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JANUARY, 1918 




WISH to make a plea in behalf of the educational value of 
natural history museums. The place of the museum in 
public education is not even yet fully appreciated, either in this 
country or in Europe, by the general public or even by the 
most intelligent classes. A striking illustration of this fact is 
found in the recent proposed action of the British government 
to close all museums and art galleries. The Retrenchment Com- 
mittee of the House of Commons, in order that the resources of 
the country might not be used except for the really essential 
things in this distressing time of war, recommended the closing 
of all the national museums in London, except the reading room 
at the British Museum, parts of the National Gallery, and the 
Victoria and Albert Museum. The proposed action was justi- 
fied on the ground that a saving of 5,000 pounds could be made, 
that the museum employees would then be available for war 
service, and that museums are, primarily, merely “places of 
pleasant resort,” anyhew! Such a strong protest was made, 
however, that the order was materially modified. 

Museums had their origin in the effort to preserve and care 
for the rare and curious objects which travelers brought home 
from distant lands. Collecting rare and strange objects was 

rst raised to the dignity of a fine art in Italy. The Medici at 
Florence and the Estes at Modena were the first; they set the 
example which in time spread throughout Europe. 

But the collectors of those days were rarely imbued with the 
scientific spirit ; their motives were largely selfish. They were 
usually wealthy and cultivated amateurs who assembled and 
maintained collections for their own pleasure and glorification. 




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Copyright, 1917 
Tue Science Press 

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JANUARY, 1918 




WISH to make a plea in behalf of the educational value of 
natural history museums. The place of the museum in 
public education is not even yet fully appreciated, either in this 
country or in Europe, by the general public or even by the 
most intelligent classes. A striking illustration of this fact is 
found in the recent proposed action of the British government 
to close all museums and art galleries. The Retrenchment Com- 
mittee of the House of Commons, in order that the resources of 
the country might not be used except for the really essential 
things in this distressing time of war, recommended the closing 
of all the national museums in London, except the reading room 
at the British Museum, parts of the National Gallery, and the 
Victoria and Albert Museum. The proposed action was justi- 
fied on the ground that a saving of 5,000 pounds could be made, 
that the museum employees would then be available for war 
service, and that museums are, primarily, merely “places of 
pleasant resort,” anyhew! Such a strong protest was made, 
however, that the order was materially modified. 

Museums had their origin in the effort to preserve and care 
for the rare and curious objects which travelers brought home 
from distant lands. Collecting rare and strange objects was 
first raised to the dignity of a fine art in Italy. The Medici at 
Florence and the Estes at Modena were the first; they set the 
example which in time spread throughout Europe. 

But the collectors of those days were rarely imbued with the 
scientific spirit; their motives were largely selfish. They were 
usually wealthy and cultivated amateurs who assembled and 
maintained collections for their own pleasure and glorification. 


‘UIMIOD Joqy seteqg Aq punoisyovg ‘“sajoeds a} JO asvatoul aq} IOJ 9[QuLOAvy 
aIB SUOTJ{PUOD YY} BoM VBIUAOJT[BD Ul SAOPVATISeT IO syavd oeatid 20 o1[qnd es1vy, V10W JO WaZOP B OF AIM YSeq} JO OCT peynqiusip pue yqysnvo 
‘Xnr] PUL AOT[TIN ‘SASSoJY JO oOUBISISSL otf} TIT ‘gaouelg Jo AWOpKRoV VIMIOJY LD 94} ATJUdeY “Wor}Tpuo9 snoisdsoid S19A B UL SI PAVy oy} MOU puB 4nO 
pofaavo otoM SuOPJONASUL STITT “AVA Suv ul YO OY} GANJSTp 0} JOU WoU9[} BVO SITY PopONASUL AON “AW “XtvT pues IIT JO Yours AJUNOH Uloy ey} WO 
puvjs JSv SIL epvU Ploy OY) ‘JFo] oOM STRNPTATpUL Mos v AyUO Woy ‘sotjUe ADS A[IBe oY} UL “XNT Pue ToT [TIN JO Suevdwood 9[}}Bo Jea1s vy} Jo Japunoy 
‘TOTTI ATUOTT 9}¥yl 9} JO JSotoJuL puv JYASISAIOF OY} OF ONP ST JoOUL}Xo Ayoiyjua Jou Sst sopoeds oY} Jey “Ulemet MOU poIpunt, AoF & AjuQ “AOI BA 
O}MOWLAIOvG-UIMbLoL Ug ef} Ysnory) StoquMua JsvaA UT posura ApLOMAOF, “AIG JAVAC 10 ALM eV ey} Sv UMOUY SouTJoULOS ‘[Ruue [nyynvaq sIqT 

(sapouundu snasag) MIG) AUTIVA NIDdvyor NvS CL “SIA 


It was not until 1753 when the British Museum was estab- 
lished at Bloomsbury and the collections of Sir Hans Sloane 
acquired, that the idea of a public museum emerged. It was 
then realized, apparently for the first time, that a museum, to 
advance art and scientific knowledge, must be liberally endowed, 
or else fostered by the state. But the founding and development 
of museums up to recent times need not detain us. With 
the founding of the British Museum in 1753 and the National 
Museum at Washington nearly a century later, the idea of the 
public museum may be said to have become firmly established. 

In discussing the development of the United States National 
Museum Dr. G. Brown Goode considered the history of that 
institution as falling into three periods: 

First, the period from the founding of the Smithsonian In- 
stitution to 1857, during which time specimens were collected 
solely to serve as materials for research. No special effort was 
made to exhibit them to the public or to utilize them, except as 
a foundation for scientific description and theory. 

Second, the period from 1857 to 1876, during which the 
museum became a place of deposit for scientific collections 
which had already been studied, these collections, so far as con- 
venient, being exhibited to the public and, so far as practicable, 
made to serve an educational purpose. 

Third, the present period (beginning with 1876) in which 
the museum has undertaken more fully the additional task of 
gathering collections and exhibiting them on account of their 
value from an educational standpoint. 

During the first period the main object of the museum was 
scientific research; in the second, the establishment became a 
museum of record as well as research; while in the third period 
has been added the idea of public education. The three ideas— 
record, research and education—cooperative and mutually help- 
ful as they are, are essential to the development of every great 

Dr. Goode regarded the National Museum first, as a museum 
of record, in which are preserved the material foundations of an 
enormous amount of scientific knowledge—the types of numer- 
ous past investigations; second, as a museum of research, which 
aims to make its contents serve in the highest degree as a stim- 
ulus to inquiry and a foundation for scientific investigation ; 
and third, as an educational museum, through its policy of illus- 
trating by specimens every kind of natural object and every 
manifestation of human thought and activity, of displaying 






qv sepwyy) AQ punodsyovg ‘snoouod1a St [RUTUB oq} JO a3u oy} Se}v oIpUl s}ulod Jo Jequinu 9y} jVYq} pu aves YoLd SAd]}UL 9y] UO IuJod Mou B 

sdopoAop Joep B IVY} Joljoq UOMO oY ‘Sofoeds oy} JO OLJSLoJOVAVYO Ao]] UB oq} OFU! sdojaaop ‘A][BVUIIOU ‘pue [[NYS 9y} WOAy Jno sjnoids U1oOy AoU VW 
hing ,, 10 Woy of} Jo q oy} IV [[HYS oy worl yo sdoap aeyjue osayjue ey, “Yolvyy puv Aavnaqoy ur AlpeNsn ‘<]]BNUUL pPeys a1 SUIOY IL 

“LOWWWUNS JO JLOO Pod JALOYS oy} AQ poovjdoa UILSR PUB poYyS 9A" JVOD I9JUIM 9} JO SALey suo], oq Ssunids 94} Ul “SY}UOU 10} UTA 

oy} 10J SUOYJsuo], JL SV AO[OO UI WIKBAS SIMIOJIq Udy} AVY oY “PvOo YStn[q 9G} OF Sursuvyo ‘poeys Ay]VNpeas St YOIryM ,.°}ROO Pol, 


oq} set UMOUY SI 

31 Anois Sig, 


descriptive labels adapted to the popular mind, and of distribut- 
ing its publications and its named series of duplicates. This 
admirable statement of the scope and objects of the National 
Museum, made by Dr. Goode twenty years ago, still applies in 
its general terms to that institution, and equally well to a num- 
ber of other museums in America. 

The one thing which will most strongly impress any one 
who visits the museums of the east is their activity along edu- 
cational lines, and the ways in which they are endeavoring to 
interest the public, and to be of service to the community. It is 
apparent that the museums of the east are realizing more and 
more that they owe a debt to the public and to those who have 
made their existence possible. Until recently most museums 
have done little or nothing in respect to general education. 

They have been content to be merely vast depositories for collections 
of priceless value, either unseen or gazed upon in mute wonder by those 
who visited them. 

In such museums visitors ‘‘ wander listlessly and aimlessly 
’ about the halls and galleries, with little appreciation and scarcely 
any understanding of the treasures that surround them.” 

But a great change has come about within the last few 
years. Now, the museum has come to regard itself, and to be 
regarded by the public, as an educational institution, working 
in cooperation with the public and private schools, for the good 
of all the children who can be brought within its influence. It 
is now realized that a public museum, in order to justify its 
existence, must be of real service, not only to investigators, but 
to the general public as well. 

To meet the needs of the investigator, the museum must be 
an institution for research, an institution for the advancement 
of knowledge and its diffusion among men. A museum fur- 
nishes facilities for research and the acquirement of knowledge 
through, and in proportion to the completeness of, its research 
collections, and the encouragement it gives to field and labora- 
tory investigations. The knowledge acquired by its investiga- 
tors through field and laboratory investigations and studies is 
made known to the world chiefly through the medium of the 
museum’s publications. 

The second function of a public museum—perhaps, I may 
say, the most important function, because it may be regarded 
as including the first—is that of usefulness to the public in an 
educational way. Not until recently has this function been fully 
realized or received attention; but now it is the dominant and 




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SOMT}IUIOS ST ., 1aap arn 

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UWIMIOD [oqy sarrey 

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IS 94} Ur punoz sr 41 VIMIOTIB Ul “uornqrstp 

®PIM JO Si Js8ap prpuads SIUL 

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controlling thought in many of our museums, great and small. 

It is true that most museums, from the very beginning, have 
maintained considerable collections of natural history objects, 
and specimens of other kinds, which the visitor might see; but 
as Director Lucas, of the American Museum of Natural History, 
has so well said, 

The visitor was greeted by row upon row of animals, most literally 

stuffed, arrayed in ranks and accompanied by labels whose principal mis- 
sion was to convey to the public what to them is a most unimportant 
matter, the scientific names. 
But this is not our conception of the modern natural history mu- 
seum ; nor is the modern museum merely a “ Haunt of the Muses.” 
Itismorethan that. It must be not only a place ‘‘dedicated to the 
cultivation of learning” and frequented by men and women 
devoted to learning and the improvement of human knowledge, 
but it should be a treasure-house of specimens of the animals, 
plants and other natural objects of the world, and of objects 
illustrative of the activities of the races of men. 

The educational idea has taken firm hold on many of our 
American museums. It is manifesting itself in activities along 
a number of lines, the principal of which are: 

1. The installation of large habitat and ecological groups of 
birds, mammals, etc. 

2. The preparation of portable habitat groups for loan to 
public and private schools. 

3. The maintenance at the museum of courses of lectures on 
natural history, and other subjects adapted to the needs of 
school children of the different grades. 

I can probably best show what this idea is and what a firm 
hold it has by briefly telling how it is worked out in certain of 
our more active institutions. 

Habitat Groups.—Perhaps the greatest advance of recent 
years in making museums really educational is in the matter of 
the installation of exhibits of animals and plants. The improve- 
ment has been chiefly with habitat and ecological groups, in 
giving the animals their natural surroundings, placing them in 
their natural environment. Until recently in most museums 
(and in some even to this day) the exhibition specimens of birds 
and mammals were fastened to a board of some kind and then 
placed in glass cases, usually against the wall, with no accesso- 
ries whatever about them, even to suggest in what sorts of places 
they could be found alive. Now, allthatischanged. The species 
to be shown is shown as a group of individuals—a pair of 
adults (male and female), one or more young, the nest if it be 




TIMIOD [Ody SojavyO sq poUIVd svA puUNOAsyI vq VG, “oop oY} UL SU “JooJ oY} FO SYVUq ay UO Sfooy S10SS809B IO SARIO 

Mop Surssessod Jou ul onbrun os[e st odojajue ay, “Ale PUB ABP OG} Uy SB “UAOT V1}JUe oe} JOU PUL ‘poysS Sf ‘laAoMog ‘WIReYS 10 [Jays 1eyno vy4 

A[UQ ‘SuULOY SIT Spoys A][RNUUL YOIA S[RUTUL PoTaoT-AMO[[OY oT} JO Aoquilo TH Sjuo ay) st edojojue oy, “Muy Aq pojJoojord viv Ao} So}vIs eseq? TB UI 
{Jol [IIS O1B spuULq PoPVIOS! [[VUS VIWMAOTTVD UL “WOUrTOD [[S eav AoYT UprAoN WojsoMg}tou Puy uoSa1Q WleysveyINos Ul “Ppelvululieyxe Alesis 
Wood ‘oFuna AO} FO S}avd Jsour wl ‘OART S[TRUUTUR oso} “JLo PUB SopIY Alay} Los Iaiysne]s puv worndosaed Juajstsaod Jo YNsetl BL sy “YINoOs puv yste 
‘Waou oy} OF SAoT[VA doyJO UL puL sKo[[VA UMDvOL UG puL O}TOMILAVY of} } NOYSsNoAY, puUNoF o1oM SpLot }eoIS LIUMAIOJYL,) UL “LpLuRy) O} OdLxXeTY Woy 

JOAN] LAdISSISSTIN OY} JO ISOM VOLMoWy YWAION Fo sso [VA puLr suyeyd of} 1aao Stoquinu oSuowUy UT posuva AjAeu10y usoysuoid a0 odojalur eT, 



a bird, the den in many species if it be a mammal, and the group 
surrounded by the trees and shrubs, annual plants, and other 
objects which together make up a bit of just such landscape as 
you would find the animals in should you seek them alive and 
in their natural habitat. As only a limited amount or number 
of units of the environment can be shown by means of the real 
objects, the setting is made more complete by means of a painted 
background, the real and the painted being so joined as to make 
it difficult, in most cases impossible, to tell where the real ends 
and the painting begins. Along with this improved installation 
of the group, the problem of proper lighting has also been more 
satisfactorily solved, as I shall explain later. Among museums 
’ which have given special attention to habitat groups I may men- 
tion the American Museum of Natural History in New York, 
the Brooklyn Museum, the Field Museum in Chicago, the Chi- 
cago Academy of Sciences, the Milwaukee Public Museum, and 
the University of Iowa. 

Lectures.—A second way in which modern museums are ren- 
dering real service to the community is through the medium of 
public lectures at the museum, on natural history or other 
scientific subjects of popular or general interest. Not only are 
courses of lectures provided for adults, but, of greater impor- 
tance, courses are provided to meet the needs of the different 
school grades. The lectures usually relate to subjects for which 
there is found in the museum illustrative material. Instead of 
the children coming to the museum and wandering through the 
halls without any real, definite object in view, they are, through 
observation and explanatory lectures, led to a fuller apprecia- 
tion of the museum exhibits. 

A definite plan of cooperation with the public schools is, of 
course, necessary. The lectures are upon subjects that form a 
regular part of the school curriculum. They are adapted to the 
needs and understanding of the children of the different grades 
and the courses are maintained throughout the school year. On 
one day the lecture will be given to, say, fourth-grade pupils; on 
other days to other grades. The lecturer may give the same 
lecture three or four times the same afternoon, to as many differ- 
ent groups of fourth-grade children, because all the children of 
any one grade in the city make too large a number to be accom- 
modated at one time. Definite arrangements are made with the 
school authorities as to the order in which the classes are to 
come. The next day, fifth-grade pupils may come, the next day, 
sixth, and so on. 

The American Museum of Natural History in New York 




‘UIMIOD [AqY SeTI¥yD Aq pojured punoisyorg “Suryursp ynoyIM sporsed Suoy aoy oF 
0} dveys a4} Sarqvuea jqnop ou sty} pu {aojVM JO a8vjuod1ed o51v] B SuUre}UOD YOIYM JO AOTIeJUL Adjnd vy. ‘snjoro Jal1eq 94} Ivo APQuUeNDdaay 
dooys UleJUnoW ay} puv ‘voavos Ay[RNSN st TIA SUIBIUNOUL JAIVSOP OY] UT ‘“SefsOjS ABIIUIIS asqIO pur looy oy} qaIM aed v 
UO SI puB ‘snosUoddo AJOALJUO ST SULOY ALoY] UO VYSITR pus odpoid [sty woay dune sat dosys UlrejJunoM Jey} A10}S oY, lawy ul 
punoy Sf—visy puv odoing ul AyWO punoy [euMtue ue—xoqt oy) vq) Jol[aq UWoeyeIsS! I dARTT S lof 94} JO SsuIoOq Jspueals 
“BITIOFTITVS ‘AJUNOS) opIsoaANy ‘SuIBIUNOT OJULLE ULY oy Ul ‘eTET ‘19 (WIOD0q Ul UdyV} atoM Anoas siqi ur s G 8a, “Oorxeyy pur 
“LIV ‘BpRaoN JO Siivd jJuoovfpe pue viMmiosyUy UtoyINOS JO sureJuUNoOU J aasop oq} Ul punoy st uoYysSiq 10 deays ulejJunoU Jo sejoeds si, 

quod.ieas ves ‘ay 

(SOPDQOUWILI S12G) daaig NI VINOOJ! Luasaqd ‘¢ ‘DI 


and the Milwaukee Public Museum have perhaps been most 
active in the matter of lectures. The lectures given deal with 
various subjects, as geography, American history, birds of our 
parks, fur-bearing animals found within 50 miles of the mu- 
seum, wild flowers of the vicinity, public health, and many other 
subjects. All the lectures are illustrated by materials and speci- 
mens in the museum, by appropriate stereopticon slides (of 
which each of these museums possesses many thousands), and by 
moving pictures, photographs and other illustrations. These 
museums each now maintain a regular department of public 
education with a competent curator and expert lecturers. Many 
thousand children attend the lectures, and excellent results are 
accomplished. Similar excellent work is being done by other 

Although the lecture courses have proved very successful 
and reach a large percentage of the pupils, they do not and can 
not reach all. In a large city it is impracticable for the children 
in the remote, more distant schools to reach the museum. The 
time required to make the journey to the museum, then back 
to the school, and the expense involved, are too great. Many 
children can not afford the cost of car fares. To meet this diffi- 
culty it was felt that if the children could not come to the mu- 
seum, the museum should be sent to the children; and this was 
done by providing traveling or circulating exhibits or collec- 
tions, usually called 

Loan Exhibits.—These may be habitat groups of small mam- 
mals, birds or other animals; minerals, plants, woods and vari- 
ous other objects. For example, it may be a California Quail 
group showing a pair of adult birds, their nest and young, to- 
gether with the appropriate surroundings; or it may be a field 
mouse, adults, nest and young, and the sort of place in which 
they are naturally found. The case containing the group is 
small enough to be handled readily, and is made so as to appear 
attractive. A label accompanies each case, giving the informa- 
tion that school children would naturally wish to know regard- 
ing the species. These portable exhibits are loaned to the public 
schools and are used by the teachers in their nature work and 
object-lesson teaching. In making up the groups the school 
authorities are consulted and such groups are prepared as fit 
into the regular school curriculum. 

This is perhaps the most effective way in which the museum 
can cooperate with the public schools. Several museums are 
doing excellent work in this line, among which I must mention 
particularly the Field Museum in Chicago and the American 


Iric. 6. MounvaiIn LION (Felis oregonensis) 

The mountain lion, in its various forms, is found from Patagonia to Canada, and from the 
Atlantic to the Pacific. In different parts of its range it is known by different names, as, panther, 
“ painter,” cougar, etc. Although not so common as formerly it is still plentiful in certain sections 
of California, especially in the northern part of the state. The animals in this group were taken 
in Humboldt County. The mountain lion is the largest of the North American cats. It is very 
destructive to deer and certain domestic animals, particularly colts and sheep. It has been esti- 
mated that each lion in California kills on an average one deer a week throughout the year. So de- 
structive is it that the state pays a bounty of $20 each for its capture. Up to June 30, 1916, the 
state had paid bounties on 2,534 lions. Although the mountain lion is looked upon as a very fierce 
animal and more or less of a menace to human beings, it is really a very wary animal, and instances 
of its attacking man are rare indeed. It is generally easy to tree, even with a cur dog, and chasing 

it with dogs is the method usually employed in its capture. 


Museum of Natural History in New York. A few years ago the 
Field Museum began this work on a small scale. A _ public- 
spirited citizen, Mr. N. W. Harris, saw what they were doing 
and became deeply interested. Mr. Harris is a man of vision. 
He at once saw the wonderful possibilities of this method of 
teaching and the good results that can come from cooperation 
with the public schools. After investigating the matter care- 
fully, he decided to give to the Field Museum the sum of $250,000 
as an endowment for educational work of this kind. With this 
fund there was established ‘The N. W. Harris Public School 
Extension of Field Museum of Natural History.” The entire 
income of this endowment is devoted to educational work. 
Habitat groups of convenient size and form, attractive in ap- 
pearance, and such as will teach lessons of real value to the 
children, are provided in large numbers. Economic collections, 
such as illustrate or relate to the practical phases of natural 
production and distribution, geography and commerce, are also 
made use of. These exhibits are distributed by automobile to 
the various schools where they are placed in the care of the 
principals. The cases are allowed to be retained two weeks, 
and then sent on to the next school on the list. The American 
Museum of Natural History is also doing the same thing and 
with very gratifying results. 

This practise of sending the museum to the schools, instead 
of having the school children come to the museum, has the ad- 
vantage of making it possible to reach a larger number of pupils 
than could otherwise be reached, and it is more economical of 
the time of the pupils and teachers. It also makes it easier for 
the teacher to make the lesson more concrete and more effective. 

May I be permitted at this time to speak particularly of the 
Museum of the California Academy of Sciences and what it is 
trying to do in the interest of public education. Although the 
California Academy of Sciences was founded in 1853, just 100 
years after the founding of the British Museum of Natural His- 
tory at Bloomsbury, it was not until recently that any definite 
attempt was made by it to develop a museum along educational 
lines. The Museum of the California Academy of Sciences, 
speaking broadly, feels that it has two primary functions— 
to promote scientific research with special reference to making 
known the natural resources of California and the other Pacific 
coast states, and second, to aid, as best it may, in public educa- 
tion in natural history and other science subjects. 

In furtherance of these objects the academy has recently 
built the first unit of a new museum building in Golden Gate 

VOle avis 


‘Uaye} UsyA pO SyJUOUI OM} Jnoqe vtaM Anois siq} Uy UMOS sqno 9qL *punod 
BURY} SSo] YSlOM [ITA sqnod Jo 10791] eJOYM oY} “spunod poipuny ANoF JO 9 aq} Ys}oM ABU Iveq J9q}OU BY}. YSNOU[Y “pexvu ISoWM[e o1B PUB joo} 

ou oAvy Soy, “eMT} oMIOS Joy Usdo Jou Op puUL peso[D 918 ‘Su9}}Ty PUB sord dnd jo osoyq} ext ‘soko Atay} ‘Sainjuedd af}}t] SSe[djeqy ele puBw (BLUIOFITR) 
ul) Savnure up uzoq Aypensn van sqno oyy, “AoyIT] BV UL poonpoad o1v (OM 10 aUo AT[UNSN) Sqnd ANOJ 0} UO WHOA ‘Pateutod 10 PapunoM ssojun UeU 
Ve youjIV TAU AO ATOAvA [TA PUL [VUTJUL AIVA VB ST Avoq Youyq oy} ond BSW “NUow Afoy} OFUT AjaSiv] Jo}Ue OS[w sjsu, PUL ‘SUIOM ‘Sqn.s + Sot1oq 
puv sjoor ‘synu uo Aporyqo aAty Aoy} ynq ‘ssid puv doeys TPT A][VUOTSBI 90 SIvIq Would “VIUAOJYBVO UL JOUL}X9 9q OF PaAdT[eq MOU SE YoOrmA A|Z7113 
aU} YIM posnyuod sSouIPJOWIOS 9Av SAvOd UMOA “AOTJOU UMOAG BV AO YoBlq B Aoy}to WIM pues ‘19}}1] VUIRS 9G} UL puNoOy 91B Sqnd UMOAG puB YyRIq YIOG 
SooULISU OMIOS UL “UMOIG AO YOuTG AoyII oq AvUT Ivoq Youd oq} ‘e1o|MES|O SV VIUAOFTBO UL “BIUAOFTTB) ‘fqunoD IpPloquINy, Ul WayeI d1oM Anois siqy 
Ul SuomMoods oY, “BYSVTY O} OOIXOTT UWloy}touU Wory puew oyrovd 9} 0} OTUL[}y eq} Woy Ay[vaouss soSuva« SUAOT SNOTAVA S}T UL Iveq Yuieq eqL 


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Park. This unit, known as the West Wing, consists of a front 
hall 180 feet long by 60 feet wide, with two rear wings each 128 
feet long by 60 feet wide, with a court 70 feet wide between 
them. Tying the two rear wings to the front is a connecting 
hall 180 feet long by 18 feet wide. The building is of Bedford, 
Indiana, limestone and reinforced concrete, and is essentially 
fireproof. The rear wing on the west is the Research Wing 
and has two floors. The other wing is for exhibits and has one 
floor. The front hall is for exhibits and has one floor. An 
unique feature of the two main exhibition halls is that they 
have no windows; the lighting is from skylights. The large 
front hall is devoted entirely to California mammals, and the 
rear exhibition hall to California birds. 

In each of the exhibition halls the cases are built in against 
the wall. The regulation case for a large mammal or bird 
habitat group is 25 feet long, 12 feet deep and 18 feet high. 
Each ease has a plate-glass front 15 feet long and 10 feet high. 
There are 11 of these large cases in the mammal hall and six in 
the bird hall. In the former are installed habitat groups of 
various species of large California mammals, and in the bird 
hall are similar habitat groups of California birds. 

Among the groups alreads installed may be mentioned the 
Valley elk, black-tail deer (summer scene), mule deer (winter 
scene), antelope, desert mountain sheep, mountain lion, black 
bear, leopard seal, California sea lion, Steller’s sea lion, coyote, 
Farallon Islands bird rookeries, San Joaquin water bird breed- 
ing grounds, desert bird group, California condor, and others. 
In each group the animals are placed in their natural environ- 
ment, surrounded by the shrubs, trees, flowers, rocks and other 
objects such as make up a bit of the scenery which surrounds 
them in the region where they are found in nature. Then the 
real is extended by means of a curved painted background 
which connects so perfectly with the real objects in front as to 
make it difficult, if not impossible, to tell where the real ends 
and the painted begins. In addition to these large habitat 
groups similar small groups of smaller mammals and birds are 
being installed in suitable places at the ends of the large groups. 
These usually show a family of a single small species and the 
den and young if a mammal, and the nest, eggs or young if 
a bird. 

One of the most serious problems in museum construction 
has been that of proper lighting. In most museums the visitor 
not only sees the animals in the case, but he sees himself there, 
and all the people about him, and all the other objects in that 

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part of the hall. The light outside the case is stronger than 
- that in it, with the result that everything about the case is re- 
flected in it, always confusing and sometimes quite obscuring 
the object one wishes to see. This difficulty, we think, has been 
almost entirely overcome and reflection into the cases practi- 
cally eliminated by the system of lighting adopted by this mu- 
seum. This system, as already mentioned, is by means of large 
skylights over each case and much smaller skylights over the 
middle of the hall where the observer stands, so small that they 
let in so little light that there is practically no reflection. Pro- 
vision is made for artificial lighting at night and on dark days 
by means of electric lights with reflectors installed outside the 
cases and above the ceiling glass. There are also shades placed 
immediately under the skylights, by means of which the light 
can be modified as required. 

The academy has been fortunate in being able to secure sev- 
eral of the best artists in America skilled in this kind of work 
to paint the backgrounds. One or more backgrounds have been 
painted by Charles Abel Corwin, of Chicago, Charles Bradford 
Hudson, of Pacific Grove, California, Maurice G. Logan, of Berke- 
ley, and Worth Ryder, of Oakland. Mr. Corwin has probably 
had more experience in painting habitat group backgrounds 
than any other artist in this country. He has done a good deal 
of work of this kind for the Field Museum, and it was he who 
painted the really wonderful Laysan Island bird cyclorama for 
Dr. C. C. Nutting in the University of Iowa. Captain Hudson 
has also had considerable experience in this field. His back- 
grounds show an interpretation and finish which can hardly be 
excelled. But the work of all the artists is of the highest order 
of excellence. It is difficult, if not impossible, to see wherein 
any of the backgrounds could be improved. 

All matters pertaining to the preparation and installation of 
the groups have been under the immediate direction of Mr. John 
Rowley, chief of exhibits. Mr. Rowley is a real artist in his line, 
remarkably resourceful in devising ways and means for accom- 
plishing the best results. To Mr. Rowley must be given in large 
measure the credit for the wonderfully attractive and highly 
instructive habitat groups which are now to be found in the 
museum of the California Academy of Sciences. 

In addition to habitat groups permanently installed in the 
museum, the academy has begun the preparation of small port- 
able groups and exhibits to loan to the schools. These portable 
groups are in cases of convenient size and substantially made. 
The exhibit may be that of a species of bird, mammal, reptile or 




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fish; it may be a group of butterflies or other insects; or it may 
be typical specimens of instructive minerals, fossils or plants. 
These exhibits are selected with the specific purpose of furnish- 
ing illustrative material for the nature work provided in the 
public schools. Each exhibit is accompanied by a simple ex- 
planatory label. 

The museum also maintains a course of lectures throughout 
the year adapted to adults, and plans to conduct courses adapted 
to school children of the different grades, as already explained. 

As I have already indicated, the educational function or duty 
is now the dominant influence in most of our American mu- 
seums. Without curtailing in any way their activities in re- 
search work, they are making a special effort to be of real 
service in the educational field. The feeling among museum men 
may be expressed in this way: We have long had public schools 
and public libraries working to educate and train our people, 
why not public museums for the same purpose? And there are 
enthusiasts, men of vision, who believe the modern natural his- 
tory museum will soon be so perfected in its equipment and 
methods that it will become the most potent force in giving to 
our children the education and the training that is most worth 

We all well know how lamentably the public schools are fail- 
ing to give the education and training they should give. We 
know how illy prepared our boys and girls are for the life they 
must live. We know that much which they get in the schools 
bears little or no relation to the life they are now living or that 
which they must live as men and women. We know that many 
of the subjects taught in the schools possess little or no educa- 
tional value; that others which have value do not receive proper 
time allotments in the curriculum. For example, arithmetic in 
the grades receives 25 or 40 minutes per day for 8 years, while 
physiology and the care of one’s health get but 15 minutes per 
week for a part of one year! It is even worse in the high 
schools. There the courses of study are devised in many schools 
to meet college entrance requirements. When we remember 
that 40 to 50 per cent. of the pupils who enter high school sur- 
vive only one year or less, that only 3 or 4 per cent. ever go to 
college, it is evident that courses framed to meet college entrance 
requirements are meeting the needs of a very small percentage 
of the high-school pupils. It is not true, as we sometimes hear, 
that the course of high-school studies which best fits for college 
entrance requirements is the course which best fits for life. We 
must put it the other way and say that the studies which best 


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fit the boy or girl for life are the studies which should best fit 
him for college should he go to college. 

Domination of the high school by the college should stop; it 
should not be longer tolerated. There are too many subjects 
in the high-school courses, many of them put there specifically 
to meet absurd college entrance requirements, which bear no 
relation to what the average high-school student has ever done 
or ever will do. They possess no life value. They do not touch 
the life of to-day ; they will not touch the life of the future. 

Not long ago I visited a small village school. There I saw 
a class of country boys and girls, not one of whom is ever likely 
to go to college, or to be more than a laborer or mechanic or 
farmer in a small way; yet those poor children were being cruci- 
fied on the Latin cross for 40 minutes every day. To the life 
they are living and the life they will live, Latin bears no rela- 
tion; it does not touch their life anywhere. To them Latin is 
a subject in vacuo. In the high schools there are too many sub- 
jects of that kind, and much of the teaching I have seen is 
teaching in vacuo. Although the subject may be a proper one, 
as chemistry, history, geography or biology, it is often taught 
without relation to what the child already knows or the things 
with which he is concerned. Such teaching is ‘teaching i 
vacuo.” The high-school pupil can often truthfully say of the 
subject and the laborious efforts of the teacher: “It never 
touched me.” But poor teaching can be improved and made 
good, effective teaching; a useless subject, never. 

That our schools are failing to give the education and train- 
ing which fit for life is evident. The failure is, I believe, pri- 
marily due to the fact that the subjects taught are almost en- 
tirely memory subjects, or are so taught as to be little more 
than memory subjects. Little attention is paid to the training 
of the senses, or to acquiring skill of eye, ear or hand, or to 
acquiring those habits of accurate recording and cautious rea- 
soning which modern science prescribes. The curriculum is 
made up largely of faith subjects—subjects which merely re- 
quire the pupil to believe something that the text-book or the 
teacher says. No contact with real things; no training of the 
eye, hand or reasoning powers; no examination of facts or 
evidence; no reasoning and the forming of independent judg- 
ments; simply a memorizing of useless text-book statements. 
The facts or data upon which the judgment was based were 
examined by some one else, and the book and the teacher are 
like the keeper of a ready-made clothing store—they simply hand 
out to the pupil the ready-made judgment or conclusion and 



parts of California, it being especially abundant in the 

This raccoon is found throughout most 
il in the rocks, 

along the coast. The coon breeds in hollow trees, in holes 
Coons are omnivorous; they eat shellfish, 
In the South 

heavily timbered country 
and even on the ground in tule swamps. 
they sometimes enter hen houses and kill and devour chickens. 
a delicacy. The raccoon ranks third 

n blind ditches, 
frogs, fish and corn; 
fond of the raccoon, regarding its flesh as 
The species of skunk shown in this group occurs 
interior valleys from Monterey northward. 

the negroes are very 
in value among the fur bearers of Cailfornia. 
throughout northern California except in the warmer 
The skunk brings forth its young in holes in the ground, beneath buildings, in stone piles or in 
They feed largely on insects but will eat flesh of any kind, including chickens. As a 
States. In some states skunk farm- 

the skunk is among the most valuable in the United 

fur bearer 

ing has become a profitable industry. 


will not permit him to question it. Our schools are largely deal- 
ers in ready-made judgments and opinions; and nearly all 
second-hand goods at that. 

The child is not taught or given an opportunity to examine 
the evidence for himself and to reach his own conclusion as to 
what the evidence shows. The book says it is thus and so, and 
he must not question the book. It is his duty only to read and 
believe. He must take on faith what the book and the teacher 
say. He is even disciplined if he asks any questions or mani- 
fests any doubt. 

And what is the result? Almost invariably this: Any 
spirit of the investigator he may have had when he entered 
school is crushed out of him and he leaves school and goes 
through life taking things on faith. He becomes a blind fol- 
lower. He accepts as true anything which he reads or is told 
by any one in whom he has faith. He never asks to see the evi- 
dence; he never reasons; he never forms his own judgments. 
He can not distinguish fact from fancy, reality from fraud. He 
falls a ready prey to any fallacy or fraud that comes along, how- 
ever bald it may be; and the more absurd and bald it is the bet- 
ter he seems to like it. 

Of course, I do not mean to say that all who go through the 
public schools are such “‘easy marks” for the army of frauds 
and shysters—political, religious, economic, health, and a host 
of others that infest our land, but it is only necessary to call 
attention to the thousands who are believers in Ralston Health 
Clubs, double standards, faith cures, and a score of other frauds 
and fallacies which flourish in this land, to show that they con- 
stitute a very large part of our population. America is said to 
be the home of shysters and quacks; and the public schools are 
largely responsible. The remedy lies in radical changes in the 
courses of study and the method of instruction. 

It has been shown that the secondary schools give not more 
than one tenth to one sixth of their time to observational, sense- 
training subjects. It is almost equally bad in the primary 
schools. I wish to quote President Eliot in this connection. 
He says: 

The changes which ought to be made immediately in the programs of 
American secondary schools, in order to correct the glaring deficiencies of 
the present programs, are chiefly: the introduction of more hand, ear and 
eye work—such as drawing, carpentry, turning, music, sewing, cooking, 
and the giving of much more time to the sciences of observation—chem- 
istry, physics, biology and geography—not political, but geological and eth- 
nographical geography. These sciences should be taught in the most con- 
crete manner possible—that is, in laboratories with ample experimenting 




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done by the individual pupil with his own eyes and hands, and in the field 
through the pupil’s own observation guided by expert leaders. 

And here is where the modern natural history museum finds 
its place as a factor in public education. The modern museum 
is in fact many laboratories in one. It is as nearly the fields, 
hills and all out doors as it is possible to make it within doors. 
The real objects are there in their natural environment and 
proper relations. They furnish the materials for observation, 
comparison, study and the forming of judgments. And they 
make it easy for the teachers to improve their methods of teach- 
ing, to teach concretely. 

Indeed, they contain the necessary materials for practically 
all the teaching that need be done in the elementary and sec- 
ondary schools. They contain and can supply materials not 
only for all the observational studies, but most of the other sub- 
jects, as arithmetic, language, geography, reading, writing, 
spelling and even morals. All these subjects become concrete, 
live subjects when related to real things. 

Number work and all the fundamental processes of arith- 
metic, as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, be- 
come concrete and easily taught and understood when taught 
with real objects as illustrative material. The same is equally 
true of geography, many of the principles and important facts 
of which can be taught as a part of the study of the museum 
specimens. And no better drill in language and composition is 
possible than can be had in connection with the study of real 
things. In asking and answering questions about them and 
talking about them, excellent drill in spoken language is had; 
in writing questions and answers and in preparing descriptions 
and formal compositions about them, the very best of exercise 
and drill in language, composition, writing and spelling, is af- 
forded. And drill in oral reading and clearness of expression 
comes with the reading by the pupils of the compositions and 
statements they have written. 

When a pupil writes a composition on some material object 
that is put into his hands, some object that he has seen and 
handled and studied, he writes what he himself knows, he gives 
expression to that which he himself has experienced. It is 
knowledge, not mere information. He is dealing with realities, 
with truth, not with imagination. 

And such exercises and studies as these are the very best 
possible to develop character. To realize the stability of truth, 
to realize that unchanging, immutable law pervades the uni- 
verse, that everything is subject to law, that ignoring or violat- 



In this group, presented to the California Academy of Sciences by the Hon. Wm. H. Crocker, 
are shown the ten species of sea birds and the one land bird (the little rock wren) that breed on 
the Farallon Islands. These rocky islands are about 30 miles off the Golden Gate, from which 
they may be seen on any clear day. Thousands of sea birds resort to these cliffs to lay their eggs 
and rear their young, one of the most common species being the western gull which, during the 
rest of the year, is very abundant about San Francisco, following the ferry boats across the bay. 
Until a few years ago thousands of Murre’s eggs were brought each year from these rookeries 
and sold in San Francisco to the bakeries and pastry shops. The islands are now a federal reser- 
yation and the birds and their eggs are rigidly protected. Background painted by Maurice G. 

ing law leads to disaster—all this develops stability of charac- 
ter. They are conditions of mind which cause respect for law 
and truth and order and honesty, and they develop those traits 
of character. 

And now in conclusion permit me to say a word regarding 
one more of the interesting and important recent developments 
in museum activity, namely, the Children’s Museum or the Chil- 
dren’s Room. This is clearly one of the results of the growing 
conviction that the museum is a public educational institution 
which should meet the needs of all ages and classes of people. 
While many of the public museums of America have realized 


this need and have been trying more or less successfully to 
meet it, the institution which has been most successful in this 
very important field is undoubtedly the Children’s Museum of 
the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. 

Under the able direction of Miss Anna Gallup really won- 
derful results have been attained. Children are naturally in- 
terested in animals and plants, the material things about them, 
and the forces and phenomena of nature. As President Eliot 
has so well said :” 

The best part of all human knowledge has come by exact and studied 
observation made through the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and 
touch. The most important part of education has always been the training 
of the senses through which that best part of knowledge comes. This 
training has two precious results in the individual besides the faculty of 
accurate observation—one, the acquisition of some sort of skill, the other 
the habit of careful reflection and measured reasoning which results in 
precise statement and record. 

A baby spends all its waking time in learning to use its senses, and 
to reason correctly from the evidence of its senses. At first it reaches after 
objects near by and far off alike, but gradually learns to judge by the eye 
whether or not it can reach the object seen. It tries to put everything into 
its mouth, perhaps in an effort to estimate size and shape correctly— 
which at first it can not accomplish by the eye alone, as the adult does. . . 
The baby’s assiduity in observation and experimentation, and the rapidity 
of its progress in sense-training are probably never matched in after-life. 
Its mind also is trained fast; because it is constantly practising the mental 
interpretation of the phenomena which its senses present to it. 

The child undoubtedly acquires more real knowledge during 
the first five or six years of its life, before it ever enters the 
formal schools, than it does in all the after years. 

The boy on the farm has admirable opportunities to train 
eye and ear and hand; because he can always be looking at the 
sky and the soils; the woods, the crops, and the forests; the 
streams and the hills; he daily, even hourly, sees the wild ani- 
mals, the birds, the mammals, the insects, that usually abound 
about him; the domestic animals on the farm he learns to know 
most intimately; he learns to use various tools, he hears the 
innumerable sweet sounds which wind, water, birds and insects 
make on the countryside, and when he is hunting, fishing or 
merely roaming in the woods and fields and along the streams. 

All this is education of the right sort—which is rarely or 
never equalled in the schools—because it is all most intimate 
personal experience, the only way in which actual knowledge 
can be acquired. 

That this natural method—the only method by which knowl- 

2 Changes Needed in American Secondary Education.” 


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edge can be acquired—should be so largely, almost wholly, 
abandoned when the child enters the schools, is hard to under- 
stand, but it is lamentably true. The schools, instead of con- 
tinuing the methods and processes by which knowledge is 
gained, almost without exception subject the child to processes 
and methods which result merely in the acquiring of informa- 
tion, most of which is of little or no value in the development 
of character or in fitting the child to live the life he must live. 

The Children’s Museum is different from the conventional 
public school. Its method is that with which the children are 
very familiar before they ever enter a public school—the method 
by which knowledge is acquired. The Children’s Museum con- 
tinues this method. The children, even into and through their 
‘teens, continue to deal with realities; they continue to use their 
eyes and ears and organs of taste and smell and touch, for the 
museum is simply certain parts of nature, of outdoors, brought 
indoors for examination and study; all selected with reference 
to their educational value. The imparting of information, or 
mere book information, has no place, or, at most, a very subor- 
dinate place, in a museum. 

Unfortunately, the schools, which might have continued this 
natural method, have for the most part clung to the traditional 
programs which rely chiefly on studies which train the memory, 
but which “do not train or drill children in seeing and hearing 
correctly, in touching deftly and rapidly, and in drawing the 
right inferences from the testimony of their senses.” 

A well-appointed children’s museum or children’s room will 
have in it those natural objects which have always interested 
children everywhere. There will be brightly and curiously col- 
ored birds and butterflies, moths and beetles, and other insects, 
curious animals of other groups, attractive minerals, growing 
plants, and aquariums with interesting animal and plant life; 
colored transparencies of beautiful flowers, all selected and ar- 
ranged with reference to the telling of an interesting story, 
the teaching of a definite lesson. 

And there will be in this children’s museum simple tools and 
machinery for training the hand and eye, laboratories where 
the little girls can learn to do by doing and where they can, 
through practise, become familiar with many of the simple 
principles of domestic science and art; and others where the 
boys can become familiar with the simple tools and machines 
and become proficient in their use. There is no limit beyond 
which this training of the hand and eye may not be carried. 
As an illustration, in the Children’s Museum in Brooklyn, a 

VOLeoVi.—— oe 



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special feature has been made of wireless telegraphy, and a 
number of boys who got their training in that museum are now 
occupying responsible positions in charge of wireless plants or 
as skilled operators in various parts of the world. 

It is of vital importance that the right sort of person be 
placed in immediate charge of the children’s museum or chil- 
dren’s room; a well-educated, kindly, sympathetic woman or 
man who knows the specimens in the museum and the live 
things in the park or fields or woods about it; and who, above 
all, knows and loves children; one who can wisely direct the 
observation and the reading of the children so that they may 
correlate their reading with what they have seen in the museum 
or the open, and thus increase rather than stifle their love for 
animate things, as our public schools almost invariably do. 
In such a museum it will be arranged so that the children of the 
different grades will come to the room at different hours and 
receive in turn the instruction and help adapted to their re- 
spective needs. 

There is no better thing which any city, town or village can 
do than to establish and maintain a museum of this kind. In 
some form or another it is already being done by the Children’s 
Museum of Brooklyn, also by the American Museum of Natural 
History in New York, the Charleston Museum, the Milwaukee 
Public Museum, the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and else- 
where. The time is not far distant, I verily believe, when the 
same will be done in many other cities and towns. It will be 
done because it so evidently appeals to us all as the right thing 
to do, the right sort of education and training to give to our 
children. It will be done, because the beauty of it all, for the 
little children’s sake, will appeal to those who have prospered in 
this world; those with kindly hearts, who love children, and who 
want them to become the men and women they should become; 
and the time is now ripe for these good men and women who 
are able to do so to come forward, and out of their abundance 
do this splendid work not only for the children of to-day but for 
those of the years to come. 


The California Academy of Sciences has recently installed 
in its new museum in Golden Gate Park a large number of 
habitat groups of important species of California mammals and 
birds, one large hall being devoted to mammals, and another 
to birds. 


The central, controlling thought with these groups has been 
to make them as true to life as possible and of the highest edu- 
cational value. To accomplish this object the taxidermist who 
was directly responsible for the group went to the locality 
where the animals were secured and studied the local environ- 
ment, collecting specimens of the shrubs, grasses, flowers, rocks, 
ete., found there. With these, properly preserved, and with 
artificial flowers, etc., when necessary, he was able to repro- 
duce the actual environment with great fidelity. 

In each group is a curved painted background connecting so 
perfectly with the actual objects in front that it is difficult, if not 
impossible, to tell where the real ends and the painted begins. 

In every case the artist visited the region where the animals 
were taken, studied the scenery, made his field sketches and 
studies, and when he made his final painting he was able to give 
what is in effect a painting of a real scene somewhere in the 
region where the species is naturally found. 

THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY is able to reproduce photographic 
illustrations of a number of these groups. The groups were 
installed under the general supervision of Dr. Barton Warren 
Evermann, the director of the museum, the mammal groups 
under the immediate direction of Mr. John Rowley, assisted by 
Mr. Joseph P. Herring and Mrs. M. L. Pariser. The bird 
groups were prepared under the immediate direction of Mr. 
Paul J. Fair, assisted by Mrs. M. L. Pariser. 

The backgrounds were painted by Charles Abel Corwin, of 
Chicago, Charles Bradford Hudson, of Pacific Grove, California, 
Maurice G. Logan, of San Francisco, and Worth Ryder, of Oak- 
land, all well-known artists. Each of these artists has been 
marvelously successful in depicting the natural environment of 
the animals with which he had to deal. 





T is evident from the classification given above that all vari- 
| eties of pothole depressions have a turning or vortex flow 
of water (provided with sediment tools) as at least a contribu- 
ting factor in their formation. Accordingly, it would seem that 
an investigation of the exact conditions of the initiation and de- 
velopment of the normal type of pothole would furnish the most 
significant data in regard to the origin of these depressions in 
general, and also furnish some measure of their function in 
the process of gorge cutting by young streams. Some results 
of such a study and deductions based on actual observations 
with particular reference to occurrences in horizontally bedded 
sandstones and shales follow. 

Ideal Normal Potholes—Normal potholes are developed by 
the rotary grinding motion imparted to rock tools—sand, 
pebbles, boulders—in a depression of the bed of a stream 
course by the water current. A typical normal pothole should 
have the following characteristics: At the top the hole should 
be almost circular in ground plan, with a diameter ranging 
from three inches to ten feet or more. The depth might vary 
between six inches and eight feet or more. In vertical section 
an ideal normal pothole should show the same outline as that of 
a similar section through one of the old-fashioned iron pots that 
have wide curved mouths and bulging sides (see Fig. 8). No 
doubt normal potholes owe their name to this resemblance. 
There are, however, many deviations from this perfect form. 
The holes show much irregularity in ground plan as well as 
lack of symmetry in the bulging of the sides. Very commonly 
the smooth inside surfaces of the excavations are interrupted 
by ridges or flutings. Other typical examples of normal pot- 
holes are shown in Figs. 9a, 9b, 10. The kinds of material that 
may be found in the potholes are of interesting variety. 
Usually masses of rubbish consisting primarily of sand, gravel, 


pebbles and boulders and perhaps fragments of other materials 
are found in holes either temporarily or permanently aban- 
doned by the stream. Some of the pebbles or boulders may be 
smoothed and rounded, due to the grinding action. In describ- . 
ing the material taken from some potholes in Norway, Brogger 
and Reusch’ state that two types of grinding stones may be 
distinguished: (1) Perfect or regularly elliptical; (2) less per- 

Photo by J. S. Hook. 
Fic, 8. Sprcrron Or NORMAL PorHoLn, showing similarity in shape to old-fashioned 

iron pot. Note ridges or flutings on interior surface. 

fect with elliptical tendency. According to these writers the 
perfect type of grinding stones become more numerous near the 
bottom of the hole. The grinding stones are usually of the 
harder, more resistant kinds of rock such as sandstone, 
quartzite, etc. Due to their almost spherical or elliptical form 
the grinding stones often attract much attention and in not a 
few cases such beautifully rounded stones have been gathered 
as curiosities or for use in rockeries. 

25 Brogger, W. C., and Reusch, H. H., “ Giants’ Kettles at Christiania,” 
Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. of London, Vol. 30, pp. 754-761, 1874. 



During periods of high water, sand, gravel and boulders are 
swirled by the current and become very effective as abrasive 
agents both in smoothing, rounding out and enlarging the hole 
and also in reducing to finer fragments the tools themselves by 
rubbing them against each other and rounding the pebbles. 

Fic. 98. VIEW OF INTERIOR OF POTHOLE SHOWN IN Fic. 9a. Note small pits at 
right in bottom of the hole. These pits are due to railroad spikes caught in the 
pothole and then hammered repeatedly against the sides by the water current and 
fragments of rock. 


When the erosive action ceases the holes are choked with 
this detritus, the greater part of which is sand and silt. In 
some cases, however, much of the material is rock fragments of 
the size of gravel or even of larger pebbles. The material in 
an abandoned pothole very commonly is packed in so closely 
that much effort is required to pry out the fragments. A pot- 
hole in the Ithaca region, so packed, contained, in addition to 
a considerable amount of sand and gravel, several railroad 
spikes which had been used as tools in the excavating process 

N. Y. Note the two rounded grinding stones removed from the hole. 

for the points of the spikes had been firmly driven and wedged 
into niches in the bedrock (see Fig. 9). 

Structural Phenomena of Bed Rock Leading to the Initia- 
tion of Normal Potholes.—It is immediately apparent that the 
primary factor in the initiation of a normal pothole develop- 
ment is the presence of some condition of the bedrock channel 
over which the stream flows that will give a rotary motion to 
the water. Evidently the chief, and perhaps the only condi- 
tion that brings this about is the occurrence of some structural 
irregularity that leads to the development of a shallow depres- 
sion in the stream course. The possibilities of this kind are 
quite numerous. There may be mentioned, irregularity in 


bedding, ripple marks, lenticular concretionary structure, solu- 
tion irregularities, and joint planes. 

Irregularity in bedding is of very common occurrence in 
stratified rocks and is well illustrated by Fig. 11. The rock 
surface, developed along stratification planes, is often very 
irregular and this condition frequently extends into the struc- 
ture of the underlying material. As the stream erodes the gen- 
eral area of its channel bottom the tendency is to flake off such 
bedrock in accordance with its structural undulations. Thus a 


hummocky surface is created and in the shallow depressions 
between the knobs sediment tends to collect. 

Ripple marks are familiar features in stratified rocks. 
Variations in their development are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. 
The troughs between the crests afford a favorable place for 
sediment to lodge. 

Another special case of irregularity is due to what may be 
termed “lenticular concretionary structure.” This is found 
where beds containing concretions have been bowed up over the 
concretions and caused to sag beneath them, as is apparent in 
Fig. 14. No potholes have been observed in such a formation 


ITHAcA, N. Y. 

Fie. 13. Pornote in Suatp. Surface shows rather irregular ripple marks, located 
hear area shown in Fig. 12. 


by the writer, but it is quite possible that such structure may 
cause the initiation of potholes in a manner somewhat similar 
to that in which it caused the initiation of Tide Pools as de- 

Hig. AA. 



scribed by Henkel.?° If one of the concretions should be re- 
moved by stream grinding it would leave a shallow depression 

ee EE ? ee 
SS ee 


————S EE I 




that would act as a catch-all for the rock tools of the stream 
and a pothole might eventually develop. See Figs. 15 and 16. 

Solution Irregularities—These slight irregularities, illus- 
trated by Fig. 17, are due primarily to the solvent action of the 

26 Henkel, Isabel, “A Study of Tide Pools on the West Coast of Van- 

couver Island.” Postelsia—The Year Book of the Minnesota Seaside Sta- 
tion for 1906, pp. 298-303. 


water and are especially common in limestone rocks and are 
often associated with potholes. 



Joint planes seem to be the most important single factor in 
causing the initiation of the normal potholes. Along a single 
joint plane the rock is less resistant at some points than others. 


This is notably the case in shales, where fragments may often 
be more readily detached in certain spots adjacent to the joint 
crevices than elsewhere. The resulting depression, if it is in 
the course of an eroding stream, frequently becomes enlarged. 
Again, at the point of intersection of planes, the corners of the 
rock are readily chipped away by boulders striking against 
them or such corners may be worn away by the combined 
processes of stream grinding (corrasion) and solution (corro- 
sion). If the bed rock at the place of such intersection of 
joint planes is submerged only a part of the time and exposed 
during periods of low water, it is possible that weathering will 


also aid in enlarging the depression. Such hollows apparently 
afford most excellent sites for the development of potholes (see 
Figs. 18,.19 and 20). 

Joint planes, in addition to occasioning hollows at which 
potholes may start, may also influence the later development of 
the holes. The joints do not always extend vertically into the 
rocks. Sometimes they are inclined away from the perpendicu- 
lar, or in geological terms, have a considerable hade. Assume, 
as shown in Fig. 21, that the joint plane extends vertically into 


the rock mass, 7. e., that the hade is 0°. If this joint plane cuts 
the edge of the hole or occurs near the hole, the line of weak- 
ness will be continued straight down and in accordance with 
these conditions, the pothole should theoretically be excavated 
vertically into the bedrock. 

If, on the other hand (see Fig. 22), the joint plane has a 
large hade, the hole should, if our theory is correct, extend into 
the rock at an angle approximately equal to the hade, provided 


that the joint plane does form a line of weakness along which 
the effectiveness of erosion is concentrated. While no examples 
have been observed by the writer, where it was certain that 
such was the case, in several instances it seemed quite possible 
that hading of a joint plane had been a factor. 

Potholes Inherited from Preexisting Conditions.—As will 
be noted from the foregoing discussion, it is easy to conceive of 
various structural variations in the bedrock of stream courses, 


that might cause the initiation of potholes and influence their 
later development. To deduce on theoretic grounds the prob- 
able effect of these structural phenomena is not difficult. Yet, 
after examining many holes, it became apparent that the con- 
nection between their occurrence and such structural features 
was by no means so obvious as would at first seem probable. 
Particularly is this true of many of the larger, more typical, 
well-developed holes. Even when a detailed search was made 
it proved difficult to find single examples where incontestable 
correlations could be made between initiating cause and the oc- 

There is obviously a connection. between waterfalls and 
plunge pools. Furthermore, there is every gradation between 
plunge pools and normal potholes. The latter often mark the 
site of waterfalls the crest of which has since receded. Such 
potholes usually occur in a series leading up to the site of pres- 
ent active development. Excluding these, there still remain a 
number of potholes, the occurrence of which does not present 

i Jornt Plane 
\ with large hade 

—+» Joint P/ane, Hade=O” 


Resistant and less’ resistant layers Resistant and less’ resistant layers 

marked H and §, respectively. marked H and §8, respectively. 

evidence of formation by waterfalls and yet they seem unre- 
lated to existing structural conditions. Perhaps no single one 
of a number of such holes will show any distinct relation to 
an initiating cause or reason for development at just that 
point. What then is the cause of these potholes? Why are 
they found at such places where no relation seems to exist be- 
tween them and the structural phenomena present? 

It would seem that most normal potholes owe their existence 
to initiating causes that have disappeared since the formation 
of the holes. Accordingly it is proposed to describe them as 
potholes inherited from preexisting conditions. 

The case may be especially well illustrated in connection 
with joint planes. Some of the joints are strong in sandstone 


and notably weak in underlying shales, according to Sheldon.’ 
Assume that at an earlier stage in the downcutting by the 
stream a pothole was initiated in the sandstone layer due to the 
intersection of joint planes which were strong in the sandstone 
but weak in the shales beneath. Assume further that this hole 
attained a considerable depth and development and that its 
lower portion was cut into the shales in which the initiating 
joint planes did not continue. In time the stream erosion wore 
away the sandstone layer. The pothole, however, continued 
to be eroded in the shales. Once started, the swirl of the water 


currents continued to be effective and the hole was deepened at 
a rate commensurate or surpassing that of the general erosion 
of the stream bed. Thus it remained a feature of the stream 
course when the bed of the stream has been cut below the layer 
in which the hole was originally started. 

Not only does this development history seem probable where 
the weak spots are caused by joint planes in the upper layers, 
but it also seems just as likely to occur if any one of the other 
structural weaknesses previously described occurs in layers 
later removed. 

*7 Sheldon, P. G., “Some Observations and Experiments on Joint 
Planes,” Jour of Geol., Vol. XX., No. 1, January-February, 1912, pp. 64, 



Henkel2* observed in the case of tide-pools along the west 
coast of Vancouver Island, that some of the depressions were 
cut so that their bottom portions existed in sandstone and their 
top portions were in conglomerate, only a portion of the latter 
remaining due to erosion. Apparently this is an excellent 
example of inheritance from preexisting conditions. 

The general theory, then, of inherited potholes accounts very 
satisfactorily for the development of large and small holes situ- 
ated near each other in a rock surface which is apparently 
homogeneous throughout. The smaller holes are the most re- 
cently formed. They may in the future be extended downward 
into the underlying material. The material which is now at 
the surface may later be worn away and the potholes still con- 
tinue their downward development (provided that conditions of 
erosion are maintained). 

Irregularities of the Interiors of Potholes.—Where strata 
of unequal resistance to the grinding process of pothole forma- 
tion occur within the depth of a single hole, the interior is com- 
monly fluted, the resistant layer projecting beyond the weaker 
layers above and below. Possibly such fluting in some cases is 
due to variations in the erosive effectiveness of the currents 
moving in the hole, due to variations in the stream volume and 
its sediment load. 

No conclusive determination of the exact conditions that 
lead to the progressive enlargement of the diameter of a pothole 
below the surface has been made. Brunhes and Brunhes”® 
assert that centrifugal force causes the velocity of the water to 
increase at the sides of the hole, hence the tendency toward 
undercutting. There must also be a certain limiting depth to 
which a pothole can be excavated by a current of given volume 
and velocity provided with an optimum of rock tools. The 
variable factors, however, are so many that it would be difficult 
to establish any definite relations of this kind. 

Pothole Development and Gorge Cutting..—It has been 
previously suggested that pothole development is a significant 
if not a primary process in the early stages of gorge cutting by 

28 Henkel, Isabel, “ A Study of Tide-Pools on the West Coast of Van- 
couver Island,” Postelsia—The Year Book of the Minnesota Seaside Sta- 
tion for 1906, p. 293. 

29 Brunhes, B., and Brunhes, J., “ Les Analogies des Tourbillons At- 
mospheriques et des Tourbillons des Cours d’Eau et la Question de la 
deviation des riviéres vers la droite,” Anales de Geog., Vol. 18, 1904, pp. 

VOL. VI.—4. 


streams. Fig. 2 illustrates this relation very clearly. Cleland* 
cites another instance of even more striking character. He 
describes a natural bridge formed in impure limestone over the 
Kicking Horse River, near Field, B. C., by the lateral enlarge- 
ment and intersection below the surface of adjacent potholes. 
Some idea of the proportions of this feature may be gained by 
the figures he gives. The bridge averages ten feet in width, 
has a span of about eight feet and the arch is six to eight feet 

Watkins Glen, a quite famous gorge in central New York, 
owes much of its picturesqueness to the fact that its bottom 
course is almost exclusively the result of pothole erosion. The 
stream flows from one pothole to the next, forming the scalloped 
channel border illustrated by Fig. 23 as a result. Above, the 
gorge has been widened by weathering, but there is hardly any 
question but that these strata were also originally cut through by 
pothole grinding. In order to determine the rate at which 
potholes are enlarged, a plaster cast was made of a typical oc- 
currence near Ithaca, N. Y., in the summer of 1914. Some time 
in the near future it is proposed to make another cast of the 
same hole and measure the volume of rock material that has 
been removed. At the same time it may be possible to deter- 
mine how much the general level of the bed of the stream has 
been worn down. In this way it is hoped to obtain a sugges- 
tion of the quantitative relations of general and pothole deep- 
ening of stream channels. It would be interesting to have 
similar measurements made by observers in other localities as 
a comparison of results under different conditions would afford 
a basis for a general deduction of the effectiveness of the pot- 
hole grinding process in deepening stream valleys. 


1. Potholes develop only in streams that are actively erod- 
ing in fairly well consolidated rock. 

2. An initial hollow in the bedrock is necessary to permit 
of the primary collection of the sediment and stones that are to 
be the tools with which the pothole is ground out. 

3. The stream must carry at least a moderate amount of 
material to be used as grinding tools. Streams heavily laden 
with sediment tend to deposit rather than erode and too much 
material chokes the initial depressions. 

20 Cleland, H. F., “ North American Natural Bridges,” Bull. Geol. Soc. 
of America, Vol. 21, 1910, pp. 321-322. 


4. The initial hollow may be originated by any one of the 
following factors: irregularity in bedding; ripple marks; len- 
ticular concretionary structure; solution irregularities; joint 

5. The inception of a given pothole may be due to one or 
more of these structural weaknesses. 

6. The larger holes seem almost invariably to be inherited 
from preexisting conditions. 

7. The later development of a hole is influenced by the 
following factors, among others: the volume and velocity of the 
stream; the direction of currents; nature, structure and posi- 
tion of the rock, the hade of joint planes; union of two or more 

8. Most of the erosion of the holes is apparently accom- 
plished during flood stages. 



By Professor L. R. INGERSOLL 


T is not such a great while since the various subjects of light, 
heat, electricity and magnetism, embodied in the science 
of physics—or “natural philosophy” as it used to be called— 
were thought of as discrete branches only slightly interrelated. 
The task of showing the connection between them may be 
thought of as commenced by Oersted, who discovered, almost 
exactly a century ago, the effect of an electric current on a mag- 
netic needle. Half a century later the theoretical work of Max- 
well supplemented by the experiments of Hertz showed that 
light is, fundamentally, nothing but a particular manifestation 
of electrical and magnetic phenomena. But the discovery of 
the electron in recent times has done more than anything else 
to unify physics, and the division of the science into branches 
may be regarded henceforth merely as a separation for conve- 
nience in instruction rather than as a natural cleavage. ; 

But while light is now well known to be an electromagnetic 
wave phenomenon, occupying indeed a position intermediate 
between the long electromagnetic vibrations or wireless waves, 
on the one hand, and the extremely short undulations which the 
X-rays have very recently been shown to be, on the other, the 
experimental study of the relationship is not simple. Never- 
theless a whole series of investigations, initiated by Faraday’s 
capital discovery of the rotation of the plane of polarization 
produced by a magnetic field, has been carried out in recent 
years with the aim of finding out the effect of magnetic and 
electrical influences on light. 

The most striking result yielded so far is the effect, discov- 
ered in 1896 by Zeeman, of a powerful magnetic field on a 
source of light. 'This phenomenon, which is too minute to have 
been observed by Faraday, who tried the experiment, consists, 
in its simplest form, of the doubling or tripling of a spectral 
line according as the source is observed along the line of the 
magnetic field, or across it, respectively. On the basis of the 
electron theory the explanation may be outlined as follows: 
Suppose that in a small monochromatic source of light (e. g., 
vacuum tube, flame, etc.) between the poles of a large electro- 


magnet one of the countless electrons is rotating in a circular 
path about the axis of the field, giving rise as it does so toa 
light wave of period corresponding to its rotation. If, now, the 
magnet is excited there will be a force acting on this electron— 
just as there would be on a flexible circular wire carrying a cur- 
rent—which will tend to pull it into an orbit of smaller radius 
or push it out to a larger one according to the direction in which 
itis turning. The result will be exactly what would happen to 
a planet moving according to Kepler’s laws: a diminution in 
orbit means a shorter time of revolution, and vice versa. <Ac- 
cordingly, when the field is excited all electrons rotating in one 
direction will suffer a shortening of their periods, while those 
turning oppositely will show a corresponding lengthening. 
Thus a single spectral line is split into a “doublet” whose com- 
ponents will, moreover, be found to be circularly polarized. 

The obvious difficulty of this simple explanation arising 
from the fact that naturally only a very small proportion of the 
electrons would be found vibrating in circles oriented as pre- 
supposed, disappears when we remember that any vibratory 
motion is resolvable along three axial directions and that the 
simple harmonic vibrations along either of those perpendicular 
to the field is resolvable into the circular motions above de- 
scribed. The third vibration is in the line of the field and 
therefore not influenced by the magnet; hence when the phe- 
nomenon is viewed transversely there is a third component in 
the position of the original line. 

It is hard to overestimate the importance of this discovery 
by Zeeman, leading as it has, on the one hand, to the brilliant 
researches of Hale and his co-workers on magnetic fields in the 
sun, and, on the other, to the explanation of many of the effects 
of magnetism on light. 

Most of these effects have to do with polarized light and are 
allied to the Faraday rotation above mentioned. This experi- 
menter established the fact that when plane polarized light 
traverses any transparent substance in a magnetic field—the 
direction being parallel to the lines of force—the plane of po- 
larization suffers a rotation. 'The effect, which is analogous to 
that produced by a naturally active substance (e. g., sugar solu- 
tion), varies in amount with the character and thickness of the 
material, strength of field, wave-length of light and certain 
minor factors. Practical use has indeed been made of this well- 
known phenomenon in connection with a ‘‘massless” photo- 
graphic shutter suitable for use in experiments on the pho- 
tography of projectiles in flight. The light passes through a 


nicol prism and is thereby polarized, so that when it reaches a 
second nicol “crossed” on the first no light is transmitted. 
Between the two is a tube of carbon bisulphide—a strongly 
magneto-optic substance—in a helix of wire. The passage of 
a momentary current magnetizes the helix and rotates the plane 
of polarization of the light passing through the carbon bisul- 
phide sufficiently to permit the passage of a flash of light 
through the second nicol. 

This effect, moreover, is not limited to transparent sub- 
stances, for the magnetic metals, particularly iron, have enor- 
mous rotatory powers when specified in terms of a centimeter 
thickness. Indeed, if light could penetrate a centimeter into 
strongly magnetized iron it would suffer no less than five hun- 
dred complete revolutions of its plane of polarization, but the 
opacity of such substances is so great as to prevent the use of a 
film of thickness much greater than the ten-thousandth part 
of a millimeter, so the actual rotation is of the order of only a 
degree or two. Gases and vapors, especially of sodium, may 
also produce considerable rotations as shown by the extended 
experiments of Wood. 

For the last dozen years, the writer has made a special study 
of this subject of rotatory polarization in its various phases. 
The rotation has been determined for a variety of substances 
as dependent on the wave-length of light used, not only for the 
visible, but also for a portion of the long wave, or infra-red, 
spectrum. The study has not been limited to transparent sub- 
stances, but has also included the magnetic metals, particularly 
for the case of reflection (Kerr effect) for various directions of 
magnetization. Of late the work has been extended to include 
a comparison of the magnetic with the natural rotation, such 
as produced by a sugar solution, for a number of active sub- 
stances. The experimental work has not been without its diffi- 
culties; for the eye must necessarily be supplanted by the bo- 
lometer when working with the infra-red radiations, and this, 
with its entailed accessories, makes up an apparatus rather 
complicated in comparison with the relatively simple arrange- 
ment that suffices for the study of rotatory polarization in the 
visible spectrum. 

The results are naturally divided into two groups, according 
as they are for transparent substances or for the magnetic 
metals. The magnetic rotation of practically all representa- 
tives of the former class shows a rapid diminution with increas- 
ing wave-length as far as the writer has been able to investigate 
in the infra-red, that is, to a wave-length some three times 


longer than any the eye can see. The rotation for wave-length 
2, (.002 mm.) is less than one tenth of what it is for sodium 
light. The dispersion curves for different substances are much 
alike and are in general quite similar to the natural rotation 
curves (for such of the substances as are naturally active) over 
the whole spectral region examined. The temperature coeffi- 
cients of rotation are, however, quite different in some cases. 

The metals present a more interesting, as well as more com- 
plicated, case than transparent substances. As Kerr showed, 
half a century ago, when polarized light is reflected from the 
polished surface of a highly magnetized steel mirror the plane 
of polarization suffers a slight rotation. This effect has been 
investigated by a number of observers for the visible spectrum 
and by the writer on the infra-red side. The rotation-disper- 
sion in the visible spectrum is ‘‘ anomalous,” that is, the effect 
increases with longer wave-length instead of diminishing as 
does the rotation in transparent substances. Carrying the 
curves into the infra-red, however, it is found that the effect 
soon reaches a maximum and then diminishes rapidly for still 
longer wave-lengths. Viewed as a whole, the curves resemble 
very strongly the type of dispersion curve we are accustomed 
to associate with transparent substances in a spectral region of 
strong absorption, and it may be that for these metals, e. g., 
iron, nickel and cobalt, the visible spectrum is a region of simi- 
lar abnormal properties. 

There are a number of other magneto-optic phenomena— 
some of them requiring experimentation with films of metal 
less than one-millionth of an inch in thickness—which the 
writer and others have investigated. In general, however, it may 
be said that light, while unquestionably magnetic and electrical 
in nature, yields rather grudgingly to experiments attempt- 
ing to probe this relationship, and one must frequently content 
himself with small effects. The explanation of this undoubt- 
edly lies in the fact that the tiny electron whose activities not 
only give rise to light, but, moreover, determine or modify all 
the optical properties of bodies, executes its enormously rapid 
vibrations in magnetic fields of its own which are exceedingly 
large. To influence these vibrations by our gross experiments 
with fields which must, after ali, be relatively small, is accord- 
ingly a difficult matter. 




HERE are only a very few distinct diseases or diseased 
af conditions which are strictly speaking occupational in 
origin, such as the specific metallic poisonings, gas and fume 
poisoning, “ Caisson disease” caused by working in compressed 
air, an anthrax infection from working with infected hides or 
wool. Other diseases, just as serious and just as truly due to 
improper working conditions, may be directly traceable to 
occupational hazards, however, though they may also be caused 
by or aggravated by other conditions outside of daily work. In 
these latter instances it is often hard to tell just how much of 
the trouble is due to faulty working conditions and how much 
to faulty personal hygiene of the worker at home or elsewhere. 
As working conditions and manufacturing processes differ so 
widely in different countries and even in different localities in 
the same factory, observations made at one time and place do 
not necessarily hold good as the basis of generalizations. To 
rightly judge of any industry and of its effect on health studies 
must not only be made in one place or one factory but in many 
factories in different localities. 

A number of such investigations have been conducted in 
specially dangerous industries and have resulted in very greatly 
improved conditions, and in several of our very large cities 
special clinics have been instituted to treat occupational dis- 
eases and to make further studies of working conditions. 

Some employers take every precaution they know of to 
lessen danger to their workmen, not only for the sake of the 
workers, but because employers are coming more and more to 
realize that a healthy, vigorous worker is even more valuable 
than a piece of machinery kept in good repair and well oiled. 
On the other hand, there are a great number of employers 
whose only aim is to secure a greater production in less time 
and at less cost, and who fail to appreciate the drawback to 
such an aim that unhealthy workmen, poor light, clutter and 
dirt really are. Bearing these facts in mind, one can see the 
value of intensive studies of health-hazardous industries in 
various localities, so that we may learn if possible the part 


played in disease production by the special hazards and how far 
these hazards may be lessened or removed, or the workers pro- 
tected from their bad effects. Among non-specific disease- 
producers found in industry none is of much greater importance 
and more generally prevalent than dust. Many industries 
necessarily are associated with dust in large quantities and 
often of very irritating nature, though too often much more 
dust is produced than necessary and that which is produced is 
scattered over a far wider area than need be. 

Dusts produced in industry may be of various kinds and 
their harmful action on the system depends on the nature of the 
dust as well as on the amount. These dusts have been classified 
in several ways. First, as to whether they are mineral, metal- 
lic, vegetable or animal in origin, or mixed, but this grouping 
gives no definite idea as to their action. From the health stand- 
point a better classification is into irritating, poisonous and in- 
fectious. Dust in the air we breathe is inhaled and if insoluble 
may act more or less as an irritant to tissues with which it 
comes in contact, depending on the shape and hardness of the 
particles, hard, sharply pointed or angular particles like flint or 
' steel being much more harmful than smooth clay or soft vege- 
table or animal fiber dust. Such insoluble dust, particularly 
animal fiber or hair dust, may carry into the system with it the 
germs of infectious disease, and many fatal cases of anthrax 
have been caused by inhaling the dust liberated in the sorting 
of infected wool or hides. Tubercle bacilli are often thus intro- 
duced on dried or drying particles of sputum carelessly expec- 
torated by infected workers. 

Soluble dusts are dissolved in the mucus covering the linings 
of the air passages and may act locally as chemical irritants, 
causing local catarrhal inflammations, which in turn lower the 
resistance of the tissues and facilitate the lodgment and growth 
of pus-producing bacteria, or the poison may be absorbed into 
the system and cause general poisoning, the most frequent ex- 
amples of the latter being the numerous cases of lead poisoning 
occurring among painters, sand paperers and makers and users 
of white lead, red lead and litharge. 

It is remarkable how much dust one can become accustomed 
to with apparently very little harm being done. This is partly 
due to the action of the excellent defenses nature has provided. 
Large heavy particles very soon fall to the floor and if the place 
of generation of dust is below the level of the nose or mouth of 
the worker these particles may never reach the respiratory 
passages unless they are thrown upward with force. Of those 


particles of irritating insoluble dusts that reach the nasal open- 
ings and are inhaled fibers of any length are apt to be caught 
and retained by the hairs in the nostrils, while a certain per- 
centage of the larger and medium-sized masses and even some 
of the smaller ones are deposited on the moist membranes of 
' the nasal passages and eventually swallowed with the mucus 
from the back of the throat or sneezed or blown out of the nos- 
trils. Only the finer particles penetrate to the trachea and 
bronchi, and there any that lodge on the walls of the larger air 
passages are swept upward by the current of mucus kept in 
motion by the countless little whip-like processes of the cells 
lining these tubes. So finally only the smallest particles, one 
authority says those under %  ) millimeter in size, reach the 
lungs themselves. Lehmann, working with white lead dusts, 
found that from 35 to 43 per cent. by weight of that entering 
the nostrils reached the lungs, the rest either being finally swal- 
lowed or breathed, blown or sneezed out of the nares. Insol- 
uble dusts that do reach the finer bronchioles or air cells are 
taken up by wandering cells or phagocytes and carried into the 
tissues, or by means of their sharp edges or points work their 
own way in and there give rise to local inflammation, followed 
by an increase of fibrous connective tissue, especially marked 
around the smal! blood vessels and air passages. This firm non- 
elastic fibrous tissue replaces the normal more elastic tissue and 
crowds and contracts the small air passages. The former pre- 
vents the normal expansion and contraction of the lungs with 
respiration and the latter causes dilation of the terminal air 
cells due to increased resistance to expiration and hinders the 
normal flow of blood in the lungs, so lessening the amount of 
oxygen taken up by the blood and the amount of carbon dioxide 
given off. This slows up the normal tissue metabolism and low- 
ers the general body tone, lessening resistance to disease, espe- 
cially to infections of the respiratory tract. Such fibrosed lungs 
yield more readily to attacks of infective bronchitis and pneu- 
monia, and many claim also that they make excellent soil for the 
development of tuberculosis, though when tuberculosis does de- 
velop it is more apt to be a slow chronic process owing to this 
very immobility of the lungs preventing the rapid spread of 
infection and giving nature more chance to build a protective 
wall around the diseased area. Someof the dust particles which 
the wandering scavenger cells carry into the tissues reach the 
lymph channels and are arrested in the lymph glands at the root 
of the lungs, where they remain out of harm’s way and do no 
further damage unless infected. Such glands after death from 


other causes are found swollen and loaded with gritty particles. 

This brief sketch of the fate of inhaled dust shows the im- 
portance of dust prevention as a health measure in industry 
and the value of accurate data as to the volume of dust gener- 
ated in different processes and the relative proportions of differ- 
ent-sized particles in this dust, as well as the shape and hard- 
ness of those minute particles which reach the lungs themselves. 
Such data as to the amount of dust inhaled have heretofore 
been very searce and as a rule based on the amount of dust in 
comparatively small samples of air, at most a few cubic feet, 
and often small fractions of a cubic inch, and as air currents in 
rooms are constantly changing in force and direction, especially 
if there is much motion of persons or machinery, and as dust 
production in manufacturing processes varies from moment to 
moment, such small samples give no reliable picture of actual 
conditions. The investigators of the New York State Venti- 
lation Commission two years ago developed a new testing ap- 
paratus by means of which much larger samples of air can be 
examined, such sampling extending over appreciable periods of 
time, so that much more nearly average conditions can be ob- 
tained and more reliable conclusions and estimates can be made. 
This apparatus, the Paimer dust-collecting machine, is essen- 
tially an electrically driven centrifugal fan which aspirates a 
continuous current of air through a fountain of water in a spe- 
cially designed bulb. All the particles of any but ultramicro- 
scopic size which are floating in the air are retained in the 
water, a gasoline manometer enabling one to measure the rate 
of flow of air through the machine. After a test the water is 
drawn off into a clean bottle and diluted up to a given volume. 
Knowing the amount of air sampled and the volume of water 
we know the volume of air that a given fractional amount of 
the water will represent. This water can then be evaporated 
and the residue weighed, to determine the weight of dust. The 
dried dust can be burned and again weighed to determine the 
proportion of organic and mineral matter present. Chemical 
tests can be made to determine the amount of any poisonous 
substances present and finally the dust particles can be ex- 
amined under a microscope to determine their shape and size 
and number per unit of air, usually per cubic foot, as well as 
the relative number of particles of different sizes. For the 
last-mentioned purposes the commission recommends grouping 
particles in four or five groups, the smallest being about 
ten times the diameter of the average bacteria, and the 
largest about 400 times larger. Those under 0.001 millimeter 


can not well be counted, and in the work to be referred to here 
have been disregarded, as they are considered too small to do 
any serious harm. With this apparatus, samples of from 25 to 
200 cubic feet or more of air can be tested, the amount depend- 
ing on the dustiness of the air. As the optimum rate of sam- 
pling is five cubic feet per minute, it will be seen that tests last- 
ing from five to forty minutes give time for normal variations 
in air currents and dust produced to occur. In this way, the 
amount of dust per hundred cubic feet of air can be estimated 
in the shorter tests and actually weighed in tests of 100 to 200 
cubic feet. As the average man inhales 30 cubic inches of air 
at each inspiration and breathes 17 to 18 times per minute, it 
is estimated that he would inhale about 18 cubic feet of air 
per hour or 144 cubic feet in an 8-hour working day. With 
these figures as a basis, it is easy to estimate the weight of dust 
and its percentage of organic and inorganic matter which a 
worker would inhale in his working day, of whatever length it 
may be, in his particular industrial occupation. Assuming that 
Lehmann’s estimate of 42 per cent. of inhaled dust particles 
actually reaching the lungs and remaining there might be too 
high for some dusts, it is calculated that at least one third of 
inhaled dust would actually remain in the lungs. 

Last winter the University of Pennsylvania Hospital estab- 
lished a clinic for occupational diseases in cooperation with the 
Pennsylvania State Department of Labor and Industry. In 
addition to the routine work of treating patients referred from 
industrial plants and to making special investigations of the 
working conditions of these patients, the clinic is engaged in a 
systematic study of dust hazards and distinctively dusty in- 

The study referred to includes surveys of the industries 
with determination of the relative humidity in the work rooms, 
as the amount of moisture in the air influences greatly the 
amount of dust remaining suspended in the air. Determina- 
tions were made, by the use of the Palmer apparatus described 
above, of the actual average weight of dust per cubic foot in 
the air of the work rooms, with the estimation of the total 
amount of dust a worker would inhale in a day’s work. Esti- 
mations were made of the number of dust particles per cubic 
foot of air and these were grouped into four different sizes, with 
the determination of the percentage of each size in the total 
count, and the determination of the character of the dust, in- 
cluding shape of particles, percentage of organic and mineral 
matter and amount of any poisonous substances, if present. 


Also physical examinations were made and medical histories 
taken of many employees, preferably of men who had been 
working a number of years in dusty trades. Finally the 
rentgenologic department of the University Hospital made 
rentgenographic examinations and radiograms of the chests of 
these workers, as that is where the effects of long-continued 
work in dusty atmosphere are chiefly seen. 

The value of such work to the industrial physician, the 
worker and the industry itself can be readily seen. It is 
thought that a few of the results obtained and the conditions 
observed might be of interest to the general reader. For pur- 
poses of comparison and as a basis of standardization, air was 
examined in a suburban house and in a laboratory of the uni- 
versity to obtain an indoor standard, and outdoor samples were 
collected at the same places. The following table gives the 
number of particles per cubic foot of air, the weight of dust 
inhaled per working day, with the minimum amount retained 
in the lungs per day and per year of 300 working days in each 
industry examined. Each report is an average of tests taken in 
that industry in different rooms and departments and often in 
different factories. Sixty-five tests in all were made in nine 
industries and five tests for comparison which were calculated 
for twenty-four hour periods. The working days in the indus- 
tries ranged from eight to twelve hours in length, the longest 
day being in the dustiest industry. Portland cement making 
was by far the dustiest trade investigated, and here the actual 
bulk of dust inhaled is amazing, but the reason for this will be 
seen when it is stated that from one room in one plant calcula- 
tions showed that at least half a ton of cement dust and prob- 
ably much more escaped into the surrounding atmosphere in a 
day. In a similar room at another plant, there were only about 
one sixth as many particles in the air, and of these a greater 
number were of the larger sizes, due to the exhaust ventilation 
stacks over conveyors which carried off many of the smaller, 
more dangerous particles. Men were found who had been 
working over twenty years in cement plants, and the table will 
show that they must have had from 2 to 4 pounds of cement 
dust lodged in their chests. Next to cement in the amount of 
dust created came plush and carpet making and here consid- 
erable variations were found in different rooms. The dustiest 
places were the wool breaker room where dirty raw wool was 
handled which might readily be contaminated with dangerous 
disease germs, and another room where old woolen rags of all 
descriptions were shredded up to be made over into carpet. 



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Here too there was danger of infection as well as mechanical 
injury from dust. However, woolen dust itself is among the 
least irritating of dusts, far less so than the hard mineral dusts. 

Steel and asbestos dusts are both decidedly irritating, the 
former being distinctively dangerous, owing to its sharp irreg- 
ular form. In the dustiest streel-grinding room ball bearings 
were being dry ground between emery wheels and no effort was 
made to keep the fine particles from flying off into the air. The 
asbestos dusts would have averaged much higher except for the 
presence of very efficient exhaust ventilation hoods over the 
carding machines in one factory. As will be seen at the bottom 
of the accompanying table, one asbestos working room was 
even worse than the ball-grinding room. Flint dust, though 
ranking fourth in the table, is probably the most dangerous of 
all except possibly steel, and flint has a reputation for shorten- 
ing the lives of workers and inducing tuberculosis. One flint 
mill has an exhaust system, but, as often is the case, it was not 
working. Pottery manufacturing has a bad name, but condi- 
tions were not found to be very bad, as will be seen. Formerly 
much lead was used in pottery glaze and is yet for some wares, 
but little was used in the factory visited, the employees being 
well protected when it was used, and a test of the dust showed 
only a small per cent. of lead present. 

The danger in felt hat making is not so much from the fur 
dust itself as from the mercury dust, rising from the carrotted 
fur. The fur is “carrotted” or brushed with acid nitrate of 
mercury solution to prepare it for the felting process. Cigar 
manufacturing has a bad name for dust production, but, as seen 
in Philadelphia, this is undeserved and nicotine tests on the 
dust showed little or no danger of poisoning of the workers. 

The silk factory was the cleanest place visited, and here 
there was less dust than found anywhere except in outdoor 
country air. This is partly due to the high degree of relative 
humidity maintained to make the silk fibers more manageable. 

In many of the places where samples were taken relative 
humidity was tested, and in general it was seen that where 
there was most moisture in the air there was least dust and 
fewer large particles proportionately to smaller. Tests of rela- 
tive humidity also showed that in few if any of the rooms was 
the humidity too high for comfort, though heat was excessive 
in many cases where testing was done in hot summer weather. 
In most instances the relative humidity might well have been 
artificially increased as a means of reducing dust. This could 
have been done by the use of humidifiers to add moisture to the 


air or by supplying cool air in ventilation ducts by means of 
water sprays or circulation over cold pipes. The mere lowering 
of the temperature of air increases its relative humidity by 
lowering its saturation point. 

X-ray examinations of the chests of workers in dusty atmos- 
phere showed varying degrees of fibrous deposits in the lungs, 
as well as fine scattered shadows due to the dust itself. These 
while well marked in workers in cement and in steel grinders 
were distinct in potters only after many years of work. Shad- 
ows of less degree were also seen in old plush and carpet mill 
employees, which may have been due in whole or in part to the 
inorganic matter mixed with the fibrous dust in an old mill not 
kept any too clean. Evidence of damage to the lungs of cigar 
workers was absent even in the men working many years at 
the trade. 

Dust conditions in many factories or in parts of factories 
were minimized by the introduction of strong local exhaust 
ventilation with hoods over dust-creating machinery, but these 
were by no means universal and where employed were not al- 
ways properly constructed or of sufficient size and power, and 
at times were not even working. Where sufficient suction ducts 
were in operation the effects of exhaust ventilation on the 
various-sized particles could be tested and as would be expected 
it was clearly shown that in addition to lessening total dust it 
removed a portion of smaller, more dangerous particles. 

In general, dust may be prevented or lessened by removal 
at the source as indicated above, by substitutions of wet for 
dry processes, by frequent vacuum cleaning or wet sweeping 
and by increasing relative humidity. In numerous cases dust- 
generating processes can be entirely enclosed in specially venti- 
lated drums, boxes or rooms, so as to allow no dust to escape 
into the factory. Where dust can not be prevented dusty proc- 
esses should be conducted in separate rooms and, especially if 
the dust is poisonous or very irritating, workers may wear 
masks or dust helmets. Almost always there can be found some 
way to protect the workers from excessive dust and such means 
will be more generally employed when such investigations as 
these prove more definitely the harmfulness or relative harm- 
lessness of specific dusts and processes. 





HE banana of commerce is the fruit of various species of 
a Musa, a plant which develops abundantly throughout the 
whole tropical zone. Many species of Musa are known, dif- 
fering in size and character, and their fruits likewise show 
differences in size, appearance and flavor. Various common 
names are given to the different varieties, such as red bananas, 
yellow bananas, apple banana, date banana, ladyfinger, etc. 
The banana found principally in the American market is the 
fruit of the Musa sapientum, of which there are a large number 
of varieties, the most common being the Gros Michel banana. 
The plants and their fruits differ considerably in appearance 
and actual composition, according to the environmental condi- 
tions of soil, climate and other geographical and geological 

The banana constitutes the chief carbohydrate food, in fact 
the principal food of enormous numbers of people in many parts 
of the tropics, thus taking the place of cereals and tubers, such 
as wheat, rye, barley and potatoes, in the food relations of the 
temperate zone. Careful computations have been made by 
numerous authors showing that the actual amount of food ma- 
terial produced per acre in the cultivation of bananas exceeds 
that of wheat or any other crop. The banana is therefore to 
be considered not as a luxury but as a very important staple 
in the food supply of the world. From this point of view it 
deserves much higher consideration than it has hitherto been 

Since the edible portion is surrounded by a thick enveloping 
skin it is effectively protected against the attacks of bacteria, 
moulds and other agencies of decomposition, therefore if the 
skin is unbroken it may always be eaten with the assurance of 
its sanitary quality and freedom from dirt or objectionable 


Many analyses of the banana have been made by different 

investigators. Since we are especially interested in the Ameri- 

VOL. VI.— 2d. 


can banana, it is probable that the average of the American 
analyses may best be quoted: Atwater and Bryant, working 
under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 
give the following figures, showing the analysis of the edible 
portion of the banana, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bull. No. 28, 
revised edition, 1906, p. 71: 

Water, Per Cent. Protein, Per Cent. Fat 
IVERTTTINATIIN Siete rent leleiclo.c lwkare eleteteisis, « 66.3 1.0 
MVE AKPMUM Stine cic ic eevee = ehcvesere se 81.6 1.6 1.4 
AAVCFARCS oe ein cic iele ortho eteveve see 75.3 13 6 

Total carbo- Fuel value 

hydrate, Per Cent. Ash, Per Cent. per lb. 
JMINTMUM Te, ese tte states chelate leis ove 16.3 3) 330 
Wie behsiqyberke sy nomnshen tAa ee ney ee 29.8 igi 640 
AVGrage CES Se oO aseeiciets.& © ols ole 22.0 8 460 

The banana as purchased contains, of course, a large amount 
of inedible material, the skin, which amounts approximately to 
35 per cent. of the total weight. Since, however, bananas are 
ordinarily not purchased by weight, but by number, this does 
not enter into the general question of either cost or food value. 
The ash of the banana is principally made up of the phosphates, 
sulphates and chlorides of potash, soda, magnesia and lime, all 
of which serve useful purposes in the body economy. It is thus 
seen that the banana contains all the classes of food materials 
required for the animal body, although the amount of protein 
and fat are too low in proportion to the carbohydrate to con- 
stitute a perfectly balanced ration. The combination of ba- 
nana with milk in proper proportion, or its utilization as a 
vegetable to supplement a diet containing a small amount of 
meat will produce a ration which is ample to take care of the 
body needs. 


A comparison of the banana with the potato is of particular 
interest. Again quoting from the carefully made tables of 
Atwater and Bryant, page 68 of Bull. No. 28, above mentioned, 
we have the following figures: 

Potato, Per Cent. Banana, Per Cent. 
WiACED 2. vid cote oyereinte eeanenete eet Re erece e's, os 6s 78.3 75.3 
1 op hol -1 5 a RRP EAIP ROI ch) Cosi eA Bod UOC: at POISON Die 1.3 
1 POA ET IBA ics SAL chs OS 5 Co eee a: 6 
Total carbohydrate, neludiee 1} 07) Oe SIP 18.0 22.0 
DPOSNT o:u'a:'s oe v's ot oak vio they RAP EESTI es B86 m0 1.0 8 
Calories \per! IDs 2cciecare sss ee mad tetera: ols Le oe 385 460 

It is thus seen that considering the edible portion, the ba- 
nana approximates very closely the potato in analysis and ex- 


ceeds it by about 20 per cent. in its fuel or food value. Without 
giving the detailed figures of analyses, it may be of interest to 
compare the food value of the banana with that of a variety of 
other foods which we have come to regard as almost indispen- 
sable in a properly regulated dietary. The following table 
from Bulletin No. 28, mentioned above, shows the calorific 
value per pound of edible portion, except as otherwise noted, of 
some of these foods, the average result being used in each case 
for comparison: 

NE OLIVGTEG ooo) a a te TT INE ORS Ae cae he aha ane L60 
SSPEMACH +: 532 23 RR eee teen ahs eee a estate’ ohaelioie ne Me hea 110 
RNGhERERSIR F225, 4k RE Biel erode ie eee Bot ats bn via ee memes Dali 
GeEON | PEAS) 21511 Ase ems ahd ote rea iste cur yd ahs) 6) Shalete Wb Lare 465 
ONIONS 5 oss oi TEA eae a aes Tate) wae ot eblehetarey abies 225 
PRAESTIUDS! 5,25 52 SEO os inches) sere tat eh Pe Siuild: sation ohne 300 
EAMES oS eM eats Slain eis a atlehellauendunl aidisla lst cin stehaahs 145 
GIEEn > COM 251. acne a alate eee ae ies Sesato A 470 
Hreshy lima '| Dean Seman en ies chars: fiesta seb aeelene eh taleveee hele: share barter enh 570 
(Bets tare) cists: rc, ee RRO Ma RUS ee tich Lor ced ool tuah oo oe. egal aay 215 
Macaroni: Cookedipre terse ietarsee cs arciteravercnshaeusiiehls ebaynilersiase avave ek alle 415 
IBotled: atime lee arene Petes ays istrar sp soogee te take ite daclo ones aiid. ore laeleas 285 
ASDA SUS: \'. :-3 eee, Ss Acera ets. sien oc Bb al ties ane erg leiamasle-cwi’ 105 
SEEING DEANS Sete el cial ete) aie ollere Sue te oa alas AOE RS ov eval named 95 
CAE OES! SOR Neral ora is et Cee uN clic ee OR TLE J Shas MN 210 
GLAMIS A Ws sR en eas BS [OOS SN eh BLE eld LS ona Bae 240 
LEC) SSS) 2 MIA CrCla, 0,6) 0! cits Catt PERCE EERE ries Eas ceri ey RAPER AT en carat oa 390 
Oysters’: SoldSrasimunenased sql ernek yet ho sites ateralae ate hikes 230 
SEalop sitet aeeh PRR OUSLn ssa labs, Aca Toialevs loin ale feleuel Shave epavelalars 345 
PAA AOC 5/2 eee ee alate oid ae cea ls raralaliae el rer are blake eee 335 
GUNG ET: > ., | PLR Nes PS eis oie hoot eed Maat oy eect 290 
ahibut, as Purektasenmeete 2h a.sliis ae vies ote Mae ais evdleta Rabie 470 
PESEEICEISEN: 8/5, Fi. tN Cp eNO Late Mice Up hal c/ak aio areink lea aan aie 410 
Chicken, broilers, eqdiplesporvion: <2 )..:. © </4s, 4s 6 alaecaiesowe. cong 505 
Bele). Gripes.) ert eee et «os ca le aig ees eect eld aialoete igre 270 
Round steak, veryaleanmermr ind. der sten ccs s sere era coe 540 
ound: steak, MediumeraGy yn o.0.0. 62h eles ears cores jae ates 950 
Malle: whole;yasi puneasedinn®. game... Shae sea ek 325 
ASP DIGBY. Bat ajay eRe ore Pa talcy oid ian feta Seecalans Gules lavcistny Ps au 290 
GHEEPIcs |. 5s :ca Aes RRP caste o's (css Zl swears ete ow dicta Bette’ che 365 
OTS csc, ooh ce RM ce Taney Si or ale tee Taras Pe eka aadl Oi ates Cassi aise 3880 
GEADES o's: 2s oe Re rete ctaeye ha Boater ects Mave A ete cea 450 
WEAN eS 255 are eR SO & the hos Siac Seale llee bat beset 240 

A casual survey of this table shows that the banana exceeds 
in real food value many foods of different classes which are in 
almost daily use, such as whole milk, boiled oatmeal, shellfish 
and other fish, and fresh vegetables. Comparison of the food 
value of bananas and meats, as for example, round steak, 
should not be made without calling attention to the fact that 
the type of food is different in the two classes. Meats are 


essentially protein foods and as such are more adapted to the 
development of tissue than to the quick production of heat, 
while the banana, on the other hand, is less a tissue-forming 
substance but is incomparably more effective in supplying the 
heat-giving materials. In a crude way we might say that the 
proteins are the foods which make good the losses due to wear 
and tear in the machinery of the body, while the carbohydrates 
are the foods which keep the machinery in motion and do work. 
From this standpoint it is seen therefore that the banana, be- 
cause of its higher carbohydrate content along with a certain 
amount of protein, would be a more useful all-round food than 
a pure meat diet in which the amount of carbohydrate is nil. 
A comparison with medium round steak, for example, shows in 
the edible portion in each case 65.5 per cent. water for the steak 
as against 75.3 for the banana, and protein content 20.3 for the 
meat and a fat of 13.6 per cent. as against the figures for the 
same constituents of the banana. On the other hand, the meat 
possesses no carbohydrate, whereas the banana has 22 per cent. 

From the standpoint of the consumer the fairest method of 
comparison between these facts would be in noting the cost 
in cents per calories of fuel value obtained. At the present 
market price of meats the advantage is distinctly in favor of 
the banana. A similar comparison with fish is not without 
interest. Taking haddock as a food-fish now largely used, we 
purchase with each pound of fish approximately twelve ounces 
of water, that is to say, the haddock contains approximately 
81 per cent. to 82 per cent. of water as against 75.3 per cent. 
in the banana. The fish shows a larger proportion of protein, 
but the fat content, however, is less than in the banana and 
there is no carbohydrate, wheras, as we have seen, the banana, 
is rich in this quick-acting, heat-giving substance. From the 
standpoint of calories, therefore, the banana exceeds the com- 
mon food-fish considerably and from the standpoint of real 
costs the odds are greatly in favor of the fruit. If we compare 
the food value and cost of potatoes and bananas at the present 
retail price, $1.00 per peck and 25 cents to 30 cents per dozen, 
respectively, we shall find that of these two substances which 
are essentially similar in their analyses, there is a decided ad- 
vantage in favor of the banana. At present prices, April, 1917, 
when purchasing bananas, one cent will buy 65.9 calories on 
the average, while in buying potatoes this sum secures 46.6 
calories—a 40 per cent. difference in favor of the tropical fruit. 
In this connection it is perhaps well to call the attention to the 
fact that the banana can be cooked in a variety of ways and 


may replace the potato admirably. It may be baked, boiled, 
fried, served as chips, or “ French fried,” and in all these ways 
is an excellent and highly nutritious article of food. For use 
as a vegetable in the ways just mentioned, it is found of advan- 
tage to use fruit which has not reached the state of full-ripeness 
as the starch content is then greatest and the sugars less, while 
for desserts and for eating in the natural state the rich sugary 
fruit is more acceptable. 

Bulletin No. 7 of the Bureau of Public Health Education of 
the New York Dept. of Health, issued February, 1917, says: 

The onion, like most green vegetables, is of value in the diet chiefly 
for the mineral salts which it contains. It is these and not its protein that 
make it a valuable addition to bread and meat. Bread and cereals and 
meat are described by the chemist as having an excess of acid-forming 
over base-forming mineral matters. Green vegetables and fruits are of 
the opposite character, having an excess of base-forming minerals. A 
proper balance of these two classes of minerals in the diet is essential to 
health. There is danger at the present time, when vegetables are unusu- 
aily costly, that the health of the community may suffer from a deficiency 
of base-forming minerals in the diet. It is important, therefore, to call 
attention to the fact that apples, bananas and oranges, which have not 
greatly advanced in price, may be used as substitutes for vegetables. 
They contain the same mineral matters in varying proportions. Apples, 
bananas and oranges all surpass onions in their excess of base-forming 
minerals. On Saturday, February 24, a member of the Home Economics 
department of Hunter College investigated the prices of fruits and vege- 
tables on the upper east side of Manhattan. A few of the prices, with 
some other facts, are given below: 

Avg. Per Avg. Cost per Food Units per 
Cost Cent. lb. Edible lb. of Edible 
Ib. Refuse Portion Portion 
Bananas’ .5)..0082 eee $.04 35 $.054 460 
Cooking apples ...... 04 25 .05 290 
Small oranges ....... .05 27 .0635 240 
Onions.) : +45 oe 15 10 .165 220 

It is therefore evident that these fruits are all cheaper than onions. 

It is also clear that on the basis of food value, the banana is 
nearly a third cheaper. 
An analysis made in the laboratory of the writer gave the 
following results: 

Per Cent. 
SSTIT CA U5. 5 c's, cia tale RO MR ae co ee a rs ere ay ee ea teat othe San 2.19 
1 iy 0012 SuPer ei o15 coc a\Lhic tto.a1c Ea COA OIC Oe IRI eye Ana ee 1.82 
Fron: oxide’ ic /de amma s | RUS Tak 0.18 
PHOSPHOLIC ACIC pa cprstany tee Miele bagels sealer aime dues ominlg ond 7.68 
VA OTICSIA. 05 .tarerauet tea Men aradetene hace aleve teiav erases teat elare loth My Mbeya brig 6.45 
S100 PN aI eR RR as aa ir the Ge ha BRA APE a ey) alispalal 
JE COLEE YS) 0 ge SMC cme Ren ty focl'S cous Ora Py CEE NER MSR Rg PEER semana tere 43.55 
SUlDHUP trIORId emer veraeretrnae tree cc ceea ante she eae ie tahel ed breton evae 3.26 

CHIOEINE sels ee TT Te ace aiabolere mei oiats: sak valale oietars, 6 ails Wide 


That is, the ash is largely made up of the base-forming 
salts, the carbonates, phosphates, chlorides and sulphates of 
potash, soda and magnesia. 

Below will be found a table, which has been prepared from 
analyses shown in Bulletin No. 28, previously referred to, and 
from the data accumulated by Professor H. C. Sherman, of 
Columbia University, and other authentic sources, where is 
shown the analysis of a number of foods both of animal and 
vegetable origin and their comparative calorific value based on 
present prices. The costs per pound have been obtained as a 
result of a number of actual purchases made at retail in New 
York City and are therefore reliable. 


The nutritive ratio shown in the table may require a slight 
amount of explanation. This is based on the fundamental fact 
that proteins, carbohydrates and fats supply the actual food 
material to the body. Of these, protein alone is nitrogenous 
material, while fats and carbohydrate contain no nitrogen. 
Nutritive ratio really expresses the relation between the energy 
derived from the nitrogenous food and that derived from 
the non-nitrogenous nutrients and is determined by a com- 
putation of the calorific value of the proteins as compared 
with fats and carbohydrates. Since the fats have a heat- 
giving value which is approximately 214, times that of either 
carbohydrates or protein, the energy relation of nitrogenous 
to non-nitrogenous material is not an exact expression of 
the percentages of protein and non-protein, but of the fuel or 
power-producing value. The figures in the table therefore 
represent the real amount of energy derived from the total car- 
bohydrate and fat calories as compared with the energy derived 
from the protein. 

In this connection it should be explained, as suggested earlier, 
that the nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous foods serve somewhat 
different purposes in the body economy, since the nitrogenous 
foods are mainly for the repair of tissue, while the non-nitroge- 
nous ones are for the development of power (energy). For 
this reason it is undesirable and uneconomical to have too much 
protein. Only the nitrogen actually needed for repair and 
building of tissue is utilized, the remainder being excreted. 
There is no storage against a future shortage as in the case of 
fat. Therefore in a properly balanced diet the amount of pro- 
tein food should not ordinarily exceed 15 per cent. of the total 
fuel used. Moreover, the actual amount of fuel used varies 


with age and occupation. Those doing hard manual labor need 
more energy and consequently more food. Growing children 
burn their food rapidly and need more protein in proportion to 
the total than do adults. 

The general relation of foods to the body needs as well as 
their relative cost based on calorific value is well expressed in 
the following quotation from the bulletin on ‘‘ Food: Fuel for 
the Human Engine,” prepared by the recognized expert, Dr. 
Eugene Lyman Fisk, and issued by the Life Extension Institute 
of New York during the present year (pp. 5-6) 

There are three main groups of fuel foods: Here they are in order of 

cost per calorie, 7. e., those giving the most energy for the money heading 
the list. 

Starchy Foods Sugars Fats 
Bananas Sugar Drippings 
Cornmeal Corn syrup Lard 
Hominy Dates Salt Pork 
Broken rice Candy Oleomargarine 
Oatmeal Molasses Nutmargarine 
Flour Most Fruits Peanut butter 
Rice Milk 
Macaroni Bacon 
Spaghetti Butter 
Cornstarch Cream 

Dried lima beans 
Split peas, yellow 
Dried navy beans 


About 85 per cent. of the fuel should come from this group, using 
starchy foods in largest amounts, fats next and sugars least. Fats, 
starchy foods and sugars are almost pure fuel, like coal, while cereal foods 
also contain some building and regulating material. 

The same bulletin, presenting a table of the raw materials 
in common use in the order of their cost per pound, places ba- 
nanas at the bottom of the list, 7. e., the cheapest food. 


The banana is not only a higher-power fuel for the body, but 
it is also rich in the desirable salts. The onion has long been 
considered a valuable food adjunct because of its mineral salts. 
The banana is even more valuable. 

A little known commodity in America is banana flour, but in 
view of the shortage of materials it is one which should be 
seriously considered. The fully grown, but unripe banana, is 
the source as it is desired to obtain the carbohydrate in the 
form of starch before it goes over to soluble sugar. The peeled 
fruit is dried and ground, the water content is removed to 
approximately 15 per cent. and during this process the other 
ingredients are concentrated. 

According to the eminent English dietetic expert, Dr. Robert 
Hutchinson in “ Food and the Principles of Dietetics,” we find: 

The unripe banana is dried and used to produce banana flour or meal. 
A sample of such a flour had the following percentage composition: 

Moisture Moisture | Proteid Fat ee eras 
Banana Hour: i/.<decccereseoscoceose 13.0 | 4.0 0.5 80.0 2.5 
Wiheat tlouncsetocccneacea eee 138) 7.9 1.4 76.4 0.5 

I have placed alongside of it the composition of good wheat flour, 
compared with which the banana meal is rich in carbohydrates and min- 
eral matter, but very poor in proteid. If rice, on the other hand, had 
been taken for comparison, it would have been found that banana flour 
was about equal to it in nutritious value. 

The Lancet, February, 1900, in a discussion of the banana as 
food says: . 

For some reason not yet explained, the starch of the banana is much 
more digestible than are the cereal starches, besides which the fruit con- 
tains a notable proportion of nitrogenous material. 

In a later article (The Lancet, October 17, 1903), this jour- 
nal states: 

There can be no doubt of the nutritious character of banana flour, and 
the starch in it is peculiarly easy of solution and digestion in the alkaiine 
digestive juices of the body. Banana flour is readily dissolved, for exam- 
ple, by the saliva. 

Dr. Hutchinson also calls attention in ‘‘ Food and Dietetics ” 
to the fact that dried bananas compare favorably with dried 
figs in nutritive value. 

During the recent rise in the cost of foodstuffs, Dr. Graham 
Lusk, at the request of the New York State Board of Health, 
compiled a low-cost meatless dietary of high efficiency value. 
In speaking of this he said: 

Potatoes with their valuable alkaline salts had to be excluded from the 
diet because of their prohibitive price. 

It is noted, however, that sliced bananas and sugar appear as a 
component of luncheon or supper. Many articles have ap- 
peared during the past ten years pointing out the high food 
value and the wholesomeness of this fruit. 

The complaint is sometimes made that uncooked bananas 
are indigestible. Making a careful study of the subject, it is 
found that this statement is only partly true and should be 
modified to read that ‘‘ uncooked, unripe bananas may be indi- 

1 Science, Vol. XLV., April 18, 1917. 


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gestible,” for all evidence shows that the thoroughly ripened 
banana is not only digestible, but it is one of the easiest foods 
to digest in the whole dietary. Dr. Arnold Lorand of Carlsbad 
states that “as far as their digestibility is concerned I have 
personally noted that when eating a perfectly ripe banana it 
almost melts in the mouth when simply turned over several 
times without any actual mastication and only a few stringy 
fibers in the middle of the fruit will remain. In this way two 
or three large bananas may be eaten without there being any 
feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Of course bananas are 
only thus digestible when quite ripe; those still somewhat green 
are less so, especially when they feel hard on the outside, 
although when very well masticated they are easily dissolved.” 
As a matter of fact, many people assume that when a banana 
begins to show brown or black spots on the skin it is past the 
period of ripeness, whereas it is approaching the point when it 
may be regarded as perfectly ripe. 

Comparative studies on the length of time required for 
foods entering the stomach to be digested and passed on to the 
intestinal tract, have been published by numerous investiga- 
tors. One which has stood the test of time shows the following 

Average time 
of digestion. 

Foods hr. min. 
RIpe: DATIANION Me cits ic weitere ep wees 6. elec oe Cee OR 1.45 
Oatmeal Mia eet: nc gacelersravetotss tele ys c0a,(0 ie. a: 0.0/2 este lag ene 3.5 
IS CANIS Mos ope neyas stele oy ns ie SISO ets dfiake tales Gie.Gle (oS, 0 3.0 ona eee neteles 2.30 
CADDALE Weis cislese eed heh ote am NeH |S ao « + sale 6) 5) eee 4.30 
AON A oe koe ears TEEL Tete Oe eke eye 8, 4p e028 SEE oe 2.5 
GREEN DAB: \.siA srrpieieiese Vatu eid a kis 3 Faas 0 6 ole & oe 2.35 
Boiled “Dotatos’ Vincmuce.e hee Coe wis cies 0 stein colt Cee 3.30 
FROMACOCS sci, clara eto mee sus traParctekepaveis ef, Bhahsl ia’. os oth «che ee ROR HT CRORE 2.5 
AM bh as abl oc MN eek a RO) HORNE tht ANAS Ce eR REN Sih oe SA mics Gace 4.0 
ViGSebaDle MAELO Wier. sper ee verre SRL cte aie) ile char cle yarient aR RENNES 1.45 
Deford (2f6 Pe] 0121-3 ee mest cte EES “20 3 SCR EIS... olo Gis A 4,15 
Roast peeks! 252009 Bo aioe oan eee aie iis (a's, ate -¢ Cs 3.20 
OAS Gy AMUULON taf.ia.ccece Ree here PUMP MONG ote. (s o's cis, «5: INANE ee 8.15 
HORST “POLK Siitoreroteser eve kote sted RRC L ete oxi ie » ce ction oe REPRE 5.20 
Solt. Dolled CRRSi ay ccc. saree ttath vie ie kk oreo 4 otal pCR Re Rede 3.30 
HB Otl|d: | OWL i cist oy. a ehere ters, boi aHeR Ree rat cred eis: ce ole atte a 3.0 
AORTA.” oo aeve'e'e- 8 dost ale wick 450. oie ANG RAMBO a ee iv v's) obi ie Re 3.30 
IVE REK OT Ol. cietaite:iaic oie sneconale 3) oleate Meech ahsiar cit o6\ cial 5 en 4.0 
PIES) (ois Netelie ns. win te phaeiaieta ihi9 eye OWRD Ia) 0 65.014 Sw 4rd lel ser 2.30 
PMIEUEES Bia ba thy) id faike''n! ohte divas ge dye abe doko |S Rahs w &. sim, eee 4.0 
COATES cite cr wakes iy, vaalcih nol aiove a! lefe auMiarebays.c wl eiet che cis Wek 2.45 

PEWS eek oc coiv vale b/s Bivle as ale LU teeta ed ties Gok at ee 3.40 


This table shows that of all these common foods the banana 
is the most readily digested. This is explainable by the fact 
which was previously mentioned, that in the mouth during the 
process of mastication the carbohydrate is largely transformed 
into assimilable sugar and the further process of transforma- 
tion in the stomach requires but a relatively short time. A 
meal of steak and potatoes would be seen, according to the table 
given, to occupy approximately three and one half hours for the 
digestive changes of the mouth and stomach to take place, 
whereas the ripe banana fruit would be digested and ready for 
absorption in half that time. It has already been shown that 
the banana is actually richer in nutrients per pound of material 
than the common food-fish or the common food vegetables. 
The table just cited above shows that it also is a more easily 
digested food than fish or vegetables, requiring a shorter time 
period for the digestive fluids to act in order to bring it into 
usable form. 


The statements which have preceded should not fail to make 
it clear that in a period like the present when we are facing 
a general shortage of cereal and other carbohydrate food we 
may turn to the banana as one possible solution of our difficulty. 
The fact that bananas may be obtained in abundance through- 
out the year, that they may be shipped for long distances under 
suitable conditions without being impaired in any way, that 
they may be used either as a fruit or as a vegetable, cooked or 
raw, in their normal form or dried or powdered, shows clearly 
that in this remarkable fruit we have an adjunct to our dietary 
which should not be underestimated. Used in connection with 
dried beans or peas or with dairy products such as milk and 
cheese or with the lean meat, it serves perfectly to secure a 
properly balanced ration. 

It is practically the only food which during the last two 
years has not shown a marked increase in price and to-day will 
stand comparison with any food upon the market on the basis 
of caloric costs. Everything points to its continued favor not 
merely as the “poor man’s fruit” as it has sometimes been 
called, but as a staple food for universal use, and it is to be 
hoped that it will be employed in continually increasing amounts 
whether as a substitute for other foods which have become pro- 
hibitive in price or because of its own inherent quality. 




O speak of calories in the days before this war was to be 
outlawed as a conversationalist. Now the word is in 

the vocabulary of every housewife and even at the club or 
hotel you may hear men grumbling that they are fed on calories. 
With equal certainty we note the popular adoption of the scien- 
tific lingo of the engineer, the chemist and the statistician. 
In strenuous war times the people turn to science with renewed 
interest and confidence. They even submit humbly and ex- 
pectantly to scientific dictation. It is hard to imagine the 
American public in peace times submitting to the admonition, 
“Eat more fish instead of meat,” no matter how many statis- 
ticilans might recommend it. Yet that slogan is warmly re- 
ceived now. Sometimes the public confidence in the victorious 
power of science is almost pathetic, as in the case of a hope for 
a submarine panacea. In the Utopian republic respect and con- 
fidence toward science would be based on knowledge of its 
power and progress and neither distrust nor overconfidence 
would hamper the usefulness of scientific results. That happy 
state does not exist, so that science should still take pains to 
make clear to the laity why research has produced and will pro- 
duce results of benefit to humanity. During this wave of sym- 
pathy with science it is timely to show the justification for the 
expenditure of government funds and private endowments for 
scientific research and to state some of the needs for the future. 
Results and hopes of any one of our large and productive 
laboratories in state or endowed universities or in research 
institutions would alone give a fitting exposition of the human 
usefulness of research. With equal propriety one might choose 
the work of any or all of our government bureaus. My own 
experience gives me opportunity to know some of the results 
and aims of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. The de- 
scription of the scientific work does not pretend to completeness 
or any sort of cataloguing, but merely to presentation of a 
background for the suggestion of possible lines of future effort. 
There is no intent to imply that the Bureau has announced its 


purpose to pursue the problems here stated. They are merely 
the problems which through conference with various members 
of the bureau’s staff and through my own researches have come 
to my attention. They are taken from all portions of the field 
of biology. 

General biological surveys and intensive observations of 
the flora and fauna of waters in restricted areas have proved 
their usefulness. Of course much of the work of that character 
has served to locate fishing grounds. In some cases an abun- 
dance of fish of certain species not previously used could be 
pointed out. For example, the biological surveys of the conti- 
nental shelf of our Atlantic seacoast revealed the presence of 
tilefish. Subsequent observations, extending over a period of 
years, made it possible to record their catastrophic decrease in 
numbers followed by their slow increase, so that when fisher- 
men were persuaded to go after tilefish abundant schools were 
found at once. Within two years after the first shipload of 
tilefish was brought into port the supply in the markets of New 
York and Boston amounted to nine millions pounds annually. 
This constitutes a real addition to our food supplies. Biological 
surveys show so great an abundance of the species, extending 
over so large a habitat that fishing activities are not likely to 
deplete them. Barring unpredictable circumstances tilefish 
should be a staple commodity in our markets. Similar results 
may be expected from surveys locating beds of sea-mussels. 
Though treated as a great delicacy by European culinary art 
the mussel has not been appreciated here. A demand, stimu- 
lated chiefly through the efforts of the Bureau of Fisheries, is 
being created. Extensive beds located in many of our coastal 
waters are being mapped out. They could yield a satisfactory 
supply. If this knowledge were used to good advantage by the 
shell-fisheries industry another important addition to our food 
resources would be made. At this time, when clam digging has 
in so many communities been worked almost to the extinction 
of the clam and when the oyster industry is complaining that 
many of their most productive waters are no longer available 
for oyster culture because of pollution, we must find some 
means of increasing our supply of edible shell-fish. While ef- 
forts are directed toward the development of improved methods 
of clam and oyster culture, we must also avail ourselves of the 
ocean’s munificent supply of sea-mussels. A slightly different 
type of useful result is seen in the introduction of the manufac- 
ture of ornamental “artificial ferns” from marine hydroids. 
A knowledge of the location of these growths made it possible 
to build up a considerable industry. 


These three examples are selected from many which might 
show the value of biological surveys as carried out in marine 
investigations. As a matter of fact, the vast resources of the 
ocean have scarcely been touched. The more we can know 
about them the better shall we make use of them. Some of the 
specific problems of this type that are awaiting investigation 
include the determination of the causes of fish migration, of the 
abundance of certain species during certain years, of the scar- 
city of some species during longer or shorter periods over areas 
sometimes very large. Why should mackerel be so marvelously 
abundant for a few years during the ’80s and then be compara- 
tively scarce for nearly thirty years, reappearing again in huge 
schools all along our New England coast? Similar variations 
in the abundance of many of our common fishes are on record. 
We ought to know whether they are due to changes in food 
supply, to meteorological conditions, to fluctuations in ocean 
currents, to fish diseases, to variations in the suitability of 
breeding conditions, or to other causes. Extensive ocean- 
ographic observations, especially biological surveys, including 
a study of the ultimate sources of the food of fishes and the 
distribution of many species at different seasons must be made. 
Since the higher forms live at the expense of the lower ones 
explanations of the food supply of fishes must include a study 
of the microscopic life of the sea. It seems probable that bac- 
teria and diatoms, those minute vegetative forms so generally 
abundant, are really the ultimate feeders for life in the sea. 
It is perhaps difficult for the casual observer to realize that 
filtering specimens of sea water day after day and month after 
month would yield material important in determining the mi- 
grations of fishes, but such observations to show the distribu- 
tion of diatoms will in all probability help to solve the question 
of the distribution of all life in the sea. Not only the micro- 
scopic plants, but seaweeds, seem to possess fundamental im- 
portance in maintaining a supply of nutrition for marine fauna. 
To what extent the various common seaweeds play a significant 
role in what might be called the metabolism of the sea, remains 
to be determined. 

Even compared to such general biological survey work, in- 
tensive studies in comparative anatomy and morphology have 
also yielded and will continue to yield significant results. Con- 
sider, for example, the importance of studies on the life his- 
tory of the oyster. They have made possible the development 
of modern methods of oyster culture, an industry more highly 
developed in America than in any other country. Much re- 


mains to be done to fill the gaps in our formation. What con- 
ditions are responsible for the failure to obtain during certain 
seasons a “set” of young oysters? Why were seed oysters once 
abundant in certain localities which do not now produce them? 
To what extent do oysters lend themselves to artificial hatch- 
ing, so that the present occasional discouraging failures in the 
seed crop may be obviated? These are still among the unsolved 
problems of oyster culture now receiving earnest attention. It 
would not have been possible to attack them unless knowledge 
of the morphology and life history of the oyster were far ad- 
vanced. Similar information on the developmental history of 
the clams and mussels is available. Its application to clam cul- 
ture is just beginning and will no doubt become more impor- 
tant in the not distant future. The cultivation of sea-mussels 
is still an unknown art but when they are known for the 
delectable food they are, sea-mussel growing may also become 
an applied science. The story of the fresh-water mussel, how it 
is reproduced, how it becomes parasitic on the gills of certain 
species of fish, and while growing there is transported to a new 
habitat, how it then drops off, becomes “‘ planted” and develops 
to furnish an article of great commercial value as the basis of 
the pearl button industry—all this constitutes one of the most 
interesting chapters in biology. It is a striking instance of the 
development and application of morphological investigation. 
Further work on the optimum conditions for reproduction, on 
the kinds of fishes which may serve as hosts during the para- 
sitic period, and on other similar problems is going forward. 

The developmental history of the lobster has been of equally 
striking use. A knowledge of the different molting stages 
through which the young lobsters pass made possible the devis- 
ing of special cultural methods for rearing lobsters to a stage at 
which they are able to escape their enemies, hide beneath rocks, 
and, in short, take care of themselves. Artificially hatched 
lobsters reared to this stage may be liberated with some hope 
that thereby the depleted supply of this table luxury will be 
increased. Such researches on invertebrates, interesting as 
they are, seem small in the importance of their food productive 
results alongside the embryological and anatomical studies of 
food fishes. These are the basis of all fresh- and salt-water 
hatchery work. Future extensions of such activities will re- 
quire amplification of our knowledge of the developmental his- 
tory of many species. 

Studies in fish pathology contribute their share to the suc- 
cess of fisheries. Here perhaps in better measure than else- 


where are shown unexpected application of research supposed 
to be in pure science without practical usefulness. Long- 
continued observations on the occurrence of various species of 
parasites in a number of common food fishes made it possible 
to distinguish the harmlessness to human beings of certain of 
the parasites. When, therefore, health authorities of the city 
of New York, alarmed at the discovery of parasites in butter- 
fish, seized so many of them in the fish markets that an esti- 
mated loss of $30,000 occurred within three days, the bureau 
was able to furnish decisive information. The parasites had 
been proved to be harmless and to have been present in a large 
proportion of butterfish as examined over a period of many 
years. The sale of these fish was therefore continued and a 
large food loss prevented. This is one instance. Other similar 
cases have occurred. A complete knowledge of the parasitology 
of fishes is desirable from the standpoint of safeguarding 
human food, but the application of this knowledge should not 
stop there. Fish pathology should be able to furnish informa- 
tion helpful in the work of increasing our supply of fish. It has 
been shown that some loss of food fishes certainly occurs as the 
result of parasitism and other fish diseases. The cure and 
prevention of infections in a number of kinds of fishes, notably 
those, like trout, occurring in limited bodies of water, has been 
possible. An almost unlimited field remains to be developed 
here for marine fishes. We have little idea as to what extent 
disease is a cause of their depletion. The nature and the preva- 
lence of such diseases, the life histories of parasites, whether 
bacterial, protozoan or of other nature, must be worked out 
much more fully than has been done to date. With such infor- 
mation available it is to be hoped that means of control might 
be devised. 

The work which the biochemist may do for the solution of 
fishery problems covers a varied field. The metabolism of 
aquatic forms has received some attention. The application of 
that knowledge to the maintenance of proper nutrition in fishes 
artificially reared and of suitable oxygen supplies in the water 
of fish hatcheries has been useful. If this country is to adopt, 
as prudence strongly advises, a more extended custom of rear- 
ing fish domestically in small ponds all the problems relating 
to the most economical and effective methods of nourishing fish 
in confined waters must receive more attention than they have 
had. The need of information about the physiology of nutrition 
of a specific aquatic form has already been emphasized. I refer 
to the oyster. It was formerly possible to obtain oysters in a 


well-nourished condition, the so-called “fat” oysters, so as to 
supply the market adequately. The best nourishment for 
oysters, however, is found in those brackish waters around 
which growing population now tends to furnish pollution. 
Oyster beds have been forced further and further away in many 
localities from the best feeding grounds and successful oyster 
culture has become more difficult. Transplantation of stock to 
good feeding grounds has to be resorted to, the latter are over- 
crowded and the production of really well-nourished oysters is 
diminished. Oyster culture in certain European localities has 
come to the use of rapid, forced “‘ fattening” in small ponds. 
The most efficient application of any such method can only be 
‘based on a knowledge of many possible foods for the oyster and 
a well-developed study of its metabolism. Such investigations 
have been fostered by the bureau for some years and need to be 
further extended. Knowledge of the nutritional processes in a 
few marine organisms will throw at least some light on similar 
problems connected with others and surely the metabolic his- 
tories of all forms which may be artificially reared will have 
their practical significance. 

The work of the specialist in dietetics is required in fishery 
problems. Since the early work of Atwater on the composition 
of American food materials, including extensive studies of fish 
and shell-fish, very little has been done to determine the food 
value of fishery products. In recent years our ideas of real food 
requirements have been radically revised. We no longer speak 
merely of the protein requirements of the body. We distinguish 
relatively great differences in the food value of the proteins 
from different sources. These distinctions can best be made in 
accordance with technique now developed by elaborate and well- 
controlled feeding experiments. Food values, in short, have to 
be determined biologically. Almost no work of this sort has 
been carried on with the proteins of fish and shell-fish. We 
desire to avail ourselves as far as possible of the comparatively 
inexhaustible food resources in the ocean. Particularly do we 
hope to supplement our expensive proteins, replacing meats, in 
some measure at least, with fish. To what extent we should do 
that depends properly upon the relative food value for human 
beings of fish proteins compared with others. A similar prob- 
lem in nutrition is the vitamine content and the presence of 
various metabolism catalyzers in fishery products. It has been 
stated, though not yet perhaps entirely proved, that cooked 
foods no longer contain the so-called vitamines which might be 
present in the raw product. This idea together with the seem- 

VOL. VI.—6. 


ingly established fact that vitamines are commonly present in 
animal tissues has led to claims which need to be substantiated. 
For example a more extended consumption of raw oysters has 
been recommended. That this may be sound advice and that 
we may thus healthfully increase our ingestion of vitamines is 
perhaps true, but it ought to be proved. Similar investigations 
of many foods await, to be ‘sure, an attack, but for none of them 
would the usefulness of results seem more immediate than in 
the case of fishery products. Nowhere else is there available 
so great a store of food from animal sources immediately and 
comparatively cheaply accessible. The tremendously valuable 
work on the general nutritional value and limitations of some 
of our great food staples, like the cereals and the dairy prod- 
ucts, as it has been carried on by certain of the physiological 
laboratories of this country should soon be followed by similar 
studies on fish and shell-fish. 

Investigations in industrial chemistry occupy by no means 
a minor field among fishery problems. The manufacture of fish 
glue, the best methods for the preparation of fish fertilizers, 
the manufacture and industrial utilization of a great variety of 
fish oils, the preparation of potash and other potassium salts, 
of iodine and bromine from giant kelp and other sea-weeds are 
among the well-known chemical engineering attainments con- 
cerned with marine products. In the present world-wide short- 
age of hides the utilization of various fish skins in the tanning 
industry has of late received considerable attention from the 
Bureau of Fisheries. Future developments of these efforts will 
no doubt be observed with considerable interest. In this group 
of industrial problems, however, much remains to be accom- 
plished. One has only to observe the large amount of waste in 
the form of fish offal now discarded from the receiving docks 
of any fisheries establishment to realize that we have a long 
way to go before we reach true conservation. To what extent 
the organs of fishes may be capable of yielding internal secre- 
tions or other preparations of therapeutic value remains to be 
shown. Better salvage of fats and the preparation of fertiliz- 
ing material by more economical methods are perhaps to be de- 
veloped in the future. 

Appreciated only by those having the true research spirit is 
the fact that the more fundamental the research problem solved, 
the larger the number of practical difficulties solved by it. Any 
fool can see what a knowledge of the laws of electricity means to 
the modern world, but it took the genius of a Franklin to 
prophesy the importance of electrical research in its early days. 


Countless illustrations of practical applications of scientific 
knowledge are brought forward to show how science is justified 
in dollars and cents even if one refuses to justify it on the plea 
of satisfying the thirst for knowledge. The so-called “pure” 
scientist and the ‘‘ practical” scientist no longer gibe each other. 
They have long since come to understand that the work of 
neither can attain its full significance for mankind without the 
other’s aid. It would probably be extremely difficult to find a 
man who would like to classify himself exclusively as either a 
“pure” or a “practical” scientist. Indeed no one experiment 
or group of experiments constituting a single research, if con- 
ceived and carried out by a sane mind, is likely to be entirely 
lacking in either general scientific interest or practical human 
value—if only you can see the interest and value! Unfortu- 
nately a large proportion of the world does not. When once 
convinced they applaud, but they still demand to be shown the 
connection between research and life. That a study of surface 
tensions in an oil emulsion should reveal a method for the suc- 
cessful preparation of a delicious food out of a material that 
would otherwise be wasted is not easy to believe. A long jump 
of the imagination is required unless the intermediate steps are 
explained. It is simple enough. When various researchers had 
shown that a trace of sodium soap increased, by its surface 
tension effects, the permeability of tissues to water, it was to 
be expected that a very dilute soda solution forming a trace of 
soap in desiccated fish would enable it to soak up water rapidly 
enough to make possible the preparation in any kitchen of a 
delicious dish out of a decidedly unappetizing dried fish. Rela- 
tionships of this kind as they appear out of a group of problems 
to one worker have been sketched in this paper. If one of the 
co-workers in every science laboratory or unit group of re- 
searchers would take the time and trouble to at least state what 
they believe they have accomplished and what they hope to do 
there might be on record a reliable answer to the questions of 
the interested public. This is being increasingly done in these 
days of the progressive magazines, but even yet information is 
still obtained too often through an irresponsible newspaper 
reporter—the modern personification of old dame rumor. If 
this paper makes clearer to any one the problems confronting 
fisheries research, or if it induces any workers to cooperate in 
the solution of them, its object is attained. 




