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COPYWGHT, 1926 , BY 









Many will welcome the appearance of this 
book. Men's minds are turning more and more 
towards the subject the author discusses. The 
calmness and sanity of what he says adds to the 
value of his work. 

The Church is becoming aware that perhaps 
unconsciously it has laid upon those who are called 
to the practice of medicine the whole responsi- 
bility for the care of the sick. At the same time 
the greatest physicians seem to be coming to the 
conclusion that there is a factor in their problem 
which has been overlooked or left in abeyance. 

There is nothing more inspiring in the develop- 
ment of medicine than what seems to be a growing 
consciousness that in ministering to a man's body 
those forces which are spiritual must be taken into 
account along with the laws of his physical frame. 
It is obvious that we are approaching the time 
when the priest and the physician must collabo- 
rate, and perhaps there is no more difficult prob- 


lem to be solved than to find out how this can be 
done. It may have to wait until each has learned 
that to the other has been intrusted truth which 
must be shared before either can do his work as 
it should be done. 

"Scientific Spiritual Healing" should help to- 
wards a consummation ardently to be desired. At 
any rate it will tempt the priests of the Church 
to question again why the command to heal the 
sick has been treated as though this command had 
been abrogated. For the present, every man may 
have his own theory as to how the principles which 
the Author discusses, should be applied, but all 
must confess that the end he strives after can be 
attained. The matter of importance is that those 
who suffer shall not be defrauded of the blessing 
which is theirs of right through the negligence of 
those whose duty it is to bring this to them. 

This book will be read with the greater confi- 
dence not only because the writer is a man who 
has devoted long time to his subject, but because 
he is one who, moved by the distresses with which 
he constantly comes in contact as a faithful pas- 
tor, has had the courage to accept what has been 
shown in the Revelation of the Incarnate One and 


has dared to take our Lord at His word. The re- 
sults that Mr. Walsh has attained give pause to 
the most skeptical, while they enlarge the hope of 
all those who are sure that the gift which the 
Christ bestowed upon His friends is theirs to-day 
as it was at the beginning if they are willing to pay 
the price involved in being co-workers with Him. 

Bishop Suffragan of New York. 








The Healing of an Epileptic . 30 

Healing a Man Possessed of Fear . . 36 

Spiritual Healing in the Crisis of a Dis- 
ease 41 





ENCE 67 










INDEX , 177 





THE word spirit is about as hazy a word as 
the average man has in his vocabulary. A little 
thought, however, will make its meaning suffi- 
ciently clear for our present purpose. Let us 
start our thinking with this short definition : Spirit 
is something that is real but not material. 

We know pretty well what is popularly meant 
by matter. It is anything that occupies space or 
takes up room. Matter has length, breadth, 
thickness, weight, and other physical properties. 
This book is material and so is your hand that 
holds it. 

But how about mind? Your mind is real, but 
it has no dimensions. It does not occupy space 
or take up room, and it does not weigh anything. 
The mind, therefore, is a reality but not material. 
Your will is also very real but it is not material. 
The same is true of life. It is the realest thing 



you possess, yet it is not material* But the su- 
preme reality for you and me now is conscious- 
ness. To be aware of myself, to know that I have 
an existence as an individual separate and distinct 
from others is the reality called consciousness. It 
is the direct opposite to matter. That which is 
material does not know itself. Whatever is 
aware of itself and other realities is not material 
but spiritual. This reality which is not material 
has its original and highest expression in what we 
name God. 

Charles P. Steinmetz, chief consulting engineer 
of the General Electric Company, thought about 
the real things that man can know and wrote that 
the fundamental reality in the universe is a myste- 
rious thing, which, for lack of a better word, he 
would call energy. It is an invisible, nonmate- 
rial substance, according to his description of it. 
This is what I call spirit. Add consciousness to 
Steinmetz's fundamental reality and you have 
what I mean by God. 

When man organizes glass, copper, brass and 
a few other materials and makes them into an 
incandescent lamp, that mysterious energy called 
electricity can manifest itself therein as heat and 


light. If he puts the copper and the brass to- 
gether in a certain other highly organized way 
called a dynamo, electricity can manifest itself 
there as motion. So when "nature" puts water, 
iron, lime, salts and a few other things together 
to make the human body, that mysterious energy 
called spirit can manifest itself in the body as life, 
mind, feeling, will and consciousness. 

The word healing is used throughout this book 
in the broad sense in which it is used in the Bible, 
namely, to express any beneficent effect produced 
by spiritual means, for example, on the land, the 
soul, the body, the feelings, a city, the under- 
standing. A few quotations will illustrate how 
comprehensive this word Is. We read: "I will 
forgive them their sins, and heal their land;" 
"Heal my soul for I have sinned against 
Thee;" "Yet would He not heal you nor cure 
you;" "He hath sent me to heal the broken- 
hearted;" "He would have healed Babylon but 
she would not;" "It may be to the healing of thy 
error." Thus quotations from the Bible might be 
multiplied to show that the word is used, as I 
use it, to mean any beneficent effect produced by 
spiritual means. 


A system of healing that is truly scientific will 
of course recognize its limitations and will not be 
tempted to go beyond them. It will insist upon 
the closest cooperation with other sciences and 
agencies of help in ministering to human needs. 
I believe in spiritual healing, properly understood, 
but I have a good family physician. My advice 
is that on the way from the physician of the body 
it will always help to consult with the physician 
of the soul. And when all human aid fails, as 
some time it must for every one, when the body 
gives warning that life is not going to dwell in 
it always, even then doubts and fears can be healed 
and an assurance generated that death is only a 
change from a less perfect to a more perfect 
manifestation of spirit. 



A QUESTION naturally arises in connection with 
this presentation of spiritual healing. People are 
sure to say, "Is not this practically Christian 
Science, or New Thought?" 

The answer is that since scientific spiritual heal- 
ing deals with healing through spiritual means, 
it must to some extent be like other systems of 
spiritual healing. But there are essential differ- 
ences between what I advocate and other systems, 
notably the difference in the conceptions of God, 
the reality of the material universe, and the 
knowledge and use of technique. 

All the healing movements take from the Bible 
the truth that God is the ultimate reality in the 
universe and that God is spirit. But the move- 
ments in question deny that God is a personal 
being and claim that personality is a limitation. 

Scientific spiritual healing affirms that God is 
the ultimate reality in the universe an4 that God 
is spirit. ^But it differs from others and also 



affirms that God is personal and that personality 
is not a limitation. The difference is clear-cut 
and fundamental.^' 

These other systems confuse personality with 
individuality, a person with an individual. Yet 
these are two quite different concepts and unless 
their difference is recognized hopeless confusion 

The essence of personality is consciousness of 
self and what is not self. A tree has individu- 
ality. That is why we can recognize one tree 
as being different from another. Individuality 
means that which divides and separates one thing 
from another. But the tree is not a personality 
because it is not conscious that it is a tree sepa- 
rate and distinct from other trees. 

A man is an individual in so far as he is sepa- 
rate and distinct from other men. He is a person- 
ality in so far as he is conscious of what he 
really is. 

An idiot is an individual easily distinguished 
from other men or other idiots. But he is not 
yet aware of what personality is, neither is he 
conscious of possessing it. Consequently he is 
not treated as a person, that is, as one conscious 


of rights and obligations such as normal persons 
are conscious of. 

A normal infant is an individual, but only a 
potential personality. It has not yet reached the 
maturity of consciousness. It is a person only 
in so far as it is conscious of what it truly is. 
Hence an infant is treated as a person in the 

Consciousness, the essence of personality, is not 
a limitation. Consciousness is that which broad- 
ens our horizon of being. The man who is aware 
of his true nature is rapidly leaving limitations 
behind. Jesus in making men aware of the truth 
that they are sons of God was not limiting them. 
He was setting them free of a host of limitations 
caused by the lack of this consciousness of son- 

Needless to say scientific spiritual healing does 
not deny the reality of the material universe of 
which our body is a part. Science is demonstrat- 
ing more and more that matter is not what it 
seems to be to the unscientific mind. A lump of 
steel is not a solid, inert mass. We know now 
that it is made up of incredibly small structures 
called atoms, which are constantly moving at great 


speed, and that in a block of steel a foot square 
there is, strange to say, more space than solid 
matter. So with all material things. They are 
much more mysterious than people generally sup- 
pose and we have been in error about their nature. 
But our errors have not destroyed the reality of 
material things. They are what they are whether 
we understand them or not. Our present under- 
standing is that material things are manifestations 
of energy, as is everything else that we know any- 
thing about. 

Our senses react to certain stimuli, for ex- 
ample, to vibrations. We reason about the sen- 
sations these reactions have caused or occasioned. 
People come to all sorts of conclusions as the 
result of that reasoning. Some conclude that the 
material world, including our body, is a delusion, 
an error in our reasoning. Such persons confuse 
an error in a judgment of their mind with some- 
thing that exists quite independently of their 
mind, as they confuse personality with individu- 

Scientific spiritual healing differs from other 
systems in the essential place it gives the knowl- 
edge and use of technique in healing. 


In all the vast range of Christian literature, 
so far as I know, there is no extant study of the 
technique of the healing practiced by Jesus and 
His disciples. 

It is true that attention has been called to some 
of the things done and to some of the words 
uttered by Jesus and His disciples in studies of 
their healing work. But so far as I know no one 
heretofore has written to show that Jesus and the 
disciples used a highly developed technique. No 
one has described this technique and analyzed it. 
No one has designedly experimented with it and 
made a report showing the connection between the 
technique and the results achieved. Do not un- 
derstand me to mean that the technique alone ac- 
counts for the results. I mean only what I have 

This matter of technique is rather a large sub- 
ject. A whole book might well be devoted to it. 
But so clearly does the technique appear in the 
accounts of healing in the New Testament that 
the task of giving a good idea of it is not so dif- 
ficult as it might at first seem. 

It is popularly believed that when Our Lord 
or the disciples healed people they merely put 


their hands on them, or touched them with some 
object, saying, "Be thou healed," or similar 
words. And if the sufferer had faith he was 
healed. The procedure, however, was not quite 
so simple. 

Let us turn to the account of the healing of 
the paralyzed man in the third chapter of the Book, 
of the Acts of the Apostles and observe what 
really took place. Considering that this is not 
a modern scientific report of a clinical treatment*, 
the details here given are amazing. 

Every day, according to the account in the Acts 
of the Apostles, a man who had been born "lame" 
or paralyzed, was carried to the temple at Jerusa- 
lem. He was placed at the gate called Beautiful 
so that he might beg from the large number of 
persons who passed close to him on their way to 
the temple services. 

One afternoon at three o'clock, Peter and John, 
the Apostles, on their way to the temple to attend 
a prayer service, were just about to pass him, 
when their attention was attracted by his plea for 
alms. Would you have a picture of what they 
beheld? You have only to recall the sight pre- 
sented by any cripple sitting on a landing of the 


subway or elevated railway stairs engaged in the 
same occupation. 

You will recall that the cripple is far from 
alert. He has been monotonously making the 
same plea for alms day after day. People have 
been passing in a monotonous stream. Some 
persons put themselves to sleep by monotonously 
picturing and counting sheep going over a fence. 
It is the monotony that induces sleep. It is the 
'monotony of what the beggar says and sees that 
gives a down cast to his eyes and head and makes 
him listless or drowsy. 

In all probability such was the condition of 
the man seen by Peter and John. They stopped 
before him. Both fastened their eyes upon him. 
We shall return to this detail later. Peter says, 
"Look on us," for as we surmised the man's eyes 
'Were downcast. The man obeyed. He gave 
heed, "expecting" something of them, money of 
^course. Then Peter startled him with the words, 
"Silver and gold have I none." A new speech 
undoubtedly to a beggar, and disappointing. But 
quickly comes a different emotion, expectancy 
again. "But such as I have I give thee : In the 
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up, and 


walk. And he took him by the right hand and 
lifted him up, and he, leaping up, stood and 

I have called attention to several bits of tech- 
nique to prepare the way for a fuller description 
and analysis of the account. 

The cripple was in a subjective state, that is, 
his mind was not fixed on anything in particular. 
It was free to receive the unencumbered idea from 
another, and to be possessed by it. To accom- 
plish this Peter fastened his eyes upon him, taking 
him by the eyes, as it were, to hold his attention 
so that his words could convey the idea. Peter's 
attitude is intensely personal. "Such as I have 
I give," he declares. The words "Rise up and 
walk" are a short, emphatic command. Just what 
modern psychology says should be done. Such a 
command is scientifically known as a "shock" 
which releases dormant, or latent energy, or per- 
haps imparts it, or makes a person susceptible to 
receive it from Him in whom we live and move 
and have our being. There is a "power that 
worketh in us" by which God is able to do ex- 
ceedingly above what we can ask or hope for. 
I am not here saying just where the power to 


arise and walk came from. Technique in healing 
is a method of making power available, not a 
theory that accounts for its origin. 

Finally, to use a psychological term, there was 
an accompanying suggestion, as emphatic as the 
command. Peter did not touch him, he "took" 
him by the right hand. He did not merely assist 
the cripple, he "lifted him up." In a word, here 
was a drowsy, paralyzed beggar who could not 
stand alone and the first thing he knew he was 
not only on his feet, but walking. 

It is a simple matter for any one versed even 
a little in the laws of the mind to understand the 
condition of the lame man from the point of 
view of psychology. But perhaps it will take a 
little more thought to appreciate Peter's mental 
or spiritual state. 

I hold that what we call life is the spiritual 
in our make-up. It is the prime, underlying real- 
ity. All that we think or do or feel is a manifes- 
tation of the life conditioned by the instrument 
through which it manifests itself, namely, through 
the body. If the very life in me has the knowl- 
edge, gained from experience, that it can cooper- 
ate in the healing of others, that knowledge is 


power. The words spoken at such a time are 
charged with power. The look in the eyes mani- 
fests it. The grasp of the hand lifting manifests 
it. The whole body is the instrument through 
which a spiritual force, which I call the life, mani- 
fests itself. This is what I understand Peter 
offered when he said "such as I have I give." He 
gave it all confidently. There was no reserve. 
He knew that he could feel and act confidently 
because he did so in the name of Jesus of Naza- 
reth. For an Oriental to do something in the 
name of another was to identify himself with 
that other person for the time being. After all, 
Peter looked upon himself as the instrument of 
the Lord. And he therefore spoke with a con- 
fidence and authority and power well-nigh impos- 
sible to one who has not had his experiences in 
the manifestations of the life. 

Of course I do not imply that Our Lord and 
the disciples acted explicitly and consciously on 
what we would to-day call the laws of psychology. 
But when we study what they said and did and 
felt, and also study the conditions under which 
they healed, we find that they acted on what we 
call the principles of psychology and according 


to its laws. They used centuries ago a technique 
and they expressed principles which scientists to- 
day have discovered, by independent research, to 
be scientifically true. Which is only to say that 
scientists are discovering truths in our generation 
which Jesus and the disciples actually practiced 
two thousand years ago. Perhaps it was hidden 
as science then. But there is nothing hidden which 
shall not be revealed. 

When a patient is in a very receptive condition 
we say that he is in a subjective state. This state 
has, of course, many degrees. We read that be- 
fore Paul healed a cripple he gazed steadfastly 
upon him and saw that he had faith to be healed. 
If you would really understand what Paul did 
and what happened to the cripple you must put 
yourself in Paul's place. With great sympathy 
for the sufferer, great desire to help him, and 
great belief in the power of the spirit, place a 
patient before you. Gaze upon him steadfastly. 
Do not merely look, but gaze. Be a man of in- 
tuition as Paul was. Know something of "the 
power that worketh in us." Can you imagine 
what will be revealed in your eyes, and what will 
be reflected in the eyes of the other? Can you 


imagine what will be the effect on the patient 
when the spirit, the life within you both, becomes 
en rapport? "If two of you agree as touching 
anything you shall ask," is one of the conditions 
of healing. There can be such agreement at 
times that the patient's attention is quite absorbed 
by you. He accepts what you say in a quite dif- 
ferent manner than if you were merely talking or 
praying for him. It affects him quite differently. 

I have sat thus with a patient whose heart 
missed two full beats in every fifteen and who 
had just come from a specialist who said she was 
on the verge of valvular heart trouble. After 
several minutes spent in making her subjective, I 
said, among other things, "Now your heart beats 
regularly, regularly, regularly. It will not miss 
a beat." And for five minutes while I spoke the 
heart did not miss a beat. Then I told the patient 
what had happened and gradually changed the 
subject to other matters. And gradually the heart 
got back to its skipping. I of course told the 
patient to report to the specialist. I assumed 
no responsibility in such a case. I regret to say 
that she did not follow my advice. This is a 
danger in spiritual healing to be guarded against. 


But when she came back the next week and re- 
ceived a scolding for not seeing a specialist, I 
was glad to learn that her heart-beat now was 
absolutely normal, and I may add it has so con- 
tinued up to the present, which is five years since 
I treated her. The patient was merely in a re- 
laxed condition, a receptive condition, barely suf- 
ficient to call it subjective. I do not know how 
long Paul treated his patient, but the statement 
that he gazed steadfastly would imply that it 
was of some duration. Enough surely to be 
classed as a bit of technique. 

Those who use the laying on of hands for spir- 
itual healing in a church first conduct a religious 
service. This service is really part of the tech- 
nique of healing even though the "healer" be un- 
conscious of it to the extent that he would deny 
that he used any technique. The expectancy 
aroused by the fame of the "healer," the hymns, 
the prayers, the associations of the place, the lay- 
ing on of hands, the command "Depart thou spirit 
of infirmity," are all elements of technique. The 
technique is good although the theology of the 
command be bad. And when such persons are 
healed or helped, though false theology be used, 


but good psychology, does it not prove that tech- 
nique is indeed most important? Supplemented 
by correct theology even greater results would be 

It is a fact that physical healing can at times 
be accomplished by accommodating one's tech- 
nique to the superstition of the patient. But the 
ultimate aim of spiritual healing is not merely 
physical healing. The healing that leaves one in 
his superstition is not far removed from the heal- 
ing of the medicine men of savage tribes. The 
ultimate aim of spiritual healing includes teaching 
the patient the whole truth as far as we under- 
stand it and he can receive it. For it is the 
whole truth that makes one wholly free. 

Dr. Grenfell, the missionary surgeon in Labra- 
dor, tells about a semi-savage who had a badly 
ulcerated tooth and who came to him seeking re- 
lief. Dr. Grenfell proceeded to treat him as a 
scientific surgeon should. But the sufferer refused 
such treatment, saying, "You are a wise man, you 
know the word. Speak it and I will be cured," 
or words to this effect. Being unable to persuade 
the man to accept surgical treatment, Dr. Grenfell 
asked what the man wanted him ta do. The man 


said, "Touch my tooth and say the word." Dr. 
Grenfell put his finger on the tooth and pro- 
nounced some words. A pleased expression came 
over the man. He seemed instantly relieved of 
his intense pain. And we have the word of Dr. 
Grenfell that the next day he examined the man 
and found no trace of ulceration. I might add 
that Dr. Grenfell does not practice mental or 
spiritual healing. He is one of those who seems 
to find the highest expression of his religious in- 
stincts in serving his fellow man in the wilds of 
Labrador through the practice of the science of 
surgery. But we can be sure that the spirit of 
such a devoted man brings much to the patients 
that could not be brought to them by surgery 

The point I am making here is that the right 
technique is highly efficacious in spiritual healing. 
Suppose that Dr. Grenfell had used a prayer 
of intercession as his method of healing that 
man, that is, as his technique. Suppose he had 
knelt and prayed. The man's physical condi- 
tion, in all probability, would have remained un- 
changed. It would not have been the most effica- 
cious method of healing that man. So we should 


adapt our technique to the condition of the patient 
and when possible so instruct him that we shall 
be able to use a technique that is in keeping 
with all the truths of religion and modern science. 

