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Advertisement . : Z 3 

wita ANALYTICAL TABLES. Prepared for the Smith- 
sonian Institution by Turopore Gint, M.D., Ph.D. 
November, 1872. Pp. 104. 

pu. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution by 
THEODORE Gin, M.D., Ph.D. Nov. 1872. Pp. 96. 

ARTICLE III. (No. 256.) Monocrapus or tHE Diprera or Norte 
America. Part II]. Prepared for the Smithsonian 
Tustitution by H. Loew. December, 1873. Four 
plates. Pp. 376. 

ARTICLE IV. (No. 261.) Directions ror CoLuectiIng AND PRESERV- 
nc Insects. Prepared for the use of the Smith- 
sonian Institution by A. 8. Packarp, Jr., M.D. 
September, 1873. Pp. 60. 

ARTICLE V. (No. 264.) New Specres or NorrH AMERICAN COLE- 
OPTERA. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution 
by Joun L. Le Conte, M.D. Part Il. May—June, 
US (ose Pp. 74. 

America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution 
by Joun L. Le Conte, M.D. Part Il. May—June, 
1873. Pp. 72. 



THE present series, entitled ‘Smithsonian Miscellaneous Col- 
lections,” is intended to embrace all the publications issued directly 
by the Smithsonian Institution in octavo form; those in quarto con- 
stituting the ‘‘Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.” The 
quarto series includes memoirs embracing the records of extended 
original investigations and researches resulting in what are be- 
lieved to be new truths, and constituting positive additions to the 
sum of human knowledge. The octavo series is designed to con- 
tain reports on the present state of our knowledge of particular 
branches of science : instructions for collecting and digesting facts 
and materials for research: lists and synopses of species of the 
organic and inorganic world: museum catalogues: reports of ex- 
plorations: aids to bibliographical investigations, etc., generally 
prepared at the express request of the Institution, and at its 

The position of a work in one or the other of the two series will 
sometimes depend upon whether the required illustrations can be 
presented more conveniently in the quarto or the octavo form. 

In the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, as well as in the 
present series, each article is separately paged and indexed, and 
the actual date of its publication is that given on its special title- 
page, and not that of the volume in which it is placed. In many 
cases, works have been published, and largely distributed, years 
before their combination into volumes. 

While due care is taken on the part of the Smithsonian Insti- 
tution to insure a proper standard of excellence in its publications, 
it will be readily understood that it cannot hold itself responsible 
for the facts and conclusions of the authors, as it is impossible in 
most cases to verify their statements. 

Secretary S. I. 

( vii ) 









NOVEMBER, 1872. 


THE following list of families of Mammals, with analytical tables, has 
been prepared by Dr. THEODORE GILL, at the request of the Smithsonian 
Institution, to serve as a basis for the arrangement of the collection of 
Mammals in the National Museum; and as frequent applications for such 
a list have been received by the Institution, it has been thought advisable 
to publish it for more extended use. In provisionally adopting this 
system for the purpose mentioned, the Institution, in accordance with its 
custom, disclaims all responsibility for any of the hypothetical views upon 
which it may be based. 

Secretary, S. I. 

W asuineton, October, 1872. 

( iii) 


I. List or FAmities* (including references to synoptical tables) . 

Sub-Class (Eutheria) Placentalia s. Monodelphia ami 
Super-Order Educabilia (1-73) 
Order 1. Primates (1-8) 5 
Sub-Order Anthropoidea (1-5) 
Prosimiz (6-8) 
Order 2. Fers (9-27) ‘ 
Sub-Order Fissipedia (9-24) 
Ks Pinnipedia (25-27) 
Order 3. Ungulata (28-54) 
Sub-Order Artiodactyli (28-45) 
a Perissodactyli (46-54) 
Order 4. Toxodontia (55-56) . 
Order 5. Hyracoidea (57) 
Order 6. Proboscidea (58-59) 
Diverging (Educabilian) series. 
Order 7. Sirenia (60-63) 
Order 8. Cete (64-73) 
Sub-Order Zeuglodontia (64-65) 
Denticete (66-71) 
se Mysticete (72-73) . 
Super-Order Ineducabilia (74-121) 
Order 9. Chiroptera (74-82) 
Sub-Order Animalivora (74-81) 
“$ Frugivora (82) 
Order 10. Insectivora (83-92) 3 : : 
Sub-Order Dermoptera (83) . 7 ° . 
a Insectivora Vera (84-92) . 
Order 11. Glires (93-112) 
Sub-Order Simplicidentati (93- 110) 
ce Duplicidentati (111-112) 
Order 12. Bruta (113-121) : 
Sub-Order Vermilinguia (113) 
Squamata (114) 

* The numbers inclosed within parentheses refer to the families. 

wre eee 
Re See Fonte te ccalan SBS 


See Ee YS eS eS 


bpbwwb bp wv 



45, 46 
45, 46 
47, 50 
50, bis 
50, 54 
47, 56 
56, bis 
56, 68 
47, 70 
10, 7 
71, 84 
48, 89 
48, 89 
48, 89 

48, 91 
49, 92 
92, 93 
92, 93 
93, 97 






Sub-Order Fodientia (115) 5 : 
Fe Tardigrada (116-117) 
< Loricata (118-120) . 
Bruta incerte sedis (121) 
Sub-Class (Eutheria) Didelphia (122-134) . 
Order 13. Marsupialia ae 
Sub-Order Rhizophaga (122 
&¢ Syndactyli Aes iD) 
sf Dasyuromorphia (130-131) 
Hh Didelphimorphia (132) 
Marsupialia incerte sedis (133-134) 
Sub-Class (Prototheria) Ornithodelphia (135-136) 
Order Monotremata (135-136) 
Sub-Order Tachyglossa (135) 
ss Platypoda (136) 










eRe AS IN Gee A eye 



[Adopted provisionally by the Smithsonian Institution. | 

WN. B.—The Fossil Families are indicated by Italics. 




Orpver I.—PRIMATES. 
1. Hominidae = Anthropini, Huxl., M. T. & G., 
1864, i, 153. 
( Simiae.) 
(Simiae catarrhinae.) 
2. Simiidae = Anthropomorpha, Huxl., M. 
T. &G. 1864, i, 648. 

July, 1871. 1 



a. Siminae — Simiina, Gray, M., L., & 
Fr.-eat. B., 6. 
b. Hylobatinae — Hylobatina, Gray, M., L., 

& Fr.-eat. B., 9. 

. Cynopithecidae =  Cynopithecini, Huxl., M. T. 

& G., 1864, 1, 671. 

a. Semnopithecinae == Sub-Family Il, Mart., Man 
and Monkeys, 445. 

b. Cynopithecinae == Sub-Family III, Mart., Man 
and Monkeys, 503. 

(Stmiae platyrhinae.) 

. Cebidae == Platyrhini, Huxl., M. T. & G.., 
1864, ii, 93. 
a. Mycetinae == Mycetinae, Miv., P. Z. S., 
1865, 547. 
b. Cebinae = Cebmaé, Miv., P. Zee 
1865, 547. 
c. Nyctipithecinae == Nyctipithecinae, Miv., P. 
Z. S., 1865, 547. 
d. Pitheciinae == Pitheciinae, Miv., P. Z.5., 
1865, 547. 
. Mididae == Arctopithecimi, sain Mies 

& G., 1864, ii, 124. 
Sus-Orper PRosIMIAE. 


. Lemuridae = Lemuridae, Geoff., Cat. Pri- 

mates, 66. 

a. Indrisinae 

b. Lemurinae 

c. Nycticebinae 
d. Galagininae 

7. Tarsiidae 


—= Indrisinae, Miv., P. Z. 5., 
1866, 151. 

= Lemurinae, Miv., P. Z. 8. 
lS67 960: 

== Nycticebinae, Miv., P. Z. 
S., 1864, 643. 

—= Galagininae, Miv., P. Z.5., 
1864, 645. 

= Tarsidae, Geoff., Cat. Pri- 

mates, 83. 


8. Daubentoniidae = Cheiromyidae, Geoff., Cat. 

Primates, 85. 


Orper Il.—FER. 

Sup-Orper FIsstpEDIA. 


(Aeluroidea typica.) 

9. Felidae 
a. Felinae 

b. Guepardinae 

== Felidae Bl PsA: s., L869, 


— Felidae, § 1, Gray, P. Z.5., 
1867, 261. 

= Felidae, § 2, Gray, P. Z.5., 
1867, 277. 






c. Machaerodontinae > Felinae, Burm., A. M. P. B. 
—A. i, 122-138. 
Cryptoproctidae =  Cryptoproctidae, Fl., P. Z. 
»:., L66o R22 

(Aeluroidea hyaeniformia.) 

Protelidae == Protelidae, Pl) P. a eae 
1869, 27, 474. 

Hyaenidae == Hyaenidae, WER aaa 
1869, 26. 

(Aeluroidea viverriformia.) 

Viverridae = Viverridae, Fl, P.-+Z. S., 
LSGo ls: 

a. Viverrinae Viverrina, eee os 

Genettina, | E.M.,46,49. 

b. Prionodontinae = Prionodontina, Gray, C. 
P. & HE. M., 52. 

ce. Galidiinae == Galidiina, Gray, C. P. & 
E. M., 55. , 

d. Hemigalinae == Hemigalina, Gray, C. P. & 
HK. M., 56. 

e. Arctictidinae == Aretictidina, Gray, C. P.- 
& H. M., 57. 

f. Parodoxurinae = Paradoxurina, Gray, C. P. 
& HE. M., 59. 

g. Cynogalinae- = Cynogalina, Gray, P. Z.5., 

1867,521. = Cynogalidae. 





h. Herpestinae —= Herpestina, Gray, 0. P. &E. 

M.,144. (h-i< Herpestidae.) 
1. Cynictidinae = Cynictidina, Gray, C. P. 
& H. M., 169. 
j. Rhinogalinae = Rhinogalina, Gray,C.P.&E. 
M., 172. j-k<Rhinogalidae. 
k. Crossarchinae < Crossarchina, Gray, C. P. 
& HK. M., 176. 
Kupleridae — Kupleréens, Doy., A.S.N., 
2e s., iv, 1835, Z., 281. 
( Cynoidea. ) 
Canidae ——amdae hl..! Powe Ss... L869, 
a. Caninae = Canidae, Gray, C. P. & E. M., 
b. Megalotinae = Megalotidae, Gray, C. P. & 
ROM. 210. 
(Arctovdea. ) 
(Arctoidea musteliformia.) 
Mustelidae = Mustelidae, FI., P. Z.S., 1869, 
a. Mustelinae = Mustelina, Gray, C. P. & 
Peeve S 1. 
b. Melinae == Melina, Gray, C. P.& E. M., 

122. (b-f < Melinidae.) 


ce. Mellivorinae 
d. Mephitinae 
e. Zorillinae 

f. Helictidinae 
o. Lutrinae 

h. Enhydrinae 


= Mellivorina, Gray, C. P. & 
KE. Seer 

= Mephitina, Gray, C. P. & 
K. M., 1388. . 

= forillina, Gray, C. P. & EH. 
M., 139. 

== Helictidina, Gray, C. P. & 
Ke Me 4 - 

= Lutrina, Gray, C. P. & E. M. 
100. (g-h < Mustelidae.) 

= Enhydrina, Gray, C. P. & 
K. M., 118. 

(Arctoidea typica.) 


= Ursidae, Bl... P32. Ses hear 


(Arctoidea procyoniformia. ) 

. Aeluridae 
. Cercoleptidae 

. Procyonidae 

a. Nasuinae 

b. Procyoninae 

= Ailuridae, Fl, P73) eee, 
il. 36: 

> Procyonidae, Pl; PAs 
1869, 95-52: 

> Procyonidae, Bi Pe Zs 
1 SOOO ae: 

== Nasuidae, Gray, C. P. & H. 
M., 238. 

= Procyonidae, Gray. C. P. & 
KH. M., 242. 


21. Bassarididae = Bassaridae, Gray, C. P. & H. 

M., 245. 
(Lissipedia sedis incertae.) 
22. Simocyonidae = Kamille aujour@ hur éteinte, 
| Gaudry, (320), 37. 

23. Arctocyonidae, < Arctocyoninae, Giebel, Siuge- 

thiere, 755. 
24. Hyaenodontidae == Hyaenodontidae, Leidy, Ext. 


Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 38. 

(8 i) 


_ (Phocoidea.) 
. Otariidae = Otariadae, Allen, B. M. C. Z., 

Lies Gully Ac oN, ig. Gi.5- 

Phocidae = Phocidae, Gill, C. H. I., 1866, 
3, 8: 

a. Phocinae = Phocinae, Gill, C. EH. L., 
1866, 5. 

b. Cystophorinae = Cystophorinae, Gill, C. E. 
L, 1866, 6. | 

c. Stenorhynchinae = Stenorhynchinae, Gill, C. 
HAE LS66."6: 



27. Rosmaridae = Rosmaridae, Gill, C. H. I, 

1866, 7. 
(Pecora s. Ruminantia.) 

(Pecora ? edentata.) 

27a. Chalicotheriidae = Chalicotherium, Falc., Pal. 





Mem., 1, 190, 208, 523. 
(Pecora tylopoda s. phalangigrada.) 

Camelidae —= Camélidés, Gerv., Mamm. il. 

(Pecora unguligrada.) 

(Pecora unguligrada typica.) 

Giraffidae = Girafidés, Gerv. Mamm. ii, 
(Lootdea typica.) 
Saigiidae = Saigiinae, Mur., P. Z. S., 
1870, 451. 
Bovidae == Bovidés; -Gerv., Mamma 
a. Bovinae = Bovina, Rutim., N. D.S. G. 

N., xxiii, 21. 


b. Ovibovinae < Boveae, Gray, Mamm., 11, 

c. Antilopinae Antilopeae, Bie M., iil, 
Strepsicereae, | 45, 131. 
d. Caprinae = Capreae, Gray, Mamm., 111, 
e. Ovinae = Oveae, Gray, Mamm., 11, 
32. Antilocapridae — Antilocapridae, Mur., P. Z.S., 
1870, 334. 

(Bootdea cerviformia.) 

33. Cervidae = Cervidae, Scl., P. Z.8., 1870, 

114. . 

a. Cervinae = WeIVinde  SCl obs Lia 15s; 
| 1870, 114. 

b. Cervulinae =='Cervulmae, Scl., P. Z 5S. 

c. Moschinae == Moschinae:, Scl., 2. 7. 5. 
1870, 115. 

(Pecora unguligrada traguloidea.) 

34. Tragulidae = Tragulidae, A. Milne Edw., A. 
5. N.., 5e8., i, Z., 1864, 157. 

(Pecora unguligrada incertae sedis.) 

30. Sivatheriidae = NSivatherium, Falc., Pal. Mem., 
i, 247. 







Helladotheriidae = Famille aujourdhui  eteinte, 
Gaudry, A.F. Att. (821), 252. 

(Pecora dentata.) 

( Oreodontordea. ) 


a. Oreodontinae = Oreodontidae, Leidy, Ext. 
Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 71. 
b. Agriochoerinae == Agriochoeridae, Leidy, Ext. 
Mamm. Dak-& Neb., 131. 

( Anoplotherowdea. ) 
. Anoplotheriidae = Anoplotheriidae, Leidy, Ext. 
Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 206. 
Dichobunidae = Moschidae § Dichobunina, 

Turn, P. Z.'S., 1849-158: 


Merycopotamidae = Merycopotamus, Falc., Pal. 
Mem., 11, 407. 
Hippopotamidae — Hippopotamidae, Gray, C. 

P. & H. M., 356. 

a. Hippopotaminae — Hippopotamus, Falc., Pal. 
Mem., 1, 130. 

b. Choeropsinae = Choeropsis, A. Milne Kd., 
h. H. N. M., 43. 





(Setifera suiformia.) 

. Phacochoeridae = Phacochoeridae, Gray, B. M., 

Suidae == Suidae, Gray, C. P. & H. M., 

(Setifera dicotyliformia. ) 
Dicotylidae — Dicotylidae, Gray, C. P. & H. 
M., 350. 

( Anthracotheroidea. ) 

Anthracotheriidae < Hippopotamidae, Turn., P. Z. 
5. 849. lor. 

a. Hyopotaminae < Anthracotheriidae, L’dy, Ex. 

Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 202. 

b. Anthracotheri- < Anthracotheriidae, Lidy, Ex. 

inde Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 202. 



45a. Anchippodontidae == Trogosus, Leidy, P. A. N. 


S:; bh tsil, 214. 
(Solidungula. ) 

Equidae == Equidae, Gray, C. P. & H. M., 







Anchitheriidae == Anchitheridae, Leidy, Ext. 
Mamm. Dak. & Neb., 302. 
( Lhinocerotordea. ) 
(Ehinocerotoidea rhinocerotiformia.) 
Rhinocerotidae = Rhinocerotidae, Gray, C. P. & 

BE. M., 295. 

(Rhinocerotoidea macrauchenitformia. ) 

Macraucheniidae = Macrauchenia, Burm., A. M. 
B.-A., 1, 82, 1864. 
Palaeothervidae < Palaeothérioides, Pictet, Pa- 
léont., 2e ed., 1, 309-318. 
( Tapiroidea.) 
. Tapiridae = Tapiridae, Gray, C. P. & E. 
M., 252. 
. Lophiodontidae < Tapiroides, Pictet, Paléont., 
Ze ed, i, 301. 
. Pliolophidae = Pliolophus, Owen, Pal., 
1860, 325. 
(Perissodactyli 2? incertae sedis.) 
. Klasmotheriidae Rhinocéroides, Pictet, Pa- 

léont., 2e ed., 1, 294. 






Nesodontidae = Nesodon, Owen, Ph. T., 
1853, 291. 
Toxodontidae ==| Joxodon, “ Burm, A. M. 
B.-A., 1, 254, 1864. 
Hyracidae == Hyracidae, Gray, C. P. & H. 
M., 279. 
. Elephantidae < Proboscideae, Falc., Pal. 

Mem., ii, 1868. 
Hlephantinae = Elephantidae, Gray, C. P. & 

K. M., 858. 
Mastodontinae = Mastodontidae, Gray, C. P. & 
| K. M., 359. 
59. Dinothertidae = [Dinothériides,| Gaudry, An. 
F. Att., 321, 162. 
60. Halitheriidue < Halicorida, Brandt, Symb. 

Siren., 1, (f. 3,) 344. 








Halicoridae < Halicorida, Brandt, Symb. 
Siren., 1, (ff. 3,) 344. 
. Rhytinidae < Halicorida, Brandt, Symb. 
Siren., ii, (f. 3,) 344. 
Trichechidae = Manatida, Brandt, Symb. 
Siren., li, (f. 3,) 343. 
Bastlosauridae  < Zeuglodontes, VanBen., Mém. 

Ac. R. Belg., xxxv,, eGo: 
Cynorcidae = Cynorcidae, Cope, P. A. N.5., 
1867, 144. 

(Delphinoidea platanistiformiea. ) 

Platanistidae < Platanistidae, Fl., Trans. Zool. 
DOC., Vi, Hal aalsiate 

Iniidae < Platanistidae, FL” ‘Trane: 
Zool. Soe., vi, 114, 1867. 

(Delphinoidea typica.) 

. Delphinidae > Delphinidae, FI., Trans. Zool. 

Soe., vi, 113, 1867. 





a. Pontoporiinae = Pontoporiinae, Gill, C. E. L., 
Vie (Je 

b. Delphinapterinae — Beluginae, FI., Trans. Zool. 
Hoc) vida TSG i. 

c. Delphininae < Delphininae, FI., Trans. 
Zool, Soc. yiokia. eee. 

d. Globiocephalinae < Delphininae, FI., Trans. 
Zool, p0c,, vi, Lio, Leer 

(Delphinoidea ziphi iformia. ) 

Ziphiidae = Ziphioides, Fisch, N. A. M. H. 
NPs fl Sr, 

a. Ziphiinae =—— Aipblimnae, Gill Cl. 1, vi, 
124, 1871. 

b. Anarnacinae = Anarnacinae, Gill, C. E. L., 
vi, 124, 1871. 

(Physeteroidea. ) 

Physeteridae = Physeteridae, Gill, A. N., iv, 
(21, 1871. 

a. Physeterinae —= Physeterinae, Gill, A. N., 
iv; 1o2Z. See. 

b. Kogiinae = Kogiinae, Gill, A. N., iv, 
732, 1871. 

(Denticete incertae sedis.) 
Fhabdosteidae == Rhabdosteidae, Gill, C. E. I, 

loo, Le ke 

Sus-Orper MYSsTICETE. 

72. Balaenopteridae = Balaenopteridae, Fl. Proc. 
Zool. Soc., 1864, 291. 

a. Avaphelinae = Agaphelinae, Gill, C. EH. L., 
vi, 124, 187 
b. Megapterinae = Megapterinae, FI., Proc. 
Zool. Soc., 1864, 391. 
c. Balaenopterinae = Balaenopterinae, FI., Proc. 
Zool. Soc., 1864, 391. - 
73. Balaenidae == Balaenidae, Fl., Proc. Zool. 

Soc., 1864, 389. 

(LisseNcePHALA Owen—MurcrostHENA Dana.) 




74. Desmodidae = Haematophilini, Huxl., P. Z. 
Ss. L., 1865, 386. 

75. Phyllostomidae > Phyllostomidae, Gray, P. Z. 
S. Li, 2ee6. sas 
76. Mormopidae = Mormopes, Car., Handb. Zool., 
i, 83. 3 


77. Rhinolophidae < Rhinolophidae, Gray, P. Z. 
5. 1866, 61. 
78. Megadermidae < Megadermata, Pet., M. P. A. 
W. Berlin, 1865, 256. 
a. Vampyrinae —— Vai piri Chama ee: Au VV 
Berlin, 1865, 503. 
b. Glossophaginae ==  Glossophagae, Pet., M. P. 
A. W. Berlin, 1868, 361. 
c. Stenoderminae = Stenodermata, Pet., M.P. A. 
W. Berlin, 1865, 356, 524. 


79. Vespertilionidae — Vespertiliones, Pet., M. P. A. 
W. Berlin, 1865, 258, 524. 

a. Vespertilioninae — Vespertilioniens,Gerv., An. 

b. Nycticejinae = Nycticéins, Gerv., Mamm., 
80. Molossidae == Molossi, Pet.. M. P. A. W. 
Berlin, 1865, 573. 
81. Noctilionidae = Brachyura, Pet., M. P. A. W. 
Berlin, 1865, 257. 
a. Noctilioninae = Noctilionins,Gerv., An. Am. 
5. Cast.—Mamm., 52. 

b. Emballonurinae = Noctilionins,Gerv., An. Am. 
S. Cast.—Mamm., 62. 

July, 1871. 






c. Furiinae = Furia, Gery., An. Am. §. 

Cast.—Mamm., 69. 

Susp-Orper FRUGIVORA. 

Pteropodidae —Pteropi, Pet, Mi Ea 
Berlin, 1867, 320, 867. 
Susp-Orper DERMoPTERA. 

Galeopithecidae = Galeopithecidae, Miv., J. A. & 
| P., u, 1868, 124. 



Talpidae == Talpidae) Miv. Jb Anta me 
| 1868, 150. 

a. Talpinae = Talpina, Miv, J. Ao Gee 
i, 1868 050, 

b. Myogalinae = Myogalina, Miv., J. A. & 
P., uu, [8682 loz: 

Soricidae == Soricidae, Miv., J. A..& Poem, 
1868, 153. 


Krinaceidae = Erinaceidae, Miv., J. A.& P.., 
ii, 1868, 146. 

a. Krinaceinae = Heérissons, Gery., H. N- 

Mamm., i, 229. 







b. Gymnurinae == Gymuyres, Gery:, H. N. 
Mamm., i, 231. 

( Centetoidea. ) 

Centetidae —= Centetidae, Miv., J. A. & P., 
ii, 1868, 147. 

a. Centetinae = Tanrecs, Gerv., H. N. 
Mamm., 1, 233. 

b. Solenodontinae — Solénodontes, Gerv., H. N. 
Mamm, 1, 246. 

. Potamogalidae = Potamogalidae,. Allm., T. Z. 
S., vi, 149, 1-16. 
Chrysochlorididae= Chrysochloridae, Miv., J. A. & 

Ee, leo, kot): 
Macroscelididae == Macroscelididae, Miv., J. A. 
& P., ui, 1868, 148. 
a. Rhynchocyoninae = Rhynchocyons, Gerv., H. 
N. Mamm., 1, 238. 

b. Macroscelidinae ==  Macroscélidiens, Gerv., H. 
N. Mamm,, 1, :235. 
Tupayidae == lupatdaé, Miv., J. A. & P.. 

ul, 1868, 145. 
(Insectivora incertae sedis.) 

Leptictidae < Leptictis, Leidy, Ext. Mamm. 
Dak. & Neb., 345. 





. 20 

(Ropent Sertss.) 
Orpver GLIRES. 


(Lophiomyotdea. ) 
Lophiomyidae = Lophiomides, A. M. Edw., N. 
AMM: HON. Pee 
Pedetidae = Pedetina, Car., Handb. Zool., 
1, Od: 
. Dipodidae = Dipodina, Car., Handb. Zool., 
Jaculidae = Jaculina, Car., Handb. Zool., 
ie ae 
Muridae = Muridés, Gerv., H. N. Mamm., 
i, 417. 
a. Spalacinae = Rhizodontes a. Spalacini, 
Brt., cults o0ue 
b.Georhychinae = Rhizodontes b. Georhy- 
chini, Brt., 5. hasove: 
c. Murinae = Murin, = Lillj., Gnag. 
| Dagedj., 12. 
d. Siphneinae = Prismatodontes b. Macro- 
nyches, "Brits, S. Belov: 
e. Ellobiinae = Primatodontes a. Brachyo- 

nyches, Br’t., S. R., 309. 


f, Arvicolinae = Arvicolini, Lillj., Gnag. 
Dagedj., 22. 


98. Myoxidae = Myoxidae,_  Lillj., Gnag. 
Dagedj., 31. 


99. Saccomyidae = Saccomyinae, Bd., M.N. A., 
405. (e Saccomyidiis.) 
100. Geomyidae = Sciurospalacoides, Br’t.,S. R., 


( Castoroidea.) 

101. Castoridae . =Castoridae, Morgan, Am. 
Beaver, 186. 


102. Sciuridae = Sciurida, Car., Handb. Zool., 
a. Sciurinae = Campsiurina, Car., Handb. 
ZOO ake aG: 
b. Arctomyinae = Arctomyina, Car., Handb. 
Zool., i, 97. 


103. Anomaluridae = Anomalurina, Car., Handb. 
Zool., i, 98. 



104. Haploodontidae = Haploodontidae, Lillj., Gnag. 
Daged)., 41. 

(Hystricovded. ) 

105. Spalacopodidae = Spalacopodidae, Lillj., Gnag. 
| Dagedj., 44. 
a. Octodontinae > Octodontina, Waterh., N. 
H. Mamm., ii, 242. 
b. Ctenodactylinae < Octodontina, Waterh., N. 
H. Mamm., un, 242. 

ce. Echimyinae < KEchimyina, Waterh., N. H. 
Mamm., ii, 286. 
d. Cercolabinae = Cercolabina, Waterh., N. 

H. Mamm., 11, 484, (398). 
106. Hystricidae < Hystrichina, Car., Handb. 
Fool: a, lo: 
107. Dasyproctidae = Dasyproctina, Car., Handb. 
Zool.; i, 1A. 

a. Dasyproctinae = Dasyproctiens, Gerv., H.N. 
Mamm., 327. 
b. Coelogenyinae = Célogényens, Gerv., H. N. 
Mamm., 325. 
108. Caviidae < Caviina, Car., Handb. Zool., 
1 ERO: 

109. Hydrochoeridae < Caviina, Car., Handb. Zool., 
i ENG) 


110. Chinchillidae = Chinchillidae, Lillj., Gnag. 
Dagedj., 42. 
a. Chinchillinae = Orobii sew Eriomyes monti- 
colae, Br't, S. R., 317. 
b. Lagostominae = UHomalobii sex Eriomyes 



111. Lagomyidae = Lagomyidae, Gray, A. & M. 
IN. Egees,, 219. 1 867, 
112. Leporidae == Leporidae, Gray, A. & M. 

N. H., xx, 219, 1867. 



113. Myrmecophagi- == Myrmecophagidae, Gray, C. 

dae Pa ne We soe: 
a. Myrmecophaginae ee Gray, CLP. 
Tamandua, &H.M.,390. 
b. Cyclothurinae = Cyclothurus, Gray, C. P. 
& EH. M., 392. 
114. Manididae == Manididae, Gray, C. P. & H. 
M., 366. 

Sus-Orper Foptentta. 
115. Orycteropodidae = Orycteropodidae, Gray, C. P. 
& HK. M., 389. 


116. Bradypodidae = Bradypodidae, Gray, C. P. & 

K. M., 362 
a. Bradypodinae Bradypus, oe 
Arctopithecus, } 364. 
b. Choloepodinae = Choloepus, Gray, C. P. & 
KE. M., 363. 
117. Megathertidae = Gravigrada, Burm., A. M. P. 
BGA. ol, oon 

a. Megatheriinae 

b. Mylodontinae 

Sup-Orper Loricarta. 

118. Dasypodidae > Dasypodidae, Gray, P. Z. &., 

1865, 360. 

a. Dasypodinae < Dasypodina, Gray, Pw 5, 
1865, 360. 

b. Tatusiinae < Dasypodina, Gray, P. Z.5., 
1865, 360. 

c. Xenurinae < Dasypodina, Gray, P. Z.5., 
1865, 365. 

d. Tolypeutinae == Tolypeutina, Gray, P. Z.5., 

1865, 365. 
119. Chlamydophori- = Chlamyphoridae, Gray, P. Z. 
dae Sf S60, 8a 
120. Hoplophoridae = Hoplophoridae, Huxl., Phil. 
Trans., Clyasaes 

121. Ancylotheriidae = Famille aujourd’hui  eteinte, 
Gaudry, An. foss. d’ Att., 
1, h29e a2): 

Sus-Orper RuizopHaGa. 

122. Phascolomyidae = Phascolomyidae, Waterh., N. 
H. Mamm., i, 241. 

eee Orman SYNDACTYLI. 

123. Macropodidae = Macropodidae, Waterh., N. H. 
Mamm., i, 50. 

( Carpophaga.) 

124. Tarsipedidae = Tarsipédidés, Gerv., Mamm., 
ee th | 
125. Phalangistidae = Phalangistidae, Owen, T. Z. 
Se, We as2: 
a. Petaurinae = Petauristins, Gerv., H. N., 
Mamm., ii, 276. 
b. Phalangistinae = Phalangistins, Gerv., H. N. 

Mamm., li, 274. 
126. Phascolarctidae = Phascolarctidae, Owen, T. Z. 
S., 1,382. 


127. Diprotodontidae < Diprotodon,Owen, Palzont., 


128. Thylacoleonidae |< Thylacoleo, Fl., Jour. Geol. 
) S. L., xxiv, [868-307 


129. Peramelidae = Peramelidae, Waterh., N. H. 
Mamm., i, 354. 

a. Choeropodinae 

b. Peramelinae 

Sus-Orpzr DasyuROMORPHIA. — 

130. Dasyuridae = Dasyuridae, Owen, T. Z. &., 
liood: | 
a. Sarcophilinae 

b. Dasyurinae 

c. Phascogalinae 

131. Myrmecobiidae — Ambulatoria, Owen, T. Z. S., 
i, oa2: 
Sus-Orper Diperpuimorputa. 
132. Didelphididae = Didelphididae, Waterh., N. H. 
Mamm., ii, 462. 



133. Plagiaulacidae = Plagiaulax, Falc., Journ. 
Geol. S. L., 1862, 348. 

134. Dromatheriidae | = Dromatherium, Owen, Pal., 


135. Tachyglossidae > Ornithorhynchidae, Gray, C. 
Py Gis Mey aos: 

136. Ornithorhynchi- > Ornithorhynchidae, Gray, C. 
dae Po& E. Mo 303. 

on the 
Ye te ‘ Ay, 


| nile ote 
ae a 




(29 ) 

el iG a cs NCO te 


The following enumeration of works is chiefly intended to explain the abbrevia- 
tions used in connection with the preceding list of families: the works most 
accessible to students generally have been used, whenever they could be referred 
to in explanation of the limits of families adopted ; special monographs have been 
chiefly referred to when the groups in connection with which they are cited have 
not been limited in the same manner in general works. The ‘‘ Ostéographie’’ of 
de Blainville, although not actually referred to in connection with any special 
family, is so indispensable to any investigator of the mammals, and has been so 
much used by the writer, that the title thereof and an analysis of its contents have 
been given; the analysis and assignment of dates of publication of the several 
monographs will doubtless prove useful, and save to some time and labor like that 
necessarily devolved upon the writer in ascertaining the data furnished. 

For the information of students, and because it is information often desired, the 
publishers’ prices of most of the works cited are given, in the currency of the 
country where they were published. Many of the separate monographs reprinted 
from journals can be obtained from the second-hand book dealers—especially the 
German—and from the Naturalists’ Agency of Salem, Mass., but at varying prices. 

In order to secure uniformity of typography, only the initial letters of the charac- 
teristic words are capital, the example of the learned brothers Grimm, as well as 
other German writers, sanctioning such usage for their language. The initial 
letters, however, of the more important words of the general titles, and to which 
reference is made in the list, are capitalized, corresponding with and rendering at 
once intelligible the abbreviated references. The punctuation of the respective 
title-pages is adopted. The symbol (<) denotes that the memoir after which it is 
inserted is contained in the volume or series whose title follows; the symbol of 
equality (=) denotes that the memoir is. co-extensive with the volume. 

ALLEN (Joel Asaph). On the eared seals (Otariade), with detailed descrip- 
tions of the North Pacifie species, by J. A. Allen. Together with an account 
of the habits of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), by Charles 
Bryant. <Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, +--+. II, No.1 
= pp. 1—108. 

ALLMAN (George James). On the characters and affinities of Potamogale. 
<Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, VI, 1—16, pl. 
1-2, 1866. 

BAIRD (Spencer Fullerton). Mammals of North America; the descriptions 
of species based chiefly on the collections in the museum of the Smithsonian 
institution. ---. With eighty-seven plates of original figures, illustrating the 
genera and species, and including details of external form and osteology. 

(31 ) 


Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1859. [4to., 4 p. ]., xi—xxxiv, 735 
pp. + (Part II, 1—55 pp.) 786—764 pp., 87 pl. (29 col.)—$10; with col. pl., 

: oe I. General report upon the Mammals of the several Pacific railroad 
routes. --+. Washington, D. C., July, 1857:’’ reprinted from the ‘‘ Reports 
of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical 
route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific Ocean. --.-. 
Volume VIII. Washington: ---. 1857.’’ (60 pl. in v. VI, VII, VIII.) 
‘‘ Part II. Special report upon the Mammals of the Mexican boundary. By 
Spencer F. Baird, ---. With notes by the naturalists of the survey. “Wash- 
ington, D. C., January, 1859:’’ reprinted from the ‘‘ Report on the United 
States and Mexican boundary survey, made under direction of the secretary 
of the interior, by William H. Emory, major first cavalry and United States 
commissioner. Volume II. Washington: ---. 1859. (Part IJ. [§1.] Mam- 
mals of the boundary, ---.)’’ 62 pp. 27 pl.J 

BLAINVILLE (Henri Marie Ducrotay de). Ostéographie ou description ico- 
nographique comparée du squelette et du systéme dentaire des Mammifeéres 
recents et fossiles pour servir de base a la zoologie et ala géologie | par H. M. 
Ducrotay de Blainville ---. Ouvrage accompagné de 823 planches litho- 
graphiées sous sa direction par M. J. C. Werner, peintre du Museum d’histoire 
naturelle de Paris, précédé d’une étude sur la vie et les travaux de M. de 
Blainville, par M. P. Picard.—[I—IV.—See ‘‘ Contents.’’ ]—Paris: J. B. Bail- 
liére et fils ---. 1839-1864. [Text, 4to., 4v.; Atlas, fol., 4v.] 

[Published in twenty-six fascicules; the first twenty-five under the title: 
‘*Ostéographie ; ou, description iconographique comparée du squelette et du 
systeme dentaire des cing classes d’animaux vertébrés récents et fossiles, pour 
servir de base a la zoologie et a la géologie par M. H. M. Ducrotay de Blain- 
ville ---. Ouvrage accompagné de planches lithographiées sous sa direction 
par M. J. C. Werner ---. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, ---.’’ [1839-1855.] 
The twenty-sixth and last fascicule was issued with the special title above 
given, titles for the four volumes of text and four of plates, table of contents 
and index, by the Bailliéres in 1864. The subscription price was 2 francs 85 
centimes per plate; the price of the twenty-sixth livraison, 45 francs; and of 
the whole, on completion, 800 francs, ‘‘au lieu de 961 fr.”’ 

The culpable neglect of the publishers to give the dates of publication of the 
several fascicules has doubtless devolved upon many investigators, as upon the 
writer, much trouble and annoyance in ascertaining them, and to save to 
others similar trouble, a collation is here presented, the dates having chiefly 
been ascertained from Wagner’s annual reports in the ‘‘ Archiv fiir Natur- 
geschichte.’’ The appearance of successive fascicules has not been noticed in 
the ‘‘ Bibliographie de la France.”’ 

The titles of the respective monographs given below are those at the upper 
fourth of the first page of each monograph, and which are the only special 
titles published. 

The work is more remarkable as a methodical repertcry of facts respecting 
superficial osteological details, than as a digest exhibiting acute appreciation of 
the value and subordination of characters and their taxonomical application, 
or orthodox views respecting classification and the geological succession of 


animals—the concurrent views of the most recent and approved investigators 
being the standard. The ‘‘genera,’’ it must be remembered, are generally 
about equal in extent to the families now generally adopted. ] 

Tome premier | Primatés—Secundatés | Avec atlas de 59 planches. [7 pp+ 9 
parts*, as below:—] 
Atlas—Tome premier | composé de 59 planches | Primatés—Secundatés. [2 

p. l. +5 parts, viz.:—] 

[A title-page with the more general title [see above] and the addition: —‘‘ Mam- 
miféres—Tome premier’’ was issued with the first fascicule in ‘*1839,’’ and 
another with the modification ‘‘ Mammiféres.—Primatés: Pithecus. Cebus. 
Lemur.”’ in ‘*1841,’’ but both are superseded by the special title issued for the 
first volume with the twenty-sixth fascicule. ] 

(Etude sur la vie et les travaux de M. de Blainville, par M. P. Nicard.) [1864.—ccxxiii. pp. 

<F. xxvi.] 

({4.] De Vostéographie en général. > Ostéographie des Mammiferes. pp. 19-47). {1839.—47 
DD ss a eee] 

([B.] Ostéographie des Primatés.—Sur les primatés en général et sur les singes (Pithecws) en 
particulier.) [1839.—52 pp. ll pl. <F.i. (4 pl. 1 dis and 5 bis. < F. xxv, 1855.)] 

[A secondary general title for the Primatés was issued as the first pages (p 1= 
11) of the preceding, viz.: ‘‘ Ostéographie des Mammiféres de l’ordre des Pri- 
mateés,.suivie de recherches sur l’histoire de la science 4 leur égard, les principes 
de leur classification, leur distribution géographique actuelle et leur ancienneté 
a la surface de la terre.’’] 

([C.] Ostéographie des Primatés.—Sapajous (Cebus).) [1839.—31 pp. 9 pl. =F. ii.] 

({D.] Ostéographie des Primatés.—Makis (Lemur).) [1839.—48 pp. 1l pl. < F. iii.] 

([Z.] Mémoire sur la véritable place de l’Aye-Aye dans la série des Mammiferes. Lu ala 
Société philomatique, le 16 mai 1816.) [1839.—40 pp. <F. iii.—Plate <F. iii.—Plate 

(LF] De Vancienneté des Primatés @ la surface de la terre.) 68 pp. [1839] <F. iv.—Sans 
planches. ] 

([@.] Ostéographie des Cheiroptéres (Vespertilio, L.).) [1839.—104 pp. 15 pl. < F. v.] 

([4.} Ostéographie des Mammifeéres insectivores (Talpa, Sorex et Erinaceus, L.)) [1840.—115 
DDL pla — ey viel 

Tome deuxiéme | Secundatés | Avec atlas de 117 planches. [viii. pp. +9 parts. ] 
Atlas—Tome deuxieme | composé de 117 planches | Secundates. [2p.1.+8 
parts, viz.:—] 

([Z.] Ostéographie des Carnassiers. [1S840.—S5 pp. < F. vii.] 

[A secondary title for the Carnassiers (I—Q) was issued as the first pages 
(p. 1 = 11) of the preceding, viz.: ‘‘ Ostéographie des Carnassiers, précédée de 
considérations sur l’histoire de la science a leur égard, les principes de leur 
classification, leur distribution géographique actuelle, et suivie de recherches 
sur leur ancienneté a la surface de la terre.’ ] 

([7.] Des Phoques (G. Phoea, L.).) [1840.—51 pp.10 pl. <F, vii.] 

([K.] Des Ours (G. Ursus).) [1841.—94 pp. 18 pl. =F. viii.] 
([Z.] Des Petit-ours (G. Subursus).) [1841.—123 pp.16 pl. = F. ix. (+ pl. 17 << F. x, 1842.] 

* The ‘“‘parts’’ is each monograph or series distinguished by a special and complete pagination or 
numeration of plates. 

July, 1871. 


[ With this fascicule was issued a general title limited thus: ‘‘ Mammiféres.— 
Carnassiers: | Vespertilio. Talpa. Sorex. Erinaceus. Phoca. Ursus. Sub- 
ursus. ---. 1841.’’] 

({-] Des Mustelas (G. Mustela, L.).) [1842.—83 pp. 15 pl. =F. x.] 

([W.] Des Viverras.) [1842.—100 pp. 13 pl. =F. xi.J 

({0.] Des Felis.) [1843.—196 pp., 1 folded tab., 19 pl. = F. xii. (+ pl. 20 <F. xxv., 1855.)] 
({P.] Des Canis.) [1843.—160 pp. 16 pl. = F. xiii.] 

([@.] Des Hyénes.) [1844.—84 pp. Spl. =F. xiv.] 

Tome troisiéme | Quaternatés | Avec atlas de 54 planches. [viii pp. + 5 

parts. ] 
Atlas—Tome troisiéme | composé de 54 planches | Quaternatés. [2 p. 1. +5 
parts, viz.:] 
([R or S] Des Eléphants.) [1845.—367 pp. 18 pl. =F. xvi.] 
({S or T7.] Du Dinotherium.) [1845.—64pp.3 pl. =F. xvii.] 
([Z or U.] Des Lamantins (Buffon), (Manatvs, Scopoli), ou Gravigrades aquatiques.) [1844 
—140 pp. ll pl. =F. xv.J 
({V.] Des Damans (Buffon), (Hyraz).) [1845.—47 pp. 3 pl. = F. xviii.] 
(LV or X.] Des Rhinocéros (Buffon), (G. Rhinoceros, L.).) [1846.—232 pp. lt pl. =F. xx.] 
({X and non-lettered.*] Monographie du Cheval. G. Equus.) 1864. [80 pp. < F. xxvi.] 

Tome quatriéme—Quaternatés—Maldentés | Avec atlas de 98 planches.  [viii. 

pp. +8 parts. ] 
Atlas—Tome quatriéme | composé de 93 planches | Quaternatés—Maldentés. 

[2 p.1.+11 parts. ] 

([¥.] Des Paleotheriums, Lophiodons, Anthracotheriums, Choeropotames.) [1846.—196 pp. 8 
+34+3+4+1[_15]pl. =F. xxi.] 

([Z] Des Tapirs (Buffon). (G. Tapirus, Brisson).) [1846.—52 pp.6 pl. =F. xix.] 

([44.] Sur les Hippopotames (Buffon), (Hippopotamus, L.) et les Cochons (Buffon), (Swe, L.).) 
1847. [248 pp. 8+ 9 [=17] pl. <F. xxii.] 

([BB.] Des Anoplothériums (G,. Cuvier) et sur les genres plus ou moins différents: 
1849, [155 pp. 9 pl. =F. xxiii.] 

Xiphodon, Merycopotamus, ) Falconer et Cauteley,t 
Dichobune, ¢ G. Cuvier, 1822. Hippohyus, \ 1847, 

Adapis, J Paloplotherium, 

Chalicothérium, J. Kaup, 1833. Dichodon, R, Owen, 1848. 
Cainothérium, Brarard, 1835, Hyopotamus, 

Microchoerus, Sc. Wood, 1846.) 

([CC.] Des Ruminants (Pecora, L.) en général et en particulier des Chameaux, des Lamas, 
Buffon. (G. Camelus, L.) 1850. [131 pp. 5 pl. =F. xxiv.] 

([DD.] Ostéographie des Paresseux (Bradypus, L.).) [1840.—64 pp. 6 pl. =F. v.] 

(LEE. General title.] Publication posthume.—Explication des planches suivantes. 

Pitirires. Genres. Gorilla, Smilodon, Sciurus, Arctomys, Castor, Capromys, Myopota- 
mus, Hystrix, Cavia, Equus, Camelopardalis, Myrmecophaga, Macrotherium, Megathe- 
rium, Glyptodon, Toxodon, Elasmotherium, Macrauchenia et groupes qui s’y rattachent. 

SQUAMMIFERES. Genre Crocodilus et groupes génériques voisins. 

OsrfozoatRes. Signification des os du crane dans les diverses classes de ce type. 1855, 
[63 pp. 41 pl.J 

Table alphabétique des quatre volumes. 1855. [Iixvi. pp. <F. xxvi.] 

BRANDT (Johann Friedrich). Symbole sirenologice, [fasciculus I,] quibus 
praecipue Rhytine historia naturalis illustratur. ..-. (1845). < Mémoires 

* The first series of letters is given in the list of monographs opposite title-pages, and the second in 
the table of contents of the third volume. 
t The cacography of the original is copied. 


de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg. Sixieme série. 
Sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles. Tome VII. Seconde partie: 
Sciences naturelles. Tome VII. ---. 1849.—Zoologie et physiologie, 1—160, 
pl. 1—5. 

BRANDT (Johann Friedrich). Beitrige zur nihern kenntniss der siiugethiere 
Russland’s. Von J. F. Brandt. (1851.) <IJb. Sixieme série. Sciences 
mathématiques, physiques, et naturelles. Tome IX. Seconde partie. Sci- 
ences naturelles. Tome VII. ---. 1855.—Zoologie et physiologie. 1—3865. 

[ Vierte abhandlung. Blicke auf die allmaligen fortschritte in der gruppirung 
der Nager [Glires] mit specieller beziehung auf die geschichte der gattung 
Castor, besonders des altweltlichen Bibers. (pp. 77—124.) Fiinfte abhand- 
lung. Untersuchungen tiber die craniologischen entwickelungsstufen und die 
davon herzuleitenden verwandtschaften und classificationen der Nager der 
jetztwelt, mit besonderer beziehung auf die gattung Castor. (pp. 125—3836, 
pl. i—xi-+ va.)] 

Symbole sirenologice. Fasciculus II et III. Sireniorum, Pachyder- 

matum, Zeuglodontum et Cetaceorum ordinis osteologia comparata, nec non 

Sireniorum generum monographie. .- ++. Petropoli, 1861-68. [4to., 3 p. 

1. 8838 (+1) pp.9pl.] < Mémoires de ]l’Académie Impériale des Sciences 

de St. Pétersbourg, Sixiéme série. Sciences naturelles. 1—865, 19 pl. 

De Dinotheriorum genere Elephantidorum familie adjugendo nec non de 
Elephaniidorum generum craniologia comparata. ---. St. Pétersbourg,- - - 
1869. [4to. 1—88 pp.] <Ib. XIV, No. 1. 

Untersuchungen iiber die gattung Klippschliefer (Hyrax Herm. ), besonders 
in anatomischer und verwandtschaftlicher beziehung nebst bemerkungen tiber 
ihre verbreitung und lebensweise. ---. St. Pétersbourg, 1869. ---. [4to. 
vi, 127 pp. 3 pl.] <Ib. XIV, No. 2. 

BURMEISTER (Carl Hermann Conrad, 07, Hispanice,German). Descripcion 
de la Macrauchenia patachonica. <Anales del Museo publico de Buenos 
Aires, +--+, para German Burmeister, director del Museo putblico de Buenos 
Aires.- +--+. I, 82—65, pl. 1—4. 1864. 

Fauna argentina.—Primera parte. Mamiferos fosiles. <Ib. I, 87—232, 
pl.5—8. 1866. 

[Contains monographs of Gravigrada (pp. 149—182, pl. v) and Effodienta, a, 
Biloricata.—7. e. Glyptodontes (pp. 183—231, pl. vi—viii).] 

—— Descripcion de cuatro especies de Delfines de la costa argentina. > Ib. I, 
867—445, pl. xxi—xxviii, 1869. 
[Contains an anatomical monograph on Pontoporia Blainvillii, demonstrat- 
ing its affinity with the Delphinide. ] 

Monografia de los Glyptodontes en el museo publico de Buenos Aires. 
<Ib. I, 1—107, pl. 1i—12, 1870. [To be continued. ] 

CARUS (Julius Victor). Handbuch der zoologie von Jul. Victor Carus, + - - 
und C. E. A. Gerstaecker, ---. Erster band. I. halfte. Wirbelthiere, bearb- 
eitet von J. Victor Carus.—Leipzig: Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, 1868. 


[S8vo., Bogen 1—27.—23 th.] I. classe. Mammalia, [Siugethiére. pp. 39— 
191.] ; 
COPE (Edward Drinkard). An addition to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the 
miocene period, with a synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the United States. 
< Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 
1867, 188—156. 
[Cynorcide distinguished. ] 

DOYERE (M.---P.---L---N.---). Notice sur un mammifére de Madagascar, 
formant le type d’un nouveau genre [Eupleére] de la famille des carnassiers in- 
sectivores de M. Cuvier; par M. Doyére. <Annales des sciences naturelles 

Seconde série. Tome quatriéme. Zoologie. 1835, 270—283, pl. 8. 

EDWARDS (Alphonse Milne). Recherches anatomiques, zoologiques et pa- 
léontologiques sur la famille des Chevrotains [Moschide et Tragulidi]. -- - 
< Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Cinquiéme série. Zoologie et Paléontologie. 

II, 1864, pp. 49—167, pl. 2—12. 

— Mémoire sur une nouvelle famille de l’ordre des Rongeurs [Lophiomides]. 
< Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle de Paris, III, 
81—118, pl. 6—10, 1867. 

EDWARDS (Henri Milne e¢ Alphonse Milne). Recherches pour servir a 
Vhistoire naturelle des Mammiferes.-.--. Paris: Victor Masson et fils, - - 
1868 [—] 1870. [4to., liv. le-—5Ser.—Chaque livr. 18 fr. ] 


FALCONER (Hugh). On the disputed affinities of the mammalian genus Pla- 
giaulax, from the Purbeck beds. ---. <The Quarterly Journal of the Geo- 
logical Society of London, XVIII, 1862, 848—369. 

Paleontological memoirs and notes of the late Hugh Falconer, A.M., M.D. 
. With a biographical sketch of the author. Compiled and edited by 
Charles Murchison, M.D., F.R.S. ---. [See ‘*Contents.’’] London: Robert 
Hardwicke, ---. 1868. [8vo., 2 vols. (I,) lvi, 590 pp. 34 pl.; (II,) xiii, 675 
pp. 38 pl.—42 sh. ] 
Vol. I. Fauna antiqua sivalensis. 

‘* TI. Mastodon, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Ossiferous caves, Primeval man and 
his cotemporaries. 

FISCHER (Paul). Mémoire sur les cétacés du genre Ziphius, Cuvier. -- - 
< Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle de Paris, III, 41—79, 
pl. 4, 1867. 

[Contains a synopsis of the Ziphioides. ] 

FLOWER (William Henry). Notes on the skeletons of whales in the principal 
museums of Holland and Belgium, with descriptions of two species apparently 
new to science.---+. < Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoo- 
logical Society for the year 1864, 884—420. 

Description of the skeleton of Inia geoffrensis and of the skull of Pon- 

toporia blainvillii, with remarks on the systematic position of these animals 

25 il 


in the order Cetacea. +--+. <Transactions of the Zoological Society of Lon- 
don, VI, 87—116, pl. 4, 1867. 

[Contains a systematic synopsis of the families and subfamilies Cetaceans. ] 

FLOWER (William Henry). On the aflinities and probable habits of the 

extinct Australian marsupial, Thylacoleo carnifex, Owen.--+. <The Quar- 
terly Journal of the Geological Society of London, XXIV, 1868, 807—319. 

On the value of the characters of the base of the cranium in the classifica- 
tion of the order Carnivora, and on the systematic position of Bassaris and 
other disputed forms.--+-. <Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the 
Zoological Society of London, for the year 1869, 4—37. 

On the anatomy of the Proteles, Proteles cristatus (Sparrman).---. < Ib. 
1869, 474—496, pl. 36. 

GAUDRY (Albert). Animaux fossiles et géologie de l’Attique, d’aprés les 
recherches faites en 1855-56 et en 1860 sous les auspices de Académie des 
Sciences par Albert Gaudry. Paris: F. Sory, éditeur, 1862—1867. [4to., 
474 pp. 11.; atlas 4 p.1., 1 map, 75 pl.—Published in 19 livr., at 6 fr. each. ] 

GEOFFROY SAINT-HILAIRE (Isidore). Muséum d’histoire naturelle de 
Paris.—Catalogue méthodique de la collection des Mammiféres, de la collection 
des Oiseaux et des collections annexes. Par le professeur-administrateur 
M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, --- et les aides-naturalistes MM. Florent 
Prévost et Pucheran.—Paris: Gide et Baudry, ---. 1851. [8vo. 3 p. ].— 
(Introduction.) xv. pp.—(Premiére partie.—Mammiféres.—Catalogue des 
Primates, par M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire.) 1 p.1. vii, 96 pp.] 

GERVAIS (Paul). Histoire naturelle des Mammiféres avec indication de 
leurs moeurs, et de leurs rapports avec les arts, le commerce et l’agriculture 
e «+. [See ‘*Contents.’’] Paris L. Curmer.... 1854 [—]1855. [8vo., 2 v. 
(1) xxiv, 418 pp. 11. 18 col. pl., 14 uncol. pl.—21 fr.; (II) 2 p. 1. 344 pp., 40 

col. pl., 29 uncol. pl.—25 fr. ] 

1re partie. [Introduction, Primates, Cheiroptéres, Insectivores, Rongeurs.]- - - 

[2¢ partie.] Carnivores, Proboscidiens, Jumentés, Bisulques, Edentés, Mar- 
supiaux, Monotremes, Phoques, Sirénides et Cétacés. -- +. 1855, 

Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueilles pendant l’éxpedition dans les 
parties centrales de l’Amérique du Sud de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de 
Lima au Para; exécutée par ordre du gouvernement francais pendant les 
années 1843 a 1847, sous la direction du comte Francis de Castelnau. -- - 
Mammifeéres par M. Paul Gervais, - -- Paris, chez P. Bertrand, -.-- 1865 
[2 p. 1.,116 pp. 20 pl.] <CasrEeLnav (Francois de Laporte, comte de). Ex- 
pedition dans les parties centrales de ])Amé¢érique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a 
Lima, et de Lima au Para. ‘%e partie. Zoologie. 

GIEBEL (Christian Gottfried Andreas). Die Siugethiere in zoologischer, 
anatomischer und palontologischer beziehung umfassend dargestellt, ---. 
Leipzig : verlag von Ambrosius Abel. 1855. [S8vo., xii, 1108 pp.—7r. th. 10 
n. g.] 


GILL (Theodore Nicholas). Prodrome of a monograph of the Pinnipedes. 
< Communications of the Essex Institute. V, pp. 1—13, 1866. 

The eared seals. [A review of memoir on the eared seals (Otariadee), etc., 
by J. A. AuLeN.] <The American naturalist, a popular illustrated magazine 
of natural history. IV, 675. 

On the Sperm-whales [Physeteride], giant and pygmy.---. <Ib. IV, 
725—743, 1871. 

Synopsis of the primary subdivisions of the Cetaceans. +--+. < Com- 
munications of the Essex Institute. VI, 121—126, 1871. 

GRAY (John Edward). Catalogue of the specimens of Mammalia in the collec- 
tion of the British museum. Part IIJ. Ungulata furcipeda..-.-. London: 
printed by order of the trustees. 1852. [12mo., xvi, 286 pp. 37 pl.—12 sh.] 

— Catalogue of Seals [Pinnipedia] and Whales [Cete] in the British mu- 
seum. - ++. Second edition. London: printed by order of the trustees. 1866. 
[8vo., vii; 402 pp.—8 sh. ] 

Synopsis of the genera of Vespertilionids and Noctilionide.-.-. <The 
Annalsand Magazine of Natural History,--- XVII. Thirdseries, 1866, 89—93. 

A revision of the genera of Rhinolophide, or horseshoe bats.---. <Pro- 
ceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the 
year 1866, 81—83. 

Revision of the genera of Phyllostomide, or leaf-nosed bats. ---. <Ib., 
1866, 111—118. 

Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in 
the British museum.---. London: printed by order of the trustees. 1869. 
[8vo., 4 p. l. 898 pp.—6 sh. 6 d.] 

——— Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the collection of 
the British museum.---+. London: printed by order of the trustees. 1870. 
[8vo., vill, 137 pp. ] 

HUXLEY (Thomas Henry). On the osteology of the genus Glyptodon.-.-.-, 
< Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, CLY, 1865. 
31—70, pl. 4—9. 

On the structure of the stomach in Desmodus rufus..--. < Proceedings 
of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the year 1865. 

Reports of Professor Huxley’s lectures on ‘‘ The structure and classifica- 
tion of the Mammalia,’’ delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons. <The 
Medical Times and Gazette, 1864, I and II, viz :— 

Lecture 1 [—] 1X. AntuHropini. [I, 153: Distinctive characters and skele- 
ton. II,177: Muscles. III, 20: Extremities. IV, 229; V, 256: Brain. 
VI, 284: Teeth and organs of reproduction. VII, 312: Development. 
VIII, 343; IX, 369: Variations and number of species. ] 

Lecture X [—] XIX. ANTHROPOMOoRPHA. [(Troglodytes niger.) X,398; 
XI, 428; XII, 456: Skeleton and muscles. XIII, 486: Larynx, Teeth, 


Brain. XIV, 509: Organs of reproduction, development, variations. 
Troglodytes gorilla XIV, 509; XV, 587; XVI, 564.— (Simia satyrus.) 
Rev, 564; XVII, 695; XVIII, 617. (Hylobates). XVIII, 617; 
XIX, 647.——( Characteristics of ANTHROPOMORPHA). XIX, 647.] 

Lecture XX [—] XXI. CynopritHEcinA. (v. I1,) p. 671. (v. II,) pp. 
12; 40; 93; 128. 

Lecture XXII [—] XXIII. Puaryrurni. pp. 98; 128. 

Lecture XXIII. ARcTOPITHECINI. p. 124. 

Lecture XXIV. Lremurini. CHEIROMYINI. Recapitulation. p. 145. 

HUXLEY (Thomas Henry). Professor Huxley’s Lectures at the Royal College 
of Surgeons. [On Mammalia]. <The Lancet, 1866, I, viz :— 

Lecture I [—] IV. Srrenra. pp. 157—158; 180; 214—215; 239. 

Lecture [TV [—] IX. Crracna. pp. 239; 268; 291; 324—325- 850; 381. 

Lecture X [—] XI. Prnnrpepia. pp. 484—435; 465—466. 

Lecture XII. Dog. p. 607. 

LEIDY (Joseph). The extinct mammalian fauna of Dakota and Nebraska, 
including an account of some allied forms from other localities, together with 
a synopsis of the mammalian remains of North America. ---. Preceded 
with an introduction on the geology of the tertiary formations of Dakota and 
Nebraska, by F. V. Hayden, M.D. Philadelphia, 1869. = Journal of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. VII, second series. Phila- 
delphia: published for the Academy, by J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1869. [4to., 
472 pp., 30 pl., 1 map.—$20. ] 

LILLJEBORG (Wilhelm). Systematisk dfversigt af de Gnagande Diggdjuren, 
Glires.. +--+. Uppsala: Kong]. akad. bocktrykeriet, 1866. [4to.,1 p.1. 59 pp. 
3 folded tables. ] 

McCOY (Frederick). Onthe species of Wombats [ Phascolomyide]. (Abstract. ) 

- ++, < Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 
VIII, 266—270. 1868. 

MARTIN (William Charles Linneus). A general introduction to the Natural 
History of Mammiferous Animals, with a particular view of the Physical 
History of Man, and the more closely allied genera of the order Quadrumana, 
or Monkeys, ---. Illustrated with 296 anatomical, osteological, and other 
incidental engravings on wood, and 12 full plate representations of animals, 
drawn by William Harvey. London: Wright & Co. 1841. [8vo., 1 p.1. 
545 pp., 12 pl.—16 sh. ] 

MIVART (St. George). Notes on the crania and dentition of the Lemuride. 
< Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1864, 611—648. 

Contributions towards a more complete knowledge of the axial skeleton in 
the Primates.---. <TIb., 1865, 545—592. 
[Contains a synoptical arrangement of the order. ] 

On the structure and affinities of Microrhynchus laniger [Lemuride].---. 
<Ib., 1866, 151. 

On the skull of Indris diadema [Lemuride].---. <Ib., 1867, 247. 

—— Additional] notes on the osteology of the Lemuride.---. <Ib., 1867, 960. 


MIVART (St. George). Notes on the osteology of the Insectivora. - ++ .— 
<The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, I, 1867, 281—312; II, 1868, 
117—154. [Contains a descriptive synopsis of the order. } 

Notes sur l’ostéologie des Insectivores.---. < Annales des Sciences 
Naturelles. Cinquiéme série. Zoologie et paléontologie, VIII, 1867, 221—284 ; 
TX, 1868, 311—372. 

[A translation of the preceding. ] 

MORGAN (Lewis Henry). The American Beaver [Castoride] and his works. 
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. 1868. [S8vo., 330 pp., 1 map, 23 

pl.—$5. ] 
MURIE (James). On the saiga antelope, Saiga tartarica (Pall.)---. <-Pro- 

ceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the 
year 1870, 451—503. 

Notes on the anatomy of the prongbuck, Antilocapra americana. 
<Ib. 1870, 334—268. 

OWEN, F.R.S. (Richard). On theosteology of the Marsupialia..--.. <Trans- 
actions of the Zoological Society of London, II, 1841, 379—408, pl. 68—71. 

Outlines of a classification of the Marsupialia.---. <Ib., II, 1841, 315— 


Description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth (Mylodon ro- 
bustus, Owen), with observations on the osteology, natural affinities, and 
probable habits of the Megatherioid quadrupeds in general... By Richard 
Owen, F.R.S., Hunterian professor and conservator of the museum of the 
Royal college of surgeons in London. Published by direction of the council. 
London: --- Sold by John Van Voorst, ---. 1842. [4to., 176 pp., 24 pl. 
w. 24 expl. 1.} 

Description of some species of the extinct genus Nesodon, with remarks on 
the primary group (Toxodontia) of hoofed quadrupeds, to which that genus 
is referable.--+. < Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon- 
don. For the year MDCCCLIII. vol. 148, 291—810, pl. 15—18. 

——— Paleontology or a systematic summary of extinct animals and their geolo- 
gical relations. ---. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. 1860. [8vo. 
xy, 420 pp. ] 

PETERS (Wilhelm Carl Hartwig). [22. Mai 1865.] Hr. W. Peters legte 
Abhandlungen zu einer monographie der Chiropteren vor und gab eine Uber- 
sicht der von ihm befolgten systematischen ordnung der hieher gehdérigen 
gattungen. <Monatsberichte der kéniglichen Preuss. Akademie der Wis- 
senschaften zu Berlin, 1865, 256—258. 

[18. Juli 1865.] Hr. W. Peters las iiber flederthiere ( Vespertilio soricinus 
Pallas, Choroenycteris Lichtenst., Rhinophylla pumilio noy. gen., Artibeus 
fallax nov. sp., A. concolor noy. sp., Dermanura quadrivitiatum noy. sp., 
Nycteris grandis n. sp.). ~<Ib., 1865, 851—859. 

{Contains a synopsis of Stenodermine, pp. 856—359; continued on p. 524.] 


PETERS (Wilhelm Carl Hartwig). [16. October 1865.] Hr. W. Peters las 
tiber die zu den Vampiri gehorigen flederthiere und iiber die natiirliche stel- 
lung der gattung Antrozous. <Ib., 1865, 5083—524. 

[22. Juni.] Hr. W. Peters las tiber die zu den Glossophage gehérigen 
flederthiere und Uber eine neue art der gattung Coléura. <Ib., 1868, 361— 
386, 1 pl. 

PICTET (Francois Jules). Traité de Paléontologie ou histoire naturelle des 
animaux fossiles considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. 
+++. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée, considérablement augmentée, accom- 
pagnée d’un atlas de 110 planches grand in-4°. . - -. Paris, chez J.-B. Bailliére, 
+--+» 1858 [—] 1857. [8vo. 4 v.; 4to. atlas.—80 fr. ] 

RUTIMEYER (Ludwig). Versuch einer natiirlichen geschichte des rindes, 
in seinen beziehungen zu den Wiederkauern im allgemeinen. [Eine ana- 
tomisch-palaeontologische monographie von Linné’s genus bos. «+--+. [4to., 
Erste abtheilung. 102 pp. 1 1. 2 pl.; Zweite abtheilung, 175 pp., 4 pl.J] 
< Neue Denkschriften der allgemeinen schweizerischen Gesellschaft fiir die 
gesammten Naturwissenschaften.—Nouveaux mémoires de la Société helvé- 
tique des sciences naturelles. XXIII, [Dritte dekade, II]. 1867. 

SCLATER (Philip Lutley). Remarks on the arrangement and distribution of 
the Cervide.-+-+. < Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1870, 

TURNER (H--- N-.-.-, jun.). On the evidences of affinity afforded by the 
skull in the Ungulate mammalia. ---. < Proceedings of the Zoological 
Society of London. Part XVII, 1849, 147—158. 

VAN BENEDEN (Pierre Joseph). Recherches sur les Squalodons. - - - 
< Mémoires de I’ Académie royale de Belgique, XX XV, 1865. 

WATERHOUSE (George R---). A Natural History of the Mammalia. -- - 
[See ‘* Contents.’’] London: Hippolyte Bailliere, .--. 1846 [—] 1848 [8vo., 
(1), 3 p. 1. 553 pp., 22 pl. (11 col.).—; (II,) 1 pl. 500 pp., 22 pl. (11 col.).— 
each 29 sh; col., 34 sh 6 d.] 


Vol. I. Containing the order Marsupiata, or Pouched animals, with 22 illus- 
trations engraved on steel, and 18 engravings on wood. 

Vol. II. Containing the order Rodentia, or Gnawing mammalia; with 22 
illustrations engraved on steel, and [8] engravings on wood. 

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of Fi ou s- Diy rSlONS OF 





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Abranchiate Vertebrates with a brain whose cerebral hemispheres are more or less 
connected (and in nearly inverse ratio) by an anterior commissure, and a superior 
transverse commissure (corpus callosum) ; the latter more or less roofing in the lateral 
ventricles: lungs and heart in the thorax, separated from the abdominal viscera 
by a muscular diaphragm: aorta single and reflected over the left bronchus: blood 
with red non-nucleated blood-corpuscles ; undergoing a complete circulation, being 
entirely received and transmitted by the right half of the quadrilocular heart to the 
lungs for aeration, (and warmed,) and afterwards returned by the other half through 
the system. Skull with two condyles, chiefly developed on the exoccipital elements, 
(one on each side of the foramen magnum): with the malleus and incus superadded as 
specialized auditory ossicles: and the lower jaw (composed of a pair of simple rami) 
articulated directly by convex condyles with the squamosal bones. Dermal append- 
ages developed as hairs. Viviparous: foetus developed from a minute egg: young 
nourished after birth by a fluid (milk) secreted in peculiar glands (mammary) by 
the mother. 


I. Brain with superior transverse commissure composed of a body as well as 
psalterial fibres; and with a well developed septum. Sternum with 
no element in front of the manubrium or presternum. Coracoid not con- 
nected with the sternum, but early anchylosed with and developed as a 
simple process of the scapula. Oviducts debouching into a double or single 
vagina, (and not into a common cloacal chamber). Testes variable in po- 
sition, but the vasa deferentia open directly or indirectly into a distinct 
and complete urethra, (and not into a cloacal cavity). Ureters discharge 
directly into the bladder the renal secretion, which thence passes into the 
urethra. Mammary glands with well developed nipples. 

A. Brain with the cerebral hemispheres connected by a more or less well- 
developed corpus callosum and a reduced anterior commissure. Vagina 
a single tube, but sometimes with a partial septum. Young retained 
within the womb till of considerable size and nearly perfect development, 
and deriving its nourishment from the mother through the intervention 
of a “placenta’’ (developed from the allantois) till birth. Scrotum 

never in front of penis. MONODELPHIA. (I) 

B. Brain with the cerebral hemispheres chiefly connected by a well-de- 
veloped anterior commissure, the corpus callosum being rudimentary. 


Vagina more or less completely dividing into two separate passages. 
Young born when of very small size and imperfect development ; never 
connected by a placenta with the mother, but when born attached by 
her to the nipple, from which the milk is forced by herself into the 
mouth of the young. Scrotum in front of penis. 


II. Brain with the superior transverse commissure with no well defined 
psalterial fibres ; and with the septum very much reduced insize. (Flower). 
Sternum with a peculiar T-shaped bone (the episternum or interclavicle) 
in advance of the manubrium or presternum. Coracoid extending from 
the clavicle to the sternum, and only towards maturity anchylosed with 
the scapula. The oviducts, enlarged below into uterine pouches, but open- 
ing separately from one another, as in oviparous vertebrates, debouch, 
not into a distinct vagina, but into a cloacal chamber, common to the 
urinary and genital products, and to the feces. Testes abdominal in posi- 
tion throughout life, and the vasa deferentia open into the cloaca, and not 
into a distinct urethral passage. Ureters pour the renal secretion, not 
into the bladder, which is connected with the upper extremity of the cloaca, 
but into the latter cavity itself. Mammary glands with no distinct nip- 



I. Brain with a relatively large cerebrum, behind overlapping much or all 
of the cerebellum, and in front much or all of the olfactory lobes: corpus 
callosum (attypically) continued horizontally backwards to or beyond 
the vertical of the hippocampal sulcus, developing in front a well-defined 

recurved rostrum. 

A. Posterior members and pelvis well developed. Periotic and tympanic 
bones articulated with the squamosal; (etypically, free and otherwise 
modified, e. g. Tapiridae). 

1. Legs almost or entirely exserted outside of the common abdominal 
integument. First digit (great toe) of hind foot (pes) enlarged, op- 
posable to the others, (exceptionally resuming parallelism with them,) 
furnished with a nail. Brain with a well-developed calcarine sulcus, 
giving rise to a hippocampus minor within the posterior cornu of the 
ventricle by which the posterior lobe of the cerebrum is traversed. 
(Flower.) (Incisors fourin each jaw; etypically, two—or all in upper 
jaw—suppressed. Clavicles completely developed.) 


a. Digits with corneous appendages developed as claws (i. e. com- 
pressed) or, attypically, as nails (i. e. depressed). Teeth of three 
kinds, (canines of second set etypically atrophied,) all encased 
in enamel ; (molars mostly two- or three-rooted). Placenta decidu- 

ate, discoidal. 

2. Legs with the proximal joints (humerus and femur) more or less 
inclosed in the common abdominal integument. First digit of hind 
foot attypically reduced or atrophied ; etypically hypertrophied (e. g. 
Pinnipedia), Brain with nocalcarine sulcus. (Incisors archetypically 
six in each jaw; etypically, two or more suppressed. Clavicles 
rudimentary, cr—in (b) Ungulate Series—none.) 

a. Digits with corneous appendages developed as claws. Teeth of 
three kinds, all encased with enamel: canines specialized and 
robust: (molars mostly two- or three-rooted—etypically one-root- 
ed,—attypically one c=) or more in each jaw sectorial, followed 

by tubercular ones.) Scaphoid and lunar consolidated into one bone. 
Placenta deciduate, zonary. 

b. Digits with corneous appendages developed as hoofs. Teeth of 
three kinds, (canines and incisors of second set exceptionally in 
part undeveloped,) all encased in enamel: (molars attypically two- or 
three-rooted, attypically with grinding surfaces.) Scaphoid and 
lunar separate. Placenta diversiform. 

b. 1. Incisors (archetypically ©; often, especially in the upper jaw, 
reduced in number or wholly suppressed; implanted by simple 
roots,) with incisorial crowns. Feet with inferior (or, rather, pos- 
terior) surfaces with a hairy skin continuous with the rest of the 
integument: carpal bones in two interlocking rows; cuneiform 
narrow and affording a diminished surface of attachment forwards 
for the ulna (which is retrorse beside the radius); unciform and 
lunar articulating with each other and interposed between the 
cuneiform and magnum: hind foot with the astragalus at its an- 
terior portion scarcely deflected inwards, articulating more or less 
with the cuboid as well as navicular: toes (not more than four 
completely developed) with terminal joints encased in thick 
hoofs. Placenta non-deciduate, (diffuse or cotyledonary). 


b. 2. Incisors (% or 4; variable as to insertion,) with incisorial 
crowns. Feet mostly unknown: carpal bones unknown: hind 
foot with the astragalus at its anterior portion inclined obliquely 
inwards, articulating in front only withthe navicular. Caleaneum 
with an extensive upwards surface for the articulation of the 

fibula, and with a large lateral process articulating in front with 


the astragalus. Molars of upper jaw broad and extending into an 
externo-anterior angle; of lower jaw, narrow and continuous ina 


uniform row. 

b. 3. Incisors (4) of upper jaw next to symphysis (with persistent 
pulps) long and curved; those of luwer jaw straight and nor- 
mal. Feet with inferior surfaces furnished with pads, (as in 
Rodents and Carnivores): carpal bones in two interlocking rows ; 
cuneiform extending inwards, (and articulating with magnum,) 
and affording an enlarged surface of attachment forwards for the 
ulna (which is antrorsely produced); unciform and lunar separat- 
ed by the interposition of the cuneiform and magnum: hind foot 
with the astragalus at its anterior portion extended and, as a 
whole, much deflected inwards, articulating in front only with 
the navicular: toes (four to the front feet, three to the hind) with 
terminal, phalanges encased in hoofs; (inner nail of hind foot 
curved). Placenta deciduate, zonary. 



b. 4. Incisors (2, or, in extinct forms, 2 or $, renewed from per- 
sistent pulps,) developed as long tusks curved outwards. Feet 
with palmar and plantar surfaces invested in extended pad-like 
integuments, which also underlie the toes: carpal bones in two 
regular (not interlocking) rows, broad and short;.cuneiform ex- 
tended inwards—broad, and furnishing an enlarged surface of 
attachment forwards for the ulna (which is antrorsely produced). 
Unciform directly in front of cunciform, and magnum directly in 
front of lunar: hind foot with the astragalus at its anterior por- 
tion very short, (convex,) and not deflected inwards, articulating 
in front only with the navicular: toes (five to each foot, in known 
forms,) encased in broad shallow hoofs. Placenta deciduate, 
zonary.—Snout produced into a very long proboscis. Legs mostly 
exserted outside the abdominal integument; and with the proxi- 
mal and succeeding joints extensible in the same line. 


B. Posterior members and pelvis more or less completely atrophied; the 
form of the body being fish-like, furnished with a horizontal tail, and 
specialized for progression in the water. Periotic and tympanic bones 
anchylosed together, but not articulated with the squamosal. 

1. Brain narrow. Skull with the foramen magnum posterior, directed 
somewhat downwards: supra-occipital nearly vertical and not ex- 
tending forwards, the parietals meeting and interposed between it and 
the frontals. Periotic with a posterior irregularly rounded part ; 
tympanic annuliform. Lower jaw with well-developed ascending rami 
and normal transverse condyles and coronoid processes. Lateral teeth 
molar, and adapted to trituration of herbage. Neck moderate; second 





cervical vertebra with an odontoid process. Anterior members mod- 
erately long, flexed at the elbow; with carpal bones and phalanges 
directly articulated with the adjoining ones; and with normal digits. 
Mamme two, pectoral.—Heart deeply fissured between the ventricles. 


2. Brain broad. Skull with the foramen magnum entirely posterior, 
directed somewhat upwards: supra-occipital very large, sloping for- 
wards, and (attypically) extending forwards over or between the 
frontals. Periotic attenuated backwards; tympanic solid, entire. 
Lower jaw with no ascending ramus, with its narrow condyles at the 
posterior extremities or angles of the rami, and with only rudimentary 
coronoid processes. Teeth conic orcompressed, monophyodont. Neck 
attypically very short; second cervical vertebre with no odontoid 
process. Anterior members (attypically) abbreviated, extended back- 
wards in a continuous line; with carpal bones and phalanges often 
separated by cartilage; and with the second digit composed of more 

than three phalanges. Mamme two, inguinal. 

IJ. Brain with a relatively small cerebrum, leaving behind much of the 
cerebellum exposed, and in front much of the olfactory lobes: corpus 
callosum extending more or less obliquely upwards and terminating before 
the vertical of the hippocampal sulcus; with no well defined rostrum in 


A. Teeth encased in enamel: incisors (very variable as to number) with- 
out persistent pulps: canines present (but sometimes modified in form): 
molars attypically with sharp and pointed cusps. Lower jaw with 
condyles transverse, received into special glenoid sockets. Placenta 
discoidal deciduate. 

1. Anterior members adapted for flight: the ulna and radius being 
united, and the metacarpal bones and phalanges—2 to 5—much 
elongated; the whole sustaining a very thin leathery skin arising 
from the sides of the body, and extending backwards on the hind 
members, down to their tarsi. Mamme pectoral. 


2. Anterior as well as posterior members adapted for walking or grasp- 
ing: the ulna and radius entirely or partly separated: metacarpal 
bones and phalanges normally developed. Mammz abdominal: 

(etypically—in Dermoptera, &o,—pectoral). 

July, 1871. 



B. Teeth encased in enamel: incisors (3; exceptionally, also two sup- 
plementary posterior teeth,) continually reproduced from persistent pulps, 
and growing in a circular direction: canines none: molars attypically 
with ridged surfaces. Lower jaw with condyles longitudinal, and not 
received in special glenoid sockets, but gliding freely backwards and 
forwards in longitudinal furrows. Members and feet ambulatorial. 

Placenta discoidal deciduate. 

C. Teeth (when developed) not encased in enamel: incisors typically 
absent (lateral present in Dasypus): molars variable: members and feet 
ambulatorial, (modified often for grasping and digging). Placenta diver- 
siform (discoidal deciduate in Orycteropodide and Dasypodide; diffuse 
deciduate in Manidide; and coyledonous non-deciduate? in Bradypo- 



Cerebrum with its posterior lobe much developed, wholly or mostly cover- 
ing the cerebellum. Skull with lachrymal foramen within the orbit. 
Orbit separated from temporal fossa by the union of the alisphenoid and 
malar bones. Ears rounded, each with a distinct lobule. Female with 
uterus undivided, and clitoris imperforate. Mamme (2) exclusively pec- 


II. Cerebrum with the posterior lobe not extended backwards over the entire 



cerebellum, a considerable portion of the latter being uncovered. Skull 
with lachrymal foramen outside the orbit. Orbits open behind, (partially 
closed in Tarsiidae). Ears more or less produced upwards and pointed, 
angulated at their extremities, with no distinct lobules. Female with 
uterus two-horned, and the clitoris perforated by the urethra. Mammez 



. Fore limbs withdrawn completely from the locomotive series, and trans- 

ferred to the cephalic (Dana). Form habitually erect, except in infancy. 
Feet with the great toe produced, and in same plane with others. Teeth 
in an uninterrupted series. Hair scant. (Bimana.) 

Fore limbs more or less employed in progression. Form prone, exception- 
ally erect. Feet with the great toe more or less abbreviated, thumb-like, 


and opposable to the others. Dental series interrupted by diastemas, 
especially in the upper jaw between canines and incisors. Hair dense. 


A. A bony external auditory meatus well developed, at the bottom of 
which is the membrana tympani. Pre-molars 3X2. (Teeth M 3 PM 2 
C1122.) Nose with the median septum thin and narrow (exception- 
ally, broad), and the nostrils correspondingly approximated. (Simie 

1. Spinal column with a slight sigmoid curve; lumbar as well as dorsal 
neural spines directed more or less backwards. Sacrum large and 
solid, composed of four vertebre tapering gradually backwards. 
Sternum broad and short, with three or four bones between the manu- 
brium and xiphoid cartilage. Anterior limbs much longer than 


2, Spinal column with a simple curve; neural spines of lumbar and 
last dorsal vertebre inclined forwards. Sacrum moderate, composed 
generally of three vertebra not tapering gradually. Sternum elongated 
and narrow. Anterior limbs shorter than posterior; rarely elongated. 


B. Bony external auditory meatus null, and the tympanic membrane 
attached to a ring close to the surface. Pre-molars 3x2. Nose with 
the septum broad and flattened (exceptionally, narrow), and the nostrils 
proportionally distant. (Sime platyrhine.) 

1. Teeth (M3 PM *%C112x2=) 35. Manus with inner digit (when 

developed) more or less slightly opposable to the rest. 

2. Teeth (M 2? PM 3? C +12x2=) 32. Manus with inner digit not 
opposable, but on same plane as rest; all armed with elongated com- 

pressed claws. 

Single genus. 



I. Form robust. Ilia broad, alate. Cerebrum projecting backwards over 

the cerebellum. Buttocks without callosities. 

II. Form slender. Ilia narrow, not alate. Cerebrum scarcely or not pro- 

jecting backwards over the cerebellum. Buttocks with callosities. 


Gorilla I. Geoff. 
Mimetes Leach=Troglodytes, Geoff. Anthropopithecus, Bl. 
Simia Linn.= Pithecus Geoff. 

Siamanga Gray. 
Hylobates Il. 

Extinct Simiide? 

Pliopithecus Gerv. 
Dryopithecus Lartet. 


I. Stomach complex; the cardiac portion dilated; the pyloric elongated. 

Cheek pouches obsolete. 

Il. Stomach simple, as in man. Cheek pouches developed. 

Nasalis Geoff. 
Lasiopyga Ill., Gray. 
Semnopithecus F. Cuv. 
Colobus Ill. 
Guereza Gray. 


Miopithecus I. Geoff. 
Cercopithecus Erxl. 
Cercopithecus sensu strict. Chlorocebus Gray. 
§. 2. 

Cercocebus Geoff. 
Macacus Lac., Desm. 
Macacus sensu strict. Silenus Gray. 
Inuus Geoff. 
Theropithecus I. Geoff.=Gelada Gray. 
Cynopithecus I. Geoff. 

§. 3. 
Papio Erxl., Cuv., Geoff.=Cynoceplhialus Lac. 
Cynocephalus, sensu strict. Hlamadryas Less., Gray. 
Mandrilla Cuv.,=Mormon Less. 
Mormon, Gray, not Il. Choeropithecus Gray. 

Extinct Cynopithecida. 
Mesopithecus Gaudry. 

Coenopithecus Rutimeyer. 


I. Cerebrum with posterior lobe abbreviated, scarcely covering the cerebel- 
lum behind. Hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage greatly developed: hyoid 
bone expanded into a sub-globular drum, with thin osseous walls, the 
larger cornua projecting backwards, the lesser obsolete. Incisors vertical. 

II. Cerebrum with posterior lobe enlarged, extending backwards much 
beyond the cerebellum. Hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage moderate. 

A. Incisors vertical. 

1. Cerebrum with convolutions well marked. Tail more or less pre- 

2. Cerebrum with convolutions obsolete. Tail not prehensile. 

B. Incisors inclined forwards. Tail more or less abbreviated and bushy. 

Aluatia Lac.=Mycetes Ill. 

Cebus Erxl. 

§. 2. 
Sapajou Lac.=Ateles Geoff. 
Eriodes I. Geoff.=Brachyteles Gray. 
Lagothrix Geoff. 

Nyctipithecus Spix=Aotus (Humb) Ill. (Inapplicable.) 
§. 2. 
Callithrix Geoff. 
Saimiris Geoff., Gerv.= Chrysothrix Wagn 

Pithecia Desm. 
Chiropotes Ill., Gray. 
Brachyurus Spix=Ouakaria Gray. 

Extinct Cebide. 
Protopithecus Lund. 




Saguinus Lac=Hapale Geoff. 

Hapale Gray. Jacchus Gray. 

Cebuella Gray. Mico Gray. 
Midas Geoff. 

Leontopithecus Gray. Oedipus Gray. 

Midas Gray. Seniocebus Gray. 


I. Teeth of three kinds, the canines being retained through life. Incisors 
small, with simple roots. Pectoral mamme developed, in addition to 
inguinal ones. (Owen.) (Lemuroidea.) 

A. Fibula entirely distinct from the;tibia. Skull with the orbits open 
behind. Incisors of upper jaw small, (rarely wanting,) separated into 
two groups by a symphysial interspace; of lower jaw, larger, contiguous, 
and proclivous; canines of lower jaw parallel with and like incisors. 
Pes with the second toe armed with a subulate claw; rest with flattened 


B. Fibula partially anchylosed with the tibia. Skull with the orbits parti- 
ally closed behind by the union above of the alisphenoid with the jugal. 
Incisors of upper jaw (4) contiguous, inner large and conic; of lower 
(2) contiguous and opposed to large upper teeth: canines of lower jaw 
normal. Pes with the second and third toes armed with subulate nails; 

rest with flattened pointed nails. 

II. Teeth of two kinds, the canines being early deciduous. Incisors 2, gli- 
riform, continually reinforced from the formative pulp; the fangs very 
long, those of the lower jaw extending backwards to the base of the coro- 
noid processes. Inguinal teats only developed-—Manus with the middle 
finger very attenuated, and provided with a narrow scooped nail; rest of 
nails (except of thumb of pes) similar, subulate. (Daubentonioidea.) 


I, Teeth 30; i. e. M$ P.M. 2. 11. =x2. 

II. Teeth 36 (exceptionally 32); i.e. M. 3 P.M. 3 C.11 =x2 (exception- 

ally, I. ¢ in adult). 

A. Tarsus short or of moderate length. 


1. Hind limbs considerably longer than the fore. Neural spines of last 
dorsal and lumbar vertebre inclined forwards. Ears (in typical forms) 
moderate, with the anterior portion of the helix well developed, folded 
over the fossz of the concha and antihelix, and with the tragus and 
antitragus distinct. Tail elongated, not less than two-thirds the length 

of body. 

2. Hind and fore limbs sub-equal, or fore ones shorter. Neural spines 
of dorsal and lumbar vertebre inclined backwards. Ear (in typical 
forms) small, with the helix little marked, and tragus and antitragus 
obsolete. Tail short (always shorter than half the length of the body), 

rudimentary, or absent. (Mivart.) 

B. Tarsus very long; caleaneum more than one-third the length of the 
tibia; naviculare much longer than the cuboid (Mivart).—Hind limbs 
much longer than the fore. Neural spines of the twelfth or thirteenth 
dorsal vertebre turned forwards. Ear very large, with the pinna pro- 
longed upwards. 


Indris Cuv. Geoff. =Lichanotus Il.=Pithelemnr Less. 
Propithecus Benn.=Macromerus Smith. 
Microrhynchus Jourd.=Avahis Geoff. 

Lemur Linn. 
Varecia Gray. Prosimia Gray. 
Lemur Gray. 
Hapalemur I. Geoff. 
Hapalemur Gray. Prolemur Gray. 
Lepilemur I. Geoff. 
Chirogaleus Geoff. (St. G. Mivart.)=Myspithecus F. Cuv. 

Perodicticus Benn. . 
Arctocebus Gray, Huxl. 
Nycticebus Geoft.=Stenops Ill.=Bradylemur (Blainy.) Less. 
Loris Geoff.=Arachnocebus Less. 

Galago Geoff.=Otolicnus Il. 

Otolemur Coq.= Callotus Gray. Otogale Gray. 

Galago sensu strict. Hemigalago Dahlb. 
Microcebus Geoff. 

Murilemur Gray. Phaner Gray. 

Azema Gray. Mirza Gray. 



Tarsius Storr=Macrotarsus C. & G.=Cephalopachus Sw.=Hypsicebus Less. 


Daubentonia Geoff. = Aye-aye Lac.= Cheiromys Cuv. 


I. Body more or less raised, with the legs exserted beyond the elbows and 
knees, and with the feet (generally with free toes) adapted for walking. 
Manus and pes with first phalanges and digits not enlarged nor produced 
beyond the others (attypically more or less reduced or even atrophied). 
Skull moderately compressed between the orbits: with a distinct lachry- 
mal bone, perforated by a canal (the lachrymal), and more or less exserted 
outside the orbit, and, in conjunction with the malar, forming the anterior 
margin of the orbit: palatines extending forwards laterally between the 
frontal and maxillary bones, and leaving no vacuity. Tympanic bound- 
ed behind by the exoccipital. Deciduous dentition well developed. 


II. Body prone, with the legs confined in the common integument beyond 
the elbows and knees, (with the feet rotated backwards, and with toes con- 
nected together), and especially adapted for swimming. Manus and pes 
with first phalanges and digits enlarged and produced beyond the others. 
Skull much compressed between the orbits: with a lachrymal bone early 
united with the maxillary, imperforate, and entirely contained within the 
orbit: malar applied to the inner side of a transverse zygomatic process of 
the maxillary and not continued to the front of the orbit (which is there- 
fore bounded by the maxillary): palatines not extending forwards later- 
ally, extensive vacuities intervening between the frontal and maxillary 
bones. Tympanic separated from the exoccipitals by a vacuity as well as 
by the re-entering periotic bones. Deciduous dentition much reduced 
and rudimentary. 



I. Skull with the paroccipital process applied closely to the auditory bulla; 
the mastoid process small or obsolete; external auditory meatus very 
short or imperfect. Intestinal canal provided with a cecum. Prostate 
gland salient. 

A. Skull with carotid canal minute and superficial or obsolete; condyloid 
foramen and foramen lacerum posticum debouching in a common 
fossa: glenoid foramen minute or null. Os penis rudimentary (in 
Cryptoproctide, enlarged). Cowper’s glands present. (Aeluroidea.) 

| 57 

1. Teeth 28-30 (M +, PM 3 or 3,C 1,1 $2): true molar of upper jaw 
small, tubercular; of lower, sectorial. Snout very short, decurved, 
Bulla divided by a septum into posterior and anterior chambers com- 
municating with each other by a narrow aperture. (Aecluroidea 
a. Body compact. Feet digitigrade, with the palms and soles hairy. 

Skull with no alisphenoid canal. 


b. Body elongated, viverriform. Feet plantigrade, with the palms and 
soles bald. Skull with a distinct SURpT canal. 


2. Teeth 32-34, diversiform, but no tubercular (or second true) molar 
in lower jaw. Snout moderate, depressed. Bulla with no septum. 
Feet digitigrade. (Aeluroidea hyceniformia.) 

a. Teeth 32 (M ~? PM =? C4, 1:32); molars very small and 
distant; no functionalized sectorial molars. 


b. Teeth 34 (M+, PM 4, C 1,122); molars large and approximated ; 
true molar of upper jaw reduced, tubercular; last pre-molar sec- 

torial, feline: true molar of lower jaw sectorial. 

3. Teeth 36-40 (M $—rarely 1—PM 4—exceptionally 3—C 1, I 3x2); 
true molars of the upper, and last of the lower jaw tubercular. Snout 
moderate or elongated, depressed. Auditory bulla divided. (Aeluro- 
idea viverriformia.) 

a. Skull irregularly flattened behind above foramen magnum; with 
the snout moderate or robust. Incisors approximated; canines 


b. Skull convex behind above foramen magnum (at least, especially 
so in young); with the snout slender. Incisors not approximated ; 

canines small. 

B. Skull with the carotid canal well developed, but opening into the 
foramen lacerum posticum; condyloid foramen distinct; glenoid foramen 
patent. Os penis large. Cowper’s glands not developed. ( Cynoidea.) 

1. Teeth typically 42; varying between 38 arn < (the true molars 
being the varying element.—M 2 (4-3), PM 4, C 4, I $2). 

II. Skull with the paroccipital process not closely applied to the auditory 
bulla; the mastoid process prominent and projecting outwards or down- 
wards behind the external auditory meatus; external auditory meatus 
diversiform. Intestinal canal with no cecum. Prostate gland not salient. 
being contained in the thickened walls of the urethra.—Skull with the 









carotid canal distinct, and more or less in advance of the foramen lacerum 
posticum; condyloid foramen also distinct from the foramen lacerum 
posticum ; glenoid foramen generally well defined. Os penis very large. 
Cowper’s glands not developed.—(Arctoidea.) 

A. True molars of upper jaw one (M 4; rarely—in Mellivorine—t) ; 
last pre-molar of upper jaw sectorial (rarely—in Enhydrine—with blunt 
tubercles). (Arctoidea musteliformia. ) 


B. True molars of upper jaw two; last pre-molar of upper jaw tubercular 
(varely—in Bassaridide—sectorial). 

1. Last molar of upper jaw oblong and exceeding the first: three true 
molars in lower jaw; first narrowest but longest; second oblong and 
broader. Foramen lacerum posticum introrse, behind the postero- 
internal angle of the tympanic bone; carotid canal little in advance 
of the foramen lacerum posticum. Tail rudimentary. (Arctoidea 
typica. ) ; 


2. Last molar of upper jaw more or less transverse and compressed 
forwards; two true molars in lower jaw; first broadest. Foramen 
lacerum posticum antrorse from postero-internal angle of the tympanic 
bone ; carotid canal nearly at or in advance of middle of inner wall 
of the auditory bulla. Tail well developed. (Arctoidea procyoni- 

a. Alisphenoid canal developed: auditory bulla very small, and with 
a very prolonged bony floor to the auditory meatus: paroccipital 
process long and trigonal, standing backwards and outwards, quite 
unconnected with the bulla. (Flower.)—Teeth 36 (M 3, PM 3, © j, 
I $2). 




b. Alisphenoid canal none: auditory bulla well developed, and with 
a short bony floor to the auditory meatus: paroccipital process 
short and blunt, somewhat hooked, generally contiguous to the 
bulla at the base. 

b. 1. Teeth 36 (M 2, PM 3,C 4,122); last pre-molar of upper 
jaw and first molar of lower tubercular. Snout abbreviated, de- 
curved. Lower jaw very stout, with an extensive anchylosed 
symphysis, with high coronoid processes, and extended back- 

wards and downwards at the angles. 

b. 2. Teeth 40 (M 2, PM 4, C1, I 3x2); last pre-molar of upper 
jaw and first molar of lower tubercular. Lower jaw moderate or 
slender, with a reduced symphysis, with recurved coronoid pro- 
cesses, and extended upwards to the angles, which are near the 




a lad al, ofan cei 


b. 3. Teeth 40 (M 2, PM 4, C 4, I 3x2), resembling those of 
Canide ; first upper pre-molars sometimes deciduous; last pre- 
molar of upper jaw and first molar of lower sectorial. Lower jaw 

as in Procyonide. 
Familie incertx sedis. 

1. Teeth 32? (M 2? PM 2? C1? 12; x2)? last pre-molar of lower jaw 
moderate ; first molar obtusely sectorial ; second oblong, tuberculated. 



Teeth 44 (M8, PM 4, C 4,132)? last pre-molar of upper jaw tri- 

tuberculate; true molars tuberculate. 

3. Teeth 44? (M 3, PM 4, C }, I 3X2)? last pre-molar of lower jaw 
enlarged ; first as well as second and third molars sectorial. 



I. Canine teeth of upper jaw moderate, with transversely convex anterior 
and posterior margins; those of lower jaw equal to upper and much ex- 
ceeding adjoining incisors. 

A. Sectorial tooth of upper jaw with an inwardly projecting antero-internal 
lobe. Claws retractile. 


B. Sectorial tooth ef upper jaw with no internal lobe. Claws not re- 


II. Canine teeth of upper jaw enormously developed, compressed, and with 
distal trenchant anterior and posterior margins; those of lower jaw re- 
duced in inverse ratio, and not much larger than the adjoining incisors. 
(Sectorial tooth of upper jaw with a transverse iuner lobe some distance 

in front of the anterior end of the tooth.) 


Lynx Raf. 
Lynceus Gray. Caracal Gray. 
Neofelis Gray. 
Viverriceps Gray. 
Felis Linn. 

Uncia Gray. Leo Gray. 
Tigris Gray. Leopardus Gray. 
Pardalina Gray. Catolynx Gray. 

Pajeros Gray. 
Chaus Gray. 


Felis Gray. 

Aelurina Gerv.=Ailurogale Fitz. 

Gueparda Gray. 

Drepanodon Nesti, Bronn. 
Macherodus Kaup, Bronn. 
Smilodon Lund, Bronn. 

Pseudelurus Gerv. 
Trucifelis Leidy. 
? Dinictis Leidy. 
? Aelurodon Leidy. 

Cryptoprocta Bennett. 

Proteles I. Geoff. 

Hyaena Linn. 
Crocuta Gray. 



All extinct. 

Other Felidae of Extinct Genera. 

Single Genus. 

Single Genus. 




I. Auditory bulla divided by an oblique groove into two portions; an an- 
terior with the auditory meatus, and a posterior more inflated and larger 
portion. (Flower.) Toes short, regularly arched; the last phalanges 
bent up, withdrawing the claws into a sheath; claws sharp. (Gray, s. 

Aeluropodae. ) 

A. Nose simple, flat, bald, and with a central groove beneath.—Gray, s. 


1. Digitigrade: the under-side of the hind feet hairy, except the pads, 
metatarsus, and sometimes a small part of the tarsus. Upper flesh- y 
tooth elongate; upper tubercular grinders small, transverse.—Gray. 

a. Body robust; tubercular grinders two above, one below on each 
side (7—?).—Gray. 


ait et 0 2 et es ies 


b. Body slender, elongate; tubercular grinders one on each side 

above and below (1-}).—Gray. 

2. Subplantigrade: the under-side of the toes and more or less of the 
back of the tarsus naked, callous. Flesh-tooth strong; upper ttber- 

cular grinders large, broad. 

a. Tail moderate, not prehensile. The hinder part of the tarsus 

hairy to the palm; the tail bushy. 

b. Tail moderate, not prehensile. The upper part of the hinder part 
of the tarsus hairy to the palm; tail ringed. (Gray.) Sectorial 

tooth with large tubercular ledge. 

c. Tail very long, sub-convolute. The hinder part of the tarsus bald, 

callous. (Gray.) Sectorial tooth typical. 

d. Tail thick, strong, prehensile. The hinder part of the tarsus 
bald, callous. Sectorial tooth of upper jaw transverse, sub-tuber- 


B. Nose rather produced, rounded, hairy, and without any central groove 
below (Gray, s. Cynogalide). Sectorial tooth with an extensive tuber- 

cular ledge, 

Il. Auditory bulla very prominent and somewhat pyriform, divided by a 
transverse constriction into two portions; the anterior nearly as large and 
inflated as the posterior. (Ilower.) Toes straight; the last phalanx and 
claws extended. The claws blunt and worn at the end, the front ones 
often elongated. (Gray, s. Cynopoda.) 

A. Nose flat and bald, beneath with a central groove. (Gray, s. Herpes- 

1. Head elongate, conical; tail conical or cylindrical. (Gray.) 

2. Head short, ventricose; tail bushy, expanded laterally; claws 
elongate. (Gray.) 
B. Nose broad, convex, and hairy, beneath without any central groove. 
(Gray, s. Rhinogalidae.) 

1. Head elongate, nose short. Teeth 40. False grinders 3. (Gray.) 

2. Head ventricose. Nose elongate. Teeth 36. False grinders $. 




. Ba. 
Viverra Linn. 
Viverricula Hodgson. 
§. 2 
Genetta Cuv. 
Genetta Gray. ? Fossa Gray. 


Prionodon Horsfield.=Linsang Gray. 
Poiana Gray. 

Galidia I. Geoff. 

Hemigale Jourdan. 

Nandinia Gray. 
Paradoxurus ¥. Cuv. 
Paguma Gray. 
Arctogale Peters, 


Arctictis Temm.—/ctides F. Cuv. 

Cynogale Gray. 


Galidictis I. Geoff. 
Herpestes lilig. 
Athylax F. Cuv. 
Calogale Gray. 
Galerella Gray. 
Calictis Gray. 
Ariela Gray. 
Ichneumia I. Geoff. 
Bdeogale Peters. 
Urva Hodgson. 
Teniogale Gray. 
Onychogale Gray. 
Helogale Gray. 

Cynictis Ogilby. 


Rhinogale Gray. 
Mungos Ogilby. 


Crossarchus ¥. Cuv. 
Suricata Desm.=Rhyzena, Illig. 

Extinct Viverridae? 
Paleonyctis Blainv. 
Soricictis Pomel. 
Amphichneumon Pomel. 
Galeotherium Wagner, (not Jacq.) 


Single genus. 
Eupleres Doyere. 



I. Sectorial tooth of upper jaw elongated, and with the antero-internal 
lobe projecting directly inwards; of lower jaw, elongated and narrowed 
forwards and with the externo-median lobe enlarged: true molars in 

upper jaw two (rarely one), tubercular. 

II. Sectorial tooth of upper jaw abbreviated, triangular, and with the antero- 
internal lobe large and ledge-like ; of lower jaw, comparatively short and 
broad forwards, and with the externo-median lobe reduced; true molars 
of upper jaw three, tubercular. 


Ga Me 
Lycaon Brookes. 
g. 2. 
Icticyon Lund= Cynalicus Gray==Melictes Schinz. 
Cyon Hodgson. : 
¢. 4 
Canis Linn. 
Canis=Canis+ Lupus Gray. Dieba Gray. 
Simenia Gray. Crysocyon H. Smith. 
Lucalopex Burm. 
Pseudalopex Burm. 
Lycalopex Gray. Thous Gray. 
@. 5 
Vulpes. Leucocyon Gray. 
Fennecus Gray. 
q. 6. 

Urocyon Baird. 


Nyctereutes Temminck. 

Megalotis Blainv.=Agriodus H. Smith=Otocyon Licht. 

Extinct Canidae? incertae sedis. 
Amphicyon Lartet. 
Cynodon Aym. 
Galecynus Owen. 
Paleocyon Lund, (not Blainy.) 
Speothos Lund. 



I. Skull with the cerebral portion comparatively compressed backwards ; 
and with the rostral portion comparatively produced, attenuated, and 
transversely convex above; anteorbital foramen small and opening for- 
wards. Feet with little developed or no interdigital membrane. 

A. Auditory bulla much inflated, undivided, bulging, and convex forwards ; 
periotic region extending little outwards or backwards. Palate moder- 
ately emarginated. : 

1. Last molar of upper jaw (M +) transverse, (with the inner ledge in- 
flated at its inner angle;) sectorial tooth with a single inner cusp. 

a. M1; First true molar (sectorial) of lower jaw followed by a small 
second (tubercular) one. Toes short, regularly arched, and with 
the last phalanges bent up, withdrawing the claws into sheaths. 



b. M1}; first true molar (sectorial) of lower jaw only developed. Toes 
straight, with the last phalanges and claws extended;’ the latter 
non-retractile. (Gray.) 


2. Last molar of upper jaw (M =) enlarged and more or less extended 
M 1. Toes straight, with the last phalanges and 

claws extended; the latter non-retractile. (Gray.) 


B. Auditory bulla elongated and extending backwards close to the par- 
occipital process. (Flower.) Palate moderately emarginated. 

1. Last molar of upper jaw (M =) transverse; (with the inner ledge 
narrowed inwards): sectorial tooth with two inner cusps. 


C. Auditory bulla inflated, undivided, with the anterior inferior extremity 
pointed and commonly united to the prolonged hamular process of the 
pterygoid. (Vlower.) Palate moderately emarginated. 







1. Last molar of upper jaw (I ~) transverse; (with the inner ledge 
D. Auditory bulla little inflated, transversely constricted behind the mea- 
tus auditorius externus and thence inwards; in front flattened forwards: 
periotic region expanded outwards and backwards. Palate deeply 

1. Last molar of upper jaw (M —) quadrangular, wide, but with an 
extended outer incisorial ledge. 

II. Skull with the cerebral portion swollen backwards and outwards; and 

with the rostral portion abbreviated, high and truncated forwards, and 

widened and depressed above: anteorbital foramen enlarged and pro- 

duced downwards and backwards. Feet with well-developed interdigital 
membrane, and adapted for swimming. 

A. Teeth normal, 36 (M }, PM 4, C }, 1 3x2): sectorial tooth (PM ) 
normal, efficient, with an expanded inner ledge; the other molars 
.submusteline. Posterior feet with normally long digits. 
B. Teeth very aberrant, 32 (M 1, PM 3, C 1+, I 3—the lower inner incisors 
being lost— 2): sectorial tooth (PM +) defunctionalized as such, 
compressed from before backwards; the other molars also with blunted 

cusps. Posterior feet with elongated digits. 

(Digitigrade. ) 

Mustela &., Guv.=Martes Gray (Les Martes—Jfustela Cuv). 
Putorius Cuy.=Foetorius Keys. and Blas. 

Putorius Gray. 

Gymnopus Gray. 

Gale Wagner=Mustela Gray, not Cuv. 

Lutreola Wagner= Vison Gray. 

(Plantigrade. ) 
Galictis Bell=EZirara Lund. 
Galera Gray. Grisonia Gray. 

(Sub-plantigrade. ) 
Gulo Storr. 
Taxidea Waterh. 
Meles Storr=Tazxus Cuv. 
Mydaus ¥. Cuv. 
Arctonyx F. Cuv.=Synarchus Gloger. 
August, 1871, 


Mellivora Storr=Ratelus Gray=Lipotus Lund. 

Conepatus Gray=Thiosmus Licht. < Marputius Gray. 
Mephitis Cuv., Gray. 
Spilogale Gray. 

Zorilla Gray=Rhabdogale Wagn.=TIctonyx Lund. 

Helictis Gray=Melogale I. Geoff.= Rhinogale Gloger, not Gray. 


Barangia Gray=Leptonyx Less., Gerv. 

Aonyx Less., Gerv., Gray. 

Lontra Gray=Saricovia Less. =Loutra Gery. (misprint). 

Lutra Linn. 
Lutra Gray. Nutria Gray. 
Lutronectes Gray. 

Hydrogale Gray. 

Latax Gray (not Gloger)=Latazia Gerv. 

§. 2. 

Pteronura Gray, Gerv.=Pterura Wiegm. 

Enhydris Fleming=Latax Gloger. 

Extinct Mustelide? incerte sedis. 

Palaeomephitis Jiger=Palaeobassaris Paul yon Wurt. 
Palaeogale Meyer. 

Plesiogale Pomel. 

Plesictis Pomel. 

Putoriodus Pomel. 

Potamotherium Geoff.=? Lutrictis Pomel=? Stephanodon Meyer. 
Thalassictis Nordm 

Galeotherium Jager (not Wagner). 

Enhydriodon Fale.=Amyxodon Fale. 

Ursitaxus Falc. 


Thalassarctos Gray. 
Ursus Linn. 

Ursus Gray. Myrmarctos Gray. 
Tremarctos Gerv. 
Helarctos Horsf. \ 

§. 2. 
Melursus Meyer=Prochilus Ill. 

Extinct Ursidae ? 
(Family?  Hycnarctidae?) 
Hyenarctos Cautl. and Fale.—=Agriotherium Wagn.=Sivalaictos-+ Amphiarctos Blainv. 
=Hemicyon Lartet. 


Aelurus F. Cuv. 



Cercoleptes Nliger=Kinkojou Lac.—=Potos Cuv.=Caudivolvulus Desm. 

I. Snout attenuated. Auditory bulla small, abruptly contracted, flattened 

forwards and towards the external auditory meatus. Mastoid process little 

developed, extrorse behind meatus. 

II. Snout comparatively abbreviated. Auditory bulla large, sloping gradu- 
ally towards the external auditory meatus. Mastoid process enlarged and 

prolonged downwards. 

Nasua Storr=Coati Lac. 

Procyon Storr. 
Procyonidae? of extinct genera. 
Tylodon Gerv. 
Leptarctos Leidy. 

Bassaris Licht. 


Simocyon Kaup=Diaphorus Gaudry. 



Arctocyon Blainy.+ Palaeocyon Blainv. (not Lund). 


Hyaenodon de Laiz & de Par.=? Hyaenodon+ Taxotherium+ Pterodon Blainy. 

Fissipedium Genera incertae sedis. 

Acanthodon Meyer. | 
Harpagodon Meyer. | 
Patriofelis Leidy. | 
Stnopa Leidy. 


Lycyaena Hensel. 
Hyaenictis Gaudry. 

( Viverridae?) 

Ictitherium Gaudry. 


I. Molar teeth 2 or £; canines of both jaws moderately developed, those of 
upper jaw being scarcely larger than those of lower; incisors persistent. 
(Phocoidea.) ‘ 

A. Form comparatively archetypical, with the hinder legs flexible for- 
wards. Small ear conchs developed. Skull with the mastoid processes 
strong and salient, standing aloof from the auditory bullae; with well- 
developed post-orbital processes, and alisphenoid canals. Incisors (4) 
of upper jaw notched. Anterior limbs about as large as the posterior ; 
their feet with digits decreasing in a curved line and without claws: 
posterior feet with all their digits nearly co-terminal and furnished with 
long linguiform flaps extending beyond their tips; the three middle toes 

alone clawed. a. 

B. Form attypically phociform, with the hinder legs projected back- 
wards and not flexible forwards. Ear conchs obsolete. Skull with the 
inastoid processes swollen, and seeming to form part of the auditory 
bullae; the post-orbital processes null or obsolete: no alisphenoid 
canals. Incisors (variable in number—$ or 4, or {—) of upper jaw not 
notched. Anterior limbs smaller than the posterior; the feet with the 
digits successively abbreviated and armed with claws: the posterior 
flippers emarginated (the third and fourth digits being shortest), and 

provided with claws (rarely suppressed). 


II. Molar teeth © 5, the posterior generally caducous in adult: canines of 
upper jaw greatly hypertrophied and developed as tusks; those of lower 
jaw atrophied: incisors, except external of upper jaw, deciduous. (Ros- 

A. Form comparatively etypical, with the hinder legs flexible forwards. 
Ear conchs obsolete. Skull with the mastoid processes strong and 
salient; the surface continuous with the auditory bullae ; no postorbital 
processes; distinct alisphenoid canals. Anterior limbs about as large 
as posterior; feet with the toes decreasing in a curved line, destitute of 
claws: posterior feet with the five digits scarcely increasing toward 

inner; all provided with claws. 


Zalophus Gill. 
Zalophus sensw strict. Neophoca Gray. 
§. 2. 

Lumetopias Gill. 
Otaria Peron. 
Olaria sensu strict. Phocarctos Peters, Gray. 
Arctocephalus F. Cuv.=Halarctos Gill. 
Arctocephalus Gray. 
Gypsophoca Gray. 
Arctophoca Peters=Euotaria Gray. 
Callirhinus Gray. 


I. Maxillar zygomatic process with the posterior surface subvertical or very 
oblique. Malar oblong-rhomboid, emarginated above and below. 

A. Intermaxillaries narrow, prolonged, and wedged behind between the 
supramaxillaries and nasals. Nasal bones narrow, diminishing in 
width backwards. Incisors §; exceptionally {. 
B. Intermaxillaries terminating far from nasals. Nasal bones narrow and 
shortened. Incisors $. 
Il. Maxillar zygomatic process with its lower and posterior surface extended 
horizontally backwards, and its angle continued far behind along the inner 
side of the malar. Malar elongated, bow-shaped, and curved upward in 

A. Intermaxillaries narrow, not continued backward between nasals and 
supramaxillaries. Nasal cavity expanded, with the nasal bones widest 

toward the middle and very long. Incisors }. 



Phoca Linn., Gill=Callocephalus F. Cuv., Gray. 
Callocephalus Gray. Halicyon Gray. 
Pagomys Gray. 
FPagophilus Gray. 
Erignathas Gill=Phoca Gray, not Linn. 


Hlalichoerus Nilss. 

3. 3. 
Monachus Flem.=Pelagios F. Cuv.=Heliophoca Gray. 


Cystophora Nilss.=Stemmatopus F. Cuv. 
Macrorhinus F. Cuy.=Mirounga Gray=Macrorhyna Gray=Morunga Gray. 

Lobodon Gray. 
Stenorhynchus F. Cuv. 
Leptonychotes=Leptonyx Gray, not Sw. 1821. 
Ommatophoca Gray. 

Extinct Phocidae? 

Pachyodon Meyer. 
Pristiphoca Gervy. 

Single genus. 

Rosmarus Scop.=Odobaenus (Briss.) Ill.==Trichechus auct. pl., not Linn. 

Extinct Rosmaridae. 

Trichechodon Lankester. 




I. Digits paired, the third and fourth being subequally developed and ex- 
serted; (the fifth, generally, nearly corresponding in size and position to 
the second, and, generally, developed—or atrophied—in nearly equal 
degree ;) the articulating phalanges and proximal carpal and tarsal bones 
correspondingly modified. Astragalus with its anterior or inferior articular 
surface divided by a crest into two sub-equal facets. Femur without 
a third trochanter, and with its shaft generally perforated at the fore and 


upper part by the medullary artery. Dorso-lumbar vertebrae, generally, 
nineteen in number (d. 12—15+-1. 7—4.) Skull with the intermaxillary 
bones flattened above towards the symphysis, and with the incisors, when 
present, diverging towards their roots. Stomach more or less subdivided 
er complex: coecum comparatively small and simple. 


II. Digits unpaired or unequal, the third being the largest and most exserted ; 
(the fourth nearly co-equal in size and position with the second; fifth— 
of hind foot, at least,—atrophied;) the articulating phalanges and carpal 
and tarsal bones correspondingly modificd. Astragalus with the anterior 
or inferior articular surface divided into two very unequal facets. Femur 
with a third trochanter, and with its shaft perforated at the back-part by 
the medullary artery. Dorso-lumbar vertebrae not less than twenty-two 
in number (d. 18—19+1. 3—6). Skull with the intermaxillary bones 
tectiform above and united towards the symphysis, and with the incisors, 
when present, implanted subvertically and nearly parallel to their roots. 
Stomach simple: coecum very much enlarged and sacculated. 




Molars (M) attypically each with two double crescentiform folds, whose 
convex surfaces are internal. Canines of lower jaw, attypically, re- 
sembling, and parallel with, incisors; (differentiated and specialized in 
Camelidae). Palatine bones contracted and compressed behind, thin, and 
(at the walls of the posterior nares) separated by a wide sinus from the 
terminal portion of the supramaxillary bones. Digestive system adapted 
for rumination: stomach tripartite, or, attypically, quadripartite, a “ psal- 
terium” being finally developed.—Axis with the odontoid process like 
-a spout, or hollow half-cylinder, and with a prominent sharp semi-circular 
rim. (Flower.)—(Pecora; or, Ruminantia.) 

* Incisors deciduous from upper as well as lower jaws. Canines of lower 
jaw inclined forwards, with compressed cuneate crowns. Placenta and 
stomach unknown. Chalicotheroidea. 

** Incisors persistent in lower jaw. 

A. Hind limbs with the proximal joint (femur) exserted and not contain- 
ed within the common integument. Canines of lower jaw specialized 
and differentiated from incisors. Incisors in part (i. e. lateral) persist- 
ent inupperjaw. Placenta diffuse. Stomach imperfectly quadripartite. 
(Pecora tylopoda s. phalangigrada. ) 
One family. CAMELIDAE. (XXVIIL.) 

B. Hind limbs with the proximal joint (femur) not exserted but inclosed 
within the common integument. Canines of lower jaw similar to and 


parallel with the incisors. Incisors deciduous from upper jaw; per- 
sistent in lower. Placenta and stomach diversiform. (Pecora unguli- 


1. Placenta polycotyledonary. Stomach quadripartite, a well-developed 
psalterium being differentiated. Incisorial series of lower jaw unin- 
terrupted at the symphysis. (Pecora unguligrada typica.) 


Neck very long and slender, the cervical vertebrae (3-7) being 

much elongated: the dorso-lumbar vertebrae comparatively ab- 
breviated and declining backwards, the hinder limbs being shorter 
than, or as short as, the anterior. Horns developed as epiphyses 
of the frontals, and covered with an extension of the skin. (Giraf- 

One family. GIRAFFIDAE. 

b. Neck comparatively more or less short, the cervical vertebrae 
(8—7) being normally developed: the dorso-lumbar vertebrae 
longer, and highest backwards, the hinder limbs being considerably 
longer than the anterior. Horns diversiform. (ooidea.) 


Skull with the auditory bulla produced downwards, especially 
towards the inside, and applied behind to the paroccipital pro- 
cess. Styloid process deflected more or less forwards and en- 
closed in an oblique fold on the outer surface of the auditory 
bulla. Palatine axis declivous from the occipito-sphenoid axis. 
(Booidea typica.) 

a. Horns persistent, (common to both sexes,) and developed as 
sheaths of true ‘‘horn’’ on osseous cores originating from the 
frontal bones. Styloid process partially enclosed in a more or 
less open canal. 

a. 1. Olfactory organ extremely expanded and inflated above: 

nasal bones much abbreviated, arched upwards, and entirely 
separated from the supra-maxillaries as well as lachrymals, 
the frontals projecting between the latter and the nasals. 
Supra-maxillaries and inter-maxillaries reduced and atten- 
uated forwards. Posterior nasal cavity with walls inflated 


. 2. Olfactory organ normally developed: nasal bones elonga- 

ted, straight or declining forwards, and connected by suture 
with the lachrymals, supra-maxillaries and sometimes with 
the inter-maxillaries. Supra-maxillaries and inter-maxil- 

laries well-developed forwards. 

b. Horns deciduous, peculiar to the rutting season, (in both 
sexes, ) developed as pseudocorneous sheaths with agglutinated 
hairs on osseous cores originating from the frontal bones. Sty- 





loid process completely inclosed in a canal by the lateral 

extension of the base of the bony meatus auditorius. 

ii. Skull with the auditory bulla little produced downwards and 
applied only to the inner surface of the paroccipital process. 
Styloid process directed downwards, interposed between the bulla 

‘ and paroccipital process, and not inclosed in an oblique fold of 
the auditory bulla. Palatine axis nearly parallel with the oc- 

cipito-sphenoid axis. (Looidea cerviformia. ) 
One family. CERVIDAE. (XXXIII.) 

2. Placenta diffuse. Stomach tripartite, the psalterium being unde- 
veloped, Incisorial series of lower jaw interrupted at symphysis, (the 
middle incisors very enlarged and expanded towards their crowns.) 

(Pecora unguligrada traguloidea. ) 
One family. TRAGULIDAE. (XXXIV.) 

3. Familiae incertae sedis. 

a. Skull broad behind, in front of the molars contracted forwards, 
with the facial portion produced downwards and abbreviated, and 
with the nasal bones abbreviated and longitudinally arched. 
Molars (M 3, PM 3,) broad; inner crescentic plates of enamel run- 
? ning zig-zag-wise in large sinuous flexures. Horns in two pairs. 

b. Skull with the parietals and supraoccipital extended far back- 
wards, and contracted forwards in front of the molars, with the | 
facial portion normally produced. Molars (M 3, PM 3,) broad; 
inner crescentic plates of enamel describing a simple curve. Horns 

none, (in both sexes ?) 

C. Hind limbs with the proximal joint (femur) not exserted, but inclosed 
within the common integument (Jnferential). Canines of lower jaw 
similar to and parallel with the incisors. Incisors all (I 3-3) persistent 
in upper jaw. (M 3, PM 4,C 1,1 $x2=44.) Placenta diffuse (Jnferen- 
tial). Stomach tripartite, the psalterium being undeveloped (Jnferen- 
Stal). (Pecora dentata.” 

1. Teeth of both jaws in an interrupted series, the canines of the upper 
jaw being enlarged, and the first premolar of the lower caniniform, and 
received in diastemas of the opposite jaw. (Oreodontoidea. ) 

2. Teeth of both jaws in a nearly or quite uninterrupted series, the 
canines and first premolars of neither jaws projecting. (Anoplothero- 

a. Body somewhat cerviform, with the hind limbs little longer than 
the fore, (having the relative length normal to walking quadru- 

peds.) Teeth comparatively uniform. 


b. Body somewhat leporiform, with the hind limbs much longer than 
the fore, (as in the Leporids.) Teeth comparatively differentiated. 


II. Molars (M) attypically tuberculiferous. Canines of lower jaw enlarged 
and often developed as tusks, entirely differentiated and distant. from 
incisors. Palatine bones scarcely contracted behind, thick, and (at the 
walls of the posterior nares) articulated with the terminal portion of the 
supramaxillary bones. Digestive system not adapted for rumination: 
stomach imperfectly septate.—Axis with the odontoid process conical. 
(Flower. )—( Omnivora.) 

A. Body massive, with the feet phalangigrade, and their external (2, 5) 
toes well developed and produced as far as or beyond the first phalanges 
of the middle (3—4) toes; the last phalanges wide and with convex 
margins: manus with unciform bone much broader than high, and with | 
second phalanx wedged between trapezoid and magnum; pes with 
cuboid broader than high. Lower jaw with a deep preangular expansion 
directed forwards. (Snout rounded and with the nostrils open upwards 
and sideways. Mammae two, inguinal.) Obesa. 






Molars of upper jaw with a bow-shaped (convex extrorsely) longitudinal | 
and a straight transverse valley dividing four tubercles, all of which are 
convex introrsely (towards the palate) and concave externally, (thus 

- simulating the teeth of ruminants.) Molars of lower jaw narrower than | 
those of upper, and with the longitudinal valley very narrow: (last 

molar with a supplementary. posterior lobe.) Canines comparatively | 



small and cylindro-conic. (\Jerycopotamoidea.) 

! Molars (M) of upper jaw with nearly straight or irregularly sinuous 
longitudinal and transverse valleys dividing four tubercles, of which | 
the external two are convex extrorsely and the inner two convex in- | 
trorsely (towards the palate.) Molars of lower jaw resembling those | 
of upper, (the last molar with a supplementary posterior lobe.) | 
Canines very large and furrowed along their posterior surface. (Hip- | 
popotamoidea. ) 


B. Body suiform; with the feet unguligrade, and their external toes re- 
duced in size and not produced or assisting in progression; the last 
phalanges elongated and trihedral: manus with the unciform little or 
no broader than deep, and with the second phalanx not wedged be- 
tween the trapezoid and magnum; pes with cuboid deeper than broad 
and emarginated behind. Lower jaw preangular expansion. 
(Snout disciform and with the nostrils in it and open forwards. Mam- 
mae in increased number (4 to 10), ventral as well as inguinal.) Seti- 

Sera. | 


1. True molars of upper jaw with oblong crowns with four or more 
principal sub-conical lobes and accessory smaller ones. 



a. Occipital bone with long deflected styliform paroccipital processes 
in front of the occipital condyles, and emitting transverse internal 
ridges in which are the condyloid foramina. Squamosals with 
their articular processes projecting directly outwards from their 
bases (and thus aloof from the auditory bullae), and with the 
zygomatic processes overlying the malar bones. Pterygoid bones 
twisted and reflected outwards: the crest continued upwards and 
backwards into the temporal region. Articular surface for lower 
jaw transversely concave, antero-posteriorly convex, and with no 
post-glenoid process. Lower jaw with triangular condyles. Canine 
teeth of upper jaw (in males) more or less twisted outwards and 
upwards and parallel with the lower. Back with no dorsal scent 
gland. (Sedifera suiformia.) 

i. Skull with the palato-maxillary axis extremely deflected and 
forming a high angle with the occipito-sphenoidal axis. Basi- 
sphenoid reflected (with a crest uniting with the presphenoid), 
and forming two deep pocket-like cavities. Orbits directed up- 
wards and backwards. Malar bones very deep, and with a short 
inferior process. Dental series aberrant (molars reduced (in old) 
to true (M 1—3) or even last true molar): last or third true molar 
elongated and composed of three longitudinal rows of columnar 
tubercles presenting, when worn, simple oval insular areas. (In- 
cisors, in adults, reduced to 2 (or none) in upper, and sometimes 

none in lower jaw.) 

ii, Skull with the palato-maxillary axis little deflected, and nearly 
parallel with the occipito-sphenoidal axis. Basisphenoid normal, 
and with no bursiform cavities. Orbits directed outwards and 
forwards. Malar bones elongated and with a long inferior pro- 
cess. Dental series normal (M $x2,PM4x2,C 12,13 %2=44): 
molars with corrugated cusps presenting, when worn, deeply 

sinuated insular areas. 

b. Occipital bone with short backward-directed paroccipital processes 
originating sideways from the occipital condyles, and emitting a 
transverse internal ridge continuous with the anterior margin of the 
bone, behind which are the condyloid foramina. Squamosals with 
their articular processes deflected from their bases and bounding 
the outside of the auditory bullae, and with the zygomatic processes 
articulating obliquely with the malar bones. Pterygoid bones 
simply curved outwards: the crest with a crest-like anterior 
process of the squamosal in front of the auditory bullae. Glenoid 
fossa curved and transversely concave, antero-posteriorly concave 
and with a distinct post-glenoid process. Lower jaw with trans- 
verse condyles. Canine teeth of upper jaw simply decurved, very 
acute and trenchant behind. Back with a posterior dorsal scent 
gland. (Setifera dicotyliformia.) 

One family. DICOTYLIDAE. (XLIV.) 


2. True molars of upper jaw,with quadrate crowns, with four principal 
pyramidal and more or less distinctly trihedral lobes, divided by deep 
valleys, not filled up by cement, but, in some genera, interrupted with 
minor tubercles and ridges. (Owen.) Orbits, attypically, with a 
continuous margin behind. Lower jaw, attypically, with a tubercle 

projecting outwards. (Anthracotheroidea.) 


Chalicotherium Kaup., Fale. 


. Genera. 

Camelus Linn, 
Auchenia Ill. 

Extinct Camelidae. 
Merycotherium: Bojanus. 
Poebrotherium Leidy. 
Procamelus Leidy. 
Megalomeryx Leidy. 
Homocamelus Leidy. 
Protomeryx Leidy. 
Merycodus Leidy. 
Camelops Leidy. 
Palauchenia Owen. 

Single genus. 

Giraffa Storr ex. Briss. =Camelopardalis Cuv. 


Saiga Gray. 
(Fide auct. plur.) 

I. Form massive, with the head declined; with the neck abbreviated, the 
third and succeeding vertebrae being much shortened. Legs stout, and 


with the metacarpals and metatarsals little or no longer than the phalanges 
with hoofs. 

A. Molars comparatively broad, without supplemental lobes. The basi- 
occipital bone with its tubercles well developed, and a deep groove 

between them. (Turner.) 

B. Molars comparatively: narrow, with supplemental lobes. The basioc- 
cipital bone broad and flat, with a ridge and a fossa on each side. 

(Turner. ) 

II. Form slender, with the head more or less uplifted; with the neck com- 
paratively lengthened, the third and succeeding vertebrae being not much 
shorter than thick. Legs slender, and with the metacarpals and metatar- 
sals much longer than the phalanges with hoofs. 

1. Horns diversiform (definable by no common characters), conical, 
cylindrical, or compressed; or, sub-angular, with a sub-spiral ridge 

originating at the base anteriorly ; or, variously contorted. 

2. Horns curved backwards, sub-angular, with a rectilinear ridge an- 

teriorly continuous around the convex curve. 

3. Horns curved outwards and forwards or sub-spiral, sub-angular, 

with a rectilinear ridge continuous around the convex curve. 
OVINAE. (5) 


Bos Linn. i 
Bibos Hodgson. 
Bibos sensu strict. Probos Hodgson. 
Bubalus H. Smith. 
Bubalus sensu strict. Syncerus Hodgson. 
Hemibos Fale. (Extinct.) Amphibos Fale. (£ztinct.) 

Anoa Leach. 
Poéphagus Gray. 
Bison H. Smith=Bonasus Wagn. 


Ovibos Blainv. 

Ovibos sensu strict. Bootherium Leidy. (Extinct.) 

(Strepsiceros Turner.) 
Strepsiceros H. Smith. 

Oreas Desm. 
Tragelaphus Blainy. 


§. 2. 
(Gazella Turner. ) 

Pantholops Hodgson, Gray, Gerv. 

Procapra Hodgson. 
Gazella Blainv. 
Tragops Hodgson. 
Antidorcas Sund. 

pyceros Sund. 
Antilope Blainy. 
Tetraceros Leach. 

Calotragus Sund. 
Scopophorus Gray. 
Oreotragus Gray. 

Nesotragus Von Duben. 

Cephalophus H. Smith. 

Nanotragus Sund. 
Pelea Gray. 
Eleotragus Gray. 
Adenota Gray. 
Kobus H. Smith. 

Connochetes Licht. 
Connochetes Gray. 

Alcelaphus Blainv. 

(Antilope Turner.) 
(Cervicapra Turner.) 
( Tetraceros Turner. ) 

(Oreotragus Turner.) 

(Neotragus Turner.) 

( Cephalophus Turner. ) 

(Eleotragus Turner.) 

§. 3. 
( Catoblepas Turner.) 

(Alcelaphus Turner.) 

Damalis H. Smith= Gazella §. Gerv. 

Capricornis Ogilby. 
Nemorhaedus H. Smith. 

Budorcas Hodgson. 

§. 4. 

(Nemorhaedus Turner.) 

(Budorcas Turner.) 

§. 5. 

(Apolceros Turner.) 

Gorgon Gray. 

Mazama Raf., Gray=Aploceros H. Smith=Antilocapra Gerv. 

(Rupicapra Turner.) 

Rupicapra Blainy., Gray= Capella K. and B, 


§. 6. 

Aegoceros H. Smith, Turner=Hippotragus Sund. 
Oryx Blainv., Turner. 
Addaz Gray, Turner. 
Be de 
(Portax Turner.) 
Portax H. Smith. 


Hemitragus Gray. 
Hemitragus Gray. 
Kemas Ogilby, Gray, Gerv. 
Capra Linn. 
Aegoceros (Pall., Gray (p. 147, not p. 142). 
Ibex (Pall.), Gerv.=Capra Gray. 
Capra (Linn.), Gerv.=Hircus Gray. 


Ovis Linn. 

Ovis sensu strict. 

Caprovis Hodgson=Musimon Gray, Gerv. 
Pseudovis Hodgson. 
Ammotragus Blyth. 

Extinct genera. 


Palaeotragus Gaudry. 
Palaeoryx Gaudry. 
Tragoceros Gaudry. 
Palaeoreas Gaudry. 
Antidorcas Gaudry. 

(Bovidae? incertae sedis.) 
Leptotherium Lund. 
Cosoryx Leidy. 


Antilocapra Ord=Dicranoceros H. Smith. 


I. Horns developed. 

A. Canine teeth small or none. 

B. Canine tooth of male enlarged and tusk-like. 
II. Horns not developed. 

A. Canine teeth of male enlarged and tusk-like. 


(Genera fide Sclater.) 

Alces H. Smith. 
§. 2. 
Rangifer H. Smith= Tarandus Ogilby. 
§. 3. 
Dama H. Smith. 
Cervus Linn., Sclater. 
Cervus sensu strict. Sika Hodgson. 
Elaphurus A. M. Edw. Rucervus Hodgson=Panolia 
Rusa Hodgson. Hyelaphus Sand. [Gray. 
Axis Hodgson. Cariacus Gray. 
Blastoceros Sund. Furcifer Sund. 
Coassus Gray. Pudu Gray. 

Capreolus Gray. 

Cervulus Blainv.=Muntjacus Gray=Stylocerus H. Smith=Prox Ogilby. 


Moschus Linn. 
Hydropotes Swinhoe. 

( Cervinae.) 
Megaceros Owen. 

(Cervidae? related to Moschinae?) 
Dremotherium E. Geoff. 
Amphitragulus Pomel= Tragulotherium Croizet. 
Dorcatherium Kaup. 
Leptomeryx Leidy. 


§. 1. 
Tragulus Briss. 
Tragulus sensu strict. Meminna Gray. 
§. 2. 

ITyomoschus Gray. 



Sivatherium Fale. and Cautl. 


Incerte sedis. 

Bramatherium Falc. and Cautl. 


Helladotherium Gaudry. 



A. Orbit complete behind. Lachrymal bone impressed by a well-marked 

fossa. (Leidy.) 

B Orbit incomplete behind. Lachrymal bone with no fossa. (Leidy.) 

Oreodon Leidy=Merycoidodon Leidy=Cotylops Leidy. (Fide Leidy.) 
Merycochoerus Leidy. 

Merychyus Leidy. 

Leptauchenia Leidy. 


Agriochoerus Leidy.=? Eucrotaphus Leidy. 



Anoplotherium Cuv. 
Lurytherium Gervais, 

( Genera fide Turner.) 

Caenotherium Bravard=Oplotherium Laiz. and de Par. 
Dichodon Owen. 

Dichobune Cuv. 

Xiphodon Cuy. 

Anoplotheroidea? incerte sedis. 
Tapinodon vy. Meyer, 1846. 

Choereomeryx Pomel, 1848. 
Aphelotherium Gervais. 

February, 1872. 


Cebochoerus Gervais. 

Zooligus Aymard. 

Diplocus Aymard. 

Hyaegulus Pomel. 

Microtherium y. Meyer=Amphimeryx Pomel. 
Adapis Cuy. 

Homaladotherium Huxl. 


Merycopotamus Fale. and Cautl. 


A. Skull depressed between the orbits and with the frontal sinus ob- 
solete; the orbits prominent above the level of the forehead, and closed 


B. Skull convex between the orbits and with the frontal sinus well 
developed; the orbits depressed below the level of the forehead and 

incomplete behind. 


Hippopotamus Linn.=Tetraprotodon Fale. and Cautl. 

Choeropsis Leidy. 

(ITippopotaminae. ) 
Hexaprotodon Fale. and Cautl. 



Phacochoerus F. Cuy.—Eureodon G. Fisch. 
Extinct genus referred (erroneously?) to Phacochoeridae. 

Calydonius vy. Meyer. 


Babirussa F. Cuvy.=Porcus Wagler. 


Potamochoerus Gray= Choiropotamus Gray. 

Sus Linn. 
Sus Gray. Scrofa Gray. 
Centuriosus Gray=Gyrosus Gray==Ptychochoerus Fitz. 

Porcula Hodgson. 

Extinct genus incerte sedis. 

Hippohyus Fale. and Cautl. 

Dicotyles Cuv. 
Notophorus Gray. 

Platygonus Lec., Leidy.=Hyops Lec.=Protochoerus Lec.=Euchoerus Leidy. (Fide 
Leidy. ) 


A. Premolars of upper jaw in part (PM 4) resembling the true molars, 
and with tubercles in transverse series (+ ley separated by transverse 
vallies; the preceding (PM 3, 2,1) successively more and more differ- 

entiated forwards. 

B. Premolars (PM 4, 3, 2, 1) of upper jaw all differentiated from the true 
molars, and each with a conical crown and a small inner lobe. 

Hyopotamus Owen. 
Bothryodon Aymard=Ancodus Pomel. 

Anthracotherium Cuy. 
Elotherium Pomel. 


Choeropotamus Cuv. 

Palaecochoerus Pomel = Cyclognathus Croizet = Brachygnathus Pomel = Synaphodus 

Choeromorus Lartet. 

Entelodon Aymard. 

Heterohyus Gervais. 

Acotherulum Gervais. 

Choerotherium Fale.=Tetraconodon Fale. 


Titanotherium Leidy. 
Perchoerus Leidy. 
Leptochoerus Leidy. 
Nanohyus Leidy. 


I. Incisors (4? in lower jaw) in part gliriform, the outer having persistent 
pulps, and growing continuously in a circular direction. (Anchippodonto- 


II. Incisors not gliriform. 

1. Middle digit and hoof hypertrophied and alone supporting the body, 
the lateral (second and fourth) digits being more or less atrophied and 
functionless, or (attypically) obsolete (reduced to the condition of 
“splint bones”). Femur with a fossa above the external condyle. 
Skull (attypically) much prolonged forwards. Molars subequal (not 
decreasing forwards) and cuboid; pre-molars (PM 3-4) also enlarged 
(not decreasing forwards) and (except second) cuboid; the second 
(PM 2) elongated; the first milk molar (ID) 1) more or less persistent 
and not replaced by a pre-molar (PM 1); disproportionately small. 
Incisors with a deep invaginated fold of enamel penetrating the in- 
terior from the crown, and producing a central cavity filled with 
cementum. (Solidungula.) 

A. Ulna with the shaft atrophied and the extremities anchylosed and 
consolidated with the radius. Fibula rudimentary and anchylosed 
to the tibia. Skull with the orbit complete behind. Upper molars 
(PM and M)—at least, of secgnd set—with a deep valley re-entering 
from the postrorse portion of the inner side obliquely forwards, and 
(in connection with a more or less deep valley re-entering from the 
introrse portion of the anterior border or the angle) more or less 
isolating an introrse enamel lobe or area, and with two (anterior and 
posterior) crescentic enamel islands. Lower molars (PM 2, M 2) 
with a valley re-entering inwards from the outer wall, one from the 
introrse portion of the anterior wall, and another (terminating in 
anterior and posterior branches) from the posterior portion of the 
inner wall. 


B. Ulna with the shaft complete and moderately developed, and more 
or less differentiated from the radius. Fibula archetypically com- 
plete but archylosed with the tibia. Skull with the orbit incomplete 
behind. Upper molars (PM 3-4 and M) with a deep (anterior) val- 
ley re-entering from the middle of inner side inwards and forwards 



and ending in lateral branches, and with a (posterior) valley re- 
entering from the posterior wall. Lower molars with a V-shaped 
valley re-entering from the outer wall, and two V-shaped vallies, 
re-entering from the inner wall (the crowns having W-shaped 


2. Middle digit and hoof not hypertrophied, and only in connection with 

the lateral supporting the body, the lateral being well developed and 
efficient. Femur without a fossa above the external condyle. Skull 
moderately prolonged forwards. Molars unequal (the first smaller 
than the second), diversiform; pre-molars decreasing in size forwards ; 
first milk molar not persistent, but (generally) replaced by a pre- 
molar (PM 1) of moderate size. Incisors without an invaginated fold 
of enamel penetrating the interior. 

A. Nasal region expanded or thrown backwards, the supramaxillary 
bones forming a more or less considerable portion of the border of 
the nasal aperture; the nasal bones contracted forwards, or atro- 
phied. Molars with crowns traversed by more or less well-defined 
continuous ridges. 

a. Upper molars with a continuous outer wall and without com- 
plete transverse crests. (/hinocerotoidea.) 

aa. Neck abbreviated. Incisor teeth (attypically) reduced in 
number or entirely suppressed. (Jthinocerotoidea rhinoceroti- 


* Skull with the basioccipital comparatively well developed 
behind and narrowed forwards; (with tympanic and periotic 
bones anchylosed and wedged in between the squamosal, ex- 
occipital and other adjacent cranial bones.—Huxley;) with 
the nasal bones produced forwards and more or less arched, 
and meeting an upward developed expansion of the supra- 
maxillary bones. Upper molars with a deep valley extending 
obliquely inwards from the median portion of the inner wall 
and (PM 4, M 1-2) a shallow one extending from the posterior 
wall. Lower molars (PM 2, M3) with two curved transverse 



bb. Neck more or less elongated. Incisor teeth developed in 
normal number (°). (hinocerotoidea macraucheniformia. ) 

* Skull with the basioccipital widened forwards: with the nasal 
bones extremely reduced and above or behind the orbits: the 
supramaxillary bones rectilinear above, arched and approxi- 
mating each other in front of the nasal aperture but separated 
by the extension upward of the vomer? Dental series almost 


continuous: upper posterior molars (M 2, 3) eaci with a shal- 
low valley extending inwards from the anterior portion of the 
inner wall, and with two or three deep depressions in the 
inner half: lower molars (PM 3, M 3) with two (anterior 
and posterior) more or less defined crescent-shaped ridges: 

canines small. 

** Skull with the basioccipital comparatively narrow forwards: 
with the nasal bones produced forwards and terminating in 
a free narrowed surface; the supra-maxillary bones with an 
upward developed expansion (connected with the nasal 
bones) and widely separated above in front. Dental series 
interrupted by wide diastemas: upper molars (PM 2, M 1, 2, 
3) each with a deep valley extending obliquely inwards from 
the median portion of the inner wall and a shallow one ex- 
tending from the angle or posterior wall: lower molars (PM 
2, M 2) with two (anterior and posterior) crescent-shaped 
ridges: canines well developed. 



b. Upper (as well as lower) true molars without a continuous outer 
wall, but (M 2-3, at least,) each with two complete transverse 
crests. (Lophiodontoidea. ) 

1. True molars as well as pre-molars in part (PM 2, 3, 4) nearly 
similar, squarish, and each with the anterior crest marginal, but 
with an anterior cingulum terminating in a cusp at the antero- 
outer angle of the tooth; hindmost molar (M 3) with no posterior 
lobe. Anterior feet with four toes; posterior with three, (in 
known types). 


2. True molars and pre-molars differentiated from each other; the 
former oblong, with the anterior crest remote from the anterior 
margin and continuous with a small crest recurrent from the 
outer wall: hindmost molar with a posterior lobe; (pre-molars 
not bilophodont but with a lobe extending inwards from the 
inner wall). Anterior feet with four (?) toes; posterior with 

three (?). 

B. Nasal region compressed and extended forwards, the supramaxil- 
lary bones excluded from the nasal aperture; the nasal bones 
elongated and extending far forwards, and articulated with the in- 
termaxillary bones. Molars (M 1], 2, 3) of upper jaw each with two 
transverse rows of tubercles (3|3) separated by a transverse valley 
and with a cingulum anteriorly and internally: (lower molars dis- 
similar). (Pliolophoidea.) 






Perissodactyli? incertae sedis. 

Molar teeth of lower jaw with a crenulated longitudinal ridge. Canines and 
incisors wanting. 


Anchippodus Leidy=Trogosus Leidy. 


Equus Linn. 
Asinus Gray. 
Asinus sensu strict. Hippotigris H. Smith. 

Hipparion Christol=Hippotherium Kaup. 
Merychippus Leidy. 
Protophippus Leidy=Hippidion Owen 1870. 

Genera fide Leidy. 

Anchitherium v. Meyer=Hipparithertum Christol. 
Hypohippus Leidy, 1858. 

Parahippus Leidy, 1858. 

Anchippus Leidy, 1868. 


Rhinaster Gray. 
Rhinaster sensu strict. Ceratotherium Gray. 
Rhinoceros Linn. 
Rhinoceros sensu strict. Ceratorhinus Gray. 
Coelodonta Bronn. 
§. 2. 

Acerothirium Kaup. 
Badactherium Croizet. 
Hyracodon Leidy. 



Macrauchenia Owen=Opisthorhinus Bravard. 


Palaeotherium Cuv. 
Monacrum Aymard. 
Propalaeotherium Gervais, 1849. 
Paloplotherium Owen=Plagiolophus Pomel. 



Elasmognathus Gill. 

§. 2. 
Tapirus Linn. 
Rhinochoerus Gray. 


Genera fide Bronn. 

Lophiodon Cuv.=Tapirotherium Blainy. 1817 (not 1846). 

Tapiroporcus Jager, 1835. 

Coryphodon Owen, 1846. 

Listriodon vy. Meyer, 1846= Tapirotherium Lartet 

Pachynolophus Pomel, 1847=Hyracotherium Blainy. 1844 (not Owen, 1840). 

Lophiotherium Gervais, 1849. | 
Tapirulus Gervais, 1850. 
Anchilophus Gervais, 1852. 


Pliolophus Owen. 


Llasmotherium Fischer =? Stereoceros Duvernoy. 

Hyracotherium Owen. 
Stereognathus Owen. 



I. Teeth 44 (M $, PM 4, C 1,1 $2); molars of upper jaw mostly (PM 3-4, 
M 1) oblong, moderately narrowed backwards, with two folds (the ante- 
rior of which is divided) re-entering from the inner side. Incisors three 
on each side, with simple fangs; the first largest, compressed, widely 
separated from its homologue; the second smaller, trihedral; the third 
lateral and behind the second, and rudimentary: molars of lower jaw 
comparatively broad and complex: canines moderate; incisors implanted 

in a curved row. 

Il. Teeth 36 (M 3, PM 4,C $,1 2X2); molars with enamel coat interrupted 
at the anterior and posterior margins ; those of upper jaw mostly (PM 3, 4, 
M 1-3) obliquely triangular, rapidly narrowed backwards, with a single 
simple fold re-entering obliquely forwards from the inner side. Incisors 
of upper jaw two ou each side, but with incisorial crowns, the outer with 
roots of nearly uniform diameter throughout, and describing the segment 
of a circle, (like those of rodents,) and with persistent pulp—(Owen): 
molars of lower jaw narrowed, especially the posterior portions ; canines 
rudimentary ; incisors in a nearly straight line. 


Nesodon Owen. 


Toxodon Owen 



Ayraz Linn. 
Hyrax Gray. Euhyrax Gray. 
Dendrohyrax Gray. 


I. Incisors of upper jaw (1+1) everted, enormously developed and modified 
as cylindro-conie tusks, with roots extending backwards and converging, 


and thus producing a high pre-narial rampart: incisors of lower jaw com- 
paratively small and directed forwards, or entirely absent. Molars suc- 
cessively displacing each other from behind forwards (and therefore no 
pre-molars replacing the deciduous ones), and not more than two (or one) 
fully developed at the same time. Skull abbreviated and enlarged 
obliquely, convex backwards and outwards, and with the occipital con- 

dyles declined. 

II. Incisors of upper jaw atrophied or absent, (and consequently an uninter- 
rupted oval depression occupying the naso-maxillary region): incisors of 
lower jaw (1+1) enlarged, and developed as tusks decurved downwards 
and backwards, and involving the symphysial portion of the jaw. Molars 
vertically developed (with pre-molars replacing the deciduous molars), 
and in considerable number (PM 2, M 3x2) at the same time. Skull 
moderately long, and with the occipital condyles inclined upwards. 





Intermediate molars (D 4, M 1, 2) with an ‘“‘isomerous” ridge formula 
(i. e. with the ridges equal in number in the successive teeth—three to 
five): the ridges attypically continuous: the valleys with a thick deposit 
of cementum. 

II. Intermediate molars (D 4, M 1, 2) with a “hypisomerous” or “anise- 
merous” ridge formula (7. e. with the ridges increasing in number by one 
(‘‘hypisomerous”’) or more (‘‘anisomerous’’) in the successive teeth (e. g. 

D 4’, M 18, M 2° to D 42pm. M 16pm. M 218P™.): the ridges with more or 
less mamumilliform tubercles: the valleys with little or no cementum. 

Elephas Linn=Elasmodon Fale:=Euelephas Fale. 
Loxodonta F. Cuv.=Loxodon Fale. 

Extinct genus. 
Stegodon Fale. 
Extinct. ‘ 
Pentalophodon Fale. 

Mastodon Cuv.=Tetralophodon Falc. 
Tetracaulodon Godman=Trilophodon Fale. 



Dinotherium Kaup. 



I. Tail entire, rounded, and with the vertebrae towards last (7.e. 5+-x); 
sub-cylindrical and destitute of transverse processes. Intermaxillary 
bones with the branches little prolonged backwards and with the anterior 
portion nearly or quite straight. ( Zrichechoidea.) 

IL Tail forked, and with the vertebrae (except the terminal) depressed and 
provided with transverse processes. Intermaxillary bones (attypically) 
with the branches prolonged backwards and with the anterior portion more 
or less deflected. (Halicoroidea.) 

A. Teeth present, and in part at least functionally developed in the adult: 
molars 2 to £2 in number, but rarely present in full complement, the 
anterior being gradually cast; incisors in the upper jaw two (more or less 
prominent) at least in the male. Teeth of the complete series—at. least 
of Trichechidae—M 2-8, C 9,1 2X2; the upper incisors only persistent, 
the others as well as the canines being reabsorbed; molars successively 
increasing in size backwards. 

1. Molars mostly with two or three roots each (generally three-rooted 
above and two-rooted below); and with crowns furnished with obtuse 
tubercles arranged in transverse yoke-like eminences, and in the 
posterior ones with an additional narrower tuberculated yoke behind 

the principal ones. (Srandt.) 

2. Molars with simple hollow roots (not separated from the crowns); 
with crowns furnished with little prominent tubercles, few in number 
(in the anterior teeth simple or double, in the rest three or four) not 
forming yoke-like eminences, and early worn away and disappearing. 


B. Teeth absent. (Intermaxiilary lines with the apical portion produced 
and simulating incisorial teeth. Manducation is only effected by a 
very large palatine cerneous plate, and by another opposed to it and 
covering the very large and elongated symphysis of the lower jaw.— 




Trichechus Linn=Manatus Storr==Ozystomus Fischer, 




Halitherium Kaup, 1838= Haiianassa v. Meyer, 1838. 

Metaxytherium de Christol. Fucotherium Kaup. 
Halitherium Kaup. Pontotherium Kaup. 
Pugmeodon Kaup. Cheirotherium Bruno. 



Halicore Nliger=Dugungus Tiedm=Platystomus Fisch. 



Rhytina Steller=Stellerus Desm.==Nepus Fisch. 


Trachytherium Gervais. 
Prorastomus Owen, 
Anoplonassa Cope. 
Hemicaulodon Cope. 
Crassitherium Van Beneden. 


I. Intermaxillaries expanded forwards, normally interposed between the 
maxillaries, and forming the terminal as well as anterior portion of the 
lateral margin of the upper jaw. Nasal apertures produced more or less 
forwards, and with the nasal bones freely projecting. Teeth of the inter- 
maxillaries apparently in normal number (3+-3), conic; of the maxillaries, 
2- or 3-rooted. 


Il. Intermaxillaries narrowed forwards, forming only the point of the upper 
jaw, and underlaid by the maxillaries, which form the entire lateral alve- 
olar margins of the jaw. Nasal apertures far back, near the vertex, and 
with the nasal bones appressed. Teeth (when present) all single-rooted. 

A. Teeth more or less persistent after birth. Upper jaw without baleen. 
Supramaxillary expanded backwards over the frontal bones, but not 
produced outwards in front of the orbits. Rami of lower jaw united by 


asymphysealsuture. Olfactory organ rudimentary or absent; the nasal 
bones appressed on the frontals and overlapped distally by the meseth- 


B. Teeth absorbed and disappearing before birth. Upper jaw provided 
with plates of baleen. Supramaxillary not expanded backwards over 
the frontal bones, but produced outwards in front of the orbits. Rami 
of lower jaw connected by fibrous tissue, and not by suture. Olfactory 
organ distinctly developed; the nasal bones projecting forwards, and 
not overlapped at their distal ends. 



I. Parietal, frontal, and especially nasal bones elongated. Anterior nares 

open forwards. (Cope.) Aer eee a cectT 

Il. Parietal, frontal, and especially nasal bones abbreviated. Anterior nares 
open far behind. (Cope.) 

Extinct genera. 

Basilosaurus Harl.=Zeuglodon Owen=Polyptychodon Emmons=//ydrarchos Koch. 
_ Durodon Gibbes=Pontogenus Leidy. 

Extinct genera. 
(Fide Copei.) 
Portheodon Cope. 
Squalodon Grat.=Colophonodon Leidy, Cope, 1867. 
Cynorca Cope. ; 
Delphinodon Leidy=Squalodon Cope, 1867. 
Genera? incertae sedis. 

Stenodon Van Ben. 
Saurocetus Gibbes. 

I. Rostrum of skull moderately prolonged, and terminating in a rounded or 
subangulated apex. 

A. Head (generally) rostrated and attenuated, or ledge-like around the 
margin. Skull with the vertex produced forwards. Supraoccipital not 
projecting forwards laterally above the temporal fosse. Frontals visible 


above only as elongated hook-shaped borders produced backwards 
around the maxillaries. (Delphinoidea.) 

1. Lachrymal bones coalesced with the jugals. 

a. Costal cartilages not ossified. The tubercular and capitular 
articulations of the ribs blending together posteriorly. (Flower.) 

al. Maxillary bones with crests null or little developed. Teeth in 
great part with a complete cingulum, or a distinct tubercle at the 
base ofthecrown. Eyemoderate. External respiratory aperture 
transversely crescentiform. 

a2. Maxillary bones with large bony incurved crests. Teeth with- 

out cingulum or tubercle. Eye rudimentary. External respira- 

tory aperture longitudinal. 

b. Costal cartilages firmly ossified. Posterior ribs losing their capitu- 
lar articulation, and only uniting with the transverse processes of 

the vertebre by the tubercle. (Flower.) 

2. Lachrymal bones distinct from the jugals. 

a. Costal cartilages not ossified. The hinder ribs losing their tuber- 
cular, and retaining their capitular articulation with the vertebra. 

(Flower. ) 

B. Head not rostrated or marginated; snout high towards the front 
and projecting beyond the mouth. Skull raised behind and retrorsely 
convex. Supraoccipital projecting forwards laterally to or beyond the 
vertical of the temporal fosse. Frontals visible above as erect triangular 
or retrorsely falciform wedges between the maxillaries and supraoccipital. 

(Physeteroidea. ) 

Il. Rostrum of skull prolonged into a slender, straight beak, the inter- 
maxillary and maxillary bones forming a cylinder, bearing teeth on its 

proximal portion. (Ahabdosteoidea.) 


Inia D’Orb. 

Extinct Iniidae? 
Tretosphys Cope. 
Zarhachis Cope. 
Priscodelphinus Leidy. 

Izacanthus Cope. 
Lophocetus Cope. 

a aa ee a 



Piatanista Cuv. 


I, Neck evident externally, the cervical region being attenuated. Frontal 
area longitudinally expanded ani little depressed. Postorbital process of 
frontal and zygomatic process of squamosal projecting outwards, and the 
latter enlarged and directed forwards. Maxillary with a crest and free 
margin over orbital region. 


li. Neck not evident externally, the cervical region not being differentiated. 
Frontal area abbreviated and declivous. Postorbital process of frontal 
and zygomatic process of squamosal compressed, and the latter compara- 
tively short and oblique. Maxillary with no supraorbital crest. 

1. Digits (second and third) not segmented into more than 5-6 pha- 
langes, each. 

a. Cervical vertebre all distinct. 

b. Cervical vertebr more or less (2 to 7) consolidated. 

2. Digits (second and third) segmented into numerous phalanges. 

Pontoporia Gray=Stenodelphis Gerv. 
Delphinapterus Lac., Lillj.==Beluga Gray. 
Monodon Linn. 

Sotalia Gray. 
Steno Gray. 
Delphinus Linn. 
Clymenia Gray. 
Tursiops Gerv.=Tursio Gray. 
Cephalorhynchus F. Cuy.=Lutropia Gray. 
Lagenorhynchus Gray. 

Electra Gray. Feresa Gray. 

Lucopleurus Gray. Lagenorhynchus Gray. 
Leucorhamphus Lillj.==Delphinapterus Gray (not Lac.) 
Pseudorca Reinh. 
Orca Gray 

Orca sensu strict. Ophysia Gray. 
Orcaella Gray. . 
Phoceiia Gray. 

Phocena sensu strict. Acanthodelphis Gray. 
Neomeris Gray. 
Sagmatias Cope. 


Globiocephalus Gray. 
Globiocephalus sensu strict. Sphaerocephalus Gray. 
Grampus Gray. 

I. Maxillaries with no incurved lateral crests. 

II. Maxillaries with greatly developed incurved crests. 


Ziphius Cuv.=Epiodon Gray. 

Epiodon Gray. Petroryhnchus Gray. 
Mesoplodon Gerv. = Ziphius Gray = Heterodon Blainy. 1816 (not Beauv. 

1800) = Diodon Less. = Aodon Less. = Nodus Wazgl. 

Ziphius Gray. Dolichodon Gray. 

Neoziphius Gray. Dioplodon Gerv. . 
Berardius Duv. 


Anarnacus Lac.=ZlHyperoodon Lac.=Chenocetus Kschr. 
Hyperoodon Gray. Lagenocetus Gray. 

Extinct Ziphiidae. 

Choneziphius Duv. 
Belemnoziphius Hux. 
Placoziphius Van Ben. 
Ziphirostrum Van Ben. 
Aporotus Du Bus. 
Ziphiopsis Du Bus. 
Rhinostodes Du Bus. 


I. Head very large, truncated in front. Blow-hole near the edge of the 
snout. Cerebral cavity declining downwards. Jugal and zygomatic pro- 

cesses of squamosal connected. 

Il. Head moderate, conic in front. Blow-hole frontal. Cerebral cavity 
inclining upwards. Jugal and zygomatic processes of squamosal remote. 
Physeter Linn.= Catodon Gray+ Physeter Gray. 
Physeter sensu strict. Meganeuron Gray. 

Kogia Gray=Euphysetes Wall. 
Callignathus Gill. 


Extinct Physeteridac? 

Orycterocetus Leidy. 
Ontocetus Leidy. 


Extinct genus. 
Rhabdosteus Cope. 


- Skull with the maxillary region slightly arched, and with short baleen 
plates. Rostrum broad at the base, gradually tapering, depressed. Front- 
als with the orbital processes moderately prolonged, broad, and flat on the 
upper surface. (Supramaxillary bones with the posterior margin deeply 
excavated.) Tympanic bones elongated, ovoid. Lower jaw with the coro- 
noid process more or less developed. Cervical vertebra in whole or in 
part separated. Manus narrow, with four digits (first wanting). (Flower. ) 



II. Skull with the maxillary region greatly arched, and with long, narrow 
baleen plates. Rostrum narrow and compressed at the base. Frontals 
with the orbital processes much prolonged, and extremely narrow and 
rounded on the upper surface. (Supramaxillary bones with the posterior 
margins entire.) Tympanic bones broad, rhomboid. Lower jaw with the 
coronoid processes scarcely perceptible. Cervical vertebrze coalesced. 

Manus broad, with five digits. (Flower.) 


I. Throat not plicated. Dorsal fin null. 

II. Throat longitudinally plicated. Dorsal fin developed. 

A. Frontal with the orbital processes much narrowed externally. (Flower.) 
Manus very long, with the four digits segmented into many phalanges. 
Dorsal fin hump-like. 
B. Frontal processes with the orbital processes nearly as broad at the 
outer extremity as the base, or somewhat narrowed. (Flower.) Manus 
moderate, with the four digits having each not more than six phalanges. 

Dorsal fin high, erect, faleate or subfalcate. 

Agaphelus Cope. 
Rhachianectes Cope. 
February, 1872, 


Megapatera Gray. 
Poescopia Gray. 
Eschrichtius Gray. 
Physalus Gray. 
Benedenia Gray. Physalus Gray. 
Cuvierius Gray. 
Sibbaldius Gray, 1866—=Flowerius Lillj. 1867. 
Rudolphius Gray (s. g.), 1866= Sibbaldius Lill}. 1867. 
§. 2. 
Balaenoptera Lac. 
Balaenoptera sensu strict. Swinhoia Gray. 

Extinct genera incertae sedis. 

Cetotherium Brandt. . 
Plesiocetus Van Ben and Gerv. 

(Fide Gray.) 

Balaena Linn. 

Neobalaena Gray. 

Eubalaena Gray. 

Hunterius Gray. 

Caperea Gray. 

Macleayius Gray. 

Extinct Balaenidae? 
Palacocetus Seeley. 











NOVEMBER, 1872. 




Tue following list of families of Fishes has been prepared by Dr. 
THEODORE GILL, at the request of the Smithsonian Institution, to serve 
as a basis for the arrangement of the collection of Fishes of the National 
Museum; and, as frequent applications for such a list have been received 
by the Institution, it has been thought advisable to publish it for more 
extended use. In provisionally adopting this system for the purpose men- 
tioned, the Institution is not to be considered as committed to it, nor as 

accountable for any of the hypothetical views upon which it may be based. 

Secretary, S. I. 
Wasuinoton, October, 1872. 

( iii ) 





= ; 

a : 


I. IntRopuction . 5 ° : : ; . : z 6 
Objects : : . ° 0 : : : : . : 
Status of Ichthyology : : * 5 : A 
Classification . : ; 

Classes (Pisces, Matsipebranghit Hentnenvas) ; 6 ; 
Sub-Classes of Pisces . 5 ; ‘ : 
Orders of Pisces. 5 : : : : ; 
Characteristics and sequences of Primary Groups 5 
Leptocardians . ; ; ; ; : ° ° 
Marsipobranchiates . : c 6 ° 
Pisces . : ; : ; 4 ; 6 4 5 
Rica obianchintes : : ; : : . o 
Ganoidei . ; : 5 é . C ; ; ; : 
Teleost series . : : . : : : 2 : 
Genetic relations and Sequences : 5 : . 
Excursus on the Shoulder Girdle.of Fishes 6 A + 
Excursus on the Pectoral Limb . q : : ; 


On the terms ‘‘High” and “Low”. : : 

Acknowledgments ; : : < : : 
Famiuies or Fisnes (including references to Introduction). 
Class Pisces (1-240) . 5 : ; , : : 
Series Teleostomi s. Branchiata (1-214) . . : 

Sub-Class Teleostei (1-207) xxxvi . 5 : 
Order Plectognathi (1-6) xl F . : : 
Sub-Order Gymnodontes (1-3) . . . 
Sub-Order Ostracodermi (4) 5 : : 
Sub-Order Sclerodermi (5-6) ; 2 
Order Lophobranchii (7-9) xxxix . : : 
Sub-Order Syngnathi (7-8) és ; ; 
Sub-Order Solenostomi (9) . : : 
Order Pediculati (10-13) xli . h 
Order Hemibranchii (133-138) xxxix . ° 
Order Teleocephali (14-180) xxxvi_ . : : 
Sub-Order Heterosomata (14-15) 
Sub-Order Anacanthini s. Jugulares (17-30) 
Sub-Order Acanthopteri (31-129) © : 
Sub-Order Percesoces (130-152) . 3 
Sub-Order Synentognathi (139-140) . . 

; vii 





bo pw h be eR Re ee Be 

mw RP Ww bb Ww 


< . 


Sub-Order Haplomi (141-144) . : i . . 
Sub-Order Isospondyli (145-173) 
Sub-Order Eventognathi (174-178) 
Sub-Order Gymnonoti (179-180) 
Order Seyphophori (181-182) xxxviii 
Order Nematognathi (183-192) xxxvili . . 
Order Apodes (193-204) xxxviii : . : . 
Sub-Order Ichthyocephali (193) . : . . 
Sub-Order Holostomi (194-195) . 5 . 
Sub-Order Enchelycephali (196-198) . . 
Sub-Order Colocephali (199) : ; A 
Order Opisthomi (205-206) xxxix 
Sub-Class Ganoidei (208-214) ix, xxii 3 
Super-Order Hyoganoidei (208-209) xxxi 
Order Cycloganoidei (208) 
Order Rhomboganoidei (209) 
Super-Order Chondroganoidei (210-211) xxx 
Order Chondrostei (210-211) 
Order Selachostomi (211) 
Super-Order Brachioganoidei (212) xxx 
Order Crossopterygia (212) 
Super-Order Dipnoi (213-214) xxx 
‘Order Sirenoidei (213-214) 
Series and Sub-Class Elasmobranchii (215-240) xx 
Super-Order Chimaerae (215) xx : °° 
Order Holocephali (215). 5 : . 
Super-Order Plagiostomi (216-240) xx z 
Order Raiae (216-223) : : ; : 
Sub-Order Masticura (216- 218) : ° 
Sub-Order Pachyura (219-223) . si 
Order Squali (224-240) 5 
Sub-Order Rhinae (224) - : 
_  Sub-Order Galei (225-240) . a c 
Class Marsipobranchii (241-243) xix . : 5 ; 
Order Hyperoartii (241). . . ° : ; 
Order Hyperotreti (242-243) : ° : ; : 
Class Leptocardii (244) xix . . . . . . . 
Order Cirrostomi (244) ‘ ° ° . ° e 

III. BrstiogRAPHY . e e ° ° 

IV. InpEx ° e . ® ° ® ° e ° ° e e 


bo bo bb to 

aAanmnnrnrhkhtPhRr WWWwWNDDNWDPNW Wb WW Wb Ll 





A ist of the families of fishes having long been urgently needed for the 
re-arrangement of the extensive collections of those animals in the Smith- 
sonian Institution, the following has been drawn up. The author has long 
delayed its publication in order to continue his investigations and extend 
them into some more of the many doubtful questions that still involve 
ichthyology, but as such considerations would cause an indefinite post- 
ponement of publication, and as the list itself is desirable as a starting- 
point for renewed investigation, and is, of course, more available in a 
printed form than in manuscript, it is now printed; being printed, its 
publication has been deemed advisable as it may supply to others the 
want that has been experienced by the Smithsonian Institution. That 
it will stand the test of time as to many details is not to be expected. 


Studies in ichthyology have, for the most part, been directed to the ex- 
ternal organization, and the characters of all but the highest groups have 
been chiefly derived from features visible from the exterior, and modifica- 
tions of single organs whose co-ordinations with other modifications, and 
consequently taxonomic values, have not been verified. If a system 
among fishes thus established has proved to be more true to nature than 
analogous ones would be among the mammals, birds, or reptiles, it is 
because so many of the elements of the skeleton, such as the jaws, oper- 
cular bones, suborbitals, scapulars, branchiostegal bones, and rays are 
more or less exposed to view, and the modifications more or less noted, or, 
when concealed, the contrast taken cognizance of. <A classification based 
on superficial features in the fishes is thus, to a considerable degree, the 
expression of skeletal modifications, which are themselves the co-ordinates, 
as experience has shown, of others. For though the characters derived there- 

( vil ) 


from may not always be actually taken cognizance of in the diagnoses of the 
groups, they more or less influence the adoption of groups characterized by 
modifications of such parts. But it is only within certain limits that these 
modifications are indicative of affinity; often, for example, only recalling 
ordinal relations determined by the number of the bones and their devel- 
opment. If, in many other cases, the nearer relations of forms have been 
correctly inferred, it is rather from the tact which practice confers on the 
student and the suggestions furnished by modifications which may be of 
slight moment apparently, but which, on account of eccentricity or other 
cause, strike the observer and often yield true clews to affinities. It is 
logically, although the premises might be strenuously disavowed, the result 
of a quasi-adoption of the doctrine of evolution, and the assumption that 
certain characteristics peculiar to and common (but perhaps only in part) 
to certain forms, especially when non-adaptive, are indicative of community 
of origin, and therefore of immediate affinity. Such combinations are 
often indefinable at first, but are frequently justified finally on a complete 
study of the anatomy. But those combinations, when not definable, cannot 
be considered as established, and are deservedly open to suspicion. The 
author for many years has been collecting the skeletons and especially the 
skulls of fishes, and their study has assured him of the affinities of many 
forms whose relations would otherwise have been very doubtful. He has 
meanwhile been anticipated in the announcement of certain of the results 
of his studies by Prof. Cope, who has been fortunate in being able to 
avail himself of the largest collection of skeletons of fishes known to exist. 


At a future time the views of the author respecting the principles of 
classification and their application to the fishes will be published in detail. 

At present, it need only be stated that he entirely concurs with Prof. 
Cope in the view that under the general term “ Fishes,” three perfectly 
distinct classes (Pisces, MARSIPOBRANCHII, and LEprocaRDI) are con- 
founded, and he is inclined to agree with Prof. Hackel in the recognition 
of even wider and certainly more obvious gaps between the typical fishes 
and the two inferior classes than between any other contiguous classes of 
vertebrates, but he cannot, with the latter naturalist, admit the title of the 
Dipnoi to classical rank. As he urged in 1861,‘ the Dipnoi and Polyp- 
terids (Crossopterygia, Huxley) exhibit so many characters in common 
that they cannot be very widely separated, and are not even entitled to 
subelassical distinction. 

1 Ginn (Theodore Nicholas). Catalogue of the Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North 
America, » - ». [Philadelphia, The Academy of Natural Sciences, 17C1,] pp. 12-20. 

ll iat la ee 


The classes thus recognized may be distinguished as follows, the char- 
acters used, however, being supplemented by many others :— 
I. Skull more or less developed, with the notochord not continued forwards beyond 
the pituitary body. Brain differentiated and distinctly developed. Heart 
developed and divided at least into an auricle and ventricle. 

A. Skull well developed, and with a lower jaw. Paired fins developed (some- 
times absent through atrophy); and with a shoulder girdle! (lyriform or 
furcula-shaped, curved forwards and with its respective sides connected 
below?), and with pelvic elements. Gills not purse-shaped. 


B. Skull imperfectly developed and with no lower jaw. Paired fins unde- 

veloped, with no shoulder girdle nor pelvic elements. Gills purse-shaped. 

II. Skull undeveloped, with the notochord persistent and extending to the anterior 

end of the head. Brain not distinctly differentiated. Heart none. 


The most diverse views have been urged within the last few years in re- 
gard to the combination into major groups or subclasses of the orders of 
the true fishes, Profs. Kner,? Owen,* Liitken,* and Cope® on the one hand 
combining the Teleosts and Ganoids into one group or more closely ap- 

' The shoulder girdle of the Elasmobranchiates appears to be homologous with the 
paraglenal or coracoid elements (vide postea) of the specalized fishes, the proscapula 
of the latter having been apparently first developed by exostosis in the Ganoids, and 
finally become preponderant while the paraglenal became proportionately reduced. 

2 This character distinguishes the class Pisces from the Batrachia. 

3 Kyer (Rudolph). Betrachtungen iiber die Ganoiden, als natiirliche Ordnung. 
- +. <Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.— 
Mathematisch—Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, b. 54,1. abth., 1866, pp. 519-536. 

Prof. Kner concludes with the expression of belief that the Ganoids do not form a 
homogeneous group, and should not, therefore, be retained in the system, and that, 
far from being an improvement, the introduction of the group was a hindrance to 
the progress of Ichthyology. 

‘ Owen (Richard). On the Anatomy of Vertebrates, v. I, 1866, p. 7; also, v. III, 
1868, p. 854 (Zoological Index). 

The fishes (Pisces) are divided (in v. I.) into (1) Subclass I. Dermoprerr (includ- 
ing Pharyngobranchii and Marsipobranchii) ; (2) Subclass II. Tenzostom; (3) Sub- 
class III. Puacrosromr; (4) Subclass IV. Drenoa: Subclass V. Monopnoa is equivalent 
to the class Reprinta elsewhere (p. 6) admitted by him. 

In the Zoological Index, the author reverses the sequence, and designates the 
“Dipnor’ as a simple order (order Protopteri), placing it at the head of the class 

§ LurKen (Christian). Prof. Kner on the Classification of the Ganoids. - «+. 
<The Geological Magazine (London), v. 5, 1868. 


proximating them, while, on the other hand, Dr. Giinthert has contended 
for the union of the Ganoids, Dipnoans, and Elasmobranchiates into one 
subclass, for which he has proposed the name PALAEICHTHYES. 

Om Ganoidernes Begrendsning og Inddeling, - - - ant Videnskabilige 
Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjébenhavn, for Aaret 1868, 1869, 

. 1-82. 
af On the limits and classification of the Ganoids. - - - . <Annals and 
Magazine of Natural History, (London), 4th series, v. 7, 1871, pp. 329-339. 
Dr. Liitken attaches primary importance to (1) the freedom or attachment of the 
gills, and (2) the communication of the air bladder with the intestinal canal or ex- 

clusion therefrom. 
He subordinates the subdivisions as follows :— 

Subclass A. Teneoster s. ELEUTHEROBRANCHII. i 
Order 1. Physoclisti s. Acanthoptert. 
Order 2. Physostomi s. Malacopteri. 
Suborder a. Typici (including Cycloganoidei). 
Suborder 6. Ganoidei. 
Suborder c. Sturiones. 
Suborder d. Protopteri. 
Subclass B. Cuonprostsi s. DESMOBRANCHII, 
Order 3. Selachit. 
Order 4. Cyclostomt. 
Order 5. Branchiostomi. 
Incertae sedis. 
Order 6. Placodermi. 

The above subclass Teleostei is equivalent to the order Brancliiata of Pallas, and 
the subclass Telostomi of Owen; the subclass Chondrostei, to the class Ichthyodera 
of Geoffroy St. Hilaire, the order Spiraculata of Pallas, and the order Placoidei of 

6 Cope (Edward Drinker). Observations on the Systematic relations of the Fishes, 
<The American Naturalist (Salem), v. 5, 1871, pp. 579-593; also, 
(somewhat modified) < Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science, 1871 (1872), pp. 317-343. 
Prof. Cope’s primary divisions or subclasses of the class Pisces are as follows :— 

Subclass HoLocEPHA.i. 
Subclass SELAcHII. 
Subclass Dipnoi. 
Subclass CrossoprEeryGia. 
Subclass ActTrnoprERt. 
Tribe Chondrostei. 
Tribe Physostomi. 
Order Ginglymodi (Lepidostetdae). 
Order Halecomorphi (Amiidae). 

The succeeding orders of Physostomi and the Physoclysti are all Teleosteans of 

' Giinther (Albert C. L. G.). The new Ganoid fish (Ceratodus) recently discovered 
in Queensland. <Nature, (London,) v. 4, 1871, pp. 406-408, 428-429, (447). 


The author, after a careful review of the subject, is compelled to agree 
with Messrs. Kner, Owen, Liitken, and Cope in the closer combination of 
the Teleosts, Ganoids, and Dipnoans and the contradistinction of the 
united group from the Elasmobranchiates, and is even disposed to admit 
that the range of variation in the Ganoid series is so great that less differ- 
ence appears to exist between the most teleosteoid Ganoids (e. g., Amia) 
and the Teleosteans than between them and the most generalized Ganoids 
(e. g., Polypterus and Acipenser). But, notwithstanding this, the estab- 
lishment by Johannes Miiller of the subclass for which he adopted the 
name Ganoidei appears to have been one of the most important in the 
history of Ichthyology, as it was the expression of the discovery of char- 
acters which undoubtedly indicate affinity, and, however much _ recent 
Ichthyologists have dissented from him as to the boundaries of groups, all 
have left the Ganoids in immediate juxtaposition to each other, and have 
chiefly differed from him as to the point where the primary division should 
be established, whether on one side or other of the Miillerian Ganoids. 

In the following list of families, the three subclasses of true fishes estab- 
lished by Miller are still retained, but are combined under two series, 
TELEOsTOMI (Owen) and ELasmMosprancuit (Bon., Miill.), and the several 
superorders are distinguished among the Ganoids. For while the author 
is prepared to admit that the extremes of the Ganoids are more dissimilar 
than one of those extremes and the typical physostome Teleosts, it is not 
yet apparent that the relations between the Ganoids and Teleosts are as 
intimate as those between the contiguous orders of the latter series. 


After a recent review of the various proposals for the modification of 
the system by various authors, and due examination of the animals them- 
selves, the author is compelled to retain the orders of Teleosts adopted in 
the classification proposed by him in 1861, suppressing, however, the (then 

Description of Ceratodus, a genus of Ganoid Fishes, recently discovered in 
rivers of Queensland, Australia. . ... < Philosophical Transactions of the 
Royal Society of London, v. 161, 1872, pp. 511-571, pl. 30-42. 

Dr. Giinther recognizes only two orders among Paleichthyes, viz:— 

Fourth subclass: PAL#ICHTHYES. 

Order 1. Chondropterygit. 
Suborder 1. Plagiostoma. 
Suborder 2. Holocephala. 

Order 2. Ganoidei. 
Suborder 1. Amioidei. 
Suborder 2. Lepidosteoidei. 
Suborder 3. Polypteroidei. 
Suborder 4. Chondrostei. 
Suborder 5. Dipnoi. 


so stated) provisional order Lemniscati (which, as he subsequently urged," 
was a heterogeneous group based upon the larvae of other fishes but pri- 
marily those of Muraenidae), and adopting among the Teleost series the 
orders OpisrHomI, HeMipraNncuu, and ScypHorHort (Cope), the last 
of which was subsequently approximated by the author® to the NEMATOG- 
NATHI, a view since confirmed by Prof. Cope. 

All the orders thus adopted, so far as considerable material indicate, 
appear to be well distinguished by peculiarities of the skeleton and the 
nervous system. The peculiarities of the skeleton are expressed in the 
skull, (1) especially in the varying combinations of the elements which 
compose the cranial box, as well as (2) the palato-pterygoid system, and 
(3) the suspensorium of the lower jaw, while in (4) the modifications of 
the shoulder girdle, other excellent characters are found. These are to a 
greater or less extent co-ordinated with and confirmed by (5) the develop- 
ment of the brain, especially the internal structure of the optic lobes and 
the relations of the various parts. These characters certainly seem to be 
of more importance than the development of some of the bones that sustain 
the fins as (pro) rays or as (con) spines, and as there is no co-ordination 
between the latter developments and other modifications of structure, the 
groups so distinguished must be admitted to have a very unsatisfactory 
basis. And surely it is rather illogical to urge that other characters are 
of little importance because they do not coincide with the structure of the 
fin-rays, for the question at issue is taken for granted. But so wedded 

' Gitt (Theodore Nicholas). On the Affinities of several doubtful British Fishes, 

< Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 

1864, pp. 207-208 ; reprented (in part). <Annals and Magazine of Natural 
History, 3d series, v. 15, 1864, p. 4. 

Dr. Giinther subsequently endorsed these views in general (v. 8, p. 137), but hav- 
ing mistaken the tenor of the remarks of the author, has afterwards stated, in respect 
to Stomiasunculus, that he “‘cannot agree with Mr. Gill, who compares this fish to a 
larval Clupeoid” (v. 8, p. 145). It will be evident, however, on reperusal, that I by 
no means meant to suggest that Stomiasunculus had any affinity with Clupeoids, 
the statement being that “ Stomiasunculus resembles, in general features, a less 
advanced [than Hsunculus] Clupeoid, about three days old, in which the ventral fins 
have not yet appeared.’’ The comparison of the form in question with the larval 
Clupeoid was evidently simply to verify the probability of the immature condition 
of Stomiasunculus, but the true affinities were sought for elsewhere. It was added, 
“suspicion, however, may be entertained that it may, perhaps, be the young of some 
other type (possibly Stomiatoids), on account of the backward position of the dorsal fin.” 
Such is also the opinion of Dr. Giinther himself, who remarks that “this is evidently 
the young of Stomias or of a fish very closely allied to it.’’ More than this, the evi- 
dence would not authorize. 

2 Ginn (Theodore Nicholas). Synopsis of the Fishes of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 
Bay of Fundy, - - -. <The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist (Montreal), 
2d series, v. 2, 1864, p. 262. 5 


is the mind generally to impressions early received or which have become 
current, that insensibly the premises in dispute are assumed and results 
viewed with preconceptions reflected from the assumed premises. , 

But at the same time, caution must be exercised lest too great impor- 
tance is attached to the minor modifications. For example, the great 
frontal bone in the Gadinae and near related’, subfamilies is single, as in 
many other fishes, but in the subfamily Lotinae and in the family Mer- 
luciidae, two entirely separate bones exist instead. Again, the inferior 
pharyngeal bones are generally distinct in the Teleocephali, but in several 
families they are united more or less early, and, in the extreme forms, 
very soon, losing all trace of suture, and the eminent Johannes Miiller 
was led to separate the forms so distinguished from other fishes as a 
distinct order (Pharyngognathi); that such a combination, however, was 
somewhat hasty is demonstrable, independently of hypothetical considera- 
tions as to the values of characters by certain facts. First, the combination 
thus formed was a heterogeneous one, definable by no other internal or 
external common characters, and composed of forms which respectively 
agreed in structure, in all other respects, in the closest manner with other 
widely separated types, and thus the character became tainted with suspi- 
cion. Second, in another form (Haploidonotus) agreeing (generically) in 
almost all details—and very characteristic ones moreover—with forms 
(Sciaenidae) possessed generally of entirely separated bones, the pharyngeal 
bones were found united as entirely as, and even more so than, in typical 
Pharyngognathi of Miller, and it thus became evident that per se a com- 
bination based on such a character would violently divorce forms from their 
natural allies, and it was equally evident that the character itself was one 
liable to recur in very dissimilar groups, and not even having the advan- 
tage of being a technical expression of a natural group. 

With these remarks, examination may be made of the various orders of 
fishes that have been adopted, commencing with those forms that appear 
to be the most generalized or least removed from the Ganoids: the sequence 
herein adopted is the most convenient for present purposes, and is also 
believed to be a tolerably close exponent of nature. 

But as it will be necessary to make use of some elements concerning 
which much difference of opinion prevails among anatomists, the author 
deems it advisable to digress in order to examine into the merits of the 
questions in dispute, and present his reasons for the nomenclature subse- 
quently adopted. 


Few problems involving the homologies of bones in the vertebrate 
branch have been in so unsatisfactory a condition as that respecting the 


shoulder girdle and its constituents in fishes. But the recent observa- 
tions of Bruhl, Gegenbaur, and Parker have thrown a flood of light upon 
the subjeet. Some minor questions, however, appear still to be unsettled; 
the writer, at least, has not been able to convince himself of the correctness 
of all the identifications, and of the names conferred as expressions thereof. 
Recent study has increased such doubts respecting the applicability of 
former nomenciatures, and has led to conclusions different from those 
announced by previous investigators. 

The following are assumed as premises that will be granted by all 
zootomists :— 

1. Homologies of parts are best determinable, ceteris paribus, in the 
most nearly related forms. 

2. Identifications should proceed from a central or determinate point 


The applications of these principles are embodied in the following 
conclusions :— 

1. The forms that are best comparable and that are most nearly related 
to each other, are the Dipnoi,’an order of fishes at present represented by 
Lepidosiren, Protopterus, and Ceratodus, and the Batrachians as repre- 
sented by the Ganocephala, Salamanders, and Salamander-like animals. 

2. The articulation of the anterior member with the shoulder girdle 
forms the most obvious and determinable point for comparison in the rep- 
resentatives of the respective classes. 


The proximal element of the anterior limb in the Dipnoi has, almost by 
common consent, been regarded as homologous with the Humerus of the 

higher vertebrates. 

The humerus in the Urodele Batrachians, as well as the extinct Gano- 
cephala and Labyrinthodontia, is articulated chiefly with the coracoid. 
Therefore, the element of the shoulder girdle with which the humerus 
of the Dipnoi is articulated, must also be regarded as the Coracorp 
(subject to the proviso hereinafter stated), unless some specific evidence 
can be shown to the contrary. No such evidence has been produced. 

The scapula in the Urodele and other Batrachians is entirely or almost 
wholly excluded from the glenoid foramen, and above the coracoid. 
Therefore, the corresponding element in Dipnoi must be the Scapuna. 

‘ Parts affected by teleological modifications may be excepted. 




The other elements must be determined by their relation to the preced- 
ing, or to those parts from or in connection with which they originate. 

All those elements in immediate connection’ with the pectoral fin and 
the scapula must be homologous as a whole with the coraco-scapular 
plate of the Batrachians,—that is, it is infinitely more probable that they 
represent as a whole or as dismemberments therefrom the coraco-scapular 
element than that they have independently originated. 

But the homogeneity of that coraco-scapular element forbids the identi- 
fication of the several elements of the Fishes’ shoulder girdle with regions 
of the Batrachian’s coraco-scapular plate. 

And it is equally impossible to identify the fishes’ elements with those 
of the higher reptiles or other vertebrates which have developed from the 
Batrachians. The elements in the shoulder girdles of the distantly sep- 
arated classes may be (to use the terms introduced by Dr. Lankester) ho- 
moplastic, but they are not homogenetic. 

Therefore, they must be named accordingly. 

The element of the Dipnoan’s shoulder girdle, continuous downwards 
from the scapula, and to which the coracoid is closely applied, may be 
named Ecrocoracorp. 


Neither the scapula in Batrachians nor the cartilaginous extension 
thereof, designated Suprascapula, is dissevered from the coracoid. 

Therefore, there is an @ priori improbability against the homology with 
the scapula of any part having a distant or merely ligamentous connection 
with the humerus-bearing element. 

Consequently, as an element better representing the scapula exists, the 
element named scapula (by Owen, Giinther, etc.) cannot be the homologue 
of the scapula of Batrachians. 

On the other hand, its more intimate relations with the skull and the 
mode of development indicate that it is rather an element originating 
and developed in more intimate connection with the skull. 

It may therefore be considered, with Parker, as a PosTTEMPORAL. 


The shoulder girdle in the Dipnoi is connected by an azygous differen- 
tiated cartilage, swollen backwards. 

It is more probable that this is the homologue of the SteRNuM of Ba- 
trachians, and that in the latter, that element has been still more differen- 
tiated and specialized than that it should have originated de novo from 
an independently developed nucleus. 

' The so scapula and suprascapula of most authors are excluded from this connec- 


The homologies of the elements of the shoulder girdle of the Dipnoi 
appear then to be as follows :— 

Nomenclature Adopted. Owen. Parker. Gunther. 
HuMeErvs. | Humerus. Humerus. Forearm. 
CoRAcorp } 

(or PARAGLENAL).! Scapula. Humeral cartilage. 
SCAPULA. | Supraclavicle. 

| | Coracoid. Coracoid.+ 

Ecrocoracoip Clavicle. 

(or Coracorp) ? 
STERNUM. Epicoracoid. Median cartilage. 
PostTEMPORAL. Scapula. Posttemporal. Suprascapula. 


Proceeding from the basis now obtained, a comparative examination of 
other types of Fishes succéssively removed by their affinities from the 
Lepidosirenids may be instituted. 


With the humerus of the Dipnoans, the element in the Polypterids 
(single at the base but immediately divaricating, and with its limbs bor- 
dering an intervening cartilage which supports the pectoral and its basilar 
ossicles) must be homologous. 

But it is evident that the external elements of the so-called carpus of , 
teleosteoid Ganoids are homologous with that element in Polypterids. 

Therefore, those elements cannot be carpal, but must represent the 

1 Gelenkstelle der Brustflosse am primiren Schulterknorpel.—Gegenbaur. 

2 Clavicula.—Gegenbaur. 

3 Verbindungsstelle des beiderseitigen Schulterknorpels.—Gegenbaur. 

Prof. Gegenbaur regards the median cartilage as a dismemberment of a common 
cartilage, the upper division of which receives the pectoral limb, while the lower 
unites with the corresponding dismemberment of the opposite side and forms the 
median cartilage. 

4The suture separating the “coracoid” into two portions has been observed by 
Dr. Giinther, but he could “not attach much importance to this division.” 



The element with which the homologue of the humerus, in Polypterids, 
is articulated must be homologous with the analogous element in Dipnoans, 
and therefore with the Coracorp. 

The Coracoid of Polypterids is also evidently homologous with the 
corresponding element in the other Ganoids, and the latter consequently 
must be also CORACOID. 

It is equally evident, after a detailed comparison, that the single Cora- 
coid element of the Ganoids represents the three elements developed in the 
generalized Teleosts (Cyprinids, etc.) in connection with the basis of the 
pectoral fin, and such being the case, the nomenclature should correspond. 
Therefore, the upper element may be named Hypercoracorp; the lower, 
Hypocoracoim; and the transverse or median, MEsocoracorD. 

(PRoscaPuLa, or united ScapuLa and Ecrocoracor.) 

The two elements of the arch named by Parker, in Lepidosiren, “supra- 
clavicle” (= scapula), and “clavicle” (= ectocoracoid) seem to be com- 
parable together, and as a whole with the single element carrying the 
humerus and pectoral fin in the Crossopterygians (Polypterus and Cala- 
moichthys) and other fishes,! and therefore not identical respectively with 
the “‘supraclavicle” and “clavicle” (except in part) recognized by him in 
other fishes. 

As this compound bone, composed of the scapula and ectocoracoid fused 
together, has received no name which is not ambiguous or deceptive in its 
homological allusions, it may be designated as PROoscAPULA. 

The posttemporal of the Dipnoans is evidently represented by the anal- 
ogous element in the Ganoids generally, as well as in the typical fishes. 
The succeeding elements (outsidé those already alluded to) appear from 
their relations to be developed from or in connection with the posttem- 
poral, and not from the true scapular apparatus; they may therefore be 

! Dr. Giinther (Phil. Trans., v. 161, p. 531) has observed, respecting the division 
in question in Lepidosiren and Ceratodus: “I cannot attach much value to this divi- 
sion; the upper piece is certainly not homologous with the scapula of Teleostean 
fishes, which is far removed from the region of the pectoral condyle.” 

October, 1872. 2 


The homologies of the elements of the girdle of Dipnoans with those 
of other fishes, and the added elements in the latter will be as follows :-— 

Cuvier. | Owen. | Gegenbaur. | Parker. 
LL aanemenee aaea| —_—_—_—_ eo — See 
ACTINOSTS. Os du carpe. Carpal. ee der |BPrachial. 
or PARAGLENAL. Simple in Dipnoi and Ganoidei 
Hyrercoracorp.|Radial. Ulna. Oberes Stiick Scapula. 
Mesocornacorp. |Troisiéme os de |’ Humerus. Spangenstiick. |Precoracoid. 
avant bras qui 
porte Pnageoire 
pectorale. } 
Hyrocoracoip. |Cubital. Radius. Vorderes Stiick (Coracoid. 
Proscapu.a.! Humeéral. Coracoid. Clavicula. Clavicle. 
ScAPuULA. iff : : ; 3 
Gece aa Couw! \ Differentiated only in Dipnoi. 
STERNUM. Differentiated in Dipnoi. 
PostTEMPORAL. Suprascapulaire. Suprascapula. Supraclaviculare |Posttemporal. 
PosTEROTEMPORAL.|Scapulaire. Scapula. Supraclaviculare Supraclavicle. 
TELEOTEMPORALS. |Os coracoidien. /Clavicle. Accessorisches Postclavicles. 

Ee ————— ee 

It will be thus seen that the determinations here adopted depend mainly 
(1) on the interpretation of the homologies of the elements with which 
the pectoral limbs are articulated, and (2) on the application of the term 
“eoracoid.” The name “coracoid,” originally applied to the process so 
called in the human scapula, and subsequently extended to the independent 
element homologous with it in birds and other vertebrates, has been more 
especially retained (e.g., by Parker in Mammals, ete.) for the region in- 
cluding the glenoid cavity. On the assumption that this may be preferred 
by most zootomists, the preceding terms have been applied. But, if the | 
name should be restricted to the proximal element, nearest the glenoid — 
cavity, in which ossification commences, the name PARAGLENAL given by 

1 The name scapula might have been retained for this element as it is (if the views 
here maintained are correct) homologous with the entire scapula of man, less the 
coracoid and glenoid elements, but the restricted meaning has been 80 universally 
adopted that it would be inexpedient now to extend the word. 


Duges to the cartilaginous glenoid region can be adopted, and the cora- 
coid would then be represented (in part), rather by the element so named 
by Owen. That eminent anatomist, however, reached his conclusion (only 
in part the same as that here adopted) by an entirely different course of 
reasoning, aud by a process, as it may be called, of elimination ; that, is, 
recognizing first the so-called ‘‘radius” and “ulna,” the “humerus,” the 
“scapula,” and the “coracoid” were successively identified from their rela- 
tions to the elements thus determined, and because they were numerically 
similar to the homonymous parts in higher vertebrates. 

The detailed arguments for these conclusions, and references to the views 
of other authors, will be given in a future memoir. I will only add here 
that these homologies seem to be fully sustained by the relations of the 
parts in the generalized Ganocephalous Batrachians (Apateon or Archego- 
saurus, etc.). 