HAT psychologists are alive to the need of the elimination of 
the mentally unfit from those recruiting for military 
service is shown by the recent plan of the American Psycholog- 
ical Association to examine all the men by means of a compre- 
hensive set of mental tests before they are accepted. If the out- 
line is adopted and psychologists are set to work the next ques- 
tion will be the selection of some series of tests of proper diag- 
nostic value. In all probability intelligence tests will occupy 
a large part of the testing program, but there is one large group 
of individuals who should be eliminated that neither intelli- 
gence tests nor any physical examination would detect ; namely, 
those who in a short time break down under the special strain 
that they are forced to undergo in active service. The number 
of such cases that have occurred make it exceedingly worth 
while to endeavor to detect such individuals before they are sent 
to the front. If discovered they could be given less strenuous 
work, but none the less important, they could be saved from 
mental disruption and the loss to the government would be ob- 

It does not take a psychologist to know that resistance to 
mental strain is a variable quantity as are all other physiological 
and psychological facts. Some individuals in the midst of a 
great amount of excitement can remain perfectly composed, 
seemingly impervious to the influences at work about them. 
Others are roused to react with greater vigor, but experience no 
apparent harm from their increased activity. Others are easily 
nettled by the slightest emotional excitement and recover but 
slowly and with difficulty. While we have no information on 
the characteristics of the individuals who are the first to suc- 
cumb mentally, it at least seems plausible that those who can 
adjust themselves with least ease to additional mental strain 
would fall into this group. The selection of these individuals 
might be made by a test which would subject them to unusual 
mental exertion or shock; those being regarded as potentially 
neurotic who are unable to meet the situation by proper adap- 
tations. This at least seems more hopeful than any classifica- 


tion made on the basis of intelligence tests. Mental stability 
is by no means correlated with intelligence. 

We have shown in our work on sound distraction: that the 
most significant phenomenon that is evident in experiments de- 
signed to find the effect of environmental conditions upon 
psychophysical activity is the adaptation of the subject to the 
change in experimental conditions. If one shows no observ- 
able difference in his response to two situations, it is evidence 
that adaptation is perfect, not that the two situations are iden- 
tical, of equal complexity or equally desirable. If one manifests 
a difference in his response to two different situations, -this dif- 
ference is not a measure of the difference between the situa- 
tions, nor a measure of how much they differ in their effect upon 
the subject; it is simply an indication of how far the change 
between the two situations is beyond his power of adaptation. 
The writer believes that this fact opens a promising method of 
showing individual differences in ability to meet exceptional 
situations, and is hopeful that some simple test along the line 
to be suggested later may be found to be useful in the present 

As a suggestive illustration of our point we will show the 
different ways in which the subjects responded to noise distrac- 
tion. The experiment consisted of giving an individual the 
task of responding to visually presented material by translating 
it through a series of codes and then reacting on the one of ten 
keys which the exposure and translation designated. Each re- 
sponse caused a new exposure so that the subject could work 
just as rapidly as he chose. After he had worked at this task 
for a period of twenty to thirty minutes loud noises were intro- 
duced, continued for some time and then stopped, the sitting 
ending with a period of about ten minutes of work in quiet. In 
another experiment the subject was given the task of memoriz- 
ing paired-associates under both quiet and noisy conditions.’ 
In both experiments records were kept of the breathing of the 
subjects and of the amount of pressure they used in reacting 
upon the keys. A brief comparison of the various ways in 
which the individuals responded in the memory experiment is 
given in the original article and will not be treated further here. 
We will, however, make a comparison of the individuals in the 
discrimination reaction experiment. 

In this experiment there were twenty-one subjects whose 
records are available for our purpose. We have made a brief 

1 Archives of Psych., 1916, No. 35. 
2Am. Jour. of Psych., 1917, 28, 191-208. 


of their records and present them in the table; the letters in the 
first column designating the subjects as given in the original 
monograph. The first column of figures gives the percentage 
of increase or decrease in the time records of the subjects when 
the noises were first introduced; the second gives the percent- 
age of increase or decrease of the end of the noise period as 
compared with the beginning; the third gives a comparison of 
the time records after the noises stop with those in the latter 
end of the noise period. The next three columns give the per- 
centages of increase or decrease in the keep pressure records 
when the same periods are compared. A plus percentage indi- 


period compared with preceding quiet; B, last part of noise period 
compared with first part of noise period; C, quiet succeeding noise 
compared with last part of noise period. 

Time Key-pressure Breathing Ratio 
Subjects = So 
A B ¢ A B ( A B C 
O a= OAS, D2 5.0 29.3 L642 |i —ZIRO 7.28 3:1 | —=s9lo 
p 33.0) 20°68) —="088 93.8 13395} —=poal 19.2 24.2 oon 
() 2 ae) 3.7 | 161.0 —21.6 | —23.4|—11.4 54.8 | —30.6 
hk LOSSs| 850 Zeal 19.8 | —10:0 | —20:8)\—3%1 25.9 15.9 
S LO 4) — 729 ars 18.35 820) —= Siete 18.2 | — 4.8 
I —10.5 | — 5.8 15.1 | 146.8 4 | 3 2. 4 | 15325:|—o2ed 
Bl 0 — 2.9 fipl 8.0 (eon — 00) 48.4 AIL | 110) 7/ 
Sp Dele) 1084. 1623 DeSales e 22.2, DE —mliees 
Sa 6.8 3.8 1.5 9.7 —43.6 | —17.2 3.4 4.4 | —36.4 
Br 9.9 | —18.4 R. 4 27.0 - 7.1] 14.0 7.8 28.5 | —24.2 
Bo — 9.6} — 4.5 1.6 13.4 = PH) 3.0 Ae - 2:0 6.5 
Ch — 9.6 0 0.7 14.9 26.5 | —22.9 20.6 14.2 .-—10.5 
(One =O 1.0 1.4 22.8 —19.2 4.3 33.0 22.6 —"Qer 
Re 18..5:| —"9.4 2.9 ak 18.1 15.1 14.7 | — 2.5 | —low7 
Pt 25.8 26.8 6.4 Oe — lor —— 450 8.8 ile) 19.8 
Me 1.5 | —10.7 2.6 0.6 Sell 2.5 1.8 2.4 | —15.2 
Ca 0.8 AO) || a lpe 32.9 0.7 34.0 |— 0.5 224 7.9 
De a0 Dad 1.3 26.7 2.6 16.2 raill a 4.1 20.4 
ili 10.9 1.5 1.0 9.0 14.5 10.3 32 1 S000 — 20s 
Kr 12.8 2.9 9.6 Hie 16.2 34.3 |—10.3 48.7 24.0 
ADEE 9.3 18.3 | — 1.7 31 37.7 14.2] 21.4 120.3 | —47.5 

cates that the keys were pressed with greater vigor. The last 
three columns in the same way give comparisons of the breath- 
ing ratios. The breathing ratios were found by dividing the 
expiration time by the inspiration time; and indicate, we be- 
lieve, the extent to which the subjects articulated as tney 


Of the twenty-one individuals thirteen showed a loss in effi- 
ciency when the noises were first introduced, seven showed a 
gain and one no difference. Of the seven who manifested a 
gain in efficiency, six showed that they were in a state of greater 
muscular tension because they pressed the keys with greater 
force when the noises were introduced, and five of the seven 
showed by their breathing that they articulated to a greater ex- 
tent in the noisy period. Of the thirteen who showed a loss in 
efficiency all showed an increase in muscular tension, eight in- 
dicated greater articulation in the first part of the noisy period 
and ten in the latter part of the noisy period as compared with 
the first part. The second column of the table shows that only 
four do less in the latter part of the noisy period than in the 
first part, three of these being of the group who did better when 
the noises first came than they did in the quiet. Of these three 
(O, Cr, and Hi) O and Hi both pressed the keys harder and 
gave a higher breathing ratio. Cr pressed the keys progres- 
sively more lightly, but shows a strong initial articulation adap- 
tation. He evidently was not much excited by the situation, he 
did not become tense, but simply chose the means of adaptation 
that was of service in the situation and successfully met the 
conditions at hand. Sixteen improve in efficiency in the latter 
part of the noise period, and of these only four do not show less 
muscular tension at the same time, while eleven show an in- 
creased breathing ratio and five a decreased. The third columns 
of each group of records show that most individuals relax after 
the noises cease. Eleven individuals show a loss in efficiency, 
nineteen show less muscular tension, and eighteen a smaller 
breathing ratio, 7. e., less articulation. It is possible that in- 
ability to relax after a strain would serve as a valuable diag- 
nostic sign. It is perhaps no bad sign for one to be aroused by 
a situation, but if he can not adjust himself to the return of 
normal conditions he is wasting valuable energy and may be 
more likely to break down under unusual situations. 

We have cited these cases to show the great variety of re- 
sponses that are manifested by university students. It is likely 
that none of these were of the type who could not withstand 
considerable mental strain; academic training is in itself a good 
eliminating agent. In a random group of individuals it is cer- 
tain that we should get even greater variation in response. 

It may be thought that intelligence tests would serve the 
purpose we suggest since they aim to test an individual’s reac- 
tion to a more or less novel situation; and, as a novel situation 
would involve additional effort on the part of the subject tested, 


if he could not exert this effort he would of course fail in the 
test. This is true in a measure, but in intelligence tests the 
emphasis is placed upon adjustment to the novel and not upon 
the cost of the adjustment to the individual. An intelligence 
test might be of value as a task to be given the subject if a 
measurement could be made of the amount of strain the solu- 
tion caused him and whether he recovered from the strain in a 
reasonable length of time. A measurement of the stress under 
which one is working is a very difficult and uncertain affair, 
even in an elaborately controlled experiment, and would cer- 
tainly not be practicable in the testing of recruits. A more 
hopeful method would seem to be along the line of making the 
difference between two situations so vastly different in com- 
plexity that it would require a great effort in order to adapt 
oneself quickly to the one after having worked in the other. 
This would simply be an extreme of the situation offered in our 
distraction experiments. An individual who might react to a 
moderate change in the experimental setting with little or no 
loss in efficiency in the work at hand might, if the change was 
severe enough, show a great loss or even a breakdown. The 
selection of a task which would give an adequate record of 
efficiency and the creation of two experimental situations dif- 
fering greatly in their effect upon the task in hand would be the 
problems to be solved. They do not seem to be beyond solu- 
tion by any means. 

The accounts of the initiatory rites of savages and of earlier 
civilizations abound in methods of testing the powers of physio-. 
logical endurance of the young men. They recognized that a 
body resistant to fatigue and strain was essential to their life 
of hunting and warfare. Those who could not meet the tests 
were not allowed to play the part of a man, but were given easier 
tasks. To-day physiological and medical examinations are 
made in order to select those with able bodies, but this war has 
demonstrated that a large part of the strain placed upon the 
soldier is mental. War is no longer a match of physiological 
prowess, it is essentially a match of brain power. This makes 
it essential that we have a means of selecting the mentally 
hardy to take the leading parts in the conflict. Intelligence 
tests will probably play the role in the mental examination that 
the physiological test does in the body examination. It is, how- 
ever, recognized that a medical examination is just as essential 
or more so than a physiological. If a man is infected with some 
disease he is eliminated; if he is incipiently or potentially a 
neurotic he should be eliminated with even greater care. At 


present psychiatrists have no means of judging who can endure 
mental strain with impunity, and it seems an opportune time 
now to discover the means of making such a diagnosis. If no 
test can be used at present with enough confidence to make a 
selection of the recruits, tests that look promising could be made 
on all those examined and the records of those who succumb 
compared with the records of those who survive the strain. 
This would give data that would be valuable not only in war 
time, but also for use in vocational guidance in times of peace. 
In the event that such a procedure is adopted we trust that tests 
whose aim will be to eliminate those least able to adapt them- 
selves to situations of unusual mental strain will receive the 
attention that they deserve in the testing program. 


rth r 

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THE PITTSBURGH MEETING OF | the last of its regular summer meet- 
THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION | ings in Pittsburgh in 1902. At that 
FOR THE ADVANCEMENT time the Carnegie Institute had been 

OF SCIENCE open seven years. The Schools of 
Applied Science had not been 
THE meetings of the American founded and the University of 

Association for the Advancement of Pittsburgh was a small institution 
Science and the national scientific with scattered buildings. Under the 

societies affiliated with it open at 
Pittsburgh on December 28. Care- 
ful consideration was given to the 
question of the advisability of holding 
scientific meetings in time of war. 
It was the judgment of the officers 
of the government consulted as well 
as of scientific men that such a 
meeting would contribute in impor- 
tant ways to national organization 
and preparation. 
the sessions will be devoted to prob- 

aitered conditions at home due to 
the war. Research in pure science 
will also have its place on the pro- 
gram. And this is as it should be, 
for when peace comes great respon- 
sibility will be placed on the scien- 
tific men of the United States to 
maintain the leadership in investi- 
gation which will probably have 
passed to us. 

The great industrial city in which 
the meeting is held typifies the im- 
portance of the applications of sci- 
ence in modern life, while the rapid 
development of its educational and 
scientific institutions fits this city for 
a meeting of scientific men. The 
Carnegie Institute and the Car- 
negie Technical Schools, the Univer- 
sity of Pittsburgh with the Mellon 
Institute, form a civic center in 
Pittsburgh admirably suited to the 
simultaneous meeting of a large 
number of separate scientific or- 

The American Association held 

A great part of | 

directly concerned with the) 
prosecution of the war and with | 

| directorship of Dr. W. J. Holland, in 
| 1902 as in 1917 chairman of the 
local committee for the meeting; the 
institute has enjoyed a rapid de- 
velopment. The Schools of Applied 
Science have been built and liberally 
endowed. The University of Pitts- 
burgh in 1908 acquired its present 
site and has begun the erection of 
_the great group of buildings accord- 
ing to the plans shown in the illus- 
| trations. The Mellon Institute of 
Industrial Research, based by Rob- 
ert Kennedy Duncan on a plan of 
industrial fellowships in chemistry 
representing a new method of edu- 
cation and research, has for about 
two years occupied its new building 
erected as a part of the development 
of the university. 

In the course of the fifteen years 
since the previous Pittsburgh meet- 
ing, the association has developed as 
rapidly as the scientific institutions 
of Pittsburgh. At the time of the 
meeting in 1902, there were about 
3,500 members, with a registration 
at the meeting of 435. There are 
now some 14,000 members of the 
association, and there will meet with 
it at Pittsburgh more than twenty 
national scientific societies which 
have become affiliated with the asso- 
ciation. The meeting at Pittsburgh 
may not be as large as was the meet- 
ing in New York a year ago, when 
there were some three to four thou- 
sand scientific men in attendance, 
but the programs will certainly be 
of more than usual interest. 


The subject of the address of the 
retiring president Dr. Charles R. 
Van Hise, of the University of Wis- 
consin, will be on the “ Economic Ef- 
fects of the World War in the 
United States” and many of the 
discussions before the sections of the 
association and the special societies 
will be concerned with problems re- 
lating to the national emergency and 
with national preparedness. The 
addresses of the chairmen of the sec- 
tions are: 

SecTtIoN A.—Luther P. Eisenhart. 
The Kinematical Generation of 

SEcTION B.—Henry A. Bumstead. 
Present Tendencies in Theoretical 

SECTION C.—Julius Stieglitz. The 
Electron Theory of Valence and 

its Application to Problems of In- | 
organic and Organic Chemistry. 

SEcTION D.—Henry M. Howe. Some | 
Needs of Engineering. | 
SecTION E.—Rollin D. Salisbury. | 

The Educational Value of Geol- 

SECTION F.—George H. Parker. An/| 
Underlying Principle in the Archi- 
tecture of the Nervous System. 

SECTION G.—C. Stuart Gager. The 
Near Future of Botany in Amer- 

Secrion H.—Frederick W. Hodge. 
The Ancient Pueblo of Hawikuh. 

SecTIoN I.—Louis I. Dublin. The 

Significance of our Declining 
Birth Rate. 
SECTION K.—Edwin O. Jordan. 

Food-borne Infections. 

SecTION L.—(Leonard P. Ayres ab- 
sent—no address. ) 

SEcTION M.—Whitman H. Jordan. 
The Future of Agricultural Edu- 
eation and Research in the United 



in economics, not, however, neglect- 
ing the geological researches in 
which he had attained such high dis- 

Due to Dr. Van Hise’s early train- 
ing in chemistry and metallurgy, and 
to his field work in pre-Cambrian re- 
gions, his dominant interest in geol- 
ogy has been in its chemical and 
physical phases. For many years he 
was engaged in the detailed mapping 
of pre-Cambrian formations in the 
Lake Superior country, during that 
time having published, with his asso- 
ciates, seven monographs of the 
United States Geological Survey. 
His interest in correlation problems 
involved in Lake Superior surveys 
led to a broader consideration of the 
pre-Cambrian of the United States, 
the results of which were broght to- 
gether in a- correlation paper 
(Archean and Algonkian) published 
in 1892, which was the first attempt 
to bring some order out of chaos in 
this field. While the correlations 
then proposed were based on neces- 
sarily incomplete data, and have 
been superceded in part by later 
work, his contribution to the subject 
marked an important step in ad- 
vance which has been the basis for a 
great deal of the subsequent work on 

Pre-Cambrian geology is insepa- 
rable from structural geology, and 
Van Hise’s development of the prin- 
ciples of structural geology, pub- 
lished in connection with his prin- 
ciples of pre-Cambrian geology 
(1896), has served as a text on this 
subject for many years. 

Closely involved in a study of the 
Lake Superior pre-Cambrian is the 

origin of the copper and iron ores, 

Tue address of Dr. Charles R. | 
Van Hise as president of the Amer- 
ican Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science is on an economic 
subject. Since his election to the) 
presidency of the University of Wis- | 
consin in 1903, he has devoted him- | 

self largely to work in education and | 

to which subject Van Hise has made 
many notable contributions. En- 
larging his field studies of ores to 
cover the lead and zine ores of the 
Mississippi Valley and other ores 
through North America, he was in a 
position in 1901 to present a general 
discussion of the genesis of ore bod- 


the Deposition of Ores,” Trans. Am. 
Inst. Min. Engrs.), in which he em- 
phasized the relationship of ore con- 
centration to the movement of ordi- 
nary ground waters, though recog- 
nizing other agencies as effective. 
While more recent studies have 
modified his conclusions in some par- 
ticulars, his contribution to the 
subject remains to-day as probably 
the best known presentation of this 
point of view. 

In connection with the studies 
above mentioned, Van Hise found it 
necessary to consider the problem of 
metamorphism of rocks, and out of 
this came his great monograph on 
metamorphism, in which the subject 
was for the first time presented sys- 
tematically and intelligibly to the 
general geologist. His broad outline 
_ of metamorphic zones, conditions 
and processes has been the basis for 
much of the development in meta- 
morphic geology which has_ pro- 
ceeded since that time. 

In the fields of pre-Cambrian cor- 
relation, genesis of ores, structural 
geology and metamorphic geology, 
Van Hise’s contributions have been 

(“Some Principles controlling , 

in each case distinctive in their sys- 

tematic presentation and perspective. 
Even where treating previously 
known subject matter, his vigorous 
and comprehensive style brought the 
subject home in such perspective 
that much of the subsequent work 
along these lines has been strongly 
influenced by his work. He drew his 

which challenged attention. Some 
of the salient features of his inves- 
tigations have been the classification 
of deformative processes on the basis 
of zones of rock fracture and rock 
flowage, the classification of meta- 
morphic processes on the basis of 
zones of katamorphism and ana- 
morphism, and the emphasis on the 
normal flowage of underground 
waters in connection with the con- 
centration of ores. Later studies in 


all these subjects have required 
certain modifications of the general 
principles laid down by Van Hise, 
but in their broad outlines they still 
figure largely in the investigations 
of these fields of geology, and, even 
where not fully accepted, their influ- 
ence is felt in the impetus they have 
given to advancement of knowledge 
in these fields. 


AT the present time, when the 
fuel situation forces itself upon the 
attention of every one, any discus- 
sion of the coal problem that goes 
into the causes of the present un- 
satisfactory state of affairs should 
receive a careful hearing. Such a 
discussion is to be found in a bulletin 
by Chester G. Gilbert, entitled, 
“Coal Products: An Object Lesson 
in Resource Administration,” just 
published by the United States Na- 
tional Museum and constituting the 
third paper of the series, ‘ The 
Mineral Industries of the United 
States,” in course of issue by the 
Division of Mineral Technology of 
this institution. 

The author points out the magni- 
tude of the coal resources of the 
United States and the dependency 
of national welfare upon their 
proper development. Yet with more 
coal than is found in any other coun- 

_try, or indeed on any other conti- 
_nent, this country has long been de- 
pictures with bold, incisive lines, 

pendent upon foreign sources for 
such essential products made from 
coal as dyestuffs, fixed nitrogen, and 
many important drugs; and is to- 
day, with the first pinch of war 
stress, uncertain whether the fuel 
needs of the American home can be 
met during the coming month. The 
American public has never faced 
these shortages as phases of a single 
problem, but has first become 
alarmed at the dye shortage, then 

over the nitrogen dearth, and now 


shiver in anticipation of a meagre 
fuel supply. 

To explain the present coal short- 
age by transportation congestion or 
labor difficulties is to offer a super- 
ficial cause. These dilemmas of 
course are the concrete means 
through which the trouble makes 
itself felt, but back of them stretches 
a far-reaching failure to work out a 
proper development for America’s 
greatest resource. The trouble is 
not that insufficient coal is mined 
and transported, but that the pres- 
ent output is inadequately used. 
Our coal could be made to go a 
third further in meeting the nation’s 

Progress in coal utilization de- 
pends fundamentally upon the pro- 
duction of more coke. At present 
the situation is limited by the needs 
of the iron industry. The quantity 
and type of coke thus far produced 
has been determined by its metal- 
lurgical use. Sporadic attempts to 
apply metallurgical coke to house- 
hold purposes have met with failure 
and placed coke in an unfavorable 
light. Coke must be made of such 
kind as to be suitable for domestic 
use. This can be done; and the ac- 
complishment is an urgent necessity. 
Domestie coke, in reality, will be 
artificial anthracite. 

There is room in our industrial 
system for a greatly changed utili- 
zation of coal; in short, for “coal” to 
be used in the form of anthracite, arti- 
ficial anthracite (domestic coke and 
steam-engine coke), metallurgical 
coke, gas for illuminating and power 
purposes, benzol for automobile en- 
gines, and at the same time made to 
yield a sufficiency of nitrogen, dye- 
stuffs, explosives and other coal- 
product chemicals. There is present 
need for all these products. The 
problem is to make the necessary re- 
adjustments, such as may be done 
through the development of domestic 
coke, the application of coal-gas to 
power-plants, the adaptation of 



benzol to automobile engines, and so 
on. When this is accomplished, the 
fuel efficiency of our coal supply will 
be 25 per cent. greater, transporta- 
tion difficulties for domestic fuel will 
be lessened, and in addition the 
country will be cultivating a wide 
range of industries, giving employ- 
ment to labor and using the part 
now wasted of our most important 
single resource. These by-product 
industries growing out of proper 
coal development will serve to ren- 
der the nation industrially independ- 
ent in a great many essentials in 
agriculture, pharmacy, photography, 
textiles, disinfectants, explosives, 
refrigeration, painting, paving, 
water-proofing, wood preservation, 
and in an ever-widening circle of 

Such an attainment will require a 
long process of organized adjusting. 
It can not be legislated into exist- 
ence. It is a matter wherein the 
government can take the lead by 
shaping a suitable economic policy. 
It is particularly a matter wherein 
enlightened public opinion can con- 
tribute by appreciating the situation 
and directing action toward proper 
industrial coordination and growth. 

The solution of the whole coal 
problem, in short, does not consist in 
cutting down industrial activities to 
meet present coal output, nor in cir- 
cumscribing the scale of economic 
life to fit present misdirection of 
coal resources, but lies in working 
toward an industrial situation that 
will both permit and demand a wide- 
spread treatment of bituminous coal 
so as to yield on the one hand a 
smokeless fuel, an artificial anthra- 
cite so to speak, suitable alike for 
the home and the factory; and on 
the other a host of by-products es- 
sential to the industries of the na- 


WE record with regret the death 
of Dr. Franklin P. Mall, professor 


Professor of Mathematics in the University of Paris and permanent secretary of the 
Paris Academy of Sciences in whose death France loses one of the group 
who have given that country distinction in mathematics. 


of anatomy in the Johns Hopkins 
University and director of the de- 
partment of embryology of the Car- 
negie Institution; of Dr. Richard 
Weil, professor of experimental 
medicine in Cornell Medical College; 
of Professor Edward Hull, F.R.S., 
late director of the Geological Sur- 
vey of Ireland; of Mr. W. Dud- 
dell, F.R.S., the electrical engineer, 
and of Professor C. E. Bertrand, the 
plant-anatomist and paleobotanist of 

Sir J. J. THOMSON has been nomi- 
nated by the council of the Royal 
Society for reelection as president. 
Dr. William Gilson Farlow, professor 
of botany at Harvard University,has 
been elected a corresponding mem- 
ber of the French Academy of Sci- 
ences.—The anniversary address of 
the New York Academy of Medicine 
was delivered on November 15 by 
Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, LL.D., 

president of the American Museum > 


|'of Natural History, on “ The origin 
and nature of life.” 

A SPECIAL board of chemists to in- 
vestigate explosives, the uses of 
gases in warfare and to act as ad- 
visers to the Bureau of Mines, has 
been appointed. The board will 
study the problem of increasing the 
production of materials used in ex- 
plosives manufacture and will ad- 
vise the bureau in the operation of 
the recently enacted law regulating 
the sale of explosives. The members 
are: Dr. William H. Nichols, of the 
General Chemical Company, New 
York, chairman; Professor H. P. 
Talbot, head of the chemical depart- 
ment of the Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology; William Hoskins, of 
Chicago, a consulting chemist; Pro- 
fessor H. P. Venable, of the Univer- 
sity of North Carolina; Professor E. 
C. Franklin, of Stanford University, 
and Dr. Charles L. Parsons, of the 
Bureau of Mines. 




By Professor ROBERT DE C. WARD 

O obvious have been the weather controls over military op- 
erations in the present war, that even the layman has not 
failed to note the importance of this factor in the course of his 
reading of the war news in his daily paper. In every-day con- 
versation mention has often been made of the rain and the mud 
in Flanders; of the heat and drought of Mesopotamia; of the 
snowstorms of the Trentino; of the hazy spells usually selected 
by the Germans for their air-raids on England. The subject 
is one which merits careful study. It has an interest as a 
matter of historical record. But it also has a very immediate 
and a very practical side. By means of daily weather forecasts, 
such as are now being made by the expert meteorologists on all 
the war fronts, the military commanders are often able to plan 
operations in such a way as to take advantage of weather con- 
ditions favorable to their purposes, and, at least to some ex- 
tent, to guard against those conditions which are hostile. 
Again, a knowledge of the climate and weather of the different 
war zones, and the experience which the armies have already 
had with them, may be of immense benefit to us, now that Amer- 
ican troops are already on the firing-line on the western front 
and may soon also be engaged on other fronts. For our mili- 
tary tactics; the clothing and equipment of our troops; the 
whole matter of cur transport; the organization of our aviation 
service, all depend, far more directly than most people realize, 
upon the weather. With the matter of daily forecasts, the pres- 
ent paper is not concerned. What is here attempted is to bring 
together such meteorological facts and controls, from one of the 
most interesting of all the war zones, as may help in an under- 
standing of the campaign in that area up to this time, and may, 
if American troops are sent there, be of practical service. 
VOL. V1.—7. 


In the matter of meteorological interest, the most dramatic 
fighting thus far during the war has taken place in the moun- 
tains. In the earlier months of the war, the Russians against 
the Teutonic allies in the Carpathians; somewhat later, the 
Russians against the Turks in the Caucasus and on the high- 
lands of Asia Minor; and, since the spring and summer of 1915, 
the Italians against the Austrians and now against the Ger- 
mans, in the Alps, have had the hardest fighting against weather 
conditions. Because of the present interest in the Italian war 
situation, the present paper will deal with some of the larger 
and more striking weather controls in that particular area. 

There are three subdivisions, climatic as well as topographic, 
of the Italian war zone: the Alps of the Trentino, the Carso 
plateau in the east, and the northern lowland. Of these, the 
Alpine section has been the scene of the longest fighting, and 
also presents the most striking meteorological controls. It is, 
therefore, here first considered. No other part of the Great 
War has been fought for so many months under equal condi- 
tions of hardship. Nowhere else has the struggle between man 
and man been accompanied by so continuous a struggle be- 
tween man and nature. 

The Alpine complex lies as a barrier between the climates 
of northern and western Europe, with their relatively mild 
winters, moderate summers, and rainfall fairly well distributed 
throughout the year, and the Mediterranean province on the 
south. The latter, because of its irregularity of outline, ver- 
tical as well as horizontal, has many varieties of climate, all 
relatively mild, except at higher elevations, and with winter 
rains over most of the area. Owing to the great diversity of 
Alpine topography, it is impossible to give any detailed descrip- 
tion of the climates of the peaks, the slopes and the valleys. 
Moreover, sufficient meteorological records are lacking for such 
a presentation. In any such varied topography, temperature, 
humidity, cloudiness, rainfall, snowfall, winds, are so largely 
controlled by local conditions of altitude, of exposure, of the im- 
mediate surroundings, that every place has, in a sense, its own 
climate. The effect of altitude upon temperature is often offset 
by the control due to topography or to exposure. The severe 
winter cold of the deep valleys during clear, calm spells seems 
less unbearable than higher temperatures, accompanied by 
furious gales, on the mountain peaks and upper slopes. Thus, 
while a detailed description of climates is out of the question, 
it is also true that a generalized account must be very broad. 
This much may be said: High mountains mean cold and snow, 
even in summer. They mean more clouds and rain and thun- 


derstorms than the lowlands have. They mean more wind; 
more violent storms; deeper snows; a harder struggle against 
the elements. Severe, indeed terribly severe, have been the 
meteorological handicaps in that mountainous country where 
fighting has been going on in the clouds, amidst ice, and deep 
snows, and avalanches. 

The war in the Alpine sector began in the warmer months 
of 1915. Yet even in that milder and more peaceful season 
of the year, weather controls at once played their part. Late 
spring and mid-autumn are times of frequent and heavy rainfall 
in that region. Hence swollen rivers, flooded passes, deep mud, 
“bad weather,” were to be expected and were experienced, even 
in summer. Over and over again, heavy rains and “fog” 
checked the fighting. These “fogs,” often mentioned in the 
despatches, are doubtless in most cases not real fogs, which lie 
on the ground, but clouds, for much of the fighting has taken 
place at altitudes well within the cloud zone. Such “fogs” 
often interfered with artillery firing and with aeroplane obser- 
vation, but were several times taken advantage of, by one side 
or the other, for making surprise attacks. Summer lightning 
played among the troops fighting on the rocky mountain-sides. 
Torrential downpours swept the passes and temporarily stopped 
engagements. Hail beat in the faces of the men as they charged 
up the steep slopes. In view of the well-recognized importance 
of snow in the later (autumn-winter, 1917) developments along 
this Alpine front, it is worth noting what the conditions were 
earlier in the campaign. June 21, 1915, a despatch from Brescia 
noted the occurrence of a heavy snowstorm on Monte Altissimo, 
with temperatures below zero (C.). The despatches of June 24 
mentioned that there were more than 2 feet of snow on the 
lofty Stelvio pass, where spirited fighting was going on. On 
July 1, 1915, it was reported that “the mountaineers (Tyrol) 
do not remember a season when there has been so much snow 
on the heights on July 1. The mountain streams, which are 
usually dry at the end of June, are now deep and almost im- 
passable. The Italian troops are encountering snowstorms 
and thick fogs, which have interfered with long-range firing.” 
Snowfalls toward the end of September, 1915, checked the 

The two winter campaigns (1915-16, 1916-17) in the Alps 
brought, as was to be expected, snows many feet deep; howling 
gales, avalanches, and bitter cold. Under such conditions large- 
scale operations were not possible. Many precautions had to 
be taken. Snowshoes and skis, extra-heavy clothing, blankets, 
fur chest protectors and sleeping-bags, and foot-warmers were 


supplied. White coverings were worn for protection amidst 
the snows. To supply the troops with warm clothing, offices 
were opened in the Italian cities, where furs of all kinds were 
brought in to be made into winter garments. Provisions were 
assembled in specially-constructed weatherproof huts. The 
shelters for the men were fitted with stoves. The trenches 
were lined with straw and boards. Special arrangements were 
made for supplying hot rations to the troops. Galleries dug 
under the snow were several times used as a means of approach- 
ing the enemy’s trenches. In spite of all precautions, hundreds 
of the troops were invalided home with hands and feet frost- 

After the remarkable Teutonic offensive, in mid-autumn, 
1917, which brought the Austro-German troops down on to the 
plains of northern Italy and for a time seriously threatened 
Venice, military operations were suddenly and most aggres- 
sively renewed in the Trentino sector, chiefly in the region of 
the Asiago plateau. The enemy made desperate attempts to 
capture the mountain positions and to penetrate on to the low- 
lands, in order to turn the Italian left flank and thus make the 
Piave line untenable before winter should make such a task im- 
possible because of snow-blockades in the mountains. Once 
again the terrible winter weather of that rugged country 
played its part in the fighting. The Teutonic advance began 
“in driving snow, and cold, and pouring rain” (second week, 
November, 1917). The official and other despatches mention 
bitter cold (November 27, 14° F.) ; lack of shelter owing to the 
terrific artillery action and the constant shifting of positions; 
insufficient supplies of water; drifting (though light) snow; 
biting winds; the use of caves “from which hung huge icicles” 
for shelter. One account notes the fact that the Italians were 
often “compelled to remain motionless for a long time lest they 
should be discovered by the enemy against the whiteness of the 

That the coming on of winter at once, and in full vigor, with 
deep snows, and raging “blizzards,” would have been the best 
possible ally to the Italians, was well recognized by all the mili- 
tary commanders. For in normal winter weather, the Teutonic 
lines of communication both by railroad and also by the narrow 
mountain roads, would be paralyzed, or at least badly blocked, 
and the transport of heavy artillery, of munitions and of sup- 
plies would become difficult or impossible. Each additional 
day that the Italians were able to delay the advance of the 
Austro-German armies brought winter’s help one day nearer. 
Each day made the Teutonic offensive more difficult. It is, 


therefore, easy to understand why the enemy’s general staff 
was ready to make such continuous and desperate attempts to 
break through before the worst of the winter weather should 
come on. The fighting was against time. A winter campaign 
on the lowlands is far more practicable than in the mountains, 
owing to milder weather, and little snow. From numerous 
reports, coming from various sources, it is clear that the early 
part of the present winter (1917) was unusually favorable to 
the enemy. It was cold, but usually clear, and the heavy snow- 
storms characteristic of the late fall and early winter were 
entirely lacking. The snow, instead of being several (5-10) 
feet deep in the mountains, as it was a year ago in November 
and early December, was (up to mid-December) only a few 
inches deep in most places. A despatch of December 6 said 
that one deep snowfall “would be worth divisions to the 
Italians.” Gen. Diaz said on December 9, “with normal 
winter conditions prevailing in the north, the enemy would 
now be in the grip of impassable snows.” Small wonder 
is it that the Italians prayed for snow in the mountains; and 
for an end of what they termed “ Austrian weather” which 
they felt had lasted from the first day of the retreat from the 
Isonzo front. Light snows fell from time to time, but the long- 
hoped-for deep snows did not come. It is always natural that 
man should overestimate, or underestimate, the extent of 
meteorological conditions which are helping or hindering him 
in warfare. Hence it is both interesting in the present survey, 
and as a matter of historical record, to give here an Asso- 
ciated Press despatch, dated Italian Army Headquarters in 
Northern Italy, December 25, which gives, on the authority of 
an Italian meteorological expert, the actual conditions as to the 
meteorological characteristics of the early winter of 1917.1 

The entire mountain region, where heavy fighting has been going on 
in recent days, is having the unusual experience of a holiday season with 
green slopes and summits and little or no snow. One of the generals on 
the front said that every foot of snow was worth divisions in obstructing 
the enemy. 

“This is one of the mildest winters we have ever had,” said the 
major in charge of the weather branch of the high command, “and from 
a military standpoint the weather conditions are of the highest importance 
both for our troops and, particularly, in their effect on the enemy’s trans- 
portation of supplies and troops.” 

Taking the report furnished by the high command to-day on the 

1 The special meteorological service organized in connection with the 
Italian military staff has already published several bulletins dealing with 
military meteorology. Among the subjects so far considered are the 

climates of the various districts within the war zone, also details regard- 
ing avalanches, with lists of places especially subject to them. 


weather at all vital points, the major pointed out the extreme variation 
in the mountains, plains and valleys. 

Here at headquarters the report showed two degrees above zero Centi- 
grade (35.6° Fahrenheit) and no snow, while the same report showed 
—15° Centigrade (5° Fahrenheit), and seven feet of snow in the Ortler 

Further east, in the Adamello Alps, which are the next highest to the 
Ortler, there are about three feet of snow as compared with nine feet last 

Around Lake Garda the condition is much milder. Monte Pasubio, 
where the Austrians made their big drive last year, now has four feet 
of snow, as against twelve feet last winter. But all these snow-covered 
points are in the active military region for the present. 

The entire area of the present fighting in the Brenta valley is free 
from snow and the weather is mild. This is the valley where the Aus- 
trian route brings supplies and troops from Trent and the Asiago and 
Brenta fronts. Between the Brenta and the Piave rivers, which is the 
principal region of the fighting, Monte Grappa, which usually has four to 
six feet of snow, now has only ten to twelve inches on the northern slopes 
and six inches on the southern slopes. The temperature is from —5° to 
—12° Centigrade (23° to 10.4° Fahrenheit). 

Montes Asolone, Pertica and Bolarolo, where the heaviest fighting has 
occurred in the last few days, have only a few inches. It varies from 
three to five inches and seldom lasts, owing to the mildness. In the 
foothills there is no snow and the temperature is always above freezing. 

The reports show similar mild conditions in the Carso and the Julian 
ranges to the east, through which the Austrians maintain their communi- 
cations with the invaded regions of eastern Venetia. The mildness is so 
pronounced that the enemy is able to operate four distinct lines of com- 
munication leading to Gorizia, Udine and Venetia. 

The unusual weather conditions are proving an important factor in the 
campaign, for while severe cold and heavy snows would hold the enemy 
in their grip, the present mild and almost snowless season permits opera- 
tions to proceed. 

Late in December (31st), the despatches noted the fact that 
enough snow had fallen to make transportation difficult. 

One larger consequence of a slackening of operations in the 
Trentino sector may be mentioned. Heavy snows there would 
doubtless mean the transfer of large numbers of Austro-Ger- 
man troops to the western front, to the lowlands, or, in case of 
an Allied attack on Pola, to that section. 

The other portions of the Italian war area, the plateaus 
(Carso, Bainsizza) in the northeast and the eastern portion of 
the northern Italian lowland, may, in conclusion, be considered 
together. For the general temperature conditions of the 
plateau, the records of three stations, grouped together, at an 
average elevation of 1,700 feet may be noted. These have a 
midwinter (January) mean of 30°; a midsummer (July) mean 
of 66.7°, and an annual mean of 48.4°. Their average lowest 
temperatures in winter are 5.4°; their average highest tempera- 


tures in summer are 84.4°, although in any single year the 
minima and maxima are likely to vary several degrees lower or 
higher. For purposes of comparison, Laibach and Trieste may 
be added.? 

In winter, the plateau is noticeably colder than the imme- 
diate coast, and cold northerly winds are very apt to blow from 
the interior down to the northern shores of the Adriatic. 

Trieste has a mean annual rainfall of 42.83 inches, with an 
average of 109 rainy days, the rainiest months being June and 
October; and the driest, December to April and July—August. 
Goritz has a mean annual rainfall of 63.50 inches; 139 rainy 
days; maxima in June and October, and minimum in January 
and February. 

More or less fighting has been in progress on the Carso 
plateau since Italy entered the war. Here, in the late summer 
and autumn of 1915, the men suffered from the heat, even in 
their light gray cotton uniforms, and later the general cold- 
season storms of that region, and the fogs, often interfered 
with military operations. The time for the great main Italian 
offensive, about the middle of May, 1917, seems to have been 
chosen between floods on the Isonzo River. The troops were 
able to cross on pontoons. Usually at this season the river is 
practically impassable except on fixed bridges, for this is the 
time when the spring rains and melting snows in the Carnic 
Alps cause the rivers to flood. The passage of the Isonzo was 
forced in a heavy fog. Italy’s strong offensive on the Carso 
plateau could not be begun any earlier on account of “terrible 
atmospheric conditions.” Great difficulty was experienced be- 
cause of lack of water on this dry plateau. Each day, accord- 
ing to one despatch, 450,000 quarts of drinking water were 
carried up to the thirsty men. Temporary relief, both in sup- 
plying water and in limiting military operations, resulted from 
thunderstorms and occasional general rains. Early in July 
(10th) the Austrians began a night attack, on the Vodice, in a 
violent thunderstorm. In the darkness the enemy had almost 
reached the Italian positions when a sudden flash of lightning 
revealed the attacking party, which was completely repulsed. 
Stifling heat was reported late in August. It is worthy of note 
that the southern soldiers of Gen. Cadorna’s army were espe- 

Laibach Trieste 

2 JANUATY) J ive vasa tee Oey cee Se oaheie Zbe 87.8° 
OLY 5 5 ae 2h BR ra oe tals ler aterate 673° 73.6° 
PY GAR 3, och s ole, colic oath PROMI, Talay arencys te Gates 48.2° 55.2° 
Mean) ‘MIN: eles ctereleraiet ered occas bers = — 0.4° 19.6° 
Mean. max.) ic sievaletebeteteteraicleiciaiecsiere ete 88.7° 93.9° 

The warmer winters of the coast are clearly indicated. 


cially mentioned for their valor and fighting abilities during 
the conquest of Monte Santo. Gen Cadorna evidently pushed 
his troops to the utmost in order to smash the Austrian armies 
and to gain as much territory as possible before winter should 
make large-scale operations impossible. There were signs, also, 
that Italy was preparing for a winter campaign against Trieste 
when operations could no longer be continued farther north. 
There were two classes of difficulties, both directly or indirectly 
climatic, which added greatly to the already seemingly impos- 
sible task of the Italian armies. One of these was the problem 
of supplying water to the men who were fighting on the dry 
plateaus and on the mountain slopes far above the rivers. Until 
pipe-lines could be laid, water was carried up, in small quanti- 
ties, on the backs of men, to the thirsty soldiers who could often 
look down, thousands of feet, on to the rivers running in flood 
far below them. The other difficulty was the stormy autumn 
weather. Heavy rains changed peaceful streams into raging 
torrents. Fogs and mists interfered with visibility. Increas- 
ing cold added to the discomfort and suffering. 

The great Austro-German offensive began in the last week 
of October. The Italian front lines were broken through (Oc- 
tober 24) “in a drenching rain and mist, under the most de- 
pressing conditions,’ which rendered the Italian barrage in- 
effective in opposing the onslaught. As one correspondent put 
it, “Austria is hiding behind the skirts of autumn.” The 
Italian mountain positions “were surrounded and made unten- 
able before the fog lifted.” The use of deadly gases was fa- 
vored by a light wind and the damp air. Several days of 
stormy weather were followed by a fine spell, which favored a 
rapid advance on the part of the Teutonic troops, across the 
mountains and through the valleys. During the earlier stages 
of their retreat, the Italians suffered greatly from cold torrential 
rains. Much interest centered in the stages of the Italian 
rivers. It appears that, while the heavy rains added to the diffi- 
culties of the hurried Italian retreat, they also delayed the 
enemy’s advance, by swelling the rivers, softening the ground, 
and preventing effective reconnaissance and bombing on the 
part of the enemy aviators. The reports regarding the condi- 
tion of the Tagliamento, the Livenza and the Piave rivers were 
very contradictory. These are not broad, deep and swiftly- 
flowing streams, always difficult to cross, but vary greatly ac- 
cording to the rains, becoming shallow during fine spells. Ap- 
parently at times the invaders were favored, and at other times 
the defenders. On the whole, the balance seems to have been 
in favor of the Teutonic troops. The Piave was reported as 


flowing with a full head of water in mid-November, owing to 
recent heavy rains. These same rains helped to fiood the 
lowlands. The sector of the lower Piave was further ren- 
dered difficult to cross by the release of the flood-waters through 
the opening, by Italian engineers, of the dikes, so that a consid- 
erable area to the north of Venice was several feet under water. 
On December 13 a report noted the occurrence of “‘ downpours ” 
during two days, filling the Piave which had nearly “run dry,” 
and effectively flooding the inundated section over which the 
waters had falien from 5 ft. to 1 ft. Taking advantage of this 
low water, the Austrians had made an advance. The high and 
low stages of these rivers have been a constantly fluctuating 
factor in military operations on their banks. 

The larger climatic characteristics of the Italian lowland, 
across which the battle-front now stretches, are well shown in 
the excellent meteorological records which have for years been 
kept at several of the larger cities. Thus, Venice, Vicenza and 
Padua have midwinter (January) mean temperatures of about 
35°, midsummer (July) means of about 75°, and mean annual 
temperatures of about 55°. Venice has the highest values 
(1.5° to 2° F.) in each case. The absolute minima have been 
between 7° and 15°; the absolute maxima, between 95° and 
100°. Belluno, at about 1,300 ft., has slightly colder winters 
(30.2°), somewhat cooler summers (69.3°), and a lower mean 
annual, 50.9°. Its lowest reading is 4° (3.9°) and its highest 
nearly 100° (99.7°). ‘Mediterranean ” climates are as a whole 
distinguished by comparatively moderate rainfalls, and by dry 
summers. These stations on the northern Italian lowland, how- 
ever, have a somewhat different rainfall distribution. They 
are alike in having a minimum in the winter, and maxima 
in spring (May) and autumn (October). The amounts vary 
as follows: Belluno, 50.67 inches; Vicenza, 47.56 inches; Padua, 
33.70 inches; Venice, 29.53 inches. In addition, Udine has a 
mean annual of 60.94 inches; 145 rainy days; maxima in June 
and October, and minimum in January—March. In the Vene- 
tian Alps the rainfall is much heavier. The number of rainy 
days is between 100 and 125; the probability of rain usually 
being greatest in May and October, and least in August. 

Northern Italy is on the track followed by storms coming, 
in winter, from the Gulf of Genoa or from the western and 
southern Mediterranean, and moving in an easterly or north- 
easterly direction. These storms bring general rains, and oc- 
casionally snow. Snow is, however, infrequent, as is seen by 
the record of an average of days with snow, as follows: Venice, 
2.0; Vicenza, 3.9; Udine, 4.3; Padua, 4.7; Trieste, 6.5. 




ARASITES, always of major importance in tropical coun- 
tries and of considerable importance in the temperate 
zones, take on increased importance with the onset of war. In 
a general way this is due to two factors. In the field of human 
medicine it is due to the fact that the sanitary and hygienic 
provisions of armies in the field can not maintain the high level 
attained in peace times among civilian and soldier elements of 
the population, while the throwing together of persons of the 
most diverse habits of cleanliness and regard for personal con- 
dition, under such unfavorable circumstances, affords a chance 
for the spread of such parasitic pests as would under ordinary 
conditions be confined to those who were habitually careless or 
unmindful of these pests, or who were exposed to them by 
virtue of geographical or environmental conditions. In the 
field of veterinary medicine, the increased importance of para- 
sites is due, not only to the spread of parasitic diseases among 
horses purchased all over the country and brought together on 
the picket line, but also to the fact that present-day war con- 
ditions call for the conservation of all resources, especially food 
and factors in food production, and for the elimination of losses 
from parasites which in peace times may be ignored as matters 
concerning only the individual who sustains the loss, but which 
in war times must be regarded as subtractions from a rela- 
tively limited and highly necessary sum total of the common 
possessions of the nation, the loss of which ranks with losses 
in battle as factors in defeating our armies and the ends for 
which they fight. 

In the field of human medicine, there are two problems: The 
immediate problem is the control of parasitic diseases and the 
diseases, bacterial or otherwise, associated with the parasites; 
the remote problem will concern itself with preventing the im- 
portation into this or other countries heretofore free from 
them, of the various exotic diseases with which soldiers may be 
brought in contact by association with troops brought from 
tropical and semi-tropical regions where these diseases are 


Among the parasites of man that deserve mention, lice 
should be regarded as of first importance. Wherever men are 
thrown in close physical contact in the trenches and dug-outs 
and in crowded billets in the wrecked structures still standing 
in the vicinity of the contested areas in France, there is ample 
opportunity for the spread and multiplication of these annoying 
and dangerous parasites. Leiper has referred to these pests 
as the ‘minor horrors of war,” and they are not peculiar to 
present-day trench warfare. The world’s wars have regularly 
been fought by lice-infested soldiers. In our Civil War lice 
were familiarly known among the soldiers as “‘ graybacks ” and 
anecdotes of that conflict commonly deal with these ubiquitous 
insects. It is said that General Mott once stopped in a walk 
through a camp to observe with interest the close investigations 
that Private Lindaberry was conducting along the seams of 
his shirt. ‘‘ Are you picking them out?” he asked. ‘No, sir,” 
was the reply, “I’m taking them as they come.” It might be 
noted in passing that this method of hand-picking, elsewhere 
applied to the eradication of the cattle-tick and the boll-weevil, 
is still used as a practical means of control for lice in the pres- 
ent war—a palliative, if not entirely remedial, measure. As an 
illustration of the utility of applied entomology in this connec- 
tion may be noted the practise of placing lousy garments on 
ant hills, which is said to result in the careful removal of the 
lice by the ants. This is not a particularly valuable or widely 
applicable method, of course, but the purely entomological as- 
pects of louse control are so important that Vaughan has recom- 
mended that entomologists versed in medical entomology be at- 
tached to our army units. 

Louse control, however, calls for a knowledge of more than 
entomology. It presents large problems in therapeutics, the 
therapeutic agents employed being primarily insecticides within 
the field of medical rather than entomological science. Over 
two hundred insecticides (and substances suspected, often on 
very little evidence, of being insecticides) have been tested 
since the outbreak of war, and the large literature dealing with 
this topic which has appeared since 1914 is still in poorly di- 
gested condition, with varying and often conflicting claims for 
the same insecticides. However, experience has established 
beyond question the value of kerosene and gasoline in control- 
ing lice, as these substances kill both the lice and the eggs, or 
“nits,” very quickly. In some instances, companies of men 
have been stripped and thoroughly sprayed with these sub- 
stances, with excellent results in controlling the trouble and 


with but little personal discomfort on the part of the men. As 
regards ointments for individual use, ordinary petrolatum 
(vaseline, cosmoline, etc.) has been found quite effective and is 
rated by Castellani with kerosene or gasoline as among the 
most effective insecticides. For the most part, however, the 
clothes louse, or body louse, the most important of the lice at- 
tacking man, lives in the clothing, especially in the seams, and 
must be killed here. For this purpose dry heat affords a very 
satisfactory control measure, an adequate heat resulting in the 
coagulation and desiccation of the protoplasm of the louse and 
its egg. In addition to sprays, applications and heat, there is 
quite a range of supposedly valuable remedial and preventive 
measures, including sachets of various designs and contents, 
muslin underwear impregnated with sulphur and naphthaline, 
body cords smeared with mercurial ointment and worn about 
the waist, ordinary soap-and-water cleanliness—and even chiro- 
practic measures have been advocated. It appears that the 
correct chiropractic procedure, according to the publication 
cited, involves an adjustment of the first lumbar vertebra, but 
offhand it would appear better to confine manual manipulation 
to hand-picking or else apply the pressure to the lumbar re- 
gion of the louse rather than to that of the patient. 

The importance of lice is due less to their own irritating 
activities as blood-suckers than to the fact that they carry the 
dreaded typhus fever germs; the prevention of typhus is lice 
control. This is a menace to which our army is now and will 
be exposed. It is impossible to raise large armies without in- 
cluding louse-infested individuals, and Vaughan notes that we 
had such individuals in our army on the Texas border, though 
there was no exposure to typhus. But since lice are a menace 
and freedom from lice a defense in the presence of typhus, our 
medical corps will need to devote considerable attention to de- 
lousing measures for the protection of our troops. 

Another parasite which attacks from the outside is the itch 
mite, the cause of itch, or scabies. This little relative of the 
spiders burrows in the skin, causing an itching sensation, and 
the fingers of the victim, in an effort to relieve the itching, com- 
plete the job of producing sores and scabs. An interesting bit 
of news from the front in this connection is to the effect that 
soldiers suffering from this distressing complaint have been 
cured by exposure to chlorine gas during gas attacks by the 
Germans. Subsequently the proposal has been made to clear 
out certain insect pests in valley lands by the use of heavy 
poison gases as an agricultural measure. 


The numerous biting flies and mosquitoes frequently find 
exceptionally favorable opportunities for breeding in war areas 
where remedial measures, such as oiling bodies of water or 
draining them to prevent mosquito breeding, can not be applied 
to the contested No-Man’s Land. Trench-helmets are no pro- 
tection from these flying projectiles, though a gas-mask might 
be! Perhaps even more favorable are the opportunities for 
the breeding of the numerous non-biting flies which live as 
maggots in dead bodies of horses, other stock and of men. 
Many of these maggots readily adapt themselves to life in 
wounds and in the summer or in the more tropical war zones, 
infestation of wounded and sick men with these maggots be- 
comes a rather common and often serious complication. It is 
rather surprising to find, however, a statement from a medical 
officer in the war zone to the effect that gas gangrene, one of the 
most serious conditions encountered in this war, rarely appears 
in wounds infested with maggots. 

Among the worm parasites, hookworms deserve especial 
consideration in this country, since a large part of our army 
comes from the hookworm-infested sections of the South. Stiles 
has already called attention to the occurrence of hookworm dis- 
ease found among our soldiers from the South and urged the 
desirability of detecting such cases and using the appropriate 
anthelmintic treatment to rid these men of their parasites. 
The importance of this action is fairly evident. Hookworm 
disease results in anemia, lassitude and inertia, and the task of 
overthrowing Prussian militarism and the armed application 
of Pan-Germanic philosophy can not properly be regarded as a 
task for anemic and inert troops. The examination of soldiers 
for hookworm disease would incidentally disclose other para- 
sitic infestations. Hookworm disease is contracted commonly 
by the invasion of the skin by the larve, which develop from 
hookworm eggs in the excreta of hookworm subjects, and trench 
conditions afford uncommonly favorable conditions for the 
spread of this disease. It is true that adequate measures are 
taken for the disposal of excreta under most of the working 
conditions of the present war, but there are many extraordi- 
nary conditions under which these measures can not be taken, 
and in spite of the care and authority of medical officers there 
are always men who neglect or ignore the provisions made for 
the common safety and welfare. And it is precisely the men 
accustomed to the lack of sanitary provisions in infected rural 
communities who might most easily fail to appreciate the value 
of these provisions under the stress of war conditions. An- 


other aspect of the matter is this: This continent is practically 
free from the Old World hookworm, Ancylostoma, but so is 
Europe practically free from our Afro-American hookworm, 
Necator; while we would not be grateful for an importation of 
Ancylostoma in returning troops, neither would our allies ap- 
prove a dissemination of Necator by our soldiers abroad. 

Among the worm parasites, Strongyloides, a worm asso- 
ciated with a diarrhea, has a peculiar interest. This parasite 
also occurs in this country and Stiles has recently recommended 
that soldiers so infested be discharged, for the reason that no 
satisfactory treatment for this condition is known. In view of 
the lack of a known dependable treatment and the disability due 
to the disease, this is good advice—but may we now expect our 
slackers to seek an infestation with Strongyloides to escape 
army service? 

The same difficulties in sanitation that make the acquire- 
ment of hookworm infestation easy make it easy to acquire 
Strongyloides or the other common intestinal parasites, such as 
ascarids, whipworms and pinworms. It may also be found that 
infestation with the dwarf tapeworm, Hymenolepis nana, the 
commonest tapeworm parasite of man in this country, will 
spread in the war zone. Reports state that the trenches swarm 
with rats, and as this tapeworm appears to be normally a para- 
site of rats, occurring in man as a result of the contamination 
of food-stuffs by these enemies of mankind, it is conceivable 
that this worm will need attention. 

Rats, however, have an importance in connection with dis- 
ease which exceeds their importance as carriers of the dwarf 
tapeworm. They are the reservoirs of the dreaded bubonic 
plague and the rat fleas commonly present on them are the 
habitual transmitters of the disease from rat to rat and from 
rat to man. Should plague-infested rats appear among those 
in the trenches, practically any measures for combating the 
rats would be justified and the campaign against the Central 
Powers would have to be subordinated to a rat-killing campaign 
in which the use of poison gases would probably be a weapon 
of major importance in destroying rats and fleas alike. 

The conditions of present-day warfare also afford oppor- 
tunity for the spread of disease, characterized in part by 
diarrhea, due to amebic and flagellate protozoa. These minute 
organisms may be spread rather directly from the excreta or 
carried from the excreta by flies. These diseases are already 
present on some fronts and are receiving a considerable amount 
of investigation along the lines of preventive measures and 


The more remote activities of our medical corps in prevent- 
ing the importation of exotic diseases of a parasitic nature may 
only receive brief mention here. Such diseases as coccidiosis, 
a protozoan disease, occurring in the Balkans and elsewhere, 
are not known to occur in man on this continent, nor is bil- 
harziasis, a disease occurring, among other places, in Egypt. 
In the latter disease, worms may occur in the blood vesseis of 
the lower bowel or of the urinary bladder, causing an inflam- 
mation and hemorrhage of these organs as a result of the 
passage of their eggs through the tissues. The list of parasites 
of man not known to occur in this country and known to occur 
in some of the widely distributed war areas is a long one, but 
it is unnecessary to enumerate. Our medical corps can be de- 
pended on to take the necessary measures to prevent our troops 
from becoming infested and to provide proper treatment or 
adequate quarantine for those who by carelessness or inad- 
vertence become infected. 

In this connection it might be noted that war conditions call 
for new investigations in the field of anthelmintic treatments 
for worms. Along with the cessation of importation of other 
drugs due to the war, the supply of thymol, the drug commonly 
in use in this country before this war for the treatment of 
hookworm disease, was shut off, with the result that a superior 
remedy, of American origin, oil of chenopodium, has come into 
general use. The plant from which this remedy is obtained is 
one that was used by the Indians before Columbus discovered 
America and has been used as a home remedy and by the 
Southern ‘‘mammies” for many years, but it required a war, 
with its stoppage of commerce, to bring about a high degree 
of interest in this American product. 

In the field of veterinary medicine, as has been noted, there 
is ample opportunity for work in controlling parasitic diseases 
among horses in the army and in preventing enormous losses 
to our live-stock industry by eradicating parasites. Of major 
importance are such diseases as Texas fever of Southern cattle, 
a disease caused by a protozoan parasite in the blood and car- 
ried by an external parasite, the cattle tick; scabies in cattle, 
sheep and horses, due to mites closely related to those causing 
itch or scabies in man; stomach-worm disease of sheep, due to 
a blood-sucking worm; and “worms” in pigs. Other parasites 
which do much to swell the grand total of losses are the various 
lice, true ticks and so-called ticks, and other biters and blood- 
suckers which live on our stock, and the lungworms, hookworms, 
palisade worms, tapeworms and flukes which live in them. 


The increasingly successful campaign against the cattle tick 
which carries Texas fever is an epic in the warfare of veteri- 
nary medicine against disease. It is a warfare in which the 
names of great leaders, executives and laboratory men stand 
out conspicuously, men from the U. S. Bureau of Animal Indus- 
try and from the experiment stations of the Southern states. 
In a warfare as real and as systematic as the conflict of mili- 
tarism and democracy, the tick has been attacked from a quar- 
antine line that once extended rather directly across the United 
States from Virginia to California and from this far-flung 
battle-line the tick has been driven toward the Gulf of Mexico 
from county to county and state to state. Wedges have been 
driven into the line and the tick forces have been split by drives 
down the Mississippi River states. Recently, December Ist, 
the entire state of Mississippi was released from quarantine 
and the governor designated the day of release as a day of re- 
joicing to celebrate the event. In the general order releasing 
this state a total of over 65,000 square miles was released. At 
first the campaign against the tick was a scientific problem, the 
study of the foe’s weaknesses, habits and life history and the 
development of offensive and defensive weapons. This prob- 
lem was presently solved; suitable dips to be readily applied by 
swimming the cattle through a dipping vat furnished the weap- 
ons with which to begin an offensive. The quarantine line 
blockaded the enemy and kept the tick from fresh supplies of 
food among the Northern cattle. The problem then became 
one in diplomacy. At favorable points the tick was able 
to make a stand with the aid of strong allies, uninformed, 
misinformed or hostile individual stockmen who objected to 
dipping, who met the inspectors with a club or a shotgun. It 
is a striking feature of this phase of the tick-eradication cam- 
paign that men trained only as veterinarians should have ac- 
quitted themselves so admirably in such delicate and dangerous 
situations. With a minimum amount of actual clash and com- 
bat, this opposition was overcome by argument, persuasion and 
friendly discussion. There is little of this opposition remain- 
ing, the task is more than half completed, and the work yet un- 
done is hastening to a conclusion. The time is fast approach- 
ing when through the cooperation of the federal and state 
authorities the last tick will be dipped or collected as a museum 
specimen, or whatever is appropriate for a last tick, and the 
tick and Texas fever will become extinct in this country. Al- 
ready the slogan is ‘A tick-free South in 1921.” When that 
time comes, the South, with its abundance of feed, rich soil, 


abundant rainfall and long-growing periods for crops, will take 
over a large part of the live-stock industry of this country. 
Were the tick eradicated right now, in this fourth year of the 
great war, it would immensely strengthen the hands of this 
country in coping with the problem of meat supply during that 
war. The annual losses attributed to the presence of the tick 
are estimated at $50,000,000, a loss of meat and leather that 
is especially hard to contemplate at this time. The cattle tick 
is a very real enemy that deserves to rank in destructiveness, 
if not in wilful Schrecklichkeit, with the invaders of Belgium 
and the destroyers of the Lusitania. 

While the campaign against the cattle tick has been pressed 
in the South, the drive against sheep and cattle scabies in the 
West has pushed on until the objectives have been almost at- 
tained. These diseases have cost this country dearly, and at 
one time sheep scab was the terror of the Western sheepman. 
At the present time the only terrain still held by the enemy is 
in California and Texas, where there is still some sheep scab. 
Cattle scabies has been practically exterminated over the one 
and a quarter million square miles first quarantined. The sav- 
ing in wool, leather, mutton and beef, all unusually valuable in 
these days of war, constitutes an indemnity that repays us 
many times for the outlay which it has cost to prosecute this 

Unfortunately, the report with regard to another enemy of 
our live-stock, the stomach worm of sheep, is not so cheerful. 
Sheep suffer little from bacterial diseases and are immune to 
tuberculosis, but they are attacked by numerous animal para- 
sites and by an ally of the parasites, the sheep-killing dog. 
The ownerless cur and the uncontrolled sheep-killer stand with 
the stomach worm in opposition to the sheep and mankind 
and are at this time nullifying much of our efforts at conserva- 
tion by their attacks upon the mutton and wool supply of this 
nation. There are medicinal treatments and preventive meas- 
ures of great value in controlling stomach-worm disease, but 
these measures are not generally known and used to anything 
like the extent they should be. It would perhaps be well for 
the federal and state agricultural authorities to send well-in- 
formed men into communities where sheep were kept, to explain 
and demonstrate these methods. As for the sheep-killing dogs, 
they should be placed by law beyond protection and made the 
legitimate prey of any one who can find the time to shoot them 
or otherwise remove these parasites of the sheep industry. 

The big ascarid worms of pigs are another constant source 

VOL. VI.—8. 


of loss to our live-stock industry, and are especially severe in 
their effects on young animals, a general truth in regard to 
parasites. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has on a num- 
ber of occasions urged the use of oil of chenopodium against 
these worms, and it is to be hoped that adequate measures of 
treatment will be used during the coming year, to aid in con- 
serving our swine industry with its fat supply, which Germany 
found so suddenly and extremely valuable after her ill-advised 
slaughter of a large part of her swine to conserve food they 
might eat. There is at present a desire to control worm in- 
festation in swine by the use of such procedures as feeding 
mineral mixtures of various sorts and various stock feeds. 
Such preparations may have value in furnishing mineral con- 
stituents to swine or in improving their appetites, but if they 
have anthelmintic value the writer is unaware of it and has not 
found it experimentally. Such preparations, if aimed at para- 
sites, are ammunition wasted. 

The numerous external parasites of stock can be, and de- 
cidedly should be, controlled by dipping, and there is no lack 
of suitable dips. Some of the internal parasites can be con- 
trolled by appropriate medication, whereas others need much 
more study, never more necessary than now. 

Our newly reorganized Army Veterinary Corps will find 
ample occasion to recognize the importance of parasites in war 
times when they are compelled to cope with mange in cavalry, 
artillery and transport horses. At times certain stations in the 
French army have had as high as 60 per cent. of their horses 
disabled with this disease, and its control is not a simple matter. 
The presence of large numbers of lice on these horses will de- 
mand attention. Worm infestations in horses often occasion 
damage of a serious character, with the complication that these 
infestations are not readily recognized. That our veterinary 
corps will prove capable of coping with these conditions can not 
be doubted. The veterinary corps of the armies of the Allies 
and of the Central Powers have met the problems of modern 
warfare with the ready development of practical field measures, 
supplemented by research where necessary, and in the doing of 
this have been the recipients of numerous citations and decora- 
tions for conspicuous bravery under fire. The veterinary corps 
of the United States Army is calling into the service numerous 
veterinarians from private life to assist the small corps of 
veterinarians heretofore attached to our correspondingly small 
regular army, and in the development of practical and ingeni- 
ous measures for meeting emergencies the American veteri- 
narian will show himself second to none. 


In attacking the problems of parasite control in war times, 
this country is fortunate in commanding the services of many 
able helminthologists, protozoologists and entomologists. There 
already are in the government service a number of these men, 
among whom might be mentioned Ashford and Craig in the 
army, Stitt in the navy, Stiles in the Public Health Service, 
Ransom in the Bureau of Animal Industry, Cobb in the Bureau 
of Plant Industry, and Howard, Hunter, Knab and Bishopp in 
the Bureau of Entomology and the Division of Insects of the 
U. S. National Museum. In addition there are many able 
and well-known men associated with these. Other men who 
may be drawn on are associated with such institutions as the 
Harvard School of Tropical Medicine, the Tulane School of 
Tropical Medicine, and the Rockefeller Foundation, while nu- 
merous other workers in these lines are scattered throughout 
the country. And we can count upon the assistance and co- 
operation of the numerous and able parasitologists of France 
and England in dealing with war-zone problems in parasitology. 

No discussion of war-time parasites would be complete with- 
out mention of the profiteer that fattens on the body politic, 
the alien enemy that invades our institutions and destroys our 
substance, the slacker who, like the hookworm, is nourished by 
our organism but fails to function in its defense and support, 
but the treatment, remedial or surgical, for these parasites is 
not in the hands of our physicians and veterinarians; under 
the leadership of our able President, that affair is the affair of 
every loyal American. 



By Professor E. G. NOURSE 

MERICA to-day is seeking every means by which she may 
increase her agricultural output, and particularly is she 
concerned in finding those means of increase which will impose 
the lightest burden upon her supply of labor and of capital. 
This is the moment’s phase of a problem which had begun to 
vex us seriously in recent years, but which is bound to become 
vastly more difficult in the future—a condition toward which 
the present war is a distinctly aggravating force. One solution 
of the problem is to be found through a choice of crops such 
that each portion of our land area shall be utilized for the grow- 
ing of those products for which it is naturally best suited. 

We are talking much about thrift now-a-days. Surely no 
part of the thrift campaign can be more fundamental to our 
welfare than this which concerns itself with the thrifty or eco- 
nomically effective administration of those natural resources 
upon which we must depend for the production of the foods, 
textiles, and other material means of human well-being. 

The European colonists who settled our eastern seaboard 
faced precisely the sort of problem which we are here discuss- 
ing, viz., the selection for tillage of those crops to which the soil 
and climate of the new land were best adapted. Naturally the 
force of inertia was all in the direction of holding them to the 
cultivation in America of the slender list of staples which made 
up the bulk of the output of western Europe at the time. But 
in terms of soil and climate America was a far jump from the 
mother lands and, after a few early disasters, considerable 
changes were effected in the old farm practise. Taking counsel 
from the Indian, the settlers adopted maize and found in it a 
much more powerful ally in conquering the new lands than they 
had possessed in any of their accustomed cereals. In potatoes, 
both the sweet and the miscalled “Irish” varieties, they found 
a cheaper source of starchy food than from any product of their 
previous acquaintance. Of non-food articles, tobacco and cotton 
early established themselves in high esteem. 

When the great army of American pioneer farmers poured 


across the mountains to take up our agricultural domain they 
undertook to raise only the proved staples of their colonial pre- 
decessors and to do it by a simple system of extensive field cul- 
ture. This was inevitable in view of the fact that they were 
pioneers going out to prove up on the land, not settled husband- 
men expecting to bring it to its final condition of utilization. 
They dropped silk and linen from their wearing apparel and 
most of the delicacies from their diet. Little even of pleasing 
variety was left. But in the half dozen staple products they 
had what might be called the primary colors both of a diet and 
of a farm system. They had fat, starch and protein, and they 
had a few well-chosen crops with which to subdue virgin lands 
and lay the solid foundation of an enduring agriculture. But 
in neither case did they have the full spectrum. Their products 
were not capable of supplying the normal human desire for 
varied food or textiles, nor of catching or utilizing the varied 
productive power of different soils and climates. It is left to 
the modern day to produce the full rainbow of that achievement. 
And that is the point which I am driving at. 

Possibly it can best be illustrated by giving something of a 
chronological account of the development of our resources as it 
has actually taken place. Whether we look north or south, east 
or west, we see very clearly that the process has been one of 
carving out the great chunks of territory suitable for certain 
staple products—the cotton belt, the corn belt, the wheat region. 
If you follow the main track of the pioneers you will walk over 
smooth prairies and fertile plains. While some hard labor was 
spent upon improving the hillsides of the northern colonies in 
early times it was south along the broader coastal plain that 
agriculture flourished and cotton plantations and tobacco fields 
expanded. And when the land chosen for this particular sort 
of crops was full, resort was not taken to land of other char- 
acter by using it for other products. No, the tobacco fields of 
Virginia were repeated in the limestone soil of Kentucky and 
the cotton fields of the Carolinas and Georgia were followed by 
cotton fields of a like character culled out from among the 
varied resources of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, 
and finally the black prairies of Texas. 

Not less did northern agriculture push westward with its 
slender range of crops and its fastidious selection of lands natu- 
rally suited to their growth. The Genesee Valley of western 
New York, then Ohio, the greaat Northwest Territory, the Mis- 
souri Valley, and the Red River Valley of the North were stages 
in the journey. The march of corn was stopped at a dry fron- 
tier on the west and a frost line at the north, but wheat found 


new provinces to conquer in the San Joaquin, the Inland Empire 
of Washington, Montana, and the Canadian Northwest. In 
general, the pioneer sidestepped the wet lands, the dry lands, 
and the rough lands. To him they were poor lands, even worth- 
less lands. He had no need to be thrifty about land, for there 
was always plenty of it—in fact, too much. 

But now the point of view has changed. We are close upon 
the limit of our resources and asking where we shall find more 
land with which to supply our ever-growing needs. And the 
answer is, by finding out what productive qualities exist in the 
acres which have been discarded in this early reconnaissance 
development of our country and, by suitable means, drawing out 
the full measure of this productive power. In not a few in- 
stances it appears likely that the stone rejected of the builders 
may become the head of the corner. 

With the reclamation of her arid and swamp lands America 
has of late years become much concerned. Such endeavors, 
however, should consist not alone of dams and ditches and 
dredging operations. Sometimes in lieu of such works and 
sometimes supplementing them should go a wise choice of 
drought-resistant or of water-tolerant crops. The pioneer with 
his moist-land crops and his moist-land methods was baffled 
when he reached the subhumid zone in his westward advance. 
After one disastrous attempt he admitted defeat and withdrew, 
leaving the land beyond the 100th meridian as waste land and 
his primitive sod house as the monument of his ill judgment. 
But the “ dry-farmer” has refused to let all those fertile acres 
go untouched when markets offer a good price for grain and 
fodder and meat. Hence he has reformed his tillage methods so 
as to conserve all the moisture possible. But furthermore he 
has chosen a different set of plants to help him, turning from the 
hard drinkers to a group of more abstemious habits, able to do 
their bit on 15, 20, or perhaps 25 inches of rainfall instead of 
30, 35, or even 40. He has turned to durum wheat and milo 
maize, kafir corn, kaoliang, and the whole group of non- 
saccharine sorghums. And he has found in alfalfa perhaps the 
best of all the dry-land crops, not so much because it wants 
only little moisture but because of the fact that it can do with 
relatively little and will work for all it gets. Given much water, 
it will yield heavily and often, but, planted where rainfall is 
scarce, it will delve deep to bring up all there is in a 15-foot 
layer of the soil and thus yield one or at most two cuttings on 
the subhumid land. 

Much work has been done in recent years, as we have begun 
to see the value of these lands, so good in all but one particular, 


to find the crop by which at least a portion of their potential 
productivity might be realized. Scientific explorers of the De- 
partment of Agriculture since 1898 have searched far and wide 
to find whatever kind of plant life had been evolved by nature 
or developed by man to fit such conditions elsewhere as we face 
in America. Professor Hansen went back to the motherland of 
alfalfa in Turkestan to find in the driest habitat the most 
drought-resistant strain of the plant. We have gone to Arabia 
for the date palm, to Africa for kafir, Manchuria for kaoliang, 
but have not forgotten that for sheer “bone-dryness” our own 
cacti beat them all. 

If we turn now to the question of wet lands it is evident, if 
one reads the history of the pioneers, that a very large part of 
our country was in its native state too wet for the plants with 
which the European settler was familiar. There are perhaps 
two reasons why this problem may strike one less forcibly than 
that of the arid lands. First, because the wet areas were, in 
general, smaller scattered patches, nothing so spectacular as 
our “Great American Desert” and also because a readier means 
of reclamation was at hand in even crude methods of drainage. 
But from the slough-holes of the glaciated North to the alluvial 
river bottoms of the South there are probably 80,000,000 acres 
of land—an area three times the size of Great Britain and Ire- 
land—now useless because too wet. Most of this can be made 
productive only by the installation of drainage works, but it 
should be remembered that even so a wise selection of crops 
is necessary if the drained land is to be successfully utilized. 
For drainage removes the surplus water; it does not prevent 
flooding, and many soils, even when drained, are still of such a 
character as to be suitable only for special crops—rice, celery, 
cranberries, onions; not for the old stand-bys, corn, oats, wheat, 
hay and cotton. 

Kalamazoo celery, Wisconsin cranberries, the onions from 
Towa muck lands—not to mention peppermint and spearmint— 
are, I suppose, fairly familiar, but doubtless many people are 
not yet aware that within the last few years the South has be- 
gun to turn some of her over-moist lands to the raising of cer- 
tain species of aroid—a subtropical root crop which thrives in 
wet environments. Most important is the dasheen, first cousin 
to the “‘elephant-ear” of your parks, its leaves a salad plant, 
its stems a vegetable surpassing asparagus, its tuberous roots 
a good substitute for potatoes and claimed to make a flour better 
than wheat. Not mine to boast of the dasheen, but it does ap- 
pear to hold out much hope for profitable utilization of lands 


in the Southeast with 50 to 70 inches of rainfall. It is now 
grown and milled commercially and in increasing amount. 

One of the neatest illustrations of learning how to play one’s 
hand in a wet country so that the surplus moisture takes the odd 
trick instead of losing the whole game was recently furnished 
by a small community in central Arkansas. These farmers had 
been following the conventional type of agriculture of the region 
—cotton and corn. But nearly every spring the River Petit 
Jean covered the fields with back water for a short time. So, 
while the soil of this section was good and the climate all that 
could be desired for most of the season, yet returns were poor 
because of a short period of submergence early in the growing 
season. Neither young cotton nor corn can bear to have their 
feet wet. 

Levees are expensive and not altogether trustworthy ; so two 
young men who owned a farm thought they would try to use 
the river instead of fighting it. They decided to ally themselves 
with a crop that could stand flooding, in fact that required it— 
rice. To this use their ‘‘ buckshot” soil was quite as well 
adapted as for cotton and corn, and the river offers a cheap and 
abundant source of water supply for the later portions of the 
growing season. This shrewd choice of a crop has brought in- 
stant attainment of the potential productiveness of a section 
which would otherwise have remained a precarious venture in 
crop-making or have required the expenditure of much time 
and money before it would have been rendered suitable for corn 
and cotton. At the same time society would have been losing 
a valuable resource, for the lands which, by reason of soil, 
topography, climate and water-supply, are capable of producing 
rice are relatively rare, whereas corn and cotton thrive over 
very wide areas. 

It would be wearisome to attempt to go into all the many 
kinds of agricultural unfitness which may be overcome by the 
judicious choice and adaptation of farming enterprises. The 
West has great stretches of lands which are alkaline—an in- 
firmity which is frequently aggravated by the introduction of 
irrigation, but which may be combated by the use of alkali- 
resistant crops. In this group the sugar-beet has proved itself 
one of the best, though cotton bids fair to prove a worthy rival 
in the warmer portions of.the alkali zone. Barley is probably 
the most successful representative of the small grains, and there 
is a fairly good list of forage plants, which—praise Allah!— 
includes a number of the legumes. For extreme conditions we 
have the ubiquitous cactus, now happily de-spined, and perhaps 
ultimately the Australian salt-bush. 


Likewise the problem of sandy land has baffled many a cul- 
tivator accustomed to the technique of loam and clay. Even in 
the time when the colonists were belaboring the barren hill- 
sides of New England they were not enough humbled to try the 
sandy barrens of New Jersey. But the modern truck and fruit 
grower is not too proud to fight for even such unpromising 
resources. The light soil is easily worked and, for such prod- 
ucts as are made up mainly of water and a little sugar, is toler- 
ably productive. Not only in New Jersey, but in practically 
every state in the South, fortunes are being drawn from such 
lands through the medium of berries, melons, peaches and 
numerous varieties of fancy vegetables. 

But of all the agricultural Cinderellas, none presents more 
engaging possibilities than those offered by the hill lands. Prob- 
ably we have not yet come as close to a sensible mode of using 
such resources as in the case of most other types of land. Cer- 
tainly it would seem that it was in this field that the most 
egregious blunders have been made in the past, for flat-land 
agriculture can be carried on to the hills and persisted in (to 
the harm of the land and the impoverishment of the worker), 
whereas Nature more sternly turns men back from land too wet 
or too dry. We know that the hills of New England were 
pressed into flat-land uses by reason of certain peculiar circum- 
stances and with most melancholy results. And in every other 
hill section—Appalachian, Ozark, or wherever—we find either 
that the early settler turned his back upon the hills or else es- 
sayed to raise his valley crops instead of devising a hill tech- 
nique really suited to the circumstances. Hence the backward 
and unprosperous hill folk. 

Allow me to illustrate this point from a situation with which 
I am somewhat familiar, the Ozark hills of northwest Arkansas. 
The first rush of land exploitation flowed to the north and south 
of this region. Grain farming took up the region to the north; 
the cotton planters, as has already been mentioned, swept 
through as far as Texas on the south, cutting out the most suit- 
able cotton lands and spreading up the valley of the Mississippi, 
the Arkansas, the Red River, and the White. When Oklahoma 
was opened up, the wheat belt spread downward from Kansas 
and the cotton belt spread upward from Texas till the main 
stream of pioneer agriculture flowed together on our west, leav- 
ing the Ozarks an island of land ill suited to the uses of a 
pioneering people. This is not to say that the region was a 
desert or unpopulated. But in general the population which 
did come into this territory tried simply to carry the crop 
practises of the flat land up into the hills—and with sorry re- 


sults, indeed. Though things have largely changed to-day, one 
may still ride through certain sections and see a native farmer 
or his wife following a “‘littie ole rabbit mule” and an eight- 
inch plow up and down over stony hillsides, which it was a crime 
even to have cleared. To try and force corn, the small grains 
(they are cut with a cradle), and cotton from such land is the 
most thriftless of all ways of employing nature’s resources and 
the labor of human beings. But those very hills are a fine old 
residual limestone formation, the soil beloved of alfalfa and 
many of the nitrogen-gathering legumes. It is suited too to 
raising the finest of peaches and apples and strawberries. The 
wooded hills furnish splendid pasturage for cattle and hogs and 
the small creek bottoms will produce an adequate supply of 
grain and forage for the short winter season. As soon as man 
makes the nature of the soil and topography his point of de- 
parture and not the habits of his past he can fit upon the re- 
sources of this region a splendid type of diversified farming, 
producing a good living to the farm family and salable special- 
ties of a high order. 

Similar conditions have existed in the mountain region of 
the Appalachians and Northeast. The fertile Shenandoah was 
praised, and backs were turned upon the rough Piedmont sec- 
tions of Virginia. But to-day the Albermarle pippin and a host 
of other good fruits, not to mention superior livestock, make the 
Piedmont a fair rival of her haughty elder sister. So of sheep- 
raising and horse-breeding on the hillsides of Vermont and New 
Hampshire, which were once insanely belabored to produce 
wheat ; peaches in the rocky lands of Connecticut, and fruit and 
butter from the broken portions of New York. 

Now all these are well and permit of establishing a pros- 
perous agriculture upon even hilly lands. But they are only 
the beginning, for as soon as slopes become very steep or the 
land very much broken even standard methods of orchard culti- 
vation are precluded, and we must fall back practically upon 
forest conditions, but with the chance for more than a forest 
product. Here it becomes a matter of selecting tree crops of 
great value. The Italian gets a cheap substitute for butter 
from his olive trees and, while we may not alter our habits of 
consumption to effect such an economy, we have already a sub- 
stantial olive industry in California. And the high food values 
of various nuts have been practically ignored in the United 
States. The pioneer used such products because of stern neces- 
sity, but the American farmer has been so intent upon the con- 
ventional crops as to think little of the possibilities of nut cul- 
ture upon those parts of his farm ill-suited to plow methods. 


Likewise, he has done no more than passively accept from the 
persimmon a portion of its spontaneous product, but this is 
in fact a fruit of considerable economic value and readily capa- 
ble of improvement. The Department of Agriculture has intro- 
duced the large Japanese and Chinese persimmon and they offer 
a highly promising field of development in the future. From 
China also has come the Tung-oil tree, capable of producing 
one of the finest painters’ oils from lands otherwise yielding 
products of small value. Spain is the seat of an important cork 
industry, but experiments have shown that the cork-oak can be 
grown upon our own rough lands. And bamboo also presents 
future possibilities. 

And so on indefinitely. The land which was spurned, and 
very properly so, in the days of our agricultural development 
can not be unthriftily left in idleness in the coming days when 
we shall press more heavily upon our natural resources for sub- 
sistence. In some cases it is doubtless best to go to the expense 
needful to render such lands suitable to the products we have 
been accustomed to raise. In others it can not be done or, if at 
all, only at too great an outlay. Within the limits set by our 
tastes (and many of them can be re-educated) it is most eco- 
nomical to humor Madame Nature, to let her produce those 
things for which she shows a preference or for whose produc- 
tion she is already equipped. 

Such an issue of expediency presses itself upon our con- 
sideration peculiarly amidst the exigencies already confronting 
us as a result of war conditions or presaged by after-war fore- 
bodings. Capital is being destroyed at an unprecedented rate, 
and men are being killed and maimed in numbers that can not 
soon be replaced. And it was upon more man power and larger 
outlays of capital that all our plans of an enlarging agricultural 
product were being based. The men and money which might 
have gone to build great irrigation and drainage works or to 
furnish the labor, the tractive power, the farm implements, and 
the fertilizers for a more intensive agriculture are fast being 
spent upon the battlefields of Europe. How then shall we hope 
to augment production at the very time when these productive 
factors are being squandered in a tragic enterprise elsewhere? 
Through shifting the burden, by every ounce we can, upon that 
third great member of the economic partnership—Nature; by 
so adapting our culture as to utilize our natural resources at the 
peak of their effectiveness; by choosing crops that catch step 
with Nature’s spontaneous endeavors. And what is good policy 
for war time will be no less effective in adding to our welfare in 
times of peace. 




DEMOCRACY is not organized for war. Its aims are 
A those of peace; its fundamental conceptions are those 
which can result only in peace. When, therefore, war is thrust 
upon it, a democracy must suddenly readjust itself to new and 
unexpected conditions. Under such an emergency, it is in- 
evitable that every loyal citizen shall desire to do something to 
help. This desire manifests itself immediately in proffers of 
service to the government, and oftentimes in individual initia- 
tion of projects intended by the patriotic investigator to yield 
war-time results. 

The first step which democracy must take in war times is to 
make its government supreme in authority. Freedom to criti- 
cize our elected officials is a privilege which seems to be very 
dear to many American citizens; not less dear is the privilege 
of employing one’s own time and talents in whatever direction 
he chooses. But in war times, individual ideas and individual 
preferences must be surrendered to the public good. Success- 
ful prosecution of war can be accomplished only by coordinated 
effort. Coordination can be brought about only by centralized 

Modern warfare is essentially a conflict of intelligences. 
Each side endeavors to outwit the other by the production of 
new engines of war, of new agencies of destruction, of new 
plans for defense. All of these demand research of the highest 
skill, capable of most intense application and of quick and sure 
results. One of the most important lessons of the early days 
of the present war was that no nation can afford to sacrifice its 
scientific workers or break down its research agencies. 

The universities, particularly those which have been built 
up by state and federal funds, are the agencies to which the 
government has the right to look for research assistance in 
winning the war. It is essential, therefore, that these univer- 
sities do everything that they possibly can to maintain their 
research organization and facilities at the highest possible 
stage of efficiency. For that reason, I am urging that research 


men in our universities be not stampeded by their own indi- 
vidual desires to do some unusual service in war times or by 
the public clamor for some special war-time effort. The most 
patriotic service which we can render is to be ready with our 
laboratories, our shops and our men equipped and working at 
their highest possible efficiency whenever the government calls 
upon us for the particular task which it assigns to us as our 
special part of the national plan. 

It takes time for the government to elaborate its plan. 
Some of us are inclined to become impatient and to desire to 
turn immediately to some special war-time work. Many volun- 
tary emergency organizations have been formed and hosts of 
suggestions have been proffered to government officials, doubt- 
less resulting in hindrance if not in positive annoyance in the 
performance of their war-time duties. My suggestion is that 
we “sit tight” and perform our regular duties in the most 
efficient way possible until it becomes clearly apparent what 
special emergency service each one of us can render to the gov- 

The government has already organized its research council 
and its various departments for the prosecution of war-time 
work. The scientific men of the country and the various labo- 
ratories with their special facilities for research have been 
listed. This constitutes research mobilization. There must 
necessarily intervene a period during which some units can only 
“stand and wait” while the general plan of attack is being 
formulated. If it falls to our lot to wait a little before our 
particular task is assigned to us, let us not stand idle, but rather 
keep our equipment well polished and efficient by constant use. 
It may be that some of us can actually evolve new war-time 
plans for research which we can pass on to the proper govern- 
ment officials through the National Research Council; but until 
we are quite sure that our ideas are worth while and likely to 
serve a national need, let us keep patiently at our regular re- 
search problems. We shall then be in position to turn quickly 
to any emergency task which the government may assign to us 
on the basis of the work which it knows we are already doing. 

Not less important is the careful and thorough training of 
the young men in our institutions who have not yet been called 
into federal service. The making of a skilled research worker 
is a long-time process at best, and we ought at this time to in- 
crease rather than decrease our research teaching and, if pos- 
sible, to speed it up by concentrated work. 

Again, while the winning of the war is our present all-ab- 


sorbing task, we look forward with confidence to the time when 
the world has been made “safe for democracy.” The neces- 
sary reconstruction of our national industry to meet the needs 
of world food supplies and world industries, as well as to meet 
the competition of other nations whose skilled energies have 
been turned to peaceful pursuits, will demand that American 
men of science be ready, as they have never been before, to 
match their research skill against that of the whole world. 
This means constant maintenance of all our research agencies 
and organizations at their highest efficiency. 

My advice and suggestion to individual research workers is, 
therefore, that we hold ourselves in readiness to undertake any 
task for which the proper officers of the government call upon 
us, as the research workers best prepared to do that particular 
task; but that until that special task is assigned to us, we keep 
steadily and conscientiously at our regular research work as 
our highest patriotic duty in these war times. 

Turning now to the question of the attitude of the university 
administration toward research, I should like to say that, in 
my opinion, the lesson of the war ought to result in a recogni- 
tion of the rapidly increasing value to the public of state-sup- 
ported research work. State and federal money has been ap- 
propriated in the past for agricultural experiment stations, and 
more recently for mines experiment stations, and a proposition 
for engineering experiment stations is under consideration. 
But the pressure upon these institutions for popular instruction 
or demonstrations of what is already known of methods of 
scientific operation of farms or industrial plants has often seri- 
ously hindered the development of real fundamental research 
work. I am not arguing now for better support for that type 
of research which is characterized by the “seeking after truth 
for truth’s sake,” worthy as that may be; but rather for the 
necessary fundamental research which must be the basis for 
future industrial development. 

Great industrial corporations and various institutions or 
“foundations” of a semi-public and semi-philanthropic charac- 
ter have recently come to recognize the value of research to the 
development of the particular industry or cause which they rep- 
resent. But the general public, as represented by the state leg- 
islatures or other public agencies which appropriate public 
money for specific uses, have been and are still loth to recognize 
the value to the public of a skilled research scientist. As a 
result, we have numerous and embarrassing examples of the 
loss to our universities of many of their most promising re- 


search men by reason of too tempting offers of larger salaries 
by industrial corporations or other agencies such as those I 
have mentioned. 

I believe that the public should be entitled to the results of 
scientific researches of the most skilful kind, and that the bene- 
fit of such work ought not to be limited to private use or avail- 
able only to private gain. For that reason, I feel strongly that 
our universities, and the public agencies which provide the 
funds with which they are to operate, ought to recognize the 
immense value to the general public of the unselfish service 
which the research men of our university staffs are rendering, 
but which they can not be expected to continue to give to the 
public if they are continually offered higher salaries and better 
facilities for work in privately supported or endowed labora- 
tories. Such recognition should have come even if the war had 
not intervened; but it is doubly due now that the war-time 
emergency and the necessities of reconstruction work after the 
war have so emphasized the necessity for and the value of scien- 
tific research work. 





NOW falls everywhere in the United States except in cer- 
tain portions of Florida and California. The amount 
which falls each winter varies greatly in different parts of the 
country. It ranges from little or none along the coast of the 
Gulf of Mexico to more than 500 inches in the high Sierra 
Nevada Mountains. In the more densely settled eastern por- 
tions of the United States it ranges from 10 to 50 inches, and 
measurable amounts fall on from 10 to 50 days of the winter 
half-year. Here the proportion of the total annual precipita- 
tion (rain, snow, hail, sleet, and dew) which occurs in the form 
of snow ranges from 10 per cent. along the Atlantic coast to 
20 per cent. in the vicinity of the Great Lakes. The amount of 
snow which falls at any particular place also differs from year 
to year. Some winters are almost free from snow, while others 
bring abundant snowfall. In the elevated portions of the West, 
nearly all the precipitation occurs in the form of snow, partly 
because the summer half-year is comparatively a dry season, 
and partly because of altitude above sea level. The principal 
controls which determine the amount of snowfall at any place 
are the winter temperatures and the amount of moisture in 
the air. 
Snow as it falls averages about 10 per cent. water by volume. 
In other words, 10 inches of newly fallen snow are usually 
equivalent to 1 inch of rain. An inch of rain simply means 
the rain contained in a layer of water 1 inch deep uniformly 
distributed over the ground. This is equal to a little more than 
100 tons of water to the acre. However, falling snow varies 
greatly as to density, “wet snow” containing relatively more 
water than “dry snow.” Immediately after reaching the 
ground snow begins to settle, and in the course of time its 
density is increased to three or four tenths that of water. That 
which has been subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, 
or that which has been compressed by the weight of overlying 
snow often approaches the consistency of ice. The settling pro- 



ceeds regardless of whether the air temperature is above or be- 
low freezing (32° F.). When the temperature is below freez- 
ing, gravity alone causes the snow stratum to become more com- 
pact, without loss of its crystalline structure. When the tem- 
perature is above freezing, melting begins at the surface of 
the snow, the resulting water percolating through the underly- 
ing snow to the ground beneath. There is usually a lag in 
time between the beginning of melting and the first run-off. 
Under conditions favorable for plant growth the moisture 
contained in a soil of uniform texture is about 25 per cent. of 
the volume of the soil, broadly speaking. But the maximum 
capacity of such soil for water ranges from 30 to 50 per cent. 

Photograph by Fred Rath 

A COTTAGE SHROUDED IN A MANTLE OF WHITER. To most people snow suggests 
extreme cold. However, the woman here shown does not appear to suffer from cold, 
in spite of the frigid environment. 

VOL. v1.—9. 


Photograph by Fred Rath. 


of its volume. Though they show little uniformity in texture 
or in water content, most soils, under ordinary conditions, can 
absorb additional moisture. When snow falls upon unfrozen 
ground it may keep the surface soil from freezing. The snow 
cover checks the loss of heat through radiation, while some 
heat is received from below. If such a cover persists through- 
out the winter the soil may remain unfrozen, and, if so, it will 
readily absorb water when the spring thaws set in. When an 
unsaturated soil freezes it is relatively porous, and can absorb 
moisture as unfrozen soil can, but at a slower rate. When 
snow that has fallen upon frozen soil melts, a larger proportion 
of the resultant water is lost through run-off than occurs fol- 
lowing the melting of snow lying on unfrozen ground. 

Though the root systems of most annual crops are limited to 
the first foot of soil, the underlying three feet serve as a reser- 
voir from which they derive much of their sustenance. It has 
long been recognized that water is wealth, and that the water 
supply of a country is an important part of its agricultural cap- 
ital. In one sense this part of the capital is administered 


through the first four feet of soil and subsoil, where water 
moves freely in capillary action. Snow conserves as well as re- 
plenishes this soil moisture during the winter season. 


In cities, snow probably does more harm than good. It 
makes walking difficult, delays transportation, and interferes 
with wire communication. In great cities like New York, Chi- 
cago and Boston the cost of removing snow from the streets 
amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars every winter. To 
the farmer, however, snow is an asset, not a liability. Although 
it does make roads impassable until ‘broken in,” and although 
in the plains of the West a heavy fall of snow temporarily cuts 
off the food supply of grazing cattle, snow may rightly be con- 
sidered an agricultural resource. ‘‘ A snow year, a rich year,” 
says one proverb. An enumeration of some of the more im- 
portant factors showing the great value of snow to the farmer 

As a protective covering or blanket, snow serves very much 
like leaves or straw, only in a lesser degree. Frost in the 
ground is simply capillary moisture which has been congealed 
by temperatures below freezing. Frost will penetrate to a 
greater depth in newly plowed land than in a pasture. For the 

BurbAU TO MpASURE SNOWFALL. The curved plates forming the sides eliminate 
the effects of wind currents, thus permitting a true “catch” of snow in the 
enclosed cylinder. 


Photograph by Fred Rath. 

here shown melts, much of the water soaks into the ground. 

same reason it will penetrate deeper in bare than in snow-cov- 
ered ground. The protection afforded by the snow results 
partly from the snow forming the covering and partly from 
the air associated with it. Experiments have shown that a 
2-inch covering of snow will reduce the daily heat exchange be- 
tween the earth and the air above it almost one third, and that 
a 4-inch covering will reduce it about two thirds. For example, 
in an investigation which extended over a period of about eight 
days, during which the extreme range of the air temperature 
amounted to 34°, a thermometer 2 inches beneath the surface of 
the snow showed a range of 25°, one at 4 inches a range of 14°, 



one at 8 inches a range of 3°, and one at 12 inches a range of 
but 1°. No range in temperature was observed at the bottom 
of a 24-inch cover of snow. Moreover, there was a distinct lag 
in the time of maximum and minimum temperature as the 
depth of the snow cover increased. It was found that it took 
12 hours for the cold to penetrate the 12-inch cover, causing 
the lowest temperature to occur there at the time of the highest 
temperature in the open air, and vice versa. The diurnal heat 
exchange in deep snow on the ground is only about one half 
that in a grass-covered meadow, and about one fourth that in 
bare sandy soil. Furthermore, it is twice as much on clear as 
on cloudy days. The denser the snow the poorer it is as a pro- 

Photograph by Fred Rath. 


tector. Loosely packed snow containing much air mixed with 
it serves as the best blanket. Besides being a poorer conduc- 
tor of heat, and therefore a better protector than ice, loose snow 
permits the respiration of submerged vegetation, which pro- 
ceeds even at temperatures far below that at which actual 
growth is possible. Grass and grain are sometimes smothered 
when the snow, through alternate thawing and freezing, is con- 
verted into ice. 

Besides serving as a blanket which checks the loss of heat 
from the ground either through conduction or radiation, a cov- 


ering of snow prevents evaporation from the soil. Soil mois- 
ture, conserved and replenished by the snow, is thus made 
available to the roots of trees and perennial plants during the 
cold season, when little rain falls. Moreover, such a cover pre- 
vents the violent winter winds from tearing the dormant vege- 
tation. Furthermore, snow permits the penetration of some 
light, and recently it has been recognized that light can replace 
heat to a considerable extent in the various processes of vege- 
tation. Again, it is known that killing from cold is due to the 
removal of water from the plant protoplasm, the freezing be- 

TAINS OF CALIFORNIA. Water from melting snow collects in this reservoir and is 
subsequently used for irrigation and power purposes. 

ing largely intercellular. A plant’s ability to withstand cold 
depends in large measure upon the capacity of its cells to give 
up water without injury. In most kinds of vegetation, and par- 
ticularly in winter buds and woods, a rapid fall in temperature 
requires that water be given up faster than the plant cells can 
afford to lose it, the result being serious injury or death. Asa 
means of checking this rapid decline of temperature, either in 
snow-covered branches of trees or in snow-covered vegetation 
on the ground, another value of snow is easily recognized. 
Snow has aptly been called “the poor man’s manure.” The 
reason is obvious. Melting snow moistens the soil gently and 
gradually without condensing particles by pounding them and 
without floating up any clayey mud to the surface to encrust the 
land when it dries. Rain compacts the surface soil, but snow 
and frost loosen it. Alternate freezing and thawing mellows the 
soil. When water freezes it expands. The expansive force is 



very great; it is sufficiently powerful to break up and to crumble 
solid matter with which it is associated. This is the reason 
why coarse lumps or clods of soil fall apart in the spring. For 
the same reason mar] strewn over the surface of the ground 
in the autumn becomes a powder before spring. 

Snow also checks the run-off when the temperature is low. 
Ground water is replenished more easily by the melting of 
snow, or by rain falling on the snow, than it is when an equal 
amount of rain falls upon bare ground. Moreover, the bene- 



Photograph by Fred Rath. 


ficial effects persist longer. Snow is not melted by cold rain as 
readily as most people imagine. Dry winds, direct sunshine, 
and high air temperatures are much more effective. 

As a source of moisture snow is perhaps less important 
than rain, generally speaking. However, in the western por- 
tions of the United States the winter snows furnish practically 
all the water used for irrigation and power purposes through- 
out the year. Fortunately, the snowfall in the western moun- 

Photograph by Fred Rath. 



tains is abundant. Packed by compression, as well as by alter- 
nate freezing and thawing, great banks and drifts of snow 
solidify to ice. Slow melting follows in the spring and summer, 
the resulting water collecting in natural and artificial reservoirs 
to form the only available summer supply. 

In various other ways snow is valuable. Just as transpor- 
tation by water involves less waste of energy than by rail, so 
it is easier by sled than by wagon. There is smaller loss of 
energy due to friction and to wear and tear. Logging and lum- 
bering, as well as the transportation of bulky and weighty quan- 
tities of grain, wood, coal and ice, could not be accomplished 
easily without the snow. A snow cover prevents the occurrence 
of prairie fires. Forest fires are least likely in midwinter, for 
the same reason. They usually occur during the spring, sum- 

pe Os 

Photograph by Fred Rath. 

BRANCHES OF TREES HEAVILY LADEN WITH Snow. (Note the railroad snowsheds in 
: the background. ) 

mer and autumn months, when vegetation is dry, and there is 
little to check the spread of a fire once started. Moreover, 
snowflakes remove certain microbes (disease germs) and dust 
particles from the air through which they fall. For this reason 
water derived from the melting of snow which has fallen in or 
near cities is not fit for drinking purposes. 


Every farmer has observed that a good hay crop follows a 
winter of abundant snow. After such a winter the subsoil is 


—— . Soi ~a : 

Photograph by Fred Rath. 


almost saturated. Moreover, grass is easily injured by alter- 
nate freezing and thawing of the soi! moisture enclosing its 
roots, but is greatly benefited by a snow cover which persists 
throughout the winter. In the expansion which accompanies 
the freezing of moisture in the surface soil the grass roots are 
torn and heaved out. For this reason pastures are soft in the 
spring. Lawns and pastures are improved by spring rolling, 
which presses the roots back into the soil, forming a firm sward. 
Loosely packed snow is an ideal winter cover for all kinds of 
grasses. However, if the snow is solidified to ice by frequent 
winter thaws and subsequent freezing, the roots may be smoth- 


The beneficial effect of snow is perhaps more readily appar- 
ent in the case of winter wheat than in any other crop. Wheat 
is normally a winter annual, and climate is its most important 
control. It requires a temperature of about 40° F. to germi- 
nate, and while it does not grow at a lower temperature, the 
plants inhale oxygen and exhale carbonic-acid gas throughout 
the winter. Cool weather and considerable moisture are re- 
quired during its early growth. The weather conditions pre- 
vailing during the winter months determine its density of 
growth, and therefore its yield. The plumpness, quality, and 
color of the grain are determined by the warmer and drier part 


of the year, when the crop ripens. The importance of snow in 
the early growth of winter wheat is paramount in regions where 
the winters are severe. Snow acts as a protective cover against 
temperature extremes, wind and evaporation; it permits the 
penetration of light and the respiration of the plant tissues; it 
supplies the necessary winter moisture; and prevents the tear- 
ing and the heaving out of the roots by the alternate freezing 
and thawing of the soil. 

More than two thirds of the winter-wheat acreage in the 
whole United States is included within the eight states of 
Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio 
and Pennsylvania. In this belt the winters, though moderately 
severe, usually bring sufficient snow to protect the crop. On 
the other hand, more than five sixths of the spring-wheat 
acreage of the country is included within the three states of 
North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. In this belt 
winter wheat is not produced on a large scale, principally be- 
cause ordinarily there is insufficient snow to protect such a 
crop during the severely cold periods which occur almost every 

Photograph by Fred Rath. 



Photograph by Fred Rath. 



To the farmer the benefits derived from snow far outweigh 
the disadvantages. As it falls, the density of snow is about 
one tenth that of rain, but upon lying on the ground it soon 
acquires a density of about three or four tenths that of water. 
Under certain conditions it may solidify to the consistency of 
ice. Asa blanket or covering, snow on the ground checks win- 
ter killing. It protects vegetation from extreme temperatures, 
from excessive evaporation, and from destructive winds, at the 
same time permitting the penetration of some sunlight, and 


b ra a 
Photograph by Fred Rath. 


allowing uninterrupted respiration of plant tissue. On twigs 
and buds it conserves cellular moisture which otherwise might 
be sacrificed at too rapid a rate during sudden changes of tem- 
perature. It mellows the soil, replenishes the ground moisture, 
checks the run-off from winter rains, furnishes most of the 
water used for irrigation and power purposes, provides an easy 
means of transportation, and prevents destructive prairie and 
forest fires. Grass is benefited by abundant snows, and winter 
wheat is largely dependent upon it for its success. All in all, 
the recurring snows of winter form one of our most important 
agricultural resources. 



By Professor A. G. KELLER 


T requires no very great hardihood to assert that the B.A. 
degree, in this country, has been cheapened to the verge 
of meaninglessness. The degree has been so lavishly conferred, 
and for such a variety of accomplishment, that the letters 
after a man’s name mean nothing of any importance—unless, 
perchance, they are followed by a parenthesis enclosing the 
name of the conferring institution. Even then, that for which 
they stand, let the institution be of the very best we have, is 
not crystal-clear. 

And there is not much stress, despite the efforts of the 
Carnegie Foundation, in the direction of improvement. Engi- 
neering degrees, and the M.D., tend to keep themselves up, 
because they touch more intimately and vitally upon definite 
and concrete human interests. The bridge breaks down; the 
patients die—here is a sort of inevitable test that checks up 
results and imposes stress. Results are verifiable. But the 
B.A. is far removed from such tests—farther, perhaps, than 
any other degree in course. People have nothing definite that 
they expect from a B.A., whereby they can judge whether any 
standard has been reached or not. Nor yet has any college 
known to the writer a set policy in regard to the degree, so that 
outsiders, on examining its product, can decide whether it has 
succeeded in its business or not. 

I am not about to try to prove the above assertions. I 
take them to be self-evident to any one who has thought, or 
chooses to reflect, upon the situation. I wish, rather, to put 
a query. 

Suppose that an endowed college sets itself the question of 
making a B.A. course which will stand for something so valu- 
able that it will be glad to have its special guarantee-mark in 
the parenthesis after the letters—so that it will be as jealous 
of that mark as a high-class firm is of its trade-mark. Suppose 
it says: “The ‘B.A. (Weissnichtwo)’ shall stand for quality.” 
Suppose, that is, that this college wants to adopt a definite 
policy with respect to the B.A. degree. What shall it do? 

There is one very simple and easy answer: get all good 


teachers, and no poor ones, and sit tight. But this can not be 
done. Most colleges have a number of poor teachers—whom 
almost any one would regard as such—attached irretrievably 
to the faculty ; and even if all the poor ones would conveniently 
resign, still their places could not be filled with good ones. The 
market doesn’t hold enough of them. And, of course, there 
would be at once a difference of judgment, except in the ex- 
treme cases, as to what a teacher should be. To this latter 
point I shall return. For now, all that can be done as an 
approach to this counsel of millennial perfection is to make no 
future whimsical or snap-appointments—to be fastidious to 
the last degree, according to what lights and conscience we 
have, in the selection of members, and particularly permanent 
members, of a faculty. Also there should be such discipline in 
a faculty that inefficient or conscienceless members should be 
under pressure to do the best they could. If, even as faculties 
are now constituted, every one did the best that was in him, 
the case would not be anywhere nearly so bad as it is. This too 
may seem to be a utopian suggestion. But it helps to set the 
case before us. Let us now return to our query, modifying it 
to read: What can a college do in the construction of a B.A. 

No college can pluck figs from thistles; nor yet can it, how- 
ever ineffectual its offerings, make thistles out of figs. The sort 
of students that come to it represent a constant element in its 
showing and destiny. Nothing worth while in the way of a 
system or policy is possible until punctilious account is taken 
of the material to which the B.A. process is to be applied. This 
is one of those perfectly obvious things that some professors 
chronically ignore, thus bringing a connotation into the term 
“academic” that is far from flattering. 

In the case before us, this constant is the young American 
of eighteen to twenty-two, or thereabouts, who comes to our 
colleges. It seems almost a triviality to say that he is the 
product of his social environment, and that he can not be 
made otherwise without first altering that environment—cer- 
tainly not by yearning over him or vituperating him because 
he is not like the English, French or German lads. Of course 
he can be treated in a course so that he will avoid that course, 
as is demonstrated within every college by certain teachers who 
gradually clear their courses of undergraduates. From any 
sane college standpoint, such “instruction”? can not be ap- 
proved. No artificer amounts to much who can not or does 
not take the troubie to know his materials. 


What are the outstanding qualities of this human material? 
Said an eminent scholar of foreign birth and training, regret- 
ting the very course of unremitting attention to study in boy- 
hood which had perhaps made him what he was—upon which, 
at any rate, an American colleague was commenting, to the 
disadvantage of American methods: ‘‘ Yes. But I had no 
youth. I had no youth.” Perhaps this remark made some im- 
pression upon the colleague. I do not know. But it offers us 
a starting-point from which to envisage the American lad. He 
is having his youth. It makes of him this and that which is 
revolting to an elderly soul. It is hard sometimes to have 
patience, even if one has not forgotten his own youth. But, 
after all, what a wonderful thing youth is, as it recedes from 
one who has lived it with gusto! Would he have it abolished 
in favor of a precocious seriousness of maturity? It should 
be listed as an evidence of kindly design in the universe that, 
in this country at least, that can not be done. In any case, here 
is a constant factor, to be reckoned with, molded somewhat if 
desirable and possible, but not inveighed against. 

One of the chief complaints about the student is that he does 
not know, early in his course, what he is going to do when he 
leaves college. If he did, he could then specialize and quit 
“trying,” ingenuously, or disingenuously, this and that. Well, 
most of them do not, with telescopic or prophetic eye, view the 
vista of their futures. Their life-status, in America, is not 
settled soon enough. There are no cut-and-dried careers to 
which they are, as it were, preordained. So, too, they are not 
set off into life-status or class; it was partly to get rid of such 
Old-World inflexibility that people have migrated to this coun- 
try. We have no “careers” for which an undergraduate, study- 
ing non-professional branches, can fit himself. In other words, 
the social environment in the United States is such as not to call 
for early specialization in a regular college, and so it does not 
occur. There are professional schools for that. And even these 
are coming latterly to demand an antecedent degree of the 
B.A. order, as something, vague and uncertain, perhaps, but 
yet indispensable before strict specialization. The directors of 
such professional schools—which are the most noted ones— 
seem to see something useful in the colleges, even as they are. 
What they want, of course, is a clientage of liberally educated 
men; if a doctor or a lawyer knows only medicine or law, he is 
at a discount in these days. The doctor has an increasingly 
significant social function. Even the soldier, as the recent 
changes in the West Point curriculum indicate, ought to know 
some English and history. 


As a matter of fact, a very large proportion of college grad- 
uates go into “business.” Now there is no form of specializa- 
tion for this career except in a business college. Academic 
courses in economics are not meant to teach a man how to be a 
bank-teller or how to buck the stock-market. If professors 
could teach business, they would be likely to show more evidence 
of having practised it, on the side, instead of constituting a 
chosen mark for promoters of all sorts of doubtful ventures. 
What the business-man-to-be wants out of college is a cultivated, 
adaptable mind and widened interests, so that there will be 
something in his life besides business. He needs a liberal edu- 
cation. Plenty of men in college know that they are going in 
with their fathers, or they have positions otherwise in view; 
but they do not want to specialize, or they would not be in col- 
lege. No matter what they came there for, it was not to become 
business specialists, or any other sort of specialists; and they 
constitute a proportion that has steadily grown ever since the 
time when going to college and doing pretty well generally 
meant entrance into the ministry. 

Here are some facts about students, as they are. Anybody 
who knows the student knows they are true; and any one who 
does not know him, as he is, not as a figment of a prepossessed 
mind, has no business to be talking about the matter at all. It 
is a detriment to education when such men get into positions 
which seem to lend them weight in counsel, so that they can im- 
press outsiders, oppress their colleagues, and at length depress 
the reputation of all education by attaching to it, again, as their 
talk is seen to be futile, the connotation which “ academic’ has 
come to bear. 

The “liberal education” of which I have spoken is not 
specialization. It is selection. It is a process of “discovery of 
mind,” as one efficient teacher phrases it. This discovery is 
consummated by “exposing” the as yet unoriented, or even 
unformed mind, to certain influences. The youthful mind does 
not take to this process as a duck to water, by any means. A 
veteran teacher once remarked that he had never ceased to 
marvel at the infinite capacity of the human mind to resist the 
introduction of knowledge. Hence the need of “ school-master- 
ing,”’ where that means effort in the opening of minds and the 
rendering of them sensitive, and in the imposition of discipline. 
If the education is to be a “liberal” one, this “exposure,” in 
many directions and to a variety of intellectual influences, must 
be accomplished, though it has to be forced. No matter what a 
student comes to college for, this ‘‘ exposure” should take place, 

VoL. v1.—10. 


and this “‘ discovery of mind” should be accomplished—or the 
student should leave college. It is freely granted that the life 
among one’s fellows, at college, possesses educational value of 
the highest order; very likely the athletics and the rest of the 
“extra-curriculum activities” have their sort of educational 
value. But the faculty can not take cognizance of these except 
to exult over or regret their presence. The B.A. degree stands 
for things of the curriculum. In any respectable college the 
passing of the courses, together with the maintenance of a cer- 
tain conventionality of behavior, is the sine qua non for the 
B.A. degree. Considering the nature of the student, what 
should the B.A. stand for, intellectually? What should the cur- 
riculum of studies be? What is a “liberal education,” in these 
days and in this country? 

Education is the transfer of knowledge, rules of living, dis- 
cipline, etc., which makes the young into fit members of society 
—fit, that is, to take the places of the passing generation. Being 
that, it is different in different societies—Zulu, Afghan, Amer- 
ican, English, German. All schools aim at this; the graded 
schools try to inculcate what they consider the absolute essen- 
tials, for those who can not go very far. The high schools aim 
at a fuller preparation for life in the local society. And then 
come the colleges whose product is, or was once, at least, sup- 
posed to constitute a class competent to grapple, with knowl- 
edge, discernment, and trained and disciplined mind, with any 
and all aspects of social life. We know that this reputation 
was never deserved; but at least the college graduate was sup- 
posed to have had the chance, whatever he did with it, of making 
the acquaintance of all forms of knowledge. He was a man 
who had had opportunities beyond the common range of men 
for knowing about the questions that have always engaged the 
interest of man. He had had the chance to know what was 
worth knowing. 

Not so very long ago the stock of human knowledge was 
much smaller than it is now, and the idea of what was worth 
knowing was a traditional matter. Both of these facts con- 
tributed to a prescribed course of study. Rightly or wrongiy 
the college degree meant something definite: Latin, Greek, 
mathematics, metaphysics, etc. Every one had to take pretty 
much the same course; and he had to study certain subjects, 
whether he wanted to or not, or he might leave college. If any 
one wanted the B.A., he could present certain fixed prerequisites 
and pursue study on lines laid down. He could take it or leave 
it; and there was no control exercised over the college by the 


lower schools. There were numerous advantages in all this. 
At least the B.A. course had the dignity of its convictions. 

But it was not adaptable. There was too little room for 
variation and new selection, with consequent adjustment to 
environment. And so the old required college course came to 
be out of joint with the times. Its inertia of tradition prevented 
it from seeing any good in the newer disciplines. Its self- 
sufficiency stirred such powerful opposition and criticism as is 
typified in Herbert Spencer’s classic work on education. The 
resistance it offered caused the gathering forces of the new time 
to carry the college course out of the hands of these who had 
been its natural directors virtually into the hands of the stu- 
dents themselves. The elective system secured freedom from 
tradition; but this freedom was not that sole kind of liberty 
that ever benefited the race—liberty under law—but ran out 
into license and abuse. Doubtless the reaction was perfectly 
normal, in view of the entrenched conservatism of the old cur- 
riculum ; those in charge of the colleges, who resisted the new, 
brought all their woes upon themselves. But it was entirely 
irrational, and cheapened the college and its degree, to leave 
the course of study to the untrained and often whimsical (when 
it was not a super-expert) choice of a lot of boys. 

It was not that the old course was a required one that 
brought on its collapse under assault; it was the nature of the 
requirements, and of the exclusions. New forms of knowledge 
were on the increase, and, in particular, science was coming to 
be the feature of the age. If education was going to fit the 
young to live in the society of the time, it could not stick to the 
old course and look with contempt upon the characteristic in- 
tellectual activity of the epoch. By trying to do this, it proved 
itself maladaptable and was selected away. This was inevit- 
able; the old education was suffering from a sort of “spin- 
escence’”’ and could no longer adjust; and so the board had to 
be swept clean, for a new deal. 

No cataclysm of this order can occur without loss of much 
that is good. As I have intimated, we now see that the old 
system had its parts. We can never go back to it again—Was 
vergangen kommt nie wieder—but there is no reason why we 
can not, now the surge of the reaction against it is past, and it 
is dead forever, reintroduce some of its best features. 

I have said that the old required course did not fall because 
of the requirement, but because of the course. The element of 
requirement was swept away along with the course, in the rush 
of reaction and of resentment. Then came the confusion of the 


two; requirement of anything became anathema, and freedom 
was the watchword all along the lines. The elective system 
reached clear into the elementary schools, as an inundation, 
having once risen to surmount its first barriers, goes coursing 
up the country toward the foothills. But sensible people are 
now coming to see the folly of such extremes, and to awaken to 
the fact that the college course, like any other course of learning, 
should be laid down by men of experience and perspective, not 
by boys who lack both. If those who have tried to direct the 
studies of the youth had not ignored the nature of the material 
with which they had to deal, as certain savants whom I have 
noticed still wish to do, the axiom that any course of study, 
whatever it may be, should be required (and should be so diffi- 
cult as not to be chosen voluntarily by the ne’er-do-well) in 
order to be effective, would long ago have been generally ad- 

I believe firmly in a required course of study, therefore; 
though I premise that it is to be laid down by men of experience 
with students of all types, and who have attained a perspective, 
not only of studies, but of the life of the society into which the 
students are to be per gradus inducted—“ graduated.” First of 
all, therefore, I think that a college wishing to adopt a policy re- 
garding the B.A. degree, should move straight toward a required 
course. If the student insists upon choosing, let him choose be- 
tween colleges—there will always be some that allow him “ free- 
dom.” But having chosen to try for our sort of B.A., which we 
are striving to make distinctive and distinguished, let him plan 
to do but little more choosing. We will take the responsibility 
along with the power, and stand or fall by our results. Of 
course this takes some nerve, and means that we bid defiance to 
the prevalent cult of numbers. We may even become poorer, 
for a time—though, if we carry out our plan we shall presently 
have candidates, as one man put it, ‘“‘yammering at our gates.” 

I said that the student should do little more choosing. He 
should do none that would allow him to evade a certain “ irre- 
ducible minimum” of requirement. Now, what will this irre- 
ducible minimum be? Naturally, the very essence of essentials. 
In a word, it will include what a thoughtful mature graduate is 
glad he had, and does not see how he could have spared, plus 
what he regrets that he did not have, in his own college course. 
Putting together the experiences of such men, experiences of 
which I know, I find that a collegian should make the acquaint- 
ance of all of the several characteristic disciplines included in 
the curriculum of any college of the better sort. One man I 


know, reared under the old régime and rebelling in no pro- 
nounced way against it, graduated without knowing any natural 
science—knowing no astronomy, chemistry, biology, physiology, 
embryology, geology, or botany. He had no course treating of 
the greatest single factor in modern scientific thought, Dar- 
winian evolution. I am speaking only of disciplines to which 
he was not “exposed” at all. There were some courses which 
he took that were rendered useless to him because taught so 
poorly as to be repellent, or because they were unsystematic, or 
(even at that time) arranged for the budding specialist. Ina 
number of lines, therefore, including some in which he had 
courses, he was not sent out of college ready to understand, as 
a liberally educated man should, many of the most significant 
things in the life of the society within which he was to live and 
labor. In certain lines he has had to acquire, by considerable 
exertion, the elements of sciences related to his own special 
work and necessary to him. With all these hiatuses in his fit, 
he was not a liberally educated man. He will never be that now, 
for life seizes one and works him and wearies him, and the 
power of acquisition, and the time for it, fail. 

Others whom I know pursued science more especially, in 
the time they could win out of the old classical schedule, and 
do not show the painful lack of it indicated above; but they have 
a similar ignorance of modern language, let us say, or history, 
or literature. They feel these lacks and have as strenuously 
labored somehow to make them up, as my other friend did in 
the matter of science. They were not liberally educated, be- 
cause they had had little but science; he, because he had had 
almost no science. 

It is a common saying of the advocate of specialization that 
any defect incurred by devoting attention almost solely to one 
thing will be automatically remedied by the youthful specialist, 
who has thus learned application and seriousness of purpose. 
I do not know where the evidence for such a view is to be found. 
I recall cases used (prophetically) in point, but, viewed after 
the act, they did not pan out. As a matter of fact, such a spe- 
cialist will remain narrow unless he is an extraordinary per- 
sonality who will react against the unwisdom of his course and 
see its straitening effect. As for the ordinary man, he will 
never do this, but will live on to constitute one of that pitiful 
band of the half-educated who think they know it all, or will be 
one of those who feel all their lives the lack of a rounded equip- 
ment. There is no time later to get these things up; a more ad- 
vanced age rebels against the drudgery; and no amount of 


mere reading can take the place of a skilful introduction and 
guidance through the elements. Few will begin Greek with the 
excellent Balbus at seventy, or even late in middle life, as Hux- 
ley did. These things are like the diseases of children: taking 
them betimes is best; with adults they go hard. 

Returning then to the idea of general “exposure” of the 
mind to cultural influences as represented in college courses, it 
is understood that we want all the influences, not one alone, to 
“take.” Let one predominate after a while, if fate wills it; but 
see to it that there is a proper exposure to all. For one thing, 
you can not be sure which is the real infection till all are con- 
scientiously tried. One influence, coming a little later, may 
easily be prepotent over another which looks to be the real and 
lasting thing until the all-compelling factor enters the field. 
Frequently it is a subject not encountered till senior year that 
proves to be the really engrossing attraction. Every such pos- 
sibility should have had its chance before college is over. By 
that time the conditions for an intellectual orientation should 
all have been met, and even the totally “ non-specializing” stu- 
dent should have selected his intellectual hobby—so blessed a 
thing to fall back on, “ mid this dance of plastic circumstance.” 
A sane choice of intellectual interest can not be made on the 
basis of mere whim, fancy, or vague yearning. I can recall a 
graduate student whose first idea was to write a thesis on the 
relation of God to the universe; but who, advised to look about 
a while first and study things, ended by producing an excellent 
dissertation upon the metal-industry of a small eastern town. 

It will be observed that we are working around to the con- 
ception of the liberally educated man as one who knows enough 
about all the different major intellectual disciplines to have de- 
veloped an intelligent special interest in one or more of them. 
If a student is obliged to become really acquainted with the 
essentials and methods of a variety of disciplines, he is almost 
sure to develop a fondness for some one of them. There are 
not a few busy men who take pride and pleasure in pursuing as 
they can some line of intellectual activity utterly disconnected 
with mere business; and this keeps them interested and inter- 
esting. Such men reflect great credit upon the college they 
attended; and they live happier lives. But this even semi- 
specialization is only a by-product of the B.A. policy here advo- 
cated, which would, as its paramount function, hold every stu- 
dent to a required course including the elements and essentials 
of all the major branches of knowledge or mind-cultivation 
taught in the better colleges. Let us get down nearer to par- 


ticularization as to this policy, which aims to turn out well- 
rounded men rather than specialists or even hobbyists. 

It goes without the saying that no man is well rounded who 
is graduated ignorant of science and scientific method; or with- 
out development on the side of the literary, or the esthetic in 
general. I think it would generally be admitted that the grad- 
uate should be able to read freely some language beside his own. 
Dispute might rise as further attempt to particularize is made. 
Somebody might object that one need not take both physics and 
chemistry, both geology and biology, both an ancient and a mod- 
ern language. I suppose, however, that no one would deny that 
it would be better if all of these could be gotten. If, now, we 
scan the list of departments or subdepartments represented in 
the catalogue of some good college, we are surveying a clas- 
sification of intellectual disciplines—a classification for the most 
part automatically evolved, of disciplines regarded as suffi- 
ciently typical in content and method to be set off one from 
another. Let us see whether such a classification, developed for 
ends quite other than those of this essay, can aid the present 
inquiry at all. 

In general, there are about a dozen categories that might 
be considered as representing major divisions of human knowl- 
edge as taught to undergraduates: ancient language, modern 
language, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, 
geology, psychology, history, philosophy, economics, sociology. 
Suppose a man of twenty-two to be familiar with the general 
content and method of the above disciplines; would he not be a 
liberally educated man? Would he have the regrets at the 
hiatuses in his education of which I have spoken? 

““No!” roars the specialist-lover, “he would not be edu- 
cated! He would have a smattering of a lot of things, and 
really understand no one of them! Out upon him for a shallow 
taster!” Well, even so, would he not be better off, in his claim 
to be liberally educated, in his right to the B.A., than a man 
who had taken a strictly special course, and to whcse amceba- 
saturated head any thought, say, of the essential nature and 
the evolution of human society was foreign? To whom the 
names of Homer and Goethe, and Caesar and Bismarck, were 
mere vocables? 

But let us pass this instant and ex parte objection by for 
the moment, in order to get clear upon two preliminary matters, 
one of which conditions the other. First, is such a scheme prac- 
ticable? By a simple calculation it is seen that if each dis- 
cipline cited above were allowed a three-hour course for a year 


in which to treat the essentials of its being, the sum of the 
hours would be thirty-nine (out of the usual sixty required for 
the B.A.). This sum could be reduced somewhat if “‘ exposure” 
had already taken place—say, by four years of Latin—before 
coming to college; but it would also have to be increased some- 
what in the case of certain disciplines begun later or covering 
much ground, as, for example, the social sciences or history. 
Forty-five hours at the outside, that is, three-fourths of the col- 
lege course, ought to do the business for any one, leaving fifteen 
for following up certain disciplines, to attain a more intensive 
knowledge of them. A boy well-prepared or “exposed” at en- 
trance would automatically, and properly, win a larger scope of 
election; for he would have much more than fifteen hours free. 
The essentials acquired, there might then be some choice, though 
it should not extend beyond going on with some stock course 
deliberately laid down by the department in question as the next 
vital step in acquiring the next most important things. Ram- 
bling should cease, under this system. 

But I hasten to the objection now for some seconds on the 
lips of some readers. ‘“‘ From our elementary courses the stu- 
dent can not get the essentials or the perspective.” This is 
true. The nature of many elementary courses, as now given, 
would have to be changed. Some departments always look at 
the elementary course as the first step toward making a special- 
ist, and put forth no effort to get the essentials of the discipline 
before the student; he will gradually, doubtless—at least, it is 
to be hoped—soak them in as he goes on in his specializing. 
This attitude seems highly unwise if it is deliberate, and inex- 
cusable if it merely represents laziness or lack of interest in 
beginners—a lack generally conspicuous in the specialization- 
champion. Nothing impresses youth so much as catching 
glimpses of vistas and perspectives, as he works through a 
tough undergrowth. It gets his interest aroused; and that is 
good, even for the future specialist. But we have seen that 
most college students have no idea of becoming specialists. 
Hence the conduct of an elementary course on that assumption 
is a basic error. A change here would be, in any case, an ad- 
vantageous adjustment to actual conditions. 

And then there are other elementary courses which are 
loosely constructed, and in connection with which there has been 
no attempt at all to get down to essentials—not because the 
idea here is specialization, but because there has been no pres- 
sure on anybody to determine what the essentials are. 

Who can deny that it would be a blessing for any department 


to have to take thought and be resolved as to what essentials in 
its line are? To ‘‘ get down to brass tacks”? To clear decks 
for real action? Courses, as well as departmental schedules, 
get cluttered up with curios, antiques, and bric-a-brac, whose 
function is chiefly to obstruct movement and collect dust. The 
“irreducible minimum” to which I have alluded is what is left 
when these are cleared away; and it is just what the student 
most needs. He can be a liberally educated man if he has not 
read the “Castle of Otranto,” but not so if he is innocent of 
acquaintance with “Hamlet,” or “Paradise Lost,” or “The 
Idylls of the King,” and can not write clear, idiomatic English. 
He may be able to calculate the sort of sound waves emitted by 
an organ-pipe, but if he does not know how a barometer works, 
his physics has failed him. He may have dissected dozens of 
frogs, but if he does not know his Darwin and his Huxley, he is 
not (biologically) liberally educated. 

The elementary course, required of everybody, should be a 
candid answer to the question: What shall here be given that 
the student may see the characteristic sphere in the world of 
learning and living ocupied by this subject? 

