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153   ^ 

SEP  2  3  1976 

A  Social  Service  Field  Guide  to 
Psychological  Testing 


""""   '3  0864  00025397  4 



Morton  L.  Arkava,   Ph.D. 

Professor  and  Chairman,  Departnnent  of  Social  Work 

University  of  Montana 


Published  by  the  Governor's  Crime  Control  Commission 

Departnnent  of  Institutions 

State  of  Montana 

(Under  the  Provisions  of  Sub-Grant  #736147) 





What  is  a  Test? 3 

The  Uses  of  Tests 4 

Institutional  decisions 5 

Individual  decisions 6 

Misuses  of  tests 6 



Intelligence  Tests 11 

Aptitude  Tests 12 

Achievement  Tests 13 

Personality  and  Interest  Tests 14 

Personality  tests 14 

Interest  tests 16 

Specific  Diagnostic  Tests 18 



Reliability 20 

-  i  - 

TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  (continued) 


CHAPTER  III  (continued) 

Factors  afFecting  reliability 21 

Determining  reliability 22 

Validity 23 


Norms 26 

Measures  of  Position 30 

Measures  of  Central  Tendency 31 

Mean 31 

Median      32 

Mode 32 

Measures  of  Variability 32 

Range 32 

The  semi-interquartile  range 33 

Standard  deviation 33 

Measures  of  Correlation 34 



Inferential  Statistics 36 

Raw  and  Standard  Scores 37 

Ratio  Scores  and  Placement  Scores 40 


-  II  - 

TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  (continued) 



Supplennentary  Measures 43 

Test  Construction  Limits 43 

Effects  of  Culture 45 

Other  Limitations 47 



Suggested  Guide  for  Test  Referrals 49 

Some  Hints  for  Dealing  with  Psychologists 50 


Differential  Aptitude  Test  (DAT) 52 

Goodenough-H arris  Drawing  Test  (Draw-A-Man  Test) 53 

Other  Drawing  Tests 53 

Minnesota  Multiphasic  Personality  Inventory  (MMPI) 58 

Otis  Self-Administrating  Test  of  Mental  Ability 63 

General  Aptitude  Test  Battery  (GATB) 64 

Strong  Vocational  Interest  Blank  (SVIB) 68 

Stanford-Binet  Scale 71 

Vineland  Social  Maturity  Scale 73 

Thematic  Apperception  Test  (TAT) 75 

Symonds  Picture  Story  Test  (SPST) 78 

Wechsler  Intelligence  Scale  for  Children  (WISC) 78 

-  iii  - 

TABLE  OF  CONTENTS  (continued) 


CHAPTER  VII  (conttnued) 

Wide  Range  Achievennent  Test 81 

Bender-Gestalt 84 

Rorschach 87 

Wechsler  Pre-School  and  Primary  Scale  of 

Intelligence  (WPPSI)      90 

Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test 93 

Wechsler  Adult  Intelligence  Scale  (WAIS) 96 

Tests  for  Special  Purposes 101 

The  Culture  Fair  Intelligence  Test 101 

Tests  for  the  orthopedic  handicapped 102 

Tests  for  the  hearing  handicapped 1 03 

Tests  for  the  blind 1 03 


-  IV  - 


The  production  and  consunnption  of  educational  and  psychological 
tests  have  increased  dramatically  since  their  developnnent  over  fifty 
years  ago.     Greater  numbers  of  tests  are  being  used  to  both  evaluate 
and  guide  individuals  and  to  aid  in  administrative  decisions.    Workers 
in  the  social  services  today  will  confront  the  results  of  various  kinds 
of  psychological  and  educational  tests,  since  most  case  histories  in 
use  contain  test  information. 

Because  many  persons  currently  practicing  in  the  social  services 
lack  basic  educational  preparation  in  test  use,  they  tend  to  misuse  and 
underutilize  test  information.    It  is  imperative  that  persons  engaged 
in  the  delivery  of  human  services  understand  some  sinnple  test  concepts 
for  use  in  effective  case  management. 

This  guide  was  developed  to  help  the  social  service  practitioner 
utilize  test  results  more  rationally  and  consistently .     It  is  not  intended 
to  serve  as  a  comprehensive  textbook  on  psychological  test  administra- 
tion, interpretation,  or  utilization,  but  rather  to  serve  as  a  basic  guide 
to  those  persons  who  have  little  or  no  background  in  the  use  and 

-  1  - 

interpretation  of  psychological  and  educational  tests.     For  those  who  have 
had  graduate-level  coursework  in  psychological  testing  or  extensive  in- 
service  training,  more  advanced  texts  on  the  subject  are  advised. 


What  is  a  Test? 

Cronbach,  a  noted  authorit/  on  testing,  has  defined  a  test  as 
"...  a  systematic  procedure  for  comparing  the  behavior  of  two  or 
more  individuals."^    Others  have  defined  tests  as  standardized  procedures 
for  obtaining  a  sample  of  an  individual's  behavior.     Psychologists  and 
others  use  tests  in  order  to  predict  what  a  person  might  do  or  to  dis- 
cover what  he  could  do.    Similarly,  tests  may  reveal  why  a  person  does 
certain  things.    While  undoubtedly     the  answers  to  these  questions  would 
be  more  accurate  if  the  individuals  involved  could  be  observed  over  a  long 
period  of  time,  this  is  generally  not  practical  in  clinical  or  industrial 
settings.    Therefore,  one  must  rely  on  the  brief  samples  of  behavior 
provided  by  tests.    Thus,  a  test  involves  both  a  sample  of  behavior  and  a 
procedure  for  comparing  that  behavior  with  the  results  obtained  by  others . 

The  accuracy  of  the  predictions,  from  test  behavior  to  actual  life 
behavior,  depends  upon  many  factors,    including  the  nature  and  con- 
struction of  the  test — especially  with  respect  to  the  concepts  of  validity 

-  3  - 

and  reliability,  the  conditions  under  which  the  tests  are  given,  and  the 
clinical  and  social  sophistication  of  the  examiners. 

The  concept  of  validity  refers  to  the  degree  to  which  a  test  instru- 
ment actually  nneasures  or  predicts  specific  behavior.     For  exannple,  if 
intelligence  is  of  spjecific  interest,  a  desirable  test  instrument  is  one 
which  will  give  an  accurate  measure  of  the  concept  of  intelligence  as 
currently  defined  and  accepted .    The  concept  of  reliability  refers  to  the 
consistency  of  test  results  over  repeated  testings:    how  closely  will  an 
individual's  test  score,  or  a  test  score  on  an  alternate  version  of  the 
same  test,  approxinnate  the  score  he  obtains  on  earlier  or  later  testings 
with  the  same  instrument?    From  a  statistical  point  of  view,  reliability 
is  a  necessary  condition  for  validity.    These  concepts  will  be  explored 
later  in  greater  detail. 

The  Uses  of  Tests 

The  purposes  of  tests  are  many,  but  generally  tests  are  used  to 
provide  information  for  decision  nnaking.     Cronbach  has  suggested  that 
"...  the  value  of  test  information  should  be  judged  by  how  nnuch  it 

improves  decisions  over  the  best  possible  decisions  made  without  the 

test."       He  p>oints  out  that  if  one  desires  to  predict  school  grades,  the 

information  obtained  fronn  a  scholastic  aptitude  test  will  not  provide  any 

greater  accuracy  than  previous  school  grades.     Generally  speaking,  then, 

tests  provide  information  that  is  not  easily  obtained  otherwise. 

Test  information  assists  in  nnaking  two  different  types  of  decisions: 
institutional  and  individual .    The  purposes  of  decision  making  create  the 
major  difference  between  these  two  categories. 

Institutional  decisions.     Institutions  make  decisions  according  to 
their  goals  in  contrast  to  the  goals  and  wishes  of  the  individual.     Decisions 
are  made  from  the  perspective  of  the  operation  and  maintenance  of  that 
institution.     Forexannple,  school  personnel  typically  make  institutional 
decisions  concerning  possible  admission  of  students  into  college  or  special 
training  programs.    Test  results  usually  affect  those  decisions.     Similarly, 
the  Army  uses  tests  to  assess  special  aptitudes  and  skills  and  to  place 
personnel  in  special  assignments  or  training  programs . 

Industries,  schools,  and  social  service  agencies  typically  make 
institutional  decisions  in  similar  ways.    One  such  agency,  a  parole  board, 
often  needs  to  decide  upon  the  possible  release  of  a  prisoner.    To  the 
extent  that  parole  boards  attempt  to  predict  the  offender's  behavior  and  to 
select  only  those  who  exhibit  the  least  potential  for  antisocial  behavior,  they 
engage  in  institutional  decision  making.     In  a  similar  way,  probation 
officers  and  judges  attempt  to  select  good  risks  for  probation.    A  "good 
risk"  is  defined  as  someone  whose  potential  for  repeating  his  offense  is 
thought  to  be  nninimal .     In  such  cases,  information  is  not  always  complete 
enough  to  make  an  intelligent  decision.    A  test's  value  lies  in  its  potential 
to  provide  greater  accuracy  in  decision  making  over  the  best  possible 
decisions  nnade  without  test  information. 

Individual  decisions.     Individual  decisions  pertain  to  unique  and 
personal  conditions.    They  are  those  a  person  nnakes  about  some  aspect 
of  his  or  her  own  life:    the  determination  of  a  career,  whether  or  not  to 
enter  a  special  training  program  or  to  go  to  college,  the  selection  of  a 
potential  mate.     In  the  social  services,  individual  decisions  may  be  made 
from  the  perspective  of  the  person  involved.     Under  certain  conditions,  for 
example,  the  social  worker  will  make  a  decision  for  the  client. 

There  are  several  ways  test  information  can  be  utilized  in  individual 
decision  making.    Vocational  and  aptitude  tests  are  commonly  used  to  help 
people  make  career  choices.     Numbers  of  young  people  often  wonder  what 
career  best  suits  them  or  offers  them  the  best  chance  of  success.     Fre- 
quently, vocational  interest  and  aptitude  batteries  allow  them  focus  on 
areas  of  interest  with  high  success  potential. 

Misuses  of  tests.     Many  counselors  tend  to  rely  too  heavily  on  test 
information .    As  a  result  they  may  seriously  linnit  the  options  available 
to  an  individual .    The  writer  has  observed  a  number  of  persons  who 
sought  college  preparation  in  social  work  simply  because  their  high 
school  counselor  told  them  they  had  a  high  score  in  this  area  on  a  voca- 
tional interest  test.     One  student  decided  to  enter  the  field  because  of 
her  high  scor^  on  a  vocational  interest  battery  and  social  work  was  the 
specific  field  nnentioned.     Upon  close  examination,  however,  her  interests 
and  aptitudes  did  not  support  her  test  score,  personal  commitments,  or 
her  common  sense.    The  writer  has  also  talked  with  students  who 

decided  not  to  pursue  paKicular  programs  in  higher  education  because  they 
had  Tow  test  scores,  despite  the  fact  that  in  at  least  two  such  instances 
both  students  had  achieved  very  commendable  previous  records  of 
academic  success . 

Research  has  demonstrated  that  success  in  academic  programs 
predicts  future  success  better  than  test  scores.    Thus,  it  would  seem  that 
a  major  decision  made  on  the  basis  of  a  test  score  alone  is  undesirable . 

Tests  do  not  naake  decisions,  they  merely  provide  supplementary 
information  for  those  who  do  make  the  decisions.    An  institutional  or 
individual  decision  made  on  the  basis  of  a  single  test  score  alone  is  a 
gross  misuse  and  a  misunderstanding  of  the  purposes  and  limitations  of 
tests .    Tests  merely  sample  behavior  at  any  given  time  and  place ,  and 
as  such,  are  subject  to  various  errors.     Consequently,  in  many  cases 
test  scores  and  interpretations  are  insufficient  tools,  not  to  be 
exclusively  relied  upon.    The  reader  is  urged  to  utilize  all  the  available 
information   in  making  any  kind  of  decision . 


1  .       L.J.  Cronbach,   "New  Light  on  Test  Strategy  from  Decision  Theory," 
Proceedings  of  1954  Invitational  Conference  on  Testing  Problenns 
(Princeton,   New  Jersey:    Educational  Testing  Service,    1955),  pp.  31-32. 
2.    Ibid. 

-  8  - 


Tests  can  be  classified  in  a  variety  of  ways — according  to  structure, 
purpose,  and  method  of  administration.    They  may  be  more  or  less 
objective  or  subjective,  highly  structured  or  unstructured,  designed  for 
administration  to  groups  or  individuals.    Tests  employed  in  clinical 
practice  include  intelligence  tests,  achievennent  tests,  aptitude  tests, 
interest  tests,  and  personality  tests.    There  are  other  "special  diag- 
nostic tests"  frequently  used  to  assess  some  particular  limitation  or 
potential — such    as  those  especially  designed  to  measure  the  nature  and 
severity  of  certain  types  of  reading  or  learning  disabilities  as  well  as 
those  disabilities  imposed  by  organic  deterioration  or  damage .    Some 
tests  nneasure  "talents"  inherent  to  artistic  or  musical  productivity. 
Intelligence  tests  have  probably  the  longest  and  most  comprehensive  history 
in  clinical,  industrial,  and  academic  settings,  a  fact  due, perhaps, to  the 
belief  long  inherent  in  Western  society,  that  achievement  and  productivity 
highly  correlate  with  a  concept  known  as  "intelligence."    Controversies 
regarding  the  actual  nature  of  intelligence  have  raged  for  thousands  of 

-  9  - 


years  so  that  conflicting  opinions  and  experinnental  data  occupy  many 

Since  direct  social  service  practitioners  are  likely  to  be  most  con- 
cerned with  a  test's  intended  purpose,  a  classification  of  tests  was 

1  .      achievement  and  aptitude  tests,  including  intelligence  tests; 

2 .      personality  and  interest  tests;  and 

3  .      special  diagnostic  tests  . 

A  considerable  amount  of  confusion  exists  concerning  distinctions 
between  intelligence,  achievement,  and  aptitude.    The  crux  of  the 
argument  is  whether  intelligence  as  a  specific  concept  can  be  separated 
from  other  factors  such  as  previous  learning,  achievement,  and  special 
kinds  of  aptitudes.    Most  theorists  today  would  argue  that  intelligence 
tests,  aptitude  tests,  and  achievement  tests  all  sample  and  measure 
various  parts  of  the  same  thing.     For  example,  Wechsler — who  authored 
several  intelligence  tests — defined  intelligence  as  "the  aggregate  or 
global  capacity  of  the  individual  to  act  purposefully  and  think  rationally 
and  to  deal  effectively  with  his  environment."^    Others  argue  that  intelli- 
gence is  a  function  of  the  total  personality  and  cannot  be  separated  from 
other  aspects  of  the  personality.     However,  Wesman  advocates  perhaps 
the  most  comprehensive  and  one  of  the  nnost  generally  accepted  definitions 
of  intelligence  in  the  literature:    "Intelligence  .    .    .  is  a  summation  of 
learning  expediences."      This  definition  recognizes  that  when  measuring 

1 1 

intelligence  the  result  of  many  learning  experiences  and  diverse  perfor- 
mances are  actually  sannpled.    Wesman's  definition,  by  implication,  does 
away  with  artificial  distinctions  between  intelligence,  aptitude,  and 
achievement  tests .    He  contends  that  all  of  these  devices  measure  what 
the  individual  has  learned.    The  difference  in  labeling  merely  signifies 
the  different  purposes  for  which  the  tests  will  be  used.    This  can  be 
clarified  by  considering  each  of  the  three  separate  categories — intelli- 
gence tests,  aptitude  tests,  and  achievement  tests. 

Intelligence  Tests 

Intelligence  tests  comprise  a  highly  specialized  field  with  a  vast 
body  of  literature  and  research  surrounding  their  use.    A  tremendous 
variety  of  intelligence  tests  are  available  and  in  use .     Each  test  reflects 
the  specific  definition  of  intelligence  and  different  personality  theory 
connmitment  of  the  author.     Sonne  tests  only  include  verbal  material, 
others  contain  nnuch  non-verbal  material.     Sonne  stress  problenn  solving, 
while  others  ennphasize  nnennory.     Certain  intelligence  tests  result  in  a 
single  total  score,  for  exannple  an  I.Q.,  whereas  others  yield  several 
scores  or  subscores . 

Varying  emphases  lead  to  different  test  results.     One  should  expect 
to  find  differences  in  the  intelligence  test  scores  of  the  same  person  who 
is  examined  with  different  tests.     In  each  test,  nneasures  of  different 
kinds  of  abilities  are  obtained.     Under  the  circumstances  it  would  be  sur- 
prising if  each  intelligence  gave  us  nearly  the  same  test  result. 


For  most  purposes,  intelligence  tests  are  considered  measures  of 
general  learning  or  scholastic  aptitude,  most  useful  in  predicting  achieve- 
ment in  school,  college,  or  training  progranns. 

Aptitude  Tests 

Aptitude  tests  also  attempt  to  measure  an  individual's  potential  for 
achievement.     However,  aptitude  tests  focus  on  more  circumscribed 
varieties  of  achievement  than  do  intelligence  tests  in  determining 
whether  an  individual  has  the  potential  for  achievement  in  a  specifically 
defined  area.     For  example,  an  individual's  artistic  or  nnechanical 
aptitude  may  be  measured.    Although  intelligence  correlates  to  a  degree 
with  both  aptitude  and  achievement,  studies  have  shown  that  high 
intelligence  does  not  necessarily  guarantee  astuteness  or  potential  in 
certain  areas.     Recent  data  shows  that  intelligence  as  generally  defined 
does  not  highly  correlate  with  creativity,  especially  in  the  artistic  sense, 
as  has  been  supposed.     It  is  not  unconnmon  to  observe  individuals  who 
appear  extremely  intelligent  in  the  traditional  sense  of  the  word  but  who 
simply  do  not  seem  to  possess  or  have  developed  certain  aptitudes.    Witness 
the  college  professor  or  physician  who  is  a  whiz  in  the  classroom  or 
operating  roonn  but  who  is  helpless  when  faced  with  an  ailing  carburetor. 

An  aptitude  test  uses  a  sample  of  behavior  to  predict  future  perfor- 
mance in  some  specific  occupation  or  training  program . 

In  general  use  are  two  major  types  of  aptitude  tests:    (1)  broad-range 
aptitude  test  batteries  to  sample  general  aptitudes,  and  (2)  specific 



aptitude  tests  to  sample  special  aptitudes  such  as  music,  mathematics, 
and  art . 

The  most  widely  used  broad-range  batteries  are  the  Differential 
Aptitude  Tests  (DAT),  for  high  school  students,  and  the  General 
Aptitude  Test  Battery  (GATB)  currently  utilized  by  the  United  States 
Employment  Service.     In  addition,  a  myriad  of  multi-score  aptitude 
test  batteries  exist. 

Often  aptitude  tests  are  employed  in  selecting  individuals  for  jobs, 
for  admission  to  special  training  programs,  or  for  scholarships. 
Primarily,  the  tests  predict  an  individual's  potential  for  achievement 
in  specific  occupations  or  endeavors . 

Achievemient  Tests 

Achievement  tests,  although  in  many  ways  similar  to  intelligence 
tests,  are  generally  designed  to  determine  what  an  individual  has 
actually  achieved  in  a  certain  area  of  endeavor.     They  are  used  to 
measure  a  person's  present  level  of  knowledge  or  competence  in,  for 
example,   courses  like  nnathennatics,  science,   reading,  chemistry,  etc. 
Many  achievement  tests,  unlike  other  types,  are  not  standardized  but  are 
produced  locally.     For  example,  teachers  normally  develop  achievement 
tests  to  deternnine  mastery  of  the  course  material.    Thus,  an  achieve- 
ment test  examines  a  person's  success  in  past  or  present  study;  in 
contrast,  aptitude  tests  forecast  success  in  some  future  study. 
Achievement  tests,  most  widely  used  in  academic  settings,  are  usually 


reported  in  the  form  of  grade  levels  or  similar  measures  of  compari- 

Personality  and  Interest  Tests 

Personality  and  interest  tests  focus  on  what  a  person  typically  does 
or  might  do  in  a  given  situation.     What  personality  and  interest  tests 
nneasure,  in  contrast  to  intelligence  or  achievement  tests,  is  far  less 
clearly  defined .    Here  a  trennendous  number  of  different  ternns  describe 
sinnilar  kinds  of  things — ternns  like  adjustment,  personality,  tempera- 
nnent,  interest,  preferences,  values,  attitudes  all  describe  similar, 
broadly  defined  attributes.    It  is  difficult  to  say  what  a  specific  person- 
ality test  score  means,  even  after  having  given  the  matter  careful 
consideration . 

