliate 
built  for  the  Army  Air  Forces  two  years  ago  and 
has  been  operating  ever  since,  was  closed  down  this 
fall  as  part  of  the  Army's  tapering  off  policy.  As 
soon  as  Earl  D.  Prudden,  Vice  President  and  Gen- 
eral Manager  of  the  Ryan  school,  received  advance 
notice  of  the  Army's  cancellation  of  its  contract 
with  the  school,  he  got  together  with  other  Ryan 
executives  and  started  the  wheels  turning  on  a 
high-powered  campaign  to  help  every  terminated 
employee  at  Tucson  find  a  good  job  elsewhere. 
Walter  K.  Bolch,  Director  of  maintenance  and  tech- 
nical training  for  the  Ryan  schools,  was  tempor- 
arily relieved  of  all  his  other  duties  and  given  the 
full  time  assignment  of  helping  employees  switch 
to  other  jobs.  Art  Coltrain  and  Frank  Saye  were 
sent  from  the  San  Diego  factory  to  take  up  resi- 
dence in  Tucson  and  interview  all  employees  who 
might  be  placed  in  the  factory. 

Simultaneously,  Prudden  was  dispatching  96 
telegrams   to  airlines,   flight  schools  and   factories 

(Continued   on    page    16) 

Frank  Soye,  Employment  Manager  of  the  Ryan  Company, 
with  Walter  K.  Bolch,  inquiring  of  former  Tucson 
employees,  v/ho  decided  to  come  to  San  Diego,  how  they 
like  their  jobs. 

—  9  — 

SLlm^  -^'^^''''' 

/  i'A-^  ^.^« 


Did  you  ever  hear  of  building  a  bonfire 
under  o  soldier  to  get  him  started  marching? 
Neither  did  I.  I've  heard  of  this  treatment 
being  applied  to  mules  to  get  them  going, 
but  never  to  infantrymen.  But  it's  liable  to 
be  done  very  soon.  And — horror  of  horrors — 
it  is   liable  to  be  done  to  me. 

Want  to  know  why?  All  right,  I'll  tell 
you  anyway.  In  view  of  the  fact  that  my 
military  career  may  commence  in  the  very 
near  future,  I  rigged  up  myself  a  bundle 
that  weighed  approximately  the  same  as  a 
soldier's  pack,  with  the  idea  of  practicing 
marching  with  it  on  my  shoulders. 

I  took  a  counterpane,  spread  it  on  the 
floor,  and  loaded  it  with  60  pounds  of  books. 
It  took  exactly  1  5  Encyclopedia  Brittanico — 
or  from  A  to  Anno  through  Mary  to  Mus — 
to  get  the  60  pounds.  Then  I  tied  the  ends 
of  the  counterpane  together,  monaged  to 
heave  the  bundle  over  my  shoulder,  came 
as  near  attention  as  I  could,  and  then  cried 
this  order   to   myself: 

"Forward   March." 

It  was  the  most  foolhardy  command  that 
any  man  ever  gave  himself.  I  staggered  out 
of  the  living  room,  across  the  front  porch, 
across  the  yard  which  slopes  down  to  the 
beach — thank  goodness — and  then  on  to  the 
beach   itself. 

"Holt,"  I  cried.  "At  ease.  Sit  down.  Even 
lie  down,  if  you  want  to." 

This  command  mode  sense,  and  I  had  a 
good  rest  of  1  5  or  20  minutes  before  con- 
tinuing on  my  hike.  I  was  determined  to 
walk  at  least  a  mile,  then  as  I  forward 
marched  once  more  I  tried  to  convince  my- 
self that  in  the  Army  things  would  be  dif- 
ferent. The  pock  would  be  a  real  pack  with 
the  weight  so  distributed  that  it  would  float 
like  a  feather  on  my  bock.  Too,  there  would 
be  other  men  walking  along  with  me  for 
company,  and  I  wouldn't  be  walking  along 
the  beach  alone  with  half  of  the  world's 
knowledge    piled   on    my    back. 

But  as  I  took  my  second  rest  three  or 
four  houses  away  down  the  beach,  I  had  to 
admit  to  myself  that  60  pounds  are  60 
pounds  in  any  weight  and  in  any  sort  of 
wrapping,  be   it  counterpane  or  khaki  pack. 

In  my  exhaustion,  I  even  went  so  for  as 
to  wonder  what  the  Army's  reaction  would 
be  if  a  man  told  his  sergeant  that  he  would 
rather  carry  a  smaller  pack  and  do  without 
all  the  little  comforts  that  a  regular  pock 
contains  and  would  it  be  all  right  for  him 
to  really  rough  it  and  take  his  chances  on 
what  he  could  borrow  from  the  other  boys. 
But  I  didn't  spend  too  much  time  wonder- 
ing about  this.  Tired  as  I  was,  something 
told  me  there  was  no  future  in  this  line  of 

After  several  hours  of  forced  staggering, 
none  of  it  on  the  double,  I  completed  my 
mile  and  bivouacked.  Then  I  mode  ready 
for    the    return    journey.     I    slung    my    pack 

across  my  bock,  called  myself  to  attention, 
and  again  gave  that  dreaded  command, 
"Forward    march." 

The  spirit  was  willing  but  the  flesh  was 
weak.  I  couldn't  move  o  foot.  This  was 
when  that  building-o-fire-under-o-soldier 
idea  struck  me.  It  would  hove  token  that 
to  get  me  going.  As  it  was,  I  just  left  15 
volumes  of  Encyclopedia  there  on  the  sand 
and  come  home.  I'm  going  to  get  a  wheel- 
barrow in  the  morning  and  go  back  and  get 
them.  And  any  more  marching  that  I  do 
before  I  get  into  the  army  will  be  done 
with  a  pack  filled  with  15  volumes  of  The 
Reader's  Digest. 

Phoenix,    Arizona, Via    TWA 

Air   Line 
The    night 

Shows  stars  and  women 
In  a  better  light. — Byron. 
You  con  have  my  share  of  desert  days, 
but  the  desert  nights  ore  really  something. 
Seems  as  if  you  could  reach  right  out  and 
grab  yourself  o  star.  It  is  also  cloimed  that 
desert  moonlight  leads  all  other  moonlights 
in   inspiring  proposals  of  marriage. 

How  did  you  arrive  in  the  town  of  your 
present  residence?  Geo.  P.  Hunt  arrived  in 
the  town  of  Globe,  Arizona,  riding  on  a  burro. 
Then  he  went  to  work  as  a  waiter  in  o 
Chinese  restaurant.  He  worked  up  from  this 
humble  beginning  to  be  the  leading  mer- 
chant and  banker  of  Globe,  and  also  the 
Governor  of  Arizona.  Mr.  Hunt  was  Arizona's 
Governor  for  seven  terms.  This  is  probably 
the  successive  term  record  for  Governors. 
Joe  Hernandez,  the  Mexican  Nightingale, 

/"RiciMT  Neighborly 
{    Paedner.-Qisht 
\  Neighborly. 

Slim's  "Draft"  Horse 

famous  as  a  race  announcer  a  I  Santa  Anito 
and  Hollywood  Pork,  is  doing  the  announcing 
at  the  local  meeting  and  it  is  a  pleasure  to 
hear  him  pronounce  the  names  of  horses 
that  hove  a  Spanish  origin,  such  as,  Anita 
Chiquita,  Son  Ignocio,  Cielito  Lindo,  etc. 
Derived  o  great  deal  of  pleasure  watching 
a  12-day  old  colt.  Even  more  interesting  was 
the  attention  given  this  colt  by  its  mother. 
The  colt  seemed  about  to  pass  away  and 
hod  to  be  given  a  blood  transfusion.  "The 
colt  will  live,"  said  the  veterinarian,  "be- 
cause the  mother  loves  it."  Seems  that  all 
colts  are  not  so  lucky  to  be  loved  by  their 

Phoenix  has  a  new  $4,000,000  hotel  where 
you  can  get  o  room  with  a  view  of  the  desert 
for  $25  0  day.  One  feminine  guest  of  the 
hostelry  is  reported  to  have  been  there  26 
days  and  has  never  worn  the  some  evening 
gown  twice.  She  also  has  o  number  of  fur 
coats  which  she  wears  to  go  on  the  roof 
and  look  at  the  stars. 

Tucson,  Arizona  has  over  30  hospitals 
and  sonatoriums.  It  is  also  reported  that 
the  Tucson  hot  chili  sauce  and  barbecued 
spore   ribs  are   the   country's  best. 

Interesting  sidelights  —  The  Hopi  Indian 
law  is  that  all  property  is  owned  by  the 
female  line,  and  descends  from  mother  to 
daughter.  Peoria,  Ariz.,  with  a  population 
of  about  700,  was  founded  by  former  resi- 
dents of  Peoria,  III.  I  would  like  to  include 
that  stirring  ditty,  "I  want  to  be  in  Peoria," 
in  my  shower  singing  schedule,  but  I  can't 
remember  the  words.  .  .  .  Some  Indian  tribes 
may  be  listed  as  "vanishing  Americans," 
but  not  the  Navojos.  Originolly  there  were 
about  8000  on  the  Navajo  Reservation, 
which  now  has  a  population  of  44,408  and 
mokes  it  the  largest  reservation  in  the 

The  Boulder  Dam  near  Los  Vegas,  Nevada 
cost  $125,000,000  to  build.  That  seemed 
a  lot  at  the  time,  but  defense  industry  ex- 
penditures have  mode  it  less  impressive. 
However,  it  is  interesting  to  keep  in  mind 
that  for  the  cost  of  three  bottleships  there 
was  built  0  dam  that  has  made  life  happier 
and  more  profitable  for  hundreds  of  thou- 
sands of  people. 

In  some  sections  of  Arizona  much  depends 
on  the  price  of  copper.  This  means  pros- 
perity or  poverty  for  many  communities.  In 
the  early  30's,  Jerome,  Ariz.,  hod  a  popu- 
lation of  about  15,000.  Then  the  price  of 
copper  went  down  and  the  town's  population 
is  now  a  little  over  4,000. 

According  to  the  papers,  the  War  Pro- 
duction Board  is  again  figuring  on  making 
tires  out  of  alcohol.  As  an  expert,  I  con 
testify  that  if  the  stuff  has  the  some  effect 
on  wheels  that  it  has  on  my  legs  it  will 
make   very   good    rubber. 

Well,  there's  the  call,  "All  aboard,  eost- 
bound  flight."  See  you  later. 




(Continued   from  page  4) 


far  in  the  Pacific  has  been  fought  at  Ra- 
bcul,  a  strongly  fortified  base  with  an  excel- 
lent harbor.  The  Japs  were  anxious  to  keep 
Rabaul  in  working  order  and  we  were  equal- 
ly anxious  to  work  it  over.  The  result  of 
this  conflict  is  well  known  by  now;  Rabaul 
was  put  out  of  commission,  but  from  an  aer- 
ial standpoint  the  job  was  done  the  hard 
way.  Day  after  day  we  sent  large  strikes  of 
dive  bombers,  torpedo  planes  and  fighters 
over  the  base  to  neutralize  the  enemy  planes 
and  reduce  the  shipping  in  the  harbor.  For 
awhile  the  Japs  sent  up  fighter  opposition  in 
great  numbers.  However,  it  soon  become  ap- 
parent that  what  came  up  hod  a  habit  of 
going  down,  generally  on  fire,  and  the  Japs 
crawled  into  their  holes.  During  February 
the  enemy  at  Rabaul  confined  his  air  oppo- 
sition largely  to  scattered  fighters  that  stunt- 
ed  around  on   the   fringe  of  our  formations. 

On  the  basis  of  the  Japs'  increased  ad- 
vantage in  fighting  conditions  and  our 
mounting  successes,  it  would  appear  that 
the  Japs  are  getting  worse  or  that  we  are 
getting  better  or  that  both  conditions  are 

PECTS of  Jap  pilot's  behavior  then  and  now 
is  their  predilection  for  aerobatics.  Toward 
the  close  of  the  Rabaul  campaign  they  gave 
some  of  the  finest  exhibitions  of  aerobatics 
ever  seen  in  those  or  any  other  parts.  There 
are  two  possible  reasons  for  this  foolishness. 
One  is  that  the  Japs  hope  to  lure  Allied 
fighters  away  from  formation  when  they 
will  be  fairly  easy  prey.  Another,  and  a  fa- 
vorite with  American  pilots,  is  that  the  Japs, 
realizing  they  aren't  able  to  fight  us  on  even 
terms,  do  the  aerobatics  in  an  effort  to 
sooth  their  ruffled  egos. 

A  great  many  of  our  pilots  share  the  con- 
viction that  the  Japs  are  crazy.  There  seems, 
they  say,  no  other  explanation  for  the  puz- 
zling variability  of  their  behavior.  "One  day 
they  will  fly  good  formations  and  be  tough 
as  hell  to  get  at,"  a  Navy  fighter  pilot  re- 
cently said,  "and  the  next  day  they'll  make 
mistakes  that  a  green  kid  in  training  would 
never  pull."  He  went  on  to  add  that  over 
Simpson  Harbor  he  had  been  chasing  a  Jap 
who  took  wonderfully  clever  evasive  action 
for  quite  a  while  and  then  pulled  up  in  front 
of  him  and  hung  there  at  stalling  speed.  The 
Navy  pilot,  of  course,  knocked  him  off  with 
one  short  burst  and  returned  home,  bewild- 
ered  but   happy. 

JAP  TACTICS  involves  their  staying  com- 
pletely out  of  range  and  shooting  up  all 
their  ammunition.  Nobody  seems  to  under- 
stand just  what  the  Japs  feel  that  this  ac- 
complishes; so  far  as  is  known,  it  has  ac- 
counted for  no  American  pilots  or  planes. 
The  tracers  loop  over  in  beautiful  arcs  and 
fall  a  hundred  yards  or  so  short,  and  the 
Japs  seldom  show  any  disposition  to  move 
closer.  When  all  the  ammunition  is  gone  the 
Japs  scoot  for  home,  apparently  feeling  that 
they  have  put  in  some  good  licks  and  are  en- 
titled to  a   rest. 

The  theory  that  cowardice  may  account 
for  this  untruculent  routine  hardly  holds 
water;  on  some  days  the  Japs  will  attack 
with  bravado  and  desperation.  It  is  true, 
however,   that   in   spite   of  the   much   bally- 

hooed  "suicidal"  belligerency  of  the  Jap- 
anese, they  will  seldom  stick  in  a  head-on 
run  with  an  American  pilot.  In  almost  every 
cose  the  Jap  pulls  out  first  and  often  long 
before  he  gets  within  range. 

Most  Jap  pilots  in  the  Solomons  and  New 
Britain  were  Navy;  on  the  whole  these  are 
superior  to  the  Jap  Army  pilots  fighting  in 
New  Guinea.  The  Navy  pilots  are  selected 
more  carefully  and  get  longer  and  more 
thorough  training.  In  the  Central  Pacific 
the  Jap  pilots,  both  fighters  and  bombers, 
have  shown  the  same  inconsistency  in  per- 
formance and  the  same  decline  in  merit. 
There  is  no  question  that  the  great  majority 
of  first-string  Jap  pilots — those  who  enter- 
ed the  war  with  the  great  advantage  of  ex- 
perience in  Chinese  combat  theatres  and 
elsewhere — have  now  joined  their  ances- 
tors. The  ones  carrying  on  the  fight  still 
provide  strong  opposition  on  occasion  but 
no  longer  in  the  master  race  tradition. 

ONE  OF  THE  BIG  SURPRISES  about  cap- 
tured pilots  is  their  sensational  ignorance 
about  war.  Their  leaders,  it  appears,  have 
not  brought  them  up-to-date.  In  the  minds 
of  many  of  them  the  war  is  about  over,  and 
a  lot  ore  not  quite  positive  just  where  they 
are  fighting.  One  young  Jap,  a  farmer  by 
preference  and  a  pilot  by  decree  of  the  em- 
peror, made  on  interesting  prediction  in 
the  Solomons.  After  being  ignominously 
harpooned  by  a  Grumman  Wildcat-,  he  para- 
chuted down  and,  to  his  captors,  comment- 
ed on  the  loss  of  Guadalcanal  of  which 
he  had  just  been  apprised.  "Yes,"  he  said, 
hissing  pleasantly,  "you  get  Guadalcanal  but 
you  never  get  Pearl   Harbor  back." 

The  Japs  pick  up  our  ways  fairly  rapidly. 
During  the  post  year  they  have  imitated  our 
tactics  frequently.  The  pattern  has  been  for 
us  to  work  out  a  tactic  and  kill  quite  a  few 
Japs  with  it;  then  the  Japs  copy  it,  and  after 
this  we  work  out  something  different  and 
kill  some  more  Japs.  It  is  seldom  that  the 
Japs  catch  up;  they  seem  to  be  notably  de- 
ficient in  initiative.  The  truth  is,  without  a 
doubt,  that  the  Japanese  are  in  no  way  our 
phyical  or  mental  peers.  Having  lived  in  a 
state  of  thorough  regimentation  all  their 
lives  they  are  inexpert  at  creative  thinking. 
They  are  moderately  adept  at  learning  things 
by  rote,  including  flying  and  fighting,  but 
in  the  face  of  new  developments  they  are 
often  helpless. 

When  the  leader  of  a  Jap  bombing  for- 
mation is  shot  down  the  rest  of  the  pilots 
frequently  fly  around  as  confusedly  as  a 
flock  of  chickens  eluding  a  weasel.  Once 
four  U.  S.  Navy  cruisers  were  steaming  up 
the  Kulo  Gulf  and  the  Japs,  then  being 
established  rather  firmly  in  those  ports, 
showed  up  with  18  dive  bombers  and  12 
Zeros.  All  we  could  get  up  in  opposition  at 
the  moment  were  four  ancient  Wildcats. 
Presumably  the  Japs  weren't  expecting  op- 
position, because  when  the  Wildcats  drop- 
ped in  on  them  the  dive  bombers  all  went 
helling  for  home  and  most  of  the  Zeros  were 
shot  down.  We  lost  one  plane,  but  the  pilot 
was  picked  up  by  a  Catolina.  As  a  rule, 
when  our  planes  go  down  in  anything  re- 
sembling a  friendly  area  the  pilots  are  sav- 
ed by  our  excellent  air-sea  rescue  organiza- 
tion. Shot-up  Japs,  on  the  other  hand,  rare- 
ly get  out  of  their  planes  alive.  When  hit 
the  planes  usually  explode  and  burn  quick- 

AN  ATTEMPT  BY  THE  JAPS  to  copy  our 
four-plane  section  tactics  failed  to  work  out. 
The  whole  business  appeared  to  be  too  com- 
plicated  for  them;   what  emerged   from  the 

—  II 

imitation  was,  according  to  Navy  pilots,  one 
of  the  most  muddled  exhibitions  in  modern 
aviation.  An  outstanding  example  of  Jap 
stupidity  is  their  frequent  failure  to  look 
around   thoroughly. 

Not  long  ago  a  Navy  pilot,  wounded  and 
confused,  mistakenly  joined  a  Vee  of  Japs 
flying  home  after  a  scrap.  They  rode  along 
in  formation  for  about  10  minutes,  during 
which  one  of  the  Japs  looked  over  and  smil- 
ed pleasantly,  and  then  the  Navy  pilot  some- 
how became  aware  of  his  error  and  depart- 
ed. Later  he  decided  that  the  Jap  who  smil- 
ed must  have  had  especially  poor  eyesight. 
Japanese  gunnery  is  still  as  bad  as  ever  and 
perhaps  a  little  worse.  Ordinarily  they  won't 
try  difficult  deflection  shots;  their  favorite 
approach  is  a  high  stern  run  involving  about 
the  kind  of  marksmanship  that  would  be 
required  to  knock  a  tomato  can  off  a  fence 
with   a    1 0-gauge  shotgun. 

Occasionally,  of  course,  our  yellow  enemy 
works  out  something  pretty  smart.  At  one 
point  during  the  post  winter  we  were  having 
a  little  trouble  in  the  South  Pacific  with 
Japs  jumping  on  our  fighters  of  the  extreme 
outboard  edge  of  a  scissors,  which  is  a 
standard  maneuver  for  fighter  escorts. 
Needless  to  say,  it  took  us  only  a  short  time 
to  offset  this  with  a  slight  tactical  change. 
On  the  whole,  mental  agility  is  not  an  out- 
standing Jap  characteristic.  To  quote  a 
Navy  Hellcat  pilot,  "The  average  Jap 
just  hasn't  got  the  mind  for  this  kind  of 
quick-thinking  work.  If  we  had  a  plane 
that  could  turn  with  them,  we'd  murder 
them    all   within   a   week. 

Generally  speaking,  the  same  difference 
between  Jap  and  American  planes  exists 
today  as  in  the  early  part  of  the  war.  The 
Jap  fighters  still  outmoneuver  ours  but 
can  take  much  less  punishment.  A  new 
Jap  fighter,  which  we  designated  by  the 
code  name  of  Tojo  is  believed  to  have  self- 
sealing  fuel  tanks  and  protected  oil  tanks. 
Of  radial  engine  design,  it  is  similar  to  the 
Thunderbolt  but  a  little  smaller  and  re- 
putedly a  little  faster.  Although  this  plane 
marks  the  first  Jap  attempt  to  follow  our 
preference  of  ruggedness  to  extreme  maneu- 
verability, its  armor,  fortunately,  is  no  pro- 
tection against  the  .50-caliber  machine  gun. 


is  still  the  Zeke,  or  Mark  I  fighter.  It  is  39 
feet  in  wing  span  and  29  ft.  7  in.  long.  Its 
maximum  speed  is  about  300  knots  at  16,- 
000  feet.  The  armament  of  the  Zeke  con- 
sists of  two  7.7-mm.  synchronized  guns  in 
the  nose  and  a  20-mm.  cannon  in  each 
wing.  Two  other  Jap  fighters  are  the  Hamp 
which  is  longer  and  faster  but  has  the  same 
armament,  and  the  new  Tony,  whose  chief 
distinguishing  feature  is  improved  armament 
— two  synchronized  12.7-mm.  gun  in  the 
nose,  a  7.7  in  each  wing  and  a  provision 
for  0  37-mm.  cannon  to  fire  through  the 
propeller  shaft.  The  Japs  are  still  using  a 
large  number  of  float  Zeros  which  are 
rather  ineffective  because  of  their  compara- 
tively slow  speed.  All  the  Jap  fighters  except 
the  new  Tojo  still  blow  up  if  hit  anywhere 
near  the  engine.  They  literally  explode  and 
then  burn  all  the  way  down  to  the  water.  It 
makes  a  pyrotechnic  display  that  is  quite 
heartening  to  watch. 

For  some  reason,  the  Japs  seem  incapable 

(Continued  on  page  19) 

—  12  — 

Putt  Putts 
On  Parade 

4^^    by  Millie  Merritt 

With  the  thoughts  of  a  week's  vacation  in 
San  Francisco  running  through  my  mind,  I 
find  it  difficult  to  sit  here  and  write  about 
"life  at  Ryan."  Since  the  deadline  is  only 
minutes  away — I  think  it  advisable  for  me 
to  get  some  speed  up  and  say  a  few  scat- 
tered words. 

Changes  are  being  made  so  fast  on  the 
factory  floor  that  the  girls  on  the  Budos 
aren't  quite  sure  about  any  station  location. 
In  fact,  you'll  find  that  most  of  us  have  been 
in  a  daze  the  last  week,  but  we  think  we 
are  going  to  really  enjoy  the  new  production 

the  newest  Pin  Up  girls  in  Transportation. 
WINNIE  is  on  day  shift  and  came  to  us 
from  Texas.  At  the  present  we  are  not  able 
to  get  any  information  on  OTIE  as  she  is  on 
swing  shift.  But  we  will  try  and  introduce 
her  properly  next  issue. 

Due  to  the  stations  being  moved  to  dif- 
ferent locations,  our  newest  gals  have 
really  had  a  difficult  time.     They  learn  their 

stations  one  day,  only  to  return  the  follow- 
ing morning  and  find  them  in  different 
localities.  We  realize  this  is  a  bod  time 
to   break   in   and   we   sympathize   with   them. 

SALLIE  LEVICKAS  finally  left  for  her  va- 
cation in  Ohio  (that  old  third  time  charm) 
and  should  be  enjoying  herself  by  this  time. 
Our  department,  as  well  as  the  rest  of  the 
plant,  will  really  be  glad  to  see  her  return 
to  her  Buda,  as  her  laughter  and  gay  per- 
sonality are  really  missed  around  these  parts. 

Since  the  last  issue  MILT  JOHNSON  and 
BETTY  STURTEVANT  have  left  our  depart- 
ment. Milt  is  now  in  Automotive  Service 
and  Betty  is  with  Dispatching.  FRANK 
CARABELLO  is  replacing  Milt  on  the  tubing 
moves.     Welcome  to  our  department,  Frank. 

Better  late  than  never.  So  we  would  like 
to  take  this  opportunity  to  wish  RUTH 
(Pee  Wee)  KENNEDY  a  very  Happy  Birth- 
day. NINA  RAY  and  the  other  swing  shift 
girls  surprised  them  with  a  luscious,  beau- 
tifully designed  birthday  cake. 

two  of  the  girls  who  have  been  in  this  de- 
partment for  over  a  year  and  we  would  like 
for  them  to  know  how  much  we  appreciate 
their  regularity  and  dependability.  Mae  is 
the  girl  who  answers  all  the  Auto-colls  for 
special  jobs  and  Dottle's  specialty  is  the 
morning  Milk  Route. 

Hats  off  to  the  post — Coats  off  to  the 

Sheet  Metal 

by  Marge  and  Ernie 


Hello  Gong: 

Well,  our  departments  have  really  been 
changing  around — I  never  know  where  to 
find  you  and  you  never  know  where  to  find 
me!  But  they  have  me  cornered  now,  up 
here  where  I  can  look  down  over  oil  three 
of  my  departments  at  the  some  time.  I'm 
really  hanging  by  my  heels  in  the  rafters 
these  days,  but  I'm  sure  we  will  all  like  the 
new  change  just  mighty  fine  when  we  get 
completely  settled. 

We  really  claim  to  hold  the  records  for 
perfect  attendance  in  Sheet  Metal.  Last 
week  I  told  you  about  MARY  McFARLANE 
in  Dept.  No.  2  who  passed  her  two  year  mark 
without  ever  being  absent  or  having  a  single 
pass  out.  Imagine  my  surprise  to  find  that 
WALTER  THORPE  of  Dept.  No.  3  will  hove 
been  here  FIVE  years  the  first  of  December 
and  has  never  been  absent.  I  know  these 
two  hold  the  record  in  Sheet  Metal  Dept., 
and  I  defy  any  man  or  woman  in  the  plant 
to  beat  these  records.  If  you  con — let  me 
know  about  it.  No  foolin'  tho,  these  two 
people  deserve  a  lot  of  credit  and  we're 
mighty  proud  of  them. 

A.  T.  STONEHOUSE  is  bock  from  his  va- 
cation looking  hail  and  hearty  and  fit  as  a 
fiddle.  O.  D.  DORSEY  of  Dept.  No.  3  is  bock 
with  us  after  three  weeks  off  due  to  a 
smashed  finger.  F.  A.  ROBBINS  was  on  the 
sick  list  last  week,  too.  CHARLIE  FRANTZ 
is  down  with  a  bad  bock  at  the  present  time 

and  we  sure  do  miss  him.  Funny  how  un- 
important we  think  our  backs  ore  until  they 
suddenly  don't  work  for  us  any  more!  Just 
ask  yours  truly! 

Deer  hunting  season  opened  with  a  bang, 
but  to  date,  I  hove  not  seen  any  deer.  There 
hove  been  some  awful  banged  ond  skinned 
up  hunters,  tho.  JIM  FITZGERALD  got  ex- 
cited and  fell  off  a  ledge  into  a  cactus  and 
you  can  imagine  his  condition.  There  has 
been  an  awful  lot  of  barked  up  shins  since 
hunting  season  started!  Those  deer  ore 
probably  having  one  big  laugh  at  all  the 
crips  that  have  been  limping  home. 

MIRE  are  bock  in  Dept.  No.  3  with  their 
cowling.  They  were  formerly  over  in  Ex- 
perimental  Dept.      Welcome  home! 

OSCAR  WARDEN  was  laid  up  a  few  days 
when  he  stepped  off  a  platform  down  here 
into  thin  air.  Oscar,  you  are  not  as  young 
as  you  used  to  be,  you  know,  and  that  con- 
crete floor  is  no  mattress! 

Remember  whenever  you  go  by  to  turn  in 
your  news  to  me.  This  is  your  column  and 
you  will  have  to  tell  me  what  you  want  in  it. 


Hi,  again,  everyone. 

Dept.  I  can  now  hold  its  head  up  and 
shout,  too,  and  I  wish  you  would  watch  ROY 
and    AL    strut  —  they're    proud    as    punch. 

—  13  — 

Reason?  ?  ?  They  now  have  a  Department 
Clerk,  and  a  very  sweet  person  she  is.  May 
I  introduce  MADGE  BLEDSOE — Department 
Clerk  for  Cutting  and  Routing.  So,  now  all 
you  Cutters  and  Routers  can  tell  your 
troubles  to  Madge.  She'll  take  core  of  them 
beautifully.  And  all  of  us  hope  that  you  like 
it  here,  Madge. 

Incidentally,  Madge  is  married  to  a  very 
charming  young  man  who  is  now  overseas 
flying  airplanes  for  our  Uncle.  And  BETTY, 
Clerk  in  Dept.  2,  is  married  to  a  very  hand- 
some Marine  Corps  Corporal  who  served  on 
Guadalcanal  and  is  again  overseas.  That 
explains  why  Betty  gets  very,  ver-ee  cross 
if  anyone  speaks  ill  of  the   illustrious  Corps. 

Congratulations  to  JESSE  PEREZ  in  Dept. 
I,  who  is  the  proud  father  of  a  baby  girl 
born  on  Sept.  16.  The  little  girl  has  been 
named  Lupe.  So,  welcome  to  this  funny  old 
world  of  ours,  Lupe. 

Mr.  Pinney  went  on  a  vacation, 
He  went  to  shoot  a  deer, 
Mr.   Pinney's  back  at  work. 
His   shooting   record   clear. 
The  deer  just  didn't  wont  to  die. 
And  be  cooked  until  well-done, 
So  didn't  wander  very  near 
Mr.    Pinney  and   his  gun. 

Anyhow,  Sam  soys,  he  shot  some  rabbits. 
For  shame! ! 

What  is  all  this  double-talk  stuff  that 
STEGNER  has  been  cooking  up  lately?  Does 
anyone,  aside  from  BALDWIN  (who  claims 
he  does)  understand  what  it's  all  about?? 
And  while  we're  on  the  subject  of  Stegner, 
is  it  TRUE  that  he  once  played  Right- 
Squint  on  a  Peek-a-Boo  Team?? 

Everyone  in  Dept.  2  was  glad  to  welcome 
ETHYLE   SZARAFINSKI    back   on   Sept.    25. 
Ethyle  has  been  out  for  quite  some  time  due 
to    on    injury,    but   soys    that    she's   ever   so 
glad    to    be    back   at   her   old    place   on    the 
Punch    Presses.    On    Sept.    26,    BILL    RUN- 
NELS'  Punch   Press  group  served  coffee  and 
doughnuts  at  rest  period  in  honor  of  Ethyle's 
return.       AVIS     LAKER,     INEZ     JOHNSON 
were    there.    It's   grand    to    have    you    back, 
Ethyle,    really   grand. 

Any  peculiar  or  absent-minded  actions  on 
the  part  of  HELEN  STRANGE  may  be  ex- 
plained by  the  fact  that  she  recently  receiv- 
ed a  telephone  coll  from  her  ■  husband. 
What's  so  unusual  about  that??  He  has  just 
returned  from  overseas  and  expects  to  be 
in  San  Diego  very  soon.  We're  ell  very  glad 
for  you,  Helen,  even  if  some  can't  resist  a 
bit  of  teasing. 

RICHARD  WELLS,  assistant-foreman  In 
SM  Assembly,  and  known  variously  as  Dick 
or  R.  G.,  is  bock  at  his  old  place  after  his 
sojourn   in   Final  Assembly  Building. 

Returned  vacationers  this  time  Include 
LENE  CONN.  Those  who  have  returned 
from  leaves  of  absence  are  THEDA  DEN- 

'Tis  sorry  we  are  to  hear  that  SHIRLEY 
DENNIS  must  take  an  extension  on  her 
leave  because  of  ill  health.  We  are  hoping 
that  Shirley  will  be  back  with  us  soon  and 
feeling    much    better. 

Till   next  time,    I'll   be  seeing  you  around. 




(Continued  from  page  7) 

musical  career,  I  decided  to  continue  my 

At  San  Diego  State,  Brotinerton  wallowed 
happily  in  calculus,  aerodynamics,  electricity, 
and  every  other  scientific  subject  available. 
After  leaving  school  in  1931  he  set  out  to 
conquer  the  engineering  world,  but  found 
himself  balked  in  the  very  first  stage  of 
conquest.  In  other  words,  there  were  no 
engineering  jobs  open   in    1931. 

Thousands  of  other  young  men  were  re- 
ceiving similar  setbacks  that  year,  and  many 
of  them  became  understandably  irritated. 
However,  Brotherton  retained  his  optimism 
and  went  looking  for  a  job,  however  humble, 
in  any  field  which  might  lead  to  a  business 
or  scientific  career.  Eventually  he  found 
one  as  a  messenger  and  bookkeeper  for  the 
First  National  Bank.  He  promptly  began 
devoting  his  evenings  to  a  study  of  the  bank- 
ing business,  taking  night  school  classes  at 
the   American    Institute   of    Banking. 

The  study  of  banking  has  been  indirectly 
helpful  to  Brotherton  many  times  since,  but 
it  paid  him  no  cash  dividends  at  the  time, 
because  he  left  First  Notional  in  order  to 
take  a  job  with  the  San  Diego  Gas  and 
Electric    Company. 

For  the  next  ten  years  he  stayed  with  the 
company.  He  began  in  the  Valuation  de- 
partment, moved  after  six  months  into  the 
Sales  department  (where  he  won  the  de- 
partment-wide sales  contest  in  his  second 
month  of  selling)  and  proceeded  five  years 
later  to  the  Commercial  Lighting  depart- 
ment, where  he  visited  every  store,  office 
and  commercial  user  of  electricity  from 
Oceonside  to  San  Ysidro.  "It  was  my  job 
to  make  the  actual  blueprints  for  electrical 
installations,  and  also  to  act  as  liaison  man 
between  the  contractor  and  the  users  of 
electricity,"  Brotherton  recalls.  "It  was 
pretty  strenuous  sometimes,  but  marvelous 

About  seven  years  ago,  Brotherton  became 
keenly  interested  in  civic  activities,  and 
joined  the  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce. 
"This  was  an  open  sesame  for  me,"  he  soys. 
"It  opened  new  opportunities,  and  made 
dozens  of  friends  for  me,"  For  the  last  four 
years,  he  has  been  chairman  of  the  speak- 
ers' bureau  of  the  San  Diego  War  Chest 
and  the  Community  Chest.  He  is  now  pres- 
ident of  the  Junior  Chamber,  having  previ- 
ously served  as  its  vice-president  for  two 
years  and  as  chairman  of  its  Army-Navy 
committee  for  three  years.  He  also  occupies 
a  place  on  the  board  of  directors  of  the 
Senior  Chamber  and  of  the  Army  and  Navy 

Brotherton  is  married  to  a  National  City 
girl  he  met  at  State  College.  They  have  two 
children — Goyle,  3'/2,  and  Gary,  I  Vi.  "My 
wife  has  been  a  wonderful  listener  all  these 
years,"  he  says.  "She  listens  to  me  prac- 
ticing every  speech  I  have  to  moke,  and 
gives   me   a    lot  of   pertinent  criticisms." 

Bill  admits  that  ever  since  he  became  in- 
volved in  community  affairs  he  has  been 
hankering  after  a  job  in  the  field  of  public 
relations.  When  the  opportunity  presented 
itself  lost  spring,  he  entered  our  Public  Re- 
lations department  to  carry  out  a  two-fold 
job:    public    speaker   and    publicity   writer. 

The  Ryan  Company  hod  felt  for  some 
time  that  it  needed  a  top-flight  speaker  to 
represent  it  at  service  clubs  and  civic  or- 
ganizations. Requests  for  talks  on  aviation 
are   constantly  coming    in   from   all    kinds  of 

Son  Diego  groups,  and  in  the  past  the  com- 
pany has  been  hard-pressed  to  satisfy  these 
requests.  But  since  Brotherton  joined  thi 
company  in  June,  all  invitations  have  been 
accepted  promptly,  and  Brotherton  has  filled 
them.  He  has  given  his  forty-minute  talk 
on  "The  Story  Behind  the  Industrial  Record 
of  Aviation"  no  less  than  twenty-four  times 
all  over  San   Diego  County. 

Brotherton  is  the  rare  type  of  speaker 
who  con  be  dynamic  without  being  bom- 
bastic. He  gives  a  colorful,  enthusiastic  talk 
which  invariably  wins  his  audience's  liking 
because  of  his  own  warmth  and  friendliness. 
In  his  speech  he  does  a  good  selling  job  not 
only  for  Ryan  but  for  the  whole  aircraft  in- 
dustry, and  has  been  making  friends  for  the 
company  wherever  he  goes.  Recently  an  in- 
fluential business  executive  from  Santa  Bar- 
bara heard  Brotherton  speak  here,  and  be- 
came so  enthused  that  he  talked  the  com- 
pany into  allowing  Brotherton  to  go  to  Santo 
Barbara  to  repeat  the  talk  there. 

Ryan's  publicity  staff  has  likewise  been 
hard-pressed  by  requests  from  technical 
magazines  for  articles  on  the  technical  inno- 

vations which  Ryan  has  pioneered.  Most 
of  these  subjects  were  far  over  the  heods  of 
the  writers  in  the  Public  Relations  deport- 
ment, who  hod  had  wide  journalistic  training 
but  little  technical  background.  When 
Brotherton  joined  the  department,  his  knowl- 
edge of  engineering  and  other  scientific 
subjects  mode  it  easy  for  him  to  write  for 
the  abstruse  journals  which  were  begging  for 
detailed  descriptions  of  many  of  Ryan's  new 
factory  processes.  The  technical  articles  he 
has  been  turning  out  hove  made  technicoi 
men  all  over  America  more  keenly  aware  of 
this  company's  leadership  in  production  and 

It  is  part  of  this  country's  folk-lore  thot 
technical  men  are  supposed  to  be  poor  mix- 
ers. But  Bill  Brotherton  is  the  living  refu- 
tation of  this  myth.  He  likes  nothing  better 
than  to  get  out  and  rub  elbows  with  the 
masses,  and  finds  making  friends  as  easy  as 
breathing.  He  epitomizes  the  old  saying, 
"If  you  like  people,  they'll  like  you,"  and 
everybody  likes  Bill  Brotherton.  The  pri- 
vately-expressed opinion  of  his  acquaint- 
ances is  that  "That  young  man  is  really 
going  places." 

tUc  ^utetne  o^  Scut  'Die^ 

Through  his  post  experience  with  civic  organizations  and  the  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce, Bill  Brotherton  is  highly  optimistic  about  San  Diego's  industrial  future.  "This 
city  has  one  of  the  greatest  opportunities  ever  offered  any  city  to  become  on  import- 
ant transshipment  port,"  he  soys.  "When  the  great  new  Pacific  markets  are  opened 
up.  Son  Diego  will  be  the  first  port  of  coll  for  all  shipping  that  comes  through  the 
Panoma  Canal  from  Europe,  Africa,  and  the  eastern  United  States. 

"This  means  that  goods  can  be  brought  into  our  port,  trucked  and  sold  in  cities 
within  200  miles  of  us  before  these  some  goods  could  be  token  by  ship  to  the  next 
port  of  call.  Also,  it  gives  us  the  logical  position  for  supplying  ships  with  food,  fuel 
and  supplies  at  the  last  opportunity  before  they  leave  the  United  States  to  go 
through  the  Canal. 

"We  have  a  real  responsibility  to  serve  such  inland  states  as  Arizona,  New 
Mexico  and  Nevada,  which  hove  no  ports.  Within  the  three  counties  of  San  Diego, 
Imperial,  and  Yuma,  there  are  600,000  people  with  an  annual  income  of 
$885,000,000.  This  tremendous  market  should  logically  use  Son  Diego's  port  for 

"All  these  possibilities  will  become  realities  as  soon  as  we  get  the  necessary 
port  facilities  and  transportation  improvements.  We  need  to  develop  a  high-speed 
highway  to  the  Imperial  Valley  and  to  the  counties  of  San   Bernardino  and  Riverside. 

"Remember  that  San  Diego,  after  the  war,  will  hove  four  great  sources 
of  income:  Industry,  the  Navy,  Tourists,  and  Agriculture  (we  ore  23rd  in  production 
among  all  the  counties  in  the  United  States).  We  will  have  problems,  but  those 
very  problems  will  become  our  opportunities." 

Mae  McKenzie,  of  Factory  Transporta- 
tion, has  a  husband,  J.  Ross  McKen- 
zie, SK  2/c,  right,  now  stationed  at 
the  Section  Base  in  Son  Diego.  Her 
brother,  left,  Capt.  H.  C.  Scranton,  is 
a    bombardier    on    South    Pacific    duty. 

—  14  — 






There  are  admittedly  several  methods  of 
making  a  drawing  change.  I  do  not  refer  of 
course  to  such  things  as  making  a  drawing 
change  Into  o  nice  cold  bottle  of  Budweiser, 
as  this  is  sheer  necromancy  and  is  to  be 
frowned  upon  as  not  only  being  trivial,  but 
also  withdrawing  drawings  from  the  system. 
I  refer  to  the  proper  methods  of  incorporat- 
ing E.O.'s,  and  to  presume  to  favor  one 
system  over  another  is  to  invite  trouble.  This 
very  point  was  partly  responsible  for  the 
Reformation,  the  schism  between  the  Ghi- 
bellines  and  Guelphs,  and  the  feuding  be- 
tween the  Hatfields  and  McCoys.  So  I  have 
chosen  the  most  conservative  system,  and  I 
present  it  with  fear  and  trembling. 

When  does  a  drawing  require  a  change? 
The  usual  method  of  determining  this  criti- 
cal condition,  especially  in  the  wing  and 
fuselage  groups,  is  to  weigh  the  E.O.'s.  If 
their  total  weight  is  over  five  pounds,  in- 
corporation is  called  for;  but  other  groups 
may  find  it  handier  to  compare  the  picture 
of  the  part  on  the  drawing  with  the  picture 
on  the  lost  E.O.  If  there  is  no  resemblance 
whatsoever,  on  incorporation  is  crying  to  be 

Which  drawing  shall  I  work  on?  This,  too, 
is  a  difficult  problem.  Unimaginative  people 
go  through  their  drawings  in  numerical  order; 
others,  alphabetically;  it  was  once  the  cus- 
tom to  put  all  cords  in  a  drum  and  have  a 
small,  blindfolded  girl  select  one  at  random, 
while  bagpipes  played  and  people  gnawed 
their  fingernails.  Perhaps  the  simplest 
method  is  the  one  the  Controls  group  uses: 
it  has  purchased  a  small  trained  parakeet 
which  will,  when  a  small  coin  is  given  to 
Mr.  Goebel,  cleverly  pull  out  a  cord  with  its 

The  next  step  is  to  obtain  a  copy  of  the 
blueprint.  Roughly,  all  blueprints  may  be 
divided   into  three  dosses: 

( 1  )    Those  in  the  system  with  a  change. 

(2)  Those  in  the  system  with  an  E.O. 

(3)  Those  returned  to  the  vault  "yester- 

A  certain  number  of  blueprints  ore  kept 
in  the  vault  files  for  decorative  or  decoy 
purposes,  but  these  are  never  used  by  any- 
body, so  it  is  futile  to  ask  for  them.  A  quick 
way  to  locate  a  blueprint  is  to  hire  a  blood- 
hound. Let  the  bloodhound  smell  a  copy  of 
an  E.O.  that  belongs  to  the  desired  drawing, 
and  it  will  track  it  down  in  short  order. 
Usually  it  (the  blueprint)  will  be  found  in 
the  back  of  a  drawer  belonging  to  somebody 
who  had  the  foresight  to  realize  that  he 
might  be  needing  it  again  in  a  couple  of 
months,   so  why  turn    it   in? 

Next,  obtain  the  original.  This  is  also 
filed  in  the  vault,  theoretically.  It  may,  how- 
ever, hove  been  sent  to  Moot  Point,  Oregon, 
for  some  mysterious  reason,  or  it  may  be  in 
the  Change  group;  if  the  latter,  then  not 
even  the  bloodhound  will  do  you  any  good. 
When  at  the  vault,  you  might  do  worse  than 

improve  your  cultural  background  by  reciting 
that  sonnet  of  Milton's  which  begins,  "When 
I  consider  how  my  time  is  spent,"  and  which 
ends,  "They  also  serve  who  only  stand  and 

Having,  pack-rot-like,  accumulated  all 
these  goodies:  blueprint,  B/M,  original, 
E.O.'s,  OCR's,  DCN's,  release  slips,  bubble 
pipe,  erasers,  you  may  now  sit  down  and 
moke  the  changes  indicated.  Under  certain 
conditions,  though.  A  cursory  (and  I  do 
mean  cursory)  glance  reveals  that  the  fabri- 
cators of  the  E.O.'s  have  with  diabolical  in- 
genuity planned  their  changes  so  that  there 
is  absolutely  no  room  left  on  the  drawing 
in  which  to  put  them;  they  hove  been  abetted 
in  this  scheme  by  some  mute  inglorious 
Salvador  Dali  in  Illustration,  who  has  filled 
a  sole  remaining  corner  with  a  not  unhumor- 
ous  visualization  of  the  port.  Well,  the  thing 
to  do  is  erase:  a  simple  enough  solution, 
were  it  not  for  the  fact  that  the  orir,inal 
draftsman,  formerly  an  engraver  by  trade, 
had  used  a  1  OH  indelible  pencil  to  make 
the  drawing  with.   But  carry  on 

It  may  also  happen  that  the  information 
on  the  E.O.  is  not  clear — a  peradventure 
which  has  been  known  to  have  happened 
once  or  twice.  In  this  cose,  do  not  hesitate 
to  seek  out  the  author  of  the  information; 
unfortunately,  you  will  find  that  he  is  either 
in  the  South  Pacific  now,  or  else  a  victim 
of  amnesia.  As  a  lost  resort,  look  up  the 
layout;  but  that  is  a  sorry  consolation.  Per- 
sonally, I  find  that  a  rigorous  training  in 
translating  old  Rosetto  Stones  helps  in  un- 
derstanding layouts  that  ore  miode  by  other 
people;  others  think  that  reconstructing  o 
triceratops  from  a  single  upper  bicuspid  is 
better  practice. 

Having  mode  the  change,  you  must  now 
(for  punishment,  I  presume)  write  the  title 
of  the  drawing  one  hundred  times,  on  various 
pieces  of  paper.  The  title  is  invariably  some- 
thing like  this:  LINK— FUS.  STA.  101.276 
do  not  try  to  abbreviate  too  much,  or  teacher 
will  make  you  do  it  all  over  again!  Happy 
the  person  who  works  on  WASHER — SPE- 
CIAL; thrice  happy  he  who  writes  PLATE — 

Then  lounch  your  drowing-chonge  into 
the  system,  cracking  a  bottle  of  champagne 
over  it  to  speed  it  on  its  way.  If  you  have 
mode  grave  errors  in  the  change,  it  will  be 
routed  so  that  no  checker  ever  sees  it;  but 
if  it  is  well-nigh  perfect,  it  will  come  bock 
with  a  heated  note  saying  that  one  bubble 
was  found  to  be  21/64  rather  than  5/16  in 
diameter.  In  any  case,  as  soon  as  the  change 
has  been  printed  and  released,  you  will  find 
that  some  happy  untrommeled  spirit  has 
written  six  more  E.O.'s  against  it  in  the 

All  that,  of  course,  is  the  hard  way  to 
make  a  drawing  change.  By  far  the  simpler 
is  to  say,  "Miss  So-and-So,  I  have  to  work 
on  a  new  layout  now.  Could  you  please  moke 
these  drawing  changes  for  me?" 

Stacks  'n'  Stuff 

by  Manny  Fohlde 

'Way  down  in  this  end  of  the  factory 
building  someone  kicked  over  o  packing  case, 
let  it  lie,  and  finally  got  around  to  hanging 
a  door  on  it.  A  bit  of  black  paint  has  been 
daubed  on  the  door  giving  notice  to  all  who 
take  time  to  read  that  here  is  the  Manifold 
Development  department. 

If  you  are  the  venturesome  type  or  hove 
had  any  experience  with  obstacle  racing  you 
might  take  a  chance  with  life  and  limb  and 
attempt  a  squeeze  play  or  two  through  the 
maze  of  jigs  and  fixtures  which  jam  the 
joint  and  learn  what  goes  on  behind  the 
gray  painted  walls.  If  this  doesn't  strike 
you  as  an  appealing  sport,  you'll  just  have 
to  depend  on  rumor  for  your  information. 

It  is  rumored  that  here,  of  all  places, 
manifolds  dreamed  up  by  energetic  engi- 
neers who  may  have  been  suffering  from  dys- 
pepsia or  some  like  ailment,  are  started 
from  next  to  scratch,  (the  preliminary 
scratching  having  been  done  by  the  engi- 
neer), nursed  along  through  their  adolescent 
stages  and  finally,  after  all  of  the  kinks 
have  been  ironed  out,  (there  ore  no  doubt 
0  few  bold  enough  to  argue  this  point)  are 
released  to  the  shop  for  production. 

The  personnel  of  this  department  is  a 
gang  of  imaginative  guys  who,  on  the  most 
port,  hove  been  working  together  for  Ryan 
at  least  four  years,  picking  up  during  this 
time  a  collective  wealth  of  "know  how." 
Hear!  Hear!  The  only  thing  conspicuous  by 
its  absence  here  is  the  "spreading  chestnut 
tree,"  and  if  Sales  or  Engineering  decides 
it  would  be  a  good  idea  to  have  one,  we 
can  make  that  too! 

"Cowboy"  JOE  WEDGE,  as  he  is  affec- 
tionately dubbed  by  his  many  friends  on 
second  shift,  took  me  on  a  tour  of  his  ranch 
the  other  Sunday  afternoon  to  show  me  some 
sites  he  has  bordering  the  lake  formed  by 
San  Vicente  Dam.  They  looked  so  good 
to  me  that  I  thought  I'd  pass  it  along  to 
you.  Here  Joe  has  a  spot  that  appears  to 
be  miles  from  civilization,  right  on  the  edge 
of  o  large  lake  where  plenty  of  boating  and 
fishing  are  to  be  ovoilable,  plenty  of  oak 
trees  for  shade  and  yet  only  o  thirty-minute 
drive  from  town;  a  spot  where  a  working 
man  might  spend  a  week-end  without  using 
all  his  "off  time"  in  driving  to  get  there 
only  to  have  to  turn  around  and  head  back 
to  town  in  order  to  reach  his  work  on  time. 
If  you  are  looking  for  an  ideal  spot  for  a 
mountain  retreat,  contact  Joe  any  evening 
in  the  Tailpipe  area  and  talk  it  over  with 

My  friend  SLIM  COATS  strode  to  his  desk 
in  Engineering  the  other  day  accompanied 
by  the  strains  of  "Pony  Boy"  whistled  in 
various  degrees  of  unison  by  the  gang.  He 
didn't  think  much  about  it  until  he  started 
to  sect  himself  and  found  where  his  chair 
usually  stood  the  bunch  had  placed  a  saddle 
complete    with    accessories. 

I'm  playing  this  by  ear  as  I  didn't  actu- 
ally witness  the  event,  but  I  suppose  the 
presentotion  was  inspired  by  the  thought 
that  Slim  should  get  himself  in  the  saddle. 
Needless  to  soy  Slim  was  pleased  no  end. 

Well  kiddies,  if  you're  still  here,  the 
"stuff"  is  no  doubt  getting  stuffy  so  will 
stuff  it  away  until  next  time. 




(Continued   from   page  9) 

all  over  the  country,  asking  if  they  had 
openings  for  the  various  types  of  employees 
whom  Ryan  was  being  forced  to  lay  off.  As 
replies  come  in,  he  followed  up  by  telephone 
or  special  delivery  letter,  with  a  detailed 
description  of  the  talents  and  background 
of  each  employee  in  whom  the  prospective 
employer  was  interested.  Such  detailed  rec- 
ommendations made  it  possible  for  many 
workers  to  get  much  better  offers  than  they 
could    have    unaided. 

By  the  time  negotiations  had  been  com- 
pleted with  outside  employers,  and  Col- 
train  and  Saye  had  finished  their  on-the- 
spot  interviews,  86%  of  the  Ryan  Field 
employees  had  new  jobs  awaiting  them,  even 
before  their  old  ones  were  ended.  Of  these, 
50%  went  to  other  employers,  1  1  %  to  the 
military  services  and  25%  were  placed  in 
other  jobs  in  the  Ryan  organization — either 
at  the  factory  or  the  other  Ryan  school  at 
Hemet,  California,  which  is  still  going  full 
blast  on  Army  flight  training.  Ryan  moved 
the  household  belongings  and  other  equip- 
ment of  all  these  employees  to  Son  Diego 
or  Hemet,  without  charge. 

However,  many  Ryan  workers  preferred  to 
stay  in  Arizona,  either  for  reasons  of  health 
or  because  they  were  long-time  settled  resi- 
dents of  the  state.  Ryan  worked  out  a  sep- 
arate program  for  placement  of  all  these 
employees.  In  collaboration  with  the  U.  S. 
Employment  Service,  it  arranged  for  em- 
ployment representatives  of  all  other  leading 
Arizona  enterprises  —  Davis-Monthan  and 
Morono  air  fields,  Convair's  Tucson  plant, 
Goodyear's  Phoenix  factory,  the  Southern 
Pacific  Railroad,  the  airlines,  the  Veterans' 
Hospital  and  even  the  Woes — to  spend  a 
day  at  Ryan  Field  interviewing  employees 
and  explaining  job  openings  in  each  organi- 
zation. Thus  each  employee  hod  a  choice 
of  several  good  jobs — and  each  employer 
hod  a  chance  at  Ryan's  pool  of  manpower. 
Of  the  14%  who  did  not  go  to  other  jobs, 
nearly  all  declined  to  take  advantage  of 
Ryan's  placement  program  because  of  per- 
sonal  plans  of  their  own. 

Ryan  executives  feel  the  expenditure  for 
this  elaborate  placement  program  was  thor- 
oughly justified,  because  it  helped  speed  up 
the  war  effort  through  quick  utilization  of 
the  manpower  turned  loose  when  Ryan  Field 
closed.  They're  feeling  rather  proud,  too, 
that  this  placement  program  succeeded  so 
brilliantly — because  it  bocks  up  more  im- 
pressively than  ever  the  famous  company 
slogan  that  Ryan  is  "A  Better  Place  to 

DOTS    ft  nASHES-— NEWS  a 


by   eAffL    VAUGHAN 


Well,  look  who's  walking  down  the  aisle 
this  morning  .  .  .  MISS  PEGGY  PAASKE 
dressed  in  the  latest  informal  fashion — 
bobby  socks,  station  wagon  coot  and  ban- 
dana. You  con  always  look  to  this  charm- 
ing miss  for  the  latest  in  novel  creations, 
and   I   do  mean   novel. 

MISS  "BUTCH"  SANFORD  is  following 
closely  at  her  heels.  "Butch"  is  now  the 
mother  of  a  25  pound  cinnamon  colored 
cocker  spaniel  which  she  has  christened 
Sherry.  Poor  dear,  she  leads  a  dog's  life 
(Sherry,  I  mean)  waiting  for  "Butch"  to 
come  home  and  amuse  her  after  a  long  lonely 
day  trying  her  dog-gonedest  to  keep  the 
apartment   in   a   mess  for   her   mistress. 

There  went  SMITTY  up  the  aisle,  stroll- 
ing to  his  desk  with  his  usual  pipe  and  to- 
bacco in  his  clutches.  What  would  Smitty 
be  without  his  tobacco?  ...  a  lost  soul, 

At  my  right  sits  Little  Red  Riding  Hood. 
MARY  WILLIAMSON  says  that  she  has 
good  intentions  of  buying  something  besides 
this  brilliant  shade,  but  just  can't  seem  to 
resist  it.  A  very  sweet  little  gal,  this  Mary 
.  .  .  pretty  too,  but  don't  tell  her  this,  it 
makes  her  mad. 

Little  (?)  ROSEMARIE  HAINES  (I  should 
talk)  looks  mighty  cute  with  her  shorn 
locks.  For  a  while  they  called  her  "Poodles" 
.  .  .  quite  apropos  with  her  big  brown  eyes 
and  her  curly  brunette  ringlets.  Not  to 
change  the  subject,  but  just  ask  her  about 
her  three  quarts  (not  what  you're  thinking 
of)  .      Doctor's    orders    are    to    drink    three 

quarts  of  liquids  daily,  but  this  young  miss 
sticks  to  water  and  fruit  juices  like  all  good 
(?)     girls. 

By  the  way,  has  anyone  asked  JOE  WIL- 
LIAMS when  he  is  going  to  take  another 
little  trip  up  the  coast?  He  and  his  wife 
spent  a  very  enjoyable  night  near  Laguno 
Beach  a  couple  of  week  ends  ago  all  curled 
up  in  his  car  for  a  little  shut  eye.  It  seems 
as  if  all  hotels,  auto  courts,  tents,  trailer 
courts,  apartments  and  park  benches  were 
token  from  here  to  L.  A.  so  what  could  he 
do?  Of  course,  the  next  morning  a  few 
vertebrae  were  twisted,  not  to  mention  a 
stiff  neck  and  a  chorleyhorse,  but  outside 
of  that,  Joe  felt  like  a  million  .  .  .  like  o 
million  joints  were  out  of  place.  Ah,  there's 
nothing  like  the  west  coast  for  relaxation 
and  diversion!! 

Now  let's  go  bock  to  victory  hair  bobs 
(nothing  like  getting  you  readers  good  and 
confused  ...  I  know  I  am  constantly  that 
way  and  misery  loves  company).  Anyway, 
PAT  LINDGREN,  knowing  her  better  half 
simply  loves  and  adores  long  hair,  cuts  hers 
off  to  within  on  inch  of  her  life  and  I'm 
not  exaggerating.  However,  it  becomes  her, 
thank  goodness,  and  she  sweetly  states  that 
"Lindy  will  just  hove  to  get  used  to  it." 
Pat's  the  home-loving  type  .  .  .  always 
trying  to  do  the  right  thing  and  hoping  like 
mod  that  Lindy  won't  be  too  impatient  with 
her  if  she  does  just  the  opposite  from  what 
he  wants. 

Hove  you  heard  the  service  man's  con- 
stant prayer?  "Oh,  Lord,  please  keep  her 
safe,  sound  and  single."    Well,   I  thought  it 

—  16  — 

was  pretty  clever    .     .     .    what  do  you  guys 
want   .    .    .    egg  in  your  beer? 

Guess  I'd  better  let  you  go  so  that  you 
can  all  hove  plenty  of  time  to  think  of  a 
good  answer  to  this  "Winchell"  report.  Be- 
fore I  close,  however,  just  a  reminder  for 
you  to  get  those  overseas  Christmas  pack- 
ages off  before  October  1 5  rolls  by.  Why 
I    remembered    is   beyond    me  .    some- 

times I'm  sharp  that  way,  though! 

Marge  West 
Keeng    Kelly 

Dees  Kelly  guy  he's  wan  smart  keed, 
Dey    mak    heem    Keeng    in    bowling    league. 
He  say  "De  wan  who  gets  my  crown. 
He   mus'   tok   ball   and    knock   me   down." 
So   all    de   odder   bowling    boys 
Dey  tak  de  ball  and  mak  de  noise, 
Dey    run   oop   fast   and   tro'    de   ball 

But dam    ten    pins   weel    not   fall; 

Dey    drink   de    beer   and   stomp   de    floor 
But  dis  don'   mak  for  dem  good  score. 
So    Kelly   sit   dere   quite   serene 
Wid   bowling   crown   on   top  his   bean. 
But  soon  somebody   use  de  mop 
And   den  old   Kelly  go   ko-flop. 

Vitush    Pizzallo     (Hibbord). 

By    Elizabefh    Mitchell 

The  limelight  in  the  field  of  sports  re- 
veals a  newly  organized  Second  Shift  Trio 
Bowling  League.  After  two  rounds  of  play, 
the  team  standings  are  as  follows: 

Thunderbolts  Won  6,  Lost  0 

Hellcats   Won   6,   Lost  0 


Avengers   Won    0,    Lost   6 

Mustangs  Won   0,   Lost  6 


Come  on  Avengers  and  Mustangs,  let's 
keep  in  the  running. 

have  bid  farewell  to  their  friends  of  this 
department  and  have  joined  the  ranks  of 
our  alumni.  These  two  people  are  greatly 
missed  and  we  hope  some  day  to  see  them 
bock  at  Ryan. 

A  cordial  welcome  is  extended  to  the 
following  new  recruits  of  the  second  shift: 

LOIS  GLASS,    K.   L.   MILLER,    IVA  WIL- 
JOHN     SHEEHY,      DANA     KUHN,     ALICE 
Second  Anniversary  at  Ryan 

Congratulations  ore  in  order  for  MARGE 
WEST,  secretary  to  Joe  Williams,  as  she 
has  passed  another  milestone  here  at  Ryan. 
Yes,  Marge  has  typed  millions  of  words  on 
that  red  hot  typewriter  of  hers  during  the 
lost  two  years  and  deserves  a  lot  of  credit 
for  her  excellent  typing. 
New   Recruits 

A  big  handshake  is  extended  to  the  fol- 
lowing new  members  of  our  big  family  of 
the  first  shift: 

MARIE  CONVERY  of  Bill  of  Material 

MARGARET  McDEVITT  of  Purchased 
Ports  group. 

DOROTHY  JUNKER  of  Misc.  Raw  Mate- 
rial group. 

INA  MOORE  of  Government  Reports 


Do  you  know  Little  White 
Feather?  Probably  not  by  that 
name  as  he  is  known  to  his  co- 
workers in  Experimental  as 
Kenny  Workman. 

Kenny  is  a  surprising  fellow 
and  has  had  o  life  full  of  ex- 
citing and  colorful  incidents. 
And  why  shouldn't  he?  After 
all  not  many  of  us  can  claim  to 
having  been  born  in  a  dressing 
room  back  stage  at  the  Chicago 
Light  Opera  House — having  a 
costume     trunk     for    p     cradle. 

At   the   tender  age  of  three, 
Kenny  mode  his  first  stage  ap- 
pearance     with       his      parents 
which    was    only    the    beginning 
of  his  stage  career.  As  he  grew 
older,  being  a  typical  American 
fellow    Kenny   broke   away   from 
the  home  ties  and  decided  to  hit  the  rood  alone.  He  did  all  right  too,  having  sung 
with  Paul  Whiteman  and  Kay  Kyser's  orchestras  and  being  billed  over  NBC  as  the 
"Whispering  Tenor". 

Being  of  Indian  descent,  Kenny's  stage  career  finally  developed  into  his  being 
an  Indian  dancer  doing  tribal  dances  which  took  him  all  over  the  United  States 
and  Europe.  His  dancing  talents  came  by  him  naturally  as  his  grandfather,  who 
was  his  constant  companion  and  teacher,  was  also  an  Indian  dancer  and  had 
command  performances  in  England  before  King  George  V  and  in  Russia  before  the 
Czar.  Kenny  only  recently  returned  from  overseas  where  he  was  with  a  U.  S.  O. 
unit  dancing  for  the  boys  over  there. 

From  his  Indian  ancestry,  Kenny  knows  much  of  Indian  lore  and  legend.  "My 
great  grandfather,"  Kenny  admits,  "was  the  instigator  of  the  Dakota  massacre." 
The  costume  and  headdress  which  Kenny  is  wearing  in  the  above  picture  actually 
belonged  to  his  grandfather  as  did  the  moccasin  which  he  is  holding.  He  still  uses 
these  moccasins  when  doing  his  Indian  dances.  "Notice  the  beads  on  this  moccasin, 
they're  over  200  years  old  and  ore  mode  from  goat's  milk — which,  by  the  way,  is 
a  lost  art — and  the  original  sinew  used  to  sew  the  beads  on  is  still  intact.  Each  of 
the  36  feathers  in  the  headdress  were  earned  the  hard  way  by  grandfather  by 
deeds  of  bravery,"   mused   Kenny, 

Kenny  also  explained  the  meaning  of  the  intricate  color  combination,  number 
of  beads  and  their  arrangement  on  his  costume.  "They  represent  the  17,000 
scalps  which  were  taken  by  the  Eagle  Clan  which  my  grandfather  headed. 

"It  has  always  surprised  me  how  most  people  hove  the  wrong  idea  of  what  an 
Indian  should  look  like.  They  think  all  Indians  should  have  long  black  straight 
hair,  block  eyes,  dark  skin  and  be  tall  and  sinewy.  No  wonder  people  never  know 
I'm  part  Indian  until  I  tell  them."  Kenny's  appearance  is  a  bit  incongruous  with 
the  widely  accepted  idea  of  a  typical  Indian — he  has  curly  hair,  blue  eyes  and  is 
slightly  rotund  and  has  a  wonderful  sense  of  humor.  "I  guess  my  French-Canadian 
blood  has  something   to   do  with  that,"    quips   Kenny. 

"My  wife  has  certainly  played  on  important  part  in  my  career  as  she  always 
accompanies  me  on  the  marimba  for  oil  my  dances.  I  met  her  in  Los  Angeles  when 
she  was  playing  in  the  Pasadena  Symphony  orchestra.  At  that  time,  I  was  play- 
ing in  "Martha"  with  the  Pasadena  Players.  She  is  known  as  the  world's  greatest 
woman  trombone  player  and  also  ploys  the  drums  and  cello." 

Kenny  is  also  on  ex  movie-star  having  played  in  twelve  pictures.  "Natural- 
ly, I  always  played  the  part  of  an  Indian  until  that  eventful  day  when  my  contract 
was  cancelled  because  I  unknowingly  cut  off  my  long  braids.  Kenny  played  in 
"Covered  Wagon,"  "The  Last  of  the  Mohicans,"  "Heigh  Ho  Silver,"  and  ''Redskin" 
with  Richard  Dix  to  mention  a  few.  "It  was  great  fun  too,"  Kenny  admits,  "to 
get  $15.00  every  time  I  hod  to  fall  off  a  horse  in  a  battle  scene." 

Kenny  still  has  on  opportunity  now  and  then  right  here  in  Son  Diego  to  do 
his  Indian  dances.  Recently  he  appeared  at  an  aircraft  workers'  dance  at  the 
Women's  U.  S.  O.  club.  "I've  got  big  plans  right  now,  however,  to  stage  an  In- 
dian show  at  Lane  Field  this  Fall  and  if  transportation  permits  I'll  hove  all  my 
Indian  friends  join  in  and  we'll  really  stage  a  big  pow-wow." 

17  — 

Here  and 
There  by 

Jonnie  Johnson 

out    here,    so    news 
building    is     rather 

Even  though  the  Flying  Reporter  has  gone 
to  press  many  times  without  some  contribu- 
tions from  this  direction,  I'll  try  to  get  back 
in  the  harness  and  see  what  bits  of  news 
I    can    pick    up. 

We  ore  quite  alone 
and  gossip  outside  our 

Our  good  friend  and  cohort  EVELYN 
RE  ID  of  Inspection  Department  left  us  last 
week  and  is  now  in  Crib  5.  We  miss  her  like 
everything.  We've  all  been  together  so  long 
out  here  in  the  paint  shop  it's  like  one  of  a 
family  leaving  when  they  transfer. 

It's  been  a  bit  crowded  lately  out  here. 
Tool  Design  moved  in  one  section  of  our 
domain,  and  to  moke  room  we  hod  to  shore 
and  share  alike  with  what  space  we  had. 
It's  like  having  new  neighbors  and  they  are 
a  nice  bunch  of  people  so  we're  glad  to  have 

As  I  said  before  tho — it's  a  bit  crowded 
— in  fact  our  old  mother  cot  moved — kittens 
and   all.   Just   where — no   one   knows. 

Just  sow  in  the  last  issue  of  Flying  Re- 
porter where  our  good  friend  PAT  KELLY 
had  gone.  Am  glad  to  know  he  joined  a 
good  branch  of  the  service.  Not  that  I 
don't  think  they're  all  swell  —  but  I  am 
just  a  bit  prejudiced  toward  the  Navy.  Every- 
one wishes  him  the  best  of  luck. 

Just  read  a  letter  from  "Hutch"  who 
worked  in  Final  Assembly.  He  is  doing  fine 
over  here  at  the  U.S.N.  L.C.  and  by  his  re- 
port he's  learning  things  that  will  make  him 
a  good  wife  for  some  lucky  girl,  one  of  these 
days.  More  power  to  him  and  we  all  hope 
for  the   best. 

Sow  several  of  my  old  friends  and  co- 
workers in  Anodize  Deportment  one  day  last 
week.  Seems  good  to  be  allowed  to  work 
in  different  departments — I  started  to  say 
"able  to  work"  and  decided  that  was  stress- 
ing it  a  bit  too  for.  Anyway  I  enjoyed  the 
day   very    much. 

"MA"  EVENS  is  on  the  sick  list  this  week. 
We   wish  you   a  speedy   recovery   "Mo". 

One  of  our  Leodmen,  BILL  McBLAIR  is 
bock  from  his  vacation  this  week  —  also 
MARION   SIMON.   We   missed  you,   kids! 

There  has  been  considerable  folk  and  dis- 
cussion going  on,  in  and  around  the  point 
shop  about  how  to  be  a  good  wife,  or  some- 
thing like  that.  I'm  telling  you  it's  got  me 
so  undecided,  I  can't  even  write  about  it. 
But  if  there  is  anyone  who  has  ideas  they 
would  like  to  have  aired  or  thrashed  out — 
bring  them  out  here.  Some  good  sound  ideas 
might  clear  my  thoughts  a  little.  It  seems 
the  old  fashioned  and  modern  ones  ore  run- 
ning a  close   race. 

Of  course  we  hove  some  in  betweens,  such 
OS  war  wives,  working  wives  and  both  com- 
bined. To  tell  the  truth  it's  gotten  me  so 
flustrated,  I'm  about  to  decide  to  stay 
single.  I'll  be  sure  to  let  you  know  how 
rhis  progresses  from  time  to  time. 

Without  further  ado,  I'll  tie  a  knot  in 
this  line  until   next  time.   So   long. 

Manifold  Small  Parts 

by  Mariane  Lightfoot 

Let's  start  with  our  foreman  songster, 
shall  we?  BOB  HARRIS  recently  spent  part 
of  his  vacation  putting  in  a  cement  runway 
at  his  lovely  new  home  in  Paradise  Hills. 
By  the  way,  have  you  ever  seen  the  photo- 
graph Bob  has  of  his  attractive  young  sailor 
son  who  is  seeing  action  in  the  Pacific? 

We  were  sorry  to  see  leadman,  C.  L. 
BAKER,  terminate  lost  week.  Employed  at 
Ryan  for  four  years.  Baker  will  now  work 
in  the  open  on  a  dairy  form  for  his  health. 
He  was  the  recipient  of  a  beautiful  suede 
jacket  presented  to  him  by  his  many  friends 
of  the  department. 

LES  BOWEN'S  department  has  a  new  arc 
tacker  called  "Kitty"  whose  given  name  is 
NATHA  LEE.     Isn't  that  quaint  and  lovely? 

Incidentally,  hove  you  ever  glimpsed  Les' 
hosiery?  Woo,  woo!  Nice  and  wild,  but 
nice!  By  the  way,  ask  him  about  his  new 
pet,  "Hoimon,"  who  keeps  him  busy  these 
days.  And  while  discussing  assistant  fore- 
men, we  hear  that  COOK  has  a  little  recre- 
ational sideline  that  you  might  be  able  to 
edge  in  on — it's  interior  decorating.  In  fact, 
we  understand  he  is  to  write  a  book  on 
"How  to  Win  Your  Wife's  Love;  or  Painting 
the  Living  Room  in  Three  Easy  Hours." 
(If  he  can  point  as  well  as  he  selects  his 
sport  shirts  he'll  be  plenty  good!) 

LAURETTA  WARREN  transferred  into 
our  department  from  1 5  and  it  is  really 
their   loss  and  our  gain.     She's  a  grand  gal. 

For  "What  the  Well  Dressed  Leadwoman 
Will  Wear"  see  PEARL  BROWN.  She 
wears  it! 

Winter  is  upon  us!  CHARLIE  WELDON 
of  Dispatching  has  put  away  his  straw  hat 
for  a  gray  felt. 

ADDIE  PORTER  is  busy  having  unhappy 
bouts  with   the  dentist. 

Mystery!!  Where  was  leadman  DAVE 
WHITTIER  the  other  night  while  VERNE 
MADISON  was  zipping  about  modly  mut- 
tering  about   zippers? 

Leadman  WALDO  OPFER  is  at  last  on  his 
long  owoited  vocation.  Waldo  hos  not  been 
late  or  obsent  in  two  years.  We  bet  he's 
busy  working  on  something  at  home.  That 
man  doesn't  know  how  to  relax  and  take 
life  eosy! 

MAMYE  COTNER,  oldest  woman  in  length 
of  service  in  Small  Parts,  celebrated  her  sec- 
ond yeor  completed  at  Ryan's  on  the  25th. 
Congratulations   Mamye! 

We  ore  sorry  to  know  that  MAMIE  MIL- 
LARD has  pneumonia  and  that  BIRNIE 
BRIDWELL  is  ill  with  pleurisy.  (They  soy 
Bernie  is  all  taped-up  mummy  style!) 
MARGARET  MEEK  is  also  on  our  sick  list. 

We  extend  our  deepest  sympathy  to  both 
MRS.  SMOCK  whose  husband  was  accident- 
ally killed  recently  and  also  to  MRS.  DeGIF- 
FORD  who  is  on  leave  of  absence,  due  to  o 
death   in  the  family. 

CLYDE  REED,  who  is  on  leave  of  obsence 
in  Utah  because  of  his  health,  writes  that 
he  is  feeling  much  better.  Reed's  Marine 
brother,  Harold  Reed  of  the  fomous  2nd 
Division,  is  with  him  for  the  first  time  in 
over  two  years. 

If  you've  noticed  thot  new  proud  look  on 
GEORGE   HAY'S  face   lately,   it's  because  of 

Tooling  Rumors 

by   lone  and   Kay 

Sorry  —  everyone  —  but  we  actually 
couldn't  find  enough  time  to  even  contribute 
one  word  to  the  Reporter  last  month.  We're 
glad  to  be  writing  for  the  Reporter  again 
and  we  promise  to  try  and  write  every  month 
from    now    on. 

First  of  all  I'd  like  to  introduce  our  new 
reporter.  Her  name?  It's  lONE,  and  I'm  sure 
she  will  be  glad  to  help  moke  our  column 
more   interesting. 

Our  "New  Employee  List"  is  quite  long 
this  time.  We  have  a  total  of  forty-four. 
Their  names  are:  G.  BACA,  E.  BURROW,  E. 

Gee,  we  hod  four  newcomers  and  all  in 
one  day  too.  Luckily  ?  ?  ?  for  the  boys,  all 
four  were  girls.  We  poor  females  never  get 
a  break.  As  usual,  MR.  MUELLER  was  the 
head  interviewer  and  "Chief"  was  the  head 
—  (censored).  Where  were  all  the  rest? 
Busy  working,   of  course. 

The  Machine  Shop  is  now  located  direct- 
ly across  the  isle  from  Tooling  ond  I  do  be- 
lieve everyone  is  glad  to  hove  them  as  our 
next  door  neighbor. 

The  Tool  Room  was  very  sorry  to  have 
BRAC  and  GRACIE  leave  us.  BRAC  return- 
ed to  Denver  with  her  husbond  ond 
GRACIE  has  retired  on  account  of — well — 
personal    reasons. 

The  poor  girls!  Every  Tuesday  it's  the 
some  thing  over  and  over.  All  you  hear  all 
day  long  is  "How  about  going  to  the  wrest- 
ling matches  with  me  tonight?"  Thanks  any- 
way boys,  we  appreciate  it,  but  it  seems  that 
that  place  of  amusement  every  Tuesday 
night  is  quite  well-represented  even  if  we 
don't  consent  to  tag  along. 

Does  everyone  know  that  the  TOOLING 
GIRLS    now    hove    o    bowling    team?   They're 

little     Sammy     Allen      Hay,      newly    arrived 
grandson   who  weighed   in   at  1 V2    pounds. 

And  now  if  I  may  get  personal  for  just 
a  line  or  two,  I'd  like  to  take  this  chance 
to  soy  goodbye  to  all  of  our  friends  for 
both  myself  and  for  my  husband  Frank,  of 
Dept.  1 5.  It  has  been  a  grand  two  years 
that  we  have  spent  with  "you-oll"  and  if 
you're  ever  down  Atlanta,  Georgia  way,  be 
sure  to  look  us  up.  The  column  will  con- 
tinue under  the  expert  pen  of  DIANE 
SMITH  who  transferred  from  the  Office 
to  toke  over  my  clerking  duties.  I'm  sure 
you  will  all  enjoy  reading  the  department 
news  as  Diane  writes  it.  The  best  of  luck 
to  everyone! 

Moriane   Lightfoot. 

—  18  — 

known  as  the  "Jiggers."  Quite  o  name  isn't 
it?  If  onyone  would  like  to  know  the  aver- 
ages of  these  girls,  please  consult  one  of 
the  bowlers.  All  the  overages  ore  secrets  and 
probably  will  remain  that  way,  but  if  you  ore 
0  special  friend,  I'm  sure  they  will  give  you 
a    little    information. 

Do  all  of  you  know  what  grand  people  we 
hove  working  here  in  the  Tool  Room?  We're 
not  fooling  either,  it's  really  one  of  the 
nicest  ploces  to  work.  Ask  anyone  who  works 
in  the  Tool  Room  what  a  friendly  atmos- 
phere we  have  and  how  wonderful  our 
Foreman,  Ass't  Foremen,  and  Leadmen 
really   are. 

We  had  another  blessed  event  in  our  de- 
partment this  month.  DON  POLLOCK  is 
the  proud  papa  of  a  baby  girl  which  was 
born  Sept.  2,  1944.  She  received  a  silver 
cup,  a  fork,  and  o  spoon  from  the  workers 
in    this   department. 

We've  been  wondering  why  EMILY  RIT- 
TER  has  been  looking  so  worried  lately. 
We  finolly  solved  the  problem  this  morning. 
MR.  BURT  told  us  she  has  been  tearing  her 
hair  out  taking    inventory. 

JOHNNY  SWARTZ  has  been  teaching 
at  the  Ford  Building  in  the  Balboa  Pork  for 
severol  months  ond  is  returning  to  the  Tool 
Room  ogain  soon. 

L.  DOLKEY,  from  our  department  raffled 
off  one  of  his  chow  dogs  a  few  weeks  ago. 
Can  you  guess  who  won  it?  None  other  than 
your  own  reporter,  lONE,  and  don't  let  any- 
one tell  you  number  13  is  unlucky  'cause 
that  was   my   number. 

Well,  I  guess  that's  all  there  is  for  this 
time — So  long  for  now  and  we'll  see  you 
next  month. 

A  new  class  in  Mathematics  is 
scheduled  to  open  at  the  Memorial 
Adult  Evening  School  at  28th  and 
Morcey  Sts.,  on  Tuesday  evening, 
October  3rd. 

The  class  will  meet  regularly  each 
Tuesday  and  Thursday  evening  from 
7  to  9  under  the  instruction  of  Mr. 
Anthony     Colontoni. 

The  class  will  include  Algebra, 
Geometry,  Trigonometry,  etc.  Specioi 
emphasis  will  be  given  to  those  phases 
of  Moth  which  will  meet  the  prac- 
tical needs  of  the  students  enrolled. 
The  instruction  is  free  and  the  class 
is  open  to  oil  adults   IS  yeors  or  over. 



(Continued  from  page  1  1  ) 

of  building  powerful  engines.  Up  to  recent- 
ly, their  best  product  has  1450  h.p.,  os  con- 
trasted with  the  2,000-h.p.  engine  in  both 
our  Avenger  and  our  Hellcat.  From  the 
standpoint  of  equipment,  our  greatest  ad- 
vantage over  the  Japanese  is  still  our  guns. 
In  the  past  year  the  Japs  hove  tried  to  build 
a  gun  modeled  along  the  lines  of  our  .50- 
caliber,  which  is  possibly  the  greatest 
single  piece  of  armament  the  war  has  de- 
veloped, including  the  rocket.  The  Japs' 
12.7mm.  roughly  corresponds  in  size  to 
our  .50-caliber.  In  performance,  however, 
both  guns  are  refreshingly  inferior.  The 
chief  faults  with  them,  according  to  an 
armament  expert,  is  that  they  hove  a  slow 
rote  of  fire,  they  lack  high  muzzle  velocity, 
and  their  ammunition  is  inferior.  "Other- 
wise," the  expert  said,  "they  are  wonderful." 
Even  the  Jap  20-mm.  cannon  won't  pierce 
our  planes'  armor  except  at  very  close  range. 
Our  .50-caliber,  on  the  other  hand,  will 
pierce  any  aircraft  armor  the  Japs  have. 

ESE AIR  WAR  is  that,  presumably,  there 
are  no  well-known  Jap  aces.  Of  course  it 
is  quite  possible  that  there  ore  no  Jap  aces, 
but  it  seems  odd  that  the  Jap  radio  pro- 
grams   seldom    extoll    individual    pilots.    As 

this  is  written,  no  Jap  pilots  ore  known 
by  name  to  Americans  fighting  in  the  Pa- 
cific. Occasionally  a  Jap  will  turn  up  on  one 
of  their  radio  shows  and  tell  some  assorted 
lies  about  how  the  fighting  is  going,  but  no 
particular  effort  is  made  to  publicize  him 
individually.  Often  his  name  won't  be  used  at 
all.  Not  long  ago  a  group  of  Navy  flyers  at 
Efate  were  listening  to  a  Jap  broadcast  which 
featured  a  dive  bomber  pilot.  He  was  fairly 
modest  about  his  bag  of  American  fighters, 
saying  he  had  knocked  off  eight  in  obout 
a  week  and  a  half,  but  added  that  he'd 
had  fairly  good  luck  with  the  surface  ships. 
"I  sink  four  aircraft  carriers,  three  battle- 
ships and  lots  other  things,"  he  said.  The  Jap 
planes,  he  felt,  were  the  best  in  the  world, 
and  the  war  was  about  over.  All  this  came 
as  quite  a  surprise  to  the  boys  at  Efate;  they 
said  it  was  one  of  the  most  enjoyable  broad- 
casts they'd  heard  since  they'd  been  there. 
All  in  all,  during  the  past  year  the  Japs 
have  exhibited  a  spectacular  decline  on  all 
fronts.  Certainly  there  is  less  and  less  evi- 
dence that  they  are  the  wonder  fighters  we 
foolishly  allowed  ourselves  to  believe  at  the 
outset  of  the  war.  They  still  should  be 
fought  carefully  and  with  all  possible  vigor, 
but  no  longer  should  we  approach  them  with 
a  lack  of  confidence.  The  Jap  flyer  is  erratic, 
uninspired,  inaccurate  and  often  fearful.  By 
comparison,  the  overage  American  pilot  is 
Superman  with  a   .50-caliber  gun. 

The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

Bud  Scroggs,  Chief  of  Structures,  expresses  his  appreciation  for  the  swell  work  his 
steno  pool  did  in  getting  out  a  typing  job  under  the  deadline  by  presenting  them  with 
a  box  of  chocolates.  Clockwise:  Virginia  Pixley,  Scroggs'  Girl  Friday;  Clarissa  Riddle, 
Carolyn  Clork,  Coye  Sligh,  Rita  Thompson  and  Sylvia  Hatfield. 

—  19  — 

Remember  toll,  dork  curly-haired  JACK 
BALMER,  arc  welder  and  tennis  player? 
Well,  Jack  is  in  the  Navy  now  and  writes  his 
"hello"  to  all  of  his  old  friends.  .  .  .  Along 
the  some  line  "DUTCH'S"  CHARLES  THOM- 
ASON  writes  from  New  Guinea.  To  them, 
and  to  all  others  like  them,  we  send  our 
best.  .  .  .  There  was  a  picnic  several  weeks 
ago  at  Crystal  Pier — four  couples,  including 
the  "CHUCK"  ROMEROS,  "BECKY"  and  her 
attractive  husband  DICK,  and  "NIKKI"  and 
LAURETTE  WARREN  with  each  on  escort. 
It  seems  the  affair  was  quite  eventful!  .  .  . 
MARY  MacRAE  and  that  very  nice  little 
NORMA  BAKER  of  Maintenance  are  rabid 
aviation  students.  They  spend  many  o  week- 
end in  Arizona  totaling  up  their  hours  for 
solo  flight.  It  sounds  fun!  .  .  .  This  left  me 
gasping — remember  how  BILL  MONTGOM- 
ERY used  to  wear  his  blue  trousers  in  that 
half  and  half  state?  Well,  as  you  have  no 
doubt  noticed,  he  now  wears  them  ala  waist 
style.  Sez  I  to  Bill,  "How  come?  What 
happened?"  "Oh,"  sez  Bill,  "since  I've  be- 
come a  leadman  my  worries  weigh  me  down 
enough  as  it  is!!!"  .  .  .  Hear  RUGG  and  his 
tonsils  have  separated.  Won't  that  man 
ever  learn  to  stay  away  from  doctors!  .  .  . 
Lost!  One  wristwatch:  see  RUTH  JOE.  .  .  . 
By  the  way,  for  five  consecutive  days  there 
has  not  only  been  powdered  bubbles  in  the 
soap  containers,  but  you  can  actually  get  it 
out  without  pounding  for  three  of  your  "al- 
lotted five  minutes!"  Could  they  hove  been 
reading  our  minds  about  sledge  hammers? 
.  .  .  BOB  and  MICKEY  KRAUSE  still  seem 
very  much  devoted  and  inseparable,  but 
they  don't  seem  to  "thrive"  on  it.  One  good 
puff  of  wind  would  blow  them  away.  .  .  . 
recently  returned  from  pleasant  holidays. 
Bob  went  fishing  and  fed  the  fish  bait,  he 
says!  .  .  .  "BOOTS'  "  bad  cold  leoves  her  as 
animated  as  a  limp  rag  doll!  Hurry  and  get 
well,  "FALINE"!  .  .  .  GALE  SIMPSON  has 
transferred  his  welding  equipment  over  to 
Tooling,  while  ROY  WHITE  has  left  us  per- 
manently for  New  Mexico.  To  milk  cows, 
claims  he!  .  .  .  Don't  you  love  that  news- 
boy's carol:  "Be  honest  with  me!!!!!"  .  .  . 
Because  we  know  you  aren't  going  to  let 
"FLASH"  down  in  writing  that  letter,  here  is 
his  address:  Private  Ivan  D.  Cordon,  A.S.N. 
39594795,  Co.  A.,  92nd  Inf.  Tng.  Br.,  Camp 
Roberts,  Calif.  .  .  .  She  bought  nearly  two 
hundred  dollars  worth  of  lovely  new  things 
and  had  her  hair  all  glamored  for  a  trip  bock 
to  Minnesota.  Upon  arriving  there  she 
promptly  wired  for  her  dungarees  and  weld- 
ing shirts  as  she  planned  to  learn  to  milk  a 
cow! — Who? — Ask  her  roommate  SUE 
KUTCH.  .  .  .  The  Rewelders'  chant  (parody 
on  "Pistol  Packing  Momma"):  "Lay  that 
pencil  down,  babe.  Lay  that  pencil  down! 
Pinhole  peeking  mama.  Lay  that  pencil 
down."  And  so  I  shall! — for  now!  .  .  . 
POSTSCRIPT  to  third  and  first  shifts:  I  shall 
be  glad  to  include  any  special  news  items 
that  you  may  have.  Though  this  column 
was  created  for  the  swingsters,  as  the  title 
indicates,  we  always  welcome  additions.  So 
come  on.  Gang,  give!!!!!! 

Shipping  Notes' 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

Motto ; 
pockum  - 

You   makum  — 
-  and  shippum ! 

we  takum  - 


The  third  shift  in  Shipping  was  discon- 
tinued on  October  2  and  the  graveyard 
workers  were  transferred  to  day  shift  and 
swing  shift  respectively.  Those  who  joined 
the  day  shift  were  GLORIA  ZIMMERMAN 
and  leadman  E.  C.  RAGSDALE.  ELIZA- 
BETH HEADD  went  on  swing  shift  and  KYLE 
K.  WARD  terminated. 

Additions  from  other  shifts  to  day  shift 
seems  to  be  the  general  trend  lately,  for 
our  pleasant  inspector  OLE  SANWICK  re- 
cently came  off  of  swing  shift  to  replace 
MAYDALENE  RUHNOW.  Ole  is  a  retired 
fireman  of  San  Diego  who  has  unselfishly 
come  out  of  retirement  in  order  to  do  his 
bit  to  aid  the  war  effort  and  we  must  say 
he  is  doing  a  fine  job!  Maydalene  has  found 
it  necessary  to  stay  home  for  awhile  to  care 
for  her  health  besides  filling  the  important 
position   of   "sweet    little    housewife." 

The  one  originol  newcomer  is  that  fine 
worker  (we  con  say  this  because  of  the  ex- 
ample he  has  already  shown  during  his  first 
days  here)  HENRY  PEOPLES.  Henry  has 
spent  most  of  his  life  in  Arkansas  and  Okla- 
homa and  has  held  some  interesting  posi- 
tions prior  to  his  job  here.  For  instance,  he 
has  been  a  tree  surgeon  for  the  government 
through   the   School   of  Agriculture,   a   Navy 

mon,  and  a  steel  carpenter  in  the  shipyards 
in  Son  Francisco.      Quite  a  background! 

DORRIS  ANNE  MOORE  took  a  leave  of 
absence  to  go  to  her  hometown,  Lockhart, 
Texas,  to  see  her  brother  who  is  home  on 
leave  from  overseas  duty  with  the  Merchant 
Marine.  It  is  certainly  grand  that  she  could 
see  him! — What  a  thrill,  and  looking  ahead 
won't  it  be  marvelous  when  all  the  brothers 
come  home  for  that  glorious  reunion  of  fam- 
ily, friends,  and  country!  JUNE  LEEPER 
also  took  a  leave  in  order  to  be  with  her 
husband,  Clyde,  who  is  home  on  furlough 
from  the  Santo  Ana  Air  Base.  And  here's 
an  interesting  item — Clyde  is  a  former  em- 
ployee of  our  deportment. 

The  members  of  the  Shippers  team  reodily 
admit  that  bowling,  so  far  for  the  winter 
season,  is  a  touchy  subject.  Of  course  they 
expect  to  improve  and  as  a  matter  of  fact 
have  already  shown  signs  which  began  on 
the  night  of  September  26th  when  they  won 
three  out  of  four  points.  In  order  to  keep 
up  on  their  news  we  might  mention  the 
names  of  the  players.  They  are  BESS  KU- 
LANDER,  team  captain;  JACK  LATTMAN, 
LEY,  and  CHARLIE  BERNARD.  When  a 
combination  of  good  sports  like  these  fun- 
loving  personalities  gets  together  we  can 
imagine  what  great  fun  their  games  are!! 

Here's  a  new  wrinkle —  Didja  ever  notice: 

The  twinkle  in  OLIE  OLSON'S  eyes  when 
0  funny  remark  has  been  mode,  and  the 
little  gurgle  that  follows?  (If  not,  you 
haven't    lived!) 

That  attractive  Hollywood  handpainted 
tie  TOMMY  GETZ  flashes  around  every  now 
and    then. 

The  slight  English  accent  NORMAN 
HOWES  gives  out  with? 

What  a  perfect  match  for  steady  faithful 
working   partners  JOHN   GUBBINS  and 

KENNY  LOWE  are?  (They  are  even  begin- 
ning to  look  alike,  let  alone  hove  many 
identical    mannerisms — Yay!) 

What  well  dressed  men  wear?  Such  as 

What  o  neat  hair-do  DOROTHY  LOCK- 
HART  invariably  displays  day  in  and  day 

EVELYN  HAMILTON'S  melodic  Arkansas 

HELEN  HALLACK'S  speedy  typing  of 
"Now  is  the  time  for  all  good  men  to  come 
to  the  aid  of  their  country"? 

JOYCE  FRATSCKE'S  quiet,  demure  ways? 

PAUL  FRASER  with  his  jolly  happy  laugh 
along  with  his  rapt  attentiveness  upon  listen- 
ing  to  a   humorous  story    (or  any  story)? 

DAD  GEE'S  steady  attendance  record?  (  He 
has  missed  only  eight  hours  in  eight  months)  . 

This  issue's  "pat  on  the  bock"  goes  to 
our  very  capable  and  faithful  friend  in  the 
office — TUNIE  NlEMl!  Tunie  is  ever  ready 
and  willing  to  instruct  and  advise  new  office 
girls  in  their  work  and  from  our  observation 
we  feel  you  can't  go  wrong  on  a  tip  from 
her!  By  the  time  she  reads  this  she  will 
hove  returned  from  her  two  weeks'  vacation 
at  her  home  in  the  hills  of  Wyoming! 

A  bundle  of  thought: 

The  City  of  happiness  is  found  in  the 
State  of  mind! 

*        •        •   Gold  Stars  For  Attendance  •        *        * 

1  8  moni-hs  of  perfect-  attendance  is  the 
record  of  Emil  Fechener  of  the  Mani- 
fold Welding   Department. 

As  we  go  to  press,  L.  E.  Syrios  of  the 
Manifold  Welding  is  credited  with  hav- 
ing two  years  and  two  months  of  not 
being  absent  or  tardy. 

—  20  — 

Joe  Roderick  alias  Joe  Silva  of  Mani- 
fold Assembly  is  another  top-notch  em- 
ployee with  a  top-notch  attendance 
record.  'Tis  four  years  for  Joe  without 
being  absent. 

Inspection  Notes 

by   Bill   Rossi 

Crib   3 — J.   Thompson 

The  old  adage,  "It  never  rains  but  what 
it  pours,"  is  certainly  holding  true  in  Crib  3 
this  month.  First  thing,  our  new  leadman, 
M.  C.  "JIM"  RING,  is  confined  to  Paradise 
Valley  hospital  where  he  underwent  on  emer- 
gency appendectomy.  After  numerous  com- 
plications, he  is  reported  on  the  slow  rood 
to  recovery  and  hopes  to  be  back  with  us 
before  too   long. 

Then,  WIN  ALDERSON,  leadman  in  Crib 
3  for  some  three  years,  has  left  us  flat.  He 
has  gone  to  the  Laboratory  where  he  will 
take  care  of  the  various  airplane  gauges, 
gages  (which  is  it  Win?)  We  wish  you  the 
best  of  success  in  your  new  undertaking. 
Win,  and  hope  you'll  drop  into  Crib  3  from 
time  to  time  for  a  friendly  chat. 

GORDON  "TONY"  TASCOTH  will  pinch- 
hit  as  leadman  until  Mr.  Ring's  return.  Rest 
assured  Tony,  you'll  have  our  wholehearted 

INEZ  SOLAS  returns  from  her  vacation 
looking  very  much  rested. 

We  extend  a  hearty  welcome  to  FRED 
HOLMQUIST  who  joins  forces  with  Ryan 

We'll  be  seeing  you  from  our  new  location 
with  new  floor  space  and  more  elbow  room 
for  better  work  and  happier  reports. 

Crib  4 — Bill   Rossi 

Did   you   know  that — 

ELEANORA  AXLEN  has  c  chuckle  that's 
delightfully  individual  and  effective?  Every- 
one who  hears  it  becomes  happy. 

LENNIE  CHESTNUT  really  jitterbugs  down 
to  the  coffee  wagon  at  9:30  a.   m.? 

CLARENCE  FOWLER  has  been  made  lead- 
man  of  the  small  parts  in  Manifold  In- 

ALICE  JOHNSON  will  be  gone  from  Ryan 
for  several  weeks?  We  hope  she  enjoys  the 

BEVERLY  MOORE  claims  she  would  like 
to  change  places  with  the  Government  by 
letting  the  Government  keep  her  wages,  and 
letting   her  keep   the   tax? 

A.  G.  SLY  never  seems  to  run  down  on 
energy  and  pleasantness.  He's  always  got 
time  to  help  you  out  and  always  with  a 
smile — a  great  guy  Sly! 

IDA  THURNELL  is  happy  again!  She 
has  lost  her  daughter  but  will  gain  a  son 

CHRIS  MILLER  is  one  inspector  that  can 
handle  a  variety  of  jobs. 

K.  H.  SHEHI  attended  the  "Ministers 
Convention"  at  George  Pepperdine  College 
in   Los  Angeles. 

D.  Y.  OLSON  keeps  me  busy  thinking  up 
excuses  why  she  shouldn't  be  taking  my 
stools.    I'll  think  of  one  yet  that  will  stop  her. 

FRANK  MEMORY  has  recently  received 
his   new   leadman   badge. 

Crib   5 

Crib  5  extends  our  sympathy  to  "HAP" 
IRWIN    in  the   loss  of  his  mother. 

B  E  R  N  I  C  E  PENSE  and  MARY  ANN 
FORNES  both  have  happy  smiles  for  us  now 
— the  reason,  both  have  moved  into  de- 
fense homes. 

ANNABELLE  ITTER  has  that  faraway 
look  in  her  eye  these  days  since  her  husband 
has   left   for  unknown   waters   again. 

We  welcome  KAY  BALLINGER  on  days. 
We  know  it's  the  night  crib's  loss  and  our 

Life  would  be  pretty  dull  if  we  didn't  have 
MR.  GRIMES  to   keep  us   laughing. 

Final   Assembly   Crib    7 — M.    Bolas 

We  like  to  welcome  back  K.  R.  MELI 
who  has  been  away  since  the  first  of  this 

If  you  want  to  learn  to  wiggle  your  ears 
go  to  A.  L.  HALLAND.  He  has  the  girls 
in  his  department  making  all  kinds  of  faces 
trying   to  accomplish   this  feat. 

We  miss  the  "long  drink  of  water,"  C. 
McAfee,  who  went  on  the  night  shift. 

Our  new  inspectors,  C.  H.  HANLON,  M. 
B.  LAMB  and  B.  NEWLAN,  are  a  fine  bunch 
of  fellows.     Welcome  to  Ryan,   boys. 

Two  flies  were  walking  on  the  very  color- 
ful and  shining  ceiling  in  a  beautiful  home. 

First  Fly:  I  think  the  people  in  this  house 
ore  crazy. 

Second  Fly:  Why? 

First  Fly:  Because  with  a  beautiful  ceil- 
ing  like  this  they  still  walk  on  the  floor. 

"Pa,  dear,"  wheedled  the  fond  mama, 
"Bobbie's  teacher  wrote  us  a  note,  saying 
he  must  hove  an  encyclopedia." 

"Encyclopedia  heck!"  growled  dad.  "Let 
him  walk  to  school   like   I   did." 


Notes  From 



0.  c 

.  Hudson 

MAY  BURGAN  and  EVA  HUNT  of  Mani- 
fold Small  Ports  are  proudly  wearing  their 
one-year  pins.  FRED  POPE,  leadman,  will 
return  to  Third  Shift  shortly.  GEORGE  M. 
LANE,  Small  Parts  leadman,  is  still  fishing 
for  sturgeon  up  at  Lake  Tahoe.  RAYMOND 
HUDSON  of  Smoll  Ports  is  leaving  for  First 
Shift.  ELMER  THORNQUIST  of  First  Shift 
is  coming  on  Third.  "SHORTY"  ENGLE, 
leadman  of  Small  Parts  will  be  missed  by 
the  crew  as  he  goes  back  on  First  Shift 
October  2nd. 

Features  we  observe  on  Third  Shift — the 
most  laughing  eyes  belong  to  CORA 
PAQUET  and  the  most  observing  eyes  are 
.LOTTIE  RUSSELL'S.  That  always  well- 
groomed  hair  —  GEORGE  CHRISTIAN'S. 
The  smiling  mouth  is  none  other  than  BILL 
OXLEY'S  and  the  ruddy  cheeks  are  BEN 
MOORE'S.  The  girl  welder,  JEWEL  ASHTON, 
nos  undaunted  enthusiasm.  For  supreme 
dignity,  we  vote  for  LUCIAN  UPDYKE 
(Tool  Crib)  .  For  constant  courage,  RITA 
KING,  and  the  brilliant  conversationalist, 
ELIZABETH  BENNEVIES;  and  the  good  poli- 
tician, none  other  than  PAT  McFADDEN 
(Mechanical     Maintenance). 

WILLIAM  JURNEY  is  passing  out  the 
cigars  because  he  is  a  new  father  now. 
Lucile  King  Jurney  and  Bill  are  proud  in- 
deed of  their  fine  daughter  and  so  are  we, 
PAQUET  have  just  received  First  year  pins. 

—  21  — 

A  proud  mama  is  the  Paint  Shop  Mas- 
cot, with  her  four  new  kittens.  Not  a  bit 
publicity  shy  either. 

RUTH  J.  LORD  was  pleasantly  surprised 
on  her  22nd  birthday,  Sept.  14th  when 
MABEL  QUARRY  presented  her  with  a 
homemade  cake  which  was  enjoyed  by  a 
group  of  friends  at  coffee  period.  You  don't 
look   that  old,    Ruth. 

SHEHI  have  just  returned  from  their  vaca- 
tions. We  missed  you  "fellers" — at  least 
some  of  the  girls  told  us  so.  RUTH  FON- 
TANA  reports  that  her  son  and  his  business 
partner  bock  in  Michigan  were  recently 
awarded  on  "E"  pennant  for  outstanding 
production    in    their   motor   business. 

We  learn  that  ARVO  I.  PARKS,  leadman 
in  Third  Shift  Stamping  Department,  Is  one 
of  the  real  "ole  Timers"  coming  to  work 
back  in  September,  1937,  when  the  Ryan 
plant  was  still  in  its  old  original  building. 
His  eyes  have  beheld  a  wonderful  progress 
of  Ryan  Aeronautical  Compony.  Speaking  of 
progress  reminds  us  that  GEORGE  KREBS, 
while  with  the  6th  Regiment  1st  Marine 
Brigade  in  Reykjavick,  Iceland,  had  the 
pleasure  of  passing  in  review  with  the  rest  of 
the  boys  for  Prime  Minister  Winston 
Churchill.  Churchill  had  just  returned  from 
signing  of  the  historic  Atlantic  Charter  with 
President  of  the   United  States. 

We  learn  that  LUCIAN  UPDYKE  in 
charge  of  Tool  Crib  (Down  Shift)  worked 
for  several  years  with  Mr.  Denby  in  Cleve- 
land, Ohio.  Denby  is  the  inventor  of  the 
unique  machine  which  forms  and  dips  the 
wooden  handle  match.  And  too,  that 
FRANK  L.  WALSH,  Third  Shift  Foreman, 
knew  Henry  Ford  personally,  when  he  was 
in  charge  of  a  crew  at  Ford's  Dearborn 

J.  L.  CHEATHAM  has  come  in  from 
Molder  aircraft  First  Shift  to  Third.  Some 
of  the  crew  are  to  go  on  First  shortly,  more 
on   this   next  time. 

So  long:  "The  world  is  waiting  for  the 
sunrise"  and  we  are  leaving  to  "hit  the 
hay,"    funny  old   world   this. 

The  two  young  ladies  holding  that  luscious-looking  birthday  cake  prefer  to  remain 
anonymous,  but  the  one  on  the  left  made  the  arrangements  for  the  coke  which  was 
presented  to  Richard  "Dick"  Williams,  Night  Foreman  of  Final  Assembly,  at  his  recent 
birthday  party.  For  further  details,  see  "Whispers  From   Final  Swingsters." 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

Several  hundred  of  us  will  not  be  "going 
bock"  after  the  war.  It  is  so  nice  to  be  able 
to  enjoy  outside  living  as  one  con  here  most 
all  year  in  San  Diego.  (No  member  of  any 
local  club — right  from  the  heart)  . 

Wasn't  that  a  grand  large  pretty  coke 
the  crowd  gave  MR.  "DICK"  WILLIAMS  on 
his  birthday?  Even  Mr.  Williams  had  never 
had  0  birthday  cake  that  large  before,  with 
airplanes  and  flowers,  ond  was  it  delicious! 
When  everyone  hod  gothered  around  did 
you  notice  how  "The  Boss"  cut  right  down 
through  with  all  the  ease  and  groce  that 
mode  us  think  for  a  time  we  were  in  some 
swank  club.  The  new  bride,  SARAH  LAMB, 
took  over  and  continued  to  cut.  Mr.  Wil- 
liams deeply  appreciated  all  the  thoughtful- 
ness  and  too,  a  "warm"  thanks  for  the 
nice  tailored  coat.  Don't  forget  "Dick"  ev- 
ery stitch  in  that  coat  holds  our  best  wishes 
for  this  to  be  one  of  your  happiest  years 

JOHNNIE  WALKER  has  been  on  his  vaca- 
tion,  and   does  he   look   fine   too. 

PAUL  FLEISCHER  soys  there  ore  no  deer 
way  up  thar.    Take  note  of  the  extra   hairs 

in  that  cookie  duster  Paul  has,  so  the  trip 
and   mountain  air  did  some  good. 

We  all  wish  happiness  without  end  for 
SARAH  and  JERRY  LAMB.  Jerry  was  heard 
to  say  he  liked  Sarah  from  the  first.  She 
was  such  a  good  sport  and  always  so  kind 
everywhere  and  anywhere.  Love  built  on 
that  Jerry  will  always  last. 

We  would  not  forget  to  wish  IRMA  GID- 
EON lots  of  joy  in  her  new  home  in  La 
Jolla.  Her  husband  who  is  overseas  will  be 
glad  to  learn  of  the  home  and  to  have  the 
pleasure  of  returning  to  a  home  all  their 
own.  Now  we  are  wondering  if  she  will 
buy  a  motorcycle?  She  and  her  neighbors 
like  them  so  well.  About  fifty  folks  found 
their  way  over  to  the  housewarming  and 
greatly  enjoyed   every   moment. 

BETTY  BLISS  had  a  short  leave  to  be 
with  that  certain  party  who  was  on  leave. 

If  you  notice  a  happy  glint  in  ROY  CONK- 
LIN'S  eye,  it  is  because  he  has  his  own 
plane.  Roy  just  loves  flying  and  we  are  glad 
he  con  hove  his  own  plane  again.  Have 
been  asked  if  Roy  was  married.  No,  but 
he   likes  to  "fly  high." 

The  folks  speak  of  WANEVA  as  "the 
grandest  person" — say  she  likes  shrimp  fried 
nice  and  brown;  just  ask  her  and  see  her 
face  smile   all   over. 

So  DICK  STONE  up  and  asks  MYRTLE 
WEYANDT  to  be  his  wife — oh,  another 
Ryan   romance.      Now  when,   we  are  asking. 

Say  hove  you  heard  this  one — "You  look 
worried,  soldier.  What's  the  matter?"  "Aw, 
there's  so  many  women  in  uniform  these 
days  we  G.  I.'s  have  to  wait  to  see  whether 
to   salute   or  whistle." 

—  22  — 

Inventory  Accounting  Swing  Shift  had  a 
gay  party  down  Tijuana  way — everyone  was 
having  a  grand  time — until  they  broke  the 
key  in  the  lock  in  the  cor  door!  LOUISE 
DAVIS  has  been  up  in  Oakland  with  her 
husband  who  has  finally  come  bock  to  the 

HELEN  KING  is  back  to  work  after  a  trip 
home  to  be  with  her  father  during  his  last 
hours.  Our  deepest  sympathies  ore  with  you 
HELEN.  Farewells  were  said  to  SHIRLEY 
KARLSON  who  left  for  Seattle  to  be  with  her 
husband  in  the  service. 

K I  ESTER  ond  CRIPE  versus  LELTER  and 
SMETZER — Oh  these   pinochle  games!!! 

LORRAINE  FLETCHER  is  giving  tabulating 
a  good  look  over.  LORRAINE  started  on 
the  second  shift,  changed  to  third  and  is 
now  on  days. 

KATHERINE  BANNER  is  convalescing 
after  her  recent  appendectomy. 

BETTY  KERSHAW,  Timekeeping,  is  leav- 
ing on  a  three  weeks'  vacation.  Lucky 
BETTY,  going  back  to  Illinois. 

We  deeply  mourn  the  loss  of  JEAN 
WRIGHT  who  passed  away  suddenly,  Sep- 
tember 23rd.  Our  sincere  sympathy  is  ex- 
tended to  her  husband  and  family. 

Welcome  to  CLEORA  DAVIS  in  Accounts 
Receivable.  CLEORA  hails  from  I6wa.  LA 
VERNE  COLANTONI  received  word  her 
brother  is  missing  in  action.  Keep  your 
spirits  up  LA  VERNE — remember  our  Red 
Cross  is  doing  a  good  job.  We  are  sure  he 
will  turn  up  safe  and  sound. 

Have  you  been  in  the  Accounts  Payable 
department  lately?  The  desks  have  a  new 

We  welcome  PEGGY  HENKEL  who  took 
over  when  AILENE  McDANIALS  changed  to 
the  second  shift. 

CARL  WHITE  went  on  nights  as  leodmon. 
Congratulations    on    your    promotion    CARL! 

E.  WOOLSEY  transferred  from  Engineer- 
ing to  take  over  CARL'S  place  on  days. 

JOAN  LeROY  is  on  leove  to  meet  her  hus- 
band. Seems  JOAN  has  had  a  job  trying 
to  catch  up  with  him  so  he  could  see  their 
twelve-month  old  daughter. 

Welcome  to  FRANCES  WIMMER  on  sec- 
ond shift. 

BEA  AUANT  is  with  us  after  a  thirty-day 
sick  leave.     WELCOME  BEA. 

Those  who  remember  JANET  McLEOD 
formerly  of  Payroll  will  be  interested  to  learn 
of  the  birth  of  JANET'S  daughter  on  Sep- 
tember  1 3th.      Congratulations  JANET. 

MARY  FREEL  arrived  bock  from  a  three- 
week  vacation  looking   like  a  million! 

ALBERTA  JOLLY  changed  from  second 
shift  to  days. 

We  guess  this  just  about  covers  the  situ- 
ation. Now  that  DICK  TRACY  has  caught 
the  Brow  and  didn't  elope  with  Gravel  Gerty, 
we  feel  very  relieved — so  we'll  be  seeing  you 
in  the  funny  papers. 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

When,  back  in  August,  FRANCES  STAT- 
LER  took  over  as  Editor  of  the  FLYING 
REPORTER,  this  column  undertook  to  wel- 
come her  to  the  job,  predicting  continued 
improvement  for  our  fine  little  magazine 
under  her  editorial  direction.  Through  some 
inadvertence,  thot  portion  of  the  column  wos 
deleted.  Here  and  now,  though  belatedly, 
I  want  to  say  it  again.  Intervening  issues 
have  amply  justified  those  prodictions  and 
the  management  is  to  be  congratulated  on 
its  choice  for  Editor.  Frances  and  KEITH 
MONROE  are  both  swell   folks  to  know. 

Bock  for  a  visit  with  his  many  friends  at 
Ryan,  lost  month,  RAY  SANDERS,  wearing 
that  Air  Force  uniform  like  he  was  mode 
for  it,  was  surely  looking  well.  Life  in  the 
service  seems  to  agree  with  Ray,  and  it  is 
a  safe  bet  that  he  will  be  right  in  there 
doing   his  part  till   the  job   is  done. 

Another  September  visitor  whom  we  were 
mighty  glad  to  see,  was  JERRY  RYAN,  our 
former  columnist.  He,  too,  looked  grand. 
Mentioning  Jerry  last  issue,  a  typographical 
error  placed  him  in  the  Army,  though  in 
fact  he  is  in  the  Navy  and  he,  too,  seemed 
to  fit  the  uniform.  Come  again,  fellows, 
every  time  you  can  and  we  ore  all  pulling 
hold  for  the  time  when  you  con  come  bock 
for  keeps. 

Among  recent  losses  from  our  department 
to  Uncle  Sam's  fighting  forces  were  LAW- 
two  fine  kids  we  have  enjoyed  knowing  and 
working  with  and  will  miss  a  lot.  Happy 
landings,  fellows.    We  won't  forget. 

We  ore  proud  of  our  department's  repre- 
sentation in  all  branches  of  the  service 
throughout  the  world.  And  that  brings  up 
the  thought  of  how  closely  this  war,  being 
fought  in  another  hemisphere,  touches  al- 
most every  American  home.  Illustrative  of 
that  fact  is  the  case  of  JOHN  OAKES,  out 
there  doing  his  job  in  Pre-jig  every  day, 
while  his  four  sons  are  seeing  plenty  of 
tough  fighting  in  far  flung  places.  One  in 
the  Aleutian  Island  campaign  was  wounded 
on  Attu,  recovered  and  is  still  carrying  the 
war  to  Japan.  Two  landed  with  the  famed 
36th  Division  on  Salerno  and  are  still  out 
there  somewhere  carrying  on,  while  the 
youngest,  two  years  in  the  Navy,  has  seen 
plenty  of  action  and  lots  of  the  world.  Mrs. 
Oakes  and  their  only  daughter  are  both 
doing  war  work  here  at  home.  Is  it  any 
wonder  that  John,  while  longing  for  the 
peace  and  quietude  of  their  ranch  life,  feels 
that  the  most  important  thing  in  all  the 
world   is  to  hasten  the  war's  end? 

PEARL  RAY,  the  little  lady  with  the 
pleasant  smile  presiding  at  the  desk  in  Drop 
Hammer,  and  MACK  McGEE,  the  human 
dynamo  shuffling  the  half  stampings  around 
in  that  area,  are  both  newcomers  to  our 
department.  Welcome,  folks,  and  I  know 
you  find  RALPH,  BILL  and  LELAND  swell 
fellows  to  work  with. 

Some  one  has  said  that  the  world  is  full 
of  willing  people — some  willing  to  do  the 
work  and  others  willing  to  let  them  do  it. 
EDDIE  HAEGER  fits  into  the  first  classifica- 
tion. His  willingness  and  ability  to  do  the 
work  in  any  area  is  a  real  asset  to  our 

MRS.  WRIGHT  who  has  so  efficiently  and 

cheerfully  kept  the  production  line  supplied 
with  small  parts  from  the  balcony,  is  now 
the  A  dispatcher  in  Jig  and  BOB  HOPPER 
is  the  B  dispatcher  in  that  area.  Congratu- 
lations. MORT  tells  me  you  have  a  cooper- 
ative bunch  of  production  leadmen  and  I 
predict  you  will  keep  that  station  right  on 
the   beam. 

A  letter  just  received  from  VAUGHN 
SHAMBLIN  gives  interesting  details  of  his 
work  with  the  A.  A.  F.  He  asked  to  be  re- 
membered to  all  his  friends  at  Ryan,  and 
that  means  all  who  knew  him,  for  Vaughn 
is  a  swell  guy  who  did  his  job  here  and  will 
do  his  job  wherever  he  goes. 

Finding  his  auto  court  business  in  the 
Sun  Valley  district  of  Idaho  stymied  by  war 
time  conditions,  GENE  BASCOM  come  here 
to  do  war  work  and  chose  Ryan  as  the  right 
place.  He  is  helping  LARRY  LYNCH  keep 
'em  moving  through  Pre-jig  on  the  second 
shift.  We  are  oil  pleased  to  see  RUTH 
DAUGHERTY  back  at  the  dispatcher's  desk 
there,  fully  recovered  from  her  recent  illness. 

DON  Le  MAIRE  has  been  with  our  depart- 
ment several  weeks  now  and  is  doing  a  good 
job  helping  JOYCE  DONALDSON  and 
ONITA  ENGEL  handle  the  Jig  area  on  sec- 
ond  shift. 

Some  of  you  second  shifters  seeing  GOR- 
DON GREER  and  KEN  BARNES  around  so 
much  at  night,  may  think  they  hove  trans- 
ferred from  the  day  shift.  Not  so.  They 
are  putting  in  those  extra  hours  to  get  done 
the  extra  work  that  has  fallen  to  them.  But 
they're  not  kicking.  The  entire  personnel 
of  our  department  is  glad  to  do  what  it 
takes  to  get  the  job  done,  and  kicking  is 
not  one  of  their  characteristics.  A  nice 
thing  about  HAP'S  "slave  driving"  is  that 
he  drives  himself  harder  than  he  drives  any- 
one else. 

It  would  be  interesting  to  hove  pedometer 
readings  of  the  daily  mileage  covered  by 
following  through  needed  ports.  ELEANOR 
FORSBERG  might  qualify  as  runner-up  for 
them  in  her  hunt  for  chart  readings  and 
other  figures  required  by  the  office.  OPA, 
please  note.  If  any  of  them  ask  for  addi- 
tional shoe  stamps,  they  are  entitled  to 

Looks  good  to  see  ROBBIE  ROBINSON 
bock  in  shipping.  He  and  MACK  make  a 
real  work  team.  All  the  rest  of  us  need  to 
do  is  get  the  manifolds  finished  and  down 
to  them.  They'll  speed  them  on  their  way 
to   where   they   ore    needed. 

ETHEL  DAHLBERG  has  moved  down  from 
the  balcony  where,  for  months  past,  she  and 
DEAN  SMITH  have  nicely  handled  the  small 
parts  storage.  Ethel  is  now  the  official 
disher-outer  of  those  small  parts  to  the 
production    line. 

The  astounding  idea  seems  prevalent 
throughout  the  land,  that  belief  in  the  near 
end  of  the  war  causes  letdown  in  efforts 
to  produce  materials  needed  for  fighting. 
Why?  In  Heaven's  name,  why?  If  forced 
to  scale  a  high  and  dangerous  cliff,  where 
to  fall  meant  certain  death,  would  any  sane 
person  lessen  his  efforts  when  nearing  a 
safe  haven  at  the  top?  Men  are  dying  out 
there,  every  hour.  Will  the  last  man  to  die 
like  dying  any  better  because  it  is  near  the 
end?  Good  news  from  the  fronts  and 
thoughts  that  the  end  may  be  near  should 
only  spur  us  on  to  still  greater  effort.  Let's 
stay  on  the  job  and  finish  the  job.  Then, 
and  then  only,  con  we,  with  clear  conscience, 
turn  our  thoughts  and  efforts  to  personal 
matters,  and  unashamed,  meet  the  boys 
when  they  come   back. 

—  23  — 

Flashes  From  Fuselage 

by  Bettie  Murren 

You  all  remember  MARIE  BLOMQUIST? 
She  was  the  Clerk  in  Fuselage.  We  received 
on  announcement  of  the  arrival  of  her  new 
daughter  born  Sept.  12,  1944.  Sgt.  and 
Mrs.  Blomquist  have  given  her  the  name  of 
Sandra  Lee.  The  best  of  everything  to  par- 
ents and  daughter  ore  the  wishes  from 

BILLIE  CLARKE  has  a  new  granddaugh- 
ter born  this  month,  too.  You'd  never  guess 
Billie  was  a  grandmother  unless  I  told  you 
as  she  is  one  of  our  A-1  Riveters.  Tsk, 
haven't  times  changed!  All  kidding  aside, 
congratulations    Billie. 

We  wont  to  congratulate  Pierson  on  his 
new  niece  too.  Must  be  the  first  time  he's 
been  on   Uncle  as  he  certainly  is  proud. 

We  hove  our  wanderers  back  again  and 
they  brought  some  new  ones  back  with 
them.  Sixty-four  of  our  Department  were 
transferred  to  Experimental  for  awhile,  both 
1st  and  2nd  shifts.  All  ore  bock  safely  in 
the  Fuselage  fold.  I  don't  want  to  forget 
those  three  Foremen  either,  T.  J.  Johnson, 
Glen  Johnson  and  S.  V.  Olson.  Welcome 
home  and  to  the  new  ones,  glad  to  hove  you 
with   us. 

EDDIE  CARVAJAL  had  a  bithdoy  lost 
week  but  he  didn't  let  any  of  us  know  until 
almost  quitting  time  and  then  tossed  it  off 
that  it  was  almost  over  but  there  were  a 
few    licks  given. 

LAWRENCE  GODA  was  1  8  on  Sept.  27th 
and  celebrated  by  registering  for  Selective 

TOMMY  GARRETT  has  gained  10  lbs. 
and  likes  the  Army  fine  but  doesn't  core  for 
the   rain   in  Washington. 

Speaking  of  soldiers,  AL  LAUBE  of  the 
Air  Force  visited  his  friends  in  Fuselage 

We  hove  o  newcomer  to  the  Depart- 
ment that  we  want  to  welcome — MAVA 

We  have  two  girls  that  I  know  of  on  the 
Softball  team  LUCY  KERNS  and  MAR- 
GARET KLEVE.  There  may  be  more  so  may- 
be they'll  moke  themselves  known  after 
reading  this  and   I'll  tell  you  about  them. 

Perhaps  you  will  remember  me  mention- 
ing the  fact  how  much  all  of  us  in  Fuselage 
enjoyed  reading  the  humorous  letters  re- 
ceived by  SCOTTY  GALLEN  from  a  friend 
over  in  Italy.  After  not  hearing  from  him 
for  two  months,  she  received  a  letter  from 
New  York  where  Johnny  is  in  the  hospital. 
He's  doing  nicely  and  will  get  a  furlough 
before   long. 

VIOLA  DRISCOLL  hod  a  letter  from  her 
brother  and  he  wrote  that  he  had  been  able 
to  spend  2  hours  with  her  husband  in  Bel- 
gium. Strange  things  happen  in  wartime. 
When  his  vehicle  broke  down  and  hod  to  be 
towed  in,  Vi's  brother  had  no  idea  that  it 
would  be  his  Brother-in-law's  regiment.  I'd 
coll    that   a    lucky   accident. 

Time  to  sign  off  now  but  will  see  you  in 
next    issue. 

Pings  and  Purrs 
From  Power  Plant 

by  Idle  Cutoff 

Power  Plant  has  recently  received  a  blood 
transfusion;  a  much  needed  shot  in  the  arm. 
By  that  I  mean  an  influx  of  new  blood. 
Namely  this  transfusion  consists  of:  BETH 
come to  Power  Plant.  These  people,  with 
one  exception,  are  newcomers  to  Ryan.  The 
one  exception,  being  of  course,  WES  KOHL. 
Come  in  a  little  closer.  I  understand  that 
several  feminine  hearts  shifted  into  full 
feathered  position  when  Wes  left  the  Lab 
to  join  Power  Plant.  Do  I  hear  a  confirma- 
tion, SALLY  and  SUE.? 

To  reverse  my  field,  we  miss  MRS.  NELL 
(Nellie  to  youse)  JOHNSON.  Well,  our 
loss  is  Fuselage's  gain.  You're  welcome  MR. 

I  heard  in  a  round  about  way  that,  quote, 
the  Fuselage  group  is  red  hot,  end  quote. 
At   least  the   Fire   Department  was   notified. 

It's  amazin'  how  people  survive  vaca- 
tions. For  example,  MRS.  PANOSH  was 
back  on  time  looking  very  chipper,  DEL- 
PHINE  TELFORD   was   back   merely   looking 

chipper.  Seriously,  Delphine,  we  hope  your 
mother  is  completely  recovered  by  now. 
LEONARD  GORE,  who  managed  to  get  home 
(North  Carolina)  showed  another  facet  of 
his  personality  (pure  deceit,  I  call  it)  to  his 
roommate,  ED  SPICER.  He  sent  a  postcard 
depicting  a  moonshiner's  still  complete  with 
quart  fruit  jars.  So  what  does  he  send  Power 
Plant?  A  picture  of — a  church,  no  less. 
Now    I    ask  you? 

ER!  Understand  there  is  an  aspirant  to  the 
exclusive  one  cartridge  club  in  the  person 
of  BRUCE  FALCONER.  Incidentally  Bruce, 
you  haven't  paid  a  visit  to  Power  Plant  in 
lo  these  many  months.  How  come? 

GEORGE  DITMARS  apparently  came  out 
second  best  in  an  encounter  with  S.  D.  row- 
ing club  Barnacles.  Last  report  says  "Bar- 
nacles' condition  is  as  good  as  con  be  ex- 
pected." BOB  CLOSE  ditto  except  that  all 
cases  of  metal  drawings  hove  been  cured  or 
have  shown  definite  signs  of  improvement. 
Both  Ditmors  and  Close  pack  a  mean  limp  at 
last  report.  Suggest  that  all  metal  drawings 
be  made  on  .0001  stock  to  prevent  recur- 
rence.    (This   applies   to    Barnacles   also.) 

And  as  a  misfitting  finale  we  still  have 
that  sliver  throated  "owl  or  nothing  so 
awful,  or  who  ate  the  hollow  ground  razor 
soup?"  Which  reminds  me,  I  haven't  pol- 
ished MR.  RALPH  ERKSKINE'S  new  blue 
badge  yet  today,  excuse  me. 

Eric  Faulwetfer,  left.  General  Supervisor  of  SKeet  Metal,  congratulates  Walter  Thorpe 
and  Mary  McFarlane  on  having  the  best-known  attendance  records  in  the  Sheet  Metal 
Department.  Walter  Thorpe  of  Sheet  Metal  Assembly  will  have  five  years  of  service  in 
December  without  being  absent  a  day.  Mary  McFarlane  of  Sheet  Metal  Fabrication 
holds  the  title  for  women  with  two  years  service  without  being  absent  or  having  a  single 
pass  out.    We  agree,  Eric,  that  congratulations  are  in  order. 

—  24  — 

Cafeteria  News 

by   Potsun   Panz 

Tucson's  loss  was  Son  Diego's  gain  insofar 
as  the  cafeteria  is  concerned.  MARY  BOND 
MRS.  BERTHA  BETZ  ore  among  those  trans- 
ferring from  the  recently  closed  Tucson 
School.  We  ore  indeed  happy  to  have  them 
with  us.  Also  that  excellent  cook,  CHARLIE 
NECOMER  and  our  new  afternoon  assistant 
be  hard  to  find  a  more  pleasant  or  copable 
person  to  fill  this  important  position.  Arnold 
was  formsriy  steward  of  the  Tucson  School 
and  we  are  certainly  glad  to  have  him  with 
us  here  in  San  Diego. 

and  ROMALA  KIHM  hove  returned  to  work 
to  recover  from  their  vacations. 

BERNADINE  JONES  is  enjoying  a  visit 
from  her  mother,  Mrs.  H.  P.  Warren  of  Rock 
Island,   Illinois. 

LILLY  MAE  BARR,  that  dynamic  lead 
woman,  is  on  leave  due  to  illness.  Believe 
me,  she  is  certainly  missed  by  her  co-workers. 

HOMER  CHANEY,  our  impressario  of  the 
kitchen  range  is  now  on  the  day  shift.  Extra 
good  food  will  be  the  order  of  the  day  from 
here  on  out. 

Genial  JEAN  BOVET,  the  good  humored 
boss  of  the  cafeteria,  has  succumbed  to  va- 
cation fever.  Lost  report  on  his  condition 
was  that  he  is  working  two  10-hour  shifts 
fixing  up  the  old  homestead.  Who  said  va- 

ROBERT  MOFFAT,  that  very  busy  morn- 
ing supervisor,  is  among  the  real  early  birds. 
Bob  is  on  the  job  every  day  bright  and  early 
to  see  that  the  cafeteria  maintains  its  on- 
the-beam  service. 

We  welcome  to  our  Ryonite  family 
NALDA  CHARBONNAU.  We  hope  you  like 
our  little  family. 


Rbuub  Cast  and 
CammittBB  Party 

Members  of  the  cast  and  committee  of 
"We  Like  It  This  Way"  bade  an  opt  and 
fond  farewell  to  their  working  together  on 
the  highly  successful  musical  review  as  they 
gathered  together  at  a  buffet  supper  and 
party  at  the  Sholimar  Cafe  on  Sunday,  Sep- 
tember 24. 

It  was  a  splendid  party,  and  made  all  the 
brighter  by  the  appearance  of  DORCAS 
COCHRANE,  producer  and  director,  who  ar- 
rived from  Hollywood  midway  through  the 
evening  to  receive  a  warm  greeting  and  to 
enjoy  the  fun. 

Hearty  and  tasty  were  the  appetizing  cold 
meats  and  salads  arrayed  on  long  tables — 
and  prolonged  and  warming  were  the  merry 
reminiscences  of  all  present  in  rehashing 
the  work  and  fun  enjoyed  during  the  pro- 
duction of  "We  Like   It  This  Way." 

The  Ryanites  were  not  alone  in  celebrat- 
ing for  the  regular  diners  and  dancers  ot 
the  cafe  were  treated  to  many  excerpts  from 
the  show  OS,  with  Kenny  Gurtin  taking  over 
the  orchestra  dais,  the  show  talent  staged 
several  impromptu  floor  shows  that  gained 
the  same  high  approval  previously  won  at 
the  Russ  Auditorium. 

Henry  Aldrich,  in  person,  greets  Ryan 
workers  in  the  luncheon  area  with 
the  famous  high-pitched  "Coming 
Mother"  that  mode  him  a  beloved  port 
of    every    American    household    prior 

A  thrill  greeted  Ryan  workers  on  Friday, 
September  22  as  the  favorite  star  of  many 
American  homes  stepped  before  the  micro- 
phone in  the  luncheon  area  to  do  his  "four- 
o-doy"  for  the  Ryan  family.  It  was  none 
other  than  the  original  Henry  Aldrich,  whose 
nation-wide  appearances  as  the  star  of  the 
Aldrich  Family  program  have  made  him 
synonymous  with  the  typical   American   Boy. 

Henry,  or  more  correctly  Master  Sgt. 
Ezra   Stone  of   the    United   States   Army  Air 

Ryan  cafeteria  comes  through  as 
Henry  Aldrich  bemoans  his  hunger. 
Here,  Henry  expresses  appreciation  to 
Waitress  Lily  May  Borr  for  "special 
delivery"  service. 

Corps,  stepped  in  and  out  of  character  as 
easily  as  o  duck  takes  to  water  in  combin- 
ing his  talent  for  comedy  with  commercial 
'plugs'  for  his  mess-motes,  the  4th  Air  Force 
Flyers  who  were  to  appear  in  an  Army  wel- 
fare football  game  at  Balboa  Stadium  that 

With  catchy  anecdotes  intermingled  with 
audience  participation,  'that  Aldrich  Boy' 
cavorted   before   Ryan-ites   in  an   interesting 

Barbara  Lee,  star  of  4th  Air  Force 
show  "You  Bet  Your  Life,"  gives  out 
with  "I'll  Be  Seeing  You"  while  Sgt. 
Ed  Stirrea  of  the  U.  S.  Army  Air  Corps 
supplies   the    incidental    music. 

fifteen-minute  program  presented  through 
Employee  Service.  Appearing  at  all  lunch- 
eon periods  and  at  3  ;30  p.  m.,  he  drew 
record  crowds   to    lough   at  his  antics. 

With  Henry  Aldrich  were  Sgt.  Ed.  Stirrea, 
accomplished  accordionist  and  Miss  Barbara 
Lee,  petite  and  pretty  singer  of  popular 
songs,  both  of  whom  won  high  approval  for 
their   renditions  of  favorite  tunes. 

The  musicians  together  with  Sgt.  Stone 
ore    appearing    throughout   the   West    in    the 

"Whew!"   says  Henry   Aldrich,   "Why  O^ 
do  I  ever  have  to  leave  Ryan."    Rea- 
son for  Henry's  rapt  attention  is  pretty 
Betty    Christenson,    Shipping    Depart-  ^ 
ment,  and  no  stranger  to  the  mike^ 

musical  revue  "You  Bet  Your  Life"  pro- 
duced by  the  4th  Air  Force  Flyers  and  di- 
rected   by    Stone. 

A  long  line  of  workers  besieged  Henry 
Aldrich  following  each  show  to  triumphantly 
bear  home  to  their  families  the  signature  of 
the  famous  boy,  whose  'Coming  Mother'  will 
from  henceforth  mean  more  than  ever  be- 
fore OS  it  mokes  its  way  through  the  loud- 
speaker in  the  family  parlor. 

Shop  Suggestion  Huinrds 
made  nt  nil  Lunch  Periods 

All  Ryan  employees  hod  on  opportunity 
on  September  19th  to  witness  the  presenta- 
tion of  awards  for  shop  suggestion  winners 
by  Chief  Yeoman  J.  L.  Peebles,  a  veteran  of 
Pearl  Harbor,  Guadalcanal  and  extensive 
service   in  the  South   Pacific. 

Before  making  the  actual  presentation  of 
awards.  Chief  Yeoman  Peebles  gave  a  very 
enlightening  talk  on  the  importance  of  the 
war  in  the  Pacific  and  the  port  we  all  must 
ploy  in  the  production  job  necessary  to  win 
out  against  the  Japs.  His  speech  was  not 
full  of  pretty  flowery  phrases — it  wasn't 
meant  to  be.  He  let  us  know  the  true  color 
of  the  Japs  we're  fighting  ond  the  under- 
handed tactics  they  use.  "They  don't  pull 
any  punches  and  think  nothing  of  hitting 
below  the  belt,"   said  Peebles. 

The  following  Ryan  employees  were  pre- 
sented awards  for  their  shop  suggestions: 

Certificate  of   Merit 

Francis  L.  Jones,  Roy  L.  Meek,  E.  L.  Rich- 
ard, L.  M.  Grider,  Bob  Vizzini,  F.  W. 

Bronze  Award 

William  C.  Baker,  B.  W.  Floersch,  Ruth 
L.  Gates,  James  B.  Lloyd,  W.  B.  Powell, 
James  J.  Poschman,  Joseph  Leroy  Conklin, 
H.  D.  Gerdes,  Max  L.  Thompson,  Betty  F. 

Silver  Award 

Robert  Carmona,  Ralph  A.  Clyde,  L.  A. 
Culver,  Pete  A.  Jaeger,  Edward  L.  Kumke, 
A.  J.  McCartney,  Glenn  L.  Spader,  Glenn 
Strickland,  Dorothy  Wheeler,  E.  M.  Bald- 
ridge,  Joe  Flynn,  Joseph  J.  Setter,  James  J. 
DeVinney,   William    F.    Runnels. 

Gold  Award 

Joseph  K.  Derr,  F.  E.  Dungon,  James 
Moorby,  William  B.  Russell,  Arvil  O.  Ander- 
son, Verne  C.  Madison. 

Those  who  were  unable  to  be  present  at 
this  shop  suggestion  presentation  meeting, 
but  whose  awards  were  mailed  to  them  ore: 

Albert  L.  Glaudine Certificate  of  Merit 

Dove  K.  Whittier Certificate  of  Merit 

Lelcnd  Lefebure Bronze 

V.   W.   Dimple    Bronze 

R.   E.  McDoniel    Bronze 

William  T.  Mitchell    Silver 

W.  O.  Bonkston Silver 

C.  A.  Krueger Gold 

H.   S.   Wisner,  Jr Gold 

Financial  awards  (either  War  Bonds  or 
War  Stamps)    went  to  the  following  people: 

D.  L.   Jervey 

$5.00  War  Savings  Stamps 
L.    F.    Harrington 

$7.50  War  Savings  Stamps 
Bob   Swinehort 

$15.00    Wor    Savings   Stamps 
C.    L.    Hoffman 

$25.00   War   Bond 
Wilbur   D.   Wimmer 

$75.00    War    Bond 
H.    W.    Graham 

$100.00   in   War   Bonds   and   Stamps 
Joseph   M.   Lockwood 

$100.00  War  Bond 

—  25- 

Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle-Rack 

schedule — hence      his      resemblance      to      a 
shadow    (a  250  pound  shadow)  . 

The  way  things  have  been  changed  so 
much  around  here  lately,  I  wonder  if  I'll 
recognize  the  place  when  I  return  from  my 
vocation  which  starts  next  week.  If  one 
starts  down  on  aisle  now,  he'll  probably 
find  that  he's  in  a  dead-end  one  and  will 
have  to  retrace  his  steps  and  try  another 

SIDNEY  BREESE  of  Planishing  is  vacation- 
ing in  Los  Angeles.  .  .  .  MIKE  ROYBAL, 
hammer  operator,  has  just  returned  from  a 
trip  to  Santa  Fe,  New  Mexico,  having  visited 
his  folks.  .  .  .  LEO  SERVIS,  operator  of  ham- 
mer No.  17  is  back  again  after  having  a 
tussle  with  the  flu  bug. 

BOB  PEARCY  is  our  loss  and  the  first 
shift's  gain  as  he  has  been  transferred  to 
that  shift  and   is  in  charge  of  Planishing. 

Planishing  gave  JACK  FIELDS,  leadman, 
a  birthday  party  Monday,  October  2nd,  and 
they  really  did  a  grand  job  of  it.  A  few 
days  earlier,  the  drop-hammer  gang  pre- 
sented 0  wonderful  pottery  set  to  CHUCK 
CARLSON  as  a  wedding  gift.  We  quote. 
Chuck;  "Boy,  that  was  a  honey  of  o  set  and 
we  appreciate  the  gang's  thoughtfulness  and 
wish  to  thank  each  of  every  one  from  the 
bottom  of  our  hearts." 

WALT  CARPENTER  lost  some  of  his  wis- 
dom to  his  dentist  in  the  form  of  teeth  last 
week  and  is  just  beginning  to  feel  recovered 
from  the  ordeal.  Speaking  of  Walt  reminds 
me  of  some  news  we  dug  up  that  turned  out 
to  be  quite  a  coincidence.  Walt  and  Jack 
Fields  are  both  from  Nebraska,  27  years  old, 
leadmen  in  Drop-Hammer,  each  has  three 
children  and  each  has  a  set  of  twin  boys. 
Con   someone  top  that? 

JEWEL  GRAY  has  been  transferred  from 
Planishing  to  jitterbug.  .  .  .  Our  janitor,  JOE 
BURYMAN,  has  been  replaced  by  genial 
FRED  ANDERSON  of  the  Destroyer  Base.  .  .  . 
JOE  SIRAGUSA,  of  Pickling,  has  been  trans- 
ferred bock  to  the  third  shift.  Joe  soys 
working  on  the  swing  shift  upset  his  eating 

Engineering  Billboard 

by    Bill    Berry 
Advertising    Manager 

Step  Right  Up  Folks,  and  See  the  Great- 
est Show  on  Earth.  Here  Are  a  Few  of  Our 
STAR    Performers: 

STELLA  "La  Bella"  FAY,  noted  female 
bowler,  holder  of  the  High  Average  In- 
crease    (Summer    League). 

SLIM  "Cowboy"  COATS,  famed  rider,  writ- 
er, lossoist,  linguist,  humorist,  stunt  man 
and    ringmaster. 

CLIP  "Bunny"  BORROW,  he  makes  and 
breaks  HEARTS,  plays  the  game  and  al- 
ways gets  the  QUEENS. 

RALPH  "Chief"  HAVER,  nationwide  au- 
thority on  wartime  travel;  Author  of 
"How  to  Sleep  in  a  Telephone  Booth"; 
and  the  possessor  of  the  WIDEST  HOOK 
BALL    known    to    Bowling. 

HARRY  "Men  and  Women  of"  ZAPOLSKI, 
unsurpassed  Hunter,  Archer,  Athlete,  In- 
ventor, Pasteboard  Manipulator  and 
authority  on  women. 

JIM  "Barkus"  STALNAKER,  eminent 
Checker,  whose  barkus  is  worse  than  his 
bitus,  skilled  wielder  of  the  RED  pencil, 
a    superb    HORROR    attraction, 

SARG.    "Curley"    LAMBORN,    a    timid    soul 

who  will  thrill  you  with  vivid  accounts  of 
how  to  get  along  in  the  ARMY.  NOTE 
all  1-A's  will  be  offered  PRIVATE  inter- 
views at  half  price.  (Recommended  by 
TOM  "Everything  Happens  to  Me" 
ALAN  "Bird  Dog"  HUNT,  mystery  man  of 
our  show,  will  attempt  to  tome  "WIFEY 
DEAR"  whom  he  keeps  locked  in  the 
Engineering  Vault.  (MANAGEMENT  as- 
sumes no  responsbiilty  whot-so-ever  for 
injuries  to  spectators.) 
MR.  J.  T.  O'NEIL  (Alias:  TED,  ITO,  JUN- 
O'NEILl  stellar  muscle  man,  weight  lift- 
er extrahdinory,  keeper  of  the  overages, 
holder  of  on  endless  chain  of  DUNS  from 
his  Local  Board,  who  will  fascinate  you 
with  his  FAMOUS  Disappearing  Act,  con- 
ducted under  your  ven/  nose.  DON'T 

First  and   Foremost    (Fanfare   Here  I    That 
Well    Known    and    Remarkable    Combination 
of   Feminine    Performers  .  .  . 
STELLA  "La  Bella"  FAY 

JESSIE  "He  Wasn't  Like  That  When   I  Mar- 
ried Him"   BORROW 
BETTY  "Bet  'E  Nestles"  NESSER 
MARY   "Hoss"   FEDDERS 

Secondly  we  have  that  Prudent,  Punctili- 
ous,  Pre-eminent  Team  of  Professors, 

Mr.  Bob  Andrews 
Mr.   Lew  Dunfee 
Mr.  Al  Croolcs 
Mr.  Bob  Finstod 
Mr.  Kors  Soiineim 
Mr.  Ed  Spicer 
Mr.  Bill  Berry 

Thirdly  We   Present  the   So-called 

RALPH  "Chief"  HAVER 

Wait  fellows,  we're  all  in  this  together. 
BOB  "Chum"  CHASE 
DON  "Have  You  Seen  Stella"  FAY 
TED  "Our  MR."  HACKER 
J.  T.  "Ted"  O'NEIL 

Last  and  Least,  for  those  who  haven't 
any  home  to  go  home  to,  we  proudly  present 
that  comedy  team,  that  pugnacious,  puerile, 
psychopathic,  primitive  group  of  PROTO- 
ZOA, none  other  than  the 


Curley  "Dunt  esk  me  mine  name"  Lamborn 

Paul  "o.  k.  I'll  buy"  Harris 

Frank  "Demo"  Hughes 

Charley  "Sarg"  Paxton 

Jimmy  "Red"  Stalnaker 

Bob  "Skunky"  Gordner 

Clif  "You  could  have  fooled  me"  Borrow. 

Tickets  can  be  obtained  from  the  fol- 
lowing lovely,  luscious,  lucid,  lush,  luxurious, 
luminous,  loyal,  lovable,  languid,  lithe, 

Jewel  "Japonico"  Murray 
Mary  "Pubescent"  Pollock 
Ruth  "Roseate"  Robinson 
Carol  "Kuddles"  Klingensmith 

From  time  to  time  further  notices  will 
be  posted  on  the  billboard,  watch  for  them. 

"We've  always  been  a  very  close  family,  so  we  all  decided  to  work  at  Ryan,"  says 
Grandmother  D.  J.  Blackstock,  right,  of  Sheet  Metal  Routing  and  Cutting.  "My 
daughter,  Mrs.  Ruby  Childers,  left,  recently  of  Manifold  Welding  and  my  grand- 
daughter, Dollie  Snell  and  her  husband,  Edward,  also  of  Manifold  Welding,  decided 
to  join  me  in  doing  their  part  for  the  war  effort."  Mrs.  Blackstock  has  been  at  Ryan 
for  two  years. 

—  26- 

From  Four  'til  Dawn  in  the  Tool  Room 

by   Vera    and    Peorle 

Our  deparlrnent  doesn't  seem  the  same, 
lately.  Perhaps  it's  because  of  so  many  new 
faces.  MADELYN  MAXWELL,  with  the  big 
brown  eyes,  is  almost  an  old  timer,  hoving 
been  here  nearly  two  months.  She,  inciden- 
tally, is  expecting  her  husband  home  from 
the  South  Pacific  for  Xmas.  Miss  EVA  MAY, 
who  was  transferred  from  the  school,  is  our 
new  saw  operator.  One  of  our  most  inter- 
esting new  friends  is  the  always  smiling  MR. 
CAGLEY,  recently  from  Camp  Pendleton. 
He  carves  the  most  adorable  little  monkeys 
out  of  peach  and  plum  seeds.  That  good- 
looking  Marine  we  see  the  girls  hovering 
around  is  DICK  KELLEY  from  Comp  Kearny. 
We  also  welcome  ERNEST  DAWSON,  JOHN 
and    DICK   CATALANO. 

To  say  that  WILBUR  CHARLES  "beamed" 
when  he  introduced  his  younger  son  to  the 
gang  would  be  putting  it  mildly.  Well,  we 
think  he  has  a  good  reason  to  be  proud. 
BURTON  CHARLES  is  the  youngest  veteran 
in  this  department,  having  seen  27  months  of 
overseas  duty  with  the  Communication  sec- 
tion of  the  Marines.  He  was  on  Guadalcanal 
for  five  months.  New  Zealand,  New  Cale- 
donia, New  Hebrides,  New  Georgia,  and 
other  of  the  islands,  where  he  installed  and 
repaired  communication  systems.  We're  glad 
to  have  you  with  us,  Burt,  and  I'm  sure  it's 
0  pleasure  for  your  Dad  to  have  you  working 
by  his  side. 

We  said,  "Hello,"  again  to  WILLY  HUB- 
BARD, who  has  just  returned  from  Kansas. 
Says  it  was  too  hot  for  him  back  there.  His 
brother,  JOE,  came  back  with  him,  so  now 
Mother  HUBBARD  has  two  boys  working  in 
Tooling  on  third  shift.  MRS.  A.  BELL  trans- 
ferred to  third  shift  from  Drop  Hammer. 
The  women  seem  to  like  the  wee  small  hours 
of  the  morn,  as  we  have  HELEN  QUIDORT, 
THOMAS  and  PULLEN,  who  have  been 
working  on  their  machines  since  the  first  of 
the  year. 

Several  of  the  fellows  enjoyed  a  very  un- 
profitable fishing  trip  recently.  PETE,  the 
gracious  host  of  the  welding  booth,  was  the 
only  one  to  catch  a  fish,  and  HARRY  SJUL- 
SON  the  unlucky  fisherman  who  hooked  the 
whopper  that  got  away.  I  wonder  what 
— other   thon   a   sunburn.  .    Anyway, 

the  Tooling  Inspection  Crib  is  o  wee  bit 
brighter  since  the  trip,  as  PEARLE  presented 
HARRY  with  a  Pin-Up  Girl  that  really 
catches    'em — the    fish,    I    mean! 

We  enjoyed  a  birthday  coke  with  PEARLE 
M.  on  the  20th;  HARRY  S.  enjoyed  his  at 
home  on  the  21st.  "Many  happy  returns  of 
the    day"    to   you    both. 

Shiny  new  one  year  pins  were  presented 
CHARLES,  and  G.  HOLMES.  GEORGE,  by  the 
way,  is  the  new  Shop  Steward,  having  taken 
over  the  job  from  SIDNEY  JACOBSON. 

HARRY  PARK  is  going  back  to  first  shift 
the  first  of  the  month.  JOE  LISEC  trans- 
ferred to  second  at  the  some  time  HARRY 
did,  but  soys  he  intends  to  stay.  TUENGE, 
our  cartoonist,  changed  to  days.  Never  a 
dull   moment!! 

CHARLES    BLOOM    had    the    pleasure    of 

showing  his  brother  around  the  place,  and 
introducing  him  to  his  fellow  workers. 
RALPH  W.  BLOOM,  Mo.M.M.  ) /c,  is  one 
of  the  five  in  the  BLOOM  family  that's  in 
the  Service.  RALPH'S  wife,  LAURETTE,  is 
in  the  Army  Nurse  Corps;  ALFRED  J.,  S/Sgt. 
in  the  Signal  Corps,  is  in  New  Guinea;  PVT. 
JOHN,  in  the  Army  Signal  Corps,  is  some- 
where in  England;  and  brother-in-low,  LT. 
DAVID  CHAMBERS,  also  in  England,  is  pilot- 
ing a  B-  I  7  bomber.  With  CHARLES  in  Tool- 
ing, and  his  wife,  MARY,  welding  manifolds, 
looks  like  the  BLOOM  family  is  really  doing 
their  share! 

Several  of  the  gang  spend  all  their  spore 
time  ploying  ping  pong.  MADELYN  and 
MILBURN  ore  steady  players.  GUTHRIE  & 
SJULSON  ore  frequent  visitors  at  the  tables, 
too.  "Ping  Pong"  GABOR  and  "I  Betcha 
Don't"  MOYER  ore  still  battling  for  their 
own  private  chompionship.  Seems  to  be 
about  even  so  for,  but — tomorrow  is  another 

Some  of  the  younger  boys  ore  getting  up 
to  go  bowling  at  10  a.  m.  on  Wednesdays. 
"Just  for  fun,"  they  soy,  and  it  does  sound 
up  the  team.  How  about  a  little  backing  for 
them?  JOHNSON,  Tooling  inspector,  is 
bowling  on  the   Inspection  team. 

MR.  EASTERDAY  celebrated  his  70th 
birthday  on  Sunday,  September  10,  and  he 
was  on  the  job  as  usual.  He  has  been  neither 
absent  nor  tardy  since  starting  to  work  on 
May  25.  That  is  o  record  ANY  of  us  would 
be  proud  to  hove.  He  also  received  a  medal 
from  the  Odd  Fellows  Lodge,  honoring  him 
as  a  member  of  good  standing  for  45  years. 
We  don't  blame  you  for  being  proud  of  it, 
MR.  EASTERDAY,  it's  really  beautiful. 

AL  CONYNE,  operator  of  the  big  Mill, 
has  a  very  interesting  hobby.  He  is  a  coin 
collector,  specializing  in  dollars  and  half 
dollars.  His  dollar  collection  dotes  bock  to 
1794,  but  his  search  is  centered  on  a  dollar 
made  in  1  858,  as  there  were  only  sixty  mode 
in  that  year.  There  ore  so  many  interesting 
and  unusual  things  about  this  money  we 
use  every  day,  I  could  go  on  and  on  telling 
you  the  things  Al  told  me  about  some  of 
them.  It's  a  swell  hobby,  AL,  and  we'll  be 
around  from  time  to  time  to  get  more  in- 

AL  HARRINGTON,  our  foreman,  looks 
rested  after  his  two  weeks  vocation.  We're 
glad  to  have  you  back  on  the  job,  AL! 

VERA  WEST,  our  deportment  clerk,  is 
bock  with  us  again — and  ore  we  glad!  Due 
to  the  illness  of  her  daughter,  VERA  was 
on  leove  of  absence  for  several  weeks; 
SHARON  ANN  is  much  better  now,  we're 
glad  to  report,  and  it's  like  home  again  hav- 
ing VERA  in  the  office. 

RAY  BARANOSKI  has  returned  to  his 
home  in  Texas — we  surely  miss  his  smile 
and  teasing  ways.  FOREST  McDILL  has 
deserted  us  and  his  alarm  clock  for  a  bugle 
and  the  life  of  a  soldier  boy — best  of  luck 
to  you,    FOREST! 

We  hove  a  swell  bunch  in  Tooling,  but  we 
could  all  improve  our  attendance  record — 

—  27  — 


Virginia  Pixley 

JOHN  MUCHEMORE  is  a  papa!  A  little 
girl  was  born  to  him  and  Detta  on  September 
1  3  and  we  oil  wish  them  our  heartiest  con- 
gratulations. John  is  a  little  embarrassed 
because  he  swore  he  would  break  the  En- 
gineering so-called  jinx  of  just  girl-bobies, 
but  they  sorta  like  the  prize  they  drew  and 
are  going  to  keep   little  Ann. 

HELEN  YOUNG  was  quite  flattered  when 
IRVING  DICKENS  asked  to  see  her  beauti- 
ful diamond  ring,  but  as  soon  as  she  found 
he  was  trying  to  borrow  it  to  scratch  his 
name  on  a  steel  ruler,  he  got  the  bum's 

The  Static  Test  gang  got  a  big  bong  out 
of  typographical  error  in  letter  pertaining  to 
the  disposition  of  hoses,  where  "horses"  was 
written  by  mistake.  They  would  like  to  order 
a  bushel  of  oats  and  wont  to  know  if  the 
horses  ore  supposed  to  go  with  the  whiffle- 
trees!  That  typist  certainly  was  dumb, 
wasn't   I? 

JACK  EDMONDS  warned  everyone  that 
"there's  going  to  be  tough  sledding  tomor- 
row"; then  as  each  listener  bit,  he  quipped, 
"NO   SNOW!!" 

DURHAM  gave  o  bridal  shower  party  for  the 
newly  engaged  FERNE  LA  GREEN  and  in- 
who  all  arrived  bright  and  early.  Feme  La 
Green  never  did  show  up,  at  least  not  as 
Feme  La  Green.  Feme  and  her  brand  new 
husband  turned  the  tables  on  the  crowd 
and  oppeored  as  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Bud  Mellin, 
but  certainly  gave  the  party  a  lot  of  ex- 

"Once  upon  a  time,  there  were  two  Irish- 
men"    and  now  there's  a  lot  of  them! 

PETER  VANDERSLOOT'S  little  daughter, 
Karen,  asked  her  Daddy  if  he  knew  what  a 
caterpillar  was.  Pete  said  he  didn't,  so  she 
casually  informed  him  that  "a  caterpillar 
is  o  butterfly  going  through  its  metamor- 
phosis." Daddy  Vandersloot  then  picked 
himself  off  the  floor  and  came  to  work  with 
his  chest  swelled  up  like  a  balloon  as  Karen 
is  only  three  and  one-half  years  old.  Gee, 
and  I  had  to  look  up  the  word  "caterpillar" 
in   the   dictionary. 

Ryan  ForEmen's  Club 
meeting  Held 

The  lost  meeting  of  the  Ryan  Foreman's 
Club  was  held  at  Grant's  Roncho  Dining 
Room  on  the  old  highway  to  Los  Angeles. 
Twenty-five  members  were  present  and  all 
hod  a  whale  of  a  time  discussing  a  new  type 
of  entertainment  to  be  introduced  into  the 
club.  This  new  entertainment  will  consist 
more  of  the  educational  type  than  the  club 
hos  had  previously.  Speakers  from  different 
monufocturing  companies,  war  heroes  from 
overseas,  and  production  supervisors  from 
our  own  plant  will  be  contacted  to  give  you 
foremen  a  little  broader  scope  and  a  higher 


Recreational  Director,  Paul  Ted  ford 

Commissioner  Cogitates 

Maurie  Clancy,  Ryan  Golf  Commis- 
sioner, studies  a  shot  at  the  La  Mesa 
Country  Club  course  during  Ryan- 
Solar  match.  One  of  the  steadiest  golf- 
ers at  Ryan,  Clancy  returned  from  the 
Annual  hiandicap  Company  Cham- 
pionship with  the  coveted  Low  Net 

BashBtball  nears 

The  shooting  eye  may  be  as  good  as  ever, 
but  it  seems  that  the  legs  and  the  wind  need 
a  little  more  conditioning  each  year  accord- 
ing to  reports  from  devotees  of  the  fast  and 
rugged  court  game  known  as  basketball. 
So,  at  all  available  hours,  we  find  bosketeers 
from  Ryan  bombarding  the  basket  at  gyms 
throughout  the  city. 

While  organization  is  not  yet  quite  com- 
plete for  the  season  ahead,  it  is  definite 
that  teams  of  both  men  and  women  will 
represent  the  company  in  the  various  city 
and  industrial  leagues,  as  well  as  participat- 
ing  in  a   Plant  League  of  our  own. 

In  order  that  they  shall  not  miss  out  on 
the  fun,  all  people  on  all  shifts  interested  in 
playing  the  court  game  this  year  are  urged 
to  leave  their  names  with  Paul  Tedford, 
recreation  director,  right  away.  Final  organi- 
zation and  team  make-ups  will  be  concluded 
in  the  next  few  days — so  don't  waste  any 
time,  bosketeers,   in   registering. 

Kings  of  Ryan  Golfdom 

A  salute  to  the  Kings  of  Ryan  Golfdom, 
Kenny  Barnes  and  Maurie  Clancy,  who 
stroked  their  way  through  72  holes  of  com- 
petitive golf  studded  with  a  classy  array  of 
Ryan  club-wielders.  The  final  tabulations 
of  one  of  the  most  successful  Annual  Handi- 
cap Golf  Tournaments  in  Ryan  history  show 
Barnes  to  be  the  winner  of  the  coveted  Low 
Gross  Award  with  Clancy  perched  atop  the 
field  striving  for  the  Low  Net  prize. 

Thirty-seven  golfers  tee-ed  off  in  the 
Annual  classic  this  year,  facing  the  tough 
72-hole  grind — 18  each  at  La  Mesa  and 
Emerald  Hills,  and  36  at  the  tricky  La 
Jollo  links.  All  had  a  shot  at  the  awards  as 
systematic  handicapping  evened  the  chances 
for  each   entrant. 

Barnes  toured  the  tough  La  Jollo  course 
with  a  74  and  79,  which  added  to  his  75's 
at  the  other  two  links  and  his  handicap  re- 
warded him  with  a  $25  War  Bond  and  the 
inscription  of  his  name  on  the  beautiful 
Perpetual  Trophy.  Bernie  Bills,  already  o 
two- leg  nominee  on  the  Trophy  was  a  close 
second  in  the  race  for  the  Low  Gross,  fin- 
ishing 12  strokes  behind  Barnes  and  winning 
$10  in  War  Stamps.  Keith  Whitcomb  also 
won  $10  in  War  Stamps  as  he  finished  in 
third  place.  Russ  Nordlund  and  Charlie 
Christopher  were  presented  shirts  for  their 
fourth  and  fifth  place  prizes. 

Maurie  Clancy,  who  deserves  the  highest 
praise  for  his  organization  and  handling  of 
the  tournament  hod  the  Low  Net  of  262, 
his  best  effort  an  85  at  Lo  Mesa.  His  prize 
was  the  same  as  Barnes'  while  Dave  Bentley, 
second  and  third  place  Low-Netters  were 
oworded  $10  in  War  Stamps.  Sport  shirts 
for  fourth  and  fifth  places  went  to  Joe  Love 
and    Floyd    Dungan. 

Other  entrants  included  Hub  Hubbell, 
Chas.  Sachs,  Ray  Berner,  John  Powloski, 
Harry  Trout,  Jack  Westler,  Petie  Petersen, 
Bob  Clark,  Horace  Wollen,  Bill  Arbuckle, 
Adolph  Bolger,  Dick  Gillcm,  Nelson  H. 
Williams,  Frank  Finn,  Don  Dewey,  Fred  Fer- 
guson, J.  Whetstine,  Glen  Huff,  Clay  Rice, 
Geo.  Thompson,  Ralph  Callow,  M.  Finn,  H. 
Smith,   Taylor  and   Berbussie. 

The  Champ 

stars  to  Roll 

Six  of  the  finest  bowlers  in  the  city, 
all  employees  of  the  Ryan  Company  will 
face  the  foul  line  in  the  strong  925  scratch 
league  at  the  Pacific  Recreation  alleys  this 
season.  Clad  in  smart  uniforms  bearing 
the  name  of  Ryan,  and  official  representa- 
tives of  the  plant,  it  is  expected  that  the 
team  will  make  a  good  showing  in  this  fast 

The  team  is  composed  of  Jim  Key,  cap- 
tain, Bill  Durant,  Ed  Sly,  Huetter,  LeClair 
and   Baker. 

—  28  — 

Posting  a  total  of  303  strokes  over  72 
holes  of  competition  in  the  Annual 
Ryan  Handicap  Championship  Golf 
Tourney,  Kenny  Barnes  captured  the 
Low  Gross  to  become  the  Ryan  Golf 
Champion  for  1944.  Barnes  shot  a  74, 
two  75's,  and  ended  with  a  smooth  79 
on  the  tough   La   Jolla  course. 

Sport  Chatter 

With  DEAN  HOFFMAN  at  the  helm,  a 
strong  team  of  Ryan  softbollers  is  out  to 
give  a  good  account  of  itself,  as  this  year, 
for  the  first  time,  we  participate  in  a  winter 
league.  Ploying  every  Wednesday  under  the 
lights,  the  Ryan  team  should  do  well  with 
the  nicely-balanced  club  that  takes  the  field 
under   DEAN. 

WIN led  the  tennis  team  into  battle  with 
the  net  stars  from  Rohr  on  Sunday,  October 
8,  but  results  were  too  late  for  our  deadline. 
This  was  the  rubber  match  between  the  two 
teams  as  each  hod  won  one  earlier  in  the 
season.  Both  singles  and  doubles  were  in 

Competing  in  the  first  of  this  season's 
Notional  Telegraphic  Bowling  Tourneys  the 
Ryan  team  rolled  a  total  score  of  2567  on 
September  30.  Scores  ran  low  throughout 
for  oil  teams  and  our  men  stand  Q  good 
chance  of  finishing  well   up  in  the  running. 


Sport  Chatter 

and  KEY  were  the  Ryan  bowlers  with  BA- 
KER'S 210  single  and  563  triple  setting  the 

A  glee  club  specializing  in  Christmas 
music  and  well-loved  carols  started  rehears- 
als on  Tuesday,  October  3,  under  the  direc- 
tion of  CARL  DEWSE,  well-known  voice 
teacher  and  choir  director.  Some  25  to  30 
voices  plan  to  continue  this  activity  the  rest 
of  the  year  at  least. 

Orchids  to  the  fellers  in  the  Fire  Depart- 
ment for  the  grand  job  they  did  in  readying 
the  ping  pong  tables  for  the  current  ping 
pong  tournament.  CHIEF  DAN  DRISCOLL, 
WOOD  segregated  three  tables,  trued  them 
up  and  erected  extra  windbreaks  to  take 
care  of  the  boys  in  the  tourney.  Nice  going, 


The  Score  Board 

The  Ryan  All  Stars,  aided  by  the  brilliant 
pitching  of  Erv  Morlett  and  the  hitting  of 
Red  Mathies  and  Jack  Billings  plus  the  all- 
around  fielding  of  Milo  Nanez,  defeated 
ABG-2  by  a  score  of  7-5  at  Navy  Field 
Sunday,  September  24.  Erv  Marlett  has 
really  turned  in  some  excellent  pitching 
having  beaten  this  club  twice  in  a  row,  and 
should  have  won  by  a  score  of  7-2  except 
for  some  brilliant  master-minding  on  the 
part  of  the  Ryan  manager  who  made  two 
outfield  substitutions  in  the  8th  inning,  and 
both  outfielders  proceeded  to  drop  three  fly 
balls  out  of  three  chances  resulting  in  3 
runs.  The  manager  who  has  o  bod  pump 
anyway,  due  to  his  advanced  age  and  long 
service  in  running  sondlot  baseball,  wound 
up  in  the  Turkish  baths  to  relieve  the  pres- 
sure in  time  to  get  a  little  relaxation  in  the 
form  of  a  much  needed  rest;  namely,  a 
night's  sleep  where  all  old  men  are  at  their 
best-rated  efficiency. 

The  club  proceeded  on  its  winning  streak 
at  Golden  Hills  Sunday,  October  1,  where, 
after  12  innings  of  really  good  baseball,  we 
outlucked  the  Amphibious  Training  Base,  a 
real  good  ball  club,  by  a  score  of  9-8.  This 
game  was  featured  with  hitting  by  Red 
Mathies  and  Frank  Kerr  who  got  3  hits 
apiece  and  by  the  excellent  relief  pitching 
of  Erv  Marlett  who  wound  up  the  winning 
pitcher.  This  is  eight  wins  in  a  row  for  Erv, 
which  is  really  a  very  creditable  perform- 
ance as  the  guy  is  really  beating  some  good 
clubs.  This  game  was  also  featured  by  poor 
umpiring  for  both  sides,  numerous  delays 
due  to  the  some,  and  Jack  Marlett  finally 
had  enough  when  along  about  6:15  p.  m. 
he  executed  with  Stubby  Litz  on  third  base 
and  one  away  a  beautiful  squeeze  play  on 
a  very  tough  pitch  to  give  Ryan  the  needed 
run  and  the  contest  by  a  score  of  9-8. 

If  the  club  can  maintain  its  present  form 
for  the  next  month  we  may  be  able  to  win 
this  league  but  it  is  one  of  those  deals  where 
the  clubs  are  so  evenly  matched  that  you 
must  win  all  of  them  and  that  is  rather 
difficult  to  accomplish.  The  return  of  Bob 
Roxburg  plus  the  addition  of  Tony  Jeli  will 
give  the  club  some  reserve  pitching  which  is 
really  something  as  both  boys  con  be  of 
considerable  help  to   the  club. 


Table  Tennis 
Elimination  Tourney 

When  the  final  drive  smashes  across  the 
net  some  time  this  month  on  the  ping  pong 
tables  here  at  the  plant,  the  new  champions 
at  this  game  of  paddles  and  bolls  will  be 
crowned  as  the  result  of  the  Ryan  Annual 
Table  Tennis  Tournament  which  got  under 
way   October    1 . 

Although  deadline  trouble  does  not  al- 
low the  printing  of  any  scores  from  the  early 
matches,  it  is  reasonable  to  state  that  this 
year's  tourney  will  be  a  wide-open  race  with 
the    field    filled    with    "dark    horses." 

Heading  the  committee  which  has  worked 
hard  to  make  arrangements  for  the  tourna- 
ment is  Commissioner  of  Ping  Pong,  Roy 
Cunningham,  who  is  ably  assisted  by  Jim 
Atwill,   Frank  Finn   and   Don  Wasser. 

The  following  contestants  faced  the  fir- 
ing line  OS  the  tournament  got  under  way: 
Day   Shift  Singles 

R.  W.  Mills,  Roy  S.  Cunningham,  S.  H. 
Avery,  F.  J.  Phillips,  R.  A.  Chose,  M.  Kanes, 
T.  Pitts,  O.  F.  Finn,  S.  H.  Goodin,  M.  G.  Mc- 
Guire,  J.  H.  Williams,  S.  Leong,  R.  Erskine, 
M.  Ruckle,  Jock  Southwell,  L.  W.  Rice, 
Price  Alldred,  Art  Coltroin,  J.  G.  McGuire, 
R.  S.  Smieb,  B.  R.  McClendon,  E.  S.  Arm- 
strong, A.  J.  Giannini,  L.  H.  Bennett,  Paul 
Tedford,  N.  Wynne,  T.  C.  Boettischer,  M. 
K.  Chose,  Jr.,  Don  Wasser,  Gus  Smith,  Dean 
Hoffman,  J.  B.  Garinger,  A.  L.  Schreiner, 
L.  Goda,  M.  V.  Moyer,  W.  F.  Helmer,  G. 
Wolf,  Jim  Bailey,  G.  Farington,  N.  D.  De- 
Kay,  A.  E.  Phillips,  Jr.,  H.  C.  Wright,  Arnie 

Farkas,  Chas.  Henson,  Jim  Atwill,  D.  L.  Mc- 
Farland,     1.     Roffman,     George     Stone,     M. 
Leong,     Fred    Maple,     Earl    Voughan,    J.    B. 
Williams,  H.  F.  Wallen,  and  Glenn  Huff. 
Day   Shift    Doubles 

Cunnmgham  and  Atwill,  Southwell  and 
Huff,  Bailey  and  Farington,  Wasser  and 
Wilbur,  Giannini  and  Armstrong,  McGuire 
and  Reid,  Mills  and  Pitts,  Farkas  and 
Alldred,  Stone  and  S.  Leong,  Moyer  and 
Figueroa,    Vaughan    and    Wright,     Hoffman 

and    Erskine.  

Night   Shift   Singles 

E.    McCanna,    J.    Flynn,    J.    Hom,    Martha 
Jones,    Paul    Fettkether,    R.    Kennedy,    Wm. 
Jones,    E.    Erskine,  John  Malley. 
Night  Shift   Doubles 

McConno  and  Malley,  Fettkether  and 
Kennedy,    Flynn    and   Wm.    Jones. 


Touch  Football 

With  a  Sunday  morning  touch  football 
league  planned  throughout  the  fall  and  win- 
ter, entries  for  six-man  teams  ore  still  being 
received   from   all   shifts. 

An  ideal  arrangement  of  rules  is  in  vogue 
this  season  to  afford  the  minimum  of  bodily 
danger  while  allowing  for  a  wide-open  game 
and   the   maximum  of  fun  and  exercise. 

In  this  sport,  too,  oil  interested  ore  urged 
to  lose  no  time  in  making  their  intention  of 
playing  known  to  Paul  Tedford  in  order  that 
they  may  be  placed  on  a  team  in  the  air- 
craft league  about  to  start.  The  one  stipu- 
lation is  that  players  have  no  professional 
experience   whatever. 

Wearing  the  broad  smiles  of  champions,  the  Jigs  and  Fixtures  bowling  team,  winners 
of  the  Ryan  Summer  League  ore  caught  between  frames  at  the  Tower  Bowl  by  our 
camera-man.  From  left  to  right  we  find  Art  Behm,  Bill  Donyluk,  Korry  Graham 
(Copt.),  Pete  Hoyworth,  Ben  Stilley,  and  Charles  Rice.  This  formidable  pin-toppling 
outfit  ended  the  summer  season  with  a  record  of  55  points  won  while  dropping  but  21. 

—  29  — 

Gallants  On  the  Greens 

Facing  the  lens  after  a  recent  victory  over  the  Solar  Golf  Team  are  the  Ryan  Club  ex- 
perts who  ended  on  the  long  end  of  a  1  5  to  9  score.  (Rear  row  I.  to  r. )  Charles  Chris- 
topher, J.  Whetstine,  Joe  Love,  and  Floyd  Dungon.  (Front  row  I.  to  r. )  Maurie  Clancy, 
Petie   Petterson,  and   Don   Dewey. 

Bouiling  league 
Under  lUay 

The  resounding  crash  of  hard  wood 
against  steel  plates  is  spreading  city-wide 
this  month  as  all  the  bowlers  in  the  various 
plant  leagues  begin  to  round  into  shape. 
With  interest  at  a  higher  pitch  than  ever 
before,  we  find  all  Ryanites  wishing  to  bowl 
connected  with  some  team  or  other. 

Largest  in  numbers  of  the  league  is  the 
28-team  loop  from  the  day  shift — a  mixed 
league  bowling  under  handicap  rules.  From 
the  night  shift,  ten  teams  face  the  foul 
line    under   the   some   set-up. 

Growing  with  leaps  and  bounds  this  sea- 
son is  the  Ryan  Tri  league,  a  goodly  gang 
of  fellows  who  congregate  at  the  Tower 
Bowl  each  Thurs.  at  4:45  p.  m.  Now,  six- 
teen teams  roll  each  week  in  this  race. 

A  ten-team  league  bowling  on  Thursday 
at  Hillcrest  was  formed  to  take  care  of  the 
many  bowlers  who  were  unable  to  field 
teams  in  the  regular  day  shift  league.  Re- 
ports are  that  this  is  a  whale  of  a  lot  of 
fun,  and  the  members  of  this  organization 
are  prone  to  look  down  their  noses  at  their 
fellow  workers  in  the  regular  28-team   loop. 

Latest    Loop    Standings 

Nite   Foursomes  W  L 

Four    Maniacs     4  0 

Lucky    Four     4  0 

Swing     Benders     4  0 

Sleepy   Four    3  1 

Anchors       1  3 

2  Strikes  2  Anchors 0  4 

Pin    Knockers    0  4 

Crusaders     0  4 

Winter   Leogue            W  L 

Pin   Savers    12  0 

Wood     Shop     11  1 

Jigs   &   Fixtures    10  2 

Friendly     Five     10  2 

Sub    Assembly     9  3 

Jesters      9  3 

Maintenance       8  4 

Navy    8  4 

Tool     Room     7  5 

Putt    Putts    7  5 

Crags      7  5 

Laboratory       7  5 

Misfits     7  5 

Plant     Engineers     7  5 

Soot  Pots    7  5 

Pin    Busters     6  6 

Contract    Engin 6  6 

Toil    Winds     6  6 

Shipping      5  7 

Low    I.    Q 4  8 

Silents     4  8 

Bumpers      3  9 

Crude     Crew     3  9 

Ryan    Spares     2  10 

Drop    Hammer    2  10 

Hell     Raisers     1  11 

Jiggers      0  12 

Office    Service    0  12 

Hillcrest   League          W  L 

Woodshop 4  0 

Welderettes     4  0 

Crude   Crew    3  1 

Arc  Welders 2  2 

Office      2  2 

Fabrication    Five     2  2 

Sheet  Metal    2  2 

Imagineers      1  3 

Bowling    Bogs      0  4 

Experimental        0  4 

—  30  — 

Dubbs  and  Putts 

On  Sept.  24th,  Ryan  Golfers  stepped  forth 
to  do  battle  with  the  mighty  men  of  the 
links  from  both  the  Solar  and  Rohr  Air- 
craft plonts.  Ryan  men  emerged  triumphant 
as  at  the  La  Mesa  Country  Club  Golf  Com- 
missioner M.  M.  Clancy  led  a  team  of  8  men 
to  a  1 5-9  victory.  Floyd  Dungon  shot  the 
low  gross  of  76  followed  by  Clancy  with  on 

At  Chula  Visto  Kenny  Bornes  posted  the 
low  gross  of  82  as  Ryan  won  to  the  tune  of 
9'/2  to  ZVi.  Bernie  Bills  was  next  in  line 
for  our  boys  with  an  85. 

Award  of  the  month  to  the  golfer  whose 
game  has  most  consistently  improved  should 
go  to  Floyd  Dungon  according  to  the  clan 
who  burned  up  the   links. 

Biggest  news  for  golfers  is  the  huge  Air- 
crafters'  Golf  Tournament  scheduled  to  get 
under  woy  come  October  29th.  Golfers  from 
all  four  major  aircraft  plants  ore  to  meet 
m  match  play  and  entry  blanks  may  be  se- 
cured from  either  Maurie  Clancy  or  Paul 
Tedford.  Special  awards  are  in  store  for 
the  winners  and  there  is  much  interest  in 
the  event  with  nearly  75  linksmen  expected 
to  bear  the  banner  of  Ryan   in  the  fray. 


Bowling  Leaders 

With  bowling  leagues  in  full  swing,  the 
following  officers  have  been  named  to  lead 
their    respective    organizations: 

Day  Shift  Winter  League:  Pres.  Lon 
Humphrey;  V.  P.  Joe  Love;  Secy.  Millie 

Tri  League:  Pres.  Jim  Atwill;  V.  P. 
George   Dew;   Sec'y.  M.  M.   Clancy. 

Hillcrest  Day  League:  Pres:  Bill  Berry; 
V.  P.  L.  M.  Olson;  Sec'y-Treos.  Clifford 

Nite  Winter  League:  Pres.  Glenn  Miller; 
Treos.   Frank  Gamacio. 

Nite  Foursomes:  Pres.  Agnes  Carrigan; 
Treos.    Loretto   Warren. 


At  least  one  team  from  Ryan  is  ready  to 
go  in  the  newly-formed  winter  plant  base- 
ball league.  Joe  Ceseno,  night  shift,  heads 
a  potent  crew  of  bot-wielders  from  the 
swing  shifters — a  team  destined  to  moke  a 
fine  showing   in   the   league. 

The  team  is  composed  of  many  of  the 
lads  who  set  up  an  enviable  record  on  the 
Softball  diamond  throughout  the  summer 
league.  Turning  to  the  national  pastime, 
they  are  not  only  showing  versatility,  but 
also  much  ability  at  baseball. 

Any  other  teams  wishing  to  play  in  this 
league  ore  welcome  and  still  able  to  enter. 
Just  get  in  touch  with  the  Recreation  Direc- 
tor in  Employee  Service,  and  arrangements 
will  be  made. 

Department  24 

by   Amalie   Tate 

DERSON were  transferred  to  Dept.  8  this 
week,    from    Sheet    Metal    Upgrading    Class. 

WILMA  WRIGHT,  from  Pre-Factory 
Class  went  to  Dept.  26  and  DELORES  HEN- 
were  transferred  from  Machine  Shop  Class 
to   Dept.    20. 

BETTY  WALKER,  from  Plaster  Pattern 
Class  left  us  to  join  the  W.  A.  C.'s.  The 
girls  chipped  in  and  gave  her  a  gold  I.  D. 
bracelet.  Good  luck,   Betty. 

CHRISTINE  ANDERSON,  gave  every  one 
in  Plaster  Pattern  Class  a  scare  when  she 
molded  her  face   in  Plaster. 

The  "Guys  and  Gals"  in  Pre-Factory 
Class,  tell  me  surprise  parties  can  be  fun! 
With  the  co-operation  of  Instructors  WAG- 
NER and  HANSON  some  of  the  girls  in  the 
final  stage  of  training  at  Balboa  Park  gave 
the  boys  quite  a  time. 

The  East  seems  to  have  a  strange  attrac- 
tion for  EDNA  YOUNG.  Is  it  Mama,  or  is 
there    another    interest   at    heart? 

MARGARET  YUHAS  is  expecting  her 
husband    home    on    furlough    next    week. 

"The  Men  in  Her  Life"  was  no  doubt 
written  especially  for  BETTY  CARNES.  The 
gal   has  a   new  one  on  the   string   bi-weekly. 

BOB  GUYER,  our  instructor  in  Manifold 
Class,  recently  had  a  birthday,  but  he  was 
afraid  to  tell   any  one. 

"BABE"  GASH  has  taken  a  Leave  of  Ab- 
sence to  go  to  Illinois  with  her  Marine  hus- 

FERN  BRAY  has  just  reported  back  to 
work  from  o  month's  vocation  at  her  home 
in  Oxford,  Miss. 

We  are  keeping  our  fingers  crossed  for 
ROSE  BROWN'S  sailor  husband,  who  is  in 
the   Naval   hospital. 

CHUCK  WILLIS,  our  former  Instructor  in 
Manifold,  day  shift,  is  now  Instructor  for  the 
new    Manifold    Class  on    the    night   shift. 

CONNIE  CHIDESTER  is  back  on  the  job 
after  being  off  with  a   foot  injury. 

JUDY  and  BOBBIE  now  hove  a  place  to 
lay  their  weary  bones.  They  both  received 
living   quarters   in   the   Frontier   Project. 

We  oil  were  happy  to  welcome  "HUFFY" 
back  last  week.  She's  feeling  much  better 

EDITH  WHITLEY  is  bock  to  work  after 
0   serious  operation. 

LOUISE  BEDFORD  is  back  at  work  after 
visiting    her    husband    in    Mississippi. 

MR.  TRUCHAN  visited  us  in  Machine 
Shop  Class  last  week.  His  smiling  face 
brightened    our   whole    day. 

Machine  Shop  Class  welcomes  two  new 
members  this  week,  GLORIA  CONLEY  and 

"US     MACHINE     SHOP     KIDS" 

By  "Swede" 
Dressed    in   old   slacks   with   our   hair   tied   up 
Covered  with  oil   and  dirt  from   the  shop 
Steel  splinters  and  oil   burns  all  over  our  hands 
But   we   don't   gripe — we    obey    commands. 

Working  over  here  is  considered  a  snap 
But  don't  let  them  fool  you  by  telling  you  that. 
The  machines  do  most  of  the  work,  we'll  admit. 
But  who  gets  it  ready  and  grinds  the  tool  bit? 
That's   us   machine   shop   kids! 

The  two  dial  indicators  and  the  one  solid  square 
Are   precision    instruments   so  please   beware. 
The  use  of   these   tools  we  all   must   learn 
But   try   and   get   one — you    just   wait   your   turn. 

The  work  must  be  smooth  and  perfectly  square 
And  to  be  off  a  thousandth  you  just  don't  dare 
Who   works   the   hardest   when   there's   work    to    be 

But  who  do  you  think  has  by  far  the  most  fun? 

That's  us  machine  shop  kids! 

Jig  Assembli]  Jerks 
Second  Shift 

by    Buzz   and    Shorty 

GLENN  MURRAY  was  sa',ving  hanger  the 
other  day,  when  someone  shut  off  a  torch 
real  quick.  (It  sounded  like  a  shot  gun). 
Poor  Glenn  almost  jumped  over  the  saw. 
But  who  could  blame  him.  He's  from  Texas 
you    know. 

Anyone  who  is  in  need  of  a  back  scratch- 
er,  see  BILL  GRAY.  He  stuffs  potato  chips 
down   your   bock.    See    Beilker   for   results. 

What  happened  to  Hunter's  grapes. 
O.    K.,  JACK   COE,   stick  out  your  tongue. 

HAZEL  JONES  certainly  has  her  share  of 

trouble  these  days.  First  Ernie  Simonson 
wants  her  in  his  department.  Then  Mc- 
Arthur  wants  her  in  his  department.  Now 
I  ask  you  what  is  a  poor  girl  to  do.  I  guess 
we    need    more    Hazels. 

Do  you  know  our  gal  ROSIE?  The  one 
with  red  hair  and  hazel  eyes  that  rushes 
hither  and  yon  through  the  department.  If 
you  missed  on  pay  day  and  didn't  get  your 
check,  Rosie  gets  it  for  you.  If  you  were 
sick,  she  rushes  with  slips  for  you  to  sign 
for  sick  leave.  If  you  feel  a  breeze,  that's 
Rosie  going  by.  How  could  we  get  along 
without    her? 

Then  there  is  NELL  KUBLICK.  She's  our 
office  girl  upstairs.  That  sweet  young  wom- 
an you  see  escorting  sailor  boys  and  ma- 
rines   to    their    prospective    departments. 

I  heard  some  of  the  young  men  say  they 
get  so  tired  while  working.  Now  look  at  that 
young  man  KOPKE.  He  is  only  70  years  old. 
He  works  at  the  Blacksmith  Shop  three  hours 
every  morning  and  then  comes  down  here 
to  do  rework.   Boy,  what  a  man! 

The  "Flying  Dutchman,"  Bill  Foulwetter 
to  us  of  Manifold,  is  leaving  this  Saturday 
night,  thus  ending  a  three  month's  experi- 
ence with  the  2nd  shift.  I  trust  he  has  learn- 
ed OS  much   from   us  as  we  have   from   him. 

We  sure  miss  HATTIE  LEWELLYN  since 
she  has  gone  on  days.  Good  luck,  to  you  Hat- 

We  welcome  back  EVANS.  She's  been  on 
a  30-day  leave,  and  looks  as  fresh  as  a 

I  don't  see  who  could  blame  things  on 
that  innocent  looking  RAY  CAMPBELL.  I 
think  the  shirt  foils  look  better  on  the  out- 
side  anyway,    don't   you? 

The  only  woman  left  in  C-47  is  leaving 
for  her  vocation  Saturday.  Good  luck  Hunter. 

The  helping  hand  at  the  left  belongs  to  Bill  B^rry  offering  a  cigarette  to  Kenny 
Hawkins,  a  former  employee  in  the  Engineering  Department,  who  recently  dropped 
in  to  say  hello  to  his  friends.  The  friends  being,  left  to  right,  James  Stalnaker, 
Katherine  Ponsford,  Stella  Foye,  Frank  Hughes,  Corole  Klingensmith,  Ted  O'Neil, 
Jewell  Murray,  Mary  Pollock  and  Eleanor  Frazer. 

—  31  — 

TiJ^tA^  ^joo^U^7 

'WeU-^^UoKced  and  ScoH^Mt4c€U  "^teeiU 

1.    An  excess  of  protein 

Too  much  protein 

Hamburger  steak 
Boiled  Navy  beans 
Egg   salad 
Baked  custard 

Too  much  starch 

Cream  of  pea  soup 
Macaroni  and  cheese 
Baked  potatoes 
Carrot  salad 
Bread  pudding 

or  starch  in  the  same      6. 

Hamburger  steak 
Hashed  brown  potatoes 
Buttered  broccoli 
Lettuce  and  tomato  salad 
Apple  pie 


Macaroni  and  cheese 


Combination  vegetable  salad 



2.     Servings  that  ore  too  large  or  too  small. 

3.     Monotony  of  color. 

Baked  halibut 
Creamed  potatoes 
Buttered  cauliflower 
Pear  salad 
Vanilla  pudding 

4.     Monotony  of  flavor. 

Cream  of  corn  soup 
Creamed  peas 
Baked  custard 

Baked  holibut 

Stuffed  baked  potatoes 

Buttered  brussel   sprouts 

Sliced  tomatoes 

Chocolate  Blanc  Mange 
with  cookies 

Cream  of  corn  soup 
Combination  vegetable  salad 
Sliced  peaches 

Frequent  repetition  of  the  some  food — 
do  not  use  the  same  food  even  in  different 
forms  in  the  same  meat  or  in  the  same 
form  at  different  meals  during   the  day. 

Tomato  juice 

Veal  cutlets  with 
tomoto  sauce 

Baked  potatoes 

Buttered  zuchini   squash 

Lettuce  and  tomato  salad 

Sliced  oranges 



Veal  cutlets  with 
tomato  sauce 

Boked  potatoes 

Buttered  zuchini  squash 

Mixed  salad  greens 

Sliced  oranges 


7.     Meals  having  too  little  food  value  with  no 
staying  quality. 

Beef  broth 
Cole  slaw 

Cream  of  corn  soup 
Corrot  and  raisin  salad 

Meals  which  are  too  heavy  both  with  rich 
foods  and  excess  calories. 

Cream  of  mushroom  soup 

Roast  pork  and  candied 
sweet  potatoes 

Fried  parsnips 

Shrimp  salad 

Chocolate  ice  cream 

Devil's  food  coke 

Fruit  cup 

Roast  pork  and  baked 
sweet  potatoes 

Buttered  asparagus 


Vanilla  ice  cream 

Angel  food  cake 

9.     Serve  hot  foods  hot;  cold  foodS/  cold. 

5.     Monotony  of  texture. 


Creamed  chicken 

Mashed  potatoes 

Creamed  peas 

Floating    Island   pudding 



Creamed  chicken  on  toast 

Buttered  string  beans 

Red  and  green  cabbage 

Cherry  pie 


Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

Ryan  Trading  Post 

Want  to  Buy  (continued) 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sole    (continued) 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spaulding  ice  slcates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Hasweil,  Ext. 

Baby  bathinette,  collapsible  buggy,  ploy  pen,  car 
seat  and  nursery  chair,  all  for  $19-00.  Will  sell 
separately.  D.  L.  Conde,  Mechanical  Mainte- 
nance,  Ext.  231. 

Combination  bar  and  coffee  table,  almost  new. 
$15.00.  D.  L.  Conde,  Mechanical  Maintenance, 
Ext.   231. 

Small  baby  crib  and  mattress.  Inside  dimensions, 
171/2  X  33.  Price,  $5.00.  See  H.  M.  Ulberg, 
Ext.    227. 

Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  glass  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close,  Dept.  1,  Airplane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

22  Revolver,  Harrington  Richardson,  double  action, 
nine  shot,  like  new.  $25.00.  R.  L.  Hayward, 
Engineering    Ext.    378. 

16  mm.  Model  70  Bell  &  Howell  camera.  H.  M. 
Ulberg,  Ext.  227. 

Winchester,  12  gage  pump  gun,  97  model,  $65.00. 
See  E.  H.  Crandall,  Fire  Department,  1st  shift, 
Ext.    265. 

Groflex  for  21/2  x  41/2  INo.  116)  roll  film.  John 
D.  Hill,  Secretary's  Office.  Home  phone,  W- 

1934  Ford  Deluxe  coupe,  neat  and  clean,  good 
rubber,  runs  good.  $370.  See  Peterson,  Mani- 
fold Small  Ports,  second  shift,  badge  No.  2291 
or  phone  R-7357. 

Siamese  kittens;  make  lovely  pets.  Sold  very  rea- 
sonable at  $20.00.  Only  three  left.  See  Peter- 
son in  Manifold  Small  Parts,  second  shift,  badge 
2291    or  phone  R-7357. 

'31  Horley.  See  W.  G.  Taylor,  Mechanical  Main- 
tenance,   1st   shift. 

Telex  hearing  device.  Practically  new.  Will  sell 
for  1/3  less.  J.  M.  Phelps,  Ext.  348,  or  eve- 
nings   coil    M-6676. 

Cottage  on  double  corner  lot.  Corner  vacant, 
desirable  location  for  $5,000-$7,000  post-war 
home.  4  blocks  from  30th  and  Cedar  streets. 
$2900  takes  it.  C.  E.   Hyatt,   Paint  Shop. 

Complete  maple  bedroom  set,  mattress  and  springs, 
nearly  new.  $55.00.  Mr.  OIney,  Navy  Inspection, 
Extension   236. 

52  Winchester  22  target  rifle  with  440  Weaver 
scope,  sling  and  500  shells.  Or  will  trade  for 
good  camera,  washing  machine  or  what  I  can 
use.  H.  H.  Simmer,  Manifold  Small  Parts,  1  st 

12  gauge  Winchester  speciol  built,  single  selective 
ejector.  Beaver  toil  found,  black  walnut  stock 
and  leather  case.  $150.00.  A  real  buy.  H.  H. 
Simmer,  Manifold  Small   Parts. 

If  you're  wondering  what  to  give  for  Christmas, 
my  husband  makes  first  grade  leather  bill  folds, 
keytainers,  etc.,  to  order.  Service  insignias  and 
initials  or  name  imprinted.  Contact  Mrs.  Howell, 
Manifold  Inspection,  2nd  shift,  Ext.  360  or 
Hank  Hanggi,  1st  shift. 

Single  size  Brown  steel  folding  coil  spring  cot  with 
inner  spring  mattress — $25.00.  Leon  Moore, 
Wing   Assembly,   2nd   shift. 

