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Full text of "Shang Ko : a study of the characteristic weapon of the Bronze Age in China in the period 1311-1039 B.C"

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A  study  of  the  characteristic  weapon 
of  the  Bronze  Ape  in  China  in  the 
period  1311-1059  B.  C. 

James  Mellon  Menzies,  3. A.  Sc. 

Volume  II 

A  thesis  submitted  in  conformity  v/ith  the 
requirements  for  the  degree  of  Do ct ox  of 
Philosophy  in  the  University  of  Toronto. 


Part  II 

Jyntliesis  of  .Gonciuaions 


Aa  The  material  ond   Its  provenance. 

Most  of  the  oonmon  ttoneo  used  in  the  tools  and  weapons 
found  at  Anyang  oame  from  the  T'ai  Hong  iXountains  or  thuir 
foothills*  The  main  range  extends  north  and  soath  about  fifty 
railes  west  of  the  Waste  of  Yin,  bat  the  foothills  are  not  more 
than  fifteen  miles  didtant.   The  goologicul  fosnationa  along 
this  range  yield  rnany  diffezrent  kinds  of  sto.e  and  mineral* suited 
to  the  use  of  the  stone  and  "Jade"  oraftaman:  slate  suitable  for 
sickftes,  whetstone  and  harder  stones  for  finding,  polishing  and 
sharpening,  have  been  found  near  Anyang*  some  ornamental  marbles, 
seppentine  marbles,  and  other  minerals  classed  in  the  western 
trade  liats  as  omaroental  building  stones,  but  suitable  in  ancient 
times  for  making  thin  Ko   blades,  have  been  found  in  the  T*ai 
Hang  range  within  ordinary  carrying  distance*  Jome  atone  matorialw 
may  have  come  from  the  T*ai  shan  mountain  complex  in  shantung* 

,   The  real  problem  concerns  the  many  well  authenticated 
examples  of  mineral  substances,  such  as  nephrite,  vvaich  have 
not  yet  been  found  b  y  the  (];eolo^ical  survey  of  China  in  local- 
ities inside  the  Gx^eat  .Vail  of  China.  The  problem  has  been 
complicated  by  references  to  jade,  jj^fl,  in  the  most  ancient 
classical  literature.  Llany  of  these  references  remain  valid, 
after  being  submitted  to  the  most  rigorous  literary  criticism. 
This  has  led  laay  scholars  to  conclude  that  Jade  must  have  been 
found  in  ancient  times  within  easy  reach  of  Anyang,  Loyang  and 
3ian,  the  early  capitals  of  ancient  China*  In  the  classics  the 
terms  "jedestone",  jgtt  aaih.  and  •*Jade",  ^,   7jerQ   used  to  desig- 


nate  not  only  nephrite  and  the  rarer  ancient  Jadeite,  bat  ulao 

other  jado-like  stones.  In  Chinese  litei^ature,  therefore,  the 

word  Jade,  j^,  caimo  bo  restricted  to  nephrite  and  Jadeite  as 

ased  in  modern  miueralOQr.^ 

!•  tfr*  K.  T.  Chang  of  the  Geological  3^  rvey  of  China  has 
discussed  the  references  to  jade  in  Chine ae  Literature 
from  a  mineral© fjical  point  of  view  (Layidariura  oinicum. 
Peicing  1921,  see  edit,  1927,  pp.  lll-li>(i.  Chinese  text). 
lYhile  tiieae  refcreiicee  in  literature  cannot  bo  ifnored, 
it  ia  evident  fi'om  Chanii's  disouasiou  that  tho  defin- 
iteness  of  tho  torm  Jade,  ytt,  mat:es  them  insufficient  in 
themaelves  to  determine  wheTher  true  Jade  was  ever  found 
in  tho  places  indicated.  All  the  scientific  investit:a- 
tions  carried  on  in  the  areas  now  identified  with  these 
place  names  have  failed  to  yield  any  traces  of-  nophi'ite 
or  Jadeite  in  situ.  Jome  of  the  kinds  of  ^tone  called 
Jadestone,  yff  sh'ifa,  used  in  the  Jhaiii-;  Dynasty,  are  illus- 
trated in  sickle  blade  no.  5,  ilo  nos.  10-22,  2B-;53,  36, 
37,  62,  63  and  80.  Tho  article  on  "jade"  in  the  Iiaicyclo- 
paedia  Britannloa.  14th  edit,  by  G.  F.  iLunz,  t^ives  tne 
06 at  summary  of  tho  many  minerals  mistaken  fwr  Jade, 
nephrite  taid  jcdcite,  and  those  commonly  used  as  sub- 
stitutes for  them  in  China,  ^unz  made  an  exhaustive 
study  of  jade  ao  a  raiiioral  for  H.  R.  Bishop's  Investi- 
gationa  and  studies  in  J.Mde,  llom   York,  1906.  ^,veii  tke 
white  marble,  '.Yhlch  came  from  Tine  ilsien  lii  Hopei  pro- 
vince, used  in  i.o  I(OS.  25,  26  and  27,  was  called  jade,  ytt, 
in  the  inscriptions  on  sculptured  figures  made  of  this 
same  marble  about  A.S.bOO.  Itarble  figures  of  Buddha  were 
inscribed  "Jade  Buddha,  jgtt  fo", 

13x0  craftsmon  of  tSie  Shang  Dynasty  used  many  different 

minerals  to  manufacture  the  "Jadestone"  iCo  and  other  "Jade"  objects 

found  at  tho  .Vaate  of  Tin,  Anyang.  A  geological  map  shov/ing  the 

quarries  inhere  these  minerals  wore  found  would  indicate  the  great 

distances  to  which  the  trade  in  beautiful  stones  had  extended  at 

that  time.  True  Jade  or  nejhrite  was  one  of  the  rarer  stones.  It 

was  used  in  the  manufacture  of  sickle  Ito.  5  mid  jade  Ko  Hofj.  10, 

1:3.  14,  15,  17,  2E,  28,  30,  31.  32  and  33.*  The  more  beautiful  pieces" 

2.  These  have  not  been  determined  to  be  nephx-ito  by  a 

3peciall8t  ir.  mineraloQr,  but  the  'writer  bolievos  them 
to  be  such.  There  are  many  other  Shang  Dynast;/  jade  i:o 
both  of  ordinary  and  miniature  sizes  preserved  i;  public 
and  private  oolloctions  in  China,  Europe  and  America.  It 
would  add  materially  to  thiu  evidence  if  t/ieso  jade  Ko 
could  bo  examined  by  competent  i:inor{.il0;.,i3ti3  to  determine 


how  many  of  tliem  are  made  of  nephrite,  which  1&   a 
silicate  of  oalciam  and  raaeiieaiam,  Ca  1.163(3103)4, 
Jedoite,  fel  to'ul,  la  a  aillcate  of  aodium  nnd 
alomlnom.Ta  7Tr3r03)2»  found  iii  Burma,  It  has  b  en 
ooininonly  used  In  China  iiirice  the  end  of  tae  cii^htoenth 
oentore,  v/hen  It  was  Imported  into  Canton  by  sea. 
Before  t  at  time  It  was  brought  ovorland  through  Yunnan 
in  amall  quantities.  It  i»  aometlmes  spoiiei.  of  na 
ooming  from  Yunnan,  but  It  has  not  been  found  In  situ 
there,  Yunnan  traders  "discovered"  It  In  Burma  In  the 
thirteenth  century,  ho   Chen-yfl  possessed  a  sword  ponmoL 
made  of  fel  ts'ui  said  to  have  been  unearthed  at  Loyanc. 
Judging  trom   its  design  it  bolonged  to  the  second  cen- 
tury B.C.,  %iien  trading  missions  ore  Icnovm  to  hi^ve 
entered  China  via  the  Burma  noad.  Photographs  of  this 
object  may  be  seen  in  Lapidariam  opposite  p.  1^4,  irlate 
III,  In  western  countries  Bunnese  jadelte,  of  bright 
green  and  snow  white  colour,  is  believed  to  be  lapcrlal 
Chinese  jade,  but  the  Chinese  themselves  did  not  consider 

it  to  bo  Jroal  jade,  yfl,  for  they  called  it  by  a  uifforent 
name,  fel  ts'ui.  relTlot,  Toung  fao.  ierie  II,  Vol, 13, 
p. 436,  CUD ting  the  scholar  Chi  Yfln  ( A. D. 1724-1805)  Yueh 

.Yei  j's'ao  T'ang  Pi  Chi,  oh.  15,  sa  3  that  jadeits,  ^gaT 
ts'ui.  from  Yunnan,  was  not  true  jade,  yfl.  Its  value, 
however,  was  greater  than  that  of  true  Jade  v/hen  Chi  Yfln 
was  a  youth,  ca.  1750.  Some  jadeite  is  said  to  be  found 
in  the  ilunlun  mountains,  but  the  v.Titer  has  not  recoG- 
nized  any  among  the  many  ohang  Syuasty  jades  he  has 

notably  of  the  white,  light  green,  yellow  and  gray  varieties,  were 

used  to  make  scribes*  engraving  knives,  pendants  and  other  ornaments. 

1.  Two  engraving  knives,  made  in  the  form  of  a  fish  with 
the  tall  sharpened,  one  of  pure  milk  white  oolour  four 
and  a  half  inches  long  and  the  other  of  typical  muttoi> 
fat  nephrite  from  Ilhotan,  about  two  inchea  loiit;,  were 
obtained  at  ijiyang  by  the  writer  in  1930  and  tire   in  his 
colleotlon  in  Toronto,  Many  other  Jade  ornaments  from 
iinyang  are  scattered  in  public  and  private  collections. 
3ome  of  Ihem  have  been  published  in  L:diibition  catalogues 
and  elsewdiere.  The  best  authenticated  group  is  that 
published  by  ilarlbeck,  Orvar,  "Some  iirchaic  Jade  Pendants 
and  their  Dating"  The  .iJurllnttQii  I'^gaglne.  London, 
Vol.  L\XIII,  llo.  Cl).t:V,  ..ut^ust  I'Joa;  pp.  68-74,  Plates 
I  and  II,  who  says  inter  alia.  'T'wenty-one  of  the  Anyang 
objects  that  illustrate  the  article  wex'c  obtained  by  me 
in  China,  some  of  then  I  saw  in  Anyang",  A  number  of 
these  pendants  7/ere  typical  shang  Dynasty  scribes' 
engraving  loalves.  These  should  all  be  examined  by  com- 
petent raineraloeiots  to  determine  hov,  many  of  the  Anyang 
jades  are  nephrite.  The  characteristic  ohang  Dynasty 
designs  and  the  scientific  determinatioxi  of  the  mineral 
oompoaition  would  be  additional  proof  of  the  presence  of 
nephrite  at  Anyang  in  the  3hang  Dynasty. 

The  only  source  of  the  white  varieties  of  nephrite  was  in  the 

Konlun  monntaina  south  of  ihotan,  Lat.  37**,  Long  80°f  in  the  extreme 


south  west  oomer  of  ^inidane  or  Chinese  Turkestan.-^  The  fact  that 

1,   Pelliot,   p.,    "I«3  Pretendua  Jades  de  Sou-Tcheou  (iCan-Sou)" 
Tbung  Pao.   jerie  II,   Vol,  14,   pp.  268-;i60,     Loafer, 
Jade.   vJ^Bd,   quotes  the  I'.an  3u  T*un^^  Clxlh.   ch,  aO,    p.7h. 
"jade  is  obtained  from  tSfe~rTver  Hang  oiiui  Pa  in  3a  Chou"? 
i^lllot,    Toupg  LtiO,    oerie   II,    Vol.   13,    p.   436,    in  a 
reriev;  of  this  hoolc,   says    'Je  cormais  oette  pierre  qu'on 
travaille  dana  la  recion;   c'est  on  raarble  verte  assez 
fineraont  viend  et  non  on  jade*^.     Later  i«lliot  saw  Joaejh 
Martin's  letter   to  M,  IJaubr*e  written  5  January  1091 
published  in  La  Geographie,   Bullotin  de  la  oociety  de 
Geosraphie.    Vol,   267  19Lii,    pp,   376-598,    which  reported 
Martin's  discovery  of  nephrite  in  the  lian  3han  mountains 
near  su  Chou,     Pelliot  then  requested  Ji.   L,   O^.yeux, 
Professor  of  Geology  in  the  College  de  France,   to  examine 
one  of  the  objects  manufactured  in  3u  Chou  which  he  hio^ 
self  had  brought  back  from  there.     Professor  Cayeux  in- 
formed him  that  the   object  was   "Hi  du  Jade,   ni  de  la 
Jad*ite,  mais  la  serpentine",     Cayeoz  remarked  to  Pelliot 
that  aer' entine  capable  of  being  worked,  while  not  very 
common,  wjus  much  less  rare  than  Jade   (neptlirite)   and 
Jadeite,     Pe  Hot  then  ends  his  careful  note  with  the 
finding  "Le  premier  giseraent  de  vrai   Jade  reste  done 
encore  a  ddcouvrir  dans  la  Chine  propre",     Laufer,    Jade, 
p,   24,   says  that   Lu  dung  (A, 1,1020-1101),   positively 
stated  that  in  his  time  Jade,   ytt,  was  iuarriod  only  in 
1310 tan  or  Ytt  T'ien,     H,   T,  Chang,   representing  the 
Geological  durvey  of  China,   after  reviewing  the  vshole 
situation  in  1927,   came  to  the  same  conclusion,  Lapidarium  ] 

much  Jade  was  found  in  liliotan  or  Ytt  T'ien  was  well  known  in  the 

second  century  B,C,*     This  was  recorded  by  Sso-ma  Ch'ien  in  Book 

2*  Ancient  Yft  T'ien  was  at  xJiotan,   not  at  ileriya  which  is 
now  called  Ytt  T'ien,   see  Ancient    Jiotan.p,  155,   note  18, 

123  of  Ms  History,    Jhih  Chi,   on  Ferghana  or  Ta  Yuan,^      Ssu-ma 

3,  Fr^aderiok  Ilirth's  translation  of  this  statement  may  be 
consulted,  in  the  Journal  of  the  American  Oriental  society. 
Vol,   37,   1917,   paragraph  23,     This  paragraph  will  boiir  re- 
study.     It  reads    "In  the  west  part  of  Ytt  T'ien  all  v^i^ters 
run  west  flowing  into   the  western  sea",     Thiy  has  usually 
been  interpreted  to  mean  the  waters  west  of  the  city  of 
^otan  7/hich  of  course  do  not  run  west  up  the  Pamir  mount- 
ains or  flow  into  the  western  sea.     The  difficulty  has 
often  been  noted.     See  Ancient  .3iotan  p,  167,  note  6,   The 
writer  auggosts  that  this  statement,    instead  of  being  co]> 
sidered  incorrect,   may  indicate   the  upper  reaches  of  the 
Indus  aiver  on   the  othur  side  of  the  ^larakorara  pass  ^^ 
the  head  waters  of  the  i.arakash  river.     The  3hui  Ching  Chu, 
oar  most  accurate  early  geographical  text,    says    "un  top 
of  tile  mountains  south  of  Ytt  T'ien  much  jadestone  is  found", 
S,W.Dushell.    Chinese  Art,    sec.    edit,,    1U09,    Vol.1,    p. 124, 
says  "The  principal  x'ivers  regularly  fished  for  jade  peb- 
bles are  the  upper  wat-ii's  of  the  Yarkand     aria  and  the 


Yorune  ilaah,    ".Vhite  Jade",   and  ilairakaalx,    "Black  Jade", 
rlvera  of  ^Jiotan",     Fa  Helen,    the  earlleat  Chinese 
Btt.  dhist  prieat  to  leave  e  record  of  hi3    journey  to 
India,   describes  the  gorges  of  the  Indus  .dver  on  the 
other  ^'ide  of  the  ranee,    and  it  may  well  be  th  t  this 
is  what  Chang  Ch'ien  reported  when  he  described  tho 
country  of  Ytt  T'ien,     If  this  bo  so  it  nay  well  indicate 
a  way  of  contact  between  the  sjioient  civilizations  of 
the    Indus  valley  and  those  of  iUicient  China.     Thi;i  brief 
description  of  Ytt  T'ien  ooiitinues    '•'•n  the  eaat  part  of  it 
water  runs  east  flowing  into  the  Salt  Marsh  (Lob  IJor), 
The  salt  marsji  aeeps  away  underground.     In  the  south 
part  of  it  is  the  source  from  vhlch  the  Yellov/    ;iver. 
Ho,   flows  irto  the  Iliddle  i^incdom,   Chnn^  iruo.   while   the 
cTty  of  Lou  i>an  Ku.  Shih  has  its  city  walla  border! n^ 
on  the  lialt  I.larah  about  five  thousand  li   (sixteen 
hundred  and  aixty-six  Engliah  mllea)  distant  frow 

ChAang  An  (Sian)",  The  usual  interpretation  of  this 
passage  gives  two  cities  Lou  Lan  and  Zu  3hih,  but  the 
writer  suggests  that  one  only  was  intended.   The  ancient 
site  of  Lou  Lan  has  been  discovered  by  Aurel  3tein  at 
Lat.  40°30  Long,  90°,  R,  A,  Smith  "The  Stone  Age  in 
Chinese  Turkestan",  Man.  Vol,  XI,  1911,  p.  81  sqq 
article  IJo,  52  anci  plate,  describes  140  stone  age  arti- 
facts found  at  tliis  LouLan  site,   Some  of  these  sre 
nephrite,  while  others  are  jasper.   This  palaeolithic 
Industry  has  striking  similarities  to  th^t  found  by 
licent  and  Teilhard  in  the  Ordos  desert  in  1923,   See 
"On  the  Discovery  of  a  Palaeolithic  Industry  in  northern 
China",  Bulletin  of  the  Geological  Jociety  of  China.  Vol. 
3  p.  45-50,  Peking  1924,   The  same  industry  was  found 
in  the  Yellov;  River  basin  between  Shensi  and  Shansi  in 
1928,  See  Teilhard  and  C,  C,  Young,  "Preliminary  Obsei*- 
vations  on  the  Pre-loessic  and  Post  Pontian  Forraations  in 
Western  Shansi  and  IJorthern  Shensi",  Memoirs  of  the 
Geological  .^arvey  of  China.  Series  A,  Ij'o,  8,  pp.  .34-36, 
Pel ping  1930,  The  ancient  si^l^w^s  visited  twice  by 
Aurel  stein,  and  some  excavations  were  carried  on  there, 
Hissreports  are  given  in  Serindla  and  Innermost  Asia, 
This  site  of  Lou  Lan  seems  to  offer  the  best  op  ortunity 
knovm  to  the  writer  to  discover  a  sequence  of  cultui'es 
extending  from  the  time  of  Christ  right  back  to  the 
palaeolithic  age.  This  is  represented  by  sixty  knife 
blades  of  jasper  "with  single  or  double  ridges  showing 
that  laiey  were  struck  by  people  who  understood  the  art 
of  detaching  regular  two  edged  flakes";  see  Serindia 
p,  367  and  Plate  XIX,      The  willow- leaf  shaped  arrow-head  (?) 
Of  jasper,  Cia2.0064,  is  very  similar  to  a  much  worn 
blade  of  flint  or  jasper  obtained  by  the  writer  at 
Anyang  from  a  peasant  from  Hsiao  T'un  village,  who  said 
he  found  it  among  oracle  bones  and  other  artifacts  at 
the  Vaste  of  Yin,  This  is  the  only  chipped  implement 
the  writer  has  seen  that  was  said  to  come  from  Anyang, 
Its  similarity  to  those  found  at  Lou  Lan  suggests  thut 
it  may  have  been  brout';ht  from  that  place  in  the  Shang 
Dynasty,  Innermost  Asia  p.  265,  Stein  describes  some 
graves  found  at  Lou  Lan,  These  v/ere  .veil  preserved  and 
represent  the  people  of  LouLan,  The  grave  LF,3  was  of 
a  young  girl,  with  oval  faoe  and  hair  cut  round  the 
forehead.   It  contained  a  large  jade  bead,  green,  9/16 
ins,  by  3/8  ins  diam,,  nlimbered  LF,3,04,   This  is 
figured  on  plate  ZXIV  with  bone  pin  LFa,03.   The  bead 
is  elsewhere  described  as  "greenish,  translucent,  glass- 
like, tubular".   Photograph  Fig,  173  p,  263  shows  -.■.   man 
with  high  bridge,  aquiline  nose  and  abundant  dark  hair  on 
head  and  round  the  chin  and  mouth;  the  head  was  dolicho- 
cephalous;  Stein  calls  him  Homo  Alpinus,  similar  to  people 
noted  by  him  in  the  Hindu  i.ush  and  the  Pamirs,  The 
purpose  of  this  long  note  on  3su-ma  Ch*ien's  record  of 
"Much  jade  found  in  Ytl  T'ien'  is  toshow  how  well  his 
account  of  this  area  accords  with  geography  end  with 
arohaeologically  ascertained  facts.   It  also  shov/s  th*t 
he  was  right  in  including  the  people  of  Ytt  T'ien,  which 
extended  as  far  east  as  Lou  Lan  and  Lob  nor,  along  v^ith 
the  peoples  of  Ferghaua  on  the  other  side  of  the  Pamirs, 


These  same  people  may  have  existed  on  Loa  Lan  sinoe 
Palaeolithic  tiroes,  and  extended  as  far  oast  as  the 
Yellow  Hiver  basin  between  dhensi  and  ahansi* 

Ch'ien's  History  was  oompleted  in  99  B«C,,  and  the  description 

of  Ytt  T*ien  was  based  on  Arabaasador  Chang  Ch' ion's  field  e>:plor- 

ations  made  in  the  Western  .^et^ions  before  128  B.C. 

In  modern  times  Chinese  and  i:iUropean  geolocists  and 

geographers,  with  soientifio  training,  have  searched  in  vain  for 

nephrite  and  jadeite  in  sita  within  the  confines  of  the  former 

eighteen  provinces  inside  the  Great  //all.  It  follov/s  from  this 

evidence  that  the  jade  merchants  of  the  Jhang  Dynasty,  1311-1039 

B«C*,  had  trade  relations  with  Jade  producing  places  outside 

the  Great  Vall.^  For  two  thousand  years  the  nephrite  used  in 

1»  llie  word  Shang  of  "Shang  Dynasty"  means  "merchant", 
more  particularly  "travelling  merchant".  Dr.  Hu  >ihih 
has  spoken  of  the  acattering  of  the  "merchajit  people" 
Shang  Jen  among  the  states  after  tas  rise  of  the  Chott 
Dynasty,  but  it  seems  probable  thut  travelling  in 
search  of  merchandise  was  characteristic  of  th«  .iJhang 
people  beforethe  fall  of  that  dynasty.  Some  v;hite 
nepibLrite  from  jOiotan,  as  well  as  "dark,  luatrous,  indi^^;  o 
nephrite"  from  hurope,  reached  Troy  in  the  Aegean  in  the 
time  of  the  first, second  third  and  fifth  cities  I'^diioh 
have  been  excavated  by  Schlieracjm.  ThiB  uiiitc  jade 
probably  came  over  a  northern  route,  and  not  through  the 
ancient  centres  of  civilization  in  Iran  and  Mesopotamia. 
These  ancieait  cities,  and  those  of  India,  wa^e   nearer  tae 
mountains  southwest  of  ^Jiotan  than  was  thu  capital  of  the 
Shang  Dynasty  at  Anyang,  yet  this  source  of  jade  supply 
was  not  tapped  by  them,  but  by  ohang  Dynasty  merchants 
who  valued  jade  much  more  higplly  than  they  did,  for  a 
large  number  of  jades  worked  in  the  second  millenium  B.C. 
have  been  found  in  China,  but  vei-y  few  in  the  ancient 
IJear  }i.a8t*  It  seems  probable,  from  the  archaeological 
evidence  available,  that  the  territory  outside  the  Great 
<i/all  was  occupied  frcna  ancient  times  by  non-Chinese 
peoples,  but  that  in  this  trade  the  selection  and 
valuation  of  jade  boulders  was  always  carried  on  by 
Chinese  jade  connoisseurs  at  the  source  of  supply. 

China  has  been  reported  to  have  come  from  the  jiunlon  mountains, 
most  of  It  forwarded  from  the  most  westerly  cities  of  iJiotan, 
Yarkand  and  i^ashgar.  Since  the  fourth  century  A.D.  the  southern 
trade  route  along  the  foot  of  the  Kunlun  range  has  not  been  much 


ased,  but  it  seems  poasiblo  that  it  was  used  in  tbe  shang  l);$imsty» 
for  neolithic  jade  oelta  as  well  ea  boulders  have  been  found  along 
this  route  as  far  east  as  the  deserted  ancient  oity  of  Loulan  on 
the  shores  of  Lob  Kor. 

]7ephrite  is  found  also  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Manas, 
north  of  tixe  T*ien  Shan  in  northern  Si/iklang.  This  locality 
yields  a  Jado  dark  spinach  green  in  colour,  and  does  not  appear 
to  have  been  the  source  of  any  Shang  I^asty  Jade.  It  7. as  from 
this  place  that  the  great  monolith  of  Tamerlane  at  saraarkund 
was  brou^t  ca«  A.D*  1405.  Outside  the  political  boundaries  of 
China,  the  region  west  of  Lake  Baikal  in  Siberia  and  the  Sayan 
mountains  north  of  Tannu  Tuva  both  produce  some  nephrite,  but 
the  colours  of  these  jades  are  not  duplicated  among  the  Shang 
Dynasty  pieces.  The  jadeite,  fei  ts ' ui ,  of  Burma  oomes  from 
the  extreme  northwest  of  that  country,  Lat.  a5°46',  Long.96°15  • 
It  has  not  been  recognized  among  Shang  llynasty  objects.  All 
these  nephrite  and  jade  inaterials  are  now  common  on  the  jade 
markets  of  Paiping  and  Shanghai,  and  great  care  must  be  e^cer- 
cised  to  avoid  modem  forgeries  of  ancient  objects  niade  from 

The  varieties  of  jade  most  highly  prized  in  the  Shang  and 
early  Chou  dynasties  are  revealed  by  an  e^anination  of  the  pend- 
ants and  other  jade  objects  from  Anyang,  Hsdn  Haien,  liOyang  and  Sian.' 

1.  T'ien  Yeh  Ila'o  :.u  lap  Kao.  Shanghai,  No.l,  1936,  p. 200, 
platesTT  8  Qrid"15.  The  ei^ty-five  jade  objects  excava- 
ted from  tho  Ho  tin  Hsien  Tombs  by  the  Academla  :;inica,  some 
of  \,*ich  are  illustrated  in  these  r>lates,  include  two 
niniaturesKo  similar  to  „o  28- .31.  i^elliot.  P.,  Jades 
Archaiquaa  de  Chine  were  said  to  come  from  Loyang.  i^aufer, 
li. ,  ArJiiaio  Chinese  Jades  v/ero  also  said  to  come  from 
Loyang.  .^arlbeck,  orvar,  'some  Archaic  Chinese  Jade 
Pendants  and  their  I)ating"  distinguishes  "clear ly  vxe 
provenance  of  uinpiecea  who there  from  Anyang  or  Loyang. 
Ilxe  Field  MuseaTi,  Chicago,  posoesses  some  early  jades 

^n^  fi8a^eS^«fio^l§9  g?e^^-  M^ti^i  sfeii^  S^^  f?!^' 
fellow  from  Fighting  Cock  Terrace  ivest  of  Sian. 

Among  the  objects  from  these  sites  a  cloudy  to  translucent  jade  of 

very  fine  texture  in  several  colourations  stands  out  as  the  moat 
beaatiful.  The  most  distinctive  colours  are  a  light  green  and  a 
yellow.  There  is  also  an  opaque  milk  white  variety  somewhat  diff- 
erent from  the  white  nephrite  from  Liiotan.  In  the  ^^oyal  Ontario 
Museum  of  Archaeology  Jade  Ko  IJos.  14  and  15  and  miniature  Ko  No, 
31  are  classed  as  yellow.  Ko   Wos.  14  and  15  were  said  to  have  been 
found  together  with  yellow  jade  eagle  IJB.4039.  At  Anyang  the  writer 
obtained  a  small  pierced  square  ornament  of  yellow  jade  which  came 
from  the  xaate  of  Yin,  Thia  yellow  Jjade  is  so  distinctive  that  it 

should  not  be  difficult  to  identify  the  quarries  from  w^ioh  it  came, 
S.  ff.  Bushell,  in  hlk  Chinese  ^rt.  eeb,  edit,  1909, 

reprinted  1924,  Vol.  1,  p,  124,  states,  "llephrite  has  been  found 

to  occur  in  many  other  rivers  flowing  from  the  iCunlun  Mountains, 

the  traditional  source  of  jade  as  far  east  as  Lake  Lob,   It  was 

discovered  by  Russian  geologists  in  situ  in  1891  still  further 

east  in  the  province  of  Ilansu  on  the  north  of  the  ilunlun  .lange 

between  Zuka  Uor  iKoKo   Nor)  and  the  Han  Shan  Mountains  where 

the  nephrite  A-as  cloudy  to  translucent  an^  of  light  greenimilk- 

white  or  sulphur  yellow  colour.  This  is  interesting  as  the 

first  record  of  yellow  jade  in  situ".^ 

1,  This  discovery  of  yellov/  jade  in  situ  by  l^ussian 
geologists  ill  1891  has  been  quoTed  many  times.  The 
original  source  reference  used  by  Bushell  does  not 
appear  to  have  buen  available  to  those  wrio  quote  his 
statement:-  F.  W,  Rudler,  Llncyclopaedia  Britannica, 
9th  edit.,  ''Jade";  Una  Pope-Hennessy,  £^arly  Chinese 
Jade,  p,  5;  H,  T,  Chang,  Lapidartnm,  p,  122;  Pelliot 
ignores  I-ushell's  statement  in  his  discussion  of  Su 
Chou  "Serpentine  '  reported  by  Joseph  Martin  as 
"nephrite"  in  1891.  Martin  was  French  and  not  .-iussian, 
but  his  specimens  of  jade  were  sent  to  the  societ*  de 
Geographie  de  Petersbourg,  after  his  death  in  Central 
Asia  and  uhis  confusion  resulted,  Pelliot  fails  to 
report  Martin's  description  of  the  jade,  he  says  'II 
y  en  a  de  toutes  les  couleiirs;  vert  mat,  vert  d'eau, 
blaac  mat,  blanc  de  la it  meae  tres  transparent,  jaune 
de  soufre,  etc,  etc,"  This  accords  so  well  with  Bushell's 
description  that  there  can  be  little  doubt  th  t  the  same 
source  of  jade  is  being  described,  whether  by  the  same 

■  V?;^**}  ^'' 


definite  acientific  deteiTiii nation  of  the  mineral  com- 
position of  the  specimens  aent  to  iissia  and  in  view 
of  tile  analysis  rasdo  by  Profeofjox*  Cayeaux  of  Pelllot's 
GpRCimena  from  Sou  Chou  as  'serpentine  ',  the  question 
of  the  accuracy  of  the  statement  that  the  yelloiv  jade 
of  Han  Shan  is  nephrite  must  be  left  sub  judice. 

It  seems  possible  that  the  yellow  jade  of  Xo  IJos.  14, 
15  and  81,  as  well  es  many  other  Shang  Dynasty  jade  ornaments,  may 
haye  come  from  this  source  in  the  Han  Shan  Mountains  near  3q  Chpu, 
The  identity  of  the  material  of  the  jade  from  Anyang  with  the  lade- 
from  the  L'an  Shan  L'ountains  can  only  Ve  proved  by  a  careful  com- 
parison not  only  of  their  colour  and  physical  appearance  feut  also 
of  the  mineral  composition.  The  question  of  whether  they  are  both 
"nephrite"  or  both /^''serpentine"  does  not  alter  the  evidence  for 
the  trade  in  jade^betv\/een  the  capital  of  the  Shang  Dynasty  and  the 
Xanstt  Corridor  provided  they  are  both  alike. 

Yellow  jade  has  always  been  prijred  in  China  and  the 
same  type  appears  to  have  been   av:  liable  in  at  least  three  widely 
separated  and  important  periods  of  time;  in  the  Shang  Dynasty,  1311- 
lOsS  B.C.;  in  the  Late  Chou  and  Han  Dynasties  481  B.C.  -,220   .  ,, 
and  in  the  recent  past.   It  li-ay  be  seen  in  the  Royal  Ontario 
Museum  of  Archaeology  collection  in  objects  of  all  three  periods. 
Besides  the  Shang  Dynasty  jades,  ^o  14,  15  and  31  and  jade  eagle 

IIB.4039,  it  is  found  in  sv;ord  pommel  disc  HB.4887,  said  to  be  from 
..   Toral)  h   of ''IA|«  Homo^  ol  jlu  ijoyan/t  at  Chin- Ta  •  un.  The  beautiful 

W.;;,..4s^^  .  :ii  judo  i::  the  rSim  iit 

'  '   a  1,   -  --  orfitchli-c  Itself  ■'^y'i to  Mli^* paw" 

approKiiaatoa  in  colouration  and  toxtuie  jade  ^.o  .31,  . recently  mined 

1.  Tomba  of  old  Loymig.  p.  1.33,  plate  OwCVII,  ilo.  ..31i>b. 
yellow  jade  i.j  found  in  notched  oirclot  im.1970.  Tniti  is  ali/iilar 
in  ai^e  end  shape  to  a  ycllo;?  jade  circlet  once  in  the  possession 
of  vVtt  Ta-3h*eng,  ana  was  probably  made  on 


the  basis  of  his   drawing  and   description  published  in  1889. •'• 

l.Lu  jm  T'g  llao   pp.    52-54,     He  precariously  identified 
it  as^an  astronomical  instrument",   suan  chl,   and  the 
yellow  jade   as  the   "gem  from  the  wild  tri'Ees   of  the  east" 
yi  ytt,   mentioned   in  the    "Testamentary  Charge"  Legge  III 
p.  inr4.     Km  Iiidex  42,    0325.      Laiifer   Jade  p.   104-112   Fie. 
38,    .ifu  Ta-ch4eng  had   per-onally  secui'ed  an  ornament  of 
yellow  jade  said  to   oome    from  the  Yi   Ju  LH  nountaino  '^eat 
of  Mul:den  on  one  of  his  official  visits  to  the  place.     He 
recognized  t  le  substance  to  be  similar  to  that  in  his 
jade  circlet  and  on  this   ground  alont  he  idciiitificd  it  as 
the    "gem  from  the  wild  tribes  of  the  east",     Laufer,    jade 

pp.   108-110,     H.    T.    Chang,    Lapidarium  p.   123  note   says 

that  this  mineral  substance  is  not  true  jade  but  "serp- 
entine". This  raises  the  question  of  a  second  source  for 
modern  yello";;  jade  in  the  mountains  west  of  Mukden,  but 
this  can  only  effedt  the  modern  jade, for  the  soui'ce  in 
the  ran  Shan  was  on  the  direct  line  of  the  regular  jade 
trade  route,  while  that  in  the  north  was  not  accessible 
before   the  time  of  Christ, 

It  thus  appears  "ttiat  t2iie9e  "jrello-.v  Jadel  octaivlea  ir.  the 
Han  3han  near  i a  Choa  liave  px*aciuoed   "Jade"  ^,t^e  iihAZj^  D^t^sty,  in 
the  late  Choa  and  Han  Dynasties,   and  that   they  are  still  open  and 
producing  yellow  Jade  today.     They  have  much  the   same  history  as  the 
Jade  mineg  at  ^hotan,   except  that  they  produce  leas  material  and  are 
located  several  thousand  li  nearer  to  the  ancient  centre  of  Chinese 
civilization  at  fighting  Cock  Terrace  and  dian.     This  trade  in  Jade 
from  iJiotan  was  noted   in  the  Ean  ].)ynasty  by  the  travellers  to  the 
••/est,   by  the  early  Buddhist  travellers  to  India,  by  Marco  lolo, 
Benedict  Goez  and  a  host  of  others,   all  down  the  agee,^ 

2,  Ancient  I3io tan.   p,87,   note  10  and  pp,lo2  f, ;   Yule,  Jeireo 
Polo  Vol,   1,    pp,   191,    193,   note;   Yule,    Gcthay  and    tW 
/Vay  Thither  II,   p,   uG4, 

In  1915  the   writer  found  on  the  site  of  the  ^i^aste  of  Yin  a 

fragment  of  a  large  jade  iJ>  similar  to  llo.  17,^  'She  mineral  atruo- 

3,  1JB,1812  depOBitod  by  the  writer  in  the  iloyal  Ontario 
Mttseura  of  Archaeology  in  1916, 

ture  of  this  fragmfint  is  very  similar  to   that  of  Jade  Ko  No,   17, 

frran  Fighting  Cock  Terrace,  ohensi,    «,iiich  the  writer  examined 

carefully  in   Vashington,     The  ntaterial 

in  thiy   fragment  is  also 

'>»- ^  f^fJttA  ■'i'^> 


similar  to  that  of  a  large  jade  iCo  no?;  in  Cheeloo  University 
Maseora,  Tsinau,  Shantung,  vihioh  was  probably  fouzxd  in  the  neigh- 
boorhood  of  Wei  Ubien  or  Ch*ing  Chou  Fa,  half  way  between  Tsinan 
and  the  sea  coast  of  Tsinc  Tao«  The  same   material  oooors  a^ain 
in  the  large  Shang  Dynasty  jade  ..o  Iio«  53,  later  reshaped  into  a 
Icnei  and  obtained  in  ^.aifeng*  The  distx'ibation  of  this  one  type 
of  nephrite  peculiar  in  structure  and  colour,  all  made  into  the 
same  kind  of  very  large  jade  i^o,  suggests  the  east  and  west  line 
of  one  of  the  3hang  Dynasty  ijade  trade  routes,  wnich  may  be 
traced  from  the  ancient  Shang  sites  in  ohantung  and  Tlorth  Houan 


as  far  west  as  Fighting  Cock  Terrace  in  Jhensi  and  may^^be  traced 
even  further  when  the  Bource  of  this  particular  type  of  nephrite 
can  be  more  exaotly  located  in  the  ::unlan  mountains. 

ffe  nay  sum  up  the  implications  of  the  foregoing  study  of 
the  materials  and  their  provenance  as  follows; 

Waterworn  pebbles  and  boulders  of  distinctive  \vihite  neph- 
rite wero  accesuible  to  iirimitive  man  as  they  lay  alon£  the  banks 
of  the  Yorung  Ilash  (<Vhit&  Jade  lUver)  at  1 1)6  western  end  of  the 
Tarim  basin  north  of  Tibet.  Other  distinctive  sfoi   attaactive  stones 
such  as  yellow  nephrite  (or  precious  serpentine)  were  also  available 

at  the  eastern-  end  nearer  China.  Trade  in  this  beautiful  stone 
material  had  already  developed  in  neolithic  timeo.  The  fibrous 
tough  nature  of  jade,  as  well  as  the  lustrous  polish  and  patination 
which  it  took  on,  attracted  the  aesthetic  appreciation  of  early 
Chinese  craftsmen  and  connoisseurs.  They  saw  the  latent  artistic 
possibilities  in  this  medium.  The  passion  of  the  Chinese  for  jade 
drew  the  trade  in  it  as  far  as  the  capital  of  the  ohang  Dynasty 
in  Horth  Honan,  and  to  the  eastern  limits  of  the  land  at  the  shores 
of  the  "i^orthem  Sea"  in  ohantung.  •'■  This  trade  in  jade  was  carried 

1,  The  northern  Jea,  or  IH)  Hai,  which  was  the  aiiclent  . 
narie  of  tho  aea  on  the  northern  side  of  the  3hantuntS 

on  in  spite  of  the  intervening  physical  and  ethnic  barriers,  and 

is  attested  by  the  presence  of  nephrite  not  only  in  the  excava* 

tions  at  Anyang,  but  also  in  sporadic  finds  in  .Tiany  other  places 

in  this  area,*^  iifhile  this  trade  extended  to  the  Tory  borders  of 

2,  An  ancient  literary  tradition  uTitton  down  before  the 
baminc-  of  the  booka  in  213  B.C.  records  that  "Wa  Wang 
captured  from  the  ihonc  Dynasty  fourteen  thousand  pieces 
of  ancient  precious  jade  and  a  hondred  find  eighty  thou- 
sand pieces  of  pendant  jades".  See  Chavannea  Les  Mem- 
oires  ilistoriquea  Vol,  V,  p. 457  note  1  on  the  date  and 
importance  of  the  Yl  Choa  ^u.  This  tradition  .voultl 
account  for  the  presence  of  many  of  the  jade  pendants 
found  in  the  Choa  Dynasty  cemetery  at  Hsfln  Hsien  and 
others  reputed  to  cone  from  Loyang  and  oinn,  which 
appear  from  their  designs  to  be  of  3hang  Dynasty  workman- 
ehip.  The  adjective  "precious"  seeria  to  indicate  jade 
£o  used  An  the  ritual  servicea.  Two  main  features  in 
XUxe  sk'iiiHx   pao  are  "jade  under  a  roof.  Jade  j:o  and 
pendants  ai-e  the  two  natural  divisions  of  ihang  Djmaaty 

ancient  Iran  and  India,  tiiis  does  not  imply  that  the  Chinese  leamei 

the  art  of  carving  jade  from  Iran,  India  or  Mesppotamia,  Ho   jade 
Kg,  scribes*  engraving  knives,  or  jade  pendants  carved  with  charac- 
teristic 3hang  Dynasty  designs  have  been  found  in  the  Tarim  basin 
by  such  careful  observers  and  collectors  as  3ven  Hedin  or  Aurel 
Stein,  who  have  both  covered  the  area  thorouf^xly  a  number  of  times. 
Neither  of  these  Jade  objects,  the  i:o  and  the  Itviner's  knife  for 
inscribing  oracle  bones,  or  the  designs  oharacteristio  of  the  jade 
pendants,  are  found  in  these  Middle  and  Sear  P^aatorn  civilizations. 
Indeed,  the  people  of  these  vitilizationa  valued  lapis  lazuli  and 
gold  rather  than  jade,  i^ile  the  most  ancient  Chinese  set  little 
value  on  these  "valuables",  if  we  may  judge  by  their  absence  from 
3hang  Dynasty  sites.  "Hie  place  of  origin  of  the  dhang  rynasty 
oulture  complex,  vshich  developed  the  jade  Ko,  Bni\   extended  its 
search  so  far  west  for  the  materials  from  which  to  make  them,  was 

ftflnt^^  4v,  *v     ^    Ohtnm   and  not  in  the  v^st.  The  deteirw(n- 
oentred  in  the  east  of      • 

ev-a  at  \n  ^ 

-ing^  QCioY     in^the  Shang  Pynasty  Jade  iro  was  not  Mie  Imported 
nephrite  from  which  it  was  made,  but  rather  the  ritual  md  arti- 
stic conceptions  in  tho  mind  of  the  Jade  craftsman  who  seoeht 
80  far  for  his  material  and  who  so  patiently  worked  it  into  its 
final  fozTQs* 

B»  Technique  of  Manafactore 

The  processes  ased  in  the  Sh&ng  Dynasty  to  manafactore 
etone  axes  and  adzes  were  merely  refinements  of  those  used  in 
the  preceeding  Lungshan  or  "Black-pottery"'  cplture  of  the 
neolithic  age.  Much  of  the  slate  used  at  Anyang  was  coarse, 
sandy  and  fL7ll  of  "shakes'*.  Such  material  did  not  stand  much 
hard  aseoe;  hence  the  large  proT>ortion  of  split  and  broken  blades 
foand  in  the  exoavationn  of  the  Aoadomla  alnica  at  that  site.  In 
the  making  of  sickle  blades,  the  rjlate  was  first  split  into  flat 
pieces  and  roughly  shape*  with  a  hamincr.  Pieces  with  open  seams 
wexre  then  rejected,  sound  pieces  were  placed  on  the  grinds  ton 
for  shaping, 

Grlndatone  !To«  4  was  said  to  have  cone  from  iUayang,  The 

writer  has  seen  fragcaentary  grinds tcsios  on  the  site  of  the  .vaste 

of  Yin,^ 

1,  T!h,Q3e  \7ev3  somewhat  tiimilar  to  the  uarlier  tP^lndstones 
excavated  by  the  Acadenia  :Unioa  at  Lunj^ahan,   shantuiig. 
In  the  linclish  sujTnary  of  ttie  LJh'cng-tsu-yai  publication 
it  la  called  a  "polishing;  stone'',   11,   to  dlstiiicuish  it 
froti  a"crindlr:g  stone",   no,    Uised  iTTce  an"ink  slab**, 
probably  to  grind  HabraaTves",     Ch * eng- 1 z u-ya  1   "polishine- 
stone  5,   drawing  PI,  XZXlll,   Fif^,   2;   photorjraph,   iLXXXVIII, 
Fig,   3;  "grinding  stone  "drawing,   ^1,   aa.:iii,   Fic»  3» 
photograph,   PI.   XJl  7111,    Fig.   ^,    .ngllsh  text,   pp.   23- 
24,   Chinese  text  pp,   7i5-74, 

The  striatlons  on  the  sides  of  the  ohang  Iiynasty  alate 

sickles  lies,  1^  Z  andS  were  made  perpendicular  to  the  cutting 

edge  when  tlao  aiekle  was  first  shaped  on  the  grindstone.     The 

rooking  movement  of  grinding  raede  the  aides  slightly  cojivex. 
The   top  or  baok  of  the  sickle  was  left  blunt,  but  the  lower 
side  WQ3  tapered  to  an  edge.  This  edge  vii.3   then  sharpened  by 
pushing  the  slate  on  the  grindstone  at  an  angle  of  45  degrees  t> 
to  the  cutting  edge*  Tie  blade  was  then  turned  over  and  the  oti 
other  side  uharpened  at  an  angle  of  4£  degrees  to  the  edge,  but 
at  a  right  angle  to  the  stx'oko  on  the  firjt  Ude*  This  produced 
a  finely  serrated  edge.  The  distance  between  serrations  on  some 
twenty  examples  measur'ad  averaged  one  millimetre •  Ihin   edge  was 
very  efficient  i;i  cutting  grain. 

About  one  percent  of  thu  sickles  found  at  Anyang  were  madQ 
not  of  coarse  slate,  but  of  finer  varieties  of  slate,  ^^^een-stone 
and  even  sandstone  (sickle  Uo,   9).  The   edges  on  these  blades 
were  not  so  definitely  serrated,  and  conformed  more  closely  in 
shape  to  tho   late  neolithio  typee   reported  from  llorth  China.  It 
is  not  poijsible  vdLthout  a  close  study  of  stratification  to  b 
sure  of  the  date  of  stone  implements  found  on  a  site  such  as 
the  vVa8t€i  of  Yin,  ainoe  they  work  their  way  to  the  surface  of 
the  ground  whenever  the  earth  is  disturbed.  It  is  very  probable, 
however,  that  Nos*  6,  7,  6  and  9  were  made  in  the  dhsag  Dynasty 
by  methods  of  grinding  and  sharpening  similar  to  those  used  for 
coarse  slate. 

Once  a  sickle  blade  was  hafted  it  could  be  re^sharpened 
in  one  of  two  ways.  Sf  a  serrated  edge  was  desired,  tne  sickle 
was  taken  back  to  the  large  stationary  grindstone  at  the  dwelling 
house f  c>uoh  grindstones  are  found  today  in  every  Chinese  farmers 
courtyard.  In  the  fields,  sickles  were  sharpened  by  a  whetstone 
held  in  the  hand  and  carried  on  the  peraon,  J  tone  sickle  llo.  Q 
had  clearly  been  treated  In  this  way.  The  writex*  has  seen,  on 

the  .rnste  of  Yin,  long  rounded  stones  like  scythe  stones  which 


had  probably  been  uaed  for  this  purpose.     Originally  jade  w 

1*   Oil  a  rich  site  like  A23yang  euoh  stones  are  rarely 

preserved  even  by  excavators.     They  are  usually  thrown 
ev/ay  with  the  mass  of  rubble  and  ahapelosa  potsherds. 
;.'e  must  ovftiit  the  fiiial  ^    porta  of  the  iioademia  yinica 
ijccavationa  at  Anyang  to  learn  whether  auy  hfive  been 
recorded.     Five  Llarly  Chou  Dynasty  r-hetatoiies  ?/ere  ex- 
cavated by  the  Academia   jinica  from  c^avea  at  Hato  Hsien 
but  no  photot^^yapha  or  nieasurenonta  are  yet  available; 
thz'ee  had  holes  for  eueponsion;   oi:e  had  c  handle  trip, 
and  one  wao  broken.     T * ien-Yeh--  ap-jLa- lao-gao  Ho,  1, 
p.  193.     ^uch  a  Vi/hcta'^5nc  a'ay  'Iil.m..  Tjeba  o ailed   a  ts'o. 
Giles  11770.      Ode  164.1  reads    'Cthor  hilla  have  stones 

that  can  sci-ve  as    'whetstones".      Tliia    translation  ia 
supported  fey  the  parallel  line  at  tiie  end  of  vase  S  which 
reads    'Other  hills  have  stones;   that  oui.   work  jede".     The 
P.,0,;',A  has  a  numbt.r  of  finer  whetstones  from  Anysmg; 
l^B,3;-^66,   v;ithou"U  suojension  hole;   ID,3oG6  and  IIB,4y81 
both  with  auspension  holes.     The  writer  has  a  nuinber  of 
these  «4iet»tone3  obtained  by  iiim  at  Anyang,     it  is 
improbable,  however,    that  these  were  used  to  sharpen 
ordinary  slate  sickles,    for  the  corners  are  quite 
square  and  not  abraded.     Any  abrasion  oartis  are  found 
on  the   flat  sides.     They  were  not  uaed  by  farmers  but 
probably  by  scribes  and  diviners,   to  sharj^en  the  small 

graving  knives  loade   of  jade  v^aich  they  used   to 
inscribe  oracle  bones, 

Origlnaftliy  jade  was  probably  cut  from  the  boulders  with 

sandstone  saws,   in  much  the  same  way  as  the   Indian  tribes  of  tho 

Frasor  liiver  Valley  in  British  Columbia,   Canada,   shaped  their 

jade  tools.     Jade  boulders  as  large  as  those  from  British  Columbia^ 

Z,  19iie  R,0.i:.A,  houses  a  collection  of  these   tools  made 

by  Lieut,   Gtior{ie   T,   iifjimons;   axes,   adzes,   chisels,    scrap- 
ers,  and  a  few  knives   (lL-,1675,   Hi:,1576),     The  cores 
(e,s,  Hi.,lu41  and  K-iI,15Sl)   show  7.hat  remained   after  long 
strips  had  been  out  off.     Tiie  sandstone  saws   (IIi:.lu49, 
h:.,1660,   IL..1551,   H:^,15Ii2,   Ux.,l£/53)   indicate   the  ..ind  of 
saw  to  be  looked  for  in  China,     I'uch  sandstone  of  a 
similar  Kind,    suitable   fox   sav/s,   vnn  found  at  Anyang; 
sickle  ITo,   9  is  made  from  such  material, 

.3,  Laree  jade  boulder  from  British  Columbia  HK,1720. 

would  yield  strips  Icng  enough  for  large  Jhang  Dynasty  jade  Ko,     on 

the  reverse  side  of  i.o  IIo,  13  a  crease  or  uneven  step  in  the   jade 

indicates  that  the  boulder  was  sawn  from  t7;o  sides,   probably  by  a 

stone  saw, and   that  the  two  planes  were  not  in  exact  alignment. 

There  is  a  similar  cvease  on  the   ii^^scribed  side  of  jade  Ilo  ITo, 

19,13,   whioh  is  the  companion  of  So  liOm  17  and  is  now  housed 

in  the  Freer  Gallery  of  Art,  Washington,  x^rfeot  oo/itrol  of  the 

planes  with  a  .stone  saw  wxs   difficult  to  :naiiit4&n;  when  a  ridge 

protruded  thio  oculd  bo  ground  off,  but  when  the  faulty  saw  out 

introdec  into  the  thicknees  of  the  blade  it  was  difficult  to 

grind  away  the  depression  without  ruining  the  whole •  ..hile  the 

bow-saw  with  abrasive  was  csod  in  the  3han£  Dynasty  and  may  have 

been  employofi  to  cut  the  lor^  blades  of  jade  .0,   yet  the  use  of 

sandstone  saws  may  well  have  persisted  from  times  xihen   more 

primitive  methods  were  used.  Jtonc  saws  had  the  important 

advantage  of  being  easily  procare<  and  inexpensive  to  use,  but 

It  must  be  admitted  that  none  have  yet  been  recognized  amonf;^  the 

debris  at  ilnyang, 

Stouo  Ko   Uos*  23  and  24  seem  to  have  boon  cut  into  roue:^ 

shape  Tdth  saws  and  abrasives  and  then  shai>ed  into  final  form  on 

a  g: indstone*  l^iu  method  was  certainly  used  to  shape  also  .0 

llos,  25,  26,  end  27,  of  white  marble.  This  can  be  seen  in  the 

drawing  of  Ko»  27,  ;7here  the  straight  line  of  the  saw  mark;  was 

left  on  the  obverse  side  of  the  blade.  In  Pei pints  the  present 

day  Chinese  lapidary,  vAxen  sawing  up  Jade  boulders  from  iJiotoii, 

uses  a  wire  bow-saw.  It  is  made  of  a  simple  bow  of  bamboo,  four 

to  six  feet  long,  depending  on  the  size  of  oulders  tc  be  cut. 

The   wire  is  either  single  or  of  several  fine  strands  t.visted. 

This  tew  is  operated  by  two  persons,  one  drawing  at  each  end,  a 

third  applies  the  abrasive  sludge  in  the  slot  cut  by  the  saw,  A 

two  man  toothless  iron  blade  saw  in  also  used  with  abrasive  sand, 

1,  A  fragment  of  an  iron  saw  1  mm,  ttiiok  was  found  embedded 
in  a  flat  piece  of  stone  !n,5271,  said  to  bo  from  Chin 
ts'un,  see  ,C,.Vhite,  Tombs  of  Old  Loyang.  one  of  the  Group 
described  andor  IJo,  344, 

Bronse  saws  of  the  same  eort  may  have  been  uacd  in  ancient  times 
although  the  writer  is  aware  of  no  definite  evidence  of  ouch. 


The  cuttings  on  stone  objects  from  Anyang  prove  that  the  bow 
string  saw  was  used  because  of  the  sharp  turns  sawn  in  the  open 
fret  work,-'-  Abrasives  for  use  with  saws  were  ground  on  grinding 

1.  A  small  stone  ornament  found  by  the  writer  on  the  anclBnt 
site  in  1914-15  (IIB.1813)  has  a  cut  1  ram.  wide.  The 
comers  of  the  cut  are  rounded,  suggesting  the  round 
section  of  cat-cut,  twisted  cord,  fine  rattan  or  perhaps 
copper  wire,  used  as  bowstring  saw  together  7/ith  abrasive 
sludge.  Other  examples  in  R.O.M.A.  are  NB.4076  and 

stones,  mo,  like  the  one  found  at  Lungshan.   The  abrasive 

was  called  "cut-through- Jade-sand".^  All  the  other  essential  tools 

2.  Chi  eh  ytt  sha;  Giles  IJo.  1515;  Lapldarium.  pp.  128-130. 
In  PeipTng  today  powdered  quartz  is  technically  called 
"yellow  sand",  huang  sha;  powdered  garnets  "red  sand", 
hong  sha ;  v;hile  carborundum,  a  recent  introduction  now 
widely  used  with  lap  wheels,  is  called  "black  sand", 

htt  sha.  See  S.  W.  Bushell,  Chinese  Art,  V41.  1,  p.lE8-131. 

now  used  by  the  jade  craftsman  in  Pelplng  were  probably  employed 
In  the  Shang  Dynasty.  These  tools  have  been  briefly  but  adequately 
described  by  S.  W.  Bushell.   The  tools  of  the  jade  craftsman  are 

3.  "Chinese  Methods  of  Working  Jade",  Chinese  Art,  London, 
1st  edit,  1904,  sec.  edit.  1909,  Vol.  1,  pp.  128-131. 
For  Illustrations  of  the  modern  tools  and  process  cf. 
H.  R.  Bishop,  Investigations  and  Studies  in  Jade,  Hew 
York,  1'J06,  2  folio  vols.;  C  S.  Uott,  Chinese  Jade 
Thro u^o at  the  Ages,  London,  1936,  Nev/  York,  1937,  PI. 
II;  Julean  xirnold,  "Jade"  Asia,  Vol.  JGLiVI,  1936,  pp. 

the  sfj|me  throughout  5hina:  Canton,  Shanghai,  soochow,  in  Zansu 

province,  and  even  in  the  far  west  at  Ihotan  and  iCashgar.  It  is 
best,  however,  to  describe  the  Peiplng  tools,  where  the  methods 
are  still  the  same  as  those  used  when  jade  objects  were  made  for 
the  manchu  court.  With  the  exceptions  of  black  diamond,  emery 
and  carborundum,  no  modern  foreign  materials  or  tools  are  employed 
that  were  not  available  two  thousand  years  ago,  when  iron  began 
to  be  used.  Motor  driven  machinery  has  been  tried  and  discarded 
by  the  best  shops,  even  for  the  tedious  work  of  cutting  large 
blocks  of  Jade*  Besides  the  bowstring  saw  and  the  abrasives, 

these  tools  conoist  mainly  of  drills.  Dx'llls  were  propelled  In 

three  different  ways.  The  simplost  typo  was  the  bow  drill, 

developed  from  an  arrow  with  a  bowstring  twisted  around  It.  Hie 

1.  Petrle,  Tools  and  ^^gapona.  I*ondon,  1917,  p.  39,  para- 
graph 103,  plates  XLIII,  Figs.  M  6  and  7;  JO. VII I,  Fiea 
M  8,  9,  10  and  11;  :a.III,  Flga.  M  la,  13,  14  and  16; 
LI,  Fig.  M  16.   These  all  lllaatrate  the  bow  di^ill  in 
the  ancient  Near  East,  particularly  Egypt.  The  Chinese 
\)07}   drill  was  almost  Ideutlol^l,  and  had  much  the  same 
variations  of  type,  according  to  the  use  to  vdiioh  the 
tool  wao  adapted. 

craftsman  operated  this  drill  with  his  rlghi  haAd.  Pressure  was 


applied  by  the  left  hand,  v^hloh  held  the  drill  cap  or  head-piece. 

