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Scplember  7, 1989 

1  Southern's  enrollment  exceeds  expectations 

By  Warren  Downs 

I  liL-  cnraUmcni  of  Souihem  College 
in  the  rise.  Accoitling  lo  Dr.  Green- 
f.  ihe  Vice-presidenl  for  Academic 
fiiirs.  the  sludeni  increase  is  due  lo  a 
couple  of  factors. 

s  pariiaHy  resulianl  from  the  many 
[changes  made  in  recruiting  .  Some  of 
it  of  publicizing  the 
>  of  attending 
I  Souihem  College  versus  other  Adventist 
|insiilulions,  increasing  recruitment  of 
Advendsi  students  in  non-Adventisl 
high  schools,  and  improving  the  struc- 
ture and  awareness  of  scholarship  op- 
I  portunities. 

r  less  understood  component 
of  the  increased  enrollment  is  the  admis- 
sion of  siud.enls  on  academic  probation. 
I  These  students  either  have  a  deficiency 
in  one  or  more  areas,  as  determined  by 
the  ACT  exam,  or  have  a  poor  high 
school  academic  record  (all  of  these 
e  final  judgment  of  I 

s  for 

Students  ai 

n  his  acceptance  to  Souihem  College. 

programs  hope  to  insure  the 
of  the  students  on  academic 
.  In  addition  to  limiting  the 
number  of  hours  permitted,  there  is  the 
increased  freshmen  orientation,  and  stu- 
dents may  also  take  advantage  of  the 
new  counseling  center  and  the  tutorial 

The  justification  for  Ihe  admission  of 

students  on  academic  probation  does  not 
come  from  the  increased  funds  received 
from  tuition  or  from  the  prestige  of 
having  more  students.  According  to  Dr. 
Greenleaf,  the  justification  comes  from 
ihepurposeofChristianeducaiion.  The 
purpose  of  Christian  education  is  not 
only  academic  but  evangelical. 

Dr.  Greenleaf  assures  thai  Ihe  accep- 
tance of  students  on  academic  probation 
will  in  no  way  endanger  Ihe  school's 
academic  reputation  as  no  student  will 
lints  placed  on  him 

Cafeteria,  dorms  crowded  by  new  arrivals 

By  Tim  Burrill 

worried  about  crowding.  Dean  Hobbs.  speaking  of  the 
men's  dorm  remarked,  "We  only  have  2  rooms  left  in 

12:05.  Lunchtime.  As  S.C.  students  begin  lo  form  a 

Talge  Hall  that  are  not  in  use.  We  were  expecting  a 

long  cafe  line  ihey  set  their  books  on  shelves,  on  the 

larger  student  body  but  not  quite  this  large!". 

floor,  or  on  whatever  stationary  object  offers  its  sur- 

Thatcher Hall  is  facing  a  similar  situation  with  locat- 

face. Reluming  siudenls  may  ask  Ihemsclves  if  there 

ing  new  residents.  The  Conference  Center  had  to  be 

are  more  books  in  the  lobby  than  in  previous  years,  and 

opened  to  students  to  accommodate  an  overflow  of 


approximately  18  women. 

The  increased  enrollment  has  been  panially  credited 

For  the  past  three  years,  enrollment  at  S.C.  has 

10  the  dramatic  growth  in  sludentscoming  from  outside 

steadily  risen.   As  of  registration,  Souihem's  enroll- 

the Southern  Union.  This  year  has  seen  an  increase  of 

ment  has  increased  to  1 ,403— that's  85  over  last  year! 

49  of  these  students  over  last  year. 

This  increase  in  students  is  making  Ihe  dean,  a  little 

"This  is  a  blessing  from  God.  He  is  blessing  us."  said 

Harvey  Hillyer,  S.A.  Social  Vice  President,  when 
asked  what  he  thought  of  the  student  growth  said,  "I 
think  it  is  terrific!  Wiih  more  people,  wecan  have  more 

The  number  of  full  time  students  has  risen  by  100, 
70'*  for  the  Collegedale  campus  and  30%  for  Ihe 
Orlando  campus.  Also,  the  percentage  of  female  stu- 
dents to  male  students  is  53%  to  47%  respectively,  with 
increases  in  Elementary  Education,  Nursing  (A.S.), 
Biology.  Social  Work,  and  History  majors. 

Preliminary  Fall  1989  Registration  Statistics 

Colleyedale  Campus 

Head  Count 
Number  started 
Number  finished 

Full-Time  Equivalency 

Hours  EarnpH 







+  19  Freshman                    +18  Transfer  Siudenls 
-8  Special  Students                 1  Southern  Union 
+49  U.S.  Unions         +8  Iniemaiionul  Students 
+39  Reluming  and  Former  Students 

+31  Caucasian        +2  Blacks        +14Hispanics 
+  10  Asians              +1  American  Indian 


+21  Women 

•nie  ne«.  and  final,  c 
compiled  as  of  the  do 

mparativc  figures  will  be 
c  of  Iwo  weeks  of  classes. 

