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Full text of "Secret-love : or The maiden-queen: as it is acted by his majesties servants at the Theater-Royal."

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Library  of  Last  Recourse 





As  it  is  Afted 

By  His  Majefties  Servants 


Written  by 
John      Dryden,      Efqj 

— Vitus  nemo  fine   nafcitur  •     optimus   ilk 

Qui  minimis  urgetur.  Horace, 


Printed    for  Henry  Herringman,   at   the  Sign  of  the 

Anchor ,  on  the  lower  walk  of  the  New- 

Exchange,  i  6  6  $. 

rS?    f*£f     ? 

..  j Mi 


T  has  been  the  ordinary  pradtice  of  the 
French  Poets,  to  dedicate  their  Works  of 
this  nature  to  their  King,  especially  when 
they  have  had  the  leaft  encouragement  to  it5  by 
his  approbation  of  them  on  the  Stage-  But  I  con- 
fefs  I  want  the  confidence  to  follow  their  exam- 
ple, thouh  perhaps  I  have  as  fpecious  preten- 
ces to  it  for  this  Piece,  as  any  they  can  boafl:  of:  it 
having  been  own'd  info  particular  a  manner  by 
His  Majefty,  that  he  has  grac'd  it  with  the  Title 
of  His  Play,  and  thereby  refcued  it  from  the  fe- 
verity  (that  I  may  not  fay  malice)  of  its  Ene- 
mies. But,  though  a  character  fo  high  and  unde- 
ferv'dhas  not  rais'd  in  me  the  preemption  to 
offer  fuch  a  trifle  to  his  moft  ferious  view,  yet  I 
Will  own  the  vanity  to  fay,  that  after  this  glory 
which  it  has  receiv'd  from  a  Soveraign  Prince, 
I  could  not  fend  it  to  feek  protection  from  any 
Subjedt  Be  this  Poem  then  facred  to  him  with- 
out the  tedious  form  of  a  Dedication,  and  with- 
out prefuming  to  interrupt  thofe  hours  which 
he  is  dayly  giving  to  the  peace  and  fetslement  of 
his  people. 

Ax  for 

The  preface: 
For  what  elfe  concerns  this  Play;  I  would  tell 
the  Reader  that  it  is  regular ,  according  to  the 
ftncteft  of  Dramatick  Laws,  but  that  it  is  a  com- 
mendation which  many  of  our  Poets  now  de- 
fp'ife,  and  a  beauty  which  our  common  Audi- 
ences do  noteafilydifcern.  Neither  indeed  do  I 
value  my  feif  upon  it,  becaufe  with  all  that  iym- 
metry  of  parts,  it  may   want  an  air  and  fpirit 
(which  confifts  in  the  writing  )  to  fet  it  of?.  Tis 
a  queftion  varioully  difputed,  whether  an  Au- 
thor may  be  allowed  as  a  competent  judge  of  his 
own  works.  As  to  the  Fabrick  and  contrivance 
of  them  certainly  he  may,  for  that  is  properly  the 
employment  of  the  judgement ;  which,  as  a  Ma- 
tter-builder may   determine,  and  that  without 
deception,  whether  the  work  be  according  to  the 
exadtnefs  of  the  model -  ftill  granting  him  to 
have  a  perfea  Idea  of  that  pattern  by  which  he 
works:  and  that  he  keeps  himfelf  alwayes  con- 
ftant  to  the  difcourfe  of  his  judgement,  without 
admitting  felf-love,  which  is  the  falfe  furveyer 
of  his  Fancy,  to  intermeddle  in  it.  Thefe  Quali- 
fications granted  (  being  fuch  as  all  found  Poets 
are  prefuppofld  to  have  within  them  )  Ithinkall, 
Writers,  of  what  kind  focver,  may  infalhbly.' 

The  Treface. 
judg  of  the  frame  and  contexture  of  their  Works. 
But  for  the  ornament  of  Writing>which  is  great- 
er more  various  and  bizarre  in  Poefie  then  in  any 
other  kind,  as  it  is  properly  the  Child  of  Fancy, 
fo  it  can  receive  no  meafure,  or  at  leaft  but  a  very 
imperfedtoneof  its  own  excellencies  or  faillures 
from  the  judgement.  Self-love  (which  enters  but 
rarely  into  the  offices  ofthejudgement)here  pre- 
dominates.  And  Fancy  (if  1  may  fa  fpeak)  judg- 
ingofitfelf,can  be  no  more  certain  or  demon> 
ftrative  of  its  own  effe<5ts,than  two  crooked  lines 
can  be  the  adequate  meafure  of  each  other.  What 
Ihavefaidonthisfubjec5t,may,  perhaps^give  me 
fome  credit  with  my  Readers,  in  my  opinion  of 
this  Play, which  I  have  ever  valued  above  the  reft 
of  my  Follies  of  this  kind:  yet  not  thereby  in  the 
leaft  diftenting  from  their  judgement  who  have 
concluded  the  writing  of  this  to  be  much  inferior 
to  my  Indian  Emperour.  But  the  Argument  of 
that  was  much  more  noble.not  having  the  allay  of 
Comedy  to  deprefs  it :  yet  if  this  be  more  perfect, 
either  in  its  kind,  or  in  the  general  notion  of  a 
Play,  'tis  as  much  as  I  defire  to  have  granted  for 
the  vindication  of  my  Opinion,and,what  as  near- 
ly touches  me,  the  fentence  of  a  Royal  Judge. 

a  Many 

The  ^Preface. 

Many  have  inaagin'd  the  Character  ofPhilocks 
to  be  faulty  j  fome  for  not  difcovering  the  Queens 
love,  others  for  his  joining  in  herreftraint.  But 
though  I  am  not  of  their  number,  who  obftinate- 
ly  defend  what  they  have  once  faid,  I  may  with 
modefty  take  up  thofe  anfwers  which  have  been 
made  for  me  by  my  Friends  •  namely,  that  Tbilo** 
cleSy  who  was  but  a  Gentleman  of  ordinary  birth, 
had  no  reafon  to  guefs  fo  foon  at  the  Queens  Paf- 
fion,  fhe  being  a  perfon  fo  much  above  him,  and 
by  the  fuflfrages  of  all  her  people,  already  deftin'd 
to  Lyf mantes :  Befides,  that  he  was  prepofleflfed, 
(  as  the  Queen  fomewhere  hints  it  to  him  )  with 
another  inclination  which  rendred  him  lefs  clear- 
fighted  in  it,  fince  no  man,  at  the  fame  time,  can 
diftincftly  view  two  d.flferent  objedts,  And  if  this, 
with  any  fhew  of  reafon,  may  be  defended  I  leave 
my  Matters  the  Crticks  to  determine,  whether  it 
be  not  much  more  conducing  to  the  beauty  of  my 
Plot,  that  Tbilocles  lhould  be  long  kept  ignorant 
of  the  Queens  love,  than  that  wuh  one  leap  he 
(hould  have  entred  into  the  knowledg  of  it,  and 
thereby  freed  himfelf,  to  the  difguft  of  the  Audi- 
ence, from  that  pleafing  Labyrinth  of  errors 
which  was  prepaid  for  him,  As  for  that  other 


The  Treface. 

obje&ion  of  his  joyning  in  the  Queens  imprifon-  i 
ment,  it  is  indifputably  that  which  every  man,  if 
lie  examines  himfelf,  would  have  done  on  the  like 
occafion.  If  they  anfwer  that  it  takes  from  the 
height  of  his  Character  to  doit ;  I  would  enquire 
of  my  over-wife  Cenfors,  who  told  them  I  in- 
tended him  a  perfedt  Character,  or  indeed  what 
neceffity  was  there  hefhould  hefo,  the  variety  of 
Images,  being  one  great  beauty  of  a  Play  ?  k  was 
as  much  as  I  defign'd,  to  (how  one  great  and  ab- 
solute pattern  of  honotir  in  my  Poem,  which  I 
did  in  the  Perfon  of  the  Queen  :  All  the  defecfts 
of  the  other  parts  being  fet  to  fhow  the  more  to 
recommend  that  one  Chara&arof  Vertue  to  the 
Audience.  But  neither  was  the  fault  ofThilocles 
fo  great,  if  the  circumftances  be  confider'd,  which, 
as  moral  Philofophy  affures  us,  make  the  eflential 
differences  of  good  and  bad  5  He  himfelf  beft 
explaining  his  own  intentions  in  his  laft  A#, 
which  was  the  reftauration  of  his  Queen;  and 
even  before  that,  in  the  honcfty  of  his  expreffions 
when  he  was  unavoidably  led  by  the  impulfions 
cf  his  love  to  do  it.  That  which  with  more  rea- 
fon  was  objedted  as  an  indecorum,is  the  manage^ 
ment  of  the  laft  Scene  of  the  Play,  where  Celadon 

a  z  and 

The  preface. 

and  Fhrimell  are  treating  too  lightly  of  their 
marriage  in  the  prefence  of  the  Queen/who  like-, 
wife  feems  to  ftand  idle  while  the  great  action  of 
the  T)rama  is  ftill  depending,This  I  cannot  other- 
wife  defend,  than  by  telling  you  I  fo  defign'd  it 
on  purpofe  to  make  my  Play  go  oflfmore  fmart- 
ly  j  that  Scene,  being  in  the  opinion  of  the  beft 
judges,  the  mod  divertifing  of  the,  whole  Co- 
medy.  But  though  the  Artifice  fucceeded,  I  am 
willing  to  acknowledge  it  as  afault,fince  it  pleas 'd 
His  Majefty,the  beft  Judg,  to  think  it  fo,  i  have 
onely  to  add,  that  the  Play  is  founded  on  a  ftory 
in  the  Cyrus,  which  he  calls  the  Queen  of  Co~ 
rinth-in  whofe  Character,  as  it  has  been  affirm'd 
tome,hereprefents  that  of  the  famous  (JorljHnay 
Queen  of  Sweden.   This  is  what  I  thought  con- 
venient to  write  by  way  of  Preface,  to  the  Mai- 
den-Queen •  in  the  reading  of  which,  I  fear  you 
will  not  meet  with  that  fatisfadtion  which  you 
have  had  in  feeing  it  on  the  Stage  ;  the  chief 
parts  of  it  both  ferious  and  comick,  being  per- 
formed to  that  height  of  excellence,  that  nothing 
but  a  command  which  I  could  not  handfomely 
difobey,  could  have  given  me  the  courage  to 
have  made  it  publick. 




HE  who  writ  this,  not  without  pains  and  thought 
From  French  and  Englifh  Theaters  hat  brought 
rh*  exatteft  Rules  by  which  a  play  is  wrought. 

The  "Unities  of  ABion,  Place,  andTimey 
The  Scenes  unbroken  \  and  a  mingled  chime 
Of  Tohnfons  humour ,.  with  C  orneilles  rhyme. 

But  while  dead  colours  he  with  care  did  lay  y 
lie  fears  his  Wit,  or  Plot  he  did  not  weigh, 
Which  are  the  living  Beauties  of  a  Play. 

flays  are  //%  Towns,  which  how  ere  fortify  d 
By  Engineers,  have  SiUfomeweakgr  fide 
By  the  o're-feen  Defendant  unejpfd. 

And  with  that  Art  you  make  approaches  now  j! 
Such  skilful  fury  in  Affaultsyoujhow, 
That  every  Poet  without  fhame  may  bow. 

Ours  therefore  humbly  would  attend  your  dom? 
If  Souldier-lihg,  he  may  have  terms  to  come 
With  flying  Colours,  and  with  beat  of  Drum. 

The  Prologue  goes  out,  and  (lays  while  aTune  is  play'd,  after 

which  he  returns  again.  ■ 


Second  PROLOGUE. 

I  Had  forgot  one  half  I  do  proteft, 
And  now  am  fen  t  again  to  fpeahjhe  reft. 
lie  hows  to  eyery  great  and  noble  Wit 
But  to  the  little  HeStorsof  the  Pit 
Our  ?oet*sfturdy,  and  will  not  fubmit. 
He9 11  be  before-hand  with  'em,  and  not  flay 
To  fee  eachpeevifb  Critichjlab  his  Flay  ■: 
Each  Tuny  Cenfor,  who  his  skill  to  bo aft , 
Is  cheaply  witty  on  the  Poets  cofi. 
No  Critic^  verdiSt^jbonld,  of  right,  ftand good, 
They  are  excepted  all  as  men  of  blood  : 
And  the  fame  Law  fballfbield them  from  their  fury 
Which  has  excluded  Butchers  from  a  Jury 


But  writings  tedious,  and  that  way  may  fail, 
The  moft  compendiom  method  is  to  rail  : 
Which  yon  fo  like,you  think^your  felves  ill  us  d 
When  infmart  Prologues  you  are  not  abu/d. 
A  civil  Prologue  is  approvd  by  no  man  \ 
Tou  hate  it  as  you  do  a  Crvil  woman  : 
Your  Fancy's  paWd,  and  liberally  you  pay 
To  have  it  quicken  d  e*  re  yon  fee  a  Play. 
Juft  as  old  Sinners  worn  from  their  delight, 
Give  money  to  be  whip  d to  appetite. 
But  What  a  Pox  keep  Ifo  much  ado 
To  fay  e  our  Poet  ?  he  is  one  of  yon  -y 


A  Brother  Judgement)  and  as  1  hear  fay, 
A  curfed  Critic\as  er  damnd  a  play. 
Goodfahage  Gentlemen  your  own  tindfpare 
He  is,  like  you,  a  very  Wolf  or  Bear  ; 
let  thinhjiot  he  I  your  antient  rights  invade 
Or  flop  the  couffe  of  your  free  damning  Trade  , 
For  he,  (he  vows)  at  no  friends  Flay  can  (it] 
But  he  muft  meds find  fault  to  (hew  his  Wit : 
Then,  for  his  fake  nerfiintyour  own  delight ; 
Throw  boldly,  for  he  jets  to  all  that  write  j 
Withfuch  he  ventures  on  an  even  lay 
For  they  bring  ready  Money  into  flay! 
Thofe  who  write  not,  andyet  all  writers  nicl^, 
Are  Bankrupt  Gamefters,for  thty4amnontic\^ 






Ueen  of  Sicily 

Jcandiope,  Princes  of  t^he  Blood. 
Afteria,  the  Queens \  Confident— — 
Flmmel,  A  Maid  of  Honour 
Flavia,  another  .'Maid  of  Honour 


c  u„*  \  Sifters.  - — . ' — 


MelifT*, Mother  to olindaznd  Sabma 
Lifmantes,  firft  Prince  of  the  Blood 

thilocks,  the  Queens  favourite ■ 

Celadon,  a  Courtier — 


Pages  of  Honour. 



Mrs  Mar/hall 

Mrs  gain. 

Mis  Knep. 

•Mrs  Ellen  Guyn. 

■Mis  Frances  Davenport 

Mrs  Rutter. 

-Mrs.  Eiiz.  DavenforK 


-Mr.  Burt. 



The  Scene  SICILY. 






ACT     I     SCENE    I. 

The  Scene  is  Walks,  near  the  Court. 

Inftr  Celadon,  Afteria,  meeting  each  other,  be  in  riding  habit  5 
they  embrace. 

Celadon. ~|  "VEar  Afteria) 

A     B     Afteria.  My  dear  Brother !  welcome  •,  a  thoufand 
■■—        welcomes  $  Methinks  this  year  you  have  been  ab- 
fent  has  been  fo  tedious  I  I  hope  as  you  have  made  a  pleafant  Voy- 
age, fo  you  have  brought  your  good  humour  back  again  to  Court. 

Cel.  I  never  yet  knew  any  company  I  could  not  be  merry  in,  ex- 
cept it  were  an  old  Womans. 

Aft,  Or  at  a  Funeral. 

Cel.  Nay,  for  that  you  fhall  excufe  me  ■>  for  I  was  never  merrier 
than  I  was  at  a  Creditors  of  mine,  whofe  Book  perifhed  with  him. 
But  what  new  Beauties  have  you  at  Court  <  how  do  Mdtka  s  :wo 
fair  Daughters? 

Aft.  When  you  tell  me  which  of 'em  you  are  in  love  with,  1*1 

Cel.  Which  of  'em,  naughty  fitter ,  what  a  queftion's  there  * 
With  both  of 'em,  with  each  and  fingularof  'em 

&  *  Aft. 

%  The  Maiden-Queen. 

Aft.  Blefs  me  !  you  are  not  ferious  / 

Cel.  You  'ook  as  if  it  were  a  wonder  to  fee  a  Man  in  Love  :  are 
they  not  hand fome  ? 

Aft.  I,  but  both  together . 

Cel.  I,  and  both  afunder-,  why,  I  hope  there  .ire  but  two  of  em 
the  tall  Singing  and  Dancing  one,  andthelittle  Innocent  one? 

Aft.  But  you  cannot  marry  both  } 

Cel.  No,  nor  either  of  e'm  I  tiuft  in  Heaven;  hut  I  can  keep 
them  company,  I  can  fingand  dance  with  'em,  and  treat  'em.,  and 
that,  I  take  it,  isfomewhat  better  than  mufty  marrying  them :  Mar- 
riage is  poor  folks  pleafure  that  cannot  go  to  thecoftofvarietyrbut 
I  am  out  of  danger  of  that  with  thefe  two,  for  I  love 'em  fo  equally 
I  can  never  make  choice  between  'em;  Had  I  but  one  Miftiefs,  I 
might  gotohettobe  mtrry,  and/lie,  perhaps,  be  out  of  humour; 
there  were  a  vifit  loft:  But  here,  if  one  of 'em  frown  upon  me,  the 
other  will  be  the  more  obliging,  on  purpofe  to  recommend  her  own 
gayety,  befides  a  thoufand  things  that  I  could  name. 

Aft.  And  none  of 'tm  to  any  purpofe. 

Cel.  Well,  ft  you  will  nor  be  cruel  to  a  poor  Lever,  you  might: 
oblige  mt  by  carrying  me  to  their  Lodgings. 

Aft.  You    now  Tarn  always  bufie  about  the  Queen. 

Cel.  rut  once  or  twice  onely,  till  lam  a  little  flunYd  in  my  ac- 
quaintance with  other  Ladies,  and  havelea  n'd  to  prey  for  myf  If.* 
Ip  om:feyouriema'<eall  the  hafte  lean  to  end  the  trouble,by  be- 
ing inlove  fomewhere  elfe. 

Aft,  You  would  think  it  hard  to  bedeny'dnow. 

Cel.  And  reafon  good :  many  a  man  hangs  himfelf  for  the  lofs  of 
oneMiftiifs:  How  doyou  think  thenl  uVuld  bear  the  lofs  of  two; 
efpecially  in  a  Court  whete  I  hink  Beauty  «  but  thin  fown. 

Aft.  There's  one  Flortmel  the  Queens  Ward  a  new  Beauty,  as 
wild  as  you,  and  a  vaft  Fortune. 

Cel   I  am  for  her  before  the  World :  bring  me  to  her,and  Y\  releafe 
ycu  ofycur  prom ife  for  the  other  two. 
Enter  a  Page.  M-id'am  the  Queen  expects  you. 

Cel.  I.eeyou  hold  her  favour-,  Adieu  Sifter,  you  have  a  Iitt'eE- 
mfTary  there,  .otherwrfe  I  would  offer  you  my  fervice. 

Aft.  Farwell  Brother,  think  upon  Flortmel. 

Ctl.  You  may  truft  my  memory  for  an  hancjfbme  Woman, 

The  Mmden*Qme)h 

Tl  think  upon  her,  and  the  reft  too  $  Fie  forget  none  of  'em. 

Exit  Aiteria. 


Enter  a  Gentleman  walking  ever  the  Stage  hafiily  : 
after  him  Florimel,  and  Flavia  Masqued. 

fU,  fhormio^  fhormio^  you  will  not  leave  us 

Cent.  In  taich  I  have  a  littlce  bufinefs Exit  Gentle. 

Cel.  Cannot  I  ferve  you  in  the  Gentiemans  room,  Ladies  / 

Fla.   W  hich  of  us  would  you  ferve  1 

Cel*  Either  of  you,  or  both  of  you. 

Fla.  Who,  could  you  not  be  conftant  to  one  ? 

Cel.  Conftant  to  one !  I  have  been  a  Courtier,  a  Soldier,  and  a 
Traveller  to  good  purpofe,  if  I  muft  be  conftant  to  one  $  give  me 
fome  Twenty,  fome  Forty,  fome  a  Hundred  MiftreiTes,  I  have 
^nore  Love  than  any- woman  can  turn  her  to. 

Flo.  Blefs  us,  let  us  be  gone  Coufin  j  we  two  are  noihing  in  his 


Cel  Yet  for  mypartjcanlive  with  as  few  MiftreiTes  as  any  man: 
Idefirenofu^erfluitiesj  onely  for  neceflary  change  or  fo>  as  I  (hifc 

my  Linnen. 

Fie.  A  pretty  odd  kind  of  fellow  th's:  he  fits  my  humour  rare- 
ly  r J 1 ■    14 fide* 

Fla.  You  are  asunconftant  as  the  Moon. 

Flo.  You  wrong  him,  he's  as  conftant  as  the  Sun  $  he  would  fee 
all  the  world  in  24  hours. 

Cel.  'lis  very  nue^adainjbot^likehim,!  would  vifit  and  away. 

Flor.  For  what  an  unreafonable  thing  it  were  to  ftay  long,  be 
troubleibme,  and  hinder  a  Lady  of  a  frefh  Lover. 

Cel.  A  rare  Creature  this! — befides  Madam,  how  likea  fool 
a  man  looks,    when  after  all  his  eagernefs  of  two  Minutes  btfore, 
he  (hrinks  into  a  faint  kifs  and  a  cold  complement. 
Ladies  both,  into  your  hands  I  commit  my  felf $  ihare  me  betwixt 

Fla  I'l  have  nothing  to  doe  with  you,  finceyou  cannot  be  con- 
ftant to  one. 

B  2  CeL 

4-  *The  Maiden-Queen. 

Cel.  Nay,  rather  than  loofe  either  of  you,  VI  do  more- 
HI  be conftant  to  an  hundred  of  you :  or,  (if  you  will  needs  fetter 
me  to  one,)  agree  the  matter  between  yourfelves-,  anj  the  mod: 
handfome  take  me. 