If  the  left  hand  was  required  to  manipulate  the  jade  object, 

pressure  was  applied  by  special  types  of  drill  cap  pressed  against 

the  breast  or  chin.  Continuous  heavy  pressure  was  obtained  by 

means  of  a  heavy  weight  suspended  from  a  horizontal  adjustable  bar 

to  which  the  drill  oap  was  fixed.   .>uoh  a  frar/ievvork,  mounted  on  a 

table,  permitted  the  left  hand  to  manipulate  the  jade  object  and 

apply  the  abrasive,  while  the  ri^t  hand  wielded  the  bow.^  The 

2«  See  Bushell's  drawing  Pig.  3,  in  Ilott, Chinese  Jade. 
Plate  II. 

second  t3^pe  of  drill  was  the  pump  drill. ^  Ibis  drill  Is  used  for 

3.  BBtrle,  Tools  and  /eapons.  p.  39,  paragraph  102,  plate 
-OiVIII,  im   Ktrie  aaya  that  thla  drill  was  not  iaiown 
before  Roman  times.   I  have  no  definite  proof  of  its 
existence  in  Jhane  times,  except  its  simplicity  and  its 
efficient  use  in  the  hands  of  the  jade  craftsman  of 
today.   .ebster's  Ijew  International  pictionary,  sec,  edit. 
1940,  Drill,  Fig*  4,  l3  slrallai  to  tha  Chinese  pump  drill. 

boring  beads  and  holes  of  all  types.   It  is  a  most  efficient  tool, 

vdilchaallows  the  ri^t  hand  to  apply  little  or  much  pressure  at 

will,  while  the  left  hand  holds  the  object  being  drilled.  Most 

jade  objects,  especially  those  that  are  small  or  frull,  are  held 

In  a  hollow  frame  by  means  of  wor  den  wedges.   This  permits  a  more 

solid  grip,  and  prevents  breakage.  The  third  and  mist  important 


type  of  drill  was  the  lapidary's  treadle  lathe,  or  v.heel.   The 
evidence  for  the  use  of  such  a  wheel  is  the  iiuture  of  the 
carving  on  jade  objects  excavated  at  /jayaiie.  It  is  diflicolt  t 
believe  that  the  carving  on  the  tv90  sides  of  the  jado  blade  of 
sickle  IIo*  5  could  have  been  done  in  any  other  way  than  with  a 
lapidary's  wheel.  The  simple  treadle  lathe  now  used  in  Peking 
is  constructed  in  the  simplest  manner  out  of  coinnon  materials « 
All  the  iron  parts  now  used  could  h«ve  been  replaced  in  the 
Shang  PynfiSty  by  hardwood  or  bronze*   Indeed  such  a  lathe  could 
have  been  constructed  entirely  of  wood  in  the  neolithic  age, 
with  quartz  points  and  grindstones  mounted  on  the  end  of  the  w 
wooden  spindle*  This  lathe  consists  of  a  hardwood  spindle  or 
rod,  about  14  inches  long,  placed  in  a  horizontal  position  abov 
a  sloping  table  about  two  feet  wide  and  four  feet  long*  One 
end  of  the   rod  is  pivoted  in  one  of  a  series  of  holes  drilled 
one  above  the:  other  in  a  wooden  block  fixed  to  the  high  end  of 
the  table*  The   spindle  is  cradled  in  a  bearing  on  an  upright 
mount  about  six  inches  from  the  end  to  vvhitfh  the  lap  vsheels 
or  drills  are  ttaohed*  A  simple  strap  around  the  centre  of 
the  spindle  halfway  between  the  pivot  block  and  the  bearing 
X>a3se8  through  a  hole  in  the  table  and  is  attached  to  Uio   hinged 
treadles*  !rihe  operator,  seated  on  a  stool,  revolves  the  w^heel  f 
first  forward  and  then  in  the  reverse  as  his  feet  move  up  and 
down*  His  two  hands  are  free  to  manipulate  the  jade  object  and 
apply  the  wet  abrasive*  The  height  of  the  drill  point  or  wheel 
above  the  table  can  be  adjusted  by  raovi.  g  the  pivoted  end  of 
the  spindle  up  or  down  in  the  series  of  holes  in  the  pivot  block 
or  by  raising  or  loiiering  the  bearing  support*  This  revolving 
spindle  beooraes  a  magicians  wand  in  the  hands  of  a  skilled  work- 
man*  Yith  it  he  performs  artistic  miracles  in  the  hardest  stone* 


It  is  unneoessary  to  describe  the  various  diamond  points 

and  wheels  made  of  dried  gourd,  v70od,  leather,  pewter  and  bronsse* 

These  were  mounted  on  the  end  of  the  apindle  in  various  ways 

knowi  even  in  the  Shang  Dynasty;  the  simplest  was  to  drive  a 

mineral  crystal  into  the  end  of  the  wooden  spindle  or  to  mount  a 

small  grindstone  wheel  on  its  squared  end*   The  large  iron  disc 

1»  For  tlie  Lapidary's  lathe  see  Asia.  .CQCVI,  photoj^rapha 
on  pp.  15  and  18;  Bushell's  drawing  in  Ilott,  Chinese 
Jgfle,  Plate  II,  Fi{-,,  1,  which  shows  the  various  parts 
and  the  different  spindles  used  with  the  lap  wheels 

which  measures  up  to  twelve  inches  in  diameter  is  now  often  used 

instead  of  the  more  ancient  bowstring  saw  to  cut  rough  Jade  into 

shape*  Uo  traces  of  this  circular  saw  have  been  found  on  the 

flat  surfaces  of  3hang  Dynasty  ^o*   It  was  probably  not  used  at 

that  time. 

The  modem  iiron  tubular  drill  wi^s  probably  anticipated  by 

fire-hardened  reed  tubes  made  of  bamboo  or  other  hard  wood*  ISost 

tubular  drillings  of  the  Shang  Dynasty  slope  inwards  from  the 

surface  of  the  Jade*  This  indicates  that  the  outside  edge  of  the 

bamboo  tube  was  worn  smaller  as  the  drilling  proceeded*  An   iron 

tubular  drill  bores  a  hole  uniform  in  diameter  from  top  to  bottom.*' 

2*  Stanley  Casson,  "Battle-axes  from  Troy",  Anti  uity, 
VII,  1933,  pp*  337-339,  two  plates,  describes  the 
lapidary's  technicu  of  oi'nament  on  three  nephrite  and 
one  lapis  lazuli  axes  from  Troy*  Schmidt's  catalogue 
of  the  3chlieraann  Collection,  Berlin,  IJos*  6056-6058, 
The  checquer  squares  of  ornament  were  rriade  with  a 
vrtieel  of  the  type  used  by  (near  Lastem)  gem  cutters 
and  the  knobs  of  the  central  band  were  made  by  a  very 
fine  reed  drill  and  abrasive*  Casson  says  the  wheel 
or  file  a  very  small  reed  drill  and  an  abrasive  point 
are  part  if  not  the  whole  of  the  tool  box  of  the 
Babylonian  seiil-cutter*   "TTie  shape  of  the  axe  is  purely 
nordic  and  the  nephrite  of  which  three  wero  made  is  a 
European  material",  Heither  this  note  nor  the  reference 
to  near  eastern  drills  from  Pe trie's  Tools  and  ..eepons 
la  intended  to  3u^;eest  the  origin  of  the  Chinese  crafts- 
man's  technique  in  Babylonia,  but  to  ii.dicate  that  similar 
techniques  and  tools  were  used  in  both  civilizations*  we 


have  not  yet  discovered,  or  at  least  reoognlzed,  the 
examples  of  the  Chinese  Jade  craftaman's  workmanship 
that  must  have  existed  long  before  the'  3hanr  II  period 

Iftifinlshed  tubaler  drillings  are  found  on  Zo   IJo.  10,  and  completed 

holes  on  fickle  IIo.  7,  Zo   nos*  10,  11,  13,  15,  18,  20  and  33. 

A  fine  file  of  abrasive  or  of  other  material  for  use  with 
abrasive  powder  may  have  been  used.  One  must  presume  that  a 
wooden  straight  edge  and  the  point  of  a  hardened  stick  with  wet 
abrasive  were  used  In  decorating  stone  and  Jade  with  incised  or 
raised  ornament  in  neolithic  times.  The  fluting  lines  of  decor- 
ation on  the  butts  of  Jade  x.o  13,  19  and  33  may  have  been  made  in 
this  way,  but  the  use  of  the  wheel  is  more  probable,  juoh  lines 
may  have  been  made  by  the  bow-string  saw  which  cut  the  inoiaions 
at  the  end  of  the  butt. 

If  one  compares  the  ohang  Dynasty  Jade  craftsman's  technique 
with  the  workmanship  found  on  Jade  objects  of  suooeeding  periods 
In  China,  it  seems  probable  that  his  kit  of  tools  was  in  no  way 
less  In  number  than,  or  inferior  in  efficieniy  to,  those  used  by 
his  successors.  His  skill  in  the  use  of  these  tools  and  the  ex- 
pression of  his  artistic  temperament  in  thivTi  most  difficult  but 
enduring  medium,  was  even  greater. 

^  a.  The  aroaz^^ySt^,  In  O'ci^a^:,^ 

The  bronze  work  of  the  3haixtz   dynanty  lu  Cxiina  is  one  of  tiie 

i.ost  outstanding  features  of  its  material  ciilturt;.  Thoru  are  extant 

at  least  throe  tnousand  bro^ize  ritual  ves^jeis  with  Shang  InuoriptiouG, 

0  Probably  as  many  t.^je   uninaoribod  v/fsse's  ^re   !:nov'n,   Auout  twunt^y 

different  kinds  v.'t?re  uaed  in  rreperinf^  and  serving:  foou  and  drink  in 

the  oorenoniua,   :U'i borate  setn  contained  as  ciany  as  ton  kinds  and 

fifteen  or  twenty  individual  vessels .   i.ut  bronze  was  by  no  i;.eans 

rostriotod  to  rit-ual  use;  a  still  {'iroater  nuriiber  of  aecular  objects 

exict:   t-ools  suoh  qa  oocketsd  azas,  adzes  and  chisels;  ohariot 

fittinf^s  of  many  kinds;   horse   name  a  s|'^crnamonts  and  jingles; 

graded  rausioal   knook^ra  and   small  bells;   ar;;our  suoa  as  hciiiiots, 

f orho ff  coats  a^d  luatier -straps.  ft>mf5. 

shield  bosses  and  bron'/.e  buttona.;  wca^jon'^  3uo:i  as  spears,,  lanoeSj^^c^s  a«c^- 

arrows,  broad  axes,  war  axes  and  Ko.   This  study  conct-rna  the  V_o 
only  but  it  in  impossible  to  understand  the  Ko  apart  frori  iti?  context. 
The  technique  used  in  raakini^'  and  decorating  the  ^  .vaa  eciployed  also 
on  nany  of  t*ie  impleoonts  and  above  all  on  the  ritual  vessels, 

.^ome  conception  of  the  general  development  of  tlie  bronze  age 
in  China  is  necessary  for  an  unde^'standiut:  of  tho  uistory  and  the 
oraftsmanshin  of  the  Ko. 

'■ffhen  King  P*au  Kon(?  moved  his  capital  to  Yin  iir;ar  present-day 
Anyang  In  1311  i^.C,  the  bronze  ai>;e  in  China  had  already  reached  its 
heip;h*t.  The  fact  that  stono  and  jade  implenonts  jvere  atili  in  uije 
at  that  time  does  not  constituto  it  a  C:;aloolitl:ic  age.   -ha  v/riter 
regards  1300  B.C.  as  the  beginnin?^  of  the  Lata  ,?a'onze  Age  in  China, 
Bronze  oastin^  teoiininue  snould  be  considered  the  basio  of  tno 
division  of  tae  bronze  ap:e  into  tae  three  phases,  I^arly,  L'iddle  and 
Late,  The  "arly  Bronze  age  v/itneased  the  mastory  of  tJie  ossentlala 
in  the  manufacture  and  use  of  the  rdetal,   la  China  this  period 

appears  to  hove  ended  about  iiOOO   .C,  I.e.  about  t::o  time  f^enerally 

ccepted  for  tjie  close  oi'  tlie  iCarly  Jronze  Are   in  taleotine,  waich 
is  the  point  oi  nontact  oi'  the  A.ef:;eaa,  Egr-ptian  and  L-esopotamian 
C!  Itures.   Tifje  Middle  i.'.roiize  Xg.e,   w.dle  it  added  no   new  essential 
elements,  covered  tue  period  of  rerinepient  in  tecimique  and  the  ex- 
pansion of  tiie  use  of  bronze  into  other  fields  ouch  as  the  decorative 
as  opposed  to  the  uerel^-  useful.   At  loOO   i<,C;.  the  end  of  this  ex- 
pansion and   of  this  period  ^^as  reached,  a  date  sone  5.0  years  lator 
than  the  close  of  tue  corresponf'in''  T;hase  in  the  Nenr  '^ast.   'I'^i  ^  . 
Late  Bronze  \r,e   was  the  jieriod  oi  -leclinf ,   i  is  declixie  vfas  due  to 
deteriorating  craftsxuansaip  and  to  the  use  of  poorer  materir^l--!  r^t  ■=? 

Less  (Soodi  ilh  ardcopf-er    at\d-  more,  mpore-  copper  antl-leixii.  mark  edih-e.  dt^ine.'m  i»:>meco^p„i,Ln 

trian  to  the   introauctlou  oi   a  new  material   such  ss   iron.^Tue   end   c; 
the  Late  lironze   yVie   in  Caina  must   be    brought   dovai  to   ca,    500  B.C., 
for  there   seems   to   be  ao   trace   of   iron  Aeat'on.'-'   or  tooi!^   b<^fore  tuis 
titiu;.      .icre  a^'  C-dna   lap-citd    far  behind  the  v/est,    for  in  "one  wear 

ast,    iron  vi^as   comint;  into  use   oa.    ILOO  .ii.G.       ^runze   contli.ued  in 
comir.on   us©   iu  €■  5aa  alonr  vith   iron   until   the   third  cjntury  Hfter 
Christ,      The  Late  I^ronzot   /^-.e   in  Jhiua,    oa,    ioOG  to  Ca.    tiOO    (',0,    cover? 
the   txix'ee   iilstorlcal   ciilture  j.eriods  v  lica  v/e   have   called  in  tais 

onotsraph  Siiaui^  II,   0  uu  I  and  Chou  II, 

Soaolars   have  beeii  Vf.*!-;;   r,lov.f  to   recoriiiive   that   the  Bronze  ki.s mchma. 
be^^an   a©  early    as    it  did.      .'.Uxiy  uuoro  r^;luct;.;xit  oven  to   coixcede  that 
some   of  the   e:icelu.ent    broxize  ritual  vessils   extant  belong  to  the 

jUSt  a  few  jea<s 

last   dpcedey   of  tbe  Siiang   dyrxasty,    i..;,  ^b  ..fcrii   1038   B,G,      The   in- 
■sori;.-tions   on  them  have   been   called  "totea  iiarics"  axid    "picture  v.riting" 

iiich  implu       that  tiieywf;-.   too   primitive   to  bo   tiven  tiiiy  equivalexxt 
oderxi  name.      It   is,    iiowever,    recof*xiized^   they   -o   "represent" 
tue  names "of  per  ons,    families   or  tribes   for  whom  these    bronze 


Ituui   vesaoln  ware  ma^ie.      One  gianoe  a'u   ip.h  elaborate  vo33vala    ojcn- 
aelvos,   vniioii  alicw  ao  xin  .  s  ru'attjr.y  oi'  tacaaicai  aRiil,   siiouiu  liav.:; 
oonvinced  tJieso  sGiioisra  ol'  fas  gro  t  inooagruity  lu   their  later,  r^j- 
tation  of  insorlptioun.     Many  of  tiiu  uajTien  inaorlbad  on  the  rii>aal 
a3olj3  are   found   also  ou  the   froja  tho   "-.aste  of    'ia", 
ivsans  of  tha  datas  Bsorlbod  to  theao  bone   inoorlptiona    (on  eutix-j- 
iy  other  ovirieuca),  v;^e  arc?  cihla  to  det'jr.miilo  tiu  time  v/hon  tueyo 
perscn?  or  fa^nlll'^s   flourished,     Froia  the  bae.iaulxiM  of  the  firsit 
l)one-sori,>t  v--riod,   siiortly  Rftar  131i     ,J,,  v/-.>   find  uaraes   inacribuvi 
on  the  bouaa  ..■.}icti  ai-a  also  found  cast  on  seta  of  bronzo  ritual 
vessels  and  the   ini'orlljcid  t^roazu   Ko  Qa^3c;ol■i^;:-i  v.ita  theai,  Photograr^hs 
of  tiic   ritual  veGSol??   cil-dd  ^   shov<?  theta  to   be   aACoiiwut  exauALieo  of 
ti/O   bronZ)  oanter'*-  nx-t,    c<  :    Mraflo   to  n^.o  best  \70rk  of  othur  aL-itioas 

i  any  ep-^o.. 

These  vesswlo  oro    .ot  at  all   ;x'imitive  i..  lonu  or  ora.tainon- 
snip  and  j-ivo  a  uuou  bit  tar  i^'ea  of  tuo  skill  of    '-he   -'hau^;  dynasty  .i-tisau 

lortly  fjftor  1300    '.C.   t,.i»3a  ^o  tlio  nimpior  uronvio  Ko  auaociated  with 
thon^f      lAiioed  it  iij  only    ,^o'S£X^>:lo   to  uaderutaad  hovv  the  bronao  oantoro 
oaiae  to  daoorato  tiioir  Ko  in  r^noh  hh.  aiaborate  way  and   to  uay  some  of 
•3  raethods  tnoy  did  by  uxidorataudia/?  thti  acre   intrioote  problwirs 

.iVolV3d  in  oaatiu--  and  oecoratiu:    these  ritual  ve38')l^}«     It  is 
evid  :ut  that  tals  art  of  bronze   casting  did  not  originate  at   Anyang, 
for  uiiieaa  the   Acadeirde    '.inloa  vnn  im'iarthod  som^  othor  inforaiation 
xiot  yot  V'Ublished,   tho  writer  ip  aware  of  no  oh.j'v-cts  or  traces  whot- 

oovt^r  eanomr  the  r.iany  thousoiida  of  yi'tifaots  found  at  toQ  v^aste  of 

in  tiiat  v/ould   lndio?^to  axiy  primitive  str^.-roa   in  the  development  of 
the  art  of  bronze  castinc*     Tais  art,   togetner  with  tne  culture 

oomplex  tiiat  required  the  multiplicity  of  shapes  In  tlio  bronze 
ritual  vessels  which  torn   its  najor  manifestation,  must  have  been 
virevlously  develox^ed  at  other  Chinese  sites  as  yet  undiscovered, 

A  very  high  teoiinical  skill  was  Involved  in  caeting  these 
bicnso  ritual  vessels  so  complex  in  their  structure.  Many  have  hlja;h 
solid  feet  attached  to  thin  and  rounded  walls;  some  have  movable 
handles  and  hinged  ^rids;  some  have  solid  lugs  and  knobs  oast  (not 
rivetted)  into  iiosltion;  incoriptions  were  oast  in  the  most  difficult 

laooS:   under  the  handles,  in  the  bottoms  of  deep,  narrow-necked 
vessois,  under  the  feet.  These  vessels  v/ero  decorated  with  Kaf/:nlfi- 
cent  designs  oast  into  the  surface.  The  deep-oast  crevices  w  lich 
formed  the  daslgae  were  filled  with  biaok  and  sometimes  wnite  iac^uer 

I^any  moulds  used  in   oastinf;  t^eso  bronze  vessels  nave  been  found 
at  and  near  the  Waste  of  Yin.  Aixyanf^  Report  4  (after  page  696,  fi^:';. 
5)  illustrates  two  of  these  moulds,  excavated  by  the  Academla  Sinioa. 
The  writer  has  'fathered  many  frar;mants  of  such  moulds  on  the  site 
01  a  foundry  near  Hsiao  Mln  village  south  of  Ssu  J  »an  Mo  villap.e  about 
a  mile  due  west  of  ' islao  T*un  village.  These  frarments  are  all  from 
i  iece  moulds  which  were  usually  made  in  quadrants  and  set  several 
tiers  deep  for  tali  vasos,  Ku.  These  sections  v.'ero  fitted  together 
both  iioriziontally  and  vertically  by  means  of  notches  and  "noses"  cut 
into  their  -walls.  The  use  of  such  moulds  was  obviously  the  result 
of  long  experimentation.  Tiie  moulds  v/ere  made  of  well  levigated 
loess  which  had  been  pressed  in  little  pats  at^einst  a  model.  The 
impression  of  the  two  fore  fingers  end  thumb  of  the  artisan  may  be 
seen  on  the  back  of  these  little  patches.  Uehind  these  ridged 
■:ieco3  of  finest  clay,  o  coarser  backing?'  mixed  with  aand  was  pressed 
until  the  whole  was  from  1  to  3  inches  thick.  On  the  i-lainer  sur- 


races,  a  black  powder  vvnicn  may  have  been  soot  or  grajjhlte  was 
apparent.   This  prevented  tne  molten  metal  from  adhering  to  the 
mould.   In  the  nundreds  of  moulds«3d  by  the  writer,  covered 
though  they  v/ere  wltxi  the  crevioos  of  the  designs,  only  one  very 
small  particle  of  bronze„has  been  found. 

Special  devices  were  employed  in  preparing  moulds  for  oonplex 
casting.   In  the  case  of  tripods  and  othor  vessels  in  v/hich  narrow 
bands  of  desijin  were  to  appear  in  large  plain  surfaces,  tnin  strip 
moulds  bearing  the  design  were  made  of  very  fine  loess  and  were 
secured  in  sockets  in  the  face  of  the  master  mould  by  means  of  knobs 
protr\iding  from  their  backs.   Heads  which  were  to  protrude  from  the 
surface  of  the  vessel  were  added  by  a  second  cast.   A  hole  was  left 
in  the  wall  of  the  vessel  as  it  was  cast  and  metal  was  poured  from 
the  inside  through  this  hole  into  the  mould  for  the  animal  head  or 
knob  which  was  firmly  attached  to  the  outside.   The  fusing  tempera- 
ture of  the  second  mixture  of  alloy  must  have  been  lov/er  than  tiiat 
for  the  oody   of  the  vase  w;jich  Would  otherwise  have  melted  in  the 
course  of  the  second  casting.   It  nas  often  been  pointed  out 
analyses  of  samples  of  bronze  taken  from  uifferent  parts  of  a 
vessel  give  different  proportion.?  of  co:)por  and  tin  in  the  alloy. 
Such  irregularities  are  coimuonly  attributed  to  teclmical  orudity 
but  it  should  always  be  noted  whether  the  positions  from  v/hi^h  these 
f^amples  are  taken  may  not  have  been  plaaes  where  a  sscondary  pouring 
was  made.   Such  points  are  the  Junctions  of  knobs,  lugs,  handles 
and  legs  to  the  main  body  of  the  vessel,   Theise  will  ordinarily  be 

at  least  2;^  more  tin  iu  the  alloy  at  such  places^.   The  parts  of  ti 
vessel  in  which  the  inncription  was  oast  v.'ill  also  be  found  to  be 


of  a  better  alloy  than  tiie  reniainder  of  the  veaaol.  Tlils  is  often 

indicated  by  n  golden  tinjje  in  trie  reatorlal  about  tlia  inscription. 

.'lie  mould  for  the  inscription  v/an  often  iiade  separatfaly.  If  the 

ln3orix>tion  v/ere  inside  the  vessel  It  vms  set  Into  tiio  core.  A 

separate  piece  war.  pIso  used  for  inscriptions  under  the  handle, 

he  square  outline  of  suol:  inset  niculds  can  often  be  at  en  ia-.prassed 

into  the  body  of  the  bronr.e  vessel,  although  the  ertU^n   usually 

attempted  to  erase  the  traces  by  scouring  the  surface. 

1,  The  writer  has  in  Gheeloo  University  I/useun.,  China,  such 
an  inset  inscription  mould  obtained  at  Anyang, 

The  same  Hiethods  as  those  described  above  for  vessels,  apply  to  the 

casting-  of  the  Ivo.  Methods  sucii  as  those  would  not  have  been 

developed  had  the  bi'onze  casting  been  restricted  to  the  alirpler  ho. 

liie  elaborately  decorated  butts  of  txie  Ko  and  the  cast  infjoriptions 

with  ti.oir  borders  and  cartouone  (cf.  nos.  102-107)  are  applications 

of  the  Dronze  oastin?-:  technique  developed  priacipnlly  on  t!j6  bronze 



B...,TJje ^.casting  of  the  i>o. 

All  ^  exoalnal  oy  tne  writer  aiiow  tiraocs  oi'  iiaviiig  been  oast 
iu  double  moulds,  Ko  79  allows  tue  overflow  v/hioii  exuded  between 
the  upper  and  lov/er  parts  of  a  Tlat  double  mould.  It  v/as  roured 
from  a  "gate"  at  t^*a  point  ot   txiw  woa:;ou,  Jooketed  ao  144  waa 
poured  fron  tlia  butt  and  where  som«  or  tbe  ovorflov  reiaains.  The 
moulds  uocd  for  Ko  ..u.3t  have  been  dii^ilar  lu  oo.iStxniOtion  to  tue 
double  r.ould3  uso-d  I'or  caating  kulves  which  were  also  poured  from 
the  end  as  ahowa  by  knife  1^,0, Li, A,  K3,3970  said  to  ba  xroa  Anyang, 
R,C,:i,A,  !i'A.ai53  and  Yeti  Chun.c:  One  Is, '50,6  arc  parts  of  double 
moulds  for  sacrlfloial  kaivws  sirallar  to  !^Uiifo  R,0,li,A,  NB,'iO«i9, 
aluo  said  to  be  froLi  Anyang,  These  raoulda  are  oonatruuted  iu  t\ll 
respoota  like  the  sectional  moulds  for  3hanr;  ritual  veasels.  They 
were  uade  of  the  same  gray  materials  fitted  toj^ethor  with  aotchea 
and  noses  of  the  same  type;  and  were  oovorod  on  the  inner  5:urfaoe 
v/ith  the  8aiu2  blaok  aoot  or  ^^raplilte, 

Chai-ache>-i^i7c  a   crucible  <>ihithis 

Ono,^picoe  of  the  bronze  caater's  eq^iip^yuont  io^well  represented 

amonicr  the  artifacts  excavated  at  Anyane*   'eoauae  of  its  shape  It 

Is  oallod  by  the  peasantB  "a  p:eneral*s  Jielnet,  ohian.t;  chtin  k*uei. 

The  writer  aaa  found  many  fragt.  :nts  of  these  tnick,  hard,  reddish- 

ooloui'ed  vessels.  They  are  made  of  u  special  firo  clay  coi.talning 

Eiioa  flakes  and  atone  cjrlts  quite  unlike  any  other  clay  objects  from 

Anyang,  They  v/ers  found  in  the  heart  of  the  '•aste  of  Yin  near 

furnace  sites  where  oharooftl,  burnt  earth,  bron^"^  ^la.-^  and  frar^monts 

of  bronze  moulds  were  nonnon,  Tbe  Acadsmia  eroavated  many  fra^^ments 

but  none  complete.  One  had  a  ;;.l;3ce  of  bronao  slagt  t*!!:"!?-  lien  oha, 

attached  to  it.-*-  ?  r,  Liu  nni'J-h.sia*s  dlsouseiou  of  thi3   cruolble, 

1,  Liu  -isU-hsia,  "'\  study  4f.  the  Yin  dynasty  art  of  netal  v/orking, 

p,  681-596,  v/ith  k'ive  i>lates  and  a  drawing  of  a  "general's 

hclitet"  recoa::;  true  tad  frora  tv>o  rrajqaents ,   p.   68&  und 
photograph,   Plate  2. 

lion  Jmo ,   ba??a<1   en  information  fained  durliip;  the  e-icovatlou!-  at 
Anyang,  iviarkn  the  beginiiinr,  of  objective  atudiea  oi"  azcavuttsd 
in»iterlalf?  mioh  ahould  lend  to  v.   hbttor  uiiaeratanJliij^  of  tiiu  Sheng 
dynasty  bronzo-onater'n   toohniqae, 

Tho  Yfriter  cnco  ownod  a   "general 'i^  hiiiwut"  touioL  balauoed 
perfectly  en  itc  high  foot  v;ith  a  flat  base  ^^ot  uorti   oLaii  1*0  i^ja* 
(2  iiir.,)    in  (Ue;.oter,     Auotiitr  vessel  had  a  aaoona  iiiacr  ruujucl- 
liku  llaiiiis  Wiiich  aioped  dovvu  to  ua  Oj,  cr:uiuL  i-.t   tho   bottou;  Ic-auiag 
into  thij  vo£3sel  jropor.     TLi:;  liiuer  part  wa^  Jitude  of  qLc^   ii^it;rior 
to  that  cf  tl^'?  thick  outside  vessel,   es    Luou£h  it  wei'e  a  temporary 
additloi.,     ether  fragiients   showed  tracya  oi   this  iuiicr  liniui;.  whioh 
v/as  uct  rrentioned  by  i^'r.   Liu,     Tlq  inside  of  ths  fu..ii3l-like  lining 
was  bleckened,     tv'oae  of  tho  fraf;a»cuts  of  thase  veasals      is     ijiackaned 
outside.      In  the  writer's  opinion,    tnoy  oaanot  navj  been  orucibl<3a 
placed  in  a   furnacj  and  firod  from  the  outside,      laey  ctay  have 
beeu  coutJ2in!3rs   into  v/iiiah  tha  c.lloy  from  th^   atationary  furnace 
wa;    run  mid  from  wh.lcn  it  was  poured  into   t.u.3  aioulda,     'iuey  would 
have  been  set  in   "cups"  or  tiolsa  ia   Ui^  enrti^  near  tne  mouth  of 
the  furnace  aud  llftod  to   i,our  Lho  alloy,     Tha  exact   balance  v/ciad 
have  enabled  th;:;ra  to  be  set  on  a  flat  table  aurfeoo  if  necessary. 
The  iiuior,    fiumel-liko  lining  v«ould  have  scted  as  a  cover  to  prevent 
oxidization.     It  would  also  have  held  back  any  intrusive  slag  during 
pouring.     The  lipa  of  these  vessels  were  vvoll  made,   but  t)iere  appears 
to  have   been  no  narrow  spout  to  guide  the  molten  metal  when  pouring, 
A  siiiali  opening  may  have  been  made  in  the  funnel-like  lining  at  the 
lip  to  act  as  a  spout  for  pouring* 

We  know  little  of  the  teoojiique  used  by  the  Jhan^  artisans. 
Experiments  in  their  methods,  based  on  materials  like  those  found 
on  the  sites  of  their  v/orkshops,  raust  be  tried  in  order  to  deter- 
mine the  exact  processes  followed,   Bronze  vessels  and  v/eapons 
such  as  Ko  di;:!  net  corie  perfect  frciL  the  mould,    "j  surfaces  of 
all  bronze  vessels  anl  weapons  intended  for  practical  uoe  show 
traces  of  a  finishing  proiSess,  As  ilo  79  3l-ow3  the  point  and  edges 
niust  Tiave  been  filed  off  and  ground  down  on  whetstones  into  their 
fiuished  form.   Filemarks  are  vi.^ible  on  many  Ko,   The  writer 
possesses  a  tempered  bronze  file  waich  laay  have  been  used  for  such 
a  purpose.   Other  files  froiu  the  early  Ghou  dyna^^ty  site  at  Hstln 
Hsien  railv;ay  station  -.vere  in  x-he  honan  Irovinoial  Museum  in  Aaifeng, 
1,   Tv/enty  five  milts  wes\:,  of  rlsun  rsien  County  town. 

The  surface  of  urouze  i.^   :aore  ductile  and  more  easily  annealed 
if  cooled  suddenly  after  cadtiny  ratner  tiian  allowed  to  cool  slowly, 
when  it  becomes  hard  and  briLtla,   It  seems  probar>le  to  tiid  writer 
that,  ixaiiied lately  tne  uictul  was  joured  into  the  mouiu,  Lue  wJiole 
wat  i,luaged  into  cold  '..ater  and  the  seotiuua  of  the  mould  removed 
as  sooii.  as  possible  bo  that  tuey  vvoulu  noo  retain  tne  heat.   This 
w'cuid  account  for  the  i^ray  colour  of  tue  iiiouluw,   Lricks  iu.aue  in 
i\orth  China  ax-e  turned  from  ferric  red  1,0  xcrrous  gray  by  pouring 
water  into  the  top  of  the  kilxi.   The  parts  of  thu  moulding  cores 
left  under  the  handles  and  under  the  bases  of  Shang  vessels,  as 
observed  by  the  ic/ritex,  are  a  reddish  colour  and  not  the  gray  colour 
of  the  sectioiiul  moulds,   xuese  iiave  o&en.   "fired"  red  by  continued 
contact  witn  tne  hot  metal,   Tue  moulds  were  removed  before  they 
turned  red  again. 


Whether  the  writer* a  deductloxid  us  to  aiiiiliiir   iu  v.aLer  are 
oorreot  or  liot,  tna  Jhang  vesselo  and  MiQ&isjun  o...ov/  clear  traoes  cf 
surfaoe  icanlpulatioa.     Tae   featner-bone   na.raorlng  on  _kO  142  attests 
tlic  aiuaeaiiag  of  the   blade.      Ko  i-iS  has    I'a^  iorouc,   tubbly   surfao© 
ol   txii  unfluished  weapon.      Fo  181-1S5  uii   tiie  other  hand,   till   e-'.iow 
fiulahed  nurl'aoG£3  and  soms  ladicatiou  of  the  armeRiinn  anci  i'inishlng 
process  ..oa*.;  with  ti  hard  poiiyhing  etone,     Rlfcval  vessels  were 
finiaiied  uy  i'ilint:  the  aeaiaa  Ciad  polichiae  tae  whole   iiuriaoe  v.'ith 
a  jacie  t:  tcue  burnifiher.     Tuie  prouuoed  tua  skifi-iikti  ourlace  waioh 
has    iAkea  on  Uie  bt>R\itiful  patina tloiis  of  age  aad  iviiich  prevexits 
the  des.  ruotion  of  the  metal  by  corrosion,      ortjjn  the   3upijrrioial 
coiTofciion  flekea  easily  I'roiu.  t-.t;  surraoe  and  ioavas  tho  oriL-iaal 
spouuluiti  metai  v;itii.  tha  added  t:;io*y  oi    th^  oxides  o£  tho  alloy  in 
nil  snados  aii.i  coiOt'Dincifcloaa  or  iuainohite  f^r^en,   akiuritt;  hluu  and 
siivar  gray.     Traceo  of  thu  samcs  iiniaiiine  procesiies  are  viijsible 
on  iiho  dacoratod  butts  of  iIo> 

Vhe   HiaioaliiiiC  prooesB  v.aa   ^-ru-jb-vxy   ;/j:Uit<    uy    t,:ib   «j(._jjxo33ion 

"ru<\n",    as   In  Logge  III,   p,    Q>ZZi    "T8Rip--r  your  Ku  ana  your  spears, 

Tuau  aai  xvo  mao",      i'lie  root  lueaning  of   ouaa  is   "to  beat  out  fibres", 

e.f-.  of  flax.   It  forms  part  of  taw  graph  for  "satin  cloth".   Later, 

when  iron  carae  into  M^iii,   tuan,  was  used  of  haramsrinp,  anvl  forging 


1,      Tuan  was  deflniid  as  Ta  stone'*  by  both  the  -ihuo  '^en 
"U ot ionfi rv  nnd  by  the  Oii*  ion   Oprji.eatary  of  the  -Ion  dynasty, 
ll'e'uce  liGf-pe   (IV,   48151   translated  0'i'o"k't)U«6,    "arid  imtiiered 
wliatsttjnvi"  and  li'oji,   Gh'd  ij.   oh^d  t_u en ,  '^  add    .aley  rwnd^-^.red 
the  verse   "takin/-^  whotutonec  and   joun'din*'  stones".      In  view 
of  the  svidcncQ  here  ad.iuoed,   a  r:oro  j^robabL-  rondorla/:; 
would   be   "taking  whetted  tooly  and  aunealed  tools. " 

The  laborious  processes  of  annealing  and  grinding  were 

reserved  for  iapluaents  in. ended  for  practical  use.  ho  trace  of 

such  treatment  is  apparent  on  the  mlnp,-ch*i  vmich  were  ready  for 

the  funeral  ceremony  immediately  after  casting. 

In  the  English  abstract  of  "Oaemioal  Investigations  of 
Ancient  V.'eapons  of  Guina"  by  Y,  Yamanti,  '!»   Koizumi  and 
Dr.  S,  Komatu  in  Toho  Gakuho,  No.  11,  iart  2,  July,  1940, 
Kyoto,  it  is  stated,  "No  signs  of  v/itherinf^  due  to  hammer- 
ing or  any  heat  treatment  being  observed  afterv/ard,  we  came 
to  the  c^^nclusion  that  all  must  have  been  made  by  casting 
and  not  subjected  to  any  v/orkings  or  heat  treatments". 
This  observation  is  probably  due  to  the  fact  that  nc^t  of 
the  vjea-nonp  examined  by  the  writers  were  mlng-oh*  i  eoti  nor  ^egpa^g 

A  passage  in  'ihe  Gpeeoh  at  I'e  indicates  that  old  weapons 
could  be  re-annealed.   This  was  made  necessary  by  the  repeated 
grindings  in  the  course  of  use  whereby  the  edge  receded  into  the 
thicker  part  of  the  blade.   The  metal  was  made  ductile  by  heating 
and  sudden  coding  in  cold  v/ater;  the  edge  was  then  hammered  out 
thin  and  the  temper  was  restored  by  heating  to  a  cherry  red  and 
by  slow  cooling. 

Most  Shang  vessels  and  many  Ko  v'ere  inlaid  with  black  lacquer 
some  v/ith  white  lacquer  and  some  with  turquoise.   Lacquer  inlay 
is  clearly  seen  in  both  the  desi.m  and  inscription  of  tripod,  R,0,M,A, 
NB,2616,  and  of  Ko  54,   Vitreous  enamel  is  not  found.   The  depressions 
for  tiie  inlay  were  cast  and  v/ere  not  made  by  soldering  or  fusing 
bronze  or  copper  partitions  into  position  as  in  modern  cloisonne, 
nor  was  the  ground  soooped  out  or  engraved  as  in  champleve.   The 
method  of  casting  the  body  of  tiiese  decorated  portions  of  K£  was 
the  same  as  that  used  in  the  casting  of  ritual  vessels.   The  butts 
of  Ko  however,  were  usually  inlaid  on  both  sides  to  a  depth  of  a 
millimetre  or  more  so  that  a  very  thin  plate  of  metal  remained 
between.  This  is  apparent  In  the  large,  turquoise-inlaid  Ko  49  and 
50.   Great  skill  as  necessary  for  such  v/ork.   Ko  36,  37,  62,  63 
and  80  have  jade  blades  inset  in  bronze  sockets  vv^ith  inlaid  designs. 

These  also  appear  to  have  been  cast,  altiaou^:h  modern  repairs  in 
soldered  copper  have  been  observed  by  the  writer  on  some  examples. 

In  the  case  of  turquoise   inlay,  the  pieces  of  stone  were  ground 
to  fit  the  space   exactly  as  can  be  seen  on  llo  61  and  on  tv/enty- 
three  bronze  buttons  in  Toronto,  said  to  be  from  /uiyang,  (R.O.M.A. 
NB,o997-4019) .   It  is  not  possible  to  say   v/hether  tae  material  in 
which  the  inlay  ixow  rests,  seen  in  Ko  61,  was  an  adhesive  paste  or 
merely  the  corrosion  from  the  surrounding  partitions  of  the  design. 
Both  tile  lacquer  and  the  turquoise  were  "Keyed  into  position  by 
pressinr^  down  the  bronze  partitions  and  thus  expanding  their  tops. 
The  surplus  lacquer  or  turquoisu  was  tlieii  grouj:id  avv-ay  until  the  sur- 
face was  perfectly  smooth. 

It  seems  probable  tnat  all  tue  skill  in  technique  of  the  bronze 
caster's  art  v/as  developed  before  the  occupation  of  the  V/aste  of  Yin, 
Undoubtedly  changes  in  technique  took  place  during;  the  273  years  of 
the  Shang  II  period.  These  cnanges  have  yet  to  be  determined  but 
our  examination  of  the  technique  shows  that  some  of  the  more  diffi- 
cult processes  were  used  in  what  v/e  consider  the  earliest  examples. 
The  well  shaped  sockets  of  Type  VII  and  Type  VIII  are  Instances  in 
point.   These  sockets  ai"e  egg-shaped  in  section,  narrov/  in  front 
and  rounded  at  the  back  exactly  fitting  a  shaft  wiiich  could  be  held 
easily  in  the  hand.   Ko  liil-li;6,  150,  loS,  133,  138,  141-150,  156 
and  many  others  all  show  this  shape.  No  Shang  dynasty  socketed  Ko 
has  a  round  or  cinidely  shaped  socket  for  the  si>.aft.   Socketed  or 
"holed"  axes  and  v/ar  hamciers  from  Lauristan  and  Minussinsk  in  the 
west  which  have  been  considered  near  parallels  to  the  socketed 
Shang  Ko,  are  not  so  well  or  so  uniformly  shaped,  V/hen  the  socketed 

Ko  was  too  thiok  and  heavy  ut  the  fore  edt're  of  the  shaft  to  be  well 
balanced  the  3hang  artisan  ooiapensated  for  t  is  by  leaving  a  hollow 
hidden  Inside  the  weaj/on  in  front  of  the  socket  G^;9ning.  These 
delicate  adjustments  in  balance  occur  iu  our  earliest  v/eanons. 
Again  Ko  84,  92,  98,  llc>,  114  and  many  others  obseirved  by  the  writer 

have  thin  trunnions  at  the  fore  edgw  of  the  sbaft  just  behind  theoooaide^ 
>C'   the  bJ 



oC'  the  blade  v/hich  acts  as   stop  rid^e,      The^, shafts  of  Ko  were  weakened 

■eicessiiz-e.  N 

by  thick  necks  of  m-etcl    under  the  two  sides  of  the  snlit  top.  Thin 
trunnions  and  a  neck  of  bronze,  thin  in  front,  could  be  efficiently 
bound  into  position,  but  a  delicate  propojrtion  had  to  be  maintained 
between  ths  thinness  desired  and  the  strength  necessary  to  prevent 
breakinr,,  Here  apain  Ko  04  is  of  early  date.  Indicating  that  this 
skill  in  deslgninji  and  casting  was  developed  early. 

G.   Th^  'jgojai)osition  of  Sliang  i3ronze. 

The   oiior?iioal  analyses  of  tha   foilov^iitg  3iiang  Ko  v/Lloh  are 
llcted  as   siiii^plameutary  examploo   iindc;!-  trie  aearest  Type   xlo 
Tikci",    have  been  publisJieci   elsewhere  v.'iti:  pliotograj^hs. 

1.     'W,I'\  Coll  ins:      "The   Goiroslon  oT  ilariy  Giiinese-  '•■ronzes", 
Jour..icl   of  tr.e  Institute   ol   Metals,   Vol.    :XV,    1931,    pp.    £3-55> 
(t'..o   fiooaimonfj) ,    riat«  1,      C2    (Ko  lo8A)    and  017    (K£  70A; .   /dialysis 
by  P.cofeasor  C.;v.'>usflh  of  tUe  :>ni-erian  Copper  Coii  ittes   of   the 
>  British  Aasrjoiation.      '-^ee  Rgport   of  thf;   Brijbish   AssoQiation.   1330, 
p.   340:      "The  o-portiinity  has   been  taken  to  analyse  a  nujibor  of 
Ohiuese    ironzes  of  datss   varying  from  Cuou  to  T'ang  periods.      The 
present  writer,    .judgins;  from  the   pnotographs,    consiaars    ;:hat  ?<5  1, 
No.    Z  and   17  are    boti:;   of   'ihanc;  date  and  not   Ghou  as  i.'r.    Collins    be- 
lieved   thent  to  be, 

S»      Tsurunatsu   Dono:    "On   tue  >'=oai   .<ar^  .njakiag  iu    Lno   .Licient 
Gnine    seen  through  Cheffical   Analysis",    j  oao  ^kuho,   JJo.   4,   Aov,   1935, 
Tolcyo.      Three  speoimens,   Plate  1,   Tin^^'  or   J4    (156a),    <Vu  or   D5    (-ilD), 
Ciii   or  D6    (42B),      These   analyses   have  also   been  published   in   tu^ 
-Bulletin^  of  the  Cheniioal  Sooi^y  of  Japan,   Vol.   5o,    {I'tiJd)^   pp.   135- 
13G,and   have  been  abstr-^cted   in  Teohnical    ".tudics.    Vol,    2,    (12.''3), 
p.    112.      The  ribstroct   by  R.7,0(otexis)    states    "Three   i.alberds  of  the 
typt:   of  those  iineart:  ec!   at  the  Yia  cite   in  lonan  Ire  vince  v;ore  t;ua- 
lysed   c.;';>iaically.      opocinen   A    ([)4,    Ko  15rj/^)    is  nenrly   pare   ooyper, 
oontainlnr;  only  enoufr.:  tin   *-.o    "te   det'^oted  speotrosoopioaiiy. 

peoi/Aen  :3   {D5,   41P)    contains   0.60   i^er  oent   tin,    but   it   ntill  must 
be   classified  as  a   oo  per  implenent,      Althoup:b   speoimen  G    (D6,42B) 
is   of  t:  s  same   type   as   the  ether  t'"o   it   ir-   tecimioally   of  bronze   since 
it   coiit-^dns   £.19  por  cent   tin.      The  author  believes   tbat   specimen  G 
(423)   v/ao  wanufMCtured   in  the   transitional   period  between  the   copper 


and  tho  bronze  ago  and  these  halberds  aro  representative  of  typos  of 
that  late  copper  and  early  bronse  period,"  This  abotraot  niakos  no 
mention  of  the  presence  of  lend,  althouf^h  the  orlcinal  report  nakes 
it  cloiiT  tiiftt  opeoiiien  A  (156/i.)  had  l&w08  ncr  oont  and  apeoirjoa  G 
(423)  5. G.J  nor  ooat.   opeclnen  A  can  not  be  aallod  pure  copper  nl- 
thouf.;!'!  tie  abaenoe  ox*  tin  r-.'iy  tooLnioaliy  oxoluda  th<-i  term  '"wrou;;...", 
6,     Tsururaatou  Dono:   "On  the  aopper  Age  in  '\n3i0nt  China  III", 
.mlletin  of  the  O'ealoal  :>ooS.ety  of  -Tanaa,  IX  (1934),  pp.  la',0-i«:4, 
Iiiu3,;  auatraot'id  in  Teahnical  qgdiaa,  Vul*  III  (1954),  v*   117. 
Three  apeciaons  L>a  (33A);  D9  (iOA);  D  10  (91A),  The  abstract  reads: 
•*A  spear  head  and  throe  halberds  fro.u  th^'  sane  site  have  been  analysed 
find  it  ivas  provoa  that  t.iC  epear  head  and  tv;o  of  the  three  halberds 
(D6,  53 A)  (D9,  40A)  ffluat  be  called  co;  per  imi>ioinoats#  The  other  hal- 
berd (DiO,  SIAJ  ooatftlna  13,74  per  cent  tin  and  nuBt  be  classed  as 
a  bronze  Imoieraent,  Tae  existence  of  a  cooper  ar^e  La   China  ia  thuo 
furtaer  emphasized".  The  abstract  does  aot  mention  that  th-3  load 
c-nto-nt  in  'dS^   and  -iOA  is  6.64  and  15.05  por  cent  reapootivaly. 

4.  3,  Umahara:  "An  Arohaeoiofical  Obaervat.lou  on  tae  Chemical 
GonBtituenta  of  iii'oaae  ."/eapoan  of  Aiioient  Calna",  TohO  (la kuno ,  ilo,  11, 
art  3,  October,  1940,  plntes  i-.i,   :yoto;  bas^d  on  Y.  Yamautl,  3, 
jiziufil  and  Jr»   S,  Kojuatu,   "Cneniical  Investigations  of  Ancient 
eapono  of  Oiiina",  Tuno  Caicuho,  iio.  il.  Part  ii,  July  1940,  ;"yoto. 
peoimens  h'l  (Ko  116A);  U2~Uo  17VA) ;  aS  IdSlA) ;  U4  (Ko  lo»A);  U13 
(Ko  480);  J  14  U76A);  U  lb  (Ko  l44A);  U  16    (Ko  9ii£i) ;  U  17  (Ko  60A,; 
U  19  (Ko  67a);  U^7    (Ko  lo2A) ;  U   28  (Ko  164A). 

The  present  '.vriter  juagos  all  these  Ko  to  be  Shanf,  in  date  im- 
leaa  it  be  Ua  (177A)  and  U  14  (Ko  176 A)  waioh  are  on  the  border  line 


botweeu  aiioiig  and  Ciiou  dy.^astios. 

5,     Throxi^h  tlio  good  off  iocs  of  t;;y  Icjte  air.  Archlo  Prankston 
;ad  J-Ir,   Jasil  Gray,  ofricjr  iu  oliarga  of  OrX^JX%s^  .^ntUiuili'so  at 

(/.^m    r»m    8«f,2  Gray    /Y'^'t    if^Oy   P"«ii^iC>    IT-?-/,; 

thd  lirltir.a  liusdin,   i\:mi'33ion  v/ao  granted  to  preiaent  the   followiac 

uiipubilsiivJd  anaiyoe-3  of  .Cragiaoiiti?  or  Cjilutis^^  bronse  ritual   vsrsels 

••ade  by  i)r.   A, A,  Mojs  of  'o.uo  3r.ltiyh  Muaau?!,   lOtxi  Jiaiuary,   1140, 

■ie  anaiysea  wore  laade  for  l!ir,   Brojikstoa  v/ao  oooured   itid  da  tied  the 

-pocimens  lio  doubt  Urora  dofl.ilte  infonaatlon  obtalxiod  .vitxi  taoin. 

All  Aline   MptJoimeus  aro  /.rapcmtad  la  order  to   oonpleto  the   rooord 

aitnou/5h  nptijir-itfris  i.'.-',   £1,   24,  and  Zd  are  defiultoly  of  Lutv  Oiiou 

data,      riio  preaeut  writer  has  oarofuliy  exaii^iuo'd  full-size  pboto- 

graplia  of  tlie  nlno  cpaoiraena  axid  ooii3ider«  thoo   :...  .    C,   10  funl  12 

are  oertaliily  of  Suour  dfjte  and  t;  at      ,,.;.   14,    17  .ina  19^ aye    i/e^j 

prcbablj'-  of  Siiang  date  .  .  i- 

1,     Tiie  early  Ohou  date  of  E.M.   1/   :.ik;  j. ;?  ii:ay   i;--;  'jOj.-x*eot 
for  Mr,    i:^rank3ton  vms  an  informed  and  careful  obaerver. 
dhifx&Be  arortaoolo;  y  suri'ercd  a  {.-reat  lo^a  tarougb  ids 
clontb  flt  T'onr  Koa;?,    'Taxiuary  29th,    1941, 

3y  2i3axi;5  oi    tne«e  uiiaxyaes  tno  coz  jOsltion  oi'  alloya   uuod  iu 
varioun  typos  of  Ko  may  be  ooj!  pax'ed  v/itii  taat  of  alioyo  used  iu 
.rjuze  ritual  vcoaoln  of  the  aamedbto. 


Cheiuioal  Analysis  of  3hang  Kp 

Type  No.      Ref .  ll&rdncis  Cu         on  £^I!«N1A§.^£  Total 

IIIA  38A      D.3  88.14  T  6,G4      0.08  i.ll      :iil      -           -  94.^0 

IIIA  40A      D.f  85.66  T  13.05   0.06  liil     iill      -           -  99,02 

IIIA  41-;      D.5  97.60   0.60        0.58   t.08   0.04  1*11      -           -  98,93 

IIlA  42B      D.6  88.85   2.19  5.85      0,08  N$l      T          -           -  97.03 

IIIA  47B      U,18  52  83.05  iill  10.11   1.07    0.07   4.72  Nil   0.44  99.46 

IIIA  480     U.13  34  78.70   0.15  18,09   1.12   0.07   1,65  iUl   0.22  99.98 

IVA      60A     U.17  86  80.35   14.16  2.36      0.08   0.11   0.10   0.07  :;11  97.22 

IVC      67A     U,19  84  80.49   14.40  id. 81      0.11    w.06   0.08   0.05    "111  93.00 

VA        70A      C.17  -  79. GG   1G.67      T             T        Nil        -          •           -  9G.33 

VF        91A      D.IO  -  84.92  13.74  0.30      0.12  Nil        T        iill      Kll  99.12 

VI^        92-E>     U.16  ?7  7>}.45   16.58  1.72      0.17    0.08   0.07    0.04  IIll  98.11 

VID     116A  U.l  79  89.93  8.23  0.09      0.72   0.09   0.04   0.07   Nil  99.57 

VIIB   121A  U.3  80  85.26   13.86  0.13      0.26  IIll      0.05   0.10  Nil  y9.66 

VIIIE  138A  C.3  -  93.30     T            T          1.70  Ull                   -          -  95,00 

VIIE   139A  U,4  67  80.36   15.52     T           0.13  lill      0.15   0.04  Nil  9G,20 

VIIF   144A  17.15  38  96.39   0.05        2.97    0.15   0.11   0.04  IUl     Nil  99.71 

VIIIA152A    U27  70  73.31    9.43        17.00a03  Nil      0.17   0.02  Nil  98.99 

Win D  156 A   D.4  -  77.20     T             15.08   S.SOO.OJIill        -          -  95.15 

IXE     164A  U.28  62  88.89   7,09        4.38      0.02   0,09   0,12  Ml      -  100,59 

XG        176A  U,14  70  81.52   10.50      6,94      0,23   0.08   0.26   0,16   Nil  99,69 

XD        177A  U.2  100  84,33   14,71        T           0,20   0.07   0.03   0,07   Nil  99,41 






















Cu.  Sn.            Pb.  Fe. 

62.70  21.30        abs.        T 

80.70  17.50        0.10  0.10 

79.20  17.80        T  0.10 

70.30  16.80        6.10        T 

75.80  12.20        8.80        T 

75.10  11.50  10.30  0.10 

61.10  14.70  16.20  1.50 

59.80  7.10  30.50  0.20 

75.70  13.90        3.10  0.50 






































T   • 




The   twenty-one  Ko^aiay  be  grouped  lu  four  olaases  acoording 
to  the  oompoaltion  of  their  alloys,  lu  the  opinion  of  the  writer 
these  alloys  were  mixed  purposefully  with  due  regard  to  the  intended 
use  of  the  particular  weapon.  From  the  ohemioal  analyses  of  these 
alloys  it  may  be  possible  to  trace  the  sources  of  the  tin,  copper 
and  lead  ores  used  and  to  determine  the  status  of  tne  bronze  in- 
dustry at  Anyang  when  King  i 'an  Keng  moved  to  Yin, 

The  four  classes  of  "bronze"  are: 

1,  Tin-oorper-bronze  alloy  as  in  70A,  yiA,  116A,  i21A,  139A 
and  177A,  This  bronze  was  used  for  Ko  wnioh  were  to  fonu  part  of 
ritual  sets  and  which  were  probably  oastL  from  the  sane  "mix"  as  tjie 
associated  ritual  vesstis  (see  BM  6.10, IB),  duoh  Ko  were  used  in 
ritual  ceremonies  where  beauty  was  required  but  they  were  also 
stronfc  and  sharp  enou/-ii  tor  use  in  war.  The  Brinell  hardneso  varied 
from  80  to  100. 

2.  Lead-copper  mixture  as  in  38A,  40A,  42B,  47B,  48B  and  156A, 
These  were  uiinr-ch'i,  'carried*  by  the  escort  at  funerals  and 

buried  in  the  tomb.  Lead  was  lni'-er\tLoncin.  y     sed  as  a  cheap  sub- 
stitute for  tiii.  The  resulting  weapons  were  too  soft  for  use  in 
war.   brinell  nardness       -vaiifd  from.   54^52, 

3,  Tln-lead-co_pper  alXojj ,   as  in  60A,  67A,  92A,  152A,  lG4A, 

This         bronze    appears  to  be  somewhat  similar  to  the 
purer  tin-copper  alloy  of  Group  1,    It   /s  of  the  same  composition 

%i.tnei-al  Of 

as^  ritual  vessels  with  load  content  suca  as  i^Ji   14,  17,  19,  The 
addition  of  lead  facilitated  the  uniform  casting  of  those  sets. 
It  seems  possible  that  old  vessels  were  recast  by  adding  lead  to 
the  earlier"  purer  tin-copper  mix.  These  Ko  were  used  in  ceremonies, 


Brinell  hardness  varied  from  62^^97, 

4.  Impure  oopper  in  138A,  144A  and  41B, 

The^ socketed  Ko  needed  tensile  strengtn.  Only  sufficient 

tin,  load  or  iron  was  added  to  secure  a  good  oast.  Ko  41B,  while 

containing  only  a  small  quantity  of  tin  and  lead,  must  be  classed 

with  the  lead  f-roup  (2),  for  it  is  cast  in  the  same  mlng'.'-oh*l 

mould  and  the  blade  is  too  thin  to  have  been  useful.  The  Brlnell 

hardness  of  144A  is  only  38  so  that  while  it  is  a  tough  weapon  it 

is  not  hard. 

It  is  possible  to  learn  more  about  the  bronze  technique  of 

the  Shang  dynasty  from  ■  detailed  study  of  these  four  classes  of 

alloy  than  from  later  literary  sources. 
Class  /. 

The  tin-copper  bronze  alloy  (Class  1)  is  the  most  important 

because  the  Ko  and  ritual  vessuls  made  from  it  are  among  the  earliest 

Shang  types  knovm.  This  bronze  is  an  almor.t  pure  tin-copper  alloy. 

Ko  70A,  91A,  131A,  139A,  177A  contain  from  14  to  17  percent  tin; 

Ko  116A  has  a. 23  percent.  The  small  quantities  of  in  purities 

must  be  assitcned  to  the  tin  and  conper  ore/  A  large  lump  (18.0 

kilograms)  of  aalachite,  a  oopper  oxide  ore  conMning  spots  of 

hematite,   (  iron  oxide  )  ,  .vas  found  by  the  Academia  oinica  at 

Anyang.^  This,  no  doubt,  had  been  rejected  during  the  "ore  dress- 

1.  Anyang  lleport.  IV,  ^^  6dl  and  696,  Plate  1  • 

ing  process.  It  shows  the  nature  of  the  ore  used.  This  ore 

produced  in  its  purer  form  a  copper  with  0.1  percent  iron.  There 

is  a  record  in  the  Anyanp.  -isien  Ohih,  Vol,  5,  which  quotes  the  Yeh 

Gh'Sn^i;  statement  that  "Copper  mountain,  T'ung  Shan,  is  45  11  (15 

miles)  north-west  (of  Anyang  city).   GoTiper  was  mined  there  in 

ancient  times".  The  writer  has   visited  this  area  and  heard  local 

stories  of  ancient  mine  shafts  at  txie  village  of  T'ung  Yeh  wiich 

means  "Copper  craft".  These  ancient  mines  have  not  been  explored. 