Technique includes such things as the place 
where the sufferer is treated, the personality of 
the person treating him, the ability to beget such 
confidence as renders the sufferer receptive, the 
understanding of the sufferer's personality as well 
as his infirmity, the method of procedure, the con- 
fidence of the one giving the treatment, his knowl- 
edge of the laws of mind and spirit, and his 
knowledge of the conditions highly favorable to 
the successful operation of these laws. This sum- 
mary of qualifications by no means exhausts the 
list of what is required. For spirit is a reality, 
an energy. If great technical knowledge is re- 
quired in the use of that energy called electricity 
is it not reasonable to suppose that considerable 
technical knowledge is required to use successfully 
for healing that energy called spirit or mind? 

When the technique I have described is ap- 
plied to a person it is called a healing treatment 
I place the patient in an easy posture, sitting or 
reclining, and speak to him in some such words as 


are given in the account of healing a man at the 
time of the crisis of pneumonia. 1 

Sometimes, especially in extreme cases, I use 
my hands more than in the account just referred 
to. For the hands can be the outward sign of 
the inward power. And when the patient feels 
the reality of the force of hands on his brow or 
body it helps him to experience the reality of a 
force within accomplishing what I describe. 

I can easily light an ordinary gas jet, on a dry 
cold night, with the electric sparks that snap from 
my finger tips, generated merely by walking natur- 
ally over a carpeted floor to the center of the room 
where the chandelier hangs. Perhaps this quality 
of my make-up, or as I prefer to say, of the life 
manifesting in me, accounts for the experience 
that many have when I lay my hands upon them* 
Some say they experience a tingling sensation like 
that produced by an electric current. Others say 
their experience is that of a soothing warmth that 
greatly diminishes, and frequently banishes pain. 

One of my parishioners, a young man of whom 
I was especially fond, had an unusually painful 
cancer located internally in the lower front of the 
abdomen. For many weeks I visited him every 

1 Pp. 43 to 48. 


night and I found, from my extended experience 
in treating him, that when everything else failed, 
I was able to soothe the pain and put him to sleep 
by keeping my hands for a long time over the 
place where he supposed the pain to be. 

I say where he supposed the pain to be, because 
the pain was not where the cancer was located. 
Matter cannot feel. Only life can feel. The ma- 
terial, that is, the water, the lime, the salts, the 
iron, and all the other material things that make 
the human body, cannot feel. Much more than 
fifty per cent of your body is water, just like the 
water that flows from the pipes in your house. 
The water in those pipes cannot feel, the water 
that composes such a large percentage of your 
body cannot feel, nor can any other material 
thing that composes your body feel. It is per- 
fectly self-evident that lime, when used in the 
construction of a brick wall, cannot feel. Is it 
not equally self-evident that lime used in the con- 
struction of your body cannot feel? It is the life 
manifesting itself as consciousness 2 that feels and 
suffers so intensely when the materials that corri- 

2 Consciousness has degrees. Life in animals rises to con- 
sciousness of pain and to higher experiences, but not to the 
degree of consciousness required for personality. 


pose a part of the body get into that condition 
that we name cancer. Hence to get the sufferer 
intensely conscious of something other than the 
pain is to relieve him of the pain. Relieved of 
the pain the patient soon slept, that is, he ceased 
to be conscious of everything during the period 
of this natural sleep that I here refer to. 

When people come for healing to the Healing 
Service in the church they do not receive what I 
call a healing treatment. What is done in the 
Service is too general to merit that term. At the 
proper time I place my hands upon the head of the 
person. This is an ancient practice but the 
psychology of it is good, if, as I hold, pain is 
really an experience of the conscious mind so in- 
timately associated with the brain, therefore with 
the head. 

When I use my hands to greater extent, as now 
to be described, I employ some such form of medi- 
tation as the following: 

"'Be still and know that I am God.' God 
speaks these words to you, to you his child. God 
speaks to your body and says: Be still, body, 
and know that I am God. You will know it by 
the peace, the calm, the tranquillity, the feeling 


of well-being that now begins to come to your 
body. For I am come that you might have peace. 
This peace is the proof that I am with you. 

"Now I place my hand gently on your brow, 
and my hand now passes over the top of your 
head, and down the back of your neck. A feeling 
of ease, relaxation, and peace follow my hand. 
Now every muscle is relaxed on your brow, your 
forehead, your neck. 

"I pass my hands along your arms and hands 
even to the finger tips. Every muscle lets go and 
your hands and arms are at rest. 

"Over your chest I pass my hands and relaxa- 
tion, peace, rest flows over your chest/ 

"I pass my hand over your body. Ejvery 
muscle, every organ, every cell relaxes, lets go and 
there is peace, perfect peace, in all your body 
and you know it comes from God. Let your 
body smile and be glad in thanksgiving. 

"God speaks to your mind and says : 'Be still, 
mind, and know thy God, and have peace, perfect 
peace, quiet and tranquillity.' Now peace comes 
as your mind relaxes and lets go. 

"It lets go of the past. There is nothing to 
worry about. The past is gone. See, like a cloud 


past fears and doubts float so quietly away. 
Everything that might interfere with the well- 
being of your body is floating away and your mind 
smiles and is happy. It rests in the present peace. 
For God is with you and will be always and with 
God you can do all things. 

"Beyond body and mind is the life, the soul, 
the spirit. God says, 'Be still, soul, and know 
that I am God.' Your soul is like God, made in 
His image. The Scripture says that you are a 
partaker of the divine nature. You are your 

u You are immortal because you partake of the 
life of God. God shares His immortal life with 

u God is peace. You partake of the peace of 
God. At the center of your being there is a 
source of peace. Now up from that source as 
from a spring comes peace, a peace that the world 
cannot give nor take away. 

"It manifests itself in your heart and your heart 
beats peacefully. 

"God is all strength. You partake of the 
strength of God. Deep within you is a source 
of strength. It comes forth. You feel it in your 


heart. Strength goes out with your blood to all 
parts of the body. Your heart says as it beats, 
peace and strength, peace and strength. 

"God is all courage. You partake of the cour- 
age of God. Within is a source of courage. It 
now manifests itself in your heart. It beats cour- 
ageously. You breathe in peace, strength, 

"Every organ in your body is now aware of 
courage, peace, and strength. They move with 
a new life, the life of God that He shares with 
you. You know God. You have peace that 
passeth understanding. Look for it to remain. 
Rejoice and thank God." 

This is a most inadequate description of a treat- 
ment for spiritual healing. When one is treating 
a patient successfully he must be in the mood to 
speak as the spirit gives him utterance. Call this 
mood inspiration, or intuition, if you will. It is 
a mystic experience in which one is conscious of 
the working of the divine spirit. It is the realiza- 
tion of the truth of the words of Jesus, "where 
two or three are gathered together in my name, 
there am I in the midst of them" (Matthew 



ALL truth, all goodness, all health are from 
God, from whom, as the Book of Common Prayer 
puts it, "comes every good and perfect gift." The 
physician who sets a broken limb does not heal 
that limb. It is a spiritual force, that is, some- 
thing real but not material, manifesting itself in 
the individual that heals it. The physician co- 
operates with that spiritual force which we call 
God, and whether he realizes it or not, he is 
God's minister to the extent of that cooperation. 
So it is with all the good work of surgeons, physi- 
cians, nurses, and all others who minister to the 
afflicted. This cooperation with God can be 
through physical means, as in setting a bone; 
through mental means, as in suggestion or instruc- 
tion; through spiritual means, of which I am to 
write at length ; or, best of all, by combining these 
three means. 

In the course of my pastoral work I was called 
to visit the sick and the afflicted, the burdened and 



heavy-laden, the discouraged and the failures. I 
found, as all clergymen find, great faith among 
many in God's power to keep the Scriptural prom- 
ises. Of course, one always prays with such per- 
sons, but occasionally I felt moved to lay my 
hands on them as Jesus and His disciples had 

These ventures of faith, plus a knowledge of 
certain mental and spiritual laws which I had 
gained from much study and some experimenting, 
became so numerous and successful that I an- 
nounced a service of spiritual healing to be held 
in the church every Thursday morning after the 
celebration of the Holy Communion. 

The following report of the healing of a few 
of the many persons who have been healed should 
bring home to us Christians the great need that 
there is for the revival of this ministry among 
us, and the fact that the gracious promises of the 
Lord can be realized to-day as they were of old. 


Among the several hundred afflicted who at- 
tended the first service of spiritual healing which 


I conducted, was a boy twelve years old accom- 
panied by his mother. They were both unknown 
to me at that time, but later both called on me to 
tell of the great blessing they had received. Dur- 
ing several subsequent talks with them I gathered 
the facts of the case as here set down. 

The boy was the only living child of a physi- 
cian, a younger sister having died in infancy. The 
parents were normal, as were also their children. 
At the age of ten the boy while playing with a 
companion was hit on the head with a heavy piece 
of wood, and was rendered unconscious by the 
blow. In a short time convulsions appeared. Dur- 
ing these attacks he frothed at the mouth, bit his 
tongue and at times set his jaws so hard that it 
was only with great effort they could be pried 

At the time of the accident his father was in 
France with the American Expeditionary Force 
and the boy was attended by the family physi- 
cian. As his malady increased he was placed 
under the care of a specialist. In the meantime 
the armistice having been signed, his father re- 
turned home and the specialist continued to treat 
the little sufferer. 


About a year and a half had elapsed since the 
blow had been struck when the mother asked 
the specialist when she might hope for some in- 
dications of a cure. At this stage of his affliction 
the boy was having sometimes as many as four 
to six attacks a day. The specialist replied that 
the mother must be prepared for an unfavorable 
report as the malady would probably increase 
rather than abate, for the boy was epileptic. This 
being the verdict the treatment of the specialist 
was discontinued, the attacks continuing as pre- 
dicted. Hearing of a service at a Roman Cath- 
olic church where a relic of St. Anne was applied 
to sufferers, the mother brought her son there 
and the relic was applied at intervals over a period 
of six months, but without any apparent benefit 
to him. 

The boy had been suffering from his affliction 
for two years when the mother read the announce- 
ment of the first service I was to conduct. 
Despite previous failures to secure relief they 
both came in hope. 

At that service I spoke of God's power mani- 
fested through Jesus and His disciples. I tried 
to make that power real and reasonable to my 


hearers, using as illustrations the working of in- 
visible natural forces. One example will illustrate 
the truth I reiterated. God may be likened to 
the sun. It is always shining. If you do not see 
its light that is because something is between you 
and the sun. When you desire the sunlight to 
enter the room of the sick you have only to 
raise the shade and the light streams in. It is 
of the nature of light to be present instantly 
when the obstacle is removed. So with God's 
power. When you come to the communion rail 
and receive the laying on of hands with prayer, 
the obstacles will be removed and you will feel 
the power and the love of God healing you. 
Jesus could do no mighty works until the people 
believed that God was able to heal them through 
Him. So you must believe that God can heal 
you now through me. 

With such words uttered as the Spirit gave 
them to me to speak, and becoming bolder, in 
the apostles' sense of the word, I continued to 
exhort, appealing always to the reason rather 
than to the emotions, until I felt that the time 
had arrived for me to bid all who had faith to 
be healed to come forth in Jesus' name. Some 


two hundred and fifty persons, representing many 
nationalities and creeds, arose in a body and 
surged into the spacious choir of the church, the 
boy and his mother being among the first to 

The mother later said that when I laid my 
hands on her son's head and prayed he began to 
get rigid as if he were going to have an attack. 
She was about to gather him in her arms and take 
him aside. A slight tremor went from his head 
down his body. Then his body relaxed, becoming 
normal, and a look of exaltation and peace ap- 
peared on his countenance. The mother was 
favorably impressed and after a prayer of thanks- 
giving they departed. 

This happened on Thursday morning. That 
day and the next and the following days passed 
and the boy had no attack. On the evening of 
the tenth day, which was Sunday, while at supper, 
a bit of cracker caught in the boy's throat and 
caused excessive coughing. A mild attack in the 
nature of a faint followed. These mild attacks 
continued until the following Thursday, when 
both come again to the healing service. After 
the instruction and exhortation which always pro- 


duced a very decided atmosphere, and after the 
laying on of hands with prayer, the attacks again 

Six weeks later the boy was playing rather 
roughly in his home with a companion. The 
mother heard her son say to his playfellow "Don't 
push me so hard. You might knock me over and 
make me faint." The mother on hearing this 
entered the room to moderate their play. But 
just as she entered her son was pushed and fell 
heavily on the floor. A slight attack followed. 
The next Thursday they came to the healing serv- 
ice, and as usual the attacks ceased. When I 
last spoke to the mother four years had elapsed 
since they attended the first healing service, and 
she assured me that her son was healed. Imagine, 
if you can, the sorrow of this mother when she 
heard her son pronounced epileptic by a compe- 
tent authority. Contrast that sorrow with her 
joy to-day as she looks upon her only son healed 
of his affliction. 

To the deeper student of spiritual healing the 
boy's interpretation of his experience at the first 
service is very suggestive, and indicates that in 
addition to faith a knowledge of how to use many 


of the forces involved in our complex nature is 
required for the successful practice of this min- 
istry. Said the boy, "When I started to come 
to you, I did not see you at all but only a light. 
And when I knelt Jesus put His hands on me out 
of the light." Whoever can bring about such an 
experience; whoever can make another so con- 
scious of God that He is felt in the body, mind, 
or soul, such an one has what is called the "gift 
of healing." Judged by this standard the "gift 
of healing" is not a rare possession. 


His story runneth thus : 

"When I was seventeen I was giving instruc- 
tions on the violin to several pupils. When I 
was nineteen I played one night at a concert given 
under the auspices of my former college class. 
The audience was made up largely of students, 
their families, and their friends. I was playing 
a rather ambitious concerto, but had practiced it 
faithfully and felt that it was going exceptionally 

"However, some in the audience did not enjoy 


it or appreciate it. They showed their disap- 
proval. I became confused and don't remember 
whether I finished the piece or not. For days I 
was inconsolable and from that time I began to 
lose my grip on myself. I lost ambition. I prac- 
ticed intermittently. My efforts to earn a liveli- 
hood as a musician were never heartily endorsed 
by my family. They were manual workers. Be- 
cause I did not follow in their way they said I 
was lazy. The class of music I loved and prac- 
ticed they did not at all relish and often made 
fun of it. 

"Well, I drifted, working a little and loafing 
a great deal. Occasionally I went back to my 
music, but it is now a couple of years since I have 
opened my violin box. I married and have two 
children but can't get up enough energy to do 

I listened sympathetically. Feeling that he had 
something more to tell, I urged him to unburden 
his mind to me completely. 

"Now I hope you won't think me crazy, as 
others do, when I tell you this," he continued. 
"Have you ever known of some evil force or 
fate that follows a man and that he can't get 


rid of? I know that there is somebody, or some 
group, that is hounding me, urged to it by this 
power, and determined that I shall not succeed. 
In times past when I did get a job 1 could hold 
it for only a short time. A few days after I 
started to work I would notice the other men eye- 
ing me, I knew they were talking about me when 
they got together in little groups. I couldn't work 
under such conditions and either I left or got 
fired. So it has been for some years. I tell you 
it is a terrible thing to live conscious of this evil 
power always around you and with no way to 
escape it. Have you really ever come across any- 
thing like this before? I am of Irish descent 
and know the old superstitious stories they tell. 
I never believed them. But this thing, whatever 
it is, has got me going. I am not out of my mind 
yet, but I will be if this keeps up. I can't stand 
it longer. More and more I find myself despair- 
ing, and thoughts of self-destruction have been 
very much in my mind. I heard of you and your 
healing work. Do you suppose you can do any- 
thing for me?" 

I assured him that I understood his case and 
that under the circumstances it was almost to be 


expected that he felt as he did. I told him that 
God could heal him and instructed him briefly as 
to how God's help would be brought into his 
life. All this took place as we walked the streets, 
for I had found him at night standing before 
the church. He appeared so dejected that I had 
spoken to him, and later had suggested that we 
walk about as we talked. 

Some days later I had him bring his violin and 
after the healing service he played for me in the 
church. Then I asked him to come into the rec- 
tory. We knelt, confessing our sins to God, using 
the prayer book form of General Confession, 
after which I pronounced the absolution. I had 
him play in the fine old drawing-room of the rec- 
tory where Alexander Hamilton had lived. After 
a while I told him to play as long as he wished 
and I went to my study, assuring him that his 
music would be a help to me as I worked on a ser- 
mon, that I would carry something of what he 
was expressing into the pulpit with me, and that 
thus he would be ministering to others. He 
played a couple of hours and went away quite 
buoyant. Our arrangement was that he was to 
come to see me almost any time that he felt so 


inclined, but especially when his trials were 

On his succeeding visits, I prayed with him and 
then laid my hands upon his head while he knelt. 
My part at such moments was to get the realiza- 
tion that God was healing and guiding us and to 
let that realization come to expression in the form 
of vocal, affirmative prayer. He always departed 
with a renewal of spirit and power. 

Soon he had a few pupils at a very modest fee. 
It was a hard winter and almost brought him to 
despair. But I assured him that if he continued 
to come to me and persevered in the attitude 
toward God and the world in which I instructed 
him that success must come. Then just when 
times were hardest it came. And as usual, in spir- 
itual healing, it was above what he had hoped or 
asked for. He was given a position as leader 
in a small orchestra. This position made it neces- 
sary for him to leave the city and his uncongenial 
home surroundings. He left me with health, 
spirit, faith, and ambition quite restored, and at 
the time I write he is a teacher in his college. He 
had come to a knowledge of the truth and the 
truth had set him free. 



A lawyer was stricken by a severe attack of 
pneumonia. In due course came the crisis and 
while it was pending his wife sent for me. 

Upon arriving at their home I asked, "What 
does the physician say?" The answer showed 
that it was a typical case. The physician had said 
that the crisis might come any time within the 
next twenty-four hours, and that while he hoped 
for the best the balance might turn this way or 
that but no one could tell which way it would turn. 
Everything depended now upon the patient's 
heart and his courage and his fighting spirit. 

Usually this is the time when everybody, save 
nurse and physician, is rigorously excluded from 
the patient. But if success in the crisis depends 
largely upon such spiritual qualities as courage 
and fighting spirit, then some means might be 
taken to enhance these qualities or to beget them 
if need be in the patient. Here if ever is the 
opportunity and the demand for spiritual treat- 
ment. But, alas, in the typical case the patient 
is usually left alone. 

When in any phase of life a supreme effort is 


called for, demanding courage and fighting spirit, 
we know how the enthusiasm and the confidence, 
and above all the example of others, help the 
struggler. If it be possible thus to help a man 
weakened by disease, yet called upon to make a 
last supreme effort to save his life, surely we 
desert him if we leave him alone at such a time. 
But often with loving relatives and friends in the 
next room, relatives and friends who would put 
themselves in the place of the sufferer, he is left 
spiritually unaided through their ignorance of 
what might be done. 

When I was shown to the patient's room I 
found him very weak and only partly conscious. 
At least, so it seemed, but I found out from him 
later that he was conscious but so weak that he 
could not give evidence of it. I sat on the bed 
beside him and gently stroked his forehead. He 
was restless, so I began to meditate aloud some- 
what as follows: 

"God says, 'Be still and know that I am God.' 
Look at me and when I tell you to close your 
eyes they will close and a feeling of comfort and 
ease and peace will come about them. To be 
still means to relax. Now the muscles about your 


eyes relax and your eyelids close and already there 
is a feeling of ease and comfort and peace around 
your eyes. 

"That feeling of ease and comfort and peace 
and well-being is going to spread all over the 
body. Now the muscles of your face and neck 
relax and your head sinks easily and comfortably 
on the pillow." 

Here I passed my hands over his chest, gently 
touching him as I continued : "Now the muscles 
about the chest relax and there is a feeling of 
ease and comfort and well-being all about your 
chest and around your back. 

"There is such ease that you are not conscious 
of any effort in breathing. [The patient had been 
breathing with some difficulty when I arrived, but 
this gradually subsided.] The air is all about you 
and gently enters your lungs so smoothly and 
peacefully that it is now a pleasure to breathe. 