Flor.  Though  lam  not  flie,  yet  fince  my  Mafque's  down,  and 
you  cannot  convince  me;  have  a  good  faith  of  my  Beauty  and 
for  once  I  take  you  for  my  fervant. 

Cel.  And  for  once,  FI  make  a  blind  bargain  with  yon  :  ftrike 
hands  5  is't  a  Match  Miftrifs  ? 

Flor.  Done  Servant* 

Cel.  Now  I  am  fare  I  have  the  worft  on'c 1  for  you  fee  the  worft 

of  me,  and  that  I  do  not  of  you  till  you  (hew  your  face , . 

Yet  now  I  think  on't  you  muft  be  handfome, 

Flor.  What  kind  of  Beauty  do  you  like?' 

Cel.  Juft  fuch  a  one  as  yours^ 

Flor.  What's  that ) 

Cel.  Such  an  Oval  Face,  clear  Skin,  hazel  Eyes,  thick    brown 
Eye- browns,  and  Hair  as  you  have  for  all  the  world. 

Fla.  But  lean  allure  you  me  has  nothing  of  all  this. 

Cel.  Hold  thy  peace  Envy  5  nay  1  can  be  conftant  an  I  fet  on'r 

Flor.  Tis  true  me  tells  you. 

Cel.  I,  I,  you  may  (lander)your  felf  as  you  pleafe .5  then  you  have, 
• -let  me  fee. 

Flo.  Ill  fwear  you  fhan'not  fee.. 

Cel.  A  turn'd  up  Nofe,that  gives  an  air  to  your  face :  Oh^  I  find 
I  am  more  and  more  in  love  with  you  J  a  full  neather  Lip,  an  out- 
mouth,  that  makes  mine  water  at  it:  the  bottom  of  your  cheeks  a 
little  blub,  and  two  dimples  when  you  fmile,  for  your  ftature  'tis 
well,  and  for  your  wit  'twas  given  you  by  one  that  knew  it  had 
been,  thrown  away  upon  an  ill  face  5  come  you  are  handfome,  there's 
so  denying  it  : 

Flor.  Can  you  fettle  your  fpirirs  to  fee  an  ugly  face,  and  not  be 
frighted,  I  could  find  in  my  heart  to  lift  up  my  Masque  and  dif- 
abufe  you. 

Cel.  I  d^Re  your  Mafque,  would  you  would  try  the  experiment. 
r    Flor.  No  I  won'not  3  for  your  ignorance  is  the  Mother  of  your 
devotion  to  me.     . 

&eL  Since  you.will  not  take  the  pains  eo  convert  roe  11  make  bold 

The  Mttiden-Queen.  5 

to  keep  my  faith :  a  miferable  man  I  am  fure  you  have  made  me. 

Fla.  This  is  pleafanr. 

Cel.  It  may  be  fo  to  you,  but  it  is  not  to  me  $  for  ought  I  fee,  I 
am  going  to  the  moll:  confront  Maudlin, 

Flor'  r is  very  weIl,C<?W«w,you  can  be  conftanttoone  you  have 
never  feen ;  and  have  foi  faken  all  you  have  feen. 

Cel.  It  feemsyou  know  me  then :  well,  if  thou  fhou'dft  prove  one 
ofmycaft  MiftreiTes  I  would  ufe  thee  moft  damnably,  for  offering 
to  make  me  love  thee  i  wice. 

Flor.  You  are uh right:  an  old  Miftrifs  or  Servant  is  an  old 
Tune,  thepleafureon'tispaft,  when  we  have  once  learnt  it. 

Fla.  But  what  woman  in  the  world  wouldyou  vwfh  her  like? 

Cel.  I  have  heard  of  one  Florimel  the  Queens  Ward,  would  me 
wereas  like  her  for  Beauty,  as  (he  is  for  Humour. 

Fla.  Do  you  hear  that  Coufin:  —  -  (to  Fler.  afide) 

Flor.  Florimeh  not  handfome :  befides  ihe's  unconftant  5  and  on- 
ly loves  for  fome  few  days. 

Cel.  If  fhe  loves  for  fhorter  time  then  I,  me  muft  love  by  Winter 
days  and  Summer  nights  yfaitb. 

Flor.  When  you  fee  us  together  you  mail  judge:  in  the  mean 
time  adieu  fweetfervant. 

Cel.  Why  you  won'not  befo  inhumane  to  carry  away  my  heart 
and  not  fo  much  as  te  I  me  where  I  may  hear  news  on't  > 

Flor.  I  mean  to  keep  it  fafe  for  you  3  for  if  you  had  it,  you  would 
beftowitworfe.-  fartwel,  I  muft  fee  a  Lady. 

Cel,  So  muft  I  too,  if  lean  pull  ofTyour  Mafque. 

Flor.  You  will  not  be  fo  rude,  I  hope . 

Cel.  By  this  light  but  I  will  : 

Flor.  By  this  leg  but  you  man' not :  J  Exeunt  Flor.  and 

c  Fla  via  running. 
SCENE     III.  * 

Enter  Philocles,  and  meets  him  going  cut. 

Cel.  Howl  my  Coufin  the  new  Favourite! Zafidt 

Thil.  Dear  Celadon!  moft  happily  arriv'd, 
Ihear  y'have  been  an  honour  to  your  Countrey, 
In  the  Calabian  Wars,  and  I  am  glad 

I  have 

6  The  Maiden'Queen. 

I  have  fome  intereft  in't. 

Cel. But  in  you 

I  have  alagerfubj  dHor  my  joys: 
To  fee  fo  ra?  e  a  thing  as  tiling  ve»  tue9 
And  merit  undeiftood  at    o  it 

Thil,  Perhaps  it  is  the  only  *&  that  can 
Accnfe  our  Queen  of  wea'mfs. 

Enter  Lyfimantes  Attended. 

Lyf.  O,  my  Lord  P  hi  lories  well  ovei  tak<  n ! 
I  came  to  look  you  (Phil.)  had  I  known  it  (boner, 
My  fwift  attendance,  Sir,  had  fpar'd  your  trouble. 
To  Cel,— — Cou(in7you  fee  Prince  Lyfimantes 
Is  pleafedto  favour  me  with  his  commands: 
I  beg  you'l  be  no  ftranger  now  at  Cou-  u 

Cel.  So  long  as  there  be  Ladies  there,  you  need 
Not  doubt  me. 

[Exit  Celadon. 

Phil.  Some  of  them  will,  I  hope,  make  you  a  Convert, 

Lyf.  My  Lord  Phtlocles^  I  am  glad  we  are  alone  5 
There  isabufinefs  that  concerns  me  nearly, 
In  which  I  beg  your  love.  (Phil.)  Command  my  feivice. 

Lyf.  I  know  your  intereft  with  the  Queen  is  great  5 
(I  fpeak  not  this  as  envying  your  fortune, 
For  franckly  Iconftfs  you  have  deferv'dit.) 
Befides,  my  Birth9  my  Courage  and  my  Honour, 
Are  all  above  fo  bafe  a  Vice 

Phil.  I  know,  my  Lord,  youarefirft  Prince  o'th'  Blood  j 
Your  Counrreys  fecond  hope ; 
And  that  the  publick  Vote  when  the  Queen  weds-, 
Defigns  you  for  her  chcice. 

Lyf.  I  am  not  worthy. 
Except  Love  makes  defers 
For  doubtlefs  (lie's  the  glory  of  her  time  5 
Of  fsttltiefs  Beauty,  blooming  as  the  Spring, 
In  our  Sicilian  Groves  *,  macchlefs  in  Vertue, 
And  largely  fold  where  e're  her  bounty  gives, 
As  with  each  breath  me  could  create  new  Indies. 

Phil.  But  jealous  of  her  glory, 


The  M4iden~Queen. 

lyf.  You  are  a  Courtier  5  and  in  other  terms, 

Would  you  fay  (he  is  averfe  from  Marriage 

Left  it  might  leflbn  her  authority. 

But,  whenfoe'r  me  does,  I  know  the  people 

Will  fcarctly  fuffer  her  to  match 

With  any  neighboring  Prince,  vvhofe  power  might  bend 

Our  tree  Sicilians  to  a  foreign  Yoke. 

Phil,  I  love  too  well  my  Countrey  to  defire  it. 
Lyf.  Then  to  proceed,  (as  you  well  know,  my  Lord) 

The  Provinces  have  Tent  their  Deputies 

Humbly  to  move  her  (he  would  choofe  at  home: 

And,  for  (he  feems  averfe  from  (peaking  with  them 

By  my  appointment,  havedefign'd  thefe  Walks, 

Where  well  (he  cannot  (hun  them.  Now>  if  you 
Aflift  their  fuit,  by  joyning  yours  to  it, 
And  by  your  mediation  I  prove  happy, 

I  freely  promife  you. 

Phil.  Without  a  bribe  command  my  utmoft  in  it  _, 

And  yet,  there  is  a  thing,  which  time  may  give  me 

The  confidence  to  name.* (L^f  ■  fisyouis  whatever, 

But  tell  me  true^  does  (he  not  entertain 

Some  deep  an    (erled  thoughts  againft  my  perfonf 

P*il.  I  hope  not  fo ;  but  (he  of  late  is  toward  s 
Reie  v'd,  and  fad,  and  vex'd  at  little  things  $  her  great  foul  amam'd  of,  ftrait  (liakes  off, 
And  is  compos'd  again. 

Lyf    Vou  are  (HI  near  the  Queen*,  and  all  our  Actions  come  to 
Princes  Evs,as  they  are  represented  by  them  that  hold  theMuor. 

Phil.   Here  (lie  co.nes,  and  with  her  the  Deputies  5— 
I  fear  ail  is  not  right. 

Enter  £H"enT>ffuties  after  her ^  Afteria3  Guard,  Flavia, 
OLnda,  Sabina. 

Jjtueen  turns  back  to  the  Deputies,  ancifpeafyefltrfog^ 

gu.  And  T  rhufttell  you, 
It  is  a  lawcy  ooluuefs  thus  to  prefs, 


8  The  Maiden* Queen. 

On  my  retirements. — 

1.  Def.  Our  bufinefs  being  of  no  lefs  concern 
Then  is  the  peace  and  quiet  of  your  Subjects 

and  that  delayed- 

2.  &ep we  humbly  took  this  time 

To  reprefent  your  peoples  fears  to  you. 

gu.  My  peoples  fears!  who  made  them  States- men  f 
They  much  miftake  their  bufinefs,  if  they  think 
It  is  to  govern :         - 
The  Rights  of  Subjects  and  of  Soveraigns 
Are  things  diftinct  in  Nature  :  theirs,  is  to 
Enjoy  propriety,  not  Empire. 

Lyf.  If  they  have-err'd,  'twas  but  an  over- care  5 
Anill-timM  Duty 

<%».  Cotffin  I  expect 
From  your  near  Blood,  not  to  excufe,  but  check  'em. 
They  would  impofe  a  Ruler 
Upon  their  lawful  Queen  : 
For  what's  an  Husband  elfe? 

Lyf  Far,  Madam,  be  it  from  the  thoughts 
Of  any  who  pretends  to  that  high  Honour, 
Towifh  for  more  than  to  be  reckoned 
As  the  moft  grae'd,  and  firft  of  all  your  fervants. 

gu.  Thefeare  the  infinuating  promifes 
Of  thofe  who  aim  at  pow'r  .♦  but  tell  me  Coufin  5 
(For  you  are  unconcern  d  and  may  be  Judge) 
Should  thatafpiring  man  compafs  his  ends, 
What  pawn  of  his  obedience  could  he  give  me, 
When  Kingly  pow'r  were  once  inverted  in  him  ? 

Lyf.  What  greater  pledge  than  Love  <  when  thofe  fair  Eyes 
Caft  their  commanding  beams,  he  thatcou'dbe 
A  Rebel  to  your  birth,  muft  pay  them  homage. 

gu.  All  eyes  are  fair 
That  fparkle  with  the  Jewels  of  a  Crown : 
But  now  I  fee  my  Government  is  odious  5 
My  people  find  I  am  not  fit  to  Reign, 
Elfe  they  would  never — . 


The  Maiden'Queeth  $> 

Lyf.  So  far  from  that,  we  all  acknowledge  you 
The  bounty  of  the  Gods  to  Sidle  .• 
More  than  they  are  you  cannot  make  our  Joys  5 
Make  them  but  lafting  in  a  Succeflfor. 

rhil.  Your  people  feek  not  to  impofe  a  Prince  j 
But  humbly  offer  one  to  your  free  choice: 
And  fuch  a  one  as  he  is,  f  may  I  have  leave 
To  fpeak  fome  little  of  his  great  deferts.) 

gu,  fl  hear  no  more 

To  the  Dep.  For  you,  attend  to  morrow  at  the  Council, 
There  you  (hall  have  my  firm  refolves;  mean  time 
My  Coufin  I  am  fure  will  welcome  you. 

Lyf.  Still  more  and  more  myfterious :  but  Ihavegain'd  one  of 
her  women  that  (hall  unriddle  it :  —  Gome  Gentlemen. 

All  Dep.  Heav'n  preferve  your  Majefty.     5  Exeunt.  Lyfimantes 

c  and  Deputies, 

Jgu.  Philocles,  you  may  ftay  .« 

Phil.  I  humbly  wait  your  Majefties  commands. 

Jj>u-   Vet  now  I  better  think  on't  you  may  go. 

Phil.  Madam  / 

gu.  I  have  no  commands. or,  what's  all  one 

You,  no  obedience. 

Phil.  How,  no  obedience,  Madam  ? 
I  plead  no  other  merit  5  'tis  the  Charter 
By  which  I  hold  your  favour,  and  my  fortunes. 

gu.  My  favourcare  cheap  bleflings,  like  Rain  and  Sun-mine, 
For  which  we  fcarcely  thank  the  Gods,  becaufe 
We  daily  have  (them. 

Phil.  Madam,  your  Breath  which  rais'd  me  from  the  dufl 
May  lay  me  there  again: 
But  fate  nor  time  can  ever  make  me  lofe 
The  fenceof  your  indulgent  bounties  tome. 

gu.  You  are  above  them  now,  grown  popular  : 
Ah  Philocles ,  could  I  expect  from  you 
That  ufuage !  no  tongue  but  yours 

To  move  me  to  a  marriage  * r  meps] 

The  factious  Deputies  might  have  fome  endin'c, 

C  And 

io  The  AdaidenoQueenl 

And  my  ambitious  Coufin  gain  a  Crown  >  \%* 

But  what  advantage  could  there  come  to  you  f 
What  could  you  hope  from  Lyfim antes  Reign 
That  you  can  want  in  mine  i 

Phil.  You  yourfel£  clear  me,  Madam,  had  I  fought 
More  pow'r,  this  Marriage  fure  was  not  the  way. 
But,  when  yourfafety  was  in  queftion, 
When  all  your  people  were  unfatisfied, 
Defir'd  a  King,  nay  more,  defign  d  the  Man, 
It  was  my  duty  then ■    »     - 

«ga.  Let  me  be  judge  of  my  own  fafety  5 . 
lam  a  woman, 
But  danger  from  my  Subjects  cannot  fright  me. 

Phil.  But  Ljftmantes^  Madam,  isaperfon    ■       .  1 

gu.  I  cannot  love,— — 
Shall  I,  I  who  born  a  Sovereign  Queen, 
Be  barred  of  that  which  God  and  Nature  gives 
The  meaneft  Slave,  a  freedom  in  my  love  ? 

• Leave  me,  good  Phikcksy  to  my  own  thoughts  5 

When  next  I  need  your  counfel  II  fend  for  you ■ 

Phil.  I'm  moft  unhappy  in  your  high  difpleafure$ 
But,  fince  I  muft  not  fpeak,  Madam,  be  pleas'd 
To  perufe  this,  and  therein,  read  my  care. 

Hepluckj  out  a  paper  and  prefects  it  to  her 
But  drops ,  unknown  to  him  a  Pi&ure. 

Slueenxtzfa Exit  Philocies 

A  Catalogue  of  fuch  perfons — \ 

Spies  the  Sox-  What's  this  he  has  let  fall  i  Ajkria  ; 

Aft,  Your,  Majefty : 

gu.  Take  that  up,  it  fell  horn  Philocies. 

She  takes  it  up*  looks  on  it}  andfmiks, . 

£».  How  now,  what  makes  you  merry  ? 

Aft,  A  fmall  difcovery  I  have  made,  Madam. 

gu.  Of  what? 

Aft.  Since  firft  your  Majefty  grac'd  Philocies, 
I'haye  not  heard  him  nam'd  for  any  Miftrifs 
Bat  now  this  picture  has  conyinc'd  me. 

The  Maiden-Queen.  it 

gu.  Ha !  let  me  fee  it ■  (Snatches  it  from  her) 

Candiofe^  Prince  Ly  [mantes  lifter  i 

Aft.  Your  favour  Madam,  may  encourage  him— • 
And  yet  he  loves  in  a  high  place  for  him  : 
A  Princefs  of  the  Blood,  and  what  is  more, 
Beyond  comparifon  the  faireft  Lady 
Our  Me  can  boaft. 

g>u.  How !  ihe  the  faireft 
Beyond  comparifon:  'tisfalfe,  you  flatter  her;  r  j 

She  is  not  fair. — 

Aft.  I  humbly  beg  forgivenefs  on  my  knees, 
If  I  offended  you:  but  next  yours,  Madam, 
Which  allmuft  yield  to 

g>u.  I  pretend  to  none. 

Aft.  She  pates  for  a  Beauty. 

§u.  I3  (he  may  pafs.— — But  why  do  I  fpeak  of  her  ? 
Dear  A  fieri  a  lead  me,  I  am  not  well  o'th*  fuddain.- — - 


Aft.  Whofe  near  there  i  help  the  Qgeen. 

The  Guards  M  coming, 

g>*.  Bid 'em  away,  'twas  but  a  qualm, 
And  'tis  already  going.- — — — 

Aft.  Dear  Madam  what's  the  matter  1  y'are 
Of  late  fo  alter'd  I  fcarce  know  you<  > 

You  were  gay  humour'd,  and  you  now  are  penfive, 
Once  calm,  and  now  unquiet  5 

Pardon  my  boldnefs  that  I  preft  thus  far  l 

Into  your  fecret  thoughts :  I  have  at  leaft    , 
A  fubj^fts  ftiare  in  you. 

g>u.  Thou  haft  a  greater, 
That  of  a  friend  $  but  am  I  froward,  faift  thou  I 

Aft.  It  ill  becomes  me  Madam,  to  fay  that. 

<%u.  I  know  I  am :  prithee  forgive  me  for  it. 
I  cannot  help  it,  but  thou  haft  ^ 

Not  long  to  fuffer  it. 

Aft.  Alas  J 

<g».  1  feel  my  ftrength  each  day  and  hour  confume^ 
Like  Lillies  wafting  in  a  Lymbecks  heat. 

C  z  Yet 

\%  The  Mtiden-Queen. 

Yet  a  few  days — . 

And  thou  (halt  fee  me  lie  all  damp  and  cold, 
Shrowded  within  fome  hollow  Vault,  among 
My  filent  Anceftors. 

Aft*  O  deareft  Madam  I 
Speak  not  of  death.,  or  think  not,  it  you  die 
That  I  will  ftay  behind. 

Sn*  Thy  love  has  mov'd  me,  I  fononce  willfiave. 
The  pleafure  to  be  pittied  5  l'l  unfo'd 
A  thing  fo  Grange,  fo  horrid  of  my  felf  * 

Aft.  Blefs  me,  fweet  Heaven ! 
So  horrid,  faidyou,  Madam? 

Su.  That  Sun,  who  withone  look  furveys  the  Globe., 
Sees  not  a  wretch  like  me :  and  could  the  world 
Take  a  right  meafure  of  my  ftate  within, 
Mankind  muft  either  pity  me,  or  fcorn  me. 

Aft.  Sure  none  could  dothelaft. 

Sut  Thou  long'ftto  know't: 
And  I  do  tell  thee,  but  (liame  ftops  my  mouth, 
rirftpromifeme  thou  wiltexcufe  my  folly, 

And  next  be  feci  et. 

jlft. Canyou  doubt  it  Madam  I 

S».  Yet  you  might  fpare  my  labour  -7 
Can  you  not  guefs 

Aft.  Madam,  pleafe  you,  1*1  try. 

Sff.  Hold:  Aftertax 
I  would  not  have  you  guefs,  for  mould  you  find  it 
I  mould  imagine,  that  fome  other  might, 
And  then,  1  were  moll:  wretched  5 
Therefore,  though  you  (hould  know  it, flatter  me: 
And  fay  you  could  not  guefs  it.. 

Aft.  Madam,  I  need  not  flatter  you,  I  cannot.— — andyet. 
Might  not  Ambition  trouble  your  repofef 

§>u   My  Sicily  I  thank  the  Gods,  contents  me. 
But  fince  I  muft  reveal  it,  know 'tis  love: 
I  who  pretended  fo  to  glory,  am 
Become  the  ftave  of  love.— . 

Aft.  I  thought  your  Ma  jefty  had  fram'd  defignes 


The  Mdiden~Queen.  i: 

To  fub vert  all  your  Laws  5  become  a  Tyrant^ 
Gr  vex  your  neighbours  with  injurious  wars  5 
Is  this  all  ?  Madam. 

<g«.  Is  not  this  enough? 
Then,  know,  Hove  below  my  felf  5  a  Subject; 
Love  one  who  loves  another,  and  who  knows  not 
That  I  love  him. 

Aft.  He  muft  be  told  it,  Madam. 

«g«.  Not forthe world:  Afteria: 
When  e'r  he  knows  it,  I  fhall  die  for  fhame. 

Aft,  "What  is  it  then  that  would  content  you? 

«g#.  Nothing  but  that!  had  not  lovU 

Aft.  May  I  not  ask  without  offence  who  'tis  > 

<%»,  Evn  that  confirms  me  I  have  lov'd  amifs  5 
Since  thou  canft  know  Hove,  and  not  imagine 
It  muft  be  Vhiloclts 

Aft.  My  Coufin  is  indeed  a  moft  deferving  perfonv 
V  aliant  and  wife  5  and  bandfome ,  and  well  born. 

gu.  But  not  of  Royal  bloud  : 
I  know  his  fate  unfit  to  be  3  King. 
To  be  his  wife  I  could  forfake  my  Crowns  but  not  my  Glory : 

Yet, would  he  did  not  love  Candhfe^ 

Would  he  lov'd  me,  -  but  knew  not  of  my  love, 
Or  e'r  durft  tell  me  his:  Aft.  In  all  this  Labyrinth. 
I  find  one  path  conducing  to  your  quiet. 

ght.  O  te'.l  me  quickly  then. 