Personality  tests.    Clinical  psychologists  and  others  interested  in 
the  prediction  of  human  behavior  have  long  favored  personalib/  tests. 
They  realize  that  those  patterns  of  behavior  usually  referred  to  as  "per- 
sonality" have  a  strong  influence  on  what  we  do.     Personality,  for 
exannple,  can  largely  determine  how  people  characteristically  use  or 
direct  their  intelligence  and  special  creative  aptitudes.     Indeed,  person- 
ality "deficits"  or  distortions  lead  to  little  constructive  use  of  one's 
talents.    Thus,  an  assessnnent  of  personality  is  vital  to  those  who  attempt 
to  help  a  person  channel  his  or  her  efforts  toward  constructive  vocational 
or  social  use. 


Most  personality  tests  rely  on  vaguely  defined  scores  and  scales 
used  inconsistently  fronn  one  author  to  the  next,  based  on  an  unde in- 
lying rationale  not  always  specified . 

Few  people  agree  on  a  standard  classification  of  personality  tests. 
However,  at  least  three  different  types  of  tests  are  in  general  use: 
1  .      The  objective  test  batteries  not  directly  subject  to  clinical 
interpretation  for  initial  scoring.    The  Minnesota  Multi- 
phasic Personality  Inventory  (MMPI)  is  one  example  of  this 
particular  test. 

2.  The  less  commonly  used  situation  test  measures  performance 
in  complex  life-like  situations  or  simulated  situations  and 
tests  special  kinds  of  abilities  involving  overall  responses 

of  an  individual  to  specific  situations.    Industry  commonly 
uses  it  to  test  leadership  abilities.    When  a  person  is  given 
a  group  and  a  specific  task  to  accomplish,  he  or  she  is 
observed  in  the  process  of  completing  the  task, 

3 .  Projective  tests  are  designed  to  elicit  subjects'  responses  to 
an  ambiguous  stimulus  such  as  a  picture  or  an  inkblot. 

The  individual's  response  is  interpreted  and  scored  on  the 
assunnption  that  the  way  he  organizes  and  responds  to 
unstructured  or  ambiguous  stinnuli  indicates  the  way  he 
organizes  and  responds  to  the  world  around  him.     Responses 
are  assunned  to  be  projections  of  the  subject's  unconscious 


wishes,  attitudes,  and  values.    The  scoring  method  is  similar 

to  the  psychoanalytic  method  of  dream  interpretation. 

Typical  projective  tests  in  wide  use  are  the  Rorschach  (inkblot) 

and  the  Thematic  Appreception  Test  (TAT). 
Personality  tests  are  primarily  used  to  predict  the  future  behavior 
of  individuals  in  both  general  and  specific  situations .     They  commonly 
aid  in  predicting  post-institutional  adjustment  for  persons  released 
from  prisons,  hospitals,  and  schools,  or  in  predicting  the  likelihood  of 
marital  success  or  job  performance.    Test  reports  typically  contain 
terms  such  as  anxiety,  ego,  libido,  cathexis,  sublimation,  etc.    A 
great  deal  of  controversy  surrounds  the  use  of  various  personality  tests, 
especially  regarding  their  validity  and  reliability.     In  general,  projective 
tests  are  not  uniformly  accurate  in  predicting  the  behavior  of  individuals 
in  either  a  specific  or  general  situation,  but  are  accurate,  given  extreme 
individuals  and  extreme  situations.    Although  it  may  be  fascinating,  a 
projective  test  may  prove  disappointing  if  used  to  accurately  predict 
behavior  in  a  way  that  might  be  useful  to  most  practitioners. 

Interest  tests .    Interest  tests  are  specific  personality  tests  used 
mainly  in  vocational  and  educational  guidance .    They  are  difficult  to 
separate  from  aptitude  tests,  but  come  under  the  general  category  of 
personality  tests  because  they  are  directed  toward  such  things  as  predict- 
ing a  person's  potential  satisfaction  with  a  given  type  of  work.    The  two 
nnost  widely  u^ed  interest  inventories  are  the  Strong  Vocational  Interest 
Blank  and  the  Kuder  Preference  Record  (see  exannple  below). 


Mr.  Williams'  scores  on  the  Kuder  Preference  Record  indicate     that  he 
is  highly  interested  in  science,  computational  activities,  and  clerical  work. 
These  interests  are  at  the  95th,  91st,  and  87th  percentiles  respectively.    He 
demonstrates  moderate  interest  in  art  and  mechanical  areas  also.    The  latter 
interests  are  at  the  75th  and  70th  percentiles .    Training  areas  he  may  wish 
to  consider  then  are:    computer  programming,  computer  technology,  x-ray 
technology,  laboratory  technology,  drafting,  mechanical  drawing,  connputer 
systems  analyst,  electronics  technology,  radar  technology,  chemical  standards 
work,  industrial  standards  work,  bookkeeping,  accounting,  printing,  etc.    As 
noted  earlier,  his  intellectual  level  and  academic  preparation  are  quite 
sufficient  for  hinn  to  be  successful  in  a  four-year  college  or  technical 
program . 

Interest  tests  generally  rely  on  self-reporting  techniques  and  are 
designed  to  sample  both  leisure  time  and  work-related  activities  given 
specific  personality  aspects  in  the  area  of  personal  likes  and  dislikes. 
They  are  used  to  determine  the  amount  of  preference  a  person  displays 
for  one  activity  over  another.     For  example,  the  inventories  typically 
sample  reading  interest  by  asking  people  if  they  would  prefer  to  read  about 
adventure,  business,  science,  or  ronnance .     Another  example,  the  California 
Occupational  Preference  Survey,  samples  eight  interest  categories:    science 
technical,  outdoor,  business,  clerical,  linguistic,  aesthetic,  and  service. 

Although  the  interest  inventories  are  considered  separately  for 
analysis,  they  are  generally  regarded  as  special  personality  nneasures 


used  specifically  to  predict  occupational,  vocational,  and  educational 
adjustment.     However,  for  purposes  of  classification,  we  may  regard 
them  as  personality  measures  that  fall  under  the  subcategory  of  objective 
testing  devices.    Almost  all  of  the  interest  batteries  rely  on  objectively 
scored  testing  methods  based  on  standardized  methodologies. 

Specific  Diagnostic  Tests 

A  widely  diverse  group  of  tests  developed  for  highly  specific 
purposes  tend  to  defy  classification.     Most  such  tests  were  developed 
to  measure  specific  abilities  or  disabilities.     Some  tests  diagnose 
cerebral  pathology  such  as  brain  lesions  or  other  organic  abnormalities . 
There  is  disagreement  as  to  how  much  these  tests  actually  measure 
underlying  pathology  or  primary  causation  as  contrasted  to  possible  poor 
learning  conditions.     For  example,  the  Bender  Visual  Motor  Gestalt  Test, 
sonnetimes  regarded  as  a  test  for  the  diagnosis  of  possible  brain  damage, 
may  also  be  considered  a  straight-forward  ability  test.    This  test  requires 
the  subject  to  produce  various  geometric  designs  using  a  pencil  and  paper. 
The  way  in  which  they  go  about  achieving  this  task  is  subject  to  various 
scoring    procedures.     Most  examiners  agree  that  the  Bender  Test  (ByMOT") 
is  basically  a  performance  test  since  the  examinee  is  affected  by  previous 
learning.     However,  ther^  is  indication  that  the  Bender  does  some  rough 
screening  for  identifying  persons  with  possible  brain  dannage. 


1  .  David  Wechsler,  The  Measurement  and  Appraisal  of  Adult 
Intelligence,  4th  ed.  (Baltimore:  Williams  and  Wilkins,  1958), 
p.  7 . 

2.      Alexander  G,  Wesman,  "Intelligence  Testing,"  American 
Psychologist  23  (1968)  :  267. 

-  19  - 


A  knowledge  of  some  basic  testing  concepts,  including  their  con- 
struction and  utilization,  is  central  to  understanding  the  Unnitations  of 
various  tests.    Two  concepts  constitute  the  criteria  used  forjudging 
a  test  in  its  totality:    reliability  and  validity. 


Reliability  refers  to  the  consistency  of  nneasurement  of  any  test. 
A  test  cannot  nneasure  anything  well  unless  that  sonnething  is  measured 
consistently.     It  is  important  to  realize  that  although  a  test  measures 
things  consistently  it  may  not  measure  the  desired  characteristic. 

In  Chapter  I,  tests  were  defined  as  samples  of  behavior.     Because 
they  are,  they  will  show  variation  from  sample  to  sample — that  is,  we 
nnay  expect  differences  in  the  behavior  of  an  individual  from  one  testing 
situation  to  another.     Reliability  of  a  test  is  measured  by  the  extent  to 
which  results  vary  from  sample  to  sample .     It  is  necessary  to  obtain  a 
high  degree  of  reliability  in  test  results  to  ensure  confidence  in  that 
test  and  to  achieve  validity. 

-■     -  20  - 


Factors  affecting  reliability.   A  number  of  variation  sources  affect 
the  reliability  of  tests.    They  are: 

1  .      Test  length.   Assuming  that  fatigue  does  not  become  a  major 
factor,  a  longer  test  is  more  likely  to  be  reliable  than  a 
shorter  test. 

2 .      Time  between  tests.    The  length  of  time  between  two  testings 
will  affect  reliability.    The  shorter  the  time  between  the  two 
tests  the  more  likely  it  is  that  the  re-test  will  be  similar. 

3  .      Irregularity  of  testing  conditions.    Changes  in  conditions 
from  one  testing  situation  to  another  will  affect  the  test 
reliability.     Failure  to  follow  specific  directions  for  giving 
the  test  may  reveal  a  considerable  amount  of  difference  on 
the  scores  obtained  from  the  same  test  taken  by  the  same 
individual  at  different  times.     Extreme  differences  in 
physical  conditions — overly  heated,  uncomfortable  test  roonns, 
or  poor  lighting  conditions — will  also  affect  reliability.    Other 
factors  such  as  the  examiner's  responses,  racial  differences 
between  the  examiner  and  subject,  moods,  illness,  cheating 
by  the  examinee,  etc.,  may  threaten  test  reliability. 

4.      Scorer  error.       When  tests  are  not  scored  objectively,  or 
the  details  of  scoring  ignored,  unreliability  results. 
Objective  tests  reduce  the  possibilities  for  scorer  error. 
Tests  designed  to  elicit  subjective  responses  require  special 


training  for  scoring.     Indeed,  many  score  errors  occur  as  a 
result  of  the  exanniner's  inexperience. 

Determining  reliability.    Two  basic  procedures  are  used  to  establish 
test  reliability:    the  test/re-test  procedure  and  the  alternate  form 
procedure .    The  test/ re-test  procedure  involves  testing  and  re-testing 
the  same  individuals  at  different  tinnes  using  the  same  instrument.    Test/ 
re-test  results  are  usually  reported  as  a  reliability  coefficient  which 
represents  the  degree  of  agreement  between  the  two  nneasures. 

The  alternate  fornn  procedure  involves  using  two  different  tests 
designed  to  measure  the  same  thing.    Alternate  fornn  tests  are  used 
when  the  examiner  believes  that  exposure  to  one  test  will  contanninate 
the  later  responses  of  an  individual  if  he  or  she  is  tested  again  with  the 
same  instrument.     In  other  words,  a  person  may  have  learned  what  to 
expect  fronn  a  set  of  specific  test  questions,  therefore,  influencing 
his  or  her  second  response  to  the  same  set  of  questions.     In  this  case, 
an  alternate  form  of  test  may  be  developed  to  test  similar  attributes. 
Alternate  form  reliability  is  also  reported  as  a  reliability  coefficient 
representing  the  degree  of  agreement  between  the  two  measures. 

In  addition  to  reliability  deternnined  by  the  actual  construction  of 
the  test,  it  is  imperative  that  the  reliability  of  test  scoring  be  controlled. 
Scorer  reliability  may  be  an  important  factor  for  some  tests — 
especially  projective  tests  such  as  the  Rorschach .     Scorer  reliability 
can  generally  be  highly  developed  by  providing  standardized  training 


for  scorers  and  by  comparing  the  scoring  of  several  examiners  for  the 
same  test.     It  may  also  be  reported  as  a  numerical  figure  which  is 
usually  referred  to  as  an  interscorer  reliability  ratio. 


In  order  to  make  a  statement  about  the  general  validity  of  a  test, 
it  is  essential  that  the  user  of  any  psychological  test  information 
determine  what  kinds  of  decisions  he  or  she  is  going  to  make   regarding 
the  use  of  that  test.     In  its  broad  sense,  validity  denotes  the  extent  to 
which  a  test  measures  or  predicts  that  for  which  it  was  designed.     In 
other  words,  validity  is  the  most  basic  and  perhaps  the  most  important 
single  attribute  of  the  test     for  it  must  do  what  it  is  designed  to  do.     If 
a  test  is  supposed  to  predict  occupational  success,  the  extent  to  which 
it  does  so  may  be  said  to  be  a  measure  of  its  validity.    However,  it  is 
important  to  recognize  that  psychological  tests  may  have  a  high  degree 
of  validity  for  one  purpose  but  almost  no  validity  for  other  purposes . 

Various  measures  of  validity,  used  in  psychological  testing, 
include  face  validity,  content  validity,  predictive  validity,  and 
construct  validity .    Although  a  great  deal  has  been  written  about  validity 
measures,  for  practical  purposes  most  social  service  practitioners  will 
prinnarily  concern  themselves  with  predictive  validity. 

Predictive  validity,  also  called  empirical  or  criteKon  validity, 
is  established  by  detemnining  how  well  a  test  predicts  perfornnance 


against  a  specific  criterion.    A  test's  validity  is  deternnined  by  opera- 
tionally defining  what  the  test  should  do  and  what  outcomes  it  can 
predict:    The  test's  success  in  predicting  that  outcome  is  the  extent  to 
which  the  test  proves  valid.    Thus,  if  a  practitioner  uses  an  instrument 
to  screen  people  for  discharge  from  a  correctional  institution,  how  well 
that  instrument  predicts  specific  aspects  of  post-institutional  adjustment, 
such  as  recidivism,  determines  the  test's  validity.    Again,  validity  is 
determined  by  a  specific  definition  of  what  the  test  should  do .    The 
same  test,  for  example,  might  prove  ineffective  in  identilVing  potential 
salesmen  for  an  automobile  agency. 

Schools  establish  predictive  validity  by  using  intelligence  tests 
to  predict  potential  achievement.     Scores  obtained  on  specific  intelli- 
gence tests  are  compared  with  grades  earned  in  school .     In  a  similar 
way  the  predictions  of  occupational  preference  tests  are  validated  by 
comparing  ratings  by  individuals  and  employers  at  a  later  date. 
A  number  of  factors  influence  predictive  validity. 
1  .      The  specific  criteria  used  to  establish  validation  may  vary 
from  study  to  study  with  different  scores  obtained  from  each 
criteria.    Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  carefully  consider 
which  criteria  is  most  important  for  the  decision  at  hand . 
2.      Some  tests  are  defined  mKDre  specifically  than  others  in 

terms  of  what  they  are  intended  to  do.     For  example,  easily 
identified  criteria  such  as  school  grades  can  validate  a 


scholastic  aptitude  test  but  it  is  very  difficult,  if  not  impossible, 
to  establish  an  acceptable  criteria  for  an  anxiety  scale  or  a 
value  scale.    Where  such  difficulty  in  defining  criteria  related 
to  the  intended  results  of  the  test  exists,  high  validity  cannot 
be  expected. 
Practitioners  should  keep  in  mind  a  general,  useful  rule  of  thunnb: 
For  a  test  to  have  any  utility,  it  must  provide  accurate  information  that 
can  help  to  predict  behavior.   Thus,  the  less  specific  the  objectives  of 
the  test,  the  less  useful  it  is  in  predicting  behavior. 

Predictive  validity  is  generally  reported  as  a  numerical  figure 
called  a  validity  coefficient;  a  nneasure  of  validity  achieved  by  connputing 
a  coefficient  of  correlation  between  the  test  and  a  criterion. 


In  addition  to  understanding  reliability  and  validity  as  essential 
concepts  underlying  test  construction,  the  consumer  of  test  infornnation 
should  know  how  test  results  are  typically  reported . 


The  fanniliar  expression,   "How  are  you?"  and  the  response,   "In 
relation  to  what?",  best  expresses  what  norms  are  all  about.     That  is, 
they  provide  those  standards  against  which  a  given  value  is  compared . 
Norms  may  be  used  to  determine  how  well  a  person  does  in  connparison 
to  other  people. 

Many  people  in  the  social  services  view  test  results  simply  in  the 
form  of  a  raw  score.    Without  more  information,  it  is  impossible  to  use 
the  test  results  to  make  a  productive  decision.     For  example,  the  raw 
score  of  65  may  mean  that  65  test  items  were  answered  correctly. 
If  there  is  no  nornn  for  comparing  that  score  with  other  people's  responses, 
one  can  attach  no  meaning  to  that  score.    A  set  of  norms  is  imperative  to 
understand  the  meaning  of  raw  test  scores. 

..    -  26  - 


Cronbach  has  defined  a  test  as  "a  systematic  procedure  for  compai — 
ing  the  behavior  of  two  or  more  persons."       In  spite  of  the  philosophical 
difficulties  one  may  have  with  making  comparisons,  psychological 
testing  does  just  this.    A  norm  is  nothing  nnore  than  an  average  score 
for  a  specified  group  used  to  make  comparisons  between  individuals  and 
groups.     On  some  tests,  for  example,  the  performance  of  persons  in  a 
specific  geographic  location  is  connpared  with  the  performance  of 
persons  nationally. 

It  must  be  perfectly  clear  to  the  social  service  practitioner  just  how 
an  individual's  test  results  compare  with  specific  responses  from  other 
groups.    Who  or  what  a  person  is  compared  to  nnakes  a  great  deal  of 
difference.    Consider  the  following  exannple.    Jane  Sloe,  a  seventeen- 
year-old  inmate  in  the  state  correctional  institution  for  girls,  received 
a  raw  score  of  163  on  a  vocabulary  test  designed  to  predict  acadennic 
success  in  collegiate  programs.    At  this  point,  her  probation  officer 
nnust  decide  whether  to  release  her  by  September  1  so  she  may  enter 
college.     Her  raw  score  of  163  nneans  that  she  did  as  well  or  better  than: 

99  percent  of  the  residents  of  the  state  school  for  girls; 

87  percent  of  the  twelfth-grade  students  in  Capital  City; 

83  percent  of  the  entering  freshmen  at  State  University; 

75  percent  of  the  graduating  seniors  at  State  University; 

96  percent  of  the  custodial  and  treatment  staff  at   state  school  for 


15  percent  of  the  faculty  in  the  English  Departnnent  at  State 
University . 
Although  Jane's  absolute  performance  remains  unchanged,  the  impression 
of  how  well  she  has  done  may  differ  considerably  as  the  norm  groups 
change.    Admittedly,  this  illustration  is  extreme,  but  it  does  point  up 
the  importance  of  specifying  the  norm  group  to  which  one  compares  a 

Thus,  to  fully  understand  a  norm  group  one  must  gather  as  much 
infornnation  describing  the  norm  group  as  possible  and  determine  how 
the  person  tested  differs  fromi  it.     In  viewing  any  norm  group,  consider 
such  innportant  variables  as  age,  sex,  previous  education,  socio-economic 
background,  ethnic  membership,  and  occupation.     In  other  words,  one 
should  use  the  most  appropriate  norm  group  for  the  individual  examinee 
and  the  situation  involved . 

Publishers  supply  norm  information  on  most  standardized  tests, 
especially  educational  achievement  tests.     Most  test  publishers  routinely 
report  norm  information  and  specify  if  they  will  make  available  both 
local  and  national  norm  information.     In  addition,  standard  test 
references  also  report  nornns .    Social  service  practitioners  should  use 
this  rule  of  thunnb  regarding  norms:    the  more  infornnation  provided 
describing  the  norm  group,  the  more  accurately  you  can  assess  to  what 
extent  a  given  individual  resennbles   the  norm  group. 