By  John  Caskey  _ 

"A  mon  can  stand  olmosl  any- 
thing except  a  succession  of  ordi- 
nary days.'— Johann  von 

On  a  recent,  rainy  afternoon 
someone  said  to  me.  'This  place 
sure  is  boring,  I  can't  wait  until 

"  What' s  going  to  happen  in  De- 
cember?' I  asked, 

"School  will  be  out  and  I  can  go 
home.     I  never  get  bored  at 

We  hove  all  experienced  bore- 
dom at  one  time  or  another  in  our 
lives,  But,  I  imagine  very  few  of  us 
have  ever  taken  the  time  to  con- 
sider the  cause  of  this  creeping 

Strictly  defined,  boredom  is  the 

state  of  being  fired  by  repetition 
or  tediousness.  To  put  if  another 
way.  boredom  is  what  hoppens 

ond  over  and  college  is  full  of  this 
College  students   go   to  the 

3  the 

fellow  students  and  listen  fc 
some  teacher  teaching  the 
same  subject  on  the  same  days 
of  the  week  for  weeks  on  end.  If 
would  seem  all  of  us  should  be 
victims  of  terminal  ennui. 

Why  is  it,  then,  that  some  of  us 
profess  to  be  bored  more  fre- 
quently than  others?  Theonswei 
to  this  question  requires  a  better 
definition  of  boredom. 

For  me,  the  definition  of  bore- 
dom is  failure  to  take  advantage 
of  the  moment.  We  are  all  guilty 

of  this  to  some  extent, 
fake  advantage  of  the  moment 
every  time  we  wish  we  were 
somewhere  else  or  that  the  situ- 
ation were  different  in  the  place 
we  happen  tobe.  Perhaps  things 
could  be  'better"  if  conditions 
were  different:  however,  in  dwell- 
ing on  our  wishes  for  the  future, 
we  rob  ourselves  of  the  present. 
Albert  Einstein  said.  "I  never  think 
of  the  future,  if  comes  soon 
enough " 

As  Chfistions. 
ture  holds  for  us  more  joy  than  will 
ever  be  possible  here  on  earth. 
Our  actions  in  the  present  pre- 
pare us  for  the  future.  But,  God 
did  not  put  us  on  this  earth  to 
torture  us  witti  boredom.  He  In- 
tends that  we  enjoy  life  to  the 
fullest.  By  living  a  full  and  exciting 

1/  the  fu- 

about  God's  plan 
for  us.  inis  mokes  taking  advan- 
tage of  the  present  all  the  more 
important.  By  failing  to  do  so,  we 
may  miss  out  on  something  God 
had  planned  for  us.  Enjoy  the 
present.  You  will  never  have  the 
opportunity  to  enjoy  if  again. 

So  next  time  you  ore  tempted 
to  say.  "Ttiere's  nothing  to  do 
here — I'm  bored.'  take  a  mo- 
ment to  ask  yourself.  "What  is  il 
that  I'm.  missing  out  on  light 
now?'  If  you  can't  think  of  any- 
thing, ask  a  friend.  'You  will  have 
done  something  different  (and 
perhaps  alleviated  your  bore- 
dom)bysimplv asking,  iffhisstrot- 
egy  doesn't  help,  ask  your  Friend 
In  Heaven.  He  has  the  answers 
and  con  make  your  ordinary  days 
something  e>ctraordinafy- 

Bits  and  pieces 

logue  all  1 

rarly  iniheyear.  I'v 
le  differences  belwt 

:  decided  lo  iry  H 

Southern  Q[ 

By  David  Denton 

So.  another  year  is  upon  us.  Well,  great!  Welcome  beloved  Physical  Education  Faculty.  Sieve  Jaecks  is 
back,  and  all  thai.  Those  of  you  who  aie  reluming  newly  slim  and  irim  after  a  summer  of  physical  fitness 
students  may  have  noticed  some  of  thcchangesaround  mania.  Wedon'lhaveafullreport.buirumorhasitthai 
campus  this  year.  You  new  sludenLs  probably  don'i  Mr.  Jaecks  wcighsjustabouthalfwhal  he  did  last  year 
care.   But  since  I  could  think  of  nothing  else  to  write     (Don't  get  mad.  Jaecks.  I  said  it  was  just  a  rumor). 