One  set  of  Walter  Hogon  all  matched  ladies'  golf 
clubs  consisting  of  three  wood  clubs  and  six 
irons  with  leather  bag.  $45.00.  Nelson  H.  Ache- 
son,  Moil  room  or  call  Bayview  6471  after  6:30 
or  on  Sunday. 

Fr^e  &  Smith,  Ltd.,  San  Diego 

One  pre-war  circulating  heater  for  gas.  Approxi- 
mately 223.i  x  223/,  X  9  inches.  Perfect  condi- 
tion, $25.00.  Nelson  H.  Acheson,  Moil  room  or 
Bayview  6471    after  6:30  or  on  Sunday. 

35  mm.  Weltini  Camera,  F2  Xenon  in  Compur 
Rapid,  1  second  to  1  /500.  Also  Eveready  Case 
and  Daylight  Loading  Bulk  Film  Winder  with 
film  cortridges.  Load  cartridges  at  film  cost  of 
less  than  5c  a  foot.  All  for  $100,00.  J.  H.  Wood, 
Engineering,    Extension    282. 

Nearly  new,  well  located,  two-bedroom  home  with 
sleeping  porch  and  half  basement.  Part  cash  and 
terms.  4142  Maryland.  Phone  J -3322.  Contoct 
J.   J.   Olsen. 

New  G.E.  S 

un  Lamp. 
Ext.  359. 

Contact  J.  J 




Boy's     pre- 
bolloon  t 

war    bicycle.     In 
ires.  Call  or  see 

L.  A. 

Prchal,  Ext. 



pieces  of  oak  wood — ^ 
P.  Gonagawara,   Dept. 

"  X  8 
13   or 

■   X  9' 




Practically  brand  new  full-length,  block  skunk 
dyed  opossum  fur  coat — $90.00.  Also  red  suit, 
size  12 — $7.00.  See  Anita  Dungan,  Department 
1  5,  Manifold  Area. 

Lady's  white  shoe  roller  skates  without  wheels. 
Size  5,  $12.00.  Dick  Wilson,  1st  shift,  Air- 
plane  Service,    Ext.   246. 

One  set  of  weights  including  dumbbell,  boots.  E. 
Mellinger,   Ext.   396. 

1 7-Jewel  chronograph  watch.  Ext.  297.  L.  W. 

.35  Winchester  Model  95  lever  action.  Very  good 
condition.  3  boxes  shells.  $60.00  cosh.  M.  W. 
Young,   Manifold    Small    Parts.     Ext.    286   or   call 

at  7423   Linda  Vista   Road,  Linda  Vista. 

Collapsible  pre-war  baby  buggy,  good  condition. 
$15.00  cash.  Also  collapsible  oak  play  pen  and 
push  cart.  M.  W.  Young,  1st  shift.  Manifold 
Small  Parts.  Ext.  286  or  call  at  7423  Linda 
Vista    Road,    Linda    Vistc. 

1931  Graham  6  Coupe  with  rumble  seat,  5  good 
tires  (two  new  recaps),  two  new  innertubes,  very 
good  motor,  good  transportation.  Cash,  $135.00. 

Warren    Mays,     Department     1 5. 

Gas  range,  white  enamel,  high  oven.  Reasonable. 
R.  J.  Taylor,  Tool  Inspection,  Modeling  Depart- 
ment,   Extension    354, 

Black  Caracul  fur  coat,  full  length,  size  16,  $50. 
Like    new.     Contact    F.    B.    Goolsby,    Hydro- Press, 

first    shift. 

Full  size  baby's  crib  with  springs  and  Kan't-wet 
spring  mattress.  Excellent  condition,  cost  $38.00, 
will  sell  for  half  price.  Coll  Extension  297, 


If  you  want  to  buy  a  horse,  sell  a  horse,  or  trade 
a  horse,  see   Bob   Bradley,   Airplane   Dispatching. 

WANT       TO       BUY 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  tackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534, 
Manifold   Welding,   second    shift. 

Lawnmower — See    W.    Thompson,    Ext.    37 1 . 

Washing  machine.  W.  McBlair.  Call  B-5176  or  Ext. 

Washing  machine.  See  H.  L.  (Honk)  Hanggi, 
Manifold   Assembly,   Ext.   360  or  Main   8666. 

Electric  Heater.  Contact  C.  F.  Cole,  No.  1582. 
Exp.    Inspection. 

—  33  — 

Trickle  battery  charger.  Small  size.  Contact  S.  V. 
Olson,    2nd    shift,    Fuselage. 

Electric  motor,  band  saw,  drill  motor  or  what  hove 
you.    W.  Severson,    Inspection  Crib  No.  7.     F.  A. 


1936  Oldsmobile  radio  in  working  condition  or  not. 
S.   V.   Olson,   2nd   shift,   Fuselage. 

380  caliber  and  25  caliber  shells.  Wes  Kohl, 
Ext.  374. 

A  camera,  will  consider  any  kind.  See  Joel  Culver, 
Timekeeping.  Ext.  398. 

Taylor  tot,  pre-war  model.  Bob  O'Keefe,  Sheet 
Metal    No.   2. 

Portable  typewriter,  any  make.  Call  Ext.  296, 
Maxine    Averett. 

12-gauge  Winchester  pump  or  Remington  auto- 
matic shotgun  and  shells.  Call  Ext.  296,  Alice 

Good  sewing  machine.  Bob  Booth,  Hydro  Press, 
first  shift. 

Wanted:  Bedroom  suite  with  double  bed,  box 
springs  and  inner  spring  mattress.  Must  be  in 
good  condition.   F.   E.   Wollis,   Ext.  276. 

An  amateur  microscope  for  child's  use.  Roy  Cun- 
ningham,  Ext.   291 . 

A  small  engine  or  bench  lathe.  Contact  H.  B. 
Pixley,    Plant   Protection. 

80  or  120  Bass  accordion.  Must  be  in  good  con- 
dition. For  cash.  See  Mort,  Engineering  Power 
Plant,  home  phone.  Main  6041. 

Good  refrigerator.    No  junk.    E.  Mellinger,  Ext.  396. 

Wanted  to  buy  or  rent  an  electric  refrigerotor. 
Contact   W.    Thompson,    Development,    Ext.    371. 

8  MM.  movie  camera.  Bell  &  Howell  or  Eastman. 
Call   Bob  Childs,   Ext.  397. 

Good  photo  enlarger.  Ira  Threlfall,  2nd  shift. 
Manifold   Small   Parts,   Ext.   386. 

Tenor   banjo   case.     Roy   Cunningham,    Ext.    291. 

Child's   roller   skates.    Evelyn   Westbrook,   Finishing, 


Small  electric  heater.  Leon  Moore,  Wing  Assembly, 
2nd   shift. 


by  Bill  Taylor 

Ed,  "The  Village  Blacksmith,"  has  just 
returned  from  a  nice  vacation  in  which  he 
took  in  the  horse  show  at  Los  Angeles.  He 
reports  that  horses  have  more  sense  than 

There  have  been  many  reports  that  Ryan 
had  a  snowstorm  around  Maintenance,  but 
when  the  situation  was  investigated,  it  was 
found  that  it  was  only  ashes  from  the  in- 
cinerator. The  Village  Blacksmith  was  ready 
to  get  out  his  snow  shovel  when  he  found 
out  the  truth. 

Maintenance  wishes  to  welcome  HENRY 
SANCHEZ  transferred  from  Manifold,  JOHN 
F.  COLE  transferred  from  Tucson,  MAR- 
JORIE  STEVERDING  transferred  from  Inspec- 

INA  MOORE  was  transferred  from  Main- 
tenance to  Material  Control. 

Maintenance  is  losing  the  services  of  its 
1 -A  machinist  in  the  personage  of  JIMMY 
DE  VINNEY  who  is  leaving. 

It's  well  over  8,000  airline  miles  from  Los 
Angeles  to  Calcutta:  No  small  distance  even  in 
these  days  of  global  air  transportation.  Yet,  sur- 
prisingly, flight  mileage  equal  to  more  than  four 
round  trips  over  this  route  is  the  extent  of  the 
daily  operational  flying  at  the  Ryan  School  of 

The  Ryan  School  has  had  22  years  of  experience 
in  dealing  with  the  problems  of  daily  flight 
operations.  It  already  has  hundreds  of  skilled 
pilots  and  technicians  in  its  organization.  With 
these  assets,  it  is  well  equipped  to  undertake  the 
operation  of  extensive  airline  service. 

*Ar  Army  primary  training  baies  at 
Hemtt,  California,  and  Tucson,  Arizona 


The  Ryan  School  has  always  looked  ahead  with 
confidence  in  the  future  of  aviation.  That  is  ■why 
it  now  has  pending  before  the  Civil  Aeronautics 
Board  applications  for  three  airlines  including 
one  from  Los  Angeles  to  Calcutta.  (Others  are 
from  Los  Angeles  to  Havana,  Cuba,  and  six 
"feeder"  routes  serving  more  than  100  California 

Little  wonder  is  it  that  in  its  wartime  assignment 
Ryan  Schools  have  produced  thousands  of  Amer- 
ican pilots  now  active  on  global  fighting  fronts 
. . .  their  primary  training  accomplished  on  Ryan 
PT-22's  . .  .  their  background  the  smooth-func- 
tioning Ryan  organization. 







n  Vol.1 



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In  one  of  the  great  pictures  of  the  war.  Navy  pilots  and  crewmen  aboard  a  carrier  exult  as 
guns  of  TASK  FORCE  58  smash  an  attacking  Jap  plane  into  the  sea — one  of  the  135 
'scalps'  tallied  in  the  battle.   Official  U.  S.  Navy  photograph. 

$40,000,000  CONTRACT  AWARDED 

New  Orders  Bring  Backlog  to  $70,000,000  and  Assure 
Peak  Operation  of  San  Diego  Factory  Well  into  1946 

An  additional  order  for  over  $40,000,000  calling  for  hundreds  of 
warplanes,  has  just  been  placed  with  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  by  the 
United  States  Navy,  it  was  announced  today  jointly  by  T.  Claude  Ryan, 
president,  and  the  Navy's  Bureau  of  Aeronautics. 

It  can  be  stated  that  the  Ryan  plane  is  already  in  production  and  is 
expected  to  play  an  important  part  in  the  months  ahead  in  the  Navy's 
stepped-up  war  against  Japan. 

In  addition  to  this  latest  order,  Ryan 
is  already  at  work  on  $18,000,000  of 
Navy  contracts  previously  received  for 
these  same  planes,  and  $15,000,000  of 
orders  for  exhaust  manifold  systems  and 
aircraft  assemblies  for  other  companies. 
This  now  gives  Ryan  a  total  backlog  in 
excess  of  $70,000,000. 

"Aircraft  workers  in  San  Diego  who 
may  have  been  concerned  about  possible 
cut-backs  in  production  after  X-Day  in 
Europe  now  have  the  assurance  of  the 
continuing  jobs  which  will  be  provided 
by  this  new  contract  for  equipment 
needed  for  the  war  against  Japan,"  said 
Mr.  Ryan. 

"To  get  these  planes  out  and  into  ac- 
tion with  Navy  pilots  in  the  Pacific, 
Ryan  employees  will  have  to  produce 
more  war  equipment  than  has  been  man- 
ufactured in  our  plant  in  the  entire  three 
years  since  Pearl  Harbor.  That  should 
give  San  Diego  some  conception  of  the 
magnitude  of  the  war  job  which  must  still 
be  done  at  Ryan. 

"Ryan  contracts  for  war  equipment  are 
at  an  all-time  high  and  represent  heavy 
manufacturing  well  into  1946.  In  the 
months  ahead,  employment  must  be 
increased  35  percent  over  the  present 
payroll,  which  is  the  greatest  in  the 
company's   history. 

"Right  at  this  time  our  special  need 
is  for  skilled  and  experienced  workers, 
particularly  tool  and  die  makers,  aircraft 
assemblers,  machinists,  riveters,  jig  build- 
ers, hydraulic  and  electrical  installers, 
precision  inspectors  and  flight  mechan- 
ics. There  will  also  be  a  continuing  need 
for  people  without  factory  experience 
who  will  be  instructed  in  a  production 
training  school,  and  paid  while  learning, 
to  take  their  place  on  the  production  line. 

"Ryan  workers  know  that  their  biggest 
war  job  is  yet  ahead;  that  the  war  against 
Japan  in  the  Pacific  is  their  war.  We  are 
certain  that  Ryan  employees  and  all  San 
Diego  can  meet  this  challenge  to  main- 
tain schedule  of  needed  Navy  equip- 

All  Combat  Pictures 
U.  S.  Nary  Official  Photographs 

Massed  on  the  broad  deck  of  a  mighty  U.  S.  aircraft 
carrier  are  U.  S.  Navy  fighting  planes  bound  for 
the  assault  on  Wake  Island.  Planes  with  folded 
wings  spotted  in  the  foreground  are  HELLCAT 

Here  Admiral  McCain  stands 
on  the  bridge  of  one  of  the 
Navy's  modern  aircraft  car- 
riers— the  flagship  of  Task 
Force  58,  while  U.  S.  Navy 
planes  take  off  to  rout  the 
Japanese  fleet  in  the  Battle 
of  the  Eastern  Philippines, 
June  18-19,  1944.  With 
Admiral  McCain  is  Vice  Ad- 
miral Marc  Mitcher,  USN, 
leader  of  mighty  Task  Force 

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T.  Claude  Ryan,  President  (left) 

Lieutenant  Commander  R.  O.  Deitzer  (right) 

Bureau  of  Aeronautics  Representative 


Walter  O.  Locke,  contract  administrator  and 
assistant  to  the  general  manager.  He's  the 
No.  1  detail  man  of  the  Ryan  team.  There 
are  dozens  of  provisions  in  the  Navy  contract 
which  must  be  constantly  checked;  dozens 
of  big  and  little  odd  jobs  continuously  flow- 
ing into  the  general  manager's  office,  hie 
handles  them. 



Larry  C.  Martin,  experimental  super- 
intendent. His  group  built  the  first 
experimental  planes  and  "runs  inter- 
ference" for  the  production  team; 
nothing  is  built  until  he's  sure  it  will 

Benjamin  T.  Salmon,  chief  engineer,  whose 
group  designs  our  planes  and  is  responsible 
for  the  vast  volume  of  engineering  and 
"visioneering"  necessary  to  maintain  Ryan 

Eddie  Molloy,  vice  president  in  charge  of 
engineering  and  manufacturing,  the  quarter- 
back of  the  Ryan  production  team.  He 
supervises   the   work  of  other   key   men. 


G.  E.  Barton,  factory  manager,  who  is  di- 
rectly responsible  for  the  manufacturing  and 
planning  of  all  production  in  our  factory  and 
"backs   up  the  line"  wherever  he's  needed. 


Roy  S.  Cunningham,  superintendent  of  pro- 
duction control,  who  oversees  all  the  com- 
plexities of  paper  work  and  record-keeping 
necessary  to  keep  our  production  lines  mov- 
ing fast  and  smoothly.  , 

John  van  der  Linde,  general  foreman  of  air- 
plane final  assembly.  Parts  will  pour  into  his 
division  from  all  over  the  factory;  he'll  have 
the  responsibility  of  putting  them  together 
and  finishing  the  airplanes  ready  for  flight 
test  and  delivery. 


Strung  out  in  "line  ahead"  formation  two  of  the  Navy's  new  Essex-type  carriers  and  two  other 
warships  are  observed  by  a  lookout  from  aboard  another  American  warship.  The  objective  was 
Wake  Island. 


time's  expert  war  analysts  give  the 
lowdown  on  what  we  can  expect  in 
the  battle  in  the  Pacific.  Here  are  the 
key  facts  on  which  to  base  your  own 
estimate  of  the  length  of  the  war. 



Reprinted  by  Courtesy  of  TIME  MAGAZINE 

Top-drawer  Navy  men  came  here  recently  for  a  special  inspection  visit. 
They  are  shown  with  Ryan  executives  on  the  field  behind  the  factory. 
At  edge  of  picture  can  be  seen  vice-president  Eddie  Molloy  and  factory 
manager  G.  E.  Barton.  In  foreground  is  Lieut.  Samuel  S.  Reeder  of  the 
Navy  office  here  at  Ryan.  Next  is  Commander  James  H.  Flatley, 
and  next  to  him  Lt.  Comdr.  R.  O.  Deitzer.  Chief  engineer  Ben  Salmon 
can  be  seen  behind  the  shoulder  of  Rear  Admiral  DeWitt  C.  Ramsay, 
Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Aeronautics.  Next  is  Artemus  L.  Gates, 
Assistant  Secretary  of  the  Navy  for  Air;  T.  Claude  Ryan  and  Captain 
Leiand  Webb,  of  the  Bureau  of  Aeronautics,  are  at  extreme  right. 

Admiral  Ramsey  and  Assistant  Secretary  Gates  on  another  important 
visit  to  the  Ryan  factory.  Factory  manager  G.  E.  Barton  is  visible  just 
behind  chief  engineer  Ben  Salmon,  at  left.  Then  come  the  Admiral 
and  the  Assistant  Secretary,  flanked  on  the  right  by  president  Ryan, 
with  contract  administrator  Walter  O.  Locke  in  the  background. 







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Naval  Aviation  has  just  finished  another 
year  of  work,  a  year  in  which  it  hit  the 
enemy  hard  and  made  ready  for  even  heavier 

One  year  ago.  Vice  Admiral  John  S. 
McCain,  Deputy  Chief  of  Naval  Operations, 
made  this  statement: 

"Huge  task  forces,  spearheaded  by  car- 
rier-based aircraft,  are  poising  for  new  pile- 
driver  blows  against  the  enemy.  Let  every 
man  in  Naval  Aviation  resolve  to  continue 
and  to  intensify  the  unrelenting  punishment 
we  have  given  the  enemy  from  the  air, 
until  he  is  utterly  defeated." 

The  following  day  the  Navy's  first  full- 
fledged  carrier  task  force  opened  the  current 
Pacific  offensive  with  a  raid  on  Marcus  Island 
which  virtually  obliterated  that  base's  instal- 

In  a  statement  on  the  31st  anniversary  of 
Naval  Aviation,  Vice  Admiral  Aubrey  W. 
Fitch,  said  this: 

"We  hit  the  enemy  hard  blows  in  the 
Atlantic  and  Pacific  last  year,  but  these 
were  light  compared  with  the  blows  we  are 
now  prepared  to  deliver. 

"The  advances  made  in  the  last  year  are 
due  to  our  new  Essex  class  aircraft  carriers. 
We  could  not  move  against  the  Jap  until  the 
new  carriers  joined  the  fleet.  They  covered 
General  MacArthur's  advance  to  Hollandia. 
Without  them,  we  would  still  be  inching 
along.  We  would  probably  still  be  in  the 

"The  year  just  closing  was  a  year  which 
brought  to  fruition  the  dreams  of  Naval  Avi- 
ation pioneers  about  the  potentialities  of 
planes  flown  from  ships;  a  year  in  which  the 
concept  of  huge,  fast  carrier  task  forces  as 
an  offensive  weapon  met  and  mastered  its 
first  major  test;  a  year  of  triumph  which 
shattered  Japan's  outer  ring  of  defense  and 
pierced  deep  into  the  core  of  the  Empire. 

"The  appearance  of  the  Essex-class  CV's 

:o.c\-'\°"  .odv  •>" 

in  the  western  Pacific  together  with  im- 
pressive numbers  of  their  smaller  carrier 
sisters,  the  CVL's  and  CVE's,  revolutionized 
the  war  against  Japan  from  a  limited  defens- 
ive-offensive operation  to  a  full-scale  sweep 
of  classic  blitzkrieg  proportions." 

The  opening  of  the  carrier  offensive  found 
the  Navy  pilot  training  program  at  a  peak. 
There  were  47,276  Navy  and  Marine  pilots 
— more  than  seven  times  the  total  on  De- 
cember 7,  1941.  The  quality  of  these  men, 
their  crews  and  their  planes  is  evident  in 
the  record  of  plane  losses  in  the  Pacific. 
Naval  Aviators  enjoy  a  4  to  1  advantage  over 
Japanese  airmen,  having  destroyed  more  than 
2,300  planes  as  against  560  Navy  planes 
lost  in  combat  during  the  first  six  months 
of  this  year.  A  high  percentage  of  our 
pilots  were  rescued. 

Development  and  production  of  Navy  air- 
craft kept  abreast  of  pilot  training,  with 
34,071  planes  on  hand  June  30,  1944,  com- 
pared to  5,000  at  the  time  of  Pearl  Harbor. 
Deliveries  of  planes  approached  3,000  a 
month,  more  than  75%  of  them  combat 
types,  contrasted  with  300  planes  a  month 
before  Pearl  Harbor. 

Further  emphasis  on  heavier  models  of 
vastly  improved  quality  gave  the  Fleet  pow- 
erful carrier-based  fighters,  the  Vought 
CORSAIR  (F4U)  and  the  Grumman  HELL- 
CAT (F6F).  Production  of  the  Douglas 
DAUNTLESS  (SBD)  came  to  a  halt  as  this 
famous  dive  bomber,  "work-horse"  of  the 
war  in  the  Pacific  and  nemesis  of  the  Japs 
at  Midway,  the  Coral  Sea  and  the  Solomons, 
was  replaced  to  a  large  extent  by  the  faster, 
more  destructive  Curtiss  HELLDIVER  (SB2C). 
The  HELLDIVER,  on  first  meeting  the  Jap 
last  Armistice  Day,  proved  itself  a  worthy 
successor  to  the  DAUNTLESS. 

Naval  Aviation  is  maintaining  231  shore 
facilities,  exclusive  of  those  in  advanced 
theaters,  for  training  and  support  of  the 
Fleet  and  Sea  Frontier  forces.  Four  years 
ago,  there  were  only  38  such  establishments. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  the  Navy  had 
seven   carriers,    six   of   them    in   the   Pacific. 

Four  of  these  were  lost.  The  carrier  sinkings 
led  to  the  belief  in  some  quarters  that  this 
type  of  ship  was  suicidally  vulnerable.  There 
was  even  talk  of  stopping  the  carrier  build- 
ing program. 

Wiser  counsel  prevailed,  however,  and  to- 
day there  are  100  carriers  in  or  nearing 
action.  Among  them  are  14  fast  combat 
carriers  of  the  Essex  type,  and  nine  of  the 
INDEPENDENCE  class,  converted  from  cruis- 
ers. In  the  past  year  alone,  70  carriers 
were  commissioned  and  construction  got  un- 
derway on  two  of  the  three  projected  "super" 
carriers,  giants  of  nearly  twice  the  displace- 
ment of  the  Essex-class  ships. 

The  significance  of  these  figures  can  be 
measured  by  the  Pacific  offensive  since  the 
first  new  combat  carrier  launched  its  planes 
against  Marcus   Island  one  year  ago. 

In  rapid  succession  came  carrier  raids  on 
Nauru,  Tarawa  and  Wake  in  the  Central 
Pacific;  on  Buka  and  Bonis  in  the  Southwest 
Pacific.  Then  began  the  systematic  reduc- 
tion of  Rabaul,  Japan's  mighty  South  Pacific 
bastion  on  New  Britain.  Carrier  planes  first 
attacked  Rabaul  in  November,  1943,  damag- 
ing six  heavy  cruisers  and  two  destroyers. 
The  Navy  employed  two  carriers  for  this 
job.  In  the  next  strike,  less  than  a  week 
later,  the  bombs,  torpedoes  and  guns  of 
Navy  planes  from  five  carriers  sank  a  Jap- 
anese light  cruiser  and  two  destroyers,  while 
a  single  squadron  of  Grumman  HELLCATS 
shot  down  54  enemy  planes.  By  January, 
'jSabaul  had  been  hammered  into  virtual  im- 
potence. Tokyo  admitted  that  the  port  and 
its  air  fields  were  doomed. 

The  trend  of  events  was  clear.  Admiral 
Chester  W.  Nimitz,  Commander  in  Chief, 
U.  S.  Pacific  Fleet,  declared  in  Pearl  Harbor 
on  November  14,   1943: 

"Our    time    has   come   to   attack." 

Before  the  month  was  out,  American  in- 
vasion forces  had  stormed  ashore  at  Tarawa. 
The  cost  in  human  life,  heavy  as  it  was, 
had  been  held  down  materially  by  carrier 
operations  which  all  but  swept  the  Jap  from 
the  sky,  breached  his  ground  defenses  and 
neutralized  bases  from  which  he  might  have 

The  air-sea  forces  which  blasted  the  path 
into  the  Gilberts  immediately  turned  north- 
ward and  poured  steel  and  fire  on  the  Marsh- 
alls.  Kwajalein,  Wotje  and  other  atolls  were 
under  air  bombardment  for  17  days.  The 
pattern  followed  the  lines  of  the  Gilberts 
campaign.  When  landings  were  made  on 
Roi  and  Kwajalein,  Naval  Aviation  neutral- 
ized Jap  bases. 

Meanwhile,  far  to  the  north,  American 
air  power  opened  an  attack  from  another 
direction.  Three  times  in  three  days.  Navy 
Vega  VENTURAS  (PV's)  and  Army  LIBERA- 
TORS bombed  Paramushiru  in  the  Kurile 
island  chain — the  first  of  a  series  of  attacks 
which  have  continued  to  date. 

Soon  after  a  consolidation  period  in  the 
Marshalls,  the  lightning  struck.  In  a  thun- 
derous surprise  raid  on  Truk,  most  for- 
midable of  Japan's  Pacific  bastions,  TASK 
FORCE  58  uncorked  the  first  punch  of  a 
series  which  was  to  make  this  awesome 
armada  the  symbol  of  American  sea  power 
in   1944.    Hundreds  of  planes  from  the  task 

force  commanded  by  Vice  Admiral  Marc  A. 
Mitscher  swooped  down  on  the  atoll  February 
16  and  17,  destroyed  201  Japanese  planes, 
damaged  50  others,  sank  23  ships,  prob- 
ably sank  six  more,  and  damaged  1  1  others 
— at  a  cost  of  only  1 7  planes  destroyed 
and  one  ship  damaged. 

"The  Pacific  Fleet,"  said, Admiral  Nimitz, 
"has  returned  at  Truk  the  visit  by  the  Jap 
fleet  at  Pearl  Harbor  on  December  7,  1941, 
and  effected  a  partial  settlement  of  the 

A  few  days  later,  the  Japanese  made  a 
surprising  admission  of  severe  losses  and 
gave  their  Army  and  Navy  high  command 
a  vigorous  shake-up. 

After  the  sorties  against  Truk,  TASK 
FORCE  58  re-fueled  and  set  off  for  the 
Marianas,  1,300  miles  south  of  Tokyo. 
There,  on  February  22,  it  accounted  for  135 
Jap  planes  destroyed  and  1  1  ships  sunk 
or  damaged. 

March  brought  raids  by  Navy  planes  on 
Ponape  and  Kusaie  in  the  Carolines  and 
by  Army  B-24's,  flying  from  newly-won 
land  bases,  on  Truk.  At  this  point,  with 
1,100  of  his  troop  and  supply  barges  sunk 
and  his  merchant  fleet  reduced  to  half 
strength,  the  Jap  acknowledged  that  "huge 
enemy  task  forces"  had  virtually  closed  South 
Pacific  sea  lanes  to  large-scale  Japanese 
shipping   movements. 

While  TASK  FORCE  58  prepared  new 
journeys  of  destruction,  the  Navy  struck 
again  at  the  northern  approaches  to  Japan 
with  new  raids  on  the  Kuriles  by  Aleutian- 
based  patrol  bombers. 

Then  Vice  Admiral  Mitscher's  forces 
roared  on  to  the  scene  again,  this  time  at 
Palau,  large  Japanese  base  500  miles  east 
of  the  Philippines  and  1,100  miles  west 
of  Truk.  All  Japanese  ships  caught  at  Palau 
were  sunk  or  damaged.  These  losses,  to- 
gether with  destruction  of  132  Jap  planes, 
contrasted  with  American  losses  of  25  planes 
and  18  flying  personnel. 

TASK  FORCE  58,  demonstrating  again 
the  self-supporting  characteristics  which  ob- 
viate periodic  layovers  in  port,  sped  south- 
ward from  the  Palau  visit  to  support  General 
MacArthur's  Hollandia  operations  early  in 
April  with  raids  on  Hollandia,  Wake  Island 
and  Sawar.  A  captured  Japanese  pilot,  shot 
down  near  Hollandia,  told  questioners  that 
one  look  at  TASK  FORCE  58,  spread  across 
the  sea  farther  than  the  eye  could  reach, 
convinced    him   Japan   had    lost  the   war. 

Less  than  a  month  later.  Vice  Admiral 
Mitscher  paid  a  second  call  on  Truk  and 
left  800  tons  of  bombs.  Sixty  Jap  planes 
were  shot  from  the  sky  and  an  equal  num- 
ber destroyed  on  the  ground,  raising  to  232 
the  total  put  out  of  action  by  TASK  FORCE 
58  in  a  week. 

Between  May  16  and  May  23,  Navy 
planes  made  2,005  separate  attacks  on  the 
Japs.  In  one  two-day  period  373  planes 
showered  Marcus  with  148  tons  of  bombs 
and    354    planes   hit   Wake   with    150   tons. 

Word  came  June  10  that  Task  Force  58 
was  attacking  Saipan,  Guam  and  Tinian.  This 
was  no  hit-and-run  affair  but  an  all-out  pre- 
lude to  invasion.  Landings  on  Saipan  by 
Marine  and  Army  troops  followed  four  days 
later.  Leaving  an  umbrella  of  fighter  planes 
to  shield  the  ground  fighters,  TASK  FORCE 
58  plowed  northward  and  rained  destruction 
on  the  Bonin  and  Volcano  Islands,  500  miles 
southeast  of  Japan  proper. 

(Continued  from  preceding  page) 

The  Japanese  High  Command  could  no 
longer  ignore  or  fail  to  challenge  the  threat. 
Thus  developed  the  Battle  of  the  Eastern 
Philippines,  June  18  and  19.  On  the  first 
day  of  that  battle,  58's  HELLCAT  fighters 
and  flaming  wall  of  antiaircraft  fire  sent 
402  enemy  planes  into  the  sea — an  all-time 
record.  This  was  the  biggest  battle  in  the 
history  of  Naval  air  warfare. 

Their  defense  fleet  stripped  of  aerial 
protection,  the  Japs  turned  back  toward  the 
Philippines.  Late  on  the  afternoon  of  June 
1 9,  however,  the  retreating  enemy  surface 
force  was  sighted  and  attacked  by  dive 
bombers  and  torpedo  planes  from  TASK 
FORCE  58.  At  least  two  Japanese  carriers 
and  two  tankers  were  sent  to  the  bottom  and 
a  dozen  other  warships  and  tankers  dam- 
aged. Additional  Jap  planes  also  were 
downed.  American  losses  in  the  two-day 
battle  were  70  planes.  Many  planes  in- 
cluded in  this  figure  got  back  to  the  task 
force,  but  battle  damage  or  lack  of  fuel 
compelled  them  to  land  in  the  water  at 
night.  Although  the  ocean  swallowed  these 
planes,  most  pilots  and  radioman-gunners 
were  rescued.  American  victory  in  the  Battle 
of  the  Eastern  Philippines  assured  the  occu- 
pation of  Saipan,  Tinian  and  Guam,  which 
has  been  completed. 

With  scarcely  a  breath-catching  interval, 
Mitscher's  air  force  smashed  at  Pagan  Island, 
in  the  Northern  Marianas,  June  22  and 
paid  another  visit  to  the  Bonin  Islands  the 
following  day. 

Then  came  a  10-day  lull,  broken  July 
3  by  a  profitable  attack  on  shipping  and 
shore  installations  in  the  Bonin  and  Volcano 
Islands.  Bombing,,  strafing,  and  rocket-firing 
Navy  planes  destroyed  five  enemy  ships 
and  25  planes,  while  battleships,  cruisers 
and  destroyers  moved  in  close  to  shore  and 
raked  the   islands  with  heavy  shells. 

As  Naval  Aviation's  greatest  year  drew 
to  a  close,  other  raids  followed — raids  on 
Palau,  gateway  to  the  Philippines,  and  fur- 
ther damaging  strikes  at  the  Bonins  and  Vol- 

The  campaign  in  the  Pacific,  thanks  to 
the  success  of  the  carrier  offensive,  was 
substantially  ahead  of  schedule.  Under  Sec- 
retary of  the  Navy  Ralph  A.  Bard  announced 
in  Washington  that  8,000,000  square  miles 
of  waters  and  islands  once  dominated  by  the 
enemy    were    now    under   American    control. 

"However,  our  battle  of  production  will 
end  only  with  the  defeat  of  Japan,"  Bard 
explained.  "I  would  like  to  point  out  that 
this  program  can  only  be  achieved  with  the 
fullest  cooperation  of  both  labor  and  man- 
agement. It  is  imperative  that  at  this  time 
we  call  upon  all  workers,  regardless  of  peace 
talk  and  developments  in  Europe,  to  stick 
on  their  jobs — back  up  the  Navy — and  pre- 
pare to  pour  out  to  the  Japs  everything  they 
have  coming  to  them.  In  other  words,  a 
rising  tide  of  power  must  emerge  from  our 
production  lines.  Our  fighting  men  are 
constantly  on  the  alert  to  take  instant  ad- 
vantage of  every  opportunity  to  shorten  the 
war.  They  can  only  do  that  if  they  have  the 
proper  tools. 

"For  every  100  combat  rifles  that  go 
overseas,  80  will  have  to  be  replaced  within 
a  year.  For  every  hundred  machine  guns, 
the  ratio  is  85  annual  replacements.  That 
means  that  a  constant  stream  of  spares  and 
replacements  must  be  kept  flowing  to  the 
men  at  the  front." 

Secretary  of  the  Navy  Forrestall  was  even 
more  emphatic  about  the  need  for  new  and 
better  planes. 

"The  air  war  is  bound  to  get  tougher," 
he  said.  "The  Jap  has  recently  made  many 
Impprtant  technical  improvements  in  his  air- 
craft. Jap  planes  of  every  type — both  shore- 
based  and  carrier-based — now  have  greater 
fire  power,  armament,  speed,  range  and  load 
capacity.  U.  S.  Navy  planes  have  been  im- 
proved too,  but  we  don't  now  have  as  big 
technical  advantages  over  the  enemy  as  a 
year  ago. 

"The  Japanese  have  three  new  carrier 
planes  that  are  vast  improvements  over  their 
predecessors.  These  are  the  Judy,  a  fast 
new  reconnaissance  bomber;  the  Jill,  a  large 
torpedo  plane,  and  the  Jack,  a  powerful  and 
maneuverable  fighter.  Their  land-based 
planes,  notably  the  twin-engined  Betty,  and 
the  Army  fighter,  Tojo,  represent  striking 
improvements  in  design  and  performance 
over  the  Japs'  earlier  types. 

"Thus  the  U.  S.  Navy  will  face  Jap  air 
power  in  the  coming  year  that  will  be  strong- 
er both  quantitatively  and  qualitatively.  The 
fight  will  be  a  long  and  hard  one." 


J^.   ■   S, 










'*e/>"  "^'V/  ,..'°e,..^     ■''•^^^ 





"^e  ^      ''  o<  .,  ^ 

Six  patrolling  Helldivers  roar  over  three  U.  S.  Navy  carriers  and  a  warship  cutting  swiftly 
through  the  Pacific.  This  is  part  of  the  force  which  defeated  the  Japanese  in  the  Philippine 
sea  engagement. 


Ryan  Gets  New  ^0,000,000  Contract 

#  Greater  than  all  Ryan's  business  since  Pearl  Harbor,  this  new  contract  will  give 
thousands  of  men  and  women  new,  well  paid,  long-term  jobs,  beginning  right  now. 

New  Plane  for  Pacific  War 

#  The  approaching  end  of  the  war  in  Europe  marks  the  beginning  of  the  most 
tremendous  program  in  all  Ryan  history — producing  war  planes  for  use  in  the 
Pacific.  Huge  new  schedule  will  require  all  of  Ryan's  enlarged  facilities — plus 
thousands  of  new  workers  in  all  kinds  of  jobs. 

See  Ryan's  Downtown  Employment  Manager  NOW! 

#  Tool  and  die  makers,  aircraft  assemblers,  machinists,  riveters,  jig  builders,  hydraulic  and  electrical 
installers,  production  controllers,  precision  inspectors,  flight  mechanics,  draftsmen  and  other  experienced 
workers  will  be  started  in  the  highest  job  classification  for  which  they  can  qualify. 

#  Inexperienced  men  and  women  will  be  paid  regular  wages  while  being  trained  for  good  jobs. 

9  Ryan  pays  the  top  prevailing  wage  scale  established  for  Southern  California's  aircraft  indusuy  —  plus 
a  6c-per-hour  bonus  for  swing-shift  workers. 

#  Ryan  is  a  good  place  to  work.  It  is  a  home  town  company,  locally  operated.  Ryan  treats  you  as  an 
individual;  not  as  just  another  clock  number.  Good  hot  meals  are  served  in  Ryan's  employees'  cafeteria, 
and  there  is  entertainment  or  music  during  lunch  periods.  Ryan  helps  with  Transportation,  Housing, 
Child  Care,  Rationing,  Selective  Service,  and  in  scores  of  other  ways  to  make  your  job  at  Ryan  pleasant. 

#  A  talk  with  Ryan's  downtown  employment  manager  places  you  under  no  obligation,  but  it  will  tell 
you  just  what  job  and  what  pay  Ryan  has  to  offer  you.  Find  out  NOW! 


Downtown  Employment  Office  Open  Daily  (except  S\m6ay)  8:00  to  4:30  P.M. 

Downtown  Employment  Office  .  .  .  Take  Elevator  to  3rcl  Floor 


l\i%\   off  Broadway  .  .  .  Near   tfie   Plaza 

Frte  i  Smith,   Ltd.,   S»n  OiEGo 



Task  Force  58  Commander 


(See    Next    Page) 


Vol.8  No.  6  •  NOVEMBER  11,  1944 

Vice  Admiral  Marc  Mitscher,  leader  of  the  Navy's  rampaging  Task  Force  58, 
is  now  in  San  Diego  on  leave.  In  a  press  conference  here,  he  warned  against 
over-optimism  regarding  future  progress  in  the  war  against  Japan  and  empha- 
sized the  fact  that  workers  in  war  plants  still  have  a  "devil  of  a  job"  ahead  of 
them.  Then  he  went  on  to  cite  the  need  for  new  designs  and  a  greater  volume 
of  war  equipment.  This  excerpt  is  from  an  interview  which  appeared  in  the 
San  Diego  Tribune-Sun  of  November  3. 

V\W°i°QuestVot^^  get  ^^^^; 

ciAC  c^^  awe  ncm'  ^ie 

"Honest,  Boss,  we're  desperate!  We  need  more 
people  and  need  them  badly,  but  this  business  of  having 
to  train  new  employees  right  here  in  the  factory  messes 
up  production  something  awful.  Isn't  there  some  better 
way  of  training  them?" 

This  was  the  usual  concern  of  the  heads  of  the  pro- 
duction departments  in  the  Ryan  factory.  At  that  time 
it  was  the  responsibility  of  each  department  head  to  train 
every  beginner  who  came  into  his  department,  and  quite 
a  responsibility  it  was.  It  took  much  of  the  supervisor's 
time  away  from  other  important  duties. 

L.  E.  Plummer,  Industrial  Training  Director,  who 
has  had  many  years  of  educational  experience,  had  long 
realized  that  a  special  training  school  for  inexperienced 
beginners  would  be  the  answer  to  this  all  important 
problem.  Mr.  Plummer  had  the  foresight  to  realize  that 
our  company  would  be  needing  a  program  of  training 
for  people  who  answered  our  call  to  help  build  urgently 
needed  planes.  When  Larry  Boeing  came  to  Ryan  as 
Assistant  to  the  Factory  Manager,  he  learned  of  Mr. 
Plummer's  plan  and  became  its  most  enthusiastic 

Larry  Boeing  had  the  answer  as  to  how  the  problem 
might  be  solved.  He  was  well  acquainted  with  the  War 
Training  Program  conducted  by  the  San  Diego  Vocational 
School.  He  assisted  with  the  inauguration  of  the  program 
and  was  in  charge  of  its  operation  for  the  first  two  years. 
Since  the  opening  of  this  project  more  than  50,000 
people  have  been  placed  in  local  war  industries. 

The    training    classes    are    conducted    at    the    Ford 
(Continued  on   page    13) 

Top:  New  students  are  greeted  on  their  first  doy  by  Mrs.  Lyia 
Maxwell,  Phil  Ashworth  and  instructor  Anton  Janda  before  starting 
to  work. 

Center:  Frequent  visits  ore  paid  to  the  Vocational  School  by  Ryan 
personnel.  The  visitors  on  this  occasion  are:  Left  to  right,  Larry 
Boeing;  Mel  Thompson  of  Controct  Administrotion;  Art  Coltroin, 
Assistant  to  the  Factory  Manager,  and  Horley  Rubish,  General  Fore- 
man in  charge  of  manifold   production. 

Bottom:  Lieutenant  Loken,  Novy  Personnel  Training  Coordinator  for 
the  11th  Naval  District,  and  Lieutenant  Zeigler  of  our  own  Navy 
office,  being  shown  through  the  school  by  Horley  Rubish,  stop  a 
moment  to  inspect  work  being  done  on  a  Model  "K"  manifold,  used 
on  Coastal  Patrol  Blimps.  Instructor  is  Bob  Guyer. 

Omer  L.  Woodson,  vice  pres- 
ident and  general  manager, 
who  as  head  of  the  Ryan  pro- 
duction team  will  see  that 
our  new  warplones  get  out 
on  a  fast  production  sched- 

O.  F.  Rigley,  purchasing 
agent.  He  is  responsible  for 
buying  all  materials  used  in 
our  new  plane  as  well  as  all 
other  production  and  non- 
production  equipment. 

Jack  Wiseman,  Washington 
representative,  who  acts  as 
liaison  between  the  company 
and  the  Navy  in  Washington. 

D.  H.  Polmer,  plant  engineer 
who  is  responsible  for  instal- 
lation of  all  production  ma- 
chines and  plant  equipmen 
needed  for  fabrication  one 


Bert  Holland,  quality  control 
manager.  He  sees  that  mate- 
rials, ports  and  workmanship 
meet  Navy  specifications  and 
are  the  best  obtainable. 

Ray  Nearing,  outside  i 
duction     superintenii 
He  locates  outside  wi 
facturers    who    will 
detailed    parts    and    I 
assemblies    for    the 

A.  S.  Billings,  quality  control 
chief,  who  works  with  the 
shop  in  assisting  Bert  Hol- 
land to  see  that  the  high 
Ryan  standard  of  quality 
products  is  maintained. 

—  2- 

George  Dew,  chief  inspector. 
He  controls  all  detail  inspec- 
tion activities  of  the  contrac- 
tor on  our  new  Navy  plane. 

Will  Vandermeer,  chief  proj- 
ect engineer.  He's  right  hand 
man  to  Ben  Salmon  and  co- 
ordinates the  flow  of  design 
information  to  various  engi- 
neering groups. 

Wally  Bordon,  recently  ad- 
vanced to  assistant  chief 
project  engineer,  whose 
major  efforts  ore  devoted  to 
coordinating  engineering  in- 
formation between  various 
project    groups. 

Millard  Boyd,  chief  develop- 
ment engineer.  Wrestling 
with  new  design  ideas  to  keep 
Ryan's  place  of  leadership, 
and  boiling  them  down  to  a 
practical    form    is    his    meat. 

Dan  Sanborn,  project  engi- 
neer, who  must  coordinate 
design  and  preparation  of 
engineering  drawings  for  re- 
lease to  the   shop. 


W.  Kelly,  night  super- 
tendent  in  charge  of  all 
ant  operations  on  the 
ght  shift.  He  must  see 
at  second  shift  produc- 
in  continues  without 

Maynard  Lovell,  assistant 
production  control  superin- 
tendent, who  is  in  charge  of 
all  production  control  prob- 
lems arising  on  the  night 

Eric  Faulwetter,  general  fore- 
man of  sheet  metal,  who 
must  see  that  all  sheet  metal 
ports  are  mode  according  to 
the  blue  prints  and  of  neces- 
sary quantity  to  meet  sched- 

Harley  Rubish,  general  fore- 
man of  the  stamping  and 
manifold  departments,  is  re- 
sponsible for  all  drop  ham- 
mer sheet  metal  stampings 
and  for  fabrication  of  ex- 
haust stacks  for  the  new 

—  3  — 



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—  5  — 

Honorable  Japanese  never 
Srumble  —  why  should  they? 
They  only  work  from  fourteen 
to  sixteen  hours  a  day,  seven 
days  a  week  Good  wages 
too;  $2.37  per  day. 



_T  SEEMS  to  me  that  all  of  us  will  have  a 
much  deeper  appreciation  of  the  sweetness  of 
our  work  in  American  aircraft  production  if 
we  will  look  in  on  the  lives  of  aircraft  workers 
in  other  parts  of  the  world. 

Take  the  Nakajima  Aircraft  plant  at  Nagoya, 
Japan,  for  example.  First,  a  word  about  Na- 
goya. It  is  a  port  city  at  the  head  of  Atsuta 
Bay  and  is  160  miles  southwest  of  Tokyo.  In 
1940  the  population  was  1,249,000  and  the 
area  was  69  square  miles.  The  population  is 
now  well  over  2,000,000.  Los  Angeles  is  a 
city  of  about  this  population  but  with  an  area 
of  464  square  miles.  Nagoya  is  one  of  the 
most  congested  industrial  slums  on  earth. 
Streets  are  narrow  trails,  muddy  or  dusty,  ac- 
cording to  the  season,  between  endless  rows 
of  unpainted  shacks  of  one  or  at  best  two 
rooms.  These  shacks  are  of  wood  and  paper. 
There  are  no  chimneys.  Before  charcoal  was 
rationed  down  to  fifteen  pounds  per  month 
there  was  a  little  heat  to  be  had  from  char- 
coal braziers.  Now  they  are  wholly  unheated, 
for  fifteen  pounds  of  charcoal  is  barely  enough 
to  boil  the  absolute  minimum  of  rice  and  a 
little  tea  or  such  scant  allowance  of  fish  as 
may  be  permitted.  The  floors  are  boards  that 
fit  poorly.  Always  does  the  chill  cold  wind  of 
winter  blow  up  through  them.  In  each  shack 
there  is  a  nasty  privy  and  beneath  the  building 
an  open  cesspool.  No  wonder  the  Japs  are 
forever  burning  incense  in  their  shacks.  In 
summer,  flies  and  mosquitoes  are  indescribably 
bad.  In  winter,  pneumonia  is  feared  by  every- 

Nagoya,  like  Osaka,  Kobe,  Tokyo  and  other 
cities  on  the  south  shores  of  Honshu,  contains 
the  most  crowded  and  filthy  industrial  districts 
on  earth.  But  this  is  not  accidental.  The  south 
shores  of  Honshu  give  Japan  her  best  and  most 
strategically  located  harbors  directly  on  the 
north  Pacific  trade  route,  as  well  as  some  of 
her  most  productive  valleys. 

The  author  of  this  article  has  spent  many  years  in  the 
Far  East,  and  lived  for  several  years  in  Japan  while 
engaged  in  industrial  research.  He  was  one  of  the  last 
Americans  to  leave  Tokyo  before  Pearl  Harbor. 

But  to  come  back  to  our  text,  the  aircraft 
workers  at  Nakajima.  Hours,  16  per  day.  No 
one  may  work  less  than  14  per  day.  This  is 
for  seven  days  a  week.  In  the  early  days  of 
the  war  a  worker  was  given  two  days  off  per 
month,  but  I  understand  these  have  been  with- 
held this  past  year.  No  worker,  man,  woman, 
or  child,  may  quit  his  job,  nor  has  he  one  word 
to  say  about  what  the  job  will  be  or  where  it 
will  be.  He  may  be  shipped  any  place  on  the 
home  islands.  All  labor  is  conscripted,  just  as 
are  soldiers.  Women  from  12  to  40  (un- 
married); men  from  12  to  65  and  in  some 
instances  up  to  70  must  work.  To  lay  off  even 
one  day  is  a  serious  crime  which  is  likely  to 
bring  arrest  and  cruel  punishment  at  the  hands 
of  the  police.  Every  aircraft  worker  is  cata- 
logued with  the  police  just  as  are  criminals  in 
a  penitentiary.  Failure  to  show  up  at  the  plant 
brings  immediate  investigation  by  the  police. 
Unmerciful  flogging  and  torture  is  routine  Jap 
police  procedure  for  dealing  with  absentees. 
No  trials  are  necessary  at  all.  The  policeman 
anywhere  in  Japan  has  wide  latitude  in  exer- 
cising his  authority. 

Of  course  you  will  be  curious  to  know  what 
wages  are  paid.  It  is  useless  to  catalogue 
the  wage  of  an  industrial  serf  in  Japan  because 
of  the  vast  difference  in  the  purchasing  power 
of  money  in  Japan  and  the  U.S.  Whatever 
the  wage  it  is  so  heavily  taxed  that  it  affords 
the  barest  subsistence,  never  enough  for  a 
sufficiency  of  the  coarsest  clothes  or  the  com- 
monest of  food.  All  aircraft  workers  at  Naka- 
jima last  year  were  hungry  all  the  time.  Every- 
body else  in  the  whole  city  was.  Nobody  could 
get  enough  to  eat  in  Nagoya  last  summer. 

Rice  was  rationed  down  to  eleven  and  a 
half  ounces  per  adult  per  day — less  than  three- 
quarters  of  his  customary  share.  But  your 
Japanese  adult  wants  30  pounds  of  rice  per 
month.  Nothing  else  will  substitute  for  it.  If 
he  does  not  get  his  pound  of  polished  rice  a 
day  he  is  hungry  and  if  it  is  unpolished,  as  is 
about  40%  of  the  rice  now  rationed  to  him, 
he  suffers  severe  digestive  upsets.  I  have  seen 
many  a  Japanese  sit  down  to  a  meal  of  cold 
soggy  polished  rice  and  water  or  tea  and  be 
satisfied.  But  he  gets  very  little  tea  now  and 
never  enough  rice.  Sugar  at  Nagoya  was  V2 
pound  per  adult  per  month. 

The  aircraft  worker  at  Nakajima  last  sum- 
mer also  suffered  for  want  of  fish.  A  Jap  in 
normal  times  eats  one-half  pound  of  fish  per 
day.  Last  summer  it  was  next  to  impossible  to 
buy   fish    in    Nagoya   whether  you   had   ration 

(Continued   on    page    16) 



October    \*.  / 

as  you  -^^^  \f 

♦row  ^"^      ,t   it  as  »        »      y  ^\\o  ^"     .   dea*  • 
«  sal  aoo'^*     „  »>"•  'TedM".  »  ''"' 

"  "y  all 

Bob  save  '''^,'      |,at<l«   V,  ttcWital   «"  „,»   °"°   ,„t  for    , 

"•'^^       od  Forces.     ^^    ^^  aW   o^  "* 
our  P^''^  *" 

More  \^^^'' 


—  8  — 


Bob  Kerlinger 


No  man  takes  the  job  of  Chief  Test  Pilot  in  a  war  plant  unless  he  is  willing 
to  die  for  his  country, 

Robert  J.  Kerlinger  knew  the  risk  that  was  involved  when  he  gave  up  his 
position  as  Wing  Commander  at  one  of  the  Ryan  schools  and  came  to  San 
Diego  six  months  ago  to  be  the  company's  Chief  Test  Pilot.  He  took  that 
risk  gladly. 

Bob  lived  to  see  his  biggest  job  completed.  He  carried  the  Ryan  test-flight 
program  through  the  most  hazardous  experimental  stages.  When  he  took  off 
for  the  last  time  he  was  expecting  to  make  a  routine  flight — but  he  well  knew 
that  any  routine  test  flight  might  some  day  turn  out  to  be  his  last. 

Bob  contributed  a  magnificent  service  to  America  in  the  work  he  did  here. 
His  whole  life  was  in  the  great  American  tradition — he  was  a  country  boy  who 
earned  his  own  spending  money  while  he  was  still  in  knee  pants,  paid  his 
own  way  through  school,  and  took  a  job  sweeping  floors  in  the  Ryan  hangar  in 
order  to  get  a  start  in  his  chosen  career.  He  started  at  the  bottom  and  worked 
his  way  to  the  top.  We  are  proud  that  Bob  made  his  whole  career  with  Ryan, 
from  the  day  twelve  years  ago  when  he  came  to  San  Diego  to  enroll  as  a 
student  in  the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics. 

To  many  of  us  here,  the  shock  and  the  sorrow  of  Bob's  passing  will  be 
hard  to  bear.  All  we  can  do  is  make  up  our  minds  that  the  memory  of  him 
will  keep  us  working  a  little  harder.    Bob  Kerlinger  would  like  it  that  way. 

SLlm5  J^tckln  6 


(Reprinted  by  request) 

Recently  a  war  industry  factory  ordered 
all  of  its  feminine  employees  to  wear  slacks 
in  the  interests  of  safety.  The  plumper  girls 
protested  vigorously.  Spokeswoman  for  the 
ladies  who  were  not  slender  weighed  250 
pounds.  "You  can  imagine  how  I'd  look  in 
slacks,"  said  she.  We  don't  blame  these 
oversized  ladies  for  not  wanting  to  wear 
slacks,  but  on  the  other  hand,  working  in 
a  factory  is  not  a  beauty  contest.  Consider 
the  way  the  average  man  looks  in  overalls. 

A  fashion  expert  says  wearing  slacks  is 
strictly  between  a  woman's  conscience  and 
her  mirror.  Now  can  you  tie  that?  When  a 
woman  looks  in  a  mirror  she  sees  something 
very  dishy.  She's  thoroughly  satisfied  with 
the  slacks  or  she  wouldn't  be  looking  in  the 
mirror.  I  don't  think  that  ladies  should  wear 
slacks  in  town.  Wear  them  on  the  farm. 
Preferably  in  a  wheat  field.  And  then  only 
when  the  wheat  is  over  three  feet  high. 

They  don't  look  exactly  right  on  a  plump 
lady  on  Main  Street  during  the  shopping 
rush.  You  can't  streamline  a  sack  of  pota- 
toes. If  you  are  sweet  sixteen,  tall,  slender 
and  willowy,  you  can  wear  slacks  and  get 
away  with  it,  like  stealing  apples  on  an 
abandoned  ranch.  But  if  you  are  sweeter 
sixty,  short,  stout,  wheezing  and  you  have 
more  longitude  than  altitude,  wearing  slacks 
makes  you  look  sillier  than  a  beached  whale. 

Wars  are  always  changing  fashions  and 
the  girls  are  dressing  for  their  favorite 
branches  of  the  Armed  Services.  I  saw  one 
lady  wearing  the  epaulets  of  an  admiral,  and 
one  who  wore  the  wings  of  aviation.  Another 
lady  bulged  out  in  back  like  she  was  wearing 
a  parachute. 

The  most  amazing  twist  in  fashions  is 
that  the  girls  have  caught  up  to  their  ears 
again.  Every  ten  years  or  so,  ears  disappear 
like  dimes  in  a  Bingo  game.  Then  they  bob 
up  again  and  the  effect  is  startling  to  men 
who  had  begun  to  think  that  moles,  seals 
and  girls  were  earless.  Having  married  a  girl 
without  ears,  you  are  certainly  startled  when 
you  look  across  the  breakfast  table  and  see 
a  jug  with  two  large  handles  smiling  at  you. 

Other  girls  look  like  a  one-volume  library, 
with  two,  large  determined  pink  book-ends. 
The  war  is  doing  that.  The  girls  go  in  for 
air-wardening,  and  you  cannot  listen  with 
your  satchel  handles  covered  with  wool. 
When  the  war  is  over  the  ladies  will  cover 
up  their  ears  again  and  will  look  very  sleek 
and  stylish.  Only  the  men  will  have  ears,  and 
they  will  exceed  their  quota.  I  don't  say  that 
men  should  hide  their  ears  under  their  hair 
or  their  hats,  but  I  do  say  they  should  have 
them  trimmed  a  little  closer. 

Mrs.  Mary  B.  White  of  the  War  Produc- 
tion Board  is  on  the  right  track  when  she 
asks  American  women  to  turn  in  all  their 
extra  compacts  and  lip-sticks,  but  she  has 
only  scratched  the  surface  in  her  drive  for 
war  materials. 

What  Mrs.  White  should  do,  and  right 
away,  is  to  urge  the  gals  of  our  48  states  to 
empty  their  handbags  and  then  summon  the 
Boy  Scouts  to  take  away  the  loot.  The  result 
would  be  a  mountain  of  scrap  that  would 
dwarf  Mt.  McKinley  and  Mt.  Hood.  Intrepid 
climbers  from  all  over  the  world  would  come 
with  their  Alpine  sticks  and  hob-nailed  boots, 
ropes  and  axes,  to  fight  for  the  honor  of 
being  the  first  to  scale  its  heights  and  plant 
the  flag  of  their  country  on  its  summit. 

If  Mrs.  White  does  not  believe  me,  if  she 
feels  that  I  am  exaggerating,  let  her  run 
upstairs  to  explore  her  own  handbag.  It's 
10-to-l  that  she  will  be  astounded  by  the 
amount  of  material  that  she  has  been  carry- 
ing around  for  days,  months  and  years. 

As  a  starter,  I  took  my  wife's  purse  — 
rather,  dragged  it  down  the  steps,  for  to 
have  tried  to  lift  it  would  have  been  a  fool- 
hardy thing  to  one  unaccustomed  to  carrying 
such  weights — and  spread  out  its  contents  in 
a  nearby  vacant  lot.  Then  I  called  her  to 
act  as  a  sort  of  guide  and  to  explain  to  me 
what  all  of  the  things  were  that  were  in  her 
purse,  and  why  in  the  world  she  lugged  them 
around  with  her. 

She  started  patiently  to  explain: 

"That  is  a  compact.  So  is  that.  One  is 
for  daytime,  one  is  for  evening  and  one  is  a 
white  chapstick.  That  is  dark  rouge  and  that 
is  light  rouge.  That  case  has  powder  puffs  in 
it.  That  is  a  comb.  That  is  a  nail  file.  Those 
are  hairpins  and  those  are  bobbypins." 

We  were  hopping  about  the  lot  now  like 
kids  playing  hopscotch. 

"Those  two  are  side  combs  and  these  are 
some  earrings  that  hurt  my  ears.  That  is 
one  rhinestone  clip  because  I  lost  the  other 
one.  Those  are  three  purses.  One  is  for  my 
own  money;  one  is  household  money  and  the 
other  is  my  own  extra-special  money." 

The  sun  continued  on  its  course  across  the 
heavens  as  we  continued  to  examine  the 

"That's  a  lippo  lighter.  You  use  it  to  put 
your  lipstick  on  in  the  dark.  I  won  it  as  a 
bridge  prize.  That's  a  flashlight  for  black- 
outs. That's  a  cigarette  lighter  that  doesn't 
work,  but  I'm  going  to  get  some  stuff  put 
In  it.  That's  an  empty  cigarette  case,  and 
those  are  two  packs  of  cigarettes.  Those 
obviously  are  matches.  Those  are  my  keys. 
That  is  Kleenex,  and  that's  my  regular  hand- 

"That's  my  checkbook.  That's  my  mrmo 
book,  and  that  is  a  pair  of  gloves.  That's 
a  wrist  watch  I'm  taking  back  to  get  fixed, 
and  those  are  samples  of  material  I'm  going 
to  try  to  match.  In  that  envelope  are  some 
beads  I  have  to  get  restrung,  and  you  know 
that's  a  pen  and  pencil.  And,  in  the  little 
black  case  is  my  driver's  license  and  last 
year's  Safe  Driver's  award.  And  those  are 
my  shopping  lists,"  she  said,  as  she  started 
gathering  up  the  contents  of  her  handbag. 

As  she  walked  off  with  her  weighty  purse 
swinging  on  her  arm  (women  have  apparently 
developed  a  special  set  of  muscles  for  hand- 
bag carrying)  I  recalled  that  time,  several 
years  ago,  when   I  was  on  the  receiving  end 

—  10  — 

of  one  of  them.  It  happened  in  Hollywood 
when  Actor  Broderick  Crawford  and  I  al- 
lowed the  Galahad  to  come  out  in  us  and 
interfered  in  a  fight  between  two  men  in  a 
night  club. 

Brod  got  off  all  right  because  nothing  but 
a  man  hit  him,  but  the  wife  of  one  of  the 
contestants  hauled  off  and  let  me  really  have 
it  in  the  face  with  her  rhinestone  pocketbook. 
I  was  weeks  getting  rhinestones  out  of  my 
face  and  at  night  when  a  light  would  glow 
on  me  I  took  on  the  appearance  of  one  of 
those  highway  signs  that  read,  "Danger, 
winding  road." 

I  have  a  suspicion  that  the  rhinestones 
on  my  face  read,  "Detour  ahead"  because 
people  studiously  avoided  me. 

Ryan's  Hauy  Office 
now  On  IIbui  Status 

To  facilitate  handling  of  details  in  con- 
nection with  Ryan's  new  Navy  fighting  plane 
contracts,  the  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  has 
changed  the  designation  of  its  representa- 
tive here.  Lieutenant  Commander  R.  0. 
Deitzer,  to  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  Repre- 
sentative.   (BAR) 

Under  the  new  set-up,  which  became 
effective  October  25th,  Deitzer  reports  di- 
rectly to  the  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  General 
Representative  (BAGRt  in  Los  Angeles. 
Previously  the  officer  in  charge  here  held 
the  title  of  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  Resident 
Representative  (BARR)  and  was  under  the 
supervision  of  the  Navy's  San  Diego  office 
located  at  the  Convair  plant. 

pmOCRIMB  ^/^Cka& 



The  day  of  the  crime  was  a  typical  warm  sunny  California  Satur- 
day (the  fog  by  noon  was  almost  imperceptible  10  feet  away  i 
which  may  have  been  the  reason  Mr.  Blough  didn't  feel  the  urge 
to  carry  on  with  business  as  usual.  However,  at  1  :09  p.m.  a  stir 
of  activity  was  noted  when  he  managed  to  dial  the  telephone 
operator.  "Mias  Jones,  I  wont  to  place  a  very  important  coll  to 
Washington  immediately.  Do  you  think  there  will  be  much  delay 
getting  the  call  through?" 

"I'll  do  everything  I  can,  Mr.  Blough,  to  get  the  call  through  for 
you.  Will  you  be  in  your  office?"  Miss  Jones,  as  usual,  was  very 
willing  to  cooperate. 

At  1:19  Miss  Jones  was  ready  with  Mr.  Blough's  important  coll. 
But  Mr.  Blough  just  couldn't  tear  himself  away  from  the  last 
paragraph  of  a  thrilling  report  he  was  reading.  Naturally,  we 
know,  Mr.  Blough  wouldn't  intentionally  do  anything  to  drive 
telephone  operators  out  of  their  minds.  Little  did  he  realize  that 
while  he  is  perusing  the  report.  Miss  Jones  is  patiently  tearing 
out  her  hair.  (We  know  a  good  wig  maker.  Miss  Jones.) 
One  really  can't  blame  Miss  Jones  for  being  irritated.  After  all, 
how  many  of  us  realize  that  it's  important  to  answer  the  phone 

1  :24  p.m.  Look,  something  has  hoppened  to  poor  Mr.  Blough 
and  we  don't  think  he  is  taking  his  afternoon  nap.  What  possible 
cause  would  anyone  have  to  murder  this  innocent  victim?  After 
all,  he  was  just  sitting  there  peacefully  reading  when  some  fiend 
struck.  Who?    Why? 

1  :25  p.m.  Miss  Jones  is  found  wandering  aimlessly  around  the 
halls,  muttering,  "Just  a  moment,  please,  I'll  ring  him."  She  is 
assisted  to  a  chaise  lounge  where  she  blissfully  passes  into  oblivion. 
$64  Question:  Whodunit? 

Note  to  readers:  Any  resemblance  to  actual  characters,  living  or 
dead,  is  purely  coincidental.  ,       (Answer  on  page  13) 

11  — 

A.  He's  the  man  who  ably  heads  the 
department  that  really  knows  how  to 
go  out  and   round   up   business  for  us. 

B.  This  one  is  a  cinch — he's  our  presi- 
dent. C.  His  hobby  is  collecting  data 
on  helicopters.  When  at  work,  he  knows 
how  to  make  practical  an  "out  of  this 
world"  engineering  design.  D.  Being 
from  Holland,  he  knows  how  to  moke 
those  silver  skates  fly  as  well  as  deliver- 
ing design   information   to   engineering. 

How  many  of  these  faces  can  you 
identify?  Try  your  hand  by  filling  in 
the  squares  below  with  the  letters 
on  the  pictures.  Give  yourself  10 
points  for  each  right  answer. 

80-  100  points — Say,  you're  an 

40  -  70  points — Have  you  gotten 
your  three-year  pin  yet? 

20  -  30  points  —  Welcome  to 
Ryan,  newcomer. 

Leonard  Gore  □ 

Sam  Breder  □ 

T.  Claude  Ryan  □ 

Eddie  Oberbauer  □ 

Bill  Wagner ....Q 

Earl  D.  Prudden Q 

Bill  Immenschuh □ 

Millard  Boyd  D 

Fred  Thudium □ 

Will  Vandermeer  □ 

(Answers  on  page  21) 

-F.  He's  as  much  ot  home  on  the 
ground  as  in  the  air.  He  really  flies 
whether    on    skates    or    in    an    airplane. 

G.  Known  far  and  wide  as  the  "energy 
man"  and  also  for  his  colorful  (put- 
ting it  mildly)  ties.  For  anything  to 
do  with  advertising  or  publicity,  just 
see  this  fellow. 



^   1 









E.  You've  all  heard  him  talk  during 
lunch  periods  on  various  campaign 
speeches  and  introducing  our  frequent 
guest  speakers. 

H.,  I.,  and  J.  These  three  fellows  are 
all  old  time  Ryanitss  in  engineering, 
having  started  on  their  careers  by  at- 
tending the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronoutics 
in  days  gone  by. 

—  12  — 



(Continued  from  cage  1  ) 

Building,  a  beautiful  modernistic  structure, 
well  ventilated  and  well  lighted,  which  is 
located  in  Balboa  Park.  It  was  used  as  an 
exhibition  building  during  the  San  Diego 
Exposition.  The  trainees  eat  their  lunch  In  a 
Spanish  patio  under  spreading  graceful 
pepper  trees  which  are  bordered  with  beauti- 
ful tropical  flowers  and  shrubs. 

The  friendly  atmosphere  is  the  first  thing 
one  notices  as  he  walks  in  the  front  door. 
The  students  realize  that  they  are  all  alike 
when  they  start  out  and  consequently  are 
eager  to  learn  from  each  other  and  are  always 
willing  to  help  the  newcomers.  However,  it 
doesn't  take  them  very  long  to  get  into  the 
swing  of  things  and  before  you  know  it  they 
are  as  proficient  as  any  factory  worker  and 
are  ready  for  production  assignments  in  one 
of  the  factory  departments. 

In  order  to  understand  the  factory  job 
requirements,  a  student  is  first  required  to 
complete  a  series  of  "work  experiences"  in- 
volving all  types  of  riveting,  drilling  and 
installation,  as  well  as  clean-up  procedure. 
This  usually  takes  from  four  to  five  weeks, 
depending  on  the  student's  ability  and  re- 
ceptiveness  to  instruction.  Machine  shop, 
plaster  pattern  making,  or  tool  room  work, 
which  he  might  do  later  if  qualified,  requires 
longer  periods  of  training.  The  instructors 
make  sure  that  the  new  employees  will  get 
off  on  the  right  foot  by  instilling  in  them 
correct  shop  procedures  and  good  working 
habits.  Trainees  also  have  their  own  stock 
room  where  they  learn  to  check  out  tools, 
parts  and  materials,  just  as  they  will  do  when 
they  start  work  at  the  factory. 

The  feature  of  this  whole  program  is  that 
while  learning,  trainees  are  actually  turning 
out  finished  products  which  are  used  on  the 
fighting  fronts,  after  being  passed  by  our 
own  inspectors  as  well  as  by  the  Navy. 
These  employees  know  that  they  are  doing 
something  right  now  for  the  war  effort: 
they're  not  just  practicing.  So,  they  take 
pride  in  turning  out  as  nearly  perfect  work 
as  possible. 

The  program  has  expanded  to  the  point 
where  it  might  almost  be  called  a  factory  in 
miniature.  Courses  are  varied  in  order  to 
meet  the  needs  of  all  of  our  departments  and 
this  fact  permits  the  trainees  to  select  the 
type  of  jobs  they  like  to  do.  Units  of  training 
qualify  the  trainees  to  handle  assignments  in 
Manifold,  Sheet  Metal,  Sub-Assembly,  Major 
Assembly,  Machine  Shop,  Plaster  Pattern  or 
Jig  Building. 

The  instructional  staff  is  composed  of 
nineteen  men  and  is  made  up  of  experienced 
craftsmen,  many  of  whom  have  been  on  the 
vocational  school  program  since  its  inception. 
In  order  to  formulate  a  program  which  will 
most  efficiently  meet  the  need  of  the  Ryan 
organization,  this  group  was  supplemented 
by  the  assignment  of  several  Ryan  employees 
including  Bob  Guyer,  and  Charles  Willis  of 
the  Manifold  Department,  Carl  Cline  of  the 
Plaster  Pattern  Shop,  Frederick  Stewart  from 
the  Tool  Room,  and  Messrs.  James  Bussard, 
Fred  Simonides,  and  Jesse  Muse  from  the 
Structural  Assembly  Department. 

The  success  of  this  program  can  also  be 
attributed  to  the  General  Foremen  who  co- 
operate in  determining  what  type  of  training 
is  required  and  see  that  satisfactory  jobs  are 
referred  to  the  school  as  learning  projects. 

To  assist  in  handling  problems  that  arise, 
an    Advisory    Committee    was   formed.     This 

committee  is  composed  of  Walter  Thatcher, 
Principal  of  the  San  Diego  Vocational  School; 
Phillip  Ashworth,  Supervisor  of  Operations  in 
the  Ford  Building;  Mrs.  Esther  Kinsella,  Vo- 
cational School  Counselor;  Mrs.  Lyia  Max- 
well, Personnel  Counselor  assigned  to  the 
school;  Mr.  Plummer  and  Mr.  Boeing,  who 
meet  each  week  to  discuss  any  unusual  hap- 
penings which  have  transpired  during  the 
interim,  what  employment  quota  is  needed 
and  how  the  program  is  progressing.  It  pro- 
vides a  means  whereby  the  school  and  the 
company  can  operate  on  a  smooth  basis. 

The  company  has  decided  that  all  new 
hires  without  previous  factory  experience 
shall  be  sent  to  the  training  program  before 
assignment  to  a  department  in  the  factory. 
It  also  refers  present  factory  personnel  to 
the  school  for  upgrading  or  conversion  train- 
ing, when  necessary. 

Transportation  is  the  least  worry  of  the 
trainees,  as  station  wagons  pick  them  up  at 
11th  and  Broadway  before  each  shift  and 
return  them  to  the  same  point  at  the  end 
of  their  work  period.  In  case  of  illness, 
necessary  transportation  is  also  provided 
through  the  Personnel  Counselor  or  Nurse 
who  is  on  duty  at  all  times.  All  services 
available  to  personnel  in  the  factory  are  also 
provided  for  the  trainees  during  their  assign- 
ment at  the  school. 

However,  even  with  this  program  running 
full  swing,  there  is  a  constant  need  for  addi- 
tional trainees  to  meet  the  requirements  of 
our  rapidly  expanding  program.  We  have 
the  facilities,  the  instructors,  the  necessary 
machines — but  we  haven't  enough  workers. 
If  you  have  any  friends,  relatives  or  even 
acquaintances  who  want  to  get  into  aircraft 
work,  but  are  leary  because  they  haven't  had 
any  previous  experience,  tell  them  the  facts. 
Send  them  to  the  downtown  employment 
office  at  Fourth  and  Broadway,  right  across 
from  the  Plaza.  They  can  learn  a  trade  that 
will  stand  them  in  good  stead,  and  they'll 
earn  good  wages  while  they're  learning. 

This  program  is  also  open  to  junior  and 
senior  High  School  boys  who  may  be  assigned 
to  the  training  program  for  four  hours  a 
day  and  get  school  credits  for  this  attend- 
ance. This  program  is  split  into  two  groups: 
one  starting  at  7:30  a.m.  and  running  until 
11:30,  and  another  class  starting  at  4:00 
p.m.  until  8:00  p.m.  Trainees  in  this  pro- 
gram are  required  to  attend  school  four  hours 
a  day.  These  students  receive  wages  for 
the  work  they  are  doing.  This  experience 
not  only  qualifies  them  for  direct  factory  as- 
signments after  completing  their  training, 
but  also  gives  them  a  background  of  valuable 
experience  which  will  be  useful  to  them 
when  they  enter  the  armed  services  or  other 
vocational  assignments. 


We  don't  think  you'll  need  ten 
guesses  to  pick  Miss  Jones  as  the  per- 
petrator of  this  horrible  catastrophe. 
However,  under  the  circumstances,  we 
plan  to  go  to  bat  for  Miss  Jones  in 

Don't  let  this  happen  to  you  — 
PROMPTLY  and  if  you  have  made  a 
long-distance  coil,  stay  in  your  office 
until  the  call  has  been  completed  or 
let  the  Operator  know  where  you  can 
be  located. 

Bob  Stevenson  recently  appointed  as 
Office  Service  Manoger.  Before  his  pro- 
motion. Bob  was  in  the  Purchasing 
Department  for  two  years. 


by  Bill  Taylor 

We  ore  very  sorry  to  have  to  report  the 
"Belle  of  Maintenance"  DRAKE  has  been 
ill  and  is  still  off  work  at  press  time. 

It  must  be  this  unusual  weather  California 
has  but  CAP  BARKER  is  off  sick  and  two 
or  three  others  are  not  too  peppy  with  colds, 

Got  a  letter  from  E.  STEWART,  an  ex- 
Mechonicol  Maintenance  man  from  Tulsa. 
He  says  the  weather's  fine. 

We're  glad  to  see  J.  E.  EDWARDS  from 
third  shift  back  on  the  job  after  some  bod 
burns  on  his  head. 

We  want  to  welcome  to  Maintenance, 
WILLIAM  DOOLEY,  the  new  acid  man  and 
R.  M.  SHEIRE  to  the  Mechanical  gong. 
O.  TAYLOR,  the  former  acid  man  has  trans- 
ferred  to   Manifold. 

We  wonder  why  PEARL  RAY,  Dispatch 
clerk  from  Manifold  didn't  go  to  the  Hal- 
loween party  at  the  CIO  hall  as  she  planned? 

Not  wanting  to  beot  Walter  Winchell  to 
the  punch  but  still  wanting  to  report  all 
the  news,  we  would  like  to  announce  that 
Mr.  LOSTEL  is  due  for  an  increase  in  his 
family  anytime  now. 

We  hear  that  ORVAL  HALL  has  set  a  new 
record  for  bowling.  We  don't  know  whether 
it  wos  a  record  for  a  new  high  or  a  new 
low,  so  it  would  be  best  to  ask  him. 

13  — 

Their  Mothers  Don  t  Worry 

Child  Care  Centers 
Throughout  Son  Diego 

Do  you  know  all  the  facilities  offered  by 
the  many  child  care  centers  throughout  San 
Diego  and  where  they  are  located? 

Everything  is  supervised  by  trained  teach- 
ers. There  are  lots  of  things  to  do — and 
children  of  the  same  age  to  do  them  with. 
Imagination,  initiative  and  bodily  coordina- 
tion are  developed  together. 

There  is  daily  health  supervision  by  the 
teachers — fruit  juice,  milk  and  cod  liver  oil 
— regular  visits  by  nurses  and  the  Staff 
Pediatrician  —  isolation  rooms  for  children 
who  develop  sickness  while  in  the  Centers. 
Registered  nurses  are  on  duty  at  all  times 
in  the  Infant  Care  Centers. 

Well-balanced  nourishing  lunches  and 
breakfasts  are  planned  by  expert  nutritionists 
and  supplemented  by  cod  liver  oil  and  fruit 
juices  in  the  mornings  and  milk  and  a  snack 
in  the  afternoon. 

Every  child  has  a  cot  and  each  child  gets 
regular  naps.  Regular  rest  gives  young 
bodies  the  needed  relaxation  for  proper  de- 

They  have  other  kids  to  play  with  and  the 
proper  equipment  under  interested  super- 

Costs — Per  Week 

Infant  Care 

Ages  6  Months — 2  Years 

12-hour  care,  diapers,  formula, 

extra  clothing $6.00 


Ages  2  Years — School  Age 
Up    to     12    hours,     including    luncheon    and 

First  child   in  family  $3.00 

Each   additional    child    $1.25 

Breakfasts — extra  per  week  $    .50 

Night  care — to    18   hours  per 

week  extra  $1.50 

Extended  Day  Care 

School   Age  Children 

When  school  is  in  session: 

Up  to   12  hours,   including  breakfast 
and   snacks,    luncheon   Saturdays 
and  holidays  $1.65 

During  vacations: 

Up  to   12  hours,   including  luncheon 

and  snacks  $1.80 

Breakfasts — extra  per  week $    .60 

Infant  Care  Centers 

Frontier  3676  Frontier  St.,  San  Diego 

Vista  Square  ..  502  Shasta  Drive,  Chula  Vista 


(2  years  to  school  age,  operated 
by  San  Diego  City  Schools) 

Adams  3481   School  Street 

Azure  Vista  918  Cordova  Street 

Bayview  Terrace — 

day  and  night  4600  Calle  Drive 

Brooklyn  1337  30th  Street 

Chesterton — 

day  and  night  2616  Shenandoah  Dr. 

Chollas  750  45th  Street 

Clay  Street  2885  Clay  Street 

Fremont  2375  Congress  Street 

Frontier — 

day  and  night  3575  Freedom  Street 

Hoover  4474  El  Cajon  Boulevard 

Jefferson  3770  Utah  Street 

Junior  League  737   17th  Street 

Kearney  Street  2195  Kearney  Street 

Linda  Vista   I — 

day  and  night 6837  Tait  Street 

Linda  Vista  II  1983  Burton  Street 

Linda  Vista  III  6913  Eastman  Street 

Los  Altos 1201  Turquoise  Street 

Midway  School  Kenyon  Street 

Neighborhood  House 1818  Newton  Ave. 

Washington — 

day  and  night 1  845  State  Street 

Extended  Day  Care 

(School  age,  operated  by 
San  Diego  City  Schools) 

Alice  Birney  Park  Blvd.  &  El  Cajon 

Azure  Vista  918  Cordova  Street 

Bayview  Terrace — ■ 

day  and  night  4600  Calle  Drive 

Brooklyn  1337  30th  Street 

Central  : 4036  Polk  Street 

Chesterton — 

day  and  night 2616  Shenandoah  Dr. 

Chollas  750  45th  Street 

Dewey 2910  Sellers  Drive 

Farragut  3230  McCandless  Blvd. 

Florence  1st  and  University 

Fremont  2375  Congress  Street 

Frontier — 

day  and  night  3575  Freedom  Street 

Garfield  Monroe  Ave.  at  Oregon  Street 

Hamilton  2807  Fairmount  Avenue 

Jefferson  3770  Utah  Street 

Kit  Carson 1906  Coolidge  Street 

Linda  Vista  Ulric  and  Osier  Streets 

Logan  537  So.  28th  Street 

Midway  School  Kenyon  Street 

Ocean  Beach  4741   Santa  Monica  Street 

Pacific  Beach  1580  Emerald  Street 

Sherman  2254  J  Street 

Washington — 

day  and  night  1845  State  Street 

Chula  Vista 

(Under  Chula  Vista  Elementary  School  Dist.) 

Methodist  Church  Nursery  205  Center 

Hilltop  Nursery  and  E.  D.  C Hilltop  Circle 

F  Street  School  4th  and  F 

Vista  Nursery  and  E.  D.  C 500  Shasta 

Rohr  Nursery  and  E.  D.  C. — 

day  and  night  Bay  Boulevard  and  H 

Coronado  Nursery. ...Library  Park,  6th  and  D 
Coronado — FPHA  Nursery  and 

E.  D.  C 155  Prospect 

Escondido  Nursery  and 

E.  D.  C - North  Broadway 

For  further  information  regarding  child 
care  problems,  contact  Mrs.  Esther  Long  in 
Industrial  Relations  or  call  her  on  Ext.  319. 


Would  you  like  to  spread  a  little 
Christmas  cheer  by  buying  an  extra 
Christmas  card  or  two  for  the  ill  and 
wounded  men  in  hospitals  in  the  San 
Diego  area? 

These  cards  will  be  given  to  the  men 
well  in  advance  of  Christmas  day  in 
order  that  they  moy  be  delivered  to 
their  families  and  friends  at  Christ- 
mas time. 

Cards  should  be  sent  to  Red  Cross 
headquarters  building,  Balboa  park, 
so  that  the  camp  and  hospital  com- 
mittee may  have  them  on  hand  for 
distribution  to  the  men  during  the  pre- 
holidoy  season. 



(Continued  from  page  5' 
The  year  he  spent  with  the  Army  Air 
Service  in  France  gave  him  a  liberal  educa- 
tion in  the  design  and  construction  of  all 
kinds  of  airplanes.  Every  wrecked  or  broken- 
down  plane  in  his  port  of  France — whether 
the  plane  was  of  American,  British,  French, 
Italian  or  German  manufacture  —  was 
brought  to  his  base  for  recommissioning.  He 
had  no  blueprints,  no  replacement  parts 
and  little  equipment.  But  by  hook  or  crook 
he  always  got  the  planes  into  the  air — fig- 
uring out  what  the  blueprints  should  look 
like  by  sheer  effort,  building  new  parts 
when  necessary,  and  patching  together  two 
or  three  ruined  planes  to  moke  one  flyable 

This  kind  of  work  was  meat  and  drink  to 
the  young  mechanic,  who  had  nsver  been 
previously  interested  in  airplanes.  In  his 
spore  time  he  sneaked  over  to  a  nearby 
French  airfield,  talked  the  pilots  into  giving 
him  flying  lessons,  and  eventually  became 
a  good  pilot.  Later  he  was  to  log  1600  hours 
of  flying — first  as  a  barnstormer  during  lean 
years,  later  as  a  sportsman  pilot. 

When  he  returned  to  the  United  States  in 
1919,  he  looked  around  for  a  job  in  aviation. 
But  there  just  weren't  any  jobs  to  be  had 
that  year  in  the  infant  industry.  A  friend 
offered  him  a  position  as  advertising  man- 
ager in  a  large  department  store  in  Peru, 
Indiana,  and  he  decided  to  take  a  crack  at  it 
— in  spite  of  the  fact  that  he  knew  abso- 
lutely nothing  about  either  department  stores 
or  advertising.  Before  he  wrote  his  first  ad 
he  drove  75  miles  to  buy  copies  of  New  York 
City  newspapers  and  study  their  department 
store  advertising.  This  resulted  in  the  crea- 
tion of  such  ads  as  Peru  had  never  seen 
before,  and  sales  shot  upward.  During  the 
nine  months  Woodson  spent  with  the  store, 
his  salary  was  boosted  three  times. 

Finally,  Woodson  found  an  opening  with 
the  Service  Aviation  Company,  a  division  of 
the  Service  Truck  Company  of  Wabash, 
Indiana.  He  jumped  into  and  has  been  in 
aviation  ever  since.  It  was  here  that  he  first 
began  pioneering  by  creating  America's  first 
six-passenger  all-enclosed  plane.  The  croft 
performed  splendidly  in  the  air,  but  it  was 
years  ahead  of  its  time  and  there  was  no 
market  for  it.  Being  unable  to  sell  the  first 
plane.  Service  Aviation  naturally  gave  up 
the  idea  of  building  more  of  them,  and 
Woodson  looked  for  another  job. 

He  found  one  with  the  U.  S.  Airmail  serv- 
ice, where  he  started  as  a  mechanic  and 
worked  up  to  field  manager.  In  four  years  he 
built  up  enough  of  a  grub-stake  to  start 
his  own  company,  which  he  launched  at 
Bryan,  Ohio.  He  was  president,  general  man- 
ager, chief  engineer  and  janitor,  success- 
fully designing  and  producing  several  differ- 
ent airplane  models.  But  in  1  929  his  com- 
pany went  to  the  wall  along  with  thousands 
of  others,  and  Woodson  moved  to  California. 

By  this  time  Woodson  had  something  of 
a  reputation  in  aviation,  and  Donald  Doug- 
las hired  him  as  project  engineer  for  the 
Northrop  division.  He  hadn't  been  there  long 
when  Jack  Northrop  buttonholed  him  one 
day  and  said,  "The  Army  is  going  to  have 
a  competition  for  an  all-metal  pursuit  plane. 
There  are  only  30  days  left  before  the  com- 

petition, and  we  don't  hove  a  plane,  but 
I'd  sure  like  to  enter  one,  I  think  you're 
the  boy  who  con  get  one  built  in  that  time. 
Do  you  want  to  try  it.  Woody?" 

"Sure,  I'll  try  it,"  Woodson  agreed.  "If 
we  con  pick  the  60  best  men  in  the  plant  and 
sell  them  on  the  idea  of  setting  a  world's 
record  for  speed,  I  think  we  can  hove  that 
plane    ready    in    time    for    the    competition." 

Woodson  selected  his  60-man  team  care- 
fully, then  called  them  together  and  ex- 
plained the  daring  project  he  had  planned. 
"If  you're  interested,  we'd  like  to  have  you 
help,"  he  told  each  man.  "If  you're  not  in- 
terested or  if  it  looks  too  tough,  we'll  count 
you  out."  Every  man  of  the  60  declared  him- 
self in.  Incidentally,  our  own  chief  engineer, 
Ben  Salmon,  was  one  of  the  principal  desigri 
engineers  in  that  group. 

Woodson  set  up  one  complete  production 
line,  from  drawing  board  to  final  assembly 
oil  in  the  same  big  building.  As  fast  as  a 
part  was  drown  he  ripped  the  sketch  off  his 
board,  handed  it  to  the  next  man  and  said, 
'Moke  that."  Cots  were  moved  into  the 
factory,  relays  of  coffee  and  hot  food  were 
provided,  and  the  Douglas-Northrop  crew 
settled  into  stride  for  its  epic  three-week 
sprint.  Whenever  Woodson  or  any  one  of 
the  others  felt  tired,  they  dropped  onto  a 
cot  for  on  hour  or  two,  then  went  back  to 
work.  Twenty-one  days  after  the  first  line 
was  drawn,  the  plane,  complete  with  all 
equipment  including  armament,  took  off. 

To  the  eternal  disappoinment  of  Woodson 
and  the  other  Douglas-Northrop  men,  the 
competition  was  not  held,  because  other 
companies  did  not  have  their  planes  ready. 
The  plane  was  a  beautiful  design  with 
phenomenal  performance  for  those  days,  but 
one  of  the  greatest  mysteries  in  aviation 
history  happened  when  on  a  test  flight  the 
pilot  took  off  in  the  plane  one  day  from 
Mines  Field  and  disappeared.  Neither  the 
pilot  nor  plane  hove  been  seen  or  heard 
from   again. 

In  1936  Woodson  went  to  Buffalo  to 
become  assistant  to  the  chief  engineer  for 
the  Curtiss-Wright  Corporation.  His  work 
there  on  the  P-36  and  the  following  P-40 
Warhawk  series  made  him  still  better  known 
in  the  industry,  and  in  1939  Lorry  Bell  per- 
suaded him  to  join  the  small  ond  struggling 
Bell  company  as  chief  engineer  at  Buffalo. 
Incidentally,  Woodson  became  a  good  friend 
of  another  Ryan  man,  then  a  Curtiss  engi- 
neer, while  there — Eddie  Molloy.  By  coinci- 
dence, Molloy  left  Curtiss  just  three  weeks 
after  Woodson  did. 

Woodson's  first  job  at  Bell  was  to  re- 
design the  P-39  Airacobra  in  order  to  step 
up  its  performance  and  simplify  its  construc- 
tion for  production.  He  did  this  so  success- 
fully that  in  January,  1940,  he  was  mode 
assistant  general  manager.  During  the  five 
years  of  Woodson's  regime  the  Bell  com- 
pany's progress  charts  climbed  more  and 
more  steeply  till  the  lines  were  tilted  almost 
straight    upward.    Employment    grew    so    fast 

that  for  months  on  end  it  was  increasing  at 
the  rote  of  1000  workers  a  month;  produc- 
tion soared  as  much  as  1000  per  cent  in 
a  single  year;  the  factory  went  through  one 
violent  expansion  after  another  until  one 
plant  had  grown  to  five.  After  pushing  pro- 
duction of  the  P-39  to  o  huge  volume,  he 
directed  development  of  Bell's  famous  p'-59 
Airacomet,  the  first  jet-propelled  airplane 
in  this  country, 

Woodson's  most  monumental  achievement 
to  date  has  been  the  building  and  operation 
of  Bell's  mammoth  Marietta  plant,  one  of 
the  largest  in  the  world  in  terms  of  floor 
space.  He  laid  out  all  the  plans  for  this 
factory  from  his  Buffalo  office,  supervised 
all  the  construction  and  later  the  tooling  up 
for  production;  then  jammed  through  one 
production  increase  after  another  until 
the  plant  was  rolling  out  B-29's  faster  than 
anyone    hod    thought   possible. 

As  soon  as  the  word  went  out  that  he  was 
leaving  Bell,  Woodson  was  pelted  with  offers 
from  all  over  the  country.  He  considered  a 
number  of  them,  even  going  so  for  as  to 
spend  a  week  at  one  company's  plant  looking 
over  its  personnel  and  production  set-up 
before  declining  the  offer.  When  Claude 
Ryan  —  whom  'vVoodson  hod  known  when 
both  were  struggling  /oung  manufacturers — 
telephoned  him,  Woodson  came  to  San  Diego 
and,  OS  he  had  done  with  the  other  com- 
pany, spent  a  week  in  sizing  things  up. 
Then  he  accepted,  and  went  to  work  im- 
mediately in  the   latter  port  of  October, 

Woodson  believes  that  this  company  will 
have  no  more  trouble  getting  into  smooth, 
fast  production  than  did  Bell,  Curtiss,  Doug- 
las or  any  of  the  other  companies  in  which 
he  has  worked.  "The  pattern  is  about  the 
same  in  any  successful  aircraft  company," 
Woodson  soys  quietly.  "First,  the  company 
must  have  a  master  plan  with  the  work  of 
oil  departments  coordinated.  Second,  this 
plan  must  be  based  on  historical  data — 
records  of  what  each  department  has  been 
able  to  do  in  the  past  and  of  what  similar 
departments  in  other  companies  have  done 
— not  on  the  personal  opinion  of  any  man 
or  men.  Third,  there  must  be  enthusiastic 
teamwork  to  push  the  plan  through.  The 
plan  has  to  be  worked  out  by  intelligent 
agreement  of  the  men  most  involved,  and 
then  supported  without  any  quibbling  or 
grumbling.  There  is  no  room  in  war  indus- 
try for  the  man  who  isn't  enthusiastic,  who 
says,  'Aw,  that  can't  be  done.'  " 

In  spite  of  the  fact  that  he  habitually 
works  at  white-hot  speed,  Woodson  seems 
to  find  time  for  outside  interests  too.  He 
has  been  active  for  years  in  the  Veterans 
of  Foreign  Wars,  the  National  Aeronautic 
Association,  the  Institute  of  Aeronautical 
Sciences,  the  Quiet  Birdmon,  the  Modern 
Woodmen  of  America  and  several  others. 
During  his  I  8  months  in  Georgia,  he  became 
o  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  and 
chairman  of  the  Aviation  Committee  for 
the  Atlanta  Chamber  of  Commerce;  he  be- 
came port  of  the  organized  drive  for  post- 
war job-making  as  a  member  of  the  Com- 
mittee for  Economic  Development  He  enjoys 
golf,  yachting  and  most  outdoor  recreations. 
His  whole  career  odds  up  to  the  picture  of 
a  hard-driving,  two-fisted  worker  who  knows 
how  to  moke  friends  and  get  results  through 
teamwork  wherever  he  goes.  The  addition 
of  "Woody"  Woodson  to  the  Ryan  line-up 
is  another  step  to  help  make  us  a  still  more 
powerful  production  organization  —  one  of 
the  best  in  America, 

—  15  — 



(Continued  from  poge  7) 

points  or  not.  Malnutrition  sores  on  the 
faces  of  children  workers  were  a  common 
sight  in  Nagoya  last  year.  But  this  did  not 
matter,  for  in  the  aircraft  plants  of  Dai 
Nippon  children  are  expendable. 

Let  us  get  more  specific  and  look  into 
the  life  of  a  given  worker  with  whom  I  am 
intimately  acquainted.  I  shall  call  him  Ha- 
mada  Sakuma,  that  is,  he  will  be  just  a  plain 
John  Smith.  Hamada  Sakuma  is  not  his 
name,  however,  for  if  it  was  and  if  the  police 
in  Nagoya  should  run  onto  this  article  Ha- 
mada would  be  tortured  if  not  "liquidated" 

Hamada  is  35  years  old.  He  owns  no 
property  at  all  save  a  bicycle  on  which  he 
rides  to  work,  a  charcoal  brazier,  one  metal 
bucket  and  one  metal  knife  for  cutting  meat, 
a  few  rice  and  tea  bowls,  and  his  family 
bedding.  He  lives  in  a  one  room  shack.  The 
only  modern  convenience  is  a  single  electric 
light  bulb.  He  has  a  wife  and  three  children. 
They  sleep  on  two  quilted  comforters  or 
mattresses  on  the  floor.  In  the  daytime  the 
bedding  is  rolled  up  and  put  in  a  cupboard. 

Hamada  is  a  welder  for  Nakajima,  and  is 
paid  as  high  a  wage  as  any  mechanic  in  the 
whole  works,  $2.37  a  day.  This  would  have 
been  a  big  wage  had  the  government  not 
taken  a  huge  chunk  of  it  for  taxes — income 
taxes  and  compulsory  savings,  and  various 
other  matters.  At  the  end  of  the  month  he 
is  usually  out  of  cash  and  borrows  from 
thievish  money-leaders  at  an  exorbitant  rate 
of  interest. 

In  winter  Hamada  and  his  family  suffer 
terribly  from  the  cold,  for  his  shack  is  un- 
heated  and  he  can  buy  neither  woolen,  cot- 
ton, nor  silk  garments.  What  he  has  were 
made  of  an  artificial  fiber — wood  pulp  and 
soya  bean  stalk — that  neither  keep  him  warm 
nor  stand  up  to  the  hard  wear  he  is  forced 
to  give  them.  A  pair  of  socks  lasts  only  3 
or  4  days.  His  clothing  is  frequently  patched 
and  darned.  It  is  next  to  impossible  for  his 
wife  to  keep  enough  soap  with  which  to  do 
the  family  washing.  This  is  done  in  a  wooden 
tub  in  hot  water  that  was  bought  from  a 
water  peddler.  Ordinarily  your  Japanese  is 
scrupulously  clean  in  personal  appearance, 
but  Hamada  is  no  longer  clean.  There  is  no 
way  to  take  a  bath  in  his  little  shack.  His 
only  relaxation  during  the  whole  day  a  bath 
in  a  public  bathhouse. 

Hamada  works  with  Korean  and  Chinese 
forced  labor  in  his  department.  These  make 
up  35%  of  all  male  labor  in  the  whole  plant. 
They  are  virtually  enslaved  and  without 
rights  of  any  kind.  Hamada  has  often  com- 
plained bitterly  of  their  indifference  and 

I  might  say  that  all  labor  at  Nakajima 
is  hopelessly  slow  in  comparison  with  the 
tempo  of  our  own  production.  But  how  could 
it  be  otherwise  with  16-hour  days  and  seven 
of  them  a  week!  Totalitarian  production  may 
sound  efficient  but  it  is  not. 

Hirata  Sassa  is  another  John  Smith  serf  at 
Nakajima.  His  shack  was  just  three  feet 
from  my  own.  He  worked  in  a  forge  shop. 
There  were  huge  hammers  in  the  forge  shop 
but  I  was  never  able  to  learn  how  many  nor 
how  large  they  were.  Hirata  said  the  ham- 
mer on  which  he  worked  weighed  16,000 
pounds  and  could  hit  a  stroke  of  25  tons. 
Production    moved    from   the    forge   shops   to 

machine  shops  and  on  to  assembly  lines. 
Hirata  was  bitter  toward  the  Tojo  regime  but 
was  very  secretive  about  it,  for  to  have 
expressed  his  thoughts  would  have  brought 
on  merciless  beatings  from  the  police,  long 
months  of  solitary  confinement,  and  perhaps 
death  by  torture.  It  would  have  been  kinek 
shiso  or  dangerous  thought.  In  Tokyo  there 
are  no  less  than  80  police  agencies  searching 
the  great  city  for  kinek  shiso. 

Twice  a  day  Hirata,  together  with  all  other 
workers,  had  to  listen  to  propaganda  speeches 
on  the  radio  or  by  politicians  in  person.  They 
were  assured  again  and  again,  time  out  of 
number,  that  Japan  was  winning  the  war  and 
that  victory  was  certain.  The  propagandists 
promised  them  many  things  after  victory: 
among  other  things,  new  homes  in  the  Philip- 
pines, Malaya,  East  Indies,  etc.  Glowing  ac- 
counts of  these  were  painted  in  brilliant 
colors.  Last  summer  Tojo  announced  that 
40,000  had  already  gone  to  these  new  re- 
gions. All  kinds  of  settlers  were  wanted  there 
and  great  opportunities  were  being  offered 

Hirata's  wife  had  T.B.  but  she  received 
next  to  no  treatment.  She  lay  on  the  mat- 
tress on  the  floor  in  their  one  room  shack 
day  and  night  steadily  grew  weaker  and 
weaker.  A  fox  god,  Inari,  the  Japs  call  it, 
or  a  wooden  image  of  a  fox,  was  brought 
from  a  local  temple  twice  a  week  that  she 
might  lay  her  hands  on  the  image  and 
thereby  hope  for  good  luck.  There  is  a  great 
shortage  of  physicians,  in  Nagoya  as  in  all 
Japan.  And  there  is  a  still  greater  shortage 
of  drugs  of  all  kinds.  At  night  Hirata,  his 
wife,  and  their  children  slept  in  the  same 
room  with  all  windows  tightly  closed.  T.B. 
is  common  among  aircraft  workers  at  Naka- 

Before  Hirata's  wife  grew  so  weak  she 
could  not  carry  on,  she  and  ail  the  children 
worked  far  into  the  night  on  metal  piece 
work.  They  would  sit  cross-legged  on  the 
floor  working  tirelessly  until  late  hours  at 
night.  All  together  they  made  from  $5  to 
$6  a  month. 

Japanese  factory  buildings  are  nothing  in 
comparison  with  the  modern  buildings 
which  house  our  own  aircraft  plants.  No 
fluorescent  lights,  no  air  conditioning,  no 
outside  walls  of  corrugated  asbestos  transite, 
no  labor-saving  equipment.  Nakajima  build- 
ings are  sweltering  in  summer  and  all  but 
unheated  in  winter.  You  must  remember 
that  the  great  Imperial  Hotel  in  Tokyo  was 
heated  for  only  one  hour  a  day  last  winter. 
The  buildings  are  for  the  most  part  of  wood. 
Steel  was  prohibited  for  any  building  in 

The  most  amazing  thing  to  Americans  is 
the  fact  that  these  thousands  of  industrial 
workers  at  Nakajima  know  nothing  about  the 
war.  Not  one  line  of  true  news  reaches 
them.  Like  little  children  looking  forward  to 
Santa  Claus,  they  look  forward  to  the  day  of 
final  victory  and  the  great  prosperity  that 
awaits  them — new  homes  in  the  conquered 
lands,  woolens  from  Australia,  cotton  goods 
from  our  own  South,  sugar  from  the  Philip- 
pines, and  so  on  and  on.  They  are  soaked 
full  of  propaganda  poison. 

By  the  end  of  this  year  we  will  have  four- 
fold superiority  over  Japan  by  air.  But  the 
serf  workers  at  Nakajima  or  at  Mitsubishi 
Heavy  Industries,  Ltd.,  also  in  Nagoya,  do 
not  know  it.  They  believe  their  divine  em- 
peror is  decoying  the  forces  of  the  United 
Nations  closer  and  closer  to  the  home  islands 
where  the  emperor's  mighty  armada  of  planes 
and  ships  will  destroy  them  in  total. 

—  16  — 

For  seven  years,  Fred  Tomreli  of  Janitor 
Service  has  been  neither  absent  nor 
tardy.  We  think  Fred  con  undoubtedly 
claim  the  title  of  having  the  best 
attendance   record    in   the   whole   plant. 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design 

by  Don  D'Agostino 

have  recently  moved  down  from  the  factory 
office.  Mary  wasn't  exactly  happy  to  leave 
her  friends  upstairs,  but  we  hope  she  gets 
used  to  us.  We  also  have  had  several  new 
faces  drifting  in  and  out  of  our  drafty  do- 
main. The  most  recent  newcomers  are  MARIE 
INICHEN  on  the  first  shift.  On  the  second 
GREER  and  WILLIAM  JINES,  who  is  the 
proud  daddy  of  a  girl,  DARLENE  FERN,  born 
October  7  at  Paradise  Valley  Hospital,  Na- 
tional City.  Darlene  weighs  5  lbs.  Mother 
and  child  are  both  doing  fine.  Congratula- 
tions,   Bill! 

TOMMY  McMANUS'  cute  wife  has  come 
to  work  at  Ryan  too,  and  is  stationed  in  tool 
control.  ONA  WIEDERSHIEM  is  a  cheerful 
addition  to  our  department,  but  seems  flus- 
tered since  the  arrival  of  a  certain  tall,  hand- 
some man  to  our  personnel.  KATHLYN 
"TEX"  CULBERTSON  and  her  husband  cele- 
brated the  completion  of  his  boot  training  by 
hitting  the  high  spots  in  L.  A.  and  Holly- 
wood, said  Tex,  "My  feet  sure  were  tired." 
EVA  MAY  is  a  transfer  from  Tooling.  Wel- 
come to  our  department,  Eva. 

Did  you  notice  WALT  LIETNER  received 
his  check  this  week  by  special  messenger, 
none  other  than  the  charming  CRYSTAL 
KILMER  are  on  the  Industrial  U.  S.  O.  Com- 
mittee to  represent  Ryan  in  arranging  swing 
shift  dances,  etc.  Some  very  good  plans  are 
made  for  Thanksgiving  and  Christmas.  Any 
ideas    will    be    welcome. 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

Tom   Hcarne  Departs   on   Mission  to   England 

"Yesterday  is  but  a  dream.  Tomorrow  is 
only  a  vision.  But  today,  well  lived,  makes 
every  yesterday  a  dream  of  happiness  and 
every  tomorrow  a  vision  of  hope.  Look  well, 
therefore,  to  this  day.  Such  is  the  salutation 
of  the   dawn." 

The  above  quotation  from  the  Sanskrit 
might  well,  in  these  trying  days,  be  para- 
phrased by  Ryan  employees  to  read,  "Today's 
job  well  done,  makes  every  yesterday  a 
dream  of  satisfaction  and  every  tomorrow  a 
vision  of  greater  accomplishment."  Think  it 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  each  and  every 
Ryanite  heard  the  Columbus  Day  message 
brought  to  us  by  COL.  BARAGER,  here  on 
convalescent  leave  direct  from  the  bloody 
fighting  on  Saipan,  to  which  he  was  return- 
ing the  following  day.  He  neither  minced 
words  nor  pulled  punches.  He  told  us  truths 
we  needed  to  hear,  and  brought  home  to  us 
a  realization  of  our  personal  responsibilities 
in  helping  to  hasten  the  war's  end.  Would 
that  every  worker  in  America  could  have 
heard   him. 

Less  rugged,  but  interesting  and  enter- 
taining, was  the  personal  appearance  of 
GERRY  WRIGHT,  former  Ryan  employee 
now  with  the  USO,  resting  here  awhile  before 
leaving  with  her  troupe  for  overseas.  Her 
mother,  MRS.  M.  W.  WRIGHT,  of  our  De- 
partment, with  a  son  in  the  Coast  Guard  and 
Gerry  now  on  her  way  over  to  bring  cheer 
to  our  fighting  men,  has  every  right  to  feel 
that  she  has  done  and  is  doing  well  her  part. 

both  in  the  Navy,  finding  their  days  free,  are 
helping  our  Small  Parts  department  on  the 
day  shift  and  are  doing  a  good  job  of  it. 
Glad  to  have  you  fellows:  You  are  sure  doing 
your  part  toward  winning  the  war. 

Pvt.  LAWRENCE  OAKLAND,  39729091, 
Co.  A,  1 48th  Bn.,  90th  Regt.  I.  R.  T.  C, 
Camp  Hood,  Texas,  in  a  letter  to  MORT 
ANDERSON,  tells  of  the  strenuous  training 
he  has  been  doing,  but  being  a  glutton  for 
tough  going,  he  has  volunteered  for  service 
with  the  Paratroops.  Pvt.  Oakland  is  that 
same  quiet  kid  who  for  many  months  kept 
the  Jig  storage  area  in  such  tip-top  shape 
before  his  acceptance  by  the  Army.  Happy 
landings,  Lawrence. 

DON  GERMO,  formerly  doing  night  shift 
at  Hangar  Adjustment,  is  now  quietly,  but 
efficiently,  dispatching  at  Pre-jig  for  the  day 
shift.  Glad  to  have  you  with  us,  Don,  and 
you  are  doing  a  good  job. 

JIM  WHITFIELD,  in  his  rush  to  get  on  the 
job  the  other  morning,  neglected  to  turn  on 
the  light  while  dressing  and  showed  up  at 
the  plant  wearing  one  shoe  of  one  kind  and 
the  other  of  another.  He  took  quite  a  little 
ribbing  about  it  throughout  the  day.  But 
that  is  OK,  Jim,  so  long  as  it  did  not  inter- 
fere with  your  daily  mileage  in  following 
through  those  parts. 

If  any  of  you  fellows  think  you  are  being 
high-hatted,  when  speaking  to  LOUISE  PO- 
WELL, out  in  the  plant,  'tain't  so.  You  have 
mistaken  her  sister,  Jean,  for  Louise  and 
Jean  hasn't  even  met  you.     See? 

The  little  lady  looking  after  Small  Parts 
storage  on  the  day  shift,  MABEL  FROHN,  is 
a  next  door  neighbor  to  the  Atherton  family. 
Denny  tells  me  you  are  a  nice  person  to  have 
next  door,  Mabel,  and  the  folks  in  Small 
Parts    tell    me    you    are    a    nice    person    with 

Thomas  P.  Hearne,  Ryan  standards  engineer,  second  from  left,  is  seen  talking  with  other 
technicians  of  the  aircraft  industry  in  Washington  just  before  departing  for  England. 
Tom,  Chairman  of  the  International  Standards  project  of  the  National  Aircraft  Standards 
Committee,  and  other  members  of  the  mission  were  invited  by  the  British  government  to 
help  coordinate  engineering  standards  of  United  States  and  British  aircraft  manu- 
facturers. The  project  was  started  last  year,  when  hiearne  was  host  here  to  England's 
leading  standard  engineers. 

whom  to  work.  Glad  to  have  you  in  our 

That  husky  newcomer  helping  BILL 
STRAW  and  BERT  JORY  wrestle  half  stamp- 
ings ahead  of  Tack  and  Trim  is  CURLEY 
MAJERCIK,  recently  from  Pittsburg,  Pa.  You 
picked  the  right  department  and  the  right 
place  to  work,  Curley. 

LEO  BERKOWITZ  has  moved  to  Small 
Parts,  where  his  accuracy  in  checking  and 
counting  is  proving  a  big  help  to  TEX  in 
keeping  those  thousands  of  little  gadgets 
moving  to  their  respective  places.  A  trans- 
fer in  our  Department  is  OK,  Leo,  but  don't 
do  any  transferring  away  from  us. 

We  are  all  pulling  hard  for  KEN  BARNES 
to  win  the  Aircrafters'  Golf  Tournament  now 
in  full  swing.  Here  is  a  tip  for  you.  Ken. 
It  would  not  hurt  your  game  any  to  take 
HAP  ATHERTON  on  for  a  few  rounds.  Hap 
can  show  you  some  pretty  darned  nice 

ANDERSON  have  all,  account  of  colds,  been 
absent  during  the  past  month,  not  only  from 
the  plant  but  also  from  some  Friday  night 
around  the  table  conferences.  Be  more  care- 
ful of  your  health,  fellows.  I  have  heard 
RALPH  FLANDERS  speak  of  his  personal 
dislike  for  your  absences  from  those  confer- 
ences. Ralph,  you  know,  likes  to  present  his 
demonstrations  with   a   full   house. 

You  of  the  night  shift,  must  not  feel  that 
you  are  being  intentionally  neglected  by  this 
column.    Your  reporter,  BOB  JONES,  has  not 

—  17  — 

taken  that  dead  line  seriously  enough  and 
has  failed  to  meet  it  with  any  copy.  Put  a 
little  pressure  on  him  and  make  him  do  his 

One  of  the  very  recent  additions  to  our 
day  shift  force  is  JUANITA  STANEK,  and 
glad  we  are  to  have  her.  Juanita,  who  is 
helping  on  the  production  front  while  her 
husband  is  at  the  fighting  front  overseas,  is 
fast  learning  the  answers  in  the  Jig  area. 

My  hat  is  off  to  JUNE  EDWARDS,  doing 
such  a  satisfactory  job  of  handling  the  boards 
for  Tack  and  Trim  and  Weld,  and  to  JEN- 
NIE SHINAFELT,  with  her  ready  smile  and 
correct  answers  at  the  desk  in  Small  Parts. 
It  always  helps  to  brighten  the  day  for  those 
of  us  who  frequently  check  with  them  at 
their  respective  stations. 

Sunday,  October  29th,  found  ED  HAEGER, 
and  LELAND  Le  FEBRE  cheerfully  handling 
the  Dispatching  for  the  production  line.  Like 
the  Marines,  Dispatching  is  "always  ready." 
It  is  a  privilege  and  a  pleasure  to  be  affiliated 
with  this  department  and  I  want  each  of  you 
to  know  that  I  hear  many  compliments  on 
the  smooth  and  efficient  manner  in  which 
our  job  is  being  done.  Isn't  it  a  satisfying 
thought  that  the  Ryan  products,  we  see  con- 
stantly rolling  out  through  Shipping  on  their 
way  to  the  fighting  fronts,  are  keeping  our 
planes  in  the  air,  affording  protection  to  and 
saving  the  lives  of  our  fighting  men?  No 
greater  incentive  could  be  offered  to  make 
us  stay  on  the  job  and  finish  the  job. 

Guest  Speaker  at  Foremen  s  Club 

With  the  largest  turnout  of  members  ever  present,  William  Brotherton  of  Public  Rela- 
tions, addressed  the  Foreman's  Club  at  their  dinner  meeting  Friday  evening,  October 
27th,  on  the  subject  of  "Aviation."  Seated  at  the  head  toble  ere  (left  to  right): 
William  Brotherton;  Howard  Engler,  Sheet  Metal;  Floyd  Bennett  and  Mickey  Myers  of 
Manifold  Small  Parts. 


Here  and 
There  by 

Jonnie  Johnson 

There  was  the  World  Series  for  a  week 
and  everyone  (including  me)  lost  his  shirt. 
No,  not  quite  all,  for  EVELYN  REID  won  the 
hundred  dollar  pool  and  got  so  excited  she 
forgot  what  pool  it  came  from  (she  must  have 
been  In  several).  Anyway,  we  had  to  count 
It  for  her  and  sure  enough  there  it  was,  one 
hundred  smackers.  She  doesn't  know  it,  but 
we're  gonna  surprise  her  one  of  these  nights 
and  insist  on  one  of  those  famous  beer  busts. 
(Ever  see  one?  They're  THE  thing.) 

I've  noticed  since  the  Series  were  over 
everyone  has  worked  on  Sundays.  Trying  to 
catch  up — I  think.  Of  course,  it  could  have 
been  they  needed  the  work  done. 

Now  another  thing  and  much  more  im- 
portant— is  the  Presidential  election.  Some 
people  are  actually  optimistic  enough  to  bet 
against  a  sure  thing.  All  I'm  waiting  for  is 
another  Joe  Louis  fight  and  see  if  I  can  find 
some  sucker.    That  would  be  the  last  straw. 

Last,  but  not  least,  is  the  War  Chest 
Campaign.  Oh,  there's  never  a  dull  moment 
at  Ryan.    Something  new  and  exciting  going 

on  all  the  time.  What  other  factory  has  reg- 
ular orchestras  and  high  class  bands  play 
for  their  employees  at  lunch  time? 

No,  sir!  I  will  always  believe  that  motto — 
"Ryan  is  a  better  place  to  work."  In  fact  it 
becomes  more  like  home  every  day.  My 
mother,  MRS.  OGDEN  of  Department  8  has 
been  here  for  7  or  8  months,  and  my  son, 
DONALD  GERHART  recently  started  to  work 
at  Balboa  Park.  It's  just  like  old  home  week 
any  more. 

We  were  all  very  pleased  to  see  Corporal 
BILL  BOWMAN  of  the  Army  Air  Corps., 
who  paid  us  a  visit  last  week.  He  was  for- 
merly a  leadman  in  the  Finishing  Depart- 
ment. It  was  his  first  furlough  and  could 
only  spend  four  days  here,  so  we  were  very 
pleased  that  he  spent  one  of  those  precious 
days  with   us. 

Lots  of  good  luck.  Bill.  We  all  wish  you 
the  best  of  everything. 

EVELYN  WESTBROOK  has  been  absent 
several  days  lately  as  her  husband  is  quite 
ill,  and  she  is  playing  nurse-maid.  Be  good 
to  him  Evelyn  and  get  him  back  to  health, 
so  you  both  can  return  to  work.  We  miss 
you  more  than  you'll  ever  know. 

I   WAR    BOWMl  l>.r»...t.l 

Notes  From 



0.  c 

.  Hudson 

KENNETH  SHEHI,  popular  leadman  of  In- 
spection Department,  Third  Shift  is  leaving 
for  Los  Angeles  to  re-enter  ministry  college. 
Kenny  has  to  his  credit  at  Ryan  Aeronautical 
Company  a  perfect  three  year  attendance 
record  without  missing  a  day  (except  Sunday) 
and  was  given  a  party  Tuesday  evening  by 
his  fellow  workers.  He  was  presented  with  a 
gold  watch  chain  and  First  Shift  crew  gave 
him  a  large  box  of  chocolates.  Happy  sailing, 

Transfers  from  Manifold  Assembly,  Third 
Shift,  to  Manifold  Small  Parts  Department, 
same  shift  last  week  are  LEOLA  CAMPBELL, 
WILLIAM  JURNEY,  welders;  and  GLEN 
HUDSON,  clerk.  Additional  transfers  into 
Small  Parts  Dept.  are  ELIZABETH  SOLVANG 
from  Pre-jig  and  M.  T.  MURRAY  from  First 
Shift.  Newcomers  of  current  week,  BERTHA 
DAVIS  and  A.  R.  BERGSTROM.  We  welcome 
you  to  the  sunrise  service. 

BEN  MOORE,  dispatcher,  is  in  San  Fran- 
cisco visiting  his  brother,  a  patient  in  a 
hospital,  just  returned  from  the  Pacific  war 
zone   where   he   was  wounded   in   action. 

C.  W.  HUNT  has  been  made  leadman  in 
Small  Parts  Department.  Congratulations  on 
your  good  work,   big  boy. 

We  have  heard  a  lot  about  Pouge.  Well, 
the  event  has  arrived  and  LOTTIE  RUSSELL'S 
household  is  having  a  lot  of  fun  finding 
names  for  the  puppies.  Speaking  of  pets,  we 
learn  that  DYKE  WARREN,  third  shift  poul- 
try fancier,  has  an  oriental  blue  peahen 
which  has  distinguished  herself  by  laying 
some  sixty  eggs  this  summer.  Sounds  like 
Dyke  eats  a  lot  of  angel  food  cake. 

Drophammer  Department,  third  shift, 
misses  the  smiling  face  of  PAULINE  LOVl 
who  is  recuperating  nicely  at  the  Mercy  Hos- 
pital. A  speedy  recovery  is  our  wish  to  you, 

Why  is  BOB  REVILEE  of  Mechanical 
Maintenance  so  happy  these  days?  Is  it  be- 
cause he  is  learning  to  say  "now  smile, 
please"  when  he  operates  that  big  shiny 

We  surely  miss  the  "ole  familiar  faces" 
shifting  to  Manifold  Department.  MABEL 
LIGNOSKY.  And  too,  that  other  friendly 
bunch  going  on  Second  Shift — GEORGE 
CHRISTIAN  and  D.  R.  BEMET,  leadmen:  and 
the  following  crew,  RALPH  GEIST,  (your 
Flying  Reporter  for  the  past  year  and  just 
returned  home  from  a  fine  trip  to  Kansas  to 
see  his  mother)  JEWELL  ASHTON,  JUNE 
CAMPBELL  and  FRED  LETCHER.  Drop  in 
and    "see   us  some   time"   youalls. 

Haven't  seen  the  sign  "do  your  Christmas 
shopping  early" — so  let's  actually  get  along 
early  this  season  and  do  it. 

—  18  — 

Inspection  Notes 

by   Bill   Rossi 



I  s 


CRIB  3  . 

Here  is  a  letter  received  by  the  daughter 
of  HELEN   LYNN   from  Helen's  son,  who  is 
a   Lieutenant   in   the  Army  Air  Corps  some- 
where in  England: 
Dear  Jody — 

They've  got  a  good  deal  for  us,  a  place  to 
sleep,  and  I'm  not  hungry — except  for  food, 
and  then  only  three  times  a  day.  We've  got 
a  good  place  to  live  too,  I  mean,  what  the 
heck,   lots  of  people  are  without  roofs. 

I  love  the  B-24,  but  sometimes  I  wonder 
if  it  will  ever  replace  the  airplane.  Then 
flying — Boy,  do  I  like  that.  I  mean  just 
'cause  they  take  me  to  the  airplane  in  a 
straight  jacket,  yes,  we  are  the  only  crew 
with  handcuffs  for  the  Navigator. 

If  you  have  any  extra  clubs,  send  them 
along,  I  need  something  to  beat  these  darn 
women  off.  Yes,  that  same  old  irrestible 
charm.    Abie,  Abie,  turn  on  the  green   lite. 

But  here's  to  us — you  and  I — good  people 
are  really  scarce. 

Wish    I    could   tell   you   how   really   lonely 
and  blue   I   am.     But  actually.    Well   take   it 
easy  and  write  the  "Great  Lynn." 


Just  a  sample  of  what  the  boys  so  far  from 
home  think  about.  They  can  still  joke  in  the 
thick  of  it  all. 

We'd  like  to  extend  a  warm  welcome  to 
JERRY  DEARMIN,  who  comes  to  San  Diego 
from  Los  Angeles,  and  JIM  ALVERSON  from 
Manifold  Dispatching.  He's  a  native  Califor- 
nian — one  of  the  few  I've  met. 

The  quotation  on  CHARLIE  FRANZ'S 
blackboard  reminds  me  of  one  I  read  some 
place  else  one  time  and  have  never  forgotten. 
"A  man  who  knows  not,  and  knows  not  that 
he  knows  not,  is  lost;  But  a  man  who  knows 
not,  and  knows  that  he  knows  not,  will  go  a 
long  way — Follow  that  man." 
CRIB  4 
Did  you  know — 

That  MR.  and  MRS.  WILLIAM  J.  ROSSI 
announced  the  arrival   of  a   baby  daughter? 

That  MRS.  LOUISE  MILLER  was  given  a 
farewell  dinner  and  a  beautiful  gift  at  the 
San  Diego  Hotel  by  the  girls  of  Crib  No.  4? 

the  gold  dust  twins,  look  very  forlorn  lately. 
Could  it  be  because  they  are  not  working 
side  by  side   now? 

That  BOB  SUTTON  is  now  dividing  his 
time   between  FF  and  C-47  alignment  jigs? 

That  IDA  THURNELL  just  "sorta"  misses 
that  daughter  of  hers? 

That  MARGIE  OWEN  has  been  seen  lately 
with  a  handsome  sailor  boy? 

That  JENNIE  EPPERLY  is  one  of  those 
people  always  ready  to  speak  of  fine  things? 

That  LENNIE  CHESTNUT  never  seems  to 
run  out  of  laughter? 

That  E.  F.  TAZELAAR  has  certainly  im- 
pressed his  associates  in  Crib  No.  4  with  his 
rapid  grasp  of  inspection  intricacies? 

That  FRANK  MEMORY  is  coming  back 
to  the   first   shift? 

That  SUSAN  ROWAN,  although  deluged 
with  male  attention,  still  thinks  it's  fun  to 
keep  them  all  guessing? 

That  MERT  FULLER  is  playing  a  better 
game  of  golf? 

That  D.  J.  DONNELLY  is  back,  bigger  and 
better,  after  a  well-deserved  vacation? 

Few  men  have  ever  had  such  a  tribute  from  American  wor  workers  as  was  given  to 
test  pilot  Bob  Kerlinger  on  the  day  after  his  death.  This  picture  shows  a  portion  of  the 
huge,  silent  crowd  of  Ryan  workers  who  gathered  in  the  factory  yard  between  shifts 
to  hear  brief  memorial  talks  by  Vice  President  Earl  D.  Prudden  and  Lt.  Comdr.  R.  O. 
Deitzer.  Also  present  on  the  speakers'  stand  were  T.  Claude  Ryan,  Vice  President 
Eddie  Molloy  and  Chief  Engineer  Ben   Salmon. 

CRIB  5 

We  were  all  glad  to  see  our  leadman, 
ROD  RAILSBACK  come  back  to  work  after 
a  few  days  illness  and  we  refer  to  that  old 
saying,  "You  can't  keep  a  good  man  down." 

The  housecleaning  bug  bit  LARRY  AN- 
DERSON the  other  day  and  the  result  was 
our  tables  got  a  coat  of  lacquer  and  became 
bright  and  shining. 

Let's  hope  we  don't  have  some  of  that 
unusual  weather  California  is  noted  for  that 
might  nip  MR.  GRIMES'  prize  tomato  vine. 

If  you  see  MARY  ANN  FORMES  counting 
her  money,  don't  be  mislead.  She's  counting 
for  that  long  looked  for  furlough  she  and  her 
hubby   are    planning    on    next    month. 

We  welcome  "LITTLE"  MARION  BOLES, 
Navy  Inspector  in  our  crib. 

ANN  ANYEART  is  beginning  to  know 
what  trouble  is.  She's  purchased  herself  a 

IRENE  JAENGER  has  received  her  one- 
year  pin.    Congratulations,  Irene. 

KAY  TRUAX  displayed  some  pictures  that 
she'd  just  had  made  of  her  adorable  little 

Ryan  EmployBES  Bach 
Ular  Chest  Campaign 
To  Tune  of  $21,500 

Under  the  capable  supervision  of  W. 
Frank  Persons,  who  acted  as  Chairman  of 
the  1944  War  Chest  Drive  at  Ryan,  o  well- 
rounded  campaign  was  planned  which  re- 
ceived the  hearty  endorsement  of  Ryan  em- 
ployees whose  contributions  totaled  $21 ,500. 

The  helping  hand  offered  by  the  350 
solicitors,  voluntarily  undertaking  their  shore 
of  work  in  the  1944  campaign,  played  the 
greater  part  in  the  success  of  this  campaign. 

The  over-all  success  of  the  campaign 
naturally  was  due  to  the  generous  contribu- 
tions by  many  individual  Ryan  employees, 
but  a  large  share  of  the  credit  should  go  to 
the  members  of  the  War  Chest  Committee: 
William  Brotherton,  Arless  Butler,  Robert 
Codding,  Arthur  Coltrain,  Fred  Dunn,  Charles 
Greenwood,  Joseph  Marchbanks,  Jesse  Mar- 
tin, Ray  Morkowski,  Garrick  O'Bryon,  Harry 
Siegmund,  Paul  Tedford,  William  Wagner 
and  George  Woodard. 

19  — 

Shipping  Notes 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

MOTTO:  On  spirit  we  thrive  in  Shop  45! 

The  other  day  we  took  a  survey  of  the 
states  our  members  (omitting  the  Inspection 
personnel)  originally  came  from,  and  believe 
it  or  not  the  results  brought  about  some  in- 
teresting geographical  kinships.  Out  of 
thirty-six  people  there  were  seventeen  states, 
England  and  Canada  represented.  Texas  ran 
highest  and  Iowa,  Missouri,  Nebraska,  and 
Wisconsin  tied  for  second.  You  all  know 
what  a  novelty  it  is  to  discover  a  native  Cal- 
ifornian  around  here;  well,  we  boast  of  hav- 
ing two.  JIM  WILFLEY  and  JOYCE  FRAT- 
SCKE  may  take  a   bow! 

Among  the  newly  arrived  three  is  our  cute 
lil'  Texan  MAXINE  PARKER.  It's  inspiring 
to  see  how  her  eyes  light  up  when  she  speaks 
of  her  home  state.  The  other  two  are 
PIE (who's  turning  the  tables  and  following 
in  his  son's  footsteps!)  ART  GILLESPIE 
worked  here  during  his  summer  vacation 
from  school.  Nothing  like  keeping  it  in  the 
family!  We'll  have  to  admit  that  there's 
something  very  pleasing  about  being  a  Ryan- 

Hold  on!  Two  lovely  (in  all  sense  of  the 
word)  young  ladies  just  arrived,  which  makes 
it  five  newcomers.  They  are  MISS  EVA  SEL- 
MAN  (blonde)  and  MISS  GLORIA  LOCKE 
(brunette).  Eva  is  from  Texas,  and  Gloria 
hails  from  Missouri.  Welcome  girls!  We  feel 
fortunate  in  adding  you  to  our  list  of  mem- 

Another    new    twist — Who    possesses? 

1.  A  truly  delightful  sense  of  humor' 

2.  An  art  for  dry  witticisms?  L.  E. 

3.  Beautiful,  expressive  eyes?  ERNIE 

4.  A  knack  for  holding  pencils  behind 
his  ear?    JACK  LATTMAN. 

5.  A  sweet  personality  and  an  ever-help- 
ful attitude?   EDNA  TAYLOR. 

6.  Gene  Kelley  brown  eyes  and  a  strength 
surpassing  many?  CHARLIE  BERNARD.  (Oh! 
not  to  mention  his  ultra-modern  taste  for 
gorjus'  red,   white,  and  blue  ties!) 

7.  The  ability  to  do  a  dozen  things  at 
once  and  do  them  surprisingly  well'  BESS 

8.  The  rare  qualities  of  speed  and  ac- 
curacy combined,  and  is  "busy  as  a  bee"  all 
day  long?    VIC  ROBINSON. 

9.  A  quiet  proud  air?    Our  feline  mascot. 

Basketball  news  will  soon  be  in  the  lime- 
light. Athletes  CHARLES  PETTY  and  AL 
DOSHIER  eagerly  joined  one  of  the  Ryan 
teams  and  their  overwhelming  enthusiasm 
on  the  first  night  of  practice  was  so  great 
they  nearly  outdid  themselves!  Take  it  easy 

DOROTHY  LOCKHART  was  greatly  sur- 
prised at  noon  on  the  day  of  her  birthday 
when  ELEANOR  DUCHENE  came  dashing 
madly  up  to  her  in  the  Cafeteria  Plaza!  It 
seems  a  number  of  her  friends  had  prepared 
a   lovely  lunch  with  two  birthday  cakes  and 

all  the  trimmings  in  a  hidden  spot  outside  by 
the  Shipping  room  and  it  had  escaped  their 
notice  when  she  left  to  eat  lunch.  Sur- 
rounded by  boxes  and  cases  the  celebrity  of 
the  noon  period  and  her  friends  enjoyed 
a  "quicky"  (that's  a  half-hour  birthday  party 
in  a  War  Plant)  in  an  atmosphere  of  silence 
due  to  consciencious  attempts  to  appease 
their  hunger  and  taste.  She  was  given  a 
beautiful  chartreuse  sweater  and  her  appre- 
ciative reaction  did  our  hearts  good.  Umm! 
Birthday  celebrations  should  occur  more 

Here  is  the  Swing  Shift  news  turned  in  by 

Shipping  gang  remembered  LOIS  AR- 
LICHS'  birthday  by  giving  her  a  dainty 
yellow  gold  lapel  pin  with  two  blue  settings. 
Blonde,   vivacious   Lois   was   really   beaming! 

To  keep  their  "girlish  figures"  or  to  cut 
down  on  gasoline,  hasn't  yet  been  deter- 
mined, but  ESTHER  CRAWFORD  and  RO- 
BERTA CULBREATH,  shipping  clerks,  both 
are  the  proud  owners  of  brand  new  red 

A  friendly  fellow  and  a  good  worker  is 
MR.  GRASSE,  recently  transferred  from  the 
Drop  Hammer  Department.     WELCOME! 

That  gay  and  cheerful  fellow  RAY  AN- 
TRIM also  celebrated  his  birthday  and  can 
MRS.    R.   TAYLOR   bake   the   cakes! 

Maybe  you  didn't  know  it  but  we  have  a 
Burns  and  Allan  team  on  2nd  Shift!  GRAYCE 
BURNS,  Shipping  Inspector,  and  LARRY 
ALLAN,  Inspector  for  the  Navy.  Coinci- 
dence,  huh? 

Back  again!  Now,  this  week's  pat-on-the- 
back  goes  to  everyone  who  realizes  the  im- 
portance of  their  job  in  aiding  each  G.  I., 
Marine,  or  Gob!  And  also  to  those  indivi- 
duals who  subconsciously  have  the  motto  of 
"Good,  better,  best,  never  let  is  rest,  till  the 
good  is  better,  and  the  better  BEST! 
A  bundle  of  thought — 

A  good  deed  is  never  lost.  He  who  sows 
courtesy,  reaps  friendship,  and  he  who  plants 
kindness,  gathers  love. 

You'd  be  very  welcome  indeed,  if  you 
would  drop  by  to  see  J.  R.  HOLMES  who 
is  living  in  Apartment  E  at  1331  Union  St. 
He's  been  ill  for  about  two  months  with 
much  pain  and  discomfort  from  the  abscesses 
on  his  neck. 

Or  you  might  send  a  convalescent  card 
to  EGGY  LEACH'S  wife.  She  has  been  quite 
ill  for  some  time,  and  her  poor  health  has 
been  a  great  worry  to  him.  A  friend  of 
Eggy's  who  knew  and  worked  with  him  for 
years  in  Ohio,  described  him  as  looking  just 
like  the  "Toledo  boy  he  is — and  one  who 
knows  his  onions,  too" 

Perhaps  you  could  sit  down  for  a  few 
minutes  and  write  a  letter  to  BARBARA 
ROGERS  who  went  to  her  mother's  home  in 
Colorado.  Barbara  was  well-liked  by  every- 
one, and  we  are  all  very  much  concerned  by 
her  illness.  We  hope  that  she  may  rest  and 
recover  her  health  without  that  operation 
her  physicians  advised,  and  that  she'll  come 
back   to   us   then.     Barbara's   address    is   221 

—  20  — 

E.  Arvada,  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado. 

Or  you  could  write  one  of  our  Machine 
Shop  men  in  the  service.  How  about  JIM 
HUMPHREY  who  was  formerly  leadman  over 
the  second  shift  turret  lathes?  His  recent 
visit  at  the  shop  was  a  nice  surprise 
to  all  of  his  friends.  His  address  is: 
J.  S.  Humphrey,  MM3/c,  M.  Div.  U.  S.  S. 
Munda  CVE  -  I  04,  Care  of  Fleet  Post  Office, 
San  Francisco.  Jim's  wife,  Ruth,  is  doing  her 
energetic  part  toward  the  war  effort  at  Ryan, 
now  that  he  is  in  the  Navy. 

When  the  California  sunshine  is  pattering 
on  the  roof  and  spilling  over  the  eaves  you 
could  worry  yourself  gray  about  whether 
DIANE  MILES  is  to  have  a  little  brother  or 
a  little  sister.  Will  the  new  one  love  play- 
ing in  water  with  her,  or  will  he  (or  she)  want 
to  join  Diane  in  her  serious  study  and  obser- 
vation of  bugs  and  beetles  and  grasshoppers? 

SLIM  McDowell  wants  to  express  his 
thanks  to  all  the  gang  of  the  Machine  Shop 
for  what  they  contributed  when  he  was  sick. 
Slim  was  so  overwhelmed  he  "felt  like  a 
big  sap."  Ill  and  under  medical  treatment 
for  two  and  a  half  months,  he  now  feels 
"200  percent  better"  than  when  he  left, 
and  he's  "eating  like  a  horse."  Slim  is  on 
our  third  shift  now  along  with  CONRAD 

GLENN  STRICKLAND  is  currently  known 
as  "Pappy."  The  reason  for  his  new  name 
was  born  on  October  5,  weighed  eight  and 
one-half  pounds,  and  is  named  FRANK  ROSS 
STRICKLAND.  Young  Frank  is  a  good  baby 
and  spends  his  whole  time  eating  and  sleep- 
ing. In  another  year,  however,  he'll  probably 
want  to  indulge  in  his  father's  hobbies — 
hunting  and  fishing. 

Congratulations  to  LOUIS  GRAENING  on 
the  splendid  real  estate  deal  he  recently 
made.  Buying  and  selling  houses  can  be 
profitable   in   wartime   San   Diego. 

Have  you  ever  noticed  the  novel  watch- 
chain  charm  worn  by  EDDIE  MAYBERRY? 
It  is  a  four-leaf  clover  pressed  between  two 
round  pieces  of  lucite.  The  clover  is  from 
Panama,  and  is  from  a  carefully  developed 
bed  of  four-leaf  clovers,  the  only  known  case 
in  which  the  lucky  leaves  have  been  culti- 
vated successfully  with  this  characteristic. 

Did  you  know  that  FRED  HAWORTH  was 
a  member  of  the  famous  Rainbow  Division 
in  World  War  One?  And  that  although 
gassed  and  a  participant  in  some  of  the  most 
severe  battles,  he  was  one  of  the  fortunate 
few  in  his  company  who  returned  without 
serious   injury? 

So  many  new  people  have  joined  the 
Machine  Shop  crew  that  there  will  not  be 
space  here  to  welcome  each  one  separately. 
But  to  all  the  following  is  extended  welcome: 

On  the  second  shift  BUD  DILLON  and 
HAROLD  GLENDENNING  quickly  and  thor- 
oughly convassed  the  shop  for  the  War  Chest 
Drive,  and  on  first  shift  BARNEY  HOL- 
BROOK  and  FRANK  PAGE  were  such  genial 
workers  that  few  could  resist  their  appeals. 
They  deserve  a  rousing  cheer,  and  we  want 
to  thank  these  four  for  their  energetic  and 
selfless    service    in    such    a    deserving    cause. 

The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

More  Five-Ycar  Pins  Given 

Is  it  true  that  "BUTCH"  ORTIZ  and 
"FRENCHY"  FOUSHEE  are  cake-eaters?  If 
so,  cut  me  a  slice!  .  .  .  That  curly  haired 
NAVY  INSPECTOR  came  along  talking  to 
himself  the  other  night.  Now  just  what  has 
to  happen  to  make  one  reach  that  stage? 
.  .  .  "PAT"  PATTERSON,  drop  hammer 
authority,  has  doctor's  orders  for  a  tonsilec- 
tomy  .  .  .  This  department  takes  it's  hat 
off  to  BOB  HARRIS'  new  girl,  Friday,  DIANE 
SMITH.  An  orchid  to  the  lady  who  knows 
when  to  give  an  orchid!  If  she  can  manage 
the  department's  clerical  work  like  she 
knows  human  nature,  she'll  get  along,  and 
so  will  Department  14  .  .  .  Though  he 
denies  their  ownership,  CARL  MELVIN,  arc 
welder,  smiles  as  if  he  likes  them!  What? 
Them  thar  pin-up  gals  in  his  booth.  Which 
sets  me  to  wondering,  do  you  suppose  those 
models  are  anti-allergic  to  colds?  .  .  .  Want- 
ed, by  HELEN  COTTON:  address  of  a  good 
beauty  shop  for  permanents  .  .  .  MARJORIE 
PENTICO  has  a  grand  sense  of  humor.  The 
other  day  she  announced  her  right  for  a  two- 
week  attendance  award  .  .  .  Both  shifts  are 
missing  PEARL  MEEK,  who  quit  recently, 
but  if  you  see  ROY  MEEK  looking  especially 
happy  it's  because  of  the  increase  in  POP- 
ulation  due  in  the  early  spring.  Congratula- 
tions! .  .  .  Also  our  congratulations  to  the 
BOB  KRAUSES  who  recently  celebrated  their 
4th  wedding  anniversary  .  .  .  Our  popular 
"BECKY"  has  gone  on  sick  leave.  We're 
going  to  miss  that  gal  .  .  .  Don't  ever  ask 
"Hap"  to  do  something  for  you  unless  you 
write  it  down!  He  claims  he  has  a  (ah!  ah!) 
of  a  memory  ...  A  million  dollar  face  going 
around  under  the  name  of  "PENNY"!  .  .  . 
Did  you  see  ex-leadman  RUSSELL  ECKARDT 
when  he  visited  the  plant  in  uniform?  Oh, 
for  a  Sinarta-swoon!!  .  .  .  Some  of  the  gang 
held  an  ice  cream  'n'  cake  period  to  cele- 
brate KITTY  DAVIS'S  birthday  a  short  time 
ago.  Kitty  was  radiant — also  maybe  the 
cablegram  from  England  helped!  ...  If  you 
should  see  any  poisonous  arrows  zipping 
through  the  air,  'tis  the  evil  eye  I  have  for 
those  blue  ribbon  and  badge  boys  who  hur- 
rahed this  column  into  birth,  and  now,  are 
causing  it  to  die  a  slow  death!  If  the  hats 
fit,  my  pets,  wear  them.  There's  a  cold  draft 
blowing  your  way. 


on   In   Days  Gone  By  Quiz 


Sam  Breder 


T.  Claude  Ryan 


Millard   Boyd 


Will  Vandermeer 


Earl  D.  Prudden 


Eddie  Oberbauer 


Bill  Wagner 


Fred  Thudium 


Bill   Immenschuh 


Leonard  Gore 

Bob   Bollinger  of  Manifold  Assembly  received  two  surprises  in  one  day.   His  five- 
pin  presented  by  Claude  Ryan  and  his  induction  notice  from  Uncle  Sam. 


Another  group  of  our  "We  Like  to  Work  at  Ryan"  club  members  are  presented  their 
five-year  pins  by  T.  Claude  Ryan,  president.  Left  to  right:  T.  L.  Reiminger,  Manifold 
Assembly;  Richard  Dewey,  Receiving;  John  H.  Schreiber,  Contract  Administration; 
Fred  Rosacker.  Engineering;  Sidney  Jacobson,  Tool  Room;  Claude  Ryan;  Gordon  F. 
Johns,  Manifold  Small  Parts;  Jacques  Westler,  Inspection  and  F.  M.  Page,  Machine 

—  21  — 

Hi,  again,  everyone.  To  you  first  shifters 
who  have  missed  seeing  MARGE  BEST 
around  the  past  couple  of  weeks,  let  me  say 
that  she  is  on  a  leave  of  absence.  We're 
sorry  that  Marge  was  called  home  to  Mon- 
tana by  illness  in  her  family.  However,  we 
had  a  card  from  her  and  all  is  well  now. 
Marge  will  be  back  again  by  the  time  you 
read  this,  we  hope.  And  as  for  you.  Marge, 
we  missed  you,  so  hurry  on  back. 

BILL  RUNNELS'  Punch  Press  group 
helped  AVIS  LAKER  celebrate  her  birthday 
on  October  3rd  at  coffee  time.  There  was 
coffee  and  a  luscious  cake  which  ETHYLE 
SZARAFINSKI'S  mother  baked  and  sent  in 
for  Avis.  Oh,  these  homemade  cakes  with 
custard  filling!  Yummy!  ETHYLE,  BILL, 
VERN  HUMPHREY  were  all  there  to  enjoy 
the  cake  and  wish  Avis  a  happy  birthday. 

WALTER  THORPE,  who  used  to  be  on 
second  shift  in  Department  3  before  he  went 
over  to  Experimental,  is  returning  to  Sheet 
Metal  Assembly,  but  Walt  will  be  on  the  day 
shift  this  time.  Welcome  back,  anyhow,  Mr. 

On  October  1  1th,  the  members  of  MAG- 
DICK'S  and  CURLY  STILLMAN'S  groups  got 
together  and  surprised  Mac  with  a  lovely 
birthday  cake  at  rest  period.  Many  more 
happy  birthdays,  Mac. 

JAMES  BONE  of  Department  2  is  ex- 
tremely happy  because  his  two  boys  are  home 
from  overseas.  George  landed  in  New  York 
and  Charles  in  San  Francisco,  so  Mr.  Bone 
is  accompanying  Charles  back  to  their  home 
in  Oklahoma  where  they  will   meet  George. 

It's  good  to  see  ANNA  GLACE  back  in 
Department  1 ;  she  left  some  time  ago,  but 
recently  returned  to  work  here  at  her  old 
job  on  the  Power  Shears.  Glad  to  have  you 
back,  Anna. 

JULIA  KIRKBRIDE  has  transferred  to  day 
Dispatching;  while  ETHEL  FARR  has  trans- 
ferred to  first  shift  in  Department  3,  and 
ENRIQUETA  PUENTE  has  gone  over  to  Wing 

After  an  extended  absence  for  hospitaliza- 
tion, ROYCE  KRANZ  has  returned  to  work 
in  Department  3.  In  Department  2.  LORA 
GRADY  have  returned  from  leaves  of  ab- 
sence. MRS.  WILLIAMS,  of  Department  3, 
came  back  from  her  vacation  and  said  that 
she  had  a  perfectly  grand  time  just  staying 
home  and  enjoying  her  home.  In  Cutting, 
JENNIE  HOYT  has  returned  from  her  leave. 

Speaking  of  Cutting  and  Routing,  I  hear 
that  they  had  quite  a  little  presentation  cere- 
mony up  there  the  other  night.  The  occa- 
sion was  MONA  GONZALEZ'  first  anniver- 
sary at  Ryan.  Aided  and  abetted  with  a  fan- 
presented  Mona  with  her  one-year  pin,  quite 
to  Mona's  obvious  enjoyment.  We  certainly 
don't  blame  you  for  being  proud  of  that  pin, 
Mona.  you  keep  up  the  good  work. 

HELEN  STRANGE  received  another  phone 
call  from  her  husband  and  is  now  in  San 
Francisco  spending  her  leave  with  him.  She 
writes  that  she   is  having  a   wonderful   time. 

Ask  MARGIE  GROVE  how  embarrassing  it 
is  to  be  swaggering  down  the  aisle  and  sud- 
denly discover  that  MR.  KELLY  is  walking 
along  right  behind  you. 

MAX  GRIMES  has  been  crowing  about  the 
wonderful  bowling  score  he  made  the  other 
day.  Seems  as  how  he's  been  trying  to  show 
VERN  HUMPHREY  that  he  really  could 
bowl  and  on  the  day  he  bowled  209,  Vern 
failed  to  show  up  at  the  bowling  alley.  Now, 
Max  doesn't  know  just  how  he's  going  to 
make  that  score  again. 

A  very  black  cat  with  very  green  eyes  has 
apparently  adopted  our  new  Sheet  Metal 
Office.  Anyway,  he  spends  a  lot  of  time  up 
here,  and  I,  for  one,  hope  he  sticks  around, 
because  the  other  night  there  was  an  awful 
old  rat — well,  maybe  it  was  a  mouse — wand- 
ering around  up  here.  And  I  am  speaking  of 
the  four-legged  kind,  by  the  way. 

DOYLE  CONLAY,  a  Coast  Guardsman  In 
Dept.  2,  has  an  eighteen-day  leave  coming 
up.  When  asked  where  he  was  going  on  his 
leave,  he  answered,  "Back  to  Louisiana!" 
And  brother,  the  way  he  said  "Louisiana," 
you  didn't  have  to  ask  where  home  is.  Well, 
Doyle,  you  go  right  on  back  to  Louisiana  and 
have  yourself  a   right   nice   leave. 

FRIEDA  ASMUS  was  pleasantly  surprised 
on  her  birthday,  October  21,  by  a  handker- 
chief shower.  MARGIE  GROVE,  ALBERTA 
helped  make  it  one  of  Frieda's  nicest  birth- 
days. And  I  know  that  all  of  us  wish  Frieda 
many  more  happy  birthdays. 

That's  all  for  now,  and  I'll  be  seeing  you 


Manifold  Small  Parts 

by  Diane  Smith 

This  is  the  first  time  I  ever  inherited  a 
column.  Strange  are  the  ways  of  the  world 
and  varied  are  the  things  that  can  happen  to 
a  person  in  wartime.  Hope  everyone  realizes 
what  I'm  up  against  in  trying  to  do  as  well 
as  MARIANE  LIGHTFOOT  has  by  this 
column  for  so  long.  MARIANE  and  husband 
FRANK  of  Department  15  took  off  for 
Georgia  and  points  south  where  their  "you- 
alls  will  be  as  welcome,  I'm  sure,  as  they 
were  here.  It  was  with  genuine  regret  that 
their  many,  many  friends  said  good  bye. 
Hating  to  see  her  go  as  we  all  did,  we  threw 
one  of  those  Ryan  farewell  parties  for  her 
Saturday  night.  The  surprises  kept  popping 
up  all  evening,  with  flowers  at  four  o'clock, 
the  presentation  of  some  very  nice  stream- 
lined luggage  at  six,  and  at  ten-thirty  we 
rolled  an  ice  cream  wagon  in,  had  a  table 
set  up  at  one  end  of  the  department  with 
decorations  and  everything.  Nearly  all  of  our 
two  hundred  people  were  on  hand  for  ice- 
cream and  cake.  Poor  MARIANE  was  so 
overcome  by  it  all  that  it  was  indeed  with 
shaking  knees  and  a  lump  in  her  throat 
that  she  managed  to  get  up  on  a  chair  in 
order  to  see  everyone  and  say  "thank  you." 
Good  ol'  BOB  HARRIS,  our  super  foreman 
if  there  ever  was  one,  helped  her  up  and 
down  and  practically  had  to  hang  onto  her 
to  keep  the  gal   from  toppling  out  of  sheer 

—  22  — 

excitement.  We'll  certainly  miss  seeing  those 
beautiful  red  tresses  bobbing  about  the  plant 
as  MARIANE  went  about  her  duties. 

Was  convinced  from  the  start  that  I'd 
never  be  able  to  sort  people  out  and  connect 
them  with  their  right  names.  The  depart- 
ment roster  boasts  over  two  hundred  names, 
but  gradually,  like  a  fog  lifting  out  of  a 
hollow  in  the  road  so  that  the  highway  is 
suddenly  clear  before  you,  I'm  actually  able 
to  pick  out  a  person  in  passing  and  know 
who's  who.  What  a  very  nice  selection  of 
people  there  is.  For  instance,  there's  an  aw- 
fully cute  welder  named  "DUTCH"  who  isn't 
much  bigger  than  a  minute,  who  gave  the 
hanky-luncheon  shower  for  La  Lightfoot  a 
few  days  before  we  said  our  last  goodbyes; 
the  MOCKS,  Mr.  and  Mrs.,  are  a  grand 
couple  who  are  taking  a  leave  of  absence 
now  since  Mr.  Mock  is  in  ill  health.  I  miss 
Mr.  Mock's  kindly  smile  and  witty  humor, 
and  seeing  Mrs.  Mock,  busier  than  busy, 
glancing  up  for  a  wink  or  a  smile.  PEARL 
BROWN,  our  one  and  only  Leadwoman  was 
pleasantly  surprised  Sunday  afternoon  when 
some  people  from  Honolulu  dropped  in 
suddenly  for  a  visit.  PEARL  is  not  only  one 
of  the  better  dressed  Leadwomen  in  the 
plant,  but  has  those  luscious  brown  eyes  that 
sparkle  when  she  speaks  to  you.  Then  there's 
Leadman  PETERSON,  who  always  has  a  smile 
for  everyone,  just  back  from  a  week's  vaca- 
tion and  sporting  an  honest-to-goodness  sun- 
burn. Hmm!  In  October,  too!  HELEN  AN- 
DERSON, the  little  brunette  gal  who  is  usual- 
ly pretty  quiet,  was  really  in  a  dither  when 
she  received  word  that  she  was  to  meet  her 
husband  at  the  gate  IMMEDIATELY.  Never 
saw  anyone  check  out  so  fast  in  my  life.  As 
who  wouldn't  when  the  service  mostly  sends 
husbands  away  and  not  home.  RUSTY 
SCHAEFER,  leadman  in  1410,  showed  up  a 
few  nights  looking  worried,  but  since  his 
tiny  daughter,  Diane  is  again  robust,  he 
seems  his  old  happy  self.  Incidentally,  Diane 
is  a  most  beautiful  chee-ild  and  that  snap  of 
his  wife  does  RUSTY  credit  too.  He'll  whip 
quite  a  few  pictures  out  of  his  billfold  on  the 
least  provocation,  and  no  wonder!  KATH- 
ERINE  LINAM  is  back  after  her  recent  ill- 
ness, and  we're  glad  that  she's  looking  so 
well  again.  That  BOB  HARRIS  can  certainly 
think  up  some  funny  I.D.C.'s  The  one  he  re- 
cently had  displayed  on  the  bulletin  board  just 
took  the  all-time  high,  but  we  mustn't  say 
anymore  about  it.  Glad  that  L.  PIPER  decided 
to  keep  on  working  part  time.  He's  a  nice 
lad.  Was  surprised  to  learn  that  COOK  has 
two  lovely  twin  daughters,  age  five  years  or 
so,  and  it's  about  time  he  showed  some  pic- 
tures of  them.  But  then  COOK  is  usually  In 
a  dither  about  something  and  perhaps  just 
hasn't  had  the  time.  His  sport  shirts  are  the 
envy  of  every  service  man  in  the  department. 
COOK'S  main  worry  now  is  how  he  can  make 
a  million  dollars  in  some  legitimate  "racket." 
Only  trouble  is,  he  can't  seem  to  think  of 
anything  legitimate.  LES  is  willing  to  share 
dividends.  Ever  notice  what  a  graceful  walk 
MARY  MACRAE  has?  She  just  seems  to 
float!  H.  O.  BROWN  is  sporting  some  Italian 
and  Japanese  money  sent  to  him  by  his 
brothers  in  service  overseas.  Love  to  stop  for 
a  second's  chat  with  EDITH  POTTER  and 
MARY  ANDERSON,  two  very  jolly  people. 
Glad  to  welcome  RUTH  STANLEY  from  the 
third  shift  into  the  department. 

Golly,  didn't  realize  I  knew  that  many 
people.  But  just  goes  to  show  you,  er  sum- 
pin!  Now  that  I'm  started,  can't  seem  to 
stop.  And  I  must.  If  this  gets  into  print 
I'm  afraid  that  there'll  be  more  from  OUT 

Mrs.  Charles  Walker  of  the  Engineering  Library  inquires  of  Colonel  Borager  after  his 
stirring  talk  here  on  Columbus  Day  if  he  by  ony  chance  knew  her  nephew  who  landed 
on  the  beaches  of  Saipan  at  the  same  time  as  Colonel  Borager.  Mrs.  Walker's  nephew 
is  a   Navy  doctor  attached   to  the   Marines. 

Tooling  Rumors 

by   lone  and   Kay 

1   ,^*^-^ 

We  welcome  to  our  department  a  few 
new  workers  this  month.  Their  names  are: 
W.  MUELLER,  G.  SEAY,  G.  WHEELER,  and 
J.  VICKERS.  We're  very  glad  to  have  all  of 
them  here  in  the  Tool  Room  and  I  hope  they 
will    enjoy   working    with    us. 

Although  we  have  had  a  few  new  em- 
ployees come  into  our  department,  we've  also 
had  a  few  leave  us.  Those  who  have  ter- 
minated are:  G.  GLAZE,  F.  HOFFERBER,  H. 
VELLO,  L.  MARTIN,  and  A.  COLE.  We'll 
miss  each  and  everyone  of  them  and  every- 
one is  wishing  all  of  them  the  best  of  luck. 

We  were  wondering  yesterday  why  it  was 
so  terribly  quiet  around  here.  We  knew  we 
were  missing  someone's  great  big  smile  and 
his  "hello  dere"  every  morning.  It  finally 
dawned  on  us  that  our  little  "Chief"  is  on 
a  leave  of  absence.    R.  THOMAS,  W.  WEST- 

BROOK,  J.  SWARTZ,  and  D.  PIPER  have 
also  left  us  for  a  few  weeks. 

M.  SCHWERIN,  H.  VAN  2ANDT,  and  F. 
SCHMITZ  had  their  well  earned  vacation  a 
few  weeks  ago  and  from  what  I  hear  they 
really  enjoyed  themselves. 

SON have  been  transferred  to  the  Balboa  Park 
School  where  they  are  attending  a  Jig  Build- 
ing Class.  We  also  welcome  G.  HOLMES,  who 
has  been  transferred  from  the  second  to  the 
first  shift. 

ICO WAY,"  is  the  tune  that  P.  SANDOVAL 
and  H.  CAMP  usually  sing.  I  wonder  why? 
Could    it   be   that   they   really    like   the   song. 

Say,  who  are  the  two  little  cuties — rather 
romeos — that  ROSITA  gives  part  of  her 
lunch  to  every  morning  at  about  9:30?  Could 
it  be  that  these  two  little  sailors  are  really 
hungry?  Maybe  they  just  like  to  have  some- 
thing   to   eat    with    their    morning    coffee. 

BILLIE  PEARSON  has  been  quite  sick  the 
past  few  days.    We  all  miss  her  an  awful  lot 

—  23  — 

and  we  hope  she  gets  well  soon  so  she  can 
be  back  with  us.  BUELAH  SAUER  also  had 
an  operation  for  appendicitis  last  week.  We 
hear  she  is  doing  fine  and  that  she  will  re- 
turn to  work  soon.  Don't  worry  kids,  we're 
trying  to  keep  your  records  straight. 

BETTY,  MILDRED,  and  lONE  are  now 
known  as  the  "THREE  MUSKETEERS."  Some 
of  you  probably  already  know  why,  but  for 
the  benefit  of  those  who  don't — well — just 
look  how  hard  the  poor  'ittle  ole  gals  are 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assemblg 
Second  Shift 

by    Buzz   and    Shorty 

RALPH  GEIST,  C.  R.  CLAGGETT,  and  D. 
R.  BEMENT  of  the  third  shift  have  been 
transferred  to  second  shift.  We  are  very  glad 
to  have  you  fellows  but  we  wonder,  Ralph, 
where  you  have  your  derby  hat.  After  all, 
winter  is  almost  here  and  you  will  probably 
catch  cold.  Claggett,  better  known  as  Chuck, 
has  won  everyone  by  his  sunny  disposition. 
Bement,  in  other  words  Dewey,  Leadman 
from  third  shift  flits  hither  and  yon,  trying 
out  all  the  new  jigs.  He  works  as  if  he  en- 
joys it.  BUTCH  ORTIZ  has  seen  quite  a  few 
cakes  in  his  office.  But  imagine  his  surprise 
when  he  found  a  cake  on  his  desk.  All  his 
very  own  and  chocolate,  too. 

I'm  in  the  dog  house  as  I  forgot  to  men- 
tion anything  about  BILL  BICE  in  our  last 
issue.  That's  nothing  new  though.  As  I'm 
usually  in  the  dog  house.  I  bought  a  dog 
for  my  son  for  his  birthday.  Now  I'll  have 
to  build  a  dog  house  for  the  two  of  us.  But 
really  Bice,  I'm  sorry.  I'll  see  that  it  doesn't 
happen  again. 

I  hear  they  have  the  champion  tobacco 
chewers  in  C-54.  Anyone  want  to  contest 

We  have  missed  JOHN  MacARTHUR, 
who  has  been  very  ill  with  the  flu. 

There  has  been  quite  a  bit  of  howling 
going  around  RALPH  GEIST'S  jig.  So  WEST- 
MORELAND bought  him  a  dog.  Now  he  has 
the  dog  tied  to  his  jig,  doing  his  howling 
for  him. 

We  miss  ONITA  ENGLE,  Dispatcher  in 
Manifold.  She  quit  to  await  the  arrival  of 
an  heir.  The  dispatchers  and  manifold  as- 
sembly workers  went  together  and  surprised 
her  with  some  lovely  gifts,  cake  and  coffee 
at  a  farewell   party,   at    10:30   rest  period. 

Very  sorry  to  hear  HAZEL  JONES  is  ill. 
Hope  you  will  be  with  us  again  soon. 

HARRY  JAMES  has  been  out  with  the 
toothache.  They  can  really  cause  a  lot  of 
trouble,   even   headaches,   can't  they  James? 

EVANS  and  HALL  JONES  have  been 
transferred  to  C-54.     Hope  you  like  it  girls. 

FLORES,  you  want  to  be  careful  and  not 
stray  off  in  any  dark  corners  as  your  life  is 
in  danger.  I  heard  a  rumor  that  a  gal  is 
after  your  red   plaid   shirt. 

I'll  bet  WRIGHT  would  make  a  good 
switchboard  operator  the  way  he  pulls  those 
plugs.  First  the  jutterbug  then  the  grinder. 
The  trouble  is  he  is  short  of  sockets. 

We  missed  you  Friday,  JACK  COE.  Hope 
you  are  better. 

Digs  From  Jigs 

by  Art  and  Pete 

We  wish  to  welcome  the  new  employees 
who  have  been  added  to  our  group  re- 
A.   SANDABAL  and   DON   SYBIL. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  WILLIE  RITZEL  announce 
the  birth  of  o  fine  baby  girl.  They  have 
named  her  Kris.  Our  hearty  congratulations. 
Willie  says  this  is  already  cutting  in  on 
his  sleep. 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  CHAS.  L.  RICE  celebrated 
their  40th  wedding  anniversary  Sunday,  Oc- 
tober 29th.  In  order  to  help  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Rice  celebrate,  a  surprise  party  was  given 
them  Friday,  October  27th.  A  two-tier  cake 
was  prepared  which  was  decorated  with  white 
icing  and  rose  buds  beautifully  placed 
Ground  on  the  cake.  Inscribed  on  the  coke 
was  "40  years."  Attending  the  party  were: 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  HARRY  GRAHAM,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  BEN  ITILLEY,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  JOE  DE- 
BATE, Mr.  and  Mrs.  PETE  HAYWORTH, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  M.  F.  GILLES  and  BOBBY, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  ARTHUR  BEHM  and  EVELYN, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  H.  EGGERT,  Mr.  A.  FREE- 
MAN and  Mrs.  BESS.  Regrets  were  received 
from  Mr.  and  Mrs.  L.  E.  BROWN,  SR.,  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  A.  E.  TORGERSEN,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
F.  R.  TURNBAUGH,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  P. 
ERASER,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  WILLIE  RITZEL  and 
Mrs.  A.  FREEMAN.  We  all  wish  them  much 
happiness  and  many  more  years  of  love  and 

Another  wedding  anniversary  was  cele- 
brated on  October  1  5th  by  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
J.  C.  CHRISTENSON.  This  anniversary  was 
their  17th  year.  We  wish  them  many  more 
happy  years. 

C.  B.  FRASIER  has  been  advanced  from 
Tool  Inspection  Leadman  to  Assistant  Super- 
visor. BILL  RUSSELL  has  taken  Frasier's 
place  as  leadman.  Congratulations,  boys. 

Our  Bing  Crosby's  of  the  gang  fell  on  the 
shoulders  of  SAMMY  QULLO  and  CHUCK 
PURECE.  Some  crooners,  those  two. 

Our  clerk,  BILLIE  PEARSON,  is  confined 
to  the  hospital.  We  all  hope  her  illness  isn't 
too  serious  and  she  will   be   back  soon. 

Out  on  sick  leaves  for  one  week  are 

Have  you  seen  WHITEY  ERASER'S  car 
lately?  No  more  rides  home  in  the  rear  seat. 
The  fresh  air  taxi  has  been  cut  down  to  a 
single  seater. 

BILL  DANYLUK,  E.  J.  ROSS,  and  L.  E. 
BROWN,  JR.  hod  their  necks  snapped  the 
other  day  when  some  one  put  a  cable  on 
Brownie's  car  and  forgot  to  take  it  off. 
Seems  that  Brownie  was  in  a  hurry  to  get 
home,  like  most  of  us,  and  the  cable  was 
fastened  to  something  that  was  quite  solid 
and  in  the  fast  take  off  it  gave  a  hard  jerk 
and  the  Ford  stopped.  Ever  find  out  who 
did  it  Brownie? 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

It  seems  that  since  the  last  issue  of  the 
Flying  Reporter  that  part  of  Dept.  1  1  has 
been  changed  to  Dept.  22,  meaning.  Sur- 
faces. The  same  old  bunch  is  still  together 
plus  some  new  faces,  meaning  MARTHA 
sisters,  JUANITA  and  THEDA,  who  hail  from 
the  Smoky  Mountains  of  Tennessee. 

Would  like  to  welcome  our  new  inspector, 
BOB  DOYLE,  a  Marine.  It  is  nice  to  have 
CLYDE  "MAC"  McAFEE,  an  old  time  in- 
spector who  has  been  transferred  to  Dept. 
22.  It  is  good  to  have  all  of  you  new  people 
with  us  and  here  is  hoping  you  will  be  with 
us  a  long  time. 

BESSIE  ANGIUS  gets  back  from  spending 
a  week  with  her  husband.  Bill,  who  is  in  the 
Army.  GRACE  BURKE  takes  off  a  few  days 
to  visit  her  brother  who  is  up  north  and 
going  over  seas. 

Many  happy  returns  to  BETTY  JUSTUS, 
who  celebrated  her  twenty-second  birthday 
by  being  on  the  job  and  it  sure  did  our  hearts 
good  to  see  her  surprise  when  the  gang  pre- 

sented her  with  a  nice  blouse  and  cake  with 
candles  and  everything.  She  wants  to  grate- 
fully thank  you  all  from  her  heart  and  also 
LOUISE  HARRISON  who  was  sent  to  Balboa 
Park.  We  did  enjoy  that  candy  and  then 
feasted  our  eyes  on  that  pretty  corsage. 
Wouldn't  forget  to  wish  KATIE  MORRISON 
a  good  year  ahead.  Notice  she  is  very  proud 
of  her  one-year  pin. 

BRAD,  we  sure  missed  you  while  on  your 
vacation.  Hope  you  and  the  family  had  a 
fine  time. 

BLANCHE  STROTHER,  one  of  our  grand 
workers,  has  been  on  a  short  leave.  Don't  do 
that   too   often,    Blanche,    we   need   you    lots. 

Congrats  to  BETTY  BLAU,  we  all  wish 
you  endless  happiness  in  your  marriage.  Now 

JOE  MARRUFO  sure  has  a  good  singing 
voice.  You'll  hear  him  sometime  when  he 
is  not  chewing  his  tongue,   in  a  tight  pinch. 

SARAH  LAMB,  we  are  wondering  if  you 
feel  wings  sprouting  since  you  are  sailing 
over  head. 

We  are  glad  to  have  RUTH  SOUTHCOTT 
back.  She  feels  very  proud  to  be  able  to 
help  get  these  ships  out  as  she  has  a  son  out 
there  fighting  and  another  son  that  did  all 
he  could  and  fought  at  it  long  as  he  could. 
He  has  paid  the  supreme  sacrifice — his  life! 
We  are  proud  of  you  Ruth,  and  so  good  to 
see  you  back  at  Ryan. 

MARY  GLAZEBROOK  of  Dept.  22,  was 
twenty-four  and  she  received  a  nice  present 
and  a  cake,  thanks  to  SALLY  WILKERSON 
CONKLIN,  the  FLYING  Leadman  of  Final,  is 
pinch-hitting   in   Dept.    22   for  a  while.     Roy 

—  24  — 

has  been  on  his  vacation  for  a  week.  Seems 
he  flew  his  plane  over  from  Los  Angeles  to 
be  under  Arizona  skies.  He  flew  over  to 
Phoenix  and  had  a  fine  time.  Next  time 
you  fly  back  to  the  home  field,  get  in  before 
dark.  Fields  really  look  different  at  night 
even   in  Arizona. 

leave  us  to  go  to  third  shift.  We  will  miss 
you  greatly  from  swing.  Already  JANIE 
OLSON  and  "HAMIE"  FEARS  have  gone  to 
third.  To  all  of  you  we  wish  everything  good, 
and  that  third  will  be'  better  for  having  you 
with  them.    We  will  miss  you. 

"MA"  BROOKS  has  been  on  her  vacation. 
Even  though  she  had  a  nice  rest,  she  was 
glad  to  get  back  to  work  with  her  folks  in 
Fmal.  She  speaks  of  each  one  of  you  as  a 
part  of  her  family.  She  just  likes  you  girls 
and  boys  a   lot. 

Flashes  From  Fuselage 

by  Bettie  Murren 

This  issue  certainly  slipped  up  on  me — 
there  is  a  lot  happening  in  our  department 
as  well  as  all  over  the  plant  but  in  the  few 
moments  left  me  before  deadline,  I'll  see  if 
I   can   hit  the  high  spots. 

THELMA  BALDWIN  showed  me  a  clip- 
ping the  other  day  from  her  home  town 
paper.  She  was  quite  proud  but  this  is  the 
contents  of  the  article  and  I  certainly  be- 
lieve her  pride  is  justified;  "Master  Sgt. 
Kenneth  C.  Baldwin  of  Tulsa,  Okla.,  was 
awarded  the  Bronze  Star  Medal  for  Meritor- 
ious achievement  at  the  Air  Force  Depot 
where  he  is  stationed."  Sgt.  Baldwin  is  a 
shop  Foreman  and  has  invented  several  time- 
saving  devices.  Thelma  also  has  three  other 
brothers  in  the  service — one  in  the  Marine 
Corps,  one  in  the  Navy  and  the  other  an 
Air  Force  student  pilot. 

BETTIE  NEELY  practically  danced  out  of 
here  the  other  day.  Her  husband.  Bud  Neely, 
has  completed  his  35  missions  and  is  home 
on  a   30-day  furlough. 

We  have  six  new  Leadmen,  really  pre- 
paring for  that  stepped-up  program  you  were 
reading  about  in  the  paper.  Congratulations 

We  have  an  old  employee,  SYLVIA  CAM- 
ERON, coming  back.  She  was  here  about 
two  years  and  then  went  to  Washington. 
I  was  just  talking  to  her  and  she  said  Wash- 
ington  is  fine,   but  she  got  homesick. 

CAROL  CARMICHAEL  sent  us  a  card  that 
she  was  having  a  wonderful  time.  She  has 
been  on  her  vacation  in  Colorado. 

G.  R.  SUTCLIFFE  returned  from  his  vaca- 
tion recently  looking  in  the  pink. 

We  on  first  shift  say  Au  Revoir  but  not 
good  bye  to  MOOSE.  He  is  taking  over  Swing 
shift  tonight.  OLIE  is  taking  his  vacation  and 
we  hope  he  is  feeling  better  when  he  returns. 

MIKE  NUSSBAUM,  Leadman  on  second 
shift,  is  leaving  us.  Mike  is  going  East.  We 
all  look  forward  to  having  him  back  with  us 

We  have  so  many  new  employees  that  I 
won't  list  their  names.  Some  are  from  school, 
some  from  other  departments  and  some  are 
new  employees,  but  to  one  and  all,  we  ex- 
tend a  cordial  welcome  and  we're  glad  to 
have  you  with  us. 

To  all  you  people  in  fuselage,  if  you  have 
any  news,   how  about  passing   is  on? 

E.  B.  Alt 
Manifold  Small  Parts 

J.  B.  Garinger 
Surface   Assembly 

E.  J.  Hall 
Wing   Assembly 

J.   L.   Jessup 
Wing  Assembly 

G.  S.  McCoy 

B.  E.  Miller 
Wing  Assembly 

L.  E.   Roberts 
Wing   Assembly 

E.  J.  Lillis  I 

Drop  Hammer  f. 

C.  C.  Woullard  I 

Wing  Assembly  M 

That  was  a  pretty  nice  cake  that  EVEY, 
Leadman  of  Dope  Spray,  donated  to  the  gang 
and  the  decorations  on  it  were  very  appro- 
priate. Need  we  say  more???  We  were  very 
sorry  to  lose  NAN  WHEELIHAN,  Depart- 
ment Clerk  for  Paint,  who  terminated  on  ac- 
count of  illness.  We  sincerely  hope  she  will 
be  feeling  like  herself  again  soon  and  that 
she  may  come  back  to  work  before  long. 
PEARL  SPANGLER  of  Fabric  is  taking  Nan's 
place  as  Clerk.  Good  luck.  Pearl,  hope  you 
like  your  new  position.  LARRY  LARSON, 
Leadman  of  Dope  Shop  is  back  after  a  trip 
back  to  his  home  in  Montana.    ROSY  BAR- 

THOL,  Foreman  on  Second  Shift,  really  took 
a  spill  while  ice  skating  the  other  night  or 
should  we  say,  morning?  Anyway,  Rosy 
"zigged"  when  he  should  have  "zagged." 
Where  were  you  looking.  Rosy?  The  Paint 
Shop  should  be  re-named  and  called  the 
Sweet  Shop.  There  have  been  cakes  galore 
ately.  We  even  have  Tool  Design  broken  in 
already.  DON  D'AGOSTINO  brought  in  a 
huge  cake  last  week  and  was  it  ever  good? 
The  reason,  a  military  secret!  MR.  HERON 
of  TOOL  DESIGN  contributed  a  nice  box  of 
candy.  Not  bad  at  all.  DOROTHY  YILK 
of  Fabric  has  been  transferred  to  Inspection 
Crib  3.  Lots  of  luck,  Dottie,  in  your  new 
work.  "Ashley  Time"  in  Tool  Design  can 
mean  only  one  thing  these  nights — coffee 
time,  as  that  is  when  C.  ASHLEY  insists  on 
buying  coffee  for  the  gang.  Good  deal,  I'd 
say.  Tool  Design  extends  a  welcome  to  it's 
two  new  members,  EVA  MAY  and  W.  G. 
JINER.  Eva's  sister,  Thelma,  also  works  in 
Tool  Design  so  it  looks  like  one  big  happy 
family.     Our   Paint   Shop  Mascot,   the   black 

—  25  — 

and  white  cat  now  makes  it's  home  over  in 
stock  room  No.  2,  where  JIM  and  ETHEL 
are  looking  after  it's  comfort  these  days. 
Fine  thing — deserting  us  after  all  we  did. 
EULALIA  ARBUCKLE  of  Dope  Spray  is  en- 
joying a  week's  vacation. 


Hydro  and  Crunk  Press 
now  Under  Sheet  Hletol 

The  Hydro  Press  and  Crank  Press  Depart- 
ment has  been  transferred  from  the  juris- 
diction of  the  Manifold  Division  to  the  juris- 
diction of  the  Sheet  Metal  Department,  how- 
ever, the  department  will  continue  under 
the  name  of  Hydro  Press  Department  No.  5. 

Eric  P.  Fculwetter,  General  Foreman  of 
Sheet  Metal;  Adolph  Bolger,  Foreman  of 
Hydro  Press;  and  R.  H.  Gilliam,  Night  Fore- 
man of  Hydro  Press  will  be  working  hand 
in    hand    under    this    new    arrangement. 


Recreational  Director,  Paul  Ted  ford 

Sports  Chatter 

Did  you  know  that  the  new  champion  of 
billiard  players  at  the  San  Diego  Club  is  none 
other  than  one  of  Ryan's  top  executives.  In 
this,  perhaps  the  most  scientific  and  intricate 
of  all  sports,  our  own  GEORGE  WOODARD, 
Vice-President,  reigns  supreme  at  the  club, 
and  probably  throughout  the  city.  Mr. 
Woodard  recently  won  the  1 944  tourna- 
ment from  a  field  studded  with  many  cue 
stars,  practically  running  away  from  the  rest 
of  his  competition. 

As  pictures  on  these  pages  show,  we  have 
several  top-notch  gridsters  wearing  the 
spangles  of  the  professional  San  Diego  Gun- 
ners. LLOYD  HUFFSTUTTER  was  a  great 
lineman  and  fullback  at  Washburn  College, 
while  OWEN  "CHIEF"  WALKER  will  never 
be  forgotten  as  one  of  San  Diego  State's 
finest  linemen.  POGO  SPARKS,  also  holding 
forth  on  the  front  wall  is  said  to  be  one  of 
the  smartest  linemen  in  the  circuit. 

JOE  CASENA,  Nite  Shift  baseball  team 
manager,  has  a  fine  club  working  out  steadily 
and  one  that  is  seeing  plenty  of  action 
against  other  swing  shift  groups.  They  plan 
to  enter  a  Swing  Shift  league  to  start  in  the 
near  future.  The  same  gang  posted  one  of 
the  finest  Softball  records  in  the  area  during 
the  summer  months  winning  twenty-four  out 
of  thirty  games. 

DEAN  HOFFMAN,  manager  of  the  Ryan 
entry  in  the  Winter  Softball  circuit  is  having 
a  little  difficulty  in  leading  the  boys  to  a 
win.  However,  from  personal  experience, 
we  can  state  that  this  club  has  more  fun  at 
its  games  than  any  other  team  in  the  busi- 

'Twas  good  for  all  the  gang  to  see  GERRY 
WRIGHT,  who  after  six  months  touring  of 
the  nation  with  USO  units,  brought  down  the 
house  during  the  War  Chest  campaign,  as 
she  contributed  several  whistling  solos  in  the 
cafeteria   area.    An   unusual   talent,  that. 

Once,  again,  the  invitation,  fellas  and  gals, 
to  come  into  Employee  Service  and  let  us 
know  what  activity  you  would  like  to  enjoy. 

P.  T. 

Basketball  Time 

Ryan  basketball  teams  for  both  sexes  and 
all  shifts  should  be  nearly  rounding  into 
shape  as  the  1944  basketball  season  is 
practically  ready  to  get  under  way. 

Although  league  games  for  the  men  in 
the  Industrial  and  City  Leagues  will  not  start 
until  January  1st,  the  boys  are  working  out 
and  will  play  several  games  not  on  the 
league  schedule  before  the  fur  flies  in  that 

Play  in  the  Girl's  Industrial  League  is 
scheduled  to  begin  on  November  28th  and 
reports  are  that  our  girls'  team  will  give  a 
good  account  of  itself  this  season. 

On  all  fronts,  a  more  active  season  than 
ever  before  is  anticipated  this  year. 

The  WINNAH'S  Smile  is  evident  as 
Jack  Southwell,  following  his  winning 
of  the  Ryan  Championship  Table  Tennis 
Tourney  for  1944,  receives  a  beautiful 
trophy  from  Roy  Cunningham,  Table 
Tennis  Commissioner.  Southwell,  a 
newcomer  to  Ryan  sports,  played  bril- 
liantly throughout  the  tourney  to  cap- 
ture the  champion's  crown. 


Jach  Southuiell  1944 
Table  Teaais  Chomp 

The  Table  Tennis  Champion  of  Ryan  for 
1944  is  JACK  SOUTHWELL,  Dept.  20.  The 
hard-driving  and  smooth-stroking  newcomer 
to  Ryan  athletic  circles  turned  on  tremendous 
power  before  a  large  gallery  to  defeat  JIM 
ATWILL,  Dept.  33,  in  the  finals — a  match 
that  Atwill  bitterly  contested  all  the  way. 
The  scores  were  21-14,  18-21,  21-12,  and 

Both  finalists  won  five  straight  matches 
before  meeting  for  the  crown,  as  they  fought 
their  way  through  a  star-studded  field  of  56 
entrants.  It  was  one  of  the  tightest  and  most 
popular  tournaments  in  Ryan  history.  LOGIE 
BENNETT,  defending  champion,  fell  by  the 
wayside  in  the  quarter-finals  as  the  new 
king,  Southwell,  won  a  tough  battle  that 
went  the  full  five  games. 

The  new  champ  is  active  in  other  sports, 
having  played  in  the  Softball  leagues,  and 
promising  to  be  one  of  the  standouts  in  the 
coming  basketball  season. 

—  26  — 

Dubbs  oad  Putts 

Fifty-five  strong,  Ryan  golfers  have  enter- 
ed the  Aircrafter's  Golf  Tournament  to  do 
battle  with  linksmen  from  other  aircraft 
plants  in  the  biggest  event  of  this  nature 
ever  held. 

Qualifying  rounds  were  played  October 
29th  and  all  Ryan  entrants  will  find  the 
results  in  their  newspapers  as  well  as  the 
listings  for  the  first  round  of  competition  in 
the  play-offs  on  Sunday,  November  25.  Ryan 
Golf  Commissioner  M.  M.  CLANCY,  Tour- 
nament committee  member,  urges  all  Ryan 
entrants  to  be  on  time  for  their  matches  or 
else  they  will  suffer  a  forfeit. 

Approximately  $1000  in  War  Bonds  as 
well  as  32  cups  to  go  to  the  winners  and  the 
runners-up  of  each  flight  will  be  awarded  in 
the  tournament. 

Ryan  entrants  include:  M.  M.  Clancy,  C. 
W.  Christopher,  J.  B.  Edgil,  S.  M.  Wilkinson, 
Jr.,  L.  C.  Hilles,  J.  S.  Pool,  C.  A.  Sachs,  Lou 
Arbuckle,  G.  R.  Breeden,  Harry  Trout,  Bill 
Stelzer,  R.  H.  Gillam,  R.  R.  Campbell,  K.  B. 
Barnes,  F.  Ferguson,  J.  Pawloski,  C.  B.  Put- 
nam, S.  Orban,  A.  McReynolds,  E.  H.  Spicer, 
P.  R.  Vandersloot,  D.  W.  Dewey,  J.  T. 

H.  W.  Lamborn,  C.  E.  Walker,  T.  F. 
Hickey,  K.  Cushman,  J.  V.  Newman,  C.  Pet- 
terson,  H.  Wallen,  Russ  Nordlund,  D.  S- 
Whetstine,  B.  Bills,  R.  C.  Callow,  Don 
Wasser,  Joe  Love,  W.  Hubbell,  F.  Dungan, 
Frank  Finn,  Clay  Rice,  Art  Coltrain,  R.  S. 
Cunningham,  Ray  Morkowski,  M.  Vogel,  A. 
Bolger,  J.  P.  Westler,  George  Dew,  M.  L. 
Fuller,  Jr.,  T.  J.  Pitts,  J.  M.  Skains,  Glen 
Huff,  Bob  Carmona,  Louis  Plummer,  and 
Vic  Voll. 


Ryoa  Toleat  Performs 

With  'SLIM'  COATS  piloting  a  crew  of 
singers,  dancers,  and  novelty  acts,  an  hour 
and  a  half  show  was  given  last  month  at 
the  USO  on  C  Street  much  to  the  delight  of 
hundreds  of  service  men  who  applauded 
heartily  for  each  act. 

It  was  on  Sunday,  October  15th,  that  Ryan 
took  over  the  USO  Center  to  "lay  'em  in  the 

With  Coats  at  the  microphone  and  doubl- 
ing with  his  famous  rope  tricks,  the  show 
included  ALICE  and  EDDIE  CARVAJAL, 
dancers;  ETHYLWIN  HUBBELL,  the  world's 
finest  trombonist  (feminine)  and  marimbaist; 
JACK  WESTLER,  popular  tenor;  JOE  TAY- 
LOR, pianist;  BONNIE  METCALF,  singer; 
KEN  WORKMAN,  Indian  Lore  and  Lyrics; 
JOE  "Scotty"  DERR,  Scotch  songs  and  pat- 
ter; and  BETH  BRICKNELL,  novelty  act. 

It  is  expected  that  this  unit  with  additional 
talent  will  appear  on  many  such  occasions  in 
the  future. 

Jack  Southwell,  Singles  Champion,  flashes  a  backhand  drive,  while  partner  Glenn  Huff 
registers  approval.  This  capable  duo  1944  Table  Tennis  Doubles  Champions,  defeated 
all  opponents  as  they  blasted  their  way  to  titular  honors. 


On  Sunday,  October  29,  at  Balboa  Park, 
three  members  of  the  Engineering  Dept. 
proved  their  talent  in  the  highly  specialized 
field  of  Archery.  In  fact.  Chink  Lee,  Frank 
Eicholtz  and  Kay  Larkin  were  top  performers 
in  the  Convair  sponsored  Field  and  Target 
Tournament  at  the  Park.  The  occasion  turn- 
ed out  to  be  a  Ryan  tournament  between  Lee 
and  Eicholtz  who  shot  neck  and  neck  through 
the  morning  targets  at  Balboa  Field  Range 
and  kept  it  up  during  the  afternoon  at  the 
Field    Range. 

Total  scores  were  (Field  Range),  Lee,  314 
and  Eicholtz,  311.  For  28  targets,  that's 
some  shooting.  For  the  afternoon  it  was  332 
for  Eicholtz  and  331  for  Lee.  At  the  wind- 
up  Lee  took  the  cup  home  for  first  honors, 
with  Frank  the  runner-up,  just  two  points 
behind.  Third  place  man  was  more  than  160 
points  behind. 

Quite  a  day  for  Ryan,  which  brings  us  to 
the  point  that  we  will  welcome  more  Ryanites 
at  these  tourneys.  If  you  can  spare  a  Sunday 
and  want  some  good,  wholesome  exercise  in 
the  fresh  air,  get  your  bow  and  a  few  arrows 
and  journey  to  Balboa  Park  Field  Range 
(lower  road).  You  can  pick  up  a  lot  of  train- 
ing in  just  five  minutes.  Out  there  you'll 
find  Frank  Eicholtz,  Chink  Lee,  Kay  Larkin, 
Fred  Thudium,  Bob  Close,  Jack  Zippalsky 
and  Jim  Stalnaker  having  fun  every  Sunday. 


Ryan  Het  Stars 
Came  Home  Uictars 

In  a  rubber  match  with  the  Rohr  Aircraft 
Co.  on  October  8th,  only  three  matches  were 
completed,  but  the  Ryan  Tennis  team  came 
home  the  victors,  winning  two  of  them.  The 
match  between  CARMACK  BERRYMAN  and 
Rohr's  JACK  FOLSOM,  No.  1  men,  had  to  be 
postponed.  Playing  in  the  No.  2  match,  BILL 
BALDWIN  defeated  Rohr's  PAUL  HENNE- 
BERG  6-4,  6-2. 

PRICE  ALLRED  played  a  steady  brand  of 
tennis  to  down  I.  DAGEN  of  Rohr  in  two 
decisive  sets  6-3,  6-2.  Ryan's  JOE  GARING- 
ER  dropped  a  hard-fought  match  to  the 
savagely-stroking  JOHNSON  of  Rohr  by  the 
scores  of  6-3,    1-6,  and  6-4. 

No  doubles  matches  were  scheduled,  but 
it  is  expected  that  both  teams  will  meet  in 
both  singles  and  doubles  in  the  near  future. 

Tennis  players  are  asked  to  consult  the 
Ladder  in  the  Outside  Activities  Bulletin 
Board  located  in  the  entrance  to  the  Factory 
Office  in  order  to  advance  or  secure  a  posi- 
tion on  this  Tennis  Challenge  listing.  Those 
to  contact  have  their  names  on  this  Ladder. 

In  a  recent  challenge  match  P.  ALLRED 
failed  in  an  attempt  to  advance  to  the  No.  2 
position  as  BILL  BALDWIN  set  him  back, 
6-2,  6-4. 

SouthuiBli  and  Huff 
Capture  Doubles 

Teaming  up  with  GLENN  HUFF,  JACK 
SOUTHWELL,  singles  champion,  added  the 
doubles  laurels  to  his  list  as  the  duo  defeated 
final  match  of  the  1944  tournament. 

JACK  and  GLENN  formed  a  smooth  com- 
bination to  win  by  the  scores  of  21-16, 
21-18,  16-21,  and  22-20,  gaining  the  crown 
after  a  tight  battle. 

Trophies  are  to  be  awarded  to  the  new 
champions  in  both  the  singles  and  the 


The  Score  Board 

At  University  Heights  on  Sunday,  October 
8,  the  Ryan  All  Stars  defeated  Fighter  Com- 
mand by  a  score  of  15-4  in  a  game  which 
Erv  Marlett  won  his  9th  straight  game  when 
he  took  the  decision  over  Earl  Chappie,  for- 
merly of  the  San  Diego  Padres.  This  game 
saw  a  turn-out  of  former  Ryan  All  Stars 
now  in  the  military  service  including  Ike 
Boone,  Ray  Fitzpatrick,  Frank  Kerr,  Solly 
Hemus  and  Bob  Roxburg  and  Don  Schmidt 
back  from  a  year  in  professional  baseball.  It 
was  a  real  pleasure  to  see  Erv  Marlett,  Jack 
Billings,  and  Red  Mathis  all  hit  safely  and 
when  Frank  Kerr  doubled  to  the  right  the 
routing  of  Chappie  was  complete,  the  club 
scored  1  1  runs,  to  give  Marlett  his  ninth 
straight  win. 

The  next  three  games  were  played  at 
Golden  Hill  on  successive  Sundays  during 
October  in  which  the  club  defeated  the  Con- 
sair  Dominators  by  a  score  of  6-1,  the  San 
Diego  Electric,  12-5,  and  the  CVAC  Home 
Plant  by  a  score  of  6-2.  All  these  were  well- 
played  games  in  which  the  pitching  of  E. 
Marlett,  Toni  Jeli,  Bob  Roxburg  and  Jim 
McFadin  plus  the  hitting  of  Red  Mathis,  Jack 
Marlett  and  Jack  Billings  and  the  fielding 
and  hitting  of  Robert  Kellogg  has  kept  the 
club  on  top  of  the  League. 

The  club  has  won  its  last  14  straight 
games  which  includes  exhibitions  but  we 
must  still  defeat  the  U.  S.  S.  Subron  next 
Sunday   to   finish   on   top   of   the   League. 

On  Sunday,  November  1  9th  at  Lane  Field, 
the  club  will  play  in  a  benefit  game  for 
wounded  sailors  and  marines  now  stationed 
at  Naval  Hospital,  San  Diego  against  Frankie 
Dasso's  Rohr  All  Stars  which  club  includes 
such  name  ball  players  as  Hal  Patchett  and 
Del  Ballinger  of  the  San  Diego  Padres,  Joe 
Wood,  Boston  Red  Sox  and  other  stars  from 
minor  leagues.  The  Ryan  All  Stars  team 
will  present  the  '.ame  line-up  as  it  has  used 
during  the  season  and  the  ticket  sales  will  be 
handled  by  Garrick  O'Bryan  of  the  Industrial 
Relations  Department  in  the  very  near  fu- 
ture. So  here  is  a  chance  to  see  what  should 
be  a  good  ball  game  in  a  good  baseball  park 
and  for  a  good  cause.  Any  and  all  help  ex- 
tended by  any  individuals  (and  deals  of  this 
nature  do  require  individual  help)  will  be 
appreciated  not  only  by  the  writer  but  also 
by  the  recipient  of  the  fund. 

— A.  S.   BILLINGS. 

27  — 

Ryan  stalwarts,  members  of  tKe  San  Diego  Gunners  professional  football  team,  follow 
the  ball  from  the  sidelines  as  they  gain  a  few  minutes  respite  from  play  during  a  recent 
game  at  Balboa  Stadium.  This  formidable  trio,  from  left  to  right,  Owen  "Chief"  Walker, 
Lloyd  Huffstutter,  and  "Pogo"  Sparks,  commands  the  highest  respect  throughout 
football  circles  because  of  their  hard-driving  line  play. 

Lunch-time  Pastime 

Every  day  for  a  year  now,  the  inventory  Accounting  Department  has  indulged  in  o 
pinochle  game  during  their  lunch  hour.  The  players  ore  (left  to  right)  :  Henry  Schmet- 
zer,  Harry  R.  Kister,  Victor  Felter  and  Mark  L.  Cripe.  The  kibitzers  ore  (left  to  right)  : 
Dorothy  Busby,  Louise  Davis  the  official  scorekeeper,  Elsie  Oliphant  and  Cleora  Davis. 

—  28  — 

latest  Standings 
Of  Bouuling  Teams 

Scarcely  an  evening  passes  these  weeks 
but  what  a  capable  contingent  of  bowlers 
from  Ryan  strut  their  stuff  on  local  lanes. 
Bowling  is  becoming  more  popular  by  leaps 
and  bounds  and  this  year  finds  more  leagues 
and  more  teams  than  ever  before  enjoying 
the  sport. 

The  Ryan  Raiders,  resplendent  in  maroon 
shirts  with  their  names  and  the  Ryan  emblem 
betelling  their  affiliation,  are  setting  the  pace 
in  the  fast  925  league  which  bowls  Sunday 
evenings  at  the  Pacific  Recreation.  Members 
of  this  all-star  group  are  CAPT.  JIM  KEY, 

The  Ryanettes  from  the  Day  Shift  are  giv- 
ing a  good  account  of  themselves  in  the 
Ladies'  Industrial  League,  holding  down  third 
place  in  this  1 4-team  loop.  GLEN  MILLER 
and  his  Night  Shift  all-stars  are  well  up  in 
the  running  in  the  Swing  Shift  Industrial 

Activity  and  interest  are  at  fever  pitch 
with  much  rivalry  and  more  enjoyment 
throughout  the  many  plant  leagues.  Here 
are  the  latest  standings  of  the  various  loops. 
All  statistics  are  as  of  October  21st. 