Test  manuals  usually  provide  brcadly  based  or  "national"  norms. 
When  using  such  norms  it  is  innportant  to  get  more  detailed  information 
about  the  groups  used  to  establish  these  norms .    Most  of  the  norm  groups 
will  not  comprise  an  entire  population;  they  sample  what  the  test  con- 
structors think  of  as  the  relevant  population.    To  establish  norms,  they 
divide  the  relevant  population  into  subgroups  that  appear  in  the  sample  in 
proportion  to  their  numbers  in  the  population.     Ideally,  those  individuals 
who  connprise  the  sample  from  each  subgroup  are  selected  randomly. 
Frequently,  test  constructors  subdivide  populations  according  to  such 
characteristics  as  rural-urban  residence,  age,  sex,  race,  socio- 
economic status,  religion,  and  geographic  region.    Sonnetimes  they 
seek  to  establish  from  a  specific  stratified  population  of  people  what 
they  consider  to  be  normal  performance  ranges.     In  sonne  cases, 
however,  they  nnay  leave  out  certain  elements  of  the  population  in  the 
original  norming  groups,  thus  making  the  specific  test  irrelevant  for 
use  on  that  population.     For  example,  one  of  the  most  frequent 
cirticisms  of  intelligence  tests  is  that  adequate  sannples  of  Anne ri can 
Indians  were  not  included  in  the  original  norming  group.    Such  tests, 
like  the  Wechsler  Intelligence  Scales,  may  make  a  poor  basis  for  connparing 
the  performance  of  American  Indians  to  other  segments  of  the  population. 

Social  service  practitioners,  then,  nnust  focus  on  the  detailed 
description  of  the  norm  group's  relevant  characteristics.     Furthermore, 
when  subgroup  differences  are  known  to  be  related  to  test  performances. 


it  is  important  to  report  separate  norms  for  the  subgroups.     A  case  in 
point  involves  the  effects  of  early  child-rearing  practices  and  develop- 
ment in  multi-lingual  homes .    A  test  that  focuses  on  the  development  of 
English  vocabulary,  standardized  on  a  population  of  midwestern  school 
children,  nnay  not  be  a  valid  basis  for  comparing  the  performance  of 
southwestern  Chicano  children  who  come  from  Spanish-speaking  homes. 
Again,  it  may  be  desirable  and  even  necessary  to  establish  separate 
norms  for  people  from  a  similar  population  before  meaningful  comparisons 
are  made.     One  must  remember  that  how  accurately  a  norm  group  repre- 
sents the  population  to  be  tested  is  nnore  essential  than  the  absolute  size 
of  that  norm  group.     True,  the  larger  the  sample  the  more  stable  the 
statistics  based  on  the  sannple,  but  a  representative  norm  group  of  modet~- 
ate  size  is  more  useful  than  a  large,  poorly  defined  group. 

Measures  of  Position 

Numbers  which  tell  us  where  a  score  value  stands  within  a  set  of 
scores  are  measures  of  position.     There  are  two  comnnonly  used 
nneasures  of  position:    rank  and  percentile  rank. 

Rank  is  the  simplest  description  of  position.     It  designates  the 
highest,  the  next  highest,  the  third  highest,  and  on  to  the  lowest — a  simple 
way  of  describing  the  position  of  a  person  or  a  score  with  respect  to  a 
distribution  of  scores.     However,  it  has  a  major  limitation:    its  interpre- 
tation depends  on  the  size  of  the  group.     It  is  generally  used  in  an  informal 
sense  such  as  designating  a  person's  standing  in  their  high  school 


graduating  class;  but  the  meaning  of  graduating  first  in  a  class  of  three 
in  the  Polaris,  Montana  High  School  is  not  as  clear  as  graduating  first 
in  a  class  of  5,000. 

Percentile  rank  states  a  person's  relative  position  within  a  defined 
group.    Thus,  a  percentile  rank  of  97  indicates  a  score  as  high  or  higher 
than  those  made  by  97  percent  of  the  people  in  that  particular  group. 
Percentile  ranks  are  one  of  the  nnost  widely  used  nneasures  of  position 
for  reporting  test  scores,  especially  on  scholastic  achievement  tests. 
Although  easily  understood  and  commonly  used,  percentile  ranks  have  a 
major  limitation;    they  are  based  on  the  number  of  people  with  scores 
higher  or  lower  than  the  specified  score  value.     Percentile  ranks  tend 
to  obscure  all  information  about  those  scores'  distribution  and  the 
absolute  differences  in  raw  scores  achieved  by  individuals.     However, 
this  information  can  be  regained  by  focusing  on  other  measures  of 
variability  and  central  tendency. 

Measures  of  Central  Tendency 

A  measure  of  central  tendency  is  a  representative  common  denomina- 
tor for  a  set  of  scores .    Three  common  measures  of  central  tendency  are 
in  general  use:    the  arithmetic  mean,  the  crude  mode,  and  the  median. 

Mean.    The  mean,  or  arithmetic  mean,  is  nothing  nnore  than  an 
average.     To  arrive  at  the  nnean,  all  the  scores  are  added  up  and  divided 
by  the  number  of  scores . 


Median .     The  median  is  the  nnidpoint  of  an  array  of  scores .     It 
is  the  point  above  which  and  below  which  50  percent  of  the  scores  fall. 
The  median  is  determined  by  simply  ordering  the  scores  from  the  lowest 
to  the  highest  and  selecting  the  middle  score  in  the  range  of  scores 
represented.     For  example,  if  there  are  five  scores  present,  as  follows, 
1-3-6-9-12,  the  middlemost  score  in  this  distribution,  or  the  median,   is  6, 
The  median  is  the  score's  position  with  respect  to  others  and  has  very 
little  to  do  with  the  absolute  value  of  that  score . 

Mode .    The  mode  is  the  nnost  frequent  score  occurring  in  a  distribu- 
tion.    Thus,  for  the  scores  1-5-5-2-5-3-5,  the  mode  is  5.     This  is  one  of 
the  crudest  measures  of  central  tendency  and  is  used  only  for  rough 

Measures  of  Variability 

Measures  of  variability  describe  the  extent  of  score  dispersion  in  a 
particular  distribution  and  the  degree  to  which  scores  vary  from  each 
other.     It  is  important  to  know  about  variability  nneasures  in  order  to 
compare  the  score  of  a  given  person  or  group  of  persons  with  the  disper- 
sion that  is  logically  or  reasonably  expected.     Comnnon  measures  of 
variability  include  range,  semi-interquarterile  range,  and  the  standard 
deviation . 

Range .     Range  arrives  at  a  rough  measure  of  variability  by 
identifying  the  two  nnost  extrenne  scores,  i.e. ,  the  highest  and  lowest 


score.    Thus,  the  range  is  simply  the  difference  between  the  highest  and 
the  lowest  score . 

The  senni-interquartile  range.    The  senni-interquartile  range 
describes  the  dispersion  represented  by  the  middle  half  of  a  distribution. 
In  other  words,  the  semi-interquartile  range  represents  the  distance 
between  the  twenty-fifth  and  the  seventy-fifth  percentile  on  a  distribution. 
It  is  used  in  conjunction  with  the  median  as  a  measure  of  central  tendency, 
especially  where  the  test  achieves  atypical  and  highly  unexpected  distribu- 
tions . 

Standard  deviation.     Standard  deviation  is  perhaps  the  most  widely 
used,  most  dependable  measure  of  variability  because  it  fits  mathematically 
with  other  statistics  and  thus  becomes  the  basis  for  a  number  of  other 
statistical  measures,  including  standard  scores,  deviation  I.Q.s,  T 
scores,  and  z  scores.    The  standard  deviation  is  the  square  root  of  the 
mean    of  the  squared  deviations  from  the  mean  (of  a  distribution).     The 
standard  deviation  is  generally  represented  either  by  the  Greek  symbol  a 
or  the  letter  s .    Thus  s  =  a  =  standard  deviation . 

The  standard  deviation  is  used  to  make  interpretations  of  the 
variability  of  scores  in  a  distribution.     For  example,  the  standard  devia- 
tion has  known  characteristics.     In  a  normal  distribution  of  scores,  about 
34  percent  of  those  scores  lie  between  the  mean  and  a  point  that  is  one 
standard  deviation  on  either  side  of  the  mean.    Thus,  68  percent  of  the 
scores  on  that  distribution  will  be  dispersed  between  a  point  lying  one 
standard  deviation  below  and  one  standard  deviation  above  the  mean.     In 


other  words,  we  know  that  in  a  nornnal  distribution  we  can  expect  approxi- 
mately 68  percent  of  the  population  to  fall  within  one  standard  deviation  + 
of  the  nnean . 

You  will  find  knowledge  of  this  dispersion  useful  because  if  you  know 
the  standard  deviation  of  a  test  and  a  person's  score  you  can  use  this 
infornnation  to  estimate  how  that  person  compares  with  others  who  have 
taken  the  same  test.     For  example,  the  standard  deviation  on  the  Wechsler 
Adult  Intelligence  Scale    is  15  and  the  mean  is  100.    Thus,  if  we  find  a 
person  who  scores  at  145  on  the  Wechsler,  we  can  translate  that  information 
as  follows:    he  has  scored  three  standard  deviations  above  the  mean  or 
higher  than  99  percent  of  the  people  who  have  taken  the  examination.    This 
calculation  was  achieved  by  adding  the  number  of  standard  deviations  above 
the  mean  to  the  percentage  of  cases  included  below  the  nnean  (the  bottom 
50  percent).    The  standard  deviations  can  be  converted  into  percentages 
of  cases  by  reference  to  standard  tables  such  as  found  in  Table  I. 

Measures  of  Correlation 

Measures  of  correlation  determine  how  much  two  or  more  variables 
relate  to  each  other.    A  correlation  coefficient  is  an  index  number  which 
expresses,  in  nunnerlcal  values  which  range  from  .00  (no  relationship) 
to  +1  .00  (perfect  relationship)  or  to  -1  .00  (negative  relationship),  the 
degree  of  relationship  between  two  or  more  variables .    The  higher  the 
number  expressed  as  a  coefficient  of  correlation,  the  more  clearly 
related  the  two  variables — and  one  must  rennember  that  negative  correla- 
tions are  as  important  as  positive  correlations. 



Percent  of  scores  in 
that  portion  of  the 

Standard  Deviation 

-4s        -3s  -2s  -1s  Mean  +1s  +2s  +3s  +4s 

Approximate  Cumulative 

0.1%  2%  16%  50%  84%         98%        99+% 

T  Scores 

Deviation  I  .Q.S 





20     30     40 

5      10 



60     70     80 

55     70     85      100      115     130     145 

52     68     84      100      116    132    148 

20     25     30 

200    300    400     500     600    700    800 


J L 

40     60     80 


120    140    160 


Correlation  coefficients  are  utilized  in  testing  to  report  measures 
of  validity  and  reliability.    Validity  studies  use  them  to  express  the 
degree  of  relationship  between  the  test  scores  and  certain  criterion  values, 
Reliability  studies  use  them  to  express  the  degree  of  relationship  between 
scores  for  both  test/ re-test  and  alternate  forms  of  reliability. 

Two  of  the  several  methods  used  to  compute  correlation  coefficients 
are  the  popular  Pearson  Product  Moment  Correlation  Method  and  the 
Spearman  Rank  Difference  Correlation  Method.    Any  elementary   statisti- 
cal textbook  contains  these  and  other  methods  for  calculating  correlation 
coefficients  and  for  determining  the  reliability  of  those  coefficients. 

Inferential  Statistics 

Inferential  statistics  are  sonnetimes  called  probability  statistics 
because  these  measures  tell  us  how  much  confidence  nnay  be  placed  in 
descriptive  statistics — those  numbers  used  to  describe  the  actual  results 
that  people  achieve  on  tests.     Generally,  inferential  statistics  are 
reported  as  "probability  values."    They  indicate  how  likely  the  results 
obtained  on  a  given  test  would  occur  by  chance  alone.     Of  the  few  inferen- 
tial statistics  referred  to  in  test  literature,  perhaps  the  most  important 
is  the  standard  error  of  measurement.    The  standard  error  is  a  statistic 
used  to  estinnate  how  likely  a  specific  test  score  will  diverge  from  the 
true  score  achieved  by  a  person.     In  other  words,  the  standard  error  indi- 
cates how  much  a  person's  score  would  vary  if  he  or  she  were  exannined 


repeatedly  with  the  same  test.    This  standard  error  of  measurement  is 
one  way  of  expressing  a  test's  reliability. 

Other  inferential  statistics  commonly  used  include  thejK^  (Chi 
Square)  test  and  the  Fisher's  t.     For  further  information  regarding 
inferential  statistics,  a  basic  textbook  on  probability  statistics  should  be 
consulted . 

Raw  and  Standard  Scores 

The  direct  numerical  report  of  a  person's  test  performance  is 
called  the  raw  score.    This  score  may  represent  the  number  of  questions 
answered,  the  time  required  to  connplete  the  test,  or  any  other  numerical 
value  representing  test  perfornnance.     Raw  scores  are  easily  misundei — 
stood  because  they  do  not  include  a  basis  for  connparison.    Testers 
generally  convert  them  into  standard  scores  which  are  then  reported. 

Standard  scores,  derived  from  raw  scores,  are  used  as  part  of  a 
scoring  systenn  which  usually  offers  other  infornnation  so  that  all  scores 
provide  a  basis  for  comparison.    They  are  used  to  report  test  results  in 
almost  all  intelligence  and  achievement  tests .     Rennemiber:    (1)  most 
standard  scores  are  based  on  the  properties  of  the  nornnal  curve,  and 
(2)  standard  scores  generally  include  such  infornnation  as  the  mean  and 
the  standard  deviation  of  the  distribution .     They  are  extremely  useful 
because  they  pernnit  comparisons  between  tests  that  have  similar  types  of 
scoring  systems.    The  basic  standard  score  is  the  z  score — a  nnethod  of 
comparing  scores  on  one  test  with  scores  on  other  tests. 


Following  is  an  example  of  the  use  of  standard  scones  in  comnnon 
psychological  tests.    The  I.Q.,  or  Intelligence  Quotient,  used  around  the 
turn  of  the  century  as  a  way  of  measuring  the  intellectual  capacities  of 
people,  was  computed  by  determining  the  ratio  between  mental  age  and 
chronological  age .    Although  this  particular  method  was  used  in  the 
original  Stanford-Binet  Individual  Intelligence  Test,  it  is  now  nearly 
obsolete.     Instead,  the  Stanford-Binet    and  other  tests  such  as  the  Wechsler 
have  converted  to  a  standard  score  known  as  a  deviation  I.Q. 

The  Wechsler  Adult  Intelligence  Scales  (WAIS)  established  the 
deviation  I.Q.  by  utilizing  six  verbal  subtests  and  five  perfornnance  sub- 
tests, each  of  which  yield  a  raw  score,  establishing  different  norm  groups 
to  cover  different  age  ranges  from  16  to  64  years.    A  raw  score  distribu- 
tion resulted  for  each  of  the  eleven  subtests.     Each  subtest  raw  score  was 
then  converted  into  a  standard  score  with  a  mean  of  10  and  a  standard 
deviation  of  3.    The  sunn  of  all  the  subtests  provides  an  overall  raw  score 
which  is  converted  to  a  standard  score  with  a  standard  deviation  of  15  and 
a  mean  of  100.    Tables  are  provided  for  the  conversion  and  to  adapt  for 
different  age  groups.    Thus,  the  WAIS  user  now  only  needs  to  consult  the 
appropriate  table  to  find  the  I.Q.  value  which  corresponds  to  the  sum  of 
the  subtest  scores. 

In  a  similar  way,  the  1960  revision  of  the  Stanford-Binet    was  con- 
verted to  adopt  the  deviation  I.Q.  so  that  the  standard  deviation  would  be 
consistent  from  age  to  age .     Previously  it  was  noted  that  the  standard 


deviation  for  different  ages  in  the  1937  revision  of  the  Stanford-Binet 
differed  by  as  nnuch  as  8  I.Q.  points.    Thus,  the  Stanford-Binet    evolved 
to  have  a  mean  of  100  and  a  standard  deviation  of  16.     The  way  in  which 
the  raw  scores  are  converted  to  scaled  scores  and  thus  the  deviation  I.Q. 
is  very  sinnilar  to  the  procedure  ennployed  in  the  Wechsler  tests. 

Another  comnnonly  encountered  test  which  is  based  on  a  standard 
score  is  the  College  Entrance  Examination  Board  (CEEB),  administered 
by  the  Educational  Testing  Service.    The  CEEB  was  standardized  on  a 
population  of  college  applicants  in  1941  .     Using  the  scores  based  on  the 
applicants  of  1941  ,  the  testers  have  developed  the  CEEB  as  follows.    The 
mean  of  the  test  is  500,  the  standard  deviation  is  100.    With  this  informa- 
tion in  mind,  the  test  user  can  estimate  the  relative  position  of  any 
person's  given  score.     For  example,  a  score  of  800  on  the  CEEB  is  three 
standard  deviations  above  the  mean .    This  means  that  the  examinee 
achieved  a  higher  score  than  over  99  percent  of  the  population  on  which 
the  test  was  standardized. 

Other  connmonly  used  standard  scores  include  the  Stanine  Score, 
the  T  Scale  Score,  the  C  Scale  Score,  the  Sten  Score,  and  the  Iowa  Test 
of  Educational  Development  (ITED)  Score.    Although  a  number  of  other 
types  of  standard  scores  are  used.  Table  I  will  give  the  reader  a  general 
idea  of  how  the  commonly  used  scales  compare  with  each  other. 


Ratio  Scores  and  Placement  Scores 

Because  the  term  "I.Q."  can  mean  several  different  things,  it  is 
frequently  misused  and  nnisunderstood.     The  original  I.Q.  concept 
developed  by  Terman  was  a  ratio  type  I.Q.  found  by  the  formula  I.Q.  = 
100  X  p^  ,    where  MA  is  mental  age  figured  fronn  an  intelligence  test  and 
CA  is  the  exanninee's  chronological  age  at  the  time  of  testing.    The 
rationale  of  the  ratio  type  I.Q.  is  widely  understood  but  this  type  of  score 
has  many  limitations  for  it  imiplies  that  mental  age  units  are  of  equal  size, 
which  is  not  verified  by  research  evidence.     Ratio  I.Q.s  work  reasonably 
well  if  the  examinee's  age  is  between  five  to  fifteen.     Outside  of  these 
approximate  limits,  they  tend  toward  invalidity.    This  is  because  the 
differences  (in  nnental  growth)  between  the  ages  of  five  and  six,  for 
example,  are  nnuch  greater  than  between  the  ages  of  fifteen  and  sixteen 
or  between  twenty-five  and  twenty-six.     Unlike  chronological  age  units, 
nnental  age  units  are  not  equal.    Thus,  when  interpreting  an  MA  or  ratio 
I.Q.,  the  social  service  worker  nnust  be  cautious. 

Another  type  of  comnnonly  used  ratio  score  is  the  educational  quotient. 
It  resembles  the  mental  age  concept  and  is  used  to  estimate  a  person's 
nnininnal  perfornnance  in  comparison  with  other  people  who  perform  in 
educational  settings.     Dividing  an  educational  age  score  achieved  on  a 
test  (EA)by  the  chronological  age  and  multiplying  by  100  will  result  in  the 
educational  quotient  (E.Q.  =  100  x  ■^).     Educational  quotients  have  the 
same  advantages  and  limitations  as  ratio  I.Q.s.     However,  they  are  only 
used  with  school-level  achievement  tests . 


The  most  common  score  used  in  reporting  performance  on  standard- 
ized achievement  tests  for  school  children  is  the  grade  placement  score 
which  resembles  the  age  scores.    It  is  found  by  determining  the  average 
score  of  school  students  at  a  corresponding  grade  placement.     Grade 
placement  scores  are  usually  stated  in  tenths  of  a  school  year.     For 
example,  6.2  refers  to  the  second  month  of  grade  six.    This  approach 
assumes  that  children  learn  relatively  uniformly  throughout  the  school 
year  but  that  no  learning  occurs  during  the  summer  vacation — an  assumption 
not  necessarily  true.     Grade  placement  scores,  however,  are  generally 
used  to  estimate  where  a  person  should  be  placed  in  school- related  work. 