"God speaks to your mind and says, c Be still, 
mind, and know that I am God.' So now your 
mind relaxes and is still. To relax means to let 
go. Your mind lets go of the past. Any doubts 
or fears that might in any wise interfere with the 
well-being of your body now depart. Your mind 


is still. It lets go of them and they are gone. 
Anything that you have heard or thought about 
your condition that might interfere with your 
peace or health likewise departs. There is 
nothing in the past to worry you. On the con- 
trary, out of the past come only words of cheer 
and confidence, absolute confidence. 3 * 

It will be noticed that in this treatment the 
same thought and often the same words are re- 
peated. This is a matter of technique and is based 
upon the laws of suggestion. And just as a pa- 
tient is susceptible to helpful thoughts through 
suggestion, so he is equally susceptible to harmful 
thoughts. It is, therefore, very important to 
know that although a patient might not be able 
to speak or to move his body, he is not necessarily 
unconscious. He may be in a very suggestible 
condition. This is true of the person who is just 
losing or just regaining consciousness. What he 
hears makes a very decided impression upon him. 
Consequently many surgeons are most careful that 
no unfavorable word about the patient's condi- 
tion be spoken in the presence of the patient all 
during the time he is under an anaesthetic. A 
surgeon once told me of a patient upon whom 


he operated who was thought by everybody pres- 
ent to be unconscious, yet who remembered every- 
thing that was said during the operation. 

Continuing the treatment I said, "Now your 
mind lets go of any thought about the future that 
might in any wise interfere with your well-being. 
There is nothing to fear in the future, for it 
stretches out before you like a pleasant way and 
you pass through it confidently, easily and 
securely. Your mind is now entirely relaxed. It 
makes no effort. Without any effort you are 
going to hear and to understand everything I say 
and no other sound will disturb you. 

"God speaks now to the very soul of you, and 
says, 'Be still and know. 5 The Scripture says we 
are partakers of the divine nature. We partake 
of the life of God. God is the infinite life in all 
the world. He shares that life with you. God's 
life is immortal, and you are immortal because 
you partake of the immortal life of God. 

"God is the infinite power in all the world. 
You partake of that power. Deep within you, 
beneath body and mind, is the life which conies 
from God. It brings with it the power of God. 
You partake of His strength. Now the divine 


power manifests itself in the depths of your na- 
ture. It communicates itself to your heart and 
your heart beats easily, smoothly, regularly, and 
irresistibly. Your heart feels such power that it 
knows that nothing can stop it, for the power of 
God manifests itself there. 

"God is infinite vitality. You partake of that 
divine vitality. God shares it with you. It com- 
municates itself to your heart and your heart beats 
with its power. The divine vitality communicates 
itself to your blood. And now as the blood flows 
through your body the divine vitality is mani- 
fested in every cell and tissue and organ of your 
body. It takes away all feeling of congestion. 
It manifests itself in and through your lungs, re- 
lieving and strengthening. Every cell and tissue 
is now conscious of power and vitality and health 
and well-being from the infinite source. 

"God is all courage. There is no fear in God. 
He shares that courage with you. You are par- 
taking of courage from the infinite source of all 
courage. Your heart beats courageously. The 
blood flows along bringing the message of cour- 
age to every cell and organ. Gladly they receive 
it. Courageously they do their work, eliminating 


and upbuilding. You are surrounded by courage 
as by the air you breathe, for in the divine cour- 
age, in God, we live and move and have our being* 

"Even while you sleep you will be breathing 
in, as it were, life, power, vitality, courage, health 
and strength and peace. When you awake you 
will be quite renewed." I then laid my hands 
upon his head and chest, repeating the words of 
the Scripture, "They that believe shall lay hands 
on the sick and they shall recover," and the 
following prayers : "Almighty Father, according 
to Thy word we lay hands on this Thy servant. 
May he even at this time be conscious of Thy 
power manifesting itself to the healing of his 
body, mind, and soul" "Now unto Him that is 
able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we 
ask or think, according to the power that worketh 
in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ 
Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. 
Amen." (Ephesians 3:21.) 

The next day I was informed that after I left 
the sick man he had his first real rest in some 
days. I continued to treat him daily for about 
a week, and in due time he was quite restored to 
health. Toward the end of the time I treated 


him, he said, "I have a wonderful physician, but 
I know who saved my life. When you first came 
to me I felt that I was gradually slipping away. 
I was too weak and tired to resist. But as you 
treated me I experienced what you were describ- 
ing. You brought just what I needed and at the 
time when I needed it most." 



IT was Easter-Even. 

In a hospital bed lay a woman of forty-three, 
suffering from a disease that as yet human 
skill has been unable to cure. The light of the 
bodily life was burning very low. It seemed ready 
to go out at any moment Her family had been 
sent for and were gathered at her side. With 
closed eyes, and hands folded high on her bosom, 
she lay motionless and silent. Save for an occa- 
sional whisper, her husband, mother, and son sat 
about her in silence, pictures of that helplessness 
which droops us when we cannot aid our loved 
ones in their greatest need. The attending physi- 
cian said nothing more could be done for her 
but to keep her as comfortable as possible until 
the end came. 

She was not a church woman, and had seen no 
clergyman during her recent illness. Once she 
had attended the healing service and when asked 



if she would not like to have a clergyman call 
she asked for me. How often we of the clergy 
step in upon a scene like this when the patient 
has had little or no preparation for our minis- 
tration, when it is evident no human power can 
avail, and when one must work in a hurry. 

In a few words her husband explained that her 
affliction had so weakened her heart and she had 
suffered such pain that the end would be a blessed 
relief to her. She did not move or show any indi- 
cation that she was conscious of what was 
going on. 

I at once placed both my hands upon her fore- 
head, looked intently at her closed eyelids, and let 
the consciousness of God as the source of all life 
possess me. Beginning with the Lord's Prayer, 
I then prayed and meditated in some such words 
as are given below, and continued for some con- 
siderable time to reiterate the same thoughts in 
more positive and affirmative form. For example, 
when moved thereto, instead of saying, "May we 
be conscious that the divine life of God is now 
supporting and comforting her," I would say, 
"And now we are conscious that the divine life 
of Gpd is supporting and comforting her." When 


one can say such words honestly and sincerely 
without forcing himself to do so, but naturally, 
moved to speak thus by some inner urge (he 
knows not exactly just what), there are always 
surprising results. 


Almighty God, the only source of health and 
healing, may we and this Thy servant be con- 
scious at this moment of Thy healing, saving 
power manifesting itself in her life. 

May we with the eyes of faith behold the hand 
of Thy Son Jesus resting upon her, and believe 
that in His touch is the ancient power to heal. 

May we be conscious that the divine life of 
God is now supporting and comforting her, even 
that immortal life which always manifests itself 
according to Thy will. 

Graciously we trust in Thy love, knowing that 
this Thy servant ever partakes of Thy life which 
shall remain with her forever. Complete, good 
Lord, this work begun in Jesus' name. Amen. 

As I concluded my prayer the patient opened 
her eyes and looked into mine. It was a look 
of complete understanding. It produced the same 


effect as if she had smilingly nodded and said, 
u Yes, it is all true, I am conscious of the divine 
life supporting and comforting me. And it is 
sweet very sweet, very sweet." The same light 
and peace that shone from her eyes now shone on 
her whole countenance. Gently her eyelids 
closed, but the glow on her countenance remained. 
It is thus the soul speaks and smiles. Spiritual 
healing is brought about by one realizing himself 
as a soul, holding communion with another soul, 
and thereby bringing to the other soul what he 
himself realizes, namely, the truth of God as the 
source of all that is good health, peace, power, 
plenty, life. 

The other person is spiritually healed when he 
has thus apprehended God. Whether the life 
continues to manifest itself through this present 
body on the earth, or whether it in God's own 
way develops or assumes another body or instru- 
ment through which to express itself in that nearer 
approach to, or that more intimate experience of 
God, called heaven, is not at such times the upper- 
most concern. Without saying Paul's words the 
patient and the minister have something like Paul's 
experience when he said, "Though our outward 


man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by 
day," II Corinthians 4:16. To be more conscious 
of God is the experience most desired. The ques- 
tion of the place of that experience, here or here- 
after, does not arise. One is completely at God's 
disposal. He is leading and guiding. One does 
not think at such times where God is going to con- 
tinue to lead or guide because of the joy in ex- 
periencing that guidance. 

After some minutes of silent prayer again I 
placed my hands on her brow and head and spoke 
to her soul. I left her in peace with a formal 
blessing and a promise to return. 

The next day her husband came for me and 
reported that she was wonderfully improved. 

Almost daily for two weeks I continued my 
visits to her and once administered the Holy Com- 
munion. Every visit brought results similar to 
the first. Reports of improvement came to the 
superintendent of the hospital, who became very 
much interested in the case. She assured me that 
the spiritual ministrations the patient was receiv- 
ing were having unusual results, and she was keen 
to know what principles were involved. 
- The patient had by this time improved suffi- 


ciently to be taken home. It was on this occasion 
that the husband asked me if I thought his wife 
would recover. I told him that my attitude of 
mind in such cases was simply to be conscious of 
God, or the power of God, manifesting itself in 
the patient's life. I explained to him that we 
must not think of God's power being separate 
from Him. Wherever we see a manifestation of 
God's power life, love, goodness, comfort, 
peace there is God, if we have the eyes to see, 
or the ears to hear, or the heart to understand. 
The procedure in spiritual healing is to get the 
patient to be conscious, to become really aware 
of the life of God manifesting itself in the depths 
of his being. One becomes conscious by experi- 
encing. I know that this manifestation of God's 
power, interest or love will be best, absolutely 
best, for the patient and all others. "This is 
eternal life to know the one true God and Jesus 
Christ, whom He has sent." Let us be conscious 
of God manifesting Himself in our lives and we 
shall understand His ways and have peace. In 
such words I instructed the husband, who seemed 
to share readily in this belief. 

For three weeks after being taken home the 


patient continued to experience the power of God 
with her. Her family were greatly impressed and 
helped by her experience. Then with unearthly 
calm and quiet consciousness of possessing the 
eternal life she entered upon it. She too had 
come to know the truth and the truth had set her 



THE first summary of the ministry of Jesus 
is given in the Gospel according to Matthew. 
There we read, "Jesus went about in all Galilee, 
teaching in their synagogues, preaching the 
Gospel of the Kingdom and healing all manner 
of sickness and all manner of disease among the 
people." Thus the ministry of Jesus is seen by 
the Apostle Matthew to be threefold, and he 
sums it up in three words teaching, preaching, 

The Christian Church has devoted itself 
largely to following its Master in two of these 
departments of His ministry. The Church has 
proclaimed the word throughout the world. 
Wherever His name is known, there the Gospel 
has been preached. And to preaching has been 
added teaching. The ancient seats of learning, 
as well as many great schools and universities 



of more modern times, were founded by men 
whose prime purpose was to teach the Christian 
way of life. To-day the Church is occupied as 
never before in perfecting its organization in 
order that the Gospel shall be taught and pro- 
claimed with ever increasing scope and power. 

But how fares it with that other department 
of the Master's work, the healing ministry? It 
is true that the Church has always led the af- 
flicted to God. In the Book of Common Prayer, 
which continues ancient forms of Christian wor- 
ship and prayer, it is provided that at every 
morning service the following intercession shall 
be made. "We commend to thy fatherly good- 
ness all those who are any ways afflicted or dis- 
tressed in mind, body or estate; (especially those 
for whom our prayers are desired;) that it may 
please thee to comfort and relieve them, accord- 
ing to their several necessities; giving them pa- 
tience under their suffering, and a happy issue 
put of all their afflictions." 

When bishops are consecrated according to the 
form set forth in this same book, the presiding 
bishop solemnly charges the newly consecrated 
bishop, "Hold up the weak, heal the sick, bind 


up the broken, bring again the outcasts, seek the 
lost." It will be a surprise to many to know that 
the Episcopal Church so clearly commands all 
her bishops to practice the ministry of spiritual 
healing. And surely the Church has kept before 
us the healing ministry by ordering to be read 
at public services many passages of the Scrip- 
tures which recount this phase of the Master's 

But when all has been said, and when even a 
most favorable interpretation is accorded it, the 
fact remains that there has been no such insistence 
upon the healing ministry, as has been placed upon 
the ministry of teaching and preaching. While 
the Church has believed in healing through spirit* 
ual means it has not emphasized this belief in 
practice. We hear frequently of the minister 
or priest as preacher, teacher, confessor, pastor, 
administrator, but seldom if ever as healer. 

The Gospels tell us not only that Jesus prac- 
ticed spiritual healing but they leave not the least 
doubt as to the relative importance of this de- 
partment of His ministry. The Christians who 
wrote the Gospels collected the sayings and do- 
ings of Jesus as, recorded by other men, or recol- 


lected what they themselves had seen and heard 
as they companied with Jesus. What depart- 
ment of His ministry impressed them most? 
What was it that they recollected and wrote most 
about ? 

A cursory reading of the Gospels will show 
that they wrote more about spiritual healing than 
any other subject. The Gospels, considered as 
lives of Jesus, are very brief. In fact they are 
little more than memoirs. Of his public ministry 
of three years they account for only some ninety 
days scattered throughout that period. Sermons 
and discourses that we of to-day would consider 
of the greatest value, are reported in barest out* 
line or condensed into a verse. Important events 
are often mentioned rather than described. But 
when the writers come to the subject of spiritual 
healing they go into considerable detail. They 
describe so carefully the attitude of the healer, 
his look, voice, words, and actions, that I have 
been able to reconstruct the methods or technique 
they employed, and from these I have attempted 
to formulate laws according to which the power of 
the Spirit operates. There can be no doubt that 
here was a matter of such vital importance that 


the writers of the Gospels felt it should be written 
largely on almost every page of their books. 

The Gospels were written not merely to pre- 
serve for posterity the sayings and doings of 
Jesus. They were written for purposes of im- 
mediate propaganda. They were written to con- 
vince men and women in a sinful and burdened 
world that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, 
the Saviour, the revealer of God's ways with man, 
in order that all might come through Him to the 
Father and find forgiveness, peace, and eternal 
life. And in choosing their material for this 
purpose they gave more space to the ministry of 
spiritual healing than to any other department of 
His work. 

They were wise in so doing. Frequently we 
read such words as these : "And the fame of him 
went out straightway into all the regions about 
Galilee;" "And there followed him great multi- 
tudes from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem 
and Judea and from beyond the Jordan;" "And 
they glorified God who had given such power to 
men;" "And a great multitude followed him be- 
cause they beheld the signs which he did on them 
that were sick." 


It was just after Jesus had healed a paralyzed 
man that Matthew, who wrote the first Gospel, 
followed Him. And it is worthy of remark that 
Paul's conversion was consummated just after he 
was healed of his blindness. While the compas- 
sionate heart of Jesus prompted Him to heal the 
afflicted for their own sakes yet it is abundantly 
shown that this ministry was also a sign of the 
power of God, which influenced multitudes to be- 
come His disciples. It should be clear from what 
we have thus far seen how important a place 
spiritual healing had in the minds of the Gospel 
writers as a means toward accomplishing the 
purpose for which Jesus lived and died. 

The testimony of Harnack, the foremost liv- 
ing authority on the history of early Christianity, 
should settle the question of the important place 
spiritual healing had in the Master's ministry. 

"The gospel, as preached by Jesus, is a religion 
of redemption, but it is a religion of redemp- 
tion in a secret sense. Jesus proclaimed a new 
message (the near approach of God's kingdom, 
God as the Father, as his Father,) and also a 
new law, but he did his work as a Saviour or 
healer, and it was amid work of this kind that he 


was crucified. Paul, too, preached the gospel as 
a religion of redemption. 

"Jesus appeared among his people as a phy- 
sician. 'The healthy need not a physician, but 
the sick' (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31). The first 
three gospels depict him as the physician of soul 
and body, as the Saviour or healer of men. Jesus 
says very little about sickness; he cures it. He 
does not explain that sickness is health; he calls 
it by its proper name, and is sorry for the sick 
person. There is nothing sentimental or subtle 
about Jesus ; he draws no fine distinctions, he ut- 
ters no sophistries about healthy people being 
really sick and sick people really healthy. He 
sees himself surrounded by crowds of sick folk; 
he attracts them, and his one impulse is to help 
them. Jesus does not distinguish rigidly between 
sicknesses of the body and of the soul; he takes 
them both as different expressions of the one su- 
preme ailment in humanity. But he knows their 
sources. He knows it is easier to say 'Rise up 
and walk/ than to say, 'Thy sins are forgiven 
thee' (Mark 2:9). And he acts accordingly. No 
sickness of the soul repels him; he is constantly 
surrounded by sinful women and tax-gatherers. 


Nor is any bodily disease too loathsome for 
Jesus. In this world of wailing, misery, filth and 
profligacy, which pressed upon him every day, he 
kept himself invariably vital, pure, and busy. 

"In this way he won men and women to be 
his disciples. The circle by which he was sur- 
rounded was a circle of people who had been 
healed. They were healed because they had be- 
lieved on him, i.e., because they had gained health 
from his character and words. To know God 
meant a sound soul. This was the rock on which 
Jesus had rescued them from the shipwreck of 
their life. They knew they were healed, just be- 
cause they had recognized God as the Father in 
his Son. Henceforth they drew health and real 
life as from a never-failing stream." x 

While Harnack's testimony demands that we 
accord a foremost place in the ministry of Jesus 
to spiritual healing, some might say that it does 
not follow that spiritual healing should have a 
place of like importance in the ministry of the 
Church to-day. The express commands of the 
Master should completely banish any such 

1 Harnack, Mission and Expansion of Christianity, Vol. I, 
pp. 101, 102. 


thought. Not only did Jesus exercise this min- 
istry Himself but He included it in the ministry 
to which He so solemnly called His disciples. 
As often as He commissioned them to teach and 
preach so often He commissioned them to heal 
the sick. Here is one such commission. "And 
it came to pass in those days that he went out 
into the mountain to pray; and he continued all 
night in prayer to God. And when it was day 
he called unto him his disciples and gave them 
authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, 
and to heal all manner of sickness. . . .These 
twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them say- 
ing: ... As ye go, preach, saying The King- 
dom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, raise 
the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. 
Freely ye have received, freely give." The 
Church has just as much authority and power 
to heal the sick as it has to proclaim that the 
Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. And I believe 
that one of the reasons why the Christian Church 
has failed at times to convince many of the near- 
ness to them personally of the Kingdom is the 
fact that it has not sufficiently emphasized heal- 
ing through spiritual means. 




SPIRITUAL healing might be presented from 
other points of view than the scientific. It might 
be presented simply as faith or trust in God heal- 
ing us in answer to prayers of petition. "Give 
us this day our daily bread" is a petition. "For- 
give us our trespasses as we forgive those who 
trespass against us" is also a petition. With 
these forms of prayer we are all very familiar, 
and they should have a place m our mental, 
spiritual, and devotional life. But there are 
many persons who have petitioned yes, who 
have begged and pleaded and who have not been 
relieved of their distress. Heaven has seemed 
deaf to their cry. They have stretched forth 
their hands but have brought them back empty. 
They have tried to open their hearts to receive 
the divine comfort, but it has not come. They 
have sought divine guidance in difficulties, but 
the way has remained dark or uncertain. They 



have asked for the cure of some bodily disorder 
or disease, but they have not been made whole or 
given strength to go gloriously on. They have 
asked and received not. Why? The Apostle 
James gives one answer to this question. He 
writes : "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask 


The purpose of scientific spiritual healing is 
also to answer this question by instructing us so 
that we shall proceed with knowledge as well as 
faith. We shall not ask amiss when properly 
instructed, and we shall receive. Scientific spirit- 
ual healing will also teach us that in the process 
of being healed for healing is a process the 
most important element is not the mere asking. 
There are many vigorous-minded men and 
women who do not take prayer seriously, because 
ft seems to them to consist chiefly of asking. It 
seems more like wishing than doing. They hear 
that the spiritual life is the highest kind of life, 
but they cannot see how being the passive recip- 
ient of blessings is the highest form of existence. 
They feel that God helps those who help them- 

Scientific spiritual healing purposes to tell us of 


certain forces or graces that are at our disposal, 
and the laws and conditions according to which 
those forces operate. It teaches us how to co- 
operate with the divine power to produce benefi- 
cent results, as we cooperate with the so-called 
natural forces in the world's work. 