Winter  League  (Day)      W  L 

Pin   Savers   23  1 

Jigs  &  Fixtures  - 20  4 

Friendly   Five  - 20  4 

Wood   Shop   -19  5 

Misfits  18  6 

Maintenance    17  7 

Putt   Putts   - 15  9 

Tail  Winds  14  10 

Crags  - 14  10 

Laboratory 13  11 

Low  I.  Q 13  1  1 

Drop   Hammer   13  11 

Pin  Busters 12  1  2 

Jesters  12  12 

Navy   - 12  12 

Contract  Eng 12  12 

Crude  Crew  '- 11  13 

Fireballs  -- - 10  14 

Sub  Assembly 10  1  4 

Shipping     - 10  14 

Soot  Pots  10  14 

Bumpers     10  14 

Plant   Engineers   8  16 

Tool  Room  8  16 

Hell  Raisers  - 5  19 

Ryan  Spares  4  20 

Office   Service   3  21 

Jiggers  ..- 0  24 

High  Team  Game — Friendly  Five  916 

High  Individual  Game — Carlton  249 

High  Team  Series — F.  F 2620 

High  Individual  Series — C.  LeClare 618 

Winter  League  (Nite)      W  L 

Manifold  No.   2  14  2 

Sheet  Metal  14  2 

Precision  Five 14  2 

Nite  Hawks  6  10 

Shipping     6  10 

Inspection 6  10 

Manifold  No.    1    - 4  12 

Final  Assembly  4  12 

High  Team  Game — Sheet  Metal  928 

High  Team  Series — Precision  Five 2558 

High  Individual  Game — S.  Pinney 232 

High   Individual   Series — C.   Carlson  ....  595 

(Continued  on  next  page) 

Tri  League  (Day)  W  L 

Tigers    14  1 

Head  Winds  12  3 

City  Slickers  1  1  4 

Chiefs    9  6 

Lotharios    9  6 

M.  F.  J.'s  9  6 

Snapdragons  7  8 

Stingarees    7  8 

Sharks    6  9 

Tooling  Trio  6  9 

Play  Boys  6  9 

Wolves     - 3  12 

3  Aces  - 3  12 

Top  Notchers  3  1  2 

High  Team  Game — Tigers  583 

High  Team  Series — Tigers  1618 

High   Individual  Game — Smith  225 

High  Individual  Series — Armstrong  582 

Ryan  Foursomes  (Nite)     W  L 

Lucky  4  15  1 

Maniacs  1  1  5 

Sleepy  Four  10  6 

2  Strikes  2  Spares  8  8 

Anchors  8  8 

Swing   Benders  6  1  0 

Pin   Knockers  4  1  2 

Crusaders  2  14 

High  Team  Game — Lucky  4  681 

High  Team  Series — Lucky  4  1805 

High  Individual  Game — C.  Carlson  213 

High  Individual  Series — S.  Wolkinson..  579 

Hillcrest  League  (Day)     W  L 

Wood  Shop  13  3 

Arc  Welders 1  1  5 

Experimental    1  1  5 

Sheet  Metal  10  6 

Welderettes  10  6 

Crude  Crew  7  9 

Imagineers  6  1  0 

Fabricating  Five  6  10 

Office    5  1  1 

Bowling  Bags  1  15 

High  Team  Game — Arc  Welders 923 

High  Team  Series — Arc  Welders  2550 

Imagineers    2550 

High  Individual  Game — N.  Wynne  233 

High  Individual  Series — J.  Kent  628 

Swing  Trio  League  (Nite)  W  L 

Thunder  Heads 12  0 

Wild  Cats  5  7 

Mustangs  4  8 

Avengers   3  9 

High  Team  Game — Mustangs  451 

High  Team   Series — Mustangs   1172 

High   Individual  Game — Mitchell  234 

High   Individual  Series — Mitchell  —  500 

Sluing  Shift 
Boiuiing  neuis 

The  swing  shift  leagues,  the  Men's  League 
and  the  Mixed  League,  are  entering  their 
sixth  week  of  play,  and  if  the  start  means 
anything,  there  is  going  to  be  some  real  hot 
competition  in  all  departments.  For  instance, 
in  the  Men's  League,  there  are  three  teams 
tied  for  the  lead  with  14  wins  and  only  2 
losses  apiece.  They  are:  Manifold  No.  2, 
Sheet  Metal  and  Precision  Five. 

Leaders   in   the   other  departments   are: 
High  Team  Game:  Sheet  Metal — 928. 
High  Team  Series:    Precision   Five — 2558 
High  Individual  Game:   Sam  Pinney — 232 
High   Individual   Series:   Chuck  Carlson — 

Individual   high  average   is  held  so  far  by 

Chuck  Carlson  with  a    185  followed  by  Har- 
old Glendenning  with  a  170. 

The  Lucky  Four  team  of  the  Mixed  League 
are  having  things  a  bit  their  way  so  far  in 
that  league.  They  have  19  wins  to  only  one 
loss  and  their  closest  rival  is  the  Four  Mani- 
acs with    14   wins  and  6   losses. 

Chuck  Carlson  also  holds  the  high  indi- 
vidual average  for  the  men  in  this  league 
with  1  77  and  Dorothy  Yilk  leads  the  opposite 
sex  with  a  fine  1  65. 

Lucky  Four  also  dominate  the  high  team 
game  and  series  departments  with  681  and 
1  805,  respectively.  Artie  Johnson  has  high 
individual  game  with  a  220  effort  and  Stan 
Wilkinson  holds  the  same  honor  in  the  high 
individual  series  department  with  579. 

Our  Mixed  League  suffered  a  great  loss 
this  last  week  when  Stan  and  Irene  Wilkin- 
son transferred  to  day-shift.  Good  luck,  kids, 
and  we  hope  to  see  you  back  with  us  soon 

We  hope  to  have  some  news  for  you  in 
the  next  issue  on  how  our  Ryan  boys  are 
doing   in  the  850   Industrial    League. 

Charles  Carlson 

When  DICK  ANSLEY  appeared  on  the 
scene  October  1  1  th  with  a  huge  cake,  Tabu- 
lating asked  him,  "What's  the  occasion?" 
"My  one  year  anniversary  with  Ryan,"  he 
answered,  "let's  celebrate."  So  celebrate 
they  did  and  boy  was  that  cake  good.  (They 
TOLD  me!)  BARBARA  YOUNG  left  us  to 
join  her  sailor  husband  in  San  Pedro.  A  fare- 
well party  was  given  in  her  honor  at  the 
Park  Manor.  Those  attending  were  DALE 
ulating hung  out  the  welcome  sign  to  VIR- 
GINIA HAYES  from  down  Texas  way,  also 
to  ROSE  SKINNER,  who  returned  from  her 
vacation  looking  fit  as  a  fiddle  and  all  rested 
up,  also  to  JILL  BANNER  on  third  shift  who 
is  back  after  her  recent  operation. 

Gala  social  event  was  the  wedding  of 
VIOLA  BUCK  (Inventory)  to  EARL  ASBURY 
(Convair  Engineering).  The  couple  were  mar- 
ried October  15th  in  "The  Little  Church  of 
the  Roses,"  in  Chula  Vista.  The  bride  wore 
a  pale  blue  suit  with  navy  accessories  and  a 
beautiful  corsage  on  her  left  shoulder.  The 
groom  wore — well  he  was  nervous  too!  A 
reception  followed  at  the  home  of  the 
groom's  parents  in  Calavo  Gardens.  The 
couple  spent  their  honeymoon  at  Warners 
Hot  Springs.  Mrs.  Asbury  (VIOLA)  returned 
to  work  looking  radiant!  (By  the  way,  this 
makes  her  my  cousin.)  We  miss  MR. 
MOORSE  who  is  on  a  month's  leave  of 

EDNA  CHEEK  (general  accounting)  had  a 
birthday  and  the  office  didn't  let  her  forget  it! 
Someone  sent  Edna  on  an  errand  and  when 
she  returned,  she  found  a  birthday  cake  in 
the  form  of  a  cookie!  A  box  of  chocolates 
(a    candy   bar)   A   candle    (a    piece   of    paper 

—  29  — 

rolled  up  with  a  string  in  one  end)  A  carton 
of  cigarettes  (an  old  beaten  up  fag)  Gum! 
(half  stick — unchewed)  and  an  aspirin!  Later 
in  the  afternoon  she  was  presented  with  a 
lovely  cake.  About  the  time  Edna  started 
cutting  her  cake,  ALBERTA  JOLLY  in  ac- 
counts payable  was  also  cutting  a  huge  cake 
presented  by  the  girls  in  her  department. 
Although  it  is  late — Happy  birthday  to  you 
EDNA  and  you   ALBERTA. 

Accounts  payable  bid  farewell  to  VIR- 
HENKLE  and  RUTH  JENNINGS.  The  wel- 
come mat  sure  got  walked  on.  We  had  four 
new  girls  in  one  week!  ETHEL  BUSCH,  for- 
merly of  Pittsburg,  Penn.;  ALICE  GRIFFIN, 
from  Salt  Lake  City;  SHIRLEY  MARR  from 
Santa  Monica — Shirley  has  a  darling  daugh- 
ter and  a  handsome  Marine  husband;  MAR- 
JORIE  HORTON  from  Oklahoma,  whose  hus- 
band is  overseas;  and  MARCELLA  VOLKER, 
formerly  of  Illinois.  Marcella's  husband  is  in 
the  navy.  Last  but  not  least,  DOROTHY 
PRELLWITZ  who  transferred  in  from  the 

When  buying  your  Christmas  cards  .  .  . 
wouldn't  you  consider  getting  an  extra  box 
for  the  boys  in  the  Naval  Hospital  who  can't 
leave  their  beds.  These  boys  certainly  appre- 
ciate your  efforts  and  cards  that  they  could 
send  to  their  loved  ones  would  be  so  wel- 

The  Red  Cross  Canteen  Unit  is  making 
this  request,  if  any  one  would  care  to  bring 
some  cards,  I  will  personally  see  that  they 
get  to  the  Red  Cross.  Contact  me  on  Exten- 
sion 327. 

Gerry  Wright,  formerly  Secretary  to  G. 
E.  Barton,  Factory  Manager,  paid  a 
visit  to  her  many  friends  recently.  Not 
long  ago,  Gerry  joined  a  U.S.O.  troupe 
to  entertain  servicemen  with  her  inimi- 
table whistling  and  before  too  long  will 
be  leaving  for  overseas.  During  her 
visit,  Gerry  gave  us  a  sample  treat  of 
her  talents  by  whistling  on  a  lunch-time 
program  during  our  War  Chest  Cam- 
paign. We  bet  the  boys  over  there 
whistle  too. 

From  Four  'til  Dawn  in  the  Tool  Room 

by  Vera   and   Pearle 

Back  on  the  job  after  a  ten-day  sick  leave 
is  our  friend,  LEO  ORTEGO,  more  familiarly 
known  as  "SNUFFY."  Here  is  one  man 
whom  we  can  all  admire!  LEO  came  to  work 
at  Ryan  in  March,  '42.  His  perfect  attend- 
ance of  eighteen  months  was  broken  by  those 
nasty  little  microbes  that  cause  such  things 
as  pneumonia.  He  lost  eleven  days.  Every 
day,  "fog  or  shine,"  for  the  next  ten  months, 
LEO  was  on  the  job,  not  even  taking  time 
off  for  a  vacation.  The  most  admirable  thing 
of  all,  however,  is  the  way  he  keeps  that 
shaper  running,  thru  smoking  and  lunch 
periods,  it  never  has  a  chance  to  cool  off. 
LEO  knows  what  a  war  is,  having  been  thru 
some  of  the  hottest  battles  of  the  last  one, 
and  he  is  certainly  helping  to  the  best  of  his 
ability  to  bring  this  one  to  an  end.  No  one 
can  ever  say  that  "SNUFFY"  isn't  doing  his 
share   and   more,   too! 

New  in  the  Department  are  CARL  AN- 
TUENGE  is  back  on  2nd  shift.  Glad  to  have 
you  join  us,  fellows.  Miss  EVA  MAY  trans- 
ferred to  Tool  Design.  JOHN  WOODWARD 
left  us  for  Manifold,  and  GEORGE  HOLMES 
transferred  to  1st  shift.  HAROLD  BLEVINS 
deserted  us  for  Tool  Planning,  1st  shift. 
Now,  we  are  wondering  when  he  will  find 
time  to  collect  all  the  food  he  needs  for 
those  little  (?)  snacks.  Best  of  luck  to  all 
of  you,  and  we  sincerely  hope  you  like  your 
new  jobs. 

In  our  Tooling  Inspection  Department,  we 
have  a  new  member,  MR.  ROKOCZI,  better 
known  as  "ROCKY."  Nice  guy,  tho'.  SJUL- 
SON  is  vacationing  this  week — have  a  good 
time  for  us,  Harry!  ART  JOHNSON'S  wife, 
BARBARA,  is  working  in  Sheet  Metal.  Bring 
her  over  sometime,  ART,  we'd  like  to  meet 

MR.  CARTER'S  Cutting  Department  is 
growing  by  leaps  and  bounds  since  moving 
to  their  new  location — well,  maybe,  not  quite 
but  they  do  have  several  new  people.  The 
two  charming  ladies  at  the  window  are 
ARMOND  MAGUIRE  is  the  handsome 
"swabby"  at  the  tool  grinder.  CECILE  CARR 
is  the  new  third  shift  attendant.  Q.  M. 
RADER  has  been  appointed  leadman  on  2nd 
shift.  Bet  he  has  a  time  with  those  "Happy 
Henry's."  L.  D.  MARTIN  left  for  Texas  to 
take  over  the  "home  place"  and  care  for  his 
aged  father.  JAMES  HODGES  went  back 
home  to  Arkansas  to  help  with  the  harvest — 
and  stayed.  We  were  sorry  to  see  you  both 

EARL  BOWER,  leadman  on  3rd  shift  says: 
ROBSON,  the  planer  operator  has  been  on 
3rd  shift  for  9  months,  and  hasn't  missed  a 
working  day,  Sundays  included.  We  are 
glad  to  have  HELEN  QUIDORT  back  with  us. 
The  coffee  is  better  now — somehow  she  gets 
just  the  right  mixture.  LES  CAMPBELL 
seems  O.K.  after  his  2  weeks  vacation  (won- 
der what  he  means).  BERNARD  DARCY  is 
new  in  our  Department.  DARCY,  by  the 
way,  came  out  from  New  York  state — some 
ride  to  work  at  Ryan!  Sorry  to  hear  that 
ZIMLICH  is  taking  another  9C)-day  leave  due 
to  illness.  Seems  that  ALICE  PULLEN  has 
had  enough  bad  luck  lately,  but  guess  not, 
as  she's  on  the  sick  list  again. 

GEORGE  SULT,  Jib  Bore  operator,  is  now 
in  the  Coast  Guard  Reserves.  He  takes  about 
two  months  of  school,  gets  a  uniform,  then 
goes  out  on  Harbor  Patrol  two  days  a  week. 
Keep  you  pretty  busy,  won't  it,  George?  We 
think  it's  swell  and  we're  proud  of  you! 

MR.  PETERS  is  ill  with  a  cold.  Hurry  back, 
PETE,  we  miss  you.  MR.  IRVIN  and  ALBERT 
WILLIAMS  are  also  on  the  sick  list. 

ALBERT  SHIMIC  suffered  a  very  painful 
injury  when  the  large  die  on  which  he  was 
working,  slipped  and  fell  on  his  left  arm, 
cutting  it  quite  severely.  Latest  report  is  that 
he  is  getting  along  O.K.  and  will  be  back 
on  the  job  soon. 

Chalked  up  a  few  more  names  on  the 
"one  year  at  Ryan"  list — HENRY  DEBOU- 

We  mentioned  the  bowlers  in  the  last 
issue,  and  here  is  the  latest  news  on  them. 
So  many  became  interested  and  came  down 
to  bowl,  that  we  divided  up  into  two  teams. 
We  "bowl  and  battle"  every  Monday  and 
Thursday  to  see  who  will  be  CHAMPS  and 
who  will  be  CHUMPS.  The  Champs,  2-game 
winners  at  present  are  MADELYN  MAX- 
The  Chumps  are  what's  left,  naturally;  name- 
We're  on  top  this  week,  but  next  week  may 
be  a  different  story.  Anyway,  we  have  one 
grand  time,  and  it's  all  in  fun,  whether  we 
win   or   lose. 

I  wonder  how  many  of  us  in  Tooling  have 
been  to  the  Blood  Bank?  AL  CONYNE, 
T  H  E  L  M  A  GUTTORMSON,  and  DON 
COATES  are  regular  visitors,  and  I  believe 
there  are  several  more  who  would  go.  That 
is  one  BIG  thing  we  can  all  do  to  help  and 
it  doesn't  cost  a  cent!  I'm  going  down  next 
week,   I  promise! 


Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle- Rack 

JACK  FIELDS,  Leadman  of  Planishing,  is 
vacationing  and  visiting  at  Bakersfield. 
CHUCK  CARLSON,  Leadman  of  the  heat- 
treat  and  processing  department,  is  on  his 
honeymoon-vacation  this  week.  Chuck  had 
a  time  getting  married  October  15th,  as  he 
found  out, — at  the  last  minute — that  his 
original  best  man  would  be  unable  to  attend, 
so  he  crossed  his  fingers  and  called  LOUIS 
SPEIR,  Assistant  Foreman  of  Drop-Hammer, 

—  30  — 

and  good  luck  was  with  him  as  Louis  and 
Gertrude,  his  charming  wife,  had  just  re- 
turned home.  Louis  claims  he  makes  the 
best  man  anyway. 

WILLIE  WRIGHT,  our  very  capable  crane 
man  for  the  hammers,  received  a  bad  cut  on 
his  left  cheek  when  a  carbide  can  exploded 
nearby.  Hope  you  are  back  again  soon 
Willie!  CHARLES  PRINGLE,  who  works  in 
the  Electrical  Department  at  Consolidated 
and  is  the  husband  of  ESTHER  PRINGLE, 
jitter-bug  operator  here  at  Ryan,  was  one  of 
the  lucky  winners  of  the  Consolidated  Work- 
to-Win  contest.  His  share  was  a  $500  check. 
Good  attendance  runs  in  the  Pringle  family 
as  Esther  never  missed  a  day  in  her  first 
year  here  at  Ryan.  Could  anyone  blame  her 
for  wearing  that  big  smile?  FRANK  SANTA 
CRUZ,  hammer  operator  on  No.  16,  was 
the  proud  papa  of  a  7  lb.  baby  boy  born 
October  3rd.  After  recovering  from  the 
ordeal,  Frank  is  again  at  this  station.  AL 
WHITTAKER,  who  had  a  few  toes  badly 
bruised  a  couple  of  weeks  ago,  is  back  on  the 
job  again  and  has  been  assisting  AL  RAY- 
MOND washing  the  parts  in  the  pickling 

CLAYTON  RUSH,  erstwhile  leadman  of 
drophammer,  paid  the  gang  another  visit  last 
Saturday  night.  He  has  been  home  on  a  few 
days  furlough  before  leaving  for  Fort  Ben- 
ning,  Georgia.  His  lovely  wife,  Alice,  will 
continue  with  her  welding  here.  Good-luck 
to  you,  always,  Clayton. 

HERMAN  MORTON,  dispatcher  for  drop- 
hammer  is  back  again  after  visiting  his  folks 
and  friends  back   in  Oklahoma — lucky  guy! 

It's  nice  to  have  such  good  neighbors  as 
the  punch  press  gang  of  Sheet  Metal.  They 
celebrated  AVIS  TAKER'S  birthday  last  week 
by  having  coffee  and  cake  and  yours  truly 
was  cordially  invited  to  share  some!  Who- 
ever made  that  delicious  cake  really  knows 
their  cooking. 

See  you  next  time  folks  and  I  hope  to  have 
a  surprise  feature  for  you  then. 

News  and  Flashes 

by  Earl  Vaughan 

Congratulations  to  R.  S.  SMITH  for  his 
outstanding  225  game  bowled  at  the  Tower 
Bowl  in  the  Ryan  Trio  League.  This  is  the 
highest  game  that  has  been  bowled  to 
dote  in  the  Ryan  League.  (Thota  boy, 
Smitty,   keep  the  good  work   up.) 

Individual  overages  as  of  October  26  of 
those  of  this  department  who  ore  bowling 
in    the    Ryan    Trio    League    are    as    follows; 

HIBBARD,  167;  J.  L.  HALLEY,  166;  R.  S. 
CUNNINGHAM,  162;  D.  WALKER,  160; 
R.  S.  SMITH,  159;  KELLEY,  155;  A. 
FARKAS,    1  54;   E.  VAUGHAN,    1  54. 


A  big  handshake  is  extended  to  the  fol- 
lowing newcomers  to  Material   Control. 

First   Shift 


Second   Shift 


Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

What  did  you  have  for  breakfast  this  morning?  Was  it  your  regular  order  of 
doughnuts  and  coffee?  No  wonder  you  only  hit  on  two  cylinders.  What  else 
could  you  expect?  As  Walt  Disney  puts  it,  "You  can't  eat  like  a  bird  and 
work  like  a  horse."  Begin  tomorrow  with  a  good  breakfast — fruit,  whole 
grain  cereal  or  bread,  milk,  and  if  you're  on  your  feet  all  morning — add  an 
egg.    Be  ready  for  your  job! 














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Mrs.  Homemaker — you're  in  the  driver's  seat!  It's  up  to  you 
to  change  your  family's  slap-dash  breakfast  habits  into  something 
that's  really  character-building,  as  well  as  body-building.  So,  make 
those  few  moments  together  around  the  breakfast  table  pleasant — 
make  breakfast  something  worth  getting  up  early  for! 

Don't  change  the  general  pattern  of  fruit,  whole  grain  cereal 
or  bread,  hot  dish  and  a  hot  beverage,  but  bring  variety  to  breakfast 
in  the  following  ways: 

Vary  the  type  of  menu: — 

Fruit,  breadstuff,  hot  beverage 

Fruit,  cereal,  breadstuff,  hot  beverage 

Fruit,  hot  dish,  breadstuff,  hot  beverage 

Fruit,  cereal,  hot  dish,  breadstuff,  hot  beverage. 

FRUIT — Any    fresh    fruit    in    season    may    be    served    for 

breakfast.    Oranges  and  grapefruit  are  especially  valuable 

for  their  Vitamin  C  content. 

Fresh  fruit:     Oranges,  grapefruit,  apples,  peaches,  pears, 
plums,  grapes,  melons,  berries 

Stewed  fruits:    Apricots,  prunes,  figs,  applesauce 

Baked  fruits:    Apples,  bananas,  pears 

Canned  fruits:    Applesauce,  grapefruit,  orange,  grape- 
fruit and  prune  juice 

CEREAL — Whole    grain    cereals    are    recommended    but 

others  are  useful   for  variety.    There  are  many  kinds  on 

the    market.      Ready-to-eat    cereals    are    more    costly    in 

proportion    to    nutritive    value    than    the    cereals    which 

require  cooking 

Serve  ready-to-eat  cereal  with  fresh  or  dried  fruit 

Add    dried    fruits    such    as   dates,    raisins,    figs    to   cereal 

during  cooking 

Add   one   tablespoon   honey  for  each  serving  during  the 


Cook  cereal  in  milk 


Use  whole  wheat  bread  for  toast 
Occasional  use  of  small  breads  as: 

rolls,    biscuits,    muffins,    coffee   cake,    griddle   cakes 

and  waffles 
Use  different  flours: 

In     making     muffins — oatmeal,     corn,     rice,     whole 

wheat  or  bran 

In    making    griddle    cakes — Wheat,    buckwheat    or 


EGGS — Although  moderately  expensive,  eggs  make  ex- 
cellent dishes  to  serve  not  only  at  breakfast  but  also 
at  luncheon  or  supper.  Do  not  cook  at  high  temperature 
which  toughens  the  egg  white.  Do  not  use  too  much 
fat  so  that  the  product  is  greasy. 
Variety  for  cooking  eggs  suggested: 

Boiled,  fried,  poached 

Hard-boiled  eggs,  creamed 

Baked,  with  cream  sauce 

Shirred,    ploin    or    garnished    with    sausage,    ham, 
bacon,    tomato    sauce 

Scrambled,  plain  or  garnished  with  bacon,  ham 

Omelettes,    plain    or    garnished    with    bacon,    ham, 
cheese,  cooked  vegetables 
Such  foods  as  fish,  cod-fish  balls,  minced  meat  on  toast, 
liver  and  bacon  may  be  substituted  for  eggs 


Coffee,  tea,  cereal  drinks,  hot  chocolate 

—  31 

Ryan  Trading  Post 

Want  to  Buy  (continued) 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sale   (continued) 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spaulding  ice  skates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Hoswell,  Ext. 

Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  glass  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close,  Dept.  1,  Airptane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

22  Revolver,  Harrington  Richardson,  double  action, 
nine  shot,  like  new.  $25.00.  R.  L.  Hayward, 
Engineering    Ext.   378. 

Winchester,  12  gage  pump  gun,  97  model, 
See  E.  H.  Crandall,  Fire  Department,  1st  shift, 
Ext.  255. 

Siamese  kittens;  moke  lovely  pets.  Sold  very  rea- 
sonable at  $20.00.  Only  three  left.  See  Peter- 
son in  Manifold  Small  Parts,  second  shift,  badge 
2291    or  phone  R-7357. 

Telex  hearing  device.  Practically  new.  Will  sell 
for  1/3  less.  J.  M.  Phelps,  Ext.  348,  or  eve- 
nings   call    M-6676. 

Cottage  on  double  corner  lot.  Corner  vacant, 
desirable  location  for  $5,000-$7,000  post-war 
home.  4  blocks  from  30th  and  Cedar  streets. 
$2900  takes  it.  C.  E.   Hyatt,  Paint  Shop. 

52  Winchester  22  target  rifle  with  440  Weaver 
scope,  sling  and  500  shells.  Or  will  trade  for 
good  camera,  washing  machine  or  what  I  can 
use.  H.  H.  Simmer,  Manifold  Small  Parts,  1st 

If  you're  wondering  what  to  give  for  Christmas, 
my  husband  makes  first  grade  leather  bill  folds, 
keytainers,  etc.,  to  order.  Service  Insignios  and 
initials  or  name  imprinted.  Contact  Mrs.  Howell, 
Manifold  Inspection,  2nd  shift,  Ext.  360  or 
Hank  Hanggi,   1st  shift. 

35  mm.  Weltini  Camera,  F2  Xenon  In  Compur 
Rapid,  1  second  to  1  /500.  Also  Eveready  Case 
and  Daylight  Loading  Bulk  Film  Winder  with 
film  cartridges.  Load  cartridges  at  film  cost  of 
less  than  5c  a  foot.  All  for  $100.00.  J.  H.  Wood, 
Engineering,   Extension   282. 

Nearly  new,  well  located,  two-bedroom  home  with 
sleeping  porch  and  half  basement.  Part  cash  and 
terms.  4142  Maryland.  Phone  J-3322.  Contact 
J.  J.  Olsen. 

New  G.E.  Sun  Lamp.  Contact  J.  J.  Olsen,  Manifold 
Welding,  Ext.  359. 

Ten  pieces  of  oak  wood — 4"  x  8"  x  9'  long.  See 
E.   P.  Gonagawara,   Dept.    13   or  T-8569. 

Practically  brand  new  full-length,  black  skunk 
dyed  opossum  fur  coat — $90.00.  Also  red  suit, 
size  12 — $7.00.  See  Anita  Dungon,  Department 
15,   Manifold   Area,    Ext.    360. 

One  set  of  weights  including  dumbbell,  boots.  E. 
Mellinger,   Ext.   396. 

1931  Graham  6  Coupe  with  rumble  seat,  5  good 
tires  (two  new  recaps),  two  new  innertubes,  very 
good  motor,  good  transportation.  Cosh,  $135.00. 
Warren    Mays,    Department     1 5. 

Six  Silver  tipped  pure-bred  German  Police  puppies. 
See  Dick  Cummings,  Automotive  Service,  Ext. 

Wardrobe  Trunk — Nearly  new  and  in  excellent 
condition  inside  and  out.  Really  low-priced  at 
$60.  To  see,  contact  Paul  Tedford,  Recreation 

SSI  Swallow  4-passenger  Sedan — 122"  wheel  base, 
built  very  low,  four  speeds  forward,  sun  top, 
excellent  condition.  30  miles  to  gallon.  Cost 
$8,000  new.  Latest  design  parts,  easy  to  get. 
Sacrifice  for  $1500.  Cash  or  take  cor  in  trade. 
R,  1402  or  see  car  at  3335  Vancouver  St.  George 
Bucknam,    Ext.    387,   Airplane    Dispatching. 

pRfE  4  Smith,   Ltd.,  San   Dieqo 

Electric  Gibson  refrigerator  and  tilt-back  studio 
couch.  Margaret  Paxton,  Wing  Assembly,  Ex- 
tention,    355.     Or    522    Mcintosh    Street,    Chula 

'\/ista,  California. 

1941  Buick  Super  Sedan,  Radio,  heater  and  de- 
frosters. Two  tone  green.  Excellent  condition. 
Excellent  tires.  S.  H.  Reed,  2979  Fordham  St., 
Frontier  Housing  Project.    Planning,  Ext.  396. 

12  acres  of  partly  timbered  Washington  land,  good 
ground,  private  water  system  with  pressure  sys- 
tem, 2  new  unfinished  4  room  houses,  electricity 
and  plumbing.  Fixtures  partly  in.  1934  Chevro- 
let pick-up  truck  included.  S.  H.  Reed,  2979 
Fordham  Street.    Planning,  Ext.  396, 

Ladies  Golf  Clubs,  3  woods,  3  irons,  4-7-8,  by 
Walter  Hagen,  $25.00.  Charles  E.  Walker,  Mail 
room,   Ext.  323,  or  W.  9409. 

Man's    Bicycle,   A-1    condition. 
Maryland.    Phone  J-3322. 

J.    J.    Olsen,   4142 

Ladies  Coat,  tan  camel's-hair  cloth.  Mole  fur  sleeves 
and  collar,  high  quality,  satin  faced  crepe  lining. 
Size  18,  coat  like  new.  W.  B.  Klein,  Engineering, 
Ext.  340.    7235  Volta  Ct.,  Linda  Vista. 

Perfection  Wardrobe  Trunk  with  New  Brittain 
Lock;  4  ft.  4  in.  high  by  24  in.  wide  by  22  in. 
deep.  This  trunk  contains  six  compartments  be- 
sides clothes  hangers  for  ladies  and  gentleman's 
clothes  and  is  in  first-class  condition.  Price  $35. 
See  Nelson  H.  Acheson  in  the  Mail  Room  at 
Ryan's  or  call  Bayview  6471  after  6:30  p.m.  or 
all  day  on  Sundays.  Can  be  seen  at  4584 
Granger  Street. 

One  electric  iron,  1  electric  heater,  1  Gillette 
Aristocrat  Razor  in  Gilt  Case.  Call  at  2256 
Union   Street. 

Willys  Sedan,  1936.  New  paint,  new  battery  (2  yr. 
guarantee).  Good  tires,  new  brakes  and  seat 
covers.  Cheap  transportation.  Doc  Enyeart, 
Tooling   Inspection. 

Black  100%  wool  coat,  blue  fox  collar,  satin  lined, 
like  new.  Size  18.  1  pair  brown  alligator  calf, 
Gold  cross  shoes,  size  78.  May  be  seen  at  2837 
"K"  Avenue,  National  City. 

Model  A  Ford  in  good  condition,  good  rubber.  See 
Wilholt  in  Mech.  Maintenance  Dept.  or  at  3538 
Valiant  St. 

House  trailer,  factory  built,  18  ft.  long,  sleeps  4, 
new  paint,  2  new  600x16  tires  and  spare  tire. 
Will  sell  for  $350.00  cash.  Dick  Catalano,  Tool- 
ing, or  4665  Bayview  Terrace,  Pacific  Beach. 

Man's  Excelsior  Bicycle,  like  new.  Also,  gas  heat- 
ing stove,  kerosene  heating  stove.  Des  Good- 
land,  Tool  Planning,  Ext.  396,  or  J-5801  after 

One  only,  tubular  steel  twin  bed,  coil  box  spring 
and  mattress,  very  good  condition.  $27.50.  See 
M.  H.  Kohler,  Wing  Assembly. 

New,  100%  all  wool  man's  medium  size  sweater, 
$5.00.     See  Vaughan,   at  the  Mail   Room. 

Fairbanks  Standard  Floor  Scales  with  weights.  In 
first-class  condition.  Also  one  Harrington  & 
Richardson  32  caliber  blue  steel  revolver,  good 
as  new.  Scales  $50.  Revolver  $25.  See  Nelson 
H.  Acheson  in  the  Mail  Room  or  call  Bayview 
6471    after  6:30  p.m.  or  Sundays. 

WANT      TO       BUY 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  tackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534, 
Manifold  Welding,   second   shift. 

Washing  machine.  W.  McBlair.  Coll  B-5176  or  Ext. 

Washing  machine.  See  H.  L.  (Hank I  Hanggi, 
Manifold  Assembly,   Ext.  360  or  Main  8666. 

—  32  — 

Trickle  battery  charger.  Small  size.  Contact  S.  V. 
Olson,   2nd   shift.   Fuselage. 

Electric  motor,  band  saw,  drill  motor  or  what  have 
you.  W.  Severson,  Inspection  Crib  No.  7.  F.  A. 

1936  Oldsmobile  radio  in  working  condition  or  not. 
S.   V.   Olson,   2nd   shift.   Fuselage. 

A  camera,  will  consider  any  kind.  See  Joel  Culver, 
Timekeeping.  Ext.  398. 

Wanted:  Bedroom  suite  with  double  bed,  box 
springs  and  inner  spring  mattress.  Must  be  in 
good  condition.   F.   E.  Wallis,   Ext.  276. 

An  omateur  microscope  for  child's  use.  Roy  Cun- 
ningham, Ext.  291. 

A  small  engine  or  bench  lathe.  Contact  H  B. 
Pixley,   Plant  Protection. 

Good  refrigerator.    No  junk.    E.  Mellinger,  Ext.  396. 

Tenor  banjo   cose.     Roy  Cunningham,    Ext.   291. 

Complete  home  movie  outfit.  8  or  1 6  mm.  Con- 
tact L.  E.  Syrios,  Manifold  Lineup,  2nd  shift. 

Will  pay  cash  for  a  convertible  coupe  or  convert- 
ible sedan.  Eddie  Glidden,  Template  Making  or 
after  6:00  call  J-2545. 

Two  wheel  box  trailer,  16  inch  wheels  W  B  Klein 
Engineering,  Ext.  340.  7234  Volta  Ct.,  Linda 

Used  car.  Price  reasonable.  Call  Anthony  Cedro, 
Jackson  4091. 

Electric  iron.  See  Frank  L.  Walsh,  Foreman,  Third 

Model  T  or  Model  A  Roadster,  Charles  Judd,  Ext. 

Small  table  size  radio.    Pete  Jaeger,  Tool  Room. 

116  Kodak  for  a  boy  overseas.  Bertha  M.  Walter, 
Wing  Assembly. 

One  parr  of  steel  roller  skates  for  a  girl.  J  J. 
King,  Wood  Shop,  2nd  shift.  Ext.  233  or 

Single  shot  22  rifle.    Douglas  Decker,  Tool  Room. 

Electric  iron.  Feme  Bloomer.  Electrical  Group,  En- 
gineering.   Extension    235. 

Club  Coupe  for  S400.00  cash.  Call  Broverman  in 
Power   Plant,   Ext.   235  or  Main   6041. 

Need  a  1  -LA-6  Radio  Tube  at  once  or  sooner. 
Bill   Wagner,    Public   Relations,   Ext.   297    or  298. 

Child's  Tricycle — Have  21/2-year-old  boy  who  can't 
wait  to  have  a  tricycle.  Will  buy  one  in  any 
condition — please  come  through,  someone,  on 
this  one.    See  Paul  Tedford,  Recreation  Director. 

Schick  injector  razor.  Call  Virginia  Sanders,  Coun- 
sellor, Extension  347. 

One  doll  buggy.  Charles  Judd.  Call  Franklin  4348 
or  Ext.  388-Ext.   10. 

Large  trunk  in  good  condition  for  traveling.  Aldean 
Schuiz,  Accounting  Inventory.    Ext.  353. 

An  electric  portable  sewing  machine  needed  badly. 
Singer  preferred.  If  you  hove  one  to  sell  or  know 
someone  please  get  in  touch  with  Frances 
Klitsch,  Ryan  inspector  in  Shipping  Department, 
Ext.  331. 


Ext.   396. 

.    N. 

E.    Westover, 

Tool    Planning, 



you  want  to 
a  horse,  see 


a  horse,  sell  0  horse,  or  trade 
Bradley,  Airplane  Dispatching. 

31  Stude  Dictator  Sedan,  low  mileage,  good  tires. 
2-wheel  luggage  trailer.  Want  piano,  typewriter 
or  home  site  acre  or  what?  See  Hultquist,  De- 
partment 17  or  3656  Kurtz  Street. 

Want  to  exchange  electric  iron  in  good  condition 
for  pinking  shears.    Mrs.  Owens,  2256  Union  St. 

Would  like  to  trade  an  electric  iron  for  waffle  iron. 
Marie  Wendt,   Ext.  362. 



NOVEMBER     11,     1  944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through   the    Public    Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Statler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Fayman 

Frank  Martin,  Col  O'Ccllahan 

Staff  Cartoonist  George  Duncan 

Special  Features  Page 

A  School   for   Beginners 1 

— «etc'  aircraft  n'orkcrs  are  trained  for  their  jobs 
More  Members  of  the  Ryan  Team 2 

— tlicy'll  ltelf>  tlic  big  push  needed  for  big  production 
Meet  "Woody"  Woodson    4 

— a  biographical  sketch  of  our  nczvest  vice  president 
The  Life  of  o  Jap  Aircraft  Worker 6 

— Iwiv  does  his  life  compare  Zi'ifli  yoursf 
A  Letter  from  Claude  Ryan  to  His  Son 8 

—  this  holds  a  message  for  all  of  ns 
In   Memoriam — Bob   Kerlinger    9 

— he'll  live  forever  in  our  memory 
The  Case  of  the  Ringing  Telephone 11 

— a  pholocrime  for  you  to  unravel 
In    Days   Gone    By 12 

— Can  you  recogni.-:e  tliese  old-time  Ryaniies? 

Slim's    Pickin's    10 

Sports 26 

What's  Cookin? 31 

Ryan  Trading   Post 32 

Departmental  News 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Frances  Willford 29 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design  by  Don  D'Agostino 16 

Digs  From  Jigs  by  Art  and  Pete 24 

Drop  Hammer  2nd  Shift  by  A'occle-Rack 30 

Flashes  from  Fuselage  ^v  Bettie  Murren 24 

From  Four  'til  Dawn  in  the  Tool  Room  by  Vera  and  Pearle  30 

Fumes  from  the  Paint  Shop  by  Kitty  Mathcny 25 

Here   and  There   by  Jonnie  Johnson 18 

Inspection   Notes   by  Bill  Rossi 19 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assembly  2nd  Shift  by  Bu::z  and  Shorty.  .  23 

Machine  Shop  by  Dorothy  Wheeler 20 

Maintenance  Meonderings  by  Bill  Taylor 13 

Manifold    Dispatching    by   Ben   Smith 17 

Manifold   Small   Ports  by  Diane  Smith 22 

News  and  Flashes  6v  Earl  Vanghan 30 

Notes  from  Dawn  Workers  by  O.  C.  Hudson 18 

Puddle  Pushers  on   the  Swing  by  Doris  W'illiksen 21 

Sheet   Metal   Shorts   6v   Ernie 22 

Shipping   Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Christenson  20 

Tooling  Rumors  by  lone  and  Kay 23 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  6_v  U  and  Me 24 

Copy  Deadline  for  next  issue  is  November  20th 



Today  the  aircraft  engine  exhaust  Manifold  is  a 
highly  complex  and  exacting  system  requiring 
technical  skills  of  a  high  order  for  its  efficient 
design  and  for  production  in  quantity.  In  this 
field,  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  has  been 
a  pioneer.  It  was  foremost  in  making  the  design 
and  manufacture  of  exhaust  systems  a  specialty 
in  itself 

In  engineering  and  producing  Ryan  Manifolds 
every  effort  is  made  to  reduce  maintenance  prob- 
lems to  a  minimum.  But,  regardless  of  the  man- 
ner in  which  any  piece  of  aircraft  equipment  is 
designed  or  produced,  educational  assistance  in 
the  field  is  necessary.  For  Ryan  Manifolds,  in 
common  with  all  technical  products,  achieve 
their  greatest  potential  when  the  most  precise 
knowledge  of  their  functions  and  capabilities  is 
known,  appreciated  and  exploited. 


To  afford  customers  opportunity  to  get  the  full 
benefits  from  its  exhaust  manifolds,  Ryan's  Mani- 
fold Service  Department  is  staffed  by  especially 
trained  personnel  chosen  from  experts  within 
the  Ryan  factory. 

These  men,  in  addition  to  their  "know-how" 
born  of  long  experience,  are  imbued  with  the 
same  desire  for  perfection  in  operation  as  their 
fellow  workers  in  the  factory  are  enthusiastic  in 
attaining  perfection  in  manufacture.  M^ 

RELY       ON       RYAN       TO       BUILD       WELL 







1 922  -  1944 



WA  N  T  E  D 


ly  This  Man  Was  Wanted 

Sec  Story  on  Page  11 

m  ^@F 




Let  me  call  your  atiention  to  an  unusually  important  page 
in  this  issue  of  Flying  Reporter. 

It's  page  11. 

If  you'll  take  that  page  to  heart,  and  do  what  it  asks 
you  to  do,  you'll  be  performing  a  valuable  service  to  the 
Navy  and  to  the  nation. 

The  Navy  needs  large  numbers  of  our  new  Ryan  plane. 
Admiral  Marc  A.  Mitscher  recently  took  the  trouble  to 
publicly  state  that,  "We  need  a  lot  of  'em  quick!"  It  may 
well  be  that  the  Pacific  War  will  be  shortened  if  we  can 
put  these  planes  in  the  Navy's  hands  as  fast  as  the  Navy 
wants  them. 

But  high-speed  mass  production  is  going  to  require 
large  numbers  of  new  workers.  In  fact,  the  employment 
of  a  sufficient  number  of  additional  ^workers  is  a  difficult 
task  that  must  be  accomplished. 

You  can  help  us  solve  that  problem. 

Turn  to  page  11  and  read  HOW  you  can  help.  When 
you've  read  it,  I  hope  you'll  go  into  action  at  once.  By 
doing  so,  you'll  be  helping  your  company,  your  No^j-y, 
and  your  country. 

•^JJ\    C^^^ta^nw^  \J  Cof-*^^ 

7<^e^  7<5^  0tcCen4^ "  "  and  ^t^  ^tf 

Our  Sales  Department  is  a  hot-bed  of 
feverish  activity.  They're  not  resting 
on  their  laurels^  but  are  constantly 
drummins  up  more  business  for  the 
present  as  well  as  the  future. 

The  Ryan  factory  will  have  plenty  of  busi- 
ness after  the  war  if  Sam  Breeder  and  his 
gang  have  anything  to  do  with  it.  And 
they're    likely  to   hove   a    lot   to   do   with    it. 

The  hard-working  little  group  of  four  men 
and  five  girls  who  hold  the  fort  in  the  Ryan 
sales  office  are  about  as  efficient  a  group 
of  business-getters  as  any  company  could 
ask.  While  other  members  of  the  Sales 
department  are  touring  the  country  on  the 
kind  of  emergency  service  assignments  that 
are  always  cropping  up  for  the  department, 
these  nine  people  stay  in  the  office  to  handle 
the  correspondence  and  answer  the  tele- 

Answering  the  telephone  is  a  job  in  itself. 
Vitally  important  long-distance  phone  colls 
from  all  over  the  nation  bombard  the  soles 
office  daily.  One  morning  recently  there 
was  a  phone  call  from  the  Fisher  Body  plant 
in  Detroit;  before  that  call  was  completed, 
another  was  on  the  line  from  Republic's 
purchasing  agent  in  Evonsville;  while  he  was 
still  on  the  wire,  Boeing  called  from  Seattle. 
There's  always  an  atmosphere  of  haste  and 
suppressed  excitement  in  the  sales  office — 
telegrams  constantly  arriving;  people  hurry- 
ing in  and  out  enroute  to  or  from  the  mid- 
west or  the  east  or  the  south  or  the  north- 
west; phones  ringing  continuously.  It's  all 
part  of  the  job  of  selling  Ryan  exhaust  mani- 
fold systems  to  aircraft  manufacturers  all 
over  America,  and  seeing  that  those  manu- 
facturers get  efficient  service  on  their  orders. 

Our  Soles  office,  incidentolly,  is  one  of 
the  strongest  boosters  for  Ryan's  telephone 
operators.     "Those    girls    are    our    strongest 

(Continued   on   page    14) 

Four  U.  S.  Navy 
WILDCAT  fighters 
wing  above  the  clouds 
towards  an  enemy 
island  base  in  the 
Photo  Credit: 
U.  S.  Navy  Official  Pho- 

During  the  first  big  raid  on  Truk,  every 
enemy  plane  was  shot  down  or  disabled  by 
U.  S.  Navy  carrier  fighters  on  the  opening 
day.  When  the  dive  and  torpedo  bombers 
reached  Truk  on  the  second  day  they  beat 
up  the  shipping  in  the  lagoon  and  the  instal- 
lations on  land  without  any  annoyance  from 
the  air. 

These  facts  have  particular  significance 
because  they  demonstrate  the  improvement 
of  our  position  in  the  Pacific.  In  the  first 
disheartening  months  after  Pearl  Harbor,  U. 
S.  fighter  pilots  struck  back  against  such 
enormous  odds  that  it  seemed  unlikely  they 
could  succeed.  The  advancing  Jap  had  the 
benefit  not  only  of  vast  numerical  superiority 
but  also  of  long  combat  experience.  Ameri- 
can  pilots  were   few   and   untried. 

Gaining  experience,  they  halted  the  sur- 
prised enemy  at  Midway  and  then  started  on 
the  long  slow  road  toward  Tokyo.  Navy  dive 
and  torpedo  bombers  smashed  a  huge  Jap 
fleet,  and  gave  the  nation  time  to  arm.  But 
their  work,  as  always  in  this  kind  of  sea-air 
war,  was  mode  possible  by  the  protective  skil 
of  fighter  pilots. 

American  fighter  tactics  have  set  a  fast 
pace  for  the  Japs.  The  protection  that  car- 
rier-based fighters  have  given  dive  bombers, 
torpedo    planes    and    their   own    carriers    has 

The   second   in   a   continuing   series   of   articles   about   America's    Naval    Aviation. 


We  ore   indebted  to  the  editors  of   FLYING   (or  permission   to   reprint  this   material 
from   their   recent   "U.   S.    Naval    Aviation"    issue. 

American  Fighter  tactics  have  set  a 
Fast  pace  For  the  Japs.     Our  Navy 
Fighter  pilots  have  such  superiority  over 
the  Jap  they  vie  with  each  other  For  each  kill. 

made  the  Japs  reluctant  to  engage  in  large 
scale  attacks  on  the  carriers.  Some  authori- 
ties believe  that  this  situation  will  be  re- 
versed as  American  forces  near  Japan  proper. 
But  the  carrier-based  fighters  are  piling  up 
additional  Jap  discouragement  through  their 
successful  sweeps. 

On  these  strikes  the  fighters  concentrate 
on  reducing  enemy  fighter  strength  in  the 
target  area.  Then  when  the  bombers  arrive 
they  hove  a  much  greater  chance  to  drop 
their  loads  in  safety.  Once  a  carrier  task 
force  has  eliminated  air  opposition  and 
bombed  land  installations,  the  fighters  fre- 
quently go  in  for  a  general  strafing  spree, 
knocking  down  houses,  chasing  troops,  and 
putting  guns  out  of  commission.  Fighters  ore 
also  called  upon  to  protect  the  scout  observa- 
tion planes  that  are  catapulted  from  cruisers 
and  battleships  to  pick  up  knocked-down 
flyers  from  the  sea. 

Before  all  raids,  of  course,  there  is  a  thor- 
ough briefing  session  conducted  by  on  Air 
Combat  Intelligence  officer.  The  pilots  are 
a  little  keyed  up  but  are  quiet  and  intent 
on  absorbing  every  bit  of  knowledge  that 
will  lielp  them.  An  ACI  officer  of  Bougain- 
ville, presiding  at  a  blackboard  covered  with 

maps  and  photographs,  briefs  the  fighter 
group  for  a  strike  on  Raboui  in  the  following 

"Now  men,  the  target  tomorrow  is  the 
shipping  in  Simpson  Harbor,  secondary  tar- 
get, Lakunai  Airfield.  We'll  go  in  on  a  course 
of  340  just  north  of  the  airfield  (loud  groans 
from  the  pilots)  .  Yes,  I  know.  There  are 
seven  antiaircraft  guns  there,  but  by  God  we 
didn't  knock  them  out  last  time  and  the  dive 
bombers  have  got  to  get  them  tomorrow. 
Who's  the  leader  of  WF-M?  Oh,  yes,  Black- 
burn. Blackburn,  you  know  where  those  guns 
ore.  We'll  need  a  lot  of  protection  around 
that  area.  That's  where  they  came  up  to 
meet  us  trip  before  last.  Who's  the  OTC 
(officer  in  tactical  command)  for  tomorrow? 
Foster,  of  the  Marine  Squadron.  Okay,  here's 
the  set-up.  We'll  have  12  P-40's  (War- 
hawks)  for  close  cover,  eight  F5F's  (Hell- 
cats) for  low  cover,  eight  F6F's  for  medium 
cover,  and  eight  F4U's  (Corsairs)  for  high 
cover.  All  right,  hold  your  horses.  There'll 
be  a  roving  high  cover  to  protect  the  high 
cover — I  don't  know  yet  just  what — P38's 
(Lightnings)  or  F4U's — we'll  let  you  know 
in  plenty  of  time.  Now  the  TBF's  (Aveng- 
ers! will  rendezvous  at  1 ,000  feet  over  Green 
Island  at  14K)  and  the  SBD's  (Dauntless) 
at  1  335  over  Torokina  air  strip  Ion  Bougain- 
ville). Take-off  will  be  1330  for  fighters — 
let  the  roving  high  cover  planes  toke  off 
first,  and  the  cover  planes  afterward.  Now, 
men,  if  you're  forced  down  don't  hesitate  to 

—  3  — 

get  on  that  radio  and  coll  Dumbo  (the  Cata- 
lina  rescue  planes.)  Give  your  position 
clearly  and  get  out  your  raft  and  keep  your 
eyes  open.  Don't  paddle  ashore  anywhere 
near  Rabaul.  Paddle  out  and  wait  for 

"When  you  get  to  the  harbor,  dive  bomb- 
ers will  go  in  first,  as  usual,  and  torpedo 
planes  afterword.  After  the  shipping  has 
been  struck,  rendezvous  at  Point  36  on  the 
little  maps  that  were  passed  out  to  you,  and 
for  God's  soke  join  up  promptly.  In  the  har- 
bor as  I  believe  oil  of  you  know,  there  are 
about  12  cargo  ships,  along  the  line  there 
on  the  map  from  point  14  to  point  22,  and 
also  a  couple  of  cruisers,  here  at  point  X. 
They  sneaked  in  Tuesday  night.  Strafe  hell 
out  of  those  cruisers  if  you  can,  close  cover. 
Now  the  main  thing,  as  you've  been  told  200 
times,  is  don't  straggle.  No  matter  what 
comes  up,  fight  as  a  team. 

"About  that  strike  yesterday,  there  were 
a  couple  of  points.  One  thing  is,  the  Japs 
apparently  have  a  captured  F4U.  They've 
painted  it  black,  so  watch  out  for  it.  Get  it 
if  you  can.  Another  thing — yesterday  only 
close  cover  went  down  with  the  bombers. 
Tomorrow  both  close  cover  and  low  cover 
will  go  down — one  division  of  fighters  with 
five  or  six  planes.  Divide  up  and  don't  get 
confused.  The  SBD's  will  come  in  at  7,000 
feet.  All  you  fighters  who  are  going  down 
try  to  scissor  at  around  400  m.p.h.  Medium 
(Continued   on    page    16) 

Introducing  1st  Lt.  Phil  Levin,  ace  bom- 
bardier and  B-24  navigator,  now  on  fur- 
lough after  having  dropped  his  calling  cards 
all  over  the  Central  Pacific  Jap-infested  hot 
beds.  Women  would  say,  and  most  of  the 
opposite  sex  would  agree,  that  Phil  is  a 
tall,  dark  and  handsome  Sir  Galahad  type, 
sporting  a  well-trimmed  mustache. 

Yes,  this  ex-Ryanite  has  seen  plenty  of 
action  and  excitement  since  he  left  Ryan  in 
March,  1  942,  to  join  Uncle  Sam's  Air  Forces. 
Having  worked  in  the  Production  Control 
Department  from  April,  1941,  to  March, 
1942,  Phil's  interest  in  aviation  began  with 
the  Ryan  PT-22  trainer  production. 

It  was  with  this  background  that  Phil 
started  his  successful  Army  career  at  the 
Victorville,  California,  training  base.  After 
eight  months  of  intensive  studying  and  train- 
ing the  Army  way,  he  received  his  commis- 
sion as  a  bombardier  on  November  21,1  942. 

Phil's  saga  began  with  the  AAF  based  on 
the  American-held  Ellice  Islands,  and  he 
found  out  that  the  toughest  features  of  the 
Central  Pacific  flying  were  the  weather,  the 
water,    long   distances   between   targets,   and 

the  Japs.  "You've  heard  people  soy 

the  Japs  ore  yellow,  but  don't  you  believe  it," 
said  Phil,  as  it  was  on  their  first  mission 
that  a  single  Jap  Zero  had  the  nerve  to  at- 
tack twenty  B-24's.  Of  course,  this  Jap 
pilot  had  more  nerve  and  guts  than  sense, 
which  soon  proved  much  to  his  sorrow  as  he 
joined  his  ancestors  of  the  Sinking  Sun. 

Another  interesting  episode  came  one 
night  when  the  Pistol  Packin'  Mamma  was 
intercepted  en  route  to  Truk.  Suddenly  out 
of  nowhere  came  three  Jap  night  fighters 
on  their  tail.  Immediately,  if  not  sooner, 
the  B-24  dived  from  20,000  to  a  few  feet 
above  the  water  in  an  effort  to  lose  its 
opposition.  But  the  Japs  stayed  closer  than 
a  brother  and  came  right  behind,  making 
passes  for  one  long  hour  and  fifteen  minutes. 
The  B-24  looked  for  a  cloud  cover,  but  none 
was  handy.  Phil  kept  putting  on  his  steel 
helmet  and  taking  it  off  as  these  passes  were 
being  made  by  the  Japs.  Then  the  waist 
gunner  yelled  back,  "What  the  hell  are  you 
yelling  for,  you've  got  a  gun — use  it."  The 
gunner  took  the  hint  and  another  Jap  hit 
the  briny  deep.  After  the  third  Jap  was  out 
of  the  way.  Pistol  Packin'  Mamma  continued 
toward  its  objective  which  was  the  island  of 
Truk.  Their  specific  target  was  the  town  of 
Doublin,  population  of  about  20,000.  The 
Japs  were  taken  completely  by  surprise,  as 
all   lights  were  on  when  our  boys   rode   the 

(Continued  on   page    13) 

by  Earl  Vaushan 

Our  own  Phil  Levin  has 
had  first-hand  experience 
with  the  Japs  and  he 
knows  what  we're  up 

•4  — 

TiJe  cOKt  ^et  t^^xa.  taa  ^a<mf 

'' nor  could  I  forget  Mr.  Claude  Ryan, 

who  has  just  printed  my  picture  in  his  plant 
paper  with  the  challenge  to  his  co-workers  to 
give  my  Navy  colleagues  immediate  delivery 
of  an  even  better  type  airplane  for  which  he 
has  a  contract. 

''We  want  airplanes  and  we  want  them 
fast.  We  can't  get  them  too  soon.  We  can't 
get  too  many.  You  cannot  get  action  by  talk, 
and  we  need  action  out  there.'' 

Vice  Admiral  Marc  A.  Mitscher 

Commander,  Task  Force  58 

An  excerpt  from  a  speech  made  by  Admiral  Mitscher  before 
the  San  Diego  Chamber  of  Commerce,  November  24,  1944 

Ti^c  c^t  act  to<^  m^M4ff 

•5  — 


The  "forgotten  woman"  in  war 
industry  is  a  woman  who  can  find  a 
paper  or  a  blueprint  when  no  one 
else  has  seen  it  for  five  years;  who 
can  spot  a  screwball,  nincompoop  or 
a  time-waster  at  a  glance  and  fend 
him  off  without  offending  him;  who 
can  take  shorthand  at  divebomber 
speed,  type  like  a  machine  gun  and 
plow  through  a  stack  of  papers  like 
a  tank  through  a  haystack;  who  can 
cope  with  any  emergency  from  a 
visiting  admiral  to  a  missing  coot 

In  short,  a  secretary. 

The  secretaries  to  the  executives 
and  department  heads  in  o  plant 
like  Ryan  don't  get  much  glory.  War 
workers  in  the  factory  ore  occasion- 
ally publicized  and  applauded;  man- 
agement men  have  some  prestige 
in  addition  to  headaches.  But  the 
girl  whose  war  weapons  are  a  type- 
writer and  a  shorthand  pod  is 
usually  nothing  more  to  outsiders 
than  on  anonymous  voice  over  the 
telephone  or  a  nameless  face  in  the 
outer  office.  To  her  boss,  however, 
she  is  as  indispensable  as  the  land- 
ing geor  on  an  airplane.  He'd  really 
be  up  in  the  air  without  her. 

Take  Mrs.  Gladys  Robertson,  for 
example.  As  secretary  to  Claude 
Ryan,  she  is  responsible  for  keeping 
tabs  on  his  hurried  comings  and 
goings  all  over  the  plant  so  that 
when  one  of  the  frequent  long-dis- 
tance calls  for  him  comes  in,  or  an 
important  visitor  turns  up  unex- 
pectedly, she  con  locate  him  at  once. 
She  is  responsible  for  shepherding 
him  here  and  there  to  meetings  and 
conferences  in  spite  of  whatever  un- 
foreseen interruptions  crop  up.  She 
is  responsible  for  making  sure  that 
all  visitors  who  come  to  his  office 
go  away  satisfied,  whether  or  not 
they  were  able  to  see  him.  And  she 
is  responsible  for  remembering  all 
the  dozens  of  details  of  his  doily 
work  so  that  he  won't  have  to  keep 
them  on  his  mind;  sorting  his  huge 
stacks  of  mail  at  top  speed  and  mak- 

Visiting  admirals  are  all  part  of  the  day's 
work  for  Gladys  Robertson,  Claude  Ryan's 

The  door  to  Eddie  Molloy's  office  is  always 
open  and  Secretary  Pat  Quint  is  always 

Ethel  Rutter  is  a  whiz  at  statistics.  She  has 
to  be  as  secretary  to  Comptroller  Jim 

6  — 



ing  sure  that  he  acts  on  the  impor- 
tant letters  first;  locating  any  rec- 
ords he  wants  instantly  even  though 
they  may  have  been  filed  ten  or  fif- 
teen years  previously. 

"Sometimes  my  hardest  job  is  to 
keep  Mr.  Ryan  on  his  schedule," 
says  Mrs.  Robertson.  Like  all  secre- 
taries, she  regards  her  boss  as  a 
railroad  train  which  must  be  moved 
hither  and  thither  in  accordance 
with  a  minute  by  minute  schedule. 
"Every  now  and  then  he'll  fly  out 
the  door  on  some  rush  errand  and  I 
never  know  whether  he'll  be  back 
in  time  to  keep  his  next  appoint- 
ment. Or  he'll  get  waist-deep  in 
some  important  matter  and  will  have 
to  spend  an  hour  on  it  that  should 
have  been  spent  at  some  engage- 
ment. Mr.  Ryan  almost  always  keeps 
every  appointment  promptly,  but 
(Continued   on   page   21  ) 

tat       "fo,^      'c 

"Of  ^"^O, 

l>u/°' Off;"'*,  f.. 

o  r- 










Dorothy  Maple,  secretary  to  Factory  Man- 
ager G.  E.  Barton,  works  best  when  the 
pressure  is  on. 

Roy  Cunningham's  days  ore  crammed  with 
action,  but  Helen  Bliss  keeps  his  schedule 

The  Tooling  office  is  a  beehive  and  Betty 
Phillips  is  queen  bee  as  Ace  Edmiston's 

He  knew  he  had  to  get 
into  aviation  to  be  happy^ 
but  he  was  almost  side- 




At  the  first  glance,  you  know  that  Adolph  Bolger  is 
a  man  of  action — once  he's  made  up  his  mind.  It  didn't 
take  him  long  to  come  to  the  conclusion  that  the  air- 
craft  industry  was  his  meat.   "Way  back  when    I   was 
a  kid,    I   used   to  pester  everyone   I    knew  asking   them 
to  tell    me  anything   and   everything   they   knew  about 
aviation.    I    read  all   the   books  on   how   to 
build  an  airplane  as  a  hobby.  After  glean- 
ing smatterings  of  information  from  many 
sources,  I  knew  that  aviation  was  the  field 
for    me    as    I     recognized    its    possibilities 
were  great  both  along  military  as  well  as 
commercial    lines.    I   don't  believe  anything 
could  have  kept  me  out  of  it.  It  had  become 
a   burning,   nagging  desire." 

Adolph  was  ahead  of  times  in  his  think- 
ing of  aviation.  For  back  in  his  childhood 
days,  aviation  wasn't  the  field  that  it  is 
today.  Hjs  pioneering  spirit  was  no  doubt 
inherited  from  his  pioneering  parents  who 
emigrated  from  Russia  to  the  United  States. 
"Dad  felt  that  the  United  States  was  the 
land  of  opportunity  where  he  and  mother 
could  begin  a  new  life  for  themselves  and 
their  children.  The  first  thing  he  did  upon 
arrival  was  to  buy  a  farm.  This  was  a  nat- 
ural step  because  he  knew  farming  from 
A  to  Z,  having  been  raised  on  a  farm  in 

Adolph  was  born  on  his  father's  farm 
in  Bunker  Hill,  Kansas,  and  it  was  his  home 
until  he  was  seven.  Then,  because  of  an 
unusually  destructive  drought,  his  father 
decided  to  move  to  Mankato,  Minnesota, 
where  he  purchased  a  wheat  farm.  "Minne- 
sota was  a  wonderful  place  to  experience 
childhood  days.  I  still  miss  Minnesota 
winters.  I  can  remember  so  vividly  those  cold,  crisp 
winter  days  when  my  six  brothers  and  1  would  go  skating 
and  skiing. 

"The  winter  evenings,  after  all  the  chores  were  done, 
hold  especially  fond  memories  for  me.  We  children 
would  gather  'round  the  huge  stone  fireplace,  soaking 

(Continued  on  page  24) 

^8  — 


Flashes  From  Fuselage 

by  Bettie  Murren 

What  the  royal  and  ancient  Society  of 
St.  Andrews  did  for  golf,  what  the  Marquis 
of  Queensberry  did  for  box  fighting,  what 
various  other  organizations  and  individuals 
have  done  for  all  the  other  sports,  someone 
should  do  for  Christmas  shopping. 

Christmas  shopping  is  this  country's  major 
sport.  Baseball  has  the  reputation  of  being 
the  national  pastime  but  more  people  play 
Christmas  shopping  in  the  space  of  a  few 
weeks  than  ploy  or  watch  baseball  over  a 
ten  year  span.  Yet  Christmas  shopping  has 
no  rules,  no  national  head  to  whom  shoppers 
can  turn  for  final  decisions. 

As  poorly  qualified  as  I  am,  I  have  tried 
to  draw  up  a  set  of  rules  for  the  sport  in 
the  hope  that  some  order  may  be  established 
between  now  and  December  25th.  Here  are 
my   rules: 

1 .  Wives  and  husbands  must  not  shop 
together.  Reno,  Las  Vegas  and  other  untying 
centers  owe  much  to  husbands  and  wives 
who  have  tried  to  shop  together.  The  glove 
counter  alone  has  caused  more  breakups 
than  wife  beating,  alcoholic  spirits  and  nag- 
ging combined. 

2.  No  contestant  must  attempt  to  do  his 
shopping  at  an  hour  when  he  believes  there 
will  be  a  lull  in  trade  and  he  will  find  the 
store  less  crowded.  This  is  what  causes  tre- 
mendous crowds  in  stores.  Everybody  tries 
to  do  this,  with  the  result  that  thousands  of 
shoppers  reach  the  store  at  the  same  time, 
causing  a  modern  day  Oklahoma  land  rush. 

3.  There  is  no  "women  and  children  first" 
rule  in  Christmas  shopping.  That  rule  is  all 
right  in  times  of  minor  peril,  such  as  boot 
sinkings  or  four-alarm  fires,  but  it  has  no 
place  in  department  stores.  When  this  rule 
is  followed  the  men  never  get  any  closer 
than  a  rifle  shot  to  the  counter,  there  ap- 
parently being  an  inexhaustible  supply  of 
women  and  children  who  keep  charging  to 
the  front.  Gallantry  has  no  place  where 
there  are  presents  to  be  bought.  The  men 
must  throw  their  weight  around  carefully, 
of  course,  but  they  must  not  stand  meekly 
in  the  rear  ond  be  kicked  all  over  the  place. 

4.  When  three  or  more  people  dive  for  the 
lost  item  on  the  counter,  the  person  who 
falls  with  it  to  the  floor  has  possession.  Use 
of  the  hands  and  feet  are  allowed  while 
fighting  for  possession  of  the  article,  but 
there  must  be  no  piling  on  or  unnecessary 
roughness  once  the  lucky  man  or  woman 
falls  to  the  floor  with  the  prize. 

5.  Persons  losing  their  shopping  lists  shall 
be  penalized  half  the  distance  to  the  counter. 
They  shall  not  be  allowed  to  occupy  the 
attention  of  a  soles  clerk  while  they  root 
through  their  pocketbooks  or  purses  while 
telling  everybody  within  hearing  distance 
that  it  couldn't  be  lost,  that  only  a  second 
ago  they  had   it  right  here   in  their  hands. 

6.  Persons  accompanied  by  small  chil- 
dren, who  refuse  to  stand  on  their  own  feet 
and  stomp  around  until  they  find  a  stranger's 
feet  to  stand  on,   must  contribute    10  cents 

toward  the  purchase  of  War  Bonds  on  enter- 
ing the  store.  As  nearly  everyone  who  does 
Christmas  shopping  is  accompanied  by  such 
small  children.  Uncle  Sam  will  profit  by 
millions  of  dollars  worth  of  bonds, 

7.  Anyone  caught  cheating  at  the  wrap- 
ping counter,  that  is  sneaking  up  in  line, 
will  be  returned  to  the  foot  of  the  line.  He 
will  also  be  further  penalized  by  having  his 
bundles  wrapped  with  old  string  which  will 
break  when  he  gets  on  a  crowded  bus. 

8.  Persons  carrying  so  many  bundles  that 
their  vision  is  shut  off  will  have  no  right  of 
way.  They  must  provide  for  at  least  one 
peephole  so  that  they  won't  go  charging 
through  the  aisles  like  a  rogue  elephant  on 
the   loose. 

If  the  rules  are  acceptable  and  the  Christ- 
mas shoppers  of  America  want  to  have  and 
support  a  notional  head,  such  as  Judge 
Londis  is  in  baseball,  I  con  find  a  man,  who 
for  the  nominal  sum  of  $75,000  a  year, 
will  take  the  job.  His  name  is  Coats  and  he 
con  go  to  work  at  the  drop  of  the  hat.  He'll 
even  drop  his  own  hot. 


Encouraged  by  collect  wires  from  all  parts 
of  the  country  praising  my  courage  in  vision- 
ing  a  postwar  world  in  which  nuisances 
mankind  has  put  up  with  for  centuries  would 
be  abolished,  I  have  given  more  thought  to 
the  subject. 

In  a  previous  column,  I  enumerated  some 
of  the  annoyances  that  should  be  done  away 
with.  I  mode  it  plain  that  I  didn't  core  to 
have  a  soy  as  to  whether  or  not  Greenland 
should  be  given  to  Czechoslovakia,  Latvia 
turned  into  a  Victory  Garden,  the  Isle  of 
Jersey  given  bock  to  the  cows,  or  the  speed 
limit  on  the  Burma  Road  limited  to  35  miles 
an  hour  for  trucks  and  55  miles  per  hour 
for  passenger  cars. 

1  came  right  out  for  getting  rid  of  such 
things  as  dining  by  candlelight,  small  ash 
trays  and  people  who  button-hole  you  and 
say,  "Betcha  don't  know  who  I  am."  Since 
then,  I've  thought  of  some  nuisances  that 
could  be  done  away  with. 

Wouldn't  it  be  better  too,  if  any  man 
who  hod  been  married  more  than  a  yeor 
was  forbidden  to  introduce  his  wife  by  say- 
ing, "I  want  you  to  meet  the  bride"?  In 
my  time  I've  met  some  of  the  oldest  brides 
you  can  imagine. 

I  think  the  world  could  get  along  nicely, 
too,  without  those  insurance  advertisements 
which  tell  a  man  that  even  if  he  doesn't 
start  saving  until  he  is  45,  he  can  still  take 
mamma  on  a  'round-the-world  cruise  if  he 
is  just  thrifty  enough  to  start  putting  away 
0  couple  of  bucks  a  week  with  the  Titmouse 
Mutual.  You've  seen  those  ads,  an  elderly 
couple  leaning  against  the  roil  of  a  luxury 
liner  obviously  about  to  start  on  a  luxury 
cruise,  all  thanks  to  Titmouse  Mutual.  I 
have  traveled  on  enough  boats  to  wonder 
continually  how  they  manage  it.  My  guess 
is  that  they  go  steerage  with  a  box  lunch. 

—  10  — 

FUSELAGE  ANNOUNCES:  The  arrival  of 
Yvonne  Louise  Johnson  to  the  O.  G.  JOHN- 
SON household  on  Nov.  6,  1944.  Baby  is 
doing  nicely  and  Glen  is  recovering.  Fuse- 
lage presented  the  little  lady  with  a  new 
carriage  so  she  can  go  shopping  with  Mom- 
ma. The  Flying  Reporter  sent  their  photog- 
rapher to  take  o  picture  of  the  event. 

We  hod  two  of  our  leadmen  awarded  the 
Silver  Award  for  War  Production  Suggestions 
by  Lieut.  Ira  C.  Kepford.  We  were  mighty 
proud  of  both  BOB  WALLIN  and  DON 
LILLEY.  While  on  the  subject  of  these  awards 
we  have  quite  a  number  of  people  in  our 
department  who  hove  been  awarded  bronze 
awards  and  have  suggestions  under  consider- 
ation now.  We  are  proud  of  them  for  two 
reasons:  first,  it  shows  why  we  have_made 
the  most  wonderful  leap  in  production  in 
the  history  of  the  world  (do  any  of  you  re- 
member "decadent  Democrocy" ) ;  second, 
cutting  man-hours  means  cutting  the  length 
of  the  war. 

We  certainly  miss  four  of  our  girls:  PEE 
WIN. They  are  at  the  park  now  on  a  tem- 
porary loan  to  Wing. 

We  have  three  servicemen  working  port 
time:  one  on  first  shift  and  two  on  second. 
We  ore  glad  to  have  S.  SMITH,  D.  CRUPPI 
and  MIKE  DANIELOVICH  with  us.  Also,  we 
welcome  bock  FAY  NELL  RHOADES.  She 
left  us  last  June  and  returned  to  her  home 
in  Texas. 

With  everyone  thinking  or  at  least  dream- 
ing of  postwar  things  to  come,  I  find  it 
quite  interesting  to  note  the  difference  in 
the  things  we  hove  planned.  Here  we  are 
all  doing  the  same  thing,  the  some  plant 
with  the  some  ultimate  purpose.  Here  are 
a  few  and  as  I  learn  more  of  our  people 
I'll  pass  them  on  to  you,  that  is.  If  you're 
interested.  T.  J.  JOHNSON  has  purchased 
a  ranch  in  Northern  California.  He  will 
have  fruit,  lumber  and  a  few  cattle  perhaps. 
Being  inside  so  much  has  put  his  mind  on 
the  wide  open  spaces.  GLEN  JOHNSON  has 
his  plons  set  on  a  ranch,  too,  but  I  think 
he  leans  toward  pure-bred  horses.  MOOSE 
has  his  plans  for  returning  to  college  and 
will  follow  a  coaching  career.  G.  LOVELADY 
wonts  a  business  of  his  own,  considering  both 
a  grocery  business  and  a  filling  station. 
WALLY  PEDIGO  has  a  farm  bock  in  Mis- 
souri. LOIS  CALLAWAY  has  mentioned  she 
would  like  to  go  bock  to  Florida  but  that 
may  depend  on  whether  or  not  her  husband 
goes  back  in  the  Border  Service  after  his 
discharge  from  the  Navy.  I  think  most  of 
we  women  are  just  marking  time  'til  we 
con  step  out  and  let  the  men  take  back 
over  the  production  line,  and  for  peacetime 

ED  GUERRERO  from  our  department  sang 
and  played  during  the  lunch  hours  last  Fri- 
day and  we  all  enjoyed  his  rendition  of 
Spanish  music. 

JOHN  GIBSON  who  has  been  in  Fuselage 
for  over  a  year  left  us  last  week  to  go  into 
the  Navy.  We  hated  to  lose  him  but  he  has 
tried  so  hard  to  get  in  that  we're  glad  for 


He  was  a  missing  person  —  missing  from  Ryan.  And  he  was 
certainly  WANTED.  But  we  got  what  we  WANTED  when  he  re- 
cently joined  our  forces. 

However,  there  are  many  more  missing  men  like  Guy  Estes 
who  should  be  working  at  Ryan.  We  need  additional  workers  — 
right  now  —  to  help  us  meet  our  tremendously-expanded  produc- 
tion quota  for  Uncle  Sam. 

Yes,  the  Ryan  company  is  today  confronted  with  the  biggest 
employment  problem  in  its  history,  and  is  appealing  to  you  for  help. 

Perhaps  some  of  your  friends  or  relatives  back  in  the  East  or 
Middle  West  are  either  trained  TOOL  MAKERS,  JIG  BUILDERS, 
talents  are  especially  needed.  Perhaps  they  would  like  to  come  to 
California  to  help  us  build  our  new 
Navy  warplane. 

If  you  know  of  any  persons 
who  can  fill  this  bill,  please  fill  in 
the  coupon  below  with  their  names 
and  addresses  as  well  as  your  own 
name  and  department  number. 

If  you  persuade  any  of  your 
friends  to  come  to  California, 
homes  will  be  made  available  to 
them,  as  well  as  transportation  to 

This  is  a  problem  that  YOU 
can  help  us  solve.  Any  assistance 
you  can  offer  will  be  doing  us,  and 
the  boys  over  there,  a  B I G  FAVOR. 

To:        Mr.  Frank  Saye 

Employment  Manager 
Downtown  Employment  Office 

1    believe    the    following    people    would 

going  to  work  for  Ryan: 


be    interested    in 

CITY  .. 

Last                         , 



...  STATE 

NAME  -...__ _ 





...  STATE.. 


CITY  .... 

Last                        , 



...  STATE 

work  in  



call    Frank    Saye, 

For    any    additional    information,    just 
Employment  Manager,  at  M-6191. 


^cimd(f.—0%  Tout  W 

This  is  a  picture  of  an  eviction.    Remember? 

We  don't  think  there'll  be  any  more  pictures  like  it.    But  there  might  be. 

Yes,  there  might  be — if  American  families  pass  up  this  greatest  oppor- 
tunity in  history  to  protect  their  future. 

We're  all  working  now  —  and  making  good  money  —  because  there's  a 
ready  customer  for  our  services  .  .  .  WAR.  He  drives  a  cruel  bargain,  that 
customer.  In  return  for  high  wages  he  takes  our  brothers,  and  husbands,  and 
sons.    Sometimes  for  keeps. 

Families  all  over  America  are  asking  now  if  WAR  is  the  only  customer 
big  enough  to  make  jobs  enough.    The  answer  is  no! 

To  have  enough  jobs  after  the  war  simply  means  that  there  must  be  a 
peacetime  "customer"  equally  big,  with  equally  as  much  cash  to  spend. 

The  only  customer  big  enough  is  the  American  Public  —  you  and  your 

If  we  Americans  save  our  money  now,  we'll  have  money  to  spend  after 
the  war.  We'll  be  able  to  buy  some  of  the  things  we've  had  to  do  without 
during  wartime. 

And  as  long  as  people  buy,  people  work.  As  long  as  people  work,  they  buy. 
If  you  and  enough  of  your  neighbors  have  that  cold  cash  after  the  war, 
there'll  be  no  more  pictures  of  evictions  or  breadlines.  No  more  handouts 
or  "made  work." 

The  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive  is  now  on.  War  Bonds  today  are  job  bonds 
tomorrow.    Build  a  big  nest-egg  for  your  future  —  buy  lots  of  Bonds! 

—  12  — 

Commander  Thomas  Blackburn,  U.  S.  N.,  (center)  commander  of  the  Navy's  famous 
Skull-and-Crossbones  squadron  recently  returned  from  the  South  Pacific,  is  seen  talking 
with  Ben  T.  Salmon,  Chief  Engineer,  (left)  and  Test  Pilot  Dean  Lake  during  a  recent 
visit  to  the  Ryan  plant. 



(Continued  from  page  4) 

Japanese  radio  beam  to  the  island.  All  bombs 
were  dropped  before  the  lights  were  turned 
out  and  shore  batteries  began  firing  flak  in 
all  directions.  The  town's  military  installa- 
tions and  ammunition  dumps  were  blown  to 
bits.  It  was  after  this  raid  that  Phil's  crew 
decided  it  was  about  10,000  miles  to  each 
target  and  20,000  miles  back  to  the  home 

The  Japs  are  full  of  tricks.  On  the  next 
bombing  raid  over  the  same  town,  the  Jops 
left  their  radio  beam  on,  but  focused  it  on  a 
ship  several  miles  away  from  the  shore.  This 
was  done  to  use  up  the  Americans'  gas  and 
to  have  them  drop  their  bombs  on  an  empty 
ship  instead  of  military  objectives.  However, 
the  B-24  gang  again  outsmarted  the  Japs 
as  they  discovered  the  trick  in  time  to  save 
their  gas  and  bombs  for  better  use  on  Truk. 

The  most  nerve-racking  experience  of 
Phil's  career  came  during  one  of  the  Pistol 
Packin'  Mamma's  usual  night  missions.  After 
the  eggs  had  been  dropped  on  a  Jap-held 
island  and  several  Jap  fighters  had  been  put 
out  of  the  way,  one  of  the  motors  conked 
out.  This  wasn't  so  bad  as  three  were  still 
going  strong  and  the  B-24  hod  often  come 
home  with  one  gone.  Then  it  happened — 
number  two  gave  up  the  ghost.  Altitude  was 
12,000  feet,  but  the  B-24  began  to  drop 
fast  as  the  heavy  load  bogged  it  down.  All 
hands    turned    to    and    began    throwing    out 

surplus  gas,  ammunition,  flak  suits  and  one 
case  of  K-rations,  which  none  were  sorry  to 
see  leave.  It  was  like  the  Boston  Tea  Party, 
according  to  Phil,  as  everything  in  sight  that 
wasn't  tied  or  fastened  down  was  dumped 
overboard.  The  plane  began  to  level  off 
and  the  crew  felt  somewhat  relieved,  but  for 
a   few   minutes  only. 

Phil's  troubles  as  navigator  grew  worse, 
as  the  plane  could  not  keep  a  constant  course 
with  two  motors  and  was  flying  just  above 
stalling  speed  with  half  flaps.  "There  we 
were  about  SOO  miles  from  land,"  Phil  re- 
calls. "Radio  out  of  order,  two  motors  hay- 
wire, and  the  possibility  of  a  gas  shortage 
without  a  coupon  or  a  gas  station  in  sight. 
It  looked  like  the  cords  were  stacked  against 
us.  I  can  kid  about  it  now,  but  brother,  our 
gong  was  plenty  scared  and  we  weren't 
afraid  to  admit  it.  Well,  to  make  a  long 
story  short,  with  the  help  of  my  sixth  sense 
and  a  little  praying  by  crew  members,  some- 
how a  miracle  happened  as  land  came  in 
sight  and  it  hoppened  to  be  the  island  we 
wanted.  The  crew  members  sang  and  danced 
and  thanked  God  that  Pistol  Packin'  Momma 
hod  brought  us  through." 

Phil  received  the  DFC  for  this  outstanding 
feat  of  navigation. 

Next  come  the  invasion  of  the  Kwajalien 
Islands,  and  Phil's  crew  was  called  upon  to 
join  other  B-24's  to  cover  the  invasion 
Nothing  unusual  happened  during  this  mis- 
sion, according  to  Phil,  and  shortly  afterward 
their  squadron  was  ordered  to  Hawaii  for  o 
much  needed  rest.  It  was  there  that  three 
enlisted  men  looked  up  Phil  and  his  gong  to 
shake  their  hands  as  they  were  in  the  ground 
invasion  of  the   Kwajalien   Islands.    Accord- 

—  13  — 

ing  to  these  enlisted  men,  the  most  beautiful 
sight  of  their  lives  come  when  Pistol  Packin' 
Momma  and  the  other  B-24's  joined  the 

When  Phil  was  asked  by  this  reporter 
what  experience  stood  out  most  in  his  mem- 
ory during  his  adventures  in  the  Pacific, 
after  a  little  thought  he  recounted  this  inci- 
dent. "It  was  at  Wotji  Island,  a  large  Jap 
base,  that  one  B-24  of  our  squadron  was  shot 
down.  As  the  crew  were  taking  to  their  life 
rafts,  three  Jap  Zeros  swooped  down  to  strafe 
the  ship,  and  the  total  crew  gave  their  lives. 
These  Japs  hove  little  sportsmanship  and  do 
their  best  work  when  they  con  keep  up  their 
Pearl   Harbor  tradition. 

"Another  unforgettable  occurrence  hap- 
pened 3,000  feet  over  a  Jap-held  island 
when  the  Pistol  Packin'  Momma  was  on  a 
lone  mission.  Flak  and  small  shot  were  ter- 
rific OS  the  B-24  approached  its  target  and 
the  bomb-boy  doors  were  opened  ready  for 
the  big  moment.  But  for  some  reason  the 
bombs  were  stuck  and  the  crew  muffed  their 
chance.  It  really  was  sickening  to  turn 
around  and  go  back  over  the  some  target 
again,  as  any  bombing  crew  would  rather  do 
anything  than  make  a  double  run  on  the 
same  target.  Our  next  run  did  the  trick  but 
the  plane  hod  35  bullet  holes  as  its  reward 
for  a  muffed  deal.  On  the  return  trip  home 
a  Jap  freighter  was  spotted  on  the  horizon 
and  the  crew  voted  to  take  on  on  extra  un- 
authorized mission  that  night.  One  less  Jap 
freighter  carrying  supplies  to  troops  was 
afloat  when  we  went  home." 

Small  Parts 

by  Kitty  and  Doris 

Our  columnist  for  this  department  seems 
to  come  and  go.  First  we  lost  MARIANE 
(Diane  transferred  to  TooTng  Design  re- 
cently) so  we  (Bob  Harris'  latest  department 
clerk  and  old-standby-pinhole  peeking  Mom- 
ma)   ore  endeavoring  to  put  out  a  column. 

Here  is  what  we  wont  from  you — not  any 
"old  rags"  most  of  us  wear  ours  to  work  in 
rainy  weather,  not  any  "old  bottles"  they're 
war  salvage,  and  not  any  "old  shoes"  what 
with  shoe  rationing  a  la  headache.  What 
we  do  wont  is  your  NEWS!  Won't  you  shore 

MRS.  DORA  HAMILTON,  sondbloster,  has 
two  new  blessings,  on  October  born  grand- 
daughter and  a  November  grandson.  Isn't 
she  to  be  congratuloted? 

happy  person  these  days,  for  her  son  is  to 
be  home  on  on  army  furlough  at  a  very 
early  dote. 

Remember  OLIVE  KNAFF?  She  left  us 
this  summer  for  the  old  Montana  haunts, 
but  has  re-hired  and  will  be  back  with  us 
next  month.  Olive's  friends,  and  she  has 
them  by  the  score,  will  be  more  than  happy 
to  have  her  back  again. 

We  are  oil  missing  HOMER  BROWN  who 
has  transferred  to  the  Machine  Shop  Dept.  6. 
Doesn't  seem  quite  the  some  without 
"Brownie's"  loping  walk  and  his  universal 

"ADDIE"  PORTER  is  on  a  leave — home- 
sick, we  hear. 



(Continued  from  page  1  ) 

allies,"  Breder  says.  "When  we  ask  them 
to  get  a  man  on  the  long-distance  phone, 
they  keep  after  that  man  like  a  Northwest 
Mounted.  They  just  won't  take  no  for  an 
answer;  they  stay  on  the  coll  until  they 
locate  the  man  in  a  hotel  lobby  or  on  the 
flight  line  or  wherever  he  may  be.  We 
wouldn't  complete  half  as  many  important 
calls  OS  we  do,  if  our  telephone  girls  were 
just  average  operators.  They're  tops." 

The  list  of  customers  for  Ryan  manifolds 
sounds  like  on  honor  roll  of  the  greatest 
names  in  aircraft.  The  list  of  cities  to  which 
Ryan  manifolds  are  being  shipped  sounds 
like  a  Cook's  Tour.  For  example,  Joe  Small 
of  the  Ryan  sales  staff  handles  these  clients: 
Bell  at  Marietta,  Georgia;  Martin  at  Omaha; 
Fisher  Body  at  Detroit,  Cleveland  and  Lan- 
sing, Michigan;  Boeing  at  Wichita,  Seattle 
and  Renton,  Michigan.  Joe  Richert  handles 
Douglas  orders  from  Santa  Monica,  Long 
Beach,  El  Segundo,  Oklahoma  City  and  Chi- 
cago. Horace  Sweet's  list  includes  Grumman 
at  Bethpoge,  Long  Island;  Republic  at  Form- 
ingdale  and  Evansville,  Indiana;  Curtiss- 
Wright  at  Columbus;  Consolidated-Vultee  at 
Allentown,  Pennsylvania;  Goodyear  at 
Akron;  and  a  list  of  other  miscellaneous 
accounts.  All  these  factories  are  going  hell- 
for-leather  on  rush  contracts  for  the  Army 
and  Navy.  They  need  Ryan  manifolds  for 
their  planes,  they  need  lots  of  them,  and 
they  need  them  fast.  No  wonder  the  office 
force  in  the  Sales  department  sometimes 
looks  a   bit  wilted  after  a   heavy  day. 

Frank  Harmon,  who  is  Sam  Breder's  right 
hand  man  and  coordinator  of  the  work  of 
the  whole  staff,  is  the  man  who  has  to  bear 
the  brunt  of  the  hottest  negotiations.  When 
the  department  lands  a  walloping  order  for 
Ryan  manifolds  to  be  delivered  day  before 
yesterday,  and  the  hard-pressed  Ryan  fac- 
tory screams  that  it  can't  fill  the  order  until 
months  from  now,  it's  up  to  Harmon  to  be 
the  go-between  and  work  out  a  compromise 
between  what  the  customer  wonts  to  buy 
and  what  the  factory  con  deliver. 

"I  don't  blame  the  factory  supervisors 
for  tearing  their  hair  when  they  see  some 
of  the  huge  quantities  and  hurry-up  dates 
on  our  orders,"  Harmon  says.  "It's  amazing 
what  our  factory  can  turn  out  when  the 
heat  is  really  on.  In  the  last  two  years,  with 
virtually  no  increase  in  manpower,  they've 
multiplied  fivefold  the  number  of  manifolds 
they  built.  We  know  of  no  production  line 
in  any  factory  anywhere  in  the  country  that 
has  ever  been  stopped  because  of  lack  of 
Ryan  manifolds." 

The  one  thought  always  uppermost  in  the 
minds  of  Breder  and  Harmon  is  how  to  build 
up  tomorrow's  postwar  manufacturing  busi- 
ness for  Ryan  without  interfering  with  to- 
day's vital  war  work.  Each  man  keeps  on  his 
desk  a  big  schedule  showing  Ryan's  major 
orders  and  their  approximate  expiration  date. 
They  ore  now  planning  ahead  to  1945  and 
1946,  booking  orders  to  begin  delivery  on 
those  distant  dotes.  They  have  landed  big 
contracts  for  such  cargo  ships  as  the  C-54 

and  the  C-47  because  those  planes  ore 
likely  to  continue  in  production  after  the 
war;  they  grabbed  off  the  manifold  business 
for  the  B-29's  because  that  plane  is  likely 
to  continue  in  production  until  the  very  end 
of  the  Pacific  war  and  perhaps  afterword. 
At  the  some  time,  they're  conscious  of  the 
patriotic  necessity  to  provide  Ryan  manifolds 
for  any  type  of  combat  plane  for  which  the 
Army  or  Navy  needs  them.  So  an  urgent  war 
order,  whether  it  has  any  postwar  possi- 
bilities or  not,  will  still  get  priority  at  Ryan. 

The  volume  of  correspondence  which 
pours  across  the  desks  of  this  department  is 
amazing.  Most  of  it  deals  with  tiny  details, 
and  every  detail  must  be  right.  Engineering 
changes,  requests  for  quotations,  appeals  for 
speed-up  on  delivery  dotes,  tooling  charges, 
discrepancies  in  shipments,  and  a  thousand 
other  details  crowd  the  desks  of  Sales  staff. 
By  keeping  close  watch  on  oil  these  min- 
utiae, the  staff  has  been  able  to  save  many 
thousands  of  dollars  for  the  company.  For 
example,  on  a  recent  Douglas  contract, 
there  were  more  than  100  separate  engi- 
neering changes  sent  through  by  Douglas 
on  the  design  of  the  manifold  that  they 
wonted  Ryan  to  build.  Each  of  these  changes 
caused  a  slight  change  in  the  cost  of  build- 
ing every  manifold — eight  cents  here,  fif- 
teen cents  there.  Such  a  small  amount  might 
easily  have  been  overlooked  by  a  slipshod 
department.  On  the  other  hand,  if  Ryan 
hod  wished  to  adopt  Shylock  tactics,  it 
could  have  held  up  production  each  time 
Douglas  sent  through  on  engineering  change, 
and  waited  until  Douglas  okeyed  the  change 
in  price  before  proceeding.  Instead  the  Soles 
department  simply  made  a  note  of  each 
slight  change  in  cost  as  it  occurred,  and 
figured  out  the  total  change  after  the  order 
had  been  delivered.  It  added  up  to  a  $65,- 
000  increase  on  the  bill.  And  Douglas  pays, 
grateful  that  Ryan  didn't  stop  to  haggle  over 
costs  when  it  might  have  held  up  pro- 

There  are  plenty  of  headaches  and  heart- 
aches involved  in  carrying  on  such  a  huge 
volume  of  soles  negotiations  at  top  speed. 
Frank  Harmon  is  a  post  master  at  coordinat- 
ing all  the  minute  details  connected  with 
soles  negotiations  and  hurry  up  out-of-town 
meetings.  Long  time  experience  and  a  cool 
head  keeps  him  from  becoming  flustered 
when  it  comes  to  coordinating  such  things 
as  phone  colls,  priorities,  travel  expense, 
plane  reservations,  train  reservations,  soles 
reports,  blueprints  and  production  status  in 
such  a  manner  that  when  it's  all  done,  it's 
in   apple   pie  order. 

There  was  a  typical  cose  recently  when 
Frank  Harmon  got  a  long-distance  coll  noti- 
fying him  there  would  be  a  meeting  two  days 
later  to  discuss  production  on  a  certain 
model.  Since  Ryan  holds  many  contracts  for 
this  particular  manifold,  but  is  constantly 
seeing  competitors  try  to  take  over  these 
controcts,  Harmon  knew  that  Ryan  should 
hove  a  sales  representative  at  the  meeting, 
just  as  its  competitors  would  have.  So  he 
went  to  work  on  the  long-distance  telephone, 
to  verify  the  time  and  place  of  the  meeting 
and  get  plane  priority  so  that  someone  from 
Ryan  could  reach  there  in  time.  After  much 
telephone  conversation  hod  ensued,  Harmon 
got  confirmation  that  the  meeting  would  be 
held  in  a  city  for  distant  from  Son  Diego 
the  next  day. 

That  news  didn't  give  Harmon  much  time 
to    moke    arrangements    for   our    represento- 

—  14  — 

five,  but  he  set  to  work  with  a  vengeance! 
He  got  the  Army  to  issue  a  plane  priority 
in  the  nick  of  time,  then  located  Kent 
Wheeler,  one  of  the  Engineering  depart- 
ment's traveling  representatives,  and  started 
him  on  the  rush  trip.  Wheeler  didn't 
hove  enough  money  in  his  pocket  for  the 
expenses  of  such  a  trip,  and  there  wasn't 
enough  cash  in  the  office  at  that  moment. 
So  Wheeler  had  to  drive  downtown  in  his 
own  car,  cash  his  own  check,  then  hop  into 
0  company  automobile  with  someone  from 
another  department  who  was  just  starting  to 
Los  Angeles.  Wheeler  got  to  Los  Angeles 
barely  in  time  to  catch  the  connecting  plane. 
However,  he  arrived  at  the  meeting  with  a 
few  minutes  to  spore  and  Ryan  team  work 
won  again. 

In  spite  of  a  steady  diet  of  such  diffi- 
culties. Soles  is  constantly  lining  up  new  and 
bigger  orders  to  keep  our  manifold  division 
working  day  ond  night.  One  recent  contract 
began  as  on  order  for  260  manifolds  per 
month  of  a  certain  type.  The  Sales  staff 
later  got  it  up  to  280,  then  to  300;  now  the 
controct  colls  for  575  collectors  plus  1200 
component  ports — the  equivalent  of  about 
another  750  collectors.  In  sixty  days  Sales 
hod  multiplied  an  order  to  five  times  its 
original  size.  With  this  kind  of  work,  it's 
no  wonder  that  the  total  Ryan  backlog  of 
manifold  contracts  has  also  increased  five- 

Port  of  Ryan's  work  is  done  from  its  New 
York  office,  where  three  hard-driving  soles 
engineers,  Fred  Bohling,  Orrin  Ross  and 
Lawrence  Amonn  roam  the  east  ond  midwest 
in  search  of  more  business  for  the  company. 
Sometimes  when  they  get  a  likely  lead,  Sam 
Breder  flies  out  to  join  them  in  clinching 
the  deal.  These  men  hove  seen  the  inside  of 
all  of  the  leading  factories  in  the  country 
— and  hove  had  some  weird  experiences. 
Breder  relates  one  visit  to  the  factory  of  a 
famous  monfocturer — not  on  aircraft  builder 
— where  he  was  standing  in  the  reception 
room  when  suddenly  on  office  boy  hurried 
through,  announcing  the  impending  arrival 
of  the  heod  of  the  company,  much  as  a 
medieval  herald  or  pageboy  might  have 
done:  "Here  comes  Mr.  Blank,  everybody! 
Here  comes  Mr.  Blank!"  Breder  claims  he 
knelt  to  await  the  arrival  of  the  company's 

Ross  tells  about  another  visit  to  a  famous 
manufacturer  who  likewise  was  not  in  the 
aircraft  business,  although  he  wanted  to  be. 
This  manufacturer  was  full  of  plans  to  build 
a  fantastically  large  airplane — four  or  five 
times  as  big  as  any  ever  produced  by  the  old 
line  companies.  The  company's  project  en-, 
gineer  received  Ross  to  talk  about  the  pos- 
sibility of  using  Ryan  manifolds  on  the  plane. 
Ross  began  showing  him  pictures  of  Ryan 
manifolds  on  other  planes,  and  the  engineer 
nodded  wisely  as  he  glanced  at  each  picture. 
Finally,  however,  the  engineer  stopped  Ross. 
"I  can  understand  how  these  manifolds 
work,"  he  said,  pointing  to  the  cowling  on 
the  plane,  "but  what  ore  these  big  stacks 
for?  Do  you  pour  water  out  of  those?"  Ross 
just  smiled,  closed  up  his  book  of  pictures 
and  said,  "Goodbye.  I  enjoyed  meeting  you." 

It's  all  in  a  day's  work  to  the  men  who  ore 
out  beating  the  bushes  for  more  business  for 
Ryan.  Because  these  quiet,  little-known  men 
ore  always  on  the  job,  sending  telegrams, 
moking  phone  colls,  catching  planes  or  rid- 
ing in  crowded  railroad  cars,  Ryan's  future 
looks  bright.  There's  always  likely  to  be 
plenty  of  business  for  Ryan  workers  while  its 
tireless  soles  staff  is  on  the  job. 

They   Received    Five-Year   Pins 

^'  ^  ^^flJHl 

1   fv^^^^\' 

1  f'/m  1 

^1    y 

^^■.^  m.      m 

Charles  Preftyman,  of  Inspection,  being  presented  his  five-year  service  pin  by  T.  Claude 
Ryon.  Onlookers  who  also  received  their  five-year  pins  are:  (Front  row,  left  to  right) 
C.  E.  Coppock,  Manifold  Pre  Jig;  F.  V.  Jennings,  Tooling;  H.  C.  Ruhnow,  Manifold 
Pre  Jig,  and  D.  K.  Miles,  Machine  Shop.  (Back  row)  George  Dew,  Inspection;  R.  T. 
Benesch,  Engineering;  H.  Q.  Weber,  Manifold  Development;  M.  W.  Young  and  C.  B. 
Stevenin  of  Manifold  Small  Parts. 

"This  month's  list  of  five-yeor  veterans  is  one  of  the  biggest  yet,"  Claude  Ryan  soys 
as  he  looks  over  the  list  of  forty-two  veterans.  Left  to  right:  (Front  row)  C.  F.  Meyer, 
Manifold  Small  Parts;  J.  Soiia,  Monifold  Small  Parts;  F.  J.  Rossoll,  Contract  Adminis- 
tration; T.  Claude  Ryan;  E.  F.  Roehmholdt,  Sub  Assembly;  M.  E.  Payne,  Engineering, 
and  Floyd  Bennett,  Manifold  Small  Parts.  Bock  row:  F.  J.  Ferguson,  industrial  Rela- 
tions; J.  B.  Williams,  Airplane  Material  Control;  R.  J.  Hoormann,  Foundry,  and  P.  A. 
Wilkewich,  Manifold  Parts. 

—  15  — 

Cafeteria  News 

by   Potsun   Panz 

As  we  have  said  before,  little  by  little  our 
Ryan  Employees  Cafeteria  is  getting  better 
end  better.  We  refer  particularly  to  the  nice 
appearance  of  the  seating  area,  that  has 
been  painted  a  soft  restful  green,  and  dotted 
with  liiright  flower  pots  filled  with  ivy.  Also, 
the  serving  stands  in  the  open  area,  refrig- 
erated drinking  fountains  and  many  more 
really  nice  improvements.  It  is  easy  to  see 
why  our  Cafeteria  is  rated  tops  among  the 
Western    industrial    feeding   establishments. 

We  dust  off  the  welcome  mat  for  WILMA 
CRISP  and  MARIE  COSTNER.  We  are  very 
glad  to  hove  you  new  employees  in  our 
Ryanite   family, 

have  been  assigned  to  the  Balboa  Pork  Cafe- 
teria and  after  the  pioneering  stage  is  over, 
they  will  have  a  very  nice  place  to  work. 

OMA  STOUGH  is  back  from  a  two-months 
leave  of  absence  which  was  spent  in 

We  ore  glad  to  see  that  LILLIE  MAY 
BARR  is  back  and  recovered  from  her  recent 
long  illness.  We  have  certainly  missed  you, 
Lillie,  and  don't  do   it  again. 

BESSIE  HAMILTON  has  transferred  to  the 
3rd  shift. 

KAY  BALDWIN'S  husband  ADEN,  SF  1  /c, 
has  left  for  overseas  service.  It's  rather 
unusual  to  see  Kay  with  a  long  face,  but  we 
can  sympathize  with  her. 

Second  shift  newcomers  include  LAURA 
BUSTER  and  LOIS  HALL.  Welcome  gals,  we 
hope  you  will  like  us. 

Well,  genial  JEAN  BOVET  has  gone  and 
done  it.  He  has  acquired  a  new  assistant  in 
the  person  of  MISS  MARION  JAESCHKE, 
who  OS  commissary  department  clerk,  now 
takes  some  of  the  worries  off  Jean.  Marion 
was  formerly  secretary  to  the  personnel  man- 
ager of  the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics  in 
Tucson.  A  swell  gal,  hard  worker  and  a  very 
welcome  addition  to  our  commissary  family. 

A  new  employees  Cafeteria  committee  for 
the  Balboa  Pork  operation  has  been  installed 
and  is  swinging  into  the  spirit  of  things  with 
a  bang.  Members  include  the  following: 

First  Shift 

Amolie  Tote Department  Clerk 

Jean  Stephenson    Machine  Shop  Class 

Margaret  Carter  ....Plaster  Pattern  Class 
Ella  Orr Manifold  Class 

Second  Shift 

Stella  Dyche Sheet  Metal  Class 

Patricia   Hones    First  Aid 

Harriet  Lowson Upgrading  Class 

Mrs.    Esther  Long Industrial   Relations 

Harry  E.  Siegmund Public  Relations 

Mrs.  Lyia  G.  Maxwell.  .Office — Balboa  Park 
P.  B.  Ashworth,  Bd.  of  Edu.  Supvr.,  Ford  BIdg. 
Jean  Bovet Commissary 



(Continued  from  page  3) 

and  high  cover  start  a  gradual  let  down  until 
you   get  to   the   rallying   point. 

"All  right,  anybody  got  anything  to  say 
about  yesterday?" 

A  Marine  stands  up  and  says,  rather  shyly: 
"I'd  like  to  thank  two  F6F  boys  who  got  a 
Jap  off  my  tail.  I  don't  know  who  they 

Another  Marine  peevishly:  "I  suggest  that 
we  don't  hove  the  same  frequency  on  this 
strike  that  Green  island  has.  There's  too 
damned  much  chatter  on  the  air.  I  don't  see 
why  we  have  to  have  Green  Island  and 
Dumbos  and  all  the  rest." 

ACI  officer:  "Major  Volconsek  of  opera- 
tions said  he  was  going  to  find  out  about 
that,  so  I  imagine  it  will  be  taken  core  of. 
Anybody  else?" 

A  Navy  pilot:  "Yeah,  yesterday  when  the 
TBF's  went  down  I  saw  a  lot  of  white  smoky 
puffs  on  the  water.    What  were  those?" 

ACI  officer:  "I  don't  know.  We  thought 
at  first  they  were  the  new  rockets  the  TBF's 
carried  but  we  believe  now  the  Japs  were 
trying  some  sort  of  diversionary  trick.  We'll 
hove  more  information  for  you  later.  Nothing 
else?   Okay,  let's  go  get  'em." 

Returning  from  a  mission,  pilots  ore 
usually  in  a  high  state  of  excitement.  Air 
Combat  Information  officers  must  then  em- 
ploy great  tact  to  get  a  clear  report  on  what 
took  place.  Sometimes  the  pilots  themselves 
are  not  aware  that  they  are  keyed  up  and 
ore  surprised  when  they  have  difficulty  at 
something  like  lighting  a  cigarette.  As  they 
crowd  into  the  ready  room  they  are  all  talk- 
ing at  once  and  making  gestures  to  illustrate 
the  maneuvers  they  are  describing.  On  these 
occasions  their  language  is  too  rich  in 
imagery  to  be  reproduced  in  full.  However, 
a  somewhat  expurgated  version  of  the  pro- 
ceedings after  o  recent  visit  to  Robual  might 
be  of  interest: 

One  Marine  (climbing  out  of  his  para- 
chute) :  "God  damn  it,  boy,  you're  lucky  to 
be  getting  back  here.  Last  time  I  saw  you 
there  were  two  Tony's  on  your  toil  and  there 
wasn't  a  damn  thing  I  could  do  about  it." 

"You're  telling  me.  That  monkey  had  me 
bore-sighted.  1  got  a  20-mm.  in  my  toil  and 
it  blew  it  all  to  hell.  I  came  wobbling  in  here 
like  a  sick  duck.  I  don't  know  how  I  got 

"Congratulations,     Don.       Hear     you     got 


"Yeah,  I  got  two.  Turner  got  one  and 
Wally  got  one.  I  was  lucky  as  hell.  One  of 
the  Japs  I  was  chasing  just  turned  right  up 
in  front  of  me.  I  let  him  have  one  short 
burst  and  he  blew  up  right  in  front  of  my 
eyes.  I  could  see  him  still  burning  on  the 
water  10  minutes  later.  The  other  hoot  owl 
was  on  my  tail  and  I  dived  away  from  him 
and  when  I  come  back  up  he  was  doing  a 
slow  roll  and  I  got  in  a  full  deflection  shot — 
long  burst — and  raked  him  clear  down.  He 
started  smoking  and  I  chased  him  down  to 
about  50  feet  and  saw  him  crash  into  some 

Shot-up  man:  "That  guy  on  my  tail  had 
me  bore-sighted.  First  thing  I  knew  I  heard 
a  hell  of  a  crash  and  I  thought  1  was  in  the 
drink  but  she  kept  right  on  flying." 

ACI  officer:  "Sapp,  those  two  of  yours — 
were  they  Tonys  or  what?" 

Sapp:  "One  was  a  Tony  and  the  other,  I 
think  it  was  a  Tojo.  Must  hove  been.  I  got 
in  a  long  burst  and  he  didn't  blow  up.  Just 
smoked.  It  looked  a  little  like  a  Zeke  but 
I  think  it  was  faster  than  a  Zeke.  Moke  it  a 

ACI  officer:    "What  about  hits,  boys?" 

Marine:  "I  saw  a  lot  of  near  misses  on 
those  barges  up  near  shore." 

Another:  "I  sow  one  hell  of  a  hit  right 
in  the  middle  of  a  freighter.  I  was  trying  to 
shake  that  Zeke  off  my  tail  and  I  dived  and 
just  as  I  pulled  up  I  saw  that  hit.  It  was 
a  hell  of  o  hit,  squarest  I  ever  saw." 

Another:  "What  were  those  flashes  I  sow 
right  in  town  over  Raboul?  I  sow  a  lot  of 
big  flashes.  I  never  saw  anything  like  it  be- 

ACI:  "I  don't  know,  rockets  maybe." 
Another  pilot:  "Boy,  I  thought  I'd  got  me 
a  Betty  on  the  way  back.  I  come  out  of  a 
cloud  and  I  sow  this  guy  flying  low.  I  took 
out  after  it  and  when  I  got  up  close  enough 
to  see  I  sow  it  wasn't  a  Betty  at  all.  It  was 
a  Ventura." 

The  Navy's  Skull-and-Crossbones  is  on 
especially  successful  fighter  squadron.  It 
was  organized  January  1,  1943,  in  Norfolk, 
Vo.,  with  Lieut.  Comdr.  John  Blackburn  in 
charge.  Recently,  in  the  middle  of  its  second 
six-week  tour  of  duty,  this  squadron  had  1  54 
Jap  planes  to  its  credit — an  undisputed 

From  the  start,  the  Skull-and-Crossbones 
operated  on  a  kind  of  strength-through-joy 
program.  The  members  did  their  training 
work  thoroughly,  but  it  was  their  skipper's 
notion  that  they  should  also  hove  a  good  time 
doing  it.  According  to  Blackburn,  the  squad- 
ron was  virtually  invited  to  leave  Norfolk 
on  account  of  miscellaneous  skylarking.  Re- 
moved to  Manteo,  N.  C,  it  soon  enhanced 
its  reputation  for  color  and  all-around  vi- 
tality. The  neighboring  citizens  kept  com- 
plaining that  the  pilots  were  in  the  habit  of 
buzzing  automobiles,  pedestrians,  baby  car- 
riages, outdoor  privies,  and  anything  else 

"We  also  buzzed  the  other  fields  around 
there,"  Blackburn  said.  "We  figured  we 
would  be  considered  antisocial  if  we  didn't." 

However,  since  the  Army  and  other  ad- 
jacent services  got  a  little  huffy,  the  Skull- 
and-Crossbones  squadron  announced  that  it 
would  be  on  "combat  patrol"  over  its  own 
field  every  day  at  a  certain  time.  The  result 
of  this,  as  one  pilot  reported,  was  that  "every 
airplane  for  miles  around  would  come  in  at 
that  time  and  fight  like  hell." 

After  three  months  of  this  vigorous  train- 
ing, the  Skull-and-Crossbones  moved  out,  by 
popular  consent,  and  took  a  shakedown 
cruise  on  their  carrier.  In  October  of  1943 
the  members  went  to  Pearl  Harbor  and 
thence  to  the  South  Pacific  where,  flying 
Corsairs,  they  replaced  Fighting  18,  a  Hellcat 
squadron.  On  November  1,  the  Japs  sent 
down  o  heavy  strike  of  bombers  with  a  fight- 
er escort.    Eight  members  of  the  Skull-and- 

Crossbones  were  in  a  position  to  intercept. 
The  odds,  it  was  computed  later,  were  about 
8  to  45.  Notwithstanding,  the  eight  Corsair 
pilots  turned  the  oncoming  Japs  around,  shot 
down  six  planes  and  lost  none.  In  five  weeks 
at  Ondonga  the  squadron  chalked  up  48 
kills.  Lieut.  "Butch"  Davenport's-  flight 
knocked  off  six  Zekes  in  one  fray,  including 
0  Jap  officer  who  come  over  to  find  out  how 
the  six  planes  were  lost.  Davenport  shot  him 

By  February  19,  after  a  period  of  rest  in 
New  Zealand,  the  Skull-and-Crossbones  had 
knocked  down  106  planes.  On  February  19, 
on  active  day,  the  squadron  added  1  6  planes 
on  one  strike  against  Roboul.  Today,  nearly 
all  the  36  squadron  members  hove  at  least 
one  Jap  accounted  for.  Blackburn,  who  holds 
the  DFC,  has  11.  Lieut,  (jg)  Ira  Kepford, 
a  former  All-Americon  fullback  at  North- 
western, has  16.  Lieut,  (jg)  Eorl  May  has 
eight;  and  Lieut.  Comdr.  Roger  Hedrick  has 
nine.  Thirteen  members  of  the  squadron  are 
aces,  but  Blackburn  points  out  that  it  is 
unfair  to  grade  pilots  by  the  number  of 
planes  they  hove  shot  down.  Some  of  the 
best  pilots  in  the  squadron  fly  positions  in 
formation  where  they  seldom  get  a  chance 
at  Japs  and  consequently  do  not  have  im- 
pressive scores.  The  group  includes  several 
well-known  athletes.  Besides  Kepford,  there 
ore  Lieut.  Harry  March,  former  notional 
Pentathlon  champion;  Lieut,  (jg)  W.  C. 
Wharton,  a  chompion  gymnast;  and  Lieut. 
Tim  Gile,  who  stroked  a  crew  at  Yale. 

The  Skull-and-Crossbones  squadron  has  a 
superficial  air  of  extreme  informality  but 
octually  it  is  operoted  by  a  system  of  sensible 
discipline,  which  in  no  way  hampers  indi- 
vidual expression.  As  a  result,  morale  is  un- 
usually high.  This  condition  is  due  in  great 
port  to  intelligent  direction. 

Blackburn  might  conceivably  be  called  on 
unregulor  regular  Navy  man;  his  squadron, 
in  fact,  is  occasionally  referred  to  as  "Black- 
burn's irregulars."  Although  he  has  strict 
rules  for  behavior  in  combat,  he  has  never 
hesitated  to  try  an  innovation  that  strikes 
him  as  worth  while.  For  a  time  he  decreed 
that  any  pilot  who  left  a  formation  without 
authorization  would  be  fired,  but  he  later 
tried  out  a  system  of  letting  a  number  of 
his  high  cover  wander  about  on  their  own. 
This  experiment,  which  resulted  in  four 
downed  Zeros  on  its  first  trial,  developed 
into  the  "roving  high  cover"  that  has  greatly 
increased  fighter  protection  to  our  Navy 

Because  of  its  skills,  the  Skull-and-Cross- 
bones squadron  gets  numerous  overtime  as- 
signments. The  members  seem  to  take  par- 
ticular nourishment  from  adversity.  On  one 
occasion  a  pilot,  one  of  the  most  popular  in 
the  squodron,  was  reported  lost.  It  later 
turned  out  that  he  had  been  forced  down  on 
the  water.  All  his  colleagues  were  much 
worried.  They  got  into  their  planes  and  went 
on  long  extra-official  search  missions.  At 
length  somebody  spotted  a  rubber  boat  near 
one  of  the  Jap-held  islands,  and  the  news 
was  flashed  bock  to  Dumbo.  Several  of  the 
squadron  members  accompanied  the  Cotolino 
on  its  rescue  trip.  When  the  rubber  boat 
was  finally  located,  the  Catolino  sneaked 
down,  looking  out  for  Japs,  ond  taxied  up 
alongside.  The  pilot  was  seated  comfortably 
on  his  raft  eating  a  piece  of  chocolate  and 
fishing — for  sport.  He  hod  quite  a  catch, 
which  he  exhibited,  and  then  asked  the  party 
to  stick  around  for  a  while  as  he  hod  run  into 
a  considerable  school. 

It  is  this  kind  of  spirit  that  the  Japs  hove 
found  so  difficult  to  counter. 

16  — 

Ryanites   Give   To   Blood    Bank   and    Charity 

WAVE  Ann  Short  of  the  Naval  Hospital  show  cast  delighted  Ryanites  as  she 
sang  popular  favorites  to  the  accompaniment  of  the  Hospital's  fourteen-piece 

"I'll  take  five,"  says  J.  G.  Conrad  of  Manifold 
Assembly  to  Kay  Mosanz,  PhM  3  c  USN,  as 
sales  for  the  Naval  Hospital  show  moved  briskly 

"The  long  and  short  of  it,"  said  Fred  Schubert, 
Red  Cross  speaker,  during  the  drive  in  our  lunch- 
eon area.  Sgt.  Frank  Gray,  Ryan's  largest,  and 
wee  Jerry  Kent  of  Sheet  Metal,  our  smallest  male 
donors  stand  by. 

Industrial  Relations  Director  W.  Frank  Persons  headed  the  drive  for 
Red  Cross  Blood  Donors  recently  in  the  luncheon  area.  Ryan  employees 
responded  gallantly,  flocking  to  the  registration  tables  as  Mr.  Persons 
spoke   from   the   platform. 

'  ^'x.  +*^*-JBS 

"It's  a  pleasure,"  say  Ryan 
employees  as  they  purchase 
tickets  for  the  Naval  Hospital 
show  "Leave  'Em  in  Stitches" 
f.-om    pretty    WAVES. 

Corpsman  Jackie  Bright  liter- 
ally "wowed"  all  lunch  periods 
with  his  "Susanna  Was  a  Won- 
derful Girl."  Jackie  was  the 
star  of  "Leave  'Em  in  Stitches." 

—  17  — 

A  brief  history  of  engineering  from  earliest 
times  to  7  p.  m.,  Nov.  21 ,  1  944. 
Introduction — 

What  is  the  origin  of  engineering?  Where 
did  it  come  from?  Why  doesn't  it  go  back 
where  it  came  from?  These  are  vital  ques- 
tions which  every  thoughtful  man  has  asked 
himself  at  one  time  or  another.  "But,"  you 
will  say,  "isn't  it  kind  of  silly  for  a  grown-up 
man  to  stand  around  asking  himself  ques- 
tions, especially  if  he  doesn't  know  the 
answers."  That,  it  seems  to  me,  is  the  man's 
business,  and  who  asked  you  to  stick  in 
your  two  cents'  worth?  What  are  you  trying 
to  do — pick  o  fight?    Gowon,  scram. 

The  nerve  of  some  people! 

Herr  Professor  Geheimrat  Schrankkopf,  in 
his  monumental  "Zur  Ursprung  u.  Entwicke- 
lung  des  Ingenieurungs  vom  Altesten  Zwiten 
bis  Zehn  Uhr,  den  zwanzigsten  Juni,  1887" 
(20  vols.,  Leipzig,  1885),  claims  that  the 
earliest  recorded  mention  of  engineering  is 
to  be  found  on  an  old  Assyrian  cuneiform 
tile,  ca.  4225  B.  C,  and  translates  it  thus: 

"Should  you  be  impelled  to  use  rivets,  be 
wise  and  consider  their  strength  not  merely 
in  shear,  but  what  effect  the  load  has  on 
the  sheet  in  bearing,  whether  the  material 
thereof  fail  thus."  Now  1,  myself,  have  ex- 
amined that  tile,  and  1  question  his  trans- 
lation of  several  of  the  words;  in  fact,  1  find 
that  the  translation  should  read:  "Should 
you  be  impelled  to  eat  rich  foods,  be  wise 
and  consider  not  merely  their  taste,  but  what 
effect  they  will  have  on  your  stomach, 
whether  the  material  thereof  fail  thus."  It 
is  possible  the  author  intended  to  say: 
"Should  you  be  impelled  to  eat  rivets"  and 
so  on,  but  I  consider  this  unlikely,  as  icebox 
rivets  were  unknown  in  those  days. 

There  is  no  doubt  in  my  mind  that  en- 
gineering as  engineering  was  first  conceived 
by  the  first  caveman  as  caveman.  What 
probably  happened  was  something  like  this. 
Picture,  if  you  can  (and  if  you  have  a  box 
of  crayons  this  will  be  child's  ploy)  a  cave- 
man, whom  we  shall  coll  Allez-oup,  stand- 
ing on  a  slope  in  the  Pyrenees,  watching  a 
glacier  recede.  As  soon  as  it  is  out  of  sight 
he  heaves  a  sigh  of  relief  and  mutters, 
"Well,  there  goes  the  last  of  the  Ice  Age, 
and  good  riddance.  That  means  that  the 
Quarternary  Period  of  the  Cenozoic  Era  is 
just  about  finished.  Yessir,  just  about  fin- 

Then,  feeling  the  pongs  of  hunger  assail 
him,  he  thinks  of  food,  which  is  an  obvious 
enough  reaction.  Shall  he  go  hunt  down  a 
mostoidon  this  afternoon?  No,  they're  too 
big.  He'll  try  for  o  snaggle-toothed  tiger 
instead;  although  the  meat  is  a  little  gamey, 
the  pelt  will  look  snazzy  on  the  floor  of  the 
den.  So  he  picks  up  his  crude  axe — a  chunk 
of  flint  lashed  to  a  club  with  thongs  (you're 
welcome,  I'm  sure) — and  sets  out  for  the 
nearest  woods.  Fortunately,  he  hasn't  for 
to  go;  in  a  small  clearing  he  comes  upon  a 
fine  specimen  gorged  to  the  ears  with  one 
of  our  hero's  relatives  and  snoozing  away 
like   a   log.   So   our   hero   hauls  off  with   his 

"Was  I  ever  surprised?"  said  Frank  Bick  of  the  Drop  Hammer  Department  upon  being 
presented   with  two    birthday   cakes   on    his   69th    birthday. 

Second  shift  employees  of  the  Paint  Shop  gave  their  Foreman,  "Rosy"  Barthol,  a  picnic 
supper  and  presented  him  with  o  neat-locking  tool  chest. 

little  hatchet  and  lets  the  tiger  have  one 
right  between  the  eyes.  Whereupon  it  passes 
out  like  a  light. 

But  alas!  And  alack!  He  has  busted  his 
hatchet  again.  Mumbling  a  few  handpicked 
expletives,  he  squats  down  to  consider  his 
dilemma.  Why  do  the  dern  things  break  so 
often?  When  the  tiger's  skull  stops  the  rock 
with  something  like  10  G's,  there  must  be  a 
heck  of  a  bending  moment  set  up  in  the 
handle;  something  way  too  big  for  the  fibers 
of  wood  to  stand.  Now,  it  won't  do  to  put 
on  a  thicker  handle,  because  you  can  hardly 
see  the  head  of  the  oxe  for  the  size  of  this 
pole.  Suppose  next  time  we  put  on  a  longer 
handle,  thus  giving  the  head  more  momen- 

—  la- 

tum OS  it  is  swung,  and  allowing  more  bend- 
ing in  the  handle  before  it  fails;  to  say  noth- 
ing of  saving  wear  and  tear  on  the  old  wrist. 
Will  it  work?  he  wonders,  squatting  there; 
there's  no  harm  in  trying.  But  in  the  back 
of  his  mind  there  is  a  bold  and  brilliant 
thought.  What  I  need,  he  thinks,  is  an 
IRON  handle.  And  thus  is  engineering  born, 
in  the  early  dawn  of  civilization. 

(This  is  the  first  of  too  many  articles 
on  the  history  of  engineering.  The  sec- 
ond, unless  drastic  measures  are  taken, 
will  appear  in  the  next  issue,  and  will 
take  us  to  the  invention  of  carbon- 
paper,  which  marks  the  first  great  mile- 
stone in  the  evolution  of  engineering.) 

T.  Claude  Ryan  looks  on  as  Lt.  "Ike" 
Kepford  pins  on  H.  W.  Graham's  Sil- 
ver Production  Star.  Graham  of  the 
Tool  Room  is  the  first  shop  suggestion 
winner  to  hove  received  this  award. 
A  total  of  1,065  points  brought  this 
honor  to  Mr.  Graham. 

Shop  Suggestion  Huiards 
made  by  Hauy's  Reg  Pilot 

Friday,  November  17th  was  a  day  which 
proved  the  inventive  ability  of  many  Ryan 
employees,  who  on  that  day,  were  presented 
production  drive  medals  andor  War  Bonds 
or  War  Stamps  for  their  Shop  Suggestion 
ideas.  These  awards  were  presented  by  Lt. 
(jg)  "Ike"  Kepford,  believed  to  be  the 
Navy's  top  fighter  pilot  with  16  Jap  planes 
to  his  credit.  The  Ryan  employees  who  re- 
ceived their  awards  during  lunch  time  pro- 
grams were: 

Bronze  Award 

Sydney  T.  Anderson,  Sheet  Metal;  Horry 
M.  Brooks,  Drop  Hammer;  Rupert  H.  Haase, 
Tool  Control;  John  L.  Jewett,  Manifold  As- 
sembly; Frank  R.  Jones,  Airplane  Dispatch- 
ing; Martha  W.  Jones,  Final  Assembly;  Ed- 
ward Kopke,  Manifold  Assembly;  George 
Lippincott,  Sheet  Metal  Fabricating;  Fannie 
P.  Lloyd,  Template  Making;  Robert  L.  Nel- 
son, Final  Assembly;  Eugene  H.  Shuman, 
Final  Assembly;  Richard  F.  Stone,  Final  As- 
sembly;   Helen   C.   Thomas,   Sheet   Metal. 

Silver  Award 

J.  C.  Adair,  Planer  Operator;  Ralph  C. 
Amick,  Time  Study  and  Methods  Engineer- 
ing; Louis  Arbuckle,  Hydropress;  N.  E.  De- 
Kay,  Airplane  Production  Control;  Leslie 
Fago,  Manifold  Small  Ports;  B.  W.  Floersch, 
Laboratory;  F.  S.  Galloway,  Tooling;  Albert 
L.  Gloudini,  Manifold  Assembly;  Lester  H. 
Hilleman,  Final  Assembly;  E.  W.  Hockett, 
Manifold  Small  Parts;  Eugene  M,  Jones, 
Manifold  Assembly;   Jack   Lancaster,   Mani- 

fold Development;  Donald  B.  Lilley,  Fuse- 
lage Assembly;  Jack  A.  Morlett,  Manifold 
Small  Parts;  K.  H.  Mathews,  Manifold  Small 
Ports;  Harold  Miller,  Airplane  Material  Con- 
trol; Waldo  Opfer,  Manifold  Small  Parts; 
R.  V.  Pierpont,  Stores;  Walter  B.  Sly,  Tool- 
ing; J.  H.  Taylor,  Manifold  Small  Parts; 
J.  P.  Turner,  Machine  Shop;  W.  H.  Turner, 
Wing  Assembly;  Robert  N.  Wollin,  Experi- 
mental; Dave  K.  Whittier,  Manifold  Small 
Ports;    Harold   C.   Wright,   Material   Control. 

Gold  Award 

Ralph  R.  Auerswald,  Tool  Room;  William 
McBloir,  Finishing;  Wm.  C.  Baker,  Experi- 
mental; Albert  T.  Chevalier,  Sheet  Metal; 
C.  T.  Dennhardt,  Experimental;  Bessie 
Dugan,  Manifold  Welding;  Norman  H.  Ed- 
wards, Manifold  Small  Parts;  George  E.  Peg- 
ler,  Manifold  Small  Parts;  Edward  C.  Reiss, 
Mechanical  Maintenance;  Wm.  F.  Runnels, 
Sheet  Metal  Fabrication;  Mrs.  L.  J.  Stone, 
Inspection;   L.  E.  Syrios,  Manifold  Assembly. 

Certificate    of    Special    Recognition 


War  Production   Board 

George  P.  Brooks,  Drop  Hammer,  Goyle 
S.  Delomotor,  Sheet  Metal;  Fred  E.  Hill, 
Sheet  Metal;  William  Keller,  Tooling;  S.  C. 
Wayte,  Drop  Hammer. 

Bronze  Production  Star 

E.    E.    Moyberry,    Inspection. 

Silver  Production  Star 

H.  W.  Graham,  Tool   Room. 

Another  Star 

Bessie  Dugan  of  Manifold  Welding  and 
Mrs.  L.  J.  Stone  of  Inspection  (Insert) 
carry  off  the  highest  awards  for  women, 
both  having  been  presented  Gold 
Awards  for  their  shop  suggestions  by 
Lieut.   Kepford. 

—  19  — 

E.  E.  Moyberry  of  Inspection,  right,  is 
presented  his  Bronze  Production  Star  by 
Lt.  "Ike"  Kepford.  This  award  stands 
for  a  lot  of  hard  work  for  it  means  that 
Moyberry  turned  in  enough  winning 
shop    suggestions   to    total    500    points. 

War  Bond  and  Stamp  Awards 

Fred  Bricca,  $25.00,  Manifold  Assembly; 
H.  A.  Faris,  $25.00,  Manifold  Welding;  Carl 
Goller,  $12.00,  Tooling;  Walter  Jaeger, 
$15.00,  Sheet  Metal  Fabrication;  F,  V.  Jen- 
nings, $10.00,  Tool  Room;  David  L.  Jervey, 
$7.50  and  $25  Bond,  Pattern  Shop  and 
Modeling;  H.  W.  Graham,  $25.00  Bond, 
Tool  Room;  Samuel  H.  Halley,  $7.50,  Sheet 
Metal;  E.  L.  Williams,  $10.00,  Inspection; 
W.  G.  Wofford,  $5.00,  Tool  Room. 

Ryan  employees  who  were  unable  to  be 
present  to  receive  their  awards  were: 

Bronze  Award 

Vivian  G.  Bolen,  Inspection;  George  M. 
Duncan,  Manifold  Development;  Vernon  J. 
Enyeort,  Tooling  Inspection;  John  J.  Olsen, 
Manifold  Small   Parts. 

Silver  Award 

Earl  M.  Brown,  Inspection;  Roy  Thomas, 
Manifold  Assembly;  Paul  F.  Veal,  Manifold 
Welding;  W.   H.  Well,   Inspection. 

Gold  Award 

Paul  A.  Lane,  Drop  Hammer;  Ray  M. 
Sellers,   Drop   Hammer. 

Certificate    of    Special    Recognition 


War  Production  Board 

Glenn    L.    Humphrey,    Final    Assembly. 
Willard   Harpster,  Sheet  Metal;   James  D. 
Lassetter,   Modeling. 

War  Bond  and  Stamp  Awards 

Franklin  C.  Dixon,  $7.50  War  Stamps, 
Sheet  Metal;  J.  T.  Edwards,  $8.50  War 
Stamps,  Sheet  Metal  Assembly;  Bobby  E. 
Miller,  $25.00  War  Bond,  Sheet  Metal  As- 
sembly; Glenn  E.  Murphy,  $5.00  War 
Stamps,  Sub  Assembly. 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assemblg 
Second  Shift 

by   Buzz   and   Shorty 

SAM  HODGES  (Pre  -  Jig  Department) 
picked  up  the  morning  paper  about  a  week 
ago  and  read  where  his  son,  Sergeant  Roy 
Hodges  of  the  Army  Air  Corps  was  on  his 
way  home.  Imagine  his  surprise  on  return- 
ing home  from  work  that  evening,  and  find- 
ing his  son  in  bed  sound  asleep. 

ROY  HODGES  has  served  eight  months 
overseas.  He  visited  with  his  father  at  the 
plant  Monday  evening.  Mr.  Hodges  also 
has  two  other  sons  in  the  armed  forces.  One 
son  and  daughter  are  also  working  at  Ryan. 

I  hear  PICCO's  had  a  tonsilectomy  No- 
vember 16.  Hope  you  will  be  back  with  us 
again  soon. 

KNUTE  ROCKNE  was  right  when  he  said, 
"All  Colifornians  are  not  big  and  dumb." 
Take  for  instance  pretty  LEE  IPOCK,  arc 
welder  on  the  second  shift,  who  is  a  native 
of  San  Diego  (George  Duncan,  note  this). 
Lee  is  not  only  good  looking,  but  good 
natured,  too.  She  is  the  wife  of  a  Navy  man 
and  mother  of  three  children. 

Life's  cover  girl  from  Ryan,  MABLE 
lUARRY,  first  shift  gas  welder,  has  returned 
from  a  three  week's  vocation  with  her  hus- 
band, PRIVATE  BOB  lUARRY,  ex-manifold 
man  of  first  and  third  shifts.  They  visited 
relatives  and  friends  in  Chicago  before  Bob 
was  transferred  to  Maryland  expecting  to  be 
shipped  overseas.  As  MABLE  ALDAHL,  Mrs. 
luorry  graced  the  cover  of  Life  Magazine 
about  three  years  ago  this  month.  Moble  is 
from  North  Dakota. 

BILL  MONTGOMERY,  welding  leadman 
on  the  second  shift,  may  well  be  nicknamed 
"Lucky,"  winning  an  Egyptian  Ruby  last 
week,  and  being  the  recipient  of  a  "baby 
shower"  for  his  heir  the  week  previous. 

M.  M.  MILLER,  second  shift  bumper  has 
been  obsent  for  a  couple  of  weeks,  recover- 
ing from  injuries  sustained  when  he  was  hit 
by  a  taxi-cab  as  he  was  coming  to  work  one 

HELEN  FOGLESON,  arc  welder,  has  re- 
turned from  a  leave  and  is  with  the  second 
shift  gong  now.  We  are  glad  to  have  you 
with  us,  Helen. 

We  ore  glad  to  welcome  back  ELIZABETH 
HODGES  of  gas  welding  who  has  spent  two 
weeks  in  San  Francisco  with  her  mother-in- 
law,  who  has  been  quite  ill.  She  also  re- 
ceived word  that  her  brother-in-law  was 
killed   in  France. 

We  are  glad  to  welcome  E.  J.  SMITH 
FLORES  and  ROBERT  PLUMBLY  into  our 

We  ore  glad  to  welcome  BETTY  CALICO 
bock    again    after    two    month's    sick    leave. 

EDWARD  KOPKE  received  a  Bronze  medal 
November  17  for  making  on  oiler. 

VERA  WEAVER,  former  spot  welder,  is 
back  on  the  job  after  being  on  leave  for 
about  two  months.  She  is  working  in  C-54 
jig  area  now. 

GLENN  HOLLENBECK,  arc  welder,  has 
terminated  to  go  into  business  for  himself. 
Good    luck,    Glenn,    and    the    second    shifters 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

A  sample  of  California's  agricultural 
possibilities  is  proudly  displayed  by  its 
owner,  L.  D.  Grimes  of  Sheet  Metal 
Inspection.  "A  bushel  of  tomatoes  off 
of  one  plant  is  a  record  in  any  man's 
language.  At  the  time  of  harvest,  the 
plant  was  15  feet  high  and  is  still  grow- 
ing/' soys  Grimes. 

surely  miss  you.  MARGIE  HOLLENBECK  has 
transferred  from  second  to  first  shift  in  gas 

Who  was  the  guy  wearing  the  black  "five 
gallon  hat"  during  the  rainy  season? 
Couldn't  be  HARRY  JAMES.' 

I'm  a  bit  confused,  as  I  was  informed 
the  "Champion  Tobacco  Chewers"  were  in 
C-54.  But  I  swear  I  saw  TILLY  of  B-29 
carry  a  spittoon. 

We  want  to  welcome  our  new  assistant 
foreman,  HANK  HANGGI.  Glad  to  hove  you, 
Mr.  Honggi.  But  you  want  to  be  careful 
when  you  go  down  the  aisles,  when  those 
move  girls  are  around.  They  move  anything 
in  sight,  even  Assistant  Foremen. 

—  20  — 

Welcome  to  two  gals  back  from  Balboa 
Pork — Miss  LOIS  MONEY  ond  Miss  PAT 
BUTTERS,  It  is  a  pleasure  to  hove  you  back 
with    us    in    final. 

Everyone  was  glad  to  see  CLAY  PELL 
able  to  get  back  on  the  line.  Keep  that  old 
smile  smiling.  Cloy,  and  don't  forget  to  eat 
your  Wheoties. 

Wasn't  that  a  nice  party  Miss  BETTY 
JUSTUS  gave  in  Notional  City  for  Mrs. 
MILLIE  MUSETTA  on  her  ???  birthday!  We 
would  remember  Mrs.  ESTHER  OSENGA, 
JOE  and  MARTHA  WAGGNER,  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
deed, everyone  hod  a  fine  time  and  thanks 
o    lot,   Betty. 

Congrats  to  Mrs.  EFFIE  JOHANSEN  on 
becoming  a  grandma.  It's  a  boy  this  time; 
name.  Gory  Dole. 

Soy,  that  Final  Assembly  bowling  team  led 
by  ROY  CONKLIN  at  the  helm  is  going 
places.  Keep  it  up.  We  ore  all  pulling  for 
the   team. 

Edith  Oakes  returned  from  L.  A.  where  she 
was  attending  commercial  art  school.  Son 
Diego  is  her  home  and  she  says  she  likes 

NETTA  O'DELL  was  up  in  the  air  some 
few  nights  ago.  But  a  fuse  brought  her  down. 
It  is  the  little  things  that  count,  I've  been 

LARRY  CARDINAL  has  been  on  his  va- 
cation in  the  mountains.  Some  say,  "what 
mountains?"  Gee,  we  have  them  out  in  the 
back  country.  Wait  till  you  try  to  climb 
them  in  high  sometimes  in  that  old  cor. 
Man,  what  a   mountain  I 

were  out  a  few  days  ill.  Both  of  these  girls 
come  from  Denver,  Colorado,  and  hove  been 
at  Ryan  most  a  year.  Of  course,  they  like 
ice  skating.  Yes,  Glacier  Gardens  after  work 
is  their  joy.  Good  old  warm  spirit  in  a 
winter  wonderland. 

Bill  Naughton  is  not  only  taking  his  radic 
technician  study  seriously  now  for  over  three 
months,  but  he  and  his  wife  do  wood-burn- 
ing. Bill  says  his  wife  is  the  artist  and  he 
does  the  work.  That  beautiful  cedar  chest 
is  something  to  be  proud  of — with  all  that 
grand  handiwork. 

We  all  join  in  wishing  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
STONE  many  long  years  of  happiness.  We 
know  Dick  liked  the  blanket,  he  can't  stand 
the  cold.  And  then  the  table  set — oh,  food! 
Who  can't  go  for  that?  The  folks  had  a  lot 
of  pleasure  in  showing  their  good  wishes 
toward  Dick  and  Myrtle.  May  that  joy 
follow  you  both  all  along  life's  way.  We 
all  like  cake  so  much  and  we  did  enjoy  the 
picture  of  that  beoutiful  wedding  cake. 



(Continued  from  page  7) 

now  and  then  he'll  get  tied  up  at  his  desk 
and  have  to  stay  there  long  past  the  time 
when  he  should  have  started  for  some  meet- 
ing downtown.  Then  I'll  have  to  coll  up  the 
meeting  at  the  last  minute  and  say  'I  don't 
think  Mr.  Ryan  can  make  it.'  Usually  when 
I  do  that,  Mr.  Ryan  dashes  out  the  door  ten 
seconds  later  en  his  way  to  the  meeting." 

Secretaries  to  oil  the  executives  hove  to 
size  up  every  stranger  who  walks  in  and 
asks  for  an  interview  with  the  boss  or  tele- 
phones to  request  on  appointment.  Every 
boss  has  ten  times  as  many  people  asking 
to  see  him  nowadays  as  he  can  possibly 
cram  into  a  day's  work.  The  cranks  who 
come  to  the  factory  with  plans  to  establish 
a  flying  funeral  parlor  or  on  autogiro-sub- 
marine  manufacturing  division  must  be 
gently  routed  somewhere  else.  No  one  is 
turned  away  from  Ryan  without  on  oppor- 
tunity to  talk  to  someone  in  authority,  but 
woe  unto  the  secretary  who  tries  to  relegate 
to  a  subordinate  the  big  shot  who  shows  up 
unexpectedly  and  demands  to  see  the  boss 
but  refuses  to  explain  his  business.  Not  long 
ago  the  vice-president  of  one  of  the  biggest 
aviation  companies  in  America  walked  in 
to  see  one  of  the  Ryan  executives,  but  de- 
clined to  give  any  information  other  than 
his  name.  The  secretary,  who  was  compara- 
tively new  in  the  aircraft  industry,  didn't 
realize  who  he  was;  so  she  told  him  the 
boss  was  booked  up  for  hours  to  come,  and 
wouldn't  he  like  to  see  someone  else.  The 
caller  departed  in  high  dungeon,  and  later 
wrote  the  boss  a  curt  note,  "Sorry  you 
weren't  able  to  see  me  when  I  was  in  town." 
The  Ryan  executive  was  horrified  and  wrote 
an  apologetic  letter  to  his  old  friend,  the 
vice-president.  The  secretary  clipped  a  little 
note  of  her  own  to  the  letter,  "Dear  Mr. 
Blank;  So  sorry  I  didn't  realize  who  you 
were.  Next  time  you  come  in  let  me  explain 
the  trials  and  tribulations  of  a  secretary." 
The  vice-president,  who  was  a  gentleman  at 
heart,  sent  bock  a  nice  note  to  the  secretary 
OS  well  as  a  pleasant  letter  to  her  boss. 
But  she's  glad  that  she  hasn't  mode  any 
other  mistakes  of  that  kind. 

The  big  majority  of  visitors  besieging  a 
secretary's  desk  are  people  from  other  de- 
partments in  the  company  who  pour  in  and 
out  all  day  long  in  a  steady  stream — most 
of  them  in  a  big  hurry  to  discuss  "a  very 
important  port  of  the  company's  war  work." 
The  poor  secretary  has  to  try  to  pacify  him 
if  the  boss  is  busy  as  he  frequently  is.  "Most 
people  don't  realize  that  there  is  nearly 
always  someone  in  Mr.  Ryan's  office  with 
him,"  says  Mrs.  Robertson,  "and  that  when 
I  soy  he's  in  conference,  he  really  is."  Sec- 
retaries to  other  Ryan  executives  have  the 
same  trouble. 

Filing  is  another  bugaboo  of  most  secre- 
taries. A  long  letter  may  come  in  from  some 
other  company  discussing  four  or  five  mat- 
ters; the  letter  might  be  filed  under  any 
one  of  those  four  or  five  headings.  She  has 
to  decide  which  heading  to  file  it  under  and 
remember  how  to  locate  it  if  the  boss  later 
wonts  to  see  it  again  regarding  any  of  the 
Other   items.    She    has   no   time   to    install    an 

elaborate  index  or  cross-filing  system  so' 
it's  no  wonder  she  sometimes  has  to  scurry 
frantically  from  one  file  to  another,  trying 
to  find  it  on  a  moment's  notice  a  year  or 
two  later.  Add  to  this  the  fact  that  when  a 
secretary  leaves  or  is  promoted,  her  suc- 
cessor has  only  the  vaguest  idea  how  earlier 
letters  were  classified,  and  you  get  some 
conception  of  what  a  secretary  is  up  against. 
So  it's  something  of  a  miracle  that  Ryan 
secretaries  are  virtually  never  stumped  when 
asked  to  produce  an  ancient  letter  from  the 
files  like  a  magician  pulling  a  rabbit  from 
a   hat. 

Any  Ryan  secretary  will  stoutly  maintain 
that  her  boss  is  the  best  boss  in  the  entire 
aircraft  industry — but  each  of  them  has 
moments  when  she  secretly  would  like  to 
take  her  boss  by  the  ear  and  hove  a  heart- 
to-heart  talk,  with  her  heart  doing  most  of 
the  talking.  Because  every  man  uncon- 
sciously makes  life  rather  hellish  for  his  sec- 
retary at  times.  There  probably  is  no  normal 
secretary  anywhere  in  the  aircraft  industry 
who  hasn't  at  least  once  or  twice  dashed 
to  the  powder  room,  burst  into  tears  and 
then  returned  to  her  job  a  few  moments 
later  looking  as  immaculate  as  ever.  One  of 
the  best  ways  for  a  man  to  torture  his  secre- 
tary is  to  run  out  unexpectedly  without  tell- 
ing her  where  he  is  going  or  for  how  long 
— particularly  when  he's  waiting  for  a  long- 
distance coll.  The  trick  of  putting  in  a 
transcontinental  phone  call  and  then  leaving 
before  the  connection  is  established  seems  to 
be  a  favorite  one,  to  hear  the  secretaries 
tell  it.  "It  takes  long  and  patient  training 
to  break  a  boss  of  this  habit,"  soys  one  Ryan 
secretary,    "but    it    con    be    done.    Whenever 

New  Staff  Assistant 

W.  V.  Kirkpatrick,  formerly  Office 
Service  Manager,  has  assumed  the  po- 
sition of  Staff  Assistant  to  G.  C.  Wood- 
ard.  Vice  President  in  Charge  of  Gen- 
eral Administration.  Kirkpatrick  will 
be  responsible  for  the  coordination  of 
building  and  facilities  expansion. 

—  2]  — 

my   boss  makes   a   dash    I    transfix   him   with 
0  hard,  steady  gaze  like  a  scientist  impaling 

0  bug   and   don't    release    him    until    1    know 
where    he    is    bound." 

Most  Ryan  secretaries  are  carefully  picked, 
coming  here  from  some  other  business  office 
where  they've  had  long  secretarial  experi- 
ence. Such  girls  hove  a  hard  time  adjusting 
themselves  to  the  transition  from  a  soft- 
carpeted,  richly  equipped  business  office  to 
the  shirtsleeve  rough  and  tumble  work  of  an 
aircraft  office,  where  every  square  foot  of 
space  is  desperately  needed  and  desks  are 
crowded  as  closely  together  as  sardine  cans 
in  a  delicatessen.  Everyone  works  at  top 
speed  with  little  regard  for  formalities  but 
with  a  hair  trigger  sense  of  humor.  One  Ryan 
executive  likes  to  keep  a  big  black  whip  in 
his  desk  drawer  and  crack  it  at  his  secretary 
whenever  he  thinks  she  isn't  typing  fast 
enough.  Once  a  caller  remonstrated  with  him 
and  he  retorted  "Oh,  she  doesn't  mind  the 
whip.  I  never  hit  her  where  it  shows."  Other 
executives  like  to  use  unorthodox  telephone 
tactics  on  their  co-workers  such  as  barking 
into  the  mouthpiece  when  they  hear  a  famil- 
iar voice  "You  hove  the  wrong  number. 
Goodbye.  What  do  you  want?"  Or  closing 
every  conversation  with  "Okay.   Hong   up  so 

1  con  get  to  work." 

Another  secretary  who  works  for  two  men 
was  somewhat  startled  on  her  first  day  at 
Ryan  to  see  one  of  her  bosses  gazing 
thoughtfully  across  the  office  at  the  other 
one.  "What  ore  you  looking  at?"  demanded 
the  recipient  of  the  store.  "Just  thinking 
how  repulsive  you  ore,"  replied  the  first  man, 
as  he  resumed  his  work.  Such  exchanges  are 
everyday  fore  in  most  Ryan  offices.  A  new 
secretary  just  has  to  get  used  to  them,  as 
she  must  get  used  to  being  told  to  "go  to 
the  crib"   for  a  dustcloth. 

At  Ryan  there  has  been  the  usual  quota 
of  secretaries  who  hove  married  men  in 
their  office.  There  have  also  been  several 
secretaries  who  hove  moved  up  to  executive 
positions,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  air- 
craft industry  is  notably  a  man's  business. 
A  notable  ex-secretory  is  Mrs.  Adelaide 
Prudden,  wife  of  vice-president  Earl  D. 
Prudden.  She  come  to  the  company  as  secre- 
tary to  president  Ryan  and  later  became 
corporate  secretary  and  member  of  the  board 
of  directors  of  both  the  company  and  the 
Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics  of  Arizona  be- 
fore her  marriage  lost  year. 

Most  secretaries  like  their  jobs,  in  spite 
of  the  headaches  and  heartaches.  "The  only 
thing  we  really  don't  like,"  one  of  them 
says,  "is  the  idleness  that  comes  at  rare 
intervals  when  he  have  to  'stand  by'  tem- 
porarily while  the  next  job  is  being  readied 
for  us.  We  like  that  exciting  high-pressure 
feeling  that  comes  when  there's  lots  of  rush 
work  to  do,  and  we  don't  mind  bearing  down 
to  get  it  finished  even  if  we  hove  to  stay  late. 
But  we  simply  hate  to  sit  at  a  desk  and 
twiddle  our  thumbs." 

The  secretaries  really  can  get  off  the 
dime,  too,  whenever  there's  reason.  Recently 
a  32-page  report  hod  to  be  laboriously  com- 
piled from  letters  and  reports  which  were 
scattered  oil  over  the  factory.  The  Navy 
wanted  this  report  from  Ryan  pronto,  but 
agreed  that  it  would  probably  take  at  least 
six  days  of  fast  office  work  to  get  it  ouj. 
But  several  Ryan  secretaries  pitched  in  and 
whipped  it  out  in  eight  hours!  Whether  the 
pressure  is  on  or  off,  Ryan's  office  girls  can 
deliver  the  goods  as  enthusiastically  as  their 
sister  war  workers   in   the   factory. 

Smoke  From 
A  Test  Tube 

by  Sally  and  Sue 

First  of  all,  GAY  SHAW  finally  managed 
to  get  an  apartment,  and  to  demonstrate  our 
happiness  at  her  good  fortune  and  our  pride 
in  her  perseverance,  we  had  a  "canned 
goods  shower"  for  her.  We  all  brought  cans 
of  good,  practical  staples  so  her  cupboard 
wouldn't  be  bare,  but  for  fear  of  being  con- 
sidered too  soft,  we  took  pains  to  remove  all 
the  labels  carefully.  She  attempted  to  learn 
the  art  of  determining  the  contents  of  a  con 
by  the  code  stamped  on  the  top,  but  to  no 
avail.  So  every  night,  she  plays  games — i.e., 
opens  a  con  and  then  tries  to  build  a  meal 
around  it.  We  thought  we  were  smart  until 
one  evening  she  invited  some  of  us  up  to 
dinner,  and  we  lived  in  torture  about  what 
we  might  be  required  to  eat.  We're  fine, 
thank  you,  and  I  think  most  of  the  cans  ore 
now  used  up. 

Our  vivacious  chemist,  HELEN  HOLSTON, 
has  returned  to  school  after  working  in  the 
Lab  chem  section  for  the  summer.  GENE- 
VIEVE DURHAM,  one  of  Helen's  cohorts, 
invited  us  up  to  supper  in  her  apartment  one 
night,  and  we  all  were  very  busy  knitting, 
embroidering,  and  working  on  needle  point. 
It  was  a  nice  party,  and  you'd  be  surprised 
how  delicious  a  meal  tastes  when  you're 
dining  in  a  circle  on  the  living  room  floor  in 
a  cozy  apartment.  As  far  as  we're  concerned, 
it's  the  thing  to  do  for  the  utmost  in  com- 
fort. We  miss  Helen  a  lot  and  are  hoping 
she'll  be  back  with  us  when  school  is  out 

One  of  the  biggest  events  was  our  farewell 
celebration  for  the  one  and  only  con't-be- 
beat  KEITH  WHITCOMB,  who  accepted  a 
commission  in  the  United  States  Marine 
Corps  recently.  We  put  on  one  of  our  famous 
dinner  parties  for  him,  and  presented  him 
with  a  bee-u-ti-ful  pipe  which  really  goes 
nice  with  his  profile.  Second  Lt.  Whitcomb 
(we  call  him  "Sir"  now!)  is  in  Quantico  at 
the  present  time,  but  he  will  be  stationed  at 
El  Toro  in  about  two  months  where  he  is  to 
be  in  charge  of  a  Laboratory  similar  to  the 
one  we  have  here.  We're  all  proud  of  his 
achievements  and  know  that  he  will  make 
good.  He  was  an  important  part  of  our  little 
group  and  admired  by  us  all  for  his  pleasant 
personality  and  disposition  as  well  as  for 
his  good  work  here  at  Ryan.  Good  luck.  Doc. 

Our  Gal  SAL  has  just  returned  from  a  very 
enjoyable  vacation  spent  in  the  windy  city, 
and  it  seems  to  have  done  wonders  for  her. 
She's  a  radiant  beam  of  cheer  nowadays 
and  tells  us  hair-raising  tales  of  her  experi- 
ences en  route  to,  in,  and  back  from  Chicago. 
She's  all  set  to  do  it  again  anytime,  but  as 
to  where  she  wants  to  live,  her  affection  is 
still  I  00%  for  good  old  California.  We  think 
she  got  cheated,  because  after  building  her 
up  for  weeks  about  how  wonderful  the  first 
snowfall  always  is,  she  didn't  have  the  oppor- 
tunity to  see  one.  A  lot  of  things  we  told 
her  about  she  did  indulge  in,  though,  so  all 
in  all,  the  venture  was  successful.  We're 
awfully  glad  to  have  you  bock,  Sally,  and  it's 
fun  hearing  those  vivid  descriptions  of  your 

BOB  PHILBROOK  and  ED  KOPS  were 
working  on  some  intricate  wiring  system  in- 
side the  toilcone  we  hod  in  the  Lab,  and 
our  gal  who  has  proved  that  the  slogan, 
"Women  in  Industry — phooey!"  is  totally 
unfounded,  "E.  J."  HARRINGTON,  was 
drilling  holes  from  the  outside.  Every  time 
the  drill  went  through  the  wall  of  the  toil- 
cone,  she'd  anxiously  peer  in  and  ask  fear- 
fully, "Is  everyone  okay  in  there?"  So  for, 
things  are  proceeding  satisfactorily,  but  the 
boys'  nervous  systems  just  aren't  what  they 
used  to  be.  They're  a  couple  of  brave  men, 
however,  and  came  to  work  again  today  just 
to  prove  it. 

Be  there  a  columnist  with  soul  so  dead  who 
never  to  himself  hath  said,  "My  kingdom 
for  a  fan"?  Well — pardon  us  while  we  brag 
— but  we  have  'em.  We  were  really  thrilled 
to  read  that  'way  down  in  the  South  Pacific 
Sgt.  Howie  Hatch  of  the  U.  S.  Marine  Corps 
ran  across  a  copy  of  the  Flying  Reporter  and 
our  column.  Glad  to  hear  you  enjoyed  it, 
Howie,  and  we  hope  that  you  will  be  bock 
in  San  Diego  very  soon  for  that  much- 
deserved  furlough.  Also  glad  to  hear  that  the 
Flying  Reporter  really  gets  around.  Mokes  us 
wonder  just  how  far  the  Reporters  do  travel. 
It  would  be  wonderful  to  hear  from  someone 
in  India  or  the  Burma  theater  who  ran  across 
a   copy  of  our  magazine — 'way  over  there. 

Ever  hear  of  painters'  cramp?  Some  of 
our  more  ambitious  members  of  the  feminine 
portion  of  the  Laboratory  hove  been  busy 
little  beavers  lately.  On  weekends  they  strip 
their  apartments  and  bungalows  from  top 
to  toe  and  wield  paint  brushes  in  a  very 
professional  manner.  GENEVIEVE  DURHAM 
and  MARY  HUTSON  now  hove  their  apart- 
ment in  apple-pie  order,  and  "E.  J."  fHAR- 
RINGTON  and  her  sister.  Nurse  BETTY 
CARROL,  hove  done  wonders  to  their  abode. 
Of  course,  we  shall  probobly  be  scalped  for 
letting  this  information  out  into  the  hands 
of  the  husbands,  etc.,  that  we  have  such 
capable    interior  decorators    in   our  midst. 

We  are  soon  to  lose  one  of  our  sweetest 
and  best-liked  chemists  who  is  embarking  on 
a  matrimonial  career  shortly  after  the  turn 
of  the  new  year.  She  is  none  other  than 
MARIAN  JOHNSON  who  recently  announced 
her  engagement  to  Lt.  Jess  Bailey  of  the 
U.  S.  Navy.  Needless  to  soy,  the  day  she 
received  her  beautiful  engagement  ring  from 
the  one  and  only  in  the  world,  there  were 
some  strange  concoctions  in  the  chemical 
department.  When  we  discovered  the  spark- 
ler on  the  third  finger,  left  hand,  that  was 
causing  oil  the  commotion,  we  showered  her 
with  good  wishes  and  a  corsage  of  gardenias. 
Lucky  feller! 

We're  glad  to  have  NAN  NADER  bock 
with  us  again.  She's  been  a  mighty  sick  girl 
and  was  out  about  a  month  with  pneumonia. 

Introducing  some  new  members  of  the 
Laboratory  Staff  —  HAZEL  LANG,  CHRIS- 
PONS — all  nice  people,  whom  we  hope  to 
know  much  better  in  the  near  future. 

—  22  — 

The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

Don't  tell  me  our  Ryan  people  aren't  up 
on  the  latest  fads!  Just  last  week  I  read 
about  the  new  novelty  pipes  for  women,  then 
this  week  IRENE  LILJA,  HELEN  FOLEG- 
SONG,  and  HELEN  SUGEL  of  Dept.  1  5  ore 
seen  trying  them  out!  Was  one  really  the 
old  standby  corn  cob  style?  Well,  "BOOTS" 
has  left  us.  Married  to  a  platoon  sergeant  of 
the  Marine  Tank  Corps  in  Yuma  on  Satur- 
day, the  following  Thursday  finds  the  hus- 
band injured  in  a  tank  accident — three  frac- 
tured ribs,  broken  arm  and  severe  cuts. 
"Boots,"  now  Mrs.  D.  C.  Bologna  I  she  warns 
not  to  spell  or  pronounce  it  with  O's!)  has 
quit  to  be  with  her  husband  until  he  is  well 
again.   Good   luck   to   you   both,   "Boots"! 

Did  you  know  that  that  cute  little  pair, 
MURIEL  and  JIMMY  RUDD,  are  now  Mr. 
and  Mrs.? 

Get  out  the  bird  seed!  MARY  MocRAE 
and  NORMA  DAVIS  hove  soloed  and  now 
"flit  throught  the  air  with  the  greatest  of 
ease."! — MAX  THOMPSON,  gas  re-welder, 
has  moved  to  Vollejo.  We'll  miss  that  sense 
of  humor  and  obliging  disposition. 

VERLA  DAHL  is  expected  bock  about  the 
time  you  ore  reading  this.  Hurray,  Hurray! 
—  Mr.  BALL  soys  the  line  has  the  "test 
plate  jitters"!  But  who  hasn't!  —  ROY  and 
PEARL  MEEK  hove  left  us  for  plantation  life 
in  Mississippi  and  SUE  KUTCH  leaves  us 
for  Texas  domesticity  in  mid-December.  — 
Did  you  see  KITTY  DAVIS  of  late?  She  is 
BOB  HARRIS'  Dept.  Clerk  now. 

Some  people  celebrated  Hallowe'en  with 
ghost  stories  and  jack-o'-lanterns.  Others 
dyed  their  hair  to  match  the  pumpkins!  — 
Speaking  of  hair,  don't  we  all  wish  we  could 
wear  ours  in  as  many  becoming  styles  as 
JEAN  ROMERO?  —  That  gal  "BECKY"  is 
bock  from  operation  leave.  We're  really  glad 
to  see  her,  too! 

While  scouting  for  news,  RUGG  and 
"CHIEFIE"  grinned  at  each  other  knowingly, 
but  said  nothing,  darn  it! — LLOYD  DOERGE 
is  taking  dishes,  curtains  and  blankets!  Ah, 
no,  just  a  bachelor  establishment,  girls! 
(Wonder  if  he  has  any  etchings?)  —  I  wish 
to  offer  my  apologies  to  those  who  offered 
news  items  lost  issue  but  failed  to  see  them 
in  print.  I  sent  them  in  but  apparently  space 
was  limited,  for  our  column  was  cut — better 
luck  next  time — so  don't  let  me  down! 

Notes  From 



0.  c 

;.  Hudson 

We  of  the  Third  Shift  welcome  ANNA 
BATES,  drill  press  operator,  transferred  a 
few  days  ago  from  Second  Shift.  Also, 
ADELAIDE  FLORES,  metal  fitter  coming  into 
the  sunrise  service.  BERNADETTE  BROTH- 
ERTON  has  returned  to  First  Shift,  Hydro- 
Press  department,  owing  to  the  fact  she 
recently  moved  to  Alpine  and  transportation 
worked  out  a  better  program. 

WILLIAM  W.  BAKER  from  Franklin,  In- 
diana, has  arrived  to  take  care  of  our  Tool 
Crib  glove  repair  work  and  JACK  KEEFE, 
from  Montana,  has  a  job  dispensing  tools 
and  tid  bits  from  Tool  Crib  No.  2.  We  are 
glad  to  have  you  with  us. 

JAMEA  PIZION,  metal  fitter,  was 
called  back  to  Jackson,  Michigan,  last  week 
her  mother  having  passed  away.  We  extend 
our  kindest  sympathy,  Jamea.  ARLENE 
GREGORY  is  back  with  us  again  from  a  ten- 
day  vacation.  MARY  DOERR,  assistant  fore- 
man of  plant  service  on  Second  Shift,  has 
come  to  Third  with  her  crew  of  eighteen 
workers.  We  hope  you  like  the  "sunrise" 
idea,  like  the  rest  of  us.  Glad  to  have  you 
folks  with  us. 

We  were  just  about  to  forget  our  new 
nurse.  She  is  ELIZABETH  ROHDE  BULLING- 
TON  from  Portland,  Oregon,  where  they 
grow  those  nice  Christmas  trees.  Hope  you 
like  our  rainy  days,   Betty. 

Your  reporter  received  an  interesting 
letter  from  BILLIE  MAGELLAN,  welder,  now 
in  U.  S.  navy  radio  school,  apparently  doing 
well  with  his  studies,  and  asks  to  be  remem- 
bered to  all  the  members  of  the  Ananias 
club  (where  the  tall  yarns  grow)  and  old- 
time  fellow  workers. 

Several  new  faces  are  seen  in  Drop 
LINTON  and  T.  L.  LINDLEY.  Howdy,  folks! 
ROBERT  BENHAM  is  leaving  within  a  few 
days  to  visit  his  parents  in  Boston,  Mass. 
Sounds  like  music  in  his  ears,  "turkey  in 
the  straw"  or  on  the  platter.  GEORGE 
spent  a  "grand  vaca- 
He  hasn't  advised  us 
or    the    other    gals    he 

KREBS,   dispatching, 
tion"    in    Hollywood, 
about     Myrna     Loy 
stepped   out   with — 

didn't   you?   MINNIE 

MARGRAFF  of  Third  Shift  Inspection  has 
transferred  to  Final  Assembly  building  and 
MAXINE  MUNSON,  inspector,  has  left  for 
First  Shift.  LOTTIE  RUSSEL  and  "MAC" 
MAHON  are  now  "operating"  on  those  pin- 
holes on  Second  Shift.  And  last  of  the  Mo- 
hicans— we  get  to  keep  CLARA  TEBBE,  the 
personality  girl  of  Inspection,  she  being 
-"•■ained  to  take  care  of  the  leodmen's  jokes, 
o  she  believes. 

Oh,  yes.  There  was  a  nicely  planned 
birthday  surprise  party  on  his  nibs,  OLEN 
HUDSON,  department  clerk.  Manifold  Small 
Ports,  with  oodles  of  home  mode  cakes — 
one  with  1 5  candles  if  you  please,  and 
presents  of  ties  and  socks.  Thanks  folks, 
a  day  indeed  for  the  writer  to  long  remem- 

Tooling  Department  reports  ALICE 
LEN  are  off  the  job  on  sick  leave.  Hurry 
up  and   get  well,   kids.   We   need   you   here. 

Another  group  of  old-time  Ryonites  ore  presented  their  five-year  pins  by  Claude 
Ryan.  Left  to  right:  J.  K.  Killian  and  L.  E.  Brown  of  Tooling;  Frank  Walsh,  Manifold 
Small  Ports;  Claude  Ryan;  F.  H.  Rand,  Manifold;  A.  L.  Jones,  Manifold  Small  Ports; 
Eddie  Herrin,  Drop  Hammer;  W.  R.  Lee,  Engineering;  Terry  Kell,  Sheet  Metal,  and 
F.  F.  Haworth,  Machine  Shop. 

Claude  Ryan  discusses  our  new  Navy  warplone  contract  with  employees  after  presenting 
their  five-year  service  pins.  Left  to  right:  Lee  Campbell,  Airplane  Service;  Paul  E. 
Gongaware,  Manifold  Development;  D.  B.  Elson,  Manifold;  R.  L.  Cornwell,  Manifold; 
Claude  Ryan;  J.  M.  Bussard,  Finol  Assembly;  L.  E.  Anderson,  Inspection,  and  Fred  W. 
Haywood,  Inspection. 

—  23  — 



(Continued  from  page  8) 

up  its  warmth,  while  Dad  and  Mother  would 
tell  us  stories  of  Russian  foll<lore  and  their 
life  in  Russia.  Dad  would  tell  us  about  his 
many  travels  over  the  continent  of  Europe. 
He  is  quite  a  linguist,  speaking  English, 
Russian,  German  and  four  other  languages 
fluently.  It's  odd  that  none  of  the  children 
ever   learned   to   speak   Russian. 

"Mankato  was  a  little  town  settled  thickly 
with  Germans  and  Russians  and  the  whole 
town  would  gather  for  colorful  folk  dances. 
There  was  a  little  old  Russian  fellow  there 
who  made  me  a  zymbol — an  extinct  Russian 
instrument.  In  fact,  the  only  one  of  its  kind 
I  hove  ever  seen.  He  also  taught  me  how 
to  ploy  it  and  after  I  felt  I  had  become  pro- 
ficient, I  used  to  hove  lots  of  fun  playing 
for  folk  dances." 

A  little  red  school  house  in  Mankato  was 
the  home  of  Adolph's  first  formal  educat'on. 
From  there,  he  found  himself  being  trans- 
ported along  with  the  rest  of  the  family  to 
Chicago,  Illinois,  where  he  finished  his 
schooling.  "I  really  was  in  a  hurry  to  finish 
school  so  I  could  get  started  on  my  own 
OS  soon  OS  possible  and  1  went  to  summer 
school  every  year  to  rush  along  the  process 
of  education.  Because  my  school  work  was 
easy  for  me,  I  used  to  work  in  a  clothing 
store  in  the  evenings  instead  of  doing  home- 

"The  reason  that  Dad  left  the  form  was 
that  he  didn't  think  it  held  a  very  promising 
future.  Little  did  he  guess  how  much  the 
soil  was  akin  to  him.  After  giving  the  con- 
struction business  in  Chicago  a  try  for  four 
years  he  found  that  he  couldn't  stay  away 
from  the  form  any  longer.  Once  again  we 
crated  our  furniture  and  packed  our  duds 
and  found  ourselves  redeposited  on  our  Min- 
nesota farm.  I'm  afraid  those  four  years  I 
was  away  had  mode  me  rather  dissatisfied 
with  form  life  and  I  rather  hesitantly  told 
my  parents  I  would  like  to  leave  home. 
They  gave  me  their  blessing  and  sent  me 
on    my    way. 

"Well,  at  last,  I  was  on  my  own.  This 
I  kept  telling  myself,  was  what  I  wanted. 
So  I  set  out  to  find  a  way  to  earn  my  liveli- 
hood. Don't  ask  me  why  I  picked  the  candy 
making  business.  I  guess  it  was  just  the 
first  thing  that  presented  itself.  I  stuck  it 
out  for  three  years  and  added  a  few  pounds 
to  my  weight  (must  have  been  due  to  all 
that  sampling  I  did  while  making  candy)  . 
By  that  time  I  was  convinced  that  I  hod 
had  enough,  so  I  quit  my  job. 

"Typesetting  was  my  next  step  toward 
earning  a  living  but  that,  too,  lost  its  interest 
after  three  years.  Then  I  decided  I  hod 
fooled  around  long  enough  and  I  made  the 
momentous  decision  that  I  would  come  to 
California.  This  meant  leaving  my  newly 
acquired  wife  at  home  until  I  could  find  a 
place  for  us  to  live  in  California  and  she 
could  find  a  buyer  for  her  beauty  parlor. 
I  had  met  my  wife  while  we  were  singing 
in  a  choir  in  a  Lutheran  church  back  home. 
Shortly  after,  we  decided  to  become  a  duet 
and  got  married. 

"Speaking  of  singing  reminds  me  how 
near  I  came  to  making  my  career  in  the 
musical  field.  For  three  seasons,  while  living 

in  Mankato,  I  traveled  around  the  county 
singing  in  a  quartet.  It  was  sort  of  a  Cham- 
ber of  Commerce  deal  to  persuade  people 
to  come  to  our  community.  Luckily  for  me, 
however,  I  didn't  get  sidetracked  so  com- 
pletely that  my  plans  for  the  future  became 
diffused.  I'm  afraid  it  was  quite  a  shock 
to  me  when  I  stepped  off  the  train  in  San 
Diego.  The  sun  was  shining  in  January.  It 
was  a  shade  different  from  the  January 
weather  I  left  behind  in  Minnesota.  My 
overcoat    was    laid    aside    very    quickly." 

Like  most  people  who  came  to  San  Diego 
to  get  into  the  aircraft  industry,  Adolph  was 
soon  shopping  around  for  the  best  place  to 
work.  After  getting  a  fleeting  glimpse  of 
the  Ryan  S-T  plane  which  we  were  building 
at  that  time,  he  decided  that  Ryan  was  the 
place  for  him.  He  also  admits  that,  in  the 
back  of  his  mind,  he  hoped  he  might  get 
a  chance  to  fly  one.  That  is,  after  he  had 
learned    how    to    fly. 

"I  walked  right  in  and  asked  for  a  job, 
but  my  heart  sank  momentarily  when  I  was 
told  there  were  no  openings  at  that  time. 
However,  that  little  phrase  'no  openings' 
was  only  a  spur  to  my  aspirations  and  I  de- 
cided to  take  matters  into  my  own  hands. 
What  I  did  was  no  doubt  rather  unethical, 
but  darn  it,  I  just  hod  to  get  into  aircraft 

After  being  turned  down  at  the  front 
office,  Adolph  went  moseying  around  the 
bock  way — that  was  before  the  days  of  any 
restrictions — and  got  to  talking  to  some  of 
the  people  already  working  here.  They  told 
him  to  see  Al  Lacy,  Contract  Supervisor, 
and  they  were  sure  he  would  put  him  to 
work.  "Luck  was  with  me,"  said  Adolph, 
"and  before  I  really  knew  what  hod  hap- 
pened, I  found  myself  in  the  Drop  Hammer 
department  as  a  helper.  You  see,  although 
I  knew  I  wanted  to  get  into  aircraft  work, 
I  hod  never  hod  any  training  along  those 
lines.  However,  that  didn't  stop  me.  It  wasn't 
very  long  before  I  was  made  a  Drop  Ham- 
mer operator  end  then  I  knew  that  nothing 
could  stand  in  my  way." 

Adolph's  enthusiasm  for  his  work  paid 
off    quickly    in    dividends.    Shortly    after    the 

company  had  moved  to  its  present  site  in 
1939,  he  became  a  leadman  of  the  Planish- 
ing Shed.  Then,  after  being  in  the  Planishing 
Shed  about  six  months  as  a  leadman,  he  was 
mode  third  shift  foreman  of  Drop   Hammer. 

"That  was  a  happy  day  for  me  and  I 
rushed  home  from  work  to  tell  my  wife  the 
good  news.  She  hod  been  in  San  Diego  for 
almost  2  years.  We  were  buying  our  own 
home  in  East  Son  Diego  and  had  a  young 
son,    David   Lee,   age   2  years." 

In  between  his  working  hours,  Adolph 
found  time  to  take  up  his  long  hoped  for 
flying  lessons  and  hod  34  logged  solo  hours 
when  the  war  came  along.  "After  the  war, 
I'm  surely  going  to  continue  my  flying.  I 
hope  to  get  a  private  pilot's  license  and 
hove  my  own   Ryan  plane." 

After  having  been  third  shift  foreman 
only  eight  months,  he  was  made  assistant 
foreman  of  second  shift.  A  year  later,  he 
was  mode  foreman  of  the  Hydro  Press  de- 
partment. The  Hydro  Press  department  was 
at  one  time  a  part  of  Drop  Hammer,  but 
when  it  became  flooded  with  work,  it  was 
made  a  separate  department.  "That  was 
my  lucky  day,"  soys  Adolph,  "for  two  years 
now,  I  hove  been  foreman  of  that  de- 

Flying  isn't  Adolph's  only  hobby,  as  he 
indulges  in  boat  trading.  He  buys  boots, 
cleans  them  up  and  then  re-sells  them.  "If 
the  deals  ore  too  big  for  my  capital  my 
brother  usually  goes  in  with  me  and  we  split 
the  profit."  His  brother  come  to  San  Diego 
several  years  before  Adolph  arrived. 

Adolph  has  at  last  found  his  niche  and 
asks  only  to  be  able  to  continue  his  work 
along  the  lines  he  loves.  He  hopes  to  buy 
a  larger  home  in  Point  Loma  and  his  own 
plane  and  be  able  to  use  his  17-foot  Cran- 
delcroft  boat  after  the  war  is  won.  "But  until 
that  time,  all  my  efforts  will  be  directed 
toward  doing  my  job  well  and  getting  the 
war  over  as  soon  as  possible.  Then  I  would 
like  to  be  able  to  take  my  parents  bock  to 
Russia  where  my  brother  is  buried.  My 
brother  received  his  Army  flight  training  in 
a  Ryan  PT-22  and  was  flying  a  B-17  in  the 
invasion  when   he  was  killed." 

neui  $1,000,000  Order  Suiells  manifDld  Bachlog 
To  Ouer  $14,000,000 

Douglas  Aircraft  Company  last  week  placed  orders  for  over  one  million 
dollars  with  Ryan's  Exhaust  Systems  Manufacturing  Division  for  addi- 
tional C-47  collector  rings  to  be  installed  on  the  famous  Douglas  twin- 
engined  cargo  planes. 

This  new  contract,  together  with  volume  orders  now  in  production  for 
manifolds  for  Boeing  B-29  Superfortresses,  Douglas  C-54  Skymasters, 
Grumman  F6F  Hellcats  and  other  models,  brings  the  Manifold  Division 
backlog  to  more  than  $14,000,000.  Other  new  contracts  are  now  being 
negotiated  by  the  Sales  Deportment,  headed  by  Sam  C.  Breder,  but  the 
orders  now  on  hand  alone  assure  a  high  rate  of  production  well  into  1946. 

Exclusive  of  the  latest  Douglas  orr'er,  the  Ryan  manifold  department 
has  built  22,375  exhaust  collectors  for  the  C-47s,  probably  the  greatest 
quantity  of  one  manifold  design  ever  built  by  a  single  manufacturer. 


J.  A.  Austin 
Fuselage  Assm. 

F.  J.  Borson 
Fuselage  Assm. 

Ellis  Bell 
Fuselage  Assm. 


R.  W.  Brownyer 
Wing  Assm. 

J.  A.  Crosby 
Sub  Assm. 

Wm.  M.  Eddings 
Wing  Assm. 

?  L  Hudson 
Wing  Assm. 

C.  W.  Hunt 
Mani.  Sm.  Parts 

F.  L.  King 
Pre  Jig 

J.  H.  Madill 
Fuselage  Assm. 

W.  B.  Russell 
Tooling  Inspection 

Harry  D.  Sjulson 
Tooling  Inspection 

Ned  Steinruck 
Sub  Assm. 

J.  R.  Stevens 
Fuselage  Assm. 

E.  J.  Young 
Fuselage  Assm. 

R.  N.  Wollin 
Fuselage  Assm. 

25  — 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

One  afternoon  last  month,  watching  a 
snappy  six  footer  in  a  Naval  officer's  uni- 
form shaking  hands  with  members  of  our 
department,  it  was  indeed  a  happy  surprise 
to  find  that  he  was  none  other  than  JERRY 
RYAN,  our  former  columnist  and  fellow 
worker.  On  leave,  before  reporting  to  Holly- 
wood, Florida,  for  further  officer  training, 
Jerry  came  to  Yuma  to  be  with  his  charming 
little  wife,  Jean,  and  the  two  of  them  came 
on  here  for  a  brief  visit  with  their  many 
friends.  Gee,  it  was  good  to  see  them.  As  for 
Jerry's  ability  to  train  men,  I  might  per- 
sonally testify.  On  my  very  first  day  at  Ryan, 
I  was  turned  over  to  him  for  training  in 
the  work  here.  With  the  terse  comment  that 
the  best  way  to  train  a  man  was  to  hand 
him  the  ball  and  tell  him  to  carry  it,  Jerry 
pointed  to  thousands  of  half-stampings  in 
the  yard  and  told  me  to  start  placing  them 
in  their  proper  rocks.  His  address  for  some 
time  will  be.  Ens.  Michael  G.  Ryan,  D-V(S), 
Hollywood  Beach   Hotel,   Hollywood,   Flo. 

Another  very  welcome  visitor  lost  month 
was  WAYNE  HARGRAVE,  a  former  member 
of  our  Department,  well  known  to  all  shifts 
and  at  all  stations,  now  with  the  Engineer- 
ing Forces.  Wayne  is  very  enthusiastic  about 
his  job  and  what  the  service  has  done  for 
him.  His  address  is  Pvt.  Wayne  E.  Hargrove, 
A.S.N.  39588533,  Co.  A,  63  E.T.Bn.,  Eno. 
Sec.  A.T.F.T.C,  North  Fort  Lewis,  Wash"- 

Our  Department  has  given  to  the  armed 
forces  a  lot  of  fine  boys  and  we  are  proud 
of  them.  You  who  knew  them  here,  keep 
writing  to  them.  They  wont  to  hear  from 
you,   and  that   is   little  to  ask. 

Night  Shifters,  your  reporter,  BOB  JONES, 
ignored  the  "deadline"  again,  and  turned 
in  nothing  for  this  issue.  Perhaps  TY  SAT- 
TERFIELD  is  practicing  some  of  HAP'S  "slave 
driving"  tactics  and  keeps  Bob  so  hard  at 
work  that  he  finds  himself  too  tired  to  do  a 
little  writing  for  you.  Might  be  well  to  check 
on  that  thought.  Following  are  a  few  ob- 
servations that  I  have  mode  regarding  your 

HERMAN  MORTON,  with  the  help  of 
LEY,  is  taking  good  care  of  Dispatching  for 
the  Jig  area.  Little  visits  with  them  each 
evening  have  convinced  me  that  Herman, 
Joyce  and  Lorene  are  what  cowboys  used 
to  call   "real   folks." 

LOIS  ARLICH,  down  in  Small  Ports  stor- 
age, has  recently  enjoyed  a  visit  from  her 
father  and  mother,  which  accounts  for  that 
extra  bright  sm.le  she  has  been  wearing 
lately.  Lois  carries  on  here  while  her  husband 
is  helping  with  that  tough  job  in  the  Philip- 
pines. She  has  what  it  takes  and  keeps  smil- 
ing through. 

SARGE  CONWAY,  dispatching  at  Hanger 
Adjustment,  tells  me  that  he  finds  the  work 
there  both  interesting  and  enjoyable.  Sorge 
knows  what  it  is  to  serve  with  the  armed 
forces  and  appreciates  the  value  of  the  job 
we  hove  to  do  here. 

MARGUERITE  McKENNA,  from  over  in 
Drop  Hammer,  has  token  over  the  desk  in 
Small  Parts,  during  the  temporary  absence  of 

IRENE  LOUTHERBACK,  the  regular  presider 
there.  Marguerite  seems  to  be  doing  nicely 
in  filling  Irene's  ploce,  a  feat  in  our  book, 
not  easy. 

are  still  doing  the  job  of  dispatching  at  Pre- 
jig,  and  we,  of  the  day  shift,  find  them  al- 
ways ready  to  cooperate  in  every  possible 

CHARLIE  WELDON  has  been  finding  it 
just  a  little  difficult  to  explain  away  all  the 
recent  roinfoll  here  in  his  favorite  spot. 
Chorlie,  you  know,  is  one  of  Southern  Cali- 
fornia's greatest  boosters,  and  if  he  isn't,  he 
should  be,  a  life  member  in  the  Chomber 
of  Commerce. 

BILLIE  HARPER,  with  the  Medical  Corps, 
has  been  in  the  South  Pacific  islands  for  a 
long,  long  time,  and  it  has  been  many  weeks 
since  his  mother,  MRS.  HAROLD  COONS,  a 
Ryan  employee,  has  heard  from  him.  Be 
sure  and  let  us  know,  Mrs.  Coons,  when  you 
do  hear,  for  we  who  knew  Billie  ore  truly 

Retired  from  the  Navy,  after  many  years 
of  service,  JOHN  SAPPINGTON  has  recently 
come  to  Ryan  and  is  doing  a  good  job  out 
in  Jig  storage  area.  John  says  that  keeping 
his  area  neat  and  orderly  comes  perfectly 
natural  after  all  those  years  with  the   Navy. 

JIM  WOMAC,  a  former  wrestler,  finds  it 
dead  easy  to  wrestle  the  ports  and  boxes 
down  in  Tail  Pipe  area  and  RED  KEITH  tells 
us  he  is  doing  a  nice  job  there.  Jim  gives 
four  evenings  each  week  to  the  direction  of 
a  Junior  Athletic  Club  at  Twenty-fourth  and 
B  streets,  Chula  Vista,  and  is  very  much 
interested  in  that  work. 

Diego  kid,  formerly  with  Sheet  Metal,  but 
now  with  our  Department,  is  helping  JOHN 
OAKES  keep  the  Pre-Jig  area  in  order  and 
likes  his  job  very  much.  Glad  to  hove  you 
with  us,  Penn. 

LLOYD  DAVIS  con  still  handle  the  work 
down  in  his  area  with  the  some  "egusto"  he 
was  displaying  the  first  evening  I  met  him 
— many  moons  ago.  Lloyd  likes  dispatching 
and  for  some  fancied  reason  or  other,  he 
seems  to  like  the  night  shift. 

FLASH: — A  lost  minute  communique 
from  the  La  Jollo  Golf  Course  announces 
that  our  entry  in  the  Aircrafters  Tourna- 
ment, KEN  BARNES,  won  his  match  Sunday 
the  19th,  and  so  is  well  on  his  way  to  mak- 
ing a  clean  sweep  of  that  tournament,  which 
is  the  very  thing  we  are  all  counting  on  his 
doing.  Hit  'em  straight  and  far.  Ken. 

MARVIN  SETER,  leodmon  inspector  for 
Point  Shop,  left  us  to  enter  Uncle  Sam's 
Navy  and  is  now  stationed  at  the  Naval 
Training  Station  in  Son  Diego.  The  gang 
got  together  and  presented  him  with  on 
I.D.  bracelet.  Anyone  who  would  like  to  write 
to  Marvin  may  have  his  address  by  contact- 
ing CLYDE  WILCOX,  leodmon  inspector  of 
Paint.  We  know  Marvin  would  welcome  some 
letters  so  let's  get  busy  and  drop  him  a  few 

—  26  — 

There  has  been  so  many  chonges  lately  of 
personnel  that  I  can't  keep  up  with  them. 
Transferring  to  Dispatching  were,  PEARL 
Cutting,  also  MARY  BLANCO  and  LILLIAN 
TEMPLETON  of  Point  Shop.  V.  C.  ROSS, 
leadman  of  Cutting,  left  us  to  go  on  the 
day  shift.  We  miss  all  these  good  people, 
the  place  is  not  the  some  without  them. 

Had  a  very  enjoyable  chicken  dinner  a 
few  weeks  ago  with  "ROSY"  BARTHOL, 
foreman  of  Point  Shop,  our  guest  of  honor. 
Even  hod  our  picture  taken!  A  note  of  thanks 
is  extended  to  PEARL  CLORE  who  fried 
chicken  for  the  gong,  and  it  took  hours  to  fry 
that  much  chicken.  So,  many  thanks  from 
all  of  us.  Pearl,  it  was  really  swell. 

CLYDE  WILCOX  has  been  promoted  to 
leadman  inspector,  so  congratulations,  Clyde, 
we  are  glad  for  you. 

MIKE  LASPINA,  sprayer  for  Paint  Shop, 
is  terminating  to  go  back  East  to  take  core 
of  his  orange  grove.  Sorry  to  see  you  go, 
Mike,  but  lots  of  luck  to  you  from  oil  of  us. 

Talk  about  having  no  roof  over  your  head, 
that's  what  happened  to  MILDRED  BOYD 
during  our  storm  lost  week.  When  she  arrived 
home  from  work  the  other  morning,  the 
whole  roof  hod  been  blown  off  her  house, 
leaving  Mildred  speechless,  as  well  as  home- 
less, but  other  quarters  were  found  for  her 
right  away  so  it  wasn't  quite  as  bod  as  it 
could  hove  been  hod  there  been  none  avail- 

We  hear  LARRY  LARSON's,  leadman  of 
Dope  Spray,  wife  is  away  bock  East  these 
days   visiting    her   folks. 

ALMA  JAMES  has  been  transferred  into 
Inspection  from  Fabric.  Congratulations, 
Alma,    hope   you   will   enjoy  your   new   work. 

How  many  of  the  younger  generation 
can  hold  a  candle  to  George  "Doc" 
Gordon's  attendance  record?  "Doc"  will 
be  75  years  young  in  February  and 
hasn't  been  tardy  or  absent  for  a  whole 
year.  Manifold  Small  Parts  can  be 
proud  of  that  record. 

Tooling  Rumors 

by   lone  and   Kay 

We  have  a  few  new  employees  this  month. 
They  are  J.  GODLEY,  V.  GLOVER,  H.  MOR- 
QUEZ,  and  C.  BIGNELL.  We're  glad  to  have 
each  and  every  one  of  them  and  we  hope 
they  will  enjoy  working  with  us.  We  also 
have  two  transfers.  V.  WEST  has  trans- 
ferred from  the  second  to  the  first  shift  and 
K.  HOWARD  has  left  the  Inspection  Depart- 
ment to  work  here  with  us  in  the  Tool  Room. 

Although  we  have  had  some  new  em- 
ployees, a  few  have  also  left  us.  We  will 
miss  the  following:  G.  SEAY,  V.  GRAIN,  D. 

It  was  a  happy  day  for  H.  VAN  ZANDT 
when  he  received  his  three-year  pin.  D. 
DECKER  has  also  received  his  one-year  pin. 
Congratulations  you  two,  keep  up  the  good 
work  and  it  won't  be  long  before  you  have 
your  ten-year  pin. 

We  hear  or  see  that  MR.  TRUCHAN  re- 
ceived a  very  colorful  present  last  week.  Gee, 
are  they  "purty,"  in  fact  we  never  hove  seen 
any  foot  covering  like  that  before. 

"CHIEF"  needs  some  help  and  so  do  we. 
He's  been  pestering  us  for  the  past  two 
months  wanting  to  know  who  his  Leadman 
is.  If  any  of  you  know  any  information  that 
might  help  CHIEF  out,   please  tell  him.     He 

feels  pretty  sad  about  the  whole  deal. 

Where  did  TEX  and  LEE  ADAMS  go  Sun- 
day? It  couldn't  be  duck  hunting,  could  it 
boys?  We  hear  you  were  very  unlucky.  They 
told  us  you  came  home  with  no  shells  and 
no  ducks.     Is   it  true? 

W.  B,  SLY  is  back  working  in  the  depart- 
ment again  and  J.  KETCHUM  has  trans- 
ferred over  to  Small  Parts  to  take  SLY's 
place.  We're  glad  to  have  you  bock  SLY  and 
we  hated  to  see  you  move  so  far  away  from 
us  JOE. 

C.  WILLIAMS,  who  has  been  absent  for 
quite  some  time  with  a  foot  injury,  returned 
to  work  a  few  days  ago.  We're  all  very  glad 
to  have  you  back  CAL  and  we  hope  nothing 
like  that  ever  happens  again. 

We  are  sorry  to  hear  that  MILDRED  JUS- 
TICE is  in  the  hospital.  We  miss  you  very 
much  MILDRED  so  please  get  well  soon  and 
hurry  back.  G.  BRUNNER  has  also  been 
quite  ill  the  past  week,  however,  she  returned 
to  work  this  morning.  We're  glad  to  have 
you  back  GERTIE  and  don't  go  getting  sick 

I  guess  that's  about  all  for  this  time,  so  all 
of  you  fellow  workers  have  a  good  Thanks- 
giving and  we'll  see  you  oil  next  month. 

New   Leadmen   In   Inspection 

Tool  Control  Night  Owls 

by  Ruth  Nelson 

Seven  members  of  the  Inspection  department  were  recently  appointed  leadmen.  Back 
row,  left  to  right:  C.  H.  Wilcox,  P.  F.  Dukelow,  E.  F.  Woods  and  C.  W.  Christopher. 
Front  row:  G.  W.  DeVol,  H.  M.  Powell  and  F.  G.  Memory. 

—  27  — 

Greetings  from  the  Swing  Shift  of  Tool 
Control.  We  have  quite  a  crew  now,  but  a 
few  of  us  con  remember  way  bock  when  we 
were  just  an  ornament  in  the  corner.  Grad- 
ually we  were  increased  with  girls  from  all 
over  the  United  States.  The  Welcoming 
Committee  hands  out  its  best  smile  to  those 
three  winsome  daughters  of  the  South, 
HELEN  HENDRIX  from  Tennessee,  FAYE 
GARRISON  from  Kentucky  and  MILDRED 
ADELAIDE  WINNIE  from  North  Carolina. 
The  East  coast  sends  us  a  small  package  of 
laughs  bearing  the  name  of  FLORENCE  DE- 
LANEY  of  New  York  and  the  refreshing 
beauty  of  MOLLIE  HENDRICKSON  from 
Rhode  Island.  From  farther  down  the  line, 
we  have  petite  MATTIE  LEE  KINGSBURY 
of  Florida.  Not  to  be  outdone,  Texas  sends 
us  KATIE  MILLER.  With  all  these  Southern 
people  you  can  imagine  how  the  "you-alls" 
are  tossed  around.  Last,  but  definitely  not 
least,  we  have  the  natives,  ONETA  LEWIS, 
SAUNDERS  from  California.  ...  We  hope 
you  like  it  here,  girls,  as  much  as  we  do. 
Gee,  with  the  introduction  of  all  the  new 
people  we  almost  forget  our  new  Supervisor, 
Ryan's  sportsman,  Glenn  Huff.  Mr.  Huff  has 
recently  won  the  doubles  in  ping  pong  and 
we're  rooting  for  him  in  the  Aircraft  Golf 
Tournament  in  which  he's  entered.  In  the 
daily  lunch  "jam  session,"  the  girls  put  their 
heads  together  and  the  result  was  the  de- 
partment being  dubbed  "Huff's  Harem." 
It's  a  pretty  fitting  name,  too. 

After  getting  everybody  acquainted,  a 
census  was  taken  and  it  was  found  that  we 
had  some  sports-minded  girls,  so  teaming 
up  with  other  departments  on  nights,  the 
Ryan  Swing  Trio  Bowling  League  was  formed. 

We  also  have  an  addition  of  Tool  Plan- 
ning on  the  night  shift.  This  was  welcomed 
heartily  by  Mr.  Huff,  I  think  he  was  a  little 
bewildered,  being  so  completely  surrounded 
by  women.  Confidentially,  we're  glad  to  have 
you,   too,   boys. 

We  have  a  pretty  cheerful  bunch  of  girls 
with  us  now  and  a  lot  of  that  friendliness 
is  furnished  by  our  own  JEWELL  DOBBS. 
She's  that  pretty  blonde  seen  faithfully  at 
her  typewriter  every  night.  One  needs  only 
to  listen  to  that  soft  drawl  to  tell  she's  from 
Texas.  We're  pretty  proud  of  Jewell  and 
hope  she  stays  with  us  a  long  time.  People 
like   her  are   nice  to   have  around. 

Since  the  election,  the  topic  of  conversa- 
tion has  switched  from  politics  to  recipes. 
The  newlyweds  busily  engaged  in  learning 
the  safest  and  best  way  to  boil  water. 
MOLLIE  HENDRICKSON  says  she  has  solved 
the  problem  of  learning  how  to  cook  simply 
by  buying  things  that  come  already  pre- 
pared, but  she  would  still  like  to  know  how 
to  boil  water  (jist  for  the  heck  of  it)  .  Any 
suggestions  would  be  appreciated.  Mollie  has 
certainly  been  having  problems.  After  get- 
ting her  new  home  furnished  the  way  she 
wanted,  she  arrived  home  from  work  only  to 
find  the  rug  floating  gracefully  around  the 
living  room  after  one  of  our  rains. 