Aft.  Cajtdtope,  as  Princefs  of  the  Blood 
Without  your  approbation  cannot  marry  : 
Firft  break  his  match  with  her,  by  vertue  of 
Your  Sovereign  Authority. 

&t*.  I  Tear  that  were  to  make  him  hate  me.' 
Or,  what's  as  bad,  to  let  him  know  Hove  him :• 
Could  you  not  do  it  of  your  felf  f 

Aft.  I'l  not  be  wanting  to  my  pow'r  : 
But  if  your  Ma  jefty  appears  not  in  it  5 
The  love  of  Philocles  will  foon  furmount 
All  other  difficulties,. 

i4-  The  Mdiden*Queenl 

<g».  Then,  as  we  walk,  we'l  think  what  means  arebeft, 
Effe<a  but  this,  and  thou  fhar'ft  half  my  brcaft.  Exeunt. 


SCENE  I.  The  Queens  Apartment. 
jtfitrfo;1*^ lOthing  thrives  that  I  have  plotted  : 
[ola.      1\  For  Ihave  founded  Philocles^  and  £nd 
He  is  too  conftant  to  Candiope: 
Her  too  I  have  afifaulted,  but  in  vain, 
Obje&ing  want  of  quality  in  Vhilocles. 
1*1  to  the  Queen  and  plainly  tell  her 
She  muft  make  ufe  of  her  Authority 
To  break  the  match. 

SCENE     11 

Enter  Celadon  looking  About  him. 
Brother !  what  makt  you  here 
About  the  Queens  Apartments? 
Which  of  the  Ladies  are  you  watching  for  ? 

Cel  Any  of  sem  that  will  do  me  the  good  turn  to  make  me  found- 
ly  in  love. 

Aft.  Then  1*1  befpeak  you  ones  you  will  be  defp'rateJy  in  love 
with  Florimel :  fo  foon  as  the  Queen  heard  you  were  return *d  fhe 
gave  you  her  for  Miftrifs. 

Cel.  Thank  her  Majefty;  but  to  confefs  the  truth  my  fancy  lies 
partly  another  way. 

^.That's  toang&Fhrimel  vows  you  are  already  in  love  with  her. 
Cel.  She  wrongs  me  horribly,  if  ever  I  faw  or  fpoke  with  this* 

Aft.  Well,  take  your  fortune,  I  muft  leave  you.  [Exit  Merh 

Enter  Florimel,  fees  him,  and  is  funning  hack, 
Ceh  Nay  y'faith  I  am  got  betwixt  you  and  home,  you  are  my 
prisner,  Lady  bright,  till  you  refolvemeonequeftion. 


The  Maidzn-Queen.  ij 

She  (igtts*  She  is  dumb. 
Pox5 1  think  flie's  dumb :  what  a  vengeance  doft  thou  at  Court5witfi 
fiich  a  rare  face,  without  a  tongue  to  anfwer  to  a  kind  queftion. 

Art  thoudumb  indeed,  then,  thou  canft  tell  no  tales, goes  to 


Flor.  Hold,  hold,  you  are  not  mad  I 

Cel,  Oh,  my  mifs  in  a  Masque !  have  you  found  your  tongue  § 

Flor.  'Twas  time,I  think  5  wfrat  had  become  of  me,  if  I  had  not? 

Cel.  Methinks  your  Lips  had  done  as  well. 

Flor.  I,  if  my  Mafque  had  been  over  'em,  as  it  was  when  you  met 
me  in  the  wilks; 

Cel.  Well  >  will  you  believe  me  another  time  i  did  not  I  fayyou 
were  infinitely  handfome :  they  may  talk  of  Florimel,  if  they  will, 
but  y'faith  (he  muft  come  fliort  of  you. 

Flor.  Have  you  feen  her,  then  i 

Cel.  I  look'd  alittie  that  way,  but  I  hadfoon  enough  of  her,' 
roe  is  not  to  be  feen  twice  without  a  forfeit. 

Flor.  However  you  are  beholding  to  her,they  fay  me  loves  you. 

Cel.  By  fatefhe  man'not  love  me:  I  have  told  her  apiece  of  my 
raind  already :  pox  o'  thefe  coming  women  :  they  fet  a  man  to  din- 
ner  before  he  has  an  appetite. 

,  [Jhvhattbe  door. 

Florimel  you  are  calFd  within. .  r  Exit  ■ 

Cel.  I  hope  in  the  Lord  you  are  not  Florimel- 

Flor.  EvVimeatyour  fervice*  the  fame  kind  and  coming  Flo* 
rtml,  you  have  defcnb'd:  ° 

Cel..  Why  then  we  are  agreed  already,  I  am  as  kind  and  comine 
asyoufor  the  heart  of  you:  I  knew  at  fix  ft  we  two  were  goodX? 
nothing  but  one  another.  s    q  ror 

Flor.  But,  without  raillery,  are  you  in  Love? 
u   Cel.  So  horribly  much,  that  contrary  to  myown  Maxims,  I  think 
in  my  conscience  I  could  marry  you.  «**«»,  unuiK 

Flor.  No,  no,  'tis  not  come  to  that  yet:  but  if  vouarerealli;  in 
love  you  have  done  methe  greateft  pleafure  in  th/Zrll       Y 
CeU  "That  pleafure  and  a  better  too  I  have  in  (lore  for  you 
FUr.  This  Animal  call'd  a  Lover  I  have  long'd  to  fee  thefe  two 

ywrs,  ,       ^       -      _ 


\6  The  Maiden'Queen. 

Cel  Sure  you  walk'd  with  your  Mafque  onallthewhile^orifyou 
had  been  teen,  you  could  not  have  been  without  your  wifli. 

Flor.  I  warrant  you  mean  an  ordinary  whining  Lover>  but!  muft 
other  proofs  of  Love  e'rl  believe  it. 

Cel,  You  fhail  have  the  beft  that  T  an  give  you. 
Flor.  I  would  have  a  Lover,  that  if  need  be^ftiould  hang  himfelf, 
drown  himfelf,  break  his  neck,  poifon  himfelf,  for  very  defpair :  he 
that  will  fcruple  this  is  an  impudent  fellow  if  he  fays  he  is  in  love, 

Cel.  Pray,  Madam,  which  of  thefe  four  things  would  you 
have  your  Lover  do  *  fo.r  a  man's  but  a  man,  he  cannot  hang,  and 
drown,  and  break  his  neck,  and  poyfon  himfelf,  altogether. 

Flor.  Well  then^becaufe  you  are  but  a  beginner,and  I  would  not 
difcourage  you,  any  of  thefe  ihall  ferve  your  turn  in  a  fair  way. 

Cel.  I  am  much  deceiv'd  in  thofe  Eyes  of  yours,if  a  Treaty  Song, 
and  the  Fiddles,  be  not  a  more  acceptable  proof  of  love  to  you,than 
any  of  thofe  Tragical  ones  you  have  mentioned. 

Flor.  However  you  will  grant  it  is  but  decent  you  mould  be  pale, 
and  lean,  and  melancholick  to  mew  you  are  in  love :  and  that  I  mall 
require  of  you  when  I  fee  you  next. 

Cel.  When  you  fee  me  next:'  why  you  do  not  make  a  Rabbet  of 
me,  to  be  lean  at  2  4  hours  warning  i  in  the  mean  while  we  burn  day- 
light, loofe  time  and  love. 

Flor.  Would  you  marry  me  without  conflderation  i 
Cel.  To  choofe,by  heaven,  for  they  that  think  on'c,  twenty  to 
one  would  never  doe  it,  hang  forecaft  5  to  make  fure  of  one  good 
n'ght  is  as  much  in  reafon  as  a  man  mould  expect  from  this  ill  world. 
Flor.  Methinks  a  few  more  years  and  difcretion  would  do  well :  I 
do  not  like  this  going  to  bed  fo  early  5  it  makes  one  fo  weary  before 

Cel.  That's  much  as  your  pillow  is  laid  before  you  go  to  fleep. 
Flor.  Shall  I  makea  proportion  to  you  ?  I  will  give  you  a  whole 
year  of  probation  to  love  mein;  to  grow  referv'd,  difcreet,foberand 

faithful,  and  to  pay  me  all  the  fervices  of  a  Lover, 

Cel.  And  at  the  end  of  it  you'l  marry  me  ? 

Flor.  If  neither  of  us  alter  our  minds  before, 

Cel.  By  this  light  a  neceflfary  claufe. — but  if  I  pay  in  all  the  fore- 
faid  fervices  before  the  day,  you  mail  be  obliged  to  takemefooner 
into  mercy. 


The  Maiden^Qmen.  17 

Flor.  Provided  if  you  prove  unfaithful,  then  your  time  of  a 
Twelve- month  to  be  prolongM;  fomany  Cervices  I  will  bate  you 
fo  many  days  or  weeks  5  fo  many  faults  I  will  add  to  your'Pren- 
tifhip,  fo  much  more:  And  of  all  this  I  only  to  be  Judge. 


Enter  Philocles  and  Lyfimantes. 
Lif.  Is  the  Qgeen  this  way,  Madam  ? 
Flor.  ril  fee  fo  pleafe  your  Highnefs :  Follow  me, Captive. 

Ce  l.   M  arch  on  Conquerour .  [$he  fulls  hint* 

Lyf.  You'r  fure  her  Majefty  will  not  oppofe  it  i     £  Exeunt 
Phil.  Leave  that  to  me  my  Lord.  cCtel.  Flor0 

Ljf.  Then,  though  perhaps  my  Sifters  birth  might  challenge 

An  higher  match, 

I'll  weigh  your  merits  on  the  other  fide 

To  make  the  ballance  even. 
Phil.  I  go  my  Lord  this  minute. 
Lyf.  My  beft  wifhes  wait  on  you.  [Exit  Lyfimantes,' 


Enter  the  Queen  and  Afteria. 

<g>#.  Yonder  he  is  -7  have  I  no  other  way  > 

Aft.  O  Madam,  you  muftftand  this  brunt: 
Deny  him  now,  and  leave  the  reft  to  me: 
I'l  to  Candiope's  Mother, 
And  under  the  pretence  of  friendship,  work 
On  her  Ambition  to  put  off  a  match 
So  mean  as  Philocles. 

Zgueen  to  Phil.]  You  may  approach.  Sir, 
We  two  difcourfeno  fecrets. 

Phil.  I  come.  Madam.,  to  weary  out  your  Royal  bounty.^ 

§>u.  Somefuit  I  warrant  for  your  Coufm  Celadoff. 
Leave  his  advancement  to  my  care. 

Phil.  Your  goodnefs  ftill  prevents  my  wiflies:— yet  I  have  one 

D  Might 

18  The  Maiden*Queen* 

Might  it  not  pafs  almoft  for  madnefs,  and 
Excream  Ambition  in  me. — — 

gh*.  You  know  you  have  a  favourable  Judge, 
Itlis  in  you  not  to  ask  any  thing 
I  cannot  grant. 

Phil  Madam,  perhaps  you  think  me  too  faulty: 
But  Love  alone  infpires  me  with  ambition;, 
Though  but  to  look  on  fair  Candhpe  were  an  excufe  for  both* 

gu.  Keep  your  Ambition  and  let  Love  alone  > 
That  I  carvcloy,  but  this  I  cannot  cure 
I  have  fome  reafons  (invincible  tome)  which  muft  forbid 
Your  marriage  with  Candiopc. 

Phil.  I  knew  I  was  not  worthy. 

<%u.  Not  forthar^  Philocks^  you  defer  ve  all  things. 
And  to  mow  I  think  it,  my  Admiral  I  hear  is  dead. 
His  vacant  place,  (the  belt  in  all  my  Kingdom,) 
I  here  confer  on  you. 

Phil.  Rather  take  back  all  you  had  giv'n  before. 
Than  not  give  this. 

For  believe.  Madam,  nothing  isfo  near 
My  foul  as  the  poffeflion  of  Candiepe. 

gjt.  Sincethatbeliefwouldbeto  yourdifadvantage, 
Iwillnotentertan  it* 

Phil.  W  hy ,  Madam,  can  you  be  thus  cruel  to  me  ?■ 
To  give  me  all  things  which  Ididnot  ask. 
And  yet  deny  that  onely  thing  I  beg: 
And  fobeg  that  I  find  I  cannot  live 
Without  the  hope  of  if, 

<g*.  Hope  greater  things?  '/ 

But  hope  not  this.  Hafteto  o'recomeyour  love, 
It  is  but  putting  a  (hort  livd  paffion  to  a  vio'ent  death. 

Phil.  I  cannot  live  without  CAndi&pt, 
But  I  can  die  without  a  murmur, 
Having  my  doom,  pronounced  from  your  fair  mouth. 

6)uk  It  I  am  to  pronounce  it]  live  my  ThihcUs, 

But  live  without  (I  was  about  to  fay)  [  afide. 

VYithout  his  love,  but  that  I  cannot  do  j 

Live  Philoclcs  without  Candiopto 


The  Maiden~Queen.  ijr 

Phil.  Madam,  could  you  give  my  doom  fo  quickly 
And  knew  it  was  irrevocable  1 

'Tis  too  apparent 
You  who  alone  love  glory,  and  whofe  foul 
Jsloofned  from  your  fences  cannot  judge 
What  torments  mine  of  grofler  mould,  endures. 

^u.  I  cannot  fuffer  you 
To  give  me  praifes  which  are  not  my  own :  i 

Hove  like  you,  and  am  yet  much  more  wretched 
Than  you  can  think  your  felf. 

Phil.  Weak  bars  they  needs  muft  be  that  fortune  puts 
'Twixt  Soveraign  Power,  and  all  it  can  defire. 
When  Princes  love,  they  call  themfelves  unhappy, 
Onely,  becaufe  the  word  founds  handforae  in  a  Lovers  mouth.1 
But  you  can  ceafeto  be  fo  when  you  pleafe 
By  making  Ly (imams  fortunate 

gu.  Were  he  indeed  the  man,  you  had  fome  reafon. 
But  'tis  another,  more  without  my  power, 
And  yet  a  Subject  too. 

Phil.  O,  Madam,  fay  notfo, 
It  cannot  be  a'Subject  if  not  he, 
It  were  to  be  injurious  to  your  felf 
To  make  another  choice. 

g*.  Yet  Lyftmantesj  fet  by  him  I  love, 
Is  more  obfcur'd  than  Stars  too  near  the  Sun  5  , 

He  has  a  brightnefs  of  his  own, 
Not  borrowed  of  his  Fathers,  but  born  with  him." 

Phil.  Pardon  if  I  fay,  who  e'r  he  be. 
He  has  praclis'd  fome  ill  Ads  upon  you,  Madam  5  •  h  v. 

For  he,whom  you  defcribe,  I  fee  is  born 

But  from  thelees  o'th  people. 

§u.  You  offend  me  Ph Hocks . 
Whence  had  you  leave  to  ufe  thofe  infolent  terms  '  <> 

Of  him  1  pleafe  to  love :  one  I  muft  tell  you, 
(Since  fooliihly  I  have  gone  thus  far) 
Whom  I  efteem  you  equal, 
And  far  fuperior  t  o  Prince  Lyfimantes  5 
One  who  deferves  to  wear  a  Crown. — «-. 

D  2  Phil. 

%o  The  Maiden-Oueen. 

Phil.  Whirlwinds  bearme  hence  before  Hive 

To  that  detefted  day. That  frown  allures  me 

I  have  offended,  by  my  over- freedom  ♦, 

But  yet  methinksa  heart  fo  plain  and  honeft 

And  zealous  of  your  glory,  might  hope  your  pardon  for  it. 

„§«.  Z  give  it  you  *  but 
When  you  know  him  better 
You'l  alter  your  opinion  5  he's  no  ill  friend  of  yours. 

Phil.   I  well  perceive 
He  has  fupplanted  me  in  your  efteem  •, 
But  that's  the  leaft  of  ills  this  fatal  wretch 

Has  pra&is'd Think,  for  Heavens  fake.  Madam  think 

If  you  have  drunk  no  Phylter  -7 — , 

Jgu.  Yes  he  has  given  me  a  Phylter  5 
But  I  have  drunk  it  only  from  his  Eyes. 

Phil.  Hot  Irnos  thank 'em  for't. ftyflfi  cr  tnrn~ 

£it.  What's  that  you  mutter  f  i  ingfrem  her. 

Hence  from  my  fight :  I  know  not  whether 
I  ever  fliall  endure  to  fee  you  more. 

Phil.  But  hear  me. Madam: 

J^tt.  I  fay  begone.- See  me  no  more  this  da'y.-. — ^ 

I  will  not  hear  one  word  in  your  excufe  .• 

Now,  Sir,  be  rude  again  5  And  give  Lam  to  your  ghteen. 

Exit  Pnilocles  bowing 
Aftcria,  come  hither. 

Was  ever  boldnefs  like  to  this  of  Pollocks  : 

Help  me  to  reproach  him  $  for  I  refolve 

Henceforth  no  more  to  love  him. 

Aft.  Tiuthis,  I  wondredat  your  patience,  Madam  : 
Did  you  not  mark  his  words,  his  meen,  his  Aclion, 
How  full  ofhaugbtinefs,  howfmall  refpeft  * 

£ht.  And  he  to  ufe  me  thus,  he  whom  I  favour'd, 
Nay  more  he  whom  I  lcv'd  > 

A(l.  A  man  methinks  of  vulgar  parts  and  prefence  ! 

JVu.  Or  allow  him  fomething  handfome,  valiant,  orfo  — 
Yet  this  to  me  /  ■ 

Aft.  The  workmanfhip  of  inconfiderate  favour, 
The  Creature  of  rafh  love  5  one  of  thofe  Meteors 


The  Mttiden*Queen.  21 

Which  Monarchs  raifefrom  earth, 

And  people  wondring  how  they  came  fo  high. 

Fear,  from  their  influence.  Plagues,  and  Wars,  and  Famine, 

£u.  Ha!  ,;' 

Aft.  One  whom  inftead  of  banifhing  a  day,  n 

You  {hould  have  plum'd  of  all  his  borrow'd  honours :  tXA 
And  let  him  fee  what  abject  things  they  are  ar= 

Whom  Princes  often  love  without  defert.  ,i?r 

gu.  What  has  my  Phikcles  defer  v'd  fromydfice 
That  thou  (houldft  ufe  him  thus  * 
Were  he  thebafeftof  Mankind  thou  couldft  not 
Have  given  him  ruder  language. 

A/t.  Did  not  your  Majefty  command  me,  & 

Did  not  your  felf  begin  ? 

gu.  I  grant  I  did,  but  I  have  right  rodoit? 

I  love  him  and  may  rail  5 -in  you  'tis  malice;  < ,.  ■ 

Malice  in  the  moft  high  degree  s  for  never  man      ' 

Was  more  deferving  than  my  Hilocles. 

Or,  do  you  love  him,  ha !  and  plead  that  title? 

Confefs,  and  I'll  forgive  you 

For  none  can  look  on  him  but  needs  muftjo've. 

Aft.  I  love  him,  Madam  /  I  befeechyour  Meetly 
Have  better  thoughts  on  me. 

g>u.  Doftthou  not  love  him  then  I 
Good  Heav'n,  how  ftupid  and  how  dull  is  ihe  J . 
How  moft  invincibly  infenfible  / 
No  woman  does  deferve  to  live 
That  loves  not  Philocles. ^ 

Aft.  Dear  Madam,  recollect  your  felf  5  alas 
How  much  diftracled  are  yourthoughts,  and  how . 
Difjoynted  all  your  words  i  ~ — ■  a  "o  , 

The  Sybils  leaves  more  orderly  were  laid; 
Where  is  that  harmony  of  mind,  that  prudence 
Which  guided  all  you  did  i  that  fenfe  cf  glory. 
Which  rais'd  you,  high  above  the  reft  of  Kings7 
As  Kings  are  o're  the  level  of  mankind  I 

g)u    Gone,  gone  Afleria,  all  is  gone., 
Ov  loft  within  me  far  from  any  ufe, 


xi  The  Maiden^Queenl 

Sometimes  I  ftruggle  like  the  Sun  in  Clouds,  ;i:         -.    / 

But  ftraight  I  am  o'r-caft. 

Jfi.  I  grieve  to  fee  it.- 

j£#.  Then  thou  haft  yet  the  goocmefs 
To  pardon  what  I  faid. — ^— 
Alas,  I  ufe  my  felf  much  worfe  than  thee. 
Love  rages  in  great  fouls, 
For  there  his  pow'r  moft  oppofitiorf  finds  3 
High  trees  are  (hooky  becaufethey  dare  the  winds.  [Extant. 


SCENE  of  the  Aft,  The  Court  Gallery. 

P hi lodes ,  (oltts. 
p£/7,,/"'TpIs  true,  fliebaniuYd  him  but  for  a  day; 

X   But  Favourites,  once  declining,  fink  apace. 
Yet  Fortune,  flop, — this  is  thelikelieft  place 
To  meet  AflerU,  and  by  her  convey, 
My  humble  vows  to  my  offended  Queen. 

Enter  Qjieen  and  Afteria.' 

Ha !  She  comes  her  felf  $  Unhappy  man  i 
Where  (hall  I  hide  < ■  (is  going  out.) 

«g».  Is  not  that  Philocles 

Who  makes  fuch  hafte  away  ?  Philocles,  Philocles 

I  [Philocles  coming  bdck.~]  I  fear'd  (be  faw  me. 

ghtt  Ho  a-  now  Sir,  am  I  fuch  a  Bugbear 
That  I  fcare  people  from  me  e 

Phil.  *  Tis  true,  I  mould  more  carefully  have  fliun'd 
The  place  where  you  might  be  5  as,  when  it  thunders 
Men  reverently  quit  the  open  Air 
Becaufe  the  angry  Gods  are  then  abroad. 

gu.  What  does  he  mean,  Jperia  I 
I  do  not  underftandhim. 

A\i.  Your  Majefly  forgets  you  baniuYd  him 


The  Maidzn-Queen.  2? 