The  rejected  ore  foimd  at  the  VJaate  of  Yin,  together  with  the 
large  pieces  of  slag  and  the  oharooal  also  found  tiiere^  indicate 

1.  .^nyanp  Report  IV,  p.  696,  Fls.  3  and  4, 

that  some  copper  was  smelted  at  Anyang,  The  writer  once  secured 
at  Anyang  an  ingot  of  co;  per  in  the  form  of  a  truncated  cone^  about 

2,  This  was  lost  in  1937. 

five  inohoa  in  diameter  and  two  and  one  half  inches  thick,  This^ds 

evidence  that  the  copper  was  smelted  separately,   Soiae  oo;  per  ingots 

may  have  been  imported  from  a  distance,  V  The  Acadeiola  found  ingots 

of  tin  in  the  ruins  at  the  Waste  of  Yin.   Members  of  the  Geological 

iS.   ?.  Teilhard  de  Chardin  and  C.G,'  Young,  "The  l^ammalian 

remains  fron  the  Arohaeolov'ical  Site  of  Anyaag**,  Palaeon- 
tolo.  la  oiftioa.  Series  C,  Vol,  12,  Fasc,  1;  liankiuf,  1936, 
p.  56, 

Survey  of  China,  in  referring  to  this  material,  state  "An  extensive 

trade  between  Anyang  and  southern  China  is  proven  by  the  discovery 

in  the  ruins  of  the  city  of  incrots  of  tin".  They  are  not  likely 


to  have  made  such  a  statement  if  the^  had ;, any  knowledge  of  deposits 
of  tin  nearer  Anyang,  The  early  tin  routes  from  far  southe^Ohina. 
where  tin  is  mined,  to  Anyang  in  nortii  China  should  be  searched  out. 
The  writer  believes  they  were  cut  off  and  discontinued  shortly  after 
the  conquest  of  Shang  by  the  Chou  dynasty  in  1038  B,C,  The  south 
land  was  known  as  Ching  Gh'u  State,  Meuay  inscriptions  on  early 
Chou  bronzes  tell  of  the  wars  against  the  south.  The  state  of  Ch'u 
was  labelled  barbarian.  The  **51egies  of  Ch*u*^  are  filled  with 
early  Chang  dynasty  tradition.  The  state  of  Ch*u  seems  to  have 
restricted  access  to  the  supply  4f  tin  and  copper  for  bronze.  In 
6^42  B,C,  the  eighteenth  year  of  Duke  llsi,  the  Tso  Commentary  records: 
•*When  the  Baron  of  Chenf:  first  paid  a  court  visit  (of  allegiance)^ 
®il!ao,  to  the  otate  of  Cli'u,  the   Viscount  of  Ch»u,  Oh*u  Tzu,  gave 


him  metal,  ohln ,  as  a  preseut.  After  he   had  done  so,  tlie  Vlaoount 
repented  of  It  and  made  a  oovaaant  stlpulatiag,  *It  is  uot  to  be 
used  to  oaat  v/eapons,  wu  _!  oht^  ^'in^* .  For  tnis  reason  the  B<.aron 
of  Chenf?  oaat  throe  bells  from  it". 

This  historical  reference  to  the  attitude  of  Ch'u  regarding 
the  export  of  motal  from  the  south  is  illuminating^.  Metal  was  very 
scarce  in  the  north.  About  450  3,3,,  for  instance,  when  Visootint 
Halang  of  Chao,  phao  hniarxg.  tzu,  was  living;  at  Chin  Yang  (near  present 
day  T'ai  yuan,  capital  of  ohanai  province)  because  of  Tung  An-yfl  he 
took  the  copper  pillars  f*uJ4g  ohu  of  the  public  palace,  Kua£  i^ua£, 
and  made  them  into  arrows^.  When  the  First  JMperor  of  Gh»in  united 

1.   Hocords  of  tiie  arring  States,  Chan  Kuo  Ts^^Ohao  state, 
the  six  states  under  xia  sway,  221  B,C,,  ho  gathered  together  all  the 
v/eapons  in  the  counhy ,   T'lan  hsia  ohih  T^inf;,  and  melted  tnem  dovm  to 
form  twelve  bronze  men2.  These  and  many  other  references  to  the 

2»  3^^  Ghi  History,  ohih  IT.uanf.  Ti  pen  ohi  section, 
meltinp:  down  of  old  broaze  in  la  to  tines  are  common  yi^nowledge.  But 
it  is  .,ot  realized  that  t'le  source  of  broiiza  in  the  Tnaair   dynasty 
was  quite  different  and  that  th.i  ii-tel  vibb   t  loa  ahtaine^.   by  tae  import* 
Qtion  of  the  raw  matorialc. 

The  analyses  of  Shang  dynasty  tla-c50.;per  brouze  are  of  primary 
importanrje  for  a  study  of  the  original  sources  of  tne  raw  materials, 
Vvhen  the   early  mines  are  discovered  we  muat   search  their  neif^hbour- 
hood  for  taa  ..ocation  of  fehe  earliest  Chinese  metal  woricin^r  furnaces 
and  casting  sliops.  The  earliest  Gniuese  bronze  v/ork  at  present' Kuowh- 
consists  of  the  Ko  and  the  ritual  vessels.  These  Rre  ao  distinctively 
the  product  of  Chinese  culture  that  this  v^riter  oonoludes  that  the 
metal  work  of  China  is  of-  indiit:cnou:'  o-rii^Ln   and  aot  an  art  imported 


even  in  a  primitive  phase  from  the  aaoieut  Near  E&at  ,ei/enthou.cth   bronze 
was  in  use  there  Kiore  than  two  milleinia  before  the  ocoupatlon  of 
the  Waste  of  Yin, 

The  sources  of  tin  and  copper  seem  to  have  been  accessible 
to  the  Shang  people  from  the  beglnniajj  of  the  ruiang  II  period 
(1311-1200  j3.G.),  waich  is  the  probable  date  of  Ko  70,  down  to  the 
end  of  tne  period,  (1038  J,G,),  wnicn  is  the  probable  date  of  Ko 
177,  A  pure  tin-copper  bronze  alloy  wfas  used  for  &oJt  of  the  aore 
Important  bronze  ritual  vessels  and  the  v/ar  Ko  belonging  to  the 
same  sets.  The  composition  of  th&   bronze  seems  to  been  much 
the  same  in  the  ritual  vessels  and  in  the  weapon?.   The  ai:r>l3''3e3 
of  Ko  70A,  'i'ype  V,  made  by  ProfesBor  Desoh  for  Mr.  Collins,  of  Ko 
139A,  Type  vn     ,  made  by  the  Japanese  scientists  for  Professor 
Umehara,  as  well  as  of  the  ritual  vessels  BM  6,  10  and  12  made  by 
Dr.  Moss  of  the  British  Museum  for  Mr,  Archie  I'irankston  and  by 
Professor  Carpenter  for  the  Academia  Slnica  all  yield  an  alloy  of 
17/4  tin  or  a  proportion  of  about  five  parts  copper  and  one  part 
tin.  Tais  appears  to  bo  standard,  3oiae  other  Chinese  ritual 
vessels  resemble  in  their  composition  speculum  metal  which  oontaiua 
32,78  percent  tin. 

More  analyses  of  important  Ciiinese  bronzes  should  be  made^ 
^aut  suck   should  not  be  restricted  to  broken  fragments  of  poorer 
Objects,  Wt.en  this  is  done  a  woite^picture  of  ohan/r  dynasty  metal 
work  should  be  possible,   Uven  now  we  have  nore  reliable  evidence 
for  the  composition  of  3hang  bronze  than       seems  to  have  been 
available  to  the  author  of  the  K*ao  Kunr?  Ghi  wliloh  reads:   "There 
are  six  classes,  chi.  of  metal  alloy,  chin.  31x  parts  copper,  ohin, 
and  one  part  tin,  hsl,  is  called  Bell-and-tripod-class  metal  alloy, 
Chun/?:  tinp^  ohih  chi,  i''lve  parts  of  copper  and  one  ]iart  tin  is 



oalled^-sooket-Qxe -and- adze  tool  olass,  fu  oh*i  oliih  oul«  Four 
parts  of  co:'per  and  one  part  tin  is  called  Ro -and -£hi -weapon 
class,  ilo  3id  chih  ohi.  Three  parts  of  coi  /or  and  one  part 
tin  Is  called  great-blede  or  sword  class,  Ta  jen  cb.lh  o'.ii«  Five 
parts  of  copper  and  two  parts  tin  is  called  knlvea  and  killing 
arrow  class,  .'Isiao  atia  t3hili  chih  ohi.  Copper  and  tin  one  half 
each  is  called  mirror  reflector  class,'  Chi  en  sui  ohih  ohl. 
-hese  proportions  have  riven  rise  to  much  discussion.  Ixi  Anyang; 
iiui^ort  IV,  pages  G79  and  693  the  proportion  five  to  t//o  is  inter- 
preted as  40  per  cont  tin,  that  is  r/./o  parts  out  of  Jive.  The 
proportions  for  Ko,  four  to  one,  is  f-'iven  In  the  Re  port  as  25  par 
cont  oi-  one  part  out  of  four.  An  ordinary  artizan,  however,  would 
more  likely  have  taken  five  linits  of  copper  and  added  them  to  two 
of  tin,  so  that  the  tin  would  have  been  tv.-o  parts  out  of  seven  or 
28,57  percent;  while  the  auiount  of  tin  in  the  class  of  alloy  used 
for  Ko  would  have  been  one  part  cut  of  five  or  iiiO.OO  percent. 

The  six  classes  of  motal  alloy  accordinf;  to  the  K*ao  Kunf^  Ciii 
should  be: 
Bells  and  tripods^  Chung  Tin^ 


-socket  axes  and  adzes  Fu  Cul 
xlo  and  Chi  v/aapons   Ko  Chi    * 
Great  blades  (sv/ords)  Ta  Jen 













Knives  and  arrows  .isiao  gha  s.iin 
Mirrors  and  reflectors  Chi en  sui 

One  may  Judge  the  a^e  of  the  K*ao  Kunj-:  ohi  by  this  table 
of  alloy  specifications.  The  very  names  of  tLe  objects  place 
itvat^tne  end  of  Chou  III  period,  because  lairrors .  ohiea,  reflectors. 

3u_i ,  swords  ta  jen.  and  t)ie  oi;i  weapon  are  all         imporl-qf  i  ons 

l-Most-  of  t*icm 

into  China,  datinn;  after  300  :>.C.  The  poorest  alloy  mentioned  is 


for  bells  and  tripods,     la  the  earlier  Ciiou  and  5hang  dynasties 

tripods  ware  the  laost  important  objects  at^d^a  nigh  content  of  tin: 

c2 Q pjo^r i^ss  b-jllSf   oliiuia,  v/tu*o^aot  ooiumon  until  Ohou  II,   770-481  d^G, 

These  tables  of  the  K*ao  Kunp:  Chi  have  been  taken  too  seriously 

by  students  of  bronae  toohniqua.^  Ta«j  text  is  clear  but  it  gives 


a,   lotts  lii  ...ufliurfopouloa  liroazes ,  p «  34  presents  proportions 
different  from  those  of  the  K»ab  PCun,?  Ohi  and  attributes 
tnem  zo   iiiot's  translation.   L'hey  are  oulte  v;rong  for  taey 
link  the  name  of  each  alloy  to  the  proportions  of  the  one 

almost  no  olue  to  tuo  metaxlurgy  of  the  ohang  dynasty  except 
to  suggest  the  fixture  of  metals  and  not  oi-es.  It  also  usas  one 
word,  Tin,  iisi,  to  cover  all  Lh^i  motals  added  to  co^por,   ihese  in- 
clude learl,  iicu,  nickel,  arsoiiio,  antimony  and,  at  a  later  Iian 
date,  zinc.  The  word  Ksi  translated  "tin'J  is  often  used  ii.  classical 
writings  and  bronze  inscriptions  as  a  luaxi  word  for  the  homophone 
"to  give"  or  "bestow".  Thus  the  origiiial  iiieaning  of  tjsi  seems  to 
mean  "That  v/hlch  is  added".  It  covers  both  tin  and  lead  and  also 
other  metals  such  as  nickel,  arsenic,  antimony,  odded  to  oo  i^r  to 
maice  bronze.  The  Lfl  Ghih  Cli'un  Gi?iu  records  ^"Copr or  is  soft,  tin 
is  soft,  unite  the  two  softs  and  they  bscoflie  hard".  Other  texts 
w.iioh  appear  to  offer  cities  to  the  understanding  of  bronze-casting 
technique  are  also  va^<ua  and  unsatisfactory.  This  writer  therefore, 
believes  that  the  vroper  method  of  xesearoli  is  to  examine  objectively 
all  th'j  traces  of  early  teohnicue  on  tho  objects  themselves  and  in 
the  archaeological  strata  v»hare  they  are  found.  When  tiiis  data  has 
been  studied,  y/e  laay  txion  seek  to  construe  imcicut  texts  in  tho 
light  of  arohaeologioal  facts  rather  than  viou  vursa. 

The  results  achieved  by  tho  Shang  dynasty  metal  workers  show 
a  mastery  of  technique  but  the  reading  of  ancient  taafSs^ieads  only 
to  confusion  about  the  methods  used. 


Class  Z 

The  metal  of  Glass  2  is  s  *  mixture''  of  lead  and 

copperl.   The  Chinese  knew  tiiat  lead  did  xiot  make  an  effective 

1,   The  word  "mixture"  is  used  out  of  deference  to  those 
metallurgists  who  restrict  the  use  of  the  term  bronze 
.to  a  tiii-Gopper  alloy. 

alloy.  Huai  Nan  tzu  in  the  section  on  lessons  from  the  customs  of 

the  :tate  of  Gh'i,  Cii * i  Hsd  hstin,  sayd  ^"Lead  must  not  be  used  in 

making  blades",  Ch'ien  pu  k*o  yi  v/ei  jen".   Lead  was  considered 

"black  tin".   The  ^  p*ien  dictionary  says  "Lead  is  black  tin", 

Ch*ien  wel  ho  hsi.   The  whole  question  of  nomenclature  for  metals 

is  very  confused  not  only  in  China  but  also  in  western  languages 

right  down  to  modern  times.   It  would  be  quite  wrong  to  judge  from 

the  confusion  of  terras  used  for  metals  in  classical  and  Han  times 

in  China,  that  early  metallurgists  could  not  distinguish  between 

tin  and  lead.  Lead  was  apparently  cheap.  Many  ming-ch'i  ritual 

vessels,  such  as^lead  goblet,  ohih,  R,0,M,A,  NB,2722,  have  been 

found  at  Anyang,  The  objects  listed  in  this  class  contain  from 

7  to  18  percent  lead  and  no  tin,   Ko  423  is  an  exception  to  this 

since  it  has  2,19  percent  tin.   This  can  be  explained  as  the  tin 

content  of  older  scrap  metal  used,   4in  also  has  a  very  small  content 

of  lead  (o,53  percent)  and  tin  (0,60  percent).   These  two  metals 

even  in  this  quantity  are  assured  an  easy  tlavr   and  cast,   we  may 

suppose  that  all  taese  specimens  were  made  of  poor  cheap  scrap 

material,   47B  and  48D  have  an  arsenic  and  sulphur  content.   The 

Japanese  analyst  suggests  that  the  addition  of  arsenic  sulphide 

indicates  a  "magic"  use  of  orpiment  or  realgar  both  of  wi^ich  were 

often  used  by  Han  dynasty  alchemists.   This  writer  considers  that 

the  lead  ore  matrix  had  arsenic  sulphide  mixed  with  it  and  that 

the  sulniilde  was  not  entirely  removed  in  the  'bre  dressing"  since 

the  laaterial  used  was  cheap,   Some  of  the  ore  apparently,  contained 

also  small  quantities  of  xilckel  and  autimoay. 

In  tiila  writer's  opinion,  the  OiiQmlcal  aaalysos  of  these 
two  olasaes,  the  tiu-oopper  bronze  and  the  lead-ooiper  mixture 
ive  us  the  data  for  Identifying  the  ore  bodies  waich  supplied 
these  materials,  ine  soui'oas  of  copper  are  comiaon  to  both  these 
groups  but  the  tin  and  the  lead  are  quite  separated  in  thtj  early 
3hang  dynasty  apeolmens.  ^  Later,  fov  a  rnore  v/asto  scrap  was  used, 

"fP    CffSS-^.  The.  )mpur-e.  ■i:-opf-er  cf-  Clai£  4offers  no  due.  as'^otTs  source,    as  ij&t. 

the  content  could  ixOt  so  earsily  be  assif^ed  to  its  source,^ 
TT  An  examination  ^of  Glass  I  suggests  several  obaervaticms: 

1.  The  copper  came  from  malachite,  i,e,   oonper  oxide  ore 
with  which  some  iron  oxide  ns  hematite  was  associated.  This 
beautiful  green  and  blue  ore  would  be  easily  reoogniaed.  Some 

near  Ar\\l<lr\^ 

of  the  copper  used  no  doubt  ori-inated^in  the  north  as  we  learn  from 

waste  materials  discovered  at  Anyang,  On  the  other  nand,  we  have. 

Tt-ports  of 
7M  in  evalo^i^(7^t;io  existence  of  similar  copper  ores  in  the  south  in 

t:iO  viciaity  of  the  tin  where  we  must  suppose  the  bronze  industry 

to  have  begun.  These  copper  ores  were  not  sulphides  but  oxides 

v;hich  were  reduced  in  charcoal  furnaces, 

2,  The  tin  in  these  Shang  broxizes  aeeius  to  derive  from  a 
very  pure  ore  body,  possibly  "stream  tin"  such  as  is  ccanmon  in  the 
far  south.  This  tia  was  shipped  north  in  ingots,  No  tin  deposits 
are  known  in  the  orth.  The  mines  in  the  Altai  mountains  do  not 
seem  to  have  been  the  Bouroe  of  uny  Shaiig  tixi,  3oiae  of  the  tin- 
copper  bronze  Ko  (llCA,  177 A)  contaia  small  quantities  of  x.ickel; 
some  do  not  (70A,,  91A,  121A,  139A),   It  should  be  osalble  for 
expert  nilneralOfiists  to  determine  where  tnls  tin  originated, 

IV     /In  ez-amina-hon   o(- •j^.g    lead-C^p-et- ''ynii&oy-e''  "?-  class  Z  suc^^zfs  ' 

3,  The  lead  ore  body  apparently  is  associated  with  scaae 
orpiment  or  realgar,  i,e,  arsexiio  sulphide,  Uo   doubt  this  was 


exoluded  from  the  better  artioles  but  cheap  L:dnr~oh*l  aid  not 
require  great  oare  aad  so  these  laatorials,  v/hioh  did  not  hinder 
the  flow  in  the  moulds  were  tolerated,  iiad  it  been  included  for 
ita  Biagioal  powers,  it  would  no  aoubL  be  found  in  cthor  than  the 
poorest  ming-ohVi, 

The  traces  apiiiokel  and  antimony  ana  the  minute  quautitiys 
of  irola   and  silver  found  oy  Dono  setiin  to  havo  been  iai>.9d  with 
tiie  lead  ore. 

Tsatfi  for  zinc,  aocordinf;  to  Or.  ivloas,  had  negative  results. 
Zino  was  not  tised  until  the  han  dynasty  clthough  Chinese  Paktoxir 


es  imported  into  .iurope^^had  a  content  of  cjpper  40.4,  nickel  31.6, 
iron  2.6,  and  zlno  a5,4  percent. 



Animal  style  forroed  the  basis  of  all  dhang  Dynasty  design. 
Foliaf^e  and  flowers  had  no  part  in  it.^  Shang  Dynasty  animal 

1.  The  so-called  plantain  leaf  or  "blade"  is  in  reality  an 
isoseles  triangle  pro|eoted  upwards  or  dovanwards  into 
the  plain  spaces  in  the  bronzes*  These  triangles  are 
filled  with  conventionalised  animal  forms  and  scrolls 

of  the  cloud  or  thunder  patterns.  The  square  or  angular 
"scrolls"  are  called  by  the  Chinese  thunder  patterns, 
lei  wen,  and  are  supposed  to  represent  the  rumbling  and 
crashing  of  thunder  as  well  as  the  flashing  of  fort-od 
lightening.  The  rounded  scrolls  are  called  cloud  patterns 
yOn  wen,  and  are  supposed  to  represent  the  whirliiit;  storm 
OP  the  misty  floating  clouds,  when  these  scrolls  are 
united  in  bands  they  may  be  called  a  meander  in  j;nt:lish, 
but  to  the  Chinese  they  still  remain  cloud  and  thunder. 

style  was  not  like  the  later  Scythian  animal  style,  nhich  depicts 

the  huhted  animals  of  the  northern  nteppes  and  their  cruel  struggle 

for  life.   The  conventionalized  animal  style  found  on  the  deoor- 

2,  Branches  of  this  same  art  are  called  §ino-3iberian  and 
Ordos,  Among  the  most  striking  and  frequent  raotifes  are 
fighting  stallions,  cnimals  biting  each  other  in  coraoat, 
the  vulture,  the  wolf,  rows  of  deer  on  the  horizon,  the 
ibex,  the  goat  and  the  oz, 

ative  bands  of  desi^  on  most  bronze  ritual  vessels  of  the  shang 

Dynasty  reflects  the  niemories  of  a  still  more  ancient  past,  vHxen 

thQse  animals  were  more  natnralistically  portrayeri.S  ,^,   .,,   - 

|fc       ^^HlmH"*lBI^*  rrere  often  riottired  na^uriaist^         -  jbm^ 

•■•:•     \. ■  .)o1j  C'^llod  ■t^wU.u^,   See 

•*^  .    -^  ,    ,    .    .    w....  .,10  :i3,4027,    -Torg 

Trfloner,   tu  Misar  ..aaut^^   jjoixin,   1929  and  other  examples 
scattered  in  various  collections,     ohang  Dynasty  v;ine 
ladle  1IB,4024  has  pairs  of  tigers,   elephants,   water 
buffalo,  deer,   snakes,   boar,   hare  and  birds  placed  in 
realistic  arpoaition  oii   the  grip  of  the  handle,   and  a 
selection  of  throe  of  them(tigers,   water  buffalo  and  deerj 
placed  'lao^:  to  br^ol:  on  the^     ase  that  adjoins   the  bowl, 
Nestled  o.-t   the  hoilom  of  the''^^^l'i§  a  very  lively  homed 
dragon  in  high  rtiiifaf , 

were  depicted  as  restful,  ^ut  powerfully  alive,   enveloped  In  a 

background  of  whiJj'ling  cloud  and  rolling  thunder  patterns.     The 

dominant  feature  of  the  atyle  was  exaggerated  round  eyes  of  the 

anim&l,   v^ioh  were  often  shaped  like  the  stylized  honmn  Chinese 

eye.       Ihese  ayes  look  out  of  the  desiga  as  a  tiger  micAt  look  out 

1,  This  eye  is  e  conmori  graph  in  Shaxie  Dynasty  inscriptions 
on  ox-acle  bones,  rjid  bronees,  "-here  it  mesaiB  the  3«ryant 
or  mini3ter  who  keeps  his  eye  on  thinga  for  hia  aasteT^"*^ 

of    his    la  It*  i-t  a  r.&n.     The  artist  was  so  absorbed  in  the  eyes  and 

fore  part  of  the  beast  that  the  body  behind   the   eyes,    ]&ve    ind   fore 

lee:^  was  always  subordinated  and  often  omitted*     The  animal  face 

was  ao  convent iontjli zed  in  the  ohang  Dynasty  that  it  was  difficalt 

to  idsntify  what  type  of  animal  was  intended,"     The  fact;  or  the 

2«  This  desiga  has  often  been  called  a  mask,    out  the  eyes 
convey  the  impression  of  a  lirinfc-;  aiiimc;!  ana  net  the 
li3iiiniriate  akin  of  a  deed  one.     The  writer  prefers  to 
call   it  an  ^niinal  face;    r.hoa  inien;   cince   tlio   Sung  rcmasty 
lo  iLVL  T ' q  wa3  pabliahed  qv.,  A^V'JTl^b,   Chinese  ar.thors 
have  d?,0(3  the  term  t'&t>  t'ieh  to  ^ejoriba  tliia  animal 
face.     Tiiig  name  waf-(   a  pi  artintly  based  on  a  '.vroiie  iuter- 
pretntion  of  a  chance  de^icriptioj  of  a  deoir?'.  on  e  bronze 
tripod  Lientioned  in  the  hit  §hih  Ch'un  ah. 'In  corapilod 
under  the  ^lupervialon  of  Hu  Pn-v/e^  \2?0'-Z^&  3,3.),   a 
thousand  yoary  after  thig   ::hang  l^ynaat?^  design  vs?aa  ooramoiu 
This  description  of  the  dosii^n  dopcribea  r,  m^n  being 
flavoured   ,   a  parontly  similar  to  the  riotifc  on  the 
Sttmltomo  wiiie  pail  figured   in  the.  Loriuon  "xhlbition 
Catalogue  IIo,   :338,    or  it:-,  corspanion^in  the  Comuuohi 
Kuscum,    Tori;?,   Uo,   PA3,     This  same  motif  is  found  on 
the  hanuloj   of  Jiuei.    thn   le^s  and   handler   of  Huang,   and 
elsei^iere.     It  is  quite  distinct  from  the  nnlnnl'  face 
on  th'3  decorative  br.nOs  of  cleoiirii  found  sonctines  on 
theao  saine  vessels  and  now  popularly  callon   t'ao  t'ieh 
by  both  i^oropean  and  Chinese  writers  rmd  collectors, 

tiger  aesLia  to  huvu  been  dominant  in  the  mind  of  tho  artist,   but 
the  horns,   ears  or  snout  of  other  animals  were  also  present  in 
variations  of  the  theme  of  decoration. 

The  design  did  not  portray  the  features  of  any  particulsu: 
animal,  but  the  great  eyes  rather  produced   the  feeling  of  the 
powerful  throbbing  life  oo^imon  to  all  the  great  animala  sad  birds 
that  surroonaod  the  artist  oz»ii:inator  in  his  harly  Chinese  envir- 
onment.^*     Shang  Djmasty  sites   producing  typical  Shang  bronzes  have 

3.  Iliese  sreat  aniratils  were  the  tiger,    the  elephajit,   the 
water  buffalo,   tho  dragon,   whose  body  seems  to  reflect 

the  ciroGOdilc,    tho  p;,'thOii  or  Joa  and  other  araaller  snakes. 


the  ot;1,  tho  ea&Le  ?dth  hooked  beak,  the  rook  or  common 
bird  and  the  pheaaant  or  phoenix  with  ito  elaborate  tall 
feathers,   ilie  ox,  the  rara,  the  wild  boar  or  pig,  and 
the  swamp  deor  were  anlmala  alauchtered  for  the  ceremonial 
feast  whose  free  heads  protruded  from,  rather  than  formed 
part  of,  the  tracery  design  on  the  yeaaela.  One  must  add 
to  thesG  the  tortoise,  the  frog,  the  tadpole,  the  silkwocn 
the  cicada,  several  varieties  of  fish,  the  bear,  the  hare 
tho  monkey,  the  horse,  mule  or  donkey,  for  these  animals 
are  found  on  small  ornamonta  made  of  Jade  or  bronze,  The 
Shang  artist  was  not  restricted  in  his  repertory  of 
animals,  but  the  habitat  of  these  animals,  reptiles,  birds 
and  fishes  calls  for  a  warmer  and  wetter  climate  than  is 
common  now  in  the  dry  and  dusty  region  of  Anyang,  viiiich 
Dr.  7»  11.  Ting  (see  Dibliography  general)  of  the  Geolog- 
ical Survey  considered  to  have  much  the  same  climatic 
environment  in  the  ohang  Dynasty  as  it  has  today.  If 
this  be  true  then  we  must  look  much  farther  south  for  the 
habitat  \ihioh   produced  these  animal  deaims,  S«eH«nY(>7Ap;68-g24) 
*'t*i^  Ifi  tiie croCodtle" ,-tmnS',£ta'nMeYaa*i ,  W^nh  Styles andOnheSf^ ideal  s, 

not  yet  been  discovered  ul6nf:  the  Yangtse  rivei^'auutu  of  it,  but 

the  writer  considers  that  the  designs  common  on  the  ohang  bronzes 

reflect  memories  of  this  area,  Chfl  Yaan's  poem"the  Greater  Calling 

3aok  of  ths  301x1",  Ta  Chao ,  written  about  300  3,C,  describes  "the 

south'*  in  oontradistinotioii  to  the  east  and  west  and  north,  which 

he  also  describes.  The  writer  was  then  resident  at  Chang  Sha,  or 

.near  Hankow,  I  have  translated  one  verse  freely,  yet  with  due 

regard  to  the  animals  and  climatic  environment: 

"Oh  thou  my  soul,  thou  must  not  wander  to  the  south. 

The  south *a  a  flaming  fire  0, 

For  full  a  thousand  miles  of  slithering,  sllnty,  serpent's 



.J4.  Stretches  on  and  on.O,      „  „..,c  <r+^^h 
Here  goblins,  ghouls  shriek,  and  short  fox  fairies  flit. 

^ng  python  lifts  his  head,  0, 
Oh  thou  my  soul,  thou  must  not  waiider  to  the  south 
vnxere  vampires  spit  disease,  0," 
This  southern  animal  habitat  described  in  words  300  B,C, 
is  very  similar  to  the  one  depicted  in  the  ohang  animal  design  on 
the  flat  bands  of  decoration  of  the  bronze  ritual  vessels.  The 

writer  considers  this  hi^ly  conventionalized  animal  t^ttyle  of 

decoration  to  be  landed  down  from  a  period  previous  to  loll  B«C« 

while  the  free  style  animals  on  the  wine  ladle  and  small  bronzes 

represent  animals  copied  direct  from  nature.  The  horse  heads  of 

the  ohaug  Dynasty  horae  jingles  picture  the  horses  living  at 

Anyang  1311-1039.  "Hiey  do  not  form  part  of  the  oonvontionaliaed 

animalistyle.  The  tigers,  panthers,  elephants,  wuter  buffalos, 

pythons,  snakes,  crocodiles,  alligators  (dragons),  cook  fov/ls, 

pheasants  (phoeni:^),  owls  and  other  aaimals,  birds  and  reptiles 

that  combine  to  make  up  the  conventionalised  animal  patterns  with 

the  decorative  designs,  were  taken  from  a  southern  climate*   The 

!•     Tlie  word  south  has  three  distinct  meaniiigs  or  ugages  in 

literatore.     In  Ciiiiieae  olaasiot^l  literiiture  written  fmm 
the  point  of  view  of  Jlaii  or  Loyang,   south  slwaye  meant 
the  area  north  of  ttio  Yanestse  valley,     oomohow  in  late 
classical  times,   500-200  B.C.,    south  vna  ver^  vague,   and 
seoma  to  have  meant  all  states  south  of  Loyant^  and   the 
Yellov?  lUver,      In  early  _aroT)oan  litoratore  oouth  China 
meant  Canton  in  ooiitBadistinction  to  Ilorta  China,  t^ich 
began  at   ihanghai.     In  recent  tiaes  r.hen  ^school  geogra- 
phies are  comMOii,    Centi*ul  China  meanj  the  Hunko.v  Chant:3ua 
area  tO'^ethex'  with  the  Yangtse  valley.     Ilortix  China  means 
the  territory  north  of  the  Yellow    vivor  in  pai-ticalar, 
and  .>outh  Chi^m  the   provinoes  of  Fa  £iei.',    .Iiianjj  Tang, 
Huang  si,   Zaeilin  and  Yunium,     th(3  la t tor  beii^c  often 
iJicladed  ii:    :e;3t  China,   and  not  called  !30uth.     In  the 
writer's  opinion  the  climatic  habituo  of  tau  ^Iiang 
Conveiitionalizod  designs  was  south  of  the  Yangtse  valley 
area,  but  Chinese  olaayioal  rofoi'©s  to   "tlie  uouth"  are 
properly  interpreted  as  i..ny  teri-itory  south  of  ithe 

YellOV;    rUver    "tiaainm  S^e.  Cl\Un  HyLo  3.1  .i,^.fJl^hrt>nz&    i^^ict^ifhon. 
menhon  iA^-th-&  sooTh   coonr-^jfov^ed.  J^^o  (7/9,'.    Ch\5  y^^t  ^robahl^^   Cn'iJ5fe.+e. 

des  gns  on  tbe  butts  of  the  Ilo  used  in  the  x'itual,  especially 
types  III  and  IV,  wore  similar  to  thoae  on  vesaels  used  in  these 
ceremonies.  The  full  face  of  the  animal  design  on  the  v^tssels 
divided  dovm  the  (ai<i(31e  in  nuch  a  way  that  each  half  waa  complete 
in  itself  and  pwrtrayed  the  animal  from  th^;  side.  TJieso  complete 
half  designs  «aoh  filled  one  section  of  the  mould  used  for  casting 
Jfour  or  six  sections  of  this  mould  placed  nose  to  nose  and  tail  to 
tail  formed  a  complete  round  of  two  or  three  animal  faces. 

The   desi0i3  on  the  moulds  for  each  Bide  of  the  butt  of 
the  So  irere  alrallar  to  those   on  the   vessel  sections,  but  the 
outline  was  adapted  to  the  shape  ol'  the  butt*  The  noso  or  oi^n 
mouth  of  the  animal  and  the  beak  or  claw  of  the  bird  were  so 
oriented  as  to  face  the  shaft  of  the  £o  when  hafted,  and  leave 
the  impression  of  the  blade  isaoins  from  the  dosi^* 

This  peculiar  conventionalized  animal  design  filled  every 
part  of  the  area  to  be  ornamented  with  linear  curves  and  Bcrolla* 
The  graceful  lines  were  equally  spaced  to  permit  the  inlay  of 
bands  of  lacquer  or  turquoise  mosaic*  The  distinguishing  feature 
of  Shang  Dynasty  design  was  a  sense  of  line  effect,  which  appears 
perfectly  free  from  restraint  in  spite  of  the  rigorous  controls 
exeroi::ed  by  the  medium  used  and  the  shapes  of  the  butt  of  the 
Zo*     The  artist  craftsman  knew  his  materials  and  used  them  to 
preserve  in  unalterable  form  the  beauty  of  his  line*  There  was 
such  an  affinity  between  the  lines  of  desi^  and  the  script  on  the 
bone  and  bronze  in  the  Jhang  Dynasty  that  it  seems  evident  they 
viTore  drawn  by  the  seme  persons.  The  diviners  were  the  Tjritora, 
the  writers  7;ere  the  historians,  and  the  same  writers  of  script 
were  also  the  artist  designers  who  canrAed  the  memories  of  the 
animals  in  a  more  luxurient  climate  into  the  ornamenting  of  the 
bronze  ritual  vessels  and  ceremonial  Lo  which  'v-ere  u;3ed  in 
memorial  seirvices  for  their  ancestors* 

The  decorative  designs  on  the  butts  of  the  Xo  were  much 
more  restricted  in  scope  than  those  on  the  bronze  ritual  vessels 
and  other  objects  found  at  Inyang.  Animals  depicted  from  nature 
are  rarely  found  on  thera,^  On  ceremonial  Ko  Types  III  and  IV  tte 

1.  The  horse  on  i:o  117  is  a  name  graph,  not  a  desl^.  a 
horse  ne ad  oocars  as  a  knife  handle  finial  aiid  on  har- 

o^lhing^K^  ^'^^^'      ^^®^®  ^'"'^''  ^""^^^^  ^^""^  ''°*  ^^^"^   ^°"^^ 

animal  deaigna  were  of  the  conrentiozialized  v&rietj,   coapresaed  inio 
the   ahape   of  the  batt.      The  deaigna  retained  a  llrelj  realisJB  aolted 
to   the  ritual  ayahollaa  of  the  war  dance,    Ta  ira,   or  coart  cereaony. 
Designs  siallar  to  thoae   on  the  Zo  are  foond  on  carred   oone  hairpins 
from  Anyang*     The  relation  of  the   decorated   part  of  the  hairpin  pro- 
tradtng  froa  the  wearer's  head  to  the   pin  inserted  in  the  hair  was 
similar  to  that  of  the  decorated  hatt  of  the  Zo  to  its  hlade.      Hue 
vigorooa  design  of  the  coiled  dragon  en  Zo  49-52  is  also  found  on 
bone  hairpins  froa  Anyang.     The  blade  or  pin  ia  held  between  the  ex- 
posed teeth  and  proceeds   oat   of  the  dragon's  aoath,      Bi«  woo-d   pro- 

l.Bie  dragon,    l^yng  design  appears  to  the  writer  to  be  inspired 
by  the  crocodile.     These  sonsters  were  atill  rampant  at 
Ch'ao  Choa  To.  in  Zoan^tone  province  norti  of  iwaton  ca. 
Lat.   23^ t    I'Ong  117^  i^en  Han  Ttl  was  aagiatrate   there  ca. 
A.I>.820.      The   writer  has   seen  the  aog^r   Oilea   3328}    in 
the  ponds  of  Indian  princes.     Zis  aoTeaents  in  the   w£ter 
and  his  wide  open   jaws,    deTOoring  the  large  pieces   of  iseat 
thrown  to  hia  by  the  weeper,    aoggested  the   dragon  deaign 
on  Zo  508  49-52.     The  presence   of  tne   crocodile  in  the  spath 
land  was  well  laio-ai.  in  ancient  China.      In  the  Han  Dynasty 
an  aabassador  was   sent   to  Fan  EsOn,    -ir^g  of  7a  Ian,   a 
country  occapyint   the  lower   oaain  of  the  Ije^ong  rirer  in 
^e  region  of  Saigon,    Indo   China.      Tlie   icing  had  crocodiles 
in  a  pond   ir.  a  ralley.      It  was  beliered  that  they  had 
power  to  distinguish  guilty  persons  froa  innocent  ones. 
The  crocodiles  devoured  the   guilty  alltrs  but  aerely  rub'bed 
the  innocent  with  their  noses  and  allowed  thea  to  go  free. 
The  record  says  that   crocodiles  aeasare   i.0-30  feet    (1  foot 
Han  aeasnre   corresponds   to   231  aa. )    They  haye  4  feet  li^e 
a  houae  lizsard.      See   Tin  XLSBg  p. 233.      The   blade  of  tae 
Zo  with  the   dragon  ceaien  brings   death   to    the    guilty  in 
the   aase  aannrr  as   the   crocodile  in  the  pond.      Cn  the   oracle 
bones  the  word   "to  paniah',    fa,    depicts  a  ilo   striiLii-g  'ze 
neck  of  a  aan.      Iragon  deaigns  changed   as   tiae   i?ent  on. 
I.C.White,   Toab  Tile   ^ict-irea   of  Ancient   ZzlrA,    plate  ILZ2 
LXm  and  iiJJLiii,    a-reara   to   depict   the   dragon  deacribed 
by  Har.   Fei   Tza   1280-233    5.C.).      In  his  book.   Chapter  HI 
near  the   end,   he   says   "Sow  the  dragcn  ia  a  reptile   ao 
gentle   that  he  aay  be   patted   and  zso anted   to  ride.     ZTerer- 
theleas   andemeata  iia   throat  are   contrary  swalea    -jiich 
stick  oat  a  whole   foot.      If  anyone   Joiocica   against  thea  the 
dragon  will   certainly  icill  that  aan,      zrictator?   of  rsen 
also  hare   contrary  scales.      If  e  scholar  can  Misco^rx  Titho4t 
knocking  against  the  contrary  scales   of  the   dlcvA.ors  of 
aen  he  aost  be   astute   irideed**.      Ihe    "contrary  scales'*  are 
depicted  on  Plate  L'  I?!;    tbe  rider  on  plates   ^/-tt  end  LTrrTT 
This  dragan  was   still  a  iciller  of  aen  when  angry  but  h&d 
lost  his  original  crocodile-like  body,    as  pictured  on  the 
bronxe  designs  of  the    .Shang  Dynasty  or  in  the   oracle  bone 
script      (variation  1)    Menzies   560;    3236,    Ch'ien  --ien 
4.54.3,    5.36.3;   Hou-pien  3.6.15;    aaing-haa   11.3;    Znlen-gliftn 
5.15.   aaae  as  Hafl-pien  1.31.5:    .Shih-yl  1.5;f' aol-rien  483. 
Three   other  foras  have   been  identified  with  dragona"Aioh* 


seem  to   the  writer  to  represent  different   graphs.   Variation  2, 
Ch'ien  pien  6.19,5;    6,43.3;    6.59.4   same   as  Hayashi   2.23.15; 
Shih-yi   5.7;   Hayashi   2.23.17;    Ts'ane  iluei   109,3  same  as  Hsft 
pi  en  6,25,6   and   ijoins   Had  pien  ^,33.6,    same  as   T'ien-jan^  88. 
Chien  shoa  8,12.    sarne  as  Hstt  pien  5.25.5;   46,3  same   as  Ilstt 
pien  5.25.5.      Is'ai   pien  1231;    1260.    Variation   3  Manzies  127 
1409;    1861;    2188;    Ts^ang-kuei   62.3;    Yi-ts'mi  234;    907.    Var- 
iation  4   is   crcvned   '/lith  the   graph   "To    judge   and  punish" 

hsing  Menzies  2143;    Gj^'icn  pien  4,25,3;   4,29,4;   4,54,1; 
4.54.2;   4,^3.4;    7.2lT3n^ii-^en  1.9.5;    1.20.5;    2.33.4; 


placed  at  iTE   head.   Other  {^ra^Jis  into  which  the  dragon  of 
variation  4  enters  are  Iliuig  "with  two  hands  below"  and  p'ang 
"under  a  roof".  These  appear  to  be  place  names. 

Zo  53  depicts  an  eagle  or  an  owl  standing  on  the  butt  as  though 

the  blade  were  held  in  its  talons.   The  head  of  the  bird  was  pointed 

away  from  the  blade. '^  The  other  oird  motifs  were  disposed  on  the 

l.Because  this  jLo   had  ^   semblance  of  ta3t3el  prongs  it  ?/as 
classified  as  Type  III  c. 

butt  in  such  a^^way  that  the  blade  appears  to  symbolize  the  striking 
power  of  the  beak  or  claw.  The  head  of  the  birds  face  the  blade. 
The  cock-fight  which  is  now  so  common  in  China,  Indo-Chlna  and  all 
the  Malay  peninsula  ".-as  well  known  in  the  Shang  Dynasty.  This  suggest 
an  interpretation  of  the  3  different  bird  designs  grouped  under 
Type  IV  as  subtypes  A,B  and  C:  (1)  Type  A  (ilo  54-60)  and  Type  VIII  J) 
ilio   156);  a  cock  vilth  claw  outstretched  below  the  beak:  (2)  Type 

IV  B  (Ho  61*64);  a  cock  v/ith  claw  upraised  in  front  of  the  head, 
v/lth  faces  the  blade;  (3)  Type  IV  0  {ko   65-68)  a  cock  with  claw 
upraised  in  front  of  a  head  turned  away  twm   the  blade.  All  3  designs 
are  attitudes  assumed  by  cocks  1:1  combat.  Taej   seem  to  symbolize 
victory  and  the  death  of  the  enemy. 

The  writer  considers  that  these  2  designs,  the  dragon  and  tbe 
bird,  do  not  represent  a  male  and  female  symbolism.   Tliis  idea  came 
into  Chinese  thought  with  the  dualistic  Yin  Yang  school  in  the  vVarring 
States  or  Chou  III  period  481-206  B.C.  The  bird  represents  the 
the  struggle  between  equalscombatants  in  the  cock-pit,  while  the 
dragon-crocodile  sug^'ests  the  Justice  anu  power  of  the  great  animals 
carrying  out  the  will  of  over  ruling  Nature.   The  designs  also 
indicate  the  dread  in  which  such  animals  were 

aeld  in  a  troploal  land  like  tiie  tin  country  of  south  China  and 
the  Malay  peninsula.  The  horned  python  on  Ko  157,  a  design  well 
aiown  also  on  Shang  ritual  vessels,  adds  another  killer  from  the 

On  the  square  butts  of  flat  socketed  Ko^Type  V  and  Type  VII 
there  are  full-face^ masks  (Ko  88,  9?-,  133).  These  are  usually 
grouped  under  the  title  T*ao-±*  ieh^  jften  translated  '^glutton", 
Giles,  Dictionary,  11  159  suggests  that  "the  faca  of  an  animal  and 
no  body  on  bronze  vessels  is  to  be  interpreted  as  a  warning  against 

vJaltr        on  ox 

"gluttony".   To  the  writer  these  masks  wnether  ol  tiger ,b(/ftW«i  dragon 
or  pyiiiion  <3npeflf  rather  to    re^-req,  ey\  t  'devourers"  bringing  death. 

The  uiost  common  type  of  design  on  funereal  Ko  is  found  on  Type 
IIIA,  e,g.  Ko  34-48,   Compare  also  the  butt  of  jade  sickle  Mo  5, 
The  writer  has  called  this  e  three-animal  design.   It  pictures  the 
head  of  an  elephant  with  mongoloid  eye,  curved  trunk,  tusks  and  open 
mouth;  below  tuis  appear  the  wing,  foreclaw  and  tail  of  a  headless 
bird  seated  upon  the  horizontal  snaft  of  the  Ko  .   On  the  top  of 
the  elephant *s  head  a  tiger  head  with  pointed  ear  faoes^the  opposite 
direction  from  the  elephant's  trunk.   Above  these  again  are  two 
tassel  prongs  which  have  no  symbolic  connection  with  the  design, ^ 
Traces  of  the  tassel  may  be  part  of  the  encrustation  on  Ko  39j  Many 
Ko  with  this  desircn  have  been  very  poorly  cast  and  the  elements  of 


it  have   not   beea  ele- r   but   Ko,36,    61  ^n-i   other   -iimilar  Lo  not   re- 

o&»4eci   i*i?i'ft   clearly  show  tbe^parts   of  these   three   animals. 

The  significance  of  this  design  on  many  :Lirig-cn*i  Ko  seems 

important  for  the  symbolism  used  in  funeral  rites.   The  writer  nas 

not  been  able  to  find  any  straight^forward  and  satisfactory  inter- 

pretatlon,   Tiie  design  is  found  clearly  portrayed  on  Ko  35  v/uich  is 


insoribed  with  the  two  graphs  '♦^he  great  rainiuaker',  ta  ytl.  Tne 
set  of  vessols  and  weapons  similarly  insoribed  iias  Oeen  disoussed 
under  i^  55,  '^  xq  date  is  apparently  about  lUOO  .5,0.  "he  origin 
ol*  this  dosiga  naat  bo  Vvjry  early,  possibly  before  tiio  occupation 
of  the  '.'aato  of  Yin  in  1311  w,G,  l\or<i   taan  ono  tnuusand  yoara 
after  tliis  the  Ul   puih  vii*(ln  Ch*ifl  .aeotion^  a^iaa  ohih  .records 
"upon  0  Clioii  trifou  ther^  wae  ea,:jrfived  q  r*ao  T*  low.   It  hnd  a  hoad 
but  iio  body.  It  was  devcurlng  a  raan  but  had  ;iot  swallowed  him  down, 
when  dastruotion  reaohod  its  'oofly.  Chon   tinp^  oho  t*ao  t'ich,  yu 
shou  wu  shon  shih  j_on  vei   yen,  hai  c^iI  oh'i  £hen".  The  design  on 
Ko  36  and  on  nil  of  Type  IIIA  fits  t  in  doacrlptlou.  The  dovouror 
without  body  in  the  elephent,  the  devoured  is  a  biru^iiot  a  man;  the 
tlgor  on  the  head  of  the  elephant  brings  destruction  to  its  body. 
This  term  t*ap  t*ieh  seems  to  have  been  associated  with  the  tradi- 
tion of  an  ancient  people  in  China  called  the  '*Throe  Sprouts"  or 
3an  V>iao.  T*zu--t*uap-  Oiotionfiry ,  r.  2467,  quotes  the  comment  on 
Jan  Miao  in  ixuai  nan  t2»j ,  i  (s iu  wu  oeotion:  "T'ao  t'ieh  means  tne 
posterity  of  the  three  tribes  >an  teu  wno  ei'e  tiiererore  called  the 
"three  -Sprouts"  ian  £i«o.  The  T ' 2u  t'un^-^  uieo  quotes  under  V * ao 

/  fao  ciuh 

t'ieh  tv/o  worus   or  somev/hut   similar  souiiu^irOiU  the   Glas.->io   of 
History,       ^   "/Numerous  Re^iona  '   To   f^ng^  cf-.Legge      ill,    ;>,    497 

I  .      /Ol  Judex  5o,Uloor^"  1h^r^Mo  Chne^e  cktrachirS. 
translates   "(nsia)   daily  nonoui-od  tht^  oovetoous  anii  orudi."      ..iis 
document   balongs   to  the   bogiiuiin-:]  of  the  Giiou  dyaasty.^v    -^ne   iu- 
soription      (llou  pix^n  <i,2-6,16)    dating  about  IJ',00    ',0,   records  the 
words   "order  the  tl\roo  tribes  i^Sn    aan  J^»      ^i  this  sutt^ests 
that  tae  idea  of  t'ao  t*ieh  as^u  orutil  devourer  aaaooifc^jd  v/ith 
three  tribes  saa  tMu  of  the  BhBJXi<,  dynasty  poiatti  to  some  symbollo 


meaning  of  the  three-animal  desircn  on  Ko  34-48  of  Type  IIIA, 

T.:iis  deslP'n  nay  have  to  dp  ydth  tiireo  trlu^^^jOi'  the  r-ncicnt  rast 

and  may  be  totenistio  in  its  3ynooli?»ir^-  1\\C  t^^ii^n  mau   ontj^    ^i^oi-of  chourece. 

symboliiie  the  devouring  of  death.   The  tenuThas  been  very  much 

misused  by  soholars  in  descriptions  of  Gi.lnese  animal  masks.  The 

t^ao  t '  ieh  deVv:)urin?^  on  bronze  ^0^°^  vessels  i.'i  nuch  nore  vividly 

pictured^.   It  is  found  on  the  handles  of  bronze  ritual  vessels. 

The  so-called  "Ghou  hook"  oft eii  shows  the  claw  and  tail  of  the 

bird  being  devoured.   The  body  aiid  v«ings  of  the  bird  forn:  the 

handle.   The  aevouring  nead  is  sometimes  an  elephant  but  iiiore 

often  it  is  another  animal,   oome  01  tnese  ritual  vessels  have 

early  Chou  dynasty  in:;criptions.   mis  does  xiot  inaicate  that 

tills  devouring  design  bef?,in3  in  tne  Cnou  dynasty  but  points  to 

the  continuation  of  tne  design  from  early  Jhang  II  into  the  tiarly 

Chou  dynasty. 

'iie   luust  however^  look  to  the  Shang  dynasty  culture  complex 
for  the  origins  of  this  three  animal  devouring  design  in  Chinese 
art,   Tiie  ideag  ezpressed  v;ere  symbolic  and  i^ot  realistic  for 
t'ae  elephant  is  :iot  carniverous.   Ko  36,  37  e;nd  sickle  5  have 
jade  blades  witb  this  three-animal  design  on  the  butt  in  bronze 
inlaid  with  turquoise.   These  Vvore  fit  for  ceremonies  in  the 
royal  court  as  were  the  elaborate  ritual  vessel?  ha\i\n(^   handles 
wifk    siwila/-  clesii^n.  The  fear  of  animals  is  often  vividly  portrayed 
In  the  collection  of  southern  poems  called  the  Sle'^ios  of  Ch'Ui^^TV'^, 
and  it  is  to  this  southern  region  we  r.inst   look  for  the  atmosphere 
of  the  symbolism.   Here  too,  is  the  traditional  home  of  the  ancient 
San  Miao. 

The  square  butted  Ko  of  Type  V  and  Type  VII  are  often 


inaorlbed  with  the  f^ra^ih  of  the  ovraer's  name,  A  pair  of  small 

dragons  with  open  mouths  fQcltl{^,the  blade  are  '-laced  on  eeoh 

side  of  the  graph  as  in  Ko"72,  82»  127,  120  and  lol.  Headless 

drGfTOJu;^  flank  the   graphs   on  Ko   71,   713,    76,    79,   bl,   35,   84,    132 

end  133, 

Trlnngi/iar  Ko  162  presents  en  intrioato  design  in  various 

;  lanes  v/:.lcri  ic  a  three-animal  puziilo  mask,     lu  the  desirja  are 

Wfl'-er  hoHalo  &T(fio 
Xri^o  draf-ons,  liin/* ,   vie\7od  oidewice,  v/hllo  z  fcog  oocur.ies  the 

middle  rortion  of  the  deslrn.     The  whola  cnnenible  suggests  the 

tickler  rask. 

Ordinary  .-^han'-'  dynasty  full  faoe  masks^onn  be  divided  into 
t'.vo  halves  dov/n  the  ihiddle  so  thnt  each  half  su  pest??  a  aide 
vlow  of  the  aniianl.     In  tnis  oxampl^j,    however,    thebos  fortas  the 
oontral  part  while  tljQ  sirti-:  vif^wii  of  the  dreronfi  form  the  open 
jaws.      This  may  be  only  a   puzzle,    the   problem  being  to  distin- ' 
guiah  the  draf.oa,   theSos  and  the  tiger  in  the  design. 

The  deslf^ns  of  little  nen  v;lth  pointed  oaps  qu  Ko  168,   169 
and  170  i»resent  a  different  problem.     These  Ko  have  been  dated 
to  Ohou  III   or  the  }?an  dynasty.     The  provenance  of  Ko  169  is 

IiK'o  Ohin*^,     The  shapes  of  the   Mf?de?i  conform  to  the  tradition 

a,l;l^e  Won* 

of  tne   ^hanr  dynasty  ind  aro^clt  f  ferent  a  * -^'  ^IV^  of  '{■■?.  ^'^^-0^  pre- 
vailed in  Ohou  III  or  the  ;tan  dynasty.      ai'iiQ  huj:\an  fig-ure  it  r:ust 
be  reneradered  was  not  absolutely  debarred  from  3hang  design,   A 
tyxjiotii  Siianj;  dynasty  Jinf.i'j,   for  iustanoe  r.nov/o  tv/o  fifures 
v;ich  eianorate  iiair  ilreasing  and   bent  arias ^^  whic|,   ^o^^^itfhe  liftje 

1,      G,T,Loo,    An  exaibitioa  of  r^nlnose     'ronzoa,   l'J39, 
plate  iCXIl',   lio.    5, 

Saoaftin^  nien  on  ko  /68  I^S^nd  I70.  Lohieh  a  f>p^/'fo  he  2ahe  }n  doJ-^-  bof 

To  Cixyru    c>i\-'\h€  SnAp-c    ar\d     hafifn^   o f-^^h-e    Slnan^  //o, 


The  number  of  Insoribed  Ko. 

OorapnrativQly  few  Shang  Ko  were  inscribed,     osaibly  not 
raore^  tluui  fivo  percent.     In  mcnotjrap}!  the  proj^ortiou  of 
iaaoribed  to  lixiliifjoribed  gpociraeas  does  act  .Indicate  tlie    crue 
proportionr.  amous-  all  the  extant  Ko  of  the  Shan:;::  periott^.      Apart 
from  the  ^ooxitext,  vhloh  Ih  very  rnroiy  recorded,   the  grapho  are 
the  only  evidence  waion. can  asalst^in  fixirr  the^dateo  of  the  Ko, 

IH^o   l)iis    corpus 

The  v/ritar  thoraforH  gotUertd  together ^ali  the  iuc.Gx'iood  apoai- 

ciena^he   oould  oDt.ain^  exoludEd-   -my  that   3c:;iiOv;  Uiiroliabi^  end 

ali30  5:et  Hwide  cony  foAr  ruobinfce  of  insari.itions  v/hicn  wore 

not  aoooEi>>aaiod  by  tne   shnpy  or  iaoacurciaeiits   ol"  the  blades. 

oeventy  f./o  oi^arinleo  v.-ere  oDtnlned,      "^xoiadin.;   du^^lioatos   «VoU 

on  Ko  of  different  typea  and  oountlnf:  '^H  "the  /graphs  on  both 

sides  of  the  same  Ko  onj^y  as  0:10  unit,   t.icre  a:e  f'fty-four 

different  inBorlptlonsI 

X,  The  f;rarh  on  y_o   Ibd  Lc   oiaitted  an  t.ic;  writta' 
now  fears  that  It  is  out  rattier  tliau  oaat, 
pnd  that  it  ir;  a  copy  of  that,  on  Ko  72,   He 
has  not  saen.   the  spaciaien  but  prefers  not 
to  inoiude  the  crap-  ler.'t  it  ;-'ruvo  mislead- 
ing for  the  date  of  Ko  158.  Tiie  _^,  both 
in  form  and  decoration,  r ena Ins*^ valuable 
exanpla  of  the  aax-ro'.v  Tyrie  I7.ji, 

ihil^faphi    en    l^a     Hl-H^    ore.    alsa  -raqa^A^   hiTth-e-ViY'ht.r    aS  false. 
andl  io     «r<     net"     I's/-E^. 

Types  of  Ko  nost  frequently  Liearibed. 

The  writer  considera  that  the  followin.':  analysis  of  the 


oorij-arative  frequency  of  Inncriptiona  foun^^Atho  various 

tyi)e3  represents  a  fair  aam!->le  of^^ ail^bhanp  ^   as, 

known  at 

-TATTLE    I     /(iscribe«i  l<p    \t\   fKis  monoi^rtjph's    Catolo<^oe- 
Comparative   frequency  of  inscriptions  on  various  types  of  Shang  Ko 

Gfoup  A  .^ri-ei.oer\fUi   \n5<=rioed-    ly  pes. 

'^         ^        ilo.  of 

Mo.  cf  ^tifferent 




Ko  Gat,   Ho. 


