Recreational  Director,  Paul  TedFord 

many  Ryan  Ulinners 
In  Golf  TournBy 

Play  marches  smoothly  along  in  the  1944 
Aircrafters  Championship  Handicap  Golf 
Tournament  with  Sunday,  November  X9th, 
finding  the  following  winners  at  La  Mesa 
and  La  Jolla  courses.  Kenny  Barnes  and 
Bill  Steltzer  are  still  in  the  running  in  the 
championship  flight,  holding  their  own  with 
the  best  of  them.  Barnes  swamped  his  op- 
ponent. Cook  of  Rohr,  by  the  score  of  9 
and  8,  while  Steltzer  nosed  out  Don  Peterson 
of  Convair  by  a  stroke. 

Second  Flight  "A"  Division 

Bernie  Bills  beat  down  Bob  Foster  of  Rohr, 
3  and  2;  Don  Wasser  had  an  easy  day  taking 
A.  Stolting,  6  and  5. 

Championship  "B"  Division 

Ralph  Callow  took  E.  V.  Petzen  of  Con- 
vair, I  up.  Vic  Voll  shellacked  Bill  Schmidt 
of  Convair,  8  and  6. 

First   Flight  "B"   Division 

H.  W.  Lamborn  nosed  out  N.  R.  Gross  of 
Rohr,  2  and  1  . 
Third  Flight  "B"  Division 

O.  R.  Breeden  won  from  C.  R.  Whitley  of 
Solar,    default.    Don    Dewey    won    from    Bob 
Schwartz  of  Convair,  default. 
Consolation  Winners — Second  Flight 
"A"  Division 

Tex  Wilkinson  won  from  J.  Kolchi  of  Con- 
vair, default. 
Third  Flight  "A"  Division 

J.  C.  Pool  won  from  E.  McCombs  of  Rohr, 
default.    Ray   Berner  won   from   S.    Romeriz, 
First  Flight  "B"  Division 

M.  M.  Clancy  won  from  C.  R.  Page  of 
Convair,  2  up. 

Third  Flight,  "B"  Division 

Clayton  Rice  and  Jim  Edgil  are  still  in 
the  running  by  reason  of  a  bye. 

Above  ore  the  results  at  La  Jolla,  with 
players  at  La  Mesa  coming  home  with  the 
following  results: 

Championship  Flight 

A.  McReynolds  won  from  R.  Ranger,  3 
and  1 ;  George  Dew  beat  Ray  Morkowski,  7 
and  6;  R.  S.  Cunningham  defeated  E.  Beebe, 
I  up;  Tom  Hickey  defeated  A.  Adomson, 
1  up  (20  holes);  Jack  Westler  won  over 
G.  Grobener,  3  and  2. 
Consolation  Flight 

Petie  Petterson  won  over  Moloney,  de- 
fault;  Bill  Vogel  defeated  Host,  default. 

Rynn  To  Sponsor 
nrchery  Tournament 

Setting  a  precedent  in  the  annals  of  arch- 
ery, the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  will 
sponsor  a  county-wide  archery  tournament 
at  Balboa  Park  Sunday,  December  3,  and 
Sunday,  December  17,  An  innovation  for 
this  affair  is  that  the  tournament  will   be  a 

combination  Field  and  Target  Champion- 
ship outing — something  that  has  never  been 
done  before.  These  two  distinct  branches 
of  the  sport  will  be  entered  into  by  both 
field  archers  and  Target  archers  with  the 
crown  to  go  to  the  archer  shooting  the  high- 
est over-all  score. 

Plans  for  the  event  were  drawn  up  lost 
week  by  Frank  Eicholtz  and  Chink  Lee  of  the 
Engineering  Dept.,  nationally-rated  field 
archers,  and  George  Kettenburg,  several 
times  state  target  champion.  Judge  John  H. 
Adams,  daddy  of  the  sport  in  Son  Diego,  E. 
Garrick  O'Bryan,  Jr.,  and  Paul  Tedford,  who 
will  serve  as  the  committee  for  the  tourna- 

Beautiful  trophies  will  be  awarded  to  the 
over-all  high  scorers  from  scratch  —  both 
men  and  women.  Also,  for  the  high  over-all 
scores,  both  men  and  women  who  shoot 
with  a  handicap.  Awards  will  also  go  to  high 
man  and  high  woman  in  both  the  target  and 
field  divisions. 

The  tournament  is  expected  to  draw  a 
huge  entry  list  of  archers  in  this  area  as 
the  competition  will  be  open  to  all  archers 
in  the  county,  and  is  expected  also  to  be  one 
of  the  finest  stimuli  ever  accorded  to  the 
sport.  All  Ryan  archers  interested  in  the 
tournament  should  contact  Eicholtz,  Lee,  or 
Tedford   for  particulars. 

Sports  Chatter 

BILL  BALDWIN,  Tennis  Commissioner, 
has  plans  for  a  mixed  doubles  tennis  tourna- 
ment at  Ryan  early  in  1945.  Fellows  ore 
urged  to  "select  their  partners"  to  square 
off  in  this  event.  Some  twenty-five  court 
stars  are  constantly  vying  to  improve  their 
positions  on  the  perpetual  ladder  which  has 
proved  popular  with  tennis  enthusiasts. 

swing  shift  Commissioners  of  Dancing,  report 
that  attendance  at  swing  shift  dances  is 
steadily  growing.  Much  of  the  credit  for 
this  growth  goes  to  these  two  energetic  chaps, 
while  word  is  that  the  fun  of  these  affairs 
increases  every  week  with  novel  shows  being 
served  as  on  important  element  of  every 
such  session. 

The  Yule  season  will  bring  to  the  cafeteria 
luncheon  area  a  well-drilled  choral  group  of 
Ryanites  rendering  sacred  and  Christmas 
song  favorites.  Carl  Dewse,  local  voice  teach- 
er, has  been  working  with  the  choral  group 
for  some  weeks.  Much  appreciated  is  the 
generous  cooperation  of  Pat  Quinn  as  ac- 

Rll-Stors  Rosed 
Out  Rt  lone  Field 

Art  Billings'  Ryan  All-Stars  dropped  a 
heart-breaking  decision  to  the  Padre-bol- 
stered Rohr  nine  by  the  score  of  1  -0  at 
Lone  Field,  Sunday,  Nov.  1 9th,  as  3500 
spectators  enjoyed  one  of  the  tightest  double- 
headers  ever  staged   at  the  waterfront  sto- 

—  28  — 

dium.  Rohr,  in  turn,  ended  up  on  the  short 
end  of  o  1-0  score  against  the  Convair 
forces,  bolstered  by  major  and  minor  league 
stars.  Thus,  the  aircraft  baseball  crown  for 
1944,  after  a  desperate  struggle,  rests  atop 
the  heads  of  the  Convair  warriors. 

It  was  on  unearned  run,  after  two  were 
out  in  the  lost  half  of  the  seventh  inning 
that  spelled  defeat  for  our  All-Stars.  An  in- 
field error,  followed  by  two  singles  sent  Lefty 
Sharp  of  the  Chicago  White  Sox,  and  patrol- 
ling right  field  for  Rohr,  across  the  platter 
with  the  deciding  tally   in  that  fatal   frame. 

Erv  Morlstt  turned  in  a  hurling  job 
throughout  this  contest  that  would  hove  done 
credit  to  any  pitcher  in  any  league,  allowing 
but  four  hits — two  of  these  in  the  seventh — 
walking  but  three  men  and  striking  out  the 
some  number.  In  four  of  the  frames,  Rohr 
men  went  down  in  1  -2-3  order.  Erv  was  at 
his  very  best,  his  curve  crackling  sharply, 
and  his  change  of  pace  beautiful  to  watch. 
Twice,  he  caught  enemy  runners  of  the 
initial  sack,  v/ith  Jock  Harshmon  cooperat- 
ing smartly  to  noil  the  errant  runners. 

Rohr  countered  with  the  Boston  Red  Sox' 
Joe  Wood,  Jr.,  who  matched  Morlett  all  the 
way,  whiffing  13  All-Stars,  and  holding 
Ryan  to  three  bingles.  It  was  Woods'  ability 
to  crack  the  whip  with  men  on  bases  that 
cost  Ryan  the  game.  The  All-Stors  just 
didn't  come  through  and  cash  in  on  their 
scoring  opportunities,  when  one  run  would 
have  clinched  the  decision. 

Both  games  were  pitcher's  battles,  with 
near  perfect  support  all  the  way  around.  The 
two  outstanding  fielding  gems  were  turned  in 
by  the  rival  shortstops  in  the  first  game  as 
Scarborough  of  Ryan  and  Seattle's  Joe  Dob- 
bins of  Rohr  come  up  with  identical  catches 
of  screaming   liners  high  and  to  their  right. 

The  nightcap  sow  ex-Yankee  Charlie 
Wensloff  of  Convair  nail  Rohr  with  1  6  strike- 
outs while  Fronkie  Dosso  whiffed  13  of  the 
winners.  The  winning  run  giving  the  title  to 
Convair  came  in  an  extra  canto,  the  eighth. 

First   Game 
Ryan   All-Stars  AB  H  C 

Billings,  cf 3  0  4 

J.  Morlett,  2b 3  0  3 

Kellogg,   If    2  0  0 

Horshmonn,  lb 2  1  8 

Mathis,  c 2  0  3 

Scarborough,   ss    3  0  6 

Kanagy,  rf   ,  ,  , 3  1  0 

Litz,  3b    1  1  1 

E,  Morlett,  p 3  0  4 

Rohr   Aircraft 

Schmidt,  3b 3  0  0 

Hernandez,  2b 2  1  2 

Kirkpotrick,  c 3  0         13 

Bollinger,  rf 2  0  0 

Dobbins,  ss 2  0  5 

Sharp,    rf    1  0  1 

Celeya,  If 3  1  0 

Martinez,    lb 3  1  4 

Wood,  p 2  1  2 

Score  by  Innings 

I    2   3  4   5   6  7   Total 

Ryan     0000000       0 

Rohr     000000    1        1 


1.  The  1944  Ryan  All-Stars  line  up 
for  the  cameraman.  Rear  row,  left  to 
right,  Manager  Art  Billings,  Scarborough, 
ss;  Litz,  3b;  Harshmonn,  1  b;  Matthis, 
c;  Kanagy,  rf;  E.  Marlett,  p;  Jeli,  p;  Rox- 
burg,  p.  Front  row,  left  to  right,  B.  Mar- 
lett, coach;  Jack  Billings,  cf;  J.  Marlett, 
2b;  Kellogg,  If;  McFaddin,  p. 

2.  Snapped  at  the  completion  of  the 
pre-game  warm-up  are  Erv  Marlett,  the 
All-Stars  brilliant  pitcher,  together  with 
his  capable  backstop.  Red  Matthis,  both 
of  whom  played  superlative  boll  even  in 

4.  Ryan  hopes  ore  blasted 
as  with  two  away  in  the  fatal 
seventh.  Lefty  Al  Sharp  of  the 
Chicago  White  Sox  crosses  the 
plate  with  the  only  run  of  the 
game  following  Martinez'  single 
to  center.  Shai-^  patrolled  right 
field  for  Rohr.  Red  Matthis 
registers  his  disappointment  be- 
hind Sharp. 

5.  Ceremonies  between 
gomes  find  Aircraft  officials 
flanking  Copt.  M.  D.  Willcutts, 
commondant  of  the  Naval  hlos- 
pital  as  he  expresses  his  thanks 
for  the  $3000  check  raised  by 
the  benefit  double-header.  Be- 
hind Capt.  Willcutts,  from  left 
to  right  are  James  Kelly  of  Con- 
solidated, W.  Frank  Persons, 
Ryan,  Hal  Brucker,  Lone  Field 
Announcer,  and  Herman  Wise- 
man of  Rohr. 


3.  All  eyes  ore  on  thot  unpopular 
man,  the  umpire,  as  the  camera  caught 
this  group  in  the  Ryan  box.  In  the 
rear  row,  we  find  President  T.  Claude 
Ryan  and  Capt.  Morton  D.  Willcutts, 
USN,  commandant  of  the  Naval  Hos- 
pital. In  front  are  Ryan  Vice-President 
George  C.  Woodord  and  Ryan  Recreotion 
Director   Paul  C.  Tedford. 

6.  If  support  from  the  stands  helps, 
the  AM-Stors  are  getting  it  from  this 
attentive  trio  in  the  Ryan  box.  From 
left  to  right,  W.  Frank  Persons,  Indus- 
trial Relations  Director;  Mrs.  Earl  Prud- 
den,  and  Earl  Prudden,  Ryan  Vice-Presi- 

—  29  — 

Bouiling  Heius 

With  a  third  of  the  bowling  season  gone, 
bowlers  on  all  fronts  are  leveling  off  to  their 
averages,  and  leagues  ore  tightening  up  as 
all  rollers  settle  down  for  the  long  grind 
ahead.  There's  real  rivalry  in  every  league, 
to  say  nothing  of  the  rivalry  that  exists  in 
the  loops  where  individual  Ryan  teams  are 
battling  to  uphold  the  honor  of  the  plant  in 
strong  city  leagues. 

Copt.  Jim  Key  and  his  Ryan  Raiders  are 
bidding  for  the  title  in  the  strong  925 
Scratch  League  at  Pacific  Recreation,  fluctu- 
ating throughout  the  first  three  places  from 
week  to  week.  Glenn  Miller  and  his  Nite 
Shift  All-Stars  haven't  struck  their  stride 
as  yet  in  the  850  Industrial  Loop  at  Hill — 
holding  down  eighth  spot  to  date.  The  Ryan- 
ettes  are  seventh  in  a  1  2-team  fight  in  the 
700  Scratch  League  at  the  Tower. 

In  the  Plant  Leagues  we  find  the  following 
standings  as  of  November  20th: 

Winter    League    (Day) 

Team  Won  Lost 

Pin   Savers    33  7 

Maintenance     28  12 

Jigs  &  Fixtures 27  13 

Putt   Putts    26  14 

Misfits    26  14 

Wood   Shop    25  15 

Friendly   Five    25  15 

Bumpers 24  16 

Toil  Winds 23  17 

Navy    22  18 

Crags 22  18 

Shipping 22  18 

Pin  Busters 21  19 

Drop    Hammer    21  19 

Contract   Engineering    21  19 

Low  I.  Q 20  20 

Laboratory    20  20 

Sub   Assembly    20  20 

Hell   Raisers    18  22 

Jesters    18  22 

Plant  Engineering 16  24 

Crude  Crew    16  24 

Soot  Pots    15  25 

Tool  Room 14  26 

Fireballs 13  27 

Office  Service 12  28 

Ryan  Spares II  29 

Jiggers    1  39 

High  Team  Game — Pin  Savers 921 

High  Team   Series — Pin   Savers    ....  2635 

High   Indiv.  Game — E.  George 232 

High  Indiv.  Series — LeClare 617 

Tri   League    (Day) 

Team  Won  Lost 

Tigers     24             3 

Head  Winds 19             8 

City    Slickers    18             9 

^^-  F-  J '.  17  10 

Chiefs     17  10 

Lotharios    16  l  ] 

Snapdragons      16  11 

Stingarees     14  13 

Wolves 13  14 

Play  Boys '  ]  1  15 

Tooling  Trio 8  19 

Sharks    7  2O 

Top  Notchers 6  21 

3  Aces 2  24 

High  Team  Game — Head  Winds  ....  620 

High  Team  Series — Head  Winds  ....  1  624 

High  Indiv.  Game — Tedford 246 

High  Indiv.  Series — Kulander 599 

HiKcrest  League    (Day) 

Team                                           Won  Lost 

Arc    Welding    24  8 

Experimental     24  8 

Wood   Shop    22  10 

Welderettes    21  II 

Sheet  Metal 20  12 

Crud  Crew 15  17 

Fabrication  5 11  21 

Office     10  22 

Imogineers 11  21 

Bowling  Bags 2  30 

High  Team  Game — Arc  Welders   .  .  .  923 

High  Team  Series — Arc  Welders    .  .  .  2550 

High  Indiv.  Game — Jerry  Kent 234 

High  Indiv.  Series — Jerry  Kent 638 

Dorothy  Yilk  of  Inspection  rolled  a  fine 
gome  of  269.  That  record  is  the  second 
highest  gome  rolled  by  a  woman  bowler 
in  San   Diego's   bowling   history. 

Second  Shift  Bouiling 

Bowling  in  the  second  shift  leagues  has 
improved  greatly  since  the  last  issue  and 
there  has  been  some  swell  new  records  made 
already,    especially    on    the    individual    side. 

Undoubtedly  the  best  so  far  is  DOROTHY 
YILK's  fine  269  game  that  she  rolled  in  the 
mixed  league.  Dorothy  started  with  a  strike, 
spared  in  the  second  frame,  followed  this 
with  strikes  through  the  tenth  frame  and 
then  spared  again  in  the  eleventh.  Inci- 
dentally, that  is  the  second  highest  gome 
rolled    by   a   woman    bowler   in   San    Diego's 

bowling  history  and  the  house  record  for 
women  at  the  Hillcrest  Alleys.  Very  nice 
going,  Dottie. 

In  the  Ryan  foursomes,  the  mixed  league, 
the  Lucky  Four  team  still  holds  high  team 
game  but  relinquished  their  hold  on  high 
team  series  to  the  Anchors  who  boosted  the 
record  1  1  pins  to  1816.  Dorothy's  269  took 
high  individual  game  leadership,  but  she 
failed   to   top   Stan   Wilkinson's   579   series. 

Competition  is  getting  hotter  in  the  Ryan 
Men's  League  as  only  3  points  separated 
the  first  and  fourth  place  teams. 

In  this  league.  Manifold  No.  2  set  a  new 
team  game  record  with  a  fine  947  but 
couldn't  top  Precision  Five's  2558  series 
total.  CHUCK  CARLSON  set  new  individual 
game  and  series  records  with  a  253  and 
597  respectively.  In  the  first,  he  replaced 
SAM  PINNEY,  and  in  the  second,  he  topped 
his  own   595. 

Strikes  and  spares! 

FRANK  GIAMANCO  rolled  a  beautiful 
246  game  and  629  series  in  the  850  Scratch 
League  —  AGGIE  CARRIGAN  and  ROY 
GUISINGER  picked  up  the  difficult  4-5  split 
in  the  mixed  league  a  few  minutes  apart  by 
hitting  the  outside  of  the  four  pin.  Who  said 
lightning  never  strikes  the  some  place  twice? 
— the  Nite  Hawks  won  15  out  of  16  points 
since  the  lost  issue  while  the  Inspection 
team  had  the  tables  reversed  on  them  by 
losing  15  out  of  16.  C.  CARLSON's  253  in- 
cluded five  strikes  to  start  with,  then  two 
spares,  three  more  strikes  and  another  spare 
— we  believe  there  is  another  mixed  league 
forming  at  the  Cedar  Alleys  after  work  on 
Friday  nights —  in  their  first  get-together, 
RUTH  WHITE  rolled  a  201  to  top  both  sexes 
— the  Ryan  team  in  the  850  Scratch  League 
is  in  lost  place  at  present  but  promises  to 
improve — the  Linda  Vistans,  who  include 
three  players  from  Ryan  are  tied  for  fourth 
and  only  three  points  behind  the  leaders — 
we  still  say  it  was  a  great  treat  to  watch 
Dottie  roll  that  269! 

See  you  next  issue,  folks,  and  until  then — 
good  bowling! 

Ryan  Foursome   (Nite) 

Won  Lost 

Lucky  Four 24  8 

Four  Maniacs 20  12 

2  Strikes  2  Spares 19  13 

Swing   Benders 15  17 

Pin   Knockers    15  17 

Sleepy   Four    14  18 

Anchors    14  18 

Crusaders 7  25 

High  Team  Game — Lucky  Four 681 

High  Team  Series — Anchors 1816 

High   Individual  Game — 

Dorothy  Yilk 269 

High  Individual  Series — 

Stan  Wilkinson 579 

Winter  League   (Nite) 

Won  Lost 

Sheet  Metal    24  8 

Manifold  No.  2 23  9 

Precision  Five 22  10 

Nite  Hawks    21  11 

Final  Assembly 13  19 

Shipping 12  20 

Manifold  No.   1     10  22 

Inspection     7  25 

High  Team  Gome — Manifold  No.  2.  .  .  947 
High  Team  Series — Precision  Five.  .  .  .2558 
High  Individual  Game — C.  Carlson.  .  .  253 
High  Individual  Series — C.  Carlson...    597 


Basketball  Teams 
Ready  To  Go 

With  leagues  set  to  start  at  the  turn  ot 
the  year,  Ryan  basketeers  will  find  them- 
selves in  the  best  shape  for  some  time  as 
they  have  been  holding  serious  workouts  for 
more  than  a  month,  with  some  teams  al- 
ready veterans  of  games  with  outside  op- 

Main  interest  this  year  will  be  settled  on 
Jack  Southwell's  Ryan  All-Stars,  a  goodly 
aggregation  of  court  stars  from  the  far 
corners  of  the  nation.  This  team  met  the 
San  Diego  Club  on  November  29th,  and  will 
have  several  other  contests  before  entering 
the  City  League  in  January.  Southwell,  Fred 
Maple,  Jerry  Lowe,  Jay  Mermilloid,  Joe 
Morones,  Jim  Wright,  Ed  Herrin,  Frank  Taz- 
olear,  Frank  Voll,  and  other  ex-college  stars 
will  wear  the  Ryan  colors  on  this  outfit. 

In  Engineering  we  find  what  will  probably 
develop  into  two  strong  teams  headed  by 
Chink  Lee  and  Bill  Borden.  This  department 
is  replete  with  college  and  scholastic  court 
stars  and  will  be  after  titular  honors  in  the 
Ryan  plant  league  about  to  start. 

Ralph  Giffin  of  Transportation  has  a 
squad  which  has  worked  out  more  steadily 
than  any  other  team  and  which  will  cause 
plenty  of  trouble  in  the  Plant  league. 

On  the  night  shift  we  find  at  least  two 
teams  ready  to  do  battle  with  other  swing 
shift  clubs. 

The  girls'  set-up  is  indefinite  at  the  mo- 
ment. It  appears  unlikely  that  a  team  will 
represent  the  Day  Shift  as  interest  has  been 
low.  We  find  a  different  picture  on  the 
Swing  Shift  as  a  wealth  of  material  and 
experience  has  been  practicing  steadily  with 
the  Recreation  Director  and  will  field  a  strong 
team  when  the  Swing  Shift  Industrial  Girls' 
League  starts.  Ruth  White,  Freda  Wilkerson, 
Joyce  Donelson,  Dorothy  Yilk,  and  Lucille 
Smith  will  bear  the  brunt  of  the  load  for  this 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design 

by  Don  D'Agostino 

Well,  here  it  is  again  folks,  a  lost  minute 
appeal  to  new  employees  who  have  musical 
(instrumental)  experience.  The  organizing 
of  the  new  Ryan  Dance  orchestra  is  nearing 
completion  and  a  few  more  instruments  are 
needed.  We  con  use  your  talent  and  ask  you 
to  contact  yours  truly  for  further  details  or 
leave  your  name  at  the  Employee  Service  De- 
partment. Act  immediately  and  you  won't 
regret  it,  I'll  guarantee. 

Now  for  the  department  news.  THELMA 
MAY  is  in  0  blue  mood  and  all  because  one 
of  her  boy  friends  has  gone  back  to  Texas. 
Don't  let  it  get  you  down,  Thelma.  He'll  be 
back.  MARIDELLE  GREER  surprised  us  one 
night  and  brought  in  some  of  her  homemade 
candy  with  walnuts.  It  sure  was  good.  Bring 
in  some  more,  Maridelle.  C.  R.  BARBER  is 
taking  chemistry  at  San  Diego  State  and 
when  yours  truly  asked  why,  he  said,  "I  want 
to  learn  how  to  make  home  brew."  But 
confidentially,  he's  interested  in  dentistry. 
Nice  going,  Cardy.  WALT  LEITNER  was 
off  a  couple  of  days  due  to  sickness  but  is 

back  at  work  again.  Glad  to  see  you  bock, 
Walt.  Mrs.  P.  H.  HERON  sent  some  real  nice 
homemade  cupcakes  and  coffee  for  Hallow- 
een and  Mr.  Heron  of  the  Tool  Design 
was  the  bearer.  Thanks  loads,  Mrs.  Heron, 
don't  let  it  stop  you  from  sending  more. 
CARL  CUMMINS  has  been  playing  trumpet 
for  several  years.  I'll  be  seeing  you,  Carl. 
DARLENE  MOTE  mailed  several  Christmas 
packages  to  service  men  abroad.  Nice  going, 
Dorlene.  MARIE  MARKOVICH  is  a  former 
track  star  and  ice  skating  enthusiast.  Do  you 
ploy  basketball,  Marie?  When  AL  MERRILL 
was  asked  about  his  hobbies,  he  said,  "I'm 
too  young  for  hobbies."  Mr.  Cobet  is  in  the 
Naval  Hospital  for  a  two-week  treatment. 
Hurry  back,  kid.  Mr.  Kaul  is  a  chiropractor 
by  profession  and  a  former  Convoir  em- 
ployee. New  employees  on  the  second  shift 
are  DAVE  KELLER  from  Convoir,  and  his 
pet  hobbies  are  painting  and  photography. 
RAYMOND  TROTTER  comes  from  Phila- 
delphia, Penn.,  and  tells  me  that  he  tap 
dances,  so  undoubtedly,  we'll  see  a  lot  of 
Ray  later  on.  R.  P.  PETTIT  hails  from 
Seattle,  Wash.,  where  he  was  employed  at 
the  shipyards.  Mrs.  Pettit  is  also  here  along 
with  another  couple  who  are  working  in  the 
factory.  What  Mr.  Pettit  likes  most  is  this 
California  sunshine  and  plans  to  send  a 
bottle  of  it  back  to  his  friends.  ONA  WIED- 
ERSHEIM'S  husband  was  given  a  medical 
discharge  from  the  Navy  and  plans  to  go 
back  to  New  York  City  to  do  her  Christmas 
shopping  on  5th  Avenue.  Mr.  Weidersheim 
intends  to  go  back  to  Columbia  University 
to  continue  his  studies.  Good  luck,  to  the 
both  of  you.  I  hove  been  told  that  MACE 
CHURCHILL  played  clarinet  with  a  concert 
orchestra  but  states  that  at  present  he  is 
somewhat  out  of  practice.  ANDY  MYERS 
went  down  to  Tijuana  for  the  first  time  and 
said  that  was  enough.  Now  I  hear  he  ex- 
pects to  take  in  the  next  bull  fight.  GORDON 
(PASQUALE)  GRAHAM  plays  both  sax  and 
clarinet.  KENNY  CUSHMAN  is  the  Bobby 
Jones  of  Tool  Design.  Kenny  shot  a  75  in 
the  Aircraft  Gold  tournament,  at  La  Jolla 
and  was  to  play  another  match  the  following 
Sunday,  but  it  rained  so  hard  that  Kenny 
decided  to  sleep,  which  resulted  in  his  losing 
by  default.  It's  too  bad,  but  Kenny  says, 
"I  can  dream,  can't  I?"  The  Industrial 
U.S.O.  Swingshift  Halloween  Dance  Party 
was  a  great  success  and  a  very  good  crowd 

JERRY  BARRETT,  S  2  c,  F.  C.  TADCEN, 
Camp  Elliott,  an  employee  of  only  2  days, 
will  be  fighting  in  foreign  waters  before  this 
publication  is  out.  To  him  and  many  others 
we  say,  "God  be  with  you  and  a  speedy  and 
safe    return." 

Caporal  Del  Corral 

by  Al  Gee 


Employees  are  again  cautioned  not 
to  use  supplemental  gasoline  rations 
for  any  other  purpose  than  for  which 
they   were    issued. 

O.P.A.  regulations  do  not  permit 
reimbursement  of  rations  issued  for 
occupational  driving  and  used  for  per- 
sonal necessities. 

Please  contact  the  transportation 
desk  in  the  Employee  Service  Section 
for  information  regarding  your  elig- 
ibility for  special  rations. 

This  corner  is  to  be  known  as  the  "COR- 
RAL" and  will  appear  in  all  future  issues 
of  the  Flying  Reporter.  It  is  dedicated  to 
all  lovers  and  owners  of  horses,  both  here 
at  Ryan  and  wherever  it  may  be  read;  so 
fellow  horsemen  and  women,  don't  hesitate 
any  if  you  hove  something  to  say  or  ore 
seeking  some  information.  Just  ride  on  down 
to  the  Corral,  find  yourself  a  seat,  and  start 
talking,  for  as  on  old  cowboy  will  tell  you — 
some  of  the  greatest  troubles  in  people's 
lives  hove  been  ironed  out  "down  at  the  Cor- 
ral." It's  0  sort  of  a  place  where  everything 
starts  and  ends,  where  you  saddle  up  in  the 
morning  and  start  out  fresh  for  whatever  the 
day  may  bring,  and  where  you  unsaddle  at 
night  and  talk  it  over;  so  let  me  hear  from 
you  on  all  matters  concerning  horses  or 
news  of  horseman   activities. 

And  now  for  some  of  the  news:  HARRY 
OSWALD  who  recently  joined  the  executive 
staff  of  Ryan  is  not  only  a  horseman  but 
owner  of  one  of  the  country's  best  dude 
ranches  located  at  Joseph,  Oregon.  He  also 
is  a  breeder  of  palominos  and  sold  to  the 
Roy  Rogers  Stables,  one  of  his  beautiful  stal- 
lions a  few  weeks  ago.  We  ore  pleased  to 
meetcho,  Mr.  Oswald,  and  hope  you  stay 
near  by  and  ride  over  often. 

SGT.  "BILL"  WILKEN  left  the  Plant  Po- 
lice department  for  a  job  with  the  Coronado 
City  Police  Department  and  is  doing  O.K. 
He  owns  that  good  looking  palomino  "Dia- 
mond Dick."  Good  luck.  Bill. 

ELLIS  CLINE  has  sold  his  palomino  stal- 
lion, "Misty  Mount,"  for  a  tidy  little  sum 
to  Mr.  Llewellyn  of  Los  Angeles.  Just  like 
selling  off  the  family  wasn't  it,    Ellis? 

FRANK  GRAY  has  been  dealing  ogcfn 
and  now  has  a  roan  mare  that  is  a  "Roper's 
Dream."  Watch  her  on  the  turns,  Frank. 

When  we  note  the  present  hoy  prices,  we 
envy  ERIC  FAULWETTER  all  the  more  with 
his  ranch  and  home-grown  crop.  Wouldn't 
sell   any  would  you,  cowboy? 

SLIM  COATS  has  mastered  o  new  rope 
trick.  It  was  tough  on  his  neck,  but  "he 
dood  it." 

G.  R.  "COWBOY"  BILLS  and  the  Missus 
ore  expecting  No.  I  in  their  family  to  arrive 
soon.  We  understand  he  is  practicing  holding 
safety  pins  in  his  mouth  and  taking  long 
walks  at  night  along  the  rug  route,  and 
wouldn't  you  know  it,  he  is  betting  that  it 
will  be  a  boy.    Good  luck  to  the  Bills. 

I  would  like  to  know  just  how  many  of 
you  Ryanites  own  horses,  so  that  I  can  build 
a  large  enough  corral.  Just  drop  in  to  the 
Plant  Protection  Office  and  let  me  know 
what  you  have,  also,  anything  in  the  way  of 
horse  news,  as  well  as  items  of  interest,  and 
above  all,  what  you  think  of  this  idea,  for 
your  support  is  necessary  to  keep  the  Corral 
a  place  where  we  can  meet. 



Virginia  Pixley 

There  has  been  plenty  activity  around 
these  parts  but  not  the  kind  1  usually  use  in 
this  column.  The  Engineering  Department 
is  having  its  face  lifted  and  I  found  out  that 
Illustration  went  downtown,  the  echo  told 
me  when  I  brought  the  negatives  back  to 
the  empty  room  with  only  a  blot  here  and 
there  on  the  wall  to  remind  me  of  all  those 
swell  people  who  worked  for  Joe  Thien.  I 
then  tried  to  locate  Mr.  Vondermeer  and 
discovered  all  I  had  to  do  was  knock  on  the 
door  which  was  labeled  "Budgetary  Control." 
Everyone  knows  Mr.  V.  is  the  Chief  Project 
Engineer  and  I  think  it  was  very  noble  of 
him  to  use  an  old  door  that  obviously  was 
left  over  from  something.  If  you  should  find 
the  door  labeled,  "Chief  Project  Engineer" 
just  go  right  in  with  all  your  problems  and 
have  a  chat  v/ith  Mr.  Codding.  Maybe  oil 
this  was  done  on  purpose  as  sort  of  an  I.Q. 
for  stenogs;  if  so,  all  future  Ryan  correspond- 
ence will  probably  be  in  longhand.  One  office 
was  very  spacious  and  we  all  lined  up  at  the 
door  and  Oh'd  and  Ah'd   in  admiration,  but 

the  next  day,  it  hod  been  chopped  down  into 
three  or  four  smaller  offices  and  we  stenogs 
flunked  the  test  again.  A  couple  of  mainten- 
ance men  were  working  setting  up  a  partition 
for  on  office — not  in  Engineering — when  a 
practical  joker — o  leadman  Janitor  come  by 
and  kidded  them  by  informing  them  they  had 
forgotten  to  put  a  door  in  and  he  indicated 
a  theoretical  spot  where  it  seemed  logical 
a  door  should  be.  An  hour  or  so  later  he  hap- 
pened by  again,  and  lost  about  1  0  years  of 
his  life  as  the  maintenance  men  had  taken 
him  seriously  and  hod  cut  out  a  door  in  the 
wall  where  he  had  indicoted  in  jest.  He 
clapped  his  hand  to  his  head,  the  sweat 
stood  out  in  great  beads,  he  shouted  that 
he  had  only  been  kidding  and  went  moaning 
down  the  hall.  Meanwhile  the  maintenance 
men  had  a  good  laugh  over  turning  the 
tables  like  that  as  they  had  been  instructed 
to  place  o  door  in  that  very  spot  long  before 
he  stopped  by. 

IRVING  DICKENS  is  still  raving  about  the 
technicolor  picture,  "Kismet,"  with  Ronald 
Coleman  and  Morlene  Dietrich.  I  asked  him 
what  port  of  the  picture  he  liked  best  and  he 
said,  "The  upper  half."  Tsk,  tsk,  Irv. 

Wanted:  Natural  blonde  with  ringlet  curls, 
blue  eyes,  cameo  features,  luscious  figure, 
about  five  foot  three  or  four  and  around  25 
years  of  age,  etc.  See  JACK  O'BRIEN,  Struc- 
tures. Now,  fellows,  this  ad  has  appeared 
before  but  with  no  result.  Anyone  seeing  a 
woman  of  this  description  around  plant, 
please  leggo  and  send  her  over  here. 

Rear  Admiral  Ernest  M.  Pace,  Jr.,  newiy  appoinfed  as  the  Navy's  Bureau  of  Aeronau- 
tics General  Representative,  being  conducted  on  his  first  official  inspection  tour  of  the 
company.  Caught  by  the  camera  while  touring  the  plant  are,  left  to  right:  G.  E.  Barton, 
Factory  Manager;  T.  Claude  Ryon,  President;  Admiral  Pace;  Lieut.  Comdr.  R.  O. 
Deitzer,  Bureau  of  Aeronautics  Representative;  Capt.  Bruce  G.  Leighton,  Stoff  Assistant 
to  Admiral  Pace;  and  O.  L.  Woodson,  newly  appointed  general  manager. 

—  32  — 

Northeast  Corner 

by  M.  A.  Zager 

Strip  your  gears  and  call  me  shiftless,  will 
there  be  some  surprised  faces  when  they  see 
that  Manifold  Pre-Jig  has  o  column  of  their 
own!  Ever  since  we  hove  been  organized, 
several  members  of  this  organization  hove 
constantly  been  nagging  at  me  "when  my 
column  would  materialize."  So,  reluctantly 
I  tear  myself  away  from  my  daily  chores  to 
relate  the  doings  of  this  organization  and 
department.  This  being  my  first  column  and 
should  there  be  someone  who  is  not  familiar 
with  the  organization — I'll  introduce  them 

Our  congenial  Foreman  is  C.  E.  COPPOCK, 

who  has  successfully  completed  five  years' 
service  at  Ryan  for  which  he  recently  re- 
ceived his  five-year  pin.  As  Assistant  Fore- 
man, we  hove  J.  W.  LARSEN,  who  is  always 
on  the  alert  to  better  the  department.  On 
the  "swing,"  we  have  Foreman  O.  W.  KU- 
PILIK,  better  known  as  "Bill,"  who  with  the 
help  of  F.  MARSH,  strives  to  make  the  de- 
partment a  success.  Also,  congratulations 
ore  in  order  for  Bill  for  he  has  successfully 
passed  a  course  in  Physiology.  What  next 

There  was  some  excitement  the  other  day 
when  a  fire  was  announced  in  the  fluxing 
shed  by  RACHEL  ROMERO  and  you  should 
hove  seen  Rachel's  eyes — size  of  saucers! 
The  first  to  arrive  at  the  scene  was  none 
other  than  D.  E.  "Lum"  LUMLEY  (with  a 
small  fire  extinguisher — the  size  of  a  baby 
bottle);  but  anyhow  with  Lum's  help  it  was 
under  control.  Then  there  was  ROD  STED- 
DOM,  whose  feet  were  faster  than  his  body 
and  took  a  spill  going  after  a  larger 
extinguisher.  With  the  help  of  several  others, 
it  was  well  under  control  when  the  trucks 
arrived   and   no   damage    reported. 

A  return  after  spending  two  months  in 
Washington  to  be  with  "Gerry"  is  ZOLA 
PARKS.  Incidentolly,  Gerry  used  to  be  Weld- 
ing Leadman  prior  to  his  induction. 

A  loss  to  the  department  but  a  gain  to 
another  is  PAUL  VEAL,  who  is  now  on  two 
weeks  leave  and  upon  his  return  will  resume 
new  duties  in  the  Personnel  Department. 
To  fill  the  vacancy  left  by  Paul  is  H. 
"HANK"  DAUM,  Leadman  from  Second. 
FLOYD  KING,  welder  of  First,  was  made 
new  Leadman  on  Second,  taking  Hank's 
place.  Best  of  luck  to  all  of  you  on  your 
new  duties! 

Let  me  take  this  opportunity  to  announce 
o  loss  to  the  department  which  has  been 
greatly  missed — missed  as  much  as  my  own 
toothbrush.  A  pair  of  black  handle,  four- 
inch  blade  shears.  Could  the  borrower 
please  return  them  to  the  Northeast 

Inside  Outside  Production 
Via  Brooklyn 

by  Rita  Thompson 

I  don't  have  to  tell  you  this,  but  if  you 
hove  kept  your  eyes  open  you  would  have  no- 
ticed that  the  mass  of  feminine  pulchritude 
you  see  of  late,  emanates  from  the  O.  P.  De- 
partment. Looks  like  I'll  have  to  get  on  my 
private  kiddy-car  and  get  in  touch  with  Pow- 
ers or  Conover.  Yep — the  Department  of  3 
B's,  and  I  don't  mean  vitamins.  For  the  very 
few  who  are  in  doubt,  may  I  take  this 
opportunity  to  translate — "Brains,"  "Brawn" 
and   "Beauty." 

Married  life  must  apparently  agree  with 
FAWN  LARSON.  Not  even  one  little  citation 
since  she's  bock.  Good  for  you  chum,  we 
knew  you  had  it  in  you.  While  I'm  sitting 
here  racking  my  brain  (no  remarks)  trying 
to  think  of  something  that  makes  sense, 
MARY  FINKEL  is  still  trying  to  make  up 
her  mind  whether  she'll  munch  on  apples 
today  or  be  different  and  make  it  grapes. 
This  is  the  most  eatingest  crowd  I  ever  came 
in  contact  with.  If  it  isn't  pretzels,  it's  cheese 
tidbits,  and  if  it  isn't  that,  it's  nuts  or  some- 
thing else.  You  never  have  to  worry  about 
something  to  eat.  Let's  get  away  from  food 
for  a  while.  It's  a  disgusting  subject,  espe- 
cially when  you're  on  a  diet. 

Happy  birthday,  Blondie.  (She's  definitely 
one  of  the  3   B's)  . 

Just  got  word  that  BERTHA  JENNINGS 
is  coming  out  of  the  hospital  today  and  she's 
doing  fine,  so  may  we  take  this  opportunity 
to  say  "Get  a  lot  of  rest.  Bub,  and  take  it 
easy."  Talking  about  hospitals,  that  was  a 
super  of  a  show  the  Naval  Hospital  put  on. 
Coming  from  a  Marine  wife,  that's  a  compli- 
ment for  the  Navy,  but  anyway,  it  sure  was 

Shipping  Notes 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

The  new  members  of  the  Shipping  Cast 
■VELASCO.  La  Marque  replaced  our  good 
friend,  NORMAN  HOWES,  who  was  trans- 
ferred to  Shop  Follow-up.  As  long  as  nice 
people  OS  these  keep  coming  into  Ryan,  it 
will  always  be  the  "better  place  to  work," 
for  blending  personalities  are  a  great  tribute 
to  happiness  ond  contentment  on  a  job. 

Our  present  vacationers  are  E'V/ELYN 
Navy  husband  fortunately  obtained  a  leave 
and  they  are  going  bock  to  their  home  state 
of  Oklahoma.  Bess  went  to  Iowa.  Traveling 
back  to  the  homestead  to  see  old  familiar 
faces  and  places  is  a  joy  all  its  own,  isn't 
that  true,    Ryanites? 

JUNE  LEEPER  terminated  to  follow  her 
husband  (we  lose  more  girls  that  way!). 
She  left  proudly  carrying  a  new  brown  purse 

under    her    arm,    given    to    her    by    a    large 
number  of  her  friends  and  co-workers. 

Talk  about  freak  accidents!  Just  ask 
Asst.  Supervisor  CHARLIE  BERNARD  to  give 
you  a  summary  of  his,  sometime.  An  odd 
one  occurred  the  other  day  when  he  ran  a 
needle  into  his  foot!  It  made  it  very  difficult 
for  walking  but  faithful  Charlie  came  to 
work  steadily;  which  goes  to  prove  you  can't 
hold  a  good  man  down. 

Here's  the  latest  in  changes  of  member- 
ship in  our  bowling  "Shipping  Spares."  To 
make  it  easy  we'll  just  name  the  present 
members.  They  are  FRANCES  KLITSCH, 
They  casually  admit  that  their  amount  of 
fun  exceeds  their  bowling  ability,  and  after 
all,  that  is  the  idea  of  that  sport,  so  go 
to  it,  girls,  have  your  fun  and  exercise, 
and  more  power  to  you! 

Again   we   have   the   Swing   Shift    news: 

We  all  know  what  everyone  is  doing,  or 
should  be  doing  between  4  p.  m.  and  I2;30 
a.  m.  on  week  days,  so  let's  roam  around 
and  find  out  how  some  of  the  Shipping 
workers  spend  Sunday  during  those  hours. 

RAY  ANTRIM,  shipping  clerk,  soys,  "De- 
pends on  what's  going  on.  Usually  go  out 
for  dinner  and  a  show  or  call  up  a  gal  I 
know  already  has  a  dote — Then  sometimes 
stop  in  at  the  Square.  .  .  .  OOOh,  I  do  all 

JOHN  CONDIS,  packer,  says,  "Oh,  I 
drink  beer  all  day.  .  .  .  Who  wants  to  know?" 

NANCY  LYNN,  dispatcher,  tells  us, 
"Well,  I  assure  you  a  Marine  is  usually 
involved !" 

ESTHER  CRAWFORD,  shipping  clerk,  ex- 
claims, "Oh  .  .  .  dinner  and  to  a  show,  then 
go  home  and  eat  again!!!" 

CHARLIE  DYE,  packer,  stated  that  he 
sleeps  mostly,  but  admits  he  helps  his  wife 
straighten  up  the  house  for  the  coming  week. 

Nuff  said! 

Mrs.  LORETTA  ALLRED  is  back  with  us 
again  after  taking  care  of  her  sister  during 
on  illness.  Mighty  fine  worker  and  we  ore 
glad  she  is  back. 

She  received  word  her  "Chuckle"  is  in  the 
Philippines  and  well,  so  LOIS  ARLICH  Is 
very  happy,  and  very  much  relieved. 

HERB  LOWDEN  is  still  striving  for  a  new 
technique  in  his  bowling.  (Day  shift  writer — 
"Who  isn't?") 

Think  that  about  takes  care  of  the  second 
shift  news  for  this  time.  Bye. 


The  pat-on-the-bock  for  this  issue  goes 
to  "OLIE"  OlSON  who  does  a  very  excel- 
lent job  of  packing.  There  are  many  fine 
adjectives  which  could  be  used  to  describe 
the  quality  of  his  work  and  among  them  are, 
accuracy,  neatness,  exactness,  and,  well,  to 
make  a  long  story  short,  all  the  words  that 
fit  the  requirements  of  a  dependable  packer! 
It  is  men  such  as  OLIE  who  are  responsible 
for  the  manifolds  and  various  other  airplane 
materials  (that  each  and  every  one  of  you 
help  to  create),  getting  to  their  destination 
in  good  condition  by  having  been  packed 
correctly.  This  opinion  of  his  work  is  quite 
unanimous  among  his  supervisors  and  fellow- 
workers.  Don't  blush,  Olie,  because  it  is  the 
truth,  and  we  all  admire  you  for  it! 

A  bundle  of  thought  .  .  .  Laughter  gives 
your   whole    face    a    delightful    beauty    bath! 

New   Technical   Advisors 

W.  F.  Barrett,  left,  and  W.  S.  Torgensen  newly  assigned  as  Outside  Liaison  men  for 
the  Tooling  Department.  These  men  will  act  in  the  capocity  of  technical  advisors 
for  coordinating  all  problems  in  connection  with  tools  being  fabricated  and  designed 
in   the   Los   Angeles   area. 

—  33  — 

1^        i^ 


^        i^ 

GUnn  Huff,  one  of  Ryan's  most  ardent 

sportsmen,  has  recently  been  appointed 

Supervisor   of   Tool   Control   on   Second 


H.  F.  WalUn  has  recently  taken  over 
the  duties  of  Chief  Tool  Designer  of 
the  Tooling    Department. 

C.  B.  Frasier  recently  appointed  Assist- 
ant   Supervisor    of    Tooling    Inspection. 



Was  sure  funny  that  week,  everyone  knew 
the  Traffic  Department  was  up  to  something 
and  sure  enough,  MR.  SHERMAN  walked  to 
his  desk  to  hear  a  chorus  of  feminine  voices 
singing  "Happy  Birthday."  .  .  .  "Ah,  cut  it 
out,"  he  said  in  a  "sing  it  more  voice,"  his 
face  getting  rather  pink.  The  gals  presented 
SHERM  with  a  cake  cleverly  decorated.  It 
was  a  long  low  job  with  white  frosting,  the 
edges  were  trimmed  with  orange,  in  the 
center  was  a  witch  on  a  broom  flying  over 
a  fence  with  cats  and  pumpkins  on  the 
fence.    (Yummy,  was  that  cake  good!) 

Tabulating  said  its  farewells  to  BETTY 
SELLER  and  ROSE  SKINNER  with  a  grand 
party  at  the  Trocadero;  those  attending 
Greetings  are  extended  to  BETTY  YODER, 
and  ROMAINE  HISS  who  recently  returned 
on  third,  LORRAINE  FLETCHER  transferred 
into  production.  Our  welcome  is  also  ex- 
tended to  THURLY  ALLEN  whom  we  ore 
sorry  to  say  we  missed  in  the  last  issue. 

Inventory  presented  ELSIE  OLIPHANT 
with  a  farewell  gift,  the  gang  were  sorry  to 
see  her  leave.  Best  wishes  go  to  ELLEN 
SCHRODER,  whose  recent  marriage  surprised 

everyone.   We   could    have   told   you   though 
.  .  .  wasn't  her  gift  the  seventh  one  opened 
at   a    recent   shower   we   attended    .    .    .    the 
seventh  gift  hath  charms,  they  say. 

New  members  into  Inventory  include: 
MADGE  TAYLOR,  formerly  from  Detroit; 
ESTHER  BOYCE,  second  shift;  VIRGINIA 
PETERSON,  second  shift,  and  BRONSON 

Timekeeping  welcomes  FELICIA  MA- 
SARACHIA  formerly  from  Terra  Haute,  In- 
diana, and  HELEN  ELLIS  from  Louisiana. 
FRANCES  SULLIVAN  changed  from  swing 
to  first  shift  .  .  .  NOMA  PURDY  transferred 
to  Accounting  .  .  .  greetings  to  ED  DOCKRY, 
our   new   timekeeper   at   the    Ford    Building. 

Accounts  Receivable  said  their  farewells 
to  MARSHA  STEINBRUECK  who  left  to 
await  the  arrival  of  a  son  (she  hopes,  and 
so  do  we)  . 

Accounts  Payable  surprised  EDITH 
KEEVER  with  a  lovely  birthday  cake  lost 
week  ...  we  DO  mean  SURPRISED.  It 
seems  that  Edith  got  "nosey"  and  donated 
for  the  fictitious  gift  that  turned  out  to  be 
her  own ! 

The  night  shift  gals  gave  MARJORIE 
HORTON  a  swell  birthday  supper;  each 
brought  a  little  and  it  turned  into  a  lot!  We 
certainly  miss  TRUDY  McCARTHY.  .  .  . 
Trudy  returned  to  Minnesota  when  her  hus- 
band shipped  over.  Newcomers,  oh  yes,  we 
got  'em  .  .  .  welcome  to  DOROTHY  HUBBS, 
from  Tulsa  .  .  .  HELEN  BARNETT,  here 
with  her  sailor  husband  from  Arkansas  .  .  . 
JANE  GARVEY,  from  Minnesota  who  is  here 
with  her  darling  twenty-month-old  son  to 
be  with  her  husband  who  returned  recently 
from  overseas  .  .  .  CHUCK  TOWNER,  for- 
merly with  Consoirway,  the  proud  papa  of 
a    three-month-old    son    and    darling    three- 

—  34  — 

year-old  daughter.  Farewells  were  said  to 
ETHEL  BUSCH.  To  those  who  remember 
ALICE  DUSSO,  they  will  be  interested  to 
hear  Alice  and  her  husband  have  announced 
the  birth  of  their  son,  William,  on  Novem- 
ber 7th.  Congratulations  to  you  and  the 
baby,   Alice! 

Sorry  to  say  that  the  response  to  the 
request  for  Christmas  cards  for  the  boys  in 
the  Naval  Hospital  has  been  very  slight  .  .  . 
sincerest  thanks  to  those  who  did  respond. 
The  deadline  for  the  cards  is  December  15th. 
Just  one  or  two  would  be  greatly  appreciated. 


Those  kids  in  the  jungle  are  fighting 
like   hell 

To  spore  us  the  torture  of  shot  and 

In  keeping  their  faith  with  our  glor- 
ious   past 

They  hove  offered  their  lives,  that 
freedom  shall    last. 

Now   let's  show  our  thanks  in  a   most 

humble   way 
Let's  dig  a  bit  deeper  into  our  pay 
For    bonds    will    send    weapons    across 

the  sea 
And    speed    those    kids    home    to    you 

and  to  me. 

Let's  bring  them  all  back  to  the  fire- 

To  the  love  of  the  home  folks  at  even- 

Bring  them  bock  to  love  and  caress- 

Bock  to  God's  country,  and  bock  to 
God's  blessing. 

— By  C.  C.  McCafferty, 
Dept.  32. 

Second  Shift 
Drop  Hammer  News 

by  Nozzle-Rack 

The  planishing  and  jitter-bug  groups  gave 
ELLA  MORRIS  a  beautiful  sweater  and  two 
pairs  of  fine  hose  for  her  birthday,  Novem- 
ber ]  8.  Here's  wishing  you  many  more  of 
them,  Ella,  hose,  I  mean. 

Two  swell  parties  were  thrown  during 
lunch  periods  on  Halloween  and  Armistice 
nights.  Cake,  coffee  and  ice  cream  were  also 
served  at  10:30  rest  periods  those  same 
nights.    That's  what   I  call   real  spirit. 

Here  'n'  there: 

LOUIS  SPEIER,  our  Assistant  Foreman,  has 
been  on  a  week's  vocation  and  doesn't  look 
much  the  worse  for  all  the  wear  and  tear — 
word  has  been  received  that  AUSTIN  DUD- 
LEY, erstwhile  badman  of  drop-hammer,  was 
married  October  22.  PAUL  CHRISTY,  for 
many  years  a  member  of  our  gang,  has  ac- 
cepted a  job  with  the  street  railway  company 
of  this  fair  city — BILL  MONTGOMERY  of 
the  Manifold  department  was  the  lucky  win- 
ner of  that  gorgeous  Egyptian  ruby  ring  that 
FRANK  GIAMANCO  raffled  for  a  very 
worthy  cause.    Darn  my  luck. 

Here's  that  feature  I  promised  you  in  the 
last  issue.  Hope  you'll  like  it.  It'll  give  one 
a  better  chance  to  know  his  fellow-worker 
a  little  better.  This  one  is  on  JACK  FIELDS, 
our  genial  leadman  of  planishing  and  jitter- 
bug. Jack  started  working  here  at  Ryan 
exacty  four  years  ago  this  month  at  which 
time  I  first  made  his  acquaintance  as  we 
worked  together  in  planishing.  Jack  married 
a  girl  from  his  home  town  in  Nebraska  shortly 
thereafter.  They  have  been  blessed  with 
three  children,  two  being  twins,  and  are  ex- 
pecting a  fourth.    Jock  is  29  years  old. 

Popping  questions  at  Jack: 

Q.   What  is  your  greatest  desire? 

A.    To  own  a   large  cattle   ranch. 

Q.  Who  makes  the  decisions  in  your  fam- 

A.  I  do.  (Boy,  I'd  sure  like  to  learn  his 

Q.  What  was  your  greatest  disappoint- 

A.  I  have  never  been  deeply  disappointed 
in   my   life. 

Q.    What  is  your  greatest  virtue? 

A.    Patience. 

Q.  What  hove  you  and  your  wife  most  in 

A.    Love  of  home  and  children. 

Q.  What  is  your  favorite  sport?  Do  you 
like  to  dance? 

A.    Fishing.    I've  never  tried  it. 

Q.   What  is  your  favorite  type  of  pet? 

A.   A  horse. 

Q.  What  would  you  like  to  be  doing  when 
you  are  sixty?    When  the  war  is  over? 

A.  Retired,  just  taking  things  easy.  To  be 
still   employed   at   Ryan. 

Q.    What  is  your  pet  superstition? 

A.    I  hove  none  whatever. 

Q.    What  is  your  favorite  way  of  relaxing? 

A.    By  sleeping  and  that's  the  only  way. 

Q.  If  you  could  live  your  life  over  again, 
what  would  you  change? 

A.  I  would  hove  acquired  a  better  educa- 

Be  seeing  you  folks. 

Sheet  Metal 

by  Marge  and  Ernie 

The  Departments  have  been  kept  so  spic 
and  span  lately  that  the  new  "Housekeep- 
ing" procedure  really  shows  up.  There  will 
probably  be  some  tough  competition  out 
there  between  the  Leadmen's  groups.  Don't 
let  the  next  guy  get  ahead  of  you — keep 
your  department  just  as  clean  or  cleaner! 

CHARLIE  FRANTZ  is  back  from  vacation 
looking  full  of  vim  and  vigor!  He  soys  he 
has  a  lot  of  reading  matter  to  catch  up  on 
that  accumulated  whilst  he  was  gone,  and 
we  don't  doubt  that  one  bit. 

WALTER  YAEGER,  former  Leadman  on 
the  Brakes  in  Department  No.  2,  was  back 
with  us  a  couple  of  weeks  while  home  on 
furlough.  Walt  now  wears  the  uniform  of 
the  United  States  Army  and  his  friends  were 
more  than  glad  to  see  him. 

celebrated  a  joint  birthday.  Their  group  gave 
them  a  fried  chicken  dinner.  MAYREE  AL- 
BRIGHT come  through  with  one  of  her  tra- 
ditional cakes,  accompanied  by  MRS.  DE- 
LANEY'S.  Mighty  good  they  were,  too,  as 
those  ladies  can  wield  a  coke  ladle  as  well 
as  they  can  a  rivet  gun. 

EARNEST  STOFER  has  been  appointed 
Leadman  in  Department  No.  2  on  the  first 
shift  to  take  BILL  HELMER'S  place.  Bill  was 
recently  transferred  to  Tool  Planning  Depart- 
ment along  with  BOB  FIGENSHAW.  Con- 
gratulations, Ernie,  we  know  your  group  will 
enjoy  working  with  you. 

DARLENE  EERNEY  was  given  a  farewell 
party  during  the  lunch  period  on  11-18-44. 
Darlene  is  leaving  Ryan's  after  over  a  year 
of  almost  perfect  attendance.  She  will  be 
happy  honeymooning  in  Florida  by  the  time 
you  read  this.  Her  department  presented 
her  with  a  lovely  pair  of  pink  silk  pajamas. 

We  ore  glad  to  see  BILL  LEEPER  back 
after  spending  the  summer  season  in  the 
Forest  Service.  Also  MILLIE  RICE,  former 
clerk  in  Department  No.  2,  who  is  helping 
us  out  until  BERTA  SIKES  returns  from  her 

Now  you  folks  turn  in  your  news  to  your 
Department  Clerks  and  we  will  really  turn 
out  a  column  for  you.  MARGE. 

Dept.  3  has  undergone  a  few  more  changes 
since  November  1  .  Our  erstwhile  foreman, 
SAM  PINNEY,  is  now  foreman  on  first  shift, 
and  DICK  WELLS  is  night  foreman.  I'd  like 
to  introduce  GORDON  LONGMIRE,  our  new 
assistant  night  foreman  of  Dept.  3 — he's 
the  long,  lanky  guy  you  see  wandering  around 
tearing  his  hair  about  various  Sheet  Metal 
Assemblies.  Over  in  Dept.  2,  HARRY  TROUT 
was  appointed  leadman,  effective  November 
20.  So  congratulations,  all  of  you.  Keep  up 
the  good  work. 

OLNY  hove  returned  from  their  vocation  on 
which  they  had  quite  a  busy  time.  One  day 
was  spent  in  good  old  Tijuana,  then  they 
went  up  to  Los  Angeles  to  do  a  little  Christ- 
mas shopping.  Thanksgiving  Day  they  spent 

—  35  — 

in  L.  A.,  too,  and  hod  a  very  nice  vocation, 
in  spite  of,  or  maybe  because  of,  the  crowds. 

JOHNNY  STOUT  took  a  little  trip  up  L.  A. 
way  on  his  vacation  and  paid  a  visit  to  the 
Hollywood  Racetrack.  He  said  that  there 
were  some  pretty  good  races  up  there.  Pretty 
good  —  does  that  mean  you  won  or  lost, 
John?  Said  Johnny,  "The  only  thing  wrong 
with  my  vacation  was — it  rained  too  hard." 
How  could  you  soy  such  a  thing,  Johnny? 
Rain  too  hard  in  California?  Still  it  is  amaz- 
ing the  way  we  all  blossomed  out  in  bright 
and  vori-colored   raincoats,   isn't   it? 

DOROTHY  GERDES  has  returned  from  her 
leave  of  absence,  much  to  the  relief  of  DEAN 
GERDES,  who  mournfully  stated  that  it  got 
woefully  monotonous  cooking  his  own  meals 
while  Dorothy  was  gone. 

DELZA  ALLEN  has  recovered  from  the 
accident  she  had  and  has  returned  to  work. 
GINGER  THOMAS,  who  was  called  away  by 
her  young  son's  accident,  has  come  back, 
too.  We're  glad  to  see  both  of  you  back 

MRS.  E.  B.  GRADY  went  with  her  hus- 
band, Harry  Grady,  who  used  to  work  in 
Dept.  3,  to  Florida.  She  will  stay  with  him 
there  until  he  leaves  for  South  America, 
where  he  will  spend  a  year  in  construction 

ANITA  REISMAN  is  on  leave  of  absence 
to  go  to  Oklahoma,  and  we  are  sorry  that 
she  had  to  go  because  of  illness  in  her  fam- 
ily. Hope  everything  turns  out  well  and  that 
you'll  soon  be  bock  with  us,  Anita.  RUTH 
SANDAGE  is  spending  her  leave  with  her 
son,  who  has  just  returned  from  overseas. 
Off  for  Jefferson  City,  Missouri,  are  the 
FRED  BENDERS,  via  Greyhound  bus.  Fred 
says  they  are  going  bock  to  hove  Thanks- 
giving Dinner  with  Mrs.  Bender's  parents, 
whom  she  has  not  seen  in  a  long  time. 

Dept.  3  and  MRS.  BLACKSTOCK  of  Dept.  1 
have  received  their  pins  for  one  year's  serv- 
ice here  at  Ryan!  Good  work,  just  keep  it  up. 

Did  you  see  the  broom  pushing  derby  in 
Dept.  2  the  other  night?  I  could  hardly 
believe  my  eyes,  but  Betty  saw  it,  too,  so 
it  must  be  so.  Anyhow,  there  were  VERN 
their  brooms  back  and  forth  like  mod  and 
then  having  quite  a  time  brushing  the  dirt 
up  into  dust  pons  with  those  great  big 
brooms.  Anyone  who  should  hove  need  of  a 
Grade  A,  highly  qualified  sweeper-outer,  just 
speak  to  Walt  or  Vern.  I'm  sure  that  either 
of  them  would  be  glad  to  aid. 

Hello  and  welcome  to  JOHN  FILA  and 
EARL  GERKEN,  newcomers  in  Dept.  2.  Both 
boys  are  members  of  Uncle  Sam's  Navy,  and 
more  than  doing  their  bit. 

Did  you  know  that  CLAIR  SACHS  is  now 
called  the  Absent-Minded  Professor? 

Dept.  I's  quota  of  teasing  slid  down  a 
little  bit  for  a  week  or  so — LESLIE  SOUTH- 
COTT  went  on  his  vocation.  Things  perked 
up  right  away,  though,  when  he  came  back 
to  work  all   refreshed  from  that  week's  rest. 


From  Four  'til  Dawn  in  the  Tool  Room 

by  Vera   and   Pearle 

BESSIE  STOUGHTON  is  our  new  clerk, 
but  not  new  to  the  plant  as  she  came  over 
from  Manifold  Small  Parts.  ELENORA  MY- 
ERS transferred  from  school  and  is  a  Shaper 
and  ROBERT  WENDELL  are  all  new  in  our 
Department.  ROBERT  RICHARDSON  is  the 
new  member  of  Tooling  Inspection.  We're 
glad  to  have  all  of  you  and  hope  you'll  like 
working  with  us. 

the  Tool  Crib,  has  moved  to  Hemet.  We  miss 
her  friendly  smile  and  the  way  she  cruise^l 
around  on  the   putt-putt. 

MR.  BROOK,  the  janitor,  took  his  vacation 
this  post  week,  and  will  we  be  glad  to  see 
him  back!  Everyone  from  the  Leadmen  down 
to  yours  truly  was  wielding  a  broom.  The 
men  on  the  machines  and  on  the  benches 
waited  until  the  trash  was  knee  deep  (well, 
almost),  before  they'd  clean  up,  but  they 
did  a  nice  job.  DON  and  PARIS  swing  a 
wicked  broom — I  wonder  where  they  learned 

There  hove  been  several  on  the  sick  list, 
but  we're  glad  to  say  most  of  them  ore  back 
on  the  job.  RAY  MOYER  is  back  again  and 
all  fingers  ore  OK  except  one,  and  it's  still 
in  a  HUGE  bondage;  but  we  think  you  were 
pretty    lucky,    RAY. 

ALICE  PULLEN  has  had  the  misfortune 
to  burn  her  hand,  and  we  hope  she  is  with 
us  before  this  goes  to  press.  ALICE  was  sur- 
prised with  a  visit  from  her  youngest  son, 
who  is  a  member  of  a  Navy  gun  crew  and 
is  having  a  furlough  after  some  twenty-four 
months  away  from  home. 

News  and  Flashes 

by  Earl  Vaughan 

New  Blue  Badges  Issued 

On  Nov.  18th  four  group  leaders  were  on 
the  receiving  end  of  new,  shining  blue  badges 
with  the  inscription  of  Asst.  Supervisor  of 
Material  Control. 

The  proud  receivers  were  none  other  than 
FRANK  WALLIS,  in  charge  of  ordering  all 
raw    materia!    for   airplane    production 

GEORGE  BALDWIN,  in  charge  of  ordering 
oil  purchased  parts  for  airplane  production 

J.  A.  WILFORD,  in  charge  of  the  Bill  of 
Material  requirements  for  Ryan's  new  Navy 

EARL  VAUGHAN,  in  charge  of  govern- 
ment reports  and  statistics,  and  CMP  alloca- 

Congratulations  to  the  first  three  boys  as 
they  are  now  really  in  the  soup-deportment 
and  deserve  it. 

To  the  lost  lug — well,  there's  always  one 
in  every  crowd,  and  this  time  it  happened  to 
be  yours  truly. 

ALICE  THOMAS,  our  canary  bird,  keeps 
us  amused  in  the  wee  small  hours  with  a 
melody  or  two.  She  keeps  time  with  the 
thumping  of  the  Do-AII  sow. 

At  last  the  third  shift  is  going  to  rate  a 
cigarette  machine!  By  the  time  we  get  here, 
the  "cigs"  are  all  gone,  and  we  have  to  re- 
sort to  Bull  Durham,  or  what  have  you.  The 
second  shift  is  using  Bull  Durham,  too.  Any- 
one interested  in  learning  how  to  "roll 
them,"  see  MIKE  GABOR — or  better  yet,  get 
someone  who  knows  how  to  teach  you.  JOE 
MEDLEY,  one  of  our  boys  the  Navy  borrowed, 
come  in  to  see  us  the  other  night.  He  is  get- 
ting a  swell  break  being  stationed  here  in 
San  Diego  as  his  wife  is  working  here  at 
Ryan.  He  looks  like  the  Navy  agrees  with 
him,  too.     Best  of  luck  to  you,  JOE! 

J.  C.  ADAIR  (POP)  won  a  silver  medal 
for  his  shop  suggestion;  and  received  his 
award  Friday,  Nov.  17,  and  we're  all  very 
proud  of  you,  "POP." 

I've  been  snooping  into  the  pasts  (?)  of 
the  fellows — (Heaven  help  me  when  they 
read  about  themselves  in  the  Reporter!)  I 
really  enjoy  talking  to  them  and  finding  out 
where  they  are  from,  where  they  are  going, 
and  what  they  like  to  do.  DON  COATES  goes 
in  for  photography — in  colors — and  the  one 
picture  I  saw  is  a  beauty!  MR.-  BOWEN,  an 
ex-Navy  man,  has  a  collection  of  carvings 
and  coins  from  China,  where  he  was  in  serv- 
ice quite  a  while.  "CURLY"  ESTABROOK's 
hobby  is  fishing,  hunting  and  guns.  He  and 
his  uncle  mode  a  trip  down  the  west  fork  of 
the  Salmon  River  (Idaho),  ond  I  understand 
they  ore  the  only  men  to  have  made  that  trip. 
The  Salmon  River  country  is  really  primitive, 
rugged  and  very  beautiful.  (Pardon  me  for 
bragging  about  my  home  state.) 

New   Recruits 

Our  big  HAPPY  family  of  Material  Control 
is  increasing  by  leaps  and  bounds,  and  our 
newest  additions,  who  ore  extended  a  hearty 
welcome,  are  as  follows: 

First  Shift 

DOROTHY  HAY — Purchased  Parts  Group 
GENEVIEVE    CURRAN— Bill    of    Material 

HAROLD   BUHR — Bill  of  Material  Group 
LILLIAN  VANDENBERG— Bill  of  Material 

EMIL  NELSON — Raw  Materials  Group. 
Second  Shift 

MAYBELLE  RABE — Raw  Materials  Group 
JAMES  HAISTY — Purchased  Ports  Group 
JAMES   GRUCHOLA — Physical    Inventory 


CHARLES  KELLY  has  been  transferred  to 
the  second  shift.  (Kelly  will  be  greatly 
missed  by  his  co-workers  of  the  day  shift. 

BILL  GUERIN  has  transferred  to  Ryan's 
Outside   Production   Department. 

F.  FLEMING  has  transferred  to  the  Dis- 
patching Department. 

Farewells  and  Goodbyes 

PAT  LINDGREN'S  husband  arrived  home 
from  overseas  after  a  splendid  record,  and 
having  his  picture  appear  in  the  local  papers 

—  36  — 

for  one  of  his  heroic  deeds.  Of  course  Pat 
has  been  waiting  anxiously  for  his  return  and 
left  this  department  to  retire  to  the  domestic 
side  of  life.     (So  long  and  good  luck,  Pat.) 

Introducing  a  New  Group 

Day  shift  workers  in  the  Summary  Group 
of  Material  Control  comprise  on  Ail-Ameri- 
can team.  .  .  .  The  boss,  JIM  WILFORD, 
who  is  one  of  the  assistants  to  "CHUCK" 
JONES  and  JOE  WILLIAMS,  was  born  in 
Wisconsin,  but  resided  in  Minnesota  for 
many  years  before  coming  to  California.  .  .  . 
NORMA  WE  IDLE  IN,  Army- Navy  Parts  spec- 
ialist, is  a  native  of  Michigan,  but  lived  in 
Washington  before  coming  to  California.  .  . 
MARY  CHRISTOPHER,  a  former  lowan, 
handles  Purchased  Parts  in  our  group. 
R.  C.  (SHAN)  SHANLY  was  born  in  Montre- 
al, Canada,  but  received  naturalization 
papers  in  Oregon.  .  .  .  "Shan"  formerly  was 
in  the  lumber  business  before  joining  Ryan 
as  a  breakdown  artist  in  steel  and  miscel- 
laneous parts.  .  .  .  HAROLD  BUHR,  born  in 
Kentucky,  attended  school  in  Ohio,  came  to 
California  a  year  ago.  He  has  two  sons,  6 
and  I  9  months,  and  a  7-year-old  daughter. 
.  .  .  Hal  came  to  Ryan  from  Consolidated- 
Vultee,  where  he  was  employed  in  Purchased 
Parts  Stores. 

HAL  (JACK)  TAYLOR,  native  of  Texas, 
joined  the  Ryan  family  recently,  summariz- 
ing raw  material.  He  formerly  was  in  the 
Venetian  blind  business.  .  .  .  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Taylor  are  elated  over  the  expected  arrival, 
for  the  holidays,  of  their  son.  Captain  Wayne 
A.  Taylor,  of  the  Army  Air  Corps.  The  20- 
year-old  lad  has  been  in  England,  France 
and  North  Africa  for  the  post  23  months 
and  has  been  awarded  the  Distinguished 
Flying  Cross  with  one  cluster,  the  Air  Medal 
with  nine  oak  leaf  clusters  and  four  Silver 
Stars,  and  has  flown  his  B-26  Marauder 
bomber  on   80   missions. 

Others  on  the  All-Americon  team  in  the 
Summary  Group  are  GENEVIEVE  CURRAN, 
an  lowan  who  joined  Ryan  in  November 
after  nearly  a  two-year  leave  of  absence; 
MARY  (DOLLY)  CONVERY,  native  Penn- 
sylvonion,  who  is  the  group's  file  clerk;  and 
PAUL  WRIGHT,  native  Oklohoman  who  colls 
California  his  "home"  after  spending  17 
years  on  the  West  Coast.  Paul  married  on 
Ohio  girl  and  has  two  sons,  5  and  6'/2  years 
old.  ...  He  formerly  edited  The  Solar  Blast, 
monthly  magazine  for  Solar  Aircraft  Com- 
pany. .  .  .  HAROLD  MILLER,  who  was  on 
Day  shift  in  the  Summary  Group,  is  now  in 
charge  of  the  same  group  on  the  Night  shift. 
...  He  recently  earned  a  Ryan  Silver  pro- 
duction award. 


The  Swing  Shift  in  Material  Control  re- 
ceived 0  very  pleasant  surprise  when  they  re- 
turned  to  work  Monday  evening. 

We  all  had  noticed  CUPID'S  arrows  flying 
around  the  Office  the  post  few  months,  but 
didn't  realize  HIS  aim  had  been  so  good  until 
SON announced  that  they  had  attended  the 
secret  wedding  of  DOTTIE  GULBRANSON 
to  CARLOS  TAYLOR  on  Sunday,  November 
19,  1944,  at  the  Grace  Lutheran  Church 
with  family  and  a  few  close  friends. 

As  a  closing  thought,  I  might  odd  that 
someone  had  better  give  Dottie  a  Cook-Book, 
for  I  understand  that  Carlos  really  appreci- 
ates good  home-cooking! 

How  to  Choose 
Your  Turkey 

When  you  go  into  the  butcher  shop  to 
moke  your  decision  on  that  holiday  turkey 
you'll  want  to  get  the  best  one  the  butcher 
has.  Pick  one  with  a  red  comb  and  bright 
eyes.  Watch  for  a  smooth  skin,  one  that  has 
a  yellow  cost  rather  than  a  blue.  The  legs 
of  the  bird  should  be  smooth  and  soft  and 
free  from  spurs.  Look  for  a  plump  breast 
and   well   developed   thighs. 

In  buying  young  birds,  here  ore  three 
points  to   watch   for: 

1 .  supple  wing  joints 

2.  pliable  breast  bone,  and 

3.  pin  feathers 


Consomme  , 

Roast  Turkey  or  Chicken 

with  Sage  Dressing 

Mashed  Potatoes  and  Gravy 

or  Candied  Sweet  Potatoes 

Green  Beans  or  Broccoli 

Cranberry  Sauce 

Grapefruit  Sections       Tossed  Green  Salad 

Pumpkin  Pie  and  Coffee 


1    cup   bread   crumbs  I/2    tsp.  onion  salt 

%   tsp.  sage  V2    tsp.    paprika 

1/4-I/2  tsp.  salt  2    tablespoons    margarine 

%    tsp.  celery  salt  V2    cup   woter 

For  on  overage  size  turkey,  use  1 0  cups 
of  bread  crumbs  and  multiply  the  balance 
of  the  recipe  by  ten.  Larger  birds  will  natur- 
ally take  more  and  smaller  birds  propor- 
tionately less.  Four  cups  of  breod  crumbs  will 
usually  suffice  for  stuffing  an  average  size 


1 1/2    cups   crushed    gingersnaps 
1/4  cup  powdered  sugar 
V^-1/3    cup    margarine 

Pointers  on  Roasting 

If  you're  putting  money  into  a  turkey 
this  year,  you'll  want  it  to  be  all  you've 
dreamed  about  for  the  last  few  months. 
Here  are  a  few  cooking  pointers  that'll  help 
insure  that  tender  and  juicy  morsel  you're 
looking  forward  to. 

1 .  Season   with    salt   and    pepper. 

2.  Place  breast  down  on  a  rock  in  an  open 
roasting  pon. 

3.  Roost  in   o  slow  oven — 300°. 

4.  Add  no  water.  Do  not  cover  ond  do  not 

5.  Roost  to  the  desired  degree  of  doneness. 
A  small  bird  will  take  20-25  minutes 
per  pound;  a  medium  size  bird  between 
18-20  minutes  per  pound  and  a  large 
turkey  form  15-18  minutes  a  pound.  If 
it's  a  chicken  you're  roasting,  allow 
about  35  minutes  a  pound  for  four  and 
five  pounders. 

Fruit  Cake 

Mrs.  Bessie  O.  Owens — Dept.  8 

Mix  the  following  ingredients  in  a  pan 
and   simmer  for  twenty  minutes: 

1 1/2   cups   small   seedless  raisins 

1 1/2    cups    ciiopped    dates 

2   cups  sugar 

2   cups   boiling    water 

5   tablespoons    shortening 

1    pound    candied    fruit    mix 

Let  cool. 
Sift  together: 
3   cups    flour  I    tsp.    cloves 

1  tsp.   soda  Vz    tsp.    salt 

2  tsps.    cinnamon 

Add  1   cup  nut  meats  to  the  flour  mixture. 

Combine    the    two    mixtures. 

Bake  in  a  greased  paper-lined  loaf  pan 
in  a   low  oven    (300°)    for  two  hours. 

Store  in  an  air-tight  container  for  at  least 
two   weeks   before   using. 


2  cups  pumpkin  1    tsp.  salt 

1  cup    sugar  2  tsp.    cinnamon 

1/2    tsp.   each   of   ginger,   allspice   and    nutmeg 

2  eggs  2  cups   milk 

1/2    cup   canned   milk  or   additional   milk 

Mix  sugar,  salt  and  spices  thoroughly  and 
combine  with  pumpkin.  Add  beaten  eggs 
and  milk.  Bake  in  uncooked  pie  shell. 


4  cups  cranberries  few  grains  of  salt 

2  cups  sugar 

Boil  gently  for  about  ten  minutes.  Chill 
and  serve. 

4  cups   cranberries  1    tsp.   almond   flavoring 

21/2    cups   sugar  Va   cup  water 

Cut  cranberries  in  half  and  soak  in  cold 
water  for  an  hour  or  so.  During  this  time  a 
great  many  of  the  seeds  will  soak  out  and 
settle  on  the  bottom.  Cook  sugar  and  water 
until  it  strings  a  fine  thread.  Pour  in  drained 
cranberries  and  cook  just  until  cranberries 
start  to  change  color.  Take  off  stove  and 
add  flavoring.  Allow  to  stand  24  hours  be- 
fore serving. 

'2V ^a£^  ^o<^^Uk7 

Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

37  — 

Crib  No.  1 — Joyce  Brubaker 

Crib  No.  3 — Dorothy  Trudersheim 

Crib     No.     4 — Bill     Rossi 

Crib  No.  5 — Mariom  Popini 

Crib  No.  7 — Margie  Bolas 

Crib    1 

We  all  bid  a  fond  farewell  to  one  of  our 
friends  when  LEO  FUNDARO  left  us.  Ryan 
lost  a  swell  employee  and  we  all  miss  the 
"always  good  for  a  laugh"  Leo.  Another 
member  of  our  staff  to  leave  is  TOMMY 
NORRIS,  Magnaflux  operator,  who  is  leav- 
ing us — not  because  we  were  driving  him 
mad  (as  some  might  think)  but  because  we 
made  him  ill.  (Anyhow,  that's  his  story.) 
Tommy,  we  all  hope  you  will  be  feeling  bet- 
ter before    long. 

We  have  quite  a  few  new  assets  around 
our  way  in  the  form  of  new  employees.  One, 
PEGGY  BAILEY,  a  neat  little  red  head,  hail- 
ing from  Rifle,  Colorado,  has  joined  our 
force.  She  was  formerly  employed  as  a  tool- 
ing inspector  at  Rohr  but  heard  about  us  and 
here  she  is.  Another,  ARLINE  PETERSEN, 
(fellows,  you  are  drooling  —  or  did  you 
know?)  who  was  employed  in  Milwaukee, 
Wis.,  as  a  machinist  and  office  worker,  but 
the  inevitable  happened  and  she  heard  about 
us  and,  of  course,  came  out  here  bag  and 
baggage.  LUCILLE  KINNER,  a  San  Diego 
gol,  has  joined  our  group,  too.  She  isn't  quite 
a  native  daughter,  but  she  has  lived  in  San 
Diego  for  1 9  years.  Her  husband,  a  Ryan 
employee  for  five  years  in  the  drop  hammer 
department,  must  have  convinced  her  that 
Ryan  really  is  a  better  place  to  work.  She 
is  very  proud  of  her  four  children — two  are 
twin  boys.  Oh  yes,  we  also  hove  a  few  men 
around.  One  new  one  is  WAYNE  OBERREU- 
TER.  Coming  from  Danbury,  Iowa,  he  has 
been  employed  as  a  salesman  in  San  Diego 
for  the  last  three  years.  He  has  taken  a 
real  interest  in  Ryan  as  he  is  already  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Tuesday  night  league — knocking 
them  down  for  the  Tail  Winds.  He  goes  for 
most  all  sports  and  maybe  next  year  we  can 
look  for  his  wife  to  join  us  in  some  sports 
as  we  hear  she  is  quite  talented.  However, 
I  don't  think  I'll  take  her  on  in  a  game 
of  tennis — she  is  good!  Another  friend,  who 
is  not  really  an  employee  of  the  inspection 
department,  but  of  salvage  department,  but 
because  she  is  practically  in  our  Crib  and 
a  swell  gol  we'd  like  to  include  her  in  our 
group.  GLORIA  LASHER,  and  she  is  really  a 
cute  number.  Sorry,  boys,  so  is  her  husband, 
Lt.  Harold  Lasher,  USN.  Mighty  glad  to  have 
MARY  RING  join  the  bunch.  She  was  with 
Manifold  formerly,  but  it  happened  again — 
someone  told  her  about  Crib  1  and  here  she 
is.  You  probobly  know  her  husband,  JIM 
RING,  leadmon  over  in  Inspection  Crib  3 — 
a  grand  person,  too. 

We  extend  all  of  you  a  sincere  welcome 
and  hope  you  like  our  Crib. 

Glen  Johnson,  Assistant  Foreman  of 
Fuseloge  Assembly,  trying  out  the  new 
carriage  presented  to  him  by  his  depart- 
ment. The  carriage  is  to  be  used  for 
wheeling  his  new  daughter,  Yvonne 
Louise,  born  November  1 6th. 

Crib   3 

We  have  several  new  people  in  Crib  3 
but  they  are  on  the  day  shift.  We  still  need 
more  employees  on  the  second  shift.  They 
hove  all  had  past  experience  in  aircraft  or 
related  industries. 

RICHARD  MULLEN  originally  came  from 
Niagara  Falls,  New  York.  He  has  worked 
for  Goodyear,  Rohr  and  Consolidated.  His 
wife,  STELLA  MULLEN,  is  also  with  Ryan  in 
the   Dispatching   Department. 

JERRY  DEARMIN  was  born  in  Minne- 
apolis, Minnesota,  and  has  lived  in  Los 
Angeles  since  1928.  Recently  he  moved  to 
Alpine  and  is  now  an  Inspector.  He  was 
employed  by  the  Studebaker  Pacific  Cor- 

CLIFFORD  ROBBINS  was  born  in  the  state 
of  Washington  and  has  lived  in  San  Diego 
since  his  second  year  at  school.  His  father 
was  a  foot  specialist  and  during  their  travels 
Clifford  attended  36  schools  and  has  been 
in  nearly  all  the  states.  He  formerly  worked 
for  Rohr  and  Consolidated  Aircraft  com- 

INEZ  SALAS,  clerk  in  Crib  3  on  day  shift 
is  now  on  second  shift.  GENEVA  SCHROEDER 
is  now  our  clerk. 

Crib   4 

Did  you  know? 

That  HARRIET  EASTIS  and  J.  A.  SIMP- 
SON are  new  inspectors  and  mighty  wel- 

.  That  SUSAN  ROWAN,  was  at  the  fare- 
well party  for  MARJORIE  OWEN?  But  where 

That  JAMES  BOUCHER  is  o  talented  musi- 

That  LENNIE  CHESTNUT'S  hand  Is  get- 
ting better  every  day? 

—  38  — 

That  G.  E.  KYLER  still  wears  his  mid- 
western  sheriff's  hat?  He's  promised  to  show 
us  the  badge  someday. 

That  VERA  MALEY  was  entertaining  com- 
pany from  way  up  North  Alaska? 

That  ALICE  JOHNSON  certainly  enjoys 
her  parties  and  her  new  job  and  her  skirts? 

That  A.  W.  SHANAFELT  and  G.  R. 
CASSEY  are  back  with  us  in  the  crib?  Two 
mighty  fine  inspectors. 

That  LUCILLE  STONE  has  another  in- 
vention on  the  way? 

That  R.  S.  SUTTON  lets  that  pleasing 
personality   inspire  every  one   he   meets? 

That  IDA  THURNELL  believes  she'll  stay 
at  Ryan's  after  all?  She  has  become  one  of 
the  well-thought-of  old-timers! 

That  E.  TAZELAAR  is  one  of  our  sharp- 
est and  most  cooperative  inspectors?  Keep 
it  up,  Ed! 

That  BILL  ROSSI's  new  daughter,  CAROL 
LOUISE,   is  doing  fine? 

Crib   5 

We  are  so  busy  In  Crib  5  that  we  only 
have  time  to  report  that  we  are  very  busy 
but  will  take  time  out  to  welcome  SALLY 
LEVICKAS.  Everyone  remembers  her  from 
seeing  her  in  the  Transportation  Depart- 
ment. She  has  wanted  to  be  an  Inspector  for 
some  time  and  is  now  getting  her  wish.  She 
has  even  had  former  experience  so  she  has 
a   head   start.    All    power  to  you,   Sally. 

Crib   7 

It's  sure  nice  having  TOM  DOWNEY 
back  with  us  again. 

Talk  about  patriotism!  MRS.  PIERCE  and 
her  daughter,  DOLORES,  attend  the  U.S.O. 
every  Tuesday  night.  They  think  the  boys 
are  really  swell  and  feel  more  girls  should 
attend  these  dances  as  the  boys  really  need 

Have  you  noticed  the  ties  JACK  BOULDIN 
has  been  wearing  lately?  They're  so  loud 
you  can  hear  him  coming! 

We  would  like  to  welcome  some  new  In- 
spectors, R.  G.  SPAHR,  M.  T.  ALLEN, 
HABERLANDT,  C.  J.  JOHNSON  and  B.  W. 

Inspection  loaned  BUD  NEWLAN  to 
Quality  Control.  A.  S.  BILLINGS  even  wrote 
out  on  I.O.U. — "I.O.U.  one  man.  Bud  New- 
Ian,"  and  presented  it  to  DON  WILCOX. 

Hey,  Daddy!  Every  time  little  Eva,  J.  C. 
ATKIN's  daughter,  wonts  money  from  her 
Daddy,  she  says  she  wants  to  put  some 
money  in  her  savings  account.  Sometimes  she 
gets  a  "Five"  in  one  piece  of  lettuce. 

We  ore  losing  an  inspector  to  the  third 
shift,  JACK  DENNIS.  Sorry  to  have  you 
leave  us. 

Before  leaving  for  work  this  morning,  D. 
TIBBET  dropped  her  last  fifty  cent  piece 
down  the  furnace.  Her  daughter,  wishing  to 
help  her  out  of  her  dilemma,  loaned  her  a 
dollar  with  the  condition  she  con  have  the 
reclaimed  fifty  cents  plus  the  dollar — smart 

V.  RUNNER  is  really  strutting  around 
these  days.  She  has  just  become  an  Aunt 
for  the   first  time  and   is  she  proud! 

Speedy  Cole  bought  his  three-yeor-old  son, 
Bobby,  a  kite.  His  Daddy  told  him  that  he 
would  have  to  wait  until  the  wind  was  blow- 
ing to  "take  up  the  kite."  Now  every  eve- 
ning Speedy  is  greeted  with,  "Daddy,  the 
wind  is  blowing."  The  little  fellow  wonts  to 
fly  the  kite  even  when  it's  pitch  dork. 

Ryan  Trading  Post 

WANT      TO       BUY 

FOR       SALE 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spaulding  ice  skates  in 
good  condition.  Best  offer.  G.  Haswell,  Ext. 

Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  glass  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close,  Dept.  1,  Airplane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

Siamese  kittens;  make  lovely  pets.  Sold  very  rea- 
sonable at  $20.00.  Only  three  left.  See  Peter- 
son in  Manifold  Small  Parts,  second  shift,  badge 
2291   or  phone  R-7357. 

Cottage  on  double  corner  lot.  Corner  vacant, 
desirable  location  for  $5,000-$7,000  post-war 
home.  4  blocks  from  30th  and  Cedar  streets. 
$2900  takes  it.  C.  E.   Hyatt,  Paint  Shop. 

If  you're  wondering  what  to  give  for  Christmas, 
my  husband  makes  first  grade  leather  bill  folds, 
keytoiners,  etc.,  to  order.  Service  insignias  and 
initials  or  name  imprinted.  Contact  Mrs.  Howell, 
Manifold  Inspection,  2nd  shift,  Ext.  360  or 
Hank  Hanggi,  1st  shift. 

One  set  of  weights  including  dumbbell,  boots.  E. 
Mellinger,   Ext.   396. 

SSI  Swallow  4-possenger  Sedan — 122"  wheel  base, 
built  very  low,  four  speeds  forward,  sun  top, 
excellent  condition.  30  miles  to  gallon.  Cost 
$8,000  new.  Latest  design  parts,  easy  to  get. 
Sacrifice  for  $1500.  Cash  or  take  car  in  trade. 
R,  1402  or  see  car  at  3335  Vancouver  St.  George 
Bucknam,    Ext.    387,   Airplane    Dispatching. 

1941  Buick  Super  Sedan,  Radio,  heater  and  de- 
frosters. Two  tone  green.  Excellent  condition. 
Excellent  tires.  S.  H.  Reed,  2979  Fordham  St., 
Frontier  Housing  Project.    Planning,  Ext.  396. 

12  acres  of  partly  timbered  Washington  land,  good 
ground,  private  water  system  with  pressure  sys- 
tem, 2  new  unfinished  4  room  houses,  electricity 
and  plumbing.  Fixtures  partly  in.  1934  Chevro- 
let pick-up  truck  included.  S.  H.  Reed,  2979 
Fordham  Street,    Planning,  Ext.  396. 

Ladies  Coat,  tan  camel's-hair  cloth.  Mole  fur  sleeves 
and  collar,  high  quality,  satin  faced  crepe  lining. 
Size  18,  coat  like  new.  W.  B.  Klein,  Engineering, 
Ext.  340.    7235  Volta  Ct.,  Linda  Vista. 

Perfection  Wardrobe  Trunk  with  New  Brittain 
Lock;  4  ft.  4  in.  high  by  24  in.  wide  by  22  in. 
deep.  This  trunk  contains  six  compartments  be- 
sides clothes  hangers  for  ladies  and  gentleman's 
clothes  and  is  in  first-class  condition.  Price  $35. 
See  Nelson  H.  Acheson  in  the  Mail  Room  at 
Ryan's  or  call  Bayview  6471  after  6:30  p.m.  or 
all  day  on  Sundays.  Can  be  seen  at  4584 
Granger  Street. 

One  electric  iron,  1  electric  heater,  1  Gillette 
Aristocrat  Razor  in  Gilt  Case.  Call  at  2256 
Union   Street. 

Willys  Sedan,  1936.  New  paint,  new  battery  (2  yr. 
guarantee).  Good  tires,  new  brakes  and  seat 
covers.  Cheap  transportation.  Doc  Enyeart, 
Tooling  Inspection. 

Man's  Excelsior  Bicycle,  like  new.  Also,  gas  heat- 
ing stove,  kerosene  heating  stove.  Des  Good- 
land,  Tool  Planning,  Ext.  396,  or  J-5801  after 

One  only,  tubular  steel  twin  bed,  coil  box  spring 
and  mattress,  very  good  condition.  $27.50.  See 
M.  H.  Kohler,  Wing  Assembly. 

New,  100%  all  wool  man's  medium  size  sweater, 
$5.00.    See  Vaughan,  at  the  Mail   Room. 

Fairbanks  Standard  Floor  Scales  with  weights.  In 
first-class  condition.  Also  one  Harrington  & 
Richardson  32  caliber  blue  steel  revolver,  good 
as  new.  Scales  $50.  Revolver  $25.  See  Nelson 
H.  Acheson  in  the  Mail  Room  or  call  Bayview 
6471   after  6:30  p.m.  or  Sundays. 

Frye  &  Smith,  Ltd.,  San  Diegi 

For  Sale   (continued) 

Seven-room  home  in  Kensington  Manor,  stucco, 
3  bedrooms,  2  baths,  large  front  room  and  2- 
stall  garage.  Terms,  call  U>.  Vanharten,  Ext.  282 
or   R-7384. 

1  portable  Emerson  radio  (no  battery)  for  $35. 
I  Modified  English  Racing  Bike  with  hand  broke, 
child  seat  atioched  to  cross  member  (remov- 
able) tor  child  up  to  6  years  old  for  $30.  1 
Motor  bcoorer,  not  assembled,  but  all  essential 
pons,  Briggs  Strotten,  tor  $bi — motor  used 
opproximaiely  only  25  hours.  19x9  umbrella 
tent  tor  $10.  Contact  Edward  W.  Pye,  Final 
Assembly,   Second   Shift. 

One  Rug — 11'  3"  by  15',  $55.  See  Ed  Lottes,  Me- 
chanical Maintenance,  First  Shift.  Phone 

Western  Flyer  boy's  bicycle,  new  tires,  knee-action. 
New  Departure  brake,  bell  for  $35.  B.  Swatek, 
cxt.  353. 

Two  pairs  of  8  panel  French  doors.  6  ft.,  11"  by 
2  rr.  Also,  one  screen  door,  6  ft.  7"  by  21/2  ft- 
One  Dooy  bed  with  mattress.  B.  R.  Moloney, 
txt.   323. 

1940  Graham  Hollywood  super-charge  4  door 
sedan.  Cord-type  boay,  excellent  motor,  good 
Tires,  i-aciory  custom  finished  interior,  red 
learner.  Cream  coiored  point.  Needs  minor  body 
repair.  Hreter  to  Take  older  car  in  trace  or  will 
sen  $!23.0U  under  as  is  ceiling.  J.  D.  Light, 
cxi.  /7I    or  582.   Parkway,  Chula  Visto. 

Browning  Automatic  12-gauge  shotgun  in  perfect 
uondiiion,  with  tine  learner  cose,  $150.  G.  A. 
nowrey,  Dept.  6d,  Ext.  213,  or  W-55b5,  3147 
J  riird  Avenue. 

Pre-war  baby  bed  complete  with  mattress  and 
spiings.  in  good  conoirlon.  $15.00.  Darwin  b. 
vvi.eisrine.   bepr.   6,   hxt.   385. 

1934  Plymouth  2.door  sedan,  pre-war  tires,  motor 
le-wirea,  new  seat  covers.  Will  sacnrice  tor 
$2d5.O0.  Cedro  Jonnson,  J-4091.  Experimental 

Two  genuine  down  filled  nylon  lined  sleeping  bags, 
r^ruciicaliy  new,  reasonaD|e.  Contact  V.  J.  Jones, 
2-t7o   Juan   Street   otrer    5    p.m.    Deportment   65. 

Two  Palomino  horses,  one  four  years  old  and  the 
ofr^er  Tive,  souna  in  every  respect.  Both  of  these 
rior^es  are  tuli  brothers  to  Sun  Dancer,  a  siud 
we  recently  sold  to  Roy  Rogers,  the  movie 
cuwooy  ocior.  1  his  horse  will  De  shown  in  Mr. 
Kogeis  latest  piciure.  Knee  $  1 ,2u0  each  FUB 
i-u-/  I  Kancn,  Joseph,  Oregon.  Mr.  Oswald, 
^.Niension   208. 

1 2  gouge  shotgun  and  30-30  rifle.  E.  Mellinger, 
c-v..   o9o. 

1941  Chicago  Embossodore  Tractor  House,  26'. 
Very  clean.  $  I  ,HUO.  See  f.  H.  Schimitz,  looling. 
New  building,  or    1956  Coolioge,  Linda  Vista. 

Better  quality  55  lb.  cotton  mattress,  good  con- 
dition, 1/2  price,  $12.  Call  Bayview  7  734  otter 
4  p.  m.     tmil   i-ecnner,  L?ept.    15. 

Motorcycle,  Indian  45.  New  tires,  new  battery, 
gooj  condition.  Sailboat,  sun  class,  lb  ft.,  gooa 
soil.  Will  sell  separate  or  trade  tor  cor  or  what 
have  you,  of  $430  value.  D.  Shirk,  Engineering, 
Ext.    378. 

Horse  Trailer.  Like  new.  See  C.  A.  Mueller,  Tool 

Johnson  Riding  Boots,  size  10.  Practically  new. 
C.  A.   Mueller,  Tool   Room. 

1938    Buick   Special    4-door   touring    sedan.  Body 

and  mo'or  very  clean.    Black  point,  tires  good. 

Price  $850.    W.   B.    Klein,  Ext.  340.    7235  Volta 
Court,  Linda  Vista. 

Man's  bicycle  in  excellent  condition  with  balloon 
tires.  See  K.  Meli,  Inspe-tion  Crib  No.  7,  Ext. 

—  39 

Fresh-water  rod  and  reel,  tackle,  flies,  etc.  Also 
Hawaiian  wigglers.  J.  B.  Clingensmith,  7534 
Manifold   Welding,   second   shift. 

Washing  machine.  W.  McBlair.  Call  B-5176  or  Ext 

Washing    machine.      See    H.    L.     (Honk)     Hanggi 
Manirold  Assembly,   Ext.   360  or  Main   8666. 

A    small    engine   or    bench    lathe.     Contact    H     B 
Pixley,   Plant  Protection. 

Good  refrigerator.    No  junk.    E.  Mellinger,  Ext.  396. 

Complete  home  movie  outfit.    8  or   16  mm    Con- 
tact L.  E.  Syrios,  Manifold  Lineup,  2nd  shift. 

Two  wheel  box  trailer,  16  inch  wheels.  W.  B  Klein 
Engineering,  Ext.  340.  7234  Volta  Ct.,  Linda 

Electric  iron.    See  Frank  L.  Walsh,  Foreman,  Third 

Small  table  size  radio.    Pete  Jaeger,  Tool  Room. 

116  Kodak  for  a  boy  overseas.    Bertha  M.  Walter 
Wing  Assembly.  ' 

One  pair  of  steel  roller  skates  for  a  girl  J  J 
King,  Wood  Shop,  2nd  shift.  Ext.  233'  or 
F-6-/98 1 . 

Club   Coupe   for  $400.00   cash.   Coll   Braverman   in 
Power  Plant,   Ext.   235  or  Main   6041. 

Child  s  Tricycle — Have  2'/2-year-old  boy  who  can't 
wait  to  have  a  tricycle.  Will  buy  one  in  any 
condition — please  come  through,  someone,  on 
this  one.    See  Paul  Tedford,  Recreation  Director. 

An  electric  portable  sewing  machine  needed  badly. 
Singer  preferred.  If  you  nave  one  to  sell  or  know 
someone  please  get  in  touch  with  Frances 
Klitsch,  Ryan  inspector  in  Shipping  Department, 
Ext.  ii  1. 

One-third  or  one-half  horsepower,  1  10  volt  electric 
motor.    Any  condition.    Art  Doss,  Tool  Room. 

Late   Harley  Davison  motor  cycle  engine.    Thomas 
Lamb,    Dept.    10. 

6  or  8   inch  table  circle  sow.     Ira  Threlfall    Mani- 
fold Small  Ports. 


radio    tube.      Ann     McLellon,     No.     9756, 
Metal   Assembly,   2nd   shift. 


iron.    Agnes 


Department  9. 


31  Stude  Dictator  Sedan,  low  mileage,  good  tires. 
2-wheel  luggage  trailer.  Wont  piano,  typewriter 
or  home  site  acre  or  what?  See  Hultquist,  De- 
partment  17  or  3656  Kurtz  Street. 

Would  like  to  trade  an  electric  iron  for  waffle  iron. 
Marie  Wendt,  Ext.  362. 

Would  like  to  contact  party  going  East  soon.  Want 
ride  for  elderly  couple  to  Colorado,  Utah  or  via 
Colorado  going  Eost.  Will  pay  fare  equivalent 
to  bus  fare.  Contact  Mary  Filley,  No.  4416, 
Department    1  4. 

Reserve  your  Christmas  puppy  now.  Red  and  white 
cockers  from  the  Stockdale  strain.  Mrs.  Robin- 
son, 2542  3rd  Avenue,  Apt.  2.  Engineering 
Dept.,    Ext.    235. 

LOST      AND       FOUND 

Dork  brown  suit  coat,  linht  tan  stitching  on  collar 
and  pockets.  Lost  in  wash  room,  11,  11,  44. 
Finder  please  return  to  E.  Rowan,  Dept.   14,  2nd 

shift.    Reward. 

Ry  ■'n  Five  Year  Pin.  Please  return  to  C.  A.  Mueller, 
Tool    Ro'^T'. 

The  Production  Checkers  decided  to  have  a  "get  together"  party  as  their  department 
is  so  scattered  that  they  didn't  know  half  of  its  members.  From  the  smiles  it  would 
appear  that  the  party  was  a  big  success. 

Designs  and  Sketches 

by  Diane  Smith 

No  one  con  soy  that  the  r--n  stopped 
production  at  Ryan's.  Attendance  was  very 
good  as  usual.  Such  on  ingenious  array  of 
sou'westers,  riding  and  cowboy  boots!  "POP" 
ASHLEY,  Ace  Tool  Designer  (Thumbscrew 
Ashley)  entertained  the  gong  with  a  good 
clog  dance  in  his  old  logging  boots  and  vio- 
lent red  woolen  socks  during  smoking  period 
one  night.  "Pop"  does  oil  right  in  Bob  Burns' 
fashion  when  let  loose  at  a  piano.  Sings  too 
and  makes  the  welkin  ring  with  World  War  I 
hit  tunes.  Pop's  rendition  of  "If  I  Had  a 
Million  Dollars"  and  "We're  Rich  as  Hetty 
Green,"  gave  PERCY  HERON'S  guests  quite 
a  few  chuckles  recently.  -Speaking  of  Perc, 
which  we  were,  weren't  we,  Perc  is  head  of 
San  Diego  High's  Technical  Dept.  during 
the  day  and  whips  out  designs  for  us  four 
or  five  hours  a  night.  Wonder  what  became 
of  that  super  story  Perc  hod  all  mapped  out? 
Perhaps  being  a  new  grandfather  and  the 
proud  possessor  of  a  hero  son  has  something 
to  do  with  it,  d'ya  s'pose?  Dick  Heron,  Navy 
lieutenant,  was  recently  given  the  Presiden- 
tial Citation  and  the  Bronze  Star  for  cour- 
ageous action  on  the  coast  of  France.  Perc 
was  on  Army  lieutenant  in  the  last  war.  Like 
father,    like  son!     Nice,   huh? 

Should  they  limit  that  business  about 
"Like  Father  Like  Son"  to  just  that?  How 
about  like  Dad  like  Daughter?  Take  the  case 
of  DON  D'AGOSTINO  for  instance.  Peggy, 
Don's  four-year-old  daughter,  took  first  hon- 
ors and  five  dollars  at  KFMB's  kiddie  pro- 
gram when  she  gave  out  with  "We're  All  In 
This  Together,"  from  the  Ryan  Show  which 
Don  helped  put  over  so  successfully  with  his 
talents.     But   then.   Orchestra    Leader   Don's 

eldest  daughter  Peggy  was  auditioned  at  the 
age  of  two  in  New  York  when  she  did  some 
very  fine  singing  for  such  a  wee  bit  of  fem- 

Most  of  the  Tool  Design  gang  attended 
the  Swing  Shift  dance  together  the  other 
night,  and  everyone  had  a  grand  time.  At 
last  we  all  got  a  chance  to  meet  the  petite 
and  very  pretty  Mrs.  BILL  JINES,  and  we 
heard  first  hand  just  how  adorable  Bill  and 
Jinny's  new  six-week-old  daughter  is!  RAY 
TROTTER,  acrobatic  tap  dancer  de-luxe, 
seemed  to  be  enjoying  himself  thoroughly. 
During  the  day,  Ray  has  been  shopping 
around  madly  for  new  furniture  for  the  Trot- 
ter's new  abode.  KENNY  CUSHMAN,  ac- 
companied by  the  very  beautiful  (former 
Petty  model)  Mrs.  C,  took  all  honors  with  a 
snazzy  sport  coot  and  T  shirt.  BEARY  didn't 
quite  make  the  dance  and  has  been  mum- 
bling something  about  having  to  take  riders 
home  or  something  ever  since.  Beary  is 
spending  his  daytime  hours  studying  wood- 
working,  of  all   things! 

We'll  hove  to  correct  one  of  the  above 
statements,  it  seems.  DON  informs  this  cor- 
respondent that  Peggy  was  NOT  in  a  Kiddie 
show!  There  were  people  "35  years  old  par- 
ticipating in  the  Amateur  Contest."  My 
apologies   Don! 

To  New  Draftsman  JERRY  BARRETT  of 
the  Coast  Guard  we  extend  a  hearty  wel- 
come. Glad  to  have  you  aboard  Jerry!  The 
some  goes  for  a  nice  man,  "PETE"  PEHIT, 
who  is  just  down  from  the  Seattle  shipyards. 
Hope  he  decides  to  stay. 

THELMA  MAY  is  especially  pretty  when 
she  smiles,  and  especially  good  with  drafting 
machine  and  micrometer;  BARBER  (The 
Smiling)  is  a  Tio  Juana  fan.  Soys  he  goes 
down  there  to  "talk  business."  Takes  his 
beautiful  wife,  a  Convoir  swingster,  along, 
CARL  CUMMINS  believes  in  all  work  and  no 
ploy,  though  he  did  attend  a  "track  meet" 
between  Hoover  and  S.  D.  Hi  the  other  night 

—  40  — 

in  company  with  his  old  pol  and  buddy, 
GORDON  GRAHAM.  GORDON  spends  his 
spare  time  building  plain  and  fancy  maple 
furniture;  DAVID  KELLER  should  definitely 
be  in  illustration  work.  There's  o  man  who 
knows  how  to  handle  a  pencil! 

Wandering  through  for  10:30  coffee,  the 
gang  enjoys  those  trite  little  sayings  up  on 
the  shop  blackboard.  Also  the  sight  oi 
MARIE  SPARKS,  very  lovely  redhead  from 
Dept.  3  who  n-iokes  oil  "Slim"  wrote  about 
women  in  slacks  contradictory.  Although 
Marie  is  very  svelte,  still  this  department 
feels  that  slacks  or  not.  Slim  is  wrong  about 
women  who  are  o  bit  'er,  heavy.  Gosh,  Slim. 
They'd  look  just  as  large  in  anything  else! 
And  they  hove  their  memories  of  wonderful 
pastries  and  delicious  food  with  them,  which 
their  slimmer  sisters  constantly  refuse  on  the 
grounds  that  they'll  gain  o  bit  of  weight. 
Anyway,  MARIE  is  slim,  and  I  only  brought 
in  the  business  of  the  slacks  to  give  you  a 
different   slant  on   the   situation. 

LEON  VANDENBERG  is  a  new  oddition  to 
the  swing  shift  of  Tool  Planning,  and  in 
search  of  a  planning  cord  the  other  night  we 
hod  the  help  of  the  always  nice  JEWEL 
DOBBS.  JEWEL  is  just  that.  Always  sweet, 
always  helpful.  MUTT,  Jewel's  husband,  is 
good  people  to  know,  too.  BETTY  WALLACE 
reports  thot  she's  veddy  proud  of  the  way 
the  Wallace  heiress,  TEDDY,  sits  up  at  a 
drug  store  counter  at  the  tender  age  of  two 
yeors  and  eats  every  bit  of  ice  cream!  Betty 
soys  that  only  a  person  with  o  little  imagina- 
tion would  appreciate  that  item. 

Now  that  the  Christmas  holidays  are  so 
very  close,  and  there'll  be  the  usual  hustle 
bustle  of  holiday  preparation,  we  hope  that 
you  avoid  part  of  it  and  get  your  Christmas 
shopping  done  early.  Anyway,  a  very  MERRY 
CHRISTMAS  to  all  of  you! 


"When     I     get    time,"     said    Foreman 

"I'll    put  a   guard   on   that   machine." 
(Result:  For  Jim  ...  a  bloody  knob, 
(And  Dean  ...  is  looking  for  a  job.) 

"When    I    get    time,"    grinned    pretty 

"I'll     tighten    up    that    other    screw." 
(The    transport    ship    cracked    up '  at 

(The   ship   Sue's   boy-friend   travelled 

"When     I     get     time,"     growled     Bill 

"I'll    insulate    that    lower    wire!" 
("The   ship   caught  fire,"    the    papers 

("The    Crew    ore    numbered    with    the 
dead."  I 

No    Yankee    pilot    e'er    will    yip, 
"When   I   get  time  .   .   .    I'll  down  that 

Our  duty's   plain    .    .    .   and  we   should 

To  TAKE  THE  TIME  TO  do  it  new! 

...    Ed  Leftwich 
Dept.  35. 
Tool  Planning. 

"^ —  No.    7 

DECEMBER     2,     1944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through  the   Public   Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editoriol  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Fronces  Statler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Fayman 

Frank  Martin,  Cal  O'Callohan 

Staff  Cartoonist  George  Duncan 

Special  Features  Page 

They  Take  Orders  —  and  Like  It! 1 

— Onr  Sales  Department   office   force   buck's   up   our 
traveling  salesmen 

Sky  Cleaners 2 

— A'avy    fighters    aren't    equipped    mnth    brooms,    but 
>  they're  szveepiiig  the  skys  cleaner  every  day 

His   Pistol   Pakin'   Mamma    4 

—IJ.  Phil  Levin  tells  zvhat  he  thi)iks  of  the  Japs 

We  Can't  Get  'Em  Too  Soon 5 

— An  excerpt  from  a  speech  given  bv  Admiral  Marc 
A.  Mitscher 

The  Forgotten  Woman    6 

— Never  underestimate  the  pozeer  of  a  zvoman  secre- 

Adolph   Bolger,    Foreman  of   Hydro   Press 8 

— He  ivorked  hard  lou'ard  his  goal 

Your  Roving  Photog 9 

Why  The  Man  On  The  Cover  Was  Wanted 11 

— Can  yon  help  us  find  his  counterpart? 

This  Won't   Be  Your  Family  —  Or  Will    It? 12 

— Could  this  incident  happen  to  you? 

Slim's   Pickin's    10 

Sports 28 

What's  Cookin'? 37 

Ryan  Trading  Post 39 

Departmental  News  Page 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Fiances  JJ'illford 34 

Cafeteria  News  by  Potsun  Pane 15 

Coporol  Del  Corral  by  Al  Gee 31 

Designs  and  Sketches  by  Diane  Smith 40 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design  by  Don  D'Agostino 31 

Drop  Hammer  2nd  Shift  by  Nocde-Rack 35 

Engineering  Personnelities  by   Virginia  Pi.vley 32 

Flashes  from  Fuselage  by  Bettic  Murren 10 

From    Four    'til    Dawn    in    the    Tool    Room    by    Vera    and 

Pearle .' 36 

Fumes  from  the  Paint  Shop  by  Kitty  Malheny 26 

Inside  Outside  Production  via  Brooklyn  by  Rita  Thomp- 
son      33 

Inspection  Notes  by  Dorothy  Trudershcitn 38 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assembly  2nd  Shift  by  Bu::c  and  Shorty.  .  .  20 

Manifold  Dispatching  631  Ben  Smith 26 

News  and  Flashes  by  Earl  Vaughan 36 

Northeast  Corner  ^v  M.  A.  Zager 32 

Notes  from  Dawn  Workers  by  O.  C.  Hudson 23 

Puddle  Pushers  on  the  Swing  by  Doris  Williksen 22 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie 35 

Shipping  Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Christensou  .  .  33 

Small  Ports  Smatterings  by  Kitty  and  Doris 13 

Smoke  From  a  Test  Tube  ^v  Sally  and  Sue 22 

Tool  Control   Night  Owls  by  Ruth  Kelson 27 

Tooling  Rumors  by  lone  and  Kay 27 

Wind   Tunnel    18 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  by  U  and  Me 20 

Copy  Deadline  for  next  issue  is  December  11th 


N    O 

G    3    0    3    3 


m  \mm 


Ryan  technicians,  in  their  endless  quest  for  greater 
efficiency  and  lower  costs  in  airplane  manufacture, 
39  are  continually  seeking  out,  improving  and  putting 
to  new  uses  equipment  and  methods  not  previously 
used  in  aircraft  work. 

Take  welding,  for  example.  Ryan  attained  a  40% 
increase  in  efficiency  in  'svelding  the  thin  gauge 
stainless  steels  used  in  aircraft  by  adapting  atomic 
hydrogen  arc  -welding,  for  the  first  time,  to  the 
fabrication  of  many  important  airplane  parts  and 
assemblies.  New^,  lightweight  electrode  holders,  spe- 
cially alloyed  steels  and  the  use  of  a  "controlled  at- 
mospheres"— all  Ryan  developments — did  the  trick. 

This  resourcefulness  is  typical  of  Ryan  ingenuity 
in  seeking  out  and  applying  newer  methods  and 
improving  existing  ways  of  doing  things.  In  war- 
time, this  means  superior  quality  and  greater  pro- 
duction at  lower  cost  to  the  taxpayer  —  in  big  as 
well  as  little  ways.  In  peacetime,  it  will  mean  low^er 
initial  and  operating  costs  for  the  improved  pro- 
ducts coming  from  Ryan  production  lines. 

THE  PROBLEM:  Whea  stainless  steels  wete  intioduced  in  the  manufac- 
tute  of  specialized  parts  for  airplanes  the  headaches  of  welding  were  increased 
many  fold.  Thin  gauge  stainless  steels  required  far  more  care  than  materials 
previously  ased  and.  at  the  same  time,  output  needed  to  be  stepped  up  to  a 
high  level.  Ordinary  welding  methods  were  too  slow  and  quite  often  were 
accompanied  by  scaling,  butning.  flux  pockets  and  porosity. 

THE  SOLUTION:  Ryan  laboratory  experts  explored  the  entire  welding  field 
and  found  the  solution  by  adapting  the  atomic  hydtogen  welding  process. 
Using  h'ydrogen  (which  excludes  oxygen),  they  found,  does  away  with 
porosity.  Atomic  hydrogen  brings  intense  heat  to  the  immediate  surface 
without  undue  change  in  the  metal  structute  — and  there  is  little  loss  of  the 
vital  stabilizing  eletnents  of  Columbian  and  Titanium.  In  addition,  the  use 
of  Ryan's  "conCToiled  atmosphere"  method  eliminates  the  need  for  flui. 

THE  ADVANTAGE:  Atomic  hydrogen  lends  itself  to  high-speed  welding. 
n  use  It.  after  a  few  short  weeks  of  training,  with  sureness  and 
iminates  the  prevalent  defects  of  scaling,  burning,  flux  pockets  and 
4  increases  the  welding  output  of  thin  stainless  steel  parts  40  55. 



0  h^wun^-^^^d^ 




Ryan    Aeronautical    Company,    San    Diego  -  Member,    Aircraft    War    Production    Council,    Inc. 

(Enmt  all  ye  fattl|ful 


Vol.  8  No.  8  •  DECEMBER  22, 1944 

_  Vol.8 

^-^"^  N  o  .    8 

DECEMBER     22,     1944 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through  the   Public    Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Statler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Fayman 

Frank  Martin,  Cal  O'Collahon 

Staff  Cartoonist George  Duncan 

Special  Features  Page 

They   Worl<    For   You 2 

— they  guarantee  to  save  you  many  hours,  shoe 
leather  and  much  Zi.'orry 

Task  Force  58    4 

— a  A'Qval  striking  pozccr  tliat  has  the  strength  of 
an  octopus  and  tlic  speed  of  an  eagle 

That's  An  Idea ! 6 

— hoiv  to  change  your  dormant  brain   cliild  into  cash 

Meet  Jean  Bovet 8 

— he  had  to  leave  China  in  a  hurry — or  else 

Angels  Wear  Slacks  This  Christmas 11 

— tliey  all  have  a  big  reason  for  veorkiug 

Slim's    Pickin's    10 

Sports 26 

What's  Cookin'? 36 

Ryan  Trading  Post 37 

Departmental  News  Page 

Accounting  Notes  by  Mary  Frances  Jl'illford 34 

Caporal  Del  Corral  by  Al  Gee 21 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design  by  Don  D'Agostino 14 

Engineering  Personnelities  by  I'irginia  Pi.vlcy 35 

From  Four  'til  Down  in  the  Tool  Room  bv  I'era  and 

Pearlc " 32 

Inspection  Notes  by  Dorothy  Tnidersheini 22 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assembly  2nd  Shift  /i_v  Bii::::  and  Shorty.  .  .  34 

Machine  Shop  by  Dorothy  Wheeler 33 

Manifold  Dispatching  by  Ben  Smith 33 

News  and   Flashes  by  Earl  I'aughan 18 

Northeast  Corner  by  -1/.  A.  Zagcr 17 

Notes  from   Dawn  Workers  by  O.  C.  Hudson 13 

Puddle  Pushers  on  the  Swing  by  Doris  Williksen 25 

Putt  Putts  On  Parade  by  Millie  Merritt 29 

Sheet  Metal  Shorts  by  Marge  and  Ernie 35 

Shipping  Notes  and  Quotes  by  Betty  Jane  Christenson .  .  14 

Smoke   From  a  Test  Tube  by  Sally  and  Sue 34 

Tool  Control  Night  Owls  by  Ruth  Xelson 17 

Wind  Tunnel 19 

Whispers  from  Final  Swingsters  />v  ["  and  Me 23 

Copy   Deadline  for   next   issue  is  January    1st 


Three  days  from  today  is  Christmas! 
Many  of  you  will  not  be  looking  forward  to 
this  Christmas   as   an  occasion  of  rejoicing  and 
merriment  as  in  years  past.  Many  of  you  will  have 
empty  places  at  your  Christmas  table.  SUU,  all  of  you  should 
have  a  warm  glow  in  your  heart  from  the  realization  that  you 
have  spent  the  past  year  giving  your  best  to  getting  equipment  and 
planes  to  your  boys  over  there  in  order  to  bring  them  home  as  quickly 
as  possible.    Although  we  have  accomplished  much,  we  must  do  a 
great  deal  more.    I  am  sure  we  are,  as  we  must  be    determined  to 
carry  on  in  the  New  Year  with  still  greater  vigor  and  100%  application 
of  every  bit  of  ability  we  possess  to  the  fulfillment  of  the  great  respon- 
sibility entrusted  to  us  individually  and  collectively. 
Because  of  the  urgency  of  the  job  we  have  ahead,  we  know  we  can 
count  on  you  to  cooperate  with  the  Navy's  request  that  all  Ryan 
employees  work  on  New  Year's  Day  and  every  work  day  through- 
out the  New  Year.   My  best  wishes  go  out  to  each  and  every- 
one of  you  —  to  your  families  here,  and  to  your  loved  ones 
in   uniform  —  for    a    happy    Christmas   holiday   and    a 

brighter,  victorious  New  Year.  '"^ 

^J^^^^ti*c0^  / /Si..-N« 


ii^rrg  QltirtBtmaB 














■^  «e  He""*''* 

The  Employee  Service  Departme| 
IS  your  private  secretary,  persoiil 




















are  ' 


so^e  ' 

















f   .vice  •  •  ■  „nrd>ri9  ^      v^ese 


I   V)se   V  '       don^      .■,rne 

vjorrV      Kj^en^e 













v\.i»n  .^ 

e(^oP     oo 

A    Vour  --Ses^'^^;,,. 
,„-Toon.,    ,,ceOeP-;T>-^^^\,.toode^ 

,       SV.c--^'r^5^.  up.  .    .   \     V°;^er^dr>^f,  ,v,o.  «  " 

T  •     ?^"  t\%  V°u     ^.    _   ^etv«c^.  _    ^nne"_^^eo^  ' 


^or  V° 









»•      V"\us^   Pf,-TronsP° 




tetvi'^   ■  tor   ^ 
■     \b\e  ^°'-,n  an 

f°   sbof  ■      oW°>" 

e\i^  , 




Shoe  SVO'^J^   e\i9>-^,a  -n 
vjno    _,.-,or\>n9 

:>^^^°   ^^tor*  ^° 







or  ^'     coPi„,s  'f" 

Setty    Kirkpatrick 

1 0.    Housing  Service  .   . 

desperate  need  of  a  roof  over 
your  head?  This  department 
will  go  to  bat  for  you  with 
oil  assistance  possible  in  ob- 
taining houses  to  rent  and 
buy,  apartments,  rooms, 
rollers  and  even  hotel  reservations.  They  can  also  give  you  advice 
=garding    OPA     regulations    and    assistance     in    eviction     notices. 

d  and  chauffer  rolled  into  one. 
hey  do  your  worrying  for  you. 









you  / 

°-e' ,::!>'■// 








^    f, 









r       °ther~';'°''     to     u 
Warrick         ^^f^s    ^     °'^dlir,„ 

'^     ^he     ?:,f   eo5'^!?^'Oned" 



re/ea,       /""Von    ' 
VO(jr  r,^  °f  Pay  rU      ^' 

J        •■eoni   -         "y  n 


'6.    t„       '°"°^"^9 







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'7.    c, 

you    ■     -'-^rrrrie 



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of  'C    '^eed   ^„ 

P°V  do;  '^'^^fs 



'    P°'^y  Off     ^^'-y  d, ;  ^°<^'o/  .»    '^^^  Th^'^^t^^ina 




rrol  fj^-   /e, 



7-,     ^ffer'^^^'^^d. 

^'>of/o;.'°'^Pef.°f' '^^onc*;  '^^  fo 












'>ie.:'.'  yo,;""'*'^  7"5  n;''eoo/,°o'e  ,b.  ^osf 


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^"^s  o^i-S 

Posf  '^^en  "'^o  f  , 


por°''/>  p5^ 




°^^    P^'Po/°-  sn^^'n^' 


'^ec^J  Or, 


^'""  Toil"" 

^'•"^^   'fe,/e. 

F-Wce'^?-!^-   °h'e  Jr  °ursi,^,'°-^Plete  /,„ 

"fore  "'"^f  <:on  fa,^^?^se  of     ^  °^  foo/,      , 

^'^  °'^^o,ned   ''''°ntie°l''^'ch  con 


22.  Second  Shift  Service  ....  This  girl  is  on 
hond  during  second  shift  to  offer  ossistonce  on 
any   or   all    the    21     services    mentioned    previously. 

—  3  — 


spo**r-  vi 


Upon  several  epic  occasions,  the  actions  of  great 
sea  armadas  have  changed  the  course  of  history. 
There  is  just  such  a  fleet  roaming  the  Pacific  Ocean 
at  this  time,  one  whose  achievements  will  be  chron- 
icled by  future  historians  as  that  which  turned  the 
tide  of  war  in  this  theater. 

Here  is  a  unit  of  the  U.  S.  Navy  whose  very  existence 
was  more  than  a  little  responsible  for  the  Tojo  cabinet's 
loss  of  face  and  subsequent  resignation,  after  Saipan 
fell,  for  this  sea  giant  is  powerful  enough  to  strike 
against  the  mainland  of  Japan  wherever  and  when- 
ever the  military  situation  justifies  such  audacity — 
and  this  may  well  be  soon.  This  is  Task  Force  58,  most 
destructive  naval  unit  in  the  history  of  sea  warfare! 

How  gigantic  it  is  may  be  seen  in  the  fact  that  one 
of  its  task  groups — and  there  are  several  of  these 
fleets-within-a-fleet — measures  five  miles  square:  the 

Here's  an  aerial  armada  that  staggers  belief 

—  can  strike  many  targets  at  once — so  huge 

that  a  single  unit  covers  5  square  miles 


Heavy  with  instruments  of  death,  SBDs  roar 
over  the  Pacific,  on  battle  missions  with 

Onici;il   r.  S.   Xavy  Pliotogmph: 

tiVe  Co,..    ''Is  „ 


carrier  division  of  CVs  and  CVLs  being  in  the  center 
of  the  group,  accompanied  by  warships  and  these  all 
being  ringed  by  the  destroyers  and  antiaircraft  ships. 
The  groups  are  out  of  sight  of  one  another,  being  over 
the  horizon  perhaps  ten  miles  away.  Thus  we  see,  in 
Task  Force  58,  a  hydra-headed  monster  which  can 
do  battle  in  one  place  or  in  several  places  at  the  same 
time.  This  versatility  is  continually  surprising  the 
Japs,  who  can  never  be  quite  sure  how  much  of  the 
fleet's  strength  they  may  have  to  contend  with  at 
any  given  locality.  Another  source  of  Nipponese  awe 
is  the  speed  with  which  Task  Force  58  can  shift  from 
one  locale  to  another;  it  can  conclude  a  bout  at  sunset, 
answer  the  bell  in  dawn's  early  light  at  a  battle  arena 
350  miles  distant. 

On  paper,  for  administrative  purposes,  this  preda- 
tory prowler  is  a  separate,  self-contained  unit  of  the 

(Continued   on    poge    121 

This  article  is  reprinted  from  FLYING  ACES  by  permission 
of  the  editor  and  is  the  third  in  a  continuing  series  of 
articles  about  America's  Naval  Aviation. 

—  5- 

Top:  Douglas  Jones,  head 
of  the  Patent  Department, 
discusses  with  Ira  Blevins 
of  the  Tooling  Depart- 
ment the  improved  center 
finder  which  Blevins  orig- 

Bottom :  Center  finder 
(wiggler)  which  is  used 
to  line  up  a  drilling  or 
cutting  machine  prior  to 
the  actual  operation.  No- 
tice the  slot  (suggested 
by  Ira  Blevins)  through  which  the  scribed 
lines  on  the  work  may  be  viewed. 


By  Will' 

"That's  an  idea!"  How  man 
times  have  you  said  those  words  f 
yourself  when  thinking  about  soir' 
innovation  or  mechanical  short  cr 
which  occurred  to  you  at  the  mt' 
ment?  Undoubtedly,  you  hove  ho/ 
ideas  which  would  be  of  great  vali^ 
to  some  manufacturer  or  industry 
But,  how  many  times  have  yo 
cashed  in  on  these  thoughts  of  youil 
to  the  tune  of  good  American  do> 
lors?  Not  very  often,  I'll  wager- 
yet  sound  ideas  for  doing  a  job  mor 
effectively  or  producing  a  bettc; 
product  are  just  as  merchandisobl 
as  any  other  desirable  commodity): 

The  reason  why  you  did  not  trons: 
late  some  of  your  ideas  into  lege 
tender  was  simply  that  you  were  noi 
willing  to  risk  the  time,  effort  an«, 
money  which  is  necessary  to  find  ou 
first,  whether  your  idea  is  good  on* 
patentable  and  second,  how  you  can 
sell  it  to  someone  for  cash.  Frankly 
I  don't  blame  you  for  not  pursuin* 
your  thoughts  with  ready  money  ani 
untiring  efforts  because  the  potl 
which  leads  from  the  conception  o; 
an  idea  to  the  sale  or  licensing  oj 
that  brain  child  is  a  long  and  cir^ 
cuitous  one.  I 

Dig  that  invention  o 
yours  out  oF  the  moti 
balls.   The   Paten 

■6  — 

vN  IDEA! 


One  of  the  most  common  miscon- 
ceptions is  the  beh'ef  that  on  inven- 
sr's  greatest  task  is  to  think  up  an 
,^ea  that  is  worthwhile.  This  just 
;n't  true.  If  you  read  the  lives  of 
,)ie  successful  inventors  such  as 
liristotle,  da  Vinci,  Galileo,  Watt, 
loradoy,  Franklin,  Whitney,  Fulton 
md  all  of  the  rest,  right  up  to 
I'homas  Edison,  you  will  be  struck 
h'th  the  fact  that  their  greatest 
iroblems  were  not  how  to  get  an 
dea,  but  how  to  sell  that  idea  to 
omeone  for  worldly  goods.  Of 
;ourse,  it  is  true  that  most  of  the 
|;minent  men  in  the  field  of  science 
iind  invention  spent  many  years  in 
■he  laboratory  developing  and  exr 
iloring  their  ideas.  But  the  import- 
ijnt  point  is  that  getting  the  idea 
was  not  difficult  for  fhem  and  that 
lielllng  the  idea  required  more  time 
than  developing  it. 

Now  what  is  the  modern  picture 
^s  for  as  the  sale  of  ideas  is-  con- 
cerned? It  is  pretty  much  like  the 
methods  for  location  of  oil  which  are 
used  by  the  oil  companies.  It  costs 
between  $95,000  and  $230,000  ta 
drill  an  average  oil  well  and  it  re- 

(Continued   on   page    16) 

[Department  will  give 
^ou  a  hand  in  getting 
greenbacks   in  return. 

Top:  Keith  Whitcomb, 
formerly  with  the  Ryan 
Laboratory  and  now  with 
the  U.  S.  Marine  Corps,  is 
shown  in  the  Chemical 
Section  of  the  Laboratory 
where  he  conducted  ex- 
haustive experiments  to 
obtain  the  superior  fluxes 
described  in  this  story. 

Center:  This  picture  illus- 
trates several  defects  such 
OS  uneven  deposits  of  weld 
metal,  porosity  and  blow 
holes  which  are  attribut- 
able to  poor  quality  flux. 

Bottom:  This  picture  shows  the  excellent  results 
obtainable  with  the  new  flux  developed  by  Keith 
Whitcomb  when  used  to  make  seam  and  butt  welds. 
Note  the  smooth,  uniform  penetration. 

•  Jean  Bovet,  Ryai 
Commissary  Supervisi 
began  his  career  at  t 
age  of  14.  About  coo 
ing,  he  knows  ever 
thing  from  soup  to  nu 

This  creation  is  something  Jean  whipped 
up  for  a  huge  wedding  party  while  he  was 
working    at    the    Olympic    Hotel    in    Seattle. 


Suppose  you  had  on  ambition  to  get  into  a  cer- 
tain line  of  work. 

In  order  to  fulfill  that  ambition,  would  you 
work  without  pay  for  two  years?  At  the  age  of 
fourteen,  would  you  work  twelve  hours  a  day, 
seven  days  a  week,  in  addition  to  attending  trade 
school?  At  the  age  of  sixteen,  would  you  leave 
home  to  spend  the  next  thirty  years  wandering 
over  the  world? 

Jean  Bovet  did  all  this,  and  more,  in  order  to 
be  a  chef. 

Born  in  Liestoi,  Switzerland,  April  3,  1896, 
Jean  made  up  his  mind  when  he  was  eight  years 
old  just  what  profession  he  wanted  to  enter. 

"It  happened  like  this,"  says  Jean.  "My  father 
became  ill  when  I  was  eight  and  as  I  was  the  baby 
of  the  family,  it  was  my  duty  to  go  around  to 
different  resorts  and  hotels  to  pick  up  specially 
prepared  food  necessary  for  my  father's  diet.  My 
eyes  used  to  bug  and  my  nostrils  quiver  when  I 
was  lucky  enough  to  have  to  go  through  the  well- 
equipped  kitchens  of  the  larger  hotels  to  get  the 
food.  The  aromatic  cookery  smells  were  to  me 
like  blood  to  a  bloodhound." 

Jean's  father  died  when  he  was  nine  and  his 
mother  decided  that  he  should  become  a  minister. 
However,  upon  finishing  high  school,  he  decided 
against  going  to  college  as  it  would  have  used  up 
the  little  nest  egg  left  to  him  by  his  father.  Even 
then,  Jean  was  thinking  of  others.  He  knew  that 
the  day  might  come  when  his  mother  would  need 
that  money.  After  much  cajoling,  Jean  finally 
persuaded  his  mother  to  sign  a  contract  for  him 
to  serve  a  two  year's  cooking  apprenticeship  at 
the  Grand  Hotel  Euler  in  Basel,  Switzerland, 
about  thirty  miles  from  his  home.  He  was  only 
fourteen  at  the  time. 

"Those  were  the  days  when  you  had  to  pay  to 

(Continued  on  Page  20)  ' 

Top:  Jean  takes  the  Employee  Cafeteria  Committee  on  a  tour 
of  the  kitchen. 

Center:  Eddie  Molloy,  Vice  President  in  Charge  of  Manu- 
facturing and  Engineering,  looks  on  as  Jean  cuts  the  coke 
for  the  Cafeteria's  First  Anniversary  party. 

Bottom:  Jean  opens  a  meeting  of  the  Cafeteria  Committee 
by  saying,  "I  want  you  to  tell  me  what's  wrong  with  my 
food.  That  way,  I  can  moke  things  to  suit  you." 

7e^i^  ^ao^e^ 


I  got  the  shock  of  my  life  the  other  day  and 
I'm  not  a  man  who  shocks  easily.  I've  seen 
FRANK  PERSONS  do  his  famous  "Flower 
Dance  from  Pillsbury."  I've  seen  AL  GEE  with 
a  G.  I.  haircut.  I've  seen  GEORGE  DUNCAN 
when  he  wasn't  laughing.  I've  seen  BILL 
WAGNER  when  he  wasn't  wearing  his  notori- 
ous ties.  I've  seen  JIMMIE  LARSEN  when  he 
didn't  start  a  sentence  with  "Ja  ever  hear  the 
one—?"  I've  seen  RAY  MORKOWSKI  when 
he  wasn't  talking,  and  I've  seen  STEVE  DEVER 
ordering  okra  and  spinach  when  he  hod  a 
choice  of  two  vegetables. 

I've  seen  my  wife  when  she  said,  "It  doesn't 
matter  how  much  you  lost,  dear,  just  so  you 
had  a  good  time."  I've  seen — well,  that's  enough  to 
show  you  that  I'm  almost  shock  proof.  But  I'm  telling 
you  that  the  other  day  if  someone  had  draped  a  coat 
of  electric  eels  around  me  I  could  not  have  been  more 
shocked.    It  happened  this  way: 

I  was  standing  in  the  toy  department  of  a  big  de- 
partment store  just  kinda  fooling  around,  you  know, 
having  a  go  at  the  electric  trains,  winding  up  the  tanks 
and  trying  to  make  them  go 
up  inclines,  pulling  the  trig- 
gers on  those  boy's  size  ma- 
chine guns  and  generally 
having  a  very  good  time.  I 
still  maintain  that  the  toys  I 
broke  were  faulty  in  the  be- 
ginning, and  that  it  was  a 
very  fortunate  thing  that  I 
dropped  in  to  test  them  out, 
otherwise  the  store  would 
have  had  a  mess  of  com- 
plaints on  Dec.  26. 

This  was  the  situation 
when  out  of  the  corner  of  the 
eye  I  wasn't  using  to  sight 
an  anti-aircraft  gun  that 
fires  one  hundred  wooden 
bullets  a  minute,  I  sighted  a 
Santa  Glaus.    Not  the  stand- 


ord  Santa  Clous.  Not  the  regulation  St. 
Nicholas.  Not  the  accepted  resident  of  the 
North  Pole.  Not  the  genuine  driver  of  Donner 
and  Blitzen  and  the  other  reindeer  that  make 
such  a  clatter  on  the  roof.  No  sir!  This  was  a 
woman  Santo  Clous. 

If  there  is  such  a  thing  as  a  minor  horror, 

then  a  minor  horror  of  this  war  is  female  Santa 

Clauses.    Kristine  Kringle.    Sarah  St.  Nicholas. 

Susie    Santo    Clous.     Holy   smoke,    when    you 

moke  Santa  Clous  feminine  you  might  just  as 

well  soy  Jacqueline  Dempsey,   Barbara   Ruth, 

Tynette  Cobb,  Lois  Stronofort,  Doris  MocAr- 

thur,  Jeanette  Doolittle,  Stranglerette  Lewis, 

Lassie  Mountain   Dean  and  Jemima  Thorpe. 

There  she  stood  a  little  ol'  wren  of  a  Santa  Clous. 

The  pillow  she  used  for  a  stomach  didn't  help  and 

neither  did  the  soprano  voice  that  squeaked  through 

some  cut-down  gray  whiskers.     She  didn't   look   like 

Santa  Clous.    He  lumbered  and  flat-footed  around,  the 

result  of  years  of  carrying  the  massive  pack  on  his 

back.  This  female  Santa  Clous  minced  around  on  size 

3  shoes  and,  worst  of  all,  she  giggled. 

The  real  Santo  Clous 
never  giggled.  He  hod  a  twin- 
kle in  his  eye  and  he  hod  a 
kindly  smile  but  you  always 
felt  that  you  hod  better  be 
a  good  boy  or  girl  when  he 
was  near  because  under- 
neath all  his  sweetness  he 
gave  you  a  feeling  of  being 
able  to  get  even  stricter  with 
you  than  Papa  if  he  thought 
you  needed  it. 

1  feel  sorry  for  the  kids 
today.  They  put  on  long 
pants  when  they  ore  six. 
They  will  never  know  the 
awful  feeling  of  pride  and 
embarrassment  of  putting 
(Continued  on  page  32) 



They  make  Christmas  presents  all 
yeor  long — for  the  boys  out  there 

Frances  O'Connell,  an 
electrical  assembler,  who 
has  been  working  at  Ryan 
for  over  a  year.  She's  do- 
ing her  part  on  the  home 
front  for  her  husband  and 
son,  both  of  whom  are  in 
the  Army. 

Two  brothers  in  the 
Army  is  Ruby  Pace's  main 
incentive  for  working  the 
past  16  months,  welding 
in  the  Manifold  Small 
Parts  Department. 

Anna  Dunkle  knows 
the  meaning  of  staying  on 
the  job.  During  the  two 
years  Anna  has  been  op- 
erating a  punch  press,  she 
has  never  been  absent 
nor   tardy. 

Laura  Moore's  heart 
is  in  her  work  for  she's 
working  to  bring  her  hus- 
band, John  M.  Moore, 
AMM2/C,  home  quickly. 
Laura  has  worked  in  Sheet 
Metal  Assembly  for  8 'A 

"Billy"  Clark  of  Fuselage  has  thre 
grandchildren.  In  the  Navy,  she  has  ( 
son,  son-in-law  and  husband.  She' 
backing    her  men   on  the   home  front 

For  two  years.  Gale  B.  James  has 
worked  in  the  Sheet  Metal  Routing  and 
Cutting  Department.  "I  feel  that  per- 
haps my  work  here  is  helping  my  hus- 
band, Paul  James,  Naval  Aviation 
Chief  Electrician  and  will  help  bring 
him  home  all  the  sooner." 

---  -  —  U  —  



(Continued  from  page   5) 

U.S.  Navy  known  as  an  operating  command 
of  Admiral  Spruances's  Fifth  Fleet.  In  action, 
it  is  something  more  striking  to  contemplate, 
being  more  on  the  order  of  a  composite 
weapon  than  the  singular  word  "unit"  im- 

Task  Force  58  is,  among  many  things,  a 
floating  strategic  air  force  whose  airdromes 
consist  of  more  than  a  million-and-a-quorter 
square  feet  of  runway  space  from  which  there 
can  be  launched  some  1 ,200  of  the  finest 
naval  warplanes  owing.  Unlike  island  air 
bases,  these  warbird  roosts  con  never  be  cap- 
tured, and  they  ore  less  vulnerable  to  attack 
than  some  equally  valuable  airports  on  terra 
firma.  The  "strength  in  numbers"  of  this 
mobile  air  force  is  evidenced  by  the  batting 
average  of  its  champion  fighter  squadron 
whose  Hellcats  had  bagged,  at  this  writing, 
188  of  Hirohito's  planes:  of  these,  sixty- 
seven  were  downed  in  one  day,  making  the 
accomplishment  a  two-in-one  record.  The 
mettle  of  the  men  of  Task  Force  58 — who 
are  commanded  by  one  of  the  Navy's  pio- 
neer fliers.  Vice  Admiral  Marc  A.  Mitscher — 
may  be  gauged  by  the  fact  that  this  same, 
record-holding  squadron  is  mode  up,  for  the 
most  part,  of  fledgling  airmen  who  had  never 
seen  a  Jap  plane  prior  to  the  Soipon  invasion. 
This  is  the  air  arm. 

But  this  new  battle  force,  being  a  com- 
posite, has  weapons  other  than  aeriol.  Its 
heavy  rifles  (16-inchers  of  the  battleships 
and  8-  and  6-inch  guns  of  the  heavy  and 
light  cruisers)  and  secondaries  (the  superb 
all-purpose  5-inch  38s)  pock  the  punch  of 
more  than  seventy-five  standard  Army  field 
artillery  units;  and  have  a  degree  of  ac- 
curacy that  surpasses  any  land  army  artil- 
lery. The  antiaircraft  armament  of  Task 
Force  58  provides  what  has  been  colled  the 
world's  heaviest  flak  concentration  for  its 
area.  For  the  most  part,  this  stems  from 
the  new  light  antiaircraft  cruisers  of  the 
Atlanta  class,  probably  the  fastest  cruisers 
in  the  world,  which  bristle  with  5-inch  38s, 
1 . 1  -inch  pompons,  multiple  40-  and  20-mm. 
automatic  cannon,  and  .50  caliber  machine 
guns.  For  surface  or  sub-sea  attacks,  the  de- 
stroyers and  cruisers  of  Task  Force  58  are 
well  heeled  with  a  variety  of  torpedoes,  depth 
charges,  and  detection  apparatus. 

Apart  from  developing  this  terrific  strik- 
ing force,  Mitscher's  fleet  is  able  to  do  some- 
thing new  in  naval  warfare — supply  itself. 
One  of  the  parts  of  the  giant's  body — these 
pieces  of  maritime  anatomy  are  called 
"groups" — is  its  train  of  auxiliary  ships. 
The  train  cruises  in  formation  as  precise  as 
that  of  the  warships  and  is  usually  the  tail- 
end  unit.  These  repair  ships,  oilers,  tenders, 
ammunition  and  hospital  ships  have  carriers 
and  surface  warships  available  for  protection, 
and  this  valuable  core  of  the  formation  is 
amply  screened  by  destroyers.  We  shall  see 
presently  how  this  supply  facility  enables 
Admiral  Mitscher  and  his  staff  to  pull  one 
surprise  after  another  upon  the  Japanese 

Strategically,  the  existence  of  Task  Force 
58  is  a  threat  to  the  enemy  even  when  it  is 
not  in  action.  Tactically,  it  is  considered  pri- 
marily as  a  carrier  task  force. 

The  battleships,  cruisers,  and  destroyers 
protect  the  carriers  with  their  antiaircraft 
and    guard    them    against    the    interference 

of  enemy  surface  craft.  Conversely,  the  car- 
rier planes  protect  the  warships  during  strikes 
or  supporting  operations;  the  aircraft  provide 
an  umbrella  while  the  ships'  guns  bombard 
Jap  shore  installations.  Many  of  the  missions 
of  Task  Force  58  ore  strategical  operations 
involving  the  bombing  and  shelling  of  vital 
Japanese  bases  or  communications.  Such  ac- 
tions are  comparable  to  the  activities  of  the 
AAF  Strategic  Air  Forces  in  the  European 

For  instance,  it  is  now  known  that  the 
attacks  on  the  islands  of  the  Yap  group — 
first  by  Task  Force  58,  then  more  recently, 
during  the  Guam  invasion,  by  Liberators  of 
the  I  3th  AAF — were  mode  for  the  purpose 
of  neutralizing  Yap  as  an  airdrome  and  sup- 
ply base  from  which  interfering  enemy  forces 
could  be  launched  against  the  Yanks  on  and 
around  Guam.  The  Bonin  and  Volcano  Is- 
lands were  raided  by  a  part  of  Tosk  Force 
58,  before  and  during  the  initial  landings  on 
Saipon,  June  1  5,  to  knock  out  facilities  that 
might  be  used  by  the  Nipponese  in  attempts 
to  reinforce  Saipan.  Operations  against  Tini- 
an.  Wake  Island,  Rota,  Woleiai,  Marcus,  and 
Truk  were,  and  ore  being,  carried  out  for 
similar  reasons.  (Tinian  was  given  a  more 
thorough  going  over,  of  course,  as  a  prelude 
to  invasion  by  Marine  forces  on  July  25.) 

The  use  of  the  carrier  task  force,  as  we 
now  know  it,  goes  back  almost  a  year,  how- 
ever. On  December  4,  1943 — shortly  after 
our  real  offensive  in  the  Pocific  developed 
with  the  landings  on  Mokin  and  Tarawa — 
carrier  task  groups  attacked  installations  in 
the  Marshall  Islands  with  occent  on  Kwaja- 
lein,  Wotje  and  Nauru  Islands.  These  assaults 
were  made  for  purposes  of  neutrolizotion. 
On  lost  January  29,  tactical  operations  were 
commenced  against  these  Jop  islands,  and 
others  in  the  Marshall  group,  by  the  largest 
carrier  force  ever  assembled  in  the  Pacific. 
Flat-top  task  groups  dispatched  planes  for 
two  days,  bombing  and  strafing  everything 
that  even  looked  Japanese.  During  the  next 
two  days,  these  same  planes  ran  interference 
for  the  Marine  troops  landing  on  Kwajolein 
and  other  Jop  stepping-stones  in  the  vicinity. 
It  was  here,  in  a  mid-Pacific  lagoon,  that 
Task  Force  58  come  into  being. 

Mitscher's  new  fleet  made  the  daring  ini- 
tial raid  on  Truk  Island  just  nine  days  later. 
The  Japanese  were  caught  napping,  largely 
because  they  believed — and  with  good  rea- 
son, if  precedent  were  to  be  considered — 
that  the  big  force  might  be  laid  up  for  weeks 
repairing,  refueling,  and  storing.  According 
to  naval  precedent,  this  might  hove  been 
the  cose,  but  there  is  nothing  at  oil  ordinary 
about  Task  Force  58  or  its  supply  scheme. 

This  raid  was  carried  out  on  February  1  7 
and  1  8  with  for  greater  effect  than  had  been 
contemplated.  A  couple  of  the  carriers 
steamed  to  Eniwetok,  740  miles  away,  to 
support  landings  on  that  island  the  same  day 
Truk  was  attacked.  The  flat-tops  were  also 
in  on  the  show  at  Engebi  Island  on  February 
1  8  and  at  Eniwetok  two  days  later.  These 
combat  units  of  the  big  fleet  retired  to  join 
the  supply  train  which  was  cruising  some- 
where out  of  bomber  range.  After  refueling, 
Mitscher's  force  was  away  again,  this  time 
carrying  the  supply  vessels  as  a  task  group 
of  the  large  formation. 

The  destination  was  the  Marianas  Islands 
group,  which  was  destined  to  become  the 
scene  of  the  bloodiest  fighting  in  the  Pacific 
to  dote,  and  was  to  be  the  stamping  ground 
of  Task  Force  58  for  months  to  come.  (Only 
once  did  the  fleet  leave  this  area.) 

On  February  23,  the  carrier  task  force 
attacked    Soipon    and    Tinian,    after    having 

—  12  — 

fought  its  way  through  stiff  enemy  aii  op- 
position the  day  before,  when  the  Yanks 
were  discovered  approaching  the  islonds.  Be- 
fore retiring  from  the  scene,  the  planes  made 
a  damaging  strike  against  Guam.  During 
the  assaults  on  the  three  isles,  and  during 
the  enemy  air  attacks  prior  to  these  raids. 
Task  Force  58  destroyed  more  than  1  50  Jop 
planes  in  the  air  and  on  the  ground,  sank 
several  ships,  and  damaged  many  more. 

The  amazing  speed  at  which  this  battle 
force  is  able  to  move  becomes  evident  when 
we  recall  that  Truk  is  635  miles  southeast 
of  Guam,  and  Eniwetok  1,178  miles  owoy, 
and  that  the  attack  was  made  just  three 
days  after  Eniwetok  fell.  On  this  mission. 
Task  Force  58  proved  conclusively  what  it 
had  already  more  than  suggested  on  previ- 
ous strikes — that  the  theorem  of  land-based 
aviation  being  always  superior  to  the  fleet 
air  arm  was  no  longer  true.  This  is  probably 
the  greatest  single  revolutionary  tactical 
achievement  mode  by  any  naval  force  to 
dote;  one  which  was  to  be  borne  out  more 
and  more  clearly  with  each  succeeding  opera- 

The  large  Nipponese  search-plane  and 
staging  base  of  Polou,  500  miles  east  of  the 
Philippines  and  some  900  miles  to  the  south- 
west of  the  Marianas  area,  was  the  next  tar- 
get. Agoin,  the  time-distance-supply  factor 
fooled  the  Japs.  Mitscher's  corriers  were  on 
the  scene  while  the  Japs  thought  them  to  be 
more  than  a  thousand  miles  away.  This 
strike  was  launched  on  Morch  29  and  lasted 
for  three  days,  netting  a  big  bag  of  enemy 
shipping  ond  aircraft;  and  airdromes,  ware- 
houses, and  dumps  were  ruined.  The  first 
assault  against  Yap  was  carried  out  as  a 
sort  of  sideshow  on  the  third  day.  The  Navy's 
plane  losses  were  low,  as  they  had  been  in 
the  previous  strikes,  and  the  warships  were 
practically  undamaged. 

The  supply  method  went  into  effect  again, 
but  in  a  different  and  quicker  manner.  Task 
Force  58  was  in  enemy  waters.  Each  division 
of  auxiliary  vessels  was  assigned  to  service  a 
certain  number  of  warships  of  the  combat 
groups.  After  refueling  and  the  loading  of 
ommunition  and  stores  were  completed,  the 
oilers,  repair  ships,  store  ships,  and  ammuni- 
tion vessels  stood  off  and  formed  up  in  their 
regular  positions  while  the  combat  groups, 
already  in  formation,  were  steaming  east- 

During  these  offensive  operations,  and  the 
subsequent  strikes  on  the  Bonin  and  Volcano 
Islands  in  Hirohito's  front  yard.  Admirals 
Mitscher  and  Spruance  hoped  to  lure  the 
Emperor's  Grand  Fleet — or  a  sizoljle  unit 
thereof — out  of  hiding.  This  they  did,  but 
not  until  the  Marianas  were  invaded  in  June. 

How  Soipon  was  invaded  June  14  under 
support  of  Admiral  Spruonce's  Fifth  Fleet  is 
well  known  by  now.  And  the  tactical  support 
provided  by  the  planes  of  Task  Force  58  ex- 
ceeded all  precedents  in  triphibious  warfare. 
For  one  month,  Mitscher's  Hellcats  kept  on 
air  umbrella  raised  over  and  around  Saipon 
through  which  very  few  Jap  bombers  were 
able  to  leok.  What  seepage  there  was  was 
mopped  up  by  the  amazing  antiaircraft  of 
the  two  fleets.  At  this  point,  the  Jap  Admiral 
thought  it  might  be  worth  while  to  venture 
forth  from  hiding.  Task  Force  58  had  been 
fighting  at  full  steam  for  more  than  a  week 
and  must  surely  be  low  on  fuel  and  ammuni- 
tion by  this  time.  (Actually,  Navy  search 
pones  hod  discovered  the  enemy  fleet  on  the 
move  a  week  before  on  June  1  2,  but  its  des- 
tination  was    not   ascertained    until    the   six- 

(Continued  on  next  page) 



(Continued   from  preceding   page) 

teenth.)  Once  again,  the  Japs  reckoned  upon 
precedent.  Figuring  to  catch  the  U.  S.  forces 
low  on  fuel,  the  Japs  themselves  were  caught 
in  this  predicament  when  their  carrier  planes 
arrived  over  the  battle  area  on  the  morning 
of  June  19  with  no  place  to  land  and  refuel. 
(The  airdromes  on  Guam  and  Rota  had  been 
reduced  to  shambles  in  anticipation  of  such 
a  move.)  The  enemy  was  engaged  in  what 
turned  out  to  be  the  greatest  air  battle  of 
all  time;  the  score,  Hellcats  402,  Nips  27 — 
which  amounts  to  a  shellacking,  no  matter 
what  the  game.  American  flak  accounted 
for  at  least  eighteen  more  enemy  craft. 

Task  Force  58  steamed  westward  at  full 
speed  the  following  day  and  established  con- 
tact with  the  enemy  fleet  in  the  early  eve- 
ning of  June  20  in  what  resolved  itself  into 
the  Battle  of  the  Eastern  Philippines.  Oper- 
ating at  maximum  range.  Dauntless,  Hell- 
diver,  and  Avenger  planes  caught  the  Jap 
fleet  and  delivered  a  blistering  torpedo, 
bomb,  and  rocket  attack,  while  the  Hellcats 
accounted  for  twenty-six  of  the  few  Jap 
planes  that  had  remained  behind  to  cover 
the  fleet.  Many  of  our  torpedo  bombers  and 
divers  were  downed  or  damaged  by  enemy 
flak  and  several  more  were  lost  during  the 
suspense-filled  hours  after  dark,  when  they 
returned  to  land  aboard  Mitscher's  carriers 
with  just  enough  fuel  remaining  to  moke  the 
landing  circle.  There  were  deck  crashes  and 
several  pilots  landed  on  the  wrong  carriers, 
but  most  of  the  airmen  were  rescued  during 
the  night  or  the  following  morning.  Task 
Force  58's  total  score  for  the  two  weeks  of 
Marianas  operations  more  than  offset  our 
losses:  thirty  ships  sunk,  two  probably  sunk, 
and  fifty-one  damaged.  Casualties  included 
757  Japanese  planes  destroyed  (against  I  51 
U.  S.  planes);  and  thirteen  landing  croft 
filled  with  Jap  troops  on  the  way  to  reinforce 

On  June  22,  another  force  of  Mitscher's 
aircraft  sought  out  the  retreating  Jap  rem- 
nants, but  Task  Force  58  hod  been  steaming 
in  the  opposite  direction  for  several  hours  the 
night    before — moving    into    the    wind    while 

Notes  From 



0.  c 

.  Hudson 

There  are  many  things  we  should  be 
thankful  for.  The  fact  that  we  have  health, 
homes,  relatives  and  a  nice  firm  to  work  for. 
One  of  the  comforting  items  laid  upon  our 
desk  this  week,  coming  from  one  of  our 
Third  Shift  workers  departing  for  her  home 
in  Columbus,  Ohio,  within  the  next  few  days, 
is  the  following  letter — proving  Ryan's  "A 
Better  Place  To  Work."  Mr.  Frank  Walsh, 
foreman  of  Third  Shift,  believes  Flying 
Reporter  readers  would  appreciate  reading  it: 

taking  aboard  the  returning  planes — and  the 
enemy  was  soon  out  of  striking  range.  On 
July  9,  Saipon  was  completely  occupied  after 
the  bloodiest  fighting  to  date  in  the  Pacific. 
Admiral  Spruance  and  Mitscher  drew  up  new 
plans  and  put  them  into  execution  almost 

The  systematic  bombardment  of  Guam  by 
warships  and  aircraft  was  begun.  Rota  and 
Tinion  also  came  in  for  their  share  of  pound- 
ing. After  seventeen  days  of  the  devastat- 
ing bombardment.  Marine  and  Army  am- 
phibious forces  stormed  ashore  on  July  21, 
secured  beachheads,  and  advanced  inland 
with  considerably  less  opposition  than  they 
faced  on  Saipon.  Three  days  later.  Yonks 
invaded  Tinion  and  captured  a  valuable  air- 
drome site  though  the  field  itself  had,  of 
course,  been  ruined  by  our  planes  and  big 
guns.  That  field  is  one  of  the  best  bases  in 
the  Marianas. 

Wherever  Admiral  Mitscher's  carrier  task 
force  may  be,  its  presence  spells  nothing  but 
ill  for  the  enemy.  Navy  officials  have  made 
no  secret  of  the  fact  that  this  force  is  able 
to  strike  at  Japan  itself  wherever  and  when- 
ever such  an  operation  is  strategically  feas- 

In  the  meantime,  the  Japs  ore  not  only 
faced  with  this  threat  but  with  more  immedi- 
ate headaches.  American  forces  are  now  se- 
curely entrenched  in  the  Marianas,  providing 
a  strategic  advantage  which  Japan  is  no 
longer  able  to  contest.  We  hove  gained  con- 
trol of  the  water  communications  Japan 
should  control  if  her  garrisons  in  the  Philip- 
pines, Caroline  and  Palau  Islands,  and  the 
Dutch  East  Indies  ore  to  survive.  We  ore  in 
0  position  to  threaten  other  communications 
south  of  Formosa  and  north  of  the  homeland, 
in  the  vicinity  of  the  Kurile  Islands. 

Our  control  of  Japan's  own  sea  lanes  is 
largely  the  work  of  Task  Force  58,  by  virtue 
of  its  past  performances  and  present  exist- 
ence as  a  "fleet  in  being."  This  force  may 
well  have  other  task  force  counterparts;  in- 
deed, there  ore  indications  in  this  direction. 
One  of  them  may  eventually  become  as  large 
and  powerful  as  Task  Force  58;  its  record 
may  be  an  illustrious  one.  But  Mitscher's 
fleet  will  always  remain  a  symbol  of  the 
American  naval  recovery  and  shift  to  the 
offensive  in  the  Pacific — on  offensive  which 
con  hove  but  one  ending  for  the  Japanese. 

December  9,  '44 
To  My  Foreman,  Leadmon 
and  Co-Workers: 

Just  a  few  words  to  tell  you  how 
much  I've  enjoyed  knowing  and  work- 
ing with  and  for  you.  It  has  been  a 
privilege  and  pleasure,  and  I  hove  been 
very  happy  in  Department  14.  I  have 
enjoyed  the  work  very  much,  and  in 
leaving  I  wish  to  soy  thanks  for  every- 
thing. Sincerely, 

Elizabeth  G.  Solvang 

ERS.  Glad  you  hove  come  to  spend  the 
Christmas  holidays  with  us,  and  by  the  way, 
did  you  hove  good  luck  raising  those  ducks 
this  summer,  Lottie?  They  should  be  fine 
big  birds  by  Christmas.  And  the  thought  of 
Christmas  —  where  is  our  prize-winning 
worker  going  to  spend  her  Christmas?  EVA 
HUNT  will  answer  in  the  next  issue  of  Fly- 
ing   Reporter. 

We  understand  RAY  COLE  of  Drop  Ham- 
mer Department  is  being  well  chaperoned 
to  work  these  chilly  evenings  by  his  wife 
who  recently  joined  Third  Shift  in  Final 
Assemblvv  Building.  It  is  nice  to  have  you 
both  on  the  dawn  shift. 

DOC  RAGSDALE  has  returned  from  First 
Shift  to  resume  his  dashing  between  Ship- 
ping, Receiving  Department  and  Navy  Store. 
All  of  'em  come  home  at  Christmas  time. 
Well,  the  more  the  merrier. 

Congratulations  goes  to  KATHYRINE 
BAILEY  for  the  purchase  of  a  $1,000  Bond 
during  the  recent  drive.  The  bond  committee 
of  Small  Ports  wishes  to  thank  all  the  folks 
who  helped  moke  the  drive  a  "wow"  and 
success.  It  all  refreshes  our  memory  of  school 
days  when  we  had  to  recite  "every  Friday 
afternoon,"  but  the  thought  coming  from 
Rudyord  Kipling  will  always  cling  to  our 
memory  as  one  worth  while,  especially  in 
these  hours: 

"It  ain't  the  guns  and  armament  or  the 
funds  that  we  con  pay,  but  it's  close  co- 
operation that  helps  us  win  the  day;  It  ain't 
the  individual  or  the  army  as  a  whole,  but 
the  everlasting  teamwork  of  every  blooming 

Third  Shift  is  pleased  to  note  the  five-year 
pin  FRANK  WALSH  recently  presented  by 
Mr.    Ryan.   Congratulations  ore   in  order. 

GEORGE  P.  BROOKS,  assistant  foreman, 
has  returned  to  Airplane  Division  (formerly 
Drop  Hammer  Department)  Third  Shift. 
Welcome  home,  George! 

Last  Saturday  morning  at  lunch  hour  per- 
iod, a  candy  shower  was  given  ELIZABETH 
SOLVANG,  much  to  her  surprise.  The  Small 
Parts  Department  really  waded  into  those 
delicious  chocolates.  Of  course,  we  shall 
miss  you,  Betty. 

BILL  ROSSI,  over  four  years  on  First  Shift, 
is  now  Third  Shift  leadmon  of  Inspection, 
bringing  bock  into  the  fold,  LOTTIE  RUS- 

—  13  — 

nauy  Has  need  of  Factual 
Informatian  on  Far  East 

In  the  post  several  years,  the  Navy 
has  collected  thousands  of  pieces  of 
graphic  material  in  the  form  of  photo- 
graphs, mops,  charts,  and  documents, 
and  factual  material  of  strategic  value 
on  coastal  terrain,  industrial  establish- 
ments, etc.  Needless  to  say,  this  ma- 
terial has  been  of  great  assistance  in 
the  planning  and  conduct  of  opera- 
tions in  the  several  war  theaters. 

Owing  to  the  continued  need  for 
securing  more  such  data,  the  Navy  is 
appealing  to  you  for  assistance  in  ob- 
taining any  graphic  and  factual  ma- 
terial on  the  Far  East  which  you  con- 
sider to  be  of  strategic  value. 

Old  photographs  and  industrial  data 
may  also  prove  of  value,  if  only  for 
purposes  of  comparison  with  more  re- 
cent reconnoisonce  material  available. 
Lists  or  brief  descriptive  digests  of 
material  considered  of  value  will,  in 
many  coses,  be  sufficient  for  prelim- 
inary evaluation  purposes.  Any  infor- 
mation you  supply  will  be  treated  as 

If  you  have  any  information  on  the 
Far  East  which  you  feel  would  prove 
valuable,  call  or  write  the  District  In- 
telligence Office,  Room  200,  Broad- 
way Pier,  Son  Diego  30,  Calif. 

Shipping  Notes 
and  Quotes 

by  Betty  Jane  Christenson 

Arithmetically  speaking  we  add  INEZ 
MATTINGLY  of  Louisville,  Kentucky,  DON 
HUNTER  of  Illinois,  C.  V.  VALDERRAMA 
of  Texas;  and  subtract  RUTH  LANGE  who, 
unfortunately,  received  the  news  of  her 
mother's  illness  and  went  back  to  her  home 
in  the  East  to  take  charge  of  household 
duties.  We  are  all  going  to  miss  her,  but 
especially  MAXINE  PARKER  and  GLORIA 
"GLEE"  ZIMMERMAN  who  were  her  in- 
separable companions.  Because  of  their 
fond  friendship,  they  were  playfully  named 
the  "three  monkeys." 

The  other  day  we  heard  ELEANOR  DU- 
CHENE  and  FRANCES  KLITSCH  just  howl- 
ing with  laughter,  and  upon  the  inquiry  of 
inquisitive  bystanders,  it  was  discovered  their 
reason  was  the  serious,  yet  humorous,  remark 
made  by  OLE  SANWICK.  It  seems  that  Ole 
thinks  there  are  three  different  ways  of 
baking  cakes.  Like  steaks  he  conceives  they 
are  are  either  rare,  medium,  or  well-done. 
And,  by  the  way,  he  likes  his  medium.  ????? 

It  certainly  is  interesting  to  hear  the  mem- 
bers discussing  their  colds  which  seem  to  be 
quite  numerous  this  season.  They  all  explain 
different  reasons  for  catching  them  and  dif- 
ferent remedies  for  curing  them.  There  really 
ought  to  be  some  universal  system  on  this 
"cold"  situation,  but  after  all,  they  say 
variety  Is  the  spice  of  life! 

From  now  on  the  Second  Shift  news  will 
be  named  "Nightly  Cruise."  O.K?  Here  it  is 
for  this  issue  written  by  that  capable  "Night 
Editor,"  GRAYCE  BURNS. 

We  are  always  sure  of  two  things,  and 
they  are  likes  and  dislikes,  what  annoys  or 
pleases.  Here  is  how  some  of  our  workers 
explain  them: 

FRANK  STARRY,  packer  of  small  parts: 
"I  especially  like  picturesque  scenery,  a  na- 
ture lover  at  heart."  And  then  he  added, 
"Hunting  along  with  that!"  There  is  nothing 
in  particular  that  annoys  Mr.  Starry  unless 
it  might  be  a  crowd. 

R.  TAYLOR,  assistant  supervisor:  And  you 
should  have  seen  him  drool,  "A  THICK  steak, 
mmm-mhuh!  As  for  his  dislikes  he  says, 
"Nothing  I  can  talk  about!"  (Very  diplo- 
matic, Mr.  Taylor,  oh  ha!) 

JOHN  BOWLIN:  "Well,  I  do  like  a  good 
romantic  show!  Ah,  love!  As  for  as  dislikes, 
guess   it's  crowded   busses." 

ROBERTA  CULBREATH:  "I  don't  like 
anything,  guess  that's  what's  wrong  with 
me."  (Is  she  kidding?  Can  you  see  any- 
thing wrong  with  her? — I  can't!)  "And  I 
don't  dislike  anything,  unless  it's  the  day 
shift  workers  asking  for  time  changed  on 
Pass  Out  slips!" 

The  Welcome  Mat  is  laid  out  to  our  two 
new  workers,  HAROLD  W.  ANDERSON  and 
C.  A.  WORSHAW;  also  that  mite  of  a  Navy 

We  were  sorry  to  lose  little  ESTHER 
CRAWFORD,  Shipping  clerk.  She  has  been 
transferred  to  Airplane  Dispatching.  Don't 
forget  where  we  hang  out,  Esther. 

Cy  W.  Terry,  center,  is  the  newly  appointed  head  of  the  Flight  Research  Section  with 
Mickey  McGuire,  left,  as  Chief  Test  Pilot  and  Dean  Lake  as  Assistant  Test  Pilot. 
Cy  Terry  and  his  organization  will  handle  various  problems  associated  with  our  flight 
test  program. 

De  Tales  of  Tool  Design 

by  Don  D'Agostino 

A  bundle  of  thought — 
A  day  for  toil,  an  hour  for  sport,   but  for 
a  friend   is  life  too  short! 

Introducing  our  new  employees.  On  the 
first  shift  are  CAROLYN  McCORMICK, 
Transferred  from  Methods  Engineering  are 
the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics  at  Hemet,  we 
have  flight  instructors,  EMERSON  TOWN- 
SEND  and  GEORGE  NOAH.  On  the  second 
shift,  newcomers  to  tool  design  are  JOE 
STANSIFER,  all  from  the  Hemet  School. 
(Donald's  hobby  is  making  electric  trains.) 
VERNA  ZVONAR  is  a  former  Marine  who 
was  stationed  at  Quontico,  Virginia,  and  was 
given  and  honorable  discharge.  KAY  BAL- 
LENGER  is  a  transferee  from  Inspection  and 
is  a  sports  enthusiast.  To  these  people,  we 
extend  a  warm  welcome  and  hope  that  they'll 
like  it  here.  A  new  employee  in  Airplane 
Operations  is  CHARLES  "CHUCK"  REY- 
NOLDS, a  former  Convoir  and  his  hobby  is 
golfing.  A  welcome  to  you,  CHUCK.  I  know 
that  you'll  like  it  here.  During  the  rest 
period,  I  was  introduced  to  ROBERT  NISHEY 
of  Department  30,  and  found  out  that  his 
hobby  is  making  airplane  models  at  home  and 
is  interested  in  starting  o  U.  Control  Club 
at   Ryan.    If  you   are    interested,   see    Robert. 

Speaking  of  tool  design,  it's  amazing  how 
the   department  has  grown.   When    I    started 

—  14  — 

last  April  there  were  only  three  designers 
on  the  second  shift  and  about  a  dozen  on 
the  first  shift.  To  date  there  are  about  35 
on  the  first  shift  and  22  on  the  second  shift, 
and  very  capably  supervised  by  MR.  CAR- 

Here  also  at  Ryan,  we  are  organizing  a 
Music's  Better  Listening  Committee  and  rep- 
resentatives to  date  ore  GORDON  GRAHAM 
and  ED  SHOFFNER  of  tool  design  and  ART 
KILMER  of  sheet  Metal.  We  welcome  all 
others  interested  in  joining  us. 

RAY  TROTTER'S  wife  has  finally  joined 
him  here  in  San  Diego  and  it's  sure  mode 
a  difference  in  Ray  and  after  meeting  Mrs. 
Trotter  at  the  swing  shift  dance  on  Ryan 
night,  I  must  say,  I  don't  blame  him.  The 
Trotters  are  making  their  home  in  Linda 
Vista.  Good  luck  to  you,  Philadelphians. 

The  cigarette  scarcity  is  sure  raising  havoc 
with  the  smokers  and  I  have  noticed  several 
women  smoking  pipes  with  Duke's  mixture, 
the  favorite  brand  of  tobacco.  Mammy 
Yokum  would  sure  feel  at  home  here,  but  as 
yet  I  don't  see  how  they  con  go  Dogpotch 
on  us  men.  Can  they,  boys? 

On  the  absence  list  due  to  sickness  are 
STUE  NELSON  with  a  cold.  DIANE  SMITH 
is  home  with  a  cold  and  THELMA  MAY  is 
confined  to  the  hospital.  To  all  of  you,  I 
say,  a  speedy  recovery. 

New  to  Ryan  But  Not  to  the  Aircraft  Industry 


Manoger  Outside  Production  Division 
Norman  T.  Show  spent  thirteen  years  with 
Aluminum  Company  of  America,  where  he 
was  district  purchasing  agent,  then  moved 
to  Bell  for  six  years  as  director  of  procure- 
ment and  sub-contracting.  The  shortcuts  he 
learned  at  Bell  and  Alcoa  will  stand  him  in 
good  stead  at  Ryan,  because  he  will  serve 
here  as  Manager  of  Outside  Production, 
supervising  all  work  done  for  Ryan  by  sub- 

Manager  Master  Planning  Division 

A.  R.  Parsons  spent  seven  and  a  half  years 
with  Goodyear  and  five  and  a  half  years  with 
Lockheed.  In  the  former,  he  handled  super- 
visional  training,  personnel  work  ond  time 
study  work;  in  the  latter  he  tackled  prob- 
lems of  industrial  engineering,  tool  planning 
and  production  engineering.  At  Ryan  he  will 
serve  as  Manager  of  the  Master  Planning 
Division.  As  such  he  will  be  responsible  for 
master  scheduling,  design  change  control, 
procedures,  reports  control  and  organizotion 

Manager  Production  Engineering 
C.  W.  Sponsel  joins  Ryan  as  Manager  of 
Production  Engineering  after  five  years  with 
General  Motors,  four  with  Martin  and  four 
with  Bell.  As  a  project  engineer  with  Gen- 
eral Motors,  he  was  responsible  for  putting 
new  items  into  production;  in  aircraft  work 
he  coordinated  production  engineering  prob- 
lems. At  Ryan  he  will  be  responsible  for 
tooling  and  planning  how  parts  are  to  be 
built,  how  0  steady  flow  of  them  is  to  be 
kept  ovailoble,  and  how  the  cost  of  each 
will  be  controlled. 

Staff  Assistant  to  Eddie  Molloy 

Horry  Oswald  has  been  in  aircraft  work 
since  World  War  I.  In  the  last  war  he  was 
general  superintendent  of  the  Naval  aircraft 
factory,  navy  yard,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  Later 
he  served  with  Bendix  Aviation  Corpora- 
tion OS  factory  manager,  with  Hammond 
Aircraft  Corporation  as  administrative  assist- 
ant to  the  vice-president,  and  with  Consoli- 
dated at  San  Diego  as  assistant  general 
superintendent  of  the  factory.  At  Ryan  he 
will  be  executive  assistant  to  Vice-President 
Eddie  Molloy. 

Staff  Assistant  to  O.  L.  Woodson 

Gerald  M.  Story  helped  Martin  and  Cur- 
tiss-Wright  get  into  moss  production  and 
will  have  the  some  responsibility  here.  He 
was  head  of  Tool  Planning  ot  Martin  and 
Chief  Methods  Engineer  at  Curtiss;  at  Ryan 
he  will  serve  as  Staff  Assistant  to  Vice 
President  O.  L.  Woodson  on  production  fol- 
low-up —  which  means  that  he  will  hove 
the  duty  of  helping  every  department  install 
high-speed  moss  production  methods. 

Staff  Assistant  to  O.  L.  Woodson 
W.  O.  Chamberlin  comes  to  Ryan  after 
four  and  o  half  years  in  production  engi- 
neering work  for  Consolidoted-Vultee.  He 
has  hod  experience  in  assembly  planning, 
factory  methods  and  time  study.  For  the 
post  two  years,  he  worked  in  the  procedures 
section  of  Convair's  industrial  engineering 
department  where  he  developed  organiza- 
tion and  procedures — which  will  also  be  his 
responsibility  here  at  Ryan.  He  will  serve 
OS  a  member  of  the  Staff  of  the  Master 
Planning  organization  and  will  be  in  charge 
of  procedures  and  organization  control. 

15  — 



(continued  from  page  7) 

quires  the  sinking  and  financing  of  approxi- 
mately twelve  of  them  in  order  to  get  one 
profitably  producing  well.  This  is  a  costly 
business  and  very  few  individuals  can  afford 
the  strain  of  searching  for  oil. 

The  average  person  who  has  a  good  idea 
is  faced  with  somewhat  the  same  dilemma. 
It  costs  anywhere  from  a  few  hundred  dollars 
to  many  thousands  to  do  the  research  work 
on  an  idea,  build  working  models  and  draw- 
ings and  prepare  the  patent  application 
papers  properly.  When  this  has  been  ac- 
complished the  U.  S.  Patent  Office  begins  to 
make  o  search  of  their  voluminous  files  to 
see  whether  or  not  the  idea  is  patentable  or 
has  been  patented.  Usually  a  good  deal  of 
correspondence  back  and  forth  ensues  in 
which  the  patentee  must  prove  some  of  his 
contentions  or  challenge  some  of  those  of 
the  examiner.  All  of  this  preparation  and 
negotiation  is  necessary  before  you  con  as- 
certain whether  or  not  you  con  obtain  a 
patent.  The  mortality  of  ideas  which  are 
presented  to  the  Patent  Office  is  pretty 
high.  Only  about  1/10  of  one  percent  of 
the  ideas  for  which  patent  applications  are 
filed  ever  produce  any  income.  For  each 
invention  which  becomes  a  revenue  producer, 
there  are  thousands  of  dollars  expended  in 
attempts  to  promote  ideas  which  do  not  click. 

BUT,  the  important  point  for  Ryan  em- 
ployees to  realize  is  that  THESE  COSTS  AND 
the  Ryan  Employees  Patent  Plan,  the  chances 
of  your  idea  becoming  a  reality  are  greatly 
enhanced  and  the  costs  of  developing  and 
patenting  your  idea  are  borne  by  the  Com- 
pany. This  changes  the  whole  picture  con- 
siderably. Let's  review  this  Employees  Pat- 
ent Plan  which  has  been  described  as  the 
most  advantageous  of  any  plan  used  today. 

You  get  an  idea — in  the  middle  of  the 
night — in  the  bath  tub — while  changing  the 
baby's  diapers — or  at  work.  It  doesn't  make 
any  difference  where  you  get  it,  how  you  get 
it  or  whether  it  has  anything  to  do  with  the 
work  which  is  now  being  accomplished  by 
the  company.  It  might  be  on  idea  for  a 
fire-proof  cigaret,  a  non-skid  floor  wax, 
an  automatic  window  shade  or  a  new  tool 
for  the  aviation  industry.  The  important 
thing  is  that  you  WRITE  IT  DOWN  and 
BRING  IT  IN  to  DOUGLAS  JONES,  head  of 
the  Ryan  Patent  Department.  Mr.  Jones  is 
located  in  room  228  of  the  office  building. 
He  has  at  his  command  all  of  the  facilities 
which  are  needed  to  convert  your  idea  into 
a  tangible  thing  which  can  be  analyzed  and 
considered  for  its  patent  potentialities.  He 
is  a  patent  attorney  and  an  engineer  with 
long  experience  in  both  fields.  Under  the 
Ryan  Employees  Patent  Plan  he  will  discuss 
your  idea  with  you.  If  it  appears  to  hove 
value  for  commercial  use,  he  will  arrange 
to  have  drawings  and  models  made  and  pre- 
pare patent  application  papers  to  send  to 
Washington.  His  Department  will  handle  all 
of  the  negotiations  with  the  Patent  Office. 
Many  times  this  involves  extensive  research 
and  litigation  because  of  interference  or  in- 
fringement possibilities.  Then,  if  the  patent 
is  granted,  he  will  perform  the  work  neces- 
sary to  sell  or  license  the  product  so  thot 
some  income  may  be  derived  from  it. 

In  this  respect,  there  are  tremendous  ad- 
vantages which  accrue  from  the  groundwork 

which  Douglas  Jones  has  done  for  this  plan. 
He  has  many  requests  from  industrial  con- 
cerns in  the  country  to  submit  to  them  any 
new  developments  so  that  they  may  hove  an 
opportunity  to  enter  into  a  licensing  agree- 
ment to  use  them.  The  sale  or  licensing  of 
anything  of  this  nature  is  extremely  difficult 
for  an  individual,  but  not  for  a  corporation, 
because  of  the  reliability  and  financial  struc- 
ture bock  of  a  corporate  entity. 

Now,  you  may  be  wondering,  where  do  you 
come  into  the  financial  picture?  When  you 
bring  your  idea  to  Douglas  Jones  you  file  a 
form  which  outlines  the  idea,  tells  when  you 
first  thought  of  it  and  other  similar  data. 
If  the  idea  is  presented  for  a  patent,  you 
are  asked  to  sign  an  agreement  with  the 
Company  which  gives  you  a  share  of  any 
royalties  which  result  from  the  use  of  the 
idea.  At  this  time,  you  are  paid  a  token 
sum  of  $5.00.  If  the  patent  is  granted,  you 
are  paid  another  $10.00.  Then  comes  the 
real  job  of  exploiting  the  product  and  selling 
it  to  an  interested  company.  From  the  sale 
or  licensing  of  the  patent  the  Ryan  Company 
will  pay  to  you  30%  of  the  first  thousand 
dollars  which  is  received,  25%  of  the  next 
thousand,  and  20%  of  all  sums  in  excess  of 
two  thousand  dollars. 

It  takes  about  nine  months  to  3  years  for 
a  patent  application  to  be  searched  and 
granted.  The  Ryan  Plan  has  been  in  opera- 
tion just  about  eight  months  and  some  of  the 
early  ideas  are  beginning  to  bear  fruit. 
Ira  Blevins,  of  the  tool  design  and  plan- 
ning department,  hod  on  idea  which  prom- 
ises to  become  profitable  for  him  and  valu- 
able to  the  York  Tool  Sales  Company  of 
York,  Pennsylvania.  This  idea  embodies  on 
innovation  which  permits  greater  accuracy 
and  speed  in  lining  up  precision  tools  such 
as  lathes,  drilling  machines  and  vertical 
mills,  prior  to  the  machine  operation.  On  all 
of  these  machines  a  center  finder,  commonly 
called  a  "wiggler,"  is  inserted  into  the  ma- 
chine chuck  in  order  to  line  the  machine  up 
to  an  exact  point  on  the  work.  This  wiggler 
is  a  steel  pointer  which  is  directed  at  the 
intersection  of  the  two  scribed  lines  on  the 
work.  By  this  means  the  axis  of  the  machine 
is  so  aligned  that  the  drilling  or  other  process 
can  take  place  at  a  precise  location.  This 
lining-up  takes  a  good  deal  of  time  and 
care.  Ira  Blevins  conceived  the  idea  of  cut- 
ting a  vertical  slot,  or  window,  in  the  wiggler 
so  that  the  scribed  lines  could  be  viewed 
through  this  opening.  When  the  wiggler  is 
revolving  at  high  speed  it  is  possible  to  look 
through  this  slot  and  see  the  lines  quite 
clearly.  They  are  lined  Up  with  the  pointed 
extremities  of  the  slot  quickly  and  accurately. 
Then  the  wiggler  is  removed,  the  cutting  bit 
inserted  and  the  work  begins  at  the  precise 
place  desired. 

The  York  Tool  Sales  Company  is  glad  to 
incorporate  this  idea  in  the  manufacture  of 
these  wigglers  and,  under  the  licensing 
agreement  which  has  been  arronged  between 
them  and  our  company,  they  will  pay  a  roy- 
alty for  the  use  of  this  improvement.  Mr. 
West,  Vice  President  of  the  York,  Pennsyl- 
vania concern,  visited  our  plant  recently 
and  personally  complimented  Mr.  Blevins 
on  his  contribution  to  the  tool    industry. 

Another  employee  whose  work  in  the  field 
of  ideas  is  beginning  to  produce  results  is 
Keith  Whitcomb.  Keith  was  head  of  the 
Electro-Chemical  Section  of  the  Laboratory 
until  a  few  weeks  ago  when  he  entered  the 
service  of  the  U.  S.  Marine  Corps.  He  ac- 
complished a  great  amount  of  research  and 
experimentation  with  various  types  of  weld- 
ing fluxes  and  has  made  several  which  are 
superior  to  anything  on  the  market.  Keith's 
backing  flux  was  developed  to  allow  the 
rapid  welding  of  thin  stainless  steel  sheets 
with  good  weld  uniformity.  This  has  been 
almost  impossible  because  of  the  tendency 
to  burn  through  the  thin  plates  of  metal. 
This  flux  has  just  the  right  melting  point 
and  specific  heat  to  permit  an  even  weld  flow 
with   good   penetration   and   in   less  time. 

Another  flux  which  Keith  developed  by 
painstaking  search  is  a  superior  welding  flux 
for  welding  the  alloys  of  high  chromium- 
nickel  steel.  These  metals,  because  of  their 
high  chromium  content,  are  readily  oxidized 
at  the  temperatures  encountered  with  the 
oxy-acetylene  welding  process.  This  new 
flux  protects  the  weld  metal  from  oxidation. 
It  removes  all  of  the  harmful  metallic  oxides 
from  the  weld  metal  and  has  reduced  the 
number  of  re-welds  from  15%  to  5%.  In 
addition,  it  is  much  less  expensive  to  produce 
than  any  of  the  existing  fluxes  now  used. 

One  of  the  most  promising  of  the  com- 
pounds which  Keith  produced  is  a  brazing 
flux  which  is  the  only  one  known  that  makes 
it  possible  to  braze  18-8  stainless  steel  in 
air  atmosphere  and  with  any  type  of  heat 
application.  Because  of  the  extreme  suscep- 
tibility of  stainless  steel  for  zinc,  which  pro- 
duces embrittlement,  most  brazing  materials 
now  available  cannot  be  used.  Heretofore, 
no  flux  has  been  found  which  would  permit 
the  brazing  of  1 8-8  stainless  steel  with 
zinc-free  copper  base  alloys. 

With  his  new  flux  the  brazing  may  be  ac- 
complished by  simply  fitting  the  stainless 
steel  parts  together,  placing  a  piece  of  pure 
copper  wire  in  the  joint,  coating  with  flux 
and  heating  in  either  a  gas,  electric  or  in- 
duction type  furnace.  This  operation  can  be 
performed  in  an  air  atmosphere.  The  induc- 
tion heating  is  to  be  preferred  because  in 
that  process  only  a  small  port  of  the  metal 
has  to  be  heated.  Because  copper  brazing 
is  a  much  simpler  and  more  economical 
method  than  welding,  the  development  of 
this  flux  is  an  important  discovery  in  the 

These  two  Ryan  employees,  Ira  Blevins 
and  Keith  Whitcomb,  ore  typical  of  many 
who  are  capitalizing  upon  their  ideas.  Some 
of  us  are  in  a  position  to  search  for  discov- 
eries in  a  technical  way  because  of  our  work 
and  the  opportunity  it  gives  us.  This  is  the 
way  Keith  worked.  But  don't  get  the  impres- 
sion that  you  need  a  research  laboratory  in 
order  to  develop  your  ideas.  You  can  do  just 
as  Ira  Blevins  and  many  others  are  doing; 

No  one  has  a  monoply  upon  inspiration. 
Some  of  the  most  valuable  suggestions  in  the 
industrial  world  have  emanated  from  the 
brains  of  men  and  women  who  were  not  in 
the  industry  but  were  merely  onlookers  with 
imagination.  Many  times  the  fact  that  you 
are  not  immersed  in  a  particular  field  gives 
you  a  perspective  which  is  the  first  requisite 
of  "imagineering,"  You  may  discover  the 
answer  to  a  problem  for  which  industry  has 
been  searching  for  many  years.  So,  unlock 
your  brain,  exercise  your  imagination  and 
put  your  thoughts  to  work  earning  money  for 

—  16- 

Floyd  A.  Cox  has  been  appointed  Staff 
Assistant  to  Tooling  Superintendent  and 
will  be  responsible  for  coordinating 
problems  within  the  Tooling  Department 
in  connection  with  obtaining  inven- 
tories, contract  cancellations  and  esti- 
mates on  new  jobs. 

Northeast  Corner 

by  M.  A.  Zager 

Some  changes  have  taken  place  in  Mani- 
fold. Our  general  foreman,  H.  N.  RUBISH, 
has  been  appointed  Manifold  Manufacturing 
Manager.  To  succeed  Mr.  Rubish  is  R. 
ORTIZ.  A  wonderful  team  these  two  will 
moke  and  under  their  supervision,  Manifold 
will  be  in  good  standing.  ARLENE  GASS- 
AWAY  of  Manifold  Office,  recently  took  a 
leave  to  be  with  her  husband  who  has  re- 
turned on  a  thirty-day  furlough  after  being 
overseas  for  two  years.  Best  of  luck,  you 

BILL  KUPILIK  is  very  happy  now  that  he 
has  someone  to  relieve  him  of  clerical  duties. 
Today,  introductions  are  in  order  for  MARI- 
ANE  LIGHTFOOT.  Mariana,  as  you  folks 
down  in  14  remember,  is  the  girl  with  the 
beautiful  red  hair,  sparkling  blue  eyes  and 
always  a  smile  for  oil.  She  is  bock  again,  only 
this  time  to  resume  duties  as  clerk  of  1  6, 
second  shift.  We  are  glad  to  have  you  with 
us,  Marlone,  and  we  are  looking  forward  to 
a  long  and  pleasant  association  with  you. 
I'm  sure  you  will  enjoy  working  with  the 
Pre-Jig-ettes.  I  hope  when  the  next  publi- 
cation goes  to  press,  I  will  have  persuaded 
Marione  to  write  the  news  of  Second. 

JIMMY  KINNARD,  gas  welder,  is  the 
proud  parent  of  a  baby  girl.  Karolyn  Kay 
is  the  newcomer's  name.  Several  members  of 
the  department  thought  it  would  be  very 
appropriate  to  be  the  first  to  purchase  a 
War  Bond  during  the  campaign  for  Karolyn 
Kay,  which  turned  out  to  be  a  very  good 
idea — for  Karolyn  Kay  has  the  bond  and  our 

carrier  was  credited  with  the  sale.  Why 
weren't  more  babies  born  at  this  time? 

Farewells  were  paid  to  W.  8.  FARMER, 
who  left  because  of  recurrent  illness.  The 
department  presented  him  with  a  beautiful 
luggage  tan  traveling  bag.  J.  C.  KELLY  has 
recently  terminated  her  employment  to  re- 
turn to  her  folks  at  Pittsburg,  Kansas.  Also 
terminated  and  Michigan  bound  ore  MAR- 
other employee  who  will  pass  through  our 
portals  is  pretty  MONTENE  McCOY.  Mon- 
tene  has  completed  a  year's  service  and  has 
made  countless  friends  while  employed  here. 
She  will  be  greatly  missed  by  all  and  her 
numerous  friends  would  like  to  wish  her  the 
best  of  luck  wherever  she  may  be. 

As  you  all  know,  ZOLA  PARKS  recently 
took  a  trip  to  the  hospital  for  a  very  serious 
operation.  It  all  hod  to  happen  at  a  verv 
inopportune  time,  for  Zola  has  recently  re- 
turned from  Washington  visiting  her  hus- 
band. Also  on  her  husband's  furlough  and 
on  her  first  return  date  with  us.  I  am  happy 
to  announce  at  this  time  that  Zola  is  re- 
ported doing  well  and  should  be  out  within 
a    few   days. 

MR.  YATES,  gas  welder,  has  recently  an- 
nounced his  marriage.  Best  luck  and  wishes 
to  the  Yates! 

A  return  from  a  month's  leave  m  Nebraska 
is  ELIZABETH  CRANE,  who  has  spent  a 
quiet  leave  visiting  her  father. 

The  department  wants  to  extend  deepest 
sympothies  to  ROMOLA  GROW  who  has 
recently  lost  her  mother. 

Sf>eaking  for  the  department's  organiza- 
tion, I  would  like  to  extend  the  Season's 
Greeting   and   Best  Wishes  to   you   all! 


Tool  Control  Night  Owls 

by  Ruth  Nelson 

Folks,  I'd  like  to  get  serious  for  a  minute 
before  going  into  the  news  of  the  depart- 
ment. Lost  week,  I  gave  my  first  pint  of 
blood  to  the  Blood  Bank,  and  for  publicity 
purposes  of  getting  more  donors,  my  photo- 
graph appeared  in  the  paper.  Because  of 
this  picture,  I  received  the  following  letter. 
It  impressed  me  very  much.  It  shows  how 
much  blood  plasma  means  to  people  here  and. 
on  the  fighting  front: 
Dear  Ruth, 

I  hope  you  don't  mind  me  calling  you 
Ruth,  Miss  Nelson.  You  don't  know  me  from 
Adam,  but  I  felt  1  had  to  write  you  and 
thank  you  for  my  brother.  You  see,  my 
brother  John,  was  wounded  on  Saipan  and 
he  would  have  died  if  it  hadn't  been  for 
blood  plasma.  He  is  now  in  a  hospital  and 
should  be  out  in  another  six  months.  If 
more  people  knew  what  a  great  job  of  saving 
lives  blood  plasma  was  doing,  they  wouldn't 
hesitate  in  donating  blood. 

So  you  see,  I  wanted  to  write  you  and 
thank  you  for  donating  your  first  pint  of 
blood.  Yours  truly, 


Ladies  and  gentlemen,  if  you  are  in  good 
health,  go  down  and  register  for  a  blood 
donation.    They  need  all  they  can  get. 