I hear the phrase “‘ information course” echoing back to me 
from one of my earlier paragraphs. But what must come first; 
which is more elemental, even if also more elementary: 
facts, or syntheses and methods? Said an elderly lady, re- 
flecting upon her schooling :: “I have sometimes thought that 
historic research would be easier for me if sometimes I knew 
what men did before I was forced to understand why they did 
it.” It is the fact that is primordial, and upon it mental oper- 
ations spend themselves. Many courses in economics fail be- 
cause the students do not know the economic facts—say, the 
difference between a stock and a bond—upon which the struc- 
ture of theory rises. I maintain that it is no aspersion upon a 
college course that it is “informational,” provided the informa- 
tion is true and to the point. What the beginner needs, whether 
he is going to specialize or not, is sets of data, classified and in- 
terpreted according to the accepted theories of the discipline in 
question. The theory-end, admittedly, has to be in the main 
dogmatic, ignoring exceptions for the time; for the crucial 
desideratum is a foothold, a point d’appui. But the American 
student is not docile to the extent of following blindly wherever 
he is led. He is strongly practical, like the nation that nur- 
tured him. He must needs see the relation of what he is doing 

1 Winifred Kirkland, “An Educational Fantasy,” Atlantic Monthly 
for August, 1915, p. 237. 


to human life and interests. The great figures in the teaching 
world have always related studies to life. If such a relation 
can not be compassed, it means either that the study is an un- 
earthly phantasm or the teacher is a misfit or is at fault. Much 
that goes under the designation ‘‘information” is really illus- 
tration, calculated to fix a point or set of points by relating it or 
them to tangible facts, previously known or unknown, as 
anchors to hold the floating synthesis within reach. Much so- 
called “information” is pure exposition; and not seldom the 
contempt poured upon it is a reflex of envy of the results se- 
cured by the expositor skilled in his function. 

The conception of a college course which I have sketched, 
in its essentials, demands the skilled expositor above everything 
else. For it proposes to stir the interest of all students and 
there is only one possible way to do that. Great names in the 
world of scholars mean nothing to the average college man; 
they never come to college to study under a great scholar, so 
far as my-experience goes. In my day, at Yale, nobody had any 
idea that Gibbs was a great figure; and all we knew of Whitney 
was that he made the German grammar and dictionary, and 
so must be a very learned man. Seymour too must be a great 
scholar, we thought, for did he not write that First Three 
Books of the Iliad! Text-book writers do more to advertise a 
college among school-boys than any other class of professors. 
What does the average undergraduate know of the research 
doings of a professor, or what does he care? 

But above all is the exposition. ‘‘ When you go to college,” 
says an older brother to a younger, “take X’s course in Y-ology. 
Don’t miss it. It’s an eye-opener. He’s hard, but he’s got it.” 
“What has X written?” queries the casually listening father, 
“Has he a national reputation?” ‘Oh, I don’t know about 
that,” is the answer. “I suppose he has. We read a book of 
his—I’ve forgotten the title. But he certainly can get it across.” 
And the father knows that is so, for the solicitous eye of the 
parent, dissembled though his scrutiny may be, has discerned 
the unmistakable signs of something that has somehow been 
“got across.” 

This is no place to go into the qualities of the teacher except 
to say that he regularly has the knowledge of student-nature— 
he knows his materials—and the eye for essentials. He does 
not hope to get in much more than these, and he enfilades and 
cross-fires with them relentlessly. Such have been all the great 
expositors and mind-openers whom I have known. And, since 
a required system naturally evokes some opposition, it would be 


particularly necessary for a college adopting that system to 
emphasize these qualities in appointments. 

Another essential for the adoption of any such system would 
be the courage, not only to introduce it, but to carry it through. 
One of the means now advocated for improving the college 
degree consists in abandoning the majority of each class to its 
fate, letting them slide through as they will, on the analogy, or 
in imitation of the English ‘‘ pass-men,” and concentrating all 
attention upon the few “honors-men.” The proposal of such a 
plan seems to some of us un-American, or, if a chauvinistic 
connotation clings to that term, chimerical. It is a plan that 
would be maladaptable to American conditions. But, apart 
from this, it is no way to lift the body of students to a more 
scholarly level; and I maintain that the American college is 
bound, even by the very purpose of its endowment, to aim at the 
body of students. Funds were not given to enable a group of 
lofty souls to do what they like to do in life; they were meant 
for the students, and, through them, for the nation. The college 
is the thing endowed, not the faculty. 

The plan developed above would demand courage—the 
courage to impose a discipline over all which would issue in a 
considerable mortality among some—those who could not or 
would not fall in with requirements. Many men would have to 
take five years to complete the course, and many would be 
dropped. The plan, as distinguished from the “ pass-and- 
honors” one, would be, not to cause the plant to grow by attach- 
ing elastics to the topmost shoots, but by going in with a prun- 
ing-hook nearer the roots. 

I may conclude by enumerating briefly several of the sub- 
sidiary advantages of a course such as I have suggested. First 
of all, it would help to settle the vexed question of entrance- 
requirements. The issue would be left bare and stark: what 
does the college demand in order to have a man prepared to go 
on for its style of B.A.? If he can present qualifications, well 
and good; if not, there are other colleges. Next, the congested 
time-table, with its courses bunched in the forenoons from 
Monday to Friday, could be spread out into Saturday and the 
afternoons. No longer could an instructor’s course be crippled, 
as it now is, by placing it on Saturday morning. And for the 
student there would be no more cases of four exercises or more, 
nor yet three or four two-hour examinations, on one day. The 
stress against exodus over the week-end would be strengthened, 
as also would that against participation in too many extra- 
curriculum activities—against which even the students protest. 


There would not be time, if getting the degree were not to take 
over four years. 

Departments could and must concentrate and strengthen 
their offerings of courses; the outlying ones must perforce de- 
crease. This would save a great deal of trouble and money for 
the college. 

The expense and irritation connected with making up stu- 
dent schedules would be lessened, and there would be no more 
lop-sided lists of choices, whereby a student may “specialize” 
unwisely or overwisely. Irregularities of attendance could be 
more readily dealt with, and the teachers of all departments 
better organized to cooperate and march together. At least 
they could know what their students had already had, and thus 
be enabled to avoid repetition and to have some idea of what 
there was to build on. The work of instructors could be tested 
up; in fact, they would be subjected to a sort of natural selec- 
tion, and fewer plausible excuses could be found for failures. 

The reader who is familiar with the group of irregularities 
known as the “ abuses of the elective system ” will see that they 
could not persist under a “new” required system. There were 
abuses of the “old ” required system, too, but they were less 
than those that followed upon the lodging, in student choice, 
of power for determining college policy. A great many of the 
ills under the old required course were, I repeat, due to the 
course more than to the element of requirement. There will 
doubtless be new evils and maladjustments, but these could be 
dealt with, provided the general policy rested upon the facts, 
and on the principles derivable from knowledge of them. 

And the college that offered a B.A. course of this order 
would stand some chance of escaping the impending fate of a 
college in a university: of becoming a mere feeder for the pre- 
fessional schools. 





T the apex of maturity we become aware of an increasing 
A contentment, a welcome feeling that, no matter what 
happens, we are better able to meet events with precision and 
judgment. During youth and early adulthood often there ob- 
trudes an undertone of anxiety lest we have omitted or forgot- 
ten to do some tasks we ought to have done and didn’t. Dur- 
ing maturity arises an easement, the natural fruition of fully 
developed powers, the sum total of training and adaptative 
measures. We have met and overcome such a multitude of 
troubles, the onset of another one no longer makes afraid. 

Sleep becomes now more tranquil and refreshing, though 
perhaps not so long nor so deep; action is more deliberate, 
there is less sense of hurry, of urgency to duties or obligations 
or indeed to gratifications of sense. Digestion improves in pro- 
portion as more time is spent at the table and less is stolen 
from post-prandial amenities. As a keen young man or a bus- 
tling young woman, eager for amusement, there were restless 
surgings to and fro from sheer prodigality of impulse. The 
act of feeding thus came to be regarded as merely a negligible 
incident and hence nutrition suffered. The maturer, more 
deliberate person tends to become rubicund, to take on weight 
or at least not to squander it. Accumulation of flesh at this 
time is natural enough within certain limits of safety. Be- 
yond those bounds, those normal variants, obesity gives evi- 
dence of disease, that anabolism is out-running katabolism. 
Perils begin from this point which may lead to any one of a 
multitude of destructive happenings. 

Mental processes of maturity differ from those of ardent 
young adulthood chiefly in a relative sedateness as contrasted 
with adolescent eagerness and exuberance. A calm assured- 
ness now obtains, based on experience, poise; a welcome sub- 
sidence comes of early vehemence or overenthusiasm. Initia- 

1 Dealing chiefly with mental (psychophysical) phenomena. A previ- 

ous paper on the subject will be found in the issue of THE SCIENTIFIC 
MontTHuy for November, 1917. 


tive is still abundant enough, so is confidence and ardor, tem- 
pered, however, by an amplitude of contrasts, experiences and 
discriminative or selective proficiencies. Instead of an idealized 
enlightenment there comes a product of associations, a famili- 
arity with cognate facts and circumstances leading to justi- 
fiable inferences. 

Precision in assembling materials for conclusions and in 
their orderly arrangement constitutes a full equivalent of for- 
mer. lavishness in gathering data. Youthful percepts are 
almost limitless in plenitude and variety. The imagery of 
adolescent prepotencies becomes merged in maturity into a 
clearer and soberer vision of things as they are. 

The man of many successes, as the meridian passes, readily 
comes to overvalue his own opinions; he tends to form conclu- 
sions more in accord with personal limitations, his prejudices, 
with the point of view of his habitual angle of approach, rather 
than that warranted by the facts. He may be, and usually is, 
less ready to change and modify than would a younger one 
upon presentation of adequate evidence. 

In the psycho-physical sphere that which can now be most 
safely counted on is the measure and degree of fruition at- 
tainable through favorable environment, through liberalized 
variety, through healthful and stimulating mental and moral 
influences. The mind exerts paramount effects on both de- 
velopment and on survival values, hence the significance of hav- 
ing attained right points of view and disposition during the 
plastic years. Thus a serene temperament is achieved. 

When the body degenerates and declines there is nothing 
left but the husk from which the spirit fades till it disappears. 
Whatever view one may hold as to the ultimate fate of the vital 
spark, it is obviously something with points of similarity to the 
springs of action in survival energies. We picture our future 
in accord with the best teachings; the more beautiful and rea- 
sonable manifestations of dynamics, the better. 

To do justice to the subject of mental characteristics which 
distinguish maturity would involve a survey of general psy- 
chology beyond that which is permissible here. All that can 
now be offered are a few memoranda of those mental peculiari- 
ties displayed in maturity which shadow forth the beginnings 
of senescence. 

In certain individuals the mind remains soundly integrated 
till the end of a long life, so clear, the memory so retentive, the 
perception and judgment so keen, that they enjoy the apprecia- 
tion of their fellows till well into the eighth or ninth decades. 


Through such exemplars we learn that senile mental decrepi- 
tude is not inevitable under fairly favorable conditions: only a 
normal decadence, 7. e., a series of normal phenomena of devolu- 
tion varying in kind, but little or none in degree. Abnormal 
physical changes accompanying old age, on the contrary, may 
be of the widest latitude. Indeed, energies and integrities of 
the mind may, and often do, far outlive those of the body. 

It should be remembered that some mental phases of over- 
ripeness are merely the result of lax methods of thinking, of 
inattention, of defects or neglects of memory, of faulty habits, 
and not due to morbid alterations in structure. If, or when, 
unlovely mental peculiarities persist, become pronounced fea- 
tures, they may indicate gradual retrograde cell changes. 
These may not increase for many years. 

Such of the changes as do occur in the mind and tempera- 
ment as a part of early senescence are often enough mere exag- 
' gerations of long-existing inherent peculiarities, those which 
have grown up in one by reason of the preponderance of orig- 
inal trends or have not been held under adequate subjection. 

The physical changes in senescence are gross and obvious, 
of little importance, especially in the higher walks of life where 
physical decrepitude is of a far less seriousness than mental. 
The state most worth striving for is to keep both mental and 
physical fitness on a par; to gain this end they must be con- 
stantly and freely used. 

Mental and moral impairments are, fortunately, not in- 
evitable till the last call is sounded. Indeed it is a blessing that 
defections in the mental and moral domain are not inevitable. 
After all, it is the manhood, the personality, which tells, rather 
than those threatened inroads of structural decadence which we 
desire and strive to escape. 

Of the mental changes characteristic of later maturity, some 
are of towering significance and others matters of indifference. 
Variations during the high tide of maturity are wide in accord- 
ance with the life one has led, and especially the sort of mental 
occupation followed. Mental changes, being of widest scope as 
contrasted with the limited sphere of physical alterations, can 
only be mentioned in so brief a review of the subject. 

The distinguishing characteristics of the mature mind are 
poise, deliberation, economy of effort with largest output of 
judgment. To be sure, it is to the old man that the laurel crown 
of wisdom was given in Rome—senes—senator—the highest 
body of legislators. 

The earliest retrograde mental changes are due chiefly to 


wandering of the attention, loss of capacity to fix and hold it, 
to concentrate. The exceptions are when individual comfort 
is concerned. 

As old age progresses these mental features are those of 
decline in capacity, in grasp, in coordination. Some, indeed 
a large part of senescent mental abnormality, is due to fatigue 
reactions from over-strained attention. This is far more likely 
to be the product of exhaustion from monotony, wearisome 
routine than from effort. Impairment of mental efficiency 
leads to dissatisfaction, distress; and the worst effects are from 
protracted anxieties, from exhaustion which follows diffusion 
of thought, therefore of clear percepts, and hence “ poverty of 
memory pictures, the one precious possession of the aged.” 

Attention being unrelieved, it wanders or spreads over one 
group of objects and loses sight of others. Unrest follows and 
a habit of onesidedness in the outlook on life. Absorption in 
one line of mental pursuit, such as of science or art, becomes so 
fascinating, so confining, that a man may become indefinitely 
happy in one narrow line of pursuit, therefore he grows indif- 
ferent to surroundings. 

This narrowing of the personality, this shut-in-ness should 
not be allowed to become a mere selfish indulgence and disre- 
gard of others’ opinions and feelings; it may lead to petty 
tastes, to trivialities, to whims, to vanity into which all of us 
are tempted to fall. 

What, indeed, is growing old? Old age is one thing (senil- 
ity), and the process of growing old (senescence) is another. 
Old age implies length of days, accumulations of years, the in- 
exorable process of chronologic advance. Growing old struc- 
turally is a variable state: Some do so more slowly and others 
more rapidly, in accord with varying conditions of inheritance 
and also in manner of life, favorable or unfavorable. 

Variants occur due to causes inherent or acquired; also 
differ in different individuals, in families and in races. Old age 
implies mere progress of time; senility indicates deteriorations 
(abnormalities) in structure and hence also in function. 

Senility is due to deterioration in somatic (body) structures 
and is, for the most part, caused by excessive accumulations 
of self-formed poisons (above what the eliminating machinery 
can get rid of) and to a few poisons from without, e. g., alcohol, 
tobacco, tea, coffee, lead, mercury and other foreign or value- 
less substances to which mankind is exposed. 

Senile changes, limiting functional integrity, may be grouped 
under the general caption of impairments in elasticity, in plas- 


ticity; the old cells become too stable, too rigid, too static. 
Hence the maintenance of elasticity, so far as this is possible, 
makes for efficiency in structures and the postponement of de- 

The problem before each one of us is how to attain old age 
while continuing to be able to render the best service with the 
least cost in effort, in adverse conditions, and in distress. 
Hence the factors are not only physical, but also economic and 
social or sociologic. 

The aged are notoriously conservative, accepting novel ideas 
or suggestions with reluctance or flat denial. Parsimonious- 
ness alternates with misanthropy. Self-restraint, in short, is 
waning, and may be shown in both ludicrous and pathetic di- 
rections. Temptations aforetime readily resisted now over- 
come former conscious control. 

When the reproductive powers have ceased, capacities for 
affection subside. All actions or thoughts correlated with sex 
impulses become changed. Yet old men occasionally commit 
absurd or dangerous follies through sex instinct, becoming sud- 
denly impulsive, imperative, despotic. 

The best average barometer of mental failure is memory in all its 

varieties—only an advance guard of an invading army that is sooner or 
later to devastate the brain. (Clouston.) 

Attention can then no longer be sustained, is readily fa- 
tigued; mental and physical energies are diminishing. Imag- 
ination no longer colors and illumines thought. Enthusiasms 
fade away, as does adaptability to change and ideation. 

The old have no faith in the young. (H. M. Friedmann.) 

Old persons display a tendency to overeat, in spite of the 
maxim that “one should descend out of life as he ascended into 
it, even unto a child’s diet.” Feeding is the one remaining 
pleasure, and among old people in special “homes” or asylums 
are found wonderful trenchermen who survive amazingly so 
long as they live in that atmosphere of undisturbed tranquillity. 

The craving for rest and quietude in the aged is of organic 
origin. It permits of a systematic and orderly arrangement 
and storing of facts and makes for excellent mental products 
in those whose energies are well sustained. Particularly valu- 
able are the thoughts, opinions and conclusions of old age when 
earlier training was along well-defined lines of science or philos- 
ophy or art. The greater mental detachment accentuates ju- 
dicial poise; enthusiasms are then in abeyance or gone, hence 
conclusions are more in accord with underlying truths. 

you. vi.—11. 


Intellectuality is shown at the best in many aged persons. 
Mental force depends on the kind of constitution possessed plus 
the nature and quality of early training. Indeed, no greater 
pleasures can be enjoyed in the twilight of life than a sustained 
interest in one’s early absorbing occupations. Of course only 
certain aspects of these can be carried to legitimate fruition. 
It is always possible for some one or other department, direc- 
tion or phase of knowledge or activities to be continued or 

Age being a purely relative term in all but the chronologic 
or legal sense, there can be no period fixed for its characteristic 
phenomena to begin. Modifying conditions are such as reside 
in individual makeup, environment, points of view, training, 
habits, tastes, prejudices, physical fitness and qualities of ener- 

The redeeming features of old age are that one is (then) freed from 
the demands of former youthful passions, emotions and sentiments—if, 
indeed, such freedom is worth while. The old have, besides the relative 
advantage of immunity to certain diseases, such as the eruptive fevers, 
typhoid and phthisis; the old tissues do not seem to be good media for 
these disease agencies. On the other hand, they are very prone to pneu- 

monic infections and erysipelas, which carry away most aged folk. (H. 
M. Friedmann, op. cit.) 

The phenomena of aging—growing old—are normal, but 
so frequently are they obscured by abnormalities that the im- 
pression obtains that old age is a disease. Professor Ribot 
(editorial N. Y. Med. Jour., Sept. 26, 1908) points out the con- 
trasts admirably thus: 

In pathologie death in late age, the general cells cease to retain their 
powers of rejuvenation by means of external influences (bacteria, toxins, 
etc.) and the part ceases to perform its function. Physiologic death is, 
in the main, the result of failure of the brain and central nervous system 
to function. 

Natural death in senility is therefore a consequence of anatomical, 
together with functional changes in the component factors of the body, 
partly of the cells and partly of the intermediate substances. These 
changes in death are not the result of external influences (such as, e. g., 
of too much or of improper food, of disease-producing influences, toxins, 
etc.), but they are necessary sequels to the chemical expiration of the 
phenomena of life. 

In the cells are formed clinkers so to speak, deposits which are prod- 
ucts of metabolism, bringing about atrophy of the bioplasm. The inter- 
mediate substances, which are not living matter in the real sense of the 
word, commence to relax generally in their more or less mechanical func- 
tions, thus damaging the circulatory apparatus. This process is of detri- 
ment to the cells, the atrophy of which is thereby increased. 

Diseases of senility, especially arterial degenerations, favor the ac- 


complishment of old-age changes and conditions, but they are not integral 
parts of old-age conditions; they are merely complications. Old age is 
per se normal; is free from diseased conditions. Especially responsible 
for naturai death in old age are the ganglion cells, which have always the 
same elements. Hence physiologic death in the aged is thus more or 
less of a brain death. 


The mental phenomena of senescence are exaggerations of 
those of over-maturity. 

We may take comfort, however, in the well-demonstrated 
fact that in one of vigorous constitution the brain and its func- 
tions are also pretty certain to be and remain sound till the final 
fading away of forces. 

The mind and all the finer faculties grow dulled in the 
elderly. Permitted to live in an atmosphere of comfort and 
peaceful routine, they are serene enough and may continue so 
indefinitely. Interruptions, invasions of their tranquillity are 
resented. Contradictions or other oppositions shock their equi- 
poise, jolt an equanimity now readily disturbed; they there- 
upon display peevishness, irritability of temper, irascibility or 
petulance. Likewise a tendency to commit diverse follies of 
impulse is noticeable, to exhibit puerile ambitions and vanities, 
boastfulness, assertiveness, jealousies, misanthropy, coldness of 
disposition, indifference to family and communal ties, duties 
and responsibilities. 

A much greater stimulus is needed to arouse sense percep- 
tion in the old; responses to sensory impacts are slower, more 

The tissues involved are losing their impressions, also their 
capacity for impressionability. Reflex action becomes more 
sluggish and weaker. Instinctive acts grow fewer. 

Irritability is diminished, is noticeable in all acts; the power 
of originating action independent of stimulation (or irritation) 
becomes weaker in the aged, whereas it is prompt in the young. 

The regulating centers are weakened, irresponsive, though 
oftentimes over-sensitive to disturbances. 

The acts of the aged result more from conscious purpose, 
from careful reason, and from habit, or they follow only upon 
strong irritation. 

Instinct has subsided, is replaced by experience and preju- 

Inadequate repair follows injury in the condition of grow- 
ing old, especially in the more highly differentiated structures, 


—the more sensitive ones, notably whose functions require for 
right action large supplies of blood, such as the ductless glands, 
the spleen, the adrenals, the brain, nerves, marrow and muscles. 

Memory becomes impaired because mental perceptions have 
become weakened, therefore only powerful stimuli make im- 
pressions; those most affecting the individual are retained and 
reproduced. Hence a strong effort must be then made to recall 
recent events or circumstances, whereas the earlier ones are 
readily reproduced. 

The child demands to know “ why,” opens up objects, pulls 
apart, observes the component cells and structures. The senile 
mind is better fitted to construct, or especially to reconstruct. 

The aged mind becomes narrowed in its outlook to those sub- 
jects which concern self and especially on matters bearing on 

Youth wants to know; age wants to be. (Nascher.) 

In crowding years one is haunted by a fear of death in 
spite of all the offered consolations of religion and philosophy. 
The emotions of those passing down into the valley lose their 
equipoise in proportion as reasoning powers fail and mental 
balance lessens. 

The onset of climacteric limitations in both sexes is marked 
by mental changes in the point of view. The temperament 
veers ; the angle from which one views life, as the shadows grow 
long, is altered. Men are more hopeful for the time and after 
the “change of life sink into relative apathy or gloom.” 

In women their innate vanity supports them in great meas- 
ure to keep up appearances; also their religious feelings, their 
optimism and their faith in the power of things unseen, sup- 
ports them to maintain a cheerful front and a good appearance. 

Among the mental manifestations of senility are: 

Impairment of memory; of capacity to perceive, to observe; 
and to fix attention on current happenings. The mind wanders, 
veers about, drifts. 

Interest in surroundings diminishes except as the individual 
comfort is concerned. 

Doubts are readily entertained; new ideas are challenged. 
Conscience becomes blunted increasingly as old age advances. 

Automatic acts replace the more volitional ones, %. e., habit 
paths in motor and psychomotor mechanisms become relied on 
to the exclusion of the failing initiative. This increases as 
time progresses. 

At first, in early childhood, all motor acts are the products 


of initiative, of will; then these acts become automatic, habitual, 
merge into instincts, and, as they fade, mere automatisms re- 

As age advances the phenomena of animal life gradually 
subside, actions become fewer and fewer and less and less con- 
trolled by will. Man retires more and more into himself, or 
the shell of his self; becomes isolated, is shut out bit by bit, 
from his surroundings and becomes absorbed in his own per- 
sonal doings or survival. 

In these insignia are shown the tendencies of the man, how 
he is influenced and narrowed by social and domestic consid- 
erations rather than the cultural effects of age, in short how 
“an individual reacts to the deterrent effects of aging processes 
and submits to become a marionette, responsive to fewer 

If only lower ideals are exerted, a man or woman drifts 
along the path of least resistance. 

All this breeds increasing littleness, selfishness, which may 
become most disfiguring, unlovely. 

The way to remain essentially young and also retain the ap- 
pearance of youth is to “cultivate variability,” (Boris Sidis) 
widen the point of view, to expand the interests. It is desirable 
to resist as long as possible the lowering of the curtain, “ play- 
ing the role of the solitary unit.” 

Vastly more important than to pursue over-eager measures 
contributing to lengthening days is to keep in touch with affairs, 
maintain warm relationships with environment, domestic, social 
and especially national. 

Old age has natural affinities for childhood and youth. A 
young life as a companion is the best tonic. To make oneself 
loveable is the most important aim. Cheerfulness is the key— 
to keep trying to reach out and affect other personalities. Old 
age laments becoming useless; yet one can never tell how far 
one’s influence extends. 

Growing old ungracefully is thus described by Elliot Greg- 


There comes, we are told, a crucial moment, “a tide” in ali lives, 
that, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. An assertion, by the bye, 
which is open to doubt. What does come to every one is an hour fraught 
with warning, which, if unheeded, leads on to folly. This fateful date co- 
incides for the most of us with the discovery that we are turning gray, 
or that the “crow’s feet” on our temples are becoming visible realities. 
The unpleasant question then presents itself: Are we to slip meekly into 
middle age, or are arms to be taken up against our insidious enemy, and 
the rest of life become a losing battle, fought inch by inch? 


In other days it was the men who struggled the hardest against their 
fate. Up to this century, the male had always been the ornamental mem- 
ber of the family. Czsar, we read, coveted a laurel crown principally be- 
cause it would help to conceal his baldness. The wigs of the Grand 
Monarque are historical. It is characteristic of the time that the latter’s 
attempts at rejuvenation should have been taken as a matter of course, 
while a few years later poor Madame de Pompadour’s artifices to retain 
her fleeting youth were laughed at and decried. 

The situation to-day is reversed. The battle, given up by the men— 
who now accept their fate with equanimity—is being waged by their better 
halves with a vigor heretofore unknown. So general has this mania to 
retain youthfulness become that if asked what one weakness was most 
characteristic of modern women, what peculiarity marked them as differ- 
ent from their sisters in other centuries, I should unhesitatingly answer, 
“The desire to look younger than their years.” 

. . . The men or women who do not look their age are rare. In each 
generation there are exceptions, people who, from one cause or another— 
generally an excellent constitution—succeed in producing the illusion of 
youth for a few years after youth itself has flown. 

The desire to remain attractive as long as possible is not only a 
reasonable but a commendable ambition. Unfortunately the stupid means 
most of our matrons adopt to accomplish this end produce exactly the 
opposite result. 

One sign of deficient taste in our day is this failure to perceive that 
every age has a charm of its own which can be enhanced by appropriate 
surroundings, but is lost when placed in an incongruous setting. It sad- 
dens a lover of the beautiful to see matrons going so far astray in their 

desire to please as to pose for young women when they no longer can 
look the part. 

Holmes, in “‘My Maiden Aunt,” asks plaintively: 
Why will she train that wintry curl in such a springlike way? 

Few matrons stop to think for themselves, or they would 
realize that by appearing in the same attire as their daughters 
they challenge a comparison which can only be to their disad- 
vantage, and should be if possible avoided. 

There are still, it is to be hoped, many such lovable women 
in our land, but at times I look about me with dismay, and 
wonder who is to take their places when they are gone. Are 
there to be no more “old ladies’’? 

I am grateful to Dr. H. M. Friedmann, Dr. Robert Saunby, 
Prof. Charles Sedgwick Minot and Dr. I. L. Nascher, whose 
contributions to the subject of advancing age and its treatment 
are filled with valuable points. 




HERE lies before the writer a stately folio, printed in 
Strassburg in Alsace in the year fifteen hundred, not 
written in the conventional Latin of the scholars of the period, 
but in the German language. It is a work not unknown to his- 
torians of pharmacology and medicine, but the significance of 
the movement it represents and the influence of its publication 
upon the development of chemistry and of materia medica 
seem not to have received the appreciation it deserves. The 
title of the work, translated, reads: ‘‘ The Book of the Art of 
Distilling Simples, by Hieronymous Brunschwygk, a native 
and surgeon (Wundartzot) of the imperial free City of Strass- 

The book is noted as one of the earliest printed books giving 
circumstantial descriptions, with many illustrative wood-cuts, 
of the apparatus and methods of distillation in vogue with the 
chemists of the fifteenth century. It is also noted among the 
early herbals on account of its many descriptions of medicinal 
herbs with illustrative wood-cuts. 

The first division of the book is devoted to descriptions of 
the construction of furnaces and of the various forms of stills, 
retorts, receivers, condensers, etc., and of the various methods 
of distilling: by direct fire, from water bath, by the sun’s heat, 
by the use of the gentle heat of fermenting horse-manure, etc. 
It is interesting to note that as with still earlier authors on 
distillation, there is included under this head the distillation 
“per filtrum,”’ which consisted in siphoning, by means of a felt 
cloth, the liquid from one vessel to another placed at a lower 
level. This process is then not really distillation, but is what 
we now call “‘ filtration.” 

Especial emphasis is laid upon the distillation and preserva- 
tion of “waters” distilled by these various methods from me- 
dicinal herbs or from other substances which the pharmacology 
of the time recognized as of remedial value. 

The second division of the work is devoted to the description 
of many plants and other medicinal agents, alphabetically ar- 


ranged, with wood-cuts illustrating them, directions as to the 
parts to be subjected to distillation, the time or season for their 
preparation, and the complaints which the distilled waters are 
supposed to benefit with the doses for their application. 

A single example will best serve to illustrate the character 
of these descriptions. 

Mulberry water, by the Greeks called Mora, by the Ara- 
bians, hoc, and by the Latins, Moracelsi, and by the Germans, 
Mulber, is a tree well known to many. The best part, and the 
season, is the fruit or berry when perfectly ripe, but not near 
its falling. 

A. Mulberry water, drunk three or four times a day, two 
or three ounces each time, and also well gargled, dispels the 
complaint of the throat called quinsy. 

B. Mulberry water when drunk every morning, noon and 
night, for five or six days about four ounces each time, dispels 
ailments of the chest and stomach and softens and expels 

C. Mulberry water drunk as above directed is good if one 
has fallen and has coagulated blood, which it scatters and 

D. Mulberry water drunk as above directed is also good for 
a cough and expands the chest. 

E. Mulberry water reduces the veins when rubbed with it 
and pressed with it (varicose veins?). 

F. Mulberry water, when not quite ripe or when ripe is 
good for the eyes when introduced into them or when they are 
bathed with it. 

G. Mulberry water from unripe mulberries is a principal 
water for the palate and epiglottis, especially if one gargles 
well with it three or four times a day, about three ounces each 
time, for it takes away all rawness and heat from the throat, 
as I have often observed. 

The list of waters similarly described which makes up the 
greater part of the bulky volume includes distillates from many 
common plants and herbs, but is by no means confined to these 
—for the list includes waters distilled from many other sub- 
stances then accepted by medical authorities as possessing 
curative powers :—oxen-blood, ants, frogs, frogs’ eggs, flies, 
and many other substances the like of which are now only to 
be found in the traditional pharmacopeia of China. 

The book concludes with a formality characteristic of the 

Herewith is completed the book called the book of the art of distilling 


simples, by Jeronimus Brunschwyg* surgeon of the imperial free city of 
Strassburg, and printed by the highly respected Johann Grininger at 
Strassburg on the eighth day of May, as one counts from the birth of 
Christ fifteen hundred. Praise be to God. 

The distilled waters of Brunschwygk have left but little 
trace in the pharmacology of to-day, yet, foreign to modern 
practise as these remedies are, it is manifest that his work or 
the practise which it represented exerted a very considerable 
influence on the popular medicine of the time. The work of 
which the above is the first edition passed through at least nine 
editions. It was followed (1512) by another work by the same 
author on the distillation of composita, extending the system 
beyond the single substances or simples to more or less com- 
plex mixtures, and this work also passed through several edi- 
tions. Imitations, translations and works by later writers 
extended the literature of distilled medicines to a very consid- 
erable volume, evidencing a very prominent popular vogue of 
these distillates or filtrates instead of the system of powders, 
syrups and decoctions which the traditional ancient and uni- 
versity authorities recognized. 

So far as the writer has been able to ascertain, the book of 
Brunschwygk is the first book which presents a system of 
remedies based upon distilled (or in some cases filtered) waters 
from the numerous and varied substances familiar to the medi- 
cal practise of the time. 

In this respect it marks a distinct departure from the scho- 
lastic medicine of the middle ages, and was without doubt an 
important agent in the influences operative in breaking down 
the walls of scholastic conservatism in medicine, and in initiat- 
ing the revolutionary movement which culminated a century or 
more later in opening the way to the union of chemistry and 

The author of the Book of Distillation makes no claim to 
originality in introducing this system of medicines, nor is it 
probable that his book is other than a formulation of practises 
in use in a certain group of medical practitioners and especially 
of a notable group or guild of Strassburg surgeons which at- 
tained a very considerable prestige and of which Brunschwygk 
was the most noted in his time. 

The Book of Distillation of Simples, in its general plan of 
arrangement, except for the part on distillation methods and 
apparatus, was modeled on the earlier Herbals. These were 
illustrated descriptions of plants, intended for the more accu- 

* Gur author is not particular about the spelling of his name. It is 
spelied in three different ways in this book. 


rate identification of medicinal material, and also included 
synopses of the virtues of the plants and their application in 
medicine. The distinct departure of this book from its prede- 
cessors lay in the idea of applying the processes of chemistry 
to the separation of the supposed active principles from these 
raw materials. The traditional method of utilizing the reme- 
dial substances—the method sanctioned by the authority of the 
Greek and Arabian authors whose teachings were the accepted 
dogmas of the learned doctors of medicine—was as powders, 
decoctions, syrups or plasters. The idea of separating a puri- 
fied principle by distillation or in some cases by solution and 
filtration was from the point of view of the medical faculties 
heretical and a phase of ignorant charlatanism. 

The theoretic basis of this new medical practise is doubtless 
to be found in the neo-platonic theories of nature, which under 
the leadership of the Florentine Academy exerted a strong in- 
fluence at this period and was at variance with the traditional 
Aristotelianism of the schools. One phase of this philosophy 
recognized in all things animate and inanimate a soul or spirit 
which represented the essential principle as separate from the 
grosser materials of its body. The then familiar knowledge of 
the obtaining of alcohol—the “spirits of wine”-—and the 
method of distilling essential oils and perfumed waters, already 
developed to some extent by the Arabian chemists, served to 
give a substantial experimental illustration of the theory. By 
these processes from the gross and perishable raw substances a 
purified “spirit” or “essence” was obtained. It was in all 
probability the extension of these ideas to the domain of medi- 
cines which gave rise to the practises of the Strassburg sur- 
geons and their fellows or followers. 

However analogical and unscientific may have been the rea- 
soning upon which the “distilled waters” school of practi- 
tioners, and however little permanent place the medicines of 
Brunschwygk’s pharmacology have found in modern medicine, 
it is not to be denied that there was contained in their method 
the assumption of a fact of importance, that it is possible to 
extract by chemical methods from many substances a pure 
principle more efficacious than the crude material from which 
it is obtained. And it is also true that the historical impor- 
tance of the movement inaugurated or first formulated by 
Brunschwygk is not to be measured either by the correctness 
of its theoretical foundation or by its permanent contribu- 
tions to medical practise, but by its influence upon its own epoch 
and the relation of that influence to the future development of 


the science. The nature of this influence then is the important 
consideration here. 

Students of the history of chemistry and of medicine recog- 
nize the sixteenth century as the rise of the period of “ Iatro- 
chemistry ” or the application of chemistry and chemical points 
of view to medicine and pharmacology. Modern historians of 
medicine generally credit the inauguration of this revolutionary 
movement to the influence of Paracelsus and his disciples and 
followers, Crollius, Van Helmont, Tholde (Basilius Valenti- 
nus), Glauber and others; and justly so, for the life-long battle 
of Paracelsus against the medieval slavery to traditional au- 
thorities, for open minds to new experiments and observation, 
and for the recognition of chemistry as a pillar of medical 
science, was determinative of a new impetus to chemical science 
and of a breach in the medical profession which eventually won 
for chemistry its recognition as an essential factor in medical 
theory and practise. 

Without in any way disparaging or minimizing this influ- 
ence of Paracelsus, it nevertheless seems fairly certain that the 
influence of the school of chemical physicians represented by 
Brunschwygk was important in supplying Paracelsus with no 
inconsiderable part of the basis and the inspiration for his 

Brunschwygk was born at Strassburg about 1450 and died 
there about 1534. Paracelsus, born 1498, had studied chem- 
istry in the laboratories of the mines of southern Germany and 
Austria. In 1526 it is recorded that Paracelsus was himself 
granted citizenship (Burgrecht) in Strassburg and assigned to 
the guild of “Lucerne” to which the surgeons (Wundartzte) 
also belonged. It was in the same year that he began his war 
against the conventional medicine of the faculties at the Uni- 
versity of Basel. It is to be remembered that the Book of Dis- 
tilling Simples first printed in 1500 had passed through several 
editions before Paracelsus was assigned to the guild of sur- 
geons. Though Paracelsus makes no reference in his works to 
Brunschwygk or his book, there are many passages in his 
works which show him to be more or less familiar with the 
practises and theory which underlie the work of Brunschwygk. 

For instance, speaking of Simples, he says: 

The virtue in a simple is one and not divided into three, four, five, etc., 
and a simple needs only chemistry (“ Alchemia”), which is nothing dif- 
ferent than with the miner or metallurgist, it consists in extracting, not 
in compounding, it consists in recognizing what is contained in it, not in 
mixtures and patchwork. 


So again referring to chemistry (Alchemia) he says: 

If in this (art) the physician is not in the highest degree skilled and expe- 
rienced his art is all in vain. For nature is so subtle and keen in her 
affairs, that she cannot be used without great skill. For she yields nothing 
to us that is perfected in its place (occurrence) but man must perfect it. 
This perfection is called alchemy. 

To such as the author of the distillation book the following 
passage from Paracelsus, ‘‘De Natura Rerum,” seems very defi- 
nitely to refer: 

The separation of those things that grow from the earth and are easily 
combustible, as all fruits, herbs, flowers, leaves, grass, roots, wood, etc., 
takes place in many ways. Thus by distillation is separated from them, 
first, the phelgm,1 then the mercury? and the oily parts, third, its resin, 
fourth, its sulphur,? and fifth, its salt.4 When this separation has taken 
place by chemical art, there are found many splendid and powerful reme- 
dies for internal and external use. 

But because the laziness of the reputed physicians has so obtained the 
upper hand and their art serves only for display, I am not surprised that 
such preparations are quite ignored and that charcoal remains cheap. As 
to this I will say that if the smith could work his metals without the use 
of fire, as these so-called physicians prepare their medicines without fire, 
there would be danger indeed that the charcoal burners would all be ruined 
and compelled to flee. 

But I praise the spagyric (i. e., chemical) physicians for they do not 
consort with loafers, or go about gorgeous with satins, silks, and velvets,— 
gold rings on their fingers, silver daggers hanging at their sides and white 
gloves on their hands, but they tend their work at the fire patiently day 
and night. They do not go promenading, but seek their recreation in the 
laboratory, wear plain leathern dress, and aprons of hide upon which to 
wipe their hands, thrust their fingers amongst the coals, into dirt and rub- 
bish and not into golden rings. They are sooty and dirty like the smiths 
and charcoal burners, and hence make little show, make not many words 
and gossip with their patients, do not highly praise their own medicines, 
for they well know that the work should praise the master, not the master 
his work. They well know that words and chatter do not help the sick nor 
cure them. Therefore, they let such things alone and busy themselves 
with working at their fires and learning the steps of alchemy (chemistry). 

From these and other expressions it seems fairly to be in- 
ferred that Paracelsus was cognizant of and sympathetic with 
the ideas and practise of the distillers of simples. 

It is true that the application of chemistry to medicine as 
visualized by Paracelsus transcended in extent the distilled 
waters from the conventional remedies of Brunschwygk, and 
his own practise extended to the use of inorganic salts and com- 

1 Meaning the watery distillate. 

* With Paracelsus this includes volatile or gaseous products. 

8 That which burns. 
4 The ash or fixed residue. 


pounds of metals which would perhaps have been as abhorrent 
to the chemical physicians of the Strassburg school as they 
were to the medical faculties themselves. But it may well be 
true that a large part of the impetus to his campaign was de- 
rived from the Strassburg surgeons, and that his own expe- 
riences in the chemistry of the mines and the homely remedies 
of the mining regions supplemented and extended his ideas as 
to the utilization of chemistry in medicine. 

That Paracelsus had knowledge of the Herbals and had a 
certain contempt for the various claims for the virtues of the 
remedies therein described is evident from a passage which 
applies equally well perhaps to the Brunschwygk pharmacology 
as to its predecessors: 

Open one of these Herbals and you will there find how one herb has fifty 
or a hundred virtues, and open their books of recipes and you will find 
forty or fifty such herbs in one recipe against one disease. 

A better understanding of the significance of the origin of 
this school of medicine in the guild of surgeons may be obtained 
if we recall the relation of these to the medical profession in 
the period which we are considering. 

Even under the Roman Empire the occupations of physi- 
cian and surgeon were separate, as was also the business of 
collecting, preparing and selling of drugs and medicines. 

In the early Renaissance, and throughout the period of the 
distillation books, the doctors of medicine were very conven- 
tionally and generally very superficially trained by lectures or 
readings in the dogmatic theory and practise of traditional 
authorities. Their knowledge of physiology and of anatomy 
was in general slight. Independent observation and experi- 
ment were practically inhibited by their oaths of allegiance to 
traditional authority and by professional caste pride. Custom 
also dictated that the physician was not to lay hands upon his 
patient in the way of any operations. In case bleeding or 
leeching was considered necessary, the barber was called in, in 
more grave operations—fractures, amputations or internal 
oeperations—the surgeon was called upon. It developed that, 
generally speaking, the doctors of medicine became more and 
more rigid in their adherence to the dogmatic medical theories, 
and less and less capable of progressive development. 

The surgeons, on the other hand, were in general not men of 
traditional learning nor necessarily trained in the Latin of the 
scholarly classes. They learned their art by apprenticeship 
under older surgeons, and sometimes also in special schools for 
surgeons. They were not “doctors” but “masters” (magis- 


ter). Theirs was a skilled trade, not a profession. In the 
wars it was the surgeon who accompanied the troops to dress 
their wounds and to care for their health. The surgeons were 
very often also appointed as city physicians (Stadt-Artzte) to 
care for the health of the poor who could not well afford the 
high fees of the regular doctors nor to pay the prices for their 
often costly prescriptions of rare and far-fetched medicines. 

The surgeons, therefore, very naturally developed a medi- 
cal practise less founded on scholastic traditions than upon 
their own experience with popular and homely remedies, though 
naturally also greatly influenced by the traditional practise of 
the scholarly physicians. Their practise tended more to an 
empiricism which, however unscientifically founded, yet had the 
advantage that it was not bound by the traditions of authority 
which limited the regular school, and was more open to the 
reception of new and progressive ideas. 'The surgeons also, by 
the nature of their experience in the performing and care of 
serious operations and their care of the poor, acquired a better 
knowledge of anatomy than the doctors. 

It is not surprising, therefore, that as early as the twelfth 
and thirteenth centuries in Italy, the thirteenth and four- 
teenth centuries in France, and soon after in Germany, the 
surgeons became recognized as a strong and influential group, 
and that even as medical practitioners were often strong 
competitors of the regular physicians for popular favor. The 
names of Lanfranchi, Mondeville, de Chauliac, in France in 
the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and of Brunschwygk 
and Von Gersdorff in Strassburg, are illustrations of surgeons 
who attained distinguished eminence. Brunschwygk himself 
was the author of a work on surgery, apparently the first 
printed treatise by a German surgeon, first printed in 1497 in 
Strassburg and passing rapidly through many editions. 

The surgeons of the period were then also medical practi- 
tioners with a very considerable following among the people, 
however discredited by the learned classes. But because they 
were not bound by allegiance to recognized authorities whose 
teachings were held as almost sacred by the university doctors, 
they were more open to new ideas and better able to profit by 
the results of their own experience. Thus their influence grew 
with the advance in knowledge more rapidly than did the influ- 
ence of the conservative physicians. 

Hence it is that the surgeons were the ones who first took 
cognizance of the development of chemical methods and phe- 
nomena and endeavored to apply these methods to the purifica- 


tion and preparation of medicines. And as above suggested it 
is probable that the neoplatonic idea of the existence in every 
medicinal substance of a pure essence or “spirit”? which was 
the active remedial agent, was the origin of this first attempt 
to apply chemistry to the practise of medicine. The author of 
the “Liber Destillandi’” himself explains that the distillation 
of his “waters” is for the purpose of separating the active 
agents from the impurities which complicate or interfere with 
their action. To what extent the methods and practices of the 
Strassburg school represented by Brunschwygk prevailed in 
other localities at the time is not known to the present writer, 
but from the fact that the distillation books of Brunschwygk 
and others enjoyed such an extensive popularity as is evidenced 
by their many editions and translations, it is evident that their 
influence was not insignificant. That Paracelsus a quarter of 
a century after the publication of this first edition of the “ Liber 
Destillandi” evidently was to some extent inspired by this 
movement in inaugurating his campaign for the union of chem- 
istry and medicine, seems fairly to indicate the important place 
of this early phase of chemical medicine in the history of the 
application of chemical experience to medical development. 

Brunschwygk’s “ Liber Destillandi” appears to be the first 
published systematic attempt to graft upon the practise of 
medicine the methods and the theories developed by the early 
chemists. Though that attempt contributed little of perma- 
nent value, it very manifestly assisted in inaugurating the 
movement for the union of chemistry and medicine which by 
the campaign of Paracelsus and his disciples developed into a 
revolutionary movement both in chemistry and in medicine, a 
movement which since has been continuous and of ever-increas- 
ing importance. 




HERE are some who maintain with cheerful optimism that 
ae a stirring of the pool is beneficial for nations as well as 
individuals. For there seem to be results which the untroubled 
waters never give. In the present world-wide war surely we 
have had a stirring sufficiently vigorous to satisfy all anticipa- 
tions, and it only remains to look for the great good which 
should follow according to the premise. Certainly there have 
been great economic, social and political consequences. Among 
others we may cite the limitation in the use of vodka in Rus- 
sia, the restricted use of liquors and stimulants in general, the 
suspension of distillation of spirituous beverages in the United 
States, the regeneration of Russia politically, the spread of 
democratic ideas, the exploitation of Africa, the development of 
under-sea craft and submersibles, and standing out most con- 
spicuous of all, in meteorology, the conquest of the air. With- 
out question the great war has given a stimulus to the art of 
flight and the construction of air-runners which twenty years 
of peace might not have equalled. There is no doubt now in the 
mind of the public as to the future use of the air in the trans- 
portation of mail and fast freight. And this present mastery 
of the air, the medium in which we move, is the greatest 
advance yet made in the long campaign in which men have 
sought to rise from earth and rival the birds. 

Twenty centuries have passed since men began to speculate 
concerning the nature of air. Practically there was no advance 
until a Florentine experimenter (he had had the benefit of a 
few months’ acquaintance with Galileo) turned a tube of mer- 
cury upside down in a bowl of mercury. That simple experi- 
ment demonstrated that a balance could be maintained between 
the column of mercury in vacuo and something outside, that 
something being the atmosphere. The master himself died 
without comprehending the law of aerostatic pressure. It 
seems simple enough now and every schoolboy understands it, 
but previous to the middle of the seventeenth century no one 
knew that human beings walk around at the bottom of a sea of 


air which presses upon every square centimeter of their bodies 
with a force equivalent to 34.5 grams, or if we can not free 
ourselves from the old English units, with a force equivalent to 
14.7 pounds per square inch. It required the composite genius 
of Torricelli the Florentine, Pascal the Parisian, von Guericke 
the burgomaster of Magdeburg, and Boyle the Dorsetshire 
squire, to make plain to men this simplest of facts, namely, that 
the air in which we move and live and have our being is a 
physical substance which can be weighed and compressed. It 
was not until the latter part of the eighteenth century that 
Cavendish, the most solitary figure in science, announced the 
chemical composition of atmospheric air. But not until the first 
decade of our own, the twentieth century, did it occur to men to 
make use of the inertia of the air. And this, Professor Langley 
and the Wright brothers did. 

The airplane is simply a skimming plane taking advantage 


VOL. v1.—12. 


of the inertia of air at rest. But there is also the inertia of air 
masses in motion and as yet full advantage of this has not 
been taken. In the mass motion of air there is a vast store of 
energy as yet not utilized by man. 

Strangely enough, nature did not provide man with any 
special sense organism whereby changes in air motion could be 
instantly detected. He only realizes changes due to pressure, 
when he climbs or is carried to a great height. As for tempera- 
ture, the average man thinks he is responsive, but in reality 
always confuses the effects of heat and humidity. 


As for changes in the density of the air, or in its ionization, 
or electrification and nucleation, mankind is as yet hopelessly in 
the dark. A few laboratory experiments made with apparatus 
of great sensitiveness mark the boundaries of all that vast un- 
known. At present we can only wonder and wait. Even in so 
near a matter as the changes in the internal energy of a mass of 
water vapor we are sadly handicapped. We are not in any way 
directly cognizant of the processes of cloudy condensation. Per- 
haps if we were we could tell in advance weather changes and 
say with some certainty when the rain would begin and end. 
We ought to be able to do these things, and yet even official 


weather forecasters fall far short of accuracy and, indeed, as 
the writer has elsewhere said, at present it is the valor of the 
forecaster rather than the value of the forecast which should 
be commended. 

Leaving these infinitely small excursions and the conse- 
quences which follow molecular changes, let us consider briefly 
the movement of air in bulk or the flow commonly called wind. 
Watching the motes rise and fall in a dusty atmosphere illumi- 
nated by a sunbeam, we have all of us tried to puzzle out the 
causes of the circulation. It seems as if there were neither 
regularity nor order in the scurrying of the motes, and yet we 
know that the circulation must depend upon convectional cur- 
rents and heat difference. Similarly, in plotting the winds of 
the globe, which at first glance seem to be equally complicated, 



one feels that there must be great currents or streams of air 
due to convection caused by differences in temperature. We 
do find that there are some great wind systems and the air 
apparently streams with much steadiness in certain directions. 
It is not known how early the name Trade was applied to the 
winds of tropical latitudes. The navigators of the seventeenth 
century knew of these steady streams and utilized them in ex- 
ploration and for commerce. The word “trade” had no refer- 
ence to commerce, but meant persistence. The northeast 
Trades were the best known. Halley in 1686, Hadley in 1735, 
Maury in 1855 and Ferrel in 1889 tried to explain the origin 
of these winds. The early explanation that air moving from 
north to south (the directions being reversed in the southern 
hemisphere) passed to regions of constantly increasing rota- 
tional velocity and so would lag behind and seem to have an 
east component, that is, flow toward the west, satisfied the 
navigators of the seventeenth century, but did not appear valid 
to Halley, who knew of calm belts near the equator, monsoon 
winds in the Indian Ocean and southwest winds off the coast of 
Guinea. He thought that the flow westward might be in some 
way connected with the apparent diurnal movement of the sun 
from east to west. Hadley saw that if the march of the sun 
were a true explanation, then air should flow in from all sides 
toward the equator, and the flow toward the east be as vigor- 
ous as in the opposite direction. He set forth the deflection of 
north and south winds, not understanding that east and west 
winds could also be deflected. Maury plotted the winds and in 
the main followed Hadley. Making free use of a symmetrical or 
balanced circulation, he indicated the winds and pressure belts 
of the higher latitudes, misleading Ferrel, who laid stress upon 
the deflective effect of the earth’s rotation and the necessary 
outflow from belts of high pressure in the latitude of 30° North 
and South, and also certain polar “‘lows.”’ All the theories rest 
upon an assumed heating of equatorial parts and a surface flow 
of air from the poles toward the equator. In return there must 
be an upper current from the equator poleward. All these 
meteorologists fell into the very natural error of taking it for 
granted that warming the surface air necessarily caused uplift 
and motion. While there may be change in density, it does not 
follow that there will be change in pressure unless the volume 
remains constant. The dynamics of air motion is concerned 
rather with the gravitational fall of a mass of cold air dis- 
placing a mass of warm air at a lower level. To further com- 
plicate the problem, recent observations as embodied in the 


Réseau Mondial for 1911 show that in certain trade-wind lati- 
tudes neither the direction nor velocity accords with the 
hitherto accepted values for such latitudes. 



But rather more important than the trades, so far as the 
commerce of the world is concerned, are the prevailing wester- 
lies, as they are called, meaning the flow of surface air from 
west to east in temperate latitudes. These winds along the 
California coast are often erroneously called trade winds. 
There is no satisfactory explanation of these winds. Taken in 
connection with commerce, crops and transportation they are 
easily the most important of the planetary circulations, and 
there can be no doubt but that a fuller knowledge of 
their origin and action would be of much value in our national 
welfare. It is already apparent that air routes for mail and 
fast passenger service must be determined .by the frequency, 
intensity and duration of these great aerial currents. 

We pass now from these major to what may be caller minor 
circulations, and come first to the seasonal phenomena known 
in general as monsoons. The word monsoon itself is from the 


Arabic and means season. In connection with these seasonal 
air flows, the Indian Weather Service has done some valuable 
work bearing on the relation of these winds to the rainfalls, 
harvests, droughts and famines of that country. There are 
certain monsoonal effects noticeable in our known distribution 
of rainfall, and perhaps if more attention were given to the 
study of these influences, the accuracy of the forecasts would be 

The one great advance in recent years in connection with 
abnormal seasons was made by Tiesserenc deBort, while study- 
ing certain cold winters in northwestern Europe. He gave the 
name “grand centers of action” to certain areas of high and low 
pressure which appeared to form and dissipate slowly. These 
are now better known as hyperbars and infrabars. Displace- 
ments of these semi-permanent areas appear to coincide with 
abnormal seasons. On the Atlantic coast it has been shown by 
Fassig, Humphreys and others that the movements of the north 
Atlantic infrabar and the Bermuda hyperbar agree with ab- 
normal seasons. On the Pacific coasts McAdie and Okada have 
successfully used the displacements of the Aleutian infrabar 
and the continental hyperbars, for forecasting. In a recent 
study of the flow of the surface air on the north Atlantic 
seaboard the writer has shown, using the records of the Blue 
Hill Observatory for a period of 31 years, that in a warm winter 
month there is an increase in the south and southwest winds 
and conversely in a cold winter month an increase in duration 
of north and northwest winds amounting to nearly 10 per cent. 
of a normal circulation. The temperature appears to be di- 
rectly determined by the surface wind. Now the conditions 
favoring a cold winter month seem to be synchronous with a 
displacement eastward of the ocean infrabar. On the other 
hand, a strengthening of the Bermuda hyperbar is accom- 
panied by the prevalence of southerly wind and higher tempera- 
ture. Again, the matter of droughts in the spring is of great 
importance; and we find that a dry period at this time of the 
year is unmistakably associated with a marked increase in the 
duration of west and northwest winds. Evidently the inflow of 
moisture-laden air from the sea is lessened, and as both vertical 
and horizontal circulations are less vigorous than usual, there 
is less condensation, fewer clouds and an absence of both rain 
and snow. During a wet spring the north Atlantic infrabar is 
apparently displaced westward and the Bermuda hyperbar in- 
tensified. The surface flow from south to north is accelerated, 
the alternation of cyclone and anti-cyclone becomes more fre- 


quent and apparently the dynamic compression of the air is 
more marked than in dry periods. Here then we begin to lay 
the foundation for accurate seasonal forecasts, a matter of 
great importance, in connection with crop yields and national 

We come next to the individual disturbances known as cy- 
clones and anti-cyclones and the special types of tropical origin 
called hurricanes, typhoons and baguios. The term cyclone was 
first used by Piddington, who also proposed the term cyclon- 
ology for the new science of storm movement. Typhoon is from 
the Chinese, meaning violent wind, and baguio is from the Philip- 
pine town near Manila. The fact that the air flow in storms is 

x 100 
Scole: rT omernes Scole: eae 
Fig. 1. THE Surrace AIR FLOw Fic. 2, THE Surrace Atr FLOW 

(KB) is 1/1000 of a standard atmos- 

not straight but curved was definitely determined about the 
middle of the nineteenth century. True there is a paper in the 
Philosophical Transactions for 1698 by Langford describing a 
West Indian hurricane as a whirlwind and some later refer- 
ences, including one in which Franklin mentions the fact that 
the air may have traveled many miles in a northeast storm; but 
it is doubtful if there was any clear concept of the rotational 
character of a storm at the close of the eighteenth century. 
Franklin did, however, set forth the fact that storms had a 
progressive movement, or, in other words, that there was a 
storm track from Virginia to New England. In a letter to 
Jared Eliot, July 16, 1747, after describing a wet summer, 
Franklin says: 

We have frequently along this North American Coast storms from 


the northeast which flow violently sometimes three or four days. Of these 
I have had a very singular opinion some years, viz., that though the course 
of the wind is from the northeast to southwest, yet the course of the storm 
is from southwest to northeast, that is, the air is in violent commotion in 
Virginia before it moves in Connecticut and in Connecticut before it moves 
at Cape Sable, etc. 

In another letter to the same correspondent, dated Philadel- 
phia, 13 February, 1750, referring to an eclipse which occurred 
October 21, 1743, he says: 

You desire to know my thoughts about the northwest storms beginning 
to leeward. Some years since there was an eclipse of the moon at nine 
o’clock in the evening, which I intended to observe, but before night a 
storm blew up at northeast and continued violent all night and all next 
day; the sky thick clouded, dark and rainy so that neither moon nor stars 
could be seen. The storm did a great deal of damage all along the coast, 
for we had accounts of it in the newspapers from Boston, Newport, New 
York, Maryland and Virginia; but what surprised me was to find in the 
Boston papers an account of an observation of that eclipse made there; 
for I thought that as the storm was from the northeast it must have begun 
sooner at Boston that with us, and consequently prevented such observa- 
tion. I wrote to my brother about it and he informed me that the eclipse 
was over there an hour before the storm began. 

Colonel Capper; Captain Horsburgh; Professor Farrar, of 
Harvard; W. C. Redfield, a naval architect; Brand, Dove, Reid, 
Thom, Piddington and Espy established the fact that in the 
northern hemisphere the motion of rotation was counter clock- 
wise, while in the southern hemisphere it was clockwise. The 
invention of horn-cards or transparent protractors for antici- 
pating the shift of the wind with the advance of the storm 
center made it possible for navigators to prepare for the change 
and take advantage of the shift. 

Naturally it was in connection with navigation that this new 
knowledge found its widest application. Apparently no special 
use was attempted on land, and as telegraphic communication 
did not then exist no proposal was made to attempt forecast- 
ing. But on the sea it was vital to save ships and many hard 
and fast rules were laid down for the proper handling of a 
sailing vessel caught in a rotary storm. As Piddington says: 

the navigator was taught first the best chance of avoiding the most violent 
and dangerous part of a hurricane which is always near the center, next 
the safest way of managing his vessel, and third the means of profiting by 
a storm by sailing in a circular course and around, instead of holding to a 
straight course. 

Then came Maury with his “ Physical Geography of the 
Sea.” He had the sailor’s direct knowledge of the winds. 


Graphic indeed are the descriptions of the voyages of the high- 
masted American clipper ships. The very names tell of the 
aspiration of their builders. The Flying Cloud, the Archer, the 
Wild Pigeon, the Trade Wind, the Flying Fish and the Glory of 
the Seas raced around the world. And our admiration is 


aroused not alone for the clever skippers, but also for the 
cartographer and investigator whose ‘“ Wind and Current 
Charts” were conned over by these navigators and used to ad- 
vantage in their struggle for the supremacy of the seas. As 
illustrating the hydrographer’s knowledge of the force, set and 
direction of the winds and currents of the Atlantic, witness the 
calculation of the run between New York and the crossing of 
the equator which vessels of certain rig should make, allowing 
for adverse winds. The figure given was 4,115 miles. By 
actual count in two cases the figures came out 4,077 and 4,099. 
This was the era of our national supremacy on the sea; and 
Maury’s work and wonderful charm of presentation aided in no 
small degree the attainment of this primacy. 

Then came the era of official weather services, inaugurated 


in this country by the Signal Corps of the Army. For half a 
century the work of official weather bureaus has centered in the 
synoptic map of surface conditions. It is the mainstay of the 
forecaster and while it has great value, the limit of its possi- 
bilities has been reached, for we may say that practically no 
great improvement has been made in forty years; and the meth- 
ods of forecasting to-day are essentially the same as when the 
map was first used. From the very nature of things a map con- 
fined to one level can not indicate what is going on in the air 
at various levels. About fifteen years ago Bigelow attempted 
the construction of maps at three levels, sea-level, 3,500 feet and 
10,000 feet; but the maps as constructed gave rather assumed 
conditions than the actual state of affairs. It would seem that 
the closed isobars of the surface open out into loops in the 
high levels. The temperature distribution, too, is different from 
that predicated by Ferrel and set forth generally in meteorolog- 
ical text-books. It is far from being a symmetrical distribution. 
And this in itself upsets the old theory of cyclonic formation and 
structure. It had indeed been shown from studies of the mean 
temperatures in anti-cyclones that the old conceptions were 
faulty. There was need of high-level data and these have been 
in part supplied by the ascensions of the past ten years, chiefly 
by kites and sounding balloons and more recently by pilot bal- 
loons. A. Lawrence Rotch and Leon Tiesserene deBort must be 
regarded as pioneers in the exploration of the upper air. We 
need not go into detail regarding their work or the more ex- 
tended efforts of the International Commission for Scientific 
Aeronautics. The information is given with some detail in an 
article by Cave in a recent number of the Quarterly Journal of 
the Royal Meteorological Society and also in a book by the 
writer on Aerography, recently published. 

And now we face the era of airplanes through which will 
come, we hope, the long-desired synchronous survey at various 
levels. It is evident that what the hydrographer has done for 
navigation, the aerographer must accomplish for aviation. He 
takes his place as cartographer and pathfinder of the atmos- 
phere. The logs of the planes will be assembled and the data 
systematically plotted for the benefit of aerial commerce. And 
the nation that controls the air, even more than the nation 
which has supremacy on the sea, will have the command of 
transportation and communication. It was an American naval 
officer who brought home to statesmen the influence of sea power 
upon national destiny. Captain Mahan might modify his views 
to-day, owing to the advent of aerial fleets, out-speeding, out- 


fighting, out-classing the battleships and merchant marine of 
his time. And our nation has reason to be proud of the im- 
portant contributions to aerial navigation made by Americans. 
Maury, Wilkes and Coffin grouped the winds; Rotch issued the 
first set of charts for aviators and aeronauts, and Dr. John 
Jeffries was the first to journey by way of the air from one 
country to another separated by the sea, by a lighter-than-air 
machine, this just one hundred thirty-five years before the era 
of Zeppelin; and finally Langley, Orville and Wilbur Wright, 
Maxim, Chanute, Zahn and a host of less well known American 
engineers, have made flight through the air by heavier-than-air 
machines a matter of daily occurrence. The national air service 
promises to be the most deadly of the various arms of offense 
and defense. The air runner is the prospective agency through 
which all parts of the world shall be made readily accessible. Not 
only will the now unexplored regions of the earth be mapped, 
but also the various levels of the atmosphere, particularly in 
the troposphere, familiarly described as the highways and by- 
ways of cloudland. And this new meteorology, airplane meteor- 
ology, the science of the structure of the atmosphere, very ap- 
propriately carries as its name the significant word, aerography. 






THE seventieth meeting of the 
American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science was held in 
Pittsburgh, Pa., beginning on De- 
cember 28, 1917, and continuing un- 
til January 3, 1918. At the open- 
ing general session on the evening 
of the first day, held in the lecture 
hall of the Carnegie Institute, Dr. 
C. R. Van Hise, retiring president 
of the association, gave his address, 
which had for its title “Some Eco- 
nomic Aspects of the World War.” 

Dr. Van _ Hise, _ distinguished 
equally as a geologist and for his 
administrative work as president of | 
the University of Wisconsin, has 
made a special study of the conser- | 
vation of national resources and re-| 
lated subjects, having prepared re- 
cently for the Food Administration 
an extensive work entitled “ Con-| 
servation and Regulation in the, 
United States during the World 
War.” His address before the 
American Association was an au-| 
thoritative review of the economic. 
situation which should be widely 
read. He closes with the statement. 
that, while nothing can compensate 
for the men lost in the war, he be- 
lieved it probable “that if, follow- 
ing the war, wise governmental 
regulation is continued for essen- | 
tial commodities as well as the utili- | 
ties, the savings of the people may | 
be sufficient to meet the money cost 
of the war.” 

The addresses of the chairmen of 
the sections and of the presidents of 
the special societies, as well as the 
papers and discussions, in large 

measure followed President Van 
Hise in taking up questions con- 
cerned with national efficiency and 
wartime activities. Thus the physi- 
cists held a general-interest session 
on the relationship of physics to the 
war, and the botanists one on war 
problems of botany. The zoologists 
discussed contributions of zoology to 
human welfare, the entomologists in- 
sects and camp sanitation, and how 
entomologists can assist in increas- 
ing food production. Before the 
Entomological Society, Dr. Vernon 
F. Kellogg, of Stanford University, 
made an address on the biological 
aspects of the war. The botanists 
chose as the subject for their sym- 
posium “ phytopathology in relation 
to war service”; the section of ex- 
perimental medicine considered the 
medical problems of the war, which 
included an address by Lieutenant 
George Loewy, of the French Army, 
on the treatment of war wounds by 
the Carrel method, illustrated by 
moving pictures. The section of 
agriculture discussed factors con- 
cerned in the increase of agricul- 
tural production. Many other ad- 
dresses and papers might be quoted 
showing the importance of the 
meeting in promoting the applica- 
tions of science to wartime problems. 

The total registration at the office 
of the permanent secretary was 692, 
distributed as follows: Pennsylva- 
nia 194, New York 84, Ohio 59, Dis- 
trict of Columbia 44, Illinois 34, 
Massachusetts 26, West Virginia 21, 
Indiana 20, Michigan 18, Wisconsin 
15, Maryland, Missouri and Canada 
14 each, Iowa and Texas 13 each, 
New Jersey and Virginia 11 each, 
California 10, North Carolina 8, 
Connecticut, Tennessee and Kansas 
6 each, Minnesota and Arizona 5 
each, New Hampshire, Louisiana 

‘pay o1aM VoUB}OG JO JUEMMDUBAPY et} 1OF WONwDossy UvoJAeMy ey} JO SZurjeeur aq} Jo Suvm YOGA Ul ‘ANOTONHOT, 10 GALALIGSN] BIOINUVO Guy 



and Montana 4 each, Maine, Dela- 
ware and Kentucky 3 each, Japan, 
Nebraska, Utah, Oregon and Colo- 
rado 2 each, Rhode Island, Georgia, 
North Dakota, Arkansas and Wyo- 
ming 1 each. The interest of the 
meeting was enhanced by the pres- 
ence of the following foreigners, 

who were made honorary associates | 
for the meeting: Lieutenant Georgia | 
Abbetti, of the Italian Military Com- | 

mission; Lieutenant G. P. Thomp- 
son, of the Royal Flying Corps of 

Great Britain; Captain DeGuiche, of | 
the French Military Commission, 
and Dr. Shigetaro Kawasaki, chief | 
‘been concentrated on investigations 

geologist of Korea. 

It was decided to hold the next. 

meeting of the association in Bos- 
ton, Massachusetts, the meeting to 
begin on Friday, December 27, 1918. 
This decision was adopted with the 
amendment that the committee on 
policy be given the power to cancel 
the meeting, or to change the place 
should this seem to be desirable. It 

was recommended that St. Louis be | 

chosen for the place of meeting fol- 
lowing Boston. 
The following officers were elected: 

President, John M. Coulter, 
University of Chicago; 
Vice-presidents as follows: 

Section A, Mathematics and Astron- 
vard University; 

Section B, Physics, Gordon T. Hull, 
Dartmouth College; 
Section C, Chemistry, 

Smith, Columbia University; 

Section D, Mechanical Science and 
Engineering, Ira N. Hollis, Wor- 
cester Polytechnic Institute; 

Section E, Geology and Geography, 
David White, U. S. Geological 
Survey, Washington, D. C.; 

Section F, Zoology, Wm. Patten, 
Dartmouth College; 

Section G, Botany, A. F. Blakeslee, 
Cold Spring Harbor; 

Section H, Anthropology and Psy- 
chology (no election) ; 

Alexander | 


Section I, Social and Economic 
Science, John Barrett, Washing- 

Section K, Physiology and Experi- 
mental Medicine, Frederic S. Lee, 
Columbia University; 

Section L, Education, S. A. Courtis, 
Detroit, Mich.; 

Section M, Agriculture, H. P. Arms- 
by, Pennsylvania State College. 


THE activities of the Geological 
Survey, Department of the Interior, 
during the fiscal year 1916-17 have 

connected with military and indus- 
trial preparedness, as shown by the 
Annual Report of the director of 
the survey. These activities have 
included the preparation of special 
reports for the War and Navy De- 
partments and the Council of Na- 
tional Defense, the making of mili- 
tary surveys, the printing of mili- 
tary maps and hydrographic charts, 
and the contribution of engineer of- 
ficers to the Reserve Corps. 

The survey’s investigations of 

the minerals that have assumed special 

interest because of the war have 
been both expanded and made more 
intensive. Special reports giving 

'results already at hand, the product 
George D. Birkhoff, Har- | 

of years of field and office investi- 
gation, have been published for the 
information of the general public 
or prepared for the immediate use 
of some official commission, commit- 
tee or bureau. Geologic field work 
has been concentrated on deposits of 
minerals that are essential to the 
successful prosecution of the war, 
especially those of which the do- 
mestie supply falls short of present 
demands. Every available oil geolo- 
gist is at work in petroleum regions 
where geologic exploration may lead 
to increased production. Other 
geologists are engaged in a search 
for commercial deposits of the “ war 
minerals ”—manganese, pyrite, plati- 


num, chromite, tungsten, antimony, | 

potash and nitrate. 

The war not only diverted prac- 
tically all the activities of the topo- 
graphic branch of the survey to 
work designed to meet the urgent 
needs of the war department for 
military surveys, but led to the 
commissioning of the majority of 
the topographers as reserve officers 
in the Corps of Engineers, United 
States Army. 

A large contribution to the mili- 
tary service is made by the map- 
printing establishment of the sur- 
vey. This plant has been available 
for both confidential and urgent 
work, and during the year has 
printed 96 editions of maps for the 
war department and 906 editions of 
charts for the navy department. 
Other lithographic work, some of it 
very complicated, was in progress 
at the end of the year. 


THE annual report of the execu- 
tive committee of the National Ad- 
visory Committee for Aeronautics 
states that previous to the entrance 
of the United States into the war 
the committee had undertaken a 
census of the production facilities of 
manufacturers of aircraft and aero- 
nautic engines, which information 
was made available for use of the 
Aircraft Production Board at the 
beginning of its work in April. 

In October, 1916, the committee 
took under consideration the ques- 
tion of the selection of a suitable 
site for the committee’s proposed ex- 
perimental laboratory. At the sug- 
gestion of the War Department this 
committee inspected several pro- 
posed sites and made recommenda- 
tion to the War Department for the 
purchase of one of them, which rec- 
ommendation was accepted by the 
War Department and the site was 
purchased. On this field the War 


Department has allotted to the com- 
mittee a space suited to the erec- 
tion of the committee’s proposed re- 
search laboratories. The committee 
has designed the first building of 
the group contemplated and it is 
now in the course of construction. 


WE record with regret the death 
of Theodore Caldwell Janeway, pro- 
fessor of medicine at the Johns Hop- 
kins University; of Albert Homer 
Purdue, state geologist of Tennes- 
see; of Joseph Price Remington, 
dean of the Philadelphia College of 
Pharmacy; of Hugo Schweitzer, the 
industrial chemist; of Louis Pope 
Gratacap, curator of mineralogy in 
the American Museum of Natural 
History; of A. M. W. Downing, for- 
merly superintendent of the British 
Nautical Almanac, and of Fritz 
Daniel Frech, professor of geology 
and paleontology in the University 
of Breslau. 

M. PAINLEVE has been elected 
president of the Paris Academy of 
Sciences, succeeding M. d’Arsonval. 
—In recognition of his contributions 
to science, Colonel Theodore Roose- 
velt has been appointed honorary 
fellow of the American Museum of 
Natural History, of which his 
father, Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., 
was one of the founders and most 
energetic supporters. 

The committee has made progress 
during the year in the study and 
investigation of the following prob- 
lems: Stability as determined by 
mathematical investigation,  air- 
speed meters, wing sections, aero- 
nautical engine design, radiator de- 
sign, air-propeller design and effi- 
ciency, forms of airplane, radio 
telegraphy, noncorrosive materials, 
flat and cambered surfaces, termi- 
nal connections, characteristics of 
constructive materials, and stand- 
ardization of specifications for ma- 

DH Eh SeaeiwN TT ree 

MARCH, 1918 


By Professor CHARLES T. BRUES 


T the present moment, when America is embarking on one 
ox of the most stupendous undertakings ever attempted in 
her history, her resources and her obligations are weighed in 
the balance as never before. Industrial efficiency is fast re- 
sponding to the demands made upon it and human efficiency 
should be increased in every way possible. The latter depends, 
of course, primarily on bodily food, and upon the security of 
the moral and physical health of the nation. These together 
involve a multitude of minor problems, and it is upon only one 
small aspect of public health that I have attempted to treat in 
the following pages. It seems peculiarly appropriate to call to 
public attention the pernicious activities of insects in relation 
to disease, since they present a problem which can be dealt 
with, at least to some extent, through individual effort and 
small community cooperation. The importance of insects as 
detrimental to public health is well known to professional 
zoologists, medical men and laymen alike, but is usually em- 
phasized only under the stress of particular circumstances, such 
as the safety of soldiers in the present war, or of unusual out- 
breaks of diseases for which insects are directly responsible. 

Insect-borne diseases present a constant menace to the 
world, and aside from the actual toll of lives which they exact, 
they impair its efficiency by enfeebling the health of its human 
population. Their direful influence is more pronounced in the 
tropics, whence it has been most commonly proclaimed, but our 
own country is by no means exempt, although its cooler climate 
causes it to be less severely affected. 

The following account is by no means complete. Its pur- 
pose is only to call attention to some of the more important dis- 
ease-bearing insects in their relation to health in our own 

VOL. V1I.—13. 


Mosquito-borne Diseases——No other insects can compete 
with the mosquitoes as persistent annoyers of man, and none, 
with the possible exception of the rat-flea, hold over him such 
power for evil. Practically no parts of the globe that can serve 
for human existence are free from mosquitoes and large areas 
from the tropics to the arctic are periodically invaded by them 
in varying abundance. Even where irrigation has made the 
“desert blossom like the rose” it has often also produced a 
crop of mosquitoes to annoy or even afflict with disease the in- 
habitants of the garden. 

On account of their phlebotomic habits, and particularly 
their hominophilous tastes, mosquitoes have always been heart- 
ily detested, even by entomologists, and only their known asso- 
ciation with human diseases has brought them to the serious at- 
tention of zoologists. With this incentive, however, a vast 
amount of work has been done by entomologists and medical 
men and an enormous mass of literature has been produced in 
less than two decades, bearing on every conceivable aspect of 
the subject. We now know that mosquitoes are responsible 
for many deaths, much human misery and great economic loss 
through their activity as disseminators of malarial fevers, yel- 
low fever, dengue fever, filariasis, etc. 

In all of this, several of the more important relations of 
mosquitoes to public health stand out very clearly. They are: 
(1) Some very important diseases of man are transmitted by 
certain specific mosquitoes, the latter being absolutely neces- 
sary for the continued existence of these diseases. (2) The 
disease-bearing mosquitoes are most widely distributed in the 
tropics, whence they extend into portions of the temperate 
zones. (3) The range of mosquito-borne diseases is not neces- 
sarily coextensive with the distribution of their insect carriers, 
but is dependent upon other factors as well. (4) Mosquito- 
borne disease may be combated either by the elimination of 
the mosquito responsible; by the protection of the population 
from its bites; by the careful screening of human patients to 
prevent them from infecting mosquitoes; or by a medical pro- 
phylaxis or immunization of the susceptible population. (5) 
Remedial measures are preferably applied against only the 
specific mosquitoes responsible, not against mosquitoes in gen- 
eral. The last is primarily a matter of economy, that the most 
vital needs of the community be first fulfilled; often more will- 
ingness on the part of the community is evinced to cooperate in 
fighting the most annoying or abundant species of mosquitoes 
rather than the ones most deleterious to the public health. 

Of these methods, the first has proved the most generally 




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applicable, preferably combined with the second and third. 
The last has not proved generally suitable even with malaria, 
where quinine is a specific remedy, or with plague, where im- 
munization is possible. 

Malarial Fevers.—At the present time malaria in its sev- 
eral forms is the veritable scourge of the tropics. It also ex- 
tends generally into the sub-tropics and warmer temperate 
regions and is prevalent over a considerable part of the south- 
ern United States. In these areas, as appears from investiga- 
tions of the U. S. Public Health Service, its range is roughly 
coincident with the moist austral zones east of the 100th merid- 
ian as defined by Merriam. Aside from this main area, there 
is a small one in southern New England and another in central 
California; there are also a few isolated localities scattered 
through the country where malaria is thought to be endemic (see 
Map 1). At least three species of Anopheles are known to act 
as carriers of malaria in the United States and, from data 
given by Howard, Dyar and Knab (see Map 2), the distribu- 


tion of these taken together corresponds closely with that of 
malaria, although slightly more extensive, especially along the 
Atlantic seaboard. As these malarious regions include a popu- 
lation of about 40,000,000 people, it will be seen that the im- 
portance of malaria from the standpoint of public health is 
very great indeed. It must be remembered, however, that the 
incidence of malaria varies widely, being greatest in the large 
southeastern area, and very much less in the more densely 
populated northern district. Thus in Mississippi about 80 
cases of malaria per 1,000 of population were reported during 
the last year, or 158,000 for the entire state. Other southern 
states do not report the disease so thoroughly and it is difficult 
to estimate to what extent they are affected. It would seem, 
however, that one million cases each year would be a conserva- 
tive estimate, especially as von Ezdorf found in a portion of one 
mill town in the endemic area that over 13 per cent., or one 
person in seven, harbored the malarial parasite in the blood, 
while 233 out of 500, or nearly 50 per cent., reported having 
had chills and fever during the summer preceding his exam- 
ination. Although the death rate from malaria outside the 
tropics is not very great (9 per 1,000 calculated on the data for 
Mississippi cited above) it is by no means inconsiderable in 
the mass. On the other hand, the economic loss is enormous, 
due to inability to work during the acute attack of the fever 
and due to a loss of efficiency during prolonged periods follow- 
ing. That malaria responds quickly to anti-mosquito work and 
quininization is shown by the result following an application 
of these measures to the mill town mentioned. Referring to 
von Ezdorf’s report, Trask says: 

Measures were inaugurated to get rid of mosquito-breeding places 
and the use of quinine was encouraged. A year later the town was again 
visited and the blood of 780 person examined. Of these only 35, or 4.5 
per cent., showed infection. The health officer reported at this time that 
his visits among the mill employees for several months had averaged not 
over one a day, and that many of these were undoubtedly for old infee- 
tions lasting over from previous years. The malaria rate had continu- 
ously decreased during the months when it was usually at its worst. The 
health officer of the town in his report for 1914 stated that while during 
the summer of 1913, prior to antimalarial work, the mills were constantly 
short of help on account of the large numbers of employees sick with 
malaria, during the summer of 1914 there had not been a day when the 
mills did not have sufficient help. The manager of one mill stated that 
the improvement in the regularity and efficiency of the employees had been 
such that the amount ($1,000) which the mill had contributed to the fund 
for anti-mosquito work was more than regained in one month’s operation. 

While these conditions are those of one of the most severely 
affected districts, they are nevertheless repeated very generally 


throughout the entire area, more especially in the lowlands, 
for the hilly or mountainous and better-drained sections suffer 

As mentioned above, several species of Anopheles mos- 
quitoes are concerned in the 
transmission of malaria in the 
United States. Till very re- 
cently only one species, Anoph- 
eles quadrimaculatus, has been 
thought to be of much im- 
portance. Recent studies by 
Mitzmain and others show that 
this mosquito is the most im- 
portant, as it may harbor the 
parasites of all three types of 
malaria, but Anopheles punc- 
tipennis (Fig. 1), a common, 
widespread species and Anoph- 
eles crucians, a species abun- 
dant along the eastern coast of 
the United States, may serve 
both as hosts for the tertian 
and estivo-autumnal or subter- 
tian forms. The ease and fre- Fic. 1. Anopheles punctipennis, female. 
quency with which A. puncti- 
pennis may become infected seems to vary greatly under dif- 
ferent conditions and its importance at least in northern dis- 
tricts is by no means proved. 

All three species readily enter houses and are persistent 
biters, although no more so than some other mosquitoes. Both 
quadrimaculatus and punctipennis breed in stagnant water, 
usually that of permanent nature containing algz or other 
plant growth. They commonly occur together, with pwncti- 
pennis usually more abundant. Larve of the latter species 
occur also rarely in temporary puddles and both are occasion- 
ally to be found in the growth along the sides of slowly flow- 
ing streams. The breeding grounds of A. crucians are mainly 
restricted to regions adjoining the salt and brackish marshes 
along the coast, although the larvee are most abundant in fresh 
water. The two Anopheles occurring on the Pacific coast re- 
gion, A. pseudo-punctipennis and A. occidentalis, have habits 
similar to those of quadrimaculatus, although the second spe- 
cies breeds in brackish waters also. As is the general habit 
among adults of Anopheles, these mosquitoes feed mainly at 
twilight and malaria is acquired only by persons who expose 


themselves to their bites after nightfall. Occasionally they 
bite during the daytime, but as malaria appears never to follow 
such bites it seems probable that only newly emerged females 
and consequently non-infected ones bite at this time, as is the 
case with the yellow-fever mosquito. 

Like other insect-borne diseases, malaria shows in its sea- 



sonal prevalence a close relation to the seasons (see Fig. 2), 
undergoing a period of quiescence during the winter and attain- 
ing a sudden maximum in late summer, after which it rapidly 
declines. This is in response to the increasing abundance of 
Anopheles during the summer, coupled with a relatively high 
temperature, favorable for activity on the part of the mosquito 
and for the development of the malarial parasites in its body. 
It has recently been clearly shown by Mitzmain that under the 
conditions of temperature prevailing in the United States the 
malarial parasites do not persist through the winter in hiber- 
nating mosquitoes, but winter over in the human host from 
whence the Anopheles secure them the following season. 

As already pointed out, the reduction of malaria in com- 
munities is permanently accomplished most readily by the ap- 
plication of anti-mosquito measures, aimed mainly at the breed- 
ing-places of Anopheles mosquitoes. Such work is being exten- 
sively carried on by the U. S. Public Health Service, by other 
federal bureaus, by many state boards and commissions, and by 
certain private or semi-private institutions in widely scattered 
parts of the country. Through their individual and collective 
efforts an enormous amount has been accomplished, although 
painfully little in comparison with what could well be spent 


upon the problem, which is without question one of the great 
public-health problems in the United States at the present time. 

Yellow fever no longer causes serious concern to residents 
of any part of the United States, or, for that matter, to those of 
most parts of the American tropics. Most of us can recall very 
clearly in the not far distant past, however, the terror and de- 
moralization which accompanied its periodical appearance in 
our southern ports. The yellow-fever mosquito is still abundant 
and widely distributed throughout the southeastern states (see 


Map 3) and sometimes becomes temporarily established further 
north during the summer. There is no yellow fever, except an 
occasional stray case from the tropics, which does not get be- 
yond the keen eyes of the Public Health Service, and conse- 
quently our population of yellow-fever mosquitoes remain free 
from the dread disease. In this case several factors have com- 
bined to make possible the elimination of the disease without 
more than temporary and local eradication of the mosquito. In 
our southern states the disease does not easily survive the 
winter and chronic human carriers do not exist, so that past 
outbreaks have been due to fresh introductions and have been 
terminated by cold weather. During the last epidemic that 
occurred in New Orleans, in 1905, vigorous anti-mosquito meas- 

res were necessary, but, due to the greater severity of the dis- 
ease, the consequently greater ease with which it is recognized, 
the limited area to be dealt with, and the absence of chronic 
human carriers, the eradication of yellow fever without per- 
manent mosquito repression has been easy in comparison with 
the control of malaria. Even in parts of the tropics where 
it persists throughout the year, it is being rapidly and per- 
manently eliminated. Indeed it bids fair to be the first disease 
actually to become extinct as a direct result of human discov- 


ery and applied science. What a refreshing contrast to the fate 
of the American pigeon and the forlorn remnants of the Amer- 
ican bison! 

Another tropicopolitan, semi-domesticated mosquito extends 
quite widely into the warmer parts of the United States (Map 

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Map 4. DISTRIBUTION OF Culex quinquefasciatus IN THE UNITED STATES. 

4). This is Culex fatigans, now known as Culex quinquefascia- 
tus (Fig. 3), mainly, if not entirely, responsible for the trans- 
mission of a parasite of the blood-stream and lymphatics caus- 

Fic. 3. Culex quinquefasciatus, female. 

ing filariasis or elephantiasis. In this connection it is of small 
importance to us, as this disease is very uncommon in the 
United States, but asa carrier of dengue fever or ‘‘ break-bone 
fever” it is of considerable importance. Dengue is a mild 


(i. e., non-fatal) disease which causes great distress and tem- 
porary disability. It is therefore a factor contributing to lack 
of efficiency and goes hand in hand with malaria in this re- 
spect. Like malaria, dengue is tropicopolitan in range, and ex- 
tends only into the warmer parts of the south. Here it some- 
times appears in extensive epidemics, but in a much more er- 
ratic way than malaria, which has the well-deserved reputa- 
tion of appearing year in and year out in the same districts. 
This difference is probably due to the absence of chronic human 
carriers and the fact that Culex quinquefasciatus does not breed 
in permanent water, but in an almost truly domesticated species 
which breeds in temporary water near human habitations, and 
under the climatic and other conditions of our country does 
not find anything like uniform opportunities for breeding from 
one season to another. In consequence of their separate 
breeding-grounds, measures designed to control malarial mos- 
quitoes have no effect or practically none upon the dengue mos- 
quito. It must be dealt with mainly by education leading to 
individual effort and cooperation in communities. Aside from 
its pathogenic possibilities, this species is a rather persistent 
biter, which is another argument for its control. 

Less directly detrimental to public health are other mos- 
quitoes not associated with any human disease, but making life 
miserable at some season of the year for human beings in prac- 
tically all parts of the world. Although the United States sup- 
ports an extensive mosquito fauna, a very few species aside 
from those already mentioned make up the bulk of those annoy- 
ing man. Two particularly are widespread, abundant and on 
account of their strikingly different habits, perhaps worthy of 
mention in this connection. The first of these is the house mos- 
quito, Culex pipiens, a palearctic species, now common through- 
out the eastern states, that breeds in rain-barrels, cesspools, 
sewer-catch-basins, puddles or practically anywhere, no matter 
how foul the water. The other, Aédes sollicitans, the salt- 
marsh or “Jersey’’ mosquito, breeds only along the coast in 
salt-marshes. Broods of this mosquito follow the lunar calen- 
dar, developing after the high tides flood the meadows and fill 
the pools in which the larve live. The eggs of this form are 
laid on the mud and hatch quickly when submerged in water. 
It is generally believed that all the eggs laid by this mosquito 
must pass the winter before hatching and that the successive 
broods are only installments of eggs induced suddenly to hatch 
in turn by successive wettings. This is a true migratory mos- 
quito, which invades the country for many miles adjacent to 


the salt-marshes. Such incursions follow the appearance of 
each brood. 

Much attention has been given to the control of this mos- 
quito in New Jersey and the territory surrounding Long Island 
Sound, and its numbers have been marvelously lessened through 
the drainage of marshes by ditching. In the case of this species 
reforms have been easier than with the malarial mosquitoes, as 
an expectation of relief from the great personal discomfort of 
myriad mosquito-bites exerts a stronger appeal to the average 
person than the much more important health problem of ma- 
laria. In the public mind, the latter is unfortunately not usually 
regarded as so immediately personal, as the fever and the bite 
are not coincident. 

Black-flies.—At some time during the insect season, usually 
in the spring, many districts are visited by swarms of small 
hump-backed flies which viciously bite man and animals alike. 
On account of their dark color these have been called black-flies. 
They pass their developmental stages almost entirely in swiftly 
moving brooks and streams, where the larve and pupe& are at- 
tached to stones and other objects in the water. Wherever 
there are suitable streams in which they can breed, these pests 
appear abundantly, and may be occasionally present far from 
streams, where they would not be expected. They are not 
known to be concerned in the transmission of any disease. 

Biting-midges, Sand-flies, Etc—Minute flies, somewhat like 
mosquitoes, which are vicious blood-suckers, often appear in 
great abundance, particularly in the cooler parts of the United 
States. These insects belong to several genera, developing 
from aquatic larve inhabiting fresh water and also brackish 
water along the sea-coast. They are generally crepuscular, 
biting most abundantly at dusk, and are very persistent at that 
time, causing a stinging sensation out of all proportion to their 
almost microscopic size. None of our species are known to be 

Housefly Diseases.—Of these it may be urged that, strictly 
speaking, there are none, at least in the sense of mosquito-borne 
diseases. The housefly is not known to be wholly responsible 
for the transmission of any disease and its relative importance 
in disseminating several infections of man is still a moot ques- 
tion. By some it is strongly urged as the main means of trans- 
mission for several enteric diseases in certain communities; by 
others it is cast aside without reasonable consideration as a 
sort of entomologist’s nightmare. I can not believe that either 
course is justified; each seems to be based on prejudice due to 


lack of knowledge, either respecting the fly or relating to other 
channels of infection. 

The housefly (Fig. 4) is more truly domesticated than any 
other insect; it lives and flourishes wherever man establishes 
himself, but does not thrive elsewhere. It has evidently been 


associated with him from the remotest antiquity, but has by no 
means failed to adapt itself to changed conditions. It still de- 
velops in his feces or those of his domestic animals and still in- 
vades his habitations to partake of his food. In short, it is 
practically ever-present, for its preferred larval food, horse 
manure, is usually to be found, and, if not, substitutes are avail- 
able in greater or less abundance. 

The chain of events through which the housefly may infect 
food with bacteria or other organisms derived from excremental 
materials is obvious and has been so repeatedly described that 
it is unnecessary to outline it here. The frequency with which 
this actually happens is of course the vital point, and it is upon 
this that it is very difficult to obtain concise data. 

It has been shown rather conclusively that adult flies do 
not retain in the alimentary tract bacteria which they may 
have ingested as larve that have developed and fed in material 
containing, for example, the bacillus of typhoid fever. On the 
other hand, adult flies readily obtain this bacillus from con- 
taminated substances and may retain and later deposit it in a 
living condition on food designed for immediate human con- 
sumption. There can be no question but that this occurs com- 
monly under many circumstances, particularly in communities 
where there is no adequate system of sewage disposal. That 


these bacteria should be more attenuated than those occurring 
in drinking water does not seem probable. Many facts show 
that flies are a very important factor in the dissemination of 
typhoid fever. The greater frequency with which persons on 
country vacations contract the disease is very striking, although 
this may, of course, be attributed to bad water supply. Other 
opportunities for infection, aside from the fly, are, however, no 
greater there than in the city. In other parts of the world 
where the water supply is reasonably good, e. g., certain South 
American cities, typhoid flourishes to an alarming extent, due 
undoubtedly to excessive soil pollution, where flies can almost 
instantly transfer material from typhoid carriers to food, while 
the latter is abundantly exposed on the streets for sale to be 
eaten on the spot. In our own country the seasonal incidence 
of typhoid fever corresponds to some extent with fly prevalence, 
and still more significant is its greater summer prevalence in 
regions where systems for sewage disposal are not generally 
installed. This disparity is shown on the accompanying chart 
(Fig. 5), which gives data for two of our eastern states, New 


ee ee 
epee ee a 
Fic. 5. SPASONAL PREVALENCE OF TYPHOID FpvER IN ShypRAL SvraTeps ; solid line, 
New York; dotted line, Alabama; dashed line, Washington. 

York and Alabama, and one western state, Washington. The 
greater uniformity throughout the year in New York, where 
the opportunities for fly-borne infection are curtailed, is very 
marked. Another way in which the housefly can aid in the 
spread of typhoid is through infecting milk on dairy farms 
where carriers are present and offer the flies a chance to become 

Flies are also responsible, and to a much greater extent, 


for the prevalence of infantile diarrhea or summer complaint, 
and here their relation is very easily seen. 

Other activities of houseflies detrimental to public health are 
of far less importance, but by no means negligible. They can 
carry the eggs of parasitic worms as well as many bacteria and 
other microorganisms present in the several types of unsavory 
food upon which they feed indiscriminately. 

Recently much progress has been made in methods of aba- 
ting the housefly nuisance. It has been found by workers in 
the Federal Department of Agriculture that certain substances, 
notably borax, hellebore, and a fertilizer consisting of calcium 
cyanamid, acid phosphate and kainit, are highly destructive 
to fly-larve in horse manure (whence the great majority of 
our house-flies come) and that these substances do not ruin 
the manure for agricultural purposes. Practical traps whereby 
fly-larve in stored manure may be caught and destroyed before 
transformation have also been devised. Richardson has shown 
that house-fly larvee can develop only in alkaline material, and 
some substances may thus be acidified to eliminate them as 
larval food. 

The people of the United States spend great sums of money 
for fly-screens, fly-paper, fly-swatters and fly-traps and suffer 

Fic. 6. STABLE-FLY (Stomoxrys calcitrans). 

much sickness and death as a result of the ubiquitous housefly. 
As yet no great reduction of houseflies has been accomplished, 
but the public regards them less and less as harmless creatures, 
and should soon be in the proper mental state to launch a de- 
cisive campaign against them. 

The Stable-fly.—Cattle, horses and other domestic animals, 


and more rarely man himself, are troubled in nearly all parts 
of the world by a small blood-sucking fly resembling the house- 
fly in size and general color (Fig. 6). On account of its great 
abundance about horses and cattle it has been termed the stable- 
fly, although its larve breed mainly in fermenting vegetable 
material rather than in manure. The adult flies readily bite 
human beings, particularly in damp weather, and this habit 
has given rise to the popular idea that house-flies bite before a 
shower. The stable-fly is most important as a pest of animals, 
as it has not been definitely proved to be more than an acci- 
dental carrier of any disease affecting man. It was at one time 
thought to be a carrier of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis), 
but it now seems probable that such it not the case. 

Typhus Fever.—Although this louse-borne disease is of 
prime military importance in some parts of the world, it is prac- 
tically non-existent among the civil or army population of the 
United States. That it should ever be revived seems unbeliev- 
able, for it has passed from the proportions of gigantic epi- 
demics in the middle ages to insignificant local outbreaks, corre- 
sponding to the continuous improvement of sanitary conditions 
in our own and other countries. The relaxation of such checks 
in war-ridden countries has always spelled a temporary increase 
in typhus. We have every reason to foresee, however, during 
the present war less typhus than would have been thought pos- 
sible were the manner of its transmission by lice not known. 

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.—This is the only definitely 
characterized tick-borne human disease that occurs within the 
confines of the United States, although ticks are responsible 
for the transmission of several other important infections of 
man in various parts of the world. Rocky Mountain spotted 
fever is restricted to the far western and northwestern states, 
whence 290 cases were reported during the year 1916. Over 
half of these occurred in Idaho, although the disease extends 
into the neighboring states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, 
Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon and Washington, as well 
as northward into Canada. As shown by the indicated fatal- 
ity rate, the disease is most virulent in western Montana 
and northern Idaho, where the mortality is said to reach 70 
or 80 per cent. <A single species of tick, Dermacentor venustus 
(Fig. 7), common in these regions is known to act as the vector. 
The Dermacentor ticks occur abundantly on various small wild 
mammals in the younger stages and as adults on domesticated 
animals, such as cattle, and from these become transferred to 
man. It has been experimentally shown that certain rodents 
are susceptible to the disease, and that a tick thus infected in 


the nymphal stage can retain the disease organism till it be- 
comes adult. It may then reach its human host through the 
medium of domesticated animals such as cattle. It appears 
that this is the ordinary way in which human cases have their 
origin, 7. e., through the bites of adult ticks, although the newly 
hatched ‘‘ seed ticks’ derived from eggs laid by infected mother 
ticks are known to contain the organism also. 

Although Rocky Mountain fever is of minor importance at 
present, it is feared that it may increase its range at any time, 
since other ticks of wider distribution are apparently capable 

Fic. 7. Rocky MOUNTAIN SPOTTED-FEVER TICK, male at left. 
Unengaged female at right. 

of acting as carriers. Whether this may happen is by no means 
certain, however, and the vigorous measures already under- 
taken to reduce the abundance of ticks on domesticated animals 
will undoubtedly bear fruit in the gradual reduction of this 
locally much-dreaded disease. 

Bubonic Plague—From 300,000 to 400,000 cases of this 
disease are reported from India every year, over half of which 
terminate fatally. In past centuries it periodically visited 
many parts of the world as epidemics of even greater propor- 
tions, causing it to rank as one of the worst scourges of man- 
kind. As is now well known, plague is a disease of rats which 
becomes transferred to man almost exclusively through the 
agency of fleas. At the present time it is most widespread and 
abundant in tropical countries, although by no means confined 
to them, and is excluded from our own country only by dint of 
repressive measures administered with the greatest thorough- 
ness. Within the past few years it has appeared only spar- 
ingly in the United States, but at several times has given rise 
to a temporary apprehension lest it pass beyond control. That 



it has not done so shows that 
the probability of future dan- 
ger is remote. 

Nevertheless there are other 
good reasons why we should 
spare no efforts in reducing the 
number of rats. They are said 
by Nelson to destroy annually 
$200,000,000 worth of our food- 
stuffs and other property ; they 
constitute a fire-menace, and, 
besides, they can hardly be con- 
sidered as deserving our hospi- 



tality from an _ esthetic 
standpoint. In short, war 
against rats is important 
for many reasons, one of 
which is the security 
against plague which it 
entails, and gradual re- 
pression through individ- 
ual effort is much easier 
than intensive campaigns 
necessitated by the advent 
of plague in a community. 



(Ceratophyllae fasciatus). 









The relation of the flea to the transmission of plague is due 
to the fact that rats are regularly infested by fleas that may 
become infected with the bacillus of plague, if it be present in 
the blood of the host upon which they are feeding. These 
bacilli remain in a viable condition for some time in the gut of 
the flea and may be transferred to a human subject bitten by 
an infected fiea. Thus, when a rat dies of plague, its fleas leave 
it to search for a new host; if they attach themselves to a rat, 
that animal is liable to infection, or if they feed upon a human 
being, as they frequently do, the disease may become transferred 
to man. Two species of fleas are commonly concerned in the 
transfer, one in tropical and subtropical regions and another 
in temperate regions. The tropical rat-flea, Xenopsylla cheopis 
(Fig. 8) is thus of greatest importance in the warm countries 
where it is most abundant, and the other, Ceratophyllus fas- 
ciatus (Fig. 9), in cooler countries. Both occur in the United 
States, neither specifically associated with plague except as 
previously outlined; other fleas may act as carriers equally 
well, but are not so abundant on rats and do not bite persons so 

Infantile Paralysis.—Perhaps a few words in regard to this 
baffling disease may not be amiss. There are strong reasons 
for believing that it is carried by insects. Its summer preva- 
lence (Fig. 10) is well known and its general distribution and 
occurrence are similar to those of insect-borne diseases. That 
it may be proved to be spread by the rat-flea is not improbable, 
and if so, would be another strong argument for the reduction 
of our rat population. 

VOL. VI. — 14. 




HE request to write upon zoology and the war suggests two 

lines of thought—first the contribution zoology is making, 

and may make, to effective conduct of war activities of various 

sorts, and second the effects upon zoological science and prac- 

tise likely to follow from the war. Both are worth consid- 

Speaking broadly, no other science is doing more, perhaps 
none as much as zoology, or rather biology, to promote effective 
and successful prosecution of the war. This seems a strong 
statement, as one thinks of our dependence upon chemistry for 
explosives and a thousand other products, upon mechanics for 
ordnance and all sorts of war engines and upon engineering 
for the great activities of military and naval construction. Of 
course all the sciences are so interdependent that no compari- 
sons can really be drawn. The statement is of value chiefly to 
challenge attention and persuade the reader to examine the 
relation of zoology—purely scientific zoology—to the problems 
of the war. 

Man is an animal and all our knowledge of him and his ac- 
tivities is biological and all our methods of dealing with him 
and his life must be founded upon biological science. A mere 
roster of the biological sciences is sufficient to show our de- 
pendence. Some of these are: Morphology, including anatomy 
and embryology; physiology, both normal and pathological; 
ecology, including parasitology with bacteriology as its major 
subdivision; genetics; psychology; surgery and scientific medi- 
cine are but an application of anatomy, physiology and para- 
sitology; and perhaps as vital as any in its effects upon all 
human life has been the knowledge of the fact of evolution. 

It is often said this war is a scientific war and it is true 
both in its destructive aspects and in its safeguarding and pro- 
tecting features. It is equally true that when all is said as to 
guns and explosives and poisonous gases, the last word lies 
with the man power of the belligerents. And it is here that 
zoology’s great service is rendered. It is purely biological 
studies that have made possible the assembling of great num- 
bers of men without disease slaying far more than fall before 


the guns of the enemy. The surgery which restores ninety 
per cent. of the wounded would be impossible without the 
knowledge reached by decades of parasitological research. Our 
knowledge of sanitation and the prevention of infectious dis- 
ease has doubtless saved many more combatants and non-com- 
batants than have been slain in all the battles. It isn’t only 
Serbia which has been saved from typhus. Without our knowl- 
edge of the method of transmission of this disease, and the pre- 
ventive measures thus made possible, all the belligerent nations 
would have been worse than decimated by this scourge. Ty- 
phoid fever, cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox, would each have 
taken similar toll. For every dozen lives lost from battle, hun- 
dreds would have been destroyed by infectious diseases which 
we are now able to hold in check. 

Of course there are many lesser contributions to war effec- 
tiveness through animal husbandry and our knowledge of the 
sea and its life—all dependent upon zoological research. 

But more important than any or all of these specific bene- 
fits from biological research has been the introduction of the 
era of scientific thinking, which since Darwin’s time has been 
replacing superstition and ignorance. Step by step the phys- 
ical sciences fought their way to recognition, but the dawn of 
the new age really came only when the phenomena of human life 
were recognized as biological and the puerile distinction be- 
tween science and the humanities was destroyed. From this 
time the approach to human problems could be truly scientific 
without reservation, and the ideals themselves could be scien- 
tific. Tested truth, that is science, became the means and the 

It is this change in our whole habit of thought that has 
brought the advance in all lines of science, giving us our discov- 
eries and inventions, creating whole new departments of science 
before undreamed. We must not overestimate biology’s share 
in this emancipation of the human mind. Its contribution was 
later and more conspicuous, but no more real, than those of 
other sciences. The promulgation of the idea of evolution, com- 
ing last, as it did, and attacking superstition in its very citadel 
in the life of man, was recognized by opponents of the scientific 
spirit as bringing the last ditch fight. Without this fight and 
its victory for the forces of progress, the scientific development 
of the last fifty years could never have occurred. Biology 
therefore has had its full share in bringing the present day of 
science. It is this great spiritual contribution to human life 
that most merits recognition, for from this have flowed all the 
beneficent activities in every field of science. 


Recognizing then the broad service of zoology with the other 
sciences in helping to the emancipation of man’s mind, and re- 
membering as well the special services in medicine, surgery 
and sanitation and in the production of food and clothing, the 
zoologist to-day may be somewhat consoled for the fact that in 
general it is more difficult for him than it is for the chemist or 
physicist to find ways to use effectively his special training in 
immediate war service. The transition from pure zoology to 
special war service is more difficult than that from chemistry 
or physics. 

And it is just here there lies a very real danger to zoolog- 
ical science and to society. ‘The earnest desire to serve in the 
great emergency, to take an immediately effective share in the 
strenuous tasks of the war, seems altogether likely to result 
in overemphasis upon the idea of practical applications in 
science, to the detriment of the pure science that is the fountain- 
head. The danger is real. 

In some ways zoology is more exposed to injury than some 
of the other sciences. The pure zoologist must be a good bit 
of an idealist. Choosing zoology one chooses poverty. In 
medicine there is fair monetary return. The chemist or 
physicist knows that in this day of great industrial development 
and of great construction he can always, if need be, find em- 
ployment for his trained abilities in ways to bring him money. 
But in turning to zoology a young man takes Franciscan vows 
of poverty of purse and enters upon the simple life. This is a 
sufficient handicap for our science. Add to this the somewhat 
general impression that in this war the zoologist has often found 
difficulty in rendering service in the line of his special training 
and there is real danger of further disadvantage to zoology 
and of a considerable reduction in the number of college and 
university students choosing zoological science as their life 
work. Philistinism, overestimate of the so-called practical, 
may be as harmful in science as in esthetics. 

What is the most helpful attitude in science? What spirit 
is most productive in research? Is it the desire to make dis- 
covery for the sake of financial profit to the student? Is it 
personal ambition for honorable and dignified position among 
men of science? Is it the purpose to bend every effort imme- 
diately toward direct promotion of human welfare? No, it is 
something far different from any of these. The man works 
best who is in the thing for the fun of the game, who follows 
science because of interest in science itself and not so much in 
the so-called practical benefits reached through scientific re- 


search. There is no field in which singleness of purpose counts 
for more than it does in science. 

There is the greatest danger that ulterior motive will warp 
the judgment of the student, and if he attempts too much to 
guide his studies toward practical utility he is less likely to 
reach major results than if he humbly allows his science to 
lead him where it will. All science is one great system of 
truth, interlocked in countless ways, and at almost every step 
in its pursuit there open to the student great vistas of unex- 
plored territory—heights of vantage from which, when at- 
tained, he may view certain areas as a whole and grasp their 
true relations. The big things in science come through those 
who are seeking these visions, rather than through those who 
are searching at each step to gather some nugget of commer- 
cial value. In science, as in all life, it is idealism that leads to 
largest result, and the progress of the world in so-called prac- 
tical lines is dependent upon the idealist more than upon the 
student with more immediate purpose. The future of science 
and of society rests with the seekers for the vision, those who 
search for understanding of truth for the joy of knowing the 
truth, rather than the profit such knowledge may bring. 

Periods of great emphasis upon the wtilization of science, 
such as is this time of war, bring danger of false estimates. 
There is real risk that the immediate will loom disproportion- 
ately large and that the spirit of searching for truth for the 
very joy of its attainment may in a measure be lost, and it is 
this spirit that is needed to “guide us into all truth.” 

One very real service the devotee of pure science can render, 
therefore, is to keep burning, and burning brightly, the fire 
upon his altar. Like his brother in other fields, the zoologist 
should recognize that he worships at no unworthy shrine, and 
he may well allow others to see something of his loyalty and 
of his pride in his service. May the light from his altar fire 
guide many another earnest student to the same shrine, though 
in coming he passes broader and easier paths. 

There is much to-day to discourage. The moving picture, 
the cheap magazine, the daily newspaper, are real indications of 
low standards of taste in the drama, in literature and in all life. 
It seems the day of the low-brow. The man of science who 
seeks truth in all her beauty can do his full share in resisting 
this resurgence of philistinism and tawdriness, and he can do 
it by insistence for himself upon the worthier quest. Can he 
render in the end any greater national service? 






HE need of adequate and wise immigration and Amer- 
fis icanization legislation is imperative. Now, while war 
suspends the tide of newcomers to our shores, is the time for 
enacting the new laws to regulate the coming of fresh aliens. 

No one can foretell how large or small will be the immigra- 
tion from the war-ravaged countries of Europe when the war 
ceases. Wages in America will be high and the demand for 
cheap labor will be urgent. Immigration companies and 
steamship lines will seek for fresh sources of cheap labor to 
bring to America. 

The large influx of foreigners in recent years has produced 
a serious situation. Our laws have not adequately grappled 
with the many kinds of problems which have arisen. Present 
laws afford no method of control either of the numbers or of 
the race types that may be admitted. We have reason to ex- 
pect a large immigration of peoples that will prove extremely 
difficult of Americanization. 

Vast masses of aliens in our midst are not Americanized 
and we have no effective provision for their Americanization. 
We give them citizenship with very inadequate preparation for 
it. The procedure in naturalization is needlessly hampered by 
red tape. We allow serious congestion of race groups. Free 
immigration from Europe constantly threatens standards of 
living of American workmen. Differential treatment of, and 
legislation against, Asiatics produces international irritation. 
Lack of laws makes it impossible for the United States to keep 
its treaty obligations for the adequate protection of aliens. 

These varied dangers threaten the success of our democracy. 

1 Pittsburgh meeting, December, 1917, arranged by the Secretary of 
the Section, Seymour C. Loomis. 


We now need a comprehensive and constructive policy for 
the regulation of all immigration, and the Americanization of 
all whom we admit, a policy that is based on sound economic, 
eugenic, political and ethical principles, and a program worked 
out in detail for incorporating that policy into practise. 

If we are to attain the best results we should have a series 
of bills that deal with all phases of the immigrant question, in a 
systematic, comprehensive and well-coordinated plan in place 
of the patchwork, incomplete and disconnected legislation that 
now exists. Our new comprehensive policy, moreover, must 
take into consideration not merely the relations of America 
with Europe, Africa and West Asia, but also with China, Japan 
and India. The world has become so small and travel has be- 
come so easy that economic pressure and opportunity are now 
bringing all the races into inevitable contact and increasing 
intermixture. To avoid the disastrous consequences of such 
contacts and intermixtures, and to enable the United States not 
only to provide for her own prosperity, but also to make to the 
whole world her best contribution for human betterment, we 
need policies that are based upon justice and goodwill, no less 
than upon economic and eugenic considerations. 

The following proposals are offered as a contribution to the 
discussion of these important matters: 

Recent immigration has been enormous (10,122,862 for the 
ten years ending June, 1914) and will in all probability sooner 
or later become so again. For the poverty of Europe and the 
frightful taxes that will be inevitable, together with the horror 
of militarism which has deluged the nations with blood, sown 
the fields with human bones, and overwhelmed all working 
classes, will cause millions to flee to a land free from militarism 
and relatively prosperous. 

Although America has vast resources, two thirds of our 
toilers have been in serious poverty, receiving less than $15 per 
week when they work. Even at that rate, however, until after 
the outbreak of the war, they have not been sure of steady em- 
ployment. The Federal Commission on Industrial Relations 
has disclosed how serious have been the problems of unem- 
ployment and industrial unrest. War prosperity and cessation 
of immigration have relieved the economic strain for the pres- 
ent. What, however, will be the situation when vast immigra- 
tion begins again? 

America’s political institutions and social organization are 
based on democracy. There is developing among us, however, 
a large adult male alien population still owing allegiance to 
other governments. The last census (1910) shows that out of 


5,942,000 foreign-born males in America twenty-one years of 
age and over, 3,221,000 were still aliens. While 770,000 born 
in Great Britain had become citizens of the United States, 
449,000 were still British; in the case of Germany 889,000 had 
become naturalized, while 389,000 were still Germans. Those, 
however, who come from South Europe seem less ready to be- 
come Americans. Austria, for instance, gave us 149,000 natu- 
ralized citizens to 460,000 aliens; Hungary 36,000 citizens to 
219,000 aliens, and Russia 192,000 citizens to 545,000 aliens; 
while Italy gave us only 126,000 citizens to 586,000 aliens. 

How many of these aliens had been here less than five years 
and therefore were still ineligible for citizenship the table did 
not show. But, however that may be, it seems wholly undesir- 
able that the proportion of aliens to naturalized citizens from 
any particular land should be so large as these figures show. 
Should not the rate of permissible immigration be such as to 
keep the aliens from any land always in a substantial minority 
of those from that land who have become American citizens? 

These facts and considerations suggest the importance, on 
the one hand, of checking this inflow of vast numbers who main- 
tain allegiance to foreign governments, and also, on the other 
hand, of promoting such education of aliens permanently re- 
siding in America as shall help them rapidly to acquire our ideas 
and ideals, and transform them speedily inte true American 

The need of regulating immigration from Europe and West 
Asia is so well recognized that nothing further will be said upon 
it in this brief discussion. It is important, however, that 
Americans should realize that the present laws dealing with 
Japanese, Chinese and Hindus are quite obsolete. They are not 
only obsolete; they are positively dangerous. 

New Japan has already acquired the mechanical instru- 
ments, the political, economic and industrial methods, and the 
science, education, ideas and ideals of Occidental civilization. 
New China is rapidly following in the footsteps of Japan. 
Both are increasingly self-conscious and insistent on courteous 
treatment and observance of treaties. They are asking, with 
growing earnestness, for recognition on a basis of equality with 
nations of the West. 

The great world-problem of the twentieth century is un- 
doubtedly the problem of the contact of the East and the West. 
Whether it shall bring us weal or woe depends largely on the 
United States. Shall our Oriental policy be based on race 
pride, disdain and selfishness? Shall it be entirely devoid of 
sympathy? And shall we rely on brute force for carrying it 


through? Or shall we give justice, courtesy and a square deal, 
refusing to be stampeded by ignorance, ill-founded suspicion 
and falsehood? Shall we “prepare” to maintain by our mili- 
tary might a policy of arrogant disregard of their needs and 
feelings, or shall we remove dangers of conflict by a policy of 
friendly consideration and genuine helpfulness? 

The New Orient renders obsolete and dangerous our nine- 
teenth-century Asiatic policy. Let us now promptly adopt a 
new policy; one that will provide, on the one hand, for the just 
demands of the Pacific Coast States to be protected from a 
swamping Asiatic immigration; and yet that also provides on 
the other hand for full courtesy of treatment and for complete 
freedom from race discrimination, which is inevitably regarded 
as humiliating. The new policy should provide for observance 
of the spirit no less than of the wording of our treaties, and be 
thus in harmony with the principles of good neighborliness. 

All this means that we need comprehensive immigration 
legislation dealing with the entire question in such a way as to 
conserve American institutions, protect American labor from 
dangerous economic competition, and promote intelligent and 
enduring friendliness between America and all the nations, 
East and West, because free from differential race treatment. 

The legislation needed should deal with: 

. The regulation of immigration. 

. The registration of aliens. 

. The distribution of immigrants. 

The education of aliens for American life. 

The protection of aliens by the federal government. 
The naturalization of aliens. 

Legislation dealing with these matters should be controlled 
by the following principles: 

Po oo PO 

1. The United States should so regulate, and, where necessary, re- 
strict immigration as to provide that only so many immigrants of each 
race or people may be admitted as can be wholesomely Americanized. 

2. The number of those individuals of each race or people already in 
the United States who have become Americanized affords the best basis 
of the measure for the further immigration of that people. 

3. American standards of living should be protected from the dan- 
gerous economic competition of immigrants, whether from Europe or 
from Asia. 

4. Such provisions for the care of aliens residing among us should be 
made as will promote their rapid and genuine Americanization and thus 
maintain intact our democratic institutions and national unity. 

5. The federal government should be empowered by Congress to pro- 
tect the lives and property of aliens. 

6. All legislation dealing with immigration and with resident aliens 
should be based on justice and goodwill as well as on economic and 
political considerations. 



1. Regulation of the Rate of Immigration. 

The maximum permissible annual immigration from any people 
should be a definite per cent. (say five) of those from that people - 
who have already become naturalized citizens, together with all 
American-born children of immigrants of that people. 

2. A Federal Bureau for the Registration of Aliens. 

A Federal Bureau for the Registration of Aliens should be estab- 
lished and all resident aliens should be required to register and to 
keep registered until they have become American citizens. A regis- 
tration fee (ten or perhaps five dollars a year) might well be re- 
quired of all male aliens eighteen years of age or over. 

3. The Federal Distribution Bureau. 

The Federal Bureau for the Distribution of Immigrants should be 
developed and provided with increased funds for larger and more 
effective methods. 

4. A Federal Bureau for the Education of Aliens. 

A Federal Bureau for the Education of Aliens for American Citizen- 
ship should be established. While this bureau should not set up its 
own schools, its duty should be to promote the establishment by local 
bodies of suitable schools in needful localities and all registered aliens 
should be given education for citizenship free of cost. The bureau 
should be provided with funds for subsidies to be granted to schools 
upon the fulfilment of conditions prescribed by the bureau. The 
registration fee of aliens might well be reduced by one dollar ($1.00) 
for every examination passed. 

5. Congressional Legislation for the Adequate Protection of Aliens. 
Congress should at once enact a law enabling the federal government 
to exercise immediate jurisdiction in any case involving the protec- 
tion of and justice to aliens. The treaties place this responsibility 
on the federal government, but no laws as yet give it this power. 
The bill drafted by Hon. Wm. H. Taft and endorsed by the American 
Bar Association, or some similar bill, should be passed. 

6. Amendment of Naturalization Laws. 

The standards of naturalization should be raised. Only those appli- 
cants for naturalization should be regarded as qualified who have 
passed all the examinations of the schools for citizenship and who 
have maintained their registration without break from the time of 
their admittance to America. Under the foregoing provisions and 
rigid limitations as to numbers and qualifications, naturalization 
should be given to all who qualify regardless of race. 


(a) No change should be made in the schedule for maximum 
immigration between the census periods. With each new 
census a new schedule should be prepared, but it should not go 
into operation automatically. Congress should reconsider the 
whole matter once in ten years upon receiving the figures based 
upon the new census, and decide either to adopt the new sched- 
ule or some new percentage rate, or possibly to continue the 





00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8&8 9 10 I 12 13000 



1912 1915 1914 1915 scate 1912 





Fig. 1. Fig. 2: 

same schedule for another decade. This plan does not con- 
template automatic geometric increase of immigration, either 
annual or decennial. 

(6) Provision should be made for certain excepted classes. 
Government officials, travelers and students would, of course, be 
admitted outside of the fixed schedule figures. Aliens who have 
already resided in America and taken out their first papers, or 
who have passed all the required examinations, should also 
doubtless be admitted freely, regardless of the schedule. 
Women, and children under fourteen years of age, should also 
be included among the excepted classes. If thought important, 
unmarried women twenty-one years of age and over might be 
subject to the percentage rate. By providing for such excep- 
tions the drastic features of the proposed plan would be largely, 
perhaps wholly relieved. 

(c) Should the restriction required by the five per cent. plan 
be regarded as excessively severe, the per cent. rate could be 
advanced. In any case it seems desirable that the five per cent. 
restriction should be applied only to males fourteen years of 
age and over, and to unmarried women twenty-one years of 
age and over. 


(d) In order to provide for those coming from countries 
from which few have become American citizens, a minimum 
permissible annual immigration of, say, 500 or possibly 1,000 
might be allowed, regardless of the percentage rate. 

(e) Registration, with payment of the fee, might well be re- 
quired only of male aliens eighteen years of age and over. 
Since, however, it is highly desirable that immigrant women 
also should learn the English language, provision might be 
made that all alien women should register without payment of 
the fee and be given the privileges of education and of taking 
the examinations free of cost. This privilege might extend 
over a period of five years. After passing the examinations 
there should be no further requirement for registration. If, 
however, after five years the examinations have not been 
passed, then they should be required to pay a registration tax 
(of say five or six dollars annually), a reduction of one dollar 
being allowed for every examination passed. 

(f) In order to meet special cases and exigencies, such as 
religious or political persecutions, war, famine or flood, provi- 
sion might well be made to give special power to the Commis- 
sioner of Immigration in consultation with the Commissioner 
of Labor and one or two other specified high officials to order 
exceptional treatment. 

(g) The proposed policy, if enacted into law, would put inte 
the hands of Congress a flexible instrument for the continuous 
and exact regulation of immigration, adapting it from time to 
time to the economic conditions of the country. Is it not im- 
portant for Congress to take complete and exact control of the 
situation while the present lull is on and be able to determine 
what the maximum immigration shall be before we find our- 
selves overwhelmed with its magnitude? If the post-bellum 
immigration should prove to be small, a law limiting it to 
figures proposed by this plan would not restrict it. 

(h) An objection to the proposed plan is raised by some. 
It is urged that tens of thousands would suffer the hardship of 
deportation because of arrival after the maximum limit has 
been reached. Such a situation, however, could easily be 
avoided by a little care in the matter of administration. Provi- 
sion could be made, for instance, that each of the transportation 
lines bringing immigrants from any particular land should 
agree with the immigration office upon the maximum number 
of immigrants that it may bring to America during the year, 
the sum total of these agreements being equal to maximum per- 
missible immigration from that particular land. There would 


then be no danger of deportation because of excessive immigra- 
tion. The steamship lines, moreover, would see to it that their 
immigration accommodation would be continuously occupied 
throughout the year, avoiding thus a rush during the first two 
or three months of the year. 

(2) A second objection is raised by some, namely, the diffi- 
culty of selecting the favored ones in those countries where the 
restriction would be severe. This difficulty, however, would be 
completely obviated by the steamship companies themselves. 
Immigrants would secure passage in the order of their purchase 
of tickets; first come, first served. 

(j) In order to alleviate hardship as far as possible, might 
not immigration inspection offices be established in the prin- 
cipal ports of departure, and provision be made that all immi- 
gration from specified regions should receive inspection at those 
offices alone, such inspection to be final? 

(k) The most searching criticism of the policy and program 
here proposed deals with the percentage principle itself. It is 
said by critics to be mechanical and therefore artificial. More- 
over, while it professes to be free from race discrimination, it 
nevertheless is in fact strongly discriminating, for it seizes 
upon the accident of a small Japanese and Chinese American- 
born citizenship to enforce an exceedingly rigid restriction of 
immigrants from those lands while it permits tens and even 
hundreds of thousands to come from European lands, merely 
because their large immigration took place decades ago. The 
plan, therefore, they urge, cannot be satisfactory to Japan. 

These criticisms overlook certain facts. The plan takes 
Americanization as its foundation principle of restriction. Let 
the critic face this question. Is it, or is it not true, that Amer- 
icanization of newcomers from any particular land depends in 
some close way upon the degree of Americanization of those 
from that land who are already here? Does a new Italian or 
Japanese immigrant become an American in spirit and in lan- 
guage equally easily and wholesomely whether the Italian or 
Japanese group with which he is in daily contact is well Amer- 
icanized, or hardly Americanized at all? Whether they speak 
and read English easily and are voting citizens, or whether 
they speak English only smatteringly, read only their own 
foreign-language papers and have no voting power or political 
interests? If the newcomers become Americanized equally 
easily and rapidly under either set of conditions, then the per- 
centage principle of limitation is artificial and mechanical; 
otherwise it is sociological and psychological. The writer holds 


that the keeping of newcomers from any people to some small 
percentage of those of that people who have already become 
American citizens is a fundamental psychological and sociolog- 
ical principle, and that the proposal therefore is not mechanical 
nor artificial. 

The admission of larger numbers than can be easily Amer- 
icanized creates and maintains difficulties of many kinds—eco- 
nomic, political and racial. The welfare of the immigrants 
themselves and of the American people, and the abiding success 
of our democratic institutions depends upon the proper and 
rapid Americanization of all who settle permanently in our 

Another fact to be kept in mind is that we must start with 
the present actual situation. We can not ignore or go back on 
history. We can no more rectify the inequalities of past im- 
migration—Japanese or Italian as compared with English, Ger- 
man and Scandinavian—than we can rectify the accident of an 
unfortunate grandfather. We must start our new policy and 
program with the situation as it is to-day. We must insist that 
immigration from no land shall be larger than we can Amer- 
icanize. This requires the admission of immigrants from dif- 
ferent lands in different numbers, but upon the same principle. 
This is not “‘ race discrimination ” in the usual sense, and in the 
sense to which Japan raises objection. 

The assertion that Japanese will resent this proposal is an 
assumption based on ignorance. The critic fails to understand 
the essence of Japan’s criticism of our present policies. Japan 
is not demanding opportunity for free immigration. But she 
does earnestly ask for removal of the humiliation of differential 
treatment on the mere ground of race. 

As a matter of fact Japanese who understand the fore- 
going proposals do not resent them. If all immigration to 
America is restricted on the same principle, that which they 
resent is removed, and they are satisfied. Baron Kato, then 
Minister of Foreign Affairs, at a dinner of welcome (February 
10, 1915) to Professor Shailer Mathews and the writer, who 
went to Japan as the Christian Embassy of the Federal Council 
of the Churches of Christ in America to the churches of Japan, 
said: “We would not mind disabilities if they were equally 
applicable to all nations. . . . Questions like this require time 
to settle. . . . At the same time we can not rest satisfied until 
this question is finally and properly settled.” 

It may not be amiss to note that as the decades pass, if those 
admitted and their children chose to become American citizens, 


the permissible immigration from any particular land will natu- 
rally increase decade by decade. The newcomers, however, 
being always kept at a small percentage of those already Amer- 
icanized, the objections to and dangers from increasing immi- 
gration from those lands will be held at a minimum. 


Would not the above proposals for a Comprehensive and 
Constructive Immigration Policy coordinate, systematize and 
rationalize our entire procedure in dealing with immigration, 
and solve in a fundamental way its most perplexing difficulties ? 
Such a policy would protect American labor from danger of 
sudden and excessive immigration from any land. It would 
promote the wholesome and rapid assimilation of all newcomers. 
It would regulate the rate of the coming of immigrants from 
any land by the proven capacity for Americanization of those 
from that land already here. It would keep the newcomers of 
each people always a minority of its Americanized citizens. 
It would be free from every trace of differential race treatment. 
Our relations with Japan and China would thus be right. 

Such a policy, therefore, giving to every people the “most 
favored nation treatment,” would maintain and deepen our in- 
ternational friendship on every side. 

Criticism of this plan is invited. If the reader finds him- 
self in harmony with this proposal a letter of endorsement 
would be appreciated. 



S recently as when our fathers were boys, Samuel W. 
A Morse, from a room at 100 Washington Square East, 
New York City, flashed to the world the first message ever car- 
ried by electricity. That message was the query “‘ What hath 
God wrought?” How prophetic was that query, in view of 
the stupendous revolution in social and industrial relations 
brought about since then by the use of electricity. 

When miracles are mentioned our minds instinctively revert 
to the miracles chronicled in the Bible, and yet, with the pos- 
sible exception of the raising of the dead, is there a miracle 


recorded in the Scriptures that is more wonderful than the 
miracle of the telephone? It is a miracle of a very real, prac- 
tical nature; a miracle that has revolutionized every detail 
of our present-day life, social, financial and industrial; a miracle 
that has annihilated space and brought the world so close to- 
gether in its everyday relationships that we have become one 
small group of people, regardless of the hemisphere on which 
we live or the race to which we belong. 

The revolution in business methods caused by the use of 
electricity has been so rapid and so complete as to cause be- 
wilderment and consternation in the minds of a multitude of 
our people. They are fairly staggered by the mighty changes 
that have taken place, and I sincerely question whether they 
comprehend the fundamental cause of these mighty changes; 
and this lack of comprehension, in my judgment, is responsible 
for much of the unrest that permeates the world to-day. Mul- 
titudes of people engaged in their everyday affairs are seeing 
the results, feeling the results, without understanding the 
causes, for they have not been furnished by the men who have 
produced the causes with sufficient information as to the causes 
and the results which these causes are bound to produce. 