1  .      Cronbach,   Essentials  of  Psychological  Tests,  pp.  cit. ,  p.  21 

-  42  - 


Supplementary  Measures 

The  full  assessment  of  a  person's  abilities,  disabilities,  and  various 
personal  qualities  requires  a  progressive  type  of  approach.     Since  a  test 
is  simply  a  behavior  sample  to  be  regarded  cautiously,  it  follows  that  test 
scores  are  minimal  estimates  of  behavior  and  abilities.     Broad  spectrum 
tests  like  the  Wechsler  Intelligence  Scales  are  initial  steps  to  assessing 
general  ability.    When  a  social  service  worker  must  make  an  important 
decision,  he  or  she  should  move  through  progressive  stages  of  assess- 
ment, using  test  information  that  deals  with  specific  intellectual,  perceptual, 
and/or  cognitive  factors.     Existing  tests  can  only  provide  clues  and  rough 
estinnates  regarding  an  individual's  abilities  and  capacities.     REGARD  THE 

Test  Construction  Limits 

One  of  the  major  difficulties  in  deciding  how  to  best  use  the  various 
kinds  of  test  results  springs  fronn  the  uncertainty  over  what  tests  actually 
measure .     Some  tests  are  designed  to  measure  verbal  learning  and 

-  43  - 


abstractions,  while  others  assess  manual  skill  potentials.     The  Wechsler 
and  the  Stanford-Binet    were  originally  constructed  to  nneasure  both 
performance  and  verbal  factors.    Yet  many  psychologists  agree  that  the 
weighting  of  the  Stanford-Binet    is  more  toward  measuring  verbal  ability 
than  are  the  Wechsler  tests     which  strike  a  more  even  balance  between 
verbal  and  performance  items.     However,  a  person's  achievement  on 
either  verbal  or  performance  tests  partially  reflects  previous  learning 
experiences.    Thus  a  number  of  other  factors,  all  related  to  previous 
exposure  to  similar  materials,  are  important  determinants  for  assessing 
test  limitations . 

Factors  such  as  membership  in  specific  geographic  groups  are 
related  to  mastery  of  subject  content.     For  example,  urban  residents 
are  exposed  to  a  more  diverse  range  of  stimuli  than  are  rural  residents. 
A  rural  resident  may  define  an  elevator  as  a  grain  storage  facility,  while 
an  urban  resident  nnay  describe  an  elevator  as  a  device  used  to  nnove 
people  up  and  down  in  a  building.     If  this  were  a  test  question,   i.e.  ,  define 
an  elevator,   standardized  on  an  urban  population,  the  rural  answer  might 
be  judged  unacceptable.    Such  a  question  will  not  fairly  measure  the  rural 
resident's  potential  ability  to  acquire  knowledge.     Similarly,    many 
achievement  and  ability  tests  do  not  fairly  sample  the  potential  abilities 
of  members  of  various  ethnic  groups. 


Effects  of  Culture 

For  a  test  to  be  truly  fair,  all  of  the  examinees  should  have  had  an 
equal  opportunity  to  acquire  the  needed  background .    There  have  been 
many  attempts  to  construct  culture-free  or  culture-fair  tests — those  that 
supposedly  do  not  depend  on  previous  experience — but  most  social 
scientists  believe  that  experience  affects  all  behavior. 

A  number  of  cultural  factors  affect  test  performance.     Previous 
training  experiences  influence  outcome.    The  Zuni  Indians  are  taught 
cooperation  rather  than  competition,  and  so  the  performance  of  a  Zuni 
Indian  on  a  competitive  test  may  reflect  this  teaching  and  could  vary 
considerably  fronn  a  person  reared  in  a  culture  which  stresses  connpeti- 
tion .    Some  tests  may  exhibit  a  cultural  bias  simply  because  the  examinee 
is  not  familiar  with  the  testing  materials. 

Additional  factors  that  affect  test  scores  include  the  sex  and  race 
of  the  examiner.     Carkhuff  and  Pierce  have  reported  that  the  race  of  both 
the  examiner  and  the  tester  appear  to  have  a  significant  effect  upon  the 
outcome  of  clinical  interviews .  "•     Unless  the  culture  and  communication 
patterns  of  the  group  tested  are  thoroughly  understood,  the  examiner,  no 
matter  how  unprejudiced  or  objective,  may  not  obtain  maximum  results 
in  the  test  procedure.     Sensitivity  to  all  aspects  of  a  subject's  behavior  is 
essential  for  acquiring  a  fair  test  result.    This  type  of  sensitivity  does  not 
develop  through  academic  efforts,  but  rather  through  prolonged,  intimate 
contact  with  the  specific  ethnic  group. 


Most  tests  used  for  individual  mental  testing  do  not  truly  represent 
Sonne  of  the  ethnic  groups  in  the  United  States.     For  example,  since 
the  Stanford-Binet    standardized  on  white,  nniddle-class  subjects,  it 
primarily  nneasures  verbal  ability  and  generally  reflects  this  culture; 
subjects  from  other  ethnic  groups  often  do  poorly  on  this  scale.    The  WAIS 
and  the  WPPSI  include  black  subjects  in  the  norming  group,  but  not  other 
ethnic  groups.     Furthermore,  since  the  WISC  includes  only  white  students 
in  the  standardization  sample,  the  scoring  criteria  used  in  establishing 
correct  and  incorrect  responses  discriminate  against  the  responses  made 
by  Chicanes  and  American  Indians.    Thus,  when  these  standard  instruments 
for  determining  the  ability  of  ethnic  minority  nnennbers,  especially  American 
Indians,  rural  residents,  Chicanos,  and  others  not  represented,  are  used 
they  should  be  interpreted  with  extreme  caution  and  regarded  as  minimal 
estimates  of  ability. 

When  test  results  are  used  to  evaluate  the  potential  performance  of 
a  minority  group  member,  the  purpose  those  results  serve  should  be 
constantly  kept  in  mind  by  the  social  service  practitioner.    Although  a 
test  may  discriminate  against  members  of  a  specific  minority  group,  this 
will  not  necessarily  diminish  the  test's  predictive  validity  when  used  to 
determine  success  in,  say,  a  school  program.     If  you  want  to  obtain  an 
estimate  of  a  minority  person's  chances  of  succeeding  in  a  training 
program,  a  standard  intelligence  test  may  prove  a  valid  predicting  instru- 


Other  Limitations 

Keep  in  mind,  always,  that  the  performance  of  any  individual  on  a 
test  is  simply  a  sample  of  behavior,  and  as  such,  performance  in  any  one 
test  is  a  minimal  estimate.     Naturally,  the  more  measures  of  similar 
variables  the  more  reliance  one  can  place  on  such  estimates^  but  any 
contradictory  scores  on  two  or  more  tests  that  measure  similar  attributes 
should  be  noted.     If  such  a  contradiction  exists,  seek  professional  inter- 
pretation of  the  differences — at  least  three  different  variables  may  be 
involved,  including  differences  between  the  tests  themselves,  differences 
in  the  individual  or  the  group  being  tested,  and  differences  in  the  conditions 
of  test  administration  fronn  one  test  to  another. 


1  .      R.R.  Carkhuff  and  R.   Pierce,   "Differential  Affects  of  Therapist  , 
Race,  and  Social  Class  upon  Patient  Depth  of  Self-Exploration  in  the 
Initial  Clinical  Interview,"  Journal  of  Consulting  Psychology  31  (1967) 

-  48  - 


Most  social  service  personnel  should  nnake  test  referrals  as  a 
nornnal  or  routine  part  of  their  work.    The  best  test  referrals  identify 
the  specific  information  sought . 

Since  testing  should  have  as  its  major  purpose  the  provision  of 
useful  information  for  decision  making,  the  psychologist  who  selects  a 
test  that  will  provide  such  information  needs  to  know  what  kinds  of  deci- 
sions the  social  service  worker  intends  and,  in  addition,  will  need  to 
know  what  kinds  of  information  are  already  available  about  the  subject. 
Following  is  a  suggested  guide  for  making  test  referrals . 

Suggested  Guide  for  Test  Referrals 

1  .      Reason  for  referral — what  kind  of  information  do  you  want  and 

what  kinds  of  decisions  will  you  try  to  make . 
2.      Description  of  the  subject,  including: 

a.  age; 

b .  sex; 

c .  education; 

d  .      occupation  and  employment  history; 

-  49  - 


e.  ethnic  membership  and  experience;  and 

f.  note  any  special  disabilities,  handicaps,  or  physical 
abnormalities . 

3.  The  results  of  any  previous  testing,  if  available — including 
testing  dates,  scores,  and  test  names. 

4.  A  brief  history  of  the  subject's  involvement  with  the  agency. 

5 .  A  brief  statennent  of  any  case-management  plans  you  have 
for  the  subject. 

Given  this  information,  a  competent  examiner  should  be  able  to 
select  the  tests  that  will  best  provide  the  information  you  need .    The 
examiner  should  also  be  able  to  interpret  the  tests'  results  in  a  way 
that  is  useful  in  making  specific  case  management  decisions , 

Some  Hints  for  Dealing  With  Psychologists 

If  your  test  report  is  in  a  form  that  is  difficult  to  use  in  decision 
making,  ask  the  exanniner  for  a  consultation  or  interpretation.     But 
remember,  what  you  get  out  of  such  a  meeting  largely  depends  on  the 
questions  asked ,     It  is  advisable  to  key  your  questions  to  specific  decisions 
about  the  subject.     For  example,  will  Johnny  get  through  college  at 
State  University?    Or,  is  there  a  possibility  Johnny  may  commit  suicide? 

Although  no  examiner  can  answer  either  question  with  certainty, 
he/she  can  provide  some  information  about  the  probability  of  either  event 
occurring .     Ethical  examiners  will  also  provide  the  necessary  explanations 
about  the  limitation  of  the  instrunnent . 


Some  test  reports  may  be  confusing  because  the  examiner  used 
special  tests  which  the  test  results  do  not  explain.     It  is  always  appropriate 
to  ask  the  examiner  to  explain  the  purpose  of  all  tests  given. 

You  should  also  prepare  people  referred  for  psychological  tests  for 
the  actual  examination  procedure .     Such  preparation  should  include  an 
explanation  of  why  the  referral  was  made  and  a  description  of  what  they 
should  expect  in  the  testing  situation — how  long  it  will  take,  where  it  will 
be  done,  etc.    You  can  obtain  this  information  from  the  examiner  on  request. 

It  is  not  generally  appropriate  to  request  the  examiner  to  administer 
a  specific  test.     Leave  test  selection  up  to  the  examiner  unless  you  can 
make  a  special  case  to  justify  an  exception. 

Many  test  reports  contain  much  technical  jargon.    You  can  always 
ask  examiners  to  explain  all  terms  you  do  not  understand  in  a  test 
report.    Technical  jargon  is  meant  for  other  psychologists  and  does  not 
generally  convey  a  great  deal  of  meaning  to  many  test  information  users. 

Psychological  examiners  have  no  magical  powers.    The  same  infor- 
mation coming  out  of  a  psychological  examination  might  well  come  from 
others  in  everyday  situations.     People  who  have  known  the  subject  over 
a  period  of  time  and  have  observed  him/her  in  different  situations  can  often 
tell  you  more  about  the  subject  than  most  examiners.     Remember  that 
tests  only  sample  behavior;  what  happens  in  real  life  also  fully  indicates 
what  to  expect  from  that  person. 


Differential  Aptitude  Test  (DAT) 

The  DAT  battery,  originally  published  in  1947,  is  currently  avail- 
able in  two  forms.     High  schools  use  it  for  counseling  students  in  grades 
eight  through  twelve.    The  eight  tests  measure  aptitudes  which  previous 
research  had  found  important  in  guidance. 

The  DAT  prinnarily  provides  a  standardized  procedure  for  mea- 
suring boys'  and  girls'  nnultiple  aptitudes  for  educational  and  vocational 
guidance .     It  yields  separate  scores  from  eight  subtests  plus  a  score 
resulting  fronn  a  combination  of  two  of  the  eight  subtests .    The  eight  tests 
are:    Verbal  Reasoning,   Numerical  Ability,  Abstract  Reasoning,  Clerical 
Speed  and  Accuracy,  Mechanical  Reasoning,  Space  Relations,   Language 
Usage  (which  includes  Spelling  and  Language  Usage)  which  deals  with 
grammar.     The  tests  require  six  to  thirty  minutes  of  working  time,  plus 
additional  time  for  directions.     Thus,  each  of  three  sessions  need  eighty 
nninutes.     Except  for  the  clerical  test,  tests  are  not  timed. 

Both  test/ re-test  and  alternate  forms  of  reliability  determination 
have  achieved  highly  acceptable  reliability  figures. 

-  52  - 


Validity  has  primarily  been  established  by  attempting  to  match  test 
performance  with  later  course  grades.     In  this  respect,  predictive 
validity  has  been  high  enough  to  demonstrate  correlations  ranging  from 
.70  to   .80.     In  general,  however,  the  predictive  validity  for  the  subscales 
instrument  is  not  very  high,  usually  around  the  area  of  .50.    The  best 
overall  predictor  of  grades  is  the  combination  score  reported  for  verbal 
reasoning  and  numerical  ability. 

The  sampling  of  over  50,000  students  from  195  different  schools 
in  43  states,   representing  all  major  geographic  areas  in  the  United 
States,  established  DAT  norms.     (There  are  separate  norms  for  boys 
and  girls  and  also  for  Fall  and  Spring  Semester  testing.)    These  norms 
are  expressed  as  percentile  ranks  and  stanines .     Remennber:    Although 
the  DAT  predicts  success  in  coursework  and  grades  reasonably  well,  it 
does  not  adequately  predict  vocational  success.    Therefore,  use  it  with 
considerable  caution  when  advising  students  on  career  selection.    The 
DAT  should  be  used  with  other  instruments  for  best  results . 

Goodenough-Harris  Drawing  Test  (Draw-A-Man  Test) 

This  test  was  designed  for  children  five  to  fifteen  years  of  age  to 
evaluate  intelligence  by  analysis  of  the  child's  drawings  of  a  man  and  a 
woman.     It  can  be  used  as  an  initial  screening  test,  a  rapid  way  of  gaining 
an  impression  of  a  child's  general  ability  levels  and  as  a  means  of  esti- 
mating the  mental  ability  of  children  for  whom  the  usual  verbal  tests  of 
ability  are  inappropriate . 


The  test  booklets  provide  three  spaces  for  the  child  to  produce 
drawings:    one  for  the  drawing  of  a  nnan,  one  for  a  woman,  and  one  for 
a  self-portrait.    The  examiner  asks  the  child  to  draw  the  very  best 
picture  possible  of  a  man,  a  woman,  and  himself  or  herself.     The  child 
is  cautioned  to  make  a  whole  person,  not  simply  a  head  and  shoulders 
view.    Although  the  test  is  not  time  limited,  the  child  usually  completes 
it  in  ten  to  fifteen  minutes.    Tests  may  be  administered  either  to  groups 
or  to  individual  children. 

The  test  contains  fairly  explicit  scoring  directions.     It  has,  according 
to  research,  relatively  high  coefficients  of  interscorer  reliability  (approxi- 
mately .90),  but  tests  for  test/ re-test  reliability  only  range  from  a  test/ 
re-test  reliability  of  .94  for  a  one-day  interval  between  testing  to  .65 
for  a  three-year  interval  between  testings.     Most  test/ re-test  reliability 
coefficients  for  other  tests  range  between  .60  and  .70. 

The  Draw-A-Man  Test's  validity  has  been  prinnarily  demonstrated 
by  correlations  with  scores  on  other  tests.     Correlations  with  the  earlier 
fornns  of  the  Stanford-Binet   range  fronn   .30  to   .74,  and  range  similarly 
in  other  tests:     reports  show  correlations  of  this  test  and  the  WISC 
between   .40  and   .50. 

Samples  of  300  children  at  each  age  level  fromi  5  to  15  years, 
selected  as  representative  of  the  population  of  the  United  States  accord- 
ing to  father's  occupation  and  geographic  region,  established  norms  for 
these  scoring  scales .    (The  test  manual  reports  standard  score  norms 
which  have  a  mean  of  100  and' a  standard  deviation  of  15.) 


Limitations.      Because,  on  this  test,  the  standardized  sample  of 
population  held  only  a  few  critical  variables  constant  (such  as  father's 
occupation  and  geographic  region)  the  nornns  may  not  be  useful  for  special 
ethnic  groups  such  as  American  Indians  or  residents  of  extremely  rural 
areas.    Also,  this  test's  validity  has  been  established  prinnarily  by 
comparison  with  scores  on  other  tests , 

Thus,  the  Draw-A-Man  Test  may  only  generally  indicate  the 
likelihood  of  a  child  scoring  well  on  another  test,  and  nnay  be  invalid  as 
a  predictor  of  potential  performiance  in  training  programs.     In  sumnnary, 
the  social  service  practitioner  should  regard  this  test  with  caution  for 
it  only  roughly  estinnates  intellectual  ability.    Other  nneasures  of  general 
intellectual  ability  should  supplement  it. 

Other  Drawing  Tests 

Although  almost  every  art  media,  technique,  and  type  of  subject 
matter  has  been  investigated  in  the  search  for  significant  diagnostic 
clues,  special  attention  centers  on  drawings  of  the  human  figure.  The 
Machover  Draw-A- Person  Test  is  a  well-known  example.     In  this  test, 
the  examiner  provides  the  subject  with  a  letter-size  sheet  of  paper  and  a 
medium-soft  pencil  and  tells  him/her  to  simply  "draw  a  person,"  or — to 
young  children — "draw  somebody"  or  "draw  a  boy  or  girl."    Upon  comple- 
tion of  the  first  drawing,  the  examiner  asks  the  subject  to  draw  a  person 
of  the  opposite  sex  from  the  first  figure.    While  the  subject  draws,  the 
examiner  notes  comments,  the  sequence  in  which  parts  are  drawn,  and 


other  procedural  details.    An  inquiry  nnay  follow  this  drawing  in  which 
the  subject  is  asked  to  make  up  a  story  about  each  person  drawn  "as  if 
he  were  a  character  in  a  play  or  novel."    During  the  inquiry  a  series  of 
questions  elicits  specific  information  about  age,  schooling,  occupation, 
family,  and  other  facts  associated  with  the  characters  portrayed. 

Qualitative  judgements,  involving  the  preparation  of  a  composite 
personality  description  from  the  analysis  of  the  many  features  of  the 
drawing,  and  considering  the  absolute  and  relative  male  and  fennale  figures' 
size,  their  position  on  the  page,  quality  of  lines,  sequence  of  parts  drawn, 
stance,  front  or  profile  view,  position  of  arms,  depiction  of  clothing, 
and  background  and  grounding  effects — all  of  these  make  up  the  scoring 
of  this  test.     Omission  of  bodily  parts,  disproportions,  shading,  amount 
and  distribution  of  details,  erasures,  symmetry  and  other  stylistic 
features  produce  special  interpretations.     Each  major  body  part, 
such  as  head,  individual  facial  features,  hair,  neck,  shoulders,  breast, 
trunk,  hips,  and  extremities,  is  regarded  as  significant. 

The  interpretive  guide  to  the  Draw-A- Person  Test  contains  sweeping 
generalizations,  such  as  "disproportionately  large  heads  will  often  be 
given  by  individuals  suffering  from  organic  brain  disease"  or  "the  sex 
given  the  proportionately  larger  head  is  the  sex  that  is  accorded  more 
intellectual  and  social  authority."    But  no  evidence  supports  these 
statements.    The  guide  also  refers  to  a  "file  of  thousands  of  drawings" 
examined  in  clinical  context  and  a  few  selected  cases  are  cited  for 


illustrative  purposes,  but  no  systematic  presentation  of  data  acconnpanies 
the  published  test  reports . 

Validation  studies  of  this  test  by  other  investigators  have  yielded 
conflicting  results.    Attempts  to  develop  semi-objective  scoring  procedures 
which  utilize  rating  scales  or  checklists  have  met  with  little  success.    The 
test  may  succeed  nnore  with  children  and  other  relatively  naive  subjects 
than  with  sophisticated  adult  groups.    Although  it  appears  to  differentiate 
between  seriously  disturbed  persons  and  normals,  its  discriminative 
value  within  relatively  nornnal  groups  is  questionable .     Research  on  the 
P raw- A- Person  Test  has  been  inadequate  largely  because  of  failure  to 
cross-validate . 

The  House-Tree- Person  Projective  Technique  (H-T-P)  devised  by 
Buck,  has  aroused  considerable  interest  as  witnessed  by  the  number  of 
relevant  research  publications.     In  this  test,  the  subject  is  told  to  draw 
as  good  a  picture  of  a  house  as  possible,  then  the  sanne  for  a  "tree"  and 
a  "person."    Meanwhile,  the  exanniner  takes  copious  notes  on  tinne, 
sequence  of  parts  drawn,  spontaneous  comments  by  the  subject,  and 
expressions  of  ennotion.     Oral  inquiry,  including  a  long  set  of  standardized 
questions,  follows  completion  of  the  drawings.    The  examiner  analyzes  the 
drawings  both  quantitively  and  qualitatively,  chiefly  on  the  basis  of  their 
formal  or  stylistic  characteKstics. 