Now,  we  hove  more  news  from  our  rapidly 
growing  department.  We  have  more  states 
represented  with  CORA  COATES  from  Colo- 

—  17  — 

A.  J.  Rubish  newly  appointed  Assistant 
Superintendent  in  charge  of  all  Airplane 
Parts  Fabrication  which  will  include  the 
Drop  Hammer,  Machine  Shop  and  Sheet 
Metal  Departments. 

rado,  MAUDE  WHITE  from  Maine,  JAC- 
THOMAS  answering  for  California,  IMO- 
GENE  SIMPSON  from  that  well-represented 
state,  Oklahoma,  and  JESSIE  STACK,  who 
recently  arrived  from  Oregon.  We're  really 
glad  to  have  you  with  us  girls. 

MATTIE  LOU  KINGSBURY  has  left  us  to 
join  her  husband  in  Son  Francisco.  We  hate 
to  lose  you,  MATTIE,  but  give  our  best 
wishes  for  that  long  awaited  happiness. 

The  reason  for  those  beautiful  smiles 
BERNYCE  UHLER  has  been  flashing  around 
is  that  the  Postman  has  been  visiting  her 
regularly  again  with  letters  from  a  certain 
Lt.  overseas.  BERNYCE  receives  our  vote 
of  praise  given  to  the  many  women  who  are 
working  to  speed  the  return  of  their  loved 

FLORENCE  DELANEY  has  been  doing  a 
bang-up  job  in  MOLLIE  HENDRICKSON's 
absence.  Hurry  and  get  well,  MOLLIE,  we 
miss  you. 

In  answer  to  many  questions,  that  tall 
redhead  is  MARGARET  SAUNDERS.  Her 
beautiful  red  hair  is  the  cause  of  many  an 
envious  look  from  the  girls  and  a  hearty 
sigh  from  the  men. 

The  Ryan  Swing  Trio  league  has  gotten 
off  to  a  flying  start.  One  of  our  most  ar- 
dent fans  is  Glenn  A.  Huff,  ("Butch"  to  his 
friends)  .  Although  "Butch"  seems  inter- 
ested in  bowling  (as  much  as  a  three-year- 
old  would  be)  his  main  love  is  boxing.  Boy, 
that  right  hook  of  his  is  terrific,  I  have  a  sore 
jaw  to  prove  it.  "Butch"  is  the  son  of  our 
sports  favorite,  Glenn  L.  Huff,  who  incidently 
informed  me  that  "Butch"  is  no  Junior,  the 
difference  being   the   initial. 

That's  all  the  news  for  now.  We  in  Tool 
Control  wish  everyone  a  very  joyous  Christ- 
mas and  remember,  give  War  Bonds.  That's 
a  gift  everyone   likes. 

News  and  Flashes 

by  Earl  Vaughan 

FEAST  NO  FAMINE  by  Earl  Vaughan 

The  Government  Reports  Group  of  Mate- 
rial Control  and  friends  enjoyed  a  well 
planned  Thanksgiving  luncheon  on  Novem- 
ber 23.  This  delicious  luncheon  was  pre- 
pared in  honor  and  to  surprise  MARY  WIL- 
LIAMSON, who  was  celebrating  her  fifth 
wedding  anniversary  in  the  absence  of  her 
husband  who  is  somewhere  in  the  Pacific 
with  the  U.  S.  Marines,  exterminating  those 
little  brown  -  skinned,  slant  -  eyed  sons  of 
heaven,  Japanese.  Mary  was  indeed  delighted 
with  this  pleasant  surprise  and  especially  with 
the  orchid  corsage  presented  to  her  by  her 
many  friends  of  this  department. 

Congratulations  are  a  little  late,  but  still 
in  order  for  HAROLD  WRIGHT  and  HAROLD 
MILLER,  two  hard-working  boys  of  our  night 
shift,  who  recently  were  on  the  receiving 
end  of  silver  production  award  pins.  These 
boys  are  not  keeping  their  ideas  to  them- 
selves, but  are  letting  the  rest  of  us  benefit 
by  them.  How  about  more  office  workers 
turning  in  ideas  and  suggestions  to  improve 
or  speed  up  office  or  factory  production? 


A  big  welcome  and  hand  shake  is  ex- 
tended to: 

Row  Material  Group  Newcomers:  FRANK 
NETHERY,  DOW  WILLIAMS  (thinks  Ryan 
is  tops  and  rehired) ,  IDA  WATKINS. 

Purchase  Parts  Group  New  Members: 

Bill  of  Material  Group  New  Recruits: 
(JARL  GJESFIELD— Auditor). 


by  Paul  "Winchell"  Wright 

DID  YOU    KNOW   .    .    . 

That  GEORGE  BALDWIN,  assistant  super- 
visor of  Material  Control  in  charge  of  Pur- 
chase Parts  Group,  is  a  native  of  Kansas, 
an  active  member  of  the  Masonic  lodge, 
married  and  has  one  of  the  cutest  blonde 
daughters  in  San   Diego?  .   .   . 

That  the  wife  of  OWEN  MEEHLING, 
Baldwin's  man  Friday,  is  a  member  of  the 
WAVES,  and  that  both  are  deeply  interested 
in  music?  That  Owen  is  a  native  of  Hunting- 
ton, West  Virginia,  soon  is  to  celebrate  a 
birthday?  He  was  born  January  1  0,  1  91  0.  .  .  . 

That  BILL  HANSON,  Purchased  Parts 
liaison  man  under  Baldwin,  saw  service  in 
World  War  II,  is  22  years  old,  and  one  of 
California's  few  natives,  calling  La  Mesa 
his  home?  .  .   . 

Purchased  Parts  clerk,  formerly  was  em- 
ployed by  Solar  Aircraft  Co.,  and  that  her 
husband,  Lieut.  Andrew  W.  McDevitt,  has 
been  stationed  overseas  in  the  Coast  Artillery 
for  the  past  year?    .    .    . 

That  ROSEMARIE  HAINES,  native  of  Col- 
orado, transferred  to  Ryan  from  Convair 
more  than  a  year  ago,  started  under  Mr. 
Baldwin  in  AN  Parts  group,  and  now  is 
working  for  the  same  boss  in  the  enlarged 
Purchased  Parts  section  of  Material  Con- 
trol?   .    .    . 

That  FRANCES  COLE  was  born  in  Cotton- 
wood, South  Dakota,  but  resided  in  Missouri 
before  coming  to  California?  Her  husband 
is  employed  by  Convair  in  Jigs  and  Fix- 
tures?   .    .    . 

That  MABEL  STEEL,  whose  husband  is  a 
Lieutenant  in  the  Army  Air  Corps,  is  a 
former  professional  model,  and  that  her  hus- 
band, before  the  war,  was  a  sports  announcer 
over  NBC,  Don  Lee  and  Mutual  hook- 
ups?  .    .    . 

That  HAROLD  DEAN,  who  was  born  in 
Richberg,  New  York,  in  1  884,  was  a  major 
In  World  War  II,  a  first  lieutenant  in  World 
War  I,  and  was  in  the  oil  business  for  many 
years  in  Oklahoma?    .    .    . 

That  CARL  HOPKINS,  Purchased  Parts, 
was  born  October  22,  1901,  in  Detroit?  .  .  . 
That  GEORGE  MICHEL  was  born  in  Atkins, 
Iowa,  October  26,  1903?  .  .  .  That  MAX- 
INE  BANDY,  who  has  a  brother  and  a  sister 
in  the  service,  is  a  native  of  Gallatin, 
Tennessee?  .  .  .  That  DORIS  FRANKOSKY, 
who  first  saw  the  light  of  day  at  Clarion, 
Iowa,  admires  all  types  of  servicemen,  shows 
no  preference  for  Marines,  Army,  Navy  or 
Air  Corps?  .  .  .  That  ELMER  MENDEN- 
HALL,  of  Purchased  Parts,  has  been  ailing 
with  on  ankle  injury?  .  .  .  That  KATHRYN 
WAESCHE,  whose  sailor  husband  is  sta- 
tioned at  the  repair  base,  hails  from  Wash- 
ington, D.  C?  .  .  .  That  HARRY  BERMAN, 
heavyweight  of  Mr.  Baldwin's  group,  wears 
the  blackest  mustache?  .  .  .  And  that  our 
story  ends  here  until  the  next  edition  of 
The  Flying  Reporter? 

Happy  Birthday 


Anyone  living  in  a  Federal  Housing  Unit  who  terminates  a  job 
■with  the  company  from  which  he  obtained  certification  for  housing 
will  be  evicted  immediately  to  make  room  for  those  working  in  vital 
war-time   industries. 

That  was  the  notice  handed  this  office  by  John  Arvin,  San  Diego 
Area  Housing  Director,  who  further  stated  that  about  22  per  cent 
of  former  Ryan  employees  who  obtained  their  certification  through 
this  company  had  terminated  and  now  face  eviction. 

C.  F.  Miller  of  Accounts  Payable  looks 
surprised  and  no  wonder.  With  a 
beautiful  cake  presented  to  him  unex- 
pectedly by  his  department,  a  slightly 
surprised  countenance  would  be  entirely 
in  order  and,  in  fact,  expected. 

Mrs.  Lulo  K.  Rea  of  the  Operations  and 
Planning  Department  accepted  another 
Ryanite's  offer  to  purchase  a  $1,000 
War  Bond  if  someone  else  would  motch 
it.  Mrs.  Rea  did  just  that  during  the 
Sixth  War  Loan  Drive.  The  $1,000 
Bond  was  an  odditional  purchase  to  her 
$75  payroll  deduction.  Mrs.  Reo's  hus- 
band is  now  serving  overseas. 

—  18  — 

In  accordance  with  its  policy  of  doing 
everything  possible  to  help  its  readers  solve 
their  problems,  the  editors  of  the  FLYING 
REPORTER  take  pleasure  in  presenting  this 
discussion  of  the  cigaret  shortage.  As  every 
reader  doubtless  knows,  there  is  a  slight 
shortage  of  cigarets  at  the  moment,  and  this 
shortage  has  been  aggravated  to  critical  pro- 
portions by  countless  porcine  goops  who  have 
frantically  laid  away  a  two-month's  supply 
and  to  heck  with  the  guy  who  can't  get  them. 
The  next  time  they  fill  up  the  machines, 
don't  be  surprised  to  see  a  pig  staring  at 
you  out  of  the  mirror  as  you  extract  your 
eighth  pack.  And  don't  think  the  likeness 
isn't  remarkable. 

Now  there  are  several  other  methods  of 
assimilating  tobacco,  so  there's  no  need  to 
get  hysterical.  Probably  the  next  most  wide- 
spread is  pipe-smoking.  I  wish  I  were  quali- 
fied to  speak  on  this  subject,  as  I  have 
always  admired  the  easy  rakish  arrogance  of 
a  pipe,  and  have  even  gone  so  for  as  to  pur- 
chase several  of  them.  But  spotting  me  for 
the  nub  of  a  devilish  practicol  joke,  the 
merchants  have  invariably  fobbed  off  on  me 
some  instrument  that  turns  out  to  be  a 
fractional-distillation  retort  which,  when 
properly  ignited  (there  is  a  wealth  of  humor 
hidden  in  that  remark)  drips  metered  quan- 
tities of  coal-tar  derivatives  of  a  particularly 
foul  nature  into  my  mouth.  In  the  process 
of  poisoning  myself  thus,  I  also  inhale  cer- 
tain fumes  into  my  lungs;  I  am  told  that 
this  is  tobacco  smoke,  but  the  point  is  wide 
open  to  doubt.  I  am  not  accustomed  to 
think  of  tobacco  smoke  as  a  palpable  miasma 
which  sears  the  coating  from  the  tongue  and 
cauterizes  the  tonsils  on  its  way  down,  yet 
has  no  perceptible  effect  when  it  reaches  the 

Some  hardy  individuals,  anxious  to  use 
a  pipe  but  unwilling  to  suffer  the  outrages  of 
pipe  tobacco,  are  given  to  smoking  wierd 
concoctions  which  smell  like  a  cross  between 

0  ten-cent-store  perfume  counter  and  rum 
buttered  with  rancid  oleomargarine;  in  time 
they  become  so  inured  to  this  shall-we-call- 
it-an-oromo?  that  only  their  neighbors  suffer. 
At  present  I  am  compounding  o  blend  of 
my    mulch-pile    and    allyl    mercaptan    which 

1  shall  package  as  Market  Street  Mixture  No. 
2,  and  I  am  sure  I  shall  retire  wealthy  be- 
yond the  dreams  of  avarice. 

Probably  the  nearest  approximation  to 
the  cigaret  (if  you  except  the  cigar,  a  form 
of  tobacco  somehow  closely  related  to  the 
birth-rate  of  the  population)  is  the  cowboy, 
or  home-rolled,  cigaret.  I  hove  dabbled  ex- 
tensively in  this  field,  and  am  therefore 
qualified  to  speak  with  some  authority.  In 
fact,  if  the  authority  will  give  me  a  ring,  we 
con  have  a  nice  chat  sometime. 

To  roll  a  cigaret,  you  must  obtain  the 
ingredients,  which  are  tobacco  and  papers. 
Now  there  are  several  kinds  of  tobacco, 
roughly  classified  into  three  categories.  First, 
the  dry  tobaccos,  which  are  magnetically 
charged  so  that  each  flake  repels  its  neighbor 
with  a  force  that  will  amaze  any  physicist 
who  cares  to  investigate  the  phenomenon. 
Secondly,  there  ore  the  wet  tobaccos,  which 
when  rolled,  knead  themselves  into  a  soggy 
lump  that  is  impervious  even  to  a  forced 
draft.    Third,    there    is    lumberjack    tobacco. 

consisting  of  chips  swept  up  in  logging  camps 
and  ranging  in  size  from  knots  to  stumps. 
Choosing  one  of  these  types,  you  now  take 
a  piece  of  cigaret  paper  in  your  left  hand 
and  pour  into  it  either  (a)  too  much  tobacco 
or  (b)  too  little.  As  you  watch  your  right 
hand  put  away  the  tobacco,  you  will  auto- 
matically pour  most  of  the  tobacco  off  the 
paper;  but  you  will  learn  that  this  doesn't 
matter  very  much.  Now,  using  both  hands 
(including  all  ten  thumbs),  carefully  work 
the  tobacco  over  and  under  one  of  the  edges 
of  the  paper,  being  sure  that  the  tobacco 
is  not  too  loose.  This  will  result  in  a  large 
tear  in  the  middle  of  the  paper,  but  what 
the  heck,  paper  is  cheap.  Now,  starting  over 
again,  leave  the  pile  of  tobacco  in  the  middle 
of  the  paper  a  little  shallower  than  at  the 
ends,  so  that  as  you  roll  the  cigaret  it  will 
have  a  decent  bulge  in  the  middle.  Then 
fold  the  edges  of  the  paper  together  and 
holding  your  thumbs  over  the  ends  of  the 
cigaret  so  the  tobacco  doesn't  run  out,  aim 
your  tongue  at  the  cigoret  and  begin  drool- 
ing. When  you  have  saturated  the  cigaret 
with  saliva,  crimp  the  ends  so  that  you  con 
get  one  end  in  your  mouth  and  the  other 
end  lighted  without  having  to  do  it  all  over 
again.  Then  apply  a  match;  and  you  will 
find  that  it  takes  several  minutes  to  dry 
out  the  moisture,  but  you  will  hove  the 
equivalent  of  four  or  five  brisk  puffs  await- 
ing your  enjoyment.  One  drawback  is  that 
as  the  cigaret  burns  (when  it  does  not  dis- 
appear in  a  flash) ,  the  paper  tends  to  uncurl, 
littering  you  with  embers,  ashes  and  tobacco, 
but  one  soon  gets  used  to  this,  and  buys  new 
shirts  as  one  needs  them. 

As  to  those  who  wish  to  go  on  to  the  sec- 
ond lesson:  How  to  roll  a  cigaret  with  one 
hand:  well,  let  them  go  on,  they're  out  of 
my  class.  I  have  taught  them  everything  I 


Ryan  employees  will  again  be  able 
to  pay  their  1945  automobile  registra- 
tion fees  in  the  Employee  Service  Divi- 
sion from  January  3  through  February 
3,    1945. 

The  amount  of  the  1945  fee 
appears  on  the  white  or  blue  registra- 
tion slip  and  both  money  and  slip 
must  be  presented  at  the  time  applica- 
tion is  made. 

To  change  ownership  the  pink  slip, 
properly  endorsed  on  the  reverse  side, 
and  the  additional  charge  of  $1.00  for 
this  transfer  must  accompany  the  white 
or  blue  registration  slip. 

The  Department  of  Motor  Vehicles 
has  requested  thot  all  applications  for 
licenses  on  out-of-state  cars  be  made 
directly  to  that  office  at  Third  and 
Cedar  Streets. 

Champion    Bond   Solicitor 

Although  a  deaf  mute,  F.  C.  Miller,  left,  of  Inspection,  wanted  to  do  his  part  in  the 
Sixth  War  Loon  Drive  and  asked  to  be  appointed  a  War  Bond  solicitor  for  his  depart- 
ment. He  is  seen  here  with  his  interpreter.  Tommy  Goodmanson,  selling  a  bond  to 
Mrs.  M.  Y.   Baker.  With  people  with  initiative  like  that,  we  can't  lose. 

—  19  — 

Ryan  Gets  ndditional 
Production  Facilities 

A  million  dollar  building  expansion  pro- 
gram got  under  way  last  month  to  provide 
additional  facilities  needed  for  the  produc- 
tion of  over  $60,000,000  of  Ryan  fighting 
planes  under  contracts  from  the  Navy. 

A  large  sub-assembly  manufacturing 
building,  and  an  additional  330-foot  two- 
story  office  building  are  the  two  main  units 
to  be  added  under  the  new  construction  pro- 
gram. Both  will  be  built  on  the  west  side  of 
present  Ryan  leases. 

Fighting  plane  assemblies  are  to  be  built 
in  the  new  factory  structure.  From  there  they 
will  go  for  installation  into  complete  air- 
planes to  the  huge  adjoining  final  assembly 
building,   constructed   two   years   ago. 

A  new  surfaced  parking  lot  of  569,000 
square  feet  is  to  be  provided  for  handling  the 
hundreds  of  additional  automobiles  driven 
by  the  3000  new  workers  being  hired  under 
Ryan's  expanding  employment  program.  Fac- 
tory yard  areas,  used  for  outdoor  production 
work,  are  to  be  greatly  increased  by  82,500 
square  feet  of  new  paving. 

The  entire  second  floor  of  the  new  office 
building  will  be  used  as  additional  area  for 
the  engineering  department,  while  the  ground 
floor  will  be  devoted  to  increased  office  space 
requirements.  Facilities  on  the  ground  floor 
ore  also  being  provided  for  doubling  serving 
and  eating  areas  in  the  employees'  cafeteria. 

Smaller  buildings  to  be  constructed  include 
those  for  storage,  salvage  and  the  plant  pro- 
tection department.  Ryan's  transportation 
service  building  and  gatehouse  are  to  be  re- 
located under  the  expansion  program.  A 
complete  heating  and  ventilating  system  for 
the  assembly  and  sub-assembly  buildings  is 
to  be  installed. 

One  of  three  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics 
buildings  recently  moved  to  the  factory  from 
its  former  location  on  Pacific  Highway  is 
being  readied  for  use  of  the  experimental 
manufacturing  department,  and  for  flight 
operations.  Two  other  buildings  will  be  moved 
over  after  completion  of  the  east  end  of  Lind- 
bergh Field's  new  runway.  The  larger  of 
these  buildings  will  be  used  for  the  factory's 
receiving  department  and  for  storage  of  raw 

Although  not  a  part  of  the  new  building 
program  which  is  being  provided  through 
Emergency  Plant  Facilities  funds,  Ryan  plans 
to  start  construction  soon  of  a  bandstand  in 
the  employees'  cafeteria  plaza  where  it  will 
add  to  the  present  facilities  for  noon-time 
entertainments  and  speakers  who  appear  on 
regular  weekly  programs. 

Ryan's  Lindbergh  Field  plant  area  ground 
leases  now  include  46  acres,  eight  of  which 
were  recently  added  to  provide  space  for  the 
three  Ryan  School  buildings  being  moved 
from  the  opposite  side  of  the  airport. 

The  Ryan  organization's  activities  have 
been  expanding  so  rapidly  of  late  that  it  has 
had  to  establish  offices  and  warehouses  at 
six  locations  in  various  parts  of  San  Diego 
away  from  the  plant.  Ryan  School  of  Aero- 
nautics and  Ryan  Aeronautical  Institute  gen- 
eral headquarters  have  been  moved  to  a  new 
building  being  built  for  the  purpose  at  India 
and  Nutmeg  Streets  overlooking  the  airport. 
Several  divisions  of  the  engineering  depart- 
ment are  now  installed  in  buildings  at  India 
and  B,  and  at  Eighth  and  E;  new  Ryan  work- 
ers ore  being  trained  at  the  Vocational  School 
building  in  Balboa  Park;  two  warehouses  for 
storage  of  Ryan  supplies  are  located  at 
Twelfth  and  E,  and  Fifth  and  Thorn. 

Oma  Bretz,  left,  of  Fuselage,  home  on  sick  leave,  got  word  that  her  department  was 
way  behind  on  their  goal  in  the  Sixth  War  Loon  Drive.  What  did  she  do  but  call  her 
Foreman  who  mode  arrangements  for  her  transportation  to  the  plant  so  she  could  pur- 
chase 0  $1,000  War  Bond  to  help  her  team  over  the  top.  "What  spirit,"  comments 
Ruth   Billings  of   Employee   Service  who   is  writing   up   Mrs.    Bretz'   order,   but   quick. 

These  three  $1,000  War  Bond  purchasers  of  the  Surface  Assembly  Department  repre- 
sented only  1  %  of  their  group,  yet  they  together  purchased  16%  of  the  total  quota 
for  their  department  in  the  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive  here  at  the  factory.  Annelle  Hendrix, 
seated,  takes  the  money  from,  left  to  right:  Mrs.  Claude  Hinkle,  Florence  Johnston 
and  Oscar  Cree  as  H.  J.  Vonderlinde,  center.  General  Foreman  of  Final  Assembly, 
and  Captain  of  the  "Wasp"  Carrier  in  the  Bond  Drive,  watches  the  proceedings. 

—  20  — 

Caporal  Del  Corral 

by  Al  Gee 

Just  pile  off  and  shuck  your  hack  and 
let  your  cayuse  chew  on  some  of  that  hay 
over  in  that  feedin'  pen  on  that  south  side  of 
the  barn.  Well,  it  seems  that  this  is  going 
to  be  a  good  place  to  meet,  judging  from  all 
the  favorable  comments  I  hove  received, 
even  though  the  winter  weather  and  the 
pressure  of  the  war  effort  are  preventing 
many  of  us  from  spending  the  time  that 
we  would  like  to  with  our  horses.  We  can 
still  talk  and  write  about  past  and  future 
activities.  We  here  at  Ryan  have  had  two 
very  successful  Horse  Shows,  one  in  1943 
and  one  in  1944,  and  many  are  asking  why 
we  cannot  have  two  shows  in  the  year  of 
1945,  one  in  the  spring  and  one  in  the  late 
summer,  I  would  like  to  hear  from  all  of 
you  on  that  question  next  time  you  ride  over. 

Folks,  here  is  a  fellow  by  the  name  of 
JIM  BUNNELL  who  owns  a  spread  out  east 
of  town.  He  is  a  top  man  and  knows  his 
horses.  Many  of  you  know  him  from  your 
contact  with  him  in  the  Industrial  Relations 
Dept.  and  others  remember  him  as  the 
Western  Judge  at  our  last  show,  but  here 
is  something  you  probably  did  not  know — 
Jim  is  an  authority  on  Arabian  horses,  hav- 
ing bred  and  raised  some  of  the  best  in 
the  country.  Ask  him  about  them  when  you 
get  a  chance,  also  ask  him  how  he  broke 
that  little  Arab  filley  of  his  to  ride  lost 
Sunday,  and  who  is  the  best  peeler  on  his 
spread  and  ten  to  one,  he  will  assure  you 
that  it  is  none  other  than  his  daughter, 
Betty  Jo.  Incidentally,  he  wants  to  buy  a 
western  saddle,  single  three-quarter  rig,  14- 
inch,  for  Betty  Jo.  So  if  any  of  you  know  of 
one,   let  us  know  about  it. 

Hellzapoppin,  that  well-known  parade 
horse  of  ROSCOE  HAZARD'S,  died  on  No- 
vember 11th.  That  is  certainly  tough  luck 
and  we  are  mighty  sorry  about  it. 

I  am  told  that  P.  O.  POWELL  has  sold 
his  stables  at  Point  Loma  and  returned  to 
Ryan's    to    work. 

Many  of  you  have  wondered  what  became 
of  WINONA  MATTSON  of  Engineering. 
Winona,  you  know,  was  injured  while  riding 
several  months  ago  and  her  injuries  were 
so  severe  that  she  has  been  unable  to  work. 
We  all  hope  sincerely,  Winona,  that  you 
ore  well  very  soon. 

We  heard  in  a  roundabout  way  that  Mr. 
Ryan's  Palomino,  "Bingo,"  likes  to  lay 
down  in  the  water  while  crossing  a  stream. 
How  about  that,  Mr.  Ryan? 

Harry  Oswald  is  bringing  two  of  his  Palo- 
mino stallions  down  from  his  Oregon  ranch. 
We  sure  want  to  see  those  beauties. 

It  looks  like  Gene  Autry  is  going  to  ram- 
rod Tucson's  Annual  Rodeo,  "La  Fiesta  de 
Las  Voqueros,"  Feb.  22  to  25  inclusive. 
That  should  really  be  a  show.  SLIM  COATS 
"Reckons  as  how  he  would  shore  like  to 
win  some  of  that  Arizonie  prize  dinero." 
Hope  you  make  it.  Slim. 

Well,  it's  getting  along  toward  sundown 
and  most  everybody  has  drifted  toward 
home,  so  it  looks  like  we  will  call  it  a  day 
as  time  and  space  won't  permit  any  more 
for  this  time.  Be  sure  and  ride  over  for  the 
next  meeting  and  in  the  meantime.  Merry 
Christmas  and  Happy  New  Year  to  you  all. 

F.  E.  Simonides  of  Wing  Assembly  gets  one  of  l-he  famous  Claude  Ryan  grins  as  he 
receives  his  five-year  service  pin.  Ofher  Ryan  employees  receiving  their  five-year 
pins  are,  left  to  right:  John  Gibson,  Final  Assembly;  G.  L.  Longmire,  Sheet  Metal; 
R.  A.  Evey,  Finishing;  E.  J.  Lillis,  Drop  Hammer;  Simonides  and  Claude  Ryan;  H.  W. 
Ball,  Manifold;  Dwight  Bement,  Manifold;  E.  G.  Simonson,  Manifold;  L.  E.  Haffner, 
Manifold,  and  L.  C.  Larson  of  Finishing. 

Nine  more  men  hove  been  added  to  the  ever-increasing  list  of  Ryan  employees  having 
five  years  of  service  chalked  up  on  their  records.  Caught  by  the  cameraman  after 
having  been  presented  their  five-year  service  pins  by  Claude  Ryan  are,  left  to  right: 
Charles  Welsbacher,  Engineering;  J.  C.  Smith,  Manifold  Assembly;  William  Jurney, 
Manifold  Small  Ports;  L.  F.  Jamison,  Manifold  Development;  J.  S.  Kinner,  Drop  Ham- 
mer; Claude  Ryan,  president;  W.  H.  Burroughs,  Drop  Hammer;  J.  L.  Hanson,  Tooling; 
H.  F.  Guiett  and  J.  B.  Fitzgerald  of  Sheet  Metal. 

—  21  — 

They  Join    Flight   Service 

Crib  1  .      .      .     Joyce  Brubaker 

Crib  3  Dorothy  Trudersheim 

Crib  4 Bill  Rossi 

Crib  5  .      .      .       Miriam   Popini 

Crib  7  .      .      .      .  Margie  Bolas 

Crib    1 

It  was  a  mighty  sad  day  when  JOHNNY 
"WHISTLE  BLEW"  TIBBETTS  told  us  of 
his  departure  from  San  Diego.  He  has  gone 
to  Baltimore,  Maryland,  to  join  his  father  in 
business.  Loads  of  luck  to  a  swell  leadman. 
In  his  place  came  FRANK  POWELL,  lead- 
man  from  shipping  He  has  a  tough  job, 
filling  Johnny's  shoes — but  he's  doing  it — 
and  a  fine  job,  too. 

It  is  "see  you  at  4:00  p.m."  now  for 
JIM  TURNER  and  a  leadman's  badge,  too. 
He  will  join  the  Swing  Shifters  of  Crib  I. 
It  may  be  a  good  deal  for  Jim,  but  we  will 
miss  him  on  awful  lot.  Be  good  to  him,  sec- 
ond shifters. 

Some  more  new  faces  in  the  crib  now. 
One,  PAUL  DARTER,  a  Marine  flyer  with 
Zeros  to  his  credit,  too,  has  joined  the  gang. 
He  is  a  newlywed  of  about  two  weeks!  Two 
new  gals  walked  in  this  morning — JANE 
THOMAS,  recently  employed  by  a  local  bank 
hails  from  Portland,  Oregon.  Her  husband, 
Lt.  ALAN  THOMAS,  is  a  San  Diego  fellow 
now  serving  in  the  U.  S.  Army.  DOROTHY 
JENKINS  from  Detroit,  Michigan,  has  joined 
our  force,  too.  Her  husband,  a  Petty  Officer 
3/c  is  stationed  at  the  Naval  Training  Sta- 
tion here  in  San  Diego. 

Missed  EDNA  FARNSWORTH  this  week. 
She   is  a  sick  gal.  Get  well,   but  fast,   Edna. 

Crib  3 

RUTH  BARNETT  is  now  back  on  the  job 
OS  clerk  in  Crib  3  for  second  shift.  I  almost 
forgot,  she  isn't  Ruth  Barnett  any  more,  she 
is  now  MRS.  GENE  MATTSON.  Who  is  he? 
Ryan  old  timers  remember  him  of  Crib  5, 
later  of  Final  Assembly  Inspection  and  now 
of  Uncle  Sam's  Naval  Reserve  of  the  Merch- 
ant Marine.  Gene  was  at  sea  until  just  before 
the  wedding  at  Old  San  Diego  Mission  on 
October  1 0,  1 944,  and  has  recently  gone 
Out  again  attached  to  an  AC-1  (type  of 
ship) . 

Crib  3  has  some  new  personnel  they  are 
happy  to  introduce:  WALTER  C.  (BUD) 
INGERSOLL.  His  home,  is  in  Kellogg,  Idaho. 
He  attended  the  University  of  Idaho  for  three 
and  one-half  years  where  he  was  majoring 
in  Psychology.  He  was  in  the  U.  S.  Army  Air 
Corps  and  piloted  B-17's.  He  saw  one  and 
one-half  years  of  active  duty  in  this  hemis- 
phere. Six  month  ago  he  was  put  into  the 
Air  Force  Reserve  because  of  medical  rea- 
sons and  before  coming  to  Ryan  was  em- 
ployed at  Rohr  and  then  at  Consolidated  by 
Civil   Service. 

M.  P.  HEIL  certainly  has  nothing  to  do 
with  der  Feuher,  for  he  was  born  in  Chicago, 
Illinois,  end  has  been  in  the  U.  S.  Navy 
since  July  28,  1923.  He  was  transferred  to 
the   Fleet   Naval    Reserve  on    November  28, 

H.  W.  Anderson,  left,  Stoff  Assistant  to  Works  Manager,  was  recently  oppointed  as 
Flight  Service  Manager.  George  Leonard,  right,  newly  appointed  Assistant  Foreman  of 
Flight  Service  on  second  shift. 

1944,  subject  to  being  recalled.  He  is  now 
residing  in  San  Diego  with  his  wife  and  two 
children.  One  of  his  most  interesting  ex- 
periences in  the  past  was  while  on  patrol 
duty,  he  passed  through  four  seasons  in  one 

Christmas  will  be  celebrated  in  our  Crib 
with  0  tree,  and  luncheon  at  the  noon  hour 
on  December  23. 

Merry  Christmas  end  a  very  Happy  New 
Year  to  everyone — especially  the  men  and 
women  in  uniform  whom  we  are  trying  to 

Crib   5 

We  have  a  number  of  new  people  in  our 
Crib.  MR.  RAY  NEWKIRK,  assistant  super- 
visor, ROSE  MARIE  SCHREINER,  depart- 
ment clerk,  R.  M.  SIMMON,  on  inspector. 
Then  we  have  three  transfers,  DOTTIE  HALL 
from  Transportation,  VIRGINIA  PIERSON 
from  Surface  in  Final  Assembly  and  MR. 
CHRISTOPHER  from  Department  15.  But  we 
also  lost  three  inspectors,  KAY  BALLINGER 
transferred  to  second  shift,  HAP  IRVIN  left 
us  for  a  cold  country  and  ANN  ENYEARD 
donned  her  white  wedding  gown  and  became 
MRS.  MERLIN  WEISENFLU.  "So  Ann  isn't 
with  us  any  more." 

DOLLIE  JACKSON  has  returned  after  sev- 
eral weeks  convalescence  from  on  appendix 
operation.  MARY  ANN  FORMES  also  has 
returned  from  a  trip  back  to  Ohio  with  her 
husband.  Many  Ann  is  now  quite  satisfied 
with  San  Diego  weather.  Who  should  come 
back  to  work  but  our  old  friend,  OWEN 
POWELL,  Sheet  Metal  floor  inspector.  Evi- 
dently he  liked  Ryan  better  than  his  horses. 

Crib   7 

W.  SEVERSON  proposed  having  a  stand 
to  hold  various  Inspection  Procedure  books. 
Consequently,  on  yellow,  supposedly  imita- 
tion gold  paper,  sealed  with  blue  paper 
stuck  with  scotch  tape,  was  inscribed  this 
fitting  quotation: 

—  22  — 

"To  Mr.  Wesley  Severson,  this  certificate 
is  issued  for  his  outstanding  suggestion  to 
simplify  Inspector's  Duties;  so  simple  Inspec- 
tors may  do  their  work." 

As  a  monetary  token  of  their  regard,  seven 
gold  pennies  plus  1  tax  token  from  Colo- 
rado were  also  given  with  the  above  cer- 
tificate by:  Company  Inspection,  Liaison 
Engineering  and  Navy  Inspection. 

We  would  like  to  welcome  some  more  new 
inspectors:  G.  XALIS,  L.  E.  ELSON,  H.  A. 
BERNARD  and  W.  E.  HENRICKS.  Hope 
you  like  us. 

You  should  see  the  lovely  silver  cup  that 
was  awarded  JACK  WESTLER  for  winning 
the  golf  tournament  for  Third  Flight  C  Divi- 
sion. Congratulations! 

FRED  HAYWOOD  asking  the  whereabouts 
of  DON  WILCOX,  received  the  very  intelli- 
gent reply,  "He  went  with  somebody  to  look 
at  something.  (Sounds  as  if  it  may  be  a 
civilian  secret. ) 

From  what  1  hear,  W.  Severson  has  a 
very  intelligent  little  girl.  One  day  when 
Judith  was  walking  with  her  Daddy,  he  asked 
her  to  "step  down"  in  a  sing-songy  tone 
when  approaching  a  curb.  Severson  never 
thought  any  more  about  it  until  they  walked 
a  whole  block  and  heard  o  little  voice  say- 
ing, "step  down,"  in  the  exact  tone  her 
Daddy  hod  used.  Only  sixteen  months  old, 
too,   imagine! 

T.  DOWNEY,  Brooklyn  Dodgers  scout,  was 
able  to  sign  up  four  A-1  men  for  two  of 
the  Brooklyn  Dodgers'  nine  clubs.  Two  pitch- 
ers for  Montreal  and  two  for  Newport  News. 
Congratulations,  Tom. 

A.  HALLAND  certainly  had  a  swell  Christ- 
mas present.  His  son,  George,  19,  just  re- 
turned from  1 8  months  in  the  Pacific  for 
a   30-doy  furlough. 

V.  RUNNER  was  told  by  a  friend  (?t  that 
she  had  only  a  few  shopping  days  left  in 
Leap  Year. 



Silent  night,  holy  night, 

All  is  calm,  all  is  bright; 

Round  yon  Virgin  Mother  and  Child! 

Holy  Infant,  so  tender  and  mild. 

Sleep  in  heavenly  peace. 

Sleep  in  heavenly  peace. 


O  little  town  of  Bethlehem, 

How  still  we  see  thee  lie! 
Above  thy  deep  and  dreamless  sleep, 

The  silent  stars  go  by; 
Yet  in  thy  darl<  street  shineth. 

The  everlasting  Light; 
The  hopes  and  fears  of  all  the  years. 

Are  met  in  thee  tonight. 


Joy  to  the  world  !  The  Lord  is  come ! 

Let  earth  receive  her  King; 

Let  every  heart  prepare  Him  room. 

And  heaven  and  nature  sing. 

And  heaven  and  nature  sing, 

And  heaven,  and  heaven  and  nature  sing. 


O  come,  all  ye  faithful,  joyful  and  trium- 

O  come  ye,  O  come  ye  to  Bethlehem! 

Come  and  behold  Him,  born  the  King  of 

O  come,  let  us  adore  Him,  O  come,  let  us 
adore  Him, 

O  come,  let  us  adore  Him,  Christ,  the  Lord! 


The  first  Noel,  the  angels  did  say. 

Was   to  certain    poor  shepherds   in    fields   as 

they  lay; 
In  fields  where  they  lay  keeping  their  sheep. 
On  a  cold  winter's  night  that  was  so  deep. 

Noel,  Noel,  Noel,  Noel, 

Born  is  the  King  of  Israel. 


Deck  the  halls  with  boughs  of  holly. 

Fa  la  la  la  la  la  la  la  la. 
'Tis  the  season  to  be  jolly. 

Fa  la  la  la  la  la  la  la  la. 
Don  we  now  our  gay  apparel. 

Fa  la  la  la  la  la  la  la  la. 
Troll  the  ancient  Yuletide  carol. 

Fa  la   la   la  la  la   la  la   la. 


It  come  upon  the  midnight  clear. 
That  glorious  song  of  old. 
From  angels  bending  near  the  earth. 
To  touch  their  harps  of  gold : 
"Peace  on  the  earth,  good  will  to  men. 
From  heaven's  all  gracious  King." 
The  world  in  solemn  stillness  lay. 
To  hear  the  angels  sing. 


God  rest  ye  merry  gentlemen. 

Let  nothing  you  dismay. 
Remember  Christ  our  Saviour, 

Was  born  on  Christmas  day. 
To  save  poor  souls  from  Satan's  power. 

Which  had  long  time  gone  astray. 
And   God   send  you   happy   new  year,    happy 

new  year; 
And  God  send  you  a   happy  new  year. 


Hark;   the  herald  angels  sing,  "Glory  to  the 

new-born    King; 
Peace   on   earth,    and    mercy   mild;    God   and 

sinners   reconciled." 
Joyful,  all  ye  nations  rise.  Join  the  triumph 

of  the  skies; 
With  angelic  hosts  proclaim,  "Christ  is  born 

in  Bethlehem!" 
Hark!  the  herald  angels  sing,  "Glory  to  the 

new-born  King." 


Dashing    through    the    snow    in    a    one    horse 

open  sleigh. 
O'er  the  fieds  we  go,   laughing  all  the  way; 
Bells  on   bobtail    ring,   making   spirits  bright. 
What  fun  it  is  to  ride  and  sing 

A  sleighing  song  tonight! 

Jingle  bells!  Jingle  bells!  Jingle  all  the  way! 
Oh,    what   fun    it    is   to    ride    in    a   one    horse 

open  sleigh! 
Jingle  bells!  Jingle  bells!  Jingle  all  the  way! 
Oh,   what   fun    it   is   to   ride    in   a   one-horse 

open  sleigh! 

—  23  — 

Whispers  From 
Final  Swingsters 

by  U  and  Me 

A  big  thanks  goes  out  to  those  ladies  who 
made  the  Thanksgiving  party  a  nice  one. 
They  sure  know  what's  good. 

We  will  miss  IRENE  BARRETT  and  EDITH 
OAKS  who  have  gone  up  to  Balboa,  LEAD- 
MAN  MORTENSON,  you  don't  know  how  we 
all  miss  you  since  you  left  us  for  Inspection. 
We  do  wish  you  the  best  of  luck.  MORTY 
sure  wonts  to  thank  those  who  were  so  kind 
to  present  him  with  the  coke  and  shirts. 
A  nice  friendly  gesture  from  all  of  you. 

So,  RALPH  SCHULZ,  you  thought  no  one 
would  remember  your  birthday.  He  was  one 
surprised  and  pleased  fellow  and  does  appre- 
ciate your  kindness. 

BLANCHE  HARDIN  has  decided  to  go 
bock  to  Arkansas.    Hope  she  will    be   happy. 

Good  to  see  ARCHIE  and  HARRIET  HAY- 
DEN  bock  from  Balboa.  Gee,  it  seemed  you 
were  gone  such  a  long  time. 

Now  weren't  we  all  glad  to  see  BUZ  bock. 
We  haven't  been  the  some  since  you  left  us. 
Please   don't  go   away  again. 

TILLIE  BURMAN  has  left  for  her  home  in 
Iowa,  but  is  returning  after  Christmas. 

Say,  SCOTTIE,  you  look  better  since  you 
hod  a  few  days  rest.  Maybe  that  was  really 
what  you  needed  all  the  time. 

Ryan  is  being  well  represented  at  the 
swing  shift  dance  at  the  Square.  Come  along, 
the  rest  of  you,  we  have  lots  of  fun. 

"SHORTY"  WHALEN  likes  the  desert. 
Poor  Shorty,  with  our  mountains  so  close, 
the  view  is  obstructed.  Soon  now  you  can 
fly  bock  there  for  a  view.  Don't  stay  though, 
we  need  fine  fellows  like  you.  If  you  wont 
some  sand  to  sleep  on,  let  us  know  and  we'll 
haul  a  few  socks  in. 

PAT  HARDIN  uses  his  head.  But,  not  so 
hard  next  time.  Pot! 

JOHN  HENRY  looks  like  he  is  liking  it 
here.  Even  better  than  Hemet?  He  has  been 
with  Ryan  almost  four  years.  We  are  proud 
of  that,  Johnnie. 

Must  remember  to  soy  welcome  to  WIL- 
LIAMS and  WOOTERS.  With  folks  like  you, 
being  such  good  workers,  we  will  get  this 
job  finished  soon. 

We  ore  sorry  to  lose  MRS.  MOE.  Her  hus- 
band is  being  sent  to  other  places  by  Uncle 
Sam  and  she  feels  she  will  be  happier  up 
north  with  her  folks.  Don't  forget  us,  Moe, 
and  our  good  wishes  follow  both  you  and 
your  hubby. 

Well,  Christmas  is  almost  here  and  that 
makes  a  lot  of  memories  for  us.  Let  us  work 
with  a  will  so  that  before  the  next  one  rolls 
around  our  loved  ones  that  are  spared  will 
be  closer  to  us.  New  Years!  What  will  that 
mean  to  you?  What  has  it  been  to  you  in 
the  post?  Someone  is  counting  on  you,  even 
more  than  you  ore  counting  on  someone  this 
year  ahead.  Do  your  best,  time  is  marching 
on.  The  way  we  hove  conducted  ourselves 
lost  year  still  follows  us  in  the  new  year. 
Let's  do  our  best  and  you  know  where  you 
need  to  make  changes. 

Ryan  is  proud  of  you.  You  ore  glad  to  be 
one  of  the  Ryan  family.  And  it  is  "a  better 
place  to  work,"  because  of  you,  you  and  you. 



(Continued   from   page   9) 

work  long  grinding  hours,  but  then  I  was 
learning  what  I  wanted,"  Jean  said.  "I  was 
there  to  learn  about  food  preparotion  and 
cooking — from    soup    to    nuts." 

"In  those  days,  you  went  to  school  to 
learn,  and  no  horse  play,"  admits  Jean.  "A 
typical  day  for  me  would  start  at  6  a.  m. 
and  I'd  work  until  2  p.  m.  Then  I  would  be 
bock  on  the  job  at  4  p.  m.  and  work  until 
8  p.  m.  The  next  day,  I  would  start  at  8 
a.  m.  and  work  straight  through  until  9  p. 
m.  Another  minor  requirement  was  that  I 
attend  trade  school  two  afternoons  and  two 
evenings  a  week.  However,  they  were  very 
generous  about  time  off.  Once  a  month,  I 
had  a  Sunday  off  which  I  would  always  spend 
at  home.  This  only  meant  that  I  had  to  get 
up  at  4  0.  m.  to  do  my  work  at  the  hotel 
before  catching  the  1  o'clock  train  for  home. 
Oh,  yes,  I  almost  forgot  to  mention  that  I 
hod  to  be  back  at  the  hotel  ready  for  work 
by  3:15  the  same  afternoon.  I  hod  about 
fifteen   minutes  at  home." 

The  two  years  apprenticeship  went  by 
quickly  and  pleasantly  for  Jean,  as  he  was 
an  apt  pupil.  Then  came  the  eventful  week 
of  final   examinations! 

"The  first  three  days  were  spent  in  a 
written  examination  given  by  six  chefs  from 
other  large  hotels.  Upon  completion  of  that, 
the  rest  of  the  week  was  spent  in  the  kitchen, 
preparing  food,  making  pastry,  butchering, 
etc.  The  last  day,  it  was  necessary  for  the 
pupil  to  prepare  a  complete  meal  for  the 
men  giving  the  test. 

I'll  have  to  admit  that  my  hands  were  o 
bit  unsteady  at  times." 

Jean  found  out  later  that  he  was  worrying 
needlessly  as  he  was  one  of  four,  out  of  a 
group  of  twenty-five  taking  the  examination, 
who  were  invited  to  join  the  trade  guild. 
Trade  guilds  ore  old  established  fraternal 
organizations  into  which  one  is  invited.  It's 
not  just  a  matter  of  paying  a  fee  and  joining. 
They  only  invite  the  cream  of  the  crop. 

So  that's  how,  ot  16,  Jean  was  a  chief 
cook  having  middle-aged  men  working  under 
him.  Jean's  cose  was  an  unusual  one  as 
most  apprentices  have  to  serve  four  years 
as  journeymen  before  they  are  eligible  to 
become  chief  cooks. 

"After  graduating,  I  went  to  work  for 
the  Bucher  Durrer  Hotel  Company.  They  hod 
a  large  chain  of  sixty  hotels  and  resorts 
throughout  Europe — mostly  catering  to  va- 
cationists. Consequently,  I  travelled  oil 
over  the  continent  all  year  long  as  we  fol- 
lowed the  tourist  trade  which  meant  that  I 
was  never  in  one  place  more  than  three 
months.  They  hod  hotels  in  Africa — where 
I  spent  two  years — Germany,  Italy,  Switz- 
erland, Russia,  France  ond  Egypt.  I  was 
thankful  for  my  language  studies  in  school. 
My  ability  to  speak  German,  Italian,  French 
•and    English    helped    immensely." 

"During  the  two  seasons  I  spent  in  Assuan, 
Africa,  as  a  dietician,  I  became  acquainted 
with  the  hotel  doctor.  He  took  a  liking  to 
me  and  asked  me  to  come  along  as  dietician 
and  cook  on  health  cruises  on  which  he 
took  his  wealthy  patients.  Of  course,  the 
only  thing  that  was  wrong  with  them  was 
that  they  had  too  much  money  —  they 
weren't  really  sick.  For  instance,  for  nine 
people  on  board,  I  would  be  required  to  fix 
spinach  nine  different  ways — with  salt,  with- 
out salt,  with  salt  and  butter,  with  butter 
and  salt  but  no  pepper,  one  with  a  piece  of 

egg  on  top,  one  with  cream  and  so  on  down 
the  list.  The  funny  port  of  it  was,  the  spin- 
ach was  all  cooked  the  same  way  at  the 
same  time  in  one  big  pot.  Some  racket,  I'd 
say.  But  it  was  one  way  of  seeing  the 

Jean's  life  was  running  smoothly  until 
war  broke  out  in  1914.  "I  decided  that  now 
the  time  had  come  when  I  should  see  how 
the  people  of  the  United  States  fared.  I  had 
no  trouble  getting  a  permit  to  leave  my 
country,  as  I  was  under  age  for  the  Army 
and  Switzerland  hod  plenty  of  men  anyway. 
So  I  sailed  for  America,  and  have  never 
been  home  since  that  day. 

I  was  supposed  to  land  in  New  York  City, 
but  due  to  bod  weather  landed  in  Boston. 
I  didn't  like  Boston  one  little  bit,  so  decided 
to  go  on  to  New  York,  but  there  the  wages 
were  deplorable  so  mode  my  way  on  to  Chi- 
cago. Now  that's  a  town!  The  meeting  place 
for  all  the  cooks  was  a  little  saloon  on 
Wabash  Avenue  which  served  as  on  em- 
ployment agency.  They  would  help  any  cook 
to  get  a  job,  but  I  decided  to  go  to  work 
for  the  Grand  Trunk  Railroad  in  Canada. 
I  spent  six  months  in  Winnipeg  and  Edmon- 
ton, then  joined  the  Canadian  Pacific  Rail- 
way. I  worked  in  Vancouver,  Lake  Louise 
and  also  as  a  coolie  train   steward." 

After  having  been  in  the  United  States  a 
little  over  two  years,  Jean  became  extremely 
homesick.  He  felt  he  had  to  return  to  Switz- 
erland to  visit  his  mother,  brother  and  sisters. 
He  decided,  however,  that  he  would  see  Cali- 
fornia before  returning  home.  That  was  his 
downfall.  While  in  Hollywood,  his  financial 
resources  became  so  low  (seeing  all  the 
sights)  that  he  didn't  hove  the  fare  home 
and  hod  to  go  to  work.  Los  Angeles  didn't 
hold  much  appeal  for  Jean,  so  he  decided  to 
try  Arizona,  taking  a  job  in  Phoenix  at  the 
Hotel  Adams,  where  he  assisted  in  remodel- 
ing and  modernizing  their  kitchen.  After 
three  months,  the  weather  became  unbear- 
able, so  he  decided  to  go  back  to  the  cool 
Canadian  pine  country.  After  getting  as  for 
as  Seattle,  he  found  that  due  to  his  having 
signed  up  for  work  in  the  United  States,  he 
couldn't  leave  the  country  as  we  hod  gone  to 
war  by  that  time. 

"After  working  in  Seattle  until  the  end  of 
the  war,  I  took  a  job  with  the  American 
Oriental  Steamship  Lines  traveling  from  the 
United  States  to  the  Orient.  In  1922,  I  de- 
cided to  stay  in  China.  I  went  to  work  at 
the  Astor  Hotel  in  Shanghai  where  it  was  to 
be  my  job  to  remodel  and  rhodernize  the 
kitchen.  I  not  only  had  to  modernize  the 
kitchen,  but  modernize  the  help  too.  Those 
Chinese  had  been  doing  everything  the  same 
way  all  their  lives  and  it  wasn't  easy  to 
change  their  methods." 

It  was  port  of  Jean's  job  to  conduct  regu- 
lar training  classes,  teaching  his  crew  how 
to  use  the  modern  equipment  once  it  was 
installed,  and  how  to  cook  new  dishes. 

"The  only  job  I  took  on  that  didn't  turn 
out  successfully  was  when  1  hod  a  steomboil- 
er  installed  in  the  hotel  for  steamtables  and 
coffee  urns.  The  Chinese  fellow  whom  I 
thought  1  had  taught  to  run  the  boiler,  just 
couldn't  get  the  hang  of  it.  Consequently, 
I  went  to  the  big  boss,  a  half  Chinese  and 
half  Irish  fellow  by  the  name  of  McGinnis  to 
see  if  he  could  tell  me  what  the  trouble  was. 
He  said,  'Jean,  you're  trying  to  teach  your 
boys  too  many  things.  If  you'll  tell  me  how 
the  boiler  works,  I'll  see  that  you  never  hove 
to  worry  about  it  again.' 

Jean  admits  that  he  spent  one  whole 
afternoon  demonstrating  to  McGinnis  the 
inner  workings  of  that  boiler.  "Lo  and  be- 
hold, the  next  day,  when   1   chanced  to  look 

—  24  — 

out  the  window,  1  saw  1 6  Chinese  scurrying 
wildly  around  that  steam  boiler.  Immediately, 
I  dashed  into  McGinnis'  office  to  osk  what 
was  the  idea.  It  seems  that  McGinnis  had 
put  one  man  on  each  of  the  16  different 
jobs  connected  with  keeping  the  boiler  run- 
ning. It  cost  the  hotel  $92.00  per  month 
to  pay  that  crew.  The  reason  it  took  1  6  men 
to  keep  this  one  job  running  smoothly  is  that 
no  one  man  would  ever  take  the  initiative  to 
do  more  than  the  minimum  of  his  job.  How- 
ever, they  did  o  good  job  and  we  never  hod 
less  than  25  pounds  nor  more  than  30  pounds 
of  steam  at  any  one  time. 

"McGinnis  wanted  to  instoll  a  new  Grill 
Room  for  which  all  equipment  hod  to  be 
ordered  from  the  United  Stotes.  I  suggested 
to  him,  as  a  publicity  stunt,  that  we  install 
aluminum  cooking  utensils  and  trays  as  it 
would  be  a  novelty  to  replace  the  copper 
utensils  that  had  been  used  in  the  past.  He 
thought  it  was  a  swell  idea  and  told  me  to 
prepare  a  list  of  all  equipment  I  would  need. 
"My  list  come  to  $42,000  and  I  must  admit 
that  it  was  with  trembling  knees  that  I  laid 
that  list  on  McGinnis'  desk  for  appoval. 
Upon  glancing  at  the  total  cost,  he  remarked, 
'Don't  bother  me  with  trifles,  Jean.'  From 
then  on,  1  ordered  anything  and  everything 
I    needed. 

"After  having  spent  a  very  enjoyable  year 
in  China,  I  come  back  to  the  United  States 
for  a  rest,  planning  to  return  to  China  in  the 
fall.  It  was  lucky  for  me  that  I  returned 
when  I  did,  as  if  I  had  been  out  of  the  coun- 
try one  more  day,  I  would  have  returned  to 
on  immigrant  status  becouse  I  was  not  yet 
a  citizen.  The  1923  earthquake  in  Japan 
ruined  business  in  the  Orient,  so  I  decided  to 
stay  over  here." 

Jean  had  several  jobs  throughout  the 
United  States,  finally  returning  to  San  Diego 
where  he  worked  at  the  Son  Diego  and  El 
Cortez    Hotels. 

"Then  came  that  eventful  day,"  Jean 
soys,  "when  I  heard  about  Ryan.  I  had  heard 
rumors  that  they  needed  o  man  for  their 
school  to  be  built  in  Hemet,  California.  I 
was  interviewed  by  Colin  Stillwagen,  Con- 
troller of  the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics, 
and  he  seemed  to  like  me,  so  I  was  hired  to 
get  the  cafeteria  under  way.  After  much  el- 
bow grease,  the  Hemet  school  cafeteria 
opened  with  a  flourish  in  1940.  In  July  of 
the  next  year,  I  was  told  that  we  would  soon 
be  opening  another  school  in  Tucson,  Ari- 
zona, and  I  was  chosen  to  organize  the 
cafeteria  there  also." 

Jean  left  Tucson  in  1943  to  give  a  hand 
in  starting  a  cafeteria  for  Ryan  employees  or 
the  plant  here  in  Son  Diego.  He  had  trials 
and  tribulations  aplenty  trying  to  obtain 
equipment  when  priorities  were  hard  nuts  to 
crock,  but  he  can  be  proud  of  a  job  well 
done.  The  cafeteria  recently  celebrated  its 
first  anniversary.  In  that  year,  they  turned 
out  more  than  a  million  meols  at  cost  to 
Ryan  employees. 

Jean  was  also  the  instigator  of  the  Cafe- 
teria Committee  whose  sole  purpose  is  to 
allow  employees  to  voice  their  complaints 
and  compliments  in  o  never  ceasing  effort 
to  keep  our  cafeteria  just  as  they  want  it. 

Come  next  September,  Jean  Bovet  will 
have  been  in  the  Ryan  organization  for  five 
years  and  is  looking  forward  to  the  time  when 
Ryan  can  establish  an  airline  route  to  China. 
"I've  put  in  my  bid,"  soys  Jean,  "to  open 
the  first  Ryan  cafeteria  in  China.  And  it 
will  give  me  a  chance  to  make  my  long- 
hoped-for  return  to  the  Orient,  postponed 
since  1923.  Only  this  time,  I'll  be  taking 
my  wife  and  two  children  along  with  me." 

The  Puddle  Pushers 
On  The  Swing 

by  Doris  Williksen 

"I'm  Dreaming  of  a  White  Christmas"  is 
more  than  just  a  song  this  year.  It's  a  happy 
memory  and  a  hope  for  tomorrow.  Did  you 
ever  think  of  jamming  your  days  full  of  the 
ever  existing  "little  things"  of  living  that  in 
darker  moments  you  can  coast  along  on  a 
wealth  of  memories?  .  .  .  Congratulations 
are  due:  Did  you  know  that  the  popular 
BILL  KUPILIKS  will  celebrate  their  second 
wedding  anniversary  on  New  Year's  Day? 
We  all  join  in  wishing  them  joy  and  happi- 
ness for  fifty  more  to  come!  .  .  .  Next  our 
cor^gratulotions  go  to  JESSE  MARTIN  who 
is  the  new  leadman  of  Les  Bowen's  welders 
of  Department  14.  Jesse  follows  in  the  foot- 
steps of  ERNIE  THAYER  who  returns  to 
first  shift  permanently  (he  hopes!  Is  that 
nice  Ernie?!)  and  of  CARL  STARRETT  who 
recently  transferred  to  Tooling  welding.  Carl 
is  going  to  be  badly  missed  up  our  way,  a 
popular  tease  and  always  a  willing  hand. 
.  .  .  Speaking  of  Jesse  Martin  reminds  me 
that  his  gay  young  daughter  "PAT,"  ex- 
production  checker  of  Department  1 6,  is 
now  modeling  and  selling  dresses  at  Brooks. 
Also  the  well  known  "BOOTS."  Incidentally 
I  hear  that  "Boots'  "  husband  is  out  of  the 
hospital.  .  .  .  Did  you  know  that  that  lucky 
"BECKY"  lost  twenty  pounds  on  her  leave? 
.  .  .  That  BOB  GARDNER,  arc  welder  of 
B-29,  is  now  on  first  shift?  .  .  That  GEORGE 
ANDERSON  is  on  avid  detective  story  fan? 
.  .  .  That  VERL  DAHL  has  gone  on  first 
shift  that  she  may  have  more  time  to  spend 
with  her  handsome  marine  husband  who  is 
now  stationed  at  the  Naval  Hospital?  .  .  . 
hove  returned  and  Mariane  is  now  Depart- 
ment Clerk  of  16?  .  .  .  HELEN  CRONE  is 
all  excited  anticipating  her  trip  back  home 
to  New  Mexico  for  the  holidays.  She  has 
plane  reservations  for  Saturday  night  and  is 
a-biding  her  time.  Hove  fun,  Helen,  and 
bring  your  smile  back  with  you.  .  .  .  PENNY 
ANDERSON  and  SUE  KUTCH,  both  gas 
welders  of  Department  1  5,  quit  recently.  Sue 
back  to  Texas  and  Penny  to  await  the  stork. 
Friends  gave  them  a  cake  and  coffee  send- 
off  with  each  a  farewell  gift.  Those  gals 
will  be  missed.  .  .  .  WHERE  has  "MITCH" 
been  this  lost  week?  The  place  doesn't  seem 
the  some  without  him?  .  .  .  We  are  glad  to 
report  that  "PORKY"  and  DELIA'S  little 
boy  is  well  on  the  way  to  recovery  following 
0  severe  bruising  and  slight  concussion  when 
he  was  knocked  down  by  a  car.  .  .  Hove 
you  observed  that  STEIN  man's  walk  since 
PEGGY  said,  "I  do"?  Is  he  proud!!  .  .  AND 
hove  you  seen  the  bee-you-tiful  watch  that 
MARJORIE  PENTICO  'received  from  that 
marine  of  hers?  A  birthday  gift  she  says. 
...  Did  you  see  "FLASH"  GORDON  when 
he  visited  the  plant?  "Flash"  is  home  on 
furlough  and  the  "oh's"  that  went  up  when 
he  appeared!!  He  has  lost  nearly  twenty 
pounds  and  what  with  his  army  uniform — 
well!!  .  .  I  hear  that  GERRY  PARKS  dropped 
in  to  soy  "hello"  a  few  weeks  ago  too.  An- 
other army  man  formerly  of  Department  1  5. 
.   .   .   RUTH  STANLEY  of  Department   14  is 




Of  s 


Indulging  in  a  bit  of  shop  talk  with  Claude  Ryan,  president-,  are  the  men  who  had 
just-  been  presented  their  five-year  service  pins  from  Claude  Ryan.  Left  to  right:  W.  E. 
Hudson,  Manifold  Development;  R.  N.  Wallin,  Fuselage;  C.  V.  Purese,  Tooling;  R.  T. 
Rice,  Tool  Design;  S.  C.  Wayte,  Hydro  Press;  J.  M.  Skains,  Inspection;  Porter  Brans- 
com.  Modeling,  and  W.  L.  Thorpe  of  Sheet  Metal. 

Proud  wearers  of  their  newly-acquired  five-yeor  service  pins  presented  to  them  by 
Claude  Ryan,  president,  are,  first  row,  left  to  right:  William  Jones,  Industrial  Relations; 
Claude  Ryan;  J.  O.  Burke,  Wing  Assembly;  F.  J.  Barsen,  Fuselage;  W.  J.  Dockett, 
Tooling,  and  J.  H.  Eddy  of  Wing  Assembly.  Second  row,  left  to  right:  C.  H.  Day,  Finol 
Assembly;  R.  A.  Chase,  Customer  Contoct;  H.  J.  Beck,  Purchasing,  and  R.  H.  Craw- 
ford of  Machine  Shop. 

having  a  leisurely  trip  to  Washington  D.  C. 
and  down  through  Florida,  while  CLAUDINE 
BYRD  of  the  some  department  just  returned 
from  a  ten-day  leave  spent  with  her  husband 
who  is  home  from  Pearl  Harbor  after  eigh- 
teen months  of  Civil  Service  work.  .  .  'Tis 
said  that  JOE  LEAL,  gas  tacker,  is  talking 
of  going  back  in  the  Navy  after  the  first  of 
the  year.  .  .  .  Does  anyone  know  anything 
about  that  very  attractive  BETTY  SHARITZ 
on  first  shift?  I  mean  news  that  we  can  tease 
her  about  in  this  column?  I  keep  asking  her 
for  first  shift  news  and  she  just  laughs  that 
nice  mocking  laugh  of  hers.  Would  be  fun  to 
get  something  about  her!!  .  .  .  Did  you  see 
EDDIE  ERICKSON'S  hat?  Eddie  is  leadman 
of   the   production   checkers   on    second.    He 

—  25  — 

has  0  hat  and  pipe  that  really  odd  up  to  a 
"dreomboot"  combination!  I  love  it!  .  .  . 
Poor  "DUTCH"  has  been  frantic  for  days 
that  she  has  lost  her  voice  and  oil  we  hear 
from  her  are  weird  croaks!  ...  I  hear  De- 
partment 16  is  forming  a  HOPSCOTCH 
TEAM!!  .  .  .  Well,  to  each  and  every  one 
of  you  this  column  gives  that  ever  universal, 
but  never  worn-out,  "MERRY  XMAS  TO 


Johnny  Cares,  right,  went  up  there,  but 
Capt.  Jack  Southwell  of  the  All-Stars 
went  up  higher  as  he  sinks  a  one-hand 
shot  through  the  nets.  Both  men  are 
stalwarts  of  one  of  the  strongest  Ryan 
teams  in  years. 


Tossing  16  points  through  the  basket, 
Copt.  Jack  Southwell  led  his  Ryan  All-Stars 
to  victory  in  their  first  gome  of  the  season 
against  the  San  Diego  Club  basketeers  in 
the  club  gym  on  Nov.  29.  The  All-Stars 
unveiled  a  potentially  brilliant  team  in  this, 
their  first  competition  of  the  year,  and  prom- 
ise to  moke  trouble  for  all  future  opponents. 
Second  in  the  scoring  column  for  our  boys 
was  Ed  Herrin,  experienced  guard,  who 
ringed  ten  points  while  Jerry  Lowe  at  center 
come  up  with  5  as  did  Joe  Morones. 

The  outstanding  player  on  the  floor  for 
Ryan  that  evening  was  Ed  Ulowetz,  who, 
while  scoring  3  points,  patrolled  the  back- 
board like  a  leech,  and  turning  in  one  of 
the  best  defensive  exhibitions  seen  on  the 
club  floor  in  years. 

Walsh  at  forward  for  the  losers  was  high 
scorer  for  the  evening  racking  up  17  tallies 
or  nearly  half  of  his  team's  total  as  the 
final  score  read  42-35  in  favor  of  Ryan. 
The  All-Stars  led  at  the  half  32  to  13,  and 
fielded  three  full  teams  in  the  last  half  as 
they  drew  out  their  victory. 

The   lineups: 
Ryan  All-Stars  SDC 

E.  DeWyer,  rf  (0)  Walsh,   rf    (17) 

J.  Cares   (1) 
Southwell,  Capt,  If        McCormick,   If    (4) 

J.  Shirk    (0)  Stout   (0) 

E.  Maple    (0) 

J.  Lowe,  c    (6)  Elwood  c,    (4) 

J.  Wright    (0) 

E.  Ulowetz,  rg    (3)        G.  Mario,  rg    (6) 
J.  Morones,  Ig   (6)        McComish,  Ig    (0) 
E.  Herrin    (10)  Klicka     (4) 

R.    Rodriguez    (0)         Schwortzbough    (0) 
Score  by  periods: 

Ryan  All-Stars 9      16      32      42 

Son  Diego  Club 3       13       15      35 

On  Dec.  8th,  the  All-Stars  suffered  their 
first  setback  of  the  season  as  they  dropped 
a  torrid  contest  to  the  YMCA  hoopsters  by 
the  score  of  36  to  25.  Capt.  Southwell  and 
Morones  each  netted  8  points  for  the  All- 
Stars  while  going  down  to  defeat. 

The  All-Stars  have  a  heavy  schedule  to 
face  throughout  the  season.  Deadline  does 
not  allow  the  score  of  their  game  with  the 
State  College  Five  on  Dec.  15th  to  appear 
in  this  issue  but  the  contest  was  to  be  the 
first  of  several  between  these  clubs.  In  Janu- 
ary the  club  will  enter  the  Industrial  league 
while  the  contests  in  December  include  battle 
with  Coast  Guard  clubs  and  the  Tadcen  team 
of  Camp  Elliott. 
Plant  Teams 

Contests  in  December  also  find  Ralph 
Giffin's  Transportation  team  and  Bill  Bor- 
den's Engineering  club  playing  several  out- 
fits, among  them  the  Boy  Scout  All-Stars, 
Neighborhood  House,  and  each  other. 

Co-captained  by  Joyce  Donelsen  ond 
Freda  Wilkerson,  a  strong  Swing  Shift  girls' 
team  is  practicing  weekly  under  the  direction 
of  the  Recreation  Director  and  will  enter 
league  competition   in   January. 

The  Score  Board 

On  November  26  at  Golden  Hill,  the  Ryan 
All  Stars  behind  the  brilliant  pitching  of  Erv 
Morlett  and  the  hitting  of  Bobbie  Bryan  and 
Nikoli  defeated  the  U.S.S.  Subron  by  a  score 
of  3-1  to  win  the  lost  half  of  the  Son  Diego 
Manager's  Association  Sunday  Baseball 

The  Ryan  All  Stars  have  won  9  straight 
in  the  League  making  a  total  of  1  5  wins  out 
of  the  last  1  6  games. 

A  game  between  the  winner  of  the  first 
half  of  the  League  which  was  ABG2,  the 
Marine  Team  from  North  Island,  and  the 
Ryan  All  Stars  will  be  played  for  the  cham- 
pionship in  the  very  near  future. 

The  Ryan  All  Stars  will  continue  to  ploy 
every  Sunday  during  the  winter  and  these 
games  are  for  your  enjoyment  and  supported 
by  the  Welfare  Department  of  the  Ryan 
Aeronautical  Company.  Anyone  desiring  to 
attend  these  contests  will  find  the  bookings 
for  the  games  and  their  respective  locations 
on  the  sports  pages  of  the  Son  Diego  Union 
every  Sunday.  — A.  S,  Billings. 

—  26  — 

John  Flynn,  right,  Ryon  Table  Tennis 
Champion  recently  crowned,  passes 
along  a  little  "dope"  to  his  doubles 
partner.  Bill  Jones.  Jones  and  Flynn 
won  the  Night  Shift  doubles  tourna- 
ment. Flynn  won  the  Swingsters  Singles, 
and  went  on  to  defeat  Jock  Southwell 
for  the  company  championship. 

John  Flynn 
Ping-Pong  Ullnner 

Ploying  a  fiery  and  slashing  gome,  John 
Flynn  of  Dept.  8,  Swing  Shift,  emerged  from 
0  field  of  nearly  o  dozen  competitors  as  the 
Table  Tennis  champion  for  the  Swing  shift, 
to  win  a  trophy  as  Swing  shift  champion. 
Pairing  with  Bill  Jones  of  Dept.  6,  Flynn  went 
on  to  win  the  Swing  Shift  doubles  champion- 

Today  Flynn  stands  as  the  Ryan  Table 
Tennis  champion  as  in  a  grand  final  match 
with  Jack  Southwell,  First  Shift  champion, 
Flynn  come  out  on  top  in  a  series  that  went 
the  full  five  gomes.  Flynn  won  by  scores  of 
21-14,  21-17,  20-22,  19-21  and  21-10. 
The  champion  will  have  his  name  engraved 
on  the  beautiful  perpetual  trophy  as  1 944 
over-all  king. 

Flynn  and  Jones  are  to  meet  Southwell 
and  Huff  a  little  later  on  for  the  plant 
doubles  championship.  Awards  are  to  go  to 
the  winners  on  oil  shifts  as  well  as  to  the 
grand    champions. 

Nearly  100  entries  featured  the  most 
hotly-waged  tournament  in  years  ond  Com- 
missioner Roy  Cunningham  promises  a  new 
tournoment  in  the  very  near  future. 

Dubbs  and  Putts 

A  most  successful  Aircraft  tournament 
was  completed  in  December  with  entries  from 
Ryan  clubbing  their  way  to  enough  victories 
to  annex  about  a  third  of  the  winners'  tro- 
phies. There  were  241  entries  on  the  links 
throughout  the  tourney  from  Ryan,  Rohr, 
Solar  and  Consolidated.  Golf  Commissioner 
M.  M.  Clancy  reports  that  57  golfers  from 
Ryan    participated. 

Early  in  1945,  it  is  planned  that  a  tour- 
nament under  similar  conditions  will  be 
staged  just  for  Ryan  golfers  alone,  and  it  is 
expected  that  a  record  turnout  will  take  part 
in  this  event. 

Here  are  the  Ryan  winners  in  the  Aircraft 
tournament  and  their  respective  victories: 

Jack  Westler,  winner,  Div.  C,  3rd  flight; 
Roy  Cunningham,  runner-up,  Div.  C,  2nd 
flight;  George  A.  Dew,  runner-up,  Div.  C, 
championship  flight;  Don  Wasser,  runner-up, 
Div.  A,  3rd  flight;  Andy  McReynolds,  low 
net,   all    divisions;    Bernie   Bills,    winner,    Div. 

A,  2nd  flight;  Don  Dewey,  winner,  Div.  B, 
3rd   flight;   George   Breeden,   runner-up,   Div. 

B,  3rd  flight;  Vic  Voll,  runner-up,  Div.  B, 
championship  flight;  Ray  Berner,  winner, 
Div.  A,  3rd  flight  defeated  8;  Tex  Wilkinson, 
winner,  Div.  A,  2nd  flight  defeated  8;  Jim 
Edgil,  winner,  Div.  B,  3rd  flight  defeated  8. 

Bouiling  Heuis 

Pacing  the  28  team  Dayshift  league  at 
the  Tower  Bowl  are  the  Pin  Savers,  well  en- 
trenched in  first  place  with  43  points  won  as 
against  9  lost  through  Dec.  5th.  One  of  the 
tightest  races  in  years  finds  most  of  the  field 
tightly  bunched  in  a  race  that  promises  to 
be  torrid  right  down  to  the  wire.  Bowling  on 
December  5  resulted  in  the  following  tabu- 
lations to   date. 

Winter  League    (Day) 

Team  Won  Lost 

Pin   Savers    43             9 

Maintenance     36  1 6 

Putt   Putts    34  18 

Friendly   Five    33  19 

Misfits    33  19 

Jigs  &  Fixtures 32  20 

Navy    32  20 

Bumpers 30  22 

Wood   Shop    29  23 

Shipping 29  23 

Jesters    29  23 

Crags 29  23 

Toil  Winds 28  24 

Drop   Hammer    28  24 

Low  I.  Q 28  24 

Pin    Busters    26  26 

Sub  Assembly 26  26 

Contract  Engineers 25  27 

Hell   Raisers    25  27 

Laboratory    25  27 

Plant  Engineers 24  28 

Crude   Crew    21  31 

Soot  Pots    20  32 

Fireballs 20  32 

Office     16  36 

Tool  Room 15  37 

Ryan  Spares 14  38 

Jiggers 2  50 

Winners  in  various  divisions  of  the  recent  Aircraft  Golf  Championships,  these  Ryan 
employees  admire  the  spoils  of  Victory.  Rear  row,  left  to  right,  we  find  Jock  Westler, 
Roy  Cunningham,  George  Dew,  Don  Wasser  and  Andy  McReynolds.  Front,  left  to  right, 
are  Bernie  Bills,  Don  Dewey,  George  Breeden  and  Vic  Voll. 

Smiling  for  the  cameraman  are  odditional  winners  in  the  Aircraft  Golf  Championship 
Tournament  recently  completed.  Holding  high  the  banner  of  Ryan  in  victory  were  from 
left  to  right,  Ray  Berner,  Tex  Wilkinson  and  Jim  Edgil. 

High  Team  Game — Jesters 882 

High  Team   Series — Misfits    2474 

High   Indiv.  Game — Hendricks 222 

High    Indiv.  Series — K.   Solheim    ....  615 

The  10-team  day  league  rolling  on  Thurs- 
day evenings  at  Hillcrest  finds  but  four  points 
difference  between  the  first  five  teams  in  the 
race.  Leading  the  field  are  the  Arc  Welders 
and  Experimental  teams,  each  with  29  points 
won  and  1  1  lost.  N.  Wynne  continues  to 
lead  the  individual  bowling  with  o  sterling 
average.  Results  and  tabulations  as  of  Dec. 
7  show  the  following  figures: 

—  27  — 

Hillcrest  League    (Day) 

Team                                        Won  Lost 

Arc  Welders 29  11 

Experimental     29  11 

Wood    Shop    28  12 

Welderettes     26  14 

Sheet  Metal 25  15 

Crude  Crew    19  21 

Imagineers 15  25 

Fabrication  5 14  26 

Office     12  28 

Bowling  Bags 3  37 

(Continued  on  next  page) 

more  Bouiling  Heuis 

High  Team  Game — Crude  Crew 903 

High  Team   Series — Crude   Crew....  2430 

High   Indiv.  Game — C.  Barrow 235 

High   Indiv.  Series — C.  Barrow 576 

In  the  Day  Shift  Tri  League  the  Tigers 
continue  to  face  the  lanes  with  their  claws 
at  full  length  and  fangs  bared  as  they  top 
the  loop  with  30  points  in  the  win  column 
and  with  but  3  points  lost.  The  rest  of  the 
pack  is  snapping  at  their  heels,  however, 
and  this  race,  also,  tightens  every  week. 
Results  of  Dec.  7  are: 

Ryan  Tri  League    (Day) 

Team                                          Won  Lost 

Tigers     30  3 

Head  Winds 24  9 

City  Slickers 22  11 

Chiefs     20  13 

Lotharios    20  13 

Snapdragons 19  14 

M.  F.  J 18  15 

Wolves 16  17 

Stingarees     16  17 

Play  Boys 12  21 

Tooling  Trio 12  21 

Sharks    9  24 

Top  Notchers 8  25 

3  Aces 5  28 

High  Team  Game — Snapdragons  ....  524 

High  Team  Series — Wolves 1450 

High  Indv.  Game — Lattman 209 

High   Indv.  Series — Murphy 547 

Elsewhere  on  the  bowling  front  of  the 
Day  Shift,  we  find  the  Ryan  Raiders  in  the 
925  Scratch  League  at  Pacific  Recreation 
rolling  along  splendidly  behind  Capt.  Jim 
Key.  Sporting  new  and  blazing  Ryan  bowl- 
ing shirts,  this  team  ranks  No.  1  in  this 
tough  competition.  The  Ryanettes,  an  all- 
girl  team  is  only  a  few  points  off  the  race 
in  the  Ladies  700  Scratch  League  at  the 
Tower  even  though  they  rest  in  seventh 
place  in  a  1 2-team  league.  Two  teams  of 
the  fairer  sex  also  competed  in  a  Notional 
Telegraphic  tourney  at  the  Pacific  Recreation 
alleys  on  December  9th,  but  results  are  not 
through  as  we  go  to  press. 

Second  Shift  Bowling 

On  December  7th,  Manifold  2  of  the  Nite 
Shift  Winter  League  maced  the  pins  for  a 
total  of  2461  and  a  single  game  of  858, 
both  high  for  the  week,  and  clung  to  their 
first  place  spot  with  a  31  figure  in  their  win 
column  as  against  9  points  in  the  loss  col- 
umn. Sheet  Metal  is  right  behind,  trailing 
by  but  two  points.  E.  B.  Simonson  walked 
off  with  individual  honors  for  the  evening. 
Tabulations  through  Dec.  7th: 

Team  Won  Lost 

Manifold  2 31  9 

Sheet  Metal 29  32 

Precision     5 26  14 

Nite  Hawks 23  17 

Final  Assembly 20  20 

Shipping 14  26 

Manifold  1    13  27 

Inspection     8  32 

High  Team  Game — Manifold  2 858 

High  Team  Series — Manifold  2 2461 

High  Indiv.  Gome — E.  Simonson  ....  212 

High  Indiv.  Series — E.  Simonson   ....  585 

Chuck  Carlson  is  having  a  splendid  season 
as  is  evinced  by  his  178  average  which 
leads  the  Ryan  Mixed  Foursome  League. 
Add  to  that  the  fact  that  his    1 84  average 

is  tops  in  the  Winter  League"  and  you  have 
practically  a  monopoly  on  individual  honors 
by  this  Carlson  fellow.  In  the  Mixed  Four- 
some League  race,  the  closest  league  of  them 
all,  the  2  Strikes  2  Spares  club  stands  in 
first  place  as  we  look  at  the  results  of  Dec. 

Mixed  Foursomes    (Nite) 

Team  Won  Lost 

2  Strikes  2  Spares 29  15 

Four  Maniacs 27  17 

Lucky    Four    26  18 

Sleepy   Four    23  21 

Pin   Knockers 22  22 

Anchors    21  23 

Swing   Benders 14  30 

Crusaders 14  30 

High  Team  Game — 2  Srikes  2  Spares  684 

High  Team  Series — Pin  Knockers   ...  1  882 

High  Indiv.  Game — J.  Roffelson   ....  231 

High  Indiv.  Series — C.  Carlson 597 

A  league  from  which  the  members  derive 
more  fun  than  perhaps  any  other  one  is  the 
newly-formed  two-man  team  loop  that  meets 
at  the  4th  and  Cedar  alleys  come  quitting 
time  after  midnight  each  Friday  of  the 
month.  Jack  Lancaster  of  Manifold  Develop- 
ment is  largely  responsible  for  the  organiza- 
tion of  this  20-team  circuit  and  reports  that 
loads  of  fun  is  enjoyed  at  its  every  meeting. 
The  first  affair  was  an  unofficial  bowling 
party  and  a  new  bowler,  a  girl  at  that,  mind 
you,  rolled  201  to  walk  off  with  the  honors. 
The  girl,  Ruth  White,  of  Transportation. 
Here  are  the  results  of  this  loop  as  of 
Dec.   1st. 

Mixed  Twosomes   (Nite) 

Team                                          Won  Lost 

No  Deal 7  1 

Seven  Ten    7  1 

Whiz  Bangs 6  2 

Hot  Suts 6  2 

Alley  Oops 6  2 

Hot  Shots 5  3 

Question  Marks 5  3 

Hit  &  Miss 5  3 

Gruesome  Twosome    5  3 

Woodpeckers    4  4 

Mac  &  Jr 4  4 

Timber  Crew    4  4 

Puddle  Pushers 4  4 

Strike  &  Spore 3  5 

Hilltoppers 3  5 

Also  Rons 2  6 

Whirlowoys     2  6 

Double   Trouble    1  7 

Miss  &  Mister 1  7 

Fighting   Irish 0  8 

High  Team  Game — Question  Marks.  .  327 

High  Team  Series — Question  Marks.  .  926 

Men's  High  Indiv.  Game — M.  Fuller.  .  175 

Men's  High  Indiv.  Series — M.  Fuller.  .  491 

Lad.   High   Indiv.  Gome — Ruth  White  169 

Lad.  High  Indiv.  Series — Dot  Yilk.  .  .  471 

The  Nite  Shift  Industrial  Team  is  still 
finding  it  tough  sledding  in  the  850  Indus- 
trial League  resting  on  the  bottom  of  the 
loop  but  Commissioner  of  Nite  Shift  bowling 
Glen  Miller  avows  that  the  picture  will  be 
different  in  his  next  report. 

Freda  Wilicersen,  center  and  in  white  blouse,  must  have  scored  according  to  the  smiles 
this  unusual  shot  caught  the  Swing  Shift  girls  at  their  scrimmage.  From  left  to  right 
are  Lucille  Smith,  Joyce  Donelson,  Freda  Wilkersen,  Dorothy  Yilk,  Ruth  White  and 
Phyllis  Carroll. 

—  28  — 

Just-  before  a  recent  court  battle,  the  Ryan  All-Stars  plot  a  bit  of  strategy.  Left  to 
right:  Johnny  Cares,  Captain  Jack  Southwell,  Jim  Wright,  Fred  Maple,  Joe  Morones, 
Ed  Shirk,  Ed  Ulowetz  and  Charlie  DeWyer.  The  All-Stars  will  field  a  crock  team  this 

Ryan  nrchery 

Appropriate  ceremonies  and  presentation 
of  awards  by  officials  of  Ryan  were  to  fea- 
ture the  windup  of  the  First  Annual  Ryan 
Field  and  Target  Archery  Tournament  on 
Dec.  I  7th,  the  first  tourney  of  its  nature  ever 
held  in  archery  circles  in  this  area. 

Attracting  a  record  turnout  at  the  Target 
competition  on  Dec.  3rd,  the  event  got  under 
way  most  happily  with  even  more  contest- 
ants expected  to  vie  for  honors  at  the  Field 
shooting  on  Dec.    17th. 

A  committee  composed  of  W.  R.  Lee, 
Frank  Eicholtz  and  Paul  Tedford  of  Ryan, 
together  with  George  Kettenburg,  many  times 
Southern  California  target  champion,  and 
the  dean  of  local  bowmen.  Judge  E.  S. 
Adams,  made  arrangements  for  and  handled 
the  tournament. 

On  Dec.  3rd,  in  double  American  rounds 
of  target  shooting,  C.  W.  Kellogg  led  the 
field  with  684  and  678  for  a  1362  total. 
Following  Kellogg  were  the  veteran  archers 
Kettenburg,  Johnny  Mahoney,  Joe  Herbert 
and  Harry  Travis,  with  Lee  and  Eicholtz 
leading  the  assault  on  the  target  for  the  field 
archery  representatives. 

Leading  the  Womens'  Division  with  a  759 
total,  Beda  Matthews  walked  away  from  the 
feminine  field.  Helen  Lecoq  was  second  with 

David  Foster  set  the  pace  with  on  1  133 
total   in  the  Junior  Division. 


Sports  Chatter 

tie  in  with  the  National  Rifle  Association 
will  take  care  of  proceedings. 

Come  Yuletide,  the  melodious  voices  of 
your  fellow  workers  will  fall  upon  your  ears 
as  from  the  speakers  platforms  are  carolled 
the  favorite  Christmas  songs  by  the  Ryan 
Choral  Group.  Nearly  30  voices  have  been 
rehearsing  same  under  the  direction  of  Carl 
Dewes,  voice  teacher  for  several  weeks  and 
a  well-rounded  program  will  be  in  store  for 
all  lunch  periods  and  at  3:30  the  day  before 
Christmas.  Don't  miss  this  program — it's  ex- 

Cormack  Berryman  and  Bill  Baldwin  still 
pace  the  tennis  ladder  which  never  wones  in 
popularity.  Weilders  of  the  racquet  are  avid 
in  their  pursuit  of  whomever  stands  a  notch 
or  two  above  them  in  the  listings.  Every 
week,  new  rivalries  spring  up  and  old  ones 
flourish  OS  battles  wage  from  one  end  of  the 
tennis  courts  to  the  other.  A  great  sport  and 
grand  exercise. 

Any  fellows  with  an  idea  of  bowling  prow- 
ess wont  to  be  careful  into  whose  ears  they 
spill  their  tales  of  ability,  as  we  males  ore 
often  prone  to  do  in  the  case  of  the  fairer 
sex.  Just  be  careful,  fellers,  that  you  don't 
choose  Dot  Yilk  to  owe  with  your  prowess, 
for  the  chances  are  ten  to  one  that  she  can 
pin  your  ears  bock  on  the  alleys.  Just  about 
the  best  femme  roller  in  the  city.  Dot  con- 
sistently breaks  200  and  has  some  record 
games  to  her  credit,  holding  the  National 
high  single  in  league  bowling  to  date  this 

With  a  reminder  to  get  connected  with 
some  outlet  of  recreation  to  build  reserve 
energy  for  production  use,  we  say  thirty  for 
this   issue. 

Shades  of  Daniel  Boone  .  .  .  here  we  are 
about  to  go  again  on  a  bang-up  Rifle  Club. 
The  first  and  on  organization  meeting  of 
all  interested  in  sighting  the  bulls-eye  took 
place  on  December  1  6th,  with  an  excellent 
turn-out  attesting  the  interest  in  this  sport. 
Regular  shoots  will  be  held  during  the  year 
and  an  integrated  organization  of  officers  to 

Putt  Putts 
On  Parade 

by  Millie  Merritt 

As  you  hove  probably  noticed,  we  are  in 
the  process  of  being  moved,  office,  garage, 
equipment  and  all.  By  the  time  this  is  printed 
we  hope  to  be  in  our  new  office,  settled  down 
and  back  to  the  usual  routine.  The  only 
pleasant  part  of  our  present  condition  is  the 
fact  that  we  haven't  any  phones,  we  are  just 
finding  out  how  quiet  on  office  can  be  with- 
out Mr.   Bell's  inventions. 

The  cute  redhead  now  operating  one  of 
our  Budas  is  JANE  FRIESE,  and  the  recent 
bride  of  our  Mobilift  operator,  GEORGE 
FRIESE.  George  and  Jane  have  only  been 
married  a  couple  of  months,  and  on  the  be- 
half of  the  department  I  would  like  to  extend 
congratulations  and  best  wishes  for  a  suc- 
cessful married  life.  Jane  is  replacing  WIN- 
NIE FORQUE  who  has  transferred  into  Dis- 

Our  other  new  girl  is  MARY  HENDER- 
SHOTT  from  Colorado.  Mary  is  replacing 
SALLIE  LEVICKAS,  who  transferred  to  In- 
spection recently.  Sorry  to  see  you  leave, 
Sollie,  and  a  hearty  welcome  to  Mary. 

PHYLISS  DOYLE  is  another  new  girl  in 
our  department  and  comes  from  Nebraska. 
Phyliss  has  been  in  the  Transportation  busi- 
ness before  so  the  art  of  handling  a  Budo 
didn't  present  much  of  a  problem  to  her. 

Newest  employees  on  night  shift  are: 
the  last  time  Putts  Putts  on  Parade  appeared, 
our  department  has  changed  almost  com- 
pletely and  we  ore  certainly  glad  to  welcome 
all  of  you. 

KIRK  SELLEW's  department  has  really 
gone  all  out  for  expansion.  Company  busses 
have  been  token  over  by  that  department. 
You  may  rest  assured  you  are  in  safe  hands 
from  the  plont  to  the  highway.  Taxis  ore 
running  from  the  plant  to  the  various  an- 
nexes of  Ryan.  First  Aid  cases  being  sent 
to  downtown  doctors  are  also  handled  by 
Automotive  Service.  Taxis  to  Los  Angeles 
ore  running  at  5:30  a.  m.  and  9  a.  m.  doily, 
except  Saturday  and  Sunday.  These  ore 
driven  by  ROBERT  MATHENY  and  PAUL 

Along  with  all  of  this  at  least  ten  trucks 
ore  constantly  in  use  day  and  night  hauling 
equipment  and  materials  in  and  out  of  Ryan. 
It  sounds  like  a  big  job — it  is  a  big  job — 
and  it  is  being  handled  very  efficiently  by 
Automotive  Service. 

WOODY  WOODSON  of  Automotive  Serv- 
ice has  been  promoted  to  Leodmon  over  the 
truck  drivers.  Woody  has  been  with  the 
Company  for  four  years  and  four  months  and 
deserves  a  lot  of  credit  for  the  fine  work  he 
has  been  doing. 

Among  Automotive  Service's  newest  em- 
ployees ore:  H.  W.  WRIGHT,  G.  D.  MATH- 
ER, C.  E.  VAUGHN,  E.  O.  BENSON,  J.  H. 
CAMPBELL,  L.  L.  WARNKE,  and  E.  L. 

We  would  also  like  to  welcome  THEO- 
THORNTON  to  Factory  Transportation,  first 


W.  Kent  Wheeler,  formerly  Engineering 
Representative  on  manifolds,  has  been 
appointed  Assistant  to  the  Vice-Presi- 
dent in  charge  of  Manufacturing  and 
will  coordinate  all  manifold  manufac- 
turing activities  in  both  Engineering 
and  in  the  factory.  His  duties  will  also 
require  contacts  with  various  customers 
for  manifolds. 

H.  N.  Rubish,  recently  appointed  as 
Manager  of  the  new  department  known 
as  the  Manifold  Manufacturing  Depart- 
ment. Mr.  Rubish  will  have  complete 
charge  of  all  manifold  operations  and 
control  and  will  have  the  responsibility 
in  connection  with  our  manifold  manu- 

6th  War  loan  Driue 
Speedy  Campaign 

The  Task  Force  of  eight  flat-tops,  loaded 
to  the  gunwales  with  fighter  planes,  torpedo 
planes  and  dive  bombers  steamed  into  port 
on  December  9th  bringing  the  contest  in  our 
Sixth  War  Loan  Drive  to  an  end.  However, 
bonds  purchased  up  to  December  31st  will 
still  count  toward  our  $375,000  goal. 

The  week  of  December  4 — 9  will  be  long 
remembered  by  Ryan  employees.  It  was  a 
week  full  of  excitement,  entertainment  and 
suspense  as  the  pictures  on  the  next  page 
will  verify. 

Awards  for  the  "Guessing  Contest"  in 
which  all  employees  who  purchased  a  bond 
were  eligible  are  as  follows:  $200  divided 
among  those  who  correctly  name  the  finish- 
ing order  of  the  Carriers;  100  for  the  correct 
finishing  order  of  the  Fighter  Squadrons; 
$100  for  the  correct  finishing  order  of  the 
Dive  Bomber  Squadrons;  and  $100  for  the 
correct  finishing  order  of  the  Torpedo  Bomb- 
er Squadrons.  All  winnings  were  paid  off  in 
War  Bonds. 

All  Ryanites  joined  together  in  doing  a 
job  to  be  proud  of  and  special  thanks  goes 
to  Task  Force  Commander  W.  Frank  Persons, 
and  the  Task  Force  Executive  Staff  consist- 
ing of  Ray  Morkowski,  Gorrick  O'Bryan, 
Harry  Siegmund,  John  Wallace,  George 
Woodard,  Williom  Brotherton,  Robert  Cod- 
ding, Arthur  Coltrain,  Fred  Dunn,  Joseph 
Marchbanks,  Jesse  Martin  and  William 
Wagner  who  laid  the  groundwork  to  get 
our  fast-moving  campaign  into  sway. 

Now  for  the  important  news.  Listed  be- 
low you  will  find  the  percentage  of  their 
quota  reached  by  each  Carrier,  Fighter 
Squadron,  Dive  Bomber  Squadron  and  Tor- 
pedo Bomber  Squadron  at  this  writing.  This 
list  is  not  final,  however,  as  the  extensive 
account  work  to  accurately  chart  the  stand- 
ings hod  not  been  completed  at  press  time. 

Captions  for  pictures  on  next  page. 

I .  After  addressing  Ryan  employees 
during  the  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive, 
"Woody"  Woodson,  left.  Vice  President 
and  General  Manager,  and  Claude  Ryan 
enjoy  talking  to  many  Ryanites  per- 

2.  Captain  Robert  J.  Cronin,  Navy 
Chaplain,  tells  Ryan  employees  during 
lunch  periods  of  his  experiences  in  the 
South  Pacific  and  points  out  his  reasons 
for  buying  War  Bonds. 

3.  Lillian  Jennings,  left,  of  Fuselage, 
tells  Annelle  Hendrix  of  Employee  Serv- 
ice about  the  souvenirs  sent  to  her  by 
her  husband,  Corp.  Henry  Jennings, 
from  France  while  purchasing  a  $100 
War  Bond  during  her  lunch  period. 

4.  Free  cigarettes  (in  this  day  and  age, 
too)  were  auctioned  to  many  Ryan  em- 
ployees purchasing  additional  bonds  the 
final  day  of  the  Drive.  Eail  Prudden, 
Vice  President,  explains  that  any  em- 
ployee who  tries  to  take  more  than  his 
share  will  bs  shot  "daid"  by  the  two 
gentlemen  with  the  tommy  guns, 
namely  Al  Gee  and  Bill  Billings  of  Plant 
Protection.  Garrick  O'Bryan,  second 
from  left,  and  Bob  Rankin  of  Employee 
Service  assisted  with  the  auction.  Quite 
a  mob  there  was,  too. 

5.  Florence  Detloff  of  Airplane  Dis- 
patching standing  in  front  of  a  Nazi 
flag  sent  to  her  by  her  brother  who 
was  one  of  the  first  group  in  the  inva- 
sion of  Germany. 

6.  "Woody"  Woodson,  new  Vice  Pres- 
ident and  General  Manager,  asks  for 
the  cooperation  of  Ryan  employees  in 
backing  the  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive. 

7.  Lieut.  Commander  R.  O.  Deitzer, 
B.A.R.,  explains  to  Ryan  workers  that 
the  Navy  feels  that  the  war  in  the 
Pacific  is  for  from  over.  "That's  reason 
enough,"  says  Deitzer,  "why  every  per- 
son should  put  all  they  con  into  War 

%  of  Goal  on  Dec.  9 

ESSEX — Gene  Rubish,  Captain 74% 

Fighter  Squadron  _ 84% 

Torpedo  Squadron   _ 50% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron 86% 

BUNKER  HILL — Butch  Ortiz,  Captain 71% 

Fighter  Squadron   __ 60% 

Torpedo  Squadron 74% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron  _ 80% 

RANGER — Ace  Edmiston,  Captain 105% 

Fighter  Squadron  _. 105% 

Torpedo  Squadron    __.. 163% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron  85% 

WASP — John  van  der  Linde,  Captain  77.6% 

Fighter  Squadron  _,. 67% 

Torpedo  Squadron 87% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron 71  % 

INDEPENDENCE — Roy  Cunningham,  Captain   100% 

Fighter  Squadron  100% 

Torpedo  Squadron   98% 

Dive    Bomber   Squadron 104% 

SARATOGA — J.  C.  Noakes,  Captain 79% 

Fighter  Squodron  63% 

Torpedo  Squadron ...117% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron 82% 

ENTERPRISE — K.  O.  Burt,  Captain 64% 

Fighter  Squadron 64% 

Torpedo  Squadron 57% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron  73% 

HORNET — Larry   Boeing,  Captain 117% 

Fighter  Squadron 55% 

Torpedo  Squadron 128% 

Dive  Bomber  Squadron 130% 

—  30  — 

Ryanitcs  Pack  a  Wallop  In  Backing  the  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive 



(Continued  from  page  10) 

on  their  first  long  pants  at  16  ond  feeling 
that  every  eye  in  the  world  is  looking  at 
them.  They  will  never  know  the  lonesome, 
sweet  coll  of  the  old  fashioned  locomotive. 
All  they  know  is  the  silly  hoot  of  a  Diesel 
streamliner.  Worst  of  all,  they  have  had 
women  Santo  Clauses  foisted  upon  them. 

Think  back.  Would  you  and  I  have  ever 
believed  in  a  Santa  Clous  who  didn't  live 
up  to  the  story  book  pictures?  War  is  pri- 
marily a  matter  of  big  things.  But  there  are 
o  lot  of  little  things  it  changes  too.  Sweet 
little   things. 

It's  always  strange  to  me  to  see  how  some 
people  seem  to  be  able  to  find  these  jobs 
where  you  spend  the  time  from  a  week  be- 
fore Christmas  to  a  couple  of  days  after  New 
Years  in  cocktail  lounges  and  on  golf  courses, 
etc.  I've  never  been  able  to  find  a  job  like 

If  this  column  may  have  sounded  a  little 
bitter  before  Christmas  there  was  a  reason 
for  it.  The  period  from  about  two  weeks 
before  Christmas  until  after  New  Years  is 
generally  my  busiest  of  the  year,  although 
the  worst  preholidoy  season  I  ever  hod  was 
one  time,  years  ago,  when  I  worked  in  a 
small  clothing  store. 

The  month  before  Christmas  the  store 
stayed  open  until  10  o'clock  at  night.  And 
it  opened  at  half  post  8  a.  m.  For  that  month 
I  had  to  be  at  work  at  7:30  o.  m.  to  get 
things  ready,  and  I  never  finished  putting 
things  away   until   mid-night. 

When  Christmas  eve  came  along,  I  didn't 
get  out  of  the  store  until  two  in  the  morning, 
because  the  boss  wanted  everything  left  neat 
and  clean  after  the  rush.  When  he  paid  me 
all  I  got  was  a  "Merry  Christmas"  ...  no 
overtime  nor  anything,  so  I  gave  the  job 
back  to  him  and  entered  the  writing  busi- 
ness .  .  .  and  look  at  me  now. 

Before  we  wind  up  our  business  for  the 
year,  we'd  like  to  extend  a  hearty  "howdy" 
to  Al  Gee's  new  column  "Caporal  Del  Cor- 
ral." Sounds  like  a  nice  homey  place  where 
a  waddie  can  sit  on  the  top  rail  to  whittle 
and  spit  while  he  swaps  a  few  lies. 

Also  we'd  like  to  thank  GEORGE  DUN- 
CAN our  versatile  artist  for  all  of  the 
chuckles  he  has  furnished  us  with  his  car- 
toons. You've  laughed  at  them  a  hundred 
times  yourself,  but  I'll  bet  you've  never  told 
George  how  much  you  enjoyed  them. 

Also,  congratulations  to  the  Ryan  Flying 
Reporter  on  its  fourth  birthday,  and  to  BILL 
"POP"  WAGNER,  for  bringing  up  his  brain 
child  to  such  a  healthy  publication. 

And  to  the  rest  of  you  we  wont  to  wish  a 
very  Merry  Christmas  and  o  very  happy  and 
prosperous  New  Year.  And  if  you'll  permit 
me  to  misquote  Charles  Dickens  once  more, 
"God  Bless  you  every  one,  cried  Tiny  Slim." 

A  Visit  by  Vice  Admiral  Fitch 

Caught  by  the  cameraman  is  Vice  Admiral  Aubrey  Fitch,  left,  one  of  the  Navy's  high 
ranking  strategists,  and  his  party  on  a  tour  of  the  Ryan  factory.  Left  to  right:  Vice 
Admiral  Fitch;  Claude  Ryan,  president;  Lieutenant  Commander  R.  0.  Dietzer,  B.A.R.; 
O.  L.  Woodson,  Vice  President  and  General  Manager;  Rear  Admiral  W.  K.  Horrell,  Com- 
mander Fleet  Air,  West  Coast;  Captain  S.  C.  Ring  and  G.  E.  Barton,  Works  Manager. 

From  Four  'til  Dawn  in  the  Tool  Room 

by  Vera   and   Pearle 

For  a  few  weeks  the  Tool  Room  hod  a 
theme  song,  "Anchors  Aweigh,"  with  "Ad- 
miral" Harrington  as  our  leader.  Twenty- 
seven  boys  from  the  Navy  come  in  to  work 
and  they  were  surely  a  nice  bunch.  All  but 
five  of  them  hove  been  transferred  to  the 
school  in  Balboa  Park,  but  we  still  have 
DUETSCH  stayed  on  in  Tooling  Inspection. 
New  employees  not  in  the  service  ore: 
A'NEALS.  BILL  NEWKIRK  has  worked  here 
before  so  is  not  a  stranger  to  many  of  us. 
BIGNELL  transferred  from  first  shift.  ESTHER 
RICHTER  was  transferred  from  the  school 
and  is  a  mill  operator.  We  have  a  problem 
now — two  VIOLAS!  VIOLA  PLUMLEY  is  the 
tool  crib  attendant.  VIOLA  HANSON  is 
our  new  clerk.  Nice  having  you  here  and 
hope  you  like  working  with  us. 

VERA    WEST,    clerk    for    over  two    years, 

is    on    days    now.      We    see    her  every    day 

even  though   it  is  just  "Hi"  and  "Goodbye" 
as  we  pass  in  the  door. 

"ROCKY"  of  Tooling  Inspection  has  gone 
on  days.  RAY  MOYER  is  leaving  Inspection 
and  coming  back  into  the  shop. 

and  EGGERS  have  all  gone  up  to  the  school 
in  Balboa  Park,  so  we'll  be  looking  for  you 
back  with  us  soon. 

—  32  — 

GOLDEN  has  returned  from  his  leave  of 
absence — seems  good  to  have  you  back 

JACK  HERBERT,  who  left  in  August  to 
join  the  Navy,  paid  us  a  visit  before  leaving 
San    Diego. 

GEORGE  SULT  is  back  on  the  job  as  jig 
borer  operator,  after  his  long  illness. 

BOBBIE  RICHARDSON  of  Tool  Inspection 
is  the  proud  father  of  a  son,  born  Dec.  5. 
Congratulations,  Bob! 

These  cold  nights  remind  me  of  winters — 
and  Christmas — at  home,  where  we  had 
snow  and  everything!  It's  Christmas,  any- 
way, regardless  of  the  weather  or  where  we 
are — so  Merry  Christmas  and  Happy  New 
Year  to  everyone  in  the  Tool  Room  and  the 
same  from  all  of  us  to  all  of  you  I 

During  the  course  of  the  recent  bond 
drive,  much  credit  for  its  well-ordered  suc- 
cess must  be  given  to  the  solicitors.  The 
Machine  Shop  "salesmen"  were  the  follow- 
ing men:  F.  M.  PAGE,  E.  L.  HOLBROOK, 
R.  G.  STOCKWELL,  W.  E.  HINMAN,  A.  T. 
and  J.  D.  DICK.  FRANK  FLINT  was  on 
leave  of  absence  for  the  week  of  the  drive, 
but  when  he  came  back  to  work  on  Mondoy 
December  1  1  he  bought  a  one  thousand 
dollar  bond.  FRANCES  BENNETT  came  back 
from  a  leave  (she  visited  her  serviceman 
son)  on  that  some  dote  and  bought  two 
hundred  dollars  worth  of  bonds.  NICHOLAS 
JOHNS,  second  shift,  bought  a  five  hundred 
dollar  bond,  and  JOHN  TELFORD  bought 
four  hundred  dollars'  worth. 

Isn't  FRANK  PAGE'S  moustache  some- 
thing out  of  this  world.'  His  story  is  that  he 
grew  it  to  keep  from  having  to  shove  over  a 
cut  place  on  his  upper  lip,  but  personally  we 
think  he  wants  to  let  it  grow  long  enough 
so  that  he  can  twirl  the  ends  while  he  leers 
at  on  especially  hard  mill  setup. 

IRMA  LEE  JOYCE  left  for  Missouri  and 
family  on  December  5  with  reservations  on 
the  El  Capiton  which  is  a  luxury  train  and 
as  speedy  as  they  come.  She  will  remain 
there  for  the  Christmas  holidays  and  return 
shortly   after    New   Year's. 

ANN  and  PHYLLIS  KOTLINEK  ore  a 
very  happy  mother-ond-doughter  combina- 
tion. Ann's  husband  is  temporarily  based  in 
San  Francisco  after  many  many  months  at 
sea.  The  Kotlineks  packed  their  bogs  and 
rushed  up  there  in  order  to  be  with  him 
while  he  is  in  the  States. 

ALICE  MORRIS  is  Machine  Shop's  cafe- 
teria committee  member  at  this  time.  If  you 
have  any  complaints  or  bouquets  on  the 
food  and  service  or  any  helpful  suggestions, 
pass  them  on   to  Alice. 

MARGE  EHRNFELT  "went  and  done  it." 
She  is  now  Mrs.  Hughes  and  has  a  handsome 
young  Marine  for  a  husband.  Perhaps  that 
explains  the  dreamy  look  in  Marge's  eyes. 

JESS  McCRAY  left  his  post  as  first  shift 
milling  machine  leadman  for  a  new  position 
in  Quality  Control.  Replacing  Jess,  is  DAR- 
WIN WHETSTINE  who  was  formerly  setup 
man  on  mills.  The  new  setup  man  is  CARL 
MONDS.  New  leadman  over  engine  lathes, 
boring  machines,  and  grinders  on  second 
shift  is  MARVIN  TOOLEY.  Congratulations 
on  your  advancement,  fellows,  and  I'm  sure 
you  deserve  these  good  breaks. 

GLENN  STRICKLAND  has  transferred 
into  the  Laboratory,  and  BILL  BATZLOFF 
has  left  the  Lab  for  Machine  Shop. 

We  are  sorry  to  report  that  our  smilino 
second  shift  Irishman,  MR.  BRENNAN,  has 
suffered  a  slight  stroke  and  will  probably 
have  to  stay  away  from  work  for  about  a 
month.  His  condition  has  improved  accord- 
ing to  the  Visiting  Nurse's  report. 

J.  R.  HOLMES  has  at  last  come  back  to 
work  from  his  long  sick  leave,  and  he  is 
feeling  very  happy  about  it. 

C.  F.  MESSING  has  transferred  from  sec- 
ond shift  to  third.  Most  of  his  spare  time 
away  from  work  is  spent  trying  to  persuade 

Manifold  Dispatching 

by  Ben  Smith 

Walter  K.  Balch  was  recently  appointed 
to  the  position  of  Airplane  Service  Man- 
ager. It  will  be  his  responsibility  to  co- 
ordinate all  work  pertaining  to  the  serv- 
icing of  Ryan  built  airplanes  after  they 
are  delivered  to  the  customer. 

Staff  Assistant 

S.  H.  Avery,  recently  appointed  as  Staff 
Assistant  to  O.  L.  Woodson,  Vice  Presi- 
dent and  General  Manager.  Mr.  Avery 
will  be  delegated  Special  Assignment 

0  certain  "native  Californian"  girl  to  soy 
yes.  He  is  such  a  nice  fellow  that  we  ore  sure 
he  will  moke  the  grade. 

New  second  shift  husbond-ond-wife  com- 
binations ore  INEZ  and  CLIFFORD  MOR- 
MANN.  All  this  matrimony  in  our  midst 
should  make  us  more  and  more  like  "one 
big  happy  family,"  don't  you  think? 

—  33  — 

As  this  is  written,  American  men  all  over 
the  world  ore  engaged  in  the  bloodiest  fight- 
ing in  all  recorded  history.  With  unpre- 
cedented initiative,  ingenuity  and  courage 
they  ore  winning.  Victory  is  inevitable.  This 
is  no  time  to  sit  down  and  wait.  This  is  the 
time  when  every  true  American  must  put 
forth  every  possible  effort  to  the  end  thot 
victory  may  come  at  the  earliest  possible 
moment.  Any  letdown  now  means  letting 
those  boys  down.  Not  a  nice  thought  with 
which  to  face  them  when  they  come  home, 
some  moimed  for  life,  all  having  made  far 
greater  sacrifice  than  we.  Let's  not  forget. 
Stay   on  the  job  and  finish  the   job. 

The  Sixth  War  Loon  Drive  is  over.  Ryan 
employees  bought  a  lot  of  bonds.  Our  de- 
partment exceeded  its  allotted  quota,  but 
that  is  nothing  about  which  to  brag.  It  is 
plain  common  sense,  taking  advantage  of  a 
God-given  opportunity — opportunity  to  put 
money  in  the  safest  place  on  earth  where  it 
will  earn  a  sure  return  and  help  to  provide 
for  our  own  future  security.  Were  we  giv- 
ing that  money  outright,  giving  until  it 
really  hurt,  only  then  could  we  rightly  think 
of  it  as  sacrifice,  but  still  not  to  be  men- 
tioned in  the  some  breath  with  the  sacrifice 
of  the  men  who  leave  business,  jobs,  homes 
and  families  to  give  as  much  of  their  lives 
as  necessary — all  if  need  be. 

The  many  friends  of  BILLIE  HARPER, 
mentioned  in  last  issue  as  not  having  been 
heord  from  for  many  weeks,  will  be  glad 
to  learn  that  his  mother,  MRS.  HAROLD 
COONS,  has  heard  from  him  and  that  Billie 
is  well  and  still  busily  engaged  with  the 
Medical  Corps,  somewhere  out  there  in  those 
Jap-infested  islands.  Thanks,  Mrs.  Coons, 
for  letting  us  know. 

Have  you  written  to  your  former  asso- 
ciates who  ore  now  in  the  armed  forces?  It 
takes  so  little  time  and  effort  and  seems 
to  mean  so  much  to  them.  Why  not  write 
them  now? 

There  has  never  been  more  activity  in  our 
department  nor  has  our  work  ever  been 
more  interesting  than  right  now.  Suffice  it 
is  to  say  that  we  are  proud  of  our  personnel, 
a  fine  bunch  who  are  doing  a  swell  job. 
Recently,  it  has  been  my  happy  privilege  to 
hear  spoken  and  read  written  compliments 
of  your  efforts  from  many  sources.  We  ore 
getting  the  job  done. 

Having,  for  about  a  year,  tried  to  see 
that  our  column  appeared  in  each  issue  of 
our  fine  little  magazine,  I  am  making  this 
one  my  swan  song  as  your  columnist,  and 
asking  you  to  select  one  more  capable  to 
carry  on  from  here.  This  Christmas,  for 
each  of  you,  I  wish  all  the  joy  and  gladness 
possible  in  a  war-torn  world,  and  commend 
you  to  the  words  of  Him  whose  birth  we 
commemorate  —  "Be  of  good  cheer"  and 
"Be  not  afraid."  With  a  wish  amounting  to 
prayer,  I  look  to  the  coming  New  Year. 
May  it  bring  lasting  peace  to  all  the  world 
and  God's  own  blessings  to  our  beloved 
nation,  with  health,  happiness  and  a  reason- 
able measure  of  prosperity  for  each  and  every 
one   of   you. 

Hasta   la  visto,   Amigos. 

Smoke  From 
A  Test  Tube 

by  Sally  and  Sue 

Sally  and  Sue  have  the  most  subtle  ap- 
proach when  talking  a  person  into  doing 
something,  that  you  find  yourself  agreeing 
before  it  is  quite  clear  as  to  just  what  it  is 
they  wont  done.  So  here  we  ore  slaving  away 
trying  to  write  a  column  and  wondering  what 
we  have  ever  done  to  deserve  such  a  fate. 
Bear  with  us,  it  won't  last  long. 

Hearing  of  the  great  demand  for  blood 
plasma,  NAN  NADER,  "E.  J."  HARRING- 
TON and  yours  truly,  all  being  under  the 
prescribed  weight,  have  decided  we  should 
go  down  and  all  be  hooked  up  to  the  same 
bottle  and  instead  of  joining  the  half  gal- 
lon club,  we  shall  originate  the  half-pint 

Another  of  the  famous  "Lab"  fareweU 
parties  was  given  a  couple  of  weeks  ago  for 
TOMMY  BRANCH.  These  parties  get  bigger 
and  better,  but  we  are  beginning  to  suspect 
that  we  were  not  equipped  with  the  constitu- 
tions to  stand  many  more  of  them.  A  Ma- 
chinist's Handbook  was  the  farewell  gift, 
which  was  autographed  and  inscribed  with 
all  best  wishes  for  Tommy's  success  in  his 
new  venture. 

As  I  was  sitting  here  peacefully  tearing 
my  hair  over  what  to  write  next,  and  noth- 
ing but  the  steady  drone  of  typewriters  to 
mar  my  train  of  thought,  a  sudden  cry  from 
"BO"  FLOERSCH  startled  us  out  of  our  eye- 
teeth.  We  aren't  sure  just  what  brought  it 
on,  but  his  glad  cry,  "I  guess  women  in 
industry  aren't  so  bad  after  all,"  certainly 
fell  on  grateful  ears.  Thanks,  "Bo." 

The  Christmas  spirit  has  invaded  the  Lab 
and  our  office  looks  very  festive  with  a  gayly 
decorated  tree.  There  was  some   mention  of 

November  birthdays  are  THE  thing  in 
Accounting!  Lunch  hours  were  brightened  bv 
the  traditional  birthday  cakes.  PHYLLIS 
CREEL'S  coke  was  oblong  with  a  delicate 
pink  writing,  "Happy  Birthday  Phil."  ETHEL 
RUTTER  was  surprised  at  lunch  on  her  birth- 
day with  a  heavenly  blue  blouse  from  her 
riders  and  a  delicious  cake.  The  coke  was 
trimmed  with  tiny  pink  and  blue  flowers 
with  pink  frosting  saying,  "Happy  Birthday 
Ethel."  We  wish  words  could  express  the 
surprise  and  thrill  MR.  MILLER  had  when 
he  found  his  cake  on  his  desk.  The  cake 
was  very  cleverly  decorated  with  autumn 
leaves  all  over  the  sides  and  on  the  top. 
"Happy  Birthday  Mr.  Miller"  was  written 
in  green  frosting  with  green  candles  around 
the  writing.  The  day  shift  accounts  payable 
presented  him  with  a  pipe,  while  the  night 
shift  gave  him  a  liquor  serving  set  on  a 
beautiful   mirrored  tray.   .   .   .   HELEN   BAR- 

hanging  a  piece  of  mistletoe  in  a  much  used 
archway,  but  the  fear  that  this  reporter 
would  block  traffic  by  her  refusal  to  stand 
elsewhere  soon  discouraged  that  idea.  The 
Christmas  tree  caused  Sue  no  end  of  dis- 
comfort as  she  gayly  set  forth  for  work  the 
other  morning.  With  the  tree  tucked  under 
her  arm,  she  was  met  by  three  ferocious 
dogs  (Sue  being  mortally  afraid  of  dogs, 
claims  they  were  ferocious)  who  proceeded 
to  accompany  her  on  her  walk  to  the  corner 
heralding  their  approach  with  joyous,  al- 
though noisy,  barking.  After  hearing  the 
detailed  description  of  her  terrifying  exper- 
ience, HUB  HUBBELL  remarked  that  it  was 
a  good  thing  she  wasn't  carrying  a  fire  plug 

HELEN  HOLSTON,  ex-chemist,  proved  she 
hasn't  forgotten  the  Ryan  Lob.  Last  week  we 
received  a  copy  of  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia "Pelican,"  a  literary  journal  we  all 

MARIAN  JOHNSON  came  back  starry- 
eyed  from  her  trip  to  Los  Angeles.  Reason — 
she'd  bought  her  wedding  dress.  Since  then 
life  on  the  chem  side  has  been  rather  hazard- 
ous. GENEVIEVE  has  promised  to  keep  one 
eye  in  Marion's  direction  from  now  on  so 
the  rest  of  us  feel  safer. 

Our  thanks  to  LOIS  WALTERS  for  shar- 
ing the  pictures  of  the  initiation  to  Father 
Neptune  which  were  sent  by  her  husband, 
William  J.  Walters  of  the  U.S.N.  In  the  some 
ceremony.  Bill  was  made  a  member  of  the 
exclusive  Golden  Shell-back  Club  whose 
members  consist  of  men  who  hove  crossed 
the  equator  50  times. 

And  in  closing — a  MERRY  CHRISTMAS 

NETT  has  earned  the  title  of  "flower  girl" 
.  .  .  Helen  celebrated  her  second  wedding 
anniversary  and  displayed  a  beautiful  orchid. 
The  very  next  week  on  her  birthday  she  was 
presented  with  a  lovely  gardenia  .  .  .  nice  to 
have  your  flowers  while  you  can  smell  them! 

One-year  service  pins  were  awarded  to 
BETTY  KERSHAW  in  Timekeeping,  HELEN 
BOND  and  MR.  WM.  HETRICK  in  Accounts 
Payable.  .  .  .  Welcome  to  MR  JOHN  J. 
WISE  in  Inventory.  Mr.  Wise  has  lived  for 
quite  some  time  in  Hawaii.  ...  A  farewell 
party  was  given  for  ALDEAN  SCHULTZ  at 
BEA  SWATEK's.  Aldean  is  leaving  for  Kal- 
amazoo   .    .    .    sorry,    we    mean    Saginaw! 

Welcome  to  MARGARET  ROSE  in  Time- 
keeping. .  .  BETTY  KERSHAW  gave  c 
farewell  party  for  SYLVIA  VOUVALANDIS 
who  is  returning  to  New  York  .  .  .  Sylvia 
was  delighted  with  the  matched  luggage  the 
gang  presented  to  her.  .  .  .  Accounts  Pay- 
able said  farewell  to  MARTHA  GRAVES  who 
returned  to  Arkansas,  also  DOT  PRELLWITZ 
who   left  recently. 

LUCILLE  RICKMAN  transferred  into  the 
department  from  Methods  Engineering  on 
second  shift.  JUNE  LONG  switched  from 
second   to    first   shift. 

Well,  Mom  has  the  dishes  finished  ...  I 
guess  I'll  sign  off;  my  column  has  served  its 
purpose  ...   So   long  now! 

—  34  — 

Jerks  of  Jig  Assembly 
Second  Shift 

by   Buzz  and   Shorty 

Welcome  to  second  shift,  FOREMAN  JOE 
LOVE,  who  traded  places  with  CLIFF 
SCATES,  who  is  on  first  shift.  Concurrent 
with  Joe's  move  to  second  shift  was  the 
return  of  old  PB  7B  jigs  for  some  replace- 
ment orders.  That  job  brings  memories  to 
many  of  the  old  timers,  at  least  those  that 
have  been  in  manifold  for  more  than  three 
years.  As  I've  put  it,  "we  used  to  work  these 
in  our  sleep."  Only  spares  were  built  on 
B  7  B. 

ERNIE  SIMONSON,  B-29  Leadman  and 
D.  R.  DEWEY  BEMENT  of  C-54,  Leadman, 
showed  up  all  cleaned,  shaven  and  slicked 
up  to  receive  their  five-year  pins.  Leadman 
JACK  COE  has  been  very  ill  with  bronchial 
flu.  C-54  group  sent  him  some  flowers. 
We  hope  he  will  be  back  soon.  HAZEL 
JONES  has  been  having  some  dentist 
work  done.  Hope  you  will  be  back  with 
us  soon.  Hazel.  We  received  a  lovely 
letter  from  C.  M.  SCHADEGG  (or  should  I 
say  his  lovely  wife  who  is  down  visiting  him)  . 
He  is  very  busy  and  can't  keep  up  his  heavy 
correspondence.  He  is  with  the  Paratroopers 
at  Camp  Walters,  Texas,  and  tells  everyone 
hello.  What  is  this  I  hear,  SNIPES.  Wedding 
Bells?  Well,  anyway  you  con  really  pick  them. 
Hope  you  both  will  be  very  happy.  MR.  and 
MRS.  FRANK  LIGHTFOOT  hove  returned 
from  Alabama.  Frank  is  bock  on  B-29  line- 
up and  Marion  is  BILL  KUPLICK's  depart- 
ment clerk.  We  wont  to  welcome  R.  L.  YORK 
to  Manifold.  Glad  to  have  you. 

Col.  K.  E.  Linderfelt  has  been  appoint'ed 
to  a  Special  Assignment  as  Housekeeper 
for  all  Ryan  properties. 



Sheet  Metal 

by  Marge  and  Ernie 


Yes,  the  holiday  season  has  rolled  around 
once  more,  and  what  fun  it  will  be  to  have 
a  two-day  holiday.  I  hope  Santa  is  very  nice 
to  each  and  every  one  of  you  and  that  the 
new  year  will  bring  happiness  and  content- 
ment to  all. 

PEGGY  PALMER  deserves  a  lot  of  credit 
for  her  "Cards  for  Yanks"  drive  in  Depart- 
ment 2  on  first  shift.  She  received  practically 
a  one  hundred  per  cent  contribution  which 
amounted  to  over  twenty  dollars.  We  really 
appreciate  her  efforts  and  that  is  an  inspira- 
tion for  the  other  departments,  too,  we  hope. 

Department  3  was  sorry  to  have  their 
assistant  foreman,  JAKE  LUNSFORD,  trans- 
fer to  Mr.  Cunningham's  department.  On 
November  30th,  his  department  gave  him  a 
farewell  party,  presenting  him  with  a  choco- 
late cake,  coffee  AND  cigarets,  if  you 
please.  Jake  burst  forth  with  a  farewell 
speech  and  everything  went  off  in  fine  spirit. 
Present  were,  MARSHALL  THOMPSON, 
MARTHA  WILSON.  We  hope  you  will  drop  in 
occasionally,  Jake,  and  not  make  a  practice 
of  "out  of  sight,  out  of  mind." 

and  TERRY  KELL  have  been  presented  with 
their  five-year  pins.  Congratulations,  boys, 
I  hope  you  will  be  here  another  five  years, 
that  ten-year  pin  would  be  better  yet! 

A  combination  farewell  and  birthday  party 
was  given  for  BETTY  BASNEY,  who  left  on 
her  birthday  to  go  bock  to  live  with  her  folks 
in  Michigan.  A  birthday  coke  and  coffee 
were  served  to  her  at  lunch  time,  and  she 
was  presented  with  a  beautiful  Rosary  for  a 
farewell  gift  from  her  fellow  workers, 
WORTH, and  MARTHA  WILSON,  clerk. 

LESLIE  RITZ  in  Department  1,  was  given 
a  farewell  gift  of  a  lovely  purse  and  gloves. 
We  were  sorry  to  see  her  leave,  she  was 
sort  of  a  "jack  of  all  trades,"  filling  in  for 
department  clerk  and  willing  to  cooperate  in 
every  way. 

I  do  wish  you  folks  would  turn  in  your 
news  items  to  me.  Let's  moke  this  column 
represent  all  our  departments,  and  I  only 
know  what  you  tell  me!! 

Happy   Holidays, 


E.  A.  Moore,  formerly  Producfion  Super- 
intendent-, has  been  appointed  as  Air- 
plane Manufacturing  Manager. 

Wasn't  that  a  wonderful  Thanksgiving 
dinner  we  had  in  Dept.  3?  Even  the  men 
finally  broke  down  and  at  last  admitted  that 
having  women  in  the  plant  does  hove  its 
points,  after  all — chief  among  said  points 
being  the  ability  to  hove  a  complete  Thanks- 
giving dinner — turkey  and  all  the  you-know- 
whats — in  an  aircraft  factory.  Everyone  in 
Sheet  Metal  Assembly  really  enjoyed  that 
dinner  to  the  hilt,  or  should  I  soy,  to  the 
point  of  loosening  tight  belts?  Our  com- 
bined thanks  to  the  woman  who  planned  the 
affair  and  to  MRS.  CORA  BRYAN  who 
roasted  that  so- luscious  turkey  and  dressing, 

George  Lowson  of  Dept.  I  has  just  re- 
ceived his  three-year  pin.  AL  WARHOL, 
Dept.  1,  and  DOROTHY  GERDES,  Dept.  3, 
have  both  received  their  one-year  pins.  Gooci 
enough,  all  of  you. 

CLAIR  SACHS  is  gracefully  relinquishing 
his  title  of  "Absent-Minded  Professor"  to 
CHET  HOFFMAN.  Pleose  refer  any  ques- 
tions to  Hoffman.  Incidentally,  did  you  see 
Sachs  strutting  around  here  the  other  night 
with  those  pictures  of  his  two  charming  sons? 
And  they  really  ore  charming  boys,  too, 
Sachs,  so  you  go  right  ahead  and  strut. 

In  Dept.  2,  DARLENE  BALENSIEFER  and 
SHIRLEY  DENNIS  hove  transferred  to  first 
shift,  and  HARVEY  STEGNER  traded  with 
GERRY  HAIGHT,  so  Gerry  is  back  on  nights 
with  us  again.  Sorry  to  see  you  all  leave  us, 
but,  Gerry,  we're  glad  to  hove  you  back 
again.  IRENE  McDONALD  of  Dept.  1  has 
also  left  for  first  shift. 

MADGE  BLEDSOE'S  birthday  was  Decem- 
ber 3rd.  On  December  2nd,  there  was  a  party 

—  35  — 

in  Dept.  1  to  help  Madge  celebrate.  While 
she  was  concentrating  on  cutting  the  cake 
just  so,  everyone  else  gazed  hopefully  at 
the  presents,  guessed,  and  finally  began  urg- 
ing Madge  to  hurry  up  and  open  the  gifts. 
Eventually,  Madge  obliged  with  MIKE 
MAGERS'  help  and  MONA's  advice.  BETTY 
and  MURREL  MAYFIELD  were  there  to  wish 
Madge  a  very  happy  birthday. 

Hello  and  welcome  to  the  new  employees 
in  Sheet  Metal  Department:  In  Dept.  1,  we 
ORLOWSKI  of  the  Navy.  In  Dept.  2,  there 
EDGAR  POTTER  of  the  Navy,  and  JACK 
SMITH  and  MILT  WISDOM  of  the  Marine 



Virginia  Pixley 

I  tried  very  hard  to  cover  PHYLLIS  ASH- 
MAN and  ED  SHELDON'S  wedding  on  the 
10th  of  December,  but  since  I  didn't  make 
it,  will  have  to  rely  on  the  word  of  those 
who  did  attend  that  it  was  o  lovely  affair. 
They  moke  an  ideal  couple — Ed  with  his 
almost  blue-black  hair  and  Phyllis  with  her 
lovely  blonde  curls.  According  to  WAYNE 
SMITH,  who  was  an  usher,  Ed  waited  so 
long  when  his  turn  came  to  say,  "I  do," 
that  he,  Wayne,  almost  said,  "He  does," 
Congratulations,   Mr.   and  Mrs,   Sheldon. 

Another  December  social  event  was  the 
combination  birthday,  Christmas,  and  Going- 
Away  party  put  on  by  the  girls  of  the  Systems 
Group.  MARGIE  SCALLORN's  19th  birthday 
was  the  chief  excuse  for  the  party,  and  COYE 
SLIGH  and  LOUISE  WILSON  are  going  to 
"go  home"  for  Christmas  so  everyone  ex- 
changed Christmas  presents  and  hod  a  fancy 
tablecloth  and  pickles  and  sandwiches,  etc.. 
There  certainly  was  on  array  of  lovely  gifts, 
and  a  beautifully  decorated  birthdoy  coke. 
Those  participating  were  MARGIE  SCAL- 
brated her  1 9th  birthday  two  days  before 
the  girls'  supervisor,  was  also  presented  with 
his  Christmas  gift  of  a  beautiful  ash  tray 
set  in  o  fine  polished  wood  base — and  those 
who  know  Jack  and  his  mania  for  a  well- 
appointed  desk,  con  imagine  how  pleased  he 
was  with  their  choice.  Almost  speechless! 

Still  another  grand  occasion  was  the  birth 
of  a  No.  2  son  to  TOLLIFF  and  LOUISE 
HANCE.  Tolliff,  who  is  in  the  Structures 
Group,  passed  around  the  customary  candy 
and  cigars  and  showed  the  proper  amount 
of  excitement  over  the  event.  Our  depart- 
ment, cooperative  as  usual,  has  suggested 
many  names  to  help  him  out.  JOE  WHITE 
thinks  "Abercrombie"  has  great  possibilities 
and  MUCHEMORE  believes  "Clomwinkle"  to 
be  quite  timely.  It  occurs  to  us  to  ask  Tolliff 
if  he  had  any  choice  along  those  lines,  but 
we  don't  really  think  that  "Idunno"  is  verv 

Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

















^  '^ 



Although  dinners  are  built  on  a  set  pattern,  there  is 
plenty  of  chance   for  variety   in  the   menu: 

Choice  in  courses  served: 

Meat  course,  salad,  dessert 
Soup,  meat  course,  dessert 
Soup,  meat  course,  salad 
Soup,  meat  course,  salad,  dessert 

Soups:    Clear  soups  are  preferred,   but  thin  cream  soups 

may  also  be  served. 

Meat  soups — bouillon,  consomme,  beef  broth,  mut- 
ton broth,  chicken,  oxtail. 

Vegetable  soups — mixed  vegetable,  celery,  onion, 
tomato,   tomato  and  celery. 

Cream  soups —  (thin)  asparagus,  celery,  pea,  to- 

Meat:    Choice  between  meat,  fish,  or  poultry. 

Choice  between  different  cuts  of  the  same  meat. 

Beef — steaks,    roasts,    stews,    meat   pies,    ham- 
burger, corned  beef. 
Veal— cutlets,   roasts,  stews,  meat  pies. 
Lamb — chops,  cutlets,   roasts,  stews. 
Pork — chops,   roasts,  sausages,   bacon,   ham. 
Organ    meats — liver,    heart,    tongue,    kidneys, 
brains,   tripe,   sweetbreads. 
Choice   in  the   method  of  cooking   the   meat — 
roasting,  broiling,  braising,  stewing. 


Starchy — potatoes,  corn,  peas,  beans  (also  rice, 
macaroni,  noodles). 

Leafy — cabbage,  spinach,  greens,  beet  tops,  chard, 
kale,  lettuce,  romoine,  endive. 

Root — beets,  carrots,  turnips,  parsnips. 

Succulent — asparagus,  broccoli,  couliflower,  arti- 
chokes, celery,  tomato,  cucumber,  squash,  egg 
plant,  string  beans. 

A  great  number  of  different  combinotions  of  meat 
with  vegetables  is  possible.  It  is  better  not  to  use 
two   vegetables   from   the   some   group   in   one   meal. 

Variety    in    cooking — baking,    steaming,    boiling, 

Variety    in    serving — plain,    mashed,    with    butter, 
with  parsley  butter,  creamed,  scolloped,  stuffed. 

Salods:  Salads  may  be  varied  almost  indefinitely.  Heavy 
salads  made  of  meat,  fish,  potatoes,  and  other 
starchy    vegetables,    ore    not    suitable    for    dinner. 

Mixed  greens  or  fruit  salads  are  desirable.  In  gen- 
eral, for  dinner,  salads  mode  with  French  dressing 
ore  preferable  to  those  with  mayonnaise. 

Desserts:  Simple  desserts  are  best  suited  to  dinner,  es- 
pecially fresh  fruit.  If  the  dinner  is  not  elaborate, 
small  servings  of  richer  desserts  may  be  used. 

BROWN    BETTY  (Serves   4) 

DATE    PUDDING   (Serves    6) 

J        tablespoons     melted 

butter  or  margarine 
'/2    cup  bread,  cracker,  or 
cake  crumbs 

1         cup  apple  sauce 
V4    cup  brown  sugar 
1  /1 6  teaspoon  salt 
Cinnamon  or  nutmeg 

Method:    Butter  a  baking  dish. 

Place   layer  of  apple  sauce  in  the  dish,  sprinkle  with 
sugar,  spice  and  a  dash  of  salt. 

Add  layer  of  crumbs. 

Alternate  fruit  and  crumbs  to  fill  the  dish. 

Additional   fruit  juice  may  be   added   just   before  the 
last  layer  of  crumbs. 

Cover  and  bake  at  350°  for  about  30  minutes. 

Serve  with  hard  sauce  or  pudding  sauce. 

Use    stewed    dried    apricots,    prunes,    peaches,    or    any 
tart  fresh  fruit  sauce  in  place  of  apple  souce. 


tablespoons    butter    or 

tablespoons    lemon    juice 
teaspoon  grated  lemon 


V2   cup     sugar 
2        tablespoons    flour,    or- 
1         tablespoon  cornstarch 
1/16  teaspoon      salt 
1         cup  boiling  water 

Method:   Mix  sugar  flour  or  cornstarch,  and  salt 
Add   the   boiling   water, 
stirring   all    the  time. 
Remove    from    fire,    add 


Variations:     (Omit   the    lemon    juice   and    rind) 

1.  Add  2  teaspoons  vanilla. 

2.  Add  1  /2 — 3/4  teaspoon  nutmeg. 

3.  Add  1  square  melted  chocolate. 

4-     Add  1/2  cup  raisins  or  nuts  and   1    teaspoon  grated 
orange  or  lemon  rind. 

cook   until    mixture   thickens, 
butter    or    marnarine    and 

1  1  2    cups  chopped  dates 
'2    cup    chopped    nuts 

2        eggs 
1/2    cup    brown    sugar 
1/2    cup  water 

2        cups  coarse  dry  bread 
1/2    teaspoon  baking 

'/j   teaspoon  salt 
Method:    Combine  first  5  ingredients. 
Beat  eggs,  odd  sugar  and  water. 
Add  to  crumb  mixture. 
Pour  into  a  greased  mold,  cover  and  steam  45 

Serve  with  hard  sauce  or  pudding  sauce. 

HARD  SAUCE   (3   4  cup) 

1/3    cup  butter  or  margarine3   4  teaspoon  vanillo 

1         cup  confectioners,  1  tablespoon  cream  or  top 

brown  or  granulated  milk   (as  desired) 


Method;    Cream  butter  or  margarine. 

Beat    in   the   sugar  gradually   and   continue   creaming 

until  fluffy. 
Add  the  flavoring  and  cream  if  used. 
Chill  until  cold  but  not  hard. 
Variations:    lOmit  vanilla) 

1.    Add   1/4 — 1/2  teaspoon  nutmeg. 
2      Add  % — 1/2  teaspoon  cinnamon. 

3.  Add    1  /8    teaspoon    each    of    cinnamon,    nutmeg 
ginger,  cloves. 

4.  Add  ''2  teaspoon  lemon  extract  and  some  grated 
lemon     rind. 

5.  Add    1  /3   teaspoon   lemon   extract  ond   2    3   tea- 
spoon vanilla. 

6.  Add  1  teaspoon  rum  or  brandy. 

7.  Add  3  tablespoons  orange  marmalade. 

8.  Add  4  tablespoons  crushed  ginger  snaps. 

9.  Add  2  tablespoons  any  fruit  juice. 
10.     Add  1   teaspoon  or  more  block  coffee. 

1  1 .     Combine  with  the  stiffly  beaten  white  of  one  eoo. 

■36  — 

Ryan  Tradins  Post 

FOR       SALE 

For  Sale    (continued) 

One  pair  size  9,  men's  Spaulding  ice  skates  in 
good    condition.       Best    offer.      G.    Hoswell,    Ext. 


Honey  of  excellent  quality;  5  lb.  in  gloss  jars, 
$1.10.  Contact  D.  W.  Close,  Dept.  1,  Airp!ane 
Welding.  Home  address,  7593  Orien  Avenue, 
La  Mesa. 

If  you're  wondering  what  to  give  for  Christmas, 
my  husband  makes  first  grade  leather  bill  folds, 
keytainers,  etc.,  to  order.  Service  insignios  and 
initials  or  name  imprinted.  Contact  Mrs.  Howell, 
Manifold  Inspection,  2nd  shift,  Ext.  360  or 
Hank  Hanggi,  1st  shift. 

12  acres  of  partly  timbered  Washington  land,  good 
ground,  private  water  system  with  pressure  sys- 
tem, 2  new  unfinished  4  room  houses,  electricity 
and  plumbing.  Fixtures  partly  in.  1934  Chevro- 
let pick-up  truck  included.  S.  H.  Reed,  2979 
Fordham  Street.    Planning,  Ext.  396. 

Ladies  Coat,  tan  camel's-hair  cloth.  Mole  fur  sleeves 
and  collar,  high  quality,  satin  faced  crepe  lining. 
Size  18,  coat  like  new.  W.  B.  Klein,  Engineering, 
Ext.   335.    7235   Volta   Ct.,   Linda   Vista. 

One  electric  iron,  1  electric  heater,  1  Gillette 
Aristocrat  Razor  in  Gilt  Case.  Call  at  2256 
Union   Street. 

Willys  Sedan,  1936.  New  paint,  new  battery  (  2yr. 
guarantee).  Good  tires,  new  brakes  and  seat 
covers.  Cheap  transportation.  Doc  Enyeart, 
Tooling   Inspection. 

New,  100%  all  wool  man's  medium  size  sweater, 
$5.00.    See  Vaughan,  at  the  Mail   Room. 

Seven-room  home  in  Kensington  Manor,  stucco, 
3  bedrooms,  2  baths,  large  front  room  and  2- 
stall  garage.  Terms,  call  D.  Vanharten,  Ext.  282 
or  R-73B4. 

1  portable  Emerson  radio  (no  battery)  for  $35. 
1  Modified  English  Racing  Bike  with  hand  brake, 
child  seat  attached  to  cross  member  (remov- 
able) for  child  up  to  6  years  old  for  $30.  1 
Motor  Scooter,  not  assembled,  but  all  essential 
parts,  Brjggs  Stratten,  for  $65- — motor  used 
approximately  only  25  hours.  19x9  umbrella 
tent  for  $10.  Contact  Edward  W.  Pye,  Final 
Assembly,   Second   Shift. 

One  Rug — 11'  3"  by  15',  $55.  See  Ed  Lottes.  Me- 
chanical Maintenance,  First  Shift.  Phone 

Browning  Automatic  12-gauge  shotgun  in  perfect 
condition,  with  fine  leather  case,  $150.  G.  A. 
Hawley,  Dept.  66,  Ext.  213,  or  W-6555,  3147 
Third  Avenue. 

1941  Chicago  Embossadore  Tractor  House,  26'. 
Very  clean.  $1,800.  See  T.  H.  Schimitz,  Tooling. 
Nev/  building,  or  1956  Coolidge,  Linda  Vista. 

Better  quality  55  lb.  cotton  mattress,  good  con- 
dition, '/2  price,  $12.  Call  Bayview  7734  after 
4  p.   m.     Emil   Fechner,   [fept.    15. 

Horse  Trailer.     Like  new.    See  C.   A.   Mueller,  Tool 


1 938  Buick  Special  4-door  touring  sedan.  Body 
and  motor  very  clean.  Black  paint,  tires  good. 
Price  $850.  W.  B.  Klein,  Ext.  340.  7235  Volta 
Court,  Linda  Vista. 

One  256  Newton  Sporter  rifle.  Also  40  rounds  of 
ammunition.  This  nun  is  in  A-1  condition.  See 
Joe  Ketchum,  No.  13204,  Tool   Room    (20). 

Gretch  guitar  in  perfect  condition.  Contact  Mary 
Frances  Willford,  Ext.  327  or  Jackson  6247. 

1937 — 74  Flat  Head  Harley  Motorcycle,  16-inch 
wheels.  Very  good  engine.  Contact  Harold  Blev- 
ins,  Tool   Planning,  first  shift.  4329  33rd  St. 

Fry£  &  Smith,  Ltd.,  San  Diego 

Child's  tan  camel's  hair  coat  and  cap,  like  new. 
Size  2-3.  Cost  $15.00.  Bullock's  Wilshire.  Will 
sell    1/2  price.  M-6069  or   Ext.  297. 

One  enameled  quartered  -  oak  Wardrobe,  size 
5'  5"  X  2'  1"  x  22 Vz".  This  Wardrobe  contains 
six  drawers,  mirror  and  hangers  for  clothes,  etc. 
First-class  condition,  $25.  Also  small  ladies-size 
32  calibre  Harrington  &  Richardson  blued-steel 
revolver  as  good  as  new,  $25.  Nelson  H.  Acheson 
in  Mail  Room  or  call  Bayview  6471  after  6  p.m. 
or  Sundays.  Articles  can  be  seen  at  4584  Granger 
Street,  Sunset  Cliffs. 

Fly  rod  and  reel,  $25.  Phone  F-3075.  Wm.  Lotto, 

Top-coot,  grey  covert  cloth.  Cost  $55.00  new,  sell 
for  $25.00.  33  sleeve.  N.  E.  DeKay,  Ext.  271, 
Dept.  28. 

Photometer,  Marvel.  $17.50.  Edward  Pye,  Final 
Assembly,  2nd  shift. 

Half  Shetland  pony,  8-year-old,  spirited  5-gaited 
mare.  Saddle  and  bridle.  Will  sell  horse  or  saddle 
separate.  Will  give  someone  good  buy.  Contact 
Sid  Smith,  Department  30,  Ext.  381  or  coll 
H-65245  after  5  p.  m. 

Remington  automatic  .22  rifle.  Speedmaster  model 
241  for  $60.  Contact  Sid  Smith,  Department  30, 
Ext.   381    or  call   H-65245  after  5  p.   m. 


15-jewel    Bulovo    man's    wrist   watch,    like    new.    E. 
Mellinger,  Ext.  396. 

WANT       TO       BUY 

Washing  machine.  W.  McBlair.  Call  B-5176  or  Ext. 

Washing    machine.       See    H.     L.     (Honk)     Hanggi, 
Manifold  Assembly,   Ext.   360  or  Main   8666. 

Complete   home   movie   outfit.     8  or    16  mm.  Con- 
tact L.  E.  Syrios,  Manifold  Lineup,  2nd  shift. 

Electric  iron.    See  Frank  L.  Walsh,  Foreman,  Third 

Small  table  size  radio.    Pete  Jaeger,  Tool  Room. 

One  pair  of  steel  roller  skates  for  a  girl.  J.  J. 
King,  Wood  Shop,  2nd  shift.  Ext.  233  or 

Club  Coupe  for  $400.00  cash.  Call  Braverman  in 
Power  Plant,   Ext.  235  or  Main  6041. 

6  or  8  inch  table  circle  saw.  Ira  Threlfall,  Mani- 
fold Small   Parts. 

Electric  iron.    Agnes   Ives,  Department  9. 

Projector  for  35  mm.  slide  and  strip.  Also  inter- 
ested in  enlarger  with  35  mm.  plate  attachment. 
Bill  Putnam,  Priorities  and  Statistics.  Ext.  213 
or  2015   31st  St.,  F-9-1086. 

Late  model  1  Vz  ton  truck.  Contact  D.  O.  Nelson, 
Department  45. 

Electric  turntable,  preferably  RCA  radio  attach- 
ment. Will  consider  other  styles.  Fred  Maple, 

Two  55-gallon  oil  drums,  spring  tooth  harrow. 
E.  Mellinger,  Ext.  396. 

12-gauge  shotgun  and  30-30  rifle.  E.  Mellinger, 
Ext.   396. 

Electric  iron,  sewing  machine,  floor  heater  and 
tricycle  for  child  three  years  old.  Carol  Cor- 
michaet.  Department  9,   No.  6755- 

—  37  — 

Want  to  Buy   (continued) 

'37  or  '38  Chevy  4-door  sedan.  Ceiling  price  for 
cor  in  good  condition.  See  Ben  Williams,  En- 
gineering,  Ext.  379  or   F-91449. 

Electric  refrigerator.  Mildred  Hoax,  Manifold  Small 
Parts,   Inspection,  2nd  shift. 

Golf  clubs  for  a  southpaw.  Coll  Mary  Pollock,  Con- 
tract Engineering,  Franklin  7469  or  Bayview 

Electric  iron.  Department  14,  Second  shift,  Ange- 
lina Grana. 

Washing  machine,  Deportment  14,  Second  shift. 
Alpha   Feiier. 

Welding  suit.  See  A.  G.  Murroy,  Manifold  As- 
sembly, Ext.  359. 

Table  top  gas  range.  Must  be  in  good  condition. 
Call  R-748S  or  see  G.  E.  Quindort,  Plant  Police. 


31  Stude  Dictator  Sedan,  low  mileage,  good  tires. 
2-wheel  luggage  trailer.  Want  piano,  typewriter 
or  home  site  acre  or  what?  See  Hultquist,  De- 
partment 17  or  3656  Kurtz  Street. 

Reserve  your  Christmas  puppy  now.  Red  and  white 
cockers  from  the  Stockdale  strain.  Mrs.  Robin- 
son, 2542  3rd  Avenue,  Apt.  2.  Engineering 
Dept.,    Ext.    235. 

Three-room  apartment  near  plant  to  trade  for 
one-room  apartment  or  large  room  with  kitchen 
privileges.  Will  sell  furniture.  See  Jessie  Hallmon, 
Department  9,  first  shift. 

T  R 

A  D 


Brassie   for  putter.    Don 


Ext.  282. 




Small    gold    pen    knife. 
gift.    If  found   please 
Small   Ports.  Reword. 

This    kn 

ife   was   a 
G.    Harris, 


Russian  UUar  Relief 
UUants  Used  Ciotiiing 

The  Christmas  campaign  for  clothing  for 
Russia's  orphaned  children  is  now  under  way. 

There  are  millions  of  orphaned  children  in 
Russia  such  as  Tanya  Skorovina.  Tanya  saw 
her  very  first  Christmas  tree  in  a  Leningrad 
hospital.  She  has  known  only  war  in  her  brief 
three  years  of  life,  and  the  frightening  shock 
and  wounds  a  Nazi  shell  can  bring. 

American  hearts  are  warm  to  Russia's 
children.  Now  in  this  Christmas  season, 
Americans  can  warm  the  hearts  and  bodies 
of  Russia's  Tanyas  through  Russian  War 
Relief's  campaign  to  send  them  a  Christmas 
shipload    of    warm,    attractive    used    clothes. 

No  doubt  many  of  you  have  several  pieces 
of  warm  clothing  hanging  in  your  closet  or 
stored  in  a  forgotten  trunk.  Why  not  take  a 
few  minutes  of  your  time  to  gather  these 
items  together  and  bring  them  to  work  with 
you  where  they  may  be  deposited  in  con- 
tainers located  at  both  Gates  2  and  7. 

This  clothing  will  be  added  to  others, 
packed  and  shipped  to  Portland.  From  there 
it  will  go  by  boats  direct  to  Russia.  Gift  tags 
will  be  available  so  that  you  may  put  your 
name  on  your  gift.  It  is  suggested  that  these 
gift  fogs  be  pinned  on  the  garment  with  a 
safety  pin  which  are  unobtainable  in  Russia. 

Your  gift  to  Russian  children  will  carry  a 
message  which  will  need  no  interpreter. 



Today  the  aircraft  engine  exhaust  Manifold  is  a 
highly  complex  and  exacting  system  requiring 
technical  skills  of  a  high  order  for  its  efficient 
design  and  for  production  in  quantity.  In  this 
field,  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  has  been 
a  pioneer.  It  was  foremost  in  making  the  design 
and  manufacture  of  exhaust  systems  a  specialty 
in  itself. 

In  engineering  and  producing  Ryan  Manifolds 
every  effort  is  made  to  reduce  maintenance  prob- 
lems to  a  minimum.  But,  regardless  of  the  man- 
ner in  which  any  piece  of  aircraft  equipment  is 
designed  or  produced,  educational  assistance  in 
the  field  is  necessary.  For  Ryan  Manifolds,  in 
common  with  all  technical  products,  achieve 
their  greatest  potential  when  the  most  precise 
knowledge  of  their  functions  and  capabilities  is 
known,  appreciated  and  exploited. 

ilFJlIKfi;  SKILL 


To  afford  customers  opportunity  to  get  the  full 
benefits  from  its  exhaust  manifolds,  Ryan's  Mani- 
fold Service  Department  is  staffed  by  especially 
trained  personnel  chosen  from  experts  within 
the  Ryan  factory. 

These  men,  in  addition  to  their  "know-how" 
born  of  long  experience,  are  imbued  with  the 
same  desire  for  perfection  in  operation  as  their 
fellow  workers  in  the  factory  are  enthusiastic  in 
attaining  perfection  in  manufacture.        __ffifk 

RELY        ON        RYAN       TO        BUILD       WELL 


M  A  N   I  F  O  L  P  S 

1922-1  944 






No.     1 

JANUARY     26,     1945 

Published  every  three  weeks  for  employees  and  friends  of 

Through   the   Public   Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of  William  Wagner 

and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor Frances  Stotler 

Staff  Photographers Tommy  Hixson,  Lynn  Foymon 

Frank  Martin,  Cal  O'Callahan 

Staff  Cartoonist  George  Duncan 


Many  Other  Famous  Plane-makers  Are 
Counting  On  Us!  1 

— a  message  of  importance  to  all  Ryan  zvorkcrs. 

Mission  to  Britain   2 

— Tom  Hearnc  knozvs  hoiv  it  feels  to  be  un- 
der a  robot  bomb  attack.  Would  you  take  it 
like  he  did? 

The  Giant  That  Spits  Aluminum 4 

— the  story  of  a  machine  that  makes  a  spar  cap 
in  10  minutes.  A  task  zvliich  formerly  took 
100  hours. 


The   Japs   Are    No   Pushover — by   Robert   P. 
Patterson,  Undersecretary  of  War 6 

— this  reprint  article  from  COLLIER'S  gives 
the  real  lozi.'dozi.'n  on  the  battle  of  the  Pacific. 

Charles  Lehton — Foreman  of  Electrical 

Maintenance    8 

— he  cracks  the  ivhip  over  electricity  and  keeps 
it  working  for  him. 

Your  Roving  Photog 9 

— see  your  friends  in  their  unguarded  moments. 

What's  Cookin' 17 







and    Sales    Manager 

Sam    C. 

Breder    in 




while    they    discuss 




contract   fo 

r   B-29 


Ever  stop  to  think  what  an  announcement  such  as  the  one  made 
lost  week  by  President  T.  Claude  Ryan  means  to  you  in  your  future? 

We've  all  seen  so  many  million-dollar  sums  kicked  around  in  con- 
versation during  the  past  few  years  that  maybe  we  don't  grasp  at 
first  the  significance  of  a  statement  that:  "Ryan's  backlog  of  ex- 
haust manifolds  has  now  crossed  the   thirteen-million-dollar  mark." 

But  that  thirteen-million-dollar  sum  has  important  bread-and- 
butter  significance  for  all  of  us  at  Ryan.  It  means  that  full-strength 
employment  in  the  Manifold  department  will  continue  well  into 
1946,  and  perhaps  far  longer.  Our  manifold  contracts  for  war  planes 
cover  such  ships  as  the  B-29  Superfortress,  the  Republic  Thunderbolt 
and  several  other  famous  planes  which  have  every  prospect  of  con- 
tinuing in  manufacture  to  the  end  of  the  war.  Furthermore,  our 
manifold  contracts  for  non-combatant  planes  cover  such  types  as  the 
giant  Douglas  C-54  Skymaster  which  are  expected  to  continue 
in  heavy  production  long  after  the  war  ends. 

And  here's  another  point  to  remember.  Because  it  builds  mani- 
folds for  many  of  America's  top  flight  planes,  Ryan  has  now 
achieved  the  enviable  reputation  of  being  one  of  the  world's  leading 
designers  and  manufacturers  of  exhaust  manifold  systems.  This  rep- 
utation should  make  it  possible  for  Ryan  to  skim  the  cream  of 
America's  exhaust  manifold  contracts  for  many  years  to  come. 
Among  the  companies  for  which  Ryan  builds  exhaust  systems  are 
Grumman,  Northrop,  Douglas,  Consolidated,  Curtiss-Wright,  Bell, 
Martin,  Goodyear,  Republic,  Boeing  and  Lockheed. 

Our  thirteen-million-dollar  backlog  of  diversified  orders  for  many 
types  of  manifolds,  plus  our  more  than  $58,000,000  order  for  Now 
planes,  gives  Ryan  one  of  the  brightest  futures  of  any  aircraft  com- 
pany. That's  why  this  month's  announcement  of  the  new  manifold 
contracts  was  cause  for  jubilation  among  all  Ryanites  —  as  well  as 
all  San  Diegans  who  want  continued  prosperity  for  their  city. 








By  Frances 






^,       *»Vg^     ^. 



Hindi  Hfad 

W.  V,.  I 

—  2  — 



"A  group  of  American  aircraft  industry  tech- 
nicians have  just  returned  from  a  five-week  tour 
of  British  aviation  facilities.  Their  trip  was  in- 
tended ko  bring  about  greater  uniformity  of  stand- 
ard parts,  materials  and  practices  in  the  British 
and  American  aircraft  industry.  Substantial  prog- 
ress toward  this  objective  was  attained  during  the 
trip,  the  technicians  declared.  They  also  reported 
that  standardization  in  Britain  has  been  carried 
out  to  a  high  degree,  due  to  the  necessity  for  con- 
serving materials  and  manpower." 

Did  you  ever  stop  and  wonder  what  a  trip  such 
OS  thflt  would  be  like?  What  the  technicians  sow 
in  England?  What  their  reactions  were  as  they  sud- 
denly jumped  from  a  peaceful  country  into  a  war- 
torn  one?  Well,  we're  going  to  let  you  in  on  the 
inside  of  the  story. 

Tom  Hearne,  Ryan  standards  engineer,  is  chair- 
man of  the  International  Standards  Project  of  the 
Notional  Aircraft  Standards  Committee  of  the 
Aeronautical   Chamber  of  Commerce  of  America 

(Continued  on  pdge  14) 


Have  you  watched,  with  fascination,  that 
mammoth  mass  of  machinery  in  the  machine 
shop  which  chews  up  large  pieces  of  aluminum 
and  then  spits  out  the  silvery  chips  like  chaff 
from  a  threshing  machine?  Have  you  been 
stopped  in  your  tracks  by  the  mournful  wail 
of  aluminum  resisting  steel  in  a  ferocious 
struggle  for  supremacy?  Is  there  any  Ryan 
employee  whose  soul  is  so  dead  that  he  has 
not  turned  from  this  phenomenon  and  said, 
"What  goes  here"? 

I  decided  that  I  had  been  in  a  quandary 
long  enough  so  I  asked  Paul  Sauter,  Assistant 

"r-T-.  «r<c^n«9S«CU!CZORF?^V7^TSi^|;D^4MK]WiU^^^*B^79R;^^ 

Looking      along 
the    heavy    bed 
of  the  spar  cap 



N  oti 

ce    the 


spar  cap 

clamped     in 
place     and     the 
push       button 
electric  controls. 

—  4- 


Superintendent  of  the  Tooling  Department, 
that  very  question.  He  was  a  willing  and  cap- 
able informant — supplying  the  answers  to  all 
of  the  questions  I  could  think  of  asking.  In 
order  to  save  him  the  tremendous  amount  of 
time  it  would  take  to  give  all  of  you  such  per- 
sonal service,  I  promised  him  that  I  would  pass 
the  information  on  to  you. 

The  official  name  for  this  mechanical  mar- 
vel which  has  been  spawned  by  the  aviation 
industry  is  "Farnham  Spar  Cap  Milling  Ma- 

( Continued   on   page    10) 

Light  patterns  re- 
flected in  the 
gleaming,  mirror 
finish  of  freshly 
milled  spar  cap. 

One  of  the  four 
sets  of  carbide- 
tipped  steel  cutters 
which  revolve  ot 
high  speed  to  cut 
every  ounce  of  un- 
necessary m  e  t  a 
from  a  spar  cap  ex- 
trusion. Only  dia- 
mond wheels  are 
hard  enough  to 
sharpen  these  cut- 

5  — 



Just  what  hurdles  are  still 

in  our  path  before  we  can 

knock  down   Japan?   An 

insider  gives  you  the 

straight  answer. 


Undersecretary  of  War 

We've  whittled  down  the  Japanese  navy  and  air  force, 
we've  hilled  eleven  Jap  soldiers  for  every  one  of  ours. 
But  their  army  is  Still  so  big  they've  Stopped  drafting 
men,  their  war  production  is  humming  and,  most  im- 
portant, they  are  6,000  miles  axvay.  It'll  be  a  rugged 

There  are  two  papers  on  my  desk.  One  is  a  news- 
paper clipping  with  the  headline:  "Quick  victory  over 
Japan  seen  after  Germany  falls."  The  other  is  a  report 
by  on  Army  officer  from  the  South  Pacific.  It  tells  the 
story  of  a  five-man  patrol  that  was  inching  its  way 
through  the  jungle  one  afternoon  not  long  ago. 

A  burst  of  machine-gun  fire  cut  short  the  patrol's 

progress.  One  man  was  killed  instantly.  As  the  re- 
maining members  of  the  group  threw  themselves  to 
the  ground,  they  spotted  the  Jap  sniper  only  a  few 
yards  distant,  aiming  a  light  machine  gun  over  the 
rim  of  a  foxhole.  Before  anyone  could  shoot  him,  he 
had  killed  a  second  American. 

Several  bullets  from  on  automatic  rifle  buried  them- 
selves in  the  Jap's  right  shoulder.  Unable  to  use  his 
machine  gun  any  longer,  the  man  leaped  from  the 
foxhole  and,  firing  a  revolver  with  his  left  hand,  ser- 
iously wounded  a  third  American.  A  second  blast  from 
the  automatic  rifle  knocked  him  down,  but  he  man- 
aged to  fire  again,  wounding  a  fourth  member  of  the 

YAW  ATA  —  HIT  BY  B-29  RAID  —  Panoramic  view  of  the  Japanese 
"Pittsburgh" —  Yawata,  on  the  island  of  Kyushu  in  the  Japonese 
homeland,  which  was  the  target  of  the  first  announced  raid  by  the 
Army  Air  Corps'  new  "SUPERFORTRESSES"  (B-29).  Home  of  the 
sprawling  Imperial  Iron  and  Steel  Works,  which  is  said  to  produce 
20  percent  of  Japan's  total  steel  output,  Yawoto  is  an  objective 
of  prime  imporfonce  for  our  air  attacks. 

— Official   U.S.   Navy  Photogroph 

TARGET  OF  THE  B-29's! — Interior  view  of  the  great  Imperial  Iron 
and  Steel  Works  at  Yawata  on  the  island  of  Kyushu  in  the  Japanese 
homeland.  Credited  wi.h  producing  one-fifth  of  Jopan's  total  steel 
production,  the  giant  plant  was  heavily  hit  by  the  first  announced 
attack  of  the  Army  Air  Corps'  new  "SUPERFORTRESSES,"  the 
mammoth  B-29's,  occording  to  observers  who  went  along  on  the  raid. 

— Official    U.S.    Navy  Photograph 

Only  Q  few  men  remain  on  the  once  busy  forward  flight  deck  of  the 
USS  WASP,  mortally  wounded  by  three  enemy  submarine  torpedoes 
which  struck  near  the  "island"  on  the  starboard  side  on  the  after- 
noon of  September  15.  The  14,700-ton  carrier,  on  escort  duty  near 
the  Solomon    Islands   at   the   time   she  wos  attacked,   was   abandoned 

and  later  sunk  by  a  U.S.  destroyer.  All  but  10  percent  of  the  crew 
was  rescued  by  other  units  of  the  task  force  with  which  the  WASP 
was  operating.  The  WASP  was  launched  April  4,  1939,  and  com- 
missioned a  year  later.  She  carried  two  fighting  and  two  scouting 
squadrons   and   a   complement  of   approximately    1800    men. 

— Official  U.S.   Navy  Photograph 

patrol  before  he  was  finally  flat  on  his  back,  wounded 
in  both  arms. 

When  the  last  American  came  up  beside  him,  he 
Icy  helpless  on  the  ground,  but  the  fanatical  fighting 
spirit  still  had  not  gone  from  his  riddled  body.  In  a 
final  fling  of  scorn  and  hatred,  he  raised  his  head  and 
spat  at  the  American  soldier.  A  bullet  between  the 
eyes  sent  him  to  his  ancestors. 

I  tell  this  story  because  it  is  typical  of  the 
Japanese  against  whom  our  troops  are  pitted 
in  the  Pacific,  While  we  are  inflicting  far 
heavier  casualties  than  we  suffer,  their  deter- 
mination to  fight  it  out  is  evident  in  every 

I  hove  been  in  the  Pacific  with  our  soldiers,  I  have 
seen  the  muck  of  the  jungles  in  which  they  are  hunt- 
ing down  the  enemy.  I  hove  studied  reports  from 
MacArthur  and  Stillwell  and  Kenney  and  Chennault. 
I  have  seen  the  great  distances  across  which  we  must 
transport  men  and  equipment.  I  have  found  nothing 
(ConHnued  on   page    12) 

We  owe  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  COLLIER'S  for  permission  to 
reprint  "The  Japs  Are  No  Pushover."  We  feel  thot  this  article  tells 
the  story  of  whot  we're  up  against  in  our  battle  in  the  Pacific 
more   completely  than   any   article   of  this    nature   we've   seen. 

— The  Editors. 

•7  — 




If  anything  goes  wrong  with  the  electric 
lights  in  the  department  where  you  work — 
or  if  the  department  is  overheating  or  is  too  cold 
— or  if  one  of  your  elecrical  tools  goes  haywire — 
or  if  you  are  victimized  by  any  one  of  the  hundred 
other  electrical  gremlins  who  can  tangle  things 
up  in  this  age  of  voltage  and  amperes,  then 
Chuck  Lehton  is  your  friend  in  need. 

He  is  the  general  foreman  of  Electrical  Main- 
tenance, and  as  such,  is  responsible  for  seeing 
that  all  your  electrical  woes  are  alleviated  in  jig 
time.  He  presides  over  a  big  crew  of  crack  elec- 
tricians who  can  take  apart  and  put  together 
anything  from  a  light  switch  to  a  three-thousand 
dollar  air  compressor  motor.  Lehton  has  this 
crew  so  well  organized  that  any  reported  trouble 
from  anywhere  in  the  plant  usually  finds  an 
electrician  on  the  spot  in  a  matter  of  minutes. 
Every  Sunday  the  whole  crew  works  all  day  long 
in  the  half-empty  factory  going  over  thousands 
of  pieces  of  expensive  electrical  machinery  and 
putting  them  in  shape  for  another  week  of  three 
shifts'  use.  This  is  the  one  day  when  they  can 
concentrate  on  forestalling  breakdowns  before 
they  occur.  For  the  rest  of  the  week  trouble  is 
Lehton's  steady  diet. 

But  trouble  never  seems  to  dismay  this  blonde 
young  fellow  with  the  level  eyes  and  easy-going 
grin.  He  takes  everything  in  his  stride.  Under 
grilling   by   the    Flying    Reporter    interviewer   he 

was  pressed  to  recall  some  occasion  on  which 
he  had  been  worried  or  discouraged  —  but  after 
several  minutes  of  hard  thought  he  admitted  that 
he  was  unable  to  recall  a  single  notable  example 
of  such  a  state  of  mind. 

He  can't  even  remember  very  many  serious 
difficulties  which  have  confronted  him  with  his 
job  at  the  plant.  "I  guess  about  the  toughest 
job  I  tackled  here,"  he  drawled,  "was  the  time 
our  Westlab  electrically-controlled  spot  welder 
went  on  the  blink.  It  was  the  only  one  of  its 
kind  in  existence,  and  it  hod  cost  Ryan  thous- 
ands of  dollars.  Otto  Schulte  and  I  really  per- 
spired over  that  baby.  We  wrestled  with  it  about 
two  days  before  we  could  figure  out  what  was 
wrong  and  get  it  fixed." 

At  29  Lehton  is  one  of  Ryan's  youngest  fore- 
men. Like  so  many  other  Ryan  higher-ups,  he 
started  with  the  company  as  one  of  the  rank- 
and-file.  He  worked  for  over  four  years  on  gen- 
eral maintenance,  welding  and  electrical  jobs, 
then  was  moved  up  to  assistant  foreman  just  five 
months  before  Pearl  Harbor.  He  moved  on  up 
when  wartime  expansion  hit  the  plant,  becom- 
ing foreman  in  September  of  1943.  He  has  now 
been  with  Ryan  for  about  eight  and  a  half  years 
except  for  an  interval  of  seven  months  in  1938 
when  he  took  one  adventurous  fling  in  Alaska 
just  before  marrying. 

There's  still  good  money  to  be  made  in  the 

(Continued  on   page    18) 

—  8  — 

1.  Indulging  in  small  talk  with  one's 
friends  is  a  favorite  pastime  while 
sipping  on  a  cup  of  Java  during  one 
of   the   rest   periods   in    the  factory. 

3.  Bob  Wallin,  Leadman  of  Fuselage 
Assembly,  shows  Jessie  Hallmon  just 
how  to  use  the  countersink  machine. 

2.  Edith  Rosenberger,  Women's  Counsellor, 
might  be  called  Mrs.  Anthony  as  she  is 
one  of  the  many  counsellors  who  offer 
guidance  and  assistance  to  any  woman  hav- 
ing a  problem.  Seen  taking  advantage  of 
this  service  ore  (standing)  Nellie  Gostillo 
and    (seated)    Ardella   Sobisok. 

5.  Trimming  on  a  shear  and  not  swinging 
on  a  star,  Frank  Robare  of  Sheet  Metal,  is 
caught  unexpectedly  by  Your  Roving  Pho- 

4.  Giving  that  little  red  wagon  an 
extra  lick  to  make  her  really  gleam  is 
E.  S.  Cox  of  the  Fire  Department. 
The  Fire  Department  equipment  is 
always  kept  clean,  in  good  repair  and 
ready  to  go  on  a  minute's  notice. 

6.  William  Walker  of  Fuselage  As- 
sembly is  deep  in  concentration  while 
drilling  on  on  outer  wing  panel. 

—  9 



(Continued  from  page  5' 

chine."  All  of  which  means  that  this  gadget 
mills  spar  cops  and  is  manufactured  by  the 
Fornhom  Company  of  Buffalo,  New  York. 
These  caps,  which  form  the  basic  part  of  the 
spars,  are  the  largest  and  strongest  single 
element  in  on  airplane.  They  are  cut  from 
long  sections  of  heavy  aluminum  extrusions 
and  form  the  backbone  of  the  airplane,  tying 
the  wings  into  the  fuselage. 

One  of  the  problems  which  gives  our  de- 
sign engineers  insomnia  is  how  to  get  the 
necessary  strength  from  these  spar  caps  and 
at  the  same  time  keep  the  weight  down  to  a 
minimum.  Mr.  Souter  explained  that  the 
strength  requirements  for  the  caps  varied  o 
great  deal  along  their  length.  As  you  travel 
from  the  fuselage  out  to  the  wing  tips,  the 
members  need  to  carry  less  load  and  there- 
fore may  be  mode  of  lighter  material.  In 
order  to  take  full  advantage  of  this  varying 
need  every  bit  of  excess  metal  is  cut  from 
the  metal  structures.  The  Farnhom  Milling 
Machine  performs  that  operation,  and  if  you 
take  a  look  at  the  finished  spar  cap,  you 
will  realize  what  a  gargantuan  task  that  is. 
The  dimensions  of  the  product  vary  in  width, 
thickness  and  height  along  its  entire  length. 
The  designer,  Paul  Dubosclard,  President 
of  Paragon  Research,  Inc.,  who  is  responsible 
for  the  planning  of  the  Farnham  Milling 
Machine  should  receive  a  distinguished  ser- 
vice citation  for  the  great  contribution  which 
he  made  toward  the  moss  production  of  air- 
craft. Before  1940,  when  the  first  machine 
was  made,  100  hours  were  spent  on  the 
milling  of  one  spar  cap  by  conventional 
methods.  They  were  usually  made  on  a  planer 
and  many  cutting  and  laying  out  opera- 
tions were  required.  When  the  demand  for 
stepped-up  production  of  war  planes, 
amounting  to  some  200  a  day,  had  to  be- 
come a  reality,  something  hod  to  be  done  to 
cut  down  the  time  involved  in  making  spar 

There  are  from  8  to  48  spar  caps  in  a 
plane  and  200  planes  a  day  would  require 
240,000  hours  a  day  in  milling  time  and 
tie  up  10,000  milling  machines  and  30,000 
skilled  operators.  At  the  time  this  was  ob- 
viously impossible  and  so  the  Spar  Miller  was 
born.  To  give  you  a  rough  idea  of  the  success 
which  the  Miller  has  enjoyed  in  meeting  the 
problem,  I'll  let  you  digest  the  fact  that  80 
of  these  remarkable  machines  ore  in  opera- 
tion in  the  industry  doing  the  work  of  1  0,000 
conventional  mills.  Our  machine  at  Ryan 
takes  about  ten  minutes,  excluding  set-up 
time,  to  moke  one  cap. 

Now  there  are  some  very  interesting  bits 
of  information,  gleaned  from  Paul  Sauter, 
concerning  the  way  this  mighty  workhorse 
devours  most  of  the  metal  from  an  aluminum 
extrusion  to  leave  a  finished  spar  cap.  For 
instance,  you  probably  assumed,  as  1  did, 
that  the  copious  quantity  of  milk-white, 
soluble  oil  which  was  gushing  down  the 
troughs  was  for  lubrication  purposes.  Didn't 
you?  I  thought  so.  Well,  that  isn't  quite  the 
purpose.  That  fluid  acts  as  a  coolant,  carry- 
ing away  port  of  the  heat  generated  by  the 
cutting  process.  Some  of  the  experts  are 
frank  in  stating  that  they  don't  even  believe 
that  its  use  as  a  coolant  is  necessary.  They 
point  to  the  fact  that  most  of  the  heat  gener- 
ated goes  out  with  the  chip  which  is  cut  and 

that  the  heat  which  goes  into  the  work  leaves 
with  the  next  chip.  Anyway,  the  oil  is  used 
and  it  seems  to  reduce  worpoge  somewhat. 
(If  these  experts  can't  agree  among  them- 
selves, to  whom  con  a  poor  layman  turn)  . 

It  might  be  well  at  this  time  to  explain 
the  general  operation  of  the  machine  as  it 
goes  about  its  merry  work  of  milling  spar 
caps.  The  aluminum  extrusion  is  laid  on  a 
long  bed  made  of  steel  which  is  built  upon 
a  foundation  of  zinc  alloy.  This  alloy  is  a 
"dead  metal"  and  absorbs  vibration.  The 
extrusion  is  clamped  into  place  by  automatic 
hydraulic  clamps  which  are  actuated  by  a 
pressure  of  500  pounds  per  square  inch. 
Then  by  electrical  push  button  controls,  the 
coolant  pumps  are  started,  the  cutters  whirl 
into  motion  and  the  traversing  mechanism 
begins  to  propel  the  mill  down  the  length  of 
the  bed. 

The  most  complicated,  but  not  the  most 
expensive,  part  of  the  whole  machine  is  the 
carriage  which  carries  the  milling  heads. 
Mounted  on  this  apparatus  are  three  heads 
(which  are  always  better  than  one,  if  they 
ore  not  on  your  brother)  each  of  which  is 
composed  of  a  set  of  cutters  driven  at  high 
speed  by  thirty-horsepower  electric  motors. 
This  carriage  traverses  the  bed  on  self-align- 
ing lead-bronze  shoes,  allowing  the  steel 
cutters  to  bite  into  the  aluminum  spor  extru- 
sion. On  the  first  trip  of  the  carriage  the 
flange  is  milled.  Then  the  piece  is  turned 
over  and  two  more  cuts  are  performed  to 
form  the  web.  The  finished  spar  cop  is  in  the 
shape  of  a  T-beam  with  constantly  varying 

The  way  in  which  the  cutters  are  directed 
so  that  the  irregular  dimensions  of  the  spar 
cap  are  obtained  is  ingenious.  Each  milling 
head  is  individually  mounted  on  the  carriage 
and  connected  through  a  simple  lever  system 
to  a  roller  which  follows  the  outlines  of  a 
pattern  (template)  attached  to  the  side  of 
the  bed.  This  linkage  imparts  whatever  mo- 
tion is  desired,  either  horizontal  or  vertical, 
to  the  direction  of  the  cutters.  The  milling 
heads  ore  made  of  massive  size  and  in  addi- 
tion to  this,  you  may  have  noticed  that  heavy 
weights  are  suspended  from  levers  on  the 
milling  heads.  There  is  a  definite  purpose  for 
this  generous  use  of  metal  in  the  manufac- 
ture of  these  parts.  You  see,  one  of  the 
secrets  of  successful,  high  speed  milling  is  to 
use  cutters  with  the  minimum  number  of 
teeth.  Most  of  them  have  two,  three  or  four 
teeth,  depending  upon  the  material  to  be 
cut,  the  speed  and  other  factors.  One  tooth 
too  many  on  a  cutter  reduces  the  efficiency 
appreciably.  Now  when  a  cutter  tooth  bites 
into  the  metal  there  is  quite  an  impact  which 
is  followed  by  a  lull  while  no  tooth  is  work- 
ing. With  a  cutter  speed  of  3500  revolutions 
per  minute  this  action  becomes  on  intermit- 

tent or  pulsating  one.  That's  the  reason  for 
the  counterbalanced  weights.  They  act  as  a 
sort  of  shock  absorber,  preventing  the  sudden 
fluctuations  caused  by  the  tooth  action,  but 
submitting  to  the  slower  action  caused  by 
the  rollers  moving  over  the  templates. 

There's  more  to  this  job  of  high  speed 
metal  milling  than  most  people  think.  For 
instance,  did  you  know  that  the  cutters  are 
mode  of  steel  with  carbide  tips  which  are  so 
hard  that  they  can  be  sharpened  only  by 
diamond  wheels?  Yet,  these  cutters  have  to 
be  carefully  kept  in  a  wooden  box  because 
they  are  so  brittle  that  a  slight  blow  may 
chip  their  edge.  Or  did  you  realize  that  there 
is  less  cutter  wear  when  the  machine  is  ad- 
justed to  cut  thick  chips  than  when  thin 
chips  ore  cut.  It  sounds  wrong  until  you 
know  that  cutter  wear  is  caused  by  sliding 
or  scraping  action  and  there  is  less  of  that 
when  thick  chips  are  cut.  These  cutting  tools 
cost  from  $100.00  to  $300.00  each  and  are 
very  carefully  handled.  They  ore  never 
started  or  stopped  while  in  actual  contact 
with  the  metal  to  be  milled.  Once  in  a  while 
something  unforeseen  occurs.  Like  that  time 
when  on  inexperienced  operator  accidentally 
ran  into  a  steel  holding  clamp  with  an  eight 
inch  cutter  and  cut  the  clamp  neatly  without 
injuring  the  cutter.  He  opened  a  new  field 
of  research — the  high  speed  cutting  of  steel 
— for  everyone  interested  in  metal  cutting. 

In  case  the  cutters  do  break  during  opera- 
tion there  is  a  magnetic  screen,  through 
which  the  coolant  flows,  which  would  pick  up 
the  particles  and  prevent  them  from  return- 
ing to  damage  the  spar  cap. 

Speaking  about  costs,  it  is  surprising  to 
note  that  while  the  Milling  Machine  costs 
about  $33,000,  the  tooling  for  it  costs  $90,- 
000.  This  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  machine 
is  a  standard-built  product  but  the  tooling 
was  especially  mode  to  Ryan  specifications. 

There  ore  two  other  thought-provoking 
elements  to  this  great  tool  of  the  aviation 
industry;  the  spindle  and  the  bearings.  The 
spindles  ore  the  tubular  steel  parts  which 
connect  the  electric  motors  and  the  cutters. 
Because  of  the  precise  nature  of  the  work 
accomplished  by  the  miller,  these  spindles 
have  to  be  absolutely  straight.  In  fact,  if  one 
of  them  becomes  bowed  to  the  amount  of 
only  ,001  of  on  inch,  it  becomes  very  ob- 
jectionable at  on  r.p,m,  of  3500.  Spindles 
ore  not  heat  treated,  but  are  normalized  to 
relieve  locked  stresses  in  the  metal.  This  is 
because  it  is  not  possible  to  get  perfectly 
concentric  and  symmetric  heat  treatment. 
Any  locked  stresses  which  might  be  left  in 
the  spindle  as  it  is  made  would  eventually 
cause  bowing. 

The  bearings  upon  which  the  spindles  ride 
also  hove  to  be  manufactured  with  extreme 
core.  They  are  called  "super-precision  bear- 
ings" and  must  be  kept  so  clean  that  if  they 
ore  not  installed  as  soon  as  they  ore  un- 
wrapped from  their  protective  paper,  they 
should  be  discarded. 

All  of  which  brings  us  to  the  close  of  this 
little  interview  of  the  Fornhom  Spar  Miller 
with,  I  hope,  on  expanded  appreciation  of 
the  intricacies  of  this  example  of  the  ma- 
chine age.  Possibly,  you  will  pause  in  reverent 
owe  the  next  time  you  pass  this  noisy  mon- 
ster, and  pay  a  tribute  to  the  ingenuity 
which  has  mode  moss  production  of  air- 
craft possible. 

10  — 

Dinner  For  Supervisors 

Top:  Ryan's  supervisors  listening 
to  after  dinner  speeches  and  en- 
joying them.  It  would  seem  that 
the  party  was  a  success. 

Center:  Caught  by  our  camera- 
man right  after  the  delicious  din- 
ner were,  left  to  right:  Harry  Os- 
wold.  General  Manager's  Repre- 
sentative; O.  L.  Woodson,  Vice 
President  and  General  Manager; 
Lieut.  Comdr.  R.  O.  Deitzer, 
B.A.R.;  A.  R.  Parsons,  Manager 
Master  Planning  Division;  W.  O. 
Chamberlin,  Jr.,  Staff  Assistant  to 
O.  L.  Woodson,  and  Frank  Saye, 
Employment  Manager. 

Bottom:  M.  W.  "Buck"  Kelley  re- 
ceives congratulations  after  receiv- 
ing his  ten-year  service  pin  from 
President  Claude   Ryan. 

management  Hosts  at 
Holiday  Dinner  for 
Superulsory  Personnel 

Ryan  management  was  host  to  supervisory 
personnel  at  a  special  holiday  dinner  at  the 
San  Diego  Club,  Wednesday,  December  20. 
The  feature  speaker  of  the  evening  was  Dr. 
Frederic  P.  Woellner  of  the  faculty  of  the 
University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles  who 
is  one  of  the  most  popular  after-dinner 
speakers  in  the  State.  Others  who  spoke  in- 
formally on  the  program  were  President  T. 
Claude  Ryan,  who  was  host  for  the  evening; 
Lieutenant  Commander  R.  O.  Deitzer,  B.  A. 
R.;  O.  L.  Woodson,  vice  president  and  gen- 
eral manager,  and  Earl  D.  Prudden,  vice 

The  entertainment  was  furnished  by  Billy 
Storkel  and  Morris  Perlmutter  of  the  Marine 
Corps  Base  both  of  whom  are  nationally- 
known  radio  artists. 

The  informal  dinner  was  also  the  occasion 
for  presentation  of  5-year  service  pins  to 
Harold  D.  Schriver,  Contract  Administration; 
John  F.  Saye,  Industrial  Relations;  Oscar  W. 
Kupilik,  Manifold  Pre-Jig;  Clarence  L. 
Foushee,  Jr.,  Manifold  Development;  Clifford 
E.  Scotes,  Manifold  Assembly;  Albert  E. 
Tario,  Sheet  Metal;  Robert  E.  O'Keefe,  Sheet 
Metal;  Paul  M.  Carpenter,  Wing  Assembly; 
Joseph  H.  Leary,  Drop  Hammer;  Allan  B 
Bruce,  Machine  Shop;  Morris  Siraton,  Fuse- 
lage Assembly;  Lewis  C.  Hilles,  Final  As- 
sembly; Ottis  G.  Johnson,  Fuselage  Assem- 
bly; Maynord  M.  Lovell,  Production  Control; 
Richard  W.  Macomber,  Production  Engineer- 
ing; Franklin  L.  Marsh,  Manifold  Pre-Jig; 
Willis  L.  Bice,  Manifold  Assembly,  and  Carl 
A.  Krueger,  Manifold  Assembly.  Ten-year 
service  pins  were  given  to  O.  R.  McNeel  of 
Contract  Administration  and  M.  W.  Kelley, 
Night  Superintendent. 

East  on  business  and  unable  to  receive 
his  five-year  pin  was  Edward  D.  Sly  of  Final 
Assembly.  Thomas  G.  J.  Lunsford  was  also 
unable  to  be  presented  with  his  five-year  pin. 


So  you're  sick  of  the  way 

The  country  is  run. 

And    sick    of   the   way 

The    rationing    is    done. 

And    you're    sick   of   standing 

Around    in    line. 

You   say   you're   sick! 

Well — that's   just   fine. 

So  am    I   sick 

Of  the   sun   and   the   heat; 

And   I'm  sick  of  the  feel 

Of  my   itching   feet. 

And   I'm  sick  of  the  mud 

And  the  jungle  flies, 

And  I'm  sick  of  the  stench 

When  the  night  mists  rise. 

And  I'm  sick  of  the  sound 

Of  the  bomber's  dive, 

And    I'm    sick    of   seeing 

The  dead  alive. 

And   I'm  sick  of  the  roar 

And  the  noise  and  the  din. 

I'm  sick  of  the  taste 

Of  food  from  the  tin. 

And   I'm  sick  of  the  slaughter; 

I'm  sick  to  my  soul. 

I'm  sick  of  playing 

A  killer's  role. 

I'm  sick  of  the  blood. 

—  n  — 


Editor's  Note;  In  the  last 
issue  of  FLYING  REPORT- 
ER on  article  entitled, 
"That's  an  Idea,"  told  of 
the  opportunities  open  to 
Ryan  employees  to  take 
advantage  of  their  ideas 
through  the  Patent  De- 
partment's service.  Here 
is  an  expression  from 
Pickney  West,  Jr.,  Gen- 
eral Manager  of  the  Top- 
flight Tool  Company  of 
Maryland  which  elo- 
quently affirms  the  value 
of  new  ideas  to  his  con- 
Piekney  West,  Jr.  cern.  Mr.  West's  Company 

has  made  a  licensing  agreement  with  Ryan  for  the  use  of  the  im- 
proved center  finder  which  was  invented  by  Ira  Blevins  of  our 
Tooling  Department. 

"Topflight  of  Maryland  salutes  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company 
employees.  These  are  the  days  of  miracles.  Converting  millions  of 
soda  jerkers,  high  school  boys,  lads  from  the  farm  and  even  'boys 
from  Brooklyn'  into  the  most  daring  and  heroic  army  of  all  times 
was  indeed  a  miracle. 

"Just  a  few  months  ago,  or  so  it  seems,  Mr.  Jones,  then  Patent 
Counsel  for  the  Glenn  L.  AAartin  Company  of  Maryland,  presented 
several  Marylanders  with  an  opportunity  to  manufacture  and 
market  aircraft  production  tools.  In  doing  so  he  was  interested 
primarily  in  providing  rewards,  for  alert  employees  among  his  as- 
sociates. As  a  result  of  his  plan,  employees  who  conceived  new 
tools  which  would  do  a  more  efficient  job  were  rewarded.  Part  of 
the  royalties  paid  by  the  users  of  the  new  tools  were  passed  on 
to  the  employees. 

"Emulating  the  disciples  of  Horace  Greeley,  George  Douglas 
Jones  'went  west.'  Almost  before  he  found  the  way  to  his  new 
office  at  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  he  presented  much  the  same 
'profit-sharing-incentive'  plan  for  Ryan  employees  to  T.  Claude 
Ryan.  Of  course,  Mr.  Ryan  enthusiastically  concurred.  So,  alert 
inventive  employees  of  that  organization  may  now  also  profit  from 
ideas  that  result  in  new  tools  to  reduce  costs  and  increase  efficiency. 
"Perhaps  because  the  Topflight  Tool  Company  was  successful 
in  marketing  aircraft  production  tools  for  Mr.  Jones  in  the  east 
they  were  one  of  several  firms  selected  to  do  the  same  job  for  Ryan 

"So,  as  we  said.  Topflight  salutes  the  alert,  inventive  geniuses  of 
the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  organization.  May  your  efforts 
to  create  new  tools  for  the  aircraft  industry  be  prolific  and  may  we 
both  profit  by  presenting  your  brain  children  to  the  American  air- 
craft industry. 

"We  congratulate  the  employees  of  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Com- 
pany for  the  generous  foresightedness  of  their  President,  T.  Claude 
Ryan,  in  'bringing  west'  Doug  Jones  with  the  purpose  of  introducing 
the  'Patent  Remuneration  Plan'." 



(continued  from  page  7) 

to  support  the  notion  we  can  dispose  of 
Japan  in  short  order,  once  Germany  is  beaten. 
Despite  our  successful  landing  in  the  Phil- 
ippines and  our  brilliant  naval  victories,  we 
are  not  building  our  plans  on  the  proposi- 
tion that  Japan  will  be  a  pushover.  Here 
are  some  of  the  reasons  why: 

( 1  )  The  Japanese  army  is  bigger  and 
stronger  today  than  when  the  Japs  sfruck  ot 
Pearl  Harbor.  Japan  has  four  million  sol- 
diers like  the  man  who  fought  our  five-mon 
patrol.  She  has  a  million  more  men  of 
military  age  who  have  not  been  called  to 
the  colors,  and  another  million  17  and  18 
years  of  age  who  have  been  steeped  since 
babyhood  in  hatred  of  America,  ond  who 
have  just  been  mode  subject  to  the  draft. 

(2)  The  Japanese  industrial  machine, 
backed  by  accumulated  stock  piles  of  stra- 
tegic materials  and  millions  of  slave  laborers, 
is  still  formidable.  In  many  types  of  weap- 
ons, the  Japanese  have  facilities  for  step- 
ping up  production  over  the  levels  already 
attained.  We  do  not  yet  have  air  bases 
from  which  to  pound  these  facilities  with 
round-the-clock   soturotion   bombings. 

(3)  Geography  continues  to  serve  Japan 
OS  a  powerful  oily — curbing  our  aerial  super- 
iority, complicating  our  supply  problems,  and 
moking  enormously  difficult  the  launching 
of  a  full-scale  assault  against  the  Island 
Empire   itself. 

We  demonstrated  by  our  invasion  of  the 
Philippines  that  we  have  come  a  long  way 
in  developing  amphibious  operations.  Never 
before  hod  a  force  of  such  magnitude  been 
moved  by  water  such  distances  for  a  land- 
ing in  enemy-controlled  territory.  Our  suc- 
cess on  Leyte  is  a  tribute  not  only  to  our 
Army  and  Navy,  but  also  to  the  productive 
effort  of  the  people  at  home.  The  fact  that 
we  could  carry  out  such  operations  7,000 
miles  from  our  West  Coast,  at  the  very  time 
our  requirements  in  Europe  are  reaching 
their  peak,  is  evidence  of  our  growing 
strength.  But  in  recognizing  our  own  prog- 
ress,   let  us  not  underestimate  Japan. 

Our  forces  still  hove  not  encountered  the 
main  body  of  this  powerful  army,  which  is 
being  held  in  China,  Formosa  and  the  home 
islands.  The  Japs  we  hove  met  so  for  have 
been  outposts,  standing  guard  outside  the 
defenses  of  the  inner  zone.  This  zone  has 
not  yet  been  penetrated.  We  have  come  up 
against  enough  Japanese,  however,  to  know 
that  they  ore  courageous  soldiers  who  fight 
with  the  fanatic's  greed  for  death. 

The  Jap  soldier  does  not  surrender.  We 
have  killed  or  incapacitated  750,000  Japs, 
but  we  hove  token  only  7,500  prisoners. 
They  are  on  the  defensive  and  they  know  it, 
but  they  ore  told  by  their  leaders  that  the 
"Land  of  the  Gods"  has  never  lost  and 
never  will  lose  a  war.  They  still  believe  in 
their  invincibility,  and  we  must  not  expect 
their  morale  to  break,  even  when  their  posi- 
tion seems  to  be  hopeless. 

(Continued   on   page    15) 



These  men  have  bright 
production  ideas  that 
brins  results  and  awards. 

1.  Gene  Rubrsh,  left.  Superintendent  of  Air- 
plane Parts  Fabricotion,  presents  $5-00  in  Wor 
Stamps  to  H.  H.  Wail,  riglit,  for  his  shop  sug- 
gestion. Franklin  C.  Dixon,  slated  for  a  $25 
War  Bond,  is  now  in  the  armed  services  and 
has  been  sent  his  award. 

2.  O.  L.  Jervey,  left,  is 
presented  his  $25  War 
Bond  by  Ace  Edmiston, 
Assistant  Manager  Pro- 
duction Engineering,  for 
his  winning  shop  sugges- 
tion. Hrand  Sarkiss  and 
Charles  Anderson,  not 
present,  both  won  a  $25 
War    Bond. 

3.  Raymond  Ortiz,  right,  ploys  Santa  Clous  and  presents  Wor 
Bond  and  War  Stamp  awards  to  H.  A.  Paris,  center,  and  Verne 
C.  Madison,  left,  for  having  good  production  ideas.  Roy  Bingham 
and  C.  C.  Ryker,  not  shown,  won  a  $25  War  Bond  and  $10  in 
War  Stamps   respectively. 

6.  Mass  production  even  in  shop  suggestion  winners  is  the  key- 
note of  the  day  as  George  Dew,  far  right.  Chief  Inspector, 
presents  War  Bond  ond  Stamp  awards  to,  left  to  right:  J.  R. 
Kennedy,  E.  L.  Williams  and  Stanley  Wilkinson. 