A man who manufactures paper cooperates 
with many natural forces. If it were not for the 
forces that produce wood, and the water power 
or steam power that grinds the wood into pulp, 
and the power that turns the rollers to press 
it into sheets, and the other various forces that 
enable his workmen to operate, if it were not for 
these, he could not manufacture paper. But he 
cooperates, he works with these various forces 
intelligently, and he gets results. "My father 
worketh until now, and I work," said Jesus. "We 
are fellow-workers together with Christ," said 
Paul. "And all things work together for good 
to those who love the Lord." Scientific spiritual 
healing teaches us how to work together with all 
things, including the divine, in order to produce 
good, good in every department of life, good 
to others and to ourselves, good in this life and 
In the life to come. 


It is to be expected that when some people 
first hear of spiritual healing they naturally think 
of healing the body of some physical deformity 
or disease. Spiritual healing does include heal- 
ing the physical ills of the body, but it is by no 
means limited to this. Nor is physical healing its 
chief C&r?cern. What, then, are we to understand 
by spirit^ healing? What is its meaning and 
scope ? 

At Morning Prayer, in the Episcopal service, 
there is a prayer to God to "comfort and relieve 
all those who are any ways afflicted or distressed 
in mind, body, or estate." 

This is a most comprehensive petition. Ponder 
its terms. All those any ways afflicted or dis- 
tressed in mind, in body or estate. Such is the 
Church's prayer for spiritual healing. 

We may therefore define spiritual healing in 
the official words of that liturgy, as that process 
by which God comforts and relieves those who 
are any ways afflicted or distressed in mind, body 
or estate, according to their several necessities. 

For example, one conscious of sin is spiritually 
healed when the love of God becomes so real to 
him that he is aware of that love forgiving his sin. 


Another, who is perplexed in mind, is spiritually 
healed when the wisdom of God becomes so real to 
him that he is confident of that wisdom guiding 
him. Yet another, who is physically weak or 
crippled or sick, is spiritually healed when the 
power of God becomes so real to him that he 
is aware of the divine power, or energy, or life, 
renewing the strength or health of his body. 
Spiritual healing therefore extends to everything 
that can be accomplished through spiritual means. 
It is as comprehensive as religion itself. It is 
of the essence of the religion of Jesus. 

Prayer is not merely asking something of God 
but rather it is the means of getting yourself into 
the state where you can receive of God. For 
God knows your needs before you ask Him, and 
is always trying to make you conscious of His 
wisdom, love, and power. Prayer makes you 
aware of these as factors in your life. 

The essence of Christianity, and of spiritual 
healing, is to become conscious of the truth that 
we may be, as the Apostle Peter expresses it, 
"partakers of the divine nature.' 1 Once grasp 
this truth, including what it implies, and you have 
the essence of the religion of Jesus. You will 


know what is right. You will do what is right. 
And in the doing of it you will be happy. 

The final triumph of spiritual healing, and 
of religion, is to make you so aware of God's 
love, wisdom, and power, that when your body is 
being put aside, you shall know that in Him you 
still live and move and have your being. You 
will continue to be aware of God directing, com- 
forting, strengthening. You will know that there 
is no death for you, but only a change from a 
less perfect to a more perfect participation in, 
and manifestation of, the divine life. 

Scientific spiritual healing is not merely a pious 
belief, or a last resort when everything else has 
failed. It appeals to us to-day because it is a 

The word science is taken from the Latin word 
scientia, and means knowledge. It embraces all 
that we can by any means know. Hence it em- 
braces all that we can know about our mental 
and spiritual life, as well as about our moral, 
political, social, or industrial life. Science is so 
far-reaching in its scope that it includes all that we 
do whenever consciously or unconsciously we use 
our knowledge. It is not only a vast store of 


truth, but it is truth applied to all that concerns 
man. This word, which originally meant simply 
knowledge, is now applied not only to knowledge 
but to a certain method. In fact, the word science 
is applied to the method as much as to the truth 
discovered or proved by this method. But instead 
of saying scientific method it is customary to con- 
dense it to the one word science. 

What is this method of discovering or testing 
truth which is called science? It begins with ob- 
servation. The scientist searches for facts wher- 
ever they may be found. In the inner life, in the 
outer life, in the moral life, in the spiritual life, 
and in the material universe in fact, everywhere 
that anything can be observed, or felt, there the 
scientist has his- proper field. The scientist ac- 
cepts all the facts that concern the subject he is 
studying. He has no prejudices. He believes in 
the truth and pursues it with an open mind. For 
him it is the pearl of great price. 

Having gathered his facts he analyzes them. 
He notes how and where they agree or differ. If 
he finds something that is true about all the facts, 
he writes a brief description of it. This brief 
description is called a law. For example: A 


man experiments with water and carefully notes 
what happens. He finds that he can separate 
it into two gases known as oxygen and hydrogen, 
and that the water thus separated is composed 
of twice as much hydrogen as oxygen. He then 
takes these two gases and finds that they can be 
put together under certain conditions, and that 
they always unite to* form water. He then writes 
a brief description as to how water is produced. 
This brief description is the law for the pro- 
duction of water. 

As with water, so it is with everything else. 
There is a law according to which everything is 
produced or evolved. There is a law, or laws, 
according to which everything lives, or moves, 
or has its being. The purpose of science is to 
find out or to confirm these laws in order that all 
things might work together for good. 

In the Bible we find many laws, that is, brief 
descriptions or statements as to the conditions 
requisite for the working of certain spiritual 
forces. The Bible is not made up chiefly of these 
laws, however. It is not a book, it is a library. 
Many men contributed to it over a space of a 
thousand years. Some of its books were written 


in Palestine, some in Asia Minor, some in Italy, 
It was written by herdsmen, statesmen, lawyers, 
moralists, poets, historians, physicians, philoso- 
phers, preachers, pastors, evangelists. Conse- 
quently it contains history, narratives, legends, 
moral precepts, philosophy, poetry, drama, re- 
ligion, and science. But in almost every book 
of it you can find the statement of some spiritual 
law, some statement regarding how God works 
and how we can cooperate with Him. 

Spiritual healing therefore is not the result 
merely of asking, but the result of using certain 
forces according to known laws. It is something 
we can experiment with, and when our experi- 
ments are successful we have a demonstration 
of the truth of the laws in question, Hence, 
spiritual healing as a science should appeal to all 
intelligent persons who claim to possess open 

But some one might ask: "How do I know 
that there are these certain forces, or energies, 
or graces that can be used in accordance with 
definite laws?" As an indication of how a new 
attitude of mind is showing itself in unexpected 
places I shall quote from the late Dr. Charles P. 


Steinmetz, chief consulting engineer of the Gen- 
eral Electric Company, and a noted physicist. In 
a recent article he said that energy, or force, is 
the realest of all entities. There are vast stores 
of it in space, and our senses are our means of 
knowing and using it. What we call matter 
wood, book, flesh, bone is what we clothe this 
energy with. 

In the words of Dr. Steinmetz : 

"All that we know of the world is derived from 
our senses.. They are the only real facts ; every- 
thing else is conclusioned from them. All sense 
perceptions are due to energy; they are ex- 
clusively energy effects. In other words, energy 
is the only real existing entity. It is the primary 
conception, a conception which exists for us only 
because our senses respond to it. All other con- 
ceptions are secondary conclusions, derived from 
the energy perceptions of our senses. Thus space 
and time and motion and matter are secondary 
conceptions with which our mind clothes the 
events of nature." * 

Religion similarly teaches us that there is an 

1 "A new Conception of Energy." By Dr. Charles . Stein- 
metz (Popular Radio Magazine, July, 1922). 


infinite, eternal, omnipotent energy or force. It 
is endowed with intelligence, goodness, justice, 
It is a force that expresses itself as life, love, 
beauty, harmony. Wherever we see or feel any- 
thing that is good, true, or beautiful, we have 
come into contact with that infinite energy, or 
force, or life. The particular form it takes is 
what "clothes" it. The underlying reality of 
the good, the true, the beautiful, is this energy, 
or force, or life. And the name we give this most 
real of all .things is God. 

The energy that Steinmetz speaks of is not 
material or physical. It is a nonmaterial thing 
that expresses itself in ways that can affect our 

So God is not material or physical. He is non- 
material, that is, spiritual, and can express Him- 
self in ways that affect our mind, soul, and body, 
and in consequence all our affairs. 

Science not only discovers laws unknown be- 
fore, or truths already known to us, but it dem- 
onstrates certain characteristics of all laws. One 
such characteristic of all laws, which it is impor- 
tant to grasp clearly in scientific spiritual heal- 
ing, is that they always operate when all the 


conditions are fulfilled. They are self-operative, 
or automatic. For example, touch a lighted 
match to dry powder in free atmosphere and it 
^explodes, because all the conditions are fulfilled. 
It is not true to say that if you touch a match 
to powder it will explode. It must be a lighted 
match and the powder must be dry and in free 
air before you have all the conditions required 
by the law for exploding powder. 

If you pour water into a tumbler, what hap- 
pens? As the tumbler rests on the table it is 
filled with air. But the water is heavier than the 
air and sinks through it, forcing it out. You do 
not first have to remove the air. Under such 
conditions the heavier liquid will always remove 
the lighter air. 

If you remove your hands from under a stone 
held in them the stone always falls. The earth 
is attracting it. The law of gravitation will op- 
erate successfully as soon as you fulfill the nec- 
essary condition of removing the obstacle, namely, 
your hands that support it. At least such was the 
explanation until very recently, when Steinmetz 
offered a new one. He says that the earth does 
not attract the stone, but that there is a field of 


energy about the earth and the stone which tends 
to force them together. But whether we accept 
the new explanation or the old, the fact remains 
that it is a characteristic of all laws that they 
operate as soon as all the conditions are fulfilled. 

The Bible expresses this same truth, which is 
confirmed by science, when it says, "God is no 
respecter of persons." His laws work for any- 
body at any time or in any place when the requisite 
conditions are fulfilled. His laws operate now 
as in the days when Jesus walked among men 
just as they did before Jesus came. Jesus is the 
way, the truth, and the life, because He taught 
people what conditions of mind and heart and 
will are necessary to the working of His Father's 
laws. And He not only taught what conditions 
are necessary but He demonstrated them in His 
own life, and gathered about Him a group of men 
and women who demonstrated them in their lives, 
and handed on this knowledge and power to 

The Church is this group of His followers, en- 
larged and continued even to the present day, 
and destined to last until the end of time. The- 
ology attempts to present intelligently an account 


of our knowledge concerning God. This is what 
all churches profess to teach. When they teach 
what Jesus taught, and express it in words the 
people can understand, and above all when they 
practice it, then they are in truth and power the 
Church of the Christ. Hence, when the Book of 
Common Prayer teaches that God comforts and 
relieves all those any ways afflicted in mind, body, 
or estate, we should draw near to learn what the 
requisite conditions might be, and ask for a sample 
of the demonstrations that the Church has suc- 
ceeded in producing* 

While it is true that the Church possesses the 
knowledge of God unto salvation, which means 
health of body, mind, and soul, both for this 
life and the next, it is equally true that some 
generations of the Church have failed to empha- 
size it and apply it to all the varying conditions 
of life. There have been generations of Chris- 
tians that have not emphasized the goodness of 
God as regards this life. They have tended to 
place the fullness of His goodness and power 
hereafter. But God changes not. James taught 
that with Him there is no variableness or shadow 


of turning. He is the same yesterday, to-day, 
and forever. God is like all law, or rather all 
law is like God, for all laws come from Him. 
A law is nothing else but our way of stating how 
God. does things. 

God is good. He wills only what is good for 
us. It is not the will of God that we should 
be diseased, or unhappy, or depressed, or nervous, 
or discouraged, or unsuccessful There is noth- 
ing that Jesus emphasizes, more than the good- 
ness of God and our ability to cooperate with 
God in bringing that goodness into our mental, 
moral, and physical life. "If ye, being evil, know 
how to give good things to your children, how 
much more shall your heavenly father give the 
Holy Spirit to those that ask Him." The Holy 
Spirit, that nonmaterial energy and power that 
manifests itself in our life as wisdom, joy, peace, 
patience, strength, endurance, courage, health, 
abundance, happiness, eternal life. 

How are we to cooperate with God to receive 
of His Holy Spirit? What are the requisite 
conditions, and how are we to fulfill them so that 
the Holy Spirit can manifest Himself in us ac- 
cording to His laws? 


To answer this question in full will be the pur- 
pose of the remaining chapters. At this time I 
shall make a few suggestions to help you during 
the coming days. The requisite conditions are 
brought about through prayer and service. By 
prayer we put ourselves in condition to cooperate 
with God. If you desire the sunlight to enter 
a room you raise the shade and the light streams 
in. It is of the nature of light to be present 
whenever the obstacles are removed. You do 
not have to beg it to corne in. So it is of the 
nature of God's power and wisdom and love 
and health to be with you. You do not have to 
beg it. That is why I have said that prayer is 
not chiefly asking or petitioning. Hence, begin 
your prayer by asserting some spiritual truth. 
For example, say to yourself, aloud if necessary 
(for all this is something you must experiment 
with just as you experiment with a golf club or 
with materials for making a cake), "God wills 
only that which is good for me, and for all man- 
kind." Say it many times, until as you go about 
your work, or recreation, that thought comes 
unbidden to your mind. Say it as you are falling 
to sleep. Say it on awakening. In a few days 


you will not be saying it. That truth will be 
repeating itself in your mind. It will become part 
of your life. "God wills only that which is good 
for me, and for all mankind." 

That is prayer. Now for service. Service 
means simply for you to manifest that good 
toward others; or better, to let the goodness of 
God manifest itself through you. Jesus said in 
effect, The words that I speak are not mine, they 
are the Father's; The works that I do are not 
mine, the Father doeth the works. 

Let goodness manifest itself in your eyes, in 
your words, in your hands, in your thoughts, in 
your general attitude. Of course there will be 
difficulties, and failures, for a while. But perse- 
vere and you shall be saved. * And remember that 
the word saved comes from the same root as the 
Latin word salus, which means health. >i And 
since God is willing only what is good for you, 
He is healing you now, and will continue to heal 
to-night and to-morrow, waking or sleeping. So 
to your prayer add this, "God is healing me now." 



THERE are two basic elements in spiritual heal- 
ing. The first is to know certain truths expressed 
as laws. The second is to know how to apply 
them to your individual needs. Spiritual heal- 
ing is a science, and like any other science con- 
sists of knowledge and application, or, in a word, 
applied knowledge. This knowledge includes a 
knowledge of the forces at work. It includes our 
attitude toward those forces for example, faith 
in them and it includes the conditions under 
which these forces operate through us. 

Since God is the prime energy at work, spirit- 
ual healing requires that we first have the truth 
about God. There are two classic terms that 
have been used to express two widely different 
ideas about God. The first is ''transcendence," 
which means that God is outside and apart from 
this world and its inhabitants. He has been 



pictured as somewhere off in the heavens, send- 
ing His blessings to us from without. This view 
sees God as starting the universe, and then leav- 
ing it to itself until it got into difficulties. He 
then mercifully interposed in a miraculous way 
to save it. People who held this belief did so 
because God seemed to them too majestic, holy, 
and pure, to associate intimately with the weak, 
sinful creatures He had made. The ancient Jews 
did not even dare to mention God's proper name, 
Jaweh. They called Him Jehovah, meaning "The 
eternal one." They thought that no one could 
look upon God and live. This brief description 
does not do justice to much that is noble in the 
idea of transcendence. 

The other term is called c 'Immanence, " and it 
means that God is within His universe and works 
from within it, through it, and with it. This idea 
of God being immanent does not deny the idea 
of God being transcendent, properly understood. 

The idea of God within us is not new. It is 
the most characteristic part of the teaching of 
Jesus. He taught that He was in the Father and 
the Father in Him, and that we were called to 
experience this same fact in whatever degree we 


might be able to appropriate it. "Truly I am 
full of power by the spirit of the Lord and 
of judgment, and of might" (Micah 3:8). 
"That ye might be partakers of the divine na- 
ture 5 * (2 Peter i .-4) . "Now unto him that is able 
to do, exceeding abundantly, above all that we can 
ask or think, according to the power that worketh 
in us" (Ephesians 4:21). 

After the apostles, who lived at the same time 
as Jesus, came the leaders known as the Fathers, 
or great teachers, in the Christian Church. 
Justin, a convert to Christianity, who was put to 
death as a martyr for the Christian faith under 
Marcus Aurelius, in the year 166, taught that 
what he worshiped was the eternal wisdom be- 
come incarnate, the indwelling God by whom the 
worlds were fashioned, whose existence is recog- 
nized in human souls, who mingles with humanity 
"as the perfume with the flower, as the salt with 
the waters of the sea." 1 

Clement of Alexandria (died 220), who may 
be called the father of Greek theology, and who 
was attracted to Christianity by its lofty ethical 
teaching, has expounded the idea of the imma- 

1 A. V. G. Allen, Continuity of Christian Thought, p. 33. 


nence of God very freely. He teaches that be- 
cause the deity dwelt in humanity the human 
reason partook by its very nature of that which 
was divine. He made no distinction between 
natural and revealed religion, between what man 
discovers and God reveals. 2 "The world is sa- 
cred as a divine creation, the abode of indwelling 
deity ; the human body is the temple of the Holy 
Spirit and becomes a very sanctuary by conse- 
cration to the will of God." 3 

Photinus wrote: "I am striving to bring the 
God which is in me into harmony with the God 
which is in the universe." 

Athanasius was born in Alexandria in the year 
296. He wrote thus : "The all powerful and per- 
fect reason of the Father, penetrating the uni- 
verse, developing everywhere its forces ... al- 
lowing nothing to escape his powerful action, 
vivifying and preserving all beings in themselves 
and in the harmony of creation," "The divine 
logos, a being incorporeal, expands himself in the 
universe, as light expands in air, penetrating all 
and all, entire, everywhere. And with him is the 
Father who made all things, and the Spirit who 

2 Ibid., p. 47. 8 Ibid., p. 65. 


is his energy." "For the world itself may be 
thought of as one great body in which God in- 
dwells, and if He is the whole He is also in the 
parts." 4 

Leaving the great teachers of the Greek Chris- 
tians and coming to the Fathers of the Latin 
Church we find Augustine, who died in the begin- 
ning of the fifth century, teaching as follows: 
"For God is diffused through all things. He 
saith by His prophet C I will fill the earth.' Be- 
cause God is substantially diffused everywhere." 5 

The greatest teacher in the Latin Church, 
whose authority is greater to-day than any other, 
is called Thomas of Aquin, or Thomas Aquinas. 
He lived in the thirteenth century and wrote: 
". . . God is in all things by His power. 
. . . God is in all things by His presence . . . 
and He is in all things by His essence." 6 Pas- 
sages like these are gleams of a higher thought 
flashing forth at exceptional moments, when the 
religious heart speaks out, or reason forgets its 
trammels." 7 What an array of testimony prov- 
ing the Christian teaching that God is an energy 

* Allen, op. cit. Q Allen, op. cit. 

5 Allen, op. cit. 7 Allen, op. cit. 


manifesting Himself in us and in all things! Fol- 
lowers of Jesus the Saviour, the apostles, the 
evangelists, and the Fathers of the Greek and 
Latin forms of Christianity, all unite in pro- 
claiming this conception of God. 

But it is not enough that we should listen to 
their testimony. We must learn how to experi- 
ence the truth of what they teach. We must actu- 
ally experience God as a healing force within in 
order to be healed. We must apply the truth to 
our needs in order to be made free. 

There are conditions requisite to the working 
of the divine power in us. I shall mention some 
very obvious, but, nevertheless, some very nec- 
essary ones. As a first condition there must be 
willingness to try. "Prove me now herewith, 
saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open you 
the windows of heaven, and pour you out a 
blessing that there shall not be room enough to 
receive it" (Malachi 3:10). 