Returning now to the consideration of tne primary classification of 
Fishes, the results are submitted, in brief, of inquiries thus far instituted 
into the limits, characters, and relations of the orders and including groups. 

While among the Mammals, there is almost universal concurrence as to 
the forms entitled to the first as well as the last places, naturalists differ 
much concerning the “highest” of the ichthyoid vertebrates, but are all of 
one accord respecting the form to be designated as the “lowest.” With 
that admitted lowest form as a starting-point, inquiry may be made re- 
specting the forms which are successively most nearly related. 


No dissent has ever been expressed from the proposition that the Lepto- 
cardians (Branchiostoma) are the lowest of the Vertebrates; while they 
have doubtless deviated much from the representatives of the immediate 
line of descent of the higher vertebrates, and are probably specialized con- 
siderably, in some respects, in comparison with those vertebrates from 
which they (in common with the higher forms) have descended, they un- 
doubtedly have diverged far less, and furnish a better hint as to the proto- 
vertebrates than any other form. 

Equally undisputed is it that most nearly related to the Leptocardians 

1 One eminent authority appears to think that the Cetaeeans are the lowest and 
most differentiated of Mammals, and, as a matter of fact, no one, it is presumed, 
would dispute the proposition that the differences are more obvious, but they are 
teleological, and not merphological ; therefore, and in view of the gradation between 
them and normal quadrupeds furnished by extinct types, naturalists are almost 
agreed in denying the characters in question a taxonomic value equal to that accorded 
to the differences exhibited by the Monotremes. 


are the Marsipobranchiates (Lampreys, etc.), and the tendency has been 
rather to overlook the fundamental differences between the two, and to ap- 
proximate them too closely, than the reverse. 


But here unanimity ends, and much difference of opinion has prevailed 
with respect to the succession in the system of the several sub-classes (by 
whatever name called) of true Fishes, (1) some (e. g. Cuvier, J. Miiller, 
Owen, Liitken, Cope) arranging next to the lowest, the EKlasmobranchiates 
and, as successive forms, the Ganoids and Teleosteans, (2) while others (e. g. 
Agassiz, Dana, Duméril, Giinther) adopt the sequence Leptocardians, Mar- 
sipobranchiates, Teleosteans, Ganoids, and Hlasmobranchiates. The source 
of this difference of opinion is evident, and results partly from metaphysical 
or psychological considerations, and partly from those based (in the case 
of the Ganoids) on real similarities and affinities. 


The evidence in favor of the title of the Elasmobranchiates to the ‘“ high- 
est” rank is based upon, (1) the superior development of the brain; (2) 
the development of the egg, and the ovulation; (3) the possession of a 
placenta; and (4) the complexity of the organs of generation. 

(1) It has not been definitely stated wherein the superior development 
of the brain consists, and as it is not evident to the author, the vague 
claim can only be met by this simple statement : it may be added, however, 
that the brains comparable in essentials and most similar as a whole to 
those of the Marsipobranchiates, are those of the Sharks. In answer to 
the statement that the Sharks exhibit superior intelligence, and thus con- 
firm the indications of cerebral structure, it may be replied that the impres- 
sion is a subjective one, and the author has not been thus influenced by his 
own observations of their habits. Psychological manifestations, at any rate, 
furnish too vague criteria to be available in exact taxonomy 

(2) If the development of the eggs, their small number, and their invest- 
ment in cases, are arguments in favor of the high rank of the Elasmobran- 
chiates, they are also for the Marsipobranchiates, and thus prove too much 
—or too little—for the advocates of the view discussed. The variation in 
number of progeny among true Fishes (e. g., Cyprinodonts, Embiotocids) 
also demonstrates the unreliability of those modifications per se. 

(8) The so-called placenta of some Elasmobranchiates may be analogous 
to that of Mammals, but that it is not homologous (7. e., homogenetic) is 
demonstrable from the fact that all the forms intervening between them 
and the specialized placental mammals are devoid of a placenta, and by the 
variation (presence or want) among the Elasmobranchiates themselves. 

(4) The organs of generation in the Elasmobranchiates are certainly 


more complex than in most other Fishes, but as the complexity results from 
specialization of parts sui generis, and different from those of the higher 
(quadruped) vertebrates, it is not evident what bearing the argument has. 
If it is claimed simply on the ground of specialization, irrespective of homo- 
logical agreement with admitted higher forms, then are we equally entitled 
to claim any specialization of parts as evidence of high rank, or at least 
we have not been told within what limits we should be confined. The 
Cetaceans, for example, are excessively specialized Mammals, and, on 
similar grounds, would rank above the other Mammals and Man; the Aye- 
aye exhibits in its dentition excessive specialization and deviation from the 
primitive type (as exhibited in its own milk teeth) of the Primates, and 
should thus also rank above Man. It is true that in other respects the 
higher Primates (even excluding man) may be more specialized, but the 
specialization is not as obvious as in the cases referred to, and it is not evi- 
dent how we are to balance trrelative specializations against each other, 
or even how we shall subordinate such cases. We are thus compelled by 
the reductio ad absurdum to the confession that ¢rrelative specialization of 
single organs is untrustworthy, and are fain to return to that better method , 
of testing affinities by the equation of agreement in whole, and after the 
elimination of special teleological modifications. 

The question then recurs, What forms are the most nearly allied to the 
Marsipobranchiates, and what show the closest. approach in characteristic 
features. And in response thereto, the evidence is not undecisive. Wide 
as is the gap between Marsipobranchiates and Fishes, and comparatively 
limited as is the range of the latter among themselves, the Elasmo- 
branchiates are very appreciably more like, and share more characters in 
common with them, than any other; so much is this the case, that some 
eminent naturalists (e. g. Pallas, Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, Latreille, Agassiz 
(formerly), Liitken) have combined the two forms in a peculiar group, con- 
tradistinguished from the other fishes. The most earnest and extended 
argument, in English, in favor of this-combination, has been published by 
Prof. Agassiz, in his “‘ Lake Superior,”? but that eminent naturalist subse- 
quently arrived at the opposite conclusions already indicated. 

The evidences of the closer affinity of the Elasmobranchiates (than of 
any other Fishes) with the Marsipobranchiates, are furnished by (1) the 
cartilaginous condition of the skeleton; (2) the post-cephalic position of the 
branchix ; (3) the development of the branchiz, and their restriction to spe- 
cial chambers; (4) the larger number of branchie; (5) the imperfect develop- 

‘ It will recur to the reader that in the case referred to, the question is really as to 
the degree of specialization. é 

2? Agassiz (Louis). Lake Superior: its Physical Character, Vegetation, and Animals, 
1°59, pp. 249-252. 


ment of the skull; (6) the mode of attachment of the teeth; (7) the slight 
degree of specialization of the rays of the fins; and (8) the rudimentary 
condition of the shoulder-girdle. 

In none of these cases is there exact, or even very close similarity, for, 
as already remarked, the gap between the Fishes (and the Elasmobranchi- 
ates as the most generalized form) and the Marsipobranchiates is extremely 
wide. In each case, however, the generalized or rudimentary condition of 
the organs points to the still more generalized, rudimentary, or undeveloped 
conditions exhibited by the Marsipobranchiates. The testimony of these 
parts is also concurrent, is reinforced by other resemblances, less obvious 
but valuable as accumulative, and is not offset by the evidence of other 
parts (unless irrelative specialization of isolated parts is considered as con- 
tradictory evidence). And still more, there are no other forms that can be 
compared with the Marsipobranchiates in even approximately so satisfac- 
tory a manner. Therefore, with no hesitation, the sub-class of Elasmo- 
branchiates is placed as the succeeding term in the ichthyological series. 


On the whole, the Sharks appear to be the most generalized of the Elas- 
mobranchiates, and there is little doubt but that the Rays are a more 
specialized offshoot from the same primitive stock. 


More nearly related to the Sharks than to the Rays, but differentiated 
from representatives of a primitive line of descent, the HoLocePHatt claim 
the next consideration. If, in some respects, they appear to be more nearly 
related to the Ganoids, the Plagiostomes do in others, and it yet remains 
to be decided which are the most generalized in essential features. Mean- 
while, it seems advisable to preserve the place for the Plagiostomi. 


By common consent, the Ganoids immediately succeed the Elasmobran- 
chiates. Before considering the sequence of the forms, a brief inquiry into 
the constitution of the class may be seasonable. 

HisroricaL Nore. 

The name Ganoides (or Goniolepedoti) was originally framed by Prof. 
Agassiz' as an ordinal term for fishes having the scales (when present) 

‘ Jer ordre. Ganoides Agass. (Goniolepidoti Agass.). Ecailles anguleuses, rhom- 
boidales ou polygones, formées de lames osseuses ou cornées, recouvertes d’émail.— 
Les familles des Lépidoides, des Sauroides, des Pycnodontes, des Sclerodermes, des 
Gymnodontes, des Lophobranches, etc. etc.—Agass. Recherches sur les Poissons fos- 
siles, v. 2, p. 1. 


angular and covered with enamel; and, in the group so characterized, were 
combined the Ganoids of subsequent authors as well as the Teleostean 
orders Plectognathi, Lophobranchii, and Nematognathi, and (subsequently) 
the genus Sudis (Arapaima), the last being regarded as a Coelacanth. 
The group has not been accepted with these limits or characters. 

But the researches of Prof. Johannes Miiller, on the anatomy and classi- 
fication of the fishes, culminated at length in his celebrated memoirs on 
those fishes for which he retained the ordinal name Ganoidei; those me- 
moirs have left an impression on Ichthyology perhaps more decided than 
made by any other contributions to the science, and that published in ez- 
fenso will ever be classical ; numerous as have been the modifications since 
introduced into the system, no forms except those recognized by Miiller 
(unless it be Dipnoi) have since been interjected among the Ganoids. 

Without premonition in any other form, the results of his studies of the 
Ganoids were announced to the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin in 
December, 1844,’ and this communication was supplemented, on the 13th 
February, 1845, by observations on the bulbus arteriosus, and on the 12th 
March, 1846, by a more extended memoir, giving the results of subsequent 
investigations.? These were combined, and, with his previous contributions 

1 Mopuer (Johannes). Uber den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden und tiber das 
natiirliche System der Fische. - - - Gelesenin der Akademie der Wissenschaf- 
ten, am 12 December, 1844. 

Published in abstract in the Monatsberichte der Kéniglichen Preuss. Akademie 
der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1844, pp. 416-422; in advance < Archiv fiir Natur- 
geschichte (Berlin), 11 Jahrg., b. I, 1845, pp. 91-141; in full (with modifications) 
< Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1844 
(1846), pp. 117-216, 6 pl. 

The memoir, as published in the Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, was translated into 
French, English, and Italian, viz :— 

Mémoire sur les Ganoides et sur la classification naturelle des Poissons. + - - 
< Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 3° série, v. 4, 1845, pp. 5-53. 

This translation was by Dr. Carl Vogt, and was followed by an original memoir 
(Quelques observations sur les caractéres qui servent @ la classification des Poissons 
Ganoides. Par M. C. Vogt, pp. 53-68, pl. 9), detailing especially the results of his 
examination of Amia. and first revealing its Ganoid characteristics. 

On the Structure and Characters of the Ganoidei, and on the natural Classifi- 
cation of Fishes. - - - < Scientific Memoirs, selected from the Transaction of 
foreign academies of science and learned societies, and from foreign Journals, 
edited by Richard Taylor, v. 4, 1846, pp. 499-558. 

Fernere Bermerkungen iiber den Bau der Ganoiden, - - -. < Monats- 
berichte, etc., 1846, pp. 67-85; also, < Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1846, I, 
pp- 190-208. 

Further Remarks on the Structure of the Ganoidei, - - -. < Scientific 
Memoirs, etc., v. 4, pp. 543-558. 


to the knowledge of the natural families of fishes, somewhat modified, and 
published in the extended memoir which appeared in the Transactions 
(Abhandlungen) of the Society. 

The memoir, as finally published in the Abhandlungen, contained addi- 
tional details (on pp. 118, 126 to 129, physiological observations on the 
bulbus arteriosus;' pp. 154 to 195, Abschnitt II. tiber die naturlichen 
Ordnungen und Familien der Knochenfische?); the paragraphs on the 
Apodes, Esoces, Galaxie, and Clupesoces in the Archiv (pp. 181-134) 
were omitted, and a postscript (Nachschrift, pp. 204-208) was added 
containing the results of subsequent observations, and especially remarks 
on the genus Amia and Carl Vogt’s researches thereon. This postscript 
was, in many respects, a reproduction of an article published in the Mo- 

The memoir next in importance from the great light which was shed 
upon many obscure questions of Palaeichthyology was contributed by 
England’s great naturalist, Prof. Huxley.* In the article in question, 
though professedly upon the Devonian fishes, all that could render intel- 
ligible the forms treated was called into requisition, and many unexpected 
relations were demonstrated or approximated. 

The discovery of a representative of the Ceratocontids, a type previously 
supposed to have become extinct in the triassic epoch, was the next event 
of importance; the most sagacious recognition of its affinities, evidence of 
extended knowledge, by its nomenclator (Dr. Krefft, of Melbourne, Aus- 
tralia), provoked earnest investigation of its structure, and to Dr. Giinther 
(see p. xi), we are indebted for an elaborate description thereof. The 
light derived from this examination was reflected upon the allied extinct 
types, and it was clearly shown that the order, once regarded as so isolated, 
had been rich in representatives in the distant past. 

And for various other additions to our knowledge of these forms, we are 

! Published in the Archiv (pp. 138-141) as an appendix (Nachtrag) to his memoir 
on the Ganoids. 

? Published originally in the Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte (9 Jahrg., b. I, p. 292- 
330), where it appeared with the title “ Beitrige zur Kenntniss der natiirlichen 
Familien der Fische,” but considerably modified, and especially by the exclusion of 
the Dipnoan and Ganoid fishes from the series. See, also, pp. 155,158 (Goboidei vice 
Cyclopodi), + 159-160 (Scales) 175-178 (Anacanthini), 182 (degrading Goniodontes), 
186 (Aplochiton, Microstoma), 187 (Galaxie), 188 (Esoces), 190-192 (Clupeide), 
192 (+ Heteropygii), 193-194 (Apodes). 

5’ Huxuey (Thomas Henry). Preliminary Essay upon the Systematic Arrangement 
of the Fishes of the Devonian Epoch, - - -. < Memoirs of the Geological 
Survey of the United Kingdom. Figures and Descriptions illustrative of British 
organic remains. Decade x., 1861, pp. 1-40. 



indebted to the labors of Agassiz, Liitken’ (see p. x), Cope (sce p. x), 
and Lankester. 


It has been objected that the Ganoids do not constitute a natural group, 
and that the characters (7. e., chiasma of optic nerves and multivalvular 
bulbus arteriosus) alleged by Miiller to be peculiar to the teleostomous 
forms combined therein, are problematical, and only inferentially supposed 
to be common to the extinct Ganoids so called, and, finally, such objections 
couched in too strong language have culminated in the assertion that the 
characters in question are actually shared by other physostome fishes. 

No demonstration, however, has been presented as yet that any physos- 
tome fishes do really have the optic chiasma and multivalvular bulbus ar- 
teriosus, and the statement to the contrary seems to have been the result 
of a venial misapprehension of Prof. Kner’s statements, or the offspring of 
impressions left on the memory by his assertions, in forgetfulness of his 
exact words. 

But Prof. Kner,? in respect to the anatomical characters referred to, 
merely objects; (1) they are problematical, are not confirmable for the 
extinct types, and were prubably not existent in certain forms that have 
been referred to the Ganoids; (2) the difference in number of the valves 
of the bulbus arteriosus among recent Ganoids is so great as to show the 
unreliability of the character; (3) a spiral valve is developed in the intes- 
tine of several osseous fishes (‘‘ genera of the so-called intermediate clu- 
peoid groups”) as well as in Ganoids; and (4) the chiasma of the optic 
nerves in no wise furnishes a positive character for the Ganoids.® 

! The extended memoir of Dr. Liitken (Om Ganoidernes Begraendsning og Inddel- 
ing) contains a valuable résumé of the history, up to 1867, of the Ganoids, as well as 
a full bibliography relating to the group, and a critical discussion of the forms re- 
ferred to it. 

? Kner (Rudolph). Betrachtungen iiber die Ganoiden, etc. <op. cit. (supra, p. 
00), p. 522. 

* Noch andere der angefiihrten Merkmale sind geradezu problematisch, da sie nur 
auf muthmasslichen Voraussetzungen und Annahmen beruhen, nicht aber als 
wirklich vorhanden nachzuweisen sind. Zu solchen gehiéren die von J. Miiller fiir 
lebende Ganoiden hervorgehobenen anatomischen Merkmale: [1] der muskulise 
Bulbus mit mehreren Klappenreihen, [2] das Chiasma und [3] die Spiralklappe im 

[1] Fir die allermeisten fossilen Fische, die fiir Ganoiden gelten, ist nicht nachweishar, 
dass diese Merkmale vorhanden waren und vielmehr mit Grund zu vermuthen, dass 
sie namentlich solchen nicht zukamen, die in alter Zeit als Protypen spiiterer Teleo- 
stier auftreten, wie z. B. den triasichen Gattungen Belonorhynchus, Pholidophorus u.v.a. 
Allein ganz abgesehen hievon, so diirfte doch darauf hinzuweisen sein, in welch un- 
gleichem Grade sich diese Merkmale selbst bei den verschiedenen Gattungen der le- 


It will be noticed that all these objections (save in the case of the intes- 
tinal spiral valve) are hypothetical and vague. The failure of the intes- 
tinal spiral valve, as a diagnostic character, has long been conceded, and 
in this case only have the forms that prove the failure been referred to; in 
the other cases, where it would be especially desirable to have indicated 
the actual types falsifying the universality or exclusiveness of the charac- 
ters, they have not been referred to, and the objections must be met as if 
they were not known to exist. 

(1) The characters in question are, in the sense used, problematical, in- 
asmuch as no examination can be made of the soft parts of extinct forms, 
but with equal force may it be urged that any characters that have not or 
cannot be directly confirmed are problematical, in the case of all other 
groups (e. g., Mammals), and it can only be replied that the co-ordination 
of parts has been so invariably verified that all probabilities are in favor 
of similar co-ordination in any given case. 

(2) There is doubtless considerable difference in the number of valves 
of the bulbus arteriosus among the various Ganoids, and even among the 
species of a single family (e. g., Lepidosteidx), but the character of Ga- 
noids lies not in the number, more or less, but in the greater number and 
relations (in contradistinction to the opposite pair! of the Teleosts) in con- 
junction with the development of a bulbus arteriosus. In no other forms 
of Teleostomes have similar relations and structures been yet demonstrated. 

(3) The failure of the spiral intestinal valve has already been conceded, 
and no great stress has ever been laid on the character. 

(4) The chiasma of the optic nerves is common to all the known Ga- 
noids, and has not been found in those forms (e. g., Arapaima, Osteoglos- 
sum, and Clupeiform types) agreeing with typical physostome Teleosts in 
the skeleton, heart, etc., but which at the same simulate most certain Ga- 
noids (e.g., Amia) in form. 

benden Ganoiden vorfinden; man braucht sich nur [2] der grossen Differenzen in der 
Zahl der Aortenstiel-Klappen bei Lepisosteus und Amia zu erinnern, oder [3] des Um- 
standes, dass eine Spiralklappe im Darmcanale unter den lebenden Fischen nicht 
blos bei Ganoiden, sondern auch bei Selachiern und mehreren Knochenfischen (Gat- 
tungen der sogenannten intermediiiren Clupeiden-Gruppen) und nicht blos im Diinn- 
darme, sondern auch in andern Abtheilungen des Verdauungsrohres sich vorfindet, 
und dass auch [4] die Chiasmabildung keineswegs einen verlasslichen Unterschied 
der Ganoiden abgibt.—Kner, op. cit., pp. 522-523. 

This paragraph is the only one that squarely meets the question of the applica- 
bility of the fundamental characters of the Ganoids, as given by Miiller. It need only 
be added that the ideas respecting probability of pertinence must be a reflection from 
the deductions resulting from a more or less thorough study of the known elements. 
The question as to the value of the chiasma is certainly disposed of in a very sum- 
mary manner, but not in an equally satisfactory one. 

1 “The sunfish (Orthagoriscus) has four such valves.”—Owen, Anat. Vert., I. 474. 


Therefore, in view of the evidence hitherto obtained, the arguments 
against the validity of title, to natural consociation, of the Ganoids have to 
meet the positive evidence of the co-ordinations noted; the value of such 
characteristics and co-ordinations can only be affected or destroyed by the 
demonstration that in all other respects there is (1) very close agreement 
of certain of the constituents of the subclass with other forms, and (2) 
inversely proportionate dissimilarity of those forms from any (not all) other 
of the Ganoids, and consequently evidence ubi plurima nitent against the 
taxonomic value of the characters employed for distinction, 

And it is true that there is a greater superficial resemblance between the 
Hyoganoids and ordinary physostome Teleosts than between the former 
and the other orders of Ganoids, but it is equally true that they agree in 
other respects than in the brain and heart with the more generalized Ga- 
noids. They all have, for example, (1) the paraglenal elements undivided 
(not disintegrated into hypercoracoid, hypocoracoid, and mesocoracoid), (2) 
a humerus (simple, or divided—that is, differentiated into metapterygium 
and mesopterygium), and (3) those with ossified skeletons agree in the greater 
number of elements in the lower jaw. Therefore, until these co-ordinates 
fail, it seems advisable to recognize the Ganoids as constituents of a natural 
series, and especially on account of the superior taxonomic value of modi- 
fications of the brain and heart in other classes of Vertebrates, for the same 
reason, and to keep prominently before the mind the characters in question, 
it appears also advisable to designate the series, until further discovery, as 
a subclass. 

But it is quite possible that among some of the generalized Teleosts, at 
least traces of some of the characters now considered to be peculiar to the 
Ganoids may be discovered. In anticipation of such possibility, the author 
had at first discarded the subclass, recognizing the group only as one of 
the ‘‘superorders” of the Teleostomes, but reconsideration convinces him 
of the propriety of classification representing known facts and legitimate 
inferences rather than too much anticipation. 

It is remembered that all characters are liable to fail with increasing 
knowledge, and the distinctness of groups are but little more than the ex- 
pressions of our want of knowledge of intermediate forms; it may in truth 
be said that ability to segregate a class into well-defined groups is in ratio 
to our ignorance of all the terms. 


The questions, (1) which are the most generalized of the Ganoids, and 
(2) what is the most natural succession of forms, are not the simple prob- 
lems they might appear to be, if only the histological condition of the ske- 
leton should be taken into account. If, on the one hand, in such respects, 


the Chondrosteans appear to approach the Elasmobranchiates most—on the 
other hand, in the development of the paraglenal, and the structure of the 
base of the pectoral fin, they differ less from the ichthyoid Hyoganoids 
than do the Crossopterygians and the Dipnoans. Nevertheless, they seem 
on the whole to be the more direct representatives of the lineal succession 
from the Elasmobranchiates, although doubtless very much modified and 
different ordinally from the unknown immediate representatives. This has 
been the view or at least the practice of all ichthyologists except Prof. 

The eminent naturalist referred to has contended that the Chondrosteans 
were more nearly related to the typical fishes, and has (1) combined them as 
well as the Hyoganoids with the Teleosteans in a peculiar subclass (Acti- 
nopteri), while (2) the Crossopterygians were differentiated as another, and 
(3) the Dipnoans retained with similar rank. 

The chief considerations, apparently, which induced Prof. Cope to isolate 
the Crossopterygians and combine the Chondrosteans with the forms re- 
ferred to, were the result of his study of the pectoral members and their 
insertion, and the inference therefrom that there was an essential similarity 
therein between the Chondrosteans and Teleosts, and a fundamental dis- 
similarity between them and the Crossopterygians. 

Apart from the development of a single or double ceratohyal, which was 
evidently regarded as of subordinate importance,' the only expressed diffe- 
rences between Cope’s subclasses Crossopterygia and Actinopteri are found 
in the constitution of the pectoral fins, viz :— 

CrossopTeRYGIA: ‘Limbs having the derivative radii of the primary 
series on the extremity of the basal pieces, which are in the pectoral fin 
metapterygium, mesopterygium, and propterygium.” 

ACTINOPTERI: ‘‘ Primary radii of fore limb parallel with basilar elements, 
both entering the articulation with scapular arch. Basilar elements re- 
duced to metapterygium and very rarely mesopterygium. Primary radii 
of posterior limb generally reduced to one rudiment.” 

The question arises (1) whether the fundamental differences exist which 
appear to be expressed by the definitions cited ; (2) the correlated one, whether 
too much importance may not have been attached to superficial relations 
of parts, and too little to fundamental homological relations, and (3) even 
if the homological relations are as dissimilar as the definitions would indi- 
cate, are they coincident with others, and thus really indicative of such 
high value. 


The diagnoses jn question seem to be partly (@. e., the articulation or not 

! The Dipnoi have a double ceratohyal. 


of the radii direct with the scapular arch) the expressions of matters of 
fact, and partly the interpretation of homologies. 

It is assumed (1) that the external basal element of the limb in Chon- 
drosteans is equivalent to the median element (when differentiated) of the 
plagiostome Elasmobranchiates, and is, therefore, the mesopterygium, and 
(2) that the propterygium is not developed. 

It is not evident, however, why the external element should not be 
homologous, in part at least, with the propterygium of the Elasmobran- 
chiates. The latter affords a better basis for identification, and it would 
seem more justifiable—if it must needs be identified with a single element 
—to refer it to the propterygium rather than to the mesopterygium. The 
mesopterygium may (1) either be represented, in the Chondrosteans, by an 
independent element (‘‘7” in Gegenbaur’s Untersuchungen), crowded out 
of place by the intervention of the rays (as in certain Raiz), or (2) it may 
be entirely suppressed through atrophy, or (3) it may be fused with the 
propterygium (as in the Heterodontidz and Scymnide).' In the first case, 
the expressed differences of the Crossopterygians would be confined to the 
exclusion of the actinosteal element from direct articulation with the scapu- 
lar arch. But in the most teleosteoid of the Ganoids (Amia), we find even 
that condition approximated, only one (of the seven actinosts) being artic- 
ulated directly with the arch, the rest being connected with the metaptery- 

But even supposing that the mesopterygium is an element entirely 
wanting in the Hyoganoids and Chondrosteans, two elements (metaptery- 
gium and propterygium) are developed in those forms in common with the 
Crossopterygians, and which are wanting in the Teleosts. It is not evi- 
dent why the development of a mesopterygium should be of importance 
so much superior to that of the other two elements, or why the mere fact 
that the articulation of the actinosts with the scapular arch should be of 
such paramount significance as to justify the combination of all forms 
agreeing therein (including the Chondrosteans and all Teleost fishes), 
and the separation therefrom, as co-ordinate terms, of forms not agreeing 

But it is true that the evidence appears to be somewhat contradictory 
as to the relations of the forms distinguished by the structure of the pec- 
toral limbs as well as the scapular arch. On the one hand, the Chondros- 
teans (rather than Crossopterygians) agree with the Hyoganoids in the con- 
struction of the paraglenal element as well as the pectoral member; on the 
other hand, the Crossopterygians appear to agree more with the Elasmo- 

! Most naturalists would probably prefer either of these interpretations to the ho- 
mological representation in Chondrostean, by a mesopterygium disintegrated and 
represented by apparent rays. 

XXX % 

branchiates, and less with the Hyoganoids, in these respects. But the 
Crossopterygians agree with the latter much better in the composition of 
the skull and squamation, and the question. therefore arises whether it is 
more probable that the Crossopterygians should have attained that special- 
ized similarity to the Hyoganoids from an independent origin, or whether 
they should have departed (after having received such characters from a 
common progenitor) in the structure of the scapular arch and the pectoral 
member, and whether the apparent greater similarity in those respects to 
the Elasmobranchiates is not rather adaptive, or the result of simplicity of 
structure of the paraglenal. Possibly, the following hypothesis may ap- 
proximate the truth, and account for the divergencies of the several types. 

The Acanthodeans of the devonian and following epochs may be the 
nearest of kin known to the representatives of the direct line of descent 
from the typical Elasmobranchiates; the development of two marginal 
(external and internal) spines in the pectoral limb may lend significance 
to the specialized condition of the metapterygium and propterygium in 
the pectoral limbs of the succeeding forms, as may also the character of the 
scales for those of the typical ‘“‘ Ganoid” type. 


The Chondrosteans furnish the most satisfactory evidence of closest re- 
lationship with the ancestral stock in the histological condition of the ske- 
leton, the generalized and little concentrated brachial and hyoid apparatus, 
and the structure of the fins. At the same time they are considerably 
removed from the direct line of descent.* 


From the ancestral stock, somewhat more specialized than that from 
which the Chondrosteans originated, but with approximately the same 
pattern of pectoral limb, forms may have been developed in which the me- 
tapterygium and propterygium (converging towards the base in the Chon- 
drosteans—and Acanthodeans ?) finally approximated and grew together; 
the intervening cartilage (mesopterygium) became ejected and projected 
backwards, bearing the specialized actinosts on a convex periphery. 

(1) From such an ancestor a long line may have descended which finally 
culminated in the specialized Crossopterygians now known. 

(2) From an equally ancient stock, and deviating less in histological 
characters, the Dipnoans may have descended: in such forms, the metaptery- 
gium and propterygium, instead of diverging backwards, may have con- 

‘ There are some reasons for thinking that the Selachostomi are the most general. 
ized group of Ganoids. 


tinued to grow together, ejecting more and more the mesopterygium, which 
would become, pari passu, correspondingly elongated and extended back- 
wards; finally, it would become segmented, and the actinosts and rays 
having become lateral instead of terminal, the limb of Ceratodus would be 

(3) And finally, should the lateral elements and rays of the pectoral fin 
of Ceratodus become (1) successively aborted, and finally (2) entirely atro- 
phied, the limbs of (1) Lepidosiren and (2) Protopterus would be repro- 

In view of the varying combinations of the basal elements of the limbs 
in the Elasmobranchiates (e. g., Seymnide, in which all are consolidated), 
the suppositions thus hazarded do not appear to be unreasonable or op- 
posed by histological or developmental principles or facts. 

The question, how the limbs of the quadruped Batrachians have become 
specialized from such members, is foreign to the present inquiry. 


The question now recurs, what are the relations and nearest of kin of 
the Hyoganoids ? | 

A more significant hint appears to be furnished by the structure and form 
of the scales of some of the representatives of the group, than by any other 
part of the structure. 

The similarity, in form as well as in intimate structure, of the scales of 
t..e Lepidosteids to those of the Polypterids is so close, and the peculiari- 
ties and specialized characters of those scales are so many, that the fishes 
distinguished by such common characters must have inherited them from a 
common progenitor. Any other supposition would be in opposition to 
the strongest probabilities. For it must be remembered that the commu- 
nity of character is not a general one like that between ordinary cycloid 
or ctenoid scales, but a close one of a very specialized and proportionately 
suggestive nature. This similarity is also coincident with a corresponding 
—though not so great—similarity of the skull, especially the suspensorial 
apparatus, ete. 

But while the Polypterids have deviated widely in some respects—and, 
among others, in their limbs and the connections of the air-bladder and in- 
testinal canal—from the primitive stock, the Lepidosteids, deviating equally 
in other respects, have done so less in respect to their limbs. 

In the Lepidosteids and the Amiids are found the nearest representatives, 
among the Ganoids, of the line of descent in the direction of the typical 
fishes, as in the Crossopterygians and Dipnoans are found the nearest 
living forms in the line leading towards the Batrachians and higher Verte- 


The following table is added as a graphic illustration of the views just 
unfolded :— 

{ Skeleton cartilaginous.| Limbs squalo-acipenseroid. 


iis . 

Noto{chord persistent ; limbs squalo-acipenseroid. 
Mesopterygium developed. 

Skeleton osseous. ) 

-or . 
mie = [Mesopteryeram LL 
a ry 02 wa fj Suppressed. 4 
3 Or I 3 Q 
2 o> < B ° 
4 WO << > 
4 HS 03 Q B 
: Bg = B C 
SB i 2, B o g 
$ a vo 5 H 
= Pe 2 4 : 
5 vo 45 r 
S oe 
6 > 
E Se 
z g 
= a 
‘i B 







The left branches indicate the more generalized of the contrasted types. 
The quasi-diagnostie phrases pertain to the succeeding forms, hypothetical 
or known, till contradicted. The term ‘“squalo-acipenseroid” is intended 
for a type more generalized than the acipenseroid, and devoid of the special 
modifications exhibited by the Chondrosteans. 

The relations between the various representatives of the Ganoid subclass 
are very unequal, and they may be advantageously combined into groups 
more comprehensive than orders. In fine, following out the views just 
expressed, and subordinating the orders as recommended, we would have the 
following sequence, starting with the most generalized :— 


( Aberrant.) 

Order Chondrostei. 
Order Glaniostomi. 

(Leading to the Dipnoans.) 

Order Actinistia. 
Order Crossopterygia. 

(Leading to the Batrachians.) 
Order Sirenoidei. 

(Leading to the Teleosts.) 

Order Rhomboganoidei. 
Order Cycloganoidei. 

On THE TERMs “ HiaH” AnD “ Low.” 

The conclusions resulting from the study of the preceding types may 
render advisable the reconsideration of the reasons of the discrepancy 
existing among naturalists as to the sequence of the several forms referred 
to. It has been remarked (p. xx) that the reasons were obvious, and the 
discrepancies are undoubtedly (1) in part the results of the appreciation 
of certain truths, and their exaggeration at the expense of others, and to 
the neglect of the consequences flowing from that cause, and (2) partly of 
psychological prejudices. 

It is a well-assured truth that the Dipnoans are the fishes most nearly 
related to the Batrachians, and consequently, if nothing else were to be 
considered, they should undoubtedly be placed next to them. — But if this, 
per se, would be a satisfactory procedure, the problem then arises, what 
shall be done with the other forms? If the Dipnoans are at one extreme 
and the Leptocardians at the other, between them must necessarily inter- 
vene the typical fishes as well as the true Ganoids and the Elasmobran- 
chiates. And if, now, the question of the relative position of the Dipnoans 
be properly settled, the equally important one—and more vital one on ac- 
count of the numbers involved—recurs, are we any nearer the truth in ap- 
proximating next to the Dipnoans, the Elasmobranchiates, the Ganoids, 
and finally the Teleosts, which last will be newt to the Marsipobranchiates ? 

October,1872. 3 


Or, is the question rendered any more easy by first assuming that the Elas- 
mobranchiates are ‘ highest” and therefore (but why ?) next to the Batra- 
chians, and then successively arranging the Ganoids, and the Teleosts, still 
retaining the last nearest to the Marsipobranchiates? Admitting that the 
Dipnoans and (causa argumenti) the Elasmobranchiates are the nearest 
allies of the Batrachians, are the Teleosts the nearest allies of the Marsi- 
pobranchiates? Are they in any essential respect more like them than are 
the others? Does the study of their homologies receive any light from 
the juxtaposition? Is any advantage gained? On the contrary, are not. 
the questions remaining still more involved by reason of such sequence ? 
Is not the natural sequence from the generalized to the specialized unna- 
turally interrnpted and reversed? The answers are not dubious. 

Again recalling the universal admission of the “low” or, rather, genera- 
lized attributes of the Leptocardians, we have in the ciliated clefts of their 
pharyngeal sack the first (known) rudiments of a specialized branchial 
apparatus ; an enormous advance is exemplified in the branchial apparatus 
of the Marsipobranchiates (1. Hyperotreti, 2. Hyperoartii) which never- 
theless is (it may be safely said) obviously homologous—z. e. homogenetic— 
with that of the Leptocardians; another advance, less but still very de- 
cided, is exhibited in the branchial apparatus of the Elasmobranchiates, 
while in the Chondrostean and other Ganoids successively, more specialized 
phases are developed, and all in the direction of the Teleosts. We have, 
in these phases, an apt exemplification of the same concentration towards 
and in the head as is exhibited by the Tetradecapod and Decapod Crusta- 
ceans in their segments and appendages, and which have furnished to the 
learned Dana the first foundations for his hypothesis of cephalization. 
And from whatever standpoint we view the series of fishes, the facts of 
structure, of homologies, and of affinities receive the most light by their 
exhibition in the sequence advocated, 7. e., Leptocardia, Marsipobranchia, 
Pisces elasmobranchii, Pisces ganoidei, and Pisces teleostei. 

And while most naturalists would probably not be indisposed to admit 
the natural character of the sequence up to the Dipnoans, the desire to 
have those forms in juxtaposition to the Batrachians and an exclusiveness 
of attention to that question might result in cutting the gordian knot by 
effecting that juxtaposition and practically ignoring the other difficulties.* 

Two questions are principally involved in this consideration. 

First. What is the fish most nearly to the Batrachians, and consequently 
to the quadruped vertebrates generally ? 

' Probably some of the results in systematic zoology are attained by (1) commencing 
with Man as the highest, and then (2) approximating successively certain forms, on 
accouut of real or supposed affinities, and with little care as to where other forms, 
whose affinities are less obvious, may lead. 


Second. To what other forms is that fish most nearly related ? 

(1.) In response to the first question, no doubt has been expressed, the 
admission that the Dipnoans (and @ fortiori the Lepidosirenids) are most 
nearly allied to the Batrachians being universal, even among those who 
place in the “ highest” rank the Elasmobranchiates. 

(2.) In response to the second question, the admission (now universal) 

that the Dipnoans are fishes determines the question that they are to be 
treated as fishes, and collocated in tne series of fishes. 
_ And now, if it becomes necessary to enumerate the forms of animals in 
a linear series, there are the alternatives of doing so at the expense of one 
or the other classes, for (it is scarcely necessary to add) a linear series can- 
not exhibit all the affinities of living beings. 

But it being admitted that the Dipnoans are Fishes, it would surely be 
unreasonable to overturn the natural series of the latter only to exhibit 
representatives thereof in juxtaposition to the Batrachians. The alterna- 
tive then remains to accommodate ourselves to the facts of the case, to 
build upon the sure foundations furnished by the concurrent admission of 
what are the most generalized types, and then successively approximating 
whatever forms are most nearly related to the preceding, and without ne- 
cessary consideration of where we may end—for, commencing aright, we 
cannot wander very far from the right path. 

And if it is admitted that the sequence up to the Dipnoans is not an 
unnatural one, we have chiefly to inquire what are the forms most nearly 
related to them. It must be admitted that (among living forms) the 
Crossopterygians are nearest related on one side, and the Batrachians on the 
other, but the former in very much closer bonds than the latter. And with 
this concession, we have next to inquire what are the most nearly related to 
the Crossopterygians. And, in the direction of the Teleosts, it can scarcely 
be denied that the Hyoganoids are such forms. The relations of the last to 
the Teleosts are so obvious that it is unnecessary to proceed further. 

And if it be demanded, how then can the facts be best expressed ? refer- 
ence may be made to the genealogist. He has to deal with similar prob- 
lems so far as linear sequence is concerned, and the methods employed by 
him may be advantageously adapted in biological taxonomy. 

Let the Dipnoan be considered as the eldest representative of the an- 
cestral stock equally of the Fishes and of the Batrachians, from which the 
respective forms have descended, diverging more and more in the course 
of time. Of course, the Dipnoan will be more nearly related to the Ba- 
trachians than the Fishes diverging from the same stem—as the grand- 
parent is more nearly related to the children of two sons than such grand- 
children by the different sons are to each other. 

But the genealogist takes the eldest branch of the family, and continues 


to project the series formed by the representatives thereof till it is ex- 
hausted, and then recommences with the next. 

In like manner, may we take, as the quasi-eldest, the form most like (in 
essential features) the most generalized type, and continue the series till it 
is exhausted. 

Applying the hint to the problem under consideration, we may take the 
Crossopterygian as the most nearly related to the Dipnoan, and the repre- 
sentative of the quasi-eldest branch, and continue the series by the succes- 
sive juxtaposition of the forms next most allied till the pisciform series is 
exhausted. Then may we resume the broken thread, and recommence from 
the same ancestral stock with the quasi-younger branch, the Batrachian, 
and treat it in the same manner. In this way, the natural sequence of 
types would be preserved, and the least confusion engendered. 

And almost all the doubt and obscurity that reign over such questions 
result from the confusion between the terms high and low with generalized 
and specialized. 

Inasmuch, for example, as the Dipnoan is (1) the most generalized, and 
therefore (2) more nearly related to the Batrachian than the typical fishes, 
because (1) of that nearer affinity, and (2) the recognition of the quadru- 
ped type as “highest,” it is called ‘‘ higher” than the fishes. 

Perhaps there are no words in science that have been productive of more 
mischief and more retarded the progress of biological taxonomy than those 
words, pregnant with confusion, Hiau and Low, and it were to be wished 
that they might be erased from scientific terminology. They deceive the 
person to whom they are addressed ; they insensibly mislead the one who 
uses them. Psychological prejudices and fancies are so inextricably associated 
with the words that the use of them is provocative of such ideas. The 
words generalized and specialized, having become almost limited to the 
expression of the ideas which the scientific biologist wishes to unfold by 
the other words, can with great gain be employed in their stead. 



Among the most generalized of the typical fishes, and which have been 
by common consent regarded as most nearly allied to the Ganoids, are the 
physostomous Teleocephals, best known under the forms of the Cypri- 
nids, Clupeids, and Salmonids. With these, the Pikes, Scomberesocids, and 
Perches, and, in fact, all those forms most familiar to men at large, nume- 
rous as they are, appear to agree in all material respects as to skeletal 
peculiarities and the character of the brain. With the reservations already 




(p. 00) made and those of like character, it may be said that a general! 
description of the skull and shoulder girdle of a cod, a perch, a mullet, a 
pike, a salmon, or an electrical eel would almost equally well apply to the 
one as to the other, or any other Teleostean fish, so far as the simple 
number and essential connections of the bones are concerned. The frontal 
bones may be single or double, the anterior sphenoid (Cuy.) may be pre- 
sent or absent, the palatine and pterygoid bones may be distinct, or (as 
in the electrical eel) in part fused together, the scapular arch may be 
attached by one or two processes to the skull, a mesocoracoid may or 
may not be persistent, and even the paraglenal bones may be quasi-car- 
tilaginous, but the agreement in other respects is so close in contrast with 
the representatives of other orders, that the exigencies of classification 
seem to be best met by the union of all such in one order. In all, the 
deviations in the skull are comparatively slight, and the scapular arch 
is composed of a post-temporal and posterotemporal, the latter connecting 
with the proscapula, while the paraglenal or coracoid is differentiated into at 
least a hypercoracoid and a hypocoracoid, the latter two bearing the acti- 
nosts which are generally four or (rarely) five in number. With the postero- 
temporal or proscapula is connected a “ postclavicle” from which is gene- 
rally developed a second distal bone, and sometimes (in Clupeide) several, 
The brain, heart, and vascular system generally, and hyo-branchial appa- 
ratus are fundamentally similar, but exhibit (especially the last) minor 
modifications that indicate narrower differences, and that may be used in 
the distinction of inferior groups. For all the forms possessing the common 
characters alluded to, may be retained the ordinal name TELEOcEPHALL, 
already referred to. 

If a typical physostome fish (e. g., Clupeid) and a specialized physoclyst 
form (e.g., Perca, Blennius) are contrasted, the differences certainly appear 
to be considerable, and are exhihited in (1) the presence or absence of a 
ductus pneumaticus, (2) the position of ventrals, abdominal or anterior, (3) 
the presence or absence of a mesocoracoid, (4) the junction of the parietals, 
or their separation by the intervention of the supraoccipital, (5) the pre- 
sence of articulated branching rays or their representation by spines, (6) 
the low or comparatively high insertion of the pectoral fins, and (7) the 
course of the lateral line, whether decurved in the direction of the abdomen 
or curved in the direction of the back. But distinct as these forms appear 
to be when contrasted, numerous forms intervene in which the characters 
successively disappear, or are combined in different ways, and the most es- 
teemed differential characters (presence or absence of the ductus pneumati- 

' I trust that the reservations and explanations which accompany this statement, 
and the connection in which it occurs (the discussions of orders), may prevent me 
from being misunderstood. 


cus) are found in forms on the one hand so closely related (Cyprinodontids 
vs. Synentognaths) and on the other so much differing from the next ad- 
joining forms, that the demands of classification appear to be best met by 
their union in one order. Of that order, the typical physostome fishes are 
among the most generalized. 

But while the most generalized of the physostome Teleocephals seems to 
have inherited and retained, in greater measure than any other forms, the 
primitive characters of the common progenitors of the Teleost fishes, others 
seem to present claims, but little inferior to theirs, to the rights of primo- 
geniture. It is, too, quite possible that proofs may yet be produced of the 
superior rights of such claimants; it may be demonstrated that on the whole, 
such present more features in common with the ancient types than those 
forms to which the rank is now conceded, and that the specialized charac- 
teristics which now exclude them, are not co-ordinated with other equally 
specialized characters, and have not the significance they now seem to, but 
so far as present evidence goes, the claims of the physostome Teleocephals 
appear to be superior to those of any other forms. 

But from an almost equally generalized stock, and without evidence of 
very close relationship with any existing or known forms, the Scyphophori 
and succeeding families seem to have sprung. 


The ScypHopuHorti appear to be sufficiently differentiated from the phys- 
tomous Teleocephali by the characters assigned by Cope, as well as other 
details of the skeleton, and the structure of the brain. On the whole, they 
appear to be most nearly related among the Teleocephali to the Gymnonoti. 


The NEMATOGNATHI depart still further from the ordinary Teleocephalous 
type in the composition of the skull, and especially the union inter se of 
various elements, as well as in the shoulder girdle, while the peculiar 
development of the brain confirms the validity of the separation. Their 
nearest relations appear to be with the Scyphophori. The nearer affinities 
claimed to exist between them and the Ganoids are not evident, and even 
the union of the paraglenal elements is probably the result of coalescence 
rather than of primitive homogeneity, such as prevails among the Ganoids. 


The ApopEs are much diversified among themselves, and have been dis- 
membered by Prof. Cope into several orders, but they have the same com- 
mon form and greatly increased number of vertebra, want of ventrals, 
simple structure of the rays of the fins, restricted hranchial apertures, and 


(e. g. Synbranchus, Anguilla, Murezna), similar brain, so that in default 
of sufficient opportunity to study the skeleton,' the author provisionally, 
at least, retains them united, but admitting Cope’s orders as suborders. 
Their affinities through the more generalized forms of the order are pos- 
sibly with the Gymnonoti, but the hints furnished by the elongated body 
and increased number of vertebra, etc., may be illusive. 


The Notacanthidz and Mastacembelide have recently been widely sepa- 
rated,? and by Cope, an order (Opisthomi) has been established for the last, 
but, as long ago shown by Johannes Miiller, both the forms in question 
agree in the withdrawal of the shoulder girdle from the skull, and its con- 
nection with the vertebral column, and this character seems sufficient, asso- 
ciated as it is with general agreement in other respects between the two 
families and great dissimilarity from other fishes, to isolate the forms thus 
marked as a peculiar order ;* for this order, the name OpistHoMI, pro- 
posed by Cope for one of its members, will be very appropriate, and may 
be adopted for the enlarged group. It is not obvious what better place 
can at present be assigned to them than proximity to the Apodes, although 
it will probably be eventually found to have closer relations with other 


The order Hemrprancuil, framed by Cope for the group here adopted, 
seems to be also well worthy of recognition; and, in addition to the char- 
acters assigned by its founder, is distinguished (7. e., Gasterosteidx, Fis- 
tulariidz) by the structure of the shoulder girdle and the skull, as shown 
by Parker in the case of the Gasterosteide (Shoulder Girdle, p. 39).° 
The nearest relations, according to Cope, are apparently with the Atheri- 
nid, but such are not obvious, nor are they more so with the Siphonog- 
nathidz, with which they have also been in part compared. 


The order LopHOBRANCHII, according to Prof. Cope, is most nearly related 
to the Hemibranchii, and such appears to be probable; some members of 
the order Hemibranchii (Fistulariidx) had, indeed, been long previously 

1 T have only been able to study the osseous structure of Anguilla and Murena. 

2 See Giinther, Cat., v. 3, Syst. Synopsis, pp. viii. x. 

3 No reference is made by Prof. Cope to the Notacanthide in any connection. 

¢ Of course, Tetragonurus, which Miiller, who was unacquainted with it, hinted 
might belong here, has no relation with the group. 

5 Before I was aware of the peculiarities of the shoulder girdle, and only knowing 
the characters assigned to the order by Cope, I retained it in the order Teleocephali.. 


placed in juxtaposition to the Lophobranchii (e. g. by J. E. Gray, White, 
and Canestrini), but, no sufficient reason having been given or being ap- 
parent, the collocation has been disregarded. 

The order (at least after the exclusion of the family of the Pee has 
been almost universally admitted. The Pegaside have been eliminated 
and raised to ordinal rank by A. Duméril, with’ the name HyPosTomIpEs; 
associated with the ordinary fishes by Steenstrup and Giinther; and referred 
to the order Hemibranchii by Cope. Having seen only alcoholic specimens, 
and no skeleton of this form, the author has not been able to form an 


The order of PLEcroGNaTut has been almost as universally admitted as 
the former, but has been criticized by M. C. Dareste,’ and stated to be an- 
unnatural association, whose members had diverse relations. 

The fishes combined under this name by Cuvier have, however, many 
characters in common, and are distinguished by the fusion of the several 
elements of the lower jaw (dentary, angular, and articular) into one; the 
intermaxillaries and supramaxillaries are more or less closely united ; the 
interoperculum is reduced to a rod-like element, dissevered from connec- 
tion with the other bones, advanced far forward, and connected by ligament 
with the lower jaw; the pre-operculum and operculum are articulated with 
the hyomandibular bone, and the latter, as well as the sub-operculum, are 
very much reduced in size. The post-temporal unites, more or less inti- 
mately, with the skull; the hypo-coracoid is extended downwards. The 
brain, vascular system, and closed air-bladder do not differ very much from 
those of the acanthopterygian fishes. 

DaresTE (CAMILLE). Théses soutenues devant la Faculté des Sciences de Paris, par 
M. Camille Dareste, Licencie és-sciences naturelles, Docteur en médecine, Profes- 
seur d’Histoire naturelle au Collége Stanislas. —Premiére Thése. Recherches sur 
la classification des Poissons de l’ordre des Plectognathes.—Examen de le place 
que doit occuper dans la classification le Poisson décrit par 8. Volta, sous le nom 
de Blochius longirostris.—Paris. Imprimérie de L. Martinet, - - -. 1850. [4to., 
46 pp] 

Recherches sur la classification des poissons de l’ordre des Plectograthes. 

- + + <Annales des Sciences Naturelles.—Zoologie, 3e Série, t. 14, 1850, p. 105 


Sur les affinités naturelles des poissons de la famille des Balistes. Note de 

M. C. Dareste, présentée par M. Blanchard. <Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires 

des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, (Paris), v. 74, pp. 1527-1530. (17 Juin, 


On the Natural Affinities of the Balistide. <Anneals and Magazine of Natu- 

ral History. 4th series, v. 10, pp. 68-70, July, 1872. . 

A translation of the preceding. 


Some of these characters are diagnostic, that is, they distinguish the 
forms from all others; others may be shared with isolated forms of widely 
separated groups; but the agreement of the “ Plectognaths” among them- 
selves in the many common characters justifies their association together, 
and the characters that are peculiar to them sanction their isolation as a 

Three well-defined groups exhibit the principal modifications under which 
the fishes possessing these common characters are developed. They are 
principally distinguished by the development of the scapular arch (the hy- 
percoracoid is atrophied in the Gymnodonts), the degree of union of the jaws 
and the dentition, and by the squamation. But while the external differ- 
ences between these forms are doubtless very considerable, they all share 
the common characters above enumerated and other less salient ones, and in 
view of this much nearer connection, in contrast with other forms, seem 
most decidedly deserving of retention together, in contrast with other fishes, 
whatever rank may be conferred on the group. Their differences sink 
into comparative insignificance, when compared with their common charac- 
ters, and seem not entitled to more than subordinal value, while the group 
of which they are constituents may be most aptly considered an order, as 
has been done by almost all ichthyologists. The Scleroderms have fur- 
nished the chief basis for dissent as to the homogeneous character of the 
order, and have been deemed more related to ordinary Acanthopterygian 
types than to the other admitted Plectognaths And it is quite true that 
they (and especially the Triacanthids) are much more similar to the ordi- 
nary fishes than are the typical Plectognaths. This, however, is quite 
explicable by the supposition that they are the most generalized, and repre- 
sent the immediate line of descent, while the others are more specialized. 
That the likeness, however, is superficial and illusive, is evident from the 
disagreement from the types they must resemble in form, in anatomical 
characters, and their agreement therein with the other Plectognaths, as 
already indicated. Prof. Cope has considered the relations of the order 
(through the Triacanthidz, on the one hand, and the Chaetodontide and 
Acronuridex on the other) to be most intimate with the Teleocephals at 
the point indicated, and M. Dareste has contended that the Balistidz are 
especially related to the Acanthuridz. As there seems to be no proof of 
any nearer relations elsewhere, the hint furnished by the agreements induc- 
ing such belief may be followed in the arrangement and sequence of the 
order as well as of the families constituting it. 

The only order adopted remaining for consideration is that of PEpicv- 
LATI. The natural character of the association of forms combined therein 
is obvious, and has never been questioned, and the comparatively slight 


affinity with them of the Batrachids, which were formerly combined with 
them, is now universally conceded. The chief problem with regard to 
them, therefore, is confined to the question as to the taxonomic value of 
the characters distinguishing them from other forms. In consideration of 
the isolation of the group, the saliency of the characters distinguishing 
them, and the disturbance their intrusion among the Teleocephals would 
induce, they are distinguished by ordinal rank. Their relations are most 
intimate with the Batrachoid and Blennioid forms, and doubtless they have 
descended from the same common progenitors. 


In further explanation respecting the relations of the various forms, it 
may be remarked that immediate sequence does not by any means neces- 
sarily imply immediate affinities. In view of the complex and manifold 
relations existing, it is generally only possible in a linear arrangement to 
indicate the nearest relations on one side. The most convenient mode of 
arranging forms in a linear succession appears to be in series,—that is, 
taking a number of types and arranging them successively, having regard 
to the forms next most allied, till the series is exhausted ; and then recom- 
mencing anew with that series whose first member is most nearly allied 
to one of the preceding :—in other words, following a genealogical system 
and assimilating it to a scheme, where we would have a given ancestor, 
and then (1) eldest son, (la) eldest grandson, (1b) eldest great-grandson, 
ete.; and after giving all terms of such lineage, we would recommence 
with the (2) second son and proceed with his descendants in like manner. 

The arrangement to really express such relations or quasi-relations 
would, however, demand a knowledge of fishes which no one now possesses, 
and consequently no attempt has been made in this article to exhibit them; 
frequently, indeed, the relations deemed most probable by the author 
have been violated in deference to general opinion. But without going 
into details, the following quasi-genealogical tree will convey the views 
of the author respecting the relations of the major groups, the first table 
exhibiting the relations of the more generalized orders, and the last of 
the orders as well as suborders of the Teleost series. In all cases (except 
the Vertebrates and Molluscoids), the branch to the left—major as well 
as minor—indicates the supposed most generalized type of the two or 
more springing or diverging from the same common stem :— 

The names printed in largest capitals indicate branches ; those in smaller, classes 
and subclasses; and those in smallest, orders; whilst suborders are printed in lower 

sll 5 itil iil aii 

Lelia ihe tense 

A fe 
= me 
=i | 
| |_prewoz (x). 
< | 
< | 5 
& ea 
e = 
= Fe 
Be tiied 
_—_NEMATOGNATHI (xv1.). 
| ¢ 
3| | SCYPHOPHORI (XV.,). et ¢ 
; a ri eH 
ach ; : 
ra] 4 ‘ 
ie by a a 
mld : < B 3 
ms ymnonoti. o = g 
ees |e S 5 2 
mn la & 5 zg 
oe, |d o = ® 
m |o ; a a g 
| -—Eventognathi. 4 nm x 
a 4 Py a joo | 
eS le ene sein | | Anacanthini_J 
Percesoces. —HEMIBRANCHII (XIX.) 
—Synentognathi. $e ecenae (xx,). 




On the assumption that the GymNonoti, the ScypHopnHort, and the 
NEMATOGNATHI on the one hand, and the Apopks on the other, are deriva- 
tives from the Physostome Teleocephals or their immediate progenitors, 
they should, perhaps, be projected after the Teleocephals as successively — 
more differentiated offshoots, but for the present, at least, it is deemed — 
advisable to retain them in the customary position ; it is to be understood, 
‘however, that they form a diverging line from the supposed common — 
stock, and hence the sequence adopted in the list of families. 

In addition to the orders here mentioned, several others appear to be 
represented by extinct fishes, but we are not sufficiently acquainted with | 
the details of their structure to introduce them with certainty in the sys- 
tem. It may be suggested, however, that one of the orders is constituted 
of the PLACcoGANOIDEI (when restricted to such forms as Pterichthyide 
and Coccosteidx) ; another is represented by the triassic and cretaceous 
Ganoids with a persistent notochord, ordinary pisciform proportions, and | 
non-lobate pectoral fins, such as the Caturide. Further details respecting 
at least the scapular arch and pectoral limb (probably erroneously restored, 
for the latter, by authors) are requisite before their exact relations can be 



The families have been much multiplied, and, it may be urged, unduly 
so, and such may really be the case, but as analysis should precede syn- 
thesis, and as many of the more comprehensive families have either not 
received diagnoses common to and at the same time peculiar to all their 
constituents; or, in case of applicable diagnoses, the characters are of 
suspicious value, it has been deemed best to isolate the groups as families, 
and allow them to stand on their own merits. Several of the families 
admitted (e.g., Gadiform, Labyrinthiciform, Scombriform, Perciform, 
Siluriform), are, however, of very dubious value, and are only provi- 
sionally adopted and kept in prominence to attract future examination. 

There will doubtless always exist more or less difference of opinion as 
to the taxonomic values of groups, and all that can be hoped for is essen- 
tial concurrence of views as to the mutual relations of the various 
groups and their respective degrees of subordination. Ichthyology has 
not yet, however, reached that stage wherein even an approximate concur- 
rence in any of these points is possible; and it is not to be wondered at 
that the greatest difference of opinion should prevail with respect to 
families. Much of this dissent is due to the fact that certain groups 
stand isolated from others, and the relations inter se of the constituents 
of such groups are so obvious and evidently suggestive, and contrast so 
strongly with any other group that, although many and very marked dif- 


ferences exist among the constituents, they are overshadowed by the 
_ closer agreement as compared with other groups, and the tendency, 
therefore, is to depreciate their value. The NEMATOGNATHI is a case in 
point. The ordinal or even subordinal value of the group has been 
| admitted by few, and generally it is considered as a member of the ‘“ order 
' Physostomi,” and as it is really a natural and homogeneous group and 
| strongly contrasts with any other, by many it has been endowed with only 
| family rank. Yet the internal and external differences existing within 
| its limits are very great, and really as obvious and by every analogy as 
| important as those which the mind has become habituated to consider as 
| of family value in other cases. And furthermore, the anatomical charac- 
ters differentiating the group from others are many, striking, and, as shown 
by the extent of variation within other groups, very important. The 
exigencies of classification, therefore, seem to demand in such a case 
ordinal distinction, and then the constituents of the group naturally resolve 
themselves into sections whose importance, not being weighed in bulk 
against another family, can be appreciated, and the mind is prepared to 
admit their superior value. 


Among those recent works mentioned in the bibliography or incidentally 
in the introduction, he has been especially benefited by the memoir of 
Prof. Cope, so often referred to. If he has sometimes found reason to 
express dissent from that eminent naturalist, it is because the importance 
of the memoir in question and the extensive knowledge of its author, have 
induced him to review and weigh the evidence affecting the questions in 
dispute. And the superior ability and learning of Prof. Cope apr cence 
to demand reasons for any dissent from his views. 

In order to enhance the usefulness of the catalogue, references are made 
to Dr. Giinther’s ‘‘ Catalogue of Fishes in the British Museum,” that being 
emphatically the vade-mecum for the working ichthyologist, and necessary 
to be constantly referred to for identifications, verifications, or references. 
In addition, in some cases, references are made to other publications, and 
when the names repeated from such authorities are not recognized by or 
are different from those employed by Dr. Giinther, or when they accompany 
different groups, the reference to Giinther’s work is generally abbreviated 
and inclosed in parentheses after the primary reference, thus, “ (G. iii., 200 

Specific acknowledgment is due to the greatest of Spanish naturalists, 
Prof. Poey, of Havannah, Cuba, for his courteous attentions for many 
years, especially manifested in the transmission, for my use, of the fishes of 
Cuba, including many of the types of his new species; I am also imebted 


to him for the skulls and more or less of the skeletons of numerous species, 
and among them of such forms as Polymixia, Scombrops, Etelis, Platyi- 
nius, Brotula, Lucifuga, and the rarer forms of other families. I have 
likewise, through the courtesy of the officers in charge, been able to make 
free use of the Army Medical Museum. 

Acknowledgments are also due to Mr. J. Carson Brevoort, of Brooklyn, 
and to Prof. O. C. Marsa, and Mr. Oscar Hareer, of Yale College, for 
the loan of books, and other bibliographical facilities. 

In conclusion, the author begs to renew the assertion that the list is in 
the strictest sense a temporary one, and merely preliminary to renewed 
investigations, and that the sequence of families is not to be regarded 
as the expression of the views of the author, except in part. The true 
exposition ef his present views respecting the system are embodied in the 
preceding essay, and especially in the discussion of the sequence of forms. 

Comparative diagnoses, embodying the chief anatomical characteristics 
of the orders and suborders in analytical tables, had been prepared for an 
appendix to this volume, but it has been finally deemed by the author best 
to defer the publication to a future time, and until he has been able to ex- 
amine the anatomy of several doubtful forms. Immediate insertion is the 
less called for inasmuch as the remarks in the course of this introduction 
will suffice to give an idea of the characters of most of the larger groups 


Ciass PISCES. 


1. Orthagoriscidae | Gymnodontes (Molina), Gthr. 
viii, 269, 317. 

2. Tetrodontidae Gymnodontes (Tetrodontina), 
Gthr. viii, 269, 270. 
3. Triodontidae Gymnodontes (Triodontina), 

Gthr. viii, 269, 270. 


4, Ostraciontidae Sclerodermi (Ostraciontina) 
Gthr. viii, 207, 255. 

5. Balistidae Sclerodermi (Balistina), Gthr. 
viii, 207, 211. 
6. Triacanthidae Sclerodermi = (Triacanthina), 

Gthr. viii, 207, 208. 








. Hippocampidae Syngnathidae (Hippocampi- 

na), Gthr. viii, 153, 194. 

. Syngnathidae Syngnathidae (Syngnathina). 
Gthr. viii, 153, 154. 
. Solenostomidae Solenostomidae, Gthr. viii, 
Maltheidae Malthaeidae, Gill, P.A.N.S.Ph., 
1863,89. (G. iii, 200-205.) 
Lophiidae Lophiidae, Gill, P. A. N.S. Ph., 

1863, 89. (G. ii, 178-182.) 

. Ceratiidae Ceratiidae, Gill, P. A.N.S. Ph., 

1863, 89. (G. iu, 205.) 
Antennariidae Antennariidae, Gill, P. A. N.S. 
Ph.,’63,89. (G.iii, 182-200.) 

Soleidae Pleuronectidae, Gthr. iv, 399, 
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectidae, Gthr. iv, 399, 













. Merluciidae 

. Lycodidae 



Macruridae, Gthr iv, 390- 
Ophidiidae (Congrogadina), 
Gthr. iv, 370, 388-389. 
Ophidiidae (Fierasferina), 
Gthr. iv, 370, 381-384. 
Ophidiidae (Ophidiina), Gthr. 
iv, 370, 376-380. 

Ophidiidae (Brotulina), Gthr 
iv, 370, 871-376. 

Ophidiidae (Brotulina), Gthr. 
iv, 370, 375. 

Gadidae, Gthr. iv, 326, 368— 

Gadidae, Gthr. iv, 326, 367— 

Gadidae, Gthr. iv, 326, 327- 

Gadidae, Gthr. iv, 326, 344— 

Lycodidae, Gill, P. A. N. 8. 
Phil., iv, 319-326. 


. Ateleopodidae 


Ateleopodidae, Gthr. iv, 318, 



| 38. 



Xenocephalidae, Anacanthini gadoidei (Ap- 
pendix), Gthr. iv, 399. 

Ammodytidae Ophidiidae §(Ammodytina), 
Gthr. iv, 384, 387. 
Gadopsidae Gadopsidae, Gthr.iv,318. (D. 
x—xi, 25-26. A. ili, 18-19.) 
Cryptacanthidae Cryptacanthidae, Gill, Can. 

Nat.,1865. (G.iii,206,291.) 
Stichaeidae Stichaeidae, Gill, P. A. N. S. 
Phil. (Gthr. ii, 206, 280.) 
Xiphidiontidae Xiphidiontidae, Gill, Can. Nat., 
1865. (G. ii, 206, 285-291.) 
Acanthoclinidae Acanthoclinidae, Gthr. iu, 
Chaenopsidae Chaenopsidae, Gill, An. Lye. 
N. H.N.Y., viii, 141-144. 
Nemophididae Nemophididae, Gill, An. Lye. 
N. H. N. Y.., viii, 188-141. 
Anarrhicadidae Anarrhicadidae, Gill, Can. 
Nat.,1865. (G. iii, 208-211.) 
Cebidichthyidae | Cebidichthyidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1865. (G. ii, 206.) 
Blenniidae Blenniidae, Gthr. ii, 206, 








Pataecidae Blennidae, Gthr. iii, 206, 

Batrachidae Batrachidae, Gthr. iii, 166- 


( Trachinoidea.) 

Leptoscopidae Leptoscopoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1862, 501-505. 
Dactyloscopidae _ Leptoscopoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1862, 501, 505-506. 
Uranoscopidae Uranoscopoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1861, 108-117. 
Trachinidae Trachinidae, Gthr. ii, 225, 
( Trichodontotdea.) 
Trichodontidae Trichodontoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 

S.Ph.,1861, 514. (G.ii,250.) 


Gobiesocidae Gobiesocidae, Gthr. ii, 489- 

Liparididae Cyclopteridae (Liparidina), 
Gthr. iii, 154, 154-158. 

Cyclopteridae Cyclopteridae (Cyclopterina), 

Gthr. iii, 154, 158-165. 












Platypteridae Gobiidae (Callionymina), Gthr. 
ii, dks. 
Callionymidae Gobiidae (Callionymina), Gthr. 
iii, 1, 188-152. 
Gobiidae Gobiidae (Gobiina), Gthr. ii, 
1, 83-133, 152-158. 
( Cottotdea.) 
Triglidae Triglidae (Cottina gen. +Cata- 
ne phracti gen.), G.u, 191-210, 
Agonidae Triglidae (Cataphracti gen.), 
Gthr. ii, 211-216. 
. Cottidae Triglidae (Cottina), Gthr. u, 
Platycephalidae  Triglidae (Cottina), Gthr. ii, 
Hemitripteridae Triglidae (Scorpaenina), Gthr. | 
ii, 143. 
Scorpaenidae Triglidae (Scorpaenina), Gthr. 
Chiridae Triglidae | (Heterolepidina), 
Gthr. ii, 91-95. 
Scaridae Labridae (Scarina), Gthr. iv, 

65, 208-240. 












Siphonognathidae lLabridae (Scarina), Gthr. iv, 

65, 243-244. 

Labridae Labridae, Gthr. iv, 65, 69-208, 

Pomacentridae Pomacentridae, Gthr. iv; 

Cichlidae Chromides, Gthr. iv, 265- 

Embiotocidae Embiotocidae, Gthr. iv, 244— 

Gerridae Gerridae, Gthr. iv, 252-264; 
(also, i, 339-354.) 


‘Helostomidae Helostom[idae], Cope, Tr. Phil. 
Soc. xiv, 459. (G. ili, 377.) 

Anabantidae Anabantidae, Cope, Tr. Phil. 
Soc. xiv, 459. (Gthr. 111, 372.) 

Osphromenidae Osphromenidae, Cope, Tr. Phil. 
Soe. xiv, 459. (Gthr. iii, 382.) 


Polynemidae Polynemidae, Gthr. ii, 319- 


Acanthuridae Acronuridae, Gthr. ii, 325- 

. Amphacanthidae Teuthididae, Gthr. ii, 313- 















Toxotidae Squamipennes (Toxotina), 
Gthr. ii, 66-68. 

Chaetodontidae Squamipennes (Chaetodonti- 
na), Gthr. ii, 1, 3-57. 

Ephippiidae Squamipennes (Chaetodonti- 
na), Gthr. ii, 1, 57-62. 


Xiphiidae Xiphiidae, Gthr. ui, 511- 
Trichiuridae Lepturoidae, Gill, P.A.N.S.Ph., 
1863, 224. (G. ii, 342-349.) 
Scombridae Scombridae, Gill, P. A.N.S. Ph., 
1862, 124. (G. ii, 349-373.) 
Carangidae Carangidae, Gill, P. A.N.S.Ph., 
- 1862, 430. (G. 1, 419-485.) 
Drepanidae Squamipennes (Drepane), 
Gthr. ii, 1, 62. 
Coryphaenidae Scombridae (Coryphaenina 

pt), Gthr. ii, 404. 

Nematistiidae Nematistidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1862, 258. 

Stromateidae Scombridae _ (Stromateina), 
Gthr. 1, 397-404. 

Zenidae Zenidae, Gill, P. A. N.S. Phil., 

1862,126. (G. ii, 393-396.) 

















~Scombridae (Coryphaenina), 

Gthr. ii, 410. 

Scombridae (Coryphaenina), 
Gthr. ii, 408. 

Scombridae (Coryphaenina), 
Gthr. ii, 415. 

Scombridae (Coryphaenina), 
Gthr. ii, 413. 

Carangidae (Kurtina), Gthr. 
ii, 508-510. 

Carangidae (Carangina), Gthr. 
li, 495. 

Scombridae (Nomeina), Gthr. 
i, 387. 




Sillaginoidae, Gill, P. A. N.S. 
Phil., 1861, 501-507. 
Chaenichthyoidae, Gill, P. A. 
N.S. Phil., 1861, 507-510. 
Harpagiferoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1861, 510-512. 
Notothenioidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S. Phil., 1861, 512-522. 
Bovichthyoidae, Gill, P. A. N. 
S.Ph.,1861,514. (G.u,225.) 
Latiloidae, Gill, P. A. N.S. Ph., 
1861, 514. (G. 1, 359-361.) 












Mullidae Mullidae Gthr. i, 3972 
Polymixiidae Berycidae (Polymixia), Gthr. 
i, 8 (16-19). 
Monocentridae Berycidae, Gthr. i, 8 (8 
Berycidae Berycidae, Gthr. i, 8 (122% 
Sciaenidae Sciaenidae, Gthr. u, 265- 
Sparidae Sparidae (Cantharina, Sargina, 
Pagrina), Gthr. i, 412. 
Pimelepteridae  Sparidae (Pimelepterina), 
Gthr. 1,497. 
Maenididae Pristipomatidae, Gthr. i, 272. 
(In part.) 
Pristipomatidae _Pristipomatidae, Gthr. i, 272. 
(In part.) 
Centrarchidae Centrarchoidae, Gill, Am. J. S. 

& A., (28), xxxvii, 92. 









Serranidae Percidae (Serranina), Gthr. i, 
ais Sl. | 
Percidae Percidae (Percina), Gthr. 1, 
51, 58. 
Centropomidae — Percidae (Centropomus), Gthr. 
meoly 719! 
(Physoclysti incertae sedis.) 
Pegasidae Pegasidae, Gthr. viii, 146- 
Priacanthidae Percidae (Priacanthina), Gthr. 
Hoplegnathidae Hoplegnathidae, Gthr. _ iii, 
(Nandidae Gthr.) 
Nandidae Nandidae (Nandina), Gthr. iii, 
362, 367-369. 
Plesiopidae Nandidae (Plesiopina), Gthr. 
iil, 362, 363-366. 
Polycentridae Polycentridae, Gthr. iii, 370- 
Cirrhitidae Cirrhitidae, Gill, P. A. N. §. 
Phil., 1862, 102-124. 









(Acanthopterygit, § ii, Gthr.) 

Aphredoderidae Aphredoderidae, Gthr. i, 


Sphyraenidae Sphyraenidae, Gthr. ii, 334— 


Kcheneididae Scombridae (Kcheneis), Gthr. 
ii, 354, 376-385. 

( Oxudercidae.) 

Oxudercidae Oxudercidae, Gthr. ~ a8 


Comephoridae Comephoridae, Gthr. iii, 

(Acanthopterygytt, § iv, Gthr.) 
Trachypteridae § Trachypteridae, Gthr. iii, 300- 
(Acanthopterygii, § iii, Gthr.) 
Lophotidae Lophotidae, Gthr. iii, 312. 

Luciocephalidae Jsuciocephalidae, Gthr. ili, 








(Acanthopterygit channiformes, Gthr.) 

Ophiocephalidae Ophiocephalidae, Gthr. in, 

(Acanthopterygit blenniformes, § ii, Gthr.) 
Trichonotidae Trichonotidae, Gthr. i, 484— 

(Acanthopterygtt blenniformes, § i, Gthr.) 
Cepolidae Cepolidae, Gthr. iii, 486- 

(Acanthopterygit gobiesociformes, § ii, Gthr.) 
Psychrolutidae Psychrolutidae, Gthr. 11, 516- 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 456, 457.) 
Atherinidae Atherinidae (Atherinina), 

Gthr. iii, 391, 392-406. 
Tetragonuridae § Atherinidae (Tetragonurina), 

Gthr. iii, 391, 407. 
Mugilidae Mugilidae, Gthr. iii, 409- 


(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 456, 457.) 
(H. Gasteroste(formes.) 












Gasterosteidae, Gasterosteidae, Gthr. 1, 

Aulorhynchidae Aulorhynchoidae, Gill, P. A. 
NooS.. Phil G2 oa 

Aulostomidae Fistulariidae, Gthr. i, 529, 
Fistulariidae Fistulariidae, Gthr. iii, 529-— 
(ZZ. Centrisciformes.) 
Centriscidae Centriscidae Gthr. ii, 518- 
Amphisilidae Centriscidae, Gthr. ui, 518, 
Belonidae Scomberesocidae, Gthr. vi, 
233, 234-256. 

Scomberesocidae Scomberesocidae, Gthr. vi, 
233, 256-298. 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 452, 455.) 

Amblyopidae Heteropygii, Gthr. vii, 1-2; 
Putn., Am. Nat., vi, 6-30. 













Ksocidae Ksocidae, Gthr. vi, 226- 
Umbridae Umbridae, Gthr. vi, 231- 
252. . 
Cyprinodontidae Cyprinodontidae, Gthr. vi, 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 452, 454.) 
Characinidae Characinidae, Gthr. v, 278~ 

Percopsidae Percopsidae, Gthr. Vi, 
. 207. 
Haplochitonidae Haplochitonidae, Gthr. vy, 
Galaxiidae Galaxiidae, Gthr. vi, 208- 
Osteoglossidae — Osteoglossidae, Gthr. vil, 877- 
Notopteridae Notopteridae, Gthr. vii, 478— 
Halosauridae  Halosauridae, Gthr. vii, 
. Chauliodontidae Sternoptychidae (Chauliodon- 
tina), Gthr. v, 383, 391-392. 
. Sternoptychidae Sternoptychidae (—), Gthr. 

v, 383. 


154. Stomiatidae Stomiatidae, Gthr. v, 424 

155. Scopelidae Scopelidae (Saurina), Gthr. v, 
393, 404-417. 

156. Aulopidae Aulopidae, Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. 

Soc.,xiv,455. (G.v,393,402,) 
‘157. Synodontidae Scopelidae (Saurina), Gthr. v, 
393, 394-404. 
158. Microstomidae Coregonidae, Cope, Tr. Am. Ph. 
Soc., xiv, 455. (G. vi, 1.) 

159. Salmonidae Salmonidae, Cope, Tr. Am. Ph. 
Soc., xiv, 455. (G. vi, 1.) 
160. Salangidae Salmonidae (Salangina), G. vi, 
1, 205. 

161. Alepidosauridae Scopelidae (Alepidosaurina), 
Gthr. v, 393, 420-423. 

162. Paralepididae Scopelidae (Paralepidina), 
Gthr. v, 393, 418-420. 


163, Alepocephalidae Alepocephalidae, Gthr. vil, 


164. Gonorhynchidae Gonorhynchidae, Gthr. vii, 
373. | 






Hyodontidae Hyodontidae, Gthr. vii, 


Albulidae Clupeidae (Albulina), Gthr. 
vii, 381, 468. 

Klopidae Clupeidae (Elopina), Gthr. vii, 

| 381, 469. 

Chanoidae Clupeidae (Chanina), Gthr. 
vii, 381, 473. 

Dussumieridae Clupeidae  (Dussumieriina), 
Gthr. vii, 381, 464. 

Clupeidae Clupeidae (Clupeina), Gthr. 
vii, 381, 412. 

Dorosomidae Clupeidae (Chatoessina), Gthr. 
vii, 381, 406. 

Engraulididae Clupeidae (Engraulina), Gthr. 
vii, 381, 383. 


Chirocentridae Chirocentridae, Gthr. vii, 475- 


. Catastomidae Cyprinidae (Catastomina), 

Gthr. vii, 3, 12, 24. 

. Cyprinidae Cyprinidae, Gthr. vii, 3, 25- 



176. Cobitidae Cyprinidae (Cobitina), Gthr. 
vii, 3, 344. 

177. Homalopteridae Cyprinidae (Homalopterina), 
Gthr. vii, 3, 340-343. 

178. Kneriidae Kneriidae, Gthr. vii, 371- 

(Glanencheli, Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soe., xiv, 455.) 
179. Sternopygidae Sternopygidae, Cope, Tr. Am. 
Ph. Soc., xiv, 455. (G. viii, 1.) 
180. Hlectrophoridae Gymnotidae, Cope, Tr. Am. 
Ph. Soc., xiv, 455. (G. viii, 1.) 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 455.) 
181. Mormyridae Mormyridae, Gthr. vi, 214— 
224. | 
182. Gymnarchidae Gymnarchidae, Gthr. vi, 

(Hypophthalmidae, Cope.) 
183. Hypophthalmidae Hypophthalmidae, Cope, op. 
cit. xiv, 454. (G.v, 66-68.) 

(Stluridae, Cope.) 

184. Trichomycteridae Siluridae (Opisthopterae), G. 
v, 1, 272-277. 













Siluridae (—), Gthr. v, 1, 30- 
65, 69-220. 

Siluridae (Chacina), Gthr. v, 

Siluridae (Plotosina), Gthr. v, 
1, 23-27. 

Siluridae (Clarina), Gthr. v, 
1, 13-28. 

Siluridae (Hypostomatina), 
Gthr. v, 1, 225-230. 

Siluridae (> Hypostomatina), 
Gthr. v, 1, 222-225. 

Siluridae (> Hypostomatina), 
Gthr. v, 1, 230-265. 

Siluridae (Hypostomatina), 
Gthr. v, 262-265. 

(Aspredinidae, Cope.) 


Siluridae (Aspredinina), Gthr. 
v, 3, 266-270. 



(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 455.) 
194. Monopteridae 

October, 1872. 5 

Symbranchidae (Symbranchi- 
na), Gthr. viii, 12, 14. 








(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 455.) 

. Symbrachidae Symbranchidae (Symbranchi- 
na), Gthr. viii, 12, 14. 
. Amphipnoidae Symbranchidae (Amphipno- 

ina), Gthr. viii, 12, 13. 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 455.) 

Muraenesocidae Muraenidae (Muraenesocina), 
Gthr. viii, 19, 45. 
Congridae Muraenidae (Anguillina), 
Gthr. vii, 19, 23. 
Anguillidae Muraenidae (Anguillina), 
Gthr. viii, 19, 23. 
(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xiv, 416.) 
Rataburidae Muraenidae (Ptyobranchina), 
Gthes vatielo peg U: 
Muraenidae Muraenidae ( ), Gthr. vii, 


. Chilobranchidae Symbranchidae (Chilobran- 

china), Gthr: vii) 1250 

. Nemichthyidae | Muraenidae (Nemichthyina), 

Gthr.vitt, L921. 





| 210. 


. Synaphobranch- Muraenidae (Synaphobranch- 

idae ina), Gthr. viii, 19, 22. 

. Saccopharyngidae Muraenidae (Saccopharyng- 

ina), Gthr. viii, 19, 22. 

(Cope, Tr. Am. Phil. Soc., xvi, 456.) 
Mastacembelidae Mastacembelidae, Gthr. iii 
Notacanthidae Notacanthidae, Gthr. i, 544— 



Amiidae Amiudae, Gthr: viii, 324— 
Lepidosteidae Lepidosteidae, Gthr. viii, 328— 


Polypteridae Polypteridae, Gthr. viii, 326~ 







Suprr-Orper DIPNOI. 

Lepidosirenidae Sirenoidei, Gthr. vii, 321- 

Ceratodontidae Sirenidae (Ceratodontina), 
Gthr. Ph. Trans. R.S. 1878 


Polyodontidae Polyodontidae, Gthr. viii, 346— 
Acipenseridae Acipenseridae, Gthr. viii, 332- 


Chimaeridae Chimaeridae, Gthr. viii, 349- 

Myliobatidae Myliobatidae (Myliobatina), 
Gthr. vili, 488-495. 










Cephalopteridae Myliobatidae (Ceratopterina), 
Gthr. viii, 488, 496-498. 

Trygonidae Trygonidae, Gthr. viii, 471- 


Torpedinidae Torpedinidae, Gthr. viii, 448- 

Raiidae Raiidae, Gthr. viii, 455- 

Rhinobatidae Rhinobatidae, Gthr. viii, 440, 

Rhamphobatidae Rhinobatidae, Gthr. viii, 440, 

Pristidae Pristidae, Gthr. viii, 486- 


Squatinidae Rhinidae, Gthr. vii, 4380- 


. Heterodontidae Cestraciontidae, Gthr. viii, 


. Notidanidae Notidanidae, Gthr. viii, 397- 








. Rhinodontidae 
. Cetorhinidae 

. Lamnidae 

. Odontaspididae 
. Alopeciidae 

. Sphyrnidae 



. Crossorhinidae 



. Pristiophoridae 


Rhinodontidae, Gthr. viii, 

Lamnidae (Selachina), Gthr. 
villi, 389, 394. 

Lamnidae (Lamnina), Gthr. 
vii, 389, 389-392. 

Lamnidae (Lamnina), Gthr. 
viii, 389, 392-393. 

Lamnidae (Lamnina), Gthr. 
vill, 389, 393-394. 

Carchariidae (Zygaenina), 
Gthr. viii, 357, 380-383. 

Carchariidae —_ (Carchariina, 
Mustelina), G. viii, 357-388. 

Scylliidae, Gthr. vi, 400- 

Seylliidae, Gthr. vi, 400, 

Scylliidae, Gthr. vi, 400, 413— 

Spinacidae, Gthr. vi, 417, 

Spinacidae, Gthr. vi, 417, 

Spinacidae, Gthr. vi, 417, 

Pristiophoridae, Gthr. vi, 431- 




241. Petromyzontidae Petromyzontidae, Gthr. viii, 

242. Myxinidae Myxinidae, Gthr. viii, 510, 

243. Bdellostomidae  Myxinidae, Gthr. viii, 510, 



244. Branchiostomidae Cirrostomi, Gthr. viii, 513- 


Se Te ey eG Ey cae eee ove 

SuBJOINED is a synopsis of the great standard works of descriptive ichthyology, 
which will give information as to the extent, price, etc., of the works in question, 
and also some idea respecting the classifications adopted by their authors. The 
information may be considered as a response to inquiries often made respecting such 

The work of Cuvier and Valenciennes was never completed, and, as will be per- 
ceived from the enumeration of contents, included only the Acanthopterygian and 
Physostome Teleosts, and incidentally the Amioids whose relations were not recog- 
nized by Valenciennes. Cuvier only contributed the introduction and monographs 
of families to the first ten volumes, his death having taken place in the year 1832. 
Valenciennes only is responsible for the rest of the work. 

The work of Duméril may be considered as a complement to that of Cuvier and 
Valenciennes. The death of the author has arrested the further progress of the 

The work of Dr. Giinther is the only complete repertory of the species of fishes 
published, and, from its cheapness, the most available ; it is also subsequent to both 
the preceding, and therefore in a certain degree supersedes them. No general index 
has been published yet, but one is promised in connection with an appendix bringing 
the subject up to date, if circumstances permit. 

In order, further, to give some idea of the progress of Ichthyology, the titles are 
given of all the compilations professing to describe the species of fishes known at the 
periods of their respective publication. These compilations are valuable, however, 
only to the historian of Ichthyology, and are worse than useless to any except an 
expert in the science. 


ARTEDI (Peter). Petri Artedi Sueci, Medici, Ichthyologia sive opera omnia 
de Piscibus scilicet: Bibliotheca Ichthyologica. Philosophia Ichthyologica. 
Genera Piscium. Synonymia Piscium. Descriptiones Specierum—Omnia in 
hoe opere perfectiora, quam antea ulla. Posthuma Vindicavit, Recognovit, 
Coaptavit et Edidit Carolus Linneus, Med. Doct. & Ac. Imper. N. C.—Lugduni 
Batavorum, Apud Conradum Wishoff. 1738. [8vo., five parts, viz:— 

[v. 1.] Petri Artedi Angermannia-Sueci Bibliotheca Ichthyologica su Historia 
Litteraria Ichthyologiae in qua Recensio fit Auctorum, qui de Piscibus scrip- 
sere, librorum titulis, loco § editionis tempore, additis judiciis, quid quivis 
Auctor prestiterit, quali method et successu scripserit, disposita secundum 
secula in quibus quisquis auctor floruit. Icthyologie Pars I.—Lugdunum 
Batavorum, Apud Conradum Wishoff. 1738. [iv, 66, 2 pp.] 

(27 ) 


[v. 2.] Petri Artedi Sueci Philosophia Ichthyologica in qua quiquid fundamenta 
Artis absolvit: Characterum scilicet Genericorum, Differentiarum specificarum, 
Varietatum et Nominum Theoria rationibus demonstratur, et exemplis compra- 
batur. Ichthyologie Pars IIl.—Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Conradum Wishoff. 
1738. [iv, 92 pp.] 

[v. 3.] Petri Artedi Sueci Genera Piscium. In quibus Systema totum Ichthy- 
ologie proponitur cum Classibus, Ordinibus, Generum Characteribus, Specie- 
rum Differentiis, Observationibus plurimis. Redactis Speciebus 242 ad Genera 
52. Icthyologia Pars II].—Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Conradum Wishoff. 
1738. [iv, 88 pp.] 

[v. 4.] Petri Artedi Angermannia-Sueci Synonymia Piscium fere omnium; in 
qua recensio fit Nominum Piscium, omnium facile Authorum, qui umquam 
de Piscibus scripsere: uti Graecorum, Romanorum, Barbarorum, nec non omnium 
inseqnentium Jchthyologorum una cum Nominibus Jnquilinis variarum nationum. 
Opus sine pari. Ichthyologiae Pars 1V.—Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Conradum 
Wishoff. 1738. [iv, 118, 22 pp.] 

[v. 5.] Petri Artedi Sueci Descriptiones Specierum Piscium quos vivos preser- 
tim dissecuit et examinavit, inter quos primario Pisces Regni Suecie facile 
omnes accuratissime describuntur cum non paucis aliis exoticis. Ichthyologie 
Pars V.—Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Conradum Wishoff. 1738. [iv, 102 pp.] 

As indicated in the title of the ‘‘Genera Piscium ”’ (vy. 3), Artedi admitted into the 
system 242 nominal species under 52 genera, but in this number are included the 
Cetaceans, which were regarded as constituting an order of fishes named Plagiuri: 
these being eliminated (14 species representing 7 genera), the number is reduced to 
228 species and 45 genera,—to these, however, may be added 13 other genera indi- 
cated by him,—5 in the supplement to the “Genera Piscium,’’ and 8 in the 
“ Synonymia Piscium.” 

Artedi may be justly regarded as the father of modern Ichthyology, having intro- 
duced a precise terminology, full and pertinent diagnoses, and throughout uninominal 
generic names. He first introduced consideration of the number of branchiostegal 
rays for distinctions of genera, etc. He distributed the true fishes into the orders 
Malacopterygii (=Malacopterygii Cuv.Syngnathus, Stromateus, Anarrhicas), Acan- 
thopterygii (=Acanthopterygii Cuv.), founded on the real or supposed structure of the 
fins, Branchiostegii (a heterogeneous group based on erroneous ideas), and Chondrop- 
terygit (=Chondropterygii Cuv.) 

The edition of the Genera Piscium published by Walbaum (1792) will be noticed 
under the name of the editor who made the work the vehicle of a new compilation 
of specific descriptions. 


ELEIN (Jacob Theodor). [1.] Iacobi Theodori Klein Historie Piscium Naturalis 
promovendz missus primus de lapillis eorumqve numero in craniis piscium, cum 
prefatione: de piscium auditu. Accesserunt I. Anatome Tursionum. II. Ob- 
servata in capite Raiz.—[Motto]. Cum figuris.—Gedani, Litteris Schreiberianis. 
1740. [4to., 1 p. 1., 36 pp., 6 tab.] 

[2.] Iacobi Theodori Klein Historie Piscium Naturalis promovende missus 

secundus de Piscibus per pulmonibus spirantibus [Cete] ad iustum numerum 


et ordinem redigendis.—Accesserunt singularia: de I. Dentibus Balenarum et 
Elephantinis. II. Lapide Manati et Tiburonis.— [Motto]. Cum figuris.— 
Gedani, Litteris Schreiberianis. 1741. [4to., 3 p. 1., 38 pp., 1 1., 6 tab.] 

[3.] Jacobi Theodori Klein Historie Piscium Naturalis promovendz missus ter- 
tius de Piscibus per branchias occultas spirantibus ad justum numerum et 
ordinem redigendis. Cum observationibus circa partes genitales Rajw maris, 
et ovarium Galei. [Motto]. Cum figuris.—Gedani, Litteris Schreiberianis. 
1742. [Ato., 2 p. 1., 48 pp., 7 tab.] 

[4.] Jacobi Theodori Klein Historie Piscium Naturalis promovende missus 
qvartus de piscibus per branchias apertas spirantibus ad justum numerum et 
ordinem redigendis. Horum series prima cum additamento ad missum tertium. 
[Motto]. Cum figuris.—Lipsie ; prostat apud Jo. Frid. Gleditschium ubi & reliqva 
autoris opuscula. Gedani, Typis Schreiberianis. 1744. [4to., 3p. 1., 68 pp., 15 tab. ] 

[5.] Jacobi Theodori Klein Historie Piscium Naturalis promovend# missus 
quintus et ultimus de piscibus per branchias apertas spirantibus. Horum series 
secunda cum additionibus ad missus II, III, IV, et Epistola: de cornu piscis 
caring navis impacto. [Motto]. Cum figuris.—Gedani, Litteris Schreiberianis. 
1749. [4to., 2 p. 1., 102 pp., 1 1., 20 tab.] 

A remarkable work. It perhaps surpasses all other ichthyological publications in 
incongruities between the definitions of groups and the contents thereof, and it is dif- 
ficult to conceive how some could have originated. The definitions themselves are 
sufficiently clear, and their practical application to forms would not appear to be dif- 
ficult: the author however seems to have practically ignored his definitions of groups 
when once framed, and to have proceeded, as some more modern naturalists have 
done, by successive approximations of other forms to the types of his definitions, and 
without checking the results by subsequent comparison with the latter. Judging 
from the character of his various works, his analytical powers appear to have been 
tolerably fair, but those of synthesis very defective; this defect, an overwhelming 
exclusiveness of attention to the special subject or idea for the moment under con- 
sideration, and a neglect to verify the results afterwards by comparison of all the 
elements, vitiated his entire work: in addition, he appears to have labored under the 
disadvantage of au extremely limited autoptical acquaintance with natural objects, a 
certain stolidity and inaptitude for applying even that little knowledge to the inter- 
pretation of figures and descriptions,* and an unbounded trust in the reliability and 
knowledge of others—except Linné. The stolidity was not sufficiently diluted with 
unintelligible rhetoric to be entitled profundity. 

His classification is a strange one. In the first place, he distributes the fishes (in- 
cluding therewith the cetaceans) into primary groups distinguished (I) by lungs 
(Cete), or (II) by gills (a) concealed or (b) apparent from the exterior. The true 
fishes with concealed gills were then arranged according to the (1) position (lateral or 
inferior) of the branchial apertures, and (2) the larger sub-division by the presence or 
absence of (lateral) fins, and finally (3) by the number of branchial apertures. The 
fishes with externally visible gills were distributed into general groups distinguished 
by positive characters, and the remaining left in one marked by negative characters, 
—that is, into groups “notable” for some character or other (as to (1), general form; 
(2), snout; (3), eyes; (4), armature; (5), breast or head; (6), volubility of body), 

* For example, he often failed to consider that in symmetrical fishes the lateral fins were double, 
or present on both sides. 


and then succeeded the residuum in which no very salient characters were developed, 
and whose heterogeneous contents were classified by the number of the fins. But 
while such was the case theoretically, practically it was quite otherwise, and fancy 
urged the approximation to the types of his groups of forms on account of supposed 
resemblances and in forgetfulness of the characters, and which, at another time, 
under the influence of other ideas, he had referred elsewhere. The nominal species 
thus scattered, in the several cases, were, however, severally derived from different 

A few examples need only be given in demonstration of the truth of these criti- 
cisms. The Eels and Loaches (Cobitidae), having the branchial fissures very narrow, 
were referred to the Fishes with concealed gills, but several species (e. g. Cobitidae, 
3 sp.) reappear in the other section under the genus Enchelyopus,—the author, over- 
looking the character of the branchial apertures, having happened to be struck by 
the resemblance of such forms as were depicted by other authors to certain species for 
which he had more especially framed the genus: in like manner, species were dupli- 
cated under the genera Enchelyopus and Callarias, Enchelyopus and Leuciscus, and in 
fact, almost every other genus with numerous species contained some that had been 
referred elsewhere. In cases like Mastaccembelus, Psalisostomus, and Solenostomus, 
distinguished—one, by the projection of the lower jaw; the second by that of the 
upper; and the' third by the tubular snout, it might be supposed a saliency of char- 
acter existed which would prevent grossly erroneous references, but it has not detained 
our author from referring to them species entirely opposed in character. Another 
mode of procedure is illustrated by the reference of forms to the group distinguished 
by the “eyes.” This was originally suggested by the Heterosomata distinguished by 
the peculiarity of the two eyes on the same side, but our author has referred to the 
same (distinguished by the eyes) two combinations of species (Rhombotides=Cheto- 
dontidae pp. and Platiglossus, related to Julis) because, although having no distinct- 
ive character whatever in the eyes, he evidently fancied a resemblance between one 
(Rhombotides) and Rhombus (Pleuronectidae), and the other (Platiglossus) and Solea. 

The following abstract, selected from his work (Miss. v, p. 00), will give a fuller 
idea of hissystem. The incongruity of his genera prevents a comparison with modern 
types, except in a few cases. ; 

( PuuMonisus spirantes sunt Physeteres. [Cete.] Blaser Missu I. 
Spiraculis ad latera: Cynocephalus, Galeus, Pristis, Cestracion; 
BRANCHIS Rhina [=Sauvaur]; Batrachus; Crayracion, Capriscus [=Puxc- 

TOGNATHI]; Conger, Murena [=Apopes]; Petromyzon. 
Spiraculis in thorace: Narcacion, Rhinobatus, Leiobatus, Dasy- 

batus [=RatraeE]. ; 
| Forma: Balenz formis. MissuIV. Fase. i. Silurus. 

Missu III. 

Rostro: Fasc. ii. Acipenser, Latargus [=Anarrhicas], Xiphias, 
Mastaccembelus [=Belone pp.], Psalisostomus, Solenostomus 
[=Fistularia L. pp. ], Amphisilen. 

Oculis. Fasc. iii. Solea, Passer, Rhombus, Rhombotides s. 
Europus, Tetragonoptrus, Platiglossus. 

Armatura, Faso. iv. Cataphractus [=Triglidae pp.], Coristion, 
Centriscus [=Gasterosteus+Centriscus ]. 

In sterno § in capite. Fasc. v. Oncotion [=Cyclopterus], Eche- 

Corpore volubili. Fasc. vi. Enchelyopus. 





sunt Triptervs, Fase. vii. Callarias. 
notabiles PsEvporrRipTErvs, Fasc. viii. Pelamys. 

Diprervs, Fasc. ix. Trutta, Mullus, Cestreus, Lo- 
brax, Sphyraena, Gobio, Asperulus, Aspredo, 
Pinnis Trichidion. 
PsgupopipTervs, Fase. x. Glaucus, Blennus. 
Monoprerus, Fasc. xi. Perca, Percis, Mosnas, 
Cicla, Synagris, Hippurus, Sargus, Cyprinus, 
Prochilus, Brama [—Abramis], Mystus, Leucis- 
cus, Harengus, Lucius. 
PsEUDOMONOPTERUS, Fasc. xii. Pseudopterus [= 
L l | Pterois.] 

Dorsalibus. 4 
Missu V. 

518 nominal species (exclusive of the Cetaceans) were described under 61 genera, 
127 being fishes with concealed gills, 177 having apparent gills and some ‘‘notable”’ 
feature, and 214 with apparent gills and without notable features. 

(1735) 1748-1768. 

LINNE (Carl von). [1.] Caroli Linnzi, Sveci, Doctoris Medicine, Systema 
Nature, sive Regna tria nature systematice proposita per classes, ordines, 
genera, & species.—O Jehova! quam ampla sunt opera Tua! | Quam ea omnia 
sapienter fecisti! | Quam plena est terra possessione tua! | Psalm. civ. 24. | — 
Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Theodorum Haak. 1735. Ex Typographia Joannis 
Wilhelmi de Groot. [Fol., 71. unnumbered and unpaged. ] 

145 species of fishes are enumerated under 36 genera, besides 10 species of Pla- 
giuri (Cete). ' 

The only copy of the original edition, whose existence in the United States is 
known to me, is in the library of J. Carson Brevoort, Esq., of Brooklyn. 

The third edition, published in Latin and German by J. J. Lange, at Halle, in 1740, 
is a reprint of the first. 

A textual reprint of the first edition was also published in 1831, viz :—Zditio prima 
reedita, curante Antonio-Laurentio-Apollinario Fée, Pharm. Primar. in Schola Medic. 
Militar. Insulensi; Botanic. Professore. Academ. Medic. Reg. Socio, etc. [Psalm]— 
Parisiis, Apud F. G. Levrault, Bibliopolam, via dicta De La Harpe, n. 81. Atque 
Argentorati, via dicta Des Juifs, n. 33. 1830. [Svo., 2 p. 1., vi, 81 pp., 11-.] 

[2.] Caroli Linnzi Nature Curiosorum Dioscoridis Secundi Systema Nature in 
quo nature regna tria, secundum.[!] Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, systema- 
tice proponuntur. Lditio Secunda, Auctior.—Stockholmie | Apud Gottfr. Kiese- 
wetter. 1740. [8vo., 2 p. 1., 80 pp.] 

182 species of Fishes are enumerated under 44 genera (88 to 131), besides 8 species 
of Plagiuri (Cete) under 5 genera. 

The jifth edition is a reprint of the second, and was published by M. G. Agnethler, 
at Halle, in 1747 (Svo., 88 pp.); it contains the German names. 

[3.] Caroli Linnwzi Medic. & Botan. in Acad. Upsaliensi Professoris Acad. Im- 
perialis, Upsaliensis, Stockholmensis & Monspeliensis Soc. Systema Nature in 
quo proponuntur nature regni tria secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera & Species. 
Editio quarta ab Auctore emendata § aucta. Accesserunt nomina Gallica.— 
Parisiis, Sumptibus Michaelis-Antonii David, bibliopolew, via Jacobed, sub signo 


Calami aurei. 1744. Cum privilegio regis. [Svo., 3p. 1. [Fundamenta Bota- 
nica] xxvii, raed 108 pp., tab. ] 

This is said, by Linné, to have been edited by B. Jussieu, and to be the same as the 
second edition (“per B. Jussieum. Adjecta nomina Gallica. idem cum 2”’’). It con- 
tains however, in addition to the ‘‘Fundamenta Botanica,’’ a special introduction 
(by himself), which concludes with the remark that it is the fourth edition, revised 
and enlarged (Jam quartam castigatam iterum auctamque Lectori offero Benevolo.— 

p. 3). 
238 nominal species of Fishes are enumerated under 48 genera (85 to 129), in ad- 
dition to the Cetaceans (8 species under 5 genera). - 

In this edition (and certainly not in the second, as stated by Cuvier), the rays in 
the fins were also first given for each species. 

[4.] Caroli Linnei Archiatr. Reg. Med. et Bot. Profess. Upsal. Systema Nature 
sistens Regna Tria Nature, in Classes et Ordines Genera et Species redacta 
tabulisque zneis illustrata. Cum Privilegio S. R. M. Svecice & 8. R. M. 
Polonice ac Electoris Saxon. Editio sexta, emendata et aucta. —Stockholmiz. 
Impensis Godofr. Kiesewetteri 1748; Svos, iv, 224 pp:, 2up. 1, 141s, 7 pled 

281 nominal species’of Fishes are enumerated, representing 47 genera (102 to 148), 
and 12 Plagiuri (Cete) representing 6 genera. 

The seventh edition, published at Leipzig (Lipsie) in 1748, is a textual reprint of 
the sixth (Secundum sextam Stockholmiensem emendatam & auctam editionem), by 
the same publisher, but with the German popular names instead of Swedish. 

The eighth edition contains the Vegetable Kingdom only. 

[5.] Caroli Linnei Archiatr. Reg. Med. et Botan. Profess. Upsal. Systema 
Nature sistens Regna Tria Nature in Classes et Ordines Genera et Species 
redacta tabulisque zeneis illustrata. Accedunt vocabula Gallica. ditto multo 
auctior § emendatior. — Lugduni Batavorum, Apud Theodorum Haak, 1756. 
[Svo., 4 p. 1., 227 [+1] pp. [Index], 9 1., 8 pl., with 41. explan.] 

This edition is recognized by Linné as the ninth, and said to have been edited by 
Gronovius, and to be the same as the sixth, with very few additions respecting the 
Birds and Fishes. (‘Per Gronovium. Paucissima de Avibus, Piscibus, idem cum 
6.”) There is, however, a special address to the reader (“Lectori’’?) from the author, 
in which he acknowledges to have followed the system introduced by Gronovius in 
the ‘“‘Museum Ichthyologicum,” the first volume of which appeared in 1754 (‘‘Icthyo- 
logiam vero secundum Membranas Branchiostegas & pinnarum radios compendiose 
tali ordine proposui quali exstat in Gronovii Museo Ichthyologico, cujus nova detecta 
Genera hue introduxi’’). And on comparison, it is found that the sequence of the 
genera is altogether different from that in the sixth edition, and essentially similar 
to the one followed by Gronovius: it differs in the following respects :—the sequence 
of orders is reversed, and the Plaguri added as the first order; the Chondropterygii 
different ; the sequence in the genera of orders (III) Branchiostegi and (V) Malacop- 
terygii reversed ; and the following additional genera incorporated, viz:—113, Gobius 
and 114, Xiphias between 112, Blennius and 115, Scomber; 113, Ophidion* as the 
last genus of Acanthopterygii; 144, Stromateus, in Malacopterygii, between 143, 

* I have demonstrated, in my memoir on the Affinities of several doubtful British Fishes (<Proc. Acad 
Nat. Sc., Phila., 1864, p. 198, &c.), that Ophidion was originally based on the Gunnell (Muraenoides 
Lac.), and that the Ophidium imberbe of Montagu (not Pennant or Lacépéde) is the same species. 


Anarrhicas and 145, Pleuronectes, and 147, Coryphaena between 146, Ammodytes and 
148, Echeneis. 

286 species of Fishes are enumerated under 58 genera (102 to 159), exclusive of the 
13 species of Cetaceans. 

[6.] Caroli Linnaei Equitis De Stella Polari, Archiatri Regii, Med. et Botan. 
Profess. Upsal.; Acad. Upsal. Holmens. Petropol. Berol. Imper. Lond. Monspel 
Tolos. Florent. Soc. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Nature, secundum 
Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, 
Locis. — Editio Decima, Reformata. Cum Privilegio S:aeR:aeM:tis Suecize.— 
Holmiae, Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii. 1758 [—] 1759. 8vo., 2 v., viz:— 

Tomus I. [Regnvm Animale.] 2p. 1., pp. 1-824. 1758. 
Tomus II. [Regnvm Vegetabile.] 2p. 1., pp. 825-1384. 1759. 

In this edition, the binomial system, previously employed by him in the work 
entitled Museum Tessinianum (1753), was extended in its application to all the 
kingdoms of nature; the Artedian classification of fishes, adopted in the earlier 
editions, was superseded by the familiar Linnzan system, and the cetaceans were for 
the first time eliminated from the class of fishes and grouped with the viviparous quad- 
rupeds under the new class name Mammalia. 

A modification of far less merit was the separation of the Chondropterygii of Artedi 
(exclusive of the genus Acipenser) and their combination, under the distinctive term 
Amphibia Nantes, with the Reptiles. The Fishes thus restricted were distributed into 
groups distinguished by the supposed structure of the branchix (Branchiostegi), the 
want of fins (Apodes), or their presence under the throat (Jugulares), at the thorax 
(Thoracici), or behind (Abdominales). 

414 species of Fishes (including the Amphibia Nantes) were admitted and arranged 
under 57 genera. 

This edition was reproduced at Halle (Hale Magdebvrgice, Typis et Svmptibus Io. 
Iac. Cyrt. 1760), in an exact reprint (Prefatvs est Ioannes Ioachimvs Langivs), 
in 1760, but has not been acknowledged as one of the so-called editions. 

The recognized eleventh edition was published at Leipzig in 1762, and is also a re- 
print of the tenth, but was condemned by Linné (Furtim prodiit vitiosa. Nil additum). 

[7.] Caroli a Linné, Equitis Aur. de Stella Polari, Archiatri Regii, Med. & 
Botan. Profess. Upsal., Acad. Paris. Upsal. Holmens. , Petropol. Berol. Imper. 
Lond. Angl. Monspel. Tolos. Florent. Edinb. Bern. Soc. Systema Nature per 
Regna Tria Nature, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Character- 
ibus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis. Tomus I[-] III.—ditio Duodecima, Refor- 
mata. Cum Privilegio S:ae R:ae M:tis Sueciae & Electoris Saxon. — Holmia, 
Impens. Direct. Laurentii Salvii, 1766 [-] 1768. [8vo., 3 v., viz:-— 

Tomus I. [Regnum Animale.—Pars 1: Mammalia. Aves. Amphibia. Pisces. 
pp. 1-532. 1766. Pars 2: Insecta. Vermes. 1 p. 1., pp. 533-1328, 11 1. 

Tomts II. [Regnum Vegetabile. 736 pp.,81.] 1767. 

« Ill. [Regnum Lapideum.—Appendix Animalium. Appendix Vegetabi- 
lium. 236 pp.,101. 3 pl. folded.] 1768. 

The last edition published by Linné. 
The class Pisces was in this edition further restricted by the exclusion of the 

Branchiostegi of Artedi (including tle dismembered genera Tetrodon and Diodon), and 
the genera Centriscus, Syngnathus, and Pegasus from the Fishes and their conjunction 


with the forms ejected in the tenth edition and the combination of all under the 
Amphibia Nantes, which were subdivided into two groups distinguished by the 
separated branchial chambers (Spiraculis compositis) or single apertures (Spiraculis 

477 nominal species of Fishes (including the Amphibia Nantes) were described, and 
referred to 61 genera. The additional genera were Amia, Elops (both founded 
for fishes sent by Dr. Garden from South Carolina), Cepola, and Teuthis. 

In conclusion, it may be said that the original editions recognized by Linné as 
completely revised ones were the first (1735), the second (1740), the sixth (1748), the 
tenth (1758), and the twelfth (1766-68). 

The first was reprinted at Halle, in 1740, and the reprint recognized as the third; 
and again at Paris in 1830. 

The second was reprinted at Paris, in 1744 (with modifications), as the fourth 
edition; and at Halle, in 1747, and the reissue was subsequently recognized as the 
Sith edition. 

The sixth edition was reissued at Leipzig, and subsequently known as the seventh ; 
and closely followed in the edition of Leipzig, recognized as the ninth. 

The eighth edition did not contain the Animal Kingdom. 

The tenth edition was reproduced at Halle in 1760 (not recognized), and at Leipzig 
in 1762, the last being acknowledged as the eleventh. 

The twelfth edition was reprinted at Vienna, in 1767-70, and entitled the thirteenth, 
but is not esteemed as one of the regular current editions. 

The later thirteenth edition, in which Gmelin brought together descriptions of species 
unrecognized by Linné and unknown to him, is noticed under the editor’s name 


GOUAN (Antoine). Historia Piscium, sistens ipsorum Anatomen externam, 
internam, atque Genera in Classes & Ordines redacta. Accedunt Vocabularium 
locupletissimum, Indices latini ac gallici, Experimenta circa Motum natatorium 
& muscularem, Respirationis mechanismum, Auditus & Generationis organa. 
Cum iconibus Genera nova ac precipuas partes Anatomicas exhibentibus. Auc- 
tore Antonio Goiian, Regis Consilario et Medico ordinario, Professore Regio in 
Ludoviceo Monspeliensi, Societ. regia Scient. Monspel. Sodali, regie Scient. 
Humaniorum Litterarum et Inscriptionum Tolosane Correspondenti, Academiz 
Botanic Florentine Socio honorario.—Argentorati. Sumptibus Amandi Konig, 
bibliopolez, 1770. Cum privilegio Regis.— 


Histoire des Poissons, contenant la Déscription Anatomique de leurs parties 
externes & internes, & le caractere des divers Genres rangés par Classes & 
par Ordres. Avec un Vocabulaire complet, des Tables raisonnées en latin & 
en frangois, des Expériences sur le Mouvement natatoire et musculaire, sur le 
méchanisme de la Respiration, sur les organes de ]’Ouie et de la Generation, 
& des Estampes qui représentent les principales parties anatomiques & 
quelques Genres nouveaux. Par M™ Antoine Goiian, - - + .—a& Strasbourg, chez 
Amand Konig, libraire. 1770. Avec privilege du Roi. [4to., xviii (doubled), 
252 (1-228 doubled) + [3] pp., 4 pl. folded.] 

The text is in both Latin and French, corresponding on opposite pages. 


The title of this work is misleading, as only the Genera of fishes are described. 
The modifications introduced into the class by Linné in the tenth edition of the 
Systema Nature (the exclusion of the Chondropterygii, less Acipenser and with the 
addition of Zophius, and their union with the Amphibia) are adopted. Thus limited, 
the genera are (1) combined according to the Artedian system, and (2) those com- 
binations then subdivided, with Linné, into groups distinguished by the want or 
position of the ventral fins. The genera were quite well described, and three new 
ones still retained in the System (Lepadogaster, Lepidopus, and Trachypterus) were 

BLOCH (Mark Blieser). D. Marcus Elieser Bloch’s, - - . , ausiibenden Arztes 

zu Berlin, Oekononomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands. [Text, 
4to.; Pl., obl. fol., 3 v. viz:— 

[1.] Mit sieben und dreissig Kupfertafeln nach Originalen. Erster Theil.— 
Berlin, 1782. Auf Kosten des Verfassers und in Commission bei dem 
Buchhindler Hr. Hesse. [8 p. l., 258 pp.] 

[2.] Mit fiinf und dreissig Kupfertafeln nach Originalen. Zwieter Theil.— 
Berlin, 1783. Auf Kosten des Verfassers und in Commission in der 
Buchhandlung der Realschule. [4 pl., 192 pp.] 

[3.] Mit sechs und dreissig ausgemalten Abdriicken nach Originalen und einem 
Titelkupfer. Dritter Theil. [=v. 2. 1784.] 

The text is in 4to.; the plates, in fol., without special titles. 

———— D. Marcus Elieser Bloch’s, austibenden Arztes zu Berlin, - - - . Naturges- 
chichte der auslindischen Fische. [Text, 4to.; Pl., obl. fol., 9 v. viz:— 

[4.] Mit sechs und dreissig ausgemalten Kupfern nach Originalen. — Erster 
Theil. Berlin, 1783. Auf Kosten des Verfassers, und in Commission in 
der Buchhandlung der Realschule. [viii, 136 pp.] 

[5.] [=v. 4.] Zweiter Theil. Berlin 1786. [==v. 4.—viii, 160 pp.] 

[6.] Mit sechs und dreissig ausgemalten Kupfern nach Originalen und einem 
Titelkupfer. Dritter Theil. Berlin 1787. [==v. 4,5.—xiv, 146 pp.] 

{7.] Mit sechs und dreissig Ausgemalten Kupfern nach originalen. Vierter 
Theil. Berlin 1790. Bey den Kénigl. Akademischen Kunsthindlern J. 
Morino & Comp. [xii, 128 pp.] 

(8.] [=v. 7.] Fiinfter Theil. Berlin 1791. [=v. 7—viii, 152 pp.] 

[9.] [=v. 7, 8.] Sechster Theil. Berlin 1792. [==v. 7, 8.—xii, 126 pp.] 
[10.] [=v. 7-9.] Siebenter Theil. Berlin 1793. [=v. 7-9.—xiv, 144 pp.] 
[1l.] [=v. 7-10.] Achter Theil. Berlin 1794. [v. 7-10.—vi, 174 pp.] 
[12.] Mit sechs und dreissig Ausgemalten Abdriicken nach Originalen. Neunter 

Theil. Berlin 1795. Im Verlage der Morinoschen Kunsthandlung. [iv, 
192 pp.] 
The nine parts of the last work (Natural History of Foreign Fishes) were 
complementary to the first (Economical History of the Fishes of Germany), and 
together formed a uniform series, afterwards entitled :— 

Allgemeine Naturgeschichte der Fische. 
The three volumes of the first work formed volumes I to III of the collection, 
and the nine of the last, volumes IV to XII. 
November, 1872, 6 


~—— Icthyologie, ou Histoire Naturelle, générale et particuliére des Poissons. 
Avec des figures enluminées, dessinées d’aprés nature. Par Marc Eliéser 
Bloch, - - +. [Fol., 12 v., viz :— 

[lz Serie. ] 

[1.] Premitre partie. Avec 37 planches. — A Berlin, chez l’auteur, et chez 
Frangois de la Garde libraire, 1785. [5 p.1., 206 pp., 1 1., pl. 1-37.] 

[2.] Seconde partie. Avec 35 planches.—[=v.1.] 1785. [1 title, 170 pp., 
11., pl. 38-72.] 

[3.] Troisitme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 2.] 1786. [1 p. 1., 160 pp., 
1 1., pl. 73=107.] 

[4.] Quatritme partie. Avec 36 planches. 
A Berlin, ) l’Auteur, & ? chez Francois de la Garde libraire. 
A Paris, - chez ~ Didot le jeune, - eine 
A hondion §) ( white CoeBilSemerney en Sie 
[1 p. 1., 134 pp., 1 1., pl. 109-144. ] 

[5.] Cinquiéme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 4.] 1787. [lp.1.,130pp., 
11., pl. 145-180.] 

[6.] Sixiéme et derniére partie. Avec trente-six planches.—[=v. 4, 5.] 1788. 
[1 p. 1. viii, 150 pp., 11., pl. 181-216.] 

[2 SERIE. ] 

[7.] Septi¢me partie. Avec 36 planches.—A Berlin, chez V Auteur.—A Leipzic 
dans la Musée de Mr. Beygang et chez tous les libraires d’Allemagne, 
1797. [1 p. 1. viii, 104 pp., 11., pl. 217-252. ] 
[8.] Huitéme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 7.] 1797. [1 p. l. iv, 122 
pp., 1 1., pl. 253-288. ] 
[9.] Neuvieme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 7, 8.] 1797. [1 p.1., 110 
pp-, 1 1., pl. 289-324. ] 
[10.] Dixiéme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 7-9.] 1797. [1 p.1., v, 120 
pp., 1 1., pl. 325-360. ] 
[1l.] Onziéme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 7-10.] 1797. [2 p. 1., 136 
pp., 1 1., pl. 361-396.] 
[12.] Douziéme partie. Avec 36 planches.—[=v. 7-11l.] 1797. [1 p. 1. ii, 
142 pp., 2 1., pl. 397-432. ] 

A translation, by Laveau, of the preceding series. 

A cheap edition of this work was published in “ Suites 4 Buffon” (v. 32-41), with 
the plates of Bloch, copied and reduced by J. E. Deseve, and under the following 
title :— 

Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, avec les figures dessinées d’aprés nature par 
Bloch. Ouvrage classé par ordres, genres et espéces, d’aprés le systtme de 
Linné; avec les caracttres génériques; par René Richard Castel, - 

Second édition.—A Paris, chez Déterville,- - -. an X, [1802. 12mo, 10 y., 
with 160 pl. 3° éd. Roret, 1837.—26 fr. 20c.; col. 47 fr.] 


HAUY (Rene Just). Encyclopédie Méthodique.—Histoire Naturelle. Tome troi- 
siéme. Contenant les Poissons. [Anon.]—A Paris, chez Panckoucke, libraire, 
. ... A Litge, chez Plomteux, imprimeur des Riats. 1787 = 3: J [4to..2 
p. l. ix, 435 pp.] 


This is a dictionary, in which the Linnean orders (miscalled classes of orders), 
genera, and species are described under their French names in alphabetical order. 
Tabular synopses (each on a special page) are also given of the classes, genera, and 
species under their French names, in connection with the descriptions. The work is 
avery poor and imperfect compilation, by an author practically unacquainted with 
Fishes as well as with the then recent literature of the subject. The following is 
a complement to it :— 


BONNATERRE (J--- P-.-.-). Tableau Encyclopédique et Méthodique des 
trois regnes de la Nature, dédié et présenté & M. Necker, Ministre d’Etat, & 
Directeur général des Finances. —IcutTHyotocie.— Par M. |’Abbé Bonnaterre. 
- . - .'—A Paris, chez Panckoucke, libraire, - - -. 1788. ---. [4to., 
vi, 215 pp., 2 (A, B) +100 pl.] 

A poor compilation, arranged according to the Linnawan classification, by an in- 
dividual who was employed by Panckoucke, the publisher of the Encyclopédie 
Méthodique, to bring together the illustrations of the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, 
Fishes, and Insects. .The compiler has availed himself of the works of most of the 
authors preceding, and collected illustrations of more than 400 species. 


GMELIN (Johann Friedrich). Caroli a Linné, Equitis aurati de stella polari, 
Archiatri Regii, Med. et Botan. Profess. Upsal. Acad. Paris. Upsal. Holm. 
Petropol. Berolin. Imper. Londin. Ang]. Monsp. Tolos. Florent. Edinb. Bern. Soc. 
Systema Naturae per regna tria Naturae, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, 
Species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. [—] III. 
Editio Decima tertia, Aucta, Reformata. Cura Jo. Fred. Gmelin, Philos. et 
Med. Doctor. Hujus et Chem. in Georgia Augusta Prof. P. O. Acad. Caesar. 
Naturae Curiosorum et Electoral. Moguntin. Erfordensis, nec non Societ. Reg. 
Scient. Goettingensis, Physicae Tigurin., et Metallicae Membri.—Lipsiae, 1788 
-93. Impensis Georg. Emanuel. Beer. [8vo., 4120 pp., 3 v. in 9 parts, viz:— 

The three volumes. being very much amplified, were divided into parts, with half 
titles, for binding, viz :— 

Tomus I. [Regnum Animale: pars i. (Mammalia; Aves, ordines 1-2), 6 p.1., 
pp. 1-500: pars ii. (Aves, ordines 3-6), 1 p.1., pp. 501-1032: pars ili. (Am- 
phibia, Pisces), 1 p.l., pp. 1033 (Pisces, 1126)-1516: pars iv. (Jnsecta, 
ordines 1-2), 1 p.l., pp. 1517-2224: pars v. (Insecta, ordines 3-7), 1 p.l., 
pp. 2225-3020: pars vi. (Vermes), 1 p.l., pp. 3021-3910: pars vii. (Indices), 
1 p.l., pp. 3911-4120.] 1789. 

Tomus II. [Regnum Vegetabile:] pars i., 1 p.l. xl, 884 pp.: pars ii., 1 p.L., 
pp- 885-1661.] 1791. 

Tomus III. [Regnum Lapideum.] 476 pp., 3 pl. folded. 1793. 

This edition is’ noticed under the date of 1788 and the name of Gmelin, as that 
naturalist is alone responsible for the incorporation of the many species described 
since the last edition of the Systema Nature revised by Linné. The compilation 
displays very little acquaintance with any branch of Zoology, and species are incor- 
porated into the system in defiance of the characters of the groups to which they 
are referred. This is evidently the result of blind confidence in the accuracy and 


powers of discrimination of those whose species were incorporated by him into the 
System, as he did not hesitate to adopt their views as to generic relations, however 
much the inherent evidence of their own descriptions might oppose their views. A 
large number of the species were thus repeated under different specific as well as 
generic names. The number of nominal species was thereby increased to 826, grouped 
under 65 genera, (150a) Sternoptyx, (150b) Leptocephalus, (155a) Kurtus, (165a) 
Scarus, and (170a) Centrogaster having been added to the Linnean genera. Gmelin, 
however, improved on the Linnean system by the re-combination of the Amphibia 
nantes with the Pisces, and he re-adopted the orders (V) Branchiostegi and (VI) 
‘hondropterygii. He erred, on the other hand, in separating Mormyrus from the 
Abdominales and referring it to the Branchiostegi. 


WALBAUM (Johann Julius). Petri Artedi Sueci Genera Piscium. In quibus 
Systema totum Ichthyologie proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum char- 
acteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 
242 [228] ad Genera 62 [45]. Ichthyologie Pars III.—Emendata et aucta a 
Iohanne Iulio Walbaum, M.D., Societatis Berolinensis Nature*Curiosorum, et 
Societatis Litteraria Lubecensis Sodali. Cum tabula enea.—Grypeswaldia, im- 
pensis Ant. Ferdin. Rése 1792. [Svo., 4 p. 1., 723 pp., 3 pl.] 

A poor compilation, like Gmelin’s, in which the various previously described 
Species were introduced without a critical study into the system, and described in 
foot-notes in connection with the Artedian species, but combined under the Linnean 
genera. The nominal species (and many are only nominal), excluding the ceta- 
ceans, are thus raised from 228 to about 965, without counting the species enumerated 
under the new genera of authors appended to the volume. The compilation has some 
value, not only on account of the original descriptions of species copied from previous 
authors, but because of the reproductions of the descriptions of the new genera in- 
troduced by various authors into the system. It is also of interest to the student 
of American species by reason of the incorporation therein, under specific names, of 
anonymous American species described by Schoepf. 


LACEPEDE (Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville-sur-Illon, Comte de). 
Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, [v. 1] par le citoyen La Céptde, membre de 
l'Institut national, et Professeur du Muséum de histoire naturelle. Tome pre- 
mier [-5].—A Paris, chez Plassan, imprimeur libraire, Rue du Cimetiére André- 
des-Arcs, No. 10. L’an VI de la République.—1798. [—L’an XI de la Répub- 
lique, 7. e., 1803] [4to., 5 v.] 

The title-page was modified in each volume, and the personal titles successively 
increased in number; the address of the publisher was changed (in v. 3-5) ; the last 
volume (on title-page) was dedicated to his late wife; and only the first volume 
bears the date of the Christian era. 

Originally published and frequently reproduced in connection with Buffon’s works, 
e.g., Buffon, Ist ed. (1749-84), v. 39-43; Ist 12mo. ed. (1752-1805), v. 78-88; La- 
cépéde’s Ist ed. (1799-1802), 14 v.; Lacépéde’s 2d ed. (1817-19), v. 13-17; Lamou- 
roux and Desmarest’s ed. (1824-32), suite—z. e., (fuvres du Comte de Lacépéde—v 
5-11; Lecointe’s ed. (1829-34), about 25 v.; also, republished in “ Histoire Natu- 
relle” (Furve et c'*), in 1855; the compilation ascribed to Sonnrnt DE MANoNncouUR 


(Charles Nicolas Sigisbert) is also merely a slightly modified reprint of the same 
work, The last is entitled: Histoire Naturelle générale et particuliére des Poissous ; 
ouvrage faisant Suite 4 l’Histoire Naturelle, générale et particuliére; composée par 
Leclerc de Buffon, et mise dans un nouvel ordre [v. 9, 10, 11, ‘‘ Redige’’] par C. S. 
Sonnini, avec des notes et additions. Par C. S. Sonnini,. + - .—Paris, de l‘impri- 
mérie de F. Dufart, an XI [—] XII [1803-1805—8vo., 13 vols.] 

A work by an able man and eloquent writer (even prone to aid rhetoric by the 
aid of the imagination, in absence of desirable facts), but which, on account of undue 
eonfidence in others, default of comparison of materials from want thereof and other- 
wise, and carelessness generally, is entirely unreliable. Many species appear under 
several different names, and in genera widely separated. The classification adopted 
is a procrustean system of (1) subclasses, (2) divisions, and (3) orders. 

First, Subclasses, based on the supposed consistence of the skeleton (Sousclasses 
(1) Poissons cartilagineux; (2) Poissons osseux). 

Second, Divisions, under each subclass, established on the supposed presence or 
absence and yarious combinations (4) of the opercula and branchiostegal membrane, 
that is, the presence of both; of one; or, the other; or, none. 

Third, Orders, distinguished by the absence of ventrals (Apodes), or their presence 
at different regions (Jugulaires, Thoracins, Abdominaux). 

Several of these categories are non-existent in nature, and the reference of species 
to them is due to erroneous observation or supposition. 

Fourteen hundred and sixty-three (1463) nominal species were described. 


BLOCH (Marc Elieser), and Johann Gottlob SCHNEIDER. M. E. Blochii, 
Doctoris Medicinae Berolinensis, et societatibus literariis multis adscripti, 
Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus 
inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo.—Berolini, 
sumtibus auctoris impressum et bibliopolio Sanderiano commissum. 1801. 
[S8vo., 1x, 584 pp., 110 col. pl.] 

A compilation in which the various species described by authors are collected 
together, and referred with very little judgment to the genera admitted. The class 
is arranged in a new manner, avowedly according to the number of the fins, but very 
frequently in defiance of their true number and morphology, as notably in the genera 
1, 2, 4, 7, 21, 37, 38, but, also, in very many others. The system is as follows, the 
genera described as new (in Bloch’s previous works as well as the present) being 
indicated by italics :— 

Classis I. Hendecapterygii. (11 fins.)—1. Lepadogaster. 
Classis II. Decapterygii. (10 fins.) 

Ordo i. Jugulares.—2. Gadus. 

Ordo ii. Thoracici.—3. Trigla. 

Ordo iii. Abdominales.—4. Polynemus. 

Classis III. Enneapterygii. (9 fins.)—5. Secomber. 
Classis IV. Octopterygii. (8 fins.) 

Ordo i. Jugulares.—6. “allionymus; 7. Batrachus; 8. Uranoscopus; 9. 
Enchelyopus; 10. Trachinus; 11. Phycis. 

Ordo ii. Thoracici.—l12. Platycephalus; 13. Cottus; 14. Periophthalmus ; 
15. Eleotris; 16. Gobius; 17. Johnius; 18. Mullus; 19. Sciena; 20. 
Perca; 21. Xiphias; 22. Zeus; 23. Brama: 24. Monocentris eae 
Lonchurus; 26. Macrurus; 27. Agonus; 28. Eques. 


Ordo iii. Abdominales.— 29. Cataphrectus (=Callichthys); 30. Sphyrena; 
31. Atherina; 32. Centriscus; 33. Fistularia; 34. Mugil; 35. Gasteros- 
teus; 36. Loricaria; 37. Squalus. 

Classis V. Heptapterygii. (7 fins.) 

Ordo i. Jugulares.—38. Lophius; 39. Pteraclis; 40. Pleuronectes; 41. 
Kyrtus; 42. Trichogaster; 43. Centronotus (=Murenoides); 44. Blen- 
nius; 45. Percis; 46. Trichonotus. 

Ordo ii. Thoracici.—47. Monoceros; 48. Grammistes; 49. Scorpena; 650. 

Synanceia; 51. Cyclopterus ; 52. Amphiprion; 53. Amphacanthus (=Teuthis, 
L.); 54. Acanthurus; 55. Chetodon; 56. Alphestes; 57. Ophiocephalus 
(Bl. Ausl. Fische, viii); 58. Lepidopus; 59. Echeneis; 60. Cepola; 61. 
Labrus; 62. Sparus; 63. Scarus; 64. Coryphena; 65. Epinephelus; 
66. Anthias; 67. Cephalopholis; 68. Calliodon; 69. Holocentrus; 70. 
Lutianus; 71. Bodianus; 72. Cichla; .73. Gymnocephalus. 

Ordo iii. Abdominales.—74. Acipenser; 75. Chimera; 76. Pristis; 77. 
Rhina; 78. Rhinobatus; 79. Raja; 80. Platystacus; 81. Silurus; 82. 
Anableps; 83. Acanthonotus (=Notacanthus); 84. Esox; 85. Synodus ; 
86. Salmo; 87. Clupea; 88. Exocoetus; 89. Chauliodus; 90. Elops; 
91. Albula; 92. Cobitis; 93. Cyprinus; 94. Amia; 95. Poecilia; 96. 
Pegasus; 97. Mormyrus; 98. Polyodon; genus dubium 99. Argentina. 

Classis VI. Hexapterygii. (6 fins.) 

[Ordo i.} Apodes.—100. Balistes; 101. Rynchobdella. 

Ordo ii. Pinna anali carentes.—102. Trachypterus; 103. Gymnetrus (=Re- 
galecus Brunn). 

Classis VII. Pentapterygii.’ (Fins 5.) 

Ordo i. Apodes.—104. Ophidium; 104a.-Pomatias; 104). Gnathobolus (= 
Odontognathus Lac.); 105. Murena; 106. Stromateus; 107. Ammody- 
tes; 108. Sternoptyx; 109. Anarrhicas; 110. Channa; 111. Sternar- 
chus; 112. Ostracion; 113. Tetrodon; 114. Orthragoriscus; 115. Diodon; 
116. Syngnathus. 

Classis VIII. Tetrapterygii, Apodes.—117. Trichiurus; 118. Bogmarus (=Tra- 
chypterus Goiian); 118a. Tenoides; 119. Stylephorus. 
Classis IX. Tripterygii. 

Ordo i. Apodes.—120. Gymnonotus. 

Ordo ii. Achiri et Apodes. —121. Synbranchus; 122. Gymnothorax (=Mur- 
zena L.). 

Classis X. Dipterygii. 

Ordo i. Apodes.—123. Ovum. 

Ordo ii. Apodes et Achiri.—124. Petromyzon; 125. Leptocephalus. 

Classis XI. Monopterygii. Apodes et Achiri.—126. Gastrobranchus (=Myxine 
Linn.); 127. Sphagebranchus (=Ophichthys Ahl.); 127a. Fluta (= 
Monopterus Lac.); 128. Zyphlobranchus. 


SHAW (George). General Zoology or Systematic Natural History. By George 
Shaw, M.D., F.R.S., &c., with plates from the first authorities and most select 
specimens, engraved principally by Mr. Heath. — [Specifications.] London: 
[v. 1-7,] Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet Street. [v. 8-14, by others]. 1800 
[—] 1826. [Svo., 14 v.] 


Besides the engraved title, copied above, there is, on the following leaf, a short 
printed one, viz:—General Zoology.—[Specifications.]—London: [Publishers]. 
—1800 [—] 1826. The later volumes were by James Francis Stephenson. 

The Ichthyological portion is contained in the fourth and fifth volumes, viz:— 

Vol. IV. Part I. Pisces.— -.--. 1803. [1 eng. title, 1 plain title, pp. 
v, [1,] 1-186, pl. 1-25.—Apodes 53 sp.; Jugu- 
lares, 53 sp.=106 sp.] 

Vol. IV. Part II. Pisces— -- +. 1803. [1 eng. title, pp. xi, [+i], incl. 
pl. title, 187-632, pl. 26-92+43, 65, 69, 74.— 
Thoraciet, 672 sp.] 

Molen bart a. eePisces:— 1s yr 1804.) [l! ene! title) Wi pls titles pp- 
v, [+iii,] 1-250, pl. 93-132. — Abdominales, 
261 sp.] 

Vol. V. Part Il. Pisces.— - +--+. 1804. [1 eng. title, pp. vi, [+ii,] incl. 
pl. title, 251-463, pl. 133-182-++-158.— Cartilag- 
inei, 191 sp.] 

This part is a compilation, based on the system of Linné as modified by Gmelin in 
the restoration of the Amphibia nantes to the Fishes. It is even worse than its pre- 
decessors in the incorporation of species unknown to Linné in the genera. The 
illustrations are almost entirely copied from the works of Bloch and Lacépéde, only 
five or six (according to Cuvier), representing species in the British Museum, being 
original. Two new generic types (Zrachichthys and Stylephorus) are added, one of 

s which, however (Zrachichthys), had been previously described in the Naturalists’ 
Miscellany (v. X). 

Twelve hundred and thirty (1230) nominal species were described. 

The generic diagnoses, it may be added, were copied (sometimes with very slight 
modifications) by Dr. S. L. Mitchill in his memoir (‘‘The Fishes of New York, 
described and arranged”) in the “Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical 
Society of New York.” 


CUVIER (Georges Chrétien Léopold Dagobert, baron) and Achille VA- 
LENCIENNES. Histoire naturelle des poissons, par M. le B™ Cuvier, «- « -; 
et par M. Valenciennes, - +--+. Tome premier [—Tome vingt-deuxiéme. | 
A Paris, [v. 1-12] chez F. G. Levrault, ---. 1828 [-37]; [v. 13-14], chez 
Pitois-Levrault et Ce, ..-.-. 1839; [v. 15]; chez Ch. Pitois, éditeur, ---. 
1840; [v. 16-22] chez P. Bertrand, [etc.]. 1842-15849. 

As indicated on the reverse of the bastard title, all the volumes were printed at 
Strasbourg, v. 1 to 13 having been printed by F. G. Levrault (Imprimerie de F. G. 
Levrault), and v. 14 to 22 by the widow Levrault. (Imprimerie de V* Berger- 

y. 1. Livre premiér.—Tableau historique des progrés de l’ichtyologie, depuis 
son origine jusqu’s nos jours. 
Livre deuxiéme.—Idée générale de la nature et de l’organisation des poissons. 
v. 2-3. Livre troisitme.—Des poissons de la famille des Perches, ou des Per- 
eoides. [Par Cuvier.] 1828-29. 


v. 4. Livre quatriéme.—Des acanthoptérygiens 4 joue cuirassée. [Par Cuvier. | 
1829. ; 
vy. 5. Livre cinquieme.—Des Sciénoides. [Par Cuvier.] 1830. 
y. 6. Livre sixiéme.—(Partie I. Des Sparoides ; Partie Il. Des Ménides.) 1830. 
[Par Cuvier et Valenciennes. | 
y. 7. Livre septieéme.—Des Squamipennes. [Par Cuvier ?] 
Livre huitieme.—Des poissons 4 pharyngiens labyrinthiformes. 1831. [Par 
Cuvier ?] 
vy. 8-9. Livre neuviéme. Des Scombéroides. 1831-33. [Par Cuvier et Valen- 
ciennes. | 
vy. 10. Suite du 1. 9.—Des Scomberoides. [Par Cuvier et Valenciennes ?] 
Livre dixieme.—De la famille des Teuthies. [Par Cuvier et Valenciennes ?] 
*« onziéme.—De la famille des Tenioides. [Par Cuvier et Valenciennes ?] 
“  douziéme.—Des Atherines. 1835. [Par Cuvier et Valenciennes ?] 
vy. ll. Livre troizieme.—Des Mugiloides. 
Livre quatorziéme.—De la famille des Gobioides. 1836. 
v. 12. Suite du livre quatorzieme.—Gobioides. 
Livre quinziéme.—Des acanthoptérygiens & pectorales pédiculées. 1837. 
vy. 13. Livre seizieme.—Labroides. 1839. 
vy. 14. Suite du livre seiziéme.—Labroides. 
Livre dix-septiéme.—Des Malacoptérygiens. Des Siluroides. 1839. 
vy. 15. Suite du livre dix-septiéme.—Siluroides. 1840. 
y. 16-17. Livre dix-huitieme.—Cyprinoides. 1842. 
y. 18. Suite du livre dix-huitiéme.—Cyprinoides. 
Livre dix-neuvieme.—Des Esoces ou Lucioides. 1846. 
y. 19. Suite du livre dix-neuviéme.—Brochets ou Lucioides. 
Livre vingtitme.—De quelques familles* de Malacoptérygiens, intermédiaires 
entre les Brochets et les Clupes. 1846. 
y. 20. Livre vingt et uniéme.—De la famille des Clupéoides. 1847. 
y. 21. Suite du livre vingt et uniéme et des Clupéoides.t 1848. 
Livre vingt-deuxiéme.—De la famille des Salmonoides. 
y. 22. Suite du livre vingt-deuxiéme. —Suite de la famille des Salmonoides. 1849. 

Two editions were published, one in octavo and the other in quarto, but from the 
same types, adjusted only for difference of form. Of each edition, copies with colored 
and uncolored plates were published; the price of the octavo edition with plain plates 
was, for the first twelve volumes, 13 francs 50 centimes per volume, afterwards (vy. 
13-22), 19 franes 50 centimes; with colored plates, 23 francs 50 centimes, afterwards 
raised to 39 franes 50 centimes; of the quarto edition with plain plates, at first 18 
francs, and afterwards (v. 13-22), 28 frances; with colored plates, 18 frances, after- 
wards 48 francs per volume. For sets in octavo with plain plates, 300 (Grasse) or 
429 (Lorenz) francs, and with colored plates, 600 (Grisse) or 869 (Lorenz) francs; 
in quarto with plain plates, 480 (Grasse) or 616 (Lorenz) francs, and with colored 
plates, 800 (Grasse) or 1056 (Lorenz) frances. 

* The families referred to are: Chirocentres (with the genus Chiroeentrus), Alepocéphales (with 
Alepocephalus), Lutodeires (with Chanos and Gonorhynchus), Mormyres (with Mormyrus), Hyodontes 
(with Osteoglossum, Ischnosoma, and Hyodon), Butirins (with Albula=Butirinus) Elopiens (with Elops 
and Megilops), Amies (with Amida), Vastres ou Amies? (Vastres), famille particuliére, ou Amies? 
(Heterotis), Erythroides (with Erythrinus, Macrodon, Lebiasina, and Pyrrhulina), and Ombres (with 

t The Notopt*res are differentiated from the Cluzeoides as a very distinct family (une famille trés 


Vi laxvinol4 pp. Ll © xiv;.422-pp.. FL pl. 1-8 [double]. 1828.* 
2. xxi, [1 1.] 490 pp. xvii, [1 1.] 371 pp. pl. 9-40., 1828. 
3. xxviii, 500 pp. 11. xxii, [1 1.] 368 pp. pl. 41-71. 1829. 
4, xxvi, [1 1.] 518 pp. xx, [1 1.] 379 pp. pl. 72-99, 97 bis. 1829. 
5. xxviii, 499 pp. 21. xx, 374 pp. 21. pl. 100-140. 1830, 
6. xxiv, 559 pp. 31. xviii, [3 1.] 470 pp. pl. 141-169, 162 bis, 162 ter, 
162 quater, 167 bis, 168 bis. 
Mee XIK) OS Lipps on lex KILN [ot la| S9 9) DD. pl. 170-208. 1831. 
Sap Xi, [2015] 509) ppi sev, 2 loo 7ol pp. pl. 209-245. 1831. 
9. xxix, 512ipps Pl, xxiv, (11: 379 pp: pl. 246-279. 1833. 
10. xxiv, 482 pp. 11. xix, [1 1.] 358 pp. pl. 280-306. 1835. 
ile DO GED pedal. Kisii lel imaioupps pl. 307-343. 1836. 
12. xxiv, 507 -+ 1 pp. xx, 377 pp. 11. pl. 344-368. 1837. 
13. xix, 505 pp.11. xvii, 370 pp. pl. 369-388. 1839. 
14. xxii, 464 pp.31. xx, 344 pp. 31. pl. 389-420. 1839. 
ib5aexxxi, 040 pp. Ll xxiv, 397 pp: pl. 421-455. 1840. 
6hexx 4/2 pp- 11: xviii, 363 pp. 11. pl. 456-487. 1842. 
Ripe Xs 490 Ops Lely xX oO pps Ll: pl. 487 [bis]-519. 1844. 
18. xix, 505 pp. 21. xviii, 375 pp. 2'1. pl. 520-553. 1846. 
LOR xix. DA4 pols) |) Xv, 9L pps Zl. pl. 554-590. 1846. 
20. xviii, 472 pp. 11. xiv, 346 pp. 11. pl. 591-606. 1847. 
21. xiv, 536 pp. xiii [+ iii], 391 pp. pl. 607-633. 1848. 

22. xx, 532,91(+1) pp. xvi, 395, [Index] 814-1 pp. pl. 634-650. 1549. 

4514} nominal species were described in the 22 volumes: all belonging to the order 
Teleocephali, except the Gasterosteidae (17 sp.), Opisthomi ( sp.), Nematognathi 
(298 sp.), Seyphophori (12 sp.), and Amiidae (10 sp.), to balance which the Cich- 
lidae (or Chromididae), Anacanthini and Gymnarchidae almost alone remained to be 

CoMPLEMENTARY. 1865-1870. 

DUMERIL (August). Histoire naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie générale 
par Aug. Duméril [,] professeur-administrateur au Museum d’Histoire naturelle 
de Paris.—Ouvrage accompagné de planches.—[See “contents.” ]—Paris [,] 
Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, - - - . 1865. [-]1870. [Text 8vo. Atlas, 
larger 8vo. ] 


Tome premier [.] Elasmobranches [i. e.] Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chi- 
méres.—Premiére partie. - - - 1865. [2p. 1. pp. 1-352]; Seconde partie. 
1865. [2p. 1. pp. 353-720.—With atlas, 16 fr.; col., 19 fr.] 
Tome second [.] Ganoides, Dipnés, Lophobranches. - +--+ 1870. [2 p. 4. 624 

* The plates illustrating the first volume, and representing the anatomy of fishes, were in one edition, 
issued in a folio fasciculus. 

+ In this enumeration, I have adopted without verification the statements by Dr. Giinther, published 
fn the several volumes (I, II, III, V, VI) of his Catalogue of Fishes, and added Pterophyllum (1 sp.), 
Pomacentridae (74 sp.), Labridae (351 sp.), Cyprinidae and Cyprinodontidae (438+54=492 sp.), Esocidae 
(10 sp.), Galaxiidae (7 sp.), Scomberesocidae (90 sp.), Mormyridae (20 sp.), Amiidae (10 sp.), Umbridae 
(1 sp.) and Salmonidae (105 sp.) 


Atlas. [Pl. 1-14 to v. 1, with 8 pp. (1-8) explanatory, including title; Pl. 15- 
26 to v. 2, with separate title-page and pp. 9-12 explanatory. ] 

The plan of this work was quite elaborate, and systematic summaries of the an- 
atomical characteristics of the various major groups have been given in the volume 
published, in addition to an extended introduction on Ichthyology. 618 nominal 
species are described or indicated, including those which the author did not especially 
eall doubtful, but which, from want of sufficient precision and details in the descrip- 
tions or other cause, he could not contrast in his synoptical tables: these 616 species 
were arranged under 101 genera, 35 families, and 7 orders, and represented 4 subclasses. 

In order to exhibit the contrast in the mode of treatment of the groups in question 
by two contemporaneous ichthyologists, the following details respecting the numbers 
of species are given without other comment than that the sequence and details of 
classification in Giinther’s work are also different. 

DvMERIL, 1865-70. GUNTHER, 1870. 
Ie. Sous-classe, Elasmobranches 

Squales 129 (+10 d) 128-18 d. 
Raies 177 (4+ 6d) 130-+-37 d. 
Holocephales 8 4 
II*. Sous-classe, Ganoides. 
Chondrostés 85 224-10 d. 
Holostés 8 
Lépidostéidés 30 3+ 1d. 
Polyptéridés 6 2 
. Amiadés 12 i 
III*. Sous-classe, Dipnés 2 3 
IV*. Sous-classe, Lophobranches 
Hy postomidés 4 4 
Prostomidés 165 1164-25 d. 


GUNTHER (Albert C. L. G.). Catalogue of the fishes in the British museum. 
By Albert Giinther, - - +. Volume first [to volume eight].—London: printed 
by order of the trustees. 1859-1870. [8vo., 8 v.] 

This important work was commenced with a more restricted design and title, the 
first three volumes being designated as indicated below, and the general title was 
only assumed with the fourth volume: at the end of that volume, general titles for 
the preceding ones were supplied, and that and all subsequent ones had double titles, 
—the general and the special here reproduced, viz :— 

v. 1-3.—Catalogue of the Acanthopterygian fishes in the collection of the British 
museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. 

Volume first. Gasterosteide, Berycidw, Percide, Aphredoderidz, Pristipoma- 
tide, Mullide, Sparide. - - - . 1859. [Genera title + xxxix, 524 
pp-—10s. ] 

Volume second. Squamipinnes, Cirrhitide, Triglide, Trachinide, Scienide, 
Polynemidez, Sphyrenide, Trichiuride, Scombridz, Carangidew, Xiphiide. 
+++. 1860. [General title + xxi, 548 pp.—8s. 6d.] 


Volume third. Gobiidz, Discoboli, Oxudercide, Batrachidz, Pediculati, Blen- 
niide, Acanthoclinidez, Comephoride, Trachypteride, Lophotide, Teuthi- 
didw, Acronuride, Hoplognathide, Malacanthide, Nandidz, Polycentrida, 
Labyrinthici, Luciocephalide, Atherinide, Mugilide, Ophiocephalide, Tri- 
chonotide, Cepolidz, Gobiesocide, Psychrolutide#, Centriscidez, Fistulariida, 
Mastacembelide, Notacanthi. ---. 1861. [General title -+ xxv, 586 + 
x pp.*—10s. 6d.] 

vy. 4.—Catalogue of the Acanthopterygii pharyngognathi and Anacanthini in the 
collection of the British museum, ---. 1862. [General title + xxi, 534 
pp-—8s. 6d.] 

v. 5.—Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluride#, Characi- 
nid, Haplochitonide, Sternoptychida, Scopelidz, Stomiatide in the collection 
of the British inuseum, - - - . 1864. [ (including general title) xxii, 455 

v. 6.—Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Salmonidz, Percop- 
side, Galaxide, Mormyridez, Gymnarchide, Esocide, Umbridz, Scombresocida, 
Cyprinodontide in the collection of the British museum, ---. 1866. [xv, 
368 pp. ] 

vy. 7.—Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Heteropygii, Cypri- 
nidez, Gonorhynchide, Hyodontide, Osteoglosside, Clupeidx, Chirocentrida, 
Alepocephalidz, Notopteride, Halosauridz in the collection of the British mu- 
seum, ---. 1868. [xx, 512 pp.] 

v. §.—Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Gymnotidz, Sym- 
branchide, Muraenidsw, Pegaside, and of the [orders] Lophobranchii, Plec- 
tognathi, [and sub-classes] Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata, 
Leptocardii, in the British museum, - - - . 1870. [xxv, 549 pp.] 

‘In the present work, 6843 species are regarded as well established and described; 
whilst 1682 others are doubtful and referred to by name only. Assuming, then, that 
about one-half of the latter will be ultimately admitted into the system, and that, 
since the publication of the volume of this work, about 1000 species have been 
described elsewhere, we may put the total number of fishes known at present as about 
9000.” Gthr. v. 8, p. vi. 

* A “Systematic synopsis of the families of the Acanthopterygian fishes”’ (x pp.) is given as an ap- 
pendix to the third volume. 

Acanthoclinidae, 34. 
Acanthopteri, p. 4. 
Acanthopterygii, p. 4. 
Acanthopterygii blenni- 
formes, p. 3. 
Acanthopterygii channi- 
formes, p. 13. 
Acanthopterygii gobi- 
esociformes, p. 13. 
Acanthuridae, 71. 
Acipenseridae, 214. 
Acronuridae, p. 7. 
Agonidae, 54. 
Albulidae, 166. 
Alepidosauridae, 161. 
Alepocephalidae, 163. 
Alopeciidae, 231. 
Amblyopidae, 141. 
Amblyopoidea, p. 14. 
Amilidae, 208. 
Ammodytidae, 29. 
Amphacanthidae, 72. 
Amphipnoidae, 196. 
Amphisilidae, 138. 
Anabantidae, 68. 
Anacanthini, p. 3. 
Anarrhicadidae, 37. 
Anguillidae, 199. 
Antennariidae, 12. 
Anphredoderidae, 118. 
Apodes, p. 18. 
Argiidae, 190. 
Aspredinidae, 193. 
Ateleopodidae, 27. 
Atherinidae, 130. 
Aulopidae, 156. 
Aulorhynchidae, 134. 
Aulostomidae, 135. 
Aulostomoidea, p. 14. 

Balistidae, 5. 
Batrachidae, 41. 
Batrachoidea, p. 5. 


Bdellostomidae, 243. 
Belonidae, 139. 
Berycidae, 101. 
Berycoidea, p. 10. 
Blenniidae, 39. 
Blennoidea, p. 4. 
Bovichthyidae, 96. 
Bramidae, 56. 

Brachioganoidei, p. ‘21. 
Branchiostomidae, 244. 

Bregmacerotidae, 22. 
Brotulidae, 20, 
Brotulophididae, 21. 

Callichthyidae, 189. 
Callionymidae, 51. 
Cantharina, p. 10. 
Capridae, 90. 
Carangidae, 79. 
Carchariidae, p. 24. 
Cataphracti, p. 6. 
Catastomidae, 174. 
Cebedichthyidae, 38. 
Centrarchidae, 107. 
Centriscidae, 137. 
Centrisciformes, p. 14. 
Centropomidae, 110. 
Cephalopteridae, 217. 
Cepolidae, 128. 
Ceratiidae, 12. 
Ceratodontidae, 212. 
Ceratopterina, p. 22. 
Cestraciontidae, p. 23. 
Cetorhinidae, 228. 
Chacidae, 186. 
Chaenichthyidae, 93. 
Chaenopsidae, 35. 
Chaetodontidae, 74. 
Chaetodontoidea, p. 8. 
Chanoidae, 168. 
Characinidae, 145. 
Chatoessina, p. 17. 
Chauliodontidae, 152. 

Chilobranchidae, 202. 
Chimaerae, p. 22. 
Chimaeridae, 215. 
Chiridae, 59. 
Chirocentridae, 173. 
Chondroganoidea, p. 22. 
Chondrostei, p. 22. 
Cichlidae, 64. 
Cirrhitidae, 117. 
Cirrostomi, p. 25. 
Clariidae, 188. 
Clupeidae, 170. 
Cobitidae, 176. 
Colocephali, p. 18. 
Comephoridae, 122. 
Congridae, 198. 
Congrogadidae, 17. 
Coregonidae, 158. 
Coryphaenidae, 81. 
Cottidae, 55. 
Cottoidea, p. 6. 
Crossopterygia, p. 21. 
Crossorhinidae, 236. 
Cryptacanthidae, 31. 
Cycloganoidei, p. 21. 
Cyclopteridae, 49. 
Cyprinidae, 175. 
Cyprinodontidae, 144. 
Cyprinodontoidea, p. 15. 

Dactyloscopidae, 43. 
Dianidae, 88. 
Dipnoi, p. 22. 
Dorosomidae, 171. 
Drepanidae, 80. 
Dussumieridae, 169. 

Echeneididae, 120. 
Kcheneidoidea, p. 12. 
Elasmobranchii, p. 22. 
Electrophoridae, 180. 
Elopidae, 167. 
Embioticidae, 65. 

Enchelycephali, p. 18. 
Engraulididae, 172. 
Ephippiidae, 75. 
Esocidae, 142. 
Eventognathi, p. 17. 

Fierasferidae, 18. 
Fistulariidae, 136. 

Gadidae, 24. 
Gadopsidae, 30. 
Galaxiidae, 148. 
Galei, p. 23. 
Galeorhinidae, 233. 
Ganoidei, p. 21. 
Gasterosteidae, 133. 
Gasterosteoidea, p. 13. 
Gerridae, 66. 
Glanencheli, p. 19. 
Glaniostomi, p. 21. 
Gobiesocidae, 47. 
Gobiesocoidea, p. 5. 
Gobiidae, 52. 
Gobioidea, p. 6. 
Gonorhynchidae, 164. 
Gymnarchidae, 182. 
Gymnodontes, p. 1. 
Gymnonoti, p. 19. 
Gymnotidae, 180. 

Halosauridae, 151. 
Haplochitonidae, 147. 
Haplomi, p. 14. 
Harpagiferidae, 94. 
Helostomidae, 67. 
Hemibranchi, p. 13. 
Hemitripteridae, 517. 
Heterodontidae, 225, 
Heteropygii, p. 14. 
Heterosomata, p. 2. 
Hippocampidae, 7. 
Holocephali, p. 22. 
Holostomi, p. 19. 
Homalopteridae, 177. 
Hoplegnathidae, 113. 
Hoplegnathoidea, p. 11. 
Hyodontidae, 165. 
Hyoganoidea, p. 21. 
Hyperoartia, p. 24. 
Hyperotreta, p. 25. 


Hypophthalmidae, 183. 

Hypostomatina, p. 20. 

Tehthyocephali, p. 19. 
Isospondyli, p. 15. 

Kneriidae, 178. 
Kurtidae, 89. 

Labridae, 62. 
Labyrinthici, p. 7. 
Lamnidae, 229. 
Lamprididae, 87. 
Latilidae, 97. 
Lepidosirenidae, Os 
Lepidosteidae, 209. 
Leptocardii, p. 25. 
Leptoscopidae, 42. 
Lepturoidae, p. 8. 
Liparididae, 48. 
Lophiidae, 11. 
Lophobranchii, p. 2. 
Lophotidae, 124. 
Loricariidae, 191. 
Luciocephalidae, 125. 
Lycodidae, 26. 

Macruridae, 16. 
Maenididae, 105. 
Maltheidae, 10. 

Marsipobranchii, p. 24. 

Mastacembelidae, 206. 
Masticura, p. 22. 
Merluciidae, 25. 
Monocentridae, 100. 
Monopteridae, 194. 
Mormyridae, 181. 
Mugilidae, 132. 
Mullidae, 98. 
Mulloidea, p. 10. 
Muraenidae, 201. 
Muraenesocidae, 197. 
Mustelina, p. 24. 
Myelozoa, p. 25. 
Myliobatidae, 216. 
Myxinidae, 242. 

Nandidae, 114. 

'Nematistiidae, 82. 

Nematognathi, p. 20. 
Nemichthyidae, 203. 

) Nemophididae, 36. 

|Nomeidae, 91. 

Notacanthi, p. 18. 
Notacanthidae, 207. 
Notidanidae, 226. 
Notopteridae, 150. 
Nototheniidae, 95. 

Odontaspididae, 230. 
Ophidiidae, 19. 
Ophiocephalidae, 126. 
Opisthopterae, p. 21. 
Orthagoriscidae, 1. 
Osphromenidae, 69. 
Osteoglossidae, 149. 
Ostraciontidae, 4. 
Ostracodermi, p. 1. 
Oxudercidae, 121. 
Oxynotidae, 239. 

Pachyura, p. 23. 
Pagrina, p. 10. 
Paralepididae, 162. 
Paralepidoidea, p. 16 
Pataecidae, 40. 
Pediculati, p. 2. 
Pegasidae, 111. 
Percesoces, p. 13. 
Percidae, 109. 
Percoidea, p. 10. 
Percopsidae, 146. 
Petromyzontidae, 241. 
Pharyngobranchii, 25. 
Pharyngognathi, p. 6. 

| Physoclysti incertae sedis, 

Pp. dae 
Pimelepteridae, 104. 
Plagiostomi, p. 22. 
Platycephalidae, 56. 
Platypteridae, 50. 
Plectognathi, p. 1. 
Plesiopidae, 115. 
Plenronectidae, 15. 
Plotosidae, 187. 
Polycentridae, 116. 
Polymixidae, 99. 
Polymixoidea, p. 10. 
Polynemidae, 70. 
Polynematoidea, p. 7. 
Polyodontidae, 213. 
Polypteridae, 210. 
Pomacentridae, 63. 
Priacanthidae, 112. 

Priacanthoidea, p. 11. 
Pristidae, 223. 
Pristiophoridae, 240. 
Pristipomatidae, 106. 
Psychrolutidae, 129. 
Pteraclididae; 85. 
Ptyobranchinae, 200. 

Raiae, p. 22. 
Raiidae, 220. 
Ranicepitidae, 23. 
Rataburidae, 200. 
Rhamphobatidae, 2 22. 
Rhinae, p. 23. 
Rhinobatidae, 221. 
Rhinodontidae, 227. 

Rhomboganoidei, p. 21. 

Saccopharyngidae, 205. 

Salangidae, 160. 
Salmonidae, 159. 
Sargina, p. 10. 
Scaridae, 60. 
Sciaenidae, 102. 
Sciaenoidea, p. 10. 
Sclerodermi, p. 1. 
Scomberesocidae, 140. 
Scombridae, 78. 
Scombroidea, p. 8. 
Scopelidae, 155. 
Scorpaenidae, 58. 
Scylliidae, 234. 


| Seymnidae, 238. 

Seyphophori, p. 20. 
Selachostomi, p. 22. 
Serranidae, 108. 
Sillaginidae, 92. 
Sillaginoidea, p. 9. 
Siluridae, 185. 
Siphonognathidae, 61. 
Sirenoidei, p. 22. 
Sisoridae, 192. 
Soleidae, 14. 
Solenostomi, p. 2. 
Solenostomidae, 9. 
Sparidae, 103. 
Sphyraenidae, 119. 
Dphyvecnoiden; ie 12. 
Sphyrnidae, 232. 
Spinacidae, 237. 
Squali, p. 23. 
Squamipennes, p. 8. 
Squatinidae, 224. 
Sternoptychidae, 153. 
Sternopygidae, 179. 
Stichaeidae, 32. 
Stomiatidae, 154. 
Stromateidae, 83. 
Symbrachidae, 195. 

Synaphobranchidae, 204. 

Synentognathi, p. 14. 
Syngnathi, p. 2. 
Syngnathidae, 8. 
Synodontidae, 157. 

Teleocephali, p. 2. 
Teleostei, p. I. 
Teleostomi, p. 1. 
Tetragonuridae, 131. 
Tetrodontidae, 2. 
Teuthididae, p. 7. 
Torpedinidae, 219. 
Toxotidae, 73. 
Trachinidae, 45. 
Trachinoidea, p. 5. 
Trachypteridae, 123. 
Triacanthidae, 6. 
Trichiuridae, 77. 
Trichodontidae, 46. 
Trichodontoidea, p. 5. 
Trichomycteridae, 184. 
Trichonotidae, 127. 
Triglidae, 53. 
Triodontidae, 3. 
Trygonidae, 218. 

Umbridae, 143. 
Uranoscopidae, 44. 

| Xenocephalidae, 28. 

Xiphidiontidae, 33. 
Xiphiidae, 76. 

Zenidae, 84. 
Zygaenina, p. 24. 




iD leaker EE Rs 






DECEMBER, 1873. 


THE present publication is Part III of a work upon the Dip- 
tera of North America, prepared at the request of the Smith- 
sonian Institution, by Dr. H. Loew, of Guben, Prussia, well 
known as one of the most eminent cultivators of this branch of 

The first part of this series of monographs was published in 
1862, and included the families of Zrypetide, Sciomyzide, 
Ephydrinidx, and Cecidomyidx. 'The second part appeared in 
1864, and consisted principally of a monograph of the Dolicho- 
podide. The fourth part was issued in 1869, embracing a 
monograph of part of the Tipulide. 

They were not published in sequence, but in the order in 
which materials could be collected for their preparation. The 
original manuscript of Dr. Loew was written in German, and 
the Institution is indebted to Baron R. Osten-Sacken for trans- 
lating it into English; and to Mr. R. A. Witthaus, Jr., of New 
York, for revising and correcting the proof-sheets, in the absence 
of Baron Osten-Sacken. 

Secretary 8. I. 

Wasuinaton, Dec. 1873. 



PE eA MOY, Odi DrAt. 


THE EvRoPEAN ORTALIDA 5 : : : 3 5 , ; 2 
Meigen’s genus Ortalis : . : : : 2 

1. Characters which Meigen’s species of Ortalis ats in 
common . : : ; : : , ; 
2. Species erroneously placed in the genus Ortalis . 

The other European Ortalide . : : ; : ; 4 
1. Forms resembling Ortalis lamed 5 



2. Forms resembling Ortalis syngenesie . 3 . . 

3. Forms resembling Ortalis paludum : : . ; 

4. Forms not resembling any of Meigen’s species . . 8 
Aciphorea not belonging to the Ortalide . 8 
Summary of the European Ortalide , . . . sO 

a. In Wiedemann . : . : : z : : ent 
b. In Rob. Desvoidy . : ; . : ; ; 5 eo 
c. In Macquart . “ : : ; : ; A ets 
d. In Walker . ; : : : : ; om 26 

. In Bigot, Gerstecker, Doleschalll and Sannaer . . ey 20 


( iii ) 



First Section: PYRGOTINA . 33 | THIRD Section: CEPHALINA. 48 

Second Section: PLATYSTO- Fourta Secrion: ORTALINA . 52 

mn ; i * “7 36 Fiera Section: PTEROCAL- 
LINA . : 5 : . 58 

GITUDINAL VEIN BARE : : 5 : 5 : - 63 

First Secrion: ULIDINA . 64 | Seconp Section: RICHARDINA 66 



First Section: PYRGOTINA . 72} A variabilisin. Bp. 5) = oe 
Gen. I. Pyreora Wied. ve er2a Sara e ee ee a 
1. millepunctata Lw. 9. 73) ee ee A a ti aaa 

i. pallidam: sp) .9 5 9b 

2. undata Wied. 8.9 . 77! 
3. vespertilio Gerst.§ . 79) Gen. IV. Srenoprerina Macq. 96 
4, pterophorina Gerst. 2. 81) 1. cerulescens n. sp.% . 97 

Gen. V. Miscuocaster Jacq. 98 
Seconp Section: PLATYSTO- 
MINA . , ; ay ES Gen. VI. Myrmecomyia 2. 

IDES 5 5 SOS) 
1. myrmecoides Lw. 5.2 100 

gen. . ; 5 e883) 

1. pertusus nov. sp. %.Q 84 
Tarp Section: CEPHALINA . 102 

: ESSA Tone 6D 
Be Ee ee ae Gen. I. Trivoxa n. g. . - 102 

1. pretiosa n. sp. § OD | i, flexa Wiedeneto 102 
2. incurvan.sp.%.Q9 . 104 

Gen. III. Rivenura R. Desv. 87 J eanentnp aio elton 

1. conjuncta n. sp. 9 cs 
2. viridulans 2. Desv. 5.9 88) Gen. Il. Campronevra Macq. 108 
3. quadrifasciata Macq. § 90. 1. picta Macq. %.9 . 109 



Gen. III. Dracrita Gerst. 111 
1. costalis Gerst. % = atl 
2. emulan.sp.Q . 114 
Gen. IV. Ipanan. g. . 115 
1, marginata Say, ? 115 
Fourts Section: ORTALINA 118 
Gen. I. Avromona n. g. LS 
Gen. II. Teranors Fall. 119 
1. luridipennisn.sp.%.? 119 

2. integra n. sp. % . aa 
Gen. III. TepHronora Lw. 122 
1. humilis Lw. 4.9 -- 123 
Gen. IV. Ceroxys Macq. . 125 
1. obscuricornisn.sp.§.9 126 

2. ochricornis n. sp. 2 126 
3. similis n. sp. 9 - 127 
4. canus Lw. %.Q-. - 128 





V. Anacampta Lw. . 
latiuscula Lw. %.9 

VI. AposPASMICA n. g. 

Section: PTEROCAL- 

LINA . . ° . 


I. PrerocatuaA Rond. . 

. Strigula n. sp. 9 

. Il. SricrockPHaLa 

1. cribellum n. sp. 3.9. 

2. cribrum n. sp. ? : 

3. corticalis Fitch, in litt. 
5.9 see: 

4. vau Say, . : 

Gen. III. CaLLorisTRia n. g. 

1. annulipes Macq. 5.9 


IV. Myennis R. Desv. 

- scutellaris Wied. % . 9 



First Section: ULIDINA 


. I. DasymetopiA Lw. 

. II. Oxrpora Lw. 

. capito Lw. 4.9 . 

. II. Norocramma Lw. 

. stigma For. 

.1V. Evenara Lw. 
. V. Acrosticra Lw. 

. VI. Sxoprera Kirby 

- colon Lw.%.? .- 

. VII. Evxesta Lw. 

. spoliata Lw. % 
- pusio Lw. 9 : 
. notata Wied. %.9 




oowrnan sp 






. nitidiventris n. sp. 2. 
- costalis fbr. 9 
. quaternaria Lw. 
. binotata Lu. 5 
- annone Fbr. %,.9 
. Thome Lw. 4.9 


abdominalis Lw. 4.9 
alternans Lw. 4 
stigmatias Lw. 5.9 
eluta Lw.%.9 . . 

VIII. Cuzrtopsis Zw. . 

. enea Wied. %.9 
. debilis Lw. 9 

IX. Hypoécta Zw. 

X. Stenomyia Zw. 

. tenuis Lw. % : . 















Gen. XI. Eumetopia Macq. 175 
1. rufipes Macq. & .- ely 
2. varipes Zw. Q . 6 

Sreconp Section: RICHARDINA 177 

Gen. I. Coniceps n. g. A ae 
1. niger n. sp. 4.2 lio 

Gen. II. Richarpia R. Desy. 178 
Gen. III. Cyrromeropa n. g. 179 

Gen. IV. Stenomacra n. g. 180 
1. Guérinii Bigot, 4.9 180 

Gen. V. SynTACES n. g. oo t82 

Gen. VI. Evon—Enan.g. . 183 






. affinis n. sp. 4 

. erosa Lw. 9 

VII. Ipiorypa n. g. 
appendiculata n. sp. 


VII. SrenerErMa n. g. 
laticauda n. sp. 9 

IX. Ca.omerorra Macq. 

. bimaculata n. sp. % 

X. HEMIXANTHA 0. g. . 

. Spinipes n. sp. 9 


XII. Eprenatea Lw. 


The North American Ortalide which have not been seen by the 


Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Se. Phil. 
Ortalis ligata . : oT, 

Rob. Desvoidy, Myodaires. 
Meckelia philadelphica . 197 

Walker, Ins. Saundersiana. 
Ortalis basalis %.9 - 198 

Macquart, Dipt. Exot. 
Herina mexicana . LOS 

Walker, List of Dipt. ete. 
Ortalis massyla 9 . - 199 

INDEX ; ° A : o 

Ortalis (?) diopsides 9 
Ortalis (?) costalis 9 

Macquart, Dipt. Exot. Suppl. 
Urophora antillarum 

Bigot, Ramon dela Sagra, Hist. 
Jis. d. l. Isla da Cuba. 
Ulidia fulvifrons 

Walker Trans. Ent. Soc. 
Ortalis bipars . 

flexivitta 9 


















Introduction . . . 

List of the Hleweribedl species : . 

Description of the species . . : ; . : 

Analytical table of the smaller genera, adapted for ‘te North Ame- 
rican Trypete . ; : : ' : c 

Distribution of the North American Trypete among the adoyred 
smaller genera . : : : , . . : ° 

Comparison between the European and the American fauna of Try- 
petina : . . . . : . 


Critical enumeration of all the North American Trypetina described 
by other Authors : : 7 


Description of the five North American Trypetide contained in 

“ Eugenies Resa, etc.,” Zoologi, Part VI. : 5 : 
Trypeta liogaster Thoms. 340 Trypeta aurifera Thoms. . 
femoralis Thoms. 342 genalis Thoms. 
acutangula Thoms. 342 
INDEX : : : 5 c . . : c ° 







Readers of these ‘ Monographs” may notice discrepancies in some minor 
points of the terminology used in the first volume from that of the follow- 
ing ones. A few words of explanation are therefore necessary. The first 
volume was translated from Mr. Loew’s German manuscript into English 
by a German friend of his (see Vol. I, p. v). The second and third 
volumes were translated either by me, or under my supervision. Although 
in all essentials the terminology adopted in Vol. I was followed, some 
changes, which I thought would be improvements, were introduced. 
Thus, feet was used for legs; ovipositor, for borer; crossvein, for transverse 
vein; arista, for antennal bristle; thus transverse shoulder vein came to be 

humeral crossvein, and hinder transrerse vein, posterior crossvein 

None of these changes can give rise to any error or uncertainty.—O. 








In the variety of forms the Ortalide are hardly surpassed by 
any other family of diptera; at the same time, they are hardly 
equalled by any in the importance of the structural differences 
occurring among them; hence, they may be considered as one 
of the most interesting families of the order. Nevertheless, 
but little has been done as yet for the exact definition of the 
limits of this family, as well as for its subdivision into smaller 

It would be impossible, therefore, to attempt a satisfactory 
description of the North American species of Ortalidx, without 
first settling the questions of the true limits of the family, of 
its relationship to other families, and of the characters upon 
which it is established. It would also be indispensable to 
break the family up in subordinate groups and these groups in 

Of all these requirements, only one has been, as far as I ean 
see, fulfilled, and that is, the definition of the limits between 
the Trypetidx and.the Ortalidx, which I have tried to draw as 
well as I could, in the first volume of these monographs and in 
my earlier work on European Trypetide. 

1 (1) 


Through the successive, although disconnected, publications 
of several authors the systematic arrangement of the Ortalide, 
like that of some other families of diptera, has gradually reached 
a state of confusion which it is impossible to unravel without a 
detailed and somewhat lengthy discussion. I may be excused, 
therefore, if I preface the description of a comparatively small 
number of American species by an unusually long introductory 

In order to point out the relationship of the Ortalide with 
other families, as well as the differences which distinguish them, 
it is necessary, first of all, to discover those characters which 
serve to define the family. 


The examination of the works of Meigen, the founder of 
systematic dipterology, will afford a solid basis to proceed from, 
and I will begin with the European species which are the longesé 
known and the best investigated. 

Meigen’s Genus Ortalis. 

The nucleus of the European Ortalidxe is formed of those 
species which Meigen has brought together in the genus Ortalis, 
a genus which, in his acceptation, far exceeded the limits which 
we are accustomed to give to genera at present. \ 

1. Characters which Meigen’s species of Ortalis have in 

I discovered a number of characters which the species of 
this genus have in common, and which also occur in many 
species added to the genus by subsequent authors. These com- 
mon characters, to the exclusion of those which also belong to 
most of the neighboring families, are the following :— 

Front broad in both sexes; a more or less distinctly developed 
small callosity runs from each corner of the vertex down the 
front; it bears in front of the lateral bristle of the vertex one 
or two distinet additional bristles ; beyond this, the front is beset 
with only short hairs, or else quite bare ; it never has the second 
row of bristles, nearer the orbit, which distinguishes all the 
genera of Trypetide. 

Eyes bare, even under a strong lens; the compound micro- 
scope shows only some sparse, very short hairs. 


The frontal fissure is distinct, but the frontal lunule is not 
pushed up as far as the front, so as to seem to form a part of 
it; on the contrary, it appears as the upper part of the face. 

Vibrisse, such as they appear in all the genera of Helomyzide, 
are not extant. 

The clypeus is always distinct. The palpi are rather broad ; 
the proboscis more or less stout. 

The metathorax is larger than usual, very much projecting 
inferiorly and posteriorly. 

The ‘feet short and strong, rather than long and slender; 
middle tibie distinctly spurred; front and hind tibize spurless ; 
the erect bristle extant in several families of the Diptera acalyp- 
tera on the upper side of the tibia, near their end, for instance 
in the Sapromyzide and Sciomyzide, does not occur here in any 

The abdomen of the male has four segments, the first of 
which, like the first segment of the female abdomen, is formed 
of two coalescent segments ; the diminutive fifth segment of the 
male abdomen forms the small, more or less imbedded hypopy- 
gium; the sometimes more filiform, in other instances tape-like, 
rolled up penis is of an extraordinary length. 

The abdomen of the female consists of five segments; the 
sixth, seventh, and eighth segments are converted into a flat- 
tened, extensile ovipositor, the first joint of which surpasses the 
two following in breadth very much, and is often colored like 
the rest of the abdomen; the slender last joint of the ovipositor 
ends in a simple point. 

The wings show the complete venation of the Diptera acalyp- 
tera; the auxiliary vein is entirely separated from the first 
longitudinal vein, although it is sometimes rather approximated 
to it; it ends at a more or less acute angle in the costal vein, 
without becoming less distinct at its end; the first longitudinal 
vein is provided with bristles, at least at its end; the two pos- 
terior basal cells are comparatively large. 

2. Species erroneously placed in the genus Ortalis. 

The agreement of all the species placed by Meigen in the 
genus Ortalis would have been complete if O. paciloptera 
(fulminans M.), connexa, vibrans, and syngenesizw did not 
show differences, which require a special mention. 

O. peciloptera and connexa differ from the other species in 


the presence of a row of bristles on each side near the orbit, be- 
sides the bristles common to all the Ortalide. These bristles 
are a character so exclusively peculiar to the Trypetide that 
we cannot but consider those two species as belonging to that 
family (as I have already proved it elsewhere). They cannot, 
therefore, be further considered here. 

Ortalis vibrans, the female of which has only four segments 
on the abdomen, approaches, in the absence of bristles upon the 
first longitudinal vein, Palloptera and the related genera so 
much, that one might be tempted to place it among the Pal- 
lopteride ; but there are other genera having the first longitu- 
dinal vein bare, to which Ortalis vibrans is still more closely 
allied, and which, as I will have occasion to show hereafter, 
cannot possibly be separated from the Ortalide. Such being 
the case, O. vibrans has to remain in this family, and this is 
also justified by the large size of the two posterior cells in this 
species, which is a proof of its relationship to the other Orta- 
lide. There is no doubt, at the same time, that this species is 
a stranger in Meigen’s genus Ortalis. 

Ortalis syngenesiz is also distinguished from the other species 
of Ortalis by its abdomen, which has only four segments in the 
female; in other respects it is more related to them than O. 
vibrans; it is more closely allied to the species of the genus 
Platystoma than to the other species of Meigen’s Ortalis. 

The other European Ortalide. 

After having thus disposed of those species placed by Meigen 
in the genus Ortalis, which have either to be entirely withdrawn 
from the family of Ortalidx, or which can only conditionally be 
received in it, the next step to be taken, in order to chalk out 
the whole extent of the family Ortalide, is to discover such 
other genera as may likewise possess the characters common 
to the species of Ortalis. After this, we will have to point 
out such genera as possess not all, but most of those charac- 
ters only, and especially the principal ones; and thus we will 
reach a limit beyond which only such genera will be found, 
as, on account of important differences from the species of 
Ortalis, cannot any more be united in one family with them. 
This research has also to show us which among the characters 
common to the above enumerated species oi Ortalis have to be 


stricken out, or at least to be modified, in order to leave, as a 
residue, the true characters of the family Ortalide. 

Here also I begin with the European fauna, as the genera 
and species composing it are by far the best known. 

The variously organized groups of species, within the genus 
Ortalis, each have, outside of this genus, a circle of relation- 
ship of their own. 

1. Forms reminding of Ortalis lamed. 

If we begin with Ortalis lamed (pulchella Meig.), we are led 
at once towards Sciomyza bucephala Meig., which Macquart 
has united, with several other heterogeneous species, in the 
genus Ofites, and for which I have later established the genus 

Cormocaris brings us to Tetanops, which agrees in its prin- 
cipal characters with Cormocaris bucephala, quite erroneously 
placed in the genus Sciomyza by Meigen. In this species, as 
well as in all the European species of Tetanops which I know 
of, none of the characters are wanting the presence of which 
distinguishes the genus Ortalis. 

The genus Tetanops again leads us towards Dorycera; the 
remarkable elongation of the second antennal joint is a peculiar 
character of most species of this genus, a character not to be 
found in the species of Ortalis. However, the difference in the 
length of this joint in different species of Dorycera sufficiently 
shows that too much systematic stress ought not to be laid upon 
this character; all the other characters agreeing with those of 
the Ortalide, Dorycera must necessarily be placed in this 

Next to Dorycera I find the genus Adapsilia, founded by 
Waga, which, like most Dorycerx, has an elongated second an- 
tennal joint. It is distinguished by a very projecting front, 
very approximated antenne, and the want of ocelli; with the 
species of Orétalis it agrees in the characters already specified, 
except that the first joint of the ovipositor of the female is not 
flattened, as in all the species of Ortalis, but capsule-shaped, 
swollen; as, however, in other respects the structure of this 
Ovipositor resembles that of Ortalis, Adapsilia must also be 
added to the Ortalide. At the same time, the statement con- 
cerning the shape of the ovipositor of this family must be some- 
what modified to be applicable to Adapsilia. 


I know of no other European genus which, although still more 
distant from Ortalis in the direction of Adapsilia, would never- 
theless be admissible into the family of Ortalide. 

2. Forms reminding of Ortalis syngenesie. 

If, in our search for forms related to Ortalis, we start from 
Ortalis syngenesiz, distinguished by its four-jointed female abdo- 
men, the genera Ulidia, Timia and Platystoma at once claim our 

Ulidia, in Meigen’s sense, is not a homogeneous genus. Ulidia 
demandata is too aberrant to remain in it. Together with seve- 
ral exotic species allied to it, it has to form a separate genus for 
which Chrysomyza, a name already used by Fallen for Ulidia 
demandata, may be applied. 

Timia apicalis, described by Meigen, is nothing but an Ulidia, 
and must be referred to this genus; the differences which appear 
in Meigen’s statements and his figures do not exist in nature. 

Timia erythrocephala, upon which Wiedemann, in the Ana- 
lecta, has founded the genus 7%ma, differs from Ulidia only in 
its extreme glabrousness, its swollen head, much more project- 
ing beyond the eyes in profile, and perhaps also the somewhat 
less developed clypeus; in all the other important characters 
both genera agree. 

In all the species hitherto placed in the genera Timia and 
Ulidia, and consequently also in the species of Chrysomyza, the 
first longitudinal‘vein is bare. In all other respects, these spe- 
cies share all the characters common to the species of Ortalis, so 
that, in my opinion, their position among the Ortalide cannot 
well be disputed, unless we separate from this family all the spe- 
cies the first longitudinal vein of which is bare. Nevertheless, 
the relationship between the species of Ulidia, Timia, and Chry- 
somyza to Ortalis syngenesie cannot be considered as unusually 
close, because they differ from it, not only in the bareness of the 
first longitudinal vein, but also in the presence of a fifth, very 
much abbreviated, segment of the female abdomen. 

A genus agreeing with them in the bareness of the first longi- 
tudinal vein, and most closely related to them, is the genus Hm- 
pyelocera, introduced by me. 

The genus Lonchea also seems related to Ulidia; I will, 
therefore, in the sequel, explain its systematic location. 

The species of Platystoma differ somewhat from Ortalis in the 


shape of the ovipositor: its first joint is smaller, narrower, and 
somewhat less flattened; generally also more withdrawn in the 
last abdominal segment. The hypopygium, formed by the upper 
half of the fifth abdominal segment, is unusually small ; whether 
the penis has the shape of an unrolled tape or thread I cannot 
ascertain at present, as I have no fresh specimens at hand, but I 
have every reason to suppose that such is the case, as the female 
ovipositor, in its structure, is absolutely analogous to that of the 
species of Ortalis. The agreement of all other characters com- 
pels us to admit Platystoma among the Ortalide ; and this genus 
really shows, in the four-jointed abdomen of the female, the ab- 
sence of bristles on the pleure and an analogous structure of 
the mouth, a close relationship to Ortalis syngenesie. 

I know of no other European genera which, in following the 
same direction of relationship, might be still more distant from 
Ortalis than the species of Platystoma are, and which, neverthe- 
less, would show a sufficient agreement with the Ortalide to 
be placed among them. I, therefore, hold Platystoma to be one 
the more distant genera, placed on the extreme limit of the 

3. Forms reminding of Ortalis paludum. 

Species like Ortalis paludum, luctuosa, and others of the 
same group, remind of the genera Psairoptera and Cephalia. 

The comparatively low head, the transversely oval eyes, and 
the small development of the clypeus give Psairoptera a very 
peculiar appearance ; nevertheless in all the other important 
characters it agrees with the species of Ortalis so well, that its 
position among the Ortalide cannot be disputed, although its 
precise location within this family may not be very easy to de- 
termine. The ralationship of Psatiroptera with the above-named 
species of Ortalis, far from being a close one, can rather be called 

In Cephalia I cannot discover a single character which would 
justify its separation from the Ortalide. To place this genus 
among the Sepside seems to me utterly impracticable, as the 
distinctive character of the latter family, the rudimentary struc- 
ture of the palpi, must be maintained, unless we render the limits 
of the family altogether doubtful. Moreover, Cephalia does not 
show any vestige of vibrisse which the Sepsidzx possess, and 
more than all, the structure of the ovipositor of Cephalia is like 


that of the Ortalidx, and not like that of the Sepside. Cepha- 
lia is more closely related to the above-named species of Ortalis 
than Psairoptera. 

4. Forms not resembling any of Meigen’s species. 

A fly which possesses all the essential characters of the species 
of Ortalis, and undoubtedly belongs to the Ortalidx, is the 
Scatophaga fasciata of Fabricius, erroneously placed by Meigen 

"in the genus Trypeta. The Musca octopunctata of Coquebert, 
Dec. III., Tab. XXIV., is probably identical with it. The cir- 
cumstance that there is no other European Ortalida resembling 
this species probably caused Meigen to overlook its true rela- 
tionship. Similar forms are more frequent in other parts of the 
world, especially in America. Among them I will name Dictya 
ocellata Fabr., Ortalis vau Say, and Platystoma annulipes 
Macq., which, by the way, is no Platystoma at all. 

Aciphorea not belonging to the ORTALIDA. 

That group of genera which, on account of its peculiar, three- 
jointed, horny ovipositor, ending in a simple point, has been called, 
and not improperly, Diptera aciphorea, is represented in Europe, 
besides the Trypetidx and those genera which, on the preceding 
pages, I have claimed for the Ortalidx, only by Lonchea, with 
the genus Haromyia, separated from it by Zetterstedt, and by 
Palloptera and Toxoneura. As it would be useless to look for 
Ortalidx outside of the Diptera aciphorea, it remains for us at 
present to define the position of those genera with regard to the 

The number and position of the frontal bristles, the distinct- 
ness of the clypeus, the absence of vibrisse, and the want of 
the characteristic bristle on the upper side of the tibia, before 
its end, which is distinctive of several families, the spurred middle 
tibia, the spurless front and hind tibizw, as well as the com- 
pleteness of the venation, clearly prove the close relationship of 
these genera with Ortalis. They are less closely allied to the 
Trypetide, from which they differ in the arrangement of the 
frontal bristles and in the course of the auxiliary vein. All four 
differ from all the genera, the location of which among the Orta- 
lide I have proved in the preceding discussion, by a much 
smaller size of the two posterior, usually called small, basal cells 


of the wings, and all four agree among themselves in the ab- 
sence of bristles on the first longitudinal vein, and this character 
they share with some of the genera placed among the Ortalide. 

The genera Palloptera and Toxoneura possess moreover another 
striking character, which occurs also among some few of the 
genera of Ortalide, but in none to that marked extent; they have, 
upon the middle of the otherwise short-pilose, thoracic dorsum, as 
far as its anterior part, a series of binary bristles, distinguished 
by their length, stoutness, and regular arrangement. The dif- 
ference in the venation already spoken of, together with this 
marked peculiarity in the arrangement of the bristles of the 
thorax, seem to afford sufficient ground for excluding those two 
genera from the family Ortalide. I consider them as the 
nucleus of a separate family, which I call Pallopteride. 

The systematic position of Zonchexa is more difficult to de- 
cide upon than that of Palloptera and Toxoneura. While the 
venation of Lonchexa closely approaches these two genera, the 
position of the bristles on its thorax is more like that of many Orta- 
lide, as there are no stronger bristles on the thoracic dorsum, 
anterior to the suture ; this genus stands therefore nearer to the 
undoubted Ortalide than Palloptera or Toxoneura. Against 
its being united with the Ortalidz may be urged (not to men- 
tion the smallness of the two posterior basal cells), not so much 
those characters which are common to all Lonchee, as a number 
of peculiarities, which do not occur among the Ortalide, and 
which distinguish different species of Lonchza, and are quite 
proper to form the basis of a subdivision of this widespread 
and rather numerous genus, As such characters I consider the 
long and strong hairs upon the whole body of some species, the 
long and dense pubescence of the eyes of others, the partial 
coalescence of the auxiliary vein with the first longitudinal in 
several, and finally the circumstance that in the females of 
some species the sixth abdominal segment does not take part 
in the formation of the ovipositor quite in the same manner as 
among the Ortalide. I am afraid that the Ortalide, as a 
family, would lose too many of their well-defined characters, if, 
in order to accommodate Lonchea among them, we undertook 
to modify these characters in accordance with the above men- 
tioned peculiarities of the latter genus. The nature of the 


venation of the wings having proved, in so many cases, to be the 
most trustworthy character for the distinction of the families of 
diptera, we have to take care not to attach too little importance 
to the smallness of the posterior basal cells in Loncheza, cells 
which, in the Ortalcdx, always are of a considerable size. These 
reasons induce me to exclude Lonchza from among the Ortalide. 
Those entomologists who take the European fauna alone in con- 
sideration, will, I have no doubt, justify this course, as that 
fauna does not contain any intermediate forms between Lonchea 
and the genera of Ortalidex, but I am not quite as sure of the 
approbation of those who have a wide acquaintance with the 
diptera from all parts of the world, because, among the number, 
forms occur which seem to be intermediate between Lonchexa 
and the genera of Ortalidz allied to Ulidia, and it is possible 
that the discovery of a large number of such forms may, at some 
future time, render the exclusion of Lonchexa from the Ortalide 
less plausible than it appears tome now. In the first volume 
of these monographs, I placed this genus in the family of the 
Pallopteridx and considered it as the typical genus of a second 
group in this family. Whether this arrangement, which I for 
the present retain, is satisfactory, or whether it would not be 
better to take Lonchea as the typical genus of a separate, small 
family, intermediate between the Pallopteridx and the Ortalide, 
is beyond the scope of the present discussion, and may, there- 
fore, be left for future investigation. 

The genus Haromyia is so near Lonchea, that, with regard 
to its systematic position, whatever I said of the latter may be 
applied to the former. 

Summary of the European Ortalide. 

From what precedes may be deduced the following list of 
genera and species of European diptera, which I place in the 
family of Ortalide: all the species of Ortalis, in Meigen’s 
sense, with the exception of O. paciloptera and connexa ; 
Sciomyza bucephala; the genera Adapsilia, Dorycera, Teta- 
nops, Psairoptera, Cephalia, Platystoma, Timia, Ulidia, Chry- 
somyza, Empyelocera, and, finally, Trypeta fasciata. 



I will now try to find the geneva and species from other parts 
of the world than Europe, which must be placed in the family 

(a.) In Wiedemann. 

I begin by the Ortalide contained in Wiedemann’s writings. 
Besides his species of the genus Orialis, against the location of 
two of which, however, I will have to raise some doubts, and be- 
sides his Zimia erythrocephala, which occurs in the southeast of 
Europe and in the neighboring provinces of Asia, the species of 
Cephalia described by him undoubtedly belong to the Ortalidex. 
They differ somewhat from the European Cephalia rufipes, and 
belong in the relationship of those species which Rob. Desvoidy 
distributed among his genera Polistodes and Myrmecomyia: 
Mr. Macquart has established for them the genus Michogaster 
(better Mischogaster), which coincides with the genus Conop- 
sidea, introduced by him at a later time. 

The two Ortalis of Wiedemann, the systematic position of 
which seems doubtful to me, are Ortalis trifasciata and ato- 
maria, both from Brazil, both closely related to each other, and 
somewhat reminding, in their general appearance, of Richardia 
and Rhopalomera. Both have an erect bristle before the end of 
the tibie, which I cannot take for anything else but the przapi- 
cal bristle, wanting in all the Ortalidz. Considering the impor- 
tance which the presence or absence of this bristle has in the 
classification of all the Diptera acalyptera, I would be very 
much inclined to exclude both of those species from the family 
Ortalide, if F could assign them a fitting place in some other 
family. The structure of the ovipositor clearly proves that they 
belong in the circle of the Diptera aciphorea, but even in this 
wider circle the existence of their, however weak, preapical bris- 
tle assigns them a rather isolated position. The venation and 
the position of the frontal bristles, in which they agree with the 
Ortalidz, do not allow their introduction among the Trypetide. 
They have still less connection with the Pallopteride. Hence, 
nothing remains to be done, as it seems, but to tolerate them in 
the family Ortalide, however unwelcome they may be among 
them, as, in consequence of their appearance, the absence of a 




preapical bristle ceases to be an undoubted distinctive character 
of the Ortalide. That these two species, to which several un- 
described South American forms have to be added, are to form 
the nucleus of a new genus is beyond question. I propose for 
it the name of Automola. 

Whether the two species of Fabricius, which Wiedemann 
quotes among the species of Ulidia, really belong to this genus’ 
cannot be decided without seeing the original specimens; but I 
have no doubt that they belong to the Ortalide. I would sup- 
pose that Ulidia stigma belonged to the genus Notogramma, and 
that Ulidia nea is a Chrysomyza. 

Wiedemann’s genus Pyrgota, with which Oxycephala, Macq. 
is absolutely identical, shows all the characters of the Ortalide. 
It is closely allied to Adapsilia, the only difference being that 
the antennal fovez are shorter, while in Adapsilia they are 
parallel, and run down to the edge of the mouth; but, as in dif- 
ferent species of Pyrgota these fovee vary in length, this differ- 
ence has so little importance that Adapsilia might, without any 
inconvenience, be united with Pyrgota. 

The genus Dacus, in Wiedemann’s writings, is a mixture of 
many very different forms of diptera, most of which are Orta- 
lide and two species are Trypetide. Two of the species of 
which Wiedemann formed the first section of the genus Dacus, 
form now, together with other species added since, the genus 
Stenopterina, which Macquart established under the name of 
Senopterina, and which he placed quite correctly among the 
Ortalide. The Dacus flavicornis, placed by Wiedemann in the 
first division as a third species, has a certain general resemblance 
to the two former species; it differs, however, in the bareness of 
the first longitudinal vein and in several other characters, too 
much to be united in the same genus with them; nevertheless, 
this species, as well as the two others, belong to the Ortalide. 
Among the species of Wiedemann’s second division of Dacus 
D. succinctus must be referred to the Ortalidx; it belongs in 
the immediate relationship of O. syngenesiz. Dacus bicolor 
likewise belongs to the Ortalide. The remaining Dacus of 
Wiedemann’s second division are Trypetide; some of them 
belong to the genus Trypeta, if we take it in the wider sense of 
Meigen and Wiedemann ; for instance, Dacus parallelus, fra- 


terculus, serpentinus; the greatest part of the residue are species 
which may be left in the genus Dacus. 