In  discussing  the  rationale  underlying  the  choice  of  objects  to  draw. 
Buck  maintains  that  "house"  should  arouse  association  concerning  the 


subject's  home  and  those  lived  with;  "tree"  should  evoke  associations 
pertaining  to  life  goals  and  ability  to  derive  satisfaction  from  the  environ- 
nnent  in  general;  and  "person"  should  call  up  associations  dealing  with 
interpersonal  relationships.     Some  clinicians  may  find  helpful  leads  in  such 
drawings  when  considered  jointly  with  other  information  about  the  individual 
case.    The  elaborate,  lengthy  adnninistrative  and  scoring  procedures 
described  by  Buck  appear  unwarranted  in  light  of  the  highly  inadequate 
nature  of  the  supporting  data. 

Minnesota  Multiphasic  Personality  Inventory  (MMPI) 

The  design  of  the  MMPI  provides  an  objective  assessment  of  sonne 
of  the  major  personality  characteristics  that  affect  personal  and  social 
adjustment.    The  scales  provide  a  measurement  for  the  personality  status 
of  literate  adolescents  and  adults  together  with  a  basis  for  evaluating  the 
acceptability  and  dependability  of  each  test  record .     Nine  scales  were 
originally  developed  for  the  test's  clinical  use  and  were  named  for  the 
abnornnal  conditions  on  which  their  construction  was  based.     Since  they 
have  proved  meaningful  within  the  normal  range  of  behavior,  these  scales 
are  now  referred  to  by  their  abbreviations — Hs  (hypochondrasis), 
D  (depression),  Hy  (hysteria),   Pd  (psychopathic  deviate),  Mf  (masculinity- 
feminity).   Pa  (paranoia),   Pt  (psychoasthenia),  Sc  (schizophrenia),  and  Ma 
(hypomania) — to  avoid  possible  misleading  connotations .     Development  of 
these  test  items  has  produced  a  number  of  other  scales:    Si  (social 


introversion)  is  connnnonly  scored,  as  well  as  three  validating  scales: 
L  (lie),  F  (validity),  and  K  (correction).    A  wide  variety  of  untrained 
personnel  can  administer  this  inventory,  however,  a  thoroughly  trained 
clinical  or  educational  psychologist  should  interpret  the  results . 

One  can  expect  test  subjects  sixteen  years  of  age  or  older  with  at 
least  six  years  of  successful  schooling  to  complete  the  MM  PI  without 
difficulty.    When  an  individual  is  specifically  referred  for  testing,  one 
can  generally  ascertain  beforehand  whether  the  MM  PI  is  appropriate  for 
use  and  thus  avoid  the  embarrassment  that  would  arise  from  failure  during 
the  actual  administration.    The  full-scale  edition  of  the  MM  PI  requires  the 
subject  to  give  a  true  or  false  response  to  566  separate  questions  (see 
Table  I).  The  raw  scores  thus  obtained  are  converted  to  a  kind  of 
standardized  score  called  a  T  score  on  which  the  MM  PI  profile  and  code 
are  based .    The  test  itenns  are  presented  either  in  a  card  form  for 
individual  use  or  in  a  booklet  with  a  separate  answer  sheet  for  individual 
ex amination  or  large-scale  group  testing  programs.     Such  a  profile 
provides  a  scale  for  clinical  comparison  of  the  relative  "strength"  of  various 
personality  trends. 

Clinicians  who  use  the  MM  PI  usually  tend  to  emphasize  one 
particular  scale  of  the  nine.     The  MMPI  should  not  be  evaluated  on  the 
basis  of  one  scale  alone  but  rather  on  the  pattern  of  scores  for  the 
entire  nine  scales  including  the  validity  indicators.    The  test  affords  an 
infinitely  large  number  of  patterns.    Thus,  although  scorers  nnay  often 


feel  that  they  have  seen  some  given  pattern  a  number  of  times  before, 
alnnost  no  exact  duplicates  exist. 

Although  originally  thought  of  as  an  aid  to  psychiatric  diagnosis  and 
evaluation,  the  MMPI     has  been  used  in  many  different  settings  and 
validated  against  hundreds  of  different  criteria.    The  rapid  rise  of 
these  tests'  non-psychiatric  application  has  stimulated  a  substantial 
growth  in  new  scales  and  scoring  procedures. 

Reliability  and  validity  research  on  the  MMPI   are  not  entirely 
convincing.    Validity  studies  do  not  show  high  correlations  between 
MMPI   profiles  scores  and  actual  psychiatric  diagnoses,  although  the 
instrument  was  initially  developed  for  this  purpose . 

Indeed,  the  available  categories  of  psychiatric  diagnoses  are  subject 
to  criticism  since  it  is  questionable  whether  or  not  the  MMPI   actually 
achieves  its  intended  objectives  when  used  strictly  clinically.     But 
where  the  MMPI   is  used  to  screen  large  populations,  such  as  military 
recruits,  college  students,  or  business  executives,  it  serves  as  a 
reasonably  reliable,  general  screening  device.     It  is  most  useful  in 
identifying  those  persons  who  achieve  extreme  scores  on  the  subscales — 
thus  identifying  those  who  require  further  study. 

The  use  of  the  MMPI   requires  professionally  trained,  experienced, 
and  sophisticated  practitioners,  because  of  the  complexity  of  the 
personality  characteristics  of  the  inventory,  the  meanings  of  the  scales, 
and  the  way  ip  which  the  scales  relate  to  each  other  in  predicting  behavior. 


The  original  MM  PI  was  standardized  on  a  sample  of  about  700  nornnal 
visitors  at  the  University  of  Minnesota  Hospital  (ranging  in  age  from  16  to 
55  and  representing  a  cross  section  of  the  Minnesota  population)  in 
contrast  to  sonne  800  clinical  cases  (from  the  Neuro- Psychiatric  Division 
of  the  University  of  Minnesota  Hospital). 

The  test/ re-test  method  determines  the  reliability  for  the  MM  PI  . 
Reliability  results  show  that  the  coefficients  of  correlation  vary  consider- 
ably with  different  subscales .    The  test/ re-test  reliability  coefficients 
range  fronn  .46  to  .93  with  the  majority  lying  between  .70  and  .90 — 
a  fairly  high  degree  of  reliability. 

The  predictive  nnethod,  which  compares  the  scores  obtained  on 
special  scales  with  clinical  diagnoses  for  newly  admitted  psychiatric 
patients  determined  validity  for  the  MM  PI.    In  approximately  60  per- 
cent of  the  cases  this  method  predicted  the  corresponding  clinical 

Sample  test  reports .   The  client's  responses  to  the  MM  PI   indicate 
a  dependent,  immature,  impulsive,  demanding  woman  who  attempts  to 
exploit  and  control  others.    She  seems  able  to  maintain  relationships  only 
with  those  she  can  keep  in  subservient  positions.     Probably  her  fear 
of  abandonment  creates  this  fear.     Unfortunately,  she  seems  not  to 
recognize  the  alienating  effect  of  her  domineering  tactics.    Her  imperious 
manner  and  her  repeated  demands  will  drive  any  away  from  her  except 


those  even  more  emotionally  disturbed  than  she.     She  is  a  very  angry 
woman  who  seenns  especially  resentful  toward  men .     While  she  pretends 
to  heterosexuality,  she  may  spend  a  great  deal  of  her  tinne  trying  to  prove 
this  through  sexual  acting  out,  repeated  love  affairs,  etc. ,  probably 
because  she  has  an  annorphous  sexual  identity.    While  not  psychotic, 
apparently  she  is  poorly  controlled,  disorganization-prone,  moody,  and 
hypertensive.    Her  obesity  is  probably  a  function  of  anxiety.     She  eats  to 
ward  off  the  loneliness  and  to  control  the  gnawing  ennptiness  of  feared 
abandonment.    She  has  a  personality  disorder,  perhaps  a  passive- 
aggressive  personality  of  the  aggressive  type .    She  needs  individual 
psychotherapy  and  will  probably  not  lose  weight  nor  be  able  to  stabilize 
vocationally  without  this.    She  will  benefit  best  fronn  a  reality-oriented, 
problem-solving  approach  although  she  nnight  make  use  of  "insight." 
She  will  probably  have  a  stormy  relationship  with  any  therapist. 

Minnesota  Counseling  Inventory 

An  effort  to  adapt  the  previously  discussed  Minnesota  Multiphasic 
Personality  Inventory  for  use  with  normal  high  school  students  and  college 
freshmen  led  to  the  development  of  the  Minnesota  Counseling  Inventory. 
Many  of  the  355  true/false  itenns  of  the  latter  inventory  came  from  the  MM  PI, 
and  several  other  scales  have  a  close  resemblance  to  the  MM  PI   scales. 
With  norms  based  on  over  20,000  high  school  students  tested  in  ten  states, 
this  test  provides  scores  in  seven  areas  designated  as:    Family 


Relationships,  Social  Relationships,   Emotional  Stability,  Conformity, 
Adjustment  to  Reality,  Mood,  and  Leadership.    The  "Confornnity"  scale 
has  a  strong  resemblance  to  the  MM  PI  Pd  scale  and  "Adjustnnent  to 
Reality"  sinnilarly  resennbles  the  Sc  scale.    Also,  two  vertification  scores 
exhibit  similar  traits  to  the  MM  PI  validity  scales.    The  comparison  of 
random  samples  of  students  with  groups  nominated  by  teachers  as  out- 
standing examples  of  the  quality  tests,  validated  the  total  scores  on  the 
different  scales .    Test  reliability  established  by  split-half  and  re-test 
procedures  is  at  an  acceptable  level.     But  the  seven  area  scores  are  not 
as  distinct  as  their  titles  imply.     Only  counselors  familiar  enough  with 
its  construction  to  evaluate  its  complex  scores  should  use  this  inventory. 

Otis  Self-Administrating  Test  of  Mental  Ability 

An  early  test  that  has  been  widely  used  in  personnel  screening  on 
a  group  basis  is  the  Otis  Self -Administrating  Test  of  Mental  Ability. 
This  test  also  helped  to  develop  the  basis  for  the  highest  level  norms  for 
Otis  Quick-Scoring  Mental  Ability  Tests  used  as  an  academic  screening 
device  from  the  early  grades  through  high  school  level .     Industry  uses  the 
Otis  Self-Administrating  Test  of  Mental  Ability  for  screening  applicants 
for  such  varied  jobs  as  clerks,  calculating  machine  operators,  assembly 
line  workers,  and  foremen  and  other  supervisory  personnel.    A  number  of 
validation  studies  have  checked  the  Otis  against  an  industrial  criterian, 
most  of  which  have  demonstrated  that  the  scores  of  the  applicants  compare 
with  actual  job  performance  creating  significant  validity  coefficients.     In 


semi-skilled  jobs,  the  Otis  Test    correlates  moderately  well  with  success 
in  learning  the  job  and  ease  of  initial  adaptation.     It  does  not,  however, 
correlate  highly  with  subsequent  job  achievement.    This  would  be  expected 
for  routine  jobs,  but  also  holds  true  for  high-level,  professional  jobs 
since  it  discrinninates  poorly  at  these  upper  levels. 

General  Aptitude  Test  Battery  (GATB) 

The  U.S.  Ennployment  Service  produced  this  battery.    Throughout 
the  country  it  helps  to  guide  people  seeking  work .     State  employment 
services  give  these  tests  as  well  as  other  non-profit  agencies  whose 
personnel  have  been  trained  in  the  use  of  the  test  by  the  Employment 
Service.     High  school  juniors  and  seniors  often  take  thenn  through  a 
cooperative  plan  which  makes  the  results  available  to  both  the  high  school 
counselor  and  the  employment  service .    Versions  of  the  tests  have  been 
prepared  for  a  nunnber  of  foreign  countries. 

The  Employment  Service  constructed  the  test  to  help  guide  persons 
into  suitable  work.     Each  of  the  thousands  of  jobs  in  the  modern  industrial 
world  has  its  own  aptitude  requirements.    When  an  employer  asks  for 
referrals  of  potential  employees,  he  wants  applicants  likely  to  succeed. 
The  U.S.   Employment  Service  working  with  state  agencies,  therefore, 
conducts  studies  of  the  psychological  characteristics  of  particular  jobs 
and  accumulates  information  on  the  meanings  of  a  test  score .    The 
following  illustrates  the  small  sample  of  the  occupations  studied: 
assembler  of  dry  cell  batteries,  aircraft  electrician,  teacher,  x-ray 


technician,  nurses'  aide,  sheet  metal  worker,  baker,  cook,  spot  welder, 
comptonnetor  operator,  corn  husking  nnachine  operator,  knitting-machine 
fixer,  food  packer. 

Predictions  for  such  jobs  takes  us  far  beyond  the  academic  ability 
and  reasoning  ability  which  predominate  nnost  aptitude  tests.    The  diversity 
of  occupations  rules  out  the  possibility  of  devising  a  separate  aptitude  test 
for  each  job.     For  guidance,  a  limited  number  of  diversified  tests  are 
needed  which  everyone  can  take  and  which  can  be  linked  together  in  various 
combinations  to  predict  success  in  different  situations.    With  this  end  in 
view,  the  current  GATB   measures  nine  distinctive  factors: 

G  -  General  reasoning  ability  (a  composite  of  tests  entitled 
Vocabulary,  Three-Dimensional  Space,  and  Arithmetic 

V  -  Verbal  aptitude  (Vocabulary) 

N  -  Numerical  aptitude  (Computation,  Arithmetic  Reasoning) 

S  -  Spatial  aptitude  (Three-Dimensional  Space) 

P  -  Form  perception  (Tool  Matching,  Form  Matching) 

Q  -  Clerical  perception  (Name  Comparison) 

K  -  Motor  coordination  (Mark  Making) 

F  -  Finger  dexterity  (Assemble,  Disassemble) 

M  -  Manual  dexterity  (Place,  Turn) 


No  other  similar  test  exceeds  the  efficiency  of  the  OATR .     Each  of 
its  paper-pencil  tests  takes  about  six  minutes .     The  psychomotor  tests 
require  even  less  working  time  but  several  minutes  are  used  for  demon- 
stration practice.     The  entire  battery  can  be  given  in  two  and  one-quarter 
hours.    The  simple  procedures  allow  trustworthy  administration  of  the 
tests  by  relatively  untrained  testers  to  subjects  who  have  limited  education 
or  poor  command  of  English.     The  psychomotor  tests  are  designed  so  that 
each  subject  leaves  all  the  materials  as  they  were  found — ready  for  the 
next  subject. 

This  marked  speeding  of  nearly  all  the  GATB  subtests  may  reduce 
their  validity  for  many  purposes,  especially  if  the  person  has  some  reading 
deficit,  is  upset  by  tests,  or  has  taken  few  tests.     But  since  the  U.S  , 
Employment  Service  had  access  to  workers  in  all  areas  of  the  country, 
all  types  of  industry  and  agriculture,  and  most  occupational  levels,  it 
could  obtain  a  highly  representative  normal  sample.     It  drew  4,000  cases 
from  the  records  on  hand  to  form  a  group  which  properly  represented 
all  occupational,  sex,  and  age  groups  in  proportion  to  census  data. 

Test  results  are  reported  as  standard  scores  with  a  mean  of  100  and 
a  standard  deviation  of  20.     Extensive  research  has  demonstrated  good 
reliability  and  validity.    Validity  does  vary  between  and  among  different 
occupations.     The  social  service  practitioner  should  use  the  GATB  in 
conjunction  with  the  U.S.   Employment  Service's  Dictionary  of  Occupational 
Titles . 


An  example  of  a  HATR  test  result  is  as  follows:    Mr.  Smith's 
scores  on  the  Intelligence,  Verbal  Aptitude,  and  Numerical  Aptitude 
sections  of  the  General  Aptitude  Test  Battery  indicate  that  his  achieve- 
ment is  far  above  average  in  each  of  these  categories.     His  Intelligence 
score  is  at  the  99th  percentile  as  compared  to  the  general  working  popula- 
tion, while  his  Verbal  and  Numerical  scores  compared  to  the  same  population 
are  both  at  the  96th  percentile.    All  of  his  scores  on  the  remaining 
aptitudes  of  the  battery  are  at  the  75th  percentile  or  above  including  his 
scores  on  the  Manual  and  Finger  Dexterity  Form  Board.     It  is  apparent, 
then,  that  Mr.  Smith  is  intellectually  capable  of  undertaking  technical  or 
college  training  in  any  of  the  occupational  aptitude  patterns  covered  by  the 
GATB .    That  is,  he  has  the  intellect  and  dexterity  necessary  to  handle 
any  of  the  many  occupational  categories  listed  fronn  Occupational  Aptitude 
Pattern  1  through  Occupational  Aptitude  Pattern  35  inclusive .     His  interest 
profile  from  the  other  tests  in  the  battery  suggests  that  he  may  wish  to 
consider  any  of  the  following  occupations  listed  in  Occupational  Aptitude 
Pattern  1:    physician,  civil  engineer,  highway  engineer,  etc.     Under 
Occupational  Aptitude  Pattern  2,  he  may  wish  to  consider  training  as  a 
pharmacist,  cost  accountant,  tax  accountant,  or  statistician.    Appropriate 
occupations  from  Occupational  Aptitude  Pattern  3  are  teacher,  survey 
worker,  group  worker,  or  caseworker. 


Strong  Vocational  Interest  Blank  (SVIB) 

One  of  the  most  widely  used  interest  tests  is  the  Strong  Vocational 
Interest  Blank,  first  published  in  1927.    The  Strong  contains  questions  on 
hundreds  of  activities  both  vocational  and  avocational.     Most  of  the  400 
items  require  a  "like-indifferent-dislike"  response  to  activities  or  topics: 
biology,  fishing,  being  an  aviator,  planning  a  sales  cannpaign,  etc. 
Because  research  has  demonstrated  that  the  majority  of  nnen  in  a  particular 
occupation  have  roughly  similar  interests,  the  Strong    assumes  that  a 
person  having  a  typical  occupational  group  pattern  will  find  satisfaction  in 
that  field . 

The  Strong  determined  the  interest  pattern  for  a  profession  by  giving 
the  questionnaire  to  successful  members  of  that  particular  profession  and 
by  comparing  the  responses  of  the  group  with  those  of  men  of  similar  age 
selected  randomly  from  the  whole  range  of  occupations  ordinarily  entered 
by  college  men.    A  weighted  scoring  key  assesses  how  closely  the  subject's 
interests  correspond  to  those  of  the  professional  group.     On  each  item,  the 
percentage  of  nnen-in-general  for  each  answer  was  compared  to  the  pei — 
centage  of  nnen-in-the-occupation  giving  the  answer.     Engineers  dislike 
"actor"  more  commonly  than  other  men;  therefore,   response  D  or  dislike 
is  assigned  a  positive  weight  in  the  engineers'  scale.     "Liking  to  be  the 
author  of  a  technical  book"  (a  significant  indicator  of  engineering  interests) 
is  especially  common  among  engineers,  thus  acquiring  a  weight  of  plus 
three.     In  contr^ist,  40  percent  of  artists  respond  "like"  to  "actor."    So 


the  artist's  scale  weights  "actor"  at  plus  two  for  like,  zero  for  indifferent, 
and  minus  1  for  dislike. 

Occupational  scores  convert  into  letter  grades  ranging  from  A  to  C . 
Seventy  percent  of  successful  men  in  the  occupation  fall  into  the  A  group  on 
that  scale.    Interests  of  a  person  who  falls  below  B  plus  are  quite  different 
from  those  of  the  bulk  of  the  occupational  group.    Only  2  percent  of  the  men 
in  the  occupation  fall  as  low  as  C. 

The  test  has  available  a  great  number  of  keys  for  male  occupations 
and  a  woman's  blank  which  can  be  scored  for  a  number  of  occupations 
typically  entered  by  women .  The  Strong  contains  items  varied  enough 
to  predict  almost  anything,  and  a  new  key  can  be  made  for  any  vocational 
or  specialized  interest  group.  Strong  keys  can  score  not  only  vocational 
interests,  but  also  it  can  score  answers  which  men  give  more  frequently 
than  women,  for  example,  and  create  a  "masculinity-feminity  key." 

Extensive  research  has  demonstrated  considerable  predictive 
validity  for  this  instrunnent.    Strong  demonstrated  that  interest  scores 
obtained  by  college  undergraduates  predicted  their  occupations  of  eighteen 
years  later.    His  interest  scales  successfully  differentiate  nnembers  of  an 
occupation  from  the  population  in  general  and  the  occupations  from  each 
other.     Given  the  amount  of  research  on  both  the  reliability  and  validity  of 
the  Strong,  it  is  reasonably  assumed  to  be  one  of  the  best  occupational 
predictive  instruments  available . 