95-112   and 
















jecle  Ko 

Group    3      In  fr-£i^je.n-tiLj   i«Sc>'iO€.d.-rj  pe5, 

tasi^eled  55  and        4 

tv>'o  slots   159 

Grapii  on  Ko  15ri  is  now  suspect  and^uot  listed.   Graphs  on  Ko 
171-174  are  believed  false  and  not  listed.  ,    ^  _,j      ,   , 

List  of  t' e  more  iiii2ort<3nt  inscriptions  cxi  Shang  Ko  omitted  from 
tiie  jdates  in  this  monograph  for  lack  of  blade  share  and  E^i inurements. 
The  type  of  Ko  can  often  be  deternlnod  frorti  the  rubbing  of  the  butt  near 
the  socket  ridge,  or  the  hol^'  at  the  back  edge  of  the  shaft, 
1.  UbU   Yin  2,80.5;  .-socketed  Tyre  Yll 

2«  llsfi  Yin  2,30.7;  ^ocK^^tod  ry^e  VII 
'5.  Iis«  Yin  2,80.e;  rocketed  Type  VII 
4.  'Jfc'tl  Ylu  H.80.9;  rocketed  Type  VII 

.seme  graph  as  Ko  134  (Type  VII 


same  grspn  as  Ko  84  (Type  V  flat) 

additional  p.raph, 

same  graph  as  Ko  -31  (Type  V  flat) 

same  f^TBvh   as  Ko  84 (Typo  V  flat) 

5.  dsn   Yin  2.L'i.l  tind  2;    flat  Tyre  V; 

"it  .Is' possi'ile  that  this  Ko  is  cf  Type  VII.  The  rubbing,  does  not 
rfive  H  clear  iudj cation. 

^*   il^H  XAP  i^.ai.4  and  o,  same  an  .jnn-tai  and  9;  flat  Type  V; 
adoitional  rraph. 

"^^  iiSii  Xiit  i:i.d2.a  and  9,  samo  as  6an-tai  19. V. 7  and  d;  flat  Type  V; 
adcJitionp].  f^rarh. 


Table  of  Inscribed  Ko  combining  thoae  of  Tables  I  and  II. 

Qrojp   A      'trec^jant- Ij    mscnoe^.  Tlp&s. 

Type          liaftlnp.              Butt                       IIo«    of  Uo,    of  different 

exaiiiples  inr.oriptions 

28  18 

20  16 

20  14 

5  5 















Types  V, 



73  "TT 

dqroo  p    '2"  I  n'rr-e.^u^yit  1^    mser,  b  ed-  7j  pes. 

Ill     flat         tas soled       1  1 

IX      flat         two  slots      4  2 

II      flat         Jade          1  1 

Total  tyioes  //,  III,  IX             6  T 

As  more  complete  information  about  3hang  Xo  beoomea 


available^ additSons  will   be  made  to   these  numbers.      The 
vrriter  has  omitted  many  other  Ko  of  wnich  he  v/as  doubtful-, 

and  u/fimfl^-e/^ 

>5ome  of  these  may,, be  proved  diutb^At't^.   The  above  tables 
represent  presoat  knowledge  and  the  writer  considers  that 
the  comparative  results  will  prove  w.iiid  lor  any  future 

additions.  These  a^^i+.ons   s^iouo  ^<xt  "G<^u^  1^    ^<^^     ^'"  ^^'^ 

^Slxty-slx^Ko  and  fifty  different  inscriptions  belong  to 
Ci  TOO  0  A 
^Types  V,  VI,  VII  and  Till,      Tiiese  four  types  appear  to  form  a 

group  on  wbioli  inscriptions  of  a  similar  nature,^were  much  more 

frequent  thaxi  ou  other  types.   Only  six  Ko  and  four  different 


inscriptions  belonfr  to^Types  TI,  III  and  IX.  No  example  of 
Ko  Type  IV  v/itii  the  JoDed  butt  was  found  to  be  iascribed.   Ko 
with  square  butts  were  most  frequently  inscribed.   Types  V  and 
VII  have  between  thora  fort^  two  exam^-^les  '/fith  thirty- two  d^ff- 
eront  inscribtions, ^  As  seen  in  the  individual  studies  of  their 
inscriptions,  many  of  these  nooketed  Ko  v/ere  dated  earljr  in  the 
Shang  II  roriod.   This  fact  seems  to  indicate  tl'at  the  soclveted 
Ko  was  well  developed  before  the  r"0^/e  to  Yin  in  1311  i'.G.  and 
suggests  that  it  had  been  commonly  inscribed  before  that  date, 
A  great  many  unlnsoribed  socketed  Ko  of  tnis  type  have  been 
found  in  many  parts  of  China i?^;^AllU0^.t  no  archaeological  evidence 
regarding  them  is  available.  Ten  examples  in  the  Hoyal  Ontario 
Museum  of  Archaeology  (Ko  141-150)  aava  oeen  included  in  this 
monograph.  These  co^uaon  socketed  Ko  should  be  studied  in  tiieir 
archaeological  seti,ings  to  -determine  v/hether  they  are  of  the 
same  early  date  as  the  inscribed  examples. 

Date  of  inscriptions  on  '^yvea   V,  VI,  VII  and  VIII. 

It  is  ira'^ossibie  to  place  the  ox'igin  of  any   one  of  these 
four  types,  V,  Yl ,   'ITl   or  VIII,  late  in  the  Snang  II  period  ^f or 
some  ini^oriptions  in  oaou  type  are  definitely  of  the  early  part 
of  'hat  period.  The  earliest  inscriptions  are  found  on  the  best 
examples,  best,  that  is,  in  alloy,^3n/>de3ign,  and  in  having 
inscriptions  inlaid  with  turquoise.   All  four  types  V,  VI,  VII 


and  VIII  v/ere  in  common  use  togetiier  soon  after  the  move  to  Yin, 
Ko  75  of  Type  V  with  h  square  butt  has  the  same  graph  as  I_o  95  of 
Type  VI  with  a  rounded  hutt  and  sharp  spur.   Ti-is  Is  dei'inite 
proof  that  tliesc3  two  types  existed  at  the  same  time  and  Tine  graph 
is  bone-script  period^in  datetiau- '|97 '^.'^ J' 

From  tho  evidence  of  inscriptions  ii.o\f   avaiiable  the  foliowing 
observations  may  be  aii\ja.nced   as  a  basis  for  further  study.   At 
the  begin^ilng  of  the  ohang  II  period  tiie  socketed  Ko  of  Type  VII 
was  comirionly  used  in  war  by  ordinary  soldiers  and  was  also  the 
most  frequently  inscribed  weapon  placed  v/ith  the  setf^  of  bronze 
ritual  vess'^ls  belongin--  to  important  "orsons, 

AoT  Flat  Fo  of  typos  V  an6   VT  viere   botl;  equally  coifir-on  but  those 
with  square  biitts  may  have  been  more  coirj^jon  in  early  times*   Accord- 
ing to  bone  inscriptions  the  graph  on  sook?;ted  Ko  154  with  a  rounded 
butt  and  a  spur  at  the  bottom  edge  was  of  early  3hang  II  date.   It 
seems  possible  both  square  and  rounded  types  of  butt  v/ere  in 
use  at  the  same  time  durin,r^  the  3hang  II  period. 

Proper  sequence  in  reading,  the  obverse  aud  reverne  graphs  on  the 
Shang  Ko, 

In  ooiapllin<3  the  oatnlof^uo,  the  v/rlter  grouped  the  ICo  into 
eubJivif'ioui^  of  types  aocordlufj  to  tiio  position  of  the  graph  on 
the  Ko;  i.e.  according  as  it  occurred  on  the  obverse,  or  on  the 
reverse  or  on  both  sides.   The  study  has  not  rvjvealod  an;  eooJohonary 
basia  for  this  subdivision.  From  the  point  of  view  of  typology^ 
however,  this  seems  to  be  the  iriOst  lo^^ical  arrangement.   It  is 
retained  ia  the  hope  that  future  study  may  discover  some  explana- 
tion for  the  placing  of  the  graphs. 

There  is  no  establislied  p>raotice  to  indicate  w  ilah  side  of 
the  Ko  is  obvers-j  and  w..lch  reverse,  Tne  insoi'luod  aide  of  this 
Ko^no  matter  whioli  side  the  inscription  is  on,  is  now  usually 
sailed  the  obverse,   Tais  tyj'e  of  aiubi<.';uity  suould  be  avoided. 
The  Vi'riter  nas  therefore  adopted  the  foliovving  distinction :   the 
obvorse  of  a  ho  ia  drav.n  on  the  page  aa  tiioUji-^h  the  raaaer  -Aere 
holding  the  woarou  in  hia  right  hand  v/lth  the  shaft  upright  and 
the  point  faclniis  left, 

Different  graphs  ai-e  cast  on  the  opposite  sides  of  Ko  70,  71 
117,  118,  119  and  151,   It  ia  inpcrtant  to  knov/  v.'Lich  aide  should 
be  read  first  for  thit  reason.  These  graphs  are  probably  the 
names  of  tlio  ov/nor.  In  oi*aol«  bone  inscriptions  the  tribal  or 
estate  murie  precedoa  tLti  name  of  a  nan's  office  or  personal  name, 
Tiiif)  order  probably  should  apply  on  the  K£  inBoriptions,   It  is 
diffloult,  !iov/evor,  to  be  certain  of  tt.lp,  for  or;  Ko  117  the  praph 
Ko  is  inscribed  on  th«  reverDo  vhllc  on  Vc   llfl  the  name  graph  Ko 
is  on  the  obvcrpe.  It  i?  possible,  however,  that  tJ.;e  (jranh  '*Ko"  did 
not  mean  the  same  thin,^:  on  those  tv.'c  vrna-ons.  In  Lo_  117  ""^crse" 
nay  bo  t{;o  tribal  noine  and  " iTp"  tiio  office  of  the  owner,  .ow  in 

II   V 

the  Oracle  bone  inscriptions  Ko  is  sometlis^es  a  tribal  nane  so  that 

II    ;/ 

on  ro  113^  Ko  may  be  the  tribal  r-.;\ine  and  "Announcer"  Kao  the  office 
of  tho  Q-fmer, 

Of  tna  Ko  that  ara  iascriued  only  on  one  side  about  one  half 
have  thri  ,':r?.ph  on  tlia  obvorse  and  about  ono  iialf  on  the  reverse, 
Tt  iJiie'hfc  b'3  suggested  that  these  Ko  were  inBoribed  for  ri^jht  and 
left  f-tutlons  in   thts  teujle  service  or  for  a  right  and  left  file 
of  an   jficoi't  of  /Co  bearers.    This   does  not   r-eem  to  be   so,    liov/ever. 



for  the  Ko_ln  the   .^ota  cited  under  Ko  35,   44-4C,   102-107  all 
have  the  grapii  oatit  on  tho  same  side. 

The  orientation  of  .graphs  oast  on  3hen^-.  Ko, 

In  ruo3t  casetj  the  luooi'ipt/ioas  en  -Stianf:  Ko  conrjiot  of  one 

^;rai:u  oajt   on  ti-e   tutt.      Tlie   orientation  of  thii   .si::  le  (-;;rai;rj 


18   sirnificafit  for  ths   au&tom  variea  in  subau nuent-.criofis.   All 


the  eiaxupltiS  iii  tikia  monograph,   nxotpt  Ko  IG  t'jiu  threfe  apparent 

exoeiitiona  to   bo  notod   later,    l'ol3  ov  oua   x-ulo.      The  f'l    ph  v.'&s 

upri^rht  aoid  properly  read  v.'nen  the   shaft  wys   U(:l(.r   i.y   tue,    LVif_j.jt 

down.  « o  ihaMli^sraph-  aftj»g»v& 

hand  in  a  horlzoi^tal  position  'with  the  poiiit-to  be  tased  on  'ohe 
shaft t     Jinae  the  sJiafts  arti  uow  loisaing  tho  rolnt  of  the  blade 
should   69  helti  in  th'5  hand  with  the  butt  up  and  the  oonoave  edge 
to  tue  ripho  Jiand,     In   this  position  the  A^rapJi  on  tu©  obverse  of 
the   i.lade  will   be   in  the  proper  position  for  reading.     When  this 
rule  is  act   followed  jtnese  3impl^i  piotOf:J?aphfi  aro  of  to::  nisunder- 
stood  03  has   beea   the  oaye  with  Ko  1C7,     Tu'd  e;raph  on  this  speol- 
men  really  shows  a  ixiun  sT/andinfij  on  hiii   head  and  not,   as  haa  been 
thouf:ht,   a  staadlnf,  on  uis   feot,   tv/o  cuitj  difforont  ideas. 

The  ^^raph  •*Mo'*  for  tha  w^.ipon  itself  anpear.i  to  be  an  e.  oeption 
to  thi  rule  of  oriei/tation.      It   is   foimd  on  Ko  iiO,   117  and  IIB,     Tho 
drav.-ixif;  of  the  Ko   L»la<i9  follo.vs   the  i^xia  of   Lite  &nt.u(-il  blfido  and 
the  shaft  is   drawn  parallel  to  the  aotufti  nhaft,   as  thouc-h  the 
person  jtriiiing  n  bio/.'  aiti^   tne  £jo  wished  the  drawing  of  the  Ko 
to   be  pointed  iii  ti^e  dix-eotion  of  the  biOA'.      In  thi^^;   oasa  the 
feeling  for  oongruity  in  art  daait-n  o/orrulsii  the  ordinary  ouatoxa. 

Ko  110  has  only  the  single  graph  but  Ko  117  and  113  tiave  each 
another  ^raph  oant  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  butt,   Each  of 
I  these  otner  graphs  is  rlaced  in  the  customary  way.  The  graph 
"Announcer"  Kao  on  ^  ^'^     is  bascd  on  the  shaft  as  it  should  be 
On  Ko  117  thti  .icrye's  nead  face;3  the  point  lu  the  direction  of 
the  blow  oein;;',  etruolc  and  chus  at  i'irst  .t^lanot;  api)aars  to  be 
another  oxoeption.  iiut  it  ia  to  bu  aot-dd  tiiao  the  grapn  for 
''horse"  in  Coiuess  i3  nevx-r  read  a^^  though  the  norso'n  feet  were 

standing  on  the  horizontal  plane  of  the  i-round.   In  oracle  boue 

sentenoers  auoh  as  Is  a  ;'i;3n  3,40,3,  in  the  succeeding  bronze  in- 
scriptions and  in  present  day  vv-riting  tho  graph  "norse"  la  drawn 
as  though  waikinp  up  tLio  perpendicular  line  of  graphs,  head  up  and 
tail  clown.   Had  he  heea   represented  iu  tiiis  attitude  on  Ko  117,  the 
horaa,  v/hioh  is  possibly  a  tribal  or  family  name,  would  have 
appeared  to  be  running  away  from  th3  battle  instead  of  following 
the  Ko  into  action,   Uers  a>Tai-i  o'.ia  regard  for  con-^rult.y  in   design 
overruled  the  oi-dlnary  prao.tioe.   In  the  oraol3  bone  sontucceg  and 
in  the  succoedin^^  bronze  Inscriptions  trie   ori.intatiun  of  the  r^raph 
Ko  does  not  <;ii:ffer  froia  that  of  othor  graxiho;  it  alv;aj  s  stands  up- 
right in  the  perpendicular  line  of  the  fientenoe-^.  ifron  these  apparent 

1.   Set;  Cj.'ib-.n  pietxx  o.i^l,^);  V.lii.i;  V,i4r.l  and  Ts'ul  ^ie^ 

exceptions  we  learn  that  Cuinoae  art  desif-n  and  iJiixnese   oalliFraphy 

were  closely  associated  at  the  beginning  of  the  Shang  II  period  if 

not  before,   Eo  117  and  118  may  even  antedate  1311  13, G,   These  two 

Ko  are  old  finds  of  early  Shang  Ko  from  unknovm  sites.   Thoir  graphs 

are  done  in  the  style  of  bone  script  of  Period  I, 


Early  in  tne  Choi  I  period  siUfUe  graphs  oontinued  to  be  oast 
on  the  butts  of  ^^o.  ^ov.'^   few  followed  the  old  Sxian^  tradition.-^ 

1.  San-tai   19.21.2;    19.C5.2;   13.2().l. 

Cn  otiiors   tii»';  ci'Spu  v-au   upri^^t  wii£;ji  the   saait  was  aeid  perpendiou- 
Irir.*-     Tills  rule   seeiLS  tc  have   j-redoraiua&ya  ^  -tot:     on  still  others 

2.  "au-t  ^i   ig,^?,^;    19.;^9.;3;    id.^^..i;    ia..i.3,x;    19.^4.ii 
an  i  a  nur.'b'ir  of  wanpons  oxoavatod   by  the   Acadsnla 
•Jinloa  at;  tho   early  Cj.»ou  .^ite  uoar  dsiixi  Jtaieu  railv/ay 

tho  .^raph  •.''a:-3  orl.;uti;u  in  a  alreoLlon  oiv-ogits  tc   that  ot  the  3haag. 

Thtj   prooli.ion  of   tha  3haag  artisaxi  8n<1   t;.e  car*>loasne3P  of  the   Ohou 

are  nioeiy  iiluBtrattrd  by  this  ninor  pvoint,      Lat:r  in  Ohou  II  and 

aiou  III  lon':or  Inscriptioun  v^ere  oa;it  on  the  hu  or  ourvod   -^art 

of  tiio  blade  at  tuo;^   of  the   aliaft.      In   late  Choti  IIT   and 

Han  timsa  inaori^)tions  wero  cut  on  tho  weapon.!  after  f-n^y  had  been 

cast,      Inccription.i   on   tho   blarjo   sunn  aa   thoao   on  r_o  173-174  v/ore 

..ot   found  in  Ga.v     -oriod  of  aiitl'.iul'o:-. 

Tho  rriea.nln.v  of  th a  K^'apiio . 

Tho  fiirepht'  oaot  on  these  Shang  Ko  are   th-=>  uaiii^s  of  their  ov/nors, 

"iiesy  person^',  worfe  important  ri,rurea  in  tne  lifv  of  the  bhnng 

dynasty.      Sooit?  of  tneir  naicoa  xtaye   boa/i   fcmnd   cloo  on  uracio-  bone 

in.  oriptious,     Tnis  su^-f^efto  that  they   were  the  /xau-eG  by  viruioh 

thescj   ;>er«}ona  v/w-re  aalled   .luring  thair  lifeLiiae.     la  the   Jhaiig 

nasty  Wo  know   that  tuo   tenipi«i  namea  were   -'ivv^n  afte.r  deafn.       <■ 

"•lang   i.iag  was  K-auwa   by   .iiu^uame   day  and  preceded  by  a  tt-iripla   title 

in  reiorenoca   to  nim  oy  his   dosceudauta,       After  thO' ,>5«uera;-ion  of 

is    aonsar^d    ^randSor^s    ^^o  u%&^'Hie   Ootnynon   in-iiviiaTe    faMiKjn^mes  father  and 
(frand  fathe-r. 

The  names  found  on  the  Ko  appear  alao  on  s^-ts   of  bronze  ritual 

vessels  v/ith  whloh  the  Ko  wero  associated,   L'hus  Ko  35  and  five 


Others  were  found  In  the  same  pit  vflth  a  auinbor  of  ritual  vessels 
similarly  iaaoribod,     .Jomo  of  these  seta  of  ritual  vessels  .iave 
the  temple  iiamos  of  inoeavors   ii.  addition  to  th'i   "livln/^."  name  of 
the  ovmor.     These  vessels  wnra  made  for  the  owner  in  honour  of  his 
father,    fu,   ipothor,  mu,   elder  brother,   hslun?,   gran-jfather,   tsu.   or 
f.randcothor,  j^l.     On  th'3  oi'uole  bonea  tno  namss  of  these  fafers, 
motnorc,   oldir  broti'jrs,   grandfathers,   //randmothers  and  other  temple 
tl*".l2n  are  rctifcrioted    '-.o  tho   I'oyal  family,      jinoo  riore  than  Uvonty 
thousand  oi-aolo  boxio  insorijtioatj  have  been  tj>.aminad  'lithoiit  this 
restriction  bolnr  viola  tod,    ii:  seems  probRbit-  thwt   siailar  Foioestral 
nanoB  cant  on  t.^ia  bronze  ritual  v<5'i5a^;ls  whioh  llkov^lse  were  used  in 
ancealral  oorononies ,   should  al.<!0  havo  b.-*v«n  re^'irioted  to  the  royal 

fanily;     Most  ao^ioltii':-^  o  asider  that  broaze  ritual  vessels   Inijoribed 

with   "fathor"  I'oiiowod  ))y  a^niuae  day  wicdit  belon.-   to  anyone  and 

little  ettonticn  ba.s  been  ;>Hl>i    lo   vhcn  a^  a  source  of  roynl   qenealo- 

,sioal  record,     Ibe  wrltsir  .considers  thr»t  '.UianR  dyna.-ty  Innoriptions 

on  bronze:  ritual  ver.Aftl?:  arj  the  aotu«l  records  of  roynl  roiatlon- 

ghirs.     I'.ost  of  tiies'o   lii-^^sriptioaa  ocau-»ist  of  only  t/iree  !?;rG,:.hs: 

(1)    c.    "ilvlnij"  name  of  tho  owner  vfbloh  we  will  dysi^nnto  X,    (2)   a 


r©latioii?ihlp  for  vThit^h  v.'e  will  use   Tathor''  im-^    (3)    ;;;^nair;v;   day,   one 
of  the    lyolf?  of  ten  days  on  v/liloh  the   "father"  is   "rennjribor'.Jd", 
possibly  V:\9  da/  of  ;-'ia   J.^irth. 


Consider  a  hypothetical  set  of  ritual  vessels.  The  "living" 
name  of  the  ovmerXis  oast  on  each  article*  The  set  inoludes  Ko. 
spears,  mao;  horse  jingles,  luani  socketed  axe,  fuj  butcher  knife, 
tao I   liquor  ladles,  £li  four-posted  torch  stand:*  cups,  ohuehj  vases, 
ku,"  liquor  palls,  ^,  large  beakers,  tsunj  small  beakers,  ohih* 
square  ritual  cooking  pots,  fan^  tin^ ,'  large  round-bottomed  cooking 
pots,  tia  'tine;  small-lobed  cooking  pots 7" ting t  hollow-logged  cooking 

—  A 

pots,  lij  food  bowls,  kuei;  auimal-covered  gravy-boat-^  kuan^;  large 
liquor  heater,  chla ;  steamer,  hslon,*  tall  liquor  jars,  rmj  large 

^oo^nA   Z  I  i^Oor  jaf,  jAo    and-   hii^h  (■ood  ^Tiin^orbasirj,  pan  . 

liquor  Jar,  lei; ^  Most  of  these  articles  have  onlyXthe  "living"  name 

of  the  owner  inscribed  on  them.  Some  vessels  however,  have  additional 

graphs  such  as  "X  father  Chla",  "X  father  Keng",  "X  father  Hsin", 

"X  father  Yl",  "X  father  KujI",  "X  father  Chi",  "X  mother  Keng", 

"^  ^rand  cath.-tr  Tso      /in'-",  "X  elder  brother  v/u",  "X  elder 

brother  xing". 

This  appears  to  be  a  niaa  medley  of  names  witaout  m-fhiQ   or 

reason,  but  actually  such  a  set  might  well  have  belonged  to  King 

Wu  Ting  or  to  /^     of  nis  generation.  Father  Chla  is  King  isiang 

(Yang)  Chia;  Father  Keng  is  King  i-*an  ileng;  Father  Msin  is  King 

Hsiao  Ilsin;  Father  Yi  is  King  Hsiao  Yl;  Mother  Keng  is  the  wife  of 

King  lislao  Yl;  Ancestor  Ting  is  King  Tsu  Ting;  elder  brothers  .Vu 

and  Ting  are  known  from  oracle  bone  inscriptions;  Father  Chi  also 

is  known  from  an  oracle  bone^  and  Father  Kuei  is  known  to  be  his 

!•  Gh* len  plen  1.27.1  and  3,25.4.  Father  Chi  belonged  to 
the  generation  of  King  P'an  Keng,  Tuis  is  proved  by  a 
broken  scapula  bone,  two  fragments  of  wnioa  have  been 
Joined:   Ch*ien  plen  1,27.1  and  3.23.4.   The  diviner  is 
Yiin  1.9  of  the  first  bone  script  period,  1255-1197  B.C. 
The  bone  belongs  to  King  -Vu  Ting's  reign.  In  the  inscrip- 
tion he  addresaes  an  uncle  as  Father  Chi  associated  with 
ancestor  Tsu  Hsin,  14th  generation,  and  ancestor  Tsu  Ting 
15th  generation.   Father  Chi  caniiot  be  Tsu  Cui  of  tao  lath 
generation,  since  that  would  put  the  bone  inscription  in 


the  19th  generation  of  King  Lin  iiala  and  ;'»ane  Tsu  Ting 
1156-1143  B.C.   By  this  time  the  script  had  altered 
Eiaterially  and  diviner  Yiin  1,9  was  long  ainoo  dead.  The 
script  of  thia  bone  has  some  similarity  ^/itii  that  of 
oracle  bone  llou  pien  1,25.9  v/iiioh  lists  in  order  father 
Chia  (Haiang  Yan^-  Chia);  Father  Keng  (P*an  KentO  aj^d  Father 
Hain  (iisiao  llsin)  side  by  side.  These  three  kinj^s  were 
called  fathers  in  thl«  order  therefore  they  were  the 
brother  kings  named.  This  suiPgested  the  method  of  dating 
oracle  bone  Inscriptions  and  also  of  dividing  them  into 
bone  script  periods, 

brother  from  bronze  inscriptions  of  which  a  number  are  cited  under 
the  individual  studies  of  th«  Ko, 

The  important  fact  to  note  here,  however,  is  that  X  is  the 
living  name  of  King  V/u  Ting  or  other  royal  person  of  his  genera- 
tion, sons  of  his  father  or  his  father's  brothers.  Thus  we  may 
say  that  all  those  "living"  names  inscribed  on  Ko  which  can  be 
linked  with  ancestral  names  on  ritual  seta  belong  to  the  Shang 
royal  family.  These  "living"  names  were  inscribed  even  on  J^ln£- 
ch*i  seta  and  buried  with  the  owner  in  his  tomb.  This  interpreta- 
tion of  Shang  d3masty  inscriptions  explains  the  variety  of  an- 
cestral relationships  found  on  one  and  the  same  set  of  ritual 
vessels.  /)//  H^  i^aha^ces  c.^W.  or,^€v>lT,^  xndtyHdual  Ho  setm  13  ccnfcrm  te  ih 

On  the  oracle  bones  the  king  is  called  simply  "the  King", 
"jVang.  He  would,  of  course,  have  had  a  private  name  while  still 
prince  or  son  before  becoming,  king.  Many  such  names  have  been 
found.  They  are  prefaced  by  the  word  "Son",  The  graphs  follow- 
ing "Son"  however  seem  to  be  the  names  of  offices.  The  writer 
has  gathered  more  thanfbrty  of  them  from  the  oracle  bones,  A 

nuEibar  of  these  are  also  inscribed  on  the  Ko,  e>g,  70,  71,  75,  95,  7i, 

Sl.S^^Other  graphs  on  the  bones,  aj  parently  names  of  generals  are 

found  also  on  Kq.  7;^, 98,  112,  129,  136y^and  13^,   Several  diviners' 

names  found  on  the  bones  were  also  cast  on  the  Ko,  e.g.  76,  111, 

and  127.  The  same  is  true  of  names  of  tribes  or  nations,  e.g. 
o  80,  River  People;  Ko  117,  horse;  Ko  136,  Battle  Axe;  names  of 
officials,  e.g.  Ko  153,  Historian;  Ko  152,  Irime  Minister;  Ko  134, 
Proteotor;  Ko  138,  Son;  names  of  places,  e.g.  Ko  85,  86,  87,  119- 
125;  names  of  women's  families,  e.g.  Ko  154,  Fruit-tree,  Ko  110, 
118^;  Ko  80,  River, 2 

1.  jvo  is  sometimes  written  on  the  oraoio  bones  with  a 
graph  for  woman  beside  the  Ko,  e.g.  Ch*ien  njen 

C,ii6.8»    ir\dica-t[YM^  il^oi-  -j-ha    Womans"  Pamilu  t,0m<.  y^as  "k'c". 

2.  liiver  is  also  v/rittea  with  woman  on  bone-end  T3*ui 
pien  1483. 

In  the  Tap  Ghuan.  eighth  year  of  Duke  Yin  we  read,  •»  .hen  the 

Son  of  Heaven  ohose  out  virtuous  men  he  gave  them  surnames,  hsinj?,. 

acoordiaR  to  thoir  origin  by  birth.  He  granted  them  land  and 

chartered  them,  ming,  with  a  title,  shih, ""^  The  study  of  surnames, 

3.  Logge,  V,  p.  24,  Chinese  text,  lino  14,  English,  p. 
25  translates— "Vi'hen  the  3on  of  Heaven  would  eaoble 
the  virtuous  he  gives  thoiu  surnames,  haim^,  from  the 
birth  places  of  their  ancestors,  yin  slieng ;  ho  rewards 
thera  v/ith  territory  and  tiae  name  of  it  becomes  their 
clan  name,  shih.**  ohih  is  now  traiiclatod  "clan"  but  in 
the  begianiu^;  it  v/as  a  title  or  office  conferred  as 
distinct  from  origin  by  birth, 

haing,  emd  clan  names,  shlh,  has  given  rise  to  an  immense  literature 
in  Chinese.  It  purports  to  give  the  origins  of  these  names  in  the 
time  of  the  Yellow  SSnperor,  Huangti,  and  the  model  emperors  Yao,  Ilsun, 
and  liu.  It  is  quite  beyond  the  range  of  this  study  to  do  xiore  than 
indicate  that  the  names  on  the  Shang  Ko  are  one  source  that  should  be 
used  in  the  study  of  the  names  of  people  in  the  Shan^^  dynasty.   More 

4.  The  History  Shih  Chi,  Yin  Pen  Gai  section  records,  "lita- 
peror  Hsiin  chartered  Gh*i,  enfyofflng  him  v/itii  3aang, 
and  giving  him  "Son"  as  a  surname,  J.iiu  hsinf?  Tzu  Gaiu'*. 
The  graj-ili  "Son"  both  alone  and  in  corubinatioa";i  woman 
is  coimon  on  bone  and  bronze  Inscriptions  of  the  Shang 
dynasty,  Ts'aar  Kuei  127,1  et  al.  The  surnanie  "Son"  Tzu 

of  the  Shang  royal  fnmily  and  the  descendant  state  of  Sung, 
may  originate  in  the  peculiar  use  of  "Son"  in  the  Shang 
^.^       dynasty.   S*  Ko  138. 
than  fifty  names  cast  on  the"Tto  have  been  gathered  together  into  one 
co-ordinated  group. 

These  names  are  also  found  on  oraole  bone  inscriptions  in  definite 
contexts  whloli  will  bring  to  light  still  other  names  of  Shang  per- 
sons.  These  can  easily  be  distinguished  from  place  names  by  the 
context.  Most  importsmt  of  all , the  names  of  the  owners  cast  on 
sets  of  ritual  bronzes  yield  many  more  names  of  the  same  type. 
From  t-'iis  great  number  of  names,  possibly  reaching  a  thousand  in 
all,  a  new  study  of  the  prosopography  of  the  Shang  dynasty  should 
be  possible.  These  names  are  not  restricted  to  surnames,  hsing, 
or  clan  names,  shih.  They  include  tribal  names,  Tsu ,  state  names, 
Kuo,  regional  names.  Fang,  names  of  office,  Kuan;  temple  names,  ranks, 
titles  of  estates,  place  names  and  ordinary  names,  ming,  tzu,  and 
hao.  The  names  on  the  ritual  sets  of  bronzes  and  on  the  Ko  should 
however  be  of  a  similar  nature  since  they  are  used  in  a  similar  way. 
They  include  the  important  name  of  the  owner  by  which  he  was  Icnown 
when  living.  This  name  was  cast  on  iiis  Ko  and  his  ritual  vessels 

for  use  in  ceremonies  and  these  were  buried  with  him  when  he  died. 
Four  types  of  ornamontal  Ko  rarely  inscribed. 

Jade  Ko  v/ere  manifestly  intended  for  use  in  ceremonial  and 

not  for  use  in  war  and  it  was  probably  for  this  reason  that  they 
were  not  commonly  inscribed.  Their  beauty  and  value  lay  in  the 
jade  itself  which  was  very  rare.  Stone  ming-ch'i  imitating  jade 
Ko  were  used  for  funerals  and  possi'  ly  for  some  ceremonies.  Jade 
Ko  16  has  an  inscription  of  ten  graphs  carved  at  the  fore-edge  of 
the  shaft.  The  graphs  are  in  the  oraole  bone  script  of  period  V 
which  in  this  writer* s  opinion  might  be  dated  a  hundred  years  be- 
fore the  fall  of  the  dynasty  in  the  reign  of  V/u  Tsu  Yi,  1142-1139 
B,C,  This  inscription  mentions  the  fovinder  of  the  Shang  dynasty, 
Ta  Yi  also  known  in  literature  as  Gh»eng  T»ang,   It  is  therefore 
definitely  of  Shang  date  for  no  person  of  the  Chou  dynasty  v/ould 


have  recorded  a  ceremonial  dance  to  the  memory  of  a  Shang  ancestor. 

Tills  Inscription  might  be  thought  to  have  heen reproducedl  from   an 

oracle  bone  but  the  writer  examined  it  in  New  York  and  does  not 

consider  it  suspect.  The  last  graph  shows  a  man  resting  on  als 

heels  in  the  dance  holding  a  Ko  aloft  in  his  two  hands. 

In  recent  years  a  number  of  long  Shang  dynasty  insoriptlons 

of  this  type  have  been  found  on  bone  :ipatulae  and  on  bronze  ritual 

vessels.  Mr,  H.'/.Td  reports  a  long  inscription  of  thirty-seven 

graphs  on  a  pail,  ;£u,  in  honour  of  Father  Ting  which  this  writer 

considers  to  be  K*ang  Tsu  Ting,  1150-1143  B.C. 

^■5ju>a<rflChjenYj  CIV|  Yin  Ch't,  pieji  Ch\h      Peipit^^    I'^^o    p.  ^/  :-  ^      ^^^^ 

In  the  inscription  mention  is  made  of  an  elder  brother  whose  i^day 

name  is  obscured.  This  writer  suggests  that  it  may  be  Kuei,  elder 

brother  of  King  Wu  T8u/1142-1139  B.O,,  who  made  the  vessel  in  his 

second  year  1141  B.C.  This  bronze  inscription  almost  parallels 
the  inscription  on  Ko  16  in  that  the  ceremony  la  offered  to  Ta 
Yi  and  it  ends  with  the  same  graph  for  "dancing"  with  the  addition 
of  the  three  words  "before  God  above",  Wu  Yd  Shanf^  Ti.  This  recent 
acquisition  from  Anyang  is  a  strikinf-  confirmation  of  the  genuine  ;S 
of  the  inscription  on  jade  ILo  16.  That  Ko  appears  to  have  been 
inscribed  for  use  in  a  special  ceremony,  possibly  about  the  same 
time  as  the  pail,  ^,  1141  3,0. 

Only  four  different  insoriptlons  have  been  found  on  Ko  of 
Types  II,  III,  IV  and  IX,  Ko  of  types  III  and  IV  all  have  orna- 
mented butts  for  use  in  ceremonies.  Many  are  thin  end  frail  minp- 
oh'i  for  use  at  funerals.  No  example  of  Type  IV  has  been  found 
inscribed.  Two  s  ts  of  Ko  belonging  to  Type  III,  one  of  them  Ko 
35  with  six  examples,  have  two  different  inscriptions  inserted  in 
the  design  on  the  butt.  The  individual  studies  of  Ko  35  and  44 

indicate  tiiat  the  owners  had  names  somewhat  different  from  those 
of  the  single  graphs  of  Types  V,  VI,  VII  and  VIII.   The  two 
graphs  on  Ko  35  '•Great  rain  maker,  Ta  Ytl'J  are  also  found  on  a 
large  set  of  ritual  vessels  and  spears,   "Great  rain  maker"  must 
be  considered  the  name  of  the  owner  as  is  the  case  with  other 
sets  of  ritual  vessels  and  Ko  of  Type  V,  VI,  VII  and  VIII.   The 
"Great  Rain  Maker"  set  of  vessels  has  only  the  name  Ta  Yfl  v/ith- 
out  any  additional  ancestral  relationships.  This  person  may 
not  have  belonged  to  the  royal  family.  He  may  have  been  the 
leader  of  the  wizards  who  danced  before  God  in  prayer  for  rain. 
There  are  many  reasons  for  considering  that  Ko  35  is  to  be  dated 
early  in  the  3hang  II  period.  Ko  of  Type  III  were  made  in  great 
numbers  for  use  in  ceremonies  and  for  funeral  use.   Possibly  they 
were  carried  by  court  functionaries  dressed  in  ritual  robes  at 
temple  ceremonies.  The  iiiing-ch'i  would  have  been  carried  by  a 
retinue  of  servants  dressed  in  mourning-,  clothes  escorting  the 
funeral  chariot.   Types  III  and  IV  are  not  suited  for  use  by 
soldiers  or  for  the  personal  use  of  live  generals  or  nobles. 
They  may  therefore  parallel  Types  V,  VI,  VII  and  VIII  in  date. 
Inscriptions  seem  reserved  for  real  weapons  of  war.  But  wizards 
like  "Great  Rain  Maker", Ta  Ytfand  "Great  Fire  Chief"  Ta  Huo  and 
their  followers  wnose  profession  was  the  ceremonial  dance  had 
their  ceremonial  Ko  inscribed  alon;-  with  their  ritual  vessels 
and  buried  in  their  tombs. 

Ko  159  of  Type  IX  bears  tne  inscription  "Island  in  the  midst 
of  a  river,  Ghou".   This  name  seems  to  belong  to  the  saine  group 
of  names  as  those  found  on  Types  V,  VI,  VII  and  VIII.   Oracle 
bone  inscription  Ts^ui  pi en  262  of  the  Bone  script  period  I, 


diviners  Naa  I.l  and  Pin  1,4,  mentions  "The  niaister  of  tlio  island 
in  the  midst  of  the  river,  Chou  oh* en".  This  insorlptioa  dates 
from  the  beginning  of  the  Shang  II  period.  On  the  other  hand  the 
Smaorfopoulos  nronzos.  Vol.  1,  Flate  XIV,  A, 17  includes  Chou  as 
one  of  the  ref^lons  v/hose  people  were  granted  to  a  noble  at  the 
beginning  of  the  Chou  dynasty.  The  writer  has  obtained  a  triangu- 
lar Ko  of  the  same  type  as  Ko  159,  at  Anyang,  and  prefers  to  con- 
sider Ko  159  of  Shani?  date  rather  than  early  Chou,  This  single 
inaoription  on  a  Ko  of  Type  IX  argues  for  the  existence  of  this 
type  ail  through  the  Shang  II  period  even  though  the  designs  on 
them  are  very  much  conventionalized  and  are  placed  on  the  blade 
of  the  weapon.  This  triangular  v/eapon  seems  to  the  writer  to  be 
more  of  a  pointed  axe  than  a  Ko  and  may  have  been  called  by 
another  name,  such  as  K*uei,  The  slots  for  hafting  are  also 
found  on  the  wide  blades  of  dhang  axes,  yueh, such  as  the  inscribed 
axe,  a  companioD  piece  to  Ko  71^  and  the  inscribed  axe  associated 
with  Ko J54^.  These  axes  both  have  decoration  on  the  axe  blade  as 
does  another  example, 3  These  considerations  all  confirm  the 

1,  Yah  Chung  Two  2.19. 

2,  Ye'h  Chung  One  2.9. 

3,  Yeh  Ghunr,  One  2.8. 

writer's  opinion  that  the  inscription  Chou  on  Ko  159  refers  to 
the  same  person  as  T3*ui  pien  262  and  that  Ko  of  Type  IX  were 
made  at  the  beginning  of  Shang  II  period. 

Composition  in  the  ohan^  dynasty. 

It  is  often  assumed  that  the  Shang  dynasty  scribes  could 
uot  write  long  and  connected  sentences.  The  scries  of  single 
graphs  cast  on  Ko  and  the  brief  inscriptions  on  bronze  ritual 
vessels  seem  to  surport  this  view.  The  Shang  dynasty  artisan 


(id  aot  wish  to  expose  the  insoriptioas  oa3t  on  nia  bronzes.  He 
uid  them  under  handles  and  under  the  bases  of  tall  vases.  In 
food  bowls  and  oooking  pots  he  oonoealed  them  inside  the  vessels. 
He  inscribed  the  lids  as  well  as  the  vessels  so^they  could  not^ be 
mislaid,  but  tiie  ^k^   not  write  verbose  inscriptions  for  the  sake 
of  saying  many  words.  It  was  sufficient  on  a  ritual  bronze  to 
cast  lihe  name  of  the  owner  and  the  temple  name  of  his  father  if 
he  were  honouring  him.  The/name  day  kept  the  ancestral  remem- 
brance clearly  in  view  to  avoid  mistakes.  Sentences  on  the  oracle 
bones  are  often  long  and  connected  by  relative  particles  showing 
that  a  previous  aeiitenoe  is  assijsied  to  have  been  read.  Recently, 
longer  sentences  on  bronzes  have  been  noted.  Inscriptions  on 
bone  spatulae. and  even  the  skulls  of  animals  as  found  by  the 
Aoademia  3inica  ,show  that  the  art  of  composition  was  practised. 
It  Is  -vetv-j   probable  tliat  Ioniser  nistorioal  documents  on  wood  have 
perished.  That  v/riting  was  done  with  a  brusa  even  in  the  Shang 
tiynasty  is  proven  by  examples  of  artisan's  placement  notes  on 
rftone  ornaments  in  the  R.O.M.A.^ftlfhe  Aoademia  Sinioa  has  also  found 
brush  writing  on  bone. 

The  single  graphs  oast  on  bronze  Ko  of  the  Shang  dynasty  and 
the  laconic  inscriptions  on  their  ritual  vessels  simply  illustrate 
the  austerity  of  the  Shang  people  and  do  not  prove  their  inability 
to  compose  longer  insorl lotions. 



A;  Uses  In" war,., '-^^"r 

Tile  Ko  ax^pears  to  have  had  its  oriplu  ia  the  beaked  alaklo 
(Nos,  1,  a,  3).  Tliis  ixaplemeat  was  usually  laade  of  slate  or  f-reon- 
stone  and  v/a8  a]  parently  still  used  by  the  peasaat  farmers  of  the 
Shang  dynasty,  for  raore  than  a  thousand  examples  have  been  found  in 
the  oxoavationa  at  Anyang  by  the  Aoademia  Sinioa,  The  origins  of 
the  stone  sickle  are  r.uon  earlier.  It  was  in  couiaon  use  in  the 
Neolithic  cultures  c;x  north  Citina,  v/herever  grain  was;  harvested  (see 
iSo.  i),  A  sickle  of  the  sane  form  but  v,ith  a  Slade  of  jade  and  haft 
of  bronze  inlaid  with  turquoise  was  used  in  Jjliaag  dynasty  ceremonials. 
The  royal  exauple^in  the  i'reer  Gallery  of  Art  in  Washia^^ton  (Ko.  5) 
may  well  have  beionr.ed  to  the  King,  A  oiolcle  of  similar  type,  though 
made  of  iron,  remains  the  nost  cjozaaoniy  used  imnloment  in  liorth  China 

Tho  atone  sickle  was  sharpened  only  on  the  iov/er  cutting  edge, 
but  the  upper  edge  of  the  ]>oint  was  thinned  down  for  easy  entry  aiaoner 
the  stalks  of  standin/';  p;rain.   Because  it  was  always  near  at  hand, 
this  imj)leiaent  v/aa  often  used  for  porsonax  dercuse  and  ia  individual 
combat.  When  tue  whole  ui)per  edge  was  3nar])enod  (See  iJo,  0)  it  was 
more  efficient  as  a  piercing  weapon  and  wati  oaiied  the  Ko,   fixcept 
for  the  roiandin.j;:  of  the  point  the  j^  has  retained  iHXiQn   of  the  "beaked** 
fonri  of  the  stone  i^ickio.  The  evolution  of  tho  Ku  from  the  sioKie  as 
here  aufJifrested  oould  not  have  taken  place  in  the  3hang  ll  period,  1311 
■  iO^S  .J,,  but  must  have  occurred  lont?:  before.  The  slate^ greenstone 
sickle  persisted  as  e  cheap  and  efficient  tool  even  v;hen  tho  ordinary 
Shang  aoldier  was  armed  with  an  excellent  bronze  Ko  (See  iios,  i>5,  U9, 


If  the  Ko  as  a  weapon  was  glmply  an   adaptation  of  the  sickle, 
thsn,  in  its  early  nlstory  at  Ic-.ast,  it  May  bo  presumed   to  have  had 
a  short  haft  Ilka  the  siolcle.  In  the  abaenoo  of  fxny  report  of  tne 
diract  neasuramont  of  soiontifioally  excavated  ICo  ahtiftt;  (which  no 
doubt  v/ill  soon  bo  publlahed  by  the  /Voadeniia  siuioa  from  some  of  the 
nnny  Snaofi  dynasty  .6:raves  excovatod  at  Any^nf^)  ,  a  shaft  leuf^th  of 
470  mn.  iliii^   Ins.)  ;.       ai'erx'sd  rrcaa  the  lollowlnr;  er^uments : 

1,   470  rafl,  (l^J ;  inH.)  in  tlie   lei;<-th.of  siolclo^D  »»«  it  hb.^   aoot 
,»l<ausl^vl:-  €••:  restored,  "Jie  ooncion  iron  sickle  t-i  the  North  China 
pease.nt  to^itiy  is   about  thifj  ssne  length, 

-.  The  shaft.?  of  .'os,  F^5,  89  and  90  hnvo  been  restored  as 
470  raiii,  in  plates  "iOT,  ":LIV,  and  )XV,  v/hioh  are  drawn  to  scale  from 
photographs  of  the  jkeletons  o.nd  objects  taken  in  situ  by  the  Acad- 
ecda  'iiilca,  T'ie  ends  of  the  Hiiafts  arc  v'itaiu  easy  raaoa  of  the 
soldiers'  hand'.?,   l^bnf:  shafts,  1525  cu:i,  (oO  inB.)  or  C  fact  6  inches, 
nndlent  Guinese,  Mnn  measure,  would  not  be  oongruous  iu^these  tonbs. 

o,   ";  he  rra^'Li   on  ^70,  '  il.j  iiot  strlfvtjy  to  so-jIo,  3.iOv;s  a 
'.p   uith  u  sriort  aunt't,  cihd  m   -i.,-     -  -'.  ou  ■^mZ'^   ritual  ve33eia 

in  one   hon^l 

rdoturo  the   Ko   held^ny  the   end  ofailnorfBhei'tf  «.^.   5an-tai^  11,6.7;    14. 

12.9;    14,iia.a,    and   tlj-i   set   of  bror-. '.os   iu'ujx-lbe<i  with    lAia   f-ra-Ai   ''A 

boy  with  a    iCo  ou  his   shoulder,  "Ho".l'(<Si?^s  /Vo         ) 

1.      T:ii3   interpretation  seens  core   i^lausible   than  any  of 
those   svitv' nested   by  Yotta,    ,'M-jio ri' o ; )culo 3   lironzo 3 ,    I, 

Jh&.-se.r  consists  a^'.  '  i     /         -^  npj' 

(i)    ...,<iud  ;riu£,    i'<.;'.M,A,      UJ.   5<;17,    (2)    Lobed  ^Ji££.t   i'euiies,    (3) 

sien.  !lenzies,  (4)  phia,  H.O.I-.!, A.,  IV3.   3.313,  (u)  Yu,  vftsaol,  'an- 

tai  12.46.2;  lid,  Menzies,  (6)  Kuel  without  handles,  R.O.M.A,  IJD. 

3214,  (7)  Tsun.  Meu;:ies,  (8)  Ku,  R,0,^r.A,  JIB, 5215,  (9)  Ku,  Monzies, 

(10)  Ohuah,  ri,0,':.A.  iI3,  3216,  (11)  Chueh.  (12  and  13)  Two  others, 

3hueh,  noted  posser^nlo  of  •'^  rfierchnut  in  .'ar/inf',  (14)  I.ound 


i.ei  vvlth  tip  lug,  without  lid,   K.O.K.A.  NB,   3210,    (15)    Axe,   j(jd 
Cwxinr.  Oac  2,0,  perliaps    -  .Liiui,   Eutnorf opoulos  ^ . .9.      This   Mst  dates 
froia  tr.3  eiid  of  tlie  roirii  of  King  v/u  Tlag  1S55-1197  "',0.      "iaoh  graph 
siiown  a      i.uit   t>i-j;.rtud  Ko  rtseting  on  tte  shoulder  and  grasped  by  the 
ond  of  tlio   shaft.     This   aiutlt  rtiuf-t  hove   been  &bc;ut  -i'PO  rax.   (13^;    ins,) 
lonp,   riaoo  tho  am  aolrUn  -   it   In   3hov*u  v,it..7tjx00w  orookad^.      T  ron  tnis 

3  3oe   tuat  before  tuB  midolfe!  of  vjhsnf--  II  at  ISOO  B,o,    the  Ko  had  a 
ahoi't  nflndle, 

4,      Vhe  width  of  ths  handle  as  atterted   by  the   corrosion  of 
the  Ko   outtr.  Is  alr.cst  uxilfcrmly  J'-S  iim.   for  Shang  dynasty  specimens. 
This  i?  tliy   3iz3  of  anciaut  and  ii^iodsrn  aandles  about  470  nu;,    (Itl:;  ins,) 
in  leiif^th^     «i3,   for  ?ixarirlr. ,   f^-e  v.-ar-axe  of  ancioat  Ilgypt  and  3umaria, 

nd   the  iacderji  ...aC'ilnlst's  haxuner,     Ths  ordinary  waif-ht  of  the  blade 
for  uoa'-rlii  .sr*3Clmenj5,  net  niat^  OK*i,w/'gs  from  325  gra^anee    (6  ozs.)    to 
340  fjraHiiacs    (IH  ozs.),   aithouf:;li  soine    (ho  86)   v/iil  weigfj  450  grancias 
(1  ib,).     These  weights  are  suita;)ls  to  a  aJiart   haadlp)  but  thoy  are 
not   heavy   eaou/-rh   to  aave   bt*«a  sv/unf;  on  n  lonr';  handle.      It   3hoald  be 

otad   that  a  Shang  Ko  was   uaea  to  oLrlke  a  dowmvard  blow  like  a  war- 
axa  and  not  for  thruotinp  ilKe  a  spear,     lae  oai  wiiioh  Is  pictured  on 

an   tiilss  and   cjtono   bas  roliafa  as  uavinf',  a  ionr  uandle  v,-a.=.  used  for 
.-ii'u;itia<;  a  a   •veil   ay   for  rftriJs.lai';, 

5,     The  anglo  at  v/hioh  3hang  Ko  blades  are  aet  to  tbo  shaft 

uggeata  t'ae  aro  of  a  cirola  vvlth  a  radiua  equal  to  the  leaRth  of  a 


shaft  ic  iujj,  (minua  tne  grip)  together  'vith  tho  normal  length  of 

a  fohal  of  about  ^0  mi. 

tne  human  arm.  The  angle  of  hafting  would  thus  seeci  to  have  been 
oaloulated  to  (Tivt;  the  noot  efficient  olow  -vnon  tiio  weapon  was  used 


litatea  i^ei'lod  or  fron  early  in  the  ^ian  Dynaaty,  aoos,  to  be 
sure,  specify  the  length  of  the  shaft  of  the  Ko  as  6  feet 


6  Ins.,   i.e.   ca.   1525"  ram.     iiuoh  v/ear-'ons  are  jjeeu  on   'h     tomb 
tiles,   e.g.   .Vnlte,   Toiab   -lie   Motures  of  /oioleut   China.    lis, 
:CCaX,   :a,   :ai,   L^TI,   L'^TEI.        nt  between  tile   Ohanr   porlod 
and  the  time  of  this   dociunont    (v/itti  w:.ici    the   toiab  tiles 
may  be   approxir.ntely   oonteraporary)    the  gvorcl   and  da^^^^er  had 
come  into  use  in  Giilna  and  had  supplrmted  the  _Ko  for  close 
oombat.     The  soldiers  on  the  tomb  tiles  c^rry  sv/ords  instead 
of  uhort-handled  Ko  an^i   in   ;:lace  of  nr.'^ara^,  '^roc,   they   bear 
lon,-.-handled  v/eapon?  whinh   are  lnsorll)o^";iv?;'i".a^incs  tJ3   o.ti, 
s  .luetimos  as  Ko, 

The  £^  was  the  oi'iiaary  v/eapon  of  offonoo  uaed  by  the  C.dnese 
ooidior  of  tiio  Shanf5  dynasty.      It  in  the  only  v/eapon^fo;..aid  in  t.he   bur- 
ials of  individ\ial  soldiers    (ifos.   55,   89  and  yo).      I'ow  literary  re- 

oorda  ,'^o  baok  t,o  the  3han«:  dynasty  and  therefore  t/iere  ia  little 
evidonoo  from  oontemporory  literature,   apart  from  the   brief  insorip- 
tions  on  bones  and   bronzes.    ^Soaaiderable  oaanyes  no  doubt  took  ])lace 
in  the  uses.of  th-s  Ko  dowzi  through  the  arfts,      It  ia  therefore  preoar- 

-the  PoHoioin^ 

ious  to  employ  later  literary  references  to  explain  Shang  dynasty 
customs.  lJoverth^Jle^3  thsre  nm   several  early  Chou  dooiiments  wuloh 
may  carry  over  tne  earlior  tradition.   In  t:ie  Classic  of  "iistorjy,  Jim 
Chin^,  v/6  find  the  graph  Ko_  used  5  times, 

l.OooiiTicnts  17  and  23  are  "n  urlcu-,  ;^;i,  ^  no  y..ould  not  be 

^Of  tno  riv7{p''f,¥fo  are  oonoerned  with  war  nnd  tb.t;  other  thre(=  are 

all  from  "Tha  Tostameutury  Charro"  v/hich  has  to  do  with  court  and 

ritual  use.   Let  ue.  oc'nsldoi'  the  references  to  vmr. 

Ku  Index,   22.0074 ;<::fLe6ge  III  301:   KinR  V,u  of  Gh*ju  made  G  speech 

at  Mu  before  his  troops  attaokea  3han.r,  Mg   naid,  ''Lift  hir.h  your 

Ko,  try  out  your  shields,  set  up  your  spears,  jh*^nr.  erh  :o,  .'i  erh 

kan.  11  erh  ciap" ,  *'^ 

2.  Leggo  translates  "lift  u]i  your  lanoad,  ko,  join  your 
shields,  kaa»  raias  your  spears,  mac". 


This  waa  the  order  to  the  man   to  pi'oparo  tiiolr  wsa;-ons  and  stand  at 
attention  durinir  the  speeoh,  Hov/  a  soldioi*  with  t-vo  nands  carried 
out  these  three  operations  with  three  different  v^'aapons  at  tho  same 
time  has  purzled  t;io  vvriter.  Tiiu  difficulty  does  uot  arise  vvita  the 
£o  or  the  spear.  Ti.e  spear  was  a  long-range  weapon.  The  Ko  was 
ior  oioati  ooiibat,  Dotii  wex'e  neceaoary,   a  no  t«nas  aipxieu  Lo  tiie 
Ko  and  the  spoar  are  lulte  different ►   For  the  Ko  it  is  "Lift  ilgh, 
Gh*enp-",  for  tho  apear  it  is  '*:>e-c  ^ip  on  and,  ii".  The  writer  has 
wondered  if  the  word  Kan ,  usuoJ  1  /  treanlRted  "snield",  re>>,ily  means 
"shaft".   If",  often  -ioe.-^  30  vniaa   used  aloao  aid  r;;ay  tiean  this  vnien 
associated  v,ritn  the  f'rapa  Ko.  T/ai  two  words  would  chen  mean  ''shafted 
Ko".   In  tiiis  n"iot«itioD  wnera  they  are  usejd  aepnr/'.toiy  tiio  S'icond 
operation  ifi  ordinarily  translated  **t,ry  out  your  'jhioids",  and  v/ould 
then  mean  "nieQsure  the  reach  of  your  shafts",   rue  full  operation  of 
coming  to  attention  v/ould  then  be:  with  tiie  rlglit  riaiid  graap  the 
_vO  (ty  t::e  oud  of  its  handle),  lift  it  hi^^h,  iaoasuring  tne  reach  of 
the  shaft;  witji  the  left  hand  f^rasT,  the  spear,  map,  r.ettinp;  it  straip^ht 
up  with  tha  butt  reatinfy  on  the  f^round,   A  lonf?  line  of  these  bronze- 
age  soldifjrs  nust  i.nvQ  i^een  an  impreRsivo  aifrut  as  thoy  shook  their 
..'eapons  in  defianrse  before  the  battle. 

TLa  second  pnrt.i;ient  -uotatlon.  froiii  tin-:   ;':^_lr.srip  of  Kictory  Is 
Ku  Index  49.00c7-,  Lec^o  111^    "1'enpcr  your  flo  tud  j^ipoars'^,  /uan  aai 
.0   taao .  •*' 

1,   LefTfi;*!.'  traxislatas  "Texaper  your  lances  end  spears". 
This  document  is  much  later  tnan  the  first  tut  may   atill  uo  considered 
early  by  ooripariaon  vflth  most  classical  references,  Tae  v/ord  traiis- 
lated  "M;Qi)iper"  has  to  do  v/ith  the  process  of  resharpenlng  blunted 
v/eapons  by  thinning  out  the  edf^es.  It  has  been  discussed  under  Ko  142. 