4.  "A  $100  War  Bond  isn't  to  be  sneezed  at," 
says  E.  H.  Pratt,  right,  to  whom  the  presentation 
was  made  by  John  van  der  Linde,  Superintendent 
of    Airplone   Assembly. 

5.  "That  $10  in  War  Stamps  will  be  a  nice  be- 
ginning toward  a  War  Bond,"  R.  G.  Stockwell,  left, 
7*6115  Don  Miles,  General  Foreman  of  Machine 
Shop,  as  he  receives  this  recognition  for  a 
crockerjack    Idea. 


Gary  William  Sullivan,  four  and  a  half  month  old  grandson  of  William  Jones  of  Indus- 
trial Relations,  carried  on  for  his  daddy  who  is  in  Belgium  by  buying  a  $25  War  Bond 
during  the  recent  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive.  After  giving  his  money  to  Ruth  Billings, 
right.  Gory  points  out  to  his  grandfather  why  everyone  should  buy  more  War  Bonds. 



(Continued  from  page  3) 

and  was  a  member  of  the  Technical  Mission 
from  the  United  States  to  Great  Britain. 

"Let's  start  at  the  beginning,"  says  Tom. 
"I  was  OS  excited  as  a  schoolgirl  when  I 
heard  the  news  of  my  being  sent  to  Britain 
and  as  squeamish  as  a  kid  going  to  the  den- 
tist when  it  come  time  for  me  to  take  the 
necessary  first  steps. 

"After  the  usual  red-tape  involved  in  get- 
ting a  passport,  transportation,  hotel  reserva- 
tions and  loading  my  briefcase  with  statis- 
tics, I  finally  found  myself  arriving  in  New 
York  City  on  October  1 6  and  immediately 
contacted  the  American  Standards  Associa- 
tion," was  Tom's  comment  regarding  his 
preparatory  plans  for  the  whole  trip. 

Tom  commuted  to  Washington,  D.  C,  on 
the  following  day  only  to  learn  from  the 
British  Air  Commission  that  there  was  to  be 
a  slight  delay  in  the  air  trip  due  to  bod  head 
winds  over  the  Northern  Atlantic.  The  next 
few  days  were  token  up  with  matters  of  pass- 
ports, exchanging  currency,  preparing  press 
releases  and  revising  agenda  for  the  meet- 
ings with  British  industry. 

Final  plans  were  then  made  that  the  whole 
mission  would  be  sent  to  Britain  via 
R.A.F.T.C.  from  Montreal.  Upon  arriving  in 
Montreal,  by  plane,  there  was  still  no  defi- 
nite departure  date  and,  consequently,  the 
first  day  was  spent  sight-seeing. 

Tom  enthusiastically  expounded  the  shop- 
ping facilities  in  Montreal — "It  was  wonder- 
ful. Nothing  is  rationed  in  Canada.  I  even 
bought  0  new  pair  of  shoes  unlike  any- 
thing but  pre-war  stock  in  the  States.  I  also 
loaded  up  on  bananas,  oranges,  chocolate 
bars,  etc.  In  fact,  I  purchased  so  much,  I 
hod  to  buy  another  bag  to  pock  it  in. 

"We  finally  heard  the  good  news  that  we 
were  scheduled  to  leave  on  the  first  of  No- 
vember. We  were  to  travel  in  on  LB-30 
(converted  B-24)  completely  decked  out 
with  oxygen  masks,  life  belts,  flight  gear 
and  all  the  trimmings.  They  showed  us  how 
to  use  the  oxygen  masks  and  after  having 
the  mask  on  for  a  few  minutes  we  weren't 
looking  forward  to  the  possible  use  of  oxygen 
for  eight  or  nine  hours  with  any  pleasant 

"We  landed  at  Prestwick,  Scotland,  and 
were  whisked  through  the  immigration  and 
custom   inspection   and  then  off  to   London. 

—  14  — 

Now  there's  a  town  for  you — everybody 
driving  on  the  wrong  side  of  the  street.  It's 
a  wonder  I  come  out  of  the  ordeal  without 
0  scratch,  but  I  did.  I  found  myself  being 
deposited  at  the  door  of  the  famous  Piccadilly 
Hotel  just  OS  it  was  getting  dark  only  to  find 
with  dismay  that  our  reservations  hod  been 
cancelled.  After  a  lot  of  fast  talking,  we 
were  able  to  obtain  rooms  within  commuting 
distance  of  the  bath. 

"Our  first  dinner  in  London  was  served 
by  a  tailed  waiter  in  black  and  white  striped 
waistcoat  who  advised  us  that  the  only  food 
left  was  pheasant.  Frankly,  this  didn't  sound 
like  rough  life  to  me.  However,  later  we 
were  to  learn  that  pheasant  three  or  four 
times  a  week  can  become  quite  monotonous. 
British  chefs  also  hove  a  very  peculiar  habit 
of  chopping  up  the  fowl  with  what  must  be 
0  very  dull  hatchet,  inasmuch  as  oil  fowl 
served  is  generally  sprinkled  with  splintered 

"The  check  for  this  dinner  was  our  first 
experience  with  the  use  of  English  money 
and  it  was  decided  by  all  members  of  the 
party  that  individual  checks  be  requested. 

"The  next  morning  after  a  breakfast  of 
soy-bean  sausage  and  powdered  eggs  (which 
have  o  flavor  comparable  to  papier-mache  i 
and  coffee  (half  hot  milk,  and  resembling  o 
weak  lye  solution),  we  picked  up  our  tickets 
for  the  train  to  Bristol.  English  trains  ore 
typical  of  those  depicted  in  such  movies  as 
'Mrs.  Miniver' — though  not  as  uncomfort- 
able OS  we  had  anticipated. 

"We  arrived  in  Bristol  shortly  before  noon 
and  were  met  by  executives  of  the  Bristol 
Airplane  Company  and  off  we  went  to  their 
plant.  Our  first  view  of  a  British  oircroft 
factory  from  the  exterior  was  quite  surpris- 
ing inasmuch  as  we  had  all  expected  to  see 
no  major  assembly  buildings.  In  reality,  the 
majority  of  the  factories  visited  were  in  lay- 
out not  unlike  our  own  except  that  they  were 
not  the  size  of  our  major  factories.  Some 
of  the  offices  show  a  bit  of  Hollywoodism  in 
their  decor. 

"Immediately  after  meeting  everyone, 
from  the  president  on  down,  we  were  token 
to  the  executive  dining  room  and  drinks 
were  thrust  into  our  unwilling  hands.  This, 
we  were  to  leorn,  was  to  be  standard  prac- 
tice, inasmuch  as  someone  hod  told  the  Brit- 
ish that  Americans,  particularly  Americans 
on  missions,  must  have  stimulants.  After 
enjoying  on  excellent  lunch  with  the  directors 
of  the  company  and  a  short  trip  through  the 
engine  division,  we  spent  the  night  at  Oak- 
lands  Almonsbury.  This  was  on  old  estate, 
formerly  owned  by  a  French  count,  which  hod 
been  token  over  by  the  Bristol  Company  as 
its  guest  house  for  the  duration.  The  original 
furnishings  have  been  retained  intact,  as  well 
OS  some  unique  oil  paintings  of  the  Count's 

"Was  I  ever  surprised  when  I  was  awak- 
ened the  next  morning  by  the  housekeeper 
at  7:15  (horrible  hour).  While  trying  to 
locate  my  shoes  (which  the  housekeeper  had 
token  to  shine)  I  stumbled  over  a  cup  of  tea 
which  I  decided  must  be  for  drinking  pur- 
poses. Drank  same  and  found  it  not  half 
bod.  After  going  through  this  tea  routine  for 
a  few  weeks,  I  decided  that  it  should  be 
recommended  for  all  husbands.  Of  course, 
selling  your  respective  wives  on  the  idea  is 
your  individual  problem, 

(Continued  on  page  1  9) 



(Continued  from  page  12) 

There  is  only  one  way  to  destroy  the  Jap- 
anese army,  and  that  is  by  shifting  to  the 
Pacific  every  element  of  our  military  force 
that  can  be  utilized  there.  That  is  exactly 
what  we  propose  to  do  after  the  fighting 
ends  in  Europe. 

Those  men  who  will  nof  be  needed  for 
military  duty  after  the  defeat  of  Germany 
will  be  returned  to  civilian  life  in  accord- 
ance with  a  fair  and  impartial  priority  sys- 
tem based  on  their  service  record  and  the 
number  of  children  they  have.  This  system 
was  worked  out  on  the  basis  of  the  soldier's 
views.  But  many  more  will  have  to  be  kept 
in  the  Army  than  can  be  let  out,  if  there  is 
to  be  no  faltering  along  the  road  to  victory. 

The  Japanese  fleet,  crippled  by  losses,  is 
no  longer  the  formidable  force  it  was  a  few 
months  ago,  but  is  still  a  menace.  Japan 
has  a  number  of  aircraft  carriers  and  batile- 
ships,  either  undamaged  or  not  damaged 
sufficiently  to  put  them  out  of  action  in- 
definitely. As  a  result  of  their  disastrous 
encounters  in  the  Philippines,  these  un- 
doubtedly will  be  held  for  a  desperate  final 
stand   in  defense  of  the  homeland. 

It  was  popularly  supposed  that  the  foil 
of  the  Tojo  cabinet  last  summer  was  evi- 
dence of  serious  weakening  of  Japan's  home 
front.  However,  in  many  respects  the  suc- 
ceeding premier.  General  Koiso,  actually 
broadened  the  base  of  the  government  and 
strengthened  both  the  military  and  the 
political  front.  Tojo  had  rendered  himself 
ond  his  army-dominated  cabinet  a  vulner- 
able target  for  criticism.  Koiso,  on  the  other 
hand,  has  made  the  cabinet  more  represen- 
tative of  the  nation  as  a  whole,  and  has 
strengthened  it  by  the  inclusion  of  able 
leaders  from  various  influential  Japanese 
groups — although  the  some  Kwantung  army 
group  which  dominated  the  Tojo  regime  re- 
mains in  control. 

Lately  the  Japanese  public  has  been  get- 
ting a  more  realistic  account  of  the  war. 
They  ore  being  told  frankly  to  be  prepared 
for  heavy  sacrifices.  They  hove  become  con- 
vinced that  they  can  fight  the  war  to  a 
stalemate.  They  hope  to  do  this  by  inflict- 
ing many  casualties  and  by  drawing  the  war 
out  over  as  long  a  period  as  possible. 

We  know  what  the  Japanese  idea  is.  It 
is  that  the  American  public  will  become  wor- 
weory  and  impatient  as  the  war  drags  on, 
and  will  finally  agree  to  a  compromise  peace. 
Such  0  compromise  would  enable  Japan  to 
begin  anew  the  process  of  preparing  itself 
for  world  domination.  To  defeat  this  Jap- 
anese strategy,  we  must  guard  against  over- 

Some  of  us  are  inclined  to  dismiss  the 
Japanese  industrial  machine  as  puny  by 
American  standards.  In  considering  Japan's 
economic  potential,  we  are  prone  to  com- 
pare her  productive  capacity  with  our  own 
on  a  ton-for-ton  or  a  unit-for-unit  basis. 
While    this   comparison    is    reassuring    as    re- 

Bond  Champ 

We  crown  Tom  Dameron  of  Electrical 
Maintenance  "King  of  War  Bond  Pur- 
chasers." Tom  purchased  a  total  of 
$4,175  worth  of  War  Bonds  during  our 
recent  Sixth  War  Loan  Drive  and  that's 
good  going  in  onybody's  language. 

gards  the  final  outcome  of  the  conflict,  it 
does  not  reflect  the  relative  strength  of  the 
Japanese  economic  position  and  leads  to  a 
dangerous  underestimation  of  the  effort  re- 
quired to  defeat  Japan. 

■  The  truth  is  that  Japanese  war  produc- 
tion has  increased  substantially  each  year 
since  Pearl  Harbor.  In  the  past  five  years 
the  Japanese  have  concentrated  on  expan- 
sion of  their  ability  to  produce  planes,  tanks, 
armored  cars  and  various  types  of  ordnance. 

Inefficient  and  non-essential  factories 
have  been  closed  down,  and  their  equipment 
and  labor  transferred  to  better  and  more 
important  plants. 

This  expanded  industrial  structure  would 
be  of  little  value  if  Japan  were  short  of 
critical  raw  materials,  but  her  position  in 
this  respect  is  favorable.  During  three  years 
of  exploitation  of  acquired  territories,  the 
Japs  have  accumulated  stock  piles  which, 
it  is  estimated,  are  sufficient  to  last  her  as 
much  as  two  years. 

Another  factor  in  Japan's  industrial 
strength  is  her  great  pool  of  manpower.  In 
addition  to  the  75,000,000  Japanese  in  the 
homeland,  they  ore  drawing  upon  the  labor 
of  350,000,000  subject  peoples,  including 
Koreans,  Formosans,  Chinese,  Filipinos, 
Malays,  Javanese,  Siamese  and  Burmese. 
Thus  her  manpower  potential  is  practically 

Japan  is  producing  aircraft  at  a  rate 
greater  than  the  Allied  destruction  of  her 
planes.  Aircraft  production  is  believed  to 
have  increased  by  25  96  over  the  rate  of 
1,200  a  month  attained  at  the  end  of  1943, 
despite  the  necessity  to  redesign  and  con- 
vert facilities   to   new   models. 

—  15  — 

Japan's  production  of  steel  is  less  than  o 
tenth  that  of  the  United  States,  but  since 
expenditure  and  wastage  of  ammunition  and 
weapons  have  been  relatively  small  up  to 
now,  considerable  stores  of  war  materials 
have  been  accumulated,  so  that  current  pro- 
duction of  steel  goes  a  long  way  toward 
meeting  Japanese  military  needs. 

Our  Navy  and  Air  Forces  ore  sinking  Jop 
jhips  faster  than  they  con  be  built,  but  as 
Japan  is  driven  progressively  into  the  inner 
zone  of  her  cefenses,  her  shipping  lanes  will 
become  shorter  and  her  requirements  will  be 
reduced.    For  us,  the  opposite  is  the  case. 

Many  people  believe  that  the  job  of  over- 
whelming Japan  is  simply  one  of  transfer- 
ring our  powerful  Air  Forces  from  the  Euro- 
pean theater  to  the  Pacific  and  then  blast- 
ing Japan  off  the  map.  The  problem,  un- 
fortunately is  not  that  simple.  Planes  can- 
not be  moved  without  long  and  thorough 
preparation.  First,  land  to  be  used  as  bases 
must  be  seized.  This  means  large-scale  am- 
phibious operations  preceded  by  air  neu- 
tralization and  supported  by  ground  and 
naval  units  in  force. 

After  landings  ore  mode  and  airfields  se- 
cured, these  must  be  rebuilt,  expanded  and 
defended.  Port  facilities  must  be  provided 
on  a  formidable  scale  to  permit  the  landing 
of  supplies. 

Limited  shipping  has  prevented  us  from 
having  everything  ready  for  a  speedy  trans- 
fer of  large  numbers  of  aircraft  to  the  Pa- 
cific. Largely  because  of  this,  we  have  not 
yet  accomplished  the  task  of  rolling  back 
the  Japanese  outer  defenses.  This  task  has 
been  consuming  all  the  material  we  could 
spore  from  the  European  fronts.  It  has  cost 
many  lives,  it  has  used  on  immense  amount 
of  shipping. 

Supplies  and  ground  crews  for  our  Air 
Forces,  gasoline,  housing,  cement  for  run- 
ways, and  bulldozers  to  build  them,  cannot 
be  transported  by  air.  They  must  cross  the 
Pacific  by  ship. 

It  would  be  futile  to  count  on  an  imme- 
diate step-up  in  our  air  operations  against 
Japan,  once  the  war  in  Europe  ends.  We 
will  move  our  planes  from  Europe  to  the 
Pacific  with  OS  much  speed  as  American  in- 
genuity con  muster,  but  that  movement  will 
require  long  months. 

The  problem  of  transferring  oil  our  ener- 
gies from  the  European  theater  to  the  Pa- 
cific, immediately  upon  the  collapse  of  Ger- 
many, concerns  every  American.  The  flow 
of  men  and  supplies  to  Europe  will  be  stopped 
in  o  matter  of  hours.  The  immense  machine, 
which  has  been  moving  forward  in  high  gear, 
will  suddenly  hove  to  be  placed  in  reverse, 
without  even  coming  to  a  halt. 

During  the  year  following  the  defeat  of 
Germany,  the  Army  alone  expects  to  ship 
to  the  Pacific  supplies  equal  to  four  times 
the  total  amount  shipped  overseas  during 
the  entire  first  World  War.  Distances  from 
our  West  Coast  ports  to  the  for  side  of  the 
Pacific  ore  approximately  double  those  from 
East  Coast  ports  to  Europe.  That  means 
twice  the  amount  of  shipping,  escort  vessels 
and  convoys  ore  necessary  to  support  a  force 
in  the  Far  East  as  were  needed  to  support 
o  similar  force  in  the  European  theater. 

A  bigger  problem  than  shipping  is  the  one 
of  providing  enough  bases  and  harbor  facili- 
ties on  the  other  side  of  the  Pacific.  Build- 
ing bases  there  presents  as  many  problems 
OS    building    New   York   City    in    the    middle 

(Continued  on  Page  20) 

R.  J.  Breton 
Machine  Shop 

C.  H.  Day 
Final  Assembly 

Frank  De  Moor 
Final  Assembly 

J.  F.  Diendorf 
Tool  Crib 

H.  E.  Fears 
Final  Assembly 

J.  E.  Mollis,  Jr. 
Final  Assembly 

E.  G.  Jaeger 
Final  Assembly 

J.  S.  Loutherback 
Machine  Shop 

Jesse  M.  Martin 
Mani.  Sm.  Pts. 


<'     >  w 

C.  L.  Peterson 
Final  Assembly 

..;:^  All 

Fred  C.  Pope 

Mani.  Sm.  Pts. 

,:  U-. 

E.  P.  RetMg 

Wing  Assembly 

J.  L.  Sayles 
Machine  Shop 

Harold  Stickel 
Final  Assembly 

M.  O.  Tooley 
Machine  Shop 

D.  S.  Whetstine 
Machine  Shop 

—  16  — 

Not  that  many  of  you  housewives  are  really 
interested  in  learning  "How  To  Pull  a  Rabbit 
Out  of  a  Hat,"  but  we  thought  you  would  be 
interested  in  learning  how  to  plan  a  lunch  as 
easily  as  a  magician  does  this  mystifying  trick. 

Special  thought  should  be  given  each  day 
to  three  balanced  meals,  particularly  to  lunch, 
a  meal  most  often  neglected.  There  are  even 
laws  saying  that  workers  must  have  time  for 
lunch,  so  it  is  important.  However,  the  most  important  thing  to 
guard  against  is  "after-iunch-log" —  the  lag  that  makes  you 
tired,  nervous  or  irritated  and  lets  production  slump. 

Whether  it  is  a  carried  lunch,  lunch  at  home  or  in  a  restaurant, 
select  with  care  the  food  you  take  and  see  that  the  protective 
foods, —  milk,  fruit  and  vegetables  —  are  among  them. 

Choice  in  Courses  Served: 

Soup,  salad 
Soup,  salad,  dessert 
Hot  dish,  vegetables  or  salad 
Hot  dish,  vegetables  or  salad,  dessert 
Heavy  salad,  dessert 
Thick  Soups: 

Cream  Soups — cream  chicken,   mushroom,  asparagus,  cauli- 
flower,   celery,    corn,    green    pea,    onion,    spinach,    tomato, 
barley,  potato,  etc. 
Purees — split  pea,   bean,    lentil   and  other  vegetobfe   purees. 
Chowders — clam,   oyster,   fish,   corn,   etc. 
Egg  and  Cheese  Dishes: 

Eggs — boiled,    fried,    poached,    hard-boiled,    baked,    shirred, 
scrambled,  etc. 
'  Omelettes — plain,  Spanish,  with  ham,  cheese,  mushrooms, 

chicken    livers,    kidneys,    rice,    asparagus,    green    peas, 
tomatoes,  etc. 
Souffles — savory — with    cheese,    chicken,    fish,    carrot    as 

sweet    (used  as  dessert) — vanilla,  chocolate,   coffee, 
caramel,   almond,   orange,    lemon,   apple. 
Cheese  Dishes — croquettes,    fondue,     loaf,     rarebit,     souffle, 
cottage  or  cream  cheese — plain,  or  in  salad. 
Stuffed  Vegetables: 

Vegetables   such    as    tomatoes,    eggplant   and    green    peppers 
stuffed   with    meat   mixtures',  "or   with    their  own    pulp   mixed 
with   cracker  crumbs  and   seasoning. 
Left-Over  Dishes  and  Other  Luncheon  Dishes: 

Starchy  Dishes — macaroni,  spaghetti,  noodles,  rice  dishes 
either  olone  or  '^lovOFld  with  soup  stock,  minced  beef, 
chicken,  tongue  or  ham,  chicken  livers,  mushrooms, 
cheese,  tomatoes,  onion,  peppers,  celery,  olives,  etc.,  in 
various  combinations.  - 
Casserole  Dishes — ^small  meat  pies  and  all  kinds  of  combina- 
tions of  meat  with  potatoes  (also  rice  or  bread  crumbs) 
and  other  vegetables. 
Stews  and  Ragouts — of  meat  with  vegetables,  curried  lamb 

and  rice,  chop  suey,  meat  loaf,  hash,  etc. 
Meot  Substitutes — Legume  (dried  peas  and  beans)  and  nut 
dishes,  also  egg  and  cheese  dishes.  Peanut  butter  (or 
other  ground  nut  butter),  bean  or  pea  pulp  mixed  with 
cracker  or  bread  crumbs,  milk,  egg,  and  seasonings, 
molded  into  loaf  and  baked. 
Creamed  Dishes — minced  chicken,  fish,  dried  beef,  hard-boiled 
eggs,  sweetbreads,  mushrooms  or  vegetables  with  cream 
sauce — either  alone  or  on   toast. 


Heavy  Salads — made  of  meat,  chicken,  fish,  eggs,  cottage 
cheese,  potatoes,  macaroni,  etc.,  may  be  used  as  the  main 
dish  for  lunch. 

Starchy  luncheon  dishes  should  have  a  salad  of  mixed  greens, 
crisp  raw  vegetables,  or  a  fruit  salad. 

Light — fruits,  fruit  whips,  fruit  jellies  (gelatin),  junket, 
simple  custards — boiled  or  baked,  simple  puddings  of 
tapioca,  sago  or  rice  combined  with  fruits,  simple  frozen 

Medium — simple  coke  or  cookies,  shortcakes  with  fruit  fill- 
ing, tarts  with  fruit  filling,  souffles,  cream  puffs,  corn- 
starch puddings,  baked  puddings,  milk  and  gelatin  com- 

Heavy — chocolate  desserts,  shortcakes  with  whipped  cream, 
pies  with  cream  filling,  cokes — rich  ones  and  those  with 
much  frosting,  doughnuts,  steamed  puddings.  Bavarian 
creams,  macaroon  puddings,  frozen  desserts,  nuts,  dates, 
figs,  raisins,  and  candy. 

Heavy   desserts   may   be   used   with    light    lunches   and    light 

desserts  for  heavy  lunches. 


Here's  a  quiz  for  lunch  packers.  If  you  know 
all  the  answers,  you've  got  the  "know-how"  to 
pock  a   lunch   that   packs  a   punch. 

Packed   Lunch   Quiz 

1.  How  can  you  improve  this  lunch?  Jelly  sand- 
wiches on  white  bread,  potato  chips,  soft  drink 
and   doughnuts. 

2.  What  are  the  six  foods  that  should  be  in  a 
packed  lunch  that  packs  a   punch? 

3.  Can  you  name  4  short  cuts  in  preparing  packed 

4.  Are  salad  dressing  ond  mustard  flavored 
"spreads"  a  good  way  to  save  ration  points 
used  for  butter? 

5.  Why  does  peanut  butter  alone  or  in  combina- 
tion with  other  foods  make  a  good  sandwich 

6.  What  are  the  most  common  complaints  about 
packed  lunch  sandwiches? 

( Answers  on  page  1  8  ) 

Edited  by  MRS.   ESTHER  T.  LONG 

17  — 

Confidential   Navy  Talk 

Teddy  Vizzini  chatting  with  her  father,  Robert  Vizzini,  Statistical  Analyst,  during  her 
recent  visit  home  during  the  Christmas  holidays.  Teddy  worked  in  the  Airplane  Dis- 
patching department  before  enlisting  in  the  WAVES  and  is  now  stationed  in  Oakland, 



(Continued  from  page  8) 

Klondike  today  and  Lehton  thought  he'd  like 
to  take  a  crack  at  it.  He  gave  up  his  Ryan 
maintenance  job  in  April  of  1938.  He  trav- 
eled to  Alaska  and  quickly  landed  a  job  with 
a  gold  miner  there  welding  hydraulic  pipe 
lines.  Lehton  gloried  in  the  magnificent 
scenery,  the  hunting,  the  atmosphere  of  ad- 
venture— and  the  pay,  but  the  thing  he  re- 
members most  about  his  Alaskan  sojourn  was 
the  sight  of  an  old  Ryan  Bluebird  plane  and 
its  pilot,  0  grizzled  old-timer  who  made  a 
living  flying  prospectors  in  and  out  of  Alaska 
in  the  spring  and  fall.  "He  charged  $70  a 
passenger  for  o  three-hour  ride,"  Lehton  said 
wonderingly.  "I  guess  that  convinced  me 
that  there  was  money  in  aviation."  Lehton 
came  bock  to  San  Diego  with  renewed  inter- 
est in  aircraft  work. 

On  the  way  back,  however,  he  took  time 
out  for  a  honeymoon.  Several  years  pre- 
viously he'd  met  a  girl  living  across  the 
street  from  him  in  Son  Diego  and  had^ven- 
tually  persuaded  her  to  become  Mrs.  Lehton. 
They  were  engaged  when  he  left  for  Alaska 
and  she  was  waiting  for  him  on  his  return. 
He  wired  her  to  met  him  in  Seattle  where 
they  were  married  and  spent  most  of  their 

With   all   Sundays   and   most   of   his   eve- 

chap  named  Anderson  were  the  sole  main- 
tenance force  at  that  time — ond  Anderson 
broke  his  leg  soon  after  Lehton  arrived,  so 
the  young  electrician  carried  the  load  him- 
self. It  was  a  real  baptism  of  fire  in  his  first 
important  job.  But  he  got  off  to  a  good  start 
managing  to  cope  with  break-downs  and 
keeping  the  factory  happy.  He's  been  doing 
the  same  ever  since. 

nings  taken  up  for  work,  Lehton  has  little 
time  for  home  life.  But  he  spends  his  one 
day  off  working  around  the  house  or  shop- 
ping with  his  wife,  and  he  usually  finds  time 
for  a  couple  of  evenings  of  relaxation  at 
home  or  social  calls  with  Mrs.  Lehton.  His 
hobbies  run  to  the  strenuous  side — he  puts 
in  several  hours  a  week  of  handball  at  the 
Son  Diego  Club  and  usually  gets  in  a  few 
wrestling  work-outs  also.  Wrestling  has  been 
one  of  Lehton's  most  beloved  recreations 
smce  his  schoolboy  days  in  rural  New  York 

Born  in  Newbury,  Michigan,  he  moved 
with  his  family  to  Endicott,  New  York,  at 
the  age  of  six,  and  to  Holsey  Valley,  New 
York,  at  eleven.  Although  he  grew  up  on  a 
form,  Lehton  was  technically  inclined  and 
loved  to  tinker  with  machines  and  electric 
hook-ups  at  an  early  age.  At  fifteen,  when 
he  finally  moved  to  Rochester,  he  got  a 
maintenance  and  repair  job  in  the  plant 
which  made  Bourgeois  perfume,  and  later 
took  a  similar  job  in  the  big  Eastman  factory. 
But  at  twenty-one  wanderlust  hit  him  and 
he  rode  to  California  with  friends  who  were 
driving  out.  He  had  mode  tentative  arrange- 
ments for  a  job  in  Son  Diego  with  Consoli- 
dated, but  when  he  hit  town,  he  liked  Ryan's 
looks  so  much  that  he  decided  to  try  for  a 
job  here  instead.  He  started  in  the  plant  as 
a  sort  of  man  of  all  work  doing  electrical 
and  mechanical  maintenance  jobs,  plus  a 
little  welding  on  the  side.     He  and  another 

—  18  — 

Packed    Lunch    Quiz    Answers 

Substitute:  Cheese  or  egg  salad 
sandwiches  on  whole  wheat  or  en- 
riched bread,  whole  tomato,  raw 
carrot  strips,  oatmeal  cookies  and 

Fruit,  vegetable,  milk,  bread  (en- 
riched or  whole  grain),  butter  (or 
fortified  margarine),  and  a  pro- 
tein food  such  OS  meat,  fish,  poul- 
try, cheese,  peanut  butter  or  egg. 

(a)  Keep  lunch  box  food  and 
equipment  together. 

(b)  Have  butter  and  spreads  soft 
for  ease  in  spreading  on 

(c)  Spread  more  than  one  slice 
at  a  time. 

(d)  Plan  ahead. 

No — because  they  ore  not  a  sub- 
stitute for  the  food  values  in  but- 

Peanut  butter   is  a   rich   source  of 
protein  and  the  B  vitamins. 
Too  dry,  too  soggy,  too  stole;  not 
enough     filling;     no     butter;     not 
enough  variety. 

Mary  Zager  gives  with  a  smile  os  she 
presents  Donald  Lumiey  a  War  Bond 
OS  a  going  away  present  from  his 
co-workers.  He  isn't  going  far,  how- 
ever, only  from  first  to  second  shift. 
Oh,  yes,  a  promotion  from  ieodmon  to 
foreman  of  Welding  was  port  of  the 
occasion,  too. 



(Continued  from  page  14) 

"The  English  countryside  is  exoctly  as  por- 
trayed in  your  childhood  picture  books — 
hedge  rows,  rock  walls  and  thatched  roofs. 
We  passed  through  several  villages  which 
were  built  several  hundred  years  ago  when 
wide  streets  were  not  essential.  As  a  result, 
houses  are  set  right  on  the  street.  The 
method  used  to  keep  from  running  down 
housewives  stepping  in  and  out  of  the  houses 
was  to  use  the  horn  a  few  times  and  step 
on  the  gas. 

"Saturday  night  we  were  the  guests  of 
Dowty  Equipment,  Ltd.  This  company,  to- 
gether with  two  other  smaller  organizations, 
produces  landing  gear  for  virtually  oil  the 
British   airplane   companies. 

"This  company  is  housed  in  a  most  un- 
usual structure — a  converted  mansion  built 
around  1850,  complete  with  acres  of  formal 
gardens  and  rolling   lawns. 

"On  Monday  we  visited  the  Vickers-Arm- 
strong  factory  which  produces  the  Lancaster, 
a  Rolls-Royce  four-engine  bomber,  and  the 
Mark  IX  Spitfire.  After  touring  the  factory, 
we  were  given  demonstrations  of  both 
models.  I  think  these  British  pilots  and  planes 
were  able  to  hold  their  own  with  any  sim- 
ilar equipment  or  personnel  in  the  States. 

"As  dinner  guests  of  the  Crabtree  Com- 
pany in  the  Queen's  Hotel,  I  was  given  the 
non-water  treatment.  It  seems  that  in  Eng- 
land, water  with  meals  is  an  unheard  of 
practice.  However,  after  beseeching  the 
waiter  five  times  at  3-minute  intervals,  I 
was  finally  able  to  obtain  a  glass  of  water 
by  threatening  dire  consequences  unless  said 
water  was  not  forthcoming. 

"Our  journey  continued  and  in  due  time 
we  had  visited,  inspected  and  discussed  our 
mutual  problems  with  executives  of  fifteen 
organizations.  At  each  place  we  were  treated 

"One  item  which  stuck  in  my  mind  while 
visiting  the  Rolls-Royce  Works  was  the  fact 
that  this  plant  with  its  highly  specialized 
pieces  of  equipment  was  left  virtually  un- 
touched by  the  1940  blitz.  It  seems  that 
the  Germans  purposely  avoided  damage  to 
the  Rolls  Royce  Company  in  order  that  its 
facilities  could  be  used  for  production  of 
engines  against  the  United  States.  That  was 
in  the  days  when  Germany  thought  it  had 
England  on  its  last  leg. 

"During  a  short  stop  in  London,  while 
registering  at  the  Alien  Registration  Office, 
the  Bobby  gave  me  some  whispered  informa- 
tion concerning  the  'new  one,'  meaning  the 
V-2  rockets.  His  instructions  were  to  be  pre- 
pared to  meet  your  Maker  each  night  before 
retiring,  because  if  one  struck,  you  would 
never  know  what  hit  you. 

"I  didn't  have  long  to  wait  before  exper- 
iencing a  robot  bomb  attack,  I  was  awak- 
ened about  three  in  the  morning  by  the 
sound  of  the  warning  siren.  After  making 
a  tour  of  the  room  for  possible  written  in- 
structions as  to  the  procedure  to  take  and 
finding  none,  I  decided  the  only  thing  to  do 
was  to  go  back  to  bed  and  at  least  die 
warm.  About  three  minutes  after  the 
warning    siren,     I     heard    the    sound    of    the 

Major  Knox  Manning  of  the  AAF,  well- 
known  to  the  public  as  a  former  radio 
commentator,  who  recently  described 
his  combat  experiences  to  Ryan  em- 
ployees during  a  special  lunchtime 
program  during  the  6th  War  Loan 

robot  motor.  It  was  not  unlike  that 
of  a  high-speed  motorcycle  engine  ex- 
cept that  as  it  approaches,  the  sound 
becomes  so  intense  as  to  cause  even  heavy 
objects  in  a  room  to  bounce  up  and  down 
until,  if  it  passes  directly  overhead,  it  may 
even  crack  walls.  I  was  able  to  hear  this 
particular  robot  for  about  30  to  40  seconds 
before  the  motor  cut  out  with  o  peculiar 
burping  sound.  This  bomb  exploded  almost 
immediately  after  the  motor  had  cut  out, 
indicating  that  it  was  at  about  roof-top  level 
and  had  been  flying  quite  low  for  the  last 
few  miles.  Not  being  a  brave  man,  I  can 
assure  you  that  the  interval  between  the 
motor  cutting  out  and  the  explosion  gave  me 
the  sensation  of  dying. 

"However,  robot  bombing  does  not  seem 
to  have  any  particular  effect  on  civilian 
morale,  since  the  people  of  London  have 
been  subjected  to  bombings  for  such  a  long 
time  that  this  new  weapon  does  not  discour- 
age them  too  much,  even  though  one  dropped 
at  a  busy  intersection  around  noon  killing 
200  people.  Approximately  a  dozen  a  day 
ore  now  falling  and  at  the  height  of  the  robot 
attack,  125  a  day  were  hitting  southern 

"However,  life  must  go  on.  Usual  business 
is  continued,  including  theatres  and  night 

"In  our  various  trips  to  outlying  communi- 
ties, we  were  fortunate  in  meeting  some 
American  officers  from  one  of  the  Flying 
Fortress  groups  in  England  and  hod  a  very 
interesting  discussion  with  them  concerning 
their  missions  over  Germany.  In  general,  the 
pilots  of  the  Forts  are  not  particularly  both- 
ered by  enemy  fighter  croft,  but  the  flak  is 
the  thing  that  gives  them  the  greatest  worry. 

—  19  — 

"Aircraft  construction  in  England  is  really 
conducted  under  severe  handicaps.  For  in- 
stance, at  one  plant,  it  had  been  necessary 
to  evacuate  personnel  to  bomb  shelters  out- 
side the  factory  grounds  as  many  as  18 
times  during  one  eight-hour  shift.  Inci- 
dentally, o  man-hours-lost  record  is  kept  of 
all  alerts  and  this  time  is  allowed  as  a 
legitimate  cost  figure  and  the  expense  is 
borne  by  the  British  government.  All  war 
plants  in  England  have  their  own  internal 
warning  system  which  is  independent  of  that 
of  the  surrounding  city  or  countryside. 

"While  visiting  the  De  Havilland  Com- 
pany, we  were  fortunate  in  being  able  to  in- 
spect lote-type  planes  that  are  being  pro- 
duced  for  new  war  uses. 

"One  morning  en  route  to  Rochester  from 
London  we  had  to  make  a  three-block  de- 
tour around  on  area  which  had  been  hit  by 
one  of  the  V-2  rockets  at  about  12:30  a.m. 
the  night  before.  The  residents  on  the  out- 
skirts of  the  blast  area  hod  not  had  an  oppor- 
tunity to  clean  up  the  damage,  and  we  could 
see  blown-out  windows  and  gloss  for  about 
two  blocks  in  all  directions.  However,  with 
the  exception  of  a  few  people  outside  looking 
at  their  respective  damage,  there  appeared 
to  be  no  excitement  over  the  occurrence.  In 
the  area  immediately  surrounding  the  crater 
was  piled  debris  which  gave  it  an  appear- 
ance of  being  a  used  building  material  lot. 
It  hardly  seemed  possible  that  only  a  few 
short  hours  before  there  hod  been  locoted 
here  30  or  40  well-kept  two-story  homes. 

"After  engaging  in  various  other  tours,  we 
left  London  for  our  return  trip  to  the  States. 

"Our  flight  plan  called  for  a  seven-hour 
flight  to  Lisbon.  During  this  trip,  we  got  a 
glimpse  of  the  coast  of  France,  on  which  our 
invasion  took  place.  The  invasion  coast  was 
about  five  miles  off  to  our  right  and  we  were 
able  to  discern  the  very  bleak  and  desolate 
appearance  of  the  coastline. 

"After  several  enjoyable  hours  touring  Lis- 
bon and  taking  advantage  of  the  numerous 
shops  and  their  merchandise,  we  were  on  our 
way  to  Bathhurst,  Gambia,  on  the  West  Coast 
of  Africa.  Other  stops  along  the  line  were 
made  at  Belem,  Brozil;  Port  of  Spain,  Trini- 
dad; and  at  long  last  our  big  bird  settled 
down  in  Baltimore  ond  we  set  foot  on  good 
ole'  U.  S.  soil.  It's  nice  to  say  you've  been 
around,  but  it's  sure  nice  to  come  home. 

"The  one  important  point  that  I  brought 
home  with  me  was  the  close  cooperation 
between  the  United  States  and  England.  In 
informal  discussions  with  the  various  people 
we  were  privileged  to  meet,  we  could  see  a 
strong  desire  on  their  port  for  a  closer  under- 
standing between  our  two  countries.  It  should 
be  pointed  out  that  one  of  the  best  ways  to 
realize  this  desire  is  by  the  interchonge  of 
technical  representatives  on  missions  like 
this  one." 



(Continued  from  page  12) 

of  the  Gobi  Desert.  You  start  with  nothing. 
Tons  of  steel,  timber,  wire,  pipe,  fuel,  food, 
dredging  equipment,  tractors  and  countless 
hundreds  of  other  items  must  be  brought  in 
across  long  stretches  of  water.  A  harbor 
must  be  created,  and  piers,  warehouses, 
roads  and  other  installations  built. 

One  of  the  most  costly  factors  in  this 
process  of  construction  is  the  necessity  for 
constant  "roll  up"  and  abandonment  of  rear 
area  bases  as  we  obtain  new  bases  closer  to 
the  heart  of  Japan.  Scores  of  such  harbors, 
air  strips  and  storage  areas  remain  to  be 

In  the  5,300  miles  between  Hawaii  and 
Manila,  there  were  no  developed  harbors 
before  the  war.  The  2,000-mile  stretch  be- 
between  Australia  and  Manila  contained  no 
dock  capable  of  handling  a  Liberty  Ship. 
There  was  no  railroad,  no  covered  storage. 
There  were  no  facilities  for  feeding,  cloth- 
ing and  housing  troops. 

Torrential  rains,  a  steaming  jungle 
climate,  and  the  prevalence  of  tropical  dis- 
eases aggravate  the  difficulties.  At  Milne 
Bay,  New  Guinea,  we  spanned  various 
creeks  and  small  rivers  with  bridges  to  pro- 
vide access  between  the  docks  and  storage 
dumps — a  particularly  heavy  rain  continued 
uninterruptedly  for  three  days  and  washed 
out  every  bridge.  At  Finnschhafen,  in  New 
Guinea,  a  torrential  rain  lasted  nearly  a 
week  and  destroyed  the  entire  road  system 
we  had  so  laboriously  built.  That  gives  a 
rough  idea  of  what  we  are  up  against. 

In  our  European  operations  we  are  faced 
with  the  problem  of  repairing  the  wreckage 
of  facilities  which  had  been  in  existence  for 
many  years  prior  to  their  demolition  by  the 
Nazis.  Ports,  railroads  and  highways  have 
to  be  repaired  and  placed  in  operating  con- 
dition again.  This  is  a  big  job  but  it  does 
not  compare  in  difficulty  with  the  task  of 
building  from  scratch  the  ports,  railroads 
and  highways  necessary  to  operations  against 

So  far,  I  have  dealt  primarily  with  the 
barrier  we  face  and  with  the  strength  of  the 
Japanese.  Now  I  want  to  point  out  some 
of  our  own  strategic  advantages:  After 
nearly  three  years  of  war,  we  have  defi- 
nitely stopped  the  enemy's  advance  every- 
where except  in  China.  We  have  inflicted 
crippling  losses  upon  his  naval  forces  and 
have  struck  severe  blows  against  his  air  and 
shipping  resources.  We  have  killed  or 
knocked  out  eleven  Japs  for  every  man  we 
hove  lost.  We  have  gained  a  secure  line  of 
communications  to  the  battle  area.  We 
hove  brought  into  action  our  powerful  B-29 
bombers,  which  place  us  within  bombing 
range  of  Japan's  great  industrial  centers. 

More  than  this,  we  have  neutralized  about 
fifty  major  bases  on  the  fringes  of  Japan's 
outer  defense  zone,  and  are  now  within 
striking  distance  of  the  inner  zone  itself. 
Another  stride  will  place  us  in  position  to 
choke  off  Japanese  north-south  sea  trans- 
port lanes.  That  will  hurt  them.  Through 
huge  war  production,  we  have  also  achieved 
Overwhelming  superiority  at  sea  and  in  the 
air,  even  while  still  fighting  a  major  war 
in  Europe.  Best  of  all,  we  will  not  be  fight- 
ing alone.  Prime  Minister  Churchill  has 
pledged  the  unlimited  support  of  Britain's 
armed  forces  in  defeating  Japan. 

They  Were  There 

Earl  D.  Prudden,  Vice  President,  chots  with  (left  to  right)  :  Lieut.  J.  H.  Johnson  of  our 
own  Navy  office;  Lieut.  Comdr.  James  O.  Daniels  and  Lieut.  Ray  Conklin  both  of  whom 
only  recently  returned  from  sea  duty.  Both  Lieut.  Comdr.  Daniels  ond  Lieut.  Conklin 
spoke  to  Ryon  employees  during  all  three  lunch  hours  regarding  the  rigid  tests  through 
which  the  Navy  puts  all  types  of  airplanes  before  sending  them  to  the  fighting  fronts. 


In  accordance  with  the  terms  of  our  Group  Life  Insurance  Policy,  premium  rates 
are  based  on  the  weekly  earnings  of  the  individual  employees  and  are  computed  on 
the  base  weekly  rate  in  effect  at  November  22,  1944,  for  the  ensuing  year.  For 
example,  if  your  rate  is  80c  per  hour  your  base  weekly  rate  is  $32.00. 

Beginning  with  the  week  of  November  27,  1944,  insurance  premiums  will  be 
deducted  as  follows: 

40  Hours  Life 

Class  Weekly  Earnings  Insurance      Sick  Benefit      Weekly  Contribution 

A.  Less  than  $22.50  $1,000.00  $10.00  $   .29 

B.  $22.50  but  less  than  $30.00  1,500.00  15.00  .44 

C.  $30.00  but  less  than  $45.00 2,000.00  20.00  .57 

D.  $45.00  and  over 3,000.00  30.00  .84 

If  your  earnings  have  increased  since  November  1943  you  will  receive  additional 
insurance  in  accordance  with  the  above  table.  For  example:  If  your  base  weekly  rate 
in  November  1943  amounted  to  less  than  $30.00  and  was  increased  to  $32.00  before 
November  22,  1944,  your  weekly  contribution  will  increase  from  44c  to  57c  and  you 
will  receive  $2,000.00  of  insurance  instead  of  $1,500.00.  In  addition  your  sick 
benefit  will  increase  from  $15.00  to  $20.00. 

All  rates  are  based  on  40  hours  base  pay.  Second  or  third  shift  bonus  is  not 
considered  as  base  pay. 

If  you  have  any  questions,  please  communicate  with  the  supervisor,  Payroll 

American  ingenuity  has  developed  many 
new  weapons  especially  adapted  to  condi- 
tions in  the  Pacific.  Some  of  these  have  not 
yet  been  put  into  use.  Others,  like  the  flame 
thrower  and  the  tank-dozer,  hod  their  first 
battle  tests  against  the  Japs  and  are  now 
in  generol  use  in  the  Pacific  area.  One 
weakness  of  the  Japanese  is  the  inferiority 
of  their  equipment  and  weapons.    Their  lack 

—  20  — 

of    inventiveness    and    engineering    skill    has 
given  us  a  great  edge. 

There  is  not  the  least  doubt  that  we  can 
defeat  Japan,  but  we  will  not  do  it  by 
building  our  hopes  on  the  expectation  that 
the  Japanese  will  toss  in  the  sponge  with- 
out o  struggle  to  the  bitter  end.  We  can- 
not coast  to  victory.  Even  under  the  best 
circumstances,  our  losses  will  be  severe. 



From  now  on  we'll  be  able  to  keep  Ryan  employees 
much  more  fully  informed  about  happenings  in  the  com- 

Your  new  weekly  newspaper  Aerolite,  will  bring  you 
up-to-date  news  about  Ryan  events  which  affect  you,  as 
well  as  interesting  features  about  Ryanites.  And  when  I 
say  up-to-date,  I  mean  just  that.  Anything  which  happens 
here  as  late  as  5  o'clock  Friday  afternoon  can  still  be 
reported  in  Saturday's  Aerolite. 

This  new  running  mate  for  Flying  Reporter  is  published 
as  a  service  to  you.  I  think  you'll  agree  that  it's  a  lively 
and  colorful  newspaper  throughout,  but  its  entertainment 
values  are  only  incidental  to  its  helpfulness.  Aerolite  will 
keep  you  informed  about  company  policies,  about  im- 
portant developments  which  concern  the  company,  about 
Ryan  services  for  employees,  about  opportunities  for  train- 
ing and  advancement,  about  social  and  recreational  get- 
togethers.  You'll  get  a  lot  more  out  of  life  at  Ryan  by 
reading  Aerolite  each  week.  Look  for  it  tomorrow,  and 
every  Saturday! 




Today  the  aircraft  engine  exhaust  Manifold  is  a 
highly  complex  and  exacting  system  requiring 
technical  skills  of  a  high  order  for  its  efficient 
design  and  for  production  in  quantity.  In  this 
field,  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  has  been 
a  pioneer.  It  was  foremost  in  making  the  design 
and  manufacture  of  exhaust  systems  a  specialty 
in  itself 

In  engineering  and  producing  Ryan  Manifolds 
every  effiart  is  made  to  reduce  maintenance  prob- 
lems to  a  minimum.  But,  regardless  of  the  man- 
ner in  which  any  piece  of  aircraft  equipment  is 
designed  or  produced,  educational  assistance  in 
the  field  is  necessary.  For  Ryan  Manifolds,  in 
common  with  all  technical  products,  achieve 
their  greatest  potential  when  the  most  precise 
knowledge  of  their  functions  and  capabilities  is 
known,  appreciated  and  exploited. 


To  afford  customers  opportunity  to  get  the  full 
benefits  from  its  exhaust  manifolds,  Ryan's  Mani- 
fold Service  Department  is  staffed  by  especially 
trained  personnel  chosen  from  experts  within 
the  Ryan  factory. 

These  men,  in  addition  to  their  "know-how" 
born  of  long  experience,  are  imbued  with  the 
same  desire  for  perfection  in  operation  as  their 
fellow  workers  in  the  factory  are  enthusiastic  in 
attaining  perfection  in  manufacture.  jM^ 

RELY       ON       RYAN       TO       BUILD       WELL 







1922-1  944 


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MARCH      •      194S 


MARCH  1945 

Vol.  9  No.  2 


Don't  Tax  Your  Temper 1 

The  answer  to  ycnir  prayers, 
an  article  cm  how  to  fill  out 
yoiir  income  tax  forms. 

That   Go-Getter  Gillies 4 

A  newcomer  to  Ryan  who 
ycni'd  think  travels  on  roller 
skates  the  way  he  gets  aroimd 
and  gets  the  job  done. 

Browsing  Around  6 

Maybe  you'll  find  your  pic- 
ture or  your  best  friend's. 

School  Days  Again  7 

Management  personnel  goes  to 
school  and  learns  some  new 
tricks  for  efficiency. 

New  Japanese  Planes  We  Face  ...      8 
How  do  our  planes   compare 
with  theirs? 

Feminine  Furbelows  by  Fran 16 

How  to  do  much  with  little. 
Facts  on  clothes,  gilding  the 
lily  and  cooking  hints. 


Published  every  month  for 

employees  and  friends  of 


Through  the 

Public  Relations  Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of 

William  Wagner  and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor  Frances  Statler 

Staff  Photographers: 

Tommy  Hixson,  Frank  Martin, 
Rex  Benedict,  Dick  Norton 

-i^'^    ^ij 


Unless  you're  one  of  those  people  who  start  at 
the  back  of  a  magazine  first  to  look  at  the  cartoons 
or  the  advertisements,  you've  doubtless  seen  this 
issue's  cover.  We  felt  we  just  had  to  explain  it 
some  way.  You  can  bet  the  practical,  busy  men 
pictured  there  are  looking  at  something  important. 
Maybe  it's  the  new  logotype  we're  using  for  the 
first  time  on  this  issue's  cover.  Anyway,  that's  the  best  explanation 
we  can  give  you  right  now.    Much,  much  more,  later. 

If  you  did  start  at  the  back,  then  you've  come  across  another  inno- 
vation— our  department  devoted  to  the  women,  intended  to  ease  a 
little  the  transition  from  waffle  iron  to  welding  torch,  from  Mixmaster 
to  rivet  gun.  "Feminine  Furbelows,  by  Fran"  it's  called — fashions, 
frills,  fancies,  food.    Fascinating. 

_  As  far  as  we  know,  J.  C.  Noakes  isn't  negotiat- 
ing with  Johnny  Mercer  for  the  rights  to  his  title, 
"Don't  Tax  Your  Temper,"  though  we're  con- 
vinced Mr.  Mercer  could  do  wonderful  things 
with  it,  eight  beats  to  the  bar.  Mr.  Noakes,  former 
comptroller  of  this  company,  and  now  a  tax  expert 
with  his  own  San  Diego  office,  has  graciously  con- 
tributed another  of  his  series  of  helpful  articles  designed  to  make  it 
easier  for  you  to  understand  your  taxes.  .  .  .  Maybe  in  the  next  issue 
we'll  have  figured  out  a  way  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  pay  them. 

When  a  newcomer  steps  into  the  very  top  level 
of  Ryan  management,  he's  bound  to  be  an  object 
of  curiosity  to  all  concerned.  Consequently  our 
new  assistant  to  the  president,  Bud  Gillies,  has  been 
the  cynosure  of  interested  attention  here  ever  since 
he  resigned  a  Grumman  vice-presidency  to  join 
Ryan.    That's  why   we   think  you'll  be  especially 

interested  in  Keith  Monroe's  profile  of  Gillies   in   this   issue.    It   gives 

some  pretty  amazing  facts  about  this  man. 

The  ubiquitous  H.  H.  Steely,  editor  of  Aerolite,  deserts  his  own  pub- 
lication to  appear  in  these  pages  this  month.  When  Steely  writes  about 
airplanes,  he  knows  whereof  he  writes.  He's  a  veteran  of  both  World 
Wars,  a  fighter  pilot  (with  a  long  string  of  medals  and  decorations 
which  he  never  mentions,  but  which  we  happened  to  hear  about  through 
an  old  friend  of  his)  and  a  former  aviation  editor  of  several  big-city 
dailies.  Steely,  or  "Hob"  as  he  is  known  to  everj'  acquaintance  of  more 
than  five  minutes'  standing,  discusses  the  latest  developments  in  Jap 
fighting  planes.  He  concludes  that,  if  the  Japs  are  in  quantity  produc- 
tion of  their  new  types,  we're  in  for  a  tougher  time  in  the  Pacific. 


DMf  m  urn  TEMPER 

By  J.  C.  NOAKES,  C.P.A. 

Last  year  the  taxpayers  raised  such  a  howl  about  the  com- 
plexity of  the  income  tax  laws  and  the  difficulty  in  preparing 
returns  that  Congress  decided  to  do  something  about  it.  What 
it  did  was  to  pass  a  new  law  called  the  Individual  Income  Tax 
Act  of  1944  which  was  supposed  to  simplify  the  whole  thing 
to  a  point  where  even  you  or  I  could  understand  it.  Briefly, 
the  changes  made  by  the  Act  which  affect  most  Ryan  em- 
ployees are  as  follows: 

( 1 )  The  Victory  tax  is  repealed  but  there  is  a  new  normal 
tax  of  3 '':'(  to  take  the  place  of  it.  The  new  surtax 
combines  the  old  normal  tax  and  surtax  rates  plus  some 
additions.  For  example,  the  former  normal  tax  (6%) 
plus  the  surtax  on  the  first  $2,000  of  surtax  net  income 
(13%)  make  a  total  of  19' t.  The  new  surtax  rate 
on  the  same  bracket  is  20%; 

(2)  An  individual  with  a  grcss  income  of  less  than  $5,000 
derived  entirely  from  wages,  dividends  or  interest  can 
have  the  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue  compute  his 
tax  for  him  provided  the  income  not  subject  to  with- 
holding (i.e. — dividends  and/or  interest)  does  not  ex- 
ceed $100; 

(3)  Taxpayers  with  adjusted  gross  incomes  of  less  than 
$5,000  may  compute  their  tax  by  using  the  table  at- 
tached to  the  return  regardless  of  the  nature  of  their 

(4)  The  new  law  provides  a  flat  $500  per  capita  exemp- 
tion to  replace  the  old  system  of  personal  exemptions, 
head  of  a  family,  credit  for  dependents,  etc.; 

(Continued  on  next  page) 

( 5 )  You  can  now  claim  a  surtax  ex- 
emption for  a  dependent  even 
though  he  is  more  than  18  years 
of  age  and  is  capable  of  self-sup- 

(6)  The  income  of  a  minor  child  is 
not  required  to  be  added  to  the 
income  of  the  parent.  The  child 
must  file  his  own  return. 

The  foregoing  are  some  of  the  changes 
made  by  the  new  law.  So,  with  the  usual 
qualification  that  this  discussion  is  not 
intended  to  be  a  full  explanation  of  the 
subject  of  income  taxes  but  is  only  to 
assist  thsse  Ryan  employees  whose  prin- 
cipal income  is  from  salaries  or  wages  plus 
perhaps  dividends  or  interest,  let's  get  on 
with  the  story. 

Who  Unit  File  A  Return 
Every  person  having  a  total  income 
of  $500  or  m.ore  during  the  year  1944 
must  file  a  return.  This  includes  adults 
and  minor  children,  regardless  of  whether 
they  are  male  or  female,  married  or  single 
and  regardless  of  the  number  of  depend- 

If  taxes  have  been  withheld  from  their 
wages,  persons  with  incomes  of  less  than 
$500  should  also  file  returns  because  a 
refund  of  the  tax  withheld  wi'l  net  oth;r- 
wise  be  made. 

It  may  be  mentioned  here  that  the 
Company  is  required  to  file  a  copy  of 
the  Withholding  Receipt  (Form  W-2 
Rev.)  with  the  Collector  of  Internal  Rev- 
enue where  it  is  compared  with  the  return 
filed  by  each  individual  to  insure  that  all 
income  is  reported.  Severe  penalties  are 
imposed  for  not  filing  a  return,  for  filing 
a  fraudulent  return  and  for  not  filing 
on  time — that  is,  by  March  15,  1945. 

Kinds  of  Re/iinis 

The  taxpayer  now  has  an  option  to 
make  his  return  in  one  of  three  ways: 

(1)  The  long-form  return; 

(2)  The  short-form  return;   and, 
(  3  )    The  withholding  receipt. 

The  long-form  return  (Form  1040) 
must  be  used  by  taxpayers  whose  adjusted 
gross  income  is  $5,000  or  more.  How- 
ever, it  may  be  used  by  anybody  who  so 

The  short-form  return  may  be  used  by 
taxpayers  whose  adjusted  gross  income  is 
less  than  $5,000.  To  obtain  a  short-form 
return  simply  tear  a  long-form  return 
in  two;  but  keep  both  halves  until  you 
determine  the  amount  of  your  tax  from 
the  tax  table  on  page  2.  If  your  income 
is  entirely  from  salaries,  wages,  dividends 
or  interest,  you  need  only  to  fill  out  page 
1  of  the  return.  If  you  have  other  in- 
come, record  it  on  page  3  which,  for  some 

File  thiG  return  with  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue  on  or  before  March  15,  1945.     Any  balance  of  tAX  due 
(item  8,  below)  must  be  paid  in  full  with  return.      See  separate  Inetructions  for  filling  out  return. 

FORM  1040 



or  Eical  year  beginning _,  19M,  and  ending 


EMPLOYEES. — Instead  of  this  fonn,  you  may  me  your  Withholding  Receipt,  Fona  W-2  (Rct.),  as 
your  return,  if  your  total  incotne  was  less  tfuin  $5,000,  coiuisting  wiwUy  of  wages  shown  on  V/itb- 
holding  Receipts  or  of  such  wages  and  not  more  than  $100  of  other  wages,  dirideods,  and  interest 

NAME j:q:2i„l^„to-\<it  _ 

(PL£AS£-J>R1NT.    U  ihli  return  ii  for  •  builund  and  wife, 

AnnRFw  3456    i^SSUI'.PoIT  3r?L.i::T 

(PLEASE  PRtNT.    Street  sod  rumbtr  or  rural  route) 
(City  or  town,  postal  rone  number)         (State) 

Do  not  wiile  io  these  ipacea 

(Caabier's  Stamp) 



I  .List  your  own  name.  If  married  and  your  wife  {or  husband)  had  no  Income,  or  if  thi*  is  a  joint  return  of  husband  ani  wife,  tut  name  of  « 
wife  (or  husband).  List  names  of  other  close  relatives  with  1944  incomes  of  less  than  $500  who  received  more  than  one-half  of  their  support  from  ri 
If  this  is  a  joint  return  of  husband  and  wife,  list  dependent  relatives  of  Ewtlt. 

NAME  (PtaK  prml) 


NAME  (Ple»e  prinl) 


I°":J"ohi-;  l.  To-y/iT 



'l.'TT  T  T    1"    TO    '.;tt 

2.Enter  your  total  wages,  salaries,  boniises,commissbiu,  and  other  compensation  recmH]  in  1944,  BEFORE  PAY-ROLL  DEDUCTIONS  fv  taxes,  dne^ 
insurance,  bonds,  etc.     Members  of  armed  forces  and  persons  claiming  traveling  or  reimbiirsed  etpenses,  see  Instroetioo  2. 


RY^T    .■^KOK;.liriC-a   GO 



Hov/  to 


YciT  Tax 

Tax  Due 


( 2a.larx„i:2 ,_90_0-l_es_s _t  cevelin'^,   ^^Pi^i£lK] 
_"-^^50  £e]r  ^]s  c h]e du_l e"Q  b  tFc  *'  " 


S^t:   DIECrO^  C^Ii" 

__£_^850   00_ 

Enter  tola]  here  ">    $_ 

3. Enter  here  the  total  amount  of  your  dividends  and  interest  Cmcluding  interest  from  Government  | 

obllgatioru  unless  wholly  eiempC  from  taxation)  . 



4.  If  you  received  any  other  income,  give  details  on  page  3  and  enter  the  total  here_ 
5.Add  amounts  in  items  2,  3,  and  4,  and  enter  the  total  here 

If  item  5  includes  income  of  both  husband 

and  wife,  show  husband's  income  here,  S  ;  wife's  income  here.  $ 





IF  YOUR  INCOME  WAS  t£SS  THAN  $5,000.— You  may  gnd  yom'  hi  in  the  hu  table  on  pase  2.    "Hiis  fable,  which  U  provided  by  law,  U  based  od 

the  same  tax  rales  as  are  used  in  the  Tai  Computation  on  page  4.   The  table  automaticallf  allows  about  10  percent  of  your  total  income  for  cbarilabte 

conbibulions,  interest,  taies,  casualty  losses,  medical  expenses,  and  miscellaneous  expenses,    if  ymjr  eipcnditurcs  and  losses  of  these  classes  amount 

to  more  than  10  percent,  it  will  usually  be  to  your  advantage  to  itemize  Ihem  and  compute  your  tax  on  page  4- 

ih  VUUK  KMtUMt  \VA5  $i.l)00  OR  MUKE. — Disresatd  the  tix  Ubie  and  compute  your  las  oa  page  4.     You  may  either  take  a  standard  dedlictibn 

of  S500  or  itemize  your  deductions,  whichever  is  to  your  advantage. 

HUSBAND  AND  WIFE. — If  husband  and  wife  file  separate  returns,  and  one  itemizes  deductions,  the  other  must  also  itemize  det^c&iRSL 

6. Enter  your  tax  from  table  on  page  2,  or  from  line  15,  page  4. 
7. How  much  have  you  paid  on  your  1944  income  ta.\? 

(A)  By  withholding  from  your  wages  (Aii«hWiihhoidins  R«tipi^FonDW-!)J$ 

186   00 _ 
(B)  By  payments  on  1944  Declaration  of  Estimated  Tax. -,_.'.._ 15    00.. 


Elnler  total  here  ->    

8. If  your  tax  (item  6)  is  larger  than  payments  (item  7).  enter  BALANCE  OF  TAX  DUE  here_ $_ 

9.  If  your  payments  (item  7)  are  larger  than  your  tax  (Item  6).  enter  the  OV'ERPAlTiTENT  here_..:$.- 
Check  (i  )  whether  you  want  this  OTerpajTnent:   Refimded  to  you[J;  or  Credited  on  your  1945  estimated  tax  □    | 




87    00 

If  you  fJcv'  a  return  for  n  prior  year,  what  was  the  latest  year? iiE^.'^.. 

To  which  Coiicctor's  ofT.ce  was  it  sent?  .  .L.Q .^..^.i^.C?. .k?  ^ 

To  whith  Collcclor's  office  did  you  pay        t  ^  o         -n  ^-  ra  T  o  c 

amount  chimed  in  item  7  (B),  atove?  .i^°5.„:.i}._?.-k?„^ 

Is  your  wife  for  hu-band)  making  a  separate  return  for  1944?.. iifP. 

if  "Yes,"  write  below:                                                                    fY**" "  "No") 
Name  of  wife  (or  husband) 

Collector's  office  to  which  sait _. 

I  declare  undtr  the  penalties  of  perjury  that  this  return  (including  any  accompanying  schedul 
my  knowledge  and  belief  is  a  true,  correct,  and  complete  return. 

CSisnnturc  i>l  prrjon  (oihcr  ihan  toxpayer  or  agenO  prcckiring  tclutn) 

IT  ol  Errn  or  employer.  J  any) 

(SEE  TAX  T?' 

Form   W-2    (Rev.) 


For  Iiirome  Tax  WiihhcM  on  Wa^ie^ 




000  I  00 1 0000 


yl67  90 

To  EMPLOYEE:  Change  name  and  address  if  not  correctly  Bhown.This  Withholding  Receipt  may  be  used  as  your  ii 
19^4  incomp  meels  the  TEST  below  .    ■ 

A  married  coyple  wjj  make  a  combined  return  on  this  Withholding  Receipt  il  their  lolal  income  meets  the  lest.  Their  incomes  should  be 
combined  on  Lines  1.  2,  and  3,  and  shown  separately  on  Line  4  The  Collector  ol  Internal  Revenue  will  figure  the  lax  on  either  the  com- 
bined or  the  separate  incomes,  whichever  is  to  the  taxpayers'  advantage,  -,      onp     (-« 

LINE    1   Wrilo  total  o(  w.goi  ihown  on  Ihii  and  all  your  other  19<4  Withholding  Reeeipls    (Form   W.2)_ S  J.  ,0  /  d  .  OU 

LINE  2  If  YOi 

iny  wdQDi  irom  which  n 

X  wu  withheld,  or  any  diiridei 

e  tolaL„. 

UNE  3  Add  Linoa  1  and  2, 

TEST-  11  Line  2  is  not  over  $100  AND  Line  3  is  l 
f  other  U'.igc.i.  J/mJaJs.  ^iid  rnwreSI. 


SS.ODO.  you  may  use  this  Withholding  Receipt  as  your  return  provided  you  had 
income  does  not  meet  this  test,  use  Form  1040 
both  husband  and  wile,  ihow  huiband'i  ineomo  here  S t  wile'a  income  here  ,  _. S — --. 

LINE  4  II  Una  3  includi 

LIKE  S  H  Y°u  Hlad  a  1944  DBclaralion  ol  Eslimjled  T.»  (Form  1040-ES).  wi 




If  you  use  this  table,  tear  ofT  this  pace 

and  6Ie  only  pngca  1  and  3 

age  2 



Hud  down  Ihe  lUded  rolumni  beW  until  fo 
br  Aa  number  corresponding  lo  the  number  of 

u  find  the  line  covering  the  total  income  you  entered  in  Item  5.  pace  1,     Tlien  read  aeroa 
persona  liited  in  item  I,  page  1.     Enter  the  tat  you  find  there  in  item  6,  page  1. 
Huabsnd  and  wife  see  Special  Rule  at  end  of  tabic. 

to  the  column  beaded 

5,  p»B< 

TL— ' 


e  number  of  persons  listed  in 
item  t,  page  1.  is — 

It  total  inc 

■        5,  piRC 

.me  in  item 

And  the  number  of  persons  Hated  in  item 


But  Us. 




'    li" 


But  l.s. 



1  H  H  5 


1     7     1     8 




tax  lE- 

Your  las  is 




















SI  7 


















































































































L  2.900 



3S?  CURS' 



















































































31 C 







1   1,«0« 
1   1,625 
;   1,650 
j   1,675 























!   1,700 

i    1,776 
































4 ,250 



































111  J 















in  3 


3. '.3 






























2  jr. 



m  S.  paK 
the   tiL> 
two   irve 

.lAI.  1. 

'y"'u  fc 


ludes    , 
but    n 
.one  2 

lite  iiiLomes  at  l.o 
r>  Itic   br  3  p 
It  l.y  more  ih..n   4 
of  Inslrueliooe. 

O  Wl 

1,  I,... 

S.     El 


t.iii\0  anil  wl 
ol  the  ....„) 



(1)  List  your  own  name  on  first  line  below. 

(2)  It  married  and  your  wiie  [or  husband)  had  no  income,  or  i(  this 
Ls  a  combined  return  of  husband  and  wife,  list  name  ol  your 
wife  (or  husband). 

(3)  Llsl  names  of  other  close  relalives  with  1944  incomes  ol  leBB  than 
S50D  who  received  more  than  one-half  ol  their  support  from  you. 

NOTE:  II  Uii.  n  •  cnmbioed  rrruin  of  hu.b.nJ  «nd  w,Ic.  Ia>l  dependtol  iiJitiTn  of  batb 

■  1ft«[ 

i  by  vil*. 













11  you  need  m 

oie  SDflce,  altach  list. 


Is  your  wife  (or  husband)  making  a  separate  return  lor  1944?... 
II  ■Yes,"  write  below;  f'^'*'" «' ' 

Name  ol  wile  (or  husband) .  — _ — 

CoUecior'i  oflice  to  which  sent........ .,. ^, 

Wfti  youi  Incoms  5500  or  moiB?  1i  so.  you  must 
oiihor  on  a  Withholding  Becaipt  or  on  Form  IMO 
Wa*  your  Incomo  under  5SO0?  If  so.  lile  a  relurn  ' 
hold.  A  married  couple  should  lile  a  combined  f 

Daduetiaiu;  It  you  (ile  your 
monl  will  figure  your  tax  iro 
about  10%  ol  your  total  incoi 
casualty  losses,  medical  exf 
claim  deductions  ol  moio  thai 

■n  on  a  Withholding  Receipt,  the  Govein- 
lax  table  provided  by  lav,-,  which  allows 
or  charitabfo  contribulioni,  inloroal.  laxea, 
;e.  and  misc-llaneous  ilcms.  In  order  to 
4.  yoii  musf  file  your  return  on  Form  IWO. 

To  file  a  Withholding  Receipl  a«  your  lelum.  !il!  out  both  sides  ot  the 
ORIGINAL,  sign,  and  mail  to  Collector  of  Interna!  Revenue,  your  district, 
between  Ian.  1  and  Mar.   IS,  194S.  Keep  the  duplicate. 

U  you  got  more  than  one  ceceipl  lor  income  lax  withheld  during  I'HI  {Form 
W-2  or  Form  W-2,  Rev.),  IXW  out  and  sign  the  lasl  one  received  and  altach 
the  others  to  it.  U  hling  a  combined  rolum,  attach  recaipta  ol  both  husband 
and  wila.  II  any  receipt  is  missing  and  you  cannot  obtain  > 
copy  from  your  employer,  mate  j  .      .    -_  r- 

here    the    lotal   number    ( 


Make  no  payment  now,  bul  ■,.-aif  lor  bill  or  r 

t  declare  under  the  penallies  ol  periury  that  ihe  foregoing  slale- 
menls  are  true  to  iha  best  of  my  knowledge  and  belief,  and  that 

unknown  reason,  is  on  the  back  of  page  1. 

The  withholding  receipt  (Form  W-2 
Rev.)  can  be  used  by  any  individual  with 
a  gross  income  of  less  than  $5,000  derived 
entirely  from  salaries,  wages,  dividends  or 
interest  provided  the  income  not  subject 
to  withholding  is  less  than  $100.  The 
taxpayer  merely  records  certain  informa- 
tion on  the  form  and  sends  it  to  the  Col- 
lector who  computes  the  tax  from  the 
tax  table  and  sends  the  taxpayer  a  bill. 

The  tax  payable  will  not  necessarily  be 
the  same  under  each  of  the  three  methods 
described  above.  Generally,  the  short- 
form  return  or  the  withholding  receipt 
return  is  advantageous  to  the  taxpayer 
who  has  few  or  no  allowable  deductions 
— for  example.  Vera  Voucher  who  works 
in  Accounts  Payable.  Vera  is  single,  has 
a  bank  account  on  which  she  collected 
$10.90  interest  and  made  a  few  small  con- 
tributions to  her  church,  Wr;r  Chest  and 
the  Red  Cross  which  she  didn't  bother 
to  keep  account  of.  Furthermore,  Vera 
did  not  pay  any  estimated  tax  during  1944 
and  did  not  want  to  be  bothered  with 
tax  returns  any  more  than  was  necessary. 
So  she  merely  filled  out  the  original  of 
the  withholding  r,:ce'pt  as  shown  on  page 
2  and  mailed  it  to  the  Collector. 

If  your  situation  is  like  Vera's,  your 
task  is  easy.  Just  fill  out  the  withholding 
receipt  and  send  it  in.  You  don't  even 
have  to  read  this  article  any  further. 
Otherwise,  read  on. 

Adjus/i'd  Gross  Income 

The  income  which  is  taxable  includes 
such  items  as  salaries  and  wages,  interest, 
dividends,  commissions,  bonuses,  rents, 
royalties,  gain  or  loss  on  sales  of  securities 
or  real  estate,  etc.  However,  seme  receipts 
are  not  taxable  and  need  not  be  reported 
in  the  return.  Examples  of  non-taxable 
income  are  gifts,  inheritances,  compensa- 
tion insurance  payments,  unemployment 
insurance  benefits,  pensions,  proceeds  from 
life  insurance  policies,  allotment  paid  by 
Government  to  family  of  serviceman,  etc. 

We  now  come  to  a  point  where  the 
new  law  has  definitely  simp'ified  the  prep- 
aration of  the  return.  That  point  is  de- 
fined in  the  Act  as  "Adjusted  Gross  In- 
come" and  enables  taxpayers  with  incomes 
of  less  than  $5,000  to  merely  enter  their 
income  on  page  1  of  the  return  and  pass 
directly  to  the  amount  of  their  tax  as 
shown  by  the  tax  table  on  page  2  with- 
out any  further  calculations.  The  tax- 
payer is  entitled  to  take  certain  deduc- 
tions from  his  gross  income  before  arriv- 
ing at  his  adjusted  gross  income  but  is 
net  allowed  to  deduct  contributions, 
union  dues,  interest,  taxes,  etc.  These  ex- 
penses are  automatically  allowed  up  to 
approximately   10%    of   the   total  income 

(Continued  on   page    12) 

—  3  — 

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lilies  collides  with 
bstacle,  something 
ve  .-.  .  and  it  isn't  Gillies, 
f  red  tape  and  delay. 

planes  this  month."  When  the  Grumman 
men  learned  of  this  report,  they  were  so 
furious    that    they   turned   out   not   eighty 
planes  but  eighty-five  that  month. 

Gillies    is    a    veteran    of    Grumman's    epic 

production    sprint    which   may   have    changed 

the  whole  course  of  the  war  in  May,  1942.  Tliat 

month  the  United  States  lost  almost  every  naval 

fighter  plane  it  possessed  at  the  Battle  of  Midway. 

In  the  hour  of  disaster  the  Navy  wired:  "We  need 

fifty  more  Wildcats  by  day  after  tomorrow,"  it 

said.   "We  don't  see  how  you  can  build  them,  but 

we  know  you  will." 

Neither  Gillies  nor  anyone  who  worked  with  him 
will  ever  forget  the  week  end  of  work  that  followed. 
He  had  already  planned  and  organized  the  huge  Beth- 
page,  Long  Island,  factory  where  the  Wildcats  had  been 
turned  out  at  a  speed  that  amazed  even  the  hard-boiled, 
hell-for-leather  procurement  men  of  the  Navy.  So  when 
the  emergency  production  plea  hit  Grumman  on  that  mem- 
orable week  end  in  May,  Gillies  was  one  of  those  who  bore 
the  brunt  of  the  load.  Working  without  sleep  or  rest  for  two 
days  and  nights  (as  did  virtually  every  man  and  woman  in  the 
factory) ,  he  helped  get  fifty  Wildcats  built,  tested  and  dehv- 
ered  more  than  a  week  before  they  were  even  scheduled  to 
start  through  the  assembly  line.  That  historic  feat  probably 
saved  the  South  Pacific  for  the  United  States. 

Gillies  brings  the  same  get-it-done  spirit  to  Ryan.  He  has 
a  way  with  him— a  way  of  infecting  people  with  his  own 
quiet,  contagious  determination  to  ride  roughshod  over  every 
obstacle.  A  few  days  ago  one  of  the  new  Ryan  planes  was 
blocked  at  the  point  where  it  was  ready  for  flight  testing 
because  the  landing  gear  couldn't  be  retracted.  Certain  re- 
placement parts  for  the  landing  gear  had  been  ordered  but 
hadn't  arrived.  "Let's  start  flight  testing  anyhow,''  Gillies 
said  calmly.  "Lock  the  landing  gear  down  and  take  the  plane 
into  the  air  that  way.  We  can  get  at  least  ten  minutes  flying 
out  of  her  today  anyway,  and  maybe  tomorrow  the  parts 
(Continued  on  Page  10) 

5  — 


4.  Buzzing  olong  like  sixfy  on 
the  adding  machine  is  Aliene 
McDanieis  of  Accounting. 

5.  A  group  of  inspectors  care- 
fully checking  aluminum  paits 
which  hove  been  formed  by 
the  hydro  press. 

6.  Soup's  on  and  hungry 
Ryanites  wait  their  turn  in  the 
lunch   line. 

7.  Agnes  Calhoun,  left,  and 
Grace  Spottsood  of  Airplane 
Planning  give  the  rush  act  to 
a  batch  of  dittos. 

.S5.    - 

smm  MIS  MM 

Joe  Supervisor  learns 
how  to  operate  the  in- 
tricate machinery  that 
makes  for  a  faster  and 
smooth- running 

Joe  Supervisor's  life  at  Ryan  isn't  an  easy  one  these 

He  has  more  people  under  him  than  ever  before. 
He  has  more  conferences  to  attend,  more  records  to 
keep,  more  questions  to  answer.  He's  getting  more 
phone  calls;  he's  v/orking  later;  he's  alvi^ays  rushed. 
And  day  after  day,  from  hour  to  hour,  there's  insistent 
pressure  on  him  to  get  the  work  out,  blast  aside  the 
delays,  push  those  Ryan  planes  through  the  assembly 
line.  No  wonder  Joe  Supervisor  is  a  busy  man  and 
perhaps  a  worried  one  these  days. 

But  first  aid  for  all  Ryan  supervisors  is  already 
on  the  way. 

An  intensive,  streamlined  course  in  management 
training  is  being  given  to  Ryan  higher-ups,  one  group 
at  a  time.  Sixty-seven  of  the  company's  top  execu- 
tives and  foremen  have  already  taken  the  course;  one 
hundred  more  are  now  in  the  process  of  taking  it; 
three  hundred  additional  are  on  the  waiting  list. 

The  training  course  sessions  last  an  hour  and  a 
half  at  each  meeting,  and  are  held  twice  weekly  for 
a  period  of  two  months.  In  them  the  supervisors 
listen  to  lectures,  watch  movies,  lock  at  posters, 
assimilate  chalk-talks,  and  argue  back  and  forth  in 
spirited  group  discussions. 

The  course  goes  into  considerable  detail  in  showing 
a  supervisor  how  to  get  the  willing  cooperation  of 
everyone  working  under  him;  how  to  keep  his  desk 
clear,  budget  his  time,  and  get  every  job  out  on 
schedule;  how  to  organize  his  own  group  according 
to  tested  principles  of  scientific  management. 

The  courses  are  under  the  direction  of  Charley  H. 
Broaded,  formerly  an  ace  organizer  and  instructor 
from  the  State  Department  of  Education.  Broaded 
has  been  with  Ryan  since  the  middle  of  November 
—  but  this  isn't  the  first  time  he's  worked  with  this 
company.  Surprisingly,  he  is  a  real  old-timer  at  Ryan, 
having  been  a  member  of  the  Woodworking  depart- 
ment way  back  in  1927.  After  leaving  Ryan  Broaded 
spent  twelve  additional  years  in  factory  work,  serving 
as  a  machine  shop  worker  and  tool  designer  for  a 
number  of  pump  companies,  and  later  working  for 
Howard  Hughes  and  Douglas  Aircraft  companies, 
holding  jobs  as  a  group  leader  and  eventually  a  fore- 
man with  the  latter. 

In  the  last  few  years,  however,  he  has  been  em- 
ployed by  the  Army  as  a  civilian  specialist,  working 

(Continued  on  page  10) 
■7  — 

—  8  — 

kw  Japanese  Planes 
Ife  Fdte 

by  H.  H.  STEELY 

Hornets*  nest  of  faster  fighters  lie  in 
wait  for  us  the  day  we  invade  Japan 

Gradually  withdrawing  to  their  inner  defenses  as 
the  American  tidal  wave  advances,  the  Japanese  are 
beginning  to  hurl  new  and  more  deadly  types  of 
combat  aircraft  into  the  battle  of  the  Pacific. 

American  pilots  long  have  been  bracing  themselves 
against  the  day  they  would  bump  into  more  formid- 
able opposition.  That  day  did  not  come  until  they 
had  spread  their  wings  over  the  Philippines,  the  very 
backyard  of  Japan's  shrinking  empire. 

Naval  aviators  have  been  the  first  to  run  into  the 
new  Jap  air  weapons.  They  report  that  the  enemy 
now  has  at  least  two  and  possibly  three  new  fighters 
in  the  400-mile-an-hour  class,  a  dive  bomber  and, 
for  the  first  time,  a  four-engine  land-based  bomber, 
apparently  designed  for  heavyweight  attacks  against 
newly  won  American  bases,  particularly  air  bases. 

Inasmuch  as  only  a  few  of  the  new  fighters  have 
been  encountered.  Army  and  Navy  authorities  are 
convinced  the  enemy  is  holding  a  hornets'  nest  of 
them  in  Japan  proper  for  the  moment  the  Americans 
and  their  allies  establish  a  beachhead  on  the  Japanese 

(Continued   on    page    1  1  ) 

Reprinted  by 
Courtesy  of  Popular  Science  Monthly 

9  — 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page  5( 

will  have   arrived.  If  they  haven't,  we'll 
think  of  something  else." 

Tliis  was  the  sort  of  trick  he  had  used 
many  times  at  Grumman.  When  new 
planes  were  held  up  there  for  lack  of 
landing  gears,  he  had  often  jacked  up 
older  planes  on  wooden  blocks  and  trans- 
ferred their  landing  gears  to  the  new 
planes  so  they  could  be  test-flown.  "The 
Navy  doesn't  mind  that  kind  of  improvis- 
ing, if  it  has  faith  in  the  men  who  are 
doing  it,"  Gillies  says.  "Those  Navy  ex- 
perts realize  that  if  planes  pile  up  at  the 
back  door  waiting  delivery,  a  wave  of 
discouragement  and  apathy  is  going  to 
flow  back  over  the  whole  factory  floor. 
The  Navy  will  help  us  cut  corners  here 
at  Ryan,  not  slow  us  down,  as  long  as 
we  can  show  that  corner-cutting  will  rush 
those  planes  cut  to  combat  faster  and 

There  is  plenty  of  evidence  that  the 
Navy  agrees  with  this  viewpoint.  Gillies 
has  long  been  on  cordial  terms  with 
Navy  men  who  call  the  turn  on  aircraft 
production.  Very  few  things  he  has  ever 
asked  for  in  Washington  have  been  re- 
fused by  the  BuAer.  The  same  attitude 
toward  him  can  be  seen  among  local 
BuAer  men.  Recently  one  of  the  Ryan 
planes  was  ready  to  take  off  far  the  East 
— but  some  necessary  paper  work  wasn't 
in  the  right  form.  Navy  men  found  at 
the  last  moment.  They  could  have  held 
the  plane  up  for  a  day  or  more  while  the 
records  were  put  into  order — but  when 
Gillies  talked  to  them,  they  snipped  the 
red  tape  and  sent  the  plane  speeding  east- 
ward the  same  day. 

"I  can  see  already  that  this  is  going 
to  be  a  great  gang  to  work  with,"  Gillies 
says.  "The  Navy  men  are  eager  to  help 
us  along,  not  block  us,  and  the  whole 
Ryan  company  seems  to  have  the  hurry- 
up  spirit.  Every  last  man  and  woman 
out  on  the  factory  floor  really  wants  to 
hustle  those  planes  out.  They  say,  "We 
can  do  it  if  — ■,'  instead  of  'It  can't  be 
done  because  — ,'  which  simply  repre- 
sents the  difference  between  the  positive 
attitude  that  whips  obstructions  and  the 
negative  attitude  that  lies  down  in  front 
of  them.  That's  the  reason  Ryan  is  de- 
veloping into  one  of  the  best  and  fastest 
aircraft  factories   in  the  world." 

B.  A.  "Bud"  Gillies  was  born  in  1905 
in  Haverstraw,  New  York.  He  went 
through  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology— learning  to  fly  in  the  Naval  Re- 

serve in  the  summer  of  his  freshman  year 
— then  spent  a  year  of  active  duty  with 
the  Navy  after  graduation.  He  was  a 
fighter  pilot  aboard  the  old  Lexington  and 
cruised  through  the  Canal  to  the  West 
Coast  during  his  year's  service.  The  Lex- 
ington spent  five  months  at  San  Diego, 
during  which  time  Gillies  .augmented  his 
Navy  flying  from  North  Lland  with  con- 
siderab'e  private  activity  in  a  little  Swal- 
low plane  he  bought  for  himself.  He  kept 
the  Swallow  at  a  commercial  field  in  Sin 
Diego  operated  by  a  young  ex-Army  pilot 
named  Claude  Ryan,  (none  other  than 
our  president)  whom  he  got  to  know 
quite  well. 

After  finishing  his  year  as  a  Navy  pilot. 
Gillies  caught  the  eye  of  Grover  C.  Loen- 
ing,  the  famed  pioneer  of  aeronautical 
design.  Loening  hired  him  fresh  from  the 
Navy  as  general  manager  in  1928,  and 
Gillies  stayed  there  to  the  end  of  1933, 
acquiring  a  background  of  aeronautical 
engineering  research  work  that  has  been 
one  of  his  greatest  assets  ever  since. 

Gillies,  who  has  always  retained  his 
youthful  enthusiasm  for  private  flying, 
was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Long  Island 
Aviation  Country  Club.  In  193  3  the  de- 
pression drove  the  club  to  the  brink  of 
bankruptcy  and  Gillies,  then  a  member 
of  the  board  of  governors,  took  over 
active  management  of  the  club  as  a  spare- 
time  labor  of  love.  He  dismissed  a  flock 
of  high-salaried  administrative  personnel 
and  ran  the  club  himself  with  the  sole 
aid  of  a  Filipino  gardener.  He  person- 
ally paid  all  the  bills,  did  all  the  buying, 
issued  all  the  orders  and  wrung  the  fin.-.n- 
cial  waste  out  of  the  club.  Within  a 
few  months  it  was  back  on  a  solid  fiscal 
footing — a  miracle  which  has  never  been 
forgotten  by  members  of  the  Aviation 
Country  Club. 

In  January,  1934,  Gillies  joined  Grum- 
man as  one  of  its  three  vice-presidents. 
One  of  the  three  was  in  charge  of  finance, 
another  was  chief  engineer,  and  Gillies 
handled  almost  everything  else  as  a  sort 
of  roving  utility  man.  There  were  only 
about  a  hundred  people  in  the  entire  com- 
pany at  that  time,  so  Gillies  did  all  kinds 
of  chores.  He  divided  most  of  his  time 
between  handling  Navy  relations,  needling 
production  and  supervising  flight  and 
service  work,  which  was  his  particular 
pet.  In  the  early  days  he  did  all  the  flight 
testing  himself. 

He  grew  with  the  company  for  ten 
years,  helped  it  through  its  series  of  violent 
expansions,  and  acted  as  one  of  the  chief 
company  representatives  in  the  dealings 
with  the  Navy  and  foreign  governments 
which  gradually  developed  Grumman 
into  the  position  of  top-flight  manufac- 
turer of  Navy  fighters. 

In  1930  he  married  Betty  Huyler,  well- 
known  girl  pilot  and  star  competitor  at 
many  of  the  National  Air  Races.  He 
built  a  home  on  Long  Island  and  discov- 
ered a  favorite  bay  where  he  went  sailing 
every  Sunday.  He  now  has  a  son,  Peter, 
12,  and  a  daughter,  Patricia,  10,  in  school 
on  Long  Island. 

At  Ryan  Bud  Gilhes  has  two  titles: 
Assistant  to  the  President,  and  Director 
of  Flight  and  Service.  Flight  and  service 
work  is  his  life-long  delight,  and  he  has 
many  ideas  for  applying  tested  techniques 
to  this  division.  As  assistant  to  the  presi- 
dent, he  will  report  directly  to  Mr.  Ryan 
and  will  be  charged  with  the  responsibility 
of  attacking  any  knotty  problem  where 
his  talents  may  help  bring  about  a  quick 

Quick  solutions  are  usually  forthcom- 
ing whenever  Gillies  projects  his  quiet, 
pleasant  personality  into  a  critical  jam. 
His  whole  reputation  is  built  on  getting 
things  done  fast.  In  fact,  there  is  a  story 
that  he  once  arrived  half  an  hour  late 
at  a  downtown  meeting.  He  apologized 
for  his  tardiness,  explaining  that  it  was 
due  to  a  complete  lack  of  taxicabs.  "Half 
an  hour  late  because  you  couldn't  get  a 
taxicab?"  demanded  one  of  his  acquain- 
tances. "Why  in  blazes  didn't  you  build 


Continuing  .  .  . 


(continued  from  page  71 

for  the  Air  Service  Technical  Command, 
to  simplify  and  streamline  its  organiza- 
tional procedures.  During  his  years  in 
factory  work,  Broaded  became  keerdy  in- 
terested in  the  subject  of  scientific  man- 
agement, riding  this  hobby  to  the  point 
where  he  became  a  national  authority  on 
the  subject. 

How  expert  he  became  in  his  chosen 
field  was  demonstrated  by  the  phenom- 
enal results  he  produced  for  the  Army. 

At  Muroc  Dry  Lake,  a  sub-depot  of  the 
ASTC,  Broaded  found  68  mechanics  over- 
hauling B-24's.  They  were  completing 
five  overhauls  per  month.  In  four  weeks 
Broaded  stepped  up  this  rate  to  thirtv- 
nine  overhauls  per  month  by  showing 
foremen  and  leadmen  how  to  manage  the 
work  more  efficiently.  At  Long  Beach, 
where  ASTC  mechanics  were  repairing  all 
(Continued  on  next  page) 

10  — 

Continuing  ,  .  . 


(Continued  from  page  10) 

types   of   planes,   he  increased   production 
many-fold  in  sixty  days. 

After  leaving  ASTC  for  the  State  De- 
partment of  Education  last  June,  Bioaded 
roamed  the  state  on  trouble-shooting  as- 
signments for  the  War  Manpower  Com- 
mission and  the  11th  Naval  District.  He 
was  sent  to  one  shipyard,  for  ex;imple, 
which  was  ninety  days  behind  schedule  on 
production;  in  a  few  weeks  he  brought 
it  up  to  schedule  and  drastically  reduced 
its  absenteeism  and  turnover  rates  — 
merely  by  teaching  its  supervisors  the 
principles   of  scientific  management. 

Scientific  supervision,  as  Broaded 
teaches  it,  isn't  the  cold-blooded,  penny- 
pinching  type  of  management  taught  by 
the  old-time  "efficiency  expert."  To  be 
a  truly  efficient  supervisor,  he  insists,  a 
man  must  be  warmly  Hked  and  respected 
by  those  beneath  him.  There  are  tested 
principles  by  which  any  sincere  and  in- 
telligent man  can  win  such  liking  and 
respect — and  Broaded  spends  ten  hours 
training  his  pupils  in  these  principles. 

Broaded  gives  the  thorny  problem  of 
handling  peop'e  an  eight-point  breakdown: 
getting  new  workers  off  to  the  right  start, 
developmg  confidence,  correcting  mis- 
takes, developing  initiative,  handling 
grievances,  adjusting  women  to  industry, 
getting  cooperation  and  training  an  under- 
study. He  never  limits  himself  to  telling 
his  class  what  should  be  done — he  always 
explains  the  "how"  of  doing  it. 

Scientific  job  management  breaks  down 
into  planning,  organizing,  giving  orders, 
controlling  and  coordinating,  according 
to  Broaded.  With  the  aid  of  his  copy- 
righted text  book,  Broaded  shews  exactly 
how  a  supervisor  can  plan  his  work  and 
work  his  plan.  He  shows  how  and  why 
a  supervisor  should  sell  his  plans  to  his 
subordinates.  He  shows  how  a  super- 
visor can  eliminate  worries  by  establish- 
ing the  principle  of  "unity  of  command" 
and  by  limiting  his  own  span  of  control 
so  that  he  doesn't  try  to  spread  himself 
over  too  large  a  section  of  the  factory, 
nor  give  personal  supervision  to  too  many 

Broaded's  assistant  is  E.  Burt  Kelly,  who 
joined  the  company  January  15.  Kelly 
is  also  an  ASTC  alumnus.  He  has  to  his 
credit  such  feats  as  showing  an  Army  pro- 
peller repair  base  how  to  increase  the  num- 
ber of  props  repaired  monthly  from  30 
to  751,  and  showing  a  production  control 
department   how   to   get   along   with    139 

employees  instead  of  638.  Both  Broaded 
and  Kelly  are  responsible  to  Louis  E.  Plum- 
mer,  head  of  Industrial  Training  and  life- 
long educator. 

With  such  experts  as  these  handling 
Ryan's  new  training  course,  it  is  easy  to 
undei'stand  why  company  supervisors  are 
emerging  from  the  course  fu'l  of  such 
enthusiasm.  They  talk  incessantly  about 
the  course  to  fellow  supervisors.  Admis- 
sion to  the  course  is  open  only  to  those 
who  are  assigned  to  the  class  by  their 
department  head  or  direct  superior,  and 
if  enrollment  requests  keep  pouring  in  like 
they  are  at  present,  Broaded  and  Kelly  are 
obviously  going  to  be  very  busy  men. 
With  300  already  on  the  waiting  list  and 
more  names  being  added  daily,  it  is  ob- 
vious that  there  are  plenty  of  Ryan  super- 
visors who  are  eager  to  learn  how  to  do 
their  job  better. 

Continuing  .  .  , 


(Continued   from   poge   91 

Data  gathered  by  Army  and  Navy  in- 
telligence indicate  that  we  will  encounter 
even  better  enemy  machines  before  Japan 
is  brought  to  her  knees.  It  is  a  foregone 
conclusion  that  jet-propelled  craft  will  bi 
included.  German  engineers  have  been 
tutoring  their  oriental  allies  on  the  de- 
velopment  of  such  machines. 

According  to  Popular  Science  Monthly, 
which  has  compiled  considerable  informa- 
tion on  Japanese  war  planes,  especially 
fighters,  German  influence  is  strong  in 
their  characteristics.  The  enemy  also  has 
borrowed  liberally,  according  to  the  mag- 
azine, from  the  United  States.  In  some 
instances  there  are  adaptations  that  show 
a  marked  improvement  over  original 
models.  Captured  Japanese  planes  of  late 
design  reveal  almost  flawless  workman- 
ship, equal  to  that  found  in  machines  built 
by  the  United  States,  Great  Britain  and 
Germany,  the  recognized  leaders  in  air- 
craft design  and  construction. 

One  of  the  new  fighters  launched  by 
the  Japanese  ha?  an  in-line,  liquid-cooled 
engine  which  gives  it  most  of  the  per- 
formance and  certainly  the  maneuvera- 
bility of  our  own  Mustang,  considered  the 
world's  fastest. 

Of  particular  interest  to  American 
pilots  who  have  engaged  some  of  the  new 
enemy  fighters  is  a  small,  fat-bellied  model 

—  11  — 

known  as  the  Jack.  This  single  seater 
Navy  interceptor  has  a  maximum  speed 
(estimated)  of  400  miles  an  hour  and 
possibly  is  powered  with  an  1,875  horse- 
power engine.  It  is  doubtful  if  this  fighter 
carries  armor  plating  to  protect  the  pilot 
or  self-sealing  fuel  tanks.  Its  range  is 
about   1,100  miles. 

Another  is  the  Frank  with  a  speed  of 
400  miles  an  hour  and  a  range  of  approxi- 
mately 1,700  miles.  It  is  powered  with 
an  18-cylinder,  air-cooled  engine  develop- 
ing pessibly  2,000  horsepower.  The  engine 
is  fitted  with  a  water-injection  system 
that  gives  it  added  speed  frr  combat  or 
emergencies,  and  it  is  equipped  with  armor 
plating,  bullet-resistant  glass  and  leak- 
proof  tanks. 

Preceding  these  two  newly  developed 
and  known  models  are  the  Tojo,  three 
types  of  Zekcs  (modified  Zeros),  the 
Oscar,  the  Tony,  the  Ruffe  and  the  Hemp, 
all  with  speeds  ranging  from  300  to  375 
miles  an  hour,  and  all  extremely  light  in 
weight,  none  of  them  weighing  mere  ;h-n 
6,000  pcunds  empty. 

The  outstanding  features  of  the  orig- 
inal Japanese  fighters  were  their  light 
weight,  high  rate  of  climb  and  excep- 
tional maneuverability.  These  assets  gave 
them  the  edge  over  the  much  heavier 
American  p'anes  immediately  after  Pearl 

Weight,  perhaps,  was  the  chief  factor 
in  permitting  the  enemy  to  run  rings 
around  us  at  first,  until  we  developed  tac- 
tics that  overcame  that  handicap.  The 
Zero,  for  instance,  could  easily  outclimb 
and  exceed  in  speed  American  fighters  then 

One  American  naval  pilot,  after  en- 
countering his  first  Zeros,  put  it  this  way: 
"There  I  was,  hanging  at  30,000  feet  at 
90  knots  (about  103  miles  an  hour)  in 
a  ship  that  was  likely  to  fall  off  into  a 
spin  at  any  moment,  while  Zeros  were 
doing  loops  all  around  me." 

The  explanation  is  simple.  The  Zero 
weighed  only  5,500  pounds  while  its 
American  adversaries  weighed  between 
10,000  and   15,000  pounds. 

But  while  the  Japanese  hjd  the  advan- 
tage in  speed  and  climb  and  maneuvera- 
bility, they  had  weaknesses  which  made 
them  vulnerable  in  combat.  The  skin  cf 
their  wings  was  made  of  aluminum  alloy 
so  thin  that  it  could  be  bent  between  the 
fingers;  under  a  good  burst  of  fire  it 
peeled  ofF  like  you  could  peel  en  orange. 
Their  fuel  tanks,  with  no  self  sealing  pro- 
tection, exploded  easily.  Because  their 
planes  were  so  lightly  constructed  Jap- 
anese pilots  dared  not  dive  them  at  high 
speeds  for  fear  of  disintegration.  The  Tony 
was   the  only  enemy  fighter   that   would 

(Continued   on    page    14) 

Continuing  .  .  . 


(Continued  from  page   3) 

by  the  tax  table;  if  they  total  more  than 
ICc,  the  long-form  return  should  be 

In  the  case  of  salaries  and  wages,  ad- 
justed gross  income  is  the  total  of  the 
salaries  and  wages  received  less  (a)  ex- 
penses of  travel,  meals  and  lodging  while 
away  from  home  in  the  performance  of 
services  as  an  employee;  and  (b)  other 
expenses  paid  or  incurred  by  the  taxpayer 
in  connection  with  the  performance  of 
services  as  an  employee  under  a  reimburse- 
ment or  other  expense  allowance  arrange- 
ment with  his  employer. 

In  the  case  of  income  from  rent,  ad- 
justed gross  income  is  the  total  rent 
received  less  depreciation,  repairs  and  other 
expenses  properly  attributable  to  the  prop- 
erty from  which  the  rent  was  received. 

Gains  or  losses  from  sales  or  exchanges 
of  capital  assets,  income  from  estates, 
trusts,  etc.,  income  from  pensions  and  an- 
nuities are  also  includible  in  adjusted  gross 
income  but,  since  they  are  not  of  general 
applicability,  they  are  not  described  herein. 

For  the  majority  of  wage  earners,  the 
amount  of  gross  income  and  adjusted  gross 
income  is  the  same.  However,  the  im- 
portance of  a  correct  computation  of  ad- 
justed gross  income  cannot  be  over  em- 
phasized because  any  deduction  from  gross 
income  in  arriving  at  adjusted  gross  in- 
come reduces  the  amcunt  used,  in  the  case 
of  a  short-form  return,  in  determining 
the  tax  shown  on  page  2  of  Form  1040. 

In  the  case  of  a  long-form  return,  every 
deduction  from  gross  income  to  determine 
adjusted  gross  income  increases  the  pos- 
sibility of  a  reduced  tax  by  use  of  the 
standard  deduction  instead  of  claiming 
such  items  on  page  4  of  the  return. 

In  connection  with  the  foregoing  it 
may  be  mentioned  here  that  if  a  husband 
and  wife  file  separate  returns,  they  must 
both  use  the  same  form.  One  cannot  use 
the  short-form  return  while  the  other 
uses  the  long-form  and  itemizes  the  deduc- 

lucoinc  Dednctions  ■ 

Items  deductible  in  arriving  at  adjusted 
gross  income  have  already  been  described. 
They  should  be  taken  into  account  regard- 
less of  whether  the  short-form  return  or 
the  long-form  return  is  used.  Further 
deductions  from  adjusted  gross  income  to 
arrive  at  net  income  may  also  be  taken. 
These  other  deductions  may  be  character- 
ized as  personal  as  distinguished  from  busi- 
ness expenses.  They  may  be  used  only  in 
the  long-form  return  and  then  only  if 
the  taxpayer  does  not  choose  to  take  the 

File  thia  return  with  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue  on  or  before  March  15,  1945.     Any  balance  of  tax  due  '      *****  ' 
(item  8,  below)  muat  be  paid  in  full  with  return.     See  separate  Instructions  for  filling  out  return. 

FORM  1040 

Treasury  Department 
Internal  lie  venue  Servlca 



«  6ital  year  be^amg __,  I94J,  auJ  eadinj 


EMPLOYEES. — Instead  of  Ihii  form,  you  may  u»e  your  Withhotding  Receipt,  FonnW-Z  (ReT.),M 
your  retiun,  if  your  total  income  was  leu  ttun  $5,000,  comitting  wholly  of  wa^ei  ibown  on  Witb- 
hoMing  Receipt*  or  of  tucb  wages  and  not  more  than  $100  of  other  wage*,  drndends,  and  tntetuL 

NAME Jli^ui^„i:^...ajicL..XD.£u. 


(PL£ASE:PRINT.    If  liiii  I'^tun  u  (or  s  buibaad  ukI  vife.  u*e  botli  Cnt  d 

-12.34 .PEfTCIL   STREET 

(PLEASE  PRINT.    Street  uA  numbcj  crrunl  nwte) 

s^i  riTKr.n  i  a ,  n  altforttt  a     Nf^/:^'^QOo-oo-noQ(|i 

(City  cff  town,  poitsl  lone  nurobtr)  (State) 


Do  Dot  write  ID  fi)e*e  (paces 

(Cashier's  Stamp) 

I  .List  your  own  namfe.  If  married  and  your  wife  (or  husband)  had  no  iocome,  or  if  tUs  U  a  joiiit  rehnn  of  famband  and  «^  firt  «»»  «f  -.- 
wife  (or  husband).  List  names  of  other  close  relatives  with  1944  beomes  of  les.  tian  J500  who  fnxired  inore  than  ooe-hjf  rfS  raD«lb™^ 
IfthiBis  a  )oinl  refagn  of  husband  and  wife.  Est  dq>cndent  relatives  of  both.     —-»"«  «■  udt  «^^«i  cwb  yea. 

Your  . 

NAME  (Pleue  print) 

P  .T  ATtTF^  F.  TMK.qT.TTTg^T ;  .  x  x  x  i  x,  x  i  x 

in  A  u.   TrrT:ST.Tm?:R 






titME.  (Pleaie  print) 



How  to 


Tour  Tax 

Tax  Due 


2,  Enter  your  total  wages,  salaries,  bonuses, comnnsnons,  and  other  compemafioa  recemd  b  1944,  BEFORE FA7-R0LL  DSDCHONS  fartiiEL  Am^ 
insurance,  bonds,  elc     Manbers  of  armed  force*  and  persons  cU^>g  traraEng  or  raiAxawtA  expcMes,  seg  Jn^rtrtMn  g,  "«=^«"^ 


BI.-yi'...i^B0iL^U_TJI5.AL__C P ,Zm  DIEGO   12.   C.^ 


5.950     00 

3.Enter  hwe  the  total  amount  of  your  dividends  and  interest  (including  interest  frum  Govermncat 
obligations  unless  wholly  exempt  from  taxation) 

4.1f  you  received  any  other  income,  give  deta&  cs  page  3  and  euto-  tiie  ttit^  tere_ 
S.Add  amounts  in  items  2,  3,  and  4,  and  enter  tbe  total  here- 
If  item  5  u 

.-^«  -  ^icludes  income  of  both  husband  nc  cr     r\r\ 

and  wife,  shov/  husband's  income  here.  *2  |  QoO^iQQ     ;  irfe*«  a 

.h^.t 2.055.00 






IF  YOUR  INCOME  WAS  1£SS THAN  $S,0(».-yoa  may  find  jTwrtah (to  tax  laMe«  •nriilAfc,»lia,i.,o™Wb,lnr  b  based- 

the  SMne  tax  i^ttes  as  a.-e  used  in  tbe  Tai  CompnfatiOT  on  page  4.  TTk  table  aahnnlicaBy  aSows  aboi«  10  pefont  of  ytwr  total  income  L  diarita^ 
contributions  interest,  tases,  casualty  losses,  mwtcil  eipwsas,  and  misfrninrooi  expenses.  If  yoor  ei4widilmgs  and  lasses  of  tfaese  classes  amoml 
lo  more  than  10  percent,  it  will  usually  be  to  your  advamage  to  itraniie  than  and  compete  your  tax  oo  page  4, 

'?«nn^"  f^^^  ^5L.^'?™  0«  MORt.-l>i=^«d  the  tax  table  and  a«pate  y«irtxxonp.ge4.  ,t««Lrd  <fe<bctso 
of  5500  or  Itemize  your  deductions,  wbcberer  is  to  yonr  adnntagB.  „ 

HUSBAND  AND  WIFE.— If  bushand  and  wife  file  separate  returns,  and  one  iteadzes  dadoctnQS,  Ifae  ofber  must  .bn  asma  dedxtn». 

6.Enter  yoiir  tax  from  table  on  page  2,  or  from  line  15,  page  4_. 
7. How  much  have  you  paid  on  your  1944  income  tax? 

(A)  By withholdinglTomyourwage3(AijKliWauioidin|Rac«ito.FM™' 

(B)  Bypayments  on  1944  Declaration  of  Estimated Tas_ 



Enter  total  hse  v^ 

8.  If  your  tax  (item  6)  is  larger  than  payments  (item  7).  enter  BALANCE  OF  TAX  DUE  here 

9,  If  your  payments  (item  7)  are  larger  than  your  tax  (item  6),  enter  the  OVERPAYMENT  here_ 

CheckCk')  whether  yog  want  thi,  oterpjymeot;   Refunded  to  joqD;  or  Credited  on  jniir  1M5  estinated  ba  Q 





If  you  filed  a  return  for  a  prior  year,  what  was  the  latest  year?  , 

Towhich  CoUector's  office  was  it  sent?  „.L0S._^Sele3 j___C  al  if_j_ 

To  which  Collector's  office  did  you  pay 

amount  claimed  in  item  7  (B),  above? 




Is  your  wife  (or  husband)  mating  a  separate  return  for  1944?       *'P 

If  "Yea."  write  below:  CTf»"™Tfc")' 

Neme  of  wife  (or  husband) , 

Collector's  office  to  which  sent 

I  declare  under  the  pcnaldes  of  perjury  that  this  return  Cmcluding  any  accompanying  schedules  and  statements)  has  been  examined  by  me  and  to  the  best  rf 
tS  knowledge  and  belief  is  a  true,  correct,  and  complete  rttum.  ^_^^  j  luc  buo  lo  mc  oat  « 

ISigiwtUR  of  penon  (oiha  than  tupays  ot  igcnt)  prepuing  return) 

standard  deduction  which  will  be  de- 
scribed later. 

Generally  speaking,  expenses  incurred 
in  earning  taxable  income  are  allowed  as 
a  deduction  and  may  be  subtracted  from 
the  adjusted  gross  income  before  the  tax 
is  computed.  Among  these  expenses  are 
labor  union  dues,  employment  agency 
fees,  unemployment  insurance  contribu- 
tions and  the  cost  of  any  tools  required 
to  be  furnished  by  the  employee.  How- 
ever, personal  living  expenses  such  as  rent, 
clothing,  etc.,  are  not  deductible  nor  is 
the  expense  of  going  to  and  from  work. 

Contributions  to  charities.  Red  Cross, 
Salvation  Army,  War  Chest,  etc.,  are  de- 
ductible   up    to    15'",'     of    adjusted    gross 

—  12  — 

income.  Interest  paid  on  bank  loans, 
mortgages  or  other  debts  is  also  de- 
ductible but  finance  charges  on  install- 
ment purchases  are  not  deductible  because 
they  are  considered  to  be  part  of  the  pur- 
chase price. 

Taxes  are  also  allowed  as  deductions  but 
usually  only  by  the  person  against  whom 
they  are  assessed.  In  this  category  are 
i"eal  estate  and  personal  property  taxes, 
Califcrnia  state  income  and  sales  taxes  and 
automobile  license  fees.  Other  taxes  by 
the  wording  of  the  law  are  imposed  on 
the  seller  and  therefore  are  not  deductible 
by  the  buyer.  Examples  of  such  non- 
deductible taxes  are  those  imposed  on 
(Continued  on  next  poge) 

Do  not  itemize  deductions  if — (1)  You  determine  your  tax  from  the  tQX  table  on  page  2,  or 

(2)  Your  total  income  la  $5,000  or  more  and  you  claim  the  $500  standard  deduction . 

If  husband  and  wife  living  together  at  end  of  year  file  separate  returns  and  one  itemizi 

the  other  nnuat  file  his  or  her  return  on  Form  1040,  and  must  also  itemize  deductior 


DcKTibc  deductioni  ■ 

nd  lUte  to  whom  paid.     If  more  iptce  u  ncciltd,  lut  dcdurtioni  on  Kpante  ihect  of  paper  knd  stUch  la  tlu*  return 


R§d  Gros^ 




FU-st    Qliurijti 





Allowable  Gmtributioru  (not  in  cxceMof  15  percent  of  item  5.  page  1) 






Total  Intottt. - 

Btate  income  tax 





jiuto  license 







Losses     from     fire, 
stonn,  stupwreck,  or 
other    casualty,    or 



::::::::::::::z::z:z:::z:: .:..::; ::;;:::::::::::::;: 

Total  Allowable  Losiea  (not  compeniated  by  iniurarce  or  othcmiie)... 

San  Die^o 





Medical  and  dental 






AllnumhU  Mwlirnl  nnA  fVnhil  F^p^n^i^,      *U*  Intfnirfinn  fnr  limirnrinn 


(including  atiniDny,afflor- 
tizable  bond  premium, 
special    deduction    for 
the  blind,  etc.) 

«  __.   

Total  Miscellaneom  Deductions — - 


t        679 



I,  Enter  amount  shown  in  item  5,  page  1.    This  is  your  Adjusted  Gross  Income 

2-  Ejitcr  DEDUCTIONS  (if  deductions  are  itemized  above,  enter  the  total  of  such  deductions;  if  adjusted  gross  income  (line  1, 
above)  is  $5,000  or  more  and  deductions  are  not  itemized,  enter  the  standard  deduction  of  $500) 

3.  Subtract  line  2  from  line  I.     Enter  the  difference  here.    This  is  your  Net  Income 

4.  Enter  your  Surtax  Exemptions  ($500  (or  each  person  listed  in  item  1,  page  1) 

5.  Subtract  line  4  from  line  3.    Enter  the  difference  here.    This  is  your  Surtax  Net  Income 

6.  Use  the  Surtax  Table  in  instruction  sheet  to  figure  your  Surtax  on  amount  entered  on  line  S.    Enter  the  amount  here 

7.  Copy  the  figure  you  entered  on  line  3,  above,     (If  line  3  includes  partially  tax-exempt  interest,  see  Tax  Computation  Instructions).. 

8.  Enter  your  Normal-Tax  Exemption  ($500  if  return  includes  income  of  only  one  person;  otherwise  see  Tai  Computation  Instructions). 

9.  Subtract  line  8  from  line  7,  and  enter  the  difference  here 

10.  Enter  here  3  percent  o(  line  9.    This  is  your  Normal  Tax 

11.  Add  the  figures  on  lines  6  and  10,  and  enter  the  total  iiere.     (If  alternative  tax  computation  is  made  on  separate  Schedule  D, 
enter  here  tax  from  line  15  of  Schedule  D) _ 


If  you  used  the  $500  standard  deduction  in  ^e  2,  disregard  lines  12, 13,  &  l4,andcop;onlineI5thesi 

12.  Enter  here  any  mcome  tax  payments  to  a  foreign  country  or  U.  S.  possession  (attach  Form  1 1 16)... 

13.  Enter  here  any  income  tax  paid  at  source  on  tax-free  covenant  bond  interest 

14.  Add  the  figures  on  lines  12  and  13  and  enter  the  total  here 

15.  Subtract  line  14  from  line  II.     Enter  tlie  difference  here  and  in  item  6,  page  I.     This  is  your  tax.. 

le  figure  you  enlered  on  tine  11 





















tobacco   and   liquor   and   the   Federal   and 
California  taxes  on  gasoline. 

It  is  important  to  note  that,  because 
of  a  change  in  the  law,  the  automobile 
use  stamp,  and  taxes  on  theatre  tickets, 
club  dues,  safe  deposit  boxes,  telephone 
and  telegraph  messages,  railroad  tickets, 
etc.,  are  no  longer  deductible  except  as  a 
business  or  investment  expense. 

Deductions  are  allowed  for  losses  on 
property  resulting  from  fire,  storm,  theft 
or  accident  which  are  not  covered  by  in- 
surance. The  expenses  of  medical  and 
dental  care  (including  the  premiums  on 
health  and  accident  insurance)  are  deduct- 
ible to  the  extent  that  they  exceed  5  % 
of  adjusted  gross  income.  This  deduction 
is   limited    to    $1,250    for   a   taxpayer  en- 

titled to  one  surtax  exemption  and  $2,500 
for  a  taxpayer  with  more  than  one  sur- 
tax exemption.  Only  expenses  actually 
paid  during  1944  may  be  included  in  the 
computation  and  it  is  immaterial  when 
they  were  incurred.  For  example,  if  a 
dcctor's  fee  is  incurred  in  1943  but  is 
n3t  paid  until  1944,  it  is  allowed  as  a 
1944  deduction.  The  expense  must  have 
been  for  the  taxpayer,  his  spouse  or  de- 
pendents and  the  relationship  may  exist 
either  when  the  expense  was  incurred  or 
when  it  was  paid. 

Standard  Deduction 

Taxpayers  with  incomes  of  more  than 
$5,000  must  file  a  long-form  return  in 
which  case  they  are  entitled  to  an  optional 

standard  deduction  of  $500  in  lieu  of 
contributions,  non-business  taxes,  inter- 
est, losses  through  fire,  theft,  etc.,  medical 
and  dental  expenses,  tools,  special  work 
clothes  and  union  dues.  Taxpayers  with 
incomes  of  less  than  $5,000  derive  the 
benefit  of  the  standard  deduction  only 
by  filing  on  the  short-form  and  using 
the  tax  table. 

As  was  stated  previously,  the  tax  table 
gives  effect  to  deductions  of  approxi- 
mately 10%  of  the  amount  in  the  middle 
of  each  income  bracket.  However,  the 
tax  shown  by  the  table  is  sometimes 
larger  than  the  tax  computed  in  the  reg- 
ular way  and  the  taxpayer  should  make 
his  computation  in  both  ways  before  de- 
ciding on  which  method  to  use.  It  is 
often  found  that  the  extra  time  spent  in 
making  these  calculations  is  well-worth 
the  savings  effected  thereby. 

Ta\  Com  put  at  ion — Long  Form 

After  determining  and  entering  on  page 
1  of  the  return  the  items  of  adjusted  gross 
income  and  recording  the  deductions  on 
page  4,  the  taxpayer  is  ready  to  compute 
the  tax,  the  form  for  which  is  found  at 
the  bottom  of  page  4  of  Form   1040. 

The  adjusted  gross  income,  determined 
as  described  above,  is  entered  as  Item  1. 
From  this  amount  is  subtracted  either  the 
$500  standard  deduction  (if  Item  1  is 
$5,000  or  more)  or  the  total  of  the  item- 
ized deductions.  The  remainder  is  the 
net  income.  The  taxpayer  then  deducts 
$500  for  himself  and  an  additional  $500 
for  his  wife  as  well  as  $500  for  each 
dependent.  Here's  what  the  law  says 
about  dependents.  In  addition  to  the  sur- 
tax exemption  allowed  to  a  taxpayer  for 
liimself  and  his  spouse,  he  is  entitled  to 
a  surtax  exemption  of  $500  for  each  per- 
son ( 1 )  who  is  closely  related  to  him 
by  blood,  marriage  or  adoption;  (2)  who 
receives  more  than  one-half  of  his  sup- 
port from  the  taxpayer  for  the  calendar 
year  in  which  the  taxable  year  of  the 
taxpayer  began;  (3)  who  had  income  of 
less  than  $500  of  his  own  during  the 
year;  and  (4)  are  residents  of  the  United 
States,  Canada  and  Mexico. 

The  age  of  the  dependent  and  his  phys- 
ical or  mental  capacity  to  support  him- 
self are  no  longer  of  any  consequence. 
Furthermore,  it  is  not  required  that  the 
dependent  actually  reside  with  the  tax- 
payer or  that  the  taxpayer  be  under  any 
legal  or  moral  obligation  to  support  such 

The  fact  that  the  dependent  was  not 
in  existence  throughout  the  entire  year 
1944  does  not  affect  the  taxpayer's  right 
to  claim  the  entire  $500  surtax  exemption. 
For   example,   if   a   child   is   born   or   dies 

(Continued  on  next  page) 

Continuing   .   .  . 


(Continued  from  page   13) 

during  the  year  the  full  exemption  may 
be  claimed  and  no  proration  is   required. 

After  deducting  the  surtax  exemptions, 
the  balance  is  the  surtax  net  income  which 
is  taxable  at  20*:;  for  the  first  $2,000, 
22%  for  the  next  $2,000,  l(,'^/c  for  the 
next  $2,000  and  so  forth.  The  taxpayer 
computes  the  surtax  and  enters  it  as 
Item  6.  He  then  enters  the  net  income 
(Item  3)  again  as  Item  7  and  deducts 
his  normal  tax  exemption  (Item  8)  to 
arrive  at  his  normal  tax  net  income 
(Item  9). 

Each  taxpayer  is  entitled  to  a  normal 
tax  exemption  of  $500.  If  husband  and 
wife  file  a  joint  return,  the  normal  tax 
exemption  is  $1,000  provided  the  adjusted 
gross  income  of  each  is  not  less  than  $500. 
As  will  be  explained  later,  the  California 
community  property  laws  operate  to 
divide  the  income  of  husband  and  wife. 
Therefore,  a  man  and  wife  residing  in  Cali- 
fornia should  claim  a  normal  tax  exemp- 
tion of  $500  each. 

After  the  taxpayer  has  determined  his 
normal  tax  net  income,  he  multiplies  it 
by  3  '"'c  to  obtain  the  amount  of  his  normal 
tax  which  is  entered  as  Item  10.  He 
then  adds  the  surtax  (Item  6)  to  the 
normal  tax  (Item  10)  to  find  the  total 
tax  which  is  entered  as  Item  1 1 . 

Community  Property 

Under  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Cali- 
fornia certain  income  when  received  by 
either  the  husband  or  the  wife  becomes 
community  property,  which  means  that 
the  property  belongs  to  both  husband  and 
wife  during  the  continuance  of  the  mar- 
ital relation.  The  wife  has  a  vested  prop- 
erty right  in  the  community  property 
equal  to  that  of  her  husband  and  in  the 
income  of  the  community  including  the 
salaries  or  wages  of  either  husband  or  wife, 
or  both.  The  California  community  prop- 
erty laws  are  recognized  for  Federal  in- 
come tax  purposes  and  a  husband  and 
wife,  living  in  California,  may  each  ren- 
der separate  returns  and  report  one-half 
of  the  income  which,  simultanecusly  with 
its  receipt,  becomes  community  property. 
The  tax  advantage  of  this  method  is  that 
It  reduces  the  percentage  bracket  of  the 
surtax  net  income  and  results  in  the  pay- 
ment of  a  smaller  tax.  For  example, 
assume  that  the  married  taxpayer  with  no 
children  has  an  adjusted  gross  income  of 
$7,000  and  allowable  expenses  of  $8  50. 
His  wife  has  no  separate  income.  If  this 
couple  filed  jointly  or  if  the  husband  filed 
alone  the  tax  would  be  computed  as  fol- 


Adjusted  gross  income  $7,000.00 

Deductions    850.00 

Net  income  $6,150.00 

Exemption   1,000.00 

Surtax  net  income     $5,150.00        41,139.00 

Net  income  $6,150.00 

Exemption       500.00 

Balance    $5,650.00  169.50 

Total  tax  $1,308.50 

If  the  husband  and  wife  theoretically  divided  their  income  and  each  filed  a 
separate  return  the  tax  would  be  calculated  as  follows: 

Separate  Ketjirns  by  Husband  and  Wife 

Husband  Wife 

Return  Tax  Return  Tax 

Adjusted  gross  income  $3,500.00  S3, 500.00 

Deductions     425.00  425.00 

Net  income  $3,075.00  $3,075.00 

Exemption     500.00  500.00 

Surtax  net   income    $2,575.00  S526.50        $2,575.00  $526.50 

Net  income  $3,075.00  $3,075.00 

Exemption    500.00  500.00 

Normal    tax    $2,575.00  77.25        $2,575.00  77.25 

Total  tax  $603.75  S603.75 

The  use  of  separate  returns  produces  a  tax  of  $603.75  for  both  the  husband  and 
wife  or  a  total  of  $1,207.50.  This  results  in  a  tax  saving  of  $101  over  the  first  method. 
However,  the  use  of  separate  returns  is  ineffective  if  the  total  surtax  net  inccme  is 
less  than  $2,000.  (Continued  on  next  page) 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  poge  1  1  ) 

stay    with  .  an    American    machine    in    a 
power  dive. 

Another  bad  feature  was  the  oversized 
ailerons,  designed  to  give  the  Japanese 
planes  high  maneuverability.  At  high 
speeds  these  ailerons  "froze."  The 
machines  also  were  hard  to  control  hori- 
zontally at  high  speeds.  It  required  exer- 
tion to  move  the  controls,  due  to  an  un- 
balanced control  system. 

The  original  Japanese  fighters  were 
weak  on  armament.  They  mounted  .303 
caliber  machine  guns  and  20  mm.  cannon, 
both  of  low  muzzle  velocity.  They  could 
not  possibly  compete  with  their  adversaries 
:n  fire  power,  the  Americans  readily  out- 
ranging them.  This  helped  us  to  overcome 
the  high  speed  and  maneuverability  ad- 
vantage the  enemy  held.  All  the  Amer- 
ican machines  were  equipped  with  heavier 
guns,  at  least  the  .50  caliber  machine  gun, 
and  usually  37  mm.  cannon. 

—  14  — 

In  developing  the  new  fighters,  the 
Japanese  have  reversed  their  trend  of  de- 
sign in  an  effort  to  match  or  exceed  the 
speed,  maneuverability  and  fire  power  of 
American  aircraft  now  operating  against 

Most  of  the  new  enemy  planes  are 
strictly  land  based  craft  unsuitable  for 
carrier  operation,  and  undoubtedly  of  a 
design  that  precludes  conversion  to  sea- 
plane fighters.  This  would  indicate  that 
the  new  craft  will  be  confined  to  the  Jap- 
anese mainland  for  the  decisive  phase  of 
the  war — the  defense  of  Japan  itself. 

In  quality,  the  Japanese  hew  to  a 
standard  in  building  their  aircraft  that 
is  higher  than  generally  supposed.  Their 
research  is  good,  but  it  is  reasonable  to 
assume,  according  to  Popular  Science 
Monthly,  that  it  is  somewhat  inferior  to 
that  of  the  United  States.  Their  mass 
production  techniques  show  great  ingen- 
uity, although  their  factories  aren't  large 
(Continued  on  next  page) 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page  141 

The  use  of  separate  returns  produces 
a  tax  of  $603.75  for  both  the  husband 
and  wife  or  a  total  of  $1,207.50.  This 
results  in  a  tax  saving  of  $101  over  the 
first  method.  However,  the  use  of  sep- 
arate returns  is  ineffective  if  the  total 
surtax  net  income  is  less  than  $2,000. 

Cum  ^f  mat  ion   uf   Minora 

In  view  of  the  large  number  of  minors 
who  have  been  employed  during  the  sum- 
mer in  various  establishments  throughout 
the  city,  you  may  be  interested  in  an- 
other change  in  the  law  regarding  the 
compensation  of  children.  Under  the 
former  law  a  parent  of  a  child  was  gen- 
erally taxable  on  the  child's  earnings  be- 
cause of  the  rule  in  most  states  that  the 
parent  is  entitled  to  the  child's  services 
and  the  earnings  of  the  child  accrue  to 
the  parent. 

Under  the  new  rule,  the  child  is  con- 
sidered to  be  a  separate  taxpayer  and  is 
subject  to  the  usual  filing  requirements, 
entitled  to  a  separate  exemption  for 
normal  and  surtax  purposes  and  also  en- 
titled to  take  as  deductions  any  amounts 
paid  out  by  him  or  the  parent  if  these 
amounts  can  be  attributed  to  the  child's 
earnings  and  otherwise  constitute  allow- 
able deductions.  The  parent  or  guardian 
of  the  child  is  responsible  to  see  that  the 
child's  return  is  filed  and  the  tax  paid. 
If  the  tax  is  not  paid  by  the  child  the 
liability  for  payment  is  placed  on  the  par- 
ent. If  the  child  earned  less  than  $500 
during  the  year  the  parent  can  claim  him 
as  a  surtax  exemption  and  is  not  required 
to  report  the  child's  earnings.  If  the  child 
earned  more  than  $500  during  the  year 
the  parent  cannot  claim  him  as  an  exemp- 
tion and  the  child  is  required  to  file  a 
return  and  pay  the  tax  if  any  be  due. 

Spccnini!   Loiig-tonn   Re/urn 

To  illustrate  the  foregoing  discussion, 
take  the  case  of  James  F.  Inkslinger  whose 
return  is  reproduced  herein.  Mr.  Ink- 
slinger  is  married  and  has  two  children. 
After  making  preliminary  calculations, 
he  found  that  his  actual  deductions  ex- 
ceeded the  10";,;.  allowed  by  the  tax  table 
and  he  could  save  money  by  filing  the 
long-form  instead  of  the  short-form  re- 
turn. Furthermore,  he  would  gain  no  tax 
advantage  by  filing  separate  returns  for 
Mrs.  Inkslinger  and  himself  because  his 
surtax  net  income  (Item  5,  Page  4) 
amounted  to  $1,430.50  which,  of  course, 
is  less  than  the  $2,000  minimum  pre- 
viously explained  under  the  heading  of 
Community  Property.  Accordingly,  he 
prepared  a  joint  return  and  allocated  one- 

half  of  the  community  income  to  his 
wife  because  of  the  additional  $500 
normal  tax  exemption  which  was  also  de- 
scribed in  the  Community  Property  sec- 
tion of  this  article. 

After  entering  his  income  on  page  1 
of  Form  1040  and  his  deductions  on  page 
4,  he  determined  that  his  net  income 
amounted  to  $3,430.50  from  which  he 
subtracted  $2,000  representing  a  $500  per 
capita  surtax  exemption  for  himself,  his 
wife  and  his  two  children.  The  balance 
of  $1,430.50  was  the  surtax  net  income 
on  which  the  surtax  was  20%  or  $286.10. 

He  then  entered  his  net  income  of 
$3,430.50  again  at  Item  7,  Page  4  and 
subtracted  a  normal  tax  exemption  of 
$1,000,  leaving  a  normal  tax  net  income 
of  $2,43  0.50.  Why  was  the  normal  tax 
exemption  $1,000?  Because  it  was  a  joint 
return  and,  because  of  the  community 
property  laws,  the  wife's  income  exceeded 
$500.  Calculating  that  the  normal  tax 
of  i'/o  on  $2,430.50  amounted  to  $72.91, 
Mr.  Inkslinger  added  it  to  his  surtax  of 
$286.10  and  found  that  his  total  tax  for 
the  year  aggregated  $3  59.10.  Tliis  figure 
he  carried  to  Item  6  on  Page  1  of  the 
return.  Examination  of  his  Withholding 
Receipt  disclosed  that  the  Company  had 
withheld  $320  from  his  wages  during  the 
year,  so  he  entered  that  amount  as  Item 

Although  Mr.  Inkslinger  had  filed  a 
declaration  of  estimated  tax  in  April, 
1944,  he  had  correctly  judged  that  the 
withholding  from  his  pay  checks  would 
account  for  at  least  80%  of  his  final  tax 
liability.  Therefore,  he  made  no  payments 
of  estimated  tax  during  the  year  and  had 
nothing  to  enter  as  Item  7(B).  So  he 
merely  deducted  the  amount  withheld, 
$320,  from  the  total  tax  liability  of 
$359.10  and  found  that  he  still  owed  the 
Government  $39.10. 

Thankful  that  it  wasn't  any  more,  Mr. 
Inkslinger  attached  the  original  of  his 
withholding  receipt  to  the  return,  wrote 
out  a  check  for  $39.10  to  the  order  of 
the  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue,  put 
the  whole  works  in  an  envelope  and  the 
job  was  done.    Very  simple,  wasn't  it? 


ConHnuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page   14) 

or  numerous  enough  to  match  the  number 
of  machines  rolled  off  the  American  as- 
sembly lines. 

The  Japanese  are  "copy  cats,"  but  they 
also  show  a  flair  for  originality  in  improv- 
ing on  products  they  copy.  Before  the 
war  the  United  States  exerted  the  most 
pronounced  influence  on  Japanese  aircraft 
design.    But  since  Pearl  Harbor  the  Ger- 

—  15  — 

man  influence  has  risen  sharply.  For  in- 
stance, one  of  the  in-line,  liquid  cooled 
engines  mounted  in  Japanese  fighters 
closely  resembles  the  German  Mercedes- 

French  and  Italian  ideas  have  made  lit- 
tle impression  on  the  oriental  engineers, 
possibly  because  they  have  found  Ameri- 
can and  German  aircraft  encompassing 
all  that  they  needed  to  work  upon. 

Naval  aviators  also  have  spotted  recent- 
ly a  night  reconnaissance  fighter  plane 
with  a  maximum  speed  of  3  30  miles  an 
hour,  known  as  the  Irving.  This  battle 
craft  has  armor  plating  for  the  pilot  and 
self-sealing  fuel  tanks. 

So  much  for  fighters. 

Little  is  known  about  the  new  four- 
engine  bomber.  For  years  the  Japanese 
have  tried  to  develop  one  comparable  to 
Our  famed  B-17  or  B-29,  but  the  models 
produced  were  failures  as  bombers  and 
were  converted  into  transports.  Lack  of 
experience  in  engineering  seems  to  have 
been  the  answer.  By  now,  it  is  not  un- 
likely that  the  Japanese  at  last  have  hit 
upon  something  that  may  prove  effective 
for  heavy  raids. 

Medium  bombers  improved  by  the  Jap- 
anese are  light,  fast  and  capable  of  long- 
range  operations.  They  are  readily  con- 
vertible, permitting  varied  types  of  mis- 
sions. The  Betty  22,  for  instance,  can 
carry  two  torpedoes  or  it  can  load  up 
with  a  respectable  poundage  of  high  ex- 
plosive, incendiary  or  demolition  bombs. 
Noticeably  lacking  are  powered  turrets. 
The  Japanese  have  been  tardy  in  adopt- 
ing this  potent  instrument  of  defense. 
The  average  enemy  medium  bomber  has 
a  climbing  rate  of  about  1200  feet  a  min- 
ute at  sea  level  and  generally  is  powered 
by  engines  developing  around  1,800  horse- 

Because  of  their  lightness,  these  raiders 
have  top  speeds  of  3  30  miles  an  hour  or 

In  another  respect  the  Japanese  have 
stepped  out  in  front.  One  of  their  long 
range  reconnaissance  type  planes  employs 
a  2,000  horsepower  engine.  That  is  only 
200  less  horsepower,  at  the  moment,  than 
the  highest  the  Americans  now  use  opera- 
tionally in  any  single  engine  craft. 

These  new  type  planes  undoubtedly  will 
offer  effective  resistance  if  they  are  uti- 
lized in  great  force.  What,  asks  the  man 
in  the  street,  is  the  United  States  doing 
to  meet  and  vanquish  them? 

Just  this.  The  Navy  is  developing  new 
type  fighting  planes  which  are  certain  to 
surpass  the  enemy  craft  in  performance. 
It  should  not  be  long  before  these  new 
American  machines  get  into  the  thick  of 
thmgs  to  open  wider  the  invasion  path  to 

1   r 




Don't  toss  out-of- 
season  hats  into  the 
M^aste  basket.  With 
conditions  as  they  are, 
give  a  thought  to  re- 
modeling possibilities.  Pack 
your  turbans  ( several  to  a 
box)  with  tissue  paper.  They 
Tvill  keep  their  shape  better. 
And  stra^v  hats  can  be  dam- 
aged easily,  so  place  them 
flat  down  on  the  brim  side  — 
one  to  a  box,  the  crow^ns 
stuffed  w^ith  tissue.  When 
putting  that  Sunday  bonnet 
on  the  shelf  for  the  w^ork- 
day  w^eek,  don*t  forget  to 
remove  veils  or  fragile  trim- 
mings .  .  .  they  add  sparkle. 
Have  trouble  w^ith  shiny 
coat  collars?  Dull  them  back 
to  a  normal  state  by  spong- 
ing with  a  cloth  wrung  out 
of  hot  vinegar,  and  press  the 
collar  on  the  wrong  side 
w^hile  still  damp. 

Restore  your  velvet  gown 
to  a  lovely  new^ness  by  brush- 
ing it  w^sll  to  remove  dust 
and  lint,  then  steam  it  on 
the  wrong  side  and  hang  it 
up  to  dry.  Oh  yes,  to  steam 
a  velvet  coat,  hang  it  over 
a  big  kettle  of  boiling  water 
and  let  it  catch  the  vapor. 
Then  brush  the  coat  with  a 
piece  of  velvet  till  the  nap 
perks  up  again.  Put  each  of 
the  sleeves  over  the  nose  of 
the  teakettle  and  let  the 
steam  penetrate  every  part 

Those  old  net  curtains  are  still 
worth  a  try.  They  can  become  excel- 
lent dish  cloths  with  just  a  little  ef- 
fort on  your  part.  Cut  six  layers  of 
the  netted  material,  in  15 -inch 
squares,  and  stitch  together  with  a 
sew^ing  machine,  using  the  quilting 
attachment.  Also  salt  bags  make  good 
dish  and  utility  cloths.  Cut  them  to 
size,  hem  and  launder. 


Cy  QmininQ 




Stop!  Don't  throrv  junior's  galoshes 
in  the  trash.  Rubber  is  precious.  You 
can  cut  those  outgrown  rubbers  to 
size.  Simply  cut  out  the  heel,  leav- 
ing a  wide  strip  at  the  top  back  of 
the  heel  to  hold  the  rubbers  in  place 
and  the  rubbers  will  then  stretch 
over  the  shoes,  serving  as  toe  rubbers 
for  quite  a  zvhile  longer. 


Good  habits  are  so  easy  to  get  into. 
After  you  wash  your  hands,  taking  care 
to  rinse  all  soap  and  drying  them  thor- 
oughly, always  apply  some  hand  lotion 
or  cream.  (A  cream  or  lotion  containing 
lanolin  does  wonders!)  Why  not  carry  a 
small  bottle  of  lotion  with  you?  You  can 
always  refill  it  at  home  when  it  gets  low. 


Here's  a  little  tip  that  your  grand- 
mother probably  used:  A  few  nights  each 
iveek  massage  your  hands  with  a  cream 
that  has  a  good  oil  base — olive  oil  can 
also  be  used.  Whde  you're  at  it,  apply 
some  cuticle  oil  around  your  nails.  Then 
don  a  pair  of  cotton  gloves  before  hopping 
into  bed.  While  you're  getting  your 
beauty  sleep,  your  hands  iiill  be  getting 
their  beauty  treatment  to  defend  them 
against  grime,  chapping,  and  abuse  that 
they  will  probably  get  in  the  following 

—  16  — 


While  -we're  on  the  subject  of 
hands,  w^hy  not  consider  your  nails? 
A  coat  of  white  iodine  before  putting 
on  your  nail  polish  gives  them  the 
needed  strength  they  require  these 

If  it's  glamour  mitts  you  desire, 
give  your  hands  a  treat  by  trying  out 
some  of  these  ideas. 

You  have  lots  to  do  now,  so  sharpen 
up  those  scissors.  And  by  the  -way, 
you  can  keep  those  shears  keen-edged 
merely  by  cutting  a  piece  of  sand- 
paper once  or  twice. 


Had  you  thought  of  giving  last  year's 
dress  a  "pick-me-up"  over-do  so  it  will 
make  a  graceful  1945  debut?  A  few 
simple  adjustments  may  do  the  trick.  Per- 
haps lengthening  or  shortening,  eliminat- 
ing bagginess  at  the  back,  taking  in  at 
the  waist,  stitching  in  a  new  lining,  or 
adding  a  collar  and  belt  combination  of 
a  contrasting  fabric  may  solve  the  prob- 

And  for  your  date-dress  you  think  is 
dated.  Cut  those  long  sleeves  out  and 
use  extra  material  for  short,  draped 
shoulder  sleeves  and  add  a  bright  pair  of 
long  gloves.  Make  those  gloves  a  point 
of  interest,  not  a  detail.  If  they  are  a 
ccntnisting  color  or  even  a  shade  off  from 
your    costume    they    can    be   the   surprise 

J  !. 

and  emphasis  of  your  entire  ensemble. 
Remember,  not  more  than  two  colors  — 
just  the  solid  black  or  any  plain  colored 
date  dress  with  the  bright  gloves  and  per- 
haps a  new  hair-do  for  the  perfect  eve- 
ning. The  addition  of  a  pair  of  earrings, 
IF  they  are  a  match  for  your  gloves,  are 

An  old  table  oilcloth  can  also  be  viade 
info  "duration  doilies."  Use  pinking  scis- 
sors to  cut  out  a  vimiber  of  place  mats, 
or  trim  off  the  worn  edges  to  make  a 
smaller  cloth  for  another  table.  They 
even  can  be  cut  for  baby  bibs. 

The  monotonous  old  black,  brown  or 
any  plain  colored  dress  can  often  become 
the  glamor  gown  of  your  wardrobe.  Add 
a  new  panel.  This  doesn't  even  put  you 
to  the  trouble  of  remaking  the  dress,  since 
the  panel  can  usually  be  tacked  on.  A 
gay  checked  fabric  may  be  just  what 
you'd  like. 

There  is  a  fine  substitute  for  those 
impossible-to-find  rubber  kitchen  aprons. 
A  water-resistant  apron  can  easily  be 
made  with  table  oilcloth.  Bind  the  oil- 
cloth, after  it's  cut  to  pattern  and  size, 
with  tape  and  then  wax  it.  The  waxing 
will  keep  it  neat  and  clean. 


Are  you  taking  care  of  those  household 
appliances?  Try  these  do's  and  don'ts  to 
keep  your  refrigerator,  electric  toaster  and 
kitchen  range  working  smoothly  and  eco- 
nomically. Remember  they  have  to  serve 
for  the  duration. 


1.  Store  meat  in  coldest  part  of  refrig- 

2.  Store  uncooked  meat  uncovered  or 
loosely   covered. 

3.  Store  cooked  meat  covered. 

4.  Store  cured  meat  in  cool,  dark,  dry 

5.  Don't  let  bacon  stand  at  room  tem- 

6.  Utilize  every  bit  of  left-over  meat. 


1.  Always  use  a   low  temperature. 

2.  Cook  tender  cuts  by  dry  heat. 
Roasting   (300°-350°  F.  oven) 
Broiling:  Use  moderate  temperature. 
Panbroiling:  Use  moderate  tempera- 

3.  Cook  less-tender  cuts  by  moist  heat. 
Braising:  Simmer,  do  not  boil. 
Cooking  in  water:  Simmer,  do  not 


4.  Do  not  overcook. 


1.  Dressings. 

2.  Stuffings. 

3.  Stews. 

4.  Meat  loaves  and  patties. 

5.  Croquettes  and  fritters. 

6.  Salads. 

7.  Sauces  and  gravies. 

Cereals,  cereal  products,  bread,  dumplings, 
macaroni,  noodles  and  spaghetti,  fruits, 


2  pounds  ground  beef 
1  chopped  green  pepper 
1  chopped  onion 
1  tablespoon  salt 
1  tablespoon  "Worcester- 
shire sauce 
Yi  teaspoon  sage 

1  cup  dry  bread  crumbs 
Yz  cup  water 

1  egg 
Bread  Dressing   (see 
recipe  below) 


Combine  all  ingredients  and  mix  well. 

Make  a  layer  of  one-half  the  meat  mix- 
ture in  a  deep  9-inch  pan. 

Cover  with  dressing. 

Press  remaining  meat  mixture  over 

Bake  in  a  moderate  oven  (3  50°  F)  for 
1  hour. 

—  17  — 


Don't  slam  the  doors  —  slamming 
loosens  joints  and  operating  parts, 
hastens  the  need  for  paying  fees  to 
the  service  man.  Don't  yank  out  the 
ice  cube  trays.  Treat  them  gently  to 
avoid  injuring  the  delicate  mechan- 
isms. Cover  everything  in  the  re- 
frigerator except  raw  meats  and  eggs 
to  assure  food  freshness.  Don't  pack 
the  shelves  too  tightly  —  perfect  re- 
frigeration depends  on  circulation  of 
air  inside  the  compartment.  Alxvays 
wipe  up  spilled  food  immediately. 
Keep  the  refrigerator  clean  by  -wash- 
ing the  shelves  and  interior  tveekly. 
Defrost  automatic  refrigerators  about 
every  ten  days  or  as  soon  as  frost 
on  the  unit  is  '/4  inch  thick.  A  good 
cleaner  is  cold  water  in  -which  a  little 
baking  soda  has  been  dissolved. 


Don't  let  crumbs  collect,  or  a  short 
circuit  may  result.  Use  a  soft  brush 
to  remove  them,  never  thump  the 
toaster  or  shake  it  violently  —  you'll 
damage  the  fine  vs'ires.  And  never  im- 
merse a  toaster  in  -water.  Just  sponge 
the  outside  with  a  soft  cloth  vv^rung 
out  of  soapsuds  and  rinse  the  same 
vi'ay  with  fresh  -wa-ter,  then  polish  it 

Kitchen  Range:  ' 

Keep  that  range  like  new.  Don't  let 
acid  foods  such  as  lemons,  tomatoes  and 
vinegars  touch  the  enamel  unless  you 
know  the  enamel  is  acid  resistant.  Remove 
spilled  food  at  once.  After  using  the  oven, 
let  it  cool,  then  clean  with  a  mild  scour- 
ing powder  if  food  has  spattered.  Remove 
burners  from  not-so-modern  gas  stoves 
occasionally  and  wash  them  in  hot  soap 
suds,  rinse,  drain  and  dry.  Never  wash 
enameled  surfaces  while  they  are  hot,  or 
"crazing"  and  cracking  will  result. 


New  tow^els  for  old!  Take  a  few 
minutes  and  dunk  those  drab,  faded 
bathroom  tow^els  in  a  new^  color  dye. 
You  might  try  dyeing  them  to  match 
your  bathroom  curtains,  but  be  sure 
the  dye  is  a  fast-color  variety. 

N        PRODUCT/ON         ENG/NEER/NG        DEVEtOPMENT        NO.       28-30.  J8 

Faster,  Lighter  Aircraft,  Greater  Pay  Loads 

through  New  Techniques  in  Processing 

Aluminum  Alloys... 

How  to  develop  airplanes  capable  of  carrying  greater  pay  loads 
at  higher  speeds  by  reducing  structural  weight  ?  That's  the  aer- 
onautical engineer's  basic  problem. 

To  accomplish  this  end  could  a  metal  be  found  which  had  the 
lightness  of  Aluminum  and  the  strength  of  steel?  Yes,  Alu- 
minum alloys  could  be  post-aged  to  give  them  this  much  desired 
strength.  But,  the  process  so  reduced  the  corrosion  resistance  of 
the  metal  that  full  advantage  could  not  be  taken  of  this  devel- 

Ryan  metallurgists  tackled  the  problem  and  came  up  with  a 
procedure  which  yields  a  light  corrosion-resistant  alloy  with  the 
strength  of  low  carbon  steel. 

Ryan  engineers  have  been  first  to  make  full  use  of  this  weight- 
saving  development  in  the  design  and  construction  of  aircraft. 
This  advantage,  which  adds  to  the  deadliness  of  American  war- 
planes,  will  be  equally  valuable  to  the  peacetime  planes  of  the 

THE  PROBLEM:  How  to  rake  advantage  of  the  extra  strength 
imparted  [o  Alclad  24-S  by  the  post-aging  process.  The 
strength  of  this  metal,  composed  of  an  Aluminum  alloy  cov- 
ered with  a  thin  deposit  of  pure  Aluminum,  may  be  increased 
by  post-aging.  However,  this  has  always  been  accompanied 
by  a  loss  in  corrosion  resistance  which  prevented  aeronautical 
engineers  from  completely  utilizing  this  advantage.  The  aging 
reduced  the  galvanic  potential  between  the  alloy  and  the  clad 
Aluminum  and  removed  the  electrolytic  protection  it  afforded. 

THE  SOLUTION:  Ryan  research  found  a  way  to  obtain  the 
strength  increase  and  maintain  high  corrosion  resistance:  The 
Alclad  is  placed  in  an  oven  and  held  to  a  temperature  of 
hb'S°  F.  for  ten  hours.  This  induces  a  copper  precipitation 
and  raises  the  tensile  strength  at  least  20*vt.  Then  the  corro- 
sion resistance  is  restored  by  anodizing  a  thin  layer  of  oxide 
on  the  surface  and  spraying  it  with  a  zinc  chromate  primer. 

THE  ADVANTAGES:  By  ordering  specified  stock,  post-aging 
at  circ-fully  controlled  temperatures  and  anodizing  and  prim- 
ing. Ryan  has  created  new  possibilities  for  Aluminum  alloys. 
The  entire  aircraft  industry  may  now  have  the  benelit  which 
this  metal,  with  Aluminum's  lightness  and  steel's  strength, 
gives  to  every  designer  and  builder  of  airplanes- 

RELY     ON    RYAN 


DESIGNERS        AND         BUILDERS        OF 

Ryan    Aeronautical    Company,    San    Diego  —  Member,    Aircraft    War    Production    Council,    Inc- 
NAVY       FIGHTING       PLANES       AND       :XHAUST       MANIFOLD       SYSTEMS 









',--*.  , 





Jff^^^^  A 




a  Off  ten  is 

Vol.  9 

No.  3 

Notes  For  An  Interview    (with 

C.  E.  Fonda)    1 

How  a  new  execufii'e  im- 
pressed our  staff.  Strictly  off 
the  record! 

Once  Upon  A  Time 2 

Can  six  girls  live  together  and 
not  indidge  in  hair-piillings? 

Life  On  An  Aircraft  Carrier  4 

The  daily  routine  of  the  boys 
on  our  Napy's  flat-tops. 

The  Case  of  The  Missing  Mole- 
cule          6 

Did  you  know  that  Ryan  has 
its  own  private  detectives? 

Ryan  Historical  Parade  8 

First  of  a  series  of  articles  on 
how  our  organization  grew 

Factless   Fables    10 

Since  the  invention   of   the 
Eograph,    Engineering's    per- 
sonnel troubles  may  be  over. 

Are  You  In  The  Know?  11 

A  Ryan  quiz  that  may  drive 
you  to  -madness. 

Feminine   Furbelows   by  Fran        16 
A  new  set  of  exercises  to  relax 
those  tired  -muscles. 


Published  every  month  for 

employees  Und  friends  of 


Through  the 

Public  Relations  Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of 

William  Wagner  and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor   Frances  Statler 

Staff  Photographers: 

Tommy  Hixson,  Frank  Martin, 
Rex  Benedict,  Dick  Norton 

Harold  W.  Hasenbeck,  Supervisor  of  the  En- 
gineering Laboratory,  doubles  as  a  scientific  Sher- 
lock Holmes  in  "The  Case  of  the  Missing  Molecule" 
featured  in  this  issue.  Under  Hasenbeck's  able, 
efficient  direction,  the  Ryan  Laboratory  has  dis- 
tinguished itself  in  the  field  of  apphed  science. 
Hasenbeck  joined  Ryan  in  1942,  and  in  August, 
1944,  moved  into  his  present  job. 
It's  probably  a  good  thing  that  William  P.  (Bill  to  you)  Brotherton, 
who  tells  Hasenbeck's  story,  is  a  big  fellow  (6  feet  2^2  inches,  to  be 
exact)  or  there  might  have  been  no  story.  He  personally  shoved,  hauled, 
groaned  and  perspired  in  moving  the  devices  you  see  illustrated  in  "The 
Case  of  the  Missing  Molecule"  from  one  end  of  the  Lab  to  the  other 
so  that  we  might  get  the  most  dramatic  photographs  possible.  It's  a 
good  thing,  too,  that  he's  not  strictly  the  furniture-mover  type.  He 
majored  in  physics  and  chemistry  in  college,  and  does  an  excellent  job 
of  translating  the  laboratory  technicians  somewhat  difficult  language 
into  a  readable,  entertaining  story. 

You  may  have  noticed  Flying  Reporter  getting  thinner  and  thinner, 
right  along  with  its  worried  editor.  It's  all  because  of  the  slickpaper 
shortage.  And  unless  something  happens  to  alleviate  this  shortage, 
don't  be  too  surprised  if  the  next  issue  is  printed  on  pulp  paper.  We'd 
hate  this  as  much  as  anyone,  but  it  could  happen. 

You'll  find  a  story  about  six  Ryan  girls  who  live  in  the  same  house. 
You'll  notice  the  simple,  fairy-tale  prose  style  we  decided  upon.  Should 
be  a  simple  thing  to  write  fairy-tales,  you'd  think.  Maybe  it  was  for 
Hans  Christian  Andersen,  but  he  didn't  have  to  worry  about  photo- 
graphs. Here's  what  happened.  We  wanted  to  give  you  as  accurate 
an  account  of  their  working  and  leisure  hours  as  possible.  So,  badmin- 
ton and  other  outdoor  sports  being  their  primary  sports  interests,  we 
had  to  get  a  picture  of  them  in  the  proper  attire  in  the  right  outdoor 
setting.  It  had  rained  off  and  on  all  day,  but  the  pictures  had  to  be 
taken  to  meet  a  deadline,  so  between  showers  we  lined  the  gals  up  on 
their  backyard  badminton  court.  The  trick  was  to  get  an  action-filled 
picture  that  looked  light  enough,  on  a  day  that  alternated  rapidly 
between  sunlight  and  shadow,  between  light  showers  and  heavy  showers. 
We  got  the  pictures,  but  we'll  never  be  the  same  again. 

We  hope  you'll  enjoy  our  new  feature,  "Factless  Fables,"  as  much 
as  we  do.  In  it  this  month,  you'll  meet  Soames  Fiddleford,  as  poorly- 
integrated  a  personality  as  has  ever  appeared  in  modern  fiction.  He 
finally  solves  his  personal  difficulties,  and  while  his  solution  will  cer- 
tainly be  of  no  practical  benefit  to  you,  it  will  provide  a  few  minutes 
of  hilarious  reading. 

mES  FOR  M  Mmmw 



Editor's  Explanation — Once  in  a  while,  after  we  send  one  of  our  writers  out  on  a 

tough  assignment,  he  writes  up  his  preliminary  notes  and  passes  them  around  the 

office  for  suggestion  and  comment  before  he  writes  the  final  article.    That's  what 

staff  writer  Jimmy  Cox  did,  on  his  assignment  to  write  a  sketch  of  C.   E.   Fonda, 

Ryan's  new  director  of  the  manufacturing  division. 

Afterward  somebody  said,   "Let's  be  different  this  month.   Let's  just  publish   the 

notes  instead  of  the  article!"    Somebody  else  said,  "Why  not?"    So  we  did. 

The   initials  on   the   marginal   comments   belong   to   the   following   staff   members: 

Keith  Monroe,  publications  director;  Frances  L.  Statler,  editor  of  Flying  Reporter; 

and  staff  writers  H.  H.  Steely    (editor  of  our  running  mate.  Aerolite  and  combat 

editor  for  the  company),  and  Natalie  Knight. 

rd  guy  to  interview.   Not  much  of  ^'^^"'^^^^^^p' 
talker  about  himself.  Finds  people'JW^ii^  '^^^'^  Jai 
at  Ryan  very  willing.  J^aaO*^       ^ 





Graying  hair.   Bulldog  ,iaw.  Wears 
glasses.   Tall.     y^jvo  »t^  ?   UK 

Here's  a  possible  opening: 

.  If  you  read  the  comic  pages,  you'll 
aember  the  "Bull  of  the  Woods"  — 
the  usually  harried,  high-tension, 
but  outwardly  reserved  machine  shop 
foreman.   Imagine,  if  you  can,  that 
individual  in  a  neat  blue  business 
suit,  blue  shirt  and  striped  silk 
tie;  tall,  with  graying  hair,  and 
wearing  glasses.  Got  it?  That's 
C.  E.  Fonda,  Ryan's  director  of  the 
Manfacturing  Division. 

The  Bull-of-the-Woods  appellation 
is  his  own.   Smiling,  he  says,  "That 
describes  me  as  well  as  anything." 
It's  particularly  apt,  since  Fonda's 
career  in  aviation  has  been  bound 
up  v;ith  machine  shop  practice  and 
technique,  and  the  development  and 
improvement  of  manufacturing  opera- 
tions of  all  kinds. 

(Continued  on   poge    12) 


^§<rujLvjLfi    8>M  ^^ 

Here's  the  big  white  house  where  the  six  girls  live.  It  is  here  they  sleep,  eat 
breakfast,  ploy  and  get  ready  to  work  at  Ryan. 

All  ready  for  work  now.  Here  are 
five  of  the  six  pretty  girls.  They 
are,  left  to  right,  top  row,  Mrs. 
Anarita  Murtagh,  Mrs.  Virginia 
Watkins  and  Mrs.  Mary  Theresa 

Number  six  of  the  sextet  is  always 
late  to  work  and  every  place  else. 
So  she  wasn't  ready  in  time  for  this 
picture  of  the  other  five.  In  fact 
she  couldn't  even  pose  for  us  on  the 
top  of  the  stairs.  We  had  to  get 
a  picture  of  her  on  the  fly. 

OME  [ipm 


.  .  .  there  were  six  very  pretty  young  girls  living 
in  a  big  white  house  on  a  hill  in  the  sleepy  little 
fishing  village  of  San  Diego. 

Three  of  these  little  girls  were  married.  Three 
of  them  weren't.  Of  the  married  ones  Anarita  Mur- 
tagh was  married  to  Edward,  the  sailor,  who  was 
away  at  sea.  Virginia  Watkins  was  married  to  Milton, 
a  marine,  who  had  just  come  back  from  a  trip  far 
across  the  ocean.  Mary  Theresa  Williamson  was  the 
wife  of  Lloyd,  who  was  also  a  marine.  Lloyd  was 
sick  and  in  the  hospital,  so  Mary  went  to  see  him  often. 

Rosemarie  Haines  and  Grace  Mathis  were  not  mar- 
ried to  sailors  or  marines,  so  they  had  no  one  to  go 
and  see,  but  people  often  came  to  see  them.  The  sixth 
little  girl  of  our  story,  who  was  Jane  Kelly,  wasn't 
married  either,  because  she  had  so  many  suitors  she 
didn't  know  which  to  choose. 

All  these  girls,  blondes  and  brunettes,  tall  and  short, 
worked  in  a  big  place  where  they  built  airplanes. 
The  name  of  this  place  was  Ryan.    Every  day  they 

(Continued  on  Page  20) 

"This  one's  for  me,"  says  Grace,  in  the  foreground,  as  she  reads  a  lett 
from  her  family  in  Fredericks,  Oklahoma.  The  fireplace  mantel  downsta 
where  their  mail  is  kept  is  their  first  stop  when  they  get  home  from  wc 
every  afternoon. 

On  the  left  we  see  Rosemarie's  room,  a  typical  example  of  what  happei 
to  the  rooms  when  the  girls  hurry  off  to  work.  Mrs.  Sophie  Cox,  who  ow 
the  house  and  takes  care  of  the  girls,  doesn't  mind  though.  They're  ■ 
like  one  big   family. 

Next  on  the  schedule  for  the  day  is  a  fast,  friendly  game  of  badminton 
on  their  court.  Here  we  see,  left  to  right,  Virginia,  Jane,  Grace,  Mary 
and  Anarita,  waiting  for  a  slight  March  afternoon  shower  to  subside. 

Week-end  nights  are  big  nights.  Left  to  right,  the  mirror  reflects 
Grace,  Mary  and  Rosemarie  getting  ready  for  their  dinner-theatre 

And  here  are  the  other  three,  Virginia,  Anarita  and,  believe  it  or  not, 
Jane,  downstairs,  ready  and  waiting  to  be  on  their  way. 

(ter  dinner,  the  girls  sit  around  and  read,  write  letters  and  talk. 
>nlght,  they  are  getting  a  look-see  at  Grace,  who  is  showing  them 
!r  new  formal  she  plans  to  wear  for  her  date  tonight. 

ther  evenings  the  girls  play  cards.  Of  course,  they  can  always  take 
me  out  for  a  little  feminine  gossip.  Anarita  seems  to  have  the  atten- 
on  of  all. 

The  evening  was  fun;  now  they  talk  and  laugh  about  it  as  they  wash 
stockings,  brush  their  hair  and  get  ready  for  bed  and  another  day. 
It's  all  a  day  in  the  lives  of  six  American  girls. 

—  3  — 

LIFE  n  M 


New  crew  members  aboard  a  carrier  are  likely  to 
regard  the  flyers  with  a  tinge  of  envy.  Flyers  receive 
extra  pay,  spend  most  of  their  waking  hours  in  a 
cool  ready  room,  and  normally  perform  much  lighter 
routine  duties  than  those  of  the  average  junior  officer. 

As  the  new  man  gains  experience  he  changes  his 
attitude.  He  learns  that  the  flyer's  privileges  are  all 
based  on  solid  good  sense  and  that  an  aviator  in  his 
non-flying  role  shares  alike  with  all  others. 

The  flyer's  ready  room  is  air  conditioned  and  has 
comfortable  reclining  chairs,  because  frequently  he 
must  spend  long  hours  there  clothed  in  full  flying 
gear,  waiting  for  the  order  "Pilots,  man  your  planes" 
— which  may  come  any  second.  On  duty,  the  ready 
room  is  his  essential  waiting  room  and  office;  off  duty, 
it  is  a  moderately  comfortable  club  room  in  which  to 
study,  write  letters,  or  "shoot  the  breeze." 

In  his  living  quarters  the  flyer  gets  no  particular 
concessions.  Combat  carriers  are  overcrowded.  Rooms 
intended  to  hold  two  men  frequently  have  one  or 
two  extra  squeezed  in;  and  bunk  rooms  are  filled  to 
capacity.  Second  and  even  third  sittings  at  the  ward- 
room mess  are  not  uncommon. 

Airmen  accept  the  crowding,  the  hot  sleeping  and 
eating  quarters,  and  the  fact  that  their  seagoing  home 
is  constantly  in  motion  up  and  down.  They  are  prop- 
erly appreciative  of  such  luxuries  as  a  shower  (if  every- 
one is  careful  not  to  use  too  much  water) ,  clean 
bunks,  coffee  at  any  hour,  and  food  of  traditionally 
high  Navy  standard. 

The  flyer  aboard  ship  drinks  hot  or  iced  coffee, 
iced  tea,  water  or  milk — the  latter  from  a  "mechan- 

( Continued  on  page  1  5) 

A  vivid  sketch  that  will  give 
you  the  "feel"  of  carrier  life 

Our  thanks  go  to  the  Editor  of  Flying  magazine  for 
permission  to  reprint  this  informative  article. 



3%  jj^^/ 

■5  >. 


1.  Indicative  of  their 
lack  of  tension.  Navy 
fliers  catch  40  winks 
in  the  ready  room  of 
their  carrier  while 
awaiting  the  word  to 
man  their  planes. 

2.  Sailors  aboard  an 
aircraft  carrier  get  in 
some  early  morning 
brisk  calisthenics. 

3.  Pilots  and  crew- 
men get  together  dur- 
ing a  quiet  moment 
aboard  the  carrier  to 
relax  in  music. 

4.  Mess  attendants 
carry  food  across  the 
flight  deck  to  men  at 
their  battle  stations. 

5.  Waiting  instruc- 
tions in  the  briefing 
room,  pilots  relax  by 
playing  with  the  ship's 

6.  In  varying  stages 
of  attire  ranging  from 
underwear  to  full  uni- 
form, 2500  Navy  en- 
listed men  lie  wrapped 
in  sleep  on  the  hangar 
deck  of  a  monster  U. 
S.  Navy  carrier. 

7.  While  ordnance 
men  work  on  heavy 
bombs  in  the  hangar 
deck,  officers  and  men 
in  the  distant  back- 
ground get  relief  from 
"sea  -  tension"  by 
watching  a  movie. 

8.  Navy  fliers  partici- 
cipate  or  "kibitz"  in  a 
game  of  chess  in  the 
ready  room  of  a  car- 
rier somewhere  in  the 
Pacific  between  com- 
bat action. 

9.  Its  muzzle  staring 
ominously  out  to  sea, 
the  five-inch  gun  acts 
as  a  protective  canopy 
over  crewmen  attend- 
ing Protestant  services 
in  the  gun  gallery  of 
the  carrier. 

10.  Mess  cooks  kneel 
along  the  edge  of  the 
flight  deck  to  serve 
lunch  to  gun  crews  on 

1 1 .  Crewmen  banish 
post-bottle  nervous 
strain  by  taking  a 
swim  in  the  warm  wa- 
ters of  0  lagoon  in  the 
South  Pacific. 

12.  This  lieutenant 
has  no  inhibitions 
about  doing  his  own 

Official  U.  S.  Navy  Photographs 
















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5  — 

Sherlock  Ho'm^s  eyed  Dr.  Wat- 
son with  amusement.  As  usual,  the 
good  doctor  was  baffled.  "Dash  it 
all,"  he  complained  to  the  greatest 
detective  fiction  has  ever  known, 
"it  beats  me  how  you  ever  pegged 
Lord  Swinton  as  your  chap.  I  was 
positive  the  butler  did  it."  In  a 
perfect  frenzy  of  absent-minded- 
ness, Watson  carefully  wrapped  his 
muffler  about  his  head  and  tucked 
his  worn  fedora  in  the  front  of  his 
ulster.  "Elementary,  my  dear  Wat- 
son," murmured  Holmes.  "Sheer  de- 
duction —  the  scientific  method, 
don't  y'know.  Tlie  scar  on  Reggie 
Swinton's  forehead  could  only  have 
been  made  by  a  pecuhar  knife  car- 
ried by  the  fanatical  dervishes  in  the 
Rangoon  uprising.  I  knew  then  that 
Swinton  had  served  with  the  Queen's 
Regiment  in  Burma."  Holmes  was 
solemn  for  a  moment.  "Poor  beg- 
gar," he  said,  "An  utter  rotter,  of 
course,  but  a  likable  one."  He 
shrugged  and  began  to  pack  his  bag. 
tossing  in  his  violin  and  a  change 
of  hypodermic  needles.  And  once 
again  the  peerless  detective  and  his 
ubiquitous  colleague  hurried  from 
their  Baker  Street  study  to  catch 
the  5:20  from  Sussex,  intent  upon 
see'ng  that  some  malefactor  or  other 
got  his  just  lumps. 

Sherlock  Holmes  and  Dr.  Watson 
never  followed  a  clue,  nor  pursued 
a  culprit  with  more  scientific  avid- 
ity than  the  members  of  the  Ryan 
Aeronautical    Company    Laboratory' 

^         "^        -' :By  WHI 

—  6  — 

the  labor g.torJl^ 
I'lmes  to  ^hdme!  ^ 

display  in  their  constant  quest  to 
solve  the  problems  of  modern  in- 
dustry. Take  the  case  of  "The  Miss- 
ing Molecule,"  for  instance. 

One  day,  without  previous  warn- 
ing, word  was  flashed  to  Harold 
Hasenbeck,  director  of  the  Labora- 
tory, that  stainless  steel  manifold 
parts  were  dissolving  in  the  acid  bath 
which  followed  their  heat  treatment. 
This  was  highly  unorthodox,  not  to 
say  disconcerting.  The  acid  was 
supposed  to  remove  only  the  thin 
scale  produced  by  the  heat  treat- 
ment. But  it  was  removing  the 
manifolds  themselves. 

Samples  of  the  metal  were  rushed 
to  the  laboratory,  where  a  few  par- 
ticles of  the  metal  were  placed  be- 
tween the  carbon  electrodes  of  the 
spectrograph.  This  machine  is  one 
of  the  most  useful  scientific  tools 
in  the  Laboratory.  It  works  this 

An  electric  spark  is  generated  be- 
f  tween  the  carbon  electrodes.  This 
heats  the  particle  of  metal  to  a 
temperature  where  it  gives  off  light. 
The  light  is  then  passed  through  a 
slit  (which  limits  its  height  and 
width)  and  directed  to  a  diffrac- 
tion grating.  This  grating  is  a  pol- 
ished concave  surface  upon  which 
are  ruled  48,000  lines  within  two 
inches.  (Try  that  sometime  if  you 
'think  your  nerves  are  steady.)  The 
grating  reflects  the  light  to  a  special 
strip  of  film.  But  as  it  does,  it  breaks 

(Continued   on   page    18) 








IaJ    lS:^ 

—  7  — 

The  adventurous  and  hectic 
early  days  of  the  company 
are  to  be  retold  In  a  series  of 
articles  of  which  this  Is  the  first 

%  Mmum 

By  H.  H.  Steely 

In  an  unpretentious  ofiSce  a  gray-haired  but  boyish-looking  man  sits 
at  a  desk.  Through  the  open  window  he  can  hear  noise  —  noise  that 
has  a  meaning. 

He  can  hear  steel  girders  being  hoisted  overhead,  clanking  an  anvil 
chorus  of  construction.  Just  outside  his  office,  buildings  are  going  up, 
and  fast. 

He  can  hear  riveters  beating  out  a  staccato  that  becomes  a  crescendo 
crying  "hurry,  hurry."  He  can  hear  the  pounding  of  nails  on  echoing 
boards,  the  chugging  of  steam  shovels  scooping  up  great  mouthfuls 
of  earth. 

Through  the  din  of  construction  he  thinks  he  can  hear,  too,  the 
clinking  of  light  metal,  .the  fainter  drumbeat  of  more  riveting,  the 
hum  of  electric  cranes,  the  sharp  crump  of  a  drop  hammer.  They  come 
from  ugly  but  imposing  buildings  in  the  distance. 

It's  like  a  dream  too  big  to  be  true  as  T.  Claude  Ryan,  president  of 
the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company,  shakes  his  head  and  silently  reflects. 
Twenty-three  years  ago  he  foresaw  something  akin  to  that  going  on 
at  the  Ryan  plant  today.  But  he  didn't  envision  it  on  such  a  vast  scale. 
He's  too  steady  to  exaggerate. 

(Continued  on  page   13) 

—  8  — 

Left  to  right: 

191  I — Claude  Ryan,  left,  awaiting 
arrival  of  Cal  P.  Rodgers, 
cross-country  flier,  near 
Parsons,  Kansas. 

1917 — Al  Wilson,  Ryan's  instruc- 
tor at  commercial  school  in 
Venice,  California,  in  a 
Curtiss  pusher-type  plane. 

1  920 — Ryan  as  a  cadet  at  March 
Field  standing  beside  a 

1921 — At  Orleans  Field,  Claude 
Ryan  on  propeller  of  Lib- 
erty D-H. 

1921 — This  Liberty-powered  D-H 
plane  served  Claude  Ryan 
faithfully  during  his  service 
as  a  forest  fire  patrol  pilot 
at  Corning,  California. 

1921 — D-Hs  in  "company  front" 
at  Mather  Field. 

1922 — The  Jenny  at  the  foot  of 
Broadway  in  San  Diego. 

—  9  — 

Factless  Fables 


(The  result  of  reading  several  issues  of  an  astonishing 
science  story  magazine.) 

Soames  Fiddleford,  a  talented  young  genius  with  a  knack 
for  performing  mentally  the  operations  of  the  integral  cal- 
culus, has  just  returned  from  an  8J-year  journey  in  his  sub- 
atomically  powered  space-ship  (in  the  pulp  science  story  it 
is  considered  a  mark  of  low  social  caste  not  to  have  at  least 
two  space-ships  in  your  garage).  During  his  absence  some 
prankish  children  have  surrounded  his  home  with  a  bio- 
magnetic  field,  and  as  he  opens  the  gate  to  the  front  yard, 
he  is  knocked  down  and  breaks  a  leg.  But  he  reaches  into 
the  pocket  of  his  space-suit,  unscrews  an  object  which  looks 
like  a  fountain  pen,  and  flashes  upon  the  broken  leg  a  beam 
of  vital  bio-rays.  Instantly  the  leg  is  healed,  and  he  rises 
and  goes  into  his  house. 

Of  course,  in  the  8  5  years  of  his  absence  all  his  friends 
and  relatives  have  died,  but  this  presents  no  particular  prob- 
lem to  our  hero.  Turning  a  dial  on  his  time-neutralizer, 
he  transports  himself  back  to  the  year  before  his  departure 
from  the  planet,  and  he  is  soon  back  in  the  old  rut  of 
inventing  atomic  compressors  which  enable  one  to  concen- 
trate an  estate  the  size  of  San  Simeon  into  a  convenient 
lozenge  which  the  space-explorer  will  find  very  useful  on 
barren  asteroids;  of  designing  tri-polar  storage  cells  which 
generate  current  that  not  only  flows  from  negative  to  posi- 
tive, but  also  from  negative  to  negative,  and  from  positive 
to  positive,  thus  opening  up  untold  possibilities  in  the  way 
of  death-rays  and  brain-waves  and  distintegrators. 

His  chef  d'ouevre  is,  however,  the  construction  of  a  giant 
super-integrator  of  unrelated  data,  and  it  is  truly  one  of 
the  greatest  boons  that  world  of  science  has  ever  had  the 
good  luck  to  encounter.  It  is  essentially  a  machine  equipped 
at  the  input  end  with  an  endless  roll  of  scratch  paper  and 
a  photoelectric  cell.  The  idea  is  that  when  you  want  to 
design  a  piece  of  complex  machinery  (a  super  space-ship, 
say),  you  make  a  rough  sketch  on  the  scratch  paper,  and 
jot  down  the  design  data  next  to  the  sketch.  If  a  sketch 
does  not  make  things  clear,  you  point  to  various  portions 
of  the  sketch  and  say  that  it  must  resist  bending  here  and 
torsion  there,  that  it  will  probably  have  to  take  a  load  like 
this  (you  wiggle  your  fingers  back  and  forth)  and  a  load 
like  that  (you  wiggle  them  the  other  way).  The  photo-cell 
scans  your  gestures  and  records  them,  and  the  roll  of  paper 
is  fed  into  the  machine.  First  it  goes  into  the  layout  cham- 
ber, where  it  is  given  its  basic  lines,  and  fourteen  projec- 
tions are  made  of  each  part  of  the  machine  together  with 
all  the  attaching  parts. 

Then  the  layout  roll  is  fed  into  a  detailing  chamber,  where 
accurate  and  fully  dimensioned  parts  are  instantly  drawn 
by  a  proto-neutron  beam  pantograph.  These  details  are 
then  fed  into  the  processing  chamber,  where  a  continuous 
thick  sheet  of  blue-coated  hydrogite    (a  new  alloy  of  the 

same  weight  as  hydrogen  but  with  the  physical  properties 
of  the  toughest  steels)  is  subjected  to  the  emanations  from 
the  detail  drawings.  These  emanations  scribe  lines  on  the 
alloy,  and  as  the  sheet  is  fed  into  the  next  chamber,  a 
number  of  beam-planes  of  various  potentials  process  the 
metal  into  final  shape.  As  these  are  cut  from  the  sheet, 
they  fall  into  a  slowly  revolving  jig  where  they  are  mag- 
netically held  in  proper  alignment  with  each  other  until 
the  last  part  is  added,  when  an  instantaneous  flash  of 
gamma-weld  fuses  all  the  parts  together  at  their  points  of 
contact.  The  whole  process,  from  rough  sketch  to  finished 
product,  takes  approximately  five  minutes. 

So  you  see  that  our  hero,  Soames  Fiddleford,  has  some- 
thing on  the  ball.  The  only  catch  is  that  sometimes  cus- 
tomers change  their  minds,  and  it  becomes  necessary  to  make 
changes  in  design  after  the  machine  has  begun  operating 
on  the  sketches.  In  order  to  change  a  part  and  make  the 
changes  in  adjoining  parts  consistent  with  the  first  change, 
he  has  had  to  construct  what  he  calls  an  eograph;  an  attach- 
ment which  can  incorporate  those  changes.  The  first  time 
he  hooked  it  to  his  machine,  there  was  a  blast  which  demol- 
ished everything  for  seventy-five  square  miles  around;  after 
rebuilding  everything  and  trying  the  eograph  again,  the 
machine  seized,  and  it  was  necessary  to  subject  it  to  a  two- 
weeks'  treatment  with  a  lubri-ray  before  it  would  function 
again.  Now  he  was  trying  again,  but  the  new  model  eograph 
was  wheezing  and  groaning  and  humming  and  was  just 
attaining  a  bright  cherry-red  glow. 

Sadly  our  hero  disconnects  the  eograph,  points  his  dis- 
integrator at  it,  and  fouf!  it  ceases  to  exist.  What  to  do? 
he  ponders.  How  to  make  changes?  How  to  make  this 
machine,  with  its  brain  equal  in  mental  energy  to  seventeen 
geniuses  understand  what  changes  have  to  be  made  on  what 
parts  and  at  what  time?  He  tries  again  and  again  in  his 
folly;  again  and  again  he  is  baffled.  The  machine  is  out- 
witting him;  its  photoelectric  eye  leers  at  him  with  a  dull 
blue-green  glow.  Then  slowly  the  truth  begins  to  dawn  on 
him;  human  ingenuity  has  reached  its  limits;  time,  space 
and  energy  have  been  conquered,  but  beyond  these  is  a 
limit,  and  this  is  it. 

Once  more  Soames  Fiddleford  returns  to  his  time-neu- 
tralizer. He  twirls  the  dials  and  pushes  the  switch.  There 
is  an  inaudible  crackling,  and  an  invisible  glow.  These  fade. 
The  year  is  1875,  and  our  hero  is  now  standing  in  a  small 
shop  on  Main  Street.  He  adjusts  the  straw  cuffs  on  his 
wrists  and  smiles  cheerfully.  "A  half  pound  of  liverwurst 
and  a  pound  of  chopped  meat?  Yes  indeed,  Mrs.  Perkins." 
There  is  joy  in  his  heart  as  he  slides  back  the  show-case 
door,  for  our  hero  knows  that  he  is  destined  to  be  happy 
for  another  thirty-five  years  or  so!  For  if  the  customers 
change  their  minds  about  the  liverwurst  or  the  chopped 
meat,  he  can  always  put  it  back  in  the  tray. 

—  10- 

1.  Is  this  mechanical  marvel:  (1)  A 
planing  machine  (2)  A  spar  cap  mill- 
ing machine  (3)  An  automatic  dish- 
washer   (4)    A  rotary  grinder? 

2.  Do  you  know  what  machine  this 
Ryan  employee  is  operating?  Is  it:  (1  ) 
An  automatic  atomic   hydrogen  welder 

(2)  An    acetylene    gas    seam    welder 

(3)  An  automatic  decarburizer  (4)  A 
Wedgewood  gas  range? 

3.  What  ore  these  Ryan  employees 
doing:  (1)  Holding  a  seance  (2) 
Shearing  excess  metal  from  an  assem- 
bly (3)  Forming  a  metal  structure  with 
a  stretch  press  (4)  Spotwelding  o 

4.  You  can  bring  up  your  score  by 
identifying  these  mechanical  devices  as: 
(1)  Gear  finishers  (2)  Punch  presses 
(3)  Income  tax  calculators  (4)  Band 


In  your  travels  around  the  plant, 
how  much  does  your  subconscious  mind 
retain?  Here's  a  quiz  that  will  test  your 
"keeping  your  eyes  peeled"  ability. 
Perhaps  you  work  day  in  and  day  out 
on  your  own  particular  machine  and 
never  give  a  thought  to  the  machine 
across  the  aisle  from  you.  We  tried 
this  quiz  out  in  our  own  office  and 
must  admit  that  we'd  rother  not  pub- 
lish our  scores,  but  confidentially  we 
only  got  7  right.  Maybe  you  can  do 
better.  You'll  find  the  answers  on 
Page  20,  but  don't  peek. 

9-1 1      You're  smart 
-    8      Not  half  bad 

5-   7      Just  under  the  mark 

1-5      Too  bad 

5.  This  employee  is  effortlessly  using 
whot  machine:  (1)  A  drill  press  (2) 
A  countersinker  (3)  A  riveter  (4)  A 

6.  Here  is  a  man  who  is  obviously: 
(1)  Routing  a  template  (2)  Spotweld- 
ing a  longeron  (3)  Drilling  for  oil  (4) 
Riveting  a  spar. 

7.  Is  this  girl  sitting  in  the  cab  of: 
(1)  A  Son  Diego  ferris  wheel  (2)  A 
traveling  crane  (3)  A  hydraulic  hoist 
(4)    A  1929  Ford? 

—  11  — 

8.  A  quick  glance  at  these  interest- 
ing machines  should  tell  you  that  they 
are:  (1)  Hydro  presses  (2)  Lease 
breakers  (3)  Drop  Hammers  (4)  Guil- 

This  mammoth  piece  of  equipment 
will  be  easily  recognized  by  all  Ryan 
employees  as:  (1)  Hydro  press  (2) 
A  multiple  hydraulic  riveter  (3)  A 
forging  machine  (4)  A  Bendix  washing 

10.  You  should  have  no  trouble  with 
this  one.  Are  these  Ryan  employees 
working  with:  (1)  Power  shears  (2) 
Brake  presses  (3)  Manicure  clippers 
(4)    Seam  welders? 




11.  Can  you  recognize  the  machine 
which  is  being  used  here  as:  (1)  A 
boring  mill  (2)  Turret  lathe  (3)  A 
reamer    (4)    A  garbage  disposal? 

Learned  mechanic's  trade  in  Navy  at  North  Island  dur- 
ing War  I.    _^  ,^  ^^^^^  ^,^^^^^^  ^j^-^^^^^  ^^ 

After  war,   went  to  work  for  automobile  agency.     Later~^    ~  ^y~N-^ 
opened  own  agency. 

Has  been  friend  of  V/oodson  since  1930,   when  they  met 
in  Los  Angeles. 

Fonda  got  enthusiastic  about  Woodson' s  invention,   the 
Umiy oJ>GuL       Cycloplane.     Went  to  work  for  him  to  help  build  it.  ^^^,,^.,^<^ 

''^^^'^i'lj-K.  vCycloplane  was  device  to  teach   peoplejfeo   Fly  without  \^^Z^^^^^^^'^ 

liK.  vCycloplane  was  device  to  teach   peoplejfeo   Fly  without 
n e  ouccJ)eAjti  ov   leaving  ground.     Worked  well.    ;'T50)  |5ilots,   after 
^,;,4,w^^,.£v«w    ground  instruction  in  Cycl.,    soloed  on  first  flight     --Cj^  alJl  SiJi  ' 
^Joi-  rvuJjtit  .g    in  real  planes.  ^  ^ 

jK^Ja^J^  Fonda   joined(>Jorthrop^at  El  Segundo.     Later  went  with 
_,.      ri-      ^     I   Bakewell  KanufacturiTigCoT^'lt  ■^^tsl-o  ^  J„„         i  <l_       o       ■   -^ 

^^    At  Bakewell  he  assembled  the  first  tapping  machine.        '^^'^"^'^^ 
Pretty  hot  machine.   Now  used  by  nearly  every  air- 
craft factorj--  and  machine  shop.   Great  value  to  war 

Moved  next  to  Bell  at  Buffalo.  He  installed  first 
few  tapping  machines  and  instructed  how  to  use 
those  that  were  sold  in  the  ^ast,  just  out  of  friend- 
ship for  Bakewell.  ^V^jg^xA     ~\s\\^^   wUxaU  I  OuAiAiHiii  '^    lUAAjMl\;iJU-tl« 

Rose  fast  at  Bell.  Started  as  sort  of  trouble    ^^Ji   *^   ^i,  n  Vf' 
shooter  for  Works  Kgr.   Almost  immediately  put  in  "^"^    ^"0^  .J  KH^ 
Targe  oT^^^^res^  Department.   Two  months  later  v;as      TJU:^  ^^^ct"- — 
^  assistant  superintendent  of  all  Fabrication  and      mmx!^  Jt^^^UAji^aAyio, 

(T)_^vv.|oo'*wi  ^<^'^' ■''°°-'-i'''^*  Promoted  to  general  superintendent  shortly  ,«  •  tA^ryujutlJ 

Oi       4o^  Lu**  Joined  Ryan  through  persuasion  of  Woodson. 

^w-tla.  Wo/citAA^^  Quote  by  Fonda:   "In  a  period  of  rapid  expansion, 

^^^^  '  T^''3*^'^'  ^^'^'''  ^2  Ryan  is  undergoing,  inevitable  that  some 
^     outsiders  be  brought  in.   A  job  develops,  a  man 
is  needed  promptly  for  it,  and  it  ivould  take  too 

long  to  develop  someone  in  the  organization  vjho  is     1     -r  -4   fiD> 
almost,  but  not  quite,  ready  for  that  job.   Someone    UuA.  JA^  '^^ 
knows  a  man  who  can  fill  the  bill  immediately,  and   /^[et^u.-  Mc^  AiS^ 
he  is  hired.  After  all,  the  ratio  of  'outsiders'    /  J,^^    THaJ  io^ ^ 
to  those  promoted  within  the  Rj'-an  organization  is   /  i^^     K"^  ' 
very  small."  However,  Fonda  feels  himself  a  Ryanitsi 
now,  rather  than  an  'outsider.'   Says  he's  enthusia/s-        .  ■  q 
tic  about  Ryan's  prosnects  for  growth  and  development  .^''-'^  "■^^^^■**''-^ 

^f^Tb/jj^Z,   ^i..^  Over-all  impression:   Appears  extremely  capable  from  '-|i-j-->-^i-^-^»^  ^^ 

a^^^  JK^)^i£o--        standpoint  of  both  technical  and  organizational  yi><*^AJuA^        q^ 
-~*'***^  Xi/*»^    ability.   Gives  everything  he  has  to  his  job— drives         ^ 
r^ '^^^"      ■     himself  hard.  Reserved  but  likeable. 

—  12  — 

Continuing  .  .  , 


(Continued  from  page   8) 

These  aren't  the  first  growing  pains 
induced  by  Ryan's  foresight  and  faith  in 
aviation.  He  has  had  them  before,  but 
they  were  a  mere  pinch  on  the  arm  com- 
pared to  the  expansion  under  way  today. 

At  odd  moments  Ryan  Kkes  to  relax 
and  drift  back  into  the  mist  of  the  years 
gone  by.  He  remembers  well  the  slender 
pocketbook  upon  which  he  founded  a 
business  that  now  ranks  among  the  great- 
est in  the  aircraft  industry.  He  remem^ 
bers  well,  too,  days  when  he  even  won- 
dered if  he'd  have  enough  to  eat  and  still 
keep  his  wings  a-fluttering.  It's  no  mis- 
take to  say  fluttering,  because  in  those 
days,  more  than  a  score  of  years  ago, 
planes  were  "crates"  and  flimsy  "kites" 
compared  to  the  staunch,  swift  machines 
Ryan  sees  today  skimming  through  the 
skies,  his  own  machines  up  there  with 
many,  many  others. 

Ryan's  enthusiasm  for  aviation  dates 
back  even  further,  to  the  time  he  was  a 
boy  in  knee  breeches.  He  lived  in  a  modest 
home  in  Parsons,  Kansas,  where  he  was 
born,  and  he  spent  a  great  many  of  his 
leisure  moments  reading  boys'  magazines 
from  cover  to  cover. 

A  big  moment  came  one  day  when  a 
new  issue  of  the  "American  Boy"  con- 
tained an  article  by  a  widely  known  pilot 
on  "How  I  Fly."  Ryan's  eyes  popped  as 
he  read  that  article,  word  by  word.  That 
settled  it.  He  was  going  to  become  an 
aviator  and  make  that  his  career. 

Not  only  did  that  article  decide  for  him 
what  he  would  become,  it  also  implanted 
firmly  in  his  mind  the  type  of  planes  he 
would  fly  and  build — monoplanes.  Boy- 
ishly, he  day-dreamed  of  machines  like  we 
see  today,  years  ahead  of  himself  already. 
The  pilot  who  wrote  that  article  was 
"sold"  on  this  type  craft,  and  so  was 
Ryan.  To  this  day  Ryan  never  has  built 
a  biplane. 

Up  to  this  point  the  boy  who  was  now 
floating  on  air,  hopeful,  never  had  seen 
an  airplane.  There  were  pictures,  and  he 
collected  all  that  he  could  find.  But  at 
long  last  the  thrill  of  a  lifetime  came. 

Cal  P.  Rodgers  was  making  a  coast-to- 
coast  flight  in  a  Wright  biplane,  a  pusher 
with  the  engine  mounted  behind  the  pilot 
and  between  the  wings.  It  was  the  first 
flight  of  its  kind,  and  the  newspapers  em- 
blazoned the  venture  with  big  headlines. 
That  was  in  1911. 

Rodgers  sailed  over  Parsons  at  the  tre- 
mendous speed  of  40  miles  an  hour.  Be- 
neath him  stood  a  boy  gazing  at  the 
machine  with  mouth  open  in  awe.  Ryan 
had  waited  and  waited,  and  he  had  in- 
tended playing  hookey  from  school  if 
necessary  to  see   that  plane. 

From  then  on,  Ryan  could  talk  only 
about  airplanes.  He  nearly  drove  his  par- 
ents crazy  with  his  enthusiasm.  Many  a 
meal,  it  is  said,  was  all  but  spoiled  for 
his  mother  and  father  by  his  incessant 
airplane  chatter.  By  now  he  began  to  won- 
der when  he  too  could  fly.  Since  airplanes 
still  were  a  novelty  and  dangerous  it  was 
only  natural  that  his  folks  tried  in  vain 
to  discourage  the  boy. 

Almost  two  years  later  he  went  to 
Vancouver,  Washington,  to  visit  his 
grandparents,  and  that  didn't  help  his 
father's  and  mother's  case  any.  Near  the 
Vancouver  Army  barracks  was  a  ranch 
from  which  the  famous  flier,  Silas  Chris- 
toferson,  was  operating  an  ancient  bi- 
plane. So  we  find  the  boy  spending  most 
of  his  time  at  the  ranch,  to  the  horror 
of  his  grandmother  and  grandfather.  Ryan 
learned  a  great  deal  talking  to  Christofer- 
son,    who    quickly    recognized    the    boy's 

"Guess  I  got  in  the  habit  of  never  miss- 
ing o  day  when  I  was  working  for  the 
highway  department  in  Kansas,"  soys 
Pearl  Gibbs  of  Manifold  Assembly.  "In 
those  days  when  we  had  a  cold,  we'd 
just  get  in  there  and  pitch  and  work 
it  off."  Pearl  has  been  at  Ryan  2  years 
and  4  months  and  has  yet  to  miss  a  day 
or  ask  for  time  off.  These  old-timers 
really   have   stamina. 

—  13  — 

ambitions  and  did  all  he  could  to  further 
them,  but  he  wouldn't  give  the  lad  a 
ride  without  his  parents'  consent.  Of 
course,  Ryan  couldn't  get  that  consent. 

Some  time  later  the  boy  and  his  par- 
ents moved  to  an  orange  ranch  in  Cali- 
fornia. That  meant  that  the  future  aero- 
nautical leader  was  edging  ever  closer  to 
the  day  when  he  would  take  to  the  air. 
Crammed  with  all  the  aviation  knowledge 
he  could  get  from  stacks  of  books  and 
magazines,  Ryan  made  up  his  mind  he 
would  save  money  to  buy  a  course  in 
flying.  By  now  he  was  in  high  school 
and  college  was  directly  ahead.  During 
the  summer  months  he  pinched  every 
penny  he  earned  while  driving  a  laundry 
route.  Then  came  the  news  that  sent  our 
boys  flying  to  the  colors.    War. 

Ryan  immediately  applied  for  appoint- 
ment as  flying  cadet.  He  passed  all  the 
written  examinations  and  was  found 
physically  fit  for  flying  duty,  but  one 
thing  barred  him — his  age. 

"Sorry,"  said  the  officer  in  charge  of 
the  examining  board.  "We  are  not  taking 
anyone   under   21." 

Ryan  applied  to  the  War  Department 
for  a  waiver  on  his  age.  No  luck.  It  was 
discouraging,  but  rejection  did  nothing 
to  steer  the  youth  away  from  his  ambi- 

By  now  Ryan's  father  had  been  con- 
vinced that  there  might  be  something  to 
this  aviation  game  after  all.  So  when 
the  youth  suggested  that  he  take  a  course 
at  a  civilian  school  in  Venice,  his  father 

Early  in  1917,  Ryan  strode  into  the 
makeshift  school  office  and  enrolled.  He 
was  armed  with  $500.  He  was  told  he 
would  get  400  minutes  of  instruction, 
and  would  then  be  a  qualified  pilot.  He 
signed  on  the  dotted  line  at  once.  Then 
his  jaw  dropped. 