"Try me now," saith the Lord. There is never 
a more favorable time to start than at the pres- 
ent moment. The past is past. The future is 
not yet. The great reality is the present. God 
says, "I am," not I was or I will be. He is the 


eternal present. Now is the acceptable time. 
Now is the day of salvation, that is, health of 
body, mind, and soul. 

In addition to willingness to try there must be 
sincerity. Sincerity comes from two words, sine 
and cere, meaning without wax. In ancient Rome, 
as now, some dealers in second-hand furniture 
were dishonest. They filled up the holes or made 
missing edges with wax, varnished it over, and 
sold it as solid wood. Honest dealers had a 
sign with the words "sine cere/ 9 which meant 
that the furniture was genuine. It was not 
"make-believe" furniture. Let us be sincere with- 
out any wax of pretense. When a certain man 
sought Our Lord to heal his son of epilepsy, 
Jesus said: "Canst thou believe? All things are 
possible to him that believeth." This man gave 
a very sincere answer. He replied: "I believe, 
Lord. Help thou my unbelief." I think we 
can all at least be sincere in stating our belief 
as this man did. 

A third condition is unselfishness. The power 
of God in you is the same that is in others. If 
it manifests itself in them as beauty, talent, or 
success, do not be envious. Rather see in their 


success the proof that God manifests His power 
in them. He is trying to manifest it likewise 
in you. Bless them for their success as an ob- 
ject lesson of God's power in man. 

Confidence may be mentioned as a fourth con- 
dition requisite to the working of the divine en- 
ergy that heals. The divine power that made 
the universe so vast in its dimensions that the 
imagination is baffled in its attempts to picture it; 
the divine power that evolved you from so tiny 
a human life cell that it takes twenty-three thou- 
sand of them side by side to measure an inch, 
and from that cell made your body, and is re- 
making parts of it every day surely that power 
is doing enough to give you absolute confidence 
that it can manifest itself in you as wisdom, peace, 
comfort, confidence, patience, health and im- 
mortal life. 

Then, there must be knowledge, for spiritual 
healing is a science, a system of demonstrated 
knowledge expressed in laws. It is not necessary 
that one should know all that is to be known, 
about the system, but one should have a work- 
ing knowledge of it. Be willing to begin at the 
beginning, as in any other branch of knowledge. 


If it humbles us to make such a start it will 
not hurt us to be humble. A teacher in Israel 
came to Jesus one night for instruction, and was 
told that to enter the Kingdom of Heaven it 
is necessary to be born again, to start all over 
again, with new points of view, new enthusiasms, 
new dispositions, new hopes, ideals, and powers. 
Possessing these, one is so different from what 
he was before that he can be called a new creature. 

Finally, we are to be doers of the word, not 
hearers only. We are to apply what we have 
learned to our particular needs. 

Instead of describing this application, I am 
going to sit with you now and practice It in the 
form of a meditation. 

"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall 
make you free/' I am willing to try to believe 
that I can know the truth and it shall set me 

If I am any ways distressed m mind, body, or 
estate, and if I do not find comfort or relief, 
it is because I do not know the truth, or know- 
ing it I do not practice it consistently. God does 
not afflict me, for God is good. Rather I am 


afflicting myself by my ignorance. I have only 
to find the truth and I am free. 

Jesus tells me to seek and I shall find; to ask 
and I shall receive the knowledge I seek. Paul 
says that among men many contend in a race, but 
only one wins. With God all are successful I 
shall succeed in knowing the truth that frees. 

That truth and power are within me, and a 
part of me, "as the perfume is with the flower 
and the salt with the waters of the sea." There 
is healing in this thought. 

Everything is a symbol, a sign of Thee. The 
heavens show forth Thy glory and the firmament 
Thy power. So breathing is a symbol, a sign of 
Thee. As my body breathes Thy air, and it is 
with me, cooperating to heal and sustain, so my 
mind and soul open to receive Thee and Thou art 
with me. 

My body reacts, it feels Thy life. I feel like 
sitting upright in an active, positive position. I 
hasten to obey. 

I am so thankful for this manifestation of 
Thy power in producing this sense of well-being 
that I smile; my smile is a prayer of thanks- 


That smile reacts on my whole body. The 
sense of well-being gently extends all through 
my being. It extends to my mind. My mind 
smiles. It has a sense of well-being. It feels 
relieved of its problems, for Thou art cooperat- 
ing to solve them, Thou, the infinite mind, dif- 
fused as light in the world. That sense of well- 
being extends to whatever part of me is ailing. 
It gently soothes the pain. As I let the thought 
of Thee possess me, the thought of life, health, 
and strength, I am possessed of well-being, health, 
strength, wisdom, power, and peace. Let these 
thoughts thoroughly possess us. 

Thy life in me is manifesting itself as a purify- 
ing force, purifying blood and mind. It mani- 
fests itself as force, strengthening me. 

Thou hast made us in Thy likeness, we possess 
Thy nature, we are spiritual, manifesting through 
this body, which is an instrument Because we 
are like Thee we are immortal. We shall never 
die. We shall outgrow this instrument, the body. 
We partake of Thy life and shall manifest it for- 
ever. The soul of us never grows old. It is like 
God, from whom it came. God does not grow 
old. The spirit is never diseased any more than 


God is diseased. It is of the nature of God. The 
spirit is our source of life, health, strength, wis- 
dom, joy, and energy. We have only to be will- 
ing to experiment with that source of life and let 
its blessings appear in us. 

To-night on retiring I shall go to sleep with 
these as my last thoughts. If alarmed by any- 
thing that distresses I shall think, "The divine 
in me and the divine in the universe are working 
in harmony and manifesting only for good." 
Your body sleeps but not the spirit. It never 
sleeps. It is infinite energy. It is at work build- 
ing up your body during the night. 

In the morning find a few minutes to be quiet 
and impress upon yourself the truth that the in- 
visible divine force works in you as truly as gravi- 
tation. Let all natural forces be reminders of the 
infinite Father, whose wisdom, love, and power 
are also working in you and for you. Assert the 
fact that they are. Assert the fact that God is 
guiding and healing and giving peace to your 
body, mind, and soul. 

Persevere in this and you will be healed. 
You will receive more than you can ask or hope 


"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding 
abundantly above all that we can ask or think, 
according to the power that worketh in us, unto 
him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus 
throughout all ages world without end. Amen" 
(Ephesians 3:21). 



SPIRITUAL healing is a science based on cer- 
tain fundamental truths called principles. These 
principles give rise to brief exact statements 
called laws. Many of these laws are to be found 
already formulated in the Scriptures. 

These laws have to do with a force or energy- 
called by the Apostle Paul, "the power that 
worketh in us." This power is described in 
the same Scriptures as infinite, that is, without 
limitation. It Is moral, which means that it has 
for its object only that which is good. It is 
spiritual, by which is meant that it is real but not 
material. And it is conscious, or aware of itself 
and of what is not itself. This awareness or 
consciousness constitutes what is called person- 
ality or a person. In other words, this infinite, 
moral, spiritual, and conscious power that 
worketh within is what we mean by God. God 



as a power that worketh within man is, of course, 
only one phase of His manifestations. 

When we know with considerable exactness, 
through the revelations of others or through our 
own experience and study, how God manifests 
Himself, and when we express that exact knowl- 
edge in brief form, we have what is called a law. 
A law, then, is a brief description of how God 
does things, or how we can cooperate with God 
in what He accomplishes. For when we know 
the laws involved we can cooperate with God in 
accomplishing "that which passeth understand- 

There are conditions necessary or highly favor- 
able to the working of all energy according 
to its laws. So it is with the working of the 
divine personal energy, which we name God. 
These conditions are also found in part in the 
Scriptures and can be supplemented by study and 

One of these conditions is called faith, a much 
misunderstood word in this connection. In an 
account of the Apostle Paul healing a cripple, 
we read, "And Paul beholding him steadfastly 
saw that he had faith to be healed." Now what 


did Paul see in that man's eyes? Surely not the 
assent of the intellect to certain theological doc- 
trines or dogmas. What Paul saw was the 
agreement referred to in the text, which reads, 
"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching 
anything that they shall ask, it shall be done 
for them of my Father which is in heaven" (Mat- 
hew 18:19). I have beheld steadfastly hundreds 
of persons who have come to me for healing, and 
I know by experience that at times there is a 
consciousness of such agreement, such readiness 
on the part of the afflicted to believe that what 
he is told is to come true, in a word, such ex- 
pectancy that I have spoken with an authority 
and boldness and such assurance of results as are 
impossible to have honestly at other times. This 
state of being completely en rapport is what 
Paul experienced when he saw that the cripple had 
faith to be healed. This fusing of the power 
within two or more persons is a condition nec- 
essary or highly favorable to the working of that 
power in spiritual healing, but it is only one of 
such necessary or highly favorable conditions. 

A method is employed to beget these conditions 
favorable or necessary to the working of the 


divine power in healing. When the method is 
considerably developed it becomes technique, and 
there is abundant evidence in the Scriptures of a 
highly developed technique and of its constant 
employment by Jesus and His disciples in their 
healing ministrations. 

Prayer is one of the elements in the method 
or technique of scientific spiritual healing. But it 
is only one of the elements in begetting the 
requisite conditions. To limit spiritual healing 
to the use of prayer only, or to imagine that 
prayers of intercession, that is, asking God for 
healing, are the chief element is to have a very 
limited understanding of this science. "Ye shall 
know the truth and the truth shall make you 
free," said Jesus. And the truth in spiritual 
healing, as a science at all worthy the name, must 
include principles, laws, necessary and highly 
favorable conditions, and a method or technique 
in applying all these to the person who is to be 

Of prime importance is the person, called for 
lack of a better term the healer, who is instru- 
mental, and only instrumental, in bringing about 
the healing. But there are degrees in which he 


can be instrumental. This is determined by his 
knowledge of this science, his practical experience 
in applying it, his intuition, his confidence of 
success based on actual successes, his faith, the 
quality of his sympathy with the sufferer, his 
knowledge of kindred sciences, his own experi- 
ence with the divine power working within his 
own life, and his knowledge of the limitations of 
the science of spiritual healing, 

Of course, such a person will cooperate to the 
utmost with medical science. He will reestablish 
the confidence of the patient in the science of 
medicine where that confidence has been lost. He 
will know that spiritual healing can be so min- 
istered that, irrespective of the physical results, 
the faith of the patient will never be diminished 
but always increased, for the patient will be ac- 
quiring the truth about God. The patient is 
promised a blessing, and a blessing always comes 
even if it does not come in the particular form the 
patient at first expected. 

One evening a woman was so worried in mind 
and nervous of body that she was unable to at- 
tend a party to which her family had been in- 
vited. But after the other members had de- 


parted her nervousness increased to such a 
degree that she was unable to remain indoors and 
went out for a walk. By chance she passed a 
chapel and, recalling that there was a lecture 
being given on spiritual healing, went in. Shortly 
the lecture came to a close and the healing medi- 
tation began. She followed the directions of the 
lecturer. She thus describes what happened: 
"Almost immediately I felt my body, which had 
been very nervous, gently relax and a sense of 
great peace went all through my body. It spread 
to my mind. The worry which had caused the 
nervousness completely left me. It was almost 
uncanny. I could have gone to sleep in the chapel. 
I was so happy I could hardly wait to get home. 
On arriving home I went to bed and had a won- 
derful rest, the first in several nights. I have 
been sleeping unusually well ever since and feel 
quite fit." 

Only a little thing, some might say. But just 
as the little incandescent light on a toy Christ- 
mas tree proves the existence and power of elec- 
tricity as much as a great searchlight on a bat- 
tleship, so the quieting of a nervous mind and 
body by spiritual means proves the existence and 


power of what I call the divine energy to manifest 
itself as peace and well-being. 

Spiritual healing implies a knowledge of the 
truth expressed as laws and a knowledge of how 
to apply them to particular needs. 

Laws, conditions requisite to their working, and 
application these are the three elements in the 
science of spiritual healing. 

It is only natural in the beginning that you 
should think it necessary to make great efforts 
of will power in order to be healed. In the using 
of spiritual forces the temptation is to exert our- 
selves as when using physical force. If you were 
on the ground with a heavy load on your chest 
you would have to strive and struggle to get rid 
of it. So in using spiritual means to get rid of 
anything that weighs you down, or incapacitates 
you, the temptation is to think that you must 
strive and struggle to force the divine energy to 
work. The temptation is to try by will power 
to force yourself to be calm, to force your inca- 
pacitated hand to move, to force words of 
guidance to come, to force yourself to hope, and 
so on. 

When you wish an electric bell to ring you push 


the button. By pushing the button you bring the 
separated ends of two wires together, thus com- 
pleting the circuit, and the electric force rings 
the bell. You do not actually ring the bell. You 
merely supply a requisite condition. You com- 
plete the circuit. 

If, when you push the button, the bell does not 
ring, it will avail nothing to labor and exert all 
the power you can get behind your thumb to push 
on the button. A gentle pressure completes the 
circuit just as much as the exertion of great 
power. If the bell does not ring something along 
the wire or in the battery is out of order, and 
all your exertion of effort at the button will not 
set it right. The electricity rings the bell, not 
your force. Your effort only creates the requisite 

So it is with the divine power of God. You 
have only to supply the requisite conditions and 
the divine power acts- You do not heal yourself. 
It is the life-giving energy of God which does 

A surgeon does not heal a broken leg. He 
merely supplies the conditions requisite for heal- 
ing. He brings the ends of the bones together. 


He puts on a plaster cast to keep them together. 
We say that nature heals the broken bone. But 
what is nature? Only a name that we give to 
some mysterious force. What we call nature 
is but one manifestation of the divine power. The 
surgeon, necessary though he be to the setting 
of the bone, does not heal it any more than you 
ring the bell. 

And as with surgery so with medicine in gen- 
eral. The physician knows that if he can ar- 
range the requisite conditions life will continue 
to manifest itself in his patient. Now, as you 
know, I am in no wise belittling the noble pro- 
fession of surgery and medicine. I believe in 
spiritual healing but I have a good family phy- 
sician. I believe in cooperating with him in the 
use of all our combined knowledge in order to get 
the conditions requisite to the working of the 
divine power. We have found by study of the 
Scriptures, and by experiment, that certain con- 
ditions are required for the working of the di- 
vine energy. Our part in the healing is to ar- 
range those conditions. In arranging those 
conditions you have to act, of course, but you 
do not have to stress and strive and labor and 


exhaust yourself as if your power were doing the 
healing. Spiritual healing teaches how to re- 
ceive something, to be conscious of possessing 
something, to be aware of something working in 
you, rather than to expend something or give 
something out of your own mental or physical 
reserve of power. 

Jesus said: "My father worketh until now and 
I work." He was conscious that it was the 
Father's power that was working in and through 
Him. He cooperated with that power. In that 
sense He worked with it. 

In order to understand the first law of spiritual 
healing it is necessary to grasp the foregoing 
clearly. It is the divine power in you that heals, 
comforts, guides, gives immortality. You can 
cooperate with it. Your cooperation is necessary. 

But to cooperate you do not have to force and 
strive. To do so interferes with the divine work- 
ing. And the reason it interferes with the divine 
working is that it shows you have not yet learned 
to trust the divine power. You do not practically 
believe in what it can do. You feel that it needs 
considerable of your effort. If you realized that 


you were dealing with infinite power you would 
not strive to assist. 

When you get on a train it never enters your 
mind that you must get out and put your shoulder 
to the rear car and help to start the train. You 
do not do this because you have perfect confidence 
in the power of the engine. 

The same practical, perfect confidence in the 
divine power is necessary in spiritual healing. For 
you to strive unduly is evidence you do not trust 
to the omnipotence of God in you. 

The engine will not take you any place you 
may desire to go. It will take you only over 
the rails already laid down. If you do not know 
where the rails lead, you will not know where 
the engine is- taking you* It is likewise with 
God. He has His plans for the whole universe. 
He has laid down certain rails on which He de- 
sires you to travel. He has a certain destina- 
tion for you and His power will inevitably get 
you there if you learn how to trust Him and how 
to cooperate with Him. 

Jesus is the wdy, the truth, and the life. He 
is the way because He tells you what God has 
in store for you. It may not be what you desire. 


If not it is because what He has in store is better 
by far for you than what you desire. You must 
first learn to trust God, to believe that what 
He has in store for you is absolutely the best, 
and that His divine power will bring that to pass 
with your earnest cooperation. 

Or it may be that what God has in mind for 
you is what you do desire, but it is not best for 
you that it should come to pass in the way you 
desire it to come. You must learn to trust God 
absolutely, both as to the end and as to the way 
it is to be accomplished. 

But how are you to proceed to know what God 
has in store for you and to know how He wishes 
to accomplish it? 

The way God wishes to accomplish anything is 
called a law. In the teaching of Jesus and in 
the Bible we can find some of those laws, and 
by experimenting we can discover others for our- 
selves. And Jesus and the Bible generally teach 
us what the end is that God hopes to accomplish 
through the working of His laws. But how are 
we to proceed, both as regards the end and the 
means to it? 

There is an account to the effect that King 


Solomon heard a voice represented as the voice 
of God. It said to Solomon, "Ask what I shall 
give thee," which means, after the Hebrew man- 
ner of speech, whatsoever you ask I will give it. 
And Solomon is reported to have answered: 
Wisdom that I might rule this so great people. 
And the story goes on to say that the voice re- 
plied: Because you have not asked riches nor 
length of days, nor the death of your enemies, 
but rather wisdom to rule this so great people, 
you shall receive wisdom, and riches and honor 
and glory, and power such as no man has received 
before thee and no man shall receive after thee (I 
Kings 3:5-12), The teaching of this account, 
which is the all-important part of it, is perfectly 
clear. Solomon was a ruler. He asked for wis- 
dom to do his duty. He received that wisdom 
and it brought more than he had ever dared 
hope for. 

Consequently, the first thing to do in order 
to know what God has in store for you, and the 
way to accomplish it, is to pray for wisdom. Pray 
that the divine power manifest itself in you as 
wisdom to do your duty. It matters not what 
your condition of body, mind, or affairs may be. 


In order to be spiritually healed, which means 
in order to have the divine power manifest itself 
in your life as health, peace, abundance, or im- 
mortality, you should first pray for wisdom to 
know and to do your duty. 

Pray that the divine wisdom may manifest itself 
in your life, and then trust it perfectly. Show 
your trust by the prayer of affirmation. During 
the healing meditation we shall employ that 
method of prayer. And we shall get a demon- 
stration of its truth. That will help us to trust 
it even more than we do at the time of our first 

The method of spiritual healing in which we 
trust to a power working in us and do not de- 
pend so much upon the force of our will power, 
or physical striving to heal us, is quite scientific, 
and has been demonstrated daily in scientific 

It is called the method of reversed effort. 
This phrase implies that the more you use your 
will power and physical power in mental and 
spiritual healing the less you succeed. Whereas 
if you diminish the effort of your will, and the 
effort of your body, the greater is your success 


in healing bodily and mental disorders. For the 
healing is brought about by a state of conscious- 
ness during which you are aware of the power 
acting within. In such a state you are supremely 

It has been found that when the will and the 
imagination are in conflict, the imagination usu- 
ally prevails. It wins out because it is the 
stronger force. For example, a person has been 
worrying. He decides to stop worrying. But 
the imagination keeps bringing up the thing he 
was worrying about. It presents it from all pos- 
sible points of view. He wills to stop worrying 
but he does not The imagination overcomes 
his will power to resist it He is really thinking 
about the object of his worry but saying that he 
will not at some future time. But at the present 
moment he is. The effort of his will is being 
used to keep it before his mind. He might suc- 
ceed by this method, but there is a better way. 
And that way is to depend not so much upon his 
own will power as upon the divine power within. 

And so it is with everything else you wish to 
accomplish. Start in to use the divine power 
first You will have abundant opportunity to 


use your own will power cooperating with the 
divine. The mistake and error is to begin con- 
scious only of our own little power. For you are 
not alone. To act as if you were is to deny 
your nature and to remain ignorant of the truth 
which can set you free. 