On the other hand, Wiedemann has placed in the genus T7y- 
peta several species which do not belong to the Trypetide at 
all and have all the characters of the Ortalide. Such species 
are: Trypeta ocellata, which Macquart described again as a 
supposed new species, under the name of Platystoma ocellata, 
and upon which Rondani established later the genus Pterocalla ; 
Trypeta obscura, which is very closely allied to the former, and 
which Macquart very improperly placed in the genus Campto- 
neura, While its place is in the genus Pterocalla, next to P. 
ocellata; moreover Trypeta picta, the typical species of the 
Ortalideous genus Camptoneura; Trypeta flexa, which may be 
placed in the genus Mischogaster; Trypeta trimaculata, rede- 
scribed by Macquart as Celometopia ferruginea; Trypeta cy- 
anogaster, basilaris, scutellaris, and perhaps several others 
among Wiedemann’s Trypetx, which I have not had the occa- 
sion to compare. 

Those species which Wiedemann placed in the genus Platy- 
stoma, with the exception of his Platystoma decora, really belong 
to that genus, and consequently to the Ortalide. Platystoma 
decora, which induced Macquart to establish the genus Lowo- 
neura, is also to be placed among the Ortalide. 

Tetanops sanguiniceps was described by Wiedemann from a 
specimen of the Berlin Museum; I have seen this species, unless 
my memory deceives me, not inthe Berlin Museum, but in Wiede- 
mann’s collection. I found that in the structure of the head 
and in the venation it does not sufficiently agree with the Euro- 
pean species of Tetanops to be left in the same genus with them, 
but, at the same time, that it undoubtedly belongs to the family 
of the Ortalide. I am sure that the Dichromyia brasiliensis 
of Rob. Desvoidy, described as the type of the new genus D?- 
chromyia, is the same species. 

The Scatophaga bispinosa Fab., placed by Wiedemann in the 
genus Tetanocera, differs from the other Ortalidez in the vena- 
tion as well as in the shape of the scutellum very much, but 
nevertheless, judging from Wiedemann’s statements, and espe- 
cially from his figure, it undoubtedly belongs in that family, 
where Macquart also places it in establishing for it the genus 
Notacanthina. Should we judge, however, from Macquart’s 


figure (in the Dipteres Exotiques, II., 3, Tab. xxviii., fig. 8), we 
would not place it among the Ortalide, as it shows distinctly 
spurred front and hind tibiz ; these spurs, however, as well as 
many other things in Macquart’s figures, are probably produc- 
tions of the draughtsman’s fancy. In the most slovenly figure 
of the same species in Macquart’s mee a Buffon, no such 
spurs are to be found. 

That Dacus podagricus Fab., placed by Wiedemann in Cor- 
dylura, does not belong to that genus, nor to the Cordyluridz 
in general, has been recognized long ago. For this species, as 
well as for similar ones, the genus Richardia has been estab- 
lished by Rob. Desvoidy in the family of the Ortalide. 

The systematic location of Dictya externa Fab. cannot well 
be ascertained, owing to the insufficient statements of Fabricius 
as well as of Wiedemann; the latter are in an insoluble contra- 
diction to Wiedemann’s figure in what regards the shape of 
the head and the picture on the thorax; judging by the figure, 
it would seem that the fly does not belong to the Diplera acalyp- 
tera at all. 

The genus Rhopalomera, Wied. seems to have been by all later 
authors unhesitatingly referred to the Ortalide. I look upon 
this decision as far from unobjectionable, but can very well con- 
ceive that a certain resemblance in the shape of the head be- 
tween the species of Rhopalomera and Platystoma (with the 
genera allied to it), may easily have given rise to such an 
opinion. The species of Rhopalomera differ in a striking man- 
ner from all the Ortalidz in the structure of the hypopygium of 
the male, while in this respect they show a most decided leaning 
towards the Sapromyzidex, Sciomyzidx, and the families imme- 
diately connected with them. The females are not provided with 
a borer-like ovipositor, composed of elongated, retractile joints ; 
the metanotum is but very little developed, less than usual 
among the Ortalidx; the front and middle tibiz have, on the 
upper side, before their end, an erect bristle; upon the upper side 
of the hind tibix, this bristle, in most species, is not distinctly 
visible among the general pilosity of the tibia; nevertheless, it 
is easily recognizable in some species, for instance Rhopalomera 
pleuropunctata Wied. Such are the characters which, in my 
opinion, not only render the location of Rhopalomera among 
the Ortalide doubtful, but even impossible. If, among the 


diptera I am acquainted with, I look for the immediate connec- 
tions of Rhopalomera, I find them unmistakably among the 
South African species of the genus Cestrotus, erected by me. 
Before all, the striking structure of the head, reminding partly 
of some genera of Hphydrinide, partly of the Ortalide, is very 
much alike in both genera; this resemblance extends to the 
mode of pilosity of the face, the shape of the antenne, and the 
feathery pubescence of the arista. Moreover, the small develop- 
ment of the metanotum, the shape of the hypopygium, and the 
structure of the last segments of the female abdomen are very 
much alike. Now, as the genus Cestrotus, through the inter- 
mediate steps of Prosopomyia and Physogenia, approaches 
the family of the Sapromyzide very closely, I do not find 
any serious objection to placing Rhopalomera in the same 
family. That Rhopalomera is one of the extreme genera of the 
family cannot be doubtful; the size of the two posterior basal 
cells especially distinguishes it from all the other genera of 
Sapromyzidz in a very striking manner, and connects it with 
the Sciomyzide ; for this reason it would be also possible, by 
slightly modifying the definition of the boundary between those 
two families, to place Rhopalomera among the Sciomyzide. 
Those who will not share either of these two views, and pre- 
fer to place among the Ortalidzx a genus which is far apart from 
all the Diptera aciphorea in the structure of the ovipositor, may 
locate Rhopalomera in the vicinity of Richardia, on account of 
the bareness of the first longitudinal vein, the rounded end of 
the posterior basal cell, and the spines on the femora. 

Thus, the following diptera, described in Wiedemann’s works, 
belong to the Ortalide: his species of Ortalis; all the species 
which he brings in the genera Timia, Ulidia, Cephalia, Platy- 
stoma, Tetanops, and Pyrgota; in his genus Dacus, the three 
species in the first division, and Dacus succinctus and bicolor 
in the second; in the genus Trypeta, Trypeta ocellata, obscura, 
picta, flexa, trimaculata, basilaris, cyanogaster, and scutellaris ; 
in the genus Tetanocera, his T. bispinosa, and finally, his Cor- 
dylura podagrica. 

(b.) In Robineau Desvoidy. 

I turn now, not without reluctance, to the writings of R. Des- 
voidy. In his well-known Lssai sur les Myodaires he united 


the genera which we are considering under the general name of 
Phytomydze Myodine. This generalization may be considered 
as successful, as it contains but little which is foreign, that is 
which would be better placed among his Aciphoreex, equivalent 
to the family Trypetide, and as at the same time it excludes 
but little of what really belongs to the Ortalidx. The position 
also which Rob. Desvoidy assigns to the Phytomydx Myodine, 
next to the Phytomydz Thelidomyde, that is, the Micropezide, 
cannot but be sustained, as the latter are closely related to the 
Ortalide. After his Phytomydx Thelidomydx Rob, Desvoidy 
places his Aciphoree, that is, the Trypetide, while he would have 
done better in reversing this order of his two divisions, on ac- 
count of the close relationship between the Ortalide and the 
Trypetide. The sovereign neglect-of all previous publications, 
the wretched manner in which most of his genera are established, 
chiefly upon merely relative differences (for instance, a some- 
what longer third antennal joint, a somewhat more pubescent 
arista, ete.), without regard to the most striking plastic cha- 
racters, the very slovenly description of many species of un- 
known habitat, etc., have, long ago, put this author’s writings in 
such bad repute that it would not be easy to add anything to 
it. It would be unjust, however, after this fully deserved blame, 
not to recognize that Rob. Desvoidy’s judgment, with regard to 
questions of relationship, in this case, as in many others, was a 
very correct one. 

The genera which he places among the Phytomydexe Myodine 
are: Dichromya, Palpomya, Hesyquillia, Heramya, Myoris, 
Oscinis, Blainvillia, Meckelia, Melieria, Myennis, Strauzia, 
Vidalia, Delphinia, Acidia, Myrmecomya, Polystodes, Sty- 
lophora, Herina, Myodina, Richardia, Rivellia, Boisduvalia, 
Clidonia, Setellia, Chlorophora. Concerning these genera and 
their names, I will offer the following remarks :— 

The genus Dichromya (the name ought to be improved to 
Dichromyia) is adopted by Macquart in his Diptéres Hxotiques, 
and placed among his Heteromyzides. The Dichromyia brasil- 
vensis of Rob. Desvoidy is the same as the Platystoma micro- 
cera of Macquart’s Suites a Buffon, and was described still 
earlier as Telanops sanguiniceps by Wiedemann. Not being a 
Tetanops this species must therefore be considered as the type 
of the genus Dichromyia. The position among the Orialide, 


assigned to it by R. Desvoidy, I hold to be correct; with Pla- 
tystoma it has nothing to do. 

The genus Palpomya, a hybrid name, being formed out of a 
Latin and a Greek word, and not rendered more valuable by its 
improvement in Palpomyia, is identical with Platystoma; the 
typical Palpomyia Lalandi is nothing else but the well-known 
Platystoma asphaltina Wied. The generic characters given by 
R. Desvoidy are entirely erroneous. 

Under the name of Hesyquillia Rob. Desvoidy describes Pla- 
tysloma seminationis Fab., and under that of Hesyquillia lu- 
gubris the Platystoma umbrarum Fab.; thus, the genus Hesy- 
quillia likewise coincides with Platystoma. 

The genus Heramya, which ought at least to be called He- 
ramyia, is based upon Sciomyza bucephala, which R. Desvoidy 
did not recognize, as well as upon another species which is very 
like it, if not identical. Macquart united this species with 
Myoris (a name which it is difficult to explain), a genus not dis- 
tinguished by a single character of any value, and with Blain- 
villia (a preoccupied name), and thus formed his genus Ofites (a 
name which Latreille had already used in a broader sense); but 
he placed in it moreover some true Sciomyzide. 

The genus Oscinis, as understood by R. Desvoidy, is identical 
with Dorycera; it has nothing in common with the genus of the 
same name to which Fallen reduced the much more comprehen- 
sive genus Oscinis of Latreille. 

Meckelia (an already preoccupied name) and Melierea (pro- 
bably also a dedication name), contain species belonging to 
Macquart’s Ortalideous genus Ceroxys. 

The genus Myennis (a badly formed name), is established for 
Scatophaga fasciata Fab., which Macquart, in the Suites a 

Buffon, describes as Ortalis fasciata, after Rob. Desvoidy, and, 
for a second time, as Tephritis fasciata, after Meigen. 

Strauzia (as the genus is dedicated to Strauss-Diirkheim, the 
name should be spelt Strawssia) does not belong to the Orta- 
lid at all, but to the Trypetide; the two species described by 
Rob. Desvoidy are nothing else but the male and female of 
Trypeta longipennis Wied., which Rob. Desvoidy did not re- 

Vidalia seems likewise to belong to the Trypetide; not 




having succeeded yet, however, in identifying the species, I am 
not positive about it. 

The genus Delphinia is established for Trypeta picta, Fab., 
which Rob. Desvoidy did not recognize; the unbecoming generic 
name was afterwards replaced by Camptoneura Macq. 

The genus Acidia belongs to the Trypetide. 

Myrmecomya (more correctly Myrmecomyia) and Polystodes 
(better Polistoides) taken together nearly correspond to the 
genus Michogaster (better Mischogaster) of Macquart, placed 
by the latter among the Sepsidx. The size of the palpi and 
the structure of the ovipositor do not justify this location, and 
the genus undoubtedly belongs to the Ortalide. 

Of the position of the genus Stylophora in the system I, 
cannot judge, not knowing the species upon which it is based. 

Herina (the derivation of the name is not apparent) com- 
prises species from the relationship of Ortalis paludum. 

The genus Myodina (again a name of obscure derivation) is 
based upon Ortalis vibrans, which R. Desvoidy took for Ortalis 
urtice. Macquart, in the Suites a@ Buffon, very erroneously 
united this genus with Ortalis, throwing together various very 
different species. Long before Rob. Desvoidy, Kirby had used 
for Ortalis vibrans the generic name of Seioptera. 

Richardia is founded either upon Dacus podagricus Fab., not 
recognized by Rob. Desvoidy, or else on some closely allied 

Rivellia (probably a dedication name) contains species re- 
lated to Ortalis syngenesix, and among them this very species, as 
usual, not recognized by Rob. Desvoidy. Macquart in the Suztes 
a Buffon unites Rivellia with Herina, while the species really 
belonging to it are put in the genus Urophora, or even in Pla- 
tystoma; and upon one of them, in his later works, he even es- 
tablishes a new genus, Hpidesma. 

Whether the genus Botsduvalia really differs from the pre- 
ceding only in the length of the third antennal joint seems very 
doubtful; should this be the case, the separation of these two 
genera would not be justified. 

Clidonia is considered by the author himself as belonging to 
quite a different family, in which we will not contradict him. 

Setellia seems to contain Ortalidx resembling Micropezide in 
their general appearance. 


Chlorophora may also belong there, as Rob. Desvoidy espe- 
cially mentions its relationship to Setellia. | 

The following among Rob. Desvoidy’s genera belong there- 
fore to the Orialide: Dichromyia, Palpomyia, Hesyquillia, 
Heramyia, Myoris, Oscinis, Blainvillia, Meckelia, Melieria, 
Myennis, Delphinia, Myrmecomyia, Polistoides, Herina, Myo- 
dina, Richardia, Rivellia, Boisduvallia. Very probably Se- 
tellia and Chlorophora have to be added to them. ‘The syste- 
matic position of Stylophora is doubtful. Genera not belonging 
to the Ortalide are: Straussia, Vidalia, Acidia, Clidonia. 

(c.) In Macquart. 

During his long career as an entomological writer, Macquart 
has several times changed his views with regard to the classifi- 
cation of the Diptera acalyptera, as was to be expected from 
the great difficulty of the subject. His opinion, however, on 
the extent of the family Ortalide has, during that time, under- 
gone but little change. As, strictly speaking, he is the only 
writer who has attempted to establish a general system of the 
diptera, embracing all parts of the world, I consider it as my 
duty to give a detailed account of his views, the more so as they 
differ from mine in a not unimportant manner. To attain this 
end I will enumerate all those of his families, with their genera, 
which, according to my opinion, contain genera belonging to the 
Ortalidx, as well as to the families closely connected with them, 
for instance, Palloptera, Toxoneura, Lonchxa. In order to 
show the progress made by Macquart during his dipterological 
studies I will give this in a twofold manner, that is, first after 
the Suztes a Buffon and next after the Diptéres Exotiques. 
Those genera which I consider as undoubtedly Ortalideous I 
have marked with an exclamation; those doubtfully introduced 
into this family I have designated by an interrogation. The 
genera related to the Ortalide, which I have united in the 
family Pallopteridx, I have inclosed in brackets; the same I 
have done with the genus Sapromyza, because Macquart does 
not separate the species of Palloptera from the Sapromyze, 
although the typical Sapromyzex have no relationship whatever 
with the Ortalide. 

The review of the part of the system above alluded to, from 
the Suites a Buffon, is as follows :— 


(Sapromy za, ) 

| Tetanops, 
| Pyrgota, 
! Otites, 
! Dorycera. 

! Herina, 
! Ortalis, 
! Ceroxys, 

! Amethysa, 

! Notacanthina, 

! Eurypalpus, 
! Platystoma, 
! Loxoneura. 


! Senopterina, 

! Cephalia, 
! Michogaster, 






! Setellia. 



! Ulidia. 



In the Diptéres Exotiques the corresponding part of the sys- 
tem assumes the following shape, about which I have only to ob- 
serve that in this work Macquart brings in only those genera in 
which he intended to describe, or at least to mention, exotic 
species; the genera Toxoneura, Lucina, Tetanops, Otites, Platy- 
cephala, ete., although not mentioned in this list, ought, in order 
to render it complete, to be transferred to it from the former. 


(Sapromyaa, ) 



! Eumetopia, 
! Dorycera. 


! Oxycephala, 

| Loxoneura, 

! Platystoma, 

! Camptoneura, 
! Heterogaster, 

{ Euripalpus, 



! Eniconeura, Cardiacera, Sepsis. 

Cleitamia, Dacus, 

! Richardia, ! Meracantha, Diopsidee. 

! Senopterina, Bactrocera, Diopsis. 

! Herina, Enicoptera, 

! Epidesma, Ceratitis, Leptopodite. 

! Ceroxys, Acanthoneura, Longina, 

! Ortalis, Urophora, Nerius, 

! Amethysa, ! Toxura, Cardiacera, 

! Lamprogaster, Tephritis, Calobata, 

! Euprosopia, Terellia, Toxopoda, 

! Coelometopia, Acinia, Tanypeza, 

! Notacanthina, ? Epicerella, ! Setellia. 

! Cruphiocera, Ensina. 

! Plagiocephala, Lauxanide. 

! Campigaster. Sepside. (Lonchza,) 

! Cephalia, Lauxania, 

Tephritide. ! Omalocephala, ! Ulidia, 

! Odontomera, ! Conopsida, Zygothrica, 

Leptoxys, Nemopoda, Celyphus. 

In the Diptéres Exotiques, after the families I have enume- 
rated the Helomyzide and Geomyzide follow, and after them 


! Dichromyia, 

In examining the systematic distribution, introduced by Mac- 
quart in the Suttes a Buffon, we soon find that as early as that 
work, he had, if not a definite knowledge, at least a correct in- 
stinet of the true characters of the Ortalide, less correct, how- 
ever, than Rob. Desvoidy, who wrote before him. 

Those genera which, in that work, he united in the family 
Ortalidzx really belong to it, with the exception of Rhopalomera 
and, very probably, of Clectamia; the latter genus seems to be 
hardly distinct from Henicoptera, which belongs to the Try- 

A double error seems to be contained in the separation of the 
genera Tetanops, Pyrgota, Otites, and Dorycera from the Orta- 
lide and their combination with Orygma, Trigonometopus, 
Eurina, Psilomyia, and Platycephala into one family, the Psi- 


lomyde. Their relationship with the Ortalide is evident 
Among the genera which Macquart places in one family with 
them, Hurina and Platycephala belong to the Oscinidx, each 
of the others to some other dipterous family ; none shows any 
close relationship to the Ortalidx. In the Diptéres Exotiques 
Macquart has in part corrected this error, as at least Oxycephala, 
of the identity of which with Pyrgota he was not aware, is put 
among the Ortalide. 

A second error is that the ortalideous genus Stenopterina 
(Macquart incorrectly writes Senopterina) has been placed in 
his family Vephritide. In the Dipteres Haxotiques Macquart 
has amended this error. 

A third mistake consists in Macquart having placed in his 
genus Urophora several species which do not at all belong to his 
family Tephritide; his Urophora quadrivittata, fulvifrons, and 
several others, are true Ortalide. 

Fourthly, the position of the genera Cephalia and Michogaster 
(better Mischogastra, or at least Mischogaster) among the Sep- 
side cannot be sustained. As has been observed already, we 
agree with Rob. Desvoidy in considering both as true Ortalidz 
on account of the large development of the palpi as well as of 
the structure of the ovipositor. 

Neither can I, in the fifth place, agree with Macquart in put- 
ting Setellia among his Leptopodide; I refer it also to the Or- 
talidx, and this once more in agreement with Rob. Desvoidy. 

A sixth error is the great interval between Ulidia and the 
other Ortalidx, as well as the whole composition of the family 
Ulidint. Lipara, with which Macquart’s genus Gymnopoda is 
synonymous, belongs to the Oscinide; Calopa and Actora do 
not belong to the same family, neither with Zipara, nor with 
Ulidia, nor together. In the Dipléres Hxotiques Macquart did 
rightly in dropping altogether the ill-conceived family of Ulidine. 

I will not expatiate here on the incorrectness of the position 
of Palloptera, Toxoneura, Lonchea, and Teremyia (established 
for Lonchea laticornis), as this inquiry is of no especial im- 
portance to us. 

It is easy to perceive that the system is improved in the Dip- 
teres Exotiques ; but even here Dorycera is misplaced among 
the Psilomyde, together with Humetopia (which belongs to the 



In his family Tephritide the genus Odontomera is established, 
which is closely related to Calometopia on one side and Setellia 
on the other, and must therefore be transferred to the Ortalide. 

The same may be said of the genus Meracantha, the true 
place of which is in the vicinity of Odontomera, Setellia, Colo- 
metopia, Richardia, etc. 

The genus Joxura, judging from the published figure, also 
belongs to the Ortalidx, and indeed in the circle of relationship 
of Pyrgota; whether the examination of the insect itself would 
lead to the same result I do not pretend to affirm, as I have not 
seen it. 

The figure of the head of Hpicerella (Dipt. ELxot., Suppl. iv., 
Tab. xxvii.) might perhaps justify the supposition that the genus 
belongs to the Orialide; nevertheless I think it more probable 
either that the frontal bristles, characteristic of the Trypetide, 
were broken off in Macquart’s specimen, or that they have been 
omitted in the drawing. Thus I do not dare to express any 
opinion as to the correctness of the position assigned by Mac- 
quart to this genus. 

Cephalia, in the Diptéres Exotiques, is likewise put among 
the Sepsidx instead of among the Ortalide. 

Omalocephala (better Homalocephala, at all events, a preoc- 
cupied name) seems to belong in the vicinity of Setellia, Celo- 
metopia, etc., that is, in the family Ortalide. 

The genus Conopsidea, as Macquart informs us, is founded 
upon Cephalia femoralis Wied.; in the Suites a Buffon, this 
same and two more species gave him occasion to establish the 
genus Michogaster. If these two data be correct, as we have 
every reason to suppose, Conopsidea would be a synonym of 
Michogaster; the emendation of the incorrectly formed name 
Conopsidea thus becomes useless. 

The erroneous location of Setellia at the end of the Leptopo- 
dite is preserved. 

Ulidia is transferred to the family Lauxanide, where it is a 
perfect stranger. 

About the systematic position of Zygothrica (not Zygotricha, 
as Gray, in the Animal Kingdom, spoils, in trying to improve it), 
a genus already proposed by Wiedemann in his essay on Achias, 
T can only form an opinion from the statements of Wiedemann 
and Macquart on the typical species, Z. dispar, as well as from 


their figures. It seems to me that this species may belong to 
the Drosophilide. In the Berlin Museum there is a little fly 
which apparently belongs to this genus; I have not been able 
to ascertain whether this species is Z dispar, but I have seen 
enough not to doubt in the least of its belonging to the Droso- 

Dichromyia is wrongly placed by Macquart among the Hete- 
romyzide, between Actora and Celopa. I will maintain for the 
present its position among the Ortalidx, although I cannot deny 
that a better place might perhaps be found for it; however, no 
such place has been pointed out yet. Besides the typical spe- 
cies, Dichromyia sanguiniceps, Macquart has another species 
from Africa, which, as I will show hereafter, cannot well belong 
to this genus. 

About the genera which Macquart, in the Diptéres E'xotiques, 
places in the family Ortalidx, I will make the following re- 
marks :— 

Oxycephala, as was mentioned before, is identical with Pyr- 

Loxoneura is established for Platystoma decora. 

Platystoma ismisusedfor the location of a number of hetero- 
geneous forms; whatever had broad wings, with a dark picture, 
among the rest a Trypeta, was taken by Macquart for a Platy- 

Camptoneura is a true ortalideous genus, based upon Trypeta 
picta Wied., and, as observed above, identical with Delphinia 
Rob. Desv. Macquart has likewise used this genus for the 
introduction of species not belonging there at all, for instance, 
of Trypeta obscura Wied. 

Heterogaster (a preoccupied name) is a well founded genus in 
the neighborhood of Pyrgota. 

Euripalpus (a hybrid name), judging from Macquart’s data, 
belongs to the Ortalide. 

The genus Eniconeura (better Heniconeura) is said to be 
distinguished by its spurless middle tibie. If such were really 
the case the genus could not belong to the Ortalide, nor to any 
of the allied families. But in Heniconeura fenestralis Macq., 
I perceive at the end of the middle tibie a rather strong spur, 
which is closely applied to the tarsus when the latter is stretched 


out. There cannot be any doubt, therefore, that the genus really 
belongs to the Ortalide. 

Richardia, in the Diptéres Exotiques, is with good reason en- 
tirely separated from Herina, with which it was united in the 
Suites a Buffon. 

Senoplerina (I have already corrected the name to Stenopte- 
rina) has been placed here where it really belongs, among the 

Herina is a mixture of heterogeneous forms, which must be 
generically kept apart. 

Epidesma is probably synonymous with Rivellia R. Desyv. ; 
moreover, Macquart has placed species of the latter genus under 
the head of Herina, of Urophora, and even of Ceroxys. 

Ceroxys is a rather well founded genus, established at the 
expense of Ortalis Meig. But in the Diptéres Exotiques Mac- 
quart adds species to it which do not at all share its characters ; 
for instance Ceroxys cerulea, etc. It almost seems, in such in- 
stances, that he mistakes this genus for another. 

The genus Ortalis is a mixture of heterogeneous species; 
how is it possible to crowd together in one and the same genus 
such species as Ortalis ornata Meig., fasciata Fab., connexra 
Fab., frondescentiz Lin., vibrans Lin., and even the Ortalis 
dentipes Macq., said to be provided with spurs on the hind 
tibia? Either Macquart has not known these species or he has 
not closely examined them, otherwise he could not possibly have 
committed such a mistake; how very confused his ideas about 
the systematic position of these species was, appears from the 
fact that he described Scatophaga fasciata Fab. as an Ortalis, 
and for a second time as Tephritis and that Dictya connexa Fab. 
even appears three times in his writings, as Cordylura, as Ortalis, 
and as Tephritis! (Dipt. Exot., Suppl. iv., p. 292, Tephritis 

The true characters of Amethysa are not to be gathered from 
Macquart’s definition of this genus. As the name alludes to the 
color of the African species, upon which the genus is estab- 
lished, it should be improved to Amethysta. 

Lamprogaster is a well founded genus; but the species be- 
longing to it show considerable differences in their organization 
which would fully justify a subdivision in several genera. It be- 
Jongs in the vicinity of Platystoma, 


Celometopia seems to be founded on Trypeta trimaculata 
Fab., which Macquart did not identify; it is closely allied to 
Odontomera and Setellia. 

Euprosopia undoubtedly belongs to the Ortalide. 

Notacanthina is founded upon Tetanocera bispinosa Fab. 

The figure of the head of Cruphiocera (better Cryphiocera) 
seems to indicate that the species would be better placed in some 
other part of the system, as it has strong bristles on the fore- 
head; the other characters, however, prove that its location 
among the Ortalidx cannot well be called in doubt. 

The position of Plagiocephala among the Ortalide likewise 
cannot be doubted ; it seems closely related to Richardia, which 
also contains broad headed species. 

Campigaster (a frightful compound) is undoubtedly well 
placed among the Ortalidx, but the name cannot be preserved 
in its present shape. 

(d.) In Walker. 

Although Macquart’s publications do not always define with 
sufficient precision the systematic position of the genera intro- 
duced by him, this position could, in most cases, be made out, 
and moreover, the attempt, on his part, of a systematic distribu- 
tion is always apparent. Walker’s publications on exotic diptera — 
do not, unfortunately, deserve this praise. The systematic de- 
partment, as well as everything else in them, is treated with the 
same superficial carelessness. In most cases it would be impos- 
sible to make out, from his statements, the real place in the 
system which the genera, introduced by him, must occupy, unless 
they were accompanied, as is often the case, by the excellent 
figures of Westwood. These usually furnish the necessary data 
concerning the relationship of the new genera; they would have 
done so in all cases if Westwood’s attention had been directed 
to the sometimes very minute characters which are used in the 
classification of the diptera and especially of the Diptera acaly- 
ptera; the fact that in the majority of cases these characters are 
reproduced in the figures, give a most brilliant proof of the ac- 
curacy of Westwood’s drawings, and of his keen perception. 

Walker’s publications in the List of Dipt. Ins. of the Brit. Mus., 
and in the Jnsecta Saundersiana, do not raise our expectations 
very high, as the Ortalide and Trypetide are mingled together 


generally ; forms such as Camptoneura picta Fab., Trypeta arcu- 
ata Walk., ZT. albovaria Walk., 7. excepta Walk., etc., are certainly 
no Trypetide! In Walker’s later publications, the systematic 
confusion is still greater. As far as I can ascertain, among the 
genera published in the latter, Adrana, Brea, Valonia, are Or- 
talidz ; the two latter belong in the vicinity of Platystoma. The 
genera Themara, Strumeta, Sophira, and Rioxa belong to the 
Trypetide. The genus Xangelina is closely related to Physo- 
genia, perhaps identical with it, and hence, has to be placed 
among the Sapromyzide. The position of the genus Xiria re- 
mains doubtful, even in the presence of Westwood’s figure; it 
shows some characters which make one doubt that it belongs to 
the Diptera aciphorea at all. The genera Duomyia and Chro- 
matomyia, which, taken together, seem to correspond to Lam- 
progaster Macq., and Zona, which is apparently identical with 
Loxoneura, are Ortalide ; Walker, in the List of Dipt. Ins. 
etc., has erroneously placed them among the Tachinide, together 
with Zrigonostoma, which likewise belongs to the Ortalidz (how- 
ever, he corrected this error in one of his later publications.) 

(e.) In Bigot, Gerstecker, Doleschall and Saunders. 

Tn recent times it is to Bigot and Gerstecker that the increase 
of our knowledge of exotic diptera is principally due. 

The genera Terastomyia, Maria, Agastrodes, and Plerogenia, 
established by Bigot, belong to the Ortalidx. Elassogaster like- 
wise, although placed among the Helomyzidz by Bigot, must be 
referred to the Ortalide. His genus Hlaphromyia, on the con- 
trary, if description and figure be correct, belongs to the Try- 

Gersteecker has established the ortalideous genera, Phytalmia, 
Gorgopis, Toxotrypana, and Diacrita, and described several new 
species of Richardia and Mischogaster. Phytalmia has a syno- 
nym in Saunders’s genus ELlaphomyia (Elaphomyia Wallacet 
Saund. = Phytalmia megalotis Gerst.; Elaphomyia cervicornis 
Saund. = Phytalmia cervicornis Gerst.). The genus Gorgopis 
seems, as the author himself supposes, to be synonymous with 
Zygenula paradoxa, described somewhat earlier by Doleschall. 
If in the genus Joxotrypana the outer row of frontal bristles is 
really wanting, and it thus should really belong to the Ortalide, 


the not flattened ovipositor of this genus would place it in the 


neighborhood of Pyrgota, with which it also agrees in the small 
development of the clypeus. However, the ocelli are fully 
developed, and the structure of the head is rather like that of the 
true species of Dacus, as Dacus oleex, etc., so that it might per- 
haps be considered as a genus of this group, in which, in con- 
formity to the striking shortness of all the hairs of the body, the 
lateral bristles of the front have disappeared. This supposition 
seems confirmed by the scutellum which has only two bristles at 
the tip ; and the uncovered last abdominal segment of the female, 
which is generally wanting in the Dacina, or is altogether con- 
cealed under the preceding segment, is not a positive objection, 
as this segment is very much abbreviated and much less horny 
than the preceding ones, and thus can very easily be concealed 
in the living insect. 

Among the scattered publications of various authors many 
forms may be found which belong to the Ortalidx. I purposely 
omit what I know of them, especially the gradually published 
species of the genera already discussed by me. It is not in my 
power to collect the residue, and I doubt whether such a work 
would materially alter the limits of the family Ortalide as they 
have resulted from the preceding discussion. 


If we ask now what we have to erase or to modify in the cha- 
racters of the original genus Ortalis, in Meigen’s and Wiede- 
mann’s sense, in order to obtain the characters defining the whole 
family, the answer will be that it is very little indeed. In the 
first place, the mention of the pilosity of the front must be modi- 
fied a little, as there are genera among the Ortalidz which have 
no other bristle before the bristles of the vertex. Next to that, 
the description of the structure of the feet has to be changed 
thus, that in most genera they are short and strong, but in some 
rather elongate. In the third place, the statement about the 
female abdomen must be modified by saying that it has generally 
five segments, but that the fifth is very often shortened and con- 
cealed under the fourth, and that, in some cases, it entirely dis- 
appears, and then the abdomen has only four segments. In the 
fourth place, the introduction of Pyrgota and of the related genera 
in the family, requires a modification in the statement about the 
structure of the ovipositor, which is not flattened here; the chief 


stress in this statement should be laid upon the remainder of the 
structure, which is the same in all the genera. In the fifth place, 
the mention of the bristles on the first longitudinal vein should 
not be admitted in the definition of the family. 

The definition of the Ortalidz can therefore be put in the fol- 
lowing manner: Front broad in both sexes; on both sides of 
the vertex a more or less developed swelling runs down the front, 
upon which, before the bristle of the vertex, one or two erect 
bristles are inserted, which, however, are wanting in some genera. 
Otherwise the front has only the ordinary pubescence, or is quite 
bare, but never provided with a second row of strong bristles 
along the orbit, even when the hairs on both sides of the vitta 
frontalis almost acquire, in some few genera, the character of 
bristles. Frontal fissure distinct; frontal lunule never pushed 
so far up as to appear to be a part of the front; even in those 
genera in which, on account of the great curvature of the frontal 
fissure, as in Gdopa, the lunule happens to lie higher than the 
antenne, it always distinctly appears as a part of the face; in 
many genera it is not distinguishable from the face. The vibrisse 
are always wanting. The eyes are bare. The clypeus is always 
distinct, of various size, usually well developed. Proboscis more 
or less stout. Palpi rather broad, often very broad, very seldom 
narrow. Metanotum larger than usual, strongly projecting pos- 
teriorly and inferiorly. Feet generally rather stout and short, in 
some genera, however, of a considerable, although not striking, 
length and slenderness. Middle tibie distinctly spurred; front 
and hind tibiz spurless ; no erect preapical bristle before the end 
of the upper side of the tibie. The abdomen of the male has 
four segments, however the first consists of two coalescent seg- 
ments, which is also the case in the females; the but little 
developed fifth segment represents a small, more or less imbedded 
hypopygium; the tape-like or thread-like penis is of an extra- 
ordinary length, rolled up in a spiral. The female abdomen 
consists of five segments, the fifth of which is often very much 
abbreviated, sometimes wanting, so that the abdomen of the 
female then seems to consist of only four segments; the sixth, 
seventh, and eighth segments of the abdomen are converted into 
the three telescope-like, extensile joints of the ovipositor, ending 
in a simple, hairless point; in most cases the ovipositor is flat- 
tened, and then its first joint often differs but little in its nature 


and coloring from the preceding abdominal segments. The wings 
show the complete venation of the Diptera acalyptera; the 
auxiliary vein is entirely separated from the first longitudinal 
vein, although often very much approximated to it; it runs into 
the costa at a more or less acute angle, without becoming indis- 
tinct at its end; the two posterior, so-called small basal cells, 
are of a rather considerable size. 


The great variety of forms occurring among the Ortalidex 
accounts for the number of their near or distant connections 
among other families. A relationship of the first degree, which 
finds its most distinct expression in the similarity of the structure 
of the male hypopygium and of the female ovipositor, connects 
them with the T7rypetide and the Pallopteride, as well as these 
two families with each other. All three form a very close circle 
of relationship, the members of which have very similar habits. 

The Ortalide differ from the Trypetide in the absence of a 
second, external row of frontal bristles, and in the course of the 
auxiliary vein, which, in the Trypetidx, is obliterated at the 
end and turns rather abruptly, at a more or less right angle, to- 
wards the costa. 

From the Pallopteridex, the Ortalide differ in the more con- 
siderable size of the two posterior basal cells. 

A relationship of the second degree connects the Ortalide with 
the Sepsidex and Calobatidx, as well as these families with each 
other. Both differ from the Ortalide distinctly in the structure 
of the male hypopygium and the want of a horny, three-jointed 
ovipositor, ending in a simple, hairless point. The Sepside dif- 
fer moreover in their rudimentary palpi from the Ortalide, as 
well as from the Calobatide. 

With those of the closely related families which, among their 
characters, have an erect preapical bristle before the tip of the 
tibia, and, at the same time, do not have any vibrisse, that is, 
with the Sapromyzidzx and Sciomyzide, the Ortalide have only 
a very distant relationship. I would have left it unmentioned if 
the genus Rhopalomera, which I consider as belonging to the 
Sapromyzide, had not been placed among the Ortalidx. The 
presence of an erect bristle before the end of the tibiee, the differ- 
ent structure of the hypopygium in the male, the absence of an 


ovipositor, similar to that of the Ortalide, sufficiently distinguish 
the Sapromyzide and Sciomyzide. 


The statements about the relationship of the Ortalide prove 
that the following characters are sufficient to distinguish this 
family from all the others, in other words, to constitute its arti- 
ficial definition. 

Male with a rolled-up, long penis; female with a three-jointed, 
horny ovipositor, ending in a simple point. Front without a 
second lateral row of bristles. No vibrisse. Complete venation 
of the Diptera acalyptera ; auxiliary vein distinct to its very tip, 
ending in the costa at an acute angle; the two posterior basal 
cells large. The middle tibiz alone are provided with spurs; all 
the tibie are without an erect bristle before the end of their 
upper side. 


THE last, but not the easiest, task which it remains for me to 
fulfil is the systematic distribution of the family Ortalide. In 
attempting it, I will principally confine myself to those genera 
and species which I possess in my own collection. Only in 
exceptional instances, and with especial caution, will I allow 
myself to transgress the limit of what I have, or have had, before 
me, as the statements concerning the other genera and species 
which have been published are seldom complete enough to afford 
the necessary data for the discrimination of their position in the 

In order to obtain a preliminary survey I first divide the 
Ortalide in two large divisions; to the first belong those which 
have the first longitudinal vein beset with bristles or hairs; to 
the second, those the first longitudinal vein of which is bare. 



Among the European Ortalide of this division five diverging 
forms will easily be noticed: 1. Adapsilia; 2. Ortalis Meig., 
of course to the exclusion of O. syngenesiz and vibrans; 3. 
Platystoma; 4. Cephalia; and 5. Scatophaga fasciata Fab. 

All the other European genera with a bristly first longitudinal 
vein can be grouped around these five types, with the exception 
perhaps of the somewhat recalcitrant genus Psairoptera. The 
same may be said of all the exotic Orialide of this division 
which I know of. Thus, the Ortalidx of the first division may 
be naturally divided into five groups. 

We will characterize these groups only after having made out 
the genera whieh belong to them, and we will proceed to the dis- 
covery of these genera by means of the principal characters which 
distinguish the above-mentioned five types. 

( 32) 



Adapsilia shows a striking character, distinguishing it from 
all the others, in the absence of ocelli and the not flattened ovi- 

Scatophaga fasciata with its broad and low head, the circular 
shape of its third antennal joint, and the considerable distance 
intervening between the end of the auxiliary vein and that of the 
first longitudinal, has a general appearance which differs from 
the four other types so much that for a long time the close re- 
lationship of this species with the others was, for this reason, 

Ortalis, Platystoma, and Cephalia differ in a very marked 
way in the mode of insertion of the bristles upon the pleure. 

Ortalis has a strong bristle immediately above the basis of the 
fore coxe ; this bristle is not extant in Cephalia and Platystoma. 

Cephalia has above the middle coxe, but below the longitudi- 
nal suture of the pleure, a strong bristle, which is also present 
in Ortalis, but entirely wanting in Platystoma. If, for the sake 
of brevity, I call the first prothoracic, the second mesothoracic 
’ bristle, the difference between these three genera will be as fol- 
lows: Ortalis has a prothoracic and a mesothoracic bristle ; 
Cephalia has the mesothoracic bristle only ; in Platystoma both 
are wanting. 

First Section: Pyrgotina. 

I borrow the name of this group from the genus Pyrgota Wied., 
to which Adapsilia is most closely related. Both genera agree 
in the absence of ocelli, in the projecting front, the prolonged 
second antennal joint, the retreating face, the comparatively but 
little developed clypeus, the prolongation of the first abdominal 
segment in both sexes, and the contraction of the following seg- 
ments in the female, as well as in the capsule-shaped structure 
of the first joint of the ovipositor, and in several other sub- 
ordinate characters. 

The principal difference between these genera consists in the 
structure of the antennal fovee, which, in Adapsilia, run down 
in a parallel direction as far as the edge of the mouth, and are 
separated by a straight ridge, while in Pyrgota they end at some 
distance from the edge of the mouth, and are more or less 

The South-African genus, Hypotyphla, founded by me, agrees 



with Pyrgota and Adapsilia in the want of ocelli, and resembles 
Adapsilia very much in the structure of the face; but it differs in 
the but inconsiderable elongation of the first abdominal segment, 
in the greater length of the other segments of the female abdomen, 
and especially in the long, elongated-conical, but not flattened 

Judging by the figure which Macquart gives of his Toxura 
maculipennis, I must suppose with a considerable degree of pro- 
bability, that it likewise belongs in this circle of relationship. 

I have no doubt that the interesting genus Toxotrypana Gerst., 
if placed in the family Ortalidx, would find its location in the 
section Pyrgotina, on account of its not flattened ovipositor, its 
hairy first longitudinal vein, and the small development of its 
clypeus. The presence of ocelli, the enormous length of the ovi- 
positor, and the elongation of the posterior angle of the anal cell 
into a very long lobe distinguish this genus from the other 
genera of the group in a most marked manner. I have already 
alluded to the fact that this genus shows some characters which 
would seem to justify its location not among the Ortalide at 
all, but among the Zrypetidz of the group Dacina. 

Mr. Macquart has established the genus Heterogaster for a 
South-African species. As the name he gave to this genus was 
preoccupied a long time ago, I replace it by the name of Spheno- 
prosopa. This genus is very like Adapsilia in the structure of 
the head; in the profile it projects considerably in front of the 
eyes: the middle of the face forms a high and straight ridge 
descending perpendicularly ; alongside of it the antennal fovee, 
which are further from the middle than usual, descend perpendi- 
cularly to the edge of the mouth. The cheeks are very broad. 
The oral opening is very small, the clypeus but little developed, 
and the proboscis not incrassated. Sphenoprosopa differs from 
Adapsilia, Pyrgota, and Hypotyphla by the presence of distinct 
ocelli, the great elongation of the third antennal joint, which 
nearly reaches the edge of the mouth, the enormous development 
of the last segment of the abdomen of the male, very approxi- 
mated cross-veins, very parallel longitudinal veins, and a not 
acute posterior angle of the anal cell. The first and third longi- 
tudinal veins are distinctly bristly. I have no doubt that 
Sphenoprosopa belongs to the Pyrgotina, although, on the 
other hand, I must acknowledge that several of the above- 


quoted characters seem to point towards a relationship with 
Platystoma. But I am prevented from laying much stress upon 
them by the small development of the clypeus and the not in- 
crassated proboscis, characters which are not usual in the circle 
of relationship of Platystoma. 

The typical species of the genus Dichromyia, proposed by 
Rob. Desvoidy, is Wiedemann’s Tetanops sanguiniceps from 
Brazil. Macquart afterwards described a second species, Dichro- 
myia caffra. I cannot approve of these two species being united 
in the same genus. The front of D. caffra is much shorter, and 
anteriorly it does not project as much in the profile as in D. san. 
guiniceps; moreover the ocelli are wanting here, while the other 
species has them, and the vertical diameter of their eyes is much 
longer than the horizontal, while in D. sanguiniceps the hori- 
zontal diameter exceeds the vertical; the scutellum is convex, 
and the tegule very large, while D. sanguiniceps has a flat 
scutellum and small tegule. Whether the longitudinal veins are 
beset with bristles in the same manner in both species or not, 
I cannot state positively; in D. caffra the first and third veins 
are very distinctly beset with hairs; in D. sanguiniceps, if I 
remember right, the first vein is beset with a hardly perceptible 
pubescence, but I cannot positively affirm that such is the ease. 
But without insisting upon this difference, the others are sufficient 
to justify a generic separation. For this reason I have established 
for D. caffra Macq. a species generally found on an offensively 
smelling plant, the new genus Bromophila. 

As to the final decision about the place of the American genus 
Dichromyia, I must leave it in abeyance until I have an oppor- 
tunity to examine both sexes of D. sanguiniceps. 

The ovipositor of the species of Bromophila is much more re- 
tracted than in the other genera of the present group; and 
although not flattened, it is not at all incrassated ; unfortunately 
I have not been able to ascertain on any female specimen whether 
the ovipositor ends in a simple point, as it seems to me it does. 
Should this not be the case, the genus would not belong to the 
Ortalide at all. At present I cannot find a better place for it 
than in the neighborhood of Pyrgota. 

I know of no other genera belonging to the Pyrgotina. At 
present, therefore, the section is composed as follows :— 

1. Pyreota Wied.; 2. ApapsiniaA Waga.; 3. Toxura Macq. ; 


4. Hyporypuia Lw.; 5. Toxorrypana Gerst.; 6. SPHENOPRO- 
sopa, Lw.; 7. Bromopuina, Lw.; and 8. Dicnromyia, R. Desv. 
The final decision about the location of Yoxotrypana, Bromo- 
phila, and Dichromyia is, of course, reserved. 

The characters common to these eight genera are: oral open- 
ing small; proboscis not incrassated ; clypeus but little developed ; 
no bristle upon the broad cheeks, and no bristle immediately 
over the fore coxe ; the first longitudinal vein hairy; the costal 
vein soon attenuates beyond the end of the third Jongitudinal 
vein. The ovipositor is not flattened. 

Second Section: Platystomina. 

The name of this section is derived from Platystoma Meig., 
the oldest and best known genus in it. 

PLATYSTOMA is represented in Europe by a number of closely 
allied species which must be considered as typical. We may 
entertain different views on the extent of the genus Platystoma, 
still we would not be justified in introducing in it, as has often 
been done, ‘species which, in the majority of the most important 
characters, differ from the European Platystome. In fact, most 
of the exotic species, described by different authors as belonging 
to Platystoma, do not belong to it at all. 

The Dietya decora Fabr., identical with Tephritis violacea 
Gray, and placed by Wiedemann among the Platystome, has the 
posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out into a long lobe; this 
character at once distinguishes this species, not only from Platy- 
stoma proper, but from all the genera closely related to it. Mac- 
quart was right in establishing the new genus Loxoneura for it. 
Walker afterwards-called it Zona. Judging from the figure of 
the head of Loxoneura decora, in profile, given by Macquart in the 
Diptéeres Hxotiques, this genus must belong to the Platystomina ; 
the absence of the pro- and mesothoracie bristles, and the only 
four-jointed abdomen of the female confirm the correctness of 
this location ; the fore femora are spinous, 

Whether the South-American Platystoma stictica Fab. really 
belongs to Platystoma is very doubtful. 

Only a few of the species, placed by Macquart in the genus 
Platystoma really belong there, for instance, none of his Ameri- 
can species. Platystoma fascipennis and ocellata are Ortalide, 
but belong to the Pterocallina, not to the Platystomina. Platy- 


stoma lunulata belongs, unless the figure of the head is entirely 
incorrect, to the Trypetide and not to the Ortalide. The same 
may be said of Platystoma latipennis, of which Macquart does 
not give the habitat, but which is American. 

In the same way as those species of Macquart, Walker’s 
Platystoma australis, from Australia, does not belong to this 
genus. It seems even that not one of the Australian Platystome 
hitherto described is a real Platystoma, and that this genus is 
confined to the three old continents, 

Should we even confine, as we must necessarily do, the genus 
Platystoma to those species only which agree with the European 
species in the formation of the head, in the venation, and in the 
peculiar picture of the wings, we will find species in it which 
show some, and not unimportant, plastic differences. To the 
European species, the arista of which has only a short pubescence, 
may be opposed African species, some of which have the arista 
perfectly bare, and the scutellum very much swollen, with only 
four bristles upon it (for instance, Platystoma asphaltina Wied. ); 
others, on the contrary, with a feathery arista. The latter are 
again divided in species, in which, as in the European species, 
the scutellum has six bristles, and the femora are unarmed (for 
instance, Platystoma nigronotata Lw.); and in such the scutel- 
lum of which has four bristles, and the front femora of which, on 
the under side, towards the tip, are armed with a few little 
spines. The latter, and among them P. pectoralis Lw., differ 
moreover from the former in the usually more metallic coloring 
of the conspicuously broad abdomen, the upper half segments of 
which have a much harder consistency than in the other species; 
and besides, in such species, the two parts of the first abdominal 
segment, which represent the fitst two abdominal segments of 
other diptera, are not completely coalescent. It results from the 
foregoing that Platystoma may easily be subdivided in four 
smaller genera, which can be distinguished by the following 
characters :— 

1. Arista bare; femora unarmed; scutellum swollen, with 
four bristles ; type: P. asphaltina Wied. 

2. Arista with a very short pubescence; femora unarmed; 
scutellum moderately convex, with six bristles; type: P. umbra- 
rum Lw. 


3. Arista feathery; femora unarmed; scutellum moderately 
convex, with six bristles; type; P. nigronotata Lw. 

4. Arista feathery; front femora spinous ; scutellum but little 
convex, with four bristles; type: P. pectoralis Lw. 

As in the remaining parts of the organization there is a great 
deal of agreement among all the Platystome, and as at the same 
time the number of the described species is not large enough to 
require a further subdivision of the genus, we may leave it undi- 
vided for the present. Walker’s genus VALonta is closely allied 
to Platystoma. Unfortunately, I possess only a single male of 
Valonia complicata Walk., which, moreover, is not very well 
preserved. The structure of the head, the thorax, and the feet, 
as well as the venation, do not show anything which would 
justify a generic separation from Platystoma. The facts that the 
second longitudinal vein is a little shorter, and more curved for- 
ward, and that the small crossvein is a little nearer the end of 
the discal cell, are evidently not sufficient for such a course. 
The very much swollen and apparently only too bristly scutellum, 
as well as the moderate breadth and smooth surface of the upper 
abdominal segments, would furnish a better ground for a separa- 
tion from Platystoma. At all events, thus much is evident, that 
Valonia does not show any distinctive characters more important 
than those of the four genera would be in which, as I have 
shown above, Platystoma might be subdivided. 

Platystoma cincta, from Port Jackson, described by Guérin 
(Voyage de la Coquille), may be considered as the type of a 
separate genus, allied to Platystoma. Several Australian and 
African species are closely connected with it. If I remember 
right, such species are designated in the Berlin Museum by the 
new generic name of Pachycephala. But as a genus Pachyce- 
phalus exists already, I propose the name Scuonasres. Such 
species differ from Platystoma in the head being larger, the front 
much broader, the portion of the face between the foveze much 
more excavated, and the much narrower clypeus not protruding ; 
the occiput likewise is much less swollen, so that the head is 
much more closely applied to the thorax, and appears entirely 
sessile in the profile; the thorax is much broader and flatter ; 
the scutellum likewise, much larger and flatter, but with six 
bristles ; the tegule are as much developed asin Platystoma. The 
structure of the abdomen and of the feet, as well as the venation, 


do not show any important difference from Platystoma; still it 
is worthy of notice that the under side of the front femora is beset 
with a row of little black bristles, which in the larger species 
assume the shape of slender spines, The coloring of the body 
is generally ochre, or ferruginous-yellow, usually with black 
longitudinal stripes on the thorax ; the picture of the wings con- 
sists of numerous black spots, which often coalesce into cross- 
bands. In Scholastes cinctus Guér., and the species from 
Australia allied to it, the first half of the arista is feathery, the 
second bare, and on the thoracic dorsum there are two rather 
distant rows of short, but strong bristles. The African Scho- 
lastes, as the type of which I consider S. nepticula Lw., from 
Guinea, have the whole arista bare and no trace of rows of 
bristles on the thorax. These characters may afford a ground 
for dividing Scholastes in two genera, in which case the present 
generic name would have to remain with the genus containing 
S. cinctus Guér. 

Another genus, closely related to Platystoma, containing, as it 
seems, exclusively Australian species, is the genus LAMPROGAS- 
TER Macq., with which Chromatomyia Walk. is synonymous. 
The structure of the thorax, of the abdomen, and of the feet, as 
well as the venation, are very much in agreement with Platy- 
stoma. The tegule are large, larger than those of most Platy- 
stome. The structure and the arrangement of the bristles of 
the front are likewise similar to those of Platystoma; only the 
third antennal joint is much longer; not only are the antennal 
fover also longer, but deeper and more sharply defined, on their 
inside especially ; the clypeus is of the same breadth as in Pla- 
tystoma, but not projecting ; the palpi usually towards their end 
are not as broad as in Platystoma, and the occiput is less swollen ; 
the scutellum is strikingly swollen and provided with six bristles. 
The abdomen of all the species is of a brilliant metallic color, 
which the scutellum and the middle of the thorax often share with 
it; on the latter, however, the metallic color is generally con- 
cealed by the presence of pollinose longitudinal] stripes, and of 
an appressed pubescence of a light color. Otherwise, the color- 
ing of the thorax generally is brown or chestnut-red, which color, 
in many specimens, also extends over the scutellum; the color- 
ing of the wings consists of a few black spots. All the known 
species of Lamprogaster have unarmed femora and a bare arista ; 


in general, their plastic characters are so much alike that I can- 
not point out any peculiarity, among the species I know of, which 
might give rise to a generic subdivision. 

Next to Lamprogaster stands a genus of which Senopterina 
decora Macq., from Tasmania, may be considered as the type; I 
eall it Eucuaucora. The front is of about the same breadth as 
in Lamprogaster, but is flatter and altogether furrowed-scrobi- 
culate. The third antennal joint is still longer here ; the sharply 
defined, deep antennal fovee are once and a half the length of 
those of Lamprogaster, aud reach almost altogether as far down 
as the front part of the lateral edge of the mouth; the arista is 
beset with a short pubescence near its basis, otherwise bare ; 
the clypeus is perceptibly narrower; the occiput is less swollen, 
so that the head is more closely applied to the thorax. The 
latter is strongly built, but not as broad in the region of the 
wings, and hence, of a more equal breadth; scutellum convex, 
but not swollen, provided with six bristles. The venation is 
similar to that of the preceding genera, but differs in the fourth 
vein being gently curved forward before its end, and in the third 
vein being gently bent backward, so that the first posterior cell 
is distinctly attenuated towards its end. The coloring of thorax 
and abdomen is altogether metallic. In thus defining the char- 
acters of the genus, I have taken in consideration some species 
from Australia, which can very well be placed in the same genus 
with the above named typical species ; nevertheless, they show 
the following differences: the wings are comparatively longer 
and without any picture, while in Huchalcota decora, the cross- 
veins have dark borders alongside of them; there are no other 
bristles in front of the row of bristles along the posterior part of 
the thoracic dorsum, while in #. decora, there are some few 
shorter and thinner bristles immediately in front of that posterior 
row. ‘There is no necessity for a generic separation yet. I can- 
not identify any of my species from Australia in a satisfactory 
manner; it may be that Chromatomyia laeta Walk. belongs 

It would be difficult to explain why Macquart places HLu- 
chalcota decora in his genus Senoplerina, The structure of the 
face and the shape of the thorax are entirely different. The 
comparatively narrow abdomen of the male (I have not seen the 
other sex) is almost the only point of resemblance. 



The genus Duomyt1a, of Walker, is probably closely allied to 
the above named two genera. Its definition is too insufficient 
to enable us to form a trustworthy opinion. The irregularly 
formed name cannot possibly be preserved. 

Two species closely related to each other, belonging to the 
section Platystomina, Macquart (in the Dipt. Exotiques) has de- 
scribed as Tephritis caerulea, and strigipennis. With several 
other Australian species, very similar to them, they can be united 
in a genus which may be called CeLeror. The very striking 
characters of this genus are the following: The structure of the 
body is Zrypeta-like, with the exception, however, of the head. 
Front of an equal breadth, very steep and long, so that the an- 
tenn are situated much deeper than in any other genus of the 
present group; the front is evenly and rather densely pilose ; 
the bristles of the vertex and the lateral bristles, closely approxi- 
mated to them are rather stout; the ocelli are near the edge of 
the vertex and closely approximated to each other; the two 
bristles, which otherwise are near them, are wanting here. An- 
tenn short, hardly reaching beyond the middle of the face; 
their third joint of equal breadth, with an acute anterior angle; 
antennal arista slender, bare. Middle portion of the face con- 
cave; clypeus rather broad, projecting; proboscis stout; palpi 
rather broad towards their end. Eyes very high and narrow ; 
cheeks broad; the lower part of the occiput strongly turgid. 
Thorax strongly developed, rather of an equal breadth; scutel- 
lum turgid, overhanging the perpendicular metathorax, with six 
bristles. Abdomen with four segments in both sexes, as in the 
preceding genera; the last segment of the female abdomen 
generally of a softer consistency. he first joint of the oviposi- 
tor flattened, always entirely protruding, suddenly attenuated 
near the basis, more gradually towards the tip, thus having 
an almost oval outline. Wings rather large, broad towards the 
basis; the auxiliary vein lies very near the first longitudinal, its 
end, however, diverges from it at an obtuse angle towards the 
costa, and preserves its distinctness aud stoutness to the very 
tip. Otherwise, the venation is not unlike that of Platystoma, 
Lamprogaster, ete., only the small erossvein is beyond the last 
third of the diseal cell, a position somewhat reminding of Valonia 
Walk. The coloring of the body is blackish-blue, seldom verging 
on greenish ; the front red or reddish-brown ; the lateral borders 


with white pollen; wings hyaline; all the four species known 
to me have crossbands, connected near the anterior margin, thus 
forming an inverted 4, and with a third black band, bordering the 
apex; moreover, near the basis of the wing there is a large 
spot in the shape of a band, or numerous black spots which form 
a kind of network, not unlike that of some species of Petalophora. 
This difference in the picture of the wings is accompanied by 
some plastic differences which, if the number of species were 
larger, could serve for a subdivision in two genera. Those 
species which have the large spot in the shape of a crossband 
near the basis of the wings have at the same time the lateral 
parts of the face very broad, while they are very narrow in the 
species which have the picture in the shape of a network; the 
former have the posterior angle of the anal cell smaller, the latter 
larger than a right angle, so that in the former, the angle is a 
large acute one, in the latter, a small obtuse one. One of the 
species from Australia in my collection, belonging to the second 
group, is distinguished by the very abnormal structure of the 
hind tibizw of the male. Among the species already published, 
besides the two described by Macquart, and mentioned above as 
typical, Ortalis trifasciata Doleschall, from Amboina, may like- 
wise, perhaps, belong to the genus Celelor. 

Macquart, in the Diptéres Exotiques, describes as Eniconeura 
violacea a species distinguished by some peculiar characters, 
which undoubtedly is to be considered as the type of a distinct 
genus of Platystomina. The name Hniconeura, or more cor- 
rectly Heniconeura, cannot be retained, as it has been already 
used by Macquart himself for a genus of Bombylide. The genus 
may be called Crrropoca. According to that author it inhabits 
the East Indies; but this statement may perhaps be erroneous, 
as I have seen a fly said to be from Guinea, and in which I think 
I recognize Macquart’s species; there is a slight difference in 
the picture of the wing, as represented on Macquart’s figure, but 
the agreement of the description is perfect, and seems fully to 
justify my supposition. By all means the species is a Clitodoca. 
The characters of Clitodoca may be put down as follows: head 
large, almost square, with a very short longitudinal diameter ; 
antenne narrow, descending to the middle of the face; arista 
with a distinct pubescence; face concave, its lateral portions very 
narrow ; oral opening very large, broader than long; clypeus not 


disciform, but representing a swelling of the gula, and hence, re-_ 
minding of a similar structure in Loxoneura, in which it fills the 
greater part of the oral opening. Proboscis but little swollen ; 
palpi of a moderate breadth. Thorax very stout. Abdomen 
comparatively very short and narrow, consisting of four seg- 
ments. Feet long; wings very large; the end of the auxiliary 
vein almost obliterate ; the second longitudinal vein very strongly 
bisinuate; the third and fourth strongly convergent towards 
their end; the posterior crossvein very oblique; all the basal 
cells very long; the anal cell has an acute posterior angle. 
Among the species whick Wiedemann places in the genus 
Ortalis, there are three closely allied ones, which do neither be- 
long in the genus Ortalis, nor in the group Ortalina. They 
have to form a separate genus in the group Platystomina, which 
I will call EnaistongeurA. They are: Ortalis moerens Fab., 
parallela Wied., and lugens Fab.; Trypeta albovaria Walk., 
may be added as a fourth species, unless it is synonymous with 
O. moerens Fab., which may possibly be the case. The follow- 
ing characters distinguish the genus Hngistoneura. They are 
large flies of yellowish coloring, with a very much developed 
thorax, especially broad between the roots of the wings; its con- 
vexity, however, is very small; the abdomen is comparatively 
small, of a metallic violet color. The structure of the head some- 
what reminds of Dacus. The antenne reach the middle or a little 
below the middle of the face; the long arista is distinctly 
feathery. The fover, which reach a little below the middle 
of the face, are very sharply defined. Clypeus distinct ; pro- 
boscis of moderate stoutness, with a but little developed men- 
tum; palpi rather broad. Scutellum large, but little convex, 
overhanging the metathorax more than in most of the other 
genera of the Platystomina; it has six bristles. Abdomen 
rather cylindrical. Feet of moderate length and not very strong ; 
the front femora on the under side, in the vicinity of the tip, with a 
few bristle-like spines. Wings large, rather narrow towards the 
basis, broad towards the apex; auxiliary veins of moderate 
length, turning abruptly towards the costal margin, and becom- 
ing almost obliterate; the first longitudinal vein approaches 
closely to the margin beyond the end of the auxiliary vein, and 
runs alongside of it as far almost as the end of the second longi- 
tudinal vein; the third longitudinal vein is strongly bent back- 


ward, the fourth vein slightly forward, so that the first posterior 
cell, very broad in the middle, is rather narrow at the end; the 
small crossvein is beyond the middle of the discal cell; the two 
posterior basal cells are of a rather considerable and equal length; 
the posterior angle of the anal cell is rounded. The extensive 
picture of the wings forms, in the vicinity of the apex, more or 
less regular crossbands. 

The genus AMPHICNEPHES, which I have established for a 
North American species, will be characterized in the sequel. It 
is somewhat like Platystoma, but distinguished by the not 
swollen occiput, the flat scutellum, provided with only four 
bristles, the broad wings and the striking divergency of the 
longitudinal veins. 

A pretty Ortalida from Cuba, which cannot conveniently be 
placed in any of ‘the existing genera, gave occasion for the 
establishment of the genus Himeroéssa, which I will character- 
ize below among the other North American genera. It is dis- 
tinguished by the narrowness of the marginal and submarginal 
cells; moreover, the posterior crossvein is prolonged inside of 
the first posterior cell. 

Ortalis syngenesiz Linn. is the type of a very well justified 
genus, existing in Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, which 
Rob. Desvoidy called Riveni1a. Although the name is not 
particularly well chosen, the objections against it are not serious 
enough for its rejection. Besides the species described by Rob. 
Desvoidy, the following belong to the genus Rivellia: Trypeta 
basilaris Wied., Dacus succinctus Wied., Ceroxys quadrifa- 
sctata Macq., Ortalis Ortoeda Walk., Tephritis melliginis Fitch., 
and several others. Most of them agree quite well with the spe- 
cies placed in the genus Rivellia by Rob. Desvoidy ; others, how- 
ever, show a very gradual transition towards allied forms, which 
cannot very well be united in the same genus with the typical 
Rivelliz. Thus Macquart has established for one of them the 
genus E'pidesma. The transitions, however, are so gradual, that 
it is not very easy to decide upon the best boundary for the 
genus Rivellia. R. viridulans R. Desv., and all the North 
American species which I know of, agree in their generic char- 
acters with Rivellia syngenesizx completely; the same is the case 
with &. basilaris Wied., and with several Rivelliz, from the 
southeastern region of Asia, which I possess in my collection ; 


the only difference shown by the latter species is a somewhat 
smaller length of the third antennal joint. Next to these are 
some South African Rivelliev, for instance, Rivellia atra Lw., 
which have the third antennal joint a little shorter still; all these 
species, however, cannot besseparated from Rivellia, as the dimi- 
nution of the third antennal joint is a very gradual one, not 
affording any distinct limit for a separation. 

Macquart’s EpIpESMA fascipennis, from the Cape, is likewise 
but very little different from the typical Rivellix. The occiput 
is somewhat more convex ; the third antennal joint has a some- 
what sharper anterior angle, the thorax is comparatively a 
little smaller, and the first section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
shows but very little of the sinuosity, so characteristic of the 
true Fivelliz, and which renders the anterior part of the discal 
cell more narrow; at the end of the convex scutellum there are 
two strong bristles; whether the second pair of bristles, which 
exists in the other Rivelliz, is wanting here, or whether they 
were accidentally broken off in the specimen I had before me, I 
am unable to decide; I rather incline to favor the former suppo- 
sition. If I am right, Epidesma would deserve to be retained 
as a separate genus; in the opposite case, it would be better to 
place Lpidesma fascipennis in the genus Rivellia, because then 
the whole difference between them would merely consist in com- 
parative characters. 

Among the species from the southeast of Asia, there are 
several which are closely allied to Rivellia, but differ from the 
typical species in the greater length and lesser breadth of the 
marginal cell, a more straight third longitudinal vein, and a 
hardly perceptible sinuosity of the first section of the fourth vein ; 
moreover, the thorax is less strongly developed, so that their 
stature shows some, although only a distant, resemblance to the 
species of Stenopterina. They are easily distinguished by the 
picture of their wings, which is very different from that of the 
Rivelliz ; it consists in a conspicuous black border along the 
costal margin and the apex, not unlike that of Diacrita and 
Molanoloma, while the Rivellix, besides the apex, which is mar- 
gined with black, also have black crossbands. I propose for this 
genus the name of ScoTrnosoMa. 

Species having the first section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
straight, must, most decidedly, be eliminated from Rivellia. 


Such is a group of closely related African species, which I unite 
in the genus ARDELIO. The lateral portions of their face are 
distinctly broader than in Rivellia, the eyes not so high, and the 
cheeks, for this reason, broader; the clypeus is narrower and the 
thorax more strongly developed ; the,convex scutellum has four 
bristles, like Rivellia. They almost show more affinity to Platy- 
stoma than to Rivellia; all the species known to me are black, 
with longitudinal lines of white dust on the thorax, and their 
wings have black crossbands, between which, along the costal 
margin, there are black spots or streaks. The single species 
show, in the length of the third antennal joint, still more con- 
siderable variations than the species of Rivellia, and it almost 
seems that, in this respect, they might be divided in two sections, 
one of which would be represented, as a type, by Ardelio longi- 
pennis Lw., the other by A. brevicornis Lw. 

The genus Epicausta, established by me for two African spe- 
cies, is less allied to Rivellia than to Stenopterina, which will 
be discussed below. These species are like Stenopterina in their 
stature, but are not so slender; the head is. not unlike that of the 
species of Dacus proper; the antenne are not quite as long as 
in Stenopterina; the fore coxe are much shorter, and not so 
movable ; the thorax, seen from the side, is not attenuated in 
front, as is the case with Stenopterina ; the scutellum has four 
bristles, as in the latter genus; the wings are conspieuously 
shorter, and the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is 
much more bent forward. The small crossvein is not oblique, 
as in all Stenopterine, but perpendicular. The picture of the 
wings, in both of the species known to me, consists only in a 
large black spot at the tip. 

STENOPTERINA, a genus proposed by Macquart in the Swites a 
Buffon, is well founded, as long as it is confined to the species 
of the immediate relationship of Dacus brevicornis Fab. and 
eneus Wied. Unfortunately the same author, in the Diptéres 
Exotiques, has entirely left out of sight the characters of this 
genus, established by himself, and has introduced in it a number 
of heterogeneous forms, and, at the same time, placed in the 
genus Herina species which either belong to Stenopterina or 
are more closely related to it than to any other genus. His 
Slenopterina femorata and immaculata, both from Bourbon, 
seem to belong rather to Hpicausta than to Stenopterina ; 



Stenopterina decora Macq. is, as has been observed above, the 
typical species of the genus Huchalcota; S. gigas, scutellaris, 
and nigripes of Macquart, all three from Tasmania, are certainly 
no Stenoplerine. There would be more ground to place in that 
genus the Orialis violacea of Macquart, which is probably cor- 
rectly identified in the Berlin Museum with Dacus macularis 
Fab. Herina mexicana Macq. also belongs to Stenopterina, and 
H, calcarata Macq., although perhaps not a true Stenopterina, 
is closely related to that genus. The three species described by 
Walker (List of Dipt. Ins.), bicolor, of unknown origin, tri- 
vittata, from the Philippine Islands, and basalis, from Australia, 
do not seem to have anything in common with true Stenopterine. 
A true Stenopterina is S. submetallica Lw., from Mozambique ; 
and Herina chalybea Doleschall, belongs probably to the same 

As I will have to characterize Stenopterina in detail among 
the North American genera of Ortalidz, it will suffice here to 
indicate the principal characters. Head resembling that of 
Dacus in structure; occiput convex, but not swollen. Front of 
a considerable and even breadth. Antenne long and narrow, 
generally descending a little beyond the anterior edge of the 
mouth, which is somewhat drawn upwards; clypeus broad ; pro- 
boscis stout. Thorax narrow; the pectus ascending obliquely 
in front, so that the thorax, seen from the side, is rather con- 
spicuously attenuated anteriorly. Fore coxe remarkably long, 
inserted unusually near the neck and very movable in this inser- 
tion. Scutellum with four bristles. Abdomen narrow ; wings 
long and narrow; little crossvein oblique, placed beyond the 
middle of the long discal cell; the third and fourth longitudinal 
veins, in the majority of the species, are somewhat bent towards 
each other, so that the first posterior cell becomes narrower 
towards its end. In all the species I know of, the stigma, as 
well as a border between it and the apex, and the first basal cell, 
“up to the small crossvein, are tinged with brown; in most spe- 
cies the posterior crossvein has likewise a dark border. 

The next genus to be mentioned here is the genus MiscnHo- 
GASTER Macq., founded upon Cephalia femoralis Wied. Mischo- 
gaster pernix and diffusus Gerst., belong to it. It differs from 
Cephalia in the absence of a mesothoracic bristle, and in the face, 
which does not project inferiorly ; from the following genus it is 


distinguished by the first abdominal segment being beset with 
bristles. This character, as well as the somewhat advanced posi- 
tion of the anterior ocellus, remind of the Richardina. The 
face is rather short and somewhat excavated. 

The last genus which I place among the Platystomina forms the 
transition from this group to the Cephalina, and shows a good 
deal of approximation to the genus Cephalia. As the typical spe- 
cies of this genus I consider Cephalia myrmecoides Loew. Be- 
sides the want of a mesothoracic bristle, this genus differs from 
the true Cephaliz in the fact that the first abdominal segment is 
so coarctate in its middle that its anterior part forms a knot- 
shaped swelling ; moreover, the shape of the body is still more 
slender; the wings still narrower and still more cuneiform 
towards the basis, so that the anal angle and the alula disappear 
entirely, whereas in Cephalia, there is at least a rudiment of 
them. The statements which Rob. Desvoidy makes about his 
genus Myrmecomyia render it probable that the above-mentioned 
species belongs to this genus. Certainty in this case is not pos- 
sible, without the comparison of the species upon which Rob. 
Desvoidy established the genus, Not wishing to run the risk of 
introducing a useless generic name, I prefer to use the name of 
Myrmecomyia for my species. The pleonastic name which the 
species thus obtains, Myrmecomyia myrmecoides, is not good, 
but may be tolerated in view of the fact that nothing is more 
like an ant than this dipteron. 

A review of the genera which I placed among the Platysto- 
mina shows that, besides the bristles upon the first longitudinal 
vein, and the absence of prothoracic and mesothoracic bristles, 
which define this group, these genera have the following charac- 
ters in common: The oral opening is very large; the clypeus 
generally very much developed, and the proboscis proportionally 
stout; the third antennal joint is elongate ; the thoracic dorsum 
bristly upon its hind part only; the female abdomen has four — 
segments, as the fifth is either altogether wanting, or only rudi- 
mentary and then completely hidden under the fourth segment. 

Third Section: Cephalina. 

I call this group after the genus which was first made known 
in it. It differs from the Platystomina in the presence of a 


metathoracie bristle, from the Ortalina, in the absence of the 
prothoracic one. With the former it moreover agrees in the 
larger size of the oral opening, the greater development of the 
clypeus and the stouter proboscis; with the latter it has the 
more or less distinct development of the fifth segment of the 
female abdomen in common. While some of the genera show a 
very close affinity to the Platystomina in general appearance, 
others stand as near to the Ortalina, so that the Cephalina seem 
to form a transition from the first to the second of those sections. 

The genus CEPHALIA, introduced by Meigen, shows some 
affinity to those genera of Platystomina, the species of which are 
distinguished by their slender shape, especially to the genera 
Mischogaster and Myrmecomyia. It necessarily must be con- 
fined to those species which, like the typical Cephalia rufipes 
Meig., have a mesothoracic bristle. The species added later to 
it, although in their general shape and their coloring they more 
or less resemble the true Cephaliz, do not show the necessary 
agreement with them in those characters which are the most 
trustworthy in the establishment of the genera of Ortalide. They 
belong in the group Platystomina and principally in the genus 
Mischogaster, in part also in the genus Myrmecomyia. The 
genus Cephalia, in this narrower sense, does not contain as yet 
any American species. As, for this reason, I will have no occa- 
sion to refer to it again, I will characterize it here :— 

Body slender, abdomen narrow at the basis, its first segment 
without any knot-shaped swelling ; feet rather long and slender. 
Hairs on the body extremely short; thorax with a few small 
bristles on the lateral and the posterior portions only; the bristles 
before the scutellum and its own lateral bristles are very short. 

Antenne long and slender; their second joint short. Face 
shield-like, convex, without antennal fovee. 

Palpi very broad; proboscis rather stout and mentum some- 
what swollen. 

Wings attenuated towards the basis in the shape of a wedge, 
with a very narrow alula; the second longitudinal vein hardly 
sinuose at all; the third and fourth longitudinal veins normal in 
their course; the anterior basal cell of equal breadth; the first 
longitudinal vein bristly towards its end only; the crossveins 
rather distant from each other; the picture of the wings usually 



consists of an infuscation of the stigma and of a black spot on 
the apex. 

Cephalia is immediately connected with a genus embracing 
Trypeta fleca Wied. and the genera related to the latter. As 
this genus does not coincide with any one of the hitherto adopted 
genera, it must receive a newname. I call it Trivoxa, the name 
alluding to the peculiar picture of the wings. The Tritore 
“differ from the Cephaliz in the presence of a strong bristle before 
the end of the fore tibiz, on their upper side, and in the presence 
of a weak indication of antennal fovez, especially, however, in 
the fact that the third and fourth longitudinal veins have an 
irregular course, in consequence of which the anterior basal cell 
is expanded before its end; moreover also in the first longitudinal 
vein being, to a great extent, covered with bristles and in the 
approximation of both crossveins to each other. The wings have 
a dark coloring and the picture consists of three oblique, more 
or less arcuated, hyaline crossbands. The other characters the 
genus Z’ritoxa shares with the genus Cephalia. 

After Tritora CAMPTONEURA naturally follows. The typical 
species is the well-known North American species, described by 
Fabricius as Musca picta, and afterwards erroneously placed by 
Wiedemann in the genus Zrypeta. Rob. Desvoidy was the first 
to found a new genus for it, which he called Delphinia ; Macquart 
established later for the same species the genus Camptoneura, 
which thus coincides with Delphinia. As the name Delphinia 
cannot be retained for reasons of priority, Macquart’s name must 
be adopted. Camptoneura differs from Tritoxa in a striking 
manner in the structure of the wings; they are broad, and show, 
on the costal margin, near the end of the auxiliary vein, a shallow, 
but very striking excision; the third longitudinal vein is very 
remarkably sinuate, and the anal cell rounded at the end. The 
picture of the wings has a distant resemblance to that of the 
species of Aciura. 

The other genera of Cephalina which I know of contain 
species of a less slender stature than the three genera which I 
have just examined. 

Among them the genus Prara, founded by me for an African 
species, is remarkable for its close relationship to the Platysto- 
mina. It may be characterized as follows:— 


Body rather robust, the bristles upon the vertex, upon the 
posterior part of the thorax and upon the scutellum long. 

Antenne of medium length; the anterior corner of the third 
‘joint acute; arista feathery. Face excavated above, and with a 
projecting bump below. 

Oral opening broader than long; proboscis very stout. 

Wings rather broad; longitudinal veins diverging; the first, 
third, and fifth beset with bristles; posterior angle of the anal 
cell not acute; the picture of the wings is not unlike that pre- 
vailing in the genus Aciura. 

Rather closely related to Piara is the genus TRAPHERA, which 
I propose to establish with Ortalis chalybea Wied. for its type. 
It also stands very near the Platystomina and may easily be con- 
sidered as one of them, as the mesothoracic bristle is but very 
little conspicuous and the fifth segment of the female abdomen is 
also very much abbreviated. The principal differences between 
Traphera and Piara lie in the structure of the head and of the 
wings. The head of Traphera is not unlike that of Platystoma, 
but the lower part of the occiput is but very little turgid; the 
vertical diameter of the eyes is very long, the horizontal, on the 
contrary, very short; the first two antennal joints are short; the 
third pointed oval; the arista feathery; the face is descending 
obliquely, excavated under the antenne, convex below; the 
clypeus is very much developed, its vertical diameter rather large, 
the horizontal one small; proboscis very much incrassated. 
Thorax stout and convex; its dorsum is provided with bristles 
only on the sides and posteriorly. Scutellum generally with 
eight bristles. Wings comparatively short and broad, with 
bristly hairs on their anterior margin; the whole of the first 
longitudinal vein is strongly bristly and shows, in the vicinity of 
the somewhat obliterate end of the auxiliary vein, a peculiar 
break; the basal half of the third longitudinal vein is beset with 
bristles; the posterior crossvein is oblique, so that the posterior 
angle of the discal cell is very acute; the anal cell is rounded at 
the end and its posterior angle withdrawn in a peculiar manner. 
The wings are of a dark color, marked with pale bands starting 
from the posterior margin and abbreviated in front. 

While both of these genera are very near the Platystomina, the 
two which we have yet to mention approach the Ortalina. They 
are: Dzacrira, introduced by Gerstecker, and a genus to be 


adopted for Ortalis marginata Say, for which I propose the name 
of IDANA. 

Diacrita is easily distinguished from Jdana by the shape of 
the posterior angle of the anal cell, which is drawn out in a very 
long lobe, and by the picture of the wings, which consists only 
in a very broad dark border, extending to the very apex of the 
wing. The more extended picture on the wings of Jdana is not 
unlike that of Pteropecila and the posterior end of its anal cell 
forms only ashort angle. As both genera contain North American 
species, I will have occasion to refer to them again more in detail. 

Fourth Section: Ortalina. 

The Ortalina have a prothoracic, as well as a mesothoracic 
bristle, while among the Cephalina, the former, among the Pla- 
tystomina, both are wanting. The Ortalina are also distinguished 
from the two above-named groups by a smaller oral opening, a 
less developed clypeus, a less stout proboscis, a less turgid 
mentum and smaller palpi. In several genera, moreover, the 
thoracic dorsum is beset with bristles as far as its anterior 
portion. The abdomen of the female has five segments, which 
brings this group nearer to the Cephalina than to the Platysto- 

The geographical distribution of the Ortalina is, as far as 
known, confined exclusively to America and to Europe, with 
those parts of Asia which belong to the faunal province of the 
latter. Very striking is the great agreement between the 
European and North American forms of this group. As the 
knowledge of the latter is still very fragmentary, the generic 
distribution of the probably numerous species which may be 
discovered yet would offer great difficulties, or lead into error, 
unless based upon the knowledge of the European genera. I 
will give here, for this reason, a review of all the European 
genera adopted at present. Besides these, however, to the 
Ortalina must be reckoned the genus APposPAsMIcA, which I 
propose to establish for the South American Ortalis fasciata 
Wied. and the genus Automona, which I have adopted above for 
Ortalis trifasciata Wied. and atomaria Wied. 

The European genera of Ortalina are the following :— 


1. Dorycera Meig. 

Charact.—Eyes round; cheeks very broad ; face very much projecting ir 

profile ; inferiorly it is very strongly retreating, carinate. 

The hairs on the body have the ordinary length, or a little over 
the ordinary ; thoracic dorsum bristly on its hind portion only. 

Antenne projecting, either of ordinary breadth and medium 
length, with the third joint oval; or narrow and elongate, with an 
elongate third joint. 

The first longitudinal vein bristly at its end only. 

This genus contains gray species, their faces with dark spots, 
and with well-marked black stripes upon the thorax; the wings 
are either without any picture, or it consists of blackish-gray 
longitudinal lines, which are more confluent towards the apex, and 
even, in the male of one species, form a large, black spot. 

The genus may be divided into two sections, which it will be 
necessary, when the number of species grows larger, to separate 
as genera. 

Sect. 1. (Dorycera, sensu strict.) Antenne narrow and very 
much prolonged; the pilosity of the body is of an ordinary 

Typical species: graminum Fab. 

Sect. 2. (Perenomatia Lw.) Antenne of ordinary breadth 
and of medium length; pilosity of the body longer than usual. 

Typical species: inornata Lw. 

9. TETANOPS Fall. 

Charact.—Eyes rounded-ovate ; cheeks broad. Face in the profile very 
much projecting, more or less retreating inferiorly. 

The hairs upon the whole body extremely short; the middle of 
the thoracic dorsum bristly on its hind part only; the prothoracic 
bristles are smaller than in all the other genera of Ortalina. 

Antenne short, often strikingly short; their third joint oval; 

> somewhat longer than the second. 

The first longitudinal vein is bristly at its end only. 

This genus contains remarkably glabrous species; there are no 
thoracie stripes; the first segment of the ovipositor is compara- 
tively large; there is no picture on the wings at all, or it consists 
only in narrow borders along the crossveins, or in more or less 
faded spots at the end of the longitudinal veins, thus resembling 
the picture of Ceroxrys. 

Typical species: myopina Fall. 


3. Cormocaris Lw. 
Charact.—Eyes round; cheeks very broad; face in the profile strongly 

projecting, very much retreating inferiorly, not carinate. 

Hairs on the body comparatively long; thoracic dorsum hairy 
and bristly as far as its anterior portion. 

Antenne short; the rounded oval third joint hardly as long as 
the second. 

First longitudinal vein bristly at its end only. 

Gray species, the abdomen and thorax of which are without any 
picture, and the wings dusky and somewhat spotted along the an- 
terior margin. 

Typical species: bucephala Meig. 

4. Preropacita Lw. 
Charact.—Eyes small, rounded oval; cheeks broad ; front very much pro- 


Hairs on the body of the usual length; the middle of the thorax 
bristly on its hind portion only. 

The rounded third joint of the antenne short; the second like- 
wise short. 

The first longitudinal vein is hairy upon its whole length. 

The coloring of the body is gray; the picture of the wings is not 
unlike that of [dana marginata Say. 
Typical species: lamed Schrk. 

5. Pritonota Lw. 

Charact.—Eyes elongated oval; front but little projecting. 
Thorax bristly upon its middle, as far as its anterior portion. 
The third antennal joint rounded oval; the second shorter. 
The first longitudinal vein bristly at its end only. 

Cinereous-gray species, the thorax of which is marked with 
four somewhat darker longitudinal lines; the picture of the wings 
consists of large blackish spots; in several species these spots are 
so much confluent that the picture of the wings can almost be 
called guttate. : 

Typical species: centralis Fab. 

6. Ortaris Fall. 

Charact.—Eyes rather large, elongate oval; front only moderately pro- 


Hairs on the body of the usual length; the middle of the thoracic 
dorsum bristly-on its hind portion only. 

The rounded third antennal joint short, the second of the same 
length with it. 

Both crossveins not more approximate than usual; the first 
longitudinal vein bristly at its end only. 

The genus Ortalis contains species above the average size, 
some of them rather large; the abdomen is banded with gray ; 
the thorax strongly pollinose, in most species with conspicuous 
black, in some, with gray longitudinal stripes, in a few, without 
any stripes. ‘The wings are more or less spotted. 

Typical species: ruficeps Fab. 

7. Systata Lw. 

Charact.—Eyes rather large, elongate oval; front only little projecting. 
The hairs on the body as usual; the middle of the thoracic 
dorsum with bristles upon its hind portion only. 
The rounded third antennal joint is short; the second of equal 
length with it. . 
The two crossveins are very closely approximated ; the first longi- 
tudinal vein bristly at its end only. 

The species of this genus differ from those of Ortalis in the 
very close proximity of the crossveins, but agree with them in the 
remainder of the organization. The picture of the wings con- 
sists in bands. 

Typical species: rivularis Fab. 

8. LoxopEsMA Lw. 
Charact.—Eyes large, elongate; front but little projecting; face rather 
strongly carinate; cheeks narrower than in most other genera. 
Hairs on the body as usual; thoracic dorsum with bristles upon 
its hind part only. 
Third joint of the antenne more or less prolonged, rounded at the 
tip; the second much shorter. 
Both crossveins very much approximated; the first longitudinal 
vein bristly at its end only. 

The species belonging here remind of the Systate in the strik- 
ing proximity of the crossveins, differ however in other respects 
very much from them, and that in the same way as the species 
of Pteropexctria differ from Ortalis. The relation of Lorodesma 
to Pteropexctria, which is by far the most closely allied genus to 


it, is exactly the same as that of Systata to Ortalis. The color- 
ing and the picture of the wings resemble those of the first section 
of Pleropexctria, only the obscure borders of the crossveins coalesce 
more or less, on account of their proximity, into a single cross- 

Typical species: lacustris Meig. 

9. PrerorpactTria Lw. 

Charact.—Lyes large, elongate; front but very little projecting, face rather 

strongly carinate; cheeks narrower than in most other genera. 

Hairs on the body of the usual length; the middle of the thoraci¢ 
dorsum bristly on its posterior portion only. 

Third antennal joint more or less elougate, rounded at the end; 
the second very much shorter. y, 

The crossveins are at the usual distance from each other; the 
first longitudinal vein has bristles upon its end only. 

This genus contains small, shining black species, the thorax of 
which shows only a faint trace of pollen. The picture of the 
wings generally consists in the dark color of the costal and sub- 
costal cells, a more or less distinct black border of the crossveins 
and a black spot on the costa, lying a little before the apex, or 
upon it; in some species, however, this picture expands into four 
crossbands which are connected, two and two, near the costa. 

The genus is divided into two sections, which may even be 
considered as separate genera. They are easily distinguished by 
the picture of the wings, which is in keeping with a corres- 
ponding difference in the rest of the organization. 

Sect. 1. (Pleropectria, sensu strict.) with spotted, or incom- 
pletely banded, wings. 

Typical species: palustris Meig. 

Sect. 2. (Thryophila Lw.); bands on the wings complete. 

Typical species: frondescentiz Lin. 

10. TePpHronota Lw. 

Charact.—Third antennal joint, although not excised on the upper side, 
still with a sharp anterior corner. 
Thoracic dorsum, upon its middle, not bristly in front of the 
region of the suture. 
First longitudinal vein bristly upon its end only; the fourth not 
bent forward; the posterior angle of the anal cell not prolonged in 
a lobe. 


Tephronota begins the series of those genera, the third antennal 
joint of which is not rounded at the tip, but ends above in a sharp 
corner. It contains small species which, in the shape of their 
body, and especially in the structure of the head, remind of the 
Pteropectriz very much. But they can always be distinguished 
by their thorax, which is thickly covered with a gray pollen, even 
should the third antennal joint, in drying, have lost the sharpness 
of its upper corner. The picture of the wings consists either of 
complete crossbands, or of spots and half-bands, or even of spots 

Typical species: gyrans Lw. 

11. Crroxys Macq. 
Charact.—Third antennal joint distinctly excised on its upper side. 
Thorax upon its middle beset with bristles as far as its anterior 
First longitudinal vein bristly upon its end only; fourth longi- 
tudinal vein not bent forward; the posterior angle of the anal cell 
not drawn out in a lobe. 

Yellowish-gray or cinereous-gray species, with a thorax with- 
out stripes, and with wings having large dark spots; the arista 
is always distinctly pubescent. 

Typical species: crassipennis Fab. 

12. Hypocura Lw. 

Charact.—Third antennal joint distinctly excised on its upper sice. 
Thorax, upon its middle, not bristly in front of the region of the 

First longitudinal vein with bristles upon its end only; fourth 

longitudinal vein not bent forward; posterior angle of the anal cell 
not drawn out in a lobe. 

Small, grayish-white species, with a very limited picture of 
the wings, generally consisting of a very narrow border of the 

Typical species: albipennis Lw. 


Charact.—Third antennal joint distinctly excised upon its upper side. 
Thorax, upon its middle, not bristly in front of the region of the 



First longitudinal vein bristly upon its end only; fourth longi- 
tudinal vein bent forward towards its end; posterior angle of the 
anal cell not drawn out in a lobe. 

Rather robust species having the thorax pollinose with gray, 
without stripes or with weak ones, a black, shining abdomen, 
generally with gray bands, and wings which have black cross- 
bands, or spots almost forming such crossbands. 

Typical species: urtice Lin. 

14. Hoxnopasta Lw. 

Charact.—Third antennal joint distinctly excised on its upper side. 
Thorax without bristles upon its middle, in front of the region 
of the suture. 
First longitudinal vein bristly upon its whole length; fourth 
longitudinal vein curved forward at the end; posterior angle of the 
anal cell not drawn out in a point. 

Holodasia differs from Anacampta (which it otherwise re- 
sembles very much) in the fact that the first longitudinal vein is 
bristly upon its whole extent, and not upon its end only. In this 
it agrees with Pleropecila, from which it differs in the not pro- 
jecting front, longer antenne, the third joint of which is excised 
upon its upper side and pointed at the tip and in the fourth longi- 
tudinal vein being curved forward. 

Typical species: fraudulosa Lw. 

Fifth Section: Pterocallina. 

At the beginning of the chapter on the Systematic Distribution 
of the Ortalide, I have pointed out Scatophaga fasciata as the 
species of this group known for the longest time and which may 
be considered as typical. It was described under that name by 
Fabricius in the Systema Antliatorum, was transferred by Meigen 
to the genus Jrypeta and by Robineau Desvoidy to his new 
genus Myernnis. It is very probably the same fly which was 
described by Coquebert in his Jconographia, Dee. III, under the 
name of Musca octopunctata, although it has nothing of the 
picture of the thorax shown in Coquebert’s figure and which gave 
rise to the specific name. Although the publication of Coque- 
bert’s name is probably a little anterior to that of Fabricius, the 
choice of this name, based upon a non-existing character, as well 
as the nature of the entomological correspondence, which existed 


between both authors, forbid us from giving Coquebert’s name 
the priority over Fabricius’s. 

At the same place I have also observed how very distinct a 
species Myennis fasciata is, with its Trypeta-like stature, its 
low head and especially the very large distance between the ends 
of the auxiliary and of the first longitudinal vein; the latter 
character especially is quite peculiar among the Ortalide with 
a bristly first longitudinal vein. 

Among the Ortalide hitherto described, the following species, 
as far as known to me, show a sufficient agreement, in their 
characters, with Myennis fasciata to be considered as belonging 
to the same circle of relationship: Trypeta ocellata Wied., from 
the environs of Bahia, Brazil; Ortalis obscura Wied., from 
Brazil, Ortalis vau Say, and Platystoma annulipes Macq., the 
two last from the United States. The numerous characters which 
all these species share with Myennis fasciata, besides the already 
mentioned peculiarities belonging to this species in particular, 
are: 1, the unmetallic coloring of the body; 2, the comparatively 
low, but rather broad head; 3, the broad front; 4, the rounded, 
more or less protruding eyes ; 5, the round, or very short rounded- 
oval shape of the third antennal joint ; 6, the shortness of the more 
or less concave face; 7, the small development of the clypeus; 8, 
the comparatively large development of the chest; 9, the protho- 
racic bristle, represented by a very small hair only; 10, the middle 
of the thorax, which is beset with bristles upon its hind part only ; 
11, the convex scutellum, provided with four bristles; 12, the very 
much abbreviated fifth segment of the female abdomen, which is 
very often quite withdrawn under the preceding segment; 13, the 
posterior angle of the anal cell, which is drawn out in a point, or 
even in a lobe. 

Although the agreement in so many characters affords a dis- 
tinct proof of the close relationship of these species, each of them 
shows at the same time plastic differences of such an importance, 
that one might be tempted to establish a separate genus for 
almost every one of them. These differences principally consist 
in the different shape of the wings, and in the different course 
of their veins, while the rest of the organization shows a re- 
markable agreement. 

In the shape of the wings two remarkable modifications are 
worthy of notice, and may serve at some future time for a further 
subdivision of this group. 


The wings of Trypeta ocellata and obscura differ from the 
usual shape of the wings of the Ortalidx by their narrowness, 
the parallelism of their anterior and posterior margins, their 
broad and rounded apex and their comparatively great length. 
Macquart placed the first of these species in the genus Platy- 
stoma, and the second, still more oddly, in the genus Campto- 
neura. Rondani has had a better eye for the plastic peculiari- 
ties of Trypeta ocellata and established the genus PTEROCALLA 
for it. I have derived the name of the present group from this 
well-founded genus of Rondani’s, and not after Rob. Desvoidy’s 
Myennis, established for Scatophaga fasciata, because the latter 
name, although much earlier in date, is a senseless malformation. 

Trypeta obscura is, as Wiedemann has correctly observed in 
its description, a near relative of Pterocalla ocellata. As what 
occupies us now is the systematic location of only a small num- 
ber of species, we can, without any hesitation, unite both of these 
species in the same genus, although the venation of 7. obscura 
differs from that of Pterocalla ocellata in the second longitudinal 
vein being more arcuate than undulated, and in the fourth lon- 
gitudinal vein being distinctly curved forward. 

A small North American species, which will be described 
below, stands close enough to those two species in the shape of 
its wings and its venation to be placed in the same genus. It 
differs however in the second, third, and fourth longitudinal 
veins being quite straight, and neither wavy nor arcuate. 

A most striking resemblance to this Plerocalla strigula is ex- 
hibited by Trypeta ulula, a South African species, described by 
me (Berl. Entom. Zeitschr.) after an incomplete specimen, with- 
out head. Already in describing this species, I drew attention 
to the fact that it differs from the ordinary venation of the Try- 
petina in the great distance intervening between the tips of the 
auxiliary and of the first longitudinal veins. I do not doubt 
now that this species is a Pterocalla, and that I would have 
recognized this earlier if I had had a complete specimen before 
me. Both species agree very well in all their plastic characters, 
especially in the shape of’ the wings and in the venation; the 
only difference which I notice in P. wlula is the position of the 
posterior crossvein, which is much steeper. 

The genus Pterocalla, as I define it here, thus embraces ail 
those Plerocallina which, in the outline of their wings, resemble 


Pterocalla ocellata, so that this outline must be considered as 
the principal diagnostic character of this genus. 

Among the numerous undescribed Pferocallina, which I have 
seen, I know of no one which may be placed in the genus Plero- 
calla, although several of them agree with the species of this 
genus in some one point pertaining to the venation. But none 
of those species has the wings of that peculiar shape which 
characterizes Pterocalla; on the contrary, the outline of the 
wings of all these species does not, in any marked degree, differ 
from that of the ordinary Ortalide. Like the species enumerated 
above, they have this peculiarity, that each species, although 
agreeing with the others in the characters belonging to the 
group, at the same time shows such important plastic differences, 
that the establishment of a series of new genera becomes indis- 
pensable. I regret not to be able to enter here into the detail 
of this subject, as, without plates, it is impossible to define those 
genera sufficiently. Thus much only will I mention, that among 
them there is a species which has the posterior angle of the anal 
cell rounded. The generic distribution of the North American 
species, which will be described below, does not, fortunately, 
require these South American forms to be taken into considera- 

Among the North American Pterocallina, Ortalis vau Say 
is the nearest to Myennis fasciata Fab, The venation, however, 
is different enough to prevent us from placing them in the same 
genus. ‘The two crossveins in O. vau are less approximated, and 
the anterior end of the posterior one is further from the basis of the 
wing than the posterior end, while in Myennis fasciata the con- 
trary is the case, so that the posterior crossvein of this species has 
a different position. Moreover, the first segment of the ovipositor 
of the female of Ortalis vaw has not the conically attenuated 
shape which it has in Myennis fasciata and in many Trypetina ; 
it is broader, somewhat attenuated from its middle only, like the 
ovipositor of the majority of the Ortalidx. I consider, therefore, 
Ortalis vau as the type of a new genus, which I call Sricroce- 

To Stictocephala vau must be added a second North American 
species, which I received from Baron Osten Sacken, under the 
name of Tephritis corticalis Fitch in litt., and which will be de- 
scribed by me under the same name. The venation resembles 


that of S. vaw so closely that I have no hesitation in placing it 
in the same genus. 

There are two other North American species which I take to 
be undescribed, and which also belong to Stictocephala. As 
their wings are not pictured like those of the two preceding spe- 
cies, but simply banded, the difference between them seems, at 
first glance, to be greater than it really is. A close examination 
does not disclose any plastic difference which would justify their 
generic separation from Stictocephala. I will describe them as 
Stictocephala cribrum and cribellum. 

The North American species described by Macquart as Platy- 
stoma annulipes shows, in the detail of its structure, an almost 
complete agreement with the species of Stictocephala, but differs 
so much in the outline of the wings and still more in the vena- 
tion, that it cannot be placed in that genus. The difference in 
the outline of the wings consists in the fact that the posterior 
margin is more convex, and hence, the wings are broader ; the 
difference in the venation appears in the posterior angle of the 
anal cell being drawn out in a very long lobe, and in the position 
of the posterior crossvein, the anterior end of which is much 
nearer to the apex of the wing than the posterior end. As this 
species does not find a convenient place in any of the existing 
genera, I am compelled to establish a new one for it, which I call 

This would close the series of the few genera of Pterocallina, 
hitherto sufficiently defined, if we had not to advert to the genus 
PsarropTeRA Wahlb., occurring in northern and central Europe, 
as well as in northern Asia, a genus for which it is not easy to 
find an appropriate place in the system. The species of this 
genus resemble the Ulidina in their general appearance, and I 
would not have hesitated to place them in that section, if their 
third longitudinal vein was not distinctly beset with hairs. I 
acknowledge that their location among the Ulidina is more 
natural than among the Pterocallina. Nevertheless, I place 
the genus among the latter and thus put a greater stress upon 

‘the artificial character, derived from the pilosity of the third 
vein, than upon more close and natural affinities, but which are 
more difficult to explain in words. If I do this, it is because I 
hold that a strict adherence to those characters, by means of 
which I have tried to introduce into the systematic chaos of the 


Ortalide a satisfactory distribution in groups, is more apt to 
insure the recognition within these groups of available genera, 
than if we should attempt to avail ourselves of affinities, which, 
although visible to the eye, do not admit of exact definitions. 

Psairoptera finds a fitting location at the end of the Piero- 
callina, so as to be immediately followed by the Ulidina. The 
principal differences from the above-mentioned genera of Ptero- 
callina consist in the posterior angle of the anal cell, which is 
more or less a sharp right angle, and in the much smaller dis- 
tance between the end of the auxiliary vein and that of the first 
longitudinal. The shape of the head likewise shows not unim- 
portant differences from the other genera of the group, and some 
of the species of Psatroptera have, moreover, the last antennal 
joint of a more elliptical shape. 

In enumerating the most characteristic distinctive marks of 
the Plerocallina, we cannot, for the above stated reasons, lay 
the same stress upon Psairoptera as upon the other genera of 
this group. These characters may be summed up as follows :— 

Habitus TZrypeta-like; coloring non-metallic; head rather 
broad, but low, with rather protuberant eyes; face short, per- 
pendicular, excavated in the middle; clypeus but little de- 
veloped ; third antennal joint round or rounded ovate; thoracic 
dorsum bristly upon its posterior part only; third longitudinal 
vein hairy ; and above all, as the most important character, the 
unusually large distance between the end of the first longitudinal 
and that of the auxiliary veins. 

For the Plerocallina from North America, hitherto known, 
we can add to the above-enumerated characters the posterior 
angle of the anal cell, which is drawn out in a long lobe. 



The European genera belonging here are: Sroprera Kirby, 
Timr1a Wied., Unipra Meig., CurysomyzaA Fall., with which 
Chloria Schin. is coincident, and EMpyetocera Lw. They are 
allied enough to each other to be united in the same group. 

A type, very different from the preceding genera, appears in 
the genus Ricwarpra Rob. Desv., which seems to be rather 


abundantly represented in America and likewise belongs to this 
division. A whole series of related genera, peculiar to America, 
may be classed with Richardia: like the latter, they are all 
distinguished by armed femora. 

This is the reason why, in a former publication, I separated 
the whole second division of the Orialina in two groups, the one 
with unarmed, the other with armed femora; the first I called 
Ulidina, the second Richardina; and in the Berlin Entom. Zeit- 
schrift, Vol. XI, I described the American Ulidina which, at 
the time, were known to me. Now, however, that I have become 
acquainted with a larger number of forms belonging in this 
division, I incline to think that its separation in the groups 
Ulidina and Richardina becomes more natural, if, as a distin- 
guishing character of these groups, we assume, not the armed or 
unarmed femora, but the shape of the anal cell. All the genera 
having the posterior angle of the anal cell more or less pointed 
belong to the Ulidina; those genera, on the contrary, where this 
is not the case are to be placed with the Richardina, This 
modification does not much alter the distribution of the genera 
among these two groups, as all the genera with armed femora, at 
present known, will, in the new distribution, be likewise referred 
to the Richardina. Among the genera which, in the above- 
quoted publication, I placed with the Ulidina, Epiplatea alone 
will have to be transferred among the Richardina. Among the 
genera of Richardina, enumerated below, Steneretma, according 
to the former mode of subdivision, would have belonged to the 
Ulidina, and thus would not have been placed near Idiotypa, 
which is closely allied to it. With the former mode of distribu- 
tion, the position of the new genus Coniceps, based upon a North 
American species, would have been a somewhat doubtful one, as 
the under side of its hind femora bears a few stronger hairs, but 
can hardly be called armed. 

First Section: Ulidina. 

The five genera of Ulidina represented in Europe, and 
enumerated in the preceding paragraph, are not confined to this 
part of the world. The European SEoPTERA vibrans also occurs 
in the adjoining provinces of Asia, and is represented in America 
by a species most closely resembling it. European species of 


Tim1a, EmpyeLocera, and Unipia occur in Asia together with 
other species, peculiar to that part of the world. CHRYsSOoMYZA 
demandata likewise ranges over a considerable part of Asia and 
Africa; both countries contain besides species of this genus 
peculiar to them. 

The South American Ulidia stigma Wiedemann and the 
Brazilian Ulidia bipunctata Macq. are not Ulidie at all, 
although they probably belong to the group Ulidina, the first to 
the genus Notogramma, the last to Huxesta. Ulidia metallica 
Bigot, from Cuba, is perhaps a Chrysomyza; as to the Ulidia 
JSulvifrons Bigot, from the same locality, it is impossible, from 
Bigot’s description, to come to any conclusions about its place in 
the system. 

America seems in general to be very rich in forms belonging 
to the Ulidina. For the species which came within my knowl- 
edge I have established the genera: DAsyMrToPpA, OEDOPA, 
NotToGRAMMA, EupHaraA, AcrosticrA, EuxEsta, CH@TOPSIS, 
Hyporcra and STENOMYIA. 

The species described by former authors, which belong in the 
circle of the above-mentioned genera, are to be found in Wiede- 
mann partly in the genus Ortalis, partly in Ulidia. In Macquart, 
as far as I can ascertain, they are scattered among the Ulidiz 
or even in Ceroxys and Urophora, which shows, on that author’s 
part, an utter neglect of their plastic characters. The genus 
Evnmertopia established by Macquart in his family Psilomyde, 
does not belong to it, but to the Ulidina. 

It is not doubtful at all that Asia and Africa, besides the 
genera which they have in common with Europe, harbor some 
genera of Ulidina which are peculiar to them. GorGopis 
Gerstecker, described by Doleschall, some time previously, under 
the inappropriate name of Zygenula, probably belongs to this 
group. It differs, it is true, from all the known Ulidina very 
much ; still the structure of the head in Oedopa may be indicative 
of an affinity. 

Unfortunately I cannot give any further information concern- 
ing other exotic Ulidina of the old world, as I have none in my 
possession. The existing descriptions of a number of Ortalide 
which may possibly belong to the group Ulidina, are not accurate 
enough to admit of any positive conclusions, 

I have not met with any Ulidina from Oceanica yet. 



Second Section: Richardina. 

Among all the genera of this group, RicHarpIA Rob. Desv., 
distinguished by its posterior femora, armed with spines, is the 
best and longest known. This circumstance induced me to 
derive the name of the section from it. It seems to be exclusively 
American; the Richardia flavitarsis Macq., from the Marquesas 
; Islands, does not belong to this genus, and if the manner in which 
the auxiliary vein is represented upon Macquart’s figure be only 
of average correctness, we may even infer that it does not belong 
to the Richardina at all. The other species which Macquart, 
Rondani and Gerstecker have added to the genus Richardia are 
all natives of America. The two males of Richardia described 
by Gerstecker are distinguished by the dilatation of their head, 
somewhat in the manner of Achias; their females are not known 
yet; still the analogy of Achias and of other genera, having a 
similar structure of the head, justifies us in supposing that their 
heads do not show any extraordinary dilatation. 

The fly of unknown habitat which Macquart described as 
OpontomERA ferruginea undoubtedly belongs in the immediate 
affinity of Richardia. As I have never seen it, my knowledge 
of it is based exclusively upon Mr. Macquart’s statements. 
These, however, are entirely sufficient to prove that the fly 
belongs in the family Ortalidx, and not in the Trypetide, where 
Macquart places it. That it belongs to the Richardina I infer 
from the evidently very close relationship which exists between 
it and the Sepsis Guérinti Bigot from Cuba. The generic name 
must be changed, on account of the already existing Odontomerus 

This Sepsis Guérinii agrees in so many characters with Odon- 
tomera ferruginea Macq. that one might be tempted to place it 
in the genus Odontomera. Should Macquart’s statements, how- 
ever, be correct, this would not be admissible, as Odontomera 
ferruginea possesses not only much stouter femora and a much 
more projecting front, but also an auxiliary vein which is much 
less approximated to the first longitudinal than in Sepsis 
Guérinii. We are compelled, therefore, to consider Sepsis 
Guérinii as a separate genus of the Richardina, which we will 

We have, in the next place, to mention the genus SETELLIA. 


It was founded by Rob. Desvoidy, and Setellia atra Rob. Desv. 
must be considered as its type. I have not seen this species, and, 
unfortunately, the statements of Rob. Desvoidy are not sufficient 
to enable me to decide whether Setellia atra belongs to the 
Richardina or to the Cephalina. In the same way, I am unable 
to decide whether the Brazilian species, subsequently described 
by Macquart as Setellia apicalis really belongs in the same genus 
with Setellia atra. As Rob. Desvoidy does not allude at all to 
the femora of his species being spinous, while Macquart’s species 
is remarkable for all its femora being armed in a rather striking 
manner, it becomes exceedingly doubtful whether Macquart’s 
species is a Setellia in the sense of Rob. Desvoidy’s. 

I do not know of any species more related to Setellia apicalis 
Macq. than that species from Colombia, South America, which 
Gerstecker described under the name of Michogaster egregius. 
As its first longitudinal vein is bare and its femora are armed, 
it cannot possibly remain connected with the true species of 
Mischogaster, but must be considered as the type of a separate 
genus of Richardina, for which I propose the name of EvOLENA. 

To place Setellia apicalis in the genus Luolena is not possi- 
ble; it has no stump of a vein upon the second longitudinal vein 
inside of the submarginal cell, a character distinguishing Huolena 
egregia; its third and fourth longitudinal veins converge more 
distinctly towards their end, and the posterior angle of the anal 
cell is not rounded. Setellia apicalis will also have to be con- 
sidered as the type of a separate genus, which may be called 
Syntaces. In the supposition that the first longitudinal vein of 
Syntaces apicalis, like that of its relative Huolena egregia, is 
bare, I think that the best location for this genus is among the 
Richardina. It is true that the posterior angle of the anal cell, 
in Macquart’s figure, is almost acute; in the generic diagnosis, 
however, he calls the anal cell: ‘‘terminée carrément,” so that the 
shape of this cell cannot be an obstacle to the location of the 
genus among the Richardina; and this view is supported by the 
spinous femora, a character common to nearly all the genera of 
this group. Should, however, the first longitudinal vein of Syn- 
taces be hairy or bristly, then the location of the genus among 
the Richardina would be impossible. 

Next to Huolena is the genus Ip1otypa, which I establish for 
a new species from Cuba. In its general habitus it is almost 


like one of the more corpulent American species of Baccha; for 
instance, Baccha capitata Lw. The second longitudinal vein, 
which in Luolena forms a short stump inside of the submarginal 
cell, bears, in this genus, almost at the same place, similar 
stumps, not only in the submarginal, but also in the marginal 
cell. The most striking difference, however, lies in the structure 
of the feet, as Huolena has the four posterior femora remarkably 
long and slender, which is not in the least the case with Idiotypa. 

The genus STENERETMA, which will be characterized in the 
third part, treating of the North American species, is related to 
Idiotypa. | 

The South American species described by Fabricius once as 
Scatophaga trimaculata and another time as Dacus flavus, and 
which Wiedemann placed in the genus 7rypela, does not belong 
in this genus at all, but in the present group of the Ortalide. 
The description, which Macquart gave of his C@LomMETopIa 
ferruginea, contains so much which is entirely applicable to 
Fabricius’s species, that I have no doubt that the latter species 
was the very same from which the description of Calometopia 
Jerruginea was drawn. When Macquart says that in C. ferru- 
ginea the middle femora olone are armed, this statement is pro- 
bably based upon an insuflicient observation; when he calls the 
last three tarsal joints white, this seems to be a lapsus calami, 
as the figure shows nothing of the kind, and as on two of the 
tarsi the first joints are even represented as much paler than the 
following ones; the latter probably being 1nfuscated, as they are 
in Fabricius’s species. Should even, contrary to my supposition, 
Macquart’s species be different from that of Fabricius, they will 
at all events belong to the same genus. 

The Odontomera maculipennis of Macquart from Colombia, 
South America, seems very closely allied to Calometopia ; 
Macquart’s own statements show that it agrees in so many 
characters with Celometopia trimaculata, that it may be trans- 
ferred to the same genus with it; one would even be led to sup- 
pose that it is nothing but the female of Calometopia trimaculata. 
With the above mentioned Odontomera ferruginea Macq. (not 
Celometopia ferruginea Macq.) Odontomera maculipennis has 
too little in common to be considered as belonging to the same 

A pretty species from Cuba, which will be described in the 


sequel, can also be placed in the genus Ceelometopia, although 
the ocelli, which here, as well as in the latter genus, are rather 
much forward on the front and close to each other, are placed 
here upon a very gentle elevation, while in Calometopia the 
projection which bears them is quite high. 

Closely related to Calometopia is the species described by 
Wiedemann as Trypeta cyanogaster. It is not a real Colome- 
topia, as its posterior ocelli are less remote from the vertex and 
the anterior one quite distant from them; moreover the third 
and fourth longitudinal veins are parallel here and the hind 
femora alone bear a few bristles, while in Calometopia all the 
femora are beset with spines. For this reason Trypeta cyano- 
gaster has to be considered as the type of a new genus, which 
may be called Mr“ANnotoma. A second species of this genus, 
from Brazil, has the same picture of the wings as JZ. cyanogaster, 
consisting in a black border of the costal margin and of the small 

Other Brazilian Ortalide resemble the genus Melanoloma in 
the fact that the third and fourth longitudinal veins are parallel ; 
the agreement in the structure of the rest of the body, especially 
of the head, is very striking. These species differ, however, in all 
the femora being spinous, in the arista being distinctly pubescent, 
in the still greater distance between the anterior ocellus and the 
two posterior ones, in the close proximity of the two crossveins 
of the wings, and in the picture of the wings, which does not 
consist in a black border on the costa, but in large, crosshand- 
like spots. I deem it useful to introduce for such species a new 
genus, which I will call HemrxanTuA; a species of this genus, 
H. spinipes, will be described below. 

That Dacus flavicornis Wied., from Brazil, belongs in the 
same circle of relationship is proved by the original specimen, 
preserved in the Berlin Museum. 

Before having subjected that specimen to a second and more 
close examination, I would not venture to decide whether it can 
be placed in any of the genera, which I have just discussed. As 
far as I remember, its scutellum bears only two bristles; this 
would prevent its identification with any one of those genera, as 
it is very unlike just those among them which share that character 
with it. Otherwise it has the same Dacus-like structure of the 
face as most Richardina; the third antennal joint is elongated ; 


the slender arista is distinctly pubescent; the abdomen is of an 
equal breadth; the posterior angle of the anal cell is not acute 
and the fourth longitudinal vein somewhat convergent with the 
third; all the femora are armed. 

I have also to mention the genus Conicreps, which I find 
necessary to establish for a North American species. On account, 
of the retracted posterior angle of the anal cell it-must likewise 
be placed among the Richardina, although in its general appear- 
ance it is more like certain Ulidina, especially Humetopia. 

The reason why I place EprpLatTgea among the Richardina Las 
been alluded to above. 

Thus I have reached the limit of the genera, the location of 
which among the Richardina appears to me beyond doubt. It 
is certain that the number of Richardina which may yet remain 
unrecognized among the existing descriptions is far from ex- 
hausted by me; but who would venture, upon the statements of 
most of these descriptions, to form an opinion on the systematic 
location of the species which they mean to represent! 

It will hardly be necessary to mention here the East Indian 
genus MERACANTHA. Its spinose femora may suggest the sup- 
position that it belongs to the Richardina. But as this character 
does not belong exclusively to this group, and as the very acute 
angle of the anal cell of Meracantha does not occur among the 
Richardina in the acceptation of that group as I understand it 
here, I cannot consider Meracantha as belonging to the 

Besides the bareness of the first longitudinal vein and the not 
acute posterior angle of the anal cell, which two characters con- 
stitute the diagnosis of the Richardina, the following characters 
are common to all the genera which I have had occasion to ex- 
amine in detail: a break in the costal vein immediately before 
the end of the auxiliary vein; the great proximity between the 
auxiliary and first longitudinal veins and the very small distance 
between their ends; finally the thoracic dorsum being beset with 
bristles upon its posterior part only. 



Ir is a long time since I intended to publish a monograph of 
the North American Ortalida. The hope and expectation, how- 
ever, of increasing in a measure my very fragmentary knowledge 
of this family by the addition of more species, either new or not 
yet seen by me, induced me to postpone for some time the com- 
pletion of my work. Unfortunately, this expectation has not 
been fulfilled. Within the last four years, only five species were 
added to those previously known by me, and it became evident 
that if I had to wait for a tolerable increase of my acquaintance 
with the Ortalide, my work would run the risk of remaining un- 
published. I let it appear, therefore, in the best shape I could 
give it, with the scanty materials at my command. I have no 
doubt that North America contains a far larger number of 
genera than those which came within my knowledge. In order 
to define, with some approximation, the systematic position of the 
genera of which I have not had any representatives for com- 
parison, I have included in this monograph all the South 
American genera of which I possess specimens; inasmuch as it 
is very probable that most of them occur at least in the southern 
portion of North America. The striking analogy between the 
North American and European Ortalina renders it very probable 
that the number of genera in this group, common to both conti- 
nents, is larger than it appears at present. For this reason I 
have deemed it useful to include in the general characters of the 
Ortalina all the data necessary for the recognition of the more 
difficult and less well known among the European genera. 

Synopsis of the Distribution of the Family. 

Division I.—First longitudinal vein bristly or distinctly hairy. 
A. Ovipositor not flattened. 
Section I. Pyrgotina. 



B. Ovipositor flattened. 
a. Third antennal joint not circular. 
1. No prothoracic, no mesothoracic bristle. 
Section II, Platystomina. 
2. No prothoracic, but a mesothoracic bristle. 
Section III. Cephalina. 
3. A prothoracic and a mesothoracic bristle. 
Section 1V. Ortalina. 
6. Third antennal joint circular. 
Section V. Pterocallina. 

Division II.—First longitudinal vein bare. 
A. Posterior angle of the anal! cell drawn out in a point, or, at least, 
more or less acute. 
Femora never armed. 
Section I. Ulidina. 
B. Posterior angle of the anal cell obtuse, rounded or retracted. 
Femora armed in most of the genera. 
Section Il. Richardina. 



First Section: PyRGotina. 

Gey. I. PYRGOTA Wiep. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth, without ocelli, very much projecting in 

profile. ‘ 

Antenne drooping, second joint rather long, third more or less ovate; 
arista pubescent. 

Face retreating, under the antenne with deep fovex, separated by a 
very low ridge; they reach as far as the middle of the face, or only 
a little below; lateral parts of the face very broad, still more 
approximated on the lower half of the face; oral opening compara- 
tively small; c/ypeus but little developed ; proboscis not stout. 

Scutellum with many bristles. 

1 It may not be useless to refer here to Vol. I, p. xxiv, of these Mon:- 
graphs, where (fig. 1) a wing of Ortalis is represented. The anal cell is 
marked M on the figure, and is the same as the third basal cell, or the 
posterior one of the small basal cells. Although this synonymy is not 
mentioned in the explanation of the figure (at the foot of the same page), 
it may be found in the same volume, p. xx, line 18 from the top.—O. 8. 


Abdomen: in the male with four segments, the first of which strikingly 
prolonged, the following ones considerably shorter; in the female 
with five segments, the first of which very remarkably prolonged, 
the following ones quite as remarkably shortened ; ovipositor large, 
not flattened, almost capsule-shaped. 

Spurs of the middle tibie only bristle like; very weak in the species 
with less coarse hairs. 

Wings large; posterior angle of the anal cell acute; small crossvein 
beyond the middle of the long discal cell; third longitudinal vein 
curved backwards towards its end; the last section of the fourth 
longitudinal vein arcuated, but little diverging from the third. 

Macquart’s genus Oxycephala is identical with Pyrgota. 
Harris, in his Catalogue of the Insects of Massachusetts, calls 
this genus Sphecomyia. 

Real Pyrgote are known to occur with certainty in North 
America only. As in Europe and Africa genera occur, which 
are closely allied to Pyrgota, it is not impossible that Walker’s 
P. latipennis (List of Dipt. p. 1087) from Sierra Leone is a real 
Pyrgota; however, his description is altogether silent concerning 
those characters which are indispensable for the recognition of 
the genus. Whether P. pictipennis Walker (List, ete. 1162) 
belongs to this genus is very doubtful; the author himself 
introduces it with a doubt, but remains silent as to the motives 
of this location as well as the cause of the doubt. 

The North American Pyrgotx at present known may be 
divided in two groups: in the first, the arista is only two-jointed, 
and, at the same time, the usual bristles on the vertex, as well 
as those bristles which in other genera protect the ocelli, are 
present; in the other group, the aristais distinctly three-jointed, 
and there are no conspicuous bristles either on the vertex, or 
round the spot where, in other genera, the ocelli are placed. 
Pyrgota millepunctata belongs to the first, all the other species 
to the last group. Were the number of the species larger, these 
characters would justify a subdivision in two genera; at present, 
with the small number of species, all easy to identify, this sub- 
division would be useless. 

i. P. millepunctata Lw. ©%.—Fusco picea, seta antennali biarti- 
culata; ale infuscate, cuttulis numerosis subpellucidis asperse. 

Pitch-brown; arista two-jointed; wings infuscated, dotted with numerons 

pellucid spots. Long. corp. 0.38—0.43, cum terebra 0,51—0.55, long. 
al. 0.49—0.55. 


Syn. Pyrgota millepunctata Lozw, Neue Beitr. II, 22, 50. 
?Oxrycephala maculipennis Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. I, p. 210. Tab. 
xxviii, f. 2. 

Sphecomyia valida Harris, Catal. Ins. Mass. 

Prevailing color of the body pitch-brown, reddish-brown or 
even brownish-red in fess intensely colored specimens, with a 
black pubescence, which is perceptibly coarser than in the follow- 
ing species. The occiput has, behind the vertex, a distinct black 
triangle, with its point directed downwards, which is connected 
with a black spot on the place where the ocelli should be; at 
some distance from this triangle there is, on each side, a large 
black spot, reaching from the posterior orbit of the eye almost to 
the point of attachment of the head; between these spots and 
the triangle the color is clay-yellow, almost wax-yellow; the 
sides of the occiput are generally of a similar yellow color, but 
become more infuscated towards the orbits and the cheeks, or are 
tinged with brownish as far as the black spots above. The front 
has,a broad black stripe, which is divided longitudinally in two 
by a more or less complete and more or less narrow, sometimes 
more yellow, sometimes brownish, line; on both sides, near the 
orbits, the stripe is margined with yellow. The ordinary strong 
bristles on the vertex, the bristle placed in front of these, on 
each side, near the orbit, and those bristles which are inserted in 
the region of the ocelli (which here are wanting), are all present. 
The first antennal joint is generally rather dark-brown, except at 
the basis; the second is usually of a dirty brownish-yellow; the 
third agrees in its coloring sometimes with the: first, sometimes 
more with the second joint; in some specimens, it is altogether 
ochre-yellow; the arista is distinctly two-jointed, the first joint 
short. The face is usually of a dark ferruginous-brownish color- 
ing, often verging on ochre-yellow on the sides. The antennal 
fover are somewhat less deep than in P. undata, but perceptibly 
longer and separated by a higher ridge. The sides of the face 
are approximated on the lower half, but not so much by far as in 
P. undata, so that the middle part of the face has about double 
the breadth of the other species. The oral opening is more 
horizontal than in P. wndata. The but little developed clypeus 
is black, the palpi generally yellow; their shape is almost the 
same as in P. undata. The ground color of the thorax is clay- 
yellow or wax-yellow, but with very broad pitch-brown stripes, 

ee eee ee 


which occupy everything but the humeri and the narrow intervals 
between the stripes, so that the prevailing color is the brown 
one; the middle stripe, which is of equal breadth, is longitudi- 
nally divided in two by a lighter longitudinal line; the stripe 
stops at the last quarter of the thorax, however, beyond it, at 
the posterior margin of the thorax, there is a brown spot; the 
very broad lateral stripes are strongly abbreviated anteriorly, 
attenuated and interrupted at the transverse suture ; moreover, 
the lateral margin has a broad brown border. Scutellum 
blackish-brown, paler on the sides; the numerous bristles are 
more conspicuous in this species on account of their stoutness 
and their black coloring. Pleure pitch-brown, clay-yellowish 
on the sutures. Abdomen usually blackish-brown or dark pitch- 
brown, sometimes ferruginous-brown or yellowish-brown; the 
first segment is about once and a half the length of the four fol- 
lowing segments taken together. The capsule-shaped ovipositor 
is of the same color as the abdomen, or somewhat paler; its 
shape is nearly the same as in P. undata, but it is a little less 
pointed ; on each side, not far from the basis, it has a large, im- 
pressed spot. The color of the feet is as variable as that of the 
remainder of the body ; blackish-brown in more intensely colored 
specimens, otherwise ferruginous-brownish ; the knees are always 
clay-yellow; paler colored specimens have the extreme tip of 
the tibie and the tarsi of a dirty ferruginous-yellow or ochre- 
yellow color. The shape of the wings is not unlike that in P. 
undata, but towards the apex they are broader. The chief dif- 
ferences in the venation are the following: the little stump of a 
vein on the second longitudinal vein existing in P. undata, is 
wanting here; the discal cell is much broader, especially towards 
its tip; the posterior transverse vein is nearer the margin of the 
wing, much longer and more straight; the last section of the 
fourth longitudinal vein is less strongly arcuated and the second 
posterior cell much smaller; the posterior angle of the anal cell 
is more drawn out in a point. The whole surface of th. wings 
has a rather uniform dark-brownish coloring ; this color is varie- 
gated by numerous transparent dots of a gray-yellowish tinge ; 
the shape of these dots is rather irregular; they are often con- 
fluent, as often distinctly separated; round the root of the second 
longitudinal vein and round the small crossvein, the dark color- 
ing is more continuous and less interrupted by dots; the brown 


is also more intense along the costal margin, than upon the re- 
maining surface. 

Hab. Carolina (Zimmerman); Washington, D. C., New York, 
Illinois (Osten-Sacken); Massachusetts (Harris). 

Observation 1.—Mr. Macquart (Dipt. Exot. Suppl. I, p. 210) de- 
scribes as Oxycephala maculipennis from Texas (figured on Tab. 
XIX, f. 12), a species which either is a Pyrgota or is closely allied 
to this genus. In several respects this species shows a decided re- 
semblance to P. millepunctata, and the question as to their diver- 
sity is a very doubtful one. The conformity is especially apparent 
in the picture of the wings and the venation, also in the coloring 
of the front and even in that of the thorax. But Macquart says 
that the thoracic stripes are interrupted near the suture (which 
is also rendered in his figure) ; moreover, according to the figure, 
the posterior angle of the anal cell is drawn out in a much longer 
point than is the case in P. millepunctata. These discrepancies 
alone, however, with Macquart’s well-known inaccuracy in de- 
scription and figure, would not be sufficient to neutralize th 
evident analogies. A more weighty ground for doubt is to be 
found in the representation of the abdomen; nothing like its 
remarkable breadth has been observed in any known Pyrgota; 
moreover, it shows, instead of five segments, only four, the first 
of which is abbreviated, and the second the longest; the ovi- 
positor hardly exceeds one-third of the length of the abdomen, 
while in the other Pyrgote it equals the abdomen in length. If 
these statements were based on Macquart’s figure alone, I would 
have been inclined to think that the abdomen, wanting in the 
specimen, had been supplied by the imagination of the draughts- 
man; but this supposition does not hold good in presence of the 
fact, that Macquart mentions expressly, that he had a female 
before him; and we know that the sex of a Pyrgotfa can only be 
recognized by the structure of the abdomen, Macquart also says 
that the ovipositor is flattened, which is not in the least the case 
with P. millepunctata. These grounds seem sufficient to justify 
the belief that Macquart’s Oxycephala maculipennis is a different 
species from P. millepunctata, unless we assume that Macquart’s 
specimen had the abdomen of a different species fastened to 
it. Should this not be the case, there is every reason to doubt 
whether the species is a Pyrgota at all. It is rather strange 
that in the list of the exotic species described in Macquart’s 


work, which is appended to his fourth supplement, O. maculi- 
pennis is omitted. The cause of this omission is not apparent. 
Should Macquart have discovered that it belonged to a different 
genus, he would have transferred it to that genus; but the species 
is altogether omitted in the list. 

Observation 2.—Sphecomyia valida of Harris’s Catalogue of 
the Insects of Massachusetts, is, according to a communication 
from Baron Osten-Sacken, nothing else but Pyrgota millepunce- 
tata. As a matter of course, Harris’s name, being merely a 
catalogue name, has no claim of priority. 

2. P. undata Wiev. % 9.—Ex ochraceo ferruginea; antennarum 
articulus tertius secundo equalis; seta antennalis triarticulata, articulis 
primis duobus subequalibus; alarum vena longitudinalis secunda 

Yellowish-ferruginous; the third antennal joint equal to the second in 
length ; arista three-jointed ; its first two joints of nearly equal length ; 
the second longitudinal vein with a stump of a vein upon it. Long. 
corp. % 0.4—0.43; 9 cum terebra 0.5—0.53; long. al. 0.5—0.58. 

Syn. Pyrgota undata Wien. Auss. Zweifl. I], p. 581. Tab. X, 6. 
Pyrgota undata Maca. Suites, etc., Il, p. 423. Tab. XVII, f. 23 (were 
mentioned after Wiedemann). 
Myopa nigripennis, Gray, Anim. Kingd. Tab. 125, f. 5. 
Orycephala fuscipennis Maca. Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 198. Tab. XXVI, 6. 
Sphecomyia undata Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 
Pyrgota undata Gerst. Stett. Ent. Zeit. xxi, p. 188. 

Yellowish-ferruginous or more ochre-brownish. Front rather 
broad, projecting almost in the shape of a tower, and with a short, 
rather inconspicuous pubescence; without stronger bristles in 
the region of the vertex or round the place where the ocelli 
usually are. Antenne yellow; the first two joints with a yel- 
lowish pubescence; the third sometimes ocire-brown, of the same 
length as the second. Arista distinctly three-jointed ; the first 
two joints almost of equal length. The face very much retreat- 
ing when seen in profile; the very deep antennal fovee reach 
only to its middle and are separated by a very low ridge, which 
is usually tinged with brown; below them, the middle portion 
of the face is remarkably narrow, groove-like and bordered on 
each side by a brownish-black ridge. A brown or brownish- 
black, somewhat curved stripe generally extends from the middle 
of the inner orbit of the eyes towards the region of the antennx. 


The oral opening is cut obliquely upwards; the but little 
developed clypeus is tinged with blackish; the rather broad palpi 
are usually tinged with yellowish-red towards the tip, sometimes 
they are altogether ferruginous. The thoracic dorsum has an 
extended ferruginous-brown spot upon it, formed by the almost 
complete coalescence of a broad intermediate stripe with two 
broad lateral stripes, which are abbreviated in front. The meta- 
thorax and the greater part of the pleure are often tinged with 
dark pitch-brown. The coloring of the abdomen on the first two 
segments, and also at the basis and along the middle of the fol- 
lowing ones, often becomes pitch-brown or brownish-black, this 
is especially often the case in male specimens. The first 
abdominal segment is very much elongated in both sexes; in the 
male it is not quite as long as the three remaining segments 
taken together; in the female, the last four segments are so 
much shortened, that, taken together, they are much shorter than 
the first joint. The capsule-shaped ovipositor is conical, bent 
downward towards its end. The feet are ochre-yellowish, but 
the femora brown up to the tip; the tibie likewise are more or 
less infuscated, except the basis and the extreme tip. Wings 
large, the greater portion of them is uniformly tinged with 
brown, which color covers the costal, marginal, submarginal, the 
first posterior and the discal cells, also the basal cells, with the 
exception of a pale stripe in the anal cell, moreover, this color 
forms a broad border along the inner portion of the second poste- 
rior cell, and a narrower one along the anterior margin of the 
third posterior cell; within this brown coloring some specimens 
do not show any paler spots, the majority, however, show, in the 
submarginal cell, a little beyond the small crossvein, a rounded 
or oval, almost hyaline spot, which attains sometimes a consider- 
able size ; moreover, a great many specimens show some scattered, 
small, hyaline dots, not far from the end of the same cell, of the 
first posterior and of the discal cells; the posterior limit of the 
brown coloring has a whitish-hyaline border, which, following the 
course of that limit, forms a steep curve in the second posterior 
cell; in the third posterior cell it takes the shape of a gently 
arched longitudinal stripe; within this border, the surface of the 
wing has a uniform brownish coloring, which is perceptibly more 
intense only in the region of the axillary incision; in some cases, 
near the posterior side of the sixth longitudinal vein, a little 


beyond the end of the anal cell, there is a small, almost hyaline 
spot; the alula is almost hyaline, or infuscated towards the 
posterior margin only. The second longitudinal vein, opposite 
the posterior crossvein, shows a small fold, the tip of which, 
directed backwards, emits a short stump of a vein; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein is very strongly curved ; 
the posterior angle of the anal cell forms a sharp, but not very 
acute angle. 

Hab. United States; Carolina (Zimmerman), Massachusetts 
(Harris), ete. 

Observation.—I am not able to compare the figure of Myopa 
nigripennis Gray, but I do not hesitate, on Gersteecker’s authority, 
to place this name among the synonyms of P. undata. The 
synonymy of Sphecomyia undata Harris is based upon a state- 
ment of Mr. Walker, who seems to have received specimens from 
the author. 

3. P. vespertilio Gerst. %.—Antennarum articulo tertio prece- 
dente plus dimidio breviore, rotundato ovato, fusco, ariste articulo primo 
brevissimo, secundo elongato; fronte oculis duplo latiore, palpis filifor- 
mibus: alis vena longitudinali secunda nec fracté, nec appendiculata, 
alula strigisque duabus marginis posterioris hyalinis. 

Third antennal joint not half so long as the second, rounded oval, brown; 
the first joint of the arista very short, the second elongated; front 
double the breadth of the eyes ; palpi linear; second longitudinal vein 
of the wings without fold or stump of a vein; the alula and two stripes 
near the posterior margin hyaline. Long. corp. 0.64; long. al. 0.56. 

Syn. Pyrgota vespertilio Gurst. Stett. Entom. Zeitschr. xxi, p. 189, Tab. II, 
f. 8: , 

Head comparatively stouter than in the preceding species; 
front, when viewed from above, and taken as far as the anterior 
border of the eyes, at least by one-half broader than long; the 
gibbosity projecting over the eyes is not of equal breadth, as in 
P. undata, but conically attenuated anteriorly; its tip is as 
broadly truncated as in the other species; viewed in profile, this 
projection is as high as in P. undata; its anterior side, however, 
does not ascend in a straight line, but shows a strong convexity, 
so that the tip itself is retreating. The cheeks are consider- 
ably broader and more sunken, The eyes are comparatively 
smaller, the excavated upper part of the face perceptibly shorter. 
The coloring on the front, especially on the inside of the eyes and 


upon the gibbosity, is darker, more brown; upon the cheeks, with 
the exception of the ferruginous-yellow border of the eyes, 
chocolate-brown ; the two black ridges, bordering the middle of 
the face, are present, as in P. undata, but even more distinctly 
marked and descending lower. The first two joints of the 
antenne are pale ferruginous-yellow; the third joint dark-brown; 
the arista ferruginous-yellow at the basis, whitish towards the 
tip; the second antennal joint is not quite as long as in the pre- 
ceding species, chiefly because it is but very little less drawn 
out forwards above than below; the last joint is at least by one 
half shorter than the second, rounded oval, ending in a blunt 
point; the arista is inserted on the middle of its length, on the 
outside, near the upper margin; of its two basal joints the second 
has four times the length of the very short first joint. The palpi 
are slender, filiform, tinged with brown, like the proboscis. The 
thoracic dorsum shows three deep black stripes; the middle one 
is very broad, begins at the anterior margin and ends some 
distance before the scutellum ; the lateral stripes are abbreviated 
anteriorly and posteriorly ; the portion of them behind the suture 
is larger than that in front of it. The greater part of the pleura, 
a spot on each side at the posterior margin of the scutellum, 
as well as the metathorax, dark-brown. On the abdomen, the 
anterior part and the middle line of the first segment are pitch- 
black and somewhat shining; on each of the following three seg- 
ments is a triangular spot, of the same coloring, the basis of which 
is directed anteriorly, and which occupies the whole breadth of 
the segment. The upper part of the abdomen has delicate 
transverse grooves, the under side on the contrary is strongly 
grooved in a longitudinal direction, opaque velvet-black, with a 
narrow, ochre-yellow middle line; the projecting male organ of 
copulation is of a shining reddish-brown. The feet are light 
ferruginous, with yellow hairs; the femora, to the exclusion of 
the tip and tibiee, with the exception of the basis and of the ex- 
treme tip, are chestnut-brown. The second longitudinal vein of 
the wings is hardly perceptibly broken and without any vestige 
of a stump; the wings in general are comparatively shorter than 
in P. undata, darker and more evenly earth-brown; a very 
delicate streak near the posterior border of the first longitudinal 
vein, not far from the origin of the second vein, the whole alula 
and two streaks near the posterior margin, the position of which 


corresponds to the entirely discolored spots in P. undata, are 
hyaline. These two streaks have a very definite outline, and the 
space beyond them is as dark-brown as the remainder of the 
wing; the longer one is almost straight, the shorter one sickle- 
shaped. The halteres are pale ferruginous-yellow. 

Hab. Carolina (Zimmerman). 

Observation.—The above description is the reproduction of 
that prepared by Dr. Gerstecker, |. ¢., from a single specimen 
in the Berlin Museum. I have had a passing view of the speci- 
men; it is very like P. undata. The differences in coloring, 
noticed by this author, are in my opinion of but little importance, 
as most of them occur among the varieties of the very variable 
P.undata, More important are the plastic differences, mentioned 
by Dr. Gerstecker. Although the shape of the head in different 
specimens of P. undata is variable (evidently, however, in con- 
sequence of different degrees of shrinkage in drying), although 
the size of the third antennal joint is subject to slight variations, 
and although the relative length of the first two joints of the arista 
is not altogether constant, it is hardly credible that all these dis- 
crepancies should reach the degree which Dr. Gerstecker noticed 
in his P. vespertilio. 

4. P. pterophorina Gerst. 9.—Antennarum articulo tertio pre- 
cedente paulo longiore, oblongo ovato, arista brevissima, crassi: fronte 
oculis latiore, fortiter prolongata, palpis cochlearibus; alis latis, vena 
longitudinali secunda geniculaté, nec appendiculata, fuscis; alula, 
maculis duabus, posticis magnis, semilunaribus, guttisque duabus 

The third antennal joint is somewhat longer than the preceding one, 
elongated-oval, with a very short, stout arista; front broader than the 
eyes, very much prolonged; palpi spoon-shaped ; wings broad, with a 
second longitudinal vein which is geniculate, but has no stump of a vein 
upon it; coloring on the wings brown; alula, two large crescent shaped 
spaces on the posterior margin and two dots hyaline. Long. corp. 0.4; 
long. al. 0.44. 

Syy. Pyrgota pterophorina Grrst., Stett. Entom. Zeit. xxi, p. 190, Tab. II, 
f. 6 

Body small, slender, pale-ferruginous, shining. Head, viewed 
from above, by one-third longer than broad; front broader than 
the eyes, but, taken as far as the anterior margin of the eyes, 
nevertheless longer than broad; the gibbosity only a little shorter 



and very little attenuated anteriorly ; viewed in profile, this gib- 
bosity is less elevated than in the two preceding species; on the 
contrary, it is, to its very much protruding tip, almost on the 
same level with the remaining portion of the front; this causes 
the anterior margin, which, with a slight convexity, is strongly 
retreating, to lie almost entirely on the under side; cheeks like- 
wise broader and descending lower than in P. undata. The 
coloring of the head is altogether pale-ferruginous, even the black 
lines, bordering the middle portion of the face, are wanting. 
The antenne likewise are altogether ferruginous-yellow; the two 
apical joints are almost of equal Jength; the third appears a little 
longer, only when viewed from the outside, along the lower 
margin, because, at this point, this joint is less covered by the 
second than above and on the inside; the first two joints are 
beset with blackish bristles, as in the two preceding species; the 
third joint is elongated-oval; the arista is inserted in the middle 
of its length, near the upper margin ; it is stout and very short, 
shorter than the third antennal joint; the second joint of the 
arista is one-half longer than the first; the styliform third joint 
is but little longer than the first two taken together.  Palpi 
elongated, slightly curved, somewhat spoon-shaped at the tip, 
pale ferruginous-yellow, with black bristles; the proboscis brown. 
Thorax uniformly ferruginous-yellow ; clothed, as the head, with 
delicate black bristles. Abdomen of a similar color, but more 
shining, beset with long black bristles, forming bunches, especi- 
ally on the sides; the upper side of the first abdominal segment 
is infuscated beyond the middle. The horny capsule, which 
forms the end of the fifth segment of the abdomen of the female, 
has, in profile, the appearance of a sparrow’s bill; it is convex 
above, concave below, obtuse at the tip and somewhat shorter 
than the last three abdominal segments taken together. Feet 
perceptibly longer and more slender than in the two preceding 
species, with dense and rather long hairs, light brown; the basal 
third of the tibiz and the tarsi pale yellowish; the hind tibie 
are much more incrassated toward the tip than the middle ones. 
Wings remarkably broad, obtusely rounded at the apex; the 
second longitudinal vein strongly bent and then broken in the 
shape of an angle, but without stump of a vein; ground color of 
a saturate earth-brown; a trapezoidal spot, extending from the 


costa to the third longitudinal vein and situated before the break 
in the second vein, a round spot between both crossveins, the 
alula and two large crescents on the posterior margin hyaline ; 
the crescents show a pale shade of brownish towards the posterior 
margin. Halteres altogether pale yellow. 

Hab. Carolina (Zinsmerman). 

Observation 1.—The above is a translation of Gerstaecker’s 
description of the specimens in the Berlin Museum. ‘The species 
is distinguished enough to render the discussion of its specific 
rights useless. I will ouly notice here, that when the author 
says that the fifth abdominal segment in the female gradually 
passes into the capsule-shaped ovipositor, this expression is not 
to be understood literally ; in the two species which I have seen, 
such a transition is not visible. When the author ealls the first 
two antennal joints of P. pterophorina ‘beset with blackish 
bristles, as in the preceding species (P. undata and vespertilio),” 
I would observe that in P. undata this pubescence is in reality 
yellow, and assumes a ferruginous or even blackish tinge only 
when seen against the light. 

Observation 2.—A fifth American species is described by 
Macquart (Dipt. Exot. Suppl. IV, p. 281, Tab. XX VI, f. I) as 
Oxycephala fenestrata. His data are not even sufficient to 
ascertain whether the species really is a Pyrgota. Moreover it 
is not distinctly stated whether this species belongs to North 

Second Section: PLATYSTOMINA. 

Gen. l. AMPHICNEPHES nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front of medium breadth, not narrower anteriorly. 

Antenne reaching down to the edge of the mouth. 

Face excavated, without distinct antennal fovee; occiput but little 
turgid; eyes high; cheeks narrow. 

Scutellum large, flat, with four bristles. 

Wings very broad; the longitudinal veins straight and conspicuously 
diverging; anal cell shorter than the preceding basal cell; its 
posterior angle rounded. 

Small, metallic-colored species, the wings of which show a 
picture not unlike that of the species of Platystoma, and the 
general habitus of which is less like the species of Rivellia than 


those of Platystoma. They are, however, easily distinguished 
from the latter by the narrower front, the much less turgid 
occiput, the larger and flatter scutellum and the much broader 
wings, with straight, very much diverging longitudinal veins. 

1. A. pertusus n. sp. % and 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 1) Viridis, nitidus 
ale nigre, guttis et fascia subapicali hyalinis. 

Green, shining; wings black with hyaline dots and a hyaline crossband 
before the tip. Long. corp. 0.13—0.14; long. al. 0.11—0.12. 

Dark metallic-green, shining. Head black; the front blackish- 
brown, even, rather long, but only of a medium, breadth, not 
narrowed anteriorly; the ocelli are closely approximated to each 
other near the edge of the vertex; the small ocellar triangle and 
the little stripes running down at the corners of the vertex are 
of a shining blackish-green. Bristles of the vertex rather long, 
directed backwards; the bristle which is in front of them on each 
side is short; the ocellar bristles are not distinct. Antenne 
reaching down to the edge of the mouth, brownish-yellow; their 
narrow third joint is blackish at the tip; often the greater part 
of its outer side is brownish. Face excavated; its lateral portions 
very narrow; antennal fovex indistinct. The shining black 
elypeus broad. Palpi broad, shining black, with a paler border 
on the under side and at the tip; proboscis of moderate thick- 
ness; mentum but little swollen. Eyes much higher than 
broad; cheeks narrow; occiput but little turgid. Thorax very 
delicately transversely aciculate. Scutellum large, flat, weakly 
rugose, with four bristles. Abdomen more distinctly rugose. 
Ovipositor black, considerably extensile. Feet black, brownish- 
black in less mature specimens; the first joint of the rront and 
hind tarsi and the first three joints of the middle tarsi of a dirty 
ochre-yellow. Halteres black, tegule but little developed. Wings 
rather broad, black, more grayish-black near the hind margin; 
immediately before their apex is a conspicuous, arcuated, hyaline 
crossband; before this band there is a moderate number of hyaline 
dots of regular shape, which become more sparse towards the 
anterior margin; five dots which are nearest to the crossband 
form a row, parallel to the latter; the blackish-gray coloring near 
the hind margin of the wings has no hyaline spots. The veins 
are much more straight than in Platystoma and very diverging ; 


the two posterior basal cells are rather striking for their large 
size; however, the anal cell, which has an obtuse posterior angle, 
is shorter than the basal cell lying in front of it; the small cross- 
vein is in the middle of the discal cell; the first half of this 
eell is by no means attenuated, as is the case in the species of 

Hab. Carolina (Zimmerman) ; Washington, D. C., Connecticut 

Gen. Il. HIMEROESSA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth, distinctly projecting in profile. 

Antenne reaching almost to the mouth, arista bare. 

Face moderately excavated, somewhat retreating below; occiput 
moderately turgid, eyes high ; cheeks narrow. 

Scutellum convex ; with six bristles. 

Wings: marginal and submarginal cells very narrow; second section 
of the fourth longitudinal vein straight; posterior crossvein pro- 
longed beyond the fourth vein; posterior angle of the anal cell 

As I have seen only a single species of. this genus, the one 
which is described below, the definition of the generic character 
can naturally be only a provisional one. Should the peculiar 
prolongation of the posterior crossvein, which distinguishes H. 
pretiosa, be wanting in some allied species, it would then be 
necessary to omit this character from the definition of the genus; 
the remaining characters are amply sufficient for the purpose. 

1. H. pretiosa n. sp. 5.—(Tab. VIII, f. 2.) Rufo testacea, abdomine 
violaceo, pedibus anticis totis, posterioruimque tibiis et tarsis nigris; 

- ale hyaline, inzquali coste limbo et fascia tenui subinterrupta nigro- 

Yellowish-red, with a violet abdomen ; the front feet altogether, the tihie 
and tarsi of the four posterior feet, black; wings hyaline with an 
irregular costal border and a narrow, somewhat interrupted crossband, 
blackish-brown. Long. corp. 0.38, long. al. 0.3. 

Yellowish-red, shining. Front darker, opaque, of equal 
breadth, with very indistinct traces of flat pits and a very delicate 
border of white pollen along the orbits; distinctly projecting in 
profile; the little stripes, descending from the vertex along the 
sides of the front, and the ocellar triangle are distinct, and 
somewhat more shining; the latter is somewhat larger than 


usual; ocelli very near the edge of the vertex, rather large, but 
little approximated; the four bristles on the edge of the vertex 
rather strong; the lateral, as well as the ocellar bristles replaced 
by shorter, bristle-like hairs. Antenne of the coloring of the 
body, almost reaching to the anterior edge of the oral opening; 
arista bare. Face but moderately concave, somewhat retreating 
on the under side, pollinose with white, except in the vicinity of 
the oral opening; in the well-marked fovex this pollen is thicker 
and more conspicuous; the lateral portions of the face, bordering 
on the eyes, are very narrow and likewise clothed with white 
pollen. Hyes much higher than broad; cheeks narrow. Clypeus 
of a moderate breadth, distinctly projecting over the edge of the 
mouth; palpi not very broad, almost ferruginous. Proboscis 
rather stout; occiput moderately turgid. The whole thorax and 
the convex scutellum shining, with a very faint trace of a reddish 
metallic reflection. Scutellum with six bristles. Abdomen of a 
metallic reddish-violet coloring, which, in a different light, assumes 
upon the first three segments a bronze-green tinge; this is not 
the case with the last segment. Front feet with the coxe 
brownish-black; on the four posterior feet the tibix and tarsi 
alone have this coloring; the coxz and femora have the color of 
the thorax. Halteres yellowish-red, with an infuscated knob. 
Wings hyaline, with brown veins, which are not in the least 
sinuous; their anterior margin has a conspicuous, but unequal 
brown border, which, near the apex, extends as far as the fourth 
vein; from the root of the wing to the small crossvein, which is 
still included in this border, it becomes gradually broader and 
reaches here almost to the fifth longitudinal vein; it contracts 
immediately beyond the small crossvein, to the second longitu- 
dinal vein; opposite the posterior crossvein it expands again 
towards the third longitudinal vein, and runs immediately behind 
this vein as far as the apex of the wing, where it suddenly turns 
towards the fourth longitudinal vein, which forms the limit of this 
dark border; the very steep posterior crossvein projects in an 
unusual way beyond the fourth longitudinal vein; it is bordered 
with brown; this border forms a narrow, perpendicular cross- 
band, which growing paler and more indistinct, extends to the 
dark border of the anterior margin, or quite near it; the costal 
cell is clay-yellow, except at the basis and at the tip, which are 
more brownish. The marginal and submarginal cells are re- 

Se LE ee 



markably narrow; the small crossvein is in the middle of the 
discal cell; the posterior angle of the anal cell is rounded and 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is parallel tothe 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Gen. II. RIVELLIA R. Desv. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth, not projecting in profile. 

Antenne usually reaching down to the margin of the mouth; third 
joint long and narrow; arista with a very short pubescence. 

Face rather excavated, its lower part projecting ; the lateral portions 
very narrow; clypeus broad; occiput moderately turgid; eyes 
high ; cheeks moderately broad. 

Scutellum convex, with four bristles. 

Wings: Marginal and submarginal cells comparatively broad; the 
second section of the fourth longitudinal vein remarkably sinuate, 
with the convexity encroaching upon the discal cell, so that the 
latter appears much narrower before the small crossvein than behind 
it; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is parallel to the 
third vein or very slightly diverging ; posterior angle of the anal 
cell rounded. 

A large number of closely resembling species belong to this 
genus; the picture of the wings of most of them is nearly the 
same, so that this picture alone helps to recognize the species 
belonging here; it consists of four brown or blackish-brown 
crossbands; the first starts from the root of the wing and is the 
most oblique of all and the shortest; the second, somewhat 
longer and less oblique, runs over the small crossvein; the third, 
which covers the posterior crossvein, is perpendicular and reaches 
from the anterior to the posterior margin of the wing; the fourth 
starts from the anterior margin, near the origin of the third band, 
and forms a border along the apex -of the wing. The North 
American fauna seems to abound in these species. The appa- 
rently total absence of plastic differences between them and the, 
as it seems, not unimportant variation in the coloring of some of 
them, render their separation very difficult, especially when there 
are only single specimens for comparison. I hope not to have 
gone amiss in the definition of those which I know. Whether 
I was mistaken or not, those may judge who have the opportunity 
of observing these species in life. 

Among the species described below, Rivellia conjuncta is the 


only one which does not belong to the difficult group just char- 
acterized; it is distinguished from it not only by a different 
picture of the wings, but also by some easily tangible plastic 

Ist Group. Crossbands contiguous near the posterior margin. 

1. R. conjuncta n.sp. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 3.) Nigro-viridis, pedibus 
preter tarsorum basim nigris, tribus primis alarum fasciis postice 

Blackish-green ; the feet, with the exception of the root of the tarsi, black ; 
the first three crossbands of the wings contiguous posteriorly. Long. 
corp. 0.16; long. al. 0.14. 

Blackish-green, shining. Front moderately broad, dusky fer- 
ruginous-brown, almost black, laterally with a rather broad 
border, pollinose with white. Antenne reaching almost down 
to the edge of the mouth, brick-red, except the third joint which 
turns brownish or blackish towards its tip. Face and clypeus 
metallic-black. Feet black; the basis of the tarsi brick-red or 
dirty reddish-yellow to a considerable extent. Halteres black. 
Wings hyaline; the four crossbands much broader than in the 
following species, especially the first; the second coalesces with 
the first in the discal cell and the third unites with the first 
near the posterior margin of the wing; the band which forms a 
border along the end of the anterior margin and the apex is 
connected in the usual way with the third, at the anterior 
margin. ‘The small crossvein is but little beyond the middle of 
the discal cell; the second section of the fourth longitudinal 
vein is strongly arcuated, and the posterior crossveins bisinuate. 

Hab, Maryland (Osten-Sacken). 

2d Group. Crossbands separated near the posterior margin. 

2. R. viridulams R. Desv. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 4.) Nigro-viridis, 
interdum chalybescens, pedibus preter tarsorum basim nigris, primis 
tribus alarum fasciis separatis. 

Blackish-green, sometimes more steel-blue; feet, with the exception of 
the root of the tarsi, black; the first three crossbands of the wings iso-~ 
lated from each other. Long. corp. 0.18—0.21; long. al. 0.15—0.2. 

Syn. Rivelha viridulans R. Desv. Myod, p. 729, 2. 
Trypeta quadrifasciata Harris, Cat. Ins. Mass. 


Ortalis Ortoeda Wauk. List, IV, p. 992. 

Ortalis quudrifusciata WAuK. List, 1V, p. 993. 

Herina rufitarsis Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. V, p. 128, 7. 

Tephritis melliginis Frrcu, First Rep. 65. 

Blackish-green, shining; the upper side of the thorax sometimes 
less so; recently excluded specimens acquire a somewhat steel- 
blue tinge after drying. Front reddish-brown, often very dark, 
of the usual breadth, with a very narrow border of white pollen 
on each side. Face and clypeus metallic black; the narrow 
lateral portions of the face, bordering on the eyes, brownish-red, 
more seldom dark-brown. Antenne reaching to the edge of the 
mouth, brick-red or yellowish-red; the third joint gradually 
turning black towards the tip. Ovipositor and feet black; the 
tips of the four anterior tibiz usually brownish brick-red ; the 
first joint of the two front tarsi and the first two joints of the 
four posterior tarsi pale brick-red. Crossbands of the wings 
black, rather narrow; the first three, which are entirely sepa- 
rated from each other, reach from the anterior margin to the 
fifth longitudinal vein; the fourth band, bordering the end of the 
anterior margin and the apex, is often connected with the third 
only by a rather narrow black border of the anterior margin; the 
portion of the costal cell between the first and the second cross- 
bands has a dingy, somewhat yellowish appearance. The small 
crossvein is far beyond the middle of the discal cell and the 
second section of the fourth longitudinal vein is very much arcu- 
ated. Halteres black. 

Hab. New York; Georgia; Distr. Columbia (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation 1.—The attentive reader of Walker’s description 
of Ortalis Ortoeda will easily notice that, before the end of the 
fourth line, previous to the comma, several words have been 
accidentally omitted, so that the end of the sentence does not 
refer, as it should, to the second, but to the third crossband. 
What Mr. Walker meant to say results sufficiently from the next 
description, that of O. quadrifasciata, which reproduces again 
the present, apparently very common, species. The fact that the 
measurements of O. Orfoeda and quadrifasciata are different in 
Walker does not prevent me from considering them as one and 
the same species. Under the former name Walker describes a 
male ; under the latter, a female; hence, the greater size of the 
latter has nothing surprising. Instead of the length of the single 


wing, Walker gives the breadth of the wings from apex to apex, 
a datum which is to be obtained only by approximation. This 
breadth in O. Ortoeda is said to be three, in O. quadrifasciata 
four lines, a difference which is somewhat considerable, but, 
owing to its uncertain nature, not to be relied upon exclusively 
for separating the two species, as the female of R. viridulans 
really has longer wings than the male. The quotation from 
Harris’s Catalogue has been introduced upon the authority of 
Walker, who seems to have had original specimens of this 
author; but as the species has never been described, the quo- 
tation might as well have been omitted. That Herina rufitarsis 
Macq. belongs here is not doubtful. I have been able to com- 
pare a typical specimen of Zephritis melliginis Fitch. 

Observation 2.—The following species agree so much with 
R. viridulans in the breadth of the front, the shape and the 
length of the antenne, and in the venation, that every statement 
about these points would be useless. In speaking of the picture 
of the wings, a statement about the points of difference will be 
more useful towards discriminating the species than a detailed 

3. R. quadrifasciata Maca. %.—(Tab. VIII, f. 5.) Thorace 
viridi, capite preter occiput, abdomine, pedibus, lhalteribusque Iuteis. 

Thorax green; the head, with the exception of the occiput, the abdomen, 
the feet, and the halteres, dark-yellow. Long. corp. 0.2; long. al. 0.19. 

Syn. Herina quadrifasciuta Macq. Suites, ete., I, p. 433, 8. 

Head dark-yellow, the occiput metallic dark-green. Front 
dusky red, with a narrow border of white pollen on each side. 
Antenne dark yellowish-red ; the third joint, with the exception 
of the root, brown; blackish towards the tip. Palpi dark-yellow. 
Thorax, including the scutellum, of a blackish-green, metallic 
coloring, shining. Abdomen dark-yellow, more brownish-yellow 
towards its end. Coxe and feet dark-yellow; hind tibiae yel- 
lowish-brown ; the last four joints of the front tarsi, and the last 
three, more seldom the last four, joints of the middle and hind 
tarsi infuscated. Halteres dark-yellow. The crossbands on the 
wings as narrow and nearly in the same position as in R. viridu- 
lans, but less dark; the first band is narrower and crosses the 
fourth longitudinal vein but very little; the second reaches not 


quite as far as the fifth longitudinal vein; the hyaline interval 
between them is broader and the intervening portion of the 
costal cell of a darker coloring than in 2. viridulans ; the costa 
itself, from the extreme basis as far as about the middle of the 
costal cell, is of a dirty-yellowish coloring. 

Hab. Nebraska (?). [I possess a specimen from Washington, 
D. C., which agrees exactly with the above description. O. S.] 

4. R. variabilisn.sp. %.—(Tab. VIII, f. 6.) Rufo-testacea, capite 
pectoreque piceis, abdomine nigro-piceo, basim versus plerumque di- 
lutius piceo, pedibus luteis, tibiis posticis tarsorumque apice fuscis. 

Brick-red ; head and chest pitch-brown ; abdomen pitch-black, towards 
the basis usually of a lighter pitch-brown; feet dark yellow; hind 
tibie and the tip of all the tarsi brown. Long. corp. 0.18—0.21; long. 
al. 0.15—0.2. 

Brick-red. Head pitch-brown or reddish-brown. Front of an 
opaque dark-red coloring, on each side near the orbit with a 
very narrow border of white pollen. Antenne reaching down 
to the mouth; the first two joints dark reddish-yellow ; the third, 
with the exception of the basis, dark-brown, blackish towards the 
tip. Palpi dark-brown. The chest and the lower part of the 
pleure dark pitch-brown. Abdomen pitch-black, generally lighter 
pitch-brown near the basis. Coxe and feet dark-yellow; the 
four anterior tibize but little infuscated; the hind tibiz and the 
last three or four tarsal joints dark-brown. Halteres dark-brown. 
The picture of the wings almost entirely like that of A. quadri- 
Jfasciata in coloring and design, only the first two crossbands 
are a trifle longer and the first a little broader; the brown col- 
oring in the anterior basal cell is a little less extended. 

Hab. District Columbia (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—I have a female, from the same locality, which I 
think belongs to the present species. It differs from the male, 
described above, in having the antenne of an altogether Cark- 
yellow coloring, except the slightly infuscated tip of their third 
joint; the color in the middle of the thoracic dorsum almost 
verges on blackish; the first crossband on the wings is a little 
longer, the front and middle tibia do not show any distinct infus- 
cation and the tip of the tarsi is but little infuscated. 


o. R. filavimama np. sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 7.) Viridi-nigra, 
vel nigro-chalybea, pedibus anticis luteis, posterioribus semper ex 
parte, plerumque maxima ex parte, nigris vel fuscis. 

Greenish-black, or more bluish-black; the front feet dark-yellow, the 
hind feet partly, and usually for the most part, black or bluish-brown. 
Long. corp. 0.16; long. al. 0.14. 

Syy.? Herina metallica v. d. Wuxp. Tijdschr. voor. Ent. x, p. 154. Tab. 
Vi, foal: 

Very like 2. viridulans, but easily distinguished by its smaller 
size and the paler, although very variable, coloring of the feet. 
Metallic blackish-green or almost blackish-blue. Head shining 
black ; occiput of a metallic greenish-black ; front dusky reddish- 
brown, often blackish-brown, on each side near the orbit with a 
very narrow border of white pollen. The first two antennal 
joints brownish-red, the third blackish-brown or black. The 
coloring of the abdomen towards the tip, in the male, verges 
more on bronze-black ; the only female which I can compare has 
no trace of this color. Fore cox and tibie yellowish; the upper 
side of the femora and the basis of the tibize very seldom show a 
trace of infuscation. The four posterior feet have the coxe, 
femora, and tibiwe black or brownish- black, the tarsi yellow. 
The above-mentioned female has the tip of the middle femora 
and the middle tibie, with the exception of the dark-brown basal 
third, of a brownish-yellow color; the tips of the tarsi in this 
specimen are hardly infuscated at all, while the male specimens 
have the three or four terminal joints of the front tarsi and the 
last three or four joints of the middle and hind feet some- 
what dark-brownish. Halteres brownish-black. The picture of 
the wings recalls, in design and coloring, that of R. viridulans, 
only the crossbands are a little narrower; in general also the 
second, and especially the first, reach less near the fifth longitu- 
dinal vein; the black coloring, which is apparent on the root of 
the anterior basal cell of &. viridulans, is wanting in 2. flavi- 
mana, and this affords a good character for distinguishing the 
latter species from those allied to it. 

Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden), 

Observation 1.—I possess a male, the four posterior feet of 
which, with the exception of the hind tibiw, are yellow; it is 
also distinguished by the color of the antenne, which are reddish- 
yellow as far as beyond the middle of the third joint, and by the 


somewhat narrower crossbands. Nevertheless, I consider it only 
as a variety of R. flavimana, which seems to be very variable in 
the coloring of the feet. 

Observation 2.—Rivellia Boscii R. Desy. cannot very well be 
identified with &. flavimana, as it is described as considerably 
larger than #. viridulans, whereas &. flavimana is distinctly 
smaller. I did not succeed in identifying this species of Rob. 
Desvoidy ; his data concerning the coloring do not agree with 
Rh. quadrifasciata and variabilis, and £. pallida is still less to 
be taken into account. 

Observation 3.—At first, while in possession of insufficient 
materials, I took &. viridulans, quadrifasciata, variabilis, and 
flavimana for varieties of the same species, and it is only later 
that more abundant materials convinced me that they are actually 
different, although closely allied, species. It is in conformity 
with my former view that I have identified with &. viridulans the 
Herina metallica described and figured by v. d. Wulp in the 
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, x, p. 154, Tab. V, f. 10. If my 
present separation of these species be correct, the only ones 
which can be taken into consideration in interpreting Mr. v. d. 
Wulp’s species are 2. Boscii, flavimana, and perhaps R. micans. 
R. Boscii is so inaccurately described by R. Desvoidy that its 
identification is very difficult anyhow; but as this species is 3 
lines long, that of v. d. Wulp only 12, I consider their identity 
as not probable. The assumption that my &. micans is the 
Herina metallica of v. d. Wulp is contradicted by the very bril- 
liant metallic-green coloring of the former. Moreover, vy. d. 
Wulp’s figure does not show, at the basis of the first basal cell, the 
dark coloring existing in R. micans, which coloring has the same 
extent, although not the same intensity, as in R. viridulans. 
If the correctness of the figure of the wing of Herina metallica 
could be implicitly relied upon, its specific diversity from R. 
micans would be a matter of certainty. But in this case I 
would have also to admit that HW. metallica does not coincide 
with any of the species of Rivellia known to me, as the said 
figure differs from those species, especially in the broad interval 
between the first and second crossbands, which does not occur to 
that extent in any of them. We are forced to assume, therefore, 
that the figure of the wing is only of an average correctness, and 
to pay attention, in its interpretation, to the principal features 


only. If the want of a dark coloring at the basis of the first 
basal cell be singled out as a characteristic feature, the supposition 
suggests itself that the species is identical with &. flavimana, 
which also partakes of this character; the shortening of the first 
two crossbands, as well as the data concerning the size and col- 
oring of 77. metallica, do not contradict such an assumption ; 
even the statement about the coloring of the feet could be applied 
to unusually pale specimens of £. flavimana, although I haya 
never met with specimens of this degree of paleness. Hence, 
it appears not improbable, although far from certain, that Herina 
metallica is identical with &. flavimana. 

6. R. micamsn.sp. 9.—Speciebus precedentibus minor, lete eneo- 
viridis, nitida, pedibus omnibus luteis, fasciis alarum fusco-nigris. 

Smaller than the preceding species, metallic-green, shining; all the feet 
saturate-yellow ; the crossbands on the wings brownish-black. Long. 
corp. 0.13—0.15 ; long. al. 0.13. 

Not reaching the size of 2. variabilis and perceptibly smaller 
than the other preceding species; of a metallic-green, bright 
and shining coloring. The front, the lateral stripes on the face 
and the lower part of the occiput of a reddish-yellow, seldom of 
a brownish-red coloring; antenne, as far as the basal third or 
the middle of the third joint, reddish-yellow; beyond that, 
brown. ‘The abdomen shows a diluted, half-pellucid, reddish 
crossband at the place where the first and second segments are 
soldered together; in some cases this band is wanting. Coxe 
and feet saturate-yellow, the former sometimes more brownish- 
yellow ; the tarsi, towards their tips, are strongly infuscated. 
The picture of the wings, in its design, is not unlike that of 
Ff. viridulans, but is rather brownish-black than deep black ; the 
dark crossbands are a little narrower, especially the first and 
second, so that the hyaline interval between them is compara- 
tively broader, almost equal in breadth to the interval between 
the second and third bands (in R. viridulans the first interval is 
considerably narrower than the second); the first and second 
crossbands stop about the middle of the interval between the 
fourth and fifth longitudinal veins; however, single specimens 
occur in which they are shorter; in other specimens they reach 
very near the fifth vein; the third band, towards its end, is per- 
ceptibly narrowed. The second section of the fourth longitu- 


dinal vein is less arcuated towards the small crossvein than in 
&. viridulans. The coxe and feet are dark-yellow; the hind 
tibia, towards their end, grow gradually, but very slightly, more 
brownish-yellow ; the tarsi, from about the basis of the third 
joint, dark brown. 

Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 

Observation.— The present species differs from all the pre- 
ceding ones by the more pure and brilliant metallic-green color. 
Varieties of R. flavimana, with very pale feet, are nearest to it; 
but such specimens have at least the hind tibix, with the excep- 
tion of the extreme basis and the extreme tip, brown. Moreover, 
they differ from &. micans by the coloring of the first basal cell, 
which is hardly perceptibly tinged with gray at its extreme basis 
only, while in the latter species it is infuscated up to the last 
third of the second basal cell. 

% R. pallida n.sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 8.) Flavo-testacea, 
Rivelliz micanti equalis, reliquis speciebus minor, fasciis alarum nigro- 

Yellowish brick-red, of the size of R. micans, but smaller than the other 

species; the crossbands of the wings blackish-brown. Long. corp. 
0.14—0.15 ; long. al. 0.13. 

_ Yellowish brick-red. Head concolorous; front more ferru- 
ginous; on each side with a narrow border of white pollen. 
Antenne of the same color with the remainder of the body, only 
the third joint a little blackish at the extreme tip. One of my 
specimens has the first two segments of the abdomen black at the 
basis ; but this color seems to have originated after death, being 
produced by the contents of the abdomen. Ovipositor not darker, 
or but a little darker, than the rest of the abdomen. Feet dark- 
yellow ; last two, at the utmost last three, joints of the tarsi 
brown. Knob of the halteres brown. The picture of the wings 
reminds of that of &. flavimana, but instead of black it is 
blackish-brown ; the costal cell is tinged with brown at the 
spot only where the first crossband has its beginning, elsewhere 
it is of a dingy yellowish; the root of the first basal cell shows, 
as in &. flavimana, no dark coloring; the first and the second 
erossbands usually reach very near the fifth longitudinal vein. 
This species is easily recognized by its smaller size and lighter 
Hab. Washington, D. C. (Osten-Sacken.) 



Charact.—Body long and narrow. 

Head a\most like that of Dacus; front of a considerable and equal 
breadth, somewhat projecting in profile ; face somewhat excavated 
in profile, perpendicular towards the somewhat upturned anterior 
edge of the mouth, or but little projecting; the shallow antennal 
fovee long and narrow, not distinctly separated from the convex 
middle portion of the face; the lateral portions of the face very 
narrow; clypeus very large; eyes large; cheeks not very broad ; 
occiput only moderately turgid. 

Antenne: The first two joints short; the third narrow and very long, 
generally reaching a little below the anterior edge of the mouth; 
arista apparently bare, or with a pubescence which is so short as 
to be almost imperceptible. 

Thorax long and narrow ; the transverse suture runs across the whole 
dorsum in the shape of a shallow depression; viewed laterally, the 
thorax appears remarkably attenuated towards its anterior end, 
as the pectus is truncated obliquely in front; scutellum with four 

Abdomen remarkably narrow ; the first segment more or less prolonged 
in the male. 

Feet slender; the fore coxe very long, inserted remarkably near the 
collum, and unusually movable at the point of insertion. 

Wings rather narrow; stigma long and narrow; small crossvein 
oblique, inserted more or less beyond the middle of the long discal 
cell; second section of the fourth longitudinal vein straight; pos- 
terior angle of the anal cell rounded; the picture of the wings 
consists chiefly in a dark border of the costa, reaching from the 
basis of the stigma to the apex of the wing, and in the darker col- 
oring of the entire anterior basal cell, to which, in most of the 
species, is added a brown cloud along the posterior crossvein. 

The great uncertainty which seems to have hitherto prevailed 
concerning the characters of the genus Stenopterina has induced 
me to enter in more detail about them than about the other 
genera. If my limitation of this genus be correct, it will con- 
tain only species closely related in their plastic characters. 
Their venation alone shows some differences ; some species have 
the third and fourth longitudinal veins convergent towards their 
ends, the second longitudinal vein perceptibly shorter, more 
distant from the costa, and meeting it at.a less acute angle; 
other species show the opposite of all these characters. As far 
as I can judge at present, the species of the former group seem 
to belong principally to the old world. 


S. xnea Wied. and brevipes F. may be considered as the 
types of the genus. 

1. S&S. coerullescens un. sp. %.—Viridi-chalybea, humeris concolori- 
bus, thoracis dorso magis violaceo, halteribus nigris, alarum hyalinarum 
limbo costali inde a vene auxiliaris apice usque ad venam quartam 
pertinente, cellula basali prima et vene transversalis posterioris limbo 

Greenish-steelblue, with concolorous humeri and the thoracic dorsum 
more violet; halteres black; wings hyaline, a costal border, reaching 
from the end of the auxiliary to the end of the fourth longitudinal 
vein, the first basal cell and a border along the posterior crossvein 
brownish-black. Long. corp. 0.32—0.39 ; long. al. 0.26—0.31. 

Of a greenish-steelblue coloring, which on the abdomen has a 
somewhat stronger admixture of green and verges on violet on 
the thoracic dorsum; the humeral callosities and the pleurse 
have the same greenish-blue color. Head dark-yellow, almost 
brownish-yellow; clypeus and palpi of the same color; front 
strongly infuscated anteriorly, this coloring having more or less 
extent; at the bottom of each of the fovee a distinct brownish- 
black longitudinal streak; first and second antennal joints, as 
well as the root of the third, to a greater or lesser extent, dark- 
yellow; the third joint, towards its end, becomes more and more 
brown, even brownish-black. The last abdominal segment is 
only a little shorter than the penultimate. The hairs on thorax 
and abdomen are whitish, with the exception of the few and 
comparatively short bristles on the posterior end of the thoracic 
dorsum and of the four bristles of the scutellum. The coloring 
of the cox and feet is very variable, as that of the front and 
of the antenne; the palest specimens in my possession have 
brownish-yellow cox, more yellowish feet, with a dark metallic 
streak, reflecting greenish-blue, upon the anterior side of the 
hind femora, and with tarsi which are dark-brown towards the 
tip; the darkest specimens in my collection have metallic-black 
coxe, the femora almost black, with a bright metallic bluish- 
green lustre, excepting the tips of all the femora, which are 
brownish-red, and of the brownish-red basis of the middle ones ; 
tibie and tarsi dark brownish-red ; the latter, towards their end, 
colored with brownish-black to a considerable extent. Halteres 
black, only the basis of their stem a little paler. Wings hyaline; 



their brownish-black picture consists of a narrow border along 
the anterior margin, which reaches from the end of the auxiliary 
vein to that of the fourth longitudinal vein, in the darker coloring 
of the first basal cell, which even crosses a little the small cross- 
vein and in a narrow border along the posterior crossvein. 

Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 

_ Observation 1.—The South American S. brevipes Fab. is dis- 
tinguished from the present species by the echre-yellow color of 
the humeri and the ferruginous-yellowish color of the halteres. 

Observation 2.—Herina metallica Macq. (Dipt. Exot. II, 3, 
p. 208), from Mexico, is evidently no Herina at all, but a Sten- 
opterina. It would seem possible, therefore, that Stenopterina 
cerulescens is that very species. Many of the statements in 
Macquart’s description agrée with S. cerulescens. It must be 
borne in mind, however, that these statements refer for the most 
part to characters which a whole series of Stenopterine have in 
common. The statement that the wings are yellowish is not 
applicable to S. caerulescens, and none of the varieties of this 
species which are in my possession have the black feet mentioned 
in Macquart’s description of H. metallica. Nevertheless, I 
would not have doubted this synonymy if I had nothing but 
Macquart’s description to consult. The figure of the wing, how- 
ever, which Macquart gives (1. c. Tab. XXIX, f. 2) sets this 
supposition entirely aside, by showing an unusually broad dark 
border along the anterior margin, by which Macquart’s species 
differs conspicuously from S. cwrulescens and similar species 
with the ordinary narrow border of the anterior margin. 


Charact.—Front of a considerable, rather equal, breadth; the anterior 
ocellus rather distant from the two others. 

Face excavated in profile, hardly projecting below. 

Antenne rather long; arista with a distinct pubescence. 

Wings narrowed towards the basis; auxiliary and first longitudinal 
veins closely approximated; posterior angle of the anal cell 

Abdomen narrow, still more attenuated towards the basis; first seg- 
ment beset with strong bristles ; ovipositor rather conical. 

The characters, as given here, are very incomplete, and 
require an entire revision. Unfortunately, I had no specimen at 


hand for comparison, and was obliged to write from memory. 
The bristles on the first abdominal segment, the distance inter- 
vening between the anterior ocellus and the posterior ones, and 
even the shape of the ovipositor remind very much of some 
genera in the group of Richardina, from which, however, Mis- 
chogaster is easily distinguished by the distinct bristles on the 
first longitudinal vein and the unarmed femora. 

The typical species of the genus is the Cephalia femoralis 
Wied. No species from North America are as yet known. 


Charact.—Body slender, not unlike that of an ant. 

Head comparatively large; occiput conspicuously stout behind the 

Front of a uniform, considerable breadth, very long and steep, so that 
the antenne are below the middle of the head; the very large 
lateral stripes of the front have wrinkle-shaped cross impressions. 

Antenne reaching a little below the anterior edge of the mouth; 
arista with a rather short pubescence. 

Front convex, not excavated in profile, but descending in an in- 
clined plane; clypeus of a moderate transverse diameter; cheeks 
rather broad, 

Thorax somewhat narrowed anteriorly; scutellum small, with two 

Abdomen very much attenuated at the basis; the narrow first seg- 
ment without bristles; about its middle it is so coarctate that its 
anterior portion assumes the shape of a knot. 

Feet very slender. 

Tegule wanting; wings narrow, running into a point towards the 
basis, so that the posterior angle of the wing and ‘he alula are 
wanting; auxiliary and first longitudinal veins closely approxi- 
mated ; the two posterior basal cells small; the posterior angle of 
the anal cell rather sharp. 

The very peculiar structure cf the head, the approximated 
ocelli, the absence of bristles on the first abdominal segment and 
its peculiar coarctation, sufficiently distinguish this genus from 
Mischogaster. The species upon which it was founded by R. 
Desvoidy are unfortunately unknown to me, so that I cannot 
affirm with certainty whether the characters as based by me 
upon the species described below would in all particulars apply 
to them. Judging by his statements, however, it seems very 
probable that the discrepancies are not important. 


Myrmecomyia is not only very like Cephalia in appearance, 
but closely allied to it in reality. However, they may be distin- 
guished by the presence, in Cephalia, of a mesothoracic bristle, 
and by the absence of the coarctation of the first abdominal 
segment, peculiar to Myrmecomyia. The alule and tegule in 
Cephalia, although small, are not wanting; the posterior angle 
of the wing, although very shallow, is likewise apparent. 

M. myrmecoides Lozew. % %.—(Tab. VIII, f. 9.) Nigra, alarum 
hyalinarum ima basi et apice extremo nigris. 

Black; wings hyaline, extreme root and apex black. Long. corp. 0.25— 
0.27; long. al. 0.21. 

Syn. Cephalia myrmecoides Lozrw, Wien. Eut. Monatschr. IV, p. 83. 

Black, glossy. Head shining black, face and cheeks usually 
brown. The very broad and long front, descending in a steep 
slope, has a very narrow middle stripe of velvet black, which 
does not reach much beyond the middle of the front, but ‘is con- 
nected by a furrow with the frontal fissure; the latter is not in 
the shape of an are, but of an angle. Occlli approximated to 
each other. The vertex bears two strong bristles, and on both 
sides of them two shorter ones; moreover, far back of the ocelli 
there are two small erect bristlets, while there are none in the 
immediate vicinity of the ocelli. The conspicuously large lateral 
parts of the front have irregular, wrinkle-like, transverse impres- 
sions, and along the orbits a very narrow border of white pollen. 
Antenne long and narrow, reaching to the anterior edge of the 
mouth ; the first two joints brownish-red, the third black; arista 
with a very short pubescence. Face convex, descending obliquely 
in profile, but not excavated; the anterior edge of the month 
not drawn upwards; antennal fovew indistinct; the very narrow 
lateral parts of the face with a thin white pollen. Eyes higher 
than broad. Cheeks rather broad. Clypeus projecting over 
the anterior edge of the mouth, however its longitudinal diameter 
does not equal its moderate transverse diameter; the rather 
broad palpi blackish-brown. Thorax rather long and narrow, 
broader in the region of the wings than before and behind. 
Seutellum very small, convex, with two bristles. The metathorax 
descends in an inclined plane, and is conspicuously long; the 
pectus rises obliquely from the middle cox towards the front 


coxe. Thoracic dorsum with a thin gray bloom, the impres- 
sions indicating the lateral beginnings of the transverse suture 
are more densely pollinose; the pleurz, above the middle coxe, 
are clothed with a very dense white pollen. The shining black 
abdomen is much narrower at its basis; its first segment is 
longer than each of the following ones; about its middle it is 
so attenuated that its smaller anterior portion is knot-shaped, 
the larger posterior portion funnel-shaped ; the last abdominal 
segment is somewhat shorter than each of the two preceding 
ones. ‘The comparatively large hypopygium is usually pitch- 
brownish, seldom blackish; the first segment of the black ovi- 
positor is flat and rather broad. Feet very slender; anterior 
cox yellow; the four posterior cox yellowish-red or chestnut- 
brownish; all are clothed with white pollen. Front feet brownish- 
yellow, with pitch-brown femora; the tarsi, from the tip of the 
first joint, are blackish-brown; the four posterior feet are 
brownish-black ; the knees, the extreme tip of the tibiz and the 
root of the tarsi brownish brick-red ; in very pale-colored speci- 
mens the light coloring of the tarsi is much more extensive. 
Halteres black. No tegule. Wings hyaline, with delicate black 
veins; the wings, towards the basis, are very much attenuated, 
without any posterior angle and without alula; auxiliary vein 
short, very much approximated to the first longitudinal vein; 
the latter rather stout, very gradually merging into the costa, so 
that the stigma is narrow, linear; second longitudinal vein very 
long and straight; the last section of the third longitudinal vein 
gently inflected backwards, so that it strongly diverges from the 
second longitudinal vein and ends in the extreme apex; small 
crossvein perpendicular, inserted but little beyond the middle of 
the long discal cell; the last section of the fourth longitudinal 
vein rather straight, only very little convergent towards the 
third ; posterior crossvein straight ; the two posterior basal cells 
comparatively small; the posterior angle of the anal cell rather 
acute, but not pointed; the sixth longitudinal vein rather short, 
but reaching distinctly to the margin. The picture of the wings 
consists in an obscuration of the extreme root and the extreme 
tip; the first extends in the costal cell a little beyond the humeral 
crossvein ; behind the first longitudinal vein, however, it reaches 
as far as the posterior basal cells; the obscuration of the apex 
has its greatest breadth at the end of the first posterior cell; it 


hardly crosses the fourth longitudinal vein posteriorly ; anteriorly 
it extends as a rapidly contracting border along the costa as far 
as the end of the second longitudinal vein, so that it has rather 
the shape of an apical spot than of an apical border. 

Hab. Washington, D. C. (Osten-Sacken.) 

Third Section: CEPHALINA. 
Gen. I. TRITOXA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Body slender; abdomen narrow at the basis; feet rather long, 
front tibie before the end of the upper side with a stronger bristlet. 
Hairs and bristles rather short; thoracic dorsum with bristles 
along the sides and upon its posterior margin only. 

Antenne long and narrow ; the second joint short; arista with short 
hairs. Face almost shield-shaped, with rather indistinct antennal 

Palpi very broad; proboscis rather stout, mentum but little inflated. 

Wings cuneiform towards the basis, with a very narrow alula; second 
longitudinal vein not conspicuously arecuated ; third and fourth 
irregular in their course, which causes the anterior basal cell to 
expand before its end; first longitudinal vein beset with bristles 
upon the greater portion of its course ; crossveins approximated to 
each other. 

This genus contains reddish-brown and black species, with 
dark wings, marked with three hyaline, oblique, more or less 
arcuated crossbands. 

i. T. flexa Wiep. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 10.) Nigra, eapite thoraceque 
interdum fuscis; ale nigra, fasciis hyalinis valde angustis secunda et 
tertid arcuatis, hac ab ale apice late remota, ven’ transversa posteriore 

Black, head and thorax sometimes brown ; the wings black, with three 
very narrow hyaline bands, the second and third of which are arcu- 
ated; the latter is rather remote from the apex of the wing; posterior 

crossvein almost perpendicular. Long. corp. 0.24—0.28 ; long. al. 

Syx. Trypeta flera WiepeMANN, Auss. Zweifi. II, p. 483, 11. 
Trypeta arcuata WALKER, Ins. Saunders, p. 383. Tab. VIII, f. 3. 

Fully colored specimens are altogether deep black; in very 
pale specimens, on the contrary, the whole head, the thorax, and 
the feet, the latter usually with the exception of the upper side 
of the femora, are often brown; vestiges of this color frequently 


occur in a greater or lesser measure on specimens the prevailing 
color of which is black. Most specimens have the gréater part 
of the front brown, some reddish-brown; the usual coloring of 
the antenne, also, is more brown than black, especially towards 
the basis. The pubescence of the arista is short, but distinct. 
The front has on both sides a very narrow, the face a broader, 
border of white pollen; the face, also, is slightly hoary with 
white, which is not equally distinct in all specimens, nor from all 
points of view; it is most perceptible around the antenne. The 
rather indistinct pollen on the thoracic dorsum forms two rather 
broad parallel lines. The first segment of the flattened ovipositor 
resembles in its nature the preceding abdominal segments, to 
which it is closely applied; it is clothed, like those segments, 
with short, black hairs. The wings are strongly cuneiform 
towards their basis, and towards their tip they are rounded in 
such a manner that the extreme apex is much nearer the poste- 
rior than the anterior margin; the second longitudinal vein is 
slightly wavy upon the first two-thirds of its course ; its strongest 
curvature is just above the small crossvein; the latter is rather 
oblique; the posterior crossvein, on the contrary, is steep, almost 
perpendicular, slightly bisinuated in the shape of an S. The 
color of the wings is black; only very immature or faded speci- 
mens have it brownish-black; the three usual crossbands have an 
almost whitish tinge, and are very narrow; the first among them 
is so oblique that it almost assumes the appearance of a longitu- 
dinal stripe; it starts at the basis of the third posterior cell, 
diverges gently and moderately from the fifth longitudinal vein, 
becomes more and more attenuated and pointed, and ends already 
some distance from the posterior margin ; the second pale cross- 
band, which likewise has a very oblique position, begins at the 
tip of the costal cell, just before the end of the auxiliary vein, 
and runs to the posterior angle of the discal cell; it is percep- 
tibly more arcuated on its anterior than on its posterior portion ; 
the third crossband, running from the anterior to the posterior 
margin, likewise has a very oblique position, although less so 
than the second; between the posterior margin and the third 
longitudinal vein its course is straight; from there to the anterior 
margin it is more and more arcuated; the distance between the 
third crossband and the apex of the wing is very large, as it 
almost equals one-third of the length of the wing. In the imme- 


diate vicinity of the small crossvein the coloring of the wing is 
more ferruginous-brown than black, which is especially perceptible 
by transmitted light; specimens also occur which have other 
pale streaks in one or the other of the cells. 

Hab. Northern Wisconsin River (Kennicott); Illinois (H. 

Observation.—Wiedemann probably prepared his description 
of Trypeta flexa from a very imperfectly colored specimen. A 
drawing of the wing, which I prepared some twenty years ago 
after an original specimen in the Berlin Museum, proves conclu- 
sively that Trypeta flexa is distinct from T’ritoxa incurva and 
cuneata. The former is proved by the dark coloring at the tip 
of the wing having a much greater extent than in 7. incurva, 
and by the course of the third crossband in 7. flexa, which is 
not arcuated towards its end, but almost straight; in 7. cuneata 
the different shape of the wing and the entirely distinct delinea- 
tion of the crossbands altogether exclude the possibility of its 
synonymy with Z. flexa. The figure of the wing drawn by me 
and above alluded to agrees with the present species so well that 
I consider my opinion about the identification of this species as 
well founded. Should this not be the case, then 7. flexa Wied. 
is a species which I do not possess. The statement of Wiede- 
mann, that the ovipositor of the female is two jointed, rests upon 
an error, which is easily explained away by the resemblance 
of the first joint with the preceding abdominal segment. That 
Walker’s Trypeta arcuata is synonymous with the present spe- 
cies is not in the least doubtful, although in the figure of the 
head the arista is made too short and its pubescence too long. 

2. VT. imcurva n. sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 12.) Badia, abdomine 
nigro; ale fusce, fasciis hyalinis modice angustis, secunda et tertia 
arcuatis, hac ab ale apice minus late quam in speciebus reliquis remota, 
vena transversa posteriore obliqua. 

Reddish chestnut-brown, with a black abdomen; the wings brown, with 

'Mr. H. Shimer, from Mt. Carroll, Ill., informed me, in 1865, that this 
fly is very injurious to onion - plants, the larva occurring in the bulb. 
This fact has, since then, been mentioned in the Practical Entomologist, I, 
p. 4; II, p. 64 (with figures of larva and imago); American Entomolo- 
cist, II, p. 110. Specimens of Tritora incurva were fotnd by Mr. Shimer, 
together with 7. flera, and taken for a mere variety of that species. 

QO. S. 


only moderately narrow hyaline bands, the second and third of which 

are arcuated ; the latter is less remote from the apex of the wing than 

in the other species ; posterior crossvein oblique. Long. corp. 0.25— 

0.3; long. al. 0.22—0.26. 

Reddish, chestnut-brown, with a black abdomen. Front 
opaque, with the exception of the edge of the vertex and of the 
small ‘callosities descending from it, and bearing the bristles ; 
along the orbits the front has a narrow border of white pollen, 
which also extends over the face, but is much broader here. The 
remainder of the face has a very thin, somewhat yellowish 
pollen upon it, which is most perceptible in the proximity of the 
antenne. Antenne reddish-brown; third joint darker brown 
towards its end; pubescence of the arista short, but distinct. 
The thoracic dorsum has a broad shining border upon its sides, 
otherwise it is opaque. Its thin whitish pollen is a little more 
perceptible than in 7. flexa, and forms, as in that species, two 
broad, parallel longitudinal stripes, the position of which corre- 
sponds to that of the intervals between the ordinary thoracic 
stripes ; upon the intermediate stripe between them the pollen 
has a somewhat yellowish tinge, and is much more dense upon 
the longitudinal line, which divides this stripe in two; well- 
preserved specimens show the white pollen on the sides of the 
thoracic dorsum also, while in less good specimens this is not 
visible, and often very little of the pollen is left on the whole 
surface. Scutellum, metanotum, and pleure are shining, the 
latter with a thin white bloom. Abdomen black or brownish- 
black, with a black pubescence, sometimes chestnut-brown on the 
sides of the first and second segments. The flattened first joint 
of the ovipositor is of the same nature as the preceding seg- 
ments of the abdomen; it is very broadly truncated at the tip. 
The feet have the same coloring as the thorax, often, however, 
not only the upper side of the fore femora, the middle femora 
towards their basis, and the hind femora, with the exception of 
their last quarter, are more strongly infuscated, but also the fore 
tibize towards their tip, as well as the entire fore tarsi; the middle 
tarsi, with the exception of their basis and the entire hind tibize 
and hind tarsi, are dark brown. Halteres yellowish. Wings 
narrowed towards the basis, although not quite as cuneiform as 
in 7. flexa, the portion lying beyond the sixth longitudinal vein 
not being quite as narrow as in that species; the end of the wing 


is rounded in such a manner that the apex is equidistant from 

the anterior and the posterior margins; the second longitudinal 

vein, the course of which is rather wavy, has its strongest sinu- 

osity only little beyond the small crossvein; the anterior end of 

the latter is nearer to the root of the wing than its posterior end, 

so that its position is entirely oblique; the posterior crossvein 

is oblique in the opposite direction, as its anterior end is nearer 
to the apex of the wing than the posterior. The coloring of the 
surface of the wing is a brown of unequal intensity ; the design 
consists of the three hyaline bands usual in this genus; the por- 
tion of the surface of the wing beyond the third band is dark 
brown, with a large yellowish-brown spot, which leaves in the’ 
submarginal cell only a dark brown border along the margin of 

the wing, and, so far as it extends in this cell, also somewhat 
crosses the third longitudinal vein; the interval between the 
second and third bands, which has the shape of a crossband, is 
yellowish-brown, margined with dark brown on each side, and 
also dark brown at the end; the interval between the second 
and first crossbands is dark brown, with a large yellowish-brown 
spot, which fills up the basis of the submarginal cell, and, to a 
great extent, that of the first basal cell, so that in the former 
almost nothing is left of the dark brown color, in the latter only 
a border; the root of the wing is tinged with yellowish-brown 
as far as a little beyond the humeral crossvein; towards the 
place of insertion of the wing, however, the dark brown color 
appears again; the posterior angle of the wing, lying behind 
the first crossband, is only tinged with gray. The hyaline 
crossbands are distinctly broader than in 7. flexa, and the last 
of them is much nearer the apex, so that the dark coloring of 

the latter assumes the shape of a broad crossband. The first 
hyaline crossband is so oblique that it almost assumes the 
appearance of a longitudinal stripe; it starts, as in 7. flexa, 
from the basis of the third posterior cell, but is broader than in 
that species, and does not diverge from the fifth vein; gradually 
becoming more pointed, it ends some distance from the margin 
of the wing, and differs but little in intensity of coloring from 
the gray posterior angle of the wing; the second pale crossband, 

which has a very oblique position and is only gently curved, runs 
from the tip of the costal cell to the posterior corner of the discal 
cell; however, the tip of the costal cell itself is hyaline to a 


very small extent only, so that the crossband appears somewhat 

abbreviated near the anterior margin of the wing; the third 

hyaline crossband, which is almost as oblique as the second, is 

more curved upon its posterior than upon its anterior portion. 
Hab. Illinois (Dr. Schimer).? 