One  look  at  the  airplanes  and  he  was 
convinced  that  he'd  be  lucky  if  they 
lasted  long  enough  to  get  him  into  the 
air.  One  was  a  Wright  pusher  biplane 
with  a  Hall-Scott  motor.  The  other  was 
a  tractor  biplane  of  doubtful  vintage. 
Both  looked  like  they  would  fall  apart. 
Not  only  that,  but  Ryan  learned  that 
the  school  too  was  wobbly,  financially. 
It  was  only  a  question  of  how  long  be- 
fore it  would  fold  its  wings. 

There  were  twelve  students  in  the 
school.  Within  two  days  they  were  a 
downtrodden-looking  lot.  The  tractor 
had  cracked  up  and  the  fledglings  learned 
to  their  disgust  that  the  pusher  couldn't 
fly.  It  was  used  to  teach  the  students 
how  to  taxi. 

They  had  more  wind  taken  out  of  their 
sails  when  they  discovered  that  every 
(Continued  on  Next  Page) 

Is  your  car  like  this? 


Somehow,  we  envy  a  man  like  Mr.  Claude  Hinkle,  of  Inspec- 
tion, who  has  been  carrying  his  wife  and  four  other  passengers 
to  and  from  work  since  August,  1943.  On  those  cold,  dreary 
mornings  when  his  car  radio  refused  to  operate,  was  he  lonesome? 
Not  at  all.  He  had  all  the  company  anyone  could  wish  for.  And 
should  there  ever  have  been  a  morning — and  we  feel  certain  there 
wasn't — when  Mrs.  Hinkle  refused  to  talk  to  him,  he  was  still 
at  no  loss  for  conversation.  Again,  on  those  mornings — and  we 
hope  they  were  few — when  he  didn't  feel  like  talking  at  all,  the 
others  could  presumably  find  diversion  among  themselves,  their 
modulated,  sympathetic  voices  providing  a  pleasant  obbligato  for 
his  melancholia. 

But  we  seem  to  have  lost  the  point  ...  oh,  yes!  Why  not 
take  a  tip  from  Claude  if  you  have  room  in  your  car  for  addi- 
tional riders,  and  give  Mrs.  Madalyn  Toohey  a  call  on  Extension 
5  51?  She'll  find  you  congenial  passengers  going  your  way,  and 
give  you  an  opportunity  to  perform  a  pleasant,  patriotic  service. 

.  .  .  or  like  this? 

Continuing   .    .    . 


(continued  from  preceding  page) 

minute  they  spent  taxiing  was  charged 
as  "flying"  time.  Instruction  was  a  hit 
and  miss  proposition.  The  planes  were 
laid  up  for  repairs  most  of  the  time. 

Adding  insult  to  injury,  the  sole  in- 
structor had  had  a  crackup,  lost  his  nerve 
and  would  fly  the  tractor  (when  it  was 
working)  only  ten  feet  into  the  air,  and 
then  land  again.  A  fat  chance  to  get  up 
there  and  do  things. 

Along  came  Al  Wilson,  later  to  become 
one  of  the  leading  aviators  in  the  coun- 
try. He  stopped  at  the  field  occasionally 
to  see  his  brother.  Herb,  who  had  a  plane 
hangared  there.  Al  had  no  use  for  flying 
until  the  draft  went  into  effect.  He  de- 
cided it  would  be  softer  sitting  in  the 
clouds  than  packing  a  gun  in  the  mud, 
so  he  sped  cff  to  Riverside  and  became 
a  pilot  under  the  tutelage  of  Swede  Meyer- 

Meanwhile,  things  were  going  from  bad 
to  worse  for  Ryan  and  his  fellow  students, 
and  the  school.  Dark  clouds  were  gather- 
ing and  it  looked  as  if  the  whole  busi- 
ness would  collapse  any  day  for  want  of 
funds.  But  Al  Wilson  drifted  back  after 
he  had  made  his  first  solo  flight  at  River- 
side, and  made  a  deal.  He  would  take  over 
the  instruction  if  he  were  allowed  to  keep 
all  the  money  he  could  make  carrying 

Ryan's  funds  were  getting  low  so  he 
went  to  work  as  a  mechanic's  helper  for 
a  company  which  had  built  a  plane  it 
believed  suitable  as  a  trainer  for  the  Arm)'. 
And  the  students  began  cooking  their 
own  meals.  They  lived  at  one  end  of  the 
school  hangar  or  in  a  tent. 

Months  had  now  passed  by.  Ryan  had 
had  little  training.  But  Wilson  got  him 
into  the  air.    It  was  his  first  flight. 

One  day  Wilson  told  Ryan  to  "get  in 
and  taxi  the  ship  across  the  field  fast 
enough  to  get  your  tail  up,  but  don't 
let  it  get  off  the  ground."  Oh,  no?  Ryan 
decided  that  here  was  his  chance. 

Instead  of  keeping  his  throttle  only 
partly  opened,  he  gradually  "gave  her 
the  gun"  and  up  he  and  the  plane  went. 
It  was  a  great  sensation  for  the  fledgling. 
He  was  flying. 

Then  it  happened.  He  hadn't  thought 
abaut  the  landing.  Never  having  made 
one  he  now  realized  he  was  in  a  sweet 

(continued  next  month) 

—  14  — 

Continuing  .  .  . 


(Continued  frcm  pago  ^' 

ical  cow"  which  produces  frcm  powder 
a  drink  surprisingly  akin  to  the  naturni 
product.  A  soft  drink  machine  will  prob- 
ably be  available  in  the  wardroom  and 
there  will  also  be  plenty  of  coffee,  fresh 
fruit  and  candy  for  a  between-meals 
For  beer  or  a  cocktail,  the  flyer  mu:t  wait 
for  a  trip  ashore. 

Boredom  is  one  of  the  carrier  pilot's 
greatest  enemies  while  his  ship  is  at 
anchor  or  on  its  way  to  or  from  a  strike. 
On  his  way  back  from  a  strike,  however, 
he  may  spend  a  good  deal  of  time  recov- 
ering physical  and  nervous  energy  by 

When  conditions  permit,  movies  are 
shown  on  the  hangar  deck  each  night. 
Usually  these  are  quite  ancient  but  mo:t 
of  the  men  will  go  to  see  them  anyw.^y 
—  even  for  the  second  or  third  time,  bo- 
cause  movie  actresses  remind  them  of 
women  at  home.  Shipboard  audiences 
laugh  uproariously  at  the  feeblest  joke 
unless  it  concerns  "hardships"  of  the  civil- 
ian front.  War  pictures,  with  their  phony 
heroes,  are  not  appreciated;  they  are  sel- 
dom shown. 

Practically  all  the  flyers — particularly 
those  who  joined  the  Navy  at  a  time 
when  college  requirements  were  high  — 
spend  a  great  deal  of  time  reading.  The 
quality  of  books  in  the  average  carrier 
or  squadron  library  would  delight  college 
English  professors.  Conversation  is  likely 
as  not  to  deal  with  the  enthusiasms  of  a 
flyer  over  a  new  bock  discovery. 

Writing  letters  takes  up  a  good  deal 
of  your  naval  airman's  time.  He  likes 
mere  than  anything  else  to  get  letters  rnd 
he  hasn't  yet  thought  of  any  way  to  keep 
on  getting  them  without  writing  answers. 
For  days  and  weeks  at  a  time  a  ship  may 
be  where  it  can  neither  dispatch  nor  re- 
ceive mail.  Returning  to  a  mail-receiv- 
ing point  is  therefore  a  great  event,  except 
for  those  who  suffer  the  disappointment 
of  getting  no  mail  or  the  wrong  kind  of 

The  atmosphere  in  the  bunk  room, 
ready  room,  or  wardroom  lounge  is  much 
like  that  of  a  college  men's  dormitory  or 
fraternity  house  —  an  extremely  crowded 
one.  In  the  bunk  room,  where  the  younger 
pilots  live,  arguments  are  frequent,  some- 
times noisy,  but  they  are  almost  always 
good-natured.  They  "ride"  each  other  se- 
verely, much  as  old  friends  do,  but  are 
extremely  considerate  at  times  when 
nerves  are  taut.  Strained  relationships  be- 
tween men  whose  lives  depend  on  each 
other  are  intolerable.    Boys  who  may  be 

proud  of  "not  having  to  take  anything 
from  anybody"  in  civilian  life,  will  smil- 
ingly accept  almost  any  remark  from  a 
fellow  flyer  known  to  be  nervously  on 

Whether  he  was  reared  on  one  of  th: 
coasts  or  a  thousand  miles  from  salt  water, 
your  carrier-based  airman  feels  much  more 
at  home  flying  over  water  than  over  land. 
Normally  he  would  prefer  taking  his 
chance  of  a  forced  landing  in  the  water 
to  crash  landing  on  rough  terrain  ashore. 
Most  Navy  pilots  would  even  rather  bail 
out  near  land,  coming  ashore  in  a  life 
raft  or  life  jacket,  than  take  their  chance 
on  injury  by  coming  down  in  trees  or  on 
rocks.  The  amazingly  high  percentage  of 
Navy  flyers  who  come  out  of  emergency 
landings  with  only  bruises  strengthens 
confidence  in  flying  over  water. 

In  early  stages  of  an  operation  the 
Navy  flyer's  duties  are  normally  not  heavy. 
He  will  do  his  squadron  jobs,  listen  to 
lectures  on  the  coming  operation,  engage 
in  gunnery  or  other  practice,  and  take 
his  turn  at  flying  patrol.  These  tvirns 
come  frequently  on  smaller  combat  car- 
riers, less  frequently  on  large  ones. 

But  the  picture  can  change  quickly.  If 
enemy  planes  threaten,  the  airmen  must 
spend  hours  in  the  ready  room  in  flight 
gear,  and  perhaps  hours  in  the  air.  He  must 
be  ready  to  fly  and  fight  at  any  time.  If 
the  weather  turns  bad  it  may  constitute 
a  greater  hazard  than  the  enemy,  and  the 
strain  of  waiting  for  a  decision  on  whether 
to  fly  is  sometimes  as  great  as  that  of  the 
flight  itself. 

While  the  airman's  actual  time  in  com- 
bat is  small  compared  with  his  total  time 
at  sea,  nervous  strain  tends  to  be  cumu- 
lative. The  long  days  of  routine  in  the 
combat   zone   are  not  days  of  relaxation. 







The  knowledge  that  a  submarine  attack 
or  surprise  air  attack  is  always  possible, 
that  there  are  days  of  fighting  to  come, 
that  there  will  be  inevitable  losses — these 
mental  hazards  build  up.  That  is  why 
the  pilot's  time  in  the  combat  zone  is 
limited — in  the  interest  of  his  future  use 
to  the  Navy. 

While  a  strike  is  in  progress,  miracles 
of  operational  efficiency  are  frequently 
performed.  Under  the  knowledge  that  "th-s 
is  it,"  a  veteran  air  group  will  steady 
down,  and  take  off  and  land  safely 
with  phenomenally  short  intervals  between 
planes.  Accidents  are  likely  to  begin  piling 
up  toward  the  last  of  a  prolonged  opera- 
tion, perhaps  on  the  third  day  of  a  strike 
when  fatigue  is  beginning  to  show  and 
the  time  for  going  aboard  and  starting 
back  to  base  is  near.  If  planes  are  late  in 
returning,  squadron  mates  of  the  men 
still  out  are  likely  to  sweat  it  out  in  the 
gallery  walkways. 

Rescue  facilities  for  a  large-scale  opera- 
tion are  such  that  the  chances  of  a  man 
who  hits  the  sea  are  extremely  good.  The 
fine  work  of  float  planes,  flying  boats, 
surface  vessels  and  submarines  in  rescue 
operations  is  a  great  morale  factor  in 
naval  aviation.  It  has  saved  hundreds  of 
our  best-trained  flyers.  "It's  a  mighty 
good  feeling  to  know  that  even  if  ycvi 
were  shot  down  in  Tokyo  harbor  the  Navy 
would  be  in  to  get  you,"  was  the  comment 
of  one  carrier  pilot. 

Once  a  strike  is  over  and  Air  Intelli- 
gence has  the  results  the  flyers  gather  to 
discuss  the  events  of  the  day.  Your  Navy 
flyer  is  modest  about  his  accomplishments; 
in  most  cases  he  will  err  on  the  side  of 
underestimating.  He  is  eager  to  call  atten- 
tion to  the  accomplishments  of  others  and 
generous  in  his  praise. 

But  he  also  likes  to  talk  about  his  own 
experiences.  In  those  post-combat  sessions, 
hands  and  arms  swing  to  simulate  the 
pull-ups,  rolls  and  other  maneuvers  of 
combat.  Laughing  comes  easily,  tension  is 
off,  and  the  stock  saying  "Why  hell,  man, 
it  was  just  like  the  movies,"  pops  into 
every   man's   story. 

The  Navy  or  Marine  flyer  is  much  like 
any  other  member  of  the  armed  forces. 
He  is  not  likely  to  be  long  cut  of  college 
but  if  he  has  been  in  the  Navy  for  some 
time  he  probably  has  a  wife  and  baby  at 
home.  He  will  show  you  their  pictures  at 
a  moment's  notice — and  then  ask  to  see 
your  family  pictures.  He  would  like  very 
much  to  have  the  war  over  but  he  knows 
that  defeating  the  enemy  may  take  a  long 

(the  end) 

15  — 


Cy  ur  be  lows...  Ly  a/ran 

Cat  stretch  and  shake 
Standing,  take  a 
catlike  stretch  up 
with  the  right  hand 
—  then  with  the 
left  hand.  Breathe 
in,  raising  both  el- 
bows well  forward, 
and  then  drop  for- 
ward, knees  bent, 
and  shake  shoul- 
ders; repeat. 

Maybe  you  think  exercises  are  just  for  people  who 
need  to  reduce,  but  you're  wrong  there. 

The  exercises  illustrated  on  these  two  pages  are  es- 
pecially designed  for  women  who  must  be  on  their  feet 
all  day  long. 

When  the  muscles  in  your  legs  and  back  are  yelling 
bloody  murder,  try  these  exercises  for  prompt  relief. 
They're  guaranteed  to  bring  results  after  a  hard  day's 
work  at  the  plant  and  will  induce  restful  sleep  that 
will  cause  you  to  greet  the  next  day  with  that  glad-to- 
be-alive  attitude. 

Just  in  case  (?)  any  men  chance  to  be  perusing  these 
pages,  the  comely  model  is  Jeane  Breazeale. 

3.  Knees  turn  out 
Feet  together,  hold 
onto  a  chair  at  your 
side  and,  watching 
the  feet,  raise  heels 
and  rotate  ankles  out 
keeping  your  heels 
together;  1 0  times — 
best  done  at  home 
with  shoes  off. 

4.  Abdominal  pumping 
With  the  hands  on 
the  abdomen  take  a 
deep  breath  and  hold 
it  while  you  push  out 
the  abdomen  as  far 
OS  possible  —  then 
push  out  the  chest  as 
for  OS  possible  — 
change  8  times 
smoothly;  repeat  2 

5.  Shoulder  raising 
Stretch  left  elbow  up 
watching  elbow  that 
goes  up — same  with 
right  elbow. 

2.  Waiki 

ing  on 


Walk  in 






arms  swinging; 





6.  Body  pendulum 

Sit  on  front  half  of  chair,  feet  flat. 
Drop  upper  part  of  body  to  left,  swing 
across  in  front,  up  on  the  right.  Then 
drop  to  right,  swing  across  in  front, 
up  on  left — repeat  2  times. 

—  16  — 

7.  Shoulder  twisting 
Finger-tips  on  shoulders — twist  to  the 
left  watching  elbow  that  goes  back — 
same  to  right;  repeat  4  times. 

8.  Head  circling 

Starting  with  the  head  on  the  left  shoulder 
roll  it  back  and  to  the  right  shoulder  like 
a  pendulum  4  times — then  make  a  com- 
plete circle  to  the  left  and  a  complete 
circle  to  right. 

9.  Shoulder  circling 

Circle  elbows  forward  and  around  in  a 

circle;  repeat  4  times. 

V  V  >,. 

10.  Back  straightener 

Clasp  hands  behind  back — pull 
down  and  back,  breathing  in  at 
the  same  time;  repeat  1 0  times. 

—  17 

Continuing   .    .    , 


(continued  from  page  7) 

up  the  beam  into  its  various  wave  lengths, 
much  like  a  prism  behaves.  A  photograph 
(called  a  spectrogram)  is  made  of  this 
light.  The  picture  is  taken  to  a  densitom- 
eter where  it  is  projected  in  magnified 
proportions  upon  a  ground-glass  screen. 
Here  the  wave  length  lines  can  be  clearly 
seen.  By  comparison  with  a  master  spec- 
trum it  is  possible  to  tell  exactly  which 
elements  are  present  in  the  sample  of 
metal  and  in  what  quantity.  Ellen  J. 
Harrington,  who  operates  the  spectro- 
graph says,  "We  can  detect  traces  of  ele- 
ments which  are  as  small  as  1/1000  of 
1  percent,  sometimes  not  detectable  by 
any  other  means." 

The  spectrograph  showed  that  the  sam- 
ples of  manifold  parts  which  were  dis- 
solving did  not  contain  a  small  but  vital 
quantity  of  Columbium  or  Titanium. 
These  elements  render  the  steel  "stabi- 
lized" or  corrosion  resistant.  Here  was  a 
pretty  pickle — there  were  a  great  many 
thousands  of  partially  fabricated  manifold 
parts  in  the  factory  and  somehow  a  quan- 
tity of  unstabilized  steel  had  been  intro- 
duced. How  could  the  deficient  material 
be  located? 

Harold  Hasenbeck,  Wilson  Hubbell, 
Keith  Whitcomb,  Bernard  Floersch,  Don- 
old  Heyser  and  other  experts  in  the  Lab- 
oratory worked  out  a  scheme.  They  found 
that  steel  from  six  mills  was  in  the  plant. 
They  traced  the  unstabilized  steel  to  one 
of  these  mills.  Then  they  picked  up  all 
parts  which  were  being  fabricated  of  steel 
from  that  source.  There  were  5  500  of 
these  parts.  They  were  analyzed  on  the 
spectrograph  at  the  rate  of  over  100  per 
hour.  From  these  tests,  3  89  parts  were 
found  which  were  unstabilized.  A  cross 
check  disclosed  that  this  equaled  19  sheets 
of  steel  or  the  equivalent  of  one  billet. 
This  shipment  had  been  marked  "stabil- 
ized" by  mistake  at  the  mill. 

Anyone  with  a  penchant  for  figuring 
can  estimate  how  much  money  was  saved 
by  the  quick  action  of  the  laboratory. 
The  farsighted  Ryan  investment  in  the 
$7000  spectrograph  was  repaid  many  times 
by  the  weeks  of  costly  production  time 
saved  by  this  one  job. 

Another  time,  there  was  the  problem 
of  the  spotted  skins:  Aluminum  parts  were 
acting  queerly  in  the  anodizing  bath.  They 
were  emerging  with  black  spots  which 
became  sources  of  corrosion.  Samples  were 
sent  to  the  laboratory  and  it  was  quickly 
ascertained  that  these  spots  were  due  to 
tiny  particles  of  iron  imbedded  in  the 
aluminum  as  it  went  through  the  hydro- 

press.  Laboratory  sleuths  placed  oily  strips 
of  aluminum  and  wet  blotters  around  the 
hydropress  and  found  that  small  particles 
of  iron  were  floating  in  the  air.  They 
came  from  an  adjacent  department  where 
steel  tubes  were  machined.  The  factory 
management  rearranged  the  department, 
and  the  case  was  solved. 

These  cases  illustrate  the  unusual  prob- 
lems that  test  the  ingenuity  of  the  Labora- 
tory specialists.  "If  a  weld  seam  frac- 
tures, a  casting  breaks,  a  chemical  bath 
doesn't  perform  or  a  part  corrodes  we 
have  to  find  the  answer,"  says  Hasenbeck. 
"Also,  we  have  to  anticipate  problems  that 
will  arise  and  develop  methods  for  meet- 
ing them.  Our  assignments  are  the  most 
varied  and  fascinating  in  the  plant,"  he 
continued  as  he  scribbled  notes,  answered 
telephones,  flicked  slide-rules  and  sprouted 
gray  hairs. 

Assisting  Hasenbeck  are  three  able 
Chiefs  of  Staff:  Wilson  Hubbell,  Metal- 
lurgical Group;  Bernard  Floersch,  Process 
Group;  Donald  Heyser,  Physical  Test 
Group.  Harold  himself  directs  the  work 
of  the  Electronic  and  Instrumentation 

There  are  many  other  mysterious  scien- 
tific machines  at  the  disposal  of  these 
technicians.  Hubbell  spends  a  good  deal 
of  his  time  peering  into  the  eye-piece  of 
the  Metallograph.  This  is  a  combination 
microscope  and  camera  which  magnifies 
the  surface  of  a  particle  of  metal  so  that 
you  can  see  the  grains.  You  can  take  a 
picture  of  the  grains  showing  the  crystal- 

line structure  of  the  metal  and  just  what 
temper,  corrosion  resistance,  or  impurity 
the  sample  contains.  This  instrument  will 
magnify  up  to  2000  diameters. 

In  the  Process  Group  section,  they  have 
a  new  gadget  called  a  Two-Minute  Car- 
bon Determinator.  It  is  pictured  with 
W.  S.  Wysong,  Research  Laboratory  Ana- 
lyst, on  the  cover.  This  imposing  device 
determines  in  two  minutes  the  quan- 
tity of  carbon  present  in  a  metal  sample. 
(Incidentally,  the  spectrograph  wi'l  not 
show  the  presence  of  carbon.)  A  small 
chunk  of  metal  is  finely  ground,  then 
shoved  into  an  electric  furnace  which 
heats  it  to  about  2400^  F.  At  this  tem- 
perature the  metal  vaporizes  and  any  car- 
bon it  contains  is  combined  with  oxygen 
to  form  carbon  dioxide.  This  gas  is  piped 
to  the  glass  structure  pictured,  and  the 
quantity  of  carbon  which  was  in  the 
metal  sample  can  be  read  directly  from 
a  scale  which  measures  the  volume  of  the 
carbon  dioxide  gas.  This  machine  is  used 
a  great  deal  because  of  the  influential  role 
of  carbon  percentages  in  ductility,  form- 
ability,  corrosion  resistance  and  other  steel 
properties.  It  will  detect  carbon  in  per- 
centages as  low  as  1/10,000  of  1  percent. 

While  we  are  in  the  Process  Section  we 
should  look  at  their  scales,  which  are 
sensitive  enough  to  weigh  a  mosquito's 
eyebrow.  Yes,  they  really  are!  A  mos- 
quito's eyebrow  weighs  about  1/10,000 
of  1  gram — there  are  454  grams  in  a 
pound  —  and  Ryan's  scales  can  measure 
such  weights. 

(continued  on  next  page) 

AROUND     THE     CAMPUS    by  Geor.e  Duncan 

—  18  — 


Most  Ryanites  recognize  the 
by-line  "By  H.  H.  Steely" 
but  they  know  very  little 
about  the  man  behind  the 
name.  His  friends  call  him 
Hob  —  and  he  has  thousands 
of  friends,  because  he's  roamed 
pretty  widely  as  a  flier  and 
a  newspaper  man. 

At  43  Steely  is  a  veteran 
of  both  world  wars.  In  1917 
he  enlisted  in  Canada's  Royal 
Flying  Corps  by  fibbing  about 
his  age.  Put  on  a  waiting  list 
he  got  a  discharge  and  enlisted 
in  the  Coast  Artillery  in  the 
U.  S.  Army,  for  overseas  serv- 
ice as  an  aerial  observer.  He 
became  a  pilot   in    1919. 

Between  wars  Steely  put  in 
almost  a  quarter  of  a  century  as  a  newspaper  man — serving  as  everything  from 
reporter  to  managing  editor  and  on  such  big-time  dailies  as  the  Kansas  City 
Star,  Milwaukee  Journal  and  Daily  Oklahoman. 

When  war  broke  out  again,  Steely  became  a  pilot  instructor  in  the  Royal 
Canadian  Air  Force,  was  knocked  out  by  a  siege  of  pneumonia,  but  recovered 
and  spent  fourteen  months  as  operations  officer  and  teaching  Army  Air  Forces 
cadets  to  fly  at  Mira  Loma  Flight  Academy,  Oxnard. 

Finally  he  went  to  England  to  fly  fighters  in  an  RAF  auxiliary.  The 
Britishers  had  smiled  and  shook  their  heads  at  the  thought  of  a  forty-year- 
old  fighter  pilot,  but  Steely  persuaded  them  to  let  him  give  an  exhibition 
of  his  flying,  which  was  good  enough  that  he  was  accepted.  He  got  a  lot 
more  grey  hairs  in  such  adventures  as  an  observer-passenger  in  a  low-level 
raid  on  gun  towers  along  the  Dutch  coast  in  an  A-20  with  flak  and  tracers 
coming  up  in  solid  sheets;  being  chased  across  the  Channel  by  five  ME- 109s 
in  a  Hurricane  with  no  ammunition;  sitting  through  bombing  attacks  on 
an  airdrome  in  England. 

He  also  was  blown  out  of  bed  during  a  bombing  raid  on  London,  and  once 
was  given  up  for  lost  on  a  flight  mission.  He  had  landed  in  Scotland,  however, 
in  vicious  weather  —  and  he  was  lost. 

In  England  with  Steely  were  his  brother.  Lieutenant  Colonel  O.  B.  Steely, 
a  Marauder  pilot,  who  was  trained  at  the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics  at 
Hemet,  California,  and  a  son,  Captain  H.  H.  Steely,  Jr.,  navigator  aboard 
aB-17.  All  have  been  decorated. 

"What  better  man  than  papa  Steely  could  the  company  pick  for  its  combat 

Continuing  .  .  , 


(continued  from  preceding  page) 

One  of  the  least  known  facts  about 
the  Laboratory  is  that  it  conducts  a  reg- 
ular radio  station,  KGJO,  for  communi- 
cation with  flight  test  airplanes.  Harold 
Hasenbeck  is  in  charge  of  this  important 
phase  of  the  work  as  well  as  the  develop- 
ment of  electronic  flight  test  instrumen- 
tation. In  this  section,  too,  are  main- 
tained the  standards  for  calibrating  all 
electrical  gage  instruments  used  in  pro- 

Donald  Heyser,  in  charge  of  the  Physi- 
cal Test  Group,  directs  the  static,  tensile 
and  dynamic  testing  of  all  structures  such 
as  springs,  fabrics,  castings  and  other 
materials.  One  of  the  interesting  machines 
in  this  department  is  a  huge  tensile  test- 
ing apparatus  which  will  pull  apart  a 
piece  of  metal  that  wild  horses  couldn't 
tear  asunder.  It  exerts  a  force  of  120,000 
pounds.  In  here  you  will  find  a  complete 
machine  shop  for  building  jigs  and  tools 
used  in  holding  test  material. 

No  story  about  the  Laboratory  would 
be  complete  without  mentioning  the  ex- 
cellent work  performed  by  Sally  Lipsey, 
Engineering  Technician,  and  the  capable, 
courteous  girls  who  work  with  her  in 
maintaining  the  statistical  files  of  all  work 
accomplished  in   the  department. 

The  function  of  the  Laboratory  at  Ryan 
is  similar  to  that  of  a  fine  balance  wheel 
in  a  watch.  It  maintains  the  standards 
of  perfection  and  accuracy  which  gov- 
ern all  the  operations  of  the  mechanism. 
All  tests,  whether  for  incoming  material 
or  manufactured  samples,  are  made  in  this 
important  department.  Control  of  all 
processes  such  as  plating,  pickling,  ano- 
dizing and  salt  baths  used  in  manufac- 
turing is  the  responsibility  of  the  Labora- 
tory. In  addition  to  these  duties,  the  re- 
search on  new  ideas  and  techniques  is  car- 
ried on  by  the  men  of  the  Laboratory. 

In  their  scientific  sanctuary,  the  well- 
coordinated  Laboratory  team  of  3  8  tech- 
nical specialists  hunt  out  and  capture  their 
quarry  in  a  manner  much  like  that  pur- 
sued by  the  successful  sleuth,  Sherlock 
Holmes.  Every  resource  of  deductive  acu- 
men and  applied  science  is  available  here 
for  the  solution  of  a  constant  stream  of 
industrial  problems. 


—  19  — 


Whenever  you've  been  in  the  cafeteria  you've  probably 
noticed  the  brisk  Uttle  man  with  the  quick  smile  and  twinkling 
eyes,  who's  always  bustling  here  and  there  to  lend  a  hand  in 
the  serving  lines  wherever  needed. 

His  name  is  Robert  Moffat,  and  he's  right-hand  man  to  chef 
Jean  Bovet  on  the  first  shift,  just  as  Arnold  Witto  is  right-hand 
man  on  the  second  shift.  Little  Mr.  Moffat  is  one  of  the  best- 
liked  men  at  Ryan,  because  he  spends  most  of  his  time  during 
lunch  periods  helping  other  Ryanites.  If  you  emerge  from  the 
end  of  the  serving  line  and  find  that  you've  forgotten  to  get 
a  slice  of  bread  or  a  fork,  Moffat  will  dash  back  and  get  one 
for  you.  If  you  drop  your  purse  or  forget  your  change  or  spill 
your  coffee,  Moffat  will  eagerly  enact  the  role  of  administering 

Being  nice  to  hungry  people  has  been  a  life-long  career  for 
this  little  Scot.  For  years  he  was  a  dining  car  steward  on 
Southern  Pacific  luxury  trains  such  as  the  Lark,  Shasta  Limited 
and  Sunset  Limited.  He  was  steward  of  the  Gaylord  Apart- 
ments in  the  days  when  they  were  the  swankiest  living  quarters 
in  Los  Angeles.  In  1932  he  was  steward  of  all  foreign  kitchens 
at  the  Olympic  Games  village  in  Los  Angeles,  where  separate 
kitchens  were  maintained  for  the  Japanese,  Chinese,  Bulgarians, 
Germans,  Dutch  and  dozens  of  other  visiting  Olympic  teams. 
Moffat  was  born  near  Glasgow  in  Scotland  and  still  retains  his 
Scottish  burr  although  he  left  his  native  heath  forty  years  ago. 

Around  1912  he  was  steward  on  the  Overland  Limited  when 
it  was  held  up  and  two  porters  were  shot.  He'll  never  forget 
the  experience  of  having  a  revolver  in  his  ribs  that  day.  In  fact, 
he  left  the  Overland  after  the  experience  and  became  the  Shasta 
Limited  steward.  On  his  first  trip  with  the  Shasta  it  was  held 
up  by  bandits. 



(Continued  from  page  2) 
got  up  early  in  the  morning — except  Jane, 
who  was  always  late — to  brush  their  teeth, 
comb  their  hair,  put  on  their  dresses,  eat 
their  breakfast,  and  go  to  work  together. 
After  they  had  gone,  kindly  Mrs.  Sophie 
Cox,  who  took  care  of  their  house  and 
looked  after  them,  would  find  their  rooms 
in  a  great  turmoil  and  she  would  tidy 
them  up. 

When  they  got  to  work,  Anarita  went 
to  her  desk  in  Material  Control,  Virginia 
went  to  hers  in  Purchasing,  and  Mary 
Theresa  went  to  Material  Control,  near 
Anarita.  Rosemarie  and  Grace  also 
worked  in  Material  Control,  while  Jane, 
who  was  always  different,  worked  in  Air- 
plane Planning. 

When  their  day's  work  was  done,  they 
all  went  home  together.  There  they  took 
off  their  work  clothes,  put  on  their  play 
clothes  and  hurried  out  so  they  could  play 
badminton  on  the  court  in  the  back  yard 
of  the  big  white  house,  before  the  sun 
went  down.  Sometimes  the  sun  went 
down  before  Jane  got  out  to  play,  because 
she  was  always  late,  but  when  she  did  get 
there  in  time  to  play,  she  usually  won 
the  game.  After  their  play-time  was  over 
the  merry  group  would  change  their 
clothes  again  and  go  to  dinner  at  a  little 
cafe  right   around  the   corner. 

After  dinner  one  of  these  girls'  favor- 
ite pastimes  was  to  gather  in  Mary 
Theresa's  room  by  the  fire  to  play  cards. 
Sometimes,  the  girls  wrote  letters.  Some- 
times, they  read.  Sometimes,  they  went 
to  parties.  When  this  happened,  they  all 
joyously  gathered  'round  to  pick  out  the 
party  dresses  each  would  wear,  help  each 
other  fix  their  hair,  and  borrow  clips  and 
bracelets  and  even  shoes  so  they  would 
look  just  right.  For,  although  each  was 
very  pretty,  they  all  took  great  care  to 
look  just  right. 

The  six  little  girls  love  their  home,  their 
work  and  their  fun  together.  So,  while 
our  story  ends  happily  here,  theirs  will 
go  on  until  this  war  is  over,  when  they 
can  be  together  again  with  their  husbands 
and  their  friends  and  their  families  and 
live  happily  ever  after. 


"ARE  YOU   IN  THE  KNOW"             | 




A  spar  cop  milling  machine. 



An  automatic  atomic  hydro- 
gen welder. 



Spotwelding  a  structure. 



Punch  presses. 



A  countersinker. 



Riveting  a  spar. 



A  traveling  crane. 



Drop   hammers. 



A  hydro  press. 



Brake  presses. 



A  turret  lathe. 



This  poor  homeless  Httle  waif 
is  typical  of  thousands  of  children 
on  other  continents  today.  Thous- 
ands?   Hundreds  of  thousands.  In 
the  countries  over  which  the  tides 
of   war   have   rolled,   families   by 
the  million  are  homeless,  starving, 
Let's  thank  our  lucky  stars  that 
our  American  babies  are  still  safe, 
that  we  all  have  food  to  eat  and 
clothes   to  keep   us  warm.    Let's 
not    be    too   sorry    for    ourselves. 
After  all,  the  hardships  we  have 
to    endure    aren't    so    very    hard, 
compared  to  the  hardships  of  the 
homeless   families  of  Europe  and 
Asia.    Are  they? 



cuts  this  59  minute  job 
--     to  l^t^inutes  and  lowers 
costs4lOO,000  yearly . . . 

.  .  .  Another  Ryan  Step  Toward  Better  Airplanes  at  Lower  Cost 

THE    PROBLEM:    In    welded    slainlest    steel    parts, 
the  conventional  method  for  relieving  the  internal 
stresses  and  removing  the  welding  flux.  Involves: 
Step  1  -  15  Minutes  defluxing  in  acid  tank 
Step  2  —     2   Minutes   sandblasting    per  port 
Step  3-12  Minutes  stress-relieving  in  air  furnace 
Step  4  -  30  Minutes  pickling  in  acid  bath 
TOTAL-  59  Minutes 

THE    SOLUTION:    A    sodium    corbonale    salt    bath, 

developed    in    the   Ryan    laboratory,    revolutionizes 

the    entire    stress -relieving    and    defluxing    process 

as   follows  ; 

Step  1   -     5  Minutes  stress-relieving  in  soil  bath 

Step  2  -  10  Minutes  cold  pickling 

TOTAL-  15  Minutes 

THE  ADVANTAGES:  By  eliminoting  two  opera- 
tions and  cutting  the  required  time  to  one-fourth, 
this  new  Ryan  process  not  only  saves  wartime  tax 
payers  $100,000  yearly,  but  is  speeding  up  pro- 
duction of  fighting  craft  urgently  needed  in  the 
Pacific    war    theatre. 


The  conventional  method  for  relieving  the  internal  stresses  caused  by 
welding  certain  vital  stainless  steel  aircraft  parts,  has  for  years  involved  a 
heat  treatment  requiring  Jour  operations  and  fifty-nine  minutes. 

Approaching  the  problem  from  a  fresh  angle,  Ryan  laboratory  techni- 
cians have  evolved  a  completely  new  sodium  carbonate  salt  bath  procedure 
for  stress-relieving  and  defluxing  such  parts.  Maintaining  the  same  high 
quality,  the  new  Ryan  process  is  completed  in  two  operations  requiring 
a  total  of  only  fifteen  minutes. 

Today . . .  the  analytical  skills  of  Ryan  laboratory  technicians  and  the 
ability  of  Ryan  designers  and  engineers  are  devoted  to  the  creation  of 
combatant  aircraft.  Tomorrow . . .  Ryan  will  again  devote  itself,  with  the 
same  directness  for  efficiency  and  economy,  to  solving  problems  of  peace- 
time aviation. 


DESIGNERS        AND        BUILDERS        OF 

Ryan    Aeronautical    Company,    Son    Diego  —  Member,    Aircraft    Wor    Prociuction  .Council,    Inc. 
NAVY       FIGHTING       PLANES       AND       EXHAUST       MANIFOLD       SYSTEMS 

VOLUME   9      NO.  4 


All  You  Want— At  Sucker  Prices! 

Service  {to  Germany  and  Japan)  fully  Guaranteed 

UP/  <- 

(      AXIS   CLEASe    ) 

Buy  a  Gallon  and  Take  a  Gallon  Away  From  a 
United  Nations  Fighting  Man 


Subsidiary  oj  The  Axis  Grease  Company 

A.  Hitler  and  H.  Tojo,  Proprietors 
Main  Offices       •      Berlin  and  Tokyo 

Branches  In  All 
Principal  American  Cities 

Ryan  Offers  You  Low- Cost 
Special  ^%amc«t^ 

(or  success  in  modern  business 
and  industry  after  the  war 

Many  kinds  of  special  training  are  avail- 
able to  Ryan  employees.  Most  courses  are 
free,  others  (such  as  correspondence 
courses  or  college  extention  classes)  require 
a  small  tuition  fee.  In  many  cases  where 
you  are  required  to  pay  a  fee.  Ryan  will 
pay  all  or  part  of  the  fee  if  you  complete 
the  course  with  a  passing  grade. 
By  taking  advantage  of  these  educational 
opportunities,  you  can  prepare  yourself  for 
promotions  and  better  jobs.  Let  us  help  you 
get  set  for  the  future! 
Here  are  the  courses  available  to  you  now: 

*Leadman's  Training  48  hours 

*Job  Instruction  Training  10  hours 

'Job  Methods  Training  10  hours 

'Management  Training  21  hours 

Clerical  Training  10  hours 

Jigs  and  Fixtures 

Tool  and  Die  Making 


Electric  and  Radio  Installation 
*  for  supervisors  only 

(Full  time  courses,  offered  only  to  employees 
assigned  to  them  by  the  company) 
Tool  Familiarization 
Sheet  Metal  Hand  Forming 
Sheet  Metal  Machine  Forming 
Manifold  Assembly 
Riveted  Assembly 
Plaster  Pattern  Making 
Jig  and  Fixture  Making 
Machine  Shop 

San  Diego  State  College 
University  of  California — War  Training 
University  of  California — Extension 
International  Correspondence  Schools 
Vocational  Schools — Adult  Education 
For    further    information,    telephone    exten- 
sion 375  or  send  this  coupon  to  the  Indus- 
trial Training  section  via  Ryan's  inter-office 

j  Please  tell  me  how  I  can  take  the  training 
I  courses  which  I  have  listed  below: 



j  Name   Badge    No. 

I  Department Shift 








In  this  striking  photograph  T,  J.  "Joe" 
Johnson,  general  foreman  of  Fuselage,  wan- 
ders through  a  shining  forest  of  tail  cones 
as  he  inakes  a  check-up  on  the  quantity  of 
production  in  his  department  of  the  factory. 
Joe  is  one  of  many  Ryan  supervisors  who 
have  imbued  their  crews  with  the  hell-for- 
leather  spirit  which  is  breaking  factory  pro- 
duction records  right  and  left.  See  pages  7-9. 


William    Wagner 


Keith    Monroe 


Frances   Statler   Kohl 

TECHNICAL       EDITOR:       William       Patrick 


COMBAT  EDITOR:  Hobart  H.  Steely. 
ASSOCIATE  EDITORS:  Natalie  Knight,  Vir- 
ginia Jaeger,  Victor  Odin,  Harry  Siegmund. 
SENIOR  RESEARCHERS:  Betty  Radewan, 
Alice  Lambert,  Beverly  Meyers. 
Frank  Martin,  Rex  Benedict,  Dick  Norton. 
PICTURE  BUREAU:  Vincent  Jones,  Larry 
Marcus,  Bill  Ramsey,  Robert  Meaker. 
ART  DEPARTMENT:  Joseph  Thein,  Roy 
Scliuenkmeyer,  Mel  Baker. 
NEWS  BUREAUS:  Ruth  Nelson,  Doris  Wil- 
liksen,  Millie  Merritt,  Netta  Louise  O'Dell, 
Sarah  Lipsey .  Verla  Reese,  Pearle  H .  Tel- 
ford, Viola  Hanson,  Beth  Peltret,  Bill  Car- 
ter, Lillie  Knabe.  Ethel  Hunter,  Grayce 
Burns,  George  Stone,  Rita  D.  Thompson, 
Kitty  Matheny,  Mary  Willford,  Don 
D'Agostino,  C-  C.  McCafferty,  Bettie  Mur- 
ren,  Margaret  Whiman,  Frances  Mason, 
Serene  Broberg,  Bill  Guinn,  E.  W.  Schultz, 
Thelma  Alwin,  Velda  Schamp,  Erma  Wood, 
Helen  ^L  Blakely,  O.  C.  Hudson,  Mary 
Zager,  Mariane  Y.  Lightfoot,  Joyce  Bru- 
baker.  Ralph  Geist.  Willie  McBlair. 
Ryan,  Earl  D.  Prudden,  George  C.  Wood- 
ard,  B.  A.  Gillies,  Walter  O.  Locke,  W. 
I''rank  Persons,  Colin  A.  Stillwagen,  Albert 
Gee,  Jean  Bovet,  Kirk  Sellew,  Benjamin  T. 
Salmon,  W.  A.  Plourde,  Sam  C.  Breder. 
Bert  Holland,  J.  Fred  Dunn.  Robert  L. 
Clark,  G.   Douglas  Jones. 

All    correspondence    regarding    the    contents 

of    this    magazine    should    be    addressed    to 
DEAD  LETTER  OFFICE,  Sunken  Heights,  N.Y. 

It's  smart  to  be 

safe,  with  such  a  pert 
hat  as  this!  Bright 
blue  with  gold 
braid,  black  visor 

A  nd  ifs  designed  to 
fit  your pocketbook, 
too  — only  $L70 



Laze  away  your  cares  on  San  Diego's 
broad,  sunny  beaches  ...  or  drowse 
in  the  cool  shade  of  stately  trees  in 
the  city's  beautiful  parks.  If  you  feel 
energetic,  San  Diego  has  good  tennis 
courts,  riding  stables,  and  facilities  for 
other  recreation  of  all  kinds.  Spend 
your  days  in  the  sunshine  of  San  Diego, 
one  of  America's  premiere  vacation 
spots ! 

Yes,  you  can  enjoy  the  California 
climate  —  and  still  help  win  the  war, 
if  you  work  on  the  second  shift  at 
Ryan  Aeronautical  Company.  Swing 
shifters  have  the  daylight  hours  to 
themselves  —  which  means  a  lot,  with 
the  beautiful  weather  of  spring  and 
summer  coming  on!  Ryan  still  needs 
to  hove  many  of  its  first-shift  workers 
transfer  to  second  shift.  Why  not  ask 
your  foreman  about  it  today? 




.  .  .  THESE  ARE 

All  over  the  Ryan  factory,  pattern-minded  photographers 
can  find  fantastic  designs  and  arabesques  made  by  the  neatly- 
stacked  airplane  parts.  Some  factory  patterns  are  pleasant, 
others  are  vaguely  suggestive  of  the  tracery  of  a  mad  inlay 
artist  or  a  visiting  Martian.  Sometimes  exhaust  manifold  sec- 
tions look  like  a  misshapen  set  of  organ  pipes  or  rows  of  staring 
eyes;  at  others  times  they  take  on  the  aspect  of  a  symmetrical, 
metallic  flower-garden.  Shining  tubular  sections  might  be  a 
cubist's  painting.  Endless  layers  of  channel  stock  or  drop 
hammer  stampings  resemble  the  geologic  strata  of  rock,  inlaid 
beneath  age-old  mountains.  Anti-icing  ducts  make  a  neat 
pattern  for  a  polka-dot  tie.  The  pale  stare  of  the  seamless 
tubing,  piled  row  on  row  in  a  futuristic  regularity,  sometimes 
causes  optical  illusions  and  might  be  enough  to  give  a  timid 
man  the  galloping  meemies.  Here  are  pictures  of  recent  pat- 
terns seen  in  the  factory. 







Why  read  the  history  of  aviation  when  you  can 
help  write  it?  Future  history  is  more  exciting  than 
past  history  —  and  you  can  be  a  part  of  aviation's 
future  history  by  working  at  Ryan! 

Ryan  is  going  full-blast 
on  a  Inistory-making  con- 
tract for  the  United  States 
Navy  —  a  contract  whiicli 
runs  into  the  middle  of 
i946.  The  secret  new  fight- 
ing plane  this  company  is 
building  is  the  talk  of  the 
aircraft  industry.  One  of  the 
leading  aviation  trade  jour- 
nals recently  published  a 
front-page  article  about  it, 
predicting  that  "this  secret 
Ryan  plane  will  add  c  sub- 
stantial piece  of  news  to  the 

public  concept  of  aeronau- 
tical progress  when  re- 

In  fact,  the  whole  history 
of  our  generotion  may  be 
effected  by  Ryan's  plane  — 
because  this  plane  may  play 
a  major  role  in  shortening 
the  war  against  Japan.  If 
you  can't  fight,  then  there 
is  no  job  you  con  do  which 
will  be  more  helpful  to  this 
country  than  to  help  build 
Ryan  planes. 

Encourage  all  your  friends  to  take  advan- 
tage of  the  big  Ryan  Special  Offer  to  help 
make  history!  Ryan  offers  well-paid  jobs  under 
good  working  conditions  —  plus  a  share  in 
the  history  of  aviation.  Anyone  who  wants  to 
take  advantage  of  the  offer  can  get  fast  action 
at  Ryan's  downtown  employment  office,  1023 
Fourth  Avenue,  just  off  the  Plaza. 




Vor.  9,  No.  4 



May,   1945 

MEDITATED.      ALL      RIGHTS       RESERVED.       NO       HOLDS      BARRED. 



Production   Speed    7 

Spring  Sports 10 


Ryan   Fire-Eaters,   by  William   P.   Brotherton    1  1 


How  the   Ryan  Company  Started 14 


Bert    Holland     18 


Watch  Your  Shape! 20 


Speaking  of  Pictures:  Factory  Camera 

Patterns    2 

FLY  Goes  To  a  Swing-Shift  Party 22 

Pictures  to  the  Editors 24 



About    five     years     ago    Tommy    Hixson 
joined   Ryan   as   its    lone  photographer.   To- 
day he  heads  a  staff  o£  eight  crack  camera- 
men    and     darkroom     technicians.     Hixson 
dislikes    to    be    desk-bound,    and    personally 
shot  many  of  the  photographs  in  this  issue. 

The  following  list,  page  by  page,  shows  the  source  from  which  each  picture  in 
this  issue  was  gathered.  Where  a  single  page  is  indebted  to  several  sources, 
credit  is  recorded  picture  by  picture  (left  to  right,  top  to  bottom)  and  line  by 
line   (tines  separated  by  dashes)   unless  otherwise  specified. 




4— LYNN   FAYMAN— 6o«. 


7,  8,  9,  10,  11— THOMAS  T.  HIX- 
12,   13— Drawings  by  JOSEPH 

THEIN,    photo    a.     DOUGLAS 

14,  15,  16,  17— SOCIETY  FOR 

18,  19,  20,  21— THOMAS  T.  HIX- 



24— THOMAS  T.  HIXSON  exc. 
bot.  It.,  H.  H.   STEELY 



Visit  Tokyo  with  a  rain  of  bullets,  fired 
from  the  nev/  Navy  fighting  planes  you 
and  the  rest  of  us  are  building  here  at 

It's  cherry-blossom  time  in  beautiful 
Japan  — -  more  and  more  Americans  can 
fly  there  next  month  if  you  build  more 
and  more  Ryan  planes. 

Speak  Japanese!  Yes,  talk  to  the  Japs 
in  the  only  language  they  understand  — 
the  language  of  machine  guns  and  burst- 
ing shells  Rush  those  Ryan  planes  out 
faster,  so  you'll  be  talking  louder. 

Bring  your  friends!  Bring  them  to  work 
at  Ryan,  where  they  can  help  you  fix  up 
gifts  and  remembrances  for  the  Emperor's 
servants  —  gifts  which  will  make  a  deep 
impression.  We  need  more  workers  in 
Ryan,  so  there'll  be  fewer  Japs  in  Japan. 


come  early  to 

Rvan  War  Bond  booth . . . 

This  month  is  the  month  of  the  Seventh  War  Loan.  Here  is 
your  opportunity  to  express  your  gratitude  and  affection  for 
our  boys  by  purchasing  more  War  Bonds  and  Stamps!  Not 
only  is  the  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company  the  headquarters  for 
a  deadly  new  figliting  plane  that  will  blast  the  Japs  —  it's 
also  headquarters  for  purchase  of  the  w^orld's  best  market 
offerings,  U.   S.  War  Bonds  and   Stamps! 

War  RoiidN — sold  to  you  now  at 
2S'/f  discount,  redeemable  in  10 
years  at  face  value.  Sturdy  protec- 
tion for  your  home,  your  family, 
your   country!    Guaranteed    savings! 

War  Stamps — in  all  sizes,  lOc, 
25c,  50c,  $1,  $5.  Practical  for  buy- 
ing tanks,  ships,  guns,  planes.  Ex- 
changeable for  Bonds  whose  value 
grows  one-third   in    1 0    years! 


on  sale  this  month  at  all 
Ryan  Bond  booths  or 
through  payroll  deduction 

Other  war  ueedt*  ou  wale 

12  Yards  IJarbed  Wire 

50c  "*  War  SfainpH 

Keep  the  enemy  aw^ay 
from  our  boys!  If  barbed 
wire  will  help,  let's  send 
it!  A  bargain  price  for 
troop    protection. 


super-value  .  . . 

5  bullets 
to  stop  Japs 

TO^  ill  War  Stamps 

For  every  1  Oc  stamp 
you  buy,  Uncle  Sam 
puts  5  bullets  in  a 
soldier's  gun.  And  our 
boys  know^  how  to  use 
them  I  Fight  from 
home.  Buy  War  Stamps 

Automatic    Pistol,    in    War   Bonds       $65 
Field   Telephone,  in   War  Bonds  $18.75 

IT.  S.Garand  Hifle 

Jq5   '"  War  Bonds 

Exclusively  ours,  and  the 
greatest  rifle  of  them  all. 
And  when  our  boys  aim — 
they  hit!  Send  yours  off 

4-WIieel  Drive  Jeeps 

$900  i»>^'ar  Honds 

This  amazing  car  thrilled 
you  at  the  War  Show.  It's 
fast,  it's  versatile,  and  it's 
ali  important  to  our  vic- 
tory!  Order  one! 

fuel  oil 

50c  '"  War  Stamps 

Keep  our  convoys  safe!  A  War 
Stamp  enables  one  of  our  destroyers 
to  cruise  a  mile  in  search  ofdeadly 
Jap    subs.     Save    our    boys,    save    our 


safety  special  . .  . 

iieM'  style 



%  lO  in  War  Stamps 

When  did  ten  dollars  buy  you  so  much  satis- 
faction! The  comfort  that  comes  from  knowing 
you  are  protecting  one  of  our  boys  from  a  hail 
of  shrapnel,  fired  from  deadly  Jap  shells.  Come, 
buy  his  safety  tomorrow!  Next  week  may  be  too 

Flying  Gloves  for  Air  Forces  in  War  Stamps      $1.50 
Protective   Gas  Mask,   in   War  Stamps  $9.3  5 

guaranteed                       .^-f^*^^^^ 


pure  silk                   /^ '!i(iWMrW'f 


or  nylon                      fflBB'rX  W"!  - 

parachute                  ^wwxVWU 

$150  i"  >V«'-  Bonds                 ^^V\\\\\l 

You   can   save  the  life  of  an   Aineri-            ^V^^VvAW 

can    pilot!    You    can    help    a    United                 ^S\\W\\ 

Nations   paratrooper  destroy   his  ob-                     ^^^^Sm  ll 

jective.     Buy     your     $50     Bonds    for                          \S^I| 

only   $37.50  tomorrow.   Watch  them                               ^H 

grow!                                                                                                      3 

Bombardier  kit,   in   War  Bonds            $52                            ^ 


Pursuit  Plane,  in  War  Bonds      $50,000 


40  rounds 
anti-aircraft  fire 

J/5  >"  War  BoucIh 

Buy  Bonds!  Give  our  fighters 
40  hits  at  Jap  Zeroes  and 
Zekes!  They  w^on't  miss! 
Good  buy!  You  lend  Uncle 
Sam  $75  now — get  back  $100 
ten  years  hence! 

4-Engine    Bomber,    in    Bonds      $250,000 
Anti-Tank  Shell,  in  War  Stamps  i6 

It's  Ryan's  Bond  Booth  for  everything  lethal  for  the  Japs 





Records  are  smashed  and  new  champions  crowned  as  factory  produces  faster  and  faster 

Ryan's  factory  has  been  moving  faster  and  faster  in  recent 
weeks  as  crews  and  individuals  compete  to  set  new  records  and 
grab  off  mythical  "production  championships"  for  themselves. 

Gas  welding  was  the  first  field  in  which  champions  began 
to  crop  up.  One  day  Mrs.  Helen  Sugel  had  set  a  record  by 
completing  2  529  inches  over  the  weekly  welding  requirement. 
Mrs.  Mary  Bloom  soon  smashed  the  record,  but  was  topped  by 
Mrs.  Marie  Hanson,  whose  total  of  43  32  inches  above  quota 
stands  as  the  record. 

Atomic  welders  soon  caught  the  fever.  Mrs.  Bessie  Dugan, 
Mrs.  Ruth  Thompson,  Mrs.  Marie  Myers,  Mrs.  Sophie  Krause 
and  Mrs.  Romola  Grow  all  hung  up  high  totals,  but  none  has 

equalled  the  record  of  Mrs.  Alice  Rush,  who  completed  2493 
inches  above  quota. 

Whole  crews  began  shattering  records.  Twenty-five  people 
in  Fuselage  who  had  the  job  of  joining  the  wing  center  panel 
to  the  forward  fuselage  decided  to  see  how  fast  they  could  flog 
the  job  through.  It  had  always  been  a  days  long  chore  but  they 
finally  cut  their  own  record  to  one-third.  Similarly,  workers 
in  Manifold  decided  to  see  how  far  ahead  of  schedule  they 
could  get.  At  the  time  they  were  425  units  behind  schedule. 
Four  weeks  later  they  had  not  only  equalled  the  schedule  but 
were  50  units  ahead.  Other  crews  in  Hydraulics  began  break- 
ing records   for  length  of  overtime  work.    In  order  to  meet 


PRODUCTION  SPEED  (continued) 

Top-flight  atomic  welders  include   Mrs.    Bessie   Dugan,   left,    and 
Mrs.  Ruth  Thompson.  Both  broke  weekly  quota  by  1500  inches. 



^^^^E.^^^B  ^^ffl 

9^sv*  '       '*           'oL'f  jflb     ^B 


HJ^^ft.  ^'~        ^^^H  S 


^S^^^KI^'^  '^^^^Hl 

HVr  ^ml 


^^^^^^^K    ■^:=sr  ^I^H 





M            H 

m     ■  A  ■  ■>.  ^  ^ 

wS              -'-"  11 


Swing  shift  atomic  welding  queens  are    Mrs.    Marie    Myers    and 
Mrs.  Sophie  Krause,  who  beat  quota  by  1964  and  1262  inches. 

Mrs,  Mary  Angius  is  a  record-breaker  in  Manifold  Assembly,  in 

one  day  she  lined  up  62  sections  for  C-47  manifolds,  a  record. 


terrific   factory  schedules   many  of   them  voluntarily   worked 
as  long  as  two  full  shifts  at  a  time  during  several  days  each  week. 

Earl  Flick,  a  tube  cutter  operator,  is  in  a  class  by  himself 
among  Ryan  record  breakers.  Tired  of  dawdling  around  with 
an  output  of  1300  or  1400  parts,  one  day  he  turned  out  1518 
—  just  to  see  if  it  was  possible,  he  explained. 

Robert  Rix  of  Drophammer  is  the  same  sort  of  champion. 
Most  Drophammer  operators  turn  out  about  800  connecting 
tubes  a  day.  But  Rix  produces  1070  daily  —  not  just  once  in 
a  while,  but  every  day.  One  thousand  seventy  is  his  average 
over  a  period  of  weeks. 

Mrs.  Mary  Angius  is  another  of  Ryan's  outstanding  cham- 
pions. In  one  day  she  lined  up  and  "sold"  to  Inspection  62 
sections  for  C-47  manifolds.  The  average  number  for  a  day's 
work  is  40  or  45,  and  no  one  else  has  )xt  approached  Mrs. 
Angius'  total. 

So  it  goes.  Almost  every  week  some  new  record  is  set  and 
another  champion  is  crowned  as  Ryan  builds  its  planes  and 
manifolds  faster  and  faster.    Who  will  be  the  next  champion? 

Competitors  for  welding  crown  are  Mrs.  Betty  T.  Dye  and  Mrs. 
Monica  Lengel.  Both  weld  2000  inches  above  quota  in  a  week. 


The  undefeated  champion  of  Ryan  gas  welders  is  now  Mrs.  Marie 
Hanson,  second  shift  employee  in  Manifold  Pre-Jig.  Mrs.  Han- 
son dumbfounded  factory  supervisors  by  zipping  through 
43  32  inches  beyond  the  quota  in  a  week.  Ryan  foremen  believe 
this  is  an  all-time  record  which  will  never  be  broken,  because 

only  one  other  welder,  Mrs.  Mary  Bloom,  has  ever  crossed  the 
3000-inch  mark.  Mrs.  Hanson  has  six  children,  of  whom  two 
are  in  service.  Her  husband,  a  veteran  of  the  last  war,  has  been 
a  patient  in  the  Naval  Hospital  in  San  Diego  for  several  years. 
She  chose  second  shift  because  it  gives  time  for  her  children. 

Atomic  welding  champion  is  Mrs.  Alice  Rush,  right,  who  welded 
3262  inches  over  the  quota  in  a  single  week.  Mrs.  Romola  Grow, 
left,  is  the  runner-up.  Mrs.  Rush  has  held  the  undisputed 
atomic  welding  championship  for  months.  In  spite  of  several 
all-out  attempts  to  break  her  record,  she  is  still  "The  Champ." 

First  two  welding  champions  at  Ryan  were  Mrs.  Helen  Sugel,  left, 
and  Mrs.  Mary  Bloom.  Mrs.  Sugel  set  the  record  by  complet- 
ing 2  529  inches  of  gas  welding  above  the  weekly  quota.  Mrs. 
Bloom  later  hung  up  a  new  mark  by  welding  3923  inches 
above  quota.    Both  girls  work  on  the  second  shift  at  Ryan. 





Ryanites  get  ready  for 
busy  athletic  season 




The  octopus-like  monster  in  the  photograph  above  is  a  Ryan 
exhaust  manifold,  built  to  inhale  the  enormous  quantities  of 
flaming  gases  generated  by  a  modern  aircraft  engine.  One  of 
these  18-cylinder  power  plants  packs  as  much  power  as  the 
average  passenger  train  locomotive,  yet  weighs  no  more  than 
the  locomotive's  wheels  alone.  When  four  of  these  giants 
pull  a  heavy  bomber  across  the  sky  at  300  miles  an  hour  they 
consume  air  like  a  raging  forest  fire.  The  air  rams  into  large 
intake  ducts,  burns  under  high  pressure  in  the  cylinders,  and 
rushes  from  the  engine  exhaust  ports  at  a  temperature  of 
1600°F.  The  exhaust  manifold  must  suck  in  this  fiery  blast, 
which  could  quickly  melt  the  aluminum  structure  of  the  air- 
plane, and  convey  it  safely  back  to  the  atmosphere.  Added 
difficulties  arise  from  the  fact  that  the  2200-horsepower  engines 

must  be  flexibly  mounted  to  allow  for  movement  caused  by 
sudden  power  changes.  Ryan  ingenuity  has  produced  a  strong, 
light-weight  manifold  of  stainless  steel  which  has  flexible  con- 
nections for  each  engine  port.  These  patented  "ball  and  socket," 
or  universal,  joints  pipe  the  exhaust  to  the  manifold  collector 
without  hampering  the  free  movement  of  the  engine.  Because 
of  this  feature,  the  exhaust  system  can  be  suspended  from  the 
engine  mount  or  cowl,  isolating  the  engine  from  the  weight  of 
the  manifold.  Longer  engine  life  and  increased  manifold  service 
result  from  this  unique  type  of  installation.  The  Ryan  exhaust 
manifold  pictured  is  unusual  in  that  it  is  designed  to  receive 
exhaust  from  both  front  and  rear  engine  outlets.  Among  the 
outstanding  planes  using  Ryan  manifold  equipment  are  the 
Boeing  B-29  Superfortress,  Northrop  P-61  Black  Widow, 
Douglas  C-54  Skymaster  and  Grumman  F6F  Hellcat. 







Ryan  Fire-Eafers  actually  put  waste  heat  and  gas  to 
work  by  diverting  the  energy  contained  in  the  exhaust  gases 
and  using  it  for  many  vital  plane  functions. 

T iirbosupcrchargers  which  pump  compressed  air  into  the 
engine's  windpipe  at  high  altitudes  are  driven  at  phenomenal 
speeds  of  30,000  r.p.m.  by  gases  from  the  manifold  system. 
The  fast-moving  gases  turn  a  bucket  wheel  which  is  directly 
connected  to  an  air  compressor  in  the  turbosupercharger.  This 
"iron  lung"  supplies  the  engine  with  10  to  12  times  as  much 
air  as  gasoline  by  weight. 

Ajtti-icing  of  the  wings  and  tail  group  leading  edges 
is  provided  by  utilizing  the  heat  energy  from  the  exhaust  to 
warm  the  air  which  is  conveyed  through  ducts  to  the  ice- 
susceptible  surfaces.  This  method,  which  eliminates  ihe  weight 
of  heaters  and  fuel,  prevents  the  formation  of  ice  instead  of 
removing  it  after  it  has  accumulated. 






Cabin  Heat  for  the  crew  of  the  airplane  is  obtained  by 
system  similar  to  that  used  for  anti-icing,  except  that  the 
at  is  transferred  through  two  warming  devices  to  insure 
;edom  from  toxic  gases. 

Jet  Propulsion  Effects  which  add  as  much  as  28  extra 
iles  per  hour  to  the  top  speed  of  an  airplane  are  produced  by 
signing  open  exhaust  stacks  that  step  up  the  speed  of  the 
;aping  gases  and  impart  an  added  thrust  to  the  plane. 

Carburetor  Heat  for  preventing  the  formation  of  ice 
.  the  carburetor  intake  screens,  choking  off  the  air  supply,  is 
ailable  from  the  exhaust  system. 

Gun  Installation  heating  to  guarantee  instant  operation 
vital  gun  parts  in  freezing  temperatures  is  a  valuable  use  for 
haust  heat  energy.  All  use  of  waste  exhaust  heat  adds  speed 
an  airplane  by  eliminating  weight. 






After  buying  his  first  plane   from   the  Army  in    1922,   T.   Claude 
Ryan  established  himself  in  business  at  a  field  at  the  foot  of 

Broadway,  becoming  an  instructor.   Here  he  is,   at  left,   with 
an  unidentified  student,  in  front  of  the  Jenny  that  cost  $400. 


As  long  as  he  lives,  T.  Claude  Ryan  probably  will  never 
forget  his  first  solo  flight  in  1917. 

For  months  he  had  been  under  instruction  at  a  decrepit 
school  at  Venice,  Calif.,  but  most  of  that  instruction  was 
taxiing  or  just  sitting  on  the  ground  listening  to  lectures,  told 
over  and  over  again.  He  had  paid  $500  for  the  training  after 
he  had  been  rejected  by  the  Army  for  schooling  as  a  flying 
cadet  because  of  his  age,  and  it  looked  as  if  the  school  might 
fold  up  before  he  could  get  that  patched-up  tractor  biplane 
into  the  air  alone. 

But  A!  Wilson,  his  instructor,  gave  Ryan  his  chance.  He 
told  the  fledgling  one  day  to  run  the  plane  across  the  field 
with  just  enough  speed  to  get  the  tail  up,  "but  don't  let  it  get 
off  the  ground."    Oh,  no? 

Ryan's  first  flight 

Ryan  didn't  stop  when  he  got  the  tail  up.  He  opened  the 
throttle  wide  and  he  and  the  plane  were  soaring  off  the  field 
before  Wilson,  standing  there  in  utter  surprise  and  with  some 
justifiable  apprehension,  could  even  let  out  a  yell.  Ryan  never 
had  landed  a  plane,  and  that  dawned  on  him  as  he  began  to 

It  probably  was  the  only  time  that  Ryan  found  beads  of 
perspiration  rolling  off  his  forehead  in  a  moment  of  misgiving. 
He  had  good  reason  to  worry. 

He  did  the  best  he  could.  He  remembered  how  Wilson  had 
cut  the  gun,  stuck  the  nose  down  and  then  leveled  out  as  he 
neared  the  ground.  Ryan  tried  to  imitate  his  instructor,  but 
he  didn't  level  out  quite  soon  enough.    Wham! 

Ryan  dropped  the  plane  onto  the  ground  so  hard  that  the 
landing  gear  collapsed — and  so  did  the  school.  Despite  the 
wreck  that  washed  out  the  business,  the  school  gave  Ryan  a 
good  recommendation. 

That  gave  the  young  man  another  crack  at  the  Army.  This 
time  the  War  Department  granted  him  an  age  waiver,  but  it 
also  told  him  to  sit  tight  and  wait  for  a  call  in  the  next  class. 
Months  later  came  the  call. 

Just  too  lata 

Reporting  in  to  headquarters,  Ryan  got  another  blow.  The 
day  he  showed  up  the  war  ended — November  11,  1918. 

For  the  ensuing  year  Ryan  studied  engineering  at  Oregon 
State  College.  He  knew  it  would  be  vital  to  him  if  he  ever 
hoped  to  build  airplanes.    He  was  tops  in  his  class. 

Next  we  find  him  dashing  off  to  another  cadet  examining 
board.  The  Army  resumed  flying  training  and  had  called  for 
cadets.  Ryan  was  determined  to  go  on  from  where  he  had 
left  off.    He  would  be  a  pilot  or  die  in  the  attempt. 

The  Army  passed  him  again  and  off  he  went  to  March  Field, 
Riverside,  in  the  Fall  of  1919,  for  primary  training. 

Ryan  was  quick  on  the  controls  and  proved  an  able  pilot. 
Graduating  from  Jennies  with  180  horsepower  Hispano-Suiza 
motors,  he  was  earmarked  for  pursuit  training  in  British  SE-5 
single  seaters,  leftovers  from  the  war. 

In  1921,  shortly  before  he  was  to  graduate  and  become  a 
reserve  officer,  Ryan  and  his  classmates  were  hustled  off  to  fly 
DeHavillands  on  forest  patrol  in  northern  California  and  parts 
of  Oregon  and  Washington. 

Confident  as  all  fliers  are  at  this  stage  of  training,  he  waved 
aside  superstition  and  adopted  ship  No.  1 3  for  his  work.  He 
and  his  observer  flew  day  after  day,  for  500  miles,  over  a  sea 
of  timber  that  offered  little  hope  of  avoiding  a  nasty  crackup 
if  the  motor  conked. 

As  the  work  expanded,  more  emergency  fields  were  hewed 
out  of  the  timber  and  it  fell  to  Ryan  to  test  these  fields  for 
size.  His  motor  gave  out  one  day  and  he  had  to  set  the  ship 
down  in  one  of  the  tiny  strips.  It  was  the  shortest  landing  he 
ever  made,  and  he  still  doesn't  know  just  how  he  did  it. 

When  the  season  ended  the  patrol  went  to  Mather  Field, 
Sacramento,  headquarters  of  the  squadron,  and  there  Ryan 
remained  as  a  reserve  officer  on  aCive  duty  until  January,  1922. 

Back  in  civilian  clothes,  Ryan  worked  for  an  auto  supply 
company.  His  heart  wasn't  in  it,  however,  so  it  was  a  great 
relief  for  him  when  orders  came  through  putting  him  back  in 
active  service  as  a  reserve  officer.  Rockwell  Field,  San  Diego, 
was  his  destination. 

This  was  the  turning  point  in  his  favor.  He  was  going  to 
get  started  in  that  aviation  career  after  all,  but  he  didn't  know 
it  when  he  dropped  in  on  a  barber  for  a  shave  in  San  Diego 
before  going  out  to  the  field  to  check  in. 

Opportunity  knocks 

The  barber  had  finished  the  lather  and  was  stropping  the 
razor.  Ryan  passed  a  remark  that  at  once  marked  him  as  a 
flier.    The  barber  paused,  and  offered  Ryan  a  tip. 

"This  might  interest  you,"  said  the  barber.  "A  local  pilot 
here  was  doing  pretty  good,  flying  off  a  field  down  by  the 
waterfront,  until  they  threw  him  in  the  clink.  They  caught 
him  smuggling  Chinese  over  the  border,  I'm  told.  Maybe 
there's  a  good  chance  for  commercial  flying  from  that  field 
for  a  good  pilot  who  would  tend  to  business." 

Maybe?  Ryan  bounded  out  of  the  chair,  found  the  water- 
front strip,  paced  it  off,  and  then  called  upon  the  harbormaster, 
Joe  Brennan,  who  still  rules  the  waterfront  in  San  Diego. 

"How  much  rent?"  asked  Ryan. 

"Fifty  dollars  a  month,"  was  the  comeback. 

Hmmm.  Slight  chance  of  making  that  in  a  whole  month. 
Ryan  shook  his  head.  Brennan  thought  for  a  moment  and  came 
up  with  another  idea. 

"Tell  you  what  I'll  do,"  he  said.  "Here  in  San  Diego,  we 
like  to  help  fellows  who  want  to  start  new  businesses.  Suppose 
you  try  it  out  for  a  few  months  and  see  how  it  goes.  Then  we 
can  decide  on  the  rent." 

It  was  a  deal  and  Ryan  hustled  off  to  Rockwell  to  see  what 
he  could  do  about  getting  a  plane.  He  had  heard  that  the 
Army  was  selling  surplus  trainers.  Perhaps  the  commanding 
officer.  Major  (now  General)  Henry  H.  "Hap"  Arnold,  could 
help  him  out.    And  help  Ryan  out  he  did. 

A  wire  to  Washington  opened  the  crate  on  a  leftover  Jenny. 
Four  hundred  dollars  was  the  price,  in  cash.  Ryan  rammed  his 
hand  into  his  pocket  and  pulled  out  $150.  What  to  do  about 
the  rest?  It  dawned  on  him  that  he  had  a  model  T  Ford  he 
could  easily  dispense  with.  Dashing  downtown  he  sold  it  for 
$300,  after  some  close  bargaining. 

Then  it  cost  him  $25  to  have  some  of  the  fellows  at  Rock- 
well help  him  assemble  the  ship.  That  left  Ryan  with  $2  5  to 
get  started  on.    And  this  was  the  start. 

Open  for  business 

A  discarded  piano  box  became  Ryan's  office  and  workshop. 
And  business  for  the  first  few  months  at  the  bayside  airport, 
if  it  could  be  called  that,  was  meager.  What  little  money  was 
coming  in  barely  took  care  of  the  gas  and  oil  for  Ryan's  Jenny. 
He  grabbed  at  everything  that  came  along,  joy  rides  in  the 
air,  charter  work,  some  instruction  and  other  odd  jobs  requir- 
ing a  plane.  Things  were  looking  pretty  dark  when  a  carnival 
appeared  on  the  scene  at  the  right  moment.  It  pitched  its 
tents  next  to  the  so-called  runway  and  sent  some  passengers 
to  Ryan. 

Not  only  that,  but  one  of  the  concessionaires  took  a  flight 
every  day,  assuring  Ryan,  for  the  time  being  at  least,  of  a 
steady  source  of  income,  although  small  compared  to  what  he 
had  hoped  to  draw  in. 

To  buy  this  plane  from  Army  at  Rockwell  Field,  Ryan  sold  his 
model  T  Ford  and  drained  his  pocketbook.  Plane  was  surplus. 

This  is  how  Ryan  looked  when  he  climbed  into  the  cockpit  of 
his  first  Jenny  and  started  business  for  himself  23   years  ago. 



T.  Claude  Ryan  was  happy  as    a    lark    after    he    rebuilt    a    surplus 
Army  Standard  biplane  into  one  of  the  first  cabin  type  airliners. 

He  is  in  the  cockpit,  ready  to  take  off  with  a  load  of  passengers 
on  his  San  Diego-Los  Angeles  route,  established  early  in  1923. 

Ryan  hit  upon  another  idea.  On  the  lower  panels  of  his 
plane  he  painted  a  sign  to  attract  passengers  to  the  field,  and 
daily  he  flew  over  San  Diego  low  enough  that  the  people  could 
read  it.    Scenic  flights  were  his  selling  point.    It  helped. 

Then  the  carnival  pulled  stakes,  but  it  asked  Ryan  to  travel 
along  with  it.  He  consented,  but  he  called  a  halt  at  San  Ber- 
nardino after  he  had  failed  to  get  enough  business  to  keep  his 
Jenny  in  the  air,  let  alone  eat  and  house  himself. 

Next  Ryan  took  a  job  as  a  barnstorming  pilot  that  carried 
him  across  the  border  into  Mexico.  But  that  expedition  fell 
flat  after  an  overstuffed  Mexican  general   brought  Ryan  and 

his  plane  down  with  a  thud.  Against  Ryan's  judgment  he  was 
required  to  carry  the  general  in  a  high  altitude  for  which  the 
Jenny  was  not  designed.  A  down  draft  and  ihe  light  air  proved 
too  much  and  it  resulted  in  Ryan's  first  and  only  crackup. 

The  plane  turned  over  and  the  general  was  pinned  in  the 
cockpit.  Gasoline  was  spouting  from  a  leak  in  the  tank  onto 
the  hot  motor,  so  Ryan  stuck  his  finger  in  the  leak  until  a 
rescue  party  arrived  and  pulled  the  general  out  of  what  was 
left  of  the  Jenny,  which  was  one  of  three  a  Mexican  who  hired 
Ryan  had  bought. 


1  924  found  Ryan  still  togged  out  in  flying  gear  then  in  vogue, 
after  he  moved  his  flying  field  to  the  salt  flats  of  San  Diego. 

Returning  to  San  Diego,  Ryan  resumed  flying  at  the  bay- 
side  field  until  high  tension  wires  and  the  mast  on  a  dredge 
became  too  hazardous.  So  he  moved  to  the  salt  flats  (later  to 
become  Ryan  Airport)   farther  up  ihe  bay. 

By  this  time  Ryan  had  two  Jennies  and  to  help  make  his 
new  airport  look  impressive,  he  provided  free  parking  space 
for  any  pilot  who  brought  a  plane  down  there. 

In  1923,  the  government  decided  to  sell  the  remainder  of 
its  surplus  training  planes.  Ryan  bought  six  Standard  biplanes. 
They  were  in  a  terrible  condition  by  the  time  they  arrived  here 
from  Texas,  so  the  Ryan  Flying  Company  and  its  four 
mechanics — Hawley  Bowlus,  John  van  Der  Linde,  Dan  Bur- 
nett and  Martin  Jensen — had  a  tedious  task  putting  the  planes 
back  in  shape.  Not  only  that,  but  Ryan  made  five-place  cabin 
jobs  out  of  them  after  fitting  them  with  150-horsepower  His- 
pano-Suiza  engines. 

Later  that  year,  business  began  to  pick  up.  A  sightseeing 
bus  stopped  at  the  field  and  the  passengers  were  so  impressed 
by  the  cabin  planes  that  they  went  for  joy  rides  at  $5  a  head. 
Ryan  immediately  realized  the  possibilities  and  prevailed  upon 
the  sightseeing  company  to  run  its  tours  past  the  field  every 

If  it  hadn't  lieen  for  a  carnival  that  pitched  its  tents  next  to 

Ryan's  flying  field,  Ryan  might  have  been  hungrier  than  he 
was  in  those  lean,  early  days  of  flying.  The  carnival  provided 
passengers  who  paid    $5    per  head  for  a  flight   over  the  city. 

TIliS  is  the  carnival  man  who  assured  Ryan  of  a  daily  source  of 
money.  He  was  a  steady  customer  as  long  as  the  show  lasted. 

day.  That  was  the  start  of  a  lucrative  business  that  lasted  for 
many  years.  Sometimes  more  than  100  sightseers  were  taken 
on  flights.  At  the  same  time  Ryan  was  making  money  rebuild- 
ing and  selling  planes  and  instructing  student  pilots. 

Then  along  came  a  sportsman  pilot  who  became  Ryan's 
partner.  They  launched  at  once  a  passenger  service  between 
San  Diego  and  Los  Angeles.  The  maiden  flight  was  accom- 
plished with  much  fanfare  on  March  1,  1925,  and  it  became 
the  first  year-round  passenger-carrying  service  in  the  country. 

The  first  Cloudster  biplane  built  by  Douglas  was  purchased 
by  Ryan  for  the  airline  work.  But  Ryan  was  not  satisfied  with 
open  cockpits.  He  had  the  craft  rebuilt  so  that  it  had  one 
large  cabin  accommodating  ten  passengers. 

At  the  same  time,  Ryan  and  his  partner  began  buying  more 
and  more  planes  and  engines  from  the  government.  These  were 
rebuilt  and  sold  at  a  handsome  profit. 

The  year  1925  seemed  to  be  the  beginning  of  a  new  era  in 
Ryan's  aeronautical  career.  It  was  in  the  waning  months  of 
that  year  that  he  decided  to  design  and  build  a  monoplane  to 
replace  the  obsolete  De  Havillands  the  Post  Office  Department 
was  using  to  carry  the  mails. 


Quiet  spoken,  studious  and  amiable  are  just  a  few  adjectives  which 

apply  to  Bert  Holland.  Formerly  a  flier,  Holland  is  well  aware 
of  the  need   for  perfection   in   the  manufacture  of   airplanes. 

Director  of  Quality  Control  in  the  Ryan  plant,  Holland  is  a  good 
hstener  as  well  as  a  spokesman  who  can  dish  out  orders.  When 
he  isn't  working,  Holland  likes  to  putter  around  in  his  garden. 



This  quiet  ex-flier  iiunts  production  bugs 

Easy  going,  quiet  spoken  Bert  Holland  looks  for  all  the 
world  Hke  a  doctor.  In  a  sense  he  is  one.  It's  his  job  as  Ryan's 
director  of  Quality  Control  to  track  down  and  wipe  out  the 
germs  that  creep  into  production  materials.  It  also  is  his 
job  to  foresee  possible  epidemics  of  these  bugs,  known  as 
"common    mistakes,"    and    take    measures    to    prevent    them. 

Holland  knows  from  experience  what  it  means  to  have 
quality  in  airplanes,  especially  combat  planes.  He  was  a 
pilot  himself  and  he  still  sees  things  from  a  flier's  standpoint. 

"After  all,"  he  says,  "a  pilot  depends  on  the  workmanship 
and  the  materials  we  put  into  a  plane.  If  either  is  faulty, 
he  may  lose  his  life." 

Holland  some  time  ago  outlined  the  proper  procedures  for 
control  of  quality,  in  a  handbook  that  has  been  widely  copied 
by  aircraft  companies.  He  has  received  hundreds  of  letters 
asking  how  his  system  works.  His  methods  have  saved  thousands 
of  work  hours,  reduced  rejections  of  materials  to  a  mere  fraction 
of  what  they  used  to  be.  But  he  does  not  take  all  the  credit. 

"If  it  hadn't  been  for  the  co-operation  of  all  employees,  the 
system  could  never  have  worked,"  Holland  says. 

Holland's  system  isn't  a  complicated  one.  Here  is  what  his 
department  does: 

Investigate  causes  of  all  rejections  and  employ  the  necessar)' 
measures  to  eliminate  them. 

Handle  all  Salvage  activities. 

Point  out  and  take  steps  to  eliminate  conditions  which  may 
become  causes  for  rejections. 

Co-operate  with  Production  departments  in  development  of 
manufacturing  methods  to  improve  quality  and  avoid  rejections. 

Compile  statistics  to  show  financial  losses  and  materials  wast- 
ed as  a  result  of  rejections  and  poor  manufacturing  methods. 

Assist  sub-contractors  and  vendors  in  maintaining  the  high- 
est efficiency  from  their  Inspection  departments. 

Co-operate  with  Outside  Production  in  determining  quali- 
fications of  sub-contractors  and  other  outside  sources  of 

Ascertain  and  advise  Outside  Production  whether  or  not 
outside  sources  are  producing  products  which  conform  to 
Ryan  standards  of  quality. 

Advise  our  customers  on  problems  pertaining  to  the  quality 
of  work  being  done  for  them. 

Endeavor  to  uphold  at  all  times  the  Ryan  standard  of 
quality  and  performance. 

Today  Holland  has  little  time  to  himself  for  his  hobbies. 
But  he  does  manage  on  Sundays  to  work  at  his  favorite  pastime 
— gardening.  When  he  isn't  worrying  over  airplanes,  he  can 
be  found  figuring  out  a  new  layout  for  his  flower  gardens. 

He  came  to  Ryan  in  September,  1941  as  chief  inspector.  Later 
he  was  appointed  quality  manager  and  recently  director  of 
the  entire  quality  division.  Not  only  has  he  been  saddled  with 
added  work — and  he  loves  that —  but  the  company  keeps  him 
hopping  around  like  a  grasshopper.  He  spends  four  days 
a  week  in  the  Los  Angeles  office  and  the  remainder  of  the  time 

Looking  back  on  Holland's  career,  we  find  him  born  in 
Missouri  in  1900  and  reared  in  that  state.  At  15  he  made 
the  first  of  1 00  parachute  jumps  from  hot  air  balloons.  That 
was  on  July  4,  1915.  Later  that  year  he  learned  to  fly  an 

In  1916  he  joined  the  Army  and  remained  in  service  until 
after  the  close  of  the  war.  He  spent  a  year  on  the  Mexican 
border  before  being  assigned  to  other  aviation  duties  in  the 
Army.  After  the  last  war  he  became  a  barnstorming  pilot  and 
resumed  parachute  jumping,  appearing  mostly  at  county  and 
state   fairs. 

Holland  recalls  with  a  smile  two  experiences  he'll  never 

"I  was  making  a  parachute  jump  with  one  of  the  old 
exhibition  packs,"  he  related.  "I  had  to  crawl  out  on  the  wing, 
fasten  my  harness  to  the  chute  and  then  reach  up  and  pull  a 
string  to  free  the  chute.  Somehow  the  whole  pack  came  loose 
before  I  got  ready  to  pull  the  string.  The  pack  and  me  came 
tumbling  down  together.  The  ground  was  coming  up  fast. 
Finally  T  managed  to  wrap  the  harness  around  my  arm  and 
gradually  pull  the  pack  within  reach.  I  got  that  string  loose 
and  carefully  played  the  chute  out  of  the  bag.  When  it 
opened  I  didn't  have  much  room  left." 

On  another  occasion  Holland  was  giving  a  parachute  ex- 
hibition with  a  balloon  from  a  small  farm  adjacent  to  a 

"It  was  windy  as  all  get  out,  but  the  fair  management 
insisted  I  make  the  jump  so  as  to  not  disappoint  the  crowd.  So  I 
got  the  bag  filled  while  a  helper  got  my  chute  ready. 

"Usually  I  packed  my  own  chute  or  at  least  tied  the  release 
string.  But  this  time  the  helper  did  it  without  my  noticing 
it,  I  was  in  such  a  hurry.  It  was  getting  dark.  I  always  carried 
a  knife  with  me,  too,  in  case  the  string  failed  me. 

"The  balloon  was  cut  loose  and  it  swept  me  off  my  feet  and 
up  over  the  hills  in  a  jiffy.  When  I  got  as  high  as  I  wanted,  I 
reached  up  to  pull  the  string.  It  was  too  high  for  me.  The 
helper  had  miscalculated.  So  I  got  out  my  knife,  but  in  my 
haste  I  dropped  it.  So  there  I  was  floating  on  up  over  the 
hills  with  it  getting  darker  every  moment. 

"At  last,  after  some  strugghng,  I  managed  to  pull  myself 
up  to  within  reach  of  the  release  cord.  I  landed  20  miles 
away  from  the  fair.  They  spent  the  night  looking  for  me 
while  I  rested  at  a  farm." 

While  Holland  was  barnstorming  as  a  pilot  he  spent  his 
evenings  studying.  He  later  studied  at  the  University  of 
Missouri  and  naturally  aeronautics  was  his  speciality. 

After  giving  up  barnstorming  he  went  into  business  for 
himself,  dealing  in  salvaged  airplane  parts  and  airplane  repairs 
near  St.  Louis.  Then  he  worked  for  Boeing  for  three  years  as  an 
engine  mechanic. 

In  1928  we  find  him  in  Detroit  as  a  dealer  for  American 
Eagles.  But  that  did  not  last  long.  He  was  offered  a  position 
with  the  Keystone  Aircraft  Corporation  as  assistant  chief  in- 
spector. In  1931,  after  Keystone  folded,  he  went  to  the  polar 
regions  on  an  expedition.  Then  he  went  to  Colombia  as  a 
flight  training  consultant  and  consulting  engineer  to  the 
Colombian  government. 

That  job  done,  he  next  joined  Seversky.  From  1937  to  1939  he 
was  with  the  Canadian  Car  and  Foundry  Company  of  Montreal 
as  consulting  engineer.  And  immediately  prior  to  joining  Ryan 
he  was  in  Mexico  as  works  manager  in  charge  of  building  an 
aircraft    plant    at   Mexico   City. 

Holland  isn't  addicted  to  smiles.  He  is  senous,  but  capable  of 
hearty  laughs  if  there's  something  to  laugh  at,  especially  if 
the  joke's  on  him.    You  usually  find  him  absorbed  in  work. 

A  familiar  scene  in  Holland's  office.  His  phone  jangles  con- 
tinually. He  is  used  to  it  and  has  a  way  of  picking  up  where 
he   left   off.    Much   of   his   direction   is   done   over   the   phone. 


Has  your  hour-glass  figure  taken  a  turn  for  the  worse? 
Maybe  those  ice  cream  bars  and  chocolate  whatnots  have 
made  your  torso  more  so?  Then  there's  no  time  like  the 
present  to  do  a  little  homework  on  yourself.  Bend  down 
and  s-t-r-e-t-c-h-! 

Exercise  is  the  best  way  to  lengthen  out  those  muscles 
of  yours.  If  your  job  requires  you  to  stand  all  day,  or 
sit  all  day,  then  certain  muscles  aren't  getting  enough 
use.  Straighten  up  your  back  and  banish  "secretary's 
spread"  by  some  simple  exercises.  You'll  feel  better,  and 
your  public  will  like  you  better  in  slacks,  evening  gown 
or  that  new  bathing  suit. 

Just  before  you  hop  into  bed  and  fall  into  the  arms 
of  Morpheus,  give  your  body  a  break.  You'll  find  that 
if  you  do  some  of  these  exercises  when  your  body  is  free 
from  .  .  .  (whoever  invented  those  things,  anyway?) 
you'll  sleep  like  an  infant  and  wake  up  ready  to  lick  your 
weight  in  postage  stamps. 

Maybe  you  aren't  trying  to  take  off  any  inches  here 
or  there.  Even  so,  there  are  probably  times  when  you 
can  hardly  drag  your  weary  bones  home  after  a  hard 
day's  work.  Eliminate  those  backaches,  tired  muscles  and 
creaks  in  your  joints  by  exercise.  Swimming,  tennis, 
volleyball  and  most  sports  assure  you  good  health  and 
much  fun. 

Remember,  you  can  become  your  former  sylph  if  you 
practice  girth  control. 

"Three  way" Stretch— reach    way   up    for    count    of   six,    then 
relax.  Takes  the  stiffness  out  of  the  shoulders,  back  and  chest. 


Keep  kne6S  straight,  bend  body  forward  with   springing  motion 
10  times.    Stretch  hard  with  chest  out  and  hips  under.  Repeat. 

Fingertips  on  shoulders  and  feet   forward,   twist   from   the  waist 
to  left  and  right,  watching  the  elbow  that  goes  back.  8  times. 

Arms  outstretched,  shake  hands  sideways — up  and  down — around 
in  a  circle  in  one  direction,  then  the  other.    Repeat   5   times. 

"Walking  on  sir" — while   remaining   in   place,   walk   with  high 
knee   raising.   Keep   arms   swinging,   though  relaxed.    30   steps. 


r  "^ 





i     ^^ 




Ryan  workers  gather  around  piano  for  singing  with  employees  of 

other  war  plants.  The  scene  is  the  YWCA,  where  weekly  parties 


are  held  for  swing  shift  workers  under  sponsorship  of  the  In- 
dustrial USO.   Old  songs  are  favorites  during  the  group  singing. 


m<^  m  €1 

H.^.([7.  ty^^mnu  ^/iM  ^af^^/u 

Every  Friday,  San  Diego's  Industrial  USO  stages  a  party  at 
the  YWCA  for  second  shift  workers.  Festivities  start  at  1 1 
a.m.,   with   a   choice   of   swimming,   volleyball,   badminton   or 

ping-pong  for  the  party  goers.  After  the  sports  program, 
everyone  drifts  into  the  music  room  for  singing  and  chatting 
until  breakfast  is  ready.    At  noon  the  meal  is  served  at  in- 

Swimming  is  a  favorite  sport  during  the  first  hour  of  each  party.  The  well-equipped  gymnasium  is  used  by  many  of  the  party  guests. 

Competent  cooks  serve  breakfast  at  noon  to  the  swing  shifters, 

whojC  social   life  is  carried  on  during  the  daylight  hours  in- 

stead of  after  dark.    After  the  meal,  the  party  goes  on  until 
three  o'clock,  when  everyone  scatters  to  get  ready  for  work. 

formally  arranged   tables  in  the  breakfast   room.    Those  who 
finish  early  usually  play  ping-pong. 

Dancing  starts  at  one  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  when  a  five- 
piece  USO  orchestra  begins  giving  out  with  tunes  sweet  and 
hot  in  the  YWCA  lounge.  It  continues  for  the  next  two  hours, 
with  occasional  interludes  when  party  guests  climb  onto  the 

orchestra  stand  to  sing,  give  a  pantomime  or  make  announce- 
ments about  future  USO  activities.  Ping-pong  and  other 
amusements  are  available  in  the  YWCA  for  all  those  who 
don't  feel  like  dancing.  At  three  o'clock  sharp  the  party  begins 
to  break  up,  in  order  to  give  war  workers  ample  time  to  reach 
their  plants  on  schedule  for  the  beginning  of  the  day's  swing 

Many  romances  have  started  at  these  afternoon  dances  for  the 
aircrafters.     A   five-piece   USO   orchestra   provides   the   music. 

Ping-pong  can   be   played  during   the    afternoon   hours   by   those 
who  don't  care  to  dance.   The  YWCA  has  several  tables  ready. 




On  page  14  of  last  month's  issue  of  FLYing 
Reporter  (April,  1945)  there  appeared  a  distinctly 
unflattering  photograph  of  me.  It  portrayed  mc 
driving  my  car  away  from  the  Ryan  plant  with- 
out any  passengers.  The  editor  drew  some  un- 
pleasant conclusions  from  the  fact  that  I  rode 
alone,  although  there  was  room  for  three  passengers 
in  the  car,  and  although  a  would-be  rider  from 
Ryan  stood  disconsolately  beside  the  road  as  I 
whizzed  past  him. 

The  publication  of  the  picture  has  brought 
down  much  criticism  on  my  head  and  caused  me 
a  great  deal  of  mental  anguish.  In  fact,  I  have  been 
beside   myself  ever   since. 

In  order  that  you  can  see  how  erroneous  your 
earlier  picture  was,  I  am  sending  you  a  picture 
proving  that  I  do  carry  a  full  auto-load  of  pas- 
sengers. In  fairness  to  me  I  think  you  should 
publish  this  photograph.  All  three  riders  are 
friends  of  mine  who  admire  me  deeply,  and  I  have 
long  held  all  three  of  them  in  high  regard.  We 
are  firm  believers  in  the  share-the-ride  program — 
particularly    when    the   program    makes    it   possible 

for    four    such    fine    chaps    to    ride    together   every 
morning  and  afternoon. 

As   a  favor  to  me   and   a  boost   for  Ryan's   car- 
pooling  campaign,   please  print   this  photograph   of 
my  three  riders  and  myself. 
Engineering.  ROBERT  W.  FINSTAD. 


'vSKKUm  ■  •  ■ 

■^|gM«P»                     1       . 



^^^^j^  VHiiitaH^ 







^_             <JPMFSiMlMP 

*     ^^8P 





^   -^a^ 





For  some  time  I've  been  hearing  rumors  about 
Ryan's  unusual  new  plane  —  the  one  that  Amer- 
ican Aviation  magazine  predicts  "will  add  a  sub- 
stantial piece  of  news  to  the  public  concept  of 
aeronautical  progress."  However,  until  this  week  I 
had  never  seen  the  plane,  nor  even  a  picture  of  it. 

While  I  was  out  on  a  pleasure  flight  the  other 
day,  and  was  pretty  high,  an  amazing  plane  shot 
by  me  like  lightning.  I  managed  to  get  a  snapshot 
of   it   in    flight,    and    after   studying    the   picture   I 

am  sure  it  must  be  Ryan's  new  plane,  as  the  craft 
obviously  has  amazing  new  engineering  features 
which  definitely  will  add  to  the  public  concept  of 
aeronautical  progress. 

Please  tell  me  how  that  tiny  engine  pulls  such 
a  big  job.  And  what  a  tiny  rudder  for  such  a  big 
grandma.  And  look  where  the  pilot  and  the 
observer  sit.  Do  you  keep  them  far  apart  so  one 
sees  where  they're  going  and  the  other  sees  where 
they  have  been? 

Chula  Vista. 



Let  me  tell  you  how  fast  that  job  is  that  Joe 
Bleau  saw.  I  took  it  up  for  a  test  hop —  or  some- 
thing like  that :  I  remember  hop  was  involved 
somehow  —  and  when  I  opened  the  throttle,  I  felt 
exactly  as  if  I  were  riding  on  a  magic  carpet. 
It  was  so  fast  that  the  stick  flew  faster  than  I 
did.  Scared?  Why,  I  was  so  scared  that  my  helmet 
and  goggles  popped  off  my  head.  The  automatic 
camera  which  is  part  of  test-flight  equipment 
caught  me  just  at  that  moment,  and  Tm  enclosing 
the  photo  to  show  you  what  a  nightmare  the 
flight    was. 



f^r  BEGEM 

Thoughts  of  a  Service 

Man  About   the  Seventh 

War  Loan  Drive 

Well,  the  radio  said  there's  going 
to  be  another  War  Bond  Drive  on 
back  in  the  States.  They're  asking 
the  folks  to  buy  extra  bonds.  That's 

You  won't  get  mad,  will  you,  if  I 
give  out  with  a  G.  I.  gripe? 

Honest,  I  don't  get  the  whole 

Out  here  I'm  dodging  bullets  and 
mortar  shells,  and  back  home  some 
guy  is  dodging  chances  to  invest  his 
dough  in  War  Bonds.  He  claims  it's 
too  much  of  a  sacrifice  to  "contrib- 
ute"—  get  that,  contribute!  —  two 
weeks  pay  for  gilt-edged  bonds  that 
are  better  than  a  bank  account. 

That  fellow  gets  back  four  for 
every  three  dollars  he  invests  now. 
I  get  fifty  a  month  .  .  .  and  no 

So  look,  pal — if  a  lot  of  razzle- 
dazzle,  hoopla  and  drum-beatin'  are 
needed  to  sell  the  finest  investment 
in  the  world — a  U.  S.  Bond — then 
try  and  soft  pedal  it  to  the  boys 
out  here. 

It  doesn't  set  so  good  hearing 
that  you  got  to  hit  guys  over  the 
head  to  get  'em  in  the  ten  per  cent 
payroll  plan  .  .  .  when  across  a 
ridge  a  Jap  "88"  is  trying  to  take 
100  per  cent  of  your  life! 

Not  when  you  know  we  Joes  slap 
a  good  hunk  of  our  fifty  a  month 
into  bonds  .  .  .  when  95%  of  the 
WACS  step  up  to  the  bond  wagon 
every  month. 

'Course,  some  of  the  hotheads  in 
my  outfit  think  maybe  if  a  piece 
of  the  war  (just  a  little  piece,  mind 
you)  was  put  on  for  a  couple  of 
days  at  home,  some  people  would 
get  the  real  idea  about  buying 

If  they'd  lay  in  a  muddy  hole  for 
72  hours,  eating,  drinking  and  sleep- 
ing and  everything — that's  what  I 
said,  brother,  everything;  if  they  ate 
dirt  waiting  for  the  Jap  to  move 
first  .  .  .  maybe  they  wouldn't  be 
slow  in  digging  down  deep  for  those 
extra  bonds. 

If  they  walked  through  a  field 
hospital  right  after  a  bomb  hit  it, 
if   they   saw    what   many    guys   out 

here  have  seen,  they'd  run  like  hell 
for  those  bonds. 

If  they  could  get  a  peep  at  their 
own  sons,  for  whom  a  two-inch 
thick  Porterhouse  had  to  be  broiled 
just  so,  eating  K  rations  for  seven 
straight  days — they  wouldn't  need 
Bing  Crosby  singing  "Any  Bonds 
Today?"  to  lay  that  cash  on  the  line. 

Well,  maybe  it  isn't  the  people's 
fault.  Maybe  this  begging  and  bal- 
lyhoo has  been  overdone.  It's  sort 
of  given  folks  the  idea  they're  the 
ones   who   are   doing  the  favor! 

Don't  they  know  it's  just  as  much 
their  job  to  buy  for  Victory  as  it 
is  for  some  of  us  to  die  for  it? 

So  how  about  laying  off  with  the 
ballyhoo?  How  about  just  saying 
that  this  is  IT!  .  .  .  that  we're 
going  in  to  clean  out  those  Japs  no 
matter  what  they  throw  at  us  .  .  . 
and  that  the  more  dough  we  get  up 
now,  the  more  American  boys  will 
be  standing  up  when  the  shooting 
is  over. 

Don't  beg  'em.  Uncle  Sam! 
Don't  put  patriotism  on  the  auc- 
tion block! 



RYAN'S  Production  and  Engineering  Staffs  include  many  outstanding  names  of  the  aviation 
industry.  But  no  one  man.  . .  nor  one  group.  . .  has  a  monopoly  on  ideas.  That's  why  the  Ryan 
Aeronautical  Company  sponsors  Shop  Suggestion  and  Patent  Development  Plans,  which  offer 
valuable  incentives  to  all  employees.,  .for  turning  in  suggestions  for  improvements.  Often,  these 
suggestions  turn  out  to  be  the  sort  which  occur  only  to  workers  in  their  on-the-job,  everyday  ex- 
perience. To  date,  Ryan  employees  have  submitted  1065  ideas,  from  which  have  been  obtained 
266  valuable  contributions  to  aircraft  production.  266  reasons  why  Ryan  production  methods- 
mean  constantly  improved  military  planes  today...  safer,  lower  cost  air  transportation  tomorrow. 


When  the  final  section  of  metal  skin 
is  put  down  on  a  wing,  there  remains 
an  overlap  on  the  leading  edge  which 
must  be  trinamed  back.  The  old  meth- 
od for  doing  thia  involved  shearing 
off  and  filing  the  excess  metal  by 
hand.  This  was  slow  and  produced  an 
uneven  edge.  Glen  L.  Humphrey  of 
Ryan's  Final  Assembly  Department 
suggested  mounting  a  motor- driven 
vixen  file  in  a  vertical  position  on  a 
guide  table,  and  using  the  edge  of 
the  spar  as  a  guide.  This  idea  not 
only  stepped-up  production  by  saving 
many  man-hours,  but  produced  a 
cleaner,  more  uniform  trim. 

—  Shop  Suggestion  No.  433 




Constant  expanding  and  contracting 
of  the  circular  brake-shoe  on  a  Tanne- 
witz  Band  Saw  causes  it  to  crystallize 
and  break  —  frequently  putting  the 
band  saw  out  of  operation.  Delmar 
Conde  of  Ryan's  Mechanical  Mainte- 
nance Department  suggested  making 
a  brake-shoe  in  two  separate  halves, 
held  together  with  helical  springs,  so 
that  the  shoe  can  be  expanded  with- 
out straining  the  metal.  Result:  costly, 
time  -  taking  breakdowns  caused  by 
breaking  shoes  have  been  eliminated, 
and  the  production  output  of  this  im- 
portant tool  has  been  increased. 

—  Shop  Suggestion  No.  459 


The  rubber  pad  that  covers  the  sur- 
face of  a  hydro-press  ram  is  6  inches 
thick  and  weighs  several  hundred 
pounds.  Formerly,  after  both  sides  of 
the  rubber  had  become  badly  chewed 
from  forming  metal  parts,  it  was  nec- 
essary to  replace  the  pad  with  a  new 
one.  R.  W.  Booth,  Sr.,  of  Ryan's  Drop 
Hammer  Department,  noting  that  the 
inner  two-thirds  of  the  pad  was  prac- 
tically undamaged,  suggested  grind- 
ing off  the  outside  inch  of  worn  rubber 
from  each  side,  and  then  vulcanizing 
an  inch-thick  layer  of  new  rubber  on 
each  side.  Result:  pad's  life  is  doubled. 
-Shop  Suggestion  No.  1470 

Ryan  Aeronouticol  Compony,  San  Diego  -  Member,  Aircroft  War  Production  Council,    Inc. 




Jl/M  I9U 





JUNE  1945 

Vol.  9  No.  5 


No  Room  For  Mistakes 1 

A  flat-top  looks  mighty  small 
to  the  boys  coming  in  for  a 

The    Vanishing    Yardstick 2 

Ever  try  to  measure  a  mil- 
lionth of  an  inch? 

They  Aim  To  Please 4 

They  may  have  changed  their 
location,  but  their  helpful 
services  to  you  only  change 
for  the  better. 

Part  of  a  Battle  ^ 6 

Reprint  of  a  gripping  article 
from  The  Saturday  Evening 

Ryan  Historical  Parade  8 

A  humble  start  was  no  handi- 
cap to  T.  ClauJe  Ryan. 

Factless   Fables    10 

Maybe  you  can  figure  this  one 
out.  Or  shall  we  fit  you  for 
a  strait-jacket? 

W.  A.  Plourde,  Director 

of  Planning  _.__ 12 

Close-up  of  the  man  who 
makes  the  gears  mesh  at  Ryan. 

Our  Style  of  Life  17 

Underhanded  vtethods  were 
employed — they  didn't  know 
we  were  looking. 

Browsing  Around  21 

Some  more  candid  shots  of 

Feminine  Furbelows  by  Fran         22 
S  u  m  m  e  r    information     for 


Published  every  month  for 

employees  and  friends  of 


Through  the 

Public  Relations  Department 

Under  the  Editorial  Direction  of 

William  "Wagner  and  Keith  Monroe 

Editor  Frances  Statler  Kohl 

Staff  Photographers, 

Tommy    Hixson,    Frank    Martin, 

Rex  Benedict.       , 

Recognize  the  handsome 
youngster  in  front  of  this 
plane?  You  shouldn't  have 
much  trouble,  because  he's 
changed  surprisingly  little 
since  1926,  when  this  shot 
was  taken.  It's  Claude 
Ryan,  youthful  president 
of  the  budding  Ryan  com- 
pany, at  the  nose  of  a 
Super  Rhone  powered  Ryan 
M-1.  It's  a  picture  we  had 
left  over  when  we  laid  out 
the  current  instalment  of  our  historical  series  on  page  9,  tut  we  still 
thought  you  might  be  interested  in  seeing  it. 

"No  Room  for  Mistakes"  might  be  the  keynote  of  our  life  in  the 
editorial  bull  pen  up  here  in  room  286,  as  well  as  the  title  of  the 
article  on  page  8.  A  mistake  in  the  preparations  for  a  Flying  Reporter 
story  is  almost  enough  to  cause  convulsions  and  brain  fever  up  here, 
because  there  just  isn't  any  room  for  mistakes  .  As  an  example,  when 
we  took  our  pictures  and  layout  to  a  downtown  artist,  the  pictures 
which  appear  on  page  8  were  supposed  to  have  numbers  painted  on 
them  by  the  artist.  Through  misunderstanding,  he  didn't  put  on  the 
numbers;  so  when  the  great  day  came  that  the  finished  plates  were 
delivered  to  the  printers,  they  bore  no  numbers.  We  were  ready  to 
throw  ourselves  into  a  nearby  roller  press  when  somebody  came  up 
with  an  idea  that  saved  the  day.  He  just  drilled  httle  round  holes  in 
the  plate  itself  and  stuck  the  numbers  in  the  holes.  Clever,  these  printers. 

"Accuracy  is  our  business," 
says  M.  C.  Ring,  Superintendent 
of  machine  parts,  and  George 
Tiedeman,  general  supervisor  of 
precision  inspection,  as  they  pore 
over  the  plans  for  a  new  high- 
precision  part.  Inspection  crib 
No.  3  is  pervaded  by  the  same 
exacting  atmosphere  which  is 
prevalent  in  the  best-run  scien- 
tific laboratories,  yet  there  is  a 
Spirit  of  friendliness  and  team- 
work which  you  feel  the  moment  you  ask  any  of  the  personnel  about 
the  work  they're  doing.  The  ready  flow  of  information  and  the  enthusi- 
asm which  William  Brotherton's  questions  about  precision  inspection 
engendered,  are  fine  testimonials  to  the  spirit  which  George  Tiedeman's 
leadership  has  developed  in  this  valuable  department. 



It  takes  taut  teamwork  to 

land  a  plane  on  a  modern 


WITH  the  grace  of  a  smoothly 
soaring  bird,  a  homing  Hell- 
diver  swiftly  overtakes  the  speed- 
ing carrier  which  is  its  sea-borne 
roost.  From  the  instant  the  land- 
ing signal  officer  flashes  the  "cut" 
signal  to  the  moment  this  Curtiss 
SB2C  dive  bomber  descends  to  the 
hangar  deck  with  wings  folded,  the 
highest  degree  of  skill  is  required 
on  the  part  of  the  airman  and  the 
ship's  crew.  In  rapid  succession  the 
plane's  wheels  meet  the  flight  deck, 
the  arresting  hook  snags  a  steel  deck 
cable  and  the  war  bird  comes  to  a 
halt.  A  khaki-clad  flight  officer  sig- 
nals the  pilot  to  "hold  it,"  a  deck 
man  scoots  over  to  free  the  hook 
and  the  signal  "come  on"  is  waved 
to  the  flyer.  On  the  carrier's  ele- 
vator, the  Helldiver's  powerful 
Wright  Cyclone  engine  is  cut  and 
the  six  foot,  four-bladed  propeller 
ceases  to  churn  the  air  as  another 
jap  killer  is  lowered  into  the  huge 
ship's  hangar. 

Today's  Naval  Air  Service,  the 
largest  and  finest  fleet  arm  in  the 
world,  is  an  outgrowth  of  an  ex- 
periment in  January,  1911,  when 
Eugene  Ely,  Curtiss  test  pilot,  first 
landed  an  airplane  upon  the  deck 
of  a  ship.  This  significant  maneuver 
was  made  upon  the  deck  of  the 
U.  S.  S.  Pennsylvania  in  San  Fran- 
cisco bay.  Since  then  the  U.  S. 
Navy  introduced  the  dive-bombing 
technique,  conceived  the  patrol 
bomber,  developed  the  torpedo 
(continued  on  page  18) 

Official  U.  S.  Navy  Photographs 

fHE  fin  SHIM  fARBSflCK 

A  COMMON  housefly  alights  on  a  pillow 
and  begins  to  walk  through  the  fabric's 
threads  which  appear  to  him  to  be  as  large 
as  ship  hawsers.  No  sounds  are  heard  by 
human  ears.  But  the  noise  is  there  and  a 
modern  electronic  "ear"  can  pick  up  the 
tread  of  that  fly  and  ampUfy  it  until  it 
sounds  like  the  mighty  thud  of  a  drop  ham- 

You  run  your  finger  over  the  highly  pol- 
ished surface  of  a  fine  mirror  and  exclaim 
how  smooth  and  flat  it  is.  Unless  you  peered 
at  that  same  surface  through  the  eyepiece 
of  a  high-powered  microscope,  you  wouldn't 
believe  that  it  was  broken  up  by  towering 
peaks  and  precipitous  valleys  which  look 
much  like  the  contours  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 

—  2  — 

No  two  ordinary  rulers  are  the 

same  length  —  which  is  one 

reason   why   our  technicians 

learned  to  split  an  inch 

into  millionths 

Nothing  in  this  world  is  perfectly  smooth, 
perfectly  flat,  round,  square  or  symmetrical 
in  any  sense.  It  is  only  comparatively  so. 
To  our  own  eyes,  ears  and  fingers,  an  object 
may  appear  to  be  perfect  in  some  respect. 
But  that  is  because  our  senses  are  such  poor 
measuring  tools.  Long  ages  ago,  man  began 
to  suspect  the  accuracy  of  his  natural  observa- 
tions— only  recently  has  he  developed  instru- 
ments which  enable  him  to  build  with  scien- 
tific precision. 

If  anyone  wishes  to  refresh  his  memory  as 
to  approximately  how  long  a  foot  is,  all  he 
has  to  do  is  look  at  an  ordinary  ruler.  But, 
if  he  is  in  search  of  a  precise  foot,  with 
exactly  12  inches,  he  will  be  dismayed  by 
the  fact  that  no  two  ordinary  rulers  are  quite 
the  same  length.  Then  he  will  be  referred 
to  a  special  ruler,  called  a  caliper  rule,  which 
measures  to  1/100  inch,  the  micrometer, 
which  can  detect  a  difference  of  1/1000  inch, 
or  the  dial  bench  gage  which  gives  direct 
readings  to  1/10,000  inch.  Eventually  he 
will  wind  up  in  the  Bureau  of  Standards  at 
Washington  where  he  can  gaze  at  the  stand- 




If  you  imagine  that  the  thickness  of 
one  dime  represents  one  millionth  of 
on  inch,  then  one  million  dimes,  rep- 
resenting one  inch,  would  reach  as 
high  as  four  Empire  State  buildings 
piled  one  on  top  of  another. 

ard  measurement  of  length  by  which  all  other 
accurate  measuring  devices  are  checked.  This 
length  is  determined  by  two  scratches  on  a 
platinum-iridium  bar  which  was  presented 
to  the  United  States  in  1889  and  has  been 
carefully  nursed  in  a  glass,  air-tight,  tem- 
perature-controlled case  ever  since. 

The  first  evidences  of  linear  measurement 
can  be  traced  back  to  about  3000  B.C.  al- 
though the  cagey  Egyptians  must  have  had 
a  good  system  of  measurement  long  before 
then  in  order  to  build  their  desert  skyscrapers 
—  the  pyramids.  The  great  pyramid  of 
Khufu   was   built   in   4750   B.C.   and   covers 

'Continued   on   page    1  1  ) 

Need  somethins  done? 
Employee  Service  invites 
you  to  pay  them  a  visit 
'n  their  new  home 

Poying   household  bills  at  the  cashier's 
window  saves  lots  of  time. 

4  — 



I  found  her  body  slumped  in  the  hall  in 
the  east  end  of  the  old  office  building.  She 
was  a  forlorn  little  blonde  and  locked  like 
the  type  that  needed  someone  to  take  care 
of  her.  I  had  just  bent  over  to  pick  her  up 
when  her  eyelids  snapped  open  with  the  sharp 
click  of  a  camera  lens.  I  dashed  down  the 
hall  and  skidded  back  with  a  cup  of  cold 
water  (not  spilling  a  drop)  which  she  hastily 
gulped.  Only  then  did  I  ask  her  what  the 
trouble  was. 

Her  reply  was,  "I've  been  wandering 
around  for  the  past  two  hours  looking  for 
the  Employees'  Service  Section.  They  used 
to  be  located  somewhere  in  this  vicinity  but 
I've  deduced  that  they  must  have  moved." 
(Smart  gal,  this.) 

Naturally,  being  the  gentleman  that  I  am, 
I  explained  to  her  that  her  deductions  were 
entirely  correct  and  offered  to  personally 
conduct  her  to  the  new  Employees'  Service 
location  in  the  west  end  of  our  newly  con- 

structed office  building.  She  accepted  my 
offer.  Much  later,  however,  after  being 
thanked  very  sweetly  and  reluctantly  depart- 
ing (with  her  telephone  number  safely  in- 
scribed in  my  notebook) ,  I  decided  that  there 
might  be  many  other  employees  who  didn't 
know  the  new  location  of  Employees'  Service. 
Also  there  might  be  new  employees  who 
didn't  realize  that  this  section  serves  them 
as  a  personal  maid,  private  secretary  and 

Therefore,  I  decided  that  something  should 
be  done  about  giving  out  with  the  news. 

Sooooooo,  on  the  opposite  page,  you'll  find 
a  map  which  I  hope  will  help  you  find  your 
way  around  the  Employees'  Service  Section. 
On  the  bottom  of  this  page,  you'll  find  which 
station  does  you  what  service.  They're  there 
for  your  use,  so  make  the  most  of  them. 
Their  services  will  save  you  a  lot  of  foot 
work,  worry  and  gasoline. 

Stations  1  and  2:  This  is  the  place 
where  you  can  get  rid  of  your  money 
(not  that  it's  hard  to  do  these  days). 
However,  either  one  of  these  stations 
is  where  you  may  pay  your  GAS, 
PHONE BILLS.  They'll  also  write  you 
a  check  (if  you'll  furnish  the  money), 
just  in  case  you  want  to  send  home  a 
little  cash  gift  to  grandma. 

Station  3:  If  you  just  happen  to 
get  up  on  the  wrong  side  of  the  bed 
some  morning  and  decide  you'd  like 
to  pick  a  fuss  with  somebody,  just 
stop  at  this  section   if  you're   in   the 

mood  to  complain  to  someone  that 
your  check  is  short.  We  think  she'll 
be  able  to  straighten  out  your  prob- 
lems. She  also  offers  you  assistance 
regarding  your  COMPANY  INSUR- 
ANCE which  covers  Life,  Accident  and 
Health  policies,  and  your  WAR 
BONDS.  She'll  answer  all  your  ques- 

Stations  4  and  5:  These  stotions 
ore  where  you  can  really  hit  the  jack- 
pot. They'll  assist  you  with  your  TIRE 
purchase    your    CAR    LICENSES    and 

that  time  of  year  rolls  around  (all 
that's  required  of  you  is  the  money). 
They'll  also  do  their  darndest  to  fix 
you  up  with  a  ride  to  and  from  work, 
or  with  another  passenger  if  you  have 
room  in  your  car. 

Station  6:  If  your  wife  meets  you 
at  the  door  some  evening  with  "Greet- 
ings from  the  President"  jast  dash 
down  to  this  section  known  as  SE- 
LECTIVE SERVICE  and  they'll  handle 
all  the  details  necessary  in  working 
with  your  draft  board. 

(Continued  on  poge    16) 

—  5  — 




THIS  is  the  story  of  a  fragment  of  a  battle.  There  is  hardly  a 
shot  from  start  to  finish.  It  is  a  story  of  seamanship,  of 
wind  and  weather;  the  battle  in  this  case  was  fought  mostly 
against  natural  forces.  One  of  Drake's  captains,  or  one  of  Nel- 
son's, would  have  no  troub'e  appreciating  the  problems  of  wind 
and  sea  and  fire  involved  even  though  he  had  never  seen  a  turbine 
or  a  torpedo. 

The  story  starts  with  the  merest  beginnings  of  a  battle.  Part 
of  the  United  States  Navy — to  us,  in  this  story,  it  does  not 
matter  whether  it  was  a  large  or  small  part — was  at  sea  in  the 
Pacific;  what  those  ships  were  intending  to  do  and  what  they 
eventually  did  do  not  affect  this  nar- 
rative. Urgent  radio  messages  were 
coming  in  as  the  fleet  zigzagged  across 
the  sea;  great  events  lay  just  over 
the  horizon.  It  was  just  after  dawn, 
there  were  heavy  rain  clouds  over- 
head, and  the  crews,  troubling  little 
^bout  the  admirals  who  were  read- 
ing the  radio  messages  and  studying 
the  charts,  were  wondering  how  long 

This  article  by  C.  S.  Forester,  the  noted  writer  of 
sea  stories  (creator  of  Captain  Horatio  Horn- 
blcwer,  outhor  of  Captain  from  Connecticut,  etc.) 
was  reprinted  by  speciol  permission  of  THE  SAT- 
URDAY EVENING  POST,  copyright  1945,  by  The 
Curtis   Publishing   Company. 

it  would  be  before  they  were  dismissed  from  general  quarters — 
that  gloomy  routine  general  quarters  to  which  they  were  always 
summoned  at  dawn — and  could  get  their  breakfasts. 

Then  it  happened,  and  breakfast  was  postponed  until  tomorrow. 
A  Japanese  plane  came  out  of  a  rain  cloud  and  let  go  a  bomb 
with  extraordinary  accuracy.  Fair  on  the  big  aircraft  carrier 
Princeton,  which  the  destroyer  Irwin  was  screening,  fell  that 
bomb.  There  was  the  roar  of  an  explosion,  then  the  roar  of  a 
louder  explosion  still,  and  then  a  devil's  tattoo  of  lesser  explosions. 
There  is  gasoline  on  board  a  carrier,  of  course.  And  there  are 
bombs  on  board.    And  there  are  torpedoes,  and  ammunition,  and 

rockets,  and  fuel  oil.  A  carrier  is  a 
floating  mass  of  combustibles  and  ex- 
plosives intermingled. 

From  the  bridge  of  the  Irwin  they 
could  hear  the  explosions  and  see  the 
flames  that  wrapped  the  Princeton 
from  forward  to  amidships  aft  to 
the  stern.  They  could  see  the  car- 
rier come   to  a  stop   as   an  explosion 

—  6 

vented  downward  and  put  the  engine 
room  out  of  commission.  They  could 
read  the  signals  that  ran  up  her  mast 
as  she  asked  for  assistance  in  fighting 
the  fire  and  saving  life.  The  captain 
of  the  Irwin  rang  down  orders  to  the 
engine  room  and  spoke  to  the  man 
at  the  wheel,  and  the  destroyer  headed 
toward  the  carrier,  swung  round  and 
laid  herself  alongside. 

Now  a  carrier  is  a  lofty,  slab-sided  structure,  and,  deprived  of 
her  motive  power,  the  Princeton  did  exactly  what  a  dismasted 
galleon  with  lofty  fore  and  after  castles  would  have  done.  She 
lay  helpless  in  the  trough  of  the  sea,  rolling  wildly  from  side 
to  side. 

The  destroyer  captain  took  the  windward  position,  on  the  car- 
rier's port  side,  clear  of  the  flames  and  smoke,  but  these  simple 
words,  as  from  an  official  report,  do  nothing  to  convey  the  diffi- 
culties and  complications  of  the  situation. 

To  lay  one  ship  alongside  another  when  both  are  rolling  in 
the  trough  is  no  easy  matter.  One  moment  the  destroyer's  upper 
works  were  twenty  feet  away  from  the  carrier's  side  and  the  next 
ihey  were  crashing  against  it.  Besides  that,  the  flames  were  set- 
tmg  off  the  .50-caliber  ammunition  in  the  planes  on  the  car- 
rier's decks,  and  the  big  bullets  were  flying  in  every  direction, 
a  fair  proportion  of  them  straight  at  the  destroyer.  And  now 
and  then  there  were  minor  explosions  on  board  the  carrier  that 
sent  jets  of  flame  and  fragments  of  steel  at  the  Irwin  as  well. 

The  Irwin's  bow  touched  the  Princeton's  side  amidships  with 
a  crash  of  steel  against  steel.  At  that  point  there  were  half  a 
dozen  men  trapped  in  a  gun  sponson  in  the  carrier — a  sponson  is 
a  projection  from  the  side  of  the  ship — and  the  exit  from  it  was 
closed  by  gasoline  flames,  leaving  the  men  in  it  to  choose  between 
staying  to  be  burned  to  death  or  leaping  down  into  the  sea.  The 
arrival  of  the  destroyer  saved  them,  and  they  leaped  into  the 
Irwin's  upper  works  while  she  nosed  farther  forward  along  the 
carrier.  Somewhere  at  this  point,  where  the  fire  was  fiercest  in 
the  interior  of  the  Princeton,  some  other  unhappy  individuals  had 

The  destroyer  was  willing  to  give  her 

life— and  came  within  Five  minutes  of 

doing    so—to   save    the    men    of   the 

flaming  carrier  Princeton. 

been  cut  off  by  flames,  but  they  had 
no  such  easy  way  of  escape.  With  cool 
desperation  they  were  trying  to  cut 
their  way  out  through  the  side  of 
the  ship  with  an  oxyacetylene  torch; 
the  officers  on  the  destroyer's  bridge 
could  see  the  sparks  flying  out  through 
the  small  hole  they  managed  to  cut. 
It  would  have  been  a  desperate  race 
to  cut  that  exit  before  the  flames  swallowed  them  up,  but  it 
was  a  race  that  was  never  decided.  As  the  Irwin  moved  along 
the  carrier,  the  officers  saw  another  small  explosion  on  board  at 
that  point,  and  the  sparks  ceased  abruptly. 

When  the  Irwin's  bow  reached  the  Princeton's  bow  it  was  seen 
that  discipline  and  organization  had  been  at  work  there  as  else- 
where. An  eight-inch  hawser  was  ready  and  was  passed  across 
the  tossing  water.  The  destroyer's  executive  officer  saw  to  it 
that  it  was  taken  through  the  bullnose  and  secured  on  deck.  This 
feat  of  seamanship  left  the  two  ships  fastened  bow  to  bow,  and 
with  the  carrier's  faster  drift  to  leeward  the  two  ships  rode  with 
their  bows  occasionally  touching — or  crashing — and  their  sterns 
some  distance  apart  as  the  Princeton  towed  the  destroyer  slowly 
to  leeward. 

They  were  in  a  shallow  V.  Across  the  foaming  gap,  the 
destroyer  began  to  direct  the  jets  of  her  hoses  into  the  flames. 
But  even  with  her  thousands  of  horsepower,  she  was  unable  to 
force  enough  water  up  to  make  any  impression  on  the  sea  of  fire 
that  was  sweeping  the  carrier;  not  even  though  the  jets  were  well 
directed  and  the  damage-control  party  in  the  Princeton  worked 
with  skill  and  heroism.  One  agile  and  quick-thinking  group 
leaped  from  the  carrier  to  the  destroyer  on  one  roll,  grabbed  a 
hose  and  leaped  back  to  the  carrier  on  the  next,  the  better  to  turn 
the  jet  into  the  flames.  Even  on  the  windward  side,  as  they  were, 
the  destroyer's  crew  could  feel  the  heat  of  the  fire  scorching  their 
faces.  An  hour  of  desperate  work  was  enough  to  make  it  clear 
that  there  was  no  chance  of  saving  the  Princeton;  all  that  could 
be  done  was  to  save  the  lives  of  the  crew.  Word  was  passed  to 
(Continued  on   page    14) 

A  network  of  lines  and  cables  secure  the  flaming  "Princeton"  to  the 
"Irwin"  during  the  firefighting.  These  lines  were  cast  off  or  severed 
when  the  abandon  ship  order  wos  given. 

Until  the  fires  exploded  the  "Princeton's"  magazine  there  were  hopes 
to  save  her,  but  the  violence  of  this  explosion  made  it  necessary  for 
the  crew  to  abandon  ship. 

-   8  - 


The  1925-35  decade  was  crammed 

with  action  for  Claude  Ryan  and  his 

men.     Another  in  a  series  of  articles 

on  our  company^s  exciting  history 

1.  1925 — Ryan   Field   at   Dutch   Flats   under  water. 

2.  1926 — Airline   planes   of    Ryan    Flying   Company   ot 

Ryan  Airport. 

3.  1925 — Ryan  Airlines,   Inc.,  personnel.  Claude  Ryan, 

far  left  standing.  Also  standing  right  to  left: 
B.  F.  Mahoney,  Dan  Burnett  and  hiawley 
Bowlus.  Seated,  right  to  left:  John  Vonder- 
linde,  J.  J.  "Red"  Harrigan  and  Gordy  Boyd. 

4.  1 927 — Claude  Ryan  beside  the  "Spirit  of  St.  Louis." 

5.  1931 — Claude  Ryan  breaks  ground  for  new  building 

at  Lindbergh  Field. 

6.  1933 — Great    Lakes    planes   and   flying   students   of 

the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronoutics,  Lindbergh 

7.  1934 — The  first  Ryan  S-T  to  take  to  the  air! 

THREE  years  of  hard  work  in 
barnstorming,  teaching  others  to 
fly,  and  rebuilding  and  selling  sur- 
plus Army  planes  finally  laid  the 
foundations  for  the  realization  of  a 
dream  T.  Claude  Ryan  had  as  a  boy 
— to  build  airplanes  of  his  own  de- 
sign and  to  establish  air  service  for 
the  people  on  a  regular  timetable. 

In  1924,  with  the  acquisition  of 
a  very  limited  amount  of  financial 
aid  from  a  well-fixed  former  flight 
student,  Ryan  Airlines,  Inc.,  was  es- 
tablished. For  the  new  service,  Ryan- 
Standard  cabin  biplanes  were  built  in 
the  shops  of  this  budding  enterprise, 
principally  from  Army  surplus  parts, 
for  use  by  the  airline.  Three  of  these 
were  put  into  service  between  San 
Diego  and  Los  Angeles  on  what  was 
the  first  daily  scheduled  year-around 
passenger  airline  in  the  United  States. 
Early  the  next  year,  the  first  air- 
plane built  by  Donald  Douglas' 
original  company,  a  large  single 
engined  biplane,  "The  Cloudster," 
was  purchased  and  rebuilt  in  the 
Ryan  shops  into  a  twelve-place 
cabin  plane  with  appointments  ap- 
proaching those  in  modern  airliners. 
This  larger  and  more  modern  trans- 
port was  also  placed  in  scheduled 

Also  that  same  year,  after  months 
spent  in  designing  and  testing,  Ryan 
brought  out  its  first  airplane  model 
of  its  own  design  and  manufacture, 
the  M-1  mail  plane.  This  was  a  high- 
wing  monoplane  specially  designed  to 
replace  the  DeHavilland  biplanes  of 
World  War  I  vintage  then  flying  the 
mails  for  the  postofiice  department. 
As  a  youngster  in  knee  breeches 
in  Parsons,  Kansas,  Claude  Ryan  had 
been  sold  on  monoplanes  by  an  article 
he  had  read  by  a  "birdman"  then 
famous  but  long  since  forgotten. 
Ever  since  reading  that  article  he  has 
believed  that  the  monoplane  was  the 
most  efficient.  Biplanes  were  standard 
in  those  days  and  the  first  airplane 
(Continued  on  page  1  6) 

Fa  ctless  Fa  bles 


The  state  of  ignorance  of  engineers  concerning  pure 
science  is  abysmal  (the  state  of  ignorance  of  scientists  con- 
cerning pure  science  is  also  abysmal,  but  that  is  another 
story),  so  we  shall  attempt  to  correct  this  sorry  condition 
by  reviewing  briefly  the  nature  of  the  physical  world.  This 
can  readily  be  done  within  the  space  of  one  page,  and  the 
fact  that  certain  scientists  have  written  whole  volumes  on 
obscure  subjects  is  misleading,  since  those  scientists  really 
get  paid  at  the  rate  of  about  a  dollar  a  word;  hence  the 
natural  tendency  is  to  pad  it  out  a  little. 

For  a  long  time — roughly,  until  the  turn  of  the  century 
(or  The  Turn  of  the  Stomach,  as  the  history  books  will 
have  it) — all  matter  was  very  simple,  and  was  composed 
of  atoms.  This  theory  was  first  propounded  by  a  Greek 
called  Democritus,  but  was  bitterly  fought  by  a  bloc  of 
Republican  senators.  Very  simple  indeed:  the  atoms  com- 
bined to  form  molecules,  which  were  the  ultimate  division 
of  chemical  compounds. 

However,  an  English  scientist  called  Lord  Rutherford 
(not  to  be  confused  with  Lord  Rutherford  B.  Hayes)  was 
messing  around  with  some  burned-out  radio  tubes  invented 
by  a  man  named  Crookes,  and  got  himself  involved  in  a 
lot  of  long  and  elaborate  computations  which  made  no  sense 
at  all.  Being  too  lazy  to  find  out  what  was  wrong  with 
the  computations,  he  propounded  the  theory  that  the  atom 
was  not  the  happy  simple  little  thing  everybody  thought 
it  was,  but  could  be  broken  down  into  a  couple  of  electric 
charges.  This  made  his  equations  balance  nicely,  so  he  had 
a  whisky-soda  and  went  to  bed. 

Well,  when  word  got  around  what  milord  had  done,  it 
started  a  regular  stampede.  Thereafter,  anybody  who  ran 
an  experiment  which  didn't  come  out  right  solved  his  diffi- 
culties by  finding  another  feature  in  the  atom.  This  led 
to  the  formation  of  the  Atom-of-the-Month  Club,  and 
you  could  have  your  choice  of  an  atom  with  six  or  eight 
cylinders,  de  luxe,  and  in  any  color  you  wished.  Then  they 
ran  out  of  ideas  for  ornamenting  the  atom,  and  isotopes 
were  invented.  This  was  the  theory  that  an  atom  did  not 
have  to  have  any  particular  number  of  moons  floating 
around  its  nucleus,  but  could  lose  or  borrow  them  until  it 
became  the  atom  of  some  other  element. 

When  this  vein  was  worked  out,  it  was  decided  that  you 
didn't  necessarily  need  to  have  a  positive  or  negative  charge 
on  the  components  of  the  atom:  you  could  have  neutral 
charges,  too;  this  idea  of  a  neutral  charge  might  have 
seemed  embarrassing  to  the  physicists  who  insisted  that  all 
matter  was  energy  and  electrical  energy  at  that,  but  it 
didn't  seem  to  matter.  The  sun-and-planets  type  of  atom 
went  out  of  fashion  some  time  ago;  we  now  have  the  fruit- 
cake atom. 

A  long  time  ago  Maxwell  had  shown  the  equivalence  of 
light  and  electricity;  a  violinist  by  the  name  of  Einstein 
was  now  fretting  about  the  possibility  of  showing  that  light, 
electricity  and  gravity  were  directly  related,  and  that  led 
to  the  hypothesis  of  relativity.  Relativity  states  that  if  you 
are  locked  up  in  an  elevator  which  is  standing  still  while  the 

building  is  rushing  past  it  at  a  tremendous  speed,  you  will 
not  be  able  to  prove  it  because  there  are  no  windows  in  the 
elevator.  To  make  it  clearer,  let  us  assume  that  the  build- 
ing is  rushing  by  at  186,000  miles  per  day.  On  the  wall 
of  the  elevator  is  a  calendar.  The  calendar  is  contracting  as 
rapidly  as  the  building,  so  that  you  have  no  absolute  check 
on  what's  going  on. 

This  explained  immediately  why  the  Michelson-Morley 
experiment  was  a  failure.  These  two  men  attempted  to 
measure  the  drift  of  the  earth  through  space  by  tying  a 
string  to  a  bamboo  pole  and  holding  it  aloft  as  the  earth 
rushed  through  the  ether.  It  happened  to  be  a  calm  day, 
so  nothing  happened.    Silly,  wasn't  it? 

Needless  to  say,  justice  shrieks  to  be  heard  in  the  back- 
ground. When  all  these  scientists  were  taking  freshman 
physics  at  school  and  an  experiment  didn't  pan  out,  were 
they  allowed  to  invent  a  new  atom?  Of  course  not.  They 
had  to  do  it  all  over  again. 

Anyway,  no  matter  what  kind  of  atcms  you  use,  they 
can  still  combine  to  form  compounds,  under  certain  lim- 
ited conditions.  One  condition  is  that  they  can  combine 
only  with  certain  other  atoms,  and  in  limited  proportions, 
expressed  as  valence.  However,  some  elements  have  a  num- 
ber of  valences,  depending  on  how  they  are  feeling  or  whom 
they  are  going  out  with,  but  usually  they  are  well  behaved. 

That  is,  most  of  them  are  well  behaved.  But  Oxygen  (O) , 
Hydrogen  (H),  Carbon  (C)  are  pretty  irresponsible  about 
it  all,  and  have  set  up  among  themselves  the  field  of  organic 
(or  "stink")  chemistry,  in  which  the  sky's  the  limit  and 
anything  goes.  They  combine  in  ones,  in  twos,  in  droves, 
and  the  same  number  of  them  can  be  real  nasty  and  form 
several  different  chemicals  with  the  same  formula,  which  is 
no  end  of  a  nuisance,  since  it  forces  chemists  to  diagram 
things  instead  of  simply  writing  Ci^ogH^iisNgssOseiSis 
(egg-albumin).    A  typical  diagram  looks  Hke  this: 









HIC  HIC       AH HA 







The  little  group  in  the  lower  right-hand  corner  is  a 
typical  "ring" — in  this  case  it  is  called  the  Nibelungen 
Ring,  in  honor  of  its  discoverer;  such  rings  may  be  replaced 
by  other  rings,  in  which  case  the  color  of  the  compound 
changes  and  makes  possible  the  great  aniniline  industry',  or 
L  G.  Farben,  as  it  used  to  be  known. 

We  trust  that  this  makes  everything  clear,  but  we  see 
that  we  can't  get  it  all  on  one  page.  Next  time  we'll  tell 
you  how  Walter  Pidgeon  and  Greer  Garson  discovered 

10  — 

Week  after  week  Ryanites  receive  their  paychecks  for  their 
work,  but  few  of  them  have  ever  met  the  diligent,  shy,  yet 
ready-smihng  man  who  is  behind  the  paper  work  and  figures 
that  get  these  pay  checks  to  them.  Paul  Seidel,  affectionately 
known  as  Si,  has  been  the  Chief  Timekeeper  at  Ryan  for  the 
past  four  years.  His  job  is  keeping  the  payroll  accurate  and 
making  sure  that  all  paychecks  are  issued  on  time. 

However,  this  busy  Ryanite  is  not  all  facts  and  figures. 
After  work  and  on  weekends  he  can  be  found  any  time  out 
in  the  back  country  beyond  El  Cajon,  hunting  quail  and  rab- 
bits near  his  seven-acre  ranch  home.  Si  is  single,  living  with 
his  mother  and  father  on  this  ranch  where  oranges,  lemons 
and  avocados  are  grown  in  abundance.  A  native  San  Diegan, 
he  plans  to  build  or  buy  a  farm  of  his  own  here  after  the  war, 
where  he  will  continue  to  raise  citrus  fruit  and  avocados  both 
as  a  hobby  and  a  money-making  proposition. 

Before  joining  Ryan,  Si  attended  San  Diego  State  College 
for  four  years  and  took  a  year  of  graduate  work  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  California  at  Berkeley,  majoring  in  economics.  He 
started  at  Ryan  shortly  after  that.  In  the  Dispatching  depart- 
ment for  the  first  six  months,  he  then  moved  up  to  his  pres- 
ent position,  which  he  has  held  ever  since. 

While  at  school  this  mathematics  expert  also  enjoyed  sports. 
He  starred  as  a  hurdler  on  the  track  team.  He  won  his  letter 
for  running  the  220  low  hurd'es  at  San  Diego  State.  His  main 
sport  now  is  hunting.  In  addition  to  hunting  small  animals 
in  the  hills,  he  bags  as  many  as  four  rattlesnakes  on  his  ranch 
each  summer  when  they  come  near  the  house. 

Another  of  Si's  favorite  pastimes  is  reading.  He  reads  every- 
thing from  technical  studies  to  modern  fiction.  He  says  he 
finds  reading  a  relaxation  after  looking  at  numerals  and  figures 
all  day. 

His  fellow  workers  in  Timekeeping  all  seem  to  like  Si.  "He's 
reserved,  but  courteous  and  good-humored,"  they  say.  "And 
what  a  worker!  The  guy  never  seems  to  notice  that  anyone 
is  around  him,  he  keeps  so  busy." 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  3' 
an  area  of  13  acres.  The  length  of  the 
sides  of  its  base  is  accurate  to  6/10  of 
an  inch.  The  earliest  unit  of  length  used 
by  the  Egyptians  was  the  "cubit"  which 
was  slightly  longer  than   18  inches. 

In  the  12th  century  the  "yard"  was 
defined  by  England  as  the  distance  from 
the  nose  of  King  Henry  I  to  the  end  of 
his  thumb,  and  in  the  16th  century  the 
"foot"  was  determined  as  the  length  of 
an  average  man's  foot.  With  the  Indus- 
trial Revolution  in  1760,  the  need  began 
to  be  felt  for  a  stable,  unvarying  standard 
of  measurement.  Eli  Whitney,  famous  for 
his  invention  of  the  cotton  gin,  was  actu^ 
ally  the  first  to  manufacture  interchange- 
able parts.  In  1789,  he  demonstrated  to 
a  group  of  Washington  oilicials  how  five 
guns  which  he  manufactured  could  be  dis- 
mantled, the  parts  shuffled,  re-assembled 
and  the  guns  fired  with  perfect  coordina- 
tion. This  was  the  forerunner  of  ail  mass 
production  systems.  He  accomplished  this 
miracle  by  the  use  of  his  own  standard 
gages.  However,  his  parts  would  not  fit 
other  manufacturers'  guns  because  there 
was  no  common  basis  for  precise  measure- 

In  every  phase  of  the  modern  industrial 
world,  man's  progress  has  been  limited  by 
his  ability  to  measure  with  accuracy. 
Whether  you  look  at  the  delicate  balance 
wheel  of  a  watch  oscillating  at  the  rate 
of  18,000  times  an  hour  or  the  polished 
shaft  of  an  aircraft  supercharger  which 
spins  at  30,000  revolutions  per  minute, 
you  are  struck  with  the  fact  that  close- 
fitting  parts  have  made  modern  machinery 
possible.  Here  at  Ryan  we  have  our  own 
"Bureau  of  Standards"  which  controls 
dimensions  of  all  the  vital  products  manu- 
factured in  the  plant  so  they  will  emerge 
with  uniformly  true  proportions.  This 
department  is  Machine  Inspection  Crib 
No.  3.  It  is  under  the  over-all  direction 
of  George  Dew,  chief  inspector,  and  the 
immediate  supervision  of  George  Tiede- 
man,  general  supervisor  of  precision  in- 
spection. In  this  "measurement  labora- 
tory" M.  C.  Ring,  supervisor  of  machine 
parts,  and  W.  M.  Bragdon,  night  super- 
visor, work  with  fifty  employees  who  are 
constantly  checking  the  sizes  of  every 
conceivable  kind  of  part  and  tool. 

"Inspection  is  at  the  cross-roads  of  the 
plant,"  is  the  way  George  Tiedeman  aptly 
phrases  it.  "Every  phase  of  manufactur- 
ing is  in  some  way  connected  with  precise 
measurement.    The    science    of    accurate 

(Continued  on  Page  20) 

1  I 



"VT'OU'LL  never  find  our  Director  of  Plan- 
-*-  ning,  W.  A.  "Bill"  Plourde,  twiddling  his 
thumbs  and  looking  for  something  to  do,  or 
taking  time  out  behind  his  unostentatious  desk 
to  daydream  about  the  fish  he  used  to  catch 
in  the  wilds  of  northern  Canada. 

Right  now  he's  totally  occupied  with  one 
thing — helping  to  shove  Ryan  fighting  planes 
out  the  back  door.  Until  the  war  is  over,  he 
has  dedicated  himself  to  the  war  effort  solely, 
"even  if  it  keeps  me  up  all  night  to  get  the 
job  done." 

Years  of  aircraft  production  experience  have 
taught  Plourde  that  "sweat  and  drive"  are  the 
only  means  of  getting  a  job  done.  And  the 
more  work  that  is  heaped  upon  him,  the  better 
he  likes  it.  Not  only  that,  but  he  finds  that 
he  does  much  better  work,  too,  when  he's  got 
his  hands  full. 

Plourde  never  wears  a  necktie  now  (in  spite 
of  the  fact  that  his  picture  in  this  issue  shows 
him  with  one;  it's  an  older  picture,  but  we 
used  it  because  it's  such  a  good  likeness).  He 
dislikes  frills. 

Expediter  extraordinary^  red  tape  cutter 

deluxe,  and  coordinator  of  a  hundred 

divergent  operations— that's  Bill  Plourde, 

our  Master  Planner 

—  12- 



For  months  after  Plourde  came  to  Ryan,  his 
hangout  was  a  mere  cubbyhole  with  just  enough 
room  for  his  desk  and  that  of  his  secretary. 
He  was  quite  contented  there.  Recently  he  was 
moved  into  a  larger  office  to  accommodate  an 
enlarged  staff.  The  door  to  his  office  is  always 

But  don't  let  that  open  door  fool  you.  If 
you  want  to  talk  to  Plourde,  better  give  him 
a  ring  first  and  find  out  when  he'll  have  a 
moment  to  spare.  And  then  make  sure  you've 
got  something  worth  while  to  talk  about.  He 
has  no  time  or  patience  for  idle  chatter.  He 
dotes  on  brevity,  getting  to  the  point  directly. 
Yet  he  is  always  pleasant  and  seldom  has  been 
known  even  to  frown.  He  never  pounds  his 
desk  or  shouts.  When  he  wants  something  done, 
he  suggests  it  with  a  smile — and  gets  things 
accomplished  quickly.  Plourde  is  a  stickler  for 
cooperation,  too,  and  treats  employees  as  if 
they  were  members  of  his  family. 
(Concluded  on  page  19) 


iir  ^  i^ 

ik  -k  -U 


—  13- 

Continuing  .  .  . 


(continued  from  page  7) 

the  destroyer  that  the  order  had  been  given 
on  board  the  carrier  to  abandon  ship. 

The  fire  that  had  swept  the  stern  of 
the  carrier  had  killed  many  of  the  men 
stationed  there,  and  most  of  the  living 
were  forward,  conveniently  enough.  It 
was  now  up  to  them  to  make  the  leap 
from  the  carrier's  forecastle  to  the  de- 
stroyer. The  men  had  so  to  time  their 
jumps  that  they  leaped  as  the  bows  of  the 
ships  were  together,  a  second  or  less  be- 
fore they  rolled  apart  again.  Only  two 
or  three  men  at  a  time  could  make  the 
leap,  and  if  they  mistimed  it  they  would 
fall  between  the  ships  into  the  white  water 
while  the  ships'  bows  came  together  again 
above  them. 

There  were  hundreds  of  men  to  be 
saved,  and  the  unconquerable  flames  were 
all  the  time  coming  nearer  and  nearer 
to  the  magazines  of  the  carrier.  There 
was  need  for  haste,  and  yet  the  slightest 
clumsiness  or  panic  meant  loss  of  life. 
The  crowd  of  men  gathered  on  the  car- 
rier's forecastle  calmly  waited  their  turns, 
moving  slowly  to  the  side  of  the  ship,  and 
when  their  turns  came  they  measured  the 
distance,  timed  the  roll  and  sprang.  Even 
so,  some  of  them  failed  and  fell — and  of 
these,  some  actually  managed  to  swim 
around  to  the  other  side  of  the  destroyer 
and  get  themselves  hauled  on  board. 

The  greater  proportion  of  the  Prince- 
ton's crew  was  thus  rescued  over  the  bows. 
But  despite  the  flames  and  the  explosions, 
there  were  still  men  alive  in  the  after 
part  of  the  carrier.  Tlie  sterns  of  the  ships 
were  many  feet  apart,  and  these  men 
could  not  go  forward  through  the  flames 
to  make  their  escape  by  the  same  route 
as  their  comrades.  A  few  of  them  in 
the  center  part  of  the  ship  were  able  to 
heave  lines  to  the  destroyer,  and  when 
these  were  secured  they  could  slide  down 
them  to  safety.  But  those  cut  off  in  the 
stern  could  not  do  this;  besides,  the  roll- 
ing of  the  ships  parted  the  lines  continu- 

There  was  nothing  for  the  men  in  the 
after  part  to  do  but  to  throw  themselves 
into  the  sea  and  swim  for  it,  were  they 
hale  or  wounded  or  burned  or  exhausted. 
Some  hundreds  of  men  made  the  prodig- 
ious leap  down  the  steep  side  of  the  car- 
rier into  the  sea,  and,  of  these,  many 
scores  owed  their  lives  to  one  further 
precaution  which  the  Irwin  had  taken, 
away  back  in  the  almost  forgotten  days 
of  shaking  down.    A  lifesaving  party  had 

been  organized  on  board,  thirty-two  of 
the  strongest  swimmers,  and  by  the  fore- 
sight of  the  executive  officer  they  had 
been  grouped,  as  the  two  ships  came  to- 
gether, in  the  after  part  of  the  destroyer, 
where  the  gap  was  going  to  be.  While 
lines  and  nets  were  being  dropped  over 
the  destroyer's  side  to  help  the  swim- 
mers climb  out  of  the  water,  the  life- 
savers  scanned  the  surface  for  men  who 
seemed  unlikely  to  make  the  passage. 
There  were  plenty  of  these  —  wounded, 
weak  and  enfeebled  men  —  and  the  life- 
savers  dived  in  to  help  them.  More  than 
once  the  whole  thirty-two  of  them  were 


This  devilish  looking  little  tyke  is 
a  Ryan  employee.  But  don't  jump  to 
any  conclusions.  We're  not  breaking 
the  Child  Labor  Law  'cause  he's  a  big 
boy  now.  You've  probably  seen  him 
running  around  the  plant,  usually  in 
the  company  of  his  cohort,  or  pegging 
away  in  his  glass-enclosed  office. 

He  was  born  September  24,  1911, 
in  the  "City  of  the  Angels"  ond  moved 
to  Son  Diego  when  he  was  12  years 
old.  He  got  most  of  his  business  ex- 
perience selling  furniture  for  one  of 
San  Diego's  biggest  stores.  It  was  only 
2'/2  years  ago  that  he  came  to  Ryan. 
He  is  still  working  for  the  same  depart- 
ment, which  at  that  time  was  known 
as  Personnel. 

As  a  clue  to  his  identity,  he  now 
wears  rimless  glasses  —  which,  how- 
ever, don't  hide  that  mischievous  twin- 
kle in  his  eyes.  He's  a  dapper  dresser, 
usually  being  decked  out  in  a  neatly 
pressed  dark  suit,  a  sparkling  white 
shirt  (his  wife  must  use  Rinso)  and  a 
colorful  tie.  He  is  also  the  proud  papa 
of  two  feminine  replicas  —  ages  9 
months  and  6  years. 

Can  you  guess  who?  If  not,  you'll 
find  his  name  and  picture  as  he  is  to- 
day on  page  24. 

in  the  sea  at  a  time,  saving  lives.  By 
actual  count  later  it  was  found  that  120 
men  from  the  Princeton  owed  their  lives 
to  the  thirty-two. 

Meanwhile  the  complications  on  board 
the  Irwin  multiplied  with  the  passing 
minutes.  The  most  striking  one  was  the 
crowding  of  the  decks — a  destroyer  is  a 
small  ship,  and  the  Irwin  was  crammed 
with  hundreds  of  men,  dazed  and  with- 
out orders.  A  thousand  men — and  there 
was  nearly  that  number  on  board  by  now 
— on  the  deck  of  a  destroyer  means  a 
crowd  as  dense  as  that  in  Times  Square 
on  New  Year's  Eve.  They  had  to  be  got 
out  of  the  way,  sent  below,  put  to  work. 
Then  there  were  wounded  and  sick  men 
who  needed  instant  attention — there  was 
one  moment  when  fifteen  rescued  men 
were  receiving  artificial  respiration  at  the 
same  time.  A  doctor  had  come  aboard 
from  the  Princeton,  and  he  and  his  phar- 
macist's mates  had  to  be  sorted  out  from 
the  crush  and  given  room  in  which  to 
work.  The  Irwin,  in  return  for  lavish 
donations  made  by  her  crew,  had  been 
able  to  obtain  supplies  of  plasma  in  ex- 
cess of  the  usual  allowance  for  a  destroyer. 
If  this  had  not  been  the  case,  many  lives 
would  have  been  lost  for  lack  of  the 
precious  stuff. 

There  were  wounded  men  on  the  decks 
of  the  carrier,  too — men  too  helpless  to 
swim  or  jump.  Skilled  seamanship  heaved 
a  line  to  the  flight  deck  and  rigged  a 
breeches  buoy  which  made  the  painful 
journey  some  dozens  of  times.  With  the 
ships  positioned  as  they  were,  it  was  im- 
possible to  secure  the  destroyer's  end  of 
the  line  or  pass  it  through  a  block,  and 
a  dozen  men  had  to  hold  it  in  their  hands 
— exhausting  work,  too. 

And  here  and  there  in  the  Princeton  or 
in  the  water,  clinging  to  hoses  and  ropes 
against  her  side,  were  men  who  feared 
to  swim  because  they  were  too  weary 
or  were  nonswimmers.  Members  of  the 
rescue  party  had  to  swim  across  the  gap 
themselves  and  coax  these  men  into  leap- 
ing or  into  letting  go  their  hold,  and 
then  swim  back  dragging  these  men  with 

Tlie  difficulty  of  giving  orders  on  board 
and  correlating  all  these  activities  was 
made  far  greater  by  the  fact  that  the  con- 
tinual crashing  together  of  the  two  ships 
had  almost  destroyed  the  communications 
system.  The  fragile  destroyer  was  shak- 
ing herself  to  pieces;  the  telephone  cir- 
cuits and  th:  gunnery  control  had  ceased 
to  function  and  all  communications  had 
to  be  carried  on  by  orders  bellowed  from 
the  bridge  to  the  forecastle  and  aft. 

When  the  last  man,  save  for  a  small 
forlorn  hope  of  a  salvage  party,  had  been 
taken  from  the  carrier,  the  Irwin  backed 

(continued  on  next  page) 

14  — 

Continuing  .  .  , 


(Continued  from  preceding  page) 

away.  The  captain  knew  that  on  the  far 
side  of  the  Princeton  there  was  another 
destroyer,  the  Morrison,  and  she  was  in 
some  kind  of  trouble  and  would  have  to 
be  hauled  out.  So  round  the  Princeton 
they  went  while  the  executive  officer  and 
the  first  lieutenant  busied  themselves  with 
getting  out  the  towing  wire  and  laying 
it  along  the  deck  through  the  crowds. 

The  Morrison  was  in  a  bad  way,  as 
far  as  they  could  make  out  through  the 
smoke  and  flames  as  they  approached  her. 
This  was  the  carrier's  leeward  side,  re- 
member, and  the  wind  was  blowing  the 
slab-sided  vessel  against  the  destroyer. 
Moreover,  as  this  was  the  leeward  side, 
the  heat  and  smoke  of  the  fires  were  being 
blown  in  that  direction.  The  real  trouble, 
however,  lay  in  the  fact  that  the  Prince- 
ton and  the  Morrison  had  managed  to 
interlock  themselves.  The  destroyer  was 
incapable  of  moving  even  a  yard  forward 
or  backward,  and  with  the  wind  continu- 
ally forcing  the  carrier  down  upon  her, 
she  was  quite  incapable  of  pushing  herself 
clear  by  a  bodily  movement  broadside  on. 
It  was  an  awkward  situation,  especially 
as — as  everybody  knew — the  magazines 
of  the  Princeton  were  likely  to  explode 
at  any  moment  and  blast  both  her  and 
the  Morrison  to  pieces. 

The  Irwin  nosed  up  toward  the  Morri- 
son— remember,  the  wind  was  pushing  the 
ships  down  upon  her — and  managed  to 
pass  the  towing  wire  over,  and  then,  with 
infinite  caution,  started  to  back  away. 
She  needed  only  to  haul  the  trapped 
destroyer  broadside  bodily  for  a  yard  or 
two  to  get  her  free,  but  this  first  attempt, 
thanks  to  a  freakish  fate,  almost  ended 
in  disaster.  For  just  as  the  reversed  pro- 
pellers took  hold  of  the  water,  just  as 
the  towing  wire  began  to  tighten,  the  mass 
of  small  wreckage  floating  on  the  surface 
jamrned  the  injection  of  the  cooling  water 
into  the  port  engine.  The  vacuum  fell 
away,  the  engine  stopped  abruptly,  and, 
with  the  starboard  engine  continuing  to 
turn,  the  Irwin  swung  round  like  a  job- 
bing horse.  It  happened  in  a  flash;  the 
officer  on  the  forecastle  just  had  time  to 
let  go  of  the  towing  wire  to  save  it  from 
parting,  and  the  destroyer  crashed  against 
the  cruiser  and  pounded  down  her  side, 
scraping  off  boats  and  anchors  and  other 
projections  before  they  were  able  to  get 
her  propeller  turning  ahead  and  put  the 
helm  over  to  take  her  clear. 

So,  with  the  towing  wire  gone  and  one 
engine  out  of  action,  they  had  to  make 
another  attempt.  No  one  knew  how  long 
it  would  be  before  the  carrier's  maga- 
zines went  up,  but  it  could  be  any  sec- 

ond. They  laid  out  mooring  lines  on  the 
destroyer's  forecastle  and  nosed  up  along 
the  stream  of  thick  smoke  blowing  from 
the  carrier,  so  thick  as  to  make  visibility 
difficult.  The  bow  of  one  destroyer  ap- 
proached the  beam  of  the  other,  the  five 
l.nes  were  thrown  and  secured,  and  with 
her  one  engine  the  Irwin  once  more  backed 
away.  Mooring  lines  are  not  meant  for 
that  sort  of  work  and  they  began  to  part, 
one  by  one,  but  as  each  one  went,  they 
could  see  the  trapped  destroyer  coming 
away  from  the  carrier  like  a  multifanged 
tooth  coming  out  of  its  socket.  As  the 
fifth  line  parted,  a  wild  yell  from  the 
bridge  told  them  the  destroyer  was  clear. 
She  needed  only  the  barest  possible  space 
in  which  to  maneuver — -propellers  ahead, 
helm  hard  astarboard,  and  she  drew  away 
from  the  carrier  under  her  own  power, 
while  our  destroyer  could  heave  a  sigh  of 
relief  and  go  back  to  the  job  of  sorting 
herself  out. 

If  this  were  fiction,  the  writer  would 
hardly  dare  add  the  finishing  touch,  to 
the  effect  that  it  was  less  than  five  min- 
utes after  this  that  the  Princeton's  maga- 
zines went  up,  but  that  is  the  truth — 
five  minutes  later  and  neither  of  those 
destroyers  could  possibly  have  survived 
the  explosion. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  that  is  enough 
adventure  for  one  article.  It  is  not  nearly 
the  end  of  the  Irwin's  adventures:  She 
did  not  have  a  dull  moment  all  through 
the  days  that  followed,  when  she  headed 
for  her  base — the  battle,  as  has  been  said, 
had  rolled  completely  away  from  her  by 
now — with  her  1000  men  on  board,  her 
sides  warped  and  battered,  her  port  engine 
utterly  refusing  to  function,  her  star- 
board propeller  shaft  curved  like  a  bow, 
her  sides  leaking  like  a  sieve,  and  her 
main  armament  control  completely  out 
of  action.  It  is  worth  adding,  I  suppose, 
that  she  was  attacked  by  Japanese  air- 
planes, and  beat  them  off,  battered  as 
she  was.  Men  outside  the  gunhouses  pushed 
the  muzzles  of  the  guns  round  by  hand 
until  the  gun  pointers  inside,  looking 
along  the  sights,  shouted,  "Stop!"  Then 
they  banged  off  the  guns,  and  in  this 
mcredible  fashion  not  only  contrived  to 
beat  off  the  attack  but  actually  managed 
to  bring  down  a  plane — although  some 
say  it  was  the  40-mms.  that  did  this. 

The  surgeons  performed  emergency 
operations  on  board,  and  the  last  of  their 
troubles  was  when,  with  a  quintuple  crew 
and  one  condenser  out  of  action,  they  ran 
out  of  drinking  water.  But  they  got  home. 
(the  end) 


Wff'S  yOJR  IDEA.' 

BOX      , 

PR,OP    VOt'R-  IPEA5  kVpe 




"Jenkins  —  listen    to    me  —  you're    supposed    to   think    of   them   on    your   own    time!" 

—  15  — 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page   5> 

Station  7:  This  is  the  niche  where  our 
VISITING  NURSE  presides.  Don't  think  you 
won't  be  glad  to  see  her  when  you're  propped 
up  in  bed  at  home,  perhaps  all  alone.  She'll 
stop  at  the  drug  store  and  pick  up  medicine, 
or  even  do  a  little  grocery  shopping  for  you 
if  the  cupboard  is  bare.  She'll  also  bring 
you  your  pay  check,  your  insurance  claim 
papers  to  fill  out — if  you  carry  insurance — 
and  the  latest  copies  of  Aerolite  and  Flying 

Stations  8  and  9:  Ah,  yes,  our  HOUSING 
SERVICE.  They'll  really  go  to  bat  for  you 
with  all  assistance  possible  in  obtaining 
houses  to  rent  and  buy,  apartments,  rooms, 
trailers  and  even  hotel  reservations.  They 
can  also  give  you  some  good  advice  regard- 
ing OPA  regulations  and  assistance  in  evic- 
tion notices. 

Station  10:  All  sorts  of  things  go  on  in 
this  section  of  Employee  Service  for  this  is 
the  roost  of  our  ACTIVITIES  SECTION. 
They'll  fix  you  up  with  a  tennis  match,  golf 
match  and  whatever  your  heart  desires 
along  the  sport  lines.  Joe  Rodney  is  the 
man  to  see  and  if  he  isn't  in,  either  one 
of  his  fearless  assistants,  Alice  Barrus  or 
Ross  O'Leno,  can  give  you  a  hand.  This 
section  furnishes  all  trophies  for  tournaments 
as  well  OS  equipment  for  numerous  sporting 

The  kingpins  of  the  EMPLOYEE  Service 
Section  are  Gorrick  O'Bryon,  manager,  and 
his  assistant  Bob  Rankin.  You'll  find  their 
offices  morked  with  their  names.  They're 
the  men  to  see  if  you  need  a  small  EMER- 
GENCY LOAN  to  tide  you  over.  Or  if  you're 
having  trouble  adjusting  bills,  they'll  help 
you  work  out  a  budget.  They'll  also  notarize 
your  documents  free  of  charge.  In  other 
words,  this  whole  big  beehive  of  activity  is 
operating  for  your  convenience.  So  if  you 
have  any  problems  just  call  Extension  551 
or  drop  in  to  see  them,  and  you'll  probably 
find  the  way  out. 

■ * 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  Page  9) 
designed  and  built  by  Ryan,  the  M-1,  was 
also  the  first  monoplane  to  be  placed  in 
production  in  America.  The  trend  for 
many  years,  of  course,  has  amply  borne 
out  the  soundness  of  the  belief  of  the 
monoplane's   superiority. 

But  getting  back  to  the  air  line.  The 
organization  had  made  some  good  profit 
on  the  resale  of  surplus  planes  purchased 
from  the  Army,  and  it  sank  these  profits 
into  the  new  venture.  A  round  trip  fare 
of  $29.50  between  San  Diego  and  Los 
Angeles  was  decided  on.  The  cost  for  one 
way  was  $17.50.  And  Ryan  figured  so 
closely  that  with  only  one  round  trip 
passenger  a  day  he  would  at  least  break 

On  March  1,  1925,  with  movie  stars 
from  Hollywood  participating  as  a  pub- 
licity feature,  the  air  line  was  successfully 

launched.  Claude  Ryan  piloted  the  run 
several  times  each  week  himself  and  hired 
several  other  pioneer  pilots  to  fly  that  run 
regularly  throughout  the  year.  Among 
them  were  Dick  Bowman  and  George 
Allen,  who  later  joined  United  Air  Lines, 
and  Monty  Shelton,  who  became  one  of 
Western  Air  Express'  first  pilots. 

But  the  young  organization  didn't  drop 
its  other  aeronautical  activities  now  that 
it  had  established  an  air  service.  It  con- 
tinued to  do  quite  a  flourishing  charter 
business,  principally  to  points  in  Cali- 
fornia, Arizona,  Nevada  and  down  into 
Mexico,  and  to  operate  its  pilot  school 
which  was  the  real  pioneer  of  thorough 
technical  and  flight  training  for  transport 
pilots.  The  organization  was  expanding 
rapidly  now  and  Claude  Ryan  was  kept 
increasingly  busy. 

1926 — Passengers  boarding  "Los  An- 
geles— San  Diego  Air  Line"  Cloudster 

Along  with  the  airline  and  the  repair 
and  sales  business,  another  offshoot  of 
the  pioneer  air  line  service  cropped  up. 
Real  estate  sites  in  the  San  Clemente  area 
were  being  developed  and  Claude  Ryan 
and  his  associates  helped  the  realtors  de- 
cide that  the  best  way  to  promote  custo- 
mers was  to  give  them  a  free  plane  trip 
to  the  location,  let  them  see  the  sites 
from  the  air  and  then  give  them  a  free 
dinner  and  put  on  the  "sales  pressure." 
As  a  result,  Ryan  flew  these  prospective 
customers  from  both  San  Diego  and  Los 

Ryan  airplane  manufacturing  got  off 
to  a  good  start  with  its  model  M-1  by 
landing  an  initial  order  for  six  of  them 
for  Pacific  Air  Transport,  just  being 
formed  and  now  the  pioneer  section  of 
United  Air  Lines. 

1926 — Ryan     M-1     Survey     plane 
Pacific   Air  Transport. 

—  16  — 


The  M-1  could  cruise  at  115  miles  per 
hour  with  an  800  pound  load,  or  more 
than  twice  the  load  of  mail  the  larger  but 
old  DH  mail  planes  were  toting.  Ryan 
was  sure  he  had  a  plane  which  many 
companies  then  bidding  for  air  mail  con- 
tracts would  want.  Vern  C.  Gorst  was 
President  of  Pacific  Air  Transport  which 
was  awarded  the  Pacific  Coast  night  air 
mail  run  between  Los  Angeles  and  Seattle. 
Claude  Ryan  flew  the  first  plane  on  all 
the  extensive  tests  and  demonstrations 
required  by  Gorst  including  a  survey  run 
over  the  mail  route  from  Los  Angeles  to 
Seattle  and  return.  He  broke  several  speed 
records  on  that  survey  trip  and  incident- 
ally got  a  lot  of  publicity  for  the  new 
Ryan  airplane. 

And  that  publicity  indirectly  pro- 
moted an  air  race  he  hadn't  been  looking 
for.  The  Army  boys  at  Vancouver,  Wash- 
ington, were  skeptical  of  the  speed 
record  he  had  chalked  up,  so  they  pro- 
posed that  the  new  M-1  and  a  "hopped 
up"  Army  DH  fight  it  out  in  a  special 
match  race.  Ryan  accepted  that  challenge 
at  once.  Lieutenant  Oakley  G.  Kelly, 
then  one  of  the  Army's  crack  pilots  was 
chosen  to  pilot  the  DH.  The  two  fliers 
took  off  from  the  Army  field,  but  not 
without  fanfare.  The  race  had  attracted 
hundreds  of  curious  men,  women  and 
children  and  they  lined  the  field  to  see 
the   take-offs. 

Ryan  won  by  a  good  margin.  And 
from  then  on  the  company  began  getting 
more  and  more  orders  for  M-ls.  During 
the  first  year  of  production,  it  built  and 
sold  2  5  of  them.  Seven  in  all  went  to 
Pacific  Air  Transport,  some  to  Colorado 
Airways,  Inc.,  for  use  on  the  route  now 
flown  by  Continental  Air  Lines;  others 
to  the  Clifford  Ball  Airhnes  which  later 
became  Pennsylvania  Central  Airlines. 
All  of  these  were  pioneer  contract  air- 
mail runs. 

Ryan  didn't  rest  on  its  M-1  laurels, 
however.  The  Company  soon  developed 
the  M-2,  of  similar  design,  but  a  bit 
faster,  and  the  Bluebird,  the  first  of  Its 
cabin  monoplanes.  Then,  in  1926,  it  rolled 
out  of  the  shop  the  B-1  Brougham,  the 
first  of  which  was  sold  to  the  late  Frank 
Hawks,  who  was  to  become  one  of 
America's  most  famous  speed  pilots. 

Much  of  the  engineering  on  the 
Brougham  was  done  by  Jack  Northrop, 
who  helped  Ryan  over  the  week-ends. 
Jack  hadn't  yet  won  fame  as  one  of  the 
most  eminent  aircraft  designers  in  the 
country,  but  he  was  already  a  crack 

By  the  end  of  1926,  Claude  R3-an  felt 
that  he  had  gone  as  far  as  he  wanted  to 
with  these  planes,  so  he  sold  his  original 
manufacturing  setup  to  his  business  part- 

( Continued  on   page    18) 

oil  It  Wn  OF  LIFE 

We  just  had  a  sneaking  suspicion  that  our  May  issue  of  Flying  Reporter 
done  in  the  style  of  LIFE  would  take  people  by  surprise,  dismay  or  what 
have  you.  Consequently,  we  pulled  an  underhanded  trick  and  decided  to 
get  some  candid  pictures  of  their  reactions.  We  think  you'll  agree  that 
we  got  some  amusing  results. 



—  17  — 

ConMnuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  161 

ner.  But  he  agreed  to  remain  as  general 
manager  until  a  new  man  could  be  found 
to   take   over   the   job. 

Ryan  was  about  to  step  out  from  be- 
hind his  desk  when  a  telegram  arrived 
one  day  in  January,  1927,  from  the 
Robertson  Aircraft  Corporation  of  St. 
Louis  asking  if  the  plant  could  build  a 
cabin  monoplane  capable  of  flying  from 
New  York  to  Paris.  Of  course  it  could 
Ryan  wired  in  reply  and  immediately  came 
another  telegram  announcing  that  the  pilot 
would  arrive  within  a  few  days. 

It  was  Charles  Lindbergh  who  walked 
into  the  office  and  announced  that  he 
was  the  pilot.  And  on  May  11,  1927, 
he  left  the  plant  in  the  cockpit  of  the 
"Spirit  of  St.  Louis."  You  know  the  rest. 
To  the  Ryan  men,  that  flight  was  more 
than  just  a  thrill  because  a  youngster 
had  spanned  the  Atlantic  by  himself.  He 
had  done  it  in  a  plane  the  group  was 
proud  to  claim  as  one  of  theirs. 

At  that  time  there  were  no  radial 
engines  being  made  in  this  country  suit- 
able for  sport  planes.  The  OX- 5  was  too 
heavy  and  obsolete  in  design.  So  Ryan 
worked  out  a  deal  for  the  exclusive  sales 
and  manufacturing  rights  for  a  line  of 
air-cooled  radial  engines  developed  in 
Europe.  It  wasn't  long  before  almost  a 
score  of  American  airplane  models  were 
powered  by  these  engines. 

Ryan  then  decided  to  go  abroad  and 
visit  the  European  engine  plant  and  also 
knew  that  such  a  trip  would  give  him  a 
chance  to  look  over  the  aviation  field 
in  Europe  and  make  a  honeymoon  trip 
of  it  in  the  bargain.  So  on  February  18, 
1928,  he  and  Gladys  Bowen,  then  a 
teacher  in  San  Diego,  were  married  and 
left  for  Europe  immediately. 

Back  in  San  Diego  after  several  months 
abroad,  he  figured  that  a  modernized  fly- 
ing school  would  be  a  worthwhile  added 
activity.  To  assist  in  the  expansion  pro- 
gram of  the  school.  Earl  D.  Prudden,  after 
being  with  the  organization  for  some  time, 
was  promoted  from  sales  manager  to  man- 
ager of  the  school  which  then  was  begin- 
ning steady  growth  toward  becoming  one 

of  the  best  known  in  the  country.  The 
school  flew  students  at  the  old  Ryan  air- 
port on  Barnett  Avenue  opposite  the  Ma- 
rine Base  (where  a  new  Navy  housing 
project  is  now  located)  and  gave  them 
ground  school  instruction  in  a  building 
on  Kettner  Boulevard. 

The  school  was  one  of  the  first  to  re- 
ceive the  highest  rating  from  the  United 
States  Department  of  Commerce.  It  pro- 
duced many  of  the  country's  most  famous 
pilots.  The  school  had  established  such  a 
good  record  that  it  later  became  one  of 
the  original  group  of  nine  schools  given 
contracts  by  the  Array  for  the  primary 
training  of  aviation  cadets.  But  more 
about  that  later. 

The  depression  of  the  early  thirties  hit 
aviation  very  hard  and  many  in  the  busi- 
ness had  to  give  up,  but  the  Ryan  com- 
pany by  careful  control  of  expenses  and 
ingenuity  in  getting  business  not  only  car- 
ried through  but  in  one  of  the  worst  de- 
pression years  courageously  built  several 
fine  new  buildings  at  its  new  location  on 
Lindbergh  Field. 

Then  in  1933,  while  the  country  was 
still  deep  in  the  depression,  Ryan  made 
preparation  to  bring  out  a  new  line  of  air- 
planes. The  design  was  begun  on  an  en- 
tirely new  conception  of  what  a  modern 
sport  and  training  plane  should  be.  It  was 
a  low-wing  metal  monoplane  of  sleek  lines 
known  as  the  S-T.  Early  in  1934,  it  was 
awarded  an  approved  type  certificate  by 
the  Civil  Aeronautics  Administration. 

Production  of  the  S-Ts  began  early  in 
193  5  and  soon  many  of  them  were  in  the 
hands  of  private  pilots,  stunt  fliers  and 
flight  schools.  Many  foreign  countries 
bought  and  used  them  as  standard  military 
trainers.  Tex  Rankin  won  the  national 
acrobatic  championship  in  one.  They  were 
popular  everywhere.  The  S-T  was  orig- 
inally powerd  by  a  Menasco  95  horsepower 
in-line  air-cooled  inverted  engine.  An- 
other and  very  popular  type  had  a  similar 
engine  of  125  horsepower.  A  large  num- 
ber of  different  models  of  this  basic  design 
were  produced  including  the  STM  with 
a  1 5  0  horsepower  Menasco  engine  and  the 
seaplane  model  with  twin  floats. 

Then  an  all-metal  low-wing  cabin  type 
plane,  the  model  S-C,  was  brought  out 
and  proved  to  be  one  of  the  best-loved  of 
private  cabin-type  planes  of  thoroughly 
modern  design.  Many  of  these  are  flying 
today  in  the  hands  of  enthusiastic  owner- 

(Continued  next  month) 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  1  ) 

plane  and  originated  shipboard  catapults. 
The  first  plane  designed  specifically  for 
dive-bombing  was  the  original  Curtiss 
Helldiver,  illustrious  forebear  of  the  SB2C. 

The  modern  carrier  is  the  fist  of  the 
fleet  in  the  large  scale  battle  operations 
of  the  Pacific  war.  When  a  U.  S.  fleet 
goes  to  sea  an  array  of  combat  ships  cov- 
ering miles  of  tossing,  angry  ocean  is 
elaborately  formed.  Submarines  are  in 
the  lead  and  light  cruisers  follow  about 
five  miles  astern  in  semi-circular  disposi- 
tion. Speedy  destroyers  form  an  inner 
arc,  called  the  "screen."  Then  comes  the 
"main  body" — consisting  of  battleships, 
heavy  cruisers  and  the  aircraft  carriers. 
Here,  in  the  center  of  things,  the  flying 
fleet  is  at  roost. 

Aboard  each  carrier  are  at  least  81  spe- 
ciahzed  planes;  one  squadron  of  fighters 
to  protect  the  ship,  two  squadrons  of 
scout-dive  bombers  to  scout  and  bomb, 
one  squadron  of  torpedo  bombers  to  de- 
stroy enemy  ships  and  one  supplementary 
squadron.  When  the  battle  closes,  scout- 
observation  planes  are  shot  from  the  cata- 
pults of  the  dreadnaughts  and  cruisers  to 
sweep  ahead  of  the  fleet  and  spy  out  the 
enemy.  Soon  they  are  joined  by  the  dive 
bombers  from  the  "flat  tops."  Next  to 
streak  from  the  carriers  are  the  fighters 
to  engage  those  of  the  enemy  and  last  to 
roar  away  are  the  fast  torpedo  bombers 
with  their  heavy  bombs  or  torpedoes. 
Meanwhile,  the  "big  boats,"  patrol  bomb- 
ers and  other  heavy  bombers  from  distant 
bases  or  tenders,  are  gathering  high  in  the 
smoky  sky. 

This  assortment  of  naval  aircraft  is 
without  peer.  The  technique  which  is 
used  to  bring  the  vast  skill  and  power 
of  the  fleet  air  arm  to  bear  against  the 
enemy  is  a  result  of  the  most  thorough 
training  and  coordination.  No  other 
weapon  of  war  typifies  this  teamwork 
more  dramatically  than  that  floating  aero- 
drome; the  carrier. 

(the  end) 

3      til 

lEieSS  SiSS!!  ill 



^l^ir±      j.\^    '  ,»■!>>•■•■     -r*H.»-.".-v 

Belisve  it-  or  not,  this  office  build- 
ing housed  fhe  entire  office  and  ad- 
ministrative force  of  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nau  ical  Company  just  five  years  ago. 
This  humble  beginning,  nucleus  of 
the  present  huge  administrative  build- 
ing at  Lindbergh  Field,  was  completed 
May  1,  1940.  It  was  designed  as 
quarters  for  the  executive  offices  and 
engineering  department. 

It's  hard  to  visualize  that  our  com- 
pany headquarters  once  looked  like 
this,   isn't  it? 

Continuing  .  .  . 



(Continued  from  page  12) 

As  Director  of  Planning,  Plourde  has 
the  following  departments  and  sections 
Wrectly  under  his  control:  Production 
Control,  Graphic  Analysis,  Master  Plan- 
ning, Purchasing  and  Production  Engi- 

Plourde  came  to  Ryan  in  January,  1945, 
from  the  Bell  Aircraft  Company  in  Buf- 
falo, where  he  was  one  of  the  top  execu- 
tives. He  decided  to  make  the  change 
"because  I  was  convinced  Ryan  had  a 
very  progressive  aircraft  design  with  a 
greater  field  for  development,  and  I  felt 
that  my  experience  would  prove  of  more 
value  here  in  the  war  effort." 

Plourde  joined  the  Bell  staff  in  1940, 
first  as  sales  engineer.  In  that  field  he 
dealt  with  ordnance,  and  plane  buyers 
for  the  governments  of  England  and 
France  were  among  his  customers.  Soon 
he  was  elevated  to  assistant  sales  man- 
ager. Early  in  1942  he  became  executive 
assistant  to  the  vice  president  and  assis- 
tant general  manager  of  the  Bell  plant. 
In  this  capacity  he  was  directly  respon- 
sible for  the  operation  of  Ordnance,  Sales, 
Industrial  Relations,  Quality,  Flight  Re- 
search, Purchasing  and  B-29  Coordina- 
tion. In  addition  to  these  responsibilities 
he  maintained  control  of  Wright  Field 
contacts  of  both  a  sales  and  technical 
nature  and  was  in  charge  cf  the  Bell 
Dayton  office. 

Then  came  time  to  reorganize  the  en- 
gineering department,  too,  and  Plourde 
was  named  executive  chief  engineer.  But 
the  company  didn't  stop  with  that.  It 
retained  him  as  director  of  flight  research. 

Ask  Plourde  how  the  Bell  plant  com- 
pares with  Ryan  and  he'll  tell  you  that 
"here  at  Ryan  we  have  potentially  a  far 
more  efficient  and  industrious  group  of 
employees,  shop  foremen  and  other  per- 
sonnel to  form  an  organization  that  will 
be  hard  to  beat."  Not  only  that,  but 
"Ryan  has  a  greater  percentage  of  fac- 
tory employees  with  experience,  and  that 
counts  in  hastening  the  job." 

Plourde  also  will  tell  you  that  at  Ryan 
there  always  is  a  willingness  on  the  part 
of  everyone  "to  profit  by  the  lessons  others 
have  learned,"  meaning  that  our  doors 
never  have  been  closed  to  constructive 
criticism  or  changes  to  bring  about  more 

Although  most  of  Plourde's  aircraft  ex- 
perience was  gained  in  the  East,  he  is  a 
native  of  California.  He  was  born  in 
Santa  Barbara  on  August  26,  1913  and 
went  to  grade  and  high  school  there. 

Plourde  climbed  the  ladder  into  the  sky 
the  hard  way.  In  1934  he  went  to  work 
in  the  Northrop  plant  in  Los  Angeles 
as  a  draftsman.  While  there  he  also 
worked  in  several  shop  departments  where 
he  gained  invaluable  practical  shop  exper- 
ience. One  of  the  popular  Army  planes 
he  worked  on  there  was  the  A- 17,  a  low 
wing,  all  metal  monoplane  that  eventu- 
ally was  sold  outside  the  United  States 
to   Canada,    England,    France   and   China. 

In  193  5  Plourde  went  to  the  Douglas 
plant  in  Santa  Monica,  and  there  he 
worked  on  such  craft  as  the  DC-2  and 
the  DC- 3.  Still  later  he  joined  North 

His  big  moment  came  in  1937.  He 
was  offered  a  position  with  Curtiss- 
Wright,  and  with  acceptance  of  that 
position  he  also  married.  It  wasn't  long 
before  Plourde  was  promoted  to  assistant 
project  engineer  and  was  assigned  to  the 
production  of  P-75  Hawk  pursuit  planes. 
These  were  sold  to  France,  England,  the 
Argentine,  Iran  and  Norway.  He  also 
was  responsible  for  the  development  of 
the  XP-36D  and  XP-36E  fighters.  The 
XP-3  6E  was  the  first  American  pursuit 
airplane  to  have  eight  machine  guns.  Bill 
recalls  with  some  pride  that  just  nineteen 
days  elapsed  from  the  Friday  evening  he 
got  General  Arnold's  assignment  until  the 
airplane  was  airborne. 

But  here  again  Plourde  eventually  came 
to  feel  that  his  progress  was  stalemated 
and  that  he  should  look  for  new  fields 
to  conquer.    Bell  offered  the  opportunity. 

If  you  ask  Plourde  about  his  ambitions, 
he'll  tell  you  that  his  principal  aim  in  life 
is  to  get  the  immediate  job  done  promptly 
and  accurately  and  then  wait  for  what- 
ever tomorrow  brings. 

Hobbies?  Well,  back  in  the  "good  old 
days"  he  liked  to  fish,  and  fish  some  more; 
hunt  and  play  golf  and  tennis.  But  just 
now  he's  forgotten  about  those  things. 

In  high  school  he  played  basketball,  but 
he  admits  he  was  no  whirlwind  at  the 
game.  He  also  played  football.  He  is  a 
pilot,  "but  keep  that  quiet,  please,"  he 
asks,  pointing  out  that  he  hasn't  done 
enough  of  it  to  merit  mention. 

Plourde's  like  that  in  his  always  pleas- 
ant, quiet  way — never  trying  to  make 
himself  something  that  he  really  isn't. 

THE     END 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page  1  1  ) 

dimensions  is  one  of  the  most  fascinating 
in  the  world."  George  explained  that  his 
department  has  the  responsibihty  of  meas- 
uring machined  parts,  machine  tools  and 
other  measuring  devices  to  see  that  they 
are  true.  Thousands  of  dollars  worth  of 
the  most  advanced  measuring  instruments 
are  used  in  the  Inspection  department  to 
detect  minute  variations  in  size. 

The  master  control  of  all  measurements 
in  Inspection  resides  in  a  set  of  blocks 
which  were  originally  designed  in  1896. 
These  blocks  are  not  the  kind  that  junior 
plays  with  on  the  floor  at  home.  They  are 
rectangular  pieces  of  alloy  steel  with 
smooth,  flat  faces.  A  set  of  81  of  these 
Hoke  gage  blocks  costs  about  $400  and 
can  be  used  in  over  100,000  measuring 
combinations.  The  lengths  of  the  blocks 
run  from  1/100  inch  to  4  inches  and  this 
dimension  is  guaranteed  to  be  accurate  to 
within  4  mUliOnths  of  an  inch.  "Gage 
blocks  must  be  carefully  handled,"  ex- 
plained James  R.  Kennedy,  Inspector  in 
charge  of  the  set.  "We  wash  the  blocks 
in  a  solvent  before  using  them  and  coat 
them  with  acid-free  grease  after  using  in 
order  to  preserve  their  fine  finish."  The 
mirror-like  surface  of  these  steel  gages  is 
so  smooth  that  when  two  blocks  are  placed 
together,  they  stick  to  each  other  like 
glue.  Two  small  blocks,  with  less  than 
1/2  square  inch  of  contacting  surface, 
will  resist  a  force  of  200  pounds  to  pull 
them  apart.  This  phenomenon  is  due  to 
the  strong  attraction  of  the  molecules  for 
each  other  when  brought  into  such  close 
contact  and  the  cementing  action  of  mois- 
ture, which  is  always  present  on  the  block 
faces,  from  the  air.  To  separate  the  pieces, 
you  merely  slide  one  off  of  the  other. 

Gage  blocks  are  used  to  check  microm- 
eters, ball  gages,  depth  gages,  calipers  and 
all  kinds  of  parts  and  measuring  tools. 
They  are  made  of  steel  which  is  alter- 
nately heated  and  deep-frozen  to  stabilize 
it  to  the  utmost  so  that  it  will  not  change 
size  with  temperature  variation.  However, 
care  must  be  used  in  handling  the  blocks 
because  they  are  affected  by  heat  from 
your  hand.  "You  can  increase  the  length 
of  a  one-inch  block  by  40  millionths  of 
an  inch  by  holding  it  tightly  in  your 
hand  for  several  minutes,"  said  Kennedy. 
"Room  temperature  doesn't  distort  the 
measuring  quality  of  the  gage  blocks  as 
long  as  the  material  being  checked  is  steel. 
You  see,  the  blocks  are  made  of  steel  and 
will  shrink  or  grow  the  same  amount 
as  the  metal  to  be  checked.  For  metals 
other  than  steel,  we  have  to  use  a  for- 
mula to  fiind  the  amount  of  correction." 


There  is  a  chap  who  knows  most  of  the  first  verse  of  the  Star  Spangled 
Banner  and  who  will  knock  off  your  hat  if  you  don't  uncover  instantly  for 
the  flag    .    .    .    but  who  has  yet  to  buy  his  first  War  Bond. 

He  can  tell  Nimitz  or  MacArthur  how  to  play  it 
all  the  best  places  to  get  steaks  without  stamps. 

and  he  knows 

He  and  the  wife  and  kids  are  doing  quite  a  bit  of  travelling  .... 
although  they're  pretty  impatient  because  the  trains  are  so  crowded  w^ith 
soldiers  and  sailors. 

He  just  got  the  Missus  a  new  fur  coat  .  .  .  he's  collecting  sport  shirts 

He  has  red,  white  and  blue  stickers  all  over  his  car  .  .  .  but  he  gives 
you  a  dirty  look  for  blocking  traffic  as  he  passes  you  at  60  when  you  are 
patriotically  staying  under  40. 

When  he  hears  about  food  shortages  he  says,  "Well,  between  the  Army 
and  England  and  Russia,  how  do  you  expect  'em  to  have  anything  left  for 
real  Americans  to  eat?" 

He  thinks  the  war  would  be  over  in  a  few  months  if  the  Navy  and  Marines 
would  only  get  off  the  dime  .  .  .  and  he  quit  his  war  job  because  he  was 
tired  of  working  a  six-day  week. 

^     ^a;Mot€4^  ^e^^m4^  at  ^o«9ti     ^ 

—  20  — 

Ryan  employees  disembarking 
-from  one  of  the  new  buses 
which    eorry    1 1 0    employees. 

H.  B.  Conner  and  D.  S.  WheN 
sfine  are  caught  by  the  cam- 
era as  they  intently  watch  the 
action  of  a  milling  machine 


Precise  core  in  adjusting  the 
cutting  tool  of  the  drilling 
machine  is  exercised  by  Ira 
Welty  of  the   Machine   Shop. 

Juannell  W.  League  deftly 
measures  the  diameter  of  a 
|haft  with  a  micrometer. 

—  21 

Go  down  to  the  beach  in  a  knee-length 
slack  outfit  strongly  stamped  with  the 
Chinese  influence,  if  you're  talented 
that  way,  you  con  whip  this  up  your- 
self. You  con  get  the  pattern  by  writ- 
ing to  P.  O.  Box  31,  Station  F,  New 
York  16,  N.  Y.,  and  enclosing  20c. 
Charm  pattern   No.   1 764. 


Don't  toss  out-of-season  hats  into  the 
waste  basket.  With  conditions  as  they 
are,  give  a  thought  to  remodeling  pos- 
sibilities. Pack  your  turbans  (several  to 
a  box)  with  tissue  paper.  They'll  keep 
their  shape  better.  And  straw  hats  can 
be  damaged  easily,  so  place  them  flat  down 
on  the  brim  side — one  to  a  box,  the  crowns 
stuffed  with  tissue.  When  putting  that 
Sunday  bonnet  on  the  shelf  for  the  work- 
day week,  don't  forget  to  remove  veils 
or  fragile  trimmings  .  .  .  they  add 

Have  trouble  with  shiny  coat  collars? 
Dull  them  back  to  a  normal  state  by 
sponging  with  a  cloth  wrung  out  of  hot 
vinegar,  and  press  the  collar  on  the  wrong 
side  while  still  damp. 

Restore  your  velvet  gown  to  a  lovely 
newness  by  brushing  it  well  to  remove 
dust  and  lint,  then  steam  it  on  the  wrong 
side  and  hang  it  up  to  dry.  Oh  yes,  to 
steam  a  velvet  coat,  hang  it  over  a  big 
kettle  of  boiling  water  and  let  it  catch 
the  vapor.  Then  brush  the  coat  with  a 
piece  of  velvet  til  the  nap  perks  up  again. 
Put  each  of  the  sleeves  over  the  nose  of 
the  teakettle  and  let  the  steam  penetrate 
every  part  thoroughly. 

Above  all  don't  let  sloppy  fasteners 
distort  the  lines  and  beauty  of  your 
clothes.  Sew  those  hooks  and  eyes  on 
tighter  and  in  the  right  place,  catch  that 
falling  button  and  if  you're  one  of  those 
lucky  people  who  still  have  slide  fasten- 
ers ..  .  remember  they're  out  for  the 
duration  .  .  .  treat  them  gently.  Don't 
force  them,  close  and  open  them  with 
the  tab  and  slide  them  shut  before  wash- 
ing or  ironing. 


Yes,  it's  picnic  time  in  California  any 
day.  Since  these  little  jaunts  are  usually 
spur-of-the-moment  affairs  sandwiched 
into  busy  days,  we  have  to  be  ready  to 
go  at  a  minute's  notice.  And  it  can  be 
done.  One  jar  of  peanut  butter  can  yield 
a   variety  of   sandwich   combinations.     A 

—  22  — 

peanut  butter-mayonnaise  mixture  topped 
with  sliced  tomato,  cucumber  or  orange 
makes  tasty  treats.  Chili  sauce,  India 
relish  or  honey,  when  mixed  with  peanut 
butter  make  delicious  spreads.  And  that 
same  jar  of  peanut  butter  can  be  used  as 
shortening  in  crispy  good  cookies,  the  per- 
fect dessert  for  picnics  or  anytime. 


2   egg  whites 

3/4  cup  sugar 

1/4  teaspoon  vanilla 

1/3  cup  peanut  butter 

2  cups  puffed  rice  cereal 

Beat  egg  whites  until  stiff,  then  fold 
in  sugar  slowly.  Cream  peanut  butter 
and  vanilla  until  soft,  fold  into  egg  white 
mixture.  Lightly  fold  in  cereal.  Drop 
by  teaspoonfuls  onto  well-greased  baking 
sheet.  Bake  in  moderate  oven  (375°  F.) 
about  20  minutes.  Makes  about  60  cookies. 


This  blouse  is  reminiscent  of  Old  Spain, 
but  nonetheless  is  as  modern  as  to- 
morrow. Perfect  with  a  block  skirt  or 
slacks  for  dinner  at  home.  Vogue  pat- 
tern No.  9872. 


Have  you  ever  been  bothered  with  hav- 
ing sprinkled  your  clothes  the  night  be- 
fore (planning  to  iron  them  the  next 
morning)  only  to  have  a  visiting  rela- 
tive drop  in  unexpectedly  and  you  having 
to  postpone  your  ironing  for  another  day? 

This  necessitates  your  imdoing  all  your 
previous  work  and  hanging  the  clothes 
up  to  dry  and  then  on  another  day  starting 
all  over  again.  Here's  a  swell  way  to  avoid 
all  that.  Instead  of  sprinkling  and  roll- 
ing up  dampened  clothes  the  old  way,  try 
this:  Put  a  perfectly  dry  garment  on  the 
ironing  board,  then  using  a  fine  spray  (an 
old  throat  atomizer  works  best)  squirt 
the  water  gently  over  the  garment  as  you 
iron.  That  way,  the  seams  don't  get  over- 
wet  and  there's  no  extra  wrinkling  caused 
by  rolUng  up  the  damp  clothes.  With  a 
little  practice,  you'll  soon  learn  to  do  it 
just  right.  This  is  especially  helpful  when 
you  are  ironing  a  dress  of  rather  heavy 
material,  such  as  pique. 

Did  you  ever  get  a  hankering  to  try 
your  hand  at  making  a  hot?  This  is 
an  Easy-To-Make  turban  that  takes 
little  material  and  yet  has  that  inde- 
finable something  called  chic.  Vogue 
pattern   No.   5337. 