However,  caution  seems  indicated  in  interpreting  the  results  for 
both  the  Strong  and  the  Kuderfor  a  number  of  studies  have  demonstrated 
that  examinees  can  fake  these  inventories:    Examinees,  told  to  attennpt 
responding  in  a  way  that  they  thought  life  insurance  salesnnen  would, 
generally  succeeded  in  making  themselves  appear  like  life  insurance 
salesmen.     In  other  words,  if  a  person  suspects  what  characteristics  are 
being  screened,  this  person  can  fake  a  response.     However,  evidence  does 
not  suggest  that  people  in  general  fake  their  responses  but  that  most 
people  are  genuinely  interested  in  their  test  outcomes.     Below  is  an 
example  of  a  Strong  test . 

The  results  of  the  Strong  Vocational  Interest  Blank  indicate  a 
client  highly  interested  in  religious  activities,  social  service,  and  music, 
as  well  as  public  speaking,  business  management,  art,  teaching,  mathema- 
tics, technical  supervision.    His  general  interests  show  a  similarity  to 
those  men  successful  as  music  teachers  and  music  performers,  but  also 
sinnilar  to  those  of  credit  managers,  chamber  of  commerce  executives, 
business  education  teachers,  social  workers,  YMCA  staff  members, 
rehabilitation  counselors,  public  administrators,  physical  therapists,  and 
librarians.    Surprisingly,  in  view  of  his  stated  vocational  aspirations,  his 
interests  do  not  parallel  those  of  computer  programmers.    With  this  in 
mind,  he  must  revise  his  planning.    While  connputer  science  is  not  an 
altogether  inappropriate  career  choice,  the  client  would  probably  be 
happier  in  a  career  more  oriented  toward  administration  and  dealing  with 
the  public.    Connputer  science  may  provide  an  opportunity  for  this. 


especially  if  supplemented  by  general  business  and/or  nnanagennent  courses. 
He  nnay  also  wish  to  consider  a  business  curriculunn,  college,  or  trade 
school .     Counseling  also  appeals  to  hinn  so  various  types  of  social  work  nnay 
be  feasible.     But  since  he  shows  ardent  interests  in  music,  he  should  explore 
the  possibility  of  becoming  a  music  teacher  or  performer. 

Stanford-Binet  Scale 

The  Stanford-Binet  scales  for  measuring  intelligence  (since  1937 
known  as  the  Stanford-Binet  Scale)  has  gone  through  several  revisions,  all 
of  them  using  a  common  principle:    the  average  capacities  of  children  of 
various  ages  represent  differences  in  degrees  of  brightness  along  with 
differences  in  levels  of  development.    Thus,  knowledge  of  intellectual 
performance  levels  of  typical  children  of  a  given  age  facilitates  comparison 
with  any  specific  child  by  comparing  his/her  score  with  the  average.    The 
principal  criterion  employed  by  Binet  and  Simon  in  the  standardization  and 
age-placement  of  tests  was:    any  item  successfully  completed  by  two-thirds 
to  three-fourths  of  a  representative  age  group  of  children  of  a  given  age  was 
designated  as  "average"  performance  for  that  age  group,  and  their  ideal 
standard  placed  the  test  at  a  year-level  passed  by  75  percent  in  that  age 

The  following  procedure  describes  the  method  of  scoring  the  Stanford- 
Binet  Scale .    The  examiner  selects  a  starting  point  in  a  range  of  tasks 
where  the  subject  can  pass  all  items.    This  is  called  the  "basal  year." 
The  examiner  then  proceeds  upward  in  the  scale  until  the  subject  fails  all 


items,  a  level  called  the  "terminal  year."    Each  item  carries  specified 
credit  in  terms  of  nnonths  contributing  to  the  mental  age  score .    These 
credits,  added  to  the  age  value  of  the  basal  year,  total  the  mental  age. 
For  example,  assume  a  basal  year  of  six;  then,  three  test  items  passed  at 
the  seven-year  level     give  additional  credit  of  six  nnonths,  two  passed  at 
the  eight-year  level     give  further  credit  of  four  months,  but  all  failed  at 
the  nine-year  level.    Thus,  the  subject's  mental  age  is  six  years,  ten 
months . 

The  1937  revision  of  the  1916  scale  differs  in  many  details  from  its 
predecessor  (unsatisfactory  items  were  eliminated  and  new  ones  added), 
but  it  shares  the  essential  and  basic  conception ,     It  has  two  equivalent 
fornns,  L  and  N,  each  of  which  contain  129  test  items  as  compared  with 
the  90  items  in  the  first  Stanford-Binet .    The  1937  scale  extends  down- 
ward to  the  level  of  age  two  and  upward  through  three  levels  of  "superior 
adult"  (known  as  superior  adult  I,  II,  and  III)  thus  increasing  its  usefulness. 

From  the  ages  of  two  through  five,  this  scale  provides  groups  of 
test  items  at  half-year  intervals  and  thus  obtains  more  accurate  and  highly 
differentiating  test  results.    The  half-yearly  intervals  are  possible  because 
the  mental  growth  rate  proceeds  most  rapidly  in  the  earlier  years  creating 
more  rapid  periodic  increments  susceptible  to  testing. 

Although  the  1937  scale  like  that  of  1916  relies  predominantly  on  its 
verbal  character,  it  does  provide  performance  and  other  non-verbal  materials, 
especially  through  the  age  of  four  years.     Performance  materials  demand 


the  subject  to  do  something — build  a  pattern  or  make  a  design  with  blocks 
or  fill  in  a  form  built  with  variously  shaped  blocks.     Other  non-verbal 
materials  include  such  activities  as  copying  a  geometric  figure,  completing 
the  picture  of  a  man,  discriminating  between  forms,  etc.     In  all  these,  the 
child  must  use  verbal  ability  inasmuch  as  he/she  must  understand  verbal 
directions.     In  these  tests,  verbal  ability  can  also  be  a  factor  if  the  child 
knows  the  names  of  the  objects  or  geometric  figures  and  this  knowledge 
helps  the  manipulation  or  classification  of  them. 

Since  the  1937  scale  was  standardized  on  only  Amierican-born, 
white,  primarily  urban  subjects,  it  is  also  extremely  verbal  and  thus 
additionally  culturally  loaded.    Though  this  test  is  still  used  with  children, 
the  Wechsler  Intelligence  Scales  have  largely  replaced  it, 

Vineland  Social  Maturity  Scale 

This  scale,  designed  for  use  with  individuals  from  infancy  to  the  age 
of  thirty  years,  models  itself  on  the  construction  and  standardization  of 
the  Stanford-Binet    scale . 

Unlike  nnany  other  scales,  this  one  is  based  upon  a  well-defined 
rationale  and  systennatic  construction.     It  groups  behavior  items  at 
age  levels  as  in  the  Stanford-Binet;   these  items  represent  progressive 
maturation  and  adjustment  to  the  environment  in  the  following  categories: 

Self-help  -  reaches  for  nearby  objects  (age  0-1) 

Self-direction  -  buys  own  clothing  (age  15-18) 

Locomotion  -  walks  about  room  unattended  (age  1-2) 


Occupation  -  helps  at  little  household  tasks  (age  3-4) 
systematizes  own  work  (age  25  plus) 

Connmunication  -  makes  telephone  calls  (age  10-11) 

Socialization  -  demands  personal  attention  (age  0-1) 

advances  general  welfare  (age  25  plus) 

Examiners  score  items  after  interviewing  someone  well-acquainted 
with  the  subject  or  the  subject  himself.    Then,  a  social  age  is  obtained 
which  is  divided  by  chronological  age,  yielding  a  social  quotient  (S.Q.). 

Although  this  social  maturity  scale  highly  correlates  with  intelli- 
gence test  results  (about  .80),  the  author  maintains  that  its  content  and 
rated  function  are  distinct  enough  for  use  in  the  study  of  an  individual's 
general  behavioral  development,  since  social  age  provides  a  procedural 
basis  to  guide  the  care  and  training  of  an  individual . 

While  the  scale  aids  in  diagnosing  the  normal  population  as  well  as 
the  mentally  deficient,  it  was  first  conceived  to  facilitate  the  diagnosis  of 
mental  retardation.     Primarily  it  differentiates  between  mentally  retarded 
individuals  who  can  conduct  their  personal  and  social  life  with  greater 
independence  and  the  mentally  retarded  who  are  socially  inadequate . 

Clinics  widely  use  the  Vineland  Scale  with  children  and  adolescents. 
And,  in  addition,  it  is  a  valuable  device  for  interviewing  and  counseling 
both  parents  and  children. 


Thematic  Apperception  Test  (TAT) 

Commonly  referred  to  as  the  TAT,  this  projective  personality 
test  consists  of  thirty  picture  cards  plus  one  blank  card.    An  examiner 
uses  the  cards  in  various  combinations  depending  upon  sex  and  age;  some 
are  used  with  all  subjects  and  others  with  only  one  sex  or  age  group. 
The  examiner  uses  only  twenty  total  pictures  with  any  subject  which  are 
usually  administered  in  two  test  sessions,  ten  pictures  at  a  tinne. 

Examinees  are  told  that  the  TAT  tests  imagination.    They  are  to 
make  up  stories  to  suit  themselves  and  are  assured  no  right  or  wrong 
responses  exist.    The  examiner  shows  pictures  one  at  a  time,  giving 
simple  instructions  and  asking  the  subject: 

1  .      to  tell  what  he/she  thinks  led  up  to  the  depicted  scene,  how 
it  came  about; 

2 .      to  give  an  account  of  what  is  happening  and  the  feelings  of 
the  characters  in  the  picture;  and 

3  .      to  tell  what  the  outcome  will  be . 
The  test  has  no  time  limits  and  an  examiner  encourages  the  subject  to 
continue  for  as  long  as  five  minutes  on  a  picture .    Sometimes  the 
examiner  uses  an  interview  to  learn  the  origins  of  the  stories,  especially 
associations  to  places,  names  of  persons,  dates,  specific  and  unusual 
information  are  sought.    This  is  an  important  aspect  of  the  process  because 
it  enables  the  examiner  to  clarify  stories'  meanings.     For  instance,  a 
boy  ten  years  of  age  made  up  a  surprisingly  large  number  of  stories 


dealing  with  death.    The  interview  revealed  these  as  nornnal  responses: 
his  father  was  an  undertaker  and  they  lived  above  the  funeral  parlor. 

Although  the  TAT  uses  pictures  more  structured  than  an  inkblot, 
they  possess  enough  ambiguity  to  allow  wide  latitude  for  individual 
differences  in  responses.    The  TAT  is,  like  the  Rorschach,  a  projective 
method.     Murray  designed  the  TAT  to  elicit  "drives,  sentiments,  and 
conflicts"  by  analysis  of  the  story  produced  by  the  subject.     He  based  the 
test  upon  the  principal  that  when  interpreting  an  ambiguous  social  situation, 
one  is  apt  to  reveal  aspects  of  one's  own  personality  that  would  not  or 
could  not  be  admitted  otherwise  because  they  are  unconscious .    The 
subject,  while  absorbed  in  the  picture  and  attempting  to  construct  an 
appropriate  account  of  it,  is  off  guard  and  becomes  less  aware  or  quite 
unaware  of  himself/herself  in  the  situation.     In  creating  stories  based 
upon  somewhat  vague  pictures,  the  subject  utilizes  and  organizes  content 
of  unique  personal  experiences.    The  examiner  regards  everything  the 
subject  says  as  having  meaning.     From  these  stories,  the  skilled 
examiner/interpretor  draws  inferences  regarding  the  subject's  person- 
ality traits  and  their  organization.    The  limitations  of  other  projective  devices 
also  limit  the  TAT .    A  number  of  different  elaborate  and  special-purpose 
schemes  allow  scoring  of  the  TAT,  but  they  show  little  uniformity  in  pro- 
cedure for  analysis  of  test  results  and  few  clinicians  report  the  specific 
system  in  use.    Thus,  comparisons  between  examiners  are  often  impossible. 


Unless  one  of  two  objective,  specific  scoring  systems  is  used  along  with 
a  specially  trained  scorer,   reliability  for  the  TAT  is  generally  low. 

Validity  research  has  not  demonstrated  the  TAT's  practical  use. 
It  helps  little  in  predicting  behavior  and  thus  is  of  little  value  in  decision 
nnaking.     However,  it  has  been  useful  for  research  in  achievement  motiva- 
tion .      Below  is  an  example  of  the  TAT . 

The  client's  responses  to  the  TAT  indicate     a  chronically  anxious, 
impulsive  person  who  becomes  flighty,  disorganized,  and  hypernnanic 
under  stress.     He  avoids  close  relationships  because  he  can  relate  only 
in  a  superficial,  exploitive  way.     He  wishes  those  stronger  than  himself 
would  take  care  of  him  and  thus  he  may  go  to  rather  great  lengths  to  nnake 
people  he  sees  as  superior  notice  him.     He  has  a  negative,  poorly  defined 
identity.     He  feels  alone,  helpless,  and  unable  to  function  without  high 
anxiety  unless  involved  in  a  constant  frenzy  of  activity.     His  feminine 
interests  equip  him  little  to  compete  with  more  aggressive  peers.    While 
he  is  not  necessarily  an  overt  honnosexual,  he  may  be  prinnarily  homo- 
erotic  in  his  sexual  responses.     He  fears  exploitation  and  attack.     He  is 
afraid  of  failure  and  so  may  not  see  tasks  through  to  their  conclusion.     He 
has  many  personality  deficits  and  functions  in  a  way  which  will  interfere 
with  constructive  achievennent  in  a  vocational  training  program.     In  fact, 
his  enrollment  in  a  training  program  should  probably  be  made  contingent 
upon  regular  psychological  treatment.     He  will  respond  best  to  supportive, 
problenn-solving  approach  and  behavior  modification  techniques  ennphasizing 
reward  for  constructive  efforts. 


Symonds  Picture  Story  Test  (SPST) 

The  Symonds  Picture  Story  Test  is  a  projective  technique  designed 
for  the  study  of  the  personality  of  adolescent  boys  and  girls.    The  SPST 
is  identical  to  the  Thematic  Apperception  Test  except  that  it  uses  a 
different  set  of  pictures  especially  designed  for  the  study  of  adolescent 
fantasy.     But,  the  SPST  similarly  uses  twenty  pictures  divided  into  two 
sets.     If  both  sets  are  used,  the  examiner  should  use  one  set  at  a  first 
setting  and  the  second  set  at  a  second  setting  at  least  a  day  later  (usage 
has  demonstrated  Set  B  the  more  effective  of  the  two).     The  examiner 
individually  administers  the  test  in  an  interview  situation  which  requires 
about  an  hour  to  run  through  the  ten  pictures .    The  author  recommends 
interpreting  the  results  of  the  test  within  the  context  of  the  subject's  life 
history  nnaterial  secured  by  casework  with  psychoanalytic  study. 

Many  of  the  limitations  inherent  in  the  use  of  any  projective  device 
affect  this  test,  and  the  connments  about  the  use  of  the  Thematic  Apper- 
ception  Test  apply  fully  to  the  SPST — with  the  additional  observation  that 
the  SPST  has  not  been  subject  to  as  nnuch  research  as  the  TAT.     Normative 
data  based  on  forty  cases  are  available  in  the  manual . 

Wechsler  Intelligence  Scale  for  Children  (WISC) 

Examiners  frequently  use  the  WISC — an  individually  adnninistered 
general  intelligence  test — to  predict  academic  success  or  discover 
intellectual  or  academic  deficiencies  which  may  be  interfering  with  school 
achievement.     Like  the  Wechsler  Adult  Intelligence  Scale,  the  WISC 


obtains  I.Q.s  by  comparing  each  subject's  test  penfornnance  with  the  scores 
earned  by  individuals  in  his  or  her  age  group.     I.Q.s  obtained  by  successive 
yvISC  re-tests  always  compare  the  subjects  to  their  own  age  group  at  each 
time  of  testing.     Each  person  tested  is  assigned  an  I.Q.  which  represents 
the  intelligence  rating  relative  to  his  or  her  age.    The  WISC  uses  a  mean 
of  100  and  a  standard  deviation  of  15,  and  places  I.Q.s  from  90  to  110  in 
the  average  range.     In  terms  of  percentile  limits,  the  highest  1  percent 
would  have  I.Q.s  of  135  and  above,  and  the  lowest  1  percent  I.Q.s  to  65 
and  below.    The  middle  50  percent  of  children  in  each  age  will  have  I.Q.s 
ranging  fronn  90  to  110. 

The  WISC  consists  of  12  subtests  which,  like  the  adult  scales,  divide 
into  two  subgroups  identified  as  verbal  and  performance.    The  verbal  sub- 
tests are:    Information,  Comprehension,  Arithmetic,  Similarities, 
Vocabulary,  Digit  Span;  the  performance  subtests  are:     Picture  Completion, 
Picture  Arrangement,  Block  Design,  Object  Assembly,  Coding,  Mazes. 

In  the  standardization  of  the  WISC,  every  subject  took  all  twelve 
tests,  but  to  shorten  the  time  required  for  examination  the  scale  has  been 
reduced  to  ten  tests.    (The  Digit  Span  in  the  verbal,  and  Mazes  in  the 
performance  part  were  omitted  primarily  on  the  basis  of  their  relatively 
low  correlation  with  the  other  tests  on  the  scale,  and,  in  the  case  of  Mazes, 
the  time  factor.)    One  can  use  all  subtests  but  in  this  case  all  twelve  tests 
must  be  prorated  before  computing  the  I.Q.s.     Usually  a  trained  clinical  or 
school  psychologist  administers  the  test. 


An  original  norming  group  of  only  white  urban  children  sampling 
1 ,  100  girls  and  1  ,  100  boys  in  11  age  groups  standardized  the  WISC.     Its 
present  limitations  as  a  diagnostic  instrument  for  intelligence  probably 
lie  in  these  inadequate  sampling  procedures — how  can  the  WISC  validly 
test  those  who  radically  depart  from  those  in  the  original  sampling?     The 
onnission  of  rural  American  Indian  children  in  the  original  sampling 
procedures  sharply  limits  this  test's  usefulness  with  them.     Shifts  in 
population  distribution,  general  levels  of  education,  and  increased  use  of 
information  dispersennent  by  nnass  media  means  may  further  invalidate 
WISC  results  on  present  day  populations. 

Though  I.Q.  tests  can  and  will  be  adnninistered  to  so-called  disad- 
vantaged groups,  the  social  service  practitioner  must  remember  to  interpret 
the  results  with  great  caution,  as  most  items  on  these  tests  are  culturally 
biased  in  one  way  or  another.     Rennember:    These  tests  mininnally  estimate 
"intellectual  ability"  and  the  results  should  be  supplemented  by  intelligence 
tests  when  the  nneaning  of  the  I.Q.  test  is  vague.     Use  special  care  in 
making  future  predictions  on  the  basis  of  I.Q.  tests  alone — especially  with 
young  children.     Research  suggests  that  the  I.Q.  does  change  under  certain 
conditions.     Below  is  an  exannple  of  a  WISC  test. 

Jimmy  Jones  is  functioning  in  the  bright  normal  range  of  intelligence . 
On  the  WISC,  he  achieved  a  Verbal  I.Q.  of  112,  a  Performance  I.Q.  of  115, 
and  a  Full  Scale  I.Q.  of  114.     Although  Jimmy's  relatively  high  scores  on 
General  Comprehension,  Similarities,  and  Picture  Arrangement  indicate 


that  he  has  considerable  abstracting  ability  and  that  his  intellectual  potential 
is  quite  high,  the  discrepantly  low  scores  on  Arithmetic,  General  Infornnation, 
and  Vocabulary  indicate  that  he  has  not  been  able  to  nnake  the  nnost  of  his 
intellectual  potential.    Judging  from  his  history  and  present  living  circum- 
stances, the  discrepancy  is  probably  due  to  the  effects  of  severe  cultural 
deprivation.    The  relatively  low  score  on  Digit  Span  also  suggests  a  signifi- 
cant level  of  anxiety  which  may  be  indigenous  to  test  situations.    This  often 
appears  in  children  from  culturally  deprived  environments  and,  of  course, 
adds  to  the  type  of  school  under-achievennent  that  nnay  be  reflected  in  his 
low  scores  on  the  Verbal  subtests  correlated  with  such  achievennent . 
Certainly,  his  high  scores  on  Picture  Completion,  Block  Design,  and  Object 
Assembly  indicate  extremely  good  perceptual-nnotor  functioning.    This  lends 
strength  to  the  impression  of  intellectual  functioning  that  is  substantially 
higher  when  measured  by  his  overall  performance  on  the  Verbal  subtests. 
Probably,  his  potential  lies  well  within  the  superior  range  of  intelligence 
(I.Q.  =  120-130). 