3. 7T. cumeatan.sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 11.) Rufo-badia, abdo- 
mine nigro; ale fusce, fasciarum hyalinarum secunda obliqua et levis- 
sime arcuata, tertia subnormali et recta. 

Reddish chestnut-brown, with a black abdomen; wings brown, their 
second hyaline crossband oblique and only gently curved; the third 
almost perpendicular and straight. Long. corp. 0.23—0.25; long. al. 
0.21—0. 22. 

Reddish chestnut-brown, with a black abdomen. Front 
opaque, however, with the exception of the edge of the vertex and 
of the two callosities, descending from it, and bearing the strong 
frontal bristles, of a rather reddish coloring; with a very narrow 
border of white pollen near the orbit; this border also extends 
over the face, but is not very perceptible here. The remainder 
of the face is covered with a very delicate whitish pollen, which 
is more perceptible near the antenne only. The third antennal 
joint, with the exception of its basis, brown; arista with a very 
short, yet distinctly perceptible, pubescence. Thoracic dorsum 
upon its sides with a broad shining border, otherwise opaque ; 
the rather whitish pollen which covers it is very distinct in well- 
preserved specimens, but even in such specimens it does not form 
any distinct longitudinal stripes. Scutellum, metathorax, and 
pleure shining, the latter with a white bloom. Abdomen black 
or brownish-black, with a black pubescence, usually reddish 
chestnut-brown upon the sides of the first and second segments. 
The feet are of the color of the thorax; the fore tarsi usually alto- 
gether dark brown; the middle and hind tarsi towards their end 
dark-brown to a great extent. Halteres vellowish-white. Wings 
comparatively narrower than in 7. ¢ncurva, attenuated to a rather 
cuneiform shape towards their basis; second longitudinal vein only 
slightly wavy; the small crossvein very steep, almost perpen- 
dicular; the posterior crossvein oblique, its anterior end some- 
what nearer the apex of the wing, so that the posterior angle of 

1 Tritoxa incurva occurs together with 7. flexa, so that Dr. Schimer, who 
sent me specimens of both, took it for a mere variety of his onion-/ly.—O. 5. 


the discal cell is a little larger than a rectangle. The coloring of 
the surface of the wing is an uneven brown; the design is formed 
of the usual three hyaline crossbands, the first of which, however, 
is but little apparent. The portion of the surface of the wing 
lying beyond the last hyaline crossband is rather dark-brown, 
more brownish-yellow towards the anterior more grayish-brown 
towards the posterior margin; the interval between the third 
and second bands is dark-brown below the fourth longitudinal 
vein, above it, yellowish-brown with dark-brown borders; the 
latter are broader, even sometimes coalescent, within the sub- 
marginal cell; the-interval between the second and the first 
hyaline crossbands is dark-brown, its inner portion more yellow- 
ish-brown; the basis of the wing yellowish-brown; beyond the 
fifth longitudinal vein the brown coloring still continues, but soon 
verges on grayish. The first crossband has the same position as 
in the preceding species; only it is broader, less attenuated, and 
much shorter; its outline can be plainly visible only when the 
surface of the wing is viewed in an oblique direction ; the second 
pale crossband, which is very oblique, begins below the tip of 
the costal cell, in the marginal cell, and reaches as far as the 
fifth longitudinal vein, which it touches already before the poste- 
rior corner of the discal cell; this band is but little curved; about 
its middle, it is more or less expanded in the shape of an angle, 
in consequence of its margin (the one nearest to the apex of the 
wing), between the third and fourth longitudinal veins, not run- 
ning in the direction of the band itself, but being more or less 
perpendicular to the axis of the wing; the third hyaline band, 
running at some distance from the apex of the wing, is very 
steep, but by no means entirely perpendicular, and somewhat 
broader anteriorly than posteriorly; it begins at the anterior 
margin and completely or almost completely reaches the posterior 
Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden). 


Charact.—Body slender, feet rather long; the hairs very short every- 
where; the thorax with bristles on the lateral and posterior margins 

Antenne long and narrow; the second joint short. Face almost shield- 
shaped, convex, with rather indistinct fovee. 


Palpi very broad. Proboscis rather stout, with a but moderately 
turgid mentum. 

Wings broad, first longitudinal vein provided, to a great extent, with 
bristles; second longitudinal vein arcuated in a very striking 
manner; anal cell rounded at the tip; the anterior margin of the 
wings, at the end of the auxiliary vein, has a shallow, but very 
striking excision. 

1.C. picta Fasr. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 13.) Badia, abdomine nigro; 
ale nigro-fusee, maculis costalibus binis trigonis, binisque guttis dis- 
coidalibus, marginis denique postici macula trigona et striga obliqua 
hyalinis, angulo postico et alula cinerascentibus. 

Chestnut-brownish with a black abdomen; the wings blackish-brown; 
two triangular spots on the anterior margin, two dots on the middle of 
the wing, a triangular spot and an oblique streak beginning at the 
posterior margin, hyaline; posterior corner and alula grayish. Long. 
corp. 0.25; cum terebra 0.32—0.34; long. al, 0.22—0.25. 

Syn. Musca picta Fasricivs, Ent. Syst. IV, p. 355, 175. 

Dictya picta Fasricius, Syst. Antl. p 330, 18. 

Tephritis conica Fasricius, Syst. Antl. p. 318, 10. 

Trypeta picta Wirp. Auss. Zweifl. Il, p. 489, 20. 

Delphinia thoracica R. DEesvoipy, Myod. p. 720, 1. 

Camptoneura picta Maca. Dipt. Exot. I, 3, p. 201. Tab. XXVII, f. 4. 
Trypeta picta WALK. List, IV, p. 1041. 

Head and thorax chestnut-brownish or reddish chestnut-brown ; 
thoracic dorsum sometimes darker brown; abdomen always black 
or brownish-black. Front opaque, usually more ferruginous-red 
than orange-red, sometimes darker, with a very narrow border of 
white pollen along the orbits; this border also extends over the 
face, but although broader here, it is less distinct, or at least 
more perceptible only a little distance below the antenne. The 
remainder of the face is a little pollinose in the vicinity of the 
antenne only. The third antennal joint is usually strongly in- 
fuscated, with the exception of its basis. Thoracic dorsum witha 
grayish-white pollen, which does not form any distinct stripes, 
while the ground color of the broad intermediate stripe is often 
darker than its surroundings, so that it becomes distinctly visible. 
Feet yellowish-brown, tarsi strongly infuscated towards their tip. 
Halteres whitish-yellow. Wings comparatively large and broad 
with a rather strongly projecting posterior angle, and a rather 
narrow alula; at the anterior margin there is an excision, which 
is very conspicuous, although it forms only an obtuse angle; it is 


caused by considerable sinuous expansion of the costal cell; the 
second longitudinal vein is very conspicuously arcuated ; the two 
crossveins are rather approximated and perpendicular, the poste- 
rior one somewhat curved; the posterior angle of the discal cell 
is acute. The coloring of the wings is blackish-brown, more 
yellowish-brown near the root, grayish in the posterior angle; on 
the anterior margin there are two triangular hyaline spots, which 
attain the third longitudinal vein more or less completely with 
their very sharp points; the first of these spots covers, near its 
anterior end, the tip of the costal cell and the basis of the stigma, 
while the second is immediately beyond the stigma; the dark 
crossband between these two spots is tinged with brownish-yel- 
low inside of the marginal cell, with the exception of a brown 
border, which becomes narrower towards the first longitudinal 
vein. The stigma, towards its end, gradually assumes the same 
brownish-yellow coloring, so that the first hyaline spot has no 
well-defined limit within it. Upon the middle of the wing there 
are two hyaline drops, elongated in a direction perpendicular to 
the axis of the wing; the one is in the discal cell, somewhat this 
side of the small crossvein, the other in the first posterior cell, 
over the posterior crossvein. On the posterior margin of the 
wing, in the second posterior cell, there is a triangular spot, con- 
cave towards the apex of the wing, convex on the other side, 
which is near the posterior crossvein and separated by a narrow, 
brownish border from it. The sharp point of this spot is directed 
towards the dot in the first posterior cell, and is often connected 
with it, while, in other specimens, it does not even reach the 
fourth posterior vein. Near the basis of the wing there is a 
narrow, oblique, hyaline streak, beginning in the first basal cell, 
crossing the end of the second basal cell and entering the third 
posterior cell; here it runs along the sixth longitudinal vein and 
thus reaches the margin of the wing, where it becomes a little 

Hab. United States, common. 

Observation.—The description which Fabricius gives of his 
Musca picta in the Entomologia Systematica might suggest doubts 
as to its identity with the above described species, doubts, how- 
ever, which I hold to be without foundation. First of all, it is 
certain that Wiedemann’s Trypeta picta is identical with our 
species; his description, as well as the types of his collection, 


proves it conclusively. Not less certain, according to my opinion, 
is the fact that Wiedemann’s Trypeta picta and the Tephritis 
conica of Fabricius’s Systema Antliatorum are synonyms. 
What Wiedemann says about the feet of his Trypeta picta clearly 
proves that he had examined the type in Fabricius’s collection ; 
moreover, Fabricius’s description contains nothing to render this 
identification of Tephritis conica doubtful. In the preface to his 
first volume, Wiedemann gives a large number of synonymie and 
systematic emendations, the result of the examination of Fabri- 
cius’s collection, undertaken by him; among them we find the 
statement that Tephritis conica and Dictya picta are the same 
species. But as Dictya picta of the Systema Antliatorum is 
nothing else but the Musca picta of the Entomologia Systema- 
tica, the synonymy of Musca picta F. with Trypeta picta Wied. 
and the above described Camptoneura picta seems to be suffici- 
ently established. The correctness of this view seems confirmed 
by the fact, that Musca picta F. was described from a North 
American specimen, and that hitherto, besides Camptoneura 
picta, which has a wide range and is a common species, no other 
North American species is known which might come in conflict 
with it. 
Gen. III. DIACRITA Gerst. 

Charact.—Body rather robust. Pubescence everywhere very short ; thorax 
with some bristles upon the posterior and lateral margins only. 

Antenne of medium length; the oval third joint longer than the only 
moderately sized second joint. The face, retreating above between 
the rather short antennal fovee, and obtusely carinate; below, it 
is again projecting and convex. 

Palpi rather large, mentum swollen. 

Wings narrow and long, the first longitudinal vein bristly at its end 
only; the third and fourth longitudinal veins converging towards 
the end; posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out in a very long 

This genus contains brown or brownish-yellow species, rather 
opaque on account of the pollen which covers them; the thorax 
is usually spotted with black; the wings, on the anterior margin 

and the apex, have a broad black border. 

a. D. costalis Gersr. %,.—(Tab. VIII, f. 14.) Fuscea, polline cinereo 
aspersa, thoracis maculis nigris ante suturam sex, pone suturam duabus, 
binisque minutissimis utrinque adjectis. 


Almost chocolate-brown, with a grayish pollen; thoracic dorsum with six 
black spots before the suture and with two beyond it, to which are 
added on each side two very small dots. Long. corp. 0.32; long. al. 

Syn. Diacrita costalis Gerst. Stett. Ent. Zeitschr. xxi, p. 197. Tab. II. 

Almost chocolate-brown, covered with a whitish-gray pollen 
and opaque. Head dark-yellow, the upper part of the occiput 
generally brownish-yellow; the broad front, in the vicinity of the 
ocelli and in front of these, more reddish-yellow ; on both sides, 
near the orbit, there is a rather large, shallow impression, covered 
with white pollen; on the anterior end of the front there is a 
small triangular spot, covered with snow-white pollen. Imme- 
diately below each of these spots, upon the face, there is a velvet- 
black round spot, contiguous with the orbit, and immediately 
below the latter a spot covered with snow-white pollen. The 
upper part of the face, which is carinate and retreating, has, on 
each side, a transverse spot, clothed with white pollen. In the 
same way, the posterior orbit of the eyes has a pollinose white 
border, which also extends over the cheeks in the shape of a 
stripe. The antenne are almost ochre-yellow, their third joint 
elongated-oval; the basal joint of the arista is so short as to be 
almost imperceptible; the second joint is comparatively long, both 
dark ochre-yellow; the third joint is blackish, with the exception 
of its extreme basis; in the vicinity of the basis, it is as stout as 
the first two joints, more attenuated afterwards, and clothed with 
an extremely short pubescence. The humeral callosities are 
brownish-yellow, and rather shining; thoracic dorsum marked 
with moderately large, rounded-oval, brownish-black spots ; before 
the region of the transverse suture there are six of them; arranged 
in two regular transverse rows; beyond this region there are 
two approximated spots, the interval of which is equal to that 
between the spots of the first two rows; moreover, behind the 
region of the suture, on each side, may be noticed two very small, 
almost punctiform dots, placed one behind the other; of these, 
the anterior one is situated before, the posterior one at an equal 
distance behind the last two of the larger spots. The coloring 
of the convex scutellum, which is beset with four, not very long 
bristles, approaches the chestnut-red. The feet are concolorous 
with the remainder of the body ; an admixture of yellow is per- 
ceptible on the first joint of the tarsi only. Halteres whitish- 


yellow. Wings comparatively long and narrow, of a very equal 
breadth, in the middle only a little broader than at the basis and 
at the apex; stigma strikingly long; the third longitudinal vein 
gently curved backwards towards the tip, and hence, the submar- 
ginal cell very much expanded towards its end; the crossveins 
very distant from each other; the fourth longitudinal vein, 
towards its end, gently bent forward, and hence, the first poste- 
rior cell narrowed towards its end; the posterior angle of the 
anal cell is drawn out in a narrow lobe, which is considerably 
longer than the cell itself. The surface of the wing is bright, 
shining, hyaline, upon its posterior half only with a weak trace 
of a grayish-brown tinge. The design on the wing consists of a 
broad, black, or blackish-brown border of the costal margin and 
of the apex; the posterior limit of this border runs, at the basis 
of the wing, along the fifth longitudinal vein; at the basis of the 
discal cell, it suddenly turns towards the fourth longitudinal 
vein, and, after running alongside of it for a short distance, it 
turns suddenly towards the third longitudinal vein, alongside of 
which it runs as far as a little beyond the small crossvein, here, 
just opposite the end of the first longitudinal vein, it abruptly 
turns towards the second longitudinal vein, leaves open a small 
segment of a circle just above it, returns towards the second vein, 
follows it for some distance, and, abruptly turning again, crosses 
the submarginal and first posterior cells, turning towards the 
apex in the vicinity of the fourth vein, alongside of which it 
reaches the margin. This border is perceptibly broader at the 
tip than along the anterior margin, and can therefore also be 
described as a large spot, entirely confluent with the border along 
the anterior margin. Inside of the dark anterior border, there 
are three small, almost hyaline spots; the first lies at the end of 
the second basal cell, the second, almost cuneiform, is in the 
marginal cell, before the origin of the third longitudinal vein, the 
third at the extreme tip of the costal cell; in the marginal cell, 
beyond the end of the first longitudinal vein, between the small 
hyaline spot in the shape of a segment of a circle and the costa, 
there is a spot, tinged with yellowish-brown; the broad black 
border along the apex is sometimes a little diluted in its middle. 

Hab. Mexico (Germar). 

Observation.—In. the register of the second part of Wiede- 
mann’s Aussereur. Zweifl. Insecten, there is a Platystoma costalis, 



which is not described in the work itself. Wiedemann’s collec- 
tion proves that this species is identical with the present one. 

2. D. emulan.sp. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 15.) Lutea, thoracis dorso 
fusco, maculis nigris ante suturam quatuor, pone suturam nullis. 

Clay-yellow, dorsum of the thorax brown, with four brown spots before 
the transverse suture and none beyond it. Long. corp. 0.25; cum 
terebra 0.36; long. al. 0.31. 

Very like the preceding in all plastic characters. Almost more 
ochre-yellow than clay-yellow, the thoracic dorsum alone strongly 
infuscated. The front, as in D. costalis, has on each side, near 
the orbit, a shallow impression, clothed with white pollen; below 
it is a round, velvet-black spot, and immediately below the latter 
again a spot of snow-white pollen, only the black spot is smaller 
than in the preceding species; also the two snow-white transverse 
spots on the upper part of the face are apparent, as in D. costalis. 
On the thoracic dorsum there are not six, but only four rounded 
oval velvet-black spots before the transverse suture, which corre- 
spond to the outward ones of the preceding species ; there is no 
trace of black spots on the other side of the suture. The scutel- 
lum is convex and has four bristles; the large first segment of 
the flattened ovipositor is brownish-yellow, long, only moderately 
attenuated towards its end. Feet of the same coloring with the 
remainder of the body; the tarsi only moderately infuscated 
towards their end. Halteres whitish-yellow. Wings of the same 
shape as in D. costalis, only less long, especially their second 
half less elongate, so that the small crossvein is somewhat nearer 
the tip of the wing than in D. costalis, and that the last section 
of the longitudinal veins, ending in the apex of the wing, is 
shorter ; otherwise the venation almost entirely agrees with that 
of D. costalis. The surface of the wing is hyaline; its posterior 
half strongly tinged with a smoky-brownish. The brownish-black 
design resembles that of the preceding species, differs, however, 
from it by the dark border along the apex being much narrower ; 
the posterior limit of the border along the costa is also similar 
to that in the preceding species, but not quite identical ; especially 
where, in D. costalis, this limit crosses the second longitudinal 
yein and leaves on the other side a hyaline segment of a circle; 
instead of the latter there is here only an indistinct paler dot and 
between this and the costa no spot of a paler coloring; the three 


hyaline dots, contained within the black border of the costa, are 
much less clear in the present species, especially the first and the 
third among them. 

Hab. California (Agassiz). 

Gen. IV. IDANA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Body robust. Hairs very short everywhere; thorax with 
bristles on its posterior and lateral borders only. 

Antenne of medium size; third joint oval, but little longer than 
the rather large second joint. Face obtusely carinate between the 
very long antennal fovee. 

Palpi of moderate size; the mentum moderately turgid. 

Wings narrow and very long; first longitudinal vein towards its end 
provided with bristles to a considerable extent ; third and fourth 
longitudinal veins converging towards their end; anal cell not 
drawn out in the shape of a lobe. 

This genus contains conspicuous pollinose species ; their thorax 
is marked with distinct black stripes and the abdomen banded 
with black, the design of the wings not unlike the genus Ptero- 
pecila, while the general shape of the body reminds of the true 
species of Ortalis. 

1. I. marginata Say. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 16.) Ale colore fusco- 
nigro et luteo pulchre variegate, ima cellule marginalis basi, triente 
apicali cellule basalis prime, cellulisque posterioribus duabus primis 
preter venarum limbos pure hyalinis, angulo postico et cellula poste- 
riore tertia fere tota cinereo-hyalinis. 

The wings with a handsome brownish-black and brownish-yellow picture ; 
the extreme basis of the marginal cell, the last third of the first basal 
cell, as well as the first two posterior cells, pure hyaline, with the excep- 
tion of the borders of the veins, inclosing them; the posterior angle 
and the greater part of the third posterior cell grayish hyaline. Long. 
corp. 0.54; cum terebra 0.45; long. al. 0.46 lin. 

Syn. Ortalis marginata Say, Journ. Acad. Phila. VI, p. 183, 

Head reddish-yellow. Front orange-yellow, opaque, with the 
exception of the immediate proximity of the ocelli and of the two 
little callosities, descending from the vertex and bearing the 
frontal bristles; the sides more orange-red, usually infuscated 
above the antenne; on each side a rather narrow border of yel- 
lowish pollen. Antenne of medium length; the first two joints 
of the coloring of the head; the second rather large; the third 
almost orange-yellow, of an oval shape, and but little longer than 


the second; arista of medium length, with a short, but distinct 
pubescence. The vertical diameter of the eyes more than twice 
the length of the horizontal one. Face with very deep and long 
antennal fovee, which run down in a perpendicular direction ; 
their bottom is tinged with brownish-black. The face, between 
the fovex, is strongly, the lower part sharply carinate, and that 
in such a manner that in profile the face runs down perpendicu- 
larly and in a straight line. Cheeks broad; at the lower corner 
of the eye with an infuscated spot. Oral opening rather large, 
somewhat drawn up above, so that the strongly developed, 
although transversely narrow, clypeus, projects a great deal 
beyond the peristomium. The reddish-yellow palpi rather large, 
broader towards the end; the brown proboscis of medium stout- 
ness and the reddish-yellow chin only moderately swollen. The 
whole occiput is strongly and evenly convex. Thorax compara- 
tively stout, but not strongly convex, distinctly narrowed ante- 
riorly. Thoracic dorsum with a very dense, almost ochre-yellow 
dust, and with well-defined black longitudinal stripes; lateral 
border, and usually also the anterior one, chestnut-brownish or 
more chestnut-red; the intermediate stripe, running at an equal 
breadth from the anterior to the posterior border, is divided in 
two halves by a stripe-shaped intermediate line, which is of the 
same breadth with both halves of the intermediate stripe itself; 
the lateral stripes, which are but very little abbreviated anteriorly 
and posteriorly, are crossed by the yellowish-pollinose transverse 
suture; their posterior part moreover has alongside of it a black 
longitudinal stripe, which is not distinctly separated from the 
anterior part of the lateral stripe. Pleure chestnut-brownish, 
about their middle with a broad longitudinal stripe, which is 
clothed with pale ochre-yellowish pollen and gradually disappears 
posteriorly. Scutellum brownish-yellow. Abdomen black, but 
little shining, more or less chestnut-reddish at the extreme basis 
and on the sides of the first two segments; the second and each 
of the following segments have a crossband, of a dingy ochre-yel- 
low, very thickly laid dust, occupying almost the whole of their 
anterior half, and narrowed on each side. The first segment of 
the ovipositor is black, flat, broad, nevertheless strongly attenuated 
towards its end. Feet brownish-yellow, tarsi strongly, but 
gradually infuscated towards the end. Halteres yellowish. The 
wings strikingly elongated, of a comparatively small and rather 


equal breadth ; stigma rather long but not broad; the crossveins 
far distant from each other; the posterior crossvein rather oblique, 
its anterior end nearer the apex of the wing than the posterior 
end ; fourth longitudinal vein strongly bent forward towards the 
end; the first posterior cell considerably narrowed in consequence 
towards the apex; posterior angle of the anal cell pointed, but 
not drawn out in the shape of a lobe. The picture of the wings 
consists, as to color, of brownish-black and brownish-yellow and 
some hyaline cells of a peculiar shape. The root of the wings is 
yellow, as far as the origin of the third longitudinal vein; the 
extreme basis, however, is strongly infuscated ; there is a rather 
dark-brown crossband in the region of the humeral crossvein, and 
the basis of the marginal cell is hyaline. A dark-brown color 
follows next, the first portion of which forms a curved crossband, 
reaching backwards as far as the posterior basal crossvein; ante- 
riorly it is prolonged in the marginal cell, as far as the end of the 
first longitudinal vein, where it stops short abruptly. After some 
interruption, the brownish-black color forms a broad border of the 
anterior margin, beginning somewhat above the posterior cross- 
vein, which does not only occupy the whole breadth of the margi- 
nal cell, but also encroaches on the submarginal cell, follows the 
apex of the wing and the fourth longitudinal vein as far as the 
small crossvein and also covers the latter; posteriorly, it not only 
runs along the posterior crossvein and extends over the end of 
the discal cell, but follows also some distance along the end of the 
fifth longitudinal vein, upon its posterior side; the third longitu- 
dinal vein is bordered with brownish-black upon its whole length. 
The portions of the marginal, submarginal and discal cells, free 
from the brownish-black color, are tinged with brownish-yellow ; 
the first basal cell, as well as the first two posterior cells, are 
hyaline. The alula, as well as the anal angle of the wing and the 
adjoining portion of the third posterior cell, is grayish-hyaline, 
with a tinge of yellow; the posterior side of the fifth longitudinal 
vein has a brownish-yellow border, the middle of the third poste- 
rior cell is rather pure hyaline, only more grayish towards the 
posterior margin of the wing. 
Hab. Virginia, Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken), 


Fourth Section: ORTALINA. 

Gen. 1. AUTOMOLA ¢gen. nov. 

Charact.—Front broad, very much narrowed anteriorly. Eyes rather 
large, slightly protruding, irregularly rounded. Face in profile 
somewhat concave, obtusely carinate between the distinct antennal 
fovee. The anterior edge of the mouth very much drawn upwards, 
so that the rather strongly developed clypeus projects considerably 
beyond it. Cheeks broad. 

Antenne reaching beyond the middle of the face; the first two joints 
short; the narrow third joint more than twice as long as the first 
two taken together, rounded at the end; antennal arista thin, 
slightly stronger at the basis only, with a very short pubescence. 

Thoracic dorsum not bristly on its middle, before the region of the 
transverse suture. The tibie, before the end of their upper side, 
with a preapical bristle. 

The first longitudinal vein bristly before its end; the auxiliary vein 
very much approximated to it; the costa more or less incrassated 
beyond the end of the first longitudinal vein; the third and fourth 
longitudinal veins parallel towards their end; the crossveins not 
approximated ; the second basal cell and the anal cell compara- 
tively rather small, the latter rounded at the end; the sixth longi- 
tudinal vein complete, but remarkably short, and hence, the anal 
angle of the wing very small; alula comparatively large. 

The genus Automola contains unmetallic species. The picture 
of their wings generally consists in black spots upon the root of 
the wings and three black crossbands, the first of which is only 
at a short distance from the basis, while the second runs over the 
posterior crossvein and the third lies between the second and the 
apex of the wing; these bands being more or less incomplete, or 
the second and third expanding or even coalescing into one large 
spot, give rise to different modifications of the design of the wings. 

Ortalis atomaria Wied. and trifasciata Wied. from Brazil, 
may be considered as the types of the genus. North American 
species have not been discovered yet. 

I have already had occasion to mention in the Introduction 
that Aufomola, on account of the preapical bristles on the tibia, 
which distinguish it from the other genera, is not very well 
placed in the family of Ortalide. 


Gen. Il. TETANOPS Fatt. 

Charact.—Front of a considerable and uniform breadth. Eyes rounded- 
oval, or oval. Face strongly projecting in profile, more or less 
retreating below. Clypeus small, but projecting beyond the edge 
of the mouth. Oral opening comparatively small; proboscis but 
little incrassated. 

The hairs and bristles on the body remarkably short, especially the 
bristles of the prothorax much smaller than in any other genus 
among the Ortalina; thoracic dorsum upon its middle only poste- 
riorly with a few bristles. 

Antenne short, sometimes strikingly short; third joint oval, longer 
than the second. 

First longitudinal vein bristly towards its end only; the crossveins 
rather distant; the second and third longitudinal veins parallel 
towards their end, or only gently convergent; posterior angle of 
the anal cell pointed, but not prolonged in the shape of a lobe. 

The North American species of Tefanops are distinguished 
from the European ones by the more distinct and sharper ante- 
rior edge of the mouth, while in the latter the anterior end of the 
oral opening hardly shows a distinct margin. As one of the 
American species, known to me, has, moreover, the vertical 
diameter of the eyes considerably larger than the European 
species, I was for some time in doubt, whether it would not be 
better to separate generically the North American from the 
European species. Nevertheless, they possess enough characters 
in common, to render such a separation, at least for the present, 
unnecessary. Besides the stout head, with the very broad front, 
the striking bareness of the whole body and the great shortness 
of the prothoracic bristle, the absence of any picture on the wings, 
except some very faint spots along the costa, easily distinguishes 
the species of Tetanops. 

1. T. Luridipennmis v. sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 17.) Frons preter 
vittam mediam punctata; ale sordide lutescentes, ad costam obsoletis- 

sime lurido-maculate. 

Front, with the exception of a median stripe, punctate; wings of a dingy 
clay-yellow, with very indistinct brownish-clay-yellow spots along the 
costa. Long. corp. 4, 0.21; 9 cum terebra 0.28—0.32; long. al. 0.18. 

Head reddish-yellow. The very broad front more red; it has 
a small median stripe, which is not pollinose, and has, on each 
side, a brown border; the latter sometimes becomes indistinct 


above, and, on the anterior part of the front, is somewhat turned 
sideways, generally also more expanded and darker. The sides 
of the front, each of which is nearly double the breadth of the 
median stripe, are covered with white pollen, rendered cribrose 
by a dense punctation of pollenless dots, so that of the pollinose 
surface, nothing but a network is left. The face, in profile, 
projects very much in front of the eyes, and retreats very con- 
siderably below; its intermediate portion is, as in all the species 
of Tetanops, comparatively narrow. The antennal fovez are 
deep and sharply defined, shining-black, except on their upper 
portion. Eyes rounded-oval; cheeks very broad. The upper 
part of the occiput is clothed with white pollen; in the vicinity 
of the orbits and of the edge of the vertex this pollen is likewise 
interrupted by punctiform pollenless dots. Antenne yellowish- 
red, the third joint, with the exception of the basal third, more 
or less infuscated. Although the ground color of the thorax is 
shining-black or brownish-black, it is, with the exception of the 
humeri, concealed by a thick grayish-white pollen, sometimes 
yellowish on the thoracic dorsum; numerous punctiform, pollen- 
less dots interrupt this pollen and give it a cribrose appearance 5 
the region of the prothoracic spiracle alone is free from these 
dots. The pollen covering the scutellum is similar in coloring 
to that of the thorax, but it is, to a considerable extent, much 
less thick upon its sides. The abdomen has the same color and 
the same pollinose surface, interrupted by punctiform, pollenless 
dots, as the thorax, but the pollen is a little less thick and the 
punctiform dots a little larger, so that, here and there, they 
coalesce and the ground color becomes more apparent. The first 
segment of the flattened ovipositor is shining black, very broad, 
rather strongly attenuated, however, towards its end. Femora 
blackish-brown, the tip of the front ones yellowish-red to a small, 
the tip of the hindmost ones to a greater extent. Front tibia 
blackish-brown, with a yellowish-red basis; middle tibiz usually 
entirely yellowish-red or but little infuscated towards their end ; 
hind tibize blackish brown, with a yellowish-red basis and gene- 
rally also the extreme tip of the same color. Tarsi yellowish-red 
at the basis, the front ones from about the tip of the first joint, 
the posterior ones from about the tip of the second or third joint, 
blackish-brown. Wings of a dingy clay-yellow, almost brownish 
in fully colored specimens, without any distinct picture ; however, 


indistinct traces of three somewhat darker clouds are apparent; 

the first in the marginal cell, above the ovigin of the submarginal 

cell, the second at the end of the stigma, and the third, which 

sometimes is wanting, fills up the end of the marginal cell; all 

three are so little apparent that they can easily be overlooked. 
Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden). 

2. T.imtegran.sp. ?9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 18.) Frons tota punctata; ale 
cinerez, immaculate. 

The whole front is punctate; wings gray, without any picture. Long. 
corp. cum terebra 0.28—0.31; long. al. 0.17. ‘ 
Head brownish-black, rather dusky brownish-red upon the 

greater part of the front, the cheeks, and near the anterior edge 

of the mouth. The front has no median stripe, and is altogether 
covered with grayish-white pollen, rendered cribrose by numerous 
small and very dense pollenless dots; a fine network, covering 
the whole front, is all that remains pollinose. The pollen 
extends, from the front over the very broad lateral portions of 
the face, as far as the cheeks; the pollenless dots, however, do 
not reach beyond the middle of the face. The face in profile is 
less projecting in front of the eyes, and less retreating below, than 
in 7. luridipennis. 'The antennal fovex, on their outside slope, 
are covered, to a considerable extent, by a white pollen; at the 
bottom they are shining black. The flattened ridge of the 
carina, separating them, has also a whitish pollen. The vertical 
diameter of the eyes is larger than in the preceding species or 
in any of the species of Tetanops to me known. ‘The cheeks are 
very broad, although somewhat narrower than in 7. luridipennis. 
The upper half of the occiput is clothed with a whitish pollen, 
extending upon the hind side of the cheeks as far as the edge of 
the mouth; in the vicinity of the posterior orbit and of the edge 
of the mouth, this pollen is interrupted by pollenless punctiform 
dots. Antenne brownish-red, the third joint for the most part 
blackish-brown. The ground color of the thorax is glossy, almost 
shining-black, but altogether covered by a whitish-gray or more 
yellowish-gray pollen, interrupted by countless dots, which are, 
however, much smaller and less sharply defined than in the pre- 
ceding species. Quite in front, the thoracic dorsum shows an 
indistinet beginning of a median stripe, in the shape of two dark 
longitudinal lines, which are rather distant from each other. 


Upon the pleurz the pollen is perceptibly less dense than upon 
the thoracic dorsum, so that they appear shining. Upon the 
sides of the scutellum the pollen is thick and not interrupted, 
while that upon its disk somewhat resembles the pollen on the 
surface of the thoracic dorsum, only it is a little thinner and 
has no distinct pollenless dots. The abdomen is shining black, 
covered, towards the basis, with a gradually increasing, uninter- 
rupted, but not very thick ash-gray pollen. The first joint of the 
flattened ovipositor is shining black, very broad, but little 
narrowed towards its end, with somewhat convex sides and com- 
paratively shorter than that of 7. luridipennis. Feet black or 
brownish-black; the extreme tip of the femora, the basis and 
extreme tip of the tibiw, as well as the tarsi, yellowish-red ; 
however, the last three or four joints of the fore tarsi and the 
last two joints of the hind tarsi, brownish-black. Wings rather 
hyaline, gray, with a delicate tinge of brownish-clay-yellow, 
without any picture. 
Hab. IMllinois (Osten-Sacken). 


Charact.—Head high and short. Front of a moderate and equal breadth, 
comparatively long. Face rather sharply carinate, only little pro- 
truding in front of the eyes in profile; almost vertical. The 
vertical diameter of the eyes almost double the size of the hori- 
zontal one. Anterior edge of the mouth not drawn upwards. 
Cheeks very narrow. 

Antenne of a medium length; the first two joints short; the third 
ending at a sharp angle, although not excised above. 

Thorax upon its middle with bristles on the hind part only; covered 
with a gray dust. 

The first longitudinal vein with bristles upon its end only; the end of 
the fourth longitudinal vein not curved forward; the posterior 
angle of the anal cell, although sharp, is not extended in the shape 
of a lobe. 

This genus contains only small-sized species, which, in their 
whole organization, approach the species of Pteropaectria; this 
is still more the case with the European species, than with the 
only American one which I know. The latter, however, agrees 
in so many characters with the European Tephronote, that it 
can be placed, without any hesitation, in that genus. Its antenne 
are a little shorter and their third joint somewhat broader; the 


pollen on the body is thicker and more extended than in the 
European species; the crossbands of its wings are incomplete. 

1. T. humilis Loew. § 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 24.) Nigricans, cinereo- 
pollinosa, capite flavo, pedibus luteis, ale albido-hyaling, fasciis tribus 
higris, intermedia integra, reliquis postice abbreviatis. 

Rather black, covered with gray pollen; with a yellow head, and rather 
clay-yellow feet; wings whitish-hyaline, with three black crossbands, 
the median of which is entire; the two others are abbreviated. Long. 
corp. % 0.12—0.14; cum terebra 0.11—0.16 ; long. al. 0.1—0.13. 

Syn. Herina ruficeps v. d. Wuup, Tijdschrift voor Entomol., Jaarg. IX, p. 

Head yellow. Front brighter yellow, almost orange-red upon 
its anterior end; on each side with a conspicuous border of white 
pollen, which, becoming broader, extends below over the face as 
far as the cheeks. The occiput becomes blackish above, but is 
rather evenly covered with a rather thick whitish pollen. The 
ground color of the thorax is rather black, more brownish on the 
humeri and upon the lateral border, as well as below the root 
of the wings; this color, in well-preserved specimens, is covered 
by a grayish-white pollen; upon the thoracic dorsum there are 
two longitudinal stripes, of a somewhat darker color, very little 
apparent and abbreviated posteriorly. The color of the seutellum, 
which is likewise covered with gray pollen, verges more on 
dingy brownish, and on clay-yellow along the edges; in less 
fully colored specimens the whole scutellum is clay-yellow. The 
color of the abdomen is likewise rather black, sometimes only 
brown at the basis. In the male, this color appears distinctly as 
black or brownish-black upon the last segment and on the hypo- 
pygium, both of which are pollenless, while on the preceding 
segments this color is concealed under a rather thick pollen, 
which on the anterior portion of the segment has a light whitish- 
gray, on the posterior half a brown coloring. The female has the 
last abdominal segment likewise pollinose, the pollen being 
generally light white-grayish, or verging on brownish about the 
middle of the abdomen only; the pollen on the preceding 
seements is the same as in the male. The first segment of the 
altogether flattened ovipositor is not very long, but very broad 
and very broadly truncate at its end; its pollen is very little 
perceptible, so that it is glossy-black, more brownish-black in 


immature specimens. Feet of a dirty clay-yellow, femora in the 
middle and tarsi towards the tip, somewhat infuscated. Halteres 
whitish-yellow. Wings whitish-hyaline, with three broad, perpen- 
dicular, more grayish-black than black crossbands. The first of 
these bands covers, near the anterior margin, the latter half of the 
costal cell, and reaches, without becoming more narrow, the fourth 
or fifth longitudinal vein; in the first case it becomes perceptibly 
paler between the third and fourth, in the second case between 
the fourth and fifth longitudinal veins. The second band covers, 
near the anterior margin, the apical half of the stigma and reaches 
there, in most specimens, even a little beyond the end of the first 
longitudinal vein; without attenuating, it runs over the small 
crossveins as far as the fourth longitudinal vein, forms a very 
broad border along the section of the fourth vein lying between 
the two crossveins, and runs, afterwards, along the posterior 
crossvein towards the fifth longitudinal vein; its breadth is not 
the same in all specimens; when narrower, this crossband shows 
a distinct knee-shaped bend, depending upon its passage from the 
small to the posterior crossvein (this is the case with the specimen 
figured by Mr. v. d. Wulp); when broader, this crossband 
extends, in the shape of a blackish-gray shadow, as far as the 
third posterior cell, so that of the knee-shaped bend only a trace 
is left, which is due to a diluted spot upon the inner side of the 
crossband, near the posterior margin.of the discal cell (as repre- 
sented in my figure). The third band covers, on the anterior 
margin, the end of the marginal cell to a considerable extent, 
becomes gradually more narrow posteriorly and reaches more or 
less completely the fourth longitudinal vein, where it suddenly is 
interrupted. The root of the wing is tinged with blackish-gray 
as far as a little beyond the humeral crossvein. The second and 
third longitudinal veins are strongly divergent towards their 
end; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein slightly con- 
verges towards the third vein and is not quite so straight as usual 
in the species of Tephronota, but, at the same time, not so much 
curved forward by far as in the case of the species of Anacampta, 
Flolodasia, and Apospasmica. The erossveins are very much 
approximated, as the distance between them is not much larger 
than the length of the small crossvein, but smaller than the 
posterior crossvein. The posterior angle of the anal cell is short 
and sharp, and not prolonged in the shape of a lobe. The sixth 


longitudinal vein is weak and indistinct soon after its middle, so 
that it appears interrupted a long distance before the margin of 
the wing. 

Hab. New York (Osten-Sacken); Virginia; Texas (Belfrage). 

Observation.—The description of Herina ruficeps by v. d. 
Wulp, contains only one datum which might render its identifi- 
cation with 7. humilis doubtful. He says that the third antennal 
joint is four times as long as the second, while in all my speci- 
mens it hardly reaches three times its length. As, in other 
respects, the agreement of the very good description is perfect, 
I have not the slightest doubt that this difference arises from a 
different mode of viewing or measuring. the antenne. Unfortu- 
nately, the name given by Mr. v. d. Wulp cannot be preserved, 
as it has been preoccupied by Fabricius. 

Gen. IV. CEROXYS Maca. 

Charact.—Head rather rounded. Front very broad, somewhat narrowed 
above, without stripe. The perpendicular diameter of the eyes is 
much larger than the horizontal one. Cheeks of medium breadth. 

Third antennal joint upon its upper side distinctly excised, very much 
pointed at the tip. Arista distinctly pubescent. 

Thoraz, upon its middle, with bristles as far as its anterior portion. 

First longitudinal vein with bristles upon its end only; the fourth 
longitudinal vein not curved forward. The posterior angle of the 
anal cell acute, but not prolonged in the shape of a lobe. 

The genus Ceroxys contains species which are very much 
alike; the thorax and abdomen are thickly covered with yellow- 
ish or grayish dust; the head is yellow. The picture of the 
wings, consisting of comparatively large blackish-brown or black 
spots, is the same in all the species; it consists of seven spots, 
the first of which lies on the basis of the submarginal cell, the 
second upon the end of the stigmatical (third costal) cell; the 
third covers the small and the fourth the posterior crossvein; the 
last three spots lie on the ends of the second, third, and fourth 
longitudinal veins; the last two generally coalesce completely, 
while the one placed at the end of the second vein is generally 
less completely united with them. 

The species are easily distinguished by the shape and color of 
the third antennal joint, by the presence or absence of a dark 
crossband on the posterior margin of the abdominal segments, by 


the greater or smaller extent of the spots on the wings, especially 
by the relative position of the stigmatical spot to the one cover- 
ing the small crossvein, and by the separation or coalescence of 

1. C. obscuricornis n. sp. 4% 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 20.) Polline ex 
cinereo lutescente vestitus, tertio antennarum articulo fusco-nigro, 
pedibus luteis, alarnm macula stigmaticali et limbo vene transversalis 
mediz fasciolam arcuatam efficientibus. 

Covered with a grayish-clay-yellow pollen; third antennal joint brownish- 
black, feet clay-yellow; the spot at the end of the stigmatical cell and 
the one covering the small crossvein form a curved crossband. Long. 
corp. & 0.21; 2 cum terebra 0.25; long. al. 0.2—0.21. 

The first two antennal joints brownish-ferruginous-yellow, or 
brownish-yellow ; third joint brownish-black, of medium breadth ; 
arista black. Scutellum upon its edge only indistinctly yellow- 
ish-brown. Abdomen without any trace of dark crossbands, 
except that the pollen, towards the posterior portion of the seg- 
ments, becomes more brownish-gray in a hardly perceptible 
degree. The first joint of the flattened ovipositor is only 
moderately long, very broad; its truncature very broad also; the 
coloring and the pollen are the same as those of the abdomen. 
Feet clay-yellow; tarsi, with the exception of the basis, more 
or less strongly infuscated ; the only male in my possession has 
the front femora very much infuscated upon the greater part of 
the posterior side; it is not probable, however, that this is a 
constant sexual character. The first spot on the wings extends 
from the first to a little beyond the fourth vein; the spot lying 
upon the end of the stigmatical cell is more or less completely 
coalescent with the one covering the small crossvein, and forms 
with it a rather oblique, distinctly arcuated crossband; the other 
spots have nothing peculiar about them. 

Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden). 

2. C. ochricornis n. sp. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 21.) Polline ex cinereo 
lutescente vestitus, segmentis abdominalibus postice anguste fusco- 
limbatis, antennis ex-ferrugineo ochraceis, pedibus luteis, alarum macula 
stigmaticali et limbo vene transversalis medie# in fasciolam rectam 

Covered with a grayish-clay-colored pollen; the segments of the abd>men 
with narrow brown borders posteriorly ; antenne ochre-brownish, the 


feet clay-yellow; the spot upon the end of the stigmatical cell and the 
one covering the small crossvein, in coalescing, form a straight cross- 
band. Long. corp. cum terebra 0.25; long. al. 0.21. 

Antenne altogether ochre-brownish; third joint distinctly 
broader than in C. obscuricornis; arista brownish-black. Scutel- 
lum generally yellowish, with the exception of its middle. 
Abdominal segments, with the exception of the last one, with 
very narrow, but very sharply limited and conspicuous brown 
posterior margins. The first segment of the very flattened 
ovipositor is only moderately long, very broad, and very broadly 
truncate at the end; its coloring and its pollen are similar to 
those of the abdomen. Feet clay-yellow; tarsi strongly infus- 
cated, generally paler towards the basis. The first spot upon 
the wings reaches from the first to the fourth longitudinal vein ; 
the spot upon the end of the stigmatical cell is more or less 
completely connected with the spot covering the small crossvein, 
forming a straight, almost perpendicular half-crossband; the 
other spots have the ordinary appearance. 

Hab. Northern Wisconsin River (Kennicott). 

3. C. similis n. sp. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 23.)  Polline lutescente 
vestitus, segmentis abdominalibus postice nigro-limbatis, alarum macula 
subbasali in fasciam dilatata, macula stigmaticali et limbo vene trans- 
versalis mediz in fasciolam conjunctis. 

Covered with clay-yellow pollen; the abdominal segments margined with 
black posteriorly; the spot near the basis of the wing is extended in the 
shape of a crossband; the one at the end of the stigmatical cell forms a 
half-crossband with the spot covering the small crossvein. Long. corp. 
* 0.22; 9 cum terebra 0.27—0.28, long. al. 0.21—0.22. 

First two antennal joints yellow; the third joint is unfortunately 
lost in all the three specimens which I have befere me, but is 
probably of the same color. Scutellum yellow, or grayish upon 
its middle only. The segments of the abdomen have all, without 
exception, a brownish-black, narrow, well-defined border, upon 
their posterior side. The first seement of the flattened ovipositor 
is only moderately long, very broad, very broadly truncate at the 
end; its coloring and the pollen upon it, are of the same color 
as on the abdomen. Feet clay-yellow; tarsi, especially towards 
their tip, rather strongly infuscated. The first spot on the wings 
expands into a crossband, reaching anteriorly as far as the costa, 


posteriorly it extends, although somewhat paler, along the sixth 
longitudinal vein, which it finally crosses, as far as the posterior 
margin of the wing, on the fifth longitudinal vein it forms an 
obtuse angle, at which place, on the sides of the fifth longitudinal 
vein, it is very faint, sometimes almost interrupted; the spot at 
the end of the stigmatical cell coalesces with the one covering 
the small crossvein, forming a steep, somewhat curved half-cross- 
band; the spot covering the posterior crossvein is rather large ; 
the three other spots are of the usual shape. 

Hab. Connecticut (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—The name which I give to this species is intended 
to call to mind its extraordinary resemblance to C. crassi- 
pennis Fab., occurring in Europe. This resemblance is so great, 
that I would doubt the specific distinctness of the two species, if 
the femora of the American one were not altogether yellow, while 
those of C. crassipennis are blackish-brown from the basis as far 
as the middle. In order to overlook this difference and to main- 
tain the identity of the two species, the proof of a perfect agree- 
ment in all, even the minutest, plastical characters would be 
required. The three specimens of C. similis in my possession 
are not well preserved enough to enable me to undertake such a 

4. C.camus Loew. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 22.) Polline ex lutescente 
cinereo vel albido-cinereo vestitus, tertio antennarum articulo pedi- 
busque fuscis, alarum macula stigmaticali et limbo vene transversalis 
mediz separatis. 

Covered with a yellowish-gray or grayish-white pollen; third joint of the 
antennze and the feet brown; the spot on the stigmatical cell entirely 
separated from the one which covers the small crossvein. Long. corp. 
* 0.16; 9 cum terebra 0.25; long. al. 0.16—0.18, 

Syv. Ortalis cana Loew, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. II, p. 374. 

Smaller than the preceding species, with a grayish or whitish- 
gray pollen, verging less on yellow. The first two antennal joints 
brownish-yellow or yellowish-brown; the third joint of medium 
breadth and rather blackish-brown. Antennal arista black. The 
scutellum at most indistinctly yellowish-brown along the edges 
only. Abdominal segments without any trace of darker borders. 
The first joint of the flattened ovipositor distinctly longer than in 
the three previous species and somewhat less broadly truncate at 


the end; its coloring and the pollen upon it are the same as 
those on the abdomen. Cox and feet blackish-brown; the 
second coxal joint, the tip of the femur, the basis of the tibiz and 
the extreme tip of the middle tibisxe are yellowish-red. In the 
European specimens this yellowish-red coloring has often a much 
greater extent and also occurs at the basis of the tarsi; it is pro- 
bable that the same is the case with some American specimens. 
The surface of the wings is much more whitish than in the other 
species; the first spot is small, although it reaches from the first 
to the fourth vein; the spot at the end of the stigmatical cell is 
also comparatively small, does not quite reach the second longi- 
tudinal vein, and remains quite separated from the spot covering 
the small crossvein; the spot covering the posterior crossvein is 
of a moderate breadth; the spots upon the ends of the longitu- 
dinal veins are of the ordinary size. 

Hab. Yukon River, Alaska (Kennicott); Nebraska (Dr. 

Observation.—Of this species I possess. only a male from 
Nebraska and a female from Hudson’s Bay Territory. The most 
careful comparison with specimens of Ceroxys canus from the 
southern part of middle Europe and from southern Europe has 
not revealed any character indicative of a specific distinctness of 
the European and the American specimens. 

Gen. V. ANACAMPTA Loew. 

Charact.—Head hemispherical, rather than round; front broad, somewhat 
narrower above; the vertical diameter of the eye much larger than 
the horizontal one; cheeks broad. 

Third antennal joint distinctly cut out upon its upper side; pointed 
at the end. 

Thorax upon its middle provided with bristles near the posterior 
margin only. 

First longitudinal vein with bristles upon its end only; the end of the 
fourth longitudinal vein curved forward in a striking manner; 
posterior angle of the anal cell sharp, but not prolonged in the 
shape of a lobe. 

The genus Anacampta contains species of large size, which 
resemble Ceroxys in their general appearance, as well as in the 
picture of the wings. They differ, however, sufficiently in the 
black color of the body, in the thoracic dorsum not being provided 
with bristles as far as its anterior part and in the conspicuous 



curvature of the end of the fourth longitudinal vein. The black 
coloring of the body they have in common with the species of 
Holodasia and Apospasmica, which they approach in the whole 
structure of their body. They differ from Holodasia in the fact 
that the first longitudinal vein is not provided with bristles upon 
its whole course, but at its end only. From Apospasmica they 
differ in the shape of the anal cell, the posterior angle being only 
acute here, while in Apospasmica it is drawn out in a long lobe ; 
moreover, in the latter genus, the end of the fourth longitudinal 
vein is not curved forward; in Anacampta the picture of the 
wings consists rather of spots, or bands consisting of spots, 
while in Apospasmica there are complete crossbands. The 
structure of the third antennal joint of Anacampta affords a 
character for the distinction of it from all the other genera of 
Ortalina, which renders any further developments superfluous. 

I. A. Latiuscula n.sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 19.) Nigra, thorace 
abdominisque fasciis duabus cinereo-pollinosis, capite ex rufo luteo, 
pedibus rufis, alis nigro-maculatis. 

Black, thorax and two crossbands on the abdomen covered with gray 
pollen; head reddish-yellow; feet red; wings spotted with black. Long. 
corp. % 0.31, 2 cum terebra 0.33—0.34; long. al. 0.26. 

One of the largest species of the genus, and broader in shape 
than most of them. Head reddish-yellow, opaque, covered with 
a very thin, and hence not easily perceptible greenish-white 
pollen; occiput more thickly pollinose with white. Front broad, 
somewhat narrower above; the not very distinct frontal stripe 
very much narrowed above, of a purer yellowish color and almost 
pollenless; the comparatively thick pubescence of the broad 
lateral portions of the front is inserted in very small, but distinct 
brownish dots. Antennz ochreous-brown, the color of the first 
two joints more yellowish, that of the third joint more brownish. 
Ground color of the thorax, with the exception of the brick-red 
humeral callosities, black, but altogether covered with an ashy-gray 
pollen, which is not quite so thick on the pleure as on the 
thoracic dorsum. The hairs and bristles of the thoracic dorsum 
are inserted on small, but distinct black dots. Scutellum black, 
with a broad brick-red border, pollinose with ashy-gray. Abdo- 
men shining-black, with black hairs and two broad crossbands 
of whitish-gray pollen, situate on the anterior portion of the 


second and third segments; they gradually become indistinct on 
the sides and finally disappear near the lateral margin. The 
fifth segment of the female abdomen is very much shortened. 
The first joint of the ovipositor is shining-black, with black hairs, 
about as long as the penultimate segment of the abdomen, not 
very broad, and, towards its end, rather narrowed. Feet brick- 
red; tarsi infuseated towards their end, the front ones much more 
than the four posterior ones; the front tibise also show sometimes 
a browner coloring. Wings grayish-hyaline, quite gray towards 
the posterior border, not very transparent; more yellow towards 
the basis, especially in the costal cell; stigma ochre-yellow, with 
a somewhat infuscated end. The picture of the wings is brownish- 
black; it comprises: 1, a spot upon the humeral crossvein, 
reaching as far as the fourth longitudinal vein; 2, a perpendicular 
crossband, covering the end of the costal cell near the anterior 
border, and reaching posteriorly as far as the sixth longitudinal 
vein; between the fifth and the sixth longitudinal veins it is much 
paler and disappears gradually in the gray coloring of the surface 
of the wing; 3, a perpendicular half-crossband, beginning near 
the anterior margin, immediately beyond the end of the first 
longitudinal vein, running over the small crossvein and reaching 
a little beyond its posterior end; 4, a spot, broadly covering the 
posterior crossvein in the shape of a half-crossband; 5, a spot 
occupying the end of the marginal cell and, with the end nearer 
to the root of the wing, reaching into the submarginal almost in 
the shape of a hook, without touching the third vein; 6, a spot 
near the apex of the wing, the limit of which runs almost perpen- 
dicularly from the end of the second longitudinal vein to the 
fourth longitudinal, beyond which it occupies only a small space 
at the extreme end of the second posterior cell. 
Hab. California (Alex. Agassiz). 

Gen. VI. APOSPASMICA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth. Face rather strongly carinate; rather 
perpendicular and straight in profile; the vertical diameter of the 
eyes very much larger than the horizontal one. 

Third antennal joint, on its upper side, gently but distinctly excised, 
very pointed at the end; arista very bare. 
Thorax along the middle with bristles on its hind part only. 


First longitudinal vein with bristles towards its end only ; the end of 
the fourth longitudinal vein not curved forward ; the posterior angle 
of the anal cell drawn out in a narrow, exceedingly long lobe. 

Robust, black species, of the same general appearance as 
Holodasia and Anacampta; the structure of the head more like 
that of Pteropaectria; the thorax generally shows longitudinal 
lines of a paler-colored dust, answering to the intervals of the 
ordinary thoracic stripes. The wings have complete crossbands. 

The typical species is the Ortalis fasciata of Wiedemann, from 
Chile, which is identical with the Tephritis quinquefasciata 
Macq. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. IV, 291. 

The shape of the anal cell reminds very much of Diacrita ; 
nevertheless, there are no other points of relationship between 
the two genera. 

Observation.—Should an American species be found which 
does not well fit in any of the above-described six genera, the 
characters of the European genera should be compared; they 
have been given in the part treating of the systematic distribu- 
tion of the Ortalide in general. 

Fifth Section: PrEROcALLINA. 


Charact.— General appearance: Trypeta-like. 

Wings very narrow, in comparison to their length, of a rather striking 
shape on account of their equal breadth, very broadly rounded at 
the root and at the tip; auxiliary vein much shorter than the first 
longitudinal vein, so that the distance between the ends of both is 
strikingly large; first basal and discal cells very long; posterior 
crossvein very oblique, its anterior end being much nearer the apex 
of the wing than its posterior end; the posterior angle of the anal 
cell drawn out in a moderately long lobe. 

The peculiarities in the outline of the wings and in the vena- 
tion of the species belonging to this genus are so striking, that 
no doubt can possibly arise about the location of any of them. 
In some other respects, these species differ considerably from 
each other, so that, should their number increase, it would be 
necessary to break up the genus Pterocalla into smaller genera. 
The name Pterocalla would, in this case, remain to the genus 
which contains P, ocellata Fab., as Mr. Rondani established the 
genus for this species. 


1. P. strigula n. sp. %.—(Tab. VIII, f. 30.) Albido-pollinosa, 
punctis maculisque deformibus fusco-nigris aspersa; ale fusco-nigre, 
disco dilutius fusco, punctis maculisque fusco-nigris variegato, margi- 
nibus antivo macularum hyalinarum serie, postico limbo latiusculo 
hyalino ornatis, venis longitudinalibus non undulatis. 

Clethed with white pollen, marked with brownish-black dots and irregular 
spots; wings brownish-black, of a paler brown upon their middle, and 
with brownish-black spots and dots; the anterior margin with a row of 
hyaline spots and the posterior margin with a rather broad hyaline 
border; longitudinal veins not undulated. Long. corp. 0.12—0.13, 
Long. al. 0.17—0.18. 

In the structure of the head and of its parts, the coloring and 
picture of the whole body, this species resembles Myennis vau very 
much, but it differs considerably in the narrow wings with almost 
parallel sides, with a different venation and a different picture. 
The ground color of the body is an opaque brownish-black, for 
the most part covered with a thick white dust; the latter’s surface 
on the upper side is broken through by brownish-black dots and 
a number of rather regularly arranged, but very irregularly shaped, 
brownish-black spots; the face does not show any such broken 
through places; the upper, larger half of the pleursze shows 
numerous brownish-black dots, which almost coalesce above into 
a stripe; a little below the middle of the pleure there is a 
brownish-black longitudinal stripe and immediately below it a 
narrower stripe, formed by a white pollen; the pectus is brownish- 
black. Femora and tibise brownish-black (the intermediate 
femora in the described specimen are paler perhaps in consequence 
of immaturity); all the femora have, upon their last third, a more 
or less complete ring of white pollen; their extreme tip, as well 
as the basis of the tibiz, are tinged with yellowish-white; each 
tibia shows, upon its middle, a very conspicuous white ring and 
a very sharply limited white tip. The yellowish-white feet are 
somewhat infuscated towards the end. Wings strikingly long 
and narrow, of an unusually equal breadth; very obtuse at the 
end, like in other species of Pterocalla; the auxiliary vein is 
remarkably short, so that the distance between its end and.the 
end of the first longitudinal vein is remarkably large; the second 
longitudinal vein is rather long; the third ends not far from the 
apex of the wing, and has, like the others, a very straight and not 

-at all undulated course; the ends of the third and fourth veins 

hardly show a vestige of convergency; the crossveins are rather 


closely approximated ; the posterior crossvein, with its anterior 
end, is nearer to the apex than with its posterior end; the poste- 
rior angle of the anal cell is drawn out in a very long and pointed 
lobe (the figure makes it too short and heavy). The extended 
and entirely uninterrupted picture of the wings leaves near the 
anterior margin an irregular row of hyaline spots and on the 
posterior margin a broader hyaline border, with an irregularly 
undulated outline; the coloring of the picture is brownish-black ; 
its inner part is paler brown, with numerous brownish-black dots 
and spots. 
Hab. Georgia (Berlin Museum). 

Gen. Il. STICTOCEPHALA nov. gen. 

Charact.— General appearance: Trypeta-like. 

Front very broad, with punctures; cheeks comparatively broad; 
clypeus somewhat projecting over the edge of the mouth. 

Wings of the usual shape; the ends of the auxiliary and of the first 
longitudinal veins are far distant from each other; posterior cross- 
vein steep; posterior angle of the anal cell acute; the third and 
fourth longitudinal veins, towards their end, at least with a trace 
of a convergency. 

All the species belonging here are opaque in their coloring ; 
thorax and abdomen are punctate in all of them; moreover, they 
are generally marked with other pictures. 

The species which I know of may be separated in two groups, 
on account of the different size of the hairs on the front. Sticto- 
cephala cribrum and cribellum, would belong to the first group, 
S. corticalis and vau to the second. In the two latter species, 
the two uppermost of the short hairs, inserted on the lateral 
border of the front, assume the appearance of bristles, so that in 
this respect these species are like the Trypetina, while this is not 
the case with the two preceding species. 

1. S. cribellum pn. sp. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 26.) Cinerea, frontis 
parte antica, antennis, facie, genis, proboscide, palpis pedibusque luteis ; 
ale hyaline, fasciis quatuor, preter secundam, postice abbreviatis, 
macula apicali et ven transversalis posterioris limbo fuscis. 

Gray ; the anterior part of the front, antennz, face, cheeks, proboscis, 
palpi, and feet clay-yellow. Wings hyaline, with four bands, which are 
abbreviated posteriorly, except the second; a spot at the apex and a 
border along the posterior crossvein, brown. Long. corp. 0.13—0.15; . 
long. al. 0.14—0.15. 


Light gray, front somewhat yellowish towards its anterior 
margin, covered with rather coarse punctures; the uppermost 
hairs near the lateral margin of the front are not longer and 
stronger than usual. Antenne clay-yellow, third joint rounded- 
ovate, sometimes rather brownish-yellow. Ground color of face 
and cheeks clay-yellowish, covered with a whitish pollen. Pro- 
boscis and palpi clay-yellowish. Thoracic dorsum with some- 
what scattered blackish-brown dots, which sometimes coalesce 
in lines upon its posterior portion; moreover with four brownizh- 
black spots in a row corresponding to the transverse suture. 
Scutellum with four bristles, turgid, pale-gray, with two conspicu- 
ously large shining-black spots at the end. Metathorax black, 
pruinose with whitish-gray. Pleurz dotted with brownish-black 
above. Abdomen with similar dots, usually with a more clay- 
yellow ground color at the basis; this color is sometimes more 
extended and gives the abdomen a more yellowish-gray tinge, 
while the thorax is whitish-gray. Coxe and feet clay-yellow; 
posterior coxe at the basis and the tarsi towards their tip, some- 
what infuscated. Wings hyaline with four perpendicular, not 
very dark, brown bands, a broad brown border on the posterior 
crossyein and a brown apex; the first band begins near the ante- 
rior margin immediately beyond the humeral crossvein, and is not 
distinetly perceptible beyond the sixth longitudinal vein; the 
anal cell is just filled out by it; the second band begins at the 
anterior margin quite near the end of the auxiliary vein, and ends 
upon the end of the sixth longitudinal vein; the third band begins 
immediately before the end of the first longitudinal vein and runs 
across the small crossvein, at the end of which it is interrupted ; 
the fourth band generally reaches from the anterior margin not 
quite as far as the third longitudinal vein, or is continued a little 
beyond it in the shape of a faint shadow. 

Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden). 

2. S.cribrum n. sp. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 25.) Precedenti simillima, 
sed major, alarum pictura simili, sed saturatiore, fascia tertia et vene 
transversalis posterioris limbo in fasciam integram confluentibus, tibia- 
rum omnium apice, posticarumque annulo medio, apice denique tarsorum 

Very like the preceding, but larger; the same picture of the wings, but 
darker; the third band and the infuseation along the posterior crossvein 



coalesce into an incomplete crossband. The tip of all the tibiz, a ring 
on the middle of the hind ones and the tip of all the tarsi, black. Long. 
corp. 0.21; long. al. 0.20. 

Unfortunately, I possess only a single, badly preserved speci- 
men of this insect. The resemblance to the preceding species 
is so great, that only the observation of the living insect or 
the comparison of a large number of specimens, will enable one 
ultimately to decide about their specific diversity. The con- 
siderably larger size, the darker coloring of the picture of the 
wings, the coalescence of the third crossband of the wings with 
the infuscation on the posterior crossvein into a complete band, 
the difference in the coloring of the feet (in S. cribellum the 
tibize show only a weak trace of a darker coloring at the tips, and 
there is no trace whatever of a ring on the hind tibiz, the tarsi 
are but slightly infuscated towards the end)—all these differences 
render a specific distinetness probable, although, on the other 
hand, the great resemblance of all the other characters tends to 
diminish this probability. 

Hab. Middle States (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—In case the specific identity of S. eribellum and 
cribrum is proved, the latter name should be retained for the 
species, as representing the more fully colored, and hence, normal 
specimens, while S. erdbellum would then be regarded as a 
smaller and paler variety. 

3. 8. corticalis Fitcn in litt. % 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 28.) Fusco-nigra, 
polline albo-cinereo aspersa, punctis, muculisque fusco-nigris variegata ; 
ale albido-hyalinw, venis omnibus, maculisque numerosis nigris. 

Brownish-black, covered with a whitish-gray pollen and with brownish- 
black spots and dots; wings whitish-hyaline, with black veins and 
numerous black spots. Long. corp. % 0.15; 9, 0.19. Long. al. 0.17. 

The ground color of the body is an opaque brownish-black. 
Head of the same coloring, only the front, towards its anterior 
margin, seems to have a more or less reddish-brown or brownish- 
red ground color; the pollen on the whole head is whitish-gray ; 
on the extreme lateral margin of the front it is more dense and 
almost white; upon the middle of the front and at a considerable 
distance from its sides, there are two oval, oblique, opaque, 
brownish-black spots; a spot of the same coloring surrounds the 
ocelli, and has, upon each side a smaller spot, upon which the 


inner vertical bristle is inserted. The two superior hairs upon 
the sides of the front are prolonged and incrassated to the size of 
distinct bristles; above the two spots upon its middle, the front 
has no hairs, besides these bristles; below the spots, however, the 
front is beset with erect black hairs, inserted upon hardly per- 
ceptible dark dots. Antenne ferruginous-brown, more distinctly 
ferruginous on their inner side towards the basis; the third joint 
round, black towards the end. Arista slightly incrassated at the 
basis and blackish-brown upon the incrassation, then pale yel- 
lowish and again darker towards the end. Thorax covered with 
a white-grayish pollen and with a brownish-black punctation and 
picture; the latter consists of ten regularly arranged spots upon 
its disk, and of a longitudinal stripe on each side, which begins 
at the anterior end and reaches up to the root of the wings; the 
picture of the pleure consists of two irregular longitudinal stripes; 
the pectus is neither punctate nor pictured, and the pollen upon 
it is not equally distinct when viewed from different sides. The 
rather turgid scutellum has a brownish-black picture, the whitish- 
gray pollen remaining visible on the lateral corners and at the 
end only. The abdomen agrees with the thorax in its coloring 
and has, besides the punctation, a regular and elegant brownish- 
black picture, which is more fully developed in the female than 
in the male; it consists of two small, approximated longitudinal 
stripes in the middle of the abdomen, which begin at the 
posterior end of the second segment and end at the posterior 
end of the fourth segment; on both sides of these stripes, between 
them and the lateral margin, there is a row of conspicuous 
spots, placed near the anterior margin of the segments and not 
reaching the posterior one. The first segment of the ovipositor 
is very broad and broadly truncate at the end; brownish-black, 
like the rest of the body; its basis is marked with two very large 
brownish-black spots, reaching as far as the middle and which 
have only a narrow stripe between them; the latter, as well as 
the posterior half are covered with a thin, whitish-gray pollen, 
and punctate with brownish-black, Feet brownish-black; knees, 
a rather broad ring upon the middle of the tibiz and basis of the 
tarsi yellowish. Halteres blackish-brown, the stem, with the 
exception of its basis, of a dirty whitish. Wings hyaline, viewed 
obliquely strikingly whitish; all the veins black upon their whole 
extent. The picture consists of rather numerous black spots, 


which seem to be rather constant in their position, but less con- 
stant in their extent; the figure is drawn from a female specimen, 
which has them less extended ; usually, the inside of these spots 
is distinctly paler, but this varies in different specimens; very 
characteristic is the part of the picture surrounding the small 
crossvein, which does not seem to be subjected to any important 

Hab. New York (A. Fitch). 

Observation.—The described specimens, a male and a female, 
were obtained by Baron Osten-Sacken from Dr. Fitch under the 
name of Trypeta corticalis. 

4. 8S. vwaw Say. 9.—(Tab. VIII, f. 29.) Fusco-nigra, polline albo- 
cinereo aspersa, punctis maculisque fusco-nigris variegata; ale hyaline, 
maculis octo nigris, quatuor costalibus, unica apicali, unicd margini 
postico contigua reliquis majore et venam transversalem posteriorem 
includente, duabus denique minoribus vene longitudinali sexte appo- 
sitis; preterea macula ovata lutescens permagna, a mucula costali 
secunda usque ad secundam vene sexte maculam pertinens conspicitur 
et macula cost tertia eodem colore luteo cum macula marginis postici 
conjungitur, ita ut fascia integra, in media ala multo dilutior, appareat. 

Brownish-black, powdered with whitish-gray, marked with brownish-black 
dots and spots; wings hyaline, with eight black spots, four on the costa, 
one at the apex, one, larger than the others, near the posterior margin, 
covering the posterior crossvein, two smaller spots upon the sixth 
longitudinal vein; besides, there is a very large ovate, brownish-yellow 
spot, extending from the second spot on the anterior margin to the 
second of the two smaller spots on the sixth longitudinal vein ; the third 
spot on the anterior margin is connected by the same coloring with the 
spot upon the posterior crossvein, thus forming a complete crossband, 
which is much paler in the middle of the wing. Long. corp. 0.16—0.19; 
cum terebra 0.18—0.24; long. al. 0.14—0.18. 

Syy. Ortalis vau Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. VI, 184, 4. 

Ground color opaque brownish-black. Head of the same color, 
but the anterior portion of the front and the face of a reddish- 
brown or dirty brick-red coloring, which sometimes also extends 
to the middle line of the front. The two superior hairs upon the 
lateral margin of the front are bristle-like. The front, from the 
anterior margin nearly as far as the ocelli, is clothed with black 
hairs, inserted upon impressed punctures; there is no definite 
picture upon it. The thorax is covered with a white pollen and 
punctate with brownish-black. The picture on the thoracic 


dorsum consists of ten small spots, the inner ones among which 
are sometimes dissolved into dots, and moreover, on each side, 
of a row of spots, almost coalescent into an irregular longitudinal 
stripe, closely approximated to the exterior margin; upon the 
pleure there are two irregular longitudinal stripes; the pectus 
itself is brownish-black without any paler pollen or paler picture. 
Abdomen with a whitish-gray pollen, with brownish-black dots 
and with four longitudinal rows of brownish-black spots, placed 
upon the anterior portion of the segments; between them, upon 
the middle of the third and fourth segments, there are two still 
smaller spots upon the posterior portion of these segments. The 
first segment of the ovipositor is brownish-black, opaque, without 
any whitish-gray pollen and without picture. Feet brownish- 
black, sometimes only dark-brown in not fully colored specimens ; 
knees, a ring in the middle of the tibiz and the tarsi clay-yellow ; 
usually the last three joints of the front tarsi and the last two on 
the posterior tarsi, are more or less infuscated. Halteres 
yellowish-white. Wings hyaline, rather whitish when viewed 
obliquely, their picture consisting partly of a black, partly of a 
clay-yellow or brownish-yellow coloring; there are four deep- 
black spots upon the costa; the first is composed of the incrassated 
humeral crossvein, and a short line, immediately beyond it, 
between the costa and the auxiliary vein, so that it has the shape 
of a fork, or almost of a ring; below the humeral crossvein, as 
well as below the small arcuate crossband, there are small black 
dots (one under each); the second deep-black spot on the ante- 
rior margin lies in the costal cell, but little beyond the end of the 
small basal cells; it is circular; between it and the third spot 
on the anterior margin, there is a small deep-black dot, placed 
at the end of the auxiliary vein; the third, likewise deep-black 
spot on the anterior margin, lies on the end of the subcostal cell 
and reaches the second longitudinal vein; the fourth spot on the 
anterior margin lies before the end of the marginal cell; inside 
of this cell it is deep-black, but turns beyond it into brown and 
further into yellowish-brown ; it ends in the middle between the 
third and fourth longitudinal veins, thus assuming the shape of 
a perpendicular crossband, which is broader at its anterior end. 
At the apex of the wing there is another black spot, which begins 
immediately beyond the termination of the second longitudinal 
vein and extends but little beyond the end of the fourth longitu. 


dinal vein. The posterior crossvein is covered by a brownish- 
black spot, which is especially expanded near the posterior margin 
and the anterior end of which is connected by an ochre-yellowish 
or somewhat brownish-yellow coloring with the third spot of the 
anterior margin, thus forming a complete crossband, somewhat 
expanded posteriorly and tinged with yellowish in the middle. 
Sometimes, however, the brown spot upon the posterior crossvein 
is somewhat more isolated from the yellowish coloring and extends 
in the direction of the half-crossband, formed by the fourth spot 
on the anterior margin. ‘This less common variety is the one 
described by Say, 1. c.; the ordinary picture is represented on 
Tab. VIII, f. 29, of the present volume. On the anterior side 
of the sixth longitudinal vein there are two black spots of only 
moderate size and rounded shape. Of them, the second only 
crosses that vein, gradually to fade away. Between the second 
costal spot and the second of the two spots of the sixth vein, 
there is a very large oval ochre-yellowish or more brownish- 
ochreous spot; it reaches on one side as far as the posterior basal 
cell, and assumes within the marginal cell a rather dark-brown 
coloring. The veins of the wing are black or brownish-black 
inside of the picture, clay-yellow elsewhere. The third and 
fourth longitudinal veins converge towards their end a little more 
than in the preceding species. 

Hab. United States. 

Observation.—I possess six female specimens and no male, but 
have seen the latter in other collections. It does not show any 
perceptible difference from the female, except in the sexual marks. 

Gen. III. CALLOPISTRIA nov. gen. 

Charact.— General appearance almost Trypeta-like. 

Front exceedingly broad, with impressed punctures; cheeks com- 
paratively broad; clypeus somewhat projecting over the edge of the 
mouth, sometimes withdrawn inside of the oral opening. 

Wings with an unusually convex posterior margin; posterior cross- 
vein very oblique, its anterior end much more approximated to the 
apex of the wing, than the posterior end; the posterior angle of the 
anal cell is drawn out in a very long, acute lobe. 

The species upon which this genus is based, cannot well be 

placed in the genus Stictocephala on account of the remarkable 
difference in the outline of the wings as well as in the venation. 


In other respects this species agrees with the preceding genus in 
the structure of the body; with S. corticalis and vau it even 
agrees in the coloring and the picture of the body, as well as in 
the bristle-like nature of the upper hairs on the sides of the front. 

I. C. ammulipes Mace. % 9%.—(Tab. VIII, f. 27.) Fusco-nigra, 
albido-pollinosa, et punctis maculisque fusco-nigris variegata, tibiis 
tarsisque pallide lutescentibus, illis nigro-triannulatis, his apicem versus 
infuscatis; ale hyaline, maculis punctisque nigris confertim asperse. 

Brownish-black, with a whitish pollen, pictured with brownish-black spots 
and dots; tibie# and tarsi pale-yellowish, the former with three black 
rings, the latter brown towards their end. Wings hyaline, densely 

covered with black spots and dots. Long. corp. % 0.14—0.15; 2 0.17; 
long. al. 0.16—0.18. . 

Syn. Platystoma annulipes Macauart, Dipt. Exot. Suppl. V, p. 121. 

The ground color of the body is brownish-black and opaque; 
the pollen, covering it, is whitish-gray. Head of the same color, 
covered everywhere with brownish-black spots, moreover, dotted 
with brownish-black upon the front and the cheeks; upon the 
posterior orbit especially there is a conspicuous short row of 
brownish-black spots. Front very broad, perceptibly narrower 
anteriorly, where it is yellowish or yellowish-red. Eyes rather 
strongly projecting. Antenne brown, the first two joints and the 
larger part of the inner side of the third joint yellowish-brown, 
sometimes much paler. Thoracic dorsum with brownish-black 
dots, which coalesce into ill-defined, although regularly arranged, 
spots. Seutellum somewhat swollen, with four bristles, two 
brownish-black longitudinal stripes and two blackish-brown dots, 
upon which the lateral bristles are imserted. Pleure likewise with 
brownish-black dots and spots; tle latter form two irregular and 
incomplete longitudinal stripes. Pectus brownish-black, with a 
brown, but little perceptible, pollen. Abdomen with brownish- 
black dots and regularly arranged spots; the first segment of the 
ovipositor is for the most part covered with a whitish-gray pollen 
and punctate with brownish-black. Femora brownish-black, with 
a more or less distinct, broad, irregular ring, covered with gray 
pollen, and with black dots; the tip is pale-yellowish. Tibi 
pale-vellowish with three regular brownish-black rings; the first 
near the basis, the last before the apex; tarsi of the same color 
as the tibix, infuscated towards the tip. Halteres pale-yellowish. 


Wings of an unusual shape, on account of the great convexity 
of the posterior margin, hyaline, with black veins and numerous, 
partly only punctiform, partly rather large black spots of an 
irregular shape; the punctiform dots prevail in the middle, while 
the borders of the wing are principally occupied by larger spots, 
among which those along the posterior margin do not entirely 
reach the latter. The peculiarities of the venation are indicated 
above, among the generic characters. 

Hab. United States; very common. 

Observation.—I do not entertain the slightest doubt that 
Macquart’s Platystoma annulipes is the above-described species. 
His description agrees perfectly well, with the exception of the 
words: ‘‘face blanche, une petite tache ronde d’un noir luisant de 
chaque cote.” All my specimens have, on the sides of the face, 
or rather on the cheeks, nothing but brownish-black, opaque, 
irregular spots. 

Gen. IV. MOWENNIS R. Desv. 

Charact.— General appearance: Trypeta-like. 

Third antennal joint oval; cheeks broad, clypeus small, projecting 
over the edge of the mouth. 

Wings narrow in comparison to their length, a little more attenuated 
towards the apex; the first longitudinal vein beset with bristles 
upon the portion only, which forms the limit of the very long 
stigma; before this spot the first longitudinal vein appears almost 
bare, the pubescence being very short and delicate; the two poste- 
rior basal cells are comparatively large; the posterior angle of the 
anal cell is pointed ; the posterior end of both crossveins is nearer 
the apex of the wing than their anterior end, so that their position 
is a very oblique one. 

The genus Myennis was established by Rob. Desvoidy for 
Scatophaga fasciata Fab. As Trypeta scutellaris Wied. agrees 
with that species in the above-enumerated characters, we can, for 
the present, unhesitatingly refer it to Myennis. The peculiarity, 
however, of the Pterocallina, of showing considerable plastic dif- 
ferences almost from species to species, appears again in the two 
above-named species. In P. scutellaris Wied. the eyes are less 
round, the cheeks broader, the scutellum less swollen, the cross- 
veins less approximated, the longitudinal veins, instead of straight, 
somewhat undulated, and the third and fourth longitudinal veins, 
towards their end, not distinctly convergent, but parallel. 


1. M. scutellaris Wiep. % 9.—Cinerea, antennis flavis, pedibus ex 
fusco testaceis, thoracis margine laterali atro-maculato, scutello tumido ; 
ale anguste, hyaline, fasciola basali, fasciis duabus discoidalibus antice 
connatis, plagdque apicali ex nigro fuscis picte, preterea in cellulis 
marginali et submarginali maculis aliquot fuscis variegate. 

Var. %, fascia discoidali secunda inter venas transversales late interrupta. 

Cinereous, with yellow antenne and brownish-yellow feet; the lateral 
margin of the thorax with black spots; the scutellum swollen; the 
narrow wings are hyaline; a small crossband at the basis, two cross- 
bands, connected anteriorly, upon the middle of the wing and a large 
spot upon the apex, brownish-black ; moreover several brown spots in 
the marginal and submarginal cells. 

Var. % the second of the two bands upon the middle of the wing, is 
broadly interrupted in the middle. 

Long. corp. 0.17—0.18 ; long. al. 0.17—0.18. 

Syn. Trypeta scutellaris WigDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 484. 
Trypeta? scutellaris Lozw, Monogr. of N. A. Dipt. I, p. 92. Tab. II, f. 
26, 27. 

Very like a Trypeta in its general appearance. Head com- 
paratively high. The under side of the occiput rather tumid. 
Front yellow, of a medium breadth, long, its anterior margin 
rather projecting. Face somewhat retreating, a little excavated, 
infuscated inferiorly, covered with a pale-colored dust; antennal 
fovee hardly indicated. Eyes oval. Cheeks brown, very broad. 
Proboscis not perceptibly incrassated. Palpi short, but broad, 
of a dusky reddish-yellow; clypeus small and narrow. Antenne 
ochre-yellow; the third joint oval, altogether rounded at the end; 
arista rather long and bare; it is thin at the end, but gradually 
stouter towards the basis. The upper part of the thorax dark- 
gray from a thick dust; the ground color of the humeri more or 
less ferruginous-yellow. Upon the lateral border of the thorax 
there is an irregular row of, for the most part contiguous, black 
spots; the largest among them is near the posterior corner; one 
is higher upon the upper part of the thorax than the others and 
near the transverse suture. The hairs and bristles are also placed 
upon very small, and but little perceptible, black dots. Secutellum 
with four bristles, rather turgid, of a shining dark-brown, with a 
clay-yellow median stripe; sometimes the clay-yellow color is 
more extended. Pleure blackish-brown, the posterior part yel- 
lowish-brown. Abdomen of the male cinereous; the penultimate 
segment shining-black, more thickly dusted towards the posterior 


margin, and hence gray and opaque; the last segment is similar 
to the penultimate, only the dust on the posterior margin is less 
extended. The female has a blackish-gray abdomen (its color- 
ing, however, seems to have been unnaturally modified in the 
four specimens which I had for examination); at the basis of the 
last three segments a darker coloring is perceptible, but it is not 
shining. The flattened, broad, yellowish-brown ovipositor is but 
very little attenuated towards its end. Feet brownish-yellow, 
the front femora at the basis, the four posterior ones near the 
apex, brown. The more maturely colored male has the greater 
part of the femora dark-brown, the first half of the tibie and a 
faded ring upon the middle of their second half, yellowish-brown. 
Wings comparatively long and narrow; the first longitudinal vein 
reaches far beyond the middle of the anterior margin and is beset 
with bristles along the side of the very long stigma only; the 
longitudinal veins have a very irregular undulated course; both 
crossveins have their anterior end nearer to the root of the wing, 
than the posterior end; their position is consequently a distinctly 
oblique one and both are slightly bisinuated; the third longitu- 
dinal vein is not beset with bristles. Both small basal cells are 
rather large in size; the posterior angle of the anal cell is strongly 
pointed; the third and fourth longitudinal veins are parallel 
towards their end. The stigma is brownish-black ; a brownish- 
black picture is contiguous to it, which has almost the shape 
of an inverted V; it is formed by two crossbands which are 
coalescent in front; the first is broader and runs from the basis 
of the stigma over the basis of the discal and of the third poste- 
rior cells rather perpendicularly, almost reaching the posterior 
margin of the wing, while the narrower second band takes ah 
oblique course over both crossveins, as far as the posterior 
margin; a short, but rather broad brownish-black crossband runs 
from the humeral crossvein as far as the basis of the anal cell; 
upon the apex there is a very large blackish-brown spot, begin- 
ning at the end of the marginal cell and extending to the tip of 
the second posterior cell; in the submarginal cell, between this 
large spot and the preceding crossband, there is a brownish-black 
spot of a considerable size, which, however, is very variable in 
different specimens; the portion of the marginal cell situated 
between the stigma and the apical spot has blackish-brown, 
brownish and almost hyaline spots; a small spot of a much darker 


tinge lies near the anterior side of the second longitudinal vein, 
below the point of the stigma. The picture of the wings seems 
to be rather variable, the end of the exterior costal cell being 
sometimes blackish-brown, sometimes hyaline; the other dark 
spots are sometimes faded upon their middle, sometimes also less 
extended. Ina male in the Berlin Museum, the only specimen 
of that sex which I have seen, the crossband covering both cross- 
veins is broadly interrupted between them (compare the figure in 
Monographs, ete., Vol. I, Tab. II, f. 26). At first, I supposed 
this difference to be a sexual one, but I doubt this now, since I 
have had an opportunity of ascertaining the great inconstancy of 
the picture of the wings of the female. 

Hab. Mexico. 

Observation.—The figures given in the Monographs, ete., Vol. 
I, Tab. II, f. 26, 27, are sufficiently correct as far as the picture 
of the wing is concerned, but the outline of the wing is not well 
rendered; they are represented as too broad in proportion to 
their length. 



First Section: Urbina. 


Charact.—Front broad, narrower anteriorly, abundantly hairy on the 
whole surface, the hairs on its sides not longer. 

Antenne rather short, third joint elongated-oval, with a thin, bare 

Face not excavated, descending vertically; clypeus projecting over 
the border of the mouth; opening of the mouth not large; proboscis 
but little thickened. 

Thorax bristly on its hind part only; scutellum with a rather even 
surface and with four bristles. 

Wings broader than those of the related genera; stigma of a very 
conspicuous size; posterior crossvein oblique, its anterior end being 
much nearer the apex of the wing than the posterior; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein is strongly bent forward; 
the posterior angle of the anal cell is drawn out in a point. 

The general appearance of the species of this genus is very 
much like that of Zrypeta; the coloring of the species at present 


known is not metallic. The peculiar venation distinguishes these 
species from all the others of the present group. The typical 
species is D. lutulenta Loew (Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. XI, 285; 
Tab. II, fig. 1), from Surinam. 

No Dasymetope from North America are as yet known. 

Gen. II. OEDOPA Loew. 

” Charact.—Head conspicuously large; front unusually broad; ocelli on the 
edge of the vertex, very closely approximated. 

Antenne very short and very distant from each other; third joint 
rounded, with a thin, bare arista; frontal fissure running in an 
almost straight line from antenna to antenna; no frontal lunule. 

Face broad, somewhat convex, with a small excavation under each 
antenna; its lateral portions conspicuously broad, distinctly 
separated from the middle portion. 

Eyes rather round, but somewhat broader than high, comparatively 
small, hardly reaching the middle of the height of the head ; hence, 
the cheeks unusually broad. 

Clypeus not horseshoe-shaped and thus surrounding the proboscis, 
but lobiform, connate with the anterior edge of the comparatively 
small oral opening ; proboscis small. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutel/um flat, with four 

Wings: the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein, towards its 
tip, is somewhat curved forward and thus convergent towards the 
third vein; posterior crossvein curved in the shape of an S; poste- 
rior angle of the anal cell drawn out in an elongated point. 

The body appears very bare on account of the sparseness and 
shortness of the hairs, as well as of the shortness of the bristles. 
The structure of the head resembles somewhat that of some South 
Asiatic Ortalide, while similar American forms have, before 
now, not been known. 

1. O. capito Lorw. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 1-3.) Albicans, fascia frontis 
tenui, thoracisque vittis nigris, in supero faciei margine maculis atris 
tribus, lateralibus ovatis, media didyma. 

Whitish; front with a black transverse band, thorax with black longitu- 
dinal stripes; the upper margin of the face with three deep black spots ; 
the lateral ones oval, the middle one double. Long. corp. 0.18—0.25; 
long. al. 0.15—0.22. 

Syn. Oecedopa capito Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 287, Tab. II, f. 2. 

Head yellowish-white, only the middle of the occiput somewhat 
blackish; the ocelli are placed upon a punctiform black dot; the 


very broad front has, somewhat below its middle, a narrow, 
gently curved, blackish crossband, above which the single, rather 
sparse hairs are inserted in small, somewhat darker colored pits; 
this is not the case below the crossband; no stripes run from the 
vertex down along the orbits of the eyes. Antenne yellow, the 
place of insertion of the arista infuscated or blackened ; between 
the eye and the antenna there is, on each side, a transversely- 
oval, velvet-black spot; between the antenne and next to the 
frontal fissure is another velvet-black transverse spot; which 
consists of two small semi-oval transverse dots. The face, 
including the clypeus and the very broad cheeks, is more whitish 
than the front; the cheeks with a very delicate, easily rubbed 
off, whitish down. Eyes during life with two narrow crossbands, 
which are sometimes perceptible even in dry specimens. Palpi 
yellow, with delicate, pale hairs. Thorax and scutellum whitish- 
yellow ; the dorsum of the thorax with six parallel, blackish 
longitudinal stripes; the two intermediate ones extend also over 
the flat scutellum. Pleure with three blackish longitudinal 
stripes, the upper one of which occupies the border between the 
dorsum and the pleura; quite downwards, moreover, there is a 
stripe-shaped black spot, which, however, seems to be produced 
by the rubbing off of the dust on the upper part of the pectus. 
Abdomen flat and rather narrow, whitish in consequence of the 
very dense dust which covers it; the ground color, however, is 
blackish, except the posterior part of the last segment in the 
female; the short, black hairs are inserted on small black dots, 
which are so closely approximated in the vicinity of the lateral 
border that they appear confluent, as irregular longitudinal spots; 
the last segment of the abdomen of the male is very much 
elongated; the first segment of the female ovipositor is attenuated 
towards its end, otherwise it looks like the remainder of the 
abdomen ; its punctuation, however, is much closer and finer; 
its adaptation to the abdomen is so close, that it might easily be 
taken for the last abdominal segment, especially when, as often 
happens, the black second and the yellowish third joint of the 
ovipositor are altogether withdrawn into it. Feet yellowish with 
whitish dust; the posterior femora generally with a blackish spot, 
on the under side before the tip; all the tibie with two black 
rings, the upper one of which is narrower and usually interrupted 
on the upper side of the tibia; fore tarsi blackened beyond the 


tip of the first joint; the other tarsi blackened to a smaller extent. 
Halteres yellowish-white. Wings rather hyaline, of a dirty 
whitish tinge; the second and the next following longitudinal 
veins, as well as the crossveins which connect them, are black ; 
the other veins yellowish; stigma small, of the same coloring as 
the rest of the wing; the picture of the wing consists of five brown 
spots with somewhat paler nuclei; three of them are in the 
marginal cell, near the anterior margin: the first, which like the 
second is oblique, is placed at the tip of the first longitudinal 
vein; the last is at the end of the marginal cell; beyond this is 
the fourth, a transverse spot in the submarginal cell, immediately 
under the tip of the second longitudinal vein; and again under 
the latter is the last spot, which is rounded and placed in the 
first posterior cell. The last three spots have the appearance of 
a narrow, very much shortened transverse band, which appearance 
is more distinct in those specimens, in which these spots are 
somewhat larger than usual. The small crossvein is beyond the 
middle of the discal cell, but before the tip of the first longitudinal 

Hab. Nebraska (Dr. Hayden). 


Charact.—Front of an equal, rather considerable breadth, scrobiculate. 
Antenne rather long; third joint elongated, with a thin, bare arista. 
Face very short, the anterior edge of the mouth very much drawn 

upwards ; clypeus considerably projecting over it. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind portion only; scutellum flat, with 
sharp edges. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out in a point ; second 
half of the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein very much 
bent forward; posterior crossvein perpendicular; auxiliary vein 
unusually short, and hence, the narrow stigma very long. 

1. N. stigma Fas. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 5.) Nigro-chalybea, thorace 
lineis alternantibus nigris et lete virescentibus variegato, alarum limbo 
costali maculisque parvis nigris. 

Blackish-steelblue, thorax with lines, showing alternately a blackish and 
a pale-green reflection; wings with the anterior margin bordered with 
black, and with small black spots. Long. corp. 0.11—0.16; long. al. 0.1. 

Syx. Musca stigma Fasricivs, Ent. Syst. Suppl. p- 563, 72. 
Musca stigma Fasrictus, Syst. Antl. p. 303, 96. 
Dacus obtusus Fasnicivs, Syst. Antl. p. 278, 30. 


UWlidia stigma Wiepemann, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 565, 1. 
Notogramma cimiciformis Loew, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. XI, p. 289, Tab. 
Il, fig. 3. 

Head rather disciform. Front reddish-brown, scrobicuiate, 
remarkably hairy; the rather conspicuous stripes, descending 
from the vertex along the orbits of the eyes, and the elongated 
ocellar triangle are steel-bluish, shining; the ocelli are placed 
near the edge of the vertex, and are approximated to each other. 
The first two antennal joints brownish-black; the elongated third 
joint brownish-brickred, brown towards the tip. Face and 
clypeus metallic blackish-green, but little tinged with blue. The 
dorsum of the thorax has numerous black longitudinal stripes, 
which are separated by finer lines, having a metallic, light-green 
reflection and traced as if with a trembling hand. Pleure 
metallic blackish-steelblue, strongly tinged with greenish; above 
the fore coxe with a large spot, covered with white pollen; 
from this place to the suture which runs down from the root of 
the wings, the pleure are covered with deep-black, punctiform 
dots, upon which single hairs are inserted. Scutellum rather 
large, flat, sharp-edged, metallic greenish-black, but rather dusky. 
Abdomen shining, blackish-steelblue; the first segment of the flat- 
tened ovipositor is of the same color, and attenuated towards its 
end. Feet black; tarsi brick-red, the foremost ones from the tip 
of the first joint, the four posterior ones from the tip of the second 
joint, brownish-black; the hind tibize somewhat compressed. 
Halteres dirty-yellow. Wings comparatively short, rather hya- 
line, with conspicuous, black veins; the costal and marginal cells 
have an altogether black coloring, which forms a border along the 
apex of the wing, extending from the tip of the marginal cell 
across that of the submarginal and of the first posterior cells; it 
becomes less intense here; in the submarginal cell, above the 
small crossvein, there is a black dot and farther towards the apex 
a small, triangular black spot; between the two again a black lon- 
gitudinal line, which extends as far as the triangular spot; the 
picture in the first posterior cell is a similar one, only the first 
black dot is wanting and the two other black spots are somewhat 
more approximated to the apex of the wing; in the discal cell 
there are also two black spots, the smaller one before, the larger 
one beyond its middle; the second posterior cell is marked in the 


middle with a punctiform black dot;' finally, in the third cell, not 
far beyond the fifth longitudinal vein, there are two successive 
punctiform blackish spots; the small crossvein is in the middle 
of the discal cell; the posterior crossvein is straight. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation.—The accurate knowledge which Wiedemann had 
of Fabricius’s collection enables us to admit his authority as to 
the synonymy of Dacus obtusus Fab. with Musca stigma Fab. 
Wiedemann had a large number of specimens of Musca stigma 
(which he placed in the genus Ulidia) for comparison, and it is 
upon the ground of this comparison that he affirmed that the 
presence or absence of a pale spot upon the black border of the 
costa does not constitute a specific character. We can therefore 
safely accept the synonymy of Musca stigma Fab. with Noto- 
gramma cimiciformis Loew, the latter being the variety in which 
the pale spot is wanting. 

Gen. IV. EUPHARA Loew. 

Charact.—Front of an equal, moderate breadth; scrobiculate, coarsely 

Antenne almost more than of medium length; third joint elongated, 
with a thin, bare arista. 

Face excavated; clypeus projecting. — 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutellum convex, with four 

Wings: Posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out ina point; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein parallel to the third; the 
small crossvein rather approximate to the posterior crossvein; the 
latter perpendicular. 

The principal characters which distinguish this genus from the 
following one, to which it stands nearest, are the shorter and not 
attenuated stigma and the parallelism of the third and fourth 
longitudinal veins. Moreover, all the species of this genus seem 
to have black crossbands on the wings, while in those of the next 
following genus only the costal cell, the stigma, and the apex of 
the wing are blackened. The typical species is Ceroxys coerulea 
Macq. (Dipt. Exot. Suppl. III, p. 62, Tab. VII, f. 6), from 
Brazil, again described by me as Euphara coerulea (Berl. Ent. 

' It is inadvertently omitted in the figure; the spots in the next cell 
likewise are but very feebly marked. 


Zeitschr. XI, p. 291, Tab. II, f. 4; the figure of the wing is re- 
produced in the present volume, Tab. IX, f. 4). 
I have not seen any North American Huphare yet. 


Charact.—Front of an equal, moderate breadth, scrobiculate, rather 

coarsely hairy. 

Antenne rather short; the third joint elongate-ovate, with a thin, 
bare arista. ; 

Face excavated, clypeus projecting. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutellum convex, with four 
bristles. 5 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out ina point; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein converges towards the third 
longitudinal vein ; posterior crossvein perpendicular; stigma narrow 
and very long. 

The difference between this genus and the preceding has been 
mentioned under the head of the latter. The characters which 
distinguish Acrosticta from Eucxesta are: the elongated shape of 
the third antennal joint, the front, which is marked with pits, the 
stouter proboscis and the very long, narrow stigma. The picture 
of the wings resembles that of the species of Seoptera, except 
that the somewhat turgid front of the latter shows no vestige 
of pits and the face is not transversely excavated, but carinate. 
As typical species may be considered either A. scrobiculata Loew 
(Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 293, Tab. II, f. 5) or A. foveolata 
Loew (ibid. p. 294), both from Brazil. 

No North American species is as yet known. 

Gen. VI. SEOPTERA Kirsy. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth, somewhat elevated, with very short 

Antenne rather long, the broad third joint elongate-oval, with a thin, 
bare arista. 

Face carinate, clypeus projecting. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutellum convex, with four 

Wings comparatively long; the posterior angle of the anal cell pointed ; 
the very long last section of the fourth longitudinal vein converges 
towards the third vein. 

Feet somewhat longer and more slender than those of the related 


Kirby called this genus Seioptera. Following the usual rule 
of latinization, I modified the name to Seoptera. Later, Rob. 
Desvoidy called this genus Myodina ; this name, however, cannot 
supersede the older one of Kirby, which, moreover, characterizes 
very well the peculiar habit of the species belonging here. 

1. S.colom Lorw. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 6.) Nigra, nitida, fronte rufa, 
antennis et facie ex rufo flavis, alarum macula apicali triangula et 
cellule costalis basi nigris, stigmate subfusco. 

Shining black, front red, antenne and face reddish-yellow; a triangular 
spot on the apex of the wing and the basis of the costal cell black; 
stigma brownish. Long. corp. 0.19—0.21; long. al. 0.19—0.22. 

Syn. Seoptera colon Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 296, Tab. II, f. 6. 

Of a shining black, somewhat bluish-black color; the abdomen 
more glossy than shining. Front of a fiery red, opaque, along 
the orbit of the eyes with a delicate line, powdered with white 
pollen. ‘Antenne yellowish-red ; the third, elongate-oval joint 
is rather broad. Face and clypeus brilliant reddish-yellow, the 
latter often, the former seldom, tinged with chestnut-brownish. 
On the dorsum of the thorax there are two narrow lines of 
whitish pollen, which extend beyond its middle; they are easily 
overlooked, although very distinct in well-preserved specimens. 
Feet black, the tips of the femora and tibiz and the basis of the 
hind tarsi have a reddish-brown tinge, even in specimens of the 
darkest coloring; in lighter specimens this coloring is brownish- 
brickred, and extends not only over the greater part of the tibiz 
and the hind tarsi, but is also perceptible at the root of the fore 
tarsi. Halteres pale-yellowish. Wings hyaline; costa, auxiliary 
vein, and first longitudinal vein black; the other veins much paler, 
generally yellowish when seen in a reflected light. The costal 
cell blackened as far as the humeral crossvein; the stigma, as 
well as the whole subcostal cell, at the end of which it is placed, 
brownish; at the apex of the wing there is a triangular black 
spot, which covers the extreme tip of the marginal cell as well as 
the tip of the submarginal cell, and crosses a little beyond the 
third longitudinal vein, The small crossvein is nearly under the 
middle of the stigma, but beyond the middle of the discal cell ; 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is particularly long, 
straight, gradually converging towards the third; the anal cell is 


broad and has a sharp posterior angle, although it is hardly 
drawn out in a point. 

Hab. New York (Osten-Sacken) ; Illinois (Kennicott). 

Observation 1.—This species, as far as I know, is undescribed, 
although not absolutely new, because Wiedemann, as his collec- 
tion shows, received it from Say under the name of Ortalis colon. 
Harris, in his Catalogue of the Insects of Massachusetts, also has 
O. colon, which is undoubtedly the same species. I preserved 
the name which Say gave it, although I do not find it described 
in his works. 

Observation 2.—Seoptera colon is so exceedingly like the 
European S. vibrans Lin., that as long as I had only indifferently 
preserved specimens of it, I took it for the latter species. 
Although the differences are only slight, they are so constant that 
the specific distinctness of the two species cannot be called in 
doubt. The front of S. colon is somewhat broader than that of 
S. vibrans; the two whitish stripes of the thorax in S. colon, 
although but little apparent, can easily be traced beyond the 
middle of the dorsum, while in S. vibrans it is not without 
difficulty that their anterior end alone can be perceived. The 
abdomen of S. colon is always less shining, and its blackish color 
more bluish, while S. vibrans has it more blackish-green. The 
costal cell of S. colon is blackish as far and even a little beyond 
the humeral crossvein; in S. vibrans this cell is entirely hyaline 
as far as its extreme basis; the stigma of S. colon is brownish, 
that of S. vibrans black or brownish-black ; finally the black spot 
at the tip of the wings is somewhat different in both species; that 
portion of it which crosses the third longitudinal vein is of more 
equal breadth in §S. colon, whereas it becomes more narrow 
towards the margin of the wing in S. vibrans. 

Gen. VII. EUXESTA Loew. 

Charact.—Front of equal, medium breadth, even, rather coarsely hairy. 

Antenne short, the third joint almost round or rounded-oval, with a 
thin, bare arista. i 

Face more or less excavated, clypeus projecting. 

Thorax with bristles on the hind part only ; seutellum convex. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out in a point; the 
last section of the fourth longitudinal vein converges towards the 
third; posterior crossvein perpendicular, 


The general appearance of the species belonging here is not 
unlike Zrypeta. Legs short. The coloring is metallic; the 
black picture of the wings consists either of some large spots 
along the anterior margin or of crossbands. The plastic charac- 
ters of the species do not afford any features for their satisfactory 
distribution into groups; for this reason the following three 
groups are merely based upon the picture of the wings. 

Ist Group. Wings with spots along the anterior margin. 

1. E. spoliata Lozw.—(Tab. IX, f. 7.) Viridis, capite pedibusque 
flavis, extremo femorum apice fusco, tibiis anticis fere totis, reliquarum 
apice tarsisque inde ab articuli primi apice nigris, alarum stigmate 
nigro, macula subapicali nigricante. 

Green, head and feet yellow, the extreme tip of the femora brown, fore 
tibiz almost entirely, the tips of the four posterior tibia and the tarsi, 
from the tip of the first joint, black; wings with a black stigma and 

with a blackish spot immediately before the tip. Long. corp. 0.12; 
long. al. 0.12—0.13. 

Syn. Euzesta spoliata Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 298, Tab. II, f. 7. 

Metallic-green, shining ; the color of the scutellum and of the 
anterior segments of the abdomen is somewhat more bluish-green. 
Head yellow; the upper part of the occiput is blackish-green ; 
front ferruginous-yellow; the swellings descending from the 
vertex along the orbit of the eyes and the immediate vicinity of 
the ocelli is metallic greenish-blue. Antenne of a dark ferrugi- 
nous-yellow; third joint round. Face shorter than in most of 
the other species. Clypeus yellow, protruding considerably 
beyond the anterior border of the mouth, although projecting but 
little in profile. Feet yellow; all the femora distinctly infus- 
cated at the extreme tip; fore tibie rather stout, brownish-black, 
before the middle with an incomplete yellow ring; the interme- 
diate tibie are blackened at the extreme tip only, the hind tibiz 
also at the tip, but to a greater extent; the first joint of the hind 
tarsi is yellow, except the tip; the following joints are black (the 
intermediate and hind tarsi are wanting in the described speci- 
men). Halteres yellowish. Wings pure hyaline with pale clay- 
yellow veins; extreme root of wings pale yellowish; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein is but very slightly 
arcuated, but converges in its whole length towards the third vein, 
its tip thus approaching very near this vein; stigma blackened ; 


immediately before the tip of the wing there is a blackish spot, 
which reaches from the anterior margin to the third longitudinal 
vein and covers the extreme end of the marginal cell; the extreme 
end of the submarginal cell is not covered by it. It may be that, 
in more fully colored individuals, this spot is darker. 

Hab. Cuba (Riehl). 

2. E. pusio Lozew; 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 8.) Viridis vel ex chalybeo 
viridis, thoracis dorso albido-pollinoso, pedibus piceo-nigris, genibus, 
tibiarum apice tarsisque totis luteis, alarum stigmate et macula suba- 
picali nigris. 

Green or bluish-green; dorsum of the thorax covered with a white pollen; 
feet piceous-black; knees, tips of the tibia and the whole of the tarsi 
of a dirty-yellow; wings with a black stigma and a black spot imme- 
diately before the apex. Long. corp. 0.12; long. al. 0.13. 

Syn. LHuzxesta pusio Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 299, Tab. II, f. 8. 

Metallic bluish-green; thorax and scutellum rather opaque, in 
consequence of a comparatively dense white pollen; abdomen 
shining; its first segment of a dirty-yellow towards its sides. The 
very broad first segment of the flattened ovipositor is almost as 
long as two-thirds of the abdomen. Head of a reddish-brick 
color; the sides of the front, the frontal lunule, the face, including 
the clypeus and the cheeks, are covered with a rather dense, 
white pollen. The black hairs on the front are not conspicuous. 
Antenne brownish-ferruginous, or rusty-brown; third joint round. 
Face rather short, considerably excavated; clypeus but little 
projecting beyond the opening of the mouth. Occiput appa- 
rently altogether metallic-black, but the ground color is very 
much concealed by a thick whitish pollen. Feet piceous black; 
the second joint of the coxe, the knees, almost the whole latter 
half of the tibiae and the whole tarsi dirty-yellow or brick-red. 
Halteres whitish-yellow. Wings somewhat whitish hyaline, the 
veins pale; stigma of a blackish color, which, on its first half, 
extends as far as the middle of the marginal cell; immediately 
before the apex of the wing there is a black spot, extending from 
the anterior border as far as a little beyond the third longitudinal 
vein, the tip of the marginal cell is also covered by it, that of the 
submarginal cell, however, is not; the last section of the fourth 
longitudinal vein in its whole course, converges towards the third 
and comes very near it at its tip; it is not perceptibly arcuate. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 


3. E. notata Wiep. % 9.—(Tab. IX, fig. 9.) Chalybeo-nigra, 
abdomine feminz fascia apicali flava ornato, pedibus nigris, genibus, 
tarsorumque basi rufis, alarum maculis duabus nigris, altera costali 
minut, altera apicali trigona, cellule costalis basi et stigmate cinereis. 

Bluish-black, abdomen of the female with a yellow crossband at the tip, 
feet black, knees and the root of all the tarsi red; wings with a smait 
black dot in the middle of the costa and with a larger triangular spot 
at the tip; basis of the costal cell and stigma gray. Long. corp. 0.16— 
0.16; long. al. 0.15. 

Syn. Ortalis notata Wiep. Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 462, 9. 

Euxesta notata Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 300, Tab. II, f. 9. 

Of a blackish-steelblue, generally verging on green-blue, often 
with a violet hue on the middle of the abdomen; rather shining. 
Front of a saturate yellowish-red, sometimes almost yellowish- 
brown; with a whitish pollen along the lateral orbit of the eyes ; 
the black hairs are scattered and not conspicuous ; the swellings 
running from the vertex downwards, along the borders of the 
eyes, generally also the immediate vicinity of the ocelli are shining 
bluish-black or black. Antenne brown, ferruginous-red at the 
basis, which color is more extended on the inner side; third joint 
rounded. ‘The very considerably excavated face, together with 
the rather projecting clypeus are bluish-black, very shining ; the 
upper portion rather densely pollinose, and hence opaque, the 
ground color not being distinctly visible; the lateral swellings 
of the face are tinged with brownish-red and thinly whitish 
pollinose. The female has the latter part of the last abdominal 
segment, as well as the basis of the ovipositor of a saturate yellow 
color; in the male, I have never observed any trace of this yellow 
coloring. The first segment of the very much flattened ovipositor 
is of a very moderate breadth, brownish-black, but with a more 
or less distinct coppery-red reflection. Feet black, femora in 
part metallic-black or bluish-black ; knees and the root of all the 
tarsi brick-red, on the front tarsi this red generally reaches only 
as far as the middle of the first joint, on the hind tarsi as far as 
the tip, on the intermediate ones as far as the basis of the next 
joint. Knob of halteres yellowish; stem generally infuscated. 
Wings hyaline with rather dark veins; at the tip of the costal 
cell there is a small black dot, which extends posteriorly as far 
as the second longitudinal vein; at the apex of the wing there is 
a larger triangular black spot, occupying the end of the sub- 


marginal cell and crossing to a small extent the third longitudinal 
vein, but being exactly limited by this vein near the apex of the 
wing; the costal cell is tinged with brownish-gray as far as a 
little beyond the humeral crossvein; the stigma has the same 
color, but this is sometimes more blackened, especially towards 
its end; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein converges 
in its whole course towards the third vein and approaches it con- 
siderably towards its end; shows, however, hardly any perceptible 
curvature ; the fifth longitudinal vein does not quite reach the 
margin of the wing. 

Hab. District of Columbia, New York, Illinois, Connecticut 

Observation.—Wiedemann gives a description of the male of 
this species which might easily lead to the conclusion that he had 
before him a species different from the one I have just described. 
According to his statement, the male has, on the posterior margin 
of the penultimate abdominal segment, a saturate yellow cross- 
band. But as Wiedemann’s collection contains as Ortalis notata 
the very species which I described under this name and as, among 
a considerable number of males which I have before me, not a 
single one is provided with such a crossband, I am compelled to 
come to the conclusion that Wiedemann mistook the sex of the 
specimen from which he drew his description; he may have had 
before him a female the ovipositor of which was bent under the 
abdomen. . 

4. E. nitidiventris np. sp. ¢.—Nigro-viridis, nitida, abdomine 
femine toto eneo-viridi et nitidissimo, pedibus gilvis, tibiis anticis totis 
posterioribusque adversus apicem infuscatis, tarsis adversus apicem 
fusco-nigris, alarum maculis duabus nigris, altera costali minuta, altera 
apicali trigon4, cellule costalis basi luted, stigmate ex luteo cinereo. 

Shining black-green, the entire abdomen of the female metallic-green, very 
shining. Feet saturate yellow, the entire fore tibie and the posterior 
ones towards their tip, infuscated ; tarsi brownish-black towards the 
tip; wings with a small black dot on the middle of the costa and with 
a larger triangular spot at the apex of the wing; basis of the costal cell 
clay-yellow; stigma yellowish-gray. Long. corp. 0.14—0.15; long. al. 

he aS ESE ee 

1 Mr. Riley gaye me a male specimen of /. notata which he bred from 
the pulp of an osage-orange (Maclura).—0. 3. 


Dark-green, shining, the abdomen altogether of a vivid metallic 
green, very shining. The femora of a saturate dark-yellow ; this 
coloring changes into brownish on the fore tibia from the very 
basis, on the posterior tibia farther down; the fore tarsi are 
saturate yellow at the basis as far as the tip of the first joint, the 
posterior tarsi nearly as far as the end of the second joint, beyond 
this the tarsi are brownish-black. The basis of the costal cell is 
clay-yellow, or pale ferruginous-yellow, as far as a little beyond 
the humeral crossvein; the stigma is yellowish-gray. In all 
other respects this species is so very like H. nolata, that one 
would be inclined to take it for a mere variety of coloring, unless 
the much lighter coloring of the feet, combined with the darker 
coloring of the much more shining abdomen, proved the contrary. 

Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 

&. E. costalis Fas. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 10.) Nigro-chalybea, pedibus 
nigris, genibus tarsorumque basi rufis, alarum maculis duabus magnis, 
altera costali, altera apicali, nigris. 

Blackish-steelblue, feet black, knees and roots of the tarsi red; wings 
with two large black spots, the first in the middle of the costa, the 
second at the apex of the wing. Long. corp. 0.15; long. al. 0.15. 

Syn. Musca costalis Fas. Ent. Syst. IV, p. 360, 196. 
Dacus costalis Fas. Ent. Syst. Antl. p. 278, 25. 
Dacus aculeatus Fas. Syst. Antl. p. 275, 14. 
Ortalis costalis WiEpD. Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 464, 13. 
Euzxesta costalis Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 301, Tab. II, f. 10. 

Very like both preceding species, but easily distinguished by 
the narrower front, the absence of a yellow crossband at the end 
of the abdomen of the female, the perceptibly larger size of the 
black spot on the middle of the anterior margin of the wings, the 
altogether black stigma and the course of the fifth longitudinal 
vein, which reaches the margin of the wing. Blackish-blue, 
shining; the head brick-red or of a rusty-red; front anteriorly 
of a more saturate coloring, narrow, somewhat whitish pollinose 
on the orbit of the eve; the hairs upon it are rather sparse and 
not at all conspicuous; the stripes, descending from the vertex 
along the orbits of the eyes and the immediate surroundings of 
the ocelli are steel-blue, shining. Occiput blackish, its lower 
portion and a spot back of the region of the ocelli, brick-red. 
Antenne brick-red or more yellowish-red ; third joint rounded- 


oval, generally somewhat infuscated on the outer side, towards 
the tip. The larger portion of the rather excavated face shows 
a steel-blue, shining color, which is but little concealed by the 
whitish pollen; the projecting clypeus also has a steel-blue 
reflection. The first joint of the flattened, black ovipositor is of 
moderate breadth. Feet pitch-black, femora almost bluish-black, 
knees and basis of all the tarsi brick-red. Halteres of a dirty- 
whitish or yellowish color. Wings hyaline, almost grayish, with 
very dark veins; the root of the wings up to the humeral cross- 
vein and a little beyond, blackish; the whole stigma, as well as 
the tip of the costal cell and a spot connected with the latter 
and reaching as far as the fourth vein, are black; at the apex of 
the wing there is a large, triangular black spot, covering the tip 
of the marginal and the end of the submarginal cell, and, more- 
over, crossing to a considerable extent the third longitudinal 
vein, so that its posterior limit is not far from the fourth longitu- 
dinal vein and runs parallel to it. The last section of the fourth 
longitudinal vein is only very gently curved and converges 
towards the third in its whole course, approaching the latter 
considerably towards its end. 
Hab. West Indies (coll. Wied.). 

6. E. quaternaria Lorw. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 11.) Nigro-violacea, 
dimidio apicali abdominis flavo, alarum maculis costalibus quatuor 

Blackish-violet, second half of the abdomen yellow; wings with four spots 
along the anterior margin. Long. corp. 0.12—0.14; long. al. 0.13—0.14. 

Syn. Huxesta quaternaria Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, 302, Tab. II, f. 11. 

Blackish-violet, the middle of the thoracie dorsum, a large 
portion of the pleure and the sides of the abdomen often more 
blackish-blue. Front rather narrow, ferruginous, along the orbits 
of the eyes with a very delicate border of white pollen and with 
coarse black hairs; the little stripes, running from the vertex 
down the sides of the front are blackish, but hardly shining. 
Antenne ferruginous-brown, more reddish at the basis, sometimes 
of a lighter coloring; the third joint isrounded. Face, including 
the but little projecting clypeus and the cheeks brownish-red, less 
excavated than in most of the other species. Occiput for the 
most part black. Thoracic dorsum with. a thin covering of 
whitish-gray pollen, and hence but little shining ; more so on its 


sides; the pleure likewise are rather shining. The anterior part 
of the abdomen of a metallic dark-violet hue; the apical half 
yellow, sometimes with a dark stripe in the middle. The first 
segment of the very much flattened ovipositor rather broad and 
long, black, usually with a bronze reflection. Feet black, only 
the extreme tip of the femora reddish-brown and the basis of all 
the tarsi brick-red. Halteres yellowish, the stem usually infus- 
cated. Wings hyaline, with four black spots on the anterior 
margin; the first among these spots, placed on and immediately 
beyond the humeral crossvein, extends as far as the basis of the 
anal cell, so that the extreme root of the wing itself is hyaline ; 
the second spot, covering the tip of the costal cell and the very 
short stigma, with the exception of its extreme end, runs perpen- 
dicularly and preserves the same breadth, as far down as the 
fourth longitudinal vein, beyond which it is still perceptible as 
a blackish-gray shadow; the third black spot lies opposite the 
posterior crossvein, is of an elongated triangular shape, and 
reaches with its tip as far as midway between the third and 
fourth longitudinal veins, the fourth spot has an irregularly 
rounded shape and lies quite near the apex of the wing; it 
covers the extreme end of the marginal cell and the end of the 
submarginal with the exception of its extreme tip; on its poste- 
rior side (that is the side which is nearer the basis of the wing) 
it crosses the third longitudinal vein; the last section of the 
fourth longitudinal vein, which is distinctly, although not strongly, 
curved, converges in its whole course towards the third longitu- 
dinal vein, without approaching it more, however, than in the 
several preceding species. 
Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

2d Group. Wings with two, very much abbreviated, crossbands. 

4%. E. binotata Lorw. %.—(Tab. IX, f. 12.) Nigro-chalybea, capite, 
lateribus segmentorum abdominalium primi et secundi femoribusque 
luteis, tibiis tarsisque fusco-nigris, alarum fasciis duabus postice valde 
abbreviatis nigris. 

Dark steel-blue, the head, the sides of the first two abdominal segments 
and the femora yellow; the tibie and tarsi brownish-black; wings with 
two very much abbreviated black bands. Long. corp. 0.12; long. al. 

Syn. Euxesta binotata Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 304, Tab. II, f. 12. 


Head dark-yellow; front rather broad, with a very narrow 
border of white pollen; the hairs upon the front are not con- 
spicuous. The stripes descending from the vertex along the sides 
of the front and the immediate surroundings of the ocelli are 
steel-bluish, somewhat shining. Antenne dark-yellow; their 
third joint rather round. Face rather excavated, with a white 
pollen which is less dense in the vicinity of the anterior border 
of the mouth, and from under which a faint steel-blue reflection is 
still visible. Clypeus but moderately projecting over the anterior 
edge of the mouth, generally of a dark-yellow color, seldom with 
a faint trace of a steel-blue reflection. The upper portion of the 
occiput, with the exception of a large spot behind the vertex, is 
steel-blue, with a whitish pollen. Thorax steel-bluish, with a 
rather whitish pollen and hence but moderately shining. Scutel- 
lum, metathorax and abdomen bright, shining, almost metallic 
black ; the sides of the first and second segments of the abdo- 
men have a yellow coloring, which, however, usually does not 
reach the posterior margin of these segments and sometimes is 
more expanded in the middle. Front coxe and femora dark- 
yellow; tibia, with the exception of the extreme basis, and the 
tarsi brownish-black. Halteres whitish with a dirty-brownish 
stem. Wings hyaline; immediately beyond the humeral cross- 
vein there is a small black spot, which extends, in the shape of a 
crossband, as far as the root of the anal cell; the rather long 
stigma is black; from its basis a black crossband extends in a 
somewhat oblique direction as far as the middle of the discal cell ; 
immediately before the apex of the wing, another black perpendicu- 
Jar crossband is situated ; anteriorly it is somewhat widened, poste- 
riorly it crosses the fourth longitudinal vein, the last section of 
the fourth longitudinal vein is moderately but distinctly curved, 
and converges with the third longitudinal more in its latter half 
than in its first. The intervals between the black crossbands of 
the wings of this species, as in most of the others, by transmitted 
light assume a rather indistinct white coloring, in a similar light, 
however, the apex of the wings of this species assumes a very 
striking whitish coloring. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 



3d Group. Wings with four crossbands. 

8 E. annone Fas. 4% 9.—(Tab. IX,f. 13.) Nigro-chalybea, fasciis 
alarum nigris quatuor, secunda postice abbreviata et reliquis paulo 

Dark steel-blue; wings with four black bands, the second of which is 
abbreviated posteriorly and is somewhat broader than the others. 
Long. corp. 0.14—0.15 ; long. al. 0.14—0.15. 

Syn. Musca annone Fas. Ent. Syst. 358, 189. 
Tephritis annone Fas. Syst. Antl. IV, p. 320, 19. 
Ortalis annone Wirp. Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 463, 11. 
Urophora quadrivittata Maca. Suites, II, p. 456, 5. 
Euxesta annone Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 305, Tab. II, f. 13. 

Head brick-red; the little stripes running down from the 
vertex and the region of the ocelli steel-blue, rather shining; the 
larger portion of the occiput blackish, with a grayish-white pollen. 
The front is of only moderate breadth; the hairs upon it are 
strikingly coarse, more dense upon the pollinose lateral borders, 
scarce upon the remainder of the surface. Antenne brick-red, 
third joint rounded-oval, towards its end brownish and more so 
on its outer than on its inner side. The face is very moderately 
excavated ; the clypeus moderately projecting, both with a steel- 
blue reflection and a white pollen. Thorax of a very dark color, 
verging sometimes on green, sometimes more on steel-blue or 
violet, and always covered with a rather dense whitish pollen. The 
scutellum is of a still more dark violet-black color, and less polli- 
nose. The abdomen is of a metallic, but very dark bluish-black 
or violet-black color. The first segment of the flattened ovipositor 
is generally still darker. Fore coxe, with the exception of their 
basis and the tip of the hind coxe, brownish-brickred, the former 
with a white pollen. Femora black; the first pair, and generally 
also the last, more metallic-black; all are brownish-brickred at 
the tip; tibie blackish-brown; dark brick-red at the tip and often 
also at the extreme root; tarsi brick-red at the basis, blackish- 
brown towards the tip. Halteres clay-yellow. Wings hyaline, 
with four black crossbands. The first lies upon and a little 
beyond the humeral crossvein and reaches the basis of the anal 
cell; the second begins at the anterior margin with the but 
moderately long, black stigma and the blackened extreme tip of 
the costal cell; it is perpendicular and reaches beyond the fifth 


longitudinal vein, without, however, reaching the margin of the 
wing; the small crossvein lies exactly upon its external limit; 
the internal one is always sinuate in the vicinity of the fifth 
longitudinal vein; the third and fourth bands are connected at 
the anterior margin in such a manner, that the hyaline space 
between them reaches either exactly as far as the second longi- 
tudinal vein, or goes very little beyond this vein; the third band, 
which is nearly straight and rather perpendicular, runs over the 
posterior crossvein and almost reaches the posterior margin of the 
wing; the fourth crossband is of considerable breadth, reaches 
as far as the fourth longitudinal vein and is continued even 
beyond it, in the shape of a gray shadow; the second half of 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is very gently 
curved anteriorly, so that it converges towards the third longitu- 
dinal vein, without approaching it, however, to any considerable 
Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

9. E. Thome Lorw. 4% 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 14.) Lete chalybea, niti- 
dissima, alarum fasciis nigris quatuor subintegris, ultimis tribus latis. 

Bright steel-blue, very shining; wings with four black crossbands, the 
last three of which are broad. Long. corp. 0.14—0.15; long. al. 0.14 

Syn. E. Thome Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 306, Tab. II, f. 14. 

Very like the preceding species, although very probably a 
distinct one, notwithstanding the great resemblance in all the 
plastic characters. The differences are the following: the whole 
coloring of the body is of a lighter and more brilliant steel-blue, 
which often verges on violet in the middle of the abdomen. The 
thoracic dorsum is much less pollinose. The second crossband 
of the wings is broader, approaches more the posterior margin 
of the wings, and is not sinuate on its inner side in the vicinity 
of the fifth longitudinal vein. The third crossband is much 
broader than in Z. annone, especially its anterior portion; the 
fourth band crosses the fourth longitudinal vein a little, or else 
the gray shadow beyond the end of this vein is somewhat darker. 

Hab. St. Thomas (Westermann). 

10. E. abdominalis Lorw. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 15.) Chalybeo- 
nigra, abdominis basi sordide luted, alarum fasciis nigris quatuor 
integris, ultimis duabus ad costam anguste coherentibus. 


Bluish-black, with a dirty-yellow basis of the abdomen; wings with four 
complete black crossbands, the last two of which are connected by a 
narrow stripe at the costa. Long. corp. 0.12—0.14; long. al. 0.12— 

Syn. Euresta abdominalis Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 307, Tab. II, f. 15. 

Head brick-red or brownish-brickred; the small stripes run- 
ning down from the vertex along the orbits of the eyes and the 
surroundings of the ocelli, are steel-blue, shining; almost the 
whole occiput is black, with a grayish-white bloom. Front 
rather narrow ; rather dense and conspicuously coarse hairs upon 
the lateral borders, which are covered with white pollen; the 
hairs upon the remainder of the surface are very scarce. Antenne 
brownish-brickred, or brick-red ; in the latter case the rounded- 
oval last joint is more or less infuscated towards its end. The 
face is moderately excavated, usually for the most part with a 
shining steel-blue reflection ; its white bloom is very thin along 
the edge of the mouth. Clypeus only moderately projecting, with 
a more or less distinct steel-blue reflection on the sides. Thorax 
of a shining, blackish-steelblue color, which usually verges some- 
what on green upon its dorsum. Scutellum and metathorax 
still darker greenish-black, not pollinose. Abdomen more greenish- 
black than bluish-, or metallic-black, at the basis always dirty 
clay-yellow. The coloring of the first segment of the flattened 
ovipositor is the same as that of the abdomen, or a more purely 
black one. Fore cox, at the tip at least, brownish-brickred, 
with white pollen; femora black, more or less metalescent, with 
a brownish-brickred tip; tibiz blackish-brown, only the extreme ° 
tip reddish-brown; tarsi reddish-brown at the root, otherwise 
blackish-brown. Halteres whitish or yellowish. Wings with 
four not abbreviated black crossbands. The first is broader than 
in the two preceding species, but is likewise placed upon and 
immediately beyond the humeral crossvein, and extends as far as 
the basis of the anal cell. ‘The second band begins at the ante- 
rior margin with the black tip of the costal cell and the black 
stigma; it is rather broad and gradually expands in approaching 
the posterior margin so that, at this place, its breadth exceeds 
considerably that of the other bands; the small crossvein lies 
exactly upon its outer margin. The third band likewise, which 
runs over the posterior crossvein, has a considerable breadth and 
a very perpendicular position. The fourth band runs along the 


apex of the wing; it is also rather broad and reaches beyond the 
fourth longitudinal vein; its connection with the third band near 
the costa is rather narrow, so that the hyaline space, inclosed 
between them, almost reaches the costa anteriorly. The last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein is gently arcuate and 
slightly converges in its latter half towards the third longitudinal 
vein (the figure does not give this quite correctly). 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation.—The Museum at Vienna contains a couple of 
specimens taken in Cuba by Péppig, which differ, however, by 
their distinctly smaller size, as well as by a somewhat different 
picture on the wings; all the four black bands are dissolved into 
oval black spots, covering the veins, the portions of the bands 
lying inside of the cells are crossed in the middle by gray stripes. 
A closer examination, however, proves conclusively that these 
specimens are incompletely colored ones of H. abdominalis. 'The 
small size is probably due to the greater contraction in drying 
of these unripe specimens. 

Al. E. alternans Loew. 4.—(Tab. IX, f. 16.) Obscure chalybea, 
alarum fasciis nigris quatuor integris, omnibus separatis, tertia reliquis 
multo angustiore. 

Dark steel-blue, wings with four complete black crossbands, entirely sepa- 
rate from each other; the third much narrower than the others. Long. 
corp. 0.13; long. al. 0.13. 

Syn. Euxesta alternans Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 308, Tab. II, f. 16. 

Head brick-red or brownish-brickred ; the little stripes running 
down from the vertex along the orbits of the eyes, as well as the 
surroundings of the ocelli, of a shining steel-blue; the whole 
occiput blackish, with a whitish pollen. Front rather narrow, 
with coarse hairs which are more dense on the somewhat whitish, 
pollinose, lateral borders and more sparse on the remaining 
surface. Antenne brick-red or yellowish-red, the third joint oval. 
Face very much excavated ; with the exception of its lower, con- 
siderably projecting, portion, it has a steel-blue reflection, but is 
so thickly covered with a white pollen, that the bluish ground- 
color is but little apparent. Clypeus rather strongly pro- 
jecting, brownish-brickred, sometimes with a steel-blue reflection 
on the sides. Thorax and scutellum of a rather dark, steel-blue 
color, which turns somewhat to greenish-blue on the thoracic 


dorsum; the latter is but little pollinose. Abdomen darker 
steel-blue, shining, especially on the sides. Feet black; the 
knees and the first joint of the intermediate tarsi brick-red, the 
first joint of the hind tarsi brown or reddish-brown towards 
the basis. Halteres yellowish-white. Wings with four black 
unconnected bands. The first of them lies, as in the preceding 
species, on and immediately beyond the humeral crossvein and 
reaches the basis of the anal cell. The second band begins at 
the black stigma and runs, expanding somewhat, as far as the 
posterior margin, in the vicinity of which it gradually becomes 
fainter; the third band is narrow, perpendicular, and covers the 
posterior crossvein ; the fourth runs along the apex of the wing, 
is even broader than the second and completely isolated from the 
third; beyond the fourth longitudinal vein, it becomes very faint. 
The last section of the fourth vein is rather strongly curved and 
its latter portion converges towards the third vein. 

Hab. Brazil? Cuba? (Vienna Museum). 

Observation. —The description is drawn from a male specimen 
in the Vienna Museum, labelled: Mann, Toscana 1846. As I 
have seen the same species, in other collections, marked as 
Brazilian, I take the designation of the Vienna Museum to be 
erroneous. I am confirmed in this supposition by the fact that 
next to the above-mentioned specimen is placed another, a 
female, pinned on the same kind of pin and labelled in the 
same manner, which, however, is a specimen of £. stigmatias, 
received hitherto from Cuba and Brazil only. Thus it appears 
evident that both specimens were sent by the same collector, pro- 
bably from the same country; and as Z. stigmatias is a common 
species in Cuba, the conclusion is not too far fetched that both 
specimens came from that island. This is the reason why I did 
not like to omit H. aléernans in this volume. 

12. KE. stigmatias Lozw. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 17.) Nigro-viridis, 

macula atra inter antennas sita insignis, alarum fasciis nigris quatuor, 
ultimis duabus ad costam conjunctis. 

Blackish-green, conspicuous by a deep black spot between the antenna, 
wings with four black bands, the last two of which are connected near 
the costa. Long. corp. 0.13—0.15; long. al. 0.14—0.15. 

Syn. HLuxesta stigmatias Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 310, Tab. II, f. 18. 

Head dark metallic-green or almost steel-blue. Front of a 
dusky-red; the little stripes running down from the vertex along 


the orbits of the eyes, as well as the well-defined ocellar triangle, 
shining steel-blue. The lateral border of the front shining and 
generally with a rather distinct steel-blue reflection ; immediately 
above each antenna, a trace of a small swelling is discernible. 
The hairs on the front are not conspicuous, moderately dense on 
the sides, very scarce on the remaining surface. he first two 
joints of the antenne brownish-black, the rounded-oval third 
joint reddish-yellow from the basis as far as the arista, more 
brownish beyond it. Face very much excavated, shining steel- 
blue, with a whitish pollen on its upper part only; above this, 
just between the antennx, is a conspicuous, velvet-black spot. 
Clypeus very much projecting, shining, steel blue, pollinose on 
the margins only. The rather broad orbital circles of the eyes 
brick-red below, at the lower corner of the eyes. Thorax dark 
metallic-green, somewhat verging on steel-blue; the dorsum with 
a very thin gray pollen. Scutellum blackish-green. Abdomen 
of the same color as the thorax, but darker, often with a stronger 
steel-blue reflection; the last abdominal segments of the male 
sometimes more bronze-colored. The first segment of the 
flattened ovipositor metallic-black. Feet black; the tips of the 
knees and the basis of all the tarsi brownish-brickred. Halteres 
white-yellowish. Wings with four black crossbands. The first 
lies, as in several other species, on and immediately beyond the 
humeral crossvein and extends as far as the basis of the anal cell. 
The second band, which is rather broad, begins at the costa with 
the blackish end of the costal cell and the black stigma; it is 
generally very much fainter beyond the fourth longitudinal vein 
and disappears entirely between the fifth vein and the posterior 
margin of the wing; the small crossvein lies almost exactly upon 
the outer margin of this band. The third band, which is per- 
pendicular, runs over the posterior crossvein and reaches the 
posterior margin of the wing almost completely; it is broader 
anteriorly than posteriorly, and is connected with the fourth band 
on the inside of the marginal cell, so that the hyaline interval 
between these bands extends exactly as far as the second longi- 
tudinal vein. The fourth band, lying along the apex of the wing, 
is also rather broad and extends as far as the fourth longitudinal 
vein. The last section of the fourth vein is distinetly curved and 
in its second half converges towards the third longitudinal vein. 

Hab, Cuba (Gundlach); Brazil (coll. Winthem). 


13. E. eluta Lozrw. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 18.) Nigro-viridis, sub- 
chalybescens, macula atra inter antennas sit& insignis, alarum fasciis 
nigris quatuor, secunda latissima sed maxima ex parte valde eluta, 
tertia et quarta in cellula costali per maculam byalinam separatis. 

Blackish-green, verging on steel-blue, conspicuous by a deep black spot 
lying between the antenue; wings with four black bands, the second 
of which is the broadest, but, for the most part, very pale; the third 
and fourth are separated by a byaline spot, lying in the costal cell. 
Long. corp. 0.14-0.15; long. al. 0.14—0.15. 

Syn. Euzesta eluta Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 312, Tab. II, f. 19. 

Front red or brownish-red; the little stripes, descending from 
the vertex along the orbits of the eyes and the well-defined ocellar 
triangle, are shining steel-blue; the hairs on the front are not 
striking, moderately dense on the but slightly pollinose lateral 
borders; otherwise very scarce. Occiput blackish-steelblue, with 
a grayish-white bloom. Antenne ferruginous-brown or reddish- 
brown, more brick-red at the basis of the third joint ; sometimes 
the second joint has the same coloring. Face rather excavated, 
generally steel-blue, or at least reddish along the anterior edge 
of the mouth only; in some rare cases it has a light steel-blue 
reflection on its upper part, the remainder brick-red; exactly be- 
tween the antenne is a conspicuous velvety-black spot; clypeus 
but little projecting beyond the edge of the mouth, reddish-brown, 
with a steel-blue reflection; the orbits of the eyes brick-red or 
brownish-red near the lower corner of the eye. Thorax dark 
metallic-green; in less mature specimens greenish steel-blue. 
Thoracic dorsum only slightly pollinose. Scutellum more black- 
ish-green or blackish-blue. The color of the abdomen is not 
unlike that of the thorax, but is darker and verges on bluish ; 
its middle sometimes almost violet; the last segments of the 
male abdomen sometimes bronze-colored. Front cox, except 
the root, brick-red, with white pollen. Feet black, the tips of 
the knees and the root of all the tarsi brick-red; the tip of the 
middle tibiz likewise is generally brick-red ; sometimes the 
extreme tip of the front tibize shows a brick-red coloring. Hal- 
teres yellowish-white. Wings with four black crossbands. The 
first lies upon and immediately beyond the humeral crossvein 
and extends to the extreme basis of the anal cell; it is rather 
narrow and often pallid. The second crossband is of con- 
siderable breadth, begins near the costa with the infuscated tip 
of the costal cell and the black stigma; but beyond the third, 


or the fourth longitudinal vein it is so very faint that it extends 
to the posterior margin of the wing in the shape of a gray 
shadow ; the small crossvein lies, when the band is not too pale, 
almost exactly upon its external margin. The third band passes 
over the posterior crossvein, is narrow and generally rather pale, 
except in the vicinity of the anterior margin; towards the poste- 
rior end of the crossvein it almost disappears; from the fourth 
band it is separated by a rather large, whitish-hyaline spot in the 
marginal cell; behind the second longitudinal vein fully colored 
specimens have, on the outer side of this third band a rather 
distinct gray shadow, between which and the fourth band only a 
narrow, whitish hyaline interval remains, from which, however, 
the above-mentioned hyaline spot near the costa is completely 
isolated. The fourth band, which lies along the apex of the wing, 
extends as far as the fourth longitudinal vein, or else it crosses it 
in the shape of a gray shadow. ‘The last section of the fourth 
longitudinal vein is rather strongly curved and convergent towards 
the third vein. 

Hab, Cuba (Gundlach). 


Charact.—Front of medium breadth, somewhat narrower towards the 
vertex, with a row of bristly hairs on the lateral border; the 
remaining surface not hairy. 

Antenne rather short; third joint very little excised on the upper 
side, with a sharp anterior corner and a thin, bare arista. 

Face but moderately excavated; clypeus but little projecting over the 
anterior border of the mouth. 

Thorax with bristles on its posterior part only; clypeus convex, with 
four bristles. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out in a point; last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein, towards its end, but very 
little convergent with the third vein; posterior crossvein perpen- 

The species known to me are conspicuous for the striking 
length of the bristles, inserted on the posterior part of the thorax 
and on the scutellum. Their coloring is metallic; the wings are 
adorned with well-defined black crossbands. They cannot well 
be confounded with the species of the preceding genus, on account 
of their greater slenderness, and more especially, on account of the 
different shape of the third antennal joint and of the front, which 
is hairy on its lateral borders only, From the two next following 


genera, which likewise have the third antennal joint with a sharp 
anterior angle, the species of the present genus are sufficiently 
distinguished by their less slender shape and the different 
structure of the anal cell, not to mention other characters. 

1. C. wemnea Wiep. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 19.) Viridis, antennis fusco- 
nigris, basi tamen articuli tertii lutea, alis trifasciatis. 

Metallic-green ; antenne brownish-black, the basis of the third joint yel- 
low; wings with three bands. Long. corp. 0.16—0.18; long. al. 0.17 

Syn. Ortalis enea Wiep. Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 462, 8. 

Ortalis trifasciata Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. VI, p. 184, 3. 

UOrophora fulvifrons Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. V, p. 125, Tab. VI, f. 9. 

Chetopsis enea LoEw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 315, Tab. II, f. 21. 

Trypeta (Aciura) enea y. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. voor Ent. 1867, p. 137, 
Tab. V, f. 12—14. 

Front red, on each side with a broad band, which is covered 
with white pollen. The ocelli rather far distant from the edge 
of the vertex; the region of the ocelli, as well as the little stripes 
descending from the vertex along the orbits of the eyes are 
blackish-green, only very little shining. Frontal lunule with 
white pollen. Antenne rather short; the first two joints brown, 
the second sometimes in part brownish-yellow; the third joint 
rather broad, very little excised on the upper side, always with 
a sharp anterior angle, brownish-black, reddish-yellow at the 
basis. Face only little excavated, steel-bluish, but rather opaque 
on account of a whitish pollen; the edge of the mouth usually 
brick-red. The elypeus has but a small transverse diameter and 
is but little projecting over the anterior edge of the mouth, 
Thorax and scutellum shining metallic-green, upon the dorsum 
with a trace of a white bloom. Abdomen of the same color, or 
somewhat more bronze-green, the last joints of the male abdomen 
generally blackish-green. With less mature individuals the 
coloring of thorax and abdomen is more bluish-green, and at the 
basis of the latter an unmetallic, dirty-yellow coloring may be 
seen. The coloring of the feet is variable; in some specimens 
they are altogether pale-yellow, only a little darker at the tip of 
the tarsi; as this occurs in those specimens which have the basis 
of the abdomen yellow, one might almost be led to the conclusion 
that they form a distinct species; however, the absolute similarity 
of all the other characters renders this conclusion very improba- 


ble; darker specimens have the color of the feet more brownish- 
yellow, the root of the front cox and the tip of the tarsi dark- 
brown; the femora of such specimens often show conspicuous 
black, metallic-green longitudinal stripes; the darkest specimens 
have the whole basal half of the femora, and even more, of this 
black coloring, while the tibie also are partly infuscated. 
Halteres yellowish-white. Wings with three. brownish-black 
bands; the veins are black upon these bands, but ochre-yellow 
elsewhere, which gives the whole basal part of the wing an 
ochre-yellowish tinge. The first band begins at the costa with a 
short black stigma, is perpendicular and rather dark, as far as the 
fourth longitudinal vein and even beyond; the remainder of the 
band, as far as the posterior margin of the wing, is usually very 
faint; the small crossvein is a little beyond the margin of this 
band; the second band runs over the posterior crossvein and is 
perpendicular and rather broad; its posterior end is very pale; 
with the third band it is generally connected only by a dark 
border along the costa; sometimes, however, this border becomes 
broader and extends in some specimens as far as the second 
longitudinal vein. The third band, running along the apex, is 
likewise rather broad, extends as far as the fourth longitudinal 
vein, and even beyond it, in the shape of a gray shadow. The 
last section of the fourth longitudinal vein, beyond its middle, 
converges towards the third ; near its tip, however, this conver- 
gency becomes again much less. 

Hab. United States, rather common (Osten-Sacken) ; Louisiana 
(Schaum) Cuba (Gundlach), 

Observation 1.—The comparison of the types in Wiedemann’s 
collection do not allow any doubt about the determination of this 
species; they belong to the variety of a paler, but not of the 
palest, coloring. Say’s good description of Ortalis trifasciata 
refers to the variety with dark feet. That Macquart’s Urophora 
fulvifrons belongs here seems certain; that he placed the species 
in the genus Urophora is no objection, because he did the same 
with several Ortalidx; the figure of the wing, which he gives, is 
incorrect, as the comparison of the description shows; the latter 
proves conclusively that the second crossvein on the middle of the 
wing is an arbitrary addition ; it seems that Macquart drew the 
small crossvein correctly on the extreme limit of the first cross- 
band ; later, however, in finishing his figure, he noticed that in 


consequence of the very exaggerated breadth of the interval 
between the first and second bands, the position of the small 
crossvein with regard to the posterior one had become altogether 
distorted, and in order to correct this, he may have drawn the 
small crossvein a second time, at a correct distance from the large 
one. Mr. Van der Wulp has erroneously taken Chetopsis «nea 
for a Trypeta and, supposing it a new species, accidentally de- 
scribed it under the same specific name. 

Observation 2.—The Urophora xnea Macq. (Suites, ete., 
Dipt. I, p. 458, 13), may be a synonym of the present species, 
although I do not consider this as certain. The figure of the 
wing, as given in Dipt. Exot. II, 3, Tab. XXX, f. 7, shows at 
the basis of the wing an extensive and very conspicuous black 
spot, of which there is no vestige in C. anea. It seems certain 
that Urophora enea Macq. is a species belonging to the present 
group of Ortalidex. 

2. C. debilliis Lozew. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 20.) Viridi-chalybea, antennis 
totis pedibusque flavis, alis trifasciatis. 
Greenish-blue ; the entire antenne and the feet yellow; wings with three 

bands. Long. corp. 0.12; long. al. 0.11. 
Syn. Chetopsis debilis Lozew. Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 318, Tab. II, f. 22. 

Very like the preceding species, but smaller; the white bloom 
forming a border on both sides of the front is comparatively a 
little broader ; it has a single row of four bristles upon it, whereas 
in the preceding species these hairs are much more numerous. 
The antenne are altogether yellow and their third joint upon its 
upper side is somewhat more excised. The stigma is compara- 
tively smaller; the three bands have the same position, but are 
less pale towards the posterior margin; the last two are entirely 
separated from each other, which is very seldom the case with 
Chetopsis enea; the last section of the fourth vein is much more 
straight and shows only a vestige of a slight convergency towards 
the third longitudinal vein. The coloring of the described speci- 
men is not green, but greenish steel-blue; of a dirty-yellowish at 
the basis of the abdomen; but as it isa rather immature specimen, 
these differences cannot have much weight. The first segment 
of the flattened ovipositor is comparatively long. 

Hab, Cuba (Gundlach) 


Gen. IX. HYPOECTA Loew. 

Charact.—Front of an equal, rather considerable breadth, somewhat pro- 
jecting when viewed in profile; ‘delicately hairy on the sides only. 
Antenne short; third joint very much excised on the upper side, with 

a very sharp anterior corner and with a thin, bare arista. 

Face not excavated, somewhat retreating on the under side; elypeus 
rudimentary, not projecting over the edge of the mouth, of a very 
small transverse diameter. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutellum convex, with 
four bristles. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell pointed, open; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein converges somewhat towards 
the third; the posterior crossvein perpendicular. 

The species of this genus are considerably more slender than 
the species of Chetopsis and their shape is somewhat more like 
that of Humetopia. The third antennal joint, the shape of which 
reminds one of Ceroays, the not excavated face, the rudimentary 
clypeus and the open anal cell, are easy to recognize. The 
Ovipositor ‘is conspicuously broad, and so closely joined to the 
abdomen that it may be easily mistaken for its last segment. 
The typical species is H. longula Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, 
p. 319, Tab. II, f. 23, from Santos (in Brazil). 

No North American species are as yet known. 

Gen. X. STENOMYIA Loew. 

Charact.—Front of equal breadth, somewhat projecting in profile, hairy 
on the sides; upon the remaining surface with two longer hairs 

Antenne rather short, third joint hardly excised upon the upper side, 
but with a sharp anterior angle; arista thin and bare. 

Face not excavated, somewhat retreating, with a slight depression 
under each antenna; gently convex between these depressions ; 
clypeus of moderate transverse diameter, Somewhat projecting over 
the border of the mouth. 

Thorax with bristles on its posterior part only. 

Wings comparatively long; posterior angle of the anal cell sharp, but 
not pointed, last section of the fourth longitudinal vein about double 
the length of the preceding section, gently converging towards the 
third longitudinal vein; posterior crossvein rather perpendicular. 

The striking slenderness of the narrow body and the metallic 
coloring, are points of resemblance between the species of this 
genus and those of Humetopia; the picture of the wings is like- 


wise a similar one. The former are at once distinguished, how- 
ever, by the front, which is not conically projecting. They 
are characterized also by the shape of the wings and the vena- 
tion, which it will be easier to understand from the figure than 
from a description. 

1. S. tenuis Lorw. %.—(Tab. IX, f. 21.) Chalybeo-viridis, pedibus 
nigris, basi tarsorum rufa; alis cinereis, stigmate et plagd permagna 
apicali nigris. 

Greenish-steelblue, the feet black, the root of the tarsi red; the grayish 
wings have a black stigma and a large black spot at the apex. Long. 
corp. 0.14; long. al. 0.13. 

Syn. Stenomyia tenuis Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 321, Tab. II, f. 24. 

Front brown, almost black above, rather hairy along the orbits 
of the eyes, upon the remaining surface only with two more 
elongated hairs; the little stripes running down from the vertex 
along the orbits of the eyes and the ocellar triangle are dark 
bluish-green, shining. Antenne black; the second joint at its 
upper corner to a certain extent dirty-whitish; third joint rather 
broad, upon the upper side hardly excised, but with a sharp 
anterior corner. Face somewhat retreating, with a distinct 
depression under each antenna, longitudinally convex along its 
middle, dark steel-blue, shining, but on its upper half with a thin, 
whitish bloom. Clypeus of a very moderate transverse diameter, 
but distinctly projecting over the upper border of the mouth, deep 
steel-blue and shining. Palpi black. Eyes large and rather 
round, their horizontal diameter, however, is a little larger than 
the vertical one. Cheeks narrow. ‘Thorax dusky blue-green, 
rather shining, scutellum greenish-black, but little shining, with 
an entirely even upper side. The narrow and long abdomen has 
the same coloring as the thorax; however, towards its extremity 
it gradually becomes more black and opaque. Feet black; 
femora and tibiz with metallic, dark bluish-green reflections ; the 
extreme tips of the tibize and the root of the tarsi are dark brick- 
red, the remainder of the feet brownish-black. Halteres whitish. 
Wings long and narrow, grayish, the root and a rather large spot 
immediately behind the stigma lighter; the rather small, narrow 
stigma is of a black color, which extends below it as far as the 
second longitudinal vein; the last third of the wings, beginning 
at the costa as far as the fourth longitudinal vein, is tinged with 


blackish ; this color, at its inner border, between the third and 
fourth longitudinal veins, is very pale, and extends sometimes as 
a gray shadow even beyond the fourth vein; the first, second, 
third, and fifth longitudinal veins are conspicuous for their stout- 
ness and black color; the basis of the second vein and the portion 
of it lying in the clear spot beyond the stigma, are of a paler color 
and less stout. The small crossvein is immediately below or but 
little beyond the end of the stigma; but always beyond the 
middle of the discal cell; the posterior crossvein is perpendicular ; 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is conspicuous for 
its great length and converges gently towards the third; anal cell 
with a sharp angle, which is not, however, drawn out in a point. 
Hab. Georgia. 


Charact.—Front very much projecting anteriorly, so that the head, seen 
in profile, appears conical; upon its sides and its anterior part it ig 
sparsely beset with short, not erect, hairs. 

Antenne of middle size; third joint oval, with a bare arista. 

face unusually retreating, almost horizontal, below each antenna 
distinctly excavated and with a small ridge between these impres- 
sions; c/ypeus small, but distinctly projecting over the anterior 
edge of the mouth. 

Wings narrow and rather long; stigma very narrow, posterior angle 
of the anal cell acute; the last section of the fourth vein somewhat 
converging towards the third near the tip. 

The species of this genus are always bare, very slender and 
have a metallic coloring ; moreover, they are easily distinguished 
by the extraordinary projection of their foreheads and the conical 
profile of their heads; the picture of their wings only consists in 
a more or less extended black spot on the apex. 

1. E. rufipes Mace. %.—(Tab. IX, f. 22.) Viridis, pedibus luteis; 
alarum apice nigro. 

Green, feet dark-yellow; wings with a blackish apex. Long. corp. 0.2; 
long. al. 0.13. 

Syx. Eumetopia rufipes Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. II, p. 88, Tab. VI, f. 2. 
Eumetopia rufipes Lozw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 322, Tab. II, f. 25. 
Front reddish-brown, often very dark, the projecting portion 

on both sides of a lighter coloring; moreover, both sides of the 

front have a white, pollinose margin; the sides and the anterior 


portion bear some scattered, short, neither numerous nor erect 
hairs; the little stripes running down from the vertex along the 
orbits of the eyes and ocellar triangie are of a shining metallic- 
green; the latter is somewhat distant from the vertex. Antenne 
rather deep black; face and clypeus moderately shining, bluish- 
black; the lower orbit, however, reddish-brown, with a narrow 
white border. Palpi and proboscis dark-yellow. The thorax, 
the moderately convex scutellum, and the abdomen shining 
metallic-green; the latter, however, becomes more opaque and 
darker towards its end. The fore coxe altogether, the second 
joint of the posterior ones and the feet of a rather dark, saturate 
yellow coloring, but by no means red; the front tarsi altogether 
and the tip of the posterior ones brownish-black. Wings narrow, 
somewhat grayish-hyaline; the veins are tinged with yellow at 
the basis and in the proximity of the anterior margin, as far as 
the black spot on the apex; this gives to those parts of the wings 
a yellowish coloring; the other veins are blackish; a large 
brownish-black spot on the apex of the wing occupies almost one- 
quarter of the length of the wing and extends beyond the fourth 
longitudinal vein. The small and narrow stigma is yellowish. 
The small crossvein generally lieS only a little beyond the end of 
the stigma and very little beyond the middle of the discal cell ; 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is perceptibly 
longer than the interval between both crossveins, and gently con- 
verges near its end towards the third vein; the posterior cross- 
vein is always perpendicular; the posterior angle of the anal cell 
Hab. United States, not rare (Osten-Sacken). 

2. E. varipes Lorw. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 23.) Viridis, femoribus nigris, 
genibus tibiisque luteis, alarum apice nigro. 

Green, femora black, knees and tibie yellow; wings with a blackish apex. 
Long. corp. 0.25; long. al. 0.12. 

Syn. Humetopia varipes Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. IX, p. 181. 
Eumetopia varipes Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 323, Tab. II, f. 26. 

Very like Z. rufipes, but easily distinguished on account of 
the different coloring of the feet. Front almost black. The palpi 
of the only specimen in my possession seem to be yellowish- 
brown. Scutellum more flattened than that of F. rufipes. 
Coxe and femora black with a bluish-green metallie reflection; 


the tip of the femora and the tibie clay-yellow, the latter some- 
times brownish-yellow; tarsi brown, the posterior ones paler at 
the basis. The first segment of the flattened ovipositor black. 
The wings of the same outline as those of Z. rufipes, but the 
veins at the basis and in the vicinity of the anterior margin less 
yellow; the small crossvein is far beyond the middle of the discal 
cell, and hence it is less distant from the posterior crossvein ; the 
fifth longitudinal vein is interrupted at a somewhat greater 
distance from the posterior margin of the wing and the last 
section of the fourth vein converges a little more towards the 
third; the blackish spot at the apex of the wing is perceptibly 
larger, so that it occupies more than one-fourth of the length of 
the wing. All the rest as in ZL. rufipes. 
Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Second Section: RicHARDINA. 
Gen. I. CONICEPS nov. gen. 

Charact.—Head in shape like a long, somewhat flattened cone; Front 
rather broad, eyes rather distant from the posterior edge of the 
head ; their horizontal diameter somewhat longer than the vertical 

The first two antennal joints short, the third elongated and of equal 
breadth, arista bare. 

The metathoracic bristle indicated only by a hardly perceptible little 
hair; prothoracic bristle not extant. 

Scutellum with two bristles. 

Abdomen slender and elongated. 

Femora not incrassated, unarmed; the under side of the hind ones 
with some rather stiff bristles. d 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell abbreviated ; crossveins not 
approximated; the smaller one on the middle of the discal cell; 
the third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel. 

The present genus is very like Hwmetopia on account of its 
narrow, elongated shape and its strongly projecting front. I 
place it here in order to bring it as near as possible to ELumetopia, 
although I am far from considering it as a typical genus of the 
group Richardina. It is distinguished from Humetopia not only 
by the abbreviated angle of the anal cell, but also by the still 
more projecting forehead, by the somewhat turgid, cushion- 
shaped occiput, and by the comparatively shorter, but broader 



1. C. migern.sp. % 9.—Modice nitens, niger, halteribus concoloribus, 
coxis pedibusque luteis, alis cinereis, adversus costam et apicem nigris. 
Moderately shining, black, with the halteres of the same color; cox and 
feet dark-yellow; wings gray, tinged with black along the anterior 

margin and towards the apex. Long. corp. % 0.15; 9 cum terebra 
0.21; long: al. 4% 0:11; (9) 0:43: 

Black, moderately shining, beset with short, unconspicuous, 
“black hairs. The bristles on the sides of the vertex of medium 
length. Antenne deep black; third joint comparatively long, 
of equal breadth, rounded at the end; the bare arista of medium 
length, perceptibly stouter towards the basis; the parts of the 
mouth comparatively small and rather hidden. Abdomen long 
and narrow, of almost equal breadth. The first segment of the 
ovipositor, at the basis, has the same breadth as the posterior 
margin of the last abdominal segment; it is but little narrowed 
towards its end; it is clothed with a black pubescence which, 
although by no means long, is nevertheless rather conspicuous ; 
in some specimens its sides are turned upwards, so that it appears 
narrower towards its end than it really is; the second and third 
joints of the ovipositor are generally retracted within the first, 
which might produce the impression that the species is a new 
form of Micropezide; when they are projecting, both prove to 
be comparatively rather broad and the third ends in a short, but 
sharp point. Coxe and feet are of a dark yellow color; the tarsi 
are infuscated towards the tip; the hind femora with some stiff 
bristles of moderate length on their under side, which, however, 
do not resemble spines. Halteres blackish. Wings gray with 
black veins; the apex of the wings blackened and the costa with 
a black border, beginning at the tip of the costal cell. 
Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 

Gen. Il. RICHARDIA Ros. Desv. 

Charact.—Front of most species rather broad ; ocelli not far from the edge 
of the vertex; the anterior one more distant from the posterior ones 
than these from each other; in the males of several species the head 
is very much expanded transversely, as in the species of Achias. 

Arista pubescent, or short-feathery. 

Mesothoracic and prothoracic bristles present, although weak. 
Scutellum with four bristles; metathorax steep. 

Abdomen narrow, still more narrowed towards the basis. 

Front femora only moderately incrassated; the intermediate ones not 


at all; the hind femora very much incrassated, beset with spines 
on the under side. 

Wings: the crossveins approximated to each other; the third longi- 
tudinal vein towards its tip is more or less curved backwards; the 
third and fourth veins, for this reason, appear convergent; posterior 
angle of the anal cell obtuse. 

The characters distinguishing this genus, which is peculiar to 
America, are as follows: the rather equally narrow abdomen; 
the unarmed front and middle femora; the very much incrassated 
hind femora, the under side of which is beset with spines; finally, 
the crossveins being approximated to each other. 

The rather coarse hairs upon the feet of most species of 
Richardia look somewhat like spines at the further end of the 
under side of the front and middle femora; although I have not 
observed any real spines upon the under side of the four anterior 
femora in any of the species which I have examined. 

The mention of the presence of the prothoracic and mesotho- 
racic bristle has been introduced among the characters of this and 
of the following genera, wherever I was able to do so. But, as 
in several cases I had only a single, perhaps not particularly 
well-preserved, specimen for comparison, or one in which this 
character could not very well be ascertained, the statement about 
the absence of one of these bristles is not to be taken too strictly 
until further confirmation. 

The typical species is the well-known Richardia podagrica 
Fabr., from South America. 

Gen. II. CYRTOMETOPA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front broad, very much projecting in profile. 
Arista pubescent. 
Femora strong, although not exactly incrassated ; all are beset with 
Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell obtuse; crossveins not approx1- 
mated to each other; the end of the fourth longitudinal vein con- 
verges very much towards the tip of the third vein. 

The typical species is the Odontomera ferruginea Macquart 
(Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 215), in which, with tolerable certainty, I 
recognize an American species. 

The Odontomera maculipennis Macquart (Dipt. Exot. Suppl. 
I), from Columbia, probably belongs to the genus Calometopia. 

I have drawn the characters of this genus, as far as it was 



possible, from Macquart’s statements. The characters which 
prevent me from uniting this genus with the following are: the 
front, very much projecting in profile, the much shorter and 
stronger femora, the wings, which are not attenuated towards their 
basis, and the strong convergency of the third and fourth longitu- 
dinal veins. If the auxiliary vein is really as far distant from 
the first longitudinal as Macquart’s figure shows it, this would 
furnish one distinctive character more. 

Gen. IV. STENOMACRA nov. gen. 

Charact.— General shape almost like Sepsis. 

Front rather broad, somewhat narrower anteriorly. 

Ocelli closely approximated to each other, almost in the middle of the 

Antennal arista with a very distinct pubescence. 

No mesothoracic and, to all appearances, no prothoracic bristle. 

Scutellum with two bristles ; metathorax sloping. 

Abdomen narrow, almost pedunculate. 

Feet slender, femora not incrassated, the intermediate ones attenuated 
towards the end; the hind femora a little longer than the middle 
ones ; all are beset with spines towards the tip. 

Wings rather large, very much attenuated towards the basis; poste- 
rior angle rounded off; the auxiliary vein very much approximated 
to the first longitudinal, coalescing with it at the tip; the second 
longitudinal reaches the margin of the wing far from the apex; the 
small crossvein is far before the middle of the discal cell; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein almost parallel to the third 

/ vein; posterior angle of the anal cell obtuse. 

1. S. Guerini Bic. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 25., Rufescens, pleuris, 
scutello, metanoto abdominisque basi nigris; ale hyaline, strigula 
subbasali et macula magna apicali nigris. 

Reddish, pleure, scutellum, metathorax and the basis of the abdomen 
black; wings hyaline with a little black streak at the basis and a large 
black spot at the apex. Long. corp. 0.20; long. al. 0.20—0.22. 

Syn. Sepsis Guérini Bigot, De la Sagra, Hist. fisica, ete., p. 822, Tab. XX, f. 9. 

Ferruginous-red, rather shining, the upper part of the occiput, 
as well as the region of the vertex and the little stripes running 
down from it upon the front, sometimes shining black, almost 
metallic. Front rather broad, somewhat narrower anteriorly ; 
the bristles of the vertex long; the bristle in front of them, 
inserted upon the little stripe, is likewise long, removed to almost 
the middle of the front. The ocelli, near which the ordinary two 


bristles are placed, are likewise removed to about the middle of 
the front and are close to each other. Antenne descending 
to the edge of the mouth; the first two joints yellow; the 
third more or less infuscated; the arista with a very distinct, 
somewhat rare, pubescence. Face of the Dacus-like shape, 
peculiar among the Richardina; proboscis and palpi sometimes 
of a dirty reddish-yellow, sometimes more brownish-ferruginous. 
The thoracic dorsum somewhat ferruginous; only very dark 
specimens have it black; the hairs upon it are placed in four 
distinct longitudinal rows, the intermediate ones being very 
closely approximated. Scutellum convex, with two bristles, black 
ferruginous on the sides in very pale-colored specimens only. 
Pleure, with the exception of the humeral region, as well as the 
whole metathorax, black. The basis of the abdomen is black to 
a greater or less extent; in rare specimens only does this color 
reach the posterior margin of the rather considerably elongated 
first abdominal segment ; in some specimens, however, this color 
extends to the very end of the abdomen, or, at least, turns here 
into blackish-brown. The ovipositor, which is longer than the 
last three abdominal segments taken together, is usually black 
or blackish-brown ; its upper side is excavated (at least in dry 
specimens), and its under side convex, and hence, it is less flat- 
tened than in the other genera of the Richardina. Coxe pale- 
yellow. Front feet pale-yellowish; the tibiz towards the basis 
and the tarsi, beginning from the second joint, infuscated ; femora 
not incrassated, beset with a few, but rather strong, spines on the 
under side towards its end. The anterior half of the middle femora 
dark-brown and somewhat incrassated ; the posterior half thin and 
dark-yellow; the greater part of the under side sparsely spinose ; 
middle tibiz dark-brown, in most specimens, gradually becoming 
yellow towards the tip; tarsi yellowish, brownish towards the 
tip. Hind femora not incrassated, whitish, the last third brown- 
ish-yellow, brownish towards the tip; both shades separated by 
an oblique brownish-black ring; hind tibiz and tarsi as in the 
intermediate pair of feet. Wings very much attenuated towards 
the basis, hyaline; their anal angle not projecting at all; from 
the tip of the costal cell a narrow black streak extends over the 
incrassated point, where the third longitudinal vein originates 
and over the crossveins, closing the little cells at the basis of the 
wing ; the apex of the wing is occupied by a large black spot, 


which runs from the anterior to the posterior margin, but is very 
much diluted beyond the fourth longitudinal vein. The second 
longitudinal vein is gently curved forward and ends some distance 
from the tip; the small crossvein is before the middle of the discal 
cell; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein is almost 
parallel to the third vein; the posterior angle of the anal cell is 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation.—Through the kindness of Dr. Gundlach, who 
sent me the specimens, I have been informed of the identity of 
this species with the one described by Bigot. I have not suc- 
ceeded yet in comparing De la Sagra’s work, which contains the 
description, and I draw the attention of those, to whom this 
work is accessible, to the fact, that among the Cuban species 
described by me, one or the other may have been previously 
described by Mr. Bigot in that volume. 

Gen. V. SYNTACES nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front moderately broad, broader above (according to Macquart’s 
statement, his figure, on the contrary, shows a front narrower 

Antennal arista pubescent. 

Feet slender; all the femora thin and all armed. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell rectangular; crossveins not 
approximated; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein only 
moderately convergent with the third. 

The typical species is Setellia apicalis from Brazil, described 
by Macquart (Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 249). As I have not seen 
this species, I have borrowed the generic characters from that 
author’s description and figure, which gives these characters a 
somewhat uncertain basis. The close relationship to the next 
following genus is, in my opinion, evident; still, it does not 
seem advisable to unite them, as, in the present genus, the front 
femora are weaker and armed with less conspicuous spines; as 
the hind feet are much less elongated in comparison to the front 
feet; as the posterior angle of the anal cell is not obtuse, but 
rectangular, and as the second longitudinal vein has no stump 
of a vein upon it; nevertheless it is not impossible that the 
examination of a specimen would lead to a different conclusion 
from that which seems warranted by Macquart’s description. 


Gen. VI. EUOLENA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front very broad, very little narrowed anteriorly ; ‘the excava- 
tion of its upper part very shallow; the ocelli near the vertex and 
closely approximated to each other. 

Antennal arista with a very short pubescence. 

No mesothoracic bristle, and, as it seems to me, no prothoracic one. 

Scutellum with four bristles; the lateral ones weak and small. 

Feet: front femora rather strong, with conspicuously long and strong 
spines; the four posterior feet remarkably long and slender, their 
femora with small spines near the tip only, otherwise these femora 
are thin and very long, especially the intermediate ones. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell obtuse; the small crossvein a 
little beyond the last third of the discal cell; opposite this crossvein, 
the second longitudinal vein emits a little stump of a vein into the 
submarginal cell; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
is nearly parallel to the third. 

The typical species is Michogaster egregius, from Columbia, 
described by Gerstecker (Stett. Ent. Z. XXI, p. 179). I possess 
the male only. The ovipositor of the female is called sugar-loaf 
shaped by the author; which would indicate that it is less com- 
pressed than in the other Richardina; it may be somewhat of 
the same shape as in Stenomacra Guérint. 

Gen. VII. IDIOTYPA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front very broad, not narrowed anteriorly; ocelli rather 
approximated to the edge of the vertex, and placed close to each 

Antennal arista with a short pubescence. 

No mesothoracic bristle; a weak prothoracic one. 

Scutellum with two bristles; metathorax sloping. 

Abdomen slender and elongated, almost pedunculate at the basis. 

All the femora strong and armed with spines. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell quite obtuse; the small cross- 
vein beyond the last third of the discal cell; opposite this crossvein 
the second vein has a stump ofa vein, inside of the submarginal cell, 
and a second one on the opposite side, in the marginal cell, nearer 
to the apex of the wing; the last section of the fourth longitudinal 
vein almost parallel to the third. 

1. I. appendiculata n. sp. % 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 26.) Ex ochraceo 
ferruginea, thorace flavo-vario, alarum dimidio anteriore ex ochraceo 
ferrugineo, posteriore subhyalino, dilute lutescente. 


Yellowish-ferruginous, with the thorax marked with yellow; the anterior 
half of the wings ochre-brownish, the posterior half almost hyaline, yel- 
lowish. Long. corp. 0.44; 9 cum terebra 0.52; long. al. 0.4—0.41. 

Of this species I possess a very well preserved, and, as it seems, 
particularly fully-colored female, and two much paler males, pro- 
bably having faded through long exposure. This difference in 
coloring notwithstanding, I have not the least doubt that both 
sexes belong to the same species. The condition of the specimens 
induces me, however, to begin with the description of the female 
and to add afterwards those characters by which the male speci- 
mens differ from it. 

Female.—Head rather dark-yeilow, of the ordinary. Dacus-like 
shape; the front of considerable, and altogether equal, breadth ; 
occipital bristles rather strong; the lateral bristles in front of 
them are wanting; likewise the bristles generally inserted near 
the ocelli ; the ocelli are approximated to the edge of the vertex 
and close to each other; a black, biarcuate band runs from the 
orbit of the eye on one side to that on the other, across the ocelli ; 
immediately above the antenne there is another black band, not 
reaching the orbits, the upper limit of which forms a less arcuate, 
the lower limit a more arcuate curve. In consequence of the very 
approximated position of the anteune, the frontal lunule is more 
isolated from the face, than is the case in any other of the Ortalidz 
I am acquainted with. Antenne brownish ochraceous-yellow ; 
the third joint comparatively long; the arista with a short, but 
very distinct, pubescence. The lower corners of the central por- 
tion of the face rather blackish. The short, but rather broad palpi 
ochraceous-yellow, brownish-black at the basis. The occiput 
shows, not far from the edge of the vertex, a narrow, black cross- 
band, not quite reaching the orbit of the eye. The thorax shows 
a very variegated picture; the very broad middle stripe, running 
from end to end, is of a brownish-ferruginous color, which changes 
into black towards its posterior third; this stripe is divided in 
two by a blackish, rather indistinct longitudinal line; it is sepa- 
rated from the lateral stripes by a longitudinal line of ochraceous- 
yellow pollen; the broad lateral stripes are crossed by the trans- 
verse suture, which is covered with pale ochraceous-yellowish 
pollen; the anterior portion of the lateral stripes is black and 
leaves exposed only the pale yellow humeral stripe; the posterior 
portion of the lateral stripe is black on the side turned towards 


the middle stripe, otherwise brownish-ferruginous. Scutellum 
short, with two bristles, pale-yellow. Pleure black; the humeral 
region, including the prothoracic stigma and a broad band, run- 
ning from the root of the wing to the interval between the fore 
and middle cox, pale-yellow; the suture, lying in this band and 
running down from the root of the wing, is margined with brown- 
ish-black. Metathorax black, separated from the pleure by a 
broad yellow stripe. The first abdominal segment rather long, 
very slender, considerably incrassated, however, towards its end, 
so that here it equals in breadth the following segment ; its first 
third is black, the second pale-yellow, the remainder, as well as 
the remaining portion of the abdomen, yellowish-ferruginous, 
almost ochre-brownish, and beset with a short pubescence of the 
same coloring. Ovipositor of the color of the abdomen; quite 
flat; the first segment not quite so long as the last three abdo- 
minal segments taken together; rather narrow towards its end. 
Coxe brownish-black; the second joint of the front coxe, the tip 
of the first joint and the second joint of the middle ones, yellow. 
All the femora beset with spines, not incrassated, but strong, 
black, yellow to a small extent at the basis only, yellowish-red 
to a considerable extent towards the end. Front tibize reddish- 
yellow; the four posterior ones of a purer yellow with reddish- 
yellow tips. All the tarsi yellowish-red; the front tarsi from 
the second joint and beyond dark-brown; the other tarsi infuscated 
at the tip only. The hairs on the feet are very short, and of the 
same color as the ground upon which they are inserted. Wings 
comparatively long and narrow, with ferruginous veins; the 
anterior half has a yellowish rusty-brownish tinge, which is 
more ferruginous-yellow towards the basis, and more brownish 
towards the apex; the posterior limit of this coloring is almost 
rectilinear and reaches the fourth longitudinal vein at its root 
and at its tip only. The whole posterior half of the wing has 
a decidedly yellowish tinge, but is rather transparent. The 
second longitudinal vein is rather straight, gently bent forward 
towards its end only; it reaches the margin not far from the 
apex of the wing; two conspicuous stumps of veins project from 
it not far from each other; both are perpendicular, but placed at 
the opposite sides of the principal vein; one is just opposite the 
small crossvein, the other somewhat nearer to the apex of the 
wing; the small crossvein itself is a little beyond the last third 


of the discal cell; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
is almost parallel to the third vein; the posterior angle of the 
anal cell is quite obtuse. 

Males.—The two specimens which I have before me differ from 
the females by the absence of the upper black crossband on the 
front, of the black crossband of the occiput and of the spots on 
the face which have a black coloring ; all which in the female is 
described as black or blackish-brown, is of a dingy rusty-brown 
in the male. As, at the same time, the contrast between the 
yellow and the ferruginous regions is less striking, this gives 
these specimens a less variegated appearance than that of the 
above-described female. The first abdominal segment is just as 
narrow as in the female; but. this is less apparent here, as the 
posterior part of the abdomen is less broad. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Gen. VIII. STENERETMA nov. gen. 

Churact.—Front very broad, not attenuated anteriorly; occiput very con- 
vex; cheeks broad; ocelli small and rather approximate to each 

Arista thin and bare. 

A strong mesothoracic bristle; no prothoracic one. 

Scutellum with two bristles ; metathorax sloping. 

Abdomen slender and elongate, attenuate towards the basis. 

Femora of medium strength, all unarmed. 

Wings but little developed, short and exceedingly narrow, attenuate 
in the shape of a wedge towards the basis, so that their surface 
beyond the fifth longitudinal vein is nothing but a narrow, veinless 
strip; the auxiliary vein so closely approximated to the first longitu- 
dinal vein, that they can be distinctly told apart at their end only ; 
the two ordinary crossveins approximate to each other; the small 
one lies but little beyond the middle of the wing; second basal cell 
very small and narrow; the anal cell and the sixth longitudinal 
vein are wanting, with the exception of a rudiment of the latter, 
which does not reach beyond the axillary incision. 

As the group of the Ulidina contains the genera with a more 
developed anal cell, the group of the Richardina on the contrary 
those with a less developed one, there can be no doubt that the 
present genus, in the incompletely developed wings of which the 
anal cell is altogether wanting, belongs to the Richardina; and 
that this is its true location is proved by its relationship to 


Idiotypa, especially evident in the structure of the abdomen. 
Among the differences of these two genera I will only mention 
that the structure of the head of Jdiotypa is not unlike that of 
Dacus, while the head of Steneretma resembles that of Tritoxa. 
As Steneretma and Tritoxa also agree in the presence of a 
mesothoracic bristle and in the absence of a prothoracic one, the 
former genus, if its first longitudinal vein showed a distinct 
pubescence, would have to be placed next to Zritoxa. 

1. S. laticauda n. sp. 9? .—Lutea, segmentis abdominalibus singulis 
postice anguste et equaliter fusco-marginatis, tarsis preter basim nigro- 
fuscis, alis luteo cinereis, albido-bifasciatis. 

Dark-yellow, the single abdominal segments on their posterior margin 
with a narrow infuscated border; the tarsi, with the exception of the 
basis, blackish-brown; wings yellowish-gray with two whitish cross- 
bands. Long. corp. 0.14; cum terebra 0.19; long. al. 0.11—0.12. 

Of a dark-yellow color, shining. The broad, rather convex 
front bears, besides the long bristles on the vertex and in the 
region of the ocelli, a moderate quantity of rather long black 
hairs; the comparatively strong convexity of the occiput almost 
obliterates the usnal edge between it and the vertex. The 
antennez are of the same color as the rest of the body, and of 
more than half the length of the face; their third joint elongate, 
rounded at the tip; the thin and bare arista is very long. 
Clypeus, palpi, and proboscis likewise partake of the general 
coloring of the body. Thorax but little elevated and rather 
narrow in comparison to its length; its dorsum on the sides and 
on its posterior border with a few rather long black bristles; upon 
the remainder of its surface only with a short, black pubescence. 
Scutellum small, bare, with the exception of the two bristles upon 
its end. Pleurx glabrous; besides the mesothoracie bristle they 
bear only a single bristle not far below the root of the wing. The 
abdomen is narrow and elongate, attenuate towards the basis, not 
so much, however, as in the females of Idiotypa appendiculata ; 
its segments have, on the posterior margin, a narrow border of 
equal breadth and of a brown or reddish-brown color; upon the 
last segment this margin becomes indistinct, or it is altogether 
wanting. The blackish pubescence of the abdomen is every- 
where very short and not conspicuous. The ovipositor is of the 
same color as the remainder of the body and is strikingly 


broad; its first joint is about as long as the last three abdominal 
segments taken together; from its basis to the middle it is 
exactly as broad as the abdomen itself; beyond the middle it is 
but little attenuate, so that the truncature at the end has a con- 
siderable breadth; the second and third joints of the ovipositor 
are also rather broad; the latter does not end in a sharp point, 
but in a narrow truncature. Feet bare, their structure ordinary ; 
femora unarmed; the tarsi blackish-brown from about the tip of 
the first joint. The yellowish-gray wings have two perpendicular 
whitish crossbands; the first passes between the two ordinary 
crossveins from the anterior to the posterior margin of the wing; 
the second lies between the first and the apex of the wing, but 
much nearer the latter, is obliterated in the marginal cell and does 
not entirely reach the posterior margin; besides these two whitish 
crossbands there is, at the end of the second basal cell and in the 
adjoining region of the first basal cell a small, whitish spot; the 
coloring of the wing, on this side of the first crossband, towards 
the root of the wing, changes gradually into clay-yellow, while 
beyond the second crossband the color is almost blackish-gray ; 
the posterior crossvein shows the trace of a delicate blackish-gray 
lining, while there is no such trace on the small crossvein. 
Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 


Charact.—Front of moderate breadth, slightly narrowed anteriorly, some- 
what excavated; ocelli far removed from the edge of the vertex, 
placed close to each other on a more or less projecting bump. 

Antennal arista with a very short pubescence. 

No mesothoracic and one prothoracic bristle. 

Scutellum with four bristles; metathorax somewhat sloping. 

Femora not incrassate, nevertheless strong, the four posterior ones 
considerably longer than the front pair; all are provided with 
spines, the fore femora, however, with a few small ones towards the 
tip only. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell quite obtuse; the crossveins 
not approximate to each other; the last section of the fourth longi- 
tudinal vein converges towards the third. 

With Celometopia a series of genera begins which have a 
comparatively short, oval abdomen, not very attenuate at the 
basis. The type of the genus is C. trimaculata Fab. = C. fer- 
ruginea Macq. from South America, which Wiedemann placed in 
the genus T7rypeta. 


1. C. bimaculata n. sp. %.—(Tab. IX, f. 27.) Rufa, abdomine 
chalybeo vel violaceo, pedibus flavis; tibiis tamen tarsorumque apice 
fuscis; ale hyaline, nigro-bimaculata. 

Ferruginous-reddish, the abdomen steel-blue or violet; feet yellow; tibie 
and tip of the tarsi brown ; wings hyaline with two black spots. Long. 
corp. 0.22—0.26; long. al. 0.21—0.22. 

Head and thorax ferruginous-red, rather shining; only the 
hind cox sometimes pitch-brown. Front of very moderate 
breadth; narrower anteriorly, somewhat excavated; the bristles 
on the vertex, the very much advanced lateral bristles and the 
two bristles near the ocelli black and rather strong. The ocelli 
are placed close to each other on a flattened elevation, almost in 
the middle of the front; the frontal lunule is rather isolated from 
the face, in consequence of the very approximate position of the 
antenne. The third antennal joint is sometimes more brownish- 
red towards the tip; arista with a short pubescence. The short 
hairs on the thoracic dorsum are whitish, and hence easily per- 
ceptible; the ordinary bristles are black or brown, sometimes 
only brownish; a blackish line in the middle is only occasionally 
perceptible. Scutellum convex, with four brownish or brown 
bristles. Abdomen metallic steel-blue, shining, with more or less 
extensive and vivid violet reflections; sometimes ferruginous- 
brownish at the extreme basis; its almost whitish pubescence 
appears much darker, when looked at against the light. Femora 
yellowish, usually brownish at the tip; the foremost ones strong, 
with a few weak and small spines on the under side, near the tip 
only; the four posterior femora much longer, also strong, with 
spines on the under side. Tibi brown. Tarsi of adirty-yellowish 
brown from about the tip of the second joint. Wings pure hya- 
line, with a rather sparse and coarse microscopic pubescence and 
with black veins; the black stigma is confluent with a mode- 
rately large, sharply limited spot, reaching as far as the third 
longitudinal vein; a larger, almost triangular black spot occu- 
pies the apex of the wing; it begins before the second longitu- 
dinal vein and ends midway between the third and fourth veins ; 
moreover, in the environs of the humeral crossvein, there is a 
grayish-black spot, which is easily overlooked. The third longi- 
tudinal vein is very straight; the small crossvein lies in the 
middle of the comparatively short discal cell. The anterior basal 
cell is somewhat expanded at the expense of the discal cell, so 


that the latter is much narrower before the small crossvein than 
beyond it; posterior crossvein straight, somewhat oblique; the 
last section of the fourth longitudinal vein strikingly long, 
distinctly converging towards the third longitudinal vein; poste- 
rior angle of the anal cell very obtuse. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Gen. X. HEMIXANTHIA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front of medium breadth, somewhat narrower anteriorly, not 
excavated; the posterior ocelli not very far from the edge of the 
vertex ; the anterior one removed to about the middle of the front, 

Antennal arista with a distinct pubescence. 

A small prothoracic, and, as it seems, no mesothoracic bristle. 

Scutellum with four bristles; metathorax perpendicular. 

Femora not incrassate, but rather strong; the posterior ones longer 
than the foremost ones ; all are beset with spines; the spines of 
the foremost ones are but very few. 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell obtuse ; crossveins conspicu- 
ously approximate ; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
is parallel to the third. 

The difference from Calometopia consists principally in the 
peculiar position of the ocelli, the remarkably approximate cross- 
veins and the parallelism of the third and fourth longitudinal 

I do not know of any described species of this genus and for 
this reason give the following :— 

1. H. spimipes n. sp. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 28.) Lutea, metanoto 
epimerisque metathoracis nigris, abdomine chalybeo, violaceo-splen- 
dente; ale subhyaline, apice fasciisque tribus fusco-nigris; harum 
secunda postice, tertiaé antice, abbreviata. 

Clay-yellow, metanotum and epimera of the metathorax black, abdomen 
steel-blue, with a violet reflection; wings rather hyaline, the apex and 
three crossbands brownish-black; the second of these abbreviated 
posteriorly, the third anteriorly. Long. corp. 0.24; long. al. 0.23. 

Clay-yellow, thoracic dorsum more yellowish-red. Front of 
medium breadth, but little narrower anteriorly, not excavated, 
with but a small depression on the vertex; the two posterior 
ocelli are placed upon a very small black spot, at a moderate 
distance from the vertex and close to each other; the anterior 
ocellus is quite unusually distant from them, and placed about 


the middle of the front; the bristles on the vertex, the rather 
distant lateral bristles and the two ocellar bristles comparatively 
long and strong, black. Antenne reaching down to the border 
of the mouth; the comparatively long third joint sometimes 
somewhat infuscated at the tip. Arista pubescent. The pubes- 
cence of the thoracic dorsum is pale-yellowish, the ordinary 
bristles black. Scutellum of a pure yellow, with four black 
bristles; its surface rather even. ‘The middle portion of the 
mesonotum, the lower portion of its sides and the epimera of the 
metathorax brownish-black. The pubescence of the pleure yel- 
lowish. Abdomen elongate-oval, clay-yellow at the extreme 
basis, the remainder shining steel-Llue with violet reflections, 
more greenish-blue at the posterior end. The first segment of 
the ovipositor large, shining black, concave above, somewhat 
convex below. Feet clay-yellow, the basis of the middle tibiz 
and the hind tibia brown; the tip of the tarsi but little infuscated ; 
femora not incrassate, although rather strong, the four. posterior 
ones longer than the two foremost ones; the latter with a few 
small spines near the tip only, the former beset with spines on 
the whole second half of the under side. Wings almost hyaline, 
with a yellowish-gray tinge, which is more yellow towards the 
anterior border; costal cell yellowish-brown; a narrow brownish- 
black band runs from the humeral crossvein to the axillary 
incision; a second one, somewhat broader, runs from the anterior 
margin over the basis of the submarginal cell and over the end 
of the small basal cells nearly, but not quite, to the posterior 
margin of the wing; a third band, inclosing the two remarkably 
approximate crossveins, extends from the posterior margin to the 
middle of the submarginal cell; the apex of the wing bears a 
large elongate brownish-black spot, beginning before the second 
longitudinal vein and occupying the border of the wing as far as 
beyond the fourth vein. The last section of the fourth longitu- 
dinal vein is parallel to the third vein; the posterior angle of the 
anal cell is obtuse; the microscopic pubescence of the surface of 
the wing is remarkably coarse and sparse. 
Hab. Brazil. 


Gen. XI. MELANOLOMA nov. gen. 

Charact.—Front rather broad, somewhat narrower anteriorly, not exca- 
vated; the posterior ocelli not far removed from the edge of the 
vertex; the anterior one at a considerable distance from them. 

Antennal arista bare. 

A strong mesothoracic bristle and a very weak prothoracic one. 

Scutellum with four bristles ; metathorax rather perpendicular. 

Femora not incrassate, only the hindmost ones with spines near the 

Wings: posterior angle of the anal cell quite obtuse; the crossveins 
not approximate; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
parallel to the third. 

The species of this genus are distinguished by their robust 
thorax and short oval abdomen; the surface of the latter is not 
smooth, but entirely covered by shallow scars, almost chagreened. 
The picture of the wings of the species known to me consists of 
a black border of the anterior margin of the wing and of the 
apex, and of a narrow black streak over the small crossvein. 

The typical species is a Brazilian one, described by Wiede- 
mann as Trypeta cyanogaster. As, in Wiedemann’s description, 
the plastic characters are not sufficiently taken notice of, I will 
give the description of a species closely related to his. 

1. M. affimisn. sp. %.—(Tab. IX, f. 29.) Rufa, tibiis concoloribus, 
posticis tamen basim versus infuscatis, abdomine ex violaceo chalybeo; 
ale hyaline, costé cum apice et vena transversa media anguste nigro- 

Red, the tibie# of the same color, the hindmost ones infuscated towards 
the basis; abdomen violet steel-blue; wings hyaline, anterior margin 
and apex, as well as the small crossvein, with a narrow black border. 
Long. corp. 0.24; long. al. 0.24. 

Ferruginous-red, shining; abdomen of a dark steel-blue color, 
somewhat verging on violet. Front rather broad, somewhat 
narrower anteriorly, sometimes tinged with yellow on the sides; 
the short and thin hairs upon it are inserted in small, very shallow, 
and hence hardly perceptible pits. The two superior ocelli are 
quite near the vertex; the anterior one is quite a distance from 
them, but still above the middle of the front; bristles of the 
vertex, the lateral ones and the two bristles near the ocelli, are 
present. Antenne reaching a little beyond the border of the 
mouth; the third joint long, sometimes more reddish-brown. 


Arista thin and apparently bare. Thorax strongly built; the 
fallow-yellowish pubescence of its dorsum very short; the ordi- 
nary bristles black. Scutellum convex, with four bristles. The 
perpendicular mesonotum, the pleurs and the pectus of the same 
color as the upper side of the thorax. The mesothoracic bristle 
strong, black, and hence very conspicuous; the prothoracic 
bristle thin and fallow-yellowish, and hence easily overlooked. 
The metallic-blue abdomen is of a rounded-oval shape and is 
covered with shallow scars, which diminish its lustre; its short 
pubescence is whitish on the first segment only, otherwise rather 
blackish. Feet of a yellowish-ferruginous color, only the dis- 
tinctly arcuate hind tibie are gradually infuscated towards the 
basis; the tarsi, beyond the second joint, are more or less ferru- 
ginous-brownish. Femora not incrassate, only the hindmost 
ones with spines near the tip. Wings hyaline; the costal cell, 
the stigma, and a narrow border, running from it to the fourth 
longitudinal vein, along the margin of the wing, black; the small 
crossvein likewise with a narrow black cloud; a blackish spot 
lies between the extreme basis of the submarginal cell and the 
end of the costal cell. The second longitudinal vein reaches the 
anterior margin rather far from the apex of the wing; the third 
longitudinal vein is very straight; the small crossvein is a little 
beyond the middle of the discal cell, which is considerably narrower 
before this crossvein than after it; posterior crossvein straight, a 
little oblique; the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein 
rather long, parallel to the third vein; posterior angle of the 
anal cell quite obtuse. The microscopic pubescence of the 
surface of the wing is comparatively sparse and coarse. 

Hab. Brazil. 

Observation.—M. cyanogaster Wied. is not quite as large as 
the above-described species; its wings are comparatively smaller 
and the black border along the costa is somewhat broader at the 
apex of the wing; the lateral bristle of the front is somewhat 
more removed from the bristles on the vertex; the shallow pits 
on the front are not perceptible ; the pubescence of the thoracic 
dorsum is considerably longer; the pleure and the tibie are 




Charact.—Front broad, narrower anteriorly; not projecting in profile; 

rather densely hairy upon the whole surface. 

Antenne of medium size; third joint oval, with a thin, bare arista. 

Face vertical, with a depression under each antenna; longitudinally 
convex between these depressions ; c/ypeus of a moderate transverse 
diameter, projecting considerably beyond the anterior edge of the 
mouth, which is drawn upwards; proboscis stout. 

Thorax with bristles on its hind part only; scutellum convex, with 
four bristles. 

Femora of moderate length, strong, but not incrassate; all unarmed. 

Wings comparatively short; submarginal and first posterior cells 
broad; third longitudinal vein bent backwards towards its end; 
the last section of the fourth longitudinal vein does not converge 
towards the third; posterior crossvein perpendicular; the posterior 
angle of the anal cell rather acute. 

The species of this genus are rather stout, not metallic, except 
sometimes on the abdomen. The structure of the head recalls 
that of some Sctomyzide, and is very like that of the two well- 
known species, described by Wiedemann as Ortalis trifasciata 
and atomaria; in their general appearance, the species of Epi- 
platea are also not unlike the two latter species, but are easily 
distinguished by the first longitudinal vein being bare, by the 
posterior angle of the anal cell not being rounded as in those 
species and by the absence of the erect bristle before the end of the 
upper side of the tibia, a bristle which is always present in the 

latter species. 

i. E. erosa Lorw. 9.—(Tab. IX, f. 24.) Fusco-testaceo vel ex fer- 
rugine fusca, pedibus concoloribus ; abdomine nigro, alis hyalinis, fasciis 
duabus et puncto centrali nigris. 

Brownish-yellow or ferruginous-brown, with the feet of the same color and 
a black abdomen; wings hyaline, with two brown crossbands and in 
the middle with a brown dot. Long. corp. 0.17; long. al. 0.16. 

Syn. Epiplatea erosa Lorw, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. XI, p. 325, Tab. II, f. 25. 

The coloring of the lighter shaded specimens is yellow-brown- 
ish, in darker specimens it becomes ferruginous-brown. Head of 
the same color. Front broad, considerably narrowed anteriorly, 
upon its whole surface uniformly and rather densely clothed with 
an erect, black pubescence; along the lateral margin with a 
narrow border of white pollen; the stripes running down from 


_ the vertex along the sides of the front and the ocellar triangle 
are of the same color as the front and hence indistinct. 
Antenne not reaching quite to the edge of the mouth; the first 
two joints of the color of the head, or a little lighter; the oval 
third joint dark-brown, often quite black; the arista thin and 
bare. Face excavated under each antenna, longitudinally con- 
vex between these depressions; descending vertically in profile ; 
the anterior edge of the mouth is strongly drawn upwards, so 
‘that the clypeus projects considerably above it. Proboscis stout; 
palpi brown, generally paler towards the tip. The thoracic 
dorsum generally has, on the posterior side, an almost silvery- 
white transverse crossband, and before the transverse suture, on 
each side, a large spot of a similar pollen; these pollinose spots 
are very distinct, when seen by reflected light, but can easily 
be overlooked in any other light. Upon the pleure likewise 
there are two spots of white pollen; one of them lies over the 
fore coxee, the other immediately under the longitudinal suture 
of the pleurz, where the color is generally darker-brown. The 
front part of the coxe is likewise covered with a white pollen, 
which, however, sometimes is entirely invisible. Abdomen black, 
somewhat glossy, generally brown at the basis, with a rather 
coarse pubescence, which is longer and black on the posterior 
margins of the segments. The flattened ovipositor is somewhat 
attenuate, its first two segments black, the third orange-yellow. 
Feet of the same color as the body; tibie and tarsi darker 
brown, in fully colored individuals brownish-black. Halteres 
yellowish. Wings of very -moderate length, rather broad, 
hyaline, with brown veins; the basis of the wings as far as the 
humeral crossvein and the anal cell are brownish; a narrow 
brownish-black band begins at the costa, where it is confluent 
with the small black stigma and a black spot, lying at the end of 
the costal cell; it runs over the bases of the submarginal, discal, 
and third posterior cells, as far as the sixth longitudinal vein, 
which its end alone crosses a little; before the apex of the wing 
there is a broader crossband, which is sinuate on both sides, 
weaker, however, on the inside than on the outside; posteriorly 
it bifureates in two short, obtuse branches, the inner one of 
which reaches the margin of the wing and covers the perpen- 
dicular posterior crossvein ; the outside one is shorter and ends 
in the second posterior cell, some distance from the margin of 


the wing; between these two crossbands is the black spot, formed 
by a cloud over the small crossvein; the stigma is small; the 
small crossvein is beyond the middle of the discal cell; the sub- 
marginal and first posterior cells are broad; the end of the third 
longitudinal vein is gently curved posteriorly and ends exactly in 
the apex of the wing; the last section of the fourth longitudinal 
vein does not converge towards the third; the anal cell is com- 
paratively rather small; the crossvein, closing it, is a little 
arcuate, but forms nevertheless a rather acute posterior angle. 
Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 



1. Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sciences Phil., Vol. VI, Part II. 

Page 83. Ortalis ligata. 

Wings quadrifasciate with fuscous. 

Inhabits Mexico. 