Your  prefence  for  this  day. [to her  fofil^ 

£u.  Ha  !  baniflied  him  .'  'tis  true  indeed  5 

But;  as  thou  fayft,  I  had  forgot  it  quite. to  her, 

Aftt  That's  very  ftrange,  fcarce  halfe  an  hour  ago. 
§>n.  But  Love  had  drawn  his  pardon  up  fo  foon. 
That  I  forgot  he  e'r  offended  me. 

Phil.  Pardon  me,  that  I  could  not  thank  youfooner: 
Your  fudden  grace,  like  fome  fwift  flood  pour'd  in  on  narrow  ban!??' 
O'r-flow'd  my  fpirits. 

gu.  No-,  'tis  for  me  to  ask  your  pardon  PhilocUs^ 
For  the  great  injury  I  did  you 
In  my  remembring  I  was  angry  with  you. 
But  I'l  repair  my  fault, 
Androwze  myangerupagainft  you  yet: 

Phil,  No,  Madam,  my  forgivenefs  was  your  aclof  grace 
And  I  lay  hold  of  ir. 

£ht.  Princes  fome  times  may  pafs, 
A<5tsof  Oblivion  in  their  own  wrong; 
Phil.  '  I'is  true,  but  not  recal  them. 
Jg».  But,  Philocles-,  fince  I  have  told  you  there  is  one  I  love, 
I  will  go  on  5  and  let  you  know 
What  parted  this  day  betwixt  us  •,  be  our  judge 
Whether  my  fervant  have  dealt  well  with  me. 

Phil.  Tbefeechyour  Majefty  excufe  me; 
Any  thing  more  of  him  may  make  me 
Relapfetoo  foon,  and  forfeit  my  late  pardon,. 
gu.  But  you'l  be  glad  to  know  it. 
Phil.  May  Inot  hope  then 
You  have  fome  quarrel  to  him  ?  - 

gu.  Yes,  a  great  one. 
But  fiift  to  juftify  my  fclf 
Know  PhilocleS)  I  have  conceal'd  my  pafliOn 
With  fuchcare  from  him,  that  he  knows  not  yet : 
I  love,  but  only  that  1  much  efteem  him. 

Phil,  O  ftupid  wretch 
That  byathoufund  tokens  could  notguefsit  I  : 
<£u.  He  loves  ellewhere,  and  that  has  blinded  him*-, 
Philt  He's  blindindeed  / . 


z^  The  Maiden'Queen. 

So  the  dull  Beafts  in  the  firft  Paradife 
With  levelled  Eyes  gaz'd  each  upon  their  kind  j 
There  hYd  their  love:  and  ne'r  look'd  up  to  view 
T  hat  glorious  Creature  Man,  their  fovereign  Lord. 

g>u.  Y3  are  too  fevere,  on  little  faults,  but  he  has  crimes ,umold, 
Which  willj  I  fear,  move  you  much  more  againft  him. 
He  fell  this  day  into  a  paflion  with  me, 
4nd  boldly  contradicted  all  I  faid. 

Phil.  And  ftands  his  Head  upon  his  Sholders  yet  t 
How  long  (hall  this  moft  infolent— — 

g)u.  Take  heed  you  rail  not, 
You  know  you  are  but  on  your  good  behaviour. 

Phil.  W  hy  then  I  will  not  call  him  Traitor — 
But  only  rude,  audacious  and  impertinenr, 

To  ufe  his  Soveraign  fo. 1  beg  your  leave 

To  wifh  you  have  at  leaft  imprifon'd  him. 

6)u.  Some  people  mayfpeak  ill,  and  yet  mean  well: 
Remember  you  were  not  confln'd  5  and  yet 
Your  fault  was  great.  In  fliort  J  love  him 
And  that  excufes  all  5  but  be  not  jealous  $ 
His  rifing  (hall  not  be  your  overthrow, 
Nor  will  I  ever  marry  him - 

Phil.  That's  fome  comfort  yet 
He  mall  not  be  a  King. 

<g#.  He  never  (hail.  But  you  are  difcompos'd  3 
Stay  here  a  little  5  I  have  fomewhat  for  you 
Shall  fhew  you  (till  are  in  my  favour. 

[Exettnt  Queen  and  Afteria. 
Enter  to  him  Candiope  weeping. 

Phil.  How  now,  in  tears,  my  far  Candiope  i 
So  through  a  watry  Cloud 
The  Sun  at  once  feems  both  to  weep  and  fhine. 
For  what  Forefathers  (in  do  you  afflict 
Thofe  precious  Eyes  I  for  fure  you  have 
None  of  your  own  to  weep. 

Cand.  My  Crimes  both  great  and  many  needs  mult  (how 
Since  Heav'n  will  punim  themwith  loofingyou. 


The  Maiden-Queen.  if 

"    Phil.  Affli&ions  fent  from  Heav  n  without  a  caufe 

Make  bold  Mankind  enquire  into  its  Laws. 

But  Heav  n,  which  moulding  beauty  takes  fuch  care 

Makes  gentle  fates  on  purpofe  for  the  fair  : 

And  deftiny  that  fees  them  fo  divine, 

Spinn's  all  their  fortunes  in  a  filken  twine  i 

No  mortal  hand  fo  ignorant  is  found 

To  weave  courfe  work  upon  a  precious  ground. 

Cand.  Go  preach  this  doctrine  in  my  Mother's  ears. 

Phil. '  Has  her  feverity  product  thefe  tears  : 

Cand.  She  has  recall'd  thofe  hopes  (he  gave  before, 
And  ftri&ly  bids  me  ne'r  to  fee  you  more. 

Phil.  C  hanges  in  f roward  age  are  Natural  5 
Who  hopes  for  conftant  weather  in  the  fall* 
'Tis  in  your  pow'r  your  duty  to  transfer, 
And  place  that  right  in  me  which  was  in  her. 

Cand.  R  eafon,  like  foreign  foes,  would  ne'r  o  recome, 
But  that  I  find  I  am  betray'd  at  home. 
You  have  a  friend  that  fights  for  you  within  s 

Phil  Let  Reafon  ever  lofe,  fo  Love  may  win. 

Enter  Queen  and  Afteria. 

Queen  with  a  Pitinre  in  her  hand. 

§u.  See  there,  A(leriay 
All  we  have  done  fucceeds  ftill  to  the  worfe5 
We  hindred  him  from  feeing  her  at  home, 
Where  I  but  only  heard  they  lov'd  5  and  now 
She  comes  to  Court-,  and  mads  me  with  the  fight  on't. 

A  p.  Dear  Madam,  overcome  your  felf  a  little, 
Or  they'l  perceive  how  much  you  areconcernd. 

£u.  I  ftruggle  with  my  heart, but  it  will  have  fome  vent. . 

[To  Cand.  Coufin  you  are  aftranger  at  the  Court. 

Cand.  It  was  my  duty  I  confefs : 
To  attend  oftner  on  your  Majefty. 

g>u.  Afteria,  Mend  my  Coufins  Handkerchief-, 
It  fits  too  narrow  there,  and  (hows  too  much 

E  The 

x6  The  Maiden-Queen. 

Thebroadnefsof  her  Shoulders- Nay  fie,  Afteria, 

"Now  you  put  it  too  much  backward,  and  difcover 
The  bigne  s  of  her  breads. 

Capd.  I  befeechyour  Majefty 
Give  not  your  felf  this  trouble. 

gut  Sweet  Coufin,  you  (hall  pardon  me  5 
A beauty  fuch  as  yours 
Deferves  a  more  than  ordinary  care, 
To  fet  it  out. 

Come  hither,  /^/'Wf^dobutobferve, 
She  has  but  one  grofs  fault  in  nil  herfhape, 
That  is,  (he  bears  up  here  too  much, 
And  the  malitious  Wo  kman  has  left  it  open  to  your  Eye. 

Phil.  Where,  and  'pleafe  your  Majefty,methinks  'tis  very  well  * 

ght.  Do  not  you  fee  it,  Oh  how  blind  is  love  i 

Cand  And  how  quick  fighted  malice !  [A fide, 

gu.  Eutyetmethinks,  thofe  knots  of  Sky,  do  not 
So  we'll  with  the  dead  colour  of  her  Face. 

Aft.  Your  Majefty  miftakes,  (he  wants  no  red. 

The  <%ueen  here  f  lucks  out  her  Glafs,  and  looks  fometimes  on  her  felf, 
fometimes  on  her  Rival. 

£u.  How  do  I  look  to  day,  Aftertax 
MethinVsnot  well. 

Aft.  Pardon  me,  Madam,  moft  vi&orioufly. 

<g*.  What  think  you,  Philodes  <  come  do  not  flatter. 

Phil.  Paris  was  a  bold  man  who  prefum'd 
To  judge  the  beauty  of  a  Goddefs. 

Cand.  Your  Majefty  has  given  xhereafon  why 
He  cannot  judge-,  his  Love  has  blinded  him  : 

gu.  Methinksalong  patch  here  beneath  her  Eye 
Might  hide  that  difmal  hollownefs,  what  think  you  Phikclesi 

Cand.  Befeechyou  Madam,  askenot  his  opinion : 
What  my  faults  are  it  is  no  matter;   _ 
He  loves  me  with  them  all. 

g>u.  I,  he  may  love,  but  when  he  marries  you. 
Your  Bridal  (hall  be  kept  in  fome  dark  Dungeon. 
Farewel,  and  think  of  that,  too  cafie  Maid,     . 

The  Maiden-Queen.  *7 

I  blutti  thou  foar'ft  my  blood. J  \xmt  Queen, 

CW.  Inhumane  Queen ! 
Thou  canftnotbe  more  willing  to  refign 
1  hy  part  in  me,  than  I  to  give  up  mine : 

Phil.  Love,  how  few  Subje&s  do  thy  Laws  fulfil, 
And  yet  thofefew,  like  us,  thou  ufeft  ill  / 

C*nd.  Thegreateft  flaves,  in  Monarchies,  are  they, 
Whom  Bath  fetsneaieft  to  Imperial  fwayi 
While  jealous  pow'r  does  fullenly  o'refpy, 
We  play  like  Deer  within  the  Lions  Eye. 
Would  I  for  you  fome  Shepherdefs  had  been  5 
And,  but  each  May  ne'r  heard  the  name  of  Queen. 

Phil.  If  you  were  fo,  might  I  fome  Monarch  be, 
Then, you  mould  gain  what  now  youloofe  by  me: 
Then    you  in  all  my  glories  mould  have  part, 
And  rule  my  Empire,  as  you  rule  my  heart. 

Cattd  How  much  our  golden  wimes  are  in  vain  f 
When  they  arepaftwe  are  our  felves  again. 

Enter  Queen  WAfteria  above, 

Qu.  Look,  look  J  fieri*,  yet  they  are  not  gone. 
Hence  we  mav  hear  what  they  difcourfe  alone. 

Phil   My  Love  inspires  me  with  a  gen'rous  thought 
Which  you  unknowing,  in  thofe  wiflies  taught. 
Since  happmefs  may  out  of  Courts  be  found 
Why  ftay  we  here  on  this  enchanted  ground  .• 
And  choofc  not  rather  with  content  to  dwell 
(If  Love  and  we  can  find  it)  in  a  Cell  > 

Cand  Thofe  who,  like  you,  have  oncein  Courts  beengreat, 
May  think  they  w:m,but  wifti  not  to  retreat. 
They  feldom  go  bur  when  they  cannot  ftay  3 
AsloofingGamefters  throw  the  Dice  away  : 
Ev'n  in  that  Cell,  where  you  repofe  would  find, 
Vifions  of  Court  will  haunt  yourreftlefs mind  3 
And  giorous  dreams  (land  ready  to  reftore 
Thepleafing  fhapes  of  all  you  had  before. 

E  2 


28  The  Maiden'Oueen. 

Thil.  He,  who  with  your  poffefllon  once  is  bleft3 
On  eafie  terms  may  part  with  all  the  reft. 
All  my  Ambition  will  in  you  be  crown'd  • 
And  thofe  white  Arms  /hall  all  my  wiflies  bound. 
Our  life  (hall  be  but  one  long  Nuptial  day, 
And  like  chaft  Odours  melt  in  Tweets  away. 
Soft  as  the  Night  our  Minutes  mall  be  worn, 
And  chearful  as  theBirds  that  wake  the  Morn. 

Cand.  Thus  hope  mifl -.'ads  it  feif  in  pleafanr  way  5       4 
And  takes  more  joysontruft  than  Love  can  pay  I 
But.Love;  with  long  pofifeffion,  once  decay'd, 
That  face  which  now  you  Court,  you  will  upbraid. 

Phil.  Falfe  Lovers  broach  thefe  tenets,  to  remove 
The  fault  from  them  by  placing  icon  Love. 

Cand*  Yet  grant  in  Youth  you  keep  alive  your  Fire, 
Old  age  will  come,  and  then  it  muft  expire: 
Youth  but  a  while  does  at  Loves  Temple  ftay, 
As  fome  fair  Inn  to  lodge  it  on  the  way. 

Fhil.  Your  doubts  are  kind -,  but  to  be  fatify'J, 
lean  be  true,  I  beg  I  may  be  try'd. 

Cand.  Tryalsof  love  too  dear  the  making  coft  5 
For  if  fuccefslefs,  the  whole  venture's  loft. 
What  you  propofe,  brings  wants  and  care  along. 

Phil.  Love  can  bear  both.  (Cand.)  But  is  your  Love  foftrong? 

Phil.  They  do  not  want,  who  wim  not  to  have  more  5 
Who  ever  faid  an  Anchoret  was  poor  * 

Cand.  To  anfwer  generoufly  as  you  have  done, 
I  fliould  not  by  your  arguments  be  won  : 
I  know  I  urge  your  ruine  by  confent  5 
Yet  love  too  well  that  ruine  to  prevent. 

Phil.  Like  water  giv'n  to  thofe  whom  Feavers  fry  :• 
Youkili  but  him,  who muft  without  it  die. 

Cand.  Secure  me  I  may  love  without  a  Crime  5 
Then,  for  our  flight,  appoint  both  placeand  time; 

Phil.  Th'  enfuing  hour  my  plighted  vows  fhall  be 5 
The  time's  not  long  5  or  oneiy  long  to  me. 

Cand.  Theo,  let  us  go  where  we  fhall  ne'r  be  feen 

The  Maidtn^Queen.  29 

By  my  hard  Mother  {Phil.')  Or  my  cruel  Queen,     f  Exeunt  Phil. 
gueen  ?G  Fhiloclcs  unkind  to  call  me  cruel  I  "LCand. 

above.  )  So  falfe  ^£neas  did  from  Dide  fly  5 
But  neve1  branded  her  with  cruelty. 
How  I  defpife  my  felf'for  loving  fo  / 

Aft.  At  once  you  hate  your  felf  and  love  him  too. 
g>u,  No,  his  ingratitude  has  cur'd  my  wound  : 
A  painful  cure  indeed  J  [_Afl.)  And  yet  not  found. 
His  ignorance  of  your  true  thoughts 
Excufesthis  5  you  did  feem  cruel  Madam. 

ig«.  But  much  of  kindnefs  (till  was  mix'd  with  it. 
Who  could  miftake  fo  groflynot  to  know 
A  Cupid  frowning  when  he  draws  his  Bow/ 
A ft.  He's  going  now  to  fmart  for  his  ofTence. 
ght.  Should  he  without  my  leave  depart  from  hence  <* 
Afl,  No  matter  •,  fince  you  hate  him,  let  him  go. 
<g«.  But  I  my  hate  by  my  revenge  will  (how  : 
Befides,  his  head's  a  forfeit  to  the  State. 

Aft.   When  you  take  that  I  will  believe  you  hate, 
Let  nim  pofTefs,  and  then  he'l  foon  repent :  B 

Andfo  his  Crime  will  prove  his  punifhment. 
£>u,  He  may  repent  5  but  he  will  firft  pofTefs. 
Afi.  O,  Madam,  now  your  hatred  you  confefs : 
If,  his  pofTeffing  her  your  rage  does  move, 
*Tis  jealoufie  the  avarice  of  love, 

<g#.  No  more.  A  fieri  a. 
Seek  Lyfim antes  out,  bid  him  let  his  Guards  through  all  the  Court 
and  City, 

Prevent  their  marriage  firft5  then  flop  their  flight. 
Some  fitting  punifhments  I  will  ordain., 
But  fpeak  not  you  of  Vhilocles  again  : 
s  Tis  bold  to  fearchj  and  dangerous  to  find, 
Too  much  of  Heaven  s;  or  of  a  Princes  mind. 

[Qu.  dejcends  and  Exit, 


;o  The  Maiden«Queen. 

As  thcgMcn  has  done  [peaking,  Flavia  it  going  ha/lily  over  the 
Stage;  Afteria fees  her. 

Aft.  Flavia,  Flavia,  whither  fo  fall  i 

Fla.  Did  you  call,  Afteria. 

Aft.  The  Queen  has  bufinefs  with  Prince  Lyfimantes  •, 
Speak  to  any  Gentleman  that's  next,to  fetch  him.        \  Exit  Afteria 

Fla.  I fufpeel:  fomewhar,  but  II  watch  you  clofej \lfrom  above. 
Prince  Lyfimantes  has  not  chofe  in  me, 
Theworft  Spy  of  the  Court. Celadon  I  what  makes  he  here/ 

Enter  Celadon,  Olinda,  Sabina*  they  walk  over  the  Stage  toge- 
ther,  he  feeming  to  court  them. 

Olind.  Nay  fweet  Celadon. 

Sab,  Nay  dear  Celadon. 

Fla.  O-ho.  I  fee  his  bufinefs  now,  'tis  with  Mel/fia's  two  Daugh- 
ters :  Look  look,  how  he  peeptfabout  to  fee  if  the  coaft  be  clear- like 
an  Hawk  that  will  not  plume  if  me  be  look'd  on.  r  Exeunt  Cel. 
i So — atlaft  he  has  trufb'd  his  quarry. ^OLSab. 

Enter  Florime!. 

Flor.  Did  you  fee  Celadon  this  way  * 

Fla.  If  you  had  not  ask'd  thequtftion,  I  fliould  have  thought 
you  had  come  from  watching  him  5  he's  juftgone  off  with  Meliffa's 

Flor.  Jtfe//]/Vs  Daughters  1  he  did  not  Court  'em  I  hope < 

Fla.  Sobufily,  he  loft  no  time:  while  he  was  teaching  the  one 
a  tune, he  w.-s  killing  the otheis hand. 

Flor.  O  fine  Gentleman  / 

Fla,  And  they  fo  greedy  of  him  !  Did  you  never  fee  two  Fifties 
about  a  Bait,  tugging  it  this  way  and  'tother   way-,  for  my  part,  I 

look'd  at  leaft  he  mould  have  loft  a  Leg  or  Arm  fth'fervice. 

Nay,  never  vex  your  felf,  bute'nrefolve  to  break  with  him. 

Flor.  No  no,  'tis  not  come  to  that,  yet  3  l'i  correct  him  firft, 
and  then  hope  the  beft  from  time. 

Fla.  From  timel  Believe  me,  there's  little  good  to  be  expecled 
from  him.  I  never  knew  the  old  Gentleman  with  the  Scythe  and  Hour- 


The  Metiden-Queen.  31 

glafs  bring  any  thing  but  gray  hair ,  thin  cheeks-,  and  lofs  of  teeth: 
you  fee  Celadwlovcs  other*. 

Flor.  There's  the  more  hope  he  may  love  me  among  the  reft: 
hang'tj  would  not  marry  one  of  chefe  folemn  Fops*  they  are  good 
for  nothing  but  to  make  Cuckolds:  Give  meafervant  that  i*  an 
high  Flier  at  all  games?  that  is  bounteous  of  himfelf  to  many  wo- 
men? and  yet  when  ever  1  pleas'd  to  throw  out  the  lure  of  Matri- 
mony, (hou'd  come-down  with  a  fwing,  and  fly  the  better  at  his 
own  quarry. 

Flav.  But  are  you  fure  you  can  take  him  down  when  you  think 
>good  ? 

Flor.  Nothing  more  certain. 

Flav.  What  wager  will  you  venture  upon  the  Trial  i 

Flor.  Anything, 

Flav.  My  Maidenhead  to  yours. 

Flor.  That's  a  good  one,  who  fhall  take  the  forfeit? 

Flav.  I'lgoand  write  a  Letter  as  from  th^fe  two  Sifter$,tofum- 
mon  him  immediately  i  it  mall  be  deliver'd  before  you.  I  warrant 
you  fee  a  ftrange combat  betwixt  the  Fieih  and  the  Spirit;. if  he 
leaves  you  to  goto  them,  you'l  grant  he  loves  i  hem  better? 

Flor.  Not  a  jot  the  more  :  a  Bee  may  pick  of  many  Flowers^  and 
yet  like  fome  one  better  than  all  the  reft. 

Flav.  But  then  your  Bee  muftnot  leave  hisfting  behind  him. 

Flor.  Well  5  make  the  experiment  however :  I  hear  him  coming,, 
and  a  whole  noife  of  Fidlers  at  his  heels.  Hey-day,  what  a  mad 

Husband  (hall I  have? 

Enter  Celadon. 

Flav.  And  what  a  mad  wife  will  he  have  ?  Well,  I  muft  go  a 
little  way,  but  HI  return  immediately  and  write  it:  you'l  keep  him 
in  difcourfe  the  while  >  Exit  Fla. 

Cel.  Where  are  you,  Madam  t  what  do  you  mean  to  runaway 
thus  i  pray  ftand  to't  that  we  may  difpatchthisbufinefs. 

Flor.  I  think  you  mean  to  watch  me  as  they  do  Witches,to  make 
meconfefslloveyou.  Lord,  what  a  buftle  have  you  kept  this  af- 
ternoon >  what  with  eating,  ftnging  and  dancing,  1  am  fo  wearied* 
that  I  (ball  not  be  in  cafe  to  hear  of  any  more  love  this  fortnight. 

Cel,  Nay,  if  you  furfeit  on't  before  Tryal,  Lord  have  mery  up- 
on you  when  I  have  married  you. 

Tp,  The  Maiden*Queen, 

Fhr.  But  what  Kingb  Revenue  do  you  think  will  maintain  this  ex- 
travagant expence? 