The business men of the United States have been very prop- 
erly charged with having been so engrossed in money-making 
during the last quarter of a century that they have given very 
little, if any, attention to public affairs; have given very little, 
if any, of their superb ability to public service, and have given 
nearly all of their ability to pursuing selfish ends, largely of a 
money-making nature. Much can be said to substantiate this 
charge, but, in my judgment, a similar charge can be made 
against the men of science. They have been so engrossed in 
the fascinating problems on which they have been working that 
they have taken little or no time to inform the public as to the 
practical effect that modern scientific inventions were bound to 
have on the everyday lives of our people. These inventions 
have been placed in the hands of the people of the world within 
the last third of a century, and their application to business and 
social affairs has overthrown and carried away a countless 
number of old practises and precedents. The result has been a 
mighty conflict between the old laws of man and the new laws 
of science. One or the other had to give way. As the man- 
made laws were the outgrowth of centuries of effort and cumu- 
lative human knowledge, it did not seem possible that anything 
could come into the world that would set all this cumulative 
knowledge and experience to naught, and do it overnight, as it 


were. Such, however, is the actual situation, but a vast ma- 
jority of the people of the world do not realize this, do not at 
all understand it. It is also true that even a large number of 
our more intelligent men have refused to accept the new condi- 
tions in which we live and have insisted on continuing under 
the old system, following old precedents and practises. As a 
result, a mighty conflict has engaged us and will continue to 
engage us until our people and the other peoples of the world 
realize that a mighty upheaval has taken place; that we have 
entered a new world of thought and action, dominated almost 
wholly by the discoveries of science within the last half cen- 
tury ; that new codes of business morals, of finance, of industry 
are being set up, and that it behooves us all to give the best 
thought, the broadest vision, the most unselfish devotion to the 
erection of a new structure that wiil be in harmony with the 
modern economic needs of our people. 

Who can be of more help in this great reconstruction period 
than the scientist? Should he not, in the present troubled and 
confused thought of the world, give of his thought and his time 
to the work of informing the people in simple, easily under- 
stood language as to what he has done to upset our old prac- 
tises and customs? Should he not tell them wherein his work 
and accomplishments will be of benefit to the people and why? 
Should he not show them how impossible it is to follow old prec- 
edents and practises when he, the scientist, has by his discov- 
coveries and inventions completely wiped out old methods; 
when he, the scientist, has, through the miracles he has wrought, 
destroyed old tools and substituted new ones? Until the people 
as a whole fully realize this it is going to be most difficult to 
readjust our minds sufficiently to make us capable of rearrang- 
ing our social and industrial practises. 

The bitter conflict that has been waged in our country dur- 
ing the last twenty-five years between the old laws of man and 
the new laws of science has been caused by a lack of under- 
standing on the part of our people as to what has been going 
on. I believe that a half century from now—yes, much sooner 
—our people will look back at the struggle in which we are en- 
gaged and marvel at our shortsightedness. They will look 
upon it then much as we nowadays look upon the witchcraft of 
early New England days. 

For the last twenty-five years the scientist and the inventor 
have almost daily placed in the hands of the merchant and the 
manufacturer some new instrument or device that has made it 
possible for him to speed up his business and reach out and do 

VOL. VI.—15. 


business at far distant points; some device that has made it 
possible for a single human mind to do infinitely more business 
than any human mind ever did before. As soon as the business 
men began to employ these devices, our old man-written laws 
of a quarter or half century ago were invoked to prosecute 
these men who as a matter of fact were simply using, in their 
practical everyday work, the discoveries of science and the in- 
struments of the inventor. 

How perfectly absurd it is to allow a man to invent a ma- 
chine, to applaud and honor him for such invention, and the 
very next instant attempt to place behind the bars the business 
man who uses that invention. This is precisely what our 
country has been doing for a quarter of a century. The tele- 
graph that Mr. Morse invented and the telephone that Mr. Bell 
invented have been acclaimed as the great discoveries of the 
age, and these men have been hailed everywhere as great bene- 
factors of the human race; yet had it not been for these two 
inventions, how utterly impossible it would have been ever to 
have had an interstate corporation or a so-called trust. Our 
politicians have told us that the tariff made the trusts. They 
seem to have forgotten that while we have had a tariff in this 
country for more than a hundred years, we have only had large 
interstate corporations for a matter of thirty or forty years. 
Intercommunication, improved and developed through the use 
of electricity, has been the underlying cause of the great indus- 
trial interstate and international enterprises. Raise or lower 
the tariff as much as you please and leave modern inter- 
communication undisturbed, and your great interstate and in- 
ternational industrial unit of to-day would continue; but take 
away that strange force which we call electricity and your in- 
terstate and international business concern would fall to pieces 
in short order. The telephone, not the tariff, made the trusts. 

Intercommunication is the first requisite for doing business. 
In our grandfathers’ day there was no concern larger than that 
of the store owned and operated by one individual, for the 
simple reason that an ox or horse team could not go very far 
and they were the only methods of intercommunication. In- 
tercommunication has rapidly improved, thanks to the mar- 
velous work of the scientist and inventor, and as it has improved 
and extended business has grown from the individual to the 
firm, from the firm to the company, from the company to the 
great international corporation. The only way to stop this 
development, to set it back where it was in our grandfathers’ 
day, is to eradicate the causes that have produced the results. 


My plea is that our people be told all this in plain everyday 
language; that they be told it by you, the men who are so 
largely responsible for creating the cause that has produced the 
result. Until our people understand the fundamental cause, 
we are going to have a conflict of titanic proportions. A cam- 
paign of education is therefore imperative, for much that we 
learned in our youth must be consigned to the scrap heap, dis- 
carded altogether. We must learn new methods of thought 
and of action. In order to do this our people must have the 
facts. We can not expect them to readjust their thought and 
their action to such a great extent as they must without facts 
that are indisputable. Who can give them these facts better 
than the men who have created them—the scientist and the 

Steam and electricity have been the great unifying forces 
in business. With their advent it became perfectly natural for 
men to reach out and command larger areas of trade, to have 
great practical visions of interstate and international conquest 
in trade. The people as a mass do not understand this. They 
almost feel that supermen have come into the world in the last 
quarter of a century, men of far greater mental ability than 
ever existed before. This of course is not true. The men of 
the last quarter of a century have accomplished what they have 
not because they were endowed by the Almighty with vastly 
better mental machines than their fathers possessed, but be- 
cause they have been endowed by the scientist and the inventor 
with vastly better material machines than their forefathers 
possessed. If our grandfathers wished to talk to a man in the 
next block they had to put on their hats and go and hunt the 
man up. If a man living in Boston wished to talk to a man 
living in San Francisco he had to transport his body across the 
continent before he could do it. To-day all that is necessary 
is for you to turn in your chair, pick up a tiny instrument and 
command the voice of your friend whose body is on the other 
side of the continent, and his voice immediately sounds in your 

The Germans were the first people who had sufficient vision 
and courage to comprehend what mighty and practical changes 
the scientist and the inventor had wrought in business methods. 
They lost no time twenty-five years ago in shaping their future 
to be in keeping with the great new electrical age upon which 
the world was entering. They formed large trading companies 
and with great rapidity abandoned the old axiom “ competition is 
the life of trade” and substituted the new slogan “ cooperation 


is the life of trade.” With this slogan they went out for the 
trade of the world. At the same moment our country took 
exactly the opposite course and, through the passage of the 
Sherman Law, declared that competition was and must con- 
tinue to be the life of trade. 

Japan is another country that has lost no time in throwing 
off the customs and precedents of the past and entering the 
great new electrical world with broad vision and splendid 
courage. Witness what Japan has accomplished in less than 
half a century. She has cast off the customs and precedents 
of centuries and reached out with great eagerness for the 
newer and more advanced thought of the world. She has sent 
her best young manhood to the universities of all the civilized 
countries. She has sent commissions of her most able men to 
all points of the globe, that they might bring back the best 
thought and most advanced practises in social and business re- 
lations. For the last quarter of a century precedent has meant 
nothing to Japan. She has thought only of the matchless op- 
portunities that are opening to the world because of universal 
education and vastly improved methods of intercommunication. 

In both Germany and Japan the government has worked 
hand in glove with its merchants and manufacturers, leaving 
no stone unturned to make it clear to their people that the cus- 
toms of their fathers and forefathers were things of the past 
and that new beliefs, methods and practises must take the place 
of old ones. 

We pride ourselves on being a new country, a progressive 
country, free from the shackling influences of precedent. As 
compared with Germany and Japan and their accomplishments 
of the last quarter of a century we are an old benighted country. 
While both Germany and Japan have been reaching out into 
the future with new methods and practises our so-called states- 
men and laws have tried to bind us hand and foot to an archaic 

Fifteen years ago some of our business leaders with vision 
and courage attempted to organize the railroads of our great 
Northwest into one company, and planned to connect that rail- 
road system on the Pacific coast with a line of steamships to 
Japan and China. Under an archaic law our government at- 
tacked the enterprise, declared it illegal and prevented its being 
carried out. The project was abandoned and the ships for the 
Pacific were never built. Later on the La Follette Law was 
passed, which effectualy disposed of the few ships we had re- 
maining on the Pacific Ocean, and to-day in place of our being 


a potential factor in the carrying trade of the Pacific we are a 
negligible quantity, while Japan, whom many of our people still 
regard as an ancient nation, has forged ahead and practically 
taken possession of the carrying trade of the Pacific. All this 
is largely due to an utter lack of understanding on the part of 
our so-called statesmen and our people as a whole as to the 
great economic cnanges that have been brought into the world, 
not so much through the selfish desires of business men as 
through the potential achievements of science. 

The modern commercial accomplishments of Germany are 
too numerous to mention, but the latest one of which I know is 
the creation in Berlin of what is known as a Federal Purchas- 
ing Bureau. I understand that hereafter when a merchant in 
Germany wishes to purchase some commodity that is to be pro- 
cured outside of Germany he will be required to go to this pur- 
chasing bureau of the government and lodge his order. Take 
copper for instance: If the Germany copper merchants wish to 
buy copper they will each go to the government purchasing 
bureau and lodge their respective orders for, say, May copper. 
When the orders are all in this purchasing bureau will go out 
into the world to buy, say, fifty million pounds of copper. It 
will naturally come here, for we produce such large amounts 
of that metal. When it comes here it will find that our laws 
require that our copper merchants compete with one another 
in the sale of copper, while the German law requires that their 
merchants cooperate with one another in the purchase of copper. 
The method of Germany is, therefore, exactly the opposite of 
our method. Which is right? If Germany is right, then she 
is acquiring from us one of our most precious metals on terms 
very advantageous to her and very disadvantageous to us. 

Twenty-five or thirty-five years ago, before science and in- 
vention had perfected electrical intercommunication, such ar- 
rangements as these did not and could not exist. But to-day 
they can and do. Not only this, but in the judgment of all 
thoughtful men they are but in their infancy, for science and 
invention are making stupendous strides in perfecting instan- 
taneous intercommunication of thought and the more rapid 
transportation of our bodies and commodities from point to 
point. When this war shall have finished the conquest of the 
air will have been accomplished. The wireless will be a prac- 
tical everyday instrument. The submarine telephone will 
doubtless be in operation, and international lines will then 
mean about as little as state lines mean now, all because of 
what science has accomplished. 


Surely you men of science have vast accomplishments to 
your credit. You have reason to be exceedingly proud of a 
great record of achievement; but is it not high time that you 
did your bit by making it plainer to the people as a whole what 
your accomplishments mean to them in their work-day lives, 
making them understand that while you have destroyed an old 
order of things you have created a new and better order of 
things. Would it not be highly beneficial to our country if 
some of your meetings and discussions were given over almost 
wholly to the task of enlightening the people as to why it is 
that old methods must be discarded for new methods? Will 
you not give your splendid talents to plain talks with the mul- 
titude, for a great crisis confronts the world. It is the crisis 
of changing in a night, as it were, from the age of the ox team 
to the age of the flying machine. Certainly no such stupen- 
dous revolution has confronted the world in all its history, and 
unless our people can comprehend it all, can understand it all, 
they will not be qualified to deal with it in their homes, in their 
business and, above all, at the polls where representatives are 
selected by them to make new laws and discard old ones. 




FUNDAMENTAL factor on the economic side of the 
management of every public utility is that provision 
must be made for a constant supply of new capital. 

When a new plant of a public utility has been completed, 
it has not been completed; in fact, its construction has just 
commenced. It would be a most exceptional situation if such a 
plant were finished before it had become necessary to consider 
and provide for additions to it. The communities which these 
utilities are serving, whether the utilities are local or more 
than local in their character, are constantly growing. This 
constant growth necessitates constant additions to the plant. 
The utilities can not stand still. Unless they go forward, they 
will go backward. It is absolutely essential not only to the 
public welfare and convenience, but also to the success of the 
utility itself that it meet these constant demands promptly. 
A failure to do this means inadequate and insufficient service 


which usually causes and, unless it be due to extraordinary and 
abnormal conditions, justifies public dissatisfaction, criticism 
and controversy, with all of the losses and embarrassments to 
the utility and the public which they directly and indirectly 

Every well-managed public utility recognizes its obligation 
to meet these demands as they arise and to anticipate and pro- 
vide for them in advance, so far as this may reasonably be 
done. The definite determination of what these future de- 
mands will be in any concrete case, in the nature of things is 
involved in more or less uncertainty ; and where this uncertainty 
is such as to render the investment unjustifiable it imposes a 
necessary limitation upon construction in advance of known re- 
quirements. As to every utility, the correct engineering point 
of view, because it is the correct financial and economic point 
of view, is always with reference to the future. If the prop- 
erty is a well-managed property, speaking broadly, the work 
that is being engineered and financed to-day is normally with 
reference to future requirements ; the plant that is in use to-day, 
meeting present requirements, was engineered, financed and 
constructed in the past. 

The magnitude of the investment in these utilities and of 
this persistent demand for new money is seldom appreciated. 
The statisticians inform us, using the figures for 1916, that the 
investment in the principal utilities of the United States, in- 
cluding steam railroads, telephones, telegraphs, street and elec- 
tric railways, electric light and power plants, water transpor- 
tation, express companies, the Pullman Company, manufactured 
and natural gas plants, water plants and pipe lines, aggregated 
more than thirty-two billion dollars. It is said that during 
the last five years, the additions to this investment have, upon 
the average, amounted to more than one billion dollars in each 
year. This figure is too low to be taken as the basis for deter- 
mining the amount of money required for these purposes. It 
is well known that during this period, the additions to railroad 
plant and equipment have not been sufficient to meet the public 

It is scarcely necessary to refer to the fact that these ad- 
ditions can not be provided out of surplus earnings. Such 
earnings can and should provide a part of them, but they can 
not be relied upon as the sole or as the principal source from 
which the new money is to come. It must be attracted to these 
investments from the body of surplus capital which is at the 
time seeking investment. 


Another fundamental fact, so obvious that there would be no 
excuse for alluding to it if it were not very frequently over- 
looked, is that basic economic laws require that there shall be 
paid for this new money what it is worth in the money market. 

This general market to which the public utilities and all 
other enterprises desiring to obtain money must go, is in the 
very nature of things a highly competitive market. Those whe 
have money to invest will invest it where, all things being con- 
sidered, it will bring to them the highest return. It will go to 
the highest bidder. Investments in public utilities, just exactly 
like investments in real estate, manufacturing, banking and 
everything else, must be attracted by a prospective profit, and 
this profit, taking into account hazards and other conditions, 
must be equal to that offered by other available investments. 
Otherwise, the investors, who are seeking a profit, will place 
their funds in the more profitable enterprises and the money 
will be diverted from public utilities. To secure normal, natu- 
ral business conditions, the profits to be derived by the inves- 
tor from the various channels of investment must be equal when 
the variations in hazards and other material conditions are 
taken into account. When this equality exists, each class of in- 
vestments will normally secure its proper proportion of the 
general supply of money. If one class of investments is tem- 
porarily more profitable than another, money will flow into that 
class until, through the operation of the laws of demand and 
supply, it is brought into its proper relation with the others. 
The late Professor William G. Sumner once said that in the 
final analysis returns from government bonds and gold mining 
must be equal. 

The contention that because capital invested in public utili- 
ties is devoted to a public use, it is therefore not entitled to 
relatively the same return as capital in private investments, 
the conditions, hazards and other factors affecting the invest- 
ment being considered, will never be sound as long as the laws 
of demand and supply remain effective. The man with a thou- 
sand dollars, or five thousand or ten thousand dollars to invest 
will not put it into securities of public utilities, no matter what 
he may reasonably believe they will earn in the way of a return, 
if at the same time there is offered to him an opportunity to 
invest this money in other securities equally sound which will 
bring to him a greater return. This attitude on the part of 
the investor is not only a cold, hard fact, but it is right. There 
is no legitimate reason why the business of furnishing the 
public the service which it requires should not be upon a sound, 


economic basis. The same reasons which compel public utili- 
ties to pay the market prices for what they require of labor 
and machinery and iron and copper and other materials, and 
coal and oil and other supplies, require them to pay the market 
prices for money. It would be as legitimate—and no more 
futile—to argue that the labor used by utilities should be fur- 
nished at less than the market rate because in a public service, 
as it is to apply this argument to capital. 

Because the fundamental economic laws of supply and de- 
mand apply to money just as broadly and effectively as they 
do to everything else, there has not been and there never will 
be devised any plan or any scheme under which, speaking 
broadly, public utilities can be enabled to obtain the money 
which they require for less than it is worth. To assert that 
this should be done, either in the case of capital or in the case 
of labor, is to assert that these services, which are of such 
value that they have become absolutely essential factors in our 
social and business life, should be furnished to the public for 
less than cost. This would amount to a denial of their economic 
right to exist. From the economic point of view nothing has a 
right to be unless it can pay its own way. 

Because this money must be obtained in a competitive 
market, where the investor is not limited to these investments 
but may do with his money what he pleases, and will and should 
make the disposition of it which in his judgment promises the 
greatest profit, in the final analysis it is the investor who de- 
termines what return will induce him to part with his money, 
and therefore what return the public utility must pay in order 
to obtain this money. It is the investor who has the money to 
sell. It is he who actually fixes the price which will induce 
him to part with it. The investor is the public, or a very con- 
siderable and influential part of it. The opinion of every in- 
vestor, from the savings-bank depositor to the holder of mil- 
lions, is an element in this determination; so that it is the public 
itself which fixes the return which will attract money to its 

It is clear from what has been said that in considering what 
is a fair return upon money invested in public utilities, or in 
any public utility, the question must be approached from the 
standpoint of the requirements of new capital to provide the 
necessary additions to plant. Much of the discussion of this 
question has been predicated upon the assumption, sometimes 
unconscious, frequently not stated, but very frequently present 
and underlying the whole argument, that the investment in a 


public utility, once made, is fixed, and that the question pre- 
sented is what should this utility fairly and equitably earn 
upon this fixed investment. This is inherently wrong, because 
it is directly opposed to the fact that the investment in a utility 
is not fixed and is not completed. It is inherently wrong, 
because the concrete fact with which these utilities must con- 
stantly deal is the rate that must be paid for new money. 

The return which will attract to these investments their 
proper proportion of the available money seeking investment 
is that return which will place them upon a parity with other 
enterprises, and which is therefore a fair return. 

The public utilities of the United States are much regulated. 
Within the last few years, commission laws have been enacted 
until now in every state except Delaware there exists a state 
commission, exercising more or less jurisdiction over the utili- 
ties within its territory. The Interstate Commerce Commis- 
sion has jurisdiction over interstate carriers, including the tele- 
graph, telephone and express companies. The jurisdiction of 
these commissions varies, but in general it embraces the mat- 
ters of rates, service, accounting and capitalization. In addi- 
tion to these larger regulatory bodies, it is probably true that 
there is no state which has not delegated to its municipalities 
greater or less power to regulate public utilities. 

For the purposes that I have in mind to-day, it is not neces- 
sary to hold a brief either for or against regulation. Per- 
sonally, I favor it because I believe that regulation, notwith- 
standing the fact that it is still in the development stage and 
has as yet by no means worked out to perfection, will in the long 
run be better for the public and better for the utilities than no 
regulation. But regulation costs money. It involves direct 
expenses to the public and expenses that may be called indirect ; 
because in the final analysis the expenses of the utilities on 
account of regulation must be repaid by the public as a part of 
the expenses of their operation. To justify itself, regulation 
must be worth more than it costs. It can not be a benefit to 
the public unless it is also a benefit to the utilities. They are 
so closely interdependent that what helps or hurts one similarly 
affects the other. 

The recognition of the two fundamental propositions which 
have been under discussion will go far toward realizing sound 
regulation of financing by public utilities. That the public re- 
quirements must be met and that the public must pay for what 
it receives are inevitable. It is indisputable that the require- 
ments which the public imposes upon every kind of service af- 


forded by public utilities are constantly growing and that this 
growth must continue. Sound regulation must recognize this 
fact and must recognize the necessity for providing the addi- 
tions to plant required to adequately take care of this con- 
tinuous growth. These are facts which can not be affected or 
controlled by laws, or by decrees of courts, or by the enactment 
of orders by regulatory bodies, whether they be state commis- 
sions or municipalities. Any attempt at regulation which does 
not recognize this limitation upon the power to regulate is in 
this respect unsound. 

I am not familiar with local conditions in Pittsburgh. I 
am confident, however, that out of the growth of its population, 
out of the enormous increase of its business due to the war, 
there has arisen an increased demand upon every utility serv- 
ing this community, upon the telephone service, the telegraph 
service, the railroad service, the water service, the gas service, 
the electric-light service, the street railway service, the express 
service, and others. What I have attempted to emphasize is 
that this demand is due to conditions over which no commission 
or regulatory body can possibly exercise any control. It is 
something that can not be affected by any action or by any order 
of any constituted authority. If it has not been anticipated, if 
the investment necessary to take care of it has not been made— 
and it is not believed that it was humanly possible to foresee 
and to adequately provide for existing conditions—then there 
has resulted some impairment of the service, with some incon- 
venience and loss, which must continue until the abnormal con- 
ditions incident to the war will permit the necessary readjust- 
ments. What is true of Pittsburgh is true of every other com- 
munity and of the country as a whole. 

It is just as true that it is beyond the power of regulation 
to say what shall be paid for money. There is some loose talk 
on the part of commissions, and more on the part of those who 
appear before them, about what the commissions or the laws 
under which they are created will permit the utilities to earn. 
This is all based upon misapprehension. What rate of return 
will attract new capital to these utilities is a question of fact 
to be determined by the application of sound judgment to all 
of the material evidence, just as much as the value of a piece of 
real estate, or the value of the property of a telephone company, 
or a water company, or a gas company, is a question of fact. 
What the legislature, or commission, or municipality can do, 
and all that it can do, is to determine this question of fact. 
Their authority goes no further than to authorize them to ascer- 


tain as accurately as they can what return will appeal to the 
public as sufficient to induce the investment of money in these 
enterprises. If this question of fact is determined correctly, 
new money will be forthcoming; if the conclusion is too low, it 
will not be forthcoming: and since the regulatory body has no 
power to compel the public to change its opinion, it will be 
necessary for the regulatory body to revise its own conclusion. 

With the recognition of these two fundamental propositions 
by the public and by the regulatory bodies, the foundation is 
laid for sound regulation of public utilities from the financial 
standpoint. It is fortunate that they are neither difficult to 
understand nor inequitable in their results. Every one, no mat- 
ter how limited his attainments, can readily appreciate and 
easily comprehend that increases in population, increases in 
business, and developments in the services of the utilities which 
broaden their usefulness, all tend to create a necessity for more 
plant and for more money to create this plant. Again, to reverse 
a homely phrase, they all understand that in this situation fore- 
sight is better than hindsight; it is obvious that foresight in the 
provision for these growing demands means the greatest effi- 
ciency and least interruption in the service. 

To demonstrate that to induce money to flow into these en- 
terprises they must appeal to the investor as offering him as 
much in the way of profit or return as is offered to him by other 
investments taking into account hazards and other conditions, 
is just as easy. All that is required is to put yourself in the 
place of the investor and to ask yourself which investment you 
would choose for your own money. 

The equity in what these propositions involve is plain. 
They contemplate that the public shall have the service that it 
wants when it wants it. They contemplate that the public 
shall pay for this service what it is reasonably worth. The 
service is indispensable and is worth much more than the public 
can ever be required to pay for it. 

Because these propositions are simple and are equitable, I 
believe that the public generally will accept them, just as soon 
as they are brought to its attention so that it understands them. 
Speaking broadly, I do not believe that the public generally 
either wishes to or believes that it could obtain these necessi- 
ties for less than a fair remuneration. It knows that it can 
not obtain something for nothing. It is willing to pay a fair 
price. The essential thing is that it understand what is a fair 



By Professor ALBERT H. WRIGHT 

N recent years the American public has been treated to much 
heralding of the advent of efficient government. Ballot 
changes, civil service reform, investigations of research and 
efficiency bureaus, proposals for more businesslike administra- 
tion of public office and devices for giving freer expression to 
the popular will have been offered at various times. Severaily 
they represent faith in the punishment of wrongdoers, confi- 
dence in the methods of private business, or trust in the wis- 
dom of a powerful electorate, for the development of sound and 
satisfactory government. Excellent as some of these proposals 
are, they furnish no answer to grave questions which have been 
forced on democracies in recent months. What is the aim or 
goal of democratic government? Can democratic government 
survive the rude shock of a great public trial? How may it 
escape the dangers due to conditions bred of its chiefest vir- 
tues? How may it, in a social order as yet imperfectly under- 
stood, find the knowledge and the method requisite for the for- 
mulation and prosecution of social policies vital to its continued 

For our American democracy we have at the least the first 
of these questions answered. Whether by reference to the 
operation of government, the pronouncements of party leaders, 
or public opinion we shall find that the maximum possible 
of personal liberty and individual opportunity constitutes 
the aim and justification of our political life. It needs no dem- 
onstration that to secure and maintain this condition for all 
citizens our governmental institutions are put under the duty of 
developing the material and social resources of the land to the 
full. It is fairly evident that our present political institutions 
as they function do not satisfy this ideal requirement. It may 
be feared that they are ill prepared to face confidently any of 
the issues in which the continued existence of democratic gov- 
ernment is at stake. If the politician and the statesman have 
failed us, what resources of leadership have we remaining? 
What more natural than that the social scientist should feel that 
he should be the guide? 

Subject to the sometimes narrow limits of political expedi- 
ency our governments, local, state, and national, have accepted 


the standards of the physical scientist. But the social scientist 
finds discouragement everywhere. His technique is new, his 
knowledge is tentative, his method is untried. He may not 
aspire to the precision of older sciences. His statements are 
liable to gross misinterpretation as they encounter ingrained 
beliefs, prejudices, wilful ignorance and resentful selfishness. 
As if to minimize his efforts the inadequacy of his information 
forces him to extreme modesty in his claims. Who, for example, 
would dare set up a standard for population increase? What 
view on the immigration problem shall prevail? What shail 
be our decision as to the distribution of social income? There 
is hardly a matter of major interest to our democracy for which 
social scientists may claim even tentative standards. 

Insufficient knowledge is, of course, no rightful objection to 
the leadership of social science, if even that knowledge sur- 
passes any other and gives promise for the future. A serious 
obstacle will be encountered when that leadership is asserted. 
Those in charge of our governments do not frequently seek the 
advice of the social scientist. A widely disseminated suffrage 
furnished a fertile field for the development of the professional 
politician. The politician responds to the interests, influences 
or groups which maintain him. The disintegration of govern- 
ment makes the politician necessary to harmonize outdated 
political institutions with modern social and economic crea- 
tions. The politician champions fervently the further exten- 
sion of the electorate that his own position be made more secure. 
Scientific leadership in politics must await the reconstruction of 
our political mechanism. 

As an accompaniment to the remarkable material progress 
of the past fifty years we must note the unfortunate, steady de- 
terioration of government, not alone in quality, but in power as 
well. It is a commonplace of recent American history that 
from the close of the Civil War to the end of the nineteenth 
century Americans were so intent upon the conquest of the re- 
sources of the country that they neglected public affairs. It 
was this period which gave over the governments of the country 
to the professional politician. Other contributing influences 
may be traced. Certainly a share of the responsibility goes 
to the inventions which facilitated transportation and com- 
munication, thus causing those in charge of these expanding 
media of commerce to regard state boundaries as artificial ob- 
structions to be surmounted in the interest of developing in- 
dustry. Likewise, the influences which caused the gradual con- 
centration of the production of certain articles of manufacture 


within the limits of a small section, sometimes a single state, 
helped reduce the power of government. The development of 
large-scale production, the integration of industrial processes, 
the concentration of credit control in a few centers, and the 
growing use of the corporate form of organization all assisted 
to weaken local governments, obliterate state lines, and render 
the federal government, to a degree, helpless. The weakening 
of government was inevitable. Industry grows, rewards, in- 
terests, directs. It mingles intimately with the citizen’s life. 
Its returns are tangible and immediate. Business organiza- 
tion responds quickly to demands for change. Our govern- 
ments are still permeated with eighteenth-century concepts, 
their organization in part is of the same derivation. Govern- 
ments move slowly, change seldom, reward poorly. On demand 
for change they await the slow coalescence of public opinion. 
It could not have been otherwise than that industry should 
have loomed large in the popular imagination, that it should 
have enlisted popular interest and that government the while 
should have suffered increasing obscuration. Consequently 
when industry used the politician to turn the creaking wheels 
of government in its interest, every social or economic group 
with a vestige of power turned to the same practice, thus mak- 
ing the politician fairly secure. 

Rightly or wrongly, political stocktaking will show us a 
national government restricted in power as is no other great 
national government because based on a constitutional system 
constructed in apprehension of rather than in confidence in 
democratic institutions. We shall find our state governments 
monotonously alike in their main outlines, and largely based on 
obsolete constitutional principles. Some local governments we 
shall. find respensive to democratic impulses, but many more 
restricted in power and at the mercy of the state legislature. 
The entire system is managed by party leaders who must 
placate supporting interests and who rarely dare disinterested 
public service. Before executive officers and legislators, who 
hold office by the caprice of popular election, press various 
groups seeking protection for their class interests. Legisla- 
tion and administration reflect class demands. Governments 
thus become mere prizes of power and their results, spoils, con- 
cessions, or compromises. 

Hardly an encouraging outlook for the efforts of social 
science! Seemingly a double duty is enjoined. The student of 
social science must continue his study of social phenomena for 
the evolution of definite standards for social action. At the 


same time he must strive for the creation of conditions which 
will afford opportunity for the development of his leadership. 
Such action is, clearly, not the sole prerogative of the social 
scientist, but he must assume a leading part in the forward 

What can be done? How can a democracy be persuaded to 
change its habits? What changes will bring the promise of 
scientific leadership? Leaving aside the familiar contention 
that popular education through the shaping of public opinion 
will achieve the desired end—an optimistic outlook of doubtful 
value—we may suggest some few changes which will make less 
difficult the reshaping of democratic government. Undoubt- 
edly one favoring condition for the professional politician lies 
in the ease with which the privilege of the suffrage may be 
secured and used. When the indifferent, the uninformed and 
the incapable voters determine election results for the benefit 
of the political worker patriotic intelligence is placed under a 
heavy handicap. This evil might be minimized by (1) requir- 
ing of both naturalized and native citizen preliminary training 
for the initial use of the suffrage, (2) by the elimination of 
mentally subnormal voters by appropriate psychological tests— 
if competent for school children and soldiers why not for voters 
—and (3) by basing registration for elections on the voter’s 
knowledge of the issues or candidacies involved in the forth- 
coming contest. Perhaps we may take a lesson from ancient 
Athens, whose youths began civic responsibilities at eighteen 
but gained political privileges only gradually thereafter, reach- 
ing full privileges at thirty. The vote will be prized only when 
it is worth prizing. From an intelligent electorate may we not 
expect conscientious service and a chance for educated leader- 

To-day the fitness of an elected official for the duties of his 
office is a matter of pure chance. Indeed, candidates have been 
rejected at the polls for apparently no other reason than that 
they were competent. This seemingly hopeless condition may 
possibly be remedied in some degree in the future if universi- 
ties undertake the training of young men of executive promise 
who desire to enter public service for the definite purpose of 
seeking public executive positions which offer the chance of de- 
termining political policies. It should be possible thus to train 
local leaders to compete with local politicians on more than 
equal terms. 

For our present legislative lottery must be substited some- 
thing better. At present any member of a legislature can in- 


troduce measures at will. No important bill can be considered 
until several rival measures have been pigeonholed. Even then 
the bill is subject to the tender mercies of committee action, 
proposed and actual amendment when before the whole body, 
change in the other house of the legislature, the compromises 
of a conference committee and possible executive veto. The 
executive’s program of legislation should be given the right of 
way. The bills should be drafted by an expert draftsman work- 
ing under the direction of a committee of competent authorities 
on the subject-matter of the measure. Amendments should be 
permitted only with the consent of the drafting committee. 
When it is recognized that legislation is a science we shall be 
well toward an efficient democracy. 

Finally, constitutional changes should be constructed in 
quite different fashion from present methods. Reverence for 
custom and imitation may have their uses, but they are hardly 
reliable guides for the reconstruction of government. Piece- 
meal change has slight justification, if a single gain is used 
as an excuse to preserve several outworn practises. Periodically 
the whole social and economic structure of the governmental 
area should be examined, the standards and desires of all 
groups ascertained and then a governmental organization be 
framed in the light of this information for the realization of 
democratic aims without regard to the fate of the old frame- 
work. We should cease trying to make society conform to 
what a few consider correct government, and instead mold our 
government to conform to the facts of society. 

If, throughout our operation of political institutions we ad- 
vance patiently to the acceptance of the experimental attitude 
and the method of social diagnosis as our basis of action, democ- 
racy may presently be safe for scientific standards. 


By Professor HOWARD C. KIDD 

N studying the problems of railroad finance and credit, there 
are two angles of approach: rates and costs. The first is 
in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission; the 
second is in the hands of the railroads. 
The solution of the financial problem through increased 
VOL. V1.—16. 


rates seems hopeless, because there is little probability that the 
Interstate Commerce Commission will grant a substantial rate 
increase. Even if the roads were granted all they ask, it would 
not be long before they felt the effect of the “vicious circle” of 
costs rising at a faster rate. Their relative position would 
register no improvement. It is a case of lifting yourself by 
your bootstraps. 

The solution of the problem by cutting down costs is the 
only course open to the roads. It is a question of efficiency and 
scientific management of present railroad equipment. Econo- 
my of operation is forced on the railroads because of abnormal 
traffic volume at a time when they are short of labor and equip- 
ment. In the first six months of 1917, American railroads 
handled 14 per cent. more freight than during a corresponding 
period of 1916, and 50 per cent. more freight than for the same 
months of 1915. In the same period the railroads added to 
their equipment 1 per cent. new mileage; 2 per cent. new loco- 
motives; 3 per cent. new freight cars. This disparity between 
traffic demands and new equipment has compelled the railroad 
managers to study intensively the best improved methods of 

To meet the new traffic conditions, railroad policy has been 
directed in order to secure two general results: first, unified 
and central executive control; second, maximum efficiency in 
the use of labor and equipment. 

The desire for a policy of centralized control is not new 
as far as the railroads are concerned. The approval of the 
government, however, is a decidedly new attitude. The rail- 
roads have been attempting a scheme of pooling or consolida- 
tion since the period of cut-throat competition and insolvency 
in the ’70s. First the pooling of earnings was tried, but de- 
clared illegal by the Interstate Commerce Law of 1887. Then 
the roads resorted to the pooling of traffic. This practise was 
outlawed by the application of the Sherman Anti-trust law of 
1890, applied to the railroads in the Trans-Missouri decision in 
1897. The railroads then tried the pooling of securities, but 
here again they were checkmated by the ruling of the United 
States Supreme Court in the Northern Securities case. The 
last attempt at consolidation has been the recent attempt to 
pool equipment in Trunk Line territory. If it had succeeded, 
government operation of the roads during the period of the 
war would not have been necessary. The failure of this pool- 
ing arrangement seems to have been due to confusion arising 
from the conflict of orders given both by the government prior- 


ity committee and the committee representing the railroads. 
The policy adopted by Mr. Wilson of operating the railroads of 
the country as a unit should produce maximum efficiency of 
operation, and also safeguard the financial interests of the in- 

The solution of the present railroad problems, however, 
can not be reached by merely centralized control, much as such 
a scheme may help. Greater efficiency in the use of present 
railroad equipment must be quickly developed. 

A few years ago, Mr. Louis Brandeis made the statement 
that by thé use of up-to-date methods of handling labor, and 
the application of practical science in working their plant, the 
railroads of the United States could save $1,000,000 a day. 
Whether the remark was true or not, the railroads within the 
last few months have learned the value of scientific manage- 
ment in such matters as packing, handling freight at terminals, 
loading cars, and especially in generating locomotive power. 

With regard to packing, the railroads, in cooperation with 
the shippers of the country, can effect great saving of space, 
which will, of course, reduce unit costs of operation. As an 
example of the need of improvements in packing, the cotton 
situation might be cited. A recent article which appeared in 
the Textile Recorder of Manchester, England, points out that 
the present density of the United States bale is 22 pounds; the 
Egyptian 37; the Indian and Chinese from 45 to 60. The ar- 
ticle concludes that, were the American compress methods more 
improved, a saving of vessel cargo space would total 9,305,000 
tons dead weight. The argument which applies to vessel space 
could be drawn with equal force to freight-car space which 
could be utilized to relieve the present traffic congestion. 

In the matter of loading cars, the roads have effected sub- 
stantial economies. Comparing the first six months of 1916 
and 1917 the railroads of the country increased the average 
carload from 24.4 tons to 27 tons. This savings is equivalent to 
adding to the rolling-stock equipment 200,000 freight cars. 

The improvements in handling “less than carload’”’ ship- 
ments have been especially noticeable. Fairfax Harrison, 
chairman of the Railroads War Board, recently issued the fol- 
lowing significant statement: 

On 77 of the principal railroads of the United States, a saving of 
114,109 cars was effected in one month this year solely by increasing the 
“less than carload” freight. The reports show that the average loading 
for that class of freight during July this year was 13,927 pounds, as. 
compared with an average of 11,619 pounds during the same month last. 


At seaboard terminals, where congestion is greatest, effi- 
ciency in freight handling is being developed. At the Penn- 
sylvania R. R. piers, New York, located on the North River, 
mechanical improvements in recent years have reduced the cost 
of handling bulk freight, such as coke, coal and limestone, from 
$.56 to $.04 per ton. A 12,000-ton steamer can be loaded in 
twenty-three minutes. However, in the handling of mixed 
cargoes, methods had improved very little within the last fifty 
years. Recently the use of the electric tractor, to which is at- 
tached a train of four or five trailers, has produced results very 
satisfactory in comparison with the use of hand trucks. The 
speed of the hand truck is approximately one mile per hour; 
that of the tractor-train is about 4 miles per hour. The fol- 
lowing comparison indicates the relative saving of work: 

F Equivalent in 
Packages Weight | Trailers Hand Teusks 
H | 
40) boxes orancesuseraere oe stactcia cles eccers 31,200 3 10 
LOD half <chestsiornve wwe iets ele le eieteke cio'ss | 7,650 5 25 
UD icasess TODACCONe etre a ieee ielocelcel cies 4 03s 2,520 3 12 
146 packages, groceries .................-: 3,400 4 29 

Possibly the place where railroad efficiency can be promoted 
to the greatest extent is in their locomotives. It is estimated 
that of the 63,500 locomotives in use on American railroads, 
only one third are mechanically modern. To make the two 
thirds modern would require an average expenditure of $3,000 
per locomotive, involving a total expense of $120,000,000. The 
result would be an increase in general equipment capacity of 
about 33 per cent. To increase capacity to this extent in any 
other way would probably cost about thirty times this amount, 
or $3,600,600,000. Even if the steel and labor, necessary for 
such enlargement, were available, the present condition of the 
money market would make such financing impossible. Presi- 
dent Markham, of the Illinois Central R. R., has pointed out 
that as a result of mechanically improving the locomotives on 
his line, an average freight mileage of 40 miles per day has 
been reached. Just what this achievement means will be ap- 
preciated when it is remembered that the average freight mile- 
age for the United States is 29 miles per day. 

The possibilities of the electric locomotive are being seri- 
ously investigated by railroad men. Mr. F. H. Shepard, of the 
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, says that 
the “electric locomotive of to-day, in its ability to handle the 
heaviest trains in congested service, to make long sustained 


runs and to remain continuously in service, has demonstrated 
its unquestionable superiority over any method of steam opera- 

The electric locomotive has probably had its best test on the 
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, where it has been tried out 
on 226 miles of difficult grade on the Rocky Mountain Division. 
Vice-President Goodnow sums up the following advantages of 
electric compared to steam locomotives: 

1. Higher efficiency in cold weather. 

2. Has made double tracking unnecessary. 

3. 11.3 per cent. of the power consumed has been generated 
by trains on down grade. 

4, Greater ease and safety in handling trains on grades, 
involving less wear and tear on equipment. 

5. “Dynamic breaking,” or the holding of trains at uni- 
form speed on down grades without the use of air brakes. 

6. Longer and heavier trains. 

7. Greater speed. 

8. Possible elimination of round-houses. 

9. More work from one half the number of locomotives. 

The possibilities of generating electric energy by the use of 
water power is another item in favor of the use of the electric 
locomotive. One fourth of our coal supply is consumed by the 
railroads. The substitution of any other source of power 
would not only solve a vital problem for American railroads, 
but also have far-reaching industrial effects in the period of 
reconstruction which must follow this war. 

In conclusion, the following interesting statement regard- 
ing the problem of railroad efficiency was made a short time 
ago by Mr. Henry Ford: 

The freight car weighs as much as the load it carries. Heavy cars 
require heavy engines, heavier rails, greater strains in starting and 
stopping, more coal, heavier bridges, and the result is increased waste 
and depreciation. Four fifths of a railroad’s work to-day is hauling the 
deadweight of its own wastefully heavy engines and cars. 

Nature has distributed alloy materials which, with heat treatment, 
make steel of 150,000 or 200,000 pounds tensile strength, instead of 50,000, 
and then the weight can be cut down proportionately. Alloy steel of 
high tensile strength cuts down the weight. 

Whether the railroads remain in the hands of the govern- 
ment, or are returned to their present owners, the problem of 
efficiency along the general lines suggested above, must be 
studied by operation and traffic managers. An unprecedented 
traffic crisis, which will continue indefinitely after the conclu- 
sion of peace, calls for rigid economy and intelligent cooperation. 




HAT of the labor shortage? The question is on the lips 
W of many war leaders and most business men. The 
American labor supply seems less adequate to meet the demands 
than ever before in our development. 

From the West come dire predictions of failure of our aims 
of feeding our Allies if we do not effectively increase the agri- 
cultural labor force. Greater acreage or more intensive culti- 
vation will require more labor. The fuel administrators and 
mine operators face a real labor shortage as well. Western 
Pennsylvania is asking now for miners. Continued and in- 
creased production is needed to keep our furnaces and factories 
supplied with fuel. The exhaustion of the railroad labor re- 
serve has helped to bring the transportation crisis. 

The building of houses to care for growth of population and 
emergency construction around new munitions works are halted 
by lack of hands. Even the shipbuilding program upon which 
our success in the war so largely depends is endangered by 
want of an adequate and appropriate supply of workers. 

And the situation will no doubt go from bad to worse. The 
war is sure now to last at least another year, and the taking of 
another half million or more men from industry for military 
service will further deplete our labor force. The labor of sup- 
plying an increased army with munitions, clothes and food 
will still further tax our productive powers. As the war goes 
on and the brunt of the struggle passes to the United States, 
the demand for materials will increase disproportionately, and 
our industrial efforts must be inordinately increased to supply 
our own shortage—not to emphasize the need of our Allies,— 
likely to be increasingly bitter. 

No wonder that panic-stricken editors have been seeking 
the breakdown of standards of hours of work, asking for the 
widespread employment of women and for industrial conscrip- 
tion. The production required to support our armies and 
navies and win the war is being deterred by the chaotic condi- 
tion of the labor market, the dearth of effective man power. 
This is the first time of industrial expansion in which definite 
and universal attention has been called to the anarchic indi- 
vidualism of our employment system. Hitherto we have been 


content merely to discuss and worry with the problems of em- 
ployment in times of distress and depression. The futility of 
past attempts is seen in the panic of 1914, when immediate 
relief and not constructive change still characterized our pol- 
_ icy. In peace times we have failed to solve our labor problem, 
the great task of providing comprehensive machinery for the 
securing and maintaining of an adequate labor supply. Now 
as an inevitable measure of war efficiency we face the need of 
grappling successfully with the problem. 

This trying and complex situation will not be met by sweep- 
ing generalizations, by hurling denunciation, or calling for 
panaceas. It can be met alone by authentic information, tem- 
perate analysis and slow constructive effort. Where are we 
to get the labor to serve our industrial effort? 

The problem of labor shortage admits of many solutions. 
For the time being, at any rate, two solutions must be ruled out. 
The supply can not be increased by immigration, and English 
experience proves that extension of hours of work does not in- 
crease, but actually decreases, production. There is another 
theoretical solution which may be of scant immediate practical 
significance—the reduction of labor need by technical improve- 
ment and introduction of automatic machinery to replace labor 
power appreciably. The main practical expedients at hand, 
then, are obviously the increased employment of women; the 
diversion of workers from the production of luxuries that the 
nation must forego in the rigors of war, and finally the ade- 
quate and complete organization of the labor market to elimi- 
nate or reduce turnover and time loss between jobs, and lessen 
unemployment. We must utilize the existing labor supply to 
the fullest possible extent in the present crisis, if we are to 
attain the great aims we have set for our nation. 

Valuable distinctions which must be borne in mind in get- 
ting at our difficult problem, are between shortage in skilled 
and unskilled labor, and net shortage as contrasted with local, 
temporary shortage. 

There was undoubtedly with the falling off of immigration 
in a period of industrial boom following the war an unprece- 
dented dearth of unskilled labor in the North in steel and rail- 
road industry and in construction work. This shortage was 
met by bringing or inducing to come North more than half a 
million negro workers from the low-priced labor market of the 
South. But less than five per cent. of these workers are being 
introduced into skilled services. Again, women have been and 
are now being drawn into rough, unskilled work in increasing 


numbers and they are being slowly trained and directed into 
skilled activities. In Europe the use of women in industry has 
been remarkable. 

A year ago, over a million new women had entered industry 
since the start of the war—about 985,000 replacing men. Em- 
ployment of women saved England. Munition work is largely 
done by them. According to a recent editorial in The New 
Republic at Woolwich Arsenal, for instance, in August, 1914, 
only 125 of 10,866 workers were women. Now over a third of 
the 75,000 workers employed are women. In the United States 
there is as yet no definite information, but unofficial reports 
show rapid recruiting of women into industry, in munition 
works, railroading and other occupations formerly engaged in 
by men alone. 


In the unskilled groups particularly, the inability to secure 
an adequate labor supply is now marked, because of the casual 
character of the labor force of single men available. The 
turnover figures run above a thousand per cent. and are almost 
incredible. It is no wonder that the call comes for ‘ conscrip- 
tion of the labor force.” Yet on second thought this is but a 
short-cut remedy of coercion. If we understood the implica- 
tions of the term we would not use it so glibly. Forced labor 
has never been efficient. Even organized Germany with her 
great war need has not proven that military control and punish- 
ment secure results from unwilling workers except in the 
crudest tasks and its supervision is too costly save by an army 
in the field; and conscription would be unfair and inexpedient 
except in a completely socialized nation. A return to com- 
pulsory labor even in war time might be a return to “slacking ” 
and “ sabotage” losses which have always gone along with such 
work. The present labor force is, in a measure, working gladly 
and energetically ; add to its numbers by conscription and force 
them to work by law or threat of army service and the mutiny 
that agitators teach will seem to have a cause in fact. The 
seeds of organized revolt may soon be sowed in our midst. In 
any case, the young, unskilled casuals will be taken in the draft 
and that new experiment is difficult enough. 

Rather must this unskilled labor force outside the draft age 
be attracted and held than coerced. It can be held, we were con- 
vinced, by a study of the negro migration this summer, only by 
selection of family men and provisions of living conditions on a 
family basis. In this regard the problem is exactly that of the 
skilled worker; the reduction of turnover and securing of a 


stable labor force in any plant must wait upon adequate provi- 
sion of decent housing facilities. But the subject of indus- 
trial or governmental housing is another story and would re- 
quire separate treatment. 


Is there a net shortage of skilled workers? When we hear 
of the labor force that the Emergency Fleet Corporation will 
need to create its 6,000,000 tons ; now announced as 300,000 men, 
and the increasing shortage of the munitions plants, there seems 
to be a great lack. But no one knows if these men do not exist, 
or are merely out of touch with the new jobs. We know, in- 
deed, that men are being now laid off in numbers by industries 
suffering from the war, because of lack of fuel and materials, 
or decreased demand for products. For instance, in Pitts- 
burgh with a marked shortage of unskilled men, an actual sur- 
plus of mechanics and carpenters, who have drifted in perhaps 
from the cantonments and who need to be placed elsewhere, 
now exists. The war work of the nation has been curtailed be- 
cause no comprehensive system of labor management has been 


Our greatest problem, particularly in meeting the skilled 
labor need, is still the distribution of our labor force to the 
necessary industrial work, reducing part-time work, elimina- 
tion waiting between jobs and the tremendous turnover of 
labor. This is now estimated by employment managers to 
average over 100 per cent. a year, through this country, and in 
the shipbuilding force and the unskilled negro labor group it 
runs over 1,000 per cent. Our present labor force because it is 
inefficiently handled is not rendering one half of its possible 
service, is not fifty per cent. efficient. 

Competition has in the past been unregulated by considera- 
tions of national welfare. Industry has habitually depended 
upon a surplus labor force, and hiring and firing with free con- 
tract, to obtain workers. We disregarded the pathetic need of 
the surplus laborer; now the dire need is that of the nation and 
we must meet it. It is lack of mechanism for distribution of 
labor rather than a dearth of labor that brings the present 


We have not yet created national agencies to connect the 

jobless man and the manless job. The 23 state public employ- 


ment bureaus have been sadly handicapped by insufficient funds 
and untrained personnel and have worked mostly with placing 
the unskilled laborer. Now the states are seeing the situation 
more clearly in Committees of Public Safety. Pennsylvania 
has set aside $25,000 of the Defense Fund for the labor-place- 
ment work of the Civilan Service and Labor Committee, and 
the number of offices has been increased from five to thirteen. 
The United States Employment Service which grew out of the 
work of Immigration Bureau of the Department of Labor has 
some 94 offices at present. The last session of Congress appro- 
priated only $250,000, a mere fraction of the cost of an adequate 
system. It placed about 41,000 in August, a small per cent. of 
theneed. For five weeks, ending July 13, the British Exchanges, 
400 in number, placed 175,000. The members of the British 
Munitions Board on their recent visit announced the English 
plans to increase the number to 2,000; over ten times as many 
as the United States with a population twice as large. 


A new Employment Service has been given independent 
organization in the Department of Labor, in charge of a director 
appointed by the President. As a special emergency measure 
and upon official request a bill has just been introduced into 
Congress for federal coordination of Public Employment service 
throughout the country to secure maximum production in es- 
sential war industries. Congress is asked to grant the federal 
service a considerable appropriation. The bill extends and 
unifies all labor-exchange functions of the government. Cen- 
tralized control and unified policy would assure efficiency ; close 
cooperation of state bureaus in touch with demand and supply 
of labor is secured by national aid, ‘‘ dollar for dollar” to such 
state and city bureaus. 


If the bill is passed, it will not only help to mobilize our 
labor to war strength, but will provide for the period of 
reconstruction and demobilization after peace, an effective 
method of absorbing soldiers back into industry; such regu- 
larization of industry will meet the increasing industrial needs 
of the future. 

It may also provide the means for systematic inquiry, bring- 
ing real knowledge of the possibility of the substitution of the 


labor reserve of women for that of men; the men displaced 
could be directed to the industries needing their service most; 
and the need for training the new industrial army of women 
would be made clear. 


An efficient policy of labor distribution must be based on 
knowledge of the number of men engaged in trades, where they 
are, and the nature of their work and experience. The Bureau 
of Labor Statistics does not have and is not equipped to secure 
this information. Congress has given the Bureau but meager 
funds. Yet no intelligent policy of labor priority can be de- 
veloped for the government by the War Industries Board Prior- 
ity Committee, for instance, and followed by labor exchanges, 
until we have this full and detailed information about the labor 
supply, in the form of an index capable of practical use in find- 
ing individual workers. 

The draft supplies such an index for the male labor force 
between twenty-one and thirty-one. But we need now a na- 
tional registration of men and women between sixteen and sixty 
well planned and executed. This would be accomplished by a 
similar system, standardized for the nation; it would be simpler 
than the draft, as the irksome questions of dependents and 
liability to service would be eliminated. Such registrations, 
inadequately done, have already been tried by five states and, 
despite the crudity of the method, have proved of value. A 
modern filing system would convert a standardized national 
registration into an index of man power, to be used by ex- 
changes, and of immeasurable value for subsidiary registra- 
tions to meet specific war and peace needs. 


In addition to an efficient system of labor exchanges and 
an index of labor to utilize our labor supply to the full by dis- 
tribution, there must be real employment management inside 
the plant. Without waiting for securing a labor index, much 
can be done to meet the pressing needs of distribution of labor. 
The Emergency Fleet Corporation has introduced modern em- 
ployment methods in the shipyards. In each yard, hiring is 
now done by this employment manager, who has analyzed his 
job. Applicants are put at work for which they are best 
fitted. If capable of taking training they may be sent to special 
schools. Teachers for this standardized instruction are already 


being trained at Newport News. If foremen fire men the latter 
report to the manager before leaving, so that if possible they 
may be sent to other work in the plant, or be referred to the 
Federal Exchange for labor service in other shipyards. The 
local manager is the clearing house for labor and turnover will 
be much reduced, as it has in the last year by the introduction 
of similar methods of the New York Shipbuilding, Newport 
News and Fore River plants. This work will be materially 
aided by effective government aid to housing; the need here 
now constitutes the largest single factor in the disorganization 
of the labor situation. These methods must now be extended 
to all essential industries, steel and munition plants and rail- 
roads, especially. It represents the framework of the new ma- 
chinery for labor distribution—local managers who work 
through the Public Employment Service, using scientific infor- 
mation publicly compiled. 




HE word enzyme comes from a Greek word meaning “in 
4 yeast” (en, in; zyme, leaven). Perhaps the most accept- 
able definition in the light of recent scientific research is to say 
that it is a substance showing the properties of a catalyst and 
produced as a result of cellular activity. 

But what is a catalyst? The reader will recall his first 
very simple experiment in the preparation of oxygen. Here 
the learned instructor tells the bewildered youth that if you put 
a little potassium chlorate in a test tube and heat this very 
strongly, a gas is evolved which is later identified as oxygen. 
Now by merely adding a small quantity of a dirty black-looking 
powder, called manganese dioxide, to the potassium chlorate, 
the oxygen is evolved much more rapidly and at a much lower 
temperature. But this is not all. A careful examination at 
the end of the reaction shows that the manganese dioxide has 
not changed in any way: we have the same substance, and the 
same amount, at the end of the reaction as at the beginning. 
Many such substances are known to chemists. They all have 
this peculiarity: that they accelerate chemical reactions, and 
that a relatively small—at times insignificant—quantity of the 
catalyst suffices to bring about the chemical change. 

In cells we find substances of this type, but thus far these 
cellular catalysts, unlike the manganese dioxide, and like pro- 
teins, have never been produced outside of the cell. 

When we consider that life is possible only because of con- 
tinued cellular activity, and when we bear in mind that this 
activity is largely the result of chemical changes brought about 
by these enzymes, the paramount importance of these sub- 
stances becomes manifest. 

Alcoholic fermentation in yeast, the souring of milk, proc- 
esses of putrefaction, and various other examples of changes 
in organic materials with, often enough, the accompanying lib- 
eration of bubbles of gas, had long been known. The epoch- 
making researches of Pasteur had shown that fermentations 
and putrefactions were inaugurated by the presence of living 
organisms. Then later extracts from the saliva and the gastric 


mucosa of the stomach were obtained which also had the power 
of bringing about chemical changes in carbohydrates and pro- 
teins. This led to the classification of ferments into those 
which, like yeast and certain bacteria, acted because of certain 
vital processes (organized ferments), and those which, like the 
extracts from the saliva and stomach, were presumably “non- 
living unorganized substances of a chemical nature” (unor- 
ganized ferments). Kiihne designated the latter “‘ enzymes.” 
This classification was generally accepted, and the “ vitalists ” 
held absolute sway until Emil Buchner, in 1897, overthrew 
the whole theory by a series of researches which, in their in- 
fluence, were only second in importance to those of Pasteur in 
an earlier generation. One of Buchner’s classical experiments 
consisted in grinding yeast cells with sand and infusorial earth, 
and then subjecting the finely pulverized material to a pressure 
of 300 atmospheres—a pressure far more than enough to de- 
stroy yeast, or any other cells. The liquid so obtained had all 
the fermentative properties of the living yeast cell. Obviously, 
then, the living cell could not be responsible for the fermenta- 
tion. On the other hand, this experiment did suggest that 
cellular activity gives rise to some substance which, once pro- 
duced, exerts its influence whether the cell is alive or dead. 
All subsequent experiments have but strengthened the convic- 
tion that cells do produce these substances, and that the chem- 
ical changes are due not to the living organisms, but to the 
lifeless substances (enzymes) to which these organisms give 

Minute in quantity, and tenaciously adhering to substances 
present, particularly protein, the isolation of an enzyme in the 
pure state has become one of the most difficult problems in 
physiological chemistry. Yet any elementary student in the 
subject finds little difficulty in performing simple experiments 
which convince him either of its presence or of its absence. 
How are they done? 

The method consists essentially in making use of the so- 
called “specificity”? of enzymes. To use Fischer’s simile, just 
as one key fits one lock, so any one enzyme will act on only a 
certain type of substance. Take, for example, the enzyme 
found in saliva, ptyalin: it readily acts on the carbohydrate, 
starch, but has absolutely no action on protein. Again, take 
the pepsin of the stomach: this enzyme breaks down proteins, 
but is without result on carbohydrates. These instances may 
be multiplied indefinitely. 

Some enzymes show their specificity to an even more 


marked degree. In the yeast cell, for example, we find one, 
sucrase,: which acts only on cane sugar (sucrose) ; but on no 
other sugar or carbohydrate. A simple little experiment dem- 
onstrates this beyond question. A yeast cake is ground up very 
intimately with a little sand and water, and the mass filtered. 
A small portion of the filtrate is added to a solution of cane 
sugar, the mixture placed in an incubator kept at 38° C., and 
allowed to remain there for about 80 minutes or so. At the end 
of that time the mixture, if heated with Fehling’s solution,? will 
yield a red-brick precipitate—a result which could not be ob- 
tained either with the cane sugar, or with the enzyme solution 
alone. No other carbohydrate solution—or protein, or fat solu- 
tion, for that matter—can take the place of the cane sugar; our 
enzyme will be without effect. If we take our original yeast 
extract, and first heat it to, say, the boling point of water, then 
cool it, and from here on repeat the experiment as before, no 
grape sugar is obtained. If instead of heating the enzyme 
solution, we cool it, the action is considerably delayed. 

Some of the yeast extract may be poured into an excess of 
alcohol, the precipitate separated by filtration, and redissolved 
in water. This solution will show all the properties of the 
yeast extract. 

Evidently, then, the watery extract of yeast contains some- 
thing which has the power of breaking down cane sugar. This 
something is exceedingly sensitive to heat, rather less so to 
cold, and is precipitated—together with other substances (as 
could be shown)—by alcohol. The last three properties are 
characteristic not only of sucrase, but of all enzymes to a 
greater or less degree. That a minute quantity of enzyme can 
act upon an exceedingly large quantity of substrate is also read- 
ily demonstrable. The laws of catalysis hold firm. 

One other fact about enzymes is most important. Graham, 
as far back as 1861, found that certain substances (cane sugar, 
salt, etc.) in solution, when placed in a dialyzer consisting of 
a parchment bag, which in its turn was surrounded by water, 
would diffuse through the bag, whereas others (proteins, gum, 
starch, etc.) would not. The diffusible ones he named crystal- 
loids, those non-diffusible, colloids. If some of our original 

1 The ending “ase” denotes enzyme. 

2This is the well-known alkaline copper solution used by all medical 
men to test for sugar in the urine. The sugar in the urine is not, as might 
be supposed, ordinary cane sugar, but grape sugar. Fehling’s solution re- 
acts with the latter, but not with the former. 

The cane sugar is split or “hydrolyzed,” by the sucrase, one of the 
products being grape sugar. 


yeast extract were placed in such a parchment bag, none of the 
enzyme would find its way into the surrounding layer of water. 
Enzymes, like the proteins, are colloids. 

The fact that enzymes show colloidal properties, and the 
fact that they are invariably associated with proteins, made it 
seem probable that when ultimately isolated in the pure condi- 
tion, they would be found to be proteins. Attempts to obtain 
pure enzymes have been many. ‘The general method of pro- 
cedure in almost all cases consists in first extracting with water? 
—as already explained—or submitting the mass to much pres- 
sure (Buchner), if the enzymes are “intracellular.” 

Having obtained a solution, the next step is often that of 
dialysis (Graham). Diffusible bodies, particularly inorganic 
substances, are thereby separated. Three of the classical inves- 
tigators in this branch, Osborne, Peckelharing, and Fraenkel, 
have ali employed this method. 

Now usually comes precipitation. Some substance—alco- 
hol, acetone, or ammonium sulphate—is added in which the 
enzyme is insoluble. The precipitate so obtained contains 
many impurities (proteins, certain carbohydrates, etc.). To 
purify it, it is redissolved, re-dialyzed, and reprecipitated many 
times. On occasion, a biological procedure, first suggested by 
Effront, and put into practise by Fraenkel, may be used. This 
consists in fermenting the impure precipitate with yeast. The 
carbohydrate and protein are thereby used up, but according 
to Fraenkel, the enzyme is not touched. 

The laboriousness of such an operation may best be gath- 
ered from a specific example. Let us take an experiment from 
the work of Professor Sherman, of Columbia, an active investi- 
gator. Here is his method for preparing a starch-splitting en- 
zyme from the pancreas: Mix thoroughly 20 grammes of 
pancreative powder—a commercial preparation—with 200 
cubic centimeters of 50 per cent. alcohol at 15-20° C. [S. 
finds that much of the contained protein is left behind by the 
use of this 50 per cent. alcohol.] Allow this preparation to 
stand 5-10 minutes, then filter, keeping the temperature below 
20° C. (This takes from 1 to 2 hours.) Pour the filtrate 
into 7 times its volume of a mixture of 1 part of alcohol to 4 
parts ether (more protein and other impurities are here sep- 
arated). Within 10-15 minutes the enzyme (including certain 
impurities) separates as an oily solution. Decant the super- 
natant liquid. Dissolve the precipitate in the smallest amount 
of pure water at a temperature of 10-15 degrees Centigrade and 

3 Often containing alcohol, toluene, or chloroform (as preservatives). 


reprecipitate at once by pouring into 5 volumes of absolute al- 
cohol. Allow it to settle, keeping temperature low; filter, dis- 
solve in 200-250 cubic centimeters of 50 per cent. alcohol con- 
taining 5 grammes of maltose. Pour the solution into a col- 
lodion sack of 500 cubic centimeters capacity, and dialyze 
against 2,000 cubic centimeters of 50 per cent. alcohol at not 
above 20° C. and preferably not below 15° C. Replace dialy- 
zate twice: after 15 hours and a second period of 8-9 hours 
with fresh 50 per cent. alcohol. Continue dialysis 40-42 hours. 
Filter. Pour clear filtrate into an equal volume of a mixture of 
alcohol and ether (equal parts). Filter in the cold, and place 
the precipitate in a vacuum desiccator. The powder obtained 
is so active that it can digest 20,000 times its own weight of 
starch. And still we are noi at all certain that this is an en- 
zyme uncontaminated with foreign bodies! 

Of the three or four representative workers in attempts to 
isolate a pure enzyme, the substances obtained by Professor 
Sherman and Dr. Osborne (of the Connecticut experiment sta- 
tion) showed decided protein characteristics; whereas the two 
German investigators, Lentner and Fraenkel, both agree in pro- 
claiming their products as carbohydrate in nature. How near 
or how far from the truth is either group? To begin with, no 
proof that any of these products is 100 per cent. pure has been 
advanced, and the chemist through bitter experience knows the 
danger in discussing the composition of impure substances. 
Another fact to be kept in mind is that, often enough, the purer 
the enzyme, the less active does it become. In several of these 
cases it has been shown that a loss in activity goes hand in 
hand with a proportional loss in the phosphoric acid content of 
the substance. This gives rise to the possibility—expounded 
further on—that the enzyme is not a chemical individual, but 
consists of at least two substances: (a) a something which has 
the power of acting only when activated—in this instance—by 
(b) phosphoric acid. And yet, if arguing by analogy is at all 
permissible, it may be maintained that since all the inorganic 
catalysts are distinct chemical individuals, why not enzymes? 

Of course, all this does not at all exclude the possibility that 
different enzymes may have different structures and the con- 
flicting results of investigators may be due to this fact. Some 
of the men worked on amylases (starch-splitting enzymes), 
others on lipases (fat-splitting), others still on proteases (pro- 
tein-splitting). Why assume that such diverse substances 

4A vessel (containing a hygroscopic substance to take up moisture) 
from which the air has been exhausted. 

VOL. v1.—17. 


should all have the identical composition? It may be, as Pro- 
fessor Armstrong has suggested, that the enzyme in constitu- 
tion is similar to the substance on which it acts. 

Extremely suggestive as the basis for much present-day ac- 
tivity has been the work of Professor Gabriel Bertrand, of the 
Sorbonne, Paris. Most of this has been on laccase, an oxidizing 
enzyme first found in the milky latex of the tree Rhus ver- 
nicifera, and since then in many plants. The production of 
the beautiful Japanese lacquer from the latex of Rhus ver- 
nicifera was shown to be due to the activation of the atmos- 
pheric oxygen by the lacecase (hence its name). Bertrand was 
able to prove that the activity of the laccase was connected with 
the manganese present, for by repeated precipitation with al- 
cohol, he divided his laccase preparations into three fractions of 
different manganese content, each with an activity distinctly 
proportional to the amount of manganese present. As further 
proof of the importance of this manganese, he was able to show 
that a minute addition of a salt of manganese (manganese sul- 
phate) increased the activity of the laccase, whereas other metals 
had no such effect. This led him to the dual conception of an 
enzyme, also advocated by Armstrong: one of the constituents 
is capable of producing, to a slight degree, on its own account, 
the chemical reaction associated with the particular enzyme in 
question, but requires its activity to be augmented by the pres- 
ence of another substance—inactive in itself—before its action 
becomes appreciable. The former may consist of acid, alkali, 
calcium or magnesium salt, ete. The latter component is more 
complex, usually protein-like (egg-white, for example), and 

Bertrand’s views—perhaps, also, Fischer’s colossal work on 
the synthesis of proteins from amino acids—has led the school 
of enzyme chemistry to shift its ground considerably. Why 
these laborious, and always futile attempts to isolate a pure 
enzyme from the cell? Why not attempt to synthesize one from 
simple inorganic and organic materials? Trillat, in 1904, pre- 
pared a mixture of traces of manganese chloride and egg al- 
bumen which showed the reaction of laccase and other oxidases 
(oxidizing enzymes): it blued guaiacum, its action was pre- 
vented by heat and acid, and it could be precipitated by alcohol, 
and redissolved in water without losing its oxidizing powers— 
characteristic properties of all enzymes. Wolf with his col- 
loidal iron compounds, and Euler and Bolin with their calcium 
salts of organic acids (citric, malic, etc.), and many others, have 
produced strong evidence in favor of the view that many of the 


enzymes, at least many of the so-called oxidases, are relatively 
simple substances. 

Along somewhat modified lines is the work of Panzer, who 
claims that various carbohydrates show distinct diastatic (car- 
bohydrate-splitting) activity when heated with hydrochloric 
acid gas, and then ammonia; and that of Woker, whose findings, 
at present rather disputed, would tend to the belief that for- 
maldehyde (the ‘“‘formalin” of commerce) may, under certain 
conditions, act in place of diastase in hydrolyzing starch. 

Some very far-reaching possibilities are suggested by the 
studies on the lipases (fat-splitting enzymes) of castor and 
soya beans by Dr. Falk, of the Harriman Research Laboratory. 
Every worker in the field is aware how very easily enzymes 
are inactivated or destroyed by heat or the presence of rela- 
tively small quantities of certain foreign bodies, such as acids 
and bases. The inactivation of the lipases of the beans could 
be brought about not only by these means, but also by neutral 
salts, alcohols, acetone, etc. Dr. Falk conceived the idea that 
this inactivation was due to an internal rearrangement of cer- 
tain of the atoms in the molecule of the enzyme. Many cases 
of such tautomeric changes—of rearrangement within the mole- 
cule—are known to organic chemists, and are often stimulated 
by the action of mild chemical agents. Dr. Falk’s hypothesis is 
to the effect that the grouping involved is to be found in all 
proteins, and hence, probably, in enzymes. If inactivation 
means the rearrangement of a group from configuration 1 to 
that of 2, activation, or change from 2 back to 1, may be brought 
about by the action of dilute alkali—often used to bring about 
these changes in configuration. Actual experiments on the 
action of alkali on proteins (themselves quite inactive) have 
endowed these substances with fat-splitting power. 

Whilst, therefore, we are far from a comprehensive knowl- 
edge of the chemical configuration of an enzyme, studies on 
the production of artificial enzymes, and on the possible re- 
arrangements of certain groups within the molecule, may throw 
much light on a very perplexing problem. 



By Professor T. D. A. COCKERELL 

HE sunflowers, genus Helianthus, are native only in the 
Western Hemisphere. Botanists recognize about 70 
valid species in America north of Mexico; but Mr. S. Alexander, 
who minutely studied the sunflowers of Michigan, recognized 
some hundreds of forms, which he regarded as species. ‘These 
have not yet been described. About a dozen species are known 
from Mexico, one is recorded from Guatemala, and about 25 
come from South America, nearly all from the mountains of 
Chile and Peru. The South American sunflowers need investi- 
gation, but the materials for a revision do not exist in American 
herbaria. Only two or three of those represented in the her- 
barium of the New York Botanical Garden appear to be genuine 
Helianthus, but one collected by R. Pearce at an altitude of 
8,000 feet in Bolivia, and also collected in Bolivia by Rusby, is 
quite of the type of the North American perennial species. 

It is in the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada 
that species of Helianthus develop edible tubers. Mr. S. Alex- 
ander, who paid particular attention to the root-system, distin- 
guished a great group of sunflowers which possess no perma- 
nent crown, but reproduce annually by seeds and earth-branches. 
These he called “ binatal annuals,” although they are ordinarily 
classed as perennials. They are of course perennial in the 
same sense as the potato. A key based on Mr. Alexander’s 
manuscript subdivides this group as follows: 

Leaves petioled. 
Petioles winged. 

Species with cord-like migrators................ Helianthus sp. 
Division Tuberosz (Alexander), with distal ends of migrators 
Dearineepuvers. ...ckst eee hee baie H. tuberosus and allies. 
Petioles ‘netimiired..... /...s\o:0ssbeo te omnes Tee eae Helianthus sp. 

Leaves not petioled. 
H. doronicoides, H. mollis, H. ciliaris, H. radula, H. cinereus. 

The last is a very miscellaneous lot, the species not closely re- 
lated. Helianthus tuberosus is the Jerusalem artichoke. The 
Tuberose, according to Mr. Alexander, include H. tuberosus 
and its variety subcanescens of Gray, and “at least 100 or more 


well-marked species,” all of which are undescribed. These 
latter would probably not be considered species by most bot- 
anists, but their comparatively slight differences may prove 
very important in the development of horticultural types. 

In both the potato and the Jerusalem artichoke the tubers 
arise from underground stems, the earth-branches of Alexan- 
der. As has been pointed out by Reed (1910), the tubers of 
the potato are terminal, whereas those of the Helianthus are 
formed laterally as well, or the earth-branch itself may swell 
up and become a tuber. Consequently the Helianthus bears a 
mass of tubers close to the crown, though others may be more 
widely separated in the soil. It results from this arrangement 
that the tubers are very easy to harvest, and the tuber-bearing 
region occupies a surprisingly small space, considering the 
quantity of the tubers. 

Helianthus tuberosus is not the only member of the genus 
which has been used as a source of edible tubers. H. subtuber- 
osus, the so-called Indian potato of Michigan and Minnesota to 
Saskatchewan and Montana, has thick fleshy edible tubers. It 
was used by the Assiniboines. H. doronicoides, native from 
Ohio to Missouri and Arkansas, is used as food in Europe. Vil- 
morin of Paris offers it for sale, remarking that “les rhizomes de 
cette plante, produits en abondance, peuvent étre consommeés & 

la facon de salsifs.” It has been found by von Héries-Toth 
and von Osztrovsky (1911) that the tubers of H. doronicoides 

are good raw material for the production of alcohol, while the 
refuse contains considerable amounts of fat and protein, and 
can be fed to stock. 

Helianthus tuberosus, as a source of food, was well known 
to the natives of America long before the advent of the white 
man. Dr. V. Havard (1895), in an account of the food-plants 
of the North American Indians, says: 

The first place belongs to the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuber- 
osus L.). It produces many edible tubers, sometimes two inches in diam- 
eter, in our day mostly used for the feeding of cattle, horses and pigs, but 
which were precious to the Indians on account of their hardiness and pro- 
lificacy, retaining possession of the soil for many years. These tubers 
were mentioned by Champlain in 1603, and brought to France by Les- 
carbot, who, in 1612, describes them as being “as big as small turnips, 
excellent to eat, with the taste of artichoke but more agreeable, and multi- 
plying in a wonderful way.” As the plant is native of the valleys of the 
Ohio and Mississippi, and does not reach any part of Canada, it is evident 
that the Canadian and New England Indians who planted it must have 
obtained it from the tribes further south and west, so that we may infer 
a rather large area of cultivation. The Jerusalem artichoke is, so far, 
the only contribution of North America, exclusive of Mexico, to the vege- 


table garden of the world, and it can be said to be an aboriginal contribu- 
tion. Strange to note, it is now much more cultivated in the Old World 
than on this continent.1 

The tubers appear to have been highly appreciated in Europe 
from the first. The plant was grown in the Farnese Garden at 
Rome, and was distributed thence under the name Girasdéle Ar- 
ticiocco, or sunfiower artichoke. It was early reputed, by some 
mistake, to be a native of Brazil, and this error crops up in ° 
various compilations, down to recent times. Venner (1620) 
stated that the tubers were usually eaten with butter, vinegar 
and pepper. Parkinson (1629) noted that they were very com- 
monly offered for sale in London. 

The name artichoke is supposed to be derived from the 
Spanish-Arabic alkharshof, applied to the thistle-like plant 
Cynara scolymus, a native of the Old World. This is the true 
artichoke, and the edible part is the flower-head, particularly 
the thickened involucral bracts. Thus the true artichoke and 
the Jerusalem artichoke have little in common, the plants be- 
ing entirely different in appearance, and furnishing quite dif- 
ferent parts as food. The name artichoke appears to have been 
given to the Helianthus solely on account of the more or less 
similar flavor, while “Jerusalem” is an English corruption of 
the Italian ‘‘ Girasole,” or sunflower. Thus the designation 
“Jerusalem artichoke” is as misleading as “guinea pig,” or 
“ Christian Science.” 

The confusion resulting from the name necessitates consid- 
erable caution in using published records. Thus in Edw. 
Smith’s well-known book on foods (Internat. Science Series), 
which has gone through ten editions, the two plants are dis- 
cussed as if they were varieties of one thing, and most of the 
statements are made as if equally applicable to both. C. E. 
Quinn (1908), in a Farmers’ Bulletin on forage crops for hogs, 
discusses the Helianthus under the name artichoke, with no in- 
dication of the fact that it is not the true plant of that name. 
It is quite common to find the name artichoke thus applied 
indiscriminately, and unless one knows the difference between 
the plants, and can find the characteristics mentioned in the 
text, it is difficult to understand what is intended. The French 
have a distinctive name, Topinambour. This is rather long 
and difficult to pronounce, but the Italian Girasole is short and 
simple, and is the proper form of the absurd “Jerusalem.” 
We may therefore perhaps use it for our Helianthus, though it 
is open to the objection that to an Italian it means a sunflower, 
and probably suggests the annual species of gardens rather 

1 Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, March, 1895. 


than any other. Britton and Brown give two English designa- 
tions, earth apple and Canada potato. The first is objection- 
able, since pomme-de-terre is French for a potato; while the 
second is doubly misleading, the plant being neither a potato 
nor originally specially characteristic of Canada; though to-day 
it is said to occur from Nova Scotia and Ontario to Manitoba. 
On the whole, then, Girasole seems the least objectionable term. 
It is a singular fact, as Havard remarked, that a plant so highly 
esteemed by the American aborigines, and for three hundred 
years used in Europe, should find so little favor to-day in the 
land of its origin. The literature indicates that it is probably 
even less used now than when Havard wrote, some twenty 
years ago. Our experience at Boulder having indicated the 
astonishing size of the crop, and the value of the tubers as 
human food, we could not understand the apparent neglect. 
Wishing to ascertain the exact facts, I wrote to a number of 
experiment stations and to Washington, and am exceedingly in- 
debted to those addressed for their prompt and courteous re- 
plies. The following will suffice to show the prevalent opinion: 

U. S. Department of Agriculture. As to the possible usefulness of 
Jerusalem artichoke as an emergency food, all that you say in regard to 
its productiveness is thoroughly justified. ... A new vegetable at best is 
adopted very slowly ... it seems to me rather an impressive fact that 
the plant has not made its way in the United States, although it is un- 
doubtedly a native of this country and has been with us during our whole 
vegetable gardening history. Apparently there must be some lack of 
appreciation of its flavor or some difficulty in its production, storing or 
cooking which has served finally to discourage every enthusiastic advocate 
who has started to preach its values in the past. I know there must have 
been many such advocates, and the fact that their labors so far have ap- 
parently accomplished so little is to me rather discouraging for a new 
attempt. (D. N. Shoemaker.) Reference is also made to the difficulty of 
preparing the irregular tubers for the table. Dr. L. C. Corbett, writing 
to the U. S. Food Administration (the letter kindly transmitted by Pro- 
fessor V. L. Kellogg), adds another objection—that it would be difficult 
at present to secure enough seed (i. e., tubers) to plant any considerable 
acreage. (It would of course be easy by planting this year, to secure 
plenty for the year following.) 

Arizona. We have tried artichokes down at the Yuma Garden; find- 
ing, I believe, that they were very badly infested by a lace wing bug of 
some sort, which spread from them to other plants, including sweet pota- 
toes. We regarded them, therefore, undesirable as acrop. (R. H. Forbes.) 

Arkansas. Bulletin 31, a number of years ago, gave details of ex- 
periments and analyses. At Newport the yield was 453.75 bushels to the 
acre; at Fayetteville 612 bushels. The tubers were fed to hogs. There 
are no recent developments. 

Colorado. I do not think that any of our station men are really 
doing any experimental work with the Jerusalem artichoke. On last Sun- 
day I was in Dean Johnson’s garden, where he had planted a few arti- 
chokes, and was astonished-at the very large yield. One plant had fully 


a peck of tubers. Artichokes are quite often planted as food for hogs, 
which do their own harvesting. (C. P. Gillette.) Colorado Exper. Sta- 
tion Bull. 146, on raising hogs in Colorado, and Bull. 199, on Vegetable 
Growing in Colorado, make no mention of the Jerusalem artichoke. 

Connecticut. It is grown occasionally in gardens in Connecticut, but 
to my knowledge no one has grown it asacrop. (E. H. Jenkins.) 

Illinois. This institution has done no work on the raising of Jeru- 
salem artichokes as a crop. (E. Davenport.) We have so many things 
which seem to be much more important, that we will have to confine our 
attention to such crops. (W. L. Burlison.) 

Massachusetts. Bulletin 47 contains analyses. They were never 
raised to any extent. 

Michigan. This old, well-known plant has been grown very little to 
my knowledge in this state. We have not tried out any variety of it.... 
Where I have seen it grow, it did not yield sufficiently heavy to give a 
very large return per acre. (C. W. Waid.) 

Missouri. No information available. 

Nebraska. We have had no experience with artichokes of any kind 
or variety. A few have been grown in some sections of the state, but 
they are grown entirely as hog feed, the hogs being allowed to root them 
out. (W. W. Burr.) 

South Dakota. Jerusalem artichoke was cultivated to some extent 
years ago for hogs, but I do not know why the matter was not carried on 
further. I believe the plant could be greatly improved as a crop for feed- 
ing to swine. It certainly can be raised cheaply, and the swine can do 
their own harvesting. (N. E. Hansen.) 

Washington State. Our Western Washington Experiment Station 
has done some work with the artichoke, but we have never considered it a 
plant of great merit, and have therefore done very little to encourage its 
production. (Geo. Severance.) Bull. 7, however, gives some remarkable 
results, cited below. 

Wisconsin. We have done nothing with its culture here. It is grown 
to some extent as a plant upon which to pasture hogs, but I know of no 
particular work which has been done with it. (J. G. Moore.) 

The above statements might be sufficient to discourage any 
one, but there is another side to the question, and it is worth 
while to review the principal facts about the plant as a crop, 
and as a source of food for man and beast. 

At Boulder, Colorado, in 1917, we planted the white variety 
in a field which had been for two years in Helianthus annuus. 
No fertilizer was used, but the soil was exceptionally good for 
the locality. The tubers were planted three feet apart in the 
rows, and the rows were two feet apart, each plant thus occupy- 
ing six square feet. The yield was found to be at the rate of 
9.66 tons to the acre. This greatly exceeds the average yield 
of potatoes. The most astonishing yield is reported from 
Western Washington by W. H. Lawrence (Bull. 7, Wash. Exper. 
Sta., 1912). Of the red variety, “335 lbs. of tubers were dug 
from an area of 360 square feet—at the rate of 20.26 tons per 
acre.” The white variety was even more prolific; “on upland 


clay near Alequa 2,015 square feet produced an estimated yield 
of 38.9 tons per acre.” (In the Experiment Station Record, 
XXVIIL., p. 531, it is erroneously stated that this yield was in 
sandy soil.) No wonder the author added: 

Jerusalem artichokes have not been given the attention they should 

receive. From the experiments it is evident that a large tonnage per acre 
can be grown of either the white or red variety, and that large yields may 
be obtained at a low cost. 
Yet to-day, in Washington State, the experiment station 
authorities have lost interest, following the general trend 
throughout the country. M. Rau (1914) compared the Jeru- 
salem artichoke with the potato on the basis of German ex- 
perience, and decided that the former was superior as a forage 
crop, “as it requires less labor to plant and cultivate, yields 
more heavily in tubers and straw, is of higher food-value, and 
the tubers have a greater frost resistance” (Hap. Sta. Record, 
XXXI., p. 433). Analyses are given, showing the difference 
in favor of the girasole.t Sutton and Sons of England report 
that a gardener (J. Barker) planted six pounds of tubers and 
got 18 stone of “splendid tubers, pure white, with excellent 
flavor.” The Massachusetts Station Annual Report for 1892 
records a yield of 8.5 tons to the acre. The Encyclopedia 
Americana states that the usual yield is 200 to 500 bushels to 
the acre, but 1,000 bushels are sometimes obtained. The aver- 
age yield of potatoes per acre in the United States is said to be 
84.5 bushels, but Maine, Montana and Nevada average 150-163 

The girasole can not become a competitor of the potato in 
such regions as the mountains of Colorado, but it thrives along 
the foothills and on the plains. §S. M. Tracy, in Farmers’ Bull. 
509 .(1912), dealing with forage crops for the cotton region, de- 
scribes it as a valuable grazing crop for hogs in the northern 
and central parts of the cotton region, but states that it yields 
less heavily and is less desirable farther south. He adds that 
it yields much more heavily than Irish potatoes, and is worth 
fully as much for feed. 

They are strictly a winter feed, not being well matured until Decem- 
ber. From that time on until March they furnish perhaps the least ex- 
pensive roots grown for hog feed. 

Thus, taking the country over, the potato is best adapted to 
the northern and upland regions, the sweet potato to the south, 
and the girasole occupies more especially the great intermediate 
region, aS a promising source of tubers. Although the girasole 

1In Experiment Station Record, XXXI, these figures are accidentally 
reversed, as I learn from Dr. E. W. Allen. 


is apparently at a disadvantage southward, it can be grown 
under an astonishing variety of conditions, considering its 
rather restricted original habitat. Piper (1911) lists it among 
the crops grown in the Philippine Islands, and it is grown in 
South Africa. A special variety is said to be grown in China 
and Japan. Dr. L. H. Bailey writes me that he saw it freely 
displayed for sale in China during the past year. C. H. Shinn 
reported that in California it grew well on alkali soils, where 
legumes were not successful. 

Under cultivation in Europe, the plant has produced several 
varieties. Vilmorin (19138) lists the following: (1) Ordinaire. 
(2) Patate, with yellow tubers. (8) Blanc amélioré, with 
round white tubers. (4) Piriforme, with red tubers, fiesh 
sugary. (5) Rose, with oblong tubers, rich in sugar. The 
last three were introduced by Vilmorin. Sutton, of England 
(1917), lists White, Rose and Purple, the last being described 
as ‘the old variety,” presumably Vilmorin’s “ordinaire.” The 
white and rose are described as improved forms introduced by 
the Sutton firm. Much work in the development of varieties 
is undoubtedly ahead of us; it may be safely assumed that mod- 
ern methods of breeding, with more attention to the particular 
characters desired, will in time greatly improve the plant and 
give us sorts adapted to special purposes, as in the case of 
the sugar beet. 

Analyses suggest that the food-value is about the same as 
that of the potato, but, as the carbohydrates are different, fur- 
ther investigation is desirable.2 Mr. Russell N. Loomis, of the 
University of Colorado, has kindly analyzed the white variety 
grown in Boulder, with the following results from two samples, 
the figures representing percentages: 

Sample 1 Sample 2 
WM OISUULE Hise etalon Bree ero ese ate os sicie bebe ereneineetans 83.09 83.89 
SE cole eee Ree ie ol Uivler's Wi vibee nie setenne 0.77 0.77 
Protein Te ae ee ee Ue ree Sis 1.41 1.50 
Ethers xtrachiamsues soleil sick 20 Seer 0.35 0.55 
Carbohydrates (direct method) ........... 11.60 10.44 

97.22 96.45 
Crude fiber (included in carbohydrates) .... 0.76 0.69 
Carbohydrates (by difference) ............. 14.38 13.29 

Calculated on Water-F' ree Basis 

i GTD bss SV ah spe baseaa eh a ne ie arate She a ete 4.55 4.57 
Proteins), os tasrols os bc he aes otc paeeneeete he, ote a ira Ve lve danats 8.31 9.68 
Hither, LWXtractins ic: seccsestebe eet cide nde.oreenals 2.06 3.14 
Carbohydrates (direct method) ........... 68.53 64.80 
CTUGETHDER cutie co ste rate arte step atiara te thra a iefe elert 4.48 4.22 
Carbohydrates (by difference) ............. 85.03 82.49 

2T am greatly indebted to my colleague, Dr. J. B. Ekeley, for advice 
concerning the chemistry of the plant. 


Comparing three German analyses and one in Mass. Bull. 
47, we find general agreement. Our water-content is highest, 
the other records showing about 71.5 to 81 per cent. This may 
be due, at least in part, to our sample being analyzed soon after 
digging. There is a marked discrepancy in the ether extract, 
other analyses giving (as fat) .70 to 1.30 per cent. of dry weight 
only. My colleague, Dr. Ramaley, remarks that our ether ex- 
tract doubtless includes the resin, of which there is probably a 
considerable amount. It is not quite clear, however, that this 
is excluded from the other analyses, which seem to have been 
made in the same manner. The protein content is evidently 
variable, different records showing a range of from 6.20 to 12.82 
per cent. of dry weight. The same variability is found in the 
potato, which showed a range from 6.52 to 17.56 in samples 
from eight different stations in Germany. The usual analyses 
give the carbohydrates as “nitrogen-free extract,” obtained by 
deducting the water, ash, protein and ether extract from 100. 
This is evidently very inexact, as direct analysis gives a much 
lower figure, as will be seen above. Our figures agree with 
other analyses, whether made by the one method (Behrend) or 
the other (Strohmer and Stift, Rau, Mass. Bull. 47). 

The whole subject is complicated by the peculiar nature of 
the carbohydrates in the girasole. The taste is sweet, and 
there is evidently free sugar. The tubers of Composit, as a 
result of photosynthesis, store up inulin, in place of starch. 
Inulin has the composition (C,H,,0,),+ H.O, and occurs, not 
in granules, but in solution in the sap. It may be separated 
out as a white powder, and is slightly soluble in cold and read- 
ily soluble in hot water. The saliva does not convert it into 
sugar, but it is presumably made digestible by being changed 
into levulose in the stomach by the acid gastric juice. Experi- 
ments reported by Sandmeyer (1895), Mendel and Nakaseko 
and Mendel and Mitchell indicate that inulin may have only 
moderate value as food; though “inulin” bread and biscuit 
have been put upon the market, and are supposed to be good 
for invalids. E. H. S. Bailey* states that the girasole tubers 
“contain 14.7 per cent. of sugar and no starch, but they contain 
considerable inulin, a substance isomeric with starch.” 
Tanret,t who appears to have made the most exact analysis, 
found two other carbohydrates in the tubers, helianthenin, 
12C,H,,0; +38H.O, and synanthrin, 8C,H,,O;-+H,O. He also 
stated that the levulin or synanthrose reported by previous 
authors is a mixture of saccharose (cane sugar) and synanthrin. 

3“ The Source, Chemistry and Use of Food Products,” 1916. 
4 Compt. rend., 1893. 


Further investigations may show that the tubers can be used in 
the manufacture of special products. In Europe they are util- 
ized in the manufacture of alcohol. Edw. Smith notes that 
55.9 per cent. of the salts in the tubers is potash, and cultural 
experiments agree in indicating the value of potash salts as a 
fertilizer for the crop. Behrend indicates the presence of 3.88 
to 6.47 per cent. of dry weight of pentosans, a class of insoluble 

The use of the tubers in feeding stock, particularly hogs, 
has been referred to above. C. E. Quinn, Farmers’ Bulletin 
331, states that the girasole “is superior to the common beets 
and turnips for hogs, and about equal to potatoes, and richer in 
protein than sweet potatoes.” It should not be fed pure, but 
as part of a mixed ration. S. M. Tracy states that three 
bushels of tubers fed with one bushel] of corn to hogs in the 
winter are fully equivalent to two bushels of corn, and the fresh 
feed which the tubers give keeps the animals in much better 
health than when fed on corn alone. At the Agricultural High 
School in Berlin the dried leaves and stalks of the girasole were 
fed to sheep and cows, and found about equal in nutritive value 
to good meadow hay. It was found advisable to use it as 
part of a mixed diet. Since the green parts of the plant are 
very large, there is here another important source of profit. 
The young plants are sometimes used as food for cattle. Magen 
reports that peasants in the south of France are in the habit of 
feeding the tubers to work horses, and get good results. In an 
experiment they were fed with crushed grain and chopped hay, 
and no unfavorable results were noted. The ration was found 
to be very economical, ‘‘both on account of the small value of 
the land on which the artichokes are grown and the ease with 
which the plant may be cultivated.” Various other experi- 
ments give essentially similar results, and need not be de- 

Girasole tubers can be used as a boiled vegetable, as salad, 
or in soup. We have found them excellent food, and while the 
taste often strikes people as peculiar at first, it is easy to acquire 
a liking for them. Some prefer them to other vegetables. The 
tubers may be left in the ground during the winter, and dug as 
required. They are not injured, when thus left out, by the 
frost. If they are stored, they should be put in pits, with a 
covering of straw and earth. In preparing them for the table, 
the irregularity of the tubers is a disadvantage, making them 
hard to peel. It may be said, however, that the thin skins may 

5In looking up references the volumes of the Experiment Station 
Record (U. S. Dept. Agriculture) are invaluable. 


be eaten with the rest, and are not objectionable except from 
the standpoint of appearances. The cook-books consulted give 
very little information, but Mrs. Cockerell supplies me with the 
following notes, based on her experience. The tubers have a 
delicious aroma (due to essential oil) when cooking, and this 
should be preserved as far as possible by keeping them covered. 
They should be put in boiling water, a few tubers at a time, so as 
not to lower the temperature; steaming would probably be still 
better, reducing the loss of soluble contents. The boiling should 
continue 15-20 minutes (possibly less at sea-level), when the 
skin is easily removed. At this stage the following recipes may 
be employed, but in the case of the salad (No. 2) the cooking 
should last a little longer. 

1. Soup may be made with the addition of celery tops rubbed through 
a colander, with milk or stock or cream added. 

2. The cooked tubers sliced with egg or celery or endive, served with 
French dressing or mayonnaise, make a delicious salad. 

8. Slice the boiled or steamed tubers, cover with milk, use salt and 
pepper to taste, cover with bread crumbs, and then bake for an hour. 
Grated cheese may be added to this dish. 

4, Slice boiled tubers and fry with steak or chops. 

5. Slice boiled tubers, mash, add cream, salt and pepper; or cream by 
adding sliced tubers to rich white sauce, and serve with toast. 

It appears that we have in the girasole a plant which pro- 
duces enormously, and is equally valuable as food for man and 
beast. In addition to its other merits, we have found it re- 
markably free from pests; though in Europe there is quite a 
long list of insects attacking it, many of them primarily infest- 
ing the burdock (Arctium). It seems impossible to avoid the 
conclusion that the cultivation of this plant, especially perhaps 
in small gardens, may add very considerably to the food-re- 
sources of the country, at a time when such increase is more 
than desirable. The greatest obstacles seem to be prejudice 
and lack of knowledge. In this, perhaps, as in so many other 
matters connected with the war, our success must depend very 
largely on our ability to respond to needs and rapidly adjust 
ourselves to circumstances. 



By Professor ARNOLD EMCH 

HE object of artists in painting pictures, in making draw- 
ings and designs, in creating works of plastic art and 
sculpture, is to represent a landscape with the moods of nature, 
human and other living beings in their association with his- 
toric and social events, to portray and sculpture single figures 
and groups of figures of importance in the cultural development 
of a people; or merely to depict incidents of human interest in 
everyday life. The purpose of decorative art is embellishment 
and the breaking of the monotony of blank surfaces where 
purely utilitarian considerations do not interfere or make dec- 
oration desirable. Contrary to popular opinion that fine arts 
are or should be concerned with the representation of the 
beautiful only, they sometimes intend to create a certain im- 
pression, or to influence public opinion for a certain purpose 
which is moral rather than specifically beautiful. By his in- 
comparable battle-scenes the great Russian painter Werescht- 
schagin, who went down with the Petropawlowsk near Port 
Arthur during the Russian-Japanese war, for example, wanted 
to impress the people with the horrors of war. 

The methods and styles by which artists accomplish their 
purpose are of such a great variety that only a complete his- 
tory of fine arts could convey an idea of what has been accom- 
plished in this ideal endeavor of the human mind. 

In sculpture the form of the represented model is mostly 
similar, if not identical, with that of the true object, while in 
painting a plane surface must serve as a base of representa- 
tion, so that, in general, there is no geometrical similitude be- 
tween the external forms and their plane pictures. The same 
is true of relief-modelling in which the relation between the 
plastic and the original figure in space is that of a certain vari- 
able scale. The laws which govern these changes in the corre- 
spondence of forms are expressed by the technical term col- 
lineation, or rather by a particular kind of collineation, called 
perspective. We shall be concerned with this alone, 7. e., with 
the geometrical laws which connect the original form with its 


pictorial representation. Other elements of depiction, like 
color, shades and shadows, aerial perspective, and other effec- 
tives, lie beyond the scope of. this essay. I shall first explain 
the principles upon which artistic perspective is based. These 
are so simple that any person with elementary geometrical 
knowledge is able to understand them. A certain minimum of 
theoretical considerations of this kind is necessary for the 
comprehension of the critical and historical remarks on the 
application of perspective in painting during various historic 

The fundamental idea of representation, or depiction, is con- 
tained in the principle of correspondence between the elements 
of space, 2. e., points, lines, and planes of the object and the 
elements of the figure which is supposed to represent the same. 
This figure we shall simply call the perspective (relief) of the 
object. This is merely a special concrete case of the theory of. 
correspondences, a theory which is of the greatest importance 
in many lines of modern mathematical research. 

In Fig. 1, let p’ be a fixed plane, usually in a vertical posi- 


Fig. 1. 

tion, and C a fixed point in space, not located in p’, called pic- 
ture-plane. The point C is called center of perspective and 
takes the place of the eye of the observer. We may think of p’ 
as the film of a camera, or as the plane of the canvas upon 
which the picture is to be painted. To obtain the perspective 
of any point A in space, join A to C. The intersection A’ of 
AC with p’ is then the perspective of A. Thus, to every point 
in space corresponds a point in p’. To a point P which lies in 


p’ itself corresponds the point itself, 7. e., P’ coincides with P. 
A straight line, or simply a line 1 is determined by two points, 
say A and B, so that its perspective is obtained as the line I’ 
joining the perspectives A’ and B’ of Aand B. The perspective 
l’ of 1 is also obtained as the intersection of the plane passing 
through C andl with p’. A line, like CA, is called the project- 
ing ray of A. When a point J moves on a line 1 beyond any 
finite region, then the projecting ray CI becomes parallel to l, 
and the perspective of J, 7. e., the intersection I’ of CI with p’, is 
called vanishing point of the line l. If S is the point where 1 
pierces the plane p’, then S’ coincides with S, so that Il’ may also 
be obtained as the line which joins S’ and I’. From the defini- 
tion of the vanishing point of a line it follows that parallel lines 
in space have the same vanishing point, so that the perspectives 
of parallel lines all converge towards the same point, as is well 
known. The improper position of the point J on 1 beyond any 
finite point of 1 is in projective geometry defined as the in- 
finite point of I. It is likewise possible to assume without 
meeting contradictions that the non-finite region of a plane is a 
straight line, that of ordinary space a plane. In this manner 
all statements in the foregoing correspondence become perfectly 
general. Parallel lines are now lines through an infinite point, 
to which corresponds the vanishing point of those lines. Lines 
parallel to a given plane pass through the infinite line of this 
plane, so that their vanishing points lie on a line in p’, which 
corresponds to the infinite line of the given plane, and which is 
obtained as the line of intersection of the plane through C, par- 
allel to the given plane, with the picture-plane p’. The only 
parallel lines which are projected into parallel lines are parallel 
lines which themselves are parallel to p’. If the picture-plane 
stands vertically upon a horizontal ground-plane G which in- 
tersects the picture-plane in the ground line g, then the vanish- 
ing points of all horizontal lines lie on a vanishing line h called 

In the terminology of artistic perspective these results may 
be stated as follows: 

1. Corresponding points of the object and of its perspective 
lie on rays through the center. 

2. Corresponding lines meet in points of the picture-plane. 
The perspective of a line through the center is the point of in- 
tersection of the line with the picture-plane. 

3. Parallel lines have the same vanishing point through 
which their perspectives pass. 


4, The vanishing points of lines parallel to the same plane 
lie on the same line. 

5. The vanishing points of horizontal lines lie on the horizon. 

6. Parallel lines parallel to the picture-plane are projected 
into parallel lines. 

7. Vertical lines are projected into vertical lines. 

8. The point of intersection of two lines is projected into 
the point of intersection of the perspectives of those lines. 

9. Plane figures parallel to the picture-plane are projected 
into similar figures. 

10. The diagonals of an ordinary quadrangle, which is the 
perspective of a rectangle (square), intersect in a point which 
is the perspective of the center of the rectangle (square). 

11. The vanishing point of lines perpendicular to the picture- 
plane is called the eye-point of the perspective. It is also the 
foot-point of the perpendicular from the center to the picture- 

12. The vanishing points of two perpendicular lines lie on 
a semicircle through C over the segment between the vanishing 
points as a diameter.* 

These rules, which might be increased, are sufficient to test 
the correctness of the perspective of a painting. 

In Fig. 1, the eye-point is denoted by O. The rectangular 
prism A,A,A.,A,A.A,A.A, is placed upon the ground-plane G 
and with two faces A,A,A,A, and A,A,A.A, parallel to the pic- 
ture-plane p’. Accordingly, A,’A,’, A.’A,’, A,’A,’, A,’A,, are 
parallel to g; AA’, AVA. AA, AA, are vertical and 
the rest of the edges in the perspective, A,'A.’, A,’A,’, A,’A,’, 
A,'A,’, prolonged, pass through O on the horizon h. 

Fig. 2 shows the application of the principles of perspective 
to landscape drawing. The perspectives of parallel horizontal 
lines, when produced, meet in some point of the horizon h, while 
vertical lines appear as vertical lines. In the landscape the 
background is formed by gently rolling hills. The horizon will 
therefore be slightly below the crest of the hills. Also the ruts 

1For those readers who are familiar with the elements of analytic 
geometry, the analytic form of the perspective may be established as fol- 
lows: Let G be the wy-plane, p’ the «z-plane, and the plane through C 
perpendicular to p’ and G the yz-plane, and the space in which the prism 
stands, the octant in which all coordinates are positive. Then when 
FC=c, CO=b, the coordinates x, y, z of a point A and the coordinates 
x’, z’ of the corresponding point A’ are related by the formulas 
oe BLOe Op Cui ta ve 
5 oe 

VOL. VI.—18. 


of the level wagon road, which run along more or less parallel 
lines, When extended will meet in a point in or near the horizon. 
Notice also the proper perspective reduction of the scale of 
distant buildings and trees. 

In a similar manner we may establish the geometrical prin- 
ciples of theatrical and relief perspective. Such a corre- 
spondence between the elements of the object and those of the 

relief is technically known as a perspective collineation of 
space; and is determined when the center C, the plane of per- 
spective (axial plane) s, and two corresponding points A and A’ 
on a ray through C are given. If any other point B is given, 
the corresponding point B’ is found by prolonging the line join- 
ing A and B to the intersection S with the axial plane s, Fig. 3. 
Then, join S to A’, and find the intersection B’ of SA’ with CB 
prolonged, if necessary. JB’ is the required point. Consider 
next the indefinitely extended lines 1 through A and B, and I’ 
through A’ and B’. The infinite point J of l’ is projected into 
a point J’ of l’.. Conversely, there is a point J on l whose per- 
spective J’ is the infinite point of l’. In order to shorten the 
theoretical discussion it is sufficient for our purpose to state 
that if the points J’ and J are constructed for every pair of cor- 
responding lines / and l’, it is found that all points J’ lie in a 
plane q’, all points J in a plane 7, both of which are parallel to 
the axial plane s. Again we may set up a number of rules: 

1. Corresponding points lie on rays through the center C. 

2. Corresponding lines meet in points of the axial plane s. 


3. The perspectives (reliefs) of parallel lines meet in a point, 
those of parallel planes in a line of the vanishing plane q’. 

4, The vanishing points of horizontal lines lie on the horizon 
h, which is in q’. 

5. When the axial plane s (hence also q’ and 7) stands ver- 
tically on a ground-plane G, cutting the latter in the ground- 
line g, the horizon is parallel to g, and to vertical lines corre- 
spond vertical lines. 

6. Corresponding planes meet in a line of s. 

Fic. 3. 

7. To planes parallel to s correspond planes parallel to s. 

8. To lines perpendicular to s correspond lines passing 
through the so-called eye-point O of q’. 

This list is, of course, by no means complete, and might be 
indefinitely extended.’ 

2To obtain the analytical form of theatrical perspective choose again 
G as the xy-plane, s as the x«z-plane, and the plane through C perpendicular 
to s as the yz-plane. Let b be the distance of C from s, the space in which 
the object is located as the octant in which all coordinates are positive, 
e the distance of 7 from C, e also the distance from s to q’, x, y, 2 the 

coordinates of a point A, 2’, y’, z’ the coordinates of the corresponding 
point A’, then the coordinates are related by 

gS AOE apes ey petit: (0 Fe) 
Feta ae oe = eer = ae 



On the stage of a theater the axial plane s may be taken as 
the plane of the front-curtain, the plane q’ as the rear wall of 
‘the stage. The observer is supposed to take the place of C. 
Naturally this theoretically ideal condition cannot be realized 
practically. There are many observing centers, so that con- 
siderable latitude and deviation from the mathematical theory 
is admissible. Although the mathematician speaks of the plane 
of the curtain as the invariant plane of the collineation, it is of 
course not his intention to impose his theory upon the theater- 

Fig. 4 represents a typical example of theatrical perspective. 


It shows the setting of Act I. of the opera “ Manon Lescaut” 
by Puccini at the Metropolitan in New York. 

Fig. 5, likewise, may give an idea of the wonderful perspec- © 
tive effect of the stage-setting of the ballroom in the Duke’s 
Palace at a performance of Verdi’s Rigoletto, also at the Metro- 

The development of the principles of perspective in their 
practical applications to painting has a long history. It evolved 
from the primitive, purely intuitional efforts of ancient artists, 
and reached the present state of a perfect system only after 
many centuries of improvements and rational scientific coordi- 
nation with geometry. As a matter of fact, synthetic, or pro- 
jective geometry grew out of geometrical discoveries revealed 
by the study of artistic perspective. Desargues’s (1593-1662) 
brilliant accomplishments in this field make him one of the fore- 


most pioneers of modern geometry. On the other hand, pro- 
jective geometry had a great.influence upon artistic perspective 
and the comprehension of its essential simplicity. We have 
here again a characteristic example for the interesting fact 
that a branch of mathematical science grew out of a field of 
practical, more or less intuitional rules, which in its turn was 
used to clarify the original primitive notions, to simplify and 
systematize the collection of practical rules and to make their 
application easier. 

Traces of pictorial representation may be found almost as 
far back as we have knowledge of the prehistoric human race. 


It is, however, not until possibly thousands of centuries later 
that we see Babylonians, Egyptians, Assyrians and other races 
make extensive use of graphic representations in their cultural 
development. But they do not have any knowledge of how to 
make more than two dimensions appear on a picture. All 
objects are shown in elevation, or in a front view. When a 
plan, or top view, is drawn, vertical objects are depicted on 
the plan as they would appear in elevation. 

The ancient Greeks, although even now unsurpassed in 
sculpture and in the true conception of architectural laws, were 
not much better when it came to drawing and painting. Front- 
views were the customary methods of decoration and drawing. 
As there seem to be no paintings of Greek antiquity in existence, 
it is impossible to arrive at a correct evaluation of their treat- 
ment of form. From writings on objects of art it would appear 
that the Greeks were not in possession of a deductive system, 
and that they relied entirely upon empiric, 7. e., in this case, 


visual impressions. On the other hand it is surprising what 
anecdotes tell us of some marvelous illusions which Greek paint- 
ings seem to have produced. Thus the “grapes of Zeuxis” 
were painted in such true imitation of nature that the birds 
tried to pick them. Parrhasius painted an open door with cur- 
tain drapery on a wall, through which people, who did not know 
of the illusion, tried to pass. 

As appears from mural decorations of Pompey, Roman ar- 
tists had some crude knowledge of empirical perspective. But 
it was without control by correctly deduced geometrical laws, 
and therefore faulty. 

The same may be said of the early Italian painters, like 
Giotto (1266-1337) and his pupils, whose frescoes in the chapels 
of St. Croce in Florence, of Madonna dell’ Arena in Padua, and 
others, exhibit very little knowledge of perspective. It was not 
until the early Renaissance, the Quartocento, that perspective 
was established as a science. During this period we find writ- 
ings on the principles of perspective by the architect Brunel- 
lesco (1377-1466), by the sculptor Donatello (1386-1468), 
and by the architect Alberti (1404-1472). The full develop- 
ment and mastery of perspective for artistic purposes was ac- 
complished by the great masters of the Renaissance at the end 
of the fifteenth and in the sixteenth century: Leonardo da 
Vinci (1452-1519), Raffael Santi (1488-1520), and Michel An- 
gelo Buonarotti (1475-1564). Leonardo da Vinci, a universal 
genius, who attained fame not only as a painter, but also in 
engineering, in physics, in anatomy, and in music, wrote a 
Trattato delia pittura, which contained also a monograph on 
perspective. Unfortunately this important work has been lost. 

As an example of the complete mastery of the laws of per- 
spective I refer to Raffael’s ‘‘The Wedding of Maria” in the 
Milan gallery, of which Fig. 6 is a half-tone reproduction. In 
the whole representation of the architectural features the per- 
spective correspondence between the external world and the 
canvas is correctly and minutely established. Also the human 
figures are portrayed with equal carefulness and proper re- 
ductions of the scale. In spite of the geometrical correctness 
of the construction no unpleasing distortions of form appear in 
the picture. This is the more remarkable as at that time no 
control by photographic processes was known. 

Many other paintings of equal renown by Raffael and other 
painters of this period might be analyzed, which would merely 
corroborate the statement concerning the highly and rationally 
developed sense of form perception of these masters. 




It is strange that during the following period some artists 
became careless in regard to the coordination of their painting 
with consistent perspective forms. Paolo Veronese’s (1528— 
1588) “The Wedding of Cana,” which is in the Louvre (Paris) 
gallery, for example, contains seven eye-points and five horizons. 
This is unfortunate, as the painting is otherwise of great ar- 
tistic value. Fr. Bossuet showed in his “ Traité de perspec- 
tive” (Brussels, 1871), by a reconstruction of the architectural 
features of Veronese’s painting with one eye-point, that the 


intended impression and effect of the painting do not suffer in 
the least from a correct construction. 

Of other than Italian painters of the Renaissance I shall 
simply mention Albrecht Diirer (1471-1528), who, like Raffael 
and his compatriots, had a perfect knowledge of the principles 
of perspective, as revealed by all his paintings. He wrote the 
first German work on perspective, called “‘ Unterweysung der 


Messung mit Zirkel und Richtscheyt,” in which a number of 
devices (glass plate) are explained how to make true perspec- 
tive constructions. The ‘ Birth of Christ,’ reproduced in Fig. 
7, is an example of Diirer’s art with its careful attention to 
perspective details. 

Most of the great painters of modern times show a profound 
knowledge of perspective, where proper delineation and reduc- 
tion of scales are imperative. This, of course, is always the 
case when architectural features form a part of the setting. 
See, for example, some of Boecklin’s famous paintings, or 
Rochegrosse’s “ The Flagellants,” in collections of reproductions 
of modern paintings. Certain styles and varieties of painting 
require less or no geometrical preliminary work. It must be 
said, however, that in certain cases deviations from the geo- 
metrical laws are permissible. But great painters are con- 
scious of such deviations and do not introduce them deliberately, 
when not needed. The mistakes of some mediocre painters 
and their flagrant neglect of correct forms are due not so much 
to conscious modifications as to their ignorance of the laws of 
perspective. The mastery of these laws requires some serious 
thinking and study, which is too arduous a task for so many 
“heroes of the brush.” In so many cases of modernism and 
impressionism the claim of originality and progressiveness is 
merely a flimsy cover or excuse for the painter’s inability and 
his ignorance or misunderstanding of some of the most funda- 
mental principles of fine arts. 

A thorough mastery of these requires years of intensive 
study and practise. The lack of these is responsible for much 
of the mediocrity of the present day. 






of anatomy in the Johns Hopkins 
Medical School and director of the 
Department of Embryology of the 
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 
was born in Belle Plaine, Iowa, Sep- 
tember 28, 1862, and died in Balti- 
more, November 17, 1917, from com- 
plications following an operation for 
gall stones. He was the son of 
Francis and Louise (Miller) Mall, 
both of German descent. In 1895 
he married Mabel Stanley Glover, of 
Washington, D. C. He is survived 

_tain scientific generalizations. 

by his widow and two daughters, 

Margaret and Mary Louise Mall. 

In 1883, he was graduated in med- 
icine from the University of Michi- 
gan, and then went to Germany, 
where he studied first in Heidelberg 
and later under His and Ludwig in 
Leipsig. On his return to America 
he was first fellow in pathology in 
the Johns Hopkins University, then 
adjunct professor of anatomy at 

Clark University, professor of an-| 

atomy at the University of Chicago, 
and finally when the Johns Hopkins 
Medical School opened he undertook 
the direction of the new department 
of anatomy. When he started work, 
medical education in this country 
was at a very low ebb. He reorgan- 
ized the teaching of anatomy by de- 
veloping a laboratory in which his 
subject was taught by professional 
anatomists, devoted to scientific re- 
search, and his influence can be seen 
from the fact that twenty-five of the 
chairs in anatomy in different medi- 
cal schools in this country have been 
filled from his department. 

In science he ranks with the great 
leaders of his generation, and his 
work, embodied in one hundred and 
four publications, leads up to cer- 

anatomy he broke away from the 
study of pure morphology and 
studied structure from the stand- 
point of how all of the tissues of an 
organ are adapted to their function. 
This work led to the conception that 
most organs are made up of struc- 
tural units which are equal in size 
and in function. The size of these 
ultimate histological units is deter- 
mined by the length of the capillary. 
These ultimate histological units are 
grouped together into lobules in vari- 
ous ways in the different organs. 
These conceptions of structure find 
their best expression in Dr. Mall’s 
studies of the intestine, the stomach, 
the liver and the spleen. 

In the science of embryology Dr. 
Mall was the first to trace the devel- 
opment of an individual organ from 
its early embryonic form to its con- 
dition in the adult. For example, he 

_ followed the development of the loops 

of the intestine from their begin- 
ning, tracing through successive 
stages their displacement out into 
the cord, their return to the ccelom, 
and finally the establishment of their 
adult position. He determined the 
normal position of these loops in the 
adult, and then by experiments on 
animals showed that when they are 
displaced they tend to return to this 
normal position. This type of work 
may be summed up in the term “ or- 
ganogenesis.” Through the com- 
plete development of organogenesis 
the study of anatomy may be ra- 
tionalized, for thereby normal struc- 
ture and the limits of variation may 
be understood. 

The later years of his life were 
devoted to the organization of the 
Department of Embryology of the 
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 


One of the most striking points in 
his career is that in these years, de- 
voted to the organization of a new 
institute, he accomplished some of 
his best scientific work. He made 
an exhaustive study of the causes of 
monsters. To this study he brought 
a mastery of all the older literature 
on the subject, a critical judgment 
in analyzing the results of experi- 
mental embryology, and an extensive 
first-hand knowledge of abnormal 
embryos. He concluded “ that mon- 
sters are not due to germinal and 
hereditary causes, but are produced 
from normal embryos by influences 
which are to be sought in their en- 
vironment.’’ They are due to causes 
bound up in their faulty implanta- 
tion whereby alterations in the nu- 
trition of the embryo at an early 
critical stage produce changes which 
range all the way from complete de- 
generation of the embryo up to a 
monster which survives to term. 

In the new institute of embryology 
Dr. Mall proposed to complete the 
study of organogenesis and to ana- 
lyze problems associated with growth 
which need for their solution large 
amounts of material and expert 
technical assistance. 

In addition to his great contribu- 
tion to the development of his sci- 
ence, Dr. Mall was a great teacher. 
He will be remembered as having 
trained a large group of the men 
who are now prominent in scientific 
medicine. He was one of the fore- 
most men in the reorganization of 
the American Association of Anat- 
omists, making it one of the distin- 
guished scientific bodies in this coun- 
try. He played a prominent part in 
the development of scientific publi- 
cations in this country, being largely 
responsible for the establishment of 
the American Journal of Anatomy, 
the Anatomical Record, and finally 
the Contributions to Embryology 
published by the Carnegie Institu- 
tion of Washington. He was a man 


of rare personality; modest, gener- 
ous, original, unswervingly devoted 
to ideals and possessed of a genius 
for stimulating thought. 



LIGHT rays may be focused either 
by passing them through a lens 
(Fig. 1) or by reflection from a con- 
cave mirror (Fig. 2). Although X- 
rays are known to be of the same 
nature as light, workers engaged in 
scientific research have found it im- 
possible to focus them by the first 
method on account of their stub- 
bornness in resisting refraction, or 
bending, in passing through ordi- 
nary matter, as light rays are bent 
and focused in passing through a 
leas. Moreover, difficulty presents 
itself in attempting to focus them 
by refiection, for the smoothest mir- 
ror that can be manufactured pre- 
sents a “rough” surface to X-rays, 
causing them to be reflected diffusely 
rather than “regularly” (angle of 
incidence equal to angle of reflec- 
tion), although presenting a 
“smooth ” surface to light rays, and 
for the reason that the wave-lengths 
of X-rays are so very short com- 
pared with those of light. 

X-rays have nevertheless been re- 
cently focused by reflection from a 
crystal mirror in the new Dershem 
X-ray concentrator. 

It was found only four or five 
years ago that natural crystal sur- 
faces are “smooth” enough to re- 
flect X-rays regularly rather than 
diffusely. The idea occurred to Dr. 
Elmer Dershem, working in the 
physics laboratory of the Univer- 
sity of Iowa, of making a concave 
mirror of crystal surfaces. Mica is 
the crystal that comes naturally to 
mind for such a purpose, as it can 

be readily split up into thin flexible 

sheets capable of bending to shape. 



aiveh ae 

Fortunately, also, it reflects X-rays 
exceptionally well. 

Dr. Dershem’s crystal mirror, 
while concave, is not made in the 
usual form of concave mirror, but 
rather in the shape of an open-ended 
barrel, such that the source of the 
X-rays, which is a small spot on the 
surface of the target in the X-ray 
tube, is near one end of the “ barrel ” 




es / 
\ b 
5 \F/ 
HIKE. 2, 

form were laid the sheets of mica, 
that were fastened in position by 
gluing strips of paper over them. 
|The whole was then immersed in 
‘melted paraffin, which, on solidify- 
ing, gave a cast. The form was 
‘then removed, leaving the hollow 
paraffin cast with the mica held 
firmly in place against its walls. A 
horizontal tube lying along the con- 

 ——. Sereer s = 

Crass Mir es 

Cross Wi 5 
ross (FCS Lhieg ff 
) Wa 
vd ime) 
: : ~ 
wees ea Ne S N N_S SZ SL GS | 
aN ~ 
LeodCapA ‘Cpr = 
Cad Cap 7 Se oy ¢ 
f Oi lPara le anil i. Ad fed a 
Sere evusa> 

(Fig..3). The X-rays that would 
otherwise pass directly through the 
barrel without reflection from the 
inside walls are screened off by 
sheets of lead inserted as shown. 
The mica barrel is so shaped that an 
X-ray striking on the inside walls, 
no matter where, is regularly re- 
flected so that all the reflected rays 
pass approximately through a point, 
F,, the focus. 

The first X-ray concentrator was 
made by turning out on a lathe a 
wooden form of the desired barrel 
shape. The diameter of the form 
was a little over 2 inches, and the 
length about 4 inches. Over this 

centrator axis carries a pair of cross 
wires at either end so that the in- 
strument can be “sighted”? on the 
target of the X-ray tube. 

The particular concave shape re- 
quired for an X-ray focusing mirror 
was found by mathematical analysis. 
It is obtained by revolving a seg- 
ment of logarithmic spiral about an 
axis formed of the straight line pass- 
ing through the two points that are 
to be source and focus, respectively. 

The effectiveness of this X-ray 
focusing mirror, or concentrator, has 
been demonstrated by photography 
of the spot focus, with the tungsten 
target of a Coolidge X-ray tube fur- 



ANY diseases are known to be caused by living germs 
‘-which grow in the body as mold grows in jelly. These 
harmless-looking germs are so small that millions might 
lodge on the point of a pin, and yet they cause such diseases 
as tuberculosis, diphtheria and typhoid fever. 




HE House Fly breeds in stables and garbage dumps and 
«might better be called the Filth Fly. From these dirty 
places it often carries germs on its feet to food that we eat, 
and thus spreads disease. 

ILK from dirty cow 
yer barns may carry disease 
germs. When kept two or 
three days and handled by 
several people before reach- 
ing the household, it may 
become so changed as to be 
poisonous, particularly to 
babies. Every summer, in 
New York City, thousands 
of children die from infected 
or decayed milk. 



It can also be 
demonstrated in a qualitative man-| for the use of schools of New York 

nishing the source. 

ner with light rays, as was done by 
Dr. Dershem some months ago at the 
University of Iowa. 

The X-ray concentrator is of par- 
ticular interest in science because it 
separates out a single wave-length 
from a beam containing many wave- 
lengths, and at the same time focuses 
it, thus giving a single wave-length 
with an intensity at least a thousand 
times greater than can be obtained 
by the usual reflection from plane 
crystal surfaces. 

There are at least two possible ap- 
plications that may be made with 
the X-ray concentrator. One is to 
study the effect of single wave- 
lengths of X-rays on the electrical 
resistance of selenium, since it has 
been shown that X-rays affect this 
element in the same way as light 
waves. The other is to test X-rays 
of different wave-lengths for their 
physiological effects, such as X-ray 
“burns,” and the effects of “ treat- 
ments” by the rays on the human 


THE Departments of Public Health 
and Public Education of the Ameri- 
can Museum of Natural History five 
years ago prepared under the direc- 
tion of Dr. C.-E. A. Winslow, curator 


HE best way to keep well 
wand to resist disease is to 
Stay out-of-doors during the 
day in the fresh air and 
sunshine and to take part in 
wholesome games. Not only 
are these conditions condu- 
cive to good health, but also 
they aid the growth and de- 
velopment of the body and 
keep it strong. 

three series of public health charts 

City. Each consisted of a folio of 
wall charts illustrated from original 
photographs and devoted to the fol- 
lowing subjects: “The Spread and 
Prevention of Communicable Dis- 
ease,” “Insects as Carriers of Dis- 
ease,” and “ Bacteria and their Work 
in the World.” 

The demand for these charts in 
the schools was many times greater 

|than the supply, and the Museum 

has now issued a new edition of the 
set, entitled “The Spread and Pre- 
vention of Communicable Disease” 
in sufficient number to supply all the 
schools of the city. 

There are here reproduced, on a 
scale comparatively very small, four 
of the charts. The original charts 
are 22x28 inches each. Each set 
consists of 15 charts on heavy paper, 
bound at top and bottom with tin, 
and suited in every way for hanging 
on the wall. Although each chart 
is clearly labeled the sets are accom- 
panied by a booklet containing infor- 
mation which may be of service to 
teachers in talks on the subject of 
physical well-being. 

The delivery and collection of the 
charts is being attended to by the 
museum. As with the circulating 
collection of natural history speci- 
mens, the loan period is three weeks. 

The charts may be purchased by 
educational institutions outside of 

of its Department of Public Health, | the city. 



THE War Council of the Ameri- 
can Red Cross has appropriated 
$100,000 for general military medi- 
eal research work in France, in- 
cluding special methods of recogni- 
tion and study of diseases among 
soldiers. This action followed a re- 
port from the Red Cross Commis- 
sion in France to national head- 
quarters in which they said: 

“An extraordinary opportunity 
presents itself here for medical re- 
search work. We have serving with 
various American units some of the 
ablest doctors and surgeons in the 
United States. Many of these men 
are already conducting courses of 
investigation which, if carried to 
successful conclusions, will result in 
the discovery of treatments and 
methods of operation which will be 
of great use not only in this war, 
but possibly for years afterwards. 
To carry on their work they need 

special laboratory equip- 
ment, suitable buildings and animals 
for experimental purposes. At 

present equipment and _ personnel 
can not be obtained through ordi- 
nary government sources without 
delay, which makes this source of 
supply quite impracticable.” 

This recommendation, like others 
of a medical nature from the com- 
mission, was submitted to an ad- 
visory medical board in France 
composed of leading American phy- 
sicians and surgeons working with 
our forces in that country, and was 
approved by them. 

This advisory board is headed by 
Dr. Joseph A. Blake, with whom 
are associated Colonel Ireland, of 
General Pershing’s staff; Dr. Liv- 
ingston Farrand, president of the 
University of Colorado; Dr. Alex- 
ander Lambert, professor of clin- 



medicine, Cornell Medical 
School; Dr. John M. Finney, pro- 
fessor of clinical surgery at the 
Johns Hopkins University; Drs. 
Richard P. Strong and W. B. Can- 
non, professors at Harvard Univer- 
sity; Major George W. Crile, head 
of the Cleveland Base Hospital Unit; 
and Dr. Hugh H. Young, professor 
at the Johns Hopkins University. 

The committee in charge of this 
research work in France, headed by 
Dr. Cannon, includes Dr. Blake, Dr. 
Crile, Colonel Ireland, Dr. Lambert, 
Dr. Strong, Dr. Kenneth Taylor, Dr. 
Harvey Cushing, professor of sur- 
gery at Harvard; Dr. James A. Mil- 
ler, professor of clinical medicine at 
Columbia; Dr. William Charles 
White, associate professor of medi- 
cine at Pittsburgh; and Dr. Homer 
F. Swift, professor of medicine at 


WE record with regret the death 
of Ellery Williams Davis, dean of 
the college of arts and sciences and 
head of the department of mathe- 
matics of the University of Ne- 
braska; of Rollin Arthur Harris, 
mathematician to the U. S. Coast 
and Geodetic Survey; of Charlotte 
Fitch Roberts, head of the depart- 
ment of chemistry at Wellesley Col- 
lege; of G. P. Girdwood, professor 
of chemistry in McGill University, 
and of C. Christiansen, professor of 
physics in the University of Copen- 

M. PAINLEVE, professor of mathe- 
matics in the University of Paris and 
recently premier of France, has been 
elected president of the Paris Acad- 
emy of Sciences, succeeding M. 
d’Arsonval. M. Léon Guignard, pro- 
fessor of botany at the School of 
Pharmacy of Paris, has been elected 


APRIL, 1918 


By Professor ROBERT DE C. WARD 

HEN the British Expedition invaded Mesopotamia from 

the Persian Gulf in 1915, the fighting was carried into 

a region whose climate and weather differ markedly from those 
which characterize any other portion of the war area, although 
they resemble, in some respects, the conditions in Gallipoli and 
in the region about the Suez Canal. Mesopotamia is a country 
of aridity; of intense summer heat; of deserts and steppes; of 
relatively mild winters; of cold-season rains. It has a good 
deal in common with the Mediterranean countries, but its rain- 
fall is less, and its summer heat greater. It is a country where 
campaigning is best in winter. There is then a better water 
supply, and the temperatures are on the whole favorable for 
the movement and the comfort of the troops.2 Occasional 

Long. 44° 26’ E., ALT. 60 METERS) 

J ATTA Ate ee eR ho ohh ea eve ay les atthe EASA DD ae 
AUSUSG reat ie hee ne wih cas the ea tte 92.5° 
Meant apna seri: 6 elds faceless tee (ee 
Mean minimumrgs oie) atiele os Deen 29S 
Meanomaximunit. ee) 6a) be eis Peis ot 119.5° 

colder spells, with northwest winds, lower the thermometer 
several degrees below freezing; frosts occur, and snow falls 
locally. In the region of the lower Euphrates and Tigris 
snow is rare, but it is common in upper Mesopotamia, and on 
1 This account is brought down to February 10, 1918. 
2 The essential temperature data for Bagdad may be taken as fairly 
representative of the region in which most of the fighting has taken place. 
VOL. VI.—19. 


the mountains. Hail falls infrequently, but occasionally oc- 
curs over considerable areas. The winter months bring the 
“rainy season.” The designation is misleading unless it is 
clear that a relatively wet season is meant. The total mean 
annual rainfall is only about 8 or 9 inches, and some years but 
half as much. Precipitation, as usual, is heavier on the moun- 
tains than on the arid lowlands. The rains fall between Oc- 
tober and May. This is also the cloudiest season. The remain- 
ing months are practically rainless. Showers are very rare in 
summer. At Bagdad, February or March is the rainiest month 
(1 inch to 1.5 inches). Of great importance in the life and 
development of Mesopotamia are the annual floods, which, 
being dependent on the rains, come in late winter and spring, 
and are generally at a maximum in March and April. The 
lowest water is in late summer and early autumn. 

The summers are excessively hot. The highest tempera- 
tures average between 115° and 122° F., and in individual cases 
they may even run a few degrees higher. The sun blazes in a 
cloudless sky of wonderful blue. The air is clean and clear, 
except when filled with dust. The every-day routine of life is 
regulated by the temperature. During the hottest hours of the 
day, the natives take refuge in underground rooms in which 
the temperatures may be 10°-25° lower than outdoors. The 
air is, however, ‘‘dead”’ and close. In the houses of the well- 
to-do various cooling devices are resorted to. Water is 
sprinkled abundantly in the courtyards. The cooler, fresher 
air of early morning and evening brings the people out on to 
the flat roofs of their houses, where meals are eaten and the 
most comfortable conditions for sleeping may be found. Still 
worse than the relatively dry heat of central Mesopotamia is 
the “hothouse” air of the region at the head of the Persian 
Gulf, where damp southerly and southeasterly winds bring 
almost unbearable conditions of stifling muggy air. 