In  the  Odea  there  ara  four  iust'  aces  of  tiie  use   of  Ko; 


Ode  13:5.1:    Tror^red^niy   <o.  ^•'i-   9T>rtar",     laiu  y/o  "o  map,  rj:  Letrge    (IV^. 
wOl)    ^.raiislates,    "I  will  prepare  my  lonco  cad   •ipear'*;     aley 
(14c),    "I  raade  r-cjady   both  axo  end  opear". 
Ode  It'l.i:    ''.;:hculder  s  Ko  on  service",  Jo  Ko  vu  _iri,^.T,oi^p,e   (IVp221) 
tranolstea,    "Have  their  cjirritrs  or  ipaooR  aad  hniberda"; 

al-y   (G5),    "Bears  balLerc^  aad  spear". 
1   uavc  rj.idi.r'.id  tLo   seooud  t'v»o  -.vordo   as  tL.«   ssooxid   two  ia  Ode  44. 
G6    (Lfjiffri)  IV,    ..    liS)    aad   oiaav/rure  ixJ   t-ha  Odes, 

Ode  «ii;0.i:    "Shafted  Ko  flasliln?;  to;:8ther",    ..fiu   Ko  oa*i  yau^. 
(lY    i34)  ,    rondors   "..'ita  anlelds  and   ypears  and  azea  large  and 
SToall",      aloy   (J?.39),    "Shioid  and  dagger,    ^^albord  and  battle 
exo,"     The  rjeoond  tv/o  v.'ords  are  certainly  daacriptive  of  the 
first   tv.'o  as  t.'iey  ere  in  t  ;.'3   preccdij^.t    line    ^-owg  and  arrows 
at  t>.e  dr  w,   'vun??  ohih  bsu  ohan.?:".     This  line  in  renloiscent 
of  the  varriors  llnod  ut^  for  thx^:  Speech  i^t-  '-"iu',    rosdy  to  r;iarci:i 
Odo  l;75:    ""It  uji'  „  uur  --urb:.  >^ur  etiafted  Ko,    teal  oli*i  Icqn  To, 

Le;;fie/yp.5'"3}  ,    "'«  has  onlleo   lr»   s.M*ildi>   ;ind   wsv«ftrfl",     .aley   (221), 
"Th«?n  put  away  your  si-ielda  and   axes".     T  ts   line  in  raraliel 
to  the   foilovinr  line   ''put  into  their  -j-iver  ycur  bov/  f>ud 
or  rovrs  "  • 

I  have  riven  nev/  ronderinco  to  those  quotations  bocauae  of  the 
ronp,  iranroGoions  f^iven  in  the  Chinese   ooijnentrtors*   :iotc«  and  the 
coaserii^ent  faulty  trarifllationa.     One  oft-ou  v/eloomei?  Mr.  ^Valoy's 
fresh  rondorinf3  but  LeptC^e  ia  nora  consistent.      Surely  it   is  strain- 
ing literary   licenss  to  rendf>r  Ko   by  ♦♦axe"   in  Odo  133;    by   "l^alberd" 
in  Ode  151;    by   "dagger"   in  Odo  250;   aa''   by   "axe"   in  Ode  273. 


The  olose  parallel  in  ideas  betwoai   the  liues   of  poetry  of 
Odos  lo3  and  2i)0  and  tlia   two  y-roaa  quotations  fron  tiie  Glasaio  of 

]ii3tory  oonfirm  one  another.     Odea  151  and  273  show  tiio  Ko^on  x,he 

shoulder^ on  sorvioe  and  under  the  crotoh  of  tiie  arm  \/uen  batvle 

is  ov^sr.     I'ha  Ko  in  seen  in  its  proper  onvii-oiiwent  ivUn  ^ae  ooraplete 

are -read 

Odes  and  uot.  isoloted  and  over-aiapnaalzed  as  rjuat   be  the  oaae  in  a 
monop;raph  of  tris   jort. 


B,     The  use  of  the  Ko  in  Garenonies 

The  Testaneiitary  Gaar^e-'-    oori^rays   oereiUoniGs   at  the  tine 
1.    Lfc/?;re  111,0  544-561,   Ku  Index  ^2. 
of  the   death  of  KiHi'^  Oh'en.'^    (1053-996   B.C.)    anc   the  investiture 
of  I'liug  A'aiife,    (  i'95-970   3,C.).      'j-.iia   d.oounent  appears  to   be  as 
nearly   ooncemporary  v.lth  the   evenos  as   if*   possible  with  literary 
texts   transnit-tv^d   froi...  a  titAe   30  early.      It   nss   undoubtedly  under- 
gone niuy   altiTLtiocs  £iz  t^ie  iiaucs  of  interireters.      idtcra;!./ 
evl^iiioe   is  not.   :-.3   snv  .  hu   the  archaaolojjio^il ,   but   the  '  i?  est  anient - 
ory   OixCxlv.Q  hys   preserved  avaoh  or  the   3oolal   ,-jettia„  w^ioh   3on- 
jjcture   frcm  the   objuotfi  alon-c;   c;au  aever  sup^^-ly.      The   enoiro 
text  iiixy  be   read  in  Ler,ge*3  ti'analaUion  v;hich  represeat-s    the 
orthodox  CMaeje   Inttirprotation,      Ttio   follo-vin^^   idontlficationg 
of  the  Ko    .aa  its  u.3ea   in   bho   text  are   baaed  on  a   study   01   all 

flrtH  -e-afi^j  ^l^oU)(5uch  as  fl^c^s^  cleavers, ^Jli >  &p^fs  €/c- 

the  kiiov<ii  Shang^v/eapons^^as  vail  as  tne  various  types   of  Ko  con- 
sidered in   this  Monofiraph,     The  interpretai:.icns   uf  cjinEier.tators 
ancient  and  laodern  have    oeea  consulted,    but   tho^/  have  been  oountad 
secondary   to   tiie  arciiaeological  evideuoe, 

A  study  01   this  passage   in  tuo  T^.stfUii.entary  Charge   eaobirts   us 
to   vif:;ufilii:e   the   pltce  of   the  Ko  in  ceremonies   at  the  beginning 
or  tne  C'uou  clynR3ty^y95   Jl'.'O.      The   Cc,reiiiony   described  fits   *vell 
into  v;hat  v/s   i-..ov/  of  tne   Jhang-dynasty  riLus.1   froin  the   oracle- 
bone   in;5criptions.      It   is   j>ossible   tjidt   it    rortravo  an  actual 
Shang  oereiiiony  .nodifiad  only   by  a   fevr  new  features   iatroduoed  by 
the  Chou  people.      Seven   different  t7i>ea   of  Ko  aa   iaclu.^ed   in  this 
monosraph  appear  to   be  i^entioned  in   the  text   soTuetines   by  otncr 

names  than  Ko. 

1,  iymbols  of  authority  held  by  the  -nersonal  body  guard  of 
the  King.lf^V/hen  King  GU'en^^  v/as  about  to  die  he  called  the 
officers  of  his  court  to  aim  and  issued  the  Testaraentary  Gharr.e 
for  the  succession  ■''.o  pass  to  his  aldest  3aa  Cii'ao,   The  great 
aistoriaii,  T^_ai  .'3hih  , recorded  tiie  edict  on  tablets,   Th3  groat 
protector  jT'al  Pao,  acted  as  regent  in  caarge  of  tne  instailatioii 
of  the  nev/  King,   Ha  "ordered  the  Marquis  of  Ch'i  to  take  two 
officers  bearing  Ko  (Ku  Index  42.0207)  and  a  hundred  men  of  the 
guard,  au   pen  v>ei  jen,  and  tura  buck  "oon  Gh'ao"  (tiio  neir 
apparent  later  inatallcid  as  King  K'ang)  outside  tne  Soutn  gate 
and  conduct  nin  to  tne  mourning  room  to  dwell  tnere  mourning  for 
the  clan's  loss".   In  tais   case  only  tv/o  Ko-bearers  are  mentioned 
while  the  ;.uard  numbers  a  hundred  men.   I  have  denoted  tixose  who 
carried  tne  Ko  as  officers;  the  tv;o  men  may  have  been  the  personal 
body  guards  of  tae  deceased  King.   In  any  case  the  pair  of  them 
are  clearly  distinguished  by  their  weapons  from  the  general  bod;/ 
of  the  guard,  Ko  49  and  50,  51  and  52,  may  be  two  pairs  of  such 
symbolic  Ko;  Ko  53,  54,  61,  64  and  66  may  be  isolated  examples  of 
the  same  sort.   All  are  so  outstanding  by  reason  of  tbeir  substan- 
tial construction,  t.^eir  large  size  and  fine  quality  ao  to 
suggest  that  they  had  been  used  in  royal  service.   It  ir>  to  be 
remembered  that  these  Ko  are  all  of  ohang  date  and  that  some  may 
antedate  the  literary  text  quoted  by  more  than  tv/o  hundred  years. 

2,  Certain  Ko  belonged  to  the  personal  accoutre  lent  of  the 
King. 1? According  to  the  Testamentary  Charge,  when  the  new  King 
had  arrived  at  the  royal  court  for  mourning,  the  ancestral  temple 

hall  was  prepared  by  the  servants  for  the  ceremony  of  investitare. 

This  hall  which  opened  on  the  courtyard  to  the  south,  was  divided 

into  three  p&rta,  ■■'•est,  east  and  middle.   Four  "beuohes"!  were  get 

i,   Theae  v^ere  probably  lik?  the  Tuan  Fang  broiize  albar, 
in  the  Metropolitan  ?>JJu3eum,  New  Tori,  130  mzu,  high 
by  900  Eun,  long,  (.London  '.xhibition  1935,  No.  319A), 

on  thiolc  m^t3,  "^v^o   articlea  apiead  out  in  v^arious  parts  of  t'ls 

hall  have  been  the  oubjeot  of  nuoh  debate  vhisU,  nov/ever,  is  act 

pertinent  to  this  discussion .   In  the  ea>st  room,  ^i^n^  f an.*^ ,  a  Ko 

a  bow,  and  nrrows  vrere  Inld  out'^,   'Jvlde/itly  these  wero  the  personal 

^»   'iu  Index  4:::. 0-347. 
accoutriuient  of  the  Kin;^»  Han  ■zoh.QlaTz   snid  they  were  juade  by 
faiao'-is  artirictiirs  oi  anoi'j.ait.v  nfic'jd  Tul,  .lo  anu  vjh'ui".   The  ^rraph 

3.   L^^^;  e./)i. p«  f>i>C>, 
Tul"^  iii'iy   possibly  bo  .jqufltcjd  .vith  lao  .K-J^apli  -Tui--  /•. Loa  mcaus 

^'     iy-t  Index  4o.054o. 

^'«   '-'u  ladtix  42.0408. 

"pointed-',  Tue   writer  ocnaiders  this?  terra  to  be  desoriptivo  of 
the  :'£.  war  Ko  waioh  may  have  been  similar  to  the  better 
inscribed  or  inlaid  specimens  of  Tyije  V,  Ko  70-88  or  Type  vi,  Eo 
95-llr;',.   There  is  an  lntereeti.n/r  rloflcltion  of  i  ro  in  \hc   f^'.  ih 
Ldnp;  uuder  vfaajona,  vditc;.  acccrdinir,  to  v^Mcn  tte  Ko  was  prinurily 
e  poiut-Jd,  piercing  weapon.  In  the  jjiiih  jlinr-  appears  firct  the 
ordinary  definition  oi  'an  Ooiauentators ,  "a  K£  i:    ^   i;lnf^:l3  hooked 
Gni",  Ohi  is  tne  aarae  of  the  ordiaury  iron  v^reapon  used  in  the 
Kan  dynasty  and  found  picture^..  - :.    ■:' ^    l-Ian  bas  reliers.  The 
definition  continues  'Ko  Litiants  to  pass  throucjh,  uC-,jcuc  yeh; 
whatevei-  is  stabbed  witJi  a  poundixi.'>  blow  will  certainly  be  passed 
through,  3£  tz'u  tap  tsc-  chileb  kuo ;  v/hatever  is  hooked  and  drawn, 
this  the  point  will  uot  pass  through'',  s£  kou  vin  tse  tz'u  ohih 


fu  te  kuo  yel:  .^     This  defiaitlon,  while  late,  seems  to  refer 

1,  I'Jie  peasants  at  Anyaag  today  pron&tinoe  Ko   as  if 
it  were  Kuo. 

to  the  pointed  Ko  of  the  Siiang  d/naaty  such  as  Type  V  or  VI 

as  opposed  to  the  more  hooked  Chou  dynasty  Ko  with  a  long  hu. 

The  King's  weapons  were  "^The  pointed  Ko,  the  composite 

bow  and  the  droopin*^  v/ing  arrows".  These  are  all  ouang  weapons 

appropriate  tu^caricta.  In  the   courtyard  at  tae  oeromony  four 

chariots  wer  placed  ready,  Hh^i   state  carria^':^,  the  curtained 

clc^'eping  or  travelling  carriage,  and  a  first  and  second  chariot^, 

2,  Ku  Index  42.0358-383. 

No  shield  was  needed  nor  v/ere  other  weapons  mentioned.  There 

is  no  dasgejp  or  sword  and  no  spaar  or  v/ar  axe.  The  Ko  then 

seems  to  be  appropriate  for  a  Kint^,  to  carry  in  a  chariot  along 

with  his  bow  and  arrows. 3 

o.  In  the  Near  East  a  s;iort  vmr  axe  was  uoed  in 

3,  Jade  Ko  were  symbols  of  rank  at  court,/?  Amon  ■  the  obj 3ots 
spread  out  in  the  east  part  of  the  hall  was  a  great  jade,  ta 
yfi^.     In  classical  times  it  was  :.ot  known  that  jade  blades  had 

^*  ^   Index  42,0324. 
been  hafted  as  Ko.  Yot  the  hafting  mar^s  on  Ko  13,  14,  15, 
16,  17,  13  and  19  are  all  ©vidont.  Apparently  jade  Ko  were 
called  f:reat  jades,  ta  ^,  because  of  their  size  and  because 
of  the  value  of  the  jade.  These  tv/o  graphs  were  misinterpreted 
as  two  other  graphs,  chieh  kuei,  which  were  slight  distortions 
of  ta  ^.  B5any  jade  Ko  of  the  Sheuig  dynasty  have  been  found  at 



but  uo   ''great  maco",   diiieii  kuel»      Tne  macea   aesoribed  by  './u  Ta-cii'eng 
in  ills  Ku  Yil  _2\u  aau  roio-ov/wd   by  Jr.    .:>.    Laui'er   in  uis   booK  oade 
are  either  or  iate   Oiiou  and  }lan  dates   or  are   fabrioationa   of   recent 
times,      Ko   33  in   r/aio  monograpiji  was  recut   in  iate   Chou  III  or  lian 
times- Trom  a   "great   ^ado"  Ko,   390  i  ^a.    {lb  6/3  iua,  )    long,      iiven  in 

its   prenent   form  it  reveals   the  lines   cf  tiit;  orij.;ixial  Lo   miape.    A 

micronooi'ic  oxoraination  lias  shov/n  that   tnt  original  and  recut  sur- 
faces are  veathered  aljke   bo  that   the   blade  must  have   been  reshaped 

jrohahlij   \\i-e  Han  Dyna^v 

in  ancient  times,.   The  i^raph  Kuoi  is  foiaia  in  the  Tribute  of  Yttl. 

1.   ?:u  Index  0G.1192) 
'The  riate  of  ooiBroaition  of  tliis  im;  ortant  (iocu;.ient  lias  boeji  much 
disi'uteoi,   Ii  is  considered  to  be  later  than  770  11,0,  and  poi'haps 
of  Oiiou  III  ];eriod,  481-20o  .i.O,   The  substitution  of  tne  Kuei  , for 
the ^ jade  Ko  as  a  syubol  of  rank  probably  occurred  about  at  tue  time 
of  A'ritin'3  of  tne  Tribute  of  Yg,   In  any  case  tne  v/ord  Kuei  was  not 
in  use  in  995  B.C.   The  graphs  dhleh  kuei,  hov/ever,  are  found  in  the 
Testamentary  Charr^e^  and  can  only  oe  explained  as  a  later  editor's 

2,  Xu  ludea.  •-ii>,:^'i88. 

alteration  from  the  ori/^inal  great  Jade  'fa-vrti,  to  confonn  to  later 
ideas.   Fortunately  the  editor  did  not  cnange  the  vvords  for  tiie 
great  Jade  t^a-yU  v/iiloh  was  laid  cut  in  tne  east  ^^art  of  tne  hall*^ 

3,  Ku  Index  42,0324. 

alon,-;  witii  other  ritual  objects  which  he   could  uot  explain,     '\ang 
Kuo-v^ei   in   '.ils   essay   on  these   jade  objects,    Oh ' en   giao  ghuo  in  Kuan 
T'auR  Chi,   Vol.    1,    cc.nfused  the  matter  by  sugp-esting  tliat   the 
red   kxiife   Oli'lh  tao   xuid   out   in  the  west   part   of  the  hall  vms 
similar  to   the   great   jade   Ko  17    (040  mm.    33  iif^r^glt";  fe  M"^""^ 
regarding  the   ceramonial  use  of  the   jade  Ko  stands   out  a-iiidst  all 


tixis  confusion.   The  gi'eat  jade  Ko  was  the  symbol  or  rank  used  in 

the  ancestral  ceremonies.  V/hon  the  celebrant  advanced  to  the  altar 

to  present  hiy  oi'ferinir,  <chi   the  jade  Vjo   was  j^laced  upon  tnc  alt^r. 

In  later  classical  times  this  was  called  the  "great  mace",  dbieh 

kii.ei  and  "pictured  as   similar  to  Ko  35  recut.     ^Vith  it  was   Hs^^ociated 

a  round  jade  disk,  j]_i.   *an«;  Kuo-  ^i  amolies  that  th.;  great  teachings 

of  'ion   and  Wu  were  v/ritten  on^pj-.-'-   Ths  Metal  Bound  6offer  records 

i,   Ku  Index  42,0514-;517.   This  was  possibly  like  tiie  jade 
disk  in  the  London  Exhibition,  ho,    blii,  v/hicn  was 
inscribed  v/itfi  an  iFiperial  noera  of  the  Gh' ien  Lung 
period.   Disks  similax*  to  this  have  been  rouxxa  at 
Anyang.   They  differ  from  tiie  ort:;odox  flat  ni  "Y  having 
a  wide  central  uand  -iroaocting  on  each  side  above  the 

flat     disk,     riovoev-eV  >i<57ie    of--H,ose    (-ouy\Jso    faf   htn-&    bea-n  in  Scvib-»-d  • 

that  Ghou  Kun,r5:  placed  o  jade  _[d  and  jade  kuei  on  the  altar  when  he 
prayed."  If  we  are  to  identify  tdese  national  JFide  treasures  among 

2,   Ku  Index  ^6.GC/J'±-:  ;,    26.0183-135;  iit-:.0197-199) , 
the  jade  objects  found  at  4nyanfi;,  then  this  v/riter  considers  that 
the  K'uei  can  only  be  the  later  classical  name  derived  from  theov/^n^l 
grapbs  "great  jade"  Ta  yU   and^the  object  can  oniy^beci^the  great  jade 
Ko  similar  to  Ko  1&-S7  ^.nd  the  orif^iiiais  of  Ivo  32  and  33.   The 
miniature  jade  Kd  20-31  were  more  probably  used  as  wdng-ch*i  in 
ancestral  ceremonies  on  the  altar  tann  as  amilets  to  be  vtrorn 
as  ornaments  on  ttie  person.  The  wearinfc  of  a  miniature  jade  Ko  on 
the  person  may  however  have  had  the  same  ritual  pur: ose  as  carrying 
large  jade  Ko  in  the  hands. 

«e  arv.  now  in  a  ;.c;.:iticn  to  r.czori'jz  the  carenony  of  1-nvestlturo 
aa  recorded  iu  tue  Tss t Ejoent ary  Char r^^e .  Tho  hf^il  v/an  prei"'red  and 
the  guard  aat.  The  nev  Kin^,  entered  the  hall  by  th.=*  -wests*  steps 
for  le  v/as  not  yot  the  Kiu,,,  The  Prime  LUnijter  ond  the  rulers  of 
states,  i.'_uiiii  ohtln  took  ylaoos  in  the  court.  Th<3  ceremony  wno  con- 
ducted by  three  persons  robed  in  red,  and  not  In  mournlni-.  The 


Great  i  rotoctor  '^^^tsi  ©ao,   fictinp,  a.-:  rcjrynt  fox-  tlio  deooased  Kirif*, 

carried   the  symbol  of  Iciu/rly  r«rik,   viz,   h  ^••r-■iJit.   jado  Ko,    ra  YQ 

Wriutoii   in   Ih*^  teati  aa   ",.-raat  liauoe",    Culeh   Kuel ,  ♦      He  vcaa  aooom- 

^.ainled  by  t-ne  Great  Master  oT  oerenouios  in  ttivj   .''oioeutrril    reniplo, 

T^ai  XiiVjiirT,  v/iio  Vi'as  also  oaiied  tiie  liaalur  Oirio'^r  ui"  t^io  /moeotral 

■loiapxo,    -itau/'T  X»aU{.-,»        ala  fU-jni,  A?a.Mti-;r  or  .'.KJiiior  Orfiurir  uarriod 

tlio  riuu-ii   V3U0':>1,    t> ' -JLac^  f^     . -io 'iMiiiv3  liliatiou   jns  lioiv^al  out."*- 

rao  px'eayat   t.o-\t  atkl.T  a    '.liaoe   oovo:-^,       .   iij   if]   ?i  aarf^inal 
intrii3lon  Into  thn  text  oi'  an  slt^jruntivo  v/ori.  for  the 

Tixe  Oroat  I-rDtoctor  a?!00adt»d  fiij  ro/s'x   «t.o;;u-?  <5U  ':-ufj    joyt  eittexided 
by  tne  3,^ni.'r  Oifloar  of  the  Tea]\li^   aotiag  as    uofiror  of   tha   xitual 
veasel,      rh*  C-re"t  lilHloriou,   lol  uiilli,   boarinr:'  tufc  taOj-ots  oi    t<he 
'^diot  of  ;;ucocLV3ioii,   muurit:!   u.v   tnc  t>^OGt  istc^'G  on  z.y^  rifrUt.      '.-q 
read  tiio  odlot  to  t'le  \ria^ci  sayin^^,    '•Tiie  Kinf^  leaaiu{;  on  nis   jede 
table  srok'-  out  :\iB  l^st  oornmaiiu,      Mo  ooun'jU'O  yoii  to  Tollov,'  tae 
teeonlnvrs  «nd   t^eoorift  ruler  of  the  Chou  nntiou,    ooEar.lvin.'T  v;itJa  Its 
great  lawf?»    •'ivlnit'  i^firiaony  to  tU*^  world,    j  't&fl  H??iai   r«sT>ond.liU'  to 
nnd  iuauifestiiif:  tte  ."iorioup   teROlllIlp:^-'.   of  Kin*?  .V«n  and  Kinf:  V/u", 
.'Jte   Prluoc  raade  obolsance  tv.'loe,   arosf.   oud  repliod,    ''Little,    little 
ram  I,  lest  small  oiiild,      i'.ow  oau  I  rule  the  foi-r  regions  in 
reverent  awe  of  tue  dread  majesty  of  i.eav^n?"     Tue  doouii.ont  does 
.ot  fully  lieaorlbe  tiie  oeremony.      -iie  Prliioe  possibly  received  from 
.le  Great  Iroteoi^or   tUe  great   Jade  Ko  as  a  sy;iibol  of  kingly  rank  v/hen 
e   first  asoendod  1:0   the  ball.      He   apparently  laid  the  e^eat   jade 
iCo  and  the  tablets  of  the  edict  on  tuo   altar  table   before  he  Made 
obeisance   in  reply,      iho  .Senior  Officer  of  the  ^oicestral  Temple 
-ave   I'iin   the  ritual   vofjsel,'^     ile  advauoed  tarce   times,   pouring;  out 
a.     The  laace  cov^irTTij   a^i   iu&riibiv-j    iuj.llcotd  word  at  tais 

point*.  S-ecoir\<^4-i»ne.(n  ordtev  fb  CdvyespoYid  wTtJii^A-fiTif  inytiiinfiif  ^ 

turee  libations  and  setting  dovm  tiie   rituul  vessels   three   tiiaea, 

Tae  .Senior  Orflor^r  of   the    fUioestral  Tojuple  aiiiiouacevi,    '"'Lhey    (the 

-ncestors)    have   pRi-tukA-a,"     Tht    ti.rae   ohjvioxe   u^-,c  1  in   i.uia   careraony 

3jT£holized  the  three  iihaaon   of  Oiiinese  iiie   and  »;ovariUicnt ;    the 

h"p   j'.tood  foi   hin^jly  aut:'Oi.ity  and  udiitarj'  y,cv.'oi»    thw   tncl^-ts   for 

lev/  and   c;ivil  authority,    tae   ci*i    foi   /uiceytrol   rciligion. 

Tne;  Grand  Protector  rocoivod  the  ritual  'vessel,   descouUed  rrom 

the   i-i?.!!,    ctu-tiraoniali/  washed  uis    'ands  and  again  aaoended  to  the 

hail  vitci   fuiotnar  ritual   ve^.tjel   ol'   tde   same  tyxu>    ^^'-'-  '^'itii"  £■.    "half 

maco",    Ciia;i;3,    in  alo  naiid^  in  urdar   Lo  uake  tne  reapoiisive   sacri- 

J-  •      .{-g  laclnx  4-  "..0592. 

fice,  tr^o.      "'■■■■    j;ave  tl^e  ritual  /trcisel  to  tbe  Teiiii-la  Httendfxnt.  lie 

made  ooei.?-.'iise  to  the  tCinf,,   The  Kin.:  returned  the  obeiyanoe.   The 

Great  Protector  descended  froc  the  hall,  Tne  Iriugahip  had  been 

handed  over.   All.  the  ::oble3  went  out  of  the  teinpla  gate  and  v/aited 

outside  for  t^'ie  nav/  king,. 

The  Ktnj;;  went  out  and  Ptood  inside  trie  Gate  of  Greeting. 

The  Grand  Irotector,  who  had  nov/  r-?sumed  nis  ordinary  place  as 

a  prince  oi"  the  rsaln,  3tood  on  tne  left  with  all  the  nobles  of 

the  Weat  Resticns.  The  nodes  of  the  iast  ivegions  stood  on  the 

right;  all  -.vlth  tneir"  horses  and  cnaricts.   "Tne  guests  presented 

jade  and  otnar  presents,   pin  oiieUfj   fea^  y«  ohica  i)x" , 

Zt     here  again  tne  v/ord   jad^,   ^,    dhouid   replace   the 

'.vord  "mace'',  Ituei,  in  t:ie  text;  i.ian;'-  .jade  oru-gnonts 
nave  been  found  in  the  oiian^s  touibs  at  i\nyaxig,  bu^/no 
raaoe,   Kuei . 

4,      Tne  Great  Protector   carried  a   ^iinif-jn-iice",    caan.^  when  he 
iiade  th-e  responsive   ^acrifloe.'^No   .jf^^e  obj.^ct?   anawerin;',   '^o   the 
clasaicai   "half  niaoe",    chanj';  nave   been   found  :<\.  Anyang  hut   only 


smaller  jade  Ko  sucii  as  Ko  lU,  11,  12,  20  and  21  and  marble  mlas-oii*l 
like  Ko  25,  2G  and  27,   The  writer  sugf-esta  that  tne  classical  vord 
iialf  mace,  cLan^,  la.   tlie  text  is  an  intrusion  of  t   later  date  to 
replace  tho  v;ord  for  an  ordinary  jade  Ko,  ^m  Ko.   If  ttiis  I'O  so,  then 
tlie  lengtn  oi'  olie  jade  ao  in  some  way  iudioatea  tlie  rank  of  tne 
owner,  but  tiia  jade  Ko  of  thin  monograph  do  uot  fall  5  oto  rs^-uiar 
series  of  uniform  lengths.  The  naif  mace,  Ghan£l»  does  not  seem  to 
exist  as  h   v/ell  defined  iade  symbol  of  rnnic  in  :5hanp;  or  early  Chuu 
times.  The  synibol  used  by  the  Great  Protector  in  tne  ceremony  was 
probably  a  jade  Ko  of  ordinary  size  such  as  ko  10,  12,  19  and  30. 
The  only  half  jade  Ko  are  Ko  '56,  :-37,  62,  65,  80  and  116,  but  these 
might  well  be  acaounted  royal  in  their  perfection  and  in  no  way 
inferior  to  the  great  jades,  Ta  ^,  Ko  12,  14,  15,  16,  17,  18  and  19. 
Because  they  are  made  half  of  jade  axid  half  of  bronze  they  may  h.ave 
suggested  the  classical  commentator's  definition  of  a  d LiaAg;  as  a 
half  mace, 

5,   The  puard  in  the  ancestral  teiuple  numbered  eleven  men. 
Two  soldiox's  inside  the  ^ate  carried  spears  called  hui -^ ,   One  officer 

!•   Ku  Index  42.0589. 
at  the  back  steps  also  held  a  pointed  lance,  jui,^.   These  tv/o  types 

^*   Ku  Index  42.0448, 
of  spear  possibly  correspond  to  the  two  types  described  under  Ko  '^^b. 
One,  probably  the  hul ,  is  a  wide-winged  spear  and  the  other  a  lance 
point  with  loops  on  each  side  of  the  bronze  shaft.   One  officer  v/ho 
stood  In  the  west  of  the  hall  held  an  axe,  yueh"^  such  as  the  one 

3.   Ku  Index  42.0421. 
described  under  Ko  71.   One  officer  v^ho  stood  in  the  east  of  the 

hall  iicld  a  o leaver/   iheso  we.r«  apparently  two  headsmen,  one 

1.  Ku  Index  42,0413. 

v.lth  a  Shang  weapon,  the  axe,  and  one  with  a  Gnou  weapon,  the 

oleaver,'^  It  is  probable  tiint  a  Sxiang  court  had  two  off! o era  v/ith 

3»  A  oleaver  in  the  FTciar   Sallery  oi*  -rt,  v.'ut^hinf^ton,  No. 
•34:  G,  iu.':<o.r.i  bed  '^li'nrquls  /'aag",  Kliuiji  dou  ia  said  to 
have  been  found  soutu  of  the  Oh»i  river  at  HsGn  Hsien 
near  tht^  villa !'e  of  Lu  'iU  Ta*un« 

axes,  Undor  tho  oavaa  stood  two  other  oi'ficers,  t;ie  one  on  the 
v;eat  carrying  a  o;i'g.   If  ir^terpratatloiis  oi"  tliia  weapca  as  a 
socketed  Ko  are  uorraot,  then  Type  VII,  r£  117-loO  and  Type  71II, 
Ko  151-156  v/ere  oarri&d  by  offioars  of  tne  p-uarcl  ratner  than 
soldiers,   Tiiia  sooketed  axe  ia  a  typioai  oiaanf:  weapon  dating  from 
the  occupation  of  the  ^'aflta  of  Yin,  j^o  119-125  are  aimllarly  ins- 
oribod  and  otner  examples  with  the  sanw^  are  kao/m  to  tixist.  Ordin- 
ary examples  like  Ko  14C-150  aioo  seem  to  indicate  its  common  use 
in  ohang  times,  but  it  is  possible  that  ixx  tne  Chou  dynasty  it  had 
already  necome  rare.  Ho   socketed  T^  v.-ere  found  by  the  Aoademia 
Jinica  in  the'  cxoEveticnc  Bt  the  early  Oliou  site  af  Msun  Hslen 
station,   The  oeremonial  use  of  tills  Shanf:  Gii'ii  la  a  Chou  ceremony 
seemf;  to  i^-dicate  th:;  fusion  of  th«.'  tvo  oultvires  in  state  ceremouies. 
On  the  v/est  nide  of  the  hell,  o  j  ot'ite  tae  place  whtre  tl'e  Chou  King 
asccndod,  th«  weapons  of  the  officers  guard  wore  of  3hang  type,  viz, 
the  axe,  yiieh  and  socketed  Ko,  Gh*'u, 

6,  On  the  eart  eide  under  the  eaves,  s  fourth  officer  stood 
bearing  a  I'uni,?  This  weapon  is  probably  best  identified  as  & 

o,      Ku  Index  42,0430, 
triauf-ular  Ko  of  Type  IX,  Ko  157-167,  Tbe  lian  commentator  Oiieng 
K'ang-oh'eng  states  "the  i:*uei  and  the  Oh*Q  munt  be  the  three- 
pointed  spear  of  today".  This  is  v/ide  of  the  mark,  3ut  tne 


tradition  of  three  sides  luay  bo  aaoient.  These  throe-sided  Ko 
of  Type  IX  are  Shaug  dyuaaty  in  elate;  none  \<fiii   foimd  at   ;isttn  Haien, 
-;ut  their  appearaiioo  ou  tht-  east  aide  of  the,  hall  may  indicete  that 
they  v/ere  hI&o   vvell  kao'vii  iu  the  01  sou  dynasty.  Certeiniy  Ko  168,  169 
170,  do  uot  ;;oUu.'oiiL  to  Shen^.^  canoits  ih.   their  deeorativb  design.  In 
later  clasalcal  tiraen  this  f-raph  K^uei  wae  writt&n  v/itii  a  aietal  Ohin 
dignific  aad  i.ot  a  Ko.  This  craph  in  Incorlbed  as  tho  nane  of  thQ^^°^^- 
v/oapoii  on  tha  Kin;,  of  Yen's  v.o-^   v/hloh  hea  a  Ioa'-  hu.  It  is  possible 

1,   3gui-tai  19.50.1. 
therefore  that  a  K.*ue:l  i:^  a  Ohou  Ko  with  a  lon^  im.      It  might  even  bo 
one  of  thone  pacul5.'\r  Ohcu  wenpons  OBiled  ohi  found  at,  Hsfln  Haien, 
for  they  have  fc/ar  points,  a.'Iz.  th<»  hlade»  the  lanoe ,  point,  the  butt 
and  the  long,  nu  or  lashinj;  bar.  The  l-Touaa  w-^avon  nloae  without  the 
haft  has  four  points  like  the  bone  s^aph  for  A  (jet  ^^t   tne  tenth  stem  ia 
cycle  of  days.  Thia  weapon,  called  by  laoderu  .vrltors  a  Ohou  dr/cesty 
Chi,  is  .iot  found  at  the  3iiang  site  of  Anyang  but  it;  vory  oorr-rion  in 
the  Chou  sit©  of  Hafta  Helen, 

7,  r»'our  men  In  spotted  deer-skin  caps  held  Ko  on  their  eho'ilders 
with  blades  i  ointin^'.  upwardy  ready  for  actioii^.  They  ware  stationed 

'^»      ^-u  Index  4£.04'.  1, 
on  the  south  platform  of  the  ancestral  temple,  one  ou  each  siae  of 
the  tv/o  setn  of  cteps  leadiuc  up  to  it,  and  near  the  four  chariots 

v/hioh  stood  at  tiio  foot  of  the  steps.  TJiey  may  have  beoji  the 

outrunners  before  the  horses,  hsien  cia,  who  nlvmvM  oai'ried  Kc^. 

3.  iiee  discussion  under  Ko  o5  and  Ko  117. 
From  thla  placing?  of  four  men  bearinr,  Ko  at  the  very  front  of  the 
temple  we  can  aeo  that  the  Ko  held  an  Im  ortEint  place  in  the  cere- 
mony and  it  is  possible  that  the  artific^er  wao  made  many  of  the 


ornamental  Ko  of  this  monograph  had  In  mind  suoh  ceremonies  as 
the  one  desoribod  in  the  Testamentary  Charge.  TMe  Ko  occupied  the 
same  position  in  the  corer;ioai^l  dress  of  ancient  Gi:ina  as  the 
sword  did  in  recant  Surcpsan  court  dross,  lie   officer  was  properly 
droased  v/itiiout  It.  'Itories  of  the  'Jtates^  records  '*Duke  Mu 
put  his  oarvjd  ^  oa    iis  shoulder  and  went  cut  to  Juoot  the 
airbaasador,  Ku  EUAg  hsa^  tiao  Ko.  oh*u  caien  shih  ohe. 
•^»  I-u.o  xU,  Chin  atnt,o.  Jtiia  yu,  ninth  ohai^tor, 
T>.i£?  is  a  latt  survival  of  a  k>uan(    dynasty  ouator..  sucii  as  is 
vividly  pioturijd  oxi  Yo.  '^^-   °^^  perh.ops  eveix  nor=;  cl9P7'ly  on  a  net 
of  U'oniio  vossela/wTKissetAA/irsi  found  iu  a  brick  kiln  near  Anyang, 
railway  atation  and  uiksj^  and   called  tiio  "^boy  with  *yhQ   halberd  aet". 
In  the  inscription  on  t  ene  vessolo  the  halberd  is  held  point  up 
BS  desoribod  in  tae  Tes taiUbatary  Ihar :^o .   It  ia  of  interest  to 
note  that  sonolaatio  oosjaentators  applied  tiAs   phrase  "grasped  a 
Ko  point  up",  phlh  Ko  a:nonr  J^,  tc  a  spear  wit>h  an  extra  point 
turned  up  at  on«  r?idQ,  Lc-^,go ,  111,  p,  556,  no   iiiterpreted  it  and 
ffioet  Chlnene  diotionfries  still  show  piotureu  oi  Ko  carx'iod  like 
Hpeara.  No  wonder  a  nodern  interpreter  piaoea  :aore  oonfidence  in 
ar-j.taGolOcr^ioai  evidence  raiiher  tiau  in  Eaoiont  30hoia^3tio  aotej?, 

0.  V/hilo  not  n'otually  insntloneil,  t'^e  presence  of  the  dancing 
Ko  is  implied  in  the  Testaneatary  Charyre.  Aocordin'-:  to  the  text, 
tiio  hereditary  denoing  oostiimeo,  trie  ^roao  tortoise  shell,  and  the 
great  drnsx  were  placed  In  the  west  rooir..   T'le  war-<iaao9^or  the 
Chou  ritu«il  oelebratad  in  six  niovements  the  conquest  of  the  Shang 
dynasty  and  the  pBcificotion  of  the  country.  The  war-danoe, 
involving  the  use  of  the  Ko  did  not  originate  with  the  Chou  dynasty; 
it  was  used  already  in  the  Shang  ritual.  The  dancin*^  costumes 


referred  to  v/ere  handed  down  froiii  tne  past.   The  name  Yin  v/hich 
describes  tnem  is  not  the  name  of  the  maker  as  Han  cOKimentators 
supposed,  but  rather  "hereditary"  as  used  in  the  Day  of  ouppleiuent- 
ary  Saorifioe, 

To  sum  up:   Ko  were  used  in  ceremonievS  mentioned  in  the  Test- 
aaoi^tax"/  GhartJe  in  eight  ways  v/_iica  ar^j  alao  representative  of  its 
ceremonial  use  p;onerally. 

1,  'iVo  special  F-o  were  carried  by  the  Kiixg^s  body  guards 
as  symbols  of  autiiority. 

2,  The  larf^e  jade  Ko  wrongly  called  Chiea  r.'uel  iu  the  text 
was  t>ie  symbol  of  kin,-;ly  rank  presented  to  the  Kiup,  at  his  invest- 
iture.  It  was  carried  by  him  in  the  ancestral  ceremonies  and  as 
one  of  tjie  national  treasures  from  the  past,  it  v/as  laid  out  in 
the  /uic9stral  nail  where  it  was  o&lled  f^reat  jade,  Ta  Y*J . 

3,  The  Great  Protector  carried  a  smaller  jade  Ko  to  the 
hall  v/hen  he  offered  sacrifice  on  his  ov/n  ri^ht,     Tnis  is  called 

in  the  text  Ghanf?  and  defined  as  balf  a  K/uei.   From  this  and  other 
references  we  know  that  L..obles  carried  jade  Ko  of  different  sizes 
-S  sifinhols     of  their  rank,   fjince  liOwevcT,  the  lengths  of  jade  Ko  of 
the  Jhan!-;  peri  d  ere     ot  unifonfly  graded,  the  jade  blade  with  bronze 
haftinp  is  possibly  to  be  identified  with  the  Shang  half-jade^Ko#r  cjron.^ 

4,  The  Kinp  carried  as  bis  personal  equipment  a  Ko  and  bow 
and  arrows.   This  Ko  was  a  s.:ort,  well  made  and  beautifully  decorated 
weapon  called  "a  pointed  KO",  tuj.  c_uih  Ko, 

5,  la  the  v/est  pert  of  the  temple  hall  at  the  ceremony  an 
officer  held  a  socketed  Ko  cnlled  a  Gh*u  possibly  as  representative 
of  Shang  dynasty  weapons.  The  Hitual  Li  Chi  22,i5,25  says  that  all 
four  officers,  ftsiao  ch'en.  stationed  in  the  hall  carried  Ko  which 
Is  a  general  name  for  these  weapons. 


6,  lu  the  east  part  of  the  temi^le  hall  at  the  oeremony  an 
offloer  hold  a  triauc'^lfir  Ko  or  perhaps  a  four-branohed  lanoe  Koj>*m«hm« 
called  a  K*uei.  possibly  a-  roi)rQsentatlve  of  Ghou  dynasty  weapons. 

7.  On  tho  front  platfom  on  the  hall,  four  guarda  held  decer- 
ated  ordinary  oerGmonial  Ko  "point  up"  at  tne  roady.  These  iien  may 
have  beeu  charioteers  cr  outrunners  called  hsien  lua  who  cleared  the 
way  both  aotualiy  and  ccrencnially  ^'or  the  Kin^. 

8^  Ko  Wert:  tlso  used  in  the  v/er-deiice  r&ntoaviice^ performed 
before  the  ancestors  in  tno  /iioeetral  tt>ri].lo. 

In  eaoh  case  these  TCo  wero  appropriately  decorated  for 
oererionifil  use. 


C,    Funereal  use. 

The  classifloation  of  the  Ko  is  somewhat  confused  by  its 
use  anonc  the  ciinp'»ch*i  fouud  lii  Shang  dynastv  tombs. 

The  Chinese  torm  minp:''Ch*i  should  becocae  a  loan  word.  There 
1g  no  GCiulvalent  in  a  iuroptjan  lan^ruage,  whioh  exactly  ex- 
presses the  idsa.  The  term  deslf^nates  those  "obvious  o'o- 
J sots'*  placed  iii  tombs  to  show  the  "filial-rioty"  of  tno 
mourners.  They  have  been  called  "'vos;:elG  to  the  eye  of 
fanoy**,  "s])irlt  vosaeis'*,  "ghost  objoots**.  These  terms  are 
based  on  later  deflnitiono  by  Chlaeae  ooincientators  of  the 
nail  dynasty  (.'^•D.  2;>-.;.20)  who  had  the  point  of  viow  of 
their  Q\Tn  time  and  not  thet  of  the  Shang  dynast/.  This  is 
not  the  plaoe  to  enter  into  an  e3.TX>!?ition  of  the  religious 
ideas  on  wiiich  the  Shang  dynasty  bui-ial  customs  wore  eased 
except  to  state  that  the  term  nlnf;~oh*i  as  applied  to  3hang 
dynasty  objodts  is  confined  to  tiiose  tiiings  which  were 
exfjressly  made  for  tlie  funeral  and  burial  to  completo  on 
adequate  furnishing?  of  the  tomb.  Tho  elaborateness  of  these 
furnishings  depended  on  the  atnadin^^  in  jjooiety  of  the  person 
burled  but  also  on  the  degree  of  filial  piuty  aiaone,  the 
meELhera  of  tho  fsunlly  who  were  conduct ing  the  funeral. 
Ordinarily  in  a  A-ealthy  family  the  aotua^.  ritual  vessels 
and  objects  usod  by  the  deoeaaed  were  buried  in  the 
tomb  with  hiia.     His  own  vessels  from  his 


altar  Inscribed  with  his  own  personal  name  and  the  names  of  his 
(ieoeased  Tuthers,  mothers  and  elder  brothers  whom  he  honoured  in 
the  ancestral  ritual  were  no  longer  suitable  for  the  use  of  !iis 
sons.  These  '♦real"  personal  vessels  alon:?:  with  any  other  fj:eneral 
sacred  family  vessels  w.ioii  were  broken,  iiivinded,  outnoded  or  which 
tne  family  were  willinif^  to  use  for  t.ds  puri-ione  wore  first  gathered 
together.  The  balance  of  a  complete  set  of  tomb  furnishinpis  suit- 
able to  the  deceased  and  to  the  desire  of  the  mourners  to  express 
their  affection  or  respect  were  made  up  of  rdn^-ch^i. 

In  the  writer* s  opinion  inia/r;«»ch*i  were  uot  made  for  the  purpose 
of  deoelvlnf^  the  dead  but  to  express  tiiat  distinctive  virtue  of  the 
Chinese  people  which  we  call  filial  piotyi  hsiap.  The  raiso^&*etre 
of  Minf--oh*i  was  to  put  into  "'visible  form"  tue  respect  for  the  per- 
son and  status  of  tue  deceased.  The  apritfi  of  the  deceased,  .otill 
living  and  knowing,  followed  with  interest  the  last  expressions  of 
human  affeotiou.  To  fail  to  express  it  to  the  full  v/as  to  bo  un- 
fllial,  pu-asiao.   iowevor,  the  greatest  desire  of  the  deceased  v/as 
the  maintainanoe  of  his  family  nmonp,  the  livin,",  and  the  preservation 
of  its  proper  status  in  society.  To  bury  all  the  valued  ritual 
vessels  from  oi'f  tlie  family  altar  without  replacing  then  vdth  equally 

suitable  vessels  was  .to  be  still  more  unlilial,  •u~,.t3lao,PoY  Ihn  L-rou^hf' '^i^'^raos.. 
IK.   Soaie'ty,  uj(\e/^  Sviio.iil<i-  Anceshral  ceremonies  Cooldncthecetehratsi^.vjtihojt-svtl'ah'Le  bror^ie  vessels. 
i'o  meet  tais  situation,  mlxir-ch'i  were  used.  These  objects  met 

all  the  requirements  in  appearance,  but  did  aot  impoverish  the  family 

uunooeysarily.  Lists  of  objects  buried  in  the  tomb  were  made  and 

"axinounced"  to  the  S]  irits  of  tP^e  deceased  and  those  present  at  the 

funeral.  The  object  aad  to  conform  to  the  written  descriptioii,   A 

bronze  r.o,  mlqjp-oh'i,  :iad  to  be  made  of  bronze  if  so  designated,  but 

the  quality  of  bronze  might  be  i)Oor,  the  workmanship  shoddy  and  the 

size  miuiature,  Where  no  material  v/as  named  the  vessels  raiq;ht  be 
made  of  cheap  pewter  or  clay.   Stone  or  bronze  minp;-ch'i  mi^ht  simu- 
late either  elaborate  archaic  ceremonial  Ko  or  contemporary  usable 
weapons.  This  explains  the  great  variety  of  shapes  amon{7  the  mln^- 
oh'i.   The  quality  of  the  object  depended  on  the  remuneration  paid 
to  the  artisan,  but  an  object  properly  finished  and  suitable  to  be 
used  "above  ground"  was  not  called  a  minffi-ch'i.   There  are  many  sets 
of  ritual  utexisils  in  which  all  the  objects  including  Ko  were  made 
for  f'.noreal  use  only.   In  such  cases,  apparently,  the  deceased  had 
no  personal  objects  otaer  tlian  those  that  could  properly  be  used  by 
his  descendants,  or  els'^  the  "trade  in"  value  of  the  good  bronze  in 
them  v/as  worth  theexohangc^  to^a  ifiore  complete  set  as  a  ^  expression  of 

In  the  writer* s  opinion  the  contents  of  Shang  dynasty  tombs  v/ere 
always  consistent^,  That  is,  a  vessel  inscribed  to  be  used  in  the 

ritual  for  a  Father  or  other  ancestor  would  bear  the  name  of  the 

actual  father  or  other  ancestor  of  the  deceased,  but  not  the  names  of 

Other  pex'sons.   The  graphs  on  Ko  would  be  the^name  of  the  deceased  ri?;/- 

oii^bi{  J^is   I'etainers,   Sxxohnanies  had  been  used  during  his   lifetime   or  we^e 

li\Jin^  Court  titles    granted    aefore    burial.      One   does  not   find   in  a 

"^hang  tomb  vessels  that  belonged  to  some  other  person. 


Ixi  a  Chou  dynasty  cemetery  at  ilsun  lisien,    hov/ever,   vessels   and 

Ko  inscribed  with  different  names  wer  found  in  one  and  the  same  tomb,  jr^ 

A  parently  these  Gnou  people  were  not  concerned  that  all  the  burial 

furniture  should  have  been  the  property  of  ©r  appyaprYiaie    .o^  the  deceased. 

They  were  either  his  own  before  deatn  or  mln,:^-Oii' i,  made  for  his  burialj 

Dr.  G.D,  A'u  in  Ireiiistoric  Pottery  in  China,  page  168,  writes, 
"So  far  as  I  knov/  from  modern  discoveries  ming-ch'i  were  rarely 
used  during  the  Shang-Yin  period,  when  real  objects  of  daily 
use  v/ere  deposited  in  the  tomb;  they  v/ere  used  more  often  in 
the  Chou,  but  not  till  the  lian  were  they  common."   Dr.  '  u  is 
here  confusing  two  types  of  minf--ch*i  v/aich  are  associated  with 


two  different  types  of  burial  custom,   /"iccordiur  to  the  custom 
of  Han  I  times  there  v/ere  buried  in  the  tomb  ob^jfectslil'neeled  by 
the  deceased  to  maintain  his  physical  life  and  comfort:   nouses, 
granarios,  grinding  mills,  wells,  pir:  stys,  sheep  folds,  i'owls, 
v/atch  dogs,  servants,  cooking-stoves  and  a  great  variety  of 
taings  modelled  from  clay.   No  doubt  also  tilings  made  of  wood 
and  straw  have  disappeared,   ouch  objects  are  never  found  in 
ohang  tombs.   In  them  one  finds  all  the  Implements  and  regalia 
waich  the  deceased  used  in  the  Vv'orsnip  of  his  ancestors.   To  tJie 
man  of  the  .^hanc  dj/nasty  tae  important  tning  in  the  after-life 
was  to  maintain  contact  v/itu  the  ancestors  who  had  gone  before 
and  tais  was  to  be  accomplished  by  burying  with  him  his  ritual 
Vessels  and  personal  ritual  robes  and  etiuipment  and  that  of  iiis 
escort.   In  this  case  not  all  the  objects  were  minf?-ch*i,  but 
only  those  necessary  to  make  the  set  of  ritual  vessels  complete. 

The  oommon.  man  of  limited  means  was  ordinarily  buried  with  a  single 

Ko,  presumably  his  own  weapon,  by  his  side.  Riohor  burials  have 

yielded  numbers  of  Ko.  There  is  reason  to  believe  t.iat  in  such  oases 

groups  of  a  certain  nuiber  of  Ko  were  included  in  the  tomb  furnishings 

and  that  this  nui.iber  was  commonly  6.  Thus  five  sirallar  Ko  were  found 

with  Ko  35.  These  are  all  min-:'->c  i*i.  The  set  of  six  Ko,  Nos.  102- 

107,  aro  strongly  rriade  and  may  have  been  used  for  coort   ooremonies 

sue::  as  are  described  in  the  Tostamentary^. 

l.JLegge  III,  544-561;  Zu  Index   42.0207  and  42.0401). 

Tiils  dooument  refors  to  tv*'o  officers  of  the  body  guard  osoort  and 

four  men  vfitli  Ko  on  their  shoulders,  blade  up,  who  stood  guard  on 

eaoi-  side  of  the  two  seta  of  steps  east  and  i:est  of  the  great  iiall. 

This  is  a  total  of  six.  Further  evidence  to  the  same  effeot  is 

given  by  two  oraole  boneg  which  record  the  '*Ordoring  of  six  Ko  men"^. 

2«  Oh* ion  rien  7.34,2  and  :Iayashi  2.i).ll.   Date  about 
1200  ;;.G.   It  iias  been  reported  soveral  sets  of 
ten  Ko  v/lth  ton  beheaded  men  have  been  found  by  the 
Aoadonia  Slnica  In  the  Great  tombs  in  "ou  Ghia  Chuang, 
Anyanp"  in  igiH-i'iS. 

I   ■  .5. 

;  ,  OONTRISUl^foWS    :^'^'"*'^  >  G^UGhAJriiY 

General  limitations 

Tills  study  of  the  Shang  Ko  has  opened  up  the  way  for  still 
further  researohea  Into  the  history  and  geography  of  the  Shang 
dynasty.  Strictly  opeakln,";,  these  lie  outside  tiie  boundaries 
set  for  this  monograph.  The  studies  of  the  Inscriptions  on  the 
Individual  Ko  have  been  made  with  a  view  to  detenainlng  their 
more  precise  dates  rather  than  to  discovering  historical  and 
geographical  Information  about  their  owners,  Most  references 
made  In  the  catalogue  to  oracle  bone  Inscriptions  merely  record 
the  diviner* s  name  In  order  to  determine  tne  date  of  the  bone 
script  periods  in  which  the  Ko  were  made.  Therefore  many  of  the 
suggestions  advanced  In  these  otudies  must  be  considered  as  ten- 
tative and  uot  final.  The  presentation  of  the  evidence  in  an 
English  form  has  compelled  the  v/riter  to  risk  mcuiy  translations 
and  interx^retations  of  inscriptions  which  are  open  to  dlsv-uto. 
It  seemed  better,  however,  to  venture  an  Interpretation  of  the 
graphs  in  English  rather  than  to  remain  silent  and  call  them 
merely  '* totem  marks'*.  This  difficulty  of  interpretation  does 
not  arise  in  a  presentation  in  the  Chinese  lanfruage  where  the 
graphs  may  be  transcribed  into  modern  Chinese  script  and  their 
interpretation  left  to  the  reader. 
The  nature  of  tha  literary  rdoords. 

All  extant  Ciiinese  literature  displays  only  a  vague  know- 
ledge of  the  iilstory  and  geography  of  the  Shang  dynasty.   The 
orthodox  interj)retatlou  of  tiie  laove  to  Yin  was  that  it  represented 
a  snift  from  north  of  the  Yellow  Idver  to  tne  south  of  it.  The 
reason  is,  apparently,  tuat  the  Ohou  conquerors  of  1038  li.C, 



wished  to  blot  out  all  romeiabrance  of  the  Shang  people  as  the 
originators  of  Chinese  culture ,  At  first  taey  oondemned 
especially  the  last  King  of  Shang  and  extolled  the  virtue  of 
King  v/en  and  King  \'in,   emphasizing  that  Shang  had  been  conquered 
by  the  mandate  of  Heaven,  T'ien  Ming,  Confucius,  451-479  }i,G, 
said  he  admired  the  ancients,  hao  ku.  He  travelled  to  the 
state  of  Sung  in  searoJi  of  evidence  for  the  ritual  and  history 
of  Shanj-;  dynasty  but  found  little.  The  documentary  records 
had  all  perished,^  He  visited  tho  capital  of  the  state  of  V/ei 

1,  Leg^e  I,  p,22.   Analects  III,  <!. 

only  two  days  journey  from  the  "'aste  of  Yin  but  evidently  did 
not  l'.^am  that  the  capital  of  the  Shang  dynasty  was  nearby.  He 
praised  the  culture  of  the  3hou  dynasty  above  that  of  the  pre- 
oeeding  two  dynasties,  .:sia  and  Shang  and  said,  "I  follow  Chou, 
>Vu  t3*ung  Chou",^  Dy  Confucius*  time  the  propaganda  of  the 

2,  Le^p:e  I,  p,  24,  Analects  III  14. 

Chou  conquerors  had  succeeded.  The  ClassicL. Qf_Hl story ,  Shu 
Ching  which  he  is  said  to  have  edited  was  filled  with  Chou 
dynasty  model  emperor  lore  and  propagandistio  records  of  the 
Conquest  of  the  Shang  dynasty,*^  The  of  L'enoius  (390- 

3,  See  Ku  .i.iih  Pi  en  and  A,.',  Hummel . ,  Autobioprapiiy 

of  a  Chinese  Historian  Leyden^  h^^,!. 

305  13, C,)^  may  be  summarized  as  follows  "After  the  deatii  of 

4,  Leg^e  II,  p.  156,  dates  according  to  Prof, 

Ch'  ion  Mu,  J«'«5il«lioi^r«ffiy  geweral- 

model  limperors  Yao  and  Hsiin  o  pressive  soveaigns  arose  one 
after  the  other,  3y  the  time  of  Chou,  the  last  King  of  Shang, 
the  world  was  again  in  a  state  of  great  oonfusion.   Duke  Chou 
assisted  King  Wu  and  destroyed  Chou,  of  Shang,  He  extinguished 
fifty  states  and  the  world  was  glad".  The  Glasaic  of  Iiistory 


says,  "Great  and  splendid  were  the  plans  of  King  Wen"', 

It  is  obviously  vain,  therefore,  to  search  for  the  hist- 
orical background  of  Shang  Ko  in  literary  sources  only.  These 
can  be  trusted  only  when  supported  by  primary  evidence  such  as 
that  afforded  by  archaeolorrical  excavation  and  ezplor<ition, 
inscriptions  on  bronze  ritual  vessels  of  the  Shang  dynasty^and 
oracle  bone  inscriptions  from  Anyang. 
The  evidence  of  the  inscriptions  on  bronze  ritual  vessels 

The  inscriptions  cast  on  Shang  ritual  vessels  were  intended 
to  facilitate  their  use  in  ancestral  ceremonies.  Many  of  them 
have  oixly  one  graph;  some  have  two  or  more  graphs  combined  into 
a  sort  of  "monogr8r>n  ',  often  contained  in  a  square  cartouche,  ya. 
This  is  the  court  name  of  the  owner.  From  the  type  of  graphs 
used,  the  name  often  appears  to  be  a  court  office  sucn  as  "Ko 
Bearer"  (Ko  70),  "Keeper  of  the  Kitual  Vessels"  (Ko  71),  '•Mounter 
of  Chariots"  (Ko  72),  "Leader  of  Ten  thousand"  (Ko  75,  95), 
"(iuiver  bearer"  (Ko  76),  "Controller  of  Silk"  (Ko  77),  etc.  In 
addition  to  these  name  graphs  of  the  ovmer,  day  names  of  ancestors 
v/ere  frequently  added  on  Shang  bronze  vessels.  Many  scholars 
seem  still  to  be  uncertain  that  the  inscriptions  on  these  sets 
of  ritual  vessels  are  of  Shang  date.   Even  so  erudite  and  daring 
a  research  worker  as  Kuo  iJo-jo  in  1933  began  his  essay,  "The 
evolution  of  inscriptions  on  ritual  vessels  in  the  Chou  dynasty"  ^ 

1.  Chou  Tal  )[i  Minfi  Chin  llua  Kuan,  published  as  a  supple- 
ment to  volume  I  of  his  book,  Ku  Tai  Ming  K'o  lu  K'ao, 
Tokyo,  1933. 

with  the  following  statement,  "V/hile  some  vessels  have  survived 

from  the  end  of  the  Shang  dynasty  and  from  before  the  Chou  dynasty, 

yet  the  niamber  of  those  of  which  'we  can  be  definitely  sure  does 

not  reach  ten".  He  continues,  "It  was  formerly  considered  that 



all  vessels  with  the,, day  names,  ohla  yi,  eto,  belonged  to  the 
Shang  dynasty,  but  tnis  oustom  existed  even  in  the  middle 
period  of  the  Chou  dynasty  so  this  old  opinion  cannot  be  entire- 
ly aooepted,** 

The  uninitiated  reader  wouxd  infer  from  the  above  that 
there  are  very  few  authentic  Shang  dynasty  ritual  vessels  and 
that  there  is  no  evidence  that ^vessels  inscribed  with  day  names 
belong  to  the  Shang  dynasty*  Such  inferences  would  be  quite 
wrong.  There  are  at  least  3000  inscribed  Shang  vessels,  most 

1,  The  two  books  Yin  .en  and  Ikiil   Yin  alone  list  a  total 
of  over  2400  vessels,  IJot  less  tiian  600  additional 
are  found  scattered  in  many  other  books  and  in  un- 
published collections, 

of  them  having /day  names  as  well  as  "owners'*  aames. 