It has been demonstrated by experiment in 
clinics that every thought tends to manifest itself 
subconsciously in the body. There is a law ac- 
cording to which thought, be it desire, wish, hope, 
or ambition, always seeks to realize itself. Con- 
sider carefully the words of this law. Every 
thought does not actually manifest itself in the 
body. The law says it tends to manifest itself. 
Sometimes we say that it is a law that water 
always runs downhill. But that is not the law. 
If it always runs downhill then how did it get 
up there? The law is that water always tends 
to seek its level, or, as we say, tends to run down- 
hill. So every thought does not manifest itself 
in the body, but it tends to, it tries to. It is of the 
nature of thought to tend to manifest itself in the 
body as it is of the nature of water to tend to run 

The law states that every thought tends to 


realize itself subconsciously, that is, in the sub- 
conscious part of our being. "Ye shall know the 
truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 
8:32). Hence it is important to know the truth 
about the subconscious element in our make-up, 
which is commonly called the subconscious or the 
unconscious mind. 

The mind that we are using now is called the 
conscious objective mind. We are aware or con- 
scious that we are using it. I am using it to 
express my ideas. You are using it to understand 
and judge what I have written. The conscious 
mind apprehends, compares ideas, comes to a 
conclusion about them, and gives a command. 
Let us for our present purpose say that the func- 
tion of the conscious mind is to reason, decide, 

The subconscious part of us is called the sub- 
jective mind, because it does not decide and com- 
mand. It is a subject rather than a ruler. Its 
nature is to do what it is told, or what really in 
your heart of hearts you desire. The subcon- 
scious mind directs all the vital processes of our 
body. You do not have to think consciously 
about breathing. Every time you take a breath 


you do not have to reason, decide, and command. 
The subconscious mind sees to that. You have 
not been at all conscious that you have been 
breathing while you have read this page. 

So it is with the mind and the circulation of 
blood. The heart is a muscle like the muscle of 
your arm. It has no power to move of itself or 
to direct its action. Only mind, only something 
that can think, can direct our muscles, includ- 
ing the heart. You are not conscious that you 
are deciding when your heart should beat. You 
are not conscious that you are commanding it to 
beat. The subconscious mind attends to that. 

And so it is with digestion of food, the as- 
similation of food, and the building and repair- 
ing of the body. In fact all the vital processes 
are looked after by the subconscious mind. At 
once you see how important to one's health is 
this mind which is called subconscious. 

I have said the subconscious mind is called sub- 
jective for its nature is to take orders. And in 
executing those orders wonderful is its power. It 
is always at work during the night as during the 
day, when you are sleeping or when you are 


awake. It is elemental, and therefore it is tire- 

Now to our law once more. Every thought 
tends to realize itself in the body subconsciously. 
Hence our problem is how to get our healing 
thoughts into the subconscious part of us so that 
they may be realized in the body, in the mind, 
in our whole life. For spiritual healing aims 
to heal not merely the body but the whole man. 

Do not think that while I place great impor- 
tance on the subconscious mind I am forgetting 
'God and his divine energy. The subconscious 
mind is God's way of utilizing His energy. God 
evolved the subconscious mind. It is His gift to 
us like all else that we possess. And because it is 
from Him we should give thanks and learn how 
to use it intelligently. 

How to get thoughts into the subconscious 
mind is the purpose of the healing meditation. 
The woman who received such wholesome and 
lasting results, as described in a previous chapter, 
said that it was during the healing meditation she 
felt the first effects. She had followed my direc- 
tions and relaxed. To relax completely means to 


stop using the conscious mind and to stop using 
the voluntary muscles of the body. It means 
merely to let go and become passive and receptive. 
When in this state, you give the subconscious mind 
a chance to receive the idea and the command to 
realize it. 

It is said that idleness is the devil's opportu- 
nity and it is perfectly true. When you are 
absolutely idle in mind and body you are re- 
laxed. The subconscious, which is always ready 
to receive ideas and commands, takes whatever 
you allow it to have. If you are idle and allow 
evil thoughts to remain they are received by the 
subconscious, which tends to realize them in the 
body just as much as though they were good, 
wholesome, health-giving, spiritual thoughts. For 
remember the subconscious does not reason and 
judge. It only receives and obeys. It is God's 
gift to us and we are responsible as to how we 
use it. 

What I have written thus far is merely enough 
to introduce you to the law for realizing your 
desires in the body through God's divine gift 
which is called the subconscious or subjective 
mind. Do not think that there are two minds in 


us, but rather one mind with two quite different 

I have said that in proceeding to be healed 
we need wisdom as to what God has in store 
for us that is the end and wisdom as to the 
means for accomplishing that end. All that I 
have said about the subconscious mind refers to 
the means we are to use to reach the desired 

It is equally important to have wisdom as to 
what we should desire. "God wills only that 
which is good for me and for all mankind/' was 
our first affirmative prayer. Good as used here 
means the best. So we can formulate our prayer 
thus: "God wills only the best for me and for 
all mankind. Consequently I am always to seek 
the higher good. That is God's will for me." 

I have said that the divine power is trying 
to manifest itself in your life to realize the high- 
est good. Perhaps that is not what you are 
seeking. Or, if you are seeking the highest pos- 
sible good perhaps you are not seeking it in the 
best way. 

I cannot tell in advance how the divine powef 
will manifest itself in your body. I know only 


that it will work to accomplish what is your 
highest good. 

A minister's wife had been in a wheel chair 
for years. After attending a service for healing 
she said, "I came seeking bodily healing but I 
have found that what I need is spiritual enlighten- 
ment." Knowledge of the truth became for her 
a higher good than immediate physical healing. 
Rejoicing in that truth and allowing it to possess 
her had its good effect on the body. She has 
been coming to the healing service every Thurs- 
day morning, her face hopeful, expectant, and 
smiling in the joy of finding the truth about life 
and God. Formerly it was a puzzle which she 
could not solve. Now she knows that in any 
condition of body or affairs God can manifest 
Himself in us as love, wisdom, peace, joy, 

Another woman came using a cane and went 
away using it but she thus describes her con- 
dition: "As I walked along my body was sing- 
ing, I felt so good all over I never thought that 
I was using a cane, I was so happy from within." 

I am sure that woman passed many persons 
on the street not needing a cane to walk with, 


but how few of them were as happy as she. How 
few were happy from within! How few could 
say that their bodies were singing! I do not 
know in advance how the divine power and wis- 
dom will manifest themselves in spiritually heal- 
ing you. I have seen it bring peace and life to 
some by healing bodily ills. I have seen it bring 
peace and life to others without removing bodily 

What we seek in the last resort is not the 
removal of bodily ills, but peace, knowledge, and 
assurance of immortality. These are the higher 
good. A man might have rheumatism and be 
healed of it but does that make him more wise 
or spiritual or moral? Does absence of rheu- 
matism bring peace, happiness, and success? By 
no means 1 

So seek the higher good. Seek wisdom to do 
your duty. Find out what your duty is* Be 
assured the divine power is fitting you to do it. 
And in thus seeking the way will gradually operi 
for the next step. Trust God. u Keep Thou 
my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene; one 
step enough for me." 



JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life be- 
cause He teaches the truth as to the way we can 
cooperate with the divine power within in order 
that it may manifest itself in our life as wisdom, 
love, peace, health, strength, abundance, immor- 

Prayer is that exercise which puts us in con- 
dition for the divine power to operate in us. 
There are several kinds of prayer such as praise, 
thanksgiving, petition, and affirmation. The 
prayer of affirmation consists in asserting spirit- 
ual truths and is most powerful in spiritual heal- 
ing. For example: "God wills only that which 
is best for me and for all mankind." "God wills 
that I should be well and strong and at peace." 
"God is healing me now." These are examples 
of affirmative prayer. They are statements of 
spiritual truth based on good psychology. 



Service should always follow prayer, and by 
service is meant sharing the good with others, 
or letting the good in you manifest itself. 

Following the teaching of Jesus, the apostles, 
evangelists, and Fathers of the early Christian 
Church conceived of God as a divine personal 
energy in us and in all the world "as the perfume 
with the flower, as the salt with the waters of the 
sea," and we learned to call this conception of 
God by the name "immanence," which means in- 
dwelling, as contrasted with "transcendence," by 
which it is understood that God is above and 
greater than all creation. 

In the preceding chapter we reasoned thus : if 
we believe that God is an energy of infinite wis- 
dom, love, and power within us, we should learn 
to cooperate with Him. God has so fashioned 
us that we do not have to give conscious attention 
to the vital processes. He has given us what is 
called the subconscious mind, which directs respi- 
ration, circulation, assimilation of food, the up- 
building and repair of the body in a word, that 
part of our mind which operates without our 
conscious attention and which looks after all the 
vital functions. 


This mind can receive commands from us and 
has wonderful ability to carry them out, for it is 
a law that every idea tends to realize itself sub- 
consciously in the body. 

Since God gave us this device we are bound 
to study it to know the laws according to which 
it operates, and to apply those laws to the heal- 
ing of body, mind, and soul, and to the glory of 
God, "the giver of every good and perfect gift." 

We found it of capital importance not to strive 
as if by force of will or physical effort to heal 
ourselves, but to remember that a divine infinite 
power is at work within, and to learn to give our- 
selves to that power and to trust it to accomplish 
God's beneficent purposes in us. To do this we 
were to relax body and mind and assert spiritual 
truths until they produced a state of conscious- 
ness in which we experienced the divine power 
working in us. 

In preceding chapters which I have just out- 
lined, we were laying the foundations of the sci- 
ence of spiritual healing, and it was necessary 
to handle the big foundation stones, which in this 
instance were principles, laws, conceptions of God, 
prayer, requisite conditions, and the meaning and 


scope of the healing I advocate. We peeped at 
philosophy, theology, psychology, science, prayer, 
and service. 

We must now put the emphasis on the appli- 
cation of the truths or laws we have learned, 
particularly as concerns our individual needs. 
But we shall now and again recall our principles 
and laws and conceptions of God and His good 
will, for these are the dynamo from which comes 
the power to lighten and strengthen and vivify. 

I have said that we are now to apply the sci- 
ence of spiritual healing to our own particular 
individual needs. Since we are going to deal with 
our needs let us call them all together before us, 
to see what they look like as a whole, before we 
deal with them in particular. It will be a con- 
venient time to ask of them a few questions about 
their origin, their purpose, their value. 

If you examine a watch on the outside you 
see hands moving. Look within and you find 
moving wheels; and further within you find the 
mainspring, the source of the movements of the 
various parts. 

Examine yourself and you will find that all 
your various physical actions, which appear on 


the outside, can be traced to the movement of 
muscles within, and beneath muscles to the influ- 
ence of nerves. But is there in you any main- 
spring which causes not only physical action but 
also those mental actions we call thought, or those 
intense experiences called hopes, desires and 
ambitions? Yes, there is one in whom we live 
and move and have our being, namely, God. 
All power and movement, and life are manifesta- 
tions of God, the divine energy, the mainspring 
of our every action. 

Several things that release this energy in us 
might be mentioned, one of the greatest of which 
is need. The newly born child needs air. He 
struggles to get it and then needs more air and 
strains for that. And in the struggle and strain 
he develops the forces to meet that need until in 
a short time he meets it without any apparent 
effort, and is then free to begin to meet other 
needs and to be developed in meeting them. 

This first experience of the newly born child 
is an indication of all that is to follow. Needs 
of the body, needs of the reasoning part of us, 
needs of the affections, needs of justice, goodness, 
beauty, truth, the moral needs, the aesthetic needs, 


the social needs, the spiritual needs these, like 
the need of air, are what release the mainspring 
of action in us. 

Study any personal life and you will find that 
the inner cause of its endeavors was to meet 
certain needs, and that in the meeting of those 
needs successfully the person advanced in life. 

But the needs may not be successfully met. 
Through ignorance of the' meaning of life, 
through sloth, through lack of instruction, 
through discouragement, or what not, a person 
may fail to meet his great needs. Just as the 
child gradually and naturally supplied his need 
of air, first with great effort then without ever 
giving a thought to it, so the grown child can 
gradually and naturally neglect to supply certain 
needs. This neglect may cost an effort at first 
but soon one can neglect these needs without 
a thought. 

Recall the first mean or unjust thing we did 
consciously. We felt miserable because the need 
of justice in us was denied* But if we kept on 
doing this deed the sense of justice in us regard- 
ing this particular matter would have become well- 


nigh extinct, and we might violate it without a 
thought of remorse. 

Hence to deny needs means to deteriorate. To 
fulfill them successfully is to grow "in wisdom and 
stature and grace before God and man." 

It is a fact that as civilization advances life 
becomes more complex and our needs are in- 
creased. We make progress only by having new 
needs to struggle with, and finally by being able 
to meet them unconsciously. We shall never be 
free of them in this life, for they release the 
energy that pushes us on. 

We read of Jesus that He had compassion on 
the multitude for they were as sheep without a 
shepherd. The needs of their life, of their soul, 
mind, and body, were crying out for satisfaction, 
for fulfillment, for expression, but they were 
without a teacher to lead them to the truth that 
would make them free. 

The purpose of the religion of Jesus is to 
teach mankind and to demonstrate to them both 
how their needs are to be met in this life and 
in the next, and how in the meeting of them they 
grow more and more like God. "It doth not 
yet appear what we shall be but we know that 


when He shall appear we shall be like Him," is 
St. John's way of stating this truth. Paul tells 
us that he has learned a great secret about meet- 
ing his needs. He says, "Rejoice in the Lord, 
and again I say rejoice" (Philippians 4 14) . "And 
the peace of God, which passeth all under- 
standing, shall keep your hearts and minds 
through Christ Jesus" (Ibid 4 17) . "I know both 
how to be abased and I know how to abound; 
everywhere and in all things I am instructed both 
to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to 
suffer need" (Ibid 4:12). "But my God shall 
supply all your need according to His riches in 
glory by Christ Jesus" (Ibid 5:19). 

And so I might quote passage after passage 
to prove that the purpose of religion is to assure 
'us that all our needs can be gloriously met, to 
teach us how they are to be met with God's 
power, and that in the process of meeting them 
we grow in the stature of Christ. 

The modern sciences of psychology and biology 
have very emphatic words to say about our needs. 
Biology, which is the science of life, finds that 
the most important factor in evolution is not the 
outer environment but the inner needs of the liv% 


ing being. To satisfy its need of sustenance, 
defense, reproduction, and social life the living 
thing evolves the organs and instruments which 
are the means to that end. The inner urge, the 
elan vital of Bergson is, in simple language, noth- 
ing other than the needs of our nature implanted 
in us by the Creator. In fulfilling his nature, in 
satisfying his needs, bodily needs, mental needs, 
social needs, spiritual needs, man evolves or 
grows according to the divine plan. 

And psychology, the science of the nature and 
function of the mind, teaches that the instincts 
are the great driving forces of life. They can- 
not be successfully suppressed. If the attempt is 
made they may be repressed for a time but not 
overcome. They reappear in other forms. 
Nervous disorders are often due to the suppres- 
sion of instincts, and diseases that follow nervous 
disorders are traced finally to what disordered 
the nervous system, namely, repressed instincts, 
emotions, and desires. 

The psychological law of healing in such cases 
is the same as the spiritual law. Know the truth 
about the cause of your disorders, says the psy- 
chologist, and the truth will set you free of them. 


Know that they come from repressed needs; let 
those needs find expression or satisfaction and 
you will be healed. 

Expression and satisfaction do not mean in- 
dulgence and gratification but sublimation. Subli- 
mation is a technical term which means directing 
our emotions or instincts to higher ends, that is, 
to moral and social objects. It means to find 
the outlet and satisfaction of the suppressed need, 
or desire, in some worthy way, some ennobling 
way, and such ways are always both moral and 

For example, instead of suppressing the mother 
or the father instinct or indulging it immorally, 
if one be unmarried, one should adopt a child or 
take children into one's life by teaching children, 
or by taking active part in any of the great child 
welfare movements. The instinct is then directed 
to a high moral and social end, that is, subli- 
mated. In this case half a loaf is a thousand 
times better than no bread. If the need is for a 
child and you haven't one, then adopt or work 
for children. 

All our instincts can be thus sublimated. In 
fact all advance in civilization and culture and 


religion is brought about by thus directing the 
primitive in us to lofty social aims. 

Modern science tells us of the supreme Im- 
portance of giving expression and satisfaction 
to our instinctive needs, emotions, and desires by 
sublimating them. And religion, in a wealth of 
inspiring promises unequaled in any other litera- 
ture, assures us that God will assist us in this 
sublimation with His infinite wisdom and power. 

There is no limit to the satisfaction God has 
for His children. It is not confined to time, and 
this life in the flesh. It reaches beyond time, even 
unto the immortal life. The great declaration of 
Jesus is: "I am come that they might have life 
and that they might have it more abundantly." 
Life, the expressing of what is within, the bring- 
ing out into the conscious reality of that which 
shows itself within by our needs. And in this 
expression and satisfaction of need we grow, im- 
prove, tend to become perfect as the Father is 
also perfect. 

The psalmist and the scientist express the same 
truth. Edwin Grant Conklin, professor of biology 
in Princeton University, writes in his excellent vol- 
ume on The Direction of Human Evolution: 


"Science contributes to society knowledge and 
power ; government establishes order and justice ; 
religion cultivates faith, hope and love. The 
appeal of science is chiefly to reason, of govern- 
ment to action, of religion to emotion. The in- 
stincts and emotions of men are older and more 
powerful than their reason, and correspondingly 
the appeal to emotion is more potent than the 
appeal to reason. Indeed, reason itself can be 
appealed to only through intellectual feeling or 
desire for truth. The highest types of religion 
appeal to love of truth, of beauty and of good- 
ness, that is, to the noblest emotion in human 
nature." x 

I continue to quote. Ryland says: "Thought- 
ful people get too much in the habit of thinking 
that intellect is everything, yet the world is not 
governed by thought but by emotion." And 
on this subject Ribot, the French psychologist, 
says: "What is fundamental in character is the 
instincts, impulses, desires, feelings, all these and 
nothing else." "Men are not governed by ab- 
stract principles," says Leslie Stephen, "but by 

1 Edwin Grant Conklin, The Direction of Human Evolution, 
pp. 161, 163. 


passions and emotions." Herbert Spencer wrote : 
"Mind is not wholly, or even mainly intelligence; 
it consists largely, and in one sense entirely, of 
feelings." And Auguste Comte said: "Affections, 
propensities, passions, are the great springs of 
human life." 

"This is the great truth which religion has ever 
emphasized: Out of the heart, that is, the emo- 
tions are the issues of life" (Proverbs 4:23). 
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he n (Ibid. 


Here is the fundamental and the highest need 

of man expressed in language as beautiful as the 
need is imperative: "As the hart panteth after 
the water brooks, so longeth my soul after thee, 
O God." Augustine has given classic expression 
to the same truth in the words : "Thou hast made 
us for thyself O God, and our hearts can have 
no rest until they rest in thee." 

Let us then bless God for our needs, our mental, 
moral, aesthetic, and spiritual needs, for without 
them we should never have got a start in this 
romance of life; and, being once started, without 
them we should degenerate and stagnate. 

Now for the practical method of giving ex- 


pression and satisfaction to* our needs in order 
to continue our evolution as God desires after 
the example of the Saviour. 

Each one must decide for himself what is his 
greatest need, the realization of which will bring 
the greatest and most lasting happiness. In de- 
ciding this question let us remember that we are 
not alone. The divine wisdom is with you to 
guide you. To consult the divine wisdom requires 
that you relax, body and mind. "Be still and 
know that I arn God" is the divine command. To 
relax is to wait patiently upon the Lord, for as 
He knows, so is He ever willing to speak. He 
speaks to us personally and through great inspired 
souls. He tells us through them, and we feel it 
within, that we have the capacity, hence the need, 
for unending, everlasting, immortal life. There 
is a natural desire that every good thing should 
continue. When we applaud, when we say encore, 
we mean again, more, continue, it is good, let it ( 
go on. So the life in us desires to go on, for it 
is good, supremely good, the greatest, most fun- 
damental good we possess. 