Mesopotamia has not always been the desert which it is 
to-day. In the old days it was the home of powerful peoples; 
the center of ancient civilization. The Garden of Eden is 
generally supposed to have been here. If properly conserved 
and wisely distributed, there is water enough in Mesopotamia 
to turn immense areas of desert into green fields of cereals and 
of cotton, and into blossoming orchards. There is no reason, 
so far as water supply is concerned, why Mesopotamia should 
be a “brown wilderness, vast and uninhabited; the abiding 
place of wind, and dust and silence,” as a recent writer has de- 


scribed it. No “change” of climate is responsible for the 
present condition. The incapacity of the Turkish government 
is the sole source of the trouble. Plans for the reclamation of 
Mesopotamia had been drawn, before the war, by Sir William 
Willcocks, already famous for his irrigation work in Egypt.‘ 
It appears that the ancient irrigation canals were well placed 
and can be repaired and again utilized, while new canals and 
ditches can be constructed without very great cost. It is re- 
ported that English engineers have recently built a barrage on 
the lower Tigris which has made possible the irrigation of a 
piece of land where enough cereals, dairy products and poultry 
are being supplied to feed the British Expeditionary Force. 
The general situation as to the present neglect of the available 
water supply of Mesopotamia is strikingly emphasized by Sir 
William Willcocks when he speaks of “the exhibition of two. 
mighty rivers flowing between deserts to waste themselves in 
the sea for nine months of the year, and desolating everything 
in their way during the remaining three.” 

The foregoing facts regarding the climate of Mesopotamia 
make it clear that meteorological handicaps a military expedi- 
tion into that country must inevitably meet. The reports, both 
official and non-official, regarding the military operations dur- 
ing the Mesopotamian campaign have given abundant illustra- 
tion of the importance of the weather factor in warfare in that 
historic region, once so prosperous, now so decayed and back- 
ward. The intense heat of summer; the lack of water; the 
cold-season rains and storms; the floods; the cold spells of 
winter—all, as was to be expected, played their part. It was 
obvious from the first that great difficulty would result from 
the aridity of Mesopotamia. The former canal system long 
ago fell into disuse, and water can only be obtained from the 
rivers, many of which dry up completely in the hot summers. 

Very little news came through regarding the early stages 
of the British invasion. It will be remembered that General 
Townshend’s column, proceeding up the Tigris, captured the 
historic city of Ctesiphon, but partly because of lack of water 
was obliged to retire when within a short distance (about 
twenty miles) of Bagdad. There were marches “over burning 
sands.” There was intense suffering from thirst. The army 
had to be kept near the river, where there was a plentiful 
supply of water ; but, as one of the medical officers wrote, “ neat 

8’ El Hamran, “The End of the Year: Mesopotamia, 1915.” Black- 
wood’s Mag., Vol. 201, May, 1917. 

“The Irrigation of Mesopotamia,” London, 1911. 


Tigris is not a very healthy drink at the best of times.” 'Tem- 
peratures of 128° to 180° F. were reported, but these are doubt- 
less a few degrees too high, owing to poor exposure of the 
thermometers. An officer in the Royal Field Artillery wrote 
of temperatures of 110°, and of the exhaustion of the infantry 
in the hot sun. ‘“‘ We can not carry nearly enough water,” he 
notes, ‘“‘and one’s tongue swells when the sun is up.” The 
heat was “about the limit of human endurance.” In the 
hospital tents temperatures of 130° were reported, and this may 
easily have been the case. Under such conditions “the suffer- 
ing of the sick and wounded was distressing to contemplate.” 
On an afternoon march one officer reported that his goggles 
became so hot that they blistered his face, even under the shade 
of his helmet. The men fell ill as a result of the excessive 
heat, and of the bad water. 

The expedition under General Aylmer, going to the relief 
of the beleagured troops in Kut-el-Amara, met with serious 
difficulties on account of the rains. A London despatch 
(January 22, 1916) mentions a “hurricane” (really only a 
winter storm), which had made navigation and other opera- 
tions most difficult. The Tigris rose rapidly. On January 24, 
1916, it was reported that the river had risen seven feet in 
forty-eight hours at Kut, “‘ preventing all troop movements by 
land.” “At this season,” one despatch noted, “the Tigris is 
very full, with a strong current,” the reference being to the 
winter high-water stage, resulting from the rains at that 
season. With northwesterly winds it was reported as “bitterly 
cold.” It is reasonably certain that the temperatures were not 
many degrees (perhaps 10°-15° F.) below freezing, but with 
a strong wind, after the excessive heat of the summer, the 
words “bitterly cold”? doubtless express what the men really 

The British surrender at Kut-el-Amara came as a distinct 
and most depressing shock. Lord Kitchener, who was then 
War Minister, emphatically stated that adverse elements alone 
were responsible for the lack of success. Constant rains and 
the resulting floods had not only impeded the advance of the 
Relief Expedition, but had compelled, in place of a turning 
movement, a direct attack upon an impossibly narrow front. 
The House of Lords, the War Minister said in his speech before 
that body, ‘would not fail to realize how tense was the strain 
upon the troops. For more than twenty weeks they had held 

5 The “first rains of the year” were reported November 25, 1915. 
Mention was made of a succession of heavy storms. 


their positions under conditions of abnormal climatic difficulty 
and on rations calculated for protraction to the furthest period 
until imminent starvation compelled capitulation.’ Several in- 
teresting meteorological conditions attracted the attention of 
the besieged troops in Kut-el-Amara.*® 

The winter rains, described in such terms as “several days 
of steady rain”’—it ‘“poured”—‘“two days rain”—‘more 
rain’; the mud; the cold, with 8° or more “of frost ”’”—“hoar 
frost in the morning ’—“ bitter cold ’””—‘“ very cold ’”’—“ clear 
bracing air”; the late winter and spring floods, in one instance 
driving the men from the trenches; the snow-clad hills: all 
these receive mention. At the end of March, according to the 
Kut observers, a violent thunderstorm, with heavy rain, oc- 
curred, and a Berlin despatch reports that during a thunder- 
storm in March the principal British camp was struck by 
lightning and “extensive damage was done.” An especially 
interesting occurrence was a “deluge of hail” (April 3), with 
stones one half an inch in diameter, the record stating that “it 
was well to get under shelter, for they hurt.” On April 12, 
1916, General Lake reported that water was driven by a north- 
west gale into some of the enemy’s trenches, forcing the Turks 
out to a new position. Many engagements were fought with 
the men up to their hips in water. Of the sufferings of the 
British during the Kut-el-Amara campaign an English officer 
writes as follows: 

Nothing that has been printed about the hardships of that ill-fated 
expedition came up to the conditions the men had to contend with... . 
The water was thick with mud and unfit to drink, but it was impossible 
to keep some of the men from slaking their thirst, which resulted in their 
death by cholera. When I was down with fever the heat in my tent was 
117°, and there was nothing to eat but stodgy porridge; no medicines or 
medical comforts of any kind. . . . For hundreds of miles there was not 
a blade of grass, and no chance to get cover from the scorching sun or the 
enemy’s guns. .. . Flies gave us the most trouble in Mesopotamia, where 
they are worse than in any part of the eastern countries. They settled 
so thickly on the faces and arms of the men that it looked as if they were 
wearing armor. One fly out of every twenty appeared to be able to bite 
and inflict a severe sting. 

With the advance of spring (1916) the heat became greater. 
On May 20 General Lake reported: “The weather is intensely 
hot and trying,” with temperatures over 100° in the shade. It 
was so hot (over 120°) in July that both British and Russian 
troops had to remain inactive for many days. The Russians 
retreated almost 80 miles in the Bagdad region. The principal 

6C. B., “Besieged in Kut and After,” Blackwood’s Mag., Vol. 201, 
May, 1917. 


reason assigned for this retreat was the heat, which made 
campaigning very difficult. It was reported that the Russians 
planned to remain in the cooler hill country until the tempera- 
ture conditions made the resumption of the advance expedient. 
On July 16, 1916, Sir Victor Horseley, the eminent surgeon, 
died of heat stroke. 

Mesopotamia is obviously a region where campaigning is 
easier in winter than in summer. After several months of in- 
activity on account of the intense heat, the British Army re- 
sumed operations about the middle of September (1917). It 
appears that supplies of munitions and food were sent forward 
by the Germans along the Badgad Railway during the dry 
summer months, before the wet season might make transporta- 
tion difficult. Rains, coming as was to be expected, hampered 
the movements of the British troops (late December, 1916). 
Late in February (1917), heavy rains brought the Tigris to 
flood level, and made it difficult to move troops, this being the 
normal time of year for high water. It was clear that the 
British ought to advance to Bagdad and seize the railway 
before the hot weather came on. In the House of Commons on 
March 12, 1917, Mr. Bonar Law, in announcing the fall of 
Bagdad, said: 

Notwithstanding heat and dust the British made a brilliant march 

toward Bagdad. 
The pursuit of the Turks “ was conducted in a country destitute 
of supplies, despite the commencement of summer heat.” Gen- 
eral Maude reported that ‘during the recent fighting, fierce 
gales and blinding dust storms, the lack of water away from 
the river, and the vigorous pursuit, made the operations 

Late in March (31st) the British and Russian troops, in 
their converging march toward Khanikin, had difficulty be- 
cause of wet snow. An unusual occurrence was reported on 
April 10, when British fighting in Mesopotamia “had to be 
temporarily suspended owing to a mirage, but upon this lifting, 
our offense continued.” ‘The intense heat constantly inter- 
fered with the activity of the troops. On April 13 the heat 
“‘rendered the task of keeping in touch with the reteating 
enemy difficult.” 

As a whole it is evident that both British and Russians did 
their best (until the Revolution demoralized the Russian 

7A despatch dated March 17 notes the withdrawal of the Russian 

troops to a town on the Persian border north of Bagdad on account of the 
heat, which made a retreat to the mountains advisable. 


troops) to bring the campaign in Mesopotamia to a successful 
conclusion before the intense summer heat and lack of water 
made operations more difficult, if not impossible.2 The prep- 
arations for the 1917 campaign were far ahead of those of 1916. 
Ice plants; refrigerating barges for meat; hospital ships with 
complete electrical equipment for lighting, cooling and ventila-. 
tion; transportation, etc., were all carefully planned for. 

The soil, the rain, the climate, the floods, the flies and the heat com- 
bine to make the conduct of a campaign in the Tigris valley during the 
summer months a task of stupendous difficulty. These difficulties are 
being tackled and overcome with success. 

There could be only very slight activity during the hot season. 
One of the few reports (July 11, 1917) mentions a British ad: 
vance which was broken off owing to the extreme heat. <A de- 
spatch from Washington, July 12, noted Turkish preparations 
for a campaign for the recovery of Bagdad when cooler weather 
set in in the fall (1917), adding, “the heat in Mesopotamia at 
present makes a campaign on a grand scale almost impossible.” 

Bagdad was taken in March, 1917. After the end of Apri! 
there has apparently been comparatively little fighting of im- 
portance. The heat of the summer, the withdrawal of the 
Russians, and the British campaign in Palestine doubtless, in 
part at least, help to explain this relative lull. One despatch 
mentioned the deaths of many of the British officers and men 
who, having surrendered to the Turks at Kut-el-Amara (April, 
1916), were marched hundreds of miles into the interior. The 
change from the heat of the Mesopotamian lowlands to the cold 
of a higher altitude and of a more northern latitude must surely 
have caused great suffering among these men. 

In the spring of 1917, the British extended their campaign 
into Palestine, a region very rich in historical interest, whose 
possession is of the greatest military importance to England. 
The climate of Palestine merits special attention at the present 
time, not only because of the immediate interest of the cam- 

8 What has become of the Russian Army in Mesopotamia is still 
more or less of a mystery. The cooperation of Russian and British troops 
before the fall of Bagdad promised great things for the future. The com- 
plete and speedy subjugation of Mesopotamia, a victorious march on 
Constantinople, and the fall of the Turkish capital, seemed quite on the 
cards. But the Russian Army has vanished. As lately as last April 
(1917), after the Revolution, the Russian soldiers were actively fighting 
the Turks in Mesopotamia. Early in April they captured Khanikin. 

Since then there is no definite news of the Army of which so much was 


paign there, but also in view of the discussion as to the future 
of the region as a home for the Jewish people.® 

The country lies roughly between Lats. 31° and 33° N. It 
is long and rather narrow. ‘The Mediterranean lies on the 
west, the Syrian Desert on the east. The Jordan-Dead Sea 
depression cuts through it from north to south. Rough hilly 
tablelands lie to the east and west of this valley. On the east, 
these slope to the desert. On the west, to the Mediterranean. 
Palestine has what is known among climatologists as a “‘ Medi- 
terranean climate,’ and has much in common with the whole 
extended region bordering upon the Mediterranean Sea. It 
lies in the so-called “Subtropical Belt,’ at the equatorward 
margin of the “ Temperate” Zone. The countries lying within 
these belts are far enough from the equator to escape continued 
high temperatures throughout the year, yet near enough to it 
to be spared the extreme cold of the higher latitudes. Their 
rainfall régime is alternately that of the prevailing westerly 
winds, which prevail on their poleward side, and of the trades, 
which blow on their equatorward margin. They are thus as- 
sociated, now with the “ Temperate” and now with the Tropical 
Zones. In winter, following the sun, the equatorward migra- 
tion of the great pressure and wind systems brings these lati- 
tudes under the control of the “prevailing westerlies,’’ whose 
irregular storms, most frequent during the colder months, give 
a generally moderate winter precipitation. ‘These rains are 
not steady and continuous, but are separated by spells of fine, 
sunny weather. In summer, when, following the sun, the trade 
winds are extended polewards, dry and nearly continuous fair 
weather prevails, with general northerly winds. 

It is essential, in dealing with the climate of Palestine, to 
bear in mind the three general topographic subdivisions of the 
country, the seacoast, the “hill country” of the interior, and 
the depression of the Jordan and of the Dead Sea. In the 
north, the central tableland reaches altitudes of 10,000 feet, 
and over, close to the sea in the mountains of Lebanon. 
Farther south, there are fertile plains between the hill country 
and the sea. The coast stations, illustrated by Gaza and Jaffa, 
have mean midwinter (January) temperatures of between 50° 
and 55° F., and mean midsummer (August) temperatures of 

® There are several published accounts of the climate of Palestine. 
One of the most recent is that of F. M. Exner, “ Zum Klima von Palis- 
tina,” Zeitschr. Deutsch. Paldstina Ver., Vol. 33, 1910, pp. 107. Also J. 

von Hann, “ Handbuch der Klimatologie,” 8d ed., Vol. 3, Stuttgart, 1911, 
pp. 90-99. 


75° to a little over 80° F. The hill stations, at elevations of 
about 1,500 to 3,000 feet, as shown by the records for Jeru- 
salem, Nazareth and Hebron, have from 45° to 50° in January, 
and from a little over 70° to a little under 80° in August. The 
effect of the altitude in lowering the mean temperatures is thus 
seen to average about 5° F. The Jordan Valley, as indicated 
by the records for Tiberias and Jericho, has mean midwinter 
(January) temperatures of just under 55°, and mean mid- | 
summer (August) temperatures of 85°—-90°.° 

In winter, the lowest temperatures usually fall to freezing, 
or a few degrees below, except at altitudes below about 1,000- 
1,500 ft., on the coast, and in the Jordan Valley. In indi- 
vidual years they may even fall several degrees below 32°. 
Jerusalem has had a minimum of 21.2°. In the 10-year period 
1896-1907, Jerusalem averaged 3.6 days a year with tempera- 
tures below freezing. The low temperatures rarely last more 
than a day or two. They usually come in January, with NE. 
or EK. winds, the mountains often being snow-covered at the 
time. The highest thermometer readings of summer ordi- 
narily reach about 100°-105°, and in the Jordan Valley, 110°. 
Absolute maxima may run a few degrees higher. Jerusalem 
has had 108°; Tiberias, 114°, and 122° is said to occur in the 
lower Jordan Valley. The high summer temperatures occur 
with hot, dry easterly and southerly winds. 

Taking the year as a whole, the prevailing winds of Pales- 
tine are westerly. In winter, NE., E., and also SE. directions 
are frequent; in summer, W. and NW. directions are dominant. 
The character of the winds depends on the season. The west- 
erly winds are naturally the dampest; the easterly are the 
driest. In summer, the westerly and northwesterly winds, 
blowing on to a warm land, are relatively damp, cool and re- 
freshing. They are not rainy, and bring few clouds. The SE. 
wind of summer, on the other hand, is very dry, hot, depressing 
and disagreeable. It brings the highest temperatures, and is 

10 The foregoing temperatures are purposely given in “round num- 

bers,” for the sake of simplicity. The essential temperature data, for 
representative stations, are accurately given in the following table: 

Station January August Year Mean Max. | Mean Min. 


Woase! i) fst. BEATE Bemrudts ae eeoee 54.4° 81.5° 68.9° 95:22 39.0° 
Gara ee sich aseleteys 53.1 79.7 67.5 100.4 42.4 

Hill Country...... | Nazareth ....... 49.1 idee 65.3 106.2 32.4 
Jerusalem....... 44.6 73.4 60.6 97.2 29.0 
Hebromss55).o 43.3 72.5 59.7 98.8 26.6 

Jordan Valley..... Tiberiasin ene e 54.7 86.9 | 72.5 110.5 38.5 


often dusty. It therefore closely resembles the Italian sirocco. 
At Jerusalem, 80 per cent. of all the winds blow from W. and 
NW., and the trees are wind-blown towards the SE., while in 
winter only 37 per cent. come from those quarters. During the 
colder months, winds from the E. and NE. are generally dry 
and exhilarating, but may become so sharp as to be unpleas- 
antly chilling. Autumn and winter storms cause inflows of 
warm, damp, rain-bringing air from the SW., but “storm 
winds,” in the sense of winds of high velocity, are rare, and 
occur mostly on the northern coast and at the higher elevations. 

Accounts of the climate of Palestine usually emphasize the 
summer “‘sea-breeze” as contributing largely to man’s comfort 
during the hottest part of the year. This damp, cooling and 
refreshing wind blows almost every day along the coast, begin- 
ning about 9-10 A.M., and usually reaching Jerusalem about 
2-3 P.M., or a little later. After sunset, the sea-breeze usually 
dies down, but soon springs up again and blows most of 
the night, making these hours cool and comfortable. When 
the sea-breeze does not blow, the nights are very hot and un- 
pleasant. It not infrequently happens that this wind fails to 
blow as far as Jerusalem (about 2,500 ft. above sea level). In 
such cases, that city has an uncomfortably hot night, while 
Jaffa, for example, at sea level, is kept cool by the fresh breeze 
from the sea. 

Palestine rejoices, as do Italy and Greece and northern 
Africa, in the deep blue of the sky; the clearness of the air, the 
small amount of cloud. The cloudiest season is the winter, 
while the summers are remarkably clear.11 The coast is some- 
what more cloudy in summer than the interior. Heavy dews 
are characteristic of the plateau districts, the moisture being 
supplied by the wind from the sea. The ground is well wet 
with it, and it even drips from the tent-roofs. Fogs occur at 
night when the air is sufficiently damp. Jerusalem averages 
about 15 fogs a year. These are nocturnal, and come in sum- 
mer. On the coast, also, fogs are noted with about the same 

As stated above, the winter in Palestine is the rainy season. 
These rains fall in connection with general storms, which 
come from the Mediterranean. These are similar to but less 
marked than our own winter storms. The winter rains of 
Palestine are essentially like those of southern California, 

11 Mean January cloudiness 40-50 per cent. Summer cloudiness gen- 
erally below 10 per cent. - Jerusalem has a mean cloudiness as follows: 

winter, 50 per cent.; spring, 40 per cent.; summer, 10 per cent.; autumn, 
25 per cent.; year, 31 per cent. 


of northern Africa, of central Chile. In regions such as these, 
where the summers are very dry, the amount and distribution 
of the annual rainfall is the critical control of crops, of water 
supply, and of the general economic condition of the people. 
The rainfall at Jaffa and Sarona, and at Gaza, on the coast, is 
between 15 and 20 inches (In the north, Beirut has over 35 
inches). In the hill country, the amounts are a little over 25 
but less than 30 inches. In northern Syria, the mountains of 
Lebanon have as high as 50 in. In the eastern depression, 
Tiberias has just under 20 inches.** 

As in all subtropical climates, there are marked fluctuations 
(15 per cent. to 20 per cent. and over) in the amount of rain 
which falls in different years. These conditions influence the 
crop yield, and naturally cause constant anxiety throughout 
the population. The cause of these fluctuations is doubtless 
to be found in the varying seasonal distribution of pressure 
over the eastern Mediterranean and the adjacent land areas. 
It is an interesting fact that the earliest known rainfall meas- 
urements were made in Palestine in the first century A.D. The 
annual amount at that time was the same as it is at present. 
The average monthly percentage distribution of rainfall is 
shown in the following table: 

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 
Zoro 7-0) 12:0 4.9 ea 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.4 12.3 248 
(Mean Annual: 24.40 in.) 

About one half of the total annual rainfall usually comes in 
December and January. These months have both the largest 
amounts and also the greatest frequency of rain. The “rainy 
season” proper may be said to extend from the middle of 
October to early in May. The “normal” rainy season covers 
the periods noted below at four representative stations. 

Beirte |, sratecctc caress rere cis lessee: sis, ovate Oct. 3—-May 21 
SATONAy 2 yo. ceclearee ee eLa ae lavei ee steys Oct. 18—May 12 
PETUSAICIII crc erence cielols cisleveicrel ets Oct. 14-May 6 
TTIDETIAS OAs c/s te Ne the ohaie ole ate telat Oct. 24-May 3 


Approximate Amount 
Station Altitude (Ft.) (Inches) 
Jaffa and’ Sarona’..22)... USO Se seiene sears steve jars 20.47 
Gaza cs clesye aed oes (15 RE hs OARS eR PE AS 16.53 
(Beirirt ced ctornsteteriraahes AGL ES sap atateto ch Rayon Wie Vaitet ois 35.67) 
INAZATCL Uacsslaitiaiere ceconesere NGOO Mele item chtiinia. + cle ie< 27.09 
Jerusalem a. verre ae see PAGO eiebacayerneraictiocsls sysidvanste 26.02 
Hebrony ati, sre erateranaiel OOO Sst aire eeeione. aie lsile 25.63 

Tiberiasy +r. oe tiene aT 916] USPS Pier ars a Sine NPE CBO 19.17 


The duration is about 200 days at the hill stations (e. g., 
Jerusalem and Nazareth) ,** but this may vary greatly (80-90 
days) from year to year. Six months are often practically 
rainless, but occasional rains do fall in the dry season. In 
Jerusalem, the rainy season has begun (10-year record) as late 
as mid-November, and has ended as late as early April. People 
begin to talk about the coming rains as early as September, and 
become increasingly anxious as the date of their beginning is 
retarded into November. There is also considerable variation 
in the rainfall of the same month in different years. At Jeru- 
salem, for example, it is reported that the January rainfall of 
one year was 13.39 in., and of another year .12 in., a variation 
of about 100 per cent. The rains do not as a rule fall steadily 
on several days in succession, but are interrupted, after a short 
stormy spell, by intervening periods of fine, thoroughly enjoy- 
able weather. The average number of rainy days a year de- 
creases from north to south along the coast (60 in north; 40 
in south) ; is about 60 on the highlands, and about 50 in the 
Jordan Valley. Occasional unusually heavy rains cause floods. 
The terms “former” and “latter” rains, which are used in 
the Bible, refer to the importance of earlier and later rains 
in relation to crops. The early rains, of late autumn and 
early winter, moisten the soil and put it in proper condition for 
seeding. The water supply of the year, upon which people 
depend to replenish springs, fill cisterns and supply rivers, 
comes with the heavy rains of winter. The later, and lighter, 
rains of spring bring the crops to maturity. 

Snow is rare on the coast, but falls on the hills two or three 
times a year. It has snowed as late as April. Snow seldom 
lies more than twenty-four hours on the ground. In 22 “rainy 
seasons” at Jerusalem, 14 brought some snow. In Jerusalem 
itself there is an average of three days a year with snowfall. 
Occasional unusually heavy snowfalls are reported. Thus, on 
December 28-29, 1879, nearly 17 inches fell. In February, 
1874, the snow was 81/4, inches in depth. In February, 1898, 
Hebron had snow from 10 to 13 inches in depth. In mid- 
March, 1910, there was snow in Jerusalem 8 inches deep. Hail 
is often mentioned in the Bible. Thunderstorms occur chiefly 
in autumn, late winter or spring. Jerusalem averages 7.4 
thunderstorm days a year, and 2.7 days with hail. 

The late Professor A. J. Herbertson gave the following ex- 
cellent brief summary of the climate and products of Syria and 
Palestine :*4 

13 230 days at Beirut. 
14“ The Senior Geography,” Oxford, 1907, pp. 24-25. 


On the Mediterranean slopes and on the hills of Gilead, beyond Jor- 
dan, the rainfall is sufficient for agriculture. The climate is that of 
southern Europe. The plains make rich wheat lands. The vine, olive and 
fig are grown on the hills, but the old careful terrace cultivation has fallen 
into decay. The climate of the Jordan rift is very hot. Jericho, on the 
main eastern route from Jerusalem, is still surrounded by palm trees and 
groves of bananas and oranges. East of Jordan the summer heat in- 
creases, and the rainfall diminishes. The country is poor grass land, 
passing inte desert. Ruins of cisterns, tanks, and cities show that it was 
once irrigated and cultivated. It is now the home of wandering Arab 
tribes, who keep camels, sheep and goats. 

Like other subtropical countries, with a ‘‘ Mediterranean” 
climate, Palestine is green and fresh and inviting during its 
rainy season, but its summers bring drought, and dust, and 
heat, and its vegetation dries up. As in Mesopotamia, so here. 
An honest, efficient, progressive government, with careful plans 
for the future of the country, could by means of education in 
the best agricultural methods, and by an extensive system of 
irrigation, make of much of Palestine a rich garden, full of 
many fruits and other products which find their most favorable 
conditions of growth in just the climate which is there provided. 

Into the climatic conditions which have here been briefly de- 
scribed, the British Army advanced, from the south, in the 
spring of 1917, having, according to reports, first built a rail- 
road across the Sinai Desert for the transportation of troops 
and supplies. The season selected for this invasion was the 
most favorable in the year, for after the winter rains food for 
both men and animals is then most abundant; occasional! 
showers refresh the ground; the heat is not as great as it is 
later on, nearer the summer. The reports regarding the Pales- 
tine campaign have been very meager, but as far as they go 
they have laid emphasis upon the part played by meteorological 
conditions. The first distinct success was the capture of Gaza, 
a place selected in the foregoing climatic description as repre- 
sentative of the southern coast. On April 2, 1917, Mr. Bonar Law 
said in the House of Commons that the operations against Gaza 
were most successful, and if it had not been for a fog which 
delayed the attack, and a shortage of water, complete disaster 
would have overtaken the Turks. Major Gen. F. B. Maurice, 
on April 5, 1917, confirmed this statement when he said that 
complete British success was only prevented by “a thick seven 
hours’ sea fog.” It is an interesting fact that two climatic 
conditions, fog and lack of water, played so important a part 
at the very beginning of the British operations in Palestine. A 
Constantinople despatch dated April 26, 1917, reported that 
Turkish (doubtless German) airmen on the Sinai front had 


totally destroyed the water-supply system which the British 
had constructed for their troops. The capture of Gaza was 
followed by that of Jaffa, Beersheba and of other less impor- 
tant places. The British advanced more rapidly as soon as the 
hot, dry summer was over, and the cooler autumn weather, 
with occasional showers, favored military operations. In the 
light of what was said above regarding the beginning of the 
rainy season, it is an interesting fact that the official reports 
mention “ heavy rains,” and “bright, cold weather,” at the end 
of November (1917). ‘This is the first mention of rain. The 
date is very late in the season for the actual beginning of the 
rains, and doubtless refers to rainfalls so heavy that they at- 
tracted attention, and possibly interfered somewhat with the 
movement of troops and supplies. 

Jerusalem fell early in December. It is not an unlikely 
supposition that General Allenby planned to take that city 
before the December rains set in. This month usually con- 
tributes, as has been seen above, about one quarter of the total 
annual rainfall. A correspondent with the British troops re- 
ported of the weather conditions accompanying the march 
against Jerusalem: 

A torrential rain made the roads impassable, while a chilly east wind5 
pierced the sodden soldiers to the bone. The problem of supply and trans- 
port almost drove us to despair. The camels were unable to keep a foot- 
hold on the slippery paths. Nevertheless, the food and ammunition supply 
was maintained fully. 

Further emphasis upon the handicaps resulting from the winter 
weather conditions of Palestine was laid by Major Gen. F. B. 
Maurice when he said (January 2, 1918) 

A word of caution is necessary relative to the hopes of an immediate 
further advance in Palestine. The hills of Judza are notoriously difficult. 
The weather is unfavorable, and the roads are impossible owing to the 
wet season. The transport problem, therefore, is likely to prevent any 
considerable movement there for some time. 

The capture of the Holy City, which naturally produced a great 
outburst of religious enthusiasm, was of immediate practical 
significance to the British Army. A strong line of positions 
had been secured. A good water supply was available. Diffi- 
culties of terrain, of weather, and of hard fighting had been 
overcome. The troops all felt that they “had the Turk beaten.” 

The Palestine campaign is closely associated with the fight- 
ing for the possession of the Suez Canal. For the capture of 
Palestine by the British is one essential in the protection of 
the Canal against invading armies. It is, therefore, appro- 

15 This is the coldest wind in winter. 


priate that some mention be made here of the fighting which 
took place, earlier in the war, in the district just east of the 
Suez Canal. Much was written, in the early months of the 
war, about the probable invasion of Egypt by the Teutonic 
Allies. Many contradictory and erroneous statements found 
their way into print. It was reported that the Turks, with 
the assistance of German engineers, were pushing a railroad 
toward Suez, “over 150 miles of desert,” and were paralleling 
it with a pipe-line for water. These mains were to be laid 
from the nearest wells, and the water was to be driven by 
powerful pumps. Openings were to be provided at frequent 
intervals to supply the troops during their march. There was 
also a report that German engineers were prospecting for water 
all through this region as far back as 1912. Even with the 
known, very serious, handicaps of the desert clearly in mind, 
there is nothing inherently impossible in the construction of 
such a railroad and in providing water by means of tank cars 
or pipe line, and food. A far more serious problem than that 
involved in the construction of a railroad across the Sinai desert 
has recently been solved in the successful completion of the 
new transcontinental Australian railroad. In the case of such 
an invasion of Egypt, the greatest difficulties would pretty 
surely be encountered in the transportation, feeding and muni- 
tioning of the troops over such very inferior railways as those 
of Asia Minor. As to the water-supply available for a large 
army during its progress across the desert it is, of course, at 
present impossible to make definite statements. At the eastern 
end of the Mediterranean the rainfall along the coast averages 
somewhat over 20 inches a year. The amount decreases to the 
south and west, so that even on the west, in the country which 
an invading army might cross, less than 10 inches fall annually. 
This is a winter rainfall. Hence winter would be the best 
season for such a campaign, both on account of the better 
water-supply and of the lower temperatures. Both seasonal 
and annual rainfalls are subject to great fluctuations, and can 
not be predicted in advance. The supply is variable, very 
scant at best, and very precarious, especially when the needs 
of the transport animals, as well as of the men, are taken into 
account. The climatic obstacles are not insuperable, but they 
are serious. To transport a large body of troops across a 
desert to a fighting ground in the midst of an arid wilderness, 
facing the British troops with Egypt close at their backs, pre- 
sented a problem which even the highly efficient German mili- 
tary staff might have some doubt about solving. In order to 


reduce the water requirements of the many transport animals 
which would otherwise be needed, the Germans considered the 
use of air-cooled motors for moving their artillery and supplies 
across the desert. In spite of its many disadvantages, a desert 
does possess one great advantage from the point of view of 
health: its air is dry and aseptic. Under any ordinary condi- 
tions of proper sanitation, widespread epidemic diseases would 
not be likely to occur. A strong Turkish movement, with 
heavy artillery, against the Suez Canal was bound in any case 
to be difficult and slow. Of all the obstacles which may stand 
in the way of a marching army, a desert, whether it be a desert 
of sand or a desert of snow, is one of the greatest. 

The official reports of the fighting for the Suez Canal were 
brief and generally unsatisfactory from the point of view of 
the present discussion. Moreover, there was a lack of the ex- 
cellent war correspondents’ letters, which have thrown so much 
light on the campaigns in the major war areas in Europe. The 
essential facts regarding the campaign for the Canal, in so far 
as they illustrate weather controls, are briefly as follows: 
Turkish activity near the Canal began toward the end of Jan- 
uary, 1915, the enemy clearly realizing that the Sinai desert is 
more readily crossed in winter than in the heat of the summer. 
In expectation of the coming of the Turkish troops, the British 
had filled up many wells in the desert. After the German 
drive through the Balkans, early in the winter of 1915-16, and 
the opening of communication between Berlin, Vienna and 
Constantinople, a Turko-German attack on the Suez Canal was 
expected in the favorable months of January, February and 
March, ‘‘ when white men may manceuvre in the desert.” This 
attack did not materialize. A Turkish attempt to reach the 
Canal early in August, 1916, failed completely. The troops 
advanced in the face of the greatest difficulties. 'The men were 
transported on camels. For the guns, small parallel trenches 
were dug, to fit the wheels of the gun carriages. These 
trenches were filled with scrubby plants, and in some places, 
where the sand was too loose and deep for the track, planks 
were laid lengthwise under the wheels. Water was carried on 
the backs of camels and of donkeys. The Turkish despatches 
mentioned a “gigantic sandstorm,” which impeded their left 
wing. Taking advantage of this phenomenon, the British made 
a successful surprise attack. The routed Turks met terrible 
hardships. In some cases the men were reported to have suf- 
fered so much from thirst that they killed their camels for 
water, and even drank the blood. 



By Professor FRANK A. WAUGH 


ET me say at the outset that when I speak of a national 

park policy I wish to be understood with reference to 

all public reservations of land for recreation purposes, not 
merely with reference to the national parks legally so called. 

Our national park system, while it is just emerging into 
being, has already assumed the forms of permanency. The 
whole people are committed to the idea—heart and soul. It 
would be almost as hard even now to alienate any portion of the 
national park holdings as to move the capitol from Washington 
or give Texas back to Mexico. 

Yet the public is hardly beginning to recognize what the 
national parks are or what they mean. Through a consider- 
able effort the public is slowly becoming conscious of their 
physical magnificence, their wide extent, their unsurpassed 
scenery, their overpowering grandeur. Still there is little 
popular appreciation of the significance of the national park 
idea itself. Nothing like this system of recreation grounds was 
ever established in any country in the world before, nor was 
there ever any similar undertaking of such tremendous reach, 
such high human possibilities. In the old days when we used 
to think that Europe was civilized, we were in the habit of 
making self-abasing comparisons between her art galleries and 
ours, between her national musical enterprises and our drug- 
store phonographs. Yet with all the unquestionable achieve- 
ments of Europe in these fields, it is still true that no under- 
taking was ever broached in that Old World which had such 
noble possibilities of esthetic culture and spiritual upbuilding 
as our national parks. 


The national parks, strictly so-called, now number 17 and 
have a total area of 9,773 square miles, an area larger than 
the state of Massachusetts. This does not include the Grand 
Canyon of the Colorado, which is practically one of our greatest 
national parks, and which soon will be legally included in the 

WO Wie == AN): 



While the extent of these park holdings is something im- 
pressive, the quality of the landscape is much more properly a 
matter of national pride. The wild mountain solitudes of 
Glacier Park, the steaming Geyser Basin of the Yellowstone, 
the unsurpassed loveliness of the Yosemite, and the overpower- 
ing wonders of the Grand Canyon are not to be matched any- 
where else on this earth. 

But our national equipment of landscape and of opportunity 
for out-door recreation is by no means limited to national parks. 
The entire area of the national forests is also open to us. In 
mere superficial expanse they far surpass the national park 
area. As at present constituted the national forests cover 
approximately 155,000,000 acres, or more than 242,000 square 
miles, roughly three and one half times the area of all New 
England. If we regard this also as a part of our national park 
equipment—and in the broad sense we have every right to do 
so—it brings our total resources up to almost exactly a quarter 
of a million square miles. This is more than a princely park 
allowance. It is a democratic provision for the entertainment, 
protection and salvation of a free people. 

Nor is this quite the end of the story. Congress has also 
instituted a somewhat anomalous group of holdings known as 
national monuments. These exist under a curiously mixed and 
somewhat provisional form of administration. There is, how- 
ever, one perfectly clear idea standing out of the whole group.. 
and that is to reserve important areas of landscape or national 
curiosities for the entertainment and inspiration of the public. 
The national monuments are definitely reserved in perpetuity 
for the public, and are protected from all sorts of commercial 
exploitation. The idea is essentially and emphatically that of 
the national park. Some of these national monuments are of 
serious importance and all of them together constitute a sub- 
stantial addition to our national recreation equipment. 

The government also holds considerable areas in widely 
seattered neighborhoods as Indian reservations. While there 
may be a danger that the press of tourists on these areas may 
interfere to some extent with their primary purposes, it is 
clear that in other places the tourists rather help than harm the 
Indians. Indeed some Indian tribes have grown to be decidedly 
keen in the exploitation of the tourist traffic. Possibly this 
sort of intercourse provides the best means for the education 
and civilization of the aborigines. 

Certain it is that several of these Indian reservations pre- 



sent the most attractive possible excursions for transcon- 
tinental tourists. Assuming that the interests of the Indians 
are properly safeguarded in the premises, there is no objection 
to counting these reservations as a very substantial addition to 
our national park system. The education which the Cau- 
casian can draw from the Indians is certainly as great as that 
which passes in the opposite direction. 

Of military reservations this country has an honorable 
minimum. There are a few which have some local interest, 
but at any rate this type of national property may be mentioned 
to exemplify the principle that practically all holdings of public 
land have their recreational value. In other words, whatever 
land is held by the public, whether national parks, national 
forests, national monuments, Indian reservations, military 
reservations, or what not, it is practically all a part of a 
national park system broadly conceived. 

When it comes down to practical utilization no one ever 
makes any distinction between national and state property. 
When we take a purely practical view of the situation, there- 
fore, we are compelled to consider state holdings along with 
national land as a part of our total landscape resources. 

Now the idea of state parks is only just getting under way 
in this country. A few scattered state parks have been estab- 
lished. A larger number of so-called state forests have been 
set aside, but as a rule the name of state forest is a very thin 
camouflage for a heavy emplacement of park defences. With- 
out any violence we may count into one category the state 


parks, the state forests, a certain number of watershed protec- 
tion areas, with here and there other nondescript holdings 
which have a public recreation value. 

Taken altogether, these state lands already constitute a con- 
siderable resource. New York State, Pennsylvania and Massa- 
chusetts have notable holdings of this character. From the 
standpoint of consistent legislation Wisconsin and Connecticut 
probably have the best-conceived state-park system. Other 
states are showing signs of intelligence and may be expected to 
come into line as fast as civilization moves and opportunity 
offers. The state-park idea is one of great importance, -and 
the state parks must be looked to as the next field in which great 
progress is to be expected. 

We have still to reckon with some of the municipal park 
systems which have more than local significance. A few enter- 
prising cities have adopted the policy of securing large country 
parks, sometimes at considerable distances from the city itself. 
Such parks are acquired and maintained primarily if not quite 
exclusively for the benefit of the immediate citizens of the 
municipality. Wherever they come to be real country parks, 
however, the beauties of the natural landscape and the joys of 
outdoor living may become a genuine addition to our national 
park resources. 

Taken altogether, these various holdings aggregate nearly 
200,000,000 acres, possibly a little more. This is nearly two 





acres per capita for the present population of the United States. 
When it is remembered that the ideal of park superintendents 
and social workers has been one acre of park for each hundred 
population in our congested cities, it will appear that our 
national provision is something altogether notable. Moreover 
it is certain to increase. As soon as the various common- 
wealths of America can be aroused to their opportunities we 
may look forward to more substantial additions in the form 
of state parks. As has already been intimated, this is the one 
point at which our system needs most to be expanded. 

Now it ought to be perfectly clear that, so far as actual use 
goes, all these enormous, widely scattered and differently ad- 
ministered areas are essentially one system. They are used by 
the same people for the same purposes. From the national! 
point of view we ought to have one comprehensive policy for 
dealing with this entire situation. That is what I would call 
a genuine national park policy. 


The moment we begin to think about the extension, the 
development and administration of such a magnificent park 
system, some very big questions come up. As for instance: 

How shall we secure a consistent policy wherein all these 
various holdings effectually cooperate toward the one main pur- 
pose for which they are all created? 

On what principles and at what points shall the system be 
extended? Shall we insist upon more state parks? Shall we 
introduce county-park systems? Shall we extend our national 
parks? Shall we extend park uses on the national forests? 

On what principle shall future national parks be established 
and delimited? 

To what extent and how shall the park uses on the national 
forests be developed compatibly with the specific economic pur- 
poses for which they were first established ? 

To what extent may the recreation uses of Indian reserva- 
tions be developed without infringing on the rights of our 
national wards? 

What policy and administrative system may be applied to 
the national monuments? 

On what principles may state parks be established and 

Should a state park system include state forests, state 



watershed areas, and all similar territory capable of recrea- 
tional utilization? 

What form of administration is best adapted to a state park 

What adjustment should be made within a state to secure 
consistency of policy and cooperation in use between state 
parks, county parks, and country parks held by cities ? 

These are big questions. Some of them are more important 
for the future of the nation than any questions of tariff or 
navigable rivers usually debated in Congress. 

It is not my purpose now to answer all these questions, if 
indeed I could ever answer any of them. The most important 
thing from the public standpoint is to gauge the extent and 
seriousness of these questions, to realize the gravity of these 
unsolved problems. If we can propose some means by which 
these questions can be met and answered we shall have made 
a substantial contribution to modern politics. 


Obviously the big broad fundamental questions here in- 
volved can not be adequately met by the National Park Service 
acting alone, nor by any state park commission, nor by any 
other one of the several bodies involved. Since any truly 
national park policy must comprehend all these agencies it will 
be necessary to form some sort of commission with sufficient 
independence and breadth of view to bring all these elements 
into one national enterprise. The ideal approach would be 
through a national commission formed by act of Congress and 
composed of a few men of talent, liberal training, technical 
equipment, and sufficient experience in public affairs to handle 
questions of national magnitude. Unfortunately at this mo- 
ment the difficulties of securing thoughtful consideration and 
wise action upon such a project in Congress seem insuperable. 
While we would all willingly await the end of the war for such 
action, it is certain that the immediate post-bellum years will 
bring so many problems of reconstruction that questions of 
park policy, no matter how urgent, will hardly secure the atten- 
tion necessary to such action as is here proposed. 

Under these circumstances it has seemed to me possible that 
the present National Commission of Fine Arts might possibly 
in the days immediately following the war take up these ques- 
tions of a national park policy. The National Commission of 
Fine Arts is well constituted for that undertaking and if the 




question could be fairly brought to them as belonging to their 
specific duties it seems likely that they could give it liberal and 
adequate treatment. 

Failing more distinctly official study of the problem, it is 
possible that something might be done by a voluntary com- 
mission if constituted of men of national reputation and ac- 
knowledged ability. Some discussion has been going on 
amongst the directors of the American Civic Association, for 
example, as to the advisability of forming such a voluntary 

Certain broad conditions may be specified here as neces- 



sarily governing the work of such a committee. There appear 
to be five of these elementary requirements as follows: 

1. A broad general view of public policies which will bring 
questions of national park policy into their proper perspective. 
Any crank unable to see anything in national welfare except 
parks would be a nuisance on such a committee. 

2. A sympathetic knowledge of social service principles. 

3. A keen appreciation of the esthetic value of landscape. 

4. Some proper comprehension of the technical problems 
and methods of landscape architecture. 

5. Some measure of the difficulties and limitations of ad- 
ministration through government bureaus, federal or state. 



It is impossible to do more at the present time than to indi- 
cate some of the more essential features of a national park 
policy. Although these are only beginnings even these simple 
principles have not yet been widely understood and accepted. 
The following propositions will, however, give some idea of the 
direction in which much future study must be given before we 
can begin to realize the tremendous range of possibilities in- 
herent in our national park system: 

1. A permanent national recreation board will be needed for 




the study of policies and the coordination of activities. Such a 
board should be created and supported by Congressional action. 
As here conceived, this permanent board stands in addition to 
the somewhat temporary commission already suggested above 
for an initial study of national park policy. Of course it may 
be perfectly feasible to begin with a permanent board. 

2. Future national parks should be created and delimited 
only upon recommendation of such a board. The Grand 
Canyon of the Colorado forms a conspicuous exception to this 
statement, inasmuch as the desirability of including this in the 
national park system is everywhere recognized. Beyond that 
point, however, grave dangers already impend. ‘There is a 
somewhat ridiculous rush to create national parks everywhere 
without reference to the national interest. In fact many of 
these schemes are purely local log-rolling enterprises. There 
is grave danger of discrediting the entire national park system 
along this line of activity. 

3. Early action should be taken to give a more definite 
status to the national monuments and to provide for them a 
logical form of administration. 

4. The development of park uses on the national forests 
should be given a definite status, consistent on the one hand 
with other forest utilities, and on the other hand with the 
administration of the national parks in another branch of the 
government service. 

5. Means should be devised for the progressive develop- 
ment of all these park resources. Such an attempt demands 
especially the application of the best technical knowledge of 
landscape architecture—a form of assistance generally lacking 
up to the present time. 

6. Plans should be laid at once for the training of a park 
personnel in a manner parallel with the technical training given 
to foresters in Germany and America. 

7. Provision should be made for the dissemination of public 
information covering the entire field. At present each special 
group runs its own propaganda, and since policies are not uni- 
form and interests sometimes conflict, the statements which 
reach the public are partial and confusing. 

8. Certain administrative questions require liberal study, 
the most immediately urgent being the status of the conces- 
sionaire on public recreation land. 

9. International cooperation should be developed, inasmuch 
as Canada is already building up an important national park 


system of her own, and one which will be extensively used by 
the citizens of the United States. The most immediate and 
typical problem in this field lies in the international protection 
of Niagara Falls. 


I hope it will be clear that in this article I have been trying 
merely to indicate what are the problems confronting us in 
the matter of a recreation policy to cover the needs of the nation, 
and very roughly to suggest possible means of approaching a 
solution. It is already fairly clear what the solution ought to 
be for some of these problems; others will require years for 
their full answer. What we need now is a national conception 
of these problems. We need to see the case as a whole, with 
all parts in a just relationship. The public should be generally 
interested and widely informed. 

Perhaps it is not going out of the way to hope that the 
effective development of this truly national park system under 
the guidance of a thoroughly national policy may come soon 
and that it may be one of the most useful elements in the 
national post-bellum reconstruction for which we are all so fer- 
vently longing. 





URE research, the morning dream of the scientist, has been 
le referred to as the region of the scientific sublime; for, 
high and clear above all the necessary but prosaic activities of 
technology, far removed from the pettier aims of mere finan- 
cial betterment, investigational accomplishment in pure science 
may be said to point one way to a goal of academic loftiness. 
Indeed, in the past, those devoted to pure research encouraged 
the impression that pure science, “a sort of preserve for intel- 
lectual sportsmen,” was esoteric and distinctly apart from the 
ordinary affairs of life, and made no effort to disclaim the im- 
plication that pure scientists necessarily brought to their in- 
quiries a higher and subtler intellect than those who were en- 
gaged in applying science to the needs of the community. 

This adopted aloofness and lack of sympathy with respect 
to municipal and industrial practise have undoubtedly been 
prominent in retarding the solution of a number of the great 
problems of both chemical and mechanical technology, and have, 
moreover, acted as a barrier to needed cooperative effort. 

It is certain, however, that, with the recent elaborate devel- 
opment of industrial research and the general recognition of the 
high quality of work which it demands, this view of the relation 
of pure and applied science has now entirely disappeared. In 
fact, while pure science ever has been, and ever must be, the 
safeguard of industrial research—the wellspring of experience 
and wisdom—it is generally conceded that the industrial in- 
vestigator always will be the translator of the language of pure 
science to the manufacturing world, and in many cases, where 
necessity arises, the originator as well as the applicator of 
scientific method. Both pure and applied research are of the 
same order of importance, and each has its own related field. 

Industrial research has for its immediate province the scien- 
tific extension of manufacturing. It should be borne in mind, 
however, that a discovery made in pure science to-day may find 


application in manufacturing operations to-morrow, and that 
such industrial application, though its precise form can not 
always be foreseen at the time, has come to be an expected in- 
cident in the after-life of the discovery. The wide view is now 
taken that, in considering the needs of industry, pure-science 
investigation has as essential a contributory function as that 
specifically devoted to the attainment of some technologic ob- 
jective. Such pure researches may provide raw material for 
industrial research, and, owing to the interdependence of mod- 
ern scientific investigations, progress in one subject may have 
a marked bearing on development in others. There is thus 
provided a distinct industrial stimulus for research in pure 
science. To illustrate, the investigational activity in physics 
in the pure field has been incited by the development of electrical 
and mechanical engineering; the departments of physics in our 
universities are unquestionably more productive because of the 
stimulating influence of the accomplishments of the engineering 
profession. Mathematics and astronomy have not had this di- 
rect encouragement from industry, but geology and botany 
have been immensely benefited by the researches indicated as 
desirable by technical chemistry. 

The principal differences between those investigations which 
are undertaken for the purpose of furnishing material for in- 
dustrial development and those conducted by scientists with the 
object in view of widening the boundaries of human knowl- 
edge are as follows: 

1. Industrial research utilizes economically the unappre- 
hended inspirations of the pure scientist; for applied science 
reasons retrospectively, employing the observations of pure 
science. Because of this fruitful dependency, pure-science re- 
search is nurtured by industry in its own well-directed labora- 
tories as well as in those of our universities. 

2. Industrial research is, therefore, likely to be more spon- 
taneous and to depend more upon the initiative of the workers 
in its field. 

The fundamental differences between pure research and 
industrial research are, indeed, traceable to the differences in 
the poise and personality of the representatives of each type 
of scientific investigation. Success in genuine industrial re- 
search presupposes all the qualities which are applicable to suc- 
cess in pure science, and, in addition, other qualities, masculine 
and personal, more or less unessential in the pure research 
laboratory. The late Robert Kennedy Duncan appropriately 
suggested that the difference between industrial chemistry and 


pure chemistry might be compared to the difference between 
poetry and prose, in the sense that in order to write good poetry 
it is essential to possess all the qualities of the prose writer, to- 
gether with others superimposed upon them. 

3. As the result of these recognitions, industrial research is 
rapidly becoming definitely organized to cover certain fields in 
the domain of science. 

Applied science, the essence of industrial research, has been 
alluded to as bilateral in that its inquiries, conducted in the 
service of public welfare, may, when it is found to be neces- 
sary through a dearth of required information, eventuate in the 
discovery of scientific data as well as furnish and interpret the 
findings of the pure scientist; but, invariably, the original 
scientific work of the industrial investigator results from the 
realization of the requirement for a sojourn in the field of pure 
science. There are not, therefore, two sides to applied science, 
but two divisions of science which are difficult to define with 
constant accuracy because of their proximity. The needs of 
industry are so varied and so numerous that its research men 
are frequently crossing the flexible border to pure science, but 
time is the main factor in all industrial investigations and these 
visits are as brief as they are repeated. 


These facts are clearly indicated in the history of chem- 
istry, ‘“‘the eldest sister of all sciences and parent of modern 

The great triumphs of pure chemistry are philosophic 
achievements—the product of an antecedent experience in phys- 
ical investigation of the widest and most searching character; 
and all of the conspicuous accomplishments in the domain of 
chemical industry—in fact, its actual growth and development 
—are the outcome of the application of these and other chan- 
nels of knowledge explored by the investigators in pure chem- 
istry. Indeed, we must welcome as one of the most fortunate 
advances in the direction of a solution of the important prob- 
lems of chemical technology the fact that of recent years there 
is a growing tendency to recognize the two paths which alone 
lead thereto—experience and research. The recognition of the 
national essentiality of chemistry has thus profoundly modified 
the once combatant situation respecting pure and industrial 
research; while both groups of investigators, regarding the 
idealistic counsel of Schiller, 

Does strife divide your efforts—no union bless your toil? 
Will truth e’er be delivered if ye your forces rend? 
VOL. vI.—21. 


have pressed onward, in their different paths, they have found 
a common aspiration, the development of social and industrial 
economy, and therefore constantly draw nearer to a knowledge 
of highest efficiency in mutual covenant. 


Research in pure chemistry is to-day conducted in three 
distinct fields; these classes follow: 

1. Investigation after facts or principles of theoretical interest 
or importance, and which have decidedly no direct bear- 
ing on or relation to present-day chemical technology. 

2. Research conducted from a similar viewpoint, usually aca- 
demic, and for the same purpose—namely, to add to the 
knowledge of pure chemistry—but which is also of tech- 
nical interest. Original work of this type has, in fact, 
constituted the basis of many successful techno-chemical 

8. Scientific inquiry of largely or entirely a theoretical nature, 
resulting from or as a by-path of industrial research: 
research of this nature may only be classed as pure, but 
not infrequently it directly enriches technology. Inves- 
tigatory work thus classified has indeed been active in ele- 
vating industrial chemistry by continuously infusing 
scientific spirit therein. 

It is clear that the last two classes are closely related to 
the purposeful study of manufacturing problems; for research 
of the second type contributes to industrial progress by its sug- 
gestive import, while the third class may be of no greater sig- 
nificance, notwithstanding the fact that it is the outcome of 
planned industrial research; the one is a helpful adjuvant to, 
the other a by-product of, techno-chemical investigation. 


Investigatory work in applied chemistry now mainly per- 
tains to the intensive study of three types of problems, namely: 

1. The Preparation of Chemical Products——The techno- 
chemical research of this class is either synthetic or engineer- 
ing. It is in synthetic chemistry that pure chemical science 
receives the most due in industry, particularly because of the 
synthetic production of pharmaceutical substances. Many of 
the noteworthy accomplishments in this field have been ef- 
fected in laboratories of factories. The chemical engineering 


division of this class of investigation relates to the improve- 
ment of existing processes and to the discovery of new pro- 
cedures of manufacture. 

2. Research Having for Its Object the Ascertainment of 
Uses of Manufactured Products.—In the pharmaceutical prod- 
ucts industry, research of this type is conducted in intimate co- 
operation with pharmacology, chemo-therapeutics, bacteriology, 
and commercial science. In the heavy chemical industry, the 
line of inquiry is, of course, almost entirely chemo-economic in 

3. The Elaboration and Perfection of Analytical Methods, 
the indispensable aids in the control of manufacturing opera- 


Stupendous developments in industrial research have taken 
place during the past decade, particularly as the result of the 
realization by manufacturers of the functions of applied chem- 
istry. Manufacturers who have been benefited by the applica- 
tion of science to industry have not been content to await 
chance discoveries, but have established well-equipped labora- 
tories and strong research staffs. Further incentives in this 
direction have been provided by the industrial progress 
achieved in Europe by similar means and by the infiux of many 
scientifically trained men, principally from Germany. Then, 
too, a tendency toward national economy and a fear of the de- 
pletion of certain natural resources have directed attention to 
the importance of the scientific conservation of these unre- 
placeable assets. Moreover, some large industrial corporations 
have found it expedient to keep before the public the fact that 
investigations on a large scale ultimately bring considerable 
benefit to the community generally; that every scientific discov- 
ery applied in industry reacts to the public gain; and that con- 
sequently great industrial organizations are justified, since it is 
only where there are large aggregations of capital that the most 
extensive and productive research facilities can be obtained. 
There are a large number of manufacturing corporations and 
associations of manufacturers whose annual expenditures on 
research range from $50,000 to $500,000, and the tendency for 
each important industrial firm is towards the establishing of 
its own research laboratory. Certain of our research labora- 
tory forces have been increased from 250 to 400 per cent. in the 
last ten years, and, since August, 1914, the staffs of a number 
of the largest laboratories have been enlarged from 25 to 100 
per cent. 


The research work thus commenced by corporations appears 
to develop through certain more or less well-defined stages, ac- 
cording to the character of the industry. These stages may be 
presented as follows: 

1. Research Applied to the Elimination of Difficulties in 

In every industrial organization difficulties regarding ma- 
terials and processes employed inevitably arise, tending to pre- 
vent smooth working and desirable economy. To overcome 
these troubles, investigation is necessary, which, if well planned 
and conducted thoroughly, locates the exact cause of the diffi- 
culty and eventually leads to its elimination. Some manufac- 
turers may be content in such cases to apply rule-of-thumb 
methods, which, while occasionally effecting a temporary al- 
leviation, do not preclude a fresh outbreak of similar trouble in 
the same or some other form. Progressive firms do not, how- 
ever, resort to empiricism, but provide organized means for in- 
vestigating and eliminating manufacturing difficulties, and the 
extent to which it is necessary to apply science to this end de- 
pends upon the nature of the product and the complexity of 
the manufacturing processes involved. In the largest manu- 
facturing firms of every industry there is now usually ample 
scope for a scientific staff and laboratory facilities to deal with 
techno-chemical troubles. At least six American organizations 
have sixty or more research chemists engaged in this field of 
industrial research. 

2. Research Having Some New and Specific Commercial Object 

This variety of industrial research involves an intelligent 
appreciation of the trend of development of manufacture and 
the possible applications of a product, and a close study of the 
scientific features and new discoveries that will pave the way 
for its successful manufacture. Frequently the appreciation 
of the need in industry, for some new tool, method, or material, 
stimulates a deliberate search for means to satisfy that demand. 
Or, again, the development of manufacturing methods for pro- 
ducing commodities heretofore brought to a high state of per- 
fection in some other locality or country may involve the devel- 
opment of appliances and processes of which no previous experi- 
ence has been obtained. 

1QOn the development of research, see Fleming’s “ Industrial Research 

in the United States of America,” a report to the Department of Science 
and Industrial Research, London, 1917. 


Many captains of industry have been sufficiently far-sighted 
to provide extensively for research of this character, and such 
facilities have been turned to very profitable account in connec- 
tion with new industries developed since the outbreak of the 
World War. In many cases these laboratories not only supply 
the works with new inventions and discoveries, but are used 
to carry on the manufacture of products with which the works 
themselves are not well suited to deal. In fact, the research 
laboratories of a number of corporations pay their own way 
out of the profits arising from the sale of commodities thus pro- 

3. Researches in Pure Science with no Specific Commercial 
Application in View 

Among the most progressive firms there is a growing appre- 
ciation of the fact that almost every discovery in science ulti- 
mately may have influence on industry. The General Electric 
Company, the Eastman Kodak Company, and other American 
organizations devote increasing attention to research of this 
character, and in some cases special laboratories for this pur- 
pose have been installed which are quite distinct from the main 
research laboratories. This may be viewed as a very far-see- 
ing business policy, directed to outstripping competition by the 
continuous provision of discoveries, which may sooner or later 
be turned to industrial account. It is recognized that in such 
cases there is a probability of a great deal of the new scientific 
knowledge thus obtained being only of limited use to the par- 
ticular industry concerned. On the other hand, one successful 
discovery may result in such important industrial gains as to 
outweigh by far the cost of all the abortive research. 

Researches of this type have carried a broader scientific 
spirit into the field of industrial investigations ; and, while there 
is still much room for improvement in this direction, the signs 
of the times are encouraging. Important industrial research 
laboratories are taking a continually wider point of view with 
respect to the early publication of scientific data. 

4. Research Applied to Public Service 

Many industries and public utility companies find that the 
market for their products can be increased by a careful inves- 
tigation of their customers’ needs. Especially does this appear 
to be the case with electrical power supply companies, some of 
which maintain research laboratories for the investigation of 
new uses for electrical energy. 


5. Research for the Purpose of Establishing Standard Methods 
of Testing and Standard Specifications Connected with 
the Purchase of Raw Materials 

Large firms and associations carry out a considerable 
amount of investigation mainly with this object in view, and 
efforts of this kind are to a considerable extent rendered of 
common value through the channels afforded by the American 
Society for Testing Materials, of which the leading corpora- 
tions are members. The Refractories Manufacturers Associa- 
tion, the United States Steel Corporation, the Barrett Company, 
the Gulf Refining Company, and the Barber Asphalt Paving 
Company are among those which are active in research of this 

An examination of the methods of industrial research must 
start with the admission that the most important discoveries 
have arisen from the work of men of science who have drawn 
their inspiration from the “supreme delight of extending the 
realm of law and order ever farther toward the unattainable 
goal of the infinitely great and the infinitely little.” Wohler, 
a pure investigator, by his classical experiments on the syn- 
thetical production of urea, originated a new branch of science, 
organic chemistry, which has constituted the basis of the great 
industries connected with dyes, foods, drugs, petroleum, ex- 
plosives and other commodities An English chemist, Sir Wil- 
liam Perkin, discovered in 1856 the first aniline dye, “‘mauvine,” 
and thus laid the foundation of an enormous chemical industry. 
The late Sir William Ramsay remarked that it would have been 
impossible to predict, when Hofmann set Perkin as a young 
student at the Royal College of Chemistry to study the prod- 
ucts of the base aniline, produced by him from coal-tar, that 
one dye factory alone would at a later date possess nearly 400 
buildings and employ 350 chemists and 5,000 workmen. Other 
examples in the chemical field are the work of Schénbein, a 
Swiss schoolmaster, whose investigation into the action of nitric 
acid on paper and cotton resulted in the production of nitro- 
cellulose; and, in the physical field, Faraday’s work on induced 
currents, upon which are based electric lighting and traction 
and the utilization of electricity as a motive power and for the 
transmission of energy. 

The history of science shows, however, that the work of the 
“pure” scientist generally breaks off at a point before the in- 
dustrial application of his discoveries is reached, either because 
he has no interest in or aptitude for this aspect of the work, 
or because the industrial application has to wait for some scien- 


tific advance in another direction. The chemist who discovers 
a new organic compound may not consider himself under any 
obligation to investigate its utility in medicine; or the discov- 
erer of a new rare earth may have no interest in its applicabil- 
ity in the manufacture of incandescent gas mantles. Some 
pause between scientific discovery and its industrial application 
is indeed almost inevitable, except in laboratories where the 
pure-research department hands over discoveries immediately 
to the industrial-development department. It is appropriate in 
this place to consider the history of aluminum, which was 
discovered by Wohler in 1827. For some twenty years, the 
new element remained of academic interest only. In 1855, 
Henri Sainte Claire Deville’s study of the metal, encour- 
aged and subsidized by Emperor Napoleon III., reduced the cost 
of production to $90 a pound; and, by improvements in the 
method of manufacture, the price was further reduced to $12.50 
a pound in 1888. In that year Castner’s new process for the 
manufacture of sodium brought about a further reduction of 
the price of aluminum to $4 a pound. But this success was 
soon eclipsed, for in the following year the electrolytic method 
of producing aluminum revolutionized the industry. The 
American consumption of aluminum produced by this method 
is estimated at over 100,000,000 pounds a year, whereas it 
amounted to but 283 pounds in 1885 and about 1,000,000 pounds 
in 1895. Another often-quoted example comes from the arti- 
ficial production of indigo. The pure research of Liebig and 
Baeyer on the constitution of indigo was elucidated and de- 
veloped through Kekulé’s theoretical work in 1869 on the ar- 
rangement of the atoms in the molecule of indigo; and in 1880 
Baeyer discovered a method for the industrial production of 
the dye. The problem was taken over by a famous firm of 
chemical manufacturers—the Badische Anilin-und-Soda-Fa- 
brik, of Ludwigshafen. It is said that twenty years of patient 
investigation and an expenditure of about $5,000,000 were de- 
voted to the work. The artificial production of indigo is now 
carried out on a large scale, both here and abroad. 

The scientific worker occasionally undertakes the commer- 
cial exploitation of his discoveries. The establishment of the 
celebrated Jena glass works at Leipzig resulted from the in- 
vestigations of Abbe, assisted by Schott, on the chemico-phys- 
ical principles which underlie the manufacture of optical glass. 
Abbe recognized from the first that the position of the optical 
glass industry, which depended at that time on a few individuals, 
was unsatisfactory, in view of the possible stoppage of sup- 


plies indispensable to many of the sciences; but he doubted 
whether private initiative, without strong backing, could meet 
the case. The researches were, however, subsidized by the 
Prussian Bureau of Education and the Diet of the Kingdom; 
and, when completed in 1883, the necessary capital was forth- 
coming and an important industry was established. The at- 
tempt to establish a dye factory in England, at the time of Sir 
William Perkin’s discoveries, ended disastrously. The real 
reason why the industry left that country, according to H. A. 
Roberts,? was the death of the prince consort, who had induced 
Hofmann to accept an appointment at the Royal College of Chem- 
istry in London. After the death of the prince, Hofmann was 
attracted back to Berlin; his companions followed him, and took 
with them much of the expert knowledge of aniline dyes. W. 
F. Reid has controverted this opinion with respect to Hofmann’s 
influence on the dye industry. He is authority for the state- 
ment that at that time English chemists controlled the dye 
manufacturing business by their patents, and made so much 
money out of it that they ceased to care whether the industry 
developed further or not; and that, when the matter dropped, 
the Germans took it up, and, by skill and patience, developed it 
to an enormous extent. The United States now has a firmly 
established dye industry, the result of activity during the past 
three years. 

Enough has been said to indicate how important is the part 
which the academic worker has taken in the development of 
applied science. It should not be inferred, however, from the 
examples quoted, that valuable results are obtained only from 
scientific workers of the highest intellectual powers. Many ex- 
amples could be given of discoveries by young and inexperi- 
enced men of factory processes of great commercial value, but 
comparatively simple in character. 


From all of our prominent institutions of learning, the com- 
bined lure of great research opportunities and of much larger 
financial returns has taken from academic life many of the 
promising young men on whom the country has been depending 
for the filling of university chairs as the older men now holding 
them gradually age and retire. Unless prompt measures are 
taken there will result in a few years such a dearth of first- 
class tried material for professorships that second-rate men 
will be placed where the national welfare needs the best, and 

2 Paper read before the Royal Society of Arts, February 28, 1912. 


third- and fourth-rate men will be occupying positions wherein 
there should be young men of the highest promise in the period 
in which they are reaching full maturity. Indeed, it is greatly 
to be feared that even now we are witnessing a gradual lower- 
ing of standards in the science departments of our universities. 
It would be futile to appeal to the manufacturers not to call 
the men they need, although in the not distant future they will 
suffer most severely from the situation which is developing, if 
the present tendencies remain unchecked; for while our indus- 
tries can provide for any urgently required research in pure 
science, it will never be safe for the nation to depend on the 
industrial laboratories for its progress in science, and men 
gifted with the genius for investigation must also be trained in 
and secured from the universities. The only possible source of 
relief lies with the presidents and trustees of our great univer- 
sities. The authorities should recognize the fact that their in- 
stitutions have now entered a period of severe competition be- 
tween the industries and academic life for research chemists 
and engineers of the highest type and greatest promise. They 
have already learned the only method of meeting this competi- 
tion successfully, for they have faced the same problem in two 
other professions, medicine and law: because of the tremendous 
financial attractions of the practise of these professions, the 
most progressive universities have simply put their law and 
their medical faculties on a higher, more nearly professional 
scale of endowment of professorships than obtains for their 
other faculties. They must take the same measures with their 
science staffs; it is primarily a question whether they can be 
awakened to that need now or whether they will let the country 
suffer from their lack of foresight and let us learn from the 
most efficient of our teachers, bitter experience. Wise provi- 
sion now would not only safeguard our present standing in a 
critical period of our history, but in this time, when the im- 
portance of science and especially of chemistry has been brought 
home to our young men as never before, the new attitude, prop- 
erly announced, would attract a large proportion of the men of 
brains, talent and ambition, who enter professional life, but 
prefer to study law or medicine as holding out much greater 
opportunities for the satisfying of their ambitions. 

The manufacturing world will, however, always attract from 
our universities able investigators of pronounced energy who 
are anxious to do things on a large scale. On the other hand, 
those who are profoundly interested philosophically in the 

8 See Stieglitz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 39 (1917), 2095. 


nature of things will plan and conduct their researches without 
special thought of pecuniary or practical outcome and without 
serious regard for exigency, and from such investigations must 
come primarily any great discoveries of new principles which 
still remain to be made—and many such are still in the future. 
Researches of this type will always allure men of thought as 
contra-distinguished from men of action; and the real home of 
these investigators is the university because the time factor is 
there of secondary consideration. ‘The volume, range and qual- 
ity of industrial research are certain to continue to increase 
largely in the immediate future and the relative amount of 
time spent on pure research may decrease. It is not thought, 
however, that there will ever be any diminution in its absolute 
amount, and the leading advocates of industrial research are the 
first to urge the encouragement of pure research. Any gen- 
eral curtailment of research in pure science would be a most 
serious calamity. Scientific laws can not be reasonably applied 
until they are understood; therefore, research in pure science, 
which establishes the underlying foundation of the applied 
sciences, essentially precedes any efficient application of these 
laws. Hence, at least chronologically, the fertile investigator 
in pure science must also come first. 






HAT will be the effects of the war on the future of Amer- 
\ \ ica and Europe? Answers to this question are so vital 
to us just now, that it is little wonder we have all but forgotten 
the Orient. The Revolution in Russia seems to be so closely 
connected with the fortunes of the war that we feel its every 
throb; at the same time, it was only the day before yesterday 
that monarchy was overthrown in China and a republic estab- 
lished. The capture of Jerusalem was celebrated yesterday ; 
it will be forgotten to-morrow. 

Out of the wrecks of the World War will arise a new situa- 
tion in the Orient—a situation in which the people of the 
Orient will be free to direct the development of Eastern culture 
along the lines of their own peculiar genius. Can any one 
imagine that the nations which have been fighting for the in- 
dependence of the small states of Europe will after the war 
permit themselves to interfere with the peaceful progress of 
the people of the Orient? As by a great tidal wave the world 
is being swept of the notion that it is given to some nations to 
rule and to exploit, and others to be ruled and exploited. The 
Great War is surely lifting the white man’s burden in the 
Orient. Our war-time sympathy for the Russians, the Poles, 
the Serbs, and even the peoples of Austria-Hungary and 
Turkey, has increased our respect for the non-military or what 
Tagore calls the no-nation peoples of Asia. It is hardly to be 
imagined that after the war this world will be a very com- 
fortable place for those who attempt the exploitation of the 
weak nations of Europe or the no-nation peoples of Asia. We 
refuse to believe that after this titanic struggle any outside 
power will be permitted to take possession of Kiachow, because 
of the killing of two German priests by a band of irresponsible 
ruffians; or that Port Arthur will be seized, because a foreign 
navy finds the winter there not quite so severe as at Vladi- 
vostok; or that the gateway to a “foreign” park in Shanghai 
will be decorated with such a sign as “ Chinese and Dogs not 


It is a fact that in political organization, in militarism, and 
in some other respects the peoples of the Orient have not kept 
pace with the peoples of the Occident. But in this hour of re- 
construction—or, shall I say, destruction—it may happen that 
some of our tests of progress and culture will be discarded. In 
the light of new standards the civilization of the Orient will be 
rejudged. The peoples of the East may yet come to be regarded 
as the equal of any other people in culture and in physical fiber. 
An Asiatic renaissance is due. And what an opportunity 
awaits the critical historian! The mystery of the Orient will 
turn out to be little more than the mystery of ignorance—the 
awe of things unknown. ‘“ The East is East and the West is 
West” promises to become as obsolete as it is meaningless. 

Those who undertake the impartial investigation of Oriental 
culture will be impressed with the fact that Asia has made 
many significant contributions to world civilization. Take 
China as an example. It has been the custom in certain quar- 
ters to speak patronizingly of the “long sleep” of China; but 
China’s “long sleep” was one of enlightenment, while Europe 
was engaged in warfare and bloodshed. ‘“‘In invention, me- 
chanical and engineering aptitudes the Chinese have always 
excelled,” says Professor Herbert A. Giles in his work on “‘ The 
Civilization of China,” ‘‘as witness—only to mention a few— 
the art of printing, the water-wheels and other clever appliances 
for irrigation; their wonderful bridges (not to mention the 
Great Wall) ; the taxicab or carriage fitted with a device for 
recording the distance traversed, the earliest notice of which 
takes us back to the fourth century A.D.; the system of finger 
prints for personal identification, recorded in the seventh cen- 
tury A.D. . . . Add to these the art of casting bronze, brought 
to a high pitch of excellence seven or eight centuries before 
the Christian era, if not earlier . . . the cultivation of the tea 
plant from time immemorial; also the discovery and manufac- 
ture of porcelain some sixteen centuries ago.” 

The Chinese invented the mariner’s compass in the eleventh 
century B.c. It was used by the Arabs in the ninth century 
A.D., and later it was employed by the Europeans. Gunpowder 
was first made in China. The idea of paper originated in 
China in the year 75 A.D. The Middle Kingdom was the first 
country to weave silk with a pattern. In 166 A.D. the Roman 
Emperor Marcus Antoninus sent an embassy to China by sea 
to get Chinese silk. Moreover, China constructed a really won- 
derful canal system. Indeed, the Grand Canal in China is per- 
haps the oldest canal in the world. The Chinese commenced to 


dig this big ditch in 486 B.c. and they did not complete the task 
till eighteenth century A.D. While the Panama Canal, of which 
we are so justly proud, is about 50 miles in length, the Grand 
Canal is a thousand miles long. It is still used for commercial 
purposes. Then there is the Great Wall, which has long been 
considered one of the seven wonders of the world. This wall, 
built against the inroads of Mongol horsemen, is two thousand 
miles long. It has been carried over precipitous hills and 
almost inaccessible mountains. ‘‘ No other work of man,” says 
Professor Albert Bushnell Hart in his ‘‘ Obvious Orient,” “‘ com- 
pares with the Chinese Wall for the human labor which it cost. 
It contains the mass of a hundred pyramids; its masonry would 
build a dozen Romes or fill six Panama Canals.” 

Nor should one forget the immense debt which the world 
owes to Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Persia and India. But the 
space at my command compels me to limit myself to a few ob- 
servations on India. Of the many things of lasting value which 
Hindustan has contributed to civilization I can mention only a 
few. The world owes the decimal notation to the Hindus. 
Without a decimal notation arithmetic as a practical science 
could not have been of much value. The Hindus developed 
algebra to a very remarkable degree. 

Arabian writers translated Hindu works on algebra in the eighth 
century, and Leonardo of Pisa learnt the science from the Arabians, and 
introduced it in modern Europe. 
Geometry was first discovered in India. It was the necessity 
of constructing Vedic altars according to fixed rules that gave 
birth to this science. Mr. R. C. Dutta in his monumental 
work, “History of Civilization in Ancient India,” says that 
“the Hindus had discovered the first laws of geometry in the 
eighth century before Christ, and imparted it to the Greeks.” 
There is reason to believe that the earliest teachers of trigo- 
nometry were also the Hindus. That they had developed a 
high degree of civilization will be evidenced from the fact “‘ that 
the exact anatomy of the human body was known to the Hindus 
so far back as the sixth century B.c., that surgery was an ap- 
plied science in India during the early centuries of the Christian 
era; that the first hospitals of the world were built by Hindu 
scientists and philanthropists, that the application of minerals 
to therapeutics is very old among the Hindu medical practi- 
tioners, that zinc was discovered in India before the time of 
Paracelsus, and that circulation of blood was known before 

India knew something also of the theory of evolution “ cen- 


turies before Spencer established it scientifically, or Darwin 
applied it to man’s story, or Huxley bore down with it so ag- 
gressively on faith. It was the cardinal doctrine of the sages 
in India.” Dr. R. Heber Newton in his article on “The In- 
fluence of the East on Religion” published in an issue of Mind 
not long ago wrote as follows: 

Confirmed idealist as was the Hindu philosopher . . . he could speak 
of the material world only in terms of mind. Evolution became the doc- 
trine of the progressive unfolding of life through the action of an Infinite 
and Eternal Spirit. It was, it is, the history of the Divine being. It 
was, it is, a religion. And this Eastern wisdom our Western world can 
not reject as an alien conception when not alone idealist philosophers like 
Berkeley hold it, but savants like Huxley confess that, as between the two 
conceptions of idealism and materialism, they would have to take the first 

To enter upon an extensive discussion of the various phases 
of Hindu culture is beyond the scope of the present paper; 
suffice it to say in the words of Professor Rawlinson that 
“there is scarcely a problem in the science of ontology, psychol- 
ogy, metaphysics, logic, or grammar, which the Indian sages 
have not sounded as deeply, and discussed as elaborately, as the 
Greeks.” It may therefore be confidently said that from Asia 
came the sparks of science and literature which opened the 
way for Europe’s material progress. 

Important as all these contributions are, they are but trifies 
compared to Asia’s gift to the spiritual welfare of the human 
race. The East is the home of religions. All the great re- 
ligions of the world, which have stood the test of time, have 
come from the East. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, 
Zoroastrianism, Mohammedanism—all had their birth in the 
East. Real Christianity—that is, Christianity uninfluenced by 
Greek speculation, Roman institutionalism, and medieval scho- 
lasticism—is an Asiatic religion. The Nazarine Christ himself 
was an Asiatic of Asiatics. 

No one need conclude, however, that Asians were all ab- 
stract thinkers, closet philosophers. Careful students of Orien- 
tal history know that the Asian is both a religious and a politi- 
cal animal. It is a fact that the “‘ Hindus had developed repub- 
lican city-states of the Hellenic type and clan-commonwealths 
and village institutions of the folk-moot type, that the first, most 
extensive and centralized empire of the world was the Hindu 
empire of the Mauryas (fourth to third century B.c.), that a 
census of a people according to social and economic status was 
actually undertaken in the fourth century B.c., that the Hindu 
generals could organize and manipulate a regular standing army 


of 600,000 infantry, besides a vast cavalry and an efficient 
camel-corps and elephant-corps.” From the earliest times 
down to the twelfth century A.D., Hindus, Chinese, Mongols, and 
Saracens made themselves rulers and conquerors wherever they 
went. Indeed, Asian Charlemagnes, Fredericks, and Napoleons 
are almost countless in number. In the beginning of the thir- 
teenth century Genghis Khan and his followers went into 
Europe and conquered Russia. The Russian princes became 
the dependents of the great Khan, and had frequently to seek 
his far-distant court, some three thousand miles away, where he 
freely disposed of their crowns and sometimes their heads. 
For over two centuries Russia paid tributes to an Oriental po- 
tentate. It was not until about the close of the fifteenth cen- 
tury that the princes of Moscow were able to free themselves 
from the Mongol yoke. And yet as late as in 1547, writes a 
modern historian, 

Ivan the Terrible assumed the Asiatic title of Tsar, which appeared 
to him more worthy than that of king or emperor. The costumes and 
etiquette of the court were also Asiatic. The Russian armor suggested 
that of the Chinese, and their head dress was a turban. 

Consider again another race of conquerors from Central 
Asia, namely, the Turks. The Osmanali Turks started in their 
career of conquest in the thirteenth century. They advanced 
to southeastern Europe, and captured Constantinople itself in 
1453. At its greatest height in 1683 the Ottoman state ex- 
tended its sway almost to the very gates of Vienna. 

Professor Benoy Kumar Sarkar in his scholarly work, “‘ The 
Chinese Religion through Hindu Eyes,” rightly said: 

The darkest period of European history known as the Middle Ages is 
the brightest period in Asia. For over a thousand years from the acces- 
sion of Gupta Vicramaditya to the throne of Pataliputra down to the cap- 
ture of Constantinople by the Turks the history of Asia is the history of 
continuous growth and progress. It is the record of political and com- 
mercial as well as cultural expansion—and the highest watermark at- 
tained by oriental humanity. . . . It was the message of this orient that 
was carried to Europe by the Islamites and led to the establishment of 
medieval universities. In describing the origin of Oxford, Green remarks 
in the “History of the English People”: “The establishment ... was 
everywhere throughout Europe a special work of the new impulse that 
Christiandom had gained from the Crusades. A new fervor of study 
sprang up in the West from its contact with the more cultured East. 
Travellers like Abelard of Bath brought back the first rudiments of phys- 
ical and mathematical science from the schools of Cordova or Bagdad. 

Some may say that the Oriental system of government was 
not democratic. The charge is perhaps true. One must re- 
member, however, that the democratic state is after all of very 


recent growth. It is safe to assert that there was no true 
democracy in Europe before the French Revolution. Germany 
still bends her knee before a divine-right kaiser. Although the 
formal constitution of modern Italy dates back to 1848, the 
Italians did not have a national government till 1861. France 
suffered from horrors of untold chaos and confusion, and waded 
through seas of blood before she was able to establish a stable 
government in the Third Republic in 1870. The English gov- 
ernment in the eighteenth century was praised with great en- 
thusiasm by Voltaire in his “ Letters on the English” and by 
Montesquieu in his celebrated work, “ The Spirit of the Laws”; 
but after the French Revolution, the same English government 
was found to be medieval in its backwardness. The English 
Parliament of that time, says a historian of modern Europe, 
was ‘“‘only a council of wealthy landlords and nobles who often 
gained their seats by bribery and could not be said to represent 
the nation, which had, indeed, little to do with their election. 
The English law was still shockingly brutal; citizens who did 
not accept the Thirty-nine Articles were excluded from office; 
and education was far from the reach of the masses.” It is also 
a matter of common knowledge that universal manhood suffrage 
did not exist in Europe even during the first half of the nine- 
teenth century. 

These facts are sometimes lost sight of by European critics 
when they pass judgment upon the Oriental system. With 
their eyes fixed on their own time, they pass upon the entire his- 
tory of Oriental culture extending through thousands of years. 
The comparison is unjust and unscientific. 

A comparison of the civilization of Europe and Asia people 
by people, epoch by epoch, century by century, reveals the 
truth that up to the time of Napoleon “the East and the West 
were practically equal in science and sociology and other 
branches of human thought and endeavor.” The question may 
now be asked, What caused the divergence in development in 
the modern period? The answer is clear: it was the industrial 
revolution, due to mechanical inventions, which led Europe to 
follow a different course. Steam was first applied to industrial 
uses in England in 1815. It was not applied to industries in 
France and Germany till 1835 or later. This industrial revo- 
lution in the nineteenth century had no counterpart in Asia. 

Because Asia had not advanced along modern industrial 
lines, Europeans have sometimes been inclined to consider 
themselves as belonging to an inherently superior race. But 
this assumption of racial superiority is open to serious doubts. 


Indeed, the verdict of modern ethnological science seems to be 
that there is no such thing as an inherently superior or an in- 
herently inferior race. History frequently has the unpleasant 
knack of repeating itself. ‘‘ Yesterday Asia stood on the heart 
of Europe; to-day Europe stands on the heart of Asia.” The 
masters of to-day may be the slaves of to-morrow. It is, of 
course, freely admitted that there are differences between the 
East and the West; but these differences are superficial, and 
not fundamental. At the same time it must be admitted that 
there is a fundamental identity of the human ideals of Asia and 
Europe. It must be conceded by unprejudiced observers that 
for all practical purposes the peoples of these two continents, 
given the same conditions, are essentially equal in intellect, in 
ethics, and in martial prowess. I am willing to go even fur- 
ther, and admit without argument that in all cardinal virtues 
Asians and Europeans stand on the same footing, and that in 
all cardinal vices they are equally degenerate and equally to be 
condemned. To an Asian who has not lost his historical per- 
spective it is unthinkable that the white countries are superior 
just because they are white: to him such a theory is a myth or 
a fable. 

It is in the modern epoch that the people of Asia have been 
confronted with a really gigantic problem—the problem of 
foreign domination. With one or two exceptions, almost all 
Asia and its adjacent islands have been brought either under 
the direct control of Western nations or within their spheres 
of influence. According to Professor Hornbeck the total Euro- 
pean possessions in Asia are 9,500,000 square miles with a 
population of 400,000,000. And we are told by Dr. Paul S. 
Reinsch, the present American ambassador at Pekin, that most 
of these territorial gains have come through “ deceitful selfish- 
ness, rapacity, and bloodshed.” In the year 1900, the “ mailed 
fist”? Kaiser invented the crude slogan of the “ Yellow Peril” 
—a thing which exists only in imagination. Professional war- 
makers, however, both in America and Europe have been in- 
dustriously bombarding their countrymen with pamphlets, ad- 
dresses, and newspaper articles in an effort to prove that the 
hosts of Asia threaten to overrun Europe and America. It is 
safe to say emphatically that the Yellow Peril does not now and 
never did exist. On the other hand, the White Peril did exist 
—at least when at the time of the Boxer rebellion in 1900 the 
German Kaiser instructed his troops to “be as terrible as At- 
tila’s Huns,” or when in 1914 the same Kaiser of the “ mailed 
fist’ addressed his Army of the East in these words: 

VOL. VI.—22. 


Remember that you are the chosen people! The spirit of the Lord 
has descended upon me because I am Emperor of the Germans. I am the 
instrument of the Almighty. I am His sword, His agent. Let them 
perish, all the enemies of the German people! God demands their destruc- 
tion; God who, by my mouth, bids you do His will. 

To be sure there were critics who held that the European 
domination of Asia was justifiable because the European sys- 
tem of government and industry is characterized by order, 
discipline, and efficiency. But since these attributes—order, 
discipline, and efficiency—have appeared as the chief virtues 
of the Prussian system—a system which the whole civilized 
world has pledged itself to destroy—this argument has indeed 
faded a bit. 

We must never forget that Asians are human beings. They, 
too, have “eyes, hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections 
and passions.” They could not possibly be kept in bondage for- 
ever to any foreign power. Autocracy in this second decade 
of the twentieth century, whether in the East or in the West, 
is opposed to science, reason and ethics. Autocracy is the 
sworn foe of democracy. Autocracy is dramatized barbarism. 
Can it be that the thousands upon thousands of Asians who 
have given their lives and their all in this war of civilization 
since August, 1914, with the expectation of bringing democracy 
into all parts of the world have died in vain? 

Our great President, the acknowledged spokesman of the 
allied nations, has declared that we are in this struggle to make 
the world a safe place for democracy. These words of hope 
and cheer have been acclaimed by the nations of the Orient as 
those of a prophet. Who shall now say that the “world” to 
which our President referred in his immortal message does not 
include the continent of Asia—Asia which is inhabited by more 
than half of the human race? Is not the Orient with its teem- 
ing millions really a part of this world which is visioned for 
democracy? At the close of the great conflict, for which the 
Oriental peoples have made great sacrifices, will they not have 
the right to ask for an assurance of the Westerners that they 
are really their friends and brothers? Nationality is being 
accepted everywhere as a principle. Not only Roumania, 
Servia and Belgium, but all countries, great and small, all 
peoples, white or yellow, have a right to a national existence. 
In our relations with the Orient shall we deny this principle 
which has become the mainspring of our action? 

Asia is already proceeding on the theory that after the war 
there will be the most friendly understanding and cooperation 


between the East and the West. Moreover, at this parting of 
ways Asian leaders of thought are prepared to take a leaf 
from the book of American experience. Asian statesmen are 
considering nothing less than a Monroe Doctrine for Asia—a 
doctrine which will declare that the Asian continent shall not 
be considered a place for future colonization by European 
powers, and that any attempt to extend the European system 
to any portion of the Orient will be considered an act of de- 
liberate unfriendliness. And just as the American Monroe 
Doctrine checked the intervention of the Holy Alliance in the 
affairs of the New World in the nineteenth century, so the 
Asian Monroe Doctrine will be expected to stop the exploita- 
tion of unholy imperialism in Asia in the twentieth century. 

The countries of Asia by their fundamental identity of eco- 
nomic, social, religious, and intellectual life are a unity. The 
nations of the Orient by geographical proximity and by natural 
sympathy are friends. They are natural allies. Being con- 
scious of their common interests, they are willing to act to- 
gether. They insist that trade and commerce should not be 
used as a cloak of unscrupulous financial imperialism; they de- 
clare that taking possession of their property under the dis- 
guise of building railroads, operating mines, and otherwise ex- 
ploiting their natural resources are not and can not be the final 
judgment of justice. 

It is, therefore, highly significant that the people of the 
Orient with a view to their own security and well-being, as well 
as for world peace, are prepared to assert a Monroe Doctrine 
for Asia. This would not mean the expulsion of all Europeans 
from Asia—as the Jews, for instance, were driven out of Spain. 
It will only imply the end of foreign domination in the East, 
the indefinite continuance of which spells Asian degradation, 
Asian bankruptcy and Asian suicide. Any wrongs that may 
have been perpetrated in Asia, of course, must be redressed; 
but not by the commission of similar wrongs. A policy of re- 
venge, of vindictive action, will not be in keeping with the 
traditional character of the Orient, which is generous and for- 
giving. Asian-EKuropean problems should be solved not through 
bloodshed, but through mutual understanding, sympathy, 
friendship, and enthusiasm for humanity. 

The Hon. lichiro Tokutomi, a crown member of the House of 
Peers of Japan, in explaining the object of this proposed doc- 
trine of Asian public law in the Japan Chronicle of January, 
1917, writes: 

By the Asiatic Monroe Doctrine we mean the principle that Asiatic 


affairs should be dealt with by the Asiatics. . . . We do not hold so nar- 
row-minded a view as to wish to drive the Whites out of Asia. What we 
want is simply that we become independent of whites, or free Yellows of 
the rampancy of the whites. ... The Asiatic Monroe Doctrine is the 
principle of Eastern autonomy, that is, of Orientals dealing with Eastern 
questions. . . . We are ready to leave the Europeans to attend to Euro- 
pean affairs, and the Americans to American questions, but we demand 
that they should leave Orientals to attend to their own questions. 

The natural leader of this Pan-Oriental movement is Japan, 
which Professor Roland G. Usher in his “Challenge of the 
Future” rightly describes as “the trustee of the liberty of all 
Asiatics, the only state capable of loosing the greedy clutch 
upon the Asiatic future.” Nippon is to Asia what England is 
to Europe—what the United States is to all America. Japan 
by universal consent has been admitted to the rank of world’s 
foremost powers. And Japan, having the modern constitu- 
tional government, would be best fitted to guide the nations of 
Asia in their new awakening. Possibly the island empire, 
by reason of its military preponderance, may insist upon a 
certain centralization of power in herself as the chief factor. 
This may cause temporary friction among the nations of the 
Orient; but if that be the road to the ultimate goal of Asian 
emancipation, Japanese leadership will not be questioned, 
neither will there be wanting willing, voluntary cooperation. 

Speaking of Japan’s leadership in Asia, Sir Rabindra Nath 
Tagore writes in the Modern Review of Calcutta: “It does not 
surprise one to learn that the Japanese think of their country’s 
mission to unite and lead Asia. . . . Japan can not stand alone. 
She would be bankrupt in competition with a United Europe, 
and she could not expect support from Europe. It is natural 
that she should seek it in Asia, in association with a free China, 
Siam, and perhaps in the ultimate course of things a free India. 
An associated Asia, even though it did not include the Semitic 
West, would be a powerful combination.” 

The ex-premier of the Republic of China, the Right Hon. 
Shao-Yi Tong, in his thoughtful introduction to the book, “Is 
Japan a Menace to Asia,” gave expression to about the same 
views as Tagore. ‘‘China is struggling to be free and she 
should accept cooperation from any quarter that is truly 
friendly,” said Mr. Tong. “Japan is China’s disciple of the 
past, and all far-sighted Japanese believe that ‘ Japan without 
China and India is, in the long run, without legs.’ I would 
say that China without Japan and India is without legs. .. . 
Some Western author has recently said: ‘Japan is an interna- 
tional nuisance and she may easily grow to be an international 


peril.’ We, however, do not look at a rising Japan in the same 
spirit. We wish only that China and India be equally strong, 
that Japan hold her own on the Asiatic continent against 
European aggressors. Then the international nuisance, charged 
to Japan, but really traced to other outside forces, will cease 
to exist, in Asia.” 

It is interesting to note that, although in certain Western 
countries Japan is sometimes made to appear as a menace to 
China, by no means all Chinese share that view. Chinese, as 
well as other Asians, realize that Japan has a paramount in- 
terest in China. And if Japan’s “stake in China is as great as 
that of England in Belgium, we must regard her interests there 
as important in a diplomatic sense as those of England in Bel- 
gium. What justifies the island empire in one continent should 
be held to justify the island empire in the other.” Moreover, 
responsible Japanese officials have always disclaimed any ul- 
terior design upon China on the part of the Mikado’s govern- 
ment. Of the many articles which have appeared on the sub- 
ject in the recent Japanese periodicals, the one by the Hon. 
Heikichi Ogawa, a member of the Japanese Parliament, may be 
considered as representative. Writing in the Japan Magazine 
of Tokio, October, 1917, Mr. Ogawa said in part: 

Japan’s policy in China involves the territorial integrity of that 
country. China is to be the most powerful friend of Japan in this policy. 
No Western Power must be allowed to do in China what Germany is 
doing in Turkey or what England is doing in Egypt. Those who hold 
that Japan entertains motives ulterior to these as regards China need 
not be answered, as they have no proof of their suspicions. When Japan 
has secured western guarantees as to the above policy peace will be as- 
sured and friendship between China and Japan will be permanent. When 
Japan brings China to a position when both can work together for their 
mutual independence and protection the ideal will have been attained and 
accomplished. ... 

Japan has to see that no part of East Asia becomes a rallying ground 
for western treasure-seekers; the western nations must be prevented 
from dragging the Far East into the squabbles. To carry western 
troubles and disputes into East Asia is to endanger the peace of the 
Orient and sow the seeds of future misfortunes. . . . China is apt to mis- 
understand Japan’s keenness of interest in the matter; she is disposed to 
read into Japan’s policy something of selfish designs. This will be less 
so as China becomes more independent of western powers. When the Far 
East is free from the danger of outside interference it will be more free to 
develop its own civilization and cultivate better forms of government. 
Japan and China are destined to contribute jointly to the progress of 
civilization in the Orient; and the result will be favorable to commerce 
and industry in all countries as well as those of East Asia. 

If there be still any one who harbors the suspicion that, 


under the disguise of championing Pan-Asianism, Japan con- 
templates destroying, or will be permitted to destroy, China, 
he should read carefully the terms of Ishi-Lansing Agreement 
of November, 1917, and President Wilson’s words of January 
22, 1917. The Agreement, which specifically provides for the 
maintenance and the guarding of the independence and terri- 
torial integrity of China, was entered into between the Tokio 
and Washington governments after the President had declared 
to the whole world “that the nations should with one accord 
adopt the doctrine of President Monroe as the doctrine of the 
world: That no nation should seek to extend its policy over any 
other nation or people, but that every people should be left to 
determine its own policy, its own way of development, unhin- 
dered, unthreatened, unafraid, the little along with the great 
and powerful.” 

In conclusion, it may be stated that whatever happens one 
thing is certain—Asia is slowly finding herself politically. The 
leaven of democracy is working. The principles of liberty and 
democracy are permeating the Asian continent. The Orient 
is advancing toward a new light. There may be stumbling and 
staggering on the way; but surely there will be no permanent 
halting in her progress—it will be steadily forward. Asia asks 
only for security and justice for herself, and betterment for 
the world. She has nothing but a desire to live and work on a 
plane of love and equality with all people. Europe should gov- 
ern her course by the knowledge that she can not be in Asia 
for all the future. Asia will insist on being the mistress of her 
own house. The problem of the relation between the East and 
the West can be satisfactorily solved on only one basis, and 
that is: ‘‘ justice for all, love for all, and for all, liberty.” 

It is our hope that from the present welter of frightful de- 
struction and bloodshed there will come substantial gain. It 
is not easy to prophesy; but it is permitted to us to hope that 
this dark calamity will usher in the dawn of a brighter and a 
happier day for the world. And when that happens, may we 
not expect to see arise out of the ruins of this World War a 
superb structure—a structure of common brotherhood of the 
races of the world, brotherhood of international justice, of 
equal liberty and freedom? 




NGLISH-SPEAKING peoples have accomplished great 
things in the world’s history in the past. They now 
have the opportunity of rendering a service of the highest value 
to the whole world, and of benefiting themselves by the act. If 
the English language were simplified so that it might become 
the international language, English peoples would profit by the 
saving in time and labor, and their international relations 
would be stimulated and aided. 

The idea of the English language becoming the world lan- 
guage is far from being a dream. To a certain extent it is the 
world language now, being more widely spoken than any other 
tongue, its nearest competitors, the German, French and Span- 
ish languages, being far outclassed. In 1801 the English lan- 
guage was spoken by 21 millions, the German by 30, and the 
French by 31 millions; by 1901 there had taken place an amaz- 
ing change in the figures, they then standing English 130, Ger- 
man 84 and French 52 millions. There can be no doubt that 
after the present war is over, the English-speaking peoples will 
take an even more prominent place in world history. 

The English language has one immense advantage over 
every other in that it is made up essentially of about equal 
parts of the languages of the two greatest races of the world, 
the Teutonic and the Latin. It has, moreover, the finest litera- 
ture and a magnificent vocabulary admitting of the fullest and 
most accurate expression. On the other hand, it has several 
points of weakness, one of which is very grave, namely, its 
spelling. The language has an excessively large number of 
irregular forms, it has a rather loose and overlapping set of 
prepositions, and is unnecessarily inflected as regards subject 
and predicate agreeing in number. Making these improve- 
ments would not be a difficult task at all. A committee formed 
to represent all classes of society most affected, including busi- 
ness men in both the domestic and foreign trade, newspaper 
men, authors, scientists, scholars, specialists in spelling reform, 
typists, stenographers, linotype men, and stenotype operators 


could frame a report, which could then be officially adopted and 
substituted for the present form of the language, very much as 
many countries adopted metric reform, which at first apparently 
presented insuperable difficulties in the way of its substitution 
for the old weights and measures. 

The idea of a world language is, of course, not new. We 
have had Volaptik (1879), Esperanto (1887), and since then 
seven or more artificially constructed tongues for world use. A 
simplified form of one of the languages now in wide use, with a 
minimum number of characters, and each character standing 
always for the same sound, with no unnecessary inflections and 
irregularities, so that it could be learned with a minimum of 
effort, would naturally have great advantages over an artifi- 
cially constructed language. 

Heretofore the study of language reform has been confined 
to scholars, even though many among their number are vio- 
lently opposed to any change. However, when men like Mark 
Twain, William Dean Howells, Professor William James, Colo- 
nel T. W. Higginson, George W. Cable, R. W. Gilder and John 
Burroughs favor spelling reform, there must be something in it. 
Now, apparently the scholar reformers from no fault of their. 
own have come about to their wits’ end as to what to do next. 
In their despair these reformers turned to primary education 
for relief, expecting the children to do what their elders had 
failed to accomplish. Spelling reform seems to have come to a 
point where it can neither go forward nor back. Editors, no 
matter what their personal predilections, are compelled either 
to ignore the reform altogether or to use the new forms in the 
most sparing way. Every time a reader accustomed to see 
“through,” for instance, spelled in the usual form comes across 
the word in some publication in the unfamiliar form thru, he 
gets an unpleasant shock. Highly educated readers can stand 
this; it is good for them; but for the masses it is likely to estab- 
lish an aversion to the new spelling in general. What seems to 
be needed is that, besides the scholars, large classes of our popu- 
lation, which are vitally interested but do not know of it, 
should have the whole question brought to their attention in 
such a way that they will be disposed to make a study of the 
reform from their own standpoints. 

There are three great aspects of this proposed language re- 
form: (1) That of its relation to internation] matters and the 
progress of the race already referred to. (2) That of the sav- 
ing in printed and written matter. If there is a chance for a 
ten per cent. economy here, then in a country whose printed 


matter each year costs more than a billion dollars, over 100 
million dollars can be saved. (38) That of the saving in elemen- 
tary education. The saving here might be even as high as 
twenty-five per cent. of the children’s time. These matters will 
be discussed a little more fully after the character and amount 
of the saving has been set forth. 

It seems clear that the alphabet adopted should conform to 
the following requirements: (1) Every sound in the language 
should be capable of expression by it. (2) Every letter or com- 
bination of letters should have but one sound equivalent. (3) 
The number of characters should not exceed the number now in 
use, so that they could be put on any typewriter or linotype 
machine. (4) The accent should be given in printed words. 
This could be done by some device, as by leaving a slight space 
before the vowel of the accented syllable when it is not on the 
first syllable. (5) Words having the same sound with a differ- 
ent meaning and often different spellings should be changed so 
as not to duplicate each other in sound. This should be done 
in the interest of clarity of oral speech, and might be accom- 
plished by introducing an additional letter. (6) Double letters 
should be replaced by single ones, as runer for runner, except 
when both letters of a double consonant or vowel are plainly 
heard in ordinary speech. 

The changes just suggested raise the whole question of a 
natural attitude of mind of the great majority toward reform 
of any kind; men may be divided generally as well as politically 
into conservatives and radicals. The majority at first is over- 
whelmingly on the conservative side, but as the evils become 
more and more apparent under discussion, larger and larger 
numbers swing to the radical side. Most men understand a few 
things well, but the vast majority are conservatives the moment 
they come upon a matter they have not carefully investigated. 
Their minds are wrapped in intellectual swaddling clothes, so 
to speak, and of this fact they are totally ignorant. No one is 
so foolish as he who accepts palpable untruths on fallacious 
grounds, and no one is so wise as he who knows what he does not 
know. Most men would think they understood the subject of 
language reform when they really do not. The people of Amer- 
ica think their system of weights and measures as good as any, 
whereas people of metric countries know they are wrong. Illus- 
trations of this sort might be given ad libitum. In considering 
language reform, especially, the foregoing must be kept in 
mind. Even children may be wiser than their elders, as was 
hinted at by Christ in one place. Children say, The sheeps is in 


the field, and The horse runed away. By agreement these forms 
could be used just as well as those now in current use. If any- 
thing were gained by retaining the irregular forms, the case 
would be different. 

When we come to pronunciation, we know that there is a 
wide variation in the pronouncing of both consonants and vow- 
els, especially vowels. Doubtless the number of distinct vowel 
sounds now in use might be somewhat reduced by using the 
same character to represent those so close together as to be dif- 
ficult to distinguish from each other. The vowel a in dance is 
pronounced all the way from short a in hat to broad a in all. 
This shows a natural tendency to shade pronunciations, and 
ought to indicate the possibility of compressing the number of 
vowel sounds at least a little. 

There are 26 letters in the alphabet, of which 6 are vowels 
and 21 are consonants, y being both a vowel and a consonant, as 
yin yetand yinmy. This last fact suggests the possibility of 
using some of the other consonants in the same way. The de- 
sirability of this is apparent when it is remembered that six 
vowels represent at one time or another sixteen different sounds. 
If we are to have every sound represented by a single character : 
so as to remove all ambiguity, there will evidently have to be 
some doubling up in the use of the letters. 

Merely to show what is possible, and with no intent to 
specially advocate the proposals which follow, suppose that y 
and six other letters function both as consonants and vowels, 
part modified somewhat in form and the others unchanged. By 
this course there is secured a one-sound-one-letter alphabet 
which satisfies the conditions already stated. Thus, by cutting 
a small piece out of the vertical line in q, it can answer well for 
both qu in quit and a in far without ambiguity. In case of 
uncertainty the consonant could be marked. By this simple 
plan the 62 letters come to represent 33 different sounds. 

A somewhat haphazard search showed these 33 sounds now 
spelled in over 200 different ways, not considering the spelling 
of proper names. It showed nine of these sounds each spelled 
in over a dozen ways! Examination discloses that out of the 
200 spellings of 33 sounds, perhaps 170 are of more or less com- 
mon occurrence and must be learned by every one who pretends 
to read even newspapers. Thus, the difficulty of learning these 
spellings is more than five times as great as it would be with 
the one-symbol alphabet, and that on the assumption that it is 
as easy to learn an absurd spelling as a rational one. Psycho- 
logical experiments show that it is ten times as hard to learn 


disconnected syllables as to learn those found in connected 
speech. Thus the difficulty of learning these spellings might 
easily be fifty times as great as to learn the one-sound-one-spell- 
ing language. It is almost past belief that English-speaking 
peoples should not cry out against the infamy of asking genera- 
tion after generation to learn all this rubbish when it is not in 
the least necessary. 

Examining the Twenty-third Psalm we find that in the ordi- 
nary spelling there are 455 letters and in the new form 49 less, 
or a saving of 10.8 per cent. Similarly the First Psalm shows a 
saving of 10 per cent. and the Beatitudes 11.1 per cent., the first 
three stanzas of Longfellow’s Psalm of Life 9 per cent.—these 
all being composed mainly of Anglo-Saxon words. A column of 
newspaper matter contained 3,556 letters, of which 286 would 
be saved in the new form, or a little over 8 per cent. It hap- 
pened here that a large number of proper names appeared, 
nearly all spelled as they were pronounced, which brought the 
per cent. down somewhat. Where there is a preponderance of 
words of Latin origin, the per cent. is lowered, since Latin 
words are spelled about as pronounced except for double letters 
and certain endings. 

In 1909 the printed matter in this country cost 737 mil- 
lion dollars. Ten per cent. of this sum is close to 75 million. 
At the present time undoubtedly the value of printed matter 
must run well over one billion dollars annually, and thus offers 
a saving of over one hundred million from this source alone. 
An estimate of the saving from business letters based on the 
number of pieces of first-class mail, places the saving on them 
at perhaps ten million annually; we ignore the loss in social 
letters, as it is hard to estimate this in dollars and cents. 

- Let us now consider the educational aspect of the subject. 
When a child starts to school he is already in possession of a 
very considerable vocabulary. As soon as he can master the 
sounds of the 26 letters as found in familiar words, he would 
immediately make available all his knowledge gained through 
oral language. Instead at this point he must begin to learn by 
forced memory the large number of common words which he 
must know in order to read ordinary stories. All his other 
studies begin by being rational and continue to be rational 
throughout his course, namely, nature study, science, mathe- 
matics, history, etc. Why should language demand the irra- 
tional? It comes as a shock to the child’s mind when he first 
meets the irregular spellings. Thus, if he has learned that o 
has a certain sound in the words he has met, he is surprised to 


find that the word though is spelled with the ugh tacked on 
to O. 

Probably half the time of the eight years of the elementary 
course is given to reading, writing and spelling. If this four 
years could be cut to two by an improved language expression, 
it would undoubtedly result in two years more of general edu- 
cation for all the children, that is they would all be two years 
further along in the course than they now are when they leave 
school. The value of the increased earning power acquired by 
the more extended education could not possibly be less than two 
or three hundred million dollars annually. 

No great reform was ever instituted that did not meet with 
difficulties in its way. A word or two concerning the two or 
three greatest objections to language reform. One of these is 
that libraries, the product of ages of effort, would be made use- 
less. The answer to this is easy. All persons over ten years of 
age would know both the old and the new spelling and could 
read either form, the one as easily as the other. Those under 
ten, if they wanted to be scholars and a very small percentage 
of the whole population could read books out of print, would 
have to learn the old alphabet and spelling. Of course, all 
important literature, histories, science, and important works 
of learning would immediately be printed in the new form 
of the language, so that the masses would not need to use 
the old language. A second objection to reformed spelling is 
that the derivation and therefore the meaning of many words 
would be lost. The reply to this is that perhaps only one 
or two per cent. of all persons have sufficient education to make 
this knowledge of any value to them. Dictionaries would nat- 
urally give the old spellings instead of the pronunciations as 
now as parts of the etymologies. The small per cent. could well 
afford to be willing to look up in the dictionary the derivation of 
all words they could not recognize. Vast masses of children 
now look up such words as receive and believe and forth- 
with forget what they took pains to find out, because it is so 
easy to be confused in this way, especially for minds that do 
not hold spellings well. 

The third objection, that the plan is impracticable, is the 
easiest of all to answer. The new form of the language is so 
much like the old, having precisely the same sounds, so many 
letters used with exactly the same value, and is so simple, that 
trained linguists could actually learn its elements in a few 
minutes and read the language with facility in a few hours. 
The ordinary constant reader would be able to master the alpha- 


bet in a couple of hours, and with a few days of practice would 
be reading the new form with considerable ease. Other readers 
would shade off into all gradations of progress as now with the 
old form. Learning the new language would be like learning a 
foreign language and would occupy a distinct pocket in the 
brain, so to speak. It would thus be possible with a brief period 
of preparation to actually pass over to the use of the new form 
exclusively. However, a period in which both forms of the 
language would be in use, the new in a limited way would be 

In this intervening period the international language would 
be employed for all international correspondence. Special dic- 
tionaries and instruction books would have to be prepared for all 
the important languages. In all our school dictionaries in use, the 
new alphabet would be used as a key to pronunciation, and the 
new spelling would be given as the pronunciation form of spell- 
ing of all words different from the old form. Then the chil- 
dren would be taught the new form of the language as a regu- 
lar part of their education. Persons of maturer age would 
naturally want to know all about this new language, and would 
gradually become more and more familiar with it. In truth it 
would be no more difficult to read than many dialect books now 
found in our literature. When the immense advantage of the 
new form of the language over the old should come to be gen- 
erally understood and the time became ripe, the transition could 
be made to the new form, preferably by government enactment. 

Certainly more discussion is needed of this question which 
has been shown to involve the loss of something like mil- 
lions of dollars annually. We have had now for some time a 
great cry for more efficiency, and our merchants and manufac- 
turers scour the earth to find means of saving. They are try- 
ing to introduce more system everywhere. Yet here is a loss 
of energy and a lack of system, and one that involves not 
merely the affairs of every merchant and manufacturer, but 
of practically everybody, and still no effort is being put forth to 
even investigate this subject. If all the classes vitally inter- 
ested could but take hold of this reform which our scholars 
alone have brought to so lame and impotent a conclusion, a new 
era would dawn. 



By Professor C. E. HAMMETT 

OW do athletics affect the health of college men? Like 
Banquo’s ghost this question will not down, notwith- 
standing the publication from time to time of convincing testi- 
mony from authoritative sources. Although the appearance 
and action of the college athlete in training proclaim vigorous 
health, there are people who believe that the strenuous exer- 
cise in which he engages saps his vitality and shortens his life. 
Let us see if this is so. 

In 1904 Dr. Geo. L. Meylan, of Columbia University, pub- 
lished in the Harvard Graduates’ Magazine the results of an 
exhaustive investigation of the effects of rowing upon Harvard 
crews from 1852 to 1892 inclusive. 

Rowing was selected because it is the most strenuous of all sports and ~ 
for that reason is said to overtax the heart and kidneys more than any 

The investigation was conducted in the most thorough manner, 
Dr. Meylan personally examining a large number of the men, 
and where that was impossible, securing a report from the oars- 
man’s family physician. The testimony was taken ten years 
or more after the men had quit rowing “in order that the after 
effects, good or bad, should have had a chance to show them- 

There were 152 men on Harvard crews from 1852 to 1892, 
of whom 123 were living in 1902. Six of those deceased were 
killed in the civil war, two died through accidents. Dr. Meylan 
secured data from 106 of the survivors. He found: 

First, that these men exceeded the expectation of life as 
tabulated by the American table of mortality “1.06 years for 
each man, including those who were killed,” and 5.39 years per 
man “if the life expectation of the latter were added.” 

Second, that only two of the 152 oarsmen had died of heart 
disease and one of consumption. 

Third, that “eighty of these men became successful profes- 
sional and business men” and “twenty others men of national 
and international reputation,” that, whereas the percentage of 
college graduates who earn a place in ‘‘ Who’s Who” is 2.1 per 
cent., and that of Phi Beta Kappa men 5.9 per cent., of the 


living oarsmen 8.3 per cent. were placed in this book. (The 
charge that athletics unfit a man for intellectual activity does 
not appear to have much force in the face of such evidence.) 

Fourth, that but two of the men considered themselves in 
poor health at the time of the investigation, one of these 57 and 
the other 66 years of age. 

Fifth, that but two of the men believed rowing to have had 
an injurious effect on their health in after life. 

Sixth, that out of 35 men who were examined for life in- 
surance, only one was rejected; that “94 per cent. of the oars- 
men were, as far as they knew, free from any affection of 
heart, stomach or kidneys” eleven years or more after they 
quit rowing; that “over 97 per cent. appeared to be in good 
health when seen by him”; that “over 37 per cent. have not 
consulted a physician for more than ten years; over 50 per 
cent. have not been sick in bed for one week since leaving col- 
lege and 37 per cent. have been sick only once during that time.” 

His conclusions, amply justified by the evidence, were, that 
*‘eollege athletes do not die young of heart disease or consump- 
tion, as is so often asserted; that the hard training and racing 
does not dull the mind and exhaust the mental and physical 
energy of the oarsmen; that the health and vigor of the oarsmen 
is so far above the average that if rowing has any effect on the 
health, the effect can not be otherwise than beneficial.” 

I now invite attention to data obtained by Dr. Wm. G. An- 
derson, of Yale University, in a study of 807 Yale athletes who 
won the coveted ‘“‘ Y” in crew, football, track and baseball be- 
tween the years of 1855 and 1895. Of these 807 men, who 
underwent the severest kind of training, only four died of heart 
disease. Four men out of 807 in half a century. And two of 
these were 68 and 70 years old! 

Dr. Anderson states that during these years there were 
10,922 students in the Academic and Sheffield classes at Yale, 
with 1,406 deaths, or 12.9 per cent. The percentage of deaths 
among the athletes was 7.2 per cent. Granted that the ath- 
lete is an exceptional man physically, the discrepancy is too 
great to be thus explained away. 

Statistics like the above carry weight. They can not be 
ignored. They are worth reams of argument based on limited 
data. They justify Dr. Anderson’s conclusion that “ compared 
with the Select Mortality Tables of the Actuarial Society, which 
are made up from the mortality averages of thousands of lives 
all over the country, the Yale athletes show remarkable longev- 
ity” and “judging from the investigations it is reasonable to 
say that there is no undue strain put on the athletes while they 
are in training and their later history seems to show that they 


were benefited rather than harmed. Proof is conclusive that 
high Yale athletes do not die young and that heart disease is 
not a chief cause of death.” 

Some years ago the writer investigated the effect of Dis- 
tance Running upon college men, consulting athletes from all 
parts of the country, men who had quit running years before, 
and who had had time to note in their own persons the after 
effect of their training and racing. 

There were only three cases of permanent injury among 167 
men—functional heart trouble which manifested itself during 
unusual exertion. Ninety per cent. of the men claimed to have 
derived permanent benefit, in many instances of inestimable 
value, from their training. In general they declared this bene- 
fit to be in the nature of increased vital and constitutional 
strength. Many were emphatic in their statements, for ex- 

My father, who is sixty-two years of age, and an old distance runner, 
can now run a quarter mile consistently under sixty seconds. He has not 
been ill since he was a young man, and is as hale and hearty as a man of 

A famous distance runner writes: 

I have been running for over twenty years now, and feel in perfect 
physical condition. Have won races from seventy-five yards up, and have 
run over one hundred miles quite often. My heart has been examined by 
specialists in London, Paris, Boston and other places, and all say it is in 
perfect working shape. 

Another man writes: 

Cornell University is distinguished above all other institutions for 
the development of runners at the distances you mention. I am in touch 
with all the ’varsity distance men graduated in the last ten years, and 
there is not a case of physical debility in the whole lot. Most of them 
are much more alive than the average man. 

Of especial bearing on the inquiry we are pursuing is the 
fact that 112 of the athletes broke training abruptly, to enter 
mercantile or other pursuits which afforded no opportunity for 
indulgence in athletics, yet all but one were in perfect health 
years after. These men experienced none of the tissue degen- 
eration or functional disorders which are supposed to follow 
the exceptional development of heart and lungs resulting from 
athletics. One is forced to conclude that degenerative changes 
of tissue do not follow. When they occur in an athlete I ven- 
ture to assert that investigation will show them to have been 
induced by bad habits, dissipation or close confinement. I 
have a case in mind now, an athlete of national reputation who 
drank himself to death at an early age. 

I have just finished analyzing data obtained from daily 
records for ten weeks of men on the Allegheny College basket- 


ball team, champions of Western Pennsylvania in 1915-16. 
There was nothing revealed by the statistics, nor anything in 
the appearance or actions of the men, to indicate that the strain 
was greater than they were able to bear without injury. Evi- 
dently it was not, as three of the quintet recently passed rigid 
physical examinations for commissions in the army, and the re- 
maining two are still in college on the team, all five in perfect 
health to-day. 

Baseball so obviously improves the health of the men who 
play that investigation is superfluous and football is technically 
perfect as a physical exercise—it is played in the open, under 
the stimulating influence of sunshine and fresh air; periods of 
strenuous activity alternate with long periods of comparative 
repose; it develops strength, speed and agility; it builds up the 
red corpuscles and enriches the blood; it tones the muscles and 
fortifies against disease, for “‘a healthy muscle cell is immune 
to the attacks of disease-bearing germs.” For the past twenty 
years my football teams have averaged a net gain of five pounds 
a man during the season and occasionally individuals gain eight 
to ten pounds. Weight is an index of condition. Trainers do 
not worry when an athlete holds his weight. But when he 
begins to lose weight and does not ‘“‘come back,” they handle 
him carefully, for they know that he is “feeding on himself” 
and liable to go stale or to “crack” in a hard race. 

For years I have been impressed by the appearance of foot- 
ball men as they drop in occasionally to see me after the close 
of the season. They fairly bloom with health and vigor—the 
clear eye, ruddy complexion and elastic tread proclaim it from 
the housetops. 

That strenuous exercise has a beneficial rather than an in- 
jurious effect upon the organism is further indicated by statis- 
tics concerning the jinrickisha man of Japan. He performs 
infinitely harder work than the college athlete, “is subjected to 
all kinds of temperature, drenched in perspiration one hour, 
shivering with cold the next, hauling his ricksha in all kinds 
of weather,” inadequately fed, smokes and dissipates, yet Mr. 
E. G. Babbitt, American vice-consul at Yokohama, wrote me 
that in 1907 there were in Tokio alone more than twelve hun- 
dred men over fifty-five years of age (in active service) and 
that most of them were healthy and strong. 

The data which have been given shows that an overwhelming 
majority of college athletes derive substantial benefit from their 
participation in college sports and that the percentage of serious 
injuries is small. There is ample corroborative evidence. 
For nearly twenty-five years the writer has been in intimate 

VOL. v1.—23. 


personal association with school, college and university ath- 
letes. Some thousands of men and boys have been under his 
control, in all branches of sport. In all these years, among all 
those boys and men, I recall but two who to my personal knowl- 
edge were permanently injured, and there is every reason to 
believe that in them athletics aggravated, but did not originate, 
the diseases from which they suffered. My experience is not 
unique in this respect: it is that of almost all men who direct 
college athletics—I have questioned many. Injury that handi- 
caps the career of the athlete, that saps vitality or produces or- 
ganic lesion is extremely rare. I have never met an athlete 
who would admit that he had been injured by athletics. I have 
never met a middle aged or elderly man who said so. On the 
contrary, I have met many who attributed their health through 
exacting business or professional duties to the stamina stored 
up on the athletic field. I hear occasionally of men who have 
injured themselves by over-indulgence in athletics and though 
hearsay evidence is unreliable I am confident there are such, for 
there are always men who overdo in activities which interest 
them, be it in athletics, in business, or in other pursuits. But 
there must be comparatively few, or one who has been in touch 
with athletes and ex-athletes for as many years as I have, 
would have met more of them. 

There is no doubt in my mind as to the effects of athletics 
upon college men—I have seen too many strengthened in heart, 
lung and muscle; too many developed into splendid specimens 
of physical manhood, to doubt. They induce good habits of 
living: regular hours, cleanliness, systematic care of the body 
—habits which promote health and which become second na- 
ture. 'They tone and strengthen the entire physical organism— 
the lungs expand more deeply, inhaling a greater volume of pure 
air and expelling residual air that lurks in remote cells like 
stale atmosphere in a poorly ventilated room; the heart speeds 
up, sending the blood swirling through vein and artery to bring 
fresh nutriment to bone, muscle and sinew, to sweep up frag- 
ments of wornout tissue and bear them to the excretory organs; 
the skin exudes effete matter; the digestive and assimilative 
systems open wide the throttle and signal full speed ahead; 
liver, kidneys, and stomach take up the refrain, until the re- 
motest cell in the organism feels the surge and drive of a 
mighty, vivifying impulse. The athlete knows real health, 
tastes the heady flavor of perfect physical condition. His 
nerves tingle with energy, his muscles with vigor. Day by 
day he builds his body anew. It becomes a beautifully coordi- 
nated neuromuscular machine, endowed with vigor and energy 
far beyond the ordinary and built to endure. 



By Professor A. S. PEARSE 

GRICULTURE has progressed to the point where a farmer 
A can readily secure reliable scientific advice as to what 
crops are adapted to his grange. Such counsel is usually based 
on studies concerning climate, soil analysis, bacterial counts, 
depth of water table, prevailing pests, and other factors. Sci- 
entific aquiculture is far behind agriculture, and those who 
attempt to harvest crops from the water must proceed without 
much help from science. During the past few years there has 
been a quickening of interest in aquiculture in the United States, 
and attempts are now being made by commercial and scientific 
men to increase the yield from fresh water. The Bureau of 
Fisheries is constantly increasing the production of our inland 
waters by improving methods of propagation and by exploiting 
new sources of food. Professor E. A. Birge is making notable 
scientific contributions concerning the conditions in lakes and 
their value as habitats for fishes. Professor S. A. Forbes has 
made similar studies relating to rivers, and also published emi- 
nent works on our fresh-water fishes. Recently Cornell Uni- 
versity has established a course in aquiculture for the purpose 
of training young men to take up aquatic farming. Several 
commercial fish hatcheries, which have relations to aquiculture 
comparable to the seed houses in their relations to agriculture, 
are now successfully rearing trout and other fishes to be sold 
for stocking purposes. At Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Mr. C. B. 
Terrell operates an enormous aquatic farm in the swamps 
around Lake Buttes des Morts and does a thriving business in 
aquatic plants and seeds. He also gives advice to fish cultur- 
ists, game clubs, and others interested in aquiculture as to how 
to set out and harvest crops of aquatic plants, fishes and fowls. 

The writer has been attempting to solve three fundamental 
problems relating to aquiculture—(1) why certain species of 
fishes are abundant in some localities and not in others, (2) 
why a certain kind of fish may reach maximum size in one body 

1 Published by permission of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. 


of water, but remain small in another, and (3) how many 
fishes a body of water may support. The present paper sum- 
marizes studies made during the past five years in the inland 
lakes of Wisconsin. 

In order to determine which species of fishes were most 
abundant in these lakes and which habitats were most densely 
populated, two years were spent in general collecting, and all 
the methods commonly employed by fishermen were used 
(spear, dip net, gill net, seine, hook). About 1,700 fishes of 
33 species were collected, and the following information, which 
of course relates primarily to lake fishes, was secured: 

1. The important factors in the selection of habitats are 
associated with food, shelter and breeding. Food is more im- 
portant than shelter, for there are more species and individuals 
in situations with much food and little shelter than in those 
with abundant shelter and little food. More fishes are found 
in the shore vegetation, which furnishes both food and shelter, 
than in any other habitat. Breeding activities dominate all 
others at certain seasons, there is then usually more or less fast- 
ing and disregard for usual protective measures, but this condi- 
tion lasts only for a short time and the major activities of a 
fish are usually devoted largely to seeking and securing food. 

2. Each species of fish selects particular foods from those 
available. Though different kinds of fishes often feed on 
abundant available foods, each has its preferences—fishes are 
not indiscriminate feeders. For example, on July 3, 1915, 
fishes of about the same size and belonging to four different 
species? were taken in a single short haul of the net. Ten fishes 
of each species were examined and striking differences were 
found. The black bass had taken 21 different kinds of food; 
the bluegills, 16; the shiners, 14; and the top-minnows, 11. 
The particular item of food taken in largest amount by each 
species was as follows: black bass, 25 per cent. damsel-fly 
nymphs; bluegill, 47 per cent. cladocerans (EHurycercus) ; top- 
minnow, 49 per cent. amphipods; shiner, 43 per cent. Daphnia. 
Ali the species had eaten Eurycercus, which must have been 
abundant, but only a single one had eaten damsel-fly nymphs or 
daphnias. Many other facts show that competition between 
different species for particular foods is usually not very keen. 

3. The most important foods of the lake fishes are: insect 

2 The scientific names of those were Micropterus salmoides (Lacépéde), 

Lepomis incisor Cuvier and Valenciennes, Notropis heterodon (Cope), 
Fundulus diaphanus menona Jordan and Copeland. 


larve and pupx, microscopic crustaceans, fishes, amphipods, 
plants, bottom ooze, molluscs, and crayfishes. Young fishes 
feed largely on insect larve and microscopic crustaceans. 
Though some fishes eat the same kinds of food throughout life, 
adult fishes have rather specific feeding habits (the bass prefer 
insects; the sheepshead, molluscs; the pike and gar, fishes; the 
darters, midge larve; the silversides and cisco, micro-crustacea ; 
the bullhead is omnivorous). 

4. The most abundant fish of economic importance in the 
large, deep lakes studied was found to be the yellow perch; in 
the smaller lakes the perch were also abundant, but the black 
crappie and two sunfishes were also present in considerable 

After these preliminary studies the perch and crappie were 
selected for careful investigation, the first being the most abun- 
dant and representative fish in the large, deep lakes, and the 
latter appearing to thrive best in small, shallow lakes. The 
food, migrations and breeding were studied. During this 
work at least ten individuals were usually examined every week 
for a year. The perch were studied carefully in two lakes: 
Mendota (7 miles long, 84 feet deep) and Wingra (1 mile long, 
12 feet deep), but weekly examinations of the crappie were 
made only in the latter. 

The perch is probably more abundant than other species of 
food fishes because it is more versatile. It feeds among the 
shallow-water vegetation on insect larvee, fishes, snails, and 
other shore foods; it digs out the abundant larve and clams 
from the soft sedimentary deposits in deep water, and even 
feeds on the ooze itself; with its slender gill rakers, it strains 
plankton organisms from the open waters. It can compete with 
the basses, sunfishes, gars, pikes and bullheads which run along 
the shore; it does as well in the open lake as the specialized 
ciscoes, and is able to share the deeper waters with suckers 
and lawyers. 

It is easy to see why perch are abundant, but when we try 
to understand why they have a characteristic maximum size in 
different lakes, the problem is somewhat more difficult. The 
investigation of differences in feeding or available food supply 
offered one probable field which might throw some light on the 
question. However, the food of the perch in the two lakes 
investigated was found to be much the same. Fishes, insect 
larvee, and some other items were eaten in somewhat larger 
quantity in Lake Wingra, but that would be expected because 


there was proportionately more of shore habitat. The impor- 
tant foods were abundantly present in both lakes and enough 
difference in the quality of the foods eaten was not found to 
account for the constant difference in the size of the fishes. 

One fact was noted, however, which gave a clue for further 
work. The perch in both lakes were often found to be empty 
during the breeding season, and this was easily accounted for 
by supposing that the excitement incident to the mating activi- 
ties led to neglect of feeding. At all other seasons the perch in 
Lake Mendota were stuffed with food. Those in Lake Wingra, 
however, were often empty during the warmer parts of the 
summer. This difference between the two lakes led to the con- 
clusion that the smaller size of the perch in Lake Wingra was 
due to the fact that there was less opportunity to feed in the 
small, shallow lake. This view was supported by other evi- 
dence. For example, during windy weather, more perch could 
be caught in Lake Wingra with hook and line from a drifting 
rowboat than in a gill net, while the opposite was true on quiet 
days. The perch were present and ready to feed, but did not 
move about much when the water was disturbed. 

To test the opportunities for feeding in the two lakes it 
was necessary to study the migratory activities of the fishes. 
The comparative distribution of fishes at different times was 
judged by the catch per hour in gill nets of standard size. The 
nets were set simultaneously at various depths and comparisons 
could thus be made. The perch remained in the deeper parts 
of the lakes, except for two or three weeks during the breeding 
season. There was a slight migration into shallower water at 

In late summer a fish can not remain permanently in the 
deeper waters of Lake Mendota because the thermal stratifica- 
tion of the lake causes the lower water to stagnate. During 
August, September and October the water below thirty or forty 
feet contains no oxygen. It was noticed, however, that, though 
perch were most abundant just above the level where oxygen 
disappeared, often when nets were set below a number would 
be caught. There are enormous quantities of food in the stag- 
nated region® and, if perch are able to go down there for food, 
they can draw on supplies which other species of fishes can not 
attain. The only other fishes caught in deep water were occa- 
sional suckers. 

3 Recent unpublished investigations by Birge and Juday show that 

there may be as many as 18,000 midge larve per square meter in the mud 
at the bottom of Lake Mendota. 


At first the catches of perch in deep water during the period 
of stagnation were thought to be “accidental,” but they re- 
curred with such regularity that tests were finally made to see 
if the fishes were able to live without oxygen. Perch were en- 
closed in wire cages and let down on lines into the stagnant 
water. Most of them lived for an hour without apparent diffi- 
culty and many survived for two hours. In considering how 
they were able to live in water without oxygen for such a long 
time the possibility of the use of gas reserves in the swim 
bladder was suggested. The content of the swim bladder in 
normal perch was found to be about 63 per cent. nitrogen, 36.8 
per cent. oxygen, and 0.2 per cent. carbon dioxide. After a 
perch had remained in the stagnant water for an hour the 
oxygen decreased to about 20 per cent., showing that the swim 
bladder serves as a reservoir for oxygen which may be used 
when the fish is in stagnant water. 