Nothing  so  acquaints  us  with  another 
person's  figure  faults  as  a  day  spent  at 
the  beach.  As  we  He  relaxed  and  dozing 
on  the  sand,  we  witness  the  scantily-clad 
crowd  milling  around.  Occasionally  we 
see  an  Adonis  with  a  perfect  physique  or 
a  Venus  rising  from  the  waves,  but  they 
are  few  and  far  between.  The  majority 
of  bathers  display  awkward  postures  and 
unsymmetrical  lines  as  they  wander  around 
in  their  wet  and  clinging  garb. 

As  you  lie  comfortably  sunning  your- 
self, are  you  sure  that  your  own  figure  is 
what  it  should  be?  Whether  you  have  too 
much  avoirdupois  or  are  more  on  the  lean 
side,  you  can  look  better  in  your  bathing 
suit  if  you  watch  your  posture.  Does  your 
head  droop  dejectedly  or  is  your  chin 
thrust  forward  like  a  horse  reaching  for 
a  carrot?  Maybe  your  shoulder  blades 
sprout  like  wings  and  your  chest  sub- 
merges, as  an  unfortunate  pillow  appears 
below  your  belt. 

Get  a  good  picture  of  yourself  in  front 
of  a  full-length  mirror,  and  see  where 
your  body  deviates  from  a  straight  line. 
Remember  your  mirror  is  your  best  friend, 
or  worst  enemy  if  you  want  it  to  be. 


The  time  has  come  when  all  smart 
little  gals  who  love  the  sun  will  begin 
their  yearly  trek  toward  the  beach.  But 
if  these  same  gals  are  really  smart,  they'll 
take  precautions  when  attaining  their 
summer  tan.  Elizabeth  Arden's  Sunpruf 
Cream  not  only  protects  your  skin,  but 
regulates  your  tan.  Light  and  delicate 
when  smoothed  over  the  skin,  it  becomes 
almost  invisible,  leaving  an  imperceptible 
film  that  gives  your  skin  a  charmingly 
natural  mat  finish.  Be  sure  that  it  is  ap- 
plied evenly  over  the  entire  area  of  skin 
which  will  be  exposed,  and  always  renew 
the  application  after  coming  out  of  the 
water.    Available  in  50c  and  $1  sizes. 


Whether  you  belong  to  the  hatless 
brigade  this  summer,  or  to  the  little  beanie 
sisterhood,  you  might  like  to  know  what 
the  famous  milliner,  Lilly  Dache,  recom- 
mends for  informal  summer  wear  with 
simple  prints  and  gay  cotton  dresses.  For 
your  information,  a  whimsie  is  a  Dache 
snood  net,  streamlined. 

Below  are  three  sketches  showing  the 
finished  whimsie.  First,  flat.  Second,  worn 
as  a  turban — wound  around  the  head  with 
ends  fastened  over  top  sides.  Third,  worn 
turn-about — flat  on  top  and  ends  tucked 
in  the  back. 

Directions:  Cut  gathers  of  one  or  two 
black  (or  colored)  snood  nets  in  the  cen- 
ter. Remove  metal  clips,  press  net  flat, 
cut  and  sew  both  ends  to  a  longish  point. 
Cut  green  satin  ribbon,  two  inches  wide 
and  about  20  inches  long  and  attach  at 
sides  to  net,  keeping  all  flat. 

To  wear  turban  fashion:  Wind  around 
head,  fastening  each  long  pointed  end  at 
side,  keeping  flowers  on  top  sides,  and 
back  flat.  Or,  reverse  it.  Keep  top  flat, 
showing  hair  on  sides  and  fastening  pointed 
ends  under  back  hair. 

This  is  another  version  of  the  hot  shown 
on  the  opposite  side  of  the  page  and  is 
included  in  the  same  pattern.  This  hat 
was  no  doubt  inspired  by  the  stocking 
caps   worn    by   sailors   in    days   of   yore. 


A  small  bottle  of  Hydrogen  Peroxide 
is  a  handy  thing  to  keep  in  your  medi- 
cine chest.  It's  very  quick-healing  for 
small  cuts  and  scratches  and  is  especially 
helpful  in  drying  up  those  pimples  that 
pop  out  on  your  face  a  night  before  a 
big  party. 


A  lack  of  ration  coupons  for  sugar 
can  hold  no  terror  for  you  if  you  had 
planned  to  ice  that  newly  baked  cake  with 
a  thick  creamy  chocolate  icing  only  to 
find  that  your  sugar  cupboard  was  bare. 
A  slick  trick  and  a  quick  way  to  make  a 
smooth,  creamy  chocolate  icing  that  never 
gets  too  hard  before  you  can  spread  it 
can  be  made  like  this:  Place  two  one- 
ounce  squares  Baker's  Unsweetened  Choco- 
late in  the  top  of  a  double  boiler  and 
melt.  Then  pour  in  one  can  of  Eagle 
Brand  Condensed  Milk  and  stir  constantly 
until  thick  enough  to  spread.  This  makes 
enough  icing  to  completely  cover  two 
8-inch  layers.  One  word  of  caution,  how- 
ever, ordinary  evaporated  milk  will  not 
do  the  trick,  it  must  be  condensed  milk 
which    is    a    much    thicker    consistency. 

—  23  — 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page  20) 

From  time  to  time  the  set  is  returned  to 
the  factory  for  a  comparison  with  their 
master  set  which,  in  turn,  is  checked  with 
the  Bureau  of  Standards  at  Washington. 

The  final  authority  in  this  measure- 
ment business  is  a  Hght  wave.  The  dimen- 
sions of  any  gage  may  change  infinitesi- 
mally  but  the  wave  length  of  light  seems 
to  be  the  same  at  all  times.  In  order  to 
take  advantage  of  this  natural  yardstick, 
a  clever  technique  is  used. 

A  flat  disc  of  quartz  is  made.  This 
material  is  as  clear  as  the  finest  glass  and 
is  not  appreciably  affected  by  temperature. 
One  side  is  polished  so  smooth  that  an  ant 
couldn't  crawl  across  it  without  rubber 
heels.  The  disc,  called  an  "optical  flat," 
is  placed  upon  a  gage  block.  Then,  a  single 
color  light  beam  is  directed  through  the 
disc  to  the  face  of  the  gage  block  where 
it  is  reflected  back.  A  single  color  light 
is  used  so  that  one  wave  length  can  be 
observed.  When  this  light  beam  reaches 
the  bottom  face  of  the  disc,  part  of  it 
is  reflected  from  that  surface  and  another 
part  continues  on  to  the  face  of  the  gage 
block  and  is  reflected  from  there.  If  the 
steel  gage  is  not  as  flat  as  the  disc,  there 
will  be  a  tiny  wedge  of  air  space  between 
the  two.  When  the  light  which  is  re- 
flected from  the  gage  face  joins  forces 
with  the  light  which  was  reflected  from 
the  disc  face,  it  is  "out  of  step"  because 
it  had  to  travel  back  and  forth  through 
the  air  space  between  the  two  pieces. 
Wherever  the  air  space  is  1/2,  or  a  mul- 
tiple of  1/2  a  wave  length  thick,  the  two 
returning  beams  will  cancel  each  other  and 
produce  a  dark  band  which  can  be  seen 
with  the  naked  eye.  By  measuring  the 
paths  of  these  bands,  variations  of  1  mil- 
lionth of  an  inch  in  surface  flatness  can 
be  detected.  A  millionth  of  an  inch  is 
so  small  that  if  you  imagine  that  it  is 
represented  by  the  thickness  of  a  dime, 
it  would  take  a  stack  of  dimes  4  times 
as  high  as  the  Empire  State  building  to 
represent  1  inch. 

One  of  the  newest  machines  in  the  In- 
spection Crib  is  the  Brush  Surface  Ana- 
lyzer. Charles  Sheridan,  inspector,  oper- 
ates this  ingenious  tool  which  "feels"  the 
smoothness  of  any  surface.  It  cost  $1800 
and  consists  of  a  floating  arm  with  a 
diamond  point  needle,  similar  to  that  of 
a  phonograph,  which  is  connected  to  an 
electric  recording  chart.  The  arm  auto- 
matically slides  over  the  surface  to  be 
tested,  allowing  the  diamond  point  to  rise 
and  fall  with  surface  irregularities.  This 
shght  movement  can  be  magnified  40,000 
times  by  the  amplifier  and  shown  by  an 

inked  Une  on  a  piece  of  graph  paper. 
"With  this  machine,  we  can  'feel'  scratches 
that  are  a  millionth  of  an  inch  deep," 
proudly  boasts  Sheridan  as  he  fondly  pats 
his  mechanical  marvel. 

The  Brush  Surface  Analyzer  is  of  in- 
estimable value  in  checking  the  finish  of 
steel  shafts,  bearing  surfaces,  cylinder 
walls  and  every  type  of  highly  finished 
part.  Ever  since  the  invention  of  the 
wheel  and  axle  a  means  of  obtaining  and 
evaluating  surface  finish  has  been  sought. 

Tucked  away  in  the  corner  of  the  In- 
spection Crib  is  a  huge  machine  which 
weighs  1200  pounds  and  looks  like  a 
movie  machine  in  a  penny  arcade.  It  does 
have  a  screen — a  14  inch  circular  ground 
glass  screen  upon  which  you  can  see  pic- 
tures. But  these  pictures  are  not  the  kind 
you  would  expect  to  see  in  a  penny  ar- 
cade— they  are  shadow  images.  Sallie  Le- 
vickas,  inspector  operating  the  Jones  and 
Lamson  Comparator,  has  this  to  say  about 
her  fascinating  job:  "It's  remarkable  the 
way  the  Comparator  speeds  up  the  inspec- 

AS  HE  IS  .  .  . 


¥           "'  'TftU 

^^^st;y<:        9 


of  Employee  Service 

tion  of  parts.  All  we  have  to  do  to 
check  a  part  is  to  place  it  in  the  holder 
and  direct  this  spotlight  on  it.  By  a 
system  of  mirrors  and  prisms,  the  shadow 
cast  by  the  part  is  projected  upon  the 
large  glass  screen  in  greatly  magnified 
size.  The  Comparator  will  blow  up  the 
silhouette  of  a  part  to  100  times  its  actual 
size.  Then  it  is  a  simple  task  to  measure 
its  dimensions  or  check  its  accuracy.  I 
remember  one  little  bushing  which  an  ex- 
perienced inspector  could  check  at  the 
rate  of  30  an  hour  using  ordinary  gages. 
By  the  use  of  the  Comparator,  an  un- 
skilled inspector  analyzed  430  of  the  bush- 
ings an  hour  with  greater  accuracy  than 

Another  scientific  tool  which  is  used 
in  the  Inspection  Crib  is  the  Hardness 
Tester.  There  are  two  kinds  of  these  in- 
teresting gadgets:  the  Brinell  and  the 
Rockwell  Hardness  Testers.  The  largest 
one  in  the  department  is  a  Brinell.  It 
looks  like  a  giant  thumb  screw.  "We  place 

—  24  — 

the  part  to  be  checked  between  the  jaws 
of  the  machine  and  tighten  this  screw," 
declared  Jane  Snyder,  who  works  with 
the  Tester.  "Then  I  press  this  lever  and 
a  steel  ball  is  forced  against  the  surface 
of  the  part  with  a  carefully  controlled 
force  of  more  than  3  tons.  This  makes 
a  circular  dent  in  the  part.  The  image 
of  the  dent  is  projected  upon  a  screen. 
By  looking  into  this  window  I  can  see 
this  dent  and  measure  its  diameter  with 
the  scale  imposed  on  the  screen.  From 
this  figure,  I  can  find  the  hardness  of  the 
metal,  in  pounds  jjer  square  inch,  by  using 
a  prepared  chart."  Hardness  of  metals  and 
alloys  is  an  important  characteristic  be- 
cause it  indicates  strength. 

Before  leaving  the  Inspection  depart- 
ment we  must  tell  you  about  the  most 
infallible  of  all  of  their  detecting  para- 
phernalia; the  Magnaflux  Tester.  "Here 
is  the  answer  to  an  inspector's  prayers," 
exclaimed  Bill  La  Porte,  magnetic  test 
inspector.  "This  baby  never  fails.  See  that 
circular  cutting  tool?  Looks  perfect, 
doesn't  it?  Well,  watch  this."  Bill  placed 
the  part  in  a  box-like  contraption,  sprayed 
a  red  fluid  upon  it  and  pressed  a  switch. 
Then  he  picked  it  up  and  again  prof- 
fered it  to  me.  "Now  see  those  cracks 
which  were  in  this  part  but  were  not  vis- 
ible to  the  eye  before  we  magnafluxed  it." 
Sure  enough,  tiny  lines  were  described  on 
the  piece,  indicating  flaws  in  the  metal. 
"The  machine  will  detect  any  flaw  in 
steel;  cracks,  slag  pockets  or  bubbles — 
even  though  they  don't  extend  to  the  sur- 
face," said  Bill. 

The  Magnaflux  Tester  works  on  the 
same  principle  you  demonstrated  when 
you  placed  iron  filings  near  a  magnet  in 
school.  The  box  into  which  the  part  is 
placed  is  a  strong  magnetic  field  which 
magnetizes  the  part.  The  red  spray  is  a 
solution  of  iron  particles.  If  there  is  a 
break  or  flaw  in  the  steel  part,  the  tiny 
iron  particles  will  collect  along  the  de- 
fection and  clearly  show  that  something 
is  wrong.  This  machine  has  provided 
metallurgists  with  a  sure  means  of  "see- 
ing" into  the  inside  of  steel  shafts,  cast- 
ings and  other  high-strength  parts. 

As  George  Tiedeman  said,  "Precision 
inspection  is  a  fascinating  business.  When 
it  gets  in  your  blood,  you  won't  be  happy 
doing  anything  else."  Perhaps  this  is  be- 
cause precision  inspectors,  working  at  the 
lunits  of  scientific  accuracy,  experience 
the  same  thrill  of  satisfaction  which  stim- 
ulates the  research  scientist.  In  the  last 
3  5  years,  the  dramatic  climb  of  machine 
accuracy  from  thousandths  to  millionths 
of  an  inch  has  paved  the  way  for  mod- 
ern living.  Who  knows  what  inventions, 
yet  unborn,  have  been  made  possible  by 
this  advance? 

(the  end) 






^     It  ia^*"  * 

to  ilve  a.aiu  '^:^.-  ^^  ^.^^ 

_  .  1000.000  J«P*  «'*'^"  ^^^..^ 

2000000 . no— 1>*  J^„, 

RYAN        PRODUC7/ON         ENGINEEP.    INC        DEVELOPMENT        NO.       2  3-30.18 

Faster,  Lighter  Aircraft,  Greater  Pay  Loads 

through  New  Techniques  in  Processing 

Aluminum  Alloys... 

How  to  develop  airplanes  capable  of  carrying  greater  pay  loads 
at  higher  speeds  by  reducing  structural  weight  ?  That's  the  aer- 
onautical engineer's  basic  problem. 

To  accomplish  this  end  could  a  metal  be  found  which  had  the 
lightness  of  Aluminum  and  the  strength  of  steel?  Yes,  Alu- 
minum alloys  could  be  post-aged  to  give  them  this  much  desired 
strength.  But,  the  process  so  reduced  the  corrosion  resistance  of 
the  metal  that  full  advantage  could  not  be  taken  of  this  devel- 

Ryan  metallurgists  tackled  the  problem  and  came  up  with  a 
procedure  which  yields  a  light  corrosion-resistant  alloy  with  the 
strength  of  low  carbon  steel. 

Ryan  engineers  have  been  first  to  make  full  use  of  this  weight- 
saving  development  in  the  design  and  construction  of  aircraft. 
This  advantage,  which  adds  to  the  deadliness  of  American  war- 
planes,  will  be  equally  valuable  to  the  peacetime  planes  of  the 

THE  PROBLEM:  How  to  rake  advantage  of  the  extra  strength 
imparted  to  Alclad  24-S  by  the  post-aging  process.  The 
strength  of  this  metal,  composed  of  an  Aluminum  alloy  cov- 
ered with  a  thin  deposit  of  pure  Aluminum,  may  be  increased 
by  post-aging.  However,  this  has  always  been  accompanied 
by  a  loss  in  corrosion  resistance  which  prevenred  aeronautical 
engineers  from  completely  utilizing  this  advantage.  The  aging 
reduced  the  galvanic  potential  between  the  alloy  and  the  clad 
Aluminum  and  removed  the  electrolytic  protection  it  afforded. 

THE  SOLUTION;  Ryan  research  found  a  way  to  obtain  the 
strength  increase  and  maintain  high  corrosion  resistance:  The 
Alclad  is  placed  in  an  oven  and  held  to  a  temperature  of 
.^65°  F.  for  ten  hours.  This  induces  a  copper  precipitation 
and  raises  the  tensile  strength  at  least  20%.  Then  the  corro- 
sion resistance  is  restored  by  anodizing  a  thin  layer  of  oxide 
on  the  surface  and  spraying  it  with  a  zinc  chromate  primer. 

THE  ADVANTAGES:  By  ordering  specified  stock,  post-aging 
at  carefully  controlled  temperatures  and  anodizing  and  prim- 
ing, Ryan  has  created  new  possibilities  for  Aluminum  alloys. 
The  entire  aircraft  industry  may  now  have  the  benefit  which 
this  metal,  with  Aluminums  lightness  and  steel's  strength, 
gives  to  every  designer  and  builder  of  airplanes. 

RELY    ON     RYAN 


Ryon   Aeronautical   Company,   San    Diego  —  Member,   Aircraft   War    Production    Council,    Inc. 
DESIGNERS        AND        BUILDERS        OF        NAVY       FIGHTING       PLANES       AND       EXHAUST       MANIFOLD       SYSTEMS 



JULY  1945 

Vol.  9  No.  6 

A  Couple  of  Lollipops  1 

True  story  of  a  half-blinded 
Navy  pilot.  Will  he  make  it 
back  to  his  carrier? 

A  Thousand  to  One  Your  Favor  2 
With  the  help  of  the  Safety 
Department  and  your  guar- 
dian angel,  you  have  an  ex- 
cellent chance  of  avoiding 

Meet — Ed  Rhodes  3 

A  close-up  of  our  fast- 
moving  new  assistant  chief 

Ryan  Historical  Parade 4 

This  concluding  article  on 
Ryan's  history  brings  us  up  to 
date  with  a  promising  future. 

"Win-a-Prize"   Quiz   Contest  ..      6 
Here's    your    chance    to    test 
your  "Eye-Q". 

It  Pays  to  Be  a  Schemer! 8 

What  goes  on  behind  the 
scenes  when  you  send  in  a 
shop  suggestion. 

Factless   Fables    10 

A  take-off,  and  we  don't 
mean  a  strip-tease,  of  that 
guff  that  comes  oi'er  the  air 

They   Still   Reign 11 

And  in  this  corner,  we  have 
the   champs. 

"Fire-Control"  for  a  B-29 12 

Ryan  manifolds  are  boott 
com panions  of  the  Superfort- 
ress over  Tokyo. 

Feminine  Furbelows 22 

A  grab-bag  of  ideas. 


Published  every  month  for 
employees    and    friends    of 


Through   the 

Public  Relations   Department 

Under  the  Editorial   Direction  of 

William  Wagner   and   Keith   Monroe 

Editor Frances  Statler  Kohl 

Staff  Photographers: 

Tommy  Hixson,  Frank  Martin, 
Rex  Benedict. 


"Now  hurry  up,  Pa,  and  get  yourself  down  here  before  you/  breakfast 
is  all  cold.  Besides  you'll  be  late  for  work."  Mom  went  through  this 
same  little  speech  every  morning. 

When  he  got  good  and  ready.  Dad  ambled  down  the  stairs  nearly 
tripping  over  that  rip  in  the  hall  carpet.  I  could  hear  him  cuss  a  little 
under  his  breath  as  he  entered  the  kitchen. 

Mom  smiled  a  little  when  Pa  sat  down  and  she  noticed  that  little  bit 
of  lather  under  his  left  ear  he  always  seemed  to  miss  and  said,  "You 
haven't  forgotten  have  you.  Pa,  that  you  have  an  appointment  at  the 
Blood  Bank  today?" 

"Golly,  Mom,  so  I  had,"  sputtered  Pa  as  he  swallowed  a  mouthful  of 
scalding  cofFee.  "I  can't  keep  it  today  though,  'cause  I've  got  to  go  down- 
town this  afternoon  and  get  Bob's  birthday  present.  If  I  don't  get  it 
off  today,  he  won't  have  it  on  time.  Saw  a  dandy  pipe — just  the  kind 
he  wanted  last  Christmas — when  I  thought  he  was  too  young  to  smoke." 
Dad  paused  for  a  moment,  "Guess  as  long  as  he's  old  enough  to  be 
out  there  fightin',  he's  old  enough  to  smoke.  Sure  would  like  to  see 
that  little  scamp.  Wonder  if  he'll  be  getting  a  furlough  soon?" 

Pop  bought  Bob's  birthday  present  and  got  it  off  that  day.  But  it 
cost  him  more  than  he'll  ever  know. 

We  learned  later  that  the  day  the  present  arrived  was  the  day  Bob 
was  wounded.  The  chaplain  wrote  us  all  about  how  it  happened  when 
he  sent  us  Bob's  belongings,  including  the  pipe  that  hadn't  reached 
him  in  time. 

I  got  another  letter  from  one  of  Bob's  buddies  who  was  there  with 
him  when  he  died.  It  said  that  if  they'd  had  enough  blood  plasma.  Bob 
probably  would  have  been  living  today. 

I  didn't  show  that  letter  to  Pop! 

Lt.  Thienes  being 
assisted  from  his 
"Hellcat"  after  land- 
ing aboard  the  U.S.S. 

^  Lt.  William  McEI- 
roy  shepherded  the 
wounded  Lt.  Thienes 
back  to  the  ship. 

Dr.  Voris  holding 
the  Jap  slug  he  re- 
moved from  the  head 
of  Lt.  Thienes. 

1  (OVPIE  OF 


U.  S.  N.  R. 

Aircraft    action    report    by    Lieutenant    (j.g.)     Ernest    T. 
Stewart,  Jr.,  U.  S.  N.  R.,  of  Indiana,  Pennsylvania,  Air  Combat 
Information  officer  of  Fighting  Squadron  3 : 

(a)  Unit  based  on  USS  FIGHTING  LADY. 

(b)  Take-off:    Date:     12  January   1945.    Time:   1510. 

(c)  Mission:  Attack  shipping,  aircraft,  at  Saigon.   .   .   . 
Statement  by  Lieutenant  William  B.  McLeroy,  U.  S.  N.  R., 

of  Douglas,  Texas,  a  division  leader  of  Fighting  Squadron  3: 

Eight  of  us  took  off,  but  my  section  leader  developed  engine 
trouble,  so  he  and  his  wingman  turned  back.  The  rest  of  us 
rounded  Cape  St.  Jacques  and  headed  up  the  river  toward 
Saigon,  about  thirty  miles  away.  Visibility  in  the  target  area 
was  good.  From  6,000  feet  I  could  see  at  least  a  half  dozen 
ships  on  fire  from  earlier  strikes.  I  picked  me  out  a  fat,  fresh 
AK  (cargo  ship)  and  was  just  about  to  let  her  have  it  when 
I  realized  she  was  already  resting  on  the  bottom,  so  I  held  my 
bomb.  A  mile  farther  I  spotted  another  AK,  with  camouflage 
netting  over  her  bow.  I  was  getting  set  to  make  my  run  when 
I  saw  that  Bob  wasn't  with  me.   .   .   . 

Statement  by  Lieutenant  Robert  L.  Thienes,  U.  S.  N.  R.,  of 
St.  Vaul,  Minnesota,  Lieutenant  McLeroy's  ivingman: 

Just  as  Mac  was  getting  set,  there  were  two  bursts  of  AA 
about  500  yards  astern  of  us.  I  cocked  up  my  port  wing  and 
looked  down  to  starboard,  trying  to  spot  it.  No  luck.  Then  I 
looked  down  to  port,  and  that's  the  last  thing  I  remember. 

I  never  felt  the  shell  hit  me,  and  when  I  became  conscious 
again  I  didn't  feel  any  pain — only  a  kind  of  numbness  all  over. 
But  I  knew  I'd  been  hit,  all  right.  I  couldn't  see  the  instrument 
panel.  I  took  my  left  hand  off  the  throttle  and  waved  it  in 
front  of  my  eyes.  I  couldn't  see  that  either.  I  couldn't  even 
tell  whether  it  was  daylight  or  dark.  I  thought.  This  can't 
happen   to  me!   I'm   blind! 

I  was  sitting  there,  panicky,  when  I  realized  all  of  a  sudden 
that  the  plane  was  spinning  down.  Instinct  or  Navy  training 
or  something  made  me  check  the  rudder  controls.  The  left 
pedal  was  out,  so  I  kicked  it  and  pushed  the  stick  forward. 
Then  I  realized  I  didn't  know  how  long  I'd  been  unconscious 
or  how  far  the  plane  had  fallen.  I  couldn't  see  the  ground. 
For  all  I  knew,  it  was  only  a  foot  in  front  of  me.  I  jerked 
(Continued  on   page    14) 

This  is  one  of  the  truly  "impossible" 

incidents  of  the  war — a   story  that  is 

half  guts^  half  miracle— told  just  as   it 

appears  on  official  navy  reports 

Reprinted   by   courtesy   of   LIBERTY   magazine 


"''  I  'HEY  phone  us  about  everything," 
-*■  Safety  Engineer  Ray  Clark  says,  try- 
ing unsuccessfully  to  look  disconsolate. 
"When  there's  Purex  in  the  soap  dispensers, 
we're  called.  When  somebody  needs  a  new 
hoist,  we're  called.  Why,  we're  even  called 
when  the  drinking  fountain  goes  kaput." 
And  in  spite  of  himself,  the  big  baseball- 
playing  engineer  gives  out  with  a  dehghted 

Ray  Clark  is  Dorothy  Dix  to  the  plant 
and  he  loves  it.  He's  moderator,  gagman, 
morale  builder,  oiler  of  waters,  statistician. 
Willy-nilly,  his  department  gets  involved  in 
just  about  everything  that  goes  on  at  Ryan. 
He  never  loses  sight,  however,  of  the  fact 
that  his  real  job  is  to  encourage  safety  by 
suggesting  the  safe  way  to  do  things. 

Clark  and  his  assistants,  Herb  Rawlings 
and  Bill  Ponsford,  get  called  out  in  the  plant 
all  day.  A  toe  has  been  stubbed,  a  thumb 
is  bruised,  some  blankety-blank  female  has 
caught  her  long  lovely  hair  in  a  drill  press. 
Two  hundred  and  ninety-nine  out  of  every 
300  accidents  are  minor — uncomfortable,  of 
course,  but  minor.  They're  painful  bruises 
and  nasty  cuts  and  whatever  they  are 
they're  likely  to  get  blamed  on  the  safety 
department.  (Continued  on  page   19) 


If  you've  ever  talked  to  Ed  Rhodes  or  watched  him  in  action 
you've  probably  gotten  a  strong  impression  which  can  be 
summed  up  in  one  word:  "Decisiveness." 

Rhodes,  our  new  assistant  chief  engineer,  is  not  a  fumbler 
or  mumbler.  When  you  ask  him  a  question  he  looks  you 
straight  in  the  eye,  pauses  momentarily  to  consider  his  reply, 
then  gives  you  an  answer  that's  crisp,  clear  and  complete.  He 
doesn't  impress  you  as  the  dynamic,  hard-driving,  whip- 
cracking  type  of  executive — he  looks  relaxed  and  smiles  fre- 
quently— but  he  does  make  up  his  mind  fast  and  get  things 

Rhodes  made  a  reputation  as  an  enemy  of  delay  during  his 
past  fifteen  years  in  the  aircraft  industry.  He  was  chief  project 
engineer  at  an  eastern  plant  before  coming  here,  turning  out 
the  jet-propelled  P-59  Airacomet  as  well  as  other  planes  which 
are  still  secret.  On  one 
of  these  projects  he 
was  so  successful  in 
streamlining  the  engi- 
neering organization 
that  the  plane  was  be- 
ing test-flown  13 
months  after  the  first 
rough  sketch  was 
drawn.  This  is  a  speed 
record  that  would 
astound  most  aircraft 
engineers,  but  it  isn't 
Rhodes'  fastest  time. 
On  another  job  he  set 
a  record  of  ten  months 
from  pre  1  i  m  i  n  a  r  y 
drawings  to  finished 

"I  hate  red  tape," 
Rhodes  explains  quiet- 
ly. "Most  aircraft  en- 
gineering departments 
have  mountains  of  un- 
necessary paper  work 
and  flocks  of  supervisors  with  overlapping  responsibilities.  Here 
at  Ryan  I  think  we're  going  to  be  able  to  cut  delays  and  dupli- 
cation to  a  minimum." 

Chief  Engineer  Ben  Salmon  has  brought  Rhodes  here  specifi- 
cally to  do  this  job  of  administrative  streamlining.  He  will 
relieve  Salmon  of  the  burden  of  supervisory  work  and  of  all 
continuing  experimental  and  production  engineering  on  Ryan's 
Navy  fighting  plane,  so  that  Salmon — acknowledged  one  of  the 
most  scientific  and  creative  designers  in  the  aeronautical  engi- 
neering profession — can  devote  his  energies  mainly  to  developing 
advanced  new  plane  designs  to  keep  Ryan  ahead  of  the  parade. 

Rhodes  is  enthusiastic  about  the  whole  set-up  here.  He  not 
only  has  the  keenest  respect  for  Salmon  but   is  also  a  warm 
admirer  of  Claude  Ryan  and  Bud  Gillies,  with  whom  he  is  to 
work  closely  on  the  engineering  jobs 
involved  in  our  Navy  plane.  "Of  all 
the  manufacturing  executives  whom 
Tve   known   or   worked   under," 
Rhodes  says  in  measured  tones,  "Bud 
Gillies  comes  closest  to  my  mental 
picture  of  the  ideal  executive.  He's 

For  many  years^ 
chief  engineer  h 
lining    enginee 

exactly  the  kind  of  red  tape  cutter  I  like  to  work  with.  This 
ability  coupled  with  the  whole-hearted  cooperation  evidenced 
by  the  fellows  in  the  Engineering  department  will  produce 
nothing  but  success  in  any  organization." 

Just  from  Rhodes'  level  gaze  when  he  looks  at  you,  and  his 
firm  mouth,  you'd  be  likely  to  suspect  that  he  is  a  "single- 
purposed"  man.  And  you'd  be  right.  Ever  since  he  was  a 
youngster  Rhodes  has  pursued  aeronautical  engineering  with 
undeviating  devotion.  Born  in  1902  in  the  country  town  of 
Clarence,  near  Buffalo,  New  York,  Rhodes  knew  by  the  time 
he  was  in  high  school  that  he  wanted  to  build  planes.  As  a 
school  boy  he  spent  ten  dollars  of  hard  earned  cash  for  his  first 
airplane  ride,  which  he  took  with  a  barnstorming  pilot  named 
Leo  Chase,  now  a  well-known  airline  pilot. 

He   entered    the    University    of    Illinois    in    1924    to   study 

mechanical  engineer- 
ing, the  closest  thing 
to  aeronautical  e  n  g  i- 
neering  available  at  the 

Rhodes  worked  his 
way  through  college. 
While  he  was  at  the 
university  h  i  s  father 
died  and  Rhodes  inter- 
rupted his  education  to 
go  to  work  for  a  year 
and  stay  with  his 

When  he  resumed 
h  i  s  education  h  e  de- 
cided to  go  to  the  Uni- 
versity of  Michigan, 
which  had  just  become 
one  of  the  few  univer- 
sities in  the  country  to 
offer  a  degree  in  aero- 
nautical engineering. 
The  university  h  a  d  a 
glider  club  of  which 
Rhodes  became  an  enthusiastic  member.  "Flying  that  old 
wooden  glider  around  was  one  of  the  biggest  thrills  I  ever  had," 
Rhodes  recalls.  "It  was  towed  around  a  big  field  by  an  auto- 
mobile, making  figure  8's,  which  meant  that  when  I  wanted 
to  make  a  right  turn  I  had  to  push  left  rudder  in  order  to  stay 
with  the  automobile.  It  was  a  funny  sensation."  He  won  his 
aeronautical  engineering  degree  at  Michigan  in  1930. 

From  that  day  to  this  he  has  been  an  aeronautical  engineer. 
He  went  to  work  for  the  Hall  Aluminum  Aircraft  Company 
of  Buffalo  as  a  stress  analyst,  and  moved  a  year  later  to  Consoli- 
dated Aircraft  Corporation's  Buffalo  headquarters  where  he 
worked  on  stress  analysis,  layout  and  drafting  from  1931 
through  1935.  Even  in  those  days  he  was  imbued  with  the 
hurry-up  spirit,  and  remembers  a  lot  of  overtime  he  put  in 
helping  push  through  the  engineer- 
ing work  on  Consolidated  PBY's. 

In  the  summer  of  193  5  he  took 
time  off  for  a  summer  school  course 
at  Cornell,  followed  by  a  year  of 
teaching  at  one  of  Buffalo's  voca- 
tional high  schools.  Then  he  went  to 
(Continued  on   page  24) 

our  new  assistant 
as  been  stream- 
ring    procedure 

■3  — 

I   HE    Ryan    Aeronautical    Com- 
"^    pany  was  playing  an  important 

part  in  military  production  long  be-  SZTIZS    OH 

fore  it  became  a  leading  designer 
and  manufacturer  of  Navy  fighting  planes.  In  the  early  years 
of  the  war,  Ryan  expanded  steadily  in  its  work  of  building 
military  training  planes  as  well  as  manifolds  and  major  assem- 
blies for  other  aircraft  companies. 

The  Ryan  military  trainers  were  used  by  the  U.  S.  Army 
and  Navy  and  by  many  friendly  foreign  governments  for  flight 
training — although  in  foreign  countries  the  Ryan  trainers  were 
used  also  for  a  variety  of  military  purposes. 

Ryan's  foundation  in  the  military  training  plane  field  was  a 
firm  one  as  early  as  1937.  In  that  year  foreign  governments 
realized  the  superiority  of  Ryan's  S-T  (sport  trainer)  type  and 
began  placing  orders  for  military  versions  of  these  sleek  low- 
wing  metal  fuselage  open-cockpit  planes. 

Ryan  broke  into  the  international  field  with  a  contract  to 
build  STMs  for  the  Mexican  Army  Air  Force.  Soon  afterward 
Honduras  placed  a  similar  order;  followed  by  Guatemala  with 
an  even  larger  order  than  the  other  two  countries.  By  1939 
Ryan  S-Ts  were  being  used  for  civil  and  military  flying  in 
Mexico,  Honduras,  Guatemala,  Venezuela,  Brazil,  Bolivia  and 
Ecuador  as  well  as  in  Australia  and  the  Union  of  South  Africa. 

But  by  1939  the  handwriting  was  on  the  wall.  The  ominous 
Munich  incident  convinced  our  high  command  that  sooner  or 
later  we  would  probably  be  caught  in  a  war  up  to  our  necks. 
As  a  result,  one  of  the  Ryan  subsidiaries,  the  Ryan  School  of 
Aeronautics,  suddenly  found  itself  right  in  the  middle  of  a  great 

Play-by-play  account  of  Ryan's 
role  in  the  war...  Last  of  a 
Ryan   history 

war-time  expansion  program. 

Claude  Ryan  and  seven  other  ci- 
vilian flying  school  operators  were 
summoned  to  Washington  in  1939. 
Their  old  friend.  General  H.  H.  "Hap"  Arnold,  wanted  to 
make  big  talk  about  the  things  to  come. 

He  asked  them  if  they  would  be  willing  to  start  immediately 
giving  primary  training  to  Army  cadets,  at  the  risk  of  going 
broke  if  Congress  refused  to  appropriate  funds  for  the  training. 

Arnold  looked  at  them  gravely.  "If  you  let  me  down,"  he 
said,  "God  help  us." 

Ryan  and  the  other  seven  "gamblers"  sped  back  to  their 
homes  and  all  but  pawned  their  family  jewels  to  get  things 
going.  They  tossed  almost  everything  they  had  in  the  way  of 
assets  into  expansion  programs  to  prepare  their  schools  for  the 
boys  the  Army  would  be  sending  them.  Eventually  Congress 
authorized  contracts. 

Meanwhile  the  Army  had  invited  manufacturers  of  com- 
mercial training  planes  to  enter  a  competition  at  Wright  Field. 
Ryan  entered  with  a  military  version  of  its  125  horsepower 
STA  trainer,  competing  against  fifteen  other  types.  The  STA 
was  one  of  three  to  win  an  initial  production  order,  thus  pro- 
viding the  first  low-wing  primary  trainer  which  satisfied  the 
Air  Corps  sufficiently  for  it  to  break  away  from  a  thirty-year 
tradition  of  biplanes  for  the  primary  instruction  of  aviation 

Ryan  came  through  so  briUiantly  on  its  initial  contract  that 
within  three  months  it  had  a  volume  production  contract  and 
the   factory   began   rolling   out   the   PT-16,   its   first   military 


m  Hismmi  pimde 

trainer  for  the  United  States  government.  These 
planes  were  assigned  to  the  Ryan  School  of  Aero- 
nautics training  detachment  at  San  Diego. 

That  the  PT-16s  pleased  the  Army  was  shown 
by  orders  placed  a  few  months  later  for  a  far 
greater  number  of  Ryan  PT-20s  and,  in  later  years, 
for  improved  models  of  the  same  plane.  Then  a 
completely  new  model  was  designed  and  put  into 
production.  Based  on  prior  models  but  of  more 
rugged  construction  and  higher  power,  it  was 
known  as  the  Ryan  PT-22.  It  was  at  this  time  that 
the  first  unit  of  the  present  Ryan  factory  was  built 
to  meet  the  heavy  production  schedules.  The  PT-22 
served  the  country  in  large  numbers  and  well  as  a 
standard  Army  training  type. 

1940,  '41,  and  '42  were  busy  years  for  the  Ryan 
organization.  Army  training,  plane  manufacture 
and  parts  manufacture  were  all  booming.  Once  the 
company  had  undertaken  the  manufacture  of  air- 
craft parts,  its  backlog  of  orders  rose  steadily, 
month  by  month.  As  an  example,  we  cite  mani- 
folds. In  August,  1940,  the  backlog  of  orders 
amounted  to  approximately  $5,000,000.  A  month 
later  that  figure  was  $10,000,000. 

Likewise  the  factory  expansion  program  climbed 
by  leaps  and  bounds.  Hardly  had  one  job  been 
finished  than  other  building  was  ordered.  Look 
back  a  few  years  and  you  will  find  one  factory 
building.  Take  a  good  look  today  and  you'll  find  a 
whole  colony  of  them,  representing  investments 
running  into  many  millions  of  dollars. 

As  for  the  training  planes  Ryan  built  for  the 
services,  orders  for  them  also  were  increased  vir- 
tually month  by  month,  until  at  last  the  Army  and 
Navy  reached  the  saturation  point  in  their  pilot 
training  programs. 

All  through  these  years  planes  which  Ryan  had 
built  earlier  were  playing  a  surprising  role  in  the 
war.    Knowing   the   need   for   a   high-performance 
(Continued  on   page  20) 

1.  The  Army's  transition  from  biplanes  to  the  use 
of  Ryan  PT-16s  as  the  first  low-wing  primary 
trainers  ever  used  took  place  about  the  time 
this  photograph  was  taken  in  1939  at  the  Ryan 
School  of  Aeronautics. 

2.  Three  Ryan  STM  military  trainers  flying  past  a 
volcano  near  the  military  airport  of  the  Guate- 
malan Air  Force. 

3.  Here  is  a  factory  view  of  Ryan  trainers  coming 
off  the  final  assembly  line  when  the  Ryan  plant 
was  in  mass  production  of  PT-22s. 

4.  This  was  the  Ryan  factory  before  it  was  moved 
across  Lindbergh  field  to  the  present  site.  In 
those  days  the  entire  enterprise  consisted  of  only 
a  few  buildings. 

5.  Believe  it  or  not,  this  is  the  first  factory  building 
to  be  built  by  Ryan  on  the  present  site  of  the 
plant.  This  was  harbor  side  of  Lindbergh  field 
before  it  was  developed. 

5  — 



How  would  you  like  to  win  free  tickets  to  eilher  a  Pacific  Coast 
League  baseball  gome  at  Lane  Field  or  a  good  movie  at  the  Tower 
or  Broadway  theaters?  You  may  snag  these  Annie  Oakleys  by 
handing  in  the  correct  answers  to  this  photo  quiz  any  t.'me  between 
now  and  next  Thursday  at  9:00  a.m. 

Here's  how  it's  done.  Study  the  pictures  and  select  the  correct 
answers  from  those  suggested.  Then  turn  to  page  24  and  write 
your  selections  in  the  blank  provided  for  that  purpose.  Cut  out 
the  form  and  drop  it  into  the  box  which  will  be  conspicuously  located 
in  the  Cafeteria  Plaza. 

From  the  box  full  of  entries,  individual  replies  will  be  drawn  at 
random  until  15  correct  answers  are  obtained.  These  lucky  Ryan 
employees  will  receive  one  of  the  1 5  prizes  —  either  a  pair  of 
theater  passes  donated  by  Mr.  Myrcn  Lustig  of  the  Metzger  theaters 
or  a  pass  to  a  baseball  game  supplied  by  Mr.  Bill  Starr. 

Give  it  a  try!  The  winners  will  be  announced  over  the  public 
address  system  Friday  during  all  lunch  periods. 

This  gleaming  piece  of  white  metal  should  be  easily  recog- 
nized as:  (A)  A  stringer  (B)  A  template  (C)  A  knife 
edge   (D)   A  wing  flop   (E)   A  spar  cop. 

What  is  this  gadget  which  is  being  used  by  a  Ryan  em- 
ployee: (A)  A  pantograph  (B)  A  planimeter  (C)  A  draft- 
ing machine   (D)   A  graduated  titrometer   (E)   A  T-square? 

For  mental  relaxation  these  men  are  indulging  in  a  fas- 
cinating game  of:  (A)  Backgammon  (B)  Chinese  check- 
ers (C)   Chess   (D)  Acey-ducey   (E)   Monopoly. 

2.  Here  is  a  stainless  steel  product  which  Ryan  manufactures. 
Is  it:  (A)  A  modernistic  ashtray  (B)  A  heat  exchanger 
(C)    An  oil  tank    (D)    A  condenser   (E)    An  air  duct? 

5.  These  girls  ore  performing  a  vital  task  as  they  operate  the: 
(A)  Multigraph  machine  (B)  Photostat  machine 
(C)  Blueprinting  machine  (D)  Linotype  machine 
(E)    Photoengraving  machine. 

—  6- 

Employees  who  work  in  the  factory  should  have  no  trouble 
identifying  this  box-like  affair  as:  (A)  An  air  furnace 
(B)  A  post-aging  oven  (C)  A  drying  kiln  (D)  A  hot  air 
evaporator  (E)   An  enameling  oven. 

9.  With  these  delicate  scales  you  can  detect  a  weight  as  small 
as:  (A)  1-10,000  gram  (B)  1-100  ounce  (C)  1-1,000,- 
000  gram   (D)    1-1000  gram   (E)    I -100,000  gram. 

This  interesting  looking  structure  is  monufactured  by 
Ryan  ond  is  used  to:  (A)  Dampen  flames  (B)  Save  gaso- 
line (C)  Cool  oil  (D)  Filter  air  (E)   Heat  water. 

10.  This  one's  on  the  house.  This  prominent  visitor  who  is 
autographing  admirers'  cords  is:  (A)  Jerry  Colonno 
(B)  Cesar  Romero  (C)  Errol  Flynn  (D)  Rudy  Vallee  (E) 
Gregory  Peck. 

This  one  should  be  a  cinch.  Is  this  man:  (A)  Deep  sea 
diving  (B)  Paint  spraying  (C)  Degreasing  (D)  Steam 
cleaning    (E)    Sand  blasting? 

1  1 .  Most  Ryan  employees  do  not  know  that  this  radio  station 
is  located  in:  (A)  The  Laboratory  (B)  Flight  and  Service 
(C)  Final  Assembly  (D)  Project  Engineering  (E)  The  Navy 

—  7 

Uncle  Sam  Needs  Your  fcfeos 

If  pm 


Haven  t  you  wondered  just 

what  happens  to  your  shop 

suggestion  after  you  drop  it 

in  the  slot? 



l/\< L .  CA/?y-  ]//suq/  A/'c/s 




jt-  ■■•' 








—  9  — 

Factless  Fables 


Script  for  a  broadcast  intended  to  give  the  Noble  Science 

of   Engineering   a   break   in   the   Air  Waves   which   it   helped 

make  possible. 

Sound:  Trumpet  of  the  Bronze  Warrior  in  "Scheherezade." 
Fade  into  effect  of  drop  forges  and  milling  machines. 

1st  Announcer:   The  R.  A.  Close  Forging  Company  brings  you 

2nd  Ann.:   Superman's  Other  Wife! 

1st  Ann.:  Superman's  Other  Wife  is  brought  to  you  every 
other  Wednesday  by — 

Sound:  As  above,  repeated  as  background 

2nd  Ann.:  The  R.  A.  Close  Forging  Company,  for  two  years 
makers  of  the  world's  finest  forgings. 

1st  Ann.:  Yes,  with  men  who  know  forgings  best,  it's  Close's, 
one  to  one! 

2nd  Ann.:  Close's  forgings  are  good  in  bending! 

3rd  Ann.:  Close's  forgings  are  good  in  tension! 

4th  Ann.:  Close's  forgings  are  good  in  torsion! 

1st  Ann.:  Yes,  folks,  and  Close's  forgings  resist  fatigue,  too! 
After  a  hard  day  of  work,  involving  many  hundred 
reversals  of  load,  do  your  forgings  suffer  from  fatigue? 
Are  they  limp?  Do  they  droop? 

2nd  Ann.:  (cheerfully)  Not  if  they're  Close's  forgings.  And 
let  us  tell  you  why  these  forgings  are  so  goooooooood. 

1st  Ann.:  Close's  forgings  have  larger  fillet  radii.  Yes,  a  full 
extra  sixteenth  of  round,  firm,  reliable  fillet  radius. 

3rd  Ann.:  Close's  forgings  have  a  smooooother  finish.  Just  run 
your  fingers  along  a  Close  forging.  Feel  that  fine, 
velvety  500  micro-inch  finish.  Yes,  it's  smoooooooth. 
Try  the  blindfold  test.  Blindfold  yourself  and  feel  any 
other  forging.  Aha!  Cut  yourself  on  the  flash,  didn't 

2nd  Ann.:  And  that  isn't  all.  Close's  forgings  have  a  better 

1st  Ann.:  No,  we  can't  tell  you  what  the  draft  angle  is,  but 
it's  been  a  closely  guarded  secret,  handed  down  from 
die-maker  to  die-maker  for  thousands  of  generations. 
But  if  you  only  knew  what  this  secret  draft  angle  is, 
you'd  understand  why  Close's  forgings  are 

3rd  Ann.:  So  free  and  easy  on  the  draw. 

2nd  Ann.:  Yes,  take  a  Close  forging  apart  sometime  and  com- 
pare it  with  any  other  forging  in  the  same  price-class. 
See  how  the  grain  runs  in  just  the  right  direction  to 
resist  the  stress.  See  how  much  lighter  a  Close  forging  is. 

1st  Ann.:  Close  forgings,  by  actual  tests  conducted  in  world- 
famous  laboratories,  are  actually  a  third  lighter! 

2nd  Ann.:  Listen  to  these  unsolicited  testimonials,  selected 
from  among  the  thousands  we  receive  daily  from  all 
over  the  globe: 

3rd  Ann.:  Irving  C.  Dickens,  stress  analyst,  says: 

1st  Voice:  Oh  gosh,  I  don't  think  I  should  have  signed  the 
print,  but  if  it's  in  a  hurry,  let  it  go.  Only  don't  let 
the  tolerance  go  minus  in  production.  No,  wait,  let  me 
rub  my  name  off  until  I  recheck.  Huh?  What  Radio? 
Oh,  yeah,  Close's  forgings  are  all  right,  only  I  think — 

3rd  Ann.:  (hurriedly)  Thank  you,  Mr.  Dickens.  And  let's 
hear  from  Mr.  R.  E.  Goebel,  engineer: 

2nd  Voice:  My  God,  who  loused  up  my  design  Uke  this?  Just 
let  those  forgings  people  get  hold  of  something  and  it — 

3rd  Ann.:  (hurriedly)  Thank  you,  Mr.  Goebel.  Ed  Spicer, 
weights  engineer,  says: 

3rd  Voice:  What  are  you  trying  to  do,  kid  me?  Is  this  supposed 
to  be  a  link  or  a  counterbalance? 

3rd  Ann.:  And  so  on.  So  next  time  you're  out  shopping  for 
forgings,  remember  that  the  great  name  in  forgings  is 

Sound:  Trumpet  from  Leonore  Overture  No.  3. 

1st  Ann.:  Close!  Makers  of  the  forging  with  the  high  yield, 
the   tremendous   limit,   the  super-colossal   ultimate! 

2nd  Ann.:  And  now.  Superman's  Other  Wife  .... 

Sound:  Sunrise  music  from  "Also  Sprach  Zarathustra" 

Voice  of  Orson  Welles:  Lo,  I  herald  the  Superman  .... 

Sound:  Trumpet,  Siegfried  motif,  fade  into 

2nd  Ann.:  (whispering)  As  you  remember,  we  left  Superman 
and  Lola  as  they  were  driving  down  Harbor  Drive, 
looking  for  a  parking  place  .... 

Lola:  Oh,  Clarence,  we  just  can't  go  on  like  this  any  longer. 
Don't  you  see,  I  love  him?  It  isn't  just  a  mad  infatu- 
ation ...  it  ...  it  isn't  as  if  he  were  a  movie  star, 
or  anything.  He's  forty  years  older  than  me,  and  heaven 
knows,  I  .  .  .  I  .  .  .  (sobs)  .  .  .  I'm  not  young  any 

Superman:   Ugh. 

Lola:    (sobs) 

1st  Ann.:  Tune  in  again  sometime  for  another  episode  in  this 
epic  of  domestic  hfe.  But  in  the  meanwhile,  forge 
ahead  with  Close's  forgings. 

Theme:   (three  off-key  female  voices,  electrically  distorted,  sing 
to  the  tune  of  "The  Battle  Hymn  of  the  RepubHc") : 
R.  A.  Close's  Forgings  are  so  wonderfully  hale 
Even  under  ultimate  they  will  not  bend  or  break 

or  fail; 
They  are  used  in  all  the  aircraft  on  the  land  and 

on  the  sea. 
So  look  for  R.A.C. 

—  10  — 

As  we  go  to  press,  the  employees  pic- 
tured Slid  reign  as  the  champions  in 
their  special  field. 

Mrs.  Marie  Hanson 
4332  inches  beyond  quota 

Mrs.  Alice  Rush 


3262  inches  beyond  quota 

Earl    Flicl( 


1518  parts  in  one  day 

Robert   Rix 


1 070   ports  every  day 

Mrs.    Iris   New 


76  C-54  manifolds  in  one  day 

These  Ryan  employees  have  main- 
tained   highest   quality    production    in 
their  special  fields. 



Miss   Ellen   Mosely 

Mrs.   Mable   Quarry 

J.    R.    Hall 

Omer   B.   Collins 

Mrs.   Zola   Porks 

Mrs.   Gladys   Dean 



Louise   Foster 

Edna   Elliott 

Irma      Dearborn 

—  12- 

That  sheet  of  magical  white  metal  you  are  tailoring 
into  an  exhaust  manifold  may  soon  be  peering  down 
into  the  frantic,  fear-stricken  faces  of  hordes  of  scurry- 
ing Japanese.  Ryan  exhaust  manifolds  are  consuming 
the  exhaust  fire  and  gases  from  the  mighty  engines  of 
the  Boeing  B-29  Superfortresses  as  they  level  the  cities 
of  Japan. 

It  takes  tremendous  power  to  hurl  these  global 
dreadnaughts  through  the  sky  on  their  devastating 
missions.  With  its  warload  tucked  away  behind  the 
doors  of  two  bomb  bays,  the  B-29  weighs  60  tons.  The 
98  foot  fuselage  contains  as  much  space  as  two  rail- 
road box  cars  and  the  tough  skin  of  the  Superfortress 
would  cover  one-sixth  of  an  acre.  The  landing  gear 
alone  weighs  more  than  a  Jap  Zero  fighter.  Four  2200- 
horsepower  Wright  Cyclone  engines  give  the  ship  its 
amazing  performance. 

These  massive  power 
plants  spew  enormous 
quantities  of  flaming  gases 
which  must  be  collected 
and  safely  piped  to  the 
atmosphere.  Ryan  exhaust 
manifolds  have  tamed  this 
torrid  blast  with  the  in- 
genuity born  of  years  of 

experience  in  serving  the  most  distinguished  military 
and  commercial  planes  in  America. 

With  only  three  real  bases — Chengtu,  Calcutta  and 
Saipan — at  this  time,  Boeing  B-29's  are  covering  an 
area  of  8,000,000  square  miles  or  3  times  the  area  of 
the  United  States.  Recently,  a  lone  Superfortress  shot 
down  seven  planes  and  damaged  two  more  in  a  four- 
hour  running  battle  against  79  Jap  fighters. 

All  Americans  can  well  be  proud  of  these  giant 
super-bombers  which  carry  the  white  bars  and  stars 
of  the  U.  S.  They  can  fly  higher  and  farther  and  carry 
a  greater  bomb  load,  than  any  warplane  in  the  world. 
Every  Ryan  employee  should  feel  a  thrill  of  satisfac- 
tion to  know  that  Ryan  is  building  vital  exhaust 
systems  which  help  to  make  the  Boeing  B-29  click. 


»p    -'^^^S^      "TT" 

"  FIRE  ■  mrm  "  FDR  i  B-29 

How  the  flying  horsepower  of 
the  mighty  Boeing  B-29  Super- 
fortress is  harnessed  by  Ryan's 
huge    stainless    steel    manifolds 

13  — 

Continuing    ■    •    • 


(Continued  from  page  1 ) 

the  stick  as  hard  as  I  could  and  waited 
for  the  crash. 

The  pull-out  mashed  me  down  in  my 
seat.  I  started  to  say,  "Everything  went 
black  again,"  but  everything  was  already 

When  I  came  to  for  the  second  time, 
the  plane  was  climbing.  The  Lord  had 
taken  care  of  me  in  that  dive,  and  I  was 
absolutely  sure  He'd  stand  by  me  from 
then  on.  Right  there  my  eyes  cleared  a 
little.  I  still  couldn't  read  the  instruments, 
but  I  could  tell  earth  from  sky. 

I  called  Mac  and  told  him  I'd  been  hit 
and  was  heading  for  open  water.  I  knew 
I'd  have  to  land  before  I  became  uncon- 
scious again,  and  a  water  landing  was 
my  best  chance. 

Mac  asked,  "What's  your  course?"  I 
reached  for  the  instrument  panel  and  felt 
my  way  to  the  compass  and  focused  on  it. 
The  figures  were  fading  in  and  out  and 
jumping  all  'round,  but  I  thought  I  could 
read  them.  I  told  him,  "One-four-zero." 

Then  he  asked,  "Where  are  you?" 

I  didn't  know.  I  saw  something  that 
looked  like  Cape  St.  Jacques,  but  I  was 
too  sick  to  tell.  My  mind  was  all  fuzzy. 
I  couldn't  think  of  the  words  to  explain  it. 
I  guess  I  never  answered  him  at  all.   .   .   . 

Lieiit.  McLeroy   (continued) : 

I  was  going  into  my  run  when  I  heard 
Bob  say  he'd  been  hit.  I  dropped  my  bomb 
— it  overshot  the  damn  ship — and  told 
him  to  circle  as  soon  as  he  reached  open 
water,  and  I'd  join  him.  A  course  of  140 
degrees  would  take  him  south  of  Cape 
St.  Jacques.  I  high-tailed  it  down  there, 
but  there  weren't  any  other  F6F's  around, 
so  I  went  on  the  air:  "All  planes  in  Saigon 
area,  this  is  Seven-One  Lollipop.  Have 
wingman  badly  wounded.  Has  anyone 
seen  an  F6F  circling  or  making  a  water 

Nobody  answered.  I  started  searching 
up  and  down  the  coast,  and  after  three, 
four  minutes  I  heard,  "Seven-One  Lolli- 
pop, this  is  One-Oh-Nine  Stymie.  An 
F6F  is  circling  below  me,  about  ten  miles 
north  of  Cape  St.  Jacques." 

I  told  him,  "Send  one  of  your  planes 
to  join  up  with  him  and  start  him  up  the 
coast,  and  I'll  catch  him." 

I  dropped  my  belly  tank  and  gave  her 
full  throttle.   .   .   . 

Lieut.  Thienes   (continued) : 

I  heard  all  that,  and  pretty  soon  I  heard 
another  Stymie  plane  say  there  was  an 
F6F  on  his  port  wing.  I  figured  that  was 
me,    so    I    looked    out    to   starboard,    and 

gradually  I  made  out  a  group  of  planes. 
Somebody  said  there  were  nine  of  them  in 
the  formation,  SB2C's.  I'd  count  as  high 
as  three,  and  then  one  of  the  three  I'd 
counted  would  begin  to  dance  and  fade 
away,  and  I'd  have  to  start  all  over  again. 

Still,  my  eyes  seemed  to  be  getting 
better.  I  hoped  they  were  good  enough  to 
check  my  engineering  instruments,  but 
the  needles  wouldn't  hold  still  and  I  had 
to  give  up. 

I  had  straightened  out  on  the  Stymies' 
course,  but  I  didn't  know  what  it  was. 
I  knew  we  had  approached  Cape  St. 
Jacques  on  a  course  of  240  degrees  on 
the  way  to  the  target,  and  I  assumed  we 
were  on  our  way  back  to  the  ship,  which 
would  be  the  reciprocal  course — 240  minus 
180 — but  for  the  life  of  me  I  couldn't  do 
that  simple  subtraction.  The  figures  just 

swirled  around  in  my  head  like  confetti. 
I  tried  to  read  the  course  off  my  plotting 
board,  but  the  writing  was  too  small. 

All  this  kept  me  so  busy,  I  clean  forgot 
I  still  didn't  know  where  I'd  been  hit.  I 
didn't  hurt  anywhere  in  particular — just 
this  general  numbness  and  dizziness  and 
my  screwy  eyes.  So,  while  I  was  cruising 
along  with  the  Stymies,  I  began  to  feel 
myself  all  over — legs,  arms,  body,  face.  I 
couldn't  find  a  wound  anywhere.  Then 
I  happened  to  run  my  hand  over  the  back 
of  my  helmet.  It  felt  wet,  and  when  I 
looked  at  my  fingers,  I  could  make  out 
that  they  were  red.  I  put  my  hand  back 
there  again.  This  time  my  fingers  went 
into  a  hole. 

I  opened  my  first-aid  kit  and  fumbled 
around  for  something  I  could  recognize 
by  the  feel.  The  first  thing  I  hit  on  was 
a  tube  of  ammonia.  I  got  my  handkerchief 
out  of  my  knee  pocket  and  broke  the  tube 
In  it  and  took  a  couple  of  whiffs.  It  helped 

—  14  — 

clear  up  the  daze  a  little,  and  I  began  to 
see  a  little  clearer — not  enough  to  read 
the  labels  on  the  small  stuff  in  the  kit, 
but  I  could  spell  out  "SULFA"  on  a  big 
package.  I  didn't  know  whether  it  was 
pills  or  powder;  I  just  hoped.  I  ripped  it 
open,  and  dumped  some  into  my  hand.  It 
was  powder  all  right,  so  I  smeared  it  into 
the  hole. 

Just  then  I  heard  a  Stymie  plane  call, 
"Seven-One  Lollipop,  are  you  about  ready 
to  take  over  your  wingman?"  and  Mac 
answered,  "I'll  be  there  in  two  minutes." 

I  looked  back  and  saw  a  plane  coming 
up  fast.   .   .  . 

Lieut.  McLcroy   (continued) : 

I  flew  under  the  SB2C  formation  and 
when  I  was  about  200  yards  ahead  of  it, 
I  gave  Bob  the  join-up  signal — bobbed 
the  nose  of  my  plane.  I  guess  he  couldn't 
see  that  far,  because  he  didn't  make  a 
move,  so  I  cut  back  my  throttle  and  let 
him  overtake  me  to  starboard. 

When  he  came  alongside,  I  saw  a  big 
hole  in  his  port  wing  and  another  in  the 
port  side  of  his  canopy,  just  forward  of 
his  head.  There  was  a  big  blob  of  blood 
on  the  canopy  behind  his  head,  and  more 
blood  around  a  rip  in  the  back  of  his 
helmet.  Bob  himself  looked  stunned.  His 
head  was  rolling  on  his  neck,  and  he  kept 
blinking  his  eyes.  I  wasn't  sure  he  saw  me 
until  he  called  me  and  said,  "Mac,  let's 
go  as  fast  as  we  can  for  Camranh  Bay." 

I  said,  "O.  K.  Fast  as  we  can." 

He  dropped  his  bomb  and  belly  tank 
in  the  water,  and  we  took  out. 

He  wanted  to  go  to  Camranh  Bay.  I 
knew  Bob  wasn't  in  any  shape  to  make 
a  water  landing  and  get  out  of  the  plane, 
but  I  decided  not  to  argue  with  him  until 
I  had  to. 

Sure  enough,  pretty  soon  he  said,  "Mac, 
I've  got  this  big  hole  in  the  back  of  my 
head  and  I  can't  see  very  well.  When  we 
reach  the  bay,  I'm  going  to  make  a  water 

I  told  him,  "Now,  Bob,  just  hold  what 
you've  got,  and  we'll  make  it  back  to  the 

He  said,  "I  don't  think  I  can  make  it  to 
the  carrier.  I've  got  this  hole  in  my  head." 

"I  understand  that,"  I  told  him.  "Just 
hold  what  you've  got." 

He  said  it  all  again:  "There's  this  big 
hole  in  my  head.  I've  got  to  make  a  water 

This  time  I  answered  him  by  hand  taps. 
We'd  been  cluttering  up  the  radio  chan- 
nels, and  when  you're  right  next  to  a  guj', 
it's  doctrine  to  hand-tap  what  you  want 
to  say — show  him  a  fist  for  a  dot,  a  palm 
for  a  dash.  I  hand-tapped,  "Use  your 
ammonia."  Bob  couldn't  read  it.  He  just 

(Continued  on  Next  Page) 


The  music  goes  round  and  round  and  it  comes  out  here  with  the  assistance 
of  Mrs.  Alice  Barrus.  In  addition  to  her  regular  duties  in  the  activities  section, 
she  has  acquired  the  job  of  being  the  lunch  time  public  address  system  operator 
par  excellence. 

To  fill  a  job  like  this,  Alice  must  be  a  finished  student  of  human  noture 
in  order  to  ploy  what  the  people  want  when  they  wont  it.  She  twists  the  dials 
so  it  won't  come  out  too  loud  or  too  soft.  Her  thorough  musical  background 
(she  studied  singing  at  the  New  York  College  of  Music  and  studied  violin 
and  piano)   ploys  an  important  part  in  her  ability  to  know  good  music. 

Her  programs  are  the  proof  of  the  pudding. 






Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  previous  page) 

kept  nodding  and  blinking.  Before  I  could 
repeat  it  on  the  air,  he  started  talking 
again:  "What  do  you  think  about  one  of 
those   morphine   syrettes?" 

Morphine  would  make  him  dopier  than 
ever,  so  I  yelled,  "Hell,  no!  Lay  off  the 
morphine!  Break  out  your  ammonia  and 
sniff  it!" 

He  said,  "I've  already  done  that  and 
I'm  still  dizzy.  I've  got  to  make  a  water 

By  now  we  had  passed  the  bay  without 
his  noticing  it.  I  just  told  him,  "You're 
O.  K.,  pal.  You're  doing  fine!  Stick  tight 
and  hold  what  you've  got,  and  we'll  be 
home  in  a  few  minutes." 

It  was  going  to  be  more  than  a  few. 
The  Fighting  Lady  was  still  120  miles 
away.  .  .  . 

Lieuf.  Thlencs   (continued) : 

The  reason  I  was  talking  so  much,  I 

wanted  Mac  to  keep  answering  me.  Hav- 
ing something  to  concentrate  on  helped 
hold  off  the  dizziness.  Each  spell  seemed 
worse  than  the  one  before  and  took  longer 
to  pass  off.  I  was  scared  a  big  one  would 
hit  me  and  I'd  go  out  again. 

Between  spells,  I  thought  of  Ruth.  She 
was  the  first  thing  I  thought  of  when  I 
became  conscious  after  I  got  tagged,  and 
from  then  on  she  wasn't  out  of  my  mind 
a  minute.  We'd  only  been  married  a  month 
when  I  shipped  out,  but  we'd  already 
begun  to  plan  our  postwar  home.  I  re- 
membered how  she'd  made  me  promise  to 
be  careful.  I  told  myself,  "You've  got  to 
get  back.  You've  go^  to!  You've  got  to!" 

I  knew  she  was  praying  for  me  every 
day.  It  must  have  been  her  prayers  and 
mine  that  had  carried  me  that  far.  But 
soon  I  began  to  get  dizzier  than  ever. 
Mac's  plane  was  blurring  and  fading  out 
of  sight.  The  ammonia  didn't  bring  me 
around.  I  said,  "Mac,  it  looks  like  I  can't 
make  it  back.  I'm  going  to  have  to  put 
her  down  in  the  drink." 

"Don't   do   that,"   Mac   said.    "If   you 

—  15  — 

can't  make  it,  bail  out,  and  as  soon  as 
your  chute  opens,  pull  the  toggles  on  your 
life  jacket.  I'll  land  downwind  from  you 
and  get  you  in  a  raft." 

The  idea  of  Mac's  being  willing  to  make 
such  a  terrific  sacrifice  for  my  sake  put 
new  heart  into  me.  My  head  and  eyes 
seemed  to  clear  up  a  little  more,  and  I 
was  so  sure  I'd  get  back  to  the  ship,  I 
started  preparing  for  it.  I  turned  the  gun- 
charging  handle  to  "Safe,"  but  when  I 
put  my  foot  against  it,  as  we're  taught 
to  do,  I  missed  it  a  mile.  I  had  to  take 
my  hand  and  pick  up  my  knee  and  aim 
my  foot  and  shove  it  into  place. 

Then  I  decided  the  smart  thing  was  to 
fire  all  my  ammunition.  The  plane  would 
be  that  much  lighter  in  case  of  a  water 
landing,  and  the  guns  would  be  empty  if 
I  crashed  on  the  deck.  I  recharged  them 
and  pushed  the  button.  My  three  port  guns 
wouldn't  fire  at  all:  the  shell  had  knocked 
them  loose,  or  something.  The  starboard 
guns  were  O.  K.,  but  I  hadn't  fired  more 
than  ten  rounds  when  the  racket  and  the 
(Continued  on  Next  Page) 

Continuing  .  .  . 


(Continued  from  preceding  page) 

vibration  gave  me  such  a  headache  I  had 
to  let  go  the  button. 

I  told  Mac,  "I  can't  fire  any  more.  It 
hurts  too  much." 

He  called  me  to  make  sure  I  hadn't 
forgotten  to  resafety  the  guns.  I  stuck  up 
my  thumb  to  show  him  they  were  O.  K., 
and  then  I  had  to  rub  my  head,  it  was 
aching  so.   .   .   . 

Lienf.  McLeroy  (continued) : 

When  we  were  about  eighty  miles  from 
home,  I  called  in,  "Lollipop  base,  this  is 
Seven-One  Lollipop.  I  have  a  seriously 
wounded  man  with  me.  Will  be  over  you 
at  1818  and  request  he  be  taken  aboard 

In  a  few  minutes  I  heard,  "Seven-One 
Lollipop,  this  is  the  radio  relay  plane. 
What  is  the  call  of  the  wounded  man?" 

I  told  them  his  call  was  Seven-Two 
Lollipop,  so  they  knew  it  was  Bob. 

Bob  had  always  been  a  smooth,  tight 
wingman — just  like  I  was  flying  both  our 
planes  with  one  set  of  controls.  When  we 
first  started  home,  he  flew  pretty  ragged 
formation,  and  the  farther  we  went,  the 
worse  he  got.  His  plane  was  all  over  the 
sky,  dipping  and  swerving  and  weaving 
around.  He  didn't  even  keep  a  steady 
speed.  He  kept  lagging  slower  and  slower, 
until  we  weren't  making  more  than  150 
knots.  The  result  was,  I  missed  my  ETA 
(Estimated  Time  of  Arrival).   .   .   . 

Lieut.  Thienes   (continued) : 

Soon  as  I  heard  Mac  report  his  ETA,  I 
began  looking  at  my  watch.  I  had  trouble 
telling  the  minute  hand  from  the  second 
hand,  but  every  now  and  then  they  came 
into  focus.  Eighteen-eighteen,  no  task 
group.  Eighteen-nineteen,  no  task  group. 
I  was  getting  weaker  and  sicker  and  I 
knew  I  couldn't  hold  out  much  longer. 
Eighteen-twenty,  no  task  group.  Eighteen- 
twenty-one,  there  they  were! 

The  fact  that  I  still  had  a  landing  to 
make  never  entered  my  mind.  I  was 
home!   .   .   . 

Lieut.  McLeroy  (continued): 
The  task  group  was  ready  for  us.  The 
ships  had  turned  into  the  wind,  and  the 
carriers  had  their  planes  spotted  forward 
on  the  flight  decks.  Right  after  we  crossed 
the  destroyer  screen,  I  told  Bob  to  lower 
his  wheels  and  flaps  and  tail  hook  and  I'd 
check  them  for  him.  He  didn't  show  a 
sign  of  hearing  me,  and  that's  when  I 
really  got  worried.  All  of  a  sudden  he 
broke  off.  I  reported,  "Lollipop  base: 
Seven-Two  Lollipop  is  now  making  his  ap- 
proach." Then  I  called  him  again.  Still  no 

Bob's  best  approaches  weren't  any  too 
good,  and  here  he  was,  wounded  and  half 
blind,  going  in  like  he  was  making  a  straf- 
ing run  instead  of  a  landing.  He  was  on 
his  downwind  leg  when  I  saw  his  wheels 
go  down,  and  then  his  flaps  and  tail  hook. 


Lieut.  Thienes   (continued) : 

I  saw  the  landing  signal  officer  only  off 
and  on.  Sometimes  he  melted  into  the 
canvas  screen  behind  him.  Once  he  seemed 
to  be  waving  sixteen  flags  in  each  hand. 
I  blinked,  and  when  I  looked  again,  he 
had  vanished  completely.  If  I  answered 
his  signals,  it  must  have  been  by  instinct. 
I  don't  remember  anything  at  all  about 
the  landing.   .   .   . 

THe  LftSr  ROUND-OP?^ 

II ^iiiiiif  ^ 


Statement  by  Lieutenant  (j.g.)  Richard 
C.  Tripp,  U.  S.  N.  R.,  of  San  Francisco, 
Landing  Signal  officer  on  the  U.  S.  S. 
Fighting  Lady: 

Bob  came  up  the  groove  a  little  fast  and 
overshot  it.  I  gave  him  a  slant,  but  he 
overcorrected  and  lost  sight  of  me  under 
the  nose  of  his  plane.  Then  he  kicked  hard 
right  rudder,  and  I  gave  him  a  reverse 
slant,  which  put  him  in  the  center,  and 
then  a  cut.    He  caught  No.  3  wire. 

His  landing  was  better  than  average.  If 
Air  Pilot  hadn't  warned  me  he  was 
wounded,  I  never  would  have  known  it. 

Statement  by  Lieutenant  Commander 
Frank  B.  Voris,  M.  C,  J7.  S.  N.  R.,  of 
Miami  Beach,  Florida,  Flight  Surgeon  for 
Air  Group  3 : 

We  keep  a  doctor  and  three  corpsmen 
standing  by  on  the  flight  deck  during  all 
flight  operations,  so  when  Air  Pilot  passed 
the  word  about  Bob,  all  we  had  to  do  was 
wait  for  his  plane  to  stop  rolling. 

I  jumped  on  the  starboard  wing  and 
asked,  "What's  the  matter.  Bob?" 

He  told  me,  "I  have  a  hole  in  my  head, 
doc,"  and  leaned  forward  to  show  it  to  me. 

—  16  — 

I  could  see  a  lot  of  blood,  and  a  metal 
fragment  sticking  out  of  his  head.  All  I 
could  tell  at  the  time  was  that  it  was 
threaded,  like  a  piece  of  pipe.  I  knew  the 
wound  was  serious,  but  how  serious  I 
didn't  know. 

Bob  was  saying  "Everything's  fuzzy  .  .  . 
It's  all  fuzzy.  .  .  ." 

I  took  off  his  helmet  and  put  a  battle 
dressing  around  his  head.  Meanwhile  the 
corpsmen  had  laid  a  stretcher  on  the  wing. 
We  unbuckled  his  parachute  harness  and 
gun  and  helped  him  out  of  the  cockpit 
and  onto  the  stretcher.  The  wound  was 
somewhat  to  the  left  of  the  base  of  his 
skull  so  we  kept  his  head  turned  to  the 

No.  3  elevator  had  been  cleared  to  take 
him  below  at  once.  .  .  . 

Lieut.  Thien<;s  (continued)  : 

Doc  Voris  sounded  cheery.  So  did 
Father  Moody;  he  was  there  too  when  I 
landed.  I  recognized  both  of  them,  and 
their  voices  gave  me  confidence.  When 
they  put  me  onto  the  stretcher,  I  thought. 
My  part  of  the  job  is  done.  The  rest  is  up 
to  them.   .    .    . 

Joint  statement  by  crewmen: 

We  checked  over  FOX  29  as  soon  as 
Mr.  Thienes  was  carried  below.  The  shell 
had  exploded  inside  the  port  wing.  The 
main  hole,  in  the  top  of  the  wing,  was 
about  eleven  inches  across,  and  there  were 
thirty  to  forty  smaller  holes  in  the  wing 
and  fuselage. 

It's  hard  to  tell  whether  most  of 
the  internal  damage  was  done  by  the 
shell  itself  or  the  ammunition  it  set  oflf. 
Anyhow,  two  wing  ribs  were  destroyed, 
the  ammunition  chutes  were  twisted — 
that's  why  his  portside  guns  wouldn't  fire 
— and  the  hydraulic  line  was  cut. 

One  other  thing:  His  accelerometer 
registered  8  Gs,  and  8  Gs  ain't  hay! 
(Editor's  Note:  This  figure  means  that  at 
some  point  in  Lieutenant  Thienes'  flight, 
probably  when  he  pulled  out  of  his  dive, 
eight  times  the  force  of  gravity  was  acting 
on  him  and  his  plane.  Since  Lieutenant 
Thienes  weighs  about  IJO  pounds,  there 
was  a  moment  when  1,200  pounds  were 
squeezing  him  down.) 

Dr.  Voris   (continued) : 

The  X-ray  showed  that  a  metal  frag- 
ment much  larger  than  we  had  expected 
had  driven  pieces  of  his  skull  as  deep  as 
two  inches  into  his  brain  tissue  in  the  area 
of  the  visual  centers.  We  shaved  the  back 
of  his  head,  gave  him  local  anesthesia,  and 
removed  the  fragment,  along  with  some 
hair  and  splinters  of  bone.  The  fragment 
was  identified  as  the  nose  fuse  of  a  37', i- 
mm.  shell.  It  weighed  an  ounce  and  a  half 
and  was  an  inch  in  diameter  and  more 
than  half  an  inch  thick.  The  slightest 
(Continued  on  next  poge) 

Continuing    .    .   . 


(Continued  from  preceding  page) 

additional  pressure  would  have  pushed  it 
straight  through  his  brain,  against  no 
more  resistance  than  a  plate  of  jelly.  Dr. 
Smith  and  I  have  strong  doubts  that  he 
could  have  survived  a  water  landing.  It's 
providential  that  Mac  was  there  to  talk 
him  out  of  it.   .   .   . 

Sfatement  by  Commander  ]olm  T. 
Smith,  M.  C,  U.  S.  N.,  of  New  Rochelle, 
New  York,  senior  medical  officer  of  the 
U.  S.  S.  Fighting  Lady. 

The  average  man  who  sustained  an  in- 
jury as  severe  as  Bob's  probably  would 
have  been  killed  at  once.  If  he  wasn't 
killed,  almost  certainly  he  wouldn't  re- 
cover consciousness  in  time  to  regain 
control  of  his  plane. 

What  brought  that  boy  back  was  half 
guts  and  half  miracle! 

Dr.  Voris   (continued): 

We  sprinkled  sulfanilamide  crystals 
into  the  wound  and  closed  it  with  sutures. 
Convalescence  was  normal.  His  eyesight 
gradually  returned.  In  three  days  he  was 
able  to  pick  out  words.  In  two  weeks  he 
could  read  his  wife's  letters,  a  paragraph 
at  a  time. 

I  never  had  a  more  cheerful  patient. 

Lieut.  Thienes   (catitinued) : 

I'd  been  writing  Ruth  at  least  every 
other  day  and  I  knew  the  gap  in  my  letters 
would  make  her  worry,  so  as  soon  as  the 
doc  let  me,  I  tried  to  write  her  I  was  O.K. 
It  looked  like  a  letter  from  a  kid  in  second 
grade — words  sprawling  all  over  the  page. 
Then  Ernie  Stewart  brought  me  his  type- 

I  know  the  touch  system,  but  every 
few  lines  my  right  hand  would  stray  one 
key  over,  and  a  line  of  gibberish  would 
come  out. 

It  bothered  me  that  something  like  that 
would  give  her  the  wrong  impression  of 
my  condition,  but  I  sent  it  anyhow.  I 
knew  she'd  understand. 

Extract  from  the  temporary  citation  ac- 
companying a  reco7nmendation  that  Lieu- 
tenant Thienes  be  awarded  the  Distin- 
guished Flying  Cross: 

.  .  .  the  cap  of  a  3 7 1^1 -mm.  projectile 
lodged  in  the  base  of  his  skull.  Despite 
several  periods  of  unconsciousness  he 
maintained  control  of  his  plane,  and  with 
coaching  from  another  pilot,  flew  250 
miles  back  to  his  carrier.  His  vision  was 
badly  impaired,  but  with  heroic  deter- 
mination he  expertly  landed  his  plane 

His  unfailing  courage  and  skill  were  at 
all  times  in  keeping  with  the  highest  tra- 
ditions of  the  United  States  Naval  Service. 

(the  end) 



A  dyed-in-the-wool  New 
Yorker  whose  conversation 
might  have  been  clipped  from 
the  magazine  of  the  same 
name — that's  Rod  Hires,  the 
man  who  has  charge  of  the 
motion  picture  industry  at 
Ryan  and  manipulates  the  in- 
tricate mechanism  of  the 
trusty  movie  projector  with 
verve  and  eclat. 

This  47-year-old  composite 
of  motion  picture  direction, 
scenario  writer  and  other 
trades  too  numerous  to  men- 
tion is  often  imbued  with  nos- 
talgia for  his  Greenwich 
Village  residence,  where  he 
rubbed  elbows  with  such  celebrities  as  Edna  St.  Vincent  Millay,  Lowell 
Thomas,  Harry  Conover,  Willa  Gather,  Fritz  Reiner,  Tony  Sarg,  Rachel  Field, 
Gharles  Goburn,  Dale  Carnegie  and  on  down  the  list.  "You  meet  all  kinds 
of  people  in  Greenwich  Village,"  he  muses.  "We  used  to  have  parties  attended 
by  the  name-in-lights  menagerie,  actors,  musicians,  writers  and  at  least  one 
street  cleaner  tossed  in  for  good  measure." 

His  multi-jobbed  career  got  under  way  in  Baltimore  where  he  was  serving 
as  a  Master  Hospitajl  Sergeant  in  a  hospital  for  blinded  veterans  of  World 
War  I.    There  he  taught  the  patients  braiUe  and  typewriting. 

He  then  jumped  a  few  thousand  miles  right  into  the  middle  of  the  soft 
coal  business  in  Clarksburg,  West  Virginia,  as  secretary  to  the  president  of 
the  J.  E.  Long  Coal  Company.  He  made  his  berth  there  for  two  years.  To 
further  his  experience  along  these  lines,  he  trotted  himself  back  to  Philadelphia 
where  he  went  into  a  bituminous  broker's  office.  After  gaining  all  the  experi- 
ence he  thought  he  needed,  he  started  in  business  for  himself.  His  brokerage 
was  a  very  successful  one  at  that. 

In  1927,  the  coal  business  was  left  out  in  the  ccld  due  to  strikes  and  Rod 
grabbed  at  straws.  Which  meant  he  had  to  start  at  the  bottom  of  the  ladder 
again  and  became  secretary  to  the  Director  of  Public  Relations  for  the 
Columbia  Gas  and  Electric  Company  in  New  York.  Only  two  months*  time 
saw  Rod  promoted  to  Assistant  Director  of  Pubhc  Relations. 

"In  one  respect,"  Rod  said,  "the  crash  of  1929  was  really  a  blessing  in  dis- 
guise for  me.  It  was  then  I  broke  into  the  film  industry  via  General  Business 
Films  where  I  ran  the  gamut  from  casting,  directing,  scenario  writing,  selling 
and  what  not." 

Looking  for  greener  fields  in  the  same  business.  Rod  next  moved  to  the 
Pathoscope  Company,  a  subsidiary  of  Eastman  Kodak. 

Music — his  purple  passion — was  a  contributing  factor  in  his  meeting  his 
wife.  She  being  an  accomplished  pianist  and  he  an  enthusiastic  listener,  they 
decided  that  two  could  live  as  cheaply  as  one  and  were  married  in  1933.  They 
are  both  rabid  music,  opera  and  theater  fans  and  make  a  crack  contract 
bridge  team. 

(Concluded  on  page  21  ) 

17  — 


This  contagious  disease,  known  as  telephonitis,  is  rapidly  spreading  throughout  the  plant.  The  symptoms  are  un- 
mistokoble.  You  con  easily  spot  a  victim  when  you  notice  someone  with  their  ear  glued  to  the  telephone  and  their 
mouth   moving   at  a   high   rote   of  speed   for   long   stretches  of  time. 

Are  you  a  victim  of  telephonitis  like  the  gol  in  the  picture?  She  is  in  the  advanced  stages  of  the  disease  which  is 
recognizable  by  the  fact  that  she  talked  so  long  that  she  fell  asleep  at  the  switch. 

This  "phoney"  picture  is  to  remind  us  that  the  Ryan  switchboards  are  more  loaded  than  ever  because  of  the  return 
of  several  departments  from  their  temporary  downtown  location  and  that  all  of  us  con  help  alleviate  this  serious 
problem   by: 




—  18- 


(Continued  from  page  2) 

Just  why  the  Safety  department  is 
thought  to  be  behind  a  man  shoving  when 
he  stubs  his  toe,  the  safety  specialists 
aren't  sure.  And  strangely,  most  of  Ryan's 
accidents  occur  when  somebody  walks, 
just  plain  walks,  up  and  into  a  machine 
or  a  jig  or  a  wall.  Clark  and  Rawhngs 
and  Ponsford  vigorously  deny  that  they 
go  around  pushing  people  into  things,  and 
there  is  some  evidence  to  support  their 

They  would  Uke  to  have  it  believed  that 
nobody  except  the  man  who  walks  into  a 
machine  can  prevent  the  collision.  When 
it's  a  case  of  a  working  condition  that 
makes  it  too  easy  to  stub  toes  and  knock 
thumbs,  that's  a  slightly  different  story. 
Even  then,  contrary  to  popular  belief,  the 
Safety  department  didn't  invent  that 
method.  Furthermore,  they  can't  change 
it  all  by  themselves. 

"The  point  is,"  they  say,  "that  we  can 
only  recommend.  We  can  recommend  a 
new  method,  or  a  new  machine,  but  we 
can't  change  a  method  or  get  a  machine 
without  cooperation.  We  can  figure  the 
best  way  not  to  sprain  your  thumb,  but 
it's  going  to  take  more  than  figuring  to 
avoid  spraining  that  thumb." 

For  instance,  once  upon  a  time  Joseph 
Doaks  got  hit  in  the  eye  with  a  chip.  Joe 
said  the  machine  wasn't  working  properly. 
His  foreman  said  Joe  should  have  been 
wearing  glasses.  The  Safety  department 
said  that  they  thought  the  whole  thing 
could  have  been  avoided.  Friends  said  the 
company  should  have  made  Joe  wear 
glasses.  Joe  said  nobody  could  make  him 
do  anything. 

The  Safety  department,  unhappily,  said 
why  don't  we  all  get  together. 

The  foreman,  they  find,  is  the  "field 
marshal"  of  the  safety  campaign.  He's 
johnny-on-the-spot,  and  a  very  responsible 
John.  He  decides,  usually,  how  things  are 
going  to  be  done;  he  requisitions  tools  and 
equipment;  he's  in  a  position  to  point  out 
that  if  Mary  insists  on  keeping  her  blonde 
curls  a  quarter  inch  from  her  power  driven 
machine,  something  might  happen. 

Because  the  foreman  is  so  important, 
Ray  and  Herb  and  Bill  spend  a  lot  of  time 
working  with  the  Foreman's  and  Work- 
man's Safety  Committees.  This  group  of 
foremen  and  leadmen  meets  regularly  to 
talk  about  keeping  Ryan  safe  and  making 
it  safer.  They  look  at  movies  and  demon- 
strations on  job  safety.  They  report  un- 
safe conditions  and  they  work  on  their 
constant  problem  of  how  to  make  safety 

popular.  Safety  rules  and  suggestions  are 
familiar  to  everyone,  the  foremen  know, 
but  they've  found  that  familiarity  is  not 
enough.  Just  asking  Mary  to  wear  a  cap 
doesn't  put  a  cap  on  Mary,  and  strong 
hints  don't  get  Harry  into  safety  glasses. 
Posters,  slogans  and  manuals  help,  but 
apparently  there's  a  folk  legend  among  a 
few  Ryanites  that  keeping  yourself  whole 
is  sissy. 

Bill  and  Herb  are  on  the  plant  floor  a 
good  part  of  the  time,  talking  to  foremen, 
watching  how  things  go,  dreaming  up 
ways  to  avoid  accidents  that  only  they 
would  be  gloomy  enough  to  foretell,  try- 
ing out  ideas  for  safer  methods  and  prac- 
tices. And,  of  course,  when  something  has 
happened,  Bill  and  Herb  are  there  prac- 
tically before  the  bandage. 

The  Foreman's  Committee  is  one  of  the 
big  reasons  why  Ryan's  safety  record  has 
dropped  precipitously  since  1939,  when  it 
was  15.3  accidents  per  hundred  thousand 
manhours.  The  insurance  men  thought 
that  was  pretty  good,  and  it  was  about 
average  for  the  aircraft  industry.  Since 
then,  Ryan's  accident  rate  has  dropped  to 
about  7  per  hundred  thousand  manhours, 
which  means  in  English,  that  if  you  work 
at  Ryan  you're  not  very  Ukely  to  get  hurt. 
In  fact,  the  chances  are  just  about  a  thou- 
sand to  one  that  you  won't. 

The  foreman,  though,  can't  be  a  one- 
man  gang  any  more  than  the  safety  man. 
The  traditional  picture  of  a  foreman  as  a 
brute  with  a  blacksnake  whip  in  one  hand 
and  a  dismissal  card  in  the  other  doesn't 
hold  up  very  well  at  Ryan,  and  according 
to  the  Safety  department   (and  everybody 

—  19  — 

else,  we  should  hope)  that's  a  good  thing. 

"Industrial  discipline,"  says  Ray  Clark, 
"is  a  much  misused  term.  It's  not  what 
the  employee  is  fold  to  do,  it's  how  he 
feels  about  it."  You  can  lead  a  horse  to 
water  (you  could  if  Ryan  employed  more 
horses) ,  but  you  can't  make  him  drink. 
Unless  the  man  or  woman  (or  horse)  who 
is  actually  operating  the  machine,  lifting 
something,  or  walking  into  something 
wishes  to  do  it  safely,  chances  are  he 

The  safety  department,  incidentally, 
has  developed  a  foolproof  method  for 
safely  walking  into  stationary  objects. 
You  merely  attach  several  coiled  springs 
to  various  parts  of  your  anatomy,  so  that 
when  you  hit  the  milling  machine,  the 
front  spring  bounces  you  back  against  the 
grinding  wheel  where  the  rear  spring 
launches  you  out  in  the  path  of  a  moving 
truck.  Thus  you  avoid  stubbing  a  toe 
on  the  milling  machine.  This  apparatus 
weighs  only  fourteen  pounds,  costs  ninety 
dollars,  and  will  be  available  at  tool  cribs 

Because  the  man  who  is  likely  to  be 
hurt  is  often  the  one  who  can  do  most  to 
avoid  it,  Ryan  has  for  a  long  time  worked 
at  getting  that  man  himself  interested  in 
safety.  There  have  been  roving  committees 
of  employees  who  tour  the  plant  to  spot 
unsafe  conditions  since  1939,  and  their 
existence  is  another  reason  for  the  great 
decline  in  accidents  since  then.  The  com- 
mittees, chosen  by  seniority,  change  each 
week,  and  once  a  man  or  woman  has  been 
on  one  he  (or  she)  is  likely  to  take  a 
greater  interest  in  safety  than  ever  before. 

Safety  is  everybody's  campaign,  as  evi- 
denced by  the  contents  of  the  suggestion 
boxes.  This  is  good,  and  it  can  get  better. 
Clark  and  his  associates  are  prolific  at 
thinking  up  ways  to  make  everyone  more 
aware  of  the  need  to  be  safe.  Ryanites  will 
recognize  by  now  the  twin  plywood  figures 
of  I.  M.  Conscious,  the  little  man  who 
sits  proudly  in  the  two  safest  departments 
each  week. 

With  all  the  doubts  of  a  bridegroom, 
Ray  Clark  watched  his  accident  frequency 
chart  dip  below  the  national  average  this 
May.  Clark  is  modest — whether  or  not  the 
average  will  keep  dipping,  he  says,  "is  a 
bruise  of  a  different  color." 

The  336  mandays  lost  through  accidents 
in  May  were  fewer  than  those  lost  in  most 
of  the  nation's  aircraft  plants,  which 
brings  Ryan  very  safely  toward  the  second 
half  of  1945.  The  Safety  department, 
however,  likes  to  take  a  dim  view.  There 
(Continued  on   page  24) 


All  during  the  week,  he's  such  a  swell  guy,  but  come  Friday — that's  make-up 
day  for  Aerolite — he  does  a  Jekyll-ond-Hyde  act.  Caught  by  the  "sees  all"  camera, 
Simon  Legree  Steely,  Com-boKy  Editor,  is  shown  wielding  his  block-snake  whip  over 
the  bowed  heads  of  his  lowly  brow-beaten  staff  during  the  last  minute  rush  session 
before  Aerolite  comes  out  on  Saturday.  Left  to  right:  Pat  Stonge,  assistant  editor 
of  Aerolite;  Alice  Lambert,  reporter;  Carter  Jones  and  Louis  McKee,  compositors; 
Virginia  Jaeger,  reporter;  ond  Frances  Kohl,  reporter. 

Continuing   .   .   . 


(Continued  from  page  5) 

closed  ship  for  the  sportsman  pilot,  Ryan 
had  developed  the  S-C  metal  cabin  plane 
late  in  1937.  This  was  the  first  private- 
owner  type  which  took  full  advantage  of 
modern  metal  construction  and  full  canti- 
lever low-wing  streamlined  design.  It  was 
a  beautiful  plane  and  seemed  headed  for 
tremendous  popularity  when  it  went  into 
production  in  193  8.  Its  production  had  to 
be  discontinued,  however,  when  war  orders 
began  pouring  into  the  Ryan  factory.  But 
the  S-Cs  nevertheless  played  a  useful  role 
in  the  war.  Flown  by  unpaid  volunteer 
members  of  the  Civil  Air  Patrol,  they  were 
used  on  anti-submarine  duty  off  the  coasts. 
Snuggled  under  the  belly  of  the  S-Cs  were 
two  demolition  bombs,  and  hung  outside 
the  window  was  a  simple  bombsight. 
These  planes  did  many  daring  jobs  of 
spotting,  sub  chasing  and  rescue  work. 

In  1940  the  Chinese  placed  orders  for  a 
large  volume  of  Ryan  trainers  to  be 
shipped  abroad  so  that  the  Chinese  Air 
Force  might  set  up  its  own  training  schools 
back  of  the  front  lines.  While  production 
on  the  trainers  for  China  was  under  way, 
the  Ryan  factory  received  an  interesting 
new  assignment  from  the  U.  S.  Army.  It 
called  for  the  development  and  limited 
production  of  experimental  short-range 
liaison  observation  planes.  The  result  of 
the  assignment  was  the  sensationally  per- 
forming YO-51  Dragonfly  which  could 
virtually  "hover"  while  in  flight,  make 
unbelievably  quick  take-offs  at  seemingly 
vertical  angles,  and  land  on  little  more 
than  a  tennis  court.  The  Dragonfly  at- 
tracted wide  attention  and  proved  the  de- 
signing and  engineering  capabilities  of  the 
Ryan  organization. 

As  the  Japanese  overran  more  and  more 
of  the  Orient,  it  became  apparent  to  the 
Netherland  East  Indies  that  Java,  Sumatra 
and  the  other  islands  might  soon  be  under 

—  20  — 

attack.  In  1940  Ryan  received  from  the 
Netherland  East  Indies  the  largest  orders 
placed  up  to  that  time.  It  was  for  land- 
plane  trainers  and  for  the  development  and 
production  of  seaplane  versions  of  the 
same  type.  Production  at  the  factory  was 
stepped  up  to  fever  pitch,  and  early  in 
1941  the  Ryan's  were  being  delivered  from 
carbo  vessels  at  Surabya,  Java. 

Meanwhile  the  U.  S.  Navy  placed  orders 
for  hundreds  of  Ryan  PT-21s  (which  be- 
came NR-ls  in  Navy  terminology).  The 
Army  was  still  shoveling  huge  orders  for 
P-Ts  into  the  plant,  and  the  factory  was 
in  a  state  of  continuous  expansion. 

The  shortage  of  aluminum  in  1942  led 
the  Army  to  ask  Ryan  to  develop  an  en- 
tirely new  design  making  minimum  use  of 
metals,  and  accordingly  the  PT-25,  ply- 
wood trainer,  was  rushed  through.  How- 
ever, the  aluminum  scarcity  soon  eased 
and  the  PT-25s  never  went  into  mass  pro- 

At  about  this  time,  a  large  contract 
was  placed  by  the  United  States  Navy 
with  the  Ryan  Company  to  produce  a 
scout  observation  plane  to  be  known  as 
the  Model  SOR-1.  This  program  occu- 
pied a  major  portion  of  the  company's 
engineering,  toohng  and  production  ca- 
pacity for  a  period  of  a  year  and  a  half. 
When  changes  in  the  war's  tactical  re- 
quirements eliminated  the  use  of  this 
general  class  of  military  airplane,  other 
and  more  urgent  production  programs 
were  then  substituted. 

At  the  same  time  Ryan  took  on  heavy 
duty  in  the  manufacture  of  center  wing 
sections  for  the  four-engine  Coronado  fly- 
ing boats,  outer  wing  panels  and  control 
surfaces  for  Liberator  bombers,  and  gim 
turrets  for  PBYs.  At  the  same  time  the 
manifold  division  was  pouring  out  exhaust 
manifold  systems  for  Boeing,  Republic, 
Lockheed,  Douglas  and  many  others.  Such 
varied  assignments,  all  requiring  high  speed 
and  extreme  accuracy,  challenged  the 
company's  technical  men  and  resulted  in 
many  unique  improvements  and  manufac- 
turing processes  which  have  been  widely 
adopted  by  other  companies. 

Of  all  the  months  of  the  war,  January, 
1943,  probably  looms  as  the  stellar  attrac- 
tion in  the  Ryan  drama.  It  was  then  that 
the  Navy  awarded  Ryan  the  contract  for 
a  new  type  fighting  plane  which  was  de- 
signed and  developed  by  Ryan's  own  engi- 
neering and  experimental  departments. 
You  all  know  what  that  plane  is,  but  be- 
cause of  restrictions  we  can't  talk  about 
it  yet. 

Today,  Ryan's  contracts  for  these  planes 
amount  to  more  than  $100,000,000.  We 

(Continued  on  page  24) 




"Awright,  havva  little  LIFE  in  there!" 

'I  hafta  put  on  a  show  for  'em,  don't  I?" 

For  years,  Ryan  baseball  teams  have 
been  the  terror  of  San  Diego  indus- 
trial leagues  largely  because  of  a 
baldheaded  fire-eater  from  the  Quality 
Control  department  who  loves  to  spend 
his  Sundays  boosting  the  bosebollers 
into  one  championship  after  an- 

The  name  is  Bill  Billings — ex-Navy 
flier,  ex-professional  ball  player,  and 
currently  a  scout  for  the  Brooklyn  ball 
club  in  addition  to  his  administrative 
job  at  Ryan.  Billings  has  spotted  and 
developed  any  number  of  players  who 
have  gone  up  to  the  big  leagues,  and 
he  could  have  gone  up  himself  to 
Cincinnati  in  1919.  He  was  with  the 
Lynn  club  in  1913  and  the  Lawrence 
club  in  1914  as  a  catcher  in  the 
New  England  League  before  the  war, 
and  during  the  war  he'd  caught  and 
managed  championship  Navy  teams. 
But  Bill  turned  down  his  big  league 
opportunity  because  he  wanted  to 
keep  on  flying  for  the  Navy  after 
the  war. 

Between  flights  he  led  numerous 
Navy  baseball  teams  to  victories,  and 
even  piloted  one  squad  to  the  All- 
Navy  championship  in  1924.  He  joined 
Ryan  five  years  ago.,  and  has  kept  the 
compony's  baseball  team  atcp  the  San 
Diego  heap  almost  continuously.  Win 
or  lose,  he  puts  on  a  good  show  for 
the  customers  with  his  umpire  baiting 
and  admonitions  to  his  team. 

"That  clown!  He's  the  worst  base- 
runner  on  the  Pacific  Coast.  I  can 
prove  it." 

"Strike?    Why,  ump,  that  ball  was  on 
the  ground!" 

"That  ump  is  slugnutty. 
to   any  jury." 

I'll  leave  it 

"Well,  we  win  another.' 

"Attso  way  to  GO  in  there!" 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  14) 
After  having  spent  a  vacation  in  San 
Diego  in  1936,  Rod  decided  he'd  like  to 
return  here.  The  start  of  the  war  was 
an  opportune  time  as  the  motion  picture 
producing  industry  in  New  York  was  at 
that  time  nil.  The  beginning  of  his  Ryan 
career  saw  him  doing  duty  in  the  employ- 
ment office  where  he  indulged  in  his 
favorite  pastime  of  meeting  the  people. 
When   asked  how  he  happened   to   get 

—  21  — 

entangled  in  so  many  varied  occupations, 
his  tart  retort  was,  "I've  got  big  roving 
feet — see!"  And  with  this,  I  found  my- 
self gazing  upon  a  set  of  pedestrian  im- 
pediments that  one  might  call  slightly 
large,  but  Rod's  a  big  man — 6  feet  to  be 

Well,  ladies  and  gentlemen,  if  you'd 
like  to  meet  this  New  Yorker  with  the 
Southern  manners,  drop  in  on  him  any 
afternoon  when  he's  showing  free  movies 
for  Ryanites  in  his  hang-out.  Room  174. 
He'll  probably  bark  at  you,  but  he  doesn't 
bite.  (the  end) 


American  girls  are  known  abroad  as 
being  endowed  with  the  uncanny  abiUty 
to  dress  smartly  on  a  shoestring.  Some 
girls  are  lucky  enough  to  be  born  with 
clothes  sense,  but  most  of  us  must  depend 
on  studying  authoritative  magazines  for 
our  knowledge  of  how  to  be  well-dressed 
on  a  little  money. 

The  first  rule  in  being  well-dressed  is 
SIMPLICITY.  If  you  have  window- 
shopped,  and  what  woman  hasn't,  you  no 
doubt  have  noticed  that  the  most  expen- 
sive dresses  depend  on  cut  and  lines  for 
their  elegance.  They  are  what  you  call 
a  basic  dress — one  that  can  be  dressed  up 
or  down  as  the  occasion  calls  for.  Look 
at  the  cheaper  dresses.  Most  of  them  are 
cluttered  up  with  gingerbread.  A  flower 
here,  a  ruffle  there  and  big  pearl  buttons 
down  the  front.  Moral  to  this  story  is: 
Buy  fewer  simple  dresses,  but  better  ones 
— this  doesn't  have  to  mean  expensive! 
Quality  not  quantity  is  the  keynote  to 
good  grooming. 


Your  success  secret  for  nice  nails  in- 
volves two  main  points:  the  right  tools, 
the  right  technique — and  a  weekly  com- 
bination of  both. 

1.  Prerequisite  to  a  good  polish  job  is 
complete  removal  of  the  old  polish.  This 
speedy  stunt  calls  for  a  small  pad  of  cotton 
saturated  with  oily  polish  remover.  The 
cotton  is  held  over  the  nail  for  a  few 
seconds — then  slicked  down  the  surface. 
Off  comes  the  old  polish  in  one  quick 

2.  Wrap  tips  of  orangewood  stick  in 
cotton  and  dip  in  oily  polish  remover. 
Gently  work  around  base  and  sides  of 
nail.  If  cuticle  doesn't  push  back  readily, 
don't  use  force  and  don't  use  scissors. 
Moisten  the  cuticle  well  with  oily  cuticle 
remover  and  leave  it  on  for  several  mo- 
ments. Then  repeat  the  gentle  treatment. 

3.  You're  ready  for  your  first  coat.  The 
trick  here  is  to  use  a  thin  first  coat  of 
polish  and  a  generous  second.  This  shortens 
drying  time  between  coats  and  insures  a 
smoother  second  coat.  If  you  bring  the 
polish  over  the  nail  edge  and  down  the 
underside  of  the  tip,  you  seal  the  nail  in 
a  little  polish  packet,  and  help  to  ward  off 


If  dessert  has  been  missing  from  your 
menus  lately — don't  do  it!  'Tis  true  you 
can't  just  overlook  the  sugar  shortage,  but 
you  can  get  around  it  in  many  instances 
by  the  substitution  of  honey  and  different 
syrups  in  recij>es.  So  surprise  the  family 
and  serve  them  Apricot  Cobbler  Pie. 


1  pound  dried  apricots 

Yz   cup  honey  or  corn  syrup 

2  cups  enriched  flour 

3  teaspoons  baking  powder 
Yz   teaspoon  salt 

Yi  cup  margarine 

1   egg 
Cold  water 
1  Yz   dozen  blanched  almonds 

Soak  apricots  over  night.  Simmer  slowly 
in  same  water  5  minutes.  Sweeten  as  de- 
sired and  cook  5  minutes  longer.  Turn 
hot  into  well  margarined  pie  plate.  Sift, 
measure  flour  and  resif  t  with  baking  pow- 
der and  salt.  Cut  in  margarine  until  it 
disappears.  Break  egg  into  cup  and  fill 
with  water  to  %  cup  mark  and  mix  to- 
gether. Add  to  dry  ingredients.  Stir  with 
fork  until  dough  is  formed.  Knead  gently 
until  smooth  and  divide  dough. 

Roll  into  rope  1  inch  thick.  Cut  off 
inch  pieces  and  roll  into  small  balls.  Ar- 
range 6  balls  to  form  a  triangle  to  suggest 
a  "cut"  of  pie.  Stick  slivered  almonds  in 
top.  Bake  in  hot  oven  (375°  F.)  20  to  25 
minutes  or  until  well  browned.  Serve 
warm — plain  or  with  whipped  evaporated 
milk.    Yield:  6  servings. 


Old  battered  picture  frames  can  be  re- 
stored to  usefulness,  by  painting  over  with 
white  paint  and  wiping  with  a  damp  cloth 
to  give  the  currently  popular  off-white 
Victorian  effect. 

—  22- 


For  these  days  when  every  imaginative 
cook's  ingenuity  is  taxed,  this  new-method 
cake  recipe  is  a  godsend.  It  not  only  makes 
a  better  cake  while  slashing  price  and 
ration  points — but  makes  it  quicker:  4 J/2 
minutes,  and  all  ingredients  are  mixed. 

Here  is  the  New-Method  recipe  for 
Yellow  Cake. 


Bake  in  two  9-inch  layers  (1-1 1/2  '"■  deep), 
oblong  pan  (8  in.  x  12  in.) ,  or  as  cup  cakes 

Baking  temperature:    375°  F. 

Baking  time;  25-30  min.,  layers;  30-35  min., 
oblong;   15-20  min.,  cup  cakes. 

Measure  into  mixing  bowl; 

2  cups  cake  flour   (sifted  before  measuring) 
1  1/3   cups  sugar 

1/2    cup   Crisco 

1  teaspoon   salt 
2/3  cup  milk 

Stir  vigorously  by  hand,  or  with  mixer  (medium 
speed)  2  minutes.    Now  stir  in  (yes,  all  by  itself) : 

3  teaspoons  baking  powder* 

2  eggs    (unbeaten) 
1/3  cup  milk 

1  teaspoon  vanilla 

Blend  by  hand  or  in  mixer  (medium  speed)   for 

2  minutes.  The  batter  will  be  smooth  and  thin. 
Pour  into  pans  rubbed  with  Crisco  and  lined  with 
waxed  paper  Bake  in  preheated  oven  for  the  re- 
quired time  and  frost  with  your  favorite  frosting. 

^Double-action  or  phosphate  type  (Calumet, 
Davis,  Clabber  Girl,  Rumford,  etc.).  With  tartrate 
type   (Royal,  etc.),  use  4  teaspoons. 


Don't  lose  your  temper  just  because  you 
can't  open  that  bottle  of  fingernail  polish 
or  bottle  of  vinegar.  Just  run  a  lighted 
match  around  the  edge  of  the  cap,  and  it 
will  unscrew  in  a  jiffy. 

Put  your  "stockings"  on  in  the 
tub,  advises  Marie  Earle,  whose 
famed  liquid  "Leg  Makeup"  con 
be  applied  smoothly  and  quick- 
ly either  with  the  fingertips  or 
a  pad.  Spatterings,  if  any,  are 
easily  washed  down  the  drain. 


"GALLIVANTING"  Bouquet  is  a  va- 
cation-in-a-bottle  for  the  lady  who  toils 
in  the  city.  This  cologne  has  a  garden- 
fresh  fragrance  whose  price  makes  you 
able  to  splash  it  on  with  a  prodigal  hand. 
Vita  Ray  is  offering  a  specially  priced 
8  oz.  bottle  for  only  $1.25.  Sure  cure 
for  those  damp  'n'  dismal  stay-at-home 

This  white  jersey  swim  suit  is  just  the 
thing  for  the  young  and  daring — makes 
a  nice  complement  to  a  golden  tan  too. 


Lo  these  years  women  having  been  pray- 
ing for  something  to  put  on  their  nails 
immediately  after  applying  polish  to  dry 
their  polish  instantly.  Your  prayers  have 
been  answered.  Two  minutes  after  apply- 
ing this  miraculous  stuff,  you  can  bang 
your  typewriter  or  do  most  of  the  rugged 
jobs  that  once  meant  that  a  new  manicure 
was  order.  One  minute  after  applying 
your  second  coat  of  polish,  brush  on  a 
coat  of  this  wonderful  oil  and  one  minute 
later  wipe  it  off  with  a  tissue.  Several 
of  the  good  pohsh  manufacturers  already 
have  it  on  the  counters — ask  for  Instant- 
Dri  (La  Cross),  Oil-Fast  (Revlon),  Oil- 
Dry  (Peggy  Sage) ,  all  of  them  at  60  cents. 

—  23  — 


Every  working  girl  needs  a  spare — that 
is  she  should  have  a  spare  box  of  beauty 
aids  in  her  locker  or  desk  drawer  for  those 
necessary  repairs  that  invariably  come  up 
during  the  day.  You  can  duplicate  your 
own  beauty  box  at  home  but  in  small 
sizes.  It  wouldn't  hurt  a  bit  either  to  slip 
in  a  needle,  an  assortment  of  different 
colored  threads,  some  clear  nail  polish  (for 
stopping  stocking  runs) ,  a  small  bottle 
of  leg  make-up  in  case  you  prefer  that  to 
stockings  and  also  a  boon  is  a  small  bottle 
of  Energine  or  Mufti  just  in  case  you  acci- 
dentally dump  your  lunch  in  your  lap. 


Imagine  having  a  pair  of  real  silver 
earrings  for  20  cents.  Sounds  incredible, 
but  'tis  true — although  a  little  ingenuity 
is  involved.  No  doubt  you  have  an  old 
pair  of  earrings  lying  around  the  house 
from  which  you've  lost  one  of  the  orna- 
ments. Remove  the  ornament  from  the 
other  one  and  grab  yourself  a  couple  of 
shiny  new  dimes — if  they  aren't  shiny 
enough,  just  give  them  a  swish  with  your 
silver  polish  cloth.  Then  buy  yourself  a 
tube  of  Dart  glue,  which  is  especially  good 
for  use  on  metals,  and  stick  the  new  dimes 
on  your  old  earrings  and  there  you  have 
a  pair  of  comment-evoking  earrings. 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  3) 

work  for  Bell  Aircraft  Corp.  as  a  stress 
analyst  and  moved  up  through  the  ranks 
to  group  engineer,  project  engineer  on  the 
P-39,  and  eventually  a  chief  project  engi- 
neer for  Bell's  most  recent  projects. 

In  spite  of  the  fact  that  he  has  spent 
his  whole  life  in  or  around  Buffalo,  Rhodes 
is  enthusiastic  about  California.  He  wasn't 
too  joyful  during  his  first  few  weeks  in  San 
Diego,  when  he  and  his  family  were  being 
shunted  from  hotel  to  auto  court  to 
rented  room  while  they  were  hunting  a 
house,  but  the  Rhodes  are  thorough  Cali- 
fornia converts  now  that  they've  bought 
a  home  in  La  JoUa  where  their  hobby  of 
gardening  can  be  pursued.  There  are  three 
children  in  the  family — a  girl  two  and  a 
half,  and  boys  of  six  and  eight.  Somehow 
we  suspect  that  those  children  are  already 
fully  aware  that  their  father  is  a  kind 
and  lovable  man  but  that  he  always  means 
exactly  what  he  says.  That's  the  one  fact 
about  Ed  Rhodes  which  we  think  nobody 
can  miss  after  knowing  him  as  long  as 
five  minutes. 

(the  end) 


tips  AND  Qc;iPS 

TO  THE  coroner; 



Continuing    ,    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  19) 

is  still,  they  say,  the  sad  fact  that  an  aver- 
age of  379  mandays  per  month,  a  good 
deal  more  than  a  year's  work  by  one  man, 
were  lost  in  the  first  five  months  of  this 
year.  This  figure  may  look  good  to  the 
insurance  man,  and  to  the  rest  of  us  it 
may  be  well  worth  a  decent  pride,  but  to 
the  Safety  department  it  looks  Uke  a  lot 
of  days. 

Continuing  at  that  rate,  they  say,  4548 
days  would  be  lost  by  the  end  of  1945. 
That  many  days  represents  a  year's  work 
for  fourteen  and  a  half  men  or  women. 



my  answers  to  the  "Win  A  Prize"  Photo  Quiz: 

( Insert  letter  in  square  by  corresponding  question  number) 

NAME  . 




SHIFT    . 

•  • 

.  .  .    BADGE  NUMBER 


D      - 

7.  D 



8.  D 



9.  n 



10.  n 



11.  n 



The  very  idea  of  these  fourteen  and  a  half 
ghostly  figures  makes  Ray  Clark  shudder. 

Two  of  them,  a  lady  ghost  and  a 
gentleman  ghost,  have  lost  fingers.  The 
rest  of  them  are  probably  not  missing  any 
part  of  the  body,  but  they  are  extremely 
sore.  They  total  up  to  a  messy  collection 
of  bumps  and  bruises,  of  stubbed  and 
swollen  toes,  of  wrenched  thumbs  and 
sprained  backs,  of  jaws  wired  together  and 
scalps  bare  in  patches,  of  arms  in  splints 
and  legs  that  hurt. 

Nobody  really  knows  how  many  toes 
it  would  take  to  receive  all  the  bruises 
Ryanites  have  suffered — the  First  Aid 
attendants  have  developed  a  more  intimate 
acquaintance  with  the  feet  of  Ryan  em- 
ployees than  they  ever  wished  to  have.  So, 
presumably,  are  the  ghostly  figures,  the 
open-toed  ladies  with  bandages  where 
their  pretty  toenails  once  peeked  out,  the 
strong  men  who  for  some  mysterious  rea- 
son collided  with  a  tool  box. 

It  is  an  unattractive  crew,  those  four- 
teen and  a  half,  and  Ray  Clark  doesn't 
like  it.  But  to  anyone  except  a  profes- 
sional pessimist,  we're  doing  fine.  The  sad 
thing  is,  as  Ray  will  tell  you,  that  only 
two  per  cent  of  all  accidents  are  not  pre- 
ventable. The  rest,  ninety-eight  per  cent, 
could  theoretically  be  avoided  if  human 
beings  were  perfect.  Perfection  is  a  small 
target  to  aim  at,  but  like  moralists,  the 
safety  men  would  like  to  try. 

(the  end) 

Continuing    .    .    . 


(Continued  from  page  201 

are  committed  to  build  them  as  fast  as 
we  can.  The  Navy  needs  them,  it  has  told 
us  repeatedly,  to  hasten  the  end  of  the  war 
in  the  Pacific  by  establishing  new  aerial 
supremacy  against  improved  types  of 
enemy  planes. 

Today,  the  personnel  employed  by  Ryan 
is  ten-fold  compared  to  the  number  of 
employees  it  maintained  prior  to  the  war. 
And  that  phase  of  the  Ryan  program  is 
expanding,  too.  More  aircraft  workers  are 
needed,  and  are  being  hired. 

Which  brings  up  to  date  the  story  of  the 
Ryan  organization — or  as  much  of  it  as 
can  be  told  now.  Some  of  the  brightest 
chapters  can't  yet  be  published.  And 
something  tells  us  that  even  brighter  chap- 
ters are  yet  to  be  written! 

(THE  end) 

■24  — 


I'm  a  sitHn'  up  here  waiting  for 
Sunday,  July  15th  to  roll  around  so 
I  can  welcome  all  you  people  that'll 
be  comin'  to  the  ANNUAL  RYAN 
haven't  heard  nothin'  about  it?  Well, 
pardner,  let  me  tell  you  it's  goin'  to 
be  jommed  full  of  spills,  thrills  and 
there  won't  be  no  waitin'  around 
cause  we're  goin'  to  have  extra  special  entertainment  for  all  you  folks  between  all  regular  events. 

One  of  the  really  big  events  will  be  the  choosin'  of  the  HORSE  SHOW  QUEEN.  The  gal  that  wins  won't  know 
'til  after  the  grand  entry  which  will  begin  at  1:00  p.m.  sharp.  The  kiddos  will  strut  their  stuff  starting  at  10:00 
a.m.     Then  you  can  dig  into  your  feed  bag  before  the  big  event  gets  under  way. 

Any  of  you  cowboys  or  cowgirls  that  wont  to  enter  —  goin'  to  be  lots  of  big  prizes  given  away — just  see  me 
personal,  or  any  of  my  ranch  hands  who  ore  workin'  mighty  hard  to  make  this  show  a  success,  for  entry  blanks. 

I  almost  forgot  to  tell  you  where  this  shindig  is  goin'  to  take  place.  It'll  be  at  the  Mission  Valley  Polo  Grounds, 
Sunday,  July  15th  and  it's  all  FREE. 

EDITOR'S  NOTE:  In  cose  you  don't  recognize  the  picture,  it's  Al  Gee,  Director  of  Plant  Protection.  You  con  see  him  or  ony  of 
his  ranchhonds  if  you  wont  to  enter.  Ronchhonds  are:  G.  R.  Bills,  Frank  A.  Gray,  Lorry  Anderson,  Dick  Ansley,  Ross  O'Leno, 
Joe  T.  Rodney,  Jack  Dennis,  Mike  Crone,  Keith  Monroe,  Carl  O.  Hatfield,  M.  M.  Clancy,  Eorl  D.  Prudden,  Jack  Schrode,  Corene 
Slroud,   Ruth    Mitchell,   Tom    Hickey,   Joke   Lunsford,   M.   J.   "Red"  Thompson,  Dcve  Bracken,  Andy  McReynolds  ond  G.  M.  Duncan. 







flowing  exhaust  gases  drive  a 
bucket  wheel  turbine  at  30,000 
r.p.m.  which  is  connected  to  an 
air  compressor  that  packs  huge 
quantities  of  compressed  air  into 
the  engine's  windpipe  at  high 

ANTI-ICING-Exhaust  heat  is 
piped  to  critical  wing  and  tail 
surfaces  to  prevent  ice  forma- 
tion. This  method,  which  elim- 
inates weight  of  heaters  and  fuel, 
prevents  ice  accumulation 
rather  than  removing  it. 


Warm  air  from  the  exhaust  sys- 
tem prevents  ice  from  forming 
on  the  carburetor  air  screens, 
choking  off  the  air  supply  to  the 

CABIN  HEATING-The  efficien- 
cy and  comfort  of  the  passengers 
and  crew  are  maintained  at 
freezing  altitudes  by  warm  air 
which  is  heated  by  the  energy  di- 
verted from  the  engine  exhaust. 


28  extra  miles  per  hour  in  top 
speed  is  added  to  plane  perform- 
ance by  Ryan  designed  exhaust 
stacks  which  step  up  the  veloc- 
ity of  escaping  gases  and  impart 
added  thrust. 

GUN  HEATING-Instant  oper- 
ation of  vital  gun  parts  at  all 
temperatures  is  guaranteed  by 
a  flow  of  warm  air  from  the  ex- 
haust system  which  maintains 
gun-oil  viscosity. 

For  Extra  Speed  and  Efficiency.. . 

Ryan  Engineers  Help  Put  Waste  Exhaust  Heat 
and  Gas  to  Work  in  These  d-Ways  .  Thus 

Eliminating  Heavy,  Costly  Extra  Equipment  for 
Performing  Vital  Plane  Functions. 

The  Douglas  C-54  Sksonaster  and  C-47  Skytrain, 
Grumman  F6F  Hellcat  and  F7F  Tiger  Cat,  North- 
rop P-61  Black  Widow,  Curtiss -Wright  C-46  Com- 
mando, Consolidated- Vultee  TBY-2  Sea  Wolf  and 
Goodyear  K  Blimp  are  among  today's  distinguished 
aircraft  using  Ryan  Manifold  equipment.  To  take 
fullest  advantage  of  Ryan's  vast  experience  with 
these  and  many  other  secretly-developed  planes 
which  cannot  as  yet  be  revealed,  call  in  Ryan 
Engineering  Service  during  the  design-stage  of 
your  plane. 

Rvnn  M^M 





•*  •.« 


Necessary  —  not  accessory  —  Ihis 
air  minded  bow-tipped  vizoretfe  Is 
designed  to  give  you  a  cool  head. 
Integral  part  of  your  scheme  for 
looking  lovely  —  the  silk  jersey 
snood  fills  the  bill  for  keeping  your 
coiffure  clean  and  neat.  A  sure 
whistle-getting  chapeou  for  only 


fairly  SparkL 

For  a  lovely  lady  of  any  age, 
costume  jewelry  will  add  that 
sparkle  desired  for  special  occasions. 
The  classic  jewel  for  every  smart 
woman  ...  a  simple,  radiant  strand 
of  pearls.  They're  equally  smart 
with  gala  fashions  or  simple  cottons. 
The  rhinestone  clip  and  earrings  will 
give  your  basic  black  dress  that 
expensive  look  that  makes  the  men 
look  twice.  The  filigree  bracelet  of 
Mexican   silver  will  answer  your 
needs  with  practically  any  costume. 

The  fashion-wise  woman  knows 
that  jewels  have  a  place  —  it  isn't 
in  a  war  plant.  Although  they 
accentuate  your  beauty,  they  may 
help  mar  and  scar  it  if  worn  around 
moving  machinery.  Ornaments  get 
snagged  easily,  and  can  inflict 
painful  wounds.  So  keep  all  your 
trinkets  in  their  jewel  box  home, 
until  the  day's  chores  are  over  and 
you're  ready  for  diversion. 


By  all  means  look  for  style,  but 
also  insist  on  comfort    You  'It  find  this 
smart  combination  in  this  unusual  helmet  design- 
ed by  Ditty  Smashay  exclusively  for  Ryan  welders.    Its 
suave  streamlined  surface  is  punctuated  by  a  unique  feature,  a 

lHare  framed  tense  to  guard  the  eyes  from  the  heat  of  your  torch  and 
i'y^S  particles. 

Stop  in  at  the  Chapeau  Bar  at  your  nearest  tool  crib  and 
ask  to  see  this  masterpiece  of  Smashay' s  originality. 

mK  CHions  it  OEiiiii  hcliisim  sy  m  m  cm 

CHARM-ing  Reporter 


19  4  5 


Charm-Ing  Reporter's  Summing  up 7 

It  Was  A  Man's  "World! .  .    by  William  P.  Brother  ion  8 

For  Better  or  For  Worse by  Virginia  Jaeger  12 

At  Home  With  the  Ernie  Moores .  .  .  .    by  Pat  Stange  14 

Help  Yourself  to  Beauty by  Maxine  Mulligan  17 

M'mmmm  What  They  Said ! by  Keith  Monroe  1 8 

Working  Gals  Can  Have  Glamour by  Fran  Kohl  20 


Fairly  Sparkle   1 

Cover  Girl 3 

Mask — Her  Aid    5 

You  Won't  Want  To 6 

Shoe-Shoe  Blues    24 

Flatteringly  Yours    25 

A  Topper  That's  a  Stopper 1 


Let's  Face  It 3 

The  Eyes  Have  "It" 3 

Wartime  Workers 22 


Cook's  Day  Off 24 


Bare  Facts   4 

How  Do  You  Know 24 

Crimson   Hope    26 


Charm-ing  Reporter's  Contributors 5 

What's  New    4-J 

Edna  Dreher  of  Engineering,  our  glamorous 
cover  model,  is  all  dressed  up  to  go  stepping. 
Her  black  velvet  bandeau  dotted  with  a  rhine- 
stone  clip  offers  a  pleasing  contrast  to  her  blond 
tresses. ^Her  lipstick  is  Chen  Yu's  Flameswept 
Red.  ;;_t'dachrome  photograph  by  Frank  Martin. 

FRANCES  KOHL Editor-in-Chief 

William  Wagner Editorial  Director 

Keith  Monroe Managing  Editor 

Virginia  Jaeger Fashion  Editor 

Alice  Lambert Assistant  Fashion  Editor 

Beverly  Myers Assistant  Fashion  Editor 

Betty  Radewan Beauty  Editor 

Patricia   Stange Literary  Editor 

H.  H.  Steely Home-less  Editor 

Roy  Schwenkmeyer Art  Director 

Garrick  O'Bryan Promotion  Editor 

Mel  Baker Production  Editor 


T.   Claude  Ryan President 

Earl  D.  Prudden Vice  President j  In  Charge 


George  Woodard Vice  President  and  Treas. 

B.  A.  Gillies Vice  President,  In  Charge 


WILLIAM  WAGNER,  Advercising  Director;  Jack  Wiie- 
man,  Washington  Represencative,  Room  302,  Bond 
Building,  14th  Street  and  New  York  Avenue,  N.W., 
Washington  J,  D.  C, ;  Orrin  Ross,  New  York  Repre- 
sentative, Eastern  Aircraft  Supply  Corp.,  420  Lexing- 
ton Avenue,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  J.  E,  Berry,  Los  An- 
geles Representative,  37S7  Wilshire  Boulevard,  Los  An- 
geles, California.  Subscriptions:  Free  of  charge  to  our 
friends  and  employees.  For  change  of  address,  write 
to  FLY/NG  REPORTER,  giving  both  old  and  new 
addres"     ,    allow  one  week  for  change. 

FLYING  REPORTER  is  published  monthly  by  Ryan  &  Ryan  Publications,  Inc.,  Lindbergh  Field,  San  Diego  12,  California.  "Copy-written"  1945,  by  Ryan  and  Ryan  Publications.  Inc.. 
U.S.A.  Entered  at  Frye  and  Smith.  Ltd.,  850  Third  Avenue,  San  Diego,  1941.  Editorial  offices:  Ryan  Aeronautical  Company,  Lindbergh  Field,  San  Diego,  California.  Advertising  officei, 
Lindbergh  Field,   San   Diego,   California.     Entered    as  Top   Notch   Matter,   January    1,    1941,    at   the  Post  Office  of  San  Diego,  California.     Manuscripts,  drawings  and  other  material  muit  be 

sent  in  Inter -Department   Envelopes,   FLYING  REPORTER  cannot  be  responsible  for  any  unsolicited  material.    Vol.  IX,  No.  7.     PRINTED  IN  THE  U.  S.  A. 

You,  too,  can  eosily  have  a  face  and 
hands  like  satin  —  smooth,  clear  and 
soft.  Thanks  to  the  Milburn  Company's 
skin  scientists,  who  are  pioneers  in  the 
field  of  industrial  protective  creams  and 
lotions,  factory  work  need  be  no  hazard 
to  your  skin.  Milburn  has  created  a 
cream  for  every  possible  kind  of  indus- 
trial skin  problem.  Don't  gamble  your 
good  looks — use  a  PLY  product  for  your 



Whichever  type 
you  are  —  the 
gamin,  sophisti- 
cate, demure  ot 
regal,  you'll  find  a 
pair  of  goggles 
that  were  made 
with  you  in  mind. 
They  not  only  put 
a  gleam  in  your 
eyes,  but  offer  pro- 
tection from  fly- 
ing objects  on  the 
job.  Pick  out  your 
favorite  style  at 
your  tool  crib  to- 

cAsk  to  see  them  Today 
CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 



,1M-1  (ItPORlffl'G 




identification    tag     (if    he    had    one) 
well    read    "The    Fair    Haired    Boy," 
but    you    probably    know    him    by    his    legal 
moniker,  Keith  Monroe.   We  call   him   the 
tale  spinner  deluxe.  While  still  a  sophomore 
in  high   school,  he  began  earning   money   as 
a    newspaper    correspondent.     Not    satisfied 
with   the   small   time,   he   launched   his  own 
weekly  sheet  with   a  cap- 
ital of  $2  5.  He  came  out 
■     of  the  deal  with   a  slight 
profit — enough  to  see  him 
through     Stanford      and 

His  multitudinous  ac- 
tivities in  high  school 
gained  him  the  title  of 
president  of  his  senior 

An  ex-copywriter  for 
an  advertising  agency  and 
ghost  writer  for  the  Gov- 
ernor of  Arizona,  Monroe  could  easily  hold 
his  own  on  "Information,  Please."  We  also 
dub  him  "The  Walking  Encyclopedia."  His 
cleaning  bill  must  vie  with  the  govern- 
ment's yearly  income  tax  receipts  for  his 
"strictly  business  man"  ensembles  look  like 
he  had  a  Nubian  trailing  him  with  a 

CORONET  has  just  signed  him  up  as 
a  regular  writer,  so  come  the  fall  you'll 
find  Keith's  by-line  a  monthly  feature  of 
that  mag.  Free-lance  writing  is  just  an 
extra-curricular  sideline  to  Monroe.  The 
pages  of  LIBERTY,  CORONET,  ES- 
been  graced  with  his  sparkling  style  as  will 
AMERICAN  MAGAZINE  in  a-soon-to-be- 
out  issue. 

_  Because   of   his   stay   in 

jolly  old  England,  as  an 
RAF  fighter  pilot,  H.  H. 
■"Hob"  Steely  is  an  ad- 
vocate of  the  hot  beer 
school.  He  also  is  some- 
thing of  a  night  owl. 
He  rarely  retires  before  2 
a.m.  and  only  then  if  he 
has  a  "spot  of  tay." 
Adorning  his  night  stand 
is  a  tablet  of  paper  and 
a  neeale-sharp  pencil.  "Inspirations  always 
seem  to  hit  me  in  the  middle  of  the  night. 
So  I  jump  out  of  bed  and  after  crawling 
under  the  bed  for  the  what-remains  of 
my  house  slippers,  I  creep  up  on  my 
'cosmopolitan  portable'  —  it's  been  every- 
where— and  punch,  plunk  and/or  pound 
out  a  yarn.  This  goes  on  until  my  wife 
gives  me  a  gentle  tug  on  the  ear  and  hauls 
me  back  to  bed  for  an  hour's  sleep  before 
beginning  a  new  day." 

Steely,  a  native  of  Idaho,  traded  a  soft 
leather  chair — reserved  for  the  News  Editor 
— in  the  office  of  The  Daily  Oklahoman  for 
a  plain  oak  one  in  the  Public  Relations 
office  at  Ryan.  "Learning  to  fly  way  back 
in  the  first  World  War  was  my  Waterloo. 
It  was  then  that  I  was  bitten  by  the  'Can't- 
stayawayfromairplanes'  bug,  so  that's  why 
I'm  here.  I  eat,  sleep,  and  drink  airplanes." 
(Hard  on  the  digestion,  isn't  it  Hob?) 
(Continued  on  Page  23) 

H.   H.   STEELY 









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Don't  you  envy  this  smort  young  Ryonite  decked 
out  in  a  neat  two-piece  sarong  bathing  suit  with  noth- 
ing more  to  do  than  soak  up  sun  and  hove  fun?  She's 
enjoying  a  two  months'  vocation  trip  down  Mexico 
way.  Here  she  is  at  on  exclusive  resort  with  no  more 
worries  than  whether  her  lipstick  is  on  smoothly.  How 
con  she  manage  it,  you  ask?  Well,  she  hasn't  man- 
oged  it  yet,  but  she  will.  Because  right  now  she  is 
facing  bor  facts  and  putting  every  extra  penny  into 
War  Bonds.  .  .  .  Come  victory,  those  bonds  will  send 
her  on  a  vocation  with  a  brand-new  wardrobe  to  suit 
her  fancy. 

Are  you  playing  smart,  too? 




This  iiii<1]£et  box  holds  p  e  a  c  e  f  u  ' 
working  hours  for  you.  If  your  department 
is  really  noisy,  these  ear  defenders  are  what 
the  doctor  ordered.  They're  little  plugs — 
easily  inserted — which  filter  out  or  deaden 
loud  sounds  which  might  otherwise  be 
nerve-racking.  If  you  have  "humming 
ears,"  try  a  pair  of  these.  Yours  for  the 
askins  at  the  tool  stores. 

You  can  whistle  while  you  work  and 
know  your  skin  is  well-protected  if  you 
u'^e  PLY.  It  comes  in  both  liquid  and  cream 
form  and  provides  protection  for  each 
group  of  skin  hazards  your  particular  job 
may  bring  about.  It  keeps  foreign  matter 
from  entering  pores  or  open  cuts,  and  keeps 
down  skin  infection.  Ask  and  you  shall  re- 
ceive it  at  tool  stores. 

Xoo  bad.  you  can't  take  one  of  these 
respirators  home  to  your  httle  woman. 
Why?  'Cause  you  can't  talk  when  you're 
wearing  one.  However,  its  real  job  is  to 
filter  out  harmful  dust,  fumes  and  vapors. 
It  fastens  around  your  head  very  com- 
fortably with  an  elastic  strap  and  fits  over 
the  nose  and  mouth.  Nice  for  hay  fever 
fuiferers,  too.  Try  the  tool  store. 

Tt's  for  you  to  choose,  but  we  suggest 
you  give  this  all-safe  monogoggle  a  try 
when  you're  by  the  tool  store.  It  solves 
every  eye  protection  problem  even  if  you 
must  wear  glasses  of  your  own.  It  fits 
over  your  glasses  as  comfortably  as  an  old 
shoe.  The  lens  is  crystal-clear  non-shat- 
terable  plastic.  Its  headband  is  adjustable 
and  the  sideshields  eliminate  reflections. 

These  neat  but  not  Parisian-styled 
gloves,  are  made  of  chrome  leather  specially 
treated  against  heat  and  acid.  They're  a 
favorite  of  welder's  helpers.  They  come 
with  or  without  thumb  and  fingers — make 
your  choice  at  the  tool  store.  This  short 
version  glove  has  the  okay  of  the  Safety 
department  if  worn  with  long  gauntlets  or 
welder's  sleeves. 

ChiARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 






CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 


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CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

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Charm'ing  Reporter's 
Summing  Up 

You're  probably  wondering  what  this  is  all  about.  You  don't 
quite  see  how  your  old  familiar  Ryan  Flying  Reporter  sud- 
denly turned  into  something  surprisingly  like  the  famous 
Charm  magazine  you've  seen  so  often  on  the  news-stands. 
The  answer  is  simply  this :  we  thought  you'd  enjoy  a  change 
of  viewpoint  for  one  issue.  We  thought  you'd  be  interested 
in  seeing  how  a  top-flight  aircraft  factory  might  look 
through  the  eyes  of  a  top-flight  woman's  magazine.  So,  with 
the  gracious  permission  of  the  editors  of  Charm,  we're  using 
the  Charm  style  in  this  issue  of  Flying  Reporter.  Whether 
you're  a  man  or  a  woman,  we  think  you'll  be  intrigued  by 
the  "Charming  Reporter"  slant  on  Ryan  people  and  Ryan 
problems.  And  we're  sure  you'll  join  us  in  thanking  the 
Charm  editors  for  making  this  special  issue  possible! 






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CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

IT  ^^Af  A  MAN'/  WORLD! 



Genevieve  Durham   •   Research  Chemist 

AT  7" HERE,  oh  where  has  that  fragile  bit  of  fem- 
ininity  known  as  the  "weaker  sex"  gone?  What 
has  become  of  the  emotional  female  who  used  to  slave 
all  day  over  a  hot  stove  and  swoon  at  the  drop  of 
an  epithet?  Don't  look  now,  but  I  think  you'll  find 
that  the  little  women  have  shed  the  role  of  the  re- 
tiring housewife  and  transformed  themselves  into 
the  capable  slack-filling  females  of  the  economic 

Foreign  beachheads  have  not  been  the  only  points 
of  invasion  in  this  war.  Man's  so-called  traditional 
place  of  dominance  in  industry  has  also  been  invaded 
by  waves  of  attractive,  determined  women  bent  upon 
infiltrating  into  every  zone  of  masculine  territory. 
Today,  the  poor  male  is  as  bewildered  by  this  envelop- 
ing attack  as  Sampson  was  when  he  awoke  to  find  that 
Delilah  had  quietly  clipped  his  precious  locks. 

You  will  have  to  get  up  early  to  catch  the  modern 
woman  in  her  proverbial  place — home.  She  now  ducks 
out  with  the  first  rays  of  dawn  and  pops  up  with  dis- 
concerting efficiency  in  almost  every  kind  of  job 
which  men  have  regarded  as  their  own.  The  ads  ex- 
press it  neatly  when  they  say,  "Never  underestimate 
the  power  of  a  woman."  It  is  said  that  the  ladies  also 
find  time  to  spend  80  per  cent  of  all  the  money  that 
is  put  in  circulation.  That's  not  hard  to  believe  when 
you  observe  the  way  some  of  them  apply  themselves 
to  this  enjoyable  task.  (If  my  wife  reads  this,  I'm 
only  fooling.) 

Seriously  though,  women  have  contributed  tre- 
mendously to  the  winning  of  this  war  by  the  splendid 
courage  they  have  shown  in  throwing  oflf  the  shackles 
of  convention  and  plunging  into  every  job  on  which 
they  could  help.  Here,  at  Ryan,  4}  per  cent  of  all  of 
the  employees  are  women.  We'd  like  to  introduce  to 
you  a  few  of  these  women  who  are  typical  of  the 
thousands  working  at  Ryan,  day  in  and  day  out.  In 
many  cases,  they  maintain  homes  for  their  families 
as  well.  Space  permitting,  we'd  like  to  give  them  all 
the  pat  on  the  back  they  deserve. 

She  likes  to  do  needlepoint,  read,  and  broil  juicy,  thick  steaks  when  she  isn't  mixing  chemicals  in  the  laboratory. 
Tall,  dark  and  fetching,  she  hails  from  Austin,  Texas  where  she  fell  in  love  with  a  university  classmate,  married  him 
and  graduated  from  University  of  Washington.  Now  her  cozy  San  Diego  apartment  is  his  "home"  when  he  gets 
leave  from  his  duty  as  a  Supply  Corps  Lieutenant  aboard  a  carrier.  Says  her  work  "couldn't  be  better"  and  loves  to 
don  dressy  clothes  when  she  slips  out  of  her  white  lab  coat. 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 

she  planned  to  be  a  nurse  when  attending  school  in  Durant,  Oklahoma 
but  married  instead.  Her  husband  is  a  building  contractor  here — both 
like  San  Diego.  She  reads  the  hand  signals  of  the  floor  engineer  as  she 
operates  the  high  traveling  crane  to  transport  heavy  assemblies  and  jigs. 
Responsible  and  efficient,  she  finds  time  to  manage  a  home  for  her  hus- 
band and  three  boys.  Bowling  and  dancing  are  her  recreation  and  she 
never  misses  a  movie  with  Claudette  Colbert. 

Jewel  Summers   •   Crane  Operator 

Her  ambition  is  to  own  a  gown  shop  where  she  can  design  and  sell 
women's  clothes.  She  came  to  Ryan  from  Lipson  Art  School  three  years 
ago  and  is  equally  expert  at  drawing  plans  fc.^.  plane  parts  or  illustrating 
feminine  chic.  She's  a  bride  of  ten  weeks,  li\'ing  with  her  family  until 
her  Ensign  husband  returns.  Bronzed  and  blonde,  she  has  a  yen  for  sun 
bathing  and  sports  apparel.  A  sparkling  diamond  glistens  from  her 
finger  as  she  uses  the  drafting  machine. 

The  first  woman  guard  employed  by  Ryan  over  three  years  ago,  she 
pioneered  the  way.  Her  friendly,  courteous  manner  is  a  potent  good- 
will getter  in  the  reception  lobby.  She  likes  to  dance  to  swing  music, 
bowl  and  accompany  her  husband  on  fishing  trips  to  Lake  Henshaw. 
She's  from  Goodland,  Kansas,  wants  to  stay  in  San  Diego  after  the 
war,  but  will  have  to  go  wherever  her  husband,  a  technical  sergeant  in 
the  Marine  Corps,  is  stationed.  She  has  t\^'o  'ororhers  in  the  Navy — two 
brothers-in-law  in  the  Army. 

Ethel  Grant   •   Engineering  Draftsman 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 

Helen  Kent   •   Guard 

Georgette  Young   •  Mathematician 

Faye  Bridges   •  Engine  Tester 

Calculus  and  trigonometry  were  a  breeze  for  this  Philadelphia  girl  who 
graduated  from  Iowa  University.  She  taught  aeronautics  at  Iowa  Falls 
and  did  social  work  in  Los  Angeles  before  coming  to  Ryan.  Now  she 
gathers  graphical  data  from  flight  test  reports  and  compiles  it  into 
clear  mathematical  pictures.  A  winsome,  willowy  blonde,  she  handles 
a  slide  rule  with  cool  precision,  likes  aviation  and  wants  to  lie  en  the 
beach  when  she  isn't  working.  Until  a  certain  Army  Lieutenant  in 
France  returns  she  will  continue  to  share  her  apartment  with  a  girl 
chum  who  was  a  college  roommate. 

Diminutive,  personable  she  thinks  Ryan  and  aviation  are  "tops."  The 

roar  of  a  mighty  aircraft  engine  spinning  at  full  r.p.m.  is  music  to  her 

ears   as   she   opens   the   throttle   and   carefully   watches   the   instrument 

'- 1 
panel.  She  loves  to  danr,   to  swing  music,  play  basketball  and  confesses 

that  she  would  rather  lose  engines  than  cook.  Her  Marine  Corps  husband, 

just  returned  from  27  months  in  the  South  Pacific,  vows  that  she  makes 

the  best  vegetable  salad  this  side  of  heaven.  She  collects  miniature  gold 

vases  for  her  what-not  shelf. 

You  wouldn't  take  her  for  the  athletic  type,  but  she  is  the  city's 
women's  singles  bowling  champion  and  rides  a  horse  like  a  cowgirl. 
From  the  Black  Hills  of  South  Dakota,  she's  been  a  doctor's  assistant 
and  owner  of  a  photographic  business.  Petite  and  vivacious,  she  takes 
pictures  of  metals  through  a  microscope  and  develops  the  result.  She 
has  a  southern  craving  f or  „- agar-cured  ham  and  engraves  jewelry  like 
a  professional.  Pinochle  is  her  favorite  game — she  usually  beats  her 
daughter  and  husband.  On  'ler,  business  suits  and  slacks  look  good. 

Nan  Nader  •  Metallographer 

CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

Bacause  her  father  is  a  Marine  Corps  Captain,  she  traveled  widely  until 
graduation  from  the  College  of  the  Pacific — majored  in  the  physical 
sciences.  She  took  a  position  as  a  microscopic  analyst  for  a  food  canning 
company,  then  came  to  Ryan  as  a  spectroscopist.  In  this  important 
work,  she  analyzes  metal  specimens  with  the  spectrograph  and  densit- 
ometer. Interesting,  clever,  she  can  make  her  own  clothes,  knit  socks 
as  well  as  discuss  scientific  phenomena.  Single,  her  home  is  with  her 
family  but  her  thoughts  are  overseas.  Swimming  and  smooth  dancing 
are  her  favorite  activities. 


Ellen  Harrington   •   Spectroscopist 

A  top  machinist  with  three  years  experience,  she  machines  a  casting 
like  an  artist.  From  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  she  learned  her  skill  at  the  Douglas 
plant  there.  She  enjoys  housekeeping  and  gets  a  thrill  out  of  cooking 
fried  chicken  for  her  Navy  husband  when  he  gets  home  from  the  Naval 
Repair  Base.  Amiable  and  likeable,  .he  cuts  gleaming,  silvery  chips  from 
vital  metal  parts.  She's  happy  dancing  or  plunging  into  the  surf  at  the 
beach — yearns  to  have  her  own  home. 

Irene  Mardis   •  Machinist 

She  thought  she  wanted  to  be  an  art  teacher  when  she  got  her  B.E. 
degree  from  U.C.L.A.  but  that  was  before  she  took  a  special  course 
from  the  Ryan  School  of  Aeronautics.  She  has  the  fascinating  assign- 
ment of  interpreting  and  adapting  plans  from  engineering  to  machine 
shop.  She  enjoys  this  unique  job  and  complements  it  with  house  and 
garden  work  with  her  two  teen-age  daughters.  A  mighty  attractive 
engmeer,  she  dotes  on  steaks  and  jig-saw  puzzles  and  can't  wait  to 
switch  slacks  for  tailored  suits. 

Carol  Lawrence   •   Liaison  Engineer 

CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

H   Bob  and  Mike  Blevans 
believe  in  pooling  their 
pay  checks  and  pooling 
the  housework,  too,  it 
seems.     Bob  efficiently 
wields  a  dish  towel  for 
his  wife,  who  is  elbow 
deep  in  soap  suds.  He 
works  in   Ryan's  Pro- 
duction   Engineering 
department,  and  Mike 
works    in    Graphic 

■■". --^ 

^(n  Setten. 

They  met .  .  .  and  th 

wedding  bells  rang  ol 

e^er  after.     With   both\ 

marriage  is  a  50-50  pro/^ 

Q  Forty-two  years  ago  Charlie  Walker 
claimed  Helen  for  his  bride,  and 
today  the  bride  and  groom  are  working 
together  at  Ryan.     "I  didn't  want  to  sit 
this  war  out,"   Mrs.  Walker  said,  "be- 
cause I  missed  getting  in  on  the  last  one 
on  account  of  my  two  small  children." 
Mr.  Walker   is   a  Mail   Room  supervisor 
and  Mrs.  Walker  works  in  the  Engineering 

O  "Hurry  up,  dear,"  says  Charlotte  Martino 

as  she  pulls  hubby  Fred  out  the  door. 

"Can't  be   late   for  work!"   Fred   works    In 

Machine  Shop  and  Charlotte  is  in  Processing. 

Their  ten-year  old  daughter  is  in  good  hands 

at  a  child  care  center  while  Mom  and   Dad 

work  at  Ryan. 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

t  ^  7(/a^e 

^tars  fell  down.     The 
and  they  ln>ed  happily 
xrties  working  at  Ryan, 
ition . 

A  James  Wright  of  Receiving  Inspec- 
tion helps  out  his  wife,  Jewell  of 
Receiving,  with  a  little  deck  swabbing. 
It  was  wedding  bells  last  March  for  these 
Ryanites  after  Jim  mustered  enough  cour- 
age to  speak  for  his  fair  lady's  hand 
That's  what  we  call  cooperation,  Jim. 

A  "Crepes  suzettes?"  mutters  Charles 
Sheridan.  "They  must  be  in  here  some- 
where." Charles  sometimes  tries  to  help  his 
wife,  Olive,  who  is  fixing  some  tasty  food 
for  her  husband   and   two  children   after  a 
day's  work  at  Ryan.   He  is  in  Inspection  Crib 
No.  3,  and  she  is  in  Template.  A  day  care 
center  takes  care  of  their  son  and  daughter 
while  they're  at  work. 


C  Daisies  don't  tell.  This 
one  didn't  have  to.   That 
loves-me    daisy    petal    tells 
most  of  the  story  about  Bill 
and  Beryl  who  were  mar- 
ried last  March.  Bill  works 
In  Engineering  and  Beryl 
in    Industrial   Training.    It 
was  love  at  first  sight  for 
the  Caspers,  who  met 
at  Ryan. 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 




What  happens  when^  a^  Ryati^  girl  marries  cl  Ryafi^  marLJ  Here' s  how 
Ernies  Moore^  looks  through  his  wife's  eyes  .  .  .  By  Pat  Stange^. 


AT/  HEN  the  visiting  nurse's  white  cap  was  on  top  of  the  fihng  case, 
she  was  out.  When  her  red  cap  (which  she  wore  with  her  cape) 
was   there,   she  was  in.   A  round-faced  young  man  in   a  nearby  office 
could  look  out  of  his  window  and  see  which  cap  was  on  the  file. 

If  it  was  the  red  one,  signaling  that  the  nurse  was  in,  the  young  man 
sometimes  left  his  desk  to  go  walking  past  the  black-haired  nurse's 
office.  He  would  smile  at  her,  perhaps  say  hello,  and  go  by  as  though 
he  were  on  his  way  somewhere.  Usually  he  was  truly  on  his  way  some- 
where; he  was  the  busy  production  superintendent  of  the  Ryan  Aero- 
nautical Company. 

There  were  times  when  the  production  superintendent  had  business 
with  the  visiting  nurse.  He  wanted  to  know  when  so-and-so  would  be 
back  at  work,  or  he  thought  that  the  nurse  ought  to  call  on  such-and- 
such.  These  cut-and-dried  business  sessions  left  the  nurse  slightly  giddy, 
but  the  superintendent's  brisk  business  would  be  over  before  she  was 
seriously  faint. 

Those,  in  1943,  were  Betty  Mills  and  Ernie  Moore.  After  hours,  the 
frightening  young  widower  must  have  been  less  brusque,  because  he 
eventually  became  engaged  to  the  girl.  Once,  during  working  hours,  he 
relaxed  so  far  as  to  take  her  to  lunch.  That  was  just  before  they  were 

In  1945,  a  one-story  house  sits  by  itself  in  the  newness  of  Law  street. 
Pacific  Beach.  There  are  three  busy  ducks  and  a  pompously  gentle  gray 
rabbit  in  the  back  yard,  along  with  three  parakeets.  A  bnby  mocking 
bird  prattles  to  itself  in  the  garage,  and  inside  the  house  a  large  puppy 
and  a  small  boy  are  at  play.  The  eight-year-old  boy  is  Arthur,  familiarly 
"Bub,"  Moore's  son  by  his  first  marriage. 

Sprawled  intensely  on  the  floor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ernie  Moore  play 
cribbage  while  the  phonograph  swells  with  Beethoven's  Fifth  Symphony. 
Mrs.  Moore  is  still  wary  of  Mr.  Moore;  he  always  wins.  The  compensa- 
tion, she  says,  is  that  she  wins  out  about  big  things. 

For  Betty  Mills  Moore,  who  graduated  from  Mercy  Hospital  in  San 
Diego  before  she  came  to  Ryan,  this  Ernie  Moore  is  not  the  man  who 
twists  together  the  threads  of  Ryan  production.  She  never  hears  about 
the  plant,  she  says,  unless  a  visitor  comes  with  news  and  gossip.  She  is 
married  to  a  painter-sculptor-pianist-psychologist-carpenter-archer- 
cook,  who  comes  home  to  watch  the  mocking  bird  get  its  dinner,  and 
discuss,  perhaps,  possibilities  of  surf-boarding  when  there's  time. 

(Continued  on  Page  22} 

Mr.  and  Airs.  Ernest  w 
Moore  live  in  Pacijic 
Beach.  In  their  unpre- 
tentious living  room  they 
keep  books,  magazines, 
cribbage  board,  phono- 
graph and  piano.  Airs. 
Moore,  who  was  Ryan's 
visiting  nurse  Betty  Alills, 
is  a  pet-Jancier  {mostly 
birds)  as  well  as  house- 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 


At  Home  with  the  Ernie  Moores 

1.  Accomplished  chef  Ernie  Moore  beats  duck  eggs  into  Sunday 

morning  'waffles.   He  -was  rewarded  'with 
a  chef's  cap  on  Father's  Day  .  .  .  It  says 
"Genius  at  Work"  in  red  letters  across 
the  band. 

2.   The  Moores  like  to  gather  round 
while  Moore  ■works  at  his  piano  practice. 

After  three  week's  study  he  was  playing 
"Deep  River"  when  this  picture  'was  taken. 

3.  Mrs.  Moore  feeds  bread  to  her  ducks,  Diana 
and  Angel.  A  third  duck,  Gabriel,  is  shy 
and  wouldn't  be  photographed. 

4.  A  baby  parakeet  gets  his 
supper.   The  Moores'  dog, 

MacDuff,  'won't  attack  birds 
but  can't  conceal  his  jealousy. 

5.  Cutthroat  cribbage  takes 
a  lot  of  concentration. 



CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1 945 

^ ^U^aUe^ 

T  Tl  GIRLS!  Have  you  stashed  away  any  glad  rags  for  the  fall  season  yet? 
If  you  haven't,  you'd  better  get  the  lead  out  of  your  panties  and  get 
your  hooks  into  some  of  the  burlap  sacks  I  am  about  to  shoot  off  my  mouth 
about.  What  passes  for  tangy  autumn  weather  around  here  will  be  with  us 
before  you  can  spit  half-way  across  the  street!  The  wise  mommas  with  a  roll 
of  lettuce  in  their  decoUetage  are  snapping  up  the  creations  as  fast  as  they 
come  off  the  dummies,  and  I  do  mean  the  couturieres. 
Your  mascara  will  simply  run  if  you  find  they've  un- 
loaded their  last  one  on  the  other  suckers.   .   .   . 

Let  me  dish  out  some  inside  dope  for  you  kids  .  .  . 
Mme.  Sciatica  had  a  giddy  dream  and  produced  what 
promises  to  be  the  season's  most  enchanting  slack  suit 
for  welders.    It's  dirndl'd,  of  course,  and  comes  in  the 
'('/<^yyyy//y//  dazzling  new  color,  Sheet  Lightning — just  the  thing 

'CyCC'&^'t'j^  to  match  your  flame  .  .  .  Speaking  of  flames,  do  you 

know  that  you  can  get  lipstick  now  in  that  gorgeous 
new  color,  Maroc?  .  .  . 

La,  la.  Sophistication's  the  note,  the  blue  note,  in  Rolande's  cocktail  gown 
this  season.  Cut  from  sprightly-figured  cretonnes  and  chintzes,  and  with  the 
most  adorable  gingham  sunbonnet  to  match,  it  will  cause  a  buzz  of  excite- 
ment in  your  local  barroom  when  you  drop  in  and  bellow  for  a  dry-martini- 
only-can-I-have-a-cherry-instead-of-an-olive.   .   .   . 

Gay  as  a  hangover  is  the  new  handbag  currently  seen  in  the  best  places  .  .  . 
it's  been  whipped  up  out  of  one  of  those  new  plastics,  and  the  color  is  that 
stunning  new  one,  Stale  Beer  .  .  .  scads  of  room  in  it  ...  it  definitely  holds 
a  trunkful  .  .  .  And  if  you  want  another  gimmick  to  stow  away  in  your  bag, 
Devereux  the  jeweler  has  the  cutest  leather-covered  sap,  with  a  ring  of  rhine- 
stones  ...  so  that  if  the  Boy  Friend  starts  getting  out  of  hand,  you  can  just 
lam  him  one  on  the  noggin,  and  he'll  reform  pronto  .  .  .  not  too  hard,  though, 
or  you  will  cave  in  the  poor  dear's  skull.   .   .   . 

Do  you  hanker  to  look  like  a  goddess?  .  .  .  Say  an  African  witch-doctor's 
goddess?  .  .  .  That's  the  way  evening  gowns  are  tending  .  .  .  emphasizing 
the  daring  new  color,  Pentellic  Marble  .  .  .  You'll  be  nuts  about  the  way  one 
of  these  formals  droop  on  you  .  .  .  classical  hnes,  but  bold  .  .  .  but  wicked? 
.  .  .  you're  just  simply  guaranteed  that  your  friends  won't  be  able  to  tell  you 
apart  from  the  figurehead  of  a  whaling  schooner.   . 

Hear  the  surf  pounding?  .  .  .  the  sea  calling?  .  .  .  the  sailors  whistling?  .  .  . 
There's  a  bathing  suit  created  by  Victoire  of  Paris  that  would  positively  stop 
the  show  at  Minsky's  Burlesque  ...  in  the  vivacious  new  color.  Desert  Dawn 
.  .  .  nothing  to  it,  really.   .   .   . 

Why  not  put  on  the  dog  with  one  of  those  lovely  fur  neckpieces  that  can 
so  charmingly  be  wrapped  around  the  head,  shako-like?  .  .  .  they're  selling  for 
a  mere  6,250  units  of  currency  (tax  extra)  .  .  .  only  one  to  a  customer  .  .  . 
bet  people  will  make  catty  remarks  about  you,  but  you  should  care.   .   .   . 

Have  you  seen  the  new  crop  of  Hashe  chapeaux?  .  .  .  the  one  that  caught 
up  our  breath  was  that  darling  one  which  you  can  cover,  quick-like,  with 
your  hair  if  you  should  get  caught  in  the  rain  .  .  .  and  the  one  with  the  sar- 
dine-can (cute  little  key  and  all)  on  it  .  .  .  and  the  one  in  that  ravishing  new 
color,  Sans-Souci.  ... 

Shockingly  vibrant  and  fresh  as  an  Andean  dawn  are  the  new  elbow-length 
(Contimied  on  Page  23) 

All   Cosmetics   Subject  to   20%    Tax 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 


MRS.  G.  \V.  O'BRIEN,  Sub  Assembly 

"Most  of  the  men  around  here  are  swell.  They're  very  helpful. 
I  know  that  lots  of  times  they  do  things  for  me  that  help  a 
great  deal.  There  are  some  personalities  that  just  don't  jibe 
with  others,  but  then  that's  as  true  of  women  as  it  is  of  men. 
I  know  that  most  of  the  women  here  like  working  with  men, 
and  I  do.    Tliey're  patient  as  well  as  helpful." 

MRS.  GLADYS  DWIERE,  Electrical  Inspector 

"The  fine  thing  about  working  with  men  is  that  they  don't 
get  irritable  and  emotional.  When  work  is  both  physical  and 
mental,  I  think  that  men  are  extremely  well  suited  to  it.  I  once 
had  a  job  that  involved  a  good  deal  of  both  physical  and  mental 
strains,  and  I  know  that  I  got  all  aroused  as  often  as  ten  times 
a  day.  Men  arc  somehow  very  well  able  to  withstand  those 
dual  strains.  With  mental  work  alone,  of  course,  women  are 
just  as  capable  as  men." 

MISS  EUNICE  IVERSON,  Wing  Assembly 

"I  guess  I'm  a  good  person  to  interview,  because  I  like  work- 
ing with  men  very  much.  I  was  always  especially  fond  of  men 
teachers  at  school.  I've  found  that  it's  easy  to  talk  to  men  — 
they're  never  in  such  a  hurry  that  they  can't  stop  to  answer 
your  questions,  and  they  don't  do  things  so  hastily  that  you 
can't  find  out  what  it's  all  about.  The  men  in  this  department 
are  certainly  nice — I  know,  because  I  see  all  of  them  as  I  go 
around  on  my  various  errands." 

MISS  MARY  CLORE,  Sub  Assembly 

"The  men  here  are  awfully  nice,  especially  the  old  employees. 
It  seems  to  me  that  they're  particularly  pleasant  to  work  with, 
and  the  longer  they've  been  here  the  pleasanter  they  are.  Not 
that  the  new  people  aren't  nice  too.  I  think  that  men  were 
just  a  little  resentful  of  women  when  they  first  came  into 
factory  work,  but  that's  all  worn  off  now." 

MISS  HELEN  UNDERWOOD,  Sheet  Metal  Pre-fabrication 

"Men?  Too  few  and  too  old.  What  there  are  of  them  are 
fine,  but  they're  not  enough.  And  they're  not  exactly  young, 
not  in  the  Sheet  Metal  department.  Maybe  I  should  get  a  trans- 
fer to  the  other  building.  Say,  why  couldn't  they  advertise, 
'wanted,  young  men  in  the  Sheet  Metal  department?'  Oh,  the 
men  we  have  are  swell,  don't  misunderstand  me.  It's  just  that 
they're  so  scarce." 

Grace  O'Brien 

Gladys  Dwiere 

MRS.  NANCY  FERGUSON,  Commissary 

"Why,  dearie,  the  men  at  Ryan  are  lovely,  just  lovely.  I  don't 
think  there's  a  better  group  of  men  anywhere.  I  see  them,  you 
know,  all  the  ones  that  come  for  ice  cream.  They're  so  polite 
and  nice,  and  they're  not  particular  whether  or  not  we  have 
the  kind  of  ice  cream  they  want.  You  can  tell  sometimes  that 
they're  disappointed,  but  they  don't  blow  up  about  it.  They're 
decent,  that's  what  they  are,  decent." 

Helen  Underwood 

Eunice  Iverson 

Mary  Clore 

Nancy  Ferguso> 


CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 

UoB  Codding 

Bob  Gardner 

Carl  Palmer 

BOB  CODDING,  Engineering  Personnel  Supervisor 

"We  have  women  in  Engineering  who  can  go  into  the  factory 
to  talk  over  a  blueprint,  and  the  boys  in  the  shop  will  talk  as 
they  would  to  a  man,  because  these  women  know  what  they're 
talking  about.  Not  all  are  that  expert,  of  course,  but  our  whole 
womanpower  force  in  Engineering  is  outstanding.  Also,  they've 
brightened  up  the  atmosphere  and  given  a  higher  tone  to  the 
department  —  as  they  do  anywhere." 

Ray  Clark 

Austin  Freeman 

Carl  Jackman 

RAY  CLARK,  Safety  Engineer 

"Women  have  a  lower  accident  rate  than  men.  Women  listen 
and  do  what  they're  told.  A  man  is  inclined  to  underestimate 
the  possibility  of  getting  hurt — but  a  woman  is  naturally  a 
little  timid,  and  full  of  a  healthy  desire  to  protect  herself.  If 
we  men  were  all  as  safety-minded  as  the  women  are,  Ryan's 
safety  record  would  be  even  higher  than  it  is." 

BOB  GARDNER,  Manifold  Pre-jig 

"If  it  hadn't  been  for  women,  we  would  have  lost  this  war. 
They  poured  into  factories  like  Ryan  and  filleo  the  gaps  left 
when  men  went  off  to  war.  When  Ryan  first  started  hiring 
women,  I  was  worried  because  I  didn't  think  they  could  stand 
the  gaff,  but  they  sure  showed  me.  They're  fast  and  accurate, 
and  lighter  fingered  than  men  in  handling  small  jobs  that  call 
for  fine  detail." 

AUSTIN  FREEMAN,  Project  Liaison 

"Brother,  you  can  put  me  down  as  a  100  per  cent  booster 
for  women  on  the  assembly  line.  They  don't  loaf,  they  know 
what  they're  doing,  they're  always  trying  to  improve.  I'll  never 
forget  the  time  a  new  aileron  had  to  be  built  in  a  hurry.  A 
bunch  of  the  girls  piled  in  and  got  it  done  —  without  blue- 
prints, tooling,  coordination  or  anything.  In  my  book  they're 

CARL PALMER,  Foreman  in  Airplane  Painting 

"1  was  the  first  foreman  at  Ryan  to  employ  women  in  my 
department  and  I've  been  sold  on  them  from  the  start.  The  girls 
were  green  when  they  started,  but  they  got  in  and  dug.  They 
picked  up  painting  in  a  hurry,  and  now  some  of  them  run  the 
men  a  close  race.  I've  got  one  of  the  best  crews  a  man  ever 
got  together,  and  the  crew  is  nearly  all  women." 

CARL  JACKMAN,  Ryan  Housekeeper 

"I've  been  surprised  to  notice  how  conscientious  women  are 
in  the  factory — not  only  about  their  appearance,  but  about 
their  work.  I  make  the  rounds  of  the  company  every  week,  and 
I  notice  that  nearly  all  Ryan  women  are  neat  and  painstaking. 
They  handle  materials  gently;  they  keep  extra  tools  stored 
away.  Maybe  because  of  their  home  training,  most  women  at 
Ryan  are  good  housekeepers." 

The  ''battle  of  the  sexes"  isn't  too  t^lolent  at  Ryan, 

judging  from  the  i^aried  opinions  expressed  in  this 

informal  poll.     Here's  what  Ryan  men  think  about 

Ryan  women,  and  vice  versa. 

CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 


HOJorking  Girls  Cjan  oiave  alamour  .  .  . 


A  HOUSEHOLD  TOO  .  .  SEZ  WHO!  .  .  "By  FRAN  KOHL 

/^AVERHEARD  in  a  po'wder  room,  "Do  you  have  trouble  finding  time  to 
^■^^  do  all  the  things  a  -working  gal  should?"  Brother,  -what  an  understate- 
ment! We  think  the  working  gal  should  be  awarded  a  medal  for  foUow^ing 
tw^o  careers — that  of  being  a  w^ar  worker  and  just  being  a  'woman — ^with 
all  her  foibles. 

It  really  doesn't  take  much  effort  to  climb  out  of  bed  at  6:00  a.m.,  fix 
your  ow^n  breakfast,  get  dressed  and  be  at  "work  by  7:30.  After  "working 
a  full  eight  hours,  it's  a  simple  task  to  go  by  the  grocery  store  and  pick 
up  a  thick  juicy  steak  (if  you  have  the  red  points  and  the  butcher  has  the 
steak),  cook  dinner,  w^ash  and  dry  the  dishes,  etc.,  etc.,  etc.  Then  after 
dinner,  the  w^hole  evening  is  yours  to  spend  doing  things  you've  been  putting 
off — like  "washing  and  setting  your  hair,  manicuring  your  nails,  "washing 
your  clothes  (that  have  been  piling  up  for  w^eeks).  Then  there's  still  plenty 
of  time  to  get  in  a  little  mending,  ironing,  polishing  of  shoes,  and  cleaning 
out  your  dresser  draw^ers  and  closets  before  jumping  into  the  tub  around 
midnight.  Then  you  can  go  to  bed  for  a  long  stretch  of  six  hours'  sleep. 
Probably  tomorro"w  night,  you  can  clean  up  your  shack,  mop  the  kitchen 
floor  and  go  over  all  the  "woodw^ork,  clean  the  "window^s,  "water  the  la"wn  and 
w^eed  your  victory  garden.  Then  after  your  every-night  ritual  of  the  bath, 
rolling  up  your  hair,  brushing  your  teeth,  doing  your  unmentionables  (in 
Ivory  Flakes,  of  course)  you'll  have  plenty  of  spare  time  to  get  at  least  a  page 
read  in  the  latest  magazine  before  curfew  rings  again.  Maybe  the  fello"w 
■who  "wrote  "Curfe"w  Shall  Not  Ring  Tonight"  had  a  good  idea  at  that. 

That's  the  daily  routine  of  most  every  "working  miss  today.  Just  like  our 
t"wo  models,  Doris  Berg  of  Factory  Transportation,  and  Rosemary  Nystrom 
of  Airplane  Dispatching.  They're  living  proof  that  "working  girls  can  have 


CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,   1945 

^      °   GO  oo^f'S 


CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 



(Continncii  from  page  14) 

Moore's  catholic  and  violent  interests 
amuse  himself  and  his  family.  A  student 
of  psychology,  he  keeps  his  bedside  lamp 
burning  late  to  read  more  on  the  subject. 
He  built  the  surfboards  with  which  his 
family  ride  the  Pacific  breakers,  and  for  a 
time  he  was  an  earnest  archer.  Then  there 
was  a  period  when  Mrs.  Moore  spent  lonely 
evenings  while  her  husband  attempted 
sculpture  in  the  garage.  And  Moore's  first 
oil  painting  hangs  beside  the  piano  which 
he  is  teaching  himself  to  play.  The  day  the 
upright  arrived,  Moore  came  home  and 
picked  out  the  Sextet  from  Lucia.  If  he 
can  find  a  real  pianist,  he  says,  there  are 
some  things  he  would  like  to  inquire  about. 

The  most  persistent  of  these  several 
Ernie  Moores  is  Moore  the  chef.  He  pre- 
sides regularly  over  the  Sunday-morning 
waffle  iron  and  makes  the  scrambled  duck 
eggs.  Sunday  breakfast  is  only  a  minor 
bit  of  cookery.  Moore  can,  among  other 
things,  turn  out  a  princely  leg  of  lamb, 
succulent  with  bastings  of  Worcester- 
shire sauce  and  catsup,  lemon  and  onion. 

Mrs.  Moore  is  the  pet  fancier  of  the 
family.  She  is  especially  fond  of  birds  and 
they  of  her,  as  the  month-old  mocking 
bird  who  refused  to  leave  her  home  can 
testify.  Mrs.  Moore  found  two  motherless 
birds  in  her  back  yard,  dropper-fed  them 
till  they  were  big  enough  to  fly,  and  let 
them  go.  One  flew  self-sufficiently  away, 
but  the  littler  one,  now  named  "The 
Meeper,"  prefers  the  Moores'  bed  and 
board.  Ryan's  Jimmy  Orr  presented  Mrs. 
Moore  with  parakeets,  Andy  Smith  gave 
her  one  of  her  ducks,  and  Joe  the  rabbit 
was  a  gift  from  Carl  Palmer.  What  with 
the  dog,  MacDuff,  it's  a  full  life. 

In  spite  of  the  multitude  of  lives  being 
lived  in  the  Moores'  small  house,  the  at- 
mosphere is  calm.  The  mercurial  abilities 
which  made  Ernie  Moore  a  high  school 
graduate  at  fifteen,  a  foreman  at  nineteen, 
a  university  student  and  simultaneous  as- 
sistant hotel  manager  a  few  years  later, 
and  an  aeronautical  engineer  in  Holly- 
wood not  long  after,  have  perhaps  taught 
him  serenity. 

The  son  of  a  sheet  metal  manufacturer 
in  Canada,  Moore  absorbed  from  his  father 
the  lesson  that  hard  work  gets  results.  At 
twelve  he  had  learned  to  weld,  and  he 
spent  his  after-school  hours  learning  more 
of  his  father's  business.  After  his  pre- 
cocious graduation  from  high  school  his 
family  moved  to  Minnesota,  where  Moore 
spent  two  years  at  an  industrial  school. 
He  was  the  Mohawk  Aircraft  Company's 
first  sheet  metal  worker,  and  its  sheet 
metal  foreman  before  he  was  twenty.  The 
(Continued  on  next  page) 


No  idle  hands  for  a  red-blooded  girl  in  wartime  —  but 
her  hands  can  still  be  serenely  smooth,  soft  for  love  and 

Disappointing  roughness,  uncomfortable  chapping  con 
easily  be  prevented  by  regular  use  of  PLY  NO.  9. 

PLY  NO.  9  was  especially  developed  for  skin  protec- 
tion in  industry.  It's  quick  to  use  and  leaves  no  sticky 
feeling.  Applied  before  a  job  is  begun,  it  greatly  facili- 
tates removal  of  grime  and  grease,  come  wash-up  time. 

Nearly  250,000  girls  In  airplane  fac- 
tories today!  These  girls  would  be 
wise  to  care  for  their  hands  with  PLY 
NO.  9.  This  special  industrial  lotion 
helps  prevent  uncomfortable,  unfem- 
inine  harsh  hands. 

The  girls  who  do  the  paper  work  will 
tell  you  that  banging  out  miles  of 
typewritten  copy  isn't  the  easiest  way 
to  keep  hands  lovely.  PLY  NO.  9 
keeps  carbon  and  ink  from  grinding  in. 


CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 


{ConfinucJ  from  page  }) 

If  a  movie  director 
were  looking  for  someone 
to  play  the  role  of  a 
public  relations  man,  he'd 
swoon  with  delight  upon 
spotting  William  P. 
Brotherton  of  the  Ryan 
public  relations  staff.  Bill 

BILL  BROTHERTON     ^'''T    J""'"  ,.''^\P";-- 

his  looks  belie  the  fact 
that  ha's  a  family  man — 
he's  big,  handsome,  and  perfectly  tailored 
in  impressive  double-breasted  suits.  He  also 
acts  the  part — his  smile  would  melt  a  stone 
image,  and  his  line  of  talk  would  charm 
birds  out  of  trees.  Whenever  a  Ryan  repre- 
sentative is  needed  to  make  a  speech  to  some 
public  assemblage,  Bill  usually  draws  the 
assignment;  he's  made  ??  speeches  in  the 
last  year.  However,  looks  and  talk  are  the 
least  of  his  assets.  He's  an  ace  technical 
writer  who  wallows  happily  in  statistics 
and  formulae  that  would  baffle  anyone  else 
in  the  Public  Relations  department.  This 
makes  him  an  invaluable  asset  in  publicizing 
the  pioneering  which  Ryan's  technicians 
have  done  in  aviation  fields.  Bill  is  also  a 
sparkplug  who  can  get  other  people  to  co- 
operate with  him;  he's  an  ex-president  of 
the  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce,  and  for 
years  has  been  one  of  San  Diego's  best- 
known  younger  civic  leaders.  In  his  lighter 
moments  he's  a  trap-drum  addict;  he  begins 
to  pant  and  drool  whenever  he  hears  a  really 
hot  band. 

" — : ' "  "  '■"■  ■-,;  She's  traveled  the  road 

of  LIFE!  That  is  to  say, 
Patricia  "Pat"  Knowl- 
ton  Stange  came  to  us 
direct  from  the  New 
York  office  of  LIFE  mag- 
azine. She  brought  along 
her  trousseau  and  her 
Eastern  seaboard  accent. 
Our  accusations  that  she 
must  have  been  a  model 
(we've  seen  her  "double"  in  several  fashion 
mags)  draws  nothing  but  denials.  "I'm 
just  another  Navy  wife  from  Coronado 
and  how  I  love  that  ferry  ride  every  morn- 
ing," remarks  Pat. 

Radcliffe  taught  her  how  to  master  the 
King's  English  and  a  master  she  is.  She 
almost  got  caught  in  the  web  of  a  pre-med 
course  and  even  dabbled  in  anthropology 
before  deciding  that  writing  was  the  easiest 
road  to  take.  She  was  a  reporter  for  a 
Cleveland  daily  before  joining  the  LIFE 
news  bureau.  Like  all  top-notch  writers,  Pat 
used  the  hunt  and  peck  system  of  typing. 
"The  thing  I  hate  worse  than  plunking  on 
a  typewriter  is  washing  dishes.  When  the 
paper  shortage  eases  up,  I  seriously  con- 
template using  paper  plates  and  cups.  No 
more   dish-pan   hands   for   me." 

Pat  hopes  to  drag  her  husband  over  to 
Southern  France  after  the  war  where  he 
can  finish  his  schooling  and  where  Pat  can 
get  a  maid  cheap  to  wash  the  dishes. 

CHARM-ing  Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 



Virginia  Jaeger  is  known  as  the  office 
buzz-bomb  up  here  in  the  Public  Relations 
department.  She  is  always  in  rapid  motion, 
and  is  almost  always  wired  for  sound. 
Virginia  manages  to  do 
three  jobs  simultaneously 
and  vocally:  she  is  sec- 
retary, reporter,  and 
housewife,  all  in  the  same 
HHik.  '^"^  ^,r  ii  *^^y*  -^^  ^  secretary  she 
^^^  piles  out  work  at  a  speed 
of  approximately  a  mil- 
lion words  a  minute,  ac- 
companying herself  with 
an  obbligato  of  many 
little  screams,  gasps,  giggles  and  chattering. 
As  a  reporter  she  streaks  from  one  end  of 
the  plant  to  another  as  fast  as  if  she  were 
on  a  motorcycle,  taking  notes  furiously, 
and  turns  in  stories  which  read  as  vivacious- 
ly as  she  talks.  As  a  housewife  she  rushes 
home  each  night,  does  the  housework,  and 
whips  together  a  dinner  which  entices  her 
Navy  husband  into  eating  more  heavily 
than  he  meant  to.  Virginia's  theme  song  is 
"Home  Sweet  Home"  because  her  only 
ambition,  when  the  postwar  reconversion 
period  sets  in,  is  to  reconvert  to  a  full- 
time  existence  as  home-maker. 

To  look  at  her,  you'd  think  she  should 
be  the  sheltered  type,  but  she  can  work 
circles   around   two  ordinary   girls   her   size. 


(Continued  from  preceding  page) 

factory's  president  persuaded  Moore  to  go 
to  college. 

At  the  University  of  Minnesota  young 
Ernie  kept  himself  in  funds  by  working  in 
a  hotel,  first  as  bell-hop  and  the  next  year 
as  assistant  manager  and  incidental  pro- 
moter. He  studied  aeronautical  engineer- 
ing and  finished  his  junior  year  in  the  full 
swing  of  the  depression. 

Through  the  depression  years  Moore 
got  himself  hired  (and  laid  off  after  a 
year)  as  an  engineer  at  Douglas,  took  a 
flyer  at  Hollywood,  and  wound  up  at 
Ryan  in  193  5.  He  was  one  of  the  18 
members  of  Ryan's  aircraft  production 
department,  worked  at  everything  from 
welding  to  schoolteaching,  including  a 
spell  as  foreman  of  Sheet  Metal  and  Loft. 
As  Airplane  Manufacturing  Manager, 
Moore  is  now  concerned  with  "shaping 
the  broad  issues  of  production."  Ryanites 
kt^g  him  as  a  pohcy-maker  and  produc- 
tion expert  who  is  quick,  brilliant,  and 
outspoken  to  the  point  of  bluntness. 

He  is  extremely  efficient,  Ryan's  Ernie 
Moore.  It's  not  surprising  that  at  home, 
he  is  a  demon  cribbage  player. 


(Continued  from  Page  17) 
gloves  with  index  and  ring  fingers  omitted 
to   wear   at    the   too   too   functions   .   .   . 
they'll  be  the  next  craze,  my  dears  .  .  . 
so  get  there  first.   .   .   . 

And  slip  your  canal-boats  into  a  pair 
of  those  new  wedgie  opera  pumps  .  .  . 
just  a  sole  and  two  rhinestone  bands  .  .  . 
but  stout  enough  to  cave  in  a  barrel  if  the 
mood  should  seize  you  ...  as  mightn't  it? 
.  .  .  available  in  that  incredible  new  color, 
Gloire.   .   .   . 

Karryl  Dawn,  promising  new  MGM 
scrubwoman,  has  set  a  ravishing  fashion 
in  a  daring  new  coiffure  .  .  .  part  your 
locks  straight  down  the  middle  and  braid 
each  side  and  .  .  .  surprise!  .  .  .  just  let 
the  pigtails  hang!  .  .  .  that's  for  informal 
.  .  .  around  the  house  .  .  .  and  here's  for 
formal:  comb  the  tresses  straight  back, 
gather  into  a  bun  in  back,  and  just  simply 
hairpin  it  down  .  .  .  startling,  eh?  .  .  .  but 
your  Galahad  will  soon  enough  get  used 
to  it.   .   .   . 

A  ravishing  stink  is  Prince  Schiapoff's, 
at  seventy-nine  bucks  the  dram  .  .  .  our 
favorite  stenches  are  Forbidden  Fruit  .  .  . 
Restless  .  .  .and  Nuit  de  Tijuana  .  .  .  just 
a  drop  of  any  of  these  on  the  ear-lobe  and 
your  swain  will  be  able  to  locate  you  in  the 
densest  crowd.   .   .   . 

Generous-sized  hankies  of  the  filmiest 
most  gossamer  chiffon  are  the  rage  now 
.  .  .  utterly  feminine  .  .  .  but  large  enough 
to  make  a  hammock  of  ...  or  bandage  a 
sprained  ankle  ...  in  three  incredible  new 
colors  .  .  .  red  .  .  .  yellow  .  .  .  and 
blue.   .   .  . 

— Maxine  Mulligan 

[yon  t  take  Lintzncei 

Don't  rush  to  cash  in  your 
War  Bonds  come  V-J  Day. 
.  .  .  You  might  need  that 
money  a  lot  more  come 
maturity  date  than  you 
do  now. 



And  there's  still  a  meat  shortage,  with 
housewives  continuing  the  struggle  to 
provide  nutritious  meals  for  their  families 
in  the  face  of  scarcities  of  this  and  that. 
And,  of  course,  there's  no  such  thing  as 
planning  from  one  day  to  the  next.  You 
just  take  what  ycu  get  and  maybe  you'll 
like  it  and  maybe  you  won't! 

Sometimes  there  are  those  very  lucky 
people  who  are  fortunate  enough  to  get  a 
roast  of  some  sort.  Then  again  it's  just 
plain  stew  meat.  Roasts  have  to  be  eaten 
down  to  the  last  bite.  Stew  meat  has  to 
be  dressed  up  to  tempt  the  appetite.  Here's 
a  recipe  that  will  take  care  of  either  situa- 
tion— Casserole  Barbecue.  It's  a  meal-in- 
one  served  with  a  tossed  green  salad.  Fur- 
thermore, the  spicy  sauce  is  one  you'll 
want  to  remember  to  serve  with  other 
meat  dishes. 

3  cups  diced  lamb 
3  cups  carrots 
3  cups  potatoes 

1/3  cup  vitaminized  margarine,  melted 
6  tablespoons  chopped  onion 
6  tablespoons  chopped  green  pepper 
3  cups  canned  or  fresh  tomatoes 

1  ^2  teaspoons  salt 
Ys  teaspoon  ginger 
Yi  teaspoon  cloves 
Ys  teaspoon  allspice 
Y^  cup  vinegar 

4^2  tablespoons  sugar 

2  tablespoons  mustard  with  horseradish 

Cook  lamb  about  one  hour,  or  until  tender.  Add 
%  teaspoon  salt  last  5  minutes  of  cooking.  Drain. 
Parboil  carrots  and  potatoes.  Drain.  Place  lamb, 
carrots  and  potatoes  in  casserole.  Combine  mar- 
garine, onion,  green  pepper,  tomatoes,  seasonings, 
vinegar,  sugar  and  mustard  with  horseradish.  Pour 
over  meat  and  vegetables.  Bake  in  hot  oven  (4S0° 
F.)  20  minutes.  Reduce  heat  to  slow  (300°  F.) 
and  'bake  40  minutes  longer.    Yield:   6  servings. 

If  dessert  has  been  missing  from  your 
menus  lately — don't  do  it!  'Tis  true  you 
can't  just  overlook  the  sugar  shortage,  but 
you  can  get  around  it  in  many  instances 
by  the  substitution  of  honey  and  different 
syrups  in  recipes.  So  surprise  the  family 
and  serve  one  of  these  to  give  their  palates 
a  treat. 


2  cups  quick  oats 

Yz  teaspoon  ginger  or  cinnamon 

'/4  teaspoon  salt 

1/3  cup  melted  vitaminized  margarine 

3  tablespoons  molasses 

1  package  vanilla  pudding 

1  pint  milk 

1  tablespoon  vitaminized  margarine 

1  teaspoon  vanilla  or  grated  lemon  rind 

Measure  oats  into  bowl.  Add  spice,  salt  and 
melted  margarine  and  stir  with  fork.  Stir  in 
molasses.  Spread  '/x  cup  of  mixture  out  on  shallow 
pan.  Press  rest  firmly  into  pic  pan  well  margarined. 
Bake  both  crumbs  and  crust  in  moderate  oven 
(350°  F.):  crumbs  IS  to  20  minutes,  crust  2S 
minutes.  Prepare  pudding  with  milk  according  to 
directions  on  box.  Add  margarine  and  flavoring. 
Pour  into  crust.  Sprinkle  crumbs  on  top.  Cool 
and  serve.    Yield:  one  8 -inch  pie. 



2  cups  self-rising  cake  flour 
Yz  cup  vitaminized  margarine 
%  cup  honey 
1  tablespoon  orange  rind 

1  ^2  teaspoons  lemon  rind 
Yz  cup  corn  syrup 

7  tablespoons  milk 

2  eggs 

Sift,  measure  self-rising  cake  flour.  Cream  mar- 
garine with  honey,  add  orange  and  lemon  rind  and 
beat  light  and  fluffy.  Mix  corn  syrup,  milk  and 
eggs  and  beat  well.  Add  ^4  cup  flour  to  creamed 
mixture,  then  rest  of  flour  alternately  with  milk 
and  eggs  mixture.  Pour  into  large  shallow  tray, 
greased,  lined  with  waxed  paper,  and  the  paper 
greased.  Level  the  batter  in  the  pan  by  hitting  the 
bottom  of  the  pan  flat  upon  the  table  hard  two 
or  three  times.  Bake  in  moderate  oven  (350  F.) 
40  to  45  minutes.  Cool.  Yield:  one  8x8x2^  inch 


1  egg  white 

y^  teaspoon  salt 

2  tablespoons  honey 

2  tablespoons  white  corn  syrup 

Grated  orange  and  lemon  rind 
Beat  egg  white  stiff.    Add  salt,  honey  and  corn 
syrup  and  beat  to  points.    Add  grated  orange  and 
lemon  rind.    Spread  on  cake. 

When  you  can  make  a  better  cake  with 
half  the  ration  points — with  less  cost  for 
shortening  and  in  addition  save  time  and 
energy  in  its  preparation — then  cake  is 

Now,  especially,  a  method  like  this  is 
real  good  fortune,  a  delicious  proof  for 
your  family  that  hot  days  and  the  slim 
times  of  war  rationing  only  stimulate  .^'our 
imagination  and  ingenuity  in  maintaining, 
no,  in  surpassing,  the  usual  quality  of  your 
meals  with  a  delicious  cake  for  dessert.  A 
cake  that  is  richer,  tenderer,  lighter  and 
finer  in  texture,  and  one  that  stays  fresh 
longer.  Even  if  you  are  baking  for  the 
first  time,  this  New-Method  cake  recipe 
is  so  simple  that  you  will  never  want  to 
use  any  other  method. 

This  is  the  New-Method  recipe  for 
Chocolate  Cake. 

Bake  in  two  9-inch  layers    (lYz"  deep),  oblong 
pan    (8"  X  12")    or  as  cup  cakes. 
Baking  temperature:   350°   F. 

Baking  time:  25-30  min.,  layers;  30-35  min.,  ob- 
long;  15-20  min.,  cup  cakes. 
Measure  into  mixing  bowl: 
1  Yz    cups  cake  flour  {sifted  before  measuring) 
1  Y4   cups  sugar 
Yz    cup   Crisco 
1    teaspoon  salt 

1  teaspoon  soda 

2  squares  melted  bitter   chocolate 
Yz   cup  milk 

Stir  vigorously  by  hand  or  with  mixer   (medium 
speed)   2  minutes.    Now  stir  in   (yes,  all  by  itself): 
Y4    teaspoon  baking  powder 
Yz    cup  milk  , 

2  eggs  (unbeaten) 
I  teaspoon  vanilla 
Blend  by  hand  or  in  mixer  (medium  speed)  for 
2  minutes.  The  batter  will  be  smooth  and  thin. 
Pour  into  pans  rubbed  with  Crisco  and  lined  with 
waxed  paper.  Bake  in  preheated  oven  for  the  re- 
quired time,  and  frost  with  your  favorite  frosting. 




"I  had  always  wanted  to  write  for 
a  newspaper.  Writing  is  sort  of  a 
hobby  with  me.  By  the  tenth  as- 
signment, I  was  on  the  road  to  short 
story  writing." — Alice  Lambert,  4830 
Everts,  San  Diego  9,  California. 

"^    HOW   DO  YOU   KNOW 

Have  you  ever  tried? 

Or  have  you  been  sitting  back  waiting  for  the 
day  to  come  when  you  will  awaken  all  of  a  sudden 
to  the  discovery,   "I   am  a   writer"? 

If  the  latter  course  is  the  one  of  your  choosing, 
you  probably  never  will  write.  Lawyers  must  be 
law  clerks.  Doctors  must  be  internes.  Engineers 
must  be  draftsmen. 


Aerolite's  San  Diego  Copy  Desk  Method  starts 
and  keeps  you  writing  in  your  own  home.  It  will 
be  i  ust  as  though  you  were  at  work  on  a  great 
metropolitan  daily. 

Don't  delay.  This  ofiFer  is  good  only  for  the  next 
99  years.  Don't  miss  the  thrill  of  seeing  your  work 
in  print.  An  opportunity  like  this  may  never  come 
again    in    your    lifetime. 

If  you  like  to  write,  and  would  like  to  be  a 
departmental  reporter,  just  fill  in  the  coupon 
below  and  mail  it  today.  You'll  receive  a  phone 
call  from  our  Editor  in  Chief  and  perhaps  you'll 
be  on  the  road  to  being  a  full-fledged  reporter 
gleaning  news  from  your  co-workers  and  writing 
it   up   in   your   fascinating   style. 

H.  H.  Steely,  Editor 
Public  Relations,  Department 

I  would  like  to  learn  more  about  becoming  a  de- 
partmental reporter  for  AEROLITE  and  will  be 
expecting   to   hear   from  you. 

Name Department- 
Badge  No Dept.  Phone  No 

(All    correspondence    confidential.    Xo    salesman    will 

call   on   you.) 

Aerolite  Newspaper  Institute  of  San  Diego. 

You  can  shoo  your  blues 
away  with  these  superbly 
constructed  safety  shoes. 
Wearing  them  is  like  stand- 
ing on  a  cloud  all  day.  And 
you  have  no  worries  about 
smashed  toes  from  falling 
objects.  Their  soft  pliable 
leather  and  the  comfortable 
fit  of  these  shoes  will  make 
your  feet  sing  with  joy.  Inci- 
dentally, they'll  polish  up 
with  the  gleam  of  a  diamond 
tiara.  In  black  or  brown  calf- 
skin. At  leading  stores. 
For  information  regarding  extra  shoe 
coupons  for  safety  work  shoes,  phone 
Safety  Engineering,  Ext.  540 



CHARM-ing   Reporter  AUGUST,    1945 

HaOe  that  man  in  your  liTe goggle-eyed  by  your 

adocaoLy  soft  hands.    Work  in  a  War  plant  can 

play  haOoc  with  your  hands  -  -  if  you  aren't 

a  smartie  who  knoWs  it  pays  to  play  safe. 

ihe  right  kind  of  gloOes  will 

you  the  right  kind  of  hands. 

You  II  note  that  um.-mnimmmm  but 

'    nice  reflection  in  the  safety  goggles  knoWs  the  score 

f^he  soft  leather  gloOes  that  are  a  Welder's  delight. 

rUre  insulated  against  excess  heat,    offering  added 

the  T^merican  Woman  s  heritage busy  hands 

ittractioe  hands. 



plrohilo   eel    ine    pace  .  .  .  Lur 

U/e   were   auiek    t^o   aJapl"   and    improve!      Lavish    u^e   of   de^ianer  5'^^  S   T®^   C/it^ft^^Otl  rf^^ 

hac    made   Kichory  .  .  .  brouanr    men    Lack   from    rne   door   of  dearn    To    live   and    love   aaain. 
The   color  woe   old    ac    Lcl'ory    il'telf,    Lul"   ^om  5  Inimil'aLle  I'alenr   Iran^formed   n    To  a   proud  ne-w   banner 
Ik    popuiariry   woe    incranlaneouc    amoni:    vjounded    iTieri    on   every   Ameriean    Larrlefield. 


d    riorouci 

cly    on    every 


o|   ael'ion,^,^//^t40*^  jj^tj^  1^ 

ac    become    The    very    color   o 

rhe    very    color   of   life    in 
rnodern   miilirary  facnionc.     Ameneanc  ol"  non-ie    aave   il    aladly,   for   oTner   American^  far  from 

home   whose   need   wac    arealer. 

05e   r^e 

Tho^e  far-away   A,meriean^   ore    prayina    \y\a\  f^iitHAOtJ T^CMt,  ^"'    conhnue    ll^   voque. 

9413      6 

♦^-4^.4*^  "^o^  may  be  a  littte 
hard  to  find  at  Post  L.\chan§es 
today.  Lack  of  supply  wilhin 
the  United  States  has  drastkally 
cut  down  our  P&cific  shipments.