It  is  true  that  there  are  only  a  few  long  Shang  dynasty 

inscriptions  on  bronze  vessels  wiiich  bear  upon  them  the  full  and 

unmistakable  temple  titles  of  Shang  Kings  and  3nang  dates*  A 

bowl,  kuQi,  with  one  such  inscription  is  Known  to  have  been  above 

ground  for  over  a  hundred  years.*  Its  lone  text  of  35  graphs  is 

2.  It  ixas  the  seal  of  the  collector  Chin  Fu-t'ing 
engraved  on  the  bottom  of  it,  :;>:iortly  before  the 
present  war  the  writer  obtained  tiiis  vessel  from 
Mr,  ::,T,  Loo  of  New  York,  The  inscription  is  re- 
corded In  Yin  vVen  1.19,3  and  San-tai  6,52,2  and 
transorlbud  i..  tiio  writers  Chia  I'm   Yon  Jaiu 
(Oracle  Bone  Studies)  1933,  p,  l3x, 

well  knovm  to  Chinese  scholars  and  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the 
'*loss  than  ten"  which  Mr,  Kuo  Mo-jo  would  recognize  as  definite- 
ly of  Shang  date.  The  inscription  is  composed  in  the  same  manner 
as  those  on  oracle  bones  beginning-  with  the  two  cyclical  graphs 
of  the  day  Uu  oh* en  and  efij^ifig  vfith   the  month  and  year  of  the 
king,  **In  the  elevent^i  moon,  on  the  occasion  of  the  kings,  wei 
wang.  tv/entieth  annual  sacrifice,  sau,  the  day  of  the  united, 
hsieh,  ceremony  reaching  back,  kou,  to  Queen  Pi  Wu  and  King  V/u 

(Tau)  Yi  iilustrloua  onoa,  ho;   ono  wild  boar".  The  vespel  was 

'  made  in  1071  B.C.  A  general,  sMh,  namei  "Goranosite  'iouj  " 
gave  to  oao  v/hoso  rjersonal  name  waa  Hal  "twenty  iiails,  ^  of 
oaorlficlal  liquor  and  shell  tokens  Wwioli  lie  used  to  make  his 

,  preolous  aaoi'iflcial  vessel  In  honour  of  ils  father  Yl**,  i'^ather 
Yi  was  the  seoond  last  King  of  Shang  called  la  literary  reoords 
Emperor ;^(Ti,  Yij ,  The  oooasion  for  v/.loh  the  ver.soi  v/as  raade  was 

,  a  special  oereaonj'  v/oll  attested  alao  on  the  bones,  oouduoted  in 
honour  of  ^ueon  Pi  Vm  anCL  her  ooasort  ICinr;  v;u  (T;ju)  Yi  v/aoso 
uniaistakable  namos  it  bears.  The  Insoriptlou  is  signed  at  the 
end  with  the  ''tm:>ortant  offioe  or  faiuily  livi^i.^^  name"  of  the 
''owner".  Thl3  graph  shows  three  xaen  gathered  around  a  standard 
the  top  of  v.l>ioh  supports  a  suall  graph  "prisoner"  hsingt  which 

1,  Prisoiior  Using  is  Eisntloned  under  jjo  76. 
scseiua  to  be  the  symbol  of  authority,  Thio  ov.aier*s  important 
name  raay  bo  transcribed  IQ,  the  aiodera  meaninj?;  of  wriich  is  "to 
march"  or  "travel".  Had  tais  vessel  been  iasoribed  in  the  early 
Shang  II  fashion,  omi  all  record  of  the  date  and  the  histor- 
ical ocoaaioa  on  which  it  was  first  used,  it  would  have  borne 
only  the  three  graphs:  .standard  bearers,  lU,  and  Father  Yi,  Iro- 
ciaely  these  three  graphs  are  foxmd  both  on  the  lid  and  Dody  of 
the  pail,  jTfl,  belonging  to  t.^is  set  ,  The  a3:?ociated  steaiaer, 

S,  I'.atl  Yin  1,78,6  and  7,  same  as  Jjaa-tal  13,49,1  and  2. 
Hslen ,  (Yin  /en  1,29,7)  la  inscribed  "standard  bearers",  iU, 
"Grandfataer  iTsu/fing"  i,e,  Xing  V<en  Wu  Ting,  The  three  vessels 
of  this  set  thus  bear  the  numos  of  three  generations  of  royal 
ancestors  of  tae  ovmcr,  "SLandurs  bearers,  iti".   Standard  bearer 
Itt  is  the  important  living  name  of  a  member  of  the  royai  aouse 
beloni'ln;:  to  the  same  generation  as  Ghou  i:3iu  tne  last  -ing  of 



The  genealogioal  nature  of  tiio  Insoriptlons  on  tiieso  vesaela 
provides  additional  proof  that  inscriptions  on  ritual  vessels 
w.iloh  bear  only  the  living  name  of  the  owner  and  the  day  name  of 
an  ancestor  do  belong  to  the  Shang  dynasty  and  moat  probably  to 
tne  royal  family.  On  the  bowl  made  in  1071  i.d,  i.e.  near  the 
end  of  the  Shang  dynasty,  the  use  of  suoh  otiose  words  as  "made 
this  saorificial  vessel,  tso  pao  yi**  had  already  become  permiss- 
ible* This  proves  that  vessels  wliich  use  these  phrases  cannot  be 
excluded  from  the  Shang  dynasty  on  tuis  evidence  alone.  The 
occasional  uae  of  Inscriptions  on  one  vessel  of  a  ritual 
set  probably  began  as  early  as  the  reign  of  King  (Lin)  lisin 
Inmediately  following  the  death  of  Tsu  Chia  in  1157  D.C,^  In  the 

1,   3ee  Ko  138, 
writer's  opinion,  tho  three-graph  inscriptions  without^ such  "un- 
necessary words'*  are  ir.ore  often  to  be  dated  in  the  first  Ixalf  of 
Shang  II  culture  period  than  near  its  end.  The  inscribed  Shang 
Ko  and  ritual  vessels  with  a  single  graph  belong  to  this  group. 

The  fact  that  day  names  of  ancestors  artj  found  on  some  bronzes 

as  late  as  the  middle  period  of  the  Ghou  dynasty  does  not  preclude 

tho  dating  in  the  Shang  period  of  inscriptions  which  have  only  the 

name  of  the  owner  ana  the  day  name  of  an  ancestor.  On  Cliou  bronzes 

these  day  names  of  ancestors  are  rare  and  most  probably  belong  to 

the  descendants  of  Shang  who  cl\mg  to 

old  traditiona,  There  is  uo   eviat;ace  that  the  Chou  conquerors 

adopted  the  Shan,t^  posthumous  temple  titles  which  used  the  day  names. 
Inscriptions  on  bronzes  of  the  very  beginning  of  the  Chou  dynasty 
call  them  Elnc  v/en  and  King  Vv'u,  '»Vhen/day  names  of  ancestors  are 
found  on  Chou  bronzes  they  are  associated  with  long  verbose  inscrip- 
tions which  praise  the  merits  of  the  owner's  ancestors.  The  Chou 

method  of  insoribing  the  date  was  different  from  the  Shang, 
The  year  was  called  liarvest,  nien,  instead  of  annual  sacrifice 
ssu.  The  inscription  began  with  the  year  of  the  King,  the  month 
and  the  phase  of  the  moon  followed  by  the  cyclical  graphs  of  the 
day.   The  compositions  were  eulogistic,  extollinj^;  tne  virtues  of 
King  Wen  and  King  Wu  and  declaring  the  gift  of  the  mandate  from 
heaven  to  the  Chou  dynasty.  They  recorded  charters  and  gifts  of 
the  Son  of  Heaven  and  often  covenants  and  records  of  conquests. 
It  IS  tne  writer's  opinion  that;; name  days  of  ancestors  found  on 

persons  d^cehi ei .  f-f"  ir< 

Chou  bronzes  are  the  names  of^  members  of  tlie  Shang  royal  house  w/io 
According  tc^ tradition   the  Chou  conquerors  employed  many 
descendants  of  the  Shang  dynasty  as  officials  and  permitted  them 
to  remember  their  Shan  ancestors  in  regiilar  ceremoiiies.  But 
these  later  vessels  and  their  inscriptions  exhibit  tne  contempor- 
ary fasnions  of  the  Chou  dynasty. 

The  philosopher  Mo  Ti  480-390  3.G,-'-  sarcastically  described 

1.  Mo  Tzu,  lu  wen  section.  The  date  is  that  given  by 
Professor  Ch*len  ku, 

the  inscriptions  of  his  time  in  y/ords  which  may  bo  applied  to 

all  Chou  inscriptions.  He  wrote:   "Attack  a  neighbouring  nation. 

Kill  its  people.   Loot  its  cattle,  horsey,  e^rain,  millot,  goods, 

treasure.   Write  It  on  bamboo  and  silk.   Carve  it  on  bronze  and 

stone.   Compose  it  into  an  inscription  for  yjur  ceremonial  bells 

and  tripods.  Hand  it  doivn  to  your  sons  and  grandsons  of  future 

generations  and  say,  »Iio  one  possesses  more  than  I  do'".   In  the 

time  of  Mo  Ti,  bells  and  tripods,  Chun^:  tin^^.,  were  merely  sacred 

objects  on  vvJiioh  to  record  laiiitary  aci'iievements  and  tiie  honours 

granted  by  the   Son  of  Heaven,      Since   some   of  the   eveixts  Y>e corded  oft 

CmU  hromesoaiU  be  identified  in  the  recorded  nistory  of  the   Chou 

dynasty,  scholars  have  judged  Shang  inscriptions  by  these  later 
standards  and  considered  that  the  number  of  graphs  on  them  v/ere 
too  few  to  be  of  use  as  a  source  for  Shang  dynasty  history, 

Maay  inscriptions  on  Shang  bronzes  have  boen  available  to 
scholars  for  nearly  a  thousand  years,  00-yang  llsio   published 
his  Ghi  Ku  lu  Pa  Wei  about  A.D,  1050,   The  drawings  and  inscrip- 
tions of  the  great  Imperial  collection  of  the  Sung  dynasty  Hsuan 
Ho  Po  Ku  T'u  Lu  were  published  about  A.D,  1125.   But  only  since 
the  discovery  of  the  oracle  bone  inscriptions  at  Anyang  have  we 
had  the  key  to  the  interpretation  of  these  brief  inscriptions  on 
the  Shang  bronzes.   Up  to  the  present,  hov;ever,  these  tvfo   primary 
sources  for  Shang  dynasty  history  have  not  been  used  in  conjunc- 
tion.  The  links  between  them  noted  in  this  study  should  lead  to 
further  use  of  this  method  in  identifying  names  found  on  other 
ritual  vessels  with  the  names  recorded  on  bone  inscriptions.   It 
is  only  by  coordinating  all  the  available  information  from  these 
two  primary  sources  that  we  can  rewrite  the  historical  and  geo- 
graphical background  of  the  Shang  Ko.   Before  /.e  can  understand 
the  kind  of  information  to  be  derived  from  these  two  primary 
sources  we  rauat  clearly  recognize  their  nature.   Inscriptions  on 
Shang  Ko  and  the  associated  ritual  vessels  have  been  described 
in  a  prevlotis  chai  ter.  The  only  information  we   can  sxpect  from 
them  is  the  important  living  names  of  the  owner  and  his  ancestral 
relationships.  From  the  beauty  and  elaborateness  of  his  vessels 
we  can  judge  his  position  in  Shang  society,   Forrnerly,  sets  of 
Shang  vessels  were  not  left  together  but  were  dispersed  among 
collectors.   Recently,  seisreral  sets  have  been  unearthed  at  Anyang 
and  kept  together.   The  greater  part  of  two  such  sets^is  in  the 


Royal  Ontario  Muaouia.  Tho  nethod  oi*  rocordlnj-"!;  inscriptions 
hao  also  obscured  tho  recognition  of  oets.  The  vessels  of  the 
set  were  grouped  according-  to  shape  in  different  cections  of 
booka  of  InaorlptlonD,  LUxny  of  the  sets  recorded  in  the  present 
raonograpri  have  been  Gathered  together  for  the  first  time.  Yet 
It  is  only  by  considering^  the  whole  act  that  one  coii  deteruine 
the  relationship  of  the  ovmcr  to  tiic  anccntiai  liris  cf  tho  Shnng 
roycl  fardly. 

The  evidence  of  tlxe  oracle  bones. 

The  nature  of  the  evidence  to  be  gotten  iroia  the  oracle  bones 
l3  quite  different.  These  inscriptions  are  tne  oouteraporary  re- 
cords of  iivination  wishes  or  propositions  nade  to  the  "vlsh  bone** 
in  the  name  of  the  kini-.  The  answer  was  '-iven^  by  the  ^divination 
orack,  du,  produced  by  singeing  the  tortoise  shell  or  bone.  On 
the  bones  ttxe  living  names  of  people  and, ^places  as  used  in  ths 
royal  oo*  rt  were  recorded,  V»hile  oraolo  bone  inaoriptions  do  uot 

record, ^they  are  by  far  the  most 
important  source  for  3han<3  dynasty  history  and  geography. 

In  tae  endeavour  to  fix  tne  dates  of  the  iuaoribad  Shang  Ko, 

tne  oraolo  bone  Inscriptions  were  searched  for  similar  names.  It 

v^as  discovered  that-  most  of  the  graphs  oast  on  the  3nann>  Ko  con- 
tained the  names  of  persona  mentioned  also  in  Bone  script  period 
I,  tiatiiir;  from  the  laove  to  Yin  in  1311  :i,C,  to  the  end  of  King 
V'u  Tint's  reign,  1197  D.C,^  *''^^y  ^^  ^^^   ^sTapha  on  the  3hang,,Eo 

1,  Mr,  Tung  Tao-plu,  Jriteria^  p,  37o,  seems  to  restrict 
bone  sorirt  period  I  to  Vki  Tia,-.;*y  reign,  13?r3-1197  J.C, 
but  writer  oonaiders  that   nany  praole  bone  inscrip- 
tions antednte  t,'',l:t  rf^lrn.   Some   ii jtioiiatel'""  follow 
1311  B,G. 

were  also  found  to  be  tiiO  nam^s  of  "ownora"  of  aetg  of  bronze 
ritual  vessels  of  v/.iiou  tho  Ko  fomed  a  part,"^  In  this  way  the 


2.  _^  35,  100,  102-107  were  all  reported  \r-   reliauie 
autiiorltles  to  have  been  found  in  th<=  aaaa  rlta  with 
sets  or  ritual  vessels* 

grapna  on  the  oaang  Ko  became  a  liiLic  oetween  tAe  thousands  of 

oraolo  b'jno  inasrlptiona  vrita  tneir  wivlo  variety  o£   aiatorloal 

and  geographical  infon&ation  and  thu  records  o£   tne  anoestral 

relationships  or  tae  owners  inscribed  upon  tne, vessels.  Thos 

we  learn  that  ths  owners  of  3han£  l^  whose  naaes  were  oast  on  the 

butt  of  the  weapon  were  important  persons  living  ui/kb  i>one -script  ^ 

period  I,  [1511-1197  >j«G.)  and  that  they  possessed  elaborate  sets 

of  bronze  ritual  vessels, '^^^  ^«  '^^^^'^^  d,,^r,s  ,,-r,^    c^t^.^.^s.r  zcr.-.:^.pr 

It  also  becoxes  evident  that  these  setG  of  vessels  are  to 

ue  dated  in  tiis  early  part  of  t.iC  Jaan^  XI  perio'd^and  that  a 

considerable  Anouut  of  information  about  their  owners  is  to  be  c^ra,^4_ 

,  utten  I'rou   the  oracle  bone  inscriptions •  lais  has  given  in 

turn,  a  renl  colour  to  ths  najLes  of  t..3se  persons  in  the  oracle 

bone  inscriptions  and  has  supplied  us  wit^  tL.uir  ancestral  re- 

xationEhips  which  could  LOt  be  learned  fron  the  oracle  bones 

alone.  The  ancestral  relationsnli 3  indicated  on  ouc  oracle 

ucne  inscriptions  are  those  of  the  reigning  king  only,  Tne 

skeleton  of  Shang  dynasty  history  Is  the  genealogy  or  the  Shen^ 

royal  house.  About  one  half  of  tne  oracle  ^one  divination  wiahas 

loade  on  behalf  of  the  roiiyiinfi  icijur  were  concerned  with  proposed 

royal  aaoestral  corecicnies,  Frou  these  records  it  haa  been 

possible  to  reconstruct  the  genealogy  of  the  ki nfis  and  queens  of 

the  Shauf;  dynasty  based  on  oon.tejr.porary  sources^  and  to  prove  that 

ii,  Jee  the  '.ritcr'a  2:Ab.  l'^   Yen  Pt„<ft  (Oracle  Jtudies) 
1933,  pp.  61-125,   The  nar:ies  of  the  queens  are  not 
found  in  the  Histories, 

t_t  recoras  ol  ohnne;  genealogy  preserved  in  z:it   .xm  -^ii.asty 
histories  are  aubstantially  correct,   Tae  &ing3  and  f^ueens  of 

the  Shaiig  dynasty  are  ivuovm  bota  ia  tne  Gontemporary  ooxie  records 
aad  in  ohe  subsequent  literary  iilGtory  jy  tiioir  posthuraous 
anoeatral  ti"oies  coupled  with  tiieir  iianie  days  axid  not  by  the 
"living"  names  and  titles  by  whiou  they  were  loiown  during  their 
lifetime,  Tiie  realization  that  the  "living"  names  oast  upon^  Ico 
and  ritual  vessels  are  tue  names  of  important  persons  frequently 
mentioned  on  the  bones  and  that  liiany  of  these  nad  tne  same 
ancestors  as  tne  reigning  icing  leads  the  writer  to  believe  that 
the  genealogical  skeleton  of  pnang  dynasty  can  uov.'  be  clothed  with 
flesh  and  blood  nistory. 

It  is  true  that  tue  inscriptions  on  the  bones  are  i^ot  histor- 
ical records  in  the  strictest  seuse.   They  are  the  divination 
wishes  made  in  tne  name  of  the  icing,  "proposals"  for  action  rather 
than  the  record  of  deeds  accoaMlished.  u'iien  o;i  Ch'ien  pica  7,31,4 
we  read  that  a  divination  v/ish  v;as  made  "asicing  about  commanding 
♦standard  bearer  Cufl'  (tbe  owner  of  Ko  137)  to  follow  Marquis  of 
Yung  (possibly  the  military  title  of  the  owner  of  Ko  70)  and  maice 
a  looting  raid,  k'ou.  upon  the  state  or  capital  of  GIiou".  uJe  are 
supplied  with  considerable  historical  information  even  though  we 
do  not  Icnov/  whether  this  proposal  was  put  into  effect  or  not, 

v"e  are  just  at  ttie  beginning  of  oracle  bone  studies.   Ink 
rubbln/;:s  of  the  inscriptions  have  been  published  making  this 
historical  material  available  for  direct  study.   Tiie  graphs  have 
been  listed  under  the  categories  of  the  3huo  .Ven  dictionary  com- 
piled about  A.D,  100.   Unfortunately  most  Gainese  scholars  baso 
their  interpretations  on  tiie  o.aao  n'en  definitions  v*(uich  are  filled 
with  lian  dyna;-3ty  theories  current  1400  years  alter  tne  floruit  of 
the  graphs  they  are  used  to  define,   3von  granting  the  marvellous 
continuity  of  Chinese  script,  tnis  is  a  wrong  mathod  to  pursue. 

More  use  iziust  be  Eiadt;  of  the  bone  inscriptions  themselves  and 
of  contemporary  archaeological  material  to  detensdne  the  original 
meanings  of  the  graphs.  It  will  liien  be  understood  wny  the 
translation  of  oryptic  divinatiou  sentences  is  so  difficult 
especially  when  ii&ny   of  them  are  fragmentary.  Many  things,  how- 
ever, have  been  aooomolished.  The  naLnes  of  over  a  thousand  per- 
sons and  places  have  been  separated  out  althoufjh  et  times  the 
same  graph  a> pears  to  do  duty  for  both  place  and  person.  The 
bone  script  hns  been  olas^ifiod  ohronolOf?ioally  and  the  names  of 
some  50  diviners  have  been  3jated.  The  genealogy  of  the  royal 
house  has  been  reconstructed  , including  the  names  of  the  aueens 
who  had  descendant  kln^s  to  remember  them  in  oerenonies ^and 
other  members  of  tae  royal  house  who^did  liot  reign  themselves 
but  had  descendants  v/ho  did.  A  cnronology  may  yet  be  derived 
from  the  cycle  of  60  days  and  the  months  recorded  on  alrost 
every  bone  inscription,  but  in  the  meantime  v/e  are  forced  to 
use  a  tradition  current  about  300  B.C.  baaed  on  the  anoiont 
text  of  the  PujirIs   found  with  the  Bamboo  books  excavated  in  A. 
D,  281  fron  ti^ie  toEib  of  tTinfj  Ilsiang  of  the  woi  state  in  north 
Ilonan  about  50  i.iles  south  of  Anyang.  .s/hGn  the  oracle  bones 
are  grouped  accordinti  to  tiieir  bone  script  periods  tv/c;  striking- 
ly contrastod  groups  stand  out.  They  tire  (1)  the  wars  v^ritten 
lii  large  bold  {graphs  of  iJone-soript  period  I  to  v/hioh  the  names 
onst  on  the  iCo  belonj^  and  {P.)   tno  hunting ,  travel  and  vmrs  written 

n  the  delicate  minute  graphs  of  Pone-sorlnt  period  V  for  which 
k<m  parallels  on  the  Ko  have  been  foiUK^.  On  each  of  these  croups 
/    t  -  re  are  hundreds  of  nacioa  of  places  and  persons  which  should 
iield  much  historical  and  geographical  data.  The  writer  has  traced 
a  punitive  expedition  from  Anyanp  to  Linchih  in  ohantung  by  means 

of  tiie  inscriptions  la   uii-j  ^ie  juim  ^rouj^^   tiU'l  it  should  "oa   x;o  -  iibis 
from  the  jiunting  and  Journeyin/3  divinations  to  ma_^^  out  t/is  area 
covered  by  oj.iese  place  names  ia  tlie  latter  part  of  nhang  II 
period.   -he  number  of  days  separating;  the  divinations  at  various 
places  on  a  journey. should  indicate  a  iproxiniately  the  distance  by 
which  they  are  separated.   In  the  writer's  opinion  the  travels 
covered  uost  of  the  cultivatiJle  land  area  of  Ilorth  China  and  many 
of  the  I  laces  oorresi  oad  roughly  to  t  ^e  walled  cities  and  adiiiinls- 
trative  oentres  in  ■  today. 5ee  Cji£;ilf^i^!Ll^ii>:£i^<'Z,.  ^ 

A  few  of  the  placrj  naunes  in  the  wars  of  'Script  Period  I  are 
found  among  the  nfjmes  of  places  recorded  in  Gfi^ript  Period  V,  but 
many  of  th(  ip  are  different.   This  leads  the  writer  to  conclude  that 
the  later':^  were  carried  on  in  a  different  area,   Mr.  Tuu^;'  Tso- 
pin  (Criteria,  p.  366)  has  put  dov:a  in  a  general  nianner  the  compara- 
tive locations  of  a  number  of  the  Imf-ortant  places  and  regions, 
faa£,  in  Sjcript'pericdl.  They  lie  west  and  ..orth  of  /myang  and  appear 
to  be  tnc  names  of  tribes  or  uatiouo  and  places  located  soaev^here 
along  the  300  :  m,  rainfall  line  '//rich  v/as  later  fossilized  into 
the  frreat  .vail  roparatln{^  the  nomadic  peoples  and  the  agricultural, 
oity-dv.'ellin^r:  people  who  cultivated  the  land  and  developed  the  irts 
and  crafts  of  ancient  China  so  well  illustrated  by  the  elaborate 
bronze  Ko  and  the  bronze  ritual  vessels  recorded  in  this  monograph. 

The  geograpny  of  this  area  represented  by  the  names  of  places 
and  peoples  found  on  the  inscribed  Eo,  and  the  £?sooiated  bone  in- 
scriptions extends  from  the  Tibetan,  Giian^;,  (see  Ko  99,  10P--107) 

people  in  the  far  v'est  to  the  cost  liuportant  enemy  nation  in  the 

CGiksW$?jrhea|4ernfll-e.^r6>nDunciahoh  ]{o  ,ni\-£cc>  o[  i('u  isusei  (oflh-trefoUdh^rlh  place  o\- Lao  Izo 
north-wec-'t  transcribed  by  !.:r,  Tung  as  K'u  fang.^  The  "earth  ncund 

re;:ion"  T'u  fang  poems  to  be  located  in  the  i  orth.   These  are 

apparently  all  foreign  enemies.  Relationship  with  the  Tibetans 
seems  to  have  been  more  intimate  than  v/ith  the  other  two  whose 
names  disappear  from  the  oracle  bone  inscriptions  after  the  bone- 
script  period  I,  These  foreign  invaders  v/ere  in  China  from  1311- 
1197  3.C.1 

1,  According  to  Mr.  Tung's  "long**  dates,  the  period 
v'onld  'je  i;595-1281  '?.C.;  accordiii::  to  the  orthodox 
chronology  1387-1365  B.C.   The  reader  vvill  find 
modern  -^cholaro  referring  to  this  im:^ortaiit  period 
by  any  one  of  the  three  chronologies. 

The  v/ars  of   bone-acript  period  I 

The  wart3  of  boae-3cript  period  I  have  beea  call  ad  "the  Wars 
of  V.'u  Ting"  from  a  ref'irejice  to  i:heri  in  the  Gla3:3io  of  Change. 
Hexagram  62.3  records,  "High  Ancestor  Kao  Tsung  (King  Wu  Ting) 
punished  the  terrible  (deiaon)  region,  kuei  fang,  and  in  three 
years  subdued  it'',   Tbo  nistory  of  the  period  preoeeding  Y»'u 

2.  Lege--e,  Yi  King  or  Book  of  Cnangos,  p.  ZQb, 
Ting's  reign  is  told  in  the  tareo  sections  of  the  P'an  Keng 
document  in  the  Classic  of  history*^.  In  their  present  form  and 

3,  Legge,  III,  pp.  220-id47,   3ee  p.  221  for  Ldgge's 
preseataLion  of  tae  ox'thodoi:  iatex^retatioa  of  the 
move  to  Yin.  Aooordiag  to  this  view  Yin  lay  south 
of  tiio  Yellov-  ot  Yea-r.iiih  Ilslea  anci  the  nove 
thither  took  place  from  nortn  of  the  river  at  Keng  or 
r.ainij,.      This  cc.nfusion  "Jica   bicad  oa  the  luielaterpret- 
ation  of  a  graph  in  the  introduction  to  the  Classic 
of  Tistory  ;vhioa  seened  to  ideatify  Yin  v;ita  j'o; 
western  To  was  supposed  to  be  at  Yen-shih  Hsien.  The 
graph  vie.s   uot  Fo  Yin  but  3hai  Yin  ''to  laake  a  dwelling 
place  at  Yin". 

according  to  the  orthodox  interpretation  they  portray  the  move 
to  Yin  as  a  peaceful  Sxiif t  of  capital  from  a  land  exhausted  by 
cultivation  and  flood  to  a  new  and  unoccupied  Utopia,  The 

assijmption  that  all  the  vi^ars  of  Jone-scrlpt  period  I  occurred  in 
y^u  Ting's  reif^n  sterna  to  rest  solely  on  tiiese  tv/o  literary  sugges- 

1,  Scholars  frequently  begin  their  researches  with  such 
uistorical  traditions,  place  names  or   definitions  of 
graphs  as  found  in  the  later  clasrsics,  i':istories_^,or 
diiJtionaries  and  tae  coinruentaries  on  tnem,   iFeyVa'ii'ohor 
the  information  found  in  the  r>hani-  inscriptions  on  the 
oracle  upnes  ,or  oronze  ritual  vessels  to  these  tradi- 
tionH^liRe  a  drifting  kite  tied  to  a  broken  stick, 

3iiauf/  inpori'-)tions  antedate  by  a  thousand  years  tiie  present 
literary  records  wi  ich  \fere   all  collected  in  the  Ilau  dynasty 
after  the  burnlnp^  of  the  books  in  213  3,0«   Inaorlntlons  should 
be  allov/ed  to  tell  their  ovrn  story,  checked  only  by  orcheeolop'ioal 
evidence.   The  names  of  places  and  persons  should  not  be  connected 
with  literary  tradition  until  all  the  relationships  in  the  bone 
and  bronze  inscriptions  of  that  period  have  been  taken  into  con- 
-''ideration,  Tiiis  is  especially  true  of  bone-script  period  I  with 
./hioh  our  epigraphic  records  be^jin.  The  fTapiison  many  Ko  in  tnis 
mono-^raph  are  the  same  as  those  of  persona  and  niaces  mentioned 
in  references  to  tue  wars  of  tnis  perickd.   Tne  presumption  that 
the  graphs  are  late  in  date  siraply  because  the/  are  oast  in  bronze 
can  not  be  allowed  to  prejudge  the  case,   Tae  date  of  tae  Ko  io 
fixed  by  the  lifetime  of  the  ovmer  and  tnis  is  indicated  by  the 
bone  inscriptions.  The  name  of  the  owner  may  have  ori/?inated  in 
the  naae  (1)  of  his  office  at  court  or  in  the  nation,  (2)  of  the 
nation,  state,  region,  territory,  people,  tribe  or  family  vhich 
he  governed,  (3)  of  the  place  or  city  wiilch  was  nis  administrative 
centre.   In  oracle  bone  inscriptions  tne  context  alone  indicates 
v;]iich  was  meant. 

There  are  about  6000  oracle  bones  from  bone-script  period  I, 


At  least  300  of  these  record  the  aaiae  K*u  fain^  who  appear  as  a 

people  makliig  Inroads  into  the  Shang  settleaients.  The  name 

is  ..ot  found  after  this  script  period  and  It  is  a  noot  question 

at  what  date  within  the  period  these  marauders  wore  driven  from 


The  only  raethod  of  deciding  whether  the  bone  frapxiiants 

belong  to  the  reirns  of  r»an  Kon^,   lisif.  o  Iis«n  and  Hsiao  Yi  or 

to  that  of  V*u  T5!if>;  Is  by  means  of  the  nanea  of  ancestors  found 

on  the  frsffinHuts  therosdlvos.  In  all  *.hti  iii.scriptionc  examined, 

only  the  names  of  early  anoootora  sre  found,  Ch*len  pi en  1,28,6 

records  the  naoie  K*u  fanr  and  I'othnT   Chi  the  vife  of  Teu  Tinp . 

Thi?  frorment  belongs  to  the  earlier  reir;:na  from  llfllto  1E56 

^-*  ^^p'A  pi  en  has  the  ralationslxli  "father''  but  records 
no  day  naiae,  This  is  a  strange  oitissica. 

V.'e  may,  therefore,  say  that  at  least  part  of  these  wai's  with  the 
K'u  fang  occurred  before  the  rei^n  of  -Vu  Tin,*?,  That  they  con- 
tinued into  '<!u  Tins* a  reign  seeits  to  be  indicated  by  the  appear- 
ance of  .?;randf  fl  ther  Tsu  Ting  on  Hou  pi  en  l,?y9,4  and  Maya  3  hi  2.5, 
14.  It  is  stranfre  however  that  tho  nartia  of  Father  Yi  for  Hsiao 
Yl  or  any  other  laemoer  of  hlo  t:eneration  which  OGour  so  often  on 
oracle  bone  senteuoes  oisewhere  should  not  be  found  on  tLis 
f*roup  containing  the.etfinic  name  K»u,  fang,  ''r,  Tung  Tso-pin 

lists  12  diviners*  Xiames  in  bone  script  period  I  and  others  are 


known  to  have  lived  in  this  period.   Only  seve..  of  these  names 

2.  See  appendix. 
are  fouiid  in  association  with  K*u  fang  and  of  the  seven  only 
tiiree,  i;«an  1.1,  Pin  1.4  and  Cheni;  1,5,  occur  witr.  any  frequency. 
These  diviners*  names  are  associated  witii  the  earliest  bone 

The  result  of  tbis  study  of  the  date  of  the  '*u  fang's  in- 

n     1 


roads  iato  China  aud  tatslr  v/ithdrav/al  from  its  borders  is  to 
suggest  that  they  oame  in  the  period  preoeedinp,  Wu  Ting's 
reign  and  departed  in  the  early  part  of  that  reit^n, 

Oracle  bone  Hayashi  25.14  has  two  santenoes.  The  lower 
and  first  of  them  reads,  '•Inquire  about  the  ruattor  in  a  ceremony 
in  honour  of  Ancestor  Tsu  ring."  QiaQap.   ohih  yd  Tsu  Tin^,  The 
second  records,  "Inquire  about  not  callin-^  out  troops  to  war 
with  K*u  fang".  Chenp;  wu  hu  ohan  K*u  fan^«   "To  war"  is  here 
pictured  by  the  blade  of  one  ilo  atrikin,s  at  tna  dade  of  another, 
their  handles  being  held  in  oppoaito  directions.  Although  too 
luuch  should  not  be  read  into  auoh  a  aymbolio  x'epreseutation,  tae 
form  of  the  graph  seems  to  au^s^st  that  K'u  fan??  also  used  the 
Ko  as  a  weapon  of  war.  It  is  an  intarestinr  fact  that  among tlie 
ni  a-nji   Weapons  foiind  in  Cliins      the  Ko,  axe  oud  spear  or 
some  variety  of  them  are  the  ouiy  types  kuown.  The  sword  and 
dagger  so  coivuuon  in  the  aacient  Hoar  'ast  are  absent.  This 
again  suggests  that  those  foreign  people  who  made  inroads  into 
China  and  possibly  caused  King  Tan  Kong  to  wove  from  aouth- 
eastoru  China  to  Anynng  to  laeet  their  aggression^  diO.  aot  come 
froxa  the  Near  East  via  the  i-Iansu  corri'or,  but  that  they  were 
rather  a  aorthern  people  from  Central  /.r.ia  vmo  possibly  occupied 
the  basins  of  the  Ob  and  Yenisei  rivers.  The  arohaeolor.y  of 
this  region  is  boin^?  studied  by  Russian  scientists  and  we  may 
expect  light  on  this  problem  from  them  lu  i..>'e  future.  This  area 
appears  to  have^aronaeologioa^  m^[--erial  m/iIK similarities^  sites  in  the 
Ferm  region  of  the  Urals  and  so  further  west  to  the  Baltic. 

The  halberd  in  Bronze  Age  Europe  is  said  to  have  spread  in 
succession  from  Spain  to  Ireland,  :;ni  land,  Gootland,  Saxo-Thuringa, 

Sweden,  Lithuania  and  3iovakia  but  never  to  have  been  adopted  in 

Silesia,  Czechoslovakia,  Hungary,   southvvaatern  Germany  or  Frauoe,^ 

1.   V.a.CliildG,   The   Brouze  ,Ay;e.    Cambridge,    1930,    pp,   87-89;    3ean 
F.O,   Riordala ,'  The  Halberd  in  .Bronae  Af/re  Y.nro^e ,   Arohaeologia, 
Vol. 06,   0xford,"T936,    op.    195-521,      istribution  map,   p.   277, 
fig,   58, 

Both  Childe  and  Rlordain   (p.   233)  ikontion  tae  supposed  halberd  with 

gold-oappeci  rivet  :  from  Siiaft  Gravo  "v1  at  llyoeaae.     They  apperently 

depended  ou  l^vony'    Falr^cB  of  '.'inog,   IT,   p.   1?::,    fi/5,  37,  w.iicn  gives 

uo  itpresaiou  that  the  weapon  If  os  zauoh  as  530  ram,   long.   Of.   Karo, 

Die  v-.Qhachtpiraber  yon  :  ykenai,  NcJ,   938,    p.   163,    pi.   XGV,      The  v/riter 

atteriptud  00  haft  tais  v/eapon  as  a  Ko  from  careful  drawings  but  v/aa 

oonvinctsd  that  it  wad  in  reality  a  syciiietrioai  but.  -vorn  aword  . 

T}he   slautla^;  row  of  rivjtjj  my  not  be  lu  orlijinal  position, 

Froru  E-iiro*^:  photograph  one  ailc  appanr^  to  havo  bonn  rantorod  and  to 

have  throv.T:  the  rivets  bacik,     H^iro  notos  that  the  taar;  v/as  restored, 

Tlie  blade  shculd  bo  r9--?xanlne'?.  to  dotortilju  the  ccrrsot  pOiTltion  of 

the  rivotB.     It  besrn  no  raser.blanoo  to  the;-  buaKcd  halberdfl  of  North 

Europe.     ?hf=>  t-.'o  snail  bron7.o  niohlcs  from  '^aaklo  end  Hama,   lentjths 

1    '7^ 


3,2  ^Jii.  enC   11  -n.*  do  not  see,-,  to  be  relatftd  except  Insofar  as  they 

2.   V.G.   Cnilde,  Davni  of  ?vtropQan  r!i\riii7.P,t'on.   p.   7?. 

I'nrald  In-noltV  >'arir^  J.n  ~''yr!?."a«   /.ob-^ahavn,   19^,   1%    37,  note 
5,    raatQ  'ni.'o,  ' 

are  grain  cicklag,  Tho  pioturos  on   cylinler  soal  ''l.riurefi  from  early 

MesopotaHilaii  siten  uppjar  to  t  iis  'rvrit'?r  to  represent  axes  ouoh  as 

those  fouiid  ct  :-?r  and  not  beak-.-shaped  halberds  or  Ko . 

Tho  S'-iropsart  distrlbutio;:  of  thi   halbera  noted  ab^.^c  i^d.ves 

out  of  account  the  very  early  appj-araaoe  o?"  tiie  aalberd       in 

north  central  Russia,  in  aorthern  central  Asia  anci^in  all  Chiaa, 

While  the  European  halberd  is  hafted  with  ooiper  rivetB,  iu  niiaiO   it 

16  very  slniilar  to  the  Chinese  Ko,  .'he  upward  slo])ing  tendency  of 

the'' European  aalberd  approximates  more  to  the  shape  of  tue  Ciiou  dynas- 
ty blade  except  that  t  3  European  blade  never  developed  a  hu.   i'he  Ohou 
blade  is  to  be  dated  lffl39  ^.C.  after  the  ohang  ^  bjit  it  laay  represent 

a  development 

of  a  type  that  had  begun  in  northwest  China  at  an  earlier  date. 
If  the  halberd  or  Ko  v/as  a  common  weapon  of  offense  in  northern 
Eurasia  and  China  in  the  earliest  bronze  age,  the  possibility 
of  this  weapon  having  spread  into  Europe  from  t^e  east  should 
be  explored  as  an  alternative  to  the  theory  that  the  halberd 
originated  in  Spain.  The  contiguity  of  the  areas  using  the 
halberd  or  Ko  from  Spain  through  northern  Europe,  north  Russia 
Southern  Siberia  to  China  demands  an  explanation  as  much  as 
does  the  absence  of  that  weapon  from  soutn  central  Europe  and 
the  ancient  Near  iiiastern  world,  Tne  Shang  Ko  v/as  a  highly 
developed  v/eapon  at  the  beginnin.?  of  3hang  II  (1511  3,0,),   It 
is  not  impossible  that  the  European  bronze-age  halberd,  like 
the  Ko,  had  its  origin  in  tiie  Neolithic  sicicle  of  northern 
Eurasia,  Tne  two  weapons  mif:;ht  be  regarded  as  different  expres- 
sions of  tne  same  development  from  a  utilitarian  sickle  to  a 
weapon  for  war  and  a  symbol  of  rank  and  power,   Tne  presence 
of  the  sword  in  bronze-age  Europe  along  with  the  halberd  may 
indicate  tv/o  streams  of  influence,  one  from  the  Near  East  and 
one  from  the  Far  East  by  way  of  the  northern  steppes  and  rivers, 

i.  ..Lordain'c  rlci!;?  of  Chlnc't^a  Ko,  p^^.^Jii-J^.  f.  i^^S,,    i'5'/,  tiS  is  a 
very  nixsA  rrouj:-  and  somewjet  Ei'^TcTaaiug.  lh«y  are  by 
no   aoann  to  ho  '•rei3ard9d  t\!\   Vit3loU(tia.^  in  one  wain  to  the 
Han  :>,r:iasty- (aOP>  B,0.  -  A.D.  ^20)'*.   Only  the  non-Ci.lx*ose 
oaeu  Hte  lo   latQ#  Tiie  writer  dates  oue^e  i_lo  au  loliov/y; 

No.    3   Is   ahang   TI,   Tyre  V,    1311-10^-^9   li.C, 

iio.   5  ia  3aaug  II,  Type  VII, 

lo,   6  is  Chou  I,   10:'aB-V71   r.,c. 

No.   1   is  'possibly  Chou  I, 

No.    2  iy   i50n»ihl7  eu<i  of   Chou  II,    770-482  !3,C, 

No.  4  l3  end  of  Gnou  III,  481-207  'l.C. 

IIos.  7-10  are  probably  Gnou  III  to  Urn  I,  4818.0. -A.D. 220. 

The  rivet  holes  of  IJo.  8  are  aot  ordinarily  found  in 
Chinese  Ko.  Wos,  7,  0,  ani  10  are  iriort.  Siberian  than 
Chinese  in  typo. 

There  is  a  marked  difference  between  the  Shang  Ko  and 
the  lator  3ib.;rian  fom  found  in  the  Mlnussiusk  area.  The 

division  line  betwoon  the  Nortu  Eurasian  broaze  age 
cultiire  area  c.ucl  tlio  Chinese  ll^^y  rou.nly  cloii(    the 
gTUBt  v/all  of  Ciiina  and  not  west  at  the  Ural  mountains, 
the'  interrelation  betweca  the  Sino-Siberian  bronz^i  age 
of  ca,  1300  ;>.G,   and  that  of  the  ohan;:  'V'-'^'iigtv  has  yet 
to  'jo  fitudiod;    t.hc;re   is  aa  :'et  no  broar;  :  a^^^o:    so   ^arly 
a  datfc,  available  from  southsm  Siberia, 

Froui  the  point  of  view  o;    ;^tl•iot  typoiOc  y,    ...xjro 
is   only  one   r.rropean  halberd  which  reser.Mas  tha  fihang 
Ko  in  shape,   size  and  hafting.     It  is  idor«.!.ain,   oo.oit, 
TTg.    oti,   opoin  lio,   19;    see  ii;rt   ^;,    520,   also   p.    -V^Jti  and 
p.   291«     A  halberd  in  the  Pjili  colleotion,   .=:t,  Albaas, 
is   very  simiia-v  in  jize  a*id  s.  a,:'e   to   a  i^ookotod  Shang 
Ko  Typo  VI7.  oj."  VJII  except  tt-at  ii^  has.   no  butt  r-rotrucj-. 
Tng   beyond  '.ite  aocket. 

/according  to  Tailt^ren,    swords   are  abseut  in  the 
areas  from  v/hich  the  Ural  and  niborian  halberds  came, 
1' insk  MUvSe'oni,   .^IXII ,    1911.,    90,    see   Riordain,    o^,,    cit., 
p.    392. 

Maxiy  copjjor   '^ickle'=!  are   found  in  the  fieldy   of  the 
Yeaisei  and  the  Ob  river   basins,      Tne  people  of  tne 
oldest   bronze   are  in  the   re«iou  v/erfo   settled  a-rioultur- 
ir.tii   a.xi..i   ij.i  iiOiiiads.  ili,  i^dinnf;,  RU'i   Greeka, 
Gajiibridge,   i;np;land,    p.    246,    fig.    162,    hafted   bronze 
sickld,    length,   150  moi.    (5   ins.j. 

A.  r  F  E  n  D  1  c 



A  T5HTA1'IV£  CMROwOLOGY  OF  Tllvi   .JHAiJO  12  j.    .        , 

(1)    to  r^visi   U.ics  on.-i,'iO<loi.  clix'oaolo  j,   ■.' :i.;'i.     iv^s  oa,   1400  :i,G. 
for  thxi  ooou,.Hiticn  of  the  iVaetci  of  'iia  at  AnynntT  and  li'i2  B.C.   na 
tile  dato  of  the   a- strMOtlou  of  the  L-hanicc  Dynasty. 

[2]   to  prosuat  a  iramev/oric  Into  '.vhloL  nay  bo  fitted   individual 
iiiotoriatd  t-vi-'uto  rjsorded  oii  tuo  tonoD    .a;',  (fetod  inscriptions  in 
order  to  faoilltato  ooT^narlsons   f(Otween  t./io  Whanr;  Oyaesty  and  the 
alr«ady  Kuown  rnclent  world. 

Tills  aoYv'  o!-rcnolor-y  in   Di:«.9«d  on  tarse  sets  of  data: 

(1)    the  orthodox  ayf^tem  of  'iftt?83   for  the  K'l.rr'   of  the  CKou 

7 -+.      '     ire  oousiderad  oorroot   ".o   7.-<.l    '•.0,    ':<:i  tnr  nr^   the  Kin,^,3 
of  Oho  a  fl'i'e  oonc«rriec<, 

(i'. )    "Tti'*  K-nolrtut  tiTiXt  of  tlie   our'oiioloficai   record  fond  nnon^r 


the  .5Qj3boo   oooK^V,  £u  ^n  §na  Suu  <3;.>l.  ^_ijn,    vilisojvtrrod  ln^aajC(ra'.^Wi-j^''<') 

yftsr  t  i«  lucjor.?3ot  ort.jodojt  orxroaolo^y  aad  V.een   c2aloulat3d  in  tie 

TlieLasf  iiemin 
lian  d^.aa.'-ti^y,    ^t   k.^    ''oju.ftv.'j.t  w-^      vA;rirt'en  m    2998c  and  buried  lu    Kini^    ..    . 

before  t'13   burulnr,  of  the  bocica  in  il3  ]",?-, 

Data  2  ara  la   •ihr-ao  ptxrt:'-,  mado  up  oi"  three  s^ts  of  dat-^B, 

!♦      Tiio   rol.;.'irj   of  tho   Ilir^s   of   taa   ohanj:  and   dhou  dyainties   until 
the  founding  of  the  state  of  Cnin   (nuaasi)    In  ?31  :-.C.   ?ai  3'rBi(i«tion8 
cit:  varioua  ionr  perioda  v-;itiiin  this  tine. 

2.      The   r'-lgu3   of   tha   Dia^ys   of   ViiU.   until    '.' '^-   ^oiuj.lia-  of  the 
teite  of   "i/ei. 

^.      The  rolfrj;r,   r.r   ♦    ^   r^i^rn   of  '".^1    '^o-n  ^^o   t-  e    ■:urlaJ    of   ;''iug 
-ianr<,  -'i9&  ;"i.o, 

liiu  second  and  "i   ird   parts   of  data  'M-'red   d:'    "iat-a  1. 


From  tlie   very  nature   of  aoo-.iaic.iit    the   suujaation,    '^'o7 

ofihe  Choo  Cttfireisf^ 

years  covers  t.c  lirst  part^  the  heeMnUif,   of  tr.s  second  part  in  781 
B.C.  -iving  ttte  destruotioxi  of  3uang  as  1058  !].•:;,;  £7:5  years 
more  until  "t;oe  tio\f'd   to'  'fin"  f:ive3  1311   .0.;  495  yyars  until 
the  beginninc  ol'  the  Ghang  Dynasty  gives  1534  3.0. 

{■5)  luto  this  iramsv/orit  the  len;;tii3  of  the  various  rai^^ns 
have  -^.-^en  fitted  according  to  L'r.  Tunr/ T:30-::iii»T  calculations 
for  the  Shang  Dynaaty  end  the  aocopted  uistorical  ,ieta  of  the 
Bamboo  ^amala  and  tna  tian  aistorians  for  the  first  p-rt  of  the 

Chou , 

This   c.'!roncio''y  in  not   oonnidorad   final  .  o'< , 

nowever,    that   the  detailed  presentnticn  of  exant   date;'  will 
make   it   el.^ar  ^/nat   in  Ghiuo    there   ia  a  n^.t^s   of   hintorical  and 
epigror^hio   records  vriiich  should     ive  eai  a.;curato   cironoloiry 
back  to   1300  J.O, 

The   ?.73  yoarr-   of  the  Shanp;  dynact-;   frcu   the  :.;ove  to  Yin 
vntil   the   end   r.ave  been   divided   In  various  v/ays   anoni';  th.e 
reifng  of  the  rSn'jn.      Ho  limn  1   ~ivos  tas  cl-rcuoloivy  tentt.tiv«ly 
adopted  by  the   present  >vritor.     llr.   Tun^  Tso-pin  usin^  the 
evidence  of  the   Ht^ie   inscriptions  f-ivea   t.iO  best  published 
diYit'ion.      iTis  evidenoo  is   Rurrmariaed  in  tha  ►iuiirterli'  ]lvll%L.':in 
of  Chinese   .'ll4io^.raphy»  New  Serion,    '^ol.    2,   Ho.    3,    3opt.    1«40, 
/age\foa^!'"  In  the  wrjtor'3   orinion  it   :.v   unfortuantely  presented 
as   based   on   tha  aoot^jted  orthodox  chronolo^'.y  wl)lch  .^.iveo   1122  13. G. 
as  the   date   of   the   destruction  of  Shans«r^  Oolunn  a  r.Uea  tne 
iiu.-ber  or  years   asaii^ned'^^o'^each  reitiu  \v>         .      '.^n'l.      Column  3 
r.:iveo  the  uuauijr  of   voara   aocordin  ;  to  ^'"''-^^^^^^v^'f"^,  ^'^^^^  .'j^/.^^^!]® 

l\fl^ToY>c(s    dahs    ore  ^^ch    ^ye^fsq^         r  ^  ^    ^^  ^f_  ,^55'- i  197  8C. 


.^amboo  Annals,      Tiiis  represents   an  imknown  editor's   attempt   to 
complete   the   "Anciout  teit"  available  to  him  in  order  to  iiake   it 
correspond   to  the   siu.jnation  period  of  273  years.      It  ciay  be   based 
on  more  old  'v;a.ta  thaa  vvc   reco.'r^nize.      By  ooirrparison  v/itn  Coluraa  4 
vvliioli  gives  tiia  ortliodo^t  lengths  ascribed   to  t:ie  various   kinf^s 
in   the  Han  dynasty   it   is  possible    to   see   soae   ol   t^ie   sources   of 
Mr.    Tung's   adjustUients.      Only  in   the  cases   of  -isiao  Yi  and    (Ti) 
Yi  does  he  differ  froirj.  both.      In  Cni^ese  reckOiiinr  the  full  yesr 
oi'  time   in  v.idch  a  hin*?,  died  was   inciuded  in  nis  reign,      i'ne  new 
Kinr   counted    lis   ovvn  reif'^n  from  the   beginuin-  of   tne  new  year 
folici;'...::.      The  remainder  of  trie   ola   year  v/ac  part   of  the  period 
of  i^ourniug  vhien  the  ministers  of  the   old  King  contiixued  his  rule 
and   iiistalled  the  new  king   in  office.      The   dates  ^^iven  in  Column 
1   are  the  first  years  of  each  new  King,    the  former  Kiufp-  h.'.ving  died 

during  the  previous  year.  ^      ^,       ^rr-v        ^ 

J  ^  Table    ofit^e    CWronoloc^ies      o^^e    Shanq  Jl   t^^nod. 

is.  He ift,n  lengths, 

Chronolo..-'],-       Tuiig 







I' an  Keag 


Move   to  Yin 


Hsiao  lisin 


Hsiao  Yi 


Wu  I'ing 


Tsu  F.^ug 

11 9  G 

Tsu  C-xia 


(Len)    ILsin 


K'ang  Tr-u  Ting 


Wu  Tsu  Yi 


Wen  Wu  Tlnp; 


(Tl)    Yi 





















































(Ciiou  or  Snou  or  Til  iiola   1090      52    52    dZ  1151-    '">^ 

Destruction  of  JJaang       10o8  1122    '^^'^ 

Tiie  cLronology  oT  tiie  v'^xiou  I  fjericd,  lOoe-770  J.C,  does  iiot  read- 
ily yisla  a  satisractory  division  oi  tnt  257  yyara  into  the 
reii-.;n3  oi  the  Lings,   Tne  wricer  prefers  the  iTesont  Text  of  the 
BaiLboo  Annals  alLhough  they  have  beun  iiiutilated  oy   a  latter  editor 
because  tat.  chronology  f-iven  is  based  on  an  ancient  text  and  no 
doubt  prea^^rves  nuca  of  it.   In  a  note  the  editor  says  he 
the  257  years  by  adding  24  yec.rj  at  the  beginning-;,  before  the 
suxpoeed  transfer  of  the  Tripods  to  i.o  Yi,  niaking  261  years  to 
which  h'b   added  11  years  of  Xinc  'i'u,  niaking  a  ^rand  total  of  2v2 
years,  s^e  Le^^:^  o  III,  p.  153.   {L£;xe's  dates  are  all  one  ysar 

-iort  ?',s  a  result  of  a  -nisunderstandlng  of  tae  year  1  AJJ, )  The 
Ohineso  editor  u0v;3«'wr  did  noL  follow  his   ovvn  computation,  for  tae 
years  ho  glvCvO  tc  tho  Individual  rei;yis  to(.«l  3S0  to  770  ,m.C.  or 
269  to  781  D.C.   Tu«  latt-^ir  is  12  years  in  exoei'S  of  the  needed 
257  yea.T"£5,  The  v/ritsr  ho8  taken  the  length  of  Fiuf  Li's  reign  to 
be  14  yearn,  vriiich  is  riven  as  the  supposed  Ktnn.^,  llo   Interre{3nuFi 
instead  of  tiie  26  -.vhich  the  editor  assumed.   This  difference  of 
12  years  o.  f.3r3  a  solution  of  the  problera  without  altering?;  the 
other  reif-n  lenctha.   It  seems  to  tiie  v/rlter  that  this  is  "»vhere  the 
editor  became  confused  and  departed  from  thcj  Ancient  Text  of  the 

There  are  tvnu  qjotations  givsn  in  «an^Kuo-Vv«i's  edition  of  the 
■jnt  text  of  the  Annals  of  the  Bamboo  books,  Ku  pen  chu  shu  ohi 
-lien  vrhioh  refer  to  Kunp,  Ho, 

i,   "Ho,  flaron  of  Kung  protected  the  Kino's  tl.rone,  Kun^^  po 
0   kan  wang  wei  ",  Ytoxd.   this  v/e  loarn  that  Kunt;  Ho  ^'as  1  •;  name 
of  a  person  and  not  of  an  interregnum. 

Z,     Tiio  second    bef-^-liia   "ho  of  Kiuik  iu  tne  l-ith  yaar"  and 
^uda    "ia  -Dntit  year  :.lui.  Li  of  Ciiou  died  and  IZiiirz  rlsxi&ii  vhs  on- 

.i;uan  vj'aa^:;  ii"* 

'i'hla   I.B    ni-..-!   evicieaco   ziiai  Li   reifraou  il  yjar-  ,  loii;,t::i;-=. 

of  tliosii   reif;n& ,    rtoorded  la   tno   oi'd  ouUour/      ,  •., 

«"re  not   to   :>o  oou-JXil^vad  ^uaalt^X'S-.u!':,      -  --.,    iiave  yet  to 

b'.?  ad  ju.-^ted  to  tr;«  total  ocr?u=--   o-.'    li^-aoribcd   brouaou.     jaa-Jj_ai 

4,iji,'.l   r.jcor.iS   '.i  i5t-".i  year  oi      ^..     ..ung  Wiiica  is  aore   tli^ji  tii€) 

i'3  In  the  CiiTGnoio'iiS.     'iut  tht?  existcnoe  of  mien  ^:Tohl'="^'P  wuet 

uot  bf^  usfc4  as  an  arguneat  for  accyptlafj;  t;:<:   orti  odox  oiironolof^v 

leu  a  acre   ..rojnbie  one  ia  availa'olo  anJ.  necoasDry.      It  must  be 

aplinsi^'od  ho>.'^'.  -  ••       f\t   the  v-s-itor^s  toain  Interest  at  this  time 

♦■'J  ?ju.::.';e!}t   ■■  or.t  probabla  d^ato  for  the  destruction  of 

■t--u?i  i«  1036     .w,,    ou     '.ud  of  tlio  porlod  studied  r;ers. 

Ciipy  %rta£ty   Tcnt-r.jve  "..wJirt/r.  of  rJoirn  Qrtho  iox 

Gi^roAulor.,/     Adopted     I'resent/     OrtiiO'-iUX 
















V/.ll.  u 



































V.-ang  Ho 


•See  Cli5,vflni7i?S.  Aq /-j 
app^ridue.  Ml 
Voi  !■  pccVLIi. 


1  oS-0 


10  ^^4 


























4t)  46  e27         ^^1 

Lul  11  781         7?' 

770  "° 

Al'ter   Liie  aovo  to  Lo  ^1   at  tae    begixiaiu^j  of  j:ving  Fiup'a 
rcigii  tiie   oorrtjuo   da  tea  oT  Xiiie  I-iiigs  oi'  Oiicu  loxio'^v  txie   o   ■b/xuuox 
chronology.   i5i   uoo    Uruo   nowover  of  the   dates  of  the  rulers 
of  tae   various   staoes  wiaoh  were   voij   i^uci.   coarufced  in  the  ortho- 
dox coiaX'Utnticxii:   Qua  oorres>  oiideiice    taoies. 