Cel.  I  have'a  damnable  Father,  a  rich  old  Rogue,  if  he  would  once 
die  !  Lord,  how  long  does  he  mean  to  make  it  e'r  he  dies  ! 
Flor.  As  long  as  ever  he  can,  I'l  pafs  my  word  for  him. 
Cel.  I  think  then  we  had  beft  confider  him  as  an  obftinate  old  fel- 
low that  is  deaf  to  the  news  of  a  better  world 5  and  ne'r  flay  for 

Flcr.  But  en  marry-,  3nd  get  him  Grandchildren  in  abundance, 
and  great  Grandchildren  upon  them,  and  foinch  him  and  fhovehim 
out  of  the  world  by  the  very  force  of  new  Generations : —  if  that  be 
the  way  you  mull:  excufe  me. 

Cel.   But  doft  thou  know  what  it  is  to  be  an  old  Maid  ? 
Flor.  No,  nor  hope  I  ilian't  thefe  twenty  years. 
Cel.  Bur  when  that  time  comes,in  the  firft  place  thou  fcilt  be  con- 
demned to  tell  ftories,how  many  men  thou  mighteft  have  had  5  and 
none  believe  thee:  Then  thougroweft  froward^and  impudently  wea- 
rieft  all  thy  Friends  to  follicite  Man  for  thee. 

Flor,  Away  with  your  old  Common  place- wit :  I  am  refolved  to 
grow  fat  and  look  young  till  forty,  and  then  flip  out  of  the  woild 
with  the  firft  wrinkle,  and  the  reputation  of  five  and  twenty. 
CeL  Well,  what  think  you  now  of  a  reckoning  betwixt  us  £ 
Flor.  How  do  you  mean? 

CeL  To  difcount  for  fo  many  days  of  my  years  fervice,  as  I  have 
paid  in  fince  morning. 
Flor.  With  all  my  heart. 
Cel.  Imprimis ,  For  a  I  reat : 
Item.  For  my  G-afs  Coach : 
Item,  For  fitting  bare  and  wagging  your  Fann : 
And  hilly,  and  principally,  for  my  Fidelity  to  you  this  long  hour 
and  half. 

Flor.  For  this  I  bate  you  three  weeks  of  your  Service^  now  hear 
your  Bill  of  Faults^  for  your  comfort  'tis  a  ihort  one. 
Cel.   I  know  it. 

Flor.  Imprimis ,  Item,md  Sum  totals  for  keeping  company  with 
Melijfa's  Daughters. 

Cel.  How  the  Pox  came  you  to  know  of  that:  Gad  I  believe  th'e 
Devil  plays  booty  againft  himfelf,  and  tels  you  of  m/  fins,    [ajtde. 


The  Maiden~Queeri.  $\ 

Flor.  The  offence  being  fo  fmall  the  punifhment  (hall  be  but  pro- 
potionable,  I  willfet  you  back  onely  half  a  year. 

Cel.  Your  moft  unconfcionable :  why  then  do  you  think  we 
(hall  come  together?  there's  none  but  the  old  Patriarchs  could  live 
long  enough  to  marry  you  at  this  rate.  What  do  you  take  me  for 
fome  Couiin  of  Mahufalem's,  that  I  muft  flay  an  hundred  years 
before  I  come  to  beget  Sons  and  Daughters? 

F lor.  Here's  an  impudent  Lover,  he  complains  of  me  without  e* 
ver  offering  to  excufe  himfelf  5  Item,  a  fortnight  more  for  that. 

Cel.  So  there's  another  puffin  my  voyage  has  blown  me  back  to 
the  North  of  Scotland. 

Flor.  All  this  is  nothing  to  your  excufe  for  the  two  Sifters. 

Cel!  ?Faith  if  ever  I  did  more  than  kifs  *em,  and  that  but  once,— 

Flor.  What  could  you  have  done  more  to  me  } 

Cel. '  An  hundred  times  more  $  as  thou  (halt  know  dear  Rogue,ac 
time  convenient. 

Flor.  You  talk,  you  talk  5  Could  you  kifs  'em,  though  but  once, 
andne'r  think  of  me? 

Cel.  Nay  if  I  had  thought  of  thee,Ihadkifs'd'em  overathott- 
fand  times,  with  the  very  force  of  imagination.- 

Flor.  The  Gallants  are  mightily  beholding  to  you,  you  have 
found  'em  out  a  new  way  to  kifs  their  MiftrifTes,upon  other  womens 

lips.  .       _ 

Cel.  What  would  you  have?  Youare  my  Sultana  Queen,thereit 
are  but  in  the  nature  of  your  Slaves  5  I  may  make  fome  flight  excur- 
fion  into  the  Enemies  Countrey  for  forage  or  fo,  but  I  ever  return 
to  my  head  quarters. 

Enter  one  with  a  Letter. 

C$1.  Tome? 

Mcff.  If  your  name  be  Celadon.  [Celad.  reads  (oftli. 

fkr.  He'sfwallowing  the  Pill  5  prefently  we  (hall  fee  the  opera- 

QCel.  tvthePfige.J  Child,  come  hither  Child  *  here's  money  for 
thee :  So,  be  gone  quickly  good  Child,  before  any  body  examines 
thee:  Thou  art  in  a  dangerous  place,  Chili—  [Thru/Is  him  out. 
V  ery  good,  the  Sifters  fend  me  word  they  will  ha^ve  the  Fiddles  this 
Afternoon,  and  ihvice  me  to  fup  there! ; —  Now  cannot  I  forbear 
nd  I  mould  bedaran'djthoughlhave  fcap'dafcouringfo  lately  for 

F  «. 

h Sj.  ^The  Maiden^Queen . 

k.  Yet  lloveFlon'mclhetterthzn  both  'em  together- there's  the 

R  iddie  on  c :  but  only  for  the  fweet  fake  of  variety (afidt. 

Well,  we  muft:  all  fin,  and  we  muft  all  repent,  and  there's  an  end 

Flor.  What  is  it  that  makes  you  fidgerp  r.nd  down  Co  } 

Cel.  'Faith!  am  fent  for  by  a  very  dear  inend,  and 'tis  upona  bu- 
finefs  of  life  and  death. 

flor.  On  my  life  fome  woman  ? 

Cel.  On  my  honour  fome  man  •,  Do  you  think  I  would  lie  to  you? 

Flor.  But  you  engag'd  to  fup  with  me ! 

Cel.  Butlconfider  it  may  be   fcandalous  to  ftay  late  in  your 
Adieudear  Mifs  if  ever!  am  fake  to  thee  again,  (Exit  Cel. 

Flor.  See  what  conftant  metal  you  men  are  made  of  I  He  begins  to 
vex  me  in  goodearneft.  Hang  him,  let  him  go  and  take  enough  of 
'em:  and,  yet  methinks  I  cant  endure  he  lliould  neither.  Lord3  that 
futh-  a  Mai-cap  as  1  mould  ever  live  to  be  jealous  i 

I  muft  after  him. 

Some  Ladies  would  difcard  him  now,  but  I 
A  fitter  way  for  my  revenge  will  find, 

II  marry  him,  and  ferve  him  in  his  kind.  {Exit  FlorimeL 


Act     IV. 
SCENE     TheVFalfy. 
-      MelifTa,  after  her  Oiinda  and  Sabina. 

MeliffaXMud  take  this  bufinefs  up  in  time:  this  wild  fellow  be*. 
I  gins  to  haunt  my  houfe  again.  Well,  I'l  be  bold  to  fay 
it,  'tis  as  eafie  to  bring  up  a  young  Lyon,  without  mifchief,  as  a 
Maidenhead  of  Fifteen.,  to  make  it  tame  for  an  Husbands  bed.  Not 
but  that.the  young  man  is  handfome,  rich  and  young,  and  I  could  be 
content  he  IhouW  marry  one  of  'em  but  to  feduce  'em  both  in  this 
matiner»         :  -Well;,  VI  examine  'em  apart,  and  if  I  can  find  out 

3  which. 

The  Maiden^Queen.  y> 

which  heIoves,ri  offer  him  his  choice.-— olinia.  ComeJhither 


olin.  Your  pleafure,  Madam  t 

Met.  Nothing  but  for  your  good  olinda,  what  think  you  of  Cc-. 
l&don  1 

olin.  Why  I  think  he's  a  very  mad  fellow  5  but  yet  I  have  fome 
obligements  to  him :  he  teaches  me  new  Ayrs  of  the  Guitarre,  and 
talks  wildly  to  me,  and  I  to  him. 

Mel.  But  tell  me  in  earneft  do  you  think  he  loves  you  i 

Olin.  Can  you  doubt  it?  There  were  never  two  fo  cut  out  for 
one  another  5  we  both  love  Singing,  Dancing,  Treats  and  Mufick. 
Infhort,  we  are  each.othets  counterpart. 

Mel.  But  does  he  love  you  ferioufly  1 . 

olin.  Serioufly  !  I  know  not  that  ;  if  he  did,  perhaps  I  fhould  not 
love  him  :  but  u  e  fit  and  talk,  and  wrangle,  and  are  friends  5  when 
we  are  together  we  never  hold  our  tongues*  and  then  we  have  always 
a  noifeof  Fiddles  at  our  heels,  he  hunts  me  merrily  as  the;Hoand 
does  the  Hare  5  and  either  this  is  Love,  or  I  know  it  not. 

Mel,  Well,  go  back;  and  call  Sabina  to  me. 

Olinda  goes  behind. 

This  is  a  Riddle  paftmy  finding  out .:  whether  he  loves  her  or  no  is 

the  queftion  >  but  this  I  am  fure  of,.fhe  loves  him : -O  my  little 

FavouriteJ  mull  ask  you  a  queftion  concerning  Celadon :  1$  he  in  love 
with  you  * 

Sab.  I  think  indeed  he  does  not  hate  me,  at  lead  if  a  mans  word 
may  be  taken  for  it. 

Mel.  But  what  expreffions  has  he  made  you  > 

Sab.  Truly  the  man  has  done  his  part :  he  has  fpoken  civilly  to 
me,  and  I  was  not  fo  young  but  I  underftood  him. 
.  Mel.  And  you  could  be  content  to  marry  him  ? 

Sab.  I  have  fvvorn  never  to  marry  ^befides,  he's  a  wild  young  man; 
yet  to  obey  you  Mother,  I  would  be  content  to  be  facrific'd. 

Mel.  No,no,  we  wou'd  but  lead  you  to  the  Altar. 

Sab.  Not  to  put  off  -he  Gentleman  ntither^  for  if  I  have  him 
notlamrefolv'dtodiea  Maid,  that's  once,  Mother — 

Mel.  Both  my  Daughters  are  in  love  with  him,  and  I  cannot  yet 
find  he  loves  either  of  'em. 

oltft.  Mother,  mother,,;  yondei's  Cdadonm  the  Walks, 

F  2  '  Mtl% 

3d  The  Maiden+Queen. 

MeU  Peace  wanton  5  you  had  beft  ring  the  Bells  for  joy.  Well,  1*1 
not  meet  him,  becaufe  I  know  not  which  to  offer  him,  yet  he  feems 
to  like  the  youngeft  bt  ft :  II  give  him  opportunity  with  her-,  olinda% 
do  you  make  hafte  after  me. 

olin.  This  is  fomething  hard  though.  \J.xit  Mel. 

Enter  Celadon. 

Cel.  You  fee  Ladies  the  leaft  breath  of  yours  brings  me  to  you:  I 
have  been  feeking  you  at  your  Lodgings,  and  from  thence  came  hi- 
ther after  you. 

Sab.  'Twas  well  you  found  us. 

Cel.  Found  you  I  half  this  brightnefs  betwixt  you  two  was  e- 
nough  to  have  lighted  me  5  I  could  never  mifs  my  way :  Here's  fair 
olitida  has  beauty  enough  for  one  family  5  fuch  a  voice,  fuch  a  wit, 
fo  noble  a  ftature,  fo  white  a  skin. 

olin.  I  thought  he  would  be  particular  at  laft.  [aftde. 

Cel.  And  young  Sabina,  fo  fweet  an  inno€encer 
Such  a  Rof-bud  newly  blown. 

This  is  my  goodly  Palace  of  Love,  and  that  my  little  withdrawing 
Room.  Aword,Madam. \JioSab. 

Olin.  I  like  not  this (aftde.)  S*r,  if  you  are  not  toobufie 

with  my  Sifter,  I  would  fpeak  with  you. 

Cel.  I  come,  Madam. 

Sab.  Time  enough,  Sir  5  prayfinifli  you  Difcourfe. and  as 

you  w«re  a  faying,  Sir, 

Olin.  Sweet  Sir. 

Sdb.  Sifter,  you  forget,  my  Mother  bid  you  make  hafte; 

olin.  Well,  go  you  and  tell  her  I  am  coming.  -  — 

Sab.  I  can  never  endure  to  be  themeffenger  of  ill  news  5  but  if 
you  pleafe.  fl  fend  her  word  you  won't  come.- 

olin.  Minion,  Minion,  remember  this. ExitQlindz. 

Sab.  She's  horribly  in  love  with  you. 

Cel.  Lord,  who  could  love  that  walking  Steeple:  She's  fo  high 
that  every  time  fhe  fings  to  me,  I  am  looking  up  for  the  Bell  that 

tolls  to  Church. Ha !  Give  me  my  little  Fifth-rate  that  lies 

fofnug. She, hang  her,  a  Dutch  built  bottom:  flie'sfo  tall, 

there's  no  boarding  her.  But  we  lofe  time Madam,  let  me  feal 

my  love  upon  your  mouth.  sty* 

Soft  and  fweet  by  Heaven !  fure  you  wear  Rofe-ieaves  between  your 
lips.  Sab* 

The  Maidcn-Queen.  ;7 

Sab.  Lord,  Lord  5  What's  the  matter  with  me !  my  breath 
grows  fo  mort  I  can  fcarce  fpeak  to  yon. 

Cel.  No  matter,  give  me  thy  lips  again  and  II  fpeak  for  thee. 

Sab.  You  don't  love  me.— — 

Cel.  I  warrant  thee-,  fit  down  by  me  and  kifs  again ~ 

She  warms  fafter  than  Pygmalion  s  Image.  \afide. 

(fcjr,  j  1  marry  fir>  this  was  the  original  life  of  lips  5  talking, 

eating,  and  drinking  came  in  by  th*  by. 

Sab.  Nay  pray  be  civil  5  will  you  be  at  quiet  i 

Cel.  W  har  would  you  have  me  fit  ftill  and  look  upon  you  like  a 
little  Puppy-dog  that's  taught  to  beg  with  his  fore-leg  up  i 

inter  Elorimel. 

I  lor.  Celadon  the  faithful/  in  good  time  Sir 

Cel.  In  very  good  time  Florimel  5  for  Heavens  fake  help  me 

Flor.  What's  the  matter? 

Cel.  Do  you  not  fee  I  here's  a  poor  Gentlewoman  in  a  fwoon ! 
(fwoonaway!)  I  have  been  rubbing  her  this  half  hour,  and  cannot 
bring  her  to  her  fenfes. 

Flor.  Alas,  how  came  flie  fo  i  , 

Cel.  Oh  barbarous.'  do  youftay  to  ask  queftions,  run  for  cha- 

Flor.  Help,  help,  alas  poor  Lady {Exit  Flor. 

Sab.  Is  (he gone.? 

Cel.  I,  thanks  be  to  my  wit  that  helpt  me  at  a  pinch  $ 

I  thank  Heaven,  I  never  pumpt  for  a  lye  in  all  my  life  yet. 

Sab.  I  am  afraid  you  love  her,  Celadon  I 

Cel.  Onely  as  a  civil  acquaintance  or  fo,  but  however  to  avoid 
{lander  you  had  beftbe  gone  before  (he  comes  again. 

Sab.  lean  find  a  tongue  as  well  as  fhe 

Cel.  I,  but  the  truth  is,  I  am  a  kind  of  fcandalousperfon,and  for 
you  to  be  feen  in  my  company Stay  in  the  walks,  by  this  kifs 

II  be  with  you  prefently • -  Exit  Sat). 

Enter  Florimel  running. 
Flor.  Help,  help,  I  can  find  no  body. 
Cel.  'Tis  needlefs  now  my  dear,  file's  recover'd,  and  gone  off>but 
fowan  and  weakly. 


38  The  Maideri'Queen. 

Flor.  Umh/  Ibeginto  fmellaRat.,  whacwas  your  bufinefs  here, 
Celadon  i 

Cel.  Charity,  Chriftian  Charity  '•>  you  faw  Iwas  labouring  for  life 
with  her. 

Flor,  But  how  came  you  hither  $  not  that  I  care  this,— but  onely 
to  be  fatisfied .  sines,  — 1 

Cel.  You  are  jealous  in  my  Confcience. 

Flor,  Who  I  jealous/  Then  I  wifh  this  (igh  may  be  the  laftthat 
ever  I  may  draw.. rj^ 

Cel.  But  why  do  youfigh  then  ? 

Flor..  Nothing  but  a  cold,  I  cannot  fetch  my  breath  well. 

But  what  will  you  fay  if  I  wrote  the  Letter  you  had,to  try  your  faith* 

Cel.  Hey  day  .'  This  is  juft  the  Devil  and  the  Sinnertfculay  fnares 
for  me,  and  then  punifh  me  for  being  taken  >  here's  trying  a  man's 
Faith  indeed :  What  do  you  think  I  had  the  Faith  of  a  Stock,  or  of 
a  Stone  i  Nay,  and  you  go  to  tantalize  a  man,  —  'gad  I  love  upon 
thefqaure,  I  can  endure  no  tricks  to  be  ufedrome. 

Olinda  ^^Sabina  at  the  door  peeping. 

olin.  Sab.  Celadon, Celadon.' 

Flor.  What  voices  are  thofe  i 

Cel.  Some  Camerades  of  mine  that  call  me  to  play  > 

Pox  on  'em  they'l  fpoil  all afidc. 

Flor.  Pray  let's  fee 'em, 

Cel.  Hang 'em  Tatterdemallions,  they  are  not  worth  your  fight ; 
pray  Gentlemen  be  gone  1'i  be  with  you  immediately. 

Sab.  No,  we'l  ftay  here  for  you. 

Flor.  Do  your  Gentlemen  fpeakwith  treble  voices  >  lam  re- 
folv'd  to  fee  what  company  you  keep. 

Cel.  Nay,  good  my  Dear.— 

He -lays  hold  of  her  to  full  her  back  •,  (he  lays  hold 
of  Olinda,  by  whom  Sabina  holds  5  fo  that  he 
pulling  they  all  come  in. 

Flor.   Are  thefe  your  Camerades  ? 
\_Sings.~\  'TlsStrephonctih  what  wou'd  my  love  > 
Why  do  not  you  roar  out  like  a  great  Bals-vyal,  Comefollowtothe 
Myrtle-grove.   Pray  Sir,  which  or  thefe  fair  Ladies  is  it,for  whom  you 
were  to  do  the  courrefie,  for  it  were  unconfcionable  to  leave  you 
to  'em  both  5  what,  a  man's  but  a  man  you  know. 

Olin.  The  Gentleman  may  find  an  oVaier.  Sab> 

The  Maiden~Queen.  29 

Sab.  Though  not  of  you. 

Flor.^  Pray  agree  whofe  the  loft  meepis,  and  take  him. 

Ctl.   'Slife  the'}  cry  me  anon,  and  tell  my  marks. 

Fler,  Troth  I  pity  your  Highnefs  there,  I  perceive  he  has  left 
you  for  the  little  one :  Methinks  he  mould  have  been  afraid  to  break 
nis  neck  when  he  fell  fo  high  as  from  you  to  her. 

Sab.   Well  my  drolling  Lady  I  may  be  even  with  you.- 

Flor.   Nor  this  ten  years  by  the  growth,  yet. 

Sab.    Can  flefli  and  blood  endure  this  ! 

Flor.   How  now,  my  Amazon  in  dec imo [extol 

Olin.  Do  you  affront  my  Sifter  I 

Flor.  I,buc  thou  aitfo  rail,  I  think  I  mall  never  affionc  thee.-< 
{Sab.  Come  away  Sifter,  we /hall  bejecr'dto  Deathelfe. 

{Exeunt  Olin.  Sab. 

Flor.  Why  do  you  look  t^at  way,  you  cao'c  rorbear  leering  after 

the  forbidden  fruit. But  when  e'r  I  take  a  Wenchers  word 

again  i 

€el.  A  Wenchers  word,  why  mould  you  fpeak  fo  contemptibly 
of  the  better  hair  ot  Mankind  !  Fi  ftand  up  for  the  honour  of  my 

Flor.  You  are  in  no  fault  I  warrant  $ — \vare  my  Busk  — 

CeL  Not  to  give  a  fair  Lady  the  lie,  I  am  in  fault5 but  other- 
wife.  < — Come  let  us  be  friends,  and  jet  me  wait  on  you  to  your  Lodg- 
ings.                                                                            [  B 

Flor.  This  impudence  (hall  not  fave  you  from  my  Ta'  le-Book. 
Item.  A  Month  more  for  this  fault. (They  walk  to  the  door.. 

1.  Soldier  within.  Stand. 

2,  Souldkr.  Stand,  give  the  word. 

Cel.  Now,  what's  the  meaning  of  this  trow,  guards  fet. 
1.  Sottldier.Givethe  word, or  you  cannot  pafs5  thefe  are  they, 
brother  >  let's  in  and  feize  'em. 

The  two  Souldiers  enter— 

1.  Sould., Downwithfoim. 

2.  Sould.  Difarm  him. 

Cel.  HownowRafcals: Drwsavd  beats  one  off,  and 

.    A1  ..-  .n  .  catches  the  othen 

Cel.  Ask  your  lifeyou  Villain.. 

%  sould.  Quarter,  quarter, 


±o  The  Maiclen*Queen, 

Cel.  Was  ever  fuch  an  Infolence  { 

Sould.  We  did  but  our  duty  >  here  we  were  fet,  to  take  a  Gen- 
tleman and  Lady,  that  would  fteal  a  marriage  without  the  Queens 
confent,  and  we  thought  you  had  been  they.  [Exit  Soul. 

Flor.  Your  Coufin  Philocles  and  the  Princefs  Candiofe  on  my  life ! 
for  I  heard  the  Queen  give  private  Orders  to  Lyfimantes,  and  name 
them  twice  or  thrice. 