Body blackish; head ferruginous, tinged with glaucous behind 
and on the vertex; thorax blackish-plumbeous; wings white, 
subopaque, with four fuscous bands; the first a little oblique, 
across the neck of the wing; second from the tips of the medi- 
astinal and post costal nervures, and proceeding a little obliquely, 
so as to be bounded posteriorly by the middle cross-nervure ; 
third, perpendicular to the costal margin and covering the poste- 
rior cross-nervure; fourth, terminal, slightly connected on the 
costal edge with the third; potsers white ; tergum coppery-black ; 
feet black ; knees and tarsi ferruginous. Length three-twentieths 
of an inch, 

[Belongs very probably to the genus Rivellia, but it will be 
difficult to decide to which species, on account of the great 
similitude between the species of that genus. —Loew. ] 

2. Rob. Desvoidy, Myodaires. 

Page 715. Meckelia philadelphica. 

Minor M. eleganti; pedes fulvi, tibiis nigricantibus; ale 
flavescentes, unica macula subfusca. 
Plus petite que la Meckelia elegans; frontaux, antennes, face, 
rouges; optiques d’un gris rougedtre; corselet d’un brun-gris ; 
C197 ) 


abdomen un peu moins gris et d’un noir plus luisant; cuisses 
fauves; tibias mélangés de noir et de fauve; tarses noirs; ailes 
flavescentes, n’offrant que l’apparence d’une seule macule. 

Originaire de Philadelphie. 

(Translation.)—Smaller than Meckelia elegans ; frontal bristles, antenne, 
face, red; optical bristles of a reddish-gray; thorax brownish-gray ; 
abdomen a little less gray and of a more shining black; femora fulvous ; 
tibia mixed with black and fulvous; tarsi black; wings flavescent, with 
the appearance of a single spot. 

From Philadelphia. 

[It seems hardly doubtful that this species belongs to the 
Ortalina; it is probably either an Anacampta or a Ceroxys, as 
Rob. Devoidy’s genus Meckelia has the third antennal joint 
excised on the upper side and ending in a very sharp angle.— 
Loew. } 

3. Walker, Insecta Saundersiana. 

Page 373. Ortalis basalis, Mas. et Fom. 

Nigro-cyanea, caput fulvum; antenne lute; abdomen basi 
ferrugineum, fem. apice luteum attenuatum; pedes fulvi; ale 
hyaline, basi fulve, vitta antica interrupta fusca. 

Ceroxys? Blackish-blue: head tawny; face with a whitish 
covering; epistoma prominent; mouth pitchy; feelers luteous ; 
third joint much deeper than the second and more than twice its 
length; sixth black, bare, very slender, more than twice the 
length of the third; abdomen longer than the chest, ferruginous 
towards the base; abdomen of the female pale luteous towards 
the tip, which is much attenuated; legs tawny; wings colorless, 
slightly tawny at the base, adorned along the fore border with a 
dark-brown interrupted stripe, which is widened at the tip; veins 
black; fifth vein converging towards the tip of the fourth; sixth 
not reaching the hind border; crossveins straight, almost upright; 
poisers pitchy. Length of the body 14—2 lines; of the wings 
2—3 lines. United States. 

[It is utterly improbable that this species should be a Ceroxrys, 
as Mr. Walker supposes; his description rather suggests that it 
belongs to the Ulidina.—Loew. ] 


4. Macquart, Dipt. Exot. I, ut, Tab. XXIX. fig. 3. 

Page 208. Herimna mexicana. 

Viridi-cyanea. Alis limbo externo nervisque transversis fuscis. 

Long. 4 lin.—Face testacce. Front noir; vertex et derriére 
de la téte testacés. Antennes brunes; style fauve. Thorax d’un 
vert brillant, & reflets bleus. Abdomen manque. Piecs noirs. 
Ailes jaundtres jusqu’a l’extremite; cellules basilaires brunes; 
nervures transversales bordees de brun; premiere oblique. 

Du Mexique. 

(Translation.)—Length 4 lines. Face testaceous; front black; vertex 
and occiput testaceous. Antenne brown; arista fulvous. Thorax of a 
brilliant green, with blue reflexions. Abdomen—(wanting). Feet black. 
Wings yellowish, anterior margin brown from the stigmatical cell, inclu- 
sively, as far as the apex; basal cells brown; crossveins bordered with 
brown; the first of them oblique. 


[ Macquart very improperly placed this species in the genus 
Herina; it is a perfectly normal species of his own genus Ste- 
nopterina.—Loew. | 

5. Walker, List of Dipt. Ins. IV. 

Page 992. Ortalis massyla, n. sp., Fem. 

Viridis, capite ferrugineo, abdominis segmento quinto purpureo 
apice fulvo, palpis ferrugineis, antennis pedibusque nigris, tarsis 
fulvis, alis albis fusco trifasciatis. 

Body metallic-green, slender, clothed with short black hairs: 
head and chest beset with black bristles; head ferruginous above 
and along the borders of the eyes; epistoma ferruginous, promi- 
nent, eyes red ; fore part slightly convex; its facets a little larger 
than those elsewhere: sucker black, clothed with tawny hairs ; 
palpi ferruginous ; beset with black bristles: feelers black, much 
shorter than the face; third joint conical, ferruginous at the base, 
much longer than the. second; bristle bare, very slender, more 
than thrice the length of the third joint; abdomen long-obconical, 
much longer than the chest, tapering, flat, and with a vein on 
each side towards the tip, which is tawny; fifth segment dark- 
purple: legs black, clothed with short black hairs; knees ferru- 
ginous; feet and tips of shanks dull tawny: wings white, with 


three dark-brown bands; the first extends nearly to the hind 
border, and joins the side of the middle crossvein; the second 
reaches the hind border and incloses the lower crossvein; it is 
darkest on the fore border, and there unites with the third, which 
widens along the fore border and occupies the whole of the tip 
of the wing; wing-ribs, veins, and poisers tawny; veins pitchy 
in the brown parts of the wings; lower crossvein nearly straight. 
‘Length of the body 13—2 lines; of the wings 3—4 lines. 
North America. 

[This seems to be an Luxesta.—Loew. | 

6. Walker, List of Dipt. Ins. IV. 

Page 995. Ortalis? diopsides, Barnston’s MSS. Fem. 

Nigra, obscura, capite antico fulvo, palpis antennis pedibusque 
piceo-ferrugineis, alis subcinereis ad costam fusco bimaculatis. 

Body dull-black, clothed with very short black hairs: head 
beset with a few black bristles, tawny in front and beneath, where 
it is covered with white bloom; sides of the face without bristles ; 
epistoma slightly prominent; eyes dark-red; facets of the fore 
part a little larger than those elsewhere: sucker and palpi ferru- 
ginous, partly pitchy ; sucker clothed with tawny hairs; palpi 
beset with black bristles; feelers ferruginous, shorter than the 
face; third joint pitchy above, nearly round, longer than the 
second joint; bristle black, bare, slender, much more than twice 
the length of the third joint; abdomen spindle-shaped, much 
longer than the chest; last segment flat: legs pitchy, mostly 
ferruginous beneath, clothed with very short black hairs; claws 
black: wings slightly gray, with a narrow pitchy band at half 
the length of the fore border, on which, near the tip, there is a 
small brown spot; wing-ribs tawny; veins black, tawny at the 
base; longitudinal veins straight; lower crossvein straight, 
slightly oblique, nearly twice its length distant from the middle 
crossvein ; poisers pale tawny. Length of the body 2 lines; of 
the wings 24 lines. 

St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. 

[This species seems likewise to belong to the Ulidina, a group 
which is so abundantly represented in America.— Loew. ] 


1. Walker, List of Dipt. Ins. IV. 

Page 995. Ortalis? costalis, n. s., Fem. 

Nigra, abdomine nigro-wzneo, pedibus nigris, alis limpidis ad 
costam fusco bimaculatis, stigmate nigro. 

Head wanting: chest dull black, beset with a very few black 
bristles : abdomen sessile, brassy-black, shining, slightly spindle- 
shaped, much longer but hardly broader than the chest: legs 
black, clothed with very skort black hairs: wings colorless, with 
a small brown spot just above the tip, and another at the base of 
the fore border, where the vein is thickened ; a black band along 
the middle of the fore border; wing-ribs and veins black; third 
longitudinal vein straight, with the exception of a very slight 
angle at its junction with the lower crossvein, which has two 
very slight curves, the upper inward, the lower outward. Length 
of the body 1? line; of the wings 34 lines. 

St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. 

[In this description, after the words “third longitudinal vein 
straight,” something seems to be wanting, as this vein does not 
at all meet the posterior crossvein. The species very likely also 
belongs to the Ulidina.—Loew. ] 

8. Macquart, Dipt. Exot. Suppl. IV, Tab. XXVT, fig. 17. 

Page 289. Urophora antillarum. 

Viridi-nigra. Fronte testacea, alis fasciis duabus, apiceque 

Long. 14 lin. §.—Palpes noirs. Face d’un vert noiratre 
luisant, 4 léger duvet blane sur les cotés. Front testacé; une 
tache verte sur le vertex. Antennes noirs. Thorax et abdomen 
d’un vert luisant noirdtre. Pieds noires; premier article des 
tarses testacé. Ailes claires, & base jaunatre; une premictre 
bande passant sur Ja premiére nervure transversale, et n’atteignant 
pas le bord intérieur; la deuxiéme entiére, passant sur la deuxiéme 
transversale; extrémité & tache brune, li¢e & la deuxiéme bande 
par le bord extérieur également brun. 

Des Antilles. 

[ Almost undoubtedly an Ulidina.—Loew.] 


9. Bigot, Ramon de la Sagra, Hist. fis. d. l. Isla da Cuba. 
Ulidia fulvifrons. 

Nigro-piceo-nitens, hypostomate nigro; fronte, oculis, anten- 
nisque fulvis, oceipite brunnea; thorace nigro-nitente; abdomine 
nigro-piceo ; pedibus fulvis; anticis, cruribus antice brunnescen- 
tibus; tibiis tarsisque brunneis ; intermediis posticisque, femori- 
bus basi, brunneis; tibiis postice brunneis; alis hyalinis; costa 
brunnea, punctoque apicali nigro.—Long. 4 mill. 

[This species may belong to the Ulidina, but it is not probable 
that it is a true Ulidia. The Ulidia metallica Bigot, described 
in the same place, is not an Orlalida at all, but belongs to the 
Agromyzidx, perhaps to the genus Agromyza.—Loew. } 

10. Walker, Trans. of the Ent. Soc., Tom. V. 1861. 

Page 326. Ortalis bipars. 

Nigricante viridis, capite supra antennisque rufis, harum articulo 
tertio longo lineari, pedibus nigris, alis albis nigro-trifasciatis et 
apice maculatis, vittis secunda tertiaque postice obsoletis, prima 
incompleta, halteribus pallidis. 

Blackish-green: head above and antenne red; third joint of 
the antenn long, linear; wings white, with three slight black 
bands and an apical spot, first band very incomplete; second and 
third obsolete hindward ; discal transverse vein straight, upright, 
parted by one-fourth of its length from the border and by much 
more than its length from the brachial transverse vein; halteres 

Length of the body 24 lines; of the wings 4 lines. 

United States. 

11. Walker, Trans. of the Ent. Soc., Tom. V. 1861. 

Page 324. Bricinmnia. 

Corpus longiusculum, sat angustum. Peristoma magnum. 
Antennarum articulus tertius longus, gracilis, linearis; arista 
simplex, gracilis. Thorax longus, lateribus compressis. Abdo- 
men longum, subfusiforme, apice attenuatum. Pedes validi. Ale 
sat anguste, venis rectis. 

Fem. Oviductus vagine producte, gracilis. 


Body rather long and narrow. Epistoma rather prominent ; 
mouth large; third joint of the antenne long, slender, linear, 
extending to the epistoma; arista slender, simple, nearly twice 
the length of the third joint. Thorax long, compressed on each 
side. Abdomen long, subfusiform, attenuated towards the tip. 
Legs stout, moderately long. Wing rather narrow; veins straight. 

Female. Abdomen attenuated at the tip. Vagina of the 
oviduct slender, produced, 

Bricinnia flexivitta Fom. 

Nigra, capite apud oculos albo, vitté anticd albida, antennis 
ferrugineis basi fulvis, thorace vittis tribus albidis, pectore pur- 
pureo-cyaneo, abdomine cupreo, femoribus posticis basi flavis, 
tarsis fulvis, alis sub-cinereis, costa apiceque luridis, vitta discali 
angulata nigra, vend discali transversa vix arcuata. 

Female. Black: head white about the eyes and with a whitish 
facial stripe, which is dilated towards the epistoma; antenne 
ferruginous, tawny towards the base; thorax with three whitish 
stripes; pectus blue, varied with purple; abdomen cupreous; 
vagina of the oviduct attenuated ; hind femora yellow towards the 
base; tarsi tawny; wings grayish, lurid along the costa and at 
the tips, and with a blackish stripe which extends from the base to 
and along the discal transverse vein; the latter is upright and 
hardly curved, and is parted by four times its length from the 
border, and by a little less than its length from the prebrachial 
transverse vein, which is oblique. 

Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. 


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Achias, 23, 66 

Acidia, 16, 18 

Aciphorea, 8, 16 

Aciura enea v. d. Wulp, 170 

Acrosticta, 65, 151 

Acrosticta foveolata Lw., 151 

scrobiculata Lw., 151 

Actora, 22 

Adapsilia, 5, 10, 12, 32, 35 

Adrana, 27 

Agastrodes, 27 

Amethysa, 25 

Amethysta, 25 

Amphicnephes, 44, 83 

Amphicnephes pertusus Lw., 84 

Anacampta, 57, 129 

Anacampta latiuscula Zw., 130 

urtice Lin., 58 

Apospasmica, 52, 131 

Ardelio, 46 

Ardelio longipennis Zw., 46 
brevicornis Lw., 46 

Automola, 12, 52, 118 

Baccha capitata Lw., 68 
Blainvillia, 16 
Boisduvalia, 16, 18 
Brea, 27 

Bromophila, 35 

Callopistria, 62, 140 

Callopistria annulipes Macq., 62, 141 

Calobatide, 30 

Campigaster, 26 

Camptoneura, 18, 24, 50, 108 

Camptoneura picta Fbr., 27, 109 

Celetor, 41 

Cephalia, 7, 10, 11, 22, 23, 32, 49 

Cephalia femoralis Wied., 23, 47 
myrmecoides Lw., 48, 100 
rufipes Meig., 11, 49 

Cephalina, 48, 102 

Ceroxys, 17, 25, 57, 125 

Ceroxys canus Lw., 128 
ceerulea Macq., 25, 150 
crassipennis Fbr., 57 
obscuricornis Lw., 126 
ochricornis Lw., 126 
quadrifasciata Macq., 44 
similis Lw., 127 

Cestrotus, 15 

Chetopsis, 65, 169 

Chetopsis enea Wied., 170 

debilis Lw., 172 

Chloria, 63 

Chlorophora, 16, 19 

Chromatomyia, 27, 39 

Chromatomyia laeta W/k., 40 

Chrysomyza, 6, 10, 12, 63 

Chrysomyza demandata Meig., 65 

Cleitamia, 21 

Clidonia, 16, 18, 21 

Clitodoca, 42 

Celometopia, 23, 26, 68, 188 

Celometopia bimaculata Zw., 189 

ferruginea W/k., 13, 68 
trimaculata Fbr., 68, 

Ceelopa, 22 

Coniceps, 64, 70, 177 

Coniceps niger Lw., 178 

Conopsidea, 10, 23 

Cordylura podagrica Fbr., 14 

Cormocaris, 5, 54 

|Cormocaris bucephala Meig., 5, 54 

Cruphiocera, 26 

Cryphiocera, 26 

Cyrtometopa, 179 

| Dacina, 34 

| Dacus, 12 

Dacus aculeatus For., 158 
zneus Wied., 46 
hicolor Wied., 12 
brevicornis Fbr., 46 
costalis Fbr., 158 

(205 ) 


Dacus flavicornis Wied., 12, 69 
flavus Fbr., 65 
fraterculus Wied., 12 
macularis Fbr., 47 
obtusus Fbr., 148 
ole For., 28 
parallelus Wied., 12 
podagricus For., 14, 18 
serpentivus Wied., 13 
succinctus Wied., 12, 44 

Dasymetopa, 65, 145 

Dasymetopa lutulenta Zw., 146 

Delphinia, 16, 18, 24, 50 

Delphinia thoracica Rob. Desv., 109 

Diacrita, 27, 51, 111 

Diacrita emula Lw., 114 

costalis Gerst., 111 
Dichromyia, 13, 16, 24, 35 
Dichromyia braziliensis Rob. Desv., 

13, 16 
caffra Macq., 35 
sanguiniceps Wied., 24, 

Dictya connexa For., 25 
decora Fbr., 36 
externa Fbr., 14 
ocellata Fbr., 8 
picta Fbr., 109 

Diptera aciphorea, 8, 11 

Dorycera, 5, 10, 17, 21, 22, 53 

Dorycera graminum fobr., 53 

Drosophilide, 24 

Duomyia, 27, 41 

Earomyia, 8, 10 

Elaphomyia, 27 

Elaphomyia Wallacei Saund., 27 

cervicornis Saund., 27 

Elaphromyia, 27 

Elassogaster, 27 

Empyelocera, 6, 10, 63, 65 

Engistoneura, 43 

Eniconeura, 24, 42 

Eniconeura violacea Macq., 42 

Ephydrinide, 15 

Epicausta, 46 

Epicerella, 23 

Epidesma, 18, 25, 44 

Epidesma fascipennis Macq., 45 

Epiplatea, 64, 194 

Epiplatea erosa Lw., 194 

Euchaleota, 40 

Euchalcota decora Macq., 40 

Eumetopia, 22, 65, 175 

Eumetopia rufipes Macqg., 175 
varipes Lw., 176 

Euolena, 67, 183 

Euolena egregia Gerst., 67 


Euphara, 65, 150 

Euphara coerulea Lw., 150 

Kuprosopia, 26 

Eurina, 21 

Kuripalpus, 24 

EKuxesta, 65, 153 

Euxesta abdominalis Zw., 163 
alternans Lw., 165 
annone Fbr., 162 
binotata Lw., 160 
costalis /br., 158 
eluta Lw., 168 
nitidiventris Lw., 157 
notata Wied., 156 
pusio Lw., 155 
quaternaria Lw., 159 
spoliata Lw., 154 
stigmatias Lw., 166 
Thome Lw., 163 

Gorgopis, 27, 65 
Gymuopoda, 22 

Helomyzide, 27 

Hemixantha, 69, 190 

Hemixantha spinipes Zw., 190 

Heniconeura, 24, 42 

Heniconeura fenestralis Macg., 24 

Henicoptera, 21 

Heramyia, 16, 17 

Herina, 16, 18, 24 

Herina calcarata Macq., 47 
chalybea Dolesch., 47 
metallica v. d. Wulp, 93 
mexicana Macq., 47 
quadrifasciata Macq., 90 
ruficeps v. d. Wulp, 123 
rufitarsis Macq., 89 

Hesyquillia, 16, 17 

Hesyquillia lugubris Rob. Desv., 17 

Heterogaster, 24, 34 

Heteromyzide, 24 

Himeroéssa, 44, 85 

Himeroéssa pretiosa Lw., 85 

Holodasia, 58 

Holodasia fraudulosa Lw., 58 

Homalocephala, 23 

Hypochra Lw., 57 

Hypochra albipennis Lw., 57 

Hypoecta, 65, 173 

Hypoecta longula Lw., 173 

Hypotyphla, 33, 36 

Idana, 52, 115 
Idana marginata Say, 115 

| Idiotypa, 67, 183 

Idiotypa appendiculata Lw., 183 


Lamprogaster, 25, 27, 39 
Lauxanida, 21, 23 
Leptopodita, 21, 22 

Lipara, 22 

Lonchea, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19, 22 
Loncheza laticornis, 22 
Loxodesma, 55 

Loxodesma lacustris Meig., 56 
Loxoneura, 13, 24, 27, 36 
Loxoneura decora Fbr., 36 

Maria, 27 
Meckelia, 16, 17 
Melanoloma, 69, 192 
Melanoloma affinis Lw., 192 
cyanogaster Wied., 69, 

Melieria, 16, 17 
Meracantha, 23, 70 
Michogaster, 11, 18, 22, 23 
Micropezide, 16 
Mischogaster, 11, 18, 22, 47, 98 
Mischogaster diffusus Gerst., 47 
egregius Gerst., 67,183 
pernix Gerst., 47 
Musca annone Fobr., 162 
costalis Mbr., 158 
octopunctata Coqueb., 8, 58 
picta Fbr., 50, 109 
stigma For., 148 
Myennis, 16, 17, 58, 142 
Myennis fasciata Fbr., 59 
scutellaris Wied., 143 
Myodina, 16, 18, 152 
Myopa nigripennis Gray, 77 
Myoris, 16, 17 
Myrmecomyia, 1], 16, 18, 48, 99 
Myrmecomyia myrmecoides Lw., 48, 

Notacanthina, 13, 26 

Notogramma, 12, 65, 148 

Notogramma cimiciformis Lw., 149 
stigma Pbr., 148 

Odontomera, 23, 26 
Odontomera ferruginea Macq., 66,179 
maculipennis J/acq., 
68, 179 

Oedopa, 65, 146 

Oedopa capito Lw., 146 

Omalocephala, 23 

Ortalide, 28, 71 

Ortalina, 52,118 

Ortalis, 2, 32, 54 

Ortalis enea Wied., 170 
annone Wied., 162 
atomaria Wied., 11, 52, 118 


Ortalis cana Lw., 128 
chalybea Wied., 51 
colon Harris, Cat., 153 
connexa Meig., 3, 10, 25 
costalis Wied., 158 
dentipes Macq., 25 
fasciata Fbr., 17, 25 
fasciata Wied., 52, 132 
frondescentie Lin., 25 
fulninans Meiqg., 3 
lamed Metg., 5 
luctuosa Meig., 7 
lugens For., 43 
marginata Say, 52,115 
moerens Fbr., 43 
notata Wied., 156 
obscura Wied., 59 
ornata Meig., 25 
Ortoeda W/k., 44, 89 
paludum Jeig., 7, 18 
parallela Wied., 43 
peciloptera Meig., 3, 10 
quadrifasciata W/k., 89 
ruficeps Fbr., 55 
syngenesie Meig., 3, 4, 6, 32, 

trifasciata’ Dolesch., 42 
trifasciata Say, 170 
trifasciata Wied., 11, 52, 118 
vau Say, 8, 59, 61, 138 
vibrans Lin., 3, 4,18, 25, 32, 

violacea Macq., 47 

Orygma, 21 

Oscinide, 22 

Oscinis, 16, 17 

Otites, 5, 17, 21 

Oxycephala, 12, 22, 24, 73 

Oxycephala fuscipennis Macq., 77 

fenestrata Macq., 83 
maculipennis J/acq., 
74, 76 

Pachycephala, 38 

Palloptera, 8, 9, 10, 19, 22 

Pallopteride, 9, 11, 30 

Palpomyia, 16, 17 

Palpomyia Lalandi Rob. Desv., 17 

Perenomatia 53 

Percnomatia inornata Lw., 53 

Petalophora, 42 

Physogenia, 15, 27 

Phytalmia, 27 

Phytalmia cervicornis Gerst.. 27 

megalotis Gerst., 27 

Phytomydz myodine, 16 
thelidomyda, 16 

Piara, 50 


Plagiocephala, 26 
Platycephala, 21 
Platystoma, 6, 10, 24, 32, 36 
Platystoma annulipes J/acq., 8, 59, 
62, 141 
asphaltina Wied., 17, 37 
australis W/k., 37 
cincta Guér., 38 
costalis Wied., yo 
decora Wied., 13, 24 
fascipennis J/acq., 36 
latipennis Macq., 37 
lunulata AMacgq., 37 
microcera Macq., 16 
nigronotata Lw., 38 
ocellata Macq., 13, 36 
pectoralis Lw., 37, 38 
seminationis Ybr., 17 
stictica Fbr., 36 
umbrarum Fbr., 17, 37 
Platystomina, 36, 83 
Polistodes, 11, 16 
Polistoides, 18 
Prosopomyia, 15 
Psairoptera, 7, 10, 32, 62 
Psilomyde, 20, 22 
Psilomyia, 21 
Pterocalla, 13, 60, 132 
Pterocalla ocellata Wied., 13, 60 
strigula Wied., 60, 133 
Pterocallina, 58, 132 
Pterogenia, 27 
Pteropectria, 56 
Pteropectria palustris Macq., 56 
Pteropecila, 54 
Pteropecila lamed Schrk., 54 
Ptilonota, 54 
Ptilonota centralis Fall., 54 
Pyrgota, 12, 21, 28, 36, 72 
Pyrgota millepunctata Lw., 73 
pterophorina Gerst., 81 
undata Wied., 77 
vespertilio Gerst., 79 
Pyrgotina, 33, 72 

Rhopalomera, 14, 15, 21 
Rhopalomera pleuropunctata Wied., 
Richardia, 14,16, 18, 25, 63, 66, 178 
Richardia flavitarsis Macq., 66 
podagrica Fbr., 179 
Richardina, 66, 171 
Rioxa, 27 
Rivellia, 16, 18, 25, 44, 87 
Rivellia atra Lw., 45 
basilaris Wied., 44 
Boscii Rob. Desv., 93 
conjuncta Lw., 88 


Rivellia flavimana Zw., 92 
micans Lw., 94 
pallida Lw., 95 
quadrifasciata Macq., 90 
syngenesiz Lin., 44 
variabilis Lw., 91 
viridulans Rob. Desv., 44, 88 

Sapromyza, 19 
Sapromyzide, 15, 30 
Scatomyzide, 20 
Scatophaga bispinosa For., 13 
fasciata Fb,., 8, 17, 25, 
38, 58 
trimaculata Fbr., 65 
Scholastes, 38 
Scholastes cinctus Guér., 39 
nepticula Lw., 39 
Sciomyza bucephala Meig., 5, 10, 17 
Sciomyzide, 15, 30 
Scotinosoma, 45 
Seioptera, 152 
Senopterina, 12, 22, 25, 40 
Senopterina decora Macq., 40 
Seoptera, 63, 151 
Seoptera colon Lw., 152 
vibrans Lin., 64, 153 
Sepside, 7, 20, 22, 30 
Sepsis Guérini Bigot, 66, 180 
Setellia, 16, 18, 22, 23, 66 
Setellia apicalis Macgq., 67, 182 
atra Rob. Desv., 67 
Sophira, 27 
Sphecomyia valida Harris, 74 
undata Harris, 77 
Sphenoprosopa, 34, 36 
Steneretma, 64, 68, 186 
Steneretma laticauda Lw., 187 
Stenomacra, 66, 180 
Stenomacra Guérini Bigot, 180 
Stenomyia, 65, 173 
Stenomyia tenuis Lw., 174 
Stenopterina, 12, 22, 46, 96 
Stenopterina enea Wied., 97 
basalis W/k., 47 
brevipes Fbr., 97 
bicolor W/k., 47 
cxrulescens Lw., 97 
decora Macq., 40, 47 
femorata Macq., 46 
gigas Macq., 47 
immaculata JMJacq., 46 
nigripes Macq., 47 
scutellaris MJacq., 47 
submetallica Lw., 47 
trivittata Macq., 47 
Stictocephala, 61, 154 
Stictocephala corticalis Fitch, 61, 136 


Stictocephala cribrum Lw., 62, 135 
cribellum Lw., 62,134 
vau Say, 61, 138 

Straussia, 17 

Strauzia, 16, 17 

Strumeta, 27 

Stylophora, 16, 18 

Syntaces, 67, 182 

Syntaces apicalis Macg., 67 

Systata, 55 

Systata rivularis Fbr., 55 

Tachinide, 27 
Tephritidae, 21, 23 
Tephritis annone Fbr., 162 
caerulea Macq., 41 
conica Fbr., 109 
corticalis Fitch, 61 
dorsalis Macgq., 25 
fasciata Metg., 17 
melliginis Fitch, 44, 89 
strigipennis Macq., 41 
violacea Gray, 36 
Tephronota, 56, 122 
Tephronota gyrans Lw., 57 
j humilis Lw., 123 
Terastomyia, 27 
Teremyia, 22 
Tetanocera bispinosa Fbr., 13, 26 
Tetanops, 5, 10, 21, 53, 119 
Tetanops luridipennis Lw., 119 
integra Lw., 121 
myopina Fall., 53 
sanguiniceps Wied., 13,16, 
Themara, 27 
Thryophila, 56 
Thryophila frondescentie Lin., 56 
Thyreophoride, 20 
Timia, 6, 10, 63, 65 
Timia apicalis Meig., 6 
erythrocephala Wied., 6 
Toxoneura, 8, 9, 19, 22 
Toxotrypana, 27, 34, 36 
Toxura, 23, 35 
Traphera, 51 
Trigonometopus, 21 
Trigonostoma, 27 
Tritoxa, 50, 102 
Tritoxa cuneata Lw., 107 



Tritoxa flexa Wied., 102 
incurva Lw., 104 

Trypeta enea v. d. Wulp, 170 
albovaria WI/k., 27, 43 
arcuata W/k., 27, 102 
basilaris Wied., 13, 44 
cyanogaster Wied., 13, 69, 


excepta W/k., 27 
fasciata Fbr., 8, 10 
flexa Wied., 13, 50, 102 
longipennis Wied., 17 
obscura Wied., 13, 24, 60 
ocellata Wied., 13, 59 
picta Fbr., 18 
picta Wied., 13, 24, 109 
quadrifasciata Harris, 88' 
scutellaris Wied., 13, 143 
trimaculata Wied., 26, 188 
ulula Lw., 60 

Trypetide, 30 

Ulidia, 6, 22, 23, 63, 65 
Ulidia enea Fbr., 12 
bipunctata Macq., 65 
demandata MJeig., 6 
fulvifrons Bigot, 65 
metallica Bigot, 65 
stigma Fbr., 12, 65 
stigma Wied., 149 
Ulidina, 64, 145 
Urophora, 18, 22 
Urophora eznea Macq., 172 
fulvifrons Macg., 22, 170 
quadrivittata J/acq., 22, 

Valonia, 27, 38 
Valonia complicata W/k., 38 
Vidalia, 16, 17 

Xangelina, 27 
Xiria, 27 

Zona, 27, 36 

Zygothrica, 23 

Zygothrica dispar Macq., 24 
Zygotricha, 23 

Zygaenula, 65 

Zygenula paradoxa Dolesch., 27, 65 

Mee | Ra 
mee? ' ; 





In 1860, at the time of the publication of my paper on the 
Trypetidx, contained in the first volume of these Monographs, 
only twenty-three North American species of this family were 
known. Since then, this number has reached sixty-one. Among 
these additions there is a number of species of previous authors, 
concerning which I did not possess sufficient information at the 
time of my earlier essay. Moreover, a number of species 
published by Wiedemann became accessible to me in type speci- 
mens, through the kindness of the Berlin and Vienna Museums. 
Since that time, also, several other authors have published new 
species belonging to the same group. And, finally, the systematic 
distribution of the group Trypetina has obtained, for the Euro- 
pean species, a more solid foundation. 

It would seem to be time, therefore, to undertake an entirely 
new work on the Trypetina of North America; but as the plan 
of the present series does not well admit of it, I have adopted the 
form of a supplement to my previous paper. One of the principal 
aims of the present essay will be, the adaptation to the American 
fauna, as far as it is possible, of the systematic distribution intro- 
duced among the Trypetina of the old continent. While I was 
engaged on Monographs, etc., Part I, the number of the North 
American species with which I was acquainted, was, as yet, too 
insignificant for an attempt at a subdivision in smaller groups; 
besides, similar attempts, undertaken for the European species 

(211 ) 


by other authors (an account of them may be found in Mono- 
graphs, etc., Part I, p. 49-51), seemed to me so ill conceived, 
that I did not feel inclined to adopt them as a basis for further 
development. 1 perceived, on the contrary, that any attempt to 
subdivide exotic Trypetide must be preceded by a rational 
systematic distribution of the more abundant material of the 
European species. In 1862, in my monograph of the European 
Trypetidx, I divided the Trypetina into twenty subgenera: 
Platyparea, Euphranta, Aciura, Hemilea, Anumea, Acidia, 
Spilographa, Zonosema, Rhagoletis, Rhacochlena, Trypeta, En- 
sina, Myopites, Urophora, Sphenella Carphotricha, Oxyphora, 
Oxyna, Tephritis, and Urellia. The definitions of these groups 
will be found in the above-quoted work. To these must be 
added: Hypenidium (established by me since, in the Berliner 
Entom. Zeitschr., VI, p. 87), Orellia (separated by Schiner, in 
his Fauna Austriaca, from Oedaspis) and Chetostoma (estab- 
lished by Rondani, in his Prodromus, Vol. I). Such is the pre- 
sent state of the classification of the European Trypetina, upon 
which the distribution of the known North American species is 
to be based. Considerable as the number of the latter is, it is 
certain at the same time that this number does not reach one- 
fifth, perhaps not one-tenth, of all the existing North American 
Trypetina. Any attempt at a distribution, therefore, would 
probably be modified by further discoveries. In this dilemma, 
the course I adopted was, to append to the description of each 
species the necessary remarks on its systematic position, and to 
give a general survey of all the results thus obtained, at the end 
of the volume. 

Detailed descriptions of those species only are given here, 
which are not described in Monographs, ete., Part I, or the 
descriptions of which were insufficient. The descriptions con- 
tained in that volume are indicated by references; the diagnoses, 
however, even of those older species are reproduced here, with 
the modifications rendered necessary by the addition of the new 

An important defect of the present publication is, that a con- 
siderable number of the new species are not represented on the 
plates. The reason is, that the plates were prepared more than 
four years ago, at atime when the number of the known North 
American species was not sufficient to fill the required number 


of figures. This was done by the addition of a number of South 
American species, described for the sake of comparison, but the 
figures of which I would have preferred now to replace by those 
species from North America, which I received after the plates 
were printed. 

The critical examination of the species described by other 
authors, appended to the first volume, p. 57-61, required several 
corrections and additions. I have, therefore, reproduced it, thus 
amended, at the end of the present volume, as Appendix I. 
Appendix II contains descriptions, by other authors, of species 
not known by me and not contained in Part I. 

The materials for the present publication, as far as the North 
American species are concerned, are principally, almost exclu- 
sively, derived from the communications of Baron Osten-Sacken. 
If I had had a similar support from more than one side, my work 
might, of course, have been more complete and more perfect. As 
it is, I have been compelled to draw the descriptions of several 
species from single, often badly preserved, specimens, and I am 
afraid that these descriptions, as well as the opinions expressed 
by me on the systematic position of some species, may sometimes 
betray the incompleteness of my materials. I trust that an equi- 
table critic will bear these circumstances in mind in framing his 


Gusen, August, 1873. 


1. eximia Wied. 5.9 . . 216/24. tabellaria Fitch,Q . . 263 
2. amabilisn.s.% . . . 219/25. pomonella Walsh,9. . 265 
3. suspensa lw.% . . . 222) 26. insecta/w.9 . . . - 268 
4. fraterculus Wied. % . . 222 phenicura nn. 8. %.Q . 269 
5. ludensn.s.% . . . . 223/27. pecilogastran.s. § . 270 
6. tricinctan.s. % . . 225/28. testudinean.s. Q . . 272 

parallela Wied. 4. 9 . 229/29. sparsa Wied. %.9 . . 274 

hamatan.s.%.2 . . 229/30. rotundipennis lw. % . 276 

integran.s. 5.9 . . 230/31. culta Wied. 4.9 5 = = 276 

consobrina n. s. 4.9 . 230/32. solidaginis /%tch,%.9 . 279 

pseudoparallelan.s.4.Q 230|33. comma Wied. Q . . . 280 
7. vulneratan.s.%.9. . 232/34. latifrons fw. 9 . . . 283 
8. fratriaw.9 . . . . 234/35. melanuran.s.9 . . . 283 
9. suavis 2w.% 1. + « .« 236/36. alba bw. %.9 <2). 5 0285 
10. canadensis n.s.? . 235 | 37. albidipennis Zw. %.9 . 286 
11. longipennis Wied. 4. 9. 238 | 38. Vernonie Lw. 3.9. . 286 
12. electa Say,9 . .. . . 243/39. seriata Zw. % . . . ~. 287 
13. flavonotata Macq.%. . 244/40. circinatan.s.$.9 . . 288 
14. tetanopsn.s.% . . . 245/41. Lichtensteinii Wied. % . 289 
15. sarcinata Zw.9 . . . 247/42. humilis lw. $.9. . . 291 
1b. discolor Zw.% . . . 250 peregrina n.s.%.Q9 . 292 
17. obliqua Say,%.? . . 251/43. angustipennis Zw. %.9 293 

biseriatan.s.Q9 . . . 252/44. finalis Zw. §.9 . . . 296 
18. palposa Iw.%. . . . 253|45. clathrata Zw. Q . . . 297 
19. florescentiz Lin. 3.9 . 254/46..geminata lw. 9? . . . 298 
20. polita Zw. 9 . .. . 256/47. fucata For. % - . - . 300 
21. atra lw. 5.9 . . . . 256/48. albicepsn.s.%.9 ~. . 302 

nigerriman.s. 9 . . 258/49. eurypteran.s.Q9 . . 304 
22. gibban.s.9 . . . . 260/50. platypteran.s. 9 . . 306 
23. cingulata lw. %.9 . . 263/51. equalis Lw.%.9? . . 308 

! The species from South America, described for the sake of comparison 
with North American species, are printed in smaller type and not num- 
bered in this list. 

‘ (214 ) 





festiva Lw. 4.9 
spectabilis n. s. %.Q 

bella Lw. 4.9 

timida Lw. % 
obscuriventris n. s. 9 

melanogastra lw. 4.9? 
tenuis n. s. 2 



mexicana Wied. %, 
Dural Nas. pee oe 
abstersa Lw. 4.9 
solaris Lw. 9 

actinobola n. s. % 



1. T. eximia Wiep. 4, 9 .—Lutea, abdomine nigro-fasciato; scutellum 
magnum, planum, setis sex validis instructum; alarum pictura fusca 
inde a basi maculis irregularibus variegata ad ultimum usque trientem 
pertinet, ubi vittam costalem et fasciam a margine antico ad posticum 
oblique ductam emittit; preterea in margine antico due macule tri- 
gone et hyaline, in postico due subovate et subhyaline conspiciuntur, 
ad quas in speciminibus plerisque macula rotunda hyalina in cellule 
discoidalis basi sita accedit. 

Clay-yellow, abdomen banded with black; scutellum large, flat, with six 
strong bristles; the brownish-black coloring of the wings reaches from 
the irregularly spotted basis to the last third of the wing, where it 
emits two bands, one of which forms a border along the costa, the other 
runs obliquely from the anterior to the posterior margin ; moreover, the 
anterior margin shows two triangular hyaline spots, the posterior margin 
two almost oval and less hyaline spots; most specimens have, besides, 
a round hyaline spot on the basis of the discal cell. Long. corp. 
0.26—0.26, 9 cum terebra 0.29-—0.30; long. al. 0.25—0.26. 

Srv. Trypeta eximia Wiev. Zweifl. Ins. II, p. 477, 2. 
Tephritis fasciventris Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. IV, p. 291. Tab. XXVII, 

Clay-yellow; head of a somewhat purer yellow, rather disci- 
form. Front narrow, still more narrowed anteriorly, with a 
small, but well-defined frontal lunule. Frontal and vertical 
bristles black, rather long and strong; the upper half of the 
posterior orbit of the eyes with a row of black and blackish-brown 
bristles. Antenne clay-yellowish, third joint elongated, rounded 
at the tip; arista very slender, with a hardly perceptible pubes- 
cence. Face perpendicular; the edge of the mouth not upturned ; 
palpi yellowish, broad, reaching as far as the anterior edge of the 
mouth; their pubescence, as well as that of the mentum and of 
the occiput, is yellow. Thorax rather strongly built, compara- 
tively broad between the roots of the wings; the humeral callus 
and a longitudinal stripe between it and the root of the wing, are 
yellowish-white or sulphur-yellow; a longitudinal stripe of a 
similar color, which is generally but little visible in dried speci- 

( 216 ) 


mens, runs from the posterior corner of the thoracic dorsum to 
the transverse suture; in some specimens the posterior border of 
the thoracic dorsum also shows a trace of a lighter coloring; the 
dense, but very short, pubescence of the thoracic dorsum is yel- 
lowish ; the macrochete upon it are black; there are seven of 
them on each side, viz.: three on each side, in a row beginning 
at the humerus and ending before the root of the wings; three 
others a little farther from the lateral margin in a row beginning 
at the transverse suture and ending in the vicinity of the poste- 
rior corner; finally, a single bristle between the last one of this 
second row and the lateral corner of the scutellum; there are 
only two pairs of macrochetz on the longitudinally middle por- 
tion of the thoracic dorsum, not far from the posterior margin; 
the bristles of the posterior pair are at a moderate distance from 
each other, the distance between those of the anterior pair is 
perhaps three times greater. All the bristles and _ bristle-like 
hairs upon the pleure and the pectus are black; the short pubes- 
cence upon the upper half of the pleure is blackish, on the lower 
half it is pale-yellow. Scutellum comparatively large, flat, with 
a short, yellowish pubescence on the upper side, and with six 
strong macrochete along the edge; in life, the scutellum is pro- 
bably altogether whitish-yellow or sulphur-yellow, while in dry 
specimens, this coloring is perceptible along the borders only. 
The abdomen has brownish-black bands, which do not reach the 
posterior margin of the segments; these bands occur upon the 
second, third, and fourth segments; they are often less developed 
upon the anterior segments than upon the posterior ones, and 
here sometimes interrupted ; upon the rather large last abdominal 
segment of the male the brownish-black crossband is especially 
broad and more or less emarginate on its posterior side; my 
only female specimen has on the first abdominal segment an 
incompletely developed brownish-black band, situate before the 
posterior margin. The pile upon the abdomen is black; pale- 
yellowish on the upper side of the first segment and sometimes 
also on the basis of the second; however, all the pile upon the 
abdomen assumes, in a reflected light, and especially in specimens 
of a lighter coloring, a brownish-yellow, almost a ferruginous- 
yellow tinge (with the exception of the stronger, bristle-like 
hairs). The hypopygium is brownish-black ; the brown ovipositor 
is conical, not flattened at all, perceptibly longer than the last 


two segments taken together, but shorter than the last three. Its 
pile is brownish-yellow. or brown, the color of the rather long 
bristle-like hairs on the end of the first segment is dark-brown or 
black. Feet clay-yellow; front femora on the upper side with 
short, on the under side with more elongate black bristles ; front 
tibie not bristly; middle femora at the end of the posterior side 
with a few bristles and, also, on the under side, with twe longitu- 
dinal rows of short black bristles, which are more developed in 
the male than in the female; middle tibize with a single row of 
bristles; hind femora, at the end of the upper side with elongated 
bristles, with shorter ones on the under side; hind tibia with 
bristle-like cilia. Tegule more than usually developed. Wings 
rather large and broad; the first longitudinal vein altogether 
beset with bristles, the third far beyond the small crossvein, the 
fifth upon the first and upon the beginning of its second section, 
bristly; the second longitudinal vein ends in the costa at an 
acute angle, and diverges very strongly from the third, the latter 
is not bent anteriorly at its end; crossveins rather approximate, 
the small one perpendicular and of a comparatively considerable 
length ; the posterior one very steep and somewhat curved towards 
its posterior end; posterior angle of the anal cell drawn out in a 
rather long lobe. The brownish-black, sometimes almost black 
picture of the wings, is recognizable in Macquart’s above-quoted 
figure, although not correctly rendered; the round pale spot in 
the discal cell should be much nearer to its basis; the pale inden- 
tation at the posterior margin, near the basis of the wing, should 
be much narrower; the stigma should be placed entirely in the 
dark portion of the coloring; the hyaline double spot near the ante- 
rior margin is seldom merely emarginate posteriorly ; in most cases 
it is divided in two approximate triangular spots; other differ- 
ences in the picture likewise occur; the most common is, that in 
the discal cell, a little beyond the small crossvein, there is a short, 
pale streak, crossing the cell, and which in some cases becomes 
a hyaline transverse spot. A male from Brazil in my collection 
has, instead of the round pale spot in the discal cell, only a 
somewhat paler place without any distinct outline; the agree- 
ment in the other characters being perfect, I take it for a rather 
unusual variety of 7. eximia. 

Hab. Brazil, especially Bahia and St. Paulo; Surinam; 


Observation 1.—Mr. Macquart, in the above quoted place, sup- 
poses that his Tephritis fasciventris may be only a variety of the 
Tephritis major, Dipt. Exot. Suppl. II, p. 938, Tab. VI, f. 6. 
However, this Tephritis major is identical with Tephritis socialis 
Wied., a species which is very distinct from fasciventris Macq. 
(syn. extmia Wied.). 

Observation 2.—I have gone into more detail about the 
plastic characters of this species than was strictly necessary for 
its specific identification. I did so on account of the great resem- 
blance in the plastic characters of 7. eximia with T. amabilis, 
with 7. socialis Wied., and with several other South American 
species. These species form a very well-defined group, for which 
I choose the name of Hexacheta, and which deserves to be con- 
sidered as a separate genus. The generic character may be 
derived from what has been said, in the above description of 
Trypeta eximia, concerning the shape of the head and of its 
parts, the shape of the thorax and of the scutellum, the number 
and position of their macrochete, the bristles on the feet, as well 
as concerning the bristles on the wing-veins. The body and the 
picture of the wings of all the species of Hexacheta are strik- 
ingly uniform. I know of no other but American species of this 


2. T.amabilis n. sp. %.—Lutea, thoracis dorsum sulphureo-vitta- 
tum, postice nigricans ; pleure fusco-nigre, sulfureo-vittate; scutellum 
magnum, planum, setis sex validis instructum, nigrum, late sulfureo- 
marginatum ; abdomen fasciis tribus interruptis nigris ornatum ; femora 
intermedia magna ex parte, postica fere tota nigra; alarum pictura fusco- 
nigra, preter maculam ingentem, que in media ala locum habet et totam 
ejus latitudinem explet, fasciam angustam subperpendicularem, qua 
vena transversalis posterior includitur, et vittam costalem inde ab hac 
fascia usque ad summam ale apicem pertinentem ostendit. 

Clay-yellowish, thoracic dorsum with sulphur-yellow longitudinal stripes, 
blackish along the posterior margin; pleure brownish-black with sul- 
phur-yellow longitudinal stripes; scutellum large, flat, with six macro- 
chetz, black, with a broad yellow border ; abdomen with three iuter- 
rupted black crossbands; intermediate femora partly, hind femora 
almost entirely brownish-black; the brownish-black picture of the 
wings shows, besides an unusually large spot upon the middle of the 
wing, occupying its whole breadth, a narrow, almost perpendicular 
crossband, covering the posterior crossvein, and from which a border 
extends along the costa as far as the apex of the wings. Long. corp. 
0.26; long. al. 0.26, 


Of the size of 7. eximia Wied., and so closely allied to it in 
all the plastic characters, that their detailed description would be 
superfluous. Head and all its parts of the same coloring and the 
same structure as in that species, only the frontal bristles are 
somewhat weaker. The thoracic dorsum shows a delicate middle 
line, gradually fading anteriorly and expanding posteriorly into 
a large spot, which does not entirely reach the posterior thoracic 
margin, and is surrounded laterally and posteriorly by a blackish 
coloring; beginning at the shoulder, a sulphur-yellow stripe runs, 
gradually expanding, to the root of the wing; it emits, near the 
humeral callus, an upper branch, running towards the transverse 
suture ; between both branches, the color changes into brownish. 
Pleure brownish-black, with a sulphur-yellow longitudinal 
stripe across the middle; moreover, the sulphur-yellow stripe 
between the humerus and the root of the wings, is prolonged under 
the latter as far as the posterior end of the thorax. Scutellum. 
entirely of the same structure as in 7. eximia, sulphur-yellow, at 
the basis of the upper side with a large, semicircular brownish- 
black spot, the border of the upper side only remaining sulphur- 
yellow. Metathorax brownish-black, spotted with brown on the 
sides, and with a yellow spot on the middle of its upper side. 
The dense and very short pubescence of the thorax and the 
scutellum is more whitish-yellow than is usually the case in 7. 
eximia; otherwise the hairs and bristles of both species are alike 
in their coloring ; the number and position of the macrochete is 
the same in both. Abdomen with three very broad black cross- 
bands, which lie on the second, third, and fourth segments, and 
leave uncovered only the middle line and the posterior margin of 
these segments. The pile on the abdomen is black; on the upper 
side of the first segment and along the posterior border of the 
second, pale-yellowish. Hypopygium brownish-black. Coxe 
and feet yellow; the intermediate femora towards the basis, 
to a great, but variable extent, brownish-black; hind femora 
black, somewhat yellow towards the end, especially on the under 
side. The bristles on the femora and tibie are almost as in 
T. eximia. The shape of the wings, the venation, and the posi- 
tion of the bristles are exactly as in that species; the pattern 
of the picture is likewise a somewhat similar one; however, 
it differs considerably in the details; the bulk of the dark color- 
ing extends a little beyond the small crossvein and is gently 


rounded off, the curve formed by it striking the anterior margin 
nearly at a right, the posterior margin at an acute angle; the 
latter margin, however, is not quite reached, as a narrow hyaline 
space remains between it and the dark coloring; this curve would 
have been a perfect one, were it not for a small projection before 
the posterior crossvein and for a small excision immediately 
beyond it; near the anterior margin, the dark-brown coloring, 
immediately before its end, is interrupted by a triangular hyaline 
indentation, the tip of which reaches the third longitudinal vein 
immediately before the small crossvein; the distal side is con- 
cave, the proximal side is straight and perpendicular to the 
costa. The brown coloring bas no distinct limit towards the 
base of the wing ; it gradually dissolves into a system of irregu- 
lar spots; the costal cell is hyaline, with the exception of a 
brown infuscation along the costa between the humeral crossvein 
and the auxiliary vein; likewise hyaline are the extreme basis 
of the marginal cell and the entire second basal cell with the 
exception of a very narrow brownish-black border along the 
veins inclosing it; the first basal cell at its root, as far as the 
humeral crossvein, is also rather hyaline; beyond this, for an 
almost equal distance, it is yellowish; the anal cell is of a dirty 
yellow, blackish-brown towards its end, which color also extends 
over the basis of the third posterior cell; alula, posterior angle 
of the wing, and the portion of the third posterior cell lying along- 
side of it, are hyaline; moreover, in the third posterior cell, quite 
near its basis, at the place where it is contiguous to the second 
basal cell, there is an elliptical hyaline drop; in the first basal 
cell, below the beginning of the third longitudinal vein, there is 
a longitudinal spot of a dirty ferruginous color; a somewhat 
larger spot of the same coloring is in the marginal cell, below the 
place, where the auxiliary vein diverges from the first longitu- 
dinal. The hyaline apical portion of the wing shows a narrow 
crossband, covering the posterior crossvein, almost perpendicular, 
very gently curved, of a brownish-black color; its anterior end 
turns towards the costa in the shape of a bow and follows it 
afterwards as a narrow border, as far as the tip of the fourth 
longitudinal vein. 
Hab. Mexico (collection of Mr. v. Roeder). 


3. T.suspensa Lw. %. (Tab. X, f. 5.)—Tota lutea, alarum rivulis 
fuscanis, cellula basali secunda et cellule discoidalis basi non hyalinis, 
apice vene longitudinalis quartz recurvo. 

Altogether clay-yellow, rivulets of the wings infuscated; second basal cell 
and root of discal cell not hyaline, the tip of the fourth longitudinal vein 
curved forward. Long. corp. 0.21; long. al. 0.22—0.23. 

Syn. Trypeta suspensa Loew, Monogr., etc., I, 69. Tab. II, f. 5. 

The present species begins a group of very closely allied 
species, very much resembling one another. I have nothing 
to add to my above-quoted description of 7. suspensa; I will 
only notice that the absence of pale yellow stripes on the 
thorax and of a pale yellow coloring of the scutellum cannot be 
considered as absolutely distinctive of this species, as these marks 
often disappear in other species in the process of drying. The 
readiest distinctive mark between 7. suspensa and the very simi- 
lar, but larger 7. fraterculus is, that in the former, the second 
basal cell and the root of the discal cell have a yellowish color, 
while in the latter they are hyaline. I regret to have to notice 
here, that the engraver, in figuring 7. suspensa, has committed 
an error in drawing the curvature of the tip of the fourth vein; this 
curvature is exactly similar to that in 7. fraterculus, that is, run- 
ning forward; and although this curved tip in 7. suspensa is a little 
shorter, the difference is not at all such as the figure would lead 
one to suppose. The second basal cell and the basis of the dis- 
cal cell should be somewhat paler in the figure, as they are not 
brown, but only yellow. 

Hab. Cuba (Poey). 

4. T. fraterculus Wiep. %. (Tab. X, f. 6).—Lutea, thoracis vittis 
et scutello dilutius tinctis, ultimo abdominis segmento duobus prece- 
dentibus simul sumtis paulo breviore, alarum rivulis lutescentibus, 
cellula basali secunda et cellule discoidalis basi hyalinis, apice vene 
longitudinalis quarte recurvo. 

Clay-yellow, longitudinal stripes of thorax and scutellum paler yellow; 
last abdominal segment a little shorter than the two previous ones taken 
together; wings with rather clay-ye!low rivulets ; first basal cell and 
root of the discal cell hyaline; the end of the fourth longitudinal vein 
curved forward. Long. corp. 0.26; long. al. 0.27. 

Syn. Dacus fraterculus W1IEDEMANN, Auss. Zw. II, p. 524. 
Trypeta unicolor L. ew, Monogr., etc., I, p. 70. Tab. II, f. 6. 


To my former description of this species, I have to add two 
observations. First, it contains a misprint, as the third line 
should read “bristle very thin,” and not “bristle very short.” 
Secondly, the examination of well-preserved specimens renders it 
doubtless, that the dark spots on the thoracic dorsum, mentioned 
in the description, were produced by the immersion of the speci- 
mens in spirits, and that the better preserved specimens do not 
show them. 

When I described Z. unicolor, I took it for distinct from 
Dacus fraterculus Wied., as Wiedemann describes the bristles 
and hairs on head and thorax as black, and says that the large 
triangular hyaline spot at the end of the posterior margin is con- 
nected with the S-shaped hyaline band. The comparison of 
Wiedemann’s original specimen, however, showed that my 7 
unicolor is nothing else but Dacus fraterculus Wied. By the 
terms hairs and bristles Wiedemann understood only the stronger 
and weaker bristles; the remaining short pile on the head and 
the thorax of his specimen is entirely similar to the yellowish 
pubescence of 7’. unicolor. The connection between the posterior 
hyaline spot with the S-shaped hyaline band, which he mentions, 
is only an apparent one, as the rivulet separating both is not 
interrupted at the tip of the triangular hyaline spot, but only very 
much faded. 

Hab. Brazil, Peru, New Granada, Cuba. 

Observation.—The Tephritis obliqua Macq. Dipt. Exot. IT, 3, 
p- 225, Tab. XXX, f. 11, undoubtedly belongs in the relation- 
ship of the two preceding species; it differs, however, in the pic- 
ture of the wings too much to be identified with any of them. 

5. TV. ludems n.sp. %. (Tab. XI, f. 19.)—Lutea, thoracis vittis et 
scutello letius flavis, ultimo abdominis segmento duobus precedentibus 
simul sumtis multo longiore, alarum rivulis lutescentibus, cellcla basali 
secunda et cellule discoidalis basi hyalinis, apice vene longitudalis 
quartz recurvo. 

Clay-yellow, longitudinal stripes of thorax and scutellum of a purer yel- 
low; the last abdominal segment much longer than the two preceding 
ones taken together; wings with rather clay-yellow rivulets, the second 
basal cell and the root of the anal cell hyaline; the end of the fourth 
longitudinal vein curved forward. Long. corp. 0.30; long. al. 0.31— 

Pale clay-yellow. Front of a somewhat more bright yellow, 


of a very moderate breadth; the usual frontal bristles black, only 
the upper ones rather long and strong. The yellow antenne 
almost as long as the face; arista long and slender, with a very 
short and delicate pubescence. Oral opening rather large; oral 
edge rather sharp. Proboscis and palpi yellow, the latter rather 
broad; the suctorial flaps somewhat prolonged. 'The upper side 
of the thorax of a light, bright clay-yellow; a sulphur-yellow 
middle stripe, gradually vanishing anteriorly, expanding poste- 
riorly in a cuneiform shape, and nowhere well defined; scutellum 
sulphur-yellow; on each side, above the root of the wings, a 
well-marked pale-yellow longitudinal stripe, which runs from the 
transverse suture to the posterior margin of the thorax; quite 
on the lateral margin an indistinct, but broader pale yellow stripe ; 
the humeral corner and a well-defined stripe on the upper part of 
the pleure, reaching to the root of the wings, likewise of a bright 
pale yellow. The very short pile on the thorax is yellowish ; the 
usual bristles are black or blackish-brown. Scutellum with four 
black bristles. Metathorax clay-yellow. Abdomen with short 
yellowish pile and with black bristles on its posterior end; the 
last segment very much prolonged, much longer than the two 
preceding ones taken together (this character serves easily to 
distinguish this species from 7. fraterculus, which is very much 
like it). Feet yellow; under side of the front femora with several 
blackish-brown bristles. Wings not very broad in comparison to 
their considerable length; the rivulets upon them are pale 
brownish-yellow with narrow, but little conspicuous, and not 
always perceptible brown borders; near the posterior margin and 
on the apex of the wing they are altogether brownish ; the hyaline 
spaces between the rivulets are as follows: 1. An oblique band, 
interrupted upon the third longitudinal vein, the anterior part of 
which forms, immediately beyond the stigma, a spot extending 
from the costa to the third longitudinal vein, while the posterior 
part of the band occupies the portion of the basal cell which lies 
under the stigma, the basis of the discal cell and the second basal 
cell; 2. A broad S-shaped band which begins at the posterior 
margin, between the tips of the fifth and sixth longitudinal veins, 
passes between the two crossveins, reaches the second longitudinal 
vein, turns backwards and reaches the margin in the vicinity of 
the end of the fourth longitudinal vein; 3. A large triangular 
spot near the posterior margin, which fills a considerable part of 


the second posterior cell, reaches with its tip considerably beyond 
the fourth longitudinal vein, and almost coalesces here with the 
S-shaped hyaline band. The external costal cell also is hyaline, 
with the exception of its basis, but has a more yellowish tinge 
than the other hyaline spaces. Stigma rather long, almost imper- 
ceptibly darker than its surroundings. Crossveins straight and 
steep; the third longitudinal vein distinctly bristly; the end of 
the fourth longitudinal vein turned forward; the posterior end 
of the anal cell drawn out in a very narrow, long lobe. 

Hab. Mexico (coll. Winthem). 

Observation.—The comparison of the description of Trypeta 
Jfraterculus and T. ludens shows the great resemblance of the 
two species and an entirely satisfactory distinctive character in 
the different length of the last abdominal segment. The females 
of these species, which unfortunately I have not seen, will pro- 
bably be easy to distinguish, if attention is paid to the size, which 
is larger in TZ. ludens, to the somewhat broader cheeks, the 
longer last abdominal segment of this species, and to the course 
of the third and fourth longitudinal veins, which suddenly diverge 
here, while their divergency in 7. fraterculus is much more 
gradual. In using the coloring for distinguishing the two species, 
a certain caution is necessary here, as well as in the other species 
of this group. 

6. T. tricincta n. sp. 4 .—Lutea, scutelli basi tribusque abdominis 
fasciis nigris, alarum rivulis nigro-fuscis, apice vene longitudinalis 
quart recurvo. 

Clay-yellow; basis of the scutellum and three crossbands of the abdomen 
black; the end of the fourth longitudinal vein somewhat curved for- 
ward. Long. corp. 0.26; long. al. 0.26—0.27. 

Clay-yellow, more yellowish-red on the thoracic dorsum. 
Head of the same color and shape as in the three preceding 
species. In the middle of the thoracic dorsum there is a longi- 
tudinal sulphur-yellow stripe, proceeding from the posterior mar- 
gin; it is rather broad posteriorly, gradually becomes narrower 
anteriorly, and finally disappears near the anterior margin; more- 
over each posterior corner emits a conspicuous sulphur-yellow 
stripe to the transverse suture; the humeral callosity and a broad 
longitudinal stripe reaching from it to the root of the wing and 
then passing under the latter to the posterior part of the thorax, 



are, likewise, sulphur-yellow. The very short pile on the thoracic 
dorsum is pale yellowish, towards the posterior corners only it 
assumes a blackish tinge or at least a blackish appearance. The 
black macrocheete of the thoracic dorsum are similar, in number 
and position, to those of the three preceding species. Scutellum 
sulphur-yellow, with four macrochete on the margin. Meta- 
thorax brownish-black, with a clay-yellow longitudinal stripe in 
the middle of its superior margin. Abdomen on the 2d, 3d, and 
4th segments with a transverse band near the anterior margin ; 
that of the second segment is entire and occupies only one-half 
of its length; those of the third and fourth segments are narrowly 
interrupted in the middle and cover a little more than the ante- 
rior half of the segment; the fourth segment is hardly longer than 
the preceding two, taken together. Hypopygium clay-yellow. 
The pile on the abdomen is blackish, and yellowish only on the 
upper side of the first and on the pale-colored portions of the 
upper side of the second segment; in a reflected light, the pile on 
the whole abdomen assumes a paler hue; the rather weak bristles 
at the end of the last segment are black. Feet clay-yellowish ; 
the pile and bristles are similar to those in the three preceding 
species. Wings hyaline, with a rather dark-brown picture ; it is 
not quite as brownish-black as that of 7. serpentina Wied. figured 
on Tab. XI, f. 25, but it is more like it than any other species to 
me known. In order to form an idea of the picture of the wings 
of 7. tricincta, let us represent to ourselves that the whole outer 
costal cell in that figure is rather hyaline, that the regions figured 
in gray are yellow and those represented as black are dark brown; 
that the S-shaped rivulet, beginning at the basis of the third 
posterior cell, running towards the anterior margin, and ending 
at the apex of the wing, is, upon its latter half, at least one- 
half broader than represented ; that the band beginning at the 
posterior margin and covering the posterior crossvein is also. 
broader than represented in the figure, and this in such a man- 
ner, that its side, looking towards the root of the wing, is a little 
less concave ; finally, add to this picture a little streak of a satu- 
rate brown, beginning at the posterior margin and reaching some- 
what beyond the fourth longitudinal vein (at the very place where 
Tab. XI, fig. 22, shows a similar streak, reaching only as far as 
the fourth longitudinal vein). 


Hab. Hayti (caught on shipboard, by Mr. P. R. Uhler, sixty 
miles northwest of St. Nicholas, Hayti). 

Observation 1.—The Trypeta described by Wiedemann as 
Dacus serpentinus, differs from 7. tricincta not only in the 
picture of the wings, but also in the coloring. Wiedemann’s 
original specimen, compared by me, comes from Brazil; but I 
have received a number of specimens of the same species from 
Peru. The Urophora vittithorax Macq. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. IV, 
p. 286, Tab. XX VI, f. 11, is identical with 7. serpentina Wied. 
The habitat ‘de l’Inde,” given by Macquart, is certainly errone- 
ous, if it means the East Indies; but the species may occur in 
the West Indies, just as 7. fraterculus occurs in Peru, Brazil, 
and Cuba. 

Observation 2.—T. suspensa Lw., fraterculus Wied., ludens 
n. sp., and ¢ricincta n. sp., and a considerable number of other 
American species, among which 7. serpentina Wied. and obliqua 
Macq., have already been mentioned above, form a well-defined 
group, which well deserves to be considered as a separate genus. 
The character which distinguishes it from all other 7rypetina, is 
the course of the fourth longitudinal vein, which, towards its end, 
is curved forwards in a rather striking manner, and reaches 
the margin at a very acute angle, being prolonged beyond as 
the costal vein, With reference to this character I propose to 
eall it Acrotora. The species of this group have, moreover, the 
following characters in common: In the structure of the head and 
of all its parts they resemble the species of Hexachexta; the 
thorax has a similar structure, but it is a little smaller in bulk, as 
compared to the rest of the body, and a little narrower between 
the roots of the wings; the macrochetz of the thoracic dorsum 
agree with those of Hexacheta both in their number and position. 
The scutellum is smaller than in the latter genus and not quite 
as flat, and bears not six, but four macrochete. Front femora 
on the upper side with shorter, on the under side with longer 
bristles and the front tibiae without bristles, as in the species of 
Hexacheta. Middle femora without bristles ; only the basis of 
the under side is sometimes provided with one or several bristle- 
like hairs; the two rows of bristles which, in Hexacheta, are 
found on the under side of the middle femora, are replaced here 
by two rows of hairs. Middle tibiae without bristles. Hind 
femora towards the end of their upper side, more or less densely 


bristly, on the under side with somewhat longer pile and 
moreover from the basis to a little beyond the middle, with a 
rather sparse row of long, almost bristle-like hairs; hind tibize 
ciliated with rather weak bristlets. Tegule almost as much 
developed as in Hexachexta. Wings large, and, comparatively to 
their length, less broad than in Hexacheta; the venation, with 
the exception of the difference in the course of the fourth vein, 
already adverted to, is very like that of Hexacheta, only all the 
cells, and especially the stigma, are longer in comparison to their 
breadth ; the posterior angle of the anal cell is drawn out in an 
equally long and pointed lobe; the whole of the first longitudinal 
vein and the third some distance beyond the small crossvein, 
are bristly. The very characteristic picture of the wings in 
Acrotoxa is sufficiently rendered by the figures 5 and 6 of Tab. 
X, and 19-27 of Tab. XI. The portions of this picture which 
could not well be called bands (/fascix), or stripes (viltex), I 
have called rivulets (following in this Meigen’s example, who 
called them rivuli in latin, and Bache in german). The same 
term may be applied to the species of Acidia. The species of 
Acroltoxa are often very much alike, and very difficult to dis- 
tinguish in the male sex; the females are frequently easier to 
distinguish on account of the very different length of the oviposi- 
tor in different species. 

Observation 3.—In view of the difficulty of this group and of 
the probable occurrence of species belonging to it in some por- 
tions of the North American continent and of the West Indies 
(besides Trypeta fraterculus Wied., already referred to), I 
deem it useful to enter into a more detailed examination of them. 
Most of the numerous Acrotoxz occurring in the Huropean 
museums come from Brazil, and pass rather indiscriminately for 
the Dacus parallelus Wied. I will give a description of this 
species, based upon the original specimens in the Wiedemann- 
Winthem and the Seckenberg collections, and of some of the 
species more closely allied to it, confining myself to those species 
only which are known in both sexes. Special mentions of coldr- 
ing and picture will be omitted, as the former is clay-yellow in 
all the species, and the latter very probably is pretty much like 
that of 7. ludens, as given above, at least in living specimens ; 
in drying it becomes somewhat indistinct, and affords no trust- 
worthy marks for discrimination. 


a. T. parallela Wiepv. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 20.) 
Long. corp. 0.37, long. terebre 0.20—0.21; long. al. 0.40. 

Arista with a short pubescence, which is longer, however, than in the fol- 
lowing species. The pile on the body in general is somewhat longer than 
in those species, which is especially perceptible on the abdomen of both 
sexes and on the ovipositor. Ovipositor slender, not quite as long as the 
thorax and the rounded abdomen of the female taken together. Wings 
comparatively broad and very blunt and rounded at the tip; their vena- 
tion differs from the allied species in the distinct undulation of the second 
vein and the peculiar bend, which the last section of the third vein shows 
in the vicinity of the small crossvein; two characters of which there is an 
indication in 7. consobrina only. Picture of the wings brownish-yellow, 
in some places brown, more intense than in the following species ; the 
uninterrupted and even course of the first hyaline space from the basis of 
the second basal cell to the costa is especially characteristic. The picture 
of the wings varies sometimes in the fact that both the S-shaped and the 
V-shaped rivulet each emit, exactly upon the third longitudinal vein, a 
little pointed projection, almost forming a narrow bridge between them ; 
sometimes the portion of the V-shaped rivulet, cut off by the fourth vein, 
is filled by a brownish-yellow coloring; I have observed this variety much 
more often in female than in male specimens. 

Hab. Brazil. 

b. T. hamata nh. Sp. es 2 . (Tab. XI, ifs 22.) 
Long. corp. 0.39, long. terebre 0.26; long. al. 0.41—0.42. 

Abdomen short. The ovipositor slender, proportionally somewhat 
longer than in 7. parallela. Wings comparatively narrower and less 
rounded towards the end; second longitudinal vein without any trace of 
an undulated course and the third longitudinal vein beyond the small 
crossvein without the curvature, so characteristic in 7. parallela. Picture 
of the wings paler and more yellow than in the latter species ; the branch 
of the V-shaped rivulet which is more distant from the tip of the wing is 
prolonged in front beyond the third vein, without diminution of its breadth, 
so that it coalesces with the S-shaped rivulet between the third and the 
second vein; the branch of the V-shaped rivulet which is nearer the apex 
of the wing is either altogether wanting, or its pale yellowish tip only is 
visible near the posterior margin, as it is represented on Tab. XI, f. 22. 
The hyaline band running from the basis of the second basal cell towards 
the costa forms (as it also does in 7. censobrina and pseudoparallela), a 
row of three contiguous spots. Besides the different picture of the wings, 
T. hamata differs from 7. consobrina and still more from 7. pseudoparallela 
in the shape of the wings, which are comparatively narrower and a little 
less obtusely rounded at the tip. Moreover, the ovipositor of the female 
is a little shorter and more slender towards the tip than in 7’. consobrina ; 
but it is very much longer than that of 7. pseudopurallela. 

Hab. Brazil. 


c. T. integra n. sp. % 9- (Tab. XI, f. 23.) 
Long. corp. 0.41, long. terebre 0.36—0.37; long. al. 0.42. 

The abdomen of this species is longer and narrower than in the other 
species. The picture of the wings is paler and yellower than that of 
Trypeta parallela, but otherwise resembles it more than any other, as in 
both, the first hyaline band is not divided in three contiguous spots. 
However, in the present species this band becomes narrower towards the 
costa and stops before reaching it, neither of which is the case in 7. par- 
allela. Moreover, its wings are much narrower and less obtusely rounded 
at the tip; likewise they show no trace of the wavy course of the second 
longitudinal vein and of the curvature of the third, which is so well 
marked in T. parallela. The ovipositor is remarkably long in comparison 
to the size of the body, longer than in all the other species described here. 
The design of the picture might give rise to the supposition that 7’. integra 
and 7. obliqua Macq. are identical. The much smaller size of 7. obliqua 
Macq. and the much shorter ovipositor, however, render this impossible. 
From 7. consobrina and pseudoparallela this species is sufficiently distin- 
guished by the different shape of the first hyaline band of the wings. 

Hab. Brazil. 

d. T. consobrina n. sp. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 21.) 
Long. corp. 0.31—0.32, long. terebre 0.26—0.27; long. al. 0.38. 

Abdomen short. The venation shows more analogy to that of 7. par- 
allela than to any other species mentioned here, as the third longitudinal 
vein is somewhat curved beyond the small crossvein; the second longi- 
tudinal likewise shows a vestige of a weak undulation (which is not 
rendered in the figure). The outline of the wings likewise resembles that 
of 7. parallela especially in the obtuse rounding of the apex; but the 
wings are narrower in comparison to their length. The picture of the 
wings is considerably paler than in 7’. parallela, and resembles in outline 
that of 7. pseudoparallela, so that the males of both species may easily be 
taken for each other, unless attention is paid to the difference in the course 
of the third vein. The females of both are very easily distinguished, as 
the ovipositor of 7. consobrina is considerably longer than that of 7. 

Hab. Brazil. 

e. T. pseudoparallela. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 24.) 
Long. corp. 0.35, long. terebre 0.13—0.14; long. al. 0.38—0.39. 

The wings resemble those of 7. parallela in outline very much, differ, 
however, in the fact that the second and third longitudinal veins do not 
show the peculiar course which they have in 7. parailela. The picture 
of the wings is but little paler than in 7. parallela, but differs from it 
considerably in the breaking up of the first-hyaline band into three con- 



tiguous spots. In speaking of 7. consobrina, I have adverted to the dif- 
ference between the males of the two species, which otherwise are closely 
alike. The female of this species cannot easily be mistaken for that of 
T. consobrina or any other of the species described here. 

Hab. Brazil. 

The great importance which the comparative length of the ovipositor 
has for determination of the closely resembling species of the present group, 
induces me to give here the following figures representing the average of 
several measurements. The relation of the length of the ovipositor to 
that of the rest of the body is in pseudoparallela 1: 2.6; in parallela 
1: 1.8—1.9; inhamatal1:1.5; in consobrina1:1.2; inintegra1:1.1. Their 
relation to the length of the wing is in pseudoparallela 1: 2.8; in parallela 
1; 2.1; in hamata 1: 1.6; in consobrina 1: 1.4; in integra 1:1.2. 

Trypeta Ocresia Walker (List, ete., IV, p. 1016), from 
Jamaica, is an Acrotoxa, closely allied to the species described 
by me. Whether 7rypeta Acidusa Walker (ibid., p. 1014) from 
Jamaica likewise belongs here is uncertain, as the author does not 
state whether the end of the third longitudinal vein is directed 
forwards or backwards; moreover there is no statement whatever 
concerning the shape of the scutellum and the number of its 
bristles. If this species is an Acrotoxa, it cannot possibly be 
identified with any of those described above, on account of the 
differences in the coloring. The same applies, in a greater 
measure still, to Zrypeta serpentina Wiedemann, already alluded 
to above. 

In order to bring together whatever I know concerning the 
Trypete belonging to the group Acrotoxa, I give on Tab. XI, f. 
26, a copy of the figure of the wing of Trypeta grandis Macq. 
(Dipt. Exot. Suppl., I, p. 212. Tab. XVIII, f. 14), from New 
Granada, and on Tab, XI, f. 27, that of the wing of Urophora 
bivittata Macq. (Dipt. Exot., II, 3, p. 222. Tab. XXX, f. 7), 
of unknown habitat. Both wings show an outline somewhat 
different from the other Acrofoxx, more oblique transverse veins, 
a more narrow first posterior cell, a weaker forward turn of the 
third vein, ete. I am inclined to believe that these differences 
do not, for the most part, exist in reality, but are only due to the 
usual inaccuracy in Macquart’s figures; and for this reason I 
believe that both 7. grandis Macq. and Urophora bivittata Macq. 
are Acrotore. Should my supposition prove correct, then it 
becomes very probable that America is the habitat of the latter 


47. 'T. vulmerata n. sp. % 9.—Fusco-nigra, infra fusca; caput ex- 
albidum, fronte et facie ochraceo-vittatis, antennis, palpisque lutescen- 
tibus; scutellum subtumidum, setis quatuor preditum; pedes lutei, 
femoribus tamen posterioribus fusco-nigris; alw latiuscule, cellula 
stigmaticali brevissima, quadrata, cellula marginali lata et cellula pos- 
teriore prima adversus apicem angustata instructe, fasciis nigris inter 
se coherentibus similiter atque Aciur@ lychnidis F., picte, colore tamen 
nigro adversus alarum basim latius diffuso. 

Blackish-brown, under side brown; head whitish, front and face with an 
ochre-yellow longitudinal stripe, antenne and palpi more clay-yellow- 
ish; scutellum rather tumid, with four bristles; feet clay-yellowish, 
the posterior femora, however, brownish-black; wings rather broad, 
with a short, square stigmatical cell, a broad marginal cell and a first 
posterior cell, which is attenuated at the posterior end; the black, con- 
nected crossbands almost resemble those of Aciura lychnidis Fab., but 
the black coloring is more extended towards the basis. Long. corp., 4, 
0.18, 9, cum terebra 0.24; long. al. 0.18. 

Coloring of a rather shining brownish-black; the humeral 
region and the under side of thorax and abdomen brown. Head 
whitish, front and face with a conspicuous ochre-yellow or almost 
orange-yellow middle stripe. Antenne clay-yellowish, descend- 
ing below the middle of the perpendicular, very little concave, 
face; the first two joints with short black pile; the third with an 
almost sharp anterior corner; arista brownish-black with an 
extremely short pubescence; oral opening of a medium size; the 
broad palpi do not extend beyond its anterior edge, which is 
slightly drawn upwards. Cheeks of a very moderate breadth; at 
the lower corner of the eye, there is an ochre-brownish spot and 
a black bristle. The usual frontal bristles black and of a con- 
siderable length; between the two black bristles inserted upon 
the little stripes, coming down from the vertical margin, there is, 
on each side, a short, white bristle; four similar bristles are 
inserted upon the posterior vertical margin; the erect pile of the 
occiput and the cilia of the upper posterior orbit of the eve are 
white. Thoracic dorsum and pleure with a very scattered, almost 
stubble-shaped white pile and black bristles. Scutellum very 
convex, perceptibly swollen, with four long bristles. The inter- 
mediate abdominal segments have a more or less distinct pale 
coloring on the posterior margin; all segments, with the excep- 
tion of the posterior one, have some scattered whitish pile towards 
the posterior margin and blackish pile on the lateral margins; the 


last segment, towards its end, has several black bristles. Ovi- 
positor flat, rather broadly truncate, hardly as long as the last 
three abdominal segments taken together, blackish-brown or 
black, with black pile. Front feet, as well as the entire fore- 
coxe, clay-yellow; on the posterior feet the first joint of the coxe 
and the femora are brownish-black, or dark brown, the second 
joint of the coxe, the tip of the femora, and the entire tibiw and 
tarsi are clay-yellow; the under side of the front femora bears a 
row of black bristles, while the under side of the posterior femora 
is without them. Halteres infuscated. Wings large, rather 
broad, with convex anterior and posterior margins; veins, with 
the exception of the first longitudinal, without bristles; the first 
longitudinal vein turns, not very far beyond the end of the 
auxiliary vein, in a sharp, rectangular fracture, perpendicularly 
towards the margin of the wing, which causes the stigmatical 
cell to assume a strikingly short and square shape; the second 
longitudinal vein is rather distant from the anterior margin of 
the wing and has a rather straight course, so that the marginal 
cell, although rather broad, is attenuated towards its end; the 
third longitudinal vein is turned backwards towards its end, so 
that the first posterior cell is somewhat attenuated at the end; 
. the small crossvein is placed about the middle of the discal cell, 
which becomes considerably broader towards its end; the last 
section of the fourth longitudinal vein has a wavy course; the 
posterior crossvein is very steep and only very gently curved ; 
the posterior angle of the anal cell is drawn out in a point in the 
usual way. The picture of the wings has somewhat the appear- 
ance of rivulets, and consists of conspicuous and rather well- 
defined brownish-black crossbands, which come in contact almost 
in the same way as in the European Acidia lychnidis Fab. (com- 
pare Loew, Bohrjfliegen, Tab. III, f. 4); the picture of the pre- 
sent species differs, however, in the more considerable extent of 
the black coloring on the basis of the wings; the black bands 
leave two hyaline indentations on the anterior and three on the 
posterior margin; these hyaline spots have, in a certain light, a 
whitish reflection. The first of these spots on the anterior mar- 
gin is a rectangular triangle, the hypothenuse of which begins on 
the costa a little before the end of the first longitudinal vein and 
runs as far as the anterior end of the small crossvein; the second 
hyaline spot, separated from the first by an almost perpendicular 


dark band, runs from the costa over the middle of the penultimate 
section of the fourth vein, as far as the middle breadth of the 
discal cell. The first hyaline spot of the posterior margin begins 
at the end of the last longitudinal vein and reaches as far as the 
fourth vein; the second and third spots begin, as usual in the 
species with this kind of picture, at the posterior end of the 
second posterior cell; both are very pointed at their end, and 
while the second spot reaches only to the fourth vein, the third 
goes as far as the third vein. Besides these hyaline spots, there 
is, at the basis, a small hyaline mark, connected with the whitish 
tegule; in the anal angle of the wing, near the margin, there is a 
diluted dot. The last of the dark bands is separated from the 
costa, as far as the third vein, by a narrow, hyaline border ; the 
small crossvein has a similar, very narrow, hyaline border. A 
peculiar mark of this species is, that the spot at which the second 
and third longitudinal veins diverge, forms a knot-shaped, blood- 
red swelling, like a drop of coagulated blood; the first longitu- 
dinal vein, near its basis, likewise shows a more or less distinct 
blood-red coloring. 

Hab. Massachusetts (Mr. Sanborn). 

Observation.—Trypeta vulnerata cannot be well located in 
any of the genera hitherto formed out of the old genus Trypeta. 
The great resemblance of the picture of its wings to that of 
Acidia lychnidis Fab. (= discoidea Meig.), naturally suggests 
its location in the same genus. A closer examination, however, 
proves that, although its relationship to the species of that genus 
is rather close, it differs very much in the structure of the head, 
the very much more swollen scutellum, the structure of the ovi- 
positor, some details in the venation, and the almost stubble- 
shaped pile. Thus we are compelled to establish a separate genus, 
Slenopa, for it, which finds its place next to Acidia. 

8. UT. fratria Lw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 4.)—Lutea, corpore brevi et lati- 
usculo, scutello setas quatuor gerente ; ale rivulis luteo-fuscanis, macu- 
lam ovatam hyalinam in apicali cellule discoidalis parte sitam inclu- 
dentibus, apice vene longitudinalis quarte non recurvo. 

Clay-yellow, stature short and somewhat broad, with four bristles on the 
seutellum ; wings with yellowish-brown rivulets, which inclose an oval, 
hyaline spot before the end of the discal cell; the end of the fourth 
longitudinal vein is not curved forwards. Long. corp. 0.22; long. al. 


Syn. Zrypeta fratria Lozw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 67. Tab. II, f. 4. 
?Trypeta liogaster THomson, Eug. Resa, p. 578, No. 251. 

Hab. United States (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—I have nothing to add to the description of this 
species as given in the first part of these Monographs. Its close 
relationship to the European YZ. heraclet Lin. is a sufficient 
proof that this species is a true, typical Actdia. I believe that 
T. liogaster Thoms. is this same species, although he describes 
the ovipositor as darker than I find it in my specimen. 

9. T.suavis Lw. 4%. (Tab. X, f. 10.)—Dilute lutea, corpore brevi, 
latiusculo, scutello setis quatuor instructo; ale rivulis latissimis fuscis, 
in formam litere S confluentibus, picte, apice vene longitudinalis 
quartz non recurvo. 

Pale clay-yellowish, stature short and rather broad, scutellum with four 
bristles ; wings with very broad brown rivulets, which coalesce in the 
shape of the letter S; the tip of the fourth vein is not curved forwards. 
Long. corp. 0.20; long. al. 0.21. 

Syn. Trypeta suavis Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 75. Tab. II, f. 10. 

Hab. Middle States (Osten-Sacken). 

I possess only one very badly preserved specimen, which I 
described in the Monographs, ete., Part I. The species is easily 
distinguished on account of the peculiar picture of its wings. Of 
all the genera hitherto established in the family Trypetidz, the 
present species undoubtedly belongs to Acidia; and, as far as 
the imperfect preservation of my specimen allows an opinion, it 
agrees with the Acidie in all the important characters, except 
one: while all the European Acidiz have the third longitudinal 
vein more or less bristly, I perceive no bristles, whatever, in 
T. suavis, and have no reason to suppose that they have been 
rubbed off. Such an agreement of characters decides me to place 
T. suavis in the genus Acidia; at the same time, however, the 
bristles of the third longitudinal vein cannot any longer be con- 
sidered as characteristic of the genus Acidia. 

10. T. canadensis n. sp. 9.—Dilute lutescens, segmentis abdomi- 
nalibus tertio et quarto fusco-fasciatis, corpore brevi, latiusculo, terebra 
mediocri, lata et late truncata; alarum rivuli angusti, fusci, apex vene 
longitudinalis quart non recurvus. 

Pale clay-yellowish, with a brown crossband on the third and fourth 
abdominal segments, stature short and somewhat broad; ovipositor of 


medium length, broad and broadly truncate; wings with narrow pale 
brownish rivulets and with a fourth longitudinal vein which is not 
curved forwards at the tip. Long. corp. 0.18, cum terebra 0.23; long. 
al. 0.20. 

Pale clay-yellowish. The head resembles that of 7. fratria in 
shape, only the front is somewhat broader and the vertical diame- 
ter of the eyes is a little smaller; the anterior edge of the mouth 
is more projecting. On the border of the front the described 
specimen bears, on each side, three long, but rather weak black 
bristles. Antenne of a more saturate yellow, not reaching the 
edge of the mouth; their third joint is rounded at the tip; arista 
blackish, yellow towards the basis, with a very short pubescence. 
Rostrum and palpi pale yellow, the latter not reaching beyond 
the anterior edge of the oral opening. Thoracic dorsum with 
a very thin, whitish bloom, only the double middle stripe and 
the narrow lateral stripes not pollinose, rather shining and 
somewhat darker than their surroundings. The posterior end 
of the thoracic dorsum and the scutellum likewise without pol- 
len, shining, very pale yellow; a not very broad yellowish stripe 
runs from the humeral corner to the root of the wings. The 
scutellum is convex and not very large; in my specimen it has 
three bristles on one side and only two on the other, so that I 
cannot say whether the normal number of the bristles of the 
scutellum is six or four. The bristles of the thorax and of the 
scutellum, as well as the short pile of the thoracic dorsum, are 
black. Metathorax distinctly infuscated on its superior margin 
and its middle line. Abdomen shining, with short black pile ; 
the third and fourth segments have, each at its basis, a chestnut 
crossband, interrupted upon its middle, while upon the second 
segment only a lateral beginning of such a stripe is indicated by 
a chestnut-brown spot. The very broad ovipositor is flat, almost 
as long as the last three abdominal segments taken together, very 
broadly truncate and infuscated at the end. The front femora 
are sparsely beset with bristles upon the upper and under side ; 
the middle femora are entirely without bristles; upon the hind 
femora, likewise, there are only a few bristle-like hairs before the 
end of the upper side; the upper side of the hind tibie is merely 
beset with exceedingly short bristle-like hairs. Wings of the 
usual shape, hyaline, with a pale-brown picture; it consists: 1. 
In an oblique half crossband running from the humeral crossvein 


to the basis of the second basal cell; 2. Of a crossband parallel 
to the first, abbreviated behind, which begins at the stigma, near 
the anterior margin, and runs across the basis of the submarginal 
cell, as well as across the crossveins, which close the second and 
third basal cells, and thus reaches the sixth longitudinal vein; 3. 
Of a rivulet which begins above the posterior crossvein, near the 
third longitudinal vein, runs from it across the posterior cross- 
vein as far as the posterior margin, is continued along this mar- 
gin inside of the third posterior cell, but, before reaching the sixth 
longitudinal vein, is suddenly turned upwards, running parallel 
to the band which begins at the stigma, crossing the small cross- 
vein, and thus reaching the anterior margin, where, gradually 
expanding, it forms a border ending a little beyond the tip of the 
fourth crossvein. The two crossbands, as well as the rivulet, are 
of moderate breadth only; the latter has, in the described speci- 
men, the following faded spots, which, in more fully colored spe- 
cimens, are probably less apparent or altogether absent: 1. A 
rounded spot in the marginal cell, above the origin of the rivulet; 
2. Upon the longitudinal axis of the submarginal cell an indenta- 
tion in the inner margin of the section bordering the apex of the 
wing; 3. Upon the longitudinal axis of the first posterior cell 
an interruption of the rivulet at its origin and an indentation in 
the inner margin of the portion bordering the apex of the wing; 
4. Upon the longitudinal axis of the discal cell a narrow interrup- 
tion of the section, running again towards the anterior margin; 
5. The spot upon the posterior margin connects the first, descend- 
ing, portion, with the second, which rises again upwards. The 
first and third longitudinal veins are bristly; the third and fourth 
are parallel towards their end, both very gently curved back- 
wards; the section of the fourth vein preceding the discal cell is 
gently, but rather distinctly arcuated backwards, so that the shape 
of the discal cell somewhat reminds of that of the species of 
Rivellia; the crossveins are comparatively rather long, moderately 
approximated, their distance being about equal to the length of 
the posterior crossvein; the latter is rather steep, however, per- 
ceptibly approximated to the apex with its anterior end, more 
than with the posterior; the posterior corner of the anal cell is 
very much drawn out in a point. 

Hab. Canada (Mr. Provancher). [ Norway, Maine; S. J. Smith 
—seems to be a commen species in those regions. O. 8S. ] 


Observation.—Trypeta canadensis resembles the species of 
Acidia in its general habitus and, at first sight, seems to differ 
only in the somewhat modified picture of the wings, which seems 
to hold the middle between the rivulet and the crossband. A 
closer examination shows, that in the structure of the head and 
of its parts, as also in the bristles upon the feet, this species is 
closely allied to Acidia, but that it also shows characters not 
belonging to that genus; such is the structure of the ovipositor, 
which is longer, quite flattened, and broadly truncate at the end; 
also the very peculiar course of the section of the fourth longitu- 
dinal vein preceding the small crossvein. If the scutellum is 
provided with six bristles in normal specimens, we would have 
another important distinctive character from Acidia. Thus the 
admission of 7. canadensis in the genus Acidia would render the 
limitation of this genus too indefinite, and it becomes necessary 
to establish a new genus for it, which would be characterized by 
a modified type of the picture, a peculiar course of the fourth 
vein, and a different structure of the ovipositor. I will call this 
genus Hpochra. 

11. T. longipennis Wirp. % 9. (Tab. X,f. 2 %,3 9.)—Lutea, 
capite tumido, corpore elongato et angusto; ale longe et anguste, 
maris adhuc longiores et angustiores quam feminz, rivulis luteo-fuscanis 

Clay-yellow ; head tumid; body long and narrow; wings long and nar- 
row, those of the male still longer and more narrow than in the female, 
pictured with yellowish-brown rivulets. Long. corp. 0.17—0.26; long. 
al. 0.22—0.30. 

Syn. Zrypeta longipennis WIEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl., II, 483,12 (% 9). 
Strauzia armata R. Desvowy, Myod. 719, 2 (4% ). 
Strauzia inermis R. Desvorpy, Myod. 718, 1 (Q). 
Tephritis trimaculata Macquart, Dipt. Exot., I, 3, p. 226, 8. Tab. 
XKKre gD 
Trypeta cornigera WALKER, List Brit. Mus., IV, p. 1010. 
Trypeta cornifera WALKER, List Brit. Mus., IV, p. 1011. 
Trypeta longipennis LoEw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 65. 

It cannot be doubted that Trypeta longipennis Wied., either 
is a very variable species, or that North America possesses a 
number of closely allied species, resembling it very much, and 
which, as long as they are represented only by single, often 
imperfectly preserved specimens, it is as difficult to distinguish 


and to describe as, for instance, the majority of the European 
Urophorx. It is only by observations upon the insect in life, 
that the question will probably have to be solved, whether we 
have here different species or only varieties. In writing the first 
part of these Monographs I surmised that I had specimens of a 
single, but very variable species before me. In the mean time 
my materials have increased considerably, and specimens have 
been added to it, which differ so materially from the typical 7’ 
longtipennis, that my former conviction has been shaken, without, 
however, having been superseded by the opposite one. I prefer 
therefore to continue to treat these different forms as varieties 
of the same species, but, at the same time, to define these 
varieties with more precision than has been done in the first part 
of the Monographs. In order to avoid useless repetitions, I will 
notice in advance that in all the varieties the anterior end of the 
middle stripe is colored black, and that in all of them, immedi- 
ately above the root of the wing, there is a small, deep-black dot, 
which is not visible when the wings are folded. 

1. Varietas perfecta, & 2.—Of the four lateral bristles of the 
front, the two upper ones, in the male, are very much incrassated 
and truncated at the end. Thorax without black lateral stripes. 
Scutellum unicolorous; metathorax without black picture. Picture 
of the wings not very deep in its coloring, complete in both sexes; 
the male as Tab. X, f. 2. 

Of this variety I have compared rather numerous specimens. 
Among those of my collection there is a male and two females, 
caught at the same time. 

2. Varietas typica & 2.—Of the four lateral bristles on the 
front the two upper ones are very much incrassated in the male 
and truncate at the end. Thorax without black lateral stripes; 
scutellum upon each lateral corner with a well-defined black spot. 
Metathorax without any black coloring. The picture of the 
wings is of a rather dark shade, especially towards the tip; com- 
plete in the female, incomplete in the male, almost like Tab. X, f. 
2, except that the rivulet covering the posterior crossvein does 
not reach the margin of the wing, but gradually becomes more 
attenuated and pointed and never reaches beyond the posterior 
end of the posterior crossvein ; the branch of this rivulet which 
runs along the last section of the fourth vein is likewise very 
narrow and always disappears at a considerable distance from 


the margin of the wing; the hyaline interval between it and the 
branch bordering the anterior margin of the wing is, in the male, 
comparatively longer and conspicuously narrower than in var. 
perfecta ; the female shows the same difference, but very feebly. 

Wiedemann’s description is based upon specimens of this 
variety, which is a very common one. ‘The other synonyms, 
quoted above, likewise belong here, with the only exception of 
Trypeta cornigera Walker. I possess of this variety four per- 
fectly well-preserved specimens (a male and three females), caught 
at the same time by Mr. Auxer in Lancaster City, Penn.; the 
three females have, at the posterior end of the two posterior 
abdominal segments, longer, stronger, and somewhat more abun- 
dant pile than the females of other varieties. 

3. Varietas longitudinalis & 9.—Of the four lateral bristles 
of the front the two uppermost, in the male, are very much 
incrassated and truncated at the end. Thorax without any black 
lateral stripes; scutellum on each lateral corner with a black 
spot; metathorax without black picture. The wings of the male 
comparatively narrower than in all the other varieties; their 
picture coalesces into a single broad longitudinal stripe, which, 
from the root of the wing as far as nearly the end of the poste- 
rior basal, cells, has a dirty clay-yellowish coloring; beyond this 
point, it changes into dark-brownish. The interval between the 
second and fourth longitudinal veins is completely filled by this 
stripe, with the only exception of a small hyaline spot at the end 
of the fourth longitudinal vein; moreover, the stripe encroaches 
a little beyond the second and fourth veins in the shape of little 
wavy expansions. The picture of the female hardly differs from 
that of var. typica; only the spot in the costal cell, between the 
stigma and the humeral crossvein, which is usually wanting in 
var. perfecta and present in var. fypica, is much darker than in 
the latter species; this is also the case in the male. 

These statements are taken from a very fine pair of specimens 
from Sharon Springs, N. Y., collected by Baron Osten-Sacken. 
He sent me at the same time a male from Connecticut (collected 
by Mr. Bassett), which agrees with the former in the picture and 
in the shape of the wings, except that the uniformly brown part 
of the picture of the specimen from Sharon is clouded with yel- 
lowish-brown and dark-brown; moreover, in the latter specimen, 
the spot placed between the humeral crossvein and the stigma is 


very much faded. The description which Mr. Walker gives of 
his Trypeta cornigera refers, if I understand it right, to this 
variety. [The male specimen from Sharon was caught on the 
same spot with the female; I possess, moreover, a couple from 
Connecticut, stuck on one pin, as if caught in copuld. Thus 
there can hardly be a doubt as to the sexes belonging together, 
the very different picture notwithstanding. O. 8. ] 

4. Varietas vittigera, & 9.—Of the four lateral bristles of the 
front, the two upper ones are very much incrassated and truncate 
at the end. The thoracic dorsum shows, besides the anterior 
end of the middle stripe, two well-marked black lateral stripes of 
a moderate breadth, abbreviated in front, rather broadly inter- 
rupted at the transverse suture and pointed posteriorly. Scu- 
tellum, upon each lateral corner, with a black spot; metathorax 
on each side with a deep black longitudinal spot. Wings of the 
male somewhat less elongated than in the male of the var. per- 
fecta. The picture of the wings in both sexes is complete, hardly 
different from that of var. perfecta. Of this variety I possess 
only a male and a female from Nebraska (Dr. Heyden). 

5. Varietas intermedia %.—Of the four lateral bristles of the 
front, the two superior ones, although strong, are not incras- 
sated and not truncate at the tip, but end, as usual, in a point. 
Thorax without black lateral stripes; scutellum upon each lateral 
corner with a black spot; metathorax on each side with a deep 
black longitudinal spot. Wings of the male less elongated, and 
perceptibly less pointed than in the first two varieties; the 
picture of the wings rather intense in coloring, the design 
resembling that of the female of the first variety ; however, the 
hyaline band passing between the two crossveins is rather con- 
spicuously expanded at its posterior end. The last joint of all 
the feet is rather conspicuously infuscated on the sides and at 
its end. Of this variety I possess only a single male, without 
indication of the precise locality. 

6. Varietas confluens, &.—Of the four lateral bristles of the 
front the two upper ones are rather strong, but not incrassated 
and not truncate at the tip, but end, as usual, in a point. The 
thoracic dorsum, besides the anterior end of the middle stripe, 
shows two well-defined black lateral stripes of a moderate breadth, 
which are abbreviated anteriorly, rather broadly interrupted at 
the transverse suture, and pointed posteriorly. Scutellum upon 



each lateral corner with a black spot. Metathorax on each 
side with a deep-black longitudinal spot. Wings of the male 
comparatively less elongated, and less attenuated towards the 
tip, consequently comparatively broader than in the first and 
second variety. The picture of the wings is complete, its color- 
ing uniform, not very saturate, seldom here and there with a 
trace of darker margins; the oblique hyaline crossband passing 
‘between the crossveins is comparatively narrow, reaches, how- 
ever, the anterior margin completely. The brownish-yellow 
rivulet rising across the posterior crossvein is of a considerable 
breadth in all its parts, so that the branch of it which borders the 
margin of the wing and that which runs along the last section of 
the fourth longitudinal vein, coalesce in their middle. 

I possess a single male only (Connecticut ; Mr. Norton); it is 
one of the smallest specimens of this species in my collection. 

1. Varietas arculata %.—Of the four lateral bristles of the 
front, the two upper ones are not stronger than usual among the 
species of the same size; as usual, also, they end in a point. The 
thoracic dorsum shows, besides the anterior end of the middle 
stripe, two strongly marked black lateral stripes of moderate 
breadth, which are abbreviated anteriorly, rather broadly inter- 
rupted at the transverse suture, and end in a point posteriorly; 
scutellum with a black spot upon each lateral corner; metathorax 
on each side with a deep black longitudinal spot. The wings of 
the male are less attenuated towards the apex than in the males 
of the first and second varieties, but comparatively less broad 
than in the sixth variety. The picture of the wings has a rather 
uniform yellowish-brown coloring. It differs from that of all the 
other varieties in the fact that the oblique hyaline band, running 
between the two crossveins, does not reach the anterior margin, 
but suddenly ends between the second and the third longitudinal 
veins, so that the border of the anterior margin is not at all inter- 
rupted beyond the triangular hyaline spot near the stigma; at 
the same time, this hyaline band is connected with the hyaline 
streak in the latter portion of the first posterior cell, the rivulet 
crossing over the posterior crossvein being interrupted here. 
These modifications give the picture a very different appearance, 

Of this variety I likewise possess but one specimen (Illinois ; 
Mr. Brendel); it is but little larger than the male specimen of 
the sixth variety. 


Observation.— Trypeta longipennis has no immediate relatives 
among the European Trypetidx. From Spilographa abrotant 
Meig., and macrocheta Lw., which resemble it somewhat in the 
peculiar shape of the frontal bristles, it differs too much, in the 
stature of the body, the shape of the head, as well as in the outline, 
the venation, and the picture of the wings, to be placed in the 
same genus Spzlographa. It must be considered, therefore, as 
the type of a separate genus. Mr. R. Desvoidy has given it the 
name of Strauzia, which may be preserved, after being modified 
into the more correct form of Straussia. The principal charac- 
ters of the genus Straussia are the following :— 

Body long and narrow; head remarkably swollen, especially 
the occiput; eyes rounded and rather small for a 7rypeta, so that 
in the profile the front advances much before the eyes and the 
cheeks are very broad. Lateral border of the front raised in 
the shape of a cushion, so that the whole front assumes the 
appearance of a basin. Antenne short, reaching, perhaps, as far 
as the middle of the face; the last joint rounded at the tip 
Face retreating inferiorly; oral opening small, without any sharp 
anterior edge; the rather broad palpi not reaching beyond this 
edge. Scutellum convex, with four bristles. Abdomen elongated 
and considerably narrower than the thorax. Ovipositor of the 
female not flattened. Wings comparatively long and only mode- 
rately broad, in the male narrower than in the female, especially 
towards their end; the picture consists of rivulets; first and third 
longitudinal veins distinctly bristly ; the third and fourth veins 
towards their end somewhat divergent and rather strongly bent 
backwards; small crossvein placed about the beginning of the 
last third of the discal cell; the posterior angle of the anal cell is 
drawn out in a sharp point. 

12. T. electa Say. 9. (Tab. X, f. 7.)—Lutea, vittis thoracis et scu- 
tello ex-albidis, angulis lateralibus hujus nigris; tibie postice setis 
nigris, proportione longis ciliate; ale hyaline, fasciis duabus integris 
adversus marginem posticum convergentibus, strigula interjecta a costa 
ad venam longitudinalem tertiam ducta, et coste ipsius limbo inde a 
fascia secunda usque ad apicem cellule posterioris secunde pertinente, 


Clay-yellow, longitudinal stripes of the thorax and scutellum whitish; 
the latter with blackish lateral corners; posterior tibie ciliated with 
comparatively long black bristles; wings hyaline, with two complete 


crossbands, converging towards the posterior margin, an incomplete 
band beginning at the anterior margin and running as far as the third 
longitudinal vein, and a border of the costa, beginning at the second 
crossband and ending at the tip of the second posterior cell; the whole 
of this picture being brown. Long. corp. 0.29; long. al. 0.29. 

Syn. Trypeta electa Say, Journ. Acad. Phil., VI, p. 185, 1. 
Trypeta electa Louw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 71, 6. Tab. II, f. 7. 

I have nothing to add to the description, given in the first part 
of these Monographs, but I must observe that, deceived by Mac- 
quart’s insufficient description of his 7. flavonotata, I have taken 
it to be merely a paler variety of 7’. electa Say, while a specimen 
received since then has convinced me that it is a very closely 
allied but distinct species. 

Hab. Florida (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—Trypeta electa belongs in the genus Spilo- 

13. T. flavonotata Maca. %.—Lutea, vittis thoracis et scutello 
unicolore pallidioribus, tibize postice setulis brevissimis pallidis subci- 
liate ; ale hyaline, fasciis duabus postice paulo abbreviatis adversus 
marginem posticum convergentibus, strigulé interjecta a costa prope ad 
venam longitudinalem tertiam ducta et cost ipsius limbo inde a fascia 
secunda usque ad cellule posterioris secunde apicem pertinente, fuscis. 

Clay-yellow, longitudinal stripes of the thoracic dorsum and the uni- 
colorous scutellum paler; hind tibiz somewhat ciliated with very short, 
pale bristles; wings hyaline, with two crossbands, which are somewhat 
convergent posteriorly and interrupted a little before the posterior mar- 
gin, a little crossband between them, extending from the anterior mar- 
gin almost to the third longitudinal vein, and a border of the costa, 
running from the second crossband to the tip of the second posterior 
cell; the whole picture being brown. Long. corp. 0.18; long. al. 0.21 

Syn. Tephritis flavonotata Maca. Dipt. Exot. Suppl. V, p. 125. Tab. 

Wall ica 

This species is very like Trypeta electa Say, differs, however, 
from it as follows. It is smaller; the head is comparatively 
smaller and has much narrower cheeks. The third antennal 
joint ends at a much sharper angle. In what way the picture 
of the thorax differs from that of Z. electa cannot be well 
ascertained in my specimen, in which it has become somewhat 
indistinct, probably in the process of drying; the whitish stripe, 
running from the humerus to the root of the wings, is very per- 


ceptible; there is also a trace of the whitish stripe above the 
root of the wings; but this stripe shows no trace of the dark 
border on the inside, which it has in 7. electa; nor do I see a 
whitish median line. Scutellum comparatively smaller and somes 
what more convex, without black spot on the lateral corners. 
The upper border of the metathorax is marked, at each end, with 
a very small spot of a deep black color. The punctiform black 
lateral dots, which exist on the last abdominal segment of the 
female of J. electa, are not perceptible in the male of the present 
species. All the bristles of the body are less strong and of a 
paler color, especially upon the femora, and instead of the com- 
paratively long black bristles with which the upper side of the 
hind tibie of JZ. electa is fringed, there are in the present 
species only very short pale yellow bristlets. The third longi- 
tudinal vein of the wings has, at its basis, several little bristles, 
but upon the remainder of its course, is entirely bare (while the 
bristles extend much farther in 7. electa). The picture of the 
wings is very like that of 7’ electa, with the following differ- 
ences: the two crossbands in the middle of the wings do not 
altogether reach the posterior margin and are also less approxi- 
mated, that is, they do not form the figure V ; the basal portion 
of the submarginal cell lying before the first of these bands is 
hyaline; the picture in the vicinity of the root of the wing is 
much less extended and much paler, so that its darker portions 
do not, as in 7. electa, form a kind of crossband, running almost 
parallel to the following band. 

Hab. Yukon River, Alaska (R. Kennicott). 

Observation.—T. flavonotata is very closely allied to those 
European species, which I have placed in the genus Zonosema 
(in my Monograph of the European T’rypetidx), and should be 
placed in it, as long as it is separated from Spilographa. Should, 
however, Zonosema be united with Spilographa, which seems the 
best course to follow, owing to the intermediate forms, which 
occur among the exotic species, then, as a matter of course, 7’. 
flavonotata will have to be placed in the genus Spilographa. 

14. T. tetanops n.sp. 4%. (Tab. XI, f. 15.)—Mellea, capite subin- 
flato, ocnlis parvis; ale hyaline, fasciis duabus adversus marginem 
posticum convergentibus, strigula interjecté inde a costa ad tertiam 
usque venam pertinente, maculis denique duabus parvis, altera in ven 
longitudinalis tertiw, alterd in quarte apice sita, fuscis, his maculis 
limbo marginis tenuissimo fusco conjunctis. 


Honey-yellow, with a rather tumid head and small eyes; wings hyaline, 
with a brown picture, which consists of two crossbands, converging 
towards the posterior margin, of a little band, between both, reaching 
from the costa to the third longitudinal vein and of two little spots upon 
the third and fourth longitudinal veins, which spots are connected by a 
narrow infuscation along the margin of the wing. Long. corp. 0.19— 
0.20; long. al. 0.17—0.18. 

Honey-yellow, the head of a purer yellow, somewhat tumid. 
Front broad, with some scattered, short, very delicate blackish 
pile; its lateral bristles weak. Frontal lunule very small. Eyes 
small, elongated, with a rather projecting anterior corner. Face 
descending straight; edge of the mouth blunt, somewhat swollen; 
the conspicuously deepened antennal furrows become narrowed 
below and disappear in the lateral edges of the mouth; the part 
of the face between them forms an acute, level triangle; the 
cheeks are remarkably broad, beset with a few short black hairs; 
oral opening very small; clypeus unusually little developed ; 
palpi short, but considerably broad, sparsely beset with short, 
black hairs. Proboscis rather short and stout; the stout sucto- 
rial flaps, although somewhat long, are not prolonged, nor folded 
backwards. The upper side of the thorax, with the exception of 
the posterior and lateral margins, which are shining, is covered 
with a thin ochre-yellow pollen, and hence opaque; the short pile 
upon it and the bristles are black; the number and position of 
the latter is the usual one; of the two pairs of bristles in front 
of the scutellum, the anterior one is inserted upon very small 
dots of a somewhat darker color; in the proximity of the suture 
there are two similar dots; moreover, the trace of a slender dark 
middle line is perceptible. Scutellum shining honey-yellow, 
rather convex, sparsely beset with little black hairs and bearing 
four strong black bristles. Pleurse of the same color with the 
scutellum, beset with black pile. Abdomen, likewise, shining 
honey-yellow, in the middle with a trace of an ochre-yellow dust, 
beset with black pile, but without longer bristles. The yellow 
feet have rather strong femora; the two front femora are beset 
with bristles upon the under and upper side. Wings hyaline, 
with a picture which is very like that of the two preceding species. 
The principal feature consists in two narrow brown transverse 
bands; the first, somewhat faded at its beginning, starts from 
the end of the stigma and runs perpendicularly over the small 
crossvein as far as the proximity of the posterior margin, while 


the second begins at the tip of the second longitudinal vein and 
runs in an oblique direction over the posterior crossvein to the 
posterior margin; between these two bands there is a short, 
brown one, extending from the anterior margin to the third 
longitudinal vein; it follows the same direction as the second 
band; the tips of the third and fourth longitudinal veins bear 
each a small brown spot and these spots are connected by a nar- 
row brown shade along the margin of the wing; a small brown 
spot covers the end of the anal cell, which is drawn out in an 
acute point; the inner costal cell, the beginning of the first basal 
cell, as far as the origin of the third vein, the basis of the sub- 
marginal cell as far as the first brown crossband, the stigma and 
the anal cell are tinged with yellow; a yellow coloring likewise 
surrounds that crossvein, which divides the second basal cell from 
the discal cell; the basis of the exterior costal cell is tinged with 
yellowish-brown. The third longitudinal vein is, in the vicinity 
of its origin, densely beset with bristles; more sparsely beyond 
that point; the third and fourth longitudinal veins somewhat 
diverge towards their end; the small crossvein is a little before 
the middle of the discal cell; the posterior crossvein is straight 
and steep. . 

Hab. Mexico (Deppe; Mus. Berol.). 

Observation.—The principal difference between this species 
and the typical Spzlographe consists in the structure of the head, 
which has been described above; moreover, the wings are com- 
paratively shorter and the third vein has, as far as its tip, an 
entirely rectilinear course, while, in all the species of Spilo- 
grapha (comp. Tab. X, f. 7), it is gently curved backwards. 
Should a new genus be founded for this single species, the name 
Gidicarena, alluding to the structure of its head, might be 
adopted for it. It would seem preferable, however, until a 
number of allied species becomes known, to let 7. tetanops 
remain in the genus Spilographa, with which it is undoubtedly 
related on account of the great resemblance of the picture of its 
wings with that of 7. electa and still more of 7. flavonotata. 

15. T. sarcimata Lw. 9. (Tab. XI, f. 16.)—Sordide lutea, dorso 
thoracis cinerascente, punctisque aliquot majusculis atris picto, scutello 
tumido, bimammato atro, alarum angulo axillari fasciisque quatuor 
valde obliquis ex luteo fuscis, venis transversis obliquis et valde 
approximatis, cellula discoidali adversus basim valde angustata. 


Dingy clay-yellow, with several deep black dots upon the gray thoracic 
dorsum and with a tumid bituberculate black scutellum ; wings with a 
yellowish-brown posterior angle and four very oblique yellowish-brown 

- crossbands, with oblique and very approximate crossveins and with a 
discal cell which is gradually attenuated towards its basis. Long. corp. 
0.28; long. al. 0.26—0.27. 

Syn. ?Tephritis quadrifasciata Macauart, Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 226. Tab. 
XK K, £08) 
Trypeta sarcinata Loew, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr., VI, p. 218, and Dipt. 
Amer. Cent., I, 88. 

Dark clay-yellow, almost brownish-yellow. The broad head is 
of a lighter color; front very broad, on the anterior part of the 
lateral margin with two bristles, and before them, near the orbit, 
with a small black dot. Antennz yellowish, by far not reaching 
the edge of the mouth. Face somewhat excavated, but very little 
protruding towards the edge of the mouth, broad and with broad 
orbits along the eyes. Cheeks rather. broad, with a small black 
spot near the lower corner of the eye. Oral opening transversely 
oval; proboscis and palpi yellowish, short, entirely withdrawn in 
the oral opening; the usual frontal bristles black; the pile on the 
cheeks, below the black dot which occurs upon them, blackish; 
the remaining pile on the head is whitish. The upper side of the 
thorax seems to have an almost black ground color, assumes, 
however, in consequence of the rather thick pollen which covers 
it, a gray, entirely opaque, appearance ; upon the middle of the 
thorax, lengthways, there are three pairs of large, black, opaque 
dots, the largest, anterior pair being on the transverse suture, the 
posterior pair immediately in front of the scutellum; upon the 
lateral margin of the thoracic dorsum, the humeral callus, the 
callus in front of the root of the wings, and a rather large spot 
above the root of the wings are not clothed with pollen and rather 
shining black. The ordinary bristles are black; the bristles in 
pairs, along the thoracic dorsum, are inserted upon the black 
dots, described above, except upon the anterior pair (where they 
may have been rubbed off in the described specimen). Scutellum 
shining black, remarkably swollen, but with a strong coarctation 
along the longitudinal middle line, and thus appearing bituber- 
culate ; each of the tubercles bears a strong bristle, below which 
a second one, much weaker, seems to have existed. Metathorax 
and pleure clay-yellow; the immaculate, glabrous abdomen is 
of the same color. Ovipositor flat, pointed, somewhat longer 


than the last four abdominal segments taken together, of the 
same color with the abdomen, or somewhat more reddish-yellow, 
black at the extreme tip only, with scattered, blackish pile. Feet 
dark clay-yellow. Wings rather large; their picture consists, 
besides the yellowish-brown posterior corner, of four oblique yel- 
lowish-brown crossbands, with dark-brown borders; the brown 
coloring which fills the posterior corner is separated from the 
first band on the posterior half of the wing only, and that by an 
oblique hyaline half band, lying in the third posterior cell, but 
which does not reach the root of this cell; a small, square hyaline 
spot near the humeral crossvein indicates the separation of the 
yellowish-brown coloring of the base of the wing from the first 
crossband; the first and second crossbands are completely coales- 
cent before the third longitudinal vein; beyond this vein, they 
are separated by a hyaline, very oblique band, which begins 
below the basis of the:comparatively long stigma and ends at the 
tip of the fifth vein; the second and third brown bands are 
separated by a narrow hyaline band, which crosses the whole 
breadth of the wing, but is almost interrupted upon the second 
longitudinal vein; the third and fourth brown bands, the latter 
of which runs along the apex of the wing, are entirely coalescent 
upon their anterior portion; their posterior portion is separated 
by a narrow, hyaline, half band, which does not reach the third 
longitudinal vein; upon the last section of the anterior margin 
the brown coloring is somewhat spotted and shows here and there 
a very small pale drop. The venation shows the following pecu- 
liarities ; stigma rather long, third and fourth longitudinal veins 
curved backwards towards their end; the very approximate 
crossveins are very oblique and have their posterior ends nearer 
to the apex of the wing than the anterior ends; the discal cell is 
very much contracted towards the basis, and very much dilated 
towards the end; the posterior angle of the anal cell is drawn 
out in a sharp point; the third vein has scattered bristles upon 
nearly its whole extent. 

Hab. South Carolina (Zimmerman; Mus. Berol.). 

Observation 1.—In the synonymy, I have doubtfully quoted 
Tephritis quadrifasciata Macq. from Georgia. It is true that 
Trypeta sarcinata is not recognizable in Macquart’s description ; 
and if Macquart’s figures had the least claim to faithfulness, the 
synonymy of these two species would be out of question, But 


with the knowledge we have of the character of Macquart’s pub- 
lications, we cannot but suspect that his species is after all nothing 
but the one we have described above. The position and direction 
of the crossveins, as well as the general pattern of the picture of 
the wings, distinctly show a certain analogy to 7. sarcinata, The 
synonymy cannot be assumed as certain, as Macquart, in his 
description, does not mention either the black dots on the thoracie 
dorsum, or the black coloring and the very striking shape of the 
seutellum of 7. sarcinata; moreover his figure of the wing shows 
important discrepancies in outline, venation, and picture. By 
all means, should even the identity of these species be confirmed, 
Macquart’s name would be lost for it, as it has been preoccupied 
by Meigen. 

Observation 2.—The great approximation of the crossveins and 
their oblique position indicate the relationship of the present 
species with @daspis. It differs, however, in the peculiar shape 
of the scutellum, the greater length of the wings, and the shape 
of the discal cell, which is more attenuated towards the basis. 
The pattern of the picture of the wings differs from that of the 
European and American species, as far as they are known. For 
this reason, I do not think that it would be well placed in the 
genus (daspis, and I propose for it the formation of a new genus, 
Peronyma. The position and direction of the crossveins, as well 
as the picture of the wings (the second crossband of which, as in 
(daspis, incloses both crossveins), remind of Trypeta obliqua 
Say and the species related to it; however, the structure of these 
latter species has too little in common with 7. sarcinata to allow 
their juxtaposition in the same genus. 

16. T. discolor Lw. %. (Tab. X, f. 1.)—Lutea, abdomine nigro, 
alarum fasciis quatuor obliquis fuscanis, prima et secunda antice, tertia 
et quarta postice connexis, vena longitudinali tertid setosa, venisque 
transversis valde approximatis. 

Clay-yellow, with a black abdomen; wings with four oblique infuscated 
bands, the first and second of which are connected anteriorly, the third 
and fourth posteriorly ; the third longitudinal vein is beset with bristles ; 
crossveins very much approximated. Long. corp. 0.13; long. al. 0.15. 

Syn. Trypeta discolor LoEw, Monogr., I, p. 64. Tab. II, f. 1. 

Hab, Cuba. 
This pretty species is so closely allied to 7. obliqua Say, that 


generically they cannot be separated; the systematic position of 
these two species and of some South American ones, related to 
them, will be discussed below (see the last observation to the 
next following species). 

17. TV. obliqua Say. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 14.)—Flava, thoracis dorso 
postice atro-bipunctato, abdomine maris utrinque punctis atris in seriera 
dispositis quatuor, feemine quinqgue notato, ale hyaline, fasciis quatuor 
obliquis flavis et fusco-marginatis variegate. 

Yellow, with two deep-black punctiform dots on the posterior end of the 
thoracic dorsum, and on each side of the abdomen with rows of four 
similar dots in the male, and of five in the female; wings hyaline. with 
four oblique, yellow crossbands, bordered with brown. Long. corp. 
0.12—0.14; long. al. 0.13—0.14. 

Syn. Trypeta obliqua Say, Journ. Acad. Phil., VI, p. 186, 3. 
Trypeta obliqua Lorw, Monogr., I, p. 99. 

Say’s description, with the additions given by Baron Osten- 
Sacken in these Monographs, Vol. I, p. 100, is sufficient for the 
identification of this pretty species. I would only add that in all 
the specimens examined by me, the males had four, the females 
five black dots on each side of the abdomen, and that all the 
specimens showed three deep black dots on the posterior part of 
the pleure ; one immediately above the middle coxex, the second 
above the hind ones, the third crescent-shaped, surrounding the 
basis of the stem of the halteres. Ovipositor about as long as 
the last two abdominal segments taken together, of the same 
coloring as the abdomen, very little infuscated at the end. 

Hab. Indiana (Say); Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken; on Ver- 
nonia in August); Texas (Belfrage). 

Observation 1.—I am in doubt whether Trypeta obliqua also 
occursin Brazil. The specimens generally labelled with this name 
in the collections, seem to belong to a different, although closely 
resembling species. They are usually somewhat larger than the 
North American specimens of 7’. obliqua Say; the pile on the 
whole body as well as the bristles on the third vein are somewhat 
longer; moreover, I notice on the sides of the abdomen of the 
male only two, of the female only three black dots; not. fully 
colored specimens do not show any trace of the three black spots 
on the posterior part of the pleure, as they occur in 7. obliqua; 
better colored specimens have a trace of the two posterior spots 


only. In all other respects the agreement with 7. obliqua is so 
great, that I do not dare to decide whether this Brazilian 7’rypeta 
is a distinct species or merely a variety of 7. obliqua. It is not 
to be confounded with another Brazilian species, which is con- 
siderably larger, and of which I possess only the female. I let 
its description follow :— 

T. biseriata n. sp. 9.—Trypete oblique Say, quam magnitudine 
superat, simillima, sed capite proportione majore, pilis totius corporis 
longioribus, pleuris immaculatis, alis minus pure hyalinis et cellula 
basali secunda non hyalina, sed luted distincta. 

Very like T. obliqua Say, but larger, with a comparatively larger head, 
longer pile on the whole body and unspotted pleure; wings of a less 
pure hyaline; second basal cell not colorless, but yellow. Long. corp. 
0.17—0.18; long. al. 0.22—0.23. 

Coloring and picture of the body similar to the female of 7. obliqua Say, 
especially the two black dots upon the posterior portion of the thoracic 
dorsum and the five black dots upon each side of the abdomen; the black 
dots which JZ. obliqua has on the posterior portion of the pleure are 
entirely wanting here. The pile on the whole body is much longer, black 
upon the abdomen and especially striking upon the posterior edge of its 
first segment. The head is proportionally larger. The wings are com- 
paratively somewhat broader and their surface, especially towards the 
posterior margin, is a little more dusky; the first and third longitudinal 
veins are beset with much longer bristles; the venation agrees, in the 
main, with that of 7. obliqua; the picture of the wings also is very much 
alike, only the dark portions of: it are less brownish-black and more 
diluted ; the last two yellow bands are much less extensive; the second 
basal cell, which in 7. obliqua is always hyaline, is altogether tinged with 
clay-yellow here. The ovipositor is about as long as the last two abdo- 
minal segments taken together, and is broadly truncate at the end. 

Hab. Brazil. 

Observation 2.—Trypeta discolor and obliqua Say, as well as 
the 7. biseriata described in the preceding observation, are three 
very closely resembling species, agreeing in all the principal 
characters. They have no immediate relatives in Europe, with 
which they could be placed in the same genus; however, they 
are somewhat allied to @daspis, as they have the direction of the 
crossveins and the course of the second crossband, covering the 
crossveins, in common with that group; in almost all the other 
important characters they show striking differences. I propose, 
therefore, the formation of a new genus for them, which I call Pla- 


giotoma. ‘The characters of this genus are as follows: In the 
structure of the head and of its parts and of the scutellum it 
resembles Acidia very much; the scutellum, provided with four 
bristles, is convex, without appearing swollen; the shape of the 
abdomen likewise reminds one of the species of Acidia; the ovi- 
positor also has a similar structure, but is longer than in Acidia, 
rather broadly truncate at theend. Wings rather large, with a dis- 
tinctly convex anterior margin; the first and third veins are dis- 
tinctly bristly ; the crossveins are very much approximated ; their 
posterior end is nearer to the apex of the wing than the anterior 
one; the last section of the fourth vein forms a bow, the convex 
side of which is turned towards the anterior margin, so that it 
distinctly diverges at the end from the end of the third vein, which 
is much more straight; the posterior corner of the anal cell is 
drawn out in an acute point. The picture of the wings consists 
of four very oblique crossbands, the second of which runs over 
both crossveins; the last crossband forms a border along the apex 
of the wing. 

18. T. palposa Lw. %. (Tab. X, f. 9.)—Lutea, abdomine puncto- 
rum nigrorum seriebus quatuor picto ; ale hyaline, fasciis tribus sordide 
luteis, prima et secunda perpendicularibus et parallelis, tertid marginali 
et inde a precedente usque ad cellule posterioris secunde apicem per- 

Clay-yellow, with four longitudinal rows of black dots on the abdomen; 
wings hyaline with three crossbands of a dingy clay-yellow, the first two 
of which are perpendicular and parallel; the third forms a border along 
the margin of the wing, reaching from the second band to the end of 
the second posterior cell. Long. corp. 0.26—0.27 ; long. al. 0.26. 

Syn. Zrypeta palposa Loew, Monogr. I, p. 74, 8. Tab. Il, f. 9. 

The quoted description, drawn from an indifferently preserved 
male, is sufficient for the identification of the species. I will only 
notice here that in the first line of that description, Cederh., must 
be read, instead of Cederli, and that on page 75, line 4, the ex- 
pression ‘‘the edge of the tip” means the third band, which forms 
a border along the last portion of the anterior margin and the 
apex of the wing. 

Hab. Northern Wisconsin River (Kennicott). 

Observation.—The present species is a type of the genus 
Trypeta, in the narrower sense, as defined in my Monograph of 
the European Trypetina. It belongs in the group of those 


species which are related to Trypeta arctii Deg. and are abun- 
dantly represented in the European fauna. The most salient 
features of Trypeta sensu strict. are also the shape of the head, 
as well as the size and position of the rather broad palpi, which 
reach beyond the somewhat projecting anterior edge of the mouth. 
As these characters are easier to perceive than to describe in a 
few words, the present species deserves to be studied as a type 
of Trypeta in the narrower sense. 

19. TV. florescemtize Lin. % 9 .—Ex flavo-virescens, thoracis disco 
nigricante, postice breviter bifido, maculis alarum hyalinarum quatuor 
nigris, intermediis fere contiguis, aut in fasciam perpendicularem con- 

Yellowish-green; the blackish color of the thoracic dorsum which does 
not reach the lateral margin is slightly bifid posteriorly ; the hyaline 
wings show four black spots, the two intermediate ones of which are 
almost contiguous, or confluent in a perpendicular crossband. Long. 
corp. 4% 0.17, cum terebra 0.20—0.21; long. al. 0.18. 

Syn. Musca florescentia Linne, Syst. Nat. X, p. 601, 99.) 
Musca ruficauda Fasricius, Ent. Syst. IV, p. 353, 169. 
Tephritis punctata Fauuen, Act. Holm. 1814, p. 167, 12. 
Trypeta florescentia MricEN, Syst. Beschr. V, p. 321. Tab. XLVIII, f. 3. 
Trypeta florescentie Loew, Germar’s Zeitschr. V, p. 338. Tab. I, f. 15. 
Trypeta florescentiea Lorw, Europ. Bohrfl. 59,11. Tab. IX, f. 2. 

Pale yellowish-green. Front, third antennal joint, and palpi 
usually of a much more vivid yellow. Eyes very much rounded. 
Face short, excavated; the anterior edge of the mouth distinctly 
projecting. Antenne rather short; the longer bristle upon the 
second antennal joint but little conspicuous. Palpi comparatively 
long, reaching beyond the anterior edge of the oral opening. 
Thoracic dorsum blackish, with the exception, however, of the 
lateral border and of a cuneiform beginning of a middle stripe, 
starting from the posterior end, and which renders the black 
coloring bifid posteriorly. Scutellum immaculate, except on the 
under side of the lateral angles, and provided with four bristles. 
Metathorax black. Pleure more or less infuscated, sometimes 
rather blackish-brown, with a yellowish-green longitudinal stripe 
upon their upper side and another across the middle. Abdomen 
with four rows of conspicuous black spots; its pile, in both sexes, 
is usually whitish; however, along the posterior margin of the 
single segments, some black hairs are usually inserted; the last 


segment of the abdomen of the male is often clothed with alto- 
gether black pile. Ovipositor red or brownish-red; at its basis 
two, sometimes confluent, black spots are visible; the extreme 
tip also is usually black; in length, the ovipositor hardly exceeds 
the last two abdominal segments; it is not very much attenuated 
towards: the end and is beset with black or blackish pile. Feet 
altogether pale clay-yellow. Wings hyaline, with a black or 
rather blackish picture; the outlines of this picture are sur- 
rounded, in immature specimens, with a purer hyaline, in riper 
ones, with a more whitish-hyaline hue; beyond this pellucid 
border, the former kind of specimens show an indistinct, the latter 
ones a more pronounced gray shade; the picture of the wings 
consists of four spots, very variable as to their size and the inten- 
sity of their coloring; the first spot covers the stigma and usually 
reaches only as far as the sécond longitudinal vein; the second 
begins near the anterior margin immediately above the posterior 
crossvein, thus leaving the tip of the marginal cell uncovered; it 
becomes narrower and more faint posteriorly, thus reaching 
more or less completely the anterior end of the posterior cross- 
vein; the third spot usually appears as a broad border along the 
posterior crossvein and is more or less coalescent with the second, 
forming a perpendicular crossband; the fourth spot lies upon the 
apex of the wing and is more or less triangular, as its inner limit 
runs perpendicularly from the tip of the second vein to the fourth 
vein, which limits it posteriorly ; around the small crossvein and 
in the environs of the root of the third vein there is a more or 
less apparent, sometimes very distinct infuscation. 

Hab, Canada (Mr. Provancher); common also in all Europe, 
where the larva inhabits the flower-heads of different species of 

Observation 1.—Europe possesses, besides the variety of this 
species, discovered by Mr, Provancher in Canada, another form, 
distinguished by considerably larger and darker spots’ on the 
wings. Specimens of both varieties might easily be taken for 
different species; nevertheless, passages from one form to the 
other occur in the picture of the wings, and I am not able to 
discover between both the slightest plastic difference. In Ger- 
mar’s Zeitschrift, Part V, Tab. I, f. 15, I have figured a wing of 
the first variety. An extreme instance of the second variety is 
figured in my Monograph: die Luropdischen Bohr fliegen, Tab. 


IX, f. 2. Meigen’s figure (Syst. Beschr. V, Tab. XLVIII, f. 3) 
likewise represents the latter variety. It is probable that it will 
also be found in America. 

Observation 2.—The present species, as well as the preceding, 
belongs to the genus Zrypeta in the narrower sense. 

20. T. polita Lozrw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 12.)—Atra, nitida, scutello 
tumido concolore, capite preter faciem exalbidam pedibusque lutescen- 
tibus, ale albido-hyaline, macula basali atra, fasciisque tribus latis- 
simis fusco-nigris, venis transversis valde approximatis. 

Deep black, shining; the tumid scutellum is concolorous; the head, with 
the exception of the whitish face, and the feet clay-yellowish ; the 
whitish-hyaline wings have a deep black spot upon the basis and three 
very broad deep black crossbands; the crossveins are very much 
approximated. Long. corp. 2 0.17—0.18, cum terebra 0.22; long. al. 

Syy. Trypeta polita Lozw, Monogr. Vol. I, p. 77. Tab. II, f. 12. 

Hab. Mississippi (Schaum); Washington, D. C.; New York; 
Connecticut (O. S.).? 

Observation.—I have nothing to add to the above-quoted 
description. The systematic position of this species will be dis- 
cussed in the second remark to the following species. 

21. T.atra Lw. 3 9. (Tab. XI, f. 17.)—Atra, nitida, scutello tumido, 
concolore, capite preter faciem albidam, femorum apice, tibiis tarsisque 
luteis; ale albido-hyaline, macula basali atra, fasciisque tribus latis 
fusco-atris, venis transversis valde approximatis. 

Deep black, shining; the tumid scutellum concolorous; the head, with 
the exception of the whitish face, the tip of the femora, the tibie, and 
the tarsi clay-yellow; the whitish-hyaline wings have a deep black spot 
upon the basis and three broad, deep brownish-black crossbands ; cross- 
veins very approximate. Long. corp. % 0.12—0.13, 9 0.13—0.14, cum 
terebra 0.17—0.18; long. al. 0.13—0.15. 

Sy. Trypeta atra Lorw, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. VI, p. 219. 

Trypeta atra Loew, Dipt. Amer. Sept. Cent. II, No. 89. 

Deep black, shining. Front rather broad, of a vivid reddish- 
yellow ; the ocellar triangle, as well as the little stripes descend- 
ing from the vertex and bearing the uppermost bristles of the 
vertex, black, with a whitish-gray pollen ; anteriorly, on the lateral 

1 This species produces the galls on Solidago, described by me in the 
Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc Vol. II, p. 301. OAS: 


margin of the front there are on each side two black bristles. 
Antenne yellow; the blackish arista distinctly incrassated at the 
basis. Face whitish; the anterior oral margin not at all pro- 
jecting. Cheeks whitish, under the eyes with a more or less 
brownish-red spot. Oral opening rather round. Proboscis 
short. Palpi short, but broad, pale yellowish, with some short, 
whitish pile. The upper and middle part of the occiput for the 
most part black. The ordinary frontal bristles and some of the 
bristles on the cheeks are black; otherwise the pile upon the 
head consists of very scattered, bristle-like, or stubble-shaped 
whitish hairs, which easily drop off. The upper side of the thorax 
is shining black, very convex; besides the usual black bristles, it 
shows white, bristle-like hairs, which border the denuded stripes. 
Metathorax with white pollen; its lower part shining black; 
pleure shining black, with some rare, stiff, bristle-like white hairs. 
Abdomen short, shining black, at the root of the single segments 
only somewhat glossy, in consequence of a very thin grayish pollen. 
The scattered, very rough pile on the abdomen is whitish; only 
the posterior margin of the segments and partly also the middle 
line of the abdomen, have black hairs. Ovipositor stout, conical, 
not flattened, shining black, beset with black pile, somewhat 
longer than the last three abdominal segments taken together. 
Coxe and femora shining black, only the front femora on the 
under side with a few black bristles; the tip of the femora, the 
tibie, and the tarsi brownish-yellow or more reddish-yellow. 
Wings whitish-hyaline, short and rather broad, with very much 
approximated and very perpendicular crossveins. The extreme 
root of the wings is whitish; next follows a rather large and 
almost deep black spot, reaching as far as the axillary excision, 
and not much beyond the basis of the small basal cells; the first 
two crossbands, which follow next, are connected near the anterior 
margin and strongly diverge towards the posterior one; the first 
of them is even a little broader than the second and altogether 
black, while the inner part of the second is partly brown; the 
third band is separated from the second, near the anterior margin, 
only by a very narrow hyaline spot; it borders the apex of the 
wing far beyond the tip of the fourth longitudinal vein, but actu- 
ally touches the margin of the wing only beyond the tip of the 
third vein; its inner portion is brown anteriorly. 
Hab. Mexico (coll. Winth.); New York (Osten-Sacken). 


Observation 1.—The appended figure of the wing is taken from 
a Mexican specimen. The specimens which I received from New 
York differ from the former in being a little larger and in the 
circumstance that the face is somewhat more uneyen; perhaps 
only in consequence of a stronger desiccation. Moreover, the last 
section of the fourth vein is a little less curved, and the posterior 
end of the first crossband is prolonged further along the margin 
‘towards the posterior corner of the wing. In all other respects 
the agreement is such that I cannot believe 7. atra to be a 
different species. From 7. polita the present species is easily 
distinguished by the much greater divergency of the second and 
third crossbands on the wings, by the absence of the pale gray 
border of the crossbands, which is always perceptible in 7. polita, 
and by the black coloring of the femora ; moreover, the anterior 
part of the lateral border of the front bears only two bristles in 
T. atra, while there are three in 7. polita. The Brazilian species 
T. nigerrima Loew is very much like 7. atra, nevertheless they 
are easily distinguished. In order to facilitate the comparison, I 
let the description of this species follow. 

T. migerrima Lorew. 9. (Tab. XI, f. 18.)—Atra, nitida, scutello 
tumido concolore, thoracis maculis lateralibus utrinque binis velutinis, 
abdomine fasciis albido-pollinosis ornato, capite flavo, pedibus ex-fer- 
rugineo luteis, femoribus tamen posterioribus anticorumque litura ex- 
fusco nigris; ale albido-hyalingz, macula basali atrd, fasciisque tribus 
fusco-atris, prima latissima, reliquis minus latis, venis transversis 
valde approximatis. 

Deep black, shining; the tumid scutellum concolorous; thoracic dorsum 
with two velvet black spots on each side; abdomen with crossbands 
of white pollen; head yellow; feet brownish-yellow, the posterior 
femora and a stripe on the front femora brownish-black ; wings whitish- 
hyaline with a deep black spot on the basis and with three black 
crossbands, the first of which is very broad, the two others less so; 
crossveins very much approximated. Long. corp. 0.12—0.13; long. al. 

Syy. Trypeta nigerrima Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. VI, p. 219. 
Trypeta nigerrima Loew, Dipt. Amer. Sept. Cent. II, p. 89. 

Shining black. Head whitish-yellow; the rather narrow and steep front 
much darker yellow; the frontal bristles black. Antenne dark yellow, 
rather large, especially the elongated third joint, which has a rather sharp 
anterior corner. Arista apparently bare, rather slender, not incrassated 
towards its root, of a pale color. Face but very little excavated, and very 


little retreating ; the anterior edge of the mouth distinctly projecting in 
the profile. Eyes elongated. Cheeks somewhat broad, with an infuscated 
spot near the inferior corner of the eye, and with white pile. Oral 
opening small, rounded. The rather broad palpi yellowish, beset with 
whitish pile. Ths short and not geniculate proboscis dark brown. Thorax 
shining black, with a metallic lustre in the middle; upon its lateral 
border, on each side, there are two large, opaque, velvet black spots, sepa- 
rated by the origin of the transverse suture, which is tinged with yellow. 
The usual bristles are black; the number of pairs which were inserted 
on the thoracic dorsum cannot well be ascertained. Moreover, the surface 
of the thoracic dorsum shows remains of stiff, yellowish hairs, which seem 
to have bordered the broad, bare stripes and to have also been inserted on 
the posterior part of the broad middle line. Scutellum turgid, shining 
black, with four bristles. The upper part of the metathorax is black, as 
in most of the allied species; the lower portion is covered with white 
pollen, which does not quite reach its lower margin. Femora with whitish 
pollen and white hairs; the humeral corner, as well as a little stripe 
behind it, near the upper margin, are velvet black. Abdomen shining 
black ; a thin whitish pollen covers the whole anterior part of the first seg- 
ment, forms, upon the first, second, and third segments, a band along their 
posterior margin which is perceptibly expanded and sharply emarginate 
in the middle; the posterior margin of the fourth segment has a similar, 
although narrower, band. The scattered pile on the abdomen is black, 
gray at its basis, in part yellowish-white upon the last segment. The 
flat, shining black ovipositor is about as long as the three last abdominal 
segments taken together, and is beset with delicate, black pile. Feet red- 
dish-yellow, the middle and hind femora, with the exception of the extreme 
root and of the tip, brownish-black ; the front femora have a brownish- 
black stripe upon their upper side. Wings broad, the apex but little 
rounded, hyaline, somewhat whitish; at their basis there is a large black 
spot, reaching into the basal cells; besides, there are three black cross- 
bands, entirely coalescent at the anterior margin of the wing and diverg- 
ing posteriorly; the first of them, which is by far the broadest and is 
rather perpendicular, runs from the stigma, over the basis of the discal 
and of the third posterior cells, towards the posterior margin of the wing; 
the second band is the narrowest, and runs from the stigma over both 
crossveins, and hence, obliquely, towards the posterior margin; the third 
band starts from the stigma and follows the anterior margin and the apex, 
as far as the tip of the fourth vein, but, nevertheless, remains separated 
from the costal vein by a narrow, irregular, hyaline interval, which 
extends almost to its very end; near the submarginal cell, this interval 
is a little expanded and includes a punctiform dot, placed near the third 
vein; the first and second longitudinal veins are a little more distant from 
the anterior margin than in most of the related species ; both crossveins 
are very approximate; the third longitudinal vein is beset with short 
Hab. Brazil (coll. Winthem). 


Observation 2.—T. polita and atra, as well as T. nigerrima 
are closely related in their organization. Among the European 
Trypetex, the species of the genus Oedaspis stand next to them, 
especially when this genus is confined to Oedaspis multifasciata 
Loew and its next congeners, at the exclusion of Oed. Wiede- 
manni Meig. and vesuviana Costa. The American species differ 
from the above-mentioned European ones (multifasciata Lw., 
dichotoma Lw., and fissa Loew) in several characters, which they 
have in common; the most striking of these are: 1. The rather 
long, stubble-shaped pile; 2. The longer and more pointed ovi- 
positor; 3. The different picture of the wings. The latter differ- 
ence will be sufficiently apparent, when the figures which I give 
of the wings of polita, atra, and nigerrima are compared with 
the figures of the wing of 7. multifasciata, produced in the 
Europ. Bohr fliegen, Tab. VI, f. 2. The pictures of 7. fissa and 
dichotoma agree, in their general features, with that of multi- 
fasciata. These differences of the three North American species 
are not of sufficient importance to require the establishment of a 
new genus for them, and I have not the slightest hesitation in 
placing them in the genus Oedaspis, in the narrower sense, 
defined above. 

22. T.gibban.sp. 9.—Atra, nitida, scutello tumido, concolore, facie 
albicante, pedibus subbadiis; ale albido-hyaline, macula basali atra 
fasciisque tribus latis fusco-atris, venis transversis valde approximatis, 
cellula marginali per venulam transversalem adventitiam dissecta. 

Deep black, shining; the turgid scutellum of the same color; face 
whitish; feet chestnut-brownish; wings whitish-hyaline, with a deep 
black spot at the basis, and with three brownish-black crossbands, very 
much approximated crossveins, and a supernumerary crossvein dividing 
the marginal cell. Long. corp. 0.13, cum terebra 0.17; long. al. 0.14 

Very like the three preceding species and closely allied to them, 
nevertheless, distinguished in some peculiar plastic characters. 
Deep black, shining. Front conspicuously broad, of an opaque, 
dirty, brownish, more reddish-brown on the sides; the four 
bristles on the posterior part of the vertex, the bristles near the 
ocelli, the four bristles crowded together and inserted on the small 
stripes running from the vertex towards the front, finally two 
bristles on each side, near the lateral frontal border, are all black; 
the latter two are inserted, one very high up, the other very low 


down, so that the distance between them is remarkably large. 
Otherwise the head is beset with almost bristle-like white stubble- 
shaped pile. The very large and sharply defined frontal lunule, 
the face, including the cheeks, and the lower half of the occiput 
are whitish; the upper part of the latter blackish, although 
covered with whitish pollen. The perpendicular diameter of the 
eyes has about double the length of the horizontal one; neverthe- 
less, the cheeks are remarkably broad ; a brownish stripe runs 
from the lower corner of the eye perpendicularly towards the 
edge of the mouth; the hairs, inserted upon its lower end, are 
brownish-black or black. The first two antennal joints are clay- 
yellowish; the third joint is dark brown, rather large, short-oval 
in outline; arista bare, not incrassated at the basis, black. Oral 
opening larger than in the preceding species; its transverse 
diameter comparatively larger; proboscis and palpi short, brown. 
The very convex thorax and the turgid scutellum are deep black, 
shining, with a very weak metallic, violet reflection; the remark- 
ably broad lateral stripes and the anterior end of the broad middle 
stripe are bare. The lateral stripes are bordered with coarse, 
yellowish, stubble-shaped pile, and the posterior two-thirds of the 
middle stripe, besides being covered with white pollen, are 
densely beset with similar hairs. The ordinary bristles of the 
thoracic dorsum are black, and more numerous than usual, as 
there are four pairs of them along the longitudinal middle line, 
the anterior pair being inserted immediately in front of the 
transverse suture. The shining black metathorax has, under the 
swelling lying immediately under the scutellum, a crossband of 
thick white pollen. The pleurze show upon the greater part of 
their upper half, a thin, whitish-gray pollen, and are everywhere 
beset with stubble-like white hairs. The abdomen seems to be 
covered everywhere with a thin gray dust, which is somewhat 
more dense and more whitish-gray upon the posterior border of 
the single segments; its rather long stubble-like pile is white. 
The comparatively long and pointed ovipositor is deep black, 
shining, and beset with short, fine, black pile. Feet chestnut- 
brownish. Wings short, rather broad in proportion to their 
length; the altogether black venation is very similar to that of 
the immediately preceding species, except that the comparatively 
broad marginal cell is divided in two halves by a perpendicular 
erossvein, which touches the costa at a point perceptibly nearer 


from the tip of the first than from that of the second vein. I take 
this crossvein to be a constant character of the species, as it 
exists on both wings of my specimen, and as several closely allied 
Trypetide, for instance Gonygl. Wiedemanni and Caprom. vesu- 
viana, have it likewise, although incompletely developed. The 
picture of the wings is not unlike that of 7. aéra, in its design 
as well as in its coloring; the black spot upon the basis of the 
wings does not cover their extreme root, and extends, on the 
anterior margin, only very little beyond the humeral crossvein ; it 
hardly reaches beyond the first longitudinal vein, and dissolves in 
several radiating points, which occupy the longitudinal middle of 
the marginal and of the three basal cells and almost come in con- 
tact (except the hindmost), with similar rays, meeting them from 
the opposite side and emitted by the first crossband; the first 
black crossband has almost the same position as in the three pre- 
ceding species, but it is much narrower, especially towards its 
end, which reaches the posterior margin; its interior does not 
show any brownish tinge. The second band runs over both cross- 
veins, exactly as it does in those three species, and is connected 
with the first on the anterior margin in the same manner as this 
is the case in 7. atra; the stigma, lying within this connecting 
portion, is very short; the veins surrounding it have, on the 
inner side, a very narrow hyaline border; the interior of the 
second band is for the most part brownish. The last black band 
begins in the marginal cell somewhat beyond the supernumerary 
crossvein in this cell, and reaches some distance beyond the end 
of the fourth vein; as far as this vein, it is separated from the 
margin of the wing by a narrow hyaline border, which somewhat 
projects on the inside on the second and third veins; beyond the 
fourth vein the band comes in immediate contact with the margin 
of the wing; the inside of this band is brownish upon the ante- 
rior two-thirds of its course. 

Hab. Texas (Belfrage). 

Observation.—The differences between the present species and 
the three preceding ones are evident: they consist in an aberrant 
arrangement of the bristles of the front and of the thoracic dorsum, 
in the size and shape of the third antennal joint, and in the pre- 
sence of the crossvein, dividing the marginal cell; nevertheless 
the agreement between those species in most of the other plastic 
characters, in the shape of the body and in the picture of the 


wings, is convincing enough to remove all doubt as to its loca- 
tion in the genus Gidaspis. 

23. T. cingulata Lw. 49. (Tab. X, f. 11.)—Nigra, capite pedi- 
busque luteis, thoracis margine laterali scutelloqgue preter margines 
laterales et anticum dilute flavis, margine postico segmentorum abdo- 
minalium singulorum albido; ale hyaline, macula parva apicis fas- 
ciisque quatuor fusco-nigris, harum duabus primis postice abbreviatis et 
liberis, duabus ultimis integris et antice conjunctis. 

Black, head and feet clay-yellow; lateral border cf the thorax and the 
scutellum, the latter with the exception of the anterior and lateral 
border, light yellow; abdominal segments whitish on the posterior 
border; wings hyaline; a small spot upon the apex and four crossbands 
brownish-black ; the first two bands abbreviated posteriorly and not 
connected ; the two posterior bands are entire and connected on the 
anterior margin. Long. corp. 0.14—0.22; long. al. 0.15—0.20. 

Syvn. Trypeta cingulata Lozw, Monogr. I, 76. Tab. II, f. 11. 

Hab. Middle States; Long Branch, N. J., in July (Osten- 
Sacken). . 

Observation.—The description given by me in the first part of 
these Monographs will easily help to identify this species. I 
have nothing to add to it, but must call attention to the’ great 
variation in the size of different specimens. The smallest ones 
which I possess, are without exception males. 7. eingulata is 
closely allied to the European species of Rhagoletis, especially to 

fh. flavicincta Loew; its systematic location is, therefore, not 

24. VT. tabellaria Fitcn. 9.—Atra, capite, trochanteribus, tibiis 
tarsisque dilute luteis, thoracis margine laterali scutelloque preter 
margines laterales albis ; segmentorum abdominalium singulorum mar- 
gine postico exalbido; ale pure hyaline, fasciis quatuor latis nigris, 
duabus primis postice, duabus ultimis antice coherentibus. 

Deep black; head, second joint of the coxa, tibi#, and tarsi yellow; 
lateral border of the thorax and scutellum, with the exception of the 
anterior and the lateral borders, white; the posterior borders of the 
abdominal segments whitish ; wings of a pure hyaline, with four broad, 
black crossbands, of which the first two are connected at the posterior, 

the last two at the anterior margin. Long. corp. 0.14—0.15 ; long. al. 

Syx. Tephritis tabellaria Fitcu, First Report, p. 66. 


Shining black; head yellowish; occiput black, with a pale yel- 
low border; front broad, more bright yellow; only the spot upon 
which the ocelli are placed and the small, very narrow stripes, 
which run down from the vertex upon the front, are of a blackish 
color; the usual frontal bristles are black. Antenne of a vivid 
ochre-yellow; their last joint is elongated-oval, obtuse at the end ; 
arista blackish, with a hardly perceptible pubescence. Oral 
opening rather large, somewhat longer than broad; its anterior 
edge drawn up, but not projecting in the profile. Proboscis and 
palpi short, brown, the latter more clay-yellow towards the tip. 
The thoracic dorsum shows two longitudinal stripes, rather dis- 
tant from each other, somewhat abbreviated posteriorly and 
covered with a thin, white pollen; upon the anterior part of the 
‘thoracic dorsum a similar pollen covers not only the interval 
between the stripes, but also extends beyond them. The whole 
of this pollen, however, is but little conspicuous and seems to be 
easily rubbed off. The humeral angle and a stripe running from 
it towards the root of the wings, are white. The flat scutellum, 
with the exception of its lateral border, has the same color. 
Metathorax without any pollen, altogether shining deep black. 
The usual bristles of the thorax and the four bristles of the scu- 
tellum are deep black. The other hairs on the thoracic dorsum 
are very short and delicate. Abdomen shining black; its first 
two segments are more opaque, being clothed with a brownish- 
black pollen. The first three segments, upon their posterior mar- 
gin, have a crossband of a whitish pollen. The very short and 
soft hairs upon the abdomen are black; the paler crossbands 
upon the posterior border of the first three segments show some 
whitish hairs; the bristles upon the sides of the intermedi- 
ate segments and upon the rather large last segment are 
black. Ovipositor shorter than the last abdominal segment, 
broad at the basis, much narrower at the end, shining black 
and with a black pubescence. Second coxal joint pale clay-yel- 
lowish. Femora black, only the extreme tip yellowish-brown ; 
tibia and tarsi pale clay-yellowish ; the former somewhat more 
brownish at the basis; the bristles upon the upper side of the 
hind tibizw are remarkably short. Wings pure hyaline, almost 
whitish hyaline, with four entire black crossbands, the first of 
which of a medium breadth, the three others very broad The 
first band is somewhat oblique and begins on the humeral cross- 


vein; the second is perpendicular and begins on the stigma; both 
converge posteriorly and coalesce quite a distance from the 
posterior margin, so that the cuneiform hyaline space between 
them does not reach beyond the anterior angle of the basis of 
the third posterior cell. The third black band runs over the 
posterior crossvein and is parallel to the second band, so that 
between both there is a somewhat irregularly limited hyaline 
crossband, which is perceptibly dilated between the third longi- 
tudinal vein and the anterior margin; it reaches the latter 
immediately behind the stigma; the posterior end of the third 
band shows some inclination to coalesce with the second band 
near the posterior margin. The fourth band completely coalesces 
with the third between the costa and the second longitudinal 
vein, and follows the margin of the wing some distance beyond 
the end of the fourth longitudinal vein; between the tips of the 
second and fourth veins, however, there is a rather broad’ hyaline 
interval between it and the margin; beyond this point, it touches 
the margin completely. 

Hab. New York (Dr. A. Fitch); Canada (Mr. Provancher). 

Observation.—In the first volume of the Monographs I ex- 
pressed the supposition that the Tephritis tabellaria of Fitch 
may not be a Trypeta at all, but an Ortalida; this supposition, 
however, proved to be erroneous; it is a Zrypetida, belonging 
to the genus Rhagoletis. 

25. T. pomonella Watsu. 9 .—Fusco-nigra, capite, trochanteribus, 
femorum apice, tibiis, tarsisque luteis, thoracis margine laterali, scutel- 
loque preter margines laterales et anticum albis, abdominis colore in 
piceum vergente, segmentorum marginibus posticis confertim albido- 
pollinosis, terebra latissima, sed brevi; ale hyaline, fasciis quatuor 
nigris, prima subbasali, reliquis tribus integris, antice conjunctis, postice 

Brownish-black; head, second joint of the cox, tip of the femora, tibia, 
and tarsi clay-yellowish; lateral margin of the thorax and scutellum, 
the latter with the exception of its basis and of its lateral margins, 
white; abdomen more pitch-brown, with crossbands of white pollen on 
the posterior margins of the segments; ovipositor very broad, but short; 
wings hyaline, with four black crossbands, the first of which lies near 
the basis, the last three are connected near the anterior margin and 
divergent towards the posterior one. Long. corp. 0.17, cum terebra 
0:19; long. al. 0.17. 

Syx. Trypeta pomonella Watsn, First Rep. Illin. ete., p. 29-33, f. 2. 


I possess but a single specimen of this species. Its coloring 
is not fully developed, although otherwise its preservation is per- 
fect. It is black, with a distinct brownish tinge; its abdomen is 
more pitch-brown and rather shining. Head pale yellowish, with 
a narrow dark yellow front and more ochre-yellow antenne; the 
third joint of the latter is narrow and rather long, rounded at the 
end; the slender arista is dark brown, with a short, although 
distinctly discernible pubescence. The usual frontal bristles are 
black; behind the ocelli, however, near the lateral margin, two 
shorter, whitish bristles are placed. Oral opening large, broader 
than long. Palpi and proboscis pale yellowish, with a pale 
pubescence ; the former do not project beyond the anterior edge 
of the mouth, the flaps of the latter somewhat prolonged. The 
thoracic dorsum shows four rather narrow longitudinal stripes, 
formed by a whitish pollen; these stripes, arranged in pairs, are 
confluent anteriorly ; the outside stripes are moderately abbre- 
viated before the posterior margin of the thorax; the inside 
ones reach only as far as the anterior pair of bristles, inserted 
upon the longitudinal middle of the thorax; each of the bristles 
of this pair is placed between the end of the corresponding 
inside stripe and the outside one; the inside stripes are 
separated by a broad dark interval, which shows the shining 
brownish-black color of the remainder of the thorax. When the 
thorax is viewed from the front side, the light falling in from 
behind, the pollinose stripes appear somewhat more broad; the 
interval between the inside stripes appears somewhat nar- 
rower and a little more opaque; at the same time, this point of 
view discloses upon the outside stripes and upon the margin of 
the inside ones, alongside of them, some short, snow-white 
pile, while the remaining pile of the thoracie dorsum is black. 
The humeral callosity and a stripe running from it to the root 
of the wing, is white. The rather flat scutellum is white, 
blackish on the sides and at the basis. The bristles of the thorax 
and the four bristles of the scutellum are black. The first four 
segments of the abdomen. have each, on the posterior margin, a 
rather uniformly broad erdéssband, formed by whitish pollen; the 
last segment, which has no such band, is paler brown along the 
posterior margin. The comparatively scattered and not very 
short pile on the abdomen is black; it is white only on the pale 
crossband on the posterior part of the first segment. The bristles 


on the sides of the middle and of the last segments are black. 
Ovipositor very short, about once and a half the length of the 
last abdominal segment, very conspicuously broad, not much 
attenuated towards the end, very broadly truncate and somewhat 
convex; its coloring is a shining brownish-black or black; the 
pubescence is black. In agreement with the unusual breadth of 
the ovipositor, the last abdominal segment is also very broad, 
which causes the whole abdomen to have a peculiar shape. The 
second coxal joint yellowish ; posterior femora black with a clay- 
yellow tip; front femora clay-yellow, with a large, broad, brown- 
ish-black stripe upon the hind side; tibiz and tarsi clay-yellowish, 
the tip of the latter dark brown. Hind tibiz on the upper side 
beset with rather long bristles. 

Hab. Mlinois (Walsh); the larva, originally feeding upon the 
fruit of a Crategus, is now frequently found upon the fruits of 
the apple-tree, which it damages. 

Observation.—The next relatives of 7. pomonella are found in 
a series of South American species, only a single one of which, 
as far as I know, has been previously described; it is to be found 
in Macquart’s Diptéres Exotiques, Suppl. IV, p. 288, Tab. 
XXVI, f. 15, under the name of Urophora scutellaris. It is not 
an Urophora however, and moreover, the name of scutellaris 
cannot be maintained, as Wiedemann has previously used it for 
another species. The species may, therefore, be called Trypeta 
Macquartit. Macquart’s figure shows, that this Brazilian species 
differs in the picture of its wings from the species of Rhagoletis 
previously described, and that, in this respect, it is more like the 
species of Acidia. The structure of its body shows a corre- 
sponding approach to the species of this latter genus, while, on 
the other hand, coloring and picture of the body are most strik- 
ingly like those of Rhagoletis. As this species is also very like 
the North American Rhagoletis in the structure of its body, the 
question arises whether it is better to place it in the genus Acidia 
or in Rhagoletis. I prefer the latter course, because we thus 
facilitate the generic determination of the allied species. Trypeta 
pomonella, as has already been mentioned above, is among the 
number of such species, the picture of its wings being very like 
that of 7. Macquartii. It is true that it differs not inconsiderably 
from T. Macquartii in the greater length of the third antennal 
joint, the considerable size and breadth of the oral opening, and 


the strikingly large transverse diameter of the short ovipositor; 
but, like Trypeta Macquartit, it agrees with the true species of 
Rhagoletis in the coloring and in the picture of the body, so that 
I prefer, for the present, to leave it in that genus. It may be 
objected that, in this case, I lay a greater stress upon peculiari- 
ties of the coloring and mere differences of habitus than upon 
plastic characters. In answer to this objection I may state that 
I fully appreciate the value of plastic differences in matters of 
generic grouping of species, but that the knowledge of the exotic 
Trypetx, as well as the existing descriptions of them, are not 
sufficient for their generic distribution upon plastic characters 
only. Most descriptions mention but very little about these 
characters, the more so as in most cases they have to be drawn 
from a few indifferently preserved specimens, which do not allow 
a sufficiently clear view of such characters. And thus it happens 
that peculiarities of coloring and other habitual characters become 
in many cases very useful for the generic distribution of exotic 
Trypetx, especially in cases where the only available plastic 
characters are of a very delicate nature and hence more difficult 
to perceive. It is true that the exotic species thus treated are 
merely grouped, and not systematized ; but this grouping in itself 
is a progress towards the determination of the species, and is one 
of the usual steps towards a systematic distribution. 

26. T. imsecta Lw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 8.)—Thorace nigro, capite, 
abdomine pedibusque luteis, alarum nigrarum incisuris marginalibus, 
guttulisque inter venarum longitudinalium tertiam et quartam tribus 
vel quatuor pellucidis, vend longitudinali tertid nuda, setis scutelli 

Thorax black; head, abdomen, and feet clay-yellow; wings black, with 
hyaline indentations along the margin and with three or four hyaline 
drops between the third and fourth veins; the third vein not bristly ; 
scutellum with two bristles. Long. corp. 0.14; long. al. 0.14. 

Syn. Trypeta insecta Loew, Monogr. I, p. 72. Tab. II, f. 8. 

Hab. Cuba (Poey). [Hayti; P. R. Uhler.—O. 8.] 

Observation 1.—T. insecta belongs to the typical species of 
the genus Aciura, the scutellum of which bears only two bristles. 
The picture of the wings of this genus is characteristic. 

Observation 2.—Another Trypeta of the same genus occurs 
in Brazil, which may be easily mistaken for Trypeta insecta. I 
prefer, therefore, to describe it here :— 


T. phoenicura n. sp. % Q. (Tab. XI, f. 12.)—Nigra, capite pedi- 
busque ochraceis, alarum nigrarum incisuris marginalibus guttulisque 
inter venas longitudinales tertiam et quartam tribus pellucidis, vena 
longitudinali tertia nuda, setis scutelli duabus. 

%,- Abdomen ex ferrugineo rufum, segmento ultimo nigro, 

9. Abdomen nigrum, basi ferruginea, terebra lata lete aurantiaca. 

Black, head and feet ochreous-yellow ; wings black, with hyaline inden- 
tations along the margin and with three hyaline drops between the third 
and fourth longitudinal veins; the third longitudinal vein is not 
bristly ; the scutellum has two bristles. 

%. Abdomen ferruginous, its last segment black. 

¢. Abdomen black, ferruginous at the basis; the broad ovipositor is of 
a vivid orange-yellow. Long. corp. % 0.14, ? 0.15—0.16; long. al. 

Black; head of an impure ochre-yellow; the occiput alone mostly 
blackish; front narrow, especially anteriorly; frontal bristles black. 
Eyes very large, cheeks very narrow. Face short, concave; nevertheless, 
the anterior oral edge not projecting in the profile. The antenne reach 
down to the oral edge; their third joint is rounded at the tip; the blackish 
arista is long and slender, apparently bare. Oral opening of medium 
size, rounded; proboscis not geniculate. The thorax and the two- 
bristly seutellum are black, their short pile yellowish-white, their bristles 
rather black; the somewhat rounded abdomen of the male is of a dirty 
ferruginous color (in living specimens its color may be purer) ; its last 
segment is black. The extent of the black color is greater in the female 
abdomen, the first segment, the basis of the second, and the anterior 
corners of the third alone, being ferruginous. The short pile of the 
abdomen is paler, almost yellowish in the male, somewhat brown in the 
female ; on the posterior border of the last segment of the abdomen of the 
female there are some black hairs. The flattened, comparatively broad 
ovipositor, attenuated towards its end, has a shining surface; its color is 
a very bright orange-yellow, the tip alone shows a narrow black border ; 
its short pubescence is pale. Coxe and feet ochreous-yellow; the 
extreme tip of the posterior femora is somewhat blackish. Wings com- 
paratively long and narrow, towards the end somewhat less broad and less 
obtuse than those of J. insecta, black, with a hyaline picture; near the 
costa, anterior to the stigma, there are three small hyaline spots, the first 
anterior to the humeral crossvein, the two others in the costal cell; 
immediately beyond the stigma, which is altogether black, there are two 
conspicuous triangular hyaline spots, which, with their pointed end, do 
not quite reach the third longitndinal vein; on the posterior margin of 
the wing there are six hyaline indentations, the last of which alone ends 
ina point; the first two are connected with the almost hyaline posterior 
angle of the wing, reach as far as the fifth longitudinal vein, and are 
separated by a much broader black band than the other indentations; the 
two following indentations cross beyond the fifth vein, the first below the 


small crossvein, the second immediately before the end of the discal cell; 
the fifth indentation follows the outer side of the great crossvein (which 
runs obliquely backwards); the sixth, separated from the preceding by 
a black band of moderate breadth, is almost triangular; the three small 
hyaline dots between the third and fourth veins lie, the first under the 
stigma, the second between the two crossveins, near the fourth vein, the 
third above the last of the hyaline excisions along the posterior margin. 
Hab. Brazil. 

The coloring of the abdomen of 7. insecta and phenicura 
seems to be somewhat variable, and hence not to be relied on as a 
specific character; the more marked are the differences in the out- 
line and picture of the wings. 7 

27. 'T. peecilogastra n.sp. 4 .—Lutea, scutello setis sex instructo, 
abdomine nigro-variegato, alis latis fuscis, inequaliter limpido-guttatis, 
venisque longitudinalibus prima, tertia et quinta confertim nigro-setosis. 

Clay-yellow, scutellum with six bristles, abdomen variegated with black ; 
wings broad, blackish-brown, with unevenly distributed hyaline drops ; 
the first, third, and fifth longitudinal veins densely beset with black 
bristles. Long. corp. 0.21; long. al. 0.24. 

' Clay-yellow; the color of head and antenne more ochre-yellow ; 
the last joint of the latter elongated, rounded at the tip; the long . 
brown arista beset with a very short pubescence. The face is 
rather retreating nearly as far as the vicinity of the anterior edge 
of the mouth; the latter is somewhat turned upwards and abruptly 
projecting when seen in profile. The vertical diameter of the 
eyes has double the length of the horizontal one; hence, the 
cheeks are very narrow. Proboscis tumid; palpi rather broad 
and short, although they project a little beyond the anterior edge 
of the mouth. The usual frontal bristles are black. The two 
pairs of bristles on the middle line of the thoracic dorsum are 
weak and of a blackish-brown color, like the other thoracic 
bristles; the anterior pair is at an unusual distance behind 
the transverse suture. Scutellum rather flat, with six brown 
bristles. Metathorax with two brown longitudinal stripes. 
Abdomen with a complicated black picture, the only visible por- 
tions of the ground color being an uninterrupted middle line of 
almost trapezoidal spots, and on both sides of it, two rows of 
other spots; the spots of the outer row lie on the anterior angles 
of the single segments; those of the inner row on the anterior 


borders of the segments. Feet pale clay-yellowish. Wings 
broad, blackish-brown, with large and small hyaline dots, unequally 
distributed ; the costal cell is pale brown between the extreme 
basis and a trifle beyond the humeral crossvein; next follows 
upon the costa a square brown spot, and then a square hyaline 
space, somewhat encroaching upon the stigmatical cell, so as to 
include the end of the auxiliary vein, which runs perpendicularly 
towards the margin of the wing; the stigmatical cell is other- 
wise tinged with blackish-brown and has, close to the anterior 
margin, two hyaline drops; immediately beyond the tip of the 
first longitudinal vein, near the anterior margin, there is a hyaline 
drop, reaching as far as the second longitudinal vein, the largest 
in the whole picture of the wing; in the vicinity of the apex of 
the wing the drops are larger than in the middle and more close 
together; so that a row of dots, reaching from the tip of the 
second vein to the posterior angle of the second posterior cell, and 
moreover four dots along the margin of the wing, may be dis- 
cerned; among the latter, the first lies in the sabmarginal cell and 
is connected with a little drop behind the third vein; the second 
lies at the extreme tip of the wing; the last two in the second 
posterior cell; a second group of larger drops lies in the third 
posterior cell, immediately below the stigma; it consists of four 
drops, between which the black ground color is more or less 
faint, and of two other drops on the anterior side of the fifth 
vein; between this group of drops and the fifth longitudinal vein, 
there is, near the margin of the wing, a single larger drop; the 
posterior angle of the wing is brownish-gray, with several rather 
large limpid drops; the middle of the wing shows only small and 
isolated drops. The first, third, and fifth longitudinal veins are 
very closely beset with rather strong bristles; the second is 
strongly curved; the third and fourth diverge towards their end; 
the small crossvein is but little beyond the middle of the very 
broad discal cell, and the posterior crossvein has a very steep 
position; the anal cell is drawn out in a narrow and very long 

Hap. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation.—The six bristles upon the scutellum, as well as 
the dense bristles upon the first, third, and fifth longitudinal 
veins, distinguish 7. pecilogastra from all the following species, 
provided with a reticulate picture of the wings. It is very 


closely allied to the species of Hexachexta, in which, however, as 
far as I know them, the fifth vein has bristles upon the basis only, 
while in the present species the bristles almost reach to the tip. 
For this reason, as well as on account of the different character 
of the picture of the wings, I do not deem it convenient to place 
it in the genus Hexacheta. Whether Mr. Saunders’s genus 
Dasyneura would better answer for it, I am unable to say, as I 
have not been able to procure the publication which contains it. 
For the present therefore I set this species up as the type of a 
new genus, which I call Blepharoneura. 

2s. T. testudimea n. sp. (Tab. XI, f. 13.)—Ex luteo fusca, capite, 
thoracis dorso, pedibusque luteis, terebré duobus ultimis abdominis 
segmentis semel sumtis paulo longiore; ale valde dilatate, e nigro 
fusce, strigis duabus hyalinis inde a margine cellule posterioris 
secunde usque ad venam longitudinalem tertiam ascendentibus, primo 
limbi costalis dimidio grosse nigro maculato, disco alarum guttulis 
minutis pellucidis confertim asperso. 

Yellowish-brown, head, thoracic dorsum, and feet clay-yellow; the ovi- 
positor only a little longer than the last two abdominal segments taken 
together ; wings very broad, blackish-brown ; two hyaline indentations 
reach from the posterior side of the second posterior cell to the third 
longitudinal vein; the anterior half of the region along the costa shows 
a number of large, black spots: the central portion of the wing is 
occupied by many small, hyaline drops. Long. corp. cum terebra 0.21; 
long. al. 0.19. 

A species very much resembling the 7. latipennis Wied., but 
differing in the smaller size and the less minute dots on the 
central portion of the wing. The coloring of the body is yel- 
lowish-brown, but may be somewhat darker in fully colored spe- 
cimens. The ground color of a great part of the upper side of 
the thorax is blackish, but very much concealed under a thick 
clay-yellow pollen. Front opaque, of a moderate breadth, still 
narrower anteriorly; the usual frontal bristles are brown. Eyes 
large, elongated; cheeks very narrow, with much pile; face short, 
descending rather perpendicularly, but distinctly excavated under 
the antenne; the anterior edge of the mouth not projecting. 
Antenne ochre-yellow, of a medium length, but, owing to the 
shortness of the face, reaching to the anterior edge of the mouth ; 
the third joint has a rather rounded anterior corner; the mode- 
rately long arista thin and bare. The middle of the thoracic 


dorsum shows traces of a pair of bristles. Scutellum but little 
convex, provided with four bristles. Metathorax blackish with 
a grayish-yellow pollen. The color of the pleura, in the described 
specimen, does not differ much from that of the remainder of the 
body; it seems, nevertheless, that, in more fully colored speci- 
mens, a considerable portion of the pleure may be blackish; they 
are thickly clothed with a clay-yellow pollen; the pile and the 
bristles upon them, like those on thorax and scutellum, are yel- 
lowish-brown. The abdomen shows a trace of four dark longitu- 
dinal stripes, formed by very much faded blackish spots; the pile 
upon it is somewhat shorter and rather blackish upon the anterior 
half of the single segments; upon their posterior half, it is some- 
what longer and almost whitish; yet the long bristles on the 
posterior border of the last segment are blackish-brown. The 
flat ovipositor, which in the allied 7. latipennis Wied. equals 
the last four abdominal segments in length, is but a little longer 
here than the last two segments taken together; it is of the same 
color with the abdomen,.somewhat blackened at the root and tip, 
and beset everywhere with short blackish pile. Feet brownish- 
ochre yellow. Wings very broad, very like those of 7. latipennis 
in outline, venation, and picture; proportionally, however, they 
are not quite as broad and not quite as convex on the anterior 
margin; upon the apical third of the wing there are three cross- 
bands, connected anteriorly and separated by narrow, hyaline 
intervals, beginning at the posterior margin; the first band is 
contiguous, on its outer side, to the posterior crossvein, and 
expands across it near its posterior end; the second runs across 
the middle of the second posterior cell, the third borders the apex 
of the wing. The remaining portion of the surface of the wing, 
beyond the second longitudinal vein, has a somewhat darker 
brownish tinge, and is covered with a multitude of small hyaline 
drops, which partly coalesce into longitudinal rows, and in some 
places, as at both ends of the small crossvein and here and there 
on the longitudinal veins, leave unbroken brown spots. Upon 
the posterior margin, there is a broad brown border, bearing a 
few larger, but not very well-defined drops, which are also less 
hyaline than those of the centre of the wing; on the posterior 
angle of the wing the border is somewhat faint. The brownish- 
black stigma coalesces with a spot of the same color immediately 
behind it, which spot crosses but little the second longitudinal 


vein; two large spots of the same color lie in the exterior costal 
cell and fill out a large portion of it; a double spot of the same 
color is in the marginal cell immediately beyond the stigma ; 
finally, there are two large spots of the same kind on the second 
longitudinal vein, the one upon its root, the other below the 
double spot in the marginal cell. The basis of the exterior costal 
cell is irregularly reticulate with very small drops. A small hya- 
line spot is situated between the double spot of the marginal cell 
and the end of this cell, filled out by the common origin of the 
three crossbands which occupy the apex of the wing. The third 
longitudinal vein is distinctly bristly, gently curved forward before 
its end and as gently backwards; posterior crossvein lone, but 
not as long as in 7. latipennis Wied. 

Hab. Cuba (Otto); in the Berlin Museum. 

Observation.—The present species forms, with TJ. latipennis 
Wied. and a group of related species from South America, an 
easily recognizable genus, very well characterized by the breadth 
of its large wings, their outline, which reminds of Phasia, and 
their peculiar picture. These species also have the structure of 
the head and the bristly third vein in common. I adopt for this 
genus, apparently exclusively American, the name of Acrotenia, 
in allusion to the most striking peculiarity of the picture of the 

29. T. sparsa Wiep. % 9. (Tab. X, f. 13.)—Fusca, ale latissime, 
subrotundate, nigre, albido-guttulate, apice albido-marginato ornate. 

Brown; wings very broad, almost round, black, with whitish drops, and 
the apex margined with white. Long. corp. § 0.15—0.27; 9 cum 
terebra 0.19—0.30; long. al. 0.16—0.26. 

Syx. Trypeta sparsa WigepEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 492. 
Trypeta caliptera Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. VI, p. 187, 3. 
Platystoma latipennis Macquart, Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 200. Tab. XXVI, 
Acinia noveboracensis Fircu, First Report, 67. 
Trypeta sparsa Lonw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 78. Tab. II, falas 

Hab. Northern Wisconsin River (Kennicott); Texas (Bel- 
frage). . 

Observation 1.—Trypeta sparsa Wied. is either a very vari- 
able species, both in its size and in the shape of its wings, or else 
several species are mixed up here, which, owing to the insuffi- 


ciency of my materials, I am unable to distinguish. The 
description given in the first volume of these Monographs refers 
to the specimen from Northern Wisconsin River. Another spe- 
cimen from the same locality, much smaller and paler and with 
less broad wings, has been mentioned in a note, appended to the 
same description. The mention concerning the size of the spe- 
cimen, however, has been omitted there. The drops on the wings 
of that specimen are larger and more rounded than in ordinary 
specimens and show less tendency to form longitudinal rows; the 
costal cell also contains such drops, while in the larger specimens 
it shows at the utmost some pale drops along the auxiliary vein. 
Nevertheless, even now, I would not consider this specimen but 
as a variety of 7. sparsa. 

Observation 2.—Wiedemann’s collection contains at present, 
under the name of 7’. sparsa, a pair of specimens, the communi- 
cation of which I owe to the kindness of the Vienna Museum. 
In the list of species sent to me, they were marked as coming 
from Brazil. As Wiedemann prepared his description from a 
single female of unknown origin, it seems hardly probable that the 
female specimen now existing in his collection is the typical one. 
It is more likely, on the contrary, that the couple of specimens 
from Brazil now to be found in the collection was later added to 
it by Wiedemann. Both sexes most closely resemble my Wis- 
consin specimens, except that the wings are still broader, which 
is caused by the greater breadth of the costal and stigmatical 
cells; their anterior margin is distinctly more convex. These 
specimens seem therefore to belong to a South American species, 
very closely allied to the North American one. However, my 
conviction that such is the case has been somewhat shaken by a 
number of specimens from Texas, collected by Mr. Belfrage. 
The larger ones have the wings a little broader than the larger 
specimens from Wisconsin, and the pellucid drops are less regu- 
larly distributed; the costal and stigmatical cells are not broader; 
a small and incompletely colored specimen has much narrower 
wings than the larger specimens; yet they are broader than the 
wings of the above-mentioned smaller specimen from Wisconsin. 
Whether the specimens from Wisconsin and Texas belong to the 
same species, will have to be proved by further observation. 

Observation 3.—The present species, together with 7. rotun- 
dipennis, as well as the species represented by the above- 


mentioned specimens from Brazil, now called J. sparsa in 
Wiedemann’s collection, form a separate genus, the characters of 
which may be easily gathered from the descriptions of 7. sparsa 
and rotundipennis in the first volume. I call it Hutreta, in 
allusion to the characteristic picture of the wings. 

30. T. rotundipennis Lw. 4%. (Tab. X, f. 14.)—Fusea, alis latis- 
simis, rotundatis, nigris, albido-guttatis, in marginibus antico et apicali 
maculas minutas albidas gerentibus. 

Brown, wings very broad, rounded, black, dotted with white; the anterior 
and apical margins are beset with small whitish spots. Long. corp. 
0.28; long. al. 0.26. 

Syn. Trypeta rotundipennis Loew, Monographs, ete.,1,p. 79. Tab. II, f. 14. 

Hab. Middle States (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—Since the above-quoted description was drawn, 
I have not received any addition to the single, imperfect specimen 
in my collection, and have, therefore, nothing more to add about 
it. The systematic position of this species has been discussed 
above, in the third observation to 7. sparsa. 

31. T. culta Wisp. 3 9. (Tab. XI, f. 3.)—Ex rufo-lutea; caput 
nigro-maculatum; ale lutew, in margine antico toto, in apice et in 
marginis postici dimidio apicali eleganter radiate, in disco maculis 
aliquot magnis fuscescentibus, maculaé minuta atra, guttisque aliquot 
limpidis, fusco-circumscriptis, notatz, in angulo postico confertius lim- 
pido-guttate, vena longitudinali tertia nuda. 

Reddish-yellow ; head with black spots ; wings clay-yellow, the anterior 
margin, the apex, and the apical portion of the posterior margin are 
handsomely adorned with ray-like streaks; upon the middle there are 
some brownish spots, a small black dot, and a moderate number of 
hyaline drops, margined with black; on the posterior angle numerous 
hyaline drops ; the third longitudinal vein not bristly. Long. corp. % 
0.21, 9 cum terebra 0.31; long. al. 0.29-—0.32. 

Syn. Z'rypeta culta WiepEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 486, 16. 
Acinia fimbriata Macquvart, Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 228,5. Tab. XXXI, f. 5. 
Trypeta culta Lozw, Monogr. etc., I, p. 94. Tab. II, f. 29. 

Reddish-yellow, opaque; the head somewhat paler yellow. 
The front of moderate breadth, dark yellow; the two bristles” 
before the ocelli, directed forwards, and three strong bristles on 
the lateral margin of the front, are black; the other frontal 
bristles yellowish. The frontal lunule and the anterior part of 


the lateral frontal border are shining; upon the first, almost 
without exception, a very small, deep black longitudinal dot is 
perceptible ; near the antenna, at the orbit of the eye, there is 
a deep black dot and a black spot in the middle of the posterior 
orbit. The face is deeply excavated, shining and sometimes with a 
distinet steel-blue reflection; upon its middle, below the antenne, 
there is a rounded black spot, on each side an elongated, larger one, 
descending from the lower angle of the eye to the oral margin; the 
oral opening is very large, somewhat drawn upwards anteriorly. 
Palpi yellowish, broad, reaching to the anterior edge of the oral 
opening, with black pile at the tip, and with yellowish hairs else- 
where. Proboscis brown, sometimes yellowish-brown, rather 
stout, not geniculate. The thorax unicolorous, yellowish-red 
or reddish clay-yellow, opaque; the usual bristles, of which there 
are two pairs on the middle of the dorsum, are black, the short 
pile is pale yellowish. Scutellum somewhat paler yellow and 
rather shining, with erect yellowish bristle-like pile upon the 
middle and with four black bristles; the two apical ones are 
inserted upon black dots, while round the basis of the two ante- 
rior ones only a darker shade of the ground color is perceptible. 
The abdomen has the same coloring as the thorax and no spots, 
or only a trace of two longitudinal, contiguous rows of somewhat 
darker spots; all the pile and bristles upon it are yellowish and 
only a certain number of the bristles upon the posterior border 
of the last segment are usually blackish. The flat ovipositor is 
almost as long as the four posterior abdominal segments taken 
together, red, blackish towards the tip. Feet, as well as the 
bristles on the under side of the front femora, yellow; often, 
however, some of the bristles are black; the front femora have, a 
short distance before their end, on the outer side, a small black 
dot; the posterior femora, on the under side, have two black 
dots, the one before the middle, the other before the tip. The 
wings are rather long; their yellowish-red, almost gamboge-yel- 
low color ends in rays along the anterior margin, the apex and 
the posterior portion of the hind margin; these rays are separated 
by hyaline intervals; between the humeral crossvein and the end 
of the auxiliary vein there are three narrow rays, running per- 
pendicularly from the auxiliary vein to the costa, the first of 
which is less dark than the others; moreover, the extreme root 
and the extreme tip of that cell are marked by a blackish-brown 


crossline; the short stigmatical cell, which is somewhat yellowish, 
is divided in two halves by a narrow dark brown line and is 
marked at both ends by a ray; in the marginal cell, besides a ray 
at the end of the first longitudinal vein, which is incompletely 
formed and margined with brown on its outer side only, there are 
three yellow rays, margined with brown and running towards the 
anterior margin; the first two are attenuated towards the margin 
and much narrower, the third is much broader; the five following 
rays are again so narrow, that only the first among them pre- 
serves a trace of the yellow coloring of its inner side; they 
gradually grow longer and end: the first at the tip of the second 
longitudinal vein, the next two between this and the third vein, 
the fourth exactly upon the tip of the third, the last a little before 
the tip of the fourth vein; the hyaline intervals between the last 
of these rays show upon their middle a faded cloud. The rays 
upon the latter portion of the posterior margin gradually grow 
shorter, are rather broad and altogether brown, but not as dark 
as the narrow rays of the anterior margin or the dark borders of 
the broader rays which follow upon the latter; they are five in 
number, or six if the last of them, which is very short, is counted 
for one; the second and third are less completely separated from 
each other than the rest, and the fifth, which includes the tip of 
the fifth vein, is the broadest of all. Upon the middle of the 
wing the following hyaline drops are visible: 1. Between the 
second and third longitudinal veins a very small one (sometimes 
a second one beyond it) below the end of the auxiliary vein and a 
second, somewhat larger one below the second ray, which runs, in 
the marginal cell, towards the anterior margin; 2. Between the 
third and fourth veins, nearer to the latter, there are three drops 
in a row; the middle one is nearly opposite the middle of the 
diseal cell, the first one beyond the anterior end of this cell, and 
the last one at an equal distance before its posterior end; 3. In 
the second posterior cell only a single drop almost in its inner 
corner; 4. In the discal cell four or five, two of which upon its 
longitudinal axis (one near the anterior, the other near the 
posterior end) and three inconstant ones on the posterior margin 
of the cell (the first sometimes wanting, the second being the 
largest) ; sometimes a very small drop in the posterior corner of 
the discal cell is added to them. All these drops are encircled 
with dark brown or almost black, in such a manner, that this 


dark ring becomes paler round those drops which are more dis- 
tant from the anterior margin The convex spot in the first 
posterior cell is rather large ; it contains a comparatively small 
rounded-ovate deep black dot. Moreover, in the submarginal 
cell, in the first and second posterior cells, and in the discal cell, 
differently colored spots (one in each) may be noticed, which, at 
an oblique view, assume a dark coloring. In the third posterior 
cell, in the posterior angle of the wing, and on the alula, there is 
a number of hyaline drops, among which only those placed 
immediately behind the fifth vein show a trace of a brown border. 
The double costal spine is strong and comparatively long, the 
small crossvein is placed upon the last third of the discal cell; 
the posterior crossvein is steep, but distinctly sinuate ; the third 
longitudinal vein is not bristly. 

Hab. Savannah (Wiedemann); Carolina (Macquart); Texas 

Observation.—T. culta is closely allied to the European 7. 
pupillata Fall. and strigilata Lw., and this relationship is suffi- 
cient to justify its location in the genus Carpotricha, formed by 
me for the reception of these species, as well as of 7. guttularis 
Meig. However, in consequence of this addition, the definition 
of the genus, as given by me in the Monograph of the European 
Trypete, will have to be somewhat modified. In 7. culta the 
scutellum is less convex, and, although smooth, it is not polished ; 
the tip of the abdomen is not shining. The nature of the pile 
and the pattern of the picture of the wings, the structure of the 
head, and the arrangement of the frontal bristles furnish sufficient 
data for the modification alluded to. 

32. T. solidagimis Fitcn. % 9. (Tab. X,f. 16.)—Sordide ferru- 
ginea, vapite pedibusque luteis ; frons latissima; scutelli valde convexi 
sete due; al# fusco-reticulate, apice incisurisque tribus, una marginis 
antici duabusque postici, hyalinis et parce fusco-maculatis. 

Of a dingy ferruginous-red; head and feet clay-yellowish; front exceed- 
ingly broad; scutellum very convex, with two bristles; wings reticu- 
late with brown; the tip and three indentations, one on the anterior 
and two on the posterior margin, hyaline, sparsely dotted with brown. 
Long. corp. % 0.24—0.25, 2 cum terebra 0.26—0-28; long. al. 0.25— 


Syn. Tephritis asteris Harris, Ins. Injur. to Veg., 3d Edit., p. 620. 

Acinia solidaginis Fircu, First Report, 66. 

Trypeta solidaginis Lozw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 82. Tab. II, f. 16. 

Hab. New York (Fitch); Washington (Osten-Sacken); New 
England (Harris). [Canada.—O. 8S. ] 

Observation 1.—To the description of this species in the 
Monographs, Vol. I, I may add, by way of correction, that the 
costal spine of the wings is not altogether wanting, but that it is 
very short and weak, and hence, in some specimens, hardly visible. 
The words “the first longitudinal vein alone being hairy,” in the 
observation to the above description, only meant that the bristles 
upon that vein were more like hairs, and not that this vein alone 
is provided with bristles; the third vein also, bears weak, hair- 
like bristles. 

Observation 2.—Baron Osten-Sacken, having seen the original 
specimen of Tephritis asteris Harris in Mr. Harris’s collection 
in the museum of natural history in Boston, has settled its iden- 
tity with Acinia solidaginis Fitch. Harris’s name, although 
based upon an error in the name of the plant upon which this fly 
undergoes its transformations, would have to be retained, but for 
the circumstance that Mr. Haliday had previously used it for 
another European Trypeta. 

Observation 3 —Among the genera established for the Euro- 
pean Trypetina, Oxyphora is the only one in which 7. solida- 
ginis might, perhaps, be placed. Among the European species 
Oxyphora Scheffert Frnf. is nearest to it in its general appear- 
ance; the outline of the wings reminds somewhat of O. Wester- 
manni. ‘The much heavier body, the strikingly broad front, and 
the much broader cheeks, as well as the peculiar shape of the 
wings, which are broadly rounded at the tip, the heavy, conical, 
not at all flattened ovipositor of the female, isolate this species 
sufficiently to justify the formation of a new genus, for which [ 
propose the name of Hurosta. 

33. T. comma Wiep. 9. (Tab. XI, f. 2.)—Sordide rufa aut fusca, 
capite magno, thoracis dorso, tibiis, tarsisque lutescentibus ; ale obtuse, 
ex fusco nigre, guttulis minutis modice dilutioribus adsperse#, macula 
costali trigoné comma fuscum ineludente, limbo apicis angustissimo, 
guttulisque aliquot confertioribus prope venw longitudinalis sexte 
apicem, hyalinis; vena longitudinali tertid setos&; scutellum setis 
duabus instructum ; terebra conica, non depressa, 


Dingy red or brown, head large, thoracic dorsum, tibie, and tarsi clay- 
yellowish ; wings obtuse, brownish-black, covered with small, mode- 
rately limpid drops; a triangular indentation on the costa contains a 
brown comma; a narrow border along the apex and a dense cluster of 
drops near the tip of the sixth vein, are hyaline; the third longitudinal 
vein is bristly; scutellum with two bristles; ovipositor conical, not 
flattened. Long. corp. 9 cum terebra 0.32—0.34; long. al. 0.30—0.31. 

Syn. Zrypeta comma WIEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. Il, p. 478, 4. 
Acinia comma Macquart, Dipt. Exot. II, 3, p. 229, 6. 
Trypeta comma Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 93. Tab. II, f. 28. 

This conspicuous species was described by Wiedemann from a 
very pale-colored specimen, which I have had occasion to 
examine. The coloring varies from a dingy brick-red almost to 
dark brown; the abdomen especially is often dark. The large 
head is yellow; the front is more than half as broad as the head, 
usually of a darker yellow; the usual bristles upon it are brown 
or brownish, weak, and rather short. Antenne clay-yellow, very 
short, not even reaching to the middle of the face. Face per- 
pendicular, very little excavated; oral opening of a very moderate 
size, and the anterior edge of the mouth not projecting; ocular 
orbits very broad. Eyes elongated, but the cheeks of a consider- 
able breadth, although by far not equalling those of the preceding 
species; the pile upon them is brownish or brown, sometimes 
paler; proboscis short, not geniculate; the clay-yellowish 
palpi broad, reaching to the anterior edge of the oral opening. 
The upper side of the thorax covered with a thick clay-yellowish 
pollen and with short, dense clay-yellowish pile; the latter some- 
times has a more ferruginous tinge; the usual bristles of the 
thoracic dorsum are brown and weak; upon its middle there are 
only two pairs, the anterior one very much behind the transverse 
suture ; it is weaker and shorter than the posterior one. Scu- 
tellum dark brown, very convex, with only two bristles. Meta- 
thorax and pleur are sometimes brick-red, sometimes brown or 
blackish-brown; the darker the pleure are, the darker the bristles 
upon them. Abdomen unicolorous, brick-red, brown, or brown- 
ish-black, with rather delicate blackish or black pile. Ovipositor 
not compressed, conical, about as long as the last two abdominal 
segments taken together, with delicate black pile; in paler spe- 
cimens the ovipositor is red, the extreme tip only black; in very 
dark specimens it is black with a reddish crossband upon the 
middle, Very dark specimens have blackish-brown femora; their 


tip and the tibiz are yellowish-brown, the tarsi dirty yellowish; 
in paler specimens tibiz and femora are not much darker than 
the tarsi; front femora with black bristles; tarsi, especially their 
first joint, somewhat longer than usual, especially in 7’ solida- 
ginis. Knob of the halteres blackish or black. The wings broad 
and very obtuse at the end, blackish-brown or black, including the 
extreme root; upon their whole surface are a very variable 
number of very small dots of but moderate transparency ; upon 
the anterior margin, immediately beyond the stigma, there is a 
triangular hyaline spot, the tip of which does not quite reach the 
third longitudinal vein and which includes a_ blackish-brown 
crossline, extending from the costa to the second longitudinal 
vein; the end of the sixth vein is surrounded by a cluster of small, 
more or less coalescent drops, which extends especially on the 
anterior side of this vein; the extreme tip of the wing has a very 
narrow hyaline border, which begins a little before the tip of the 
third longitudinal vein and ends beyond the tip of the fourth 
vein; at the tip of these veins the border is very often interrupted ; 
on the posterior margin of the wing there are often two, some- 
times three or four, in such a case larger, hyaline drops. The 
third longitudinal vein is beset with scattered but distinct 
bristles; at its end, it is strongly bent backwards so that its 
divergency from the second vein is unusually large; the latter 
ends rather far from the apex of the wing; the crossveins are but 
little approximated, the small one is oblique, the posterior one 
_ Hab. Kentucky (Wiedemann); Maryland (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation 1.—This species is subject to remarkable varia- 
tions in the coloring of the body, as well as in the shape of the 
wings; the tip of the latter is sometimes more, sometimes less 
distinctly obtuse; all these differences certainly do not constitute 
specific distinctions. The figure which I have given in the first 
volume of these Monographs was prepared from a specimen in 
the Berlin Museum, and as it is based upon a rather hasty pencil 
sketch, made many years previously, it lays no claim upon an 
absolute fidelity. This figure shows some discrepancies however, 
which raise a suspicion that this Berlin specimen is not 7’rypeta 
comma at all, but a closely allied species. 

Observation 2.—Trypeta comma differs from T. solidaginis in 
its larger eyes, a less excavated face, and a smaller and much 


narrower oral opening; the shape of the body, the striking 
breadth of the forehead, the distribution of the bristles upon it 
and upon the thoracic dorsum and scutellum, the shape of the 
ovipositor, the outline of the wings, and the pattern of the picture 
are remarkably analogous in both species, so as to preclude a 
generic separation. 

34. T.latifromsLw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 22.)—Obscura, capite, tibiis 
tarsisque lutescentibus, fronte latissima, scutello convexo, setis duabus 
instructo, ale latiuscule, colore fusco-nigro pict, in disco parcius et 
subequaliter reticulate, in dimidii apicalis margine radiate. 