In  Talge  hall.  Dean  Qualley  demonstrated 
his  solution  lo  the  problem  of  size.  He  built 
a  bigger  office.  Now.Idon'i  see  why  there 
should  be  any  problem  with  a  head  dean  of 
Qualley's  stature  having  an  office  he  can  be 
comfonable  in,  it's  just  that  1  can't  help 
thinking  of  all  those  poor  guys  who  live  in 
(lomi  rooms  that  are  half  the  size  of  Qual- 
ley'soffice,  I  guess  the  guys  can  take  con- 
solation in  the  basketball  court  which  Qual- 
ley installed  in  his  office.  Now,  when  the 
gym  IS  closed,  they  can  pick  up  a  game  right 

thing  with  that  tacky  1 

Deans  Maihis  and  Hobbs  are  : 
ing  newly  refurbished  offices  (sa 
last  year's,  however).  In  Dean  Hobbs'  of- 
fice you'll  find  a  nice  map  of  Chattanooga 
(circa  1865)  and  the  faces  of  about  24Con- 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 
Sheiia  Draper 
Greg    Parkhurst 

Photo    Editor 

Sean    Terretta 

Sports     Editor 

Ben    Keppler 

Layout    Editor 

Chris    Sepulveda 

Julie    Jacobs 

Lifestyle     Editor  Advisor 

Angel    Echemendia  Stan    Hobbs 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

federate  and  Union  officers  on  his  wall.  Hobbs  is 
a  Civil  War  enthusiast,  and  if  you  ask  him,  he'll  be 
glad  to  tell  you  all  about  the  Battle  of  Chattanooga. 
He  can  even  name  all  of  the  officers  pictured  on  his 
wall.  Impressive,  huh? 

There  are  reports  that  the  fashion  fairy  visited 
Happy  Valley  over  the  summer.  No  one  saw  her, 
but  according  to  sources,  she  visited  the  Beckett 
home  one  night  and  replaced  his  old  glasses  with 
a  new  pair  of  high  fashion,  plastic  frame  spec- 
tacles, ll  is  still  not  known  whether  the  old  glasses 
had  bc«n  placed  under  Mr.  Beckett's  pillow.  The 
reaction  of  the  general  public  has  been  favora 
My  opinion  is  that  Mr.  Beckett  and  his  new  gla 
really  look  sharp! 

There's  at  least  one  new  math  teacher  this  > 
I  met  him  and  his  wife  briefiy  and  learned  that 
is  their  first  trip  south.  So  all  ya'tl  folks  drop  in 
say  "howdy!"  Ah'm  shore  it'll  make  "em  feel  right   | 

1  teachers 

o  some  new  joumalis 
and  a  new  history  teacher  whom  I've  not  met.  I've 
heard  good  things  about  them,  though. 

One  thing  that  has  not  changed,  unfortunately,  is 
the  rule  prohibiting  members  of  the  opposite  sex 
from  Talge  and  Thatcher  lobbies  after  8  p.m.  But. 
you  know  what  they  say,  "The  more  thingschange, 
the  more  they  stay  the  same." 

From  The  Archives 

Collcgcdalr.  1 

:   Soutbcm  Cotlrge,  S0ii/fc<j 

30  Years  Ago 

Hea(jline:  Enrollment  Hits  An  All 

Time  High  In  SMC's  1959-60 


On  Monday  September  7.  the  Annuual 
college  registration  program  began  for 
old  and  transfer  students  of  Southern 
Missionary  College  for  tl 
year  1959-1960;  the  program 
through  Tuesday  and  ended  Wednesday. 
September  9,  with  the  largest 
enrollment  figures  in  the  history  of  the 

15  Years  Ago 

Headline:  Talge  Hall  Gets  New 

Bathrooms  On  Each  Roor 

Even  though 

figures  do 
nclude  the  students  presently 
iged  on  the  Orlando,  Florida 
pus  of  the  Division  of  Nursing,  the 
number  enrolled  is  550.  or  575 
the  nursing  studer>ls  included 

floor  has  a  bathroonn  with 
le  and  modem  showers.  The 
taring  completion  on  tfiis  work 

10  years  ago 

Headline:  $10  Million  Lawsuit  Against 

SMC  Dismissed 

injuries  was  playt 
policy,  U.S.  Distri 
Monday  dismissE 
lawsuit  against  tl 

Improvements  seen  in  Men's  Residence  Hail 

By  Mark  Trenchard 

Tjige  Hall  is  once  again  echoing  with  the  sounds  of 
saws,  hammers,  and  painl  brushes.  Rcnovaiions  (his 
year  include  the  dean's  offices,  a  new  kitchen,  and  ihe 
vending  machine  room.  