Cel.  I  know  a  fcore  or  two  of  Madcaps  here  hard  by,  whom  I  can 
pick  up  from  Taverns  and  Gaming- houfes,  and  Bordels  5  thofeTl 
bring  to  aid  him  :  How  Florimel^  there's  an  argument  for  wenching 
where  would  you  have  had  fo  many  heneft  men  together  upon  the 
fudden  for  a  brave  employment  } 

Flor.  You'l  leave  me  then  to  take  my  fortune? 

Cel.  No ;  if  you  will,  Tl  have  you  into  the  places  aforefaid,  and 
enter  you  into  good  company. 

Flor.  '  Thank  you  Sir,  here's  a  key  will  let  me  thr<  ugh  this  back- 
door to  my  own  Lodgings. 

Cel.  If  I  come  off  with  life,  I'lfeeyou  this  evening,  if  not— - 
Adieu  Florimel. *— — 

Flor*  If  you  come  not  I  (hall  conclude  you  are  khTd,or  taken^  to 
be  hang'd  for  a  Rebel  to  morrow  morning — and  then  I'l  honour 
your  memory  with  a  Lampoon  inftead  of  an  Epitaph. 

Cel.  No  no,  I  truft  better  in  my  Fate:  I  know  I  am  referv'd  to 

do  you  a  Courtefie.  [Exit  Celadon. 

As  Florimel  is  mlockingthe  door  togoouty  Flavia 

cpens  it  agai/t/l  ber^  and  enters  M  htr,  followed  bj 

a  Page. 

FUv.  Tlorimel^  do  you  hear  the  news  > 

Flor.  I  guefs  they  are  in  purfuit  of  Fhiloxlts* 

Flav.  When  Ly [mantes  came  with  the  Queens  Orders, 
He  refufed  to  render  up  Candiopc; 
And  with  fome  few  brave  friends  he  had  about  hira- 
Is  forcing  of  his  way  through  all  the  Guards. 

Flor.  A  gallant  fellow,  I'l  in,  will  you  with  me. 
Hark,  the  noife  comes  this  way  / 

Fhv.  I  have  a  mefTage  from  the  Queen  to  Lyfimaptcs. 


The  Maiden-Queen.  41 

I  hope  I  may  be  Cafe  among  the  Soldiers. 

Flor.  Oh  very  iafe,  perhaps  fome  honed:  fellow  in  the  tumult  may 
take  pity  of  thy  Maidenhead,  or  fo Adiew. 

Page  i.  The  noife  comes  nearer,  Madam.  [ £#*> FlorimeJ. 

Flav.  I  am  glad  on't :  this  meffage  gives  me  the  opportunity  of 
fpeaking  privately  with  Lyfimantts. 

Enter  Philocles  and  Candiope,  with  three  friends  5  furjucdby 
Lyfimantes  and  Souldiers. 

Lyf.  What  is  it  renders  you  thus  obftinate  >  you  have  no  hope  of 
flight,  and  to  refift  is  full  as  vain. 

Phil.  PI  die  rather  than  yield  her  up. 

FLiv.  My  Lord  /  (Lyf.)  How  now,  fome  new  meffage  from  the 
Queen  ? 

Te  Sould.)  Ret:re  a  while  to  a  convenient  diftance. 

Lyf.  a nd Flav.  whifper. 

Lyf.  O  Flavra  'tis  impoffible  !  the  Queen  in  love  with  Philocles  I 

Flav.  I  have  fufpe&ed  it  before;  but  now. 

My  ears  and  eyes  are  witnefl'es, 

This  hour  I  over- heard  her  to  Afleria^ 
Making  fuch  fad  complaints  of  her  hard  fate  ! 
For  my  part  I  believe  you  lead  him  back 
But  to  h  s  Coronation. 

Lyf  Hell  take  him  firir. 

Flav.  Prefently  after  this  foe  call'd  for  me, 
And  bid  me  run,  and  with  ftrict  care  command  you 
On  peril  of  your  life  he'  had  no.  harm  : 
But,  Sir,  foe  fpoke  it  with  fo  great  concernment. 
Me  thought  I  faw  love,  anger,  and  defpair 
All  combating  at  once  upon  her  face. 

Lyf.  Tell  the  Queen— .1  know  not  what,  lam  diftra&ed  fo>  — 
But  go  and  leave  me  to  my  thoughts. — —  (Exit  FJavia. 

Was  ever  fuch  amazing  news 
Told  in  fo  ftrange  and  critical  a  moment  I 
What  (ball  I  do  / 

Does  foe  love  Philocles^  who  loves  not  her  5 
And  loves  not  Lyfimantes  who  prefers  her 
Above  his  life.'  what  refts  but  that  I  take  ! 
This,  opportunity,  which  her  fclf 

G  Has 

ill  The  Maiden-Queen. 

H  s  given  me,  to  kill  this  happy  Rival  i 
Affift  me  Souldiers. 

Phil.   I  hey  (hall-buy  me  dearly. 

Cand.  Ah  me,  unhappy  Maid  ! 

En'er  Celadon  with  his  Friends,  unbutton  d  and  reeling, 

Cel.  Courage  my  noble  Coufin,  I  have  brought 
A  band  of  Blades,  the  braveft  youths  of  Syracuft  : 
Some  drunk,  fomefober,  all  rcfolv'd  to  run 
Your  fortune  to  the  utmoft.  Fall  on  mad  Boys 

Lyf.  Hold  a  little  5 

I'm  not  fecure  of  victory  againft  thefedefperate  Ruffins. 

Cel.  No,  but  I' fecure  you  ^  they  (hall  cut  your  throat  for  fuch 
another  word  of 'em.  Ruffins  quotha!  call  Gamefters,  Whore- 
mafters,  and  Drunkards,  Ruffins  I 

Lyf  Pray  Gentlemen  fall  back  a  little 

Cel',  Oho,  are  they  Gentlemen  now  with  you  ! 
Speak  firft  to  your  Gentlemen  Souldiers  ro  retire  •,  and  then 
VI  fpeak  to  my  Gentlemen  Ruffins. 
[Cel.  Signs  to  his  party']  T  here's  your  difciplin'd  men  now.  ■ 

They  fmg  and  the  Souldiers  retire  on  both  fides. 
Come  Gentlemen,  lets  lofe  no  time-,  while  they  are  talking,  let's 
have  one  merry  mayn  befo:  e  we  dye— —for  Morrality  fake. 

i.   Agreed,  here's  my  Cloak  for  a  Table. 

2.  And  my  Hat  for  a  Box. [They  lie  down  and  throw. 

Lyf,  Suppofe  I  ki  I'd  him ! 
'  Twould  but  exafperate  the  Qgeen  the  more  : 
He  loves  not  her,  nor  knows  he  fhe  loves  him  .• 

A  fuddain  thought  is  come  into  my  head 

So  to  contrive  it,  that  this  Philocles, 

And  thefe  his  friends  (hall  bring  to  pafs  that  for  me 

Which  I  could  never  compafs.— True  I  drain 

A  point  of  honour  5  but  then  her  ufage  to  me,  it  (hall  be  fo    

Pray,  Philocles^  command  your  Souldiers  offj 
As  I  will  mine:  I've  fomewhat  to  propofe 
Which  you  perhaps  may  like. 

Cand.  I  will  not  leave  him. 

Lyf,  'Tis  my  defire  you  (houldnot. 


The  Maiden*Queen.  ^ 

Phil.  Coufin,  lead  off  your  friends. 

Cel. One  word  in  your  ear.  Couz.  Let  me  advife  yotyeither 

make,your  own  conditions^  never  agree  with  him :  his  men  are  pc^* 
fober  Rogues,  they  can  never  ftand  before  us. 

Exeunt  cmnes  frtier  Lyf.  Phil.  Can  !, 

Lyf.  Suppofe  fome  friend  e'r  night, 
Should  bring  you  to  poflefs  all  you  defire  * 
And  not  fo  only,  but  fecure  for  ever 
The  Nations  happinefs 

Phil.  I  would  think  of  him 
As  fome  God  or  Angel. 

Lyf.  T  hat  God  or  Angel  you  and  I  may  be  to  one  another, 
We  have  betwixt  us 

An  hundred  men;  the  Cittadel  you  govern: 
What  were  it  now  to  feize  the  Queen  ! 

Phil.  O  impiety  /  to  feize  the  Q^een! 
To  feize  her,  faid  you  } 

Lyf.  The  word  might  be  too  rough,  I  meant  fecure  her. 

Phil.  Was  this  your  proposition, 
And  had  you  none  to  mar  e  it  to  but  to  me  ? 

Lyf,  Pray  hear  me  out  e'r  you  condemn  me  J 
I  would  not  the  leaft  violence  wereoflfer'd 
Her  perfon;  too  fmall  grants  is  all  Iask5 
To  make  me  happy  inherfelf,  and  you 
In  your  Candiope. 

Cand.   And  will  not  you  do  this,  my  Philocles  ? 
Nay  now  my  Brother  (peaks  but  reafoo. 

Phil.   Int'reft  makes  allfeem  reafon  that  leads  to  it. 
Int'ieft  that  does  the  zeal  of  Sects  create, 
To  purge  a  Church,  and  to  reform  a  State. 

Lyf.  In  (hoit,  the  Queen  hath  fent  to  part  you  two  5 
What  moie  (he  means  to  hi:  I  know  not. 

Phil,  To  her  .'  a'as  !  why  wilinot  you  protect  her  ? 

Lyf.    With  you  I  can-,  but  w  here's  my  power  alone  * 

Cand.  You  know  (he  loves  me  not :  you  lately  heard  her 
Howfheinfultedoverme:  how  (lie 
Defpis'd  that  Beauty  which  you  fay  I  have  j 
I  fee  (he  purpofes  my  death, 

O  2  ihil 

44  The  Maiden-Oueen. 

Phil.  Why  do  you  fright  me  with  it  i 
'Tis  in  your  Brothers  pow'r  to  let  us  Tape, 
And  then  you  run  no  danger. 

Lyf  True.,  I  may  5 
But  then  my  head  muft  pay  the  forfeit  oUt. 

Phil.  O  wretched  Philoclcs,  wlucher  would  love 
Hutv  thee  headlong  / 

Lyf  Ceafethefe  acclimations. 
There's  no  danger  on  your  fide5  tisbutto 
Live  without  my  Sifter,  refolve  that 
And  you  have  mot  the  Gu  f. 

Phil,  »To  live  without  her]  is  that  nothing,  think  you? 
Thedamn'd  in  Hell,  endure  no  greater  pain 
Than  feeing  Heaven  from  far  with  hopelefs  eyes. 

Cand.  Candiefe  muft  die,  and  die  for  you  . 
See  it  not  unreveng'd  at  leaft.  ' 

Phil.  Ha  i  unreveng'd  /  on  whom  mould  I  revenue  it  ? 
But  yet  Hie  dies,  and  I  may  hinder  it  j  S 

'Tis  I  then  murder  my  Candiope  : 
And  yet  mould  I  take  arms  againftmy  Queen  / 
That  favoured  me,  rais'd  me  to  what  am  i 
Alas  it  muft  not  be. 

Lyf.  He  cools  again.—  afide.)   True  \  (lie  once  favour'd  von 
But  now  I  am  inform 'd,  • 

She  is  beforted  on  an  upftart  wretch  5 
So  far,  that  me  intends  to  make  him  Matter, 
•Both  of  her  Crown  and  perfon. 

Phil.  Knowsh^thati 
Then,  what  I  dreaded  moftiscome  to  pafs.  racje 

I  am  convinc'd  of  the  neceflity5  '     " 

Let  us  make  hafte  to  raze 
That  action  from  the  Annals  of  her  Reign: 
No  motive  but  her  glory  could  have  wrought  me, 
I  am  a  Tray  tor,  to  her  to  preferve  her 
From  Treafon  to  her  felf  5  and  yet  Heav'n  knows 
With  what  a  heavy  heart 
Philecles  turns  reformer:  but  have  care 
This  fault  of  her  ftrange  pafliori  take  na  air, 

i >  Let 

The  Mdiden-Queen.  4.5 

Let  not  the  vulgar  blow  upon  her  fame. 

Lyf  I  will  be  careful,  mail  we  go  ray  Lord  : 

Phil.  Time  wafts  apace-,  Each  firft  prepare  his  men. 

Come  my  Candiope.— .  Exeunt  Phil.  Cand. 

Lyf  This  ruines  him  for  ever  with  the  Queen  5 

The  odium's  half  his,  the  profit  all  my  own. 

Thofe  who,  like  me,  by  others  help  would  climb, 

To  make 'em  fare,  mart  dip  'em  in  their  crime.  Exit  Lyf 

SCENE     II.     The  Queens-  Appartwents. 
Enter  Queen  and  Afteria. 

§u.  No  more  news  yet  from  Philccles  ? 

A(l.  None,  Madam,  fince  Flavus  return  ! 

Jjfo.  O  my  Afteria^  if  you  lov'd  me,  fure 
You  would  fay  fomething  to  me  of  my  Philocles  i 
I  could  fpeak  ever  of  him. 

Aft-  Madam,  you  commanded  me  no  more  to  name  him  to  you. 

gtt.  Thenlcommand  you  now  fpeak  of  nothing  elfe: 
I  charge  you  here,  on  your  allegiance,  tell  me 
What  I  mould  do  with  him. 

Aft.  When  you  gave  orders  that  he  mould  be  taken : 
You  feem'd  refolv'd  how  to  difpofe  of  him. 

ght.  Dull  Afteria  not  to  know, 
Mad  people  never  think  the  fame  thing  twice. 
Alas .'  I'm  hurried  reftlefs  up  and  down, 
I  was  in  anger  once,  and  then  I  thought 
I  had  put  into  more  J 

But  now  a  guft  of  love  blows  hard  againft  me. 
And  bears  meoffagain. 

Aft.  Shall  I  ling  the  Song  you  made  of  Philocles, 
And  call'd  it  Secret-love. 

<gu.  Do,  for  that's  all  kindnefs:  and  while  thou  fing'ft  it. 
I  can  think  nothing  but  what  pleafes  me. 


^6  The  Mai<Hen*Queen. 


I  Feed  aflame  within  which  fo  torments  me 
That  it  both  pains  my  hearty  and  yet  contents  me  : 
'Tisfnch  a  pie  a  fwg  [mart,  andlfo  love  it, 
That  I  had  rather  die  than  once  remove  it. 

Yet  he  for  whom  I  grieve  [hall  never  l^now  it, 
My  tongue  does  not  betray,  nor  my  eyesjhow  it  , 
Not  afigh  nor  a  tear  my  pain  difclofesy 
But  they  fall  jilently  like  dew  on  Rofes. 

Thus  to  prevent  my  love  from  being^  cruel, 
My  heart's  thefacrifce  as  'tis  the  fuel : 
And  while  I  fuffer  this  to  give  him  quiet, 
My  faith  rewards  my  love,  though  he  deny  it. 

On  his  eyes  will  lga%e,  and  there  delight  me  5 
While,  I  conceal  my  loye,  no  frown  can  fright  me : 
To  be  more  happy  I  dare  not  afpire  \ 
Nor  can  I  fall  more  low,  mounting  no  higher. 

£>».  Peace  :  Methinks  I  hear  the  noife 
Or  claming  Swords  and  clatt/ring  Arms  below. 

Enter  Flavia. 
Now  5  what  news  that  you  prefs  in  fo  rudely? 

FU.  Madam,  the  worft  that  can  be> 
Your  Guards  upon  the  fuddain  are  furpriz'd, 
DifarnVd,  fome  (lain,  all  fcatterU 

The  Maidzn*Queen.  4.7 

On.  By  whom? 

FUv.  Prince  Lyfimantes^  ancj  Lord  Philocles, 

M>u.  It  cannot  be  •,  Philocles  is  a  Prifoner. 

IrUv.  W  hat  my  eyes  faw 

£>u.  Pull  'em  our^  they  arefalfe  Spectacles, 

Aft.   O  vertue,  impotent  and  blind'as  Fortune  t 
Who  would  be  good,  or  pious,  if  this  Queen 
Thy  gieat  example  fuflfers  / 

«g#.  Peace,  Afteria,  accufe  not  vertue  • 
She  has  but  given  me  a  great  occafion 
Of  mowing  what  I  am  w  hen  Forrune  leaves  me. 

Aft.  Pbikcles,  todc  this  I 

«§»,  I,  Philocles ,1  muftconfefs  'twas  hard  1 
But  there's  a  fate  in  kindnefs 
Still,  to  be  leaftreturn'd  where  moft 'tis  given. 
Where's  Candtopet 

Flav.  Philocles  was  whifpering  to  her. 

g».  Hence  Screech-owl?  call  my  Guards  quickly  there  : 
Put  'em  apart  in  feveral  Prifons. 
Alas !  I  had  forgot  I  have  no  Guards, 
But  thofe  which  are  my  Jaylcrs, 
Never  till  now  unhappy  Queen : 
The  ufe  of  pow'r,  till  loft,  is  feldom  known  - 
Now  I  mould  (hike,  I  find  my  thunder  gone. 

Exit  Queen  and  Flavia. 

Philocles  enters y  and  meets  Ktem  going  out. 

Phil.  Afteria  I  Where's  the  Queen  ? 

Aft,  Ah  my  Lord  what  have  you  done ! 
I  came  to  feekyou. 

Phil.  Is  it  from  her  you  come  * 

Aft.  No,  but  on  her  behalf.-  her  heart's  too  great,    . 
In  this  low  ebb  of  Fortune,  to  intreat. 

Phil.  '  Tis  but  a  mort  Ecclipfe, 
Which  paft,  a  glorious  day  will  foon  enfue: 
But  I  would  ask  a  favour,  too  from  you. 

Aft.  WhenConquerours  petition,  they  command  ; 
Thofe  that  can  Captive  Queens,  who  can  withftand  * 


4.8  The  Maiden-Queen. 

Phil.  She,  with  her  happinefs,  might  mine  create  5 
Yet  feems  indulgent  to  her  own  ill  rate  ; 
But  (he,  in  fecret,  hates  me  fu  e ;  for  why 
If  not,  mould  (he  Candiopedeny  ? 

Aft.  If  you  dare  truft  my  knowledge  of  her  mind, 
She  has  no  thoughts  of  you  that  are  unkind. 

Phil,  I  could  my  forrows  with  fome  patience  bear, 
Did  they  proceed  from  any  one  but  her: 
But  from  the  Queen  !  whofe  perlonl  adore. 
By  Duty  much,  by  inclination  more. 

Aft.  He  is  inclin'd  already,  did  he  know 
That  (he  lev'd  him,  how  woul.i  this  paffion  grow  !  (afide. 

Phil.    1  hat  her  fair  hand  with  Deftiny  combines 
Fate  ne'reftrikes  deep,  but  when  un'undnefs  joy  ns  ! 
For,  toconfefs  the  fecretof  my  mind, 
Something  fo  tender  for  the  Queen  I  find, 
Thatev'n  Candiope  can  fcarce  remove, 
And,  were  (he  lower,  I  (hould  call  it  love. 

Aft.  Shecharg'd  me  not  this  fecretto  betray, 
But  I  be  ft  ferve  her  if  I  difobey. 
For,  if  helovesj  'twas  for  her  int'reft  done  5 
If  not,  he'l  keep  it  fecret  for  his  own.  (*ftdem 

Phil.  Why  are  you  in  obliging  me  fo  flow  ? 

Aft,  The  things  of  great  importance  you  would  know  j 
And  you  muft  fir  ft  I  wear  fecrefie  to  all. 

Phil    I  fwear :  (Aft.)  Yet  hold  ;  your  oath's  too  general  : 
Swear  that  dwdiope  (hall  never  know.  ,  ,. 

Phil,  I  fwear:  {Aft.)  No'  no«:  the  Queen  her  felf:   (Phil.)lvow. 

Aft,  You  wonder  why  lam  fo  cautious  grown 
In  telling  what  concerns  your  felf  alone: 
But  fpare  my  V  ow,  and  guefswhat  it  may  be 
That  makes  the  Qaeen  deny  Cnndiope : 

'Tis  neither  hate  nor  pride  that  moves  her  mind  3 
Methinks  the  Riddle  is  not  hard  to  find. 

Phil,  Youfeem  fo  great  a  wonder  to  intend, 
As  were,  in  me,  a  crime  to  apprehend. 

Aft.  '  Tis  not  a  crime  to  know  •,  bui  would  be  one 
To  prove  ungrateful  when  your  Duty's  known. 


The  MaidetuQneen.  \$ 

Thil.  Why  would  you  thus  my  eafie  faith  abufe  ! 
I  cannot  think  the  Queen  lb  ill  would  chufe. 
But  ftay,  now  your  impofture  will  appear; 
She  has  her  felf  conlefs'd  fhe  lov'd  elfewhere  : 
On  fome  ignoble  choice  has  placM  her  heart, 
One  who  wants  quality,  and  more,defert. 

Aft.  This  though  unjuft,  you  have  moft  right  to  fay. 
For,  if  youT  rail  againft  your  felf,  you  may. 

Phil.  Dull  that  I  was  1 
A  thoufand  things  now  crowd  my  memory 
That  make  me  know  it  could  be  none  but  I. 
Her  Rage  was  Love:  and  its  tempeftuous  flame, 
Like  Lightning,  (how'd  the  Heaven  from  whence  it  came. 
But  in  her  kindnefs  my  own  ffiame  I  fee; 
Haveldethron'd  her  then,  for  loving  me? 
I  hate  my  felf  for  that  which  I  have  done, 
Much  more,dircover'd,  than  I  did  unknown. 
How  does  (lie  brook  her  ftrange  imprifonment  i 

A  ft.  As  great  fouls  (h  >uld,  that  make  their  own  content. 
The  hardeft  term  (he  for  your  ad  could  find 
Was  onely  this,  O  Phdocks,  unkind  / 
Then,  fetting  free  a  fig  h,  from  her  fair  eyes 
She  wip'd  two  pearls,  the  remnant  of  wild  fliow'rs, 
Which  hung  like  drops  upon  the  bells  of  flow'rs : 
And  thank'd  the  Heav  ns, 
Which  better  did,  what  (lie  defign'd,  purfue, 
Without  her  crime  to  give  her  pow'rtoyou. 