Tiiia   atuiiy  ±3  liiditeu  to   the   aeooad  part  of  the  dyne  sty 
for  tlie  greater  part  of  tho  o>:jooty   hcjve   oono  iron  the  V-aste 
of  Yin,   Aiiyang,    iii  Jorth  ilonai:.      Thia  period  uta   ?.   cuit,uro.l 
lUiity  vdiich  iiiuy   ue   deai{/^ated  bufcu^^  11   for  purposes  oi   gtiiiertil 
deooriptioa,      '.he  opah  of  time  is   £7'o  year:j   froiTi.  i-Jll-lO^^iO  j3.C;, 
These  e-i.aot  diitea  a^e  taken  froia  ths  Auci':-nt  te--;t  of  Ciroiiolo^-.i- 
cai  reccrac   ouixeat   ^aouu   ouO  h.o.      They  are  coasiUored  iriorb 
oorrtct  ti-uii.   UiiC!   OxOuoao:.;-  caxoawlOj-^i'    caloulaued  La  tue   firat 
Ociuturi-    A,!;,   vyhicj-  ;,ivet;    lobV-li.-JS  ^■,G,      The   dates   lvJ9iJ;-lli;3 
i>,C.    aro-  a  ruod^ixn  coiuu.ijiiu ui^-u  vv.,ioh  adda   the   ii73  yuurs  oi 
/uiolyiiii  TejLx,  to  11...^    -.^.     ..-    thw   orthodox  chroaoloj.y. 

Th'j  Ko  was   already   in  U9  3   before  the   osif^inniug  of  Jhaiig  II, 
i.e.    iii   r,han::j  I.      T'^e    Axiciont   Tart  ascriLeo   to  Sharu^  I  fia^  year:3, 
iroiii  15;54-1313   .  ,J,       -hv,  :.istoric   period  ;orecedlng  Ghaug   I   i3 
{^ivGii  G3   471  years  aad  dates    back    to  200D    :;,G.      The   Anoient   Text 
calls   tuls    uho  Hsia   Dynasty.      It    Is   n  Dioot   ;:clnt    vhether  t'ds 
is   a  Oi.itable    "Gem,      The   bone    uiscrlptiona   ref?r  to  a  Ion'-;  aeries 
of   Idr. Lcrical   5;ateclatin.^    "Iv.ii'^  I;      There   ia  as  yet, 
hovjc-ver,   no   sTire  proof   of  the   existence   of  axujther  hlGtorlcal 


dynasty  separate  from  and  antedating  the  3hang,   The  writer 
believes  that  luistorlcal  time  as  recorded  on  bone  Inscriptions 
dates  back  to  2000  --'.C.  This  length  of  time  at  least  is  required 
for  the  development  of  the  high  state  of  bronze  culture  existant 
at  the  beginning  of  Shaixg  II  and  illustrated  by  i^  in  this 
monograph  and  by  the  sets  of  bronze  ritual  vessels  to  which  they 
belong.   The  writer  would  be  quite  willing  to  accept  the  terms 
Hsia  I  and  Hsia  II  to  cover  the  471  years  attributed  to  that 
dynasty,  for  he  believes  that  sckc  such  term  is  desirable  for 
desife;nating  an  liistorical  period.  It  is  evident  that  Dr.  G.D, 
Wu  in  his  Prehistoric  Pottery  in  China,  London,  1956,  nad  Lhe 
same  difficulty  about  the  incluaion  or  omission  of  trie  hsia 
Dynasty  and  tue  implications  of  tlie  term  Prehistoric  Krtifacts 
from  culture  strata  of  individual  aibaa  such  as  those  presented 
by  Dr.  vvu  in  Table  5  on  page  170  are  best  dejr^ignated  by  the  names 
of  the  master  type  site  and  its  stratification  of  c  ilturos.   The 
correspondences  between  tnese  sites  uud  their  absolute  dates  when 
determined  can  readily  be  fitted  into  the  general  fraiuework  of 
the  Hir'torioal  Culture  periods.   Botn  tnesc  series  of  names  are 
necessary  to  designate  artifacts  not  exactly  dated.   Thus  Ko   55, 
89  and  30,  fotxnd  in  the  culture  strata  at  ri3iao  T'un  would  be 
designated  by  reference  to  tlie  pottery  and  itc  stratification  as 
Hsiao  T'un  II,  accordin,-  to  the  terminology  adop;tod  by  Dr.  Wu. 
These  Ko  have  been  called  in  this  monograph,  Shang  II.   Dr.  Vm, 
page  42  says,  "Hsiao  T*un  was  not  iniia'oited  in  tiie  Red  Pottery 
period,  but  only  later  in  the  Blac.-c  Pottery  period,  after  which 
there  was  an  interval  of  perhaps  not  more  than  a  few  centuries 


before  the  Snang-Yln  people  came"  .        This    implies  that  the 
Black  Pottery  period  is  to  be  dated  before  SLanr  I.   Dr.  V/u's 
thesis  was  limited  to  a  discussion  of  "Prehistoric  Pottery  in 
China"  as  this  thesis  is  restricted  to  the  "Shang  Ko".   The 
period  of  time  whicn  the  two  studies  have  in  common  is  designated 
by  Dr,  >.'ln   as  Hsiao  T'un  II,  Ills  table  of  Correspondences  on  page 
170  is  separated  into  two  parts  with  the  sentence  "at  the  sites 
below  this  line  certain  pehistoric  wares  persisted  into  historic 
times".  Below  this  he  enters  on  the  first  line  as  contemporary 
with  Hsiao  T'un  II  not  only  tne  nearby  site  of  Hou  Kang  III,  but 
also  Sha-Kuo  T'un  II  in  South  Manchuria,  see  map  facing  page  1, 
site  18;  Hsi  Yin  IV,  map,  site  9,  and  Ghing-ts'un  I,  map  site  10, 
in  Southern  Shansi;  and  Pan-Shan,  map,  site  13  on  the  T'ao  River, 
a  southern  tributary  of  the  Yellow  River  in  .Vestern  Kan  3u. 
The  writer  has  iio  wish  to  press  these  correspondences  but  merely 
to  point  out  the  possibility  that  they  are  correct  and  to  suggest 
that  these  culture  sites  thou^ih  widely  distributed  in  area  are 
the  places  to  look  for  Ko,  bronze  Types  III-X  and  the  proto__type  I 
stone  sickles  and  jade  Ko,  prototype- II  of  the  Shang  II  period. 
The  pottery  at  Tou  Chi  T'ai  in  Western  Shensi,  site  11,  where 
jade  Ko  17  is  stated  to  have  been  found  is  placed  in  the  period 
following  Hsiao  T'un  II. 

These  13  pottery  periods  of  Dr.  .  u's  table  (page  170,  7 
before  and  6  after  tae  move  to  Yin)  do  not  conflict  with  the 
i-dstorical  culture  periods  used  in  this  study.  .'Jixcavated  arti- 
facts are  best  designated  by  the  names  of  the  type  site  and  its 
stratification  of  culture  layers  until  they  can  be  given  absolute 


dates  or  their  corres; ondences  in  historical  culture  periods. 

The  Ko  discussed  in  tals  monograph  cannot  be  given  any  de- 
signation based  on  archaeological  culture  strata,   V.e  are  com- 
pelled therefore  to  use  historical  culture  rieriods  which  are 
given  below  in  the  suggested  chronology  and  the  accepted  ortho- 
dox dates.   The  term  Hsla  is  placed  at  the  beginning  for  lack  of 

any  better  historical  name,  , 

Hsia(.?)  (I  and  II)    2005-1535  13. C. 

Shang  I  1534-1312  B.C. 

Shang  II  1311-1039  B.C. 

Giiou  I  1038-  771  B.C. 

Chou  II  770-  482  B.C. 

Chou  III  481-  207  B.C. 

Han  I  206B,C.-A.D,23 

lian  II  A.  D. 23-220 

2205-1767  B.C. 
1766-1388  B.C. 
1387-1123  B.C. 
1122-  771  i3.C. 

770-  482  B.C. 

481-  207  B.C. 
A. D. 23-220 

,1  505  \ 

;  ^* 


I  -^^^_,  ,-::^.,,-o.:.,  .     ..^ ^-   - 

The  Sixty   Dav  Gyolo  was  foi^Qod  by  oorauiiilxi.'-:  tha  Tea  Jtyras: 
Ctila   (1),  Yi    (2),"rinr;   (3),  Tixig   (4),  V7u   (mcdem)   or  Mou   (an 
eariiex   pronuiioialioi*— jTOiVjldden)    (G),   Ciii    (C;,   lleur,   (7),    a  3:.u 
(8),   Jen    (9),   Kuei    (10),   and 

Tau    (A),   Gh'ou    (B),   Yiu   (C).  Mao    { D) ,   Ch'cn   (f-:),   dsu   (jf),  Wu 
(<1),  Wei    (11),    .^tiSu    (I),    Yu    (j),   lia'^    (K),   Uai    (L). 

4.hc!  iiietnod  of  ca-abinatioa  i3  iudlouted  in  \.iia  ioij.ov/iu{j; 
tai^ld  by  f^inployla'i  the  Arablo  mirteral.s  end  Roiaan  letters  in 
propter  e«!qudaoQ« 
































25  A 




























10  J 






Tua  I'ollov/ing  iiS   tao  diineao  Cyclical  Taulo  as  wrl  ^^t«)-i  on 
tha  oi'oolo  bonar.  of  t'no  3han-';  dynasty  hy  nine-yaar  old  boys  when 

tney   uOfeon  oo  Ivjai-n  L-ueir  taoios,  -at^  L.iul'.jij  tziu   u^uaii./  ..'ritten 
in  two  parts  of  Llilrty  days  eao^l. 

First  Fart. 

1  O.ila  T^u     11  Ohia  /Isu  "I  Ohia  Shon 

2  Yl  Gi.'ou     12  Yi  :iai  21^  Yi  Yu 

3  rii.«  Yin         13  rinfi  T2U  ;:3  Piu^;  h^u 

4  T1.1-  JIao            14  Ting  Cii'ou  ".:  Tii*s  'lai 

5  Wu  Gh»s:i           15  '■:u  Yin  :~  "ni  Tzu 

6  Jiii   3su              IG   Ojii  lluo  -■  '^'ii  Oli^ou 

7  KSng  '^u  17  Kong  Oh'en  ,-:7  Keixg  Yin 
a  .:l3in  >/'3i  18  llain  ^au  </"  'I-jIu  '.iao 
9  Jan  ~>ht^n        -  19  Jan  Vm  J;i  Jen  Gh^en 

10  ivUv;i  Yu              CO  Kxiei   'i&i  30  "ru^jl    'vsu 

second  Part 

■^1    '^hia  Vm  41  ^^^ia  Oilmen  51  J-i^    ^in 

5^  Yi^^i  42  Yi   33U  5H  Yi  Hao 

33  Ping  r>tien  43  Ping  Wu  6^  J;iiie  :3;^  «^i 

•^:^  'JVu  'iaii  45  Wu  3hen  55  ".u  v<u 

~?ar-n  46   Ohi  Yu  36  Chi   .lei 

^7  Kens'" Tzu  47  Kong  Hsu  57  rie-nfr  dnen 

*^^  H3ln  OMou  48  K3in  Tlai  58  Hsin  Yu 

3i  Jen  Yin  49  Jen  Tzu  59  -en  lisu 

40  Kuei  Mao  50  Kuel  Gh«oa  60  J-uai  ilal 


jouooi-boyo'    uoyy  \jtiu±jz:.  v-jx't..   •jiL.u   ./ritteu  u^i  uiiiuscx'ibed 
spaoos  of  uded  oraoie   Doiaqs.     Tiio  gi'upiis  Vioro  v/rll,texi  one  below 
Uio  oi.!U;r  iu  bl..  i^arprtudliculai'  (joiUuZiS.     Thort;  wa.s  vury  lie  tie 
otJaer  .'.Titian?  ou  oraola  bouas  uot  strictly  olasaad   "divluation 
aeuteuces",  jru  t * au ,     These  tables  v/ere  aoins  times  v/rittexi  upside 
dovm  vrlion  ooirpar'.jd  with  the  original   "divixiatioa  seivcaaoes",   rm 
t * zy ,  vrlttcii  on  the   seme  bone  by  the   divixisr  aoribo,      Cor.ipared 
witii  iiir  well  forriied  r.!;roph3   tiiosG  tal-ly.T  v/oro  orudoly  .'/rltten, 
uaturaliy  enough  in  vievt  of   cue  yvath  of  tiie  ..ritcru,      ritfc  Ki Lual « 
Li  C.ii,   saye   ''At  niiic;  j-eura  i.eaori  tuau   (boyg)   to  ooant  days, 
ohiu  xiieu  oniao  ohia  ^jxiu  J  ill,      rno  iiua  Gor.-»r;iOntator,   Glieng  hsUan, 
says   "days"  nro   t.iti  si-^  ^Likia.  tabio3  j.-'li*   -■-■^.V;  *-' ' 'if^  .yoU»      Ji^ia  v/as 
tho  siEpioat  bcuc  graph.     It  '-vao  v/rlttc!u  fis  tiu  uprif^ht  oroos, 
Saoh  oi  tixu  ai-\  ooluiuua  of  tim   ufibio  of  si^^ty  days  bwgau  './Itli  a 
ohia  grupii,      '/'.x.  tcu  'jjtj.:^c    ;boya;   ax'u  to  ioara  to  .rrito  records, 
3Uih  Hi  en  aauea  cxiu  oai"l, 

1.      Logfo,    hi  ;.i,    7ol.    I,    p.   '^7G. 


T:IJ:  G7.1i£Rk'nOii6  Ox    xiiij:   mJLE-RS  OF 

."";0  oocorapanyia.;-;  -uaolo  a*  '  iciajjy  oi'  tno  .iiiaag  ttyiia8r,y  la 
brtsjed  on  oa  cariior  v.oi'k  of  tlio  vvriters  J^iiig  Yi-sliih,  Caia  Ku  Yen 

'''  »    .._..'..   ...:il i^ 

1917,    r,p.    ::9-et:i,   u;-.-:^""  "■"/•'trho  ^oneTnoc!rlr.- 

^•our5      —      A.:-    "   ■■:-  ■  ■  .  .■>   G:.'i  K»ao  O.ii..,   191  •  , 

inoiu-l?rl    * ' 

from  3hQae    '     •  . 

Cr'i  lUstor.  , 

.   ^tlt!^rft.'^.t 

■•.>.rjou>*:i- uii  waa  i'roiii 

•  J      .UiW     iitJ>.."i» 

elltix  brotlior  to  yoiinp»)r  bru-.j^u-  l.uju;.-,-   ^as^ii^f; 
satterfltlon,     ?tiG  rolatlonsnlpa  «iro  h^'jre  inJ.ioat  •  i.;  ..> 

aaaicB  o'*  osL-ler  brotiiorg,   .islviXr.   in  (jli.roaolo,;ie,a.'.  ur>uir    ai   i-io 
colujnn  t^.    ■.  ■■  ■'JirtjQ-.-j.iAj'*  riar  ;;::.o  iuin<i'-id  ou  the 

fjurjooaalcii    ,..  '.    . .         ..::-!  of  yoimf^er  bi'otaars, 

tj. ,   nrf!  pine  -   .;oi.jla.,ivMJ.  oiMor  ia  l.:-  ri^iti  hand  ooivufua. 

Ti-iO  orc!<")r  of  .;jacj:i3iou   ^o  ti)6  i;  .-ou3   Im   ludloat'sd    ■  ar^tuio 

aur-r.rilg  plr.oad  In  braokets  fiftcjr  aa.i  '  .  ' 

subsidiary  letters    (A,    ",   0)   nd-'iij  ■  -y  aia  iiOv  ufio-uJL 

t^e  thros-c,   butvriro  ranemberud  a;5  luiuoci-oi's   lu  tha  boii«3i  Insorlr- 
tlona  aiid  on  bronze  ritual  vessels  oj?  trio  ro/al  filially, 

;.''^io  uanb«r  of  kin;;-!i   b3giimin,<:  witii  Zii^aur  T'au/;.;  i>  '  , 

founder  of  tVie  dyiiasty  In   crivea.   In  the  Siiln  Chi  l^iatory  u3   -.c).    -u.: 


present  list  has  31  names  dawn  to  3ho\x   (Ohou  or  Tl)   liSln   (31), 
the  last  klnp;  of  Shan/?;,     The  bone  Insorlptlons  record  Flng  Ta  Ting 
(2)    in  thr  same  manner  as  other  klnp;s.     They  f'lve  uo  Icdloatlon 
that  he  Aid  not   roi^-^n  aa  Menoius  and  the  Ghih  CM  Hif^tory  state. 
The  niu.brr  ~iven  tc  each  klnr  in  thlP  list  after  Ta  Ting  is  one 
greater  taan  that  piven  in  other  list»,   ^.f:*   ?*an  KenR  is  here 
iist-jd  B.S   the  iiOti.   kiiig  rather  than  the  19th  frcik  Ta  VI.     V.'u  Keng 
[Zki)   v.,  i    ;on  oi"  :>aou  Haia    (31)    i:T  jrlaooi  at  the  exid  of  t/ie  iiat. 
He  vma  pfirmittdd  by  the  Chou  conciuarorfi  to  preaide  &h  the  c))iaug 
a/ioestral  Odrorionies  v;hich  aontlnuod  after  th'^^   fall  of  the  dynasty. 
No  doubt,  there  wor«  acts  of  ritual  voof5«lo  bolon«lag  to  hia 
f--euar^on   Ozn.Y) , 

Logioain,-  witn    .^liasn  ?i  K^a^,   tlia  gr indciotaer  of  Ta  Yi,   the 
nanoG  of  the  quoons  of  aaoa  kinp,  in  the  direct  lino  of  flucoossion 
wore  reoorltKl  on  tno   bones,      £h^.    lueens  of  other  kinr^a  who  reipjiad 
thomoolvijs  but   dirt  not   aav-?  aoiie  vvho  roir'ned  «;•«  not.   recorded. 
Tnln   inforrcetlon  It^  aot   found  in  tii^  iatur  liternr;'^  rooorda, 

tan  H  rei'Tinlnr.  son  presided  nt   \ji\e  o-irei  Oiiias  rie  always  mentioned 
tUs  '.;utiQU-j  from  whom  he  v/aa  doa-^ended  olon-^  with  the  kincrs,     Wnen 
.aore   then  oxie  que-au  vms  reoorded  ftt  loaat  one  son  of  '^aoh  anoended 
t'le  tr.rona  In  the  next  renerati on.     Thus  ia  .'.oneratloa  :'III  Tfju  Yi 
(14)   h'A'l  f'/o  nueens,   PI  O'.xi  and  Ti  Ken/;,   and  in  veneration  /'TV  there 
^^or8  two  brotlvar  kin-'.-i,  Tsu  ?isiu   (15)   and  GUiaafr    (Y/o)   Chia    (iC). 
Tsu  Hsin   (15)   had  tv/o  queens.   Pi  Gbia  and  Pi  I'sng,  and  thoro  v/ere 
two  brotl'ijr  Iiinf^n  in  generation  '.V,    Csu   /iiif:   (17/   and  liaa  Konr   (13). 
Tsu  Tins-   (17)   had  tv/o   luoens  Pi  Zhi  ai).d  Pi    ':u3l  and  there  v/ere  four 
kinr  '   and   two  other  brothers  la  c-encration    ("'Ifl) ,    Hslan^;    [Ytmfr] 
Gbia    (19),   P»an  Kemp    (20),   lislao  Hsin   (21),      aiher  Chi    (SIA), 
Father  Kuel    (21B),    and  Hsiao  YI    (38),      /'u  Tin.'-r  had  taree   queens, 

Pi  Hsln,   ri  iCusl,   ri  •Vu,   and  tiioro  v/are  three   brothera  la  the 
aext  eeneraticn:   Tsu  Ghl    (24A)    Tau  Ker^r    (24)    and  Tsu  Chin    (PS). 
TLia  coiil'ii"iii&  the  r^^oorc;.  ol  t.ic  ger.eratlcas  anci  the  fcrcthor  or 
^cii  i'elcitioii£i;ip»  of  tbo  eueoeeding  Klnffa, 

Ux  iuiocBlrfil  title  of   (Lin)   r?  '(»r  >'.-other  Haln   (36}   is  not 
recorded  on  the  bontiB.     He  v^as  slrr.plv  crvllcd  '*Sl<3ler  brotlier"  in 
the  saao  laoidicr  na  thfj  poroous^  ro<jordo<?  on  sr^A,  SSP,   riAA,  ^ra^ 
riOA,  who  uid  not  i*uic!  ns  kiii^;?  but  v.'oi*o  in  Wid  joyal  succenpion. 
if  tiic  uuiiber  of   Jhang  kiii^^s  <n^e  30  >hw   not.  ."1  tuen  t'tjy  evldenoe 
of  ti:B  hcnec  poiiitr  to  tkr  C£i5  ^v-j.'oi-  vi'    {I.jn)    Dldor  brotlier  ilsin 
{HiL)   aiiC  wOt  Ta  ^Ji.-.;?   (2; 

"he  i^ireeont  tal;ie   inciiuiOfA  He-v«ral  fiddltlone   to  th€.  »/x'iter*s 
tailzie   o:'"  I9?r    •.\i(]:f;e«tt=d   by  t  •!£?   ytud;-  of  the  i_^.      I'fcthor  (hd    (-JlA) 
(Ci^lea  T^l--^n  i.27.1  axid   '3.^3,4,   diviner  "lun  1}    und  rather  Ivuei 
-tvoro  iann.1  f.^r:t}.y  brOv)!'-^rt!,     i'^Ciay  lironzo  inscrij^tlciia  rtentlon  them 
tO'.:eth^r  nr,    f'ntliar.M  o.?  ov.iiers  of  ro   V3,    74,   84-96,   ;'.0?.-i0'7,   i;.'>0, 
ot  f\l,     '^n«7  belonr  tc  tr.9  ifj^n^ration  oiT  P*an  Keufr:   (i-iO)     •Hifio 
■inJn   (iil)   and  must  Hfvo  ai'^d  bufort^  jifdao  Yi    {i:>u, 

EVi^v  'U'othtjr  Tiiijv   {p.ii.'O  v/Rfl  elder  brothf.r  oX  U'u  '.^in£  (iio) 
^ZliL^flil  ^iSi  l'^i>.'>;   yiJ-e.Bj   ;>a;^3  ae  Hou  plt>A  l««iii,L»;   son  i^  "0). 
iiiner   nrothoT  "•in.    (.•i3.0  who  w.i.t   csalled  P'athor  '.Vu  ;ind   {/;nc!SiJtor) 
T^u      ;   07  J_at«r  genera  ijiwa.-»,  wa.:^  nider  hrot.iior  or  Klut*  '^u  Ting 
(n?»)   and  not   vounfor  brother  T3*a"A<''  T-Tual  I.^l.'^   (dlvin-jr  Nan  I.l) 

Zi"I?r  Srot'ior  Pin^   (vlSA)  'vaa   dlder  ocot'^ep  of   (Lin)   ''ider 
V.votihoT  '!3ir.   [ilC)   ani  ;:"»anft  Tsu  Tlnrr   ('V,0  ,   aot  of  Vfu  Tsu  71  as 
Kuo  ?'o-,jo  suggested  In   nio  note  ofi  Tp*_ui  ^plon,  579.      'he  script 
ia  soicovfhQt  earlier  than  Mr,   Kuo   ,jud;^':>d,     ''iila  1:7  proved  b^^  the 
3et  of  broaxo   voi^nel::   btilon  .-iar   to   "Little   rini.itar  Man  with 


elaborate  hair  drossinfr  kneeling  before  a  liquor  Jar  on  an 
alooaol  3tovo,"wUo3o  naiao  is  fouad  on  doho   Inscriptions    ( Qh ' len 
|>ien  i>«oO,i;  llayaaui    i,2a,i0).      k''ion,'<  ;57  veasois  reoorded  by 
dUiis  i^ong,    J  hen  v;ea    jioa,    li^^,   Suppi^uoAio ,   Vol.   1,    p,   lu  are 
i'ati*er  iliifi,   -.  aa^tai   io,»:0»^  uua   i;   iailier  .laiij,  ^a4i«tal  :j,i7,l; 
7,3,6;   aiii  a'atujr   liag,  C«li,2.      ■  xu.v,  '.vh,3,   tiioreloiu, 
^ld3i-  l^iotlicir  cf   (Liii)    -aiu    U>^ )   -^ii-'   J  '  ang  Tau  Tiag   (*:7)    i:ikl  not 
or     U    xBU   Yi    (^^?). 

iiiis  ^irocouL  tuLi^i   Laa   u(j3ii  used   t,o  Uotern-lao  tho  dates  of 
neto  or   broiiZw  ritual   vo8b«1s  from  tn.;  euooatrai  relationships 
lii.scritJid  en  tlica,     lu  the  llg>'t  of  r<irt..!:;or  i-ao\"l^-;j^:^  th'-  absolute 
datts  indic*;t3d  in  the  hoooBij^aiiyiati  table  c:  'onolofr.y 

may  bii  S'^ojoct    Ic  orja.ais<?,  "but   ti/o  so^r.-r'co    ,  .   r.^'onn  riven 

in  tula    Labl-jr  xuay  be  oonsiderad  aorxec':,      II.  la  bnrt— i    in    ^  r.alti- 
tta.3  ox'  vjoatdsiporary  oruole     oua    lAaor.i.^.bt.on.i.       "  '=    -.i .         -oo_.tion 
to  t  .ib   Va  ivit-ier  Ka'ji    {;^1   )    o:''  -on^ratioji  "".'T,   .vhoao  plaoo  in 
t.:6  lig^  itas   rl&t'jr.mlnrt J   froft  hi.-\  aaaool-it.lon  ■.'/itii  '^''atuer  '''\!    (.^lA) 
in   i^ir^crintions  oa  det.'s  of   irons j  ritual  7;-n:dc-l3,      rijrt  fijAJiiae  of 
Father  Ku.-l    (2i' )    troih  C-"if}   '.  ;^:;  iancrintlons  fliriy  bft  aaoountod  for 
on  the  3Ui,'nc3itijn  that  ..lo  was  a  sou  af  ^-in,'-:  >an  Kong   (IB):   it  is 
stat-3:l  ill  the  3.'?ih  Til  _'ilr>toi'7  tliat  :'aa  X::a  ;   (18;  'vasj  non  of*ti   (■.■o)    ?i:ia,    (IC),   tiio  noa  of  Tsu  Yi   (14),     Fatljor  Kuei  would 
tiien   -Kj  rulated  tc  the  <iireot  liue  of  jucoosaioii  only  t..:a"outrli  iiia 
g;reat  grnadfathor,  Tsn  Yi    (14),     If  tiiie  yftisc-  so,   .Cuci  mxf^nt  woll    • 
ur'ivg   brjn  onittad  by  the  rei«^in.::  3or»3rui;<»A  rro.-n  tho  aaooatrnl 
ceranoniss  rtcor-iud  on  i,L>i  oraol.;  boue.-i ,      ■;>.:..   .-ooaug-^  his   father 
l^an  Khav-   (16),  I'-f&s  a  kiuf-  hio  name  y;oii1.'1  liavo  beoa  Inaoribed  by 


his  son.3  on  their  bronze  ritual  vessels .     Tlieir  vessels  would 
also  have   beoii  iuijcribycl  \7ith  the  names   of   dsceased  kin^:;s   of  the 
direct   line   of  suocession.      In  this  manner  sots  of  bronze  ritual 
v^JKseis  would  include   ti\^  naniiia   of  tne   sons  of  Kinj/;  H<m  Iveng    (18 J 
wailo   is:inf<,3  of   tLi   direct   line  nif-Tlit   omit   tliem  from  the  ceremonies 
as   persons  wxio   .;oal]   uO  loa^.er  lior-j  to   zn-s   cvj    r/n-^   t  n'oriH   to   their 


A  Table  of  the  Grenerations  of  the  Rulers  of  the  Shaug  dynasty 
beginning  with  Shang  Chia, 

Generation  Elder  brothers  Direct  Line  Queen    Younger  brotherj 




















IShanp-  Chia 


iPao  Yi 

Pao  iing 

iao  Tiuti 

3hih  (Ghu)   jpi  Feng 
Jen         j 

Shih  (Chu)   iFi  Chia 

'Ta  (T'ion) 
Yi  (1) 

iHjiao    ('Vo) 
iTing    (6) 

flsiao  Chia   (O) 

jChurif    (Y^an,r) 
[Chi    (9) 

in  Pins 
!Ta  Ting   {£)      Pi  V'u 

i  I 

iTa  Chia    (5)     IPi  Hsin 
I  I 

Pu  f//ai)   Ping   (3) 
Nan   (Chung  Jen   (4) 

JTa  K^ng   (7)     ipi  Jen      I 

ITa  Wu  (10)  Pi  Jen 

I  ! 

i Chung  Ting  Hi  Kuci 

(11)  1 

Pu  C.Vai)  Jen  (12) 

'Chan  (Ho  T'an) 
iChia  (13) 

Tsu  Yi  (1.^)  Pi  Chi   j 
iPi  i^:^ag  i 

Tsu  Ilsin  (isj  Pi  Cnia 
]  ri   Keng 

Chiang  (.0)  Chia  (15) 

Generation  Elder  brothers   Dlreot  Line 
XV  Tsu  Ting  (17) 

Queen   Younger  brotharj 






Halang  (Yang)   ■ 
Chia  (19) 

P'-;n  K3ji^"  [•IQ]     i 

j  ilsiao  Ksixi  (?4)  ■ 

'  Father  Ciii'  (£1\) 


i  Father  Kuei  (2LB) 

psiao  Yi  (£2) 

liilder  brother 
Ting  (a^A) 

Tsu  or  Elder 
brotUer  ..'a  (E5B)  i 

;;VIII  ,  Tsu  or  iiilder 

brother  Chi  ( ii  4A) 

XVIII  .  isu  iCen.«;  (2t)   , 









Elder  brother 
ling  (26 A) 

(Lin)    Elder 
brother  ilsiji  (j36} 

Pi  Chi 
Pi  Kuei 

Nan  iLeng   (18) 

Pi  King 

Vu  Ting   (iio)        .Pi  Hsin 

jPi  iluel 


iPi  v;u 

;T3U  Chia    (iJS)        il  Wu 


Pi  I-3ia 

iilluer  brotaer 
Kuei    (28A) 

j¥u  Tsu  Yi    (20)  Pi  Wu     ! 

Wen  Wu   ring(2S|  Pi   Chia    (?) 

Wen(Ti)   Yi  (30)  Pi  Kuei    (?) 

Shou   (Tl)   Usin  pi  chi    (?) 

(31)  ^ 

Vi/u  Keng  ^32) 

■  514 

i  V. 

TliE   DAIE3  OF  TliE   DIVIxNiiiiiJ  ON  THE 
..Oi^fi  iWaCKIPTiOWS  FROM  TllE  V.'AiiTii:   OF  Yllf 

The  bono  iuscrlrtiona,   as  noted  in  the  pror^ce,   provide  evid- 
ence  for  dating  the   inscribed  bronze  Ko.     These  bone  inr.criptlons 
have  beea  divided  by  ^^cholara  into  five  script  j-erlodg  oa  tha   two- 
fold basis  of  ti-eir  developing  graph  fonas  aad  of  their  relation 
to  the  cenoalopy  of  the  Shang  klnrfs.     la  bono  iniioriptious  oonoern- 
Ing  aric«astral  oeremonlaa  and  in  sul'sequeiit  hiatory  eeoh  Shanf:  king 
was  distinguished  by  a  tsmj.le  title  and  naiae  day,   poasibiy  his 
birthday,   one   of  tna   oyola   of  ten   dajd*      The  Teraple   titles  uaed 
v;erei      "great **  ta,    •^rnld'lie",   o iuaif- ,    "littl^i"  'i3iao^    •* Ancestor "  tsu, 
'Varrlor''  v^,    '^aaaoaful"  k * an.g; .   and  otaers  auon  as   "mover"  pan,   for 
Kliig  I'an  Kangl  wiit  movert  tne  oppital   to  the  >:aL-te  of  Yin.      >Vh©n  a 

1,     The  word   "raovo"  pan,    is  noiv  pronounced  uiiQsjdrated,   the 
later  ortaodox  ■jrapii  of  tlie    :in^'*3  u»iEie  is  now  pron6unoed 

diviner  iuciorlbed  for  a  King  a  divination   oone  about  ancestral 

ooroiaonies   to  be  oonauoted   in  nonour  cf  the  !';in/''''s    ''Father"  fu, 

''LSothcir'*  mu  or  "Zliier  brother''  he ,   he  wrote  these  titles  of 

blood  relationship  combined  with  tne  name  dav  rathei'  than  the  per- 

manont   tesiplc   tltloo  used  in  3uooeedin<j;  generatioas.      In  triis  rannner 

the  naraea  of  the  diviiiera  tkeioaeivcs,  v/!^ioh  ax'e  aa  integral  part  of 

moat  bone  inscriptions,   are  olosely  lixifced  with  the  distinctive 

bone  soriiit  of  a  dated     eriod.     The  nanea  of  persons  v/aioh  occur 

both  on  ^Jhang  Ko  aiid  on  bone  inscriptions  are  tJiuc  wore  precisely 

dated  by  the  xiemes  and  script  of  the  divinero  who  iuooribed  the 


The   script  periods  are   listed  iii  English  in  the  Illustratod 

Catalo--  .o  of  C.  iaese  GoveriUiieiit    Exhibits   for  tiio   International 


Exhibition  of  Calaese  Art  In  London.  1936,  Vol,  4,  p.  128.  This 
list  gives  only  tlie  names  of  the  reigns  and  use?  the  orthodox  lit- 
erary names  of  the  kings.   In  conformity  v;ith  the  usage  In  this 
monograph,  the  names  of  kings  are  given  in  the  table  balov/  as  they 
were  originally  inscribed  on  the  oracle  bones  and  dates  have  been 
added  from  the  chronological  scheae  proposed  by  the  v/riter.   A  de- 
tailed discussion  of  the  namos  of  diviners  Ghenp  jen  and  the  evid- 
ence for  tx^eir  iates  is  f.iven  by  mr,  Tung  Tso-pin  ia  nis  article 
entitled  "Criteria  that  uay   be  used  for  a  raore  exact  dating  of  the 
Oracle  bene  Records"  in  Studies  presented  to  Ts*ai  Yuan-p'ei,  I'eiping, 
1933,  pages  323-424  (cellod  hereafter  Ti-ng  Criteria).   On  page  373 
Mr.  Tung  lists  tiie  diviners  cneng  jen,  who  were  also  the  historians 
shih  kuan,  under  tneir  respective  script  periods.   The  names  in  the 
table  beiov/  are  /riven  in  iir,  Tung's  order;  hi::  article  nay  be  con- 
sulted for  the  Chinese  chRraoters,   lu  this  nonograpn  reference  will 
be  made  by  giving  the  Chinese  name  of  the  diviner  follov/ed  by  the 
Roman  mnueral  of  the  period  and  the  Arabic  nuraeral  of  the  sequence. 
This  Nan  1,1  means  that  llK.n  Ih  the  diviner  listed  first  in  the  first 
script  r.eriod.  \7here  question  ciarks  are  placed  in  ihe   iiet  the 
present  writer  does  not  Hazard  a  sound  equivalent;  the  grwphR  are 
definite  and  are  not  in  question. 

Table  of  Tihe  bone-script  periods  and  of  tne  Diviners, 
script  period  I   Before  the  reign  of  Wu  Ting,  1311-1256  B.C. 

Keign  of  Wu  Ting,  1255-1197  B.C. 

Diviners:   1,  IJan;  2,  iiuan;  3,  Yung;  4,  T-'n; 

5,  Cheng;  6,  Vvei;  7,  Chung;  8  (7);  9  {5); 

10  {?);  11,  Fu;  12,  Shih. 


Jcript  period  II   Reign  of  Tsu  Keng  1196-1190  B.C.  and  of 

Tsu  Ghia  1189-1157  U.G, 

Diviners:   1,  Ta;  2,  Lii;  3,  Chi;  4,  Using;  5, 

K'ou;  6,  Ilsuiug;  7,  Cu'u, 
Soript  period  III  Rei.'jn  of  (Lin)  iisin,  1155-1151  J,G.  and  of  I  'ang 

Tsu  Ting,  1150-1145  i3.C. 

Diviners:   1,  /l;  £  (?);  o  (?);  4,  Ciiu;  5,  Ti; 

6,  I'eng;  7,  Jnen;  b,   K'ou  (tl'is  same  as  11,5); 

9,  Lu  (tae  same  as  II. ^i) 
ooript  period  IV   xteign  of  .Vu  Tsu  Yi,  ll'i:^-il39  a.O,  and  of  v7en 

/.'u  Ting,  lio6-lliie  .  .0. 

Diviners:   Aooordiut:  to  Mr,  Tung  the  fourth  script 

period  did  not  record  the  uanes  of  diviners  on 

the   Ifisoriptiona, 
ooript  period   V  I^eign  of  Yi^,    1125-1091   '3,0.   and  of  ilsin'=^,   1090- 

1059  ..1,0. 

1,   Tills  kinv  was  xiot  tjiven  a  tecple  title  on  bone  inscriptions 
because  the  Shans;  dynostj''  perished  in  the  reign  of  his  son 
who  honoured  him  with  the  filial  title  father,  fu.   In 
literary  historical  sources  he  is  caller^  limperor  Yi,  Ti  Yi, 
a  title  probably  given  after  the  Jirst  oaperor  Snin  Hung 
Ti  assumed  this  Shang  dynasty  name  for  Ood  in  2J1  B.C. 
Certain  iaacri^^tions  on  bronze  ritual  vessels  nake  it 
possible  that  Wen  Yi  was  the  temple  name  of  this  king.  See 
Mint  Yi-shin  (James  M.  lAenzies)  Gnia  Ku  Yeji  Ohiu  (Oracle 
Bone  studies)  Gheeloo  I'niversiby ,  Tsinan,  195o,  pages  123 
and  125. 

?..   'le  is  simply  called  "King"  on  oracle  bono  inscriptions 
written  during  riis  reign,   Giiou  dynasty  literary  sources 
call  nim  Ghou  Hsin,  Tnis  is  a  derof^atory  name.  Other 
literary  sources  call  him  shou  Hsin,   This  is  possibly  his 
temide  aEune,   Tne  praph  onou  means  "to  receive",  as  it  v/ere 
the  kingdom.   Later  when  ohang  dynastj''  genealogies  v/ere 
compiled  for  the  History,  ohih  Ghi  he  v/as  also  called  rlmperor  i/»,^ 

Diviners:   i,  Huang;  2,  Yung  (graph  different  from 
Yung  I,S), 


In  the  detailed  study  of  the  dates  of  certain  Ko  in  the  oata- 
loque  above,  some  few  variant  oninionn  havo  been  stated.  The  present 
writer  v/ould  place  sorae  diviners  and  their  script  in  the  period  1511- 
1256  r>,C,  and  would  identify  the  father  ling  soraetlaes  nontioned  in 
tiiesc  in::'oriptions  with  Kln£   Tsu  ing,  father  or  UDole  cf  Haiang 
(Yans)  Chia;  P*an  rren^-;;  'Isiao  ilsin;  and  -Lsiac  Yi,  Tlie  lar^e,  vitrorous 
script  wuloh  hag  no  diviners'  names  but  -.vrites  the  grapu  for  king, 
wan£,  in  its  arohaic  fonr-  v/lthout  a  stroke  on  tor»  belon^,s  to  the 
rei£'n  of  Xing  Tbu  Keae,,   1196-1190  ii.C,  i''ather  ling  of  tr.eae  inoorip- 
tions  would  then  be  Klns^  V«u  Ting  and  not  F'anjc:  Tsu  Ting  as  proposed 
by  Kr,  T>ing,  In  the  writer's  opinion,  it  wsp  in  the  relf.n  of  Tsu 
CJhia  that  tne  f:i3ript  of  the  graph  kiri-,  t;an{? ,  v/as  altered  to  itsj  later 
form  with  a  stroke  on  top.  This  is  one  or  the  r:.ost  characteristic 
features  of  the  script  styly  of  Period  II  and  th^reaff-er  it   occurs  for 
the  graph  "kint:"  iu  most  bone  ICGoriptlons.   Scr.e  of  the  norirt  in- 
cluded by  Mr.  Tung  in  Ferid  V  lu  the  writer's  opinion  belon^.s  to 
Period  IV,  for  the  intrusion  of  an  arohaloiatio  reversion  to  earlier 
script  lorE.3  between  Peri;  d  III  and  i-eriod  V  is  unnatural  sind  lacks 
evidence,  Oracle  bone  study  Chla  Ku  hsueh  la  yet  in  its  infancy. 
Mr.  Tung' a  arfole  v"rj  teria  is  loundatlon  vvork  well  dooumented.  More 
will  be  built  upon  it  in  the  future.  It  has  already  contributed  much 
to  the  niore  precise  dating  of  some  Ko  in  this  irtohoei^aph ,  the  names  of 
whose  owners  have  been  found  inscribed  in  the  Oracle  Lone  records  of 
the  ohani-  dynasty. 

I:  c;^ACL£  lX>ilii  II^JCiUlTIOilJ 


Material  lonoarthod  before  1910 




■■   ■    ■   ■  ■    datfi     ■■  III  ■ 


suih-y: : 




JdVoii  J 

Tcill    .itle 

Liu  0,    T'iet'i  Yun  'la *  anr;  Kuei, 

Siiantjhei,   l<■.•0^.* 

1.0  Cnau-Yu,   lion  'liip    is^aas  Kuci 

GUih  Yu,   1915. 

Yeh  Yu-sen,  Ti'ih  Yun  Vf;*au,r  Kuaj 

•^'/.lli  Yi.   3hBii£l)s5,   1^25. 

:.ariff  Kuo-v;el,   Cwicfi  of. oti   ?*ax-Lf   So 

Ts * axii^-  YJAJ.  hc'l  V.en  Tzu,    ishanchai, 

191 V . 

Drawn  by  i-'ranJc  H,  Chnlfant,   editod 

by  tiogv/ell  3,   rJritton*     TiiC 

fant  Oonllju;  aollor-tloa.   .'^iiiafighai, 

1935;   nuuibore'1   ■^onneoutively, 

.Tames  M,  llonzlas   (Mine  Yi-o}ilb}, 

IQ  Ken  Oblh  Otiii;  Is '  anr;  Ohia  Ku 

.Ven  Tzu.   'Islnan,   1955;   nui-bered 


Drawn  by  I'ranls:  Ii,  Cualfant,  edited 

by  Kos'rtell  3,  'irittou,  S a va-.-^ 

Goll'jotloug  of  In^iorlLod  Oracla 

Honeg .  Hew  York,  1938  (less  "ergen 

collection).  ::acti  colleotioa  is 

nunbored  separately,  prccsdad  by 

koy  lottors: 

li^urber  of 









3,  Shanghai  Muscaa  K.C.D.Ti.A..:.   195 

,  -  -jrgen  Goliect ion 

P,  Princeton  Univerpity         119 

-  .  ilLelu  Collection  72 

.  .:>xu  -.en-lQii  of  Lin  Ciilh       31 

R,   Royal  Asiatio  oociety,    London       6 

Piopklns;  Dravm  by  Frank  II.   ^halfant,   adltod  hy 

Kosv.sll  U,  Bi'itton,   The  IiopLina  Ccllcctlon 
or  Ix;i..(;ribt;d.  O;;aolc  l-ciie.  Hevf  York,  1939; 
nUiVibered  consecutively,  484 

Yeiioaiu^:  Jujir  Kfnie:  and   ..'h'tl  Yila  Mia.  Via   J>.'i  ru  T:. *u, 

I'oipint;,   1953«      i'ormerly  :isu  Feii^,  Collectioii^ 
au...ijered  ooiiseoutlveiy,  674 

T'ion-.ianp;!      r'an^  Lan,  T^ion  Jan;^  ^  Cilia  K\x  'Ven  Tsu, 

ioipln^i;,   190 'J;   rA'Oi-iuereol  oonaeeativeiy,  106 

Far^uson:  S^iang  -Jh'eii^-tso,   Fu  3i:lh  So  Ta  *  anfl:  Chla 

conseoitivoly,  o7 

Mntorisl     unearthed  batwoen  1910  cuid  19^8, 

Gh*len-piQ^     :.o  '^tioa-yu,  Yin  Ilsil  luiu  Oa'i  3h*icn  lien, 

oapaa,  i^jiii,  xlrst  edition,  l-ass  dupiicatea  2S19 

>i       < 

Chin^-hua    Lo  JUr,u-.':u,  Yjji  ".au  3hu  Oh  i  0:.lii^.  'ua, 

Shanc^iai,   1^*14.  68 

Hou^plen  Lo  Ghea-l'u,   Yin  )Isu  3au  CiJ  i  ]  :ou  I  iea , 

3hangJ:iai,   l9io,  1104 

llstl-piezi;  Lo  Choc-yu,   'ilu  Hsu  Jhu  Ch'i  ilsjl  lien, 

."eiron,  193u.   Of  tne  .';016  rubbiacs  most 

had  already  bctm  pubilaiied  in  i,   ;3,   4,    19, 

t'.0,   21,   but  tile  rcproduotions  wnre  olearur 

in  ooic'ii;/pe.      i.':-Ose  unyuoliuued  auiL.borod 

about  5C0 

T*u~lu;  liO  Chexi-.  ii,      la  Hau  ^  Ch'i  ___u   ^  U,  ^j^, 

ujhtUigiai ,   iSio,      Cne  larAce  soaj  uia  1 

?:efl?.ios;  Ji?moe  ",  Menzlos    Uvtlxie:  /l-sMa) ,   Oru'.:ie^ 

Rooorda  from  the  V<aHta  of  Yin,  Plates 
prlntoa  in  Keiionv ,  IVif; ,  iiitro'luctioa 
Juan  :i:al  1917;   niy^borea   oo.'iseoutivalv,  *i369 

!.!  egg  jest  .Twrftea  Isl.   »"eni'J.«8,    (Min/?  Yi~S;..i)i),    .'>.  -ond 

Colic  ri  tic  a  of  '^raolo   RHcprdja  rrc;n  the 
■  ■agto  of  Ylu ,   '.^ei  ning  ly2V ,   l-  copies  of 
Ink  rubblngo,     '"ho  nuinbora  nre  oonaocutlve 
Itn  tho  preoeediug.  2700 

.'.::av-jaa.l:  'i'«   h'ayoahl,    (Lin   rai-fu; ,      \!-^i    ';:i,i«'^    j.'OU 

-JL  "^'Q^  Tsu  .  Japan,  1917.  1023 

f'u-sjvl  .:  .nag  Ilslaar,   /u  Jniii  Yin      .'_x      i.e.;  7    .on, 

TiGiitsln,   192.'5,     I/finy  lerge   Ink  rubbings 
■,vore  out  Into  aavcirol  pieces,     Cf  tlio  1125 
piedeg  the  unout  rubbings  nui^bar  about  ouO 

l!atorial  unearther  a2  tar  1928. 

Meien-peu:       Tung  Tao-pin,   iisin  IIu  Vw  [rz^*j;.,   ;  oiping 

19'19;   drav.'im:s  niJC>.berod  couaeojtively.  381 


Ta-kuel ;  Tung   rso-piu,   Ta  Kuei  Ssu  Pan  l  *  ajo  Shih, 

Peipinf^  1931.      Photographs   and  drawings 

nuBibered  Gongeoutivelj'.  4 

Yl-ts'im;  Shang  Oh'eng-tso,    Yin  Oh'l  Yi  Ts'ua. 

Nankin?;,   1933.      Rubbin.-r.   fron  ei^ht 

collections  nur.bered  conseoutively,  lOCO 

T*un^>:'i3h;      iluo  ?io-jc,   Pu  Tz*u  T*_imp  ?gu&n  Pi  eh   Lu, 

Tokyo  1953.      Unpublished  rucbinjes 

a-pended  to   the  T * unf-.  Tsuan.  128 

Yeh-chun.-r  One;   iluaag  ."ilnon,  Yali  Chun^^:  r*iea  Yu  ZL\u. 

CJil.    P>apiug  193C.  241 

Ye'^-ohunn-  Twoi   '\^uanf:  Chun,   Yen  Chung  P'ien  Yu  3rh 

Ohi,   Peiping  1937.  101 

Hqu-ohuan'^;      Tunfi,  Tso-pin,   An  Yanr:  ?Iou  »;hia  Ghuan,'-^ 

Jh*u  T'u  Oiin  0  lia  Ku  V/en   xzu,    Shanghai 

1936.  Rubbings  nunbarod  oonoeoutively.  42 
Kaifen£:     Jun  Hai-no,  Quia  Ku  Wan  La,   loiping 

19>57;   nambered  oonaecutively.  930 

T3*ui->pl3a;      :\no  I  o-jo,   Yii:   3-*i    r.3 '  td  -Lien,   Tokyo 

1937;  numbered  consecutively,  1595 

Ch*enp-ohal;  oun  'iairpo,  Uh*3n;^,  Ghai  Yin  HsU  Van  Tzu, 

Peipins,  1940;  nuiiberei  consecutively.        500 



II:   Inscribed  Chinese  Ilronses 

Tlie  works  aro  iisood  Ixa  order  oi    .  uuxioutioix. 

In  tiio  Indication  of  tiic  type  of  rticord, 
"tx'Uiiiicriiits"  si,'::Jiiflea  '*transoriivti;  of  tae  iui-ci-ii  oioaw  in 
odern  oiiaraoters"; 
'*iiand  copies'*  meauB    'i-tma-drav/n   faosiudlifi.s  o*    ll:v.   iiiyori.  Lions"; 
"dravvincs"  and  "♦photo^rains**  refer  only  to  objects, 
Tiie   .vord   "only"  does  uot  exclude  a  transcri/t  in  modora  ouarao- 
tora,   but  indicates,   that  wliilo  the  object  iiay  be  uacied,   there 
is  no  drav/iru^  or  piiotOf;rar,Ii  of  it. 


?itlQ  and  t \  r-e  of  record 

Tinfi  Lu: 

Ou  Pa: 

Ou  .'!u: 

u'ao  i*u: 

Po  Ku; 

Chao  Pa: 

Yu  Li,  Tinr  Lu.  o,  A.  D,  550,  Transcripts 

Ou-yenr::  H.alu,  Chi  Ku  Lu  Pa  'vVei .  c.  A.  D,  1050, 
Transcripts  only, 

Ou-yang  iei,  Ghi  Ku  Lu  Mu,  A.  D.  1063,  Trans- 
scripts  only, 

Lu  Ta-iin,   K'ao  ilu  t*U4   10  vols..   A,    D,   1092, 
rland  copies,   drawinf^s, 

V/anr  Fu  et  al,   " isiuaii  ilo  £0  Ku  T*u  Lu,    '60  vols, 
c.   A,    D,   lias,     !iand  copioa,   dravings, 
Ghao  Minj--ch*eng,   CLin  3:'iih  Lu  Pa  V«oi.    A,    D, 
1152*     Transcripts  only. 


Kuang  Pa:    Tung  Yu,  KuanK  Ohou  Sb.u  ?a,  a.D.  .11-    , 

Trojaaoripts  oaiy« 
Hsiao  J'aag;  ';£*<:  .■  'iu,  Hsiao  T ' snr  Chi  ]ai  Lu,  'd   vols. 

A.D,  1176.  Land  copies  only. 
Iisleh  K»uan:  Ilsieh  SbBiig-kunc ,  Li.  T^i  '>-m^f:  Tinr  Yl  Ch*i 

.:*uaa  Shih  ya  T*i^^,>  2'  vols.  c.  A.D.  1200. 

liand  copies  only. 
lisu  ir*ao:  /lUthor  Unknovm,  Hail  Iv*ao  Ku  r*u,  5  vols, 

0.  A.D.  1200.     Ilantl  ooi)i«s,   drawings. 
Wang  K*uan:     Wang  Hou-oliih,  Chun.i:^  Tiu.?  K*uan  3/iih,   1  vol, 

c.  A.D,   1200.   Hand  copies  only, 
Hsl  Gli'ing;      lUx  Imperial  Gomroiaaion,  \ai  Cli '  la^  •.■:u  Olaen , 

40  vols,   A.D.   1751,      iiaad  copies,   drawiur.s, 
3h*ing  lu:        An  Imperial  Coauiiasion,  Hsi  Gh^inp;  Ku  Ciden 

i;u  Lu,   16  vols.   A.D.   1751.     Hand  oopiea,   arawings. 
Cubing  Cilia  J  Axi  Irajjerial  Comriilsaion,   lisi  Op'in^  flsu  Chi  en 

GUia  lieu,   20  vols.      A,  ":,   1793.     Iland  copies , 

drav/lngs  • 
Ch'ing  Yi:       An  Inperlal  Copacisoicn,   ''si  Ch'inr.  Hsu  Cnien 

Yi  Tien,  20  vols.  o.  A.::.  1^95.   Hand  copies, 

drav/in-^s . 
Ning  Shou:        An  Inperial  CoMclssion,  ITln^  Shou  Chi  en  Ku, 

16  vols,   c.   A.n.   1795.     Hsuid  copies,   drawings, 
Ch'ien  K»uan:  Cii'ian  Tien,   3hih  Liu  Chiang  Lo  T'anp  Ku  Ch*i 

K»uan  Shih,  4  vols.  A,  D,  1796,  Hand  copies, 

Juan  Chi:    Juan  Yuan,  Chi  Ku  Ctiai  Chun^r  Tins  Yi  Ch'i  •^*uan 

Jnih,  10  vols,  A.D.  1804,  Hand  copies  only. 


Ch'iu  Ku:  ::h»en  Chlng,   Ch*iu  Fu  ^^he  Chin  3hih 

T|u,   A,D,   1813,      '.laad  copies,   drawings, 
Ts'ao  Kuai:     Ts'ao  i:»uei,  Imai  Ml  'liaa  Faar.  Ghl  Giiin  T*u. 

1  vol.      A.D,   1814.   ;;and  oo'ries,    drawings, 
?eug  3o:           iTeug  Yaa-p»eng,   Ciiin  Shiii  So,  12  vols,   A.D, 

1822,     Hand  copies,   drawim^s. 
Yua  Ch*iag:     Wu  Juag-icuaag,  Yua  Cli*iag  Kuaa  Gliia  Sliih  Lu,  5 

vols,   A,D.   1340,     ilaad  oopies  oaly, 
Lua  T'lag;        Un  liln,  .Brh  Po  Laa  T*in^  Cliai  3hou  Ta  *  aa :  Ghia 

g'.iih  Chi.   4  vols,      A,D.   1356,  ilaad  copies,    drawiags, 
Huo  Ku:  Liu  Ilsi-iiai,   Oh *aai^  Aa  Huo  Ku  Piea.   2  vols, 

A.D,    1872,  Haad  oopies,   drawia-s, 
P»aa  Ku:  P»aa  Tsu-yin,  P'aa  Ku  Lou  Yi  Cii*i  K*uaa  3kili. 

2  vols,  A.D.   1372.  liaad  copies,    drawiags. 
-Liaa-s  Lei:        '.Vu  Yua,   Liana;  Lei  Hsjgn  Yl  Gh* i  T'u  Siiili.   12 

vols,      A.J.   187,5.  Hani  oopios,    dl'awiagD, 
flii'iag  Yij        Cnang  T»  Uxf-ohi,   Gii'lUf',  Yl  Ko  iiSL  '^'^  *  ^^'  Ku  Ch'i 

Wu  Wea,  10  vols.   G.   A.D,   1080,     liubbings  only. 
Hang  iisioa:     Wu  Ta-oa»;3ar,,   liaag  Haiea  3o  Clxica  3p  Ts * aag  Chi 

Cnla  Lu,   1  vol,   A.D,  1885,  Ilaad  oopies,  drawiags, 
Ts*\uig  Ku:        lisu  T*uag-po,  Ta * unr.  Ku  T*aap:  K*uaa  Shih  -Isueh, 

16  vols,  A,D,   1886,      iiubbiag  oaly, 
Chfla  Ku:  Wu  cJhlh-fea,  Cnila  Ku  Lu  Ghia  V/ea,   9  voi3, 

A,D,   1395,   Haad  copies   oaly, 
K*o  Cixai:         Wu  ?i»-§h»eug,  K*o  Ohai  Ciii  Ghia  Lu.  50  vols, 

A.D.   1396.      Rubbiags  only, 
Gri»i  Ku:  Liu  Hsia-yuan,  Ch'i  Ku  3hih  Ghi  GhJji  a  on  Jnu. 

20   vols.    /v.  D. 1902,      Hubbiaga  oaly. 

5  £5 

Chlng-VVui  Ctiu  Siian-c}i»i,    Gxiing  Wu  Hsln  Shih  Yi  Cii'l 

K^uan  oiiia.    2  vols.   A.D.    1908,    Rubbings   only. 

T'ao  Glial :        ^uan  Faiig,   T'ao   Oiiai   G:il  G aln  Lu,   8  vols. 
A.iJ.   1903.      RuDbiags  only, 

T'ao  Hau:  Tuan  Fang,   T'ao   Cliai   Ghi  Gliln  Hau  Lu,   2  vols, 

A.D.   1909,     Rubbings,   drawings, 

Yi  Liu:  Ting  Liu-nien,  Yl  Lin  Kuan  Gai   Ghin  T'u  3hih. 

c.  A.D.   1910.     Hani  copies,    drav/ings. 

Ghou  Ta'ua;      T3  0u   An,    Chou  Chin  Wen  Ts_Man,    6   vols.   A.D. 
1916-20.     Rubbings  only. 

Yin  Wen:  Lo  Ciien-yu,   Yin  .Yea  Ts'ua,   2  vols.   Rubbings 


Meng  Wei:  Lo  Ciien-yu,   Menp;  vJei  Ts ♦  ao   i''*ani°;  Giii  Ghin  T*u. 

3  vols.      A.D.   1917.      Rubbings,   photographs. 

Meng  Hsfl:  Lo   Ghen-yU,  IK^np:.  'A' el  Ts ' ac   T ' an^-^  QVii  Chin  T*u 

lis^  Pien,  1  vol.  A.D,  1918.  Rubbings,  photographs. 

Chen  Fu  Ghai:  Ch»en  Cnieh-ch'i,  '£u   Ghai  Chi  Chin  Lu,  3  vols. 
A.D,  1913,   Rubbings  only, 

Sunitomo:    Sunitcmo,  3.irou,  Jea-oku  3ei-3ho,  The  Golleo- 
tion  of  Old  Bronzes  of  Baron  Sumitomo,  Kyoto, 
1919.   Supplement,  1926,  extra  vol,  1926, 
Photographs,  rubbings,  iTung  Keng's  attribu- 
tions of  thestj  vessels  and  his  discussion  of 
inscriptions  in  Uai  v\'ai  are  best  to  use,  but 
the  photographs  of  tais  original  edition  are 
very  well  reproduced, 
Tch'ou  To-yi:  Bronzes  Antiques  de  La  Chine  Aupartenant  a 

G,T,  Loo  et  Cie,  Paris,  1924,   Photographs  only. 