Coloring dark; head, tibia, and tarsi clay-yellowish, front unusually 
large; the convex scutellum with two bristles only; wings rather 
broad, with a brownish-black picture, upon their middle somewhat 
sparsely and not very evenly marked with hyaline drops, their apical 
border radiate. Long. corp. 9 cum terebra 0.30; long. al. 0.27. 

Syy. Trypeta latifrons Lozrw, Monographs, ete., I, p. 89, 22. Tab. II, f. 22. 

Hab. Carolina (Zimmerman) ; Connecticut (Norton). 

Observation.—A female from Connecticut, communicated to 
me by Baron Osten-Sacken, is not much better preserved than the 
female from South Carolina, from which my description in the 
Monogr. Vol. I was drawn, and for this reason I am not able to 
give a better one here. Of the two pairs of bristles upon the 
thoracic dorsum the anterior one has dropped off ; it seems to have 
been inserted rather far behind the transverse suture. The 
structure of thorax and abdomen, the broad front, the bi- 
setose scutellum, and the conical, not at all flattened, ovipositor, 
indicate a relationship between this species and the two preceding 
ones, from which, however, it differs in the shape of the wings 
and the pattern of the picture. In the latter two points it 
reminds one of Trypeta platyptera Lw., which differs again in the 
more narrow front, a four-bristled scutellum, and a flattened ovi- 
positor. Such being the case, we will be better justified in 
connecting this species with 7° solidaginis and comma, than with 
T. platyptera and its congeners. 

35. T. melamura pn. sp. Q. (Tab. XI, f. 6.)—Lutea, metanoto, 
abdominis maculis in series quatuor dispositis et terebra brevi, atris; 
caput letius luteum, fronte latissima, facie modice recedente, antennis 
longis et acutis ; femora anteriora macula minuta nigra notate®; alarum 
pictura fusca, guttis majusculis hyalinis reticulata, quarum in cellula 
posteriore secunda tres, in tertia quatuor conglobate. 


Clay-yellow; the metanotum, four rows of abdominal spots, and the short 
ovipositor, deep black; head of a brighter clay-yellow; front very 
broad, face moderately receding; antenne long and acute; the anterior 
femora with a little black spot; picture of the wings brown, reticulate 
with rather large hyaline drops, among which three form a cluster in 
the second posterior cell and four in the third. Long. corp. 2 cum 
terebra 0.13—0.14; long. al. 0.14. ' 

Head almost ochreous-yellow, the rather level face, somewhat 
retreating on the under side, the moderately broad cheeks, and 
the lower portion of the occiput pale yellowish. Front more than 
half as broad as the whole head. Frontal lunule very flat. 
Third antennal joint unusually long, with a remarkably sharp 
anterior corner; the thin, bare arista is incrassated at its basis 
for a short distance only. Oral opening rather large, rounded, 
but somewhat broader than long; its anterior edge is neither 
drawn upwards, nor projecting in the profile. Proboscis and- 
palpi yellowish, withdrawn in the oral opening. The pile on the 
head is ochreous-yellow; the ordinary frontal bristles are brown- 
ish or brown. The ground color of the thoracic dorsum is blackish, 
with the exception of the pale yellow humeral callus, but very 
much concealed under ochre-yellow pollen, and reddish ochre-yel- 
low, coarse, and almost stubble-shaped pile. When the thorax is 
viewed from behind, several opaque black, punctiform dots become 
apparent, especially two on the transverse suture and two larger 
ones between the first and the posterior border. The bristles of 
the thoracic dorsum are partly pale yellow, partly brown; viewed 
against the light, they appear dark. The scutellum, which, in the 
described specimen, is much damaged, seems very convex; it is 
smooth and for the most part yellow; among its four bsistles, the 
two apical ones are inserted on small black dots. The abdomen 
is reddish-yellow or almost honey-yellow and somewhat shining; 
upon the second segment there are four black dots in a row, the 
lateral ones of which are small; upon each succeeding segment 
the lateral spots become larger, and upon the fifth segment the 
lateral spots completely coalesce with the middle ones, only a 
median reddish line being left on the segment. The flat, shining 
black ovipositor is hardly longer than the last abdominal segment. 
Feet rather dark ochre-yellow; the front and intermediate © 
femora have, upon their hind side, beyond the middle, a little 
black spot. The reticulate picture of the wings is brown, black- 


ish-brown within the stigma; the hyaline drops, appearing in a 
different light whitish, and which perforate the brown coloring, 
are generally large, but not numerous; the stigma contains but 
a single yellowish drop; its extreme basis also has a narrow hya- 
line border; the triangular cluster of larger drops which occurs 
on the anterior margin, immediately beyond the stigma, consists 
here of five drops, absolutely separated from each other; the end 
of the marginal cell contains but a single small drop; a larger 
drop occurs below the end of the second longitudinal vein and a 
similar one under it, in the first posterior cell ; between these two 
drops and the apex of the wing there are four smaller drops, 
forming a somewhat arcuated crossband ; especially characteristic 
for the species are three conspicuous drops in the second and four 
similar ones in the third posterior cell, between which the brown 
coloring is so pale or faded, that they appear almost coalescent; 
(this is not well expressed in the figure, which is kept altogether 
in too dark a shade); upon the middle of the discal cell there is 
a large drop, occupying its whole breadth. The third longitudi- 
nal vein is distinctly bristly about as far as the small crossvein ; 
this crossvein corresponds to the last third of the discal cell; the 
posterior crossvein is straight and very perpendicular. 

Hab. Distr. Columbia (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—In several respects this species resembles the 
European species of Carphotricha; but, on account of the strik- 
ing breadth of the forehead, the unusual length of the antenne, 
and the comparatively very even face, somewhat retreating below, 
it cannot well be placed in that genus, especially when 7’ culta 
Wied. is admitted in it, on account of its rather close relationship 
to Carpotricha pupillata Fall. As I know of no other species 
with which the present one could be generically united, I prefer 
to establish a separate genus for it, which I call Acidogona. 

36. T. alba Lw. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 11.)—Albida, alis concoloribus 
immaculatis, capite, pleuris, scutello segmentorumque abdominalium 
singulorum margine postico pallide sulphureis, antennis, terebra, pedi- 
busque luteis. 

Whitish, with whitish, altogether immaculate wings; head, pleura, scu- 
tellum, and the posterior margin of the single abdominal segments, 
sulphur-yellow ; antenne, ovipositor, and feet clay-yellow. Long. corp. 
% 0.13, 2 cum terebra 0.17; long. al. 0.15—0.16. 


Syy. Trypeta alba Loew, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. V, p. 345, 72, Ib., Dipt. 
Amer. Cent. I, p. 39, 72. 
Trypeta alba Lorw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 100, 18. 

Hab. Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation 1.—I have only the following remarks to make 
concerning this species, described in the above-quoted places and 
easily recognizable. The antenne are often not clay-yellow, but 
more or less bright ochre-yellow, which is especially the case in 
the best preserved and fully colored specimens; in such speci- 
mens the face is pale sulphur-yellow, while, on the contrary, the 
front, probably in consequence of desiccation, shows, in other 
specimens, a more dark yellow, often impure, hue. 

Observation 2.—This and the next following species show a 
striking agreement in all plastic characters, especially in the 
structure of the head, and the characteristic outline of the wings, 
so that they may be considered as the types of a new genus, dis- 
tinguished from the related ones by the above-mentioned charac- 
ters, and which may be called Aspzvlota. 

3%. T. albidipemnis Lw. % 92. (Tab. XI, f. 10.)—Nigro-cinerea, 
thoracis dorso albicante, capite, thoracis vitté laterali scutelloque sul- 
phureis, alarum albidarum stigmate fusco, terebra foemine atra. 

Blackish-gray, thoracic dorsum whitish; head, a stripe on the lateral 
margin of the thorax, and the scutellum sulphur-yellow; wings whitish 
with a brown stigma; the ovipositor of the female black. Long. corp. 
*% 0.17, 9 cum terebra 0.20; long. al. 0.18—0.19. 

Syn. Trypeta albidipennis Lorw, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. V, p. 345, 73, and 
Dipt. Amer. Cent. I, p. 39, 73. 
Trypeta albidipennis Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 100, 19 

Hab. Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—The antenne are usually more ochre-yellow than 
ferruginous-yellow. The generic location of this species has been 
mentioned in the note to the preceding one. 

38. T. Vermnonize Lw. 4% 9. (Tab. XI, f. 8.)—Dilute lutea, capite, 
thoracis vitt&é marginali in pleuras dilatata, scutelloque purius flavis, 
thoracis dorso subhelvo, metanoto nigro; alarum dimidium basale 
impictum, apicale colore subfusco grosse reticulatum, guttis magnis con- 
fluentibus, ita ut fascia tres valde inequales fusce conspiciantur; prima 
incompleta et obsoletiore, secunda integra, tertia postice abbreviata. 

Pale clay-yellowish; head, a lateral thoracic stripe, dilated upon the 
pleure, and the scutellum of a purer yellow, thoracic dorsum more 
isabelle-yellow, metanotum black; the basal half of the wings is imma- 


culate, the apical half shows a very coarse brownish reticulation, the 
large hyaline drops of which coalesce in such a manner, that three 
brown, irregular crossbands are formed; the first is only incompletely 
developed and rather faded, the second complete, the third abbreviated 
posteriorly. Long. corp. % 0.18, 9 cum terebra 0.22; long. al. 0.17 

Syn. Trypeta Vernonie Lorw, Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. V, p. 346, 74, and 
Dipt. Amer. Cent. I, p. 40, 74. 

Trypeta Vernonie Loew, Monographs, ete., I, p. 101, 20. 

Hab. Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken); on the iron-weed (Ver- 

Observation.—T. Vernoniz agrees in all the plastic characters, 
especially in the structure of the head and the shape of the wings, 
with the two preceding species in a very striking manner, and 
the presence of a picture on the wings alone is not a sufficient 
ground for a generic separation. 

39. T seriata Lw. %. (Tab. X, f. 18.)—Lutea, alis concoloribus, 
totis equalibus et obtusis, per maculas minutas fuseas seriatim disposi- 
tas reticulatis, adversus marginem preter trientem basalem nigricanti- 
bus, vena longitudinali tertia setosa. 

Clay-yellow ; wings of the same color, of a very equal breadth, obtuse at 
the end, reticulate with small brown spots arranged in rows; blackish 
along the margin, except on the proximal third of its extent; third 
longitudinal vein bristly. Long. corp. 0.24; long. al. 0.26—0.27. 

Syn. Zrypeta seriata LoEw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 84. Tab. II, f. 18. 

Hab. IUllinois. 

Observation.—Should T. seriata be placed in one of the genera 
established for the European Yrypetina, it would of course be 
the genus Oxyphora, the most characteristic marks of which are 
the reticulate wings and the bristles on the third vein. And, 
indeed, this species reminds one very much of Oxyphora Wester- 
mannit Meig. in the very peculiar shape of the wings, and even in 
the coloring of the body and the pattern of the picture of the wings. 
But when we bear in mind that this European species occupies 
in the genus a very isolated, in fact an artificial position,! it will 
appear more natural to withdraw O. Westermanni from the genus 
and to form a new genus of it, together with the above described 
as well as the next following American species. This genus may 
be called Icterica. 

' The European Oxyphora Schefferi Egger shares this exceptional posi- 
tion, though for other reasons. 


40. T. circinata n. sp. 4% 9.—Lutea, alis concoloribus, totis equa- 
libus et obtusis. per circulos fuscos inter se coherentes reticulatis, 
adversus marginem preter dimidium basale nigricantibus, vena longi- 
tudinali tertia setosa. 

Clay-yellow, wings of the same color, of very equal breadth, obtuse at 
the end, reticulate with small, brown, contiguous circles; infuscated 
along the margin, except upon its first half; the third longitudinal vein 
bristly. Long. corp. % 0.24, 9 cum terebra 0.27; long. al. 0.26—0.27. 

The resemblance of this species to 7. seriata is so striking that 
one would almost be tempted to take it for a mere variety. How- 
ever, the picture of the wings, perfectly identical in both sexes, 
shows such differences from that of 7’. seriata, as occur in closely 
allied species, but not in a variety of the same species. While 
the reticulation of 7’. seriata consists of small, angular brown 
spots, arranged in double rows between each pair of longitudinal 
veins on the middle of the wing, in the present species the spots 
are replaced by small brown ringlets, mostly closed, but some of 
them open, and connected with each other. The infuscated por- 
tion of the anterior margin in 7’, seriata begins before the end 
of the auxiliary vein and fills the stigmatical cell entirely, with 
the exception of a but little perceptible clay-yellow drop at the 
tip, and a similar, obsolete drop at the basis; between the ends 
of the first and second longitudinal veins there are, besides the 
somewhat hyaline spot immediately beyond the former, only two 
brownish-yellow drops near the anterior margin. In 7’. eircinata 
the extreme tip of the auxiliary vein and the spot on the costa 
corresponding to it are black, but there is no trace of dark color- 
ing in the costal cell before the tip of the auxiliary vein; the 
stigma is rather saturate yellow, and has upon its middle a con- 
siderable rectangular black spot; the pale spot which follows 
immediately upon the tip of the first longitudinal vein is more 
extensive, but less limpid, and the two drops which lie between 
it and the second longitudinal vein are much larger and more 
limpid, so that they entirely interrupt the black border along the 
anterior margin. <A similar interruption is caused by a drop 
immediately beyond the tip of the second longitudinal vein, which 
is entirely wanting in Trypeta seriata. By these complete breaks 
in the black anterior border Trypeta circinata is very easily dis- 
tinguished from 7'rypeta seriata, which has only one break of this 
kind immediately beyond the apex of the first longitudinal vein. 

Hab, New York (Mr. Akhurst). 


41. T. Lichtemsteinii Wiev. %. (Tab. XI, f. 9.)—Tota lutea; 
ale dilute cinereo-hyaline, guttis majusculis albicantibus, maculisque 
tribus fusco-nigris variegate, prima’ harum reliquis minore et a stigmate 
oblique decurrente, secunda quadrangula et venam transversam poste- 
riorem includente, tertiad denique primis duabus majore et apicem ale 

Altogether clay-yellow; wings grayish-hyaline, with rather large whitish 
drops and three brownish-black spots, the first among which is smaller 
than the others and descends from the stigma in an oblique direction, 
the second is square and includes the posterior crossvein, and the third 
is larger than the two preceding ones and forms a border along the apex. 
Long. corp. 0.22; long. al. 0.23. 

Syv. Trypeta Lichtensteinii Wiepemann, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 497, 31. 
Trypeta Lichtensteiniti Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 92. Tab. II, f. 25. 

Clay-yellow, the pile on head, thorax, and feet yellowish; the 
bristles yellow or yellowish-brown, according to the light in which 
they are seen; the pile on the abdomen yellowish at the basis 
only, black elsewhere. Front of a more vivid yellow, rather 
broad, with long bristles, the eyes rather large, oval; cheeks of a 
medium breadth. The face rather retreating, somewhat excavated 
under the antenne; the anterior edge of the mouth not projecting 
in the profile. Antenne yellow, of medium length; the third 
joint with a rounded anterior corner; the rather long arista is 
much incrassated at its extreme basis, otherwise very thin and 
bare. Oral opening rather large, rounded; palpi and proboscis 
not projecting beyond it; the latter not geniculated. The middle 
of the upper side of the thorax seems to have borne only two pairs 
of bristles. The very moderately convex scutellum bears four 
bristles. Scutellum and abdomen are more shining than the 
thoracic dorsum, which is opaque in consequence of a yellowish 
pollen; abdomen without any picture. Wings rather long and 
of nearly equal breadth; the third longitudinal vein distinetly 
bristly for a considerable portion of its Jength; crossveins straight 
and steep; small crossvein a little beyond the middle of the discal 
cell. The picture of the wings is a very peculiar one; its prin- 
cipal feature consists of three very conspicuous brownish-black 
spots; the smallest among them has the shape of an oblique, 
somewhat irregular half-crossband; with its anterior end it covers 
the tip of the stigma, with its posterior end it covers the small 
crossvein and suddenly stops near the fourth vein; the second 
spot, which covers the posterior crossyein, has a square shape, is 



higher than broad and reaches from the fourth vein to the poste- 
rior margin; the third spot forms ‘a broad margin of the tip of 
the wing, which begins not far beyond the first longitudinal vein 
and, gradually increasing in breadth, reaches beyond the begin- 
ning of the second posterior cell. The outlines of these three 
spots are irregular and sinuate. The remaining surface of the 
wings is grayish-hyaline; held against the light this grayish 
surface shows some round, whitish spots of a rather considerable 
size, occurring especially within the sinuosities along the margins 
of the dark spots, however, without following their outline exactly. 
In some places the grayish tinge of the wings becomes infuscated, 
thus forming several other, probably very variable, spots; the 
typical specimen shows the following ones: a narrow little spot 
in the middle of the anterior margin. of the costal cell; a hook- 
shaped spot, which begins at the anterior end of the third brown 
spot and runs to the second vein; a small, thimble-shaped spot, 
situated on the fourth vein, a little beyond the posterior crossvein 
and directed forwards; a little spot upon the posterior margin, 
in the middle between the second and third of the large brown 
spots; a punctiform dot upon the middle of the discal cell; a 
larger spot, behind the preceding one, within the third posterior 
cell; finally, behind the latter, upon the posterior margin, another 
small, faded, little spot. It is probable that, sometimes, the 
greatest part of the grayish surface becomes brownish, and then 
it may happen that, in some specimens, beyond the root of the 
wing, but little pale colored portions remain, except the large 
drops with a whitish reflection. The fact that the described 
specimen does not seem to be a fully matured one, serves to 
confirm this supposition. 

Hab. Mexico (Wiedemann). 

Observation 1.—Description and figure are prepared after the 
same specimen in the Berlin Museum, which Wiedemann had 
before him in drawing his description. In the figure, the 
engraver has represented the large whitish drops somewhat more 
vividly than they appear in nature. The relationship of 7. 
Lichtensteinii to the two preceding species, is close enough to 
enable us to place it in the genus Jcterica. 

Observation 2.—Among the species described in the sequel, 
Trypeta xqualis (Tab. X, f. 20) stands next to the species of 
Icterica in the shape of the wings. But, besides the fact that 


its wings are neither as equally broad, nor as obtuse, as those of 
the species united in the genus IJcterica, that species differs also 
in the absence of bristles upon the third vein. 

42. T. humilis Lw. % 9. (Tab. X, f. 17.)—Luteo-cinerea, capite 
pedibusque saturate flavis, femoribus tamen nigris adversus apicem in 
mare late, in feemina latissime flavis; peristomium valde productum, 
proboscis geniculata, ale rare reticulate, stigmate atro, non guttato. 

Yellowish-gray ; head and feet saturate yellow; the femora black, a con- 
siderable portion at their tip in the male, a still more considerable one 
in the female, yellow ; edge of the mouth very much produced, proboscis 
geniculated, wings sparsely reticulate, the black stigma without pale 
drops. Long. corp. % 0.09—0.1, 2 cum terebra 0.11—0.12; long. al. 

Syn. Acinia picciola Bicor, R. de la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Vel. VII. Tab. XX, 
f. 10. 
Trypeta humilis Lozw, Monogr. etc. I, p. 81. Tab. II, f. 17. 

Hab. Cuba (Poey, Gundlach). [Key West; communicated by 
Mr. Burgess. O.8.] 

Observation 1.—The saturate yellow coloring of the apex of 
the femora in the male has a rather considerable, but at the 
same time variable, extent; in the female, the yellow sometimes 
occupies so much space, that the blackish color remains visible 
at the basis of the femora only. Females with the femora as pale 
as that, mentioned by me in the first part of these Monographs, 
seem to be rare, as among the numerous specimens of my collec- 
tion that single one only is to be found. 

Observation 2.—To recognize the present species in the Acinia 
picciola Bigot is not possible. Nevertheless the synonymy is not 
doubtful, as, through the kindness of Mr. Gundlach, I have been 
put in possession of numerous typical specimens. It is to be 
regretted that Mr. Bigot has given the species a name which 
cannot possibly be admitted, unless names like liftlella, petitella, 
kleinella for any small species were likewise tolerated. 

Observation 3.—The strongly produced oral edge and the 
strikingly geniculated proboscis, with its very much prolonged 
flaps, reaching backwards as far as the mentum, define this 
species as an Hnsina. As soon as exotic species are taken in 
consideration, this genus cannot be maintained within exactly the 
same limits which I defined for it in my Monograph of the Euro- 
pean species. A part of the species, which I placed there under 


the head of Oxyna, as for instance Oxyna elongatula Lw., and 
its congeners, will have to be admitted in the genus Hnsina. 

Observation 4.—A Brazilian species, not rare in collections, 
likewise belonging to Hnsina, is so very like humilis, that I give 
here its description, in order to avoid a possible confusion. 

T. peregrina n. sp. % 9. (Tab. X, f. 30.)—Luteo-cinerea, abdomine 
nigro-maculato, genis angustissimis, peristomio eximie producto, pro- 
boscidis geniculate labellis longissimis, alis elongatis et subequaliter 
fusco-reticulatis ; pedes lutei, basali femorum posticorum dimidio piceo; 
terebra feemine atra, tribus ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumtis 

Yellowish-gray, abdomen spotted with black; the cheeks very narrow, 
the oral edge very much produced, the flaps of the geniculated proboscis 
very much prolonged; wings comparatively long and rather uniformly 
reticulated with brown; feet of a saturate yellow, basal half of the 
hind femora black ; ovipositor of the female black, larger than the last 
three abdominal segments taken together. Long. corp. % 0.12—0.13; 
© cum terebra 0.14—0.16; long. al. 0.13—0.14. 

Resembles 7’. sororcula Wied. from Teneriffe and the European 7’. elon- 
gatula Lw. very much, both in the structure of the body and in general 
appearance. In the female sex, it differs from the latter easily by its 
ovipositor, which is once and a half as long; the male is easily distin- 
guished by several features of the picture of the wings, which in other 
respects is very much the same: namely, the drop which lies at the tip 
of the submarginal cell is not present in 7. elongatula; in the dark color- 
ing at the extreme end of the discal cell there is only a single hyaline 
drop, while in Z. elongatula there are several of them, usually three. 
From 7. humilis it differs sufficiently in the scutellum, which is tinged 
with yellow at the tip, in the coloring of the feet and in the picture of the 
wings. Yellowish-gray ; the head, of the same structure as in the species 
just compared with it, rather saturate yellow, as well as antenna, palpi, 
and proboscis; the occiput alone in part gray. Front long and not very 
broad; along the orbit with a narrow, rather whitish border. Antenne 
rather broad, not quite descending to the anterior edge of the mouth, 
which is somewhat drawn upwards and remarkably projecting in the pro- 
file. Eyes rounded ; cheeks very narrow. Oral opening very much drawn 
out; the very elongated flaps of the geniculated proboscis reach backwards 
to the mentum. The usual bristles of the front, the thorax, and the scu- 
tellum are black; the latter is yellow at its tip only. The abdomen is of 
the same color as the thorax, and bears, like the latter, some short, pale 
yellowish pile, while the longer hairs on the posterior border of the last 
segments are black. The flattened and only moderately pointed ovipositor 
is shining black and a little longer than the last three abdominal segments 
taken together; its short pubescence is almost without exception black. 


Feet dark yellow, only the hind femora are brownish-black beyond 
their middle, and the other femora somewhat infuscated near the root aud 
with a brown stripe on the under side. The wings are elongated, hyaline, 
with a grayish-brown, very loose, but not disconnected, reticulation; the 
root of the wings is not spotted up to the end of the small basal cells; 
beyond this, up to the stigma, there are only three inconspicuous grayish 
spots. The grayish-brown stigma contains a rather conspicuous hyaline 
drop (represented too small on the figure) ; a spot adjoining it, compara- 
tively small and not much perforated, reaches beyond the second vein 
with two points only, and contains a little drop immediately before the 
second vein. The larger and less perforated spot before the end of the 
second longitudinal vein always contains a considerable hyaline drop near 
the anterior margin; between the second and third longitudinal veins, the 
same spot contains two or three small drops and is variously connected 
with the remaining reticulation. Between these two less perforated spots, 
there are, in the marginal cell two, in the submarginal three, large hyaline 
drops, which generally assume the shape of quadrangular spots, and are 
only separated by grayish-brown lines, running from one longitudinal 
vein to the other. Upon the remainder of the surface of the wing, the 
reticulation is formed by rather considerable rounded drops, and is more 
regular; only in the proximity of the posterior crossvein there are no 
Hab. Brazil. 

43. T. angustipennis Lw. % 9%.—Cinerea, capite pedibusque 
flavis, femoribus magna et parte nigris vel fuscis; proboscis non geni- 
culata; ale subangustate, nigro-reticulate, in basi et limbo marginis 
postici subimmaculate, stigmate non guttato, maculis duabus ordinariis 
obscurioribus mediocribus, separatis, secunda guttulam unicam, rarius 
duas includente; terebra feminge atra, duobus ultimis abdominis seg- 
mentis simul sumtis subequalis. 

Gray ; head and feet yellow; femora for the most part black or brown; pro- 
boscis not geniculated; wings reticulate with black, almost without 
spots at the basis and in the vicinity of the posterior margin; the two 
ordinary dark spots only of middle size and separated from each other; 
in the second, one, rarely two, hyaline drops ; ovipositor black, almost as 
long as the last two abdominal segments taken together. Long. corp. 
% 0.13, 9 0.14—0.15; long. al. 0.14. 

Syn. Tephritis Leontodontis ZetTERSTEDT, Ins. Lapp. 745, 6. Var. a. (ex p.). 
Trypeta angustipennis Lorw, Germ. Zeitschr. V, p. 382. Tab. II, f. 4. 
Tephritis angustipennis ZetTERSTEDT, Dipt. Scand. VI, p. 2229, 35. 
Tephritis angustipennis Loew, Trypetide, p. 113, No. 24. 

Tephritis segregata FRAVENFELD, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. XIV, p. 147. 

Gray; thorax without picture; the pile upon it is whitish; the 
bristles black. Abdomen blackish-gray, without spots; the pile 


whitish, only the bristles upon the posterior margin of the last 
segment are black. Ovipositor black, hardly as long as the last 
two segments taken together ; with distinct whitish pile upon its 
anterior half. Feet yellow; the femora for the most part black 
or brown. The wings are comparatively a little longer and 
narrower than in most of the related species. The rather dark 
reticulation is loosely meshy and somewhat disconnected ; it 
disappears almost entirely in the region of the posterior margin, 
with the exception of a few little spots, which distinguishes this 
species from the otherwise related ones; the black stigma does 
not include a hyaline dot; the two ordinary dark spots are of 
moderate size; the first is connected with the stigma and reaches 
from it directly backwards; the second usually contains, near the 
anterior margin, only a single hyaline drop, which lies immedi- 
ately beyond the tip of the second longitudinal vein; this spot 
reaches as far as the fourth longitudinal vein; the two rays which, 
in the related species, run from this vein over the second poste- 
rior cell to the posterior margin, are incomplete or wanting; the 
posterior crossvein also has only a comparatively narrow dark 
border, which sometimes exists on its posterior half only; upon 
the posterior part of the crossvein, this border emits a short 
branch, characteristic for this species, and reaching into the dis- 
cal cell; this branch sometimes coalesces with a second similar 
branch upon the posterior side of the fourth vein, so as to include 
a hyaline drop; otherwise the picture of the discal cell is limited 
to a small crossband, lying beyond its middle, or there is some- 
times before it, near the anterior margin of the cell, another dark 
spot, which in some specimens becomes a second small cross- 
band; upon the posterior side of the fifth vein generally two 
small, dark spots of variable size are observable, of which the 
one nearer the root of the wing is often wanting. 

Hab. Yukon River (Kennicott). 

Observation 1.—I cannot distinguish this species from the 7. 
angustipennis occurring in Seandinavia; the typical pair after 
which I have described it in Germar’s Zeitschrift has, it is true, 
the femora much less dark, but as the specimens seem to be 
immature, I do not consider this a specific difference. The 
figure given in Germar’s Zeitschrift has not well succeeded in 
the engraving and gives only an approximate idea of the picture 
of the wings. 


Observation 2.—Should we distribute the present and all the 
next following species among the subgenera which I have estab- 
lished for the European Trypetidx, they would have to be 
referred to the genera Oxyphora, Oxyna, Tephritis, and Urellia, 
The genus Urellia is easily distinguished from the others by the 
picture of the wings: it consists in a conspicuous star-shaped 
black design near the apex, while the rest of the wing is alto- 
gether immaculate, or is marked with only a few isolated spots, 
at the utmost with a very pale reticulate picture. A part of the 
species described in the sequel, can undoubtedly be referred to 
Urellia. Among the remaining species, those would have to be 
located in the genus Oxyphora, which have the third longitudinal 
vein of the wings beset with bristles. This character is of a very 
easy application when a number of well-preserved specimens is at 
hand, but it becomes of much less value when applied only to 
single and indifferently preserved specimens. For this reason I 
am not quite sure whether in all the species in which I have not 
been able to discern the presence of bristles on the third vein, 
they are really wanting; and hence, with the materials I now 
possess, I am not able to refer with certainty to Oxyphora 
the North American species which may belong to it. Among the 
North American species with a distinctly bristly third longitudinal 
vein, 7. geminata alone comes near the European species of 
Oxyphora, while T. timida is more related not to the former, but 
to the European 7’. guttata Fall., and to the American 7’ tenuis, 
melanogastra, and mexicana, in which I am unable to discern 
the bristles upon the third vein. Thus, the maintenance of the 
genus Oxyphora for those species only which have bristles upon 
the third vein, would separate from each other species most 
closely allied. In order, therefore, to make this genus applicable 
to the North American species, we should exclude from it all the 
species the picture of the wings of which ends in distinctly 
developed rays, in which case only 7. geminata would remain in 
it. Theoretically there is no objection to such an arrangement ; 
practically, however, there remains the difficulty of ascertaining 
positively the presence of bristles upon the third vein in all the 
specimens which I have at hand, and this difficulty compels me 
to drop entirely the genus Oxryphora for the present. Should we 
follow the suggestion already made above, of removing from the 
genus Oxyna those species which have remarkably prolonged 


flaps of the proboscis, and placing them in the genus KHnsina, 
then the difference between Oxyna and Tephritis is rendered so 
very subtle, as to become unavailable for my essay of a classifi- 
cation of North American Trypetina, based as it is upon very 
insufficient materials. The question arises, therefore, whether it 
would not be better, temporarily, to bring together all the species 
to be described below (with the exception of the Urellix) under 
the head of the genus Tephritis, or else to distribute those species 
in genera on some other principle. The latter course seems to 
me preferable, in rendering the determination of the species 
easier. I would propose to call Tephritis those species, the 
picture of the wings of which does not form at the apex distinctly 
developed rays, and those which have such rays would form a 
new genus Huaresta. Most species will then gain a position in 
conformity to their true relationship, as well as to their habitual 
affinities; and although it cannot be denied that the location of 
some species will thus be rendered somewhat artificial, this dis- 
advantage cannot well be avoided as long as the knowledge of 
the American fauna is not more complete than it actually is. 

That Trypeta angustipennis belongs to the genus Tephritis 
results from the foregoing explanation. 

4A. T. fimalis Lorw. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 4.)—Cinerea, capite pedi- 
busque lnteis, proboscide non geniculata, alis nigro-reticulatis, fascia 
obliqua inde a stigmate trans venas transversales ad posticum alz mar- 
ginem ducta, maculisque duabus altera subapicali, coste contigua et 
altera apicali non reticulatis, stigmatis nigri basi dilutissime subflaves- 
cente, vena longitudinali tertid nuda. 

Cinereous ; head and feet clay-yellow; proboscis not geniculated; reticu- 
lation of the wings black; a crossband running from the stigma over 
the crossveins, a spot near the anterior margin before the apex, and 
another one on the apex, are not reticulate; the basis of the black 
stigma is of a very faint yellow; the third longitudinal vein is not 
bristly. Long. corp. %, 0.16; cum terebra 0.24; long. al. 0.20—0.21. 

Syn. Trypeta finalis Lozw, Dipt. Am. Cent. II, 78. 

Cinereous, thorax and abdomen without any picture. Head, 
antenne, and palpi rather dark yellow, the larger part of the 
occiput dark brown. The front is of a very moderate breadth; 
its usual bristles are black. The antenne do not reach to the 
anterior edge of the mouth; their second joint does not bear a 
longer bristlet ; the anterior corner of the third joint is rounded ; 


the arista is but little incrassated at the basis, its pubescence is 
but very little perceptible. The upper side of the thorax bears 
some short, yellowish-white pile and black bristles, two pairs of 
which seem to have been inserted upon its middle. Scutellum, 
at the basis, of the same color with the thorax, towards the tip 
more or less yellowish; it bears four black bristles. The com- 
paratively somewhat narrow abdomen is likewise of the same 
color with the thorax, its last segment a little elongated; its short 
pubescence is yellowish-white; the long bristles at the end of the 
last segment are usually black. The flat ovipositor of the female 
is somewhat longer than the last two abdominal segments taken 
together, red, blackened at the root and at the extreme tip only ; 
its short and fine pile is of a very pale color. The wings are 
comparatively long and narrow, coarsely reticulate with brownish- 
black upon their whole surface; the root of the wing, up to a 
little beyond the end of the small basal cells, shows but some 
scattered spots; upon the rest of the surface the single drops are 
large and hence rather close together, although but little coales- 
cent; no drops at all, or almost none, are to be found on a 
crossband running obliquely from the stigma over both crossveins 
to the posterior margin of the wing, on a spot beginning at the 
anterior margin near the apex of the wing, and on a smaller spot 
upon the apex itself; the basis of the black stigma forms a large, 
limpid drop, somewhat tinged with yellowish; the usual triangular 
cluster of drops between the stigma and the unperforated cross- 
band before the apex consists of six drops, three quadrangular 
ones between the costa and the second longitudinal vein, a larger 
quadrangular spot and a smaller rounded one between the second 
and third longitudinal veins, finally a large round one beyond the 
third vein. The latter vein has no bristles; the small crossvein 
corresponds to the last third of the discal cell. 
Hab. California (A. Agassiz); Texas (Belfrage). 
Observation.—This species is a normal Tephritis. 

AS. VT: clathrata Lw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 15.)—Cana, eapite pedibusque 
flavis, femoribus litura nigricante signatis, abdomine bifariam nigro- 
maculato; ale colore nigro rare maculato-reticulatw, stigmate atro 
guttam hyalinam includente, vena longitudinali tertié nuda; peristo- 
mium modice productum et proboscis breviter geniculata; terebra ater- 
rima, duobus ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumtis equalis. 


Whitish-gray, head and feet yellow, femora with a black streak, abdomen 
with two rows of black dots, wings with a sparse reticulation, almost 
reduced to spots; the stigma includes a hyaline drop; third longitudi- 
nal vein not bristly; oral edge moderately produced, proboscis short, 
geniculate ; the deep black ovipositor is as long as the last two abdo- 
minal segments taken together. Long. corp. 0.12; long. al. 0.13. 

Syn. Trypeta clathrata Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 80. Tab. I, f. 15.- 

Hab. Middle States (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—In accordance with what has been said in the 
second observation to 7. angustipennis, T. clathrata belongs 
to the genus Tephritis. Should the distribution adopted by me 
in my Monograph of the European Trypetide be strictly applied 
to this species, it would, on account of the distinctly geniculate 
proboscis with but moderately prolonged flaps, be referred to the 
genus O.ryna; and it agrees very well with a number of Euro- 
pean species, placed in that genus. 

46. T. geminata Lw. 9. (Tab. XI, f. 1.)—Ex luteo-cinerea, capite, 
thoracis margine laterali, scutello, abdominis dimidio basali, femorum 
apice, tibiis tarsisque flavis, pleuris, met#hoto, abdominis maculis et 
apice, terebra femoribusque ex nigro fuscis; ale preter basim fusce, 
lim pido-guttate, guttnlis disci minutis et raris, guttis marginis postici 
majoribus, anguli axillaris confertioribus, maculis denique duabus 
costalibus trigonis limpidis, vena longitudinali tertia setosa. 

Yellowish-gray ; head, lateral margin of the thorax, scutellum, anterior 
half of the abdomen, tip of the femora, tibie, and tarsi, yellow ; pleure, 
metanotum, spots and posterior part of the abdomen, ovipositor, and 
femora blackish-brown; wings, with the exception of the basis, brown, 
with pale drops, which are small and scattered in the middle, larger 
upon the posterior margin, more dense upon the posterior angle; upon 
the anterior margin there are two triangular hyaline spots; the third 
longitudinal vein is bristly. Long. corp. 0.17; long. al. 0.20. 

Syn. Trypeta geminata Lozw, Dipt. Am. Sept. Cent. II, 75. 

Head pale yellow, only a large spot upon the occiput blackish- 
brown; front rather broad; the ordinary bristles pale brownish 
or almost yellowish. Antenne dark yellow; the short pile upon 
the second antennal joint pale yellowish; a single more elongate 
hair is black; the anterior corner of the third joint is rather 
sharp. Face rather concave and the anterior corner of the mouth 
rather conspicuously projecting. Cheeks narrow. Oral opening 
large, rounded; palpi and proboscis short, not reaching beyond 


the anterior edge of the oral opening; proboscis not geniculated. 
The ground color of the upper side of the thorax is black, but, in 
consequence of its pulverulence and of its short, yellowish pile, it 
appears gray; upon its anterior margin, in the vicinity of the 
yellowish humeral callus, there are some blackish hairs; the 
ordinary bristles, of which I perceive only two pairs upon the 
middle of the dorsum, are brown. The lateral margin of the 
thoracic dorsum is yellow; scutellum yellow, with four bristles. 
Metanotum and pleure blackish-brown; the latter rather shin- 
ing; the bristles upon them for the most part black. The ground 
color of the abdomen is yellow; it has four rows of brownish- 
black spots, which begin to expand upon the third segment; upon 
the fourth and the following segments they coalesce in such a 
manner that the segments appear altogether blackish-brown. The 
pile upon the abdomen is generally whitish-yellow, but upon the 
black spots it is black; the bristles upon the posterior margin of 
the posterior segments are generally black. The rather broad 
ovipositor is of a shining blackish-brown, flattened, although 
somewhat swollen at the basis; its short and very delicate pile 
is not easily discernible; it seems to be brownish. Femora 
brownish-black, the anterior ones with long black bristles; the 
extreme root and the tip dark yellow. ‘Tibi and tarsi rather 
dark yellow; wings of the ordinary shape, blackish-brown, 
sparsely guttate; the root of the wings, almost as far as the tip 
of the small basal cells, is rather hyaline and almost altogether 
immaculate ; the alula also, bears no spots and is without dark 
coloring; the brown coloring begins on the anterior margin about 
the middle of the costal cell, and includes before its end a rather 
large hyaline drop, close by the margin; a smaller hyaline drop 
is placed upon the tip of the brownish-black stigma; immediately 
beyond the stigma, on the anterior margin, there are two trian- 
gular, hyaline spots, separated only by a brown stripe; their end 
erosses the second longitudinal vein; the whole middle portion 
of the wing is perforated by a few isolated, very small hyaline 
drops; upon the second half of the posterior margin there are 
four large hyaline drops, two before and two after the end of the 
fifth longitudinal vein; a fifth, much smaller drop, is placed 
much nearer the tip of the fourth vein; the last portion of the 
sixth longitudinal vein is surrounded by a cluster of somewhat 
larger spots, which, in consequence of the more faded brown, 


surrounding them, appear more coalescent; in the posterior angle 
of the wing the pale drops are more numerous and somewhat 
larger than upon the middle of the wing, and moreover, well 
separated from each other; the apex of the wing shows between 
the third and fourth veins a very narrow, hardly apparent hyaline 

Hab. Pennsylvania (collection v. Winthem). 

Observation.—In accordance with the explanations given in 
the second observation to 7. angustipennis I leave Trypeta 
geminata, in spite of its distinctly bristly third vein, in the genus 
Tephritis, but I do this with the explicit understanding that this 
position is an unnatural one. In the above-quoted place I have 
already explained why one would feel tempted to place this 
species in the genus Oxyphora on account of the pattern of its 
picture, as well as of the bristles upon the third vein; but I must 
again add that this location would not be natural. Its rather 
stubble-shaped pile, the distribution of the bristles upon the front, 
and the structure of the antenne indicate a rather close relation- 
ship to those European species which I have united in the genus 
Carphotricha ; nevertheless, in some other characters it differs 
from those species in a measure which prevents its reception in 
that genus. A number of South American species stand in the 
same relation to the European Carphotriche, although they differ 
among themselves in many very striking plastic characters. A 
more complete study of these species will result in the breaking 
up of the genus Carphotricha, based upon too insufficient mate- 
rial, and then only, in all probability, Z. geminata will find its 
true position. 

4%. TW. fucata Fasr. %.—Lutea, capite pedibusque flavis; sete scu- 
telli quatuor; alw guttis hyalinis majusculis subraris reticulate, retis 
‘parte posticé unicolore ex cinereo-fuscd, antica luteo et fusco varia, ita 
ut guttule lutee guttis hyalinis interject sint, margine antico strigulis 
quinque et macula subapicali fuscis notato, vena longitudinali tertia 
setosa; proboscis non geniculata. 

Clay-yellow, head and feet of a purer yellow; scutellum with four bristles ; 
the reticulation of the wings, formed of rather large and moderately 
numerous hyaline drops, is uniformly grayish-brown upon the posterior 
part of the wings, yellow and brown upon the anterior portion, in such 
4 manner that yellowish drops are mixed among the hyaline ones ; upon 
the anterior margin, there are five small brown transverse streaks and 


before its end there is a brown spot; the third longitudinal vein is beset 
with bristles; proboscis not geniculated: Long. corp. 0.17[; long. al. 

Syx. Musca fucata Fasricivs, Ent. Syst. IV, p. 359, 194. 
Tephritis fucata Fasricivs, Syst. Antl. p. 321, 24. 
Trypeta fucata WiEpEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 505, 44. 

Clay-yellowish, almost ochre-yellow. Head rather pale yellow. 
Front and sides of the face with short, unusually dense yellowish 
pile. Front of a medium breadth; the bristles brownish-yellow, 
brown towards the tip. Antenne pale yellow, of medium length, 
reaching almost to the anterior edge of the mouth, which is very 
much drawn upwards; the short pile on the second joint is yel- 
lowish; the third joint has an indistinctly rounded anterior 
corner; antennal arista apparently bare, but little incrassated at 
the basis. Face rather narrow, somewhat excavated, distinctly 
carinate between the antennal fovex; in the profile, its lower part 
is produced in the shape of a short snout. Hyes large, oval; 
cheeks narrow, with yellow pile and bristles. Oral opening large, 
longer than broad; the rather broad palpi yellowish and with 
yellowish pile, reaching to the anterior edge of the oral opening; 
proboscis short, not geniculated. The whole thorax is so thickly 
covered with yellow pollen and short, yellow pile, that its ground 
color, which seems to be grayish-brown, is hardly visible; the 
ordinary bristles, two pairs of which are inserted upon the middle 
of the upper side, are brownish-yellow; their tip is dark brown. 
The ground color of the scutellum is pale yellow, which color is, 
however, but little apparent, on account of a short vellow pile, 
similar to that on the thorax; the scutellum has four bristles. 
Abdomen of the same coloring as the thorax; the short hairs and 
bristles are all yellow. Feet yellow, with yellow pile, the ante- 
rior femora have yellowish bristles. The reticulation of the wings 
consists of hyaline, almost whitish, rather large, and not very 
numerous drops; it does not reach the extreme root of the wings ; 
upon the posterior margin and at the extreme apex of the wing the 
coloring is uniformly grayish-brown; elsewhere, it is clay-yellow, 
with a brown picture, which partly frames in the hyaline drops, 
partly includes little clay-yellowish drops, so that the coarser reti- 
culation formed by the hyaline drops, in its turn appears reticu- 
late. Upon the anterior margin itself there are five, in part 
almost punctiform, brownish-black transverse streaks; upon the 


end of the marginal cell a brownish-black spot; the streaks are 
upon the humeral crossvein, in the middle between the latter and 
the basis of the stigma, upon the latter, on the end of the 
stigma, and between that and the tip of the second longitudinal 
vein. The small crossvein lies a little beyond the last third of 
the discal cell. The third longitudinal vein is distinctly bristly. 

Hab. The Antilles? (Fabricius); South America (Wiede- 
mann); Buenos Ayres (collect. Wiedemann). 

Observation 1.—Fabricius, the first describer of the species, 
names Dr. Pflug as the discoverer, and the South American 
islands as the habitat, which probably means the Antilles. Later, 
the species was described by Wiedemann, who names South 
America as the habitat. It is impossible to tell from the deserip- 
tions of both authors, whether they really meant the same species, 
although the descriptions contain nothing positively contrary 
to this assumption. As the species is easy to identify, and as 
Wiedemann’s identification was based upon the comparison of 
Fabricius’s specimens, it can be safely assumed that he has 
described the same species. My description is based upon a 
male, marked Buenos Ayres and communicated to me as a type 
from Wiedemann’s collection. 

Observation 2.—This species may also remain in the genus 
Tephritis, for the sake of facilitating identification, although its 
third vein is distinetly bristly. This character, as well as the 
not geniculated proboscis, recalls those species which, in my Mono- 
graph of the European Trypetide, I placed in the genus Oxy- 
phora; in fact I know of no other American species which stands 
closer than 7. fucata to the typical species of that genus, as, for 
instance, to 7. corniculata Zett., biflexa Lw., ete. I also eall 
attention to a peculiarity of most species of this group, that the 
dark spots of the picture in the female are more extensive than 
in the male; this may likewise be the case with 7. fucata. 

AS. T. albiceps n.sp. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 5.)—Ex luteo cinerea, 
capite albicante, fronte, antennis, scutello pedibusque luteis, abdomine 
bifariam nigro maculato; ale latiuscule, preter imam basim tote colore 
fusco-nigro guttato-reticulate, guttis valde inequalibus, in apice et prope 
venam transversam posteriorem quam in reliqua al& minus confertis, 
stigmate nigro uniguttato, vena longitudinali tertia non setos4; terebra 
femine aterrima, duobus ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumtis 


Yellowish-gray; head whitish; front, antenne, scutellum, and feet yellow ; 
the abdomen with two longitudinal rows of black spots; wings some- 
what broad, and with the exception of the extreme basis, entirely covered 
with a guttate brownish-black reticulation; the drops are of a very un- 
equal size and less numerous upon the apex and in the vicinity of the 
posterior crossvein; the black stigma has a hyaline drop; third longi- 
tudinal vein not bristly ; ovipositor of the female deep black; as long 
as the last two abdominal segments taken together. Long. corp. 4 
0.13, 9 0.16; long. al. 0.15—0.16. 

Yellowish-gray; thorax and abdomen with whitish-yellow pile ; 
the latter with two longitudinal rows of black or blackish dots. 
In well-preserved specimens the head is white, and it probably 
has the same color in living ones; in some of the dried specimens 
it has assumed a yellowish hue; the front, with the exception 
of its lateral margins, is yellowish; the usual bristles upon it are 
almost without exception black; the bristles upon the vertical 
margin are pale yellowish. Antenne pale yellowish; the third 
joint has an almost sharp anterior angle. Oral opening large, 
somewhat longer than broad; the anterior edge of the mouth 
rather drawn upwards, somewhat projecting in the profile. Palpi 
pale yellowish. Proboscis yellowish, short geniculate, with but 
moderately prolonged, comparatively stout flaps. The upper 
half of the occiput is gray, with the exception of the margin 
along the orbit. The ground color of the humeral callosities is 
yellow, while upon the rest of the thorax it is blackish. The 
bristles of the thoracic dorsum are all black, those of the pleurse 
are partly black, partly pale yellowish. Scutellum pale yellow; 
lateral angles and sometimes also the basis darker; with four 
black bristles, The bristles upon the posterior margin of the 
last abdominal segments have the same pale yellowish tinge as 
the pile upon the abdomen; only exceptionally a dark bristle is 
sometimes found among them. The ground color of the abdo- 
men is not quite constant; as a rule, it is blackish; I possess 
specimens, however, in which, upon the posterior margin of the 
second and third segments, it is yellowish-red. The ovipositor 
is shining black, rather strongly contracted towards its end, as 
long as the last two abdominal segments taken together; their 
short pile is very delicate and hence somewhat difficult to dis- 
cern; it seems to have the same coloring as the pile on the abdo- 
men. Feet saturate yellow. The wings have an almost regularly 
elliptical shape and are somewhat broader in the female than in 


the male (the figure is made from a male specimen). The guttate 
reticulation, which leaves open the extreme basis only, has a 
brownish-black coloring, which assumes a paler hue wherever the 
drops are nearer together; upon the stigma, however, and upon 
the end of the marginal cell, it becomes nearly black; the stigma 
contains a rather conspicuous hyaline drop; the drops upon the 
remaining surface are in general large, upon the middle of the 
wing, however, numerous, much smaller drops are interspersed, 
which perforate the dark coloring between the larger drops; 
this also takes place between the six large drops which form the 
usual pyramid of drops, situated beyond the stigma; upon the 
portion of the wing beyond this pyramid there are generally but 
very few little drops, and those are usually in the proximity of 
the pyramid; some larger drops, rather distant from each other, 
are also to be found there, and among these a row of very rounded 
drops along the margin of the wing, sometimes a little remote 
from it; they are either of very unequal size (as in the figure), 
or of the same size; the proximity of the posterior crossvein 
shows a more considerable space, which is but little perforated. 
The third longitudinal vein is not bristly. 

Hab. Canada (Couper); English River (Kennicott) ; Maine 

Observation.—In the distribution adopted by me for the 
American species, the present one would belong to the genus 
Tephritis. Should my distribution of the European Trypete be 
applied to it, the shape of its oral opening and of the proboscis 
would refer it to Oxyna. 

49. VT. euryptera n.sp. 9.—Ex luteo-cinerea, abdomine bifariam 
nigro-maculato, capite et apice scutelli flavicantibus, pedibus luteis ; 
ale valde dilatatz, rotundato-ovate, preter imam basim tote colore fusco- 
nigro guttato-reticulate, guttis valde inequalibus, in apice et prope stigma 
venamque transversam posteriorem minus confertis, stigmate uniguttato, 
vena longitudinali tertid non setosd; terebra foemine aterrima, duobus 
ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumtis equalis. 

Yellowish-gray ; abdomen with two longitudinal rows of black spots ; head 
and tip of the scutellum pale yellow; feet saturate yellow; wings very 
broad, rounded oval, with the exception of the extreme basis covered 
with a guttate, brownish-black reticulation, the drops of which are of a 
very unequal size and less numerous in the vicinity of the stigma, of the 
posterior crossvein, and on the apex of the wing; stigma with a hyaline 
drop; the third longitudinal vein not bristly; the ovipositor of the 


female deep black, as long as the last two abdominal segments taken 
together, Long. corp. cum terebra 0.16; long. al. 0.16. 

Closely allied to 7. albiceps and very like it, but easily dis- 
tinguished by its very broad wings. Yellowish-gray; thorax 
and abdomen with yellowish-red pile; the abdomen with two 
longitudinal rows of black spots. Head yellowish; front and 
antenne more yellow; the usual bristles on the front black, the 
bristles on the vertical margin bright reddish-yellow. The third 
antennal joint with an almost sharp anterior corner. The oral 
opening longer than broad, the upper oral edge somewhat drawn 
upwards, distinctly projecting in the profile. The rather broad 
palpi and the proboscis are yellowish; the latter short geniculate, 
with but moderately prolonged, rather stout flaps; the occiput, 
in the vicinity of the point of attachment, grayish. The ground 
color of the humeral callus is yellowish, that of the thorax black- 
ish; the bristles of the dorsum are black, the two pairs upon its 
middle are inserted upon very small black dots, easily overlooked. 
Scutellum yellow at the tip, with four black bristles. Ovipositor 
of the female shining black, about as long as the last two abdo- 
minal segments taken together (in the only specimen in my 
possession the shape of the ovipositor is not distinctly discerni- 
ble, but it does not seem to differ from that of 7. albiceps) ; its 
short pubescence is delicate, and hence somewhat difficult to per- 
ceive; its coloring seems to be altogether reddish. Feet saturate 
yellow. The wings are very broad and have a rounded elliptical 
shape. The guttate reticulation shows the most striking likeness 
to that of 7. albiceps, so that the description of the latter may 
be applied to this; the only addition to be made would be, that 
the region immediately below the stigma is somewhat darker and 
a little less guttate. Thus the figure of the wing of 7. albiceps 
gives quite a correct idea of the wing of the present species, 
except of its broader shape; moreover, the three posterior drops 
of the usual pyramid are smaller, and separated by larger inter- 
vals, and the intervals of all the six drops are perforated by 
much more numerous small drops. The third longitudinal vein 
is likewise not beset with bristles in this species. 

Hab. West Point, N. Y. (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—The systematic position of this species is exactly 
the same as that of 7. albiceps. 



50. T. platyptera n. sp. 9.—Cinerea, abdomine quadrifariam 
nigro-maculato, capite pedibusque luteis, femoribus tamen posterioribus 
nigro-maculatis, scutello nigro- et flavo-variegato; ale valde dilatate, 
rotundato-ovate, tote colore nigro guttato-reticulate, vena longitudinali 
tertid non setosa. 

Gray, abdomen with four rows of black spots, head and feet yellow, the 
hind femora spotted with black ; scutellum variegated with yellow and 
black ; wings very broad, rounded-ovate, covered upon their whole 
surface with a reticulate black picture; third vein not bristly. Long. 
corp. cum terebra 0.21; long. al. 0.16. 

Of this species I possess a single badly preserved specimen, 
and I would not have attempted to describe it, but for the cir- 
cumstance that it is distinguished by a number of very peculiar 
characters, which render its recognition easy, even should the 
description be imperfect. Head yellowish; occiput immediately 
above the point of attachment somewhat blackish; on each side, 
near the basis of the antenne, there is, on the border of the eye, 
a small, almost punctiform, blackish-brown transverse streak. 
The breadth of the front, which is distinctly narrowed anteriorly, 
is comparatively considerable, as it equals half the breadth of the 
head; the usual frontal bristles are black, those upon the vertical 
margin are yellowish-white. The third antennal joint is gently 
excised upon its upper side, and has a rather sharp anterior angle. 
Cheeks rather broad, with a black bristle, in front of which, along 
the lateral edge of the mouth, there is some black pile. Oral 
opening very wide; its anterior edge is but little drawn up, 
although rather projecting in the profile. Palpi very broad, 
reaching beyond the anterior edge of the mouth, beset with black 
and whitish-yellow hairs. Proboscis short geniculate, with mode- 
rately prolonged, stout flaps. The thorax of the specimen is 
greasy, and it is impossible to make any positive statement about 
its coloring and the pile upon it; the coloring upon the dorsum 
seems to have been more blackish; on the sides more brown; the 
pile seems to have been stubble-shaped, yellowish-white; all the 
bristles, upon the thoracic dorsum as well as upon the pleure, are 
black. The very convex, blackish scutellum has, upon the lateral 
margins and upon the tip, a broad yellowish border; the four 
blackish bristles of the scutellum are placed inside of this border 
upon blackish dots; the pair of those dots which is near the tip, 
although smaller, is connected with the black coloring of the 


scutellum. Abdomen gray, with four rows of black spots. The 
spots of both intermediate rows are comparatively large rectan- 
gular triangles, one cathetus of which lies along the posterior mar- 
gin of the segment, the other is parallel to the longitudinal axis 
of the abdomen; thus between both rows of spots, only a narrow 
gray intermediate line remains visible; the spots of the outer 
rows lie upon the lateral margins and also occupy the whole length 
of the segments, forming broad, uninterrupted lateral stripes. 
The whitish pile upon the abdomen is rather stubble-shaped; the 
comparatively long and strong bristles upon the posterior margin 
of the last segment are black. Venter somewhat dirty brick-red, 
gradually becoming blackish towards the lateral margins. Ovi- 
positor flattened, broadly truncate at the end, shining black on 
the surface; the under side bright yellowish-red, with a black 
tip. Feet of an impure yellowish, the posterior femora on the 
under side with two well-defined blackish spots, and near the tip 
with a faded blackish spot. Wings very broad, of the same 
rounded elliptical shape as in 7. euryptera. The black, guttate 
reticulation covers the whole wing to the extreme basis; along 
the whole posterior margin as far as the apex, there is a row of 
hyaline drops of middle size, separated by considerable intervals ; 
beyond the apex, along the anterior margin, these drops become 
larger, their intervals growing smaller; in the marginal and 
costal cells they coalesce with a little drop placed behind them, 
so that, in these cells, the reticulation emits something like little 
rays, running towards the anterior margin; the stigma, upon the 
extreme basis, has a whitish crossline and includes a hyaline 
drop at the end; upon the whole inner side of the surface of the 
wing the black color is rather sparsely perforated by drops of 
middle and of the very smallest size; the latter are more 
numerous upon the posterior than upon the anterior half of the 
wing. ‘The cells of the wings are all of an unusual breadth, and 
the crossveins accordingly of an unusual length; the distance 
between them is but little shorter than the middle crossvein; the 
second and third longitudinal veins are considerably divergent 
towards the end; upon the third I do not perceive any bristles. 

Hab. Connecticut (H. F. Bassett). 

Observation.—I leave this species provisionally in the genus 
Tephritis ; the description shows sufficiently that it is a stranger 
there, whose affinities point towards the genus Hurosta. To 


found a special genus for this single form would be premature, 
as there are several concurrent South American species, without 
the knowledge of which it is difficult to choose the characters 
upon which to establish the genus. To place the species in the 
genus Lurosta is likewise unadvisable, as the absence of bristles 
upon the third vein, and the not conical but flattened ovipositor 
are in conflict with the chief characters of Zurosta. 

51. T. aqualis Lorw. $9. (Tab. X, f. 20.)—Dilute lutea, terebra 
concolore, tribus ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumtis longiore, 
pilis, setisque totius corporis exalbidis; ale colore ex-fusco nigricante, 
adversus costam et apicem in nigrum mutato, equaliter guttato-reticu- 
late, guttis confertis plerisque majusculis, picturaé marginis antice 
radiaté, marginis apicalis subradiataé; vena longitudimalis tertia non 

Pale yellowish ; ovipositor of the female likewise yellow, longer than the 
last three abdominal segments taken together; pile and bristles of the 
whole body whitish; wings with a brownish-black guttate reticulation, 
black near the anterior margin and the apex; the drops are crowded 
and the majority of them are of a considerable size; the pattern of the 
picture consists of rays along the anterior border, which are less well- 
marked along the apex; the third vein is not beset with bristles. 

' Long. corp. % 0.22, 9 cum terebra 0.25—0.26; long. al. 0.24—0.25. 

Sxx. Trypeta equalis Loew, Monogr. etc., I, p. 86. Tab. II, f. 20. 

Hab. Mlinois (Kennicott). [Maryland, P. R. Uhler; Ohio, 
H. F. Bassett.—O. 8.] 

Observation.—The present species shows such a peculiar 
structure of the head and of the parts of the mouth, that I would 
not have hesitated to establish a separate genus for it, if I had 
had better preserved specimens for examination. The general 
appearance reminds of the species which I have united in the 
genus Icterica, but it differs in a smaller oral opening, a different 
shape of the wings, and a third longitudinal vein which is not 
beset with bristles. Not being able to assign a better position 
for it at present, I had the choice of leaving it in the genus 
Tephritis or of removing it to the genus Huaresta, proposed in 
the second observation to Tryp. angustipennis. The choice is 
not a very easy one, because, although the picture of the wings 
is distinctly radiate along the anterior margin as far as the apex, 
the apex itself and the space immediately behind it are more 
guttate than radiate. By all means, the question is more about 


an artificial than about a final location of the species, as the latter 
will have to depend upon the results of a future investigation. 
The circumstance that the pyramid of drops beyond the stigma, 
usually well developed in the species collected in the subgenus 
Tephritis, is not distinctly marked here, decides me to place the 
species in Huaresia, although its affinities to the types of this 
subgenus may be very slight. 

52. T. festiva Lozrw. 39. (Tab. X, f. 21.)—Lutea, unicolor, ale 
inequaliter guttato-reticulate, in margine antico et apice radiate, 
pictura in basi et disco sordide lutescente, prope marginem anticum et 
in apicali alarum triente fusco-nigra; terebra famine quatuor ultimis 
abdominis segmentis simul sumtis subequalis, non depressa, adversus 
apicem valde angusta, superne nigra vel fusco-nigra, infra adversus 
basim rufa. 

Clay-yellow, unicolorous, the reticulation of the wings unequally guttate, 
radiate along the anterior margin and on the apex, more dingy clay- 
yellow upon the basis and in the middle; brownish-black along the 
anterior margin of the wing and upon the apex; the ovipositor of the 
female is almost as long as the last fuur abdominal segments taken 
together, not flattened, very narrow at the tip, black or brown on the 
upper side, the under side red towards the basis. Long. corp. %, 0.17 
—0.18; 9 cum terebra 0.20—0.23 ; long. al. 0.22, 

Syy. Trypeta festiva Lozw, Monographs, etc., I, p. 86. Tab. I, f. 21. 

Hab. Pennsylvania (Osten-Sacken); Connecticut (Norton). 
[New Jersey, Mr. Iung; Illinois, Dr. Brendel; Ohio, H. F. Bas- 
sett.—O. S.] 

Observation 1.— Trypeta festiva may be considered as a typical 
form of the genus Euaresta. As the third longitudinal vein of 
the wings is beset with spines, this species would have to be 
placed in the genus Oxyphora, in the classification adopted by 
me for the European species. 

Observation 2.—Brazil possesses a conspicuous species closely 
allied to the present one, but more approaching the next following 
ones in the pattern of the picture of the wings. I let its deserip- 
tion follow :— 

T. spectabilis n. sp. $9. (Tab. X, f. 27.)—Tota luteola, terebra 
tamen obscure ferruginea, non depressa et quatuor ultimis abdominis 
segmentis subequalis ; scutellum quadrisetosum ; alarum pictura nigra, 
in apice pulchre, sed breviter radiata, adversus angulum posticum 
rarius, in disco rarissime guttata, gutta cellule posterioris prim unica ; 
vena longitudinalis tertia setosa. 


Altogether yellowish, except the ovipositor, which is dark ferruginous, 
not flattened, and nearly as long as the last four abdominal segments 
taken together. Scutellum with four bristles; the black picture of the 
wings shows, on the apex, handsome, although short, rays; 
sparsely guttate towards the posterior angle, very sparsely in the 
middle of the wing; the first posterior cell contains but a single drop; 
the third longitudinal vein is bristly. Long. corp. 0.26—0.27 ; long. 
al. 0.26. 

A rather conspicuous species, of the same coloring as the European T. 
valida Lw. With the exception of the ovipositor, it is altogether yellowish, 
only the basis of the abdomen is sometimes brownish. Front of a middle 
breadth and somewhat convex; its brownish-yellow or reddish-yellow 
bristles are comparatively strong ; the frontal lunule rather large. Antenne 
short, by far not reaching the edge of the mouth; the second joint bears 
a conspicuous bristle; the anterior edge of the mouth considerably drawn 
up, but not very projecting in the profile. Eyes not very high; cheeks 
broad. Oral opening rounded, rather large; proboscis not geniculate ; 
palpi rather broad, reaching abundantly as far as the anterior edge of the 
mouth. The short pile on the thorax is partly pale ferruginous, partly 
pale yellowish-red ; the usual bristles are pale yellow or brownish-yellow. 
The somewhat convex scutellum has four bristles. Metathorax and 
pleure yellow, like the rest of the body. Abdomen likewise uniformly 
yellow, but there are specitaens the abdomen of which is infuscated at 
the basis; the pile on the abdomen is like that on the thorax, only its 
coloring is more yellowish. The stout, conical ovipositor is not flattened 
at all, about as long as the last four abdominal segments taken together; 
in paler specimens it is reddish-brown with a black tip; in darker speci- 
mens it is rather brownish-black; it is beset, as far as the tip, with com- 
paratively long pile, which assumes a more yellowish hue near the basis, 
a more brownish one near the tip; in darker specimens it is so:netimes 
blackish-brown. Feet altogether yellow. Wings hyaline with a very 
much expanded and very little perforated black reticulation, which is 
radiated at the apex of the wing. The root of the wings is not spotted 
nearly as far as the end of the small basal cells; the costal cell contains 
a gray crossline near the humeral crossvein, a brownish-black crossband 
upon its middle, and a crossline of the same color at its extreme end; the 
obliterate end of the auxiliary vein, running perpendicularly towards the 
margin of the wing, is rather hyaline; the stigma is altogether black and 
does not include any hyaline drop; immediately beyond the stigma near 
the anterior margin, there are two cuneiform hyaline spots, the first of 
which is a little broader than the second and crosses the second vein a 
little further; between these spots and the end of the second vein the 
brownish-black coloring is entirely unbroken; five short brownish-black 
rays of almost equal length run towards the apex; the first ends between 
the second and third longitudinal veins, the next two coincide with the 


ends of the third and fourth veins; the last two cross the second posterior 
cell; the last of all is connected with the remaining brownish-black 
coloring by a narrow brownish-black bridge and sometimes interrupted at 
the basis; upon the anterior side of the fourth vein there are only two 
hyaline drops, the one below the stigma, the other between both cross- 
veins; in the third posterior cell there are six hyaline drops, the one of 
which is at its extreme basis and the others upon its latter half; some 
of the latter drops are sometimes coalescent; in the posterior angle there 
are, moreover, four or five hyaline drops. The small crossvein is almost 
perpendicular and is nearly opposite the last third of the discal cell; the 
posterior crossvein likewise is rather perpendicular; the third longitudi- 
nal vein is distinctly bristly. 
Hab. Brazil (collection v. Winthem). 

53. T. bella Lw. $9. (Tab. X, f. 23.)—Luteo-cinerea, capite, pedi- 
bus, abdomineque flavis, hoc apicem versus nigricante; sete scutelli 
quatuor; alarum pictura nigra, in margine antico et apice pulchre 
radiata, prope marginem posticum paulo confertius, in disco rarissime 
guttata, gutta cellule posterioris prime plane nulla; vena longitudinalis 
tertia setosa. 

Yellowish-gray ; head, feet, and abdomen yellow; the latter blackish 
towards the end; the black picture of the wings handsomely radiate on 
the anterior margin and the apex; in the vicinity of the posterior margin 
with numerous drops, upon the middle of the wing with very few, in the 
first posterior cell with none; third longitudinal vein bristly. Long. 
corp. %, 0.12—0.13, 9 cum terebra 0.13—0.15; long. al. 0.11—0.12. 

Syx. Trypeta bella Lozew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 88. Tab. II, f. 23. 

Hab. New York (Fitch); Washington (Osten-Sacken) ; Wis- 
consin, ete. [Rather common everywhere in the U. 8.—O. 8. ] 

Observation.—Closely related to 7. festiva, and, as to its sys- 
tematic location, the remarks appended to that species are also 
applicable here. 

54. T. timida Lw. 4%. (Tab. X, f. 25.)—Lutea, metanoto pleurisque 
ex-nigro fuscis, capite pedibusque flavis ; sete scutelli quatuor; alarum 
pictura nigra, in apice pulchre radiata, prope marginem posticum rare 
et in disco rarissime guttata; gutta cellule posterioris prime unicé; 
vena longitudinalis tertia setulis paucis brevissimis instructa. 

Clay-yellow, metathorax and pleure blackish-brown; head and feet yel- 
low ; four bristles upon the scutellum; the black picture of the wings 
is prettily radiated at the tip, in the vicinity of the posterior margin 
sparsely, and upon the middle of the wing very sparsely guttate, in the 
first posterior cell with a single drop; the third longitudinal vein is 


beset with extremely short and scarce bristles. Long. corp. 0.17; long. 
al. 0.16. 

Syn. Trypeta timida Loew, Dipt. Am. Cent. II, No. 76. 

Clay-yellow ; the coloring of the head is of a purer yellow, but 
the middle of the occiput is grayish. Front comparatively nar- 
row; its pale brownish bristles are strong and long. Antenne 
yellow, not reaching to the oral edge; anterior corner of the third 
joint rounded; arista comparatively thin, its pubescence so short, 
that, to the naked eye, the arista appears bare. Face excavated ; 
the anterior edge much drawn upwards, but little projecting in 
the profile. Eyes elongated-rounded ; cheeks very narrow. 
Oral opening of a middle size, rather round; the yellowish pro- 
boscis not geniculate, short; palpi short, yellowish. The upper 
side of the thorax is clothed with pale yellowish hairs; upon its 
middle there is a weak trace of a very broad grayish stripe, which, 
however, in less denuded specimens, may be hardly visible. The 
bristles upon the upper side of the thorax are pale brownish; 
upon its middle there are three pairs. The yellow scutellum 
bears four bristles. The ground color of the metathorax is 
blackish-brown, but assumes a grayish aspect from a thin cover- 
ing of pollen. The pleurz have a similar coloring, but towards the 
upper margin, it becomes more yellow, and below the root of the 
wings there also is a spot of dingy yellow. The clay-yellow abdo- 
men shows, in the described specimen, upon the last two segments 
brownish spots, which, however, seem to be the result of some 
lesion. Feet yellow. Wings rather broad with a brownish black, 
very sparsely reticulated picture, which is radiated on the apex ; 
the root of the wings is very sparsely spotted before the end of 
the two small basal cells; the costal cell, near its basis, has a 
blackish transverse line, a brownish-black one beyond its middle, 
and another brownish-black one upon its extreme end; the 
obliterate end of the auxiliary vein, which runs perpendicularly 
towards the anterior margin, is rather hyaline; stigma brownish- 
black with a yellow crossline in the vicinity of its end; immedi- 
ately beyond the stigma there are two cuneiform hyaline inden- 
tations, which extend from the margin to the seeond longitudinal 
vein; the latter is somewhat remote from the margin; between the 
second of these indentations and almost the end of the second 
vein, the brown color is not perforated; along the apex, the 


brown color emits five brown rays of almost equal length. The 
first of these rays ends a little before the middle of the distance 
between the tips of the second and third veins; the two next ones, 
which are a little expanded at the tip, lie on the ends of the third 
and fourth veins, the last two in the second posterior cell; the 
last of these rays, in the vicinity of its origin, is not quite well 
separated from the remaining brownish-black picture. The hya- 
line drops are rather large, but few in number; there are two 
between the third and fourth longitudinal veins, the first before 
the small crossvein, the second less far beyond it; the discal cell 
also contains but two drops, placed under the small crossvein and 
nearer to the posterior side of the cell; the third posterior cell 
has a drop at its extreme basis and five considerable ones in the 
posterior angle of the wing, which, however, are less conspicuous, 
because the dark coloring in that region is more faded. The 
distance of the first and second longitudinal veins from the margin 
is a little larger than usual; the second and third veins are 
strongly diverging towards the end; a weaker divergency exists 
between the third and fourth veins; the two crossveins are per- 
pendicular and straight; the small crossvein is almost twice as 
far from the proximal end of the discal cell as from the distal end. 
In my first description of this species I said that the third vein 
was not beset with bristles; a more attentive examination of the 
specimen, however, revealed to me, on one of the wings, a few very 
short bristles, which are either rubbed off on the other wing, or 
else in a situation which does not allow their close scrutiny; the 
first posterior cell does not contain a conspicuous concavity, like 
that in 7. bella; and the corresponding spot is not darker than 
its surroundings. 

Hab. Mexico (collect. v. Winthem). 

Observation 1.—The systematic position of 7. t¢mida is exactly 
the same as that of 7. festiva and bella. 

Observation 2.—The next relative of 7. timida is a Brazilian 
species, which can be very easily mistaken for it; and in order to 
prevent this confusion, I let its description follow here :— 

T. obscuriventris n.sp. 9. (Tab. X, f. 26.)—Ex luteo cinerea, 
capite pedibusque lutescentibus, abdomine ex piceo nigro et nitido, 
terebra concolore, tribus ultimis abdominis segmentis simul sumptis 
eequali; sete scutelli quatuor; alarum pictura nigra, in apice pulchre 



radiata, prope marginem posticum raro et in disco rarissime guttata, 
gutta cellule posterioris prime unica; vena longitudinalis tertia setosa. 

Yellowish-gray, head and feet yellow, abdomen shining brownish-black, 
ovipositor concolorous, as long as the last three abdominal segments 
taken together; scutellum with four bristles; the black picture of the 
wings handsomely radiated on the apex, sparsely guttate in the vicinity 
of the posterior margin, very sparsely in the middle of the wing; a 
single drop in the first posterior cell; the third longitudinal vein beset 
with bristles. Long. corp. cum terebra 0.20; long. al. 0.16. 

Head, including palpi, proboscis, and antenne, yellow; only the occiput 
for the most part grayish. Front comparatively narrow; its brown 
bristles are long and strong. Antenne not reaching to the edge of the 
mouth; third joint rounded at the end; arista comparatively thin, appear- 
ing bare to the naked eye, as the pubescence is very short; face excavated ; 
the oral opening hardly of middle size, round; proboscis short, not geni- 
culate. Palpi of middle size; the ground color of the thorax is altogether 
black, including even the humeral callosities, but this color is so much 
concealed under ochre-yellow pile and pulverulence, that it assumes a 
yellowish-gray hue; upon the pleure and especially on the metanotum 
the dark ground color is more apparent. The scutellum, bearing four 
bristles, is yellow to a considerable extent at the tip; the abdomen is of 
a shining brownish-black and shows weak traces of a yellowish-brown 
pollen; the pile is short and scattered, of mixed yellow and black hairs ; 
the latter prevail or seem to do so, as many of the yellow hairs assume a 
blackish hue when they do not reflect the light. The flat, not very 
pointed ovipositor is pitch-black, shining, about as long as the last three 
segments of the abdomen taken together, beset as far as the tip with a 
brown pubescence, appearing black in some directions. Feet yellow. The 
comparatively rather broad wings have a brownish-black, very sparsely 
guttate picture, which is handsomely radiate at the tip; the root of the 
wings, as far almost as the end of the small basal cells, is hardly spotted 
at all; the costal cell, quite near the humeral crossvein, has a grayish 
crossline, a brownish-black one upon the middle and one of the same color, 
but narrower, at the end; the obliterate end of the auxiliary vein, run- 
ning perpendicularly towards the anterior margin, is rather hyaline ; 
stigma altogether brownish or only with a trace of a very small yellowish 
drop in the vicinity of its apex, near the anterior margin; immediately 
beyond the stigma there are two hyaline indentations on the anterior 
margin, the first of which alone reaches the rather distant second longi- 
tudinal vein; before the end of the second longitudinal vein near the 
anterior margin, there always is a considerable hyaline drop, which 7. 
timida does not possess; five rays of almost equal length occupy the apex ; 
the first of them reaches the margin nearer to the end of the second than 
of the third vein; the two following are somewhat expanded at the tip 
and end upon the tips of the third and fourth veins; the last two rays 


cross the second posterior cell, and the last of them is a little broader than 
the preceding one and generally connected in the vicinity of its root with 
the remaining brownish-black picture by a brownish-black bridge, which 
cuts off the end of the hyaline indented interval in the shape of a drop. 
The hyaline drops are of a considerable size, but not very numerous ; two 
are placed between the third and fourth veins, the one before, the other 
less far behind the small crossvein; in the same way there are only two 
drops in the discal cell, placed upon its posterior side, below the small 
crossvein; the third posterior cell contains a drop near its extreme basis 
and five considerable drops upon its distal half; finally four drops are 
situated in the posterior corner of the wing, which, however, are less con- 
spicuous on account of the less dark coloring surrounding them. The 
first and second longitudinal veins are somewhat more distant from the 
anterior margin than usual; the second and third are strongly divergent 
towards the end; a lesser divergency exists between the third and fourth; 
both crossveins are perpendicular and straight; the small one is twice as 
far from the basis as from the end of the discal cell; the third vein is 
distinctly bristly; there is no distinct concavity in the first posterior cell, 
and the spot where it occurs in some species is not darker than the sur- 
Hab. Brazil (coll. v. Winthem). 

55. T. melanogastra Lw. $9. (Tab. X, f. 24.)—Luteo-cinerea, 
abdomine nigro, capite pedibusque flavis; sete scutelli due; alarum 
pictura nigra, in apice radiata, prope marginem posticum paulo confer- 
tius, in disco rarissime guttata, gutta cellule posterioris prime unica; 
vena longitudinalis tertia non setosa. 

Yellowish-gray, abdomen black, head and feet yellow; scutellum with 
two bristles; the black picture of the wings with rays at the tip, more 
densely guttate in the vicinity of the posterior margir, very sparsely 
in the middle, and with a single drop in the first posterior cell; the third 
longitudinal vein is not bristly. Long. corp. % 0.09, 2 cum terebra 
0.12; long. al. 0.12. 

Syn. Trypeta melanogastra Loew, Monographs, etc., I, p. 90. Tab. II, f. 24. 

Hab. Cuba (Poey). 

Observation 1.—Two misprints must be corrected in the 
description in the first volume of these Monographs: the figure 
of the wing is quoted fig. 23, instead of 24, and on page 91, line 
19, “fifth” must be read, instead of ‘‘first.” Moreover, it must 
be added that the figure was drawn from a female specimen. 
The relation of 7’. melanogastra to T. mexicana Wied. will be 
explained under the head of the latter. 

Observation 2.— T. melanogastra belongs, together with the 


preceding species, to the genus Huaresta; it differs from them in 
the presence of only two bristles upon the scutellum and in the 
absence of bristles upon the third vein. In the system adopted 
by me some time ago for the European Trypetide, this species, 
on account of the somewhat prolonged flaps of its proboscis and 
of the bareness of the third vein, would have to be placed in the 
genus Oxyna. I do not believe that its generic separation from 
the preceding species is to be recommended. A close relative 
of this species is a Brazilian one, which differs, however, in its 
wings being comparatively much narrower and its body more 
slender. I let its description follow :— 

T. temuis n.sp. 9. (Tab. X, f. 29.)—Angusta, luteo-cinerea, capite 
pedibusque gracilibus flavis; sete scutelli due; ale pro portione 
anguste, pictura nigra in angulo postico eluta, in apice radiata, prope 
marginem posticum confertius, in disco rarissime guttata, gutta cellula 
posterioris prime unica. 

Slender, yellowish-gray; the head and the slender feet are yellow; wings 
comparatively narrow, with a black picture, which is faded on the 
posterior angle, radiate on the apex, more densely guttate near the 
posterior margin, very sparsely in the middle of the wing, where the 
first posterior cell contains but a single drop; third longitudinal vein 
not bristly. Long. corp. cum terebra 0.13; long. al. 0.13. 

Body remarkably narrow and slender. Ground color blackish, but so 
much covered with yellowish pile and pulverulence that thorax and 
abdomen have a yellowish-gray appearance. Head, including antenne, 
palpi, and proboscis, yellow ; occiput, on its upper half, with a large black- 
ish-gray spot. The front a little more than of medium breadth; its usual 
bristles blackish. Face somewhat excavated and narrower than the front. 
Antenne somewhat broad, not quite reaching the edge of the mouth, which 
is somewhat drawn upwards, but does not project distinctly in the profile. 
Eyes comparatively large and rounded ; cheeks very narrow. The palpi 
reach to the anterior edge of the mouth. The suctorial flaps seem to be 
somewhat injured in the described specimen, so that I am not quite sure 
whether the proboscis is geniculate or not; I believe that, in uninjured 
specimens, it would look short-geniculate ; the dark color which the flaps 
have in the described specimen is certainly an unnatural one. The 
ground color of the thorax is altogether blackish, even upon the humeral 
corners ; its upper side has a yellowish-gray appearance, in consequence 
of its pulverulence and pile; on the metathorax and the pleure the 
coloring is more blackish-gray. The scutellum is of the same coloring 
with the upper side of the thorax, the extreme apex only somewhat 
tinged with yellow; it bears only two bristles, which, like those of the 


thorax, are blackish. Abdomen narrow, but little more gray than the 
upper side of the thorax, without any rows of dark spots, but on 
each side of the second segment with a but little apparent yellow spot ; 
the short pile as well as the longer hairs upon the posterior margin of the 
last segment are yellowish. The flat, shining black ovipositor is as long 
as the whole abdomen, and beset with dark pile. The feet are slender 
and yellow, as well as the coxe. Wings rather hyaline, with a brownish- 
black very continuous reticulation; the root of the wings is not distinctly 
spotted as far as the end of the small basal cells, but somewhat dusky ; 
upon the middle of the costal cell there is a blackish-brown crossline; the 
stigma does not contain any hyaline drop, but its inner basal end is very 
slightly tinged with yellow; immediately beyond the stigma there are, 
near the anterior margin, two drop-like hyaline spots; each of them has 
a small hyaline drop under it, below the second longitudinal vein; the 
second one is smaller; before the end of the second vein there is no 
hyaline drop; near the tip of the wing the apex shows the usual five rays, 
which have a considerable breadth, and the last of which is connected by 
a bridge with the remaining brownish-black coloring, which thus isolates 
the inner end of the hyaline interval in the shape of a drop; the anterior 
side of the fourth vein shows two conspicuous spots, one immediately 
before, the other not far beyond, the small crossvein; in the discal cell 
there are three hyaline drops along the fifth vein, the middle one being 
the largest and lying almost under the small crossvein; above the last of 
these drops there is sometimes one little drop more; the extreme basis of 
the discal cell also shows an indistinct, sometimes double, little drop; the 
third posterior cell contains but a few large drops, which are partly coal- 
escent in couples; the posterior corner of the wing is likewise guttate, 
but the drops are much less apparent here, owing to the pale ground color. 
The small crossvein is hardly half as distant from the end of the discal 
cell as from the basis; the third longitudinal vein is not bristly. 
Hab. Brazil (collect. v. Winthem). 

56. T. mexicana Wiep. 4%. (Tab. X, f. 28.)—Luteo-cinerea, abdo- 
mine nigro, adversus basim interdum sordide luteo, capite pedibusque 
flavis; sete scutelli due; alarum pictura nigra in apice radiata, radiis 
tamen in marginem posticum excurrentibus minus explicatis et minus 
liberis, prope marginem posticum confertius, in disco rarissime guttata, 
gutta cellule posterioris prime unic&é; vena longitudinalis tertia non 

Yellowish-gray, abdomen black, sometimes of a dingy clay-yellow towards 
the basis; head and feet yellow ; scutellum with two bristles ; the black 
picture of the wings is radiate on the apex, but the rays in the vicinity 
of the posterior margin are less developed and less free; the drops near 
the posterior margin are more numerous, those in the middle of the 
wing very sparse; the first posterior cell contains but a single drop; 


third longitudinal vein not beset with bristles. Long. corp. 0.09—0.10; 
long. al. 0.12. 

Syn. Zrypeta mexicana WiEDEMANN, Auss. Zweifl. II, p. 551. 

Yellowish-gray. Front of a more vivid yellow, upon the lateral 
margin with a rather indistinct whitish pollen; the usual bristles 
upon it are black; those on the vertical margin pale yellowish. 
Eyes rounded ovate; cheeks very narrow. Face distinctly 
excavated, the anterior edge of the mouth is strongly drawn 
upwards and rather projecting in the profile. The bristles of the 
thoracic dorsum seem to be black, in reflected light they appear 
brown; in the middle of the dorsum there are but two pairs, the 
first of which is very much advanced. The short pile upon the 
thorax and the bristles upon the pleure are pale yellowish. 
Scutellum of a dingy-yellow at the tip, and with two bristles. 
Abdomen black (a male from Texas shows a dingy yellowish 
coloring at the basis), appearing almost grayish-black under a 
very thin pulverulence, which does not prevent it from retaining 
some lustre; its pile is almost without exception pale yellowish. 
Feet and coxe rather saturate yellow, the pile and bristles upon 
them yellowish. Wings hyaline with a brownish-black picture, 
which is almost completely radiate towards the end; however, 
the rays ending in the posterior margin are less developed and 
less separated from each other than is the case in a normal pattern 
of this kind; the hyaline intervals between the rays distinctly 
show that they owe their origin to confluent drops. The root 
of the wings is but little spotted as far as the beginning of the 
stigma and the end of the small basal cells; the adjoining portion 
of the picture is almost without drops, so as almost to assume 
the appearance of an oblique crossband, running towards the 
posterior margin; the stigma at its basis contains a small hyaline 
drop; immediately beyond it, in the marginal cell, there are two 
square hyaline spots, separated by a brownish-black line; under 
the first of them the submarginal cell contains a considerable 
hyaline drop; the anterior side of the fourth vein shows two large 
drops, the one a little before, the other a little beyond the small 
crossvein ; the discal cell, on the fifth vein, contains three drops, 
the first of which is the smallest and the second the largest; the 
third posterior cell contains, besides the small hyaline spot at the 
basis, four drops of considerable size, three of which are placed 
at the posterior side of the fifth longitudinal vein; in the poste- 

ne = 


rior corner likewise there are several drops. The third longitu- 
dinal vein is without bristles and the small crossvein corresponds 
to the second third of the discal cell. 

Hab. Mexico (Berlin Museum) ; Texas (Belfrage). 

Observation.—The above description, as well as the figure, are 
prepared after the specimen in the Berlin Museum, which is the 
original type of Wiedemann’s description. Two males, sent by 
Mr. Belfrage from Texas, agree in all respects, with the only 
exception that, in one of them, the basis of the abdomen is dingy 
yellowish. I am in doubt whether 7. mexicana is not the male 
of the Cuban species, which I described as 7. melanogastra, and 
of which I possess a very imperfect soiled and faded specimen, not 
sufficient to enable me to form an opinion. A part of the appa- 
rent differences may be due to this condition of the specimen. 
The description of Z. melanogastra in the first volume of the 
Monographs says that there is sometimes a clear drop immedi- 
ately before the end of the second vein; I must complete this 
statement by saying that this drop exists in the two females of 
my collection, but not in the male; whether this difference in the 
picture of the wings is a constant, or at least an ordinary, sexual 
distinction, I am not prepared to say. The development of the 
rays ending in the posterior margin in the female of 7. melano- 
gastra is not even always as complete as Tab. X, f. 24 (drawn 
after a female specimen) represents it; and the male of my col- 
lection approaches very much in this respect the typical male of 
T. mexicana. The differences which fig. 24 and 28 show in the 
development of the drops in the vicinity of the posterior margin, 
are of not much importance for specific distinction, as the 
reticulation in that vicinity is very variable in many species. All 
these circumstances seem to militate very strongly in favor of 
specific identity. The only notable difference which I can 
perceive in the typical male of 7. mexicana (in the Berlin 
Museum) as well as in the two males from Texas in my collection, 
when compared to my single male specimen and my two females 
of T. melanogastra, consists in the position of the hyaline drop 
in the submarginal cell, which in 7. mexicana is placed under 
the first of the two hyaline indentations situated in front of it, 
while in 7. melanogastra it is under the brown line which sepa- 
rates the two indentations. This difference is not important and 
not equally distinct in all specimens, and it is probable that the 


comparison of a larger number of them will still more prove its 
insignificance. There will be no reason then to maintain 7’ 
melanogastra as a separate species. 

57. VT. puran.sp. 9.—Cinerea, thorace fusco-vittato, pilisque albidis 
instructo, abdomine nigro-piloso, capite pedibusque ex fusco-luteis ; setz 
scutelli quatuor; ale albida, preter basim et angulum posticum colore 
nigro guttato-reticulate, in apice radiate, guttis in dimidio posteriore 
confertis, in anteriore rarissimis, tribus tamen majoribus ultra stigma 
in triangulum dispositis; vena longitudinalis tertia non pilosa. 

Gray, thorax with brown longitudinal stripes and white pile, abdomen 
with black pile, head and feet brownish-yellow; scutellum with four 
bristles; wings whitish, except the basis and the posterior angle, with 
a black reticulation, which is radiate on the apex; it is numerously 
guttate upon the posterior region, sparsely on the anterior; immediately 
beyond the stigma there are three large drops, disposed in a triangle; 
the third longitudinal vein is not bristly. Long. corp. cum terebra 
0.22; long. al. 0.19. 

Gray; abdomen more blackish-gray. Head clay-yellowish ; 
the front more brownish-brick color (which may be due to a dis- 
coloration of the described specimen) ; it is remarkably broad, 
almost half as broad as the whole head; the usual bristles upon 
it are black, the bristles on the vertical margin whitish. 
Antenne almost brownish-brick color; the short pile on the 
second segment is whitish; that on the third is blackish; the 
third joint is gently excised on the upper side; arista blackish- 
brown. Oral opening of medium size; its anterior edge some- 
what drawn upwards and a little projecting in the profile. Pro- 
boscis not geniculate; palpi not quite reaching to the anterior 
edge of the mouth, with black pile. Eyes rounded, their perpen- 
dicular diameter but little longer than the horizontal one. Cheeks 
of a moderate breadth. Thoracic dorsum with indistinctly 
limited, although well-marked, rather dark brown longitudinal 
stripes; its short pile is whitish, the bristles black. Scutellum 
grayish-brown, with a broad grayish border on the sides, and 
with four black bristles. The ground color of the abdomen is 
black, the posterior margin of each segment brick-red, especially 
the last segment, where this border is the broadest; its pile is 
yellowish-white in the vicinity of the basis only, elsewhere with- 
out exception black. Ovipositor flattened, rather broadly trun- 
cate at the end, shorter than the last two abdominal segments 


taken together, red or brownish-red, with a black border at the 
tip; its pile is black, whitish on the basal corners only; on the 
under side there is some whitish pile, conspicuous for its greater 
length. The whole venter has a brick-brownish coloring; the 
pile upon it seems to be of the same color as that on the upper 
side. Feet brownish clay-yellow, almost brownish, brick color. 
Wings in the reflected light altogether milky-white, in a trans- 
mitted light whitish-hyaline. The picture of the wings is black; 
it does not cover the whole posterior corner of the wing and the 
longitudinal half of the third posterior cell, contiguous to it, with 
the only exception of a very striking black border along the sixth 
longitudinal vein; above this the reticulation begins a little 
beyond the little basal cells, and, at the anterior margin, with the 
black stigma, which contains no drops. The space thus left free 
contains but a few isolated little black spots. The pattern of the 
picture recalls the European 7. pulchra Lw. (compare my 
Trypetidx, Tab. XXIV, f. 2); in the shape and position of the 
two portions of it which are almost without any drops, it is still 
more like 7. conjuncta Lw. (comp. Trypetide, Tab. XXIV, f. 
1), only the drops upon the posterior half of the wing are much 
more numerous than in those two species; the first almost drop- 
less space begins at the stigma and runs obliquely to the small 
crossvein; the second is limited posteriorly by the fourth vein and 
becomes completely confluent with the first space upon and 
immediately behind the third vein; upon the anterior margin 
both spaces are separated, immediately beyond the stigma, by a 
large, somewhat triangular drop, and by a rounded drop which 
follows it; a third drop, of considerable size, in the submarginal 
cell, forms a triangle with the other two; the submarginal cell 
contains, moreover, under the second drop near the anterior 
margin, another little drop; the second almost non-reticulated 
space contains two drops on the anterior margin, the first of 
which is a little distance before, the second immediately beyond 
the end of the second longitudinal vein, and sends four tolerably 
well-developed rays towards the margin; the first two of these 
coincide with the ends of the second and third longitudinal veins, 
the last two are in the second posterior cell; the first basal cell 
shows only a row of drops along its posterior side; the first 
posterior cell contains, besides a few very small drops in the 
vicinity of its posterior side, a large drop, placed a little before 


the end of the discal cell; the numerous drops of the discal cell 
are of very unequal size, show an inclination to be arranged in 
two rows and leave more black space on the anterior than on the 
posterior side; in the third posterior cell the somewhat lacerated 
reticulation is confined in a very marked manner, to the some- 
what larger longitudinal half of the cell, contiguous to the discal 
cell; both crossveins are perpendicular and less distant from each 
‘other than the length of the small crossvein; the third vein is not 

Hab. Massachusetts (Sanborn). 

Observation.—I place this species in the genus Hwuaresta, on 
account of the reticulation, which is radiate on the apex. While 
T. festiva, spectabilis, bella, obscuriventris, mexicana, melano- 
gastra, and tenuis, all closely related, form the solid nucleus of 
the genus, the connection of 7. pura with it is a purely artificial 
one, based upon a resemblance in the picture of the wings; it has 
more real relationship to those Urelliz, the scutellum of which 
has four bristles. Butin order to place 7. pura in that genus, it 
will be necessary to modify its definition, which will have to be done 
in further developing the system of the Trypetina. According 
to the system adopted in my Monograph of the European Try- 
petidx, this species would have to be placed in the genus 

58. T. abstersa Lw. % 9. (Tab. XI, f. 7.)—Cinerea, capite, pedibus 
et scutello setis quatuor instructo, flavis; alarum dimidium basale 

colore cinereo obsolete reticulatum, apicale macula nigra, pulchre radi- 
ata, ornatum. 

Gray, head, feet, and the four-bristly scutellum yellow; the proximal half 
of the wings with a faded gray reticulation, the distal half with a black, 
handsomely radiated spot. Long. corp. 4 0.12—0.13, 2 cum terebra 
0.13—0.14; long. al. 0.12—0.13. 

Syn. Trypeta abstersa Loew, Dipt. Amer. Cent. II, No. 77. 

The ground color of thorax and abdomen is rather variable ; 
generally it is altogether blackish; the humeri, often also the 
upper side of the pleurz, the scutellum, the basis of the abdomen, 
and the posterior margins of its segments usually are, to a greater 
or lesser extent, clay-yellowish; sometimes the yellowish color is 
so extended, that, except upon the thoracic dorsum and the meta- 
thorax, hardly any blackish is left; nevertheless the ground color 
of the thorax and of the abdomen is so covered up by a pale 


pulverulence and pale yellowish pile, that thorax and abdomen 
assume a uniform grayish-yellow hue. Head yellow, except the 
middle of the occiput, which shows a large blackish-brown spot. 
Front rather broad, attenuated anteriorly; the usual bristles very 
pale yellowish. Antenne dark yellow, not quite reaching the 
somewhat projecting edge of the mouth; the anterior corner of 
the third joint rounded. The broad oral opening rather round. 
Proboscis and palpi short, not reaching beyond the anterior edge 
of the oral opening; proboscis not geniculate. The upper side 
of the thorax is beset with brown or brownish bristles. Scu- 
tellum yellow, with four bristles. Ovipositor reddish-yellow, 
flat, rather broad, somewhat shorter than the last two abdominal 
segments taken together, beset with whitish pile. Feet yellow, 
front femora with yellowish bristles. Wings hyaline; their 
proximal half is somewhat less limpid than the distal one, rather 
uniformly pictured with a loose, gray reticulation, which is 
faintest near the anterior margin; the distal half of the wing 
is occupied by the radiated black spot, characteristic of the genus 
Urellia, which extends from the anterior margin to the fourth 
vein; this spot emits two narrow oblique rays, running towards 
the anterior margin; the first begins at the anterior end of the 
small crossvein and runs to the end of the colorless stigma; the 
second, shorter one, reaches the margin in the middle between 
the tip of the stigma and beginning of the black spot itself; three 
rays run towards the apex, of which the ends of the two posterior 
ones coincide with the ends of the third and fourth veins, where 
they are somewhat expanded; the shortest, anterior ray, some- 
times separated from the body of the black spot by two drops 
only, reaches the anterior margin between the ends of the second 
and third veins; the first two of the rays running towards the 
posterior margin cross the middle of the second posterior cell; 
the narrower third ray follows the posterior crossvein and is 
sometimes connected with the second by a gray bridge, which 
divides the hyaline indentation between them into two large 
drops; in the first posterior cell, above and a little before the 
posterior crossvein there is a large hyaline drop, which, upon its 
proximal side, is bordered with black or blackish. The third 
vein is not bristly. 

Hab. North America (coll. Winthem); Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation 1.—I have described 7. abstersa in the Dipt. Am. 


Cent. II, after a North American female in the Winthem collee- 
tion. I have received since several specimens of a Cuban J'ry- 
peta from Mr. Gundlach, which I suppose to be the same species. 
They are somewhat smaller, have a more extended blackish 
coloring, and the incomplete gray reticulation of the proximal 
half of the wing is considerably darker towards the posterior 
margin. Unfortunately, I have not the original specimen of the 
Winthem collection at hand for comparison, and, therefore, can- 
not finally decide about the specific identity. In the figure of 
the wing, the gray reticulation of its proximal half is represented 
by the engraver as too distinctly guttate, in fact more so than is 
the case in either the Cuban or in the typical specimen. 

Observation 2.—T. abstersa belongs in the genus Urellia, and 
in the group of species having four bristles upon the scutellum. 
The more developed picture on the basal half of the wing requires, 
however, that it should be placed on the limit of this genus and 
in the close relationship of 7. pura and similar species. 

59. T. polyclona n. sp. 9.—Albido-cinerea, capite pedibusque 
flavis; sete scutelli quatuor; ale hyaline, preter dimidii apicalis 
maculam magnam nigram, radios novem emittente, duos in costam, 
duos in apicem et quinque in marginem posticum excurrentes. 

Whitish-gray, head and feet yellow. Scutellum with four bristles ; wings 
hyaline, upon their distal half with a large black spot, which emits 
nine rays, namely, two to the anterior margin, two to the apex, and five 
to the posterior margin. Long. corp. cum terebra 0.15; long. al. 0.14. 

Of this handsome species I possess only a single, rather worn, 
specimen. Head yellow, of the same structure as in 7’. abstersa, 
only the front comparatively narrower. Thorax, scutellum, and 
the whole abdomen whitish-gray. The bristles on the scutellum 
are broken off, nevertheless it is apparent that they were four in 
number. Ovipositor black, somewhat longer than the last two 
abdominal segments taken together. Feet yellow. Wings 
whitish-hyaline, upon their distal half with a large spot, emitting 
nine rays towards the margin of the wing; the spot is a little 
removed from the small crossvein, near which, in the first basal 
cell, there is an irregular blackish spot; the first ray runs from 
the anterior end of the small crossvein in an oblique direction 
through the otherwise colorless stigma, to the costal vein, which, 
at the place where it is thus reached, has a conspicuously black 


color; the second ray also runs obliquely to the anterior margin, 
which it reaches before the middle of the distance between the 
ends of the second and third longitudinal veins; the third and 
fourth rays run towards the apex and end upon the ends of the 
third and fourth veins; among the five rays running towards the 
posterior margin, the first two cross, as usual, the second poste- 
rior cell, and the third follows the posterior crossvein; the fourth 
originates but little beyond the posterior crossvein, exactly at the 
place where the spot incloses a large drop, placed on the anterior 
side of the fourth vein; it runs almost parallel to the preceding 
ray as far as the posterior margin; the last ray finally originates 
at the posterior end of the small crossvein, and runs in a very 
oblique direction, diverging from that of the preceding ray, towards 
the margin, in the vicinity of which the intensity of its coloring 
is diminished; the drops, through the coalescence of which the 
hyaline intervals between the last three rays are formed, are 
indicated by the irregular outlines of the last two rays; besides 
the drop already mentioned, which is situated on the anterior 
side of the fourth vein, the black spot contains a second drop 
immediately beyond the end of the second vein. 

Hab. Cuba (Gundlach). 

Observation 1.—T. polyclona is a typical Urellia, and belongs, 
as well as 7’. abstersa, to the division with four bristles on the 

Observation 2.—One would almost be tempted to recognize in 
this species the 7. mevarna Walker, List, etc., [V, p. 1023, from 
Florida, which is an Urellia. But a positive identification is 
prevented by the circumstance that Walker mentions the feet as 
having black pile, which is not at all the case in my species. 

60. T. solaris Lw. 9. (Tab. X, f. 19.)—Albido-cinerea, capite pedi- 
busque flavis, sete scutelli due; alz albo-hyaline, prope venam trans- 
versalem mediam subinfuscate, in dimidio apicali macula magna nigr& 
ornate, guttas duas includente et radios septem integros, octvuamque 
abbreviatum emittente. 

Whitish-gray, head and feet yellow; scutellum with two bristles ; wings 
whitish-hyaline, brownish in the vicinity of the small crossvein, upon 
the distal half with a large black spot, which contains two drops and 
emits eight rays, the last of which alone is shortened. Long. corp. 
cum terebra 0.17; long. al. 0.16—0.17. 

Syy. Trypeta solaris Lorw, Monogr., ete., I, p. 84. Tab. II, f. 19. 


Hab. Georgia (Osten-Sacken). 

Observation.—To the above-quoted description I must add, in 
order to facilitate the distinction from the following species, that 
the rays running towards the posterior margin are strongly 
marked, and that the last of them ends abruptly at the fifth vein 
(the distance is too large in the figure); that there is no trace of 
a blackish spot near the fifth vein, but that, in the discal cell, 
immediately beyond its middle, there is an exceedingly minute 
gray mark. ‘This species is a typical Urellia, of the group with 
two bristles on the scutellum. 

61. T. actinobola n. sp. %.—Albido-cinerea, capite pedibusque 
flavis, sete scutelli due, ale tote albo-hyaline, preter punctum nigrum 
vene quinte oppositum in dimidio apicali macula magna nigra ornate, 
guttas duas includente et radios septem integros, octavumque abbrevi- 
atum emittente. 

Whitish-gray, head and feet yellow, scutellum with two bristles ; wings 
altogether whitish hyaline, with the exception of a punctiform dot on 
the fifth longitudinal vein and of a large black spot upon the distal 
half of the wing; the latter contains two drops and emits eight rays, 
the last of which alone is abbreviated. Long. corp. 0.13—0.14; long. 
al. 0.15. 

This species is so very like the preceding that the mention of 
the differences in the picture of the wings will be sufficient for its 
recognition. There is no trace here of the brownish coloring 
which, in 7. solaris, surrounds the small crossvein, and likewise 
none of the minute mark in the first basal cell, near the small 
crossvein; the little dot beyond the middle of the discal cell 
which occurs in 7’. solaris is likewise wanting here; but instead 
of these, there is, on the posterior side of the fifth vein, nearly 
under the end of the first vein, a very well-marked punctiform 
blackish dot; the large black spot on the apex is very like that 
in 7. solaris, with the following differences: the first ray is not 
extinguished within the stigma, but crosses it without being dis- 
colored and reaches the margin; the rays running towards the 
apex and the posterior margin are very much narrower; the same 
applies to the last ray, which, moreover, is interrupted already in 
the discal cell, before reaching the fifth vein. 

Hab, Texas (Belfrage). 



A picture on the wings is extant, but it is never reticulate. 2 
The picture is entirely or partly reticulate, sometimes altogether 
wanting.! 15 
Scutellum with six bristles.? I. HexacHata. 
Scutellum not with six bristles. 3 
The third vein conspicuously curved forwards at the tip. 

s II. Acrotoxa. 



The third vein not curved forwards at the tip. 4 
4 The picture of the wings is on the rivulet-pattern. 5 
The picture of the wings is not on the rivulet-pattern. 8 
Body elongate, abdomen narrower than thorax. VI. Srraovssia. 
Body short, abdomen as broad as thorax. 6 
6 { Horizontal diameter of the eyes remarkably short. Ill. Srenopa. 
Horizontal diameter of the eyes not shorter than usual. 7 

_ { The antepenultimate section of the fourth vein straight. IV. Acipta. 
UThe antepenu!timate section of the fourth vein curved. V. Epocura. 

( Coloring of the body generally light, never black. 9 

UColoring of the body black. 13 

f Upon the middle of the wing there are two crossbands converging 

9 | towards the posterior margin. 10 

| No crossbands converging posteriorly upon the middle of the wing, 

ft 11 

( The third longitudinal vein is gently curved backwards towards the 

end; head not tumid. VII. SpinoGrapHa. 

10, The third longitudinal vein is straight, up to its tip; head perceptibly 

swollen. VIII. OrpicaRENa. 

( Wings with four very oblique crossbands and with very oblique 

| approximate crossveins. 12 
114 1 Wings with crossbands which are rather perpendicular or dissolved | 

L in spots and with very steep crossveins. XI. Trypera. 

' Among these species is 7’. Lichtensteinii, the picture of which cannot 
well be called reticulate, but rather spotted. 
2 Compare also ELpochra. 

(327 ) 


Scutellum of the ordinary structure, not swollen, although convex. 

X. PLaGioromMA. 
( Crossveins conspicuously approximate, scutellum unusually swollen. 
13 XII. OEpAspPis. 
loa not approximate, scutellum not swollen. 14 

[esas yellow, with four bristles, wings with black crossbands. 
' XIII. Reacouetis. 
144 Scutellum black, with two bristles, wings black, with hyaline inden- 
L tations along the margin. XIV. Acivra. 

| setae tumid, bituberculate. IX. PEronyMa. 

Fifth vein strongly bristly; scutellum with six bristles. 

Fifth vein not bristly; scutellum with six or two bristles. 16 
16 { Wings banded on the apex. XVI. AcroTania. 
Wings not banded on the apex. 17 
17 | Face spotted. 18 
Face not spotted. 19 

( Wings very much dilated ; pattern of the picture not radiating. 

4 XVII. Evrrera. 
1 Wings not dilated; the pattern of the picture radiating along the 

rf margin (Tab. XI, f. 3). XVIII. CARPHOTRICHA. 

19 | Front remarkably broad. 20 

Front narrow, or of medium breadth. 21 
Third antennal joint short, rounded at the tip, ovipositor conical. 

XIX. Evrosta. 

204 Third antennal joint remarkably long, with a very sharp anterior 

| angle, ovipositor flattened. XX. Acrpocona. 

( Wings without picture, or on the apical half only, with a reticulation 

| dissolved in crossbands. XXI. Aspibora, 

214 Wings neither without picture, nor, on the apical half, with a reticu- 

| lation dissolved in bands. 22 

Wings of an evenly broad shape, and with an unusually blunt apex. 

| (Tab. X, f. 18, and Tab. XI, f. 9.) XXII. Icrerica. 

Wings 6f the usual shape or dilated. ~ 23 

23 | Flaps of the proboscis very much prolonged. XXIII. Ensina. 

Flaps of the proboscis short, or but little prolonged. 24 

24 Pattern of the picture not radiating. XXIV. TEPHRITIS. 

Pattern of the picture radiating. 25 

The whole or nearly the whole surface of the wings with a unicolor- 

ous reticulation. XXV. Evaresta. 

254A star-shaped black picture on the apex, the remaining surface 

| immaculate, or with very few spots, at the utmost with a very 

l faded reticulation, XXVI. UrRettia. 


Gen. I. HExAcH#TA. 
1. eximia Wied. 
2. amabilis nov. sp. 

Gen. II. Acroroxa. 
3. suspensa Lw. 
4. fraterculus Wied. 
5. ludens nov. sp. 
6. tricincta nov. sp. 

Gen. III. Srenopa. 
7. vulnerata nov. sp. 

Gen. IV. Acrpta. 
8. fratria Lw. 
9. suavis Lw. 

Gen. V. Epocura. 

10. canadensis nov. sp. 

Gen. VI. Srraussta. 
11. longipennis Wied. 

12. electa Say. 
13. flavonotata Macq. 

14. tetanops nov. sp. 

15. sarecinata Lw. 

16. discolor Lw. 
17. obliqua Say. 

18. palposa Zw. 
19. florescentiz Lin: 

Gen. XII. OEpaspis. 
20. polita Zw. 
2 atra, lw: 
22. gibba nov. sp. 

Gen. XIII. R#acouetis. 
23. cingulata Zw. 
24. tabellaria Fitch. 
25. pomonella Walsh. 

Gen. XIV. AcriuRA. 
26. insecta Lw. 

27. peecilogastra nov. sp. 

Gen. XVI. Acrorznta. 
28. testudinea nov. sp. 

Gen. XVII. Evrrera. 
29. sparsa Wied. 
30. rotundipennis Zw. 

Gen. XVIII. CarpuorricHa 
31. culta Wied. 

Gen. XIX. Evrosta. 
32. solidaginis Fitch. 
33. comma Wied. 
34. latifrons Zw. 

( 329 ) 


Gen. XX. AcIDIGONA. 46. geminata Lw. 
35. melanura noy. sp. 47. fucata For. 
48. albiceps nov. sp. 
Gen. XXI. Aspinora. 49. euryptera nov. sp. 
36. alba Lw. 50. platyptera nov. sp. ~ 
37. albidipennis Lw. 
38. Vernonie Lw. Gen. XXV. Evaresta. 
51. equalis Lw. 
Gen. XXII. IctErica. s 52. festiva Lw. 
Fig 39. seriata Lw. 53. bella Zw. 
40. circinata noy. sp. 54. timida Lw. 
41. Lichtensteinii Weed. 55. melanogastra Lw. 
56. mexicana Wied. 
Gen. XXIII. Ensina. 57. pura nov, sp. 

42. humilis Zw. 
Gen. XXVI. URe.tia. 

Gen. XXIV. TEpuritis. 58. abstersa Lw. 
43. angustipennis Zw. 59. polyclona nov. sp. 
44. finalis Lw. 60. solaris Zw. 

45. clathrata Zw. 61. actinobola nov. sp. 


INCOMPLETE as our knowledge of the North American Trype- 
tina is, our scanty materials are, nevertheless, sufficient to enable 
us to form an approximate idea of their relation to the European 
fauna. Even a superficial comparison of a North American with 
a European collection of Trypete will show, that certain sub- 
genera, characteristic for Europe by the number of species which 
represent them, are absolutely or almost wanting in America, 
while, on the contrary, North America possesses other, very 
peculiar forms, which do not occur in Europe. 

We will notice, in the first place, that the subgenus Urophora, 
which, in Europe, embraces fully one-eighth of all the species, is 
not represented at all in North America.!. Next to this, we 
become aware of the fact that the subgenus T’rypeta, containing 
another eighth of all the European species, is represented in 
North America by Trypeta palposa only, besides Trypeta flores- 
centiz Lin., which is very probably imported from Europe. 

As forms peculiar to North America and entirely foreign to 
the circles of relationship of the European Trypetina, the species 
of the subgenera Hexacheta, Acrotoxa, Blepharoneura, Acro- 
tenia, Hutreta, and Acidogona deserve especial attention. 

Besides these two very striking differences between the two 
faunas, a close comparison reveals other discrepancies; as, for 
instance, that less characteristic European subgenera are entirely 
wanting in North America, while subgenera occurring in North 

' In South America likewise, no species of Urophora have as yet been 
found; all the South American species published by European authors as 
Urophore do not belong to this genus at all; most of them are not even 
Trypetide, but Ortalide, with black crossbands on the wings. 

(331 ) 


America, although wanting in Europe, are found to be closely 
related to European forms. 

Subgenera with a small number of species, occurring in Europe 
and wanting in North America, are: 1. Platyparea (two species ; 
the larva of the typical Pl. peciloptera lives in the stems of 
Asparagus officinalis); 2. Huphranta (one species, on Asclepias 
and Vincetoricum); 3. Hemilea (one species); 4. Hypenidium 
(one species); 5. Chetostoma (one species, distinguished by the 
bristly sides of the face); 6. Anomcea (one species, in the fruits 
of Crategus); 7. Zonosema (two species, related to Rhagoletis ; 
in the fruits of Rosa and Berberis); 8. Rhacochlena (one 
species); 9. Myopites (several, but as yet not well separated 
species; the larvee live in the flowers of Znula and of the related 
genera); 10. Sphenella (one species; larve in the flowers of 
Senecio). If we accept the sufficiently well-founded division of 
the genus Oedaspis, in Oedaspis and Orellia, we have, moreover: 
11. Orellia (three species; one on Bryonia, another on Zizy- 
phus), to add to those small European subgenera, which have no 
representatives in North America. 

The subgenera peculiar to North America, but allied to some 
European forms, are: the subgenera Straussia and Oedicarena, 
which resemble Spilographa; Epochra and Stenopa, which 
stand very close to Acidia; Aspilota, Plagiotoma, and Peronyma, 
which all approach J’rypeta ; Icterica, related to Oxyphora; and 
finally Hurosta, closely allied to some species of Oxyna. 

Such are the differences between the two faune; I will now 
show the resemblances, as far as observed, between them. 

The most striking coincidence and the most remarkable for the 
great number of analogous species, between the two faunas, 
occurs within the circle of relationship of the European species 
belonging to the subgenera: Carphotricha, Oxyphora, Oxyna, 
Tephritis, Ensina, Urellia. Another point of coincidence of the 
same kind, although less well represented as to the number of 
species, occurs within the closely related subgenera Spilographa, 
Acidia, and Rhagoletis. A third one may be noticed within the 
genus Oedaspis. Moreover, the North American species of the 
subgenera Trypeta and Aciura, a single one in each, are very 
much like European species of the same subgenera in their general 
appearance. Two species, common to both continents, have, 
until now, been ascertained: Trypeta florescentizx (living on 


Sonchus) and Tephritis angustipennis (occurring in Europe on 
Achillea ptarmica). The specific identity of the American 
Acidia fratria and the European Acidia heraclei is not impossi- 
ble, although as yet not certain. 

It must be borne in mind, however, that all the comparative 
statements, given above, are founded upon a very imperfect 
knowledge of the North American fauna, and may be considera- 
bly modified with an increase of this knowledge. 

If the European Trypetina be compared, not with those of the 
whole North American continent, but with the fauna occurring 
in America within the European latitudes, then some of the more 
striking differences between the two faunas at once disappear, as 
those subgenera which are absolutely foreign to Europe (Hexa- 
cheta, Acrotoxa, Blepharoneura, and Acrotenia) do not reach 
so far north. The occurrence of all four of these subgenera in 
Brazil proves that they are South American forms, which extend 
to the southern portions of the North American continent. 

It was to be expected that the knowledge of the North American 
species should exercise an influence upon the subdivision of the 
old genus subgenera, a subdivision hitherto based 
almost exclusively upon European species. Those North Ame- 
rican subgenera, which have no relationship whatever to Kuro- 
pean forms, of course merely increase the number of subgenera, 
without influencing in any manner the already existing subdivi- 
sion. But it is different with those subgenera which contain 
forms common to both continents, and here the modifying influ- 
ence of the American fauna becomes apparent. Thus we can 
already recognize: 1. That the definition of the subgenus Car- 
photricha, founded upon European species, has to be modified, 
in order to include all the species belonging to it; 2. That the 
genus Oxyphora, in its pgesent acceptation, contains, besides a 
number of closely allied species, several far too aberrant forms ; 
moreover, that it can no more be separated from the neighboring 
subgenera merely by the presence of bristles upon the third vein, 
a character which hitherto has been found sufficient for the dis- 
tinction of the European species ; 3. That the subgenus Lnsina 
must be taken in a broader sense than has been done in my 
Monograph of the European Trypetex, especially through the 
addition of some species which, in the same Monograph, were 
placed in Oxyna; 4. That the remaining portion of Oxyna 


must be united generically with the subgenus Tephritis, or else 
that it should be separated from it in some other manner than 
has been hitherto done; and that, in order to facilitate the iden- 
tification of species, a new genus, closely allied to the two above 
named ones, should be founded, for which I have already pro- 
posed the name of Huaresta. 

I reserve for another place to carry out in detail the improve- 
ments of the system of Trypetina of which I have here given 
the outline, and I intend, at the same time, to take in considera- 
tion the known species from all the other continents. 



eleee see) ele ale 


. acidusa Walk. very probably belongs to the subgenus Acrotora ; 

what Mr. Walker says of the curvature of the end of the third 
longitudinal vein is evidently to be referred to the fourth vein, 
aud the same remark applies to Trypeta Ethalea Walker, from Para, 
which follows upon the former in the text. 

- acutangula J’homs., unknown to me; probably belongs to the sub- 

genus Tephritis. 

. enea v. d. Wulp (Tijdschr. voor Ent. 2 Ser. II, p. 157), described as 

T. (Aciura) enea; does not belong to the Trypetide at all, but to the 
Ortalide, and is synonymous with Chetopsis enea Wied. 

- albiscutellata Harr. has never been described, and, hence, is to be 

stricken out. 

. antillarum Macq., described by Macquart as Urophora does neither 

belong to this genus nor to the Trypetide in general, but to the 
Ortalide ; figure and description agree so little that the identifica- 
tion will be difficult. 

. arcuata Walk. is synonymous with Tritora fleca Wied. (Ortalide). 
. armata R. Desv., published as a Strauzia; this is the male of 7. 

(Straussia) longipennis Wied. 

. asteris Harris is identical with 7. (Hurosta) solidaginis Fitch, as 

Baron Osten-Sacken has shown; the choice of the name depended 
on an erroneous assumption as to the plant on which the larva 

. aurifera Thom., a species unknown to me, belonging to the subgenus 


avala Walk.; the very insufficient data given by the author do not 
even enable me to decide whether this is a Trypetida or an Orta- 
lida; even the location of the species in the genus Urophora does 
not help through this dilemma, because Myennis fasciata Fab. is 
placed in the same genus, thus proving that Mr. Walker was not 
cognizant at all of the characters of this genus. 

Beauvoisii FR. Desv., described as Prionella Beauvoisii; unknown to 
me, so far that I am unable to decide whether it is a Trypetida or 

( 835 ) 













an Ortalida; the former, however, seems more probable. Its 
occurrence in America is uncertain, and is only supposed by R. 
Desvoidy, because the described specimen belonged to Palisot de 
Beauvois collection. . 

caliptera Say is synonymous with 7. (Eutreta) sparsa Wied. 

cinctipes Harris is to be stricken out, as undescribed. 

comma Wied.; an Eurosta, has been described in this volume. 

cornigera Walk., an unimportant variety of the male of 7. longipennis 

cornifera Walk., same remark as the preceding. 

cribrata v.d. Wulp (1. c. p 158), syn. with TZ. (Eurosta) latifrons Lw. 

culta Wied., a Carphotricha, described above. 

dinia Walk. In the Monographs, Vol. I, I expressed the supposition 
that it may belong to the relationship of 7. (Aciura) tibialis; but 
in doing it, I paid too little attention to the coloring of the body. 
I think it more probable now that this is a species closely allied to 
T. (Hexacheta) eximia Wied., perhaps even only a badly described 
variety of this very species. 

electa Say, a Spilographa; has been described in Monographs, Vol. I. 

eximia Wied., a Hexacheta, described above; known long ago as a 
Brazilian species; its occurrence in Mexico has been discovered 

fasciventris Macq., synonymous with 7. (Hexacheta) eximia Wied. 

femoralis Thoms., an unknown Urellia from the group with two 
bristles on the scutellum. 

fimbriata Macq. is the same as T. (Carphotricha) culta Wied. 

flavonotata Macq., a species closely allied to 7. (Spilographa) electa 
Say, but not a mere variety of this species, as I formerly supposed. 
It is described in this volume. 

flexa Wied. is a Tritora (Ortalida). 

fraterculus Wied., described by Wiedemann as Dacus fraterculus, 
after a specimen from Brazil; occurs likewise in Peru, New 
Granada, and Cuba. Belongs in the genus Acrotora, and is the 
same as Z'rypeta unicolor Lw., Monographs, Vol. I. Wiedemann’s 
description did not enable me to recognize this identity, which I 
have, however, found out since, by comparing the original speci- 
men. As a matter of course, Wiedemann’s name has to be main- 

fucata Fabr. may be referred to Tephritis, and has been described 

fulvifrons Macq. is Chetopsis enea Wied. (Ortalide). 

genalis Thoms., from California; unknown to me; probably a 

inermis /&. Desv., published as a Strauzia, is T. (Straussia) longi- 
pennis female. 















. interrupta Macq., described as Urephora, is not a Trypetida at all, 

but a Rivellia of difficult identification. 

latipennis JJacq., published as a Platystoma, is most certainly a 
Trypetida, in which I cannot recognize anything else but 7. 
(Lutreta) sparsa. 

Lichtensteinii Wied., described above after the types of Wiede- 
mann’s work, and provisionally placed in the genus Jcterica, from 
the typical species of which, however, it is somewhat different. 

liogaster Thoms. is the same as T. (Acidia) fratria Lw. 

longipennis Wied. is the typical species of the genus Straussia, and, 
as it seems, undergoes considerable variations. In Monographs, 
Vol. I, [have given a description of this species, and in the present 
volume have enumerated the varieties which I have had occasion 
to see, some of which, however, may be distinct species. 

. marginepunctata J/acq., almost certainly a Trypetida, but which it 

would be premature to identify with 7. (Carphotricha) culta Wied. 
Macquart’s data are so very insufficient that the identification will 
be very difficult. 

melliginis Fitch is a Rivellia, under which head it has been discussed. 

mevarna Walk., an Urellia, unknown to me. 

mexicana Wied., an Euaresta; the above description has been pre- 
pared from Wiedemann’s typical specimen. 

narytia Walk.; the remarks appended above to avala Walk. may be 
repeated here. 

2. noveeboracensis /itch is synonymous with JT. (£Futreta) sparsa 


nigriventris MJacq., erroneously described as Urophora; it is a Try- 
petida, which I do not know, and concerning the systematic posi- 
tion of which I am in doubt. 

obliqua Macq. is an Acrotora ; I do not know it. 

obliqua Say is the type of the subgenus Plagiotoma ; is described in 
Monographs, Vol. I. 

ocresia Walk. belongs to the subgenus Acrotora; I am unable to 
identify it among the species known to me. 

. picciola Bigot (R. de la Sagra, Hist. fis. Cub. Tab. XX, f. 10). This 

species, described as Acinia, is the same as T. (Ensina) humilis Lw. 
picta Fabr., type of the genus Camptoneura (Ortalida). 
pomonella Walsh, subgenus Rhagoletis, is described in this volume. 
quadrifasciata Macq. I suppose that this species will be found to 
be identical with 7. (Peronyma) sareinata Lw. 
quadrivittata Macq. is an Ortalida. 

. scutellaris Wied. is an Ortalida. 

scutellata Wied. is a Trypeta the position of which cannot be made 
out of Wiedemann’s description; Wiedemann’s typical specimen 
unfortunately is no more in existence. 

septenaria //arris is to be stricken out, as undescribed. 


. villosa R. Desv. ; described as Prionella; the remark appended above 


. sOlidaginis Fitch, an Eurosta, sufficiently described in Monographs, 


. sparsa Wied. ; described in Monographs, Vol. 1; typical species of the 

genus Hutreta. 

. tabellaria Fitch; described as a Tephritis. In Monographs, Vol. I, I 

have expressed the erroneous supposition that this species belongs 
to the Ortalide. It is a Trypetida of the subgenus Rhagolelis, and 
has been described in the present volume. 

tribulis Harris is not described, and hence must be stricken out. 

trimaculata Macq. is T. (Straussia) longipennis Wied. 

trifasciata Harris; not described. 

to Prionella Beauvoisii may be repeated here. 

The result of the above remarks may be summed up as 


1. Five of the above-quoted species named by Mr. Harris must 



be stricken out, as their descriptions have never been pub- 
lished :— 

albiscutellata Harris. tribulis Harris. 
cinctipes Hurris. trifasciata Harris. 
septenaria Harris. 

Ten species must be transferred to the Ortalidz :— 

zenea v. d. Wulp. interrupta Macq. 
antillarum Macq. melliginis Fitch. 
arcuata Walk. picta ‘abr. 

flexa Wied. quadrivittata Macq. 
fulvifrons Macq. scutellaris Wied. 

3. Fifteen species are merely synonyms of other Trypetidx; the 

two marked with an interrogation are not as certain as the 
others :— ; 

armata R. Desv. = longipennis Wied. 
asteris Harr. = solidaginis / itch. 
caliptera Say =sparsa Wied. 
cornigera Walk. = longipennis Wied. 
cornifera Walk. =longipennis Wied. 
cribrata v. d. Wulp = latifrons Lw. 
fasciventris Macq. = eximia Wied. 


fimbriata Macq. =culta Wied. 
?liogaster Thoms. = fratria Lw. 

inermis f. Desv. = longipennis Wied. 

latipennis Jacq. = sparsa Wied. 

noveboracensis Fitch =sparsa Wied. 

picciola Bigot = humilis Lw. 

trimaculata Macq. =longipennis Wied. 
? quadrifasciata Macy. =sarcinata Lw. 

4. Fifteen species are recognized by me and described in detail 

in Monographs, Vol. I, and in the present work :— 

comma Wied. longipennis Wied. 
culta Wied. mexicana Wied. 
electa Say. Obliqua Say. 
eximia Wied. pomonella Walsh. 
flavomaculata Macq. solidaginis [iich. 
fraterculus Wied. sparsa Wied. 
fucata Fabr. tabellaria Fitch. 

Lichtensteinii Wied. 

5. Sixteen species consequently remain, which I have never seen 

or have not been able to identify; most of them are 
undoubtedly Trypetide; the doubtful ones I have marked 
with an interrogation :— 

acidusa Walk. marginepunctata Macq. 
acutangula Thoms. mevarna Walk. 
aurifera Thoms. ?narytla Walk. 

? avala Walk. nigriventris Macq. 

? Beauvoisii R. Desv. obliqua Macq. 
Dinia Walk. ocresia Walk. 
femoralis Thoms. scutellata Wied. 

-genalis Thoms. ? villosa &. Desv. 


ACP AP TN D) Ake ae 

THE descriptions of North American species of T’rypeta, pub- 
lished by previous authors, but not identified in the foregoing 
Monograph, are reprinted verbatim in the Monographs, etc., 
Vol. I, p. 94. The following five Californian species of Mr. 
Thomson, were published since the issue of that volume (7. lio- 
gaster Thoms. is left among them, as its synonymy with 7. 
fratria Lw. is not quite certain). 

Thomson, Eugenies Resa, etc., Zoologi, VI, p. 578. 

A. Ale cubiti ramo submarginali setuloso, cellula anali postice angulo 
infero breviter sed acute producta, abscissa costali 2a spinula fere 
nulla. Frons serie laterali 5-setosa. Thorax setarum dorsalium 
pari pone medio sito. Scutellum 4-setosum. Proboscis brevis. 

251. Trypeta liogaster.—Ferruginea nitida, abdomine glabro; alis 
albis, fusco-flexuoso-variegatis; postscutello macula magna didyma 
nigra. 9. Long. 5 mill. 

Patria, California. 

T. Onopordi colore et alarum pictura simillima, abdomine 
glabro mox distincta, Caput rotundum, fere globosum, ferrugi- 
neum, occipite haud excavato; fronte subopaca, subtilissime 
puberula, serie laterali 5-setosa, setis 2 posterioribus magis ab 
oculis remotis; epistomate haud brevi, foveis antennalibus minus 
determinatis, divergentibus, genis angustis, inferne paullo lati- 
oribus; peristomio magno, rotundo, utrinque medio seta una 
validiore nigra instructo, proboscide brevi, capitulo ecrasso ; ocu- 
lis nudis, fere ovalibus, inferne sat longe descendentibus, orbita 
frontali parallela, faciali minus divergente. Antenne subdeflexe, 
basi vix distantes, articulo 30 ovali, apice haud mucronato, 


epistomatis apicem haud attingente, seta nuda. Thorax ferrugi- 
neus, nitidus, glaber, setarum dorsalium pari pone medium sito ; 
scutellum subtriangulare, 4-setosum, postscutello macula magna 
nigra nitida utrinque ornato. Ale long, margine infero vix 
sinuato, albo-brunneoque flexuoso-variegate, macula nempe ob- 
longo-quadrata cellulam totam mediastinam fere occupante altera- 
que costali triangulari ad cubiti ramum submarginalem usque 
descendente, pone postcoste exitum sita, cum maculis duabus 
disci sinubusque profundis marginis inferioris ante apicem albis, 
basi inferne late albida; nervis costali abscissa 2a spinula fere 
nulla, 3a 2a haud duplo breviore, 5a sextzx fere sequali; media- 
stino apice sub angulo recto costam versus abscendente ibidemque 
obsoleto; postcostali toto dense setuloso, medium ale vix attin- 
gente; cubiti furea sat longe ante apicem cellule humeralis sita, 
ramo submarginali parce vix ultra nervum transversum ordina- 
rium setuloso, postice lenissimo curvato et brachiali plane 
parallelo; humerali mox pone nervum transversum discoidalem 
desinente ; cellula discoidali postice recta truncata nervum 
transversum ordinarium perpendicularem, longe pone postcoste 
exitum situm, in sua tertia posteriore parte excipiente; anali 
inferne haud longe, sed acute producta, quam humerali breviore. 
Abdomen ovali-rotundum, supra leviter convexum, glabrum, 
nitidum, segmento 50 margine postico utrinque setis 4 ornato, 
60 parvo fere triangulari, apice truncato, brunneo-nigro, tere- 
bram includente. Pedes haud validi, coxis anticis medium 
mesosterni vix attingentibus; femoribus anticis subtus setosis; 
tibiis intermediis apice calcari nigro armatis; mesosternum, ut 
in omnibus, seta in angulo posteriore instructum; epimeris etiam 
sub alis seta nigra preditis. 

B. Ale ramo cubiti submarginali nudo. 

aa. Ale cellula discoidali postice quam nervi transversi ordinar.. 
longitudine vix latiore. 

b. Proboscide haud hamato-reflexa. 

ec. Alx cellula discoidali angulo infero recto. 

dd. Ale minus angust@, cellulis brachiali et humerali haud brevibus, 
nervo transverso discoidali margine infero ale approximato, 
abscissa costali 5a 6a haud duplo longiore. 

ee. Ale albide vel hyaline, fusco-maculate, vel reticulate. 

J. Scutellum bisetosum. Ale angulo inferiore cellule analis 
recto. Thorax setarum dorsalium pari ante medium sito. 
Femora plerumque tennia, antica setis 3-4 subtus ornata. 

gg. Cellula postcostali nigra vel nigro-fusea. 


258. Trypeta femoralis.—Nigro-fusca, glauco-pruinosa, capite 
cum auntennis pedibusque flavis, femoribus intermediis subtus setulis 
4-5 munitis; alis albidis, macula posteriore fusca apicem versus nullum 
ramum sed inferne ramum integrum nervum transverso-discoidalem 
transeuntem emittente, cum cellula postcostali per plagam obliquam 
connexa. %. Long. 4 mill. : 

Patria. California. 

Precedentibus' similis et affinis, femoribus intermediis subtus 
setis 4-5 validioribus munitis, alis macula posteriore nigro-fusca 
guttulas 3 majores includente, ramum apicalem nullum sed 
inferne ramulos 2 abbreviatos ante ramum nervum transverso- 
discoidalem transeuntem emittente, ramis 2 posterioribus basi 

tantum indicatis, nervo humerali longitudinaliter ultra medium 
infuscato distincta. 

Jf. Scutellum 4-setosum. Al angulo inferiore postico cellule analis 
acute subproducto. 

261. Trypeta acutamguilla. Nigricans, cano-pruinosa, capite, 
scutelli apice pedibusque flavis; alis parce fusco-reticulatis, macula 
majore nigricante, fusco-radiata, cellula postcostali flavescenti. 4%. 
Long. 4 mill. 

Patria. California. 

Alis pictura fere 7’. cometa, sed disco et antice parce fusco- 
reticulatis, cellula postcostali fere tota flavescenti, serie frontali 
5-setosa mox distincta. Caput thoracis latitudine, flavo-testa- 
ceum, occipite superne fusco, fere truncato; fronte fere transversa, 
serie utrinque 5-setosa; epistomate brevi, foveis antennalibus fere 
parallelis, sat discretis; peristomio subrotundo, proboscide haud 
geniculata; oculis sat magnis, inferne sat longe descendentibus, 
orbita frontali antrorsum fere convergente. Antenne breves, 
subdeflexee, articulo 30 ovali-rotundo, epistomatis apicem fere 
attingente, nigro-fuseo, seta nudiuscula. Thorax cano-pruinosus, 
setarum dorsalium pari pone suturam transversam sito; scutello 
apice late testaceo, 4-setoso, setis apicalibus minoribus approxi- 
matis. Ale sat late, obscure hyaline, parcius, disco medio 
evidentius, fusco-reticulate, macula posteriore nigricante, subro- 
tunda, guttas 2 costales includente, quarum posteriore paullo 

1 The two preceding species are: TJ. glauca from Sidney, which the 
author calls “ 7. solari Loew similis et affinis,” and 7’. meteorica from 
Buenos Ayres, described as “ precedenti simillima.’’ 0. 5S. 


ante rami marginalis exitum sita, apicem versus ramum bifurca- 
tum, inferne ramos 3 angustos integros fuscos emittente; fusce- 
dine nervi transversi ordinarii sat lata, postice guttis 2 majusculis 
a macula posteriore magna sejuncta, per strigam obliquam cum 
cellula postcostali flavescenti connexa et in cellulam discoidalem 
lobum triangularem emittente; cellula marginali postice guttis 2 
magnis albidis, linea transversa fusca separatis ornata; nervis 
costali abscissa 2a spinula distincta armata, 5a 6a plus quam 
sesqui longiore; postcostali medium ale attingente; cubiti ramo 
submarginali postice cum brachio plane parallelo, hoc pone 
nervum transverso-discoidalem lenissime curvato; cellula discoi- 
dali nervum transversum ordinarium, sat longe pone postcoste 
exitum, nonnihil pone medium alz situm, in sua 5a posteriore 
parte excipiente; anali angulo inferno postico acute subproducto. 
Abdomen unicolor, nigricans, cano-puberulum et pilis depressis 
parvis rigidis pallidis vestitum, segmento 40 precedente plus 
quam duplo longiore. Pedes toti flavi, femoribus haud validis, 
anticis subtus setulis 3-4 flavidis longioribus et basi nonnullis 
brevioribus ornatis. 

bb. Proboscide hamato-reflexa, Epistomate brevi, inferne promi- 
nente; peristomio antice exciso-assurgente. Palpis prominulis. 

hh. Ale fascia recta nervum transversum ordinarium transeunte haud 
ornate sed fusco reticulate. 

7. Scutellum 4-setosum. 

264. Trypeta aurifera.—Nigricans, capitecum antennis pedibus- 
que testaceis, femoribus ultra medinm nigris; alis subhyalinis, obsolete 
fusco-reticulatis, macula costali quadrata pone spinulam sita, determi- 
nate nigricante. % 9. Long. 3—4 mill. 

Patria. California. 

T. elongatule simillima, femoribus ultra medium nigro-fuscis, 
alis adhue obsoletius fusco-reticulatis, cellula postcostali nigro- 
fusca, guttam albidam haud includente mox distincta. Caput 
haud transversum, thoracis latitudine, testaceum, occipite fusco, 
inferne tumido; fronte subdeclivi, latitudine sua dimidio longiore, 
utrinque albida 4-setosa, scuto ocelligero nigro-fuseco ; epistomate 
brevi, verticali, genis inferne haud latis, superne angustis; peris- 
tomio oblongo, antice angulato-exciso, proboscide elongata, 
geniculata, capitulo longissimo, tenui; oculis magnis obliquis. 
Antenne basi contigue, testacex, breves, epistomatis apicem 


attingentes, articulo 30 breviter ovali, seta nuda. Thorax 
nigricans, cano-pruinosus et pube brevi rigida pallida vestitus, 
setarum dorsalium pari mox pone suturam sito; secutellum 
4-setosum, setis apicalibus parvis. Ale subhyalinew, obsolete 
fusco-reticulate, macula quadrata pone spinulam nigricante, 
determinata: nervis costali abscissa 2a spinula munita, 5a 6a 
paullo longiore; postcostali medium ale haud attingente; bra- 
‘chiali et ramo submarginali cubiti parallelis; cellula discoidali 
nervum transversum ordinarium, longe pone postcoste exitum 
paullo pone medium alz situm, in sua 4a posteriore parte exci- 
piente; anali angulo inferno acuto. Abdomen subdepressum, 
pruinosum et pube rigida pallida vestitum, segmentis 40 et 50 
apice setulis nonnullis marginatis, 60 depresso, nitido, glabro, 2 
precedentibus simul sumptis longitudine equali. Pedes haud 
validi, femoribus anticis subtus setis 2-3 ornatis, omnibus nigris, 
apice cum tibiis tarsisque testaceis. 

265. Trypeta gemalis.—Nigricans, capite pedibusque flavis, femo- 
ribus ultra medium nigris; alis hyalinis, fusco-reticulatis, striga obliqua 
pone spinulam apiceque magis fuscis; abdomine bifariam fusco-macu- 
lato, terebra brevi depressa. %§ 9. Long. 3—4 mill. 

Patria. California. 

T. tesselatz Loew, simillima genis superne angustioribus; alis 
obscure hyalinis, guttis minoribus, disco interiore basali magis 
fusco-reticulato distincta; a precedente capituli labiis brevioribus, 
alis evidentius fusco-reticulatis discedens. Caput ut in prece- 
dente, fronte paullo latiore, epistomate parum prominulo, pro- 
boscide capitulo minus elongato. Thorax et scutellum ut in 
precedente constructa. Al subhyaline, fusco-reticulate, striga 
nigro-fusca pone spinulam guttam albam costalem includente, 
oblique nervum transversum ordinarium transeunte, apice fusco, 
guttis pluribus majoribus albidis, quarum 5 arcum ante apicem 
formantibus ornato; nervis omnino ut in precedente directis, sed 
postcostali medium ale attingente, transverso ordinario paullo 
pone postcoste exitum sito. Abdomen bifariam fusco-macula- 
tum, pilis brevibus rigidis albidis in margine apicali segmentorum 
evidentioribus vestitum. Pedes ut in precedente, sed femoribus 
anticis subtus setis 4-5 ornatis. 


Acidia, 234, 235, 327, 329, 332 
Acidia fratria Lw., 234 
suavis Lw., 235 
Acidogona, 285, 327, 330, 331 
Acidogona melanura, 283 
Acinia comma JMacq., 281 
fimbriata Macq., 276 
noveboracensis Fitch, 274 
picciola Bigot, 291 
solidaginis Fitch, 280 
Aciura, 267, 327, 329 
Aciura insecta Lw., 268 
Acrotenia, 274, 327, 329, 331 
Acrotenia testudinea Lw., 272 
Acrotoxa, 227, 327, 329, 331 
Acrotoxa fraterculus Wied., 222 
ludens Lw., 223 
suspensa Lw., 222 
tricincta Lw., 225 
Anomea, 332 
Aspilota, 286, 327, 330, 332 
Aspilota alba Lw., 255 
albidipennis Lw., 286 
Vernonize Lw., 286 

Blepharoneura, 272, 327, 329, 331 

Blepharoneura pecilogastra Lw., 


Carphotricha, 279, 327, 329, 333 
Carphotricha culta Wied., 276 
Chetostoma, 332 

Dacus fraterculus Wied., 222 
parallelus Wied., 227 
serpentinus Wied., 227 

Dasyneura, 272 

Ensina, 291, 327, 330, 333 
Ensina humilis Lw., 291 
Epochra, 238, 327, 329, 332 
Epochra canadensis Lw., 235 
Euaresta, 296, 327, 330 

Euaresta equalis Lw., 308 
bella Lw., 311 
festiva Lw., 309 
melanogastra Lw., 315 
mexicana Wied., 317 
timida Zw., 311 
pura Lw., 320 
Euphranta, 332 
Eurosta, 280, 327, 329, 332 
Eurosta comma Wied., 280 
latifrons Lw., 283 
solidaginis Fitch, 279 
Eutreta, 276, 327, 329, 331 
Eutreta rotundipennis Lw., 276 
sparsa Wied., 274 

Hemilea, 332 

Hexacheta, 219, 327, 329, 331 

Hexacheta amabilis Lw., 219 
eximia Wied., 216 

Hypenidium, 332 

Icterica, 287, 290, 327, 330, 332 

Icterica circinata Lw., 288 
Lichtensteinii Wied., 28 
seriata Lw., 287 

Musea fucata Fbr., 301 
ruficauda For., 254 
Myopites, 332 

Oedaspis, 250, 260, 263, 328, 329 
Oedaspis atra Lw., 256 

polita Lw., 256 

gibba Lw., 260 
Oedicarena, 247, 327, 329, 332 
Oedicarena tetanops Lw., 245 
Orellia, 332 
Oxyna, 295, 332, 333 
Oxyphora, 280, 287, 295, 309, 332, 


Peronyma, 250, 328, 329, 332 
( 345 ) 


Peronyma sarcinata Lw., 247 

Plagiotoma, 252, 328, 329, 332 

Plagiotoma discolor Lw., 250 
obliqua Say, 251 

Platyparea, 332 

Platystoma latipennis Macg., 274, 

Prionella Beauvoisii Rob. Desv., 335 
villosa Rob. Desv., 338 

Rhacochlena, 332 

Rhagoletis, 267, 327, 329 

Rhagoletis cingulata Lw., 263 
pomonella Walsh, 265 
tabellaria Fitch, 263 

Sphenella, 332 

Spilographa, 327, 329, 332 

Spilographa electa Say, 243 

flavonotata Macq., 244 

Stenopa, 234, 327, 329, 332 

Stenopa vulnerata Lw., 232 

Straussia, 243, 327, 329, 332 

Straussia longipennis Wied., 238 

Strauzia armata Rob. Desv., 238, 335 
inermis fob. Desv., 238 

Tephritis, 295, 327, 330 
Tephritis albiceps Lw., 302 
angustipennis Lw., 293, 
asteris Harris, 280 
clathrata Zw., 297 
euryptera Lw., 304 
fasciventris Macqg., 216, 
finalis Lw., 296 
fucata Pbr., 301 
geminata Lw., 298 
Leontodontis Zeti., 293 
major Macq., 219 
obliqua Macq., 223 
platyptera Lw., 000 
punctata Fall., 254 
quadrifasciata Macq., 248, 
segregata Frnf., 293 
socialis Wied., 219 
trimaculata MJacq., 238 
Trypeta, 253, 256, 327, 329, 331 
Trypeta abstersa Lw., 322 
acidusa W/k., 231, 335, 342 
actinobola Lw., 326 
acutangula Thoms., 335 
znea v. d. Wulp, 335 
zqualis Lw., 308 
alba Lw., 285 
albiceps Lw., 302 

Trypeta albidipennis Lw., 286 

albiscutellata Harris, 335 
amabilis Lw., 219 
angustipennis Lw., 293, 333 
antillarum Macq., 335 
arcuata WI/k., 335 

armata Rob. Desv., 335 
asteris Harris, 335 

atra Lw., 256 

aurifera Thoms., 335, 343 
avala W/k., 335 

bella Zw., 311 

Beauvoisii ob. Desv., 335 
biseriata Lw., 252 
caliptera Say, 274 
canadensis Lw., 235 
cinctipes Harris, 336 
cingulata Lw., 263 
circinata Lw., 288 
clathrata Lw., 297 

comma Wied., 280 
consobrina Lw., 230 
cornifera W/k., 238, 336 
cornigera W/k., 238, 336 
cribrata v. d. Wulp, 336 
culta Wied., 276 

dinia Wlk., 336 

discolor Lw., 250 

electa Say, 243 

ethalea W/k., 335 
euryptera Lw., 304 
eximia Wied., 216, 336 
fasciventris Macq., 336 
femoralis Thoms., 336, 342 
festiva Lw., 309 

fimbriata Macq., 336 
finalis Lw., 296 
flavonotata Macq., 244, 336 
flexa Wied., 336 
florescentie Lin., 254, 331 
fraterculus Wied., 222, 336 
fratria Lw., 234 

fucata Fbr., 300 
fulvifrons MJacq., 336 
geminata Lw., 298 
genalis Thoms., 336, 347 
gibba Lw., 260 

grandis Macq., 231 
hamata Lw., 229 

humilis Lw., 291 

inermis Rob. Desv., 336 
insecta Lw., 268 

integra Lw., 230 
interrupta Macq., 337 
latifrons Lw., 283 
latipennis Macq., 337 
latipennis Wied., 274 
Lichtensteinii Wred., 289 


longipennis Wied., 238 
ludens Lw., 223 
Macquartii Lw., 267 

marginepunctata Macyq., 

melanogastra Lw., 315 
melanura Lw., 283 
melliginis Fitch, 337 
mevarna W/k., 325, 337 
mexicana Wied., 317 
narytia W/k., 339 
nigerrima Lw., 258 
nigriventris Macq., 337 
noveboracensis Fitch, 337 
obliqua Say, 251 

obliqua Macq., 337 
obscuriventris Lw., 313 
ocresia W/k., 231, 336 
palposa Lw., 253, 331 
parallela Wied., 229 
peregrina Lw., 292 
phenicura Lw., 269 
picciola Bigot, 337 

picta Fbr., 337 
platyptera Lw., 306 
pecilogastra Lw., 270 
polita Lw., 256 
polyclona Lw., 324 
pomonella Walsh, 265 
pseudoparallela Lw., 230 
pura Lw., 320 
quadrifasciata Macg., 337 
quadrivittata Macq., 337 
rotundipennis Lw., 276 
sarcinata Lw., 247 

Trypeta liogaster Thoms., 235, 337, | Trypeta scutellaris Wied., 337 

seutellata Wied., 337 
seriata Lw., 287 
serpentina Wied., 226 
solidaginis L7%itch, 279 
solaris Lw., 325 
sparsa Wied., 274 
spectabilis Lw., 309 
suavis Lw., 235 
suspensa Lw., 222 
tabellaria Fitch, 263 
tenuis Jw., 316 
testudinea Lw., 272 
tetanops Lw., 245 
timida Lw., 311 
tribulis Harris, 338 
tricincta Lw., 225 
trimaculata Macq., 338 
unicolor Lw., 222 
Vernonie Lw., 286 
villosa Rob. Desv., 838 
vulnerata Lw., 232 

Urellia, 295, 327, 330 
Urellia,abstersa Lw., 322 
actinobola Lw., 326 
polyclona Lw., 324 
solaris Lw., 325 . 
Urophora, 331 
Urophora antillarum Macgq., 335 
bivittata Macq., 231 
interrupta, 337 
nigriventris Macq., 337 
seutellaris Macq., 267 
vittithorax Macq., 227 

Zonosema, 245, 332 

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1. Amphicnephes pertusus nov. sp. 
2. Himeroessa pretiosa nov. sp. 
3. Rivellia conjuncta nov. sp. 
4. Rivellia viridulans fob. Desv. 
5. Rivellia quadrifasciata Macq. 
6. Rivellia variabilis nov. sp. 
¥. Rivellia flavimana nov. sp. 
S. Rivellia pallida nov. sp. 
9. Myrmecomyia myrmecoides Lu. 
10. Tritoxa flexa Wied. 
11. Tritoxa cuneata nov. sp. 
12. Tritoxa imcurva nov. sp. 
13. Camptoneura picta ftir. 
14. Diacrita costalis Gerst. 
15. Diacrita zmula nov. sp. 
16. Idana marginata Say. 
17. Vetanops luridipennis nov. sp. 
18. Tetanops integer nov. sp. 
19. Anacampta latiuscula nov. sp. 
20. Ceroxys Obscuricormis nov. sp. 
21. Ceroxys ochricornis nov. sp. 
22. Ceroxys canus lw. 
23. Ceroxys similis nov. sp. 
24. Tephronota humilis nov. sp. 
25. Stictocephala cribrum vov sp. 
( 349 ) 



26. Stictocephala cribellum nov. sp. 
27. Callopistria annulipes Macq. 
28. Stictocephala corticalis Fitch. 
29. Stictocephala wau Say. 

30. Pterocalla strigula nov. sp. 


i. Oedopa capito Lw. 
2. Oedopa capito Lw. 
3. Oedopa capito Lw. 
4. Euphara cerulea Macq. 
5. Notogramma stigma For 
6. Seoptera colon lw. 
4%. Euxesta spoliata Lw. 
8. Euxesta pusio Lw. 
9. Euxesta notata Wied. 
10. Euxesta costalis For. 
Ai. Euxesta quaternaria Zw. 
12. Euxesta binotata Lw. 
is. Euxesta annone /?r. 
14. Euxesta Thome Jw. 
15. Euxesta abdominalis Lw. 
16. Euxesta alternans Zw. 
17. Euxesta stigmatias Zw. 
18. Euxesta eluta Lw. 
19. Cheetopsis znea Wied. 
20. Cheetopsis debilis Zw. 
21. Stenomyia tenuis Zw. 
22. Eumetopia rufipes Macq. 
23. Eumetopia varipes Zw. 
24. Epiplatea erosa Lw. 
25. Stenomacra Guerinii Bigot. 
26. Idiotypa appendiculata nov. sp. 
27. Coelometopia bimaculata nov. sp. 
28. Hemixantha spinipes nov. sp. 
29. Melanostoma afinis nov. sp. 



1. discolor Lw. 16. solidagimis Fitch. 
2. lomgipennis Wied., %. 17. humilis Zw. 
3. lomngipenmis Wied., 9. 18. seriata Lw. 
4. fratria Lw. 19. solaris Lw. 
5. suspensa Lw. 20. zquatlis lw. 
6. fraterculus Wied. 21. festiva Lw. 
4%. electa Say. 22. latifroms Lw. 
8S. imsecta Lw. 23. bella Lw. 
9. palposa Lw. 24. melanogastra Lw., >. 
10. suavis Lw. 25. timida Lw. 
11. cingulata Lw. 26. obscuriventris nov. sp. 
12. polita Lw. 27. spectabilis nov. sp. 
13. sparsa Wied. 28. mexicana Wied. 
14. rotundipennis Lz 29. temuis nov. sp. 
15. clathrata Lw. 30. peregrina nov. sp. 
1. geminata Lw. 15. tetamops nov. sp. 
2. comuna Wied. 16. sarcinata Lw. 
3&. Culta Wied. 1%. atra Lw. 
A. fimalis Zw. 18. nigerrima lw. 
&. albiceps nov. sp., 4. 19. Hudems nov. sp. 
6. melamura nov. sp. 20. parallela Wied. 
7. abstersa Lw. 21. comsobrina nov. sp. 
S. Vernoniz lw. 22. hamata nov. sp. 
9. Lichtensteinii Wied. 23. imtegra nov. sp. 
10. albidipennis /w. 24. pseudoparatliela nov. sp. 
11. alba Lw. 25. serpentina Wied. 
412. phoemicura nov. sp. 26. grandis Macq. 
L3. testudimea nov. sp. 2%. bivittata Macq. 

14. obliqua Say. 


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Page 283, as a synonym of 7”. latifrons insert :— 

Trypeta cribrata v. pb. Woxp, Tijdschr. v. Entom. 2 Ser. Vol. II, p. 158. 
Tab. V, f. 15. 

Observation (by the Editor) to page 153.—This volume was already 
printed when I received from Mr. E. Burgess specimens taken near 
Beverly, Mass., and showing the characters of Seoptera vibrans Lin., as 
distinguished from S. colon Loew. Immediately afterwards I found in the 
Museum of Comparative Zoélogy a precisely similar specimen, apparently 
taken near Cambridge, Mass.—O. 8. 

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Corrections to Volumes I and II, furnished by Mr. Loew. 

VouuME f. 

Page 10, line 3 from bottom, instead of Cylindrotoma Meig. read Macq. 
“ 17, “ 15 from top, instead of wing, read margin of the wing. 
“ 17, “ 14 from bottom, MJetoponia (=Jnopus), strike out Zropus. 
$6 B O20 & instead of A’ssa, read Antissa. 
“ 19, “ 15 from top, instead of fourth cell of posterior margin, read 
fourth posterior cell. 
Page 21, lines 17 and 12 from bottom, instead of Obsebius, read Opsebius. 
(The same name must be corrected in the Index.) 
Page 38, line 17 from bottom, instead of legs proportionately short, read 
legs very long and slender, with the tarsi proportionately short. 
Page 39, line 12 from bottom, instead of generally, read mostly. 
cA Ke) 12, oe instead of with no read without. 
se 42 IG “ instead of tarsi read tibie. 
47, Asteide; add at the end: (Sigaloéssa alone has a posterior eross- 
Page 55, line 4 from top, instead of ts, read it ts. 
“ 56, “ 4 from bottom, instead of and, read or. 
“ 57, “ 6 from top, instead of and, read or. 
Osseo 0 ot instead of short, read thin. 
ae) (Nahe A: is instead of edge, read border. 
* 90, “ 12 from bottom, instead of 23, read 24. 
“ 91, “ 20 from top, instead of first read fifth. 


“178, “ 10 from bottom, before the word “longitudinal, add fourth. 


VotuME II. 

Page 299, lines 7 from top and 13 from bottom, instead of Nordhausen, 
read Nordshausen. 

(11 ) 

J 7 it a 
ae) ' Aa wet 
yt un fi 7, Dre 
t bee! ‘i é 

' 4 ; Me i i 

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a i 1 ‘ / z . . 

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(By C. R. OsTEN-SAcKEN. ) 

Page 2, line 6 from bottom, instead of general, read common. 
“ 16, “ 5 from top, instead of p. 11, read p. 387. 
Sees yee SoS e instead of auxiliary, read subcostal (this error 
occurs twice on the same line). 
Page 129, line 3 from bottom, instead of all the, read most. 
“132, lines 2, 4, 14, 15 from bottom, instead of Puratropeza, read 
The same error occurs on page xi, line 4 from bottom. 
“49, § 18 “6 
333, “ 2 from top. 
“343, “ 3 from bottom, column first. 
ce 345, “ 8 “cc 
Page 134, line 4 from bottom, strike out lin. 
pomeelio Oaecc ality a instead of zs, read are. 
“ 179, ‘ 19 from top, instead of 1822, read 1829. 
“ 219, “ 4 from bottom, before yellowish, insert femora. 
*« 249, lines 15 and 16 from bottom: the quotation from Doleschall 
given here refers to his paper in pamphlet form; the full quotation 
may be found on page 16, line 5 from top, where p. 387 should be read, 
instead of p. 11. 
Page 275, line 11 from top, instead of paupera, read pauper. 
The same error occurs on page x, line 4 from top, column first. 
Said se ‘e 
“ O7 eee 3 “ 
“ 344, “ 4 from bottom, column sec’d. 
Page 293, line 13 from top, instead of ruficornis Wied. and erythrocephala 
Macq., read ruficornis Macq. and erythrocephala Wied. 
Page 295, line 3 from bottom, instead of p. 15, read p. 391. 
“ 331, “ 18 from top, instead of 17, read 14. 



(By C. R. OstEN-SACKEN. ) 

Page 4. Ptychoptera. The larve of this genus examined by Brauer, 
differ from all the known larve of Tipulide in having the head not im- 
bedded up tothe mouth in the first thoracic segment, but entirely free. 
This observation justifies the isolated position which I have given to this 
group in the family. Compare Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. 1869, p. 844. 

Page 23. The analytical table, given here, would be improved by 
being modified thus :— 

I, A single snbmarginal cell. 

ooo eee —_ 

Antenne 14-jointed. Antenne 16-jointed. 
Empodia indistinct or none. Sect. I. Limnobina anomala. 

Sect. I. Limnobina. 

II. Two submarginal cells. Empodia distinct, etc. etc. 
Page 49. The same modification may be made on this page. 

Page 57. Dicranomyia. My remarks concerning the differences 
between this genus and Limnobia apply to those North American and 
European species which I had occasion to compare. I have accumulated 
as many distinctive characters as a careful comparison of the material 
before me could disclose; but I should not wonder at all if forms occurred 
the location of which remained doubtful, all the enumerated distinctive 
characters notwithstanding. 

Page 81. Mr. Loew draws my attention to the fact, that the antenne 
of Rhipidia cannot be properly called pedicelled, because the short stems, 
connecting the joints, are processes of the anterior part of the joint and 
not of the posterior one. 

Page 102. Styringomyia. During my passage through Stockholm in 
1872, I made the interesting discovery that this genus, besides its occur- 
rence in amber and copal, is found living in Africa. I saw several speci- 
mens among the unnamed diptera from Caffraria (from Wahlberg’s 
voyage) in the Stockholm Museum. The species was apparently different 
from that included in copal, which I possess. 


Page 115. Toxorrhina muliebris 0. S. %. I found three males and 
one female near Tarrytown, N. Y., in July, 1871. They all have the dis- 
cal cell open, which, therefore, seems to be the rule in this species. The 
stripes of the thorax are dark brown; the position of the great crossvein 
is variable, sometimes at the very basis of the discal cell, sometimes 
before it. 

Page 138, at the bottom. Sigmatomera. I described this new genus, 
from Mexico, without adding the description of the typical species, which, 
as Ianticipated, would be soon published in a new fascicle of Mr. Bellardi’s 
Saggio, etc. This publication having been, in the mean time, indefinitely 
postponed, it becomes necessary to supply the above mentioned omission. 

Sigmatomera flavipennis n. sp.—Yellow, antenue long, black, except the 
first joint, which is yellow; front feet and middle femora yellow (the 
remaining feet as well as the middle tibie and tarsi, are wanting). 
Wings tinged with yellowish; central crossveins and fifth vein slightly 
bordered with brown. Long. corp. 0.56—0.6; long. al. 0.64. 

Hab. Mexico (Sumichrast). 

Page 173. Psiloconopa. I had occasion to examine specimens of P. 
Meigenit Zett., since the publication of Vol. IV, and have become aware 
that my opinion about its location was erroneous. This genus is related 
to Trimicra, and its venation is exactly like the latter genus, the subcostal 
crossvein being quite remote from the tip of the auxiliary vein. The two 
other European species, mentioned on pages 173 and 174 as Psiloconope, 
do not belong to this genus at all, and are much better placed in the genus 
Goniomyia. The above correction will necessitate changes in all the pas- 
sages, where the genus Psiloconopa is mentioned. Such passages are the 
following :— 

Page 21, line 4 from bottom, instead of Psiloconopa?, read Goniomyia?. 
“ 36, “ 7 from bottom, strike out the whole passage beginning 
with zs represented. 

Page 36, line 3 from bottom, add Psiloconopa. 

“47, modify the analytical table thus :— 

99 { The distance, etc. 30 
The distance, etc. Gen. XXII. Gnopuomyta. 
Seventh longitudinal vein straight; Tab. II, f. 1. BM 

304 Seren longitudinal vein conspicuously bisinuated ; Tab. I, fig. 
20. Gen. XXI. Sympuecra. 

( Three terminal joints of the antenne abruptly smaller. 

314 Gen. XVIII. Trimicra. 
Three terminal joints, etc., not abruptly smaller. 

L Gen. XX. PsitoconopPa. 

(1x ) 

Page 49, line 14 from bottom, transfer Gen. XXII. Psiloconopa, as 
Gen. XX, after Chionea. 

Page 135, line 2 from bottom, strike out the passage beginning with 
“T believe now” and ending with ‘“ typical Eriopterina.” 

Page 137, line 11 from top, instead of Psiloconopa, read Goniomyia. 

“ 173, line 13 from bottom, strike out the whole paragraph 
beginning with the words: ‘‘A genus closely allied, etc.,’’ as well 
as its continuation on the next page, down to the ‘“ Description 
of the species.” 

Page 176. Gen. XXII. Psiloconopa should be placed between Chionea | 
and Symplecta as Gen. XX. with the following notice: Established 
by Zetterstedt in 1840 (Fauna Lapponica, p. 847), and later in 
Dipt. Scand. X, p. 4007, upon a single species, found in Sweden. 
This genus, as far as I have been able to study it upon a dry 
specimen, is related to Trimicra, and its venation is exactly the 
same, the subcostal crossvein being quite remote from the tip of 
the auxiliary vein, etc. However, it does not have the last three 
antennal joints abruptly smaller, and its general appearance is 
altogether different. 

Page 177, line 10 from bottom, strike out the passage beginning with 
the words: “The majority’’ down to the bottom of the page, and 
read as follows instead: Some European species differ from the 
American ones in the following characters: in their coloring the 
black prevails over the yellow; only a few traces of the latter 
color are left; the auxiliary vein seems to extend much farther 
beyond the origin of the prefurea than is the case in the Ame- 
rican species ; the structure of the male forceps seems also to show 
some differences, which, however, I have not been able to ascer- 
tain, not having had fresh specimens for comparison. Such 
species are the Lrioptera lateralis Macq., Hist. Nat. Dipt. Il, p. 
653 (Syn. Limnobia flavolimbata Hal.,in Walker’s Ins. Brit. Dipt. 
III, p. 304); the Goniomyia scutellata Egger and G. cincta Egger, 
in Schiner’s Fauna Austriaca, Diptera. One of the latter may be 
Synonymous with the former, and Dr. Schiner was perfectly 
right in referring them to the genus Goniomyia. All these species 
are not unlike the American species of Gnophomyia in their 
general appearance; they differ, nevertheless, in the absence of 
the marginal crossvein, in the shortness of the first subinarginal 
cell, in the diverging direction of the branches of the fork which 
form it, and in the presence of yellow in the coloring. It is not 
impossible, however, that forms of transition may be discovered 
between these two genera, as well as between them and Empeda. 


Page 219. Limnophila inornata 0. S. %.—This species was quite com- 
mon near Tarrytown, N. Y., in June, 1871. Two females which I have 
before me have the stigma somewhat tinged with brown; the brown at 
the tip of the femora is more abruptly marked. In the above-quoted 
description, p. 219, line 4 from bottom, the word femora must be added 
before the word yellowish. On the following page, line 5 from top, instead 
of about, read somewhat less than. The fore tarsi of the females are shorter 
than those of the male. The length of the second posterior cell is vari- 

Page 260. Polymera. This South American genus, never seen by me 
before the publication of my volume, was doubtfully mentioned among 
the Amalopina. Mr. Loew had opportunities of examining good specimens 
recently, and published the result in a paper entitled Uber die systema- 
tische Stellung d. Gatt. Polymera Wied. (Zeitschr. f. d. gesammten Natur- 
wiss. Neue Folge, 1871, Bd. III, Tab. V,f. 1,2). It appears now that the 
antenne of Polymera are not 28-jointed, as was stated by former authors, 
but 16-jointed, and that there cannot exist the slightest doubt about its 
location among the Limnophilina. It has peculiarities, however, which 
distinguish it from the ordinary Zimnophilina of Europe and North Ame- 
rica: a remarkably elongated third antennal joint, a structure of the fol- 
lowing joints, in the male, which makes them appear double (hence the 
error of former authors), an open discal cell, and both branches of the 
fourth longitudinal vein forked (contrary to the rule stated on page 201, 
No. 2); the wingveins have a rather conspicuous pubescence. Mr. Loew 
ends his article with a statement of the principal characters of Polymera, 

as recognized by him, which I reproduce here, with a slight modifica- 
tion :— 

Polymera.—The number of antennal joints is normal, 16; the first joint of the 
flagellum is remarkably elongated, cylindrical, beset with long, erect hairs; each 
of the following joints, in the male, shows two consecutive knots, or swellings, 
every one of which is provided with a distinct verticil of hairs; in the female, 
these joints are simply cylindrical, and beset with hairs like the first joint of the 
flagellum. Wingveins beset with a long pubescence; subcostal crossvein only a 
short distance from the tip of the auxiliary vein; marginal crossvein distinct, 
inserted on, or a little beyond the middle of the very long submarginal cell ; basal 
cells comparatively rather short; discal cell open, coalescent with the third poste- 
rior cell; five posterior cells; the second with a petiole of a very great length ; 
feet long and slender; tibia with very small but distinct spurs; ungues and em- 
podia very small. 

( x ) 

20 ee eee 




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In the Smithsonian Report for 1858, a paper was published 
on the method of collecting and preserving insects, prepared 
by Baron Ostensacken, of the Russian Legation, with contri- 
butions by other eminent entomologists, which has rendered 
valuable service in the way of awakening an interest in Ento- 
mology and in facilitating the collecting of specimens. It 
was, however, not stereotyped, and as the methods of gather- 
ing and preserving insects have been much improved since its 
date, it has been thought advisable to request Dr. Packard, as 
a leading authority, to furnish a new treatise on the same sub- 
ject. In compliance with this request he has prepared the fol- 
lowing pages, derived mainly from the ‘‘Guide to the Study of 
Insects,”* though with some additions and corrections, corre- 

sponding with the present state of our knowledge. 

Secretary Smithsonian Institution. 

Washington, September, 1873. 

* Published by the Naturalists’ Agency, Salem, Mass. 8vo. 


GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS, a1) on ole] ie me Cnmn if 
Introductory remarks, Sint toi ato one 1 
Collecting apparatus, Oe Ge eo Oe Gg) 3 
The net, : ° utente 3 
The forceps, es aero 5 
Killing insects for the cabinet, . . ... . 6 
Pinning insects, chemin 7 
Preservative fluids, Se ci cnn cans 9 
Preparinoinsects for theicabinetspecss- sui len iin rn LL 
Insect cabinet, ae Gon Me airs 13 
Transportation of insects, . acne elo} 
Preservation of larve, opt chao ; 16 
Rearing larve, eee peels 16 
Classification of Insects, ovens 20 
Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, Ichneumon Flies, Gall Flies 
and Saw Flies), 25 

Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths), Ee ee eee ea ont ee ZO 

Diptera (Flies, Mosquitoes, Bot Flies etc.), . ... . 387 

Coleoptera (Beetles), 

Hemiptera (Bugs, Plant Lice, Bark Lice, Lice), Gee, es 

Orthoptera (Grasshoppers), 

Neuroptera (Dragon Flies, May Flies, Caddis Flies), . . 44 
Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions and Mites),. . . . . . 48 
Myriopoda (Centipeds, Thousand Legs, Millepeds), . . 49 


1ESADIO- Sy 4 Ge MEN in ech ce WO. Obed 

. . . ° . . . . ° . . 53 



Insects differ sexually in that the female often appears to 
have one abdominal ring less (one ring disappearing during the 
semi-pupa state, when the ovipositor is formed), and in being 
larger, fuller, and duller colored than the males, while the lat- 
ter often differ in sculpture and ornamentation. In collecting, 
whenever the two sexes are found united they should be pinned 
upon the same pin, the male being placed highest. When we 
take one sex alone we may feel sure that the other is some- 
where in the vicinity ; perhaps while one is flying about so as 
to be easily captured the other is hidden under some leaf, or 
resting on the trunk of some tree near by, which must be ex- 
amined and every bush in the vicinity vigorously beaten by the 
net. Many species rare in most places have a metropolis where 
they occur in great abundance. During seasons when his 
favorites are especially abundant, the collector should lay up 
a store against years of scarcity. 

At no time of the year need the entomologist rest from his 
labors. In the winter, under the bark of trees and in moss, he 
can find many species, or detect their eggs on trees, etc., which 
he can mark for observation in the spring when they hatch out. 

He need not relax his endeavors day or night. Mothing is 
night employment. Skunks and toads entomologize at night. 
Karly in the morning, at sunrise, when the dew is still on the 
leaves, insects are sluggish and easily taken with the hand; 
so at dusk, when many species are found flying; and in the 
night, the collector will be rewarded with many rarities, some 




species flying then that hide themselves by day, while many 
caterpillars leave their retreats to come out and feed, when the 
lantern can be used with success in searching for them. 

Wollaston (Entomologist’s Annual, 1865) states that sandy 
districts, especially towards the coast, are at all times prefer- 
able to clayey ones, but the intermediate soils, such as the 
loamy soil of swamps and marshes, are more productive. Near 
the sea, insects occur most abundantly beneath pebbles and 
other objects in grassy spots, or else at the roots of plants. 
In many places, especially in alpine tracts, as we have found 
on the summit of Mt. Washington and in Labrador, one has to 
lie down and look carefully among the short herbage and in the 
moss for Coleoptera. 

The most advantageous places for collecting are gardens and 
farms, the borders of woods and the banks of streams and 
ponds. The deep, dense forests, and open, treeless tracts are 
less prolific in insect life. In winter and early spring the moss 
on the trunks of trees, when carefully shaken over a newspaper 
or white cloth, reveals many beetles and Hymenoptera. In the 
late summer and autumn, toadstools and various fungi and rot- 
ten fruits attract many insects, and in early spring when the 
sap is running we have taken rare insects from the stumps of 
freshly cut hard-wood trees. Wollaston says, ‘‘ Dead animals, 
partially dried bones, as well as the skins of moles and other 
vermin which are ordinarily hung up in fields, are magnificent 
traps for Coleoptera; and if any of these be placed around or- 
chards and inclosures near at home, and be examined every 
morning, various species of Nitidule, Silphide, and other 
insects of similar habits, are certain to be enticed and cap- 

‘‘Planks and chippings of wood may be likewise employed 
as successful agents in alluring a vast number of species which 
might otherwise escape our notice, and if these be laid down 
in grassy places, and carefully inverted every now and then 
with as little violence as possible, many insects will be found 
adhering beneath them, especially after dewy nights and in 
showery weather. Nor must we omit to urge the importance 
of examining the under sides of stones in the vicinity of ants’ 
nests, in which position, during the spring and summer months, , 
many of the rarest of our native Coleoptera may be occasion- 


ally procured.” Excrementitious matter always contains many 
interesting forms in various stages of growth. 

The trunks of fallen and decaying trees offer a rich harvest 
for many wood-boring larvze, especially the Longicorn beetles ; 
and weevils can be found in the spring, in all stages. Numer- 
ous carnivorous Coleopterous and Dipterous larvae dwell within 
them, and other larvee which eat the dust made by the borers. 
The inside of pithy plants like the elder, raspberry, blackberry, 
and syringa, is inhabited by many of the wild bees, Osmia, 
Ceratina, and the wood-wasps, Crabro, Stigma, etc., the habits 
of which, with those of their Chalcid and Ichneumon para- 
sites, offer endless amusement and material for study. 

Ponds and streams shelter a vast throng of insects, and 
should be diligently dredged with the water-net, and stones 
and pebbles should be overturned for aquatic beetles, Hemip- 
tera and Dipterous larve. 

The various sorts of galls should be collected in spring and 
autumn and placed in vials or boxes, where their inhabitants 
may be reared, and the rafters of out- 
houses, stone-walls, ete., should be care- 
fully searched for the nests of mud-wasps. 

Collecting Apparatus. First in impor- 
tance is the net. (Fig.1.) This is made 
by attaching a ring of brass wire to a 
handle made to slide on a pole six feet 
long. The net may be a foot in diameter, 
and the bag itself made of thin gauze or 
mosquito-netting (the finer, lighter, and 
more durable the better), and should be 
about twenty inches deep. It should be sewed to a narrow 
border of cloth placed around the wire. A light net like 
this can be rapidly turned upon the insect with one hand. 
The insect is captured by a dexterous twist which also throws 
the bottom over the mouth of the net. ‘The frame of the net 
which I use is illustrated herewith (Fig. 2), and will be found 
strong and serviceable and conveniently portable. It is con- 
structed as follows: Take two pieces of stout brass wire, each 
about 20 inches long; bend them half-circularly and join at one 
end by a folding hinge having a check on one side (b). The 
other ends are bent and beaten into two square sockets (f) 


which fit to a nut sunk and soldered into one end of a brass 
tube (d). When so fitted, they are secured by a large-headed 
screw (¢) threaded to fit into the nut-socket, and with a groove 
wide enough to receive the back of a common pocket knife 
blade. The wire hoop is easily detached and folded, as at c, 
for convenient carriage; and the handle may be made of any 
desired length by cutting a stick and fitting it into the hollow 
tube a, which should be about six inches long. It is well to 
have two separate hoops—one of lighter wire furnished with 
silk gauze or some other light material for catching flying in- 

Fig. 2. 

sects; and one which is stouter and furnished with a net of 
stronger material for sweeping non-flying specimens. 

‘‘ Another still more simple, but less convenient, frame is 
thus described by my friend F. G. Sanborn, of Boston, Mass. : 

‘*¢ Make a loop of strong iron or brass wire, of about 3-16ths 
of an inch in thickness, so that the diameter of the loop or 
circle will not exceed twelve inches, leaving an inch to an inch 
and a half of wire at each end bent at nearly right angles. 
Bind the two extremities of the wire together with smaller 
wire and tin them by applying a drop of muriate of zinc, then 
holding it in the fire or over a gas flame until nearly red hot, 
when a few grains of block tin or soft solder placed upon 


them will flow evenly over the whole surface and join them 
firmly together. Take a Maynard rifle cartridge tube, or other 
brass tube of similar dimensions; if the former, file off the 
closed end or perforate it for the admission of the wire, and 
having tinned it in the same manner on the inside, push a 
tight fitting cork half-way through and pour into it melted tin 
or soft solder, and insert the wires; if carefully done, you will 
have a firmly constructed and very durable founda- 
tion for a collecting net. The cork being extracted 
will leave a convenient socket for inserting a stick 
or walking cane to serve as a handle.’ 

*« My friend, J. A. Lintner, of Albany, New York, 
makes very good use, in his ordinary promenades, of 
a telescopic fish-rod, with a head (Fig. 3) screwed on 
to one end, in which to fasten an elastic brass coil 
on which the net is drawn, but which when not in 
use sets snugly inside his silk hat.” (C. V. Riley, 
Fifth Annual Report Ins. Mo., 1873.) 

The insect should be temporarily held between the 
thumb and forefinger of the hand at liberty, and then pinned 
through the thorax while in the net. The pin can be drawn 
through the meshes upon opening the net. The beating-net 
should be made much stouter, with a shallower cloth bag and 
attached to a shorter stick. It is used for beating trees, 
bushes, and herbage for beetles and Hemiptera and various 
larvee. Its thorough use we would recommend in the low veg- 
etation on mountains and in meadows. 
The water-net may be either round or of 
the shape indicated in Fig. 4. The ring 
should be made of brass, and the shallow 
net of grasscloth or coarse millinet. It 
is used for collecting aquatic insects. 

Various sorts of forceps are indispensable for handling 
insects. Small delicate narrow-bladed forceps, with fine sharp 
points, such as are used by jewellers, and made either of steel 
or brass, are excellent for handling minute specimens. For 
larger ones long, curved forceps (Fig. 5, after Riley) are very 
convenient. For pinning insects into boxes the forceps should 
be stout, the blades blunt and curved at the end so that the 
insects can be pinned without slanting the forceps much. ‘The 

Fig. 3. 



ends need to be broad and finely indented by lines so as to 
hold the pin firmly. With a little practice the foreeps soon 
take the place of the fingers. ‘They will have to be made to 
order by a neat workman or surgical instrument maker. Fig. 

Fig. 5. 

6, after Riley, illustrates another form. Some persons use 
the ordinary form of pliers with curved handles, but they 
should be long and slender. A spring set in to separate 

_ the handles when not grasped by the hand is a great 

Various pill-boxes, vials and bottles must always be 

ii] taken, some containing alcohol or whiskey. Many col- 

lectors use a wide-mouthed bottle, containing a sponge 
saturated with ether, chloroform, or benzine, or bruised 
laurel leaves, the latter being pounded with a hammer 
and then cut with scissors into small pieces, which give 

| out exhalations of prussic acid strong enough to kill 

most small insects. 

Besides these the collector needs a small box lined 
with corn-pith, or cork, and small enough to slip into 
the coat-pocket ; or a larger box carried by a strap. 
Most moths and small flies can be pinned alive without 
being pinched (which injures their shape and rubs off 
the scales and hairs), and then killed by pouring a little 
benzine into the bottom of the box. 

Killing Insects for the Cabinet. Care in killing affects very 

sensibly the looks of the cabinet. If hastily killed and dis- 
torted by being pinched, with the scales rubbed off and other- 


wise mangled, the value of such a specimen is diminished 
either for study or the neat appearance of the collection. 
Besides the vapor of ether, chloroform and benzine, the 
fumes of sulphur readily kill insects. Large specimens may 
be killed by inserting a pin dipped in a 
strong solution of oxalic acid. An excel- 
lent collecting bottle is made by putting 
into a wide-mouthed bottle two or three 
small pieces of cyanide of potassium, which 
may be covered with cot- 
ton, about half-filling the 
bottle (Figure 7, after 
Riley). The cotton may 
be covered with paper 
lightly attached to the 
glass and pierced with 
pin-holes; this keeps the 
insects from being lost in 
| thebottles. For Diptera, 
= Loew recommends mois- 


=== tening the bottom of the 
collecting box with creosote. This is excel- 
lent for small flies and moths, as the mouth 
of the bottle can be placed over the insect 
while at rest; the insect flies up into the 
bottle and is immediately suffocated. <A 
bottle well prepared will, according to La- 
boulbene, last several months, even a year, 
and is vastly superior to the old means of 
using ether or chloroform. He states, ‘“‘the 
inconvenience of taking small insects from a 
net is well known, as the most valuable ones 
usually escape ; but by placing the end of the 
net, filled with insects, in a wide-mouthed 
bottle, and putting in the cork for a few minutes, they will be 
suffocated.” A chloroform bottle with a brush securely inserted 
in the cork (Fig. 8, after Riley) is often convenient. 

Pinning Insects. The pin should be inserted through the 
thorax of most insects. The Coleoptera, however, should be 
pinned through the right wing-cover (Fig. 9) ; many Hemiptera 


are best pinned through the scutellum (Fig. 10). The speci- 
mens should all be ‘pinned at an equal height, so that about 
one-fourth of the pin should project above the insect. 

The best pins are those made in Germany. For very mi- 
nute insects very small pins are made. They may be used to 
impale minute insects upon, and then stuck through a bit of 
cork, or pith, through which a large, long pin may be thrust. 

Fig. 9. 
of devouring insects. Still smaller pins are 
4 made by cutting off bits of very fine silvered 
wire at the right length, which may be thrust 
by the forceps into a piece of pith, after the 
insects have been impaled upon them. 

Small insects, especially beetles, may be 
mounted on cards or pieces of mica through 
which the pin may be thrust. The French 

use small oblong bits of mica, with the posterior half covered 
with green paper on which the number may be placed. The 
insects may be gummed on the clear part, the two sexes to- 
gether. The under side can be seen through the thin mica. 

Others prefer triangular pieces of card, across the end of 
which the insect may be gummed, so that nearly the whole 
under side is visible. 

Mr. Wollaston advocates gumming small Coleoptera upon 
cards. Instead of cutting the pieces of card first, he gums 
them promiscuously upon a sheet of card- Fig. 10. 
board. ‘* Having gummed thickly a space on 
your card-board equal to, at least, the entire 
specimen when expanded, place the beetle 
upon it, drag out the limbs with a pin, and, 
leaving it to dry, go on with the next one 
that presents itself. As the card has to be 
cut afterwards around your insect (so as to 
suit it), there is no advantage in gumming it precisely straight 
upon your frame,—though it is true that a certain amount of 
care in this respect lessens your after labor of cutting off very 
materially. When your frame has been filled, and you are 
desirous of separating the species, cut out the insects with 
finely pointed scissors.” 

For mending broken insects, 7. e., gumming on legs and an- 

Then the specimen is kept out of the reach — 


tennze which have fallen off, inspissated ox-gall, softened with 
a little water, is the best gum. 

For gumming insects upon cards, Mr. Wollaston recommends 
a gum ‘‘composed of three parts of tragacanth to one of 
Arabic, both in powder; to be mixed in water containing a 
grain of corrosive sublimate, without which it will not keep, 
until of a consistency just thick enough to run. As this gum 
is of an extremely absorbent nature, nearly a fortnight is re- 
quired before it can be properly made. The best plan is to 
keep adding a litile water, and stirring it every few days, 
until it is of the proper consistency. It is advisable to dis- 
solve the grain of corrosive sublimate in the water which is 
poured frst upon the gum.” 

Preservative Fluids. The best for common use is alcohol, 
diluted with a little water; or whiskey, as alcohol of full 
strength is too strong for caterpillars, etc., since it shrivels 
them up. The spirits should afterwards be changed for alco- 
hol of full strength for permanent preservation. Glycerine is 
excellent for preserving the colors of caterpillars, though the 
internal parts decay somewhat, and the specimen is ant to fall 
to pieces on being roughly handled. 

Laboulbéne recommends, for the preservation of insects in a 
fresh state, plunging them in a preservative fluid consisting 
of alcohol with an excess of arsenic acid in fragments, or the 
common white arsenic of commerce. <A pint and a half of 
alcohol will take about fourteen grains (troy) of arsenic. The 
living insect, put into this preparation, absorbs about 73; of 
its own weight. When soaked in this liquor and dried, it will 
be safe from the ravages of moths, Anthrenus or Dermestes. 
This liquid will not change the colors of blue, green or red 
beetles if dried after soaking from twelve to twenty-four hours. 
Memiptera and Orthoptera can be treated in the same way. 

A stay of a month in this arseniated alcohol mineralizes the 
insect, so that it appears very hard, and, after drying, becomes 
glazed with a white deposit which can, however, be washed off 
with alcohol. In this state the specimens become too hard for 
dissection and study, but will do for cabinet specimens designed 
for permanent exhibition. 

Another preparation recommended by Laboulbéne is alcohol 

«ea . * . . . 
containing a variable quantity of corrosive sublimate, but the 
Sot Co ZU. 2 


latter has to be weighed, as the alcohol evaporates easily, the 
liquor becoming stronger as it gets older. The strongest solu- 
tion is one part of corrosive sublimate to one hundred of alco- 
hol; the weakest and best is one-tenth of a part of corrosive 
sublimate to one hundred parts of alcohol. Insects need not 
remain in this solution more than two hours before drying. 
Both of these preparations are very poisonous and should be 
handled with care. The last-named solution preserves speci- 
mens from mould, which will attack pinned insects during 
damp summers. 

A very strong brine will preserve insects until a better 
liquor can be procured. Professor A. E. Verrill recommends 
two simple and cheap solutions for preserving, among other 
specimens, the larvee of insects ‘‘ with their natural color and 
form remarkably perfect.” The first consists of two and a 
half pounds of common salt and four ounces of nitre dis- 
solved in a gallon of water and filtered. Specimens should 
be prepared for permanent preservation in this solution by 
being previously immersed in a solution consisting of a quart 
of the first solution and two ounces of arseniate of potash and 
a gallon of water. 

The nests, cocoons, and chrysalides of insects may be pre- 
served from injury from other insects by being soaked in the 
arseniated alcohol, or dipped into benzine, or a solution of car- 
bolic acid or creosote. 

Dr. J. L. Leconte has published in the *‘ American Natural- 
ist,” lili, p. 307, some new directions for the preservation of 
insects which will apply to beetles as well as other insects. 
‘Surgical art has given to us an instrument by which a poison- 
ous liquid can be rapidly and most effectively applied to the 
entire surface of large numbers of specimens as they stand in 
the cabinet boxes, without the trouble of moving them. I re- 
fer to the ‘ Atomizer.’ 

‘‘Opinions may vary as to the nature of the liquid poison to 
be used, but after several trials I have found the following 
formula to be quite satisfactory ; it produces no efflorescence, 
even on the most highly polished species, while the odor is 
quite strong, and persistent enough to destroy any larvee or 
eggs that may be already in the box :—saturated alcoholic 
solution of arsenious acid, eight fluid ounces; strychnine, 


twelve grains ; crystallized carbolic acid, one drachm ; mineral 
naptha (or heavy benzine) and strong alcohol, enough to make 
one quart. I have not stated the quantity of naptha, since 
there are some varieties of light petroleum in commerce which 
dissolve in alcohol only to a slight extent. These should not 
be used. The heavier oils which mix indefinitely with alcohol 
are the proper ones, and for the two pints of mixture ten to 
twelve fluid ounces of the naptha will be sufficient. Care 
should be taken to test the naptha on a piece of paper. If it 
leaves a greasy stain which does not disappear after a few hours 
it is not suitable for this purpose. 

“The best form of atomizer is the long, plated, reversible 
tube ; it should be worked with a gum elastic pipe, having two 
bulbs to secure uniformity in the current. The atomizing glass 
tubes and the bottle, which usually accompany the apparatus, 
are unnecessary ; & Common narrow necked two ounce bottle 
will serve perfectly to hold the fluid.” 

Preparing Insects for the Cabinet. Dried insects may be 
moistened by laying them for twelve or twenty-four hours in 
a box containing a layer of wet sand, covered with one thick- 
ness of soft paper. Their wings can then be easily spread. 
Setting-boards for spreading the wings of insects may be made 
by sawing deep grooves in a thick board, and placing a strip 
of pith or cork at the bottom. The groove may be deep enough 
to allow a quarter of the length of the pin to project above the 
insect. The setting-board usually consists of thin parallel 
strips of board, leaving a groove between them wide enough to 
receive the body of the insect, at the bottom of which a strip 
of cork or pith should be glued. The ends of the strips should 
be nailed on to a stouter strip of wood, raising the surface of 
the setting-board an inch and a half, so that the pins can stick 
through without touching. Several setting-boards can be made 
to form shelves in a frame covered with wire gauze, so that 
the specimens may be preserved from dust and destructive in- 
sects, while the air may at the same time have constant access 
to them. The surface of the board should incline a little to- 
wards the groove for the reception of the insect, as the wings 
often gather a little moisture, relax and fall down after the 
insect is dried. ‘‘ For the proper setting of insects with broad 
and flattened wings, such as butterflies and moths, a spreading 


board or stretcher is necessary. One that is simple and answers 
every purpose is shown at figure 11. It may be made of two 
pieces of thin white-wood or pine board, fastened together by 
braces, especially at the ends, and left wide enough apart to 
admit the bodies of the insects to be spread: strips of cork or 
pith, in which to fasten the pins, may then be tacked or glued 
below so as to cover the intervening space. The braces must 
be deep enough to prevent the pins from touching anything on 
which the stretcher may be laid ; and, by attaching a ring or loop 
to one of them, the stretcher may be hung against a wall, out 
of the way. For ordinary-sized specimens I use boards 2 feet 
long, 3 inches wide and + inch thick, with three braces (one in ~ 
the middle and one at each end) 14 inches deep at the ends, but 
narrowing from each end to 14 inches at the middle. This 
slight rising from the middle is to counteract the tendency of 
the wings, however well dried, 
to drop a little after the insect 
is placed in the cabinet. The 
wings are held in position by 
means of strips of paper (Fig. 
11) until dry.” (Rilcy.) 

Moths of medium size should 
remain two or three days on 
the setting-board, while the 
larger thick-bodied sphinges 
and Bombycide require a week to dry. The wings can be 
arranged by means of a needle stuck into a handle of wood. 
They should be set horizontally, and the front margin of the 
fore wings drawn a little forward of a line perpendicular to the 
body, so as to free the inner margin of the hind wings from 
the body, that their form may be distinctly seen. When thus 
arranged, they can be confined by fine threads drawn over the 
wings, by pieces of card pinned to the board as indicated in 
figure 11, or, as we prefer, by square pieces of glass laid upon 

After the insects have been thoroughly dried they should 
not be placed in the cabinet until after having been in quaran- 
tine to see that no eggs of Dermestes or Anthrenus, etc., have 
been deposited on them. 

For preserving dried insects in the cabinet Laboulbéne rec- 


ommends placing a rare insect (if a beetle or any other hard 
insect) in water for an hour until the tissues are softened. If 
soiled, an insect can be cleansed under water with a fine hair- 
pencil, then submit it to a bath of arseniated alcohol with cor- 
rosive sublimate. If the insect becomes prune-colored, it 
should be washed in pure alcohol several times. This method 
will do for the rarest insects; the more common ones can be 
softened on wet sand, and then the immersion in the arseniated 
alcohol suffices. After an immersion of from a quarter of an 
hour to an hour, according to the size of the insect, the pin is 
not affected by the corrosive sublimate, but it is better to unpin 
the insect previous to immersion, and then pin it when almost 

For cleaning insects ether or benzine is excellent, applied 
with a hair-pencil ; though care should be taken in using these 
substances, which are very inflammable. 

After the specimens are placed in the cabinet, they should be 
farther protected from destructive insects by placing in the 
drawers or boxes pieces of camphor wrapped in paper perfo- 
rated by pin-holes, or bottles containing sponges saturated with 
benzine. The collection should be carefully examined every 
month ; the presence of insects can be detected by the dust 
beneath them. Where a collection is much infested with de- 
structive insects, benzine should be poured into the bottom 
of the box or drawer, when the fumes and contact of the ben- 
zine with their bodies will kill them. The specimens them- 
selves should not be soaked in the benzine if possible, as it 
renders them brittle. 

Insect-cabinet. For permanent exhibition, a cabinet of shal- 
low drawers, protected by doors, is most useful. A drawer 
may be eighteen by twenty inches square, and two inches deep 
in the clear, and provided with a tight glass cover. For con- 
stant use, boxes made of thin, well-seasoned wood, with tight 
fitting covers, are indispensable. For Coleoptera, Dr. Leconte 
recommends that they be twelve by nine inches (inside meas- 
urement). For the larger Lepidoptera a little larger box is 
preferable. Others prefer boxes made in the form of books, 
which may be put away like books on the shelves of the cabi- 
net, though the cover of the box is apt to be in the way. 

The boxes and drawers should be lined with cork cut into 


thin slips for soles ; such slips come from the cork-cutter about 
twelve by four inches square, and an eighth of an inch thick. 
A less expensive substitute is paper stretched upon a frame. 
Prof. E. S. Morse has given in the ‘‘ American Naturalist” 
(vol. i, p. 156) a plan which is very neat and useful for lining 
boxes in a large museum, and which are designed to be placed 
in horizontal show-cases (Fig. 12). ‘‘ A box is made of the re- 
quired depth, and a light frame is fitted to its interior. Upon 
the upper and under surfaces of this frame, a sheet of white 
paper (drawing or log-paper answers the purpose) is securely 
glued. ‘The paper, having been previously damped, in drying 
contracts and tightens like a drum-head. The frame is then 
secured about one-fourth of an inch from the bottom of the 
box, and the pin is forced down through the thicknesses of 

Fig. 12. paper, and if the bottom 
of the box be of soft 
pine, the point of the pin 
may be slightly forced in- 
toit. Itis thus firmly held 
at two or three different 
points, and all lateral 
movements are prevented. 
Other advantages are se- 
cured by this arrangement 
besides firmness; when 
the box needs cleaning 

or fumigation, the entire collection may be removed by taking 
out the frame; or camphor, tobacco, or other material can be 
placed on the bottom of the box, and concealed from sight. 
The annexed figure represents a transverse section of a portion 
of the side and bottom of the box with the frame. A, A, 
box; B,frame; P, P, upper and under sheets of paper; C, 
space between lower sheets of paper and bottom of box.” 

Other substitutes are the pith of various plants, especially 
of corn; and palm wood, and * inodorous felt” are used, being 
cut to fit the bottom of the box. 

Leconte recommends that ‘‘ for the purpose of distinguishing 
specimens from different regions, little disks of variously col- 
ored paper be used; they are easily made by a small punch, 
and should be kept in wooden pill-boxes ready for use; at the 


same time a key to the colors, showing the regions embraced 
by each, should be made on the fly-leaf of the catalogue of the 
collection.” He also strongly recommends that the ‘‘speci- 
mens should all be pinned at the same height, since the ease 
of recognizing species allied in characters is greatly increased 
by having them on the same level.” 

He also states that ‘‘it is better, even when numbers with 
reference to a catalogue are employed, that the name of cach 
species should be written on a label attached to the first speci- 
men. Thus the eye is familiarized with the association of the 
species and its name, memory is aided, and greater power 
given of identifying species when the cabinet is not at hand.” 
For indicating the sexes the astronomical sign ¢ (Mars) is 
used for the male, and Q (Venus) for the female, and 9 for 
the worker. 

Transportation of Insects. While travelling, all hard-bodied 
insects, comprising many Hymenoptera, the Coleoptera, He- 

_ miptera, and many Neuroptera should be thrown, with their 

larvae, etc., into bottles and vials filled with strong alcohol. 
When the bottle is filled new liquor should be poured in, and 
the old may be saved for collecting purposes; in this way the 
specimens will not soften and can be preserved indefinitely, and 
the colors do not, in most cases, change. Leconte states that 
‘if the bottles are in danger of being broken, the specimens, 
after remaining for a day or two in alcohol, may be taken out, 
partially dried by exposure to the air, but not so as to be brit- 
tle, and these packed in layers in small boxes between soft 
paper; the boxes should then be carefully closed with gum- 
paper or paste, so as to exclude all enemies.” 