All these things have some relation to the differences in size 
between the perch in the two lakes under consideration. The 
supposition that the perch in Mendota are larger because they 
have better opportunities for feeding appears to be justified. 
To state the case briefly, the perch in Lake Wingra do not feed 
during very hot weather, probably because the shallow water 
all becomes warm, nor are they able to feed readily when the 
wind blows because the water is all disturbed; but the perch in 
Lake Mendota can feed at all seasons because they may always 
retreat into the cooler depths to escape heat and the disturb- 
ances due to wind, and, as they are able to live for some time 
in water without oxygen, they may utilize the abundant food 
in the deeper water without danger of suffocation. 

‘After some idea had been gained as to why the perch are 
larger and more abundant in Lake Mendota than in Lake 
Wingra, an explanation was sought as to why crappies were 
more abundant in the latter. It is well known that crappies 
are suited to shallow muddy waters, but, so far as I know, no 
one has ventured to state why. In the present investigations 
it is apparent that more crappies are to be expected in Lake 
Wingra because there is proportionately more shallow water. 
In this lake perch and crappies live together; the former does 
not do very well, but the latter is highly successful. When the 
food, migrations, and breeding habits are compared the reasons 
for the differences become apparent. 

The food of the crappie is more limited in range than that of 
the perch—less variety is necessary; the feeding takes place 


largely at night or in early morning or evening; whereas the 
perch feeds by day. The crappie easily finds all the food 
needed in shallow water among aquatic plants and it does not 
need to fast during hot summer days. It also breeds during 
July and August when the water is very warm, and apparently 
suffers no inconvenience in a shallow lake which becomes warm 
very rapidly in the spring. To summarize, the perch is a 
rather generalized fish of great versatility and is at its best in 
a large lake where there is a variety of habitats and where 
there is always cool water for breeding and for retreat during 
windy or warm weather; the crappie is a specialized fish suited 
to live among vegetation in shallow water, is adapted to feed- 
ing when there is little wind or heat and to breeding under con- 
ditions which would be unfavorable to most fishes. 

In connection with the studies on migrations some evidence 
was secured which indicated that there must be a very large 
number of fishes in Lake Mendota and later some attempts were 
made to obtain approximate figures. Such estimates are highly 
speculative, but give some idea of the fish population a lake may 
support. : 

Most of the fishes in a lake do not stay in one locality, but 
keep moving about continually. There are many observations 
which support this view. During certain experiments gill nets 
were anchored in particular spots and the catch was removed 
from them at four-hour intervals for twenty-four hours. If 
the fishes were all taken ashore, just as many were caught 
during the next four hours as when all were thrown back. 
During the summer of 1917 about a thousand perch were tagged 
during one month. Though fishing was always done at one 
of three stations, only one of the tagged perch was caught a 
second time. Such observations give some idea of the vast 
numbers of perch present. 

Some data have also been collected which bear on the num- 
ber of perch that the available food of Lake Mendota can sup- 
port. By feeding perch weighed amounts of various natural 
foods and noting the time required for digestion it has been 
determined that an average individual at 25° C. eats an amount 
equal to about 7 per cent. of its own weight daily. In winter 
(2.5° C.) digestion is only one third as rapid as in summer. 
Recently Dr. R. A. Muttkowski made an extensive survey of the 
invertebrates in Lake Mendota and has computed the numbers 
present in the whole lake. For example, he estimates that 
there are enough chironomid larve in the lake to feed 16,675,447 


perch to capacity each year. This single instance gives some 
idea of the capabilities of a lake seven miles long and four 
miles wide as a source of food. 

In order to discover how many fishes were taken from Lake 
Mendota, statistics were collected from fishermen. The num- 
ber of men fishing each day was counted at different seasons 
and their catch per hour ascertained. By compilations from 
such data it is estimated that 424,540 perch are caught each 
year. Computing from the comparative catches per hour in 
gill nets (a method open to certain obvious errors) the numbers 
of other species caught would be: pickerel, 2,208; bluegill sun- 
fish, 1,238; white bass, 615; rock bass, 613; pumpkinseed, 428; 
large-mouth black bass, 305; silver bass or crappie, 183. Prob- 
ably none of these numbers is too large and some are un- 
doubtedly too small. They at least give some notion of the 
capacity of an inland lake for producing fishes. It is hoped 
studies now in progress will give more definite information. 

Perhaps only one conclusion is justified from the observa- 
tions discussed in this paper—aquiculture is certainly a promis- 
ing field for research and commercial development. Scientific 
men may profitably attack the many problems to be solved with 
reasonable assurance of results of importance to science and to 
the welfare of the human race. Those interested only in the 
economic aspects of aquiculture may also look for increasing 
rewards as aquatic farming develops. 





HE work of museums in war time, instead of being stopped 
Ae or curtailed to effect economy, should be speeded up and 
directed from the usual paths into those that will help most to 
win battles, to provide and save food, and to teach us to fight 
with other than physical weapons. Only a comparatively few 
suggestive examples of the many war-time museum activities 
can be here given. 

Part of the work of many museums, especially overseas, was 
suspended sooner or later after the outbreak of the war. 
Economy was enforced in museum explorations and publica- 
tions. It is true that there was little interference with the care 
and preservation of specimens and such routine and scientific 
work as could be carried on by the remaining permanent staff 
with reduced funds, but many museums were closed to the 
public. As the war progressed, however, the extreme short- 
sightedness of this policy of supposed economy was realized. 
Experience in military and economic matters, especially in the 
providing of munitions, the preservation and salvage of the 
lives of the soldiers, and the securing of sufficient food for the 
soldiers and civilians of the world, has shown how vital the 
work of museums can be in war time. 

The organization of the educational interests was found 
to be one of the most important factors in the defense of a 
country. In war time, museums, instead of being closed, 
should be open for longer hours. Museum work, instead of 
being reduced to effect economy, should not only be increased 
but directed into the most useful channels. If not already 
represented, a historic section might well be added in war time. 
Another section illustrating the broader features of progress in 
transportation and engineering should furnish inventive minds 
with a stimulus for productive work. The great value of a 
medical and surgical department is obvious. The most im- 
‘portant phase of all in war time, perhaps, would be exhibits 


illustrating the necessity of conserving and extending our food 

Discoveries in pure science and exhibitions making gen- 
erally known such discoveries are more far-reaching in their 
beneficial results than narrow economic explorations. To close 
museums and schools in these modern war times is like beating 
all the plowshares into swords—sacrificing essential wheat for 
an antiquated and little-used weapon. 

The education of soldiers, Red Cross workers, relief 
workers, miners, factory workers, farmers and many others 
has had to be undertaken during the war on a hitherto unsur- 
passed scale. It was found that unusual minerals had to be 
examined and new deposits had to be sought in order to make 
munitions; new antiseptics and appliances had to be studied 
and exhibited to those who were to use them; sanitary con- 
trivances had to be seen; methods of increasing or protecting 
the food supply had to be developed and made known to millions 
of people. All this work could not be carried on economically 
and effectively without exploration, laboratory experiments, 
exhibits, books, lectures, photographs, lantern slides, moving 
pictures, demonstrations, publicity, newspapers and travelling 
exhibits. Modern museum work includes practically all these 
activities and has to do with all these things. 

Expeditions to show their results must adopt the museum 
method. The laboratory makes discoveries but does not perma- 
nently exhibit them to the public unless it does museum work. 
Schools teach by the descriptive method. Museums show the 
actual objects, which, usually are merely described or pictured 
through the medium of school and library. Museum moving 
pictures are censored for the good of the people rather than 
for the swelling of box-office receipts. Museum publicity is to 
acquaint the people with beneficial facts. 

Science began to come into its own as the war progressed. 
England appropriated more for scientific research in one year 
than in all her previous history. At first many men were 
allowed to go to the front whose work was more valuable at 
home in war time. Now the French government will not even 
allow the inventor to experiment at the front because so many 
men who could not be replaced were lost by the former method. 

The American Museum of Natural History in New York 
made special exhibits relating to the war. One of these showed 
various food plants used by aboriginal people, some of which 
might be developed for feeding our own people. 


Most museum work is of a philanthropic nature. It 
nourishes, benefits and saves mankind, and even its war activi- 
ties are of value in days of peace. 

Every kind of museum can help in war work. For instance, 
art museums might assist in “camouflage.” The scenic 
painters and artists of France and the United States have done 
much in this line. Natural History Museums have experts 
on the protective coloration of birds and insects. They know 
that a shore bird with dark back and white belly is less con- 
spicuous than one which is uniform in color. They might plan 
a spotted uniform of unnoticeable colors so as to make a man 
crawling on an enemy trench at night as invisible as a grouse 
among autumn leaves. 

Historical museums are important in war time as in no 
other period since they can stimulate the true patriotism that is 
so essential to success. In such a time collections of war ma- 
terial may be made that would be harder to secure at a later 

A transportation and engineering museum should be a 
source of inspiration to potential Fultons, Faradays and Edi- 
sons. Medical and surgical museums could give great help 
in training doctors in war-time surgery. During war they 
have opportunities which might never recur for securing in- 
valuable surgical material, such as is only to be had from the 
regrettable casualties of war, and though some of it may not 
be used until after the war, it should by all means be secured. 
Dr R. W. Shufeldt, of Washington, D. C., having made applica- 
tion for duty on the active list of the Medical Corps of the 
Army, has been assigned by General Gorgas to the Army 
Medical Museum. His work will consist in modernizing the 
present collection and preparing for the incoming medical and 
surgical material from the front. 

The scientific or research museums, university museums, 
school museums, children’s museums, kindergarten museums, 
public museums, recreation, tourist or vacation museums, 
farmers’ museums, commercial museums, national museums, 
and many other kinds of museums all have opportunities to do 
war work. 

Every department of a museum can do something to assist 
in war work. A few examples of what such departments as 
ornithology, zoology, entomology, herpetology, botany and geol- 
ogy can do may not be amiss here and examples of what can 
be done by the departments of art and archeology are mentioned 
elsewhere in this paper. 


When the demand for more men for the battle-front comes 
at the same time as a demand for more food from agriculture 
and the other food-producing industries, it is essential to keep 
food from being wasted. Museum work can here be of great 
help. To save wheat from being destroyed by insects or rodents 
saves the planting of the necessary amount of land to make 
good that loss and releases just that many more men for the 
firing line. Killing birds that eat insects and weed seeds helps 
the enemy. Museum exhibits can be made to teach such things. 
The annual food loss in the United States from the ravages of 
insects on crops, according to the United States Department 
of Agriculture, exceeds a billion dollars. No doubt the loss in 
Canada is proportionate. Every careless person who kills a 
bird that is less injurious than it is valuable as an eater of 
weed seeds and insects is helping the enemy by killing our 
bird allies and is giving security and comfort to the weeds and 
insects that reduce our food supply. Most of our birds are 
of this beneficial class and are really our allies. Robbing their 
nests is also an aid to the enemy. One can hardly go into the 
country without seeing boys and even men killing birds. 
Doubtless many of these persons would be surprised to know 
that they were practically traitors and, if they realized it, would 
gladly stop aiding the enemy. For many years museum ex- 
hibits have been teaching such facts about birds and how to 
conserve the beneficial varieties. Surely these efforts should 
not be relaxed in war time but rather increased. 

In conserving our food supply, so essential during the war, 
the depredations of rodents should not be overlooked. Plagues 
of these animals have troubled us from time to time since pre- 
historic days. In 1907 and 1908 meadow mice overran 80 per 
cent. of the culivated area of the lower Humboldt valley, Cali- 
fornia, necessitating the replanting of much of the alfalfa 
needed to produce meat food. Over $6,000,000 worth of grain, 
and that, too, at the former cheap pre-war prices, are destroyed 
annually by ground squirrels in North Dakota alone. Every 
year rodents destroy 15 per cent. of the crop in Wyoming. 
Something like $12,000,000 worth of food, at pre-war prices, 
is destroyed by rodents annually in Kansas and a greater 
amount in Montana. It is estimated that over $100,000,009 loss 
of food is due to rodents in the Pacific states alone. The losses 
in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are probably in some- 
what similar proportion to those of North Dakota and Montana. 
At present prices the losses to the allies would be much greater. 
Rodents set at naught the labor of regiments of farm hands. 


Domestic rats and mice also cause fires that burn both 
buildings and food. The present annual cost of these rats and 
mice alone to the United States is probably over $400,000,000, 
which must be added to the losses by wild rodents above men- 
tioned. If we did not have this loss the farm hands, needed 
to replace it, could enlist. Our zoologists in museums of natural 
history share the responsibility for the control or destruction of 
injurious rodents. They understand how to do this without 
injuriously disturbing the balance of nature. Our food con- 
trollers need their services now as never before. To a certain 
extent information from museum men has already been used 
by the Canadian Food Controller. 

The firing line in the greatest struggle for human existence 
is not ‘Somewhere in France” but in our fields and forests, in 
our domestic animals, and in our own bodies. This supreme 
struggle is not between autocracy and democracy, but between 
man and the lower forms of life. Insects keep men from large 
parts of the world as much as bullets keep them from No 
Man’s Land. They keep these parts much freer of men than 
the submarines do the “verboten” zone. They levy this enor- 
mous tribute on all mankind, friend and foe alike. Some day 
the world may issue liberty bonds to clear the lines of com- 
munications in other parts of South America as the United 
States has opened those of Panama, and to give us liberty from 
the tribute we are forced to pay not only to the mosquito but 
also to the Hessian fly, the gypsy moth, the San Jose scale, the 
Mexican cotton-boll weevil, the English sparrow, the Colorado 
beetle, the German carp, and a host of other invading and 
native marauders. 

Zoological exhibits in natural history museums may be made 
to teach that every toad is worth over a dollar a month, or 
about twenty dollars a year as a worker in war gardens and 
fields to protect the growing plants from destructive insects. If 
a hundred toads are worth a hundred dollars a month to a 
country’s food supply surely this is worth teaching to small 
boys and others who kill toads. The savings by toads would 
buy many liberty bonds and contribute much to the Red Cross. 
To teach this through the medium of the museum exhibit may 
easily save the lives of many thousands of toads and so increase 
our crops, thereby releasing men from farming for fighting— 
from forking for firing. 

1 Compare Eigenmann in SCIENCE, 1917, p. 303. 


Wood and other forest products have almost innumerable 
uses in warfare. The War and Navy Departments, the Emer- 
gency Fleet Corporation, Committees of the Council of National 
Defense, and manufacturers of war orders have all demanded 
exact knowledge about forest products and never before has 
this demand been so urgent. Much of the need for knowledge 
has concerned aircraft material and problems relating to the 
construction of wooden ships and vehicles. Hardwood dis- 
tillation plants have needed information in order to increase 
the production of acetone and other things needed for munition 
making. Museum botanists can make exhibits and otherwise 
give publicity to the fact that wheat rust must die out where 
there are no barberry bushes because it lives part of its life in 
a form not recognized by the average farmer, on a barberry 
bush. Had this been done it would have been easier to secure 
the consent of the farmers to cut their prized ornamental bar- 
berry bushes. 

What the geologists of a museum can do in war time is well 
illustrated by the following single statement made by one 

“My work is to be concerned with the location of trenches 
and dugouts. We must have trenches into which the country 
will not drain. These slashes in the earth can be made so that 
they will do their own draining. Mud, mud,mud! That is the 
trench curse which brings on trench feet and puts the soldier 
out of business.” 

And then on a sheet of paper he drew the slope of a hill and 
explained how if located in one place, because of the peculiar 
stratification of the earth, the trench would act as a cesspool or 
reservoir, gathering in all the waters of the neighboring terrain, 
while if placed elsewhere it would be immune from this disad- 
vantage and through certain strata furnish a natural waste 
pipe for the superficial waters. 

The uncertainty of action in the Mexican oil region and the 
increased need of oil for the navies of the allies has created a 
great demand for geologists to cooperate with business men 
in locating oil fields. Museum geologists are now lending a 
hand here. 

The general knowledge of museum men may be applied to 
war work and in some instances be of greater service than 
scores of men. For instance, as related to hospital work, 
museum men have drawn attention to a method of treating 


shell shock, first published in literature read by museum men 
but not yet seen by the heads of army hospital work. Another 
example, relating to naval work, is the use of man power in- 
stead of modern conveying machinery for coaling war ships 
when the delay of a few seconds in reaching the place to fire a 
shot might decide a battle and when the machinery would be so 
useful in peace times that its installation would pay, war or 
no war. A third example, relating to the defense of a naval 
base, is where scores of men were used to guard its water 
supply. Here it was demonstrated by a museum worker that 
the reservoir could still be contaminated with poison or disease 
germs by one person without danger of capture by the guards 
and that the suggested remedy for this war-time danger was 
also necessary in peace times to protect the city from inad- 
vertent pollution. 

The methods used by museums in times of peace may be 
used in wartime. What is needed is that every museum worker 
should think of what museum work is most necessary in war 
time, and that he should lay aside less important work to give 
precedence to this war work. 

In war time, as in peace time, a museum is not a haven or 
place to provide a living for those who can not get the oppor- 
tunity to do research work or teaching at a living wage else- 
where. It is not a place where museum work may be neglected 
in order to do a pet piece of research or teaching, but one where 
research and teaching may be a legitimate part of museum work 
just as museum work may be a part of the work of research or 

In war time, as in peace time, museum heads should stop 
merely hoarding curios or specimens given them or which they 
get on expeditions. They should plan first of all what they 
wish to accomplish and then use every means to accomplish it. 
The various means would include explorations, researches, 
scientific publications, guide books, newspapers, exhibitions, 
casts, models, labels, maps, photographs, charts, diagrams, 
lantern slides, moving pictures, temporary exhibits, travelling 
exhibits, and many others. 

In peace times some museums send out exploring expedi- 
tions to explore the unknown in both distant and near-by 
regions. One museum expedition during the war undertook 
to collect designs, dye stuffs, native foods, fabrics and costumes 
of significance in view of war conditions. Many museums also 


carry on scientific research in their own laboratories. One 
laboratory affiliated with a museum was the only one in a whole 
country which had the apparatus for making a certain sub- 
stance of vital importance in the making of a much-needed 
high explosive, and this laboratory has made tons of this sub- 
stance for the allies. Specimens to be used for research are 
stored in scientific museums and here they are available for war 
research. From here vast numbers of publications are issued, 
so the machinery of distributing the results of the research is 
already at hand. One man experienced in this work became 
editor for the U. S. Red Cross. Some museums confine their 
attention to the locality where they are situated and from 
nearby river-bottom to nearby hill-top enough natural-history 
specimens may be collected to fill them. Others are for little 
children, and kindergartners are employed to instruct the chil- 
dren by means of the museum specimens. Some are chiefly for 
recreation, although their exhibits are all instructive. 

In war time, recreation is especially needed to relieve the 
unnatural strain. The exhibits in some museums are price- 
less. In others they are inexpensive by-products of other work, 
but these latter may be as useful as expensive exhibits. In 
some the exhibits are made by experts. In others useful ex- 
hibits may be prepared under expert direction by local car- 
penters and laborers. However, such work as painting the 
backgrounds of exhibits, making glass models of parts of 
flowers or representations of objects in wax required for 
exhibits in some wealthy museums can not be done by un- 
trained men. Some museum eases cost hundreds of dollars, 
but a useful exhibition case, suitable at least for schools or 
temporary exhibits, may be made for ten dollars wherever 
window sashes are available. The cost of cases is, therefore, 
no argument for not making temporary war-time exhibits. 
Police and fire protection which can not well be had for objects 
in private homes is to be had for specimens deposited in any 
large museum. Specimens of mammals and birds were 
formerly stuffed, but in modern museums they are now mounted 
according to a model, just as a house is built according to an 
architect’s plans and specifications. In this way groups are 
made representing the specimens of animals and plants as if they 
were actually alive in their natural homes. These peace-time 
activities of museums were discussed at some length and were 
illustrated in my article on the ‘‘ Development of Museums and 
their Relation to Education,” in THE SCIENTIFIC MONTHLY for 

VOL. v1.—24. 


August, 1917. The illustrations here given show still other 
phases of museum work that may serve in both times of peace 
or war. 


Skilled mechanics are required in the shops of a museum 
where all kinds of museum work is to be done. Many exhibits 

SKILLED MECHANICS ARE REQUIRED IN MusruM SuHops. In the Museum of the 
Geological Survey, Canada. 

needed in fighting a war can be made only by such very specially 
skilled men. 

The pedagogic exhibits so useful in peace time, such as 
those showing the characteristics of moths and butterflies, may 
give place during war to exhibits especially appropriate for the 
time. For instance, a war-time aeronautic museum has re- 
cently been established in a temporary building near the Smith- 
sonian Institution. This is at present solely for the aeronautic 
experts of the United States War Department, and provides 
facilities for the assembly and study of all types of aircraft 
machines and appliances. After the war it may be opened to 
the public. 

In peace times an exhibit of inexpensive specimens such as 


a lump of lime, a pail of tangle-foot, and common birds with 
labels and pictures, all from the city of Ottawa and made at 
no further cost except for the cutting of branches from various 
nearby trees, label writing and photographs, helped to save the 
shade trees of the city. These exhibited common specimens from 
nearby instead of expensive 
specimens from afar and 
formed as useful a natural-his- 
tory exhibit as a diamond or 
dinosaur costing thousands of 
dollars. So in war time an 
exhibit that is cheap may be 
as useful as one that is expen- 

The Division of Exhibits 
of the United States Food Ad- 
ministration, Washington, of- 
fers to assist any museum to 
develop a _ special exhibit to 
illustrate the need of conserv- 
ing foods. A handbook on 
“Graphic Exhibits” has been 
printed. Mimeograph copies 
of plans for larger exhibits 
have been prepared. Copies 
have been secured of a series 
of 13 charts, designed and 
written by Elizabeth C. Wat- 
son, under the title, ‘‘ Why 
Food Conservation is Neces- 
sary.” All these are sent to 
any museum upon _ request. 

. PEpAGocic EXHIBIT. Showing the 
Food-conservation exhibits characteristics of moths and butterflies, 

in the Geological Survey Museum, Can- 

have been made in Chicago, 
New York and Washington. 

Museums might show the various fish, shellfish, muskrats, 
voles, and many other foods not supposed to be edible or not 
much used, but which are not only good food but especially ex- 
cellent. At least one museum made such an exhibit which also 
included illustrations of methods of preventing the average 
waste of about 10 per cent. of our food.? 

Exhibits showing the close ecological relationships of all 
plant and animal life and of the links connecting up our food 

2See American Museum Journal, 1917, pp. 188 and 295. 




LABELS AND PICTURES, ALL FROM THE CITy or Orrawa. In the Geological Survey 
Museum, Canada. Useful specimens from nearby instead of expensive specimens from 
afar. v 

Ik AN EXbipirt made at no cost except for the cutting of branches from various 
nearby trees, label writing and photographs can help to save the shade trees of a 
city, it is as useful a natural-history exhibit as a diamond or dinosaur costing 
thousands of dollars. In Geological Survey Museum, Canada. 


supply with the inorganic world would be desirable features in 
a food exhibit. Such an exhibit should also display the bac- 
terial causes of food decay and the most approved means of 
preservation—drying, canning, cold storage, pasteurizing, etc. 

During the world’s food emergency brought on by the war, 
the diseases and the fungi, smuts, rusts, rodents, and similar 
enemies that attack cereals may be fought by means of museum 
exhibits of specimens, enlarged drawings, methods of steriliz- 
ing seeds, fertilizers and the like. Displays of posters and 
museum publicity through the usual channels of the press may 
also be used to advantage. 

Such things as gas masks, helmets such as are used for pro- 
tection against rifle and shrapnel fire, medical officers’ belts for 
carrying emergency medicines, dressings and similar things, 
an operating room fully equipped, outfits for sterilizing water, 
filters, equipment for fitting railway cars for the transportation 
of the wounded, and many similar things of use in informing 
prospective soldiers and manufacturers of army supplies have 
been exhibited in the United States National Museum by the 
Medical Department of the United States Army. 


Designs from Indian exhibits in the Museum of the Geo- 
logical Survey, Canada, were used long before the war by ali 
the Ottawa school children in their art work. The war has cut 
off the sole supply of designs from many manufacturers of both 
Canada and the United States which need new designs con- 
stantly. There are over 300 different industries or about 1,000 
factories in Canada alone which use designs. To meet this 
sudden stoppage of the foreign-design supply and the demand 
for distinctively Canadian designs so useful in building up and 
holding Canadian markets the archeologists of the Geologica! 
Survey have selected from all museums a very complete series 
of specimens of the prehistoric art of Canada suitable as mo- 
tives for designs and trademarks for the use of manufacturers 
and hope to issue an album of them. Meanwhile some manu- 
facturers are inspecting them in the museum and photographs 
of the specimens are being sent to others. Animals, plants, 
minerals, fossils and other museum specimens, especially his- 
toric Indian art, may be of similar service. A good design is 
worth thousands of dollars. A lecture on the subject illustrated 
with lantern slides is available. Articles have been prepared 
for the press and a travelling exhibit has been made and will 
go first to the commercial museum of the Department of Trade 


and Commerce. All the Canadian artists and art schools have 
been asked to cooperate by using the material for over fifty 
manufacturers listed by the museum as anxious for these 
designs. The distinctive Canadian motives have already been 
used in decorating curtains, art pottery, tiles, pipes, electric- 
lamp stands, and dresses, and also in the art schools. 

| ee \ 

Se ee es ee eee ee es we Se 2 ee er a ee 

PY ayoYayoyayoyoyayoya 

ay etree 
hoe Frenchie aie 

ae Hoe eee os ta 


Yellow Knwes +» Bead Work 

CANADA, are used by all the Ottawa school children in their art work. In war 
time the manufacturers requiring new designs and unable to get them in the usual 

way resort to such museum specimens. 

Notable success in this use of material by industries has 
also been made since the war began by the American Museum 
of Natural History in New York. There specimens from Peru, 
Mexico, Siberia, etc., have been used extensively by the de- 
signers for the silk mills in replacing foreign designs. 


Classifying and case’ signs and encyclopedic species labels 
are needed in war time and were all too scarce in times of peace. 


Goat Group. Rocky Mountains Park Museum. These mounted animals were as- 
sembled by local labor at regular wages under supervision. 

THH GUIDE Book to Rocky MounTAINS ParK MusbuUM, a Recreation, Tourist or 
Vacation Museum, is appreciated by Indian visitors. 



Some guide books of certain museums are appreciated by 
visitors in peace times. In war time the aid of every large or 
small part of the population is desirable. For example, those 
Indians unable to go to the front and those generally having 
leisure may be instructed by means of publications, lectures and 



PARK MUSEUM, and in this way, through the natural channels of trade, knowledge 
that the museum is maintained by the government, for research, education and 
recreation, and that it is free is spread far and wide without any expense to the 


other information from museums as to what products were im- 
ported from enemy countries that are of a kind Indians 
naturally make well, as to the technique and decoration of these 
objects and the places to market them. In this way the Indians 
may be rallied to assist in providing manufactures to replace 
those cut off by war during and after the war. 


Publishers have been encouraged to make postcards of the 
museums and the exhibits in them. In this way, through the 


Canapa, fer recreation. In war time recreation is necessary to relieve the strain on 
both civilians and soldiers. 

CanapA. On graduation they scatter and each one spreads what he has learned 
among his scholars. In this way a knowledge of those museum subjects of use in 
war can be spread far and wide. 


natural channels of trade, such knowledge as that a certain one 
is maintained by the government, for research, education and 
recreation, and that it is free is spread far and wide without 
any expense to the institution. Such methods may be well 
used in war time. The Chicago Art Institute was the first 
museum to obtain from the United States Post-Office Depart- 
ment the excellent right that any one might mail its bulletin 
to soldiers by the simple means of affixing a one-cent stamp to 
the cover. To the soldiers, as to the average reader, some 
museum publications are more interesting than others, yet 
there are few that would not have an interest for a soldier or a 
prisoner of war from the town in which it was published. 

, ah 

ami LE mL) 
a oo eae | 

Museum, Canada. 


The libraries used by both staff and visitors often contain 
books not to be had elsewhere. For instance, one book contain- 
ing drawings desired by a number of large manufacturers in 
Canada, now that the supply of designs from Europe is so 
nearly cut off, was only to be seen in a few museum libraries 
and other copies could not easily be secured, as the book was 
published in Holland. 

(To be concluded) 





president of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences of Philadelphia and com- 
missioner of health of Pennsylvania, 
who died on February 26, was born 
in Philadelphia on March 23, 1851. 
He was admitted to the bar in 1877, 
but after some years of successful 
practise he determined to devote 
himself to the scientific side of the 
other great profession—medicine— 
and entered the medical department 
of the University of Pennsylvania, 
graduating in 1886. Two years 
later he was appointed professor of 
hygiene and pursued courses of 
special study in London and Munich 
under Crookshank, Klein and Petten- 
kofer, devoting himself especially to 
the rapidly developing science of 
bacteriology. In 1889 he discov- 
ered the branched form of the tu- 
bercle bacillus and conceived the pos- 
sibility of developing a serum for 
the cure of tuberculosis, to a certain 
extent antedating Koch in the dis- 

Leaving the university in 1890 
in order to devote more time to orig- 
inal research, he established a labo- 
ratory at the Academy of Natural 
Sciences in Philadelphia. Here he 
became interested in the work and 
development of the academy, and 
was elected curator 
president in 1895. 

His research work was now aban- 
doned for the administrative work 
of the academy and the manage- 
ment of certain estates of which he 
was executor. The academy at 
about this time received the munifi- 
cent bequest of the late Robert H. 
Lamborn and the development of the 
institution which this made possible 
was carefully and intelligently di- 
rected by Dr. Dixon. 


in 1893 and) 


Mainly through his personal ef- 
forts he secured several appropria- 
tions from the State Legislature for 
the enlargement and remodelling of 
the museum. To all of the details 
of this work he gave his personal 
attention and the present condition 
of the historic collections and li- 
brary of the academy are a monu- 
ment to his memory. 

In 1905, Dr. Dixon was made head 
of the new Department of Health 
of Pennsylvania, and the last twelve 
years of his life were mainly spent 
in developing this undertaking into 
probably the largest and most effi- 
cient health department in any of 
the states of the Union. 

The organization of such a staff of 
men as constitute the department, 
the building and equipment of sani- 
toria, the distribution of antitoxin 
through all the communities of the 
commonwealth, the immediate hand- 
ling of epidemics, the guarding of 
the water supply, and the establish- 
ment of a model bureau of vital sta- 
tistics are a few of the achievements 
of Dr. Dixon. His training as a 
lawyer, a student of hygiene and 
sanitation, an executive and a man 
of affairs rendered him peculiarly 
adapted for the multifarious duties 
of his office, while an indomitable 
energy enabled him to handle de- 
tails which for many men would 
have been impossible. 

Every Governor since the depart- 
ment was created recognized the un- 
usually good fortune that the state 
of Pennsylvania enjoyed in having a 
public servant of such a high type, 
and reappointed him without ques- 

The strain that he placed upon 
himself however was too great, and 
he broke down; insisting to the last 
on carrying on his work, he literally 
died in harness. 






AN important article by Professor 
Robert DeC. Ward, of Harvard Uni- 
versity, printed in the February is- 

on the Asiago plateau, the military 

treats the weather controls over the 

fighting in the Italian war zone. | 

The number of the 
Journal for the same month con- 
tains an address of equal interest be- 
fore the Royal Geographical Society 

Geographical | 

by Major De Felippi on the relation | 
of the geography of the region to! 

the war. In discussing this address, 
the president of the society said 

that if the conduct of the war should | 

be placed in the hands of the Royal 
Geographical Society, he doubted 
whether they would succeed in doing 
anything better than making a very 
considerable muddle of it. But it is 
none the less true that weather, cli- 
mate and topography are funda- 
mental factors in military opera- 

Major De Felippi pointed out that 
the Italian-Austrian political fron- 
tier is 470 miles long, and the bound- 
ary line is so drawn that Austria 
holds the headwaters and upper 
courses of every one of the Italian 
rivers. There is not a small valley 
which is not held by Austria to 
within a short distance of its open- 
ing upon the plain. Austria pos- 
sesses the whole basin of the Isonzo 
from its source to the sea. The po- 
litical boundary bears no relation to 
any of the geographical features of 
the land. An equally important topo- 
graphical feature of the frontier is 
the fact that with the longer stretch 
extending in a general direction from 
the west to east and the shorter sec- 
tion extending from north to south, 
the Italian army was always in 
danger of a flank attack. 

When Italy attacked Austria, it 
could only advance in the Isonzo re- 
gion, but every door leading into 
Italy was open to Austria. Thus in 
May, 1916, Austria attacked the 


Italian left flank on the tableland of 
Asiago, where, if it had succeeded, 
the rearguard of the Italian army 
would have been cut, with Venice 
only forty miles away. 

With the exception of this attack 

effort has been continuously em- 
ployed on the eastern front. It was 
by far the most important, for here 
only was it possible to accomplish 
the objects which the Italians had in 
view. But the whole Isonzo basin 
was interposed between the fron- 
tier and the watershed and the ad- 
vance could be made only with the 
greatest difficulties. The character 
of this region is shown in the two 
photographs which were exhibited 
by Major De Felippi and are repro- 
duced from the report of his lecture. 
It was in the region of the Isonzo, 
shown in these pictures, that the 
German and Austrian troops at- 
tacked at the end of last October. 
Above Gorizia the Isonzo flows from 
north to south in a long narrow 
winding defile, which widens out at 
three points where side valleys 
reach it at Plezzo, Caporetto and 
Tolmino. These widenings of the 
valley were the scenes of the Aus- 
trian and German attack, through 
which their armies moved forward 
into the plains of Italy. 



PLANS have been completed for 
the great enlargement of facilities 
for training and equipping the 
aerial photographic force for photo- 
graphing the German trenches from 
the skies and keeping up to the last 
minute the large composite picture 
of the whole German front. Future 
facilities will be three times those at 
present existing and will be in full 
operation in April. 

The three schools now operating 
at Langley Field, Fort Sill, and 
Cornell will be consolidated into one 
large school of aerial photography 


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at Rochester, N. Y., where all the 
primary training will be done. Spe- 
cial equipment has been provided, 
with over 100 instructors. The pres- 
ent schools will be used for special 
and advanced training, particularly 
for the photographic intelligence of- 
ficers who will accompany the planes 
into the air on special occasions. 
The bulk of the training, however, 
will be for the developing and print- 
ing work which must be done on a 
standardized plan, under processes 
specially developed during the war, 
and often in great haste on special 
motor lorries close to the front and 
to the staff. After a month’s course, 
the men will be given a short ad- 
vanced training and immediately 
sent overseas for operation in the 
American sector. 

Aerial photography has greatly 
developed during the war. During 
the single month of September, 
British official reports state that 15,- 
837 aerial photographs were taken 
by the British alone. No new trench 
can be dug, no new communication 
system opened up, no new batteries 

placed, but the ever-present and in-) 

fallible camera above records it for 

the examination of the staff below. 

So piercing has been this work that 
camouflage has been developed as a 
protection, thus forcing aerial pho- 
tography to even greater ingenuity. 

Every sector of the front is di- 
vided into plots about half a mile 
square, each one numbered and in- 
trusted to a squad of photographers 
who become fully familiar with it. 
As fast as the photographs are made 
they are developed, printed, reduced 
or enlarged to a standard scale, and 
then fitted into their place on the 
large composite photograph of the 
sector. This work requires a force 
of experts in developing, printing, 
and enlarging, as well as in map 
reading and interpretation. Cases 
are on record where only 20 min- 
utes have elapsed from the time a 
photographer snapped his camera 


over the German trenches until his 
batteries were playing upon the spot 
shown. In that time the airman 
had returned to his lines, the photo- 
graph been developed and printed, 
the discovery made, and the bat- 
teries given the range and ordered 
to fire. 


WE record with regret the death 
of Dr. Edmund Arthur Engler, for 
twenty years professor of mathemat- 
ics at Washington University, and 
for ten years president of the Wor- 
cester Polytechnic Institute; Dr. 
Henry Maudsley, the British alien- 
ist and psychologist; of Sir John 
Wolfe Barry, the British civil engi- 
neer, and of Dr. Maryan Smolu- 
chowski de Smolan, professor of 
physics at the University of Cracow. 

BONDS and cash amounting to $1,- 
693,000 representing the trust fund, 
established by Drs. Charles H. and 
William J. Mayo, of Rochester, the 
distinguished surgeons, for carrying 
on medical research work at the Uni- 
versity of Minnesota, have been 
turned over to the state treasurer.— 
The Rockefeller Foundation has ap- 
propriated $125,000 to continue the 
war demonstration hospital of the 
Rockefeller Institute, $50,000 for the 
work of the medical division of the 
National Research Council of the 
Council of National Defense and 
$12,281 for other medical war re- 
search and relief work.—It is ex- 
pected that the new Field Museum, 
Chicago, for which ground was 
broken in the summer of 1915, will 
be ready for the transfer of the 
contents of the old museum in Jack- 
son Park by August, 1919. The new 
building is situated south of Twelfth 
Street and east of the Illinois Cen- 
tral Station. It is of Georgia 
marble, and, exclusive of the porti- 
coes, will measure 756 feet long and 
350 feet wide. It will cost $5,000,- 




By Professor T. H. MORGAN 


HE mutation theory of evolution has met with a stormy 
eh reception, despite the fact that De Vries, and most of its 
supporters, have avowed themselves adherents of the doctrine 
of natural selection. Some of the older followers of Darwin 
have insisted that the large steps, which they still believe are 
the only kind that the mutation theory postulates, could not 
give the small continuous stages through which evolutionary 
changes take place. Now, the mutation theory has never made 
any such “ large’ claims. On the contrary, it has been pointed 
out repeatedly that the mutational changes may be extremely 
small. The theory does claim that the genetic factors are dis- 
continuous, although the characters that they stand for may 
or may not be discontinuous. De Vries himself has said in the 
“Mutation Theory” (Vol I, page 55): “Many mutations are 
smaller than the differences between extreme variants,’”’ mean- 
ing by the latter term fluctuating variations, pointing out by 
way of illustration that the constant species of Draba verna 
“differ less from each other than do extreme variations in the 
same characters.” While De Vries’s work on the evening prim- 
rose, Ginothera Lamarckiana, is generally conceded to be the 
starting point of the modern mutation theory, nevertheless, the 
peculiar way in which Lamarck’s primrose produces its new 
and recurrent types, which De Vries regarded as the real muta- 
tive process, has been difficult to harmonize with the way in 
which practically all other forms give rise to mutants. 

The genetic behavior of the evening primrose is so well 
known that it is superfluous to describe it here in detail, espe- 
cially since we are, for the moment, more concerned with the 
critical treatment of the results than with their exposition. It 

VOL. V.—25. 


will suffice to recall that De Vries found an escaped European 
garden plant known as @nothera Lamarckiana that produced 
new types in sufficient numbers to furnish numerical data of 
unusual value. Some of these new types bred true, although 
some of them continued to give further evidence of “ muta- 
tion.” Immediately the question arose: Is O. Lamarckiana a 
wild species, or a product of hybridization; and if the latter, is 
not its mutation process only the resolution of the hybrid into 
its components? The search for the wild type in America led 
practically to failure, but the search led to the important dis- 
covery that other wild species of the same and related genera 
were also mutating. Into the vexed question as to whether 
most or all wild types may not themselves be hybrids, it is not 
necessary to enter here; for if the point of view that I wish 
to present is correct, the behavior of O. Lamarckiana would be 
outwardly nearly the same whether it arose by the union of 
two species, each bearing lethals, or whether its present “ bal- 
anced lethal” condition arose within the plant itself, no matter 
what its origin may have been. 

That the situation in @nothera is complicated will be clear, 
I think, to any one who has followed De Vries’s latest work: 
“Gruppenweise Artbildung,” Davis’s experiments with forced 
germination, Geerts, Gates and Lutz in their cytological work, 
Stomps and Bartlett on mutability in other species of the genus, 
MacDougal, Heribert-Nilsson, G. H. Shull and Honing in their 
analytical work on the genetics of Gnothera. 

Recently a case apparently similar to the mutation phe- 
nomenon of Gnothera has been worked out on the fruit fly, 
Drosophila melanogaster, by Dr. H. J. Muller, which, I venture 
to think, gives us the clue that we have needed so long to show 
what takes place in Lamarck’s evening primrose when it throws 
off, in definite percentages, characteristic mutant types. This 
evidence makes it not improbable that this type of behavior of 
(Enothera may be due to the presence in it of lethal factors, so 
closely linked with recessive factors, that only when the linkage 
is broken do the recessive factors come to light. Here we have 
a remarkable situation, one that would have seemed, a priori, 
highly improbable, but now that we can at will make up stocks 
that give the same kind of results as does Gnothera the be- 
havior of this plant can be brought into line with mutation, as 
seen in other animals and plants. 

The history of the discovery of a balanced lethal stock in 
Drosophila and its interpretation by Muller is as follows: An 


early observed mutant of the fruit fly, Drosophila had Beaded 
wings. Beaded stock was bred for several years, and persisted 
in throwing some normal offspring. Selection produced no 
advance until suddenly a time came when Beaded no longer 
threw any normals; or so few as to be negligible. Why had it 
not been possible to make pure the stock in the first instance? 
And what happened when it became pure? 

Muller took up the work at this stage and has solved the 
problem as follows: He found that the factor for Beaded is 
dominant for wing character, but lethal in double dose. As in 
the case of the yellow mouse, only the hybrid (heterozygous) 
combination exists, and consequently when two Beaded flies 
mate they produce two Beaded to one normal fly, as shown in 
Fig. 1. Here the first pair of vertical lines stand for the pair 
of third chromosomes present in the egg before its reduction. 
The two factors here involved, that for Beaded and its allelo- 
morph for normal, are indicated at the lower end of the vertical 
lines. The two corresponding chromosomes in the male are 
represented to the right of the last. After the ripening of the 
germ ceils each egg and each sperm carries one or the other 

Eges Sperm 

B N 
t 2 Beaded : 1 Rormal, 

Fie. 1. 

of these chromosomes. Chance meetings of egg and sperm are 
indicated by the arrow-scheme below in the figure, which gives 
the combinations (classes) included in the four squares. The 
double dominant BB is the class that does not come through. 
The result is two Beaded (heterozygous) to one normal fly. 
The Beaded stock remained in this condition for a long 
time; although selected in every generation for Beaded, it did 


not improve, but continued to throw 33 per cent. of normal 
flies. Then it changed and bred nearly true. 

The change must have been due to the appearance of 
another lethal factor (now called lethal three or l, in the dia- 
gram), because a gene for such a lethal was found in the race 
when studied later by Muller. The lethal factor is recessive; 
it is fatal when in double dose. It behaves as do other lethals 
which Bridges and Sturtevant especially have demonstrated to 
be frequently present in Drosophila. In fact, lethal factors ap- 
pear to be the commonest type of mutation, which is not sur- 
prising when one recalls that most of the mutants are deficient 
types, whose defects, carried a step further, would in many 
cases be fatal to the individual. It is only in this sense that 
the term lethal factors is used by us. They are not supposed 
to be poisons or any special kind of modification, but only 
factors that cause some structural or physiological change of 
such a sort that the individual does not begin its development, 
or, if it does, it perishes somewhere along the road. In fact, 
we have lethals that affect the egg stages, the larval and pupal 
stages, the newly hatched flies, and semi-lethals that weaken 
the adults, although they do not necessarily kill. 

The lethal gene that appeared in the Beaded stock was also 
in the third chromosome, and in the chromosome that is the 
mate of the one carrying the gene of a Beaded, 7. e., in the 
normal third chromosome of the Beaded stock. The lethal 
gene lies so near to the level of the Beaded-normal pair of 
genes that almost no crossing-over takes place between the 
levels occupied by the two pairs. These relations are illus- 

Eggs Sperm 
N a 1, 
B NB N All Beaded 
NB 1H 
Fie. 2. 

trated in the next diagram, Fig. 2. Here again the two pairs 


of vertical lines to the left represent the two third-chromosome 
pairs in the female and to the right the male. The location 
of the two pairs of genes involved, N—1, and B—N, are indi- 
cated. These combinations give the four classes in the squares, 
of which two classes die, viz., NNBB (pure for Beaded) and 
L.1.NN (pure for lethal three). The result is that only Beaded 
flies come through, and since all these are heterozygous both for 
B, and for I, the process is self-perpetuating. 

If the preceding account represented all of the facts in the 
case, the stock of Beaded should have bred perfectly true, but 
it has been shown in Drosophila that crossing-over between the 
members of the pairs of genes takes place in the female. Hence 
we should expect a complication due to crossing-over here 
unless the level of the two pairs of genes was so nearly the 
same as to preclude this possibility. In fact, in addition to the 
Beaded flies the stock in this condition would give 10 per cent. 
of crossing-over, 2. e., it would still produce a small percentage 
of normal flies. It so happened, however, that there was 
present in the stock a third gene that lowers the amount of 
crossing-over in the female to such an extent that, for the two 
“ distances ” here involved, practically none takes place. When 
it does a normal fly appears, but this is so seldom that such an 
occurrence, if it happened in a domesticated form of which the 
wild type was unknown would be set down as a mutation like 
that shown by the evening primrose. 

Crossover Sperm 

NN 1B 

Fic. 3. 

The third factor that enters into the result is not unique, for 
Sturtevant has shown that crossover factors are not uncom- 
mon in Drosophila. The analysis that Muller has given for 


Beaded, while theoretical, is backed up by the same genetic 
evidence that is accepted in all Mendelian work. It makes an 
assumption that can be demonstrated by any one who will 
make the necessary tests. Lest it appear, however, that this is 
a special case depending upon a very unusual situation, let me 
hasten to add that with the material that we have in hand it is 
possible to produce at will other balanced lethal stocks that will 
“mutate” in the sense that they will throw off a small predict- 
able number of a mutant type—a type that we can introduce 
into the stock for the express purpose of recovering it by an 
apparent mutation process. 

Dichete is a third chromosome dominant wing and bristle 
character and like Beaded a recessive lethal. In a certain ex- 
periment flies with the gene for Dichete in one of the third 
chromosomes and with a gene for the recessive eye color peach 
in the other were inbred for several generations. A lethal 
appeared by mutation in the peach-bearing chromosome very 
near the level of the Dichete gene in the opposite chromosome. — 

The order of these genes is shown in Fig. 4. This is then a 

Hon crossover eggs 
(95% of total) Sperm 

y P es DNN 
D N D u Nip 
N° 1 N 1, eis Dichete 
N p N Pp : 
mp |i 
Dichete a 
DN N1.p 
DNN Bl, p 
Fic, 4. 

balanced lethal stock that throws only Dichete flies, except for 
a small percentage of Dichete peach flies due to crossing-over. 
The result for the non-crossover classes is shown in the next 
figure, Fig. 5. Only two of the four classes come through; 
the two that die are the one pure for Dichete and the one pure 
for lethal. The surviving classes continue to produce the same 
kind of offspring since they are, like the parents, heterozygous 
for the two lethal factors. But the factors are not near enough 
together to prevent crossing-over. This occurs in about 5 per 

1 Very rarely a crossover not—Dichete fly will appear. 


cent. of cases between the lethal and peach genes. The next 
diagram, Fig. 5, shows how when crossing-over takes place in 

Be DNp 
gs Nip 

Crossover eggs 
(5% of total) Sperm 

Dy N y N 
N ca ie 2 
p N N P 
95+95+5 Dichete i 
5 Dichete Pane =37 es = 
DNp my B 
ee | 
DNN Nlzp 

Fig, 5. 

the female, there result (see squares) four classes of which two 
die (as before), and of the two that survive one is Dichete 
peach. Taking both non-crossover and crossover results to- 
gether, the expectation is 95+95+45 Dichete to 5 Dichete 
peach or 9714 to 214. This stock then breeds true for Dichete 
without showing the gene it carries for peach eye color except 
in a small percentage of cases, and if the peach-eyed fly should 
be unable to establish itself in nature, like some of the G'no- 
thera mutants, the stock would not be changed by it, but con- 
tinue to throw off a few “mutants” with peach-colored eyes. 

Now this process is not what is ordinarily meant by muta- 
tion, for we mean by the latter that a new type has suddenly 
arisen in the sense that some change has taken place in the 
germ plasm—a new gene has been formed. The process here 
described is one of recombination of genes shown by Mendelian 
hybrids, the only unusual feature that all the phenomena in- 
volved do not come to the surface because many classes are 
destroyed by lethals. 

The results are interesting also in another way. It has 
been assumed by those who think that O. Lamarckiana is a 
hybrid that the mutant types are only the segregation products 
of the types or combinations that went in to produce the hybrid. 
But the Drosophila cases show that balanced lethal stocks may 
arise within stocks themselves by the appearance in them of 
lethal factors closely linked to other factors—new or old ones. 
When new genes arise in such lethal stocks the process may be 


one of true mutation, but the revelation of the presence of the 
gene is hindered by the lethal factors, so that when the char- 
acter appears, it appears in a much smaller number of indi- 
viduals than would be expected for a “free” mutant due to 
recombination of mutant genes that had arisen in an earlier 
generation. As a matter of fact, the first appearance of even 
ordinary mutants, unless they be dominant, must come two or 
more generations after the mutation has taken place, for the 
evidence indicates that mutation appears in only one chromo- 
some at atime.? In the case of sex-linked genes, however, any 
mutation that takes place in one of the X-chromosomes of the 
mother is revealed if the egg containing it gives rise to a son, 
because he has but one X-chromosome and that comes from his 

The delayed occurrence then of mutants in balanced stocks 
is not different from the delay in other stocks,—only when the 
recombinations occur in balanced lethal stocks they must have 
been preceded by crossing-over which diminishes the number 
of mutants that appears. The number of mutants that ap- 
pears is determined by the distance of the genes for the char- 
acter from the nearest lethal gene. 

One of the most interesting features of the evening prim- 
rose arises when it is bred to certain other species or varieties. 
It gives rise to two kinds of offspring called Twin Hybrids, to 
one pair of which De Vries gives the names lxta and velutina. 
Now it is a feature of balanced lethal stocks like Beaded that 

Wild Beaded 

{ | 

NB a N 7 
N N 1 


N B RN Twin Hybrids. 
Fic. 6. 

they repeat precisely this phenomenon. For instance, if a 
Beaded male is crossed to wild female, two kinds of offspring 
are produced, viz., Beaded and normal. A similar process 
would account for twin hybrids in Gnothera crosses. There 
is another peculiar phenomenon that has been described for 

2Tf in self-fertilizing forms a mutation takes place far back in the 
germ plasm the new character might appear at once. 


crosses in the evening primroses, viz., the occurrence in F, of 
four types. This phenomenon, too, can be imitated in Dyro- 
sophila by crossing balanced lethal Dichete to balanced lethal 
Beaded (Fig. 7). 

Dichete Beaded 
y N N 13] 
Bead. .Dichetse Dichete 
N N N ly 
N N B N 
Both stocks breed true Four types in F, 1:1:1:1 

Fic, 7. 

Other parallels might be cited, but these, I think, will suffice 
to indicate very strongly that the discovery of balanced lethal 
stocks may solve the outstanding difficulty of mutation and 
inheritance in CGnothera and bring it into line with other 
groups. There are, of course, other peculiarities of the evening 
primrose that such zygotic lethals will not explain; such, for 
instance, as the 15-chromosome type; and O. gigas. But these 
cases are already on the road to solution. 

The occurrence of other lethals, called gametic lethals, that 
kill the germ cells—gametes—before they are ready for fer- 
tilization, has already been invoked by De Vries and others to 
explain the peculiarity of double reciprocal hybrids. As Dro- 
sophila has not shown any gametic lethals, we have no such 
parallel to this case, but confirmatory evidence has been found 
in other cases, as in Matthiola (Stock), and it is not likely that 
De Vries’s hypothesis will be seriously questioned. 

If this diagnosis is correct, the “mutation” of Qnothera 
is nearer solution than ever before. Much that has been ob- 
secure is clearing up. The so-called mutation process in Gino- 
thera has turned out to be, I venture to think, largely a phe- 
nomenon of lethals—zygotic and gametic. 

Whether the genes now present in the plant arose by in- 
corporation of mutant types by hybridizing has no longer the 
same interest that it had before the discovery of the phe- 


nomenon of balanced lethals, because the most characteristic 
“mutation” process of G/nothera is difficult to explain even if 
it arose through hybridization, unless the races that entered 
into its composition already contained balanced lethals. In 
which case it is the latter relation that gives the unique feature 
to the Gnothera mutation process, and not its possible hybrid 
combination. On the other hand, if the lethal and mutant 
genes arose directly in Lamarckiana, its peculiar mutation 
behavior would be due to their presence, quite irrespective of 
its history. In other words, it is in either case the balanced 
lethal condition that gives to this plant its extraordinary pro- 
pensity to throw a considerable percentage of recurrent mutant 
types. Possibly I am too unfamiliar with the Ginothera work, 
or too optimistic, but I can not but rejoice at the possibility of 
accounting for the riddle of G/nothera on the theory of bal- 
anced lethal factors. 


Undoubtedly the conception of the gene as a complex or- 
ganic molecule or group of molecules located in the hereditary ~ 
materials is the view most easily visualized when dealing with 
mutational “units,” but however attractive and practical such 
a simple notion may be, we can not afford to accept it without 
careful analysis of the evidence supposedly in its favor. What 
is this evidence? 

The segregation of the members of each pair of Mendelian 
genes clearly leads to the idea of independent units. It would 
be unprofitable to discuss whether these units are material 
particles or dynamic centers independent of material support. 
Standing on a chemical basis as physiology does to-day, we may 
without further discussion take for granted that the genes are 
some sort of chemical bodies. 

The evidence that these bodies are carried by the chromo- 
somes is also on a substantial footing. This evidence has been 
so fully discussed in recent books and articles that it need not 
be taken up here. 

The assortment of the different pairs of Mendelian genes 
has been found to be conditioned by the phenomenon of link- 
age which is now reasonably explained by the assumption that 
linked genes are those carried by the same chromosome. This 
interpretation is gaining ground in all fields of genetics and in 
my opinion has been demonstrated to be true for the chromo- 
somes of Drosophila. 


The linear order of the genes in the chromosomes—each 
chromosome containing one linear order—is the only view so 
far suggested that will account for all the facts relating to 
linkage with its associated phenomena of crossing-over and of 

Beyond this point conclusions become more problematical. 
How much or how little of the chromosome thread corresponds 
to a gene can at present be deduced only from the genetic evi- 
dence. Some of the possible deductions that can be drawn 
from this evidence seem to be the following: 

So long as a stock breeds true to a given standard, in the 
sense that its individuals fluctuate about the same mode, the 
stock bears evidence to the constancy of the genes. This con- 
clusion rests on the assumption that the differences shown by 
the individuals of such “pure” stock are due to differences in 
the environment that each has encountered in the course of its 
life. To prove this view to be correct required the carefully 
controlled experiments that Johannssen carried out with 
Princess beans. In this case, through long inbreeding, which 
its natural self-fertility ensured, the stock had become homo- 
zygous for all of its contained factors. Hence individual size 
difference must have been environmental and this was shown 
to be the case, for when the large beans and the small beans 
that came from the same parent were sown, the group of indi- 
viduals derived from the small beans showed exactly the same 
distribution as the group from the large beans. 

Does this demonstration of the constancy of the gene mean 
that the gene itself is an absolute quantity? The mutationist 
has sometimes been reproached on the grounds that he deduces 
the constancy of the gene in defiance of the plain fact that all 
races of animals and plants are variable, and that this vari- 
ability is indeed their chief peculiarity. The answer to this sup- 
posed reproach is two-fold: First, nobody claims that Johanns- 
sen’s evidence demonstrates that the gene is absolutely fixed 
in the sense of being quantitatively invariable; and second that 
the expected results for the group of individuals studied would 
be the same whether the gene were absolute in a quantitative 
sense or whether its “constancy” were due to its variability 
about a critical modal quantity. This point has been so little 
discussed and so often misunderstood that it may be well to 
consider it for a moment. 

Let us use the term, quantitatively fixed, in the sense in 
which a molecule is said to be fixed. Leaving aside the finer 


distinctions that might be made on .he grounds that some re- 
cent work has shown that even the sa1.1e chemical element may 
exhibit differences in its atomic weight, it will not be dis- 
puted that modern chemistry goes forward on the assumption 
that the molecule is a fixed quantity. If the gene is a fixed 
quantity in exactly this sense, results of the kind that Johanns- 
sen has found are consistently explained. But there is no evi- 
dence that conclusively establishes this view. As an alternative 
view the gene may be looked upon as a certain amount 
of material that varies about a modal amount. The amount 
with which the individual starts might then be supposed to 
influence the characters of the individual in the plus or minus 
direction as determined by the starting point. On the other 
hand, even if individuals started with slightly different quanti- 
ties, the fluctuations in the amount throughout the process 
of cell divisions that build up the embryo might be expected 
to neutralize the initial difference. In other words, the as- 
sumed quantitative fluctuations of the gene in the germ-plasm 
stream might be expected to recur also in the body cells 
of the individual and “compensate,” so to speak, for any vari- 
able differences at the start. Before we can hope to make any 
further advances along these lines it may be necessary to know 
more about the chemical structures of the chromatin thread and 
the process involved when it splits lengthwise into two daughter 
threads. In the meantime it is permissible to use the expres- 
sion “constancy of the gene” in either sense defined above. 

In the course of Mendelian work in general and more espe- 
cially in connection with the clean-cut cleavage phenomenon 
behind Mendelian segregation the question has come up as to 
whether the heterozygous members of the same pair of genes 
may not contaminate each other either during their long resi- 
dence in the same cell or in the supposedly more intimate union 
during the brief conjugation of the chromosome threads at 
synapsis. We know too little of the relation of the chromatin 
materials at either of these periods for any a priori argument 
to carry the slighest weight. The decision must come from 
the genetic evidence itself. If such a phenomenon were of 
general occurrence it would of course entirely obscure the 
whole Mendelian idea of segregation. It has not been claimed 
by any one in a position to weigh the evidence that contamina- 
tion is general. The appeal has been made only in a few cases 
in order to account for supposed departures from the Men- 
delian process of clean separation of the genes. In not one of 


these cases, so far as I know, has the evidence been convincing, 
and in none of them has the alternative hypothesis of modify- 
ing factors been excluded. Until such evidence is brought 
forward it seems more probable that the generally admitted 
process of clean separation of the genes is characteristic of the 
segregation process. How this result may at times appar- 
ently be obscured will be described later when dealing with 
modifying factors and also with multiple allelomorphs. 

The constancy of the gene may be made to appear in a some- 
what ludicrous light when a commonly accepted view of mutant 
genes is brought into the present connection. The presence 
and absence hypothesis assumes that mutation is due to loss of 
a factor from the original germ plasm. Taken in a literal 
sense the absent factor is gone, and there can be no opening 
for a discussion of quantitative values or of contamination. 
This and many other difficulties are settled once for all by 
presence or absence. This might, indeed, be claimed as an 
advantage for the hypothesis. But on the other hand, the 
hypothesis has never had any direct evidence to support it. It 
was proposed as a formal way of expressing the fact that the 
normal allelomorph and its partner are constant and members 
of a pair that segregates. Any other formulation that ex- 
presses clearly this relation explains the data as well. 

It is true that there was behind the idea a form of anthropo- 
morphism that has made a wide appeal. Many mutant char- 
acters appear as a loss when considered from the viewpoint of 
the original character. The great majority of the familiar 
mutant characters are recessive, and most of them show the 
character less highly developed in a sense than the same charac- 
ter in the wild form. For instance, white flowers and albino 
animals appear clearly to be due to a loss of pigment. The 
paler colors of several mutant races, such as thirty mutant eye 
colors of the fruit fly, seem less well developed than the red eye 
color of the wild fly. If it is legitimate to argue from the 
degree of development of the character to the condition of that 
mutant gene that stands in causal relation to it, a plausible ar- 
gument may be made out for presence and absence. There are, 
however, not only counter arguments that have as much or as 
little weight according to one’s personal inclinations, but in the 
case of multiple allelomorphs there is evidence against this in- 
terpretation, and it is important to insist, that since it is here 
only that we have any really critical evidence, it is hardly fair 
to ignore it. 

The arguments against the interpretation of absence are as 


follows: First, it is entirely illegitimate to argue from the 
nature of the character to the nature of the change in the germ 
plasm that produces the character. Theoretically it must be 
conceded that any change in the germ plasm should be expected 
to produce some change in the character or characters of the 
individual, and if the wild type has been brought to a high stage 
of development almost any change might be expected to cause a 
falling away from the highest condition that has been attained. 
But “ any change” need not be a loss in the germ plasm. 

Second, in order to account for dominant mutant characters 
the adherents of “ presence and absence” feel obliged to assume 
a loss of an inhibiting gene, because it is difficult for them to 
believe that an absence could dominate a presence. There is, 
however, no @ priori reason why an absence in the germ plasm 
might not cause a dominance in the character, for the character 
is, after all, only the sum total of all of the influences in the germ 
plasm. The concession made here by the adherents of presence 
and absence is interesting, however, in so far as it shows how 
literally they take their absences. 

Other a priori arguments might be brought forward, but the 
evidence from multiple allelomorphs is so convincing that it is 
not necessary to discuss the hypothesis in a purely formal way. 
In fact, if the hypothesis were understood only as a convenient 
way of formulating Mendelian results the discussion would re- 
solve itself into one of personal preference, and have no further 
weight; but as will be pointed out later this interpretation has 
been used as an attack on the mutation theory itself, for losses 
do not appear to be the stuff that evolution is made of. Bate- 
son has recently developed a kind of evolutionary scheme that 
attributes all change to loss, shifting the problem of the origin 
of the genes to a remote past instead of attempting to solve the 
problem. It is, however, not this theoretical possibility that I 
referred to above, but to attacks on the mutation theory on the 
grounds that the mutation process is different in kind from the 
changes that lead to the evolution of animals and plants. This 
point may be next considered. 


There is a predisposition on the part of systematists, paleon- 
tologists, and a few other students of “‘ wild” types to deny that 
mutants are identical with the variation from which evolution 
obtains its materials. The reasons for their objections might 
repay more careful and impartial analysis than they have yet 
received. The chief contention that evolution has been by 


means of very small changes does not require further attention, 
since we now know that some of the genes that are typically 
Mendelian in behavior produce even smaller differences than 
those that distinguish wild varieties and paleontological grada- 
tions. Unless such small specific and paleontological differ- 
ences can be studied by the exact methods familiar to students 
of heredity it is not possible by inspection for any one to make 
any statement in regard to their hereditary behavior as Men- 
delian units or as not such units. By way of illustrating how 
difficult it may be even when genetic material is available to 
detect the nature of a slight change, I need only recall the fact 
that some of the mutant differences depend on specific modifiers 
that act visibly only when the chief factor so-called is itself 
present. Another illustration is also to the point. Owing to 
the many-sided effects of single genic differences the structural 
effect of a gene may be only a by-product of other important 
and essential physiological effects that it brings about. Hence 
any deductions based on the visible changes in the structure 
may be entirely misleading. 

It is important not to forget that any haphazard change in 
a highly organized piece of machinery is likely to injure the 
machine. There must be comparatively few alterations that 
would improve the adaptive relation of such a system. Fur- 
thermore, changes are more likely to succeed if they affect some 
detail than if they cause sudden and great alterations, for even 
an extreme alteration, in itself beneficial when considered alone, 
may be injurious unless the rest of the organism is in harmony 
with it. It is no doubt this last consideration that is upper- 
most in the minds of those who contend that evolution must 
take place by slight advances in directions that do not throw 
the organism out of harmony in the delicate adjustments 
already acquired. It is true that many mutant changes are ex- 
treme ones and hence will be rejected in general competition, or 
indifferent, and hence have small chance of getting a foothold. 
It is, however, unfair to extend this consideration and infer 
that no mutations will be advantageous. In fact, unless evolu- 
tion is directed by mysterious Unknown Agents along adaptive 
lines, by Unknown-chemical-elements, 7. e., by some Bion, the 
chance that any random change will be disadvantageous is 
inevitable, regardless of whether variations are due to muta- 
tions or to some other sort of change. If past competition has 
raised living species to a high point of efficiency in the environ- 
ment in which they maintain themselves, the expectation of im- 
provement through any one random change must be very small. 


Some at least of the differences of opinion between the muta- 
tionist and the systematist may be traced to the above sources. 
There are also other grounds of disagreement: (1) The fact, 
for instance, that most of the characters studied by mutation- 
ists appear to be deficiencies has prejudiced students of evolu- 
tion against these characters as a class. (2) The fact that 
most of the mutant types as well as many of the domesticated 
animals and cultivated plants can survive only under the arti- 
ficial conditions of man’s care may appear to put them all out 
of court when comparisons are made with wild types. (3) 
The fact that many of the mutant characters of domesticated 
forms are recessive has been supposed to count against their 
consideration as factors in evolution. 

These “facts” undoubtedly call for consideration. Let us 
attempt to give them their full value and see if they really in- 
validate the view of the mutationist who believes that the mu- 
tations that he meets with throw light on what kinds of varia- 
tions contribute to evolution. 

In answer to the first (1) objection, that many mutant 
types are deficient, 7. e., less complicated, it should be pointed 
out that the objection would hold only if all mutants were de- 
ficiencies. This is not the case, for some of them are actual ad- 
ditions or further developments of the original structures. No 
one would pretend to maintain that the majority of mutant 
changes have a survival value. But mutationists do think that 
mutant changes having a survival vajue arise in the same way 
as do others that have no such value; for, they can point to 
actual cases where such mutants have survived and replaced the 
original type, and they have found no evidence that supports the 
view that useful and useless characters arise in entirely dif- 
ferent ways. The opponents of the mutation theory have occa- 
sionally tried to make it appear that mutationists believe that 
most of the deficient mutant types that they study represent, or 
might represent, possible stages in the evolutionary process. 
I do not know of a single advocate of such a view— it is palpably 

The second objection, viz., that mutant types survive only 
under domestication, has really no bearing on the question 
unless it could be shown that all mutant characters are unfitted 
for survival. As a matter of fact, numerous cases are on record 
where mutant differences characterize wild races and species 
of animals and plants. 

The third objection is more difficult to meet because the re- 
lation of dominance to recessiveness is always a relative matter, 


and also largely a matter of definition. The following consid- 
erations have nevertheless a bearing on the supposed difficulty: 
(a) Dominant mutants, if they introduce an advantageous 
change, have a better chance of survival than recessive ones 
equally endowed, because the individual that carries the domi- 
nant gene has the immediate survival advantage that the char- 
acter endows it with. (6b) Since it appears that a large pro- 
portion of mutant types are recessive, the chance, that any wild 
type gene that occurs has arisen as a recessive mutation is in- 
creased. (c) After genes have been incorporated in the wild 
type there is no way of knowing whether they arose as a 
dominant or as a recessive mutation. That they may later be 
more likely to produce new genes recessive to them is not an 
argument that they themselves arose as dominants. 

There is a further consideration to be noted in the above 
connection. It is not true that most dominants are superior to 
the wild type from which they arose. Several known dominant 
mutants are no better off than other recessive mutants, con- 
versely some new recessive mutants have a higher survival 
value than some of the new dominants. It is questionable 
whether dominant mutants as a class are better endowed for 
survival than recessives. 

In conclusion, then, it appears that the objection to reces- 
Sives is based on the ground that they are mutants rather than 
that they are recessives. 

There still remains a further highly theoretical considera- 
tion that may be briefly referred to in this connection. Why so 
many new mutations should be recessive is admittedly a prob- 
lem for which we have no solution. It will not suffice to state 
that' the wild type will probably be more stable if the mutant 
is a dominant, for, so far as we know, the stability of a gene has 
nothing to do with its dominance. There is evidence that the 
mutant gene is as stable, in the sense that it is no more likely 
to mutate again, as is the allelomorphic gene representing the 
wild type. Suppose, however, that the wild-type gene is a 
highly complex compound or molecule. It seems plausible to 
assume that disintegrative changes would be more likely to 
occur than changes that build it up into higher stages of com- 
plexity. Suppose, further, that degradation (loss of complexity) 
carries with it the likelihood that the character itself is less 
highly specialized, or developed, or conspicuous (any vague 
phrase will suffice), it may then appear reasonable that the 
more highly specialized end product will be the furthest reached 

VOL. V.—26. 


and hence dominate the product derived from any degraded 
stage.? Such considerations are highly speculative at the pres- 
ent stage of genetic work and we lack entirely evidence that 
can give them any special weight. For the present it is better, 
I think, to leave such difficulties in abeyance. It is, however, 
not improbable that we may gain some light on this question 
when we come to know more about the relations of mutant 
dominant genes to the wild type gene, from which they are de- 
rived. Already some important facts have come to light in the 
behavior of the gene for Bar eyes in Drosophila, as shown by 
Zeleny and May. 

It should not pass unnoticed that the preceding discussion 
takes for granted, by implication at least, that new genes do 
not appear; in a word, that the most primitive organism had the 
same number of genes as have the more highly evolved animals 
and plants. Bateson has shown where the assumption that all 
new genes are losses of old ones leads. But the opposite point 
of view is tenable, viz., that new genes arise during evolution, 
and even that evolution is due to their appearance. How new 
genes could arise is unknown—whether by a splitting process 
within the chain of old ones, or by doubling of chromcsomes, or 
duplication of parts of chromosomes, or out of some less special- 
ized substratum in which the existing genes are embedded. If 
the mutations that we study are really only degradation prod- 
ucts (losses if one prefers) of genes that have arisen in a dif- 
ferent way during the evolutionary process, it might still be 
conceded that they are useful in recombination which may be 
one, even though it may not seem to be the most important, phe- 
nomenon of evolution. 

It is true that practically all the genes we know anything 
about are transmitted according to Mendel’s laws, and it is only 
genes so transmitted that are involved in heredity, except in 
the few cases of plastid transmission. If, then, it should be 
claimed that evolutionary genes arise in a different way from 
Mendelian genes, it must be granted that the former behave as 
partners to the latter in the same way as the latter behave as 
partners to each other when they meet, as in the case of mul- 

3 Bateson, arguing from character to gene, has suggested that the 
mosaic distribution of color, for example, is due to a fractionation of the 
gene. The speculation above has only a remote resemblance to this view. 
There need be no relation whatsoever between the nature of the change 
in the gene and the way in which its effects are distributed except that, as 
here suggested, degradation of the gene may weaken the extent to which 

some end stage or part of that end stage is realized. For dilution effects 
the two views are not so obviously different. 


tiple allelomorphs. Such a relation can not, however, be used 
to establish the identity of the two suppositious classes of 
genes. We must search elsewhere for evidence bearing on this 
important question. 


In his original definition of the Mutation Theory, De Vries 
regarded the change, however slight, as one that was far- 
reaching, producing an individual that was something new 
throughout. He compared the mutant types to the small species 
of Draba verna or to other polymorphic groups familiar to 
botanists. The Mendelian work led ait first to a somewhat dif- 
ferent conception of the change involved in a single muta- 
tion. The emphasis was laid on “unit characters,” so-called. 
It was generally implied that a mutation in the germ plasm led 
to a change in some particular organ of the body, 7. e., its 
effects were localized, not general. During the seventeen years 
that have elapsed since De Vries’s formulation it has become 
apparent that the more familiar we are with a given form the 
more changes we can generally recognize associated with a 
single mutation, although it is also true that in many cases some 
one organ often shows the effects more conspicuously, and this 
organ is chosen as a matter of convenience as the earmark of 
mutation. On the whole, the evidence has made it clear that 
De Vries was more nearly right in his diagnosis. The more 
extreme claim would be that a change in any gene in the germ 
plasm affects all parts of the resulting individual. The oppo- 
site claim would be that a change in the members of a pair of 
genes affects only a particular part of the body, thus identify- 
ing “unit changes” in the germ plasm with “ unit characters” 
in the individual. The evidence that we now have shows that 
in most cases at least neither extreme statement corresponds 
with the facts, but that while the particular genes often pro- 
duce their most marked effects on certain regions or organs of 
the body, yet it is no less important to recognize the widespread 
effects of mutant genes. Any attempt to identify the nature 
of the gene from the changes it produces in one organ can not 
safely ignore its other effects in other organs. If the prod- 
ucts of a gene do not act on a particular organ in its final stage, 
but through a chain of reactions in the embryo, we should ex- 
pect more than a single kind of effect. 

If, as just stated, each gene may affect several parts of the 
body, it follows with some probability that the same part may 


be affected by several genes. A similar conclusion is reached 
in another way. There are many mutants that show differ- 
ences in the same organ, each difference dependent on a dif- 
ferent gene. In the fruit fly, for instance, there are about 50 
different eye colors, 15 body colors and many races with wings 
of different length, shape and breadth. It is probable that at 
least several, perhaps all, of the normal allelomorphs (genes) of 
the eye colors may also take part in the formation of the eye 
color in the sense that they all take part in building up the 
body, and the end result is modified according to the sub- 
stratum that they have produced. Carried to an extreme the 
view might mean that every part of the body is influenced by 
the total of all the genes, which means, of course, the entire 
germ plasm. The conception is exactly the converse of the 
Roux-Weismann conception of the relation between the germ 
plasm and the end-product of its activity, which conceived each 
end result as the special product of one or a few particular 
genes. The statement sometimes made that the modern genetic 
conception of the gene is identical with that of Weismann is not 
even half true. What the two theories have in common is not 
peculiar to Weismann, viz., that the germ plasm is made up of 
discrete particles—a view held by Bonnet, Herbert Spencer, 
Darwin, Haeckel and several other naturalists—and what the 
two views do not have in common is the special relation be- 
tween the gene and the character that Weismann, following 
Roux (who in turn goes back to Bonnet, not to trace the theory 
to the preformationists themselves), made one of the chief sup- 
ports of his theory of development. 

It is not necessary to advocate the extreme view mentioned: 
above—that every part is influenced by the whole germ plasm. 
As yet our information is too meager to warrant such a wide 
generalization, yet speaking personally the view is more sym- 
pathetic to me than the one that limits the influence of each 
gene to a very few regions of the body. I incline more to the 
other side, because the embryological history of the individual 
shows that the differentiation of the organs is a gradual process 
through which successive stages are passed in building up the 
complicated end product. If each of the stages is under the in- 
fluence of the hereditary material, any alteration at any stage 
in the building up might be expected to affect in some degree 
the end results. 

This relation is somewhat similar to another relation, but 
the two should not be confused with each other A specific gene 
may be essential to the normal development of a certain organ, 


which organ through an internal secretion may affect other 
parts of the body, or even the body “as a whole.” If, for ex- 
ample, the development of the thyroid gland were known to be 
dependent on the presence of a certain kind of gene (amongst 
all of the others involved in its formation) a change in the 
postulated gene leading to the arrest in the development of the 
thyroid gland would, owing to the lack of a sufficient amount of 
some internal secretion of that gland, produce a malformed 
child with all of the various stigmata of the cretin. The con- 
clusion that the gene ultimately produces its effect on the body 
by means of an internal secretion, here thyroidin, does not 
mean that the gene itself is thyroidin. It is conceivable that 
it may be, but such an assumption is not a necessary deduction 
from the evidence, and is not needed for the logical interpreta- 
tion of the results. We hope of course some day to discover 
the nature of the materials that we call genes and the way in 
which they affect the developmental process, but in the mean- 
time the distribution of the materials of the germ plasm during 
the ripening of the eggs and sperm is the center of present in- 
terest to students of Mendelian heredity. While I am aware 
that this statement may seem to take a too narrow view of the 
problems involved, separating as it does the mechanism of Men- 
delian heredity from the later physiological influences of the 
gene on embryonic development, it has proven in practise pre- 
mature to base speculations as to the composition of the gene 
on the physiological processes that take place at some unknown 
stage in the development of the embryo even although these 
processes are admittedly due to the presence of a special gene. 




HE highest duty of every nation is to live up to its possi- 
bilities. If it performs this duty, its welfare is assured 
and it will command the respect of all other nations. The 
greatest problem before any nation is that of developing its 
resources to the utmost. The solution of this problem involves 
a thorough knowledge of all resources—natural, intellectual, 
manual and financial—and thorough knowledge of all means of 
making the most of them. Since our knowledge is far from 
complete, fundamental principles must be determined by re- 
search, and the application of those principles to special prob- 
lems investigated. Finally, since productive life periods are 
relatively short, attention must be given the transmission of 
valuable accumulated knowledge by education. 

Every military upheaval focuses attention on fundamental 
national problems. The lessons learned during the period of a 
war constitute its most valuable product. One of the great 
lessons of this war is the value of highly developed resources in 
inhibiting warfare and in determining its outcome. It behooves 
us therefore to give earnest consideration to the problem of 
living up to our possibilities. We have organized knowledge, 
judgment and experience sufficient to make a good start and the 
time appears ripe to consider ways and means of making more 
effective our efforts to further the interests of our country and 
of all sound portions of the world at large. This outline of 
some of the more general problems involved may serve to direct 
increased attention to such problems. Although the value of 
the application of organized knowledge by specialists to prob- 
lems of general interest is a matter of the simplest common 
sense, we are only beginning to apply organized knowledge in 
an organized manner and the results to be anticipated from such 
an application are almost beyond conception. 

Problems directly concerning the welfare of the nation fall 
chiefly into six groups: (1) Problems concerning the relation of 
this to other nations, (2) national problems, (8) problems con- 


cerning relations between the nation and organizations with- 
in it, (4) problems relating to organizations, (5) those concern- 
ing the relation between organizations and individuals and (6) 
problems relating to individuals. More or less common to all 
groups are certain general classes of problems of such general 
interest as to be worth special treatment, namely, (7) education, 
(8) research and (9) the psychology of achievement. 

1. International Relations.—Problems in international rela- 
tions have to do with the relation between one nation and 
another of equal sovereignty and approximately equal strength, 
between one nation and other lesser nations, between a nation 
and its dependencies and with the rights of a nation to deal as 
it will with its own internal affairs. 

The fundamental principle governing international relations 
is simple from a biological point of view. Those principles will 
in the end prevail which are backed by the greatest bulk and 
activity of resources; natural, intellectual, manual and finan- 
cial; in other words, by the greatest sum of potential and kinetic 
energies. Mere intellect or money alone will not prevail, nor 
will natural resources or military strength. The creed of 
national selfishness goes down before the creed of altruism 
because it is inconsistent with true international democracy. 
This can recognize no special privilege among nations, since 
it is not in accord with the biological principle just stated. In 
these days of international information and activity, inter- 
national public opinion will have its way, since it commands 
the bulk of effective resources. Hesitancy to sacrifice indus- 
tries and individuals and intrigue by a minority may delay a 
settlement, but the final outcome is assured. 

‘The right of one sovereign state to deal with another as it 
sees fit has never been explicitly conceded nor denied, since no 
direct means of enforcing regulations have existed. The prob- 
lem of limitations is comparable with that of the right of one 
individual to treat another as he pleases. Common sense says 
that a policy of amity and equity is by far the most advan- 
tageous; common law holds that certain limitations may be 
exceeded only at the risk of certain penalties. A nation that 
oversteps the bounds of amity and equity in its dealings with its 
neighbors must just as surely pay the penalty, for human races 
the world over detest a bully and love fair play. In the interest 
of humanity, however, codes should be formulated and should 
be enforced by an effective international police in order that 
bullying and wars for aggrandizement should be put an end to 
for all time. 


All political rights of the smaller sovereign states will un- 
doubtedly be guaranteed by the economic majority of other 
nations at any time the issue is forced. Such nations are en- 
titled to identically the same inalienable rights to exist, develop 
and manage their own affairs that are possessed by the strong- 
est nations. On the other hand, the non-political rights of such 
lesser nations are properly proportional to the massed resources 
of each. 

The relations between a nation and its dependencies must be 
based on the same principle if there is to be development with- 
out revolution. There must be such free interchange of re- 
sources as will benefit both colony and mother country. A 
nation whose policy is one of fair play leaning toward altruism 
will always be successful with her colonies, while a policy of 
selfishness and condescension will ruin the best of colonies. 
Finally, as a colony grows there must be continued readjust- 
ment of political rights to keep pace with the increasing rela- 
tive bulk of intellectual and economic resources in the colony. 

The basic principle of world democracy politically is the 
complete abolition of special privileges. The logical applica- 
tion of this principle to international relations means complete 
autonomy, self-determination, government by and with the con- 
sent of the governed. The practical problems in this field relate 
to the establishment of such limitations to these rights as may 
be necessary to secure the ultimate greatest good of the world 
at large. 

2. National Problems.—The various classes of national 
problems center about the single one of securing the maximum 
development and utilization of resources. Progress requires 
first of all stability and stability depends primarily upon effi- 
ciency of administration. Comprehensive surveys of resources 
—natural, intellectual, manual and financial—are required as 
the first step in their development, utilization and conservation. 
Corps of trained experts must say what can be done and how 
it can best be done. The actual work of development, con- 
servation and utilization falls chiefly upon individuals and 
organizations, but it is a governmental function to supervise at 
all times and regulate when necessary. National authority 
should be asserted in proportion to national responsibility, that 
is, to the extent to which the interests of the people as a whole 
are affected. 

Administrative problems relate chiefly to resources and are 
dealt with through various departments and bureaus. It goes 


without saying that each class of problems should be cared for 
by a specialist in that class of work and that the leading spe- 
cialists of the country should be at the service of the nation. 
In order to secure an adequate supply of such experts, it may be 
best to reorganize various departments and bureaus to perform 
somewhat more of the functions of graduate schools than at 
present. This would attract more and better men to the 
national service and secure for the nation and for the industries 
more high-grade experts in the application of organized knowl- 
edge to practical problems. Along with the elimination of 
partisan politics and other kinds of special privilege, it would 
be in the interest of administrative efficiency to put in effect a 
national system of advancement—the student becoming a spe- 
cialist, the specialist with ability and experience becoming an 
expert and the expert with broad and sure judgment advancing 
to the higher administrative positions. This is the ‘‘ Business 
Method” and is beyond question the best method of securing 
efficient administration. 

A democracy may be either the best and strongest or the 
worst and weakest form of government, according to the extent 
to which it adopts business methods, putting its ablest experts 
in control at the top and having all important problems solved 
by specialists. Such a democracy will have a considerable ad- 
vantage over even the best form of autocracy, since in the latter 
the governing class is not chosen from so wide a selection. 

3. The Nation and Internal Organizations.—National stabil- 
ity requires that national authority be supreme over every in- 
ternal organization, whatever its nature; political, industrial, 
religious, protective or otherwise. And stability is the first 
requisite of a national organization. The principle is that the 
interests of the people as a whole (the nation) must be rated 
higher than the interests of any component part, be it an 
individual or a powerful state or industrial organization. Bio- 
logically, this all-important principle is so simple as to be ab- 
surd. Unless parts of our bodies, for example, worked har- 
moniously together for the common good, we could not long 

The practical problems in this field relate chiefly to the 
proper limitations to be placed upon organizations to secure the 
greatest possible good to the nation. The Sherman Law aimed 
to secure the national welfare against the encroachments of 
powerful organizations seeking only their own selfish ag- 
grandizement. Its enforcement has resulted in serious inter- 


ference with normal growth. Such growth should be en- 
couraged, but firmly directed toward the national welfare. 

Other more sinister organizations seek not only their own 
welfare and aggrandizement above that of all other people in 
the nation, but acknowledge a higher allegiance to an alien head 
than to the nation. This anomaly is of course a serious menace 
to national stability and could not long exist except under the 
cloak of secrecy and evasion. There is but one solution for 
this problem—elimination of such kind or kinds as are applied 
to cancerous growths. 

Labor organizations, on the other hand, are entirely loyal as 
a rule, but their aims at first sight appear crude and selfish and 
evidence little regard for the interests of those not within the 
organization. Every strike, however, is more than a mere de- 
mand for higher wages or for greater power through the closed 
shop. It is a back fire against the equally selfish aggrandize- 
ment of capital. Due to its entrenched position, capital has 
always been prone to claim special privilege and the lion’s share 
of the profits accruing from the cooperation between laborers, 
capitalists and engineering experts. It will be difficult to solve 
the problem of fair play in this case, since it involves the equi- 
table distribution of earnings where no general rules are perhaps 
possible. Such equity depends largely upon lateral conditions, 
and these vary widely in special cases. The government is 
confronted with this problem (1) in an advisory capacity in 
dealings between industrial organizations and labor and (2) 
wherever it employs bodies of labor. 

4. Relations between Organizations.—Problems concerning 
the relation of one organization to others are relatively few 
and simple. In equity each one, small or large, must be secured 
the right to grow and develop its resources without other limita- 
tions than those demanded by the general welfare. Combina- 
tion and secession are to be carefully regulated. Combinations 
to secure greater efficiency and economy are to be encouraged 
and fostered while side combinations for the purpose of secur- 
ing exclusive rights are not to be tolerated. Wide latitude may 
safely be given any organization in the management of ex- 
clusively internal affairs. No special privileges can be granted 
one organization or class of organizations that are denied 

5. Relations within Organizations.—Problems concerning 
relations between organizations and subordinate organizations 
and individuals are similar in character to those concerning 


relations between the nation and internal organizations— 
strictly internal affairs are not to be interfered with from out- 
side. Industrial organizations present problems of difficulty. 
They are essentially triumvirate in nature, consisting of (1) 
plant, tools and materials representing capital, (2) technical 
information and skill and (3) operating labor. In the larger 
older organizations the three are quite distinct; a group of 
bankers supply the capital, hired experts do designing, testing 
of raw materials and product and make sales while more or less 
skilled labor keeps up routine production. The equitable divi- 
sions of earnings and losses is a difficult problem. When capital 
assumes responsibility for losses or contributes valuable ideas 
it is obviously entitled to a larger share than when it does 
neither. When technical experts shall have become as strongly 
entrenched as both capital and labor now are, the working out 
of the principles of equity may be brought to an issue. 

6. Relations between Individuals——The principles govern- 
ing relations between individuals are already fairly well cov- 
ered by the ordinary civil and criminal codes, worked in accord- 
ance with common sense and equity over long periods of time. 
Some of the more difficult and but partly solved problems in- 
volve the basis for compensation for service and equity in cases 
in which psychic forces are a factor. Special privilege is to be 
everywhere denied, that is, equality of rights and privileges 
must be everywhere secured and guarded. 

Nowhere else is the premium on superior strength, skill or 
activity greater than with individuals. Let the winnings be 
limited to the winners. Inherited wealth, position, or influence 
should be regarded as an asset to the nation and a probable 
destructive agent for the inheritor. Individual talent is by far 
the greatest asset of the nation and its development and utiliza- 
tion the greatest single problem. That great group of problems 
dealing with the attainment of the maximum knowledge and 
skill by the individual relates to the education of the expert. 
Another important group of problems relates to securing a 
maximum of achievement; and still another to the increase and 
application of organized knowledge. 

7. Development of the Expert.—tIn a really efficient democ- 
racy all important problems will be in the hands of experts for 
solution. Since men of ability come about equally from all 
classes, provision must be made to train and select individuals 
from all classes alike. In a broad sense, every one who applies 
special knowledge to special problems is an engineer, be he elec- 
trician, physician, bridge builder, skilled agriculturist, banker 


or teacher. Some specialists, such as the physician and the 
farmer, require many volumes of special information and years 
of experience in its application. Other specialists require 
chiefly breadth and generality of knowledge, picking up their 
special training in a few months. In each profession prepara- 
tion starts with the most general academic information, pro- 
ceeds to “make believe” real problems and ends with prob- 
lems involving full responsibility. 

Interest in the general problem centers largely on (1) equal- 
ity of opportunity, (2) efficient general instruction and train- 
ing—mental, moral and physical, (3) age of choice of specialty, 
(4) freedom to transfer from one line to another, (5) efficient 
semi-technical education, (6) technical instruction and training 
through practical work and research, (7) state and national 
coordination in aims, methods and standards and (8) govern- 
ment boards of specialists to investigate and advise as to effi- 
ciency in methods and enhanced quantity and quality of output. 

Our present mobile, ill-defined policies in education have 
been well adapted to our period of rapid national development, 
but the time is at hand for systematized improvement under the 
guidance of trained experts. The preliminary development has 
been well done—our educational system, such as it is, is “close 
to the ground” and already approximates roughly to our re- 
quirements. We need chiefly unity and refinement of methods. 
The rigid elimination of educational weeds and all similar glar- 
ing defects long tolerated should come first of all. Our racial 
stocks of raw material are excellent—able and eager to learn. 
It must be admitted, however, that our methods are slack and 
our typical product a “slacker” until caught in the whirl of 
real life. Our greatest problem with our own sons is to put 
“sand” into them, to fire them to achievement. Lax school 
discipline and low standards do not help; in fact, the results 
of lax school methods frequently persist through life. 

Our engineering schools and other methods of developing 
experts are as a rule excellent in aims, methods and results. 
Perhaps the greatest need is for increased attention to thorough 
knowledge of fundamental principles. It should be continually 
emphasized that the chief factor in the standing of any engi- 
neer or professional man is his command of fundamental prin- 
ciples. We are a practical nation and are too prone to pick up 
knowledge by experience and let it go at that, paying too little 
attention to the results already achieved by others. The mere 
quack is the extreme type of deficiency in knowledge of funda- 
mental principles. The problem of the complete elimination of 


quackism involves modification of curricula in some instances, 
but is chiefly dependent upon our instructors and leaders in 
each line. 

Finally, some sort of supervision might well be exercised 
over the process of education that continues through middle 
and later life. All real experts continue to acquire further 
knowledge of fundamentals and additional skill through ex- 
perience as long as they live. The problem is to make such 
knowledge more available and to increase opportunities for pro- 
fessional intercourse for the interchange of ideas and ex- 

8. The Increase of Organized Knowledge.—Man’s inquiring 
mind is forever prying into things and frequently dislodges an 
idea worth exhibiting and preserving. Some of these either 
alone or built into a structure of previously discovered ideas 
prove highly useful or instructive or entertaining or otherwise 
contributory to his well-being. To achieve certain desired re- 
sults, he searches the general storehouse for an idea or prin- 
ciple applicable to the purpose. That failing, he digs in the 
unknown to find one. Research uncovers new ideas, engineer- 
ing applies to special problems general principles already 
known. Research shades off into engineering on the one hand 
and into creative art on the other. It ranges from the very 
general and fundamental to the special and practical. Without 
it we should have had none of the sciences and none of the 
products of the sciences. 

The bulk of the research work is done either in (1) educa- 
tional institutions, (2) the administrative departments of the 
government or in (3) special research laboratories supported 
by various industries. Some fields of research involving ex- 
pensive equipment and from which little or no financial return 
is to be expected have been provided for by private endowment. 

Since our higher educational institutions are our chief con- 
servers and disseminators of organized knowledge, it is but 
natural that they should lead in the development and extension 
of that knowledge. However, the plant is designed primarily 
for teaching and is but ill adapted to research. Neither stu- 
dents nor instructors have more than scraps of time to put on 
research, while effective research requires steady, continvous 
application. The biggest problem in university research is to 
remedy these conditions. 

Since the university instructor’s time is devoted chiefly to 
teaching fundamental facts and principles and the student’s 
chiefly to acquiring them, the research undertaken by both is 


naturally adapted to these purposes. This is doubtless as it 
should be. Our chief ground for criticism is (1) that the in- 
structor is too crowded with teaching to do enough research 
work to found a real school for specialists and (2) the student 
either does not take his work seriously enough or give it time 
enough to get results of any great value as arule. Under the 
circumstances, it is rather surprising—a credit to native ability 
—that so many pieces of really good work are turned out. 

Industrial research laboratories have been started in great 
numbers in recent years in response to insistent demand for 
more precise knowledge and a clearer understanding of the 
fundamental principles applicable to specific problems. The 
public does not realize the desperate plight of a plant that has 
run into some obscure works trouble, stopping production. As 
in cases of illness, diagnoses quickly but surely made by ex- 
perts are indicated and treatment is prescribed, but by physi- 
cists, chemists and engineers as physicians. The original in- 
dustrial laboratories were staffed by scientists retained largely 
to look after works troubles where they occurred. ‘Then there 
is raw material to be tested, specifications to be written, product 
to be tested, new products and processes to be nursed along into 
the works. 

A full-fledged research division of a large industrial con- 
cern may properly consist of two wings, one devoted to funda- 
mental research, the other to engineering research covering 
routine testing and the simple works troubles. The former 
covers the field between pure science and special works troubles 
and may be expected to yield a considerable harvest of scien- 
tific papers as well as patents and technical reports. With 
work continued day after day on full time and means always at 
hand for obtaining needed equipment or assistance, it repre- 
sents research under its most favorable conditions. Stakes are 
high so that there is abundant incentive to earnest effort, in 
fact pressure is likely to run too high for best results. 

The chief problems connected with industrial research 
laboratories are of a minor nature; securing a sufficient number 
of good physicists and chemists—men thoroughly grounded in 
fundamentals—having a high degree of originality, together 
with good judgment, (2) making it easier for research men to 
come and go, thus putting all research laboratories more on the 
basis of graduate schools and (3) improving the interrelations 
between universities and industrial laboratories. 

National research has to do with the solution of problems 
concerning general welfare. Like industrial research, it ranges 


in character from pure science to statistics and pure engineer- 
ing—the application of known principles to specific problems. 
It covers public health, transportation, communication, finance, 
education, labor, patents, standards, weather and statistics as 
well as the conservation, utilization and development of natural 
resources in minerals, agriculture, fisheries and forests. Much 
of the research is in the nature of special problems and nearly 
all of it can be most efficiently accomplished by highly trained 
experts. Since as a rule these experts are not to be had ready 
trained, the government must select and train its own from 
among persons of sufficient general academic training. 

Government technical work is carried on by the greatest 
single body of scientifically trained experts in the country and 
is on the whole well planned and carried out. There is a large 
percentage loss (20 to 30 per cent. annually) of the best men 
in some bureaus—practically the same as in institutions of 
higher education—hence government research bodies constitute 
in a sense a great graduate technical school. This condition is 
to the advantage of the country at large, but it would undoubt- 
edly be for the best interests of all if a higher percentage of the 
best men were retained in the service. Conditions indicate that 
(1) higher salaries should be paid and a better system of pro- 
motion put in force to retain in the services more high-grade 
men. (2) The work should be more highly organized and cen- 
tralized to promote team work and cooperation. Possibly a 
sort of university organization with a few lectures by ex- 
perts and many seminars and conferences would be advan- 
tageous in attracting good men to the service and giving a wide 
selection from which to draw. Obviously political appoint- 
ments should be limited to clerical and unskilled labor and 
should be limited even in those classes. 

9. Incentives to Achievement.—However great our knowl- 
edge or skill, we accomplish nothing unless fired to achievement 
by powerful incentives. As a rule we produce hardly ten per 
cent. of the results of which we are capable, due partly to lack 
of opportunity, but mostly to lack of incentive. We are a 
nation of slackers. We fail to live up even to our opportunities 
by at least seventy per cent. Obviously then the problem of 
incentives is one of the most vital in the problem of the welfare 
of the nation. 

Men of great achievement are invariably those who supply 
or create their own incentives. They are typified by the hen 
which, of her own effort, was unable to fly over a fence, but by 
worrying a dog into chasing her, was able to mount the fence 


with ease. The incentive of the hen roost was inadequate, but 
that of self-preservation was ample for the task to be accom- 
plished. Men of achievement are not content merely to earn 
a living or even to live up to a certain standard, but are con- 
stantly spurred to greater endeavors, to attacking ever more 
difficult problems, to win over ever more powerful rivals. A 
fatuous content with existing conditions and previous accom- 
plishments is as intolerable as a shirt of fire. 

The psychology of achievement presents many complex 
problems not easily disposed of. Both temperament and edu- 
cation are involved. Incentives to activity are many and 
varied, some of the most powerful arising in ideas and im- 
pulses coming apparently from nowhere. The choice of activi- 
ties leading to greater or lesser achievement is always with us 
and that choice frequently depends upon factors almost for- 
tuitous. It is hoped that these problems may receive the most 
serious consideration of psychologists as an issue in national 

In conclusion then it may be stated that the proper field for 
the application of organized knowledge is to secure and enhance 
the national welfare through increasing the strength, the skill 
and the activities of the nation, the organization and of the in- 
dividual. The nation requires organized knowledge for admin- 
istration, for safeguarding the public welfare and for directing 
the best development, utilization and conservation of national 
resources—natural, intellectual, manual and financial. Organ- 
izations require it for the attainment of the purposes for which 
they are organized. Individuals require it to assist them in 
living up to their possibilities. Although the advantages of 
its application are matters of the simplest common sense, we 
are but beginning to apply organized knowledge in an organ- 
ized manner. The results to be anticipated from such a gen- 
eral and systematic application are almost beyond conception. 






N peace times most visitors come for recreation. The report 
| to the British Government Committee on the Health of 
Munition Workers states that observations for a year on the 
output of workers employed in making fuses showed that a 
reduction of working hours was associated with an increase 
of production both relative and absolute. Generally, the cumu- 
lative effects of fatigue neutralize and overpower efficiency pro- 
duced by practise. In the absence of rest and recreation the 
fatigued worker has no opportunity for complete recuperation 


and his output, though more uniform, remains permanently at 
a lower level than that shown by a worker who has had rest 
and recreation. 
Some museums are devoted entirely to recreation, but never- 
VOL. V.— 27. 

‘OUIT] ARM UL posn [JoM 



theless all the exhibits are instructive. Recreation now is espe- 
cially necessary to relieve as much as possible the unnatural 
strain on both civilians and soldiers. Properly administered 
museums not only furnish this healthful distraction but at the 
same time can also instruct and inspire. 


Museums like universities have lecture halls and vast audi- 
ences use them in ordinary times. In war time these and 
their illustrative apparatus for projecting lantern pictures and 
moving pictures may be well used not only for war-time pub- 
licity but also for giving recreation or instruction. The in- 
structive lectures may be given to the forces being trained and 
to convalescent returned soldiers who are unable to carry on 
their former occupations and who need a new means of liveli- 
hood. The recreative lectures may be given to ease con- 
valescent suffering. The moving pictures, of such cheering 
subjects foreign to war and its frightfulness as birds, photo- 
graphed on expeditions, would serve well for this purpose. 
They would reach men who came to realize while lying wounded 
how sweet life and nature are when compared with the sordid 
rush for mere money. 


Thousands of negatives, prints, maps and lantern slides are 
made by the Photographic Division in the Museum of the Geo- 
logical Survey, Canada. The lantern slides are used in the lec- 
ture hall and are loaned throughout Canada. This work is also 
done in many other museums and is part of the education needed 
to make a people efficient in the arts of warfare and in those 
necessary behind the lines as well as always needed in the arts 
of peace. The museum workers who make and use these ma- 
terials, often taking photographs under difficult situations re- 
sembling some war conditions, are fitted to assist in developing 
new war-time photographic necessities such as are used by the 
flying corps in making photographic maps, detecting camou- 
flage, etc., and that are absolutely necessary for the protection 
of an army as well as the destruction of its adversary. These 
workers are also better qualified than the average photographers 
to become teachers of such photographic work to the fighting 


Classes of high-school children who in peace times marched 
to the lecture halls of the great museums grew up during the 


slides are used in the lecture hall and are loaned throughout Canada. 


Va | 



continuation of the world war and contributed many men and 
officers to all branches of the fighting forces. Over seven 
thousand school children came to hear one lecture. This shows 
that the work of teaching school children in the regular sub- 
jects which are of use in war time must continue with increased 
efficiency during war so that suitably trained material may 
always be available. No one ever knows how long a war may 

>. a a 


last. Even exhibits of objects connected with the war, such 
as guns and shells, may be used in a series to attract children 
to exhibits instructing them in regular studies such as history 
and physics, which will always be needed by both the citizens 
and soldiers of a country at war. 


Museums loan space for horticultural and other temporary 
exhibits. These are placed sometimes for one or two days 
around permanent exhibits. In war time some museums loan 
space for war-time exhibits. For instance, the American 
Museum has had special war-time exhibits of food and health in 
war and peace. A popular handbook was issued for this exhibit 
for sale at the news stands. Both were especially prepared for 

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-SI[] [VANJVN JO TUMOsNyT Uvdtoury oy} JO UMV] oY} WO Warpy to oy £q pleY a1 SsuUBp HOT “ASM IVIo00g wOX AIAVIIVAY GUV SAGNHOUs) WAASAW NAA 


the use of soldiers. All the museums of the country might well 
loan space for the exhibition of loan exhibits from the Food 
Controller. In June, 1917, Red Cross Week was held in the 
Museum at Newark, N. J., and a complete set of Red Cross sup- 
plies, conforming in every respect to the latest specifications of 
the American Red Cross, was exhibited. It included hospital 
linen and supplies, surgical dressings, operating-room supplies, 

Peace Time. These are placed for one or two days around permanent museum ex- 
hibits in the American Museum of Natural History. In war time this museum 
provided space for war-time exhibits. 

and linen, patients’ clothing and such supplies as the Red Cross 
furnishes to the army and navy. A similar temporary exhibit 
including models and pictures was made in the U. S. National 

The windows and the glass of the cases in the Provincial 
Museum at Halifax were broken by the terrific explosion of the 
munition ship that blew up in the harbor. A water pipe burst 
and snow stormed into the museum, so in this emergency 
museum work was stopped and the cases were covered with 
boards and used as tables for Red Cross and other relief 

Museums have aided in the food-conservation campaign of 
the United States National Emergency Food Garden Commis- 

3 Cf. U. S. N. M. Rep. 1916, p. 121. 





sion by distributing to visitors quantities of manuals attractively 
illustrated and printed. This material and other literature 
were placed with the “help yourself”? cards where visitors to 
the museums readily see and take them. 


Even museum grounds are available for war service as well 
as social service. Folk dances were held in peace times by 


the children on the lawn of the American Museum of Natural 
History, but, after the United States entered the war, the 
grounds were used for drilling. The Brooklyn Museum 
grounds were planted by the museum workers and considerable 
food was raised by them. 


Exhibits are put up in travelling cases to be sent from 
school to school in Ottawa, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and 
other places. School boys carry the museum travelling exhibits 
from one school to the next in Ottawa, while in St. Louis, New 
York, and Chicago, this system of museum extension has grown 


A COMMERCIAL MUSEUM ON WHEELS. The ‘“ Made in Canada Special.” 

so in recent years that a special auto delivery van is used for 
the purpose. 3 

The St. Louis Public School Museum makes as many as 
thirty deliveries of such exhibits in a single day. It delivered 
66,810 separately boxed groups of material to the schools during 
the school year 1916-1917, and has called into service an addi- 
tional delivery truck. Every public-school teacher of St. Louis 
is welcomed to select from the new catalogue and order the 



collections she can best use to illustrate the various lessons 
planned for the week. The delivery trucks serve every schoo! 
once a week, collecting the material previously delivered and 
depositing the material ordered for the current week. The 
entire annual expense to the Board of Education of all this 
museum work, including overhead expenses, salaries, delivery 
service, and additions to the collections, averages about 14 
cents per pupil served. This method serves the country in 


war time as does other educational endeavor, and may be ap- 
plied to distributing special war-time instruction to schools, the 
public and the fighting ‘forces. 

A. commercial museum on wheels, the “ Made in Canada 
Special,” carrying commercial exhibits on a railway train across 
Canada, in peaceful years, was visited by crowds. The same 
means provides opportunity to spread useful war-time knowl!- 
edge regarding conservation of food and fuel, the speeding up 
of necessary industries, the making of munitions, politicai 
propaganda as in the exhibition of captured guns, and the train- 
ing of fighters. In the United States a Food Control exhibit 
has been installed in a railroad car. 


For years minerals have been given to Canadian schools 
by the Geological Survey, Canada. A covered tray containing 


an elementary series is sent to the elementary schools, but 
cabinets containing five drawers to higher schools. Exhibits 
of things relating to war can be handled in the same way. 

Survey. A covered tray containing an elementary series is sent to the elementary 
schools; cabinets, containing five drawers, to higher schools. 


Encyclopedic species labels were prepared as the text of 
the Handbook of the Rocky Mountains Park Museum by the 
Dominion Government and have already been used by eighteen 
different museums, the Rocky Mountains Park Zoo, and for 
several other educational purposes. Lantern slides have been 
made to illustrate some of them and these labels can con- 
sequently also be used as lecture notes. They need only to be 
shuffled when it is required to rearrange a lecture. The same 
method may be employed by the museums in supplying informa- 
tion needed by a nation at war. 


In large cities it is sometimes desirable to provide a restau- 
rant in a museum so that students or other visitors may not 
have to go out. In the American Museum of Natural History, 
the restaurant is modelled after the ancient Mexican ruin of 


prepared as the text of the Handbook of the Rocky Mountains Park Museum by the 
Dominion Government, and already used by seventeen other museums and for several 
other educational purposes. : 

after the ancient Mexican ruin of Mitla. 


Mitla and, therefore, is an exhibit as well as a restaurant. In 
war time such restaurants should be made available to soldiers, 
sailors, and others engaged in activities of defense. 


If the museum fraternity does not rise to the occasion and 
at least adjust itself to meet war needs and help the general 
progress of the world other agencies will take over what should 
be the most important part of museum activities. For in- 
stance, the Canadian department of Trade and Commerce 
opened a museum in January because of the need of such a 
museum in war time. Those in charge were not recruited from 
among museum men. The children’s museums, which are at 
present apparently the chief hot beds of new museum ideas, are 
being made such by persons not formerly connected with 
museums. It was two boys who were trained in the Children’s 
Museum in Brooklyn who sent and received the first wireless 
telephone message from Paris to Hawaii. 

Now, when the young and active men from the small towns 
and the country districts of the whole world are passing through 
the great centers of culture such as London, New York and 
Paris, or are visiting them on leave of absence, is the very time 
when museums should be most active in entertaining, instruct- 
ing, or offsetting the vicious experiences of the war. The cream 
of New Zealand, Australia, India, Canada, and many allied 
nations, gathers in London. What better time than now for 
the museums to offer these men attraction, recreation and in- 
struction, and an inspiration to carry home to the individual 
corners of the world the seeds of the world’s best fruits? 
Museum work, instead of being curtailed, should certainly be 
directed towards doing in war time its part both in fighting 
the war and in making up for the evils and deprivations caused 
by it. 



By €. C. ECKHARDT, Ph.D. 


iy by the Treaty of Frankfurt of May 10, 1871, France 
\\ was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany 
there was created one of the most difficult and most permanent 
problems of internationtal relations. This question has remained 
one of the most active sources of international friction. It lies 
at the basis of the Triple Alliance, and of the counter alliances, 
the Dual Alliance between France and Russia, and the Triple 
Entente. It has been the cause of crushing competitive arma- 
ments. It was the cause of constant ill-feeling on the part of 
France toward Germany, and led to frequent friction between 
the two countries. In spite of Germany’s having affirmed al! 
along that the Alsace-Lorraine question was closed by the 
Treaty of Frankfurt, it has ever been on her mind. This is a 
question that concerns not only France and Germany, but it 
is of moment to every civilized nation. 


France and Germany both have historic claims to these 
provinces; it is well therefore to consider the history of them 
previous to 1871. The earliest record of these lands dates from 
the time of Julius Cesar, when they formed a part of Gaul. 
When the Germans invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth 
and fifth centuries they overran and conquered Alsace and Lor- 
raine. Until 870 these lands were controlled by the Merovin- 
gian and Carolingian Franks. When the Empire of Charles the 
Great was finally divided by the Treaty of Mersen in 870, Alsace 
and Lorraine became a part of the German Kingdom. To this 
time these two provinces had had a common history; but now 
they were divided and until 1871 had a separate history. Lor- 
raine became a duchy with an independent existence in Ger- 
many, and Alsace became a duchy attached to Suabia. Both 
regions were German-speaking. 

In 1552 France, for the aid she rendered to the German 
Protestants against Charles V., was given as fiefs of the German 
Empire the three bishoprics of Metz, Toul and Verdun; and 
by 1648 at the close of the Thirty Years’ War France was given 


these three bishoprics in full sovereignty; they ceased to be a 
part of Germany. They were geographically a part of the 

Coal Deposits 
lron Deposits 
—-—-Western Frorit ir France 

py eMvhlhausen 

Duchy of Lorraine, but were independent of it, and were now 
a part of France. In 1648 France was also given Alsace as a 
reward for her services in the Thirty Years’ War. Some added 
territories, Colmar and Strassburg, were secured by the French 
“courts of reunion,” and in 1697 by the Treaty of Ryswick 
French possession of these was confirmed. Lorraine was in 
1737 transferred to Stanislaus Lesczinska when he had lost his 
kingdom of Poland. He was father-in-law of Louis XV., and in 
1766, upon the death of Stanislaus, the Duchy of Lorraine came 
into the possession of France. So by 1648 and 1766 Alsace and 
Lorraine, which had been separated from France since the 
ninth century, once more became a part of France. 

Whatever attempts France made to assimilate these German- 
speaking people previous to the French Revolution were not 


very successful. It was the French Revolution that aroused in 
the Alsace-Lorrainers a French sentiment. The democratic 
and liberal phases of the Revolution appealed to them; the re- 
publican principles fascinated them, and many Alsace-Lorrain- 
ers fought in the French wars in the armies of the Republic and 
Napoleon. Itis regarded as significant that the ‘‘ Marseillaise” 
was first rendered by Rouget de Lisle in 1792 at a dinner given 
by the French mayor of Strassburg. 

Ever since 1815 the Alsace-Lorrainers have been largely 
French. In 1871 they were handed over to the German Empire 
much against their will, and when the French National As- 
sembly ceded these provinces to the victorious enemy, the depu- 
ties from Alsace-Lorraine protested against this cruel separa- 
tion from the mother country, and they were expressing the 
feelings of the greater part of the people of the ceded terri- 
tories. When, in 1874, the fifteen deputies from Alsace-Lor- 
raine took their seats in the Imperial Reichstag in Berlin, they 
also protested against the annexation of their lands by Ger- 
many. It is also interesting to observe that in 1871 the two 
great socialist leaders of Germany, Bebel and Liebknecht, father 
of Carl Liebknecht, protested against the annexation, and were 
imprisoned for their boldness. 


Germany annexed these lands for three reasons: (1) For 
linguistic and historic reasons. The Germans claimed that 
these provinces had been taken from Germany in the seven- 
teenth and eighteenth centuries, and now these brothers were to 
be brought back into the fold and allowed to become Germans 
again. In the literature of Germany’s political aspirations long 
before 1871 there were references and allusions to the need of 
regaining these lost provinces. 

(2) For strategic reasons. Von Moltke persuaded Bis- 
marck that these provinces were necessary for Germany’s de- 
fense against France. The Vosges Mountains would be a far 
more satisfactory frontier from the military standpoint than 
the Rhine. Ever since then the Germans have claimed that 
the Vosges Mountains are the natural boundary between France 
and Germany. 

(3) For economic reasons. Alsace-Lorraine contains much 
coal, iron and other minerals. But the German desire for these 
deposits was by no means as great in 1871 as it has become since 
that time. 

Of all the reasons the military reason for annexation was 

VOL. v.—28. 


the most potent. Germany needed Alsace-Lorraine for pur- 
poses of defense, and the people of the annexed provinces were 
to be regarded as conquered dependents; they were to be kept 
in subjection at all costs. 


When Germany signed the Treaty of Frankfurt she agreed 
to allow all inhabitants of Alsace-Lorraine that wished to emi- 
grate to do so by October 1, 1872. By that date 60,000 had left 
the country, all going to France or the French colony of Algeria. 
100,000 others were not allowed to go because they had not 
departed by the prescribed date. But emigration has con- 
tinued all along, from 5,000 to 12,000 leaving annually, and one 
French authority states that fully half a million people emi- 
grated from the provinces between 1871 and 1910. Many of 
the people who emigrated did so because they did not wish their 
sons to enlist in the German army and later kill their relatives 
and friends in France. The 100,000 that were not allowed to 
emigrate in 1872 claimed the rights of foreigners, namely free- 
dom from military service. But the German government re- 
fused to grant this concession, and this led to much emigration. 
Ambitious Alsace-Lorrainers wishing to pursue a military 
career will go to France, for in the German army they would 
have very little chance of promotion. In 1914 there were only 
three Alsatian officers in the German army, while there were 
thirty generals of Alsatian stock in the French army. In 1900- 
1913 over 22,000 boys fled from Alsace-Lorraine to enlist in 
the Foreign Legion of the French army. 

To take the place of the Alsace-Lorrainers that went to 
France Germany sent many colonists or immigrants into the 
conquered provinces. They were people in all the walks of life, 
and in 1914 out of 1,800,000 inhabitants, 400,000 were immi- 
grants from various parts of Germany. They did the very 
things that would make them unpopular with the native in- 
habitants; they boasted of Germany’s greatness, emphasized 
German superiority and tenaciously adhered to all their German 
characteristics, which increased the difficulty of reconciling the 
two peoples: 


When Germany had acquired Alsace-Lorraine it was thought 
best not to annex the provinces to any one of the German states, 
for then some of the German states would have felt that they 

1 Gibbons, “ New Map of Europe,” 16. 


had fought in the Franco-Prussian War so that Prussia, or 
Baden or Wiirttemberg could gather in the spoils. Bismarck 
felt that it would be the wise thing to make Alsace-Lorraine an 
imperial land—“ Reichsland ”—directly under the control of the 
Empire. That would make all the states equally responsible 
for the annexation and for keeping the spoils of war. 

Previous to 1911 Alsace-Lorraine was not a member of the 
German Federation. For forty years it was a mere depend- 
ency, an imperial territory. Administrative affairs were con- 
ducted by the Emperor, the Chancellor and the Bundesrath. 
There was a representative of the Emperor, the governor-gen- 
eral, situated at Strassburg. In 1874 a territorial committee 
or “ Landesausschuss” was created; its members were elected 
by the city councils of the four largest cities. At first the com- 
mittee could merely give advice concerning local laws and taxa- 
tion. By 1877 it could enact laws concerning local affairs; but 
these laws had to have the sanction of the Bundesrath, in which 
Alsace-Lorraine had no representation until 1911. Not all laws 
were made this way. Some were enacted by the Reichstag, the 
Bundesrath and the Emperor in the same way that all imperial 
laws were enacted. Moreover, the Emperor and Bundesrath 
could issue ordinances having the force of law; the governor- 
general was responsible only to the Emperor; he was virtually 
a dictator. Alsace-Lorraine was wholly ruled by outsiders. 
From 1879 to 1887 an effort was made to establish a mild rule 
for the conquered lands, but then this policy gave way to a rule 
of harshness, which merely intensified the prevailing dislike for 

In 1873 Alsace and Lorraine were allowed to send fifteen 
members to the Reichstag; but here they could exercise little 
influence, since that body is of little consequence, the real ruler 
of Germany being the Bundesrath, in which Alsace-Lorraine 
was not represented. From the beginning there has been a 
growing party that demanded local autonomy. As a result of 
the agitation by this party the imperial government in 1911 
granted Alsace-Lorraine a constitution. Alsace-Lorriane could 
now send three delegates to the Bundesrath; but these were to 
be appointed by the governor-general, an instrument of the 
Prussian King. This merely meant that the strength of 
Prussia would be increased by three votes in the Bundesrath, 
and therefore it was provided that whenever Prussia by means 
of these three votes has a majority these votes were not to 
count. Plainly this kind of an arrangement would not satisfy 
the demands of those that wished Alsace-Lorraine to be repre- 
sented on an equality with the other states of Germany. 


This bill of 1911 also provided for changes in the local 
government of Alsace-Lorraine. Instead of the “ Landesaus- 
schuss”’ there was to be a bicameral legislature of 36 and 60 
members. Half of the 36 members of the upper chamber were 
to be appointed by the Emperor, the remainder were to be 
office-holders and representatives of chambers of commerce and 
other professional and business institutions. The lower 
chamber of 60 was to be elected by manhood suffrage by secret 
ballot. But this constitution has not satisfied the people. The 
Emperor can still refuse to sanction the laws of the local legis- 
lature, and the Alsace-Lorrainers have no power in selecting 
the three members of the Bundesrath. The Alsace-Lorrainers 
before 1914 wished to have local autonomy, their own sover- 
eign or their own republic, and unqualified representation in 
the Bundesrath of the Empire. 


It is difficult to secure adequate information concerning lin- 
guistic conditions in Alsace-Lorraine; statistics and opinions 
differ. The French maintain that the language of the lost 
provinces is still French. The Germans officially state that the 
language is preponderantly German, and what French is spoken 
is largely patois. However, one is safe in saying that on the 
whole Alsace is more German than Lorraine. Even in Alsace 
the large cities, Miihlhausen, Colmar and Strassburg, are 
French. The city of Metz in Lorraine is more French than 
any place in the two provinces, though in a standard German 
encyclopedia it is stated that only forty per cent. of the popula- 
tion of Metz speak French. In this same work? is a map indi- 
cating the linguistic dividing line between the French- and 
German-speaking regions. This represents as French-speaking 
fully two fifths of Lorraine, and only small indentations on the 
French border of Alsace are indicated as French. Whatever 
the official statistics, the facts are that Alsace-Lorraine is not 
German from the German standpoint. French is still widely 
spoken; many newspapers are printed with both French and 
German on the same page; in the shops one is waited on with 
equal courtesy when speaking French or German. Although 
the street signs are in German, many of the people always 
refer to them in French. French plays are presented as often 
as the law allows, once in two weeks. The German government 
permits no new French business signs to be put up over the 

2 Meyer, Konversationslexikon, 6th edit., Vol. 5, p. 726. 
3 Ibid., pp. 726-7. 


stores. Therefore, old French signs, no matter how old and 
dilapidated, are still kept over the shops. If the owners tried 
to repaint the signs that would be equivalent to a new sign and 
would therefore need to be in German. If you ask an Alsatian 
whether Alsace is still French, he will answer: “It is not Ger- 
man yet.” 


On the whole the Germans have done little to conciliate and 
placate the people of Alsace-Lorraine. They have regarded 
these provinces as conquered lands and have treated the people 
in the very ways that would be designed to intensify the exist- 
ing spirit of protest and opposition. The regulations are all of 
the petty and annoying kind. For asking an orchestra to play 
the “‘ Marseillaise,” or whistling it, the people are expelled or 
punished. When French veterans of 1870-1871 get together 
and talk over old times their meetings are dispersed and their 
guns taken from them on the ground that the guns are being 
carried without the veterans having secured licenses. Those 
Alsace-Lorrainers that left the country at the time of its cession 
may visit it only three weeks in the year. If they neglect to 
secure the required police certificates they must leave at once. 
Those that come back on business trips may see their clients 
only at the railway station; they may not enter the town. 
Parents are not allowed to send their children to foreign schools 
without governmental sanction, and this is granted sparingly. 
If the children are sent without governmental sanction the 
parents are liable to fine and imprisonment. In this way it is 
hoped to prevent the children from learning French, but this 
regulation seems to heighten the desire to acquire the language. 

’ Only certain French newspapers are allowed to be brought 
into the country—those that have agreed to omit all reference 
to Alsace-Lorraine. But people living on the border of France 
drive over into France, buy the prohibited papers and the 
women of the party secrete them in specially contrived pockets 
in their petticoats. The Germans have levied a high tariff on 
many French goods entering Alsace-Lorraine. Young men 
leaving Alsace-Lorraine to avoid German military service may 
never return until they are forty-five. If detected they must 
pay a heavy fine. This means that unless the parents of such 
young men have ample means for travel into France they may 
not ever see their sons again. Even if able to travel, they must 
get the consent of the German government before they are 
allowed to leave. French conscripts from Alsace-Lorraine are 
sent as far as possible from home. If they get sick or die their 


relatives can seldom reach them. During the fall maneuvers 
the people of Alsace-Lorraine must lodge and cook for as many 
soldiers as the government requires. At various times the 
manufacturers and merchants of Alsace have been carefully 
watched by informers to detect any pro-French leanings. 
When detected they are made to feel the full displeasure of the 
government. At Grafenstaden, near Strassburg, there is a 
great locomotive works that had for a long time supplied the 
railroads of the vicinity with locomotives. One of the directors 
of the company was a French enthusiast who made no attempt 
to conceal his sympathies. Suddenly the company was notified 
that unless it discharged that man it would secure no more 
orders from the government, and the company had to yield. 

All of these circumstances explain why the Prussians are 
hated. They make it possible to understand the following inci- 
dent. At Colmar a school teacher was describing vividly the 
cruelties of Alexander the Great when dealing with the in- 
habitants of a captured city in Asia Minor. A little girl in the 
class exclaimed, to the mortification of the teacher: “Surely he 
was a Prussian!” 

One of the most striking outrages of German rule in Alsace- 
Lorraine was the Zabern or Saverne affair in 1913. At the 
barrack town of Zabern in Alsace a twenty-year-old lieutenant 
did various irritating things while in charge of his men. He 
made uncomplimentary remarks to his men about the Alsatians, 
he showed open contempt for the civilians. When the populace 
heard about these things they stoned his house and made annoy- 
ing remarks to him when on the street. One thing led to 
another until finally a crowd was dispersed by the young lieu- 
tenant and his men, and he himself struck a lame shoemaker 
with his sword, inflicting an ugly wound on the forehead. 
Instead of being adequately punished the lieutenant was given 
the minimum sentence, forty days in jail. The German govern- 
ment did nothing to show that the military had been in the 
wrong; the protests in the Reichstag were unheeded. The 
whole affair indicated that the Prussian military government 
was absolutely dominant, that the civil population in all Ger- 
many had no rights as against the military, and it indicated 
especially that there was not the least inclination on the part 
of the imperial government to show a conciliating attitude 
toward the Alsatians. Whatever the German government had 
succeeded in achieving in the way of placating the conquered 
provinces was undone in a few weeks by the Zabern affair. 



However, not all of Germany’s acts have been of the brutal, 
domineering nature. She has done much to promote the ma- 
terial, educational and religious condition of the people. Al- 
sace-Lorraine has become a very important industrial center of 
the Empire; the iron and coal mines are the richest in the Em- 
pire, as will be shown later; the population has increased by 
300,000 in spite of the emigration of several hundred thousand. 
Canals have been constructed; a splendid system of railways 
has been created; sanitation of the most modern type has been 
established. A splendid school system has been introduced; 
when these provinces fell into German hands education was 
not compulsory and was largely in the control of the Catholic 
Church. Now the same high type of schools prevails as will 
be found elsewhere in Germany.* Many of these benefits would 
have accrued to these provinces if they had remained in the 
possession of France, for in industry, transportation, sanitation, 
commerce and education France has also made much progress 
since 1871. But undoubtedly the greatest advantage that Al- 
sace-Lorraine derives from her connection with Germany is of 
an economic nature, and the economic aspects of the question 
will be considered below. 


The Pan-Germanists maintain that Germany conquered 
these lands and was given them by the Treaty of Frankfurt. 
France has no rights in these provinces. The people of these 
territories have only the rights that Germany sees fit to give 
them. Whatever happens in Alsace-Lorraine is no concern of 
France. By international law the rights and interests of 
France ceased in 1871 by the Treaty of Frankfurt. The Ger- 
mans declare that for years France had tried to suppress the 
German language and customs in these territories, and it is 
now the right and duty of the Empire to wean the Alsace-Lor- 
rainers away from French culture and instil German culture 
once more. Napoleon III. began the Franco-Prussian war in 
order to gain the Rhine provinces of Germany for France. 
The Pan-Germanists say that Alsace-Lorraine was taken to 
prevent a repetition of such an attempt of France. Germany 
must keep her western boundary as it is. Military necessity 
demands it. 

This is the view that is held by most Germans. To advo- 
cate other measures would be about as unpopular as it would 

4 Sir Harry H. Johnston, “ Germany and Alsace-Lorraine,’”’ Nineteenth 
Century and After, 75: 40-41. 


be for Americans to advocate our giving up Porto Rico, the 
Philippines or the Canal Zone; however, Maximilian Harden, 
the courageous editor of Die Zukunft, and some others, favor 
the granting of full autonomy, with certain rights in choosing 
a monarch. 


Officially the French have never given up the hope of re- 
conquering the lost provinces. Every year since 1871 a formal 
ceremony has occurred in which a wreath is placed on the 
Strassburg Monument in the Place de la Concorde in Paris, 
and the statue of Strassburg is constantly kept veiled in black 
to remind the French of the country’s bereavement. However, 
among the second generation especially, this ceremony has had 
less meaning than for the older generation. After the Franco- 
Prussian War Bismarck did his utmost to divert the French from 
thoughts of revenge. By 1881 he had succeeded in directing 
France into the field of colonial expansion. France added 
Tunis and other African lands to her colonial possessions. She 
took a new interest in strengthening her political and commer- 
cial power in her dependencies in India, Indo-China, Madagas- 
car and elsewhere. She became, next to Great Britain, the 
greatest colonial power in the world. Under these circum- 
stances French ardor for reconquering Alsace-Lorraine was, in 
a measure, allowed to cool off. But the interference of Ger- 
many in Morocco in 1905 in the Tangier affair indicated to the 
French that Germany had broken the tacit agreement of Bis- 
marck. If Germany were going to interfere in French co- 
lonial enterprises, that automatically opened the Alsace-Lor- 
raine question again. The French newspapers have all along 
done their share toward keeping up an agitation for the re- 
covery of Alsace-Lorraine, and they have done all they could to 
kindle a feeling for France in the hearts of the Alsace-Lor- 
rainers. But there seems to be no evidence that there was a 
hearty response. Let me quote some typical statements: 

The writer, who had good opportunities of getting acquainted with 
the “Imperial Land” and its people in the decade preceding the Euro- 
pean war, must share the opinion of those observers who were not able 
to find much real enthusiasm for France there. That there was much 
sentimental sympathy for the brilliant nation to the westward, particu- 
larly among the wealthier families, cannot be denied. But so far as 
could be judged, there were not many Alsatians or Lorrainers who would 
have liked to be French again. 

Forty-odd years of separation has not availed to make the inhabi- 

tants of the provinces Germans, but they have thoroughly unmade them 

5R. H. Fife, “The German Empire between two Wars (1916),” 230- 


Before the outbreak of the war in 1914 the Alsace-Lor- 
rainers wished autonomy under German rule. After the out- 
break of the war many Alsatians have claimed that they have 
always wished annexation to France. But Mr. Gibbons states: 

This is not true. It would be a lamentable distortion of fact if any 

such record were to get into a serious history of the period in which we 


Whatever the attitude of the Alsace-Lorrainers since the 
outbreak of the war, they hoped for nothing better than auton- 
omy under German rule before 1914. They wished to be as 
autonomous in directing their local affairs as Bavaria, Baden 
and Saxony. They are not Germans, neither are they French, 
they are Alsace-Lorrainers. In a splendid article written be- 
fore the war, David Starr Jordan summed up the situation 

The present attitude of Alsace is concisely summed up in these 
three lines of current doggerel: 

“Francais ne peux, 
Prussien ne veux, 
Alsacien suis.’’? 

The Alsace-Lorrainers value the prosperity that has come 
to them through being ruled by Germany. If they had been 
allowed to vote on their remaining with Germany with auton- 
omy or returning as departments to France, they would have 
voted for the former. But this does not mean that they have 
any sympathy for imperial aggrandizement as advocated by 
the Pan-Germanists. They consider themselves as Alsace-Lor- 
rainers, and wish to be left alone. Their slogan is: ‘‘Alsace- 
Lorraine for the Alsace-Lorrainers.” 

These are the views of the three parties concerned. It has 
often been suggested by outsiders during the last three years 
that the settlement of the question should be left to the vote of 
the Alsace-Lorrainers. It may be that now, instead of voting 
for autonomy under Germany, they would vote for annexation 
to France. But this method of solving the question would sat- 
isfy neither France nor Germany. France distrusts Germany ; 
she would manipulate the election. Moreover, there would be 
no provision for the suffrage of those that emigrated, and they 
are vitally concerned too. If allowed to vote they would turn 
the election in favor of annexation to France. The Germans 

6“ New Map of Europe” (1914), p. 5. 

7“ Alsace-Lorraine: a Study of Conquest,” Atlantic Monthly, 113 
(1914) ; 282-287. 


would never be willing under the present circumstances to sub- 
mit the question to a plebiscite. If applied here it would also 
be applied with justice to Schleswig and Posen. Moreover, 
the importance of Alsace-Lorraine industrially makes the matter 
one for settlement by other means. This is a question of na- 
tional honor to both Germany and France; hence neither would 
be willing to submit it to a vote of the people. 