There is, then, the need of immortality. Rec- 
ognize that need. Give expression to it. Say 


in the words of the creed, "I believe in the life 
everlasting." The recognition of a need and the 
expressed belief in its fulfillment are the first 
steps to that fulfillment. The clearer your rec- 
ognition, the clearer your expression and the more 
expectant your belief, the more certain will be 
your satisfaction. 

"This is eternal life to know the one true God 
and Jesus Christ whom He has sent." To know 
God as one who is sharing His infinite life with 
you ; to know yourself as a manifestation of that 
infinite life; to know that in Him you live and 
move and have your being, and that as He shares 
His life with you now, He will continue to share 
it with you forever: this is to know God. This 
is to find expression for and satisfaction of the 
desire to live forever. 

We desire to live forever because life is good. 
Therefore let it express its goodness. In ex- 
pressing its goodness life becomes satisfied. Your 
life becomes satisfied. There is a need in you 
which can be gratified only by your expressing 
in thought, word, and deed that which is good. 
You have the desire and the need of expressing 
that which is good in your body. Your body 


needs good health, just as your life needs immor- 
tality. Recognize its need and express it. Ex- 
press your belief in it as you do in immortality. 
Make it a part of your creed. As you say, "I 
believe in the life everlasting," and every time 
you say it devoutly it makes your belief the 
stronger, so assert your belief in good health. As 
God is sharing His life with you so is He sharing 
His health or well-being with you. Assert your 
belief in this truth. Say, "God is sharing His 
well-being with me now," and frequently repeat 
that truth. Believe it. Assume that it is true. 
Inwardly smile in gladness that it is so. A smile 
is the expression of well-being. Be conscious of 
that smile spreading quietly and gently from your 
face all through your body. Pain is absent from 
the face that smiles. And as the smile radiates 
through your body pain will be absent. Picture 
and feel that smile, the expression of well-being, 
reaching even diseased parts or afflicted parts. 
Let it range through the mind, soothing, caress- 
ing, soothing, caressing. Doubt, fears, anxieties 
flee before it. Let it penetrate the depths of your 
being until it possesses the very soul of you. That 
smiling sense of well-being becomes the center of 


you. Now it radiates outward all through your 
members. Now it returns again to the depths 
within. And in rhythmic radiations it ebbs and 
flows, refreshing, vivifying, strengthening, heal- 

Be this your prayer and act of devotion. Wor- 
ship God thus manifesting His well-being in you. 
In joy thank Him. In gratitude use what you 
now possess by imparting it to others. Share with 
them your knowledge, your interest, your enthu- 
siasm, your means that they too may have dem- 
onstrated in them the satisfaction of their needs 
through the intelligent understanding and use of 
the divine source of all well-being. 

The good is trying to express itself in you just 
. as naturally as the seed in the ground tries to 
burst its shell and grow. The tiny seed in try- 
ing to grow lifts three hundred times its own 
weight of earth which covers it. It seems that 
the earth presses it down and prevents it from 
coming forth to the light. But we know that 
it is from the pressing earth that it gets its 
strength to achieve. So your very needs that 
seem at times to oppress you are the challenges 
to stir up faith and confidence and determination. 


The winds that sway the oak tree stir it to its 
roots, and the roots bestirred gather in new 
strength and impart it to the whole tree. So your 
needs take you back to the roots of your life. 
Back to God in whom you are grounded and 
rooted. Realizing this, you gather in strength 
anew and your whole being, body, soul, mind, par- 
takes of it in ever increasing abundance. "I am 
come," said Jesus, "that they might have life and 
that they might have It more abundantly" (John 



"Ask, and it shall be given unto you ; seek, and ye 
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." 

First Week 

Sunday. Prayer, the spiritual preparation for 
healing. Matthew 6:5-15. Memorize verses 9 
to 13. 

Monday. Loving judgments, the moral prep- 
aration. Matthew 7 :i-i2. Memorize verse i. 

Tuesday. Jesus heals sin and sickness. Mark 
2:1-12. Memorize verses 5 and n. 

Wednesday. A father's faith saves his son. 
Mark 9 :i4-2y. Memorize verse 23. 

Thursday. Two men going to church heal a 
lame man. Acts 3:1-16. Memorize verse 6. 

Friday. Healing a dying boy at a distance, 
John 4:43-53. Memorize verse 50. 

Saturday. Comfort and power through union 
with God. John 14:1-14. Memorize verse i. 


Second Week 

Sunday. The supreme value of wisdom. 
Proverbs 16. Memorize verses 3 and 20. 

Monday. Some divine laws of peace and pros- 
perity. Psalm 37. Memorize verses 5 and 8. 

Tuesday. God's infinite energy or power to 
renew us. Isaiah 40. Memorize verses 29 
and 31. 

Wednesday. We are partakers of the divine 
nature, II Peter i. Memorize verse 4. 

Thursday. The healing of a cripple. Acts 
14:8-19. Memorize verses 9 and 10. 

Friday. The law of forgiveness. Luke 7: 
36-50. Memorize verse 47. 

Saturday. The divine power heals many 
through Jesus. Matthew 8:1-17. Memorize 
verse 13. 

Third Week 

Sunday. David's prayer of praise, petition, 
thanks, and affirmation. I Chronicles 29:10-20. 
Memorize verse 12. 

Monday. All prayers are heard and an- 
swered, Luke 11:1-13* Memorize verses 10 
and 13. 


Tuesday. Affirmative prayer of Jesus. John 
17:4-26. Memorize verse 21. 

Wednesday. Jesus teaches that God is in us. 
John 14:15-31. Memorize verse 23. 

Thursday. The power of God within accom- 
plishes above what we can hope for. Ephesians 
3. Memorize verses 20 and 21. 

Friday. God's power in some men can be 
communicated to others and heal them. It is the 
same power that manifests itself in producing 
rain, harvests, and gladness. Acts 14:8-19, 
Memorize verse 17. 

Saturday. God's life remains with us making 
us immortal. John 16:17 to 17:3. Memorize 
verse 3 of chapter 17. 

Fourth Week 

Sunday. A song of prayer for a confident 
mind. Isaiah 26:1-10, Memorize verse 4. 

Monday. Life and peace result from a spir- 
itual mind. Romans 8:1-21. Memorize verse 6. 

Tuesday. How to renew the mind and be 
transformed. Romans 12. Memorize verses 2 
and 21. 


Wednesday, The power of the will in healing. 
Luke 5:12-26. Memorize verse 13. 

Thursday. How the inner thought is mani- 
fested in the outer life. Proverbs 4. Memorize 
verses 7 and 23. 

Friday. Turning from the fountain of living 
waters is the explanation of man's troubles. Jere- 
miah 2:1-13. Memorize verses 5 and 13. 

Saturday. The power of the spirit in us to 
abolish fear and death, II Timothy 1 16-14. 
Memorize verses 7 and 10. 


When you desire the sunlight to cheer a room 
you raise the shade and the light pours in. It 
is the nature of light to be present when the 
obstacles are removed. So, too, it is the nature 
of God to fill your life with His presence when- 
ever you open your mind and heart to Him. 

To receive this blessing, quietly meditate on 
such words as these : "I now open my mind and 
heart to God. He has promised to make His 
abode with me. ... I have opened my inner- 
most heart to Him . * . and He is present with 



Pause a few moments, simply conscious of 
God's presence. Then say quietly: "Since God 
is infinite wisdom, I must follow His direction. 
Since God is infinite power, I can do all that He 
directs me to do. Since He is the God of peace, 
I shall henceforth proceed with serene confidence." 

Again pause, simply conscious of God's pres- 
ence. After a moment or two continue: "God 
is now directing me. I arise confident in His 
leading." Suit your action to your word. Rise 
with confidence. Start your work or affairs, what- 
ever they may be, with this thought: 

"To go about my daily tasks in this frame of 
mind is my supreme blessing and duty. I thank 
Thee, my Father, for this feeling of hope which 
is the proof that Thou art with me. To radiate 
this spirit to others by doing everything with con- 
fidence, always conscious of Thy power working 
with me, is now my firm resolve/' 


Almighty God, the only source of health and 
healing, may we and this Thy servant be conscious 
at this moment of Thy healing, saving power man- 
ifesting itself in his life. 


May we with the eyes of faith behold the hand 
of Thy Son Jesus resting upon him and believe 
that in His touch is the ancient power to heal. 

May we be conscious that the divine life of 
God is now supporting and comforting him, even 
that immortal life which always manifests itself 
according to Thy will. 

Graciously we trust in Thy love, knowing that 
this Thy servant ever partakes of Thy life which 
shall remain with him forever. Complete, good 
Lord, the work begun in Jesus' name. Amen. 


A s Conducted at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, New York 
Rev. William T. Walsh, Rector 

*The Altar shall have upon it the Cross and 
two lighted candles. The Minister shall be vested 
and, kneeling upon the lowest step before the 
Altar, he shall pray aloud the Lord's Prayer. 

Oufc Father, who art m heaven, hallowed be 
thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done 
on earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our 
daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As 
we forgive those who trespass against us. And 
lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from 
evil. Amen. 


The Collect 

ALMIGHTY God, unto whom all hearts are open, 
all desires known, and from whom no secrets are 
hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the 
inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may per- 
fectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy 
Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

*Then turning to the people, shall the Minister 


Hear what our Lord Jesus Christ saith. 

TnoiT shalt love the Lord thy God with all 
thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy 
mind. This is the first and great commandment. 
And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love 
thy neighbor as thyself. On these two command- 
ments hang all the Law and the Prophets, 
Matthew XXII, 37-40, 

Again Jesus saith: 

If two of you shall agree on earth as touching 
anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for 
them of my Father which is in heaven* Matthew 
XVIII, 19. 

And again Jesus saith: 

And these signs shall follow them that believe; 


they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall 
recover. Mark XVI, 17-18. 

*Here shall be said: 

Lord, have mercy upon us. 
Christ, have mercy upon us* 
Lord, have mercy upon us. 

Let us pray. 

O ALMIGHTY Lord, and everlasting God, 
vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and 
govern, both our hearts and bodies, in the ways 
of thy laws, and in the works of thy command- 
ments; that, through thy most mighty protection, 
both here and ever, we may be preserved in body 
and soul; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus 
Christ. Amen. Book of Common Prayer. 

*Then shall the Minister read the following 
Epistle, first saying, The Epistle is written in the 
fourteenth chapter of the book of The Acts of the 
Apostles, beginning at the 8th verse. The Epistle 
ended, he shall say, Here endeth the Epistle. 

The Epistle. Acts XIV, 8-18 

AND there sat a certain man at Lystra, impo- 
tent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's 
womb, who never had walked. The same heard 


Paul speak: who steadfastly beholding him, and 
perceiving that he had faith to be healed, said 
with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And 
he leaped and walked. 

And when the people saw what Paul had done, 
they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech 
of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in 
the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, 
Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the 
chief speaker. 

Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before 
their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the 
gates, and would have done sacrifice with the 
people. Which when the apostles, Barnabas and 
Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran 
among the people, crying out, Sirs, why do ye these 
things? We also are men of like passions with 
you, and preach unto you that you should turn 
from these vanities unto the living God, which 
made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all 
things that are therein ; who in times past suffered 
all nations to walk in their own ways. Neverthe- 
less he left not himself without witness, in that 
he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and 
fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and 

And with these sayings scarce restrained they 
the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto 


*Then, all the people standing, the Minister 
shall read the following Gospel, first saying, The 
Holy Gospel is written in the Eighth Chapter of 
the Gospel according to St. Matthew, beginning 
at the First Verse. 

*Here shall be said, Glory be to thee, O Lord. 

*And after the Gospel shall be said, Praise be 
to thee, O Christ. 

The Gospel St. Matthew VIII, 1-17 

WHEN Jesus was come down from the moun- 
tain, great multitudes followed him. And behold, 
there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, 
Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 
And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, 
saying I WILL; BE THOU CLEAN. And immedi- 
ately his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus said 
unto him, See thou tell no man ; but go thy way, 
show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that 
Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them. 

And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, 
there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, 
And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick 
of the palsy, grievously tormented. 

And Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal 


The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am 
not worthy that thou shouldest come under my 
roof: but speak the word only, and my servant 
shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, 
having soldiers under me : and I say to this man, 
Go, and he goeth ; and to another, Come, and he 
cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he 
doeth it. 

When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to 
them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I 
have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 
And I say unto you, That many shall come from 
the east and west, and shall sit down with Abra- 
ham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of 
heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall 
be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be 
weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

And Jesus said to the centurion, Go thy way; 
and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. 
And his servant was healed in the selfsame 

And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, 
he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever. 
And he touched her hand, and the fever left her : 
and she arose, and ministered unto them. 

When evening was come, they brought unto him 
many that were possessed with devils: and he 
cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all 
that were sick : That it might be fulfilled which 


was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Him- 
self took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses. 

*Here shall be said the Creed commonly called 
the Nicene. 

I BELIEVE in one God the Father Almighty, 
Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things vis- 
ible and invisible. 

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten 
Son of God; Begotten of his Father before all 
worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God 
of Very God; Begotten not made, Being of one 
substance with the Father; By whom all things 
were made : Who for us men and for our salva- 
tion came down from heaven, And was incarnate 
by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, And was 
made man: And was crucified also for us under 
Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: And 
the third day he rose again according to the Scrip- 
tures: And ascended into heaven, And sitteth on 
the right hand of the Father : And he shall come 
again, with glory, to judge both the quick and the 
dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end. 

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, The Lord, 
and Giver of Life, Who proceedeth from the 
Father and the Son; Who with the Father and 
the Son together is worshipped and glorified; 
Who spake by the Prophets : And I believe in one 


Catholic and Apostolic Church; I acknowledge 
one Baptism for the remission of sins: And I 
look for the Resurrection of the dead: And the 
Life of the world to come. Amen. 

*The Minister shall then go to the Lectern or 
to the Chancel steps to give the Notices, the In- 
struction and the Exhortation. The Notices 
should be brief and somewhat as follows : 

The Service of Spiritual Healing is held every 
Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock. After the 
announcements, which I shall now make, there 
will be a brief Instruction followed by an Exhort- 
ation* Then there will be a hymn or a solo while 
those who seek healing come to the Communion 
Rail for the Laying on of Hands with the Prayer 
of Faith. The Service ends with a prayer for 
those who are absent and the Benediction. 

I wish to call your attention to the books, pam- 
phlets and Prayer Leaflets to be found in the ves^ 
tibule, which you can procure after the Service. 
You will be greatly helped by such prayer and 
reading during the week between the Healing 

Finally, there are expenses connected with these 
Services including the cost of heating, lighting, 
advertising and printing the Prayer Leaflets. No 
offering is taken. Freely we have received and 


freely we give as saith the Scripture. Our Lord 
commanded those who had been healed to make 
the offering required by the ancient Law. Those 
who wish to make a thank offering will find the 
plate in the center aisle near the entrance and are 
asked to place their offering there. 

I shall be glad to greet you as you are leaving 
the Service and to hear from you of the blessing 
you have received. So kindly wait, when conveni- 
ent, until I return from the vesting room. 

*If the notices have been given at the Lectern 
the Minister should then go to the Chancel steps 
for the Instruction and Exhortation so that there 
will be a distinction between the Notices and the 
Instruction and Exhortation and that nothing in 
the former might detract from the latter. 

The Instruction should be based on the Epis- 
tle or the Gospel already read in the Service. 
Thoughts developed the preceding week should be 
referred to the succeeding week and a new thought 
developed. One truth, or one phase of a truth, 
is sufficient for one Instruction, which should not 
take over ten minutes to deliver. 

The Instruction should begin with a brief para- 
phrase of the Scriptural account of some one 
healed. The meaning and scope of spiritual heal- 
ing, for example, as given elsewhere in this book,. 


should come next and then the Scriptural account 
of the case of healing, with which the Instruction 
began, should be recalled as an illustration of the 
meaning and scope of spiritual healing. 

A word should be said in praise of the service 
rendered by medical science and all should be 
urged to keep close to their family physician and 
pray to God's blessing upon him, while seeking 
healing from the Divine Physician of mankind. 

The disposition of heart and mind, necessary 
to spiritual healing, will then be explained, always 
remembering that Jesus took men as he found 
them, as in the case of the half-believing but 
honest father who said, "Lord I believe, help thou 
my unbelief." 

It should be stated at every Service that a bless- 
ing can be expected, but that the form the 
blessing will take must be left finally to the wisdom 
of God. The blessing we receive might be the 
blessing that we prayed for, but it might not be 
sent in the form we prayed it would come. Or 
the blessing might not be what we asked for be- 
cause God in His wisdom has a greater one for 
us. Or again it might be with us, as with others 
every week, that the blessing which comes is just 
what we did pray for. But the blessed assurance 
is that a blessing always is received. 

The Exhortation must bring a picture of 
Jesus to the imagination of those to be healed, 


making Him so really present that they become 
unmindful of everything else. Affirm confidently 
that Jesus is present, for when two or three are 
gathered together in His Name He is in the 
midst. Where Jesus is, there is His love and His 
power ever actively at work. It will be true and 
it should be stated that already, at this time in 
the Service, some have felt His power forgiving 
them of their sins. Others feel His power sooth- 
ing their minds so that now they have no fears, 
or soothing their bodies so that now they have 
no pain. I can make such statements confidently 
and with authority, for after the Services I always 
hear that several persons have had such experi- 
ences. Others feel His power strengthening their 
minds and bodies as the woman felt Jesus' power 
coming to her when she touched the hem of His 
garment. So I assure people that they are sur- 
rounded by and bathed in His power and feel 
it as really as one who is surrounded and bathed 
in sunlight feels its warmth and cheer. 

Jesus, though here present in spirit and power, 
uses others to manifest that power. Jesus, though 
here present, has no physical tongue with which 
to speak words aloud, nor hands to place upon 
your head with healing power, but He will use 
us to do His will if we believe. 

You know and feel that the one who speaks 
to you words of truth in Jesus' name is going to 


help you with Jesus' power. So now let your 
body and mind relax, as if in the arms of Jesus, 
and let this belief be in your minds, thinking it 
quietly but deeply with me in these words : The 
one who speaks to me now in Jesus' name is going 
to help me now with Jesus' power. 

Now in God's Holy Name, and with faith in 
God's power to heal, and with full confidence 
that you will receive that blessing which is best 
for you, come forth for the Laying on of Hands 
with the Prayer of Faith. For they that believe 
shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be 

*Organ, Hymn or Solo. 

There is music while those who seek healing 
are directed to the Communion Rail where they 
stand. The Minister, in the meantime, has en- 
tered the sanctuary, where he stands before the 
altar and experiences for himself the power of 
God in his own heart, mind and body. He must 
be responsive, intuitive and genuinely sympathetic 
(without being sentimental), feeling that he is a 
channel of God's power, and then he is ready to 
lay his hands upon the heads of those now kneel- 
ing at the Communion Rail and to accompany this 
action with such words as are given him to utter. 


He must pay no attention to any fleeting doubt 
or distraction, for he will learn by experience that 
the greatest blessings come to those he thought 
were receiving the least from his ministration. 

*Then shall the Minister offer a prayer and 
pronounce a Benediction. 


THE greatest of all man's possessions is that 
God-given gift his life. There is no other gift 
or possession in the world that can be compared 
to it in value. 

This life that He has given you is instinctive, 
intelligent, free, self-conscious, and immortal. It 
is not limited like the life in plants and animals. 
Being like unto God it has wonderful possibilities. 

Our Lord came calling out to men the good 
news he had for them concerning this life from 
God. We all like to hear good news. It stirs 
up that life within us. We say when we hear it 
that -we feel better and in reality we are better. 
Good news even about the little things changes 
us. The news that our children behaved well 
in school; that they did well in their studies; good 
news about the health of a member of our family; 
good news about the success of any of their ven- 
tures : does not any one of these stir up life within 
us so that we live more than before we heard 
it? So Jesus comes to tell us some good news 
about this venture that God has made in giving 
life to you and to all men. 