Cheng;  Suag: 

Pao  Yun:  Jung  Keng,   lao  Yun  Lou  Yi  Ch*l   .'u  Lu,  i  vol. 

Peiplng,  1929,     Ihotograpiis ,   rubbim^is, 
measureiaents,   ctisoussion, 

Yetts,   .V,P,,    "The  Creorge  Eiuaorfopoulos  Coileo- 
tlon,   Catalogue  of  the  Ciiiiiesa  and  Korean 
Eroiizes",   Ixjxidon,    Vol.  1   (1929),  Vol.   II    (1930). 
Photographs,  new  procesE  of  reproducing  inscrip- 
tions  in  black.     Measurements,   descriptions. 

Ch^ng  Ch'iu:     Gh»6n,  Fao-Oh»^n,   Chenp;  Ch'lu  Pluan  Chi  Chin 
T*u,   a  vols,,   1930,    Drawin^rs,   rubbings, 
Lo  Clitn-yu,   Ghunp;   jxmir,  T*anf;  Chi  Ku  Yi  £|n, 
10  vol3,   jjairdii,  1931,     Mand  copies  of 
inscriptions  only,     liacies  of  ovaiisrs  sometimes 
given,     A  very  complete  collection  to   date 
of  publtoatiojia. 

Lo  Gnen-yu,  Choii^-;  3unf,  T*ang  Chi  Ku  YI  Wen 
Pu  Yi,   Dairen,   1931,     Ilaad  copies  of  inscrip- 
tions Oiiiy,     C'wners  numbB  scaaelilmes  given, 
Kuo  iio-Jo,   Lian^;   ,  Cuou  Cia    .en  Tz^u  Ta  ligl, 
Tokyo,  l93iJ,     Transcription  into  nod ern 
Chinese  characters  aiid  disoussiou.      A  chrono- 
logical and  /2;eographical  division  oi    114 
inscriptions  on  in;  ortant  GIiou  dynasty  ritual 
vessels,     13  plates  added, 
Umohara  Gueji,   c3iiina-kodo  oo Ikwa,   Selected 
Heliog  of  iUioient  gtiinese  Bronzes  frpiu  Colloo- 
tlons  in  liiuropo  v.n5.  Anerioa,   7  voln,  Osaka, 
Japan,   1933,      Part  1,    243  vessels;   Part  2, 
160  mirrors;   I^rt  3,   137  misoellaneouu 

Ghdng  Pu: 

Ta  Hsl: 

Relics : 


broas93,   asmh  part  timbered  jonsac!utlv3ly» 
Good  photograpUg ;  raeaaurerDeuta ;   rubbi^i^^a  of 
(but  aot  all)    Inaoriptionj.      Jjst   ^ouroe  book 
of  Bronzes  lu  3urope  and  Anerlos  to  1930 

Sung  Chai:         Jims  J»«ug»   >>unfi:    Jbal  C-^i  Onia  r\u  Lu,  Pelpinf:, 
193^,  1  vol.     riaotograplis i  rubbin:<a,  maasure- 
laenta;   diaoussioa,     ObjootJ  iiiir.ibe'rod  oonsecu- 

Ohttag  llsu:         Lo  Giiea-yu,   Qiiea.-^  Sufif;  T^arif^  Chi  Ku  Yl  Wen  Hsu 
fioa,  3  vols,   VjoI  ,     llamd  oopics  oiily,  najafcj3  of 
ovmara  i^iveu  wheu  known # 

V/u  nag:  J'-m.3  Keag,  Wu  Yin,";  Tlea  Yi  Ch'l   r*u  Lu,    'd  vols. 

leiping,   1934.     Photo^^^rapiis,   rubbinj^a,  neasure- 

r,i:ats,  di.'soussloa  of  IOC  ritual   vessels  in  tr.a 

Imperial  Colleotio*^,, 

Sliuaag  Cliiea     Yu  liaia^j-'.vu,   Sxiujoi^,  J  .leu    /i  3:^1  Cuia  I'u  Lu, 

2  vols.   Pelpln^q;,  192-4.     riiotograpiis ;   ruobiugs, 

measurouients  aud  diBcusaion, 

3iian  Oiiai:  Liu  T'l-calh,   Jiiaa  Chai  Jhi  Jiiia  Lu,   Snaaghai, 

i93'4.      Drawings,   poor  iitxiograpiis  of  ruobines. 

ilai  £ai:  Inai:  Keng,    ;"ai  '■Vai  CLi   Cjiia  T'u  Lu,   Teiping, 

1935,   158  plates.     .Seleotcd  broazes  frm  7 
tlapaneae  publioatlona  on  C.iiaes«»  Droazes  in 
Japan.     PhotOf-^rupha ,   rubbin-s,  meaaureinenta  and 
disouaslon.     This  is  the  host  source  for  broa*5es 
in  Japin  published  whoa  this   aolsotloa  v/an  made. 
Vessels  auihbersd  oonseoutivaly. 


Ilstl  Yin: 

t&  iisi  2»ia! 


TTslao  Chlao: 

Yell  Chung 

Wang  Chten,  Hsu  Yin  ^^ea   Ji3'un«  ii  vols,  Peiplng, 
1925,  hubbiags  oi'  3hang  iyuasty   inscriptions 
on  bronze  vessels  additional  to  those  in  Yin 
v/en  i'o*un,  by  Lo  >Ren-y{i,  The  reproductions 
by  lithof^raph  are  r.ot  ao  cooci  as  the  collo- 
types In  3an-tBi«  nor  is  their  attribution  to 
the  proper  vesaels  as  accurate. 
Euo  L'o- j 0 ,  3..i"/Vi  "t^ou  Chin  V/en  Tz*u  Ta  jisi 
T*u  Lu,  Tokyo,  I9;i5,  tubbings,  some  photo- 
graphs and  drawings;  Chou  dynasty  only. 
3hang  Ch»en:5-t30,  .ihJJi  Urh  Quia  Qui  Chin 
'r*u  Lu,  lianklue; ,  19^55.  Photo  {graphs ,  rubbings, 
meusurements  and  descriptions  of  169  bronzes* 
The  pages  of  eaoh  ol'  the  tv/elvo  family  oeotions 
have  bean  nut^bered  separately,  lu   citation 
iVrelve  lo  loliovved  by   the  key  ciiaraoter  of  the 
fninily  mnae  ana  ti.t-.  nuLibtr  in  oi'dur  of  the  12 
sectiona,  follfcv/ed  by  the  psge.  In  order  to 
briaf^  the  irubbinf;  and  photograph  together 
face  "b"  of  one  page  ia  associated  v/ith  face 
"a"  of  the  next  page,  further  complicating 
the  citation  numbers, 

Liu  T'i-ohih,  Hsiao  Chiao  Ohin^  Ko  Chin  3hih 
Wen  Tza;  GajtA  '^V^^n  ?  *  a  I  en,  Shanghai,  1335, 
Rubbings  only. 

Huang  Chun,  Yah  Chunr  F*ien  Yu  Ch*u  Chi,  2 
vols.  ?«ipin£:,  1935.'  Thotographs  and  rubbings 
only,   '-ronze  ritual  vessels,  clay  casting 



Tatta  Ku; 

Shan  T'u: 

Sung  Cha!^  HstL 

Yfth  Chung  Two 

Hafln  Ch'l 

moulds,  vyeapons,  jados,  oracle  bones  and 
carved  bone,  from  Anyang. 
Lo  Ch%n-yu,  San  lUi  Chi  Chin  .^n  Ts'un.  20 " 
vols.,  Dairen,  1936-7.   Collotypes  of  rubbings 
only.  The  most  complete  collection  of  clear 
rubbi'^.gs,  well  arranged  under  the  shapes  of 
the  vessels.  Includes  inscriptions  of  both 
the  Shang  and  Chou  Dynasties, 
Huang  ChtXn,  Tsun  Ku  Chai  So  Chi  en  Chi  Chin 
T'u  Ch*u  Chi.  4  vols.,  Peiping,  19S6. 
Photographs  find  rubbings  only. 
J\mg  KSng,  Shan  Chai  Yi  Chi  T*u  Lu.  3  vols. , 
Peiping,  1936.  PhotOf,;raphs,  rubbings, 
meaaureaments,  '.md  discussion  of  175  objects  . 
Numbered  consecutively.  Much  to  be  preferred 
to  Shai^  Chai.  although  not  so  complete. 
Jung  Keng,  Sung;  Chai  Chi  Chin  HsQ  Lu,  £  vols. , 
Peiping,  1936.  Photographs,  rubbings,  measure- 
ments, discussion  of  134  objects  numbered 
Huang  Chun,  Yeh  Chung  P*ien  YG  Erh  Chi,  2  vols. , 
Peiping,  1937.  Photographs  and  rubbings  only. 
Bronze  ritual  vessels,  clay  casting  moulds,  v/hite 
pottery,  v/eapons,  jades,  oracle  bones  and  carved 
bone  from  Anyang. 

Sun  Hal-po  and  Kuo  Pao-chtln,  Hstln  Hsien  Yi  Ch*i. 
Peiping,  1937.  Photographs,  collotypes  of 
rubbings,  measurements,  descriptions  of  76  objects 
excavated  by  the  Academla  Sinica  from  88  tombs 


In  193E-33  at  Hsin  Ts'un  near  Hstin  ilslen 

railv/ay  station,  North  Honaa, 
Cvill  Yetts,  »V,  Perceval,  The  Cull  Cr.lness  Bronzes. 

London,  1939,  Photographs,  hleok  reproductions 

of  graphs,  aeesurements,  deaoriptlons.  35 

plates.  10  Shang  vessels* 
Shuang  Chi  en  Two  Yfl  Hslng»wu,  Shu&ng  Chlen  Yl  Ku  C^.'l  \<n   V*u  Lu. 

2  vols,,  Peiplng,  1940,  Photographs  and 

rubbings  only, 
Chlh  >ja         ^^  T«al-fen,  Chlh  A^  Ts'ang  Chin.  Polping, 

1940,  Many  inscriptions  doubtftil.  Photographs, 

rubbings  and  measur^nents. 



An-rlsrasoii,    J.G.,   .la  Early  Chlriese   Oul.c,^.   :Lcxciu^,   1CLL5. 
Ka;  xlnt   Trori  j"ull&lla  of  tha  Geolof^ical 
kjk^rvGy   Qi    C^iiXiUi   ilc.    I; ,    iu^iil.      i-lato   '/, 
jJevoiox'iacno   of  K^,      ^io  1,    soono  Lo,    'j.ype  II. 
no,    i^  and  ij,   Oiiang  II  ilo,   Type  V,     i-io.    4,   Ciiou 
1,   Type  XI,      JMO.    5,    Onoii  III,    Type  XVI.      l.'o.    6, 
Ciiou  III,   Type   XVII,      Plate   1  i\!o,    ci,    stone 
Fields,   Type  I, 

Andersaon,  J.G. ,  rrelininar^  Report  on  Arohaeoloc-.ical  Research 

la  Kansu.   Peking,  1925,  The  GeolOc:ical  Survey 
of  Gnirn  l!t;moir£>,  Series  A,  Number  5,   The 
off'ioial  Goleatiric  report  of  Yang  Shao  and 
succeeding  cultures  in  Ilansu  and  the  Kokono 
region.   Page  <£9,  iniormation  obtained  by  Dr. 
V,K,  Ting  from  Lo  Gaen-yil  about  turquoise  inlaid 
bronze  Ko^   51,  "boup.nt  in  1910  in  the  village  of 
Hsiao  T'un,   The  villagers  explained  that  they 
were  excavated  togetiier  with  the  inscribed  bones." 

Anderss on ,  <T . G . ,  Children  of  the  Yellow  iiarth;   Stuaies  la  Pre- 
historic China,  translated  from  the  Swedisii  by  E. 
Claesen,  London,  1954. 

Andersson,  J.G.,  "The  Goldsmith  in  Aiicient  China",  The  Museum  of 
Far  Eastern  Antigi.ities.  Stockholm,  Bulletin,  No, 

7  (1935),  pp.  1-38,  plates  21. 

Bishop,  Carl  '.Viiiting,  "The  ChronolocY  of  Auoient  China", 

Journal  of  the  Aiaericau  Oriental  -iocioty,  Vol. 

52,  1932,  pp,  232-247. 
Carpenter,  H.C.H,,  '•Prelliainary  Report  ou  C-.ine3e  jronza" 

Preliminary  Reports  of  Sxoavations  at  Anyang,  4  vols. 

I,  II,  J]',  1-734,  33  articles  paged  oonaecutively. 

Vol.  I,  II,  Peiping,  1929,  Vol.  Ill,  Peiping,  1931. 

Vol,  IV,  Shangaai,  1931, 
Chon*.^,  U.T. ,  Lapidariui;:  Jinioum,  A  Study  of  the  Rooks,  xossils 

aiia  Metals  as  kuowu  in  Qninese  Literature,  second 

edition  (Ohinese  text),  lelcing,  1927.  iiemoir  of 

the  GeolOr^ioal  Siirvey  of  China,  1927.  Series  B. 

No,  2,  Illuminating  prefaces  by  V.K.  Tinf^  and 

V/onf;  Yven-hao  in  Sn^^lish  and  French  with  a  table 

of  contents  in  English,  Abbreviation  used, 

Chatlsy,  II.   "The  True  Era  of  the  Chinese  Sixty  Year  Cycle," 

T'oun^r,  Pao.  :X?:iV,  1938,  pp.  138-145. 
Chavannes,  3douard,  trans,  Les  MecLoires  Ilistorigues  de  3e- 

Lia  Ts^ien.  5  vols.  Paris,  ld95Tl905,4|bi'i'«i'iahort /W.ri  ■ 
Ch'ien  Mu,  Hsien  Oh* la  Ghu  Tzu  Hsi  Niea  (An  IntOf^rated  Gnrono- 

logy  of  the  Pre-Ch*in  Philsophers) ,  Shanghai,  1935. 
Chikashige,  l.lasujGii,   "The  Composition  of  Ancient  Eastern 

Bronzes",   Journal  of  the  Chenical  Society,  London, 

Vol.  117,  1930,  pp.  917-922. 
Chinese  Coiamittee ,   Illustrated  Catalorue  of  Chinese  Government 

lilxhibits  for  the  International  Jxhibition  of 

Chinese  Art  in  London,  4  vols.  Shanghai,  1935. 


Chu  C:.*i-reng,   T2*u  T*lla^:,   S^ianghai,    1954, 
Ohuap:  K'uO  Jen  LAnf-  Ta  Tz*u  Tloiit   Shanghai,    7tii  ed,,   19G0, 
Chun^  lixxo  Ku  Cnlri  Ti  l-'.iixt\  Ta  I'z'u  Tloa,   Siienghal,   19,3o, 
Golllnf  ,  W.F,,    "4.'n<>   Corrosion  of  iarl/  Ohiuuse  Bronzes", 

Joaraal  oi'  the  liistituto  of  Utjtala,   Vol.   45, 
19 Jl,   pp.    2^-55, 
Croel,   -i.G.,      "On  tno  QriQins  of  the  i:lanuf a c  tare  and  Decora- 
tion of  Jronze  in  trie  3x-an?§  Period",   rionumenta 
Jerloa,    Vol.    i    {19L'.0)   lio.   1,    ^ip,    39-70, 
Grrsel,    ;i.G,,l,rhe     irth  of  C.iina,   a  3urve     of   the  Fonnative 
Period  of  Chinese   Civili'/.ation,   London,   1936, 
^ •Studies   in  Earl;/  Cl> inesg e_  G ult ure ,   Baltiiaura ,   1937 , 
Greaaey,   George  B, ,   CainB's  Geograpuio   '/'oundationa;      A  Survoy 

PX_H*-?--^5i.'^-.-?J?A_4'A?  i'®9.P--!:®»  ^^®*'   iork,   1934, 
D'^  Chr.rdlii,    P.   Tellhp.rd  «ind  0.0.   Ycm'?,   On  T^he  .Marrimaliaxi  P.e- 
najns  fron  t'iO  ^p^ ? fKilogjoHl  S_i_te_  o^  Anyang , 
Ilaxikin-;,   1936  •  ralaeontclo'^ia  Ginica,   Gerieo  C, 
VoliL-r;  XII,  yar^oil..  1.      (^.'efersnoc  to  Tin  and 
auliiQl   bonog), 
Jt;3ch,   C,*-.,     GuL-ieriun  Ocpjer  Gor^nlrtcc,    .  rl'ir..-:  A.-icooiat.ion 
fox   the  A'-ivr.nceMr  i.t  o:  IxpceeAliHrs;    (1) 
1926,    :„    ic7;    (a}    19;:9,    i,    2r:-l;    (3)    19,:0,    p,    267; 
(4)    1931,   p,    269;    (5)    1932,    p.    302;    (G)    1935, 
p,    o'iO J    (V;    1330,    p*   C/OS, 
Doiio,  Tdurmoatsu,   "C  the  iljtal  '.Vare  i'v.kln£  lu  tY-e  Ancient 

China  soon  through  Chccdcal  Analysis"    {tTax^anese 
Te;vt)      Toho  (^kuho   (Journal  of  Oriental     tuiies) 
Tokyo,  Ilov.   1933,   p.   1-63.      2.    "On  the   Copper 
Age  in  Ancient  C:  ina  III",   Bulletin  of  the 


CiieaJQal  dOolety  of   Japan,    Vol,    IX,    (19o4),   p.   120. 

Drako,   Rov,   F,3,      1,    '^SUang  Dynast;.'-  Find   at  Ta-hsin  Ghuang 

Shantung'*,   The   China   Journal,   Vol,    XXXI,  xnIo,   2, 
Aur;.   1939,   pp.    77-80.      2,    "Tn-iisin  Chuang  Again", 
The  Ci.ixie  Journal,   "cl,   ^'y.XIII,   I.o.    1,    Julj ,   19<!:0, 
pp.    1-10.      "Stcne    :.. -^  .._......:  :.    .....      '.^utioit^",    The 

China  Journal,  Vol.  ."UXEII,  iio.  o ,    Ja.jt.  1940, 
pp.  y4-99. 

Dubs,   Homer  H, ,    trans.      1,   The  v/orks   of  Hsiki.tze,   London,   1928, 
2,   Tno  Uiotory  of  the   Former  Han  Dynast;/   by  Pan 
Ku,   Vol.    1,   i3alt,lmore,    19L58, 

ligaiul,   rJanlo  ana  others,    "Suiyuan  xironze^",    Inner  .'."ont7,olia  and 
the  Region  of  tae  Great  v/all,   Tokyo  and  Kyoto, 
1935.      iio   Ko  r^portad  araou™  all   the  bronze  objects 
ooll^.i^te''. ,      '^q.ny  kilv.^g  ^    r;orae   (ia^/jers,    all  after 

c'o     ,••, , 

Peking,   1924.      A   ijooKlet   of  x9  pages  tind  Cidnese 

text   describin^i;   bite    luan  Fang  altar  fjet, 
Ferguson,   JohnG.,    "Recent   JcUolarsnip   in  Cilna",   The  China 

Journal,   Vol,   XI,   Iio.    6,    Dec.   1929,    pp.    277-283, 
Ferguson,   John  0,,    "Ixiscriptiouis  of  JJronaeB",   Jouriial ,  i'lorth 

China  Braac h ,   Ro yal  A^_ia t i c  Sooi ety ,   Vol.   LXVI , 

1935,    pp.    64-72. 
Fox,    :?ir  C.vrJl,    "The   socketed   Mroaze  Sickles   of  the   British 

I  a  1  e  s , "  lToceedinp;g   of  the  Irehistoric   oociety , 

Caiiibridge,   Sec.   3er.   Vol,   V,   Part   2,    Dec,   1939. 


Fraser,  Everard  D.R,  and  Lockhart,  J, U.S.,  Index  to  the  Tso 
Cliuan,  Oxford,  1950, 

Gardner,  Giiarles  Sidney:   piilnese  Traditional  lilstoriography , 
Cambridge,  Mass.,  1938. 

Gardner,  Charles  Sidney,  A  Jnion  List  of  oeleoted  Ciiinese  books 
in  Aiiierioan  Libraries.  Snd  ed,  revised  and  en- 
larged, Washington  1938, 

Giles,  K.A. ,  A  Chinese  jJiog^raplaical  Dictionary,  London,  1893. 

Giles,  H,A, ,  A  Chin«se-Snglish  Diotionary,  Se-jonl  edition,  London 
and  Shanghai,  1913.   A  breviation  used,  Giles, 
followed  by  the  nuLmber  of  the  character. 

Giles,  I-i.A, ,  trans.  Ghuan^  Tzu  Myotic  Moralist  and  Social  Re- 
former. Shanghai,  2nd  ed,  1926, 

Grousset ,  Ilene,  L^i^japire  des  Steppes.  Paris,  1939. 

Harada,  Y.and  Komal,  K, ,  Chinese  Antiquities  (Jhina  Koki  Zuko) 
Part  1,  Arms  and  Armour,  Tokyo,  1932,53  plates, 
Japanese  text,  44  pages, 

Harvard-Yenohlng  Index  Series: 

1.  Wo,  27,  Li  Chi.  Pelping,  1937. 

2.  Supplement  Ho,  9,  a  concordance  to  Shih  Chinf^, 
Poiping,  1934, 

3,  Supplement  rio,  10,  a  concordttnce  to  Yi  Ghing, 
Peiping,  1935, 

4,  Supplement  No,  11.  Combine^  Concordances  to 
Ch*iin-chin.  Kunp-yan^.  and  Tso-chuan.  4 
Vols.,  Peiping,  1937.  Valuable  introduction  of 
112  pages  by  William  liung. 


IIsu  Shen, 


Janae,   Olov, 

Hopkins,  L.C,   "The  sovereigns  of  the  Shang  Dynasty  iJ.C,  1766- 
11 54",   Journal  of  the  Royal  Asiatic   Soolety, 
London  1917,    pp.   70-89. 

Hopkins,   L.C,    "The  Royal  Genealogies  of  the  ''onan  Relics  and 
the   Record  of  the  S'".pi''    ■)'ai«-^+. '" ,   Asia  ,  ft  lor, 
1932,   pp,   194-205. 

Shuo  Wea  Chloh  Tzu    ( ca.   A.D,   100).      Ssu  Txx 
Is*  Inf^  K.*an  edition. 

i.'u  Yu  T'u  Lii  Ch*u  Giiit   4  vols.   Peiping,   1939, 
i  .iiotograpris  of  Jadeai  including  jade  Ko. 
"Une  groupo  de  broiizes  ancitms  propres  a  I'Ex- 
trene-Aaie  L'.oriciionale    (17  planches)".  The 
I!useuni  of  Far  Saatern  Antiquities,   Stoo  holiu, 
Bulletin  IJo.   '6,   1951,    pp.    99-139, 

.Tjian  Yuan,   editor,   3hih  San  dhin^  Chu  ou,   41G  ohuan  with 

oritloal  apparatus',  Chiao  K:*an  Gai; 

l.T'-n^,, dynasty,  K'ung  Yint~-tQ}   Chou  Yi  Chans  Yii 
10  ohuon. 

S.T'an^T  Dynasty,  K»ung  Ying-ta;   Shaag  3hu  Cheng 
Yl,    20   ohflan. 

3.T'eng  l^masty,   Kling  Ying-'-a;   I!ao  SUih  Chon'-^  Yl. 
70  ohdan. 

4.T'anf:  Dynasty,  Chia  Kinf_';-Yen;   Ciiou  Li  C-'?u  3u, 
42  ohtlan. 

S.T'an^:  Dynasty,   Chia  Kung-Yen;   Yi  Li  Chu  3u, 
50  Qhtlan. 

6,T»ang  Dynasty,  K»ung  Ying-ta;   Li  Gal  Chtenr^  Yl, 
63  chilan. 

7.T»an,'^  Di'nasty,  K'ung  Yin^-ta;   G.^^un  Cr.'in  Tso 
Cnuan  Ghon;^  Yi.   GO  chUan. 

8,T»auj3  Dynasty,  iisu  Yen;   Ch*un  Cli'in  irunc:  Yan<y 
CI; dan  Chi  3u.   23  chuan. 

9.T'ang  D:;nasty,   Yang  Shili-hsxln;    Ch'uti  Ch^iix  Ko 
Liang  Ch{ian  Gha  Su,    20  chilan. 

I€b»t^iiB)g  Dynasty,  ilslng  Ping;  Lun  Yu  Chu  3u«    iO  oliuaa. 
ll,3ung  Dynasty,   Using  Ping;   Hsiao  Ghinp;  Gau  3u;    9  chflan. 
13. Su..  '^ty,  Hsins  ring;   Erh  Ya  Ghu  ou.  10  onuau. 

13.3iing  Dynasty,   Suii  3iiili;   UeiijA  Tau  Cliu  3u;   14  olu'Ian, 
Tiiese  uontain  the  notes  oi   tiie  earlier  cjoramentators  and 
are  tiie  source  of  aioat  inroimation  on  Anoiexit  Gliina, 
Similar  notes  by  ooraiiLnntators  on  the  PhilosopiiGrs  and 
ilistorians  are  too  numerous  to  be  recorded  in  tais 
brief  bibliograyny, 

Chinp.  Old  Chvlan  Ku,   1796.      The  befit  dictionary  of 
Chixiese  obaraoters  in  olassioal  literature  v;ith  tlio  early 
definitions  of  the  {-graphs, 
Jung,  Kens,  Shin  Pien,   Peking,  1935;   2nd  ed,,   revised,   Shanghai, 
1939,     Glossary  of  gra  hs  in  bronze  innoriptions  of 
Shane  and  Chou  Dynasties. 
Jung,   KeUf-',    "^Yin  Chou  Li  Yo  Gh'l   K'ao  Liao",   Yen  Cliinr  Hr>ueh  Pao 

(Yenchinp;  Journal)   Mo.   1,   1927,   pp.   83-142. 
Junr-f  Ken^T,  lisi  Gh'lnr.  J  in  Jen  Ciion  Wei  Ts*un  3nih  Piao,    "A 
Classified  List  of  Autlientlo  aiid  Forged,   Logt  and 
iiitaat  I3ronzes  with  Inscriptions  as  Recorded  in  the 
Imperial  OatalOini.s  of  the  Antiques  in  the  Palace'*, 
Yenohinf;  tfcurnal  of  Chine  so  Studie;^,  IIo,  5,   Junj, 
i  1929,  pp.  eii-676.     A  uost  valuable  survey  of  the 


bronze  ritual  vesseli:  in  the  Icperifil  oollootionK. 
Of  1176  vessels,  G57  are  classed  ^^.c-nuine,  190  as 
doubtful  and  329  as  false. 
Junp,  Kenr,  "Sung  Tal  Chi  Ciiin  Shu  Gni  Gnu  Ping",  Ts*ai  Aoniver- 
sary  Volume,  pp.  661-687. 


Jung  -K-eng,   Jiija  Wen  -lau  Pien,   dnangliai,   19o5.      Glossary  of  graphs 
in   bronze   insorintions  of  the  Ch'iu  and  lian  dynasties, 
Karlteck,   Orvar,    ''Ancient  Chinese  Bronze  Weapons",  The  Ciaa 

Journal,   Vol.   Ill,   JMo.    3,  March,   1925,    pp.   i^V-13^  and 
i^o.   4,   April,    1925,    p,).   199-200. 
Karlbaok,   0,,    ''i^iotes  un  tud  Aro^iaeolOf-y  of  Cuina",   The  Iviugeum  of 
JTax'  i^aatorn  Aatlquitiea,   JtoGKholifi,   Jjulletin  xjc«   2 , 
19o0,    pp.    19»3-a07   and  6    olatrfs. 
Karl  I) e c k ,   0 , ,    " Anyan p;  Mo ul ds  " ,    Ths  l«iur^eun;  of  J?'ar  aaatern  Antiguitiea 

otockholm,    oulletiiij:>io.    7    (19.65)    pp.   39-00  and  7  plates. 
Kariffren,    Bernherd,    1.   Aaalytlc   Dictionary  of  0   JJiese   and  Sinp- 

Jgpanese,   Paris,   19P.3.    2,   On  the  Authentioity  and  Nature 
of  the      so  Chi  1.9 n ,   Go t e bort" ,    1986; 
Kar.lcren,   ^ernhr.rd,  "'■^ir   ?.nc'.  Ohou   in  CMne?e  I'-roflzep,   56  rlates. 

The  ''.viponn  of  Far  Eacitarn.  Antinuities,    St ockho Im,   .'iulle- 
tin  Vo,   P.    fl97C),   -p,   1-15^.:.      "ll^^v  ---'t'j^i.le.-.  cr.   Chinese 
T^^onsc?",    ^'ullgtin  '^o.    9,    1937,    fv*    1-117,    rlates   1-64, 
KarlGra/i,    :;«:nihnru,   S<cyi^B ,    "cript   -rsA  Phonetics   in 
Cinoso  rnr!  31jjo— Japar^ess"  7':.-s  TJIusmr  of  Ft  "astern 
Antiquities,    Ztc:^'.hol\:' ,      ullelli:.   .>,    13.    Stock'ioiii, 
1^40,    ip.    1-471. 

uijtoiicai  criti^iuiu  of  tne  Cla&oic,    -nu  ii^icicnt   ^^istory 
debated   ij^-  ;ii&u^    '  riu^rs  l^id  '..        .    " -ien-'.aii^;. 


Ku  Chieh-kang,  3uanr   Shu  T*unp;  GiileQ,  Conoordanoe  to  the 

Classic  or  ;-iF,tory«  This  iiioludes  all  the  vvord3 
in  tfas  "received  text"  thun  coufualng  the  early 
aad  later  v/ords.  AbLreviatiou  used,  Ku  Inde/v. 

..uo  ..o-„o,   Yin  Qhou  Ch*inp.  I'uitg.  Gt:*i  ..iur,  'Veu  Yea  Quia, 
Shanghai,  1930,  Pp.  'JO-lLli  for  the  Ko. 
Quia  l"u  :-'oa  Tau  You   Chiii,  3iian{;nai,  1931  •  Early 
studies  Uk   oracle  bono  iusorlptioas* 

Kuo  Mc-jo,   1,  Chill  >.8i:.  Ts'uu'-'.  r.*ao.  Tokyo,  1932,  Studies  in 
iucoriptioxts  on  bronze. 

2»  lOi  T2*u  T*unf'  T';uan.  To'<yo,  1933,  Studies  in 
oracle  bone  inccriptions,  A  luost  valuable  oorapendium, 

Kuo  Mo- jo,   1.  ru  lai  MitifT   ^'o  hui  h*ao,  i  vols;  Tokyo,  195.., 
2«  Ku  Tai  Ma^  >.*o   ;'ul  K*ao  ^.su  Fion.  Tokyo.  19v>-^. 

Kuo  -'.lo-Jo,   Lian^^  Qhou  '■lej.i   Ta  hsl  K*ao  S.iih,  Tokyo,  lOliS. 
Stuoias  in  the  Ta  hsi,  inscriptions  or  the  C^-ou 

Kuo,  lao  Cnun,  "Prelioilnary  Keport  on  the  i^cavations  of  tne 

Anoient  Gematary  at  iisin  Ts*un,  Hsfln  Hsieu,  ''onan**, 
T'  ien-xt^n-Kao--  u~I'ao- -ao,  ilo.  1,  3hanchai,  193e,  pp, 
167-200,  la  platOG, 

Latouretto,  Kenneth  Soott:  The  Ohinese:  Their  history  and 

£ulturc,  Nu'rf  York,  1934,     Bibliog^raphies  at  tae  end 
of  each  chapter, 

Latticiore,  0¥.'en,   Iimer  Asian  Front iars   of  Ciiina,  iiew  York,   1940. 

Laufer,   13erthold,  1,  Jade;   a  ^^tudy   in  Oaiuese  archaeolo;- y  and  Gtiica^o,  1912, 

2,   Archeio  Culuese   jedea  collected  in  China  b.v    A.'vV, 
3ahr,  Kew  York,   1927. 

Ldggo*  '^eaaes   (traas.):  The  Chinese  Glassios,  5  vols,   in  8. 
Kong  Kong,   1861-72;   2nd  ed.   Oxford,   1893-95, 
I     Confucian  Analects,   tbo  Great  L^jarnlng  and  the 
Doctrine  of  the  liean, 
II     /us  Works  of  Mono i us, 
III     The  Shoo  King,   (Shu  C^lng)  or  the  Book  of  idstori- 
oei  Dooujaents,  in  :^  parts, 
IV     Tile  She  xling  (Snih  Cniag)   or  the  Book  of  Poetry 
(Odea),    in  L  parts, 
V     The  Jii^xui  Ta'eu   (Ch»{in  Ch'iu)   \'/ith  the  Tso  Chuen, 
in  w  parts,     Tiie  Cinose  text  anc  JSii^lish  trana- 
lauiou  -itii  tra;i3iation3  end  uotos  oa  tiie  coinmon- 
tator;;,     Le^e*s  Oniuesc  oolicngue  v/as  V.'ang,  r*ao, 
ALbrevxa'olon  uscjd.:     Lps^;o  1,   II,  I-lI,   IV,   or  V, 
L««8t>»  Jaii«ss   ('iirana);    x'au   -'i  >".ix:^^   (^jacred  Liooica  of  the-  i^aet  XVI) 
Uxforl,  laOiJ,  abbreviation,  Lnjij^p %   ;^i^  Kiue,, 
The  Li  Ki    (Li  O.ii}    or.oi-ed   .3ookf-;  of  the  East, 
X:iVII,   :Ow"\'III,   .u  vo^a.     C^wforcl,  1885,   abcroviation, 
Lefy;o,    id  tCl, 
Li  Chi,   editor.   An  Yaat/  ]''s  Gbueu  Tao  Kao    (rrellniiu.ry  Reports 

of  Excavations  at   AnynnF;).     Vol,   I   and  II,   leiping, 
1939;   Vol,    III,   Peipla;',,  1931;    Vol.   IV,   >31\anfchai, 
19161  •     Thirty-tiiree  art.icxea  and  reports  by 
various  tiUthors,   j)agad  coneeoutively  in  four 
volumes,     Abbroviatioxi,  Ai^vanf;  Kfe.^oi't, 
T * leu-Yeii-i: * ao-  ■  u-I  QO-i:ao ,     i'ield  Reports  of 
jixoiiaeoloi  ioai  work  conducted  by  th^  National 
Resoaroh  luatitute  of  idstory  ana  Philology,  No, 
1,   Shanghai,   1936,   6  arCioles  by   various  authors. 

Li  Chi,     "Fu  ahen  Taang   (i'aoo  down  buriaJ.a)",   Anyone  Re;ort. 

pp.   447-400. 
LI  Ghl,      '♦Yin  Ilau  T»uiif;  Ch»i  Wu  Ghun(;  Ghi  OhU  /iaiang  Kuan 

Otiih  Wan  TU**,  Taai  A.u.iiv.  Vol..    p-.   75-104, 
Liang,  Ssu-ynng,    "Tlie  Lungahan  Oulture:      the  Preliiotorlc  Phase 

of  Chinese  Glviliaation",  Quarterly  iiullotin  of 

Cninoae   iJi.iiography   (English  Edition),  New  Series, 

Vol,    1,   i.'o,   »5,   .Septenber,   1940,   pp,   S51-362. 
Liang  38U  Yung,   "'isiao  T*uii,   Lung  Shan^i  Yu  Yang  SiiaC*   (On  tne 

RolatJ,on  of  tie  Kaiao  T'uu,  Lung  Sliang  and  Yang  Shao 

Cultures)   'I'sfeti  Aani;.   Vol.,   pp,   555-567, 
Liu,  Ilsd-lisia,   "Yin  Tai  GLiii  T'unf;  3hu  Ohih  Yen  Chiu",   Anvou^ 

Koport ,   jj]),    681-0'JG,   5   plP.tes, 
Lo  Chen-yu,   1,   Yin  3han/-  Cheiu^-.  .,Pn  v^ea  Tzu  K'ao,  1910, 

2.  Yi.:  hs^  311V.  Ch'i  ?ai  wgn  pjen.   1916, 

3,  Yin  Hsu  32m  Gh*i   >:*ao  31'. ih..  191 4.   revised  aiid  en- 
larged,  19'7. 

Loo,   0,T,,   1,  An  IJxulisitioxi  of  Ghinoao    bronzes,  liew  York,   1939, 
Pnoto^^rapn.s  and  neasureiaents  v>aly, 

2,  An  Jxl.ibioion  of  iU:oi:Tint   G.':iiiOse  Kitual  I^r>.;a2e8, 
Detroit,   1940.     liJtroduction  on  '♦lue  appreoiatioii  of 
Oriinese' ISrcnaes"  by  Jaraea  14,  Menaies,  paotogra^iiu, 
meaaurcflaanta,   rubbia^is  raduoed  In  size. 
Loo,   O.T,,    aiicalbitioxi  Of  Chin;.se    'Vrt,3,   .Jjtr.v  York,   1943.      luoiudes 
photograpJia  and  xeasurea^jnts;    ?5  ritual  bronzos  and 
v/eapons , 
Lu  Mao-teh   (Lull  .f'av.der) ,    "Ghuos  Kuo  Shan^:  ::u  T»uag  PinfC  /i'ao" 

(On  tiie  Bronze  Woapo..-   of  Ano?.'3nt  Cr.iaa)   in    luo  ilsSefa 
Cnl   ::»aa.  Pelpinij,   Vol.   :i;   ^^o.    2,    Dec.   1^29,   pp.    387- 


897 •     This  paper  diaousses  t.le  names  .■:*uel,   Q.i'u. 

Ko  and  Chi,     3om6  of  tiis  ahapes  disousaed  aro  tliose 
of  aiiang  Ko,  Ty-jjii  VIX  and  Type  IX.     Unfortunately  the 

insorintions  r noted  as  authority  for  the  names  ■:*uei 

and  Ch*u  are  false. 
"a  Hei\.<i:,  "."-lo  Ciii  Ghlh  Yen  Cnii''   (.\ncient  vJpearo)   oio,  YenoainF; 

Jourxtal  of  Oi.lnese  3tudleo,   relplar,,   .40 •   5,   Juue,   1929, 

pp.   740-753.     T'jIs  artlclt^  deals  with  tha  wron*:  Ideas 

htjla  I'i  thtty^dynasLy  and  Ic. ter  aiKUt  tho  htftiag  of 

tiis  Ko,     rio  ?haa45  dynasty  Ko  arc   '1  out  tho 

arp-unant   a.;>;liea  to  tiussi  as  v.'q11.     Too  much   confidence 

is  placed   in  the  r*ao  K'^nf;  Chi  ss  the  acuro3  of 

Criter  a, 
Masnero,   -.onrl,   Lp  Chine  Antique.   Ftrin,   19::.7, 
Maapei'O,   Honri,    '*I^  OhronolOKiii  des   roir   do  Ty*l  au  IVo   cJeole 

?Yan't  notra   iiib'\   In  T*oun     Pao,   1927, 
-•.'.oi,    ifi-Jao,   traac,  The  r.tliical  cjxr]  rolitioal  v/orks  of  Motae, 

London,   IQ^^iO. 
•  enjjies,   J^jnes  ?',,   "The  Culture  of  the  Snnnp;  Dynasty",   The  3niith- 

^oaian  Renort  for  1931,   :>p.   549-J55C,  Was^iiif^toii,    D,C, 
i'Bnzlaa,  James  M, ,   "Shanp,  Tal   "'en  -lua",   Cni  Ta  Ghi_  r-*an,   Huoeloo 

Unlveralty,  Tainan,   Vol,  1   (1923),    pp.   1-7. 
2-g.jl^   Ky   Yen   Chlu    (Ornftl.i   ?■(,[!«   .qtiid^flffi^    CheelOO 

University,   Taiuaii,   19^3, 
Nott,   ^5t4inley  C,   Guinooe  JB.d.e  pitoughotttlhe  Oj^is^k  rovlevf  of   its 

0 harao turistios  decoration ,_f oik-lore  and  3:>aiiboli3Di, 

London,   1936, 
leiliot,  Paul,   Jadoe  aronaiques  de  Oiine,   ai^partenant  a  i.'.C.T. 

Loo,   Paris,   1925, 
Fetrie,  W.M,   Flinders,  Tools  axid    'ea;-onn.   Illustrated  by  tao 

Sgyptlan   Jolleotlon  In  Vulverslty   JolJ.ege  London 

and  2000  Outlines  from  otner  Sources,   London,  1917, 
Pope-Hen.-ess7,   Una,   Zarly  Gr.ix^e35   Jades,  .    1923, 

Royal  Acaden/  o.  /^rto,   London,    3stalOi^:'a3   of  the  Interne tjcTtf.l 

^nibition  of  Jl^inese   .'j^ .   1935-5,   T^rd  i^ditioa, 

London,   1936, 
3!iang  Ch'eng-tso,  Ti»:    isu  rfen  Tzu  Lei  lien.   19E3,     A  rearrangcaent 

of  lia  .is"  3Lu  C  .1   £*ao  3-1"::  wit2.  additions. 
Siren,    -.o.-^l^i,    A    .istor/   of  ^^larly  J-u.:^e3-   .A^rt ,    4  toIs.,   London, 

1925,      Vol,    1,    lie  Pra^^istorio   ^.^^  > re-ha..  reriods, 

108  plates,      "itual  vassexs,    '.axred  tones,    Jades, 

a^ea^oas  ,    ;  j^otograpns  • 
Saitn,   R,A, ,      j-ritisa  Vu^eoa:    A  Cr^.ide   ^o   ^::e  Aatiquitlos   of  t:ie 

~rcnx3  A~3,   London,   1920. 
Scwerty,   A.DeGarle,   "Horns  '  ^-eer   a_.l  otaer  relics   fro« 

tile  :.'a3te   of  "Tiii,   iLonan,    Czina**..  C'ine   Jouroal,   7ol, 

illX,  Ho,   3,   Se:;t,    193c,         .        :.-i-i4.      Objects  de-osi- 

ted  iii  Sliantc^al  kuseu^L  c/  Janas  «»■•  lieiiziea,   19^* 

a«  -tig*  <:,   i'^'o*   1,    £^ue  sijJde. 

b«  INro  pieces  oi  quart:.  cOw^^er  v^re. 

i.  Slag  froB  sBslting  oopoer  ore, 

J«  £>iaelted  copper. 
Steele,  John,  trans.,  Hhe   I  Li  or  Book  of  i^wiquette  and  Ceremonial, 

2  Tols.  London,  1917, 
Sun  2iai-p«,   Chia  Ku  if  en  Pi  en.  Peipin.?,  1954.   Glossary  of 

oracle  cone  grapks. 
Sun  Yi-jai^c,   Qn'i  ..en  C^g  Li,  1504,   TL  a  first  stud;-  of  oracle 

bone  grapns. 


3ylwan,  Vivi,    "Silk  from  tne  Yin  Dyxiasty",  The  Musevin  of  Far 
aastem  /uttiqultles,   Stockholia  i'ulletin  9, 
Stookiiolxa,   19o7,   pp.    119-126,   4   plates,     I^ioro- 
photograi>as  aliow  tiio  silk  on  a  Sliang  Dynasty  axe. 

Tctianj:,  Iiuti^ias,   Syno-'ironispg:  Ghinois:   ClironolOKie  Cortipleto  et 
Concordaaoe  aveo  I'Ere  Cretienne  de  toutes  lea 
Dates  oonoernaiit  l*histolre  cle  IMixtrome-Orient 
(3357  av.   J«G.   -  1904  Apr.   J.C),   Shangiiai,   1901. 
The  orLiiodox  ciiroiioiop;y» 

Toggart,   ii'5deriok,   J".,   Uocie  and  Clhltin,  A  _. Study   in  Gorrelotiona 
in  lilstoiloal   Kvents.      ":^«rkiey,   California,   1939« 
Eviileaoe  for  Influflucws  from  CairAe  in  tiiis  JIan  dynasty 
ra'.'-iTJGats  yiniilar  in  ohari'^  arid  prenistorio 
timea . 

Tin,  ,   V.F.J        "'.  .'oi.    Craiitita    'i.u   3ivilizai/iofl  Oiiiuolse* ",   C  dxiooe  ail'.'  Political   voloxioo  Revl  ,'v.t  Z'&kiag,  Vol, 
IV, 2   ('July,   1931)    iiG5-230.     The  bost  viow  of  the 
life  ?iud  snvironaant  oi   '.-Qclont  Oi.ina  by  one  of 
C*:*ina's:  greatest  ji;ooio.sir;t3  ai"*d  literary  scholaro, 
A  trenchant  cfltiol^;    or  ioiiia  t/i)oa  uL  v;estern 

Ts^&i  Anniv.   Vol ;   .itudico  presented  to  Ts^ai  Yuan-^j*ol  on  :ii3 

Jixty-firth  birthday,   by  Fallovjs  ana  Assiatants  of 
the  national  Rescaaro.'  lastituto  of  iilatory  and 
Ihilology.      Pelpinfr,   195C:., 

Tuan  Yu-ts»ai,   ahuo  *»en  Oliieh  Tzu  Qiiu,   1306,      Goileoted  uotes 

of  early  ooi jmentatorri  on  this  early  dictionary  of 
graphs  together  with  the  v;riter*s  oonolunions,  A 
valuable  source  book» 


Tun(5  Tso-pin,  1.  '^Kuei  Mao  Shuo",  Anyanp,  Report.  1951,  pp.  697- 
704,   2,  '*?rank  li,  Chalfant's  Gontrlbiitlons  to 
the  study  of  Oracle  Bone",  (Quarterly  Dulleblu  of 
Chinese  Bibliography  (Chinese  ealtion) ,  Uev;  Series, 
Vol.  2,  No.  3,  Sept.  1910,  pp.  297-324.   Contains 
Tuni;'s  cioct  recent  crjronolO{r^y  of  the  Sixan^-  kings. 

Tung  Tso-pin,  "Chia  Ku  '"'en  Tuan  Tai  Yen  Chiu  Li"  (Criteria  That 
May  fle  Used  for  the  ^ore  Exact  Dating;  of  the 
Oracle  Bone  Records),  Ts'ax  Anniv.  Vol.  1933,  pp. 
323-424.   Tiiis  study  presents  the  fundainental 
oritoria  used  in  datinfr;  the  vsrlous  types  of  bone 
script  used  in   5  rinriods  of  time  from  1311-1038 
B.C.  -iuii  oth3r  hir-.torical  Ijuplications  of  the 
Oracle  bon--^  inccriptions. 

Umehara,  3,    "vhe/ulcsl  .''JialysiJS  of  the  /jioient  Brcnv.os  of  China", 
Artibus  Asiau,  Vol.  4,  1927,  pp.  249  ff, 

Umehara,  3, ,      j^tude  arch'jgologiquo  3"r  le  Pien-chin,  ou  serie 

•Ae   bronze s  avec  une  ta b Is  pour  I'usage  ri'^uel  dans 
lii  Chine  antique,  ILyoto,  19oo,   The  T'uan  Fang 
altar  set  in  the  Wctropclitan  Museum  l-lew  York. 
Photof^raphs ,  rubbings,  meaHureiaents,  study  in 
Japanese,  snlentifie  drawin.3S,  I'odern  preaentation 
of  available  data.  Abbreviation  used:   Piexi-chin. 

Umehara,  3,,   "/m  Arohaeolocloal  observation  oxi  the  chemical 

constituents  of  bronzo  v/eapons  in  ancient  China", 
Toho  Oakuho  (Journal  of  Orioxital  Studies)  Kyoto, 
Oct.,  1940,  pp.  1-34. 

Voretzsch,  E.A. ,  Altc.iinesisc-ie  Ji-onzen,  /icrlln,  1924,  Photo- 
graphs of  Imperial  Bronvies  thexi  in  Mukden. 

.Valey,   Arthur,  trans,  1,  Tlie  »a.y  and  Its  I-o  /er,  a  3tti(i,;^_of 

tlie  Tac  Te  Cliig;:^  aad  its  j.-laoe  in  Ohlxiese 

thouylit ,   Loudon,   1934. 

S,  The  .'^'OOk  of  Sonf^,3.  Loiidon,   19o7,      ubbrevjation 

used,  .*:aley, 

V.aiif-,  r.uo-wei    (1677-19^7),   i.    ::r1  Linf!;  Vfanr  C>iun,— ohUo  Kua.r 

VI  3ti.u  (c;ollect,ed  v;orlc3  of  Wan/?  Kuo-wel) ,/  Kr. 

'.^aa^'^'s  iaportont  studies  are  toe  nu.m©rou3  to 

liat  so;-a*ately. 
'-••  Sail  Tai  Cu'iu  l-aa_  piiin     eii  Cnu  Lu  i'iao  rovirjod 

and  axicnientecl  bv  L<>  ra-7i.      Dairoa,  19oo.     Index 

cf  iiiscribed   bronze  ve-T9el3  with  supplemants  of 

raise  find  loubtXul  i  -.yoriptiona. 
^urnyj,   E.T.C,   Orxiaaac  .Yeapona,   oh^ingnai,   1932,      /Ji  unoritioul 

uoiutilation   I'ron  OMlnRse  eno^'clopae'lic  ouarccG 

vTiiioii  cluaonairatoa  ta-i    ■;o;ii'u3-iLl  lueaa  of  literary 

^ohola^s  ia  Gnliua, 
''-■'■lit--^,    vVii:..;.ti..   ,;,,   Toi.u-,  ,of  Old  Lo-ya.t:-.    ^..fuii^hai,    19oi,   iYc  ifo  irouM^. 

Of  tiic   ;lu   iu   t^Uv.    ^iUiiUn  cy!     ro.j'jO.  oi'T^. .^ialo   iii  latwi' 

,.^  Oh'i-ch'riJp,    "-fin  Hsu  3hu  Cii»i  Oiileh   'Ai"  iSlx  part^,    ;..v.ii3la- 

tions  of  Ch*ion  _i.i;ia  to  1,20,3,       'eu  Ch»j  CJUi  Kan 

( (^uartfcirl:    Journal  of  Libt-rni  .Vrtrs) .     .'Julian 

IJnivarsity,  V/uohanf,,   Ohina,      Vol,   V.  i^u,  4,   i9o6, 

part  6, 
Wu,   O.D. ,  Pre:)lstoiio  lor.ter:/  in  :;Ml.i.;,    JA^i^i*,    19:53, 

^iu  'lln-dlar  and  ooiiers,   Chsn-^-t.zu-yai  A  Tcp^ort  o?  axoavatlons 

of  the  j'rotq''rJ.:itori(';  •■-•it.e  at  Cli*3nr'."ti:u';^ai , 

Li-oti*  on^  Ilsisn «   Sfiantunf,   Haakinr,   1934. 

vVu,  Ta-ch'eng,  1.  Ku  Yu  T'u  K»ao  1885.  The  source  of  Laul'er's 


a*   Shuo  nVefi  Ku  Ohou  In,    1896.      TUe   glossary  of 

graphs  on   bronze  wiiich  formed  the  basis   of  Jung 

Keng's  Ghl.n  .Ve:.   Fieri. 
Yaraauti,   Y;   Koizumi,   S;   Konatu,    d. ,    "Cueirdcal   Investigations  of 

iuioient  Weapons   of  Ghiria"  T6h6   Gakuho    (Journal   of 

Oriojutal  Jtudies),    Kyoto,    Jul^ ,    1940,    pp.    1-12. 
Yang,    /un-ju,   Jhane  Shu    xo  Ku,   Feipin?,   1934.     ^Foreword  by  Wang 

K.U0  "Oi,   1927,      A  p:oori   ■loderfi  conjjnentary   on  the 

Classic  of  History. 
Yeh,   Yu-seu,       Yin  Hsu  Sliu  Gh*l  g'iM.qn  Pi-^n  Ghi  Shl^v.     Shanghai, 

1934,      Tran5',lHtlonj5   of  g'i'ien-:>ieii  oraoie    bone 

Yetts,   '#.    Percival,    I'ne  Georje   Kuj-orfcpoulon  Collection:    Gatalo^^'ue 

of  the   Chinese  and  Jorean  broxizea,    sculpture   jades 

jov/ellery  aud  inisoellaneou;^  objects.      1,      r^ronzes: 

ritual  and  other  vessels,  vrcRpoas,   etc.,   London, 

Yetts,  W.P.,        The  Shaji,' -Yin  Dynasty  and  the  An-yan,c;  finds   in 

J.R.A.S..  1953,  j^p,    657-685, 
Yu  lising-vm,   1,  Shuanc  Ghi  en  Yi  Shanp^  Shu  Hsin  Gtieng,  Pol  ping, 

1934.  ilotes  on  the  text  of  the  Classic  of  History 

based  on  inscriptions  on  oracie  bones  and  ritual 


3,  Shuanr.  Ciiien  Yi  Chi  CUin  Wen  Hsuan,  Peipine,  1932. 

6,   Shuanp:  Ghien  YiTYin  Gh'i  pi  en  Chih.  Feiping,  1940. 



Private  collections  in  China  are  preceded  by  their  "Studio** 
names  vvhen  these  are  knovm.  The  ovmer's  place  of  origin  is 
considered  an  essential  pert  of  his  name. 

Ann  Arbor,  Michigan,  U.S.A. 

James  M,  Plumer  collection. 

Boston,  Massachusetts,  U.S.A. 

The  Museum  of  Fine  Arts. 
49,  58. 



The  Academia  Sinica. 

55,  56,  89,  90,  91,  156. 

Location  unknown. 

45,  79,  85,  86,  96,  97,  101,  110,  118,  119, 
120,  131,  137,  139. 

The  Hsfleh  T'ang  collection: 
Lo  Ch§n-ytl  of  Shang-YQ. 

Ill,    11£,    171,    172,    173. 

Collection  of  Mr.  Pao  Hsi  of  Ch*ang  Pai. 

Hanoi,  Indo  China. 


The  Musfee  de  l*Ecole  i^rancaise  de  1* Extreme-Orient. 

A  private  collection. 

Kaifeng,  Honan,  China 

The  Honan  Provincial  Museum. 
3,  54,  176. 


Kashing,  Chekiang,  China 

The  Ch*lng  Yi  Ko  collection: 
Chang  Tlng-chi  of  Chia  Hsing. 

New  York  City,  N.Y.,  U.S.A. 

The  Mrs.  Dagny  Carter  Collection. 

The  C.  T.  Loo  coll<?ction. 
68,  115,  116,  124. 

The  Grenville  L.  Winthrop  collection. 
16,  36,  37,  50,  62,  63,  66,  80. 

Paris,  France 

The  D.  David-Weill  collection. 


The  Edgar  Gutman  collection. 

The  Alphonse  Khan  collection. 

Peiping,  China 

The  Tsun  Ku  Chai  collection: 

P.  C.  Huang,  i.e.  Huang  ChOn  of  Chiang  Hsia. 

4,  35,  46,  75,  76,  78,  83,  87,  99,  128,  129,  134, 
135,  136,  140,  152,  154,  158.     »     »     »     ' 

The  Suno;  Chai  collectioa: 
Jung  Keng  of  Tung  Kuan. 
73,  74. 

The^Ch'ih  An  collection: 
Li  T»ai-fen  of  Yang  Yuan. 
59,  82. 

The  Chu  An  collection: 
i*ang~S!r^n  of  Peiping. 

102,  103,  104,  105,  106,  107. 

The  Shuang  Chi en  Yi  collection: 
Ytl  Hsing- Wu  of  Hai  ChSng. 

71,  77,  100,  108,  109,  153,  157. 


Shanghai ,  China 

The  Shan  Chai  collection: 
Liu  H^hih  of  Lu  Chiang, 
72,  174. 

Soochow,  Kiangsu,  China 

The  6heng  An  collection: 
Fan  Tsu-yin  of  V;u  Hsien. 

Stockholm,  i^y/eden 

The  Ostasiatiska  SMmllngama  (Museum  of  Far  Eastern 
Antiquities) . 

51,  130,  170. 

Toronto,  Ontario  Canada 

The  James  M.  Menzies  (Ming  yi-shih)  collection. 
125,  177. 

The  Royal  Ontario  Museum  of  Archaeology, 

1,  2,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,  18,  19,  20, 
21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,  31,  32,  33, 
34,  38,  39,  40,  41,  42,  43,  47,  48,  53,  57,  61,  64, 
67,  69,  70,  84,  88,  92,  93,  95,  98,  113,  114,  121, 
122,  123,  126,  133,  13d,  141,  142,  143,  144,  145, 
146,  147^^8149;'  150,  160,  162,  163,  164,  1G5,  166, 
167,  168,  175. 

Tsinan,  Shantung,  China 

The  F.-  S.  Drake  collection,  Cheeloo  University. 
60,  94,  161. 

Washington,  D.C.,  U.S.A. 

The  Freer  Ciallery  of  Art. 
5,  17,  132. 



i:v«0>M»A«  No, 

Ko  No, 

H,O.M,A,  i;©. 

Ko  wO. 

HI;,  CI ,  .142 

NL,  110 48 

«B,  1020 93 

NB.  1029 114 

NB.  1231 150 

HB,  lo9G 149 

NB,  1449 145 

NB,  1599 141 

WiJ.  1731 167 

ND,  1732 41 

UB,  1733 148 

'u^,  1734 146 

lid,  1735 147 

WB,  1791 2 

HB.  1805 -  .1 

NB.  1890 10 

WB,  1915 13 

MB,  1992 31 

:j:3,  2100 144 

2129 1G5 

Wii,  2139 143 

ilB,  21^i9 12 

lili,  2153 33 

i^iJ.  2156 18 

Wis,  2197 21 

1^3,  2350 30 

WB.  2774 47 

:^B,  2775 57 

NB,  2776 21 

NB,  2777 25 

NB.  2895 175 

Ni3.  2960 43 

:.'B,  2961 38 

-U3,  2962 40 

uL,  2963 92 

ijii.  2964 113 

ilD.  2966 34 

NB,  2967 53 

2968, . . . 


3056,,. , 


3247... . 











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3362. • • c 






33G7, . . . 



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3879  ... 



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3890. . . . 





3974. . . . 




3975. . . . 



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3980.. . . 



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4038 .... 



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4052. . . . 




4056, ,. . 






4058 .... 



4083, . . . 



5282. , . . 



5283  ... 




A  study  of  the  characteristic  weapon 
of  the  Bronze  Age  in  China  in  the 
period  1311-1039  B.C. 

James  Mellon  Menzies,  B.A.  Sc. 


A  thesis  submitted  in  conformity  v/ith  the 
requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Philosophy  in  the  University  of  Toronto. 


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