Phil,  Hold,  hold,  you  fet  my  thoughts  fonear  a  Crown3 
They  mount  above  my  reach  to  pull  them  down : 
Here  Conftancy  ?  Ambition  there  does  move  ; 
On  each  fide  Beauty,  and  on  both  fides  Love. 

Aft*  Methinks  the  ieaft  you  can  is  to  receive 
This  love  with  reverence  and  your  former  leave, 

Phil,  Think  but  what  difficulties  come  between  ! 

Aft.  'Tis  wond'rous  difficult  to  love  a  Queen. 

Phil,  For  pity  ceafe  more  reafons  to  provide, 
I  am  but  too  rruch  yielding  to  your  fide  3 
And?  were  my  heart  but  at  my  own  difpofe, 

H  I 

50  The  Maiden'Queen. 

I  mould  not  make  a  fcruple  to  choofe. 

Aft.  Then  if  the  Q^ieen  will  my  advice  approve, 
Her  hatred  to  you  (hall  expel  her  love. 

Phil.  Not  to  be  lov'd  by  her,  as  hard  would  be 
As  to  be  hated  by  Candiope. 

Aft.  I  leave  you  to  refolve  whi!e  you  have  time  5 
You  muft  be  guilty,  but  may  choofe  your  crime. 

Phil  One  thing  I  have  refolv'd?  and  that  TI  do 
Both  for  my  love,  and  for  my  honour  too. 
But  then    (Ingratitude  andfalfliood  weigh'd,)* 
I  know  not  which  would  moft  my  foul  upbraid; 
Fate  moves  me  headlong  down  a  rugged  way  5 
Unfafe  to  run,  and  yet  too  fteep  to  ftay. 

Exit  Afleria. 

Exit  mi 

Act     V. 

SCENE    The  Court. 

Florimel  in  Mans  Habit. 

TWill  be  rare  now  if  I  can  go  through  with  it,  to  out-do  this 
mad  Celadon  in  all  his  tricks,and  get  both  his  Miftreffes  from 
him  5-  then  Ifliall  revenge  my  felt  upon  all  three,  and  fave  my  own 
ftake  into  the  bargain;  for  I  find  I  do  love  the  Rogue  in  fptght  of 
all  his  infide  ities.  Yonder  they  are,  and  this  way  they  muft  come. — 
if  cloathes  and  a  ban  nteen  will  take  'em,  I  fhalldo't. — Save  you 
Monftear  Florimel.',  Faith  methm'xs  you  are  a  very  j4#/j?  fellow 
padre  &  ajuft  as  well  as  the  beftof  'em.     I  can  manage  the  little 

Comb, fet  my  Hat,  fhake  my  Garniture,  tofs  about  my  empty 

Noddle,  walk  with  a  counnt  flurr,  and  at  every  ftep  peck  down  my 

Head : if  I  mould  be  miftaken  for  fome  Courtier  now>  pray 

where's  the  difference  ? 

Enter  to  her,  Celadon,  Olinda,  Sabina. 

Olin,  Never  mince  the  matter  I 


The  MaidetioQueen.  51 

Sab.  You  have  left  ycur  heart  behind  with  Flormet  •,  we  know  it; 

Cel.  You  know  you  wrong  me  $  when  I  am  with  Florimel\\%  ftill 
your  Prifoner,  it  onely  draws  a  longer  chain  after  it. 

Flor.  Is  it  e'n  To  /  then  farewel  poor  Florimel^  thy  Maidenhead 
is  condemn'd  to  die  with  thee 

CcL  But  let's  leave  the  difcourfe  5  'tis  all  digreflion  that  does  not 
fpeak  of  your  beauties 

Flor.  Now  for  me  in  the  name  of  impudence  / — [walks  with  them. 
They  are  the  greateft  beauties  I  confefs  that  ever  I  beheld. 

Cel.  How  now,  what's  the  meaning  of  this  young  fellow  +. 

Flor.  And  therefore  I  cannot  wonder  that  this  Gentleman  who 
has  the  honour  to  be  known  to  you  fliould  admire  you, — fince  I  that 
am  a  Granger. 

Cel.  And  a  very  impudent  one,  as  I  take  it,  Sir, 

Flor.  Am  fo  extreamly  furpriz'd,  that  I  admire,  love,  am  wound- 
ed and  am  dying  all  in  a  moment. 

Cel.  1  have  feen  him  fomewhere,  but  where  I  know  not!  prithee 
my  friend  leave  us,  doit  thou  think  we  do  not  know  our  way  in 

Flor,  I  pretend  not  to  inftruft  you  in  your  way  >  you  fee  I  do  not 
go  before  you  !  but  you  cannot  poffibly  deny  me  the  happinefs  to 
wait  upon  thefe  Ladies  5  me,  who. 

Cel.  Thee,  who  malt  be  beaten  moft  unmercifully  if  thou  doft 
follow  them  / 

Flor.  You  will  not  draw  in  Court  T  hope  I 

Cel.  Pox  on  him,  let's  walk  away  f after,  and  be  rid  of  him 

Fior.  O  take  no  care  for  me,  Sir,  you  mall  not  lofe  me>  t'l  rathet 
mend  my  pace,  than  not  wait  on  you. 

Olin.   i  begin  to  like  this  fellow. 

Cel.  You  make  very  bold  here  in  my  Seraglio,  and  I  (hall  find  a 
time  to  tell  you  fo,  Sir. 

Flor.  When  you  find  a  time  to  tell  me  on't,  I  mall  find  a  time  to 
anfwf  r  you :  But  pray  what  do  you  find  in  your  felf  fo  extraordinary, 
that  you  mould  ferve  thefe  Ladies  better  than  I  j  let  me  know  what 
'tis  you  value  your  felf  upon,  and  let  them  judg  betwixt  us. 

Cel  I  am  fomewhat  more  a  man  than  you. 

Flor.  That  is,  you  are  fo  much  older  than  I;  Do  you  like  a  man 
ever  the  better  for  his  age,  Ladies  i 

H  2  sd. 

$z  The  Maiden-Queen. 

S*b.   Well  faid,  young  Gentleman. 

Cel.  PiOi,  thee  ]  a  young  raw  Creature,  thou  haft  ne'r  been  un- 
der tht  Barbers  hands  yet. 

Flor.  No,  nor  under  the  Surgeons  neither  as  you  have  been. 

Cel.  'Slife  what  wouldft  thou  be  ar,  I  am  madder  than  thou  art  f 

Flor.  The  Devil  you  are-,  I'l  Tope  with  you,  f\  Sing  with  you 
II  Dance  with  you, l'l  Swagger  with  you. - 

Cel.  Fl  fight  with  you. 

Fhr.  Out  upon  fighting.  5  'tis  grown  (o  common  a  fafliion,  that 
a  Moduli  Man  contemns  it  j  A  man  of  Garniture  and  Feather  is  a- 
bovethedifpenfationof  the  Sword. 

olin.  Udsmy  life,  here's  the  Queens  Mufick  juft  going  to  us  5 
you  (hall  decide  your  quarrel  by  a  Dance. 

Sab.  Who  ftops  the  Fiddles  f 

Cel.  Bafe  and  Irebble,  by  your  leaves,  we  arreft  you  atthefe 
Ladies  fuits. 

Flor.  ComeonSirs,  play  me  a  Jigg,. 
You  Ml  fee  how  II  baffle  him. 


Flor.  Your  judgement,  Ladies. 

Olin.  You  fir,  you  fir, :  This  is  the  rareft  Gentleman :  I  could 
live  and  die  with  him. 

Sab.  Lord  how  he  Sweats !  pleafe  you  Sir  to  make  ufe  of  my 

Olin.  You  and  I  are  merry,  and  juft  of  an  humour  Sir;  therefore 
we  two  mould  love  one  another. 

Sdb.  And  you  and  Tare  juft  of  an  age  Sir,  and  therefore  methinks 
weffoould  not  hate  one  another, 

Cel.  Then  I  perceive  Ladies  IamaCaftaway,a  Reprobate  with 
you :  why  faith  this  is  hard  luck  now,  that  I  mould  be  no  lefs  than 
one  whole  hour  in  getting  your  afFe&ions,  and  now  muft  loofe  'em 
iaa  quarter  of  it. 

olin.  No  matter,  let  him  rail,  does  thelofs  afflict  you  Sir.- 

Cel.  No  in  faith  does  it  not;  for  if  you  had  not  forfaken  me,  I 
had  you :  fo  the  Willows  may  fiourifh  for  any  branches  I  fhall.  rob 
"em  of, 


The  Maiden^Queen.  53 

Sab.  However  we  have  the  advantage  to  have  left  you-,  not  you 

Cel.  That's  onely  a  certain  nirnbenefs  in  Nature  you  Women 
have  to  be  fiift  unconftant:  but  if  you  had  not  made  tfee  more 
hafte,  the  wind  was  veering  too  upon  my  Weathercock:  the  bed 
on't  is,  Florimel  is  worth  both  of  you. 

Tier,  'Tis  like  ihe'l  accept  of  their  leavings. 

Cel.  She  will  accept  on't,  and  flic  (hall  accept  on't-,  I  chink  I 
know  more  than  you  of  her  mind,  Sir. 

Enter  MdiiTd. 

Mel.  Daughters  there's  a  poor  collation  within  that  waits  for 
you.  ;     ■  ,,  . 

Flor.  Will  you  walk  mufty  Sir? 

Cel.  No  marry  Sirs  Iwonnot5  I  have  futfeited  of  that  old  wo- 
mans  face  already. 

flor.  Begin  forne  frolick  then-,  what  will  you  do  for  her  * 

Cel.  Faith  I  am  no  dog  to  (how  tricks  for  her-,  I  cannot  come.a- 
loft  for  an  old  Woman. 

flor.  Dare  you  kifs  her  / 

Cel.  1  was  never  dar'd  by  any  man — by  ycur  leave  old  Madam.— 

[He  plucks  off  her  Jiuff. 
Mel.  Help,  help,  do  you  difcovermy  nakednefs  f\ 

Cel.  Peace  Tiffany  !  no  harm.  [He puts  o»  the  Ruff 

NowSir  here's  Florimtls  health  to  you. [kiffcs  her, 

Mel  Away  Sir  .• a  fweet  young  man  as  you  are  to  abuie  the 

gift  of  Nature  fo. 

Cel.  Good  Mother  do  not  commend  me  fo>Iam  fltfli  and  blood 
and  you  do  not  kno.v  what  you  may  pluck  upon  that  reverend  per- 
fon  of  yours.  -Come  on,  follow  your  leader. 

[Gives  Florimel  the  Ruffle  puts  it  on 

Flor.  Stand  fair  Mother. 

Cel.  What  with  your  Hat  on  1  lie  thou  there  5— and  thoutoo.— 

J  Plucks  off  her  Hat  and  Penuke^ 
Land  discovers  Florimel. 
Omnes,  Florimel! 

Flor.  My  kind  Miftrefles,  how  forry  I  am  lean  do  you  no  further 
fervice  J  I  think  I  had  beft  refign  you  to  Celadon  to  make  amends 


4f±  The  MaUen*Queenl 

Cel.  Lord  what  a  misfortune  it  was  Ladies,  that  the  Gentleman 
could  not  held  forth  to  you, 

Olin.  We  have  loft  Celadon  too. 

Mel.  Come  away  ••,  this  is  p  ft  enduring.         [  Exeunt  Mel.  Olin. 

Sab.  Well  if  ever  I  believe  a  man  to  be  a  man  for  the  fake  of  a 
Perrucke  and  Feather  again \ 

Flor.  Come  Celadon^  fhall  we  make  accounts  even  i  Lord  what 
a  hanging  look  was  there:  indeed  if  you  had  been  recreant  to  your 
Miftrefs,  or  had  forfworn  your  love,  that  finners  face  had  been  but 
decent,  but  for  the  vertuous,the  innocent^  the  conftant  Celadon  i 

Cel.  This  is  not  very  heroick  in  you  now  to  infukover  a  man  in 
his  misfortunes  >  but  take  heed,  you  have  robb'd  roe  of  my  twoMi- 
ftreffes  s  I  (hall  grow  defperately  conftant,  and  all  the  cempeft  of  my 
love  will  fall  upon  your  head  :  I  fhall  fo  pay  you. 

Flor.  Who  you,  pay  me  /  you  are  a  banckrupt,  caft  beyond  all 
poflibility  of  recovery. 

Cel.  If  I  am  a  bankrupt  I'l  be  a  very  honeft  one  5  when  I  cannot 
pay  my  debts,  at  leaft  I'l  give  you  up  the  poflefton  of  my  body. 

Flor.  No,  I'l  deal  better  withyou;  fince  youa'e  unable  to  pay, 
I'l  give  in  your  bond. 

Enter  Philocles  with  a  Commanders  Staff  in  his  hand,  Attended. 

Phil  Coufinlamforry  I  muft  take  you riom  your  company  about 
an  earneft  bufinefs. 

Flor.  There  needs  no  excufe  my  Lord,  we  had  difpatched  our  af- 
fans,  and  were  juft  parting. 

Cel.  Will  you  be  going,  Sir,fweet  Sir,  damn'd  Sir,  I  have  but 
one  woni  more  to  (ay  to  you. 

Flor-  As  I  a  man  of  Honour,  (II  wait  on  you  (bme  other  time. — 
Cel.  By  thefe  Breeches.  -      Flor.  which  if  I  marry  you  I  am  re- 

folv'd  to  wear  >  put  that  into  out  bargain,  and  fo  adiew,  Sir. 

[Exit  Florimel. 

Phil.  Hark  you  Coufin— -(Thy  whisper .) 

You'l  fee  it  exaclly  executed  5  I  rely  upon  you. 

Cel.  I  mall  not  fail,  my  Lord  3  may  the  condufion  of  it  prove  hap- 
py to  you.  Exlt  Celadon, 

Philocles  \olui. 

Where  \\  I  caft  about  my  wandring  eyes, 


The  Maidtn^Queen.  5> 

Creatnefs  lies  ready  in  fome  (hape  to  tempt  me. 

The  royal  furniture  in  every  room, 

The  Guards,  and  the  huge  waving  crowds  of  people, 

All  waiting  for  a  fight  of  that  fair  Queen 

Who  makes  a  prefent  of  her  love  to  me : 

Now  tell  me  S  toique  J 

If  all  thefewitha  wifh  might  be  made  thine, 

Would'ft  thou  not  truck  thy  ragged  vertue  for  'tm  jf 

If  Gloiy  was  a  bait  that  Angels  fwallow'd, 

How  then  mould  fouls  allay  3d  to  fence  refift  it  I 

Enter  Candipjpe. 
Ah  poor  Candiope  i  I  pity  her, 

But  that  is  all, 

Cand,  O  my  dear  thilocles  !  a  thoufand  blefllng  wait  on  thee .' 
The  hope  of  being  thine,  I  th.nk  will  put 
Me  pad  my  meat  and  fkep  with  extafie, 
So  I  (hail  keep  the  falls  ot  Seraphim's, 
And  wake  for  joy  l»ke  Nightingals  in  May*. 

Phil.  Wake  Philocbs^  wake  from  thy  dream  of  glory, 
'Tisall  bu  (hadow  to  Candiefe: 
Canft  thou  betray  a  love  fo  innocent  /  [aftfe 

Cand.  Wnat  makes  you  melancholick  i  I  doubt 
I  have  difpleafed  you  ? 

Phil,  No  my  love,  lam  not  difpleas'd  with  you. 
But  with  my  ftlf  when  I  confider 
How  little  J  deferve  you. 

Cand  Say  not  fo  my  PkiUcks,  a  love  fo  true  as  yours 
That  would  have  left  a  Court,  and  a  Qneen,  favour 

To  I've  in  a  poor  Hermitage  with  m? . 

Phil.  Ha  1  (he  has  ftun^,  me  to  the  quick  i 
As  if  (lie  knew  the  falfliood  I  intended : 

But,  I  thank  Heav'n,  it  has  iceali'd  my  vertue 5 \_aftdtt 

(To  her)  O  my  dear,  I  love  you,  and  you  only  5 
Coin,  I  have  fome  bufinefs  for  a  while  •, 
But  I  thii.k minutes  a:  es  till  we  meet. 

Cand.  I  knew  you  had  5  i-ut  yet  I  cculd  not  choofe 
But  come  and  look  upon  you, [Exit  Candiope. 


5 6  -The  Maiden-Queen. 

Phil.  W hat  bai-barouf  man  could  wrong  fo  fV  eet  a  ver tue  1 
Eater  the  Queen  in  Hack  with  Afteria. 
Madam,  the  Sates  are  ftraightto  meet*  bur  why 
In  thefe  dark  ornaments  will  you  be  feen  i 

<gg.    ■      They  fit  the  fortune  of  a  Captive  Queen. 

Phil.  -Deep  (hades  are  thus  to  heighten  colours  fet^ 

So  Stars  in  Night,  and  Diamonds  mine  in  Jet. 

gj*.  True  friends  fhould  fo  in  dark  afflictions  mine, 
But  lhave  no  great  caufe  to  boaft  of  mine. 

Phtl.  You  may  have  too  much  prejudice  for  feme, 
And  think  Jem  falfe  before ^heir  trial's  come. 
But,  Madam,  what  determine  you  to  do  f 

<g».  Icamenotheretobeadvis'd  by  your 
But  charge  you  by  that  pow'r  which  once  you  own'd. 
And  which  is  (till  my  right,  ev'n  when  unthron'd  5 
That  whatfoe'r  the  States  refolve  of  me, 
You  nevermore  think  of  Cavdiope. 

Phil.  Not  think  of  her  1  a%  how  mould  I  obey  3 
Her  tyrant  eyes  have  fore'd  my  heart  away. 

Jgn.  By  force  retake  it  from  thofe  tyrant  eyes, 
VI  grant  \ou  out  my  Letters  of  Reprize. 

Phil.  She  has,  too  well,  prevented  that  defign 
By  giving  me  her  heart  in  change  for  mine. 

gu.   Thus  foolifh  Indians  Gold  for  Glafs  forego, 
'Twas  to  your  lofs  you  priz'd  your  heart  fo  low. 
I  fet  its  value  when  you  were  advanced, 
And  as  my  favours  grew,  its  race  inhane'd. 

Phil.  The  rate  of  Subjects  hearts  by  yours  muft  go, 
And  love  in  yours  has  fet  the  value  low. 

gu.  I  ftand  corrected,  and  my  fe If  reprove, 
You  teach  me  to  repent  my  low  plac'd  love  : 
Help  me  this  paflion  from  my  heart  to  tear, 
Now  rail  on  him,  and  I  will  fit  and  hear. 

Phil.  Madam,  like  you,  I  have  repented  too, 
And  dare  not  rail  on  one  I  doe  not  know. 

gu.  This,  Philocles,  like  ftrangeperverfenefs  mows. 
As  it  what  e'r  I  faid,  you  would  oppofe  5 
How  come  you  thus  concerned  for  this  unknown  f 


The  Maiden-Queen.  57 

Phil.  I  onely  judge  his  a&ions  by  my  own, 

gu,  I've  heard  too  much,  and  you  too  much,  havefaid, 

0  Heav'ns,  thefecretof  my  foul's  betray'd  I 
He  knows  my  love,  I  read  it  in  his  face, 

And  blufties,  confeiousof  his  Queens  difgrace. X_a(Uc] 

{To  him.)  Hence  quickly,  hence,  or  I  (hall  die  with  ftiame. 

Phil,  Now  I  love  both,  and  both  with  equal  flame, 
Wretched  I  came,  more  wretched  I  retire. 
When  two  winds  blow  it  who  can  quench  the  fire  I 

Exit  Philoclesj 

gu.  O  my  A  fieri  a  I  know  not  whom  to  accufe  5 
But  either  my  own  eyes  or  you,  have  told 
My  love  to  Pbilocks. 

Afi.  Is't  poflibly  thar  he  mould  know  it,  Madam  I 

gu.  Me  thinks  you  ask'd  that  queftion  guiltily. 
Her  Hand  on  ^Confefs,for  I  will  know,,  what  was  the  fubjeft  of  your 
Aft.  (houlder.  J  long  difcourfe. 
I'th'  Antichamber  with  him. 

Aft.  It  was  bufinefs  to  convince  him,  Madam, 
How  ill  he  &<$,  being  fo  much  oblig'd, 
To  joyn  in  your  imprifonment. 

gn.  Nay,  now  I  am  confirm'd  my  thought  was  true  3 
For  you  could  give  him  no  fuch  reafon 
Of  his  obligements  as  my  love. 

Aft.  Becaufel  faw  him  moch  a  Malecontent, 

1  thought  to  win  him  to  your  intereft,  Madam, 
By  telling  him  it  was  no  want  of  kindnefs 
Made  your  refufal  oiCandiope. 

And  he  perhaps —  (^»)  What  of  him  now. 

Aft.  As  men  are  apt,  interpreted  my  words 
To  all  th'  advantage  he  could  wreft  the  fence, 
As  if  I  meant  you  lov'd  him. 

ghi,  Haveldepofited  within  thy  breaft 
The  deareft  treafure  of  my  life,  my  gloryj 
And  haft  thou  thus  betray'd  me  / 
But  why  do  I  accufe  thy  female  weaknefs 
And  not  my  own  for  trufting  thee  J 
Unhappy  Queen,  Philocks  knows  thy  fondnefs, 

I  And 

58  The  Maideti'Queen* 

And  needs  muft  think  it  done  by  thy  Command. 

A(t.  Dear  Madam,  think  not  fo. 

<%u.  Peace,  peace,  thou  fhouldft  for  ever  hold  thy  tongue. 

For  it  has  fpoke  too  much  for  all  thy  life. —  \Tehcr. 

Then  Vhikcks  has  told  Candiopgj 

And  ccurts  her  kindefs  with  his  fcorn  of  me. 

0  whither  am  I  fallen!  But  Imuft  rouze  my  felf,  and  give  a  flop 
To  all  thefe  ills  by  headlong  paflion  caus'd  5 

In  hearts  refolv'd  weak  love  is  par.  to  flight, 
And  only  conquers  when  we  dare  not  fight. 
But  we  indulge  our  harms,  and  while  he  gains 
An  entrance,  pleafe  our  felves  into  our  pains. 

Enter  Lyfimantes. 