Lepidoptera and dragon-flies and other soft-bodied insects 
may be well preserved by placing them in square pieces of 
paper folded into a triangular form with the edges overlapping. 
Put up thus, multitudes can be packed away in tin boxes, and 
will bear transportation to any distance. In tropical climates, 
chests lined with tin should be made to contain the insect- 
boxes, which can thus be preserved against the ravages of 
white ants, ete. 

In sending live larve by mail, they should be inclosed in 
little tin boxes, and in sending dry specimens, the box should 
be light and strong, and directions given at the post-office to 


stamp the box lightly. In sending boxes by express they 
should be carefully packed in a larger box, having an inter- 
space of two inches, which can be filled in tightly with hay or 
crumpled bits of paper. Beetles can be wrapped in pieces of 
soft paper. Labels for alcoholic specimens should consist 
of parchment with the locality, date of capture, and name of 
collector written in ink. A temporary label of firm paper with 
the locality, etc., written with a pencil, will last for several 

Preservation of Larve. Alcoholic specimens of insects, in 
all stages of growth, are very useful. Few collections contain 
alcoholic specimens of the adult insect. This is a mistake. 
Many of the most important characters are effaced during the 
drying process, and for purposes of general study alcoholic 
specimens, even of bees, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and dragon- 
flies are very necessary. 

Larve, generally, may be well preserved in vials or bottles 
of alcohol. They should first be put into whiskey, and then 
into alcohol. If placed in the latter first, they shrivel and 
become distorted. Mr. E. Burgess preserves caterpillars with 
the colors unchanged, by immersing them in boiling water 
thirty or forty seconds, and then placing them in equal parts 
of alcohol and water. It is well to collect larvee and pupze 
indiscriminately ; even if we do not know their adult forms 
we can approximate to them, and in some cases tell very ex- 
actly what they must be. 

Rearing Larve. More attention has been paid to rearing 
caterpillars than the young of any other suborder of insects, 
and the following remarks apply more particularly to them, 
but very much the same method may be pursued in rearing 
the larvee of beetles, flies, and Hymenoptera. Subterranean 
larvee have to be kept in moist earth, aquatic larvee must be 
reared in aquaria, and carnivorous laryze must be supplied 
with flesh. The larvee of butterflies are rare; those of moths 
occur more frequently, while their imagos may be scarce. In 
some years many larvee, which are usually rare, occur in abun- 
dance, and should then be reared in numbers. In hunting for 
caterpillars bushes should be shaken and beaten over news- 
papers or sheets, or an umbrella; herbage should be swept, 
and trees examined carefully for leaf-rollers and miners. The 


best specimens of moths and butterflies are obtained by rearing 
them from the egg, or from the larva or pupa. In confinement 
the food should be kept fresh, and the box well ventilated. 
Tumblers covered with gauze, pasteboard boxes pierced with 
holes and fitted with glass in the covers, or large glass jars, 
are very convenient to use as cages. The bottom of such ves- 
sels may be covered with moist sand, in which the food-plant 
of the larva may be stuck and kept fresh for several days. 
Larger and more airy boxes, a foot square, with the sides of 
gauze, and fitted with Fig. 13. 

a door, through which 
a bottle of water may 
be introduced, serve 
well. The following 
extract from Riley’s 
“Fifth Annual Report 
on the Injurious In- 
sects of Missouri” 
illustrates his style of 

vivarium :— 

‘For larger insects 
I use a breeding cage 
or vivarium of my own 
devising, and which 
answers the purpose 
admirably. It is rep- 
resented in figure 13, 
and comprises three = 
distinct parts: Ist, = MI 
the bottom board («), ==: 
consisting of a square - 
piece of inch-thick walnut with a rectangular zine pan (/f), 4 
inches deep, fastened to it, above, and with two cross pieces (gq) 
below, to prevent cracking or warping, facilitate lifting, and 
allow the air to pass underneath the cage. 2d, a box (0), with 
three glass sides and a glass door in front, to fit over the zinc 
pan. 3d, a cap (c), which fits closely on to the box, and has a top 
of fine wire gauze. To the centre of the zine pan is soldered 
a zine tube (d) just large enough to contain an ordinary quinine 
bottle. The zine pan is filled with clean sifted earth or sand 

8. M. C. 261. 3 



(e), and the quinine bottle is for the reception of the food-plant. 
The cage admits of abundant light and air, and also of the 
easy removal of the excrement and frass which fall to the 
ground ; while the insects in transforming enter the ground or 
attach themselves to the sides or the cap, according to their 
habits. The most convenient dimensions I find to be 12 inches 
square and 18 inches high: the cap and the door fit closely by 
means of rabbets, and the former has a depth of about 4 
inches to admit of the largest cocoon being spun in it without 
touching the box on which it rests. The zine pan might be 
made 6 or 8 inches deep, and the lower half filled with sand, 
so as to keep the whole moist for a greater length of time. 

‘A dozen such cages will furnish room for the annual breeding 
of a great number of species, as several having different habits 
and appearance, and which there is no danger of confounding, 
may be simultaneously fed in the same cage. I number each 
of the three parts of each cage to prevent misplacement and to 
facilitate reference, and aside from the notes made in the note- 
book, it will aid the memory, and expedite matters, to keep a 
short open record of the species contained in each cage, by 
means of slips of paper pasted on to the glass door. As fast 
as the different specimens complete their transformations and 
are taken from the cage, the notes may be altered or erased, or 
the slips wetted and removed entirely. To prevent possible 
confounding of the different species which enter the ground, it 
is well, from time to time, to sift the earth, separate the pup 
and place them in what I call imago cages, used for this 
purpose alone and not for feeding. Here they may be ar- 
ranged, with reference to their exact whereabouts.” 

The object is to keep the food-plant fresh, the air cool, the 
larva out of the sun, and in fact everything in such a state of 
equilibrium that the larva will not feel the change of circum- 
stances when kept in confinement. Most caterpillars change 
to pup in the autumn; and those which transform in the 
earth should be covered with earth, kept damp by wet moss, 
and placed in the cellar until the following summer. The col- 
lector in seeking for larve should carry a good number of pill- 
boxes, and especially a close tin box, in which the leaves may 
be kept fresh for a long time. The different forms and mark- 
ings of caterpillars should be noted, and they should be drawn 


carefully together with a leaf of the food-plant, and the draw- 
ings and pupa skins, and perfect insect, be numbered to cor- 
respond. Descriptions of caterpillars cannot be too carefully 
made, or too long. The relative size of the head, its ornamen- 
tation, the stripes and spots of the body, and the position and 
number of tubercles, and the hairs, or fascicles of hairs, or 
spines and spinules, which arise from them, should be noted, 
besides the general form of the body. The lines along the 
body are called dorsal, if in the middle of the back; suwbdorsal, 
if upon one side, lateral, and ventral when on the sides and 
under surface, or sfigmatal if including the stigmata or breath- 
ing pores, which are generally parti-colored. Indeed, the whole 
biography of an insect should be ascertained by the observer ; 
the points to be noted are: 

1. Date when and how the eggs are laid; and number, size, 
and marking of the eggs. 

2. Date of hatching, the appearance, food-plant of larva, 
and number of days between each moulting ; the changes the 
larva undergoes, which are often remarkable, especially before 
the last moulting, with drawings illustrative of these; the hab- 
its of the larva, whether solitary or gregarious, whether a day 
or night feeder; the ichneumon parasites, and their mode of 
attack. Specimens of larve in the different moultings should 
be preserved in alcohol. The appearance of the larvee when 
full-fed, the date, number of days before pupating, the forma- 
tion and description of the cocoon, the duration of larvee in the 
cocoon before pupation, their appearance just before changing, 
their appearance while changing, and alcoholic specimens of 
larvee in the act, should all be studied and noted. 

5. Date of pupation; description of the pupa or chrysalis ; 
duration of the pupa state, habits, etc. ; together with alcoholic 
specimens, or pinned dry ones. Lepidopterous pup: should be 
looked for late in the summer or in the fall and spring, about 
the roots of trees, and kept moist in mould until the imago 
appears. Many Coleopterous pup, may also occur in mould, 
and if aquatic, under submerged sticks and stones, and those 
of borers under the bark of decaying trees. 

4. Date when the insect escapes from the pupa, and method 
of escape ; duration of life of the imago; and the number of 
broods in a season. 


Classification of Insects. That branch of the Animal King- 
dom, known as the Articulata, was so called by Cevier in his 
work on the animal kingdom, from having the body composed 
of rings, like short cylinders, which are placed successively 
one behind the other. In the class of Worms these rings 
or segments are arranged in a continuous row, and their num- 
ber is indefinite. The organs of locomotion consist of tuber- 
cles bearing bristles placed in a row, one on each side of 
each ring; while on the head-rings there are slender feelers 
directed forwards and placed around the mouth-opening. In 
the class of Crustacea this continuity of rings is broken, and 
they for the most part bear hard, jointed appendages; and 
there is usually a definite number (20), which are gathered into 
two regions: the head-thorax and abdomen. In the class of 
Insects, the number of rings is still more limited (18), the 
head, consisting of four rings, is distinctly separated from the 
thorax, thus forming, with the abdomen or hind-body, three 
distinct regions. 

In the Insects, again, there are three modes of disposing 
the rings and their appendages :— 

1. Where the number of segments is indefinite, and much 
like each other in form, supporting both thoracic and abdom- 
inal legs; as in the order of Myriopoda. 

2. Where the head and thorax are closely united ; and there 
are four pairs of legs attached to the thorax alone, as in the 

3. Where there are three distinct regions to the body; the 
head, thorax and abdomen, as in the Jnsecta. Moreover, the 
true insects have three pairs of legs attached to the thorax ; 
and are, with few exceptions, winged. 

The Myriopods grow by the addition of rings, after hatching 
from the egg; the Arachnids by frequent moultings of the 
skin; while the winged insects pass through a distinct meta- 
morphosis. The young insect after being hatched from the 
ego is called the larva, from the Latin term meaning a mask, 
since it was the ancient belief that it concealed beneath its 
skin the form of the perfect insect. When full-fed the pupa- 
skin rapidly forms beneath the tegument, and the insect in 
that form escapes through a slit in the back of the larva. The 
perfect insect is often called the imago. The larval state of 


insects which resemble worms has also an analogous form to 
the Myriopods; so spiders are analogous to Crustacea, while 
reminding us of the pupa state of the winged insects. 

Moreover, worms and crustacea are, generally speaking, 
aquatic, breathing by gills, while insects are terrestrial and 
breathe by pores in the side of the body which communicate 
with a complex system of air tubes, sometimes enclosed by 
blood vessels. 

The order of winged insects is subdiviced into seven divi- 
sions, occupying an intermediate rank between orders and 
families, and called by naturalists swborders.* Of these the 

Fig. 14. Fig. 15. Fig. 16. 



Mutilla. Ant (Formica). Chalcid Parasite. 

Hymenoptera seem to be highest in the scale, and the Vewrop- 
tera the lowest. 

Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, ete. Fig. 14, Mutilla; Fig. 15, 
Ant; Fig. 16, a Chalcid parasite) are known by their hard, 
compact bodies, distinct head and thorax, the small, narrow, 
irregularly veined wings, and by the possession of a hard 
Ovipositor, often forming a poisonous sting. Their transfor- 
mations are the most complete of all insects, the larva being 
most generally a white, footless, helpless grub, partly curved, 
and rapidly tapering at each end. The pupa has the limbs 
free, contained in a thin, silken cocoon. ‘The species are all 

Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths. Fig. 17, Alypia, or grape 
moth and caterpillar) have the mandibles obsolete, the max- 
illee greatly prolonged and rolled up between the labial palpi; 
their bodies are covered with scales; and the broad, regularly 

* Or, if preferred, these seven divisions may be regarded as orders, and the 
three ‘‘ orders” of insects as subclasses. 


veined wings are also covered with dust-like scales. Their 
transformations are complete. The active larvee assume a 
worm-like form with several 
pairs (1-5) of fleshy false legs 
besides the thoracic ones ; they 
spin silken cocoons _ before 
changing to pupz (chrysalides, 
nymphs), with the exception 
of the butterflies. The limbs of 
the chrysalides are soldered to- 
gether, and the abdomen is 
movable upon the head and 

Diptera (Flies. Fig.18, Orta- 
lis fly and larva) have the mouth 
parts formed into a kind of proboscis; the second pair of 
wings are undeveloped, being reduced to a pair of pedicelled 
knobs serving as 
balancers or pois- 
ers. Their trans- 
formations are 
complete, the larvee 
being maggots or 

Alypia of Grape. 

elongated worm- 
like embryos. The 
pupze often change 
within the skin of 
the larvee, which serves as a cocoon. The limbs are free. 
Many of the species are 
aquatic. Here we first 
find wingless parasites. 
Coleoptera (Beetles. 
Fig. 19, Asemum beetle, 
I] a, larva, 6, pupa; fig. 20, 
* Potato beetle) are known 
by their hard bodies, free 
and well developed mouth 
parts, and by the first 
pair of wings being hard- 
ened into sheaths (elytra) for the protection of the second 

Ortalis and Maggot. 

Fig. 19. Fig. 20. 

Asemum and young. Potato Beetle. 



pair. The larve, cafled grubs, often have a terminal prop-leg 
besides the thoracic or true-jointed legs, and pass by a com- 
plete metamorphosis to the imago 
state. The pupz are often pro- 
tected by a cocoon, and have their 
limbs free. Some of the species 
are aquatic. One family is para- 
sitic, but is winged. 

Hemiptera (Bugs. Fig. 21, Or- 
ange scale insect, a, male, 0b, ¢, d, 
larva, female) have the mouth parts formed into a sucking tube. 
The first pair of wings are often thickened at the base and 
laid flat upon the abdomen, or are thin, somewhat net-veined, 
and inclined over the hind body. The transformations are 

Orange scale insect. 

Fig. 22. 

Hadenecus of Mammoth Cave. 

incomplete, as in the Orthoptera. The species are largely 
aquatic. Some lower groups are true wingless parasites. 
Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) have free mouth parts, and the 
organs of nutrition very highly developed. The first pair of 
wings are still partly hardened to 
protect the broad, net-veined hind 
pair which fold up like a fan upon 
the abdomen. The transformations 
are not complete, the larvae and pup 
resembling closely the imagines, both 
being active. All the species are 
Panorpa. terrestrial. (Fig. 22 represents a 

wingless grasshopper, Hadenecus subterraneus, Seudder, found 
in Mammoth Cave ; other forms of this family occur in caverns. ) 


Neuroptera (Fig. 23, Forceps tail, Panorpa; Fig. 24, Man- 
tispa) have the mouth parts free again, the wings large and 
net-veined, the hind pair being often 
larger than the primaries. Their 
bodies are more elongated than 
those of other insects. The meta- 
morphosis is incomplete, the larvee 
and pup closely resemble the im- 
agines, and are both active, and 
with few exceptions they are all 
aquatic. The different species pre- 

Mantispa. sent strong analogies to all of the 
other suborders. The wingless, lower genera present more 
analogies than other insects to the Myriopods. 

The order of Arachnida is divided into three suborders :— 

Araneina, or spiders, which pass through no metamorphosis. 

Pedipalpi, or harvest-men (Phalangium) and scorpions, 
which undergo no metamorphosis, and all agree in having the 
maxillary palpi enlarged and ending in a forceps, with the 
abdomen distinctly jointed, and the ; 

Acarina, or mites, the young of which are usually born with 
but three pairs of feet, and in which the body is oval. 

The order of Myriopoda is divided into the Chilopoda, of 
which the centipede is a type. In these each ring bears but 
a single pair of feet, and the body is flattened ; while in the 
second division, the 

Chilognatha, the body is cylindrical, and each segment ap- 
pears to bear two pairs of legs. Of this group the thousand 
legs (Julus) is a type. 


We now proceed to give more special directions for collecting 
and preserving insects of the different groups. 




These insects are exceedingly abundant, and especial atten- 
tion should be paid to collecting the smaller species. They 

shéuld be pinned through 
the thorax, high up on the 
pin, and those that are not 
hairy collected in alcohol. 
The hairy species of bees 
should be pinned while in 
the net. The minute ichneu- 
mon flies should be gummed 
like small beetles upon 
cards, or preserved in small 
pill-boxes. The nests of 
ees, wasps and ants should 
be sought for and the entire 
colony with the young grubs 

Fig. 25. 

captured and placed in spir- | 

its, while especial attention 

Ichneumon (Ophion.) 

. should be given to preserving the different sorts of parasites 
found in the nest. The nests in various stages of construction 

Fig. 26. 


should be collected to serve 

es 27. 

Saw Fly and Larva. 

as illustrations of insect architec- 

The gall flies produce by their stings tumors or galls on the 

leaves or twigs of trees. 
S. M. C. 261. 4 

Specimens of these galls accom- 


panied by the insects that produce them are very desirable. 
They may be reared by simply placing the mature galls in 

The larva of the saw fly (Fig. 27, a) closely resembles a 
caterpillar having several pairs of abdominal legs. 



Butterflies are easily distinguished from moths by their 
knobbed antennz. In the sphinges, or hawk-moths, the feelers 
are thickened in the middle; in the moths they are filiform and 
often pectinated like feathers. Lepidoptera have also been 
divided into three large groups, called Diurnal, Crepuscular 
and Nocturnal, since butterflies fly in the sunshine alone, most 
sphinges in the twilight, while the moths are generally night- 
fliers, though many of them fly in the daytime, thus showing 
that the distinctions are somewhat artificial. 

The larvee of butterflies and moths are called caterpillars. 
A good method of preserving larve dry, adopted at Dresden, 

Fig. 28. is to squeeze out the intes- 

/ a tines through a hole made 

. a near the anal extremity of 
' the larva, then to insert a 
fine straw, after which it 
may be put in a glass vase, 
itself placed in a tin vessel 
| and held over a lamp; the 
Cabbage Butterfly. larval skin is blown while 
suspended over the lamp, by which the skin dries faster. It 
may be done with a small tube or blow-pipe fixed at the end of a 
bladder, held under the arm or between the knees, so as to leave 
the hands at liberty; and the straw which is inserted into the 
body of the larva may be fastened by a cross-pin stuck through 
the skin, and thus retained in its proper position throughout 
the process of blowing. The small larvae, suchas those of the 
Tinex, may be put alive into a hot bottle, baked until they 
swell to the proper extent ana dry, when they can be pinned 



with all their contents inside. (Westwood, Proceedings of the 
Entomological Society of London, Sept. 7, 1863.) 

Dr. Knaggs has, in the ‘‘Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine,” 
given some directions for managing caterpillars. Very young 
caterpillars, which will not eat the food provided, and become 
restless, should be reared in air-tight jam-pots, the tops of which 
are covered with green glass to darken the interior of the ves- 
sel. When small larvee hide themselves by mining, entering 
buds and spinning together leaves, they should have as small a 
quantity of food as possible. In changing larvee from one 
plant to a fresh one, a slight jar or puff of breath will dislodge 
them, and they can be transferred to the jam-pot ; or the glass 
cylinder, covered at one end with muslin, can be turned mus- 
lin end downwards for them to crawl upon. The duplicate 
breeding cage, pot or tube, should be ‘‘sweetened” by a tree 
current of fresh dry air and then stocked with fresh food. 

Dr. Knaggs advises that ‘ hiding places,” or bits of chips, 
etc., be provided for such Noctuid larvee as naturally lie con- 
cealed, such as Orthosia, Xanthia, Noctua, etc., ‘“* while for 
Agrotis and a few others a considerable depth of fine earth or 
sand is necessary.” 

** Larvee, which in nature hibernate, must either be stimulated 
by warmth and fresh food to feed up unnaturally fast, or else 
through the winter must be exposed to out-door temperature.” 
For such larve as begin to eat before the trees are leaved out, 
the leaves of evergreens must be provided, pine leaves, chick- 
weed, grasses and mosses. Hibernating, living larvee must 
during the winter be kept dry, otherwise the damp seems to 
hang about their fur, aud causes them to be attacked by a white 
fungus: while smooth lary require the natural dampness of 
the soil. Mr. Greene describes what he calls his ‘*larvarium, 
viz. : avery large box, say three feet square and about the same 
in depth filled partly with mould covered with moss.” The 
edges of the top of this box must be smoothly shaved to suit 
the lid, which is like the frame of a slate, the slate being 
knocked out. This is then covered with gauze. Ina box of 
this size small branches may be held in bottles of water, and 
two or three dozen larvee safely housed. If placed in a cool 
room, with plenty of air, they will grow almost as large as if 
in freedom. Mr. Gibson strongly recommends that during the 


winter all cages containing larvee be placed in front of a win- 
dow facing the east or northeast, so that the inmates may be 
-kept as cool as possible. 

When the moth is fairly out of the pupa, as remarked by 
Mr. Sanborn, their wings often fail to properly expand, on 
aecount of the want of moisture, ‘‘the insect being unable to 
expand its wings in a heated, dry room. He has avoided this 
difficulty by placing the insect just emerged, or about to come 
forth, beneath a bell-glass, within which he had placed moist- 
ened pieces of bibulous paper.” 

By taking advantage of the habit of many tree-feeding cat- 
erpillars of changing to pup (pupating) in the soil close to 
the trunk of the tree, many rare motlis can with little trouble 
be raised from the chrysalides thus found. As the Rey. Joseph 
Greene (The Insect Hunter’s Com- 
panion, London, 1870) advises, the 
dirt around the trunk should be dug 
up with a trowel, and carefully exam- 
ined for chrysalides. He adds that 
‘-pupee may be found almost anywhere 
and everywhere, under moss on large 
stones and bowlders, in the decayed 
stumps of old trees, behind the loose 
bark on palings, between dead leaves, 
under moss on banks, etc., ete.” 

In studying the interesting family of 
Tineide (Fig. 29), Stainton remarks that ‘the elongated wings, 
the slender body and the long or very long fringes to the wings, 
are characters by which the Tineidze may generally be recog- 
nized at once; and the development of the palpi and their 
variety in form and structure, offer most tangible grounds for 
separating the greater number of the genera. Indeed, if the 
student will look at the head of a species to see whether it is 
hairy or smooth, if he will then notice the palpi, whether the 
maxillary palpi are developed and to what extent, and whether 
the labial palpi are slender, ascending or drooping, whether the 
second joint is densely clothed with scales, or bears a long pro- 
truding tuft, and if he will farther notice the form of the hind 
wmgs, which are either well rounded or very pointed, or in- 
dented towards the tip, he will be perfectly surprised to see 


how easily he will arrange these insects into genera by their 

The larve vary excessively in the number of legs, sixteen 
being the usual number, but in several genera (Gracilaria, Lith- 
ocolletis, etc.), we only find fourteen; in Nepticula, though 
the legs are but poorly developed, they number eighteen ; on the 
other hand the larve of a few of the smaller genera (Antispila, 
Tinagma, etc.) are absolutely footless. 

For collecting and preserving these minute and delicate 
moths, which are called by collectors, Micro-lepidoptera, espec- 
ial instructions are necessary. When the moth is taken in the 
net, it can be blown by the breath into the bottom. ‘Then 
by elevating the hand through the ring, or on a level with it, a 
common cupping glass of about two inches in diameter, or a 
wine giass carried in the pocket, is placed on top of the left 
hand over the constricted portion, the grasp relaxed, and the 
insect permitted to escape through the opening into its interior. 
The glass is then closed below by the left hand on the outside 
of the net, and may be transferred to the top of the collecting 
box, when it can be quieted by chloroform” (Clemens) ; or the 
moths may be collected in pill-boxes, and then carried home 
and opened into a larger box filled with fumes of ether or ben- 
zine or cyanide of potassium. In pinching any moths on the 
thorax, as is sometimes done, the form of that region is inva- 
riably distorted, and many of the scales removed. In search- 
ing for ‘‘ Micros” we must look carefully on the Ice side of 
trees, fences, hedges and undulations in the ground, for they 
avoid the wind. Indeed, we can take advantage of this habit 
of many Micros, and by blowing vigorously on the trunks of 
trees start the moth off into the net so placed as to intercept 
it. This method is most productive, C. G. Barrett states, in 
the ‘“‘ Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine,” while a steady wind 
is blowing. 

In seeking for the larvae we must remember that most of 
them are leaf miners, and their burrows are detected by the 
waved, brown, withered lines on the surface of leaves, and ther 
‘+ frass” or excrement, thrown out at one end. Some are found 
between united leaves, of which the upper is crumpled. Others 
construct portable cases which they draw about the trunks of 
trees, fences, etc. Others burrow in the stems of grass, or in 


fungi, toadstools and in the pith of currant or raspberry bushes. 
Most are solitary, a few gregarious. A bush stripped of its 
leaves and covered with webs, if not done by Clisiocampa (the 
American tent caterpillar), will witness the work of a Tortrix 
or Tineid. Buds of unfolded herbs suffer from their attacks, 
such as the heads of composite flowers which are drawn to- 
gether and consumed by the larvee. 

After some practice in rearing larvee it will be found easier 
and more profitable to search for the leaf miners, and rear the 
perfect, fresh and uninjured moths from them. In this way 
many species never found in the perfect state can be secured.* 

Inraising ‘* Micro” larvee it is essential that the leaf in which 
they mine be preserved fresh for a long time. Thus a glass 
jar, tumbler or jam-pot, the top of which has been ground to 
receive an air-tight glass cover, and the bottom covered with 
moist white sand, will keep a leaf fresh for a week, and thus 
a larva in the summer will have to be fed but two or three 
times before it changes ; and the moth can be seen through the 
glass without taking off the cover; or a glass cylinder can be 
placed over a plant inserted in wet sand, having the top cov- 
ered with gauze. Dr. H. G. Knaggs, in treating of the man- 
agement of caterpillars in breeding boxes, enumerates the 
diseases, besides muscardine and cholerine (and we might add 
pebrine) to which they are subject. Among direct injuries are 
wounds and bruises, which may be productive of deformities in 
the future imago ; the stings of ichneumon flies, whose eggs laid 
either upon or in the body may be crushed with finely pointed 
scissors or pliers; frost bites; and suffocation, chiefly from 
drowning. If the caterpillar has not been more than ten or 
twelve hours in the water it may be recovered by being dried 
on a piece of blotting paper and exposed to the sun. Larvee 
may also starve to death, even when food is abundant, from 
loss of appetite, or improper ventilation, light, etce.; or they 
may eat too much, become dropsical and die. Caterpillars 
undoubtedly suffer from a contagious disease analogous to low 

*Tn general, it may be said, the mines of the leaf miners are characteristic of 
the genus to which the larva may belong. A single mine once identified, enables 
the collector to pronounce on the genus of all the species he may find thereafter. 
This, added to the ease with which the larve are collected, and the little subsequent 
care required to bring them to maturity, except to keep the leaves in a fresh and 
healthy state, mikes the study of this group, in every respect, pleasant and satis- 
factory to the entomologist.” (Clemens. ) 


fever. Many die while moulting, especially the larve of but- 
terflies, sphinges and bombycids; others are carried off by 
diarrhcea, which is generally caused by improper feeding on too 
juicy or relaxing food, when oak leaves or dry stunted foliage 
should be given them. To relieve constipation they should be 
fed with lettuce and other natural purgatives, and lastly, they 
may be attacked by fungi, especially, besides those previously 
mentioned, a species of Oidiwm. Such patients should be put 
in direct sunlight or dry currents of air. (Entomologist’s 
Monthly Magazine, June, 1868.) The pupez easily dry up; 
they should be kept moist, in tubes of glass closed at either 
end, through which the moth can be seen when disclosed. 

In setting Micro-lepidoptera: “If the insect is very small I 
hold it by its legs between the thumb and finger of the left 
hand, whilst I pierce it with the pin held between the thumb 
and finger of the right hand ; 
if the insect is not very small 
I use a rough surface, as a 
piece of blotting paper, or 
piece of cloth, for it to lie 
upon and prevent its slipping 
about, and then cautiously in- 
sert the point of the pin in 
the middle of the thorax, as 
nearly as possible‘in a vertical direction. As soon as the pin is 
fairly through the insect, remove it to a piece of soft cork, 
and by pressing it in, push the insect as far up the pin as is 

‘‘ For setting the insects I find nothing answers as well as a 
piece of soft cork, papered with smooth paper, and with 
grooves cut to admit the bodies. The wings are placed in the 
required position by the setting needle, and are then retained 
in their places by a wedge-shaped, thin paper brace (Fig. 30), 
placed over them till a square brace of smooth card-board is 
placed over the ends of the wings.” (Stainton.) A small 
square of glass can also be laid on the wings to keep them ex- 
panded, and thus serve the same purpose as the paper braces. 

Linnius first set the example of having the specific names 
of the Tortricids end in ana and of the Tineids in ella, and at 
the present day the rule is generally followed by entomologists, 


who have also given the same terminations to the names of the 
smaller species of Pyralides, such as Pempelia, Crambus and 
allied genera. 

We may also add Lord Walsingham’s directions for collecting 
Micro-lepidoptera, published in the ‘‘ American Naturalist” 
(Vol. vi, No. 5.) 

“I go out with a coat provided with large pockets inside 
and out, containing an assortment of pill-boxes, generally of 
three sizes, glass bottomed pill-boxes preferred, a bag slung 
over my shoulder, and a net. Unless searching for particular 
day flying species I prefer the last three hours before dark. 
As the sun goes down many species move which do not stir at 
other times. I watch the tops of the grass, the stems of the 
flowers, the twigs of the trees; I disturb leaves and low grow- 
ing plants with a short switch and secure each little moth that 
moves, taking each out of the net in a separate pill-box, 
selected according to the size of the insect, as he runs up the 
net to escape. Transferring the full boxes to the bag I con- 
tinue the process until moths cease flying or night sets in. 
Many species can be taken with a lamp after dark. 

** Returning to camp I put a few drops of liquid ammonia on 
a small piece of sponge and place it in a tin canister with such 
of the boxes as do not contain the smallest species, and put 
these and the remainder away until morning in a cool place. 
In the morning I prepare for work by getting out a pair of 
scissors, a pair of forceps, my drying box containing setting 
boards, a sheet of white paper and some pins. 

‘*First, I cut two or three narrow pieces of paper from three 
to six lines wide, or rather wider, according to the size of the 
largest and smallest specimens I have to set. I then double 
each of these strips and cut it up into braces by a number of 
oblique cuts. Now I turn out the contents of the canister and 
damp the sponge with a few drops of fresh ammonia, refilling 
with boxes containing live insects. Those which haye been 
taken out will be found to be all dead and in a beautifully 
relaxed condition for setting. Had the smallest specimens 
been placed in the canister over night, there would have been 
some fear of their drying up, owing to the small amount of 
moisture in their bodies. 

‘If the weather is very hot there is some danger of killed 


insects becoming stiff while others are being set, in which case 
it is better to pin at once into a damp cork box all that have 
been taken out of the canister, bué under ordinary circum- 
stances I prefer to pin them one by one as I set them. 
‘Taking the lid off a box, and taking the box between the 
finger and thumb of the right hand, I roll out the insect on the 
top of the left thumb, supporting it with the top of the fore 
finger and so manipulating it as to bring the head pointing 
towards my right hand and the thorax uppermost. Now I 
take a pin in the right hand and resting the first joint of the 
middle finger of the right against the projecting point of the 
middle finger of the left hand to avoid unsteadiness, I pin 
the insect obliquely through the thickest part of the thorax so 
that the head of the pin leans very slightly forward over the 
head of the insect. After passing the pin far enough through 
to bring about one-fourth of an inch out below,* I pin the 
insect into the middle of the groove of a setting-board so that 
the edge of the groove will just support the under sides of the 
wings close up to the body when they are raised upon it. The 
board should be chosen of such a size as will permit of the 
extension of the wings nearly to its outer edge. The position 
of the pin should still be slanting a little forward. The wings 
should now be raised into the position in which they are in- 
tended to rest, with especial care in doing so not to remove 
any scales from the surface or cilia of the wings. Each wing 
should be fastened with a brace long enough to extend across 
both, the braces being pinned at the thick end, so that the 
head of the pin slopes away from the point of the brace; this 
causes the braces to press more firmly down on the wing when 
fixed. The insect should be braced thus: the two braces next 
the body should have the points upwards, the two outer ones 
pointing downwards and slightly inwards towards the body, 
and covering the main portion of the wings beyond the middle. 
Antenne should be carefully laid back above the wings, and 
braces should lie flat, exercising an even pressure at all points 
of their surface. The fore wings should slope slightly forwards 
so that a line drawn from the point of one to the point of the 

*The English mode of pinning low down on a short pin presents so many dis- 
advantages that we would caution collectors to pin high up on a long pin so that 
three-fourths of its length should project below the body.—LZditor. 

8s. M. C. 261. 5 


other will just miss the head and palpi. The hind wings should 
be close up, leaving no intervening space, but just showing the 
upper angle of the wing evenly on each side. I can give no 
more precise directions as to how this desirable result may 
most simply and speedily be attained ; no two people set alike. 
Speed is an object; for I have often had to set twelve dozen 
insects before breakfast. A. simple process is essential, for a 
man who is always pinning and moving pins, and rearranging 
wings and legs, is sure to remove a certain number of scales 
and spoil the appearance of the insect, besides utterly destroy- 
ing its value. I raise each of the fore wings with a pin and fix 
the pin against the inner margin so as to keep them in position 
while I apply the braces. Half the battle is really in the pin- 
ning. When an insect is pinned through the exact centre of 
the thorax with the pin properly sloped forward, the body 
appears to fall naturally into its position on the setting-board, 
and the muscles of the wings being left free are easily directed 
and secured: butif the pin is not put exactly in the middle, it 
interferes with the play of the wings. Legs must be placed close 
against the body or they will project and interfere with the set 
of the wings. Practice, care and a steady hand, will succeed. 
When all the insects that have been killed are set, the contents 
of the canister will be found again ready, twenty minutes being 
amply sufficient to expose to the fumes of ammonia. Very 
bright green or pale pink insects should be killed by some other 
process, say chloroform, as ammonia will affect their colors. 

‘Insects should be left on the setting-boards a full week to 
dry ; then the braces may be carefully removed and they may 
be transferred to the store box. 

‘‘ Having given some account of the process each insect goes 
through, I will say a word as to the apparatus required. 

‘‘ First as to nets. The simplest net is a strong, circular, 
iron wire hoop with a bag of book muslin attached, fastened 
into a hght deal or other handle. 

‘‘fuse a small pocket net about nine inches in diameter made 
to fold up, with a jointed wire frame and a screw to fit into a 
brass socket in a short cane handle. To counteract the strain 
of the net upon so slight a frame the three wire joints are made 
flat, the two side joints flattened across the strain, the upper 
one the reverse way; but to prevent this upper joint from 


coming into play when the net is fixed, the upper part of the 
screw which holds the frame to the handle is welded square and 
fits a corresponding square socket in the other end of the wire 
frame, holding all tight when screwed down. A small green 
silk or other net can be slipped on or off this frame as required. 

‘* An umbrella net with stout steel rim and canvas edging is 
useful for sweeping tall grass and herbage, or to beat branches 
into, by which means many small and beautiful species of re- 
tired habits may be obtained. 

**T use pill-boxes with glass bottoms, which can be obtained 
of various sizes. They are convenient in admitting of the ex- 
amination of each specimen, so rare species can be especially 
searched for, and damaged ones permitted to escape; but they 
are expensive and for ordinary purposes card-board boxes an- 
swer sufliciently well. It is a good plan at the beginning of a 
season to strengthen all your boxes by @ crossed strap of tape 
or calico firmly glued at the top and bottom. Fora killing box 
any tin box or canister with a closely fitting lid, capable of 
containing one hundred pill-boxes will be found to answer. 

‘*Setting-boards can be bought ready made of the smallest 
sizes. They are made by gluing a strip of thick cork on a thin 
slip of deal; the cork must be thick enough to enable a groove 
to be cut into it, deep enough to hold the bodies of the insects 
to be set, and to leave sufficient depth for the pin to hold firmly 
without reaching the deal. The cork on each side of the groove 
should be smoothed off with a gentle curve, so that the wings 
dry in a good position. The deal backing projects beyond the 
cork so as to slide into a groove if required, and it is conve- 
nient to have a deal cupboard of drying boxes with handle at 
top and perforated zine door, having grooves on each side into 
which the setting boards can be slid. Each board should be 
papered with thin white paper. 

*‘At the beginning of a season setting-boards may be washed 
or brushed over with advantage with a weak solution of oxide 
of zinc; it fills up old pinholes and makes them look clean. 

** For Tortricina use No. 10 pins; for Tineina (small), No. 
19; for Nepticule, No. 20. . 

‘‘Always set your insects as soon as you kill them, they are 
then much more easy to set and retain their position better 
when dry. 


‘When pill-boxes are filled keep them cool to prevent the 
insects from fluttering; if glass boxes, keep them also in the 

‘* Many species when first taken will flutter in the boxes and 
injure themselves ; for these it is well when collecting to carry 
a small phial of chloroform and a zine collecting box cork-lined, 
into which you can at once pin your captures ; the cork should 
be damped to keep them fresh. Touching a pill-box with a 
finger moistened with chloroform will kill the insect inside. 
Too much chloroform is apt to stiffen the nerves of the wings 
and interfere with setting. 

“By breeding Microlepidoptera, many species not otherwise 
easily obtainable may be added to a collection, and the habits 
of others in the larva state may be studied with much interest. 
For this purpose a few wide-mouthed glass bottles should be 
obtained with corks to fit, so that the small larvze can be placed 
in them with fresh food and the food kept fresh by exclusion 
of air. If mould should appear the cork can be replaced by 
muslin or net tied over. I would hardly advise a travelling 
collector to attempt this method although I have adopted it 
with some success, but in a stationary camp it is most inter- 
esting and comparatively easy. 

*¢ Cork-lined store boxes are of course required into which to 
remove the insects when sufficiently dried on the setting boards. 
These, as well as the pins and setting-boards with drying case 
to hold them, and the net frames of the folding and umbrella 
patterns, will be best obtained from some dealer in such 

‘To pack Microlepidoptera for travelling, pin them firmly 
close together into a cork-lined box, so that each specimen just 
gently holds down the body of the one above it. This cannot 
be done with very minute species. Put your box into another 
larger box and let the outer one be sufficiently large to leave a 
good clear six inches all around the inner one. Pack this in- 

*In London there are several, among whom I would mention T. Cook, New Ox- 
ford Street, and Thomas Eedle, Maidstone Place, Hackney Row. The manufac- 
turers of entomological pins, which can, however, be obtained from the above 
dealers, are Messrs. Eddleston & Williams, Birmingham; Messrs. Kirby & Beard, 
Canon Street, London. In America, The Naturalists’ Agency, Salem, Mass., and 
C. G. Brewster & Co., Washington St., Boston, keep on hand insect pins, cork, 
pill-boxes, and most of the other articles required by the collector. 


tervening space with hay not crammed too tight; it will act as 
a spring and reduce the effect of shaking; the whole parcel 
should be made thoroughly secure against damp.” 



There are about 2,500 species of North American flies de- 
scribed, and it is probable that the number of living North 
American species amounts to 10,000. 
In Europe there are also about 10,000 
known species, be- 
longing to about 
680 genera. 

The flies of this 
country, compared 
with the other 
groups, have been 
but little studied, though the habits of 
many are so interesting and the species 
very numerous. The different parts of 
the body vary much more than in the Hymenoptera and Lepi- 
doptera, and in such a degree as often to afford comparatively 
easy characters for discriminating the genera. 

Their habits are very variable. Fresh water aquaria are 

Fig. 31. 

Black Fly. 

Syrphus Fly. 

Fig. 33. Fig. 34. 

Tachina Fly. Bot Fly. 

necessary for the maintenance of aquatic larve. If quanti- 
ties of swamp mud and moss with decaying matter are kept in 


boxes and jars, multitudes of small flies will be hatched out. 
Leaf-mining and seed-inhabiting species can be treated as 
Microlepidoptera, and earth-inhabiting larve like ordinary 
caterpillars. Dung, mould in hollow trees, stems of plants 
and toadstools, contain numerous larvee or maggots (Fig. 35) 
as the young of flies are called, which must be kept in damp 

Flies can be pinned alive, without killing them by pressure, 
which destroys their form; and numbers may be killed at once 
by moistening the bottom of the collecting box with creosote, 
benzine or ether, or putting them into a bottle with a wide 
mouth, containing cyanide of potassium. Minute species can 
be pinned with very slender pins, or pieces of fine silver wire, 
and stuck into pieces of pith, which can be placed high up on 

Fig. 35. 

Onion Fly and Maggot. 

a large pin. In pinning long-legged, slender species, it is ad- 
visable to run a piece of card or paper up under their bodies 
upon which their legs may rest, and thus prevent their loss by 
breakage. Of these insects, as of all others, duplicates in 
all stages of growth should be preserved in alcohol, while the 
minute species dry up unless put in spirits. 


‘*Coleopterous insects may be distinguished by the hard 
shell which ineases their bodies; the wings are protected by 
horny wing covers, but in some the wing covers are small. 


It is through the right wing cover (Fig. 9) that they should 
be pinned for the cabinet. They are found in every variety 
of situation; on plants, in decomposing animal and vegetable 
matter, in mushrooms, under bark of trees, under stones, es- 
pecially in moist and shady situations ; many are found creep- 
ing on the ground, in deserts and other arid spots in western 
America; some are attracted by candles at night, while others 
(in all parts of the country) fly actively on being approached 
and light again on the ground a few paces off. 

‘““Many peculiar species, not found in other situations, live 
under material cast up by the ocean; others are found along ° 

Fig. 36. Fig. 37. Fig. 38. 

Goldsmith Beetle. Tiger Beetle. Fire Fly. 

the shores of lakes and rivers; many also are found living in 
the water.” (Leconte.) 

Mr. Edward Newman says that ‘‘moss is a great resort of 
beetles in the winter; whenever you have the opportunity go 
into the thickest woods, and pulling up the moss by handfuls 
cram it into a canvas bag, which you have taken with you for 
this especial object. Then on a winter’s day, when nothing 
tempts you abroad, shake out your moss, bit by bit, on a white 
cloth, and you will soon possess yourself of wonders.” 

‘* A large number of species are very minute, and are usu- 
ally found in abundance ; these should not be neglected, as to 
scientific men they possess quite as much interest as the larger 
species. The specimens should be thrown into strong alcohol ; 


if this cannot be procured, common whiskey will answer very 
well, but must, when the specimens are numerous, be replaced 
by fresh liquor. The smaller specimens should be kept in 
a separate bottle. When the bottle is full, the liquor should 
be poured off and replaced by fresh alcohol or whiskey, and 
closely corked. If there is much danger of breaking in trans- 
portation, the specimens, after being well soaked with the al- 
cohol, may be allowed to dry partially, but not so as to become 
brittle, and then packed in small pasteboard boxes, taking 
care, by shaking the box well before finally closing it, to pack 
the specimens so closely that they cannot be broken by moving 
about; the box may then be closed by pasting a small strip of 
paper around it, and the locality, date of collection, etc., 
written on the top.” (Leconte.) 

We copy from a chapter on collecting Coleoptera, by Edward 
Newman, in Greene’s ‘‘ Insect Hunter’s Companion” (London, 
1870), an account of Mr. Crotch’s plan of killing and pre- 
serving beetles, of especial use while on a long journey. 

“The following method has now been in use some time, and 
hence has been fairly tested. Its advantages are very great, 
so that I make no apology for introducing it to the notice of 
your readers. ‘The first idea of the process is due, as far as I 
know, to M. de Vuille-froi, who used it with me in Spain, some 
years ago, with great success. The specimens may be collected 
in two ways, according to the size and the convenience of the 
collector. The first and best way, for small species, is by 
putting them into a bottle containing about half an inch of 
dry pine-sawdust, in which has been previously placed a small 
piece of cyanide of potassium about as big as a pea: they 
will then die instantly. Larger species and small species 
which do not fly readily, may be put into spirits in the ordi- 
nary way, but the Staphylinide and others generally open 
their wings in this process. The sawdust should be pine-wood 
and sifted free from chips on the one hand and from dust on 
the other, so as to be of an uniform size. For storing the 
species thus collected, a few tin canisters will be found most 
convenient ; a layer of sawdust is placed at the bottom, and 
then beetles and so on alternately to the top. The sawdust 
used in the tins should be damped (not wetted) with a mixture 
of spirit and one-twentieth part of carbolie acid, which will 


effectually prevent mould or mites and will bring the specimens 
home perfectly fresh and clean. Small species, or specimens 
from a particular locality, should be wrapped in a piece of rag 
or tissue-paper, with a little sawdust, and the name of the lo- 
cality. The specimens collected in spirits should be removed 
as soon as possible (in a few days at farthest), and transferred 
to sawdust. When the tins are full, some more spirit and car- 
bolic acid should be poured in and the top soldered down : 
they will then keep for two years at least. The advantages of 
this method are manifest, especially in the absence of any 
danger of breakage or leakage; and it is more than probable 
that a similar plan might be employed with reptiles, fishes, 
ete., but for these chloride of zinc suggests itself as the agent 
most likely to be of service. As the insects do not become 
rotten by the above process, it is sometimes not so easy to set 
their legs in the peculiar manner in vogue in this country, but 
they will have as a set-off the advantage of being thoroughly 
fit for study. When by any chance spirit cannot be obtained, 
they will keep perfectly in dry sawdust, if the specimens are 
dried in the air for a few hours first ; all that is necessary after- 
wards being to relax them in the sawdust instead of removing 
them from it. Jars or wide-mouthed pickle bottles may of 
course be used instead of tins, and are more airtight, but liable 
to break.” 

‘That eminent and most excellent entomologist, Mr. E. W. 
Janson, endorses Mr. Crotch’s recommendation, and adds a 
few hints on the subject of collecting beetles abroad, as fol- 
lows :— 

‘*«The sawdust plan, now almost universally adopted by col- 
lectors, I can recommend both on account of its simplicity , 
and efficiency. The sawdust should be that of some white or 
yellow wood without coloring matter —pine is perhaps the 
best; it should be sifted over fine muslin, and the dust and 
minute particles rejected. In collecting, wide-mouthed bottles 
should be used; these should be about one-fourth filled with 
dry sawdust, adding beneath a piece of cyanide of potassium 
of the size of a large pea or haricot bean. On reaching home 
after collecting, the contents of the collecting bottles should be 
shaken out on a large sheet of paper, and the insects trans- 

ferred to the stock-bottle or jar, and the cyanide and sawdust 
S. M. C. 261. 6 


returned to the collecting bottles for future use. Any descrip- 
tion of wide-mouthed bottles, such as pickle-jars, may be used 
as stock bottles; they should, however, have tightly-fitting 
corks or bungs. Before putting the insects collected into the 
stock bottle, throw into it sawdust a quarter of an inch in 
thickness, slightly damped, not moistened, with a mixture made 
of alcohol (methylated spirit will answer admirably ; brandy or 
strong whiskey, if unsweetened, will suffice, but sweetened gin 
and rum must be avoided), or, still better, benzine or ben- 
zoline, and carbolic or phenic acid. ‘These should be mixed in 
the proportions of nineteen parts of alcohol or benzine and 
one part of carbolic acid. On the sawdust damped with this 
mixture place a layer of insects; over them a second stratum 
of damped sawdust, then a second layer of insects, and so on 
alternately until the stock-bottle or jar is filled; take care that 
it is always kept well-closed. When it is filled it may be 
packed with any other objects in sawdust, hay, moss, or any 
other elastic substance, and forwarded to its destination.’” 

Special attention should be given to the collection of the 
larvee of beetles, called grubs. They are found in soil, under 
the bark of trees, in nuts, etc., and in fresh water pools. 


This group of insects has been greatly neglected, as they 
are not the favorites of entomologists. By sweeping grass 

Fig. 39. Fig. 40. Fig. 41. 

Stiretrus. Arma. Thrips. 

and herbage, as for beetles, in the latter part of summer, large 

numbers occur which can only be obtained in this way. Hi- 


bernating species are found under leaves in hard-wood forests. 
Tke large carnivorous kinds are sometimes found on bushes 
with caterpillars transfixed on their jaws. Aquatic species 
should be taken out by the water-net by thrusting it suddenly 
under surface swimming species, or by pushing it among sub- 
merged grass or weeds where the smaller forms may be lurking ; 
several kinds occur under submerged logs, sticks, ete. 

The soft-bodied species of Aphis or plant Fig. 42. 
lice should be preserved in alcohol, glycerine 
or Canada balsam. They should be carefully 
watched for their parasites, and can be easily 
kept in slender glass vials through which they 
can be watched. 

All the bugs should be pinned through the 
distinct triangular scutellum situated in the 
middle at the base of the wings (Fig. 42). The small hard 
species of leaf hoppers should be pinned through the right 
wing cover. Birds and various quadrupeds should be carefully 
examined for lice which may be preserved in alcohol. 


Orthoptera can be easily preserved in strong alcohol, and 
may afterwards be taken out and pinned and set at leisure. 
If preserved dry they can be killed with cyanide of potassium, 
or ether, without losing their colors, as they would do after 
remaining long in alcohol. They should be pinned through a 
little triangular spot between the bases of the elytra, or fore 
wings, when the wings can be spread to advantage. They are 
also often pinned through the right elytron, as in Coleoptera, 
In pinning these insects for transportation care should be 
taken to put in additional pins crossing each other on each side 
of the abdomen, and in like manner to steady the hind legs, 
which are very apt to fall off if too much jarred. 



These insects, the young of which frequently live in fresh 
water ponds and streams, should be pinned through the centre 
of the thorax, the smaller and more delicate kinds immediately 
on capture should be pinned in the collecting box. 

The Psoci (Fig. 45, Cecilius) live on leaves and the bark 

Fig. 43. Fig. 44. 

Libellula (Dragon Fly). Agrion. 

of trees, and are more or less social. They closely resemble 
the Aphis. 

As regards the preservation of the dragon flies, Mr. Uhler 
states that ‘‘the large, brilliant green dragon flies (Cordulina), 
as well as the yellow, brown-striped Gomphina, having the 

Fig. 45. eyes wide apart, will furnish new 
species in almost all parts of the 
country. In order to preserve 
specimens in the neatest manner it 
is well to slip them immediately, 
when caught, into paper bags of 
suitable size; first taking care to 
lay back the wings so that they 

Cecilius. will be applied together, to prevent 
mutilation. These paper bags may be placed loosely in a box 
carried for the purpose. They can thus be taken out at leis- 
ure, killed by applying a camel’s hair pencil, dipped in sulphu- 
ric ether, chloroform, or benzine, to the under side of the body, 
and then have the wings spread by placing them upon the set- 
ting boards. In most species the colors change after death, 


hence it is important to make short descriptions of the colors 
before killing the specimens.”” The smaller, more slender and 
delicate Neuroptera should be pinned directly in the collecting 
box. Many species are caught by a light in the night time, 
such as Polystoechotes nebulosus and the Caddis flies (Fig. 46, 

Fig. 46. 

Caddis Fly and Larva and its Case. 

Neuronia semifasciata) ; and a bright light placed in damp situa- 
tions by streams, ete., will attract large numbers, the smaller 
species, like moths, being attracted a great distance by light. 
Other species of this group, so numerous in the northern states, 
are found in great numbers floating on lakes and ponds. For 

Fig. 47. 

fp ft 


Ant-lion, adult. 
the proper study of the genera of these insects, and often of the 
species, they should be collected in alcohol, so as to be studied 
in a flexible state. 
The aquatic larvee and pupz can be reared in aquaria in jars 
and tumblers, taking care that the weaker species are sepa- 


rated from those more powerful and bloodthirsty. The little 
Entomostraca, or water fleas serve as food for the smaller 
species. With care many species can be reared in this way, 
and so little is known of their transformations that figures and 
descriptions would be of great value. The interesting and 
varied habits of the different families can also easily be noted. 

The Ant-lions (Fig. 47) in the larva state (Fig. 48) dig pit- 

Fig. 48. 


falls in the sand. The adults may be preserved in the same 
manner as Dragon flies. 

The May flies, or Ephemerids (Fig. 49), as their name implies, 
are, when fully grown, very short-lived insects, the adult living 
but a few hours. The body is slender and weak, being very 
long; the prothorax is of moderate 
size; the antenne are subulate, awl- 
like, being very small, as in the dragon 
flies, while the parts of the mouth are 
rudimentary, the insect taking no food 
in the adult or imago state. The wings 
are very unequal in size, the hinder pair 
being much smaller, or in some instances 
(Chloé and Cenis) entirely aborted ; the 
transverse veins are either few or numer- 

Mey ous; the tarsi are four or five jointed, 
and appended to the long, slender abdomen are two or three 

long caudal filaments. 
The sexes unite while on the upper surface of the water, and 

after a short union the female drops in the water her eggs “in 
two long, cylindrical yellow masses, each consisting of numer- 
ous minute eggs.” Walsh states that he possesses a ‘‘sub- 
imago of Palingenia bilineata, which oviposited in that state.” 



The larve live in running water and prey on small aquatic 

insects, the body being long and flat, with long 
hair-like antennz, and small eyes situated on the 
side of the head, the ocelli not usually being 
present, and long sickle-shaped jaws, while along 
each side of the abdomen are leaf-like or bushy 
false gills, and the body ends in long feathered 
anal hairs. They live, it is stated, two or three 
years, and reside in burrows in the mud, under 
stones, or among grass and weeds, where they 
may be taken with the water-net in great abun- 
dance, and are beautiful 
objects for the aqua- 
rium. Lubbock states 
that Chloéon passes 
through twenty-one 
moultings of the skin 
before it assumes the 
imago state; the pupze 
are active and have, as 
a general rule, the rudi- 
ments of wings. After 
leaving the pupa skin 

Fig. 52. 


Fig. 50. 

Ephemera larva. 

the insect (sub-imago), when its 

Wings are expanded, t 
flight, and then 
casts another 
skin before 
reaching the 
final imago state. They often fly in im- 
mense numbers, and become stranded in 
winrows along the borders of lakes. The 
perfect insects should be preserved in 
alcohol for study, as they shrivel up 
when pinned. ‘They should be described 
when alive if possible. 

The Thysanura, comprising the Le- 
pisma (Fig. 51, Lepisma 4-seriata or 

Podura (Tomocerus). 

akes a short 
Fig. 51, 

Bristle Tail, and Podura or Spring Tail; Lepisma 4-seriata. 
Fig. 52, Tomocerus plumbeus) are found abundantly in damp 


apartments, or in moist dark places under sticks, stones, among 
fallen leaves, or under bark of trees, while some occur in great 
profusion about manure heaps and hot-beds in early spring. 
They should be collected in a mixture of alcohol and glycerine, 
equal parts, or alcohol alone. Collections from the western 
and Pacific states are very desirable. 


In studying spiders, of which there are in New England 
alone, according to Mr. Emerton, over 
two hundred species, the number and rela- 
tive situation of the eyes, and the relative 
length of the different pairs of legs, should 
be noticed. Their webs and the manner of 
constructing them ; their habitats, whether 
spreading their webs upon or in the 
ground, or in trees, or on herbage; or 
whether the species is aquatic, or erratic, 

NothriseMite: and pursue their prey without building 
webs to entrap them, should be observed. So, also, how they 
deposit their eggs, and the form Fig. 54. 

and appearance of the silken 
nidus, and whether the female 
bears her eggs about her, and 
how this is done, whether hold- 
ing on to the egg-sac by her 
fore or hind legs, should all be 
carefully noticed. Care must be 
taken not to mistake the young 
or full-grown, mature species, 
and describe them as_ such. 
Spiders can be reared in boxes 
as insects. The only way to 
preserve them is to throw them 
into alcohol ; when pinned, they Cattle Tick. 
shrivel up and lose their colors, which keep well in spirits. 
The colors of spiders vary much at different seasons of the 


year, especially during the frosts of autumn, when the changes 
produced are greatest. All spiders are directly beneficial to 
agriculture by their carnivorous habits, as they all prey upon 
insects, and do no harm to vegetation. Their instincts are 
wonderful, and their habits and organization worthy of more 
study than has yet been paid them. We have no species poi- 
sonous to man, except when the state of health renders the 
constitution open to receive injury from their bite, just as mos- 
quitoes and black flies often cause serious harm to some per- 

The mites (Fig. 53, Nothrus) occur under bark, sticks, 
stones, or on the bodies of birds and mammals or insects. 
They should be preserved in alcohol. 

All kinds of Ticks (Zxodes, Fig. 54) should also be preserved 
in spirits, as well as the minute species of mites which occur 



The centipeds and millepeds (Fig. 55, Julus multistriatus) 
live in damp situations under stones, sticks, leaves, 
etc. They should be preserved in different stages of 
growth in spirits. Several species (Spirostrephon) 
live in caves and should be especially sought for. 

Fig. 55. 

In conclusion we may say that while the Coleop- 
tera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera of the north- 
eastern states of the union are comparatively well 
known, specimens of all orders from the southern 
and western states, the Pacific states, and the great 
plains, however common, are eagerly desired, as well as 
all cave insects. Specimens received by the Smith- 
sonian Institution will be forwarded to experts for 
identification and description. Specimens should 
always be accompanied by small paper labels at- 
tached to the pin or placed in the bottles. If written 
in pencil on heavy paper the marks will endure for a long time. 
Always state the locality and date of capture. 

8. M. C. 261. 7 


me Oo rm 

co oO 

oOo co 


Insect net, 

5 Mecho oree Osi WK 5 o Oo Oo 
- Portable head fornet, . . 
. Water net, 

Curved forceps, . 

Straight forceps, 

> EOISOning, bottle; yn es 
> Chloroformihottlesy 1). n-ne 
. Mode of pinning Coleoptera, 

Cae mci ‘¢ Hemiptera, 

. Setting Lepidoptera, 

. Paper bottoms for insect boxes, 
. Breeding cage for insects, . . 
. Mutilla, Seen ace ei. 


7 4 Chalcid Parasite, 9 2 5: 
. Grape Worm and Moth, Alypia, 
. Maggot and Fly, Ortalis, . 

20. Potato Beetle, 

The Forceps-tail, Panorpa, . . 

. Mantispa, 

25. Figure of Ichneumon, 


Saw Fly and Larva, 

28, Cabbage; Buttertlys. fa. se 
29. A Tinea (enlarged), . 

30. Setting Lepidoptera, 

$1. Black Fly (enlarged), . . 

Seo Shancleyambe 56 6 6 o o 6 Oo 
33. Tachina Fly (enlarged), . . . 
aki, JEONG io oo a 5, oO oe 


. Larva, Pupa and Beetle, Asemum, 

. Hadenecus of the Mammoth Cave, 

. Larva, male and female of Orange Scale Insect (enlarged), 


D> S&S or Cr wm 9 




Onion Fly and Maggot, . 

. Goldsmith Beetle, 
whi Cereb eet le mmemmrs 
pekinese Elive 

SS tIRetrUs. nea 

Junk “ar Gu c 

5 babe, Gg 

. Pinning Hemiptera, 
. Libellula, . 

5 anol, = GB 6 G 
. Cecilius (enlarged), . 
. Caddis Fly and Larva, 
. Ant-lion (adult), 
. Ant-lion (larva), 
. May Fly, 3 
. Ephemera Larya (enlarged), 
. Lepisma 4-seriata, : 
Podura (Tomocerus), (enlarged) . 
. Nothrus Mite (enlarged), 

Se UU S is puter ure alte Uke 


. Cattle Tick (lower figure enlarged), 


Acarina, 24. 

Agrion, 44. 

Agrotis, 27. 

Alcohol, 6. 

Alcoholic specimens, 16. 
Alpine insects, 2. 
Alypia, 21. 

American Tent Caterpillar, 30. 

Animal kingdom, 20. 
Ant, 21. 

Anthrenus, 9, 11. 
Antispila, 29. 

Ant Lion, 45, 46. 
Aphis, 43. 
Apparatus, collecting, 3. 
Aquaria, 16, 37. 
Aquatic beetles, 3. 
Aquatic larvee, 16. 
Arachnida, 20, 24, 48. 
Araneina, 24. 

Arma, 42. 

Arsenic acid, 9. 
Articulata, 20. 
Asemum, 22. 
Atomizer, 10, 11. 

Beating net, 5. 

Bees, 16, 25. 

Beetles, 2. 

Beetles, aquatic, 3, 5, 16, 38. 
Beetles, collecting, 40, 41, 42. 
Beetles, Longicorn, 3. 
Beetles, preservation of, 40. 
Benzine, 6. 

Birds, 43. 

Blackberry, 3. 

Black Fly, 37. 

Board, 12. 

Boards, setting, 11. 

Bot Flies, 37. 

Bottles, 6. 

Boxes, 6, 14, 15. 

Breeding cage, 17, 27. 
Brine, 10. 

Bristle tail, 47. 

Bugs, 23, 42. 

Butterflies, 11, 26. 

Cabbage Butterfly, 26. 
Cabinet, insect, 13. 
Caddis Flies, 44. 
Cenis, 46. 

Cage, breeding, 16, 27. 
Cages, 17. 

Camphor, 13. 
Carnivorous larva, 16. 


Caterpillars, 16. 
Caterpillars, descriptions of, 19. 
Caterpillars, management of, 30, 
Cattle Tick, 48. 

Centipede, 24, 49. 

Ceratina, 3. 

Chalcid Parasite, 3, 21 
Chalcis, 25. 

Chilognatha, 24. 

Chilopoda, 24. 

Chloé, 46, 

Chloéon, 47. 

Chloroform, 6. 

Chrysalides, 10, 28. 
Classification of insects, 20, 
Cleaning insects, 13. 
Clisiocampa, 30. 

Cocoons, 10. 

Cecilius, 44. 

Coleoptera, 2, 7, 13, 38, 40, 49. 
Coleopterous larye, 3. 
Coleopterous pupe, 19. 
Collecting apparatus, 3. 
Collecting Beetles, 40, 41, 42. 
Collecting insects, 24, 32. 
Cordulina, 44. 

Cork, 13. 

Corn, 14. 

Corrosive sublimate, 9. 
Crabro, 3. 

Creosote, 7. 

Crepuscular, 26. 

Crustacea, 20. 

Cyanide of potassium, 7. 

Dermestes, 9, 11. 

Descriptions of Caterpillars, 19. 
Diptera, 7, 16, 22, 37. 

Dipterous larve, 3. 

Disease, 30. 

Diurnal, 26. 

Dragon Flies, 15, 16, 44. 

Dragon Flies, preservation of, 44. 
Dried insects, 12. 

Elder, 3. 
Entomostraca, 46. 
Ephemera larva, 47. 
Ephemerides, 46. 
Ether, 6. 

Felt, 14. 

Fire Fly, 39. 

Flies, 7, 16, 22, 37. 
Fluids, preservative, 
Forceps, 5, 6. 



Forceps tail, 24. 
Formica, 21. 

Gall Flies, 25. 

Galls, 3. 

Glycerine, 9. 
Goldsmith Beetle, 39. 
Gomphina, 44. 
Gracilaria, 29. 

Grape Moth, 21. 
Grasshoppers, 23, 43. 
Grasshopper, wingless, 23. 
Grubs, 23. 

Gum, 9. 

Gumming insects, 8. 
Gum, way to make, 9. 

Hadencecus subterraneus, 23. 
Harvest men, 24. 

Hemiptera, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 23, 42. 
Hemiptera, pinning, 43. © 

Hymenoptera, 2, 15, 16, 21, 25, 49. 

Ichneumon Flies, 25. 
Ichneumon parasites, 3, 19. 
Imagos, 16. 

Insects, 20. 

Insects, alpine, 2. 

Insects, broken, 9. 

Insect cabinet, 13. 

Insects, classification of, 20. 
Insects, cleaning, 13. 
Insects, collecting, 24, 32. 
Insects, dried, 12, 15. 
Insects, killing, 6, 54. 
Insects, gumming, 8. 
Insects, metropolis of, 1. 
Insects, pinning, 5, 7, 33, 34. 
Insects, preparing, 11. 
Insects, preservation of, 10, 24. 
Insects, setting, 31. 

Insects, soft-bodied, 15. 
Insects, transportation of, 15. 
Ixodes, 49. 

Julus, 24. 
Julus multistriatus, 49. 

Killing boxes, 35. 
Killing insects, 6, 34. 

Labels, 16. 

Larve, 16. 

Larve, aquatic, 16. 
Larve, carnivorous, 16. 
Larve, coleopterous, 3. 
Larve, dipterous, 3. 
Larve, live, 15. 

Larve, preservation of, 16, 26. 
Larve, rearing, 16. 
Larve, seeking for, 30. 
Larve, subterranean, 16. 
Larvarium, 27. 

Laurel cases, 6. 
Leaf-rollers, 16. 

Lepido ptera, 13, 15, 16, 26, 49 
Lepidopterous pupx, 19. 
Lepisma 4-seriata, 47. 
Libellula, 44. 

Lice. 42. 

Liquid poison, 10. 
Lithocolletis, 29. 

Live larve, 15. 
Longicorn beetles, 3. 


Management of Caterpillars, 30. 
Mantispa, 24. 

May Flies, 44, 46. 

Metropolis of insects, 1. 
Micro-lepidoptera, 29, 31, 36. 
Micros, 29. 

Millepeds, 49. 

Miners, 16. 

Mites, 24, 48, 49. 
Mosquitoes, 37. 

Moss, 39. 

Moths, 7, 9, 11, 26. 

Mould, 36. 

Mud-wasps, nests of, 3. 
Mutilla, 21. 

Myriopoda, 20, 24, 49. 

Names, 31. 

Nepticula, 29. 

Nests, 10, 25. 

Nest of mud wasps, 3. 
Net, 3, 34. 

Net, beating, 5. 

Net, water, 5. 

Neuronia semifasciata, 45. 
Neuroptera, 15, 21, 24, 44. 
Neuroptera, pinning, 45. 
Nitidule, 2. 

Noctua, 27. 

Nocturnal, 26. 

Nothrus, 49. 

Nothrus mite, 48. 

Oidium, 31. 

Onion Fly, 38. 

Ortalis, 22. 

Orthoptera, 9, 23, 43. 
Orthoptera, pinning, 43. 
Orthoptera, preservation of, 43. 
Orthosia, 27. 

Osmia, 3. 

Oxalic acid, 7. 

Ox-gall, 9. 

Palingenia bilineata, 46. 
Palm wood, 14. 

Panorpa, 25. 

Parasites, 25. 

Parasites, Ichneumon, 3, 19. 
Pedipalpi, 24. 

Phalangium, 24. 

Pill-boxes, 6. 

Pinning Hemiptera, 43. 
Pinning insects, 5, 7, 33, 34. 
Pinning Neuroptera, 45. 
Pinning Orthoptera, 45. 
Pins, 8, 35. 

Plant lice, 42. 

Podura, 47. 

Poison, liquid, 10. 
Polystechotes nebulosus, 45. 
Potato beetle, 22. 

Preparing insects, 11. 
Preservation of beetles, 40. 
Preservation of Dragon flies, 44. 
Preservation of insects, 10. 
Preservation of larve, 16. 
Preservation of Orthoptera, 43. 
Preservative fluids, 9. 
Preserving insects, 24. 
Preserving larvie ‘ 

Psoci, 44. 

Pupzx, 16, 28. 

Pupz, Coleopterous, 19. 
Pup, Lepidopterous, 19. 

Raspberry, 3. 
Rearing larva, 16, 

Saw Flies, 25. 
Scorpions, 24, 48. 
Seeking for larve, 30. 
Setting boards, 11, 35. 
Setting insects, 31. 
Silphide, 2. 

Small insects, 8. 
Soft-bodied insects, 15. 
Specimens, alcoholic, 16, 
Spiders, 24, 48. 
Spirostrephon, 49, 
Spring tail, 47. 
Staphylinide, 40. 
Stigma, 3. 

Stiretrus, 42. 

Stretcher, 12. 
Subterranean larve, 16. 
Sulphur, 7. 

Syringa, 3. 

Syrphus Fly, 37. 

Tachina Fly, 37. 
Thousand legs, 24, 49. 

INDEX. | . 55 

Thrips, 42. 

Thysanura, 47. 

Ticks, 49. 

Tiger beetle, 39. 
Tinagma, 29. 

Tineid, 30. 

Tineide, 28. 

Tomocerus, 47. 
Tomocerus plumbeus, 47. 
Tortrix, 30. 
Transportation of insects, 15, 

Vials, 6. 

Wasps, 21, 25. 

Water fleas, 46. 

Water net, 5. 

Way to make gum, 9. 
Whiskey, 6. 

White ants, 15. 

Wild bees, 3. 

Wingless Grasshopper, 23. 
Worms, 20. 

Xanthea, 27. 


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MAY—JUNE, 1873. 

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482. A. nitidum. Atrum nitidum, breviter fusco-pubescens, protho- 
race latitudine breviore, lateribus valde rotundatis, disco subtiliter 
minus dense punctato, ante basin transversim, disco autem vix con- 
spicue impresso; elytris subtiliter dense punctulatis, obsolete striatis. 
Long. 17.5 mm. 

One male, Oregon, Lord Walsingham. This species is larger, 
and somewhat more robust than either moestum or atrum, and is 
easily known by the surface being lustrous instead of opaque, 
and by the prothorax being much less densely punctured. The 
antenne of the male are half as long as the body and stouter than 
in the other species, especially towards the base. The eyes are 
of the same form, and somewhat hairy as in the other species. 

Asemum asperum Lee. belongs properly to Nothorhina, a genus 
easily distinguished by the prosternum being more deeply emar- 
ginate in front, pronotum longitudinally excavated in the middle, 
and rough with elevated points at the sides. 


“The vaguely deseribed North American species introduced by 
Kirby, Randall, and Leconte,” do not seem to have merited the 
recognition of Schiéddte,* and I have therefore constructed the 
following table, which may assist in the determination of speci- 

Some of the characters used by Prof. Schiddte for the separa- 
tion of the two Danish species, become, in our more extensive 
fauna, of importance in defining groups rather than individual 
species, which may accordingly be divided as follows :— 

A. 3d joint of hind tarsi emarginate for half its length, the 4th joint con- 
sequently extending as far as the lobes of the 3d joint, elytra 
finely punctured : 

Antenne and legs very slender, hind tarsi with the 3d joint twice as 
long as wide; body more elongate, prothorax not wider than long, 
rounded on the sides, slightly roughened with elevated points. 

1. propuctus Lec. 

Antenne and legs less slender, body less elongate, prothorax wider than 

* Annals and Magazine of Nat. History, 3d ser. xv. 233. (March, 1865.) 
12. May, 1873. 



3d joint of hind tarsi two-thirds longer than wide, prothorax rounded 

at the sides and slightly roughened. 2. AGRESTIS (Kirby). 
3d joint of hind tarsi half longer than wide, prothorax angulated at 
the sides, and strongly roughened. 3. ASPERATUS Lec. 

B. 3d joint of hind tarsi bilobed, cleft nearly to the base, the 4th joint 
received into the emargination, not extending as far as the end of 
the lobes ; elytra less finely punctured, (sides of prothorax rounded, 
scarcely asperated): 

Prothorax deeply impressed, hind tarsi with 3d joint nearly twice longer 

than wide. 4. MONTANDS, 0. sp. 
Prothorax feebly impressed, hind tarsi with 3d joint very little longer 
than wide; 
Prothorax very finely punctured. 5. OBSOLETUS (fand.). 
Prothorax less finely punctured. 6. NuBILUS Lec. 

C. Eyes smaller, less prominent, and more deeply emarginate than in the 
other species, prothorax and elytra finely punctured, the former 
rounded, not asperated, feebly impressed at the middle; 3d joint of 
Inbal WANN G Sob oF 7. AUSTRALIS Lec. 

483. C. montanus. 

This species is founded on four specimens from Colorado, 
having very much the appearance of C. productus, but differ- 
ing by the 3d joint of hind tarsi cleft nearly to the base, and 
by the less finely punctured elytra, The prothorax is scarcely 
wider than long, rounded on the sides, with only a few elevated 
points, finely and densely punctured, with the two discoidal im- 
pressions, the medial channel, and two tranverse impressions 
deep. The hind tarsi are slender, the 2d joint is more than twice 
as long as its width, and the 3d is about half longer than its 
width, cleft nearly to the base. The antenne of the % are about 
three-quarters as long, those of the 2, one-half as long as the 
body. The ventral sexual characters are as in the other species, 
the 5th segment being broad in the $, elongate in the 2 ; in 
the % the 6th segment is visible. Length 19-24 mm. 

T. C. australis Lec., Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phil. 1862, 43; Asemum 
australe Lee., Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser., ii. 35. I have 
seen only the type of this species, which on account of the finer 
punctuation, and general appearance, I placed in Asemum from 
which it differs by the eyes being larger, more coarsely granulated, 
and not hairy. 



Body elongate, slender, thinly pubescent, with long flying hairs 
on the antenne, legs, prothorax, body, and elytra; integuments 
of firmer consistence than usual in the tribe; front short, oblique, 
channelled, divided by a deep transverse line, support of labrum 
coriaceous as usual. Eyes finely granulated, deeply emarginate ; 
gene short, prominent, rectangular. Palpi short, not very 
unequal, last joint broadly triangular; antenne slender, thinly 
clothed with long pubescence, and sparsely villous; scape rather 
stout, mere than half as long as 3d joint, 2d joint about one- 
fourth as long as 3d joint; 4th joint a little shorter than 5th joint ; 
1lth in @ simple, in % very distinctly divided, outer portion 
shorter. Prothorax shining, sparsely punctured, sides distinctly 
angulated at the middle. Elytra elongate, densely punctured, 
rounded at tip. Prosternum narrow between the front coxe, 
which are transverse and broadly angulated. Mesosternum 
triangular, obtusely rounded behind, cox distant, open exter- 
nally; episterna of metathorax not very wide, nearly parallel, 
tubercle of scent pores very distinct; 5th ventral segment shorter 
in % and broadly emarginate. Legs slender, thighs very feebly 
clavate, hind tibie with distinet spurs, tarsi shorter than tibie, 
1st joint as long as the two following united. 

A yery anomalous genus, founded on Callidium collare Kirby 
(lepidum Zec.), a slender black species with bright red prothorax, 
found in Canada, and on Lake Superior. By the greater firm- 
ness of the tissues, the general appearance, the presence of 
an additional article in the % antenne, and the smaller size of 
the 2d joint, it forms a connecting link with the later tribes 
allied to Clytini; but by the broadly angulated front coxe it 
belongs rather to the Callidiini. 

The eyes are more inclined to embrace the base of the antenne 
than in any other genus of the Callidioid series, and it is rather 
to avoid making a new group in the Cerambycoides than for any 
other reason that I have placed it here. 


484, G. fasciata. Nigra opaca, subtiliter pubescens, prothorace lati- 
tudine fere duplo longiore, medio paulo latiore, alutaceo parce punctato ; 
elytris fortiter punctatis, margine basali fasciaque transversa mox pone 


medium albo-pubescente, apice truncatis, et 3 vel 4-denticulatis ; pedibus 
piceis, antennis flavo-testaceis. Long. 4:5 mm. 

Lower California, Mr. Ulke. A singular species, but resem- 
bling entirely in form and size G. minuta. The elytra are dis- 
tinctly truncate at tip, and the truncature is serrate, the suture 
and outer angle being prominent, with one or two intermediate 


485. C. vile. Nigrum, subtiliter cinereo-pubescens, prothorace latitu- 
dine vix breviore, lateribus rotundatis, fortiter punctato; elytris sat 
dense fortiter punctatis, et tramsversim rugosis; antennarum articulo 
2do sequente triplo breviore. Long. 4°5 mm. 

Mendocino, California; collected by Mr. Behrens. Readily 
known by the small size, black color, and coarse sculpture. The 
thighs are strongly clubbed, the front coxe are contiguous, and 
the mesosternum obtusely triangular. I cannot see the meso- 
notum, but I have no doubt from the other characters that there 
is no stridulating surface. 

486. C. hirtelLum. Elongatum minus depressum, nigrum nitidum, 
pubescens, et pilis nigris erectis villosum, prothorace ferrugineo, punc- 
tato, callis levibus haud elevatis ornato, latitudine paulo breviore, 
lateribus rotundatis ; elytris concinne punctatis sepe testaceis ; antennis 
pilosis, basi rufescentibus, articulo 2do 3i0 dimidio breviore. Long. 
8 mm. 

Nevada, Mr. Ulke. Two specimens, one of which is black, 
with the prothorax ferruginous; the other has also the elytra 
brownish ferruginous. The mesonotum is smooth and polished, 
with a few scattered punctures; the mesosternum is triangular ; 
the thighs strongly clubbed, the front coxe contiguous. C. 
zreum Newman (pallipes Hald.), belongs to the same division 
of the genus, characterized by the rather stout antenne, not 
thickened but very hairy towards the base, with the 2d joint about 
half as long as the 3d, and the punctuation less dense than in the 
metallic blue species. 


48%. X. cribratus. Ater, pube nigra villosus, prothorace fortiter 
punctato, latitudine breviore, postice subangustato, lateribus autice 
valde rotundatis, postice subsinuatis; elytris subreticulatim grosse 
punctatis, punctis versum apicem paulo minoribus. Long. 12°5 mm. 



One male, Virginia City, Nevada, Mr. Edwards. Nearly 
allied to X. Agassizii Lec., but the prothorax is distinctly nar- 
rowed behind and subsinuate, very much as Spondylis upiformis, 
and the sculpture of the elytra is not suddenly finer behind the 

The convex sides of the prothorax are less coarsely and more 
densely punctured than the disk. The antenne are two-thirds 
the length of the body, quite hairy, and the 4th joint is very 
little shorter than the 5th. 


Head moderately large, eyes coarsely granulated, deeply emar- 
ginate, lower lobe very large, genx extremely short, front short, 
perpendicular; mandibles short, stout, acute at tip, external 
outline with a well-defined obtuse angle near the tip, so that the 
front margin is straight and transverse ; palpi very unequal, last 
joint triangular, obliquely truncate. Antenne (%) longer than 
the body, 11th joint indistinctly divided ; Ist joint thicker, and 
about two-thirds as long as the 3d joint, very rough with small 
acute spines, 3d and following rough but gradually becoming 
smoother, fringed beneath but not densely with hairs, which also 
gradually become thinner and shorter. Prothorax wider than 
long, feebly rounded on the sides, not constricted either before or 
behind, transversely impressed before the base, which is produced 
into a broad subtruncate lobe; disk rather flat, with a narrow, 
smooth dorsal line, and two vague discoidal impressions ; scutel- 
lum broad, rounded behind; elytra as wide at the base as the 
thorax, gradually narrower behind, and rounded at tip. Pros- 
ternum Jaminiform between the cox, but not prolonged as in 
Oeme; surface in front of cox finely transversely rugose, and 
depressed each side; the finely roughened dorsal surface extends 
on the flanks to the prosternal suture, as in Eucrossus, and Oeme, 
in which the prosternum is similarly sculptured, but not depressed ; 
the cox are widely angulated externally, and the whole extent 
of the coxal fissure is open, though not so widely as in Oeme. 
The mesosternum is very narrow, and deeply sunk between the 
cox which are very large and prominent, and the cavities are 
widely open externally; the hind coxe are prominent. Legs as 
in the two genera just mentioned, thighs rather stout and com- 
pressed, tibial spurs small, hind tibiz with 1st joint as long as 


the others united. Ventral segments nearly equal in length, 5th 
of & nearly equal to the 4th, truncate behind, 6th exposed, 
emarginate. Body thinly pubescent, above and beneath. 

Ass. G. vittatus. Testaceus, parce pubescens, thorace dense subti- 
lius asperato-punctato, linea tenui dorsali levi, latitudine breviore, 
lateribus late rotundatis, apice truncato, basi late lobato; elytris punc- 
tatis, costis utrinque duabus parum elevatis, vittisque duabus angustis 
nigris. Long. 21 mill. 

California, Dr. Horn. This genus seems quite distinct from 
any described in Lacordaire’s work, and to present a curious 
combination of characters. The well-defined angle near the tip 
of the mandibles is singular, and known in very few other genera 
of Cerambycini. 


A489. Oe. costata. Nigro-picea, subtiliter parce pubescens, prothorace 
lateribus late rotundatis, postice modice constricto, disco punctulato, et 
parce punctato, vitta dorsali levi; elytris thorace latioribus, elongatis, 
punctulatis, satura margine costisque 3 discoidalibus angustis elevatis, 
interstitils parce reticulatis. Long. 22 mm. 

California, Mr. Ulke. The male has the antenne as long as 
the body; the 83—6 joints are armed beneath with acute spines 
gradually becoming more feeble. 


Body elongate, rather depressed, pale brown, without markings; 
head as in Oeme, eyes large, coarsely granulated, deeply emar- 
ginated ; palpi very unequal, labial short, maxillary long, last 
joint triangular, obliquely truncate; antenne (%) longer than 
the body, Ist joint stout, as long as the head, 2d very short, 3d 
longer than the 4th, which is equal to the 5th, joints from 3d 
gradually more slender, 11th not appendiculate, 3d, 4th, and 5th 
armed with a very small apical spine; beneath densely fringed 
with long soft hair, becoming gradually thinner, and finally dis- 
appearing on the 8th joint. Prothorax wider than the head, 
transverse, much rounded on the sides, not constricted at base. 
Elytra scarcely as wide as the thorax, parallel, rounded at tip, with 
a small subsutural spine. Prosternum narrow, rounded at tip, 
front coxe large, prominent, with distinct trochantin ; cavities 
strongly angulated externally, middle and hind cox also pro- 


minent; mesosternum rather wide, truncate behind, middle coxal 
cavities open externally. Legs moderate, thighs not clavate, 
tibial spurs very small, hind tarsi with the 1st joint equal to the 
others united. 

490. Eu. villicornis. Saturate testaceus, thorace (4%) opaco, 
subtilissime alutaceo et subsericeo, latitudine breviore, lateribus valde 
rotundatis, linea dorsali levi, cicatrice vix elevata, sublunata utrinque 
notato; elytris vage punctatis, pilis erectis haud dense pubescentibus, 
spina parva subsuturali armatis, dorso utrinque lineis duabus obsoletis. 
Long. 18—24 mm. 

One male, Arizona. Resembles in appearance Oeme, but is 
less slender ; the sculpture of the prothorax is very peculiar, and 
the dull sericeous surface extends upon the flanks to the pro- 
sternum; it is somewhat similar to that seen in Achryson, 
less the punctures and hairs observed in that genus ; the smooth 
dorsal line is rather broad, and abbreviated near the base ; there 
is on each side a large cicatrix, commencing near the base, ex- 
tending in front of the middle, then suddenly bent inwards 
for a short distance, and then turning forwards is suddenly 
abbreviated. They resemble, in position, the scars on the pro- 
thorax of the $ of some of our large species of Romaleum, but 
are much broader. 

A female from Owen’s valley, California, given me by Dr. Horn, 
differs from the male by the antennz shorter, thinner, and less 
hairy; the 5th ventrat segment not truncate, and the 6th not 
visible. The sides of the prothorax are finely punctured, but the 
disk is shining, sparsely and coarsely punctured, and somewhat 

There is great variation in the lateral spine of the prothorax ; in 
the smaller % it is quite absent, and the sides are rounded; in 
a large % from California it is small and acute, in the @ it is 
still more prominent. 

HAPLIDUWS Lec. (Cerambycini). 

Body elongate, slender, rather depressed, antennx, prothorax, 
and legs thinly clothed with long flying hairs, of which a few are 
also seen on the front part of the elytra; front short, vertical ; 
eyes large, emarginate, coarsely granulated; gen short, very 
acute ; palpi short, equal, last joint cylindrical, truncate. An- 
tenn slender, scape a little shorter than the 3d joint, 4th about 


one-fourth shorter than 3d or 5th. Prothorax a little longer than 
wide, oval, broadly rounded on the sides, feebly constricted at 
the base, which is truncate; disk densely punctured, with a 
small median smooth spot in $, more finely punctured with a 
longer dorsal smooth stripe in $, and with a feeble dorsal im- 
pression and obsolete cicatrix each side of the median line. 
Elytra elongate, parallel, rounded at tip. Prosternum very 
narrow and nearly invisible between the cox, but not prolonged 
behind; front cox transverse, widely angulated externally ; 
mesosternum broadly truncate behind, cox open externally ; 
episterna of metathorax wide in front, and narrowed almost to a 
point behind, as in Oeme. Legs slender, thighs feebly clavate, 
hind tarsi as long as the tibix, lst joint longer than two following 
united. Ventral segments nearly equal in 9, Ist longer in %; 
5th shorter in % than ?, and broadly rounded at tip. 

A slender brownish insect, without conspicuous characters, 
resembling somewhat a very narrow Callidium; the antenne in 
the & are as long as the body, in the about two-thirds as long. 

491. Hi. testaceus. Elongatus, testaceus, subtiliter pubescens, an- 
tennis pedibus prothoraceque parce longe villosis; prothorace latitudine 
paulo longiore, lateribus late rotundatis, postice subconstricto ; elytris 
subrugosis, punctulatis, et parce punctatis. Long. 9—14 mm. 

California, Nevada, and Utah; Dr. Horn and Mr. Ulke. The 
genus is easily known by the short, slender, equal palpi, and by 
the eyes being less deeply emarginate than in the other genera 
of the group, and scarcely embracing the base of the antenne, 
which are inserted on a line with their front margin. 


492. A. concolor. Hlongatum, saturate testaceum, pilis pallidis 
parce vestitum, prothorace opaco latitudine longiore, utrinque augustato, 
lateribus late rotundatis, confertim haud profunde punctato, subreticu- 
lato ; elytris nitidis, fortiter haud dense punctatis, punctisque remotis 
majoribus seriatim digestis, apice haud spinosis. Long. 8:5 mm. 

One female; Texas. Of the same form as A. surinamum, but 
smaller ; uniform brownish-testaceous, thinly clothed with long 
pale hairs; the head and thorax are coarsely punctured, the 
punctures of the latter are not deep, but so close as to produce a 
reticulate appearance, and in the centre of each puncture is a 


small puncture from which proceeds a long white hair. The 
elytra are somewhat paler, polished, deeply but sparsely pune- 
tured, with several rows of very distant larger punctures, from 
which proceed rather longer flying hairs. 


Eyes large, coarsely granulated, lower lobe extending in front 
of the antennx, which are shorter than the body, compressed ser- 
rate, finely sericeous, 12-jointed, with the 4th joint scarcely shorter 
than the 3d or 5th, and the 12th elongate oval, half as large as 
the 11th. The gene are very short, the front quadrate, oblique, 
concave between the antennal tubercles, otherwise flat and di- 
vided by a fine transverse suture ; palpi moderate, subequal, last 
joint thicker, truncate. Prothorax rounded on the sides, longer 
than wide, somewhat narrowed in front, with two discoidal im- 
pressions in front of the middle; sparsely coarsely punctured, 
with feeble transverse ruge. Front coxal cavities rounded, the 
fissure being completely closed. Middle coxal cavities nearly 
closed externally. Episterna of metathorax narrow, nearly paral- 
lel, with a small scent pore near the hind coxe. Prosternum 
narrow, mesosternum flat, truncate and subemarginate behind, 
ventral segments nearly equal, 5th broadly emarginate (% ?) at 
tip. Legs slender, thighs not clavate nor spinose, tibiz slender, 
hind tarsi with 1st joint scarcely as long as the two following. 

493. A. obscurus. Piceus, subtiliter cinereo-pubescens, prothorace 
latitudine longiore, antice angustato, dorso antice utrinque impresso, 
parce vage punctato, et transversimn ruguloso, lateribus sub-angulatim 
rotundatis ; elytris thorace latioribus postice paulo angustatis, apice bi- 
spinosis, dense punctulatis, punctis majoribus versus basin intermixtis. 
Long. 30 mm. 

One specimen, from Pope’s Expedition, probably from the Rio 
Grande valley. This genus seems related most nearly to Xestia, 
but differs from it by the punctulate and finely pubescent surface. 


Head rather large, eyes large, coarsely granulated, deeply 
emarginate ; front short, nearly perpendicular, without deep 
frontal suture, vertex between the antenne not concave ; mandibles 
small, acute, curved; palpi unequal, last joint triangular obliquely 


truncate. Antenne longer than the body (%), slender, densely 
finely pubescent, not sericeous, 3d and following joints scarcely dif- 
fering in length, 11th equal to 10th, not divided. Prothorax oval, 
longer than wide, uniformly convex and densely pubescent, with 
two basal and two discoidal impressions, very faintly marked; 
truncate at base and tip, not constricted. Scutellum triangular, 
rounded behind, elytra scarcely wider than prothorax, elongate, 
parallel, rounded at tip with a small apical spine, near but not 
on the suture. Front coxal cavities angulated externally, al- 
though the fissure is open only for a short distance ; prosternum 
moderate in width, rounded behind; mesosternum parallel, mode- 
rate in width, and subemarginate behind, coxal cavities open ex- 
ternally, epimera not intervening between the sternal plates. 
Episterna of metathorax narrow, with scent pores distinct. Ven- 
tral segments gradually decreasing in length, 6th in % slightly 
protruding, and more hairy. Legs rather long, thighs stout, but 
not clubbed, tibial spurs small, 1st joint of hind tarsi as long as 
the two following. 

The body is densely covered with short uniform cinereous pubes- 
cence, with small scattered denuded round spots on the elytra, as 
in some species of Hesperophanes, to which it is allied, but differs 
by the more elongate form, and the absence of the deep transverse 
frontal suture. 

A9A4. ©. guttatus. Elongatus, piceus, dense breviter cinereo-pubes- 
cens, prothorace confertim punctato, latitudine longiore lateribus rotun- 
datis, apice basique truncato, disco antice vage biimpresso, et utrinque 
ad basin leviter impresso; elytris elongatis, parallelis, punctatis, guttis 
pluribus parvis rotundatis denudatis, apice rotundatis et breviter acu- 
minatis. Long. 17—19 mm. 

Two males; Cape San Lucas, Mr. Xantus. 


A polymorphic genus, with which should probably be recom- 
bined some of the genera that have been separated from it. Those 
tabulated below, however differing in other characters, have the 
front coxal cavities more or less angulated externally, sometimes 
nearly rounded, and the joints of the antenne not sulcate. In 
the % of the first two species the basal joint of the antenne is 
somewhat flattened in front, but not sufficiently so to warrant 
their reception in the group Coeleburia. 


A. Middle and hind femora produced at tip into two acute spines; elytra 

bispinose at tip; 

a. Front coxe not angulated, fissure completely closed; prothorax 
abruptly constricted before and behind, tuberculate and 
strongly armed on the sides ; color piceous ; 

Body glabrous above, slightly pubescent beneath, prothorax feebly grossly 
punctured; elytra with very small ivory spots of which the medial pair 
and the outer basal one are frequently wanting. 1. ULKEI. 

Body densely and finely pubescent, prothorax with a few very large 
punctures; elytral spots small, distant, outer basal one sometimes 
wanting, elytral spines equal. 2. PERFORATA, 0. Sp. 

b. Front coxe angulated; prothorax densely and coarsely punctured, 
sides subtuberculate in front; lateral spine small, acute, dorsal 
callosities denuded, color testaceous ; 

Lateral tubercle of prothorax very distinct; elytra with outer spine 

shorter, and ivory spots smaller. 3. HALDEMANI. 
Lateral tubercle of prothorax feeble; elytra with outer spine longer, and 
ivory spots larger. 4, QUADRIGEMINATA. 

c. Front coxe angulated; prothorax densely and finely punctured, 
transversely impressed before and behind the middle, lateral 
spine acute; color testaceous ; 

Ivory spots very unequal, thoracic spine strong. 5. STIGMA. 
Ivory spots equal, large, thoracic spine very small, (femoral spines very 
long). 6. DISTINCTA. 

B. Femora with short apical spines ; elytra obliquely truncate inwards at 
tip; prothorax coarsely and densely punctured, rounded on the 
sides, with two denuded dorsal callosities ; color testaceous ; front 
coxe distinctly angulated. Panromauuus Lac. 

Ivory spots of elytra unequal. 7. OVICOLLIS, n. sp. 

C. Femora without spines, apical angles obtuse; elytra transversely sub- 
truncate; prothorax with four dorsal callosities before the middle, 
lateral spine very small, (front cox not angulated) ; 

Abdomen densely, but equably and less finely punctured ; sides of 
prothorax much rounded in front of the spine.8. TuMIDA, n. sp. 
Abdomen unequally punctured; sides of prothorax very feebly 

rounded in front; 

Ivory spots geminate, apex of elytra truncate. 9. MUTICA. 
Ivory spots single, apex of elytra nearly rounded, with a small 
sutural spine. 10. MANGA. 

1. £. Ulkei Bland, Proc. Am. Ent. Soc. Phila., i. 270; Lower 
California, Cape San Lucas, Mr. Xantus. The antennal tuber- 
cles are very acute and elevated, the Ist joint of the antenne is 
in the % stouter, flattened or feebly sulcate in front, and the 11th 
joint is longer than the 10th. 


495. E. perforata. Robusta, picea, dense sordide cinereo-pubescens, 
prothorace latitudine breviore, apice basique constricto, lateribus ante 
medium tuberculatis, ad medium spina valida armatis, dorso punctis 
grossis parcis notato; elytris punctulatis et haud profunde punctatis> 
apice bispinosis, callis eburneis parvis valde discretis, exteriore basali 
sepe deficiente. Long. 23—30 mm. 

Texas and Northern Mexico. I should consider this as Z. stig- 
matica Chevr. Col. Mex. Cent. 1., but the description states that 
the sutural spine of the elytra is wanting, the tip being trun- 
cate. The basal joint of the antenne in the % is a little flattened 
in front, and the 11th joint is a little longer than the 10th. 

2. E. Haldemani Lec., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 2d, 
ii, 102, I have a specimen from Missouri which is almost inter- 
mediate between the Texan specimens, and the ordinary 4—gemv- 
nata of the Southern States, and the Mississippi valley. The ely- 
tral spots are smaller than the specimens from Georgia, as is 
usually the case with the Missouri specimens, but the subapical 
protuberance on the sides of the prothorax is as strong as in any 
Texan specimen of 4. Haldemanit. In all of the latter species 
that I have seen, the sutural spine is well marked, while the outer 
one is short, and not prominent; the specimen in question has 
them equal as in H. 4-geminata. 'The evidence is in favor of’ 
combining the two forms as one species, but for the present it is 
safer to retain them as distinct. 

496. E. ovicollis. Elongata, fusco-testacea, piceo-nebulosa, subtiliter 
dense pubescens, prothorace latitudine longiore, lateribus late rotun- 
datis, confertim punctato, callis discoidalibus duobus denudatis, apice 
et basi truncato haud constricto; elytris apice intus oblique truncatis, 
vix aut breviter spinosis, fortiter sat dense punctatis, callis eburneis 
geminatis approximatis, basalibus parvis, mediis elongatis, internis 
autem multo brevioribus. Long. 18—23 mm. 

Texas and Northern Mexico. The 11th joint of the antenne 
of % is longer than the 10th; the hind femora extend a little 
beyond the tip of the elytra, and are not spinose at tip. The 
front cox are very distinctly angulated externally, though hardly 
more so than in the four preceding species in the synoptic table, 
and the coxal fissure is open for a small portion of its extent. 

In one specimen the inner basal ivory spot is almost wanting ; 
in another the outer one is so reduced as to be hardly larger than 
the inner one, 


49%. E. tumida. Fusco-picea, dense minus subtiliter griseo-pubes- 
cens, prothorace latitudine breviore, antice transversim marginato, 
lateribus pone apicem subito rotundatis, spina laterali minuta, parce 
fortiter punctato, callis 4 denudatis ante medium transversim sitis, 
intermediis elatioribus; elytris haud dense punctatis, apice paulo 
truneatis, spina externa obsoleta, suturali distincta, callis eburneis 
parvis discretis. Long. 15—20 mm. 

Texas ; the body beneath is densely punctured, clothed with 
rather coarse pubescence. The ivory spots of the elytra are small, 
in one specimen the outer one of the hind pair is longer than the 
inner one, and the spots of the basal pair are nearly equal; in a 
second specimen the outer basal spots are nearly obliterated, and 
the hind pair are reduced to merely elevated points. The front 
cox not at all angulated externally. 

Sub-Genus ROMALEUM Waite. 

The species of this sub-genus differ from genuine Elaphidion 
by the more robust form, and by the episterna of the metathorax 
being distinctly wider in front, and gradually narrowed behind, 
though much less so in the 2d division than in the Ist. The 
prothorax is comparatively wider, and has a slight tendency to 
a tubercle on the sides ; the pronotum is coarsely punctured with 
a medial and two dorsal callosities in 2, very densely punctulate, 
with a posterior medial channel and dorsal cicatrices in the %. 
The antennz are longer than the body in %, shorter in 9, the 
spines are never long, the sensitive spaces are distinct, commenc- 
ing on the 4th joint in a small elongate depression, extending on 
the following joints so as to occupy gradually the whole length ; 
a very small fovea may be usually seen near the end of the 3d 
joint. The prosternum is always rounded behind, and the meso- 
sternum gently declivous. The femora are not spinose. The 
last joint of the palpi is less dilated than in genuine Elaphidion. 

The species form two natural groups :— 

A. Body uniformly finely pubescent ; 
Both angles of 3d and 4th joint of antenne spinose. 1. pRoceRuM. 

Outer angle of 3d and 4th joint spinose. 2. SIMPLICICOLLE. 
B. Body irregularly pubescent, with spots of coarser and denser hair. 
Pubescence mottled, irregular. 3. ATOMARIUM. 

Pubescence uniform, fulvous. 4, RUFULUM. 


Sparsely pubescent, elytra very coarsely punctured before the middle, 
with an irregular transverse patch of white pubescence at the middle. 


The metathoracic episterna are scarcely wider in front than 
behind, and there are no distinct sensitive spaces on the antenne ; 
the antenne are longer than the body in the $ and shorter in the 
2. The prothorax of the $ in some species is more finely 
punctured than in the ?, but the difference is never as obvious as 
in the preceding sub-genus; the prothorax is sometimes rounded 
on the sides, sometimes straight, and usually marked with dorsal 
callosities. The prosternum is sometimes perpendicular behind, 
in which case the mesosternum is suddenly declivous in front, 
and the femora spinose at tip; otherwise it is rounded, the 
mesosternum obliquely declivous, and the thighs unarmed ; in 
the second case the elytra are sometimes merely truncate or even 
rounded at tip, and the antennal spines occasionally obsolete. 
The scent pores are usually not very distinct, sometimes (2. sub- 
pubescens) remarkably large, sometimes (4. moestum) appa- 
rently wanting. The legs are usually finely punctured and 
pubescent, without distinct flying hairs, sometimes coarsely 
punctured and sparsely hairy, the hairs being in a few species 
very long (H#. pusillum). The body is more or less densely 
pubescent, except in 4. unicolor, which is polished as in Ibidion 
and Spheerion. 

A. Antenne and elytra with very long spines; thighs spinose at tip; 
prothorax perpendicular behind, mesosternum gibbous ; prothorax 
*%, 9 similar, with several callosities ; 
Above glabrous, with patches of white hair. 6. TRRORATUM. 
Above clothed irregularly with gray pubescence. 7. MUCRONATUM. 
B. Antennal spines small; prosternum rounded behind, mesosternum 
obliquely declivous ; thighs not spinose at tip; prothorax % 
finely, 9 more coarsely punctured ; (scent pores indistinct in 
a, b, or very obvious, ¢, or wanting d) ; 
a. Prothorax rounded on the sides with several dorsal callosities, 
elytra truncate and strongly bispinose at tip; 
Pubescence grayish-brown, mottled. 8. INCERTUM. 
b. Prothorax feebly rounded on the sides, elytra not bispinose at tip, 
pubescence grayish-brown, mottled, (legs densely punctured 
and pubescent) ; 
Thorax with a medial smooth space, and no discoidal callosities, tip of 
elytra truncate inwards, not spinose. 9. INERME. 


Thorax with a madial smooth space and two small discoidal callosities, 

tip of elytra subtruncate, sutural spine distinct. 10. TRUNCATUM. 
Thorax more rounded on the sides, dorsal space coarsely punctured, tip 
of elytra rounded, suture not spinose. 11. spuRcUM. 

¢c. Prothorax scarcely rounded on the sides, nearly cylindrical (ex- 
cept in pumilum), elytra bispinose at tip; 
a. Pubescence mottled, flying hairs not very obvious; elytral 
spines long; legs densely punctured and pubescent ; 
Prothorax scarcely longer than wide. 12. viLLosum, 
Prothorax distinctly longer than wide. 13. PARALLELUM. 
8. Pubescence mottled, flying hairs very long and numerous’on 
legs and antenne, legs very sparsely punctured ; 
Elytral spines very short. 14. PuMILUM. 
y- Pubescence sparse, coarse, uniform, body very long and 
slender, coarsely punctured, legs coarsely punctured ; 
Flying hairs sparse, antennal and elytral spines moderately long. 
Flying hairs long; antennal and elytral spines long. 
16. ACULEATUM, 0. sp. 
>. Body shining, testaceous, sparsely punctured, nearly glabrous; 
Flying hairs sparse; elytral spines long. 17. uNIcoLor. 
d. Prothorax rounded on the sides, coarsely punctured (% 2) with- 
out callosities, body more robust, uniformly coarsely and 
sparsely pubescent, elytra rounded at tip; legs coarsely 
punctured; scent pores not visible. 18. MOESTUM. 
C. Antennal spines completely wanting; pubescence uniform sparse ; 
form slender, prothorax feebly rounded on the sides; 
a. Pubescence intermixed with long flying hairs, elytra rounded at 
tip, legs very finely pubescent, scarcely punctured. 
' 19. PUNCTATUM, 0. Sp. 
b. Pubescence without long flying hairs ; elytra truncate at tip, legs 
very coarsely punctured ; punctuation of prothorax % 9° dis- 
similar, (anopLtium Hald., emend. Lac.) 20. CINERASCENS. 

E. (R.) operarium White, B. M. Cat., Long. 309, 1855, is 
either procerum or simplicicolle ; the locality is given as doubt~ 
fully Indian, and the characters are not sufficient to determine 
to which of the two species it should be referred. 

4. FH. (R.) rufulum Hald, seems sufficiently distinct by the 
much finer and less mottled pubescence, though very closely 
allied to atomarium. The correct synonymy of the latter is as 
follows: Cer. atomarius Drury, = C. pulverulentus De Geer, = 
Stenocorus marylandicus Fabr., = Callidium maryl. Olivier. 
The second name was erroneously applied by Haldeman to the 
species, a variety of which was afterwards described by him as 


Enaphalodes simplicollis, without generic definition. It is use- 
ful to mention, as showing the instability of the characters relied 
on as of value in the classification of Cerambycide, that there is 
before me a specimen of LH. rufulum in which the left front 
coxal cavity is open as much as in any Hesperophanes. 

Thersalus bispinus Pascoe, Journ. Ent. il, 872 (1855), is 
closely allied to if not identical with H. (R.) atomarium, and 
the fact that it was previously described (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 
3d, i, 562) as Phacodes, indicates tolerably clearly that the genus 
Phacodes should be partly suppressed, as being merely a slight 
Australian geographical variation upon Elaphidion. 

7. E. mucronatum (Fabr.), Hald., = muricatum Hald. 

8. EH. incertum Newn., = aspersum Hald., = vicinum Hald. 
= neglectum Lec. 

9. £. truncatum Hald., which has been cited as synonymous 
with Z. inerme Newman, is quite distinct by the characters given 
above. The type, now in my possession, is probably Mexican, 
but the species has since occurred in Texas and is = KH. debile 

12. EZ. villosum (Fabr.) = Stenocorus putator Peck. ; % with 
Sth ventral rounded at tip. 

13. #. parallelum Newman, — arctum Newm., = oblitum 
Lec.; % with 5th ventral truncate at tip. 

15. EH. subpubescens Lec., New Jersey and Texas. The palpi 
in this species are very unequal, but this character hardly indi- 
cates a distinct genus. 

498. E. aculeatum. Valde elongatum, piceo-testaceum, parce 
longius pubescens, et pilis volatilibus villosum, prothorace latitudine 
sesqui longiore, medio paulo latiore, confertim grosse punctato, callo 
dorsali inconspicuo levi; elytris minus dense punctatis, nitidis, apice 
fortiter bispinosis, spina exteriore elongata; antennarum articulis 3io 
et 4to spinis longis, 5to autem brevi armatis. Long. 15 mm. 

One %, Texas, Dr. Horn. Nearly allied to EB. subpubescens 
Lec., but easily known by the prothorax being less cylindrical, 
the outer spine of the elytra and the antennal spines much longer, 
by the flying hairs much longer, and the body beneath coarsely 
not densely punctured. The hind angles of the metasternum are 
densely pubescent, the scent pores moderately distinct, and the 


legs coarsely punctured. The ventral segments diminish rapidly 
in length, and the 5th joint is broadly truncate. 

17. E. unicolor; Stenocorus un. Randall, Stizocera un. Hald., 
Psyrassa un. Pascoe. I can find no sufficient characters for 
separating this as a distinct genus, much less placing it in 
another tribe. 

499. E. punctatum. Elongatum piceum, fortiter punctatum, pilis 
longiusculis griseis parce vestitum, prothorace latitudine longiore, linea 
dorsali levi calloque elongato indistincto utrinque notato; elytris paral- 
lelis, apice rotundatis haud spinosis, scutello luteo-pubescente; palpis 
antennis pedibusque ferrugineis, pube subtili pallida vestitis, his vix 
punctulatis, pilis volatilibus elongatis sat numerosis, antennis haud 
spinosis ; metasterno poris odoriferis nullis. Long. 10—12 mm. 

Two females, Cape San Lucas, Lower California; Mr. Xantus. 
The body beneath is finely punctulate and pubescent, with longer 
hairs intermixed. The general form is as slender as in Z£. 

19. £. cinerascens Lec., Anoplium unicolor || Hald.; % with 
5th ventral emarginate, leaving the 6th visible. Placed by 
Lacordaire in his group Callidiopsides, but I can see no reason 
for separating it so widely from Elaphidion, to which it is evi- 
dently most closely related. 


This genus is rendered necessary for certain species which 
completely resemble the elongate forms of Elaphidion, (swbpu- 
bescens, ete.), in appearance, sculpture, and pubescence, but 
differ by having the joints of the antenne from the 5th flattened, 
and distinctly carinate along the middle of the flat sides. The 
legs are coarsely punctured and pubescent, the tibie are finely 
carinate, but not more distinctly than in many species of Hlaphi- 
dion, and except in Z. tenue, the carine are not visible on the 
hind pair; the spurs are well developed. The Ist ventral is 
evidently longer than the others, and the 5th in % is broadly 

The species may be tabulated as follows :— 

A. Prothorax distinctly dilated and feebly angulated on the sides; elytra 
bispinose at tip; hind tibie scarcely carinate; palpi unequal, with 
the last joint dilated triangular ; 

Very large, spines of antenne moderately long. 1. PROTENSDS. 

13. June, 1873. 


B. Prothorax cylindrical, sides nearly straight ; 
a. 3d joint of antenne with spine a little longer than that of the 
following joint; palpi with last joint not dilated; 
Elytra emarginate at tip, slightly bispinose, flying hairs of tibiz long, not 
very numerous. 2. LINEARIS. 
b. 3d joint of antenne with the spine much longer: 

Elytra emarginate at tip, flying hairs of tibize not conspicuous, palpi with 
last joint not dilated. 3. TENUIS. 
Elytra truncate at tip, suture more prominent, flying hairs of tibie long, 
numerous ; palpi very unequal, with last joint triangular, dilated ; (an- 

tennal carine obsolete). 4. VOLITANS, n. sp. 

1. A. protensus, Elaphidion prot. Zec., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 
1858, 82. Arizona. 

2. A. linearis, Elaphidion lin. Zec., ibid. 1859, 80. Cali- 

3. A. tenuis, Elaphidion tenue Lec., ibid. vii, 81. Texas and 
Arizona. In this species, as in the preceding, the palpi are not 
dilated and not very unequal; the hind tibiz are, however, much 
more distinctly carinated; the spine of the 3d antennal joint is 
two-thirds as long as the 4th joint, and the spine of the latter is 
quite small. 

500. A. volitams. Fuscus, parce longe pallide pubescens, prothorace 
latitudine longiore confertim punctato, lateribus late rotundatis ; elytris 
fortiter punctatis, apice truncatis, sutura prominula; tibiis pilis volati- 
libus longis, conspicuis. Long. 10 mm. 

One female, Cape San Lucas, Mr. Xantus. In this species as 
in A. protensus, the first joint of the antenne is longer and less 
thickened than in linearis, and slightly curved; the outer joints 
are scarcely carinate, the spine of the 3d joint is two-thirds as 
long as the 4th joint, and the spine of the latter is also long, 
being fully one-third as long as the 5th joint. The palpi are 
very unequal, and the last joint is triangular and much dilated. 
The hind tibiz are only feebly, and hardly perceptibly carinate. 


This new genus is founded upon Hlaphidion validum Lec., 
Pro. Acad, Nat. Sci., Phila. 1858, 82, which occurs in Texas, Ari- 
zona, and Lower California. It is allied to Elaphidion, but dif- 
fers in having the antenne shorter and stouter, with the outer 
joints compressed, sericeous pubescent ; the lower joints are 


shining, sparsely punctured, and thinly clothed with long fulvous 
hairs, the 3d and 4th are flattened, and slightly concave beneath ; 
the 1st joint is as long as the 3d and stouter, the 3d is equal to 
the 5th in length, but is thicker and armed with a short spine at 
the outer angles, the 4th is about two-thirds as long as the 3d, and 
armed with a smaller spine; the spines of the 5th and 6th joints 
are very small; the palpi are unequal, and the last joint is some- 
what, though not very strongly, triangular. The mandibles are 
stout, acute, and the outer margin is suddenly bent near the tip 
in the % so as to appear transversely truncate (as in Axes- 
tinus), but is regularly curved, and normal in form in the 9°. 
The front coxal cavities are rounded, not at all angulated exter- 
nally, and only narrowly open behind; the prosternum is rounded 
behind; the mesosternum nearly perpendicular in front, horizon- 
tal, and emarginate behind ; coxal cavities closed externally, and 
scarcely angulated. Ventral segments slightly decreasing in 
length, 5th rounded at tip in both sexes. Legs short, stout, 
densely and coarsely punctured, tibiz strongly carinate, and 
broadly grooved, spurs moderate, tarsi broad, lst joint of hind 
pair but little longer than the 2d. 

The body above and beneath is punctured, and clothed with 
rather coarse, yellowish-brown hair; the prothorax has several 
smooth confluent spaces, the intervals being very coarsely punc- 
tured; the % has in addition a large lateral densely pubescent 
spot; the scutellum is broad and rounded behind, the elytra are 
feebly truncate at tip, and armed with a small sutural spine. The 
form is robust, about like Hlaphidion atomarium. 

This species by the hairy spaces of the prothorax shows some 
resemblance to Stromatium, from which it is quite distinct by 
the front coxal cavities not angulated externally as well as by 
many other characters above detailed. 


Head moderate, front short, nearly perpendicular, frontal suture 
oblique: each side, deep; eyes coarsely granulated, deeply emar- 
ginate, upper part less narrow than usual; mandibles small, 
curved acute; palpi not very unequal, last joint triangular ob- 
liquely truncate. Antenne (%) a little longer than the body, 
punctured, finely pubescent, hispid with numerous long, erect fly- 
ing hairs, thicker at the base, gradually attenuated externally, 


not suleate nor carinated, 3d joint a little longer than the 4th, the 
latter and following ones nearly equal, 11th very feebly appendi- 
eulate. Prothorax rounded on the sides, constricted at the basal 
margin, without dorsal callosities. KElytra parallel, rounded at 
tip. Front coxal cavities round, not at all angulated externally ; 
open behind, prosternum very narrow between the coxe ; middle 
coxe rather widely separated, scarcely angulated externally, meso- 
sternum subtriangular, emarginate behind; metathorax emargi- 
nate behind, episterna narrow, scent pores not distinct; ventral 
segments equal, Ist a little longer, 5th rounded at tip, 6th not 
visible. Legs stout, thighs compressed, gradually tolerably 
strongly clavate, tibiz not carinate, spurs moderate, rsh eine of 
hind tarsi as long as the two following. 

The body is covered with fine short brown pubescence, with 
long erect hairs intermixed. 

501. Z. obscurus. Supra piceo-niger, opacus, dense subtiliter fusco- 
pubescens, pilis erectis intermixtis, prothorace latitudine haud longiore, 
lateribus rotundatis, punctulato et hand profunde grosse punctato; ely- 
tris antice fortiter punctatis, punctis postice sensim subtilioribus ; subtus 
piceus, subtiliter punctulatus, pubescens et pilosus, prosterno vage 
punctato. Long. 13 mm. 

One specimen ; Pennsylvania. Of the same form and size as 
Tylonotus bimaculatus, but quite distinct by the antenne not 
being suleate, the prothorax without callosities, and the piceous 
legs. The general appearance is that of a Callidium. 

It is quite possible that this genus is not distinct from Zamium 
Pascoe. Itagrees in all particulars with the detailed description 
given by Lacordaire, 1. ¢. viii. 215, but does not possess the 
group characters of Saphanides, in which Zamium is placed by 
my learned and lamented friend. The second joint of the anten- 
ne is quite small in the present genus, which would prevent its 
association with Saphanus, Opsimus, ete. 

COMPSA Perty emend. Lac. 

502. C. puncticollis. Elongata, picea, pube brevi cinerea pruinosa, 
prothorace latitudine duplo longiore, lateribus paulo rotundatis, confer- 
tim punctato, opaco; elytris nitidis, punctulatis punctisque majoribus 
raris intermixtis, scutello dense cinereo-pubescente. Long. 8—13 mm. 

Cape San Lucas, Lower California, Mr. Xantus. The 3d 
and following joints of the antenne are finely carinate, and the 


front coxal cavities are entirely closed; in the % the 3d and 4th 
joints are as stout as the Ist, and the 5th is less enlarged. The 
4th joint is shorter than the 3d in both sexes, but is as long as 
the 5th. 

503. C. quadriplagiata. Piceo-castanea, subtilissime cinereo 
pubescens, prothorace impunctato, latitudine plus duplo longiore, callo 
angusto ad medium elevato, disco utrinque magis convexo et ante 
basin bituberculato; elytris parce punctatis, punctisque majoribus 
raris intermixtis, macula utrinque pallida quadrata ante medium, 
alteraque pone medium ornatis; antennis flavo-testaceis, basi castaneis. 
Long. 10 mm. 

One 2; Cape San Lneas, Lower California ; the dorsal callus 
of the prothorax is narrow, short, and. carinated ; the disk each 
side is more convex, but scarcely gibbous; near the base on each 
side is seen an elevated tubercle. The larger punctures of 
the elytra in this and the preceding support flying hairs, which 
are not however very long or as conspicuous as in the polished 
species of Heterachthes. 


I have adopted this unpublished name of Dejean for Callidium 
dentipes Oliv., (Curius seambus Newn.). It is fully described 
by Lacordaire, 1. c. viii. 352, as Curius; the type of the genus 
C. dentatus (concinnatus Hald.) not having been seen by him ; 
he has mentioned the differences in a note, and they are chiefly as 

30dy depressed, opaque in Curius, cylindrical and polished 
in Pléctromerus; prothorax rounded on the sides in the first, 
nearly straight in the second; 4th joint of antenne a little shorter 
than the 5th in the first, very much shorter in the second. The 
thighs are pedunculated, and suddenly clavate in Plectromerus, 
and the tooth is much larger than in Curius, in which they are 
more gradually dilated. 


504. C. chalybeus. Viridi-cyaneus, nitidus, prothorace latitudine 
longiore, parce punctato, lateribus late rotundatis, convexo postice paulo 
angustiore et constricto; elytris parallelis apice rotundatis, parce punc- 
tatis et pallide pubescentibus ; femoribus anticis, vel ferrugineis, vel 
cyaneis. Long. 6 mm. 


California; Mr. Ulke and Dr. Horn. The punctures of the 
elytra are tolerably strong near the base, and become finer to- 
wards the apex. The prosternum is sparsely punctured, the 
abdomen nearly smooth. I have seen four specimens, all males, 
having the ventral segments nearly equal. The eyes are rather 
finely granulated, and the last joint of the palpi is broadly 


Front declivous, with a deep lunate impression each side; eyes 
not very finely granulated, deeply emarginate ; gene short not 
prominent; palpi rather short, last joint triangular, not so broad 
as in Callimus; antenne slender, a little longer than the body 
(%&), with a few long flying hairs, 2d joint half as long as 3d, 
remaining joints nearly equal. Prothorax convex, without tu- 
bercles, narrowed feebly in front, more strongly behind; elytra 
wider than prothorax, cylindrical, rounded at tip. Prosternum 
very narrow, mesosternum triangular, moderately wide ; thighs 
strongly clubbed, tarsi with the Ist and 2d joints swollen and 
convex; the 3d is also enlarged in the front and middle pairs 
but is smaller in the hind pair. 

005. Eu. oedipus. Piceo-ferrugineus, subtiliter pubescens, pilis 
volatilibus parce pilosus, capite thoraceque vix punctulatis, hoc latitu- 
dine paulo longiore, lateribus rotundatis, postice angustiore et constricto; 
elytris punctulatis, fascia pallida subeburnea obliqua ante medium 
pube dense pallida vestita, alteraque latiore pone medium cinereo-pubes- 
cente ornatis, spatio intermedio nigricante. Long. 5 mm. 

One %; Vancouver Island, Mr. Matthews. A very singular 
little insect, having from the form of the elytral bands a resem- 
blance to Callidium decussatum Lec. The elytra are marked 
near the base with afew scattered large punctures, from which 
proceed long black flying hairs; the front band is covered with 
dense whitish hair, but looks as if it were slightly elevated; it is 
feebly sinuate, directed backwards towards the suture. 


006. P. discoideum. Rufo-testaceum nitidum, oculis magnis for- 
titer granulatis, prothorace antice posticeque constricto, basi valde an- 
gustato, lateribus obtuse fortiter dilatatis, dorso subinequali parce punc- 
tato; elytris parce punctatis, nebula magna fusca maculam rotundatam 


pallidam communem includente; antennis 3, corpore paulo longioribus. 

Long. 6 mm. 

Two %, Cape San Lucas, Mr. Xantus. Varies with the elytral 
markings obsolete. Of the same form as P. pallidum (Say) 
(Diozodes pall. Hald., P. limum Newm.), but quite different by 
the markings. 


Front declivous, canaliculate, divided anteriorly by a deep 
transverse line; eyes finely granulated, deeply emarginate ; gene 
short rectangular; palpi equal, slender, last joint slightly oval. 
Antennx slender, scape as long as 3d joint, 3-5 gradually in- 
creasing in length. Prothorax strongly constricted in front, less 
behind, base as wide as the apex, sides obtusely angulated, disk 
with four tubercles arranged in a square. Elytra wider than 
prothorax, flat parallel, rounded at tip. Front coxe separated by 
prosternum, widely angulated externally, inclosed behind; middle 
cox widely separated by truncate mesosternum, narrowly open 
externally; epimera of metathorax wider in front, gradually nar- 
rowed behind. Thighs very strongly clubbed; Ist joint of hind 
tarsi equal to 2d and 3d united. . 

In the 9 the 1st ventral segment is very long; the 2d deeply 
excavated, and nearly perpendicularly declivous behind, the fol- 
lowing joints short and retracted. 

A few flying hairs are seen on the antenne and legs. 

50%. H. tuberculata. Nigro-picea, pube appressa brevi cinerea 
vestita, prothorace elytrisque fusco-variegatis. Long. 9 mm. 

Oregon and Vancouver Island. The mottlings of the elytra 

are not very definite, but the cinereous portions are more concen- 
trated at the base, and in a broad band behind the middle. 


This genus resembles so closely the European Cartallum, that 
no detailed description is necessary. It agrees precisely in form, 
appearance, and general characters, but differs by the palpi being 
slender, with the last joint cylindrical (not triangular), and by 
the mesosternum being wide and truncate (not narrow and sub- 
acute behind). The hind tibia are somewhat curved. 


508. P. ruficoile. Nigrum opacum, prothorace rufo nitido parce 
punctato, disco fortiter trituberculato, medio subtiliter carinato, antice 
constricto, lateribus obtuse tuberculatis, basi subconstricto profunde 
transversim impresso, margine basali nigro; elytris planis, punctatis, 
angulo suturali prominulo. Long. 8—9 mm. 

Napa, and Mariposa; California. The 1st ventral segment in 

? is'as long as the others united, the 2d excavated, clothed with 

very long fulvous hair. The antenne and legs are clothed with 

very long flying hairs; on the prothorax and elytra only a few 
remain, having been lost probably in the alcohol in which the 
specimens were preserved. 

509. P. cyanipenne. Flavo-ferrugineum, longe villosum, (protho 
race 9 rufo, % nigro) capite, antennis, pospectore, femoribus apice, ti- 
biis tarsisque nigris ; elytris cyaneis, planis, punctatis. Long. 7—8 mm. 
California, Dr. Horn and Mr. Edwards. Of the same size as 

the preceding, but the prothorax is less angulated on the sides, 

not deeply transversely impressed at the base, and there is no 
impressed dorsal line. 

Two % have the prothorax black, the base of the tibie yellow, 
and the elytra greenish-blue. 


This new genus is founded on a comparatively large species 
from California, which is intermediate between Cartallum and 
Pilema, having the palpi with the last joint slightly dilated and 
oval, truncate at tip, and the mesosternum narrow, but scarcely 
acute as in Cartallum. It differs from both by the prothorax 
being longer, with the lateral tubercles much larger and obtuse, 
and the apical and basal constrictions longer, equal in width. 
As is commonly the case, in intermediate grades of structure, the 
specific characters are quite different, so that a stronger individu- 
ality is thereby impressed on the organism. ‘The color is testa- 
ceous ; the punctures of the elytra but few, not coarse, and ar- 
ranged in three lines extending from the base to a little behind 
the middle; there are a few scattered punctures between these 
lines, and outside of them; there is an appearance of an angu- 
lated pale band, with the point directed forwards on the suture, 
in front of the middle, and afew nebulosities behind. The anten- 
ne are longer than in Pilema, and the outer joints are compara- 


tively more equal. The sexual characters are as in the two 

allied genera. ‘ 

510. M. Edwardsii. Fusco-testaceum, opacum parce pubescens, 
antennis pedibus prothoraceque pilis volatilibus parcius villoso, hoc 
latitudine longiore, tuberculo laterali majore obtuso, antice posticeque 
late constricto et lateribus sinuato; elytris alutaceo-granulatis, versus 
suturam parce punctato-striatis, punctis pone medium obsoletis, litura 
angulata pallidiore mox ante medium signatis. Long. 12 mm. 

One 2; Santa Rosa Island, California, Mr. H. Edwards, to 
whom I take pleasure in dedicating this remarkable addition te 
our fauna, 


511. M. Lomgicollis. Niger, antennis pedibus prothoraceque pilis 
volatilibus munitis, hoe latitudine sesqui longiore, apice basique con- 
stricto, pone medium paulo latiore, et lateribus angulato, dorso plani- 
usculo minus dense punctato; elytris punctatis, testaceis, planis, oblique 
impressis et ad apicem paulo tumidis; pedibus antennarumque basi 
piceo-ferrugineis. Long. 8 mm. 

One %, California, Mr. Ulke. Differs from IZ bimaculatus 
chiefly by the prothorax being narrower, less rounded, some- 
what angulated at the sides, and less densely punctured. The 
antenne are longer than the body, slender, piceous, with the first 
joint brownish-red. 


O12. R. levicollis. Niger, opacus, prothorace impunctato, cinereo 
pubescente, vitta dorsali glabro, apice basi subtusque plus minusve 
rubro; elytris fortiter punctatis, cinereo-pubescentibus ; antennarum 
articulo 4to sequentis dimidium equante. Long. 12 mm. 

Texas and northern Mexico. Larger than the other species in 
our fauna, and easily known by the impunctured prothorax, which 
is distinctly constricted on the sides at the base, though the con- 
striction does not extend upon the disk. 


Body elongate, rather depressed, densely punctured, pruinose 
with extremely short white hairs, head short, front small, vertical, 
mouth small; palpi short, stout, genx moderately long; eyes 
rather small, somewhat finely granulated, very deeply emarginate, 

upper lobe very narrow; antenne widely separated, placed on 


very feebly elevated tubercles, 11-jointed, sparsely fringed with 
long hairs, scape stouter, cylindrical, as long as 3d joint, 2d joint 
small, 4th about one-third shorter than the 3d, 5th and following 
about equal to the 3d, gradually thinner, 11th not at all divided. 

Prothorax rounded, punctuation of sides finer and denser than 
on the disk, base and apex nearly truncate; scutellum trans- 
verse ; elytra parallel, rounded at tip, humeri nearly rectangular 
rounded, sides perpendicularly deflexed, lateral margin distinct, 
epipleure narrow, well defined, extending to the sutural tip. 

Prosternum not wide between the coxe, which are small, not 
prominent, cavities angulated, closed behind; middle coxal 
cavities widely open externally, mesosternum wide, truncate be- 
hind; episterna of metathorax pointed behind, epimera prolonged 
to meet the ventral segments, of which the Ist is longer, and the 
others equal, the 5th subtruncate (%). Legs slender, thighs 
pedunculate and clubbed, tibial spurs smuil; tarsi broad, Ist joint 
of hind pair one-half longer than the 2d. 

This tribe has affinities with the Callidiini, but differs not only 
by the shorter 2d joint of antennz, but by the front coxe being 
inclosed behind, and from all other tribes by the epipleure 
extending in equal width, and horizontally inflexed from base to 

513. H. marginata. Nigra opaca, dense punctata, brevissime albo- 
pubescens, prothorace rotundato latitudine paulo breviore, margine 
basali apicalique, vittisque indistinctis tribus rubris; elytris margine 
basali lateralique usque ad suturam rubro, macula elongata laterali 
pone humeros nigra. Long. 9 mm. 

One male, Marin County, California, Mr. Edwards. The late- 
ral spot is in the red margin, and reaches from the base for one- 
fifth the length of the elytra, extending also upon the epipleure. 

514. H. Helena. Lzete coccinnea opaca, subtiliter pubescens, pro- 
thorace confertim haud profunde punctato, guttis duabus nigris ornato ; 
elytris obsolete sed grosse punctatis, guttis utrinque tribus nigris orna- 
tis, lma submarginali pone basin, 2nda subsuturali ante medium, dia 
discoidali pone medium; ore antennis, pedibus, trunco, abdomineque 
nigris. Long. 8 mm. 

Mariposa, California; for this lovely little species I am 
indebted to Mr. Thevenet, of Paris; it was collected by his 
brother, Dr. Thevenet, now living in California. The scarlet 


color is singularly bright; the sculpture of the elytra is curious, 
being composed of large closely placed punctures, so shallow as 
to appear obliterated. 

CALLICHROMA Lartr. (emend. SzEry.). 

515. C. cobaltinum. Lzte cyaneum, prothorace transversim minus 
rude rugoso, antennis pedibusque nigris, femoribus posticis abdomine- 
que ferrugineis. Long. 25—36 mm. 

Cape San Lucas, Lower California. Related to the Texan C. 
plicatum Lec., but the transverse ruge of the prothorax are not 
so coarse, the anterior transverse constriction more regular and 
stronger, the color of a beautiful blue (not green), and finally the 
front and middle thighs are black. 


Body elongate, clothed with short coarse pubescence, flying 
hairs sparse at the base of the antenne and legs; head rather 
small, front short, deeply impressed transversely ; mandibles 
obtuse and subemarginate at tip, though the outline is concealed 
by the pubescence; gene short, rounded; eyes large, finely 
granulated, broadly divided, lobes nearly equal in size, rounded 
triangular; palpi stout, short, last joint truncate, impressed ; 
antenne (%) twice as long as the body, 2? about one-third longer 
than the body, slender, punctured, and pubescent, with a few 
flying hairs near the base, 11th joint longer, slightly curved at 
the tip in both sexes. Prothorax narrowed in front and behind, 
with an acute lateral spine one-third from the base. Scutellum 
moderate in size, elongate, triangular, acute; elytra parallel, 
broadly rounded at tip. Prosternum broad between the coxe, 
which are not angulated externally ; mesosternum broad, protu- 
berant, truncate behind, coxal cavities open externally ; metas- 
ternum with side pieces rather broad, scent pores distinct. 
Ventral segments slightly diminishing in length. Legs slender, 
hind pair longer; hind thighs $ extending to the tip of the 
elytra; hind tarsi with the lst joint, as broad as, and equal to, 
the two following united. 

Remarkable in the group of Tyloses for the divided eyes, which 
have suggested the generic name. 


516. S. semex. Niger opacus, pube brevi minus subtili cinerea 
vestitus, prothorace fortius, elytris subtilius punctatis, his margine 
suturali laterali apicali et scutello fulvo-pubescentibus. Long. 13— 
17 mm. 

Arizona, collected by Drs. Horn and Palmer; the rapidity of 
flight of this insect is wonderful. The pubescence of the elytra 
is less dense than that of the under surface, and not evenly dis- 
tributed, so as to give a mottled appearance. The outer con- 
dyle of the thighs is elongated into a short obtuse process. 


The species of this genus vary greatly in color, and are some- 
what difficult to recognize by the scattered descriptions here- 
tofore published. I have constructed the following table to 
enable them to be more easily identified :— 

A. Prothorax subquadrate ; 

Black clothed with long gray hair; elytra very densely punctured, punc- 
tures very coarse at the base, becoming finer behind; front tibie with 
a dense brush of hair on the inner side. Utah; Eastern California. 

1. ATER Lec. 

B. Prothorax rounded and subtuberculate on the sides; 

a. Elytra very coarsely punctured towards the base, punctures be- 
coming smaller behind ; 

Head, antennz, and legs black; under surface and pronotum black or 
rufous; elytra rufo-testaceous with basal margins and sutural blotch 
black, the latter usually narrow or wanting in %, broad in 9°. 

2. PUNCTATUS 0. Sp. 

Testaceous, antenne fuscous, legs ferruginous; elytra with two coste 
more distinct than in the other species. Colorado Desert. 


Testaceous, antenne fuscous, legs ferruginous; elytra without costa, 
suture black, broader in 9. Arizona. 4, inteRMEDIUS Ulke. 

Smaller; antenne, legs, and head black; under surface yellow, trunk 
frequently, abdomen rarely blackish; pronotum more or less black; 
elytra yellow with humeral spot and sutural blotch more or less di- 

lated, black. Colorado and New Mexico. 5. PULCHELLUS Lec. 
b. Elytra less coarsely punctured, punctures smaller towards the 
tip ; 

Black, abdomen usually ferruginous; elytra rufo-testaceous, with basal 
margin, and usually the whole of the suture black, the blotch never 
very much dilated; front tibie with a dense brush of hair on the inner 
side. Oregon. 6. HIRTIPES Lec. 

C. Prothoiax rounded on the sides, not angulated ; 


Dull testaceous, densely pubescent; punctures of elytra dense, finer 
behind, a short humeral vitta black, which in one specimen has a con- 
tinuation near the tip (indicating that it may be entire in some indi- 
viduals). New Mexico. 7. HUMERALIS Lec. 

Bright red, antenne, legs, postpectus, and head black; elytra coarsely 
punctured, punctures denser and somewhat smaller behind, basal band 
and sutural blotch black, the latter very broad in both sexes. Colorado. 


517. C. punctatus. Niger, pube longa pallida vestitus, prothorace 
lateribus rotundatis medio angulatis, dense punctato, sepe rufo; elytris 
grosse punctatis, punctis postice minoribus, rufo-testaceis, margine 
basali maculaque elongata suturali plus minusve dilatata nigris; 
subtus niger vel testaceus. Long. 13—17 mm. 

Oregon, Lord Walsingham; California, Dr. Horn. Easily re- 
cognized by the coarser punctures of the elytra; the sutural 
blotch varies greatly; in one % it is a very narrow line, in two 
others it is a large, oval, elongate spot; in two @ it is broader, 
with the sides straight and parallel. 

6. C. hirtipes Lec., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vii, 16. C. 
suturalis Lec., from, New Mexico, is perhaps a local variety of 
this species, but the prothorax is less densely punctured, the 
basal margin of the elytra is not black, and the body beneath is 
rufo-testaceous, the hind tibie are a little sinuate on the inner 
side, and the hind tarsi rather broader, with the Ist joint less 
elongated in the single 2 in my collection. 

8. C. discoideus; Callidium discoideum Say, Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Phila., iii, 411; Crossidius pulchrior Bland, Proc. 
Ent. Soc. Phila., i, 272; this beautiful little species represents in 
miniature the red variety of C. punctatus; the sutural blotch is 
broad, with parallel sides, and extends to the side margin by 
curving outwards about one-fifth the length from the tip. 


518. C. brevipennis. Nigro-picea, cinereo-pubescens, prothorace 
obscure ferrugineo, lateribus rotundato, versus basin utrinque vix exca- 
vato; elytris fasciis tribus angustis, base apiceque late testaceis, flavo- 
pubescentibus, antennis pedibusque ferrugineis ; abdomine elytris multo 
longiore. Long. incl. abd. 18; excl. abd. 12.5 mm. 

One specimen ; Utah, collected by Dr. Leidy. The base of 
the prothorax is not excavated each side and the prosternum is 
not perpendicular behind; the species is easily recognized by 


the length of the abdomen, as well as by the fascie of the elytra 
being less numerous than in the allies of C. pictus, and by the 
prothorax not being fasciate. 

CLYTUS Latics. 

519. ©. lamifer. Niger, flavo-pubescens, prothorace elytrorumque 
basi et sutura longius flavo-villosis, illo latitudine paulo longiore, basi 
constricto, lateribus subangulatim rotundatis, postice sinuatis, dense 
grosse punctato, linea brevi dorsali levi; elytris sutura, fascia subbasali, 
altera transversa ad medium, 3iaque obliqua ante apicem flavis ; scutello 
dense flavo-villoso; tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis. Long. 14 mm. 

Owen’s Valley, California; Dr. Horn. Inthe $% the antenne 
are a little more than half the length of the body, and the front 
tarsi are much broader than in the 2. The prothorax is quite 
distinctly tubularly constricted, and sinuate on the sides near the 
base; the hind tarsi are less slender than in C. marginicollis ; 
the Ist joint is longer than the 2d and 3d, but not as long as all 
the others united. The front is short and rounded as in that spe- 
cies. It belongs to the Ochrestes group, but differs from any of 
the Mexican species which are thus far described. 


The markings of the elytra in all the species of this genus may 
be reduced to an elementary form, consisting of a scutellar spot, 
an arcuated band extending along the suture to a little in front 
of the middle; an oblique band behind the middle, and the apical 
margin, which are covered with pale or yellow hair. In front of 
the arcuated band is inclosed a marking which is variable in form 
being sometimes (e. g. colonus) a slender sinuated transverse line ; 
sometimes, as in most of the species, a spot; sometimes as in the 
three following species a line, directed inwards and backwards, 
but reaching neither margin nor suture. The bicarinated frontal 
elevation also differs in form in the different species, and affords 
good characters for distinguishing them. 

520. KX. comvergems. Fusco-piceus, cinereo-pubescens, prothorace 
latitudine sublongiore, asperato, lateribus late rotundatis, basi tubula- 
tim constricto disco plagis 4 flavo-pilosis ornatis ; elytris apice late rotun- 
datis, breviter mucronatis, sutura tota, linea hamata a basi ad medium 
juxta suturam extensa, dein extrorsum antice curvata, strigam obli- 
quam tenuem includente, linea tenui pone medium extrorsum retrover- 


gente, margineque apicali tenui pallide flavo-pilosis ; antennis pedibus- 
que (clava femorali excepta) ferrugineis ; fronte flavo-pilosa, umbone 
elongata, plana, argute marginata, antice acuta. Long. 11 mm. 

Ohio, one specimen, which I owe to the kindness of Mr. H. 
Ulke. <A very distinct species by the elytral markings, which are 
narrow lines of mixed yellow and white hairs, and consist of the 
entire suture, the usual curved fascia concave forwards about the 
middle, an oblique line behind the middle, and the apical mar- 
gin; in front of the curved fascia is an oblique line running in- 
wards and backwards from the humerus, but not attaining either 
the margin or the sutural line. The four thoracic spots of yellow 
hair are placed, two transverse ones on the front margin, and two 
discoidal behind the middle. The femora are strongly clubbed, 
and the hind pair extend to the tip of the abdomen. 

O21. X. imsigmis. Nigro-piceus pubescens, fronte, oculorum sinubus, 
prothorace margine apicali et basali, elytrisque maculis solitis latis flavo- 
pubescentibus, macula antica inclusa retrorsum intus obliqua; protho- 
race rotundato, basi tubulatim constricto, subtiliter muricato; elytris 
apice rotundatis; frontis umbone bicarinata, antice subacuta, subtus 
maculis et fasciis flavo-pubescentibus. Long. 20 mm. 

California, Dr. Horn. Our largest and most conspicuous spe- 
cies; easily known by the wide bright yellow markings, which 
consist of : frontal spot, emargination of the eyes; front and 
hind margins of prothorax, (the former almost interrupted at the 
middle) ; a basal spot near the scutellum, and joining the yellow 
hind margin of that part; a curved band commencing behind the 
scutellum, running along the suture nearly to the middle, then 
transverse and slightly curved forwards to the margin; a slightly 
oblique band behind the middle, and a broad apical margin; 
beneath, side spots of the pro- and metathorax, the posterior 
half of the episterna of the metathorax, four broad bands on 
the ventral segments, and the whole of the 5th segment are simi- 
larly clothed with dense yellow pubescence. 

522. X. obliteratus. Nigro-piceus cinereo irroratus, prothorace 
magis rotundato, snbtilius asperato, basi haud tubulatim constricto ; 
elytris maculis solitis angustis testaceis indistinctis, macula antica 
inclusa retrorsum intus obliqua; elytris apice rotundatis, umbone fron- 
tali latiore, antice obtusa, medio canaliculata, haud acute bicarinata ; 

subtus immaculatus. Long. 15 mm. 


Colorado, two specimens ; the markings of the elytra seem to 
be precisely as in X. insignis, but are narrow, and the black ground 
is sprinkled with short cinereous hair, The prothorax is more 
rounded on the sides, and not at all constricted at base. 

This species is sometimes placed in collections as X. mormonus 
Lec., to which it has a strong resemblance in form, and by the 
indistinct markings, but differs by the asperities of the prothorax 
being very much finer, and by the frontal umbo, which in X. mor- 
monus is broader, more acute in front, flat on the main surface, 
and margined by two sharp well-defined distant carine. The 
thighs are strongly clubbed, but do not extend to the tip of the 


N. muricatulus; Clytus mur. Kirby, Fauna Bor. Am. iv. 177 
= C. leucozonus Gory and Laporte, Mon. pl. xvii, f. 105. 

523. N. torquatus. Fusco-piceus pubescens, elongatus, prothorace 
latitudine longiore, carinulis brevibus transversis, serie triplici sitis, 
(quarum antica media major est), margine apicali et basali, fasciaque 
transversa ad medium flavo pubescentibus ; elytris apice breviter acumi- 
natis, basi fasciisque tribus flavo-pubescentibus, antica a sutura paulo 
ascendente, alteris retrorsum obliquis ; subtus flavo-fasciatus, antennis 
pedibusque ferrugineo-fuscis, femoribus anticis dente subapicali spini- 
formi armatis. Long. 11 mm. 

One specimen from Texas kindly sent me by Mr. A. Sallé. 
This species has the same form as WN. erythrocephalus, but differs 
by the coarser sculpture of the prothorax (which is also less 
rounded on the sides), and by the bands of yellow pubescence ; on 
the elytra the two hinder bands are more oblique backwards from 
the suture, and the front one is directed as much forwards in this 
species, as it is backwards in N. erythrocephalus. The front 
thighs are armed beneath on the posterior margin at the tip with 
a long slightly curved spine, represented in allied species, in the 
form of an obtuse slightly prominent tooth ; the hind thighs ex- 
tend to the tip of the abdomen. 

N. longipes; Clytus long. Kirby, Fauna Bor. Am. iv, 176. 
Ihave seen this species in Parisian colleetions named N. fulqura- 
tus Thomson. It appears to be rare in the North, but more fre- 
quent in Texas; the dark-ground color of the elytra is sometimes 
thinly suffused with white pubescence, especially towards the base. 


524. N. balteatus. Fusco-piceus, pubescens, prothorace latitudine 
paulo breviore, lateribus rotundatis, apice marginato, basi paulo angus- 
tiore, carinulis brevibus transversis serie media ornato, lateribus inor- 
dinatim asperatis, disco medio elevato, utrinque oblique declivi, fascia 
apicali basali et media (interrupta et sepe deficiente), flavo-pubescen- 
tibus ; elytris apice breviter acuminatis, fasciis tribus, margine apicali, 
scutellogue flavo-pubescentibus; subtus flavo-pubescens, prothoracis 
lateribus, episternis metathoracis antice, coxisque omnibus obscuris; 
antennarum basi pedisbusque ferrngineis. Long. 14 mm. 

Oregon ; collected by Lord Walsingham. Of the same form 
as N. erythrocephalus, with the short carine of the prothorax 
fewer and less developed, the front one of the medial series being 
longer but scarcely higher than the others, the apex is distinctly 
margined ; the middle fascia of the prothorax is feeble in one 
specimen, and slightly interrupted in the other, the apical and 
basal fascia are broad, and unite beneath at the prosternum. 
The elytral fasciz are broad, the first and second are straight 
and transverse, the 3d inclines slightly backwards from the suture. 
The under surface is covered thickly with yellow hair in %, except 
on the flanks of the prothorax, and the front half of the side 
pieces of the metathorax; in the 2? the yellow hair is much 
thinner, and the ground color appears to be ferruginous. The 
hind thighs of the % extend beyond the tip of the abdomen, but 
not in the ?. 

525. N. imterruptus. Fusco-piceus, pubescens, prothorace latitu- 
dine longiore, lateribus late rotundatis, apice marginato, basi angustiore, 
carinis transversis tribus ornato, lmo pone apicem longiore, alteris pone 
medium brevibus, dense punctato et parce asperato, gutta parva basali 
media flavo-pubescente; elytris apice singulatim rotundatis, fasciis tri- 
bus scutelloque flavo pubescentibus; l1ma nec marginem nec suturam 
attingente, 2nda et 3ia marginem non attingente, hac obliqua; subtus 
obscure ferrugineus, episternis metathoracis postice, segmentoque ven- 
trali lmo flavo-maculatis. Long. 10 mm. 

One specimen ; California, collected by Mr. J. Behrens, and 
communicated to me by Dr. Horn. This species is also allied to 
N. erythrocephalus, and in well-preserved specimens the markings 
beneath would perhaps be similar; but in the one examined 
there are only two spots of yellow pubescence on each side; one 
on the hind part of the metathoracie episterna, the other at the 

side of the 1st ventral segment on its hind margin. 
14 June, 1873. 



526. Eu. Reichei. Piceo-ferrugineus, pilis longis erectis parcis ves- 
titus, prothorace latitudine longiore, punctato, apice levi, lateribus paulo 
rotundatis, basi late tubulatim pedunculato; elytris striga eburnea trans- 
versa haud obliqua ornatis, ante medium punctatis asperatis, basi paulo 
gibbosis, pone medium nigris politis. Long. 4—5 mm. 

Texas; twospecimens. I saw this species in the Oxford museum, 
and adopt the name there appended to it with great pleasure, as 
a deserved compliment to my excellent friend Mr. L. Reiche of 
Paris. Itis smallerthan Hu. picipes, and is easily distinguished 
from similarly colored varieties of that species by the prothorax 
being smooth near the apical margin, and not longitudinally pli- 
cate, but only punctured on the rest of the surface; the elytra are 
similarly sculptured, but the sub-basal tubercles are less developed, 
and the ivory band is exactly transverse, and not directly slightly 
Sackwards, as in that species. The antennz are not spinose. 

Lu. pint Fitch ; Call. pini Oliv., Cl. piniadeus Fabr., Gory, and 
Lap., incorrectly referred by Lacordaire to Tillomorpha, is closely 
allied to Hu. picipes, and varies in color in the same manner; the 
prothorax is plicate, smooth at the apex for a long distance as in 
Reichei, but the sides are rounded in a different manner from the 
other two species, being more prominent and subangulated at the 
middle. The elytra are velvety for a space behind the ivory band, 
which is slightly oblique as in picipes, but the sub-basal eleva- 
tion is more developed, and there is an oblique band of silvery 
hair at one-third from the apex, which is frequently accompanied 
towards the suture by a shorter line placed in front of it. 

The eyes are completely divided as in the other species, but 
the upper lobe is much smaller, and reduced in fact to a very few 
lenses, thus approaching the genus Tillomorpha, in which the 
upper lobe is entirely wanting. 

52%. Eu. parallelus. Niger, prothorace longitudinaliter plicato, 
latitudine paulo longiore, ovato, lateribus rotundatis, basi multo angus- 
tiore; elytris confertim postice subtilius punctatis, usque ad medium 
velutinis, fasciis duabus eburneis transversis rectis parallelis ante 
medium signatis, anteriore intus abbreviata; antennis haud spinosis. 
Long. 5 mm. 

Lower California, Mr. Ulke. Very different by the double 
elytral ivory fascie#, which are transverse, not at all oblique. 


The anterior one extends from the suture to the outer third, the 
hinder one is entire. The eyes are completely divided, as in the 
other species of the genus, with the upper portion small, narrow, 
and oval.* 


528. Z. clerinus. Niger, pube erecta pallida sat dense vestitus ; 
supra confertim fortiter punctatus, capite thoraceque rubris ; elytris pa- 
rallelis, apice rotundatis sutura prominula, macula subscutellari fasciis- 
que duabus latis auruntiacis, his ad suturam interruptis et ad marginem 
conjunctis; subtus nitidus punctatus. Long. 13 mm. 

* It is proper to note here the occurrence in Texas of Gnaphalodes tra- 
chyderoides Thoms., a remarkable Mexican species. The genus belongs 
to Group II of Cerambycini, and would be properly placed in the table 
(Classif. 302) before Chion, with the following definition :— 

Prothorax with lateral spine behind the middle; antenne densely fringed 
beneath, inner angle of joints 4-7 spinose; elytra bispinose at tip; 
episterna of metathorax wide, scent pores distinct. GNAPHALODES. 

The scutellum is triangular, larger than in Chion, and the eyes are less 
coarsely granulated: the prosternum is perpendicular behind, and the 
mesosternum convex. The body is brown, uniformly clothed with gray- 
brown pubescence, paler and more dense on the scutellum. 

Aneflus prolixus. Piceus, dense breviter cinereo-pubescens et pilis 
raris volatilibus pilosus, prothorace punctato, fere cylindrico, latitudine 
ongiore, linea transversa tenui ante medium, tuberculoque utrinque 
prope basin ornato; elytris thorace latioribus, punctatis, punctis pos- 
tice subtilioribus, alterisque majoribus piliferis intermixtis, apice longe 
bispinosis ; antennarum articulis 3-6 spina brevi armatis. Long. 25 

One pair, Cape San Lucas, Mr. Xantus. This fine species differs from 
the others by the antenne being armed with small spines; they are very 
distinctly carinate, inthe % are nearly as long as the body, and in the 9? 
scarcely two-thirds as long. The under surface and legs are finely pube- 
scent, and speckled with darker punctures from which proceed the flying 
hairs. The 5th ventral of the 4 is slightly truncate, emarginate. Tlre last 
joint of the palpi is elongate triangular, less dilated than in A. volitans, 
and transversely truncate; the appearance of a transverse line across the 
disk of the prothorax in front of the middle is the result rather of the 
arrangement of the pubescence than of a positive elevation ; the tubercle 
each side is transverse, near the base, and nearer the side than the median 
line; there are a few large scattered darker punctures upon the sides. 

This fine species was overlooked in my boxes until too late to print the 
description on p. 186, where it properly belongs. 


One specimen from Florida, given me by Dr. E. Brendel; 
another in the collection of Mr. Ulke is entirely black. I have 
mentioned, on p. 321 of the Classification, some of the structural 
differences between this and Agallissus gratus (Hald.), which 
entitle them to rank as distinct genera ; and which may be briefly 
summed up as follows: in Agallissuas Dalman, front quadrate 
oblique, prothorax rounded on the sides; elytra gradually nar- 
rowed behind, broadly truncate, and serrate at tip, with the sutural 
spine quite prominent; body finely punctured above, smooth be- 
neath: in Zagymnus, front short, vertical, prothorax longer than 
wide, feebly rounded on the sides; elytra parallel, not narrowed 
behind, roufided at tip, with the sutural spine small, body very 
coarsely punctured above, moderately punctured beneath. 

The narrow epipleure are in this tribe suddenly and strongly 
sinuate near the base, a singular character, which attracted my 
attention before I was acquainted with the description of Dalman, 
and induced me to place the only species known to me as a dis- 
tinct primary group of the subfamily Cerambycide. 


529. N. cavipennis. Elongatus, nigro- vel rufo-piceus, pube longa 
sericea flava dense vestitus, prothorace latitudine longiore, antice pos- 
ticeque profunde constricto, lateribus bisinuatis medio obtuse tubercu- 
latis, disco parce punctato, linea dorsali profunda utrinque abbreviata ; 
elytris testaceis base apiceque fuscis, alutaceis, vix punctatis, planis, 
apice subito elevatis et tumidis, margine laterali paulo elevato; pedi- 
bus sepe ferrugineis, antennis crassiusculis, articulo 4to contiguis sesqui 
breviore. Long. 18—22 mm. 

San Francisco, collected by Mr. J. Behrens. Of the same form 
as N. lexvicollis, but easily known by the antenne being stouter, 
with the 4th joint comparatively shorter ; by the long and dense 
pubescence; by the prothorax (when the pubescence is abraded) 
being sparsely punctured, and by the elytra being impressed nearer 
the apex, and more suddenly concave. The color varies; one 
specimen is black, with exception of the disk of the elytra, and 
the peduncle of the thighs; in another the antenne, legs, and 
elytra are ferruginous, with a dusky cloud on the latter. 


This genus is established on Anoplodera macilenta Mann. It 
is allied to Encyclops, having nearly the same form of head, con- 


stricted suddenly but slightly, far behind the eyes, which are finely 
granulated, and feebly emarginate on the inner side; the hind 
angles of the head are obtuse and rounded ; the antenne are long 
and slender, as in Encyclops, and the 4th joint is a little shorter 
than the 3d and 5th, they are inserted well up on the front, which 
is less vertical than in Encyclops, and the mouth is a little longer. 
The last joint of the palpi is triangular and obliquely truncate. 
The prothorax is narrower than the head, longer than wide, deeply 
constricted before and behind, and the sides are obtusely but 
strongly dilated. The elytra are wider than the thorax, elongate, 
parallel, feebly truncate at tip. Legs slender, tarsi long, 1st joint 
of all much longer than the 2d, of the hind tarsi the Ist and 2d 
joints are feebly suleate, with a narrow line of pubescence each 
side; 3d joint of all the tarsi dilated and deeply bilobed, as in 

The species is black, densely punctured, the head and protho- 
rax more finely than the elytra. Varieties occur with vellow 
elytra, with the suture and broad sublateral vitta black; <A. 
Frankenheuseri Jann., is a variety in which the elytra have 
only the black vitta, and the legs are testaceous ; Leptura fusci- 
collis Lec. is a larger variety from California, of still paler color, 
the body being testaceous, and the elytral vitta very indistinct. 


030. C. nevadica. Fusco-testacea, helvo-pubescens, prothorace con- 
fertim subtiliter punctato, latitudine vix longiore, convexo, leviter can- 
aliculato, antice posticeque constricto, tuberculis lateralibus obtusis ; 
elytris thorace sesqui latioribus apice rotundatis, subtilius versus basin 
autem distinctius punctatis; antennis (9) corporis 3 haud longioribus, 
articulo 4to 3io breviore, conjunctis 5to equalibus. Long. 17 mm. 
One female; Virginia City, Nevada, Mr. Edwards. By the 

obtuse tubercles of the prothorax this species resembles C. sub- 
lineata, but the punctuation is finer, the prothorax is scarcely 
narrower at tip than at base, and there is no appearance of lines 
on the elytra. The antenne are shorter and stouter, but this is 
in part or in whole a sexual character, the 2 of C. sublineata 
being unknown to me. 

XYLOSTEUS Friwatpsry. 

531. X. ornatus. Niger, capite thoraceque dense punctatis, elytris 
fortiter punctatis, maculis utrinque duabus flavis marginalibus ornatis, 
versus apicem sublevibus. Long. 14 mm. 


One female, Oregon; collected by Lord Walsingham, and 
kindly given me by Mr. G. R. Crotch. The antenne are about 
three-fourths the length of the body. ‘This species resembles 
entirely the figure of the European X. Spinole,* except that 
the, basal and subapical spots of the elytra are wanting, and only 
the two marginal ones remain; these are transverse, and directed 
towards each other in a diagonal direction, and extend nearly 
one-half the breadth of the elytra. The genus is very closely 
allied to Centrodera Lec., and differs only by the eyes being 
smaller, less transverse and less prominent, and by the sides of 
the head being prolonged behind the eyes, suddenly but feebly 
constricted at the base (somewhat as in Encyclops, ete., though 
to a less degree), instead of being obliquely narrowed to the neck. 
These differences are not generic in Acmeops, noris the form of 
the head and eyes constant in Leptura. I am therefore disposed 
to believe that the two genera are not sufficiently distinct. Those 
who agree to combine them will adopt the generic name Xylos- 
teus as having many years priority over Centrodera Lee. 


532. TT. obtusus. Testaceus subtilissime pubescens, capite fusco, 
prothorace latitudine haud longiore, lateribus bisinuato, tuberculo late- 
rali obtuse rotundato, disco convexo, antice et postice transversim modice 
constricto, vage canaliculato; elytris vix punctulatis, fere parallelis, 
apice rotundatis ; oculis parvis, subtiliter granulatis. Long. 15 mm. 
One denuded specimen from Yellowstone basin, Dr. Horn, 

and another well preserved in Mr. Ulke’s collection. Differs from 
all the other species before me by the less deeply constricted pro- 
thorax and more obtusely rounded lateral tubercles; the eyes are 
smaller than usual, and finely granulated, but more convex than 
in 7. vestitus, with which it agrees in this character; the 3d and 
5th joints of the antenne are equal, and the 4th is two-thirds as 
long; the head is feebly narrowed behind, but not rounded on 
the sides. The pubescence is extremely short and fine. The 
species of this genus are not alike in the eyes; in 7. cinnamop- 
terus they are much larger, and less finely granulated, than in any 
of the others. 

* Vide Du Val, Gen. Col. Eur., iv. pl. 56, f. 262. 



533. P. armata. Nigra, opaca, pube erecta villosa, capite thoraceque 
confertissime punctatis, hoc apice et basi profunde constricto, basi multo 
latiore, spina laterali valida elongata, apice rotundata; elytris basi 
prothorace multolatioribus, postice sensim valde angustatis, apice trun- 
catis, nitidis glabris, flavo-testaceis, pone medium extrorsum oblique 
nigris, parce punctatis, punctis versus humeros asperatis. Long. 19 

Oregon; Mr. Ulke. Related to P. liturata Kirby (nitens 
Lec.), but much broader, with entirely different sculpture, and 
with much longer thoracic spines; the humeral regions of the 
elytra are very prominent, and the disk is broadly concave inside 
of them; a broad oblique groove runs from below the humeral 
prominence on to the dorsum of the elytra where it is lost; the 
black space extends along the outer margin obliquely from just 
behind the middle to the sutural tip. The antenne and other 
organs are as in P. liturata. 

534. P. rugipennis. Nigra, subenea, pube brevi minus subtili 
parce vestita, antennarum, femorum tibiarumque basi ferruginea; elytris 
apice rotundatis, rude punctatis, et lineis elevatis fortiter reticulatis, 
fascia transversa cerina angustaad medium ornatis. Long. 13—16 mm. 

One pair, Canada. The male has the antenne two-thirds as 
long as the body, and the elytra slightly narrowed from the base ; 
in the female the antenne are shorter, and the elytra broader, 
and parallel on the sides. The head and thorax are densely and 
coarsely punctured, the latter narrower in front, with the usual 
transverse constrictions before and behind ; the lateral tubercle 
is acute; the disk is feebly foveate each side, and the dorsal line 
is narrow and somewhat channelled. The sculpture of the elytra 
is very peculiar, consisting of a reticulation of smooth, strongly 
elevated lines with the depressed spaces coarsely punctured, from 
the punctures proceed rather coarse golden hairs; at the mid- 
dle there is a narrow transverse waxy band. 

I have seen specimens of this insect in the British Museum 
under the names P. rugipennis | Newman, and P. bimaculata 
4Dej. Ihave adopted the former as being more applicable. 



o35. A. tenebrosus. Niger, subnitidus, capite thoraceque confertim 
subtilius punctatis, hoc antice posticeque modice constricto, tuberculo 
laterali brevi obtuso; elytris (2) thorace latioribus, parallelis apice 
rotundatis, antice parce fortiter, versus suturam et pone medium sub- 
tiliter punctatis. Long. 12 mm. 

One female; southeastern California, Dr. Horn. Not unlike 
in form the stouter species of Acmzops, but the eyes are larger, 
subtriangular, and strongly and broadly emarginate at the antero- 
interior side. The.antenne area little more than half the length 
of the body, and stout ; the 4th joint is two-thirds as long as the 
5th, and a little shorter than the 3d. The punctures of the head 
and prothorax are rather fine, and the latter is not channelled. 
The elytra are somewhat shining, sparsely and not finely pune- 
tured at the base, and along the sides beyond the middle, the 
punctures becoming gradually finer towards the suture and behind, 
where the surface is nearly opaque. 

A, mirificus Blaud, is a much larger species, with much more 
coarsely punctured head and prothorax, the latter broadly chan- 
nelled, and the elytra punctured and rugose before the middle, 
opaque and scarcely punctured behind. It is found in Colorado. 


I regret to say that owing to the want of sufficiently extensive 
sets of specimens I have unnecessarily multiplied the species of 
this genus, on slight differences in color, pubescence, or sculpture, 
which larger collections have shown to be merely individual, and 
not of specific value. With the increased material now accessi- 
ble I would arrange the species as follows :— 

A. Short stout species, with the head narrowed behind but not constricted, 
antenne rather stout (except in thoracica), with the 4th joint 
distinctly shorter than the 5th; elytra of 9 somewhat dilated 
on the sides. 

a. Prothorax with the lateral angle distinct, sides, therefore, behind 
the middle concave in outline ; 

Black, prothorax yellow, densely pubescent, elytra densely punctured ; 
base of tibie yellow, var. incerta Bland. 1. rHoracica (Hald.) 
Color variable, very slightly pubescent, elytra sparsely punctured, punc- 
tures larger towards the base. a. Thorax with two black spots, or black 
disk; elytra yellow with two black vittz, legs yellow or black, bivittata 
Say. 8. Yellow, head and elytra black, antenne dusky, base testaceous 


nigripennis Lec. y. Black; varies with 1, legs yellow; 2, prothorax yel- 

low ; 3, prothorax yellow with two black spots, varians Lec. 9. Testa- 
ceous, head dusky, fusciceps Lec. 2. BiviTraTA (Say). 

Blackish-blue, elytra more coarsely and sparsely punctured (pubescent ?) 
lateral angle of prothorax obtuse but less prominent. 3. aTra Lec. 

Greenish-bronze, pubescent, elytra coarsely and sparsely punctured 

(general form less stout, and lateral angle of prothorax more rounded, 
and less prominent). 4. supmneA Lec. 

b. Prothorax with the lateral angle rounded, not prominent, sides 

straight and parallel behind ; 

Testaceous (feebly pubescent ?) punctures of elytra irregular toward the 
base. . 5. PINGUIS n. Sp. 
Dark metallic, pubescence soft and long, elytra more densely punctured, 
more finely towards the tip. Varies, dark-blue, tumida Lec.; black, 
lugens Lec.; blue with longer and better preserved pubescence, molli- 
pilosa Lec. ; dark testaceous, sides blackish-bronze, fusca Lec. Smaller, 
elytra less densely punctured, californica Lec.; with elytra brighter 

blue, subcyanea Lec. 6. TumiDA Lec. 
B. More elongate species, antenne on a line with the front margin of the 
eyes, slender, 4th joint scarcely shorter than 5th; prothorax 
campanulate, constricted before and behind, hind angles fre- 
quently prominent, tarsi longer and more slender, with 3d joint 
rather more broadly bilobed ; 1st and 2d joints of hind tarsi 
not brush-like beneath, (precisely as in Leptura). 
a. Disk of prothorax convex, channelled; elytra rounded at tip; 
hind angles of head obtusely rounded except in 10 and 11; 
Prothorax wider than long; 

Hind angles not prominent, elytra more densely punctured, with a red 
humeral spot. 7. miuiraris Lec. 
Hind angles distinctly prominent, elytra less densely punctured, black 

sometimes testaceous. a. Elytra with testaceous vitte, dorsalis Lec. 

Subpilosa was founded on abraded specimens; /upina Lec., on one in 

which the long pubescence is preserved. 8. suBpiLosA Lec. 
Prothorax longer than wide, more strongly constricted in front; 
Elytra more sparsely punctured ; 

Sides of head parallel behind the eyes. a. Elytra entirely black. 
8. Elytra with testaceous vitte. y. Elytra testaceous, margin 
black, marginalis Lec. 9. LoncicorNis Kirby. 

Sides of head oblique behind the eyes; hind imprersion of prothorax 

deeper ; 
Prothorax more densely punctured. 10. vincra Lec. 
Prothorax shining, less densely punctured. 11. Licata n. sp. 
Elytra more densely punctured with short pubescence, base red; head 
and prothorax clothed with golden hair, the former feebly, the latter 
strongly constricted at base. 12. BASALIS 0. Sp. 


b. Disk of prothorax convex not channelled, sparsely and finely 
punctured, elytra rounded at tip; 

* Sides of head behind the eyes straight, oblique ; neck concave: 4% 
with the front tibize armed on the inner side with an obtuse 
tooth at the middle, outline concave from the tooth to the tip. 

Testaceous, elytra coarsely punctured, with the suture, dorsal vitta and 
side margin (the latter sometimes interrupted into spots) black; guadri- 
vittata Linn, (fide Zald.). 13. pirgecta Newm. 

** Sides of head behind the eyes tumid, rounded, smooth, protho- 
rax more deeply constricted behind; (7% ?) 

Black, with fine hoary pubescence, mouth and prothorax ferruginous. 

14. Fausa Lee. 
e. Disk of prothorax more or less flattened behind, and prolonged 
or elevated each side into a tubercle; elytra truncate at tip. 

Prothoracic tubercles conical lateral; black, elytra opaque, base and side 
margin and sometimes the suture bright red. 15. piscoipEa (Hald.). 

Prothoracic tubercles dorsal obtusely rounded; black, elytra shining, 
more distinctly punctured, black, striped, testaceous, or fuscous. a. 
Tubercles less developed, gibbula Lec. 16. prorEus (Azrby). 

C. A moderately stout but small species, with the front and mouth ex- 

tremely long, the antenne inserted in front of the line joining 
the anterior margin of the eyes; prothorax campanulate, con- 
stricted in front, wider and feebly constricted behind: tip of 
elytra truncate. 

Black, elytra black, fuscous, or testaceous, sometimes with a dorsal vitta 

and tip fuscous, strigilata Fabr., longiceps Kirby, fulvipennis Mann. 
17. pratensis Laich. 

026. A. pimguis. Fusco-testacea, pallide pubescens, obesa, protho- 
race latitudine breviore, lateribus postice parallelis, antice rotundatis, 
apice angustiore constricto, confertim punctato, spatio dorsali precipue 
postice levi; elytris latioribus convexis, parce punctatis, punctis pos- 
tice subtilioribus, versus basin autem irregularibus, vittis indistinctis 
sublevibus relictis. Long. 9 mm. 

One specimen; California, Dr. Horn. A very stout species, 
shaped like A. bivittata, but with the sides of the prothorax 
straight and parallel behind the middle, as in A. aéra, and quite 
distinct from them as from all others by the punctures of the 
basal half of the elytra being arranged so as to give the appear- 
ance of faint longitudinal stripes, of which the inner one runs 
obliquely forwards towards the humerus, so as to tend to unite with 
the others. The antenne and legs are dark piceous, the former 
rather stout, with the 3d and 4th joints equal. 


537. A. ligata. Nigra nitida, breviter parce pubescens, elongata, 
capite confertim punctato, pone oculos oblique angustato, et late rotun- 
dato, prothorace latitudine longiore, antice et postice profunde constricto, 
dorso canaliculato, utrinqgue convexo, minus dense punctato, vitta dor- 
sali levi, lateribus subangulatis, angulis posticis paulo prominulis ; 
elytris thorace latioribus apice rotundatis, profunde haud dense punc- 
tatis,; antennis tenuibus elongatis. Long. 8—12mm. 

a. Elytris vittis duabus obliquis testaceis, interiore' postice, exteriore 
antice abbreviata; antennis pedibus plus minusve testaceis. 

8. Elytris testaceis, sutura nigricante; antennis pedibus plus minusve 

Montana; this species is closely allied to A. longicornis and 
vincta; but is distinguished from the former by less robust form, 
and by the head being obliquely narrowed behind the eyes, and 
from both by the prothorax being less densely punctured, more 
and more constricted, especially at the base; the pubes- 


cence in all three is very short and sparse. 

538. A. basalis. Nigra, capite thoraceque dense punctatis aureo-pi- 
losis, hoc antice posticeque constricto, lateribus obtuse tuberculatis, vel 
potius bisinuatis, linea dorsali levi; elytris thorace latioribus, elonga- 
tis fere parallelis, apice subtruncatis, parce breviter albo-pubescentibus, 
punctatis, punctis postice subtilioribus, fascia basali rubra parcius 
punctata, femoribus anticis ferrugineis. Long. 10 mm. 

California; Dr. Horn. A slender species, proportioned some- 
what like A. longicornis, but with the elytra more flattened, and 
more densely punctured. The head is gradually narrowed behind 
the eyes, as usual, but is very distinctly constricted though not 
strongly at base, showing thus an affinity with the Encyclops 
tribe; I should be disposed to place it in that tribe, next to 
Leptalia, but the mouth is too long, and the front not sufficiently 
vertical to warrant it. 

STRANGALIA Serv. emend. Lec. 

The poriferous system of the antenne is contained in small 
oval spaces, situated near the tip of the 6th and following joints, 
the 11th joint is not appendiculate, and has but one sensitive 
space each side, and not two, as in Typocerus ; but in species 5 
and 6 there is in % an attempt at a double system of impressions 
on the 6th and following joints. 


A. Body very elongate; 5th ventral of % very deeply excavated, so as to 
appear emarginate, lateral lobes thin, expanded; (elytra not 
fasciate). : 

* Hind tarsi with third joint scarcely emarginate ; 

Ferruginous, antenne thicker ; elytra more coarsely punctured with pale 
sutural markings, (4th ventral § with a broad apical impression). 
Texas. 1. VIRILIS n. sp. 

** Hind tarsi with 3d joint strongly emarginate ; 

Above testaceous, head sometimes fuscous, antenne blackish, slender ; 
prothorax with two broad black vitte, elytra less coarsely punctured, 
with black marginal spots; beneath usually dark, abdomen sometimes, 
and legs partly, testaceous. (Varies entirely black, also entirely pale, 
with the antenne, and parts of the legs dark). Atlantic States. 

2. FAMELICA Newm. 

Black, elytra more coarsely punctured, pale, with margin and suture black- 
ish; tip less acuminate, and more distinctly truncate than in the pre- 
ceding, than which it is smaller and more slender. (Varies entirely 
black.) Middle States. 3. ACUMINATA ( Oliv.) 

B. Body very elongate, 5th ventral of % more or less excavated, but not 
emarginate, lateral lobes not, or only moderately, expanded ; 3d joint 
of hind tarsi emarginate ; 

Ferruginous, elytra with two transverse testaceous bands. Florida. 

4. stricosa Newm. 

Rufo-testaceous, prothorax with two vitte, elytra with three transverse 
bands black ; hind thighs black at the tip. Atlantic States. 


Ferruginous, elytra black. Atlantic States. 6. BICOLOR (Swed.) 

C. Body less elongate, 5th ventral of 4 only triangularly impressed ; 6th 
joint of antenne without sensitive spot. 

Ferruginous, elytra paler, with three large spots extending from the mar- 
gin nearly to the suture. Atlantic States. 7. 6-worata Hald. 

539. S.virilis. This species resembles in form S. strigosa, 
but is larger (15—19 mm.) ; the color above is ferruginous brown, 
thinly clothed with fine yellow pubescence. The antenne (%) 
are stouter than in any other species, and are about two-thirds 
the length of the body. The prothorax is one-third longer than 
the basal width, gradually narrowed in front, very feebly sinuate 
on the sides, not impressed behind, densely punctured with two 
fuscous badly defined vittee; elytra acutely acuminate behind, 
and slightly dehiscent, extending to the tip of the 3d segment, 
more coarsely and less densely punctured than in S. famelica, 
with a scutellar spot, and two sub-sutural triangular ones con- 
nected along the suture, paler testaceous, and covered with yellow 
hair. Beneath fuscous, legs ferruginous, outer half of hind 


thighs, tibia, and tarsi fuscous. The sexual characters are more 
strongly developed than in any other species in our fauna. The 
5th abdominal ring is much swollen, the dorsal segment convex, 
the ventral one very deeply excavated, with the sides laminate, 
broadly impressed externally, and obtusely pointed at the end ; 
the excavation occupies not only the whole of the under surface 
of the segment, but extends over half of the 4th ventral, as a 
shallow impression ; the hind tibiz are thickened at the outer end, 
and acutely carinate on the inner margin for the lower third; the 
3d joint of the hind tarsi is nearly one-half as long as the 2d, and 
scarcely emarginate. Texas. 


The species of this genus have not been increased since the pub- 
lication of my first memoir on Cerambycide ; but as the study 
of typical specimens in the British Museum has enabled me to 
arrange definitely the synonymy of Mr. Newman’s species, I have 
prepared the following table :— 

A. Antenne black with the 6th and following joints with impressed porifer- 
ous spaces; prothorax not strongly rounded on the sides : 
a. Prothorax very coarsely punctured 
* Prothorax margined before and behind with golden hair, legs 
ferruginous ; 
Elytra acutely acuminate, chestnut colored, with indistinct yellow bands ; 

prothorax narrowed from the base, sides subsinuate ; 1. BADIUS. 
Elytra less acutely acuminate, obliquely truncate, black, with three bands 
and two basal spots yellow. 2. ZEBRATUS. 

** Prothorax at base margined with grayish hair, legs and an- 
tenne black; 
Elytra with a broad angulated yellow spot extending from the base to 
the side margin, inclosing the humeral angle. 3. LUNATUS. 
b. Prothorax more densely, less coarsely punctured ; pubescence 
golden, denser at base and tip; legs ferruginous ; 
Elytra brown with four yellow bands, frequently imperfect or obsolete, 

tip sub-obliquely truncate, and feebly bispinose. 4. VELUTINUS. 
Pubescence black, grayish at the base; body entirely black, tip of elytra 
obliquely truncate, shortly acuminate. 5. LUGUBRIS. 

B. Prothorax strongly punctured, much rounded on the sides before the 
middle; pubescence long, grayish, denser at the base, but not 
golden ; elytra with four yellow bands, more or less confluent, 
the anterior one basal, the 2d and 3d frequently connected near 
the suture; tip subtruncate, not spinose ; legs ferruginous, an- 
tenne brown: 


Antenne stouter, 6th joint of, with large impression in 4. 
Antenne more slender, joints 3—5 longer, 6th without impression in 
either sex. 7. SINUATUS. 

1. Z. badius Newm. Entomologist, 69. This species resembles 
T. velutinus, in the color of the elytra, but has the prothorax 
very coarsely punctured as in 7. zebratus. In form it is similar 
to the latter but the elytra are more obliquely truncate at tip and 
more acutely acuminate, and the sides of the prothorax are feebly 
sinuate. Specimens may perhaps occur with perfect yellow eiy- 
tral bands, but in the individual before me only a few traces re- 
main, One % from Florida was kindly given me in exchange by 
the British Museum. 

2. T. zebratus Lec. J. Acad. Nat. Sci., 2d, 1, 334. Leptura 
zebrata Fabr. Syst. El. 2,364; L. zebra Oliv. LL. carolina Weber, 
Obs. Ent. 91. 

3. T. velutinus. Leptura velutina Oliv., 73, 3, 32. LL. fugax 
Fabr. Syst. El. 2,359. L.tenuior Kirby, Fauna Bor. Am. iv., 
181; L. nobilis Newman! Entom. 69. 

540. T. brumnicornis. Niger, pallide pubescens, abdomine pedibus- 
que ferrugineis, prothorace latitudine paulo breviore, a basi antrorsum 
angustato, lateribus ante medium rotundatis, confertim fortiter punc- 
tato, basi densius pubescente; elytris punctatis, punctis postice subtili- 
oribus, subtiliter pubescentibus, apice truncatis, nigris, fascia lata basali 
alterisque tribus flavis; antennis fuscis basi ferrugineis. Articulo 5to 
apice latiore, sequentibus impressis. Long. 10—13 mm. 

Texas; three males; the 2d and 3d elytral bands are a little 
wider towards the suture, which they do not quite reach; the 
hindermost band is a spot, also wider towards the suture but 
attains neither it nor the side margin; the tip is truncate not at 
all toothed. 

This species exactly resembles in form and sculpture 7. sinua- 
tus, but differs by the elytra being more shining, and less pubes- 
cent, and by the antenne being stouter, with the joints 83—5 ob- 
viously less slender, the 5th distinctly dilated at the outer end 
like the following joints, all of which are furnished with sensitive 

7. T. sinuatus Lee., |. ¢. 335, Leptura sinuata Newm.  Ste- 
nura 8-notata Hald. Varies greatly, the bands of the elytra 
being more or less developed, and the ground color either black or 


brown; the dark portions tend to become confluent longitudinally 
between the side margin and the suture. 

I have included under this name several forms which will be 
eventually placed as distinct species, but which I am unable at 
present to properly define, in consequence of want of sufficient 
material. They are follows: 

a. Antenne of both sexes more slender than in the other forms, with 
moderately large sensitive spaces. Last ventral segment, in four 
specimens before me, subtruncate and slightly declivous at tip, anal 
plate simple, pygidium feebly emarginate ; abdomen yellow in three 
specimens from the Middle States, dark in one specimen from Kansas ; 
elytra yellow, with spots moderate in size, longitudinally confluent. 

8. Antenne rather heavier than in a, longer in %, with moderately large 
sensitive spaces, shorter in 9, with much smaller spaces. Last 
ventral segment of % deeply excavated for nearly half its length; 
anal plate excavated and hairy, of 9 subtruncate and feebly im- 
pressed, pygidium subtruncate in %, emarginate in 9. Elytrain 
two specimens (? ) marked like the preceding, in three % dark with 
narrow remnants of the yellow bands. Kansas. 

y. Antenne as in 8, longer in % with small sensitive spaces. Last ven- 
tral,segment anal plate and pygidium of 4, as in; in 9 witha trans- 
verse carina or plate near the tip; pygidium not emarginate ; elytra 
castaneous, with faint traces of yellow spots, Indian Territory, Dr. 

3. Antenne as in 8 and y, last ventral segment 9 with a small elevated 
tubercle near the tip, pygidium not emarginate. Elytra with large 
spots, more or less confluent. Two 9 ; Kansas. 

s. Antenne %, as in the preceding, but ferruginous, as are the legs and 
abdomen ; last ventral feebly impressed as in 9 of 8, and pygidium 
very feebly emarginate. Elytra bright-yellow, with the spots clearly 
defined, the Ist and 3d forming bands. One specimen, Texas. (The 
pubescence seems shorter than in the other forms, but has been in 
great part abraded.)!} 


The species of this genus are very numerous, especially in the 
northern and northwestern parts of the continent, and may be 
conveniently arranged as follows :— 

A. Prothorax more or less triangular, or campanulate, widest at the base, 
hind angles prolonged ; STENURA Serv. 
a. Prothorax strongly narrowed from the base, which is broadly but 
deeply bisinuate, posterior transverse impression distinct ; 
elytra widest at the base, gradually narrowed behind, 
truncate and emarginate at tip, which is not margined ; 


* Antenne feebly serrate; 5th ventral % flattened, broadly 
truncato-emarginate, and bidentate; mouth short, hind 
angles of head more prominent ; 

Black, velvety pubescent, elytra red with the apex black; 

Elytra not sulcate; prothorax sparsely punctured. 1. EMARGINATA. 
Elytra sulcate; prothorax densely punctured. 2. GIGAS Nn. sp. 
** Antenne filiform; 5th ventral 4 broadly truncato-emarginate 
and bidentate; mouth Jong, hind angles of head 
less prominent ; 
§ 1. Prothorax densely not finely punctured ; 

Elytra yellow, with anterior blotch (frequently wanting), medial band and 
apex black ; feet varied black and yellow; sides and base of prothorax 
sometimes yellow, antenne usually annulated ; 

Antenne long and slender: a, tip of elytra ferruginous, obliterata Hald. ; 

8, tip of elytra black, vitiosa Lec. 3. OBLITERATA. 
Antenne stouter, not annulated, elytra with middle and posterior band 
black. 4. SOROR 0. Sp. 

Elytra yellow, more obliquely truncate at tip, lateral spot near the middle, 
suture behind, and apex black; legs, antenne, and body black. 
Elytra yellow, with vague medial and posterior bands interrupted at the 
suture, sides of prothorax, abdomen, and legs testaceous ; tarsi, tip of 
posterior tibie and hind femora fuscous; narrower than obliterata with 
the 4 antenne longer, and 11th joint very distinctly appendiculate, 
and prothorax more sinuate on the sides. 6. DELETA. 
§ 2. Prothorax more finely punctured ; 
Black, elytra luteo-testaceous, tip blackish; 3d, 4th, and base of 5th 
ventral segments red; a, elytra black. 7. PLEBEJA. 

More slender, antenne annulate with yellow; % black, base of legs . 

yellow ; elytra with base of epipleurz yellow; and broad vitta dilated at 
base interrupted at the middle, and abbreviated at two-thirds the length ; 
subhamata Randall, interrupta Newm., armata Hald.; 9 testaceous, disk 
of prothorax, scutellum, suture, side margin, transverse spot at middle 
of elytra, and tip black; legs varied with black; varies with the pro- 
thorax marked only with a narrow black vitta, elegans Lec. 
§ 3. Prothorax strongly less densely punctured ; 

Much broader and stouter, hind impression of prothorax very deep, abdo- 
men red, base and tip blackish: 4 black, abdomen red, abdominalis 
Hald.; 9 yellow, occiput, two prothoracic spots, knees, tips of tibia, 
and tarsi black, elytra with side margin and oblique vitta yellow, atre- 
vittata Bland; varies with the trunk fuscous, and prothorax with the 
disk black. 9. ABDOMINALIS. 

Broad, black, prothorax deeply impressed behind, elytra sanguineous, 
with a very broad common discoidal stripe not reaching the base, abdo- 
men sanguineous. 10. PLAGIFERA 0. sp. 


Smaller, black, prothorax less deeply impressed; elytra with a spot near 

the base, two bands, and a spot near the tip yellow. 11. AMABILIS. 
§ 4. Prothorax densely punctured, feebly impressed ; form 
slender ; 

Prothorax not sinuate on the sides, fuscous finely pubescent; elytra testa- 
ceous, suture, dorsal vitta, and submarginal spots blackish; legs testa- 
ceous, antenne annulate; indirecta Newm.., cincta|| Hald., lateralis Lec. 

Black, clothed with short yellow pubescence, elytra dark testaceous, 
coarsely punctured, tip sometimes black. 13. RUBIDA Nn. sp. 
b. Prothorax nearly smooth, strongly and gradually narrowed from 
the base, which is bisinuate, hind impression very deep; 
elytra very coarsely punctured, not narrowed, very dehiscent, 
rounded, subacuminate, and distinctly margined at tip; 

Black, sides of elytra, metathorax, and abdomen red; thighs red, with the 
tips black. 14. cRUENTATA. 

c. Prothorax punctured, without hind impression, campanulate but 
subquadrate, hind angles small; elytra parallel, genw very 
short; 5th ventral 4 9 rounded at tip; 

* Elytra rounded and margined at tip; 

Black, elytra blue, polished, coarsely and sparsely punctured, antenne and 
legs either black or yellow. 15. CHALYBHA. 

Black, head and prothorax bright rufous ; 

Elytra shining, very coarsely punctured, tip subtruncate; prothorax 

without impressions. 16. CAPITATA. © 

Elytra densely not coarsely punctured, tip rounded; prothorax im- 
pressed near the hind angles. 17. AMERICANA. 
Black, hoary with fine white pubescence, prothorax dull red. 
Black with white pubescence, head and prothorax golden-pubescent ; pro- 
thorax yellow with a black discoidal spot, front thighs and base of mid- 
dle thighs yellow. 19. saucra.* 
** Hlytra scarcely or not margined at tip; 
Dull-black, hoary with fine white pubescence, especially on the prothorax 
which is densely punctured; elytra coarsely punctured ; 
Head dull ferruginous; front legs and base of middle thighs testaceous. 

Entirely black. 21. SUBARGENTATA. 
Black, legs and scape of antenne ferruginous; rufibasis Lec. ; a, tarsi, tip 
of hind thighs and part of hind tibie blackish. 21. sIMILIs. 

* IL. nana and erigua Newm. are allied to saucia; the first is black 
witb the base of the thighs yellow, the second has the scape of the an- 
tenne and front legs yellow, and the prothorax golden-pubescent ; I have 
seen only the types in the British Museum, 
15 June, 1873. 


Dark-blue, elytra with red humeral spot sometimes wanting; militaris 
Chev. 22. MOLYBDICA. 
d. Prothorax transversely depressed at the base, convex, much 
rounded on the sides before the middle, hind angles small 
(except in impura) ; elytra at base wider than prothorax, 
more or less narrowed behind, usually black, spotted or 
banded with yellow; gene moderately long (shorter in 
*AX) . 

* Prothorax transversely excavated along the whole base, sides 
sinuate, tip strongly tubular; body beneath, margins of 
prothorax and elytral bands golden-pubescent ; tip trun- 
cate, legs ferruginous ; 

Yellow bands broader at the suture; 

Antenne very stout, dark ferruginous. 23. LETA. 
Antenne more slender, nearly black; quagga Germ. 24. NITENS. 
Bands equal straight, antenne stout, blackish. 25. TRIBALTEATA Nn. sp. 
** Prothorax feebly excavated each side near the hind angles; 
pubescence not golden; 

Brownish-yellow, densely clothed with fine pubescence, hind angles of 
prothorax more explanate and prolonged; elytra with a faint lateral 
fuscous spot at the middle. 26. IMPURA. 

Prothorax narrowed from the base, sides subsinuate; elytra yellow, with 
two marginal spots and tip black, the later dehiscent, not truncate. 


Prothorax not narrowed from the base, sides sinuate, rounded in front, 
elytra with yellow bands or spots variously confluent, sometimes entirely 
black ; suture dehiscent, tip rounded; instabilis Hald., convexa Lec. 


Prothorax not wider than long, more finely and densely punctured, body less 
robust, elytra less dehiscent at tip, which is more broadly rounded, and 
scarcely margined ; yellow with base, two bands and apex black; bands 
sometimes interrupted; veratrix Mann. 29. SEXMACULATA. 

Legs and antenne ferruginous, elytra feebly dehiscent, tips more broadly 


Very robust, black, elytral margin from base to middle, and two lateral 
spots yellow; tip scarcely margined. 30. QUADRATA N. Sp. 
Less robust, elytra yellow, entire margin black, a discoidal spot near 

the base, large lateral one near the middle, and transverse one near 
the tip black; tip distinctly margined. 31. SEXSPILOTA. 
*** Prothorax broader than long, campanulate, transversely ex- 
cavated or depressed along the whole base, sinuate on the 
sides, tip strongly constricted and tubular; pubescence 
not golden, elytra rounded and margined at tip; mouth 
and gene rather stout ; 

Elytra testaceous with a large blotch behind the middle, extending to the 
margin but not the suture, and tip black. 32. MATTHEWSII. 

Entirely black, more coarsely punctured. 33. GROSSA 0. Sp. 


e. Prothorax longer than wide, subecampanulate, with a deep trans- 
verse impression near the base, hind angles broad, laminate ; 
color black, elytra sometimes testaceous, scarcely narrowed 
behind; antennz with the 4th joint very short; 

Prothorax coarsely, elytra very coarsely, punctured, truncate, and spinose ; 

antenne 9 short, thickened externally. 34. BREVICORNIS Nn. sp. 
Prothorax densely and coarsely punctured, antenne slender, elytra 

sharply truncate at tip. 35. NIGRELLA. 
Prothorax sparsely punctured, antenne slender, elytra feebly truncate at 

tip. 36. CARBONATA. 

B. Prothorax more or less triangular or campanulate, widest at base, 
hind angles not prolonged. (Antenne with 4} joints punctured, 
the remainder sericeous ;) LEPTURA restrict. Serville. 

a. Antenne annulated with yellow, llth joint distinctly divided; 
elytra narrowed from the base, tip truncate and dentate; % 
with antenne serrate, and 5th ventral flattened triangularly, 
emarginate, and bidentate (sculpture usually coarse, prothorax 
deeply bisinuate at base with a deep transverse impression) ; 

Elytra truncato-emarginate at tip; prothorax more deeply constricted 

behind; llth joint of antenne strongly appendiculate. % antenne 
strongly serrate, almost entirely black, tenuicornis Hald.; 2 antenneze 
feebly serrate, annulate with yellow; a. Elytra coarsely punctured not 
shining; 1, base of elytra red, canadensis Fabr.; 2, elytra entirely red, 
erythroptera Kirby, cinnamoptera Hald.; @. Elytra almost cribrate, 
shining; 1, elytra entirely red, cribripennis Lec. ; 2, elytra red at the 

base; 3, elytra entirely black. 37. CANADENSIS. 
Black, prothorax and elytra bright red, more densely and finely punctured, 
antenne not anuulated. 38. COCCINEA nN. Sp. 

Elytra truncate at tip, prothorax feebly constricted behind ; 

elytra entirely red, antenne joints 1-5 black, 11th joint feebly appen- 

diculate. % antennz feebly serrate, abdomenred; 9 antenne nearly 
filiform, abdomen black ; erythroptera || Germ. 39. RUBRICA. 
elytra pale, side margin and tip black. 40. cIRCUMDATA. 

b. Elytra narrowed from the base, very dehiscent at tip, which is 

rounded and indistinctly margined; prothorax feebly con- 

stricted at base, antenne subserrate in 4 with 11th joint feebly 

appendiculate ; 

Antenn# annulate with yellow, elytra very coarsely punctured, more or 
less testaceous, sometimes entirely black; % with 5th ventral deeply 
excavated and emarginated. 41. VAGANs. 

Antenne entirely black, elytra less coarsely punctured (testaceous in the 
specimens examined); % with 5th ventral less excavated and emargi- 
nated. 42. DEHISCENS. 

c. Antenne not annulated, 11th joint scarcely appendiculate, elytra 
slightly narrowed from the base, truncate at tip; prothorax 
scarcely constricted behind ; 


* Prothorax densely and coarsely punctured ; 5th ventral in 
%, flattened and truncate; 

Elytra reddish, testaceous, fuscous towards the tip, which is transversely 
truncate. 43. SANGUINEA.* 
Elytra obliquely truncate at tip; % entirely black, Jugens Lec; 9? elytra 

scarlet, with a subsutural spot before the middle, one near the side at 

the middle and tip black, letificu Lee. 44, L&TIFICA. 
Elytra testaceous, feebly truncate, apex and subapical band black; 
pubescence very long. 45, HIRTELLA 0. sp. 

** Prothorax less densely punctured; 5th ventral 4 flattened 
and broadly rounded; 

Elytra obliquely truncate avd subdentate at tip; black with yellow 
markings, consisting of a subscutellar spot, and two transverse bands 
connected at the suture, more or less interrupted. 46. QuapRILLUM. 

*** Prothorax coarsely punctured, elytra densely pubescent with 
golden hair arranged transversely, 5th ventral % scarcely 
impressed ; 

Elytra transversely truncate, frequently fuscous at the sides; «. pubes- 
cence of elytra longer and denser, chrysocoma Kirby; 8. pubescence of 
elytra shorter, aur/pilis Lec. 47. CHRYSOCOMA. 

**k** Prothorax usually densely and coarsely punctured, trans- 
versely impressed and constricted behind, disk more or less 
channelled; pubescence of elytra short and sparse; 5th 
ventral of % scarcely impressed ; 

First joint of middle tarsi as long as the two following; prothorax feebly 

impressed ; ; 
Pubescence of prothorax golden, elytra testaceous, suture and lateral 
vitta extending to tip black. 48. NIGROLINEATA. 

Black, pubescence brown, elytra and legs testaceous, prothorax suban- 
gulated on the sides, elytra more coarsely punctured. 49. RUFULA. 
First joint of middle tarsi scarcely longer than 2d; (sides of elytra more 
sinuate) ; 

Elytra testaceous, tip black. 50. PROXIMA. 
Entirely black, (more robust in form). 51. ATRATA. 
First joint of middle tarsi as long as the two following, prothorax sparsely 

punctured, more deeply channelled and impressed; (hind angles of 
head more tumid, and nearly square, elytra elevated at the base) ; 

Fusco testaceous, elytra paler with a medial marginal dark Spot, an- 
tenne % very long. 52. BIFORIS. 
Black, antenne 4% moderate. DOLOROSA. 

d. Antenne not annulated, 11th joint scarcely appendiculate, elytra 

elevated at the base, elongate, scarcely truncate, feebly nar- 

rowed from the base in 4 , not densely but very finely pubescent, 

yellow with black spots or bands; prothorax bell-shaped, 

* Allied to the European eincta Fabr. 


transversely impressed at base, which is more deeply sinuate 
than usual; 

* Hind angles of head nearly square, gene rather long; % with 
5th ventral impressed, truncate, and emarginate ; 
Ferruginous, prothorax obtusely angulated on the sides, elytra with 3 

bands and apex black, all connected at suture and margin, antenne 

very stout. 53. CRASSICORNIS 1. Sp. 
Legs entirely yellow, prothorax tolerably strongly sinuate on the sides; 

Abdomen usually yellow, sometimes banded with black, rarely almost 

entirely black, fasciventris Lec. 54. CRASSIPES. 
Thighs and tips of tibiae dark, prothorax rather rounded than sinuate on 
the sides, abdomen black. - 55, TIBIALIS. 

** Hind angles short, tumid but obtuse, neck less constricted ; 
prothorax less sinuate on the sides, more finely and less 
densely punctured, pubescence white, long, and fine ; 

Black, elytra with a basal spot, two bands connected near the suture, and 
a large spot near the tip, yellow; legs and abdomen ferruginous, tarsi 
dusky. 56. BrHRENSII n. sp. 