And the good news is this, like some one whis- 


pering in your ear, "Yes, I know, and I under- 
stand, but still all is well. God has provided 
for all the needs of life, for all the dangers to 
which the gift of life would be subjected." "But 
suppose I have been neglecting the gift of life," 
you answer; "suppose I have been abusing it, or 
not understanding it; suppose that I have wasted 
it and all but lost it, that I am so confused I know 
not where to turn to find a way or a meaning in 
life?" "Even so," comes the assuring good news, 
"God has provided for every need. For after all 
it is His life and He is not going to lose it. God 
has promised us a time in which we shall know 
the meaning of life and how best to use it. Jesus 
comes to tell us that the blessed time is now. The 
kingdom you would enter is at hand. Now, at 
this moment, not to-morrow, or next week or 
some other time, but actually here and now." 

Let us enter this blessed kingdom together, be- 
fore whose portals we now all stand. To the 
question, "What shall we do?" comes the answer, 
"You have the key. It is called desire. Say from 
the depth of your heart, 'Lord, I desire. The life 
that is in me is yearning with desire to know that 
fulness of life which Thou hast promised to give. 
I desire with heart and mind and soul and 
strength. I long for something better than I now 
know and experience. Lord show me the way to 
abundant life.' " 


I imagine that such were the thoughts and 
feelings of the people who listened to the "good 
news" as it came from the lips of our Lord. They 
were filled with wonder and admiration, we are 
told, at His teaching. But I am sure they were 
also filled with desire. 

Now comes the test of desire. What are you 
willing to leave behind? The door of the new 
life opens for a moment. We glimpse therein 
peace, joy, success, honor, and a company of noble 
souls. There is an impulse to rush in and live. 
But we are bidden to look at ourselves. And 
behold, we are laden. There are many things 
about us that have destroyed peace, or joy, or suc- 
cess here. They would do the same there. We 
must part with them or lose abundant life. This 
is the meaning of repent. It is a stern word It 
sums up all the hard sayings of Jesus. If thine 
eye offend thee, or thy foot or thy hand, tear 
them off and cast them away. Who could bear 
such a saying but for the blessed word of the 
good news that follows? For always after repent 
comes the word, "Believe the good news." Be 
assured that you can here and now leave all im- 
pediments behind whatever they may be. "He 
that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh 
a city." When a city is attacked the defender 
sends out his forces to deny entrance to the foe. 
There is no parley, no compromise. It is life or 


death to the one or the other. But with us it 
is not a question of something coming from with- 
out to force itself upon us. God sees to that. 
Our fight is to keep our desires from going out to 
seek what is contrary to our life. 

Repent means practically to deny. As man has 
journeyed on he has brought with him much of 
his past. The ages of fear, and lust, and greed, 
and superstition through which the race has lived 
have left their memories with him. Sometimes 
these memories become so real that they are like 
a part of us. We call them our lower nature. 
Paul refers to these when he says, "The first man 
is of the earth, earthy." To repent means to 
deny the desires of this lower nature. Deny that 
your better self desires to be attached to a thing 
that interferes with your peace or joy or success. 
One by one as lower desires rise before you put 
them aside with the firm thought, "That is left 
behind I enter the Kingdom." And if many rise 
at once in your mind answer, "All are behind, I 
enter the Kingdom." 

And have perfect confidence in your ability to 
do all this, for the promise of confidence is part 
of the good news. And the reason for your con- 
fidence is this, "It is God which worketh in you 
both to will and to do of his good pleasure." 

When you have the desire it is the spirit of 
God in you urging you to desire with Him. When 


you are prompted to act and have the will to do, 
it is the will of God working in you, and urging 
you to make your will one with His. You are 
not left alone in anything good that you attempt. 
It is God that worketh with you and with God 
all things are possible. 

We meet others casually, in a business way, or 
as friends or relations. But have you ever met 
their souls? Have you ever met that real self in 
them that is yearning for something better that 
has not yet been attained? You have only to re- 
member your own struggle to know what they are 
going through. Remembering this you could not 
now do anything to burden them or make their 
way more difficult. On the contrary, to help them 
is the surest way to make your own pathway 
straight and sure. 'The more you stop to help 
the faster you proceed. Whereas if you think 
only of your own progress you never move for- 
ward. He that would save his life must lose it; 

God has peace and joy and success just ahead 
for all His children. He leads them on through 
others. A smile, a kindness, a forgiving word, 
a compliment, the offer of help, these are the mes- 
sengers that tell of His goodness in us* 

In a great paper mill that is run by water 
power there is a little instrument not much larger 
than a quart measure which regulates the speed 
of the machinery. So delicately is it set that if a 


thread got into it every wheel and roller in that 
great mill would stop. The mighty force of water 
that runs the mill would be turned away. So, too, 
with God which worketh both to will and to do 
in us. Do not allow anything, however small it 
may seem, to deter you from possessing the abun- 
dant life with which God wills now to bless you. 

To hearten you on your way, it will help to 
read the following letters. 

Albany Crescent, New York, 
Oct. 5, 1921. 

I wish to thank you for all you have done for 
my wife Mrs. J . 

She was seriously sick when through a friend 
she heard of your Healing Services at St. Luke's 
church which she attended for several months. 

Later she was operated on at the Presbyterian 
Hospital and after a second operation which was 
followed by a severe hemorrhage she was given up 
as hopeless by the doctors in attendance. She 
asked me to ask you to call which you did so 
promptly and she says the moment you blessed 
her and put your hand on her she felt a wonder- 
ful change come over her and from that moment 
she began to improve and is now at home and 
mending rapidly. 


There is no doubt in my mind that your prayers 
and her faith have saved her life. 

May God bless you and your good work. 
Gratefully yours, 

C B. J. 

West 143 Street, 

Mrs, B M West 135 St., says that nothing has 
helped her so much as her talk with you and treat- 
ment the other day, and certainly she shows it 

I thought you would like to know. I don't 
know how to thank you for your kindness and 

Very sincerely yours, 

M. L. B. 
November 9, 1919. 

New York, 
May 24th, 1920. 

I am writing to tell you that the treatment I 
received from you last Thursday has helped me 
wonderfully. I have not forgotten to thank our 
Heavenly Father for the health He has sent me 
through you* 


I also ask His blessing upon you and your work 
and all other Healing missions. 

R. H. 
W. 142 Street, 

East 222 St., 
Bronx N. Y. June 7/20 

Just a line to thank you for the treatment you 
have given my granddaughter Charlotte. 

She was suffering with large intestines and at 
times could not walk. 

I have attended your meetings three times with 
her and she can now walk and is very happy. 
Yours respectfully, 

J. B. 

Haleside, Long Island, Jan. 30. 

Two years ago I attended one of your healing 
services. Long ago, out of gratitude to you, this 
letter should have been written and my testimony 

My intention was to call and speak to you in 
person, but circumstances compelled us to leave 
New York and ensuing conditions have prevented 


me from returning. For four years, as a result 
of severe eye-strain, I had been suffering from a 
form of nerve pain in my heart which no remedy 
and no physician seemed able to cure only for 
a short period each morning was I free from 
pain, and by night it was intolerable. 

T began to realize that rny mind was no longer 
sound, my health was broken and at a time -when 
all my strength of mind and body was needed 
I was useless. At that time I heard of your 
work. Went to your service on Thursday morn- 
ing; received one treatment. At four o'clock in 
the afternoon, when the pain was generally at 
its worst and the dreadful hysteria beginning to 
rise suddenly all pain ceased, and from that 
hour, although T have been under constant strains, 
I have never suffered again. It was your faith 
and your power which healed me. I could not 
for many weeks grasp the truth really believe 
the pain was gone and could not lose the old 
fear. Perhaps it is unnecessary to give you this 
detailed account; forgive me if this is too long. 
When you placed your hands upon my head, 
instantly n wave of tingling heat passed through 
nmy entire body the flesh in my scalp seemed to 
lift and move I felt as though I were charged 
with electricity, 

I returned to my place and knelt and must have 
gone instantly to sleep, for the friend who was 


with me had to awaken me when the service was 

Now I am writing not only to give you this 
testimony but to ask your help for someone else, 
who is in great trouble to ask your advice, for 
I believe you can help her. . . . 

With sincerest gratitude, 

F. R. 

New York City, 
January 28th, 1921. 

Last Sunday I received Communion and later 
"The Laying on of Hands' 7 at your church. 

All my life I have been a communicant 'of the 
Episcopal Church, but taught the old theology in 
regard to God and sickness. 

Through the past year I have been through 
very "deep waters," but on Thursday I received 
so much spiritual help that I know a physical 
healing must follow. 

I earnestly hope and pray that your ministry 
of healing will be continually blessed and that 
many others will be benefited as I have. 
Faithfully yours, 



Manhattan Ave., 
New York, January 25, 1920. 

Rev. William T. Walsh, 

Convent Avenue, 141 Street. 


I have a friend who is troubled with deafness, 
and she is of the belief, as well as the writer, 
that she can be helped somewhat by a treatment 
at the Mission. 

I persuaded a friend to go up last spring, and 
she was helped in fact her nervous condition 
was much improved. 

Faithfully yours, 

E. I-L C 

Englewood, New Jersey. 

Because of your loving help to my precious 
boy, in the time of his greatest need, I send you 
this gift from him. And how can I thank you 
sufficiently for coming to us yesterday morning 
with a beacon light? 

It helped more than words can tell you Our 
hearts are aching nigh to breaking to-day, but 


you have given us, all three, much strength to 
bear the load, to carry on. 

In loving gratitude, 

M. C. C 

553 West 187 St., 
New York, 5/20/20. 

Have attended both your spiritual healing serv- 
ices, and I wish to say how much good it has done 
me, and trust in God to cure me of this chronic 
catarrh and pain in head. I will always remem- 
ber you in my prayers and may the Almighty God 
give you strength to carry on your great work. 

M. S. 


Rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church : 
I wish to announce the great benefit I have 
received in the treatment I have had in the prayer 
for healing my nervousness; it has been a great 
help to me. 

Thanks be to God for this blessed help. 
I remain, very respectfully, 

R. B. 
West 1 2 8th St., City, 


1435 West 57 St., 
West Philadelphia, Pa., 
November 8, 1921. 
The Rev. Wm. T. Walsh, 

New York City. 

I find words are inadequate to express my grati- 
tude to you for what you did for Mrs. J. The 
physical demonstration was marvelous, but the 
interest you inspired in tilings spiritual was still 
more wonderful in both Mr. and Mrs. J. 
Gratefully yours, 

S. J. T. 

Clinton Ave., 
Jersey City. 

I was present at your service last night and 
would have been glad to have talked with you 
afterward, but there were too many people 

As your address was particularly on mental 
healing, you will be gratified to learn of the great 
improvement, if not cure, of a certain young 
woman of this city, whom my sister took over to 
one of your regular healing services. Mrs. 

$ had had a major operation which had 

left her in a very bad mental state. Her physi- 


cian called her trouble hallucinations, but it 
amounted pretty nearly to insanity. She thought 
she harmed all people who came near her, so 
that their heads caved in, also their temples, and 
their eyes became abnormal. She thought she 
was responsible for many deaths of such people, 
and would cry and wring her hands and at times 
tear her clothes. 

After the service was over she said it was 
very beautiful, but it was too late for her to be 
benefited. About two weeks ago my sister re- 
ceived a postal from her stating that all her fear 
had left her, she was doing the work of her apart- 
ment and now loved her home, having formerly 
hated it and threatened to take her life. She 
says her husband says it is like a second honey- 
moon, as she recently joined him in New York 
for dinner and went to the theater afterward* 

It was about four or five weeks ago that she 
attended your service; possibly you may recollect 
her, as you kept her afterward with a few others, 
and she asked you what you would do if you had 
made many mistakes in your life (meaning the 
people she thought she had harmed). I feel you 
will be pleased to know of the result of your 

Very truly yours, 

E. H. C. 


"Religion and medicine must go hand in hand 
in the ministry to the sick, 11 according to the Joint 
Commission on Christian Healing, which, after 
an exhaustive investigation of the subject of re- 
ligious therapeutics, made public yesterday part 
of its report to be submitted to the General Con- 
vention of the Episcopal Church at New Orleans. 

The fuller recognition of the Church's ability 
to deal with disease by spiritual means is urged 
by the report, with a warning that neglect of 
what the commission considers a function of the 
Episcopal Church might be made the basis for a 
separatist movement. 

The following principles were put forward in 
the report as the basis for the ecclesiastical treat- 
ment of the sick: 

By creation man is an inseparable unity of soul 
and body. 

By endowment we arc copartners with God 
in every act of life, whether spiritual or physical. 

All spiritual gifts, whether of spiritual or intel- 
lectual faculties or of physical powers, are com- 
ponent parts of the one man* 



Sin is personal, and it affects the physical as 
well as the spiritual nature of man. Disease is 
physical; but it, too, has its reaction on the soul 
and the intellect. 

The care of souls must include that of bodies 
if "cure" be expected in the fullest sense. The 
cure of bodies must include the cure of souls. 

Religion and medicine must go hand in hand in 
ministering to the sick. 

The power of mind over matter is an axiom ; 
so also is the influence of the body upon the soul. 

The cooperation of man and God is a neces- 
sary part of the process of healing. 

Faith finds its appropriate place in cooperation 
with the laws of life. 

The commission's report said: 

"The commission finds a rapidly increasing de- 
sire that the Church confirm the belief that there 
is therapeutic value in the Christian religion. 
Christian healing is the inclusive term for healing 
ministrations, and comprehends all means whereby 
is fulfilled our Lord's purpose that man should 
be made 'every whit whole' : because by creation 
man in this life is an inseparable unity of soul 
and body. Those who declare that healing comes 
by faith, and those who are equally sure that heal- 
ing comes by medicine, do not contradict one an- 


other. Each is emphasizing a means of healing 
which is consistent with the other. 

"Spiritual healing is an outstanding fact of 
contemporary religious life. We are challenged 
as to whether we shall allow this essentially Chris- 
tian ministry to be sought outside, or whether we 
are to make it a normal part of the Church's life. 
We must see to it that we do not afford a basis 
for another separatist movement, but should real- 
ize that the healing ministry is normal to the life 
of the Church. In this way we continue the min- 
istry of Christ, who revealed Himself as healer 
of soul and body. By endowment we are co-part- 
ners with God in every act of life, whether spir- 
itual or physical. To ignore either partner in 
dealing with any concern of life, to forget that 
God is an active participant in the cure of any ill, 
or that man is also a partner, is to violate the 
very conditions under which life is lived. 

"Religious and material means for cure must go 
hand in hand in ministry to the sick. It is often 
difficult to tell where the one leaves off and the 
other begins. Faith in God and faith in phy- 
sician must be blended for best results. In his 
practice the physician relics upon the dealing 
power of nature.* The Christian minister de- 
clares this power to be God, who is 'giver of life 1 
and its restorer. Both minister and physician 


know that the power of healing is something apart 
from themselves; that their function in healing 
is to assist by restoring the conditions physical, 
moral and spiritual under which this power may 
best operate. It is a fact of creation that life 
and every operation of life are governed by God 
through law. A fundamental principle is that 
God works and man works. Experience teaches 
that God does not do for man what man is 
capable of doing for himself; that man's failure 
can thwart the accomplishment of God's pur- 
poses. Thus faith finds its appropriate place in 
cooperation with the law of God." 

The report said that "the relationship between 
spirit and body should be reverently studied not 
by the Christian ministry alone, nor by the phy- 
sician alone, but by them all together," 

Religious healing, according to the report, must 
justify its practice by experiment and experience, 
just as secular medicine does. After emphasizing 
the possibility of using faith and religion to pre- 
vent sickness, the report continued: 

"In view of the specific commission given to 
the Bishop at his consecration to 'hold up the 
weak, heal the sick, bind the broken/ etc., the fol- 
lowing agencies naturally fall under his supervis- 
ion : Healing services, the sacraments of the church 


as channels of healing, prayer groups conducted 
by clergy or laity under clerical supervision, 
anointing, classes for instruction in the principles 
of Christian healing, the dissemination of wisely 
selected literature and the introduction of affirma- 
tions of truth and ideals of health into our sys- 
tems of Christian child nurture," 

Included in the membership of the commission 
making the report are Bishop Brent of Western 
New York, Bishop Sessums of Louisiana, Bishop 
Guerry of South Carolina, Bishop Page of Mich- 
igan, the Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Ohio, 
the Right Rev* Theodore Irving Reese, D.D.; 
the Rev. Dr. J. Wilmer Gresham of San Fran- 
cisco, the Rev. Dr. George F. Weld of Los An- 
geles, Secretary; the Rev. F. C. Sherman of 
Cleveland, the Rev. P. F. Sturges, D.D., of 
Providence ; the Rev. Dr. H* P. Almon Abbott of 
Baltimore, the Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Dunn of Rich- 
mond, Dr. Winford H. Smith of Johns Hopkins 
University, and Dr. Edward S. Cowles of New 


Aquinas, Thomas, 88 

Affirmations, 82, 83 

Allen A. V. G., footnote, 

Apostle's healing commis- 
sion, 64 

Athanasius, 87 

Augustine, 88 

Bible, 74 

Biology, 127 

Biologist, Conklin, 130 et 


Blessing, 101 
Bodily ills, 120 
Body, 1 6 

Christian Science, 7 ct seq. 
Christianity, essence of, 71 
Church and healing, 58, 71, 

80, 171 

Clement of Alexandria, 86 
Comtc, August, 132 
Confidence, 91, 153 
Conklin, biologist, 130 et 


Conscious mind, 1x3 
Consciousness, 4, 9, 50, X 1 1 

Courage, 46 
Creed, 135 et seq. 
Crisis of disease, 41 

Divine nature, partakers of, 

Divine power, its operation, 

89, 104 
Duty, no 
Dying, The, 49 

Energy, 4, 76 

nonmaterial, 77 
Epileptic, 30 
Eternal life, 134 
Exhortation at Healing 
Service, 152 

Fear, 36 
Fundamental reality, 4 

God, 4, 27, 28, 121 
an energy, 77 
goodness of, 80 
personality of, 8 
power of, 45 et $eq. 


I 7 8 


Gospels and healing, 59 
Grenfell, 20 

Harnack, 61 
Healer, 100 

Healing Service, 25, 143 
meaning of spiritual, 5, 

Heart, 18, 114 

Immanence, 85 
Individuality, contrasted 

with personality, 8 
Instruction, 151 

Jesus, 56 et seq. 
Justin, 86 

Law, 73, 77 
Laying on of hands, 33 
Life of God, 27 
its nature, 3, 4, *5> 24, 
134, 157 

Matter, 3, 9, 10, 24, 76 
Medical science, xoi, 105 
Meditation healing, 141 
Mind, 3 

subconscious, 113, 121 
Mystic experience, 28, 35, 
36, 40 

Nature, 105 
Needs, 125 et seq. 
Nervous disorders, 102, 128 
New Thought, 7 et seq. 
Nonmaterial, 77 

Pain, 24, 25 
Paralytic, 12 
Paul, i? 

beholding steadfastly, 99 
Person, personality, 8, 98 
Philosophy, 84 
Photinus, 87 
Physician's part in healing, 

Prayer, 51, 67, 68, 71, 100, 


affirmative, 40, 83 
a prayer, 142 
Psychology, 16, 20 
of healing, 97, 128 

Relaxation, 26, 42 et seq., 

102, 115, 122 
Religion, natural, revealed, 


Reversed effort, no 
Ribot, 131 
Ryhmd, 131 

Salvation, meaning of, 80 
Science, 67 
Scientific method, 73 
Service, 121 



Shock, 14 
Solomon, 109 
Spencer, Herbert, 132 
Spirit, meaning of, 3, 4, 70 

et scq. 
Spiritual healing defined, 


final triumph of, 72 
Steinmetz, 4, 76, 77 
Stephen, Leslie, 131 
Subconscious, 113, 121 
Subjective, 14, 37 
Sublimation, 129 
Suggestion, 1 5, 44 

Surgery, 105 

Technique, IO 
Thought, 112 
Transcendence, 84 
Treatment for healing, 22, 

25 > 42 
Trust in God, 108 

Vital processes, 113 

Will of God, 8 1 