Aft.  Prince  Lyftmantes^  Madam  / 

gu.  Come  near  you  poor  deluded  c  iminal; 
See  how  ambition  cheats  you  : 
You  thought  to  find  a  Prifoner  here, 
But  you  behold  a  Queen. 

Lyf.  And  may  you  long  be  fo:  'tis  true  this  Aft 
May  caufe  fome  wonder  in  your  Majefty. 

ght.  None,  Coufin,  none  $,  I  ever  thought  you 
Ambitious,  Proud,  defigning. 

Yet  all  my  Pride,  Defigns,  and  my  Ambition 
Were  taught  me  by  a  Matter 
With  whom  you  are  not  unacquainted,  Madam. 

J2#.  Explain  your  felf  §  dark  purpofes,like  yours, 
Need  an  interpretation. 

Lyf.  'Tislovel  mean  (£>u.)   Have  my  low  fortunes  giv'n  thee 
This  infolencetonameit  to  thy  Queen? 

Lyf.  Yet  you  have  heard  lovenam'd  without  offence. 
As  much  below  you  as  you  think  my  paffion, 

1  can  look  down  on  yours.— 

j£«.  Does  he  know  it  too  I 
This  is  th'  extreameft  malice  of  my  Stars  I ^—  ['jfafir. 

Lyf,  You  fee,  that  Princes  faults, 
(Howe'r  they  think  'em  fafefrom  publick  view) 
Fly  out  through  the  dark  crannies  of  their  Clofets? 
We  know  what  the  Suadoes, 


The  Maiden^Queen.  59 

Ev  n  when  we  fee  him  not  in  t'other  world. 

gu.  My  anions,  Coufin,  never  fear'd  the  light. 
Lyf.  Produce  him  then,  you  darling  of  the  dark, 
For  fuch  an  one  you  have.  (^.)  I  know  no  fuch. 
Lyf.  You  know,  but  will  not  own  him. 
gu.  Rebels  ne'r  want  pretence  to  blacken  Kings, 
And  this,  it  feems,  is  yours  :  do  you  produce  him 
Or  ne'r  hereafter  fully  my  Renown 

With  this  afperfion:— Sure  he  dares  not  name  him [afUk. 

Lyf.  I  am  too  tender  of  your  fames  or  elfe 

Nor  are  things  brought  to  that  extremity  : 

Provided  you  accept  my  paflion, 

VI  gladly  yield  to  think  I  was  deceiv'd. 

%».  Keep  in  your  error  ftill .  I  will  not  buy 
Vour  good  opinion  at  fo  dear  a  rate, 
As  my  own  mifery  by  being  yours. 

Lyf.  Do  not  provoke  my  patience  by  fuch  fcorns. 
For  fear  I  break  through  all  and  name  him  to  you. 

gu.  Hope  not  to  fright  me  with  your  mighty  looks  - 
Know  I  dare  ftem  that  tempeft  in  your  brow , 
And  dafli  it  back  upon  you. 

Lyf.  Spight  of  prudence  it  will  out :  'Tis  Fhilocles 
Now  judge,  whenl  was  made  a  property 
To  cheat  my  felf  by  making  him  your  Prifoner 
Whether  I  had  not  right  to  take  up  arms  i 

Qu.  Poor  envious  wretch  i 
Was  this  the  venome  that  fwell'd  up  thy  breaft  * 
My  grace  to  Phikcles  mif-deem'd  my  love  i 

Lyf.  'Tis  true,  the  Gentleman  is  innocent  -y 
He  ne'r  finn'd  up  fo  high,  not  in  his  wi/hes  5 
You  know  he  loves  elfewhere. 
gu.  You  mean  your  Sifter. 
Lyf  I  wifli  fome  Sybil  now  would  tell  me 
Why  you  refus'd  her  to  him  * 

gu.  Perhaps  I  did  not  think  him  worthy  of  her. 
Lyf.  Did  you  not  think  him  too  worthy,  Madam  * 
This  is  too  thin  a  vail  to  hinder  your  paflion 
To  prove  you  love  him  not,  yet  give  her  him, 

1  2  And 

(Jo  The  Maiden-Queen. 

And  V\  engage  my  honour  to  lay  down  my  Arms. 
jg«.  He  is  arriv'd  where  I  *ould  wi(h — afide. 

Call  in  the  company  and  you  (hall  fee  what  I  will  do. ■ 

Lj[.   Who  waits withouc  there? [£x/>Lyf0 

gu.  Now  hold,  my  hearty  for  this  one  act  of  honour, 

And  [  will  never  ask  more  courage  of  thee: 

Once  more  I  have  the  means  to  reinftate  my  felf  into  my  glory  > 

I  feel  my  love  to  Pbilocles  within  me 

Shrink,  and  pull  back  my  heart  from  this  hard  tryal, 

But  it  miift  be  when  glory  fays  tmuft, 

As  children  wading  from  fome  Rivers  banck 

Firft  try  the  water  with  their  tender  feet  5 

Then  (huddring  up  with  cold,  ftep  back  again, 

And  (freight  a  little  further  venture  on, 

Till  at  thelaft  they  plunge  into  thedeepr 

And  pafs  at  once,  what  they  weredoubting  !ongr 

1*1  make  the  fame  experiment  >  it  mall  be  done  in  hafte, 

B?caufe  VI  put  it  paft  my  pow'r  t'  undo. 

Enter  at  one  door  Lyftmzntes,  at  the  other  Pbilocles,  Celadoo, 
Candiope,  Florirae!,  Flavia,  Olinda,  Sabina  •,    the  thee 
Deputies  and  Soldiers, 

■  Lyf.  In  Arms !  is  all  well,  Pbilocles  t 

Phil.  No,  but  it  (hall  be. 

ght.  He  comes,  and  with  him 
The  Feavourofmy  Love  returns  to  (hake  me. 
I  fee  love  is  not  baniuYd  from  my  foul 
He^is  ftill  there,  but  is  chain-'d  up  by  glory. 

A(l.    You've  made  a  noble  conqueft,  Madam. 

Jht.  Come  hither,  Fhilocles:  I  am  firft  to  tell  yo© 
I  and  my  Coufin  are  agreed,  he  has 
Engag'd  to  lay  down  Arms. 

Phil.  Tis  well  for  him  he  has  •,  for  all  his  party 
By  my  command  already  are  furpriz'd, 
While  I  was  talking  with  your  Majefty. 

Cel.  Yes  'faith  I  have  done  him  that  courtefie- 
I  brought  his  followers  under  pretence  of  guarding  it,to  a  ftraigk 


The  Mdiden-Queen.  6\ 

Place  where  they  are  all  coupt  up  without  ufe  of  their  Arms>and 
May  be  pelted  to  death  by  the  fmall  infantry  o're  the  town. 

£lu.  'T  was  more  than  I  expected,  or  could  hope  5 
Yet  ftill  I  thought  your  meaning  honeft. 

Pbtl.  My  fault  was  rafhnefs,  but  'twas  full  of  zeal : 
Nor  had  Ie'r  been  led  to  that  attempt 
Had  I  not  feen  it  would  be  done  without  me: 
But  by  compliance  I  preferv'd  the  pow'r 
Which  Ihavefincemadeufe  of  for  your  fer vice. 

gu .  And  which  I  purpofe  fo  to  recompence. 

Lyf.  With  her  Crown  (he  means«,I  knew'twould  come  to't  [_afide„ 

Phil.  O  Heaven's,  (he'll  own  her  love  J 
Then  I  muftlofe  Candiope  for  ever, 
And  floating  in  a  vaft  abyfs  of  glory, 
Seek  and  not  find  my  (elf! 

gu.  Take  your  Candiope  •  and  be  as  happy 

As  love  can  make  you  both : how  pleas  ci  I  am 

That  I  can  force  my  tongue, 

To  fpeak  words  fo  far  diftant  from  my  heait ! Zafidt* 

Cand.  My  happinefs  is  more  than  I  can  utter  I 

Lyf.  Methinks  I  could  do  violence  on  my  felf  for  taking  Arms 
Againfta  Queen  fo  good,  fo  bountiful  : 
Give  me  leave,  Madam,  in  myextafie 
Of  joy,  to  give  you  thanks  for  PhiUclts. 
You  have  prefer  v'd  my  friend,  and  now  he  ows  not 
His  fortunes  onely  to  your  favour  5  but 
What's  more,  his  life,  and  more  than  that,  his  love.. 
I  am  convinc'd,  (he  never  lov'd  him  now$ 
Since  by  her  free  confent,  all  force  remov'd 
She  gives  him  to  my  Sifter. 
Tlavia  was  an  Impoftor  anddeceiv'd  me *■ 

Phil.  As  for  me,  Madam,  I  can  onely  fay 
That  I  beg  refpite  for  my  tnanks5  for  on  a  fudden, 
The  benefit's  to  great  it  overwhelms  me. 

AQ>.  Mark  but  tfY  faintnefs  of  th'  acknowledgement,  {tothcQ^^ 

c  a  fide. 
On.  to^/?.]  I  have  obferv'd  it  with  you;  and  am  pleas'd 
Hefeesnsnotfatisfy'd;  for  I  ftill  wiflr 


6%  The  Maiden.Queetu 

That  he  may  love  me. 

Phil.  I  fee  Afteria  deluded  me 
With  flactcring  hopes  of  the  Queens  love 

Onely  to  draw  me  oiffrom  Ly [mantes : 

But  I  w  II  think  no  more  on'c. 
I'm  going  to  pofTefs  Candiope] 
And  I  am  rayuYd  with  the  joy  on't  /  ha  / 
Not  raviuYd  neither. 

For  what  can  be  more  charming  than  that  Queen! 
Behold  how  night  fits  lovely  on  her  eye-brows, 
While  day  breaks  from  her  eyes!  then  a  Crown  too: 
J±0">Ioft,  tor  ever  loft,  and  n  w  'tis  gone, 
Tis  beautiful.- __. " ' ^, 

Aft    How  he  eyes  you  ftilll tV^£een. 

Phi.  Sure  I  had  one  of  thefaltn  Angels  Dreams, 
All  Heav  n  within  this  hour  was  mine  .' 4cje 

Cand.  What  is  it  that  diPuibsyoa  Dear?  ' 

j  Phil.  Onely  the  greatnefs  of  my  joy : 
I  ve  ta'ne  too  ftrong  a  C  ordiaj,  love, 
And  cannot  yet  digeft  it. 

CQu  C%»|fcrWwAftcri3]  Tis  done/  but  this  pang  mores 

and  then  a  glorious  birth.  r    ° 

The  tumults  of  this  day,  my  loyal  Subjects 
Have  fetled  in  my  heartarefolution, 
Happy  for  you,  and  glorious  too  for  me. 
Firft  for  my  Confin,  though  attempting  on  my  perfon, 
He  has  incurr  d  the  danger  of  the  Laws 
1  will  notpanimhim 

Lyf.  You  bind  me  ever  to  my  loyalty. 

<g*.  Then  that  I  may  oblige  you  more  to  it, 
I  here  declare  you  rightful  fuccefTor, 
And  Heir  immediate  to  my  Crown/ 

This,    Gentlemen,- _ r<r„^r»,*  J 

I  hope  will  ftill  my  fubjeds  difcootcn^  C  M^ 

When  they  behold  fucceflion  firmly  fetled. 
[Deputies]  Heavn  preferve  your  Majefty 

gu.  Asformyfelf  I  have  refoiv'd 
Still  to  continue  as  I  am,  unmarried  : 


The  Maidzti'Queen.  6% 

The  cares,  obfervances,  and  all  the  duties 
WhichI  mould  pay  an  husband,  I  will jrface 
Upon  ray  people  5  and  our  mutual  lbve 
Shall  make  a  biefling  more  than  Conjugal. 
And  this  the  States  (hall  ratifie. 

Lyf.  Hcav  n  bear  me  witnefsthat  I  take  no  joy 
In  the  fucccflion  of  a  Crown 
Which  muft  dt  fcend  to  me  fo  fad  a  way. 

«g»    '^oufin  no  moe5  my  refolution's  paft, 
Which  fate  mail  never  alter. 

Phil.  Then  lam  once  more  happv  r 
For  fince  none  poflefs  her,  I  am  pleas'd 
With  my  owu  choice,  and  will  defire  no  more. 
For  multiplying  wimes  is  a  curfe 
That  keep  the  mind  ftill  painfully  awake  : 

Oh,  Celadon , 
Your  care  and  loyalty  have  this  day  oblig'd  me! 
But  how  to  be  acknowledging  I  know  not, 
Unlefs  you  give  the  means. 

Cel.  I  was  in  hope  your  Majcfty  had  forgot  me  5  therefore  if  yoo 
pleafe,  Madam,  l'l  onely  beg  a  pardon  for  having  taken  up  arms 
once  to  day  aginft  you-,  for  I  have  a  fooliih  k  ind  of  Confcience, 
which  I  wifh  many  of  your  Subjects  had,  that  will  not  let  me  ask  a 
recompence  for  my  loyalty,  whenl  know  I  have  been  a  Rebel. 

Jgu.  Your  Modefty  (halt  not  ferve  the  turn  5  ask  fomething. 

Cel.  Then  I  beg,  Madam,  you  will  command  Fkrimel  never  to 
befriends  with  me. 

Flor.  Ask  again  3  I  grant  that  without  the  Queen  :  but  why  are 
you  afraid  on't  t 

Cel.  Becaufe  I  am  fure  as  foon  as  ever  you  are,  you'l  marry  me. 

Flor.  Do  you  fear  it? 

Cel  No,  'twill  come  with  a  fear. 

Flor.  If  you  do,  I  will  nor  ftick  with  you  for  an  Oath, 

Cel.   1  require  no  Oath  till  we  come  to  Church  >  and  then  after 
the  Prieft,  I  hope,  fori  find  it  will  be  my  drftmy  to  marry  thee. 

Flor.  If  ever  I  fay  word  after  the  black  Gentleman  for  thee  d- 


6$  The  Maiden'Queen. 

Cel.  Then  I  hope  you  I  give  me  leave  to  beftow  a  faithful  heart 

Flor.  I  bat  if  you  would  have  one  you  muft  befpeak  it,  for  lam 
fure  you  have  none  ready  made. 

Cel.   What  fay  you,  (hail  I  marry  Flaviat 
Flor.  No,  ftie'l  be- too  cunning  for  you. 
CeU  What  fay  you  to  olinda  then  i  {he's  tall,  and  fair,and  bonny. 
Flor.    And  foolifh,  and  Apifli,  and  fickle, 
Cel.  But  Sabina,  there's  pretry,  and  young,  and  loving,  and  in- 

Flor.  Anddwarfiib,  and  childifli,  and  fond,  and  flippant:  if  you 
marry  her  Sifter  you  will  get  May-poles,  and  if  you  marry  her  you 
will  get  Fairies  to  dance  about  them. 

Cel.  Nay  then  the  cafe  is  clear,  Florimels  if  you  take  'em  all 
from  me,  'tis  becaufe  you  referve  me  for  your  felf, 

Flor.  But  this  ma'  riage  is  fuch  a  Bugbear  to  me  •,  much  might  be 
if  we  could  invent  but  any  wry  to-  make  it  eafie. 

Cel.  Some  foolifh  people  have  made  it  uneafie  5  by  drawing  the 
knot  fafter  than  they  need  $  but  we  that  are  wifer  will  loofen  it  a 

Flor.  'X'\s  true  indeed,  there's  fome  difference  betwixt  a  Girdle 
and  a  Halter. 

Cel.  As  for  the  fir  ft  year,  according  to  the  l;udable  cuftom  of 
new  married  people,  we  (hall  follow  one  another  up  into  Chambers, 
and  elown  into  Gardens ,  and  think  we  fhall  never  have  enough  o  f 

one  another. So  far  'tis  pleafant  enough  I  hope. 

Flor.  But  after  that,  when  we  begin  to  live  like  Husband  and 

\Vife,  and  never  come  near  one  another what  then  Sir  f- 

Cel.  Why  then  our  onely  happinefs  muft  be  to  have  one  mind, 
and  one  will,  Flonmel. 

Flor.  One  mind  if  thou  wilt,  but  prithee  let  us  have  two  wills^ 
for  I  find  one  will  be  little  enough  for  me  alone,  But  how  if  thofe 
wills  mould  meet  and  cUfo^CeUdoxi 

Cel  I.  Wirrantthee  for  that :  Husbands  and  Wives  keep  their  wills 
far  enough  afunder  for  ever  meeting:  one  thing  let  us  be  fure  to  agree 
on,  that  is,  never  to  be  jealous. 

Flor.  No  5  but  e'n  love  one  another  as  long  as  we  can  5  and  con- 
fefs  the  truth  when  we  can  love  no  longer. 


The  Maiden^Qmen.  <$$ 

Cel.  When  I  have  been  at  play,  you  (hall  never  ask  me  what  mo- 
ney 1  have  loft. 

Flor.  When  I  have  been  abroad  you  (hall  never  enquire  who 
treated  me. 

Cel.  Item,  I  will  have  the  liberty  to  deep  all  night,  without  yqut 
interrupting  ray  repofefor  any  evil  defign  whatsoever. 

Flor.  Kern,  Then  you  (hall  bid  me  good  night  before  you  flfep. 
Cel.  Provided  always,  that  whatever  liberties  we  take  with  othet 
people,  we  continue  very  honeft  to  one  another. 
Flor.  As  far  as  will  confift  with  a  pleafanc  life. 
Cel.  Laftly,  Whereas  the  names  of  Husband  and  Wife  hold  forth 
nothing,  but  claming  and  cloying,  and  dulnefs  and  faintnefs  in  their 
fignification-,  they  mall  be  aboliih'd  for  ever  betwixt  us. 

Flor.  And  inftead  of  thofe,  we  will  be  married  by  the  more  agree- 
able names  of  Miftrefs  and  Gallanr. 

Cel.  None  of  my  priviledges  to  be  infringed  by  thee  Florimel, 
under  the  penalty  of  a  month  of  Fafting-nights. 

Flor.  None  of  my  priviledges  to  be  infring'd  by  thee  Celadon, 
under  the  penalty  of  Cuckoldom. 

Cel.  WelljifkbemyfortunetobemadeaCuckold,  I  hadrather 
thoumouldft  make  me  one  then  any  one  fn  Sicily:  and  for  my 
comfort  I  (hall  have  thee  oftner  than  any  of  thy  fervams. 

Flor.  La  ye  now,  is  not  fuch  a  marriage  as  good  as  wenching,  c<r- 
ladon  f 

Cel.  This  is  very  good,  but  not  fo  good,  Florimel. 
ig#.  Now  fet  me  forward  to  th'  Aflembly. 
You  promi'.e  Coufinyourconfent  i 
Lyf.  Botmoft  unwillingly. 
gu.  Philocks-,  I  muft  beg  your  voice  too. 
Phil.  M  oft  joy  fully  I  give  it, 

Lyf.  Madam  but  one  word  more-, fince  you  arefo  refolv'd, 

That  you  may  fee  bold  as  mypaffion  was, 

"  Twas  onely  for  your  perfon  not  your  Crown - 

I  fwear  no  fecond  Jove 

Shall  violate  the  flame  I  had  for  you, 

But  in  ftrid  imitation  of  your  Oath 

I  vow  a  (ingle  life. 



66  %k^^^i^Qif0^ 

gg;  To  Afteria.]  Now,  my  AfterU,  my  joys  are  full-, 
Thepow'rs  above  that  fee 
The  innocent  love  I  bear  to  Phikcles^ 
Have  giv'n  its  due  reward  5  for  by  this  means 
The  right  of  Lyfimwtes  will  devolve 
Upon  Candiofes  and  1  (hall  have 
This  great  content,  to  .think,  when  I  am  dead 
My  Crown  may  fall  on  fhilocks  his  head. 

Exeunt  omnes. 

— — 


Written  by  a  Perfon  of  Honour, 

VrPoetfomething  doubtful  of  his  Fate 
'Made  choice  of  me  to  be  his  Advocate  , 
Relying  on  my  Knowledg  in  the  Laws  , 
And  I  as  boldly  undertool^the  Caufe. 
I  left  my  Client  yonder  in  a  rant 
Againft  the  envious ,  and  the  ignorant , 
Who  are,  he  j ayes  his  onely  JLnemks : 
But  he  contemns  their  malice,  and  dejies 
Thefbarpeft  of  his  Cenfurcrs  to  fay 
Where  there  is  onegrojs  fault  in  all  his  Play. 
The  language  is  fa  fitted  fur  each  part, 
The  Plot  according  to  the  Rules  of  Art  \ 
And  twenty  other  thi?Jgs  he  bid  me  t  el  you, 
But  Icrycl  en  go  dot  your  f elf  for  Nelly. 
Reafon  with  Judges,  urgd  in  the  defence 
Ofthofe  they  would  condemn^  is  infolence } 
I  therefore  wave  the  merits  of  his  Play, 
And  thinl^it  fit  to  plead  thisfafer  way. 
If  when  too  many  in  the  purchafejbare 
Robbings  not  worth  the  danger  nor  the  care , 
The  men  ofbufinefs,  muft  in  Policy  ,  ^ 

Cherifh  a  little  harmelefs  Foetry ,  f 

All  wit  wond  elfe  grow  up  to  Knavery.       C 
Wit  is  a  BirdofMnfich^,  or  of  Prey.  - 

Mounting  fheftrikes  at  all  things  in  her  way 


But  if  this  Birdlime  once  but  touch  her  wings. 
On  the  next  bujh  (he  {its  her  down,  andfings. 
1  haye  but  one  word  more  \  tell  me  I  pray 
What  you  will  get  by  damning  of  our  play  ? 
A  whipt  Fanatickjvho  does  not  recant 
Is  by  his  Brethren  caWd  afuff  'ring  Saint ; 
And  by  your  hands  (bond  this  poor  Poet  die 
Before  he  does  renounce  his  Poetry 
His  death  mufi  needs  confirm  the  party  more 
than  all  his  fcribling  life  could  do  before  : 
Where Jo  much  <z,eal  does  in  a  SeB  appear 
'Tis  to  no  pnrpofe,  faith  to  be  f ever  e. 
But  Mother  day  I  heard  this  rhyming  Fop 
Say  Critichs  were  the  Whips ,  and  he  the  Top  i 
For,  as  a  Top  fpins  the  more  you  bafie  her 
So  every  lap  you  give,  he  writes  the  f after. 





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