*** Hind angles of head very short, rounded; % as above; 

Blackish-blue, shining, prothorax feebly rounded on the sides, elytra 
slightly truncate at tip, with four pale yellow spots on each; base of 
thighs pale. 57. OCTONOTATA. 

e. Antenne annulated, 11th joint not appendiculate, elytra not 

elevated at the base, elongate, parallel, truncate at tip; pro- 
thorax bell-shaped, constricted strongly at tip, and less strongly 
at base; hind angles of head obtuse, gene moderate, front with 
a deep transverse impression ; 

Black, with fine sparse yellowish pubescence; head and prothorax finely, 
very densely punctured, elytra twice as wide as prothorax, punctured, 
more densely and a little more finely towards the tip; antennez long and 
slender (? ), annulate with pale, legs ferruginous or fuscous. 


C. Prothorax constricted before and behind (except in a); hind angles 

not prolonged ; last joint of palpi dilated, triangular, truncate, 
sometimes obliquely, sometimes transversely; hind angles of 
head obtuse and rounded, never square; elytra scarcely nar- 
rowed behind; 

a. Elytra protuberant at base; tip subtruncate, suture with a small 
spine; prothorax scarcely constricted, more deeply bisin- 
uate at base; 

* Head prolonged behind the eyes; 

Sparsely punctured, black, shining, elytra with a yellow vitta from base 
to behind the middle, usually sinuate, sometimes waating. 

** Neck very near to the eyes; 

Black, prothorax pubescent with erect hair, densely punctured, with a 

smooth dorsal vitta. 60, PUBERA. 



b. Elytra not protuberant at base, rounded at tip; prothorax very 
deeply constricted before and behind, sides strongly rounded, 
and disk very convex; head prolonged behind the eyes ; 

Black, front legs, base of thighs, and tibie more or less yellow; prothorax 
sometimes red, very finely pubescent, nearly smooth; base punctured, 
paupercula Newm. ; ruficollis Say ; allecta Newm. 61. sPH#RICOLLIS. 

Black, front legs, base of thighs, and tibiz more or less yellow, prothorax 
sparsely finely punctured, base punctured; elytra more coarsely punc- 
tured, with a yellow vitta extending from the base almost to the tip, 
sometimes interrupted near the tip, nitidicollis Horn. 62. VIBEX. 

Testaceous, prothorax densely punctured, clothed with yellow pubescence ; 
elytra more coarsely punctured, with a sutural and lateral black vitta, 
extending nearly to the tip. 63. AURATA. 

Piceous or black, prothorax scarcely punctured, feebly pubescent ; elytra 
less coarsely punctured, with three marginal spots and a sinuate black 
vitta extending from base for three-fourths the Jength, where it is con- 
fluent with the posterior spot ; legs testaceous, hind thighs dusky at tip; 
a. Vitta reduced to a very short basal streak; and marginal spots to 
faint clouds. 64. SCRIPTA. 

ce. Elytra not protuberant at base, rounded at tip, prothorax slightly 
constricted at base and at tip, sides tuberculate, head pro- 
longed behind the eyes; antennz stout, 3d and 4th joints 
united equal to 5th; 

Testaceous, elytra very coarsely punctured, with a small fuscous spot near 
the side about the middle. 65. GNATHOIDES n. sp. 
D. Prothorax constricted before and behind, hind angles scarcely pro- 
longed, but broadly and feebly lobed ; elytra parallel, truncate at tip, 
and armed with a strong sutural spine; palpi not dilated, penulti- 
mate joint of maxillary nearly as long as last joint; hind angles of 
head short, rounded, gene moderate, mouth rather short, front with 
a deep transverse impression; antenne slender with 4} joints punc- 
tured, remainder sericeous; 11th joint not appendiculate; % with 
antenne longer, and 5th ventral broadly and deeply emarginate with 

angles acute ; 

Testaceous, finely pubescent, elytra with narrow sutural line, two small 
clouds near the base, and two about the middle fuscous, (very large 
species). 66. VALIDA. 

E, Prothorax quadrate, slightly narrowed in front, not constricted but only 

feebly impressed behind, elytra feebly narrowed from the base, 
slightly truncate at tip; palpi as in B, with the last joint 
feebly dilated, truncate, and longer than the preceding; head 
suddenly narrowed behind, but not constricted, very short hind 
angles, rounded; antennze with 43 joints punctured, the re- 
mainder sericeous 11th joint of antenne of % very strongly 
appendiculate, 7th and following with a smooth feebly carinated 
line beneath ; 

a. Elytra punctured ; 


Black, prothorax distinctly narrowed in front, pubescence short. a. Elytra 
dirty testaceous, luridipennis Hald. ; 67. MUTABILIS. 

Black, prothorax nearly square, pubescence long, erect, fuzzy. 

b. Elytra rough with elevated points or granules ; 

Very black, thorax feebly bisinuate on the sides; antennz not carinated, 
11th joint not appendiculate. 69. ASPERA. 
F. Prothorax constricted before and behind, wider at base, hind angles 
not prolonged ; elytra wider, parallel, rounded at tip; head suddenly 
narrowed far behind the eyes, but not constricted, hind angles 
therefore long, broadly rounded; eyes not emarginate, antenne 
inserted a little behind the front margin of the eyes, slender, with 
4} joints punctured, the remainder sericeous, 11th joint simple; 
gen rather short, palpi with last joint triangular, truncate, as in 
L. vittata; this group differs from Acmaeops chiefly by the position 

of the antenne ; 

Black, antenne brown, front legs ferruginous, with knees, tip of tibiz, and 
tarsi dark; head and prothorax longer than wide, densely and finely 
punctured, the latter subcanaliculate, with smooth narrow dorsal space. 


Prothorax not longer than wide, more densely punctured, elytra and legs 

testaceous. 71. sPURIA. 

O41. L. gigas. Niger pubescens, prothorace dense subtiliter punctato, 
dorso utrinque late deplanato, linea dorsali subelevata ; elytris lete ful- 
vis, quadrisulcatis, apice nigris, emarginatis, bispinosis. Long. 35 mm. 
The specimens commonly called LZ. emarginata from Texas 

differ from the northern individuals by the prothorax much more 
densely punctured, the disk more impressed each side, the dorsal 
line more elevated, the posterior impression less curved, the middle 
lobe of the base with a distinct transverse elevation near the 
margin, and finally by the elytra being each marked with four 
vague wide grooves, reaching neither the base nor the tip, and 
presenting somewhat the appearance observed in Tragidion. 

O42. L. soror. Testacea, flavo-pubescens, prothorace toto vel disco 
solo nigro, postice vage impresso; elytris fascia media alteraque ante 
apicem nigris, apice acnminatis, occipite pectorisque lateribus nigris ; 
antennis validiusculis fuscis, vix annulatis. Long. 12 mm. 
California; Dr. Horn. This is so closely allied to the lighter 

colored varieties of L. obliterata, that it might be viewed as a less 

developed Southern race of that species. Nevertheless the elytra 
are less distinctly obliquely truncate at tip, soas to become rather 
rounded, and acutely acuminate ; the antennz are also stouter 


in both sexes, and the 4th joint is more distinctly shorter than the 
dth. ‘The color varies quite as much as in L. obliterata, though 
I have never seen a specimen of soror with the antemedial spot, 
which is but rarely absent in the former. The prothorax is some- 
times entirely black, sometimes with the disk and prosternum 
black, and all the margins yellow; the head is usually black, 
with the mouth, and antennal tubercles yellow; the trunk is some- 
times entirely black, sometimes black only at the sides; the legs 
are testaceous, with the tarsi darker, and in one specimen the 
hind thighs are dusky at tip. The sexual characters are as in 
L. obliterata. 

045. L. plagifera. Nigra, breviter pubescens, prothorace haud dense 
punctato, latitudine vix longiore, antrorsum valde angustato, lateribus 
ante medium subangulatis, angulis posticis productis, ante basin trans- 
versim impresso, et breviter subcanaliculato; elytris haud dense subti- 
lius punctatis, postice dehiscentibus, oblique truncatis et acuminatis, 
sanguineis, vitta communi lata nigra pone basin ad apicem extensa; 
abdomine sanguineo, tibiis ferrugineis apice fuscis. Long. 13mm. 

One female. Lake Tahoe, Sierra Nevada; Mr. Edwards. 
Quite distinct by the characters above given; to be placed next 
to L. abdominalis Hald. The thoracic impression is angulated 
at the middle and extends to the sides ; the pubescence of the 
prothorax is short and erect, that of the elytra is very short, and 
at first sight not conspicuous. The genx are long, and the palpi 
slender as in the other species of the group. 

544. L. rubida. Nigra, pube subtili fulva parce vestita, capite 
thoraceque confertim subtilius punctatis, illo angulis posticis brevibus 
rotundatis, genis mediocribus; hoc latitudine longiore, apice angustiore, 
lateribus late rotundatis, angulis posticis parvis acutis, basi utrinque 
late concavo; elytris fusco-testaceis, fortiter haud dense punctatis, fere 
parallelis, apice oblique subtruncatis vix marginatis; pedibus plus 
minusve ferrugineo-fuscis. Long. 13 mm. 

One specimen; California. The pubescence is very fine, and 
is grayish beneath, though yellowish above. It is easily distin- 
guished from the other species of the group by the larger size and 
different color. The general form is the same as in ZL. subargen- 
tata, ete. 

545. L. tribalteata. Nigra, prothorace subtusque dense aureo-pubes- 
cens ; prothorace campanulato, basi transversim excavato, angulis pos- 
ticis acutis ; elytris punctulatis, dense breviter pubescentibus, lete flavis, 


fasciis tribus transversis rectis apiceque nigris, apice oblique truncatis ; 

pedibus rufo-testaceis, antennis validis nigris. Long. 10 mm. 

One % specimen; Owens’ Valley, Dr. Horn. Allied to Z. 
leta Lec., and having the antenne equally thick, but differing 
from both it and LZ. nitens by the elytral fascize narrower and 
perfectly straight, so that the yellow predominates, while in the 
species just named the black is the ground color; the bead of the 
suture and a narrow basal margin are also black. 

046. L. quadrata. Robusta nigra, breviter fulvo-pubescens, capite 
thoraceque confertim punctatis, illo angulis posticis brevibus rectis 
rotundatis, genis oreque sat prolongatis; hoc lateribus pone medium 
fere parallelis, antice obliquis, apice fortiter constricto, basi declivi, et 
utrinque vage concavo, angulis posticis parvis acutis; elytris subpa- 
rallelis (9), apice parum dehiscentibus rotundatis et marginatis, sub- 
tilius punctatis, macula laterali ad medium alteraque ad dodrantem 
parvis pallidis ; antennis pedibusque ferugineis. Long. 11 mm. 

One specimen; Saskatchewan. I would be tempted to place 
this as one of the varieties of the Protean LZ. instabilis, but the 
elytra are less dehiscent and more broadly rounded at tip, the 
antenn and legs are ferruginous, (always black in instabilis), 
and the pubescence is very short. 

547. L. grossa. Crassa, nigra opaca, subtus brevissime cano-pubes- 
cens, (supra glabra ?) capite thoraceque dense punctatis, illo angulis 
posticis tumidis rectis rotundatis, genis oreque mediocribus ; prothorace 
latitudine breviore antrorsum multo angustiore et fortiter marginato, 
basi transversim depresso, lateribus subsinuatis, angulis posticis acutis, 
disco utrinque vage foveato, subcanaliculato; elytris sat dense punctatis, 
fere parallelis, apice rotundatis et marginatis. Long. 18 mm. 

One 2 ; California, Dr. Horn. Quite different from the neigh- 
boring species by the coarser punctuation ; the sides of the tho- 
rax are subsinuate and less distinctly angulated than in ZL. insta- 
bilis, and the mouthand gene are shorter. In this latter character 
it resembles LZ. Matthewsii; the form is, however, stouter, the 
antenne thicker, and the punctuation much coarser. 

Since publishing the description of Z. Matthewsii I have re- 
ceived from the same collection a male. It differs by less robust 
form, and very long antenne, one-fourth longer in fact than the 
body, and stouter than in the 2. There is scarcely any ventral 
difference between the two sexes. The apical blotch of the ely- 


tra is wanting, and the post-medial is reduced to a small cloud, 
almost as in L. biforis. 

548. L. brevicornis. Nigra, sat robusta, opaca, capite dense, pro- 
thorace rude punctato, hoc campanulato, ad basin transversim profunde 
depresso, angulis posticis laminatis ; elytris antice grosse, postice fortiter 
punctatis, apice oblique truncatis et breviter acuminatis ; antennis ( ? ) 
brevibus, extrorsum crassioribus, articulis 8—10 crassities haud longio- 
ribus. Long. 19 mm. 

Virginia City, Nevada; Mr. Edwards. Allied to ZL. nigrella 
Say, but stouter, much more coarsely punctured, and with quite 
different antenne ; the 3d joint is two anda half times as long as 
the 2d, the 4th is two-thirds the length of the 3d; the 5th is fully 
twice as long as the 3d, the 6th and 7th shorter and wider, 8th, 
9th, and 10th, stouter and shorter, almost wider than long, sub- 
triangular, somewhat rounded, 11th larger, oval, rather pointed. 
The total length barely extends beyond the base of the prothorax. 

549. L. coccinea. Nigra, fulvo-pubescens, prothorace elytrisque 
lete rubris, illo dense punctato, latitudine baseos haud breviore, an- 
trorsum magis angustato et constricto, postice constricto, angulis paulo 
laminatis, lateribus rotundatis; elytris confertim punctatis, postice 
paulo angustatis, apice oblique truncatis, spina exteriore longiore ; 
tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis, antennis 9 haud annulatis. Long. 17mm. 
California; Mr. Ulke. Of the same form as ZL. canadensis, 

but easily known by the finer punctuation, and differences in 


550. L. hirtella. Nigra opaca, pubescens, capite postice, protho- 
race elytrorumque basi longius pilosis, fere lanuginosis, illis confertis- 
sime subtiliter punctatis ; elytris a basi angustatis, apice subtruncatis, 
testaceis macula subapicali apiceque nigris ; tibiis testaceis apice nigris. 
Long. 10 mm. 

One %; Labrador; Dr. A. S. Packard. Easily distinguished 
by the very long hair of the head, prothorax, and front part of 
the elytra. The mouth is short, the gene moderate, the hind 
angles of the head short, square, rounded ; the prothorax a little 
longer than wide, campanulate, sides parallel behind, rounded in 
front, constricted at tip, convexly declivous at base, angles not 
prolonged. Antenne long, subserrate (last joint ?). Last ven- 
tral segment feebly channelled, truncate, and slightly emarginate, 
with the angles acute, and dentiform. 


The 5th ventral in Z. sanguinea % is truncate, but not dentate, 
in L. lextifica and quadrillum, it is feebly impressed, but broadly 
rounded, as in the @. 

051. L. crassicornis. Ferrugineus nitidus, elytris parce subtilius 
punctatis fasciis tribus apiceque nigris, omnibus ad suturam et marginem 
connexis ; prothorace confertim, antice subtilius punctato, apice basique 
constricto, lateribus antice obliquis, dein obtuse angulatis et fere paral- 
lelis, basi fortiter bisinuato ; elytris ad basin planiusculis fortiter loba- 
tis, apice rotundatim subtruncatis ; antennis validis (9) corporis di- 
midio haud longioribus. Long. 15 mm. 

California; Mr. Ulke. Allied to Z. crassipes Lec., but much 

larger, differing in color, with the antenne very much stouter and 

052. L. Behrensii. Elongata nigra, subnitida, pube alba tenui lon- 
giuscula parce vestita ; capite thoraceque subtiliter punctatis, hoe lati- 
tudine longiore, antrorsum angustiore, lateribus subsinuatis et late ro- 
tundatis, apice basique transversim constrictis, basi profunde bisinuata, 
angulis posticis subacutis haud prolongatis ; elytris parallelis, apice 
subtruncatis, antice planiusculis haud impressis, haud dense punctatis, 

1acula subseutellari, plaga maxima maculam lateralem includente, 
maculaque prope apicem flavis, abdomine pedibusque ferrugineis, genn- 
bus tarsisque fuscis. Long. 17 mm. 

One 2 ; Mendocino, California, sent by Mr. Jas. Behrens to 
Dr. Horn. This species is apparently the western analogue of 
J. 8-notata, but is much larger, and the spots are differently 
formed and arranged. It gives me much pleasure to dedicate 
this species to the industrious and intelligent gentleman by whom 
it was collected, who by his labors has greatly added to our 
knowledge of the entomological fauna of the Pacific States. 

The antenne are slender, more than half the length of the body, 
the 4th joint about two-thirds the length of the 5th joint. The 
spots on the elytra are pale yellow ; one near the base, extending 
obliquely inwards, an oblique fascia running from the margin a 
little in front of ine middle, a second broader fascia behind the 
middle, connected with the first near the suture, so as to inclose 
a large subquadrate lateral spot ; another large spot near the tip, 
attaining neither the suture nor margin. 

Should the yellow spots be greatly extended, and the black re- 
duced, varieties might occur somewhat resembling some varieties 
of L. crassipes, but would be at once distinguished by the diffe- 


rent form of the prothorax, which is less convex, less rounded on 
the sides and less punctured, by the finer pubescence, and by the 
elytra being less protuberant at the base, with a less deep intra- 
humeral impression. 

ood. L. gmathoides. Testacea, parce subtiliter pubescens, thorace 
confertim punctato, latitudine sesqui longiore antice posticeque sub- 
constricto, apice angustiore, lateribus sinuatis, antice medium obtuse 
tuberculatis; elytris parallelis, apice rotundatis, gutta parva sublaterali 
picea versum medium ornatis, grosse punctatis, punctis postice sensim 
minoribus ; antennis (4% ) validis, articulo 4to 3io breviore, 5to illis con- 
junctis equali. Long. 9 mm. 

One male; Oregon, Mr. Edwards. The head is square be- 
hind with rounded angles, the gene moderately short, and the 
palpi dilated as in L. scripta, and the others of that group (C-b) ; 
but it is remarkably different by the antenne which are stout, with 
the 3d and 4th joints much shorter, and united only equal to the 
5th. The sculpture of the elytra is very coarse, and the general 
appearance recalls Gnathium of the Meloide. 

904. LL. aspera. Nigra, opaca, capite thoraceque dense punctatis, 
hoc latitudine longiore, antrorsum sensim angustato, lateribus bisinuato, 
et vage transversim impresso, dorso late vage canaliculato, et utrinque 
late foveato; elytris basi thorace plus sesqui latioribus, postice parum 
angustatis, apice subtruncatis, dorso planis, granulis parvis minus dense 
asperatis. Long. 9—13 mm. 

Vancouver Island; Messrs. Matthews. Entirely similar in form 
and appearance to ZL. mutabilis, but the thoracic impressions, 
though broad and shallow, are well defined ; the proportion of the 
antennal joints is about the same, the 3d and 4th united being a 
little longer than the 5th; the outer joints are, however, not 
carinated beneath, and the 11th joint is not appendiculate. The 
antenne are longer than the body in the %, and shorter in the 
?. The body beneath is pruinose, with very short whitish pubes- 

555. LL. spuria. Nigra, cinereo-pubescens, capite thoraceque confer- 
tim subtiliter punctatis, hoc antice posticeque constricto, convexo, sub- 
canaliculato, lateribus postice parallelis, antice obliquis, angulis posti- 
cis subprominulis; elytris parallelis, apice rotundatis, sat fortiter punc- 
tatis. Long. 11 mm. 


Oregon and Washington Territory; one pair. The antenne 
in the male are slender, nearly four-fifths the length of the 
body ; scarcely more than half the length of the body in the 9. 

This and LZ. cubitalis form a peculiar group in the genus, hav- 
ing the eyes scarcely emarginate on the inner margin, and the 
3d joint of the tarsi broader and more deeply bilobed than usual, 
agreeing in these characters with Acmops; the head is much 
less constricted behind than in other Lepture, although it is 
suddenly narrowed, and the angles are rectangular and rounded, 
almost asin Eneyclops; the front is, however, not vertical, the 
transverse impression is deep, the gen rather short, the epistoma 
and mouth moderately long; the last joint of the palpi is but 
feebly dilated, and squarely truncate, longer than the preceding, 
as usual. 

I would associate these species with the 2d division of Ac- 
mops, but the antenne seem to be inserted rather behind the 
line joining the front of the eyes, as in other Lepture, and the 
general appearance is more suggestive of the latter genus. They 
would, however, be equally well placed in either. 


A. Scape of antenne feebly punctured, or nearly smooth ; 
a. Seape of antenne acute inwards at tip; 
Disk of elytra flattened, sides suddenly inflexed ; prothorax cylindrical. 
1. appRessum Lec. 
Elytra very convex; prothorax with a feeble lateral tubercle or spine, 
sides subsinuate. 2. ANNULATUM Say. 
b. Scape of antenne cylindrical at tip; 
a. Body variegated with a network of white pubescence; sides of 
elytra suddenly inflexed ; 
Lateral tubercle of prothorax well-developed. 3. ALBOPICTUM White. 
8. Sides of elytra suddenly inflexed ; color uniform black, antenne 
alone partly cinereous ; 
* 3d joint of antenne annulated; 
Lateral spine of prothorax long, acute; disk of elytra flattened; (punc- 
tures variable, sometimes very few). 4. GIGAS n. sp. 
** 3-7 joints of antenne annulated; 
Prothorax sparsely punctured, lateral spine large, acute, disk of elytra 

not flattened ; 5. FORTE Nl. sp. 
Prothorax sparsely punctured at base and apex, lateral spine small, 
directed upwards, elytra not flattened. 6. SEMIPUNCTATUM Lec. 

Prothorax with a few punctures near the base, lateral spine small, di- 
rected upwards; disk of elytra not flattened, (punctures variable, 
sometimes very few). 7. ARMATUM Lec. 


Prothorax nearly smooth, lateral tubercle very feeble and obtuse; elytra 
with a few large punctures towards the sides. 8. Lavicatum Bland. 

y. Elytra wider, sides more convex, lateral tubercle of prothorax 
small, subacute, horizontal ; 

Body stouter, uniform black, elytra very convex. 9. crAssum Lec. 

d. Prothorax strongly, not densely punctured, sides scarcely tuber- 
culate, elytra roughly punctured before the middle, sides sud- 
denly inflexed. _ 10. oBrusuM n. sp. 

B. Scape of antenne strongly punctured, cylindrical at tip; 
Body more elongate (as in M. armatum); prothorax nearly cylindrical 
without lateral spine. 11. susrucosum Bland. 

556 M. gigas. Nigrum nitidum, prothorace punctis perpaucis notato, 
lineaque basali majorum, spina laterali elongata acuta; elytris an- 
tice grosse punctatis, dorso deplanatis, lateribus subito deflexis; anten- 
nis scapo haud mucronato, articulo 3io usque ad medium cinereo-pubes- 
cente. Long. 37 mm. 

Arizona; Dr. Horn and Mr. Ulke. Easily known by the very 
large size, the extremely long thoracic spines, and only the 4th 
joint of the antenne with a broad, cinereous band. The elytral 
punctures in one specimen are numerous, in the other very few. 

350%. M. forte. Nigrum subnitidum, prothorace parce fortiter punc- 
tato, punctis postice sat densis, spina laterali acuta ; elytris subrugosis, 
basi precipue versus latera grosse punctatis et asperatis, dorso con- 
vexiusculo, lateribus subito deflexis; antennis scapo haud mucronato, 
articulis 3—7 basi cinereis, 8—11 totis cinereis. Long. 32 mm. 

Arizona; Mr. Ulke, also a very large species, but easily dis- 
tinguished from the preceding by the prothorax being more punc- 
tured, the spines shorter, the antenne annulate, and the elytra 
less flattened on the back. It may perhaps be an extremely well 
developed form of JZ semipunctatum Lec., but in the absence of 
a full series of specimens it would be hazardous to unite them. 

058. M. obtusum. Nigrum subnitidum, prothorace parce fortiter 
punctato, lateribus subsinuatis haud spinoso ; elytris ante medium as- 
perato-punctatis, dorso modice convexis, lateribus subito inflexis ; an- 
tennis scapo haud mucronato, articulis 3—7 basi cinereo-pubescentibus. 
Long. 20 mm. 

Utah; Mr. Ulke. Of the same form as M. appressum Lee. 
but with the elytra less flattened on the back, and the scape of 
the antenne not mucronate ; the cinereous bands of the antenne 
are gradually shorter, so that the one on the 7th joint is very small. 



The species infest pine trees thoughout the whole extent of the 
United States, and contiguous northern regions. They may, 

following the arrangement proposed by Lacordaire, be tabulated 
thus :— 

A. Elytra rounded at tip, suture prolonged ; 

Brown, elytra mottled with quadrate patches of brown and gray pubes- 
cence; sutural spine acute; prothorax rather smooth, sparsely punc- 
tured, lateral spine larger but less acute than in the next species. 

1. TITILLATOR (Oliv.). 

Smaller, brown, elytra more cylindrical, with some patches of fulvous hair 
in front of the middle, sutural spine larger and obtuse ; prothorax more 
punctured and rugose, lateral spine more acute. Length 14—18 mm, 
Georgia.* 2. MINOR 0. sp. 

Dark blackish-brown, with metallic gloss, elytra with gray pubescence, 
varied with quadrate patches of dark-brown hair, sutural spine obtuse ; 
prothorax strongly punctured and rugose, spines acute densely clothed 
with whitish pubescence. 3. MAcuLosus Hald. 

Blackish, with a dull leaden gloss, elytra as in the preceding, but the 
punctures are stronger, and tend to coalesce into transverse ruge; 
prothorax less punctured but more rugose, lateral spines less densely 
clothed with yellowish-white pubescence. 4. cLaAmatorR Lec. 

B. Elytra rounded at tip, suture not prolonged ; 

Black with bronzed lustre; scutellum densely clothed with white hair, 
elytra with a few small spots of white pubescence. 


Black with more leaden lustre; scutellum clothed with white hair, but 
with a denuded medial stripe; elytra with more abundant small 
patches of white pubescence, punctures more disposed to form trans- 
verse ruge. Length 17—24mm. Oregon and Washington Territory. 


Gray, clothed with fine rather close gray pubescence, prothorax much 
less punctured and rugose, elytra with small patches of blackish-brown 
hair. 7. conFusor Kirby. 

C. Elytra gradually obliquely narrowed at the tip, suture not spinose ; 

Brown, elytra beautifully ornamented with large quadrate spots of fulvous 
cream-colored pubescence, and denuded spots: WV. fautor Lec. ; acutus 
Lac. 8. mMARMOoRATUS (Rand). 

* I have one specimen labelled Canada, but the locality seems doubtful. 



559. L. wolitams. Fuscum dense pubescens, pilis volatilibus elon- 
gatis villosum, prothorace spina laterali acuta; elyiris lateribus subito 
deflexis, bicarinatis, carina exteriore ad medium postice abbreviata, 
fusco maculatis, macula elongata selliformi scutelloque pallidioribus. 
Long. 5—8 mm. 

Cape San Lucas; Mr. Xantus. This species seems to agree 
more nearly with the genus to which I have referred it than with 
any other of which I can find description. I should refer it to 
Pogonocherus, since the front coxal cavities are angulated exter- 
nally nearly as much as in that genus, but the scape of the an- 
tenn is much longer and more slender, as in Leptostylus, and 
extends to the lateral spine of the prothorax. The antenne are 
about one-fourth longer than the body, and clothed on all sides 
with long hairs, the 3d and 4th joints are nearly equal, the 5th 
and following diminish rapidly in length. The prosternum is 
rather narrow between the coxe, the mesosternum not wide, trun- 
cate and subemarginate behind, the middle coxal cavities angu- 
lated externally, though not open. 

The body is clothed with dense pale brown pubescence, the 
antenne are annulated and punctured with darker, the disk of 
the prothorax is mottled with darker, and the lateral spines are 
acute; the base, sides, and tip of elytra are dark, with still darker 
spots, leaving an elongate common spot of pale gray, emarginate 
in front and at the sides, extending from the humeri for two- 
thirds the length, limited for one-half its length by a well-defined 
carina, extending from the humerus, and becoming obsolete near 
the tip, which is rounded; outside of this carina is a shorter one, 
also proceeding from the humerus, and abbreviated at the middle. 
The body beneath is clothed with pale-brown pubescence, and 
the groove and tubercle of the middle tibiz are feeble. The fly- 
ing hairs are very long and numerous. 

The species may be arranged as follows :— 

A. Elytra more broadly and regularly rounded at tip; lateral tubercles of 
prothorax not prominent, broadly rounded. PALMERI N. sp. 
B. Elytra more obliquely narrowed behind, obliquely subtruncate, or 

separately rounded ; 
Elytra very rough with asperities. ACULIFER Say. 


Asperities feeble, arranged in rows ; 
* Elytra flattened on the disk in front ; 
Elytra with a white fascia behind the middle, lateral tubercle of pro- 
thorax very broadly rounded. PLANIDORSUS Nl. Sp. 
** Elytra not flattened on the disk; pubescence concealing the 
punctures ; 
Elytra less prolonged behind, lateral tubercle of prothorax broadly 
rounded. Blustus Lec. 
Elytra more prolonged behind, lateral tubercle of prothorax obtuse but 
not rounded. ALBIDUS Lec. 
Elytra less prolonged, lateral tubercle obtuse not rounded, (much 
smaller). PARVUS N. Sp. 
*** Elytra not flattened on the disk; pubescence not concealing the 
punctures ; 
Elytra obliquely rounded, truncate at tip; not fasciate with white ; 
Punctures of elytra rather fine, lateral tubercle of prothorax rounded. 
cottaRis Hald. 
Punctures of elytra very coarse; 
Larger, lateral tubercle of prothorax obtuse, rounded. pErpLuEexus Hald. 
Smaller, tubercle of prothorax obtuse, not rounded. commixtus Hald. 
Elytra more broadly rounded, truncate at tip, prothorax with very obtuse 
rounded lateral tubercle and black spots, and elytra with a paler band 
behind the middle. ; MACULA Say. 

560. L. Palmeri. Nigro-piceus, prothorace transverso, pube ochrea 
variegato, parce grosse punctato, lateribus paulo dilatatis, haud tuber- 
culatis, prope basin transversim constricto et angustato; elytris protho- 
race plus sesqui latioribus, dorso antice planiusculis, parce grosse punc- 
tatis, apice rotundatis, pube brevi ochrea dense vestitis, fascia basali, 
macula laterali, fascia postica, guttisque pluribus obscuris; antennis 
cinereo-annulatis. Long. 18—25 mm. 

A female from Arizona, collected by Dr. Henry Palmer, kindly 
given me by Mr. Ulke, in whose collection it bears the name 
I have adopted; a male sent by Mr. C. V. Riley to Dr. Horn. 
Conspicuous by its large size; besides the dark spots on the ely- 
tra mentioned in the diagnosis, there is also one near the side, 
about one-fourth from the apex, which is also dark; the band is 
sinuated, and runs slightly obliquely backwards from the suture. 
The male is very remarkable for having the 6th joint of the 
antenn dilated inwards at the tip. 

561. L. planidorsus. Subtiliter dense griseo-pubescens, prothorace 
dorso subtuberculato, tuberculo laterali obtuso haud rotundato, apice et 
basi parce punctato; elytris dorso antice deplanatis, carina laterali dis- 

16 June, 1873. 


tincta, alteraque obliqua usque ad medium extensa, fasciculis solitis 
parvis nigris, plaga magna laterali ante medium, fasciaque obliqua pone 
medium nigricantibus ; fascia pallide pubescente paulo pone medium 
ornatis ; antennis cinereis, fusco punctatis et annulatis. Long. 9 mm. 

Louisiana; this species is sufficiently distinct by the disk of 
the elytra being flattened in front, limited each side by an oblique 
well-defined line, exterior to which is the line defining the abrupt 
declivity of the sides; towards the tip they are regularly rounded, 
scarcely prolonged, and obliquely truncate at the extreme tip. 
The small tufts of black hair are well developed ; there is a large 
lateral dark blotch extending from the side to the oblique ridge, 
behind which is a broad band of paler cinereous, somewhat as in 
well marked specimens of L. macula ; behind this pale fascia the 
pubescence is dark, with an oblique band composed of two blackish 
spots, and then a subapical dark cloud. Beneath covered with 
cinereous pubescence, medial band and apex of tibiw, and tarsi 

562. L. parvus. Testaceus, pube subtili dense vestitus, prothorace 
dorso obsolete tuberculato, lateribus obtuse angulatis ; elytris apice sin- 
gulatim rotundatis, parce fortiter punctatis, tuberculis parvis penicella- 
tis parcis ornatis ; capite thoraceque obscurioribus, antennis tibiisque 
piceo-annulatis. Long. 4 mm. 

Two specimens; Western States. A robustlittle species, very 
easily recognized; the disk of the elytra is obliquely impressed in 
front of the middle, and the post-humeral compression is quite 


This new genus is founded upon the species of Div. C of my 
arrangement of Liopus, (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser. 
ii, 172). They differ from Leptostylus by the 1st joint of the 
hind tarsi as long as the two following, and from Liopus by the 
mesosternum being broad and truncate between the coxe. The 
thoracic tubercle varies in position but little, and is about one- 
fourth to one-third from the base, obtuse, but not rounded ; the 
sides are emarginate behind the tubercle, but straight and ob- 
lique in front of it; there are no dorsal tubercles. 

A. Elytra without an ascending angular blotch behind the middle ; larger 
species ; 



Elytra mottled, with lines of tessellated black and white; a white spot 
near the apex, with a quadrate black spot in front of it. 
1. varrecatos Hald. 
B. Elytra with a common fuscous cloud angulated at the suture; 
_ Elytra scarcely mottled, apex slightly obliquely narrowed and feebly 

prolonged, angle of fuscous spot acute. 2. ALPHA Say. 
Elytra more distinctly mottled, apex more obliquely prolonged, angle 
of fuscous spot acute. 3. CINEREUS Lec. 

Elytra more distinctly mottled, apex less prolonged, angle of fuscous 
blotch obtuse, margined before and behind with whitish pubescence. 
4, xanTuoxyti Shimer. 
C. Elytra without angular blotch behind the middle, smaller species; 
Elytra mottled with small black points, an indistinct transverse white 
band behind the middle. 5. punctatus ald. 
Broader, elytra sparsely mottled with black points, without white band, 
lateral tubercle more acute. 6. CRASSULUS 0. Sp. 
D. Thoracic spine nearer the base, elytra and prothorax with lines of 
fulvous and fuscous pubescence. 7. HaupemAnt Lec. 

L. misellus and rusticus Zec., 1. ec. seem to be individual va- 
riations of S. alpha. 

563. S.crassulus. Fusco-pideus, pube brevi cinerea dense vestitus 
prothorace longitudine plus duplo latiore, guttis 3 fuscis signato, spinis 
lateralibus acutis; elytris punctis parcis nigris triseriatim digestis, ne- 
bula laterali, lineaque transversa mox pone medium fuscis, apice rotun- 
datis, haud prolongatis, vix truncatis. Long. 6 mm. 

One specimen; Cape San Lucas, Lower California; Mr. Xan- 
tus. The antenne are annulated, a little longer than the body. 
This species is more robust than the others, resembling a Lep- 
tostylus, from which it is immediately distinguished by the acute 
thoracic spines, and the Ist joint of hind tarsi equal to two fol- 
lowing united. 


This new genus is established upon a singular species from 
Lower California, of which only males are known to me. It is 
elongate in form, resembling in proportion the common Graphi- 
surus fasciatus, but the prothoracie lateral spines are very near 
(about one-fifth of the length from) the base, as in Liopus; in 
front of the angle of the spines, the sides are straight and converge 
slightly ; the base and apex are rectilinear. The elytra are elon- 
gate parallel, somewhat compressed at the sides, obliquely trun- 
cate inwards at the tip; they have several rows of distant small 


asperities (very much as in Leptostylus aculifer), and behind the 
middle several of these combine to form an elevation, which runs 
transversely from the side, and then bends abruptly backwards, 
and is curved to the suture. But the most striking characters: 
are found in the antenn; which are 4 or 5 times as Jong as the 
body, very slender, fringed with short fine hair beneath, as in the 
% of the other genera of the group; with the scape extending to 
the base of the prothorax, the inner edge acute towards the base, 
2d joint very short, 3d reaching to the extremity of the elytra, 
4th joint excessively long, nearly or quite three times as long as 
the 3d, with an apical tuft of stiff bent black hairs on the inner 
side; the seven following joints united not longer than the 4th 

The legs are moderate, thighs very feebly clubbed, middle tibiz 
with an oblique groove on the outer side, hind tarsi much shorter 
than the tibie, with the lst joint as long as the others united. 

564. Eu. asper. Niger, dense breviter cinereo-pubescens, haud pilosus, 
thorace subinequali, parce punctato, variegato; elytris parce punctatis, 
granulis nigris, parcis asperatis, vittaque nigra sublaterali a basi ultra 
medium extensa ornatis. Long. 14mm. 

Cape San Lucas; Mr. Xantus. I have no doubt from the 
characters above detailed that the 9 has a long ovipositor. 


565. Eu. pubescens. Plumbeo-niger, equaliter tenue cinereo- 
pubescens, et longe villosus, prothorace confertim punctato, latitudine 
longiore, spina laterali minuta; elytris latioribus fortiter punctatis, 
elongatis cylindricis. Long. 6.5 mm. 

Ohio; Mr. Ulke. More slender than Hu. vestitus (Say) with 
the pubescence much finer, and altogether uniform and unmottled. 
Eu. pauper Lec. seem to be scarcely different from vestitus (Say). 

To this genus belongs Amphionycha subarmata Lec. (Col. 
Kansas, 22), which as observed (Pr. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phil. 1861, 
354), bears a deceptive resemblance to A. flammata Newm., but 
has the eyes coarsely granulated, and the claws simple and di- 


The following characters will serve to distinguish our species: 

A. Erect hairs, very long; elytra truncate and bispinose; 
Crests of elytra strongly marked ; 

Scarcely variegated, crests feebly tufted. 1. CRINITUS ND. sp. 
With a white fascia before the middle of elytra, crests with long tufts 
of hair. 2. PENICELLATUS Lec. 
Crests of elytra feeble, with a large anterior transverse white band, 
badly defined in front. 3. oREGONUS Lec. 
B. Erect hairs short; elytra with an anterior white blotch ; 
Elytra rounded at tip. 4. SIMPLEX 0. sp. 
Elytra truncate at tip, and subbispinose ; 
Moderate sized, miore strongly punctured. 5. mixtus Hald. 
Very small, less strongly punctured. 6. PARVULUS Lec. 
C. No erect hairs ; pubescence uniform ; 
Elytra rounded at tip. 7. SORDIDUS N. sp. 

566. P. crinitus. Dense cinereo-pubescens, subvariegatus, pilis pal- 
lidis longissimis villosus ; prothorace lateribus fortiter armato; elytris 
cristis solitis valde elevatis, vix penicellatis, apice bispinosis, spina ex- 
teriori longiore. Long. 9 mm. 

California; Mr. Ulke. Easily recognized by the absence of con- 
spicuous white spots, the stronger armature of the prothorax and 
elytra, and the longer erect hairs. 

567. P. simplex. Nigro-piceus, pube albida variegatus, parce nigro- 
pilosus ; elytris versus suturam confuse, extrorsum seriatim punctatis, 

plaga majore obliqua alba ante medium signatis, apice rotundatis, haud 
truncatis, sutura prominula. Long. 6 mm. 

Kansas and California; Resembles closely P. mixtus, but the 
usual ridges of the elytra are scarcely to be traced, and the tip 
is not truncate. 

568. P? sordidus. Piceus pube minus subtili sordida dense vestitus, 
prothorace haud dense profunde punctato, latitudine vix breviore, spina 
laterali longa acuta; elytris parallelis apice rotundatis, punctis profun- 
dis subseriatim digestis; antennis sub-annulatis, parce ciliatis. Long. 
8—13 mm. 

Cape San Lucas; Mr. Xantus. This species is quite unlike 
the others, on account of the absence of long erect hairs ; in color 
and sculpture it bears a singular resemblance to Ataxia, but is 
of a different form, and the generic and tribal characters are very 
different. I can find nothing of importance to separate it from 


The pubescence is uniform dirty yellowish-brown, and rather 
coarse, intermixed with short suberect gray hairs proceeding from 
the punctures. The usual ridges of the elytra are entirely want- 
ing. The front coxal cavities are angulated as in the other spe- 
cies. The body beneath is finely punctulate and pubescent, 

sparsely punctured with fuscous. 
The antenne are one-half longer in %, and but little longer 
than the body in 9. ‘The largest specimens are all males. 


The species in our fauna may be conveniently arranged as fol- 
lows :— 

I. Outer claw of front and middle tarsi % with a large basal tooth or 
obtuse process ; 
A. Elytra separately acuminate at tip; 

Process of % ungues long; color yellow-brown, with four oblique darker 
bands. 1. opniqua Say. 

B. Elytra rounded at tip, with an acute sutural spine; 

Cinereous, head and prothorax vittate, elytra spotted with ochreous-yel- 
low pubescence ; process of 4 ungues long; 2. Ground color brownish- 
yellow, spots not conspicuous, adspersa Lec. 2. CALCARATA. 

C. Elytra slightly dehiscent, and separately rounded at tip; 5 

More coarsely punctured, pubescence thin, varied with fulvous spots; 
process of 4, ungues moderate. 3. MUTICA Say. 

Pubescence fine and dense, concealing the punctures, brown, with white 
stripes or spots ; 

Under surface white, upper surface with two broad white stripes; 
process of 4 ungues long, bivittata Say ; 2. Witha brown spot upon 
the white vitta near the base of the elytra. 4, canpipa Fabr. 

Prothorax with two white stripes, elytra each with two large white 
spots attaining neither margin nor suture, sides of under surface 
white; process of % ungues very long. 5. cretata Newm. 

Prothorax with two white stripes, elytra with a humeral, two subsu- 
tural white spots; sides of under surface white; process of % 
ungues small. 6. Fayr Bland. 

D. Elytra more broadly and conjointly rounded at tip; 

More densely clothed with uniform yellow-brown pubescence; elytra each 
with three small denuded spots; process of 4 ungues moderate. 

7. VESTITA Say. 

Less densely pubescent; 9 with prothorax, transverse sinuated fascia, 
and sides of elytra brownish, legs dark; % with thin cinereous pubes- 
cence, legs ferruginous; process of ungues, of front feet small, of 
middle feet large, fusctpes Say. 8. DISCOIDEA Fabr. 


Lateral stripe of prothorax and elytra and three oblique bands of scarlet 
pubescence ; process of % ungues of front feet small, of middle feet 
larger; a. Varies (%) with the bands narrower, more oblique and 

sometimes obsolete. 9. rRipeNTATA Fabr. 
Lateral stripe of prothorax and elytra, and sutural line of scarlet pubes- 
cence; process of 4, ungues broad and short. 10. LATERALIS /abr. 

II. Claws simple in both sexes ; 

Lateral and sutural margin of elytra, prothorax, and head clothed with 
bright yellow pubescence, head with two, prothorax with six black 
spots ; trigeminata Randall. 11. puncricoLiis Say. 

Black, coarsely punctured, thinly clothed with fine cinereous pubescence; 
a. Pubescence fulvous, punctures rather coarser; (Cal. Oregon.) 

12. morsta Lec. 

Black, densely clothed with cinereous pubescence, less coarsely punctured. 

13. concotor Lec. 


569. M. margimella. Atra subtiliter pubescens, et breviter villosa, 
prothoracis lateribus et vitta dorsali, elytrorum margine laterali apicali 
et suturali pube pallide flava dense vestitis. Long. 7—8 mm. 

Western States and Texas. Lasily distinguished by the above 
characters ; the thoracic vitte do not extend upon the head ; 
the elytra are coarsely punctured, and rounded at tip; the inner 
division of the claws is acute, and a little shorter than the outer 
one, though more nearly equal than in IZ, femoralis. 


Eyes coarsely granulated, very large, scarcely separated on the 
vertex, deeply emarginate, but not divided, upper lobe moderately 
wide; front deeply channelled, antenne about twice as long as 
the body, slender, 11-jointed, scape shorter than the head, sud- 
denly constricted at base, with the basal angle rectangular promi- 
nent, and the apical edge armed at the inner side with a short 
spine, there is also on the lower side a large well defined apical 
cicatrix; 2d joint distinct,'‘but with condyle projecting, larger than 
the joint itself; following joints nearly equal, sparsely ciliate be- 
neath, 11th shorter. Palpi very unequal, maxillary with the last 
joint oval pointed, labial very small; mandibles short, stout, 
pointed. Prothorax cylindrical, one-half longer than wide, 
slightly and obtusely dilated at the middle. Elytra three-fourths 


as long as the abdomen, punctured with a feeble dorsal elevated 
line. Front cox prominent, cavities confluent, open behind ; 
middle coxe prominent, hind cox nearly contiguous, prominent, 
thighs gradually clubbed, front tibiz feebly but distinctly grooved 
on the inner side, middle tibiz not tuberculate, hind tarsi with 
lst joint longer than the two following united. Ventral seg- 
ments § cylindrical, equal, 5th truncate, 6th emarginate, with 
the genital ring prominent.* 

570. 8S. lucanus. Fuscus, cinereo-villosus, prothorace rugose punc- 
tato, callo parvo pone medium notato; elytris pubescentibus, punctatis 
ad dodrantem abdominis extensis, apice rotundatis. Long. 8.5 mm. 

One % ; Cape San Lucas. Mr. Xantus. 


571. D. Laevis. Nigra, prothorace villoso, nitido, parce punctato, ad 
basin breviter impresso et bicalloso; elytris piceis,rugose punctatis, di- 
midium abdominis equantibus, apice rotundatis, longe dehiscentibus, 
sutura late emarginata, pedibus testaceis: ventre flavo, apice obscuro. 
Long. 7 mm. 

Illinois; the only specimen in my collection has the last ven- 
tral segment triangularly excavated, and hairy as in D. ventralis, 
which I consider as the 2 of D. tenuipes Hald. It differs by the 
nearly smooth thorax, and by the elytra rather longer, narrowed 
and more dehiscent behind the middle. 

* The following species is mentioned by Chevrolat, Ann. Ent. Soc. Fr., 
1862, p. 256, as M. pusilla, which it replaces in the Antilles. 

Methia punctata. Fusco testacea, antennis femoribus elytrisque 
pallidi, his vitta obliqua a basi ad medium, altera submarginali, apiceque 
obscuris ; prothorace dense punctato, latitudine longiore, lateribus fere 
rectis, postice transversim impresso, dorso haud calloso. Long. 7—10. 

One 9, San Domingo, Mr. Gabb; Cuba, Dr. Gundlach. Very similar to 
M. pusilla, but the sides of the prothorax are scarcely dilated at the middle, 
the front transverse impression is wanting, the posterior constriction is 
less deep, there are no dorsal callosities, and the elytra are comparatively 
shorter. The color of the head and prothorax. is light and dark brown 
mixed; the elytral vittz are connected transversely near the base, and 
about the middle, but frequently disappear, leaving only a humeral cloudy 
spot. The wings as in all the species of the tribe are very imperfectly 
folded at tip. 

a a0) oe a a 



6:0) Lok Oce iE heee 








MAY—JUNE, 1873. 



I would unite under this name all the aberrant Cerambycide 
of Lacordaire, whether classed with the Prionids or Ceramby- 
cide. By Mr. Thomson they have been in part separated as 
distinct families, under the general name Subcerambycide: he 
has, however, excluded Spondylis from them and retained it with 
Scaphinus among the Cerambycide. 

It seems a more natural view to regard them as sub-families 
(or tribes, as the case may be), having the same relation to each 
other as the sub-families and tribes of the Cerambycide, and re- 
presenting in the modern fauna the last remnants of the pro- 
phetic, synthetic, or undifferentiated* types of a former geological 
age. They are, therefore, few in number, without very obvious 
relations with each other, or with the numerous forms of Ceram- 
bycide, with which they cannot be intercalated, without inter- 
rupting the obvious series of relationships. 

They may be briefly described as extraordinary forms, differing 
not only in appearance from other Longicorns, but also by the 
tarsi being all deprived of the brush of hair beneath; the 3d joint 
not bilobed, entire or feebly emarginate, the 4th joint frequently 
well-developed ; the antenne are short, with the scape very short, 
much constricted at base, inserted at the side of the head near the 
base of the mandibles, under a more or less developed ridge ; 
2d joint rather large, though smaller than the 3d. In our two 
sub-families the poriferous system of the antennz is contained in 
deep fovee, differing in shape according to the genus. The other 
characters vary, as may be seen by the table in Thomson, Syst. 
Cerambye., 312. 

Two sub-families exist in our fauna :— 

Prothorax margined ; labrum connate. PARANDRIDZ&. 
Prothorax not margined ; labrum free. SPONDYLID&. 

* These three appellations will be acceptable according to the meta- 
physical school to which the reader may belong. I write not to sustain 
a theory, but merely to present facts in such relation with other facts, as 
enables them to be most conveniently classified. The result is the same 
whatever hypothesis be adopted. 

19 May, 1873. 



The body is elongate, parallel, smooth and shining; head 
broad, eyes transverse, convex, rather coarsely granulated, feebly 
emarginate ; antennz extending to the base of the prothorax, in 
front of the eyes, near the base of the mandibles, under distinct 
lateral ridges, polished, scape short and thick, strongly con- 
stricted at base; 2d joint half as long as 8d; 3-10 equal, sub- 
quadrate, constricted at base, flattened, with two deep grooves 
on the under surface, separated by a convex space, but limited 
on their outer edge by an acute ridge; 11th joint longer, ob- 
liquely truncate and pointed, with the same two grooves, and an 
apical fovea. Mandibles dentate, longer in % than 9; labrum 
pointed, connate with the front; mentum very transverse, clos- 
ing the buccal fissure, bisinuate in front, ligula corneous very 
transverse, broadly truncato-sinuate in front; palpi short, labials 
inserted at the sides of the ligula, widely distant; maxillaries not 
longer, last joint cylindrical; maxille with one very slender and 
small lobe, sparsely ciliate at tip. Prothorax quadrate, margined 
at the sides; mesonotum punctured, without stridulating plate, 
not distinctly separated from the scutellum, which is triangular 
rounded at tip. Elytra parallel, margined, rounded at tip; epi- 
pleure extending to the sutural tip; wings perfect. Prosternum 
distinct between the coxze, which are large, not prominent, trans- 
verse, and inclosed behind; middle cox oval, cavities widely 
open externally, mesosternum parallel, truncate or submarginate 
at tip; hind coxe not prominent, transverse, extending to the 
sides of the abdomen; episterna of metathorax parallel, narrow; 
ventral segments 5, equal, alike in both sexes, intercoxal process 
acute. Legs rather short, thighs compressed ; tibise: compressed, 
outer angle acute, spurs rather strong, tarsi slender, without 
brush beneath; 4th joint half as large as the 3d, 5th as long as 
the others united, claws strong, paronychium slender, small, with 
two terminal sete. 

The species of Parandra live under pine bark, and are not 
very well defined. 

The affinities of this genus with Prionide are quite apparent, 
but those with Lucanide are equally obvious, with also some 
tendency towards Cucujide in Passandra, Catogenus, &c. 


Sub-Family I1.—SPONDYLIDAE. 

Body elongate, rather convex and robust, punctured, opaque or 
nearly so; head large, eyes transverse, not convex, rather finely 
granulate, feebly emarginate. Antenne short or extending be- 
yond the base of the prothorax, inserted under slight prominences 
in front of the eyes, near the base of the mandibles; Ist joint 
oval, stout, a little longer than the 8d; 2d about half as long as 
3d, or (Scaphinus) nearly as long ; remaining joints equal, trans- 
verse (Scaphinus), or oval (Spondylis), each with two fovez on 
the under surface, which in the former are very large and deep, 
in the latter small and near the apex; 11th joint pointed at tip. 
Labrum small, separate. Mandibles long, slender, not toothed ; 
palpi long, not dilated, last joint oval, truncate; mentum very 
transverse, buccal fissures wide, filled by the base of the maxil- 
le; ligula very large, corneous, concave, emarginate in front, 
with broadly-rounded lobes; labial palpi distant, situated on the 
inferior surface, but remote from the sides. Maxille with very 
small slender lobes. Prothorax oval, convex, narrowed behind, 
not margined ; mesonotum polished, sparsely punctured, without 
stridulating plate, broadly channelled, distinctly separated from 
the scutellum by a transverse excavation. Elytra parallel, 
rounded at tip, epipleurze narrow, not extending to the suture ; 
wings perfect. 

Prosternum distinct between the cox, which are subconical, 
somewhat prominent, angulated externally, and inclosed bebind ; 
middle cox oval, cavities widely open externally, with distinet 
trochantin, mesosternum triangular, slightly truncate at tip ; 
episterna of metathorax rather wide, narrowed behind, hind coxe 
large, extending to the side of the abdomen, prominent in Sca- 
phinus, but not in Spondylis. Ventral segments 5, equal, simi- 
lar in both sexes, intercoxal process acute, 

Legs rather short, much stouter in Scaphinus than in Spondy- 
lis; thighs thick compressed; tibiz compressed, finely serrate, 
outer angle prolonged into a flange much more developed in Sca- 
phinus; spurs well developed, unequal on the front pair, obtuse 
and broad on the hind feet. Tarsi short without brush of hairs 
beneath, though hairy in Spondylis; 3d joint emarginate; 4th 
small, but distinct; 5th Jong, with slender rather large claws, 
and a very small bisetose onychium. 


Spondylis upiformis extends from Alaska to Lake Superior. 
Scaphinus sphericollis is found in pine woods of the Southern 

A near approach is said to be made by Spondylis to Asemum; 
but while recognizing the resemblance, it appears to me to be a 
very remote one, and I rather consider the present form to be 
that which makes the closest approach to the next family, with- 
out, however, actually belonging to it. 


Mentum variable, in Prionidz usually very transverse 
and entirely corneous, in the others trapezoidal, more or 
less transverse, frequently coriaceous at tip; lhgula mem- 
branous or coriaceous, sometimes (Prionide, a few Ceram- 
bycidee, and Methiini of Lamiidee) corneous; labial palpi 3- 

Maxillze with two lobes, clothed at the tip with bristles, 
the inner one obsolete in Prionidee. 

Mandibles variable in form, sometimes (Mallodon’, Den- 
drobias &) very long; usually curved and acute at tip, 
rarely emarginate, or chisel- shaped (Distenia). 

er usually transverse, most frequently deeply emargi- 
nate, often divided, in which case the upper lobe is some- 
times wanting (Tillomorpha, Spalacopsis); either finely or 
coarsely granulated. 

Antenne variable in position, either in front of or between 
the eyes, in the latter case frequently on large frontal eleva- 
tions; usuaily long and slender, imbricate in Prionus (pec- 
tinate in some foreign genera), subserrate or compressed in 
a few forms, with sensitive surfaces differing in the sub- 
families and tribes; usually 11-jointed, sometimes 12-25- 
jointed (Prionus), very rarely 10-jointed (Methia, Dysphaga). 

Prothorax margined in Prionids, not margined in any 
others in our fauna; coxal cavities and coxe variable. 

Mesosternum short, side pieces most frequently attaining 
the coxee; sometimes (certain Cerambycide and Lamiide) 
cut off by the apposition of the sternal pieces. 

Metasternum moderate, or long, short only in apterous 
Lamize (Dorcadioides), and in some subterranean foreign 
genera; episterna variable; in many Cerambycidz with 
an opening for the duct of a scent gland near the inner 

hind angle. 


Elytra usually covering the abdomen, rarely short ; epi- 
pleurz usually distinct, rarely (some Phytceciini) indistinct. 

Abdomen with five free ventral segments, the sixth visi- 
ble in many males, and occasionally in both sexes. 

Legs variable, usually slender, thighs frequently strongly 
clubbed, hind coxee transverse, frequently inclosed exter- 
nally by prolongation of epimera of metathorax. Tarsi 
with joints 1-3 furnished beneath with brushes of hair, 
sometimes wanting on the Ist and 2d joints of hind tarsi; 
3d joint emarginated or bilobed, 4th joint nodiform, small, 
connate with dth joint; claws simple, rarely (Phytceciini) 
appendiculate or cleft, paronychium slender and distinct in 
Prionidz, wanting in the others. 

A great family, containing an immense number of speeies, 

which live in the larval state exclusively on the woody parts of 
plants. The species are remarkable for large size, beauty of 
color, or elegance of form, and have been, on these accounts, 
great favorites with collectors. Nevertheless their classification, 
and even the definition of the family, present difficulties which 
have been called insuperable by every systematist who has yet 
attempted the task. 
_ The species are easily recognized, the chiet variations being 
only those of size, dependent probably on the quantity of food 
obtained by the larva, or the excellence of its digestive power. 
At any rate, the differences appear to be individual and not in- 
dicative of races. The genera are, on the other hand, extremely 
indistinct, as at present recognized, for the reason that the species 
frequently differ not only by the usual specific characters of form, 
color, sculpture, &e., but by structural peculiarities of consider- 
able moment, sometimes sexual, sometimes asexual. By regard- 
ing these peculiarities as of generic value, the number of genera 
(as in birds) has been vastly and unnecessarily increased, and 
the system of classification correspondingly diluted, so that the 
more essential points of resemblance between allied forms are 
lost sight of, and the arrangement becomes quite artificial. Fre- 
quent reference will be made in the following pages to the mis- 
placement of genera by the best authorities; and, also, what 
tends to greater confusion, to errors of description in several 
of our genera, which lead to an incorrect appreciation of their 

Several characters which have been recently adopted for the 


differentiation of tribes seem to me to be of but small, or still 
worse, illusory importance; and among these, the extension out- 
wards of the middle coxe, so that they attain or not the epis- 
terna is one of the most indefinite, and I have, therefore, rejected 
it as far as possible in the following scheme. 

I have, in common with previous investigators, failed thus 
far to find any distinct difference capable of expression in words 
between this family and Chrysomelide. One familiar with the 
subject will rarely if ever mistake one for the other. But so far 
the essential difference between the Tetramera, of which the larve 
feed upon wood, and those feeding upon cellular vegetable tissues 
has eluded observation. I can merely at present observe that a 
slight approximation to it seems to be made in the fact, that in 
the Cerambycide there is a tendency in the epimera of the meta- 
thorax to extend to the sides of the ventral segments, while in 
the Chrysomelide the lst ventral is prolonged forwards at the 
sides to meet the metathorax; thus showing probably a lower, 
though necessarily more recent, type, which could have existed 
only since the development of the higher broad-leaved plants. 

And in continuation of this same subject, I would refer the 
difficulties of classification of the Longicorns to the fact, that 
being exclusively feeders upon woody tissue, and passing a very 
long period in the larval state, in the interior of trunks or 
branches of trees, protected against inundations by the buoy- 
ancy of their juvenile homes, they have been peculiarly qualified, 
not only for an early introduction, but prolonged existence; and 
that we, therefore, have here a more perfect record than is likely 
to occur in any other land animals. Among marine objects fre- 
quent examples occur of the representation in the existing fauna 
of forms more fully represented in previous geologic periods ; 
but this is the first instance in which we have had occasion to 
note the probability of its occurrence in the Coleoptera. I have 
already alluded to this subject,* specially in connection with the 
‘Spondylidw, and have been very glad to find that the idea has 
been approved of by my friend H. W. Bates}, the distinguished 
explorer of the Amazon, in words so expressive that I cannot 
forbear quoting them. 

* An attempt to Classify, &c., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2d, IT. 99, (1851). 

+ Contributions to an Insect Fauna cf the Amazon Valley, Coleoptera, 
Longicornes, Part I. Lamiaires, p. 5-6 (from Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 


“Tt is one of those groups of insects in which nature, in 
striving after strong individuality in the species, seems to have 
changed or adapted those parts of structure upon which we rely 
for characters of genera and groups of genera. The family, too, 
is found throughout all parts of the world where woody vegeta- 
tion exists, and has endured, probably, under the same laws of 
modification, throughout long geological periods. The diversity 
of specific forms seems endless, running into infinite varieties of 
grotesque, ornamented, and extraordinary shapes; and nearly 
every species has structural peculiarities for its specifie charac- 
ters; so that in no family can genera be made so easily and 
numerously as here. Analysis is too easy, and has already been 
pushed, perhaps, to too great an extent.” 

This family comprises three sub-families, as follows :— 

Prothorax margined ; labrum connate. PRIONIDAE. 
Prothorax not margined ; labrum free. 
Front tibi# not grooved. CERAMBYCIDAE. 
Front tibia obliquely grooved on the inner side. LAMIIDAE. 

Sub-Family L—PRIONIDAE. 

The insects of this sub-family are generally of large size, con- 
taining in fact the longest Coleoptera known; the color is 
brown or black, and the elytra usually coriaceous in appearance, 
becoming metallic and of firmer consistence in some of the 
genera, with finely granulated eyes. The labrum is connate 
with the epistoma. The ligula is always entirely corneous, 
without distinct paraglosse ; the supports of the labial palpi 
are connate with the ligula. The mandibles are strong, fre- 
quently elongated in the males, and are destitute of membrane 
or molar tooth. The lobes of the maxille are small, the inner 
one obsolete, and the last joint of the palpi is triangular. The 
antenne are furnished with poriferous spaces, varying according 
to the genus and tribe. The prothorax is always distinctly 
margined, the front coxe are transverse, with distinct trochantin. 

The mesonotum never has stridulating surfaces, such as are 
seen in most other Cerambycide ; some of the species, however, 
have the epipleurz covered with fine transverse lines, and a noise 
is produced by rubbing the hind femora against the edge of the 


elytra, a phenomenon of which the first record has been made 
by Mr. C. V. Riley.* 
Our species fall naturally into the following tribes :— 

Eyes strongly granulated ; 
I. Prothorax pluridentate on the side ; 
3d antennal joint very long. ERGATINI. 
3d antennal joint moderate. MALLoponrTInNI. 
II. Prothorax parcidentate on the sides ; 
Metathoracic epimera parallel ; 

Antenne filiform. DEROBRACHINI. 

Antenne imbricate. PRIONINI. 
Metathoracic epimera narrowed behind. TRAGOSOMINI. 

III. Eyes finely granulated. SOLENOPTERINI. 


One species, Hrgates spiculatus Lec. of large size (55-63 mm. 
long), is not uncommon on the maritime Pacific slope and in New 
Mexico. ‘The tribe is easily known by the prothorax being much 
broader in the male than in the female, and finely punctured ; 
in the latter sex the sculpture is very coarse, and the small teeth 
of the lateral margin longer and-more acute. The head is small, 
the eyes reniform and coarsely granulated; antenne 11-jointed, 
slender, two-thirds the length of the body in the %, about half 
the length of the body in the 2, rough with elevated punctures, 
with the 3d joint as long as the three following united ;_ pori- 
ferous spaces on the 3d joint small inconspicuous, on the under 
surface near the distal end, gradually becoming larger, until the 
outer joints become entirely poriferous, and irregularly reticulated 
with fine elevated lines forming elongate cells, which are much 
less distinct, and in fact hardly to be seen in the male. 

The generic characters are not sufficiently distinct from the 
European species #. faber to warrant the retention of the genus 
Trichocnemis proposed in my earliest description of this insect. 


This tribe contains also species of very large size (one from 
Florida in my collection is 61 mm. long), with the sides of the 
prothorax armed with numerous small teeth. The head is com- 

* Canadian Entomologist, iv. 139. 


paratively large, the eyes strongly granulated, distant, trans- 
verse, feebly emarginate; the antenn are slender, half the length 
of the body in the %, shorter in the 2, sparsely and coarsely 
punctured ; the 3d joint is scarcely longer than the 4th; pori- 
ferous spaces commencing on the under surface at the distal end 
of the 3d joint, gradually becoming larger until they cover the 
outer four joints, which are sculptured with fine longitudinal 
elevated lines. 

The prothorax frequently differs in the two sexes, being nearly 
quadrate in the %, densely punctured with smooth separate 
facets, narrowed in front in the 2, more coarsely punctured to- 
wards the sides, uneven on the disk. 

The species form two groups: 1. Mandibles nearly horizontal, 
prolonged in the $. 2. Apagiognathus Thom. mandibles ver- 
tical. ‘These characters do not seem to be of generic value. 

M. gnatho Lee. from Texas belongs to the Ist group, and is 
further distinguished by the metathoracic episterna having the 
inner outline concave; this form is recognized by Lacordaire as 
a distinct genus, Nothopleurus (I. ¢. viii, 125), but the difference 
scarcely merits such separation; in the % the metasternum has 
two large densely villous spaces, in the 9 the same portion is 
clothed with long soft pubescence. 


In this tribe the form is somewhat more slender than in the 
preceding; the head is smaller, the eyes coarsely granulated, very 
large, transverse, reniform, and approximate, both above and be- 
low, somewhat larger in the males than in the females. The 
mandibles are horizontal, acute, and alike in both sexes. The 
antenne are 11-jointed, nearly filiform in the , thicker at the 
base in the $. The sensitive pores commence on the outer half 
of the 3d joint, and cover the whole surface of the 4th and fol- 
lowing joints, arranged in longitudinal grooves, separated by 
fine elevated lines. The prothorax is alike in both sexes, armed 
with three acute teeth on each side, the front one of which is in 
D. geminatus double, and occasionally even divided into two large 
teeth, so that the thorax becomes really 4-dentate. The legs are 
slender, sparsely punctured with the hind femora deeply suleate 
beneath in Derobrachus brevicollis ; densely punctured, some- 


what rough in D. geminatus; hind femora less deeply sulcate 
beneath, and with several short elevated ridges on the inner sur- 
face in Orthosoma. In both genera the narrow epipleural por- 
tion of the elytra is transversely striate, forming a stridulating 
organ upon which the ridges or edges of the hind femora grate 
to produce a sound. 

Among our three species I recognize but two genera, Dero- 
brachus and Orthosoma, distinguished sufficiently by the cha- 
racters above given. Braderochus Buquet, to which D. gemi- 
natus Lec. has been referred, does not seem to me_ sufficiently 
distinct. Besides the sexual characters above mentioned, the 
5th segment in the §& of Derobrachus is broadly emarginate, the 
6th visible and also emarginate; and the last dorsal is truncate 
and emarginate ; the 5th ventral is elongate and truncate in the 
?, but the 6th is not visible. 

In Orthosoma the 5th ventral is rounded in the 2, but broadly 
truncate in the %, leaving the 6th visible. 

The distribution of the species is as follows :— 

Derobrachus brevicollis, Southern States. 

D. geminatus from Texas, through Arizona to Lower California. 

Orthosoma brunneum Forst. (cylindricum Fabr.), is generally 
distributed over the Atlantic States. 

Tribe 1V.— PRIONINI. 

In this tribe the mandibles are moderate in size, acute, and 
similar in both sexes. The eyes are coarsely granulated, usually 
large, transverse, convex, and approximated. The antenne have 
from 12-27 joints, varying according to species, the joints are 
conical and imbricated, much heavier in the § than the 9, the 
poriferous system commences on the 3d joint, and covers nearly 
the whole surface of the 4th and following joints. In Prionus 
% and @ the sensitive surface is reticulate, with fine elevated 
lines, but in Homesthesis %, the surface is quite uniform. The 
sides of the prothorax are armed with 3 acute teeth in Prionus, 
but in Homeesthesis integra and emarginata the apical and basal 
teeth are obsolete, so that the sides become unidentate. 

P. palparis Say, has the form of Prionus, but the antenne 
are as in Homeesthesis. 

The narrow epipleural margin is striate transversely, and stri- 
dulation is produced by rubbing against this surface the sharp 


edge of the hind femora, which are flattened and sulcate beneath. 
The legs are slender, compressed, and punctate. 

The sexual characters are obvious in the antenne, heavy in 
the %, slender in the 2. In some of the species the abdomen 
in the last-named sex is enlarged, and the intercoxal process is 
so broad as to show that the character possesses not even a 
generic value; the division Prioni subterranei of Lacordaire 
has therefore no foundation in nature, and its contents should be 
distributed according to the affinities of the individual genera. 
The 5th ventral segment in the % is truncate and broadly emar- 
ginate, so that the 6th is visible; in the ? it is more elongate, 
gradually narrowed behind and truncate, and the 6th segment 
is not exposed. 

Our genera are but two in number, Prionus, containing several 
species, occurs in every part of the country ; Homeesthesis (P. 
integer Lec., emarginatus Say) found in Colorado and New 
Mexico. P. innocuus Lee. is the female of one of these species, 
probably emarginatus; the hind cox ure very widely separated, 
and the intercoxal process of the Ist ventral segment is very 
short and wide. 

There is much difference in the soles of the hind tarsi, which 
sometimes, as in P. brevicornis, are as thickly clothed with hair 
as the other feet and marked with a narrow medial groove ; 
sometimes, as in P. palparis and Homeesthesis, flattened or broadly 
concave and nearly naked; sometimes again, as in P. fissicornis 
and imbricornis, the covering of hair is thin, so that the joints 
appear punctured, with a narrow smooth medial groove. 

We see, therefore, in this genus that structural characters 
assume a merely specific importance, a fact which must be con- 
stantly borne in mind in attempting a rational classification of 


This tribe is represented in our fauna by Tragosoma Harrisii, 
which scarcely differs from the North European 7. depsarium; 
it occurs from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, but is not 
abundant. The body is elongate (80-35 mim. long) ; the prothorax 
alike in both sexes, very hairy, and armed on the side with a 
single acute tooth. The elytra are punctured and finely ribbed. 

The poriferous system of the antenne of the ?, which are 


slender nearly filiform, and slightly compressed, commences on 
the 3d joint, on the under surface, and gradually increases, cover- 
ing the whole of the joints beyond the 6th, and appears like a 
fine dense punctuation. The head is small, the eyes large, 
coarsely granulated. The legs are slender, finely punctured, and 
hairy. The side pieces of the metathorax are triangular, broad 
in front, pointed behind. The abdomen is gradually narrowed 
behind, with the 5th ventral segment truncate; the intercoxal 
process is acute. 


This tribe contains all Prionide with finely granulated eyes, 
and is represented in our fauna by single species of two genera, 
belonging to the group Solenoptere. In the specimens before 
me, which are females, the poriferous system of the antenne 
consists of a few irregular scar-like depressions on the outer 

The head is small, much narrower than the prothorax, which 
is trapezoidal, smooth, and obtusely toothed near the base ; very 
roughly punctured and acutely toothed behind the middle in 
Elateropsis. In both genera the prosternum is deeply emarginate 
behind for the reception of the mesosternum, which is also emar- 
ginate behind. 

Sphenostethus Taslet (serripennis Hald.), occurs in the Middle 
Atlantic States. lateropsis fuliginosus occurs only in the 
southern point of Florida, whither it has extended from Cuba. 

Sub-Family I—CERAMBYCID i (genuini). 

The only characters I can give to define this sub-family are 
those already set forth in my first paper on this series of Cole- 
optera,* viz.: Prothorax not margined, front tibise not obliquely 
suleate, labrum separate from the front, palpi never acute at tip ; 
to which may be added, antenne always pubescent, never glabrous 
with corrugated and extensive sensitive surfaces as in Prionide. 

Utilizing the improvements suggested by Thomson,} myself.t 

* An attempt to classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of the part of America 
north of Mexico. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d i, 511. 

+ Famille des Cerambycides, par M. James Thomson, Paris, 1860. 

£ Note on Classification of Cerambycide, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 



Schiddte,* and Lacordaire.t I have constructed the following 
table as exhibiting the more obvious relations between the tribes 
represented in our fauna. The cross relationships can of course 
only be indicated in the more detailed descriptions which follow, 
and I am far from believing that the arrangement here adopted 
can be extended to the immense number of genera found in other 
countries, with any better success than the two classifications 
previously devised by me. 

The tribes of the Cerambycide genuini may be arranged as 
follows: the series are indicated very plainly, but can hardly be 
definitely restricted; the tribes seem to be limited tolerably 
sharply, though the cross affinities are frequently perplexing 
when an attempt is made at a linear arrangement. 

I. Base of antennze not enveloped by the eyes; antenne with the 2d 
joint rather large, front cox transverse, not prominent. 

Ligula corneous, eyes variable. I. ASEMINI. 
Ligula membranous, eyes finely granulated. If. Cauuipmnt. 

II. Base of antenne partly enveloped by the eyes; front coxe not coni- 
cal, though sometimes prominent; stridulating plate (absent only 
in Molorchus) large, never divided; ligula membranous (except 
in the group Oemes) ; 2d joint of antennze small (except in one 

genus of Clytini). CERAMBYCOIDES. 
Eyes coarsely granulated, front coxal cavities open behind (except 
in Compsa). Ill. Ceramsycini. 

Eyes variable, front coxal cavities angulated, closed behind. 
IV. Osrint. 
Eyes finely granulated ; 
a. Scutellum rounded, tibial spurs small; elytra not sinuate ; 
Legs long slender, thighs pedunculated and suddenly clavate; front 
coxal cavities open behind; 
Antenne with poriferous system. V. ANCYLOCERINI. 
Antennz without poriferous system. VI. RHopALopHorint. 
Legs slender, thighs not pedunculated, nor clavate, front coxal 
cavities open behind ; 
Front coxe rounded. VII. PreRopLatinti. 
Front coxe transverse, cavities angulated. 
VIII. Rosauinyt. 

* On the Classification of Cerambyces, with particular regard to the 
Danish fauna, by Prof. J. C. Schiddte, Naturhist. Tidschrift, 3d, ii, 483, 
(1864) ; translated in Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1865. 

+ Genera des Coléoptéres, Vol. viii, Paris, 1869. 


6. Scutellum acutely triangular; elytra not sinuate ; 

Front coxal cavities closed behind. IX. CaxiicHRomint. 

Front coxal cavities open. X. TRACHYDERINIL 
ce. Scutellum rounded, or broadly triangular (Cyllene); tibial 
spurs large; thorax never tuberculated, nor spinose; 

elytra not sinuate ; 

Tibie carinated. XI. STENOSPHENINI. 

Tibiz not carinated. XI. Cuyrint. 
d. Scutellum broadly rounded; thorax not tuberculate nor 

spinose; sides of elytra deeply sinuate near the humeri. 

III. Base of antenne partly enveloped by the eyes, which are nearly 
divided, and moderately finely granulated; 2d joint of antenne 
longer than usual; front coxe globose, widely separated; stridu- 
lating plate of mesonotum divided by a smooth furrow. (Body 

resembling a Lamiide.) ATIMIOIDES. 

XIV. Atimint. 
IV. Base of antenne not enveloped by the eyes, which are entire or 
emarginate, and usually finely granulated; front coxe conical 
except in Disteniini) ; stridulating plate of mesonotum divided 

by a smooth space or furrow. LEPTUROIDES. 
A. Mandibles scalpriform, not fringed. XV. DIsTENIINI. 
B. Mandibles simple, not fringed. XVI. DEsMoceERINI. 
C. Mandibles acute, fringed on the inner margin. 
Elytra abbreviated. XVII. Necypatini. 
Elytra not abbreviated ; 
Front nearly vertical. XVIII. Encycropint. 
Front oblique or horizontal. XIX. Leprorint. 


This series contains the genera in which the ligula is corneous, 
with the supports of the labial palpi fixed and connate, not 
retractile; the eyes are usually coarsely granulated, but some- 
times (Asemum, Tetropium, and Opsimus) the granulation is 
very fine; the antenne are sometimes short, sometimes long, 
densely punctured and pubescent, and do not usually have any 
well-defined sensitive spaces, the 2d joint is always half as long 
as the 3d, and the 11th is simple; the front coxe are generally 
transverse and angulated externally, with distinct trochantin, 
and the cavities are always open behind; the middle coxal cavi- 
ties open externally; the side pieces of the mesosternum do not 
intervene between the sterna; the mesosternum is bent down 
behind but not acutely emarginate for the reception of the inter- 


coxal process; the episterna of the metathorax are narrowed 
and almost pointed behind, and the epimera are not longer than 
the episterna. . 

In the % the 5th ventral segment is transverse, and the 6th is 
visible, in the 2 the 5th is prolonged, and 6th not visible. 

The scutellum is always rounded behind; the mesonotum is 
punctured at the sides, the stridulating plate is wanting in 
Tetropium ; feebly developed, and divided by a broad median 
vitta in Criocephalus; tolerably large and channelled in Asemum 
and Nothorhina; large and undivided, as in most Cerambycini, 
in Opsimus, and Smodicum. 

An undifferentiated, or synthetic tribe, having affinities in 
various directions; the maxillary lobes are very feebly developed, 
and almost atrophied in Asemum, showing an affinity with 
Spondylis and Prionid; the divided stridulating plate indicates 
a relation with Lepturini; Tetropium diverges towards Callidium, 
Criocephalus with its coarsely granulated eyes tends towards the 
genuine Cerambycini, while Opsimus and Smodicum seem to be 
entirely isolated, having no relation with other members of our 

The groups may be thus separated. 

Epimera of mesothorax normal, truncate at inner end; 

Base of prothorax normal. ASEMI. 
Base of prothorax emarginate, filled by a thin plate. OpsIMI. 
Epimera of mesothorax acutely pointed internally. Smopict. 

Group I.—Asemi. 

The insects of this group are generally Callidioid in form, the 
head short, the mandibles small, stout, and acute, the palpi nearly 
equal, or rarely unequal (Tetropium) ; the eyes finely or mode- 
rately coarsely (Criocephalus) granulated, transverse, scarcely 
emarginate (Asemum), large, more or less emarginate (Crioce- 
phalus), divided (Tetropium). 

All the genera except Cyamophthalmus, which has the last joint 
of the palpi subulate, are represented in our fauna, and are dis- 
tributed on both sides of the continent. 

Eyes moderate, transverse, finely granulated, hairy; 

Antenne finely pubescent. ASEMUM. 
Antenne coarsely pubescent. NoTHORHINA. 


Eyes large, coarsely granulated, not hairy. CRIOCEPHALUS. 
Eyes divided, rather finely granulated. TETROPIUM. 

To Nothorhina belongs Asemum asperum Lec., from Oregon 
and Vancouver. From Asemum must be excluded A. australe 
Lec., which is an anomalous Criocephalus, differing from all the 
others by the eyes being deeply emarginate. 

Group II.—Opsimi. 

Opsimus quadrilineatus Mann., from Alaska and Oregon, con- 
stitutes this group; it is a lead-colored, finely pubescent insect, 
having the prothorax armed with a lateral acute spine, and the 
disk of the elytra with several vague impressions. The antennee 
are punctured and coarsely pubescent, as long as the body ; the 
head is short and perpendicular in front; the eyes narrow, emar- 
ginate so deeply as to be completely divided, not finely granu- 
lated; the palpi are unequal, the labial short, the maxillary 
elongate, last joint triangular, obliquely rounded at tip; the front 
coxe are large, globose, and contiguous, scarcely angulated 
externally, the lateral fissure being only narrowly open; the 
middle coxal cavities are angulated externally, but the sternal 
pieces come in contact so as to cut off the episterna; the episterna 
of the metathorax are wide in front, narrowed and pointed 
behind; the legs are stout, the thighs strongly clavate, the spurs 
small, and the Ist joint of hind tarsi longer than the two follow- 
ing united. 

The singular character which distinguishes this from all other 
groups is, that the thickened hind margin of the prothorax is 
broadly emarginate in the are of a circle, and the emargination 
filled with a thin corneous plate. The mesonotum is punctured 
each side, with a very broad and flat, extremely fine, stridulating 

Group III.—Smodici. 

Smodicum cucujiforme (Say), a small narrow depressed pale- 
yellow species, found under bark in the Atlantic States, constitutes 
by itself a distinct group, characterised by the mesothoracic 
epimera being narrowed and acutely pointed inwards; the middle 
coxal cavities are widely open externally. 

The front is broad, short, and perpendicular, the eyes coarsely 
granulated, very deeply emarginated; the mandibles small, 


pyramidal, and entire, the gene very short; the palpi are short, 
equal, not dilated; the mentum is narrowed and rounded in 
front, and the ligula appears to be of 4 corneous consistence, with 
the supports of the labial palpi less distant than usual and con- 
nate. The antenne are polished, very sparsely punctured and 
pilose, and have two obscurely defined sensitive spots near the 
extremity of the 5th and following joints; they are scarcely as 
long as the body in the %, shorter and more slender in the 9. 

On the under surface of the prothorax is seen on each side a 
large reniform impression, which is opaque, coarsely punctured 
and slightly hairy, and which according to Lacordaire is wanting 
in some exotic species; the front coxal cavities are small, quad- 
rate, not angulated externally, widely open behind; the prosternum 
is rather broad. The mesosternum is broad, flat, and truncate 
behind; the ventral segments 1—4 diminish gradually in length, the 
oth is very short, and broadly subemarginate in %, narrower and 
elongate in °. 

The genus Smodicum seems more allied to Asemum, than to 
Atimia, with which it has been associated by Lacordaire.* 
The eyes are coarsely granulated in Smodicum, and very finely 
in Atimia; the front coxal cavities open in the former, and closed 
in the latter. The one is an undifferentiated form of typical 
Cerambycide, the other an anomalous form leading to some of 
the Lamiide groups. 


A tribe containing species usually depressed, and rarely slender 
in form; the prothorax and elytra are never spinose. The eyes 
are finely granulated, deeply emarginate, but do not embrace the 
base of the antennze; the head rather small, with the front short, 
perpendicular, or nearly so; mandibles short, stout, acute, gene 
moderately long; palpi usually very unequal, dilated. Antenne 
with the outer joints sericeous, or punctured, without distinct 
poriferous spaces; the 2d joint not as large as in Asemini, but 
longer than usual. Front coxal cavities transverse, very strongly 
angulated, with large trochantin, open behind ; prosternum vari- 
able; middle coxal cavities open externally ; mesosternum some- 

* Gen. Col. ix, 143. 
90 May, 1873. 


times wide and emarginate behind, sometimes triangular and 
pointed, side pieces large; metasternum with side pieces wider 
than usual. Legs moderate in length, thighs generally strongly 
clubbed, Ist joint of hind tarsi at least twice as long as the 2d. 
Abdomen with ventral segments slightly diminishing in length, 
5th, in %, short subemarginate. 

The antenne, in %, are usually longer than the body, and 
thicker at base than in 2. Flying hairs are seen on the legs and 
antenne, and frequently on the body. 

As in the Stenopteri, there are mute and sonant genera, and 
according to the sculpture of the mesonotum they may be arranged 
as follows :— 

A. Mesonotum with a large, undivided, very finely striate stridulating 
Hind coxe not prominent, thighs slender. GonocALLUS. 
Hind cox very prominent, thighs strongly clubbed; metasternum 
with scent pores ; 
Elytra with ivory lines. PHYSOCNEMUM. 
Elytra uniform. RHOPALOPUS. 
Hind coxz not prominent; metasternum without scent pores ; 
Prosternum broad or moderate, hind coxe inclosed by side 

pieces and Ist ventral segment. HyLorTRuPeEs. 
Prosternum very narrow, pointed, hind coxe not inclosed ; pro- 
thorax rounded. PHYMATODES. 
B. Mesonotum polished, with large scattered punctures ; 
Mesosternum broad, emarginate. MERIUM. 
Mesosternum obtusely triangular. CALLIDIUM. 
C. Mesonotum punctured and pubescent at the sides, with a medial stri- 
dulating surface. XYLOCRIUS. 

Gonocallus is established on C. collare Kirby (lepidum Lec.), 
a very anomalous species with slender thighs, and the $ antennze 
12-jointed. It is an annectant branch towards Stenosphenus and 

Semanotus does not appear in the above scheme, as the former 
representative of the genus in our fauna, C. ligneum Fabr., 
appears to me more naturally placed as a section of iylotrane 
differing merely by the sternal pieces being less dilated. 

I have retained Merium Kirby, because the type IZ Proteus, 
though agreeing with Callidium in the sculpture of the mesonotum, 
differs essentially in the form of the mesosternum ; the sculpture 


is also different, there being indications, more or less distinct, of 
two ivory vitte on each elytron. 

Curious sexual differences appear on the under surfaces of the 
prothorax in Phymatodes and Callidium; the punctures are 
coarser and more numerous in %. 

Xylocrius Lec. is founded upon Callidium Agassizii Lee. 
(Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1861, 357), a black coarsely punctured 
species, from California ; it is of more convex form than usual in 
this group, the antenne are shorter and stouter with joints 3-5 
equal, the palpi unequal, the prosternum narrow and pointed 
behind, the mesosternum subtriangular, obtusely truncated and 
slightly emarginate at tip, the hind coxe not inclosed by the 
side pieces of metasternum. The scutellum is triangular with 
curved sides, and the mesonotum, though provided with a medial 
stridulating surface, is punctured and pubescent at the sides. The 
hind tarsi are stouter than in the other genera of this group, and 
the thighs are moderately clubbed. 


A very extensive series, of rather difficult definition, and con- 
taining a large number of genera, which seem to have been 
unnecessarily multiplied, on account of the unimportance of the 
characters used for the definition of the separate groups. <As 
here restricted, the tribe contains all of the groups of Sec- 
tion A. (Lac. Gen. Col. viii, p. 202), which are represented in 
our fauna, except Asemini and Obriini; in other words, all 
genera having the eyes strongly granulated, the front coxal 
cavities usually open, the abdomen normal in both sexes, and the 
antenn with the 2d joint small. 

The ligula is sometimes (Oeme, etc.) corneous, but usually mem- 
branous, and deeply bilobed; the scutellum is usually rounded, 
rarely (Chion) triangular and acute; the stridulating surface is 
fine, and covers nearly the whole mesonotum; the antenne 
are nearly always long, and without distinct sensitive spaces. 
The mandibles are acute at tip. The middle coxal cavities are 
sometimes open, sometimes closed, varying frequently, to an 
appreciable extent, in the species of the same genus. The elytra, 
as observed by Lacordaire, are not abbreviated, but they are 
slightly so in Gracilia manca; the eyes are not divided in any 


of our genera, though always deeply emarginated, and embracing 
the antennal tubercles. 

Group I.—Oemes. 

The ligula is more or less corneous, and usually only emargi- 
nate at tip; though in Achryson, corneous, with the front part 
membranous, and broadly bilobed ; the body is slender and elon- 
gate, the palpi frequently very unequal, the antennz usually long, 
and longer than the body in 4; the eyes are usually very large, 
convex, coarsely granulated, and very deeply emarginated. The 
thighs are rather slender, except in Gracilia, where they are 
strongly clavate. 

Three sub-groups are indicated, 

Epimera of mesothorax large ; 

Front trochantins very distinct. OEMEs. 
Front trochantins not visible. ACHRYSONES. 
Epimera of mesothorax small. GRACILIAZ. 

Sub-Group 1.—OEmEs. 

Oeme rigida (Say), from the Middle and Southern States, and 
two new genera, Ganimus, and Eucrossus from Arizona, repre- 
sent this sub-group in our fauna; they are pale brown, slender 
insects, with the antenne hairy beneath ; rough with small acute 
tubercles on the under surface of the 3d, 4th, and 5th joints in 
Oeme; these joints in Eucrossus are not rough, but are armed on 
the inner side with a terminal spine ; the prosternum is very nar- 
row and prolonged in Oeme; moderate in width in Eucrossus; 
the mesosternum is narrow in Oeme and Ganimus, wider and trun- 
cate in Eucrossus; the palpi are dilated in the latter two, but 
scarcely so in the former, very unequal in all.* The prothorax 
is strongly constricted at base in Oeme, but in Ganimus is trans- 
verse, more rounded on the sides, and not constricted at base. 

The sculpture of the prothorax of the $ in Eucrossus is pecu- 
liar; finely alutaceous, opaque, with a smooth dorsal vitta, and a 
large scar-like mark each side, nearly parallel with the dorsal 
line, commencing near the base, suddenly inflexed just in front 
of the middle, and then abbreviated. 

* Lacordaire, |. c. viii, 222, says that the palpi are subequal in Oeme, 
but his specimen seems to have been much mutilated. 


The episterna of the metathorax in Oeme and Eucrossus are 
triangular, wide in front, and pointed behind, as in Criocephalus. 

The species H. villicornis is 18 mm. long, of a pale-brown 
color; with the elytra feebly punctured, clothed with erect 
pubescence, marked with two very faint lines, and armed with a 
small subsutural spine at tip; the joints of the antenne from 
the 3d are clothed beneath with a dense fringe of hair, becoming 
thinner to the 8th, where it disappears. * 

The essential characters of this sub-group are in the front 
coxe being prominent, very strongly angulated externally, with 
large trochantin ; the middle and hind cox are also prominent; 
the 5th ventral of the % is as large as the 4th and emarginate at 
tip in Oeme ; equally large and truncate in Ganimus; small and 
truncate in Eucrossus. 

The genera may be distinguished as follows :— 

Palpi very unequal, dilated ; 
Prosternum laminiform ; antenne rough with elevated points; mesos- 
ternum very narrow ; 
Prothorax lobed at base. GANIMUS. 
Prothorax constricted at base. OEME, 
Prosternum not laminiform; antenne very hairy beneath, joints 3-6 
with a terminal spine ; 
Body uniformly pubescent. EvcRossus. 
Body with transverse bands of yellow pubescence. DRyYOoBIUS. 
Palpi short, equal, slender ; 
Front coxz contiguous, hardly prominent; middle coxe distant. 

The position of Dryobius is doubtful; the eyes are almost 
finely granulated, and the front coxal cavities much less angulated 
externally, but the affinities seem to be stronger than with any 
other group. The type and only species is Callidium sexfasci- 
atum Say, a rare insect of the Mississippi valley. 

Haplidus is founded upon H. testaceus Lec., a slender finely 
pubescent brown insect, without any striking characters; it 
occurs in California and Utah, and the affinities of it seem to me 
also doubtful. 

* Ganimus vittatus resembles in form Oeme, and the antenne are 
almost equally rough; but the prothorax is not constricted behind, and 
has a broad basal lobe as described in the African genus Hypeschrus, with 
which it further agrees in having the middle coxe very large and nearly 
contiguous, but differs by the palpi being very unequal. 


Sub-Group 2.—ACHRYSONES. 

Slender sub-cylindrical species, with slightly dilated palpi; 
the head short, and front perpendicular as in Oemes; the front 
cox globose, prominent (contiguous in Achryson), not angulated 
externally, trochantin not visible; the middle coxe are also 
prominent, closed externally, the mesosternum is moderately wide, 
truncate at tip in A. surénamum, narrow and sub-triangular in the 
Texan A. concolor ; the elytra are armed with a terminal spine 
in the former, but are rounded in the latter. The 5th ventral 
segment of % is truncate, but not shorter than the 4th. 

A. surinamum (Linn.), (S. circumflexus Fabr.) is found from 
the Middle States to Mexico and South America; it is a slender 
pale-brown insect, with dark angulated lines on the elytra. 

Sub-Group 3.—GRAcILIz. 

Very small slender species of piceous color, very finely punc- 
tured and pubescent, constitute this sub-group. The head is 
short, as in the other sub-groups, the palpi very unequal, the 
labial short, the maxillary long with the last joint triangular, 
obliquely truncate so as to appear pointed; eyes large, coarsely 
granulated, deeply emarginate, almost divided; front cox very 
prominent, nearly contiguous, the prosternum being narrow, and 
pointed behind ; the coxal cavities are sub-quadrate ; the middle 
cox are prominent, separated by the triangular mesosternum, 
the cavities are angulated externally, but the epimera are very 
small, and do not fully reach the coxz; the episterna of the meta- 
thorax are linear; the Ist ventral segment is somewhat longer 
than usual. The legs are short, the thighs thick and clavate, 
the Ist joint of the hind tarsi longer than the 2d and 3d. 

The mesonotum is covered with stridulating surface; it is 
less transverse than usual, nearly quadrate, and finely margined 
at the sides. 

The antenne are hairy, in $ longer, in 9 shorter than the body. 
Gracilia pygmexa has been introduced in articles of commerce 
from Europe. G. manca is very rare in the Middle States, and 
differs by the prothorax being more rounded on the sides, and the 
elytra a little shorter than the abdomen. 


Group II.—Cerambycl. 

This group contains a large number of genera, which have been 
partitioned by Lacordaire into several minor groups, separated 
by evanescent or variable characters. Although the typical 
genera of these smaller groups possess in every instance a distinct 
appearance by which they may be recognized, yet the structural 
variations observed even within the limits of the genera them- 
selves, when the species are numerous, are such as to completely 
prevent any definition of these minor divisions. For the infor- 
mation of the general student, I will mention below the groups of 
Lacordaire to which he has referred, or would refer the genera 
represented in our fauna. 

I have placed in this group all those genera with coarsely 
granulated eyes, having the ligula entirely membranous and 
deeply bilobed, and the middle coxe more or less angulated 
externally, even when the two sternal plates come into contact. 
The other characters are all variable to a greater or less degree, 
as will be seen by the following table. The metathoracic epis- 
terna have in many species a distinct aperture near the hind 
coxa, at the side of the metasternum, which is the orifice of the 
scent gland, but even in species of the same genus (Elaphidion) 
they vary greatly in size, so as almost, or even completely, to dis- 
appear. In the same manner the spines of the antenne, of the 
femora, and of the elytra have rather specific than generic value. 
In Eburia there is a gradual transition from those species in 
which the lateral spines of the prothorax are acute and prominent 
to those in which they are entirely wanting. 

Antenne 11-jointed, with recurved hooks on joints 3—6, (prothorax plicate, 
armed, elytra bispinose). HAMMATICHERUS. 
Antenne 12-jointed, sericeous, serrate. AXESTINUS. 

Antenne 11-jointed ; 
A. Front coxal cavities angulated; antenne, thighs, and elytra not 

spinose ; 

Frontal suture deep; metathorax without scent pores ; 
Prothorax uneven, tuberculate at the sides. Broray.vs. 
Prothorax even, (palpi equal). STROMATIUM. 

Frontal suture faint, scent pores distinct; 

Elongate, prothorax even, antenne very long. OsmibUs. 

B. Front coxal cavities rounded, or feebly angulated ; 
a. Scutellum acute, triangular, frontal suture very deep; antenn» 
very long, sulcate ; 


Prothorax with lateral spine, but no dorsal callosities, elytra and thighs 
spinose at tip; episterna of metathorax wider in front, scent pores dis- 
tinct. CuHIon. 

6. Scutellum rounded behind; 
* Femora not strongly clubbed; antennz not carinated ; 

Elytra with ivory spots, prothorax with dorsal callosities, and usually with 

lateral spines; elytra and thighs either spinose or unarmed ; scent 
pores distinct; antenue unarmed. EsBuRiA. 

Elytra without ivory spots, antenne usually spinose ; 

Episterna of metathorax narrower behind, antenne with sensitive spaces. 


Episterna of metathorax parallel; antennz without sensitive spaces. 

** Antenne carinated, femora not strongly clubbed ; 
Antenne slender. ANEFLUS. 
Antenne stout, joints excavated beneath. EvstRoMA. 
*** FKemora strongly clubbed. 

Antenne bisulcate. ‘ TYLONoTUS. 
Antenne not sulcate. ZAMODES. 

Hammaticherus is represented by H. mexicanus Thomson, 
which occurs in Lower California. 

Axestinus is allied to Xestia, but is clothed with fine gray 
pubescence ; the species A. obscurus is of large size (30 mill.), 
and occurs in New Mexico. 

To Stromatium I would refer Anoplium pubescens Hald., it 
belongs to the division of the genus without pubescent spaces on 
the prothorax of the %; the disk is, however, more finely 
punctured in that sex than in the 9, just as in Romaleum. 

Osmidus contains an elongate species from Lower California, 
resembling in appearance Hesperophanes, and like many of the 
species of that genus, finely and densely pubescent, with round 
denuded slightly elevated spots on the elytra; the absence of the 
deep frontal suture seen in the neighboring genera is a remark- 
able character. 

Romaleum Waite has distinct sensitive spaces on the antenne, 
especially well marked in the 2, commencing in a small depres- 
sion on the outer face of the 4th joint. It contains all of our large 
species of Elaphidion, except protensum, which has carinated an- 
tenn and tibie, and belongs to the genus Aneflus. The typical 
species of Romaleum is Enaphalodes simplicicollis Hald. (Hlaph. 
pulverulentum Hald.,nec De Geer). It corresponds with Hyper- 
mallus Zac. in part, but I have replaced the greater number of 


the species mentioned by him in Elaphidion, as the differences in 
the sternum, upon which the genera were separated, seem to me 
to be of purely specific importance. 

I have been disposed to retain Anoplium for the second species 
of Haldeman, A. unicolor, which has been fully described by 
Lacordaire ; the first species being placed in Stromatium, the 
name is thus rendered disposable. But it seems to be so slightly 
different from Elaphidion, that it is more prudent to suppress it. 

Aneflus contains #. protensum with the elytra bispinose, and 
E. tenue, lineare, ete , with the spines much shorter, or wanting. 

Eustroma is founded upon Hlaph. validum Lec., a large, stout 
species from Texas and Lower California, with short and stout 
antenne, the intermediate joints of which are concave beneath; 
the antennal spines are short, and the femora and elytra are 
unarmed ; the 4th joint of the antenne is conspicuously shorter 
than the 3d or 5th; the sides of the prothorax have a large oval 
patch of dense yellowish pubescence in two specimens from 
Texas, but in another specimen it is much less distinct, and in 
one, from Lower California, it is not visible. 

Zamodes contains a black species from Pennsylvania, of the 
same size and form as Tylonotus, but without callosities on the 
prothorax; the antenna, legs, and general surface of the body 
are clothed with long, erect, flying hairs. From its strong 
resemblance in appearance to Zamium Pascoe, which is placed by 
Lacordaire in his group Saphanides, I have derived the generic 

Group III.—Ibidiones. 

The very elongate form, large and coarsely granulated eyes, and 
clavate thighs will easily distinguish the members of this group 
from all others in our fauna; in addition, it will be observed, that 
the front cox are small, rounded, and either inclosed, or a little 
open behind, the middle cox are not open externally and the 
cavities not at all angulated; the hind tarsi are slender, the Ist 
joint as long as the two following united. The front is small and 
perpendicular, the mandibles short, acute, the palpi somewhat 
unequal, short, dilated. 

The antenne are elongate, slender in the ?, thickened at the 
base in $; sparsely punctured, and pubescent, not sericeous. 
The episterna of the metathorax are narrow, parallel, and have 


very distinct scent pores near the hind end. Tibiz not carinate 
in our species. 

This group evidently belongs to the same series as the pre- 
ceding, with which it connects closely, though assuming a form 
which is characteristic. The prothorax is very elongate and 
cylindrical, as in certain Elaphidion, but the antennz are never 

The two genera belonging to our fauna may be thus distin- 
guished :— 

Front coxal cavities closed behind. Compsa. 
Front coxal cavities open behind. HETERACHTHES. 

Of Compsa, two species are found in Lower California; the 
genus is easily distinguished by the character given above, and 
by the joints 3-6 of the antenne being distinctly carinated; one 
of the species C. puncticollis Lec., is remarkable for the dull 
color, and coarsely punctured prothorax. 

Group IV.—Curii. 

The singular characters of the two species of Curius Newm., 
compel me to separate them as a distinct group, which is easily 
recognized by the coarsely granulate eyes, and very strongly 
clavate thighs, armed beneath with a broad tooth. The form is 
elongate, in the typical species depressed, dull, and slightly 
pubescent; in C. scambus cylindrical, polished, and glabrous, 
resembling Ibidion. The front is small, declivous, the antennal 
tubercles not prominent, the palpi somewhat unequal, the man- 
dibles small and acute; the antenne are slender, longer than the 
body, annulated, finely punctulate and pubescent. The front 
coxe are globose, prominent, nearly contiguous in C. dentatus, 
separated in C. scambus, and the cavities are open behind; the 
middle cox are entirely inclosed by the sterna, and the side 
pieces of the mesothorax are undivided ;* the first joint of the 
abdomen is as long as the two following in C. dentatus, but 
equal to the three following in C. seambus. 

The differences above noted indicate the necessity of separating 
CO. scambus as a distinct genus for which the name Plectromerus 
| Dej. may be adopted. 

* This character is otherwise only known to me in the tribe Ancylo- 
cerini, also a very anomalous form. 


Tribe 1V.—-OBRIINI. 

A tribe containing only small species, which are easily distin- 
guished by the front cox being more prominent than usual, 
sometimes nearly conical, and frequently contiguous, but com- 
pletely inclosed behind. The palpi are usually slender, rarely 
with the last joint triangular. The other characters are abnor- 
mal, the abdomen in the 2 being deformed in the group Obria, 
and the elytra more or less subulate or abbreviated in Stenopteri ; 
the eyes are finely granulated in the latter, variable in the former. 

The affinities of this tribe lead from the last groups of Ceram- 
bycini, towards the tribes with finely granulated eyes, Lepturini 
on the one side, and Callidiini on the other. 

Group I.—Obria. 

This group contains a few small species in which the granula- 
tion of the eyes has ceased to be of primary importance ; but 
which is easily distinguished by the lst segment of the abdomen 
being very long, and the 2d and following irregular, hairy, ex- 
cavated or deformed in the 9. 

The mandibles are small and acute, the antenne slender, as 
long as, or shorter than, the body; the palpi are unequal, and the 
last joint is rarely dilated. The antenne are slender, and the 
2d joint is larger than in genuine Cerambycini. The prothorax 
is variable in form, always, however, constricted and peduncu- 
lated at base, and narrower than the elytra; the front coxe are 
conical, prominent, contiguous, cavities small, rounded or angu- 
lated, closed behind; middle coxal cavities not open externally. 
The thighs are strongly clavate, the tibial spurs small or mode- 
rate, and the Ist joint of the hind tarsi is as long as the two 

It is worthy of remark that in Obrium the structure of the eyes 
has merely specific significance ; in our O. rubrum the eyes are 
very coarsely granulated, while in the nearly allied European OQ. 
brunneum the lenses are much smaller. 

Our genera may be grouped as follows :— 

Palpi with last joint broadly triangular. CALLIMUS. 

Palpi slightly dilated ; tarsi tumid. EvuMICHTHUS. 
Palpi not dilated, last joint cylindrical; 


Eyes coarsely granulated ; 

Prothorax much narrowed behind. Puyton. 
Prothorax equally narrowed before and behind, tuberculate at the 
sides. OsBRIUM. 
Eyes very finely granulated ; prothorax with dorsal and lateral tubercles ; 
Punctures fine, flying hairs sparse. HyYBoDERA. 
unctures coarse, flying hairs long, numerous. 
Mesosternum wide. PILEMA. 
Mesosternum narrow. MEGoBRIUM. 

To Callimus I would refer C. chalybeus Lec., a small highly 
polished blue species from California, with the elytra sparsely 
punctured, and the front thighs sometimes yellow. 

Phyton contains Callidium pallidum Say, from the Atlantic 
States. Obrium has two species in the Atlantic States. 

Eumichthus edipus Lec., is a small species from Vancouver, 
dark brown, finely punctured and pubescent, with two narrow 
einereous elytral bands, between which the color is darker. The 
first two joints of the tarsi are swollen. 

Hybodera tuberculata, from California and Vancouver, of 
brown color, with a large basal patch, and posterior transverse 
band of pale sericeous pubescence. Besides the sculpture, it dif- 
fers from Cartallum by the prothorax having four discoidal tuber- 
cles, and a smaller medial one. 

Pilema contains two species from California. They resemble 
very much the European Cartallum ebulinum, but apart from the 
specific differences in color they have the last joint of the palpi 
quite cylindrical, and the mesosternum very wide. 

Megobrium Edwardsii Lec. is a Californian species, 12 mm. 
long, of a testaceous color, with the punctures of the elytra sparse, 
arranged in rows near the base, obsolete behind the middle. 

Lacordaire mentions that the front coxal cavities of Cartallum 
are not at all angulated externally ; I find on repeated examina- 
tion that they are quite as much so as in the genera with which 
I have associated it, though the coxal fissure is not as widely 
open as in the next tribe. 

Group II.—Stenopterl. 

A group characterized by the front coxal cavities being widely 
angulated externally, but entirely closed behind, and the abdomen 
normal in both sexes. The head is porrect, the front large and 
oblique, with the labrum prominent, the epistoma not separated ; 


the eyes are finely granulated and deeply emarginated ; the man- 
dibles are very acute, the mentum rather larger than usual, the 
palpi short, equal, not dilated. Antenne punctulate and seri- 
ceous, longer than the body in some %, shorter in 2. Front 
coxe as above; mesosternum flat, broadly emarginate behind in 
Callimoxys, triangular, and truncate in Molorchus; cox globose, 
more prominent than usual, nearly inclosed externally. Abdo- 
men with segments gradually diminishing in length, 5th segment 
shorter in $. Legs rather long, thighs strongly clubbed, hind 
tarsi with Ist joint twice as long as the 2d; the legs and pro- 
notum are clothed with long flying hairs. The elytra are elon- 
gated, and subulate in Callimoxys; short, dehiscent, and sepa- 
rately rounded at tip in Molorchus. The stridulating surface is 
large and undivided in Callimoxys; very imperfect, oblong, mar- 
gined each side, slightly elevated in the middle, and nearly des- 
titute of transverse lines in Molorchus. The outer lobe of the 
maxille in Callimoxys is elongated nearly as in Rhopalophorus. 

Heliomanes and Glaphyra Newm., are not different from Molor- 
chus; to Callimoxys belong the species heretofore referred to 
Stenopterus; the two genera occur on both sides of the continent, 
the latter is remarkable for having the hind tibiz curved inwards, 
and furnished on the outer side with two rows of acute tubercles, 
giving a serrate appearance. 

Our species of Callimoxys differ from (the description of) the 
European by having the mesosternum broad, and the thighs 
suddenly and strongly clavate, but these characters are probably 
not of generic value, and the figure of C. gracilis (Duval, Gen. 
Col. Eur., iv, pl. 45, fig. 210) would do equally well for one of 
our species. The prothorax varies from red to black, the latter 
color prevailing in the %. 


A single genus Rhopalophorus (Zinopus Lee.) represents 
this tribe in the Middle, Western, and Southern States; they are 
small, slender insects, of blackish-gray plumbeous color, with red 
prothorax; the head is elongate, the front rather large, oblique, 
concave, with the epistoma and labrum more prominent than 
usual; the eyes are finely granulated, and deeply emarginate ; 
gene long, mandibles very acute; mentum transverse, of usual 
form, palpi short, equal, not dilated, outer lobe of maxill as long 


as the palpi. Antenne slender, with the 4th joint shorter than 
the 3d and 5th, as long as the body in %, shorter in 9, punctu- 
late and sericeous, without poriferous system. Front coxal cavi- 
ties small, not angulated, widely open behind; mesosternum 
somewhat obtusely pointed in front, and feebly concave each side, 
to complete the front coxal cavities, general surface flat, broad 
between the cox, and emarginate behind, coxal cavities small, 
closed. Abdomen with the 1st ventral segment longer. Legs 
very long and slender, thighs suddenly and strongly clubbed at 
the tip, hind tarsi with the 1st joint twice as long as the 2d. 
The elytra are flat especially at the base, and suddenly declivous 
so that the basal edge is unusually distinet; the scutellum is 
small, but obtuse, the stridulating surface is large and undivided. 

This group has been considered as allied to Callichroma, but 
seems to me better placed as an ally of Stenopterus, etc., lead- 
ing to Necydalis, and thence to Leptura. 


Body slender, cylindrical, coarsely punctured; head short, front 
small, perpendicular, gene large; eyes finely granulated, deeply 
emarginated, vertex concave; mandibles acute, palpi short, nearly 
equal, not dilated; mentum very transverse, excavated, as in most 
Cerambycide. Antenne serrate, half as long as the body in 9, 
longer than the body in %, very sparsely punctured, sensitive 
system commencing on the 3d joint, forming two well-defined 
spaces on the under surface, separated by the sharp edge of the 
joint, 11th joint oval, pointed at tip in 2, very short and curved 
in %. 

Front coxal cavities small, open behind; middle coxal cavities 
nearly closed by the sterna; mesosternum deeply emarginate 
behind. Legs slender, thighs suddenly and strongly clubbed, 
hind pair armed with a terminal spine on the inner side; Ist 
joint of hind tarsi scarcely one-half longer than the 2d. Ventral 
segments nearly equal in length except the Ist, which is longer. 

A very peculiar tribe, recalling Ibidion by its slender, cylin- 
drical form, but not related to it nor to any other known to me. 

But one species Ancylocera rugicollis, black with scarlet 
elytra and abdomen, is found in our Southern States from North 
Carolina to Texas. 



I have adopted the name of this tribe from Lacordaire ; it has 
two representatives in our fauna; Pleroplatus? floridanus Lec., 
a black coarsely punctured species, with two narrow orange 
vittz# on the prothorax, and the base and outer margin of the 
elytra also orange; and Holopleura n. g., found in California. 

The head is moderate, mandibles small, acute, curved; the eyes 
large, very deeply emarginate, not very finely granulated, and 
embracing the base of the antenne rather less than usual, the 
upper lobe is larger than usual; the front is rather flat, with 
the transverse suture very deep; the palpi short, with the last 
joint cylindrical, truncate at tip; the mentum is trapezoidal, 
and more porrect than in neighboring groups, being almost as 
in Callidium; the antenne (?) are a little more than half as long 
as the body, stout, serrate, and velvety; the Ist joint is as long 
as the 3d, but stouter, the 2d is one-third the size of the 3d, the 4th 
shorter than the 5th, which is the longest, the following diminish 
in length. The prothorax is rounded on the sides, truncate in 
front, bisinuate at base; scutellum variable in form; elytra a little 
wider from the base, rounded at tip, with the suture, margin, and 
three discoidal cost elevated, the intermediate costa being the 
longest; epipleure well marked, extending to the tip. Pros- 
ternum narrow between the coxe, which are rounded, with the 
cavities open behind, and feebly angulated externally ; mesos- 
ternum flat, triangular, coxal cavities widely open externally ; 
epimera of metathorax moderately wide, parallel. Ventral seg- 
ments nearly equal. Legs short, slender, thighs not clavate, 
tibial spurs very small, Ist joint of hind tarsi as long as the two 

I cannot see the stridulating organ in the specimens before me. 
On each side of the pronotum there is an elliptical depressed 
space, tolerably well defined by an acute edge, which is perhaps 

This like the following tribe is a transition form; the 2d joint of 
the antenne is too large for the series in which I have placed it, 
but, on the other hand, the front coxe are not transverse as in 
the Callidioides. It seems to lead off from the latter towards 
the Stenaspes ; it is easily recognized by the peculiar sculpture, 


and the costate elytra, with epipleure prolonged to the tip, a 
character I have seen in no other tribe. 

Antenne short, serrate, 11th joint appendiculate. PTEROPLATUS ? 
Antennz longer, slender, 11th joint simple. HOLOPLEURA. 

Group I.—Rosaliini. 

A very distinct tribe, represented by Rosalia funebris, in 
Oregon and Vancouver, a large, elongate, velvety black insect, 
with bands and antennal rings of cinereous. The head is 
moderate, front not elongated, obliquely declivous, antennal 
tubercles not elevated, gene long; eyes finely granulated, very 
deeply emarginated, upper lobe rather broad; antennz long, outer 
joints sericeous, densely pubescent, joints 3-7 with a tuft of 
longer hair at the apex, last joint feebly divided in $. Mandibles 
stout, acute, with a small tooth near the base; mentum narrowed 
in front, entirely corneous; palpi nearly equal, truncate at tip. 
Prothorax constricted at base and apex, with an acute lateral spine 
each side, and two acute dorsal tubercles; prosternum rather 
broad, coxal cavities strongly angulated, widely open behind ; 
mesosternum broad, truncate behind, declivous in front; epimera 
very large, extending to the coxal cavities; metasternum not 
acutely emarginate behind, episterna rather wide, narrowed 
behind, and nearly pointed; intercoxal process of 1st ventral 
broadly rounded in front, segments nearly equal in length, 5th 
truncate at tip, with an acute, short, medial cleft in 9; shorter, 
triangularly impressed, and hairy in $; the last dorsal in % is 
deeply emarginate, and in 2 rounded and subtruncate; the 6th 
ventral and corresponding interior dorsal segment is prominent 
and truncate in 2. Legs slender, moderately long, thighs not 
clavate, tibial spurs small, 1st joint of hind tarsi as long as the 
two following united. 

The affinities of this tribe are somewhat doubtful; the scu- 
tellum is rounded behind; the mesonotum is smooth, with a broad 
medial vitta of stridulating surface, and a small lateral space is 
punctured and pubescent. The form of the front coxe is very 
much as in Callidium, near which it is placed by Schiédte, but 
the long and tufted antenne, with the 2d joint very small, and 
the tuberculate prothorax and slender legs prevent such an asso- 
ciation. The eyes embrace the base of the antenne rather less 
than in the neighboring tribes. 



With this tribe commences a series distinguished by the scu- 
tellum being acute at tip, and the antenne carinate on the lower 
edge, with the poriferous system arranged in a groove each side 
of the carina. The eyes are always very finely granulated, and 
deeply emarginated, embracing the base of the antenne, with the 
upper lobe tolerably wide. 

This tribe is further distinguished by the mandibles being long, 
pyramidal, nearly straight, bent only at the tip, which is acute. 
The outer lobe of the maxille is longer than the palpi, which are 
cylindrical; the labial palpi are much longer, feebly dilated, 
truncate at tip; the mentum is flat, trapezoidal, and porrect, 
gradually becoming coriaceous in front; the base of the maxille 
is very large and flat; the gular process for support of the mentum 
is nearly wanting; the genx are long. The prothorax is con- 
stricted before and behind, armed with a strong lateral spine. 
Scutellum moderately large, triangular acute, mesonotum smooth, 
with a narrow triangular stridulating surface ; elytra narrowed 
from the humeri, which are prominent, rounded at tip. Pros- 
ternum not tuberculate, rounded behind, cox globose, cavities 
not angulated externally, completely closed behind; mesosternum 
parallel, emarginate behind, coxal cavities rounded, scarcely 
angulated, closed by the epimera, which extend inwards further 
than usual; metathoracic episterna wider in front, with very 
distinct posterior scent pores; hind coxe rather prominent. 
Ventral segments, the 1st longer, the others equal, tapering con- 
siderably; the 5th in 2 longer than wide, ‘subtruncate; in % 
deeply and broadly emarginate, with the 6th joint filling the 
space, and rounded behind. Legs slender, hind pair elongated, 
tibie compressed, feebly carinated, spurs usually not large, Ist 
joint of hind tarsi nearly as long as the others united. 

The last joint of the antenne is simple in both sexes, but is 
much longer in the %. 

Four species of Callichroma are found in the warmer parts of 
the country; they exhale an agreeable musky odor, and, with 
one exception, are of a beautiful blue or green color. 

A very large tribe as here defined, and containing as great a 

variety of forms as the Cerambycini, from which it is distinguished 
91 May, 1873. 


by the acutely triangular scutellum, and finely granulated eyes. 
The last joint of the palpi never has the triangular form which it 
affects in most Cerambycini, but is usually oval, squarely truncate 
at tip, with a deep elliptical impression on the side.* The tibiz 
are not carinate, and the tibial spurs are rather long. 

The following groups may be recognized in our fauna :— 

Mandibles acute, or simple at tip; 
Pronotum broadly lobed at base; poriferous system of antennz very 

distinct ; 
Metasternal pores absent, side pieces very wide. MEGADERI 
Metasternal pores distinct. TRACHYDERES. 

Pronotum not lobed, sometimes subsinuate at base, poriferous system 
often obsolete, and palpi in some genera scarcely impressed. 

Mandibles emarginate at tip. TYLOSES. 

Group I.—Megaderl. 

This group contains but one genus Megaderus, of which one 
species, WM. bifasciatus Dupont (corallifer Newm.), extends from 
Mexico into Texas. It is a broad, flat insect, with roughly 
punctured prothorax, angulated on the sides behind the middle; 
elytra finely punctured, with a basal and medial transverse band, 
which are more or less confluent, separate, or even obliterated. 

The antenne are shorter than the body, with the Ist joint as 
long as the 3d, and a little thicker; 3d and following with pori- 
ferous spaces; outer joints velvety, 11th appendiculate, acute at 
tip; front rather flat, oblique ; gene long; mandibles stout, acute, 
palpi short, last joint not elongated, oval truncate, deeply im- 
pressed. Prothorax broad, strongly and broadly lobed at the 
base, deeply excavated behind the middle, especially at the sides, 
which are angulated ; scutellum very large, acutely triangular, 
mesonotum sparsely punctured, with narrow medial stridulating 
surface ; elytra finely densely punctured, rounded behind, sutural 
angle not rounded, nor prominent. Pro- and mesosternum very 
broad, the former overlapping the latter, both broadly emarginate, 
behind; side pieces of metathorax very wide, epimera extending 

* Among the Cerambycini with coarsely granulated eyes I have observed 
this form of palpi and the lateral fovea in Chion, which is an annectent form ; 
and the same in a much less degree in some other genera. The maxillary 
palpi are never short as in Callichromini, nor has the 4 an~additional 
ventral segment. The front coxal cavities are open behind, and not 
angulated externally. 


beyond the hind coxe, which are widely separated; no scent 
pores. First ventral segment much longer; 5th longer than the 
4th, broadly subtruncate at tip. Legs slender, tibial spurs long, 
tarsi broad, 1st joint of hind pair scarcely longer than the 2d. 

An anomalous group, having an evident affinity towards Cyl- 
lene of the tribe Clytini. 

Group II.—Trachyderes. | 

Insects of large size, and glabrous surface, having the antenne 
compressed, much longer than the body in %, with very distinct 
poriferous system, 11th joint either simple or appendiculate; the 
mandibles of Dendrobias § are very long, and have an acute 
tooth near the tip, so as to appear emarginate, without really 
being so. The palpi have the last joint cylindrical, and deeply 
foveate. The scutellum is very large, acutely triangular; meso- 
notum with narrow stridulating plate. Elytra convex, narrowed 
from the base, rounded at tip. Prothorax variable in form, tuber- 
culate on the disk, and strongly armed on the sides in Dendro- 
bias, uniformly convex in Lissonotus ; prosternum perpendicu- 
larly declivous in both, armed also with a large tubercle in front 
of the cox in Dendrobias ; mesosternum elevated, perpendicular 
in front; side pieces of metasternum tolerably wide, narrower 
behind, with scent pores in Dendrobias, without them in Lisso- 
notus ; ventral segments, Ist longer, others nearly equal. Legs 
rather stout, thighs moderately clubbed, tibial spurs moderate, 
tarsi broad, Ist joint of hind pair scarcely longer than 2d. 

The two genera are found only in the most southern part of 
Texas, Arizona, and Lower California, and constitute two sub- 
groups corresponding to Trachyderides, and Lissonotides of 

Group III.—Stenaspes. 

I have removed from the Stenaspides of Lacordaire those 
genera in which the mandibles are chisel-shaped, and emarginate 
at the tip; and although he mentions* that in some instances 
this character is merely specific or sexual, I cannot avoid believ- 
ing that this is only the case in genera, like Sphenothecus, com- 
posed of heterogeneous material. However this may prove on 

* Gen. Col. ix, 167, note 1. 


more extended observation, the group as here defined contains 
all those genera in our fauna in which the eyes are finely granu- 
lated, deeply emarginate, with the upper lobe wide; the scutellum 
acute, but not very large, though sometimes elongate; and the 
prothorax not distinctly lobed, but only feebly bisinuate or trun- 
cate at base. The antenne are more slender than in Trachyderes, 
and the poriferous system is much less distinct, or even obsolete, 
though in Stenaspis it is still quite obvious, and the joints are 
carinate and bisulcate. In Batyle the last joint of the palpi 
(which is subeylindrical, and truncate) is very feebly impressed. 

The antennal tubercles are either much elevated, leaving a 
concavity between them, or scarcely elevated, in which case the 
vertex is nearly flat ; the front in the former is very large, square, 
and perpendicular, and the gen are long; in the latter the tuber- 
cles are less elevated, the front is moderate, declivous, and the 
gen usually short. 

They may be thus tabulated :-— 
A. Front large, square, perpendicular, abruptly separated from the ante- 

ocular spaces; 
Prothorax bituberculate at the sides, body glabrous ; 

Mesosternum protuberant. STENASPIS. 
Prothorax armed with a lateral spine ; mesosternum not protuberant ; 
Body pubescent. TRAGIDION. 
Body glabrous. PURPURICENUS. 

Prothorax rounded, convex. AETHECERUS. 

B. Front moderate, short, declivous, not abruptly defined each side ; 
Two ivory vittz on each elytron; 
Mesosternum declivous; (prothorax margined at apex). 
One ivory vitta on each elytron ; 
Mesosternum protuberant ; (prothorax not margined at apex). 


Elytra without ivory vitte; mesosternum declivous ; 
Body pubescent, prothorax not margined at apex. AMANNUS. 
Body pilose, prothorax margined at apex. BATYLE. 

Of the three species of Tragidion, two have the elytra sulcate, 
while 7. armatum has them even: there is also a difference in 
the hind tarsi, which are comparatively wider in 7. annulatum. 
Variations in the proportions of the joints of the hind tarsi are 
not unusual in Cerambycide, as, for instance, in Criocephalus. 
This fact has induced me to refer Sphanothecus cyanicollis to 


Entomosterna, instead of forming of it the new genus indicated 
but not named by Lacordaire.* 

Of the genera tabulated above Stenaspis and Tragidion occur 
from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the warmer regions, the former 
extending northward in the central region, the latter in the 
Atlantie district. Purpuricenus occurs in the Middle and 
Western States. The next three genera are found in Texas, and 
Batyle occurs in the Atlantic region especially southward. 

The genus last named is placed by Lacordaire in Heteropsides, 
of which he observes that the middle coxal cavities are closed 
externally ; I find, however, in my specimens that the mesotho- 
racic epimera attain the coxal cavities, and that they are as open 
as in Purpuricenus. The character as used by Lacordaire seems 
to me very deceptive, and without value for systematic results. 

Group IV.—Tyloses. 

Closely related to the preceding, and only differing in fact by 
the mandibles not being acute at tip, but truncate, forming a 
chisel-shaped edge, which is emarginate. The front is moderate 
in size, nearly perpendicular, and the antennal tubercles are not 
much elevated; the gene are not elongated. The scutellum is 
small, acutely triangular, and the stridulating plate of the meso- 
notum is large. The side pieces of the metasternum are toler- 
ably wide, not narrowed behind, and the scent pores are distinct, 
except in Perarthrus vittatus and Sphenothecus bivittatus. The 
lees are slender, thighs not clavate, tibial spurs rather long, hind 
tarsi with the 1st joint equal to the two following; less slender 
in Tylosis and Crossidius than in the other genera. The antenne 
are slender, with elongate sensitive spaces near the carina of the 
under margin. The last joint of the palpi is subeylindrical, and 
impressed, as usual, in the other groups of this tribe. 

Our genera, which are found mostly in Texas, Arizona, and 
Lower California (Crossidius alone extending into Colorado, 
California, and Oregon), may be tabulated thus :— 

A. Elytra without ivory vitte; 

Prothorax with an acute lateral spine; 

Eyes not divided (pubescence fine). OXoPLUS. 
Eyes divided (pubescence coarse). ScHizax. 

* Gen. Col. ix, 184, note 3. 


Prothorax rounded on the sides, with dorsal callosities. TYLosis. 
Prothorax rounded on the sides, or feeble spinose, without dorsal callosi- 
ties (pubescence long and partly erect). CrossIDIvs. 

Prothorax narrowed in front, mesosternum protuberant. SPH##NOTHECUS. 

B. Each elytron with two ivory vitte; prothorax narrowed in front ; 
Mesosternum declivous, body robust. PERARTHRUS. 
Mesosternum protuberant, body slender. IscHNOCNEMIS 

Schizax is established on a remarkable insect, S. senex Lec., 
from Arizona; the color is black, the pubescence is coarse, dirty 
white, with the scutellum, suture and side margin of elytra 
densely clothed with yellow pubescence; the elytra rounded at 
tip, with the suture slightly prominent ; the antenne are slender, 
and very long in the %. 

To Crossidius belongs Callidium discoideum Say, which is 
identical with Cr. pulchrior Bland. The reference of Say’s spe- 
cies to Hriphus (now Batyle) was incorrect, and was owing to 
my not having properly identified the insect. 

To Sphenothecus I would refer S. suturalis Lec., from New 
Mexico, while the Mexican and Texan S. bivittatus Dupont, 
having distinct ivory vitte seems to belong more properly to 
Ischnocnemis Thomson. 


Closely allied to the Cyllene group of Clytini, but the punc- 
tures are sparse and coarse, the pubescence scanty, and the gene- 
ral form more slender. The head is small, narrow and porrected 
in two of the species, with the front elongated, and very slightly 
declivous; but shorter and nearly vertical in Stenosphenus notatus. 
The eyes are finely granulated, deeply emarginated; the antennal 
tubercles are not elevated ; antenne as long as the body in 9, 
somewhat longer in %, setaceous, punctured and pubescent, not 
sericeous, sparsely clothed beneath with flying hairs; 2d joint 
small, 3d longer than 4th, 3-7 armed with an apical spine on the 
inner side, as in Elaphidion. Palpi short, subequal, last joint 
nearly cylindrical, truncate at tip, not impressed. Prothorax 
rounded on the sides, without spines or callosities. Scutellum 
rounded behind, mesonotum covered with fine stridulating sur- 
face, with a few punctures each side near the edge. Elytra 
truncate at tip, and armed with two apical spines as in most 
species of Elaphidion. 

Front coxal cavities rounded, open, prosternum suddenly de- 


clivous, and perpendicular behind; middle coxe inclosed by the 
sternal pieces, not angulated externally; mesosternum rather 
broad, protuberant, suddenly declivous in front, truncate or 
broadly emarginate behind, side pieces moderately large, inter- 
vening between the sterna, but not extending to the coxe. Me- 
tasternum acutely emarginate behind for the reception of the 
intercoxal process, episterna linear, ventral segments gradually 
decreasing in length. 

Legs rather short, thighs not clavate, not spinose at tip ; tibie 
strongly carinated, with the lst joint as long as the two follow- 
ing united. 

The closest affinities of this genus in the series with finely granu- 
lated eyes are evidently with Cyllene, but there is an equally evi- 
dent cross affinity in the direction of Elaphidion, Spherion, ete. 

Batyle, associated with Stenosphenus by Lacordaire, has the 
scutellum acutely pointed, the hind legs elongated, the antennal 
tubercles more elevated, and the eyes more prominent. It seems 
to me a degraded ally of Purpuricenus, and I have placed it 


A tribe containing many species, but on account of the varia- 
tion in appearance and characters very difficult to define. The 
head is sometimes rather small, sometimes large, the front long, 
quadrate, and vertical in some, short and oblique in others, 
eyes finely granulated, deeply emarginate, with the lower lobe 
always large; antenne with the outer joints sericeous, usually 
shorter than the body in both sexes, sometimes longer in the %, 
joints 3-7 in some genera (Cyrtophorus) armed with an apical 
spine; palpi short, equal, dilated, but not very broadly, last 
joint impressed; mandibles short, stout, acute; mentum nearly 
semicircular, corneous. Front coxal cavities rounded, open 
behind, not angulated externally ; middle cavities usually open, 
sometimes (Euderces, etc.) closed externally, side pieces large, 
articulating with the metasternum, so as to interpose between 
the meso- and metasternum; the latter with the side pieces 
usually wide, sometimes narrow. Legs long, thighs sometimes 
slender, sometimes clubbed, spines of hind tibie usually well 
developed, tibia not carinated, hind tarsi with first joint usually 
very elongate. Ventral segments diminishing gradually in length. 


The scutellum is obtusely triangular in some species of Cyl- 
lene, rounded in the other genera; the mesonotum is punctured, 
and hairy at the sides, and has a large undivided, very finely 
striate stridulating surface. 

The genera are numerous, and indicate three groups; the 
affinities are in various directions, to Megaderus, Callidium, and 
by a gradual transition in Euderces, etc., towards certain Lamiides. 
Nearly all the species of this group are varied with bands of 
yellow, white, and black pubescence, and the sculpture is always 
of fine punctures; in some species smail elevations on the pro- 
thorax are intermixed with the punctures. 

Groups may be defined as follows :— 

Epimera of metathorax produced over the angles of the Ist ventral seg- 

ment, so as to inclose the hind coxe externally; episterna of meta- 
thorax usually wide; 

Front short, intercoxal process rounded. CYLLENES. 
Front large, intercoxal process acute. Ciytt. 
Epimera of metathorax not produced, episterna linear; front large ; inter- 

coxal process of abdomen acute. ANAGLYPTI. 

Group I.—Cyllenes. 

The head is comparatively small, the front short and oblique, 
the antenne in Cyllene better developed than in the other genera, 
and longer than the body in %, nearly as long in 9 ; in some of 
the species of that genus they are thicker at the base, as in many 
Callidia. The body is rather stouter and less convex than in 
the other groups; the prosternum is sometimes very broad, 
and the mesosternum gibbous, or perpendicularly declivous in 
front; the episterna of the metathorax are wide, and the epimera 
prolonged over the side angles of the 1st ventral segment, the 
intercoxal process of which is rounded in front. The legs are 
moderate, and not very unequal in length, scarcely clubbed, not 
spinose at tip. The affinities are partly with Megaderus, and 
partly with Callidium ; the scutellum is usually rounded behind, 
but is quite distinctly triangular in some species of Cyllene. 

The genera may be tabulated as follows :— 

Pronotum transversely excavated at the sides, near the base, prosternum 
perpendicular at tip, mesosternum usually perpendicular in front. 
Mesosternum oblique or nearly flat, prosternum declivous at tip, not per- 

pendicular, pronotum not excavated at the sides, but only rounded, 
and constricted at base ; 


Antenne compressed, subserrate. GLycosius. 
Antenne filiform; 
Mesosternum declivous. CALLOIDES. 
Mesosternum nearly flat, episterna narrower. ARHOPALUS. 

Glycobius Lec. is founded upon C. speciosus Say, a large 
black and yellow species which infests the sugar maple. 

Calloides Lec. contains C. nobilis Harris, a large species of 
the Atlantic States, and the nearly allied C. Lorquini Buquet, 
of California. Arhopalus Serv. (Sarosesthes Thomson) con- 
tains only C. fulminans Fabr, 

Group II.—Clyti. 

The head is larger than in the Cyllenes, and the front much 
longer, sometimes perpendicular, and quadrate ; the antennz are 
always short, not very different in the sexes, filiform, or slightly 
thickened externally ; the episterna of the metathorax are usually 
wide, and the epimera are produced over the angles of the Ist 
ventral segment, the intercoxal process of which is acute. The 
thighs are usually clavate, the hind pair frequently very long, 
and occasionally spinose at tip; the first joint of the hind tarsi 
usually very long. 

Front rounded, declivous, thighs not spinose at tip, episterna of meta- 
thorax wide; , 

Head not carinated. . Cuiytus. 

Head carinated. XYLOTRECHUS. 
Front quadrate perpendicular; head not carinated ; 

Episterna of metathorax wide. NEocLyTus. 

Episterna of metathorax narrow. CLYTANTHUS. 

Clytus is represented by C. marginicollis Lap. in the Atlantic 
States, and C. lanifer Lec. in Arizona. 

Clytanthus by C. ruricola Oliv. and albofasciatus Lap. in the 
Atlantic States. 

The other two genera are distributed over our whole territory, 
and contain many species. 

Group IIl.—Anaglypti. 

The head is also large, and the front long, and quadrate; the 
antennex slender, moderately long, with the joints 3-5 sometimes 
spinose at tip ; the prothorax is not narrowed in front, but always 
much constricted behind; the elytra are frequently gibbous at 
the base, and declivous at tip, and sometimes have transverse 


ivory bands. The episterna of the metathorax are narrow, and 
the epimera are scarcely produced over the angles of the Ist ven- 
tral; the intercoxal process is acute. The legs are moderate in 
length, and the thighs somewhat strongly clubbed, and not spi- 
nose at tip; the Ist joint of the hind tarsi is less elongated than 
in the other groups. The mesonotum is not punctured at the 
sides, and is covered with very fine stridulating lines. 

In some of the genera the middle coxal cavities are nearly or 
entirely closed externally, but as in other portions of the series, the 
transition is accomplished by such slight gradations that the 
character seems to have little value. 
2d joint of antenne equal to 4th: 

Antenne not spinose, elytra without ivory spots. MIcRocLyTUvs. 

2d joint of antenne short, 3d longer than 4th; 
Elytra without ivory spots ; 

Eyes oblique, emarginate. CYRTOPHORUS. 
Eyes entire, rounded. TILLOMORPHA. 
Elytra with a transverse ivory band. EUDERCEs. 

Microclytus is founded upon C. gazellula Hald. a species of 
the Middle States, having entirely the form and coloration of the 
European Anaglyptus mysticus, but smaller, and differing essen- 
tially by the 2d joint of the antenne being fully half as long as the 
3d, and scarcely shorter than the 4th joint; the flying hairs are 
peculiarly long and numerous; the eyes are oblique, emarginate 
above, and pointed behind, as if the usual deeply emarginated 
form had been shortened by the obliteration of the upper part. 
The same form is seen in Cyrtophorus verrucosus, but less acute 
at the upper angle. In Zillomorpha geminata (Hald.) the eyes 
are oval, not at all emarginate, the upper part being absent; and 
in Euderces they are entirely divided, the lower part being emar- 
ginate, acutely pointed above, and the upper part small, distant, 
and oval.* 

* Lacordaire, Gen. Col. ix, 89, observes that this character, mentioned 
by me in the original description of the genus, has completely escaped 
him; it is quite obvious in all the specimens before me, though in Lu. 
picipes the two parts of the eye are connected, as in Tetropium, by a line 
of corneous material, without lenses; even this line is wanting in Zu. 
pini, so that the eye becomes as completely divided as in Tetraopes. 



A tribe composed of a single genus Agallissus Dalman (Cryp- 
topleura Lec.) which is remarkable for having the epipleure 
strongly sinuated near the humeri. Head small, front short, ver- 
tical in A. clerinus, quadrate, oblique in A. gratus ; eyes finely 
granulated, deeply emarginate ; antennal tubercles not elevated, 
antenne slender, shorter than the body in both sexes, finely punc- 
tulate, and sericeous, 11th joint feebly appendiculate; mandi- 
bles small, stout, acute, gene moderately short; mentum trans- 
verse, of the usual form, entirely corneous; palpi short, equal, not 
dilated. Front coxe small, not prominent, cavities rounded, 
open behind; middle coxal cavities angulated externally, meso- 
sternum suddenly declivous in front. Epimera of metathorax 
very wide in front, gradually narrowed behind; ventral segments 
slightly decreasing in length; legs short, slender, thighs not cla- 
vate, spurs small, lst joint of hind tarsi but little longer than 
the 2d. 

The prothorax is rounded on the sides, not transverse, the elytra 
are wider at base than the widest part of the prothorax, and the 
humeri are rather prominent, as in many Lepturide. The scu- 
tellum is obtusely rounded behind, the mesonotum is smooth and 
polished, with a large, very fine stridulating plate. Flying hairs 
of moderate length are seen over the general surface of the body, 
and on the legs. 

Two species occur in our fauna, A. gratus (Cryptopleura grata 
Hald.) from Texas, and Northern Mexico, shining black, sparsely 
punctured, with the elytra narrowed behind, truncate and finely 
serrate at tip, ornamented with yellow spots, of which the basal 
pair are elongate ; and A. clerinus from Florida, opaque black, 
very coarsely and densely punctured ; prothorax red, with faintly 
indicated dorsal smooth spots; elytra parallel on the sides, 
rounded at tip, with a round basal spot, and two broad trans- 
verse bands bright scarlet. Length 13 mm. 

I consider this as the nearest approach made by the genuine 
Cerambycide to the Stenocorus group of Lepturide. It is, how- 
ever, quite an isolated form, and the two species above mentioned 
should probably be regarded as distinct genera, 



One genus with two species constitutes this group, which has 
lost entirely the characteristic form of the Cerambycide, and 
resembles a rather stout Lamiide. The head is broad and short, 
the front perpendicular ; the eyes large, deeply emarginate, almost 
in fact divided, and not very finely granulated; labrum transverse, 
ciliated with very long hairs; mandibles slender and acute; 
mentum trapezoidal, corneous; palpi unequal, scarcely compressed, 
truncate at tip, the maxillary about half longer than the labial. 
Antenne slender, shorter than the body in both sexes, 11-jointed; 
2d joint less than half as long as the 3d, which is a little shorter 
than the 4th, punctured and pubescent, not sericeous. Front 
cox rounded, somewhat large, widely separated by the pros- 
ternum, cavities not angulated externally, completely closed 
behind; middle coxe widely separated by the mesosternum, 
which is truncate behind and gradually declivous in front; coxal 
cavities slightly angulated externally, completely closed by the 
sterna; metathoracic episterna moderate, neither wide nor nar- 
row; metasternum unusually deeply emarginate behind, for the 
reception of the acute intercoxal process; ventral segments 
slightly decreasing in length, the 5th in 9 a little longer than the 
4th and truncate. Legs short, thighs moderately clavate, tibie 
with small spurs, hind tarsi with 1st joint equal to two following 

The scutellum is subquadrate, rounded behind; the mesonotum 
has a large stridulating surface, divided by a dorsal furrow, as in 
Leptura and allied genera. 

The body is densely clothed with long, coarse, luteous hair, 
with some denuded spots on the thorax and elytra; the former 
is quadrate, transverse, scarcely rounded on the sides, and 
coarsely punctured, the latter a little broader, truncate at tip, 
more finely and very sparsely punctured, with several rows of 
very distant larger punctures. The front tibiz are without any 
vestige of the oblique groove seen in Lamiz. 

Atimia confusa (Clytus conf. Say) occurs in the Middle States 
and Canada; and A, dorsalis Lec. on the Pacific slope. 



This tribe, represented only by Distenia undata in our fauna, 
exhibits so many peculiarities that it may well be viewed as a 
survivor of the synthetic types of former times. The combina- 
tion of the form of eyes of Prionid, with the ligula of the same 
sub-family, large globose front coxe (as in Achryson), long, 
slender antenne; spinose prothorax and elytra (as in many 
Cerambycoides), a divided stridulating organ (as in Leptu- 
roides), with a peculiar form of mandibles, not known to me 
otherwise in the whole family, is very remarkable. The form 
of body and general appearance is intermediate between a slen- 
der Cerambycoid and a Lepturoid. lLacordaire has very pro- 
perly given to this type, as the 3d division of the true Ceram- 
bycide, the greatest prominence it could have in his system. 

Body elongate, head large, horizontal; eyes transverse, large, 
rather coarsely granulated, feebly emarginate, not embracing the 
base of the antenne; neck moderately constricted; front very 
short, suddenly declivous between the antenne, epistoma large, 
quadrate, horizontal, labrum large, broader than long. Antenne 
long, setaceous, Ist joint as long as the head, comparatively 
slender, 2d joint small, but with its condyle very much protrud- 
ing from the 1st joint; following joints equal in length, pubes- 
cent, not sericeous, without distinct sensitive spaces, fringed 
beneath with long, fine, close lying hairs, which extend far 
beyond the end of each joint, from the 4th to the 10th. Palpi 
very unequal, maxillary with the last joint elongate triangular, 
rounded at tip, not impressed, labial shorter, last joint thick, 
rounded triangular. Ligula large, corneous, feebly emarginate in 
front, supports of palpi small, widely distant. Mandibles thick, 
curved, chisel-shaped at tip, apical edge vertical, sharp, straight. 
Prothorax with dorsal elevations, and acute lateral spine, con- 
stricted near apex and base, which are truncate. Scutellum 
rounded behind, mesonotum with large stridulating plate, divided 
by a smooth dorsal stripe. Elytra wider in front, gradually 
narrowed from the humeral angles, bispinose at tip. Prosternum 
very narrow between the cox, which are very large, globose, 
and prominent, cavities widely open behind, not at all angulated 
externally. Mesosternum rather wide, parallel, emarginate be- 
hind, coxal cavities narrowly angulated externally, but closed by 


the contact of the sternal pieces. Episterna of metathorax long 
and narrow, nearly pointed behind; scent pores not very distinct, 
though the insect has an offensive odor when alive. Hind coxe 
rather convex, though distinctly separated. Ventral segments 
nearly equal in length, 5th in $ semicircularly emarginate at tip. 
Legs slender, hind pair longer, middle tibia with a singular 
oblique groove on the outer face, below the middle; tibial spurs 
distinct; 1st joint of hind tarsi as long as the two following. 


This tribe is represented by two species of Desmocerus, D. 
palliatus in the Atlantic, and D. auripennis in the Pacific States. 
Though by the large conical and contiguous front coxe, and the 
divided stridulating surface of the mesonotum it belongs to the 
Lepturoid series, it differs remarkably from the other genera by 
the much smaller and stouter mandibles, which are not at all 
fringed on the inner margin. The ligula is large, membranous, 
and bilobed, though less deeply so than in Lepturini; the palpi 
are short, not dilated; the mentum is large, trapezoidal, and the 
gular process very short. The eyes are finely granulated, nearly 
rounded, suddenly and deeply emarginate towards the base of 
the antenne, which are 11-jointed, with the joints 3-5 thickened 
at the end, and the outer ones velvety black; the vertex is 
prominent, deeply sulcate, suddenly perpendicular in front of the 
antenn, front horizontal, advancing as in other Lepturoides 
(and also in Distenia) between the base of the mandibles; labrum 
large, not emarginate. Prothorax gradually wider behind, 
obtusely angulated on the sides, hind angles prolonged, acute ; 
scutellum rounded behind, stridulating plate of mesonotum large, 
divided by a smooth furrow. Elytra parallel, coarsely punctured, 
obliquely rounded behind. Prosternum very narrow between the 
cox, which are large and conical with the cavities angulated 
externally and open behind; mesosternum narrow, subemarginate 
at tip, coxal cavities widely open externally ; episterna of meta- 
thorax wide, subparallel, suddenly narrowed behind. Hind coxe 
prominent, contiguous at the inner side; ventral segments sub- 
equal; legs slender, tibial spurs moderate, tarsi rather broad, 
hind pair with 1st joint scarcely equal to the two following united. 

In the % the 5th ventral segment is slightly emarginate at tip, 


and the antenne are stouter, The insects are found on species 
of Sambucus. 


Head large, suddenly, but not very deeply constricted far 
behind the eyes, which are finely granulated, large, oblique, 
deeply emarginate; the front is very large, quadrate, and vertical, 
the gene long, and the hypostoma limited each side by an oblique 
ridge; the antenne are inserted high up on the top of the front 
between the eyes; the mandibles are small, stout, pointed, and 
fringed with hair on the inner margin; the palpi are very short, 
the last joint oval and deeply impressed in Ulochetes, bell- 
shaped and feebly impressed in Necydalis. Antenne filiform, 
longer in $; 2d joint small; 3d and 4th united not longer than 
the 5th in Ulochetes; 8d and following joints equal in Necydalis. 
Prothorax deeply constricted before and behind, and tuberculate 
on the sides. Scutellum elongate, triangular; stridulating plate 
- of mesonotum large, undivided. Elytra very short, dehiscent, 
separately rounded at tip; dorsal segments exposed, entirely 
corneous ; wings not folded at tip, but lying straight along the 
abdomen. Prosternum very short in front of the cox, narrow 
between them, coxe large, conical, prominent, nearly contiguous, 
cavities angulated externally, closed behind ; mesosternum sub- 
triangular, truncate behind; coxz prominent, cavities open ex- 
ternally ; metathoracic episterna wide in front, narrowed behind ; 
hind coxe prominent, nearly contiguous. Abdomen gradually 
narrowed behind and nearly pointed in 9, slightly thicker at the 
extremity in %; ventral segments equal in length, 5th in % 
broadly emarginate. Legs slender, hind pair much longer, tibial 
spurs small, tarsi narrow, Ist joint elongate, not brush-like be- 
neath, in front pair equal to 2d and 3d united, in middle pair 
equal to all the others united, in the hind pair much longer. 

This tribe is represented in our fauna by Necydalis mellitus 
Say in the Atlantic, two species of the same genus, and Ulochetes 
leoninus in the Pacific States. The latter is a large, robust, and 
very hairy insect, which is well figured in the Pacific R.R. 
Explorations, vol. xi, pl. 2, f. 12. 

The undivided stridulating plate is an exception in the Leptu- 
roid series, to which I have attached this remarkable tribe, and 
with which it has very strong relations. It would perhaps be 


better to view it as representing a separate series, in which might 
be placed various foreign tribes in which the wings are not folded 
at the end. In this connection, it is important to observe that 
in Stenopterus and Molorchus, which have abbreviated elytra. 
the wings are not straight, but folded in the usual manner. 

Although the under surface of the head is limited each side by 
a line, as in other Lepturoides, the line is less defined and the 
mentigerous process is not more developed than in Cerambycoides, 
and the mentum has the short transverse form so frequent in that 
series, and totally unlike the ordinary Leptura type. 

Prof. Lacordaire describes the front coxal cavities as open 
behind, but they are very evidently closed in NV. mellitus. 


The head is quadrate, suddenly but not strongly narrowed and 
constricted far behind the eyes (so that the neck is very short) ; 
front large, quadrate, nearly vertical, eyes finely granulated, 
obliquely emarginate, with the antenne inserted high up on the 
front near the emargination; antenne 11-jointed slender, with 42 
joints punctured, the rest sericeous, gene rather long; mandibles 
small, acute, fringed with hair on the inner margin; labrum 
rather large ; palpi moderate, unequal, last joint rounded trian- 
gular; hypostoma very distinctly defined each side, mentigerous 
process short, broad, distinct, mentum large, trapezoidal; pro- 
thorax constricted before and behind, wider at the base, tubercu- 
late on the sides. Scutellum small triangular, mesonotum in 
Encyclops punctured and hairy, with a very narrow median 
smooth space, which is carinated, but does not appear to be 
stridulating ; in Leptalia the stridulating surface is large, and 
divided by a fine dorsal groove; in Pyrotrichus not examined. 
Elytra elongate, parallel, separately rounded in Encyclops, feebly 
truncate in Pyrotrichus. Front cox conical prominent, nearly 
contiguous, cavities angulated, open behind; mesosternum trian- 
gular, coxal cavities open externally; metathoracic episterna 
narrow, pointed behind; hind coxe not prominent; ventral 
segments nearly equal, the Ist a little longer, the 5th a little 
shorter. Legs slender, hind pair longer, tibial spurs small; 
tarsi in Encyclops slender elongated, Ist joint of all much 
longer, and on the hind tarsi without brush of hair beneath ; 
in Leptalia the first joint of hind tarsi is sulcate. with a line of 


pubescence each side ; in Pyrotrichus wider, with usual covering 
beneath, and only as long as the 2d and 38d united. 

The eyes are very deeply emarginate in Pyrotrichus, rounded, 
with a small but distinct emargination in Encyclops, feebly 
emarginate in Leptalia. 

* The genera may be thus distinguished :— 
Tarsi wider, joints 1—3 brush-like beneath. PYROTRICHUS. 
Tarsi slender, Ist joint very long; ; 

Hind tarsi with basal joint sulcate, brush-like at the sides. 

Hind tarsi with basal joint cylindrical. Encycuors. 

The differences in the tarsi are similar to those observed in the 
three groups of Lepturini. Pyrotrichus being similar to Ste- 
nocorus, Leptalia to the Toxotus group, and Encyclops to the 
genuine Lepture. 

To Leptalia belongs Anoplodera macilenta Mann. a black 
species from Alaska; A. Frankenheeuseri J/ann. is a variety with 
striped elytra and yellow legs; Leptura fuscicollis Lec., is a 
larger variety from Vancouver and California, in which the elytra 
are also striped, and the legs yellow, sometimes varied with black. 
The reference to Anoplodera was singularly inappropriate, since 
the sides of the prothorax are armed with a rather acute tubercle, 
almost as in Centrodera. 


The numerous species composing this tribe are easily recog- 
nized by the prominent conical front cox, with the cavities 
angulated externally, open, sometimes almost closed, behind; 
middle coxal cavities widely open externally; the palpi are 
always unequal, the maxillary elongated, the last joint cylindrical, 
or triangular, impressed. The head is variable in form, either 
gradually narrowed behind the eyes, or suddenly and strongly 
constricted, in either case the neck is long; the front is slightly 
declivous, and the antenne are inserted well in front of the eyes, 
or slightly between them; the eyes are oval, longitudinal, or 
slightly oblique, entire or emarginated. The mandibles are flat, 
acute, and fringed on the inner margin. The hypostoma is 
defined by very distinct lateral lines, the mentigerous process is 
very distinct, and the mentum flat and trapezoidal. The other 

characters are variable, the antenne are usually slender, some- 
22 May, 1873. 


times subserrate ; the prothorax is usually wider at base, some- 
times tuberculated at the sides; the elytra usually narrowed from 
the base, sometimes bispinose at tip, sometimes acute and dehis- 
cent, but usually rounded and dehiscent. 

The species occur on flowers, are generally prettily colored, 
and usually clothed with fine pubescence. 

A. First joint of hind tarsi with the usual brush of hair beneath (except 
in certain Acmzops). 

a. Prosternum prominent between the coxe. STENOCORUS. 
b. Prosternum not prominent, front cox conical, protuberant; head 

not suddenly constricted behind. (TOXOTIL.) 

Eyes large, coarsely granulated. CENTRODERA. 

Eyes smaller, coarsely granulated. XYLOSTEUS. 

Tibial spurs not terminal (eyes variable). Toxotus. 

Eyes finely granulated, tibial spurs terminal ; 
Prothorax acutely armed on the sides; 

Eyes moderate, feebly emarginate. Pacuyta. 
Eyes large, strongly emarginate. ANTHOPHYLAX. 
Eyes very small, entire. PIoDEs. 
Prothorax obtusely angulated or rounded on the sides ; eyes small, 
entire ; 
Mesosternum not protuberant. ACMZOPS. 
Mesosternum protuberant. GAUROTES. 

B. 1st joint of hind tarsi without brush-like sole; prosternum not promi- 
nent; head strongly and suddenly constricted behind; eyes finely 
granulated, deeply emarginate. (LEPTUR &. ) 

Last ventral segment of 4 deeply excavated ; body very slender; 
Elytra strongly sinuate on the sides; antennz without porifer- 

ous spaces. BELLAMIRA 
Elytra less sinuate on the sides; antennz with poriferous spaces 
on the outer joints. STRANGALIA. 
Last ventral segment of % not excavated; 
Antenne with large poriferous spaces. TYPOCERUS. 
Antenne without poriferous spaces ; 
Hind coxe not contiguous. LEPTURA. 
Hind coxe contiguous. EURYPTERA. 

The type and only species of Bellamira is the large and elegant 
Leptura scalaris Say (Toxotus coarctatus Hald.) of the Atlantic 

To Euryptera belongs Lept. lateralis Oliv. (distans Germ. ). 

Stenocorus Geoffroy is equivalent to Rhagium Fabr. 


Sub-Family 111.—LAMIID 2. 

The members of this sub-family are usually very easily recog- 
nized by (1) the prothorax not being margined; (2) the palpi 
with the last joint cylindrical and pointed; and (3) the front 
tibie obliquely sulcate on the inner side. One of these characters 
is occasionally absent, but the other two will then, with the 
general appearance of the insect, make its affinities unmistakable. 
To the first character there is no exception in our fauna, and only 
the Tmesisternus group of the other continent ; Michthysoma, 
having the last joint of the palpi triangular, is the only exception 
in North America to the second character; the third character is 
lost in some genera of low organization, such as Methia, Dysphaga, 
which are only feebly differentiated fromi the Oeme group of 

The front is vertical, usually large and flat, rarely shorter and 
convex; the eyes are usually finely or moderately finely granu- 
lated, rarely quite coarsely granulated; emarginated, frequently 
divided, sometimes (Spalacopsis) with the upper lobe wanting.* 
The front cox are rounded, never transverse, the coxal fissure is 
frequently open, so that the cavity becomes angulated, but this 
character, as in Cerambycide, is not of great importance; they 
are closed behind in nearly all, widely open in Methiini, with a 
tendency to become open in Monohammini. The middle coxe 
are entirely closed by the sternal pieces in the higher forms of 
each series, open to the side pieces in the others, but this character 
is also of small importance. The metasternum never has scent 
glands; and the stridulating organ of the mesonotum is always 
undivided, though frequently narrow. The ventral segments are 
always 5, and present no remarkable characters. The legs are 
usually short, sometimes (Monohammus % , Doreaschema) long; 
middle tibise with a tubercle or sinus on the outer face in most 
genera; tibial spurs short; ungues either divaricate (extending 
in a plane at right angles to the length of the last joint), or di- 
vergent (not in the same plane, but forming an angle). This 
character, first observed by Lacordaire, seems to be of great 
value; in the true Cerambycide the claws do not appear to vary 

* This character has been already noticed in the Clytini, group Ana- 
glypti, v. sup. p. 320. 


to the same extent, but to be slightly moveable in nearly all, if not 
all, the species. 

I would arrange the tribes represented in our fauna into series, 
as follows :— 

I. Humeral angles not prominent; metasternum short; wings wanting ; 

front tibiz sulcate. DORCADIOIDES. 
A. Front large, palpi slender ; 
Support of labrum distinct, coriaceous. DorcapiinI. 
Support of labrum not visible. MoniLEMINI. 
B. Front short, oblique, palpi dilated. MicHTHYSOMINI. 
Il. Humeral angles distinct, wings perfect, elytra entire; front tibie 
sulcate ; 

A. Body small, elytra gibbous or spinose near the base; prothorax 
constricted behind, front large inflexed, ungues divergent. 

Front coxal cavities rounded. CyYRTININI. 
Front coxal cavities angulated. PSENOCERINI. 

B. Body elongated, usually large, elytra not gibbous; scape of 
antenne with an apical cicatrix (except Dorcaschema), front 
coxal cavities angulated, sometimes a little open behind; eyes 
rather finely granulated; (ungues usually divaricate, but 
variable). LAMIOIDES. 


C. Ungues divergent. 

a. Scape of antenne with an open apical cicatrix; front 
coxal cavities angulated, middle coxe open; eyes finely 

granulated ; body broad. MESOSOIDES. 

b. Scape of antenne without cicatrix; front coxal cavities 
variable, middle coxe open. ONCIDEROIDES. 

Front large, flat; front cox angulated. ONcIDERINI. 
Front convex; front coxe nearly round; eyes very 
coarsely granulated. ATAXIINI. 
Front inflexed, form very elongate. HIPpPopsinI. 
D. Ungues divaricate ; scape of antenne without cicatrix ; 

a. Front coxe rounded, middle coxe closed or nearly so; form 

usually stout. ACANTHODEROIDES. 
Scape of antenne clavate. ACANTHODERINI. 
Scape of antenne long, slender. ACANTHOCINI. 

b. Front coxe angulated, middle coxe open. 
Support of labrum coriaceous. PoGoNnocHERINI. 
Support of labrum not visible. DESMIPHORINI. 

c. Front coxe protuberant, subconiecal, cavities angulated ; 
middle cox open externally; eyes very finely granu- 
lated ; form cylindrical, prothorax never armed, rarely 
tuberculate on the sides. SAPERDOIDES. 


Ungues simple (except the outer one of front and middle 

tarsi in certain 4, ). SAPERDINI. 
Ungues cleft or appendiculate. PuyToEcinNt. 

III. Humeral angles distinct, wings perfect, elytra abbreviated; front 
tibie not sulcate, claws divaricate. METHIOIDES. 

Front coxal cavities angulated, widely open behind; middle coxal 
cavities open externally; front short, eyes very large, coarsely 
granulated; oral organs atrophied. METHINI. 


This tribe, represented by numerous species in the Mediterra- 
nean region of the Eastern continent, has but two representatives, 
Plectrura and Ipochus, in our fauna; the former, a brownish 
insect with rows of shining tubercles on the elytra, which at the 
apex are prolonged into acute serrated cusps; the sides of the 
prothorax are armed and serrate; it is found in Oregon, Van- 
couver, and Alaska. Ipochus, a very convex form, clothed 
sparsely with long erect hair, with bands of white pubescence 
on the elytra; the prothorax rounded, not armed; found in the 
southern part of California. 

These two genera represent separate groups, the former, 
Dorcadia, having slender almost pointed palpi, and wide intercoxal 
process of Ist ventral segment; the latter, Parmene, having the 
palpi stouter, last joint oval, obliquely truncate, and the inter- 
coxal process of Ist ventral segment acute. 

The tribe is readily recognized by the absence of wings, the 
consequently short metasternum, and by the elytra having no 
humeral angles; the large quadrate vertical front; the support 
of the labrum coriaceous and distinct. The ungues are divari- 
cate, and the last tarsal joint long. The front coxal cavities are 
widely angulated, closed behind; the middle coxal cavities widely 
open externally, with distinct trochantin. The eyes are coarsely 
granulate. Habits epigeal. 


These are large species of black color, rarely (M. albopictum 
White) varied with whitish pubescence ; the antenne are, how- 
ever, always annulate. They are found in the interior region of 
the continent, extending into Texas and Lower California. 

The characters of the tribe are: front large, quadrate vertical, 
support of labrum not visible; wings none, metasternum short, 


elytra without humeral angles; palpi slender, last joint obtusely 

Additional characters are: eyes rather finely granulated, small, 
deeply emarginate ; front coxal cavities rounded, closed behind ; 
middle coxal ¢avities angulated externally but closed; ungues 
divaricate, last tarsal joint less elongated than in Dorcadiini. 
Intercoxak process of 1st ventral segment wide. | 

Mr. James Thomson has established Omoscylon on JL sub- 
rugosum Bland, a species of Lower California in which the pro- 
thorax has no lateral spine. The distinction is illusive, as all 
gradations in the degree of development of the spine are seen, 
from ML. armatum where it is large and acute to IZ annulatum 
Say, where it is obtuse, and finally to I appressum Lec., and 
subrugosum, where it is wanting. 


I have established this tribe on the very anomalous Michthy- 
soma heterodoxum Lec., of which I found a single specimen in 
the mountain region of Georgia. The head is rather large, the 
front short, scarcely vertical, the support of labrum visible, cori- 
aceous, labrum small, rounded: in front. Palpi very unequal, 
with the last joint securiform. Antenne slender, as long as the 
body, scape rather stout, as long as the 3d joint, rounded at tip, 
without cicatrix; 8d joint not longer than 4th; eyes small 
elongate, coarsely granulated, lower lobe narrow. Prothorax as 
wide as the head, with an acute lateral spine, rather in front of 
the middle. Elytra elongate not wider than prothorax. Inter- 
coxal process of first ventral segment acute. 

Front coxal cavities angulated, closed behind; middle ones 
angulated, closed externally; thighs strongly clavate, front tibie 
curved inwards and feebly suleate, middle ones absolutely without 
tubercle, sinus, or tuft of hair on the outer margin; tarsi less 
dilated than usual, lst joint of hind pair equal to two following 
united; last joint moderate, claws divaricate. 

The form of the palpi seems to show an affinity with the 
African genus Phantasis, but the body is much more elongate, 
and the other characters do not agree. The head and prothorax 
are densely punctured and opaque, the elytra more shining, less 
densely punctured, with hairs proceeding from the punctures. 




This tribe is represented in the Atlantic States by a single 
species of Cyrtinus (Clytus pygmeus Hald.), and is very anoma- 
lous in its characters. ‘ 

The front is large, inflexed, somewhat convex, and the mouth 
is small; palpi slender, pointed; eyes small, divided, coarsely 
granulated; antenne alittle longer than the body, scape slender, 
without apical cicatrix. Prothorax smooth, oval, very convex, 
constricted at base; elytra with rounded humeri, wider behind, 
very convex, each with a large acute spine near the scutellum. 
Wings perfect. 

Front coxe large, rounded, cavities not angulated, closed be- 
hind, prosternum scarcely longer in front than behind the coxe ; 
middle cavities slightly angulated, closed externally ; legs stout, 
thighs strongly clavate, middle tibize with a faint sinus on the 
outer margin} hind tarsi shorter than the tibiw, Ist joint equal 
to the two following, last joint rather large; claws apparently 
moveable, as they are sometimes very widely divergent, and almost 
divaricate, at others quite near together. The metasternum is 
very little longer than the Ist ventral segment, and the intercoxal 
process is acute. This is the smallest Lamiide in our fauna. 


Also represented by a single very small species of Psenocerus 
in the Atlantic States ( Clytus supernotatus Say), which resembles 
a Saperda in its form, as much as Cyrtinus does a Dorcadion. 

The characters are nearly the same as in the preceding tribe, 
except that the front coxe are angulated externally, and the mid- 
dle ones open; the middle tibie are absolutely without sinus or 
tuft of hair on the outer margin; the tarsi are wider, and the 
last joint rather longer, and the claws very widely divergent, 
though not divaricate. 

The front is large and vertical, the support of the labrum 
coriaceous, the eyes coarsely granulated, divided, the antennz 
shorter than the body; scape stouter, and less elongated, with- 
out cicatrix, the 3d and 4th joints equal, longer than the others. 
The prothorax is cylindrical, convex, constricted at base ; elytra 
cylindrical, each with an oval elevation near the scutellum, which 
is much weaker in small specimens, humeri square. The body 


is densely punctured, brown or blackish, with the scutellum, a 
narrow oblique band composed of two spots about the middle, 
and a wider transverse one behind the middle not extending to 
the suture, of white pubescence. 

The relations of this and the preceding tribe with the Ana- 
glyptus group of Clytini are quite obvious. 


I have given to this tribe a greater extension that that pro- 
posed by Lacordaire, who restricted it to those genera in which 
the scape of the antenne has a large cicatrix, limited by a raised 
line. The relations between Ptychodes and Dorcaschema are so 
obvious that they cannot be naturally separated. The tribe as 
thus enlarged may be defined as follows :— 

Front large, vertical, quadrate, flat; gene long; support of 
labrum large, coriaceous ; mandibles flat; palpi slender, filiform, 
pointed; eyes somewhat finely granulated, emarginate, lower lobe 
variable in form. Antenne longer than the body, very long in 
the %, except in Goes and Cacoplia, scape rather stout, with a 
terminal cicatrix, except in Dorcaschema. Prothorax with or 
without a lateral spine, elytra narrowed behind, or cylindrical, 
wings perfect. 

Front coxe angulated, with distinct trochantin, middle coxal 
cavities widely open externally ; metasternum longer than the 
first ventral segment (as in all the following tribes); the inter- 
coxal process acute ; middle tibia with a distinct tubercle on the 
outer margin ; tarsi not elongated, last joint large, claws not fully 
divaricated, but somewhat moveable as in Cerambycide genuini. 
The last ventral segment is truncate in both sexes, but more so 
in the 9. ; 

Three groups exist in our fauna. 

Legs long, the front pair elongated in 4, and the antenne much longer 
than the body ; 

Prothorax with lateral spines. Mononammt. 
Prothorax cylindrical. PrycHopEs. 
Legs equal, not elongated. Gors. 

Group I.—Monohammi. 

Several species of Monohammus represent this group in various 
parts of the country; they affect the wood of pine trees. The 


group is easily recognized by the deeply channelled vertex, very 
long $ antenne, scape with an apical cicatrix, long slender legs, 
the front pair much longer in the % ; the lower lobe of the eyes 
is a little longer than wide. The prothorax has a strong lateral 

The last ventral segment in the % is feebly, in the 2 more 
strongly, truncate ; the ventral segments are nearly equal in length. 

Group Il.—Ptychodes. 

These have also very elongate antenne, and slender legs, the 
front pair elongated in the % ; the vertex is deeply and narrowly 
channelled ; the lower lobe of the eyes is broader than long. The 
first and 5th ventral segments are longer than the intermediate 
ones, the last is feebly truncate in the $, but more strongly in 
the 2. The prothorax is cylindrical. 

Our genera are as follows :— 

Scape of antenne with a large well-defined cicatrix ; 

Eyes nearly divided. PrycHODES. 
Scape of antenne without cicatrix ; 

Elytra rounded at tip. DorcAScHEMA. 

Elytra pointed at tip. HETe is. 

Group III.—Goes. 

I include in this group Lacordaire’s tribe Batocerini, so far as 
it is represented in our fauna. Neither the difference in the apical 
cicatrix of the scape of the antenne, nor the protuberance of the 
mesosternum seem to me to be of tribal value. 

The body is more massive and less elongate than in the pre- 
ceding groups. The vertex is broadly channelled, the lower lobe 
of the eyes is long in Goes, transverse in Plectrodera; the antenne 
are but little longer than the body, and not very different in the 
sexes; the legs are rather short, equal in length, and not different 
in the sexes. The ventral segments are nearly equal, and the 5th 
is more distinctly truncate in the °. 

Three genera occur in our fauna, all in the Atlantic region :— 
Scape of antennz with a distinctly limited cicatrix 

Prothorax cylindrical. CAcoPLia. 

Prothorax with a lateral spine. GoEs. 

Scape of antenne with the cicatrix not sharply defined ; 
Prothorax with a strong lateral spine. PLECTRODERA 



This tribe has but a single representative, Synapheta Guezi, in 
California ; a rather large, stout insect clothed with gray pubes- 
cence ; antenne annulated, prothorax with two black vitte, and 
elytra each with two angulated black bands. 

The front is large and quadrate, labral support large, coriaceous ; 
vertex deeply channelled ; mouth large, palpi slender, pointed ; eyes 
finely granulated, almost divided, lower lobe nearly quadrate ; 
antenne longer than the body in %, shorter in 2, scape long 
with au oblique apical cicatrix ; prothorax with a very obtuse 
lateral tubercle just behind the middle; elytra wider than thorax, 
nearly parallel, depressed on the back, suddenly inflexed at the 
sides, broadly rounded behind. 

Front coxe angulated, closed behind, with large trochantin ; 
middle coxal cavities open externally ; mesosternum protuberant ; 
metasternum a little longer than the Ist ventral ; 2-4 segments 
nearly equal, 5th in ® somewhat emarginate, longer, channelled, 
and more deeply emarginate in ?. Legs rather short, equal, 
middle tibiz without tubercle or sinus on the outer margin ; tarsi 
short, and broadly dilated, claws divergent. 

The specics of this tribe resemble in appearance the stouter forms 
of the néxt two tribes, but differ by the ee angulated front 
coxal cavities. 


With this tribe commences a long series of genera having the 
claws divaricate; the front is large, quadrate, vertical, mouth 
large ; support of labrum large, coriaceous; palpislender ; anten- 
ne variable, sometimes excessively long in both sexes, sometimes 
(sub-tribe Acanthoderini) hardly longer than the body ; vertex 
not much excavated, eyes finely or somewhat coarsely granulated, 
lower lobe nearly quadrate. Prothorax armed or not on the sides, 
position of spine variable. Elytra rounded or truncate at tip, 
usually flattened on the disk, rarely (Dectes) cylindrical. 

Front coxal cavities rounded, closed behind, usually by a broad 
corneous space, sometimes (Dectes) very narrowly, so as almost 
to appear open. Middle coxal cavities closed externally ; legs 
moderate, thighs usually strongly clavate, middle tibie with a 
tubercle on the outer margin, hind tarsi sometimes short, some- 
times elongated. 



Sub-tribes are indicated as follows :— 

Scape of antenne clavate. ACANTHODERINI. 
Scape of antenne cylindrical, slender. ACANTHOCININI. 

Sub-Tribe 1.—Acanthoderini. 

The scape of the antenne is gradually thickened towards the 
tip, and shorter than the 3d joint, without apical cicatrix. The 
prothorax is armed with dorsal tubercles, and the lateral spine is 
large, acute, and situated about the middle; Ist joint of hind 
tarsi not much longer than the 2d; ventral segments 2—4 shorter 
in the ¢, 5th broadly emarginate in 4, roundedin 9. 

I refer all our species to Acanthoderes, having the front tarsi 
of % broader, and fringed with very long hairs. Aitheopoctines 
Thomson, founded upon A. Morrisii Ubler, does not seem to be 
sufficiently distinct ; the lower lobe of the eyes is smaller, oblique 
and oval, rather than quadrate. 

In A. quadrigibbus the eyes are less coarsely granulated than 
in the others; it and A. decipiens Hald. are referred by Lacor- 
daire to Psapharochrus Thomson, but the genera seem to be 
founded on very feeble characters, and moreover not to be constant 
even in those differences. 

Sub-Tribe 2.— Acanthocinini. 

The scape of the antenne is elongate and slender, scarcely 
thickened at tip, without apical cicatrix. The prothorax is either 
tuberculate on the disk, or not; the lateral spine is sometimes 
placed at the middle, sometimes behind the middle, sometimes 
even very near the base. The genera indicate four groups as 
follows :— 

Lateral tubercle of prothorax about the middle. LaGocuIRI. 

Lateral tubercle behind the middle; 
Prosternum wider behind the cox; body flattened above; 

2 without elongated ovipositor. Liort. 
© with long ovipositor. ACANTHOCINI. 
rosternum very narrow, body cylindrical. DEcTEs. 

Group I.—Lagochiri. 

Represented by the Mexican Lagochirus obsoletus Thom. 
which occurs in Lower California; a large, robust insect, with 
the disk of the prothorax tuberculate, the lateral tubercles very 


large; the antenne are very long, the 6th joint is a little thickened 
inwards at tip, and from the tubercle thus formed proceeds an 
acute slender tuit of stiff hairs, resembling a spine. The Ist joint 
of hind tars! pot elongated, scarcely equal to the 2d and 3d 

Group II.—Liopi. 

This group is represented by many species in our fauna, all of 
small or medium size, except one species from Arizona. 

The lateral tubercle varies in position from near the middle to 
the base; in the former positien it is very obtuse, but as it moves 
backwards it becomes more and more acute, and spiniform; the 
prothorax is feebly tuberculate in some species with obtuse late- 
ral tubercle, and in the same species, the Ist jojut of the hind 
tarsi is not elongated. 

The genera may be thus arranged :— 

Lateral tubercle submedial; outer joints of antenne shorter; 
Ist joint of hind tarsi not elongated; mesosternum truncate ; 
Body and limbs with long erect hairs; lateral tubercle acnte. 
Pubescent only, lateral tubercle obtuse. LEPTOSTYLUS. 
Lateral tubercle of prothorax acute, post-medial; joints of antenne from 
3d nearly equal; 
Ist joint of hind tarsi as long as 2d and 3d united; 

Lateral spine distant from base, body stouter; mesosternum truncate. 

Ast joint of hind tarsi very long; mesosternum acute behind; 
Lateral spine distant from base, antenne not ciliate beneath. 


Lateral spine basal or nearly so, antennz with a few ciliz beneath; 
Body slender. LEPTURGES. 
Body stout, depressed. HyYPERPLATYS. 

The new genus Sternidius is founded upon Amniscus varie- 
gatus Hald. and allies, contained in division C of my revision, 
Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 2d ser. ii. 172; it differs from 
Leptostylus only by the characters mentioned in the table. 

Group II].—Acanthocini. 

The insects of this group are of medium, or above medium, size, 
and elongate form; the lateral spine of the prothorax is well 
developed (though shorter in Graphisurus), and is very little 
behind the middle, except in Eutessus, where it is feeble, and near 


the base. The antenne, except in Graphisurus, are excessively 
long in both sexes, densely fringed beneath with soft hair in the 
%, and occasionally with an apical dilatation on the inner side of 
the 4th (4. nodosus), or dth (A. spectabilis) joint. The 1st joint 
of the hind tarsi is very long, and the last abdominal segment 
of the 2 is prolonged into an ovipositor, nearly half as long as 
the elytra. 

Antennz not much longer than the body; 

Pubescence mixed with erect hairs. GRAPHISURUS. 
Antenne very long in both sexes; pubescence not mixed with erect hairs ; 
Joints of antenne 3—11 equal in length. ACANTHOCINUS. 
3d and 4th joints very long, 5—11 shorter than 4th. EvrEssvs. 

The last genus is founded on a very singular insect from Lower 
California, of which only § specimens are before me. I infer from 
the general appearance, and sexual characters, that the 2 must 
have a long ovipositor. The outline of the prothorax is straight 
nearly to the base, as in Liopus, then armed with a short spine ; 
the elytra are uneven with small elevations, as in certain Lepto- 
stylus. Ihave named it Hu. granosus. 

Our species of Acanthocinus lead insensibly to Eutrypanus; 
the two species of the Western slope, Adilis obliquus and spe- 
tabilis have the sides of the elytra suddenly compressed and 
declivous, with a distinct carina running from the humeri obliquely 
backwards; the same thing is observed in a less degree in A. 
nodosus, but very feebly in Lamia obsoleta Olivier, which is in- 
correctly referred by Lacordaire to Graphisurus. 

Group IV.—Dectes. 

A single genus, with one species in the Atlantic States and 
one in Texas, constitutes this group. The form is elongate, and 
cylindrical, the antennz about one-fourth longer than the body, 
scape very long, cylindrical, outer joints diminishing slightly in 
length. The lateral spine of the prothorax is acute, and slender, 
placed near the base, directed obliquely and horizontally outwards. 
The elytra are slightly truncate at tip, not wider than the pro- 
thorax; the front coxal cavities are separated by the very narrow 
prosternum, which is not dilated behind; they are closed very 
narrowly, so that on superficial examination they seem to be 
widely open, and were erroneously described as such by me ;* 

* Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 2d ser. ii. 144. 


the legs are short, the thighs not clubbed, the hind tarsi as long 
as the tibie, with the 1st joint equal to the two following united. 
Ventral segments nearly equal; 5th slightly emarginate in both 
sexes, a little narrower and longer in &. 
The surface is uniformly finely punctured, and densely clothed 
with gray pubescence, without elevations or irregularities. 


This tribe, as here defined, contains species of small size, and 
usually with long erect (flying) hairs, in addition to the ordinary 
pubescence. They are related to Acanthoderini, having, like 
them, the claws divaricate, the body generally rather stout, and 
the scape of the antenne without cicatrix; the front quadrate, with 
coriaceous support to the labrum. They differ in having the 
scape of the antenne rather shorter and stouter than in the group 
Liopi, to which they bear the strongest resemblance ; the antennz 
are only a little longer or shorter than the body, the outer joints 
gradually shorter; the eyes are moderately or very coarsely 
granulated (Eupogonius) ; the front coxal cavities are angulated 
externally, completely closed behind ; the middle ones are angu- 
lated, but not open externally; the legs are short, thighs strongly 
clavate in some genera, but not so in Eupogonius and Lypsimena; 
the middle tibiz have an external sinus in some genera, and are 
quite simple in others; the Ist joint of hind tarsi short or only 
slightly elongated. 

The genera of this tribe are dispersed by Lacordaire among his 
groups, Estolides, Apodasyides, and Pogonocherides; with the 
exception of Hoplosia ?, which resembles a Graphisurus, with the 
antenne of Acanthoderes, the genera have a characteristic 

Three groups are indicated :— 

Middle tibiz with an external sinus; thighs clavate; 

Eyes more finely granulated, lower lobe elongate. EsToLa&. 

Eyes less finely granulated, lower lobe not elongate. PogonocHERI. 
Middle tibiz absolutely simple; thighs not clavate; 

Eyes very coarsely granulated. Evpoconit. 

Group I.—Estole. 

To this group I would refer Pogonocherus nubilus Lec., Proc. 
Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1862, 39. The eyes are rather finely 
granulated, the lower lobe elongate; the scape of the antenne 


stout, clavate, much shorter than the 3d joint. The lateral spines 
of the prothorax are large and situated at the middle; there are 
no dorsal tubercles. The pubescence is gray mottled with black, 
and there are short, scattered, erect hairs on the elytra; the 
antenne are thinly fringed beneath with hairs. The thighs are 
strongly clavate, and the sinus of the middle tibia is distinct ; 
the Ist joint of the hind tarsi is scarcely longer than the 2d. The 
5th ventral segment is much larger in @, and subtruncate in both 

This insect indicates a genus, which is perhaps identical with 
the European Hoplosia. The mesosternum is parallel and truncate 
behind; the prosternum in front of the coxe is well developed 
and not declivous, so that the head is not retractile. 

Group II.—Pogonocherl. 

The eyes are not coarsely granulated, the lower lobe subquad- 
rate or subtriangular, not elongate; the scape of the antenne is 
stout, though less clavate than in the preceding group, and they 
are fringed with long flying hairs; the prothorax is either armed 
or not, and has faint dorsal tubercles. The body and legs are 
clothed with long flying hairs, and tufts of hair are seen on the 
elytra in Pogonocherus, but in Ecyrus the pubescence is short 
and close, with a few erect, short hairs proceeding from rows of 
granules on the elytra, which are carinate on the sides in both 
genera, sometimes truncate, sometimes rounded at tip. The 5th 
ventral segment is larger in the 2, and truncate in both sexes. 
The thighs are clavate, the middle tibia have a small but dis- 
tinct tubercle on the outer margin ;* the hind tarsi are short, 
with the Ist joint equal to the 2d. 

Two genera occur in our fauna. 

Flying hairs long; prothorax with lateral spines. PoGoNOCHERUS. 
Prothorax with feebly rounded sides, pubescence short. EcyRruvs. 

The second genus resembles in appearance a small Mesosa, but 
differs essentially in the claws being absolutely divaricate, and 
fixed in position. 

* Lacordaire states that the middle tibie are simple. 


Group III.—EBupogonil. 

The eyes are very coarsely granulated, with the lower lobe not 
transverse, they are larger in Lypsimena than in Eupogonius; 
antenne not longer than the body, scape feebly clavate, shorter 
than 3d joint; clothed with long flying hairs in Eupogonius, 
sparsely ciliate beneath in Lypsimena; prothorax densely punc- 
tured, without dorsal tubercles, armed on the side with a small 
acute spine; elytra sparsely punctured, with irregular mottlings 
of yellowish pubescence in some species, with only erect hairs in 
Hu. subarmatus. Body and legs clothed with erect hairs, which 
are usually very long, but shorter in the species just mentioned. 
Legs short, equal, middle tibize without sinus or tubercle; 1st 
joint of hind tarsi a little longer than the 2d. Last ventral 
rounded at tip, larger in 2 than %. 

Hu. subarmatus bears a deceptive resemblance to Amphionycha, 
and the first specimen which I obtained being mutilated, was 
described as belonging to that genus, from which it is abundantly 
distinct by the coarsely granulated eyes, and entire ungues. 
Body with flying hairs ; 

Antenne pilose, joints 5—10 shorter, equal. Evpoconivs. 
No flying hairs ; 

Antenne sparsely ciliate beneath, outer joints very gradually shorter, 

prothorax unarmed. LYPSIMENA. 

My specimen of the second genus is imperfect, so that the form 
of the middle coxal cavities cannot be observed; Lacordaire 
states that they are open. The very coarsely granulated eyes 
induce me to believe that its strongest affinity is with Hupogonius. 


The occurrence of Desmiphora mexicana Thomson in Texas 
requires the introduction of this tribe into our fauna. The front 
is large, the support of the labrum is noé visible, and the labrum 
itself is of peculiar form, the basal half is densely pubescent, and 
the apical half obliquely truncate, presenting an obliquely decli- 
vous oval surface, which is finely carinated; the mandibles are 
large and the head is bent down to touch the prosternum. The 
eyes are coarsely granulated. The prosternum is short, promi- 
nent between the cox, and very declivous before and behind. 
The prothorax is armed with a strong lateral spine. The elytra 


are parallel and cylindrical, rounded at tip. The front cox are 
angulated externally and closed behind. The mesosternum is 
protuberant and perpendicular in front; the middle coxe are 
angulated, but scarcely open externally. The 5th ventral segment 
(in 2) is as long as the three preceding united, and truncate at 
tip. The legs are short, equal, the thighs not clavate, the middle 
tibiz sulcate externally, with a slight protuberance; Ist joint of 
hind tarsi not longer than the 2d; claws divaricate. 

The antenne (2) are two-thirds the length of the body, and 
pilose, the scape rather stout, scarcely clavate, joints 4-11 gradu- 
ally, but rapidly decreasing in length. 

This insect is remarkable for being covered with very dense 
brown pubescence, with lines and crests of very long, fine whitish 
hairs looking like mould. Beneath it is very prettily variegated 
with darker spots each surrounded with a white line. Length 15 
mm. ‘The only specimen I have seen was sent from Texas to 
Mr. A. 8. Fuller, and given me by Dr. Horn. 


With this tribe commences a series in which the front coxal 
cavities are angulated externally and closed behind, the middle 
ones open externally, and the claws moderately divergent. The 
antenne in the present tribe are longer than the body in the %, 
about as long as the body in the 2, and the scape is stouter, 
subcylindrical, nearly as long as the 3d joint, and has no apical 
cicatrix. The front is very large, quadrate, vertical, and flat, the 
support of the labrum coriaceous, the mouth large, the palpi 
slender, last joint cylindrical, obtusely pointed. The prosternum 
is very short in front of the cox, prominent between them, 
declivous before and behind; mesosternum truncate between the 
cox. Ventral segments equal in length, 5th broadly emarginate 
in both sexes, and impressed in the 9. Legs rather stout, equal; 
thighs moderately clavate, middle tibie with a tubercle on the 
outer margin, hind tarsi with the 1st joint broad, not longer than 
the 2d, last joint as long as the others united, claws approximate, 
slightly divergent. 

Oncideres cingulatus is remarkable for placing the eggs in 
small branches of trees, especially hickory, and then cutting 
through the bark below, so as to kill the branch, which is after- 

93 May, 1873. 


wards broken off by the wind;* it will be remembered that 
Elaphidion villosum has the same curious habit. 
Eyes not very finely granulated, lower lobe elongate; 

Antenne slender in both sexes, vertex flat. ONCIDERES. 
Eyes very finely granulated, lower lobe not elongate ; 

Antenne with joints 1—4 thickened and hairy in %; vertex deeply 
concave. TARICANUS. 

The first genus is represented by one species in the Atlantic 
States, and two in Texas and Arizona; the second by 7. Truquit 
Thoms., a Mexican species which occurs in Texas. 


Is represented in our fauna by Ataxia crypta (Say), (A. sordida 
Hald.),+ a slender insect densely clothed with mottled brown 
and white pubescence, and remarkable for having the punctures 
of the elytra arranged in rows, from which proceed black sub- 
erect hairs. 

The antenne are as long as the body, slender, annulated, scape 
stouter, as long as the 3d joint; joints from the 3d diminishing 
very slightly in length. Front convex, rather broader than long, 
support of labrum coriaceous, mouth moderate in size, gene very 
short; palpi slender, last joint acute. Prothorax as long as wide, 
with a small, acute, lateral spine; elytra a little wider than the 
prothorax, cylindrical, rounded or subtruncate at tip. Front 
coxe angulated, closed, prosternum not abbreviated in front; 
mesosternum truncate between the cox, cavities angulated, but 
scarcely open externally. Ventral segments, Ist and 5th a little 
longer, 5th truncate at tip. Legs moderate, thighs feebly clavate, 
middle tibia without tubercle, hind tarsi with Ist joint nearly as 
long as the two following, last joint as long as the first, ungues 
approximate, divergent. 

Specimens from the Southern States and Texas have the elytra 
obliquely subtruncate, and the hairs longer; in those from New 
Mexico the elytra are almost rounded at tip, and the hairs are 
shorter. I do not think these differences are of specific value. 

* Haldeman, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. x, 52. 
{ Erichson considered this insect as Saperda annulata and lineata Fabr., 
described from South America. Vide Lacordaire, ix, 599. 



The body is extremely slender, the antenne very long in the 
first group, short in the others; the front is very long and 
inflexed, so that the mouth is near to the prosternum ; it is small, 
and the mandibles are nearly perpendicular to the inflexed front; 
the support of the labrum coriaceous, the palpi not slender 
and the last joint almost conical and pointed. The eyes are 
coarsely granulated, emarginate or divided, in the latter case, the 
upper lobe is sometimes (Spalacopsis) wanting. Prothorax long, 
cylindrical; elytraelongate. Front coxe angulated in Hippopsis, 
rounded in the others, closed behind, middle ones open externally, 
mesosternum truncate between the cox. Ventral segments 
nearly equal, the lst sometimes longer, 5th broadly truncate. 
Legs rather short, equal, middle tibiz with an external tubercle, 
tarsi as long as the tibia, Ist joint of hind pair short, or slightly 
elongated (Hippopsis), last joint rather long, claws divergent. 

Our three genera indicate different groups. 

Front coxe angulated ; 
Antenne very long. HIppopsis. 

Front coxe rounded; antenne short; 
Antenne very pilose, scape not longer than 3d joint; head not elongated, 

eyes emarginate, upper lobe narrow. Dorcasta. 
Antenne sparsely pilose, scape very long; head as long as prothorax, 
eyes divided, upper lobe wanting. SPALACOPSIS. 

Dorcasta Pascoe is equivalent to Aigilopsis Horn, and one 
species, D. cinerea Horn, occurs in Texas. 

Spalacopsis occurs in Florida and Texas; Lutheia || Guer., 
ELuthuorus Duval, was established upon a Cuban species, differ- 
ing from ours by the antenne much more hairy, and the scape 
somewhat longer. These differences do not seem to be generic. 


Insects of cylindrical form, of large or medium size, with large, 
flat, quadrate, vertical front, coriaceous Jabral support, and 
finely granulated, deeply emarginate eyes. The palpi are less 
slender than in the Acanthoderoid series, the last joint more or 
less oval, truncate at tip. The antenne are as long as the body, 
or a little shorter; the scape is nearly cylindrical, a little shorter 
than the 3d joint, without apical cicatrix; the outer joints 


scarcely diminish in length. The prothorax is cylindrical, 
entirely unarmed, and without tubercles; the elytra are wider 
than the prothorax, cylindrical, usually rounded at tip, rarely 
(calcarata) the suture is armed with a spine, or (obliqua) the tip 
is attenuated and acuminate. 

The front coxe are angulated externally with distinct trochantin, 
and closed behind; the middle coxal cavities are angulated, open 
externally, with distinct trochantin. The prosternum is very 
narrow between the coxe, and the mesosternum acute behind. 
The side pieces of the metasternum are very broad in front, and 
narrowed behind; a character not seen in the preceding tribes. 
The ventral segments are nearly equal, the 5th somewhat longer, 
somewhat truncate (2) or emarginate (8). Legs moderate, 
nearly equal, thighs not clavate, middle tibize without tubercle 
or sinus; hind tarsi with 1st jomt not much elongated; last joint 
rather short in general, claws divaricate; the inner one of the 
front and middle pair in the % of most of our species armed with 
a rounded lobe or tooth, which is wanting in S. moesta, and con- 
color, and in the European species. 

The genus Saperda alone is represented in our fauna. Thus 
far, none have been found on the Pacific slope, except S. moesta, 
a northern species, which extends from Canada to Oregon. 

Some of the species are very destructive to cultivated trees, 
boring into the wood, or destroying the subcortical tissues of the 


This tribe contains all those species in which the claws are 
similar, appendiculate or cleft in both sexes; except in Pha and 
Oberea the claws are divergent; in the last named genus they 
are divaricate in the front tarsi, and either divergent or divaricate 
(O. Schaumii) on the hind pair; in Phea they are divaricate on 
all the tarsi. 

The front is moderately convex, broader than long, the eyes 
are finely granulated, emarginate or divided; palpi slender, last 
joint elongate oval, nearly pointed ; antenne shorter, or at most 
not longer than the body, scape cylindrical, more slender and 
shorter than 3d joint (Oberea), stouter and nearly equal to 3d 
joint in the others. Prothorax cylindrical, or obtusely tubercu- 
late on the sides; elytra cylindrical, rounded or truncate at tip. 


Front coxe conical, protuberant, cavities angulated, closed behind, 
separated by very narrow prosternum; middle coxe open exter- 
nally, episterna and epimera separate (Mecas, Oberea, Tetraopes), 
or nearly connate (Tetrops, Amphionycha). Ventral segments 
nearly equal in our genera, 5th more or less different in the sexes, 
and usually somewhat longer in 2. Legs short, thighs not 
clavate, middle tibie simple, hind tarsi with 1st joint not elon- 
gated, last joint rather long; claws variable in position as above 
stated, always appendiculate or cleft. 

The side pieces of the metathorax are narrower behind; they 
are rather wide (as in Saperdini) in the first group, but less 
developed in the others. 

The genera seem to indicate several groups, but without study 
of the foreign forms it is unnecessary to define them at present, 
and I have included them in a single table. 

Episterna of metathorax wide; 
Epipleure indistinct; ungues feebly toothed or cleft. MEcAS. 
Epipleure distinct; ungues broadly appendiculate. OBFREA. 
Episterna of metathorax moderate ; 
Eyes broadly divided; prothorax dilated on the sides ; 

Ungues broadly appendiculate. TETROPS. 

Ungues cleft. TETRAOPES. 
Eyes not divided; ungues cleft. 

Antenne pilose, outer joints suddenly shorter. AMPHIONYCHA. 

The American species of Tetrops are referable to Pha 
Newman, which seems not sufficiently distinct from the European 
genus to be retained in a natural classification. 

The species of Tetraopes are numerous and very similar, being 
of a bright red color with small black spots on the prothorax and 
elytra; they live exclusively upon plants of the genus Asclepias. 


This tribe contains the lowest organized of the Lamiide; 
undifferentiated forms, which exhibit strong relationships to Oeme 
and its allies among the Cerambycide. 

The body is elongate, the prothorax cylindrical, the elytra 
shorter than the abdomen, separately rounded at tip, and the 
wings are extended along the dorsum of the abdomen, and very 
imperfectly folded at tip. 

The eyes are sparsely pilose, very large, coarsely granulated, 


deeply emarginate; less coarsely granulated and divided in 
Dysphaga; the front short and perpendicular, labrum obsolete, or 
connate; mandibles short, but very stout at base, and trigonal ; 
palpi unequal, short, and cylindrical, the labial nearly pointed, 
the maxillary truncate, with a terminal oval cicatrix or mammilla 
representing the last joint in Methia; still more feeble and nearly 
atrophied in Dysphaga. The prosternum is elongate in front of 
the cox, which are conical and prominent; the cavities are 
confluent, separated behind by a very narrow point of prosternum, 
widely angulated externally and open behind. Middle coxe 
conical, prominent, contiguous, cavities confluent, widely open 
externally; hind cox nearly contiguous, also prominent. 
Ventral segments equal in length, cylindrical in Styloxus, with 
the 5th broadly emarginate, and 6th visible; of softer consistence, 
Sth longer with a large hairy vulva-like excavation in three (%) 
specimens of Methia before me; flat with the segments imbricate 
at the sides (as in Lampyridz) in Dysphaga, 5th joint deeply 
emarginate in ?, longer in %, with the same vulva-like excavation 
as in Methia, but broader and patulous, so as to become trian- 
gular; the abdomen is black in 2 but yellow in % of Dysphaga. 

The legs are moderate in Styloxus, with the thighs clavate; 
more slender, with the thighs not clavate in Methia; very feeble 
in Dysphaga; the tarsi are short, and the last joint is as long, or 
nearly so, as the others united ; the claws are small and divaricate. 

The antenne are longer than the body in both sexes; pilose 
in Methia, sparsely ciliate in the other two genera. The scape 
is short in Styloxus and Dysphaga, and is armed at tip with a 
stout spine in the former; it is longer and more slender in Me- 
thia; the 2d joint is distinct in Styloxus, but obsolete in Methia 
and Dysphaga, so that only ten joints are visible. 

Methia pusilla Newman, occurs in the Southern States ; Dys- 
phaga tenuipes (% ventralis) Hald., in Pennsylvania, in hickory 
twigs, D. levis Lec., in Illinois; they are similar in size and 
form, but the prothorax is coarsely and densely punctured in D. 
tenuipes, while it is shining and only sparsely punctured in D. 

Styloxus is founded on a species from Lower California, some- 
what larger than Methia pusilla, but also of a uniform brown 
color. I have named it S. lucanus. 

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