While Alsace-Lorraine was annexed partially for economic 
reasons, to-day the Germans desire to keep it for economic 
reasons of much greater potency than those of 1871. In 1871 
it was known that Alsace-Lorraine had coal andiron. But the 
iron ore was of the kind called minette, which contains two per 
cent. phosphorus; this amount of phosphorus was too large to 
make it feasible to use the ore. However, in 1878 two English- 
men, Thomas and Gilchrist, invented a modification of the 
Bessemer process that removed phosphorus from the ore and 
also produced a slag containing the phosphorus extracted from 
the ore. This invention benefited Germany greatly. She could 
now use her hitherto useless iron deposits and use the slag as 
a fertilizer to enrich the soil at home, and she also exported 
large quantities of this slag. Germany became a great indus- 
trial country. She was particularly well favored by nature. 
In the Rhine country at Saarbriicken and Essen are rich coal 
fields, and these are close to the iron mines of Lorraine and 
Luxemburg. These iron mines are the second largest in the 
world, those in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan alone being 
richer. The region between the Moselle and Rhine rivers is 
the only one in Europe that has both coal and iron close to- 
gether. In all other cases it is necessary to haul one or the 
other long distances in order to smelt iron. Owing partly to 
these circumstances Germany has outdistanced England in the 
iron industry. In 1914 Germany stood second to the United 
States in steel output. Before 1871 Germany produced only 
half a million tons of steel, in 1911 she produced fifteen mil- 
lion tons, and about three fourths of the ore came from Lor- 
raine and Luxemburg. ‘This ore could easily be transported to 
Saarbriicken and Westphalia, and this fortunate combination 
of natural resources has produced such new industrial towns 
as Essen, Elberfeld and Diisseldorf. 

In the first weeks of the war Germany took Luxemburg, 
Belgium and northern France. In Luxemburg she secured the 
remainder of that rich deposit in northern Lorraine. Belgium 


and France have rich coal beds. In the Anzin region in 
northern France nearly three fourths of the French coal supply 
was produced previous to 1914. So Germany struck a heavy 
blow at French industry, and greatly strengthened her own re- 
sources for carrying on the war. It is plainly evident that if 
Germany be allowed to retain any of these conquests—Belgium, 
northern France, Luxemburg—her industrial and military su- 
premacy would be greatly enhanced. She would not only domi- 
nate Europe, but also be able to endanger the position of the 
United States as the foremost steel producer of the world. It 
is therefore interesting to us Americans to observe that in the 
allied countries there is an insistence on Germany’s giving up 
not only Belgium, northern France, and Luxemburg, but Al- 
sace-Lorraine as well, in order that she may be so crippled in- 
dustrially that she may not be able to continue her militaristic 

The Alsace-Lorraine question is to-day not merely a ques- 
tion of patriotism and strategic frontier. There is also the eco- 
nomic aspect that seems more important than the other two. 
Germany could better afford to yield Alsace-Lorraine from the 
linguistic and strategic standpoints than from the industrial and 
commercial standpoint. 

It is plainly evident that to-day the Alsace-Lorraine prob- 
lem is still unsolved. Three things stand out clearly: (1) 
The annexation of 1871 was unjust from the standpoint of the 
French nation and the Alsace-Lorrainers themselves. (2) If 
there is any justice in the annexation Germany has failed to 
convince the Alsace-Lorrainers of it, and has been unable to 
instil in them a feeling of loyalty and devotion to the Empire. 
The Alsace-Lorraine question is still a menace to Germany and 
to the rest of the world. (3) The economic phases of the ques- 
tion have merely complicated it. No matter how the question 
is settled there will be an injured party, either France or Ger- 
many, and probably the people of Alsace-Lorraine too. If Ger- 
many loses Alsace-Lorraine her industrial life will be crippled, 
and she will have a desire for revenge as France has had. This 
is an exceedingly knotty problem and will be solved only when 
there is a new spirit actuating nations in their international in- 
tercourse. If we can at the close of this war establish a work- 
able system of international government, supported by a new 
spirit of international friendship and cooperation, the difficul- 
ties of the Alsace-Lorraine question will vanish along with 
many other questions of international friction that promise to 
disturb the peace of the world for ages to come. 





N former times, beekeeping was a more important branch of 
agriculture than at present, but the development of trade 
with the tropics made possible the bringing in of cane sugar and 
honey production decreased in relative importance. It is far 
from being a lost art, however, for in normal years the United 
States produces about 250,000,000 pounds of honey and the 
amount is increasing steadily. That this much honey is avail- 
able is a matter of surprise to most people, for many American 
families never include honey in their menus, and the only 
honey which many people eat is that which is concealed in 
cakes for the purpose of keeping them moist for a considerable 
time. The small amount produced is sufficient to provide a 
little over two pounds annually for each person, equivalent only 
to three per cent. of the sugar consumed in years of sugar 

The amount of sugar on every hand in the form of nectar 
is so great as to stagger the imagination, but some estimate is 
possible. In a year of prosperity a colony of bees consumes 
for its own uses a great amount of honey, this amount having 
been variously calculated as from 200 to 600 pounds. The 
lower estimates doubtless obtain only for weak colonies, and 
the average amount may be placed conservatively at 400 
pounds. While the bees are gathering this for their own use 
they are perhaps providing 50 pounds additional which the bee- 
keeper may take, making the estimated total gathering of the 
colony 450 pounds. An apiary of 100 colonies will frequently, 
on this estimate, gather 2214 tons of honey in a season. This 
comes from a territory included within a radius of about two 
miles. While the beekeeper harvests only a meager 214 tons, 
the total of 2214 tons has been produced by the nectar-produc- 
ing plants in that area. This, it should be remembered, is 
sugar produced in a region where most persons would not 
recognize the presence of any sugar production. To assure 
the sceptical reader, it may be stated that there are often 


apiaries where the average yield of surplus honey is over 200 
pounds, this being the honey which the beekeeper takes for his 
own use. Yields of 600 pounds to the colony have even been 
recorded for unusual circumstances. 

It is conservative to state that there is every year produced 
in nectar-producing flowers in the United States more sugar 
than is consumed by the American people. Obviously, since 
the bees consume so much, only a small part of this vast wealth 
can be conserved for human food. The honeybee, so often com- 
pelled to serve as an example of industry, does not appear as an 
efficient collector of human food, when its necessary consump- 
tion is recalled. However, any agency for the conservation of 
this vast sugar supply must be one which is ever on the alert, 
since the nectar is so soon lost after it is produced. No agency 
other than the honeybee has as yet been found which will save 
any of it for man. 

Speculation, such as the above, may be subject to criticism, 
but an unanswerable argument lies in the records of com- 
mercial beekeepers. There are thousands of places where com- 
mercial apiaries are now established and as the industry ex- 
pands beekeepers do not experience difficulty in locating addi- 
tional apiaries all around their home locations. Within the 
last decade commercial beekeeping has shown a rapid develop- 
ment and yet it would be extremely difficult to find a place 
where there are so many colonies as materially to reduce the 
crop. In a few localities beekeeping has been especially de- 
veloped and if the same progress had been made throughout 
equally favorable localities, the honey crop would be more than 
twice what it is to-day. Any one familiar with the conditions 
surrounding the industry must realize that the crop may be 
increased ten times without increasing the cost of production 
per pound. 

Why has this sugar supply been so generally wasted? It is 
not easy to answer this question, but the answer probably lies 
in the nature of the beekeeping industry. Beekeeping is ap- 
plied animal behavior. The honeybee is still, after years of 
human care, in no sense a domestic animal. Its reactions to 
external stimuli are, so far as known, what they were when 
cave-men first robbed them of their honey. Man has by selec- 
tion in breeding changed the color of the abdominal bands in 
certain strains of Italian bees and he has selected those which 
are less inclined to sting, but no progress has been made in any 
fundamental change of bee nature. The successful beekeeper 


is therefore necessarily a student of bee behavior, so that he 
may adapt the activities of the bee colony to his ends. He 
has learned that by providing the proper conditions he may 
not only increase the gathering power of the bees but he may 
have a larger part of the honey stored in such shape that he 
may take it. He has also learned that by attention he may 
reduce swarming, thus preventing the bees from wasting their 
energies in making more colonies when he desires honey rather 
than more bees. But bee behavior is rather a complex subject 
into which to initiate the average citizen. It is a subject of 
impelling interest if properly presented but it is so far from the 
type of study necessary for other branches of agriculture that 
an insufficient number of people have taken up the work with 
sufficient thoroughness. 

Beekeeping differs from other branches of agriculture in 
that little land is needed in its pursuit and only in rare cases 
is it necessary to use land which is useful for other agricul- 
tural purposes. The production of honey does not deplete the 
soil. An important consideration is that the commercial bee- 
keeper is exceedingly busy at just the time when the man 
engaged in general farming can not find time to give to bees. 
Beekeeping does not mix well with general farming and must 
usually be combined either with work other than general farm- 
ing or with some other specialized branch of agriculture. To 
a large degree this takes the beekeeper out of the country and 
it is a fact that most commercial beekeepers live in towns and 
suburbs. The small amount of land needed, combined with the 
small necessary expenditure for apparatus makes it safe to 
say that in proportion to the investiment there is no other 
branch of agriculture which yields so great a return. How- 
ever, it must not be assumed that beekeeping is a rapid and 
easy road to wealth. The returns which the beekeeper receives 
are directly proportional to the labor and especially to the in- 
telligent care which he invests. 

The literature on beekeeping has not been of a type which 
would induce people to take up the work as a commercial in- 
dustry. The trouble is not that there are too few beekeepers, 
for the United States boasts about 800,000, but is rather that 
relatively few have looked on beekeeping as a possible means 
of livelihood. A better presentation of the subject might serve 
to overcome this attitude. No effort need be made to induce 
more people to keep bees: rather an effort might be made to 
induce half or more of the present bee owners to sell their bees 


~ to good beekeepers in order that the bees might be enabled to 
produce a crop with the proper care. At present several of the 
agricultural colleges are maintaining good courses in beekeep- 
ing, most of the states have laws providing for the inspection of 
apiaries to prevent their destruction from infectious diseases 
and other agencies are assisting in the upbuilding of the 

To waste all of this bounteous sugar supply is an economic 
loss of the first magnitude at any time but never before has 
this been so forcibly brought home as recently. When the 
normal sugar supply was reduced people realized as never 
before the need of a home supply, one not so subject to bar- 
baric ravages on commerce and the perplexities of a restricted 
production and a more restricted commerce. It is a matter of 
regret that in 1917 the United States did not save more of the 
vast store of sugar that is free on every hand. The German 
nation, with its far-reaching plans for world destruction, had 
for some years past fostered beekeeping by the giving of 
bonuses to employees of the national railways if they would 
engage in beekeeping and similar minor branches of agricul- 
ture. We may well pride ourselves that the nation is not de- 
pendent on such a means of development but the United States 
would have been better able to do its share in the war if more 
attention had been directed to activities such as this. 

The entrance of the nation into the war and the shortage of 
sugar through which part of the country has just passed has 
wakened an interest in beekeeping, and it is to be hoped that 
this interest will not lapse when peace is made. Many of the 
agricultural colleges have begun to urge the better care of bees, 
the apiary inspectors have assisted in the work, the five journals 
devoted to beekeeping have rendered valuable service and bee- 
keepers throughout the country have realized more than ever 
before the need of building up the industry. On the declara- 
tion of war the Federal Department of Agriculture began a 
campaign for increasing the honey crop and the response of 
beekeepers throughout the country has been most encouraging. 
It is not the purpose of this article to report what has been 
done in all lines to bring about this much desired result. An 
important factor in the increased crop will be the higher price 
of honey on wholesale markets which has come because of the 
increased need. It would be difficult to convince beekeepers 
of this need did not the market prove it to them. 

It is desirable, however, to mention one line of activity 


which from its nature promises the best results. Mention has 
been made of the fact that beekeeping is applied animal be- 
havior and that the peculiarity of the beekeeper’s work has 
been a retarding factor in the developing of beekeeping as a 
commercial industry. Literature does not seem to fill the needs 
of the case for all the necessary details have been printed in a 
multitude of forms, as government bulletins and as books. 
It appears that to an unusual degree personal instruction is 
needed in making better beekeepers, at least until there are 
more of them available to act as instructors to others in their 
communities. The Department of Agriculture has therefore 
incorporated work in beekeeping in the extension activities and 
while this work is new and tangible results can not be ex- 
pected so soon, the interest aroused gives assurance of the 
good which may be expected from this method of instruction. 
For the author to urge that extension work in beekeeping is 
more important than in other lines places him liable to a charge 
of bias but it is pertinent to point out the greater desirability 
of personal instruction in these branches of agriculture which 
involve unusual lines of effort and which are somewhat complex 
in character. The extension work in beekeeping is small in 
extent. It has been a difficult task to find available beekeepers 
who have the necessary equipment in a knowledge of bee be- 
havior and also in the practices of the apiary. There are 
plenty of beekeepers in the United States who have the requisite 
training, but the improvement of the honey market, due in no 
small degree to the light thrown on the subject by the recently 
organized market news service, has made commercial beekeep- 
ing so attractive to those who are equipped for it that few of 
the properly qualified men have been willing to take up this 
work and those engaged in the work are taking it up as a 
patriotic labor. The nature of the extension work and the 
earnestness of the field men who are doing it give promise for 
most helpful results in saving for the American people more 
of the vast store of sugar now so largely wasted. It must not 
be expected that the honey crop of 1918 will be ten times any 
previous crop, or even twice as large. Much depends on the 
season, until such time as better beekeeping makes the crop 
less dependent on seasonal variation. It is safe to say, how- 
ever, that patriotic beekeepers from one end of the country to 
the other will make a greater effort than ever before to do their 
share. They will be encouraged in this by the realization that 
they are helping. It will also help them to know that others 
are interested in their success. They will plan to increase their 


apiaries with the assurance that the beekeeping industry has 
now the best possible opportunity to prove its usefulness and 
to establish its rightful place among the multitude of agricul- 
tural industries. It would be an untrue and even ridiculous 
assumption to prophesy that beekeeping will result in a reduc- 
tion in the sugar consumption of the American people, but its 
growth will enable us to have a larger supply of a sweet which 
might with profit replace a considerable amount of the jellies, 
jams and sirups now so widely used. More honey would serve 
to reduce the consumption of inferior food products for, as bee- 
keepers so often tell each other, it is “ Nature’s own sweet.” 

VOL, v.—29. 



By Dr. R. R. BIRCH 

VERY “ultimate consumer” knows that there is an in- 
K sistent demand for more fats and more meat. Every 
live-stock breeder knows that the grains that formerly have 
been used to produce these commodities are commanding prices 
that well-nigh prohibit their use in meat production. Every 
live-stock statistician knows that our supply of meat-produc- 
ing animals is diminishing. And every scientist knows that 
we must have meats and fats. When these facts are forced to 
our attention with greater emphasis every day, and when we 
begin to seek a solution of this one of many problems the war 
has so suddenly thrust on us, we turn instinctively to the hog. 
And as with Postum, ‘‘ There’s a reason.” 

The hog is by far the most economical producer of any of 
our meat animals. Four or five pounds of dry matter fed to 
hogs in the form of grain will produce a pound of gain; it re- 
quires ten or twelve pounds of dry matter to produce a pound 
of gain in beef cattle. The fat hog yields almost 80 per cent. 
of his live weight as dressed carcass; the fat steer dresses only 
about 60 per cent. of his live weight. In addition to the fact 
that the hog makes the most of every pound of feed given him, 
he will eat feed that other animals spurn. City garbage, 
tankage, small potatoes, and the like, he devours with avidity, 
converting them promptly into palatable and nutritious human 

The hog reproduces so rapidly that comparison in this 
respect with other meat-producing animals leaves us wondering 
how the latter can survive. A good beef cow bred to-day will 
have to her credit a year from to-day a calf weighing, at best, 
three hundred pounds. A good brood sow bred to-day will 
have to her credit a year from to-day three quarters of a ton of 
finished pork. If she is bred a second time she will also have 
to her credit at the end of the year from six to ten pigs such 
as we roast for Thanksgiving. Speaking in mechanical terms 
we have rapid acceleration applied both to production and re- 
production of swine. In fact, we are not much in error in say- 


ing that we have arithmetical progression exemplified in repro- 
duction of beef cattle, and geometrical progression exemplified 
in reproduction of hogs. 

Adding to all these advantages the fact that pork may read- 
ily be cured so that it will keep weeks and months at room tem- 
perature without deterioration, we have in a nutshell the 
reasons why the hog still finds a place in intensive farming, in 
spite of the fact that beef cattle are being crowded out. 

But with all the outstanding advantages the hog possesses 
as a producer of meat, he has one vulnerable point. He con- 
tracts hog cholera and dies. True, he is subject to many other 
diseases that are more or less destructive to him, but hog 
cholera is his Nemesis. When it attacks one hog in a herd, it 
usually attacks all, and with the exception of a few stragglers, 
all succumb. In 1914, the disease cost our nation $75,000,000, 
killing more than 10 per cent. of its swine population. 

In this country, hog cholera appeared first in the Ohio 
valley, in 1833. Its ravages increased as transportation facili- 
ties multiplied, and, as early as 1875, when bacteriology as a 
science was yet in its infancy, the losses caused by it were so 
extensive that swine breeders regarded it with universal dread, 
and it was curtailing, in an alarming degree, America’s swine 

At this time the science of bacteriology was unfolding a new 
world. The bacteria, or germs, as they were called, that cause 
some of the infectious diseases, had been discovered and de- 
scribed, and there was an eager and perhaps hurried search in 
other directions. Hog cholera, because of its tremendous eco- 
nomic importance, became the object of close and prolonged 
study, and the researches conducted with this disease are 
among the most interesting that have occurred in the develop- 
ment of the veterinary sciences. 

In 1885, Dr. Elmer Salmon and Dr. Theobald Smith an- 
nounced that they had discovered the cause of hog cholera, and 
their findings were corroborated and accepted by trained in- 
vestigators in this country, and in Europe. This organism 
(Bacillus cholere suis), a member of the colon group, could 
be isolated in pure culture from the organs of hogs dead of 
cholera, it could be grown for generations on culture media, 
and when these cultures were injected back into other hogs 
they sometimes caused them to sicken and die. Cultures from 
the organs of these dead hogs revealed the presence of Bacillus 
cholere suis, and the incriminating evidence was regarded as 


Meanwhile the science of preventive medicine was develop- 
ing rapidly, and vaccines, serums, and bacterins had sprung 
into existence. Pasteur had produced vaccines that prevented 
fowl cholera, rabies, and anthrax, and scientists were eagerly 
seeking to prevent other infectious diseases in a like manner. 

Here again, hog cholera received its share of attention, but 
all the efforts to produce an effective vaccine by using cultures 
of Bacillus cholerxe suis ended in disappointment. Outbreaks 
of hog cholera still occurred in the field with the same deadly 
results, and hog raisers still continued to buy nostrums of all 
descriptions in the forlorn hope of checking the ravages. This 
state of affairs continued until the close of the nineteenth cen- 
tury, at which time there was a growing belief among some 
scientists that Bacillus cholerxe suis was not the real cause of 
the disease. 

This belief was supported by certain facts which will be 
mentioned presently, and consequently a further search was 
made for the organism responsible for this disastrous disease. 
The outcome was that in 1903 de Schweinitz and Dorset of the 
United States Bureau of Animal Industry announced that it 
was caused by a filterable virus. This announcement was re- 
ceived with considerable skepticism by those who had followed 
the long and difficult trail of the Bacillus cholere suis, and who 
had for eighteen years accepted without doubt its etiological 
connection with hog cholera. Had not the organism been found 
repeatedly in the organs of hogs dead of cholera? Had it not 
been isolated in pure culture and grown in the laboratory for 
generations? Had not the cultures produced disease and death 
in hogs to which they were given? Was not the organism 
found in pure culture in the organs of hogs thus killed? In 
short, had not Bacillus cholerx suis conformed to Koch’s dicta? 

As a matter of fact it had not wholly, because cultures did 
not produce disease and death with any degree of regularity. 
Closer study also revealed the fact that hogs to which the cul- 
tures were given did not develop lesions precisely similar to 
those found in hogs dead in field outbreaks, nor did these arti- 
ficially infected hogs transmit disease to healthy ones in con- 
tact with them. Finally, it was found that hogs artificially in- 
fected, and recovered, were not immune to outbreaks of natural 
infection. Thus there were good reasons to doubt whether 
Bacillus cholerx suis caused hog cholera. 

On the other hand, the evidence against the filterable virus 
was piling higher and higher. Repeated experiments showed 


that blood from cholera-infected hogs when passed through fine 
filters capable of removing all visible bacteria (Bacillus cholerz 
suis included) still remained constantly infectious. More than 
that, the few hogs that sickened as a result of doses of the 
filtered blood, and subsequently recovered, were found to be 
immune to field outbreaks of hog cholera. The mask was at 
last removed and the filterable virus, after remaining in dis- 
guise eighteen years, was revealed to the scientific world as the 
true cause of hog cholera. Although it did not conform en- 
tirely to Koch’s dicta, in that it could not be grown in the 
laboratory, the evidence against it was so conclusive that it was 
allotted a conspicuous place in the rogue’s gallery. 

But the filterable virus of hog cholera is found to be far 
less amenable to the Bertillon system than is Bacillus cholerx 
suis. The latter organism is easily visible with the compound 
microscope, it grows readily and somewhat characteristically 
on common culture media, producing gas and acid with a regu- 
larity comparable to that observed in chemical reactions. The 
filterable virus will do nothing of the kind. So far it has re- 
fused to grow in any culture medium except the hog; so far it 
is distinguished by what military men might term “low visi- 
bility,” at least it is invisible with the strongest microscope; 
so far its morphological characteristics remain unknown, so it 
has been placed, in company with others of its stripe, in the 
pigeon-hole labeled ‘“‘filterable viruses.”’ Meredith spoke a 
great truth when he said, “ Mankind is the sport of invisible 

But after all, what difference does it make how a certain 
organism behaves in the laboratory if its ravages in the field 
can be controlled? After numerous baffling attempts directed 
toward growing the filterable virus artificially, scientists turned 
their attention toward the latter problem. One fact gave great 
promise. There was observed an active life-long immunity in 
hogs that had recovered from hog cholera. Could this im- 
munity safely be produced artificially? 

Because the virus could not be grown in the laboratory, 
vaccines prepared in the usual manner were out of the question. 
Serum from immune hogs gave disappointing results, but it 
remained for Dorset, Niles and McBride, of the United States 
Bureau of Animal Industry, to demonstrate that immune hogs 
will tolerate enormous doses of blood drawn from hogs sick 
with cholera, and that subsequently blood from these immunes, 
or hyperimmunes, as they are called, will prevent cholera in 


susceptible swine. This blood became known as anti-hog 
cholera serum. But the immunity produced proved to be of 
short duration, unless the hogs treated for protection were ex- 
posed to hog cholera near the time at which the serum was ad- 
ministered, so it came to be the practise to produce this exposure 
by injecting each animal with a small quantity of hog cholera 
blood at the same time that serum treatment was given. It was 
found that this produced a lasting immunity, and that it in- 
volved but little danger to the animals thus treated. 

The product known as anti-hog cholera serum is nothing 
more than the defibrinated and carbolized blood of hogs that, 
prior to bleeding, have had their immunity built up by enormous 
doses of hog cholera blood. Under ordinary circumstances, 
one cubic centimeter of hog cholera blood will kill a two-hun- 
dred-pound susceptible hog, but the immune hog of like size 
will tolerate a quart of this blood injected into the blood stream. 

Anti-hog cholera serum, before being sent into the field for 
use, is subjected to rigid tests to prove its potency, and when it 
is carefully prepared it passes these tests with clock-like regu- 
larity. It is required to protect hogs given sufficient doses of 
hog cholera blood to kill them, and exposed, in addition, to 
natural infection by being placed in a pen with hogs sick with 
cholera. And it is with a feeling akin to triumph that the 
serum producer observes his serum-treated hogs surviving the 
ordeal with no outward signs of disease. 

Is hog cholera conquered? Not by any means, but we have 
in our hands the instrument with which it is possible to con- 
quer it. We can say to any individual breeder with perfect 
confidence that he does not need to lose his hogs with cholera 
unless he elects to do so. But our weapon is double-edged, and 
it is not without flaws in workmanship. 

When hogs are treated with serum and virus to produce a 
permanent immunity, one occasionally sickens, to the extent 
that he secretes hog cholera virus in his urine. This virus is 
just as dangerous for other hogs as it would be were the sick 
hog naturally infected with cholera. In the immediate herd 
treated this makes no particular difference, because all the hogs 
are immunized, but new centers of infection may sometimes 
be produced, from which the virus may find its way to other 
herds. This danger is greatly augmented when untrained men 
use serum and virus, and it grew to be so serious that even 
private serum laboratories, interested in selling as much serum 
as possible, refuse to seil their products to others than graduate 


veterinarians, because they realize that if these products are 
used by untrained men, they will, in the long run, be discredited. 

The danger incident to untrained men in the field is no 
greater than that due to untrained men in the laboratory. The 
federal government has recognized this fact, and it now places 
an inspector in every laboratory that manufactures serum for 
inter-state shipment. The business of the inspector is to see 
that the laboratory is kept clean, and that the serum offered 
for sale is carefully handled and tested. 

Even when there is a plentiful supply of potent serum, 
though, there are various obstacles that militate against its 
most effective use in the field. It is used as a cure instead of 
as a preventive, it is used to prevent diseases incorrectly pro- 
nounced hog cholera, serum alone is used when both serum and 
virus are required, and vice versa. Each time serum is wrongly 
used and bad results follow, there is created a certain degree of 
skepticism regarding its effectiveness. 

Added to these obstacles we have constantly with us certain 
well-meaning but half-informed persons who enthusiastically 
advise all farmers to have their hogs treated with serum. Such 
advice is almost equally absurd as would be the order of a fire 
chief who would direct his men to dash down the street with the 
chemical wagon, squirting soda and acids indiscriminatingly in 
all directions, because one house happened to be on fire. Obvi- 
ously the efforts should be directed at the seat of the trouble, 
and at points where danger appears imminent. It is also true 
that unconsciously, perhaps, there has been a certain relaxation 
in the enforcement of quarantine regulations since hog cholera 
serum came into use, and the serum has too often been regarded 
as a substitute for sanitary measures, rather than as an adjunct 
to them. 

What is the attitude of hog raisers toward hog cholera 
serum? This is an important consideration, because it must 
ultimately determine success or failure, as far as hog cholera 
control is concerned. Skepticism prevailed when the discovery 
was first announced, and even to-day, ten years after that an- 
nouncement was made, this skepticism is not wholly dispelled. 
But to those of us who are engaged in the manufacture and use 
of serum, the wonder is that so much, rather than that so little, 
progress has been made. Scientists are likely to complain that 
their devious trails are not closely followed by those whom their 
efforts are supposed to benefit, and from time to time various 
educators complain, and too often with justice, of the vast store 


of useful knowledge that has received decent burial in books. 
But Emerson’s law of compensation remains always effective, 
and there is one great advantage associated with the fact that 
the layman does not follow the scientist too closely. He may 
meet the scientist coming back. 

In the case of hog cholera serum, though, this skepticism, 
now fast disappearing, has worked great harm to our swine in- 
dustry, and it has been fostered, not only by certain swine 
breeders who have to be shown, but by certain “‘ quacks” in the 
veterinary profession. The doubting farmer is the one who 
has for years been trying every form of nostrum advertised to 
prevent or cure hog cholera. The doubting “quack” is the 
man who has prepared the nostrums. 

Nevertheless, it is true that in the great hog-raising states 
of the Union, there exists to-day no doubt in the minds of 
progressive hog raisers as to the effectiveness of hog cholera 
serum. In fact this confidence is so strong that from time to 
time there arises a short-sighted but insistent demand that 
hog cholera serum shall be made and distributed free as a 


ae aa Rene oe eS 
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FS kN 
ARG eee eS eee 
Pk. Cu eta ene clock .1 | alpen ase amen 
OFT le eer ele | Ne 


Fic. 1. Losses from Dog Cholera in the United States for the years ending 
April 1, 1894-1917. 


governmental function. This would entail an immense and 
unnecessary expenditure of public funds, because thousands 
of doses of serum would then be used without cause, and the 
supply to meet the legitimate demand would be insufficient. 
Worse still, serum would be used universally as a preventive 
of practically every malady that affects swine, and every failure 
would help to break down confidence in its effectiveness. 

What progress is actually being made toward the suppres- 
sion of hog cholera? One hesitates to quote statistics because 
one is always reminded of a certain analogy that might be 
suspected of existing between a person quoting statistics, and 
the devil quoting Scripture. But I am venturing to include a 
curve prepared by Dr. J. R. Mohler, chief of the Bureau of 
Animal Industry, illustrating in graphic form the annual losses 
from hog cholera throughout a term of years. 

If we remember that hog cholera serum came into use in 
1908, and if we examine this curve with that fact in mind, we 
do not at first see much encouragement in the figures presented. 
But if we remember that during the years when the curve was 
ascending the facts regarding the effectiveness of hog cholera 
serum were not generally known, if we remember that its use 
was but imperfectly understood, if we remember that during 
those years the supply of serum was far short of the demand, 
we gain a new understanding of the situation. 

Further, when we are told that as far back as 1887, the 
annual losses from hog cholera reached a proportion of 120 per 
thousand, and in 1897, a proportion, as the curve shows, of 130 
per thousand, we are inclined to believe that the wave whose 
crest was reached in 1914 was in reality a wave cut short. The 
downward tendency of the curve since 1914 gives renewed en- 
couragement, but while we must wait several years before we 
can be sure that this downward direction is maintained, and 
that it is due to the use of serum, rather than to a normal 
fluctuation, we believe it can truly be said that out of the mis- 
understandings and chaos inevitably wrought by a remarkable 
discovery of his kind, there is steadily and surely being con- 
structed a beaten trail leading to the goal—the complete control 
of hog cholera. 





ROM time immemorial it has been considered a self-evident 
kK fact that where crop rotation is practised there is a 
bigger and better yield. The farmers of ancient Rome under- 
stood that crops following beans, peas and vetches were usually 
better than those following wheat or barley; but it was not 
until the last quarter of the nineteenth century that it was 
learned that the legumes with the aid of associated bacteria 
has the power of feeding on the free nitrogen of the air, 
while the non-leguminous plant has not this power and re- 
quires a supply of combined nitrogen. To-day we find the best 
farmers practising some system of crop rotation. They have 
learned from experience that where crop rotation is practised 
the crops are bigger and better than where the single crop sys- 
tem is followed. This is usually interpreted as indicating that 
crop rotation has increased the fertility of the soil. We find 
many farmers planting legumes for a number of years on run- 
down soil, each year removing the entire crop and feeling confi- 
dent that their soil is becoming richer in plant food. Let us 
examine some of the results which have been obtained in care- 
fully planned experiments to see if this conclusion is warranted 
by the experimental evidence. 

Plants are composed of ten elements, each of which is 
absolutely essential to their growth and formation. Only two 
—carbon and oxygen—are secured from the air by all plants, 
only one—hydrogen—from the water; the other seven are se- 
cured by all plants from the soil. One class of plants—the 
legumes—may, under appropriate conditions, obtain their ni- 
trogen from the air. Six elements—phosphorus, potassium, 
magnesium, calcium, iron and sulfur—are obtained entirely by 
the growing plant from the soil. 

The great majority of agricultural soils contain large quan- 
tities of all these essential elements, with the exception of nitro- 
gen, phosphorus and potassium. These are used by the grow- 
ing plant in larger quantities than are any of the other elements 
which are obtained direct from the soil, and in the great major- 


ity of soils nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium is the limiting 
element in crop production. Therefore our problem resolves it- 
self into the question: Can crop rotation maintain these ele- 
ments in the soil in quantities sufficient for maximum yields? 
Phosphorus and potassium are obtained by the growing plant 
only from the soil; it is, therefore, self-evident that no simple 
system of crop rotation can maintain the phosphorus and potas- 
sium, since the quantity within the soil must of necessity be re- 
duced with each crop removed; the extent depending upon the 
specific crop grown; hence, nitrogen is the only element which 
we can hope to maintain by crop rotation. This is the ele- 
ment which is found in the soil in smallest quantity and re- 
moved by most plants in larger quantities than the phosphorus 
or potassium. Moreover, large quantities of this element are 
at times lost from the soil by leaching, while the loss of the 
others is comparatively small. It is of the greatest importance, 
therefore, that nitrogen be supplied to the soils in sufficient 
quantities for maximum crop production and in the cheapest 
manner possible. The total quantity of these three elements 
found in an acre-foot section of two Utah agricultural soils, 
assuming one acre-foot to weigh 3,600,000 pounds, is given in 
Table I. 


Greenville Farm, Nephi Farm, 

Pounds per Acre Pounds per Acre 
PRETOR OD 5 1c 4s. vicbcidlapacl clas sbe es aa eee anne rae 4,904 3,744 
IPHOSHHOLUS 25s 'steraca sohlays etain Daina en onenl aie 2,700 8,388 
IEGLABSIUUNY bi oo Sale cin ce ee ee ee 60,560 87,840 

Both soils contain an abundance of potassium, but the supply 
of phosphorus and nitrogen is much lower. A study of these 
results reveals the fact that a fifty-bushel crop of wheat each 
year for forty-nine years would remove the equivalent of the 
total quantity of nitrogen in the Greenville soil to a depth of 
one foot, while a similar crop on the Nephi farm would accom- 
plish this in just thirty-seven years. It would, however, re- 
quire a fifty-bushel crop 170 years to remove the phosphorus 
from the Greenville soil and 525 years to remove it from the 
Nephi soils. Of course a crop would never remove all the nitro- 
gen or phosphorus from a soil, but in actual practise the ele- 
ments are slowly removed; the crop yields being reduced each 
year until a certain minimum is reached. When crops can no 
longer be produced economically then the owner abandons his 


soil, moves on to virgin soils, or if it be in an old district he 
resorts to the expensive commercial fertilizer. The illustration 
is, however, sufficiently accurate to make it clear that the lim- 
iting factor, in so far as soil fertility is concerned in both of 
these soils, is the nitrogen. And it is true of the great majority 
of all soils that an increased nitrogen supply means an increased 
yield. This principle is one of the fundamentals of soil fertility. 

Nitrogen exists in the atmosphere in inexhaustible quanti- 
ties, every square yard of land has seven tons of nitrogen 
lying over it or if the quantity covering one acre could be com- 
bined into the nitrate it would be worth as a fertilizer $125,- 
000,000. Now it has been demonstrated that the legumes— 
peas, beans, alfalfa, ete.—when properly infected have the 
power of feeding on this limitless supply of atmospheric nitro- 
gen, while the non-legzumes—barley, wheat, oats, etc.—must de- 
pend upon the supply within the soil. The farmer should take 
advantage of this fact to supply nitrogen for his crops, as the 
commercial fertilizer can not be used economically for the pro- 
duction of most crops, as is seen from the fact that the nitrogen 
in a 50-bushel wheat crop would cost $14.40, 20 tons of sugar 
beets $15.00 or one ton of alfalfa hay $7.50 if bought as 
a commercial fertilizer. But will the legume draw nitrogen 
from the atmosphere while there is a supply in the soil, or will 
it follow the line of least resistance and turn only to the atmos- 
phere when nitrogen is lacking in the soil? If it does, it must 
first drain the soil of its valuable nitrogen and thus leave it no 
richer than it was before the legume was grown upon the soil. 
This is the problem which this paper is to answer. 

Crop rotation has been practised for centuries, but the oldest 
system of which we have accurate information is the one on 
Agdell Field at the Rothamsted Experiment Station. This sys- 
tem was inaugurated in 1848 and is still being carefully fol- 
lowed. It consists of a four-year rotation as follows: 

First year—Swede turnips (rutabagas) 
Second year—barley 

Third year—clover or beans 

Fourth year—wheat 

Still another system has been running parallel and similar 
to this, except that fallow cultivation is practised in the third 
year instead of growing a legume. The average yields for 
twenty-year periods are given in Table II. These systems are 
of especial interest to the farmers of Utah, for when we substi- 
tute sugar beets for the turnips, and alfalfa or peas for the 
clover or beans, we have nearly an ideal rotation for our soils. 



Legume Fallow 
Crop Yield 1st Yield 2d Yield 3d Yield 1st Yield 2d Yield 3d 
20 Years, 20 Years, 20 Years, 20 Years, 20 Years, 20 Years, 
1848-68 1868-88 1888-1908 1848-68 1868-88 | 1888-1908 
Roots pounds ..... 5,264 1,723 967 5,785 3,067 2,502 
Leaves pounds .... 600 447 242 629 538 458 
Grains bUSaieee ci 38.0 22.0 Shee 37.0 22.8 15.9 
Straw pounds..... 2,373 1,496 1,172 2,244 1,489 1172 
Grains puss se 29.6 PAE 24.3 34.5 SB 23.5 
Straw pounds..... 3,169 2,082 2,445 3,761 2,420 2,412 

Even where the legume was used in the system there has 
been a decline in the yield. The yield of the turnips during the 
first twenty years was 5,264 pounds, the second 1,723, and the 
third only 967 pounds, thus showing a decrease to about one 
sixth the original in sixty years. The results with the barley 
are no better, for we find a drop from the fair yield of 38 bushels 
per acre during the first period to only 13.7 during the third. 
The wheat which followed the legume in the rotation, and 
hence occupied the most-favored place in the system, shows a 
decrease of 5.3 bushels. Not even a good yield has been main- 
tained for the clover, for from 1850 to 1874 the average yield 
was 4,165 pounds, while from 1882 to 1906 the yield was only 
1,246 pounds. In reality we find no greater decline in the yields 
where fallow cultivation is practised. But both systems 
strongly testify to the fact that rotation is not maintaining the 
productive powers of this soil. And the evidence is strong that 
the legume gets no more nitrogen from the air than that which 
is removed with the plant. Otherwise we should expect better 
results in the legume system than in the fallow system. 

That the alfalfa, when grown on fertile soil and the crop re- 
moved, does not increase the nitrogen of the soil is seen from 
experiments conducted by Dr. Hopkins at the University of 
Illinois. The experiment was made possible by the fact that 
many of the Illinois soils do not normally contain the symbiotic 
bacteria thus making it impossible for the alfalfa to obtain nitro- 
gen from the air. This being the case, a field was taken which 
had not grown alfalfa and hence did not contain the symbiotic 
nitrogen-gathering bacteria. This was planted to alfalfa, only 
one half of it being inoculated with the legume organism. To 
some of the plots were added lime and phosphorus to make sure 
that these were not the limiting factors. The results thus ob- 
tained are given in Table III. 



Plot No. Treatment Applied — cite east Pounds Nitrogen 
Fixed by Bacteria 
Dry Matter | Nitrogen 
Lie ee None 1,180 | 21.81 
WO Pye yore: Bacteria 2,300 62.04 40.23 
DO eet eels Lime 1,300 | 26.20 
DD ay ewe Lime bacteria 2,570 68.02 41.82 
1 ee ree Lime phosphorus 1,740 35.40 
SO ae Lime phosphorus bacteria 3,290 89.05 53.65 

It is evident from these results that the alfalfa has obtained 
from 40 to 53 pounds of nitrogen from the air, depending upon 
the treatment. There was slightly more than one third as much 
nitrogen in the alfalfa crop from the uninoculated as in the 
inoculated. Therefore, it is quite evident that the alfalfa in 
these plots had obtained one third of its nitrogen from the soil 
and two thirds from the air. Now, nitrogen is required by the 
root for its growth as well as for the growth above the ground, 
and we have every reason for believing that the root also would 
obtain it in the same proportion from air and soil as did the 
hay crop. 

Now, if we examine dry matter and total nitrogen occurring 
in the roots and stalks of alfalfa, we should be able to decide 
whether more nitrogen is being returned to the soil in the roots 
and residues than is removed by the growing plants. 

The results for this comparison have been obtained from II- 
linois and Delaware experiments and are given in Table IV. 


r a re, r . 
peaune Aare, Poauta |i pounds ji) @)eaiieeckeenth teen 
Sweet Clover 
TODS bain Gea ete ees 9,029 174 76 
Roots and residues ........... 3,748 54 
Crimson Clover 
LODSiy cet o siee ae wee teins 4,512 103 70 
GOSS a o.5 i iaiad deal cece en tere Perk be 2,022 41 
FE ODB iucie dis rata tnee Wab iets os 2,267 54.8 60 
UOOURS 4's ie, SOR ee anaes te eT 1,980 40.4 

With the clover three fourths of the total nitrogen is found 
in the plant above ground and only one fourth in the roots, 
while the alfalfa shows a greater proportion in the roots—40 
per cent. This represents the proportion for the first-year 
growth for alfalfa and it is not likely that in the older plant this 


high proportion of the total nitrogen would be maintained in 
the roots. It is quite certain that if only two thirds of the 
total nitrogen of the plant is obtained from the air the quan- 
tity returned to the soil with the roots and plant residues does 
not exceed that removed from the soil by the growing plant, 
which would give no increase in soil nitrogen from the growing 
of a legume where the entire crop is removed. And this even 
where the roots are allowed to remain and decay; yet we find 
some farmers who remove the roots from the soil and even then 
expect an increase in their soil fertility. 

It is therefore quite certain that the legume, where the crop 
is harvested, does not increase the soil nitrogen of the fertile 
soil of Illinois and other soil fairly rich in nitrogen. But what 
will happen on the arid and semi-arid soil where nitrogen in 
many cases is the limiting element and is present in much 
smaller quantities than it is in the soils on which the experi- 
ments considered have been conducted. Experiments which 
have been conducted at the Utah Experiment Station during 
the last twelve years have demonstrated that even on soils poor 
in nitrogen the legume first feeds upon the combined nitrogen 
of the soil. It is known that plant residues and other complex 
nitrogen compounds found in the soil are transformed by bac- 
teria into ammonia and this in turn by another class of bac- 
teria into nitric nitrogen, and it is mainly on this nitrogen that 
the growing plant feeds. The quantity of this found in the soil 
at different periods under different plants has been measured 
at the Utah Experiment Station and the average results for 
twelve years are given in Table V. 


Crop Spring Midsummer Fall Average 
PAT A Tee 3. 3. . Site Pothcea i pice 22.3 15.8 32.8 23.6 
OEE) Seg Ee A Bae Sk ROS NS 35.7 14.1 20.6 23.5 
COTS AFIT ee ee 24.8 18.9 22.0 21.9 
IPGEALOCSs 1.) ies2 santo 81.1 60.8 54.2 65.3 
Wallowse ec oe ee 81.5 53.6 62.6 65.9 

Here we find the legume alfalfa, removing the nitric nitro- 
gen from the soil just as fast as do the non-legumes. Yet this 
soil was well inoculated with the symbiotic bacteria which un- 
doubtedly assisted the alfalfa in obtaining free nitrogen from 
the air when needed, but not until the soluble nitrogen had been 
drained from the soil to its full extent, as is shown by the fact 


that alfalfa soil never contains more than does oats and corn 
land and is very poor as compared with potato and fallow soil. 

It may be argued that the small quantity of nitric nitrogen 
in the alfalfa soil is due to a lack of its formation, as it is not 
needed by the legume, hence not formed; but this conclusion is 
not warranted by the facts in the case, as may be seen from the 
results obtained where the speed of formation of nitric nitrogen 
(nitrification) was measured. These also are the average re- 
sults extending over a number of years and obtained at the 
Utah Experiment Station. 

Soin IN 21 Days 

Crop Spring | Midsummer Fall Average 
Alfalfa... ci. Gab ot cketentamitate ile 3-15 7.48 3.08 4.56 
Qatts oe bast cas poeenenaes ee 2.40 4.00 3.00 3.13 
Come cee eee 2.18 3.50 1.48 2.38 
Potatoes. Goce cee soneeee 3.00 15:55 5.60 8.04 
Mallow Ax: 27h etaeiercre Rete clee ere 1.30 | 5.50 2.48 3.09 

Here we find the quantity of soluble nitrogen produced in 
the alfalfa soil greater than that produced in either the oat or 
alfalfa soil, and there is no doubt but that this is one reason why 
an increased yield is obtained the year following the plowing up 
of an alfalfa field; for this increased nitrification is noted for 
several years after an alfalfa field is planted to some other 
crop. This is due to the alfalfa plant stimulating bacterial 
organisms of the soil so they make available faster the nitrogen 
of the soil, but this only depletes the soil of its nitrogen more 
readily than does the non-legume, for it is the nitrogen already 
combined in the soil on which the nitrifying organisms act. 
Hence, we must conclude that alfalfa not only feeds closer on 
the soluble nitrates of the soil, but it also makes a greater drain 
upon the insoluble nitrogen of the soil by increasing the nitrify- 
ing powers of the soil, and would therefore deplete the soil, if 
the entire crop be removed, more readily than would other 
crops, a conclusion which is borne out by the direct analysis of 
the soil. For the analysis of a great number of Utah soils 
which have grown various crops for a number of years—some 
of them having been into alfalfa or wheat for upward of thirty 
years—revealed the fact that almost invariably the alfalfa soil 
contained less total nitrogen than did the wheat soil. The 
average for a great number of determinations made from 
alfalfa soils was 7,232 pounds per acre of total nitrogen, while 


the average for a great number of wheat soils was 7,398 pounds. 

These are average results from a great number of deter- 
minations made on adjoining alfalfa and wheat soil and they 
clearly indicate that in ordinary farm practise the alfalfa is 
making just as heavy a drain upon the soil nitrogen as is the 

Hence, from a consideration of the yields obtained in crop 
rotation, the relative quantities of nitrogen obtained from the 
atmosphere and the soil by the alfalfa, the feeding and stimu- 
lating effect of the alfalfa upon nitrates, and finally the actual 
quantity of total nitrogen remaining in the soil after wheat and 
legumes, we must conclude that the legume does not increase 
the nitrogen of a common agricultural soil—even in the arid 
region where the nitrogen is low—when the entire crop is re- 

This conclusion does not, however, mean that crop rotation 
should not be practised, for there are many reasons why crop ro- 
tation commends itself to the careful farmer, but it must not be 
used and the legume removed with the intention of maintaining 
soil fertility. This may appear to be an unfortunate conclusion, 
but it is just the reverse, and if its teachings are heeded it 
means a fertile soil and an economic gain to the farmer from 
the system of farming which it requires him to adopt. 

There are two practicable methods of maintaining the nitro- 
gen content of the soil. First, planning systems of crop rota- 
tions with legumes, the legumes being plowed under and al- 
lowed to decay, thus furnishing nitrogen to the succeeding crop. 
Second, practising a combined system of crop rotation and live- 
stock farming. 

Three tons of alfalfa contain 150 pounds of nitrogen, all of 
which we could assume came from the atmosphere; assuming 
the quantity found in the roots as coming from the soil. This 
is the equivalent of the nitrogen found in the grain and straw 
of seventy-five bushels of wheat. If the alfalfa is plowed under 
some of the nitrogen would be lost to the growing plant in the 
processes of decay and leaching, but that the total nitrogen of 
the soil may actually be increased by the turning under of the 
legume is certain from field experiments. 

The Dominion of Canada Experiment Stations grew mam- 
moth clover for two successive seasons on a soil very low in 
nitrogen. The two cuttings of mammoth clover with all the 
residues were turned under each year with the results that the 
soil gained as an average 177 pounds per acre of total nitrogen 
which is the quantity of nitrogen found in three forty-bushel 

VOL. v.—30. 


crops of wheat, provided the straw was returned to the soil, as 
two tons of this contains 20 pounds of nitrogen. On the other 
hand, work on the soil of the Utah Nephi Experiment Farm, 
with a rotation of wheat and peas where the peas were plowed 
under, showed a gain in total nitrogen of 240 pounds in four 
years. That is, in addition to furnishing the small quantity of 
nitrogen required by the wheat crop, the peas had added to the 
soil an average of 60 pounds of nitrogen per year. 

The second method of maintaining the nitrogen and organic 
matter of the soil—the combined rotation and livestock method 
—is the more practical and if systematically practised will not 
only maintain the nitrogen of the soil but will prove of great 
economic value to the individual following it. For it consists of 
a rotation in which the legume plays a prominent part. The 
legume to be fed and all the manure returned to the soil: This 
would mean the selling from the farm the hay crop in the form 
of butter, milk, or beef which carries from the soil only a frac- 
tion of the nitrogen stored by legume; moreover, it brings 
for the producer much greater returns than does the system 
in which the legume is completely removed from the soil. 

It must, however, be remembered that in this system only 
about three fourths of the total nitrogen of the feed is recov- 
ered in the dung and urine. So that in place of three tons of 
alfalfa adding 150 pounds of nitrogen to the soil from the air, 
it would add only 120 pounds and this on the condition that all 
of the liquid and solid excrements are collected and returned to 
the soil. But where the alfalfa is to be fed and the manure 
returned to the soil, the legume can occupy a much longer period 
in the rotation and that with greater economy than where the 
legume is to be plowed under directly. 

Hence, we find that if these principles which have been 
established for soils even low in nitrogen be systematically ap- 
plied it will result in greater revenue from an increased live- 
stock industry and will maintain the soil rich in nitrogen and 
organic matter in place of depleting it of its stored-up nitrogen, 
as is so often the case with the present methods. 



By Professor ROBERT W. HEGNER 


HARLES DARWIN in the “Origin of Species” gives 
@ several interesting examples of the “complex relations 
of all animals and plants to each other in the struggle for exist- 
ence.”! One of these is very frequently cited, namely, that of 
the influence of cats upon the clover crop, since cats catch field 
mice, and field mice destroy more than two thirds of the bees 
which are alone instrumental in pollenizing red clover. What 
will happen when the equilibrium of nature is disturbed by the 
introduction or extermination of a certain species of plant or 
animal, is in any case difficult to predict. We know compara- 
tively little about the biological results of changes in the fauna 
and flora, but certain of the more direct effects of one sort of 
organism upon the welfare of another in a widely different 
sphere of life have been carefully worked out. Some of the 
relations revealed are indeed startling and, economically con- 
sidered, effectually transpose many apparently harmless organ- 
isms into the highly injurious class. Of particular interest at 
the present time are those relations between organisms that in- 
fluence the food supply of man. 

- We are all most familiar with the animals that may be used 
directly as food. Among these are the domesticated mammals, 
such as the cattle, sheep and pigs, and mammals that are still 
wild but have been hunted extensively in the past for food and 
some of which are still of value in certain localities. Among 
these are the opossum, the bear, seals, squirrels, rabbits, musk- 
rats, woodchucks, deer, moose, caribou, elk, mountain sheep 
and mountain goats. 

The domesticated birds are only second to the domesticated 
mammals in food value. Most important of these are the 
chickens, geese, ducks, guinea fowls, turkeys and pigeons. As 
among the mammals, there are many wild birds that might 
form part of our bill of fare, but unfortunately we have in the 

1“ The Origin of Species,” 6th edition, 1872, pp. 55-59. 



past so thoughtlessly abused this “inexhaustible” natural re- 
source that now the grouse, bobwhites, pheasants, turkeys, wild 
ducks, wild geese, plovers, snipes and wild pigeons are all but 
exterminated and are of practically no value to us. 

Among the principal reptiles of food value are the turtles, 
such as the diamond-back terrapin, soft-shelled turtle and green 

The amphibia are of very little importance, furnishing us 
only frogs’ legs. Efforts have been made to carry on frog 
“farming,” but these have not been very successful in close 
quarters, because the frogs eat each other, and their food, of 
small animals, can be obtained for them only with difficulty. 

Fish, on the other hand, have been for centuries one of 
man’s most abundant food resources, and both the federal and 
state governments are now expending large sums to plant new 
waters or to restock depleted fishing grounds. 

Shellfish, likewise, have figured strongly on human bills of 
fare from the days of primitive man to the present time. 
Oysters have been particularly favored. Other shellfish that 
are commonly eaten by human beings are the soft-shell clam, 
razor-shells, hen clams, mussels and scallops. Certain large 
snails are considered a delicacy, especially by the French, and 
squids are eaten by some people, particularly the Chinese and 

The sea serves as a pasture for many species of edible Crus- 
tacea. Of these the most important are the lobsters, blue crabs, 
and shrimps. Freshwater crayfishes are not used as exten- 
sively as food, but the growing scarcity of lobsters makes it 
probable that raising crayfishes for market may soon become a 
flourishing industry. 

It is evident from the above list that man has in the past 
been indebted for much of his food supply to wild animals, 
which have come to him with no more effort than that required 
to capture and distribute them, and this list has been presented 
simply to remind us of the extent of our indebtedness to them. 

Not only are many kinds of animals used directly as food by 
man, but certain of them manufacture food products that we 
would greatly miss if we were deprived of them, such as milk, 
butter, cheese, eggs and honey. 

Each of these food animals has its own particular part to 
play in the struggle for existence, and its value to us makes 
its enemies our enemies. Among the most conspicuous de- 
structive animals are the predacious mammals. The relations 


of predacious mammals to other animals and to man are very 
complex and each species must be examined separately in order 
to determine its economic status. Space allows us, however, 
only room for a few general statements. Where uninfluenced 
by the presence of man, a balance is struck between these flesh- 
eaters and the herbivorous animals upon which they prey. 
Often their activities are of real benefit, since vast numbers of 
rabbits, mice and other harmful species are destroyed by them. 
The more important predacious mammals are the wolf, coyote, 
mountain lion, bear, lynx, fox and mink. The wolf is particu- 
larly destructive in localities where domesticated animals are 
reared in large numbers. Lack of their natural food, which 
formerly consisted of wild game, principally bison, has de- 
creased their numbers almost to the vanishing point, and the 
relentless war waged upon them by man has all but extermi- 
nated them. Wolves and coyotes also have beneficial qualities, 
since they destroy prairie dogs, ground squirrels and other 
harmful rodents, but these are far outweighed by their destruc- 
tion of wild game and domesticated animals. Mountain lions 
kill deer, young elk and other food animals. The bear and lynx 
are too rare to be of much importance; the fox and the mink 
prey upon both wild and domesticated birds, but often pay for 
their depredations by destroying obnoxious insects, field mice, 
ground squirrels and rabbits. 

Less conspicuous than the predacious mammals, but of 
greater economic importance, are the parasitic organisms, most 
of which are very small, but none the less effective. Mention 
may be made of the threadworms, such as syngamus, which 
causes the disease known as gapes in poultry and game birds; 
and the stomach worm of the sheep; of the tapeworms, such as 
that of the dog, which spends part of its growth period lodged 
in the brain of certain food mammals—they cause “gid” or 
“staggers” in sheep; of the liver fluke which likewise attacks 
sheep; and of several extremely minute species belonging to 
the lowest group in the animal kingdom—the protozoa. Of the 
last named, one of the most important is the microscopic or- 
ganism that causes Texas-fever in cattle. The life history of 
this organism may well serve as an illustration of the interrela- 
tions of animals widely separated in the animal series. The 
fever organisms or germs live in the blood corpuscles of sick 
eattle. They are often sucked into the bodies of ticks which infest 
these cattle, and after multiplying for a time, some of them 
become lodged in the eggs of the tick. These eggs are laid on 
the ground and the young germ-infested ticks that emerge from 


them cling to grass blades or weeds waiting for cattle to brush 
against them. When this happens they fasten themselves to 
the animal’s body and begin to suck their blood. Some of the 
fever germs are injected into the blood of the victim during 
this attack and Texas-fever in due time results. Thus this ap- 
parently insignificant organism aided by an apparently harm- 
less tick causes an annual loss of about sixty million dollars to 
the people living in the fever district and a corresponding de- 
crease of our food supply. 

The control of the Texas-fever tick is very simple. The 
adult ticks die after laying their eggs, and the young die if they 
do not gain access to cattle within a few months. A pasture 
may thus be freed from ticks if left vacant for a few months. 
Ticks may also be removed from cattle by dipping the animals 
in vats containing substances such as crude petroleum or ar- 
senical mixtures which kill the ticks. 

Animals that destroy or lessen the value of food plants and 
their products are frequently overlooked. Every one who has 
attempted to raise garden vegetables or fruit knows what con- 
stant attention is necessary to prevent potato beetles, squash 
bugs, San José scales, codlin moths and other insects from pre- 
venting a harvest. So numerous and varied are these insects 
that the general impression arises that all insects are injurious. 
This however is far from true, since many parasitic species 
cause the death of countless harmful ones, and in fact, by hold- 
ing the latter in check, are responsible for preventing the pro- 
duction of such mighty hordes of greedy pests that we are ac- 
tually saved from starvation by their efforts. 

For example, the minute tachina flies really make it pos- 
sible for us to raise grain in many localities, since they destroy 
enormous numbers of army worms. The army worm is a black 
and yellow striped caterpillar about one and one half to two 
inches long when full-grown. It is the young of an incon- 
spicuous dull-brown moth. Sometimes these caterpillars be- 
come so numerous that they are forced to migrate in search 
of food, like a foraging army. Crops over large areas are 
eaten by the worms with tremendous loss to the farmer and 
indirectly to the food-consuming public. Fortunately the 
tachina flies increase as rapidly as the army worms which they 
parasitize. Their eggs are laid on the body of the worms and 
the young that hatch from them burrow into their hosts, finally 
killing them. 

Other insects are, like the bumble bee, responsible for the 
pollinization of flowers and consequently the production of seed. 


The dependence of plants upon pollinization by insects is 
well illustrated by the Smyrna fig. Prior to the year 1900 this 
fig could not be grown in the orchards of California, but since 
then the causes have been found, and the remedy applied with 
satisfactory results. The figs did not ripen because their 
flowers were not pollinized. When pollination was found to be 
accomplished by a minute insect, this insect was introduced into 
the fig-growing districts of California and a successful new in- 
dustry established. 

Rivaling in interest the establishment of the fig industry in 
California is that of the salvation of the orange and lemon trees 
of the same origin. Kellogg gives the facts in this case in the 
following words: 

In 1868 some young orange trees were brought to Menlo Park (near 
San Francisco) from Australia. These trees were undoubtedly infested 
by the fluted scale which is a native of Australia. These scale immigrants 
throve in the balmy California climate, and particularly well probably 
because they had left all their native enemies far behind. By 1880 they 
had spread to the great orange-growing districts of southern California, 
five hundred miles away, and in the next ten years caused enormous loss 
to the growers. In 1888 the entomologist Koebele, recommended by the gov- 
ernment division of entomology, was sent at the expense of the California 
fruit growers to Australia to try to find out and send back some effective 
predacious or parasitic enemy of the pest. As a result of this effort, a few 
Vedalias were sent to California, where they were zealously fed and 
eared for, and soon, after a few generations, enough of the little beetles 
were on hand to warrant trying to colonize them in the attacked orange 
groves. With astonishing and gratifying success the Vedalia in a very 
few years had so naturally increased and spread that the ruthless scale 
was definitely checked in its destruction, and from that time to this has 
been able to do only occasionally and in limited localities any injury at all. 

_ The relations of birds to insects are known to most every 
one, but we can not mention too often or emphasize too strongly 
their influence in maintaining the equilibrium in the insect 
world. Much of the trouble now encountered by gardeners, 
horticulturists, and farmers would vanish if we could only 
bring back the birds that have been killed for food or driven 
away by various agents controlled by man, such as the domes- 
bie. cat. 

The decision as to what attitude to take toward any par- 
ticular wild animal is indeed a difficult one. Whether to en- 
courage it by protection or to eliminate it by paying a bounty 
for its capture is often a puzzling question. Among the birds 
the great horned owl occupies a doubtful position, sometimes 
being considered decidedly harmful, at other times neutral, and 
even beneficial. The owl feeds principally on birds and mam- 


mals, and less frequently on insects. The birds are mostly 
game birds and poultry. There can be, of course, no doubt re- 
garding its injurious character so far as this part of its bill 
of fare is concerned since all these birds are decidedly beneficial. 
On the other hand its mammalian food consists largely of 
rodents, such as mice, ground squirrels and rabbits, and an 
occasional skunk. Mice, ground squirrels and rabbits are 
among the most destructive gnawing animals, whereas the 
skunk may be destructive if it acquires a taste for poultry and 
the habit of robbing birds’ nests, or it may be beneficial, feed- 
ing largely on insects and mice. Judgment regarding the great 
horned owl, therefore, becomes largely a matter of opinion and 
the conclusion is perhaps justified that in such cases it is best 
to regulate the number of individuals so that no notable de- 
struction ensues. In the case of the owl, no effort is necessary 
since almost every hunter and farmer’s boy shoots an owl on 
sight and thus their numbers are kept down to a minimum. 

Among the many apparently useless animals that are really 
indispensable for the proper production of our food supply are 
the minute swimming animals, the Crustacea, of which the 
water flea is an example, and the lowly earthworm. 

Although the Crustacea used as food by man in the United 
States are valued at several millions of dollars annually, still 
their indirect value as food for fish is probably greater. The 
smaller Crustacea furnish perhaps the principal item in the 
fish’s bill of fare. They are extremely abundant everywhere; 
at one time there may be more than 250,000 in a single cubic 
yard of lake water or of sea water. Their effect upon the 
abundance of mackerel has recently been studied with the fol- 
lowing results: The number of fish depends upon the number 
of Crustacea that are available for food. These Crustacea 
feed upon minute plants, mostly diatoms, that float about near 
the surface of the sea, and their abundance must depend upon 
the abundance of these plants. The plants require sunlight 
for their growth and multiplication, so that the amount of sun- 
light controls the number of plants. Actual observations have 
shown that a season of bright sunshine is followed by good 
fishing, and a cloudy one always results in a poor catch of 

Charles Darwin, in his book on the “ Formation of Vege- 
table Mold through the Action of Worms,” has shown, by care- 
ful observations extending over a period of forty years, how 
great is the economic importance of earthworms. One acre of 
ground may contain over fifty thousand earthworms. The 


feces of these worms are the little heaps of black earth, called 
“ castings,” which strew the ground, being especially noticeable 
early in the morning. Darwin estimated that more than 
eighteen tons of earthy castings may be carried to the surface 
in a single year on one acre of ground, and in twenty years a 
layer three inches thick would be transferred from the subsoil 
to the surface. By this means objects are covered up in the 
course of a few years. Darwin speaks of a stony field which 
was so changed that “after thirty years a horse could gallop 
over the compact turf from one end of the field to the other, and 
not strike a single stone with its shoes.” 

The continuous honeycombing of the soil by earthworms 
makes the land more porous and insures the better penetration 
of air and moisture. Furthermore the thorough working over 
of the surface layers of earth helps to make the soil more fertile. 

The need for a more detailed knowledge of such interrela- 
tions as above cited has long been recognized by the experts of 
the United States Department of Agriculture and by others, 
since there is still much to be learned. One who investigates 
this subject even superficially soon learns how wasteful we 
have been of our inexhaustible (?) resources of food animals 
and also of animals that protect our plants and animals from 
their natural enemies. May we not hope that among the bene- 
fits that we may derive from the conditions in which the world 
finds itself at present will be a realization of how dependent we 
are upon wild animals for our food supplies, and how important 
it is that steps should be taken for their conservation. 

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INFNvEG ay} SurMoys “WN'V ‘S[OWDIN JAvgoTT Aq ‘Ka0jSITT [VaN}LN JO uMasnyY uvdpamMy oy} Uy pel[eisul aveq vasa, Jo dnoay ynuqey y 





RECENTLY there has been placed 
on exhibition in the United States 
National Museum, at Washington, 
the mounted skeleton of an armored 
dinosaur on which science has _ be- 
stowed the name Stegosaurus. The) 
skeleton as exhibited (see Fig. 7, re-| 
produced here from a photograph of | 
the specimen) measures 14 feet 9 
inches long and stands about 8 feet 
high from the ground to the top of 
the highest plate. The bones of this 
specimen were discovered in south- 
eastern Wyoming, a region long 
famous for the many and well-pre- 
served fossil specimens found there. | 
Although collected more than thirty | 
years ago, it is now exhibited to the | 
public for the first time. 

The Stegosaurs were by reason of 
their large size and ornate bony skin | 
structures the more striking and. 
characteristic of the large reptilia. 
that inhabited the Northern Hemi-_| 
sphere in the long-past ages. It 


| should be stated, however, that this 

family is not confined exclusively to 
North America, for specimens have 
been found in England, France and 
German East Africa that are but 
little unlike the American represen- 

At this time the origin of the fam- 
ily is not known, though it is now 
generally believed that they were de- 
scended from a bipedal ancestry and 
that increasing bulk and develop- 
ment of the dermal armor caused 
them to lose celerity of movement, 
thus becoming sluggish, slow-mov- 
ing creatures of low mentality. By 
measurement of the brain cavity in 
the skull of Stegosaurus it is found 
that the brain displaces but 56 cubic 
centimeters of water, with an esti- 
mated weight of about 2% ounces. 
This small organ directed the move- 
ments of a creature estimated to 
weigh several tons, whereas the av- 
erage normal human brain has a ca- 
pacity of 900 cubic centimeters in a 



creature weighing from 130 to 150 

The most remarkable feature of 
the nervous system of this great 
brute, however, is the enormous en- 
largement of the spinal cord in the 
sacral region, which has a mass of 
more than 20 times that of the puny 
brain. At best the intelligence of 
this animal was of the lowest order, 
hardly more than sufficient to direct 
the mere mechanical functions of 
life. Whereas the great horned 
dinosaurs with skulls from 7 to 9 
feet long were the largest-headed 
land animals the world has ever 
known, the Stegosaurs are the small- 
est-headed when the great bulk of 
the body is taken into consideration. 
The jaws are provided with a denti- 
tion made up of teeth so small and 
weak as to be always a source of 
wonder and conjecture as to the real 
character of their feeding habits. 
It would at least appear to indicate 
that their food consisted of the most 
succulent of terrestrial plants. | 

The structure of the large, broad | 



RESTORATION OF Stegosaurus. 


feet suggests they were land haunt- 

ing, doubtless of low, swampy re- 

gions rather than the upland, and 
such an environment would be most 
suitable for furnishing the soft 
plant life necessary for their sus- 

In addition to the small head, the 
great difference in the proportions 
of the fore and hind legs, the one 
most striking external feature of 
Stegosaurus is the unusual develop- 
ment of the skin armor, consisting 
as it does of two parallel rows of 
erect alternating bony plates ex- 
tending from back of the skull on 
either side of the midline of the back 
to the end of the tail, the tail being 
armed near the tip with two pairs 
of bony spikes or spines. There are 
also a considerable number of small 
rounded bony ossicles that in life 
were held in the skin and probably 
formed a mail-like protection to the 
head and neck. The primary pur- 
pose of this armor must have been 
for defense, protective to the extent 
of giving the animal a most for- 


midable appearance rather than ac-| 

tually useful as defensive instru- 

While the fossil remains of these 
animals are not uncommon in our 
museums, they consist for the most 
part of the scattered and disarticu- 
lated bones of the skeleton, the pres- 
ent specimen being the only mounted 
skeleton of this animal on exhibition 
at this time. 

In Fig. 2 is shown a model res- 
toration of Stegosaurus prepared by 
the writer and which portrays his 
conception of the life appearance of 
this animal. In this restoration is 
incorporated all the latest evidence 
relating to its external appear- 

ance, and it is thought to give a. 

fairly accurate picture of the living 
animal. The recent discoveries of 
skin impressions with the fossil re- 
mains of other dinosaurian speci- 
mens makes it not unreasonable to 
expect that Stegosaurus had a scale- 
like integumentary covering, instead 
of the smooth elephant-like skin as 
here depicted. 
recent discoveries we may yet hope 
to have still more definite knowledge 
as to its true nature. 


- A PUBLICATION of the U. S. Na- 
tional Museum under the title ‘ Sul- 
phur: An Example of Industrial In- 
dependence,” by Joseph E. Pogue of 
the Division of Mineral Technology, 
presents in a simple and non-tech- 
nical manner the striking aspects of 
one of the most interesting mineral 
industries in our country to-day. A 
feature of value is a series of half- 
tone plates, made not only from ac- 
tual photographs of mining opera- 
tions, but also from several views of 
a miniature model-reproduction of a 
typical sulphur mine, with the un- 

In the light of these 


give the appearance of bird’s-eye or 
aeroplane view of both occurrence 
and mining. 

At the outbreak of the war in 
1914, the United States was produc- 
ing each year about 350,000 tons of 
sulphur, valued at a little over $6,- 
000,000. This quantity was suffi- 
cient to supply not only the needs of 
this country, but contributed about 
100,000 tons to European markets. 
With the development of war activi- 
ties, however, the production has in- 
creased to meet the growing needs 
of munition makers, while the ex- 
ports have decreased as a result of 
disturbed trade conditions and the 
need for building up reserves of this 
essential material at home. 

It is a singular fact that the chief 
raw materials of explosive manu- 
facture are localized in a remark- 
able manner, and sulphur is no ex- 
ception to this rule. In the United 
States practically the entire supply 
comes from a number of deposits in 
Louisiana and Texas near the Gulf 
Coast. These deposits are similar in 
nature and consist of a series of beds 
and lenses of pure sulphur at a 
depth of several hundred feet from 
the surface. 

The discovery of the occurrence of 
sulphur of this type was made as far 
back as 1865, in connection with a 
well drilled for oil. All attempts at 
mining the sulphur failed, however, 
until some fifteen years ago, when a 
highly ingenious method was devised 
for winning this substance without 
recourse to the ordinary costly un- 
derground operations usually prose- 
cuted in mining. This process makes 
use of the fact that sulphur melts at 
a relatively low temperature. By 
drilling a well through the overlying 
rock until the sulphur bed is tapped 
and then sinking a series of inter- 
penetrating pipes through which 

| superheated steam is forced, the sul- 

derground disposition of the sulphur _phur is melted and forced to the sur- 
exposed to sight, so reproduced as to | face as a hot liquid, where it is piped 


to large bins, into which it pours and 
cools. This process, which is known 
as the Frasch process after its in- 
ventor, has been described as one of 
the triumphs of modern technology, 
and its successful application to the 
Gulf Coast deposits has in the past 
fifteen years transferred the center 
of the world’s sulphur industry from 
the island of Sicily to the United 
States, making our nation absolutely 
independent of the rest of the world 
in this important particular. 

With the development of the world 
war, the sulphur deposits of the Gulf 
Regions have, of course, assumed 
special importance as supplying the 
sulphur needed in the manufacture 
of gunpowder and other explosives. 
But in addition to this, these de- 
posits have quite unexpectedly dur- 
ing the past few months been able 
to meet and solve a critical resource 
problem arising out of the sub- 
marine campaign. This problem 
concerned the raw materials of the 
large and very vital sulphuric-acid 
industry, and arose from the fact 
that most of the several million tons 
of sulphuric acid used in this coun- 
try was made from a sulphur-bear- 
ing mineral called pyrite, brought as 
ballast in quantity from large de- 
posits in Spain. The restricted 
shipping conditions resulting from 
recent events as a matter of course 
seriously affected this source of sup- 
ply, and since sulphuric acid is a 
product nearly as fundamental to in- 
dustry as iron or coal, the situation 
bade fair to assume critical propor- 
tions. But it so happens that crude 
sulphur under emergency can also 
be used in making sulphuric acid, 
and accordingly the Gulf sulphur de- 
posits have come forward to tide 
over the dearth of Spanish pyrite 
until the domestic supplies of pyrite, 
which are adequate but as yet only 
in part developed, can be brought up 
to a suitable measure of productive- 

There are numerous lean deposits 


of sulphur in many of the western 
states, but these as yet have prac- 
tically no effect upon the output of 
the country. It is therefore certain 
that without the Gulf deposits and 
the ingenious method of making them 
available, this country would have 
scarcely been able to meet success- 
fully the war needs of sulphur and 
sulphuric acid; which goes to show, 
of course, the pressing necessity for 
widespread appreciation and under- 
standing of the importance of proper 
development of the mineral indus- 
tries of our nation. 


THE steamers Surveyor, Isis and 
Bache, of the Coast and Geodetic 
Survey, their crews and 38 com- 
missioned officers of the survey 
have been transferred to the Navy 
Department, and 29 commissioned 
officers and 10 members of the office 
force have been transferred to the 
War Department with military 

‘rank corresponding to their grade 

in the survey. 

In conformity with the wishes of 
the Navy Department, after the be- 
ginning of the war all of the topo- 
graphic, hydrographic and _ wire- 
drag work of the survey was di- 
rected so as to meet the most urgent 
military needs of the Navy Depart- 
ment. The work done comprises 
wire-drag surveys on the New Eng- 
land coast and coast of Florida; hy- 
drographic surveys on the South At- 
lantic coast and Gulf of Mexico; 
the beginning of a survey of the 
Virgin Islands; the investigation of 
various special problems for the 
Navy Department; wire-drag sur- 
veys, current observations, and spe- 
cial work on the Pacific coast; and 
surveys in the Philippine Islands. 

The work undertaken for the 
War Department by the field par- 
ties of the Coast and Geodetic Sur- 
vey was intended to furnish points 


and elevations for the control of | 
surveys for military | 

purposes. To expedite this work 
an allotment was made from the 
appropriation for the War Depart- 
ment to cover the expenses of the 
field parties employed. The chief 
of the division of geodesy was au- 

thorized to confer with officers of | 
United | 

the Corps of Engineers, 

States Army, and officials of the | 
Department of the Interior in re-| 

gard to the proper coordination of 
the various operations. 

Extensive surveys were under- 
taken, including primary triangu- 
lation, primary traverse, precise 
leveling and determination of dif- 
ferences of longitude, and good 
progress has been made, and the 

results of previous surveys have the means provided for the use of 


has been secured. To secure this 
result the use of work, mental and 
manual, will be required during the 
convalescent period. This therapeu- 
tic measure, in addition to aiding 
greatly in shortening the convales- 
cent period, retains or arouses men- 
tal activities, preventing “ hospitali- 
zation,” and enables the patient to be 
returned to service or civil life with 
the full realization that he can work 
in his handicapped state, and with 
habits of industry much encouraged 
if not firmly formed. 

At each hospital where reconstruc- 
tion work is carried on there will be 

a special “ educational ” officer, whose 

been made available by copies or in| 

published form as promptly as pos- 
sible. From April, 1917, to Janu- 
ary, 1918, 80 per cent. of the time 
of the office force of the geodetic 
division was devoted to war work. 


sued a recommendation that here- 
after no member of the military 
service disabled in line of duty, even 
though not expected to return to 
duty, will be discharged from serv- 
ice until he has attained complete 
recovery or as complete recovery as 
it is to be expected that he will at- 
tain when the nature of his dis- 
ability is considered. The inaugu- 
ration of this continued treatment 
will result, during the period of the 
war, in the saving to the service of 
a large number of efficient officers 
and soldiers who without it would 
never become able to perform duty. 
Physical reconstruction is defined as 
the completest form of medical and 
surgical treatment carried to the 
point where maximum functional 
restoration, mental 

functions are to arrange for and 
supervise, under the direction of the 
commanding officer of the hospital, 

therapeutic work, such as curative 
workshops, classes, ete.; to act as 
technical adviser to the commanding 
officer on this subject; to recommend 
the development of necessary means 

| to keep patients employed so far as 

it is possible to do so; to make the 

/necessary records of work done in 

his department; and to have imme- 

and physical, | 

diate charge of any special training 
of vocational nature which can be 
given with the means at hand. 

These officers are to be obtained 
from the ranks of teachers, voca- 
tional instructors and others espe- 
cially qualified, and will be selected 
for their training, experience and 
peculiar fitness for the work. Where 
it is possible a man will be obtained 
who is himself handicapped by some 
physical disability and who has made 
a success in life. 

As a result of a survey made by 
the Surgeon-General’s Office of men 
already undergoing reconstruction 
treatment in this country, it is ex- 
pected that enlisted men who have 
completed their treatment and re- 
training, but who are unfitted for 
further field service, will be found 
worthy of commissions and well 


fitted for the work outlined in the | 

two preceding paragraphs. No in- 
crease in the number of enlisted men 
in the Medical Department is antici- 
pated for this work, the expectation 
being that patients, or former pa- 
tients, will be used. 


WE record with regret the death 
of Ewald Hering, the eminent phys- 
iologist, professor at Leipzig; of G. 

A. Lebour, professor of geology at. 

the University of Durham, and of 
C. I. Istrati, professor of chemistry 
at Bucharest. 


BELL, director of the Lick Observa-_ 

tory, University of California, has 

been elected a foreign member of | 

the Royal Society.—Professor Rus- 
sell H. Chittenden, director of the 
Scientific School of Yale Univer- 
sity, Professor Graham Lusk, of 
the Cornell Medical School and Mr. 
John L. Simpson, of the United 
States Food Administration, have 
been representing the United States 
at the inter-allied food conference 
in Paris. 

the results 


THE annual meeting of the Na- 
tional Academy of Sciences was 
held at the Smithsonian Institution 
in Washington on April 22, 23 and 
24. The program included accounts 
of war activities in different 
branches of science and reports of 
of several important 
scientific researches by members of 
the academy and others. The Hale 
lectures were given by Professor 
John C. Merriam, of the University 
of California. His subject was 
“The beginnings of human history 
from the geologic records.’—The 

'American Philosophical Society held 

its annual general meeting at Phil- 
adelphia on April 18, 19 and 20. 
Dr. William B. Scott, professor of 
zoology at Princeton University, 
presided, succeeding Dr. W. W. 
Keen, who after ten years of dis- 
tinguished service would not permit 
himself to be reelected. The gen- 
eral lecture was given by Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel R. A. Millikan, whose 
subject was “ Science in relation to 
the war.” On the afternoon of 
April 20, there was a symposium on 
“Food-problems in relation to the 



JUNE, 1918 


By Professor C. J. KEYSER 

N a recent book Sir Oliver Lodge has said that “the mathe- 
matical ignorance of the average educated person has 
always been complete and shameless.” 'To those who know how 
vast a body of human achievements the term mathematics has 
come to denote, to those who are aware of the immense develop- 
ment of the subject in modern times, and especially to such as 
understand and value its spiritual significance as manifest in 
its bearings upon the higher concerns of man, this indictment 
can not fail to seem a pretty terrible charge. 

The charge is a double one: complete ignorance and shame- 
lessness. The two counts, however, are not independent and 
this fact is a mitigating consideration. If the first count be 
correct, the second must be so too. For complete ignorance 
is complete innocence and innocence is never ashamed. Is the 
first count correct? The answer depends. For what does 
Sir Oliver mean by an “educated person”? He has not told 
us. He might, of course, have so defined the term that his 
statement would be true by definition. He might, for example, 
have said that by “educated” he meant what the world means 
by it. In that case the indictment would be just. For the 
world has never deemed incompleteness of mathematical igno- 
rance to be essential to education. If, however, Mr. Lodge 
wishes us to understand that by “ educated” he means liberally 
educated, then the indictment is unjust, provided one conceives 
liberal education as the late Lord Kelvin conceived it; for this 
great man used to tell his students that among the “essentials 
of a liberal education is a mastery of Newton’s ‘ Principia’ and 
Herschel’s ‘Astronomy.’” But are there not educators who 
would deny Kelvin’s contention? Undoubtedly there are and 

vou. VI.—3l. 


have been many of them. Such educators, for example, as 
Matthew Arnold, John Henry Newman and Thomas Huxley, 
widely divergent as are their outlooks upon the world, would 
yet unite in denying the contention impetuously or even with 

It is evident that Mr. Lodge’s deliverance is debatable. 
Certainly it is worthy of consideration. But who will consider 
it? May we expect its consideration by those whom it incul- 
pates? If so, what should we expect the culprit to say? Well, 
he might speak as follows: I am an ordinary representative of 
the large class of average educated persons. You, Mr. Lodge, 
presumably represent the class of average mathematicians. 
You have said of me and my kind that our mathematical ig- 
norance has always been complete and shameless. Iin my turn 
desire to say of you and your kind that your average mathe- 
matician has always been completely and shamelessly indif- 
ferent in the matter of disclosing to his fellow men and women 
the cultural value of his science. Regarding our mathematical 
ignorance, which I regret to say is profound, though it is not 
quite complete nor entirely unashamed, I desire to say that, it 
is not wholly due to the lack in us of mathematical faculty, but 
is due in large measure to the failure of mathematicians to 
show us that their science, over and above the appeal it makes 
to a class of specialists and technicians, is qualified to minister 
in any precious or important way to the spiritual needs which 
we have in common with all mankind. 

Some such retort the average educated person may, I think, 
be conceived as making, not without justice, to Sir Oliver’s 
allegation. In saying this I am far from intending to say that 
mathematicians have been wanting in devotion or patience or 
skill in presenting their science to multitudes of boys and girls 
and young men and women in its technical aspects. Nor do I 
mean to intimate that mathematicians may be rightly blamed 
for not making genuine mathematicians out of more than a 
very few of those they thus instruct, for every one knows that 
the genuine mathematician must be born before he can be bred. 
What I do mean is this: Among the countless host and endless 
variety of ideas that enter as components into the structure 
of mathematics there are a few concepts of so great generality 
and so great organizing power that they are superior to all the 
others in dignity and importance, serving as bases of the stately 
edifice or as its general framework or as central supporting 
pillars, like a tree-trunk to the tree or like a spinal column in the 
case of a vertebrate animal, giving the whole ideal architecture 


its substance, its character, its coherency, and its everlasting sta- 
bility. Now, for the full unfolding of the implicit content of these 
supreme ideas it is indeed necessary to employ all the curious 
symbolism and all the other intricate machinery that more than 
twenty centuries of mathematical ingenuity have been able to 
invent, for these supreme ideas are just the things of which 
mathematics is the science. But—and herein lies the justice of 
the foregoing supposed retort—the great ideas themselves are 
all of them near at hand, and it is possible to present them, as 
mathematicians never have presented them, in their more ob- 
vious aspects and ruder outlines intelligibly to their fellow men 
and women; it is possible so to present them that the layman 
may understand better than he has ever understood what are 
the things that make up the subject-matter of the mathemati- 
cian’s silent meditations; it is possible so to present them that 
the science which Plato called “divine,” which Goethe called 
“an organ of the inner higher sense,” which Novalis called 
“the life of the gods,” and which Sylvester called ‘‘ the Music 
of Reason,” shall not seem to laymen to be remote from their 
interests nor detached from reality, but that it shall appear to 
them to deal as it does deal with the very essence of reality, 
penetrating life in al! its dimensions. 

What are those great concepts? 

There is room here merely to glance at a few of them, to 
call their names and to indicate some of their more obvious as- 
pects somewhat as a traveler in the foothills may note the 
peaks of a great mountain range above and beyond. 

Among the major mathematical ideas there can be little 
doubt, I think, that the concept to which Mr. Bertrand Russell 
has given the name of propositional function is supreme. 
Every one is more or less familiar with the notion of the lawful 
dependence of one or more variable things upon other variable 
things, as the area of a rectangle upon the lengths of its sides, 
as the distance traveled upon the rate of going, as the volume 
of a gas upon temperature and pressure, as the prosperity of a 
throat specialist upon the moisture of the climate, as the attrac- 
tion of material particles upon their distance asunder, as the 
rate of chemical change upon the amount or the mass of the 
substance involved, and so on and on without end. This notion 
of mutual dependence and reciprocal determination which is 
thus exemplified in every turn and feature of life and the world 
and whose scientific name of function was first pronounced, it 
is said, by Leibnitz, is indeed a very powerful concept; it has 
played a dominant role in modern mathematical analysis, giv- 


ing at once name and character to certain great branches, as 
the theory of functions of the real variable and the theory of 
functions of the complex variable. Yet this Leibnitzian con- 
cept, powerful as it is, is far inferior to that denoted by the 
term propositional function, which embraces the former merely 
as an exceedingly important special case. What, then, are we 
to understand by this more comprehensive term? 

The answer is that a propositional function is any statement 
containing one or more real variables, where by a real variable 
is meant a name or a symbol whose meaning, or value as we 
say, is not determined by the statement, but to which we can at 
will assign in any order we please one or more values or mean- 
ings, now one and now another. I fear that what I have just 
said is too general and too abstract to be quite intelligible. The 
idea can be made clear, however, by some simple examples, pro- 
vided the reader will understand that the examples are related 
to the general concept in question as a burning match to a 
world-conflagration or as a few water drops to a boundless 
ocean. Let us denote real variables by such italicized symbols 
as x, y, Z, w, etc. Then for concrete and familiar examples: of 
what is meant by propositional function we may cite the fol- 
lowing quite at random: x is a man; 2 is a lover of y; x is the 
specific gravity of y; x, y and z are the coordinates of a point 
on the sphere whose center has w’, y’, 2’ for coordinates and 
whose radius is w; and so on ad infinitum. How many vari- 
ables may enter a propositional function? As many as we 
please. How many such functions are there? It is evident 
that their name is legion—the host of them is literally infinite 
in multitude. Even so, you may wish to say, the examples are 
not impressive. And you may naturally doubt whether the 
concept they serve to exemplify can be so gigantic and majestic 
after all. I repeat, however, that the idea is sovereign. In the 
great and growing system of mathematical ideas, the concept 
of propositional function is indeed “like Jupiter among the 
Roman gods, first without a second.” Its majesty, its power, 
its subtlety, the immeasurable range and depth of its signifi- 
cance can not be perceived and felt at once, but only more and 
more with days and months and years of reflection. 

Let us reflect a little upon it. Every one knows that noth- 
ing can be more important than propositions. Why are propo- 
sitions so important? Because truth and falsehood are so im- 
portant, and propositions are just those living things in which 
truth and falsehood reside or to which they attach—a proposi- 
tion is whatever is true or is false. Well, we are going to see 


presently that propositional functions are related to proposi- 
tions as matrices are related to the things they mould. Again, 
no one can fail to recognize the importance of the idea of a 
class. Without this idea life would no doubt be possible but 
human life would not, not even for a day. So important is it 
that in all philosophic ages the concept of class has been held, 
not quite justly, to be supreme, and for more than two thousand 
years logic, the science of thought as thought, has been the 
doctrine of classes. What of it? As in the case of proposi- 
tions, so here too: We shall see that it is from propositional 
functions that what we call classes derive their definitions and 
the determination of their content. And what shall we say of 
relations? Who does not know that our universe presents it- 
self under scrutiny as an infinite plexus of relations? Who 
does not know that what we call things—whether they be ob- 
jects of sense like the moon or objects of pure thought like the 
orbit of the moon—are but nodes or ganglia where relations 
meet and pass like a mesh of invisible wires uniting the many 
into one? “Being,” says Lotze, “consists in relations.” And 
it is not things themselves, says Henri Poincaré, that science 
can reach, as the naive dogmatists think, but only the rela- 
tions of things. “Outside of these relations there is no know- 
able reality.” What, then, shall we think of propositional func- 
tions if these turn out, as in fact they do turn out, to be the 
forms in which all relations, whether of things or of ideas, are 
moulded and defined? 

To see the connection of propositional functions with propo- 
sitions it will suffice to consider some familiar propositional 
function, the simpler the better. Consider the homely func- 
tion; xis aman. Observe that this function, though it has the 
form of a proposition, is not a proposition; for a proposition is 
true or is false, but the statement—wz is a man—can be neither 
true nor false so long as x has not received an admissible mean- 
ing or value (such as Socrates, say), but when such a value has 
been assigned we no longer have a function, but have a propo- 
sition; namely, Socrates is a man. Thus we see how proposi- 
tions, which are constant and which may be called values of the 
function, are derivable from the function, which in its turn is 
not a constant, but is a variable owing its variability to the 
presence in it of one or more unassigned terms or variables 
such as a, y, etc. Is this so easy as to be uninteresting and un- 
impressive? If so, that is no reason for being disheartened, 
for there are difficulties enough near at hand. Let us notice 
one of them. I have spoken of ‘‘admissible” values of «x. 


What is such a value? It is one that, when put for x in the 
function, yields a significant statement, a statement, that is, 
that makes sense, as we say. In other words, an admissible 
value of x is one that converts the function into a proposition, 
into something that is true or else false and not into mere non- 
sense. But our universe contains an infinitude of constant 
terms. Are all of these admissible values of x? No; the term 
John Smith is admissible, and so is the name Fido (the desig- 
nation of my dog) for the statement—Fido is a man—is signifi- 
cant, it is a proposition, although it is false. Indeed, if it were 
not a proposition it could not be false, for, as already pointed 
out, propositions are the only things that can be false or true. 
Now men constitute a class. Is this class an admissible value 
of x? Evidently it is not, for the class is logically subsequent 
to the individuals composing it, and so it can not, without log- 
ical contradiction or nonsense, be said to be one of its own 
members. Accordingly, the statement—the class of men is a 
man—is neither true nor false; it is, rightly understood, just 
sheer nonsense. It is easy thus to see that our simple and 
homely propositional function, « is a man, cleaves the universe 
of terms or values into two infinite parts; one part being com- 
posed of inadmissibles and the other of admissibles. Is the 
line of cleavage always sharply defined? No; it may be doubt- 
ful whether a given term is or is not admissible, for we may 
ask, for example, whether the sweetness of sugar or the glory 
of renown is, in case of the function under consideration, an 
admissible value of x. There is here an open and inviting field 
for scientific research, the problem being to determine the best 
possible criteria for deciding, in case of any given propositional 
function, what terms or values are admissible and what ones 
are not. The situation may be likened to that of physical or- 
ganisms, for there are plants and there are animals, but in the 
case of some living organisms there is at present no means of 
deciding to which division of the kingdom they belong. It is 
plain, too, that just as a propositional function containing a 
single variable parts the universe of terms into two infinite di- 
visions of terms, so a function of two variables sunders the uni- 
verse of couples of terms into two infinite divisions of couples; 
and so on and on for the case of three or of four or of 7 vari- 

Again confining our attention to some concrete propositional 
function of a single variable, let us, for the sake of convenience, 
denote it by the symbol F(a). Then, if a and b denote ad- 
missible values of x, F'(a) will be a proposition and so will F'(6). 


It may happen that one of these will be true and the other one 
false. Such will be the case if, for example, F'(%) means “2 
was a great Italian poet” and if a denote Dante and b denote 
Shakespeare. Thus it appears not only that every propositional 
function of a single variable divides the universe of terms, as 
we have seen, into two grand divisions, but also—and this is ex- 
ceedingly important—that the grand division composed of ad- 
missible values is at the same time separated by the function 
into two classes: namely, the class of values that yield true 
propositions and the class of those that yield false ones. Now 
the former of these classes, because of its relation to truth, 
enjoys the distinction of being regarded as the class determined 
by the given function. Is there a function that in this sense 
determines the other class? Yes; the other class is determined 
by the negative of the given function. Now a value of the 
variable that converts a function into a true proposition is said 
to satisfy the function. Accordingly a class consists of all and 
only the terms or values that satisfy some propositional func- 
tion. To each function there thus corresponds a determinate 
class, one and but one. Is the converse true? A class being 
given, is it true that there is one and but one function that de- 
termines the class? Far fromit. Given a class, there are, in 
general, many different functions, each of which suffices to de- 
termine it. Thus “x is a prime number” and “~ is not divis- 
ible by any number except 1 and x” are two functions deter- 
mining the same class, having, as we say, the same extension, 
the difference of the functions being what is called intensional 
difference. And this brings us to the weighty notion of equiva- 
lence among functions, two propositional functions being said 
to be equivalent when and only when they determine the same 
class. It is a very important and often a very difficult prob- 
lem, when a function is given, to determine whether certain 
other functions are or are not equivalent to it. Is there a uni- 
versal class? There is. Such a class may be defined by the 
function: x is identical with itself, or with «. But it must not 
be inferred that a universal class includes all things, for such 
an inference would lead quickly to logical contradiction, or 
nonsense. A class that included all things would have to in- 
clude itself and such inclusion is logically impossible, it is non- 
sensical. There are classes of individuals, classes of classes, 
classes of classes of classes, and so on upward forever; so that 
classes and their corresponding functions constitute a summit- 
less hierarchy of types or ranks—a subtle matter that can not 
be further pursued here, but which has to be faced and which 


has been faced bravely and with much profit to philosophy and 
science by Messrs. Whitehead and Russell in their magnificent 
“Principia Mathematica.” Suffice it to say here that the no- 
tion of identity and that of universal class must be defined inde- 
pendently for each rank in the hierarchy or else extended from 
rank to rank by means of some more or less plausible assump- 
tion. ‘To the universal class of any given rank there corre- 
sponds its negative: namely, the class determined by a function 
not satisfied by any value of the variable. Despite the fact of 
its containing no members, this so-called empty or null class is 
said to exist for the reason that there exists a propositional 
function determining it. And this strange class is very im- 
portant because it lies at the basis of that curious integer which 
is known as zero and which is so indispensable to science and 
to the conduct of civilized life. 

I fancy that the non-mathematical reader may wish to say: 
“What has all this to do with mathematics? I have always 
supposed that mathematics is the science that deals with number 
and space, and I quite fail to see any very obvious or close or 
significant connection between propositional functions on the 
one hand and the various kinds of number and of space con- 
figurations on the other.” Very well, let us pause here a mo- 
ment to exhibit such a connection. You doubtless think noth- 
ing can be more familiar than the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., with 
which we count. What is it that we humans mean by the num- 
ber 3 or the number 5, for example? There are probably not 
more than 2,000 people in the world who can answer that ques- 
tion. In answering it, I shall be relating a piece of the very 
latest scientific news. Consider the propositional functions: 
x is a finger of my right hand; y is a finger of my left hand. 
Each of these functions determines a class. The two classes, 
c and c’, are said to be equivalent because we can pair the things 
of the one class with those of the other in a thing-to-thing way. 
By such a pairing we are said to transform each class into the 
other, and so we note in passing that the important mathemat- 
ical term transformation does not mean what it means in gen- 
eral literature, for in general literature it involves the idea of 
transmutation; but classes that are mathematically transformed 
are merely associated and are not changed or transmuted into 
something else. Mathematical transformation is purely psy- 
chical, it is merely a lawful way of transferring our attention 
from a given thing to a definitely associated thing. To return 
from this digression: are there any other classes that are each 
equivalent to ec and hence,to ce’? Obviously there are many of 


them, as the class ec” of letters in the word write, the class c’” of 
toes of a normal human foot, and so on and on. It is now es- 
sential to note carefully that there is a class C composed of all 
those equivalent classes. Observe that the members of C are not 
fingers, toes, letters, etc., but are classes c, c’, etc. Do you know 
what C is called? In English it is called Five and is every- 
where denoted by the symbol 5. Thus the number five is simply 
a certain class of certain equivalent classes, and the name five 
and the symbol 5 are simply the name and the symbol of that class. 
Exactly the like is true of all otherintegers. Does the fact seem 
strange? Well, science can not agree to discover nothing but 
what is familiar. Have we answered the question: what is an 
integer? No, we have merely indicated how to tell precisely 
what is meant by the number of any given class. To tell what 
is meant by the general phrase, an integer, we must go higher, 
we must form a more tenuous concept, we must say that the 
phrase stands for the class & of all the classes formable, like 
C, of classes of things. Here we gain an insight into the reason 
why the doctrine of number makes such severe demands upon 
intellection. For observe that a finger is indeed a sensible 
thing, but that the class c of fingers is not sensible, but is a pure 
concept. The class C is then a concept of concepts, and the 
class & is a concept of concepts of concepts; and accordingly the 
meaning of the phrase, an integer, is thrice removed from the 
domain of sense. 

I have now shown how propositional functions are connected 
with the most familiar of mathematical things; namely, the 
integers, or count numbers of the shopkeeper. But there are 
many other sorts of number, as the rational fractions; as the 
real numbers including such as e, z, \/2, etc.; as the complex 
numbers, which involve an even root of some negative real 
number; and so on. And you may wish to ask: Are all these 
and are all the configurations studied in geometry connected 
with propositional functions? They are. To show it, how- 
ever, it is necessary to show, as I have promised to show, that 
the notion of propositional function is the source of the great 
concept of relations. 

And that is not hard to do. Let F(z,y) denote any one 
whatever of the propositional functions that contain two vari- 
ables x and y. To fix our ideas, as French writers say, let us 
take the function: ~« is the lover of y. Any such function deter- 
mines a class of couples, namely, the ensemble of ordered pairs 
of values of x and y that convert the function into a true propo- 
sition. If a loves b, then a and b, taken in the order named, 


are together one of the couples. Such a couple may be called 
an element of the relation determined by the function. Now 
just what, you may wish to ask, is the relation so determined? 
The answer is: the relation is the ensemble of all such elements 
or couples. Thence it appears that in mathematics a relation 
is regarded as consisting of its extension as distinguished from 
its intension. 'Thus the two functions, “x is greater than y,” 
and “‘w is neither equal to nor less than v,” though they differ 
in respect to intension, are said to determine the same relation 
because the two classes of couples determined by them are iden- 
tical. Every propositional function of two or more variables 
determines a relation, and the relation is called dyadic or triadic 
or n-cornered, according as it is determined by a function of 2 
or of 3 or of ” variables. It is at once evident how infinitely 
rich and complicate the world of relations is. Let us for the 
present speak only of dyadic relations. If R denote such a rela- 
tion, we may say that x has the relation to y by writing xRy. 
At once we see that dyadic relations have direction or sense, 
for if aRb, it is generally, though not always, false to say bRa. 
The things that can stand before a given relation constitute its 
domain; those that can stand after it, its co-domain; the do- 
main and co-domain, which may or may not have things in 
common, together constitute the relation’s field. Obviously re- 
lations present themselves under certain striking types. Thus 
there are symmetric relations, equality for example or diversity, 
such that if aRb, then also bRa; there are asymmetric relations, 
father or greater, for example, such that, if akb, then never 
bRa; there are non-symmetric relations, friend, for example, or 
brother, such that, if aRb, then sometimes but not always bRa; 
there are transitive relations, less for example or identity, such 
that, if aRb, and bRc, then akc; and there are intransitive 
relations, non-transitive relations, one-to-many relations, many- 
to-one relations, one-to-one relations, like that of husband or 
that of wife in well-regulated communities, many-to-many rela- 
tions, and numerous other distinctions. 

And now a word regarding applications to familiar mathe- 
matical things. A rational fraction is simply a kind of dyadic 
relation among integers. Thus, the fraction two thirds is the 
relation—that is, the class of couples (a, b)—determined by 
the propositional function, 3x—2y. Of real numbers as dis- 
tinguished from rational numbers I shall speak presently in 
connection with the concept of Limit. As to geometry, any one 
a little acquainted with the analytical method discovered by 
Descartes and Fermat can readily see that any space config- 


uration whatever is a relation. For, to pass abruptly to 3-cor- 
nered relations, if x, y, and z be the coordinates of a point— 
that is, if they be its distances from three chosen planes of 
reference—then any propositional function, such as 2%? 4y 
=9z3, determines a relation among points and this rela- 
tion is called a surface. 

In support of my statement that the notion of propositional 
function is sovereign among mathematical ideas, I have said 
enough in this sketch to show that this omnipresent notion em- 
braces the great concepts of proposition, class, and relation 
like an infinite envelope inwrapping them completely and touch- 
ing them, so to speak, at every point. I must now hasten on to 
other pillar-ideas without, however, passing beyond the range of 
“Jupiter,” for that can not be done. 

A masterful idea that owes its precision and its great fame 
to mathematics but which, as we shall see, has everywhere 
penetrated, under a thinner or thicker disguise, the history of 
thought and aspiration, is the notion of limit. May I remind 
you by an example what the notion means? Suppose we are 
operating in the field of the rational numbers. Consider the 
series or sequence of all the rationals such that the square of 
each is less than, say, the sacred number 7. Then we say that 
the sequence has a limit, which we call the square root of 7 
and denote by 7. But this thing, this limit, is not a rational 
number; it is something outside the field of rationals; it is 
merely indicated and approached by the rational sequence. In 
relation to our field of operation, this limit is then not an actual 
thing, but is purely ideal and the process of approaching it 
along the sequence is, as you see, a process of idealization. It 
is thus evident that the notion of limit and the process of limits, 
which lie at the basis of the Newtonian and Leibnitzian cal- 
culus and which are indispensable to mathematical computa- 
tion and generalization (as leading, for example, to the con- 
cept of such irrational numbers as \/7), it is evident, I say, that 
this concept and this process are but mathematicized forms of 
those ideals and that process of idealization which in other 
fields of interest have given man his dreams of perfection, 
whether in ethics or in religion, or in art, or in governance, or 
in knowledge. Every manner of perfection, every genuine 
ideal, every source of supernal light upon our human pathways, 
is indeed some great unmathematicized limit, unattainable in- 
deed, yet indicated and pursued by familiar sequences of ex- 
perience in our common life. 

In our hasting excursion among the great mathematical 


ideas, we must not fail to glance at the concept called a system 
of postulates. It is a system composed of a few so-called axioms 
or assumptions or propositions called primitive because they 
are taken for granted, it being impossible to prove everything. 
The purpose or office of such a system is to serve as a founda- 
tion for a doctrine all of whose propositions, except the postu- 
lates themselves, are to be logically demonstrated. If a postu- 
late system is to be an ideal one it must be such that the postu- 
lates are compatible—that is, not mutually contradictory—and 
they must be independent in the sense that none of them can 
be logically derived from the rest. In the course of more than 
two thousand years, and especially in our own day, numerous 
such systems, or mathematical branch-foundations, have been 
discovered. A famous one of these is found in the late Pro- 
fessor Hilbert’s ‘‘ Foundations of Geometry.” In every postu- 
late system the postulates are statements about certain terms, 
or elements as they are often called. These terms are not 
defined beyond the requirement that they must satisfy the 
postulates or, in other words, that they must be things about 
which the postulates make true statements. In Hilbert’s sys- 
tem, for example, the undefined terms are point, line, and plane. 
Since the terms are undefined we may as well replace them in 
the postulates by the variables x, y and z and then it appears 
on the very face of the postulates, since they now talk about 
the variables, x, y, and z, that they are not propositions, but are 
propositional functions. And hence it appears that the so- 
called doctrine erected upon them is really not a doctrine, for a 
doctrine must be true or false, consisting of propositions, but 
is really a doctrinal function depending upon the propositional 
functions at its base. By giving these variables admissible 
meanings, or values, we get doctrines from the doctrinal func- 
tion just as propositions are obtained from propositional func- 
tions. One of the impressive facts recently discovered in this 
field is that from a given doctrinal function we can thus derive 
an infinitude of doctrines, some of them true, some of them 
false. Inasmuch as these have the same foundation, they are 
all of them of the same form; they are isomorphic, as we say; 
they are logically one, but psychologically they are infinitely 
many. Who can tell the disadvantages that would attach to 
living in a world, if there were such a world, where every doc- 
trine required a foundation of its own? 

Before quitting the subject of postulate systems I desire to 
mention two considerations, one of them touching the humanity 
of mathematics, the other indicating one of its fundamental 


bearings on philosophy. The first consideration is that in 
seeking a postulate system to serve as the support of a mathe- 
matical branch, the mathematician is engaged in the very 
human work of searching for principles, for beginnings that 
will guide, and his activity, though it is distinguished by its 
precision and ideality, is, in point of kind, not different from 
that common quest of man in all ages for fundamental truths 
which has eventuated, not merely in such scientific things as 
the principles of Newtonian mechanics, for example, but in 
decalogues, in creeds, in political constitutions, and in prin- 
ciples of jurisprudence. The other consideration is that by 
their postulational research, mathematicians have conclusively 
demonstrated that the now age-long attempt of philosophy to 
derive the universe from a principle or from a consistent set 
of principles can never be successful, not because man is lack- 
ing in wisdom but because the problem admits of no solution. 
How is this shown? It is shown by this: Geometricians have 
discovered three geometries, one of them called Euclidean be- 
cause, like Euclid, it postulates that in a plane there is through 
a given point one and but one line parallel to a given line; one 
of them called Lobachevskian because, like Lobachevsky, it pos- 
tulates more than one such parallel; and one of them called 
Riemannian because Riemann postulated that there should be 
no such parallels at all. Now each of these three classic geom- 
etries is internally consistent and is, therefore, indestructible. 
But the geometries contradict one another. Accordingly we 
have in our universe these three eternal but mutually incom- 
patible doctrines. If a consistent theory of the universe could 
be constructed on the basis of a single set of compatible postu- 
lates, then the geometries in question, being a part of the uni- 
verse, would have to be derived with all the rest of it as har- 
monious affairs; but this can not happen, since neither men nor 
gods can render concordant two things that contradict each 
other categorically. To think otherwise would be to abolish 
the very notion of logical harmony. MHerewith, then, is estab- 
lished by mathematics an eternal limit to the possible advance- 
ment of philosophical speculation. 

Space fails me to deal suitably with such momentous con- 
cepts as those of infinity, group, hyperspace, and invariant. 
As to the first of these I may perhaps be permitted to refer 
an interested reader to my book, ‘‘ The New Infinite and the Old 
Theology,’ where I have presented, in the language current 
among educated people, the mathematical concept of infinity 
together with its bearings upon some problems of rational 


theology. ‘The concept of group, which entered mathematics 
about a century ago and which, besides giving rise to an exten- 
sive doctrine of its own, has come to serve more and more for 
the characterization and classification of other mathematical 
branches, would require a separate essay to present it ade- 
quately to laymen along with its bearings upon general 
thought, ancient and modern. The same must be said of hyper- 

As to the notion of invariance, it has played so great a rédle, 
not only in mathematics, but in every cardinal field of human 
interest, that I can not close without giving at least a little 
sketch of its nature and significance. What is an invariant? 
Broadly speaking, it is anything, simple or complex, that re- 
mains unaltered when other things connected with it suffer 
change. The mathematical theory of invariance is about as 
old as our American independence. Its beginning was like a 
mustard seed. 'The seed was an observation by Lagrange that 
the discriminant, b?— ac, of the quadratic equation, ax? +2bzy 
+ ey?=0, is the same for all the countless equations that can be 
obtained from the given one by replacing the z in it by x+ Ay, A 
being allowed to take any and all numerical values. The men- 
tioned replacement is a very simple example of what is known 
in mathematics as a transformation, of which I spoke briefly 
above. Thus what Lagrange noticed was the fact that the 
above-mentioned discriminant remains invariant under an end- 
less number of transformations. If the reader will take the 
trouble to reflect for a moment upon the fact that an equation 
may contain any given number whatever of variables and upon 
the further fact that, the number of variables being assigned, 
the equation involving them can have any degree whatever, and 
if he will then reflect that the number of coefficients increases 
very rapidly with the number of variables in the equation and 
with its degree, he can not fail to glimpse the magnitude of the 
problem which consists in searching out all those combinations 
of the coefficients or of the coefficients and the variables to- 
gether that remain unchanged when the equations are trans- 
formed by replacing in them, not merely one of the variables, 
as in the example of Lagrange, but each of them by an expres- 
sion containing them all. That is the magnificent enterprise 
to which, as a result of Lagrange’s tiny observation, mathe- 
maticians engaged for some generations, first Gauss, then 
George Boole, then Arthur Cayley and James Joseph Sylvester 
and then a small army of master-workmen both British and 
Continental. The event is a stately doctrine variously styled 


the theory of invariants and covariants, the theory of quantics, 
as Cayley was wont to name it, and the calculus of forms, as 
it was more poetically conceived by Sylvester. The notion of 
invariant has been extended far beyond the range of algebra 
in which it originated, into all branches not only of mathe- 
matics, but of natural science. A little reflection will suffice to 
show that nothing can be closer to the heart of man than this 
seemingly cold and arid mathematical concernment with the 
doctrine of invariant forms. For it is obviously only the 
mathematical aspect of man’s quest, in all times and places of 
our fluctuant world, for abiding reality and which in art has 
given us the doctrine of eternal archetypes of beauty, in juris- 
prudence the ancient conception of lex nature, in science the 
idea of indestructible atoms and of invariant natural order or 
law, and in religion and theology such dreams as an immutable 
God and an immortality for human souls. 

Finally a word respecting the bearings of mathematics upon 
ethics. No one can contemplate the ideal cosmos disclosed in 
mathematics, no one can realize how indissolubly ideas there 
are interlocked, no one can perceive that there consequences 
follow from chosen beginnings with a fatality against which 
not even God, said Plato, can contend, no one, I say, can face 
such aspects of our world without having his ethical sense 
touched by a sobering awe. 



By Professor GEORGE T. W. PATRICK 


OR the past three years there has issued from the English 
K and American press a flood of books and articles on the 
subject of social reconstruction after the war. The writers 
differ widely as to the form that our social and political institu- 
tions will take, but there is almost complete agreement as to 
the goal to be attained. In these new writings one hears little 
about our once boasted ‘‘ modern civilization,” which, based as 
it was upon our peace societies and our arbitration treaties 
and our low percentage of illiteracy and our ‘‘ freedom” of the 
slaves and our scientific discoveries and our mechanical inven- 
tions, is tacitly admitted to have been more or less of a failure. 
Instead, we hear now of a new social order, a new social mind, 
of socialism, of internationalism, of world peace and social 
justice. Nor is this new social order at all hazy in the minds 
of these writers. On the contrary, it is quite clear and definite. 
It involves certain definite social and political changes, such as 
the future prevention of war, the more complete democratiza- 
tion of governments, the more complete socialization of the 
world, the harmonization of capital and labor, the greater 
equalization of wealth and opportunity, the complete emancipa- 
tion of woman both politically and industrially, the suppression 
of alcohol, the greater control of disease and the lessening of 
crime. This is the program, the goal towards which, in the 
thought of the day, society must move. And it is not merely 
the paper program of idealists: it is the actual working plat- 
form of a great number of social movements of intense vitality 
and life, of nationalists and internationalists, of social demo- 
crats and syndicalists and of a dozen different types of so- 
cialists. And even this does not indicate the strength of the 
movement. It isin the air. It is in the spirit of the age. It 
is in the unquestioned drift of events. So unbounded is our 
faith in the supreme value of this program, that to attain it we 


believe that the price even of this awful war is not too great to 
pay. Even in the untoward event of the victory of the Cen- 
tral Powers, this social program will, as many believe, soon be 
attained because of the powerful social forces working beneath 
the surface in Germany and Austria and even in Turkey. 

Neither is this program to be criticized on the ground that 
it is utopian. Too many Utopias have been realized in this 
rapidly moving age to borrow any trouble on that account. 

But it would be interesting to ask how this social program 
strikes the psychologist. Probably every thinking man is 
enough of a psychologist to have observed that it is to be real- 
ized not by making over the human mind, but by making over 
our political and social institutions and by the passing of new 
laws. But, it will probably be added, no one could possibly ob- 
ject to finding himself in happier circumstances and human 
nature will quickly adjust itself to a social situation which is 
clearly so much better than our present one. Let us, however, 
examine this psychological aspect of the question a little more 
in detail. 


We observe, first, that the method by which this picture of 
the new social state has been gained is the simplest in the 
world. It consists merely in enumerating the “evils” in our 
present social system and then outlining a plan in which these 
evils will be absent, a method much in vogue among all the 
utopianists from Plato to Mr. H. G. Wells. Poverty, for in- 
stance, is an evil. Since, now, there is plenty of wealth for 
all, let it be more equally distributed. Clashes between labor 
and capital are evil; they are to be prevented. Alcohol is an 
evil; let its use be prohibited. Disease is an evil; science will 
show us how to avoid it. Inequality is an evil; let women be 
given an equal place with men and let all men and all women 
be afforded an equal opportunity to gain their several ends. 
War is an evil; let there be some international machinery for 
the enforcement of peace. Autocracy is an evil; let the people 
rule everywhere. Waste is an evil; let there be conservation 
of all natural resources. 

To abolish those evils is considered a kind of ultimate goal; 
like the marriage of the hero and heroine in the story, and 
“they lived happily ever after” is the invariable assumption in 
both cases. But when we awake from our castle-building, we 
realize that the hero and heroine do not always live happily 
ever after; and it is equally certain that the people of the world 

VOL. v1.— 32. 


may not live happily and contentedly in a social state charac- 
terized merely by the absence of evils. 

The gist of the matter is simply this: We are living in an 
economic and social age and our minds are obsessed by eco- 
nomic, social and political ideas. When we turn to the sub- 
ject of social reconstruction, we take into account only eco- 
nomic, social and political relations and, in spite of many warn- 
ings to the contrary, we fail to study the character of the units 
of which society is composed. In other words we disregard 
the vital and all-important psychological factor. Our theoret- 
ical social structures may, therefore, be just air-castles, in 
which actual human beings could not live. Our social recon- 
struction schemes may be of little value until they have been 
revised in the light of the teachings of psychology, history and 
anthropology. This is so obvious that it is hard to understand 
how the psychological and historical factors could be so neg- 
lected in these studies. 

It is much too readily assumed that human beings will adapt 
themselves to the new social order because this order is ideally 
better. It may be better only for ideal beings, not for actual 
human beings. If this new order is actually better, and it cer- 
tainly seems so, perhaps man can adapt himself to it in time. 
But there is no ground for the belief that the human mind is 
going to change much in the next thousand years, as it has not 
changed much in the past thousand. 

Just here lies the whole difficulty. We happen to be living 
in a time of very rapid social and economic changes, while the 
physical and mental constitution of man has changed but little. 
The picture of the man of the Old Stone Age, as presented, 
for instance, by Professor Osborn in his recent book, reveals a 
tall, straight and fine-looking being, with a brow like that of a 
modern Englishman, and a cranial capacity somewhat in excess 
of the average European of to-day. Animal and human species 
are mutable, but this does not happen to be an age in which such 
mutations are rapid, while it does happen to be an age of dizzy 
and bewildering changes in our economic, social and industrial 
environment. Since the days of Aristides and Themistocles, 
the economic and social order has been completely transformed, 
while the human unit has changed but little, in respect either 
to his mental ability or to his fundamental instincts and interests. 
The changes that have actually taken place in man’s nature 
are superficial, relating for the most part to his inventive 
powers and his altruistic emotions. 

The surface of the earth happened to be underlaid with 


iron, coal and petroleum, and man happened to discover them, 
and devise ways of using them, and they have suddenly made 
for him a totally new environment. Not only have they 
changed his environment, but they have produced disharmonies 
in his nature by compelling him to live under new conditions, 
for which evolution had not adapted him. For instance, the 
use of gasoline, steam and electricity has solved the problem 
of transportation without the healthful exercise of walking 
and carrying burdens. Electricity has enabled man to work 
and play at night, when formerly he had been sleeping. The 
construction of airtight, steam-heated dwellings has lulled him 
into comfort, while inducing new diseases. Coincidently, the 
discovery of alcohol has provided an artificial, but damaging 
quietus for the disharmonies caused by his new manner of life 
and his new efforts at thought. Finally, certain discoveries 
in hygiene have lengthened life and decreased infant mortality 
so considerably that, despite the decreasing birth rate and de- 
spite the extensive emigration to the newly discovered Amer- 
icas, the population of Europe has increased from 110,000,000 
in 1780 to 825,000,000 in 1911, a situation which from the 
standpoint of sustenance is beginning to create grave diffi- 

The other change in human nature is the sudden enlarge- 
ment of the altruistic sentiments. These, originally developed 
because of their survival value in collective life, have for religious 
and incidental reasons been so magnified as to effect a change 
in society quite out of proportion to the actual changes in the 
human mind, adding a superficial grace, refinement and cul- 
ture for which the human unit is not prepared. 


The result of all these circumstances is that man in modern 
society finds himself in a position somewhat like that of the 
proverbial bull in the china shop. For a few minutes he seems 
to contemplate these objects of art with quite an esthetic in- 
terest, until he begins to move, when the destruction begins. 
The economic and social world in which man lived before the 
war, with its accumulated wealth, its culture, its refinement 
and its dangerous ease, was a china shop in which for a time he 
lived quite placidly, his real nature concealed under a veneer 
of civilization, till suddenly a very slight movement took place, 
the murder of an archduke somewhere, when instantly confu- 
sion reigned and the awful destruction began. It was man’s 


original nature asserting itself, his primitive instincts finding 
expression, and since we may be certain that they will con- 
tinue to find expression for hundreds of years, it will be well 
to build our house of civilization to fit the man who is to live 
in it. 

Certainly this does not mean that we are to make no efforts 
to eliminate war from human society. It means only that it is 
idle to construct artificial social schemes which are thought to 
be so planned that war cannot take place. It serves only as an 
illustration of the fact that our current ideas of social recon- 
struction present views of society so far removed from the 
actual instincts and interests of men that there is not the re- 
motest chance that they can be realized. They do not provide 
for man’s instinctive needs; they provide only for the elimina- 
tion of evils. It is not even sure that they offer higher social 
values, since they center so persistently about the ideas of 
wealth, equality, peace, comfort and ease. Whether peace is 
better than war depends upon what the peaceful people are 
thinking and doing. If they are thinking nothing and doing 
wrong, war might be better. 

To the social reconstructionist, the problem is delightfully 
simple. To the psychologist, it is frightfully complex. To the 
former, all we need to do is to eliminate war, poverty, intem- 
perance, inequality, conflicts between labor and capital and 
other such evils, and the social problem will be solved. To the 
psychologist and student of history such a plan seems fraught 
with perplexing difficulties. When the frightful waste of war 
is stopped and the waste of labor strife, and the waste of in- 
temperance, and the waste of disease, and the waste of child 
labor, and the waste of bad agriculture and bad forestry and 
badly managed industries, and when science and the mechanic 
arts have still further advanced man’s dominion over nature, 
wealth will go on increasing faster even than before the war; 
and, if history and psychology teach anything, it is that man- 
kind will not prosper under such a régime of wealth, even if it 
is equitably distributed. It has been said that the present war 
was due to the phenomenal increase of national wealth without 
a corresponding increase of morality. It is possible that a still 
further increase of wealth with its associated greed, its dan- 
gerous ease and its neglected discipline, might be a more fatal 
evil than any we are trying to escape. 

It is true that man longs for wealth and comforts and lux- 
uries. He even longs for peace and quiet and regular work, 
and in his quest for these things he will undergo any hardship 


or deprivation. Hence, it is naively assumed that a society 
which shall provide him with these things will be an ideal so- 
ciety, forgetting that a good society will be one in which men 
can live, and that life consists not in the enjoyment of peace 
and wealth and comforts and luxuries, but in the longing for 
them and the struggle, pursuit and capture of them. The good 
things of the world must be won afresh every day. 

But even this conception of life is narrow and academic. 
The real man, revealed to us by the study of psychology and 
of history, is wholly different from the man for whom the social 
Utopias are constructed, who is to live presumably in the en- 
joyment of regular work, plentiful food and clothing, a com- 
fortable home, and social stability and peace. The real man 
acts from impulse rather than from reason and his primal 
impulse is to dominate. It is gain and glory that he wants 
more than bread and clothing. It is a career that he desires 
more than peace and safety. It is adventure that he craves 
more than work. 

It is instructive to look back upon the history of the develop- 
ment of man in society. He is not by nature a worker, but 
an exploiter. Sustenance he must have, but it has always been 
easier to gain it by plunder than by work, and so, as far back 
as we may go in history, as at the present day, social group has 
fought against social group, one bent on robbery, the other on 
self-defense, and within the group, when unrestrained by the 
stern hand of the law, individual has preyed upon individual, 
master upon slave, and class upon class. When the life and 
safety of the group as a whole have been threatened by some 
rival group, then so much of law and order has prevailed within 
the group as was necessary for social integration, because only 
by social solidarity within the group could the group itself be 

It is not quite accurate to say that men love to fight. In 
time of war they long passionately for peace. But they love to 
dominate, and fighting is incidental. The military impulses lie 
very near the surface and their roots extend deep. If human 
progress is to be illustrated by a figure, it is not the figure of 
a man climbing a ladder, but of one elbowing his way up in a 
crowd. Men aspire always to something different and better. 
They love to gamble, to take a chance, to risk something and 
gain or lose. It is contrary to deep-seated human racial habits 
to work steadily and monotonously. 

The conquest of a great and new country like America will 


keep a people busy and contented for a century. When it is 
conquered, it is assumed that they will rest and enjoy it; but 
really that is when unrest begins. In the last years the world 
has grown rich and prosperous; but unrest has increased—unrest 
in America, unrest in England, unrest in Russia, unrest in 
Germany. In the past two years in America work has been 
plentiful and the times prosperous; but murders and bank rob- 
beries show no signs of abating. The American frontier, so 
long as it existed, was the best peacemaker for our nation. It 
has now been reached and conquered; and unrest will increase. 
The world’s frontier has also been reached. Africa and the 
Pacific islands have been occupied and the world is getting 

How different the reality may be from the vision of the 
social idealists. In rich and fertile America we look forward 
to a land teeming with happy and contented citizens, free from 
war, free from foreign oppression, free from autocracy within, 
free from grinding poverty, free from class oppression, free 
from decimating disease, free from vice and intemperance. 
The nearest approach to this elysium which history has seen 
was in Germany before the war. Here was a land of beautiful 
cities, well governed and orderly; a great people, well fed, well 
clothed, well housed, well educated, well behaved with a fruit- 
ful agriculture, busy shops, successful industries and a vast 
and profitable commerce—yet this same Germany broke bounds 
and went out to conquer. It is not peace and plenty that 
man wants, but dominion. And yet in our complacent theo- 
ries of society, we take no account of this instinctive and 
inherent lust for power, and we innocently assume that a people 
will be happy and contented if poverty is abolished, the labor 
problem solved, opportunity secured, and science and inventive 
genius given a free hand to increase wealth and material 

Human beings are not so constituted that they will work 
contentedly in a standardized world, under scientific manage- 
ment and the rule of efficiency. By the inheritance of a half 
million years they are adapted to a different life, and while in 
the end their instincts may perhaps be changed, this can not 
be done in half a century. 


“Two things,” says Nietzsche, “are wanted by the true 
man—danger and play.” There is just enough truth in this to 


set us thinking. The standardized world as planned for our 
future will offer us safety and work. In all the ages of man’s 
slow development, he has never known safety. He has lived 
under the insecurity of war, of robbers, of plunderers, of 
tyrants, of flood and storm and famine. A safe world seems 
to him very attractive but it would be a foreign world. 

And then, as regards work, it is assumed that, since un- 
employment is one of the evils of our present system, the prob- 
lem will be solved provided we can devise some social plan by 
which regular work may be found for all. Surely it is a naive 
inference that if work be provided for all, all will be happy. 
Man in all his past history has never been a regular worker. 
In our new social order, work is not only to be regular, but it 
is certain to be monotonous, for apparently the conditions of 
our industrial age are such as to make the work of the laboring 
man more and more of the monotonous and uninteresting type. 
We are already becoming aware of the discouraging and de- 
humanizing effect of monotonous labor in our highly specialized 
industries. Such regular and monotonous work is foreign to 
man’s nature. Under it he frets and the “unrest” which 
everywhere we hear about breaks out in some form of social 
agitation, or in strikes, or in revolutions or more often in mere 
social delinquency. 

There is, to be sure, one kind of work which from ages of 
habit is instinctive to man and under which he does not fret nor 
manifest unrest. It is typified in the planning and making of 
anything that he needs, such, for instance, as a canoe, a wagon, 
an automobile, a dwelling, a new tool, or in the planning and 
fashioning of a work of art. He experiences first the need of 
it, he plans it, he makes it, he uses or enjoys it. In such work 
he will put forth every power of mind and body, deriving there- 
from the keenest pleasure and making no demands for higher 
wages or shorter hours. When we see children working un- 
prompted and with might and main at some self-planned enter- 
prise and gaining at the same time new strength and new 
courage and new vigor, but, on the other hand, quickly wilting 
under some lesser task enforced by parents, we speak of the 
perversity of childish nature. But there is no perversity about 
it, and there is no perversity either in the case of the unrest 
which follows upon enforced regular and uninteresting indus- 
trial labor. Nor is either case to be explained by referring it 
to “human nature.” The key to the situation is found quite 
simply in racial history and racial habit. 


We have here an instructive illustration of the failure in our 
plans for social reorganization to take account of psychological 
as well as economic forces. The society which we are planning 
for the future lacks the element of zest. Some shadow of 
romance it must have, if it is to abide; and this element of 
romance or zest can not be gained by providing eight hours a 
day for recreation and self-development. It is life that the 
people want, not recreation and self-development. What do 
the reformers of our social order usually have in mind for these 
eight hours of the day not spent in labor or in sleep. Libraries, 
no doubt, and art galleries and theaters and Chautauqua classes 
and moving pictures and gymnasiums and athletic games. But 
even a little knowledge of psychology should show us that these 
things do not satisfy human needs. All men and all women 
long for some kind of dominion, long to display their personal 
power, their personal charms, their personal genius. What 
they want is a career, a sphere of influence, a sphere of action; 
and in striving for these things they are restrained by no fear, 
not even fear of overturning the social order. 

We hear a great deal in current discussions of social ques- 
tions about social unrest, and the implication always seems to be 
that it is an evil and that contentment would be a good. But 
the reverse might be maintained with more reason. Unrest is 
the condition of progress. It betokens vitality. It is the symp- 
tom of a persisting urge that expresses itself in the will to live, 
in the will to power, in the will to freedom. Animal species, it 
seems, may remain fixed and static, but the human species must 
go forward or backward. When social unrest ceases, social 
stagnation may be expected to follow. 

The society of the future, planned so largely from the eco- 
nomic point of view, makes little provision for the utilization 
of the two most powerful forces in the human mind, loyalty 
and devotion. Scientific management, conservation and effi- 
ciency are to take their place. The mind of man is so con- 
stituted by the conditions of his long history that he wants to 
be, and needs to be, loyal to some one or something, and devoted 
to some one or something, and only in this way is the best that 
is in him drawn out. He must have some cause to live for or to 
die for—some religion, some state, some flag, some woman, 
some lodge or labor union, or even some gang or band of out- 
laws. He wants to be, he must be, drawn out and away from 
himself to something which stands for an idea. This is life. 


The social Utopias provide for existence, but not for life. It is 
the precipitous element that is left out of the reckoning. 

A stable society in which there is a dreary routine of work 
and amusement will present problems as serious as those of the 
old system. A society in which there is no God to worship, no 
women to adore and protect, no state to defend, no wine to 
drink, no parties to fight for, no king to be loyal to, no classes to 
exploit, and no new lands to discover and conquer, might have 
some kind of happy beings for its citizens, but not human 
beings. They have a different history. 

But, it will be asked, what will happen in such a society, for 
the march of events is surely and steadily in this direction. 
There are no more new lands to discover and conquer; kings 
and autocrats are out of date; alcohol has been condemned, and 
rightfully ; women have demanded, and with perfect justice, the 
life of industrial activity and political equality, the God idea no 
longer enters deeply into the daily life of the people, wars 
between nations will, after this terrible war, no longer be en- 
dured; and internationalism is steadily supplanting national- 
ism. Well, surely no one knows what will happen, but it is 
conceivable that things may happen which will be worse than 
the evils we escape from. For instance, social unrest may in- 
crease until civil war takes the place of wars between states, 
as was near to happening in England before the present war. 
What would happen in such a society could at the best be pre- 
dicted only if one knew whether vitality remained or did not 
remain among the people. Complete stagnation might ensue. 
Physical degeneracy might follow upon the increase of bodily 
comforts and there might be an increase of morbid sexuality, 
surrender to sensuous enjoyment, dancing crazes and moving- 
picture crazes, epidemics of crime and vagaries in religion and 

We are told that if war be abolished some substitute for 
war will have to be found. Yes, some substitute for war, and 
some substitute for alcohol, and some substitute for the state, 
and some substitute for the king, and some substitute for God, 
and some substitute for woman—and these substitutes will have 
to be provided still thousands of years, until the mind of man, 
five hundred thousands of years in the making, is made over. 

Literature, poetry, the fine arts, will apparently have little 
place in the new social order, as it is planned. It is always 
assumed that they will be present and are to be enjoyed. But 
who will create these works of art. Art and literature spring 


spontaneously from life in all its tragic incompleteness, not 
from an economically prosperous existence. They depend upon 
sacrifice, upon loyalty and devotion, upon courage and victory, 
upon sorrow and suffering, upon pain and renunciation, upon 
ministry and service to the sick and wounded. The question 
whether a world without so much sorrow and suffering would 
not be better, even if it should be a world without literature and 
art, is not the question we are here discussing, but only the 
question of adapting our new social order to the beings who are 
to live in it. 

A certain wise teacher said that a man’s life consisteth not 
in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. It consists 
partly in self-sacrifice. In our facile plans for the future of 
society, no place is found for sacrifice, yet in all the long history 
of mankind sacrifice has had a conspicuous part. 

Man has sacrificed himself for the state, woman has sacrificed her- 
self for man. 

No doubt the answer will be that it is precisely this unnecessary 
sacrifice to which we wish to put astop. But here much depends 
upon the meaning of the word “unnecessary.” It may be eco- 
nomically unnecessary, but it may be spiritually, morally, even 
socially or racially, altogether necessary. It is possible to gain 
many worthy economic values and lose many still greater spirit- 
ual values, to gain the whole world and lose our own souls. 
There is at least some truth in the saying that he who loseth 
his life shall find it. 