Wide  Range  Achievennent  Test 

The  Wide  Range  Achievement  Test  first  standardized  in  1936  and  revised 
most  recently  in  1965,  consists  of  three  subtests,  each  divided  into  two 
levels — Level  I  designed  for  children  between  the  ages  of  five  years  and 
eleven  years  and  eleven  months,  and  Level  II  designed  for  persons  from 
twelve  years  to  adulthood.    The  three  subtests  at  both  levels  are: 


1  .      Reading  -  recognizing  and  nanning  letters  and  pronouncing  words. 

2.  Spelling  -  copying  marks  resembling  letters,  writing  the  name, 
and  writing  single  words  to  dictation. 

3.  Arithnnetic  -  counting,   reading  nunnber  symbols,  solving  oral 
problems,  and  performing  written  connputations . 

Untrained  school  personnel  can  administer  this  test  to  large  groups. 
The  Wide  Range  Achievement  Test  has  proved  valuable  in  a  number  of  areas: 
1  .      the  accurate  diagnosis  of  reading,  spelling,  and  arithmetic 
disabilities  in  persons  of  all  ages; 

2.  the  deternnination  of  instructional  levels  in  school  children; 

3 .  the  assignment  of  children  to  instructional  groups  progressing 
at  similar  rates  and  their  transfer  to  faster  or  slower  rates 
in  keeping  with  individual  learning  rates; 

4.  the  establishment  of  degrees  of  literacy  and  arithmetic  pro- 
ficiency of  mentally  retarded  persons; 

5.  the  checking  of  school  achievement  of  adults  referred  for 
vocational  rehabilitation  and  job  placement; 

6.  the  selection  of  personnel  at  various  occupational  levels  for 
pronnotion  in  business,  industry,  and  the  National  Services;  and 

7.  the  selection  of  students  for  professionalized  technical  schools. 
Test  scores  are  reported  as  grade  rorms  and  standard  scores. 

Originally  the  actual  mean  grade  levels  of  the  children  in  each  age  group 
tested  established  the  grade  norms.     Such  an  arbitrary  score  as  grade 


rating  may  vary  with  promotion  practices  and  socioeconomic  levels.     For 
example,   in  1936,  the  average  person  in  the  nornn  group  obtained  a  9.1 
grade  rating  at  age  17,  but  in  1963,  the  average  person  obtained  a  grade 
rating  of  10.8  at  the  age  of  17.    This  may  mean  that  more  people  stay  in 
school  longer,  or  that  more  persons  obtain  higher  grade  ratings  but  not 
necessarily  higher  achievennent  than  they  did  25  years  earlier.     Despite 
these  variations,  the  grade  ratings  tend  to  be  a  rather  stable  score.    The 
comparability  of  the  old  and  new  grade  ratings  are  striking  through  nearly 
all  educational  levels  except  the  upper  ratings.    The  grade  ratings  above 
age  14  are  more  arbitrary  than  those  below  14. 

The  standard  score  in  the  Wide  Range  Achievement  Test  connpares 
to  the  I.Q.  of  standard  tests.     Persons  of  different  ages  may  receive 
identical  grade  scores.     For  exannple,  a  5.5  grade  stands  for  superior 
achievement  if  obtained  by  a  7-year-old,  but  represents  defective  achieve- 
ment if  obtained  by  a  25-year-old  person.    The  standard  score  shows  whether 
the  grade  rating  lies  above  average  or  below  average  for  any  particular  age 
level .    The  standard  scores  used  are  based  on  the  distribution  of  the  grade 
ratings  for  each  group. 

While  the  Wide  Range  Achievement  Test  provides  a  useful  measure  of 
actual  achievement,  the  social  service  practitioner  should  not  use  it  alone 
for  it  contains  multiple  and  varying  reasons  for  underachievement .     For 
this  reason,  as  with  any  other  test,  a  lone  achievennent  test  score  may  mis- 
lead especially  if  interpreted  by  those  unfanniliar  with  the  complexities  of 
achievement  testing. 



The  Bender-Gestalt  was  designed  to  test  visual  nnotor  performance 
skills.     It  is  used  as  an  aid  in  assessing  perceptual-motor  coordination 
disorders  which  are  often  related  to  organic  brain  dysfunction.    The  test 
has  proven  somewhat  useful  in  diagnosing  various  types  of  retardation,  and 
personality  patterns  or  trends  . 

The  Bender-Gestalt  consists  of  nine  different  geometric  figures, 
printed  on  cards,  which  the  subject  is  asked  to  reproduce.    This  basic 
procedure,  called  the  "copy  phase,"  is  in  some  adaptations  of  the  Bender- 
Gestalt  .     For  example,  the  examiner  may  ask  subjects  to  recall  the  figures 
they  drew,  elaborate  upon  or  change  the  figures  they  reproduced. 

While  an  extremely  experienced  clinician  may  profitably  use  this  test, 
it  does  not  lend  itself  well  for  "cook  book"  interpretation  or  for  use  by 
unexperienced  examiners,  nor  should  it  be  used  in  making  final  determina- 
tions regarding  organic  brain  dysfunction,  perceptual -motor  deficits,  or 
personality  nnalfunction .    A  visual-motor  task,  in  testing  personality 
reaction,  provides  a  sannple  of  behavior  involving  connplex  functions. 
Like  other  so-called  "projective"  procedures,  such  complex  behavior 
examples  are  best  interpreted  from  a  consistent  theoretical  frame  of 
reference.    The   Bender-Gestalt  results  only  hint  at  possible  brain  disorders 
or  personality  malfunctions.    The  theory  underlying  personality  testing 
through  a  visual-motor  task  is  that  such  testing  has  some  special 
characteristics  and  possible  advantages.    The  theory  notes  that  probably 


styles  of  perceiving  and  reproducing  figures  which  are  relatively  neutral, 
i.e.  ,  have  few  associations  with  one's  past,  tap  sonne  personality  facets 
which  conscious  attempts  cannot  disguise .    A  few  highly  skilled  clinicians 
piece  together  some  good  hunches  about  a  subject  from  the  drawings,  but 
since  they  rely  on  hunches  the  Bender-Gestalt  remains  an  experimental 
instrument,  and  validation  studies  prove  disappointing  despite  extensive  use. 
Most  social  service  practitioners  would  not  find  Bendei — Gestalt  test  results 
useful  in  decision  making.    After  all,  how  does  the  social  worker  use  a 
a  test  report  indicating  "suspicion  of  organicity"?    Thus,   regard  this  tests' 
results  with  caution.    Below  is  an  example  of  a  Bender-Gestalt  test  result. 

This  is  a  record  of  a  15-year-old  girl  who  is  quite  inhibited  and 
generally  fearful  in  her  behavior.    There  is  evidence  of  some  mild,  diffuse 
organic  damage  probably  occuring  in  early  childhood,  perhaps  between  4  and 
7  years  of  age,  and  possibly  due  to  an  encephalitic  condition.    Although  she  has 
partially  compensated  for  the  intracranial  damage,  the  organic  factor  still 
exerts  something  of  a  handicap  to  her  adjustment.     However,  at  present, 
her  central  problem  appears  to  be  neurotic  inhibition  accompanied  by  some 
depression  and  apathy.    The  organic  factor  certainly  contributes  to  her 
present  adjustment  difficulties  but  is  insufficient  to  explain  them.    At  present, 
her  prime  means  of  defense  are  withdrawal,  denial,  and  isolation.     She  is 
quite  fearful  of  rejection  in  general  and  is  especially  fearful  of  rejection 
at  the  hands  of  those  she  perceives  as  authority  or  parental  figures.    While 
she  usually  tries  to  conform  on  a  conscious  level,  she  shows  fairly 


pronounced  passive,  oppositional  tendencies.     Under  stress,  there  nnay  be 
some  regression  to  narcissism  and  orally  dependent  behavior.     Despite 
this,  she  shows  some  progression  and  has  established  some  behavioral 
configurations  characteristic  of  both  anal  and  oedipal  periods  of  adjustment. 
She  desperately  needs  closeness  with  people  but  is  fearful  of  interpersonal 
relationships  and  has  not  developed  skills  for  encouraging  these.     Rather, 
she  remains  in  superficial,   rather  distant  relationships,  while  embellishing 
these  with  fantasy.     Presently  she  is  moderately  depressed,  partly  because 
she  does  not  get  the  attention  she  needs  and  partly  because  of  guilt  over 
impulses  which  she  ordinarily  inhibits.    At  this  point,  she  seems  to  be 
especially  fearful  of  heterosexual  relationships  and  may  suffer  fronn 
unresolved  sexual  feelings  for  her  father.    Although  her  major  identification 
is  female,  her  self-image  is  that  of  an  inadequate  person.     Characteristically, 
she  remains  withdrawn,  aloof,  and  rather  "retarded"  in  her  behavior.     An 
estimate  of  her  intellectual  abilities  nneasured  by  her  present  Bender 
performance  would  yield  an  I.Q.  of  approximately  75.    This  rough  estimate 
probably  characterizes  her  present  school  performance  but  is  not  a  good 
reflection  of  her  potential.     Despite  her  attempt  to  cooperate  on  the  test, 
there  is  considerable  evidence  of  marked  impairment  of  intellectual 
functioning  on  the  basis  of  neurotic  problems .     If  her  neurotic  difficulties 
were  resolved,  and  her  severe  inhibitions  rennoved,  she  should  probably 
function  within  or  near  the  average  range  of  intelligence . 



The  Rorschach  test,  or  "Inkblot,"  originally  developed  in  1921 
by  Hermann  Rorschach,  has  been  considerably  researched  to  expand  and 
improve  upon  its  diagnostic  virtues  and  uses.     It  is  used  primarily  as  a 
personality  test  based  on  the  "projective"  method.    The  test  consists  of 
ten  inkblots  presented  one  at  a  time  to  the  subject.    The  first  seven  blots 
are  essentially  black  and  white  although  blots  two  and  three  have  smaller 
red  blotches.    The  last  three  blots  are  multi-colored.    Typically,  the  test 
is  individually  administered  in  three  phases.     During  the  first,  the  subject 
gives  spontaneous  responses  to  the  inkblots.     During  the  second,  or  "inquiry" 
phase,  the  examiner  asks  questions  to  determine  how  "the  characteristics" 
of  the  inkblots  triggered  the  subject's  response,  such  as  if  color,  shape, 
or  shading  helped  the  person  see  what  he  or  she  saw.     In  a  later  phase 
(sometimes  used),  called  "testing  the  linnits,"  the  examiner  attempts  to 
get  additional  scoring  material,  especially  if  the  subject  has  given  extremely 
unusual  responses  or  has  not  "seen"  the  concepts  commonly  "seen." 

The  Rorschach  scoring  systenn  allots  five  scores  to  a  response.    The 
scoring  is  deternnined  according  to  the  "area  chosen,"  the  content  chosen, 
the  form  level  of  the  response  (this  refers  to  how  accurately  or  arbitrarily, 
or  how  definitely  or  vaguely  the  response  fornn  is  conceived),  and  the 
"popularity"  of  the  response  (whether  or  not  the  response  is  found  often  or 
considered  extremely  rare). 


In  addition  to  the  Rorschach's  complex  scoring,  a  qualitative 
approach  can  also  add  further  data.    The  way  a  subject  approaches  the 
card,  the  pauses,  the  difficulties,  the  apparently  extraneous  comments 
can  all  add  further  data  when  interpreted  by  a  skilled  clinician. 

The  theory  implies  that  persons'  reactions  to  these  abstract  blots 
will  give  clues  to  their  reactions  to  life — one  person  organizes  the  blot  in 
minute  detail  while  another  may  give  it  a  slap  dash  once  over.     Is  the 
subject  interested  in  unusual  details  or  in  the  more  common  ones?    Are 
colors  perceived  and  reported  in  the  blot  description?    And  so  forth. 

Although  the  Rorschach  has  been  used  for  over  fifty  years  and  has 
been  extensively  researched  to  establish  its  predictive  validity,  the 
results  have  proven  somewhat  disappointing  and  uneven.     In  research 
experiments,  clinicians  asked  to  make  a  diagnosis  based  on  Rorschach 
responses  alone,  without  any  other  data  available,  could  not  accurately 
predict  behavior  nor  diagnose  psychiatric  disorders.    The  research 
indicates  that  the  Rorschach  is    fickle — sometimes  it  works  while  other 
tinnes  it  does  not.     In  general,  most  clinicians  agree  that  the  Rorschach 
has  some  predictive  validity  which  does  better  than  chance  alone.     But 
experienced  exanniners  do  equally  well  by  asking  subjects  direct  questions. 
However,  apparently  no  empirical  evidence  demonstrates  that  the  Rorschach 
or  any  other  projective  instrument  will  reliably  predict  behavior  in  the  day- 
to-day  world.     Thus,  as  a  tool  in  making  decisions  on  practical  problems, 
the  instrument  \s  limited. 


A  number  of  split-half  and  test/re-test  reliabiUty  studies  are 
available  on  Rorschach  protocals.     Reported  values  differ  considerably 
fronn  study  to  study  and  for  different  types  of  subscores.     However,  in 
general,  the  use  of  a  specific  scoring  system  produces  unifornnly  positive 
and  fairly  high  correlations  in  nnany  cases. 

The  Rorschach,  as  other  projective  tests,  is  a  clinical  instrument 
that  should  give  reliable,  valid  results  only  when  used  by  persons  having 
both  the  special  technical  training  and  an  advanced  sophistication  in  the 
understanding  and  application  of  a  specific  personality  theory.    The  tests 
are  generally  time  consuming,  both  to  give  and  to  score,  and  they  are 
sometimes  hard  to  justify  by  the  results  obtained.     It  is  the  author's 
impression  that  a  highly  experienced  clinician,  willing  to  engage  the 
subject  in  in-depth  interviews,  can  obtain  similar  results  and  perhaps 
make  nnore  meaningful  inferences  regarding  behavior  prediction  than  the 
Rorschach.      Below  is  a  sample  test  report  on  the  Rorschach . 

The  Rorschach  results  indicate  that  the  client  is  a  relatively  well 
adjusted  man  whose  personality  conflicts  are  not  sharp  enough  to  cause 
hinn  chronic  or  severe  anxiety.  Indeed,  the  anxiety  he  experienced  in 
the  present  testing  situation  is  probably  germane  to  those  circunnstances 
in  which  he  feels  he  is  being  evaluated  or  judged.  He  fears  being  found 
in  need — not  an  unrealistic  fear  in  our  society.  He  is  overly  concerned 
about  his  physical  functioning  at  present,  probably  due  to  his  history  of 
physical  disorder.    A  sensitive  young  man  responsive  to  the  needs  of 


others,  he  is  motivated  to  improve  himself  and  has  the  impulse  control 
necessary  for  ennotional  and  intellectual  growth.     He  seems  to  get  along 
well  with  others  and  will  probably  work  hard  to  do  a  good  job  in  anything 
he  undertakes.     He  likes  to  make  friends  and  seenns  something  of  an  extro- 
vert.    He  will  probably  be  popular  with  his  peers,  co-workers,  etc. 

Wechsler  Pre-School  and  Prinnary  Scale  of  Intelligence  (WPPSI) 

Published  in  1967,  this  scale  is  designed  to  test  the  intelligence  of 
children  fronn  ages  four  to  six  and  one-half  years .     The  scale  includes 
eleven  subtests,  ten  of  which  determine  the  I.Q.  score.     Eight  of  the 
subtests  are  downward  extensions  and  adaptations  of  the  Wechsler 
Intelligence  Scale  for  Children  (WISC).    The  other  newly  constructed 
three  replace  WISC  subtests  that,  for  a  variety  of  reasons,  proved 
unsuitable .    As  in  the  WISC  and  the  WAIS ,  the  subtests  group  into  Verbal 
and  Performance  scales  from  which  Verbal,    Perfornnance,  and  Full  Scale 
I.Q.s  are  found.     However,  in  order  to  enhance  variety  and  to  help  main- 
tain the  young  child's  interest  and  cooperation,  the  adnninistration  of 
Verbal  and  Performance  subtests  are  alternated  in  the  WPPSI .    Total 
testing  time  ranges  from  50  to  75  nninutes  in  one  or  two  testing  sessions. 
Abbreviated  scales  or  short  forms  of  the  scale  are  not  recommended .    The 
subtests  include  Information,  Vocabulary,  Arithmetic,  Similarities, 
Comprehension,  Sentences,  Animal  House,   Picture  Completion,  Mazes, 
Geometric  Design,  and  Block  Design.     "Sentences"  is  a  memory  test 
substituted  for  the  WISC  Digit  Span.    The  child  repeats  each  sentence 


immediately  after  the  exanniner  orally  presents  it.    This  test  can  be 
alternatively  used  for  one  of  the  other  Verbal  tests;  or  it  can  be  admin- 
istered as  an  additional  test  to  seek  further  information  about  the  child 
and  so  it  is  not  included  in  the  total  score  for  calculating  the  I.Q. 
"Animal  House"  is  basically  similar  to  the  WATS  Digit  Symbol  and  the 
Wise  Coding  test.    A  key  at  the  top  of  the  board  has  pictures  of  a  dog, 
chicken,  fish,  and  cat,  each  with  a  differently  colored  cylinder  (its 
"house")  under  it.    The  child  should  insert  the  correctly  colored  cylinder 
in  the  hole  beneath  each  animal  on  the  board.     Time,  errors,  and  omissions 
determine  the  score.     "Geometric  Design"  requires  the  copying  often 
simple  designs  with  a  colored  pencil . 

The  WPPSI  was  standardized  on  a  national  sample  of  1 ,200  boys 
and  girls  in  each  of  six  and  one-half  year  age  groups  from  four  to  six 
and  one-half,  where  each  child  was  tested  within  six  weeks  of  the  required 
birthday  or  mid-year  date.    The  sample  was  stratified  against  1960  census 
data  with  reference  to  geographical  region,  urban-world  residence,  pro- 
portion of  whites  and  non-whites,  and  father's  occupational  level.     Raw 
scores  on  each  subtest  are  converted  to  normalized  standard  scores  with 
a  mean  of  ten  and  a  standard  deviation  of  three  within  each  one-fourth 
year  group.    The  sum  of  the  scaled  scores  on  the  Verbal,   Perfornnance, 
and  Full  Scale  are  then  converted  to  deviation  I.Q.s  with  a  mean  of  100 
and  a  standard  deviation  of  15.    Although  Wechsler  advises  against  using 
nnental  age  scores  because  of  their  possible  misinterpretation,  the 


manual  provides  a  table  for  converting  subtest  raw  scores  to  "test  ages" 
in  one-fourth  year  units  . 

Reliability  coefficients  for  the  Full  Scale  I.Q.  are  acceptably  high 
and  consistent  \Aath  the  other  Wechsler  scales.     The  manual  also  provides 
tables  for  evaluating  the  significance  of  score  differences.     This  data 
suggests  that  a  difference  of  fifteen  points  or  more  between  the  Verbal 
and  Performance  I.Q.  is  significant  enough  to  be  investigated.     Stability 
over  time  was  also  checked  in  a  group  of  fifty  kindergarten  children 
re-tested  after  an  average  interval  of  eleven  weeks.     Under  these  condi- 
tions, the  reliability  coefficients  for  the  Full  Scale  I.Q.  ,  the  Verbal  I.Q.  , 
and  the  Performance  I.Q.  were  satisfactorily  high. 

The  manual  reports  comparisons  with  the  Stanford-Binet  and  the 
Wise.    Along  with  the  WISC.  the  Stanford-Binet   correlates  higher  with 
the  Verbal  I.Q.  (.76)  than  with  the  Performance  I.Q.  (.66).    This  group, 
which  was  sonnewhat  below  average  in  ability,  had  approximately  the 
same  mean  on  Stanford-Binet  and  the  WPPSI  (91  .3  versus  89.6),     Similar 
comparisons  at  different  ability  levels  are  needed , 

Owing  to  its  recent  publication,  little  can  be  concluded  at  this  time 
about  WPPSI's  validity  and  practical  use.    The  procedures  followed  in 
standardizing  the  scale  and  estimating  reliability  and  validity  are  of 
uniformly  high  technical  quality.     Both  the  size  and  composition  of  the 
norm  and  sample  are  considerably  advanced  over  the  pre-school  tests 
previously  available.     But  observe  caution  when  using  any  test  score 


involving  young  children,  for  many  variables,  difficult  to  control,  affect 
the  uncertain  procedure  of  assessing  young  children. 

Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test 

The  Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test,  designed  to  provide  a  verbal 
intelligence  estimate  through  nneasuring  hearing  vocabulary,  is  effective 
with  average  subjects,  and  has  special  value  with  certain  other  groups. 
Reading  is  not  required,  so  the  scale  is  especially  fair  for  non-readers, 
and  since  responses  are  non-oral ,  the  test  can  be  used  for  the  speech 
impaired  (expressly  the  aphasic  and  the  stutterer).     It  is  also  used  with 
certain  autistic,  withdrawn,  and  psychotic  persons.     Since  neither  point- 
ing nor  oral  responses  are  required  the  test  can  be  used  with  orthopedically 
handicapped  and  cerebral  palsied  persons,  and  also  with  some  visually 
handicapped  and  perceptually  impaired  persons.    Thus,  the  scale  allows 
for  any  English-speaking  resident  of  the  United  States  between  two  years, 
six  months  and  eighteen  years  who  can  hear  words,  see  the  drawings, 
and  indicate  "yes"  or  "no"  in  a  manner  which  connmunicates .    The  Peabody 
Picture  Vocabulary  Test  has  a  number  of  advantages: 

1  .      The  test  has  high  interest  value  and  thus  establishes  good 

2.  It  needs  no  extensive,  specialized  preparation  for  its  administra- 

3.  It  is  quickly  given  in  ten  to  fifteen  minutes. 


4.  Scoring  is  completely  objective  and  quickly  acconnplished  in 
one  to  two  minutes. 

5.  It  is  completely  untimed  and  thus  is  an  ability  rather  than  a 
speed  test. 

6.  No  oral  response  is  required. 

7.  Alternate  forms  of  the  test  are  provided  to  facilitate  repeated 

8.  The  test  covers  a  wide  age  range. 

The  administration  of  the  Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test  requires 
no  special  preparation  other  than  complete  fanniliarity  with  the  test 
materials  which  include  giving  the  test  prior  to  its  use  as  a  standardized 
measure.    The  exanniner  must  know  the  correct  pronunciation  of  each  of 
the  test  words  as  given  in  Webster's  New  Collegiate  Dictionary.     If  all  the 
instructions  are  completely  observed,  psychologists,  teachers,  speech 
therapists,  physicians,  counselors,  and  social  workers  should  be  able  to 
give  the  scale  accurately. 

Only  ten  to  fifteen  minutes  are  usually  required  for  this  untimed  test. 
The  scale  is  adnninistered  only  over  the  critical  range  of  items  for  a 
particular  subject.     The  starting  point,  basal,  and  ceiling  vary  from 
testee  to  testee .     The  examiner  presents  a  series  of  pictures  to  each 
subject.     There  are  four  pictures  to  a  page  and  each  is  numbered.     The 
examiner  says  a  word  describing  one  of  these  four  pictures  and  asks  the 
subject  to  point  to  or  tell  the  number  of  the  picture  which  the  word 


describes.     Subjects  are  encouraged  to  "guess"  if  they  do  not  know  which 
picture  best  conforms  to  the  nneaning  of  the  word  presented.     The  exanniner 
starts  subjects  at  different  "picture  levels"  according  to  the  age  ranges 
specified  in  the  manual,  and  proceeds  forward  from  the  starting  point  until 
the  subject  makes  the  first  error.     If  the  subject  does  not  make  eight 
consecutive  correct  responses  prior  to  this  first  error,  the  examiner 
returns  immediately  to  the  starting  point  and  works  backwards    (through 
the  next  lowest  age  range)  until  a  total  of  eight  consecutive  correct  answers 
are  made  by  the  subject.     Responses  above  the  starting  point — as  well  as 
below — are  counted  in  order  to  establish  the  basal  of  eight  consecutive 
correct  answers.    The  exanniner  then  continues  testing  forward  from  the 
point  of  the  first  error  until  the  subject  makes  six  errors  in  any  eight 
consecutive  presentations,  counting  the  last  itenn  presented  as  the  subject's 
ceiling.    The  total  score  is  the  number  of  correct  responses.    All  items 
below  the  basal  point  are  assumed  correct;  all  itenns  above  the  ceiling 
item  are  assumed  incorrect.    To  get  the  total  raw  score,  the  examiner 
subtracts  the  errors  from  the  number  of  the  last  item  presented,  or 
ceiling  item.     By  using  special  tables,  the  raw  score  can  be  converted  to 
three  types  of  derived  scores: 

1  .      an  age  equivalent  (nnental  age); 

2 .  standard  score  equivalent  (intelligence  quotient);  and 

3.  a  percentile  equivalent. 


The  age  norms  for  converting  raw  scores  on  the  Peabody  Picture 
Vocabulary  Test  to  nnental  age  scores  are  given  in  the  manual .    Age 
equivalents  supposedly  provide  an  index  of  the  level  of  a  given  subject's 
development.     For  example,  75  is  the  mean  raw  score  on  Form  A  for 
children  who  have  a  chronological  age  of  10.0.     Therefore,   regardless 
of  subjects'  chronological  ages,  if  they  obtain  a  raw  score  of  75  on  a 
Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test,  they  supposedly  possess  a  mental 
age  of  ten  years  since  their  ability  to  score  on  this  test  is  like  the  average 
10-year-old's.    Approximate  grade  equivalents  derive  from  age  equivalents 
by  the  rule  of  five .    Thus ,  a  child  with  a  mental  age  of  11.0  would  have  a 
grade  equivalent  of  six  (subtract  five  from  the  mental  age)  indicating  an 
accumulative  capacity  to  achieve  at  the  beginning  grade  six  level .    Age 
norms  have  a  number  of  advantages.    They  provide  an  easily  understood 
index  of  the  subject's  developmental  level.    They  are  useful  in  comparing 
mental  age  with  chronological  age,  achievement  age,  social  age,  and  so 
on.     In  addition  to  the  age  norms,  they  provide  standard  score  norms  which 
may  provide  an  "index  of  brightness"  for  a  given  child  in  comparison  with 
other  children  of  the  same  age.    The  Peabody  was  standardized  with  a  mean 
of  100  and  a  standard  deviation  of  15. 

Wechsler  Adult  Intelligence  Scale  (WAIS) 

The  WAIS ,  the  adult  form  of  the  Wechsler  Intelligence  Test,  is  used 
to  assess  general  and  specific  intellectual  ability  for  persons  sixteen 


years  and  above.     The  WAIS  consists  of  eleven  subtests  grouped  into  a 
verbal  scale  and  a  perfornnance  scale. 
Verbal  Scale 

1  .      Infornnation:    Twenty-nine  questions  covering  a  wide  variety 
of  information  that  adults  presunnably  should  acquire  in  our 
culture .    An  effort  was  made  to  avoid  specialized  or  academic 
knowledge . 

2.  Comprehension:     Fourteen  items  in  each  of  which  the  subject 
explains  what  should  be  done  under  certain  circunnstances, 
why  certain  practices  are  followed,  the  meaning  of  proverbs, 
etc.    These  are  designed  to  measure  practical  judgment  and 
connmon  sense .    This  test  resennbles  the  Stanford-Binet 
comprehension  items  but  its  specific  content  was  chosen  to 
be  nnore  consonant  with  the  interests  and  activities  of  adults. 

3.  Arithmetic:    Fourteen  problems  similar  to  those  encountered 
in  elementary  school  arithmetic.     Each  problem,  orally 
presented,  is  to  be  solved  without  the  use  of  paper  and  pencil. 

4.  Sinnilarities:     Fifteen  items  requiring  the  subject  to  say  how 
two  things  are  alike  . 

5.  Digit  Span:     Orally  presented  lists  of  three  to  nine  digits  to  be 
orally  reproduced.     In  the  second  part,  the  subject  must 
reproduce  backwards  lists  of  two  to  eight  digits , 


6.  Vocabulary:     Forty  words  of  increasing  difficulty  presented  both 
orally  and  visually.    The  subject  is  asked  what  each  word  nneans , 

Performance  Scale 

7.  Digit  Synnbol:    This  is  a  version  of  a  fanniliar  code-substitution 
test  which  dates  back  to  the  early  Woodworth-Wells  Association 
Test  and  has  often  been  included  in  non-language  intelligence 
scales.    The  key  contains  nine  symbols  paired  with  nine  digits. 
The  subject's  score  is  the  number  of  symbols  correctly 
written  within  one  and  a  half  minutes. 

8  .       Picture  Completion:     Twenty-one  cards ,  each  containing  a 

picture  with  sonne  part  missing .    The  subject  must  tell  what  is 

missing  from  each  picture  . 
9 .      Block  Design:     This  test  is  reproduced  in  designs  increasing 

in  complexity  requiring  from  four  to  nine  cubes.    The  cubes 

or  blocks  have  only  red,  white,  and  red-and-white  sides. 
10.      Picture  Arrangement:    Each  item  consists  of  a  set  of  cards 

containing  pictures  to  be  rearranged  in  proper  sequence  so  as 

to  tell  a  story. 
1 1  .      Object  Assembly:    This  test  includes  a  number  of  pieces  to 

be  assembled  very  much  in  the  manner  of  a  jigsaw  puzzle. 

The  subtest  includes  four  pictures  to  be  reproduced  including 

mannequin,  hand,  profile  of  a  face,  and  side  view  of  an 



Both  speed  and  accuracy  of  performance  are  taken  into  account  in 
scoring  A rithnnetic.  Digit  Synnbol ,  Block  Design,   Picture  Arrangement, 
and  Object  Assembly. 

The  WAIS  standardization  sample  was  carefully  chosen  to  ensure 
its  representativeness.    The  principal  normative  sample  consisted  of 
1 ,700  cases  including  an  equal  nunnber  of  men  and  women  distributed  over 
7  age  levels  between  16  and  64  years.     Subjects  were  selected  to  match 
as  closely  as  possible  the  proportions  of  the  1950  U.S.  Census  with 
regard  to  geographic  residence,  urban-rural  residence,  race,  white 
versus  non-white,  occupational  level,  and  education.    At  each  age  level, 
one  nnan  and  woman  from  an  institution  for  mental  defectives  was  included . 
Supplementary  norms  for  older  persons  were  established  by  testing  an 
"old-age  sannple"  of  475  persons  aged  60  years  and  over  in  a  typical 
mid-western  city. 

Raw  scores  on  each  WAIS  subtest  are  converted  into  standard  scores 
with  a  mean  of  10  and  a  standard  deviation  of  3.    These  scaled  scores  were 
derived  fronn  a  reference  group  of  500  cases  which  included  all  persons 
between  the  ages  of  20  and  34  in  the  standardization  sample .    All  subtest 
scores  are  thus  expressed  in  comparable  units.    Verbal,   Performance,  and 
Full  Scale  scores  are  found  by  adding  the  scaled  scores  on  the  six  verbal 
subtests,  the  five  performance  subtests,  and  all  eleven  subtests  respectively. 
The  manual  provides  tables  which  convert  these  three  scores  to  deviation 
I.Q.s  with  a  mean  of  100  and    a  standard  deviation  of  15.     However,  such 


I.Q.s  are  found  according  to  the  specific  age  group.     Thus,  they  show  an 
individual's  standing  in  comparison  with  persons  of  his  or  her  own  age 
level.     Deriving  I.Q.s  separately  for  each  age  level  compares  the  indivi- 
duals with  the  declining  norm  beyond  the  peak  age.    The  age  decrement 
is  greater  in  performance  than  verbal  scores  and  also  varies  from  one 
subtest  to  another.    Thus,  Digit  Symbol,  with  its  heavy  dependence  on 
speed  and  visual  perception,  shows  the  maximunn  age  decline.     However, 
on  the  other  performance  subtests  speed  may  be  an  unimportant  factor  in 
the  observed  decline.     In  a  special  study  on  this  point,  subjects  in  the  old- 
age  sample  were  given  those  tests  under  both  timed  and  untinned  conditions. 
Not  only  were  the  score  differences  under  the  two  conditions  slight  but 
the  decrements  from  the  60-64  to  the  70-74  age  group  were  virtually  the 
same  under  timed  and  untimed  conditions. 

The  WAIS  has  demonstrated  consistently  high  reliability  coefficients 
through  the  split-half  reliability  technique.    Validity  has  primarily  been 
established  through  demonstrating  correlations   between  test  scores  and 
scholastic  achievement.      The  WAIS  has  also  been  compared  to  other 
instruments  for  similarity  in  scores  achieved  by  the  same  subjects.     In 
all  respects  the  WAIS  has  demonstrated  relatively  high  correlations .     In 
summary,  the  WAIS  is  perhaps  the  best  general  adult  intelligence  test 
currently  available .     Following  is  a  sample  test  report  on  the  WAIS . 

The  client  is  functioning  within  the  normal  range  of  intelligence. 
On  the  WAIS,  she  achieved  a  Verbal  I.Q.  of  92,  a  Performance  I.Q.  of 


95,  and  a  Full  Scale  I.Q.  of  92 .     The  client's  vocabulary  Is  snnaller 
than  average,  she  thinks  in  a  slightly  "scattered"  way  and  has  trouble 
completing  tasks  that  require  concentration  or  the  systennmatic  organiza- 
tion of  intellectual  nnaterial.    There  is  great  variability  in  her  intellectual 
perfornnance,  in  fact,  and  this  is  typical  of  the  intellectual  functioning  of 
those  who  experience  severe  anxiety.     In  this  client's  case,  the  results 
are  blocking,  inattention  to  detail,  nnild  confusion,  and  diminished  ability 
to  maintain  cognitive  set.    She  works  better  at  structured  and  unambiguous 
problems  than  she  does  at  those  requiring  her  to  be  organized  or  to  work 
out  novel  solutions.    The  degree  of  variability  in  her  perfornnance  suggests 
that  she  would  be  functioning  near  the  bright  normal  range  had  she  had 
better  learning  opportunities  and  were  she  not  handicapped  by  chronic 
anxiety  and  emotional  difficulties. 

Tests  for  Special  Purposes 

A  variety  of  tests  have  been  developed  for  a  number  of  specialized 
purposes .    The  following  are  examples  of  special  purpose  tests  with 
references  to  further  information  for  the  consumer. 

The  Culture  Fair  Intelligence  Test.    This  is  a  paper  and  pencil  test 
developed  by  Cattell  and  Cattell,  published  by  the  Institute  for  Personality 
and  Ability  Testing.    The  test  is  available  for  three  different  age  levels, 
ranging  from  children  to  adults.    The  test's  purpose  is  to  provide  a 
measure  of  ability  directed  at  separating  the  evaluation  of  natural 
intelligence  from  that  contaminated  or  obscured  by  education .    The 


Culture  Fair  Intelligence  Test  used  both  the  classical  I.Q.  with  a  mean 
of  100  and  a  standard  deviation  of  24  and  a  standard  score  I.Q.  with  a 
mean  of  100  and  a  standard  deviation  of  16.    The  best  research  available 
on  the  test  indicates  that  when  used  in  industrial  countries  sinnilar  to 
the  United  States  the  results  have  been  consistent  from  country  to 
country.     In  very  dissimilar  countries,  however,  the  results  are  signi- 
ficantly different  from  those  obtained  with  the  standardization  sample. 
Extrenne  caution  is  urged  in  interpreting  the  results  of  this  test  for 
people  who  come  from  markedly  different  cultures.     The  Institute  for 
Personality  and  Ability  Testing,  Channpagne,   Illinois,  offers  a  manual 
providing  more  infornnation  about  this  test. 

Tests  for  the   orthopedic  handicapped.     The  Pictorial  Test  of  Intelli- 
gence,  available  through  Houghton-Mifflin  Company  Publishers,   requires 
neither  nnanipulative  nor  speaking  responses.     It  was  designed  to  assess 
the  general  intellectual  ability  of  children  between  the  ages  of  three  and 
eight  and  can  also  be  used  to  test  those  children  who  are  orthopedically 
handicapped  and  cannot  respond  orally  or  in  writing.    The  manual  provides 
information  with  regard  to  deviation  I.Q.  norms  and  mental  age  norms 
and  percentile  norms.    Thus,  scores  may  be  reported  in  all  three  forms. 
Other  tests  which  have  been  used  with  orthopedically  handicapped  include 
the  Progressive  Matrices  Test,  the  Peabody  Picture  Vocabulary  Test, 
and  the  Columbia  Mental  Maturity  Scale . 


Tests  for  the  hearing  handicapped .      Several  tests  have  been  used  to 
assess  the  nnental  ability  of  people  who  are  hearing  handicapped:    the 
Nebraska  Test  of  Learning  Aptitude,  the  Pintner- Peterson  Performance 
Scale,  the  Arthur  Point  Scale,  and  the  Point  Scale  of  Performance. 

Tests  for  the  deaf  include  the  Point  Scale  of  Performance  Tests 
available  in  two  forms  from  C.H  .  Stoelting  Co.  and  from  the  Psycho- 
logical Corporation.     Both  are  designed  to  test  persons  from  five  years 
of  age  to  adulthood.    The  purpose  of  the  scale  is  to  provide  a  measurement 
of  the  intellectual  ability  of  deaf  children,   children  suffering  fronn  reading 
handicaps,  and  non-English-speaking  children.    The  test  was  standardized 
on  about  1  ,  100  public  school  children  from  middle-class  American  homes. 
Scores  are  reported  in  the  form  of  mental  age  norms  and  a  ratio  I.Q. 

Tests  for  the  blind .    Several  standard  tests  have  been  adapted  for 
use  with  blind  populations,  including  the  Stanford-Binet  and  Wechsler 
scales .     The  Interim  Hayes-Binet  Scale  is  composed  of  items  in  forms 
L  and  M  of  the  Stanford-Binet  which  do  not  require  vision.     Currently, 
a  special  adaptation  of  the  Wechsler  scale  is  widely  used  for  testing  the 
blind .    The  major  adaptation  of  the  Wechsler  omitts  the  performance 
subtests.     The  Haptic  Intelligence  Scale  for  Adult  Blind  is  also  available 
which  was  designed  to  test  blind  adults  aged  sixteen  and  above.    This  test's 
results  are  reported  in  the  form  of  deviation  I.Q.s  with  a  nnean  of  100  and 
a  standard  deviation  of  15,    The  test  manual  published  by  Psychology  Research 
in  Chicago  authored  by  Shurrager  and  Shurrager  contains  further  infornnation . 
The  test  is  also  described  in  Buros'  Mental  Measurements  Yearbook. 


Although  detailed  information  is  provided  here  about  a  number  of 
different  tests,  this  is  not  intended  to  be  a  comprehensive  reference  guide 
describing  all  of  the  large  number  of  tests  available.     Following  are  some 
standard  references  which  social  service  practitioners  might  use  to  obtain 
more  infornnation  about  specific  tests. 

Mental  Measurements  Yearbook,     Oscar  K .   Buros,  editor,  Island 
Park,   New  Jersey:     Gryphon  Press,  7th  edition,  2  volumes,   1972.     Also 
by  the  same  author  Tests  in  Print,   Island  Park,  New  Jersey:     Gryphon 
Press .     Currently  there  are  seven  editions  of  the  Mental  Measurements 
Yearbook,  the  latest  published  in  1972.    The  Mental  Measurennents 
Yearbook    lists  most  of  the  published  standardized  tests  in  print  as  of 
the  year  the  book  was  printed.    Those  tests  not  reviewed  in  the  earlier 
editions  are  described  and  criticized  by  various  authorities .    The  Tests 
in  Print  book  is  a  comprehensive  test  bibliography  and  index  and  provides 
the  following  information  about  available  tests:    the  name  of  the  test,  the 
levels  for  which  it  is  used,  the  publication  date,  specialized  comments 

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about  the  test  by  various  authorities,  the  number  and  types  of  scores  pro- 
vided, the  authors,  the  publisher,  and  the  reference  to  test  reviews  in 
Mental  Measurennent  Yearbook. 

Other  good  books  on  testing  include: 

Cronbach,  Lee  J  .   Essentials  of  Psychological  Testing .     New  York: 
Harper  and  Row,   1970. 

Thorndike,   Robert  L.  and  Elizabeth  Hogen.     Measurement  and 
Evaluation  in  Psychology  and  Education,  3rd  edition.     New  York:    John 
Wiley  and  Sons,    1969. 

Robb,  George,   L.  C.   Bernardoni,  and  R.  W.  Johnson.     Assessment 
of  Individual  Mental  Ability.     San  Francisco:    Intext  Ed.    Publishers,    1972. 

Berdie,  Ralph,  et .  al .    Testing  in  Guidance  and  Counseling.     New 
York:    McGraw  Hill  Book  Co.  ,    1963. 

Other  sources  of  infornnation  are  the  test  reviews  and  research  in 
professional  periodicals.     Journals  such  as  Educational  and  Psychological 
Measurement,  The  Journal  of  Educational  Measurement,  The  Journal  of 
Counseling  Psychology,  and  the  Personnel  and  Guidance  Journal  typically 
carry  reviews  of  some  of  the  more  recent  published  or  revised  tests . 