But the loss of the spiritual life and the vulgarization of 
humanity might be merely incidental features in the new 
society. The question which we are really interested in here 
is whether man, as he is mentally and physically constituted, 
will be able to live at all in such a social state as is planned. 
Apparently he is usually pictured in his self-owned home, sur- 
rounded by his healthy, happy family, working six or eight 
hours a day, and otherwise cultivating his garden or wending 
his peaceful way to the public library or art gallery, or “im- 
proving his mind” by attending evening classes. And if the 
disquieting question does arise whether he will behave in this 
manner, one class of romancers says that he will do so provided 
that it is physically impossible for him to obtain access to intoxi- 
cating drink. Another that he will do so provided that his 
mother, wife and daughter have an equal voice in public affairs. 
Another that he will do so provided that the state takes over 
many functions now belonging to individuals. Another that he 


will do so provided that he can have the reins of government en- 
tirely in his own hands, free from every kind of oppressive 
autocracy. As a matter of fact, it will depend very largely 
upon the structure of his brain and the balance of his whole 
personality. National prohibition, votes for women, socialism, 
the world for democracy, will have little to do with it. No 
doubt these are all good and all important. At any rate, they 
are all impending. But they are not the determining factors. 


What conclusion then are we to draw from this considera- 
tion of psychological forces, as against the economic, social and 
political forces which rule the thinking of our time? Is the old 
society good enough with its political rivalries and its incessant 
wars, with its priests and its sisters of mercy, with its drunken- 
ness and crime, with its women as ornaments and dolls. Some 
of these things, at any rate, are outgrown. War is now racially, 
as well as economically, too expensive. Alcohol is a narcotic 
and poison, not a stimulant, as was once believed. Woman 
has outgrown the doll stage. We shall not go back to these 
things. But, nevertheless, it is a misconception of life that 
places the emphasis of the future upon peace and plenty, upon 
economic expansion, upon equality, upon comforts, and luxuries, 
and wealth, no matter how equitably the wealth is distributed. 

This mistaken emphasis in almost all our plans for social 
reconstruction goes back to Francis Bacon. As Lord Macaulay 

It was not Bacon’s purpose to make men perfect, but to make imper- 
fect men comfortable. 

Bacon’s ideal has been realized. Men have gained comfort, but 
they have gained no physical, mental or moral perfection. We 
are planning in the twentieth century to make them still more 
comfortable, while giving little thought to making them perfect. 
And comfort is a dangerous legacy for man. 

It would seem, therefore, to be well to think along other lines 
for the future. How may we make men better? Civilization 
does not depend upon the increase of wealth, or its equal dis- 
tribution. It depends upon the proportion of dominant and 
effective men and women, upon the production of leaders pos- 
sessing initiative, daring, creative and constructive power, and 
it depends upon discipline, poise, loyalty, devotion and mental 
and moral health. With the increase of wealth, on the one 


hand, and the increase among the people as a whole of the 
proportion of defectives, or even of ineffectives, and with the 
startling increase of social diseases, our glittering civilization 
may be near the fate of other civilizations of the recent past. 
And if our present civilization does go down, there are appar- 
ently no reserves of vital power in the outlying districts of the 
earth, as there were in the days of Rome, to replenish the im- 
poverished blood of the people, for the effectives of all races 
are now drawn to the great industrial and commercial centers 
and their vigor exploited for the glory of the present day, not 
for racial conservation. 

It would seem, therefore, that our endeavor must be in the 
direction of eugenics and education, and that in our efforts at 
social reconstruction we must think along these lines rather 
than so exclusively upon economic, political and social questions. 
The world will be made safe for democracy only when the 
people of the world are made fit to live in a democracy. 



By E. P. FELT 

BUNDANT food, protection from adverse natural agents 
A and minimum exertion are ideals cherished by many. 
The first two appeal strongly to the infant, the second to the 
growing child, while the third may become increasingly domi- 
nant with the progress of adult years. Solomon advised the 
sluggard to go to the ant, probably because he had no sympathy 
with physical or mental inertia; otherwise he might have said: 
“Consider the gall insect; it does not sow, yet it reaps; it does 
not build, yet it is sheltered; it gives nothing and receives 

Easy living is attractive and it is not surprising to learn 
that representatives of a number of large groups of insects 
have developed in this direction. In other words, the term 
“gall insects” does not represent a systematic entity; it is an 
assemblage of diverse forms grouped because of similar habits. 
Before proceeding farther, let us agree as to just what is meant 
by the term “gall.” Insect galls may be defined as vegetable 
excrescences resulting from insect activities and usually shelter- 
ing the immature stages of the producers, though a wide ac- 
quaintance with these growths demonstrates the existence of 
innumerable gradations between the apparently normal and 
the decidedly abnormal, and as a consequence it is difficult to 
establish a satisfactory distinction between insect galls and 
deformations not worthy of classification in this category. 
Some would include the mere curling of leaves and while to a 
certain extent this is justified, in most cases, unless the curling 
is pronounced, the deformation has not been considered as 
an insect gall. Galls caused by insects and their allies are 
known as Zodcecidia; those produced by plants are termed 

The origin and development of these growths are not less 
interesting than the deformities themselves. The gall-making 
habit among insects has undoubtedly developed independently 
in several widely separated groups and must have originated 


in a mutual reaction between the insects and their host plants, 
which has reached its climax in many apparently inexplicable 
deformities of the present day. All stages of the process may 
be observed among the gall midges, some of which live among 
succulent fungus growths and either feed a little upon the 
fungi or obtain nourishment by absorption from the humid 
surfaces of the host. There are certain predaceous maggots in 
this group which have the mouth parts greatly prolonged and 
apparently especially adapted to withdraw by suction the body 
fluids of their hosts. It may be one or the other or possibly a 
combination of the two methods which obtains among the 
fungus-inhabiting forms. It is only a step from this to ab- 
sorption with apparently no mechanical injury, as in the leaf 
spot gall of the soft maple or the pod leaf galls of ash and 
spiraea. The habit once started, it is possible to understand 
how the process might continue with indefinite variations 
among a host of species, which is just what has taken place. 
The adaptations have continued along a number of lines to such 
an extent that many gall insects live at the expense of their 
hosts and in some instances, at least in the case of certain plant 
lice, the mere satisfying of the primitive pangs of hunger seems 
to be all that is necessary to compel or cajole, as it were, a host 
plant to grow or throw around its enemy a defensive barrier 
or gall within which the aphid may live in the presence of 
abundance, be comparatively safe and obtain like conditions 
for its numerous progeny. This sheltered, luxurious type of 
existence appears to be essential to many species and the 
tendencies along these lines have developed to such an extent 
that twenty-nine species of gall-making aphids, Phylloxera, are 
known to live at the expense of our hickories and in a similar 
manner a number of species of jumping plant lice, Pachy- 
psylla, subsist on hackberry. 

Before going further, let us glance for a moment at the 
different types of insects possessing this gall-making habit. 

The Hymenoptera, best known because of the industrious 
honeybee, has two important families, the Cynipide and the 
Tenthredinide, members of which live in this questionable 
manner. The first named are minute, four-winged gall flies 
with legless white maggots. They are moderately numerous 
in species and remarkable for an alternation of generations; 
the structural variations between the adults in different gen- 
erations being so marked, that before the relationship was 
suspected, they were referred to separate genera. Certain 


Cynipids or gall wasps are believed to reproduce only by 
parthenogenesis. These little insects display a marked par- 
tiality for oaks and roses and produce striking types of galls, 
such as the cortical swellings of the gouty oak gall,’ a species 
occasionally becoming so abundant that five hundred thousand 
individuals may be reared from one tree and its conspicuous 
galls form giant, bead-like swellings on almost all the smaller 
branches of a large oak. Occasionally the peculiar bud-like 
swellings of Andricus gemmarius Ashm. are very abundant on 
pin oaks and the sweet exudation issuing therefrom attracts 
hosts of bees, flies and similar insects. Another oak gall occa- 
sionally numerous is the oak leaf stalk gall.2 The gall of the 
wool sower® is another striking type and results from the 
female depositing eggs in a ring of buds around white oak 
stems, and from the series of wounds inflicted, there develops a 
seemingly delicate, globose, white, pink-spotted mass which 
on examination is found to consist of numerous cells, each sup- 
ported and guarded by a thick fungoid, hairy growth. A more 
ordinary type may be seen in the familiar banded bullet gall,* a 
representative of a considerable series generally known as 
“bullet galls.” 

The gall wasps or Cynipide attack plants referable to only 
six botanical families and but eleven plant genera. ‘There is, 
however, the most striking limitation in food habits, since 
a very large proportion of the 445 gall-makers subsist at the 
expense of the oaks, 38 species have been reared from members 
of the rose family, 28 of these being species of the genus 
Rhodites and found only upon the rose. The other species of 
gall wasps are scattered in their food habits, the most evident 
concentration, and this far from marked, being the 12 species 
reared from various compositae, the genera Silphium and 
Lactuca supporting four and three, respectively. 

The gall-making sawflies or Tenthredinide produce a great 
variety of swellings on the willow, mostly upon the leaves. 
The galls made by these insects exhibit a great proliferation 
of tissues without distinct layers, according to Dr. Cosens, and 
are easily recognized by the caterpillar-like inhabitants. The 
latter are readily distinguished from true caterpillars or 
Lepidopterous larve by the greater number of prolegs. Cer- 
tain galls, at least, produced by members of this group develop 

1Andricus punctatus Bass. 

2Andricus petiolicola Bass. 

8 Andricus seminator Harris. 
4 Disholcaspis fasciata Bass. 


to a considerable extent before the eggs hatch—a hypertrophy 
resulting probably from chemical stimuli produced by fluids in 
or deposited with the eggs and transmitted by osmosis. 

The beetles or Coleoptera are so respectable that relatively 
few species of three families, namely, the Buprestide or metallic 
wood borers, the Cerambycide or long-horned wood borers and 
the Curculionids or weevils, live in galls. The deformities are 
largely the result of mechanical obstructions or stimuli and 
present little of special interest. ' The representatives of 
several families of moths or Lepidoptera, the Sesiide, the Ge- 
lechiidze and the Tineide produce galls of the mechanical type 
and as in the beetles, the habit is by no means general. 

Two families of the Diptera or two-winged flies are noted 
for their gall producers, namely, the gall midges or Itonididz 
and close relatives of the fruit flies or Trypetide. The first 
named is the banner group among gall insects and are ancient 
and of presumably honorable lineage, since remains of a num- 
ber of genera and species have been found in the Baltic amber, 
two species have been discovered in the tertiary Oligocene beds 
of the White River, while a Pleistocene swamp deposit of Mary- 
land contains swellings upon the leaves of the bald cypress 
which, in the opinion of Dr. Howard, were produced by a gall 
midge. This large family of small flies contains some nine 
hundred known American species, this being probably only a 
third or a fifth of the fauna. These delicate midges range in 
length from % to 44) of an inch and present marked diversi- 
ties in habits and structures. There are striking differences in 
food habits between this large group of gall-making midges and 
the gall-making wasps referred to above. 

In the first place the 679 galls produced by midges occur 
on plants belonging to 69 botanical families and 202 plant 
genera. The larve of 66 species live at the expense of the 
Salicacez (52 occurring on willow); 29 species subsist upon 
the Juglandaces, all but one infesting hickory; 42 attack mem- 
bers of the oak family (35 of these being upon oaks) ; 56 pro- 
duce galls on the Rosacew; 24 on the Legumes, 22 upon the 
grape and close allies and 150 on the composites. The most 
obvious concentration of species, aside from those mentioned 
above, is the 44 midges reared from golden rod and the 22 
found upon aster. These approximate figures indicate that the 
group has been able to maintain itself upon a great many dif- 
ferent plants through a considerable physiological adaptability 
and that the distinctness of the species has been established by 
relatively small modifications in structure. 


DIFFERENT TYPES oF GALLS: A. Linden mite gall, sometimes very abundant on 
basswood leaves, note the varied forms. The interior is inhabited by microscopic 
plant mites. B. Maple spot gall, a yellowish-red margined gall, very common on 
soft maple; at the center there is an almost transparent maggot. OC. Bud gall on the 
western rayless goldenrod, note the protecting brush of plant hairs shown in the en- 
larged section. D. Goldenrod ball gall, very common, each inhabited by a large stout 
yellowish-white maggot. JH. Cypress flower gall, a peculiar whitish flower-shaped 
growth sometimes very abundant on the twigs. /. Cockscomb elm gall, a deformity 
produced by a plant louse and occasionally very abundant on small trees, the slit-like 
entrance on the under surface of the leaf is shown in the upper right-hand figure. 
G. Downy flower gall, sometimes very abundant on goldenrod. J. Witch hazel cone 
gall, a greenish or reddish gall, sometimes very abundant and produced by a plant 

VOL. VI.—33. 


A few galls of the Trypetide are well known, particularly 
the common globular stem swelling on golden-rod known as the 
golden-rod bullet gall.© This deformation is simply a stem 
swelling about an inch long containing near its center a yellow- 
ish-white legless maggot. 

The Agromyzide, another Dipterous family comprising 
small and usually overlooked flies, has several rather common 
though generally ignored gall makers. Oval subcortical swell- 
ings upon willow and poplar twigs are frequently abundant. 
Those on the willow may be produced by a sawfly larva, though 
we have yet to obtain from the poplar twig gall any other 
maker except Agromyza schinert Giraud. 

Most galls produced by Diptera are closed and are easily 
recognized by the legless maggots inhabiting them. The larve 
of the gall midges are peculiar in the possession of a so-called 
‘““breast bone” or ‘‘ anchor” process, though this structure is not 
evident in all gall midge maggots, especially the very young 

The true bugs or Hemiptera have well-known gall-makers 
in two families, the plant lice or Aphididz and the jumping 
plant lice or Psyllida. The former is a large group with occa- 
sional species producing galls upon a great variety of plants. 
Species of jumping plant lice, Pachypsylla, inhabit a variety of 
leaf and stem galls on the hackberry, being strictly limited to 
this host. 

Hemipterous galls are characterized by an opening due to 
the fact that in some cases, at least, the tissues grow up over 
and nearly enclose the founder of the gall and eventually form 
a hollow mass of living tissues with the inner walls nearly 
covered by plant lice, a condition strongly suggesting the geode 
of the mineralogist. Certain species of Phylloxera, Pemphigus 
and Chermes inhabit characteristic and rather common galls. 
Some of these species produce a considerable series of genera- 
tions each year and certain of them may inhabit very diverse 
galls upon entirely different food plants. One of the most in- 
teresting of these is the maker of the spiny witch-hazel gall* 
with its summer generations developing upon and corrugating 
the leaves of birch. The complicated life history of this insect 
has been carefully worked out by the late Theodore Pergande, 
a painstaking student of various plant lice. 

The plant mites or Eriophyide comprise an important divi- 
sion of the Acarina and are best known because of the sack- 

5 Rurosta solidaginis Loew. 

® Hamamelistes spinosus Shimer. 


CHARACTERISTIC OAK GALLS: A. Bud-like galls on oak twigs, sometimes very 
abundant and since they produce a sweetish fluid, hosts of bees, flies and other 
insects may be attracted in early summer. 8B. Oak spangles, produced by a gall midge, 
note the cup-like shape and the little oval cavity at the base, shown in the illustra- 
tion of a sectioned gall. OC. Large oak apple, one of the more common and striking 
galls produced by gall wasps. D. Gall of the wool sower, a delicate appearing white, 
pink-marked wooly growth containing seed-like cells, each inhabited by a white 
maggot. #. Mid-rib tumor gall sectioned to show the series of cells inhabited by the 
white maggots. /. Small oak apple, the one in section shows the characteristie central 
cell inhabited by a maggot and supported by numerous radiating fibers. G@, A peculiar 
cylindrical-spined, rosy red, yellow-banded gall on a western oak. H. Gouty oak 
gall, a large swelling frequently forming bead-like enlargements on most of the 
smaller branches of various oaks, large trees sometimes being badly infested. 


like or hairy galls so common on the leaves of certain trees. 
The microscopic size of the mites renders their study difficult, 
and this has been a serious hindrance to investigators. There 
are now listed 161 deformations produced by these minute 
forms and much remains to be learned concerning American 

It is evident from the preceding that the gall-making habit 
has arisen independently among structurally widely separated 
groups. The underlying causes are the plasticity of vegetable 
tissues and the adaptability of animals. The insects have 
simply followed the lines of least resistance. The abundance of 
individuals and the multiplication of species are closely related 
to the food supply and insect adaptability. The greater the 
latter and the wider the range of food habits, the better are the 
chances for an abundant life so frequently observed in nature. 
This phase of the subject has interested the speaker for several 
years and he would review briefly the conditions found among 
the gall midges. 

They comprise an enormous family of small forms, mostly 
gall-makers. The more generalized present close affinities with 
the fungous gnats and like them live on fungi or in decaying 
vegetable matter. Miastor and Oligarces, two ancient types of 
gall midges, live in the decaying bark of various trees and in 
their larve we find that form of parthenogenesis known as 
pedogenesis; that is, maggots produce maggots directly, the 
egg, pupal and adult stages being eliminated for an indefinite 
number of generations. Incidentally this biological short cut 
is an advantage to the species, since it permits multiplication 
in the remote, narrow crevices of decaying wood, places inac- 
cessible alike to adult midges and to many parasites and pre- 
daceous enemies. 

By far the largest number of the gall midges are gall-makers, 
and these are easily distinguished from the lower forms by the 
greatly reduced first tarsal segment and the presence of cir- 
cumfili. These latter are also known as “arched filaments” 
and “bow whorls” because of the remarkable series of loops 
they form on the male antennal segments in the most specialized 
tribe. A few of the more generalized tribe, the Epidosarie, 
live in dead, occasionally rather dry woody tissues, some being 
associated with true gall-makers. 

The importance of the bud gall in the biology of gall insects 
is well shown by a tabulation made a few years ago listing 46 
as inhabitants of fruit galls, 145 in bud galls, 150 in leaf galls 


and 96 in stem galls out of a total of about 437. Fruit galls 
are potentially bud galls, so that in reality 191 of these were bud 
galls. Rhabdophaga is a genus with a marked preference for 
willow, and in this we have 12 species inhabiting bud galls, 12 
in stem galls and 3 in leaf galls. Though apparently not con- 
elusive, the evidence in this case is really in favor of the bud 
gall, when we realize that most species of Rhabdophaga live on 
willow; and after making allowance for the softness of the 
shoot and the rapidity of the growth, it is perhaps surprising 
that no more primarily bud inhabiting species find themselves 
left in the race with the plant, as it were, and issue from a 
deformity which would ordinarily be classed as a stem gall. 

The subject is of such interest as to justify further ex- 
amination. There are two peculiar fusiform galls on narrow- 
leaved golden-rod, the golden-rod ribbed gall’ and the golden- 
rod stemmed gall,* both of which may be found among the 
florets, on the young leaves and the younger portions of the 
stem, indicating that the parent midges oviposit in the bud and 
that here, as in the willow, it is not the fault of the insect if 
the progeny do not issue from bud galls. Another case is that 
of the nun midge,® a species normally breeding in buds and 
also issuing from deformed flower heads of both golden-rod and 
aster, and most interesting of all, from small oval cells between 
two adherent leaves of golden-rod. These latter start while 
the leaves are in the bud, and as the growth of the plant is 
hardly affected, it is easy to find in the field these leaves united 
at the point of injury, with the petioles in all stages of separa- 
tion; in other words, the upper portion of the stem develops 
and separates bases of leaves which in the bud are nearly 

The question of bud infestation does not end here. Some 
ten species of Cincticornia have been reared from various leaf 
galls on oaks, the deformities being scattered irregularly over 
the surface. Some of these galls never develop beyond the 
blister stage and others form conspicuous, more or less globu- 
lar, reddish swellings. The primary infestation, we are con- 
vinced, occurs while the plastic leaf tissues are in the bud and 
the same appears to be true of the 18 different leaf galls of 
Caryomyia on Carya. These two genera alone give 28 poten- 
tial bud galls and turn the balance most strongly in favor of 
the plant bud as the primary source of such deformities. It 

7Rhopalomyia fusiformis Felt. 

8 Rhopalomyia pedicellata Felt. 
° Asphondylia monacha O. S. 


may be well to add here that the needle-tipped ovipositor of 
Asphondylia, preeminently a bud-inhabiting genus, appears 
particularly fitted to probe or pierce tender bud tissues. 

It happens that over half of the stem galls produced by 
reared American gall midges result from the activities of the 
Lasiopterarize, a highly specialized assemblage producing 52 
stem, 12 leaf, 2 bud and but 1 fruit gall. This fact suggests 
that a high degree of specialization among gall midges is pre- 
requisite to the successful invasion of the harder tissues of the 

The fruit gall, botanically speaking, is nothing more than 
a restriction of attack to flower and fruit, rather than to leaf 
buds, with such a slow or late development of the insect that 
the deformity appears in the fruit rather than as a blasting of 
the blossom. There are a number of seed-inhabiting gall 
midges. The pear and the fruit of our wild cherry are 
also subject to attack by members of this group. 

Leaf galls include a large number of deformations. The 
simplest type is a leaf roll, such as the marginal fold gall’? on 
oak. Leaf rolls may be rather loose or comparatively tight. 
Vein folds are common, one of the most abundant being the ash 
midrib gall,*! which is simply a large tumid thickening of the 
midrib on ash leaves. Enlargements of leaf veins may be 
limited to a rather definite situation, as in the case of the 
purple vein midge,'* or they may fuse with irregular enlarge- 
ments of adjacent tissues and produce a swelling like the grape 
tomato gall,’* rather common on leaves and tendrils of grape. 

The leaf tissues between the veins may be invaded, one of 
the simplest types being a small pustule on the oak produced 
by Cincticornia simpla Felt. This may be extended to form a 
mine as in the purple leaf blotch't on Cratxgus or as a result 
of the proliferation of tissues develop into a globose, conical 
or even cylindric swelling. 

Stem galls may be classed as medullary and subcortical, the 
former occurring mostly in herbaceous vegetation and in the 
smaller limbs or shoots of shrubs and trees. They may be 
inhabited by one or more larve, which usually occur in a more 
or less definite channel along the pith, as in the case of the 
aster stem gall. The subcortical type of gall is common in 

10 [tonida foliora Rssl. and Hkr. 

11 Contarinia canadensis Felt. 

12 Sackenomyia viburnifolia Felt. 

13 Lasioptera vitis O. S. > 

14 Lasioptera excavata Felt. 

15 Neolasioptera ramuscula Beutm. 


herbaceous plants and is the predominant type of stem gall in 
woody plants. It is generally polythalamous, frequently ec- 
centric and, as stated earlier, is usually produced by a rather 
highly specialized gall midge. 

Only a few species are known to produce root galls, prob- 
ably because of the greater difficulty in finding them. There 
seems to be no marked difference between root and stem swell- 
ings aside from their location. 

DIFFERENT TYPES OF GALLS: A. Globular greenish or reddish galls on grape. 
B. Swollen fruit of the western juniper, the interior of which was literally alive 
with microscopic plant mites. C. Hickory seed galls, showing a type with very 
slender tips. D. Horned oak gall, a peculiar growth on oak twigs, with harder horn- 
like projections within which the whitish gall wasp maggots live. WH. Typical hickory- 
leaf midge galls showing extreme abundance. F. A peculiar clustered bud gall on 
oak. G. Galls of the chrysanthemum gall midge, a recently introduced and very 
destructive European species. H. Apple-like oak gall, a western giant with a diameter 
an inch to an inch and a half. J. Elm bud galls, many midges and gall wasps live 
in buds and prevent their development. 


Malformations produced by gall-midge larve appear to 
result largely, if not entirely, from mechanical or chemical 
stimuli produced by the larve. The size of the gall is, gen- 
erally speaking, proportional to the number or size of the larve 
and with the death of the active agent, development of ab- 
normal tissues soon ceases. This is particularly well marked 
in the beaked willow gall,'®° the aborted ones producing only 
parasites. There is a close relation between the midge and its 
gall and, generally speaking, a series of flies reared from the 
gall are the true producers, though inquilines and predaceous 
gall midges are by no means unknown. For example, the 
grape tomato gall may produce five species of midges refer- 
able to as many genera and the same is true of the swollen wild 
cherries inhabited by midge larve. 

Certain genera of gall midges are predaceous, this being 
well marked in the genus Lestodiplosis, an enemy of other gall 
midges; Aphidoletes, an enemy of aphids; Mycodiplosis, some 
species of which prey upon scale insects, and Arthrocnodax, 
with a marked preference for plant mites. 

The larve of gall midges are mostly legless, usually yellow- 
ish or yellowish orange, sometimes nearly transparent and gen- 
erally with a well-developed ‘breast bone” or “anchor” 
process. This structure and the supernumerary segment just 
behind the head are characteristic. These maggots also have 
the power of throwing themselves some distance; the two ex- 
tremities are approximated and then extended with a snap that 
projects the larva into the air. Midge larve living exposed 
upon leaves usually develop some protective device such as a 
series of tubercles, as in the case of the larva of the gouty pine 
midge,’ after it leaves the gall. The transparent maker of the 
maple spot gall'* is another striking example of protective 

The minute size of gall midges, the difficulty of rearing them 
and their marked fragility have resulted in more attention 
being paid to the galls than to the insects. The producer in 
most cases is more interesting than the product and we wish 
for just a moment to call attention to some of the more striking 
features of the 900 species belonging to over 70 genera. 

The antennze are unusually interesting structures, the 
normal number of segments is probably 16, though a very large 
proportion of the gall midges have but 14 antennal segments. 

16 Phytophaga rigide O. S. 

17 Ttonida inopis O. S. 

18 Cecidomyia ocellaris O. S. 


The extremes range from but eight in Tritozyga and Micro- 
cerata to thirty-three in Lasioptera querciperda Felt. These 
segments vary from relatively simple cylindric units with no 
particularly efficient sense organs to dumbbell-shaped struc- 
tures with highly specialized “bow whorls,” ‘arched fila- 
ments” or, as we prefer to call them, circumfili. 

The more generalized midges are inhabitants of decaying 
organic matter and bear on their antenne a variety of olfac- 
tory organs. The most interesting of these are the stemmed 
dises of Monardia, though in the same tribe we have the sub- 
apical flaring collars and in certain Lestremiine striking 
digitate processes; crenulate whorls are peculiar to the Cam- 
pylomyzariz, a simple type being seen in Corinthomyia, while 
the more common and probably the more highly specialized 
form is to be seen in Prionellus. 

The ‘“‘bow whorls,” “arched filaments,” or circumfili are 
exceedingly peculiar. In the first place, these homogenous 
structures have markedly different optical properties from the 
usual sensory hairs or sete and are invariably connected in 
series of low or high loops, the union between the component 
elements being so perfect that there is no sign of division, no 
perceptible enlargement and no indication of weakness. They 
reach their maximum development in the male Diplosid and are 
characteristic of the most specialized subfamily (Itonididine) 
of the gall midges. The primary type is a low subbasal and 
subapical circumfilum united on one face of the segment by a 
nearly longitudinal filum. One of the most peculiar is the 
horseshoe-like modification, nails and all being simulated, on 
opposite faces of the antennal segments in Winnertzia of the 
Epidosarie, a tribe with a marked tendency to hyperdevelop- 
ment of these structures. The males of Asphondylia, Schi- 
zomyia and Cincticornia also show peculiar modifications. 

Males of the most specialized tribe (Itonididinariz) exhibit 
the extreme development of these sturctures. They may have 
two or three whorls of long loops, the former we have desig- 
nated as the bifili, the latter as the trifili, believing this sub- 
tribal division worthy of recognition. In each of these sub- 
tribes we may find among the males genera with relatively low 
loops as in Thecodiplosis and Hormomyia and many with ex- 
tremely long loops, such as Contarinia and Bremia, the latter 
remarkable because of the great prolongation of two loops and 
especially on account of the thread-like middle circumfilum 
characteristic of the female. 


TEE ANTENN&, OR FEELERS OF INSECTS, are highly developed sense organs and the 


We may also note that the palpi of the gall midges vary 
from well-developed four-segmented organs, nearly as efficient 
as the greatly reduced antenne of some genera, to minute rudi- 
mentary lobes, and in one or more species these organs seem 
to have disappeared. This tendency toward reduction has 
arisen independently in several widely separated genera. 

There is likewise great modification in the number of tarsal 
segments, they ranging from one to five; the entire subfamily 
Itonididine having the first tarsal segment greatly reduced. 
There are certain American genera where there is a reduction 
in tarsal segments from five to four, to three and in one to two 
tarsal segments. 

The wings, organs which might be expected to respond to 
environmental agencies slowly, show variations from a struc- 
ture with five or six veins to one with but one or two veins and 
in a few extreme cases there are none. The female of one 
European species has lost the organs of flight. 

The association of characters in gall midges is so marked 
that the presence of one structure means the existence of others 
and indicates a probable similarity of habits. The Campylo- 
myza wing postulates, the long first tarsal segment and larve 
feeding for the most part in dead organic matter, the well- 
developed crossvein, the short first tarsal segment and the 
tendency toward the bizarre in the circumfili indicate the Epi- 
dosarie, a group confining itself largely to dead organic matter. 
The generalized wing of Rhabdophaga with the comparatively 
simple antenne, quadriarticulate palpi and toothed claws de- 
fines a dominant willow group, while the similar Rhopalomyia 
with its reduced palpi and simple claws insistently murmurs 
solidago buds. Asphondylia with its peculiar antenne, re- 
duced palpi and aciculate ovipositor is satisfied with practically 
nothing except buds, while the related Cincticornia with its 

above illustrations give some idea of the wonderful variety of structure to be found 
in the gall midges. Gall-midge antenne may be composed of from eight or nine to 
thirty-four jointed elements or segments. The simple cylindrical segment is indi- 
cated in Figs. G, H and 7. The same with a stem-like projection is shown at D 
and EF, while the greatly modified dumbbell type is seen at / and J. These organs 
bear peculiar sensory structures, such as stemmed disks, shown at A and finger-like 
or digitate processes near the tip at D. There may be few or numerous short or 
long hairs and in the case of @ these hairs may be modified into series of stout 
curved growths running around the segment. Among the most peculiar structures 
found on the antenne are the “arched filaments” or ‘‘bow whorls” or cireumfili. 
These may be low and few in number as at # and H, numerous as in G, somewhat 
higher as in J, still longer a$ in J, or enormously produced as shown in F. One of 
the most peculiar modifications of the bow whorls is the horseshoe-like structures, 
nails and all, represented on the two segments illustrated at B. These bow whorls 
under a microscope are very different from the ordinary hairs. ‘The illustrations are 
all made at approximately the same enlargement and with the exception of A and 
B, each figure represents one segment. 


quadriarticulate palpi must have oak leaves in the bud and the 
peculiar Caryomyia insists upon hickory. 

There are three important groups of gall-makers, the gall 
midges responsible for 679 deformities, the gall wasps remark- 
able for their high specialization and the peculiar and ex- 
tremely interesting alternation of generations inhabit some 445 
galls, while plant mites have been listed from 161 galls. The 
host preferences of these numerous forms are very marked, as 
evidenced by the following tabulation: 


Hosts Gall Midges Gall Wasps Gall Mites 

Ranvescan diced ars an eee eee ey evs f 35 

GTSSES pt) SA ee eR Ta as ee coe 33 

Willowsesn-t.h0 tse. See Pe a otic tes sen aks 66 De 
Oakssandschestnilitwee.-e. eee rnc. a 43 353 l7/ 
Rosetamilye phe. tree eee. ewe 56 38 27 
hegtamertannily ser - Se eeeeeene os anh 24 

IMiaplesiey Saas feet Ata oF ciicd vos 13 34 
Grape and Virginia creeper.............. 22 7 
Compositestn. «ee en ates 150 12 3 

ovalttoralleplamitiswys eee ee : 679 445 161 . 

It is obvious from the above that a close correlation must 
exist between plants and gall-making insects which live upon 
them. Generally speaking, groups of plants presenting numer- 
ous widely disseminated, closely related forms are acceptable 
hosts to many gall insects and frequently the members of one 
order, of a tribe, or even a genus may be closely limited to such 
plants and in some instances to species or closely related 
species. For example, gall wasps attacking red oak and its 
allies are not found on the white-oak series, and vice versa. 
This great diversity in structure and habits of gall insects is 
evidently a response to environment and is made necessary by 
the physical unfitness of adults or larve to withstand other 
conditions. These insects are small in size, fragile, local in 
habit, mostly slow of flight and generally far from being un- 
usually prolific. Nevertheless, hundreds of species are able 
to maintain themselves, frequently in large numbers, in spite 
of apparently unfavorable conditions. 

It must not be concluded from the above, lengthy though 
this may be, that there is nothing yet to learn about gall insects 
and the deformities they inhabit. New species and new genera 
are awaiting discovery, the biology of many gall insects and 
especially of gall wasps is still unraveled. The great variety 

a ~ 


of galls upon the oaks, many of them attractive in color, delicate 
in texture and comparatively unknown, challenge our admira- 
tion and incite to further study. The same is true of the many 
and varied deformities inhabited by the fragile gall midges, 
species which have learned to subsist upon various parts of a 
large variety of plants. The gall mites, microscopic though 
they are, invite the attention of the student. 

Insect galls are to be found in all parts of the country and 
they and their makers present a charming and delightful field 
of study which may be entered with profit by the child at 
school as well as by the student of more mature years. 

The poet must have dreamed of some such condition when 
he wrote: 

And Nature, the old nurse, took 
The child upon her knee, 

Saying, “Here is a story book 

Thy Father has written for thee.” 

’ she said, 

“Come, wander with me,’ 
“Into regions yet untrod; 
And read what is still unread 

In the manuscripts of God.”—LONGFELLOW. 

(ud) | 





N some of our shallow, weed-choked pools and ditches there 
i lives a most interesting little fish—the brook or five-spined 
stickleback (Eucalia inconstans), Kirtland. He is so well 
accustomed to living in stagnant water that he can easily 
be transferred to an aquarium where he thrives well and is 
sure to prove an interesting pet. He is diminutive in size— 
the largest adults measuring barely over one and one half 
inch in length. The males are bright in color, having a veil- 
ing of black over an olive-green ground color which lightens 
to yellow on the belly. The females are somewhat lighter 
in color. They are extremely pugnacious little fishes, and 
show resentment when another fish approaches, even one of 
their own kind. The spines on the back bristle up like hiars on 
a dog’s back, and with a vicious lunge, the tiny bit of fury 
rushes, open-mouthed, at the innocent intruder. Often the 
fish’s emotion is registered by a dark flush that sweeps over his 
body for the time being. It is interesting to note that, when 
these fishes are transferred to a light or a dark bottom, the 
color changes in accord with the background. They are vora- 
cious feeders and thrive on bits of angleworms, or of fresh 
meat if it is cut into fine enough pieces. 

Like other members of the stickleback family, the brook 
stickleback is most interesting, perhaps, in his family habits. 
A true nest is built by the male in which the female deposits 
her eggs, and the male remains on guard to protect it until 
after the young have hatched. Some species nest readily in 
the aquarium, but the brook stickleback has not been observed 
to do so, at least as far as the writer’s experience and knowl- 
edge go. On one occasion, however, a male fish was seen 
guarding his nest in a pond. He was captured and brought 
home and placed in an aquarium, together with his nest and its 
contents. As soon as all was settled he assumed again his 
proprietary air and stood guard over the little home and its 
precious contents. At one side of the nest there is almost 
always a small hole through which the eggs can be seen inside 
it. This fish often approached the opening, and if any of the 


eggs protruded from it he took them into his mouth, and, back- 
ing away a short distance, blew them back again securely into 
the nest. He swam constantly around the nest, from time to 
time coming close to it and beating his pectoral fins rapidly 
like the wings of a hummingbird as it poises before a flower; 
he would thus draw a current of water through the nest and 


aerate the eggs. If any other fish were put into the aquarium, 
even a female of his own species, he would bristle, flush dark 
and dart viciously at the stranger and chase it away from the 
vicinity of his nest. 

In the wild state, nesting is begun while the water is still 
at a low temperature, between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit, 
although in the shallow surface water, at the margin of a pool 
where the nest is always built, the water may be as warm as 70 
degrees. In central New York State nesting may begin before 
the middle of April. It continues until late in May. The nest 


itself is a very dainty structure. It is always built of the 
materials at hand, which, of course, renders it inconspicuous, 
indeed, almost invisible amidst its surroundings. 

The first nests are built before vegetation has begun to 
grow in the pools. The only suitable materials that the builder 
finds at hand are fine fibers, blades of dead grass and the 
like. These are loosely woven together and held in place by 
means of a thread which is produced by the male (as in other 
species of stickleback) from a secrétion of the kidneys. It 
coagulates and hardens upon contact with the water, thus form- 
ing a thread suitable for binding together the materials of the 
nest. As the season advances and vegetation begins to appear 
in the pools, the nests are made mostly of green alge, some- 
times with sprouting seeds upon them. They are delicate little 
structures, spherical in shape, about three quarters of an inch 
in diameter, and with a small round hole on one side through 
which the eggs are placed within the nest. This little round 
ball of a home is tethered to a rootlet, submerged blade of grass 
or some similar attachment, and appears so much like a bit 
of the general mass of debris around it, or the masses of green 
alge, that it can be discovered only with the greatest diligence. 

The eggs are about 1 millimeter in diameter, transparent 
and light yellowish in color. They hatch in about eight or nine 
days when the water is as warm as 65 degrees. The young 
fishes are about 5 mm. long when they hatch. At first they 
still have a very large yolk-sac attached to them which contains 
enough nourishment to keep them for several days. It soon is 
all absorbed, however, and the tiny fishling grows fast. For 
the first few days he attaches himself to some still object by the 
tip end of his head—possibly by means of a viscid spot. The 
mouth is almost vertical, but soon becomes terminal. In two 
weeks time many sharp teeth make their appearance on the 
lower jaw. All this while the young fry is so transparent that 
all his inside affairs and private workings can be as easily 
observed as one can see a gardener at work inside his green- 
house. The primitive backbone with its developing rays, later 
to become ribs and spines, the heart pulsating at the rate of 
108 beats to the minute, even the corpuscles of the blood flowing 
along the channels of the arteries, can be plainly seen. The 
eyes are the biggest and most conspicuous organs because of 
their dark color and take up about one third the size of the 
whole head. They are moved rapidly in the sockets together 
like the wheels of an automobile. Before the fishes hatch, there 
are a few black, star-shaped or moss-shaped chromatophores, 


or color spots on the embryo. Later, small, orange-colored 
ones appear, and then yellow ones, so that by the time the fish 
is a week old he is almost golden in color and quite a pretty 
little fellow. From this time on, as soon as the yolk is all 
absorbed and the mouth parts are well developed, the little 
fellows swim about freely amongst the vegetation and find their 
own food in the minute forms of life with which all water 
vegetation and debris teems and we may assume that their 
-voracity and their rapacity also grow apace. 

Shallow pools that have clear water all the year through, 
even though they may be choked with vegetation and covered 
with floating plants during the summer, are likely to shelter 
these interesting little fishes. At least, such places are worth 
a careful search for the five-spined stickleback, and if one fails 
to find them one will be rewarded with a host of other interest- 
ing forms of life which abide here in a teeming world all 
their own. 

VOL, v1.—34. 



‘Tet Art learn so much alchemy that it tinctures all metals in gold.” 
—“ Roman de la Rose,” Jean de Meung (1277). 


(a) The Popular Idea of Alchemy 

UR conception of the alchemist is pictured for us in Eng- 
() lish literature by such writings as Chaucer’s ‘‘ Yeoman’s 
Tale’? and Ben Johnson’s ‘‘ The Alchemist,” in which there is 
portrayed a man of doubtful character working in mysterious 
surroundings, so characteristic of the Middle Ages, claiming to 
have received from some wonder-worker of a still darker age a 
small portion of that impregnating powder known as the phi- 
losopher’s stone, by which crude metals could be transmuted 
into silver or even into gold. He delighted to emerge from 
his dark cellar, from among his furnaces and alembics, to make 
dupes of princes or fathers in holy orders. We have here a 
perhaps slightly exaggerated but essentially true picture of 
the conditions which obtained in the dark ages of ‘ pseudo- 
alchemy,” from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. 

But the story of real alchemy has never yet been told. The 
picture given above, if told in present days, would be called a 
somewhat journalistic exploitation of a period which may be 
named the decline and fall of the ancient art of alchemy. Even 
in the Middle Ages, alchemy was very old. Its beginning was 
far back in the first century of our era. Its birthplace was in 
the Greek city of Alexandria in Egypt. Its derivation was still 
more ancient, for its sources are to be found in the philosophy 
of ancient Greece and in the mystic rites of Chaldea and As- 

The present paper has to do with ancient alchemy, or al- 
chemy proper, and attempts to apply the modern research of 
Berthelot (1885-1891) to the formulation of an entirely new 
conception of the activities of these earliest chemists.” 

1“Tes Origines de ]’Alchimie,” 1885. Collection des anciens Alchi- 
mistes Grecs (3 vols.), 1888. 

“Introduction 4 l’étude de la chimie des Anciens et du Moyen Age,” 

“La Chimie au Moyen Age” (3 vols.), 1893. 

2This theory was foreshadowed in 1902 by a critical study of the 

recipes of “ The Leyden Papyrus,” v. Hopkins, Ch. N. 83, p. 49, “ Bronz- 
ing Methods in The Alchemistic Leyden Papyri.” 


(b) The Thesis 

The object of this paper is to prove: 

(1) That the fundamental art—the art which led up to al- 
chemy—was the dyeing of fabrics, especially with 
Tyrian purple. 

(2) That by this fundamental art was absorbed the art of 
what we would call bronzing, but what the Egyptian ar- 
tisans called the tincturing or baptizing of metals. 

(3) That there was a close connection between these two dec- 
orative color-processes. 

(4) That metals were identified by their original colors, but 
more surely by their bronzes. 

(5) That this last conception was upheld by Greek philosophy 
which was invoked in support of the newer engrafted 
alchemistic philosophy. 

(6) That the transmutation claimed and attained by the Egyp- 
tians was essentially a color-transmutation, an artistic 
interpretation of laboratory experiments. To this trans- 
mutation was allied the transmigration of souls of the 
the Egyptian religion. 

(7) That the conception of the philosopher’s stone is in accord 
with this interpretation. 


The earliest known alchemistic document is the Leyden 
papyrus—a small portion of papyrus V and the whole of papy- 
rus X. Somewhat posterior to this come the Greek writings 
of “ Democritus,” Zosimos and Synesios of the period from the 
second to the fourth century A.D. 

The material found in the papyri consists of workshop 
recipes,’ mostly for the production of colors on metals, though 
there are a few for the preparation of the purple dye from sea- 
shells and for the use of this dye in producing colored goods. 
Alchemy fell by order of the Roman emperor, Diocletian, in the 
year 290,‘ so that we find a gradual change in the character of 
the commentaries following the recipes of the Leyden papyrus. 
The pseudo-Democritus presents recipes enclosed in philosoph- 
ical discussion while Zosimos and Synesios enshroud their 
guarded statements with double meanings more difficult to un- 

3 y, “ Collection des Anciens Alchimistes Grecs,” Vol. I., p. 28. 

4“Tes Origines,” p. 72, note 8. “In order that they might not be- 
come rich by that art and to take from them the source of riches which 
permitted them to revolt against the Romans.” 



There is internal evidence that the dyeing of fabrics was 
carried on in the temple-workshops of Egypt by the priests, 
the methods and recipes of this art being kept a trade-secret 
from the common people.’ It is well known that the art of 
dyeing had reached a perfection in Egypt nearly equal to that 
of modern times; also, that two colors were held in great 
esteem—the purple of royalty, and black, which was the na- 
tional color, sacred to the god Anubis.® 

That the art of bronzing was practised in the same temple- 
shop is attested by the juxtaposition of the recipes for dyeing 
and the recipes for bronzing in the Leyden papyrus; also by 
the fact that the mordants used in cyeing were the first reagents 
employed upon the metals; again, by the fact that the terms 
used in the art of dyeing were transferred with a similar but 
different meaning to the bench of the bronzer.’ 


In the dyeing of cloth, the first process is cleansing and 
bleaching. The white fabric is then either dyed with a direct 
color or more often dipped into a mordant bath and then into 
the dye. These two processes—the direct and the mordant— 
produce different colors or shades, the second of which the dyer 
ascribes to the influence of the mordant. The latter, as the 
necessary intermediary for the production of some valued color, 
became important to the Egyptian dyer—to a higher degree 
than to the modern workman, as is explained below. 

The colors available for use in decoration of the robes and 
temples, the trappings of the dead, the mummy cases and 
ceremonial insignia were limited to a few organic dyes and to 
the brighter metals, silver and gold. Gold thread was inter- 
meshed with purple fabric in particularly costly robes. Substi- 
tution of gold-colored or silver-colored alloys was also practised. 
It was then found, probably by accident, that certain base 
metals, when dipped like the white cloth into the mordant-bath, 

5“TLes Origines,” pp. 22-25, 185, 250. 

6 Pliny, “ Hist. Nat.,” XXXIII, 466 (Bohn translation); Collection, 
Vol. 'I., -p. 69. 

7Zosimos: Collection, Vol. III., III., 16, 12 (p. 164): “Add some 
sulphur-water and digest as one does for purple. One must proceed in 
this transformation, as one does with the product of the sea when this is 
changed into true purple.” 

Pelagius: Collection, Vol. III., IV., 1, 9 (p. 259): “ You should notice 
besides that gold or silver simply spread like a superficial paint does not 
overcome iron or copper. These metals must first be treated with 


acquired thereby, on standing or heating, a new color or shade, 
sometimes suggesting silver or gold. A white alloy, like the 
white cloth, thus obtained its color from the mordant. 

It is perfectly natural, therefore, that the production of 
color on cloth and the production of color on metals, in both of 
which processes the same reagents were used, should have been 
carried on in the same workshops and that the recipes for pro- 
ducing these respective color-effects should be found in the 
same papyrus, side by side.® 

It was shown by the author many years ago® that it was pos- 
sible, by placing in parallel some of the most ancient recipes 
with recipes taken from a modern book on the coloring of metals, 
to judge what colors would be obtained, provided the metal to 
be bronzed were also known. Fortunately the modern reagents 
are nearly identical with those indicated in the ancient recipes 
and in these recipes are also described fairly well the composi- 
tion of the metal or alloy to be bronzed. 

What colors then are actually produced under these cir- 
cumstances in the Egyptian process and also in the modern 
shop? The answer to this question gives us what seems to be 
unquestionably the key to alchemistic theory. The bronze 
most frequently obtained upon silver was black, the national 
color; and upon gold and gold alloys was that same purple 
color which was prized so highly for the dyeing of fabrics. 


It is difficult, with our modern ideas, to place ourselves in 
the same mental attitude as the ancient alchemist in order to 
get his interpretation of these results. We are compelled to 
remember that his object was to produce color-effects; that he 
was an artist interested primarily in color. To him the ma- 
terial was of little account.1° He was in the same position as 
the modern artist, mixing his colors on his palette, knowing 
little of the composition of his “reds” and “browns” except 
the trade name. It would therefore be natural for the ancient 
Egyptian, interested only in the color-result, to identify silver 
as the metal upon which a black bronze could be produced; 
and gold as the material, par excellence, upon which it was 
possible to produce a purple bronze. Moreover, any metal or 

8 Collection, Vol. I., p. 22; “Chimie au Moyen Age,” Vol. I, p. 24. 
Alchemy was known up to the seventh century as “the sacred art” ( Oca 
kat “epa) because it had been practised by the priests, in the Greek 
temples of Egypt, where other color-processes originated. 

9In 1902, Hopkins, loc. cit. 

10 y, “Les Origines,” p. 281. 


alloy upon which a black bronze could be produced would be 
looked upon as silver-like or simply “silver”; and any metal 
upon which a purple bronze could be produced was “ gold.” 
Those were the days when single metals were uncommon and 
were not accorded the virtue of an identity. Alloys were most 
common. Asem or electrum™ was an alloy, well known, con- 
sisting usually of silver and gold. Upon it could be produced 
either of the favorite colors. By adding an excess of silver or 
gold to asem, the alloy could be made to acquire more of the 
properties of either metal, including the property of acquiring 
a distinctive color by treatment with definite salts. An alloy 
of copper and tin, like our “ bell metal,’’ was white, like silver,’ 
and the black bronze could be produced upon it. It was 
“silver.” If to it a little gold were added, the purple bronze 
could be produced upon its surface. It was “gold.” The pro- 
duction of these beautiful and decorative colors became a new 
industry, probably highly remunerative. 

But as time went on, it became clear that the base metals, 
like copper and tin, could be “‘ improved ”’—could be transmuted 
into silver and gold as far as color-production was concerned. 
The capacity for taking the purple bronze (‘Iwoc) was the 
measure of gold.?* 

It was common alchemistic practise to add to such alloys a 
minute portion of gold. Upon such alloys there was probably pro- 
duced a higher color—a purple, to be sure, but iridescent. The 
gold in such alloys was looked upon as a ferment,’* changing and 
improving the quality of the whole mass. In the elements of 
Empedocles, the sequence was from the lowest to the highest: 
earth, water, air, fire. Following this order, the alchemists 
had the base metals, earthy; the fusible metals (like tin and 
mercury) having the property of liquidity; the bright or 
“noble” metals (gold and silver) remaining clear like air; and 
the bronzes of a higher spiritual nature, playing like fire on 
the surfaces of the metals. Between the base metals, such as 
lead and copper, and the noble metals came tin, and later mer- 
cury, considered stages of transmutation.* But a little pure 
gold added to a base alloy, no matter how much, improved its 
quality and raised it in the rank of metals, just as we some- 

11 Hopkins, loc. cit.; Collection, Vol. I., p. 62; also, p. 28, note 3, and 
p. 31, note 1; “Les Origines,” p. 90. 
12y, Recipe 14 of Leyden Papyrus (Collection, Vol. I., p. 31). 

13 Hopkins, loc. cit.; “ Les Origines,” p. 242; Collection, Vol. I., p. 13; 
III., p. 214 (8); p. 219 (5). 

14 Hopkins, loc. cit.; “ Les Origines,” p. 53; Collection, Vol. III, p. 248. 
15 y, “Les Origines,” p. 230-231. 




times speak of a drop of “infinite goodness” purifying a mass 
of evil so that its sin shall count for naught. 


Just as a little gold could act as a ferment, so the purple 
bronze, higher than gold, the spirit of gold, free from ‘‘ base” 
or earthy entanglements, could be conceived as having infinite 
power. Certain references and recipes seem to agree in point- 
ing to a bronze, higher than even the purple bronze in purity, 
not the spirit of gold, but the “spirit of metallicity,” possibly 
to be identified with the fleeting iridescent purple, as the 
infinitely powerful tincturing and transmuting agent—“ the 
stone which is not a stone,’’* etc., the “wos, or virus, the sperm, 
the element creative for metals. 

Roger Bacon (thirteenth century) does not hesitate to say that the 
philosopher’s stone was able to transform a million times its own weight 
of base metal into gold.17 

After their expulsion from Egypt, the alchemists claimed 
that their predecessors had always been disciples of Plato and 
Aristotle and that it was from Egypt that these philosophers 
had obtained the elements of their philosophy. From this the 
alchemists claimed the right to be called philosophers, “The 
New Commentators of Aristotle and Plato.’”28 This accounts 
for the first term in the expression the philosopher’s stone. 

Of the second term, Philalethes says: 

It is called a stone not because it is like a stone but only because by 
virtue of its fixed nature it resists the action of fire as successfully as any 

stone. In species, it is gold, more pure than the purest... but its ap- 
pearance is that of a fine powder... in potency a most penetrative 
spirit . . . easily capable of penetrating a plate of metal. 

Raymund Lully exclaims: 

If the sea were of mercury, I would transmute it to gold (Mare tin- 
gerem, si mercurius esset). 


Escaping from Egypt, the alchemists fled, some across 
northern Africa, finally reaching Spain during the Moorish in- 
vasion in the eighth century; some going to the East, through 
Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia and Persia, joining hands with 

16 vy, “Les Origines,” pp. 181-182. 

17“ History of Chemistry,” E. von Meyer (Trans. McGowan, 1891), 

p. 43. 
18 “Tes Origines,” p. 4. 


medicine, which came from India, and finally entering Europe 
through Constantinople. These refugees brought with them 
mostly a body of traditions and some manuscripts. After 
spreading to western Europe, the downtrodden alchemy finally 
burst into prominence in the thirteenth century. 

Unfortunately, the world had advanced. Metals had already 
claimed for themselves identity and certain unchanging prop- 
erties such as are familiar to the modern analyst. Alchemists 
of the thirteenth century like “ Albertus Magnus,” ‘ Geber,” 
Roger Bacon, “ Raymundus Lullus ” and Arnaldus Villanovanus, 
reading the old manuscripts, believed them, without sensing 
the Egyptian interpretation. They believed that silver could 
be changed into gold—into real gold in the modern sense. 
They believed in and ascribed marvellous properties to the 
philosopher’s stone or “ Ancient Stone of the Wise Men.” Many 
claimed to be adepts and to be possessed of a small portion of 
this stone. 

It is strange, but fortunate for us, that many of their writ- 
ings confirm the argument of this paper. For, though they. 
had no conception of the réle of color in the original alchemis- 
tic theory, they quote the ancient alchemistic writings, extolling 
the wonders of the color-changes just as did Zosimos, Synesios 
and Olympiodor—the black, white, red, yellow and purple. 

Many of their terms are taken directly from the Egyptian 
workshops. The metal is dipped, baptized (Bazriféw) in the 
bath. It became tinted (tingere) with the color. The word 
tincture has come down to us in the present-day medicine, as 
well as the expression “spirit of wine” and the temper of 
metals. To temper a metal in Egypt meant to bronzeit. (This 
accounts for the recrudescence of the discussion as to whether 
the ancient practise of tempering copper is not a lost art.) 
The expressions base and noble metals, hermetic seal, etc., all 
attest the fact that the pseudo-alchemist of the thirteenth to 
the seventeenth centuries had in his possession manuscripts of 
the ancient alchemists—probably some which can not now be 
found—from which he quoted freely to his astonished audience, 
the meaning of which he failed completely to understand. 


It is seen, therefore, that alchemy began in the Greek city 
of Alexandria in Egypt among a color-loving people, as a simple 
art of coloring metals, founded upon the discovery that the 
same reagents that had been used in dyeing would produce 


surface-colors on the metals. Greek theories of matter and the 
Egyptian religious views conspired to uphold the theory that 
the essential thing was color—not the changing material or 
body of the metal®—so that a change of color was transmuta- 
tion. Greek theory and the teachings of all kinds of theology 
supported the idea that each metal had a body, a soul and a 
spirit; that the spirit was the essential thing, overlying and 
overcoming the crudeness of the body. Metals were graded in 
order of perfection. There were base metals and noble metals. 
The noble metals partook more of the spiritual and could, there- 
fore, be used to perfect the base metals. Moreover, the color was 
the real spirit, difficult of attainment and hard to keep. As 
gold improved the lower metals, so the spirit of gold, the ‘os, 
was identified with the spirit of metallicity—the penetrative 
tincture—which could tint all metals into gold—the philoso- 
pher’s stone. 

Centuries rolled by. The artistic yearning for color was 
nearly gone and the methods of recognizing pure metals were 
much advanced, when in the thirteenth century a false alchemy 
arose, which claimed on the authority of the ancient writings 
to be able, by the philosopher’s stone, to change lead and copper 
into silver and gold. 

The simple art of the Egyptians had been harmless. Its 
mission was to feed the color-hungry people of Egypt and it 
had been eminently successful. Pseudo-alchemy was the teach- 
ing of men glorifying in a rapture of self-deceit; later 
of charlatans who deceived others knowingly. Pseudo-alchemy 
never succeeded in its pretensions. It succeeded only in 
holding back scientific progress for some centuries and in 
bringing into disfavor the fair name of science. This alchemy, 
so-called, lingered on under the teachings of iatro-chemistry 
and the impetus of the phlogiston theory until its pretensions 
were finally crushed by the impressive experiments of Lavoi- 
sier, in the latter part of the eighteenth century. 


This paper presents a new theory of the origin of alchemy. 
The theory is supported (1) by internal evidence, drawn from 
the original alchemistic recipes and the earliest Egyptian manu- 
scripts of about the third century A.D.; (2) by the teachings of 
the alchemists themselves and (3) by the language and experi- 
ments of the pseudo-alchemists of the Middle Ages. 

19y, “Les Origines,” p. 75, p. 281; Collection, Vol. III., 6-10, p. 127. 



By J. A. L. WADDELL, D.Sc., D.E., LL.D. 


~NGINEERING, in one sense the youngest and in another 
K the oldest of all the learned professions, has attained its 
importance and high standing mainly during the last half-cen- 
tury. It is universally acknowledged to be the profession of 
progress; and all thinking people concede that without it the 
advancement of the world would come immediately to a stand- 
still, and even the maintenance of modern civilization would be 
impracticable. Just imagine what civilization would be without 
the steam-engine, railroads, steamboats, bridges, the telegraph, 
the telephone, water-works, sewerage, the typewriter, electrical 
machinery, the gas-engine, the automobile, mining, metallurgy, 
applied chemistry, water-power, steel buildings, reinforced- 
concrete constructions, agricultural machinery and irrigation! 
All these activities and many others too numerous to mention 
come within the province of the engineer, and their develop- 
ment has been his task. The importance of the engineer in the 
community was emphasized in polished language as follows in 
an editorial of the Canadian Engineer for October 18, 1917: 

1 Before starting to prepare this article, the author wrote to a num- 
ber of his good friends in the various branches of engineering, and pro- 
pounded to them the following questions: 

“A. What deficiencies, shortcomings, or defects do you note in our 
profession in general, and how would you suggest correcting them? 

“B,. In regard to your own specialty, what improvements would you 
desire, and how do you think they may be effected? 

“C. In your special line of work, have there been any fundamental 
novelties or drastic innovations suggested which are either practically 
feasible or even possible of future adoption? If so, please give a brief 
description of them; or, if they have been already described in print, tell 
me where I can find the information.” 

A few of the responses received to these questions furnished data of 
considerable value to the speaker in preparing this manuscript; and he 
takes this opportunity heartily to thank, individually and collectively, the 
gentlemen who so generously responded to his appeal for aid. It is 
deemed inadvisable to enumerate their names, especially in view of the 
fact that their contributions have been utilized mainly as suggestions for 
development rather than for direct quotation. This arrangement was 
understood at the outset by all concerned. 

Every industry depends directly upon the engineer. There are few 
points of life where his work has not effected big alterations. Tolerant 


he must be to human weakness; efficient he must be, for in few other fields 
of effort is the elimination of the unfit more rigorously practised. His 
training is applied science, and his practise demands large common-sense. 

The engineer is one of the pivots of modern civilization; therefore 
he should be more in evidence as a public man. He is well fitted to 
earry forward the lessons of practical experience in the realm of na- 
tional affairs. 

In war as well as in peace the engineer stands preeminent, 
as is evidenced in the present struggle, by such prominent mili- 
tary men as Joffre, Kitchener, Cadorna and von Ludendorf. 

The world could manage to dispense with lawyers and 
clergymen, and, possibly, even with physicians, but it would be 
impracticable to get along without engineers. Very few 
people, however, have looked at the matter in this light; and 
the engineer, in consequence, has not yet received from the 
public the consideration which is his due, nor the pecuniary 
compensation which his services merit. 

The fundamental reason for this undesirable state of affairs 
is, undoubtedly, the newness of engineering as a learned pro- 
fession, but it must be confessed that much of the blame there- 
for lies with the engineers themselves. They have been so 
intent on their own individual activities that they have not 
fully organized for their protection as a class; and although 
the engineering societies, both large and small, have done great 
work and have accomplished much towards the betterment of 
conditions, their effectiveness is far from being ideal. The 
larger societies are too cumbersome to accomplish desired re- 
forms in any reasonable length of time, and the smaller socie- 
ties generally have not in their ranks enough men of promi- 

‘Recognizing this, some years ago a few engineers in inde- 
pendent practise founded the American Institute of Consulting 
Engineers. It is proving, in certain lines, to be a most excel- 
lent organization; but its field of usefulness is too limited. 
Its objects are in a certain sense selfish; and its constitution 
excludes all engineers who are engaged in contracting and most 
of those who are in the employ of manufacturing or contract- 
ing companies. 

Some eight years ago a few engineers came to the conclusion 
that the profession needs at its head a comparatively small and 
select body of engineers chosen from the leaders in every 
branch of activity and from all parts of the country, in order 
to undertake those duties which the existing societies neglect. 
They, consequently, endeavored to organize an “ American 
Academy of Engineers” on the broadest and most altruistic 


lines; but they encountered many obstacles which delayed for 
a long time the accomplishment of their purpose. The prin- 
cipal stumbling block was the difficulty in organizing without 
subjecting the charter members to the accusation of being self- 
appointed. It was claimed, and very properly, that the making 
of such an accusation would militate seriously at first against 
the effectiveness of the academy, and might even be the means 
of ultimately preventing its successful establishment. 

Great undertakings are apt to move slowly; and such was 
the case in this endeavor, for it was not until the end of 1916 
that a truly impersonal means was evolved for the selection of 
the nucleus of the Academy. The modus operandi finally 
adopted was as follows: 

The Honorable William C. Redfield, secretary of commerce, 
who for several years had taken a deep interest in the under- 
taking, and who had been requested in writing by many promi- 
nent engineers from all parts of the United States to take the 
initial step towards the formation of the academy, appointed 
Major-General George W. Goethals as the first member, and 
instructed him to select nine others from among the most promi- 
nent engineers in all branches of the profession, limiting his 
choice by the inclusion of at least one past-president from each 
of five national engineering societies which he named. Gen- 
eral Goethals in complying with his instructions went a step 
farther by selecting one past-president from each of eight na- 
tional engineering societies, thus covering practically all lines 
of the profession, and two at large, dropping out himself on 
the plea that he objected to accepting a government appoint- 
ment to such an organization. The ten engineers thus chosen 
met at once in order to select the other forty engineers so as to 
form the nucleus of the academy and then apply to Congress 
for a national charter, all in accordance with the program of 
Secretary Redfield, as indicated in his letter of instructions to 
General Goethals. 

At the first meeting, which was held in New York City, it 
was unanimously decided that General Goethals should be the 
first one chosen, and that he should be requested to aid in the 
selection of the remaining thirty-nine, to which arrangement 
he subsequently agreed. The method employed was to let each 
of the eleven members nominate as many suitable candidates 
as he might desire, and from these, by a process of elimination, 
to choose the number required. Over one hundred names were 
proposed, and approximate percentage-limitations for the 
various groups of engineers were agreed upon. A number of 
meetings, extending over several weeks, were found necessary. 


Each candidate’s fitness was thoroughly discussed, and his pro- 
poser was required to state in writing the said candidate’s pro- 
fessional record and the reasons why he was believed to be 
specially eligible. A consideration of geographical location 
was deemed requisite; and for that and other good reasons it 
was found necessary to exclude temporarily a number of engi- 
neers who are in every way eligible. Not one of the fifty gentle- 
men thus chosen as charter members failed to accept his 

By direction of Secretary Redfield, the solicitors of the De- 
partment of Commerce prepared the draft of a bill for the in- 
corporation of the academy; and this bill was introduced in 
both the Senate and the House of Representatives. It was 
passed by the Senate during the late special session of the 
Congress; but the judiciary committee of the House postponed 
its consideration until the next regular session. Arrangements 
are being made for the said judiciary committee to take up the 
consideration of the bill in the immediate future. 

Some opposition has been raised by a few engineers to the 
granting of a national charter to the academy, the cause ap- 
parently being an absolutely unfounded fear that the new or- 
ganization will usurp some of the functions of the existing na- 
tional technical societies, but mainly because the true intent 
of the academy is not generally known or understood. 

The fundamental reason why it will eventually succeed in 
accomplishing many important desiderata for the profession 
where the large national technical societies have failed is that 
there are in each group or line of engineers a few individuals 
who have a deep love for the profession, and who are ever 
ready to subordinate to its welfare their own personal interests 
—men who generously spend time, effort and money in giving 
to others by their writings the benefit of their. knowledge, ac- 
cumulated through many years of hard work—men, too, who 
are prominent in research, in originality, in organization, in 
altruism and in energy. If all, or a large proportion, of such 
men from every line of technics were combined into an acad- 
emy, having a membership limited to two hundred, is it not 
evident that the amount of good which they could accomplish 
would be enormous and that the results of their efforts would 
be far-reaching and invaluable? It is mainly of such men 
that the American Academy of Engineers is and will be com- 
posed. The fifty names of the charter members are a proof 
of the correctness of this assertion; but additional evidence is 
given by the following quotations from the temporarily adopted 
Constitution and By-Laws: 


Professional Objects.——These shall be: To dignify and to exalt the 
profession of engineer in the broad sense, and to place it upon the highest 
plane amongst the liberal professions; to bring the different branches of 
the engineering profession into closer touch and harmony with each other; 
to bring American and foreign engineers into closer relations with each 
other; and to secure for the engineering profession as a whole the recog- 
nition that is commensurate with the importance of its services to the 

National and Civic Objects.—These shall be: To render to the govern- 
ment of the United States of America or to any commonwealth of the 
nation, when so requested, service in the field of engineering, industrial 
technology, and applied science; to cooperate, in rendering such service, 
or for any purpose involving the welfare and interests of the country, 
and to subserve the same, with American national academies, institutes, 
societies, or bodies interested in pure and applied science, technology, 
and engineering. 

Ways and Means.—The academy will strive to accomplish these 
objects by all proper, honorable, and legitimate ways and means; by 
fostering, stimulating, and encouraging the growth and development of 
the highest professional spirit, ideals, and ethics uniformly in all branches 
of engineering; by promoting a better understanding and sympathy be- 
tween these different branches; by advocating more homogeneous and 
consistent rules and precepts for their guidance in their relations with 
each other and with the rest of the world; by working for general coop- 
eration and solidarity; by fostering an esprit de corps in the profession 
as a whole; by doing all in its power to elevate the standards and promote 
the interests of the profession; and by urging its claims, or those of its 
more distinguished and eminent votaries to due and proper consideration 
for public or private honor or recognition... . 

Members.—Members shall consist of properly qualified engineers hav- 
ing eminence or distinction in one or more branches of enginering, by 
reason of their professional attainments, learning, or experience, and of 
their contributions to the progress and advance of their branch or 
branches of engineering or of the engineering profession as a whole. 

The qualifications of a candidate for member shall include the fol- 
lowing requirements: 

(a) He must be a citizen of the United States of America. 

(b) He must be at least forty years of age. 

(c) He must be a member, in good standing, of the highest grade, 
in at least one national engineering or technical society in the United 
States of America. 

(d) He must have practised or else taught engineering, or some cog- 
nate branch of technology (such as chemistry), continuously for a period 
of not less than fifteen years, and he must be still engaged actively in 
practising or teaching or both; or else, in lieu thereof, he must have been 
identified with work of importance, either by reason of its magnitude or 
else because of its novel or special character; and it must be shown that 
he has made a satisfactory record and has obtained a good standing in his 
branch of the profession through his technical work. 

(In the case of a teacher of engineering or of technology, the publi- 
cation of original books relative to his branch or branches of the pro- 
fession shall be taken as the equivalent of engineering work.) 

(e) He must have a personal as well as a professional record, repu- 
tation, and standing, entitling him to the highest consideration as a pro- 


fessional gentleman who is devoted to the progress and advance of the 
engineering profession and who is interested in promoting the welfare 
and sustaining the dignity of that profession. 

Other qualifications, constituting criteria of eligibility to membership, 
are prescribed in the By-Laws... . 

Eligibility —The additional qualifications, referred to in Article II of 
the Constitution as constituting criteria of eligibility of a candidate for 
member of the American Academy of Engineers, shall be such as indicate 
the general education, the technical training, and the professional ex- 
perience and record of the candidate. They shall include the following 

(f) He must have a degree from a university or technical school of 
recognized standing. 

(g) He must have a reading knowledge of at least one European 
language, or else of Esperanto, besides the English language. 

(h) He must have been in responsible charge of engineering or tech- 
nical work or design for a period of not less than five years. If teach- 
ing, he must have been in charge of a department in a school of recog- 
nized standing for a period of not less than ten years. 

(In the case of candidates who have taught and practised at different 
portions of their careers, two years of teaching shall be considered the 
equivalent of one year of engineering practise.) 

(1) He must be the author of at least one important original publica- 
tion on some subject or topic related to at least one branch of engineering. 

In general, the intellectual status of the candidate, and the personal 
traits or qualities making him a credit to the profession of engineering, 
and, especially, his zeal and devotion to that profession, shall be the para- 
mount considerations in determining his fitness. His financial status shall 
be of no consideration whatever. 

Waivers.—Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived in any 
particular case in behalf of a candidate otherwise very desirable; but 
the said waiver shall be only by the unanimous vote of the Board of Di- 
TECLONS, (0 fons 

Scope and Program.—The academy shall avoid encroaching upon the 
scope and program of any of the engineering and technical societies rep- 
resenting special branches of the engineering profession, and it shall limit 
and confine its activity to questions of such nature and character as are 
likely to interest and to affect the profession as a whole. These questions 
may include ethics, relations with other professions, matters of general 
professional policy or expediency, questions of political or commercial 
economy involving engineering, national and international engineering 
topics, etc.; and the program shall specifically exclude engineering and 
professional papers of the types usually presented before the various en- 
gineering and technical societies. 

Communications from non-members, when introduced by a sponsor 
member of any class, may be presented and published with the approval 
of the publication committee. 

Annual Publication.—This shall contain the proceedings of the meet- 
ings, and the reports, including discussions, of papers and communica- 
tions presented before the academy and approved by the publication com- 
mittee for publication. 

A copy of the annual publication shall be sent gratis to every member, 
emeritus member, and honorary member of the academy; to every im- 
portant national engineering society in the world; to the governor of 


each state and territory, to the library of every university and technical 
school of recognized standing in the United States, and to the libraries 
of certain foreign institutions of learning. The list of institutions and 
individuals to whom copies are to be sent gratis shall be subject to the 
approval of the publication committee. Copies shall also be available 
at a reasonable price to any person desiring the same, if ordered before 
publication, or otherwise if there be copies available. 

An apology is due for the length of these quotations from 
the constitution and by-laws; but the purpose the writer has 
in mind in making them could not well be accomplished by 
shortening them in any way. These extracts show not only 
that the American Academy of Engineers is to be a technical 
and scientific society of the highest possible order, but also that 
its aim is to supplement—not to supplant—the other national 
technical societies. 

Through its honorary members, who are citizens of foreign 
countries, American engineers will be brought in contact with 
their professional brethren abroad; and a large amount of busi- 
ness for our country will certainly result from this connection 
—hbusiness which otherwise would naturally go to other coun- 
tries than ours. 

It seems to the writer that no truly broad-gauge man in 
any walk of life can oppose the incorporation of the American 
Academy of Engineers as a national organization; for, unless 
it were given governmental recognition, it would not be re- 
garded by people in general as the national association of en- 
gineers chosen from every line of technics, nor as the select 
body of practitioners which it is intended to be; and, therefore, 
its capacity for doing good would be most effectually curtailed. 
Again, it would not be properly recognized, at least for many 
years to come, by foreign governments and foreign technical 
and scientific societies, nor could it act, in the manner intended, 
as a court of last appeal for American engineers in all lines 
of the profession. Moreover, the national and the state govern- 
ments would not feel that they have the right to call upon it for 
advice and assistance to be given gratis, unless it were a na- 
tional body; nor could it properly take the initiative in many 
important movements affecting the welfare of the common- 
wealth. For these reasons, and for other important ones too 
numerous to state, it is to be hoped that nothing will prevent 
the granting of a national charter to the American Academy of 
Engineers at the present session of Congress. 

The principal existing ‘‘ deficiencies, shortcomings, or de- 
fects” in the engineering profession in general, as indicated by 
a consensus of the answers to questions A and B of the circular 


letter which, as previously indicated, the writer sent to some 
of his technical friends before starting to prepare this lecture, 
are, in the indicated order of importance, as follows: 

A. Lack of appreciation of the profession by the public. 

B. Deficiency in general education on the part of most engineers. 

C. Lack of culture. 

D. Failure of the technical schools to provide proper instruction in 
the English language. 

EF. Failure of the technical schools to give a broad, general education. 

F’. Uncertainty as to the definition of the term “ engineer” and ex- 
actly the class of men which it should include. 

G. Too small compensation for engineers. 

H. The fact that engineering is too largely a profession of regularly 
employed men; or, as it has been rather pithily but inelegantly stated, 
that “too many engineers wear the brass collar.” 

I. Need for a license system—federal, but not state. 

J. Lack of publicity concerning engineering achievements and gen- 
eral technical news and interests. 

Kk. A tendency among some engineers for one man to MEENA an- 
other’s inventions or ideas. 

L. Undue criticism of one engineer’s work by a brother engineer. 

M. Failure on the part of engineers to recognize what the profession 
really is. 

N. Need for a clearer appreciation by engineers of the réle they are 
called upon to take. 

. Lack of loyalty to the profession and to the members thereof. 
Giving of advice and doing of preliminary work gratis. 

. Deficiency in accurate thinking. 

Lack of accuracy in doing work. 

Carelessness and slovenliness. 

Lack of address, and inability to speak well. 

. Inability to write well. 

. Lack of initiative in public affairs. 

W. Improper methods of instruction in technical schools. 

X. Ignoring of individuality in students by teachers of technics. 

. Y. Lack of direct connection between research and engineering prac- 

Z. A tendency to usurp the title of consulting engineer by those who 
are not equipped to bear it. 

a. Inability of many engineers to handle men. 

b. Need in this country for a better patent system. 

c. Opposition in America to the trying out of new devices and proc- 
esses, and waiting instead for Europeans to make the trial. 

d. Favoritism instead of merit as the reason for promotion of em- 
ployees in large companies. 

e. Need for a fixed minimum-fee basis for engineers’ compensation. 

f. Need for greater standardization of engineering practise. 

g. Need for “abbreviated engineering data.” 

h. The study of one branch of engineering at school and subsequent 
practise in another branch. 

The preceding is a rather appalling list of the alleged “ de- 
ficiencies, shortcomings, or defects” that exist in the engineer- 

VOL. v1.—35. 



ing profession; but it must be remembered that it represents 
the combined complaints of more than twenty engineers, repre- 
senting all the leading branches thereof, each individual, of 
course, contributing his pet grouch; nevertheless a careful 
study of the list will convince one that each allegation is fairly 
well founded, and that the existence of many of them is beyond 
dispute. Remember, too, that these deficiencies apply to the 
profession as a whole, including the rank and file, and by no 
means to all of its members. 

A study of the list will show that most of the deficiencies 
are of such a character that they are not ccrrigible by any of 
the existing technical societies; but they certainly are by an 
organization of the peculiar character and scope of the Amer- 
ican Academy of Engineers. 

Dr. C. O. Mailloux in his presidential address to the Amer- 
ican Institute of Electrical Engineers spoke as follows: 

We must show to the rest of the world that engineers are, by educa- 
tion, training, and experience, as well qualified as any professional class, 
to discuss and deal with public questions and problems, and that in the 
case of technical questions we are better qualified than are the other 
classes. ‘ 

We not only fail in our duty to our professional class, but we also 
fall short of doing our full duty to the community by remaining silent 
in the social and civil background, and by hiding the important light 
which we are most able to shed on many public matters by virtue of our 
scientific and technical training. 

It is a certainty that much remains to be done to put our 
profession upon the high plane where its importance to human- 
ity entitles it to stand, and that reforms can be instituted only 
by concerted effort. The large national technical societies have 
gotten into ruts, and it is hard to jog them out—besides, the 
unwieldiness inherent in their great bulk militates strongly 
against a combination of all their efforts. It is far better to 
choose a limited number of the most live, energetic, earnest and 
altruistic members of each group and form them into a new 
organization which will act in concert and harmony with all 
the other national technical societies, as has been done in the 
case of the American Academy of Engineers. The new society 
could take the initiative and then apportion most of the work 
among the other organizations, reserving for itself the unusual 
or general tasks which no one of the other societies is specially 
fitted to handle. If the academy, after having been granted by 
Congress a national charter, were properly officered and system- 
atically operated, there would be, ere many years, a wonderful 
improvement in the general status of the engineering profes- 


sion; and most of the evils complained of would be fairly well 
corrected. Perfection, of course, can never be attained, but it 
is practicable to approach it by an asymptotic curve. 

The present is the psychological time for bringing the engi- 
neering profession into its own; because never before in his- 
tory has mankind been so dependent upon the engineer. The 
existing war is essentially a war of engineers; for it is they 
who are manufacturing the guns, ammunition, vessels, motors, 
and the other paraphernalia requisite for carrying on the 
struggle, and who are attending to the transportation of men, 
munitions, food, and all other supplies by both land and sea, 
besides doing their fair share of the fighting. The public is 
now beginning to recognize the truth of the sayings that, “ when 
something of importance has to be done, it is necessary to call 
in the engineer,” and that “engineers are preeminently the 
producers of results.” 

Concerning the relative importance of the engineer’s work 
in the world to-day, it may be stated, without any reservation, 
that it is he who is responsible for our present civilization in 
the material sense and even, possibly, also in the mental sense.. 
It is truly an engineer’s age. Countries are built up and torm 
down by the engineer. He is a creator; he brings together 
elemental forces and gives them direction. He takes the nat- 
ural things from the earth and makes of them the complex 
things of life. If his work were to cease, the world would 
retrograde to uncivilization as we understand the word to-day. 

The speaker has stated that “the present is the psycho- 
logical time for bringing the engineering profession into its 
own,” but he wishes to add to this another claim, viz., that it 
is also the psychological time for our country to secure the 
trade of Latin-America as well as to prepare for obtaining the 
lion’s share of world-reconstruction after the war. Both of 
these tasks are work for the engineer, because it is he who first 
will have to go to those countries in order to spy out the land, 
determine what works of construction are necessary, and do 
missionary work for American manufacturers, capitalists, and 
contractors; and it is a sine qua non that the reconstruction 
mentioned is essentially his métier. Such being the case, now 
is the logical time to improve the engineering profession in 
America so as to enable its members to render the most effec- 
tive service possible in these activities of national importance. 

Perhaps the most outstanding factor at the present time, 
bearing upon the future of engineering, is the new standard of 
values brought about by the war. This is, undoubtedly, the 


most widespread and revolutionary change in the history of 
mankind. Not only have money values varied greatly in a 
short period of time, but the war, on account of its widespread 
nature and because of the vital principles affecting the future 
progress of mankind, for which the Allies are fighting, has 
brought us face to face with one of the most important stages 
in the cycle of civilization. 

Engineering works are the surest index to the state or 
degree of civilization to which a nation has arrived; and, owing 
to the rapid progress and readjustments which will be the out- 
come of the war, these same works will undergo a more rapid 
change and growth in a given time than history has yet shown. 
What may have seemed a colossal engineering work a few years 
since will become commonplace henceforth. An illustration of 
this is the growth in the size of steamships. How many times 
we have heard of huge vessels having been constructed and 
regarded as the final word in marine architecture! Drydocks 
have been built to take care of the largest vessel that would 
ever be constructed, yet in a few years these same docks are 
found to be totally inadequate to handle anything but that 
which has come to be considered a vessel of ordinary size. 
The same remark applies to bridge loadings. Many bridges 
have been built to take care of all possible future loads, and yet 
the weights of locomotives and loaded cars have increased so 
fast that the structures are out of date long before they show 
any sign of deterioration from the elements. This analogy 
could be continued indefinitely to apply to actual cases concern- 
ing transportation systems, office buildings, canals, water- 
works, etc. 

The increase in requirements or demand seems to be in an 
ever-augmenting ratio, the curve varying with the periods of 
business prosperity and depression. In short, engineering 
works will always meet the demand; and the demand is in- 
creasing steadily. It is quite reasonable to imagine the City of 
New York as having grown to a city of twenty million inhabi- 
tants; and when such a change exists, there will be engineer- 
ing works such as bridges, tunnels, water-works, transporta- 
tion systems, etc., in which almost inconceivable sums of money 
have been invested. If there is a compelling need for a struc- 
ture of unprecedented size, then that structure will be built— 
the cost is merely a relative matter. Given enough money 
(and the money will be found, if the need is sufficiently impera- 
tive), there is almost no engineering feat that can not be ac- 
complished. . 

(To be continued) 



By Professor T. H. MORGAN 

OST interesting of all the mutations that are now engag- 
M ing the attention of students of mutation are those in 
which genetic factors or genes occur, or appear, whose most ob- 
vious action is to enhance or diminish some other more conspicu- 
ous character. These genes may be called specific modifiers. 
They do not differ from ordinary genetic factors in any essen- 
tial respect, but, since their presence can not be detected, ex- 
cept when other factors are themselves producing some particu- 
lar effect on the individual, it is convenient to give them a 
special designation. 

For the correct interpretation of the results of selection, it 
is essential to have some means of finding out whether any 
effects that are produced are due to specific modifiers or to 
a change in the principal gene itself. For instance, there are 
several cases where a mutant character is known to be due to 
a single Mendelian factor, and selection has caused the charac- 
ter to change in the direction of selection, either plus or minus. 
Since the character is demonstrably due to a single factor the 
first conclusion that was drawn was that the change in the 
character must be due to a corresponding change in the factor 
that produces it. Such a conclusion may be fallacious, how- 
ever, for the change may be due to the appearance during selec- 
tion of specific modifying factors, or to their segregation if 
they were present at the start in a mixed stock. Until suit- 
able tests were made, one interpretation was as valid as the 
other and without such test the wrong inference might be 

It is obvious that it could never be shown that genetic factors 
do not change under the influence of selection if each time prog- 
ress took place the results were ascribed arbitrarily to modify- 
ing factors. Conversely those who claim that progress comes 
about through modifying factors could never hope to establish 
their view so long as the possibility of the chief factor itself 
changing and producing the observed effects was open to dis- 
cussion. But a modern technique has been worked out along 


several lines by means of which crucial evidence can be ob- 
tained that will make probable or even demonstrate whether 
the main gene or modifying genes are involved. Let us exam- 
ine the ways in which a decision may be reached. 

1. Starting with a mixed population in which the principal 
gene and one or more specific modifiers are present (the latter 
irregularly distributed amongst its members) and breeding in 
pairs along definite lines, we should expect to find in the first 
five or six generations that selection in a plus or minus direc- 
tion would cause a definite change in the direction of selection 
and that then the process would slow down. This is the result 
that McDowell obtained when he selected flies for the number 
of bristles on the thorax, and it is in harmony with the view 
that modifying factors were present at first, irregularly dis- 
tributed, and were sorted out by selection. If selection had 
really caused a principal gene for bristle number to change in 
the direction of selection it is not apparent why its progress 
should slow down and cease after a few generations, especially 
when selected in a minus direction. This argument gives re- 
sults that are intelligible on the hypothesis that the change is 
not in the gene itself, but the method is insufficient to disprove 
that the gene changes; for, it might still be claimed that genes 
yield more at first to the treatment of selection and less later on. 

2. It has been pointed out especially by East that the vari- 
ability (spread) in the first hybrid generation (F,) is often 
characteristically less than in the second (F.), and this is ex- 
pected on the theory of multiple factors, because the F, indi- 
viduals are in their hereditary composition more likely to be 
uniform than the F, generation that results from the sorting 
of all the kinds of factors present in the F, generation. 

3. The fact that there is less correlation between the 
“grade” of each F, individual and F, offspring than there is 
between each F, individual and its offspring (F,) is expected 
on the multiple factor hypothesis, because all the differences 
of the F, individuals are not so probably due to genetic dif- 
ferences as are the differences between the F, individuals. 

These and other correspondences between the expectation 
for modifying factors and the facts that are known in several 
cases create a strong presumption in favor of the theory, even 
though they do not pretend to demonstrate conclusively that 
modifying factors are present. 

4, We may next turn to cases that furnish an actual demon- 
stration that selection has produced its observed results through 
the isolation of genetic factors. This evidence is furnished by 

linkage. Owing to the fact that in several cases linkage of 
factors is known, it may be possible to identify the presence 
in individuals of modifying factors when these are linked to 
visible ones. To run down modifying factors in this way is 
tedious, and to be entirely 
successful presupposes that 
all the great groups of linked 
genes are known and that 
within each a considerable 
number of loci are available. \ 
At present Drosophila is the 
only type which fulfills these 
requirements, and here at 
least five cases are known 
where the presence of spe- 
cific modifiers has been dem- 
onstrated in the same way 
as all other genetic factors 
are demonstrated. Two ex- 
amples may be given to show 
how such a demonstration 
was possible. 

Fic. 1. <A female fly (Drosophila melano- 

The general procedure is 
as follows: By appropriate 
matings to be described be- 
low, two kinds of individuals 
are produced that differ from 
each other in known respects, 

gaster) from a mutant stock called notch in 
which the ends of the wings instead of 
being rounded (see Fig. 3A) are serrated. 
The factor producing the character is sex 
linked and dominant. It is also lethal, so 
that no males with notch appear because 
the male has but one X-chromosome. In 
the female, however, with two X’s, the 
lethal effect of the notch gene in one X is 

i. €., in having different com- 
binations of chromosomes. 
By testing in turn all the 
possible chromosomal combinations the presence of specific 
modifiers can be made out with certainty. An example will 
show in detail how the test is made. There is a dominant 
character known as notch wing, Fig. 1, whose gene lies in 
the sex chromosome. The character was found to be very 
variable in the original stock; a few flies in each genera- 
tion that carry the factor have normal wings. By means of 
linkage experiments these normal-appearing notch females can 
be picked out from the real normals. By selecting such females 
for several generations the stock was changed to such an ex- 
tent that more than half of the notch females had normal wings, 
and the rest had only faint indications of the notch. Females 
from the selected stock were bred out to males of another stock 

counteracted by the normal allelomorph in 
the other X; but the dominant effect of 
the gene remains. 


in which one of the third chromosomes contained a dominant 
factor (dichete) by means of which its presence could be iden- 
tified. It was found that when both of the original third 
chromosomes were present the selected type of notch occurred, 
but when a dichete-bearing third chromosome was present the 
atavistic type of notch was present. The inference was that 
the modifier was present in the third chromosome and the in- 
ference became a demonstration when by means of similar tests 
for the other chromosome no modifier was found in them. The 
details of the test for the third chromosome alone are shown 
in Fig. 2, but the general nature of the test can be understood 
without need of this somewhat technical diagram. 

Es It I i 
bo ora eee | Bo So ee 
CO a ee 

I im I mg 
Rien D N 

bogek, ___ ) Hivko ans tae 

I II it m 
N N D’ 

3h i 

Selected + Atavistic type 
of Notch’? of Note 

Fic. 2. Diagram to show how a specific modifier was located. The principal 
gene N for notch wing was carried in the first chromosome, I. A notch female (P;) 
was mated to a male (P,;) that had a dominant gene for dichete bristles, D1, in the 
third chromosome, III. A dichete son (F,) was back-crossed to a notch female of 
stock (Pi). Two kinds of notch daughters are expected (BC), one having the orig- 
inal pair of third chromosomes should be like the original selected stock; the other 
with one of the original third chromosomes and its mate from the dichete grand- 
father. This female should be like the original (atavistic) type since the influence 
of the modifier in the third chromosome is dominated by its normal allelomorph 
in its mate, the dichete chromosome. 

Another experiment made by Sturtevant in a different selec- 
tion experiment was essentially the same. Only a preliminary 
statement has been made as yet by Sturtevant, and the follow- 
ing report is, with his permission, based on the complete ac- 
count in press at present. He made use of a race of Drosophila 
called dichete, Fig. 3, B, characterized by fewer thoracic bristles 
on the average than in the wild type. In the wild fly there are 
four dorso-central and four scutellar bristles, Fig. 3, A; the 


former vary from 8 to 6, the latter vary less. In the dichete 
flies the bristle number for both groups of bristles taken to- 
gether is from 3 to 7, five being the most common type. 
Selected in the plus direction a race was produced with 6 
as a mode and with a range from 4 to 8, selected in the minus 
direction the mode became 4 and the range from 1 to 6. 
Brothers and sisters were obtained that were alike in the first 
and in the third chromosomes, but different in the second 
chromosome. A comparison between them showed that a 

Fic. 3. A NorRMAL MALE (Drosophila melanogaster), A, and a dichete male, B, 
that lacks certain bristles on the thorax. The gene is dominant and not sex-linked, 
but it is lethal in double dose. Hence all dichete flies (p,and 9) are heterozygous 
for the gene. 

modifier was present in the second chromosome. In other 
words, selection for the number of bristles had changed the 
number, because a specific modifier for bristle number ap- 
peared in the course of the experiment in the second chromo- 
some. Selection had produced its results by isolating a race 
in which the second chromosome pair contained a modifier. 

A third example could be given in which the specific modi- 
fier appeared in the same chromosome that carried the prin- 
cipal gene itself. No doubt cases will be found in which two 
or more specific modifiers are present. Their detection be- 
comes then more difficult but can still be accomplished by the 
same sort of procedure. 

An analysis of this kind brings to bear on the problem 
really critical evidence. Until equally cogent evidence can be 
obtained in other cases where it is claimed that mutant genes 
are modified by selection I do not think that this conclusion 
can be accepted. 



Another one of the interesting and important discoveries 
in recent years has been the demonstration that more than one 
modification of the same gene may appear. The discovery is 
important not only because it shows the untenability of a cur- 
rent view that all mutants are due to losses of normal factors, 
but also because it shows that such mutant factors behave 
towards each other in the same way as the mutant gene be- 
haves towards its normal gene (its “allelomorph”’) and conse- 
quently makes somewhat probable a view difficult to demonstrate 
otherwise that the normal gene is itself a gene like the mutant 

Multiple allelomorphs have now been found in a number of 
different forms. In mice the characters for black, yellow, gray 
with white belly, and house mouse gray form a series of allelo- 
morphs. A mouse may have two of these at the same time but 
never more. If the genes are carried by the chromosomes 
and occupy identical locations in the chromosomes we can un- 
derstand why only two can be present in the same individual, 
since there are only two chromosomes of each kind. 

In rabbits there are three members of a series, black, Eibine 
and Himalayan. In corn, Emerson has described several allelo- 
morphs that represent different grades of striping of the seed. 

In one of the grasshoppers, Paratettiz, Nabours has found 
about 138 allelomorphs affecting the color pattern of the body. 
It is not certain that this series is due to allelomorphic genes, 
for the same results would happen if the genes in question were 
in the same pair of chromosomes and no crossing over takes 
place. If, however, it turns out that these factors are allelo- 
morphs the case is interesting because the types are found in 
the wild state. 

By far the greatest number of series are in the fruit fly,? 
where their origin is known and where in consequence we are 
in a position to demonstrate from their mode of origin that 
they do not necessarily arise in that orderly sequence which 
their degree of development or expression might lead one to 
assume. The latter point, as will be shown, has an important 
bearing on our interpretation of what selection might be ex- 
pected to do in cases where multiple allelomorphs arise or are 

So far as the absence hypothesis is concerned, it is evident 

1 There are about 12 groups of multiple allelomorphs. The most ex- 

tensive one is an octuple modification of the eye color involving white, 
eosin, cherry, etc. 


that if by absence we mean literally that mutant factors are 
absent genes, there could be but one kind of absence for each 
normal gene, hence there could not be a series of absences as 
the hypothesis of multiple allelomorphs assumes. If this is 
conceded and the hypothesis changed to mean that by absence 
only some part of a postulated organic molecule, or normal 
gene, is “lost,” then a new point of view emerges. Suppose, 
for instance, the loss of a CH, group might give a new gene, the 
loss of another CH, group another gene, etc. On such an as- 
sumption several kinds of genes like several kinds of paraffines 
might be possible. But on the other hand the taking up of a 
CH, group, or a shift in position of two of the groups, might 
equally well make a new gene. There is at present no way of 
determining what kind of alteration produces a new allelo- 
morph, hence the futility of insisting that such alterations must 
be losses rather than additions or alterations in position of 
parts of the gene. It need scarcely be added that there are no 
grounds for assuming that a deficiency rather than any other 
kind of alteration is the only change that will lead to a lessen- 
ing of the development of the final product for which these 
genes are responsible. Fascinating as it might be to draw a 
parallel between the series of genes and the series of resulting 
multiple allelomorphs comparable to such series as the sugars 
or alcohols or paraffines with their corresponding graded dif- 
ferences in physical or chemical properties, such parallels are 
at present only in the speculative stage. 

The demonstration that multiple allelomorphs are modifica- 
tions of the same locus in the chromosome, rather than cases 
of closely linked genes, can come only where their origin is 
known and at present this holds only for Indian corn and for 
the fruit fly. If each member of such a series has arisen his- 
torically from the preceding one in the series by a mutation 
in a locus closely associated with the locus responsible for the 
first, they would be expected to give the wild type when crossed ; 
and as the proof of their allelomorphism turns on the failure 
of members of the series to show the atavistic behavior on 
crossing, it is necessary, as stated, to know how they arose. 
This may be made clear by the following illustration: 

Let the five circles of Fig. 4, A, represent a nest of closely 
linked genes. If a recessive mutation occurs in the first one 
(line B a) and another in the second gene (line B 0), the two 
mutants a and b if crossed should give the atavistic type A, 
since a brings in the normal allelomorph of b and 6 that of a. 
If a third mutation should occur in the third gene, it, too, will 
give the atavistic type if crossed to a or to b. Similarly for a 


mutation in the fourth and in the fifth normal gene. Now this 
is exactly what does not take place when members of an allelo- 
morphic series are crossed—they do not give the wild type, but 
one or the other mutant type or intermediate characters. Evi- 
dently independent mutation in a nest of linked genes will not 
explain the results if the new genes arise directly each from a 
different allelomorph. 

But suppose, as shown in Fig. 4 (line C) after a muta- 
tion had occurred in the first gene a new mutant, b, arose from 

Om Git H 
ee ee 

OP Od 

Fic. 4. Diagram of an imaginary “nest”? of genes (A). In B the stages are 
independent mutations. If these stages a, 0, c, etc., were crossed, the original type 
(wild type) of character is expected, since each stage would carry a normal allelo- 
morph of the mutant gene in the other. In C the series of changes is indicated that 
might oceur if @ gave rise to b and Db to ¢, ete. 

a new gene, and from b a mutation arose in a third gene ec, 
and ¢ similarly gave rise to d; then a crossed to b will give a 
(or something intermediate if the heterozygote is an inter- 
mediate type). Likewise c crossed to b will give b, or c crossed 
to a will give a, etc. If mutant allelomorphic genes in a series 
such as C a, b, c, d, e, arise as successive steps, 7. e., Ca to Cb 
and Cb to Cc, etc., then the hypothesis of closely linked genes 
would seem to be a possible interpretation, but if they do not 
arise in this way but by independent mutations from the wild 
type (or even from each other but not seriatim), then they must 
be due to mutations in the same gene; for, to assume that they 
are not, requires that, when the second mutation took place, 
both gene a and gene b mutated at the same time, and that 
when c appeared three genes mutated, when gene d appeared; 
when gene e five genes mutated at once, four of them bearing 


mutant genes that have already arisen independently. Such 
an interpretation is excluded, since it is inconceivable, even 
in a readily mutating form like Drosophila, that five mutations 
could have occurred at the same time in distinct but neighboring 
loci. As has been stated the evidence from Drosophila shows 
positively that multiple allelomorphs arise at random. 

The other evidence for multiple allelomorphs comes from 
an observation on Indian corn. Emerson has shown that when 
a race of corn having red cobs and red seeds is crossed to a 
race having white cobs and white seeds only the two original 
combinations appear in the second (F,) generation, viz., plants 
with red cobs and red seeds and white cobs and white seeds. 
It follows that either a single factor determines that both cob 
and seed are red in one case and white in the other, or if the 
color of each part is due to a separate factor these must be so 
closely linked that no ‘crossing over” occurs. Other races, 
however, have different combinations of these characters, such 
as white cobs and red seeds, etc., or red cobs and white seeds, 
or white cobs and striped seeds, etc., and these combinations 
hold together, when crossed to each other or to either of those 
first named. Here again each set of characters that go to- 
gether may be caused by one factor or by a set of factors so 
closely linked that they do not separate (cross over). Now 
the striped seeds with white cob sometimes mutate to red 
seeds and red cobs. The combination acts as a unit toward 
the other known combinations. Therefore a single factor must 
have caused the change, for, if not, mutation must occur in two 
(or more) closely linked factors for seed and cob color at the 
same time, which is highly improbable. 

Only two members of a series of multiple allelomorphs can 
be present in any one individual, and in the case of genes car- 
ried by the sex chromosome only one can exist at a time in the 
sex that has only one of these chromosomes. In the individual 
with two mutant allelomorphs one of them replaces the normal 
allelomorph of the ordinary Mendelian pair. The two mutant 
allelomorphs behave towards each other in the same way as 
does the normal and its mutant allelomorph. It is doubtful 
whether we can conclude from this relation much more in 
regard to the relation of Mendelian pairs than we knew before,” 
although there is at least a sentimental satisfaction in knowing 
that the normal allelomorph can be replaced by a mutant one 
without altering the working of the machinery. 

2 The substitution by crossing over really furnishes as good a demon- 
stration of this point. 


The linkage relation of each member of a series of multiple 
allelomorphs to all other genes of its chromosome is, of course, 
the same. While the theory of identical loci requires this as a 
primary condition it is not legitimate to use this evidence as 
a proof of the identity of the loci, because it is not possible 
to work with sufficient precision in locating genes by their 
relation to other linked genes to distinguish between identical 
loci and closely linked genes. 

There is another question of some theoretical interest at- 
tached to the occurrence of multiple allelomorphs that calls for 
passing attention. If from the nature of the material muta- 
tion at a special locus were of such a kind that one step is essen- 
tial before the next can be taken and if these genic steps give 
a progressive series of character changes, then it might appear 
to a person selecting for higher or lower grades of character 
in such a field that he was by his own efforts causing progress 
in the direction of his selection. In a certain sense he would 
be acting as an agent in hastening the possibility of the end 
result, because at each stage of progress he would breed as 
many individuals of the last stage reached as he could, and 
the number of individuals kept in stock would increase cor- 
respondingly the chance that some one of them would give 
the next mutant stage. Of course, the breeder here would be 
accelerating his end result not by controlling the conditions, 
so as to directly produce the change at will, but by making the 
chance that such an event would occur more probable by breed- 
ing a large number of individuals. 

At present there is no evidence to show that multiple allelo- 
morphic genes arise in the order of the development of the 
characters for which they stand. 'The few cases whose origin 
is known give exactly the opposite result. For instance, the 
octuple series of eye colors of Drosophila, grading from red to 
white, arose haphazard, so far as the amount of color shown 
by each mutant type is concerned. Mutation at this locus ap- 
pears to take place more often than at any other locus, but 
not more often from the locus that has already mutated than 
from the wild type itself; in fact, more unit numbers of the 
series have appeared from the wild type, but this is expected 
if for no other reason than that more red-eyed flies pass under 
observation. It may be recalled in this connection that some 
other loci have been found that mutate to the same mutant 
type more often than do others, so that it may be that even 
some mutant loci may more frequently mutate than others or 
even than their own normal allelomorph. Since artificial selec- 


tion is more likely to be followed up in cases where it is found 
to be giving results, it is not improbable that were. such a 
condition realized it might easily mislead the breeder into 
supposing that his selection was producing progressive muta- 
tion changes, whereas he was succeeding because of a favorable 
situation that happened to fall into his hands. 

While multiple allelomorphs present an extraordinarily in- 
teresting phenomenon of variation that has a profound bearing 
on our interpretation of the meaning of mutation, the facts in- 
dicate, so far as selection is concerned, that such allelomorphs 
fall into line with other mutants that supply selection with its 
material. The evidence shows in the most positive way that 
they originate as do other mutations, that the order of their ap- 
pearance bears no fixed relation to the degree to which the char- 
acter is displayed. Consequently they furnish selection with 
the same kind of material as all other mutations furnish. 
There is no evidence at present in favor of the view that selec- 
tion has in itself any effect on the order of their appearance. 



By Professor FRANK A. WAUGH 

UR national park domain is already something quite un- 
precedented, something wholly glorious. The National 
Parks themselves comprise 17 splendid tracts amounting to 
6,254,568 acres, including unique and unsurpassable features of 
landscape beauty. Nothing like this was ever brought under 
administration before, not even for the great military princes 
of the world; yet in this case we have a democratic reserva- 
tion for the delight and the esthetic culture of all the people. 
Physically and ideally a new standard has been set in the world. 
But in every proper sense our American national park sys- 
tem includes, not only the parks specifically so called, but other 
vast areas of land suitable for public recreation, and express- 
ing in quite eloquent terms the great landscape forms of the 
North American continent. In other words, we must reckon 
in the wealth of our landscape equipment, in addition to the 
National Parks, also the 156 million acres of the National 
Forests; also some hundreds of thousands of acres of the Na- 
tional Monuments; while to these for many purposes we may 
further add the Indian reservations. 

Still more: State parks and state forests have already been 
established in considerable numbers, and other important addi- 
tions in this field may be expected in the coming years. These 
areas perform the same or a very similar service, and should be 
included in the general inventory. 

In another paper I have tried to indicate some of the gen- 
eral policies which are likely to prevail in the development and 
administration of so magnificent a domain, but as we come nearer 
to the problem we see that it involves also a vast preparation 
of technical equipment, of specialized knowledge, of profes- ~ 
sional training for this peculiar work. The development and 
administration of a National Park must certainly prove to be 
as great and difficult a task as the training of a great sym- 
phony orchestra, the development of a modern service library, 
the making of a national art school, or the management of a 
state university. It seems self-evident that we shall need men 


of large capacity, highly trained for this sort of work. While 
an enormous amount of specialized technical training will be 
necessary, it is still more important that such men shall have a 
broad foundation in the arts and sciences. They must be men 
of liberal culture in the best sense of that abused word. 

In fact the very first technical problem in the development 
of our national park system lies in the training of a suitable 
personnel. To some extent a parallel is offered by the work of 
the National Forest Service. It must not be forgotten that at 
the time our National Forests were established on their present 
basis there came into useful activity a number of schools of 
forestry connected with our stronger universities. These 
schools gave a highly specialized training in technical forestry ; 
but what was equally important, they inculcated sound ideals 
of public service. While the management of these National 
Forests has never been turned over to the graduates of the forest 
schools, these men have nevertheless exercised a far-reaching 
influence in that field. It is not too much to say that the gen- 
uine success of the Forest Service as a branch of federal ad- 
ministration, achieved in the face of great difficulties, has been 
due to the high ideals of the men of academic training combined 
with their thoroughgoing technical preparation. 

It is not now necessary to discuss at any great length the 
character of the professional preparation required by the men 
who in the future are to administer our National Parks of all 
sorts. The training already provided for forest rangers and 
forest supervisors will be useful to many men engaged in park 
service, whether in national or state parks, or in forests used 
for recreation. The men who control general policies and 
administration are the ones who must have a broader training. 
The education given by the engineering and forestry schools 
will of course be valuable, but a broader outlook on general 
economics and sociology, with specialized applications in recrea- 
tion, will have to be given considerable prominence. It seems 
to me further that special training in landscape engineering 
will be possibly most important of all. This, of course, does 
not refer to the popular idea of landscape gardening, concern- 
ing itself with the planting of ‘‘ ornamental” shrubberies and 
pretty flower beds. The larger questions of structural design, 
however, have the utmost importance in their applications to 
the design and development of large park areas, even where 
that development consists mainly in letting alone the natural 
landscape. The well-trained park administrator unquestion- 
ably must have a highly developed sense of landscape values. 

VOL. VI.—36. 




Such a sense, logically developed and properly disciplined, can 
come from no other source, so far as I am able to see, except 
from a broad training in the principles of landscape engi- 


As the various parcels of our great park and forest domain 
one by one come under the administration of these trained men, 
other big technical problems emerge. The first of these is the 
determination of boundaries. Already it has been found that 
the great Yellowstone, the first of our National Parks, in spite 
of its liberal conception, fails to include such vitally important 
areas as Jackson’s Hole, which now plainly ought to be a part of 
this park. We may expect that in a majority of cases a careful 
technical examination of the situation will show that boundaries 
of nearly all parks will need to be rectified. This will mean 
not only the acquisition of areas left outside, but also in many 
cases the recession of other areas originally included, but which 
cn more careful examination can be shown to have more value 
for other uses. Any one who has had any experience in the 
study of parks, even on the small scale of the ordinary city park 
systems, has learned that this determination of boundaries is 
a highly delicate, difficult and technical matter, and one which 
requires long study. 


Even before a final decision is reached regarding exterior 
boundaries, it will be necessary to classify the interior spaces 
for use. Certain areas will be needed for camping, some for 
summer colonies, some for playgrounds, some will be reserved 
for hunting and fishing, others will be game sanctuaries, some 
will be kept for the protection of natural curiosities, and so 
on through an almost endless list of special uses. To decide 
twisely what the needs of the public really are is a great and 
complicated problem, and one which from the nature of the 
case will never be ended. To apportion the land wisely to these 
various needs will require a knowledge of landscape values, of 
engineering methods, and of administrative problems of much 
more than amateurish degree. Even in the National Forests 
where these problems are much simpler, the land classification 
has occupied many years of study both broad and intensive. 
Certain it is that these problems of classification must be 
brought clearly before the men who are to be especially trained 
for park administration. 




Park designers generally consider traffic circulation to be 
the one fundamental problem. It is beyond question of the 
utmost consequence. Parks are made for the delight of human 
beings, and human beings to enjoy the parks must circulate 
through them. The routes of circulation can be located in such 
a way as to reach all the scenes of greatest charm, or they can 
be so laid out as to miss all the best things and to present the 
visitor with a thoroughly mediocre picture of the entire park. 
At the Grand Canyon in Arizona, for example, a clear major- 
ity of the visitors get only one view of the Canyon, namely, 
that from the hotel El] Tovar. The principal line of circula- 
tion lies westward nine miles along the Hermit Rim Drive, dis- 
closing additional views of the Canyon below. Only a part of 
those who visit the Canyon go as far as this. A still smaller 
percentage take the Bright Angel Trail trip to the bottom of 
the Canyon, thus multiplying by ten-fold their knowledge of 
this unparalleled scenic wonder. A very much smaller per- 
centage of Grand Canyon visitors cover what is known as the 
Tonto Loop, including the beautiful Hermit Creek Trail. While 
this round trip of 25 or 30 miles is far beyond the experience of 


the ordinary Canyon visitor, it still reveals hardly more than a 
minor fraction of the Canyon glories. Miles and miles of trail 
will be necessary eventually to lead visitors into all parts of the 
Canyon, and to give them anything like an adequate experience 
of the place. The study of such a system of circulation is an 
engineering problem of the highest order, but a problem which 
requires a combination of engineering skill with a knowledge 
of landscape values. 


A general plan of traffic circulation once determined, it be- 
comes necessary to locate and construct the trails in detail. 
These may be automobile roads, carriage drives, mule trails or 
foot paths. The general principles of design involved are the 
same in either case. I have tried to state this problem and to 
outline the technical methods of its solution in my recent book 
on “The Natural Style in Landscape Gardening.” At the 
present time it may be sufficient to point out that the artistic 
method involves the same procedure as prose composition. A 
definite landscape theme is adopted, and this theme is exclu- 
sively presented along a considerable section of trail. As in 
prose, so in landscape engineering, the theme is developed by 
paragraphs. The whole length of the trail is divided into sec- 
tions, and each one of these presents some definite aspect of 
the theme in hand. Such paragraphs must have a logical se- 

TypicaL Forest, YELLOW PINE Country. This particular section has been set aside 
for purposes of recreation. 


quence. There must be a definite statement of the theme in 
the first paragraph, there must be a varying treatment in suc- 
cessive paragraphs, running from grave to gay, from coquettish 
glimpses to broad expository views, and leading to something 
like a climax toward the end. 

We are here in touch with the more technical problems of 
Jandscape engineering, but we are dealing with matters which 
plainly may have a very wide and useful application in the de- 
velopment of those great areas of natural landscape which con- 
stitute our National Parks and National Forests. 


All kinds of playgrounds, camps, summer colonies, etc., will 
have to be laid out on various park and forest areas, and their 

GRAND CANYON OF THE CoLOoRADO, from Hermit River Road, Arizona. 

location and design also involve intricate technical problems. 
A camp has to be protected in sanitary ways; a water supply 
has to be provided which is beyond the suspicion of contamina- 
tion; some adjustment has to be made relative to several kinds 
of public service. These are largely the questions which come 
up in city planning and civic design generally. They are pretty 
well understood; and especially in the schools of landscape ar- 
chitecture men have already been trained for such work. In 


the National Parks and Forests we shall fitly have a new appli- 
cation of the old principles. The problems will be infinitely 
varied and infinitely interesting. 


Park superintendents experienced in the management of 
city park systems have learned to distinguish clearly between 
park design, construction and maintenance, and to organize 
their labors accordingly. Park maintenance indeed has come 
to be a sort of profession by itself. The importance and the 
intensive character of this work may be surmised from the 
fact that the average cost of city park maintenance throughout 
the country is well over $100 an acre a year. On our millions 
of acres of national park and forest lands a much lower rate of 
maintenance will be adopted, necessarily and properly; but the 
complex and highly technical quality of the problems involved 
will appear none the less. Such questions as the cost of lawn 
mowing, the application of dust layers on roads, the trans- 
planting of trees, the breeding of wild-fowl, the protection of 
fish, the use of preservative solutions on fence posts, the po- 
licing of camps, guarding against fires, the operation of tele- 
phone lines, keeping ice clean for skating, and a thousand other 
practical matters will require attention. Im this field thor- 
ough training and practical experience must be added to consid- 
erable natural aptitude to produce a park officer of high effi- 

It is all of a piece with our greatest American problem, how 
to secure real efficiency in our public service while at the same 
time avoiding the deadly blight of bureaucracy. Everywhere 
we need trained men. We need to get away from the tempting 
idea that any free-born American can ex-officio do anything. 
We have taken a good many things out of the hands of grafting 
politicians and turned them over to willing amateurs, thereby 
gaining much. If now we can make the next move and place 
our public business in the hands of men highly trained in tech- 
nical ways (always with high ideals of public service) we shall 
be gaining even more. In the park service which is to be we 
may realize these noble possibilities relatively soon, since the 
need is so obvious and the way so plain. 

A LECTURE ON ANATOMY. From the Italian translation of ‘‘ Ketham,’’ Venice, 1493. 





THERE has been published by the. 
Oxford University Press a scholarly 
volume, entitled “Studies in the 
History and Methods of Science,” 
edited by Charles Singer, who con- 
tributes two of the seven articles. 
Sir William Osler has prepared an 
introduction in which he states that 
it was hoped to establish a journal 
on the history and methods of sci- 
ence and to organize a summer 
school for special students at Ox- 
ford. Owing to the war the plans 
have been abandoned, or at least 
postponed, and certain of the studies 
are now printed in this volume. 
Through a gift of Dr. and Mrs. 
Singer an alcove in the Bodleian Li- 
brary has been fitted up with a col- 

lection of books and manuscripts to. 

enable the general student to ac- 
quire a knowledge of the develop- 
ment of science and to assist special 
students in their researches. 

One of the studies is an account 
of early Renaissance anatomy by 
the editor of the volume. It con- 
tains a number of illustrations of 
dissections, several of which are 
here reproduced. The dissection of 
the human body, first practised by 
the Alexandrian school, was revived 
by Mondino, who was professor at 
Bologna in the early part of the 
fourteenth century. The illustra- 
tion here reproduced is from a 

volume containing a treatise by 
Mondino and other medical tracts, 
printed at Venice in 1493. The plate 
is of interest, both in relation to the 
history of anatomy and to the art 
of printing. 

It is said to be the best 


From an 

MS. in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, of about 1298. 



IF ha 









ee Ee 


- Y 


example of book illustration pro- 
duced during the first century of 
typography, and it was the first at- 
tempt at a complete color scheme, 
four pigments being laid on by the 
use of stencils. 

The illustration shows the method 
of teaching anatomy at that time. 
The professor, perhaps intended to 
represent portrayed 
standing at a desk, well removed 
from the subject of dissection. He 
reads from a manuscript or book a 

Mondino, is 

description of the parts dissected by 
the assistant. The professor of sur- 
gery may stand by with a pointer 
to indicate the different organs. At 
3ologna it was arranged that each 
medical student of over two years 
standing should attend a dissection 
or “anatomy” once a year, twenty 
students being permitted to see the 
dissection when the subject was a 
man and thirty for a woman. Men 
used more frequently. than 
women, owing to the fact that only 



tholomaeus Anglicus, Lyons, 




4 4 

From the French translation of Bar- 

the bodies of criminals were used, 
and there were more male than fe- 
male criminals. This was all the 
practical instruction a student re- 
ceived, and in some_ universities 
there was only a single dissection 
each year for the whole body of stu- 

The lecturer was likely to depend 
more Galen or on some other 
authority whom he read than on the 
facts disclosed, so that while dissec- 
tion was usual in medieval univer- 
sities, there was but little progress 
in anatomical knowledge until the 
time of Vesalius, born in 1514. 

The earliest known representation 


of the practise of dissection, repro- 
duced by Dr. Singer from a manu- 
script in the Ashmolean Museum, 
Oxford, is of the date of about 1298 
and thus precedes the first dissec- 
tions of Moldino at Bologna. A 
post-mortem examination is appar- 
ently being conducted  surrepti- 
tiously, but the illustration from a 


A POST-MORTEM EXAMINATION, From a manuscript in the library of the Montpellier 
School of Medicine, late fourteenth century. 

\ = ANTAL 



Two FIGURES DISSECTING, traditionally said to represent Michelangelo and Antonio 
della Torre. From a drawing in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, attributed 
to Bartolomeo Manfredi (1574(7?)-1602). 


French manuscript of the fourteenth | 

century shows a post-mortem exami- 
nation conducted openly in the pres- 
ence of the relatives of the deceased. 
The physician in full canonicals is 
at the extreme right. The actual 
process of examination is being 
made by three of his assistants. To 
the left, the first of these deepens, 
with a knife, the incision that has 
already been made over the sternum, 
the second is grasping with his two 
hands and rolling up the great 
omentum so as to display the viscera 
beneath, and the third holds the 
wand in his right hand, with which 
he points to the abdomen, while in 
his left he carries a book. 

The artist who went direct to na- 

ture, dissecting with his own hands | 


Wild ditioe 




eZ LB 
tid hehe 



and observing with his own eyes, ob- 
tained better results than the pro- 
fessor with his formal methods. 
Leonardo da Vinci made admirable 
anatomical sketches. Michel Angelo 
is said to be one of the two figures 
shown in the last illustration, which 
dates from the end of the fifteenth 


THE British government is having 
the foresight to consider problems 
that will arise after the war and has 
appointed a departmental committee 
to report on the post-war disposition 
of the sulphuric acid and fertilizer 

trades. Professor T. L. Thorpe 

go Mai, r 
= ang 



From the English 

translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1495. 


gives in Nature an account of the| 
report of the committee, which is of | 
interest in this country as well as in | 
England. | 
Sulphuric acid is indispensable | 
for warfare and the enormous. 
amount needed in the manufacture 
of explosives and for other purposes 
has led to an extraordinary develop- 
ment of the industry in England. 
Concentrating plants on a large 
scale have been everywhere erected, 
and the productive power of the 
country has reached an amount 
greatly in excess of the pre-war con- 
sumption. The problem of the com- 
mittee is how this extension can be 
dealt with in view of the require- 
ments when the war is ended. 
According to Professor Thorpe 
there is one new source of sulphuric 
acid in England, created by the war, | 
which should be maintained and ex- 
tended, and that is the production 
of acid from Australian zine concen- 
trates. The manufacture of zinc 
was instituted in England before it, 
was started in Belgium and Ger- 
many, but it has not been developed 
there to the same extent. Although 
London is the chief zinc market in 
Europe, the main production of the 
metal has been in the hands of Ger- 
mans, who have also acquired a con- 
trolling interest in the Belgian con- 
cerns. It is said that Germany, 
with the view of maintaining her 
practical monopoly in the produc-, 
tion and distribution of zinc, gained 
control of the rich deposits of zinc 
ores in Australia, and that the great 
bulk of the Australian concentrates 
found their way to Belgium and 
Silesia, mainly by way of Antwerp 
and Hamburg, Germany’s own de- 
posits being meanwhile conserved. 
There is one outlet for sulphuric 
acid which is capable of far greater 
development, and that is in the man- 
ufacture of fertilizers, and especially 
of superphosphates. There can be 
no doubt that the food shortage in 


England has had a profound effect 
on agricultural policy, and will lead 
to a permanent increase in home 
production. This wiil necessitate a 
greatly increased demand for fer- 
tilizers, such as sulphate of ammo- 
nia, as well as of phosphatic ma- 
nures. Much ammonia is at present 
absorbed in the production of nitrate 
of ammonia, which is needed in the 
manufacture of munitions. But this 
ammonia will be liberated after the 
war, and will be largely converted 
into sulphate for agricultural use. 
In the past about 60 per cent. of the 
sulphuric acid produced in England 
was absorbed in the manufacture of 
fertilizers, in which there was a con- 

/siderable export trade, in addition 

to the home demands. The changed 
carrying conditions caused by the 
war may, it is said, lead to an ex- 
tension of this export trade, in- 
duced, on one hand, by the compara- 
tive abundance of cheap sulphuric 
acid, and, on the other, by the 
greatly increased demand for fer- 


THE annual meeting of the Ameri- 
can Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science and of the national 
scientific societies affiliated with it 
will be held at Baltimore, from De- 
cember 27 to December 31. Boston 
had been selected as the place of 
meeting this year, action recom- 
mending that the meeting be held in 
that city having been taken at the 
meeting in New York City two 
years ago. In view, however, of war 
conditions and of the large number 
of scientific men now working at 
Washington, it seemed desirable to 
select a place to which the amount 
of traveling would be reduced as 
much as possible, and where a meet- 
ing concerned with problems of na- 
tional defense and national welfare 


could be held to best advantage. The 
situation was carefully considered at 
the meeting of the committee on 
policy held in Washington on April 
22, and it was decided that it would 
be desirable to meet in Baltimore. 
President Goodnow and the profes- 
sors of the scientific departments of 
the Johns Hopkins University hav- 
ing cordially welcomed the plan, it 
has been definitely decided that the 
meeting will be held in that city. A 
committee consisting of Dr. L. O 
Howard, the permanent secretary, 
Dr. W. J. Humphreys and Professor 
J. C. Merriam has been appointed to 
report on a general plan for a pro- 
gram that will make the meeting of 
the greatest possible service to the 

The committee on grants of the 
American Association has made the 
following appropriations: 

$300, to Mr. William Tyler Olcott, 
secretary, American Association of 
Variable Star Observers, 62 Church 
Street, Norwich, Connecticut, for the 

purchase of a telescope of 5-inch | 

$250, to Professor A. E. Douglass, 

of the University of Arizona, Tuc- | 
son, Arizona, for the length of rec-| Y©TS! 

ord of tree growth of the Sequoias 
from about 2,200 to 3,000 years. 

mann, of Indiana University, Bloom- 
ington, Indiana, for the study of the 
fresh-water fishes of South America. 

$500, to Professor Edwin B. Frost, 

of Yerkes Observatory, Williams 
Bay, Wisconsin, for measurement 
and reduction of photographs of 

stellar spectra, already taken with 
the 40-inch telescope. 

$200, to Dr. R. A. Porter, of the 
University of Syracuse, Syracuse, 
New York, for explanation of the 
hysteresis which has been observed 
in the potential gradients of the cal- 
cium-cathode vacuum tube. 

$200, to Professor E. W. Sinnott, 
of The Connecticut Agricultural Col- 
lege, Storrs, Connecticut, for experi- 
ments to determine the ratio (in dry 
weight) between root, stem, leaf and 
fruit in the bean plant. 


$500, to Professor O. F. Stafford, 
of the University of Oregon, Eugene, 
Oregon, for research on the distilla- 
tion of wood. 

$200, to Professor Herman L. 
Fairchild, University of Rochester, 
Rochester, New York, for the con- 
tinuation and completion of his 
studies on the Post-Glacial continen- 
tal uplift in New England and the 
Maritime provinces of Canada. 

$250, to Professor S. D. Townley, 
secretary, Seismological Society of 
America, Stanford University, Cali- 
fornia, for the investigation of earth- 
quake phenomena. 


WE record with regret the death 
of Ewald Hering, the eminent phys- 
iologist, professor at Leipzig; of Dr. 
Ferdinand Braun, the German physi- 
cist who shared the Nobel Prize in 
1905 with Guglielmo Marconi, for 
work in wireless telegraphy; of H. 
J. Helm, chemist of the British Gov- 
ernment Laboratory, and of G. Mes- 
lin, director of the physical labora- 
tory of the University of Montpel- 

BELL, of the Lick Observatory, Uni- 
ty of California, has been 
elected a foreign member of the 

Royal Society.—The Geological So- 
$500, to Professor Carl H. Eigen- | 

ciety of France has awarded to Dr. 
Henry Fairfield Osborn, president 
of the American Museum of Natural 
History, the Gaudry Medal, which 
was established by the society in the 
wear 1910 in honor of the distin- 
guished French paleontologist, Al- 
bert Gaudry.—The Boston Society 
of Natural History has awarded the 
Walker Grand Honorary Prize, in 
the shape of a one-thousand-dollar 
Liberty bond, to Professor Jacques 
Loeb, of the Rockefeller Institute, 
New York, in recognition of his 
many published works covering a 
wide range of inquiry into the basic 
concepts of natural history. 





eee Photography and the War, 
Aeronautics, Work of the National 
Advisory Committee, 192 
Alchemy, Earliest, ARTHUR JOHN 
HOPKINS, 530 : 
Alsace-Lorraine, C. C. ECKHARDT, 
American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science, 94, 189, 573 
Anatomical Teaching, 568 
Athletes, College, Health of, C. E. 
Hammett, 350 

Bachelor’s Degree in America, A. G. 
KELLER, 142 

BAKER, E. EUGENE, Brook Stickle- 
back, 526 


Beekeeping and the War, E. 

Bosk, SUDHINDRA, The Orient, 331 

BRUES, CHARLES T., Insects and the 
National Health, 193 

Burcu, R. R., Hog Cholera, 450 


Carnegie Institute, 188 

Chemistry in Medicine in the Fif- 
teenth Century, JOHN MAxXSON 

Coal Situation in the U. S., 93 

CoLLINS, Jos. V., Language Reform, 

Crop Rotation and Soil Fertility, J. 
E. GREAVES, 458 

Darboux, Jean Gaston, 95 

Democratic Institutions, ALBERT S. 
WRIGHT, 237 

Dinosaur, The Armored, 
W. GILMORE, 475 

Dixon, Samuel Gibson, 379 

Dust in Industry, HENRY FIELD 
SMITH, 56 


ECKHARDT, C. C., Alsace-Lorraine, 

Economic and Social Conditions as 
the Result of Applied Science, 

ELsTon, E. D., Potholes, 37 

Emcu, ARNOLD, The Mathematical 
Principles of Pictorial Represen- 
tation, 270 

Engineering Profession Fifty Years 
Hence, J. A. L. WADDELL, 538 


Enzymes, BENJAMIN Horowitz, 253 
EVERMANN, Barton W., Modern 
Museums and Public Education, 5 

Fishery Problems, PHiLIp H. MircH- 
Dy Lo 

Fishes, of Inland Lakes, Habits of, 
A. S. PEARSE, 355 

Beat E. P., Gall Insects and Plants, 

Food, Banana as, SAMUEL C. PRES- 
coTT, 65; the Jerusalem Artichoke 
as, T. D. A. COCKERELL, 260; Sup- 
plies, Cheapest Source of, E. G. 
Nourse, 116; of Man, RoBEertT W. 
HEGNER, 467 

Gall Insects and Plants, E. P. FEtt, 

Geological Survey, Wartime Activi- 
ties of, 191 

Dinosaur, 475 

GREAVES, J. E., Crop Rotation and 
the Soil, 458 

nancing of Public Utilities, 230 

GULICK, SIDNEY L., Immigration 
Policy and Program, 214 

HAMMETT, C. E., Health of College 
Athletes, 350 

Hamor, WILLIAM ALLEN, The Re- 
search Couplet, 319 

Health Charts, 277; National and 
Insects, CHARLES T. BRUES, 193; 
of College Athletes, C. E. HAm- 
METT, 350 

HEGNER, RosperRT W., Interrelations 
of Animals and Plants, 467 

Hog Cholera, R. R. BircH, 450 

Hopkins, ARTHUR JOHN, Earliest 
Alchemy, 530 

Horowi1TZ, BENJAMIN, Enzymes, 253 

Immigration Policy and Program, 
SipngEy L. GuLick, 214 

INGERSOLL, L. R., Magnetism 
Light, 52 

Insects, and the National Health, 
CHARLES T. BRuES, 193; Gall, and 
their Relations to Plants, E. P. 
FELT, 509 

Italian Front, Geography of, 381; 
Weather Controls, Robert DEC. 
WARD, 97 




KELLER, A. G., The Bachelor’s De- 
gree in America, 142 

KEYSER, C. J., Fundamental Aspects 
of Mathematics, 481 

a Howarp C., Railroad Finance, 

Language Reform, Jos. V. CoLLIns, 

Light, the Influence of Magnetism 
on, L. R. INGERSOLL, 52 

Mall, Franklin Paine, 282 

Maturity and Early Decline, J. Map- 

McApI£E, ALEXANDER, Meteorology 
and the National Welfare, 176 

Mathematics, Fundamental Aspects 
of, C. J. KEyYSmER, 481 

MAURICE C. HALL, Parasites in War- 
time, 106 

see Research and the Red Cross, 

METCALF, MAYNARD M., Zoology and 
War, 210 

Meteorology and the National Wel- 

MITCHELL, PuHiuIp H., Research on 
Fishery Problems, 76 

MorGAan, J. B., Diagnosis of Poten- 
tial Neurosis, 84 

MorGan, T. H., Mutation Theory, 
385; Changes in Factors through 
Selection, 549 

Museums and Public Education, BAr- 
TON W. EVERMANN, 5; in War- 
time, HARLAN I. SMITH, 362, 417 

Mutation Theory, T. H. Morcan, 

National Welfare, and Organized 
Knowledge, P. G. NUTTING, 406 

Neurosis, Potential, JOHN B. Mor- 
GAN, 84 

Noursk, E. G., The Cheapest Source 
of Increased Food Supplies, 116 

NuttTiInG, P. G., Organized Knowl- 
edge, 406 

Orient, A New Situation in the, 

SUDHINDRA Boss, 331 

PALMER, ANDREW H., Snow and its 
Value to the Farmer, 128 

Parasites in Wartime, MAURICE C. 
HALL, 106 

Park Policy, a National, F. A. 
WaAuGH, 305; Development, FRANK 
A. WAUGH, 560 

PATRICK, GEORGE T. W., Psychology 
of Social Construction, 496 

Pearse, A. S., Habits of the Fishes 
of Inland Lakes, 355 

PERKINS, GEORGE W., Economie and 
Social Conditions, 223 

Puiuuirs, E. F., Beekeeping and the 
War, 444 


Pictorial Representation, ARNOLD 
EMCH, 270 

Pittsburgh, University of, 90 

Potholes, E. D. ELstTon, 37 

Psychology of Social Construction, 
GEORGE T. W. Patrick, 496 


Progress of Science, 90, 188, 283, 
379, 475, 568 

Public Utilities, Financing of, Na- 

Railroad Finance, Howarp C. Kipp, 

Reconstruction of Crippled Soldiers, 

Research in Pure Science and In- 
dustrial Research, WILLIAM ALLEN 
Hamor, 319; Work and the State 
University, R. W. THATCHER, 124 

Scientific Items, 94, 192, 288, 384, 
475, 574 

Selection, Changes in Factors 
through, T. H. MorGan, 549 

SmitH, HaArLANn I., Work of Mu- 
seums in Wartime, 362, 417 

SmitH, HeNry FIELD, Dust in In- 
dustry, 56 

Stickleback, The Brook, E. EUGENE 
BAKER, 526 

STILLMAN, JOHN MAxson, Chemistry 
and Medicine, 167 

Snow and the Farmer, ANDREW H. 
PALMER, 128 

Sulphur Situation 
States, 477 

Sulphuric Acid and the War, 571 

TayLor, J. MApIsoNn, Full Maturity 
and Early Decline, 157 

THATCHER, R. W., The State Uni- 
versity and Research Work, 124 

Tyson, FRANCIS, Labor Conditions, 

Van Hise, Charles R., Geological 
Work of, 92 

WADDELL, J. A. L., Engineering Pro- 
fession Fifty Years Hence, 538 
War, Zones, Weather Controls in 
the, Ropert DEC. WARD, 97, 289; 
Time, Parasites, MAURICE C. HALL, 
106; State University and Re- 
search in, R. W. THATCHER, 124; 
Activities of Geological Sur- 
vey, 191; Labor Conditions in, 
FRANCIS Tyson, 246; The Work 
of Museums in, HARLAN I. SMITH, 
362, 417; Beekeeping and the, E. 
F. Puiuiips, 444; Work of Coast 

in the United 

and Geodetic Survey, 478; and 

X-Rays, Focusing, 284 

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Q The Scientific monthly 


Physical & 
Applied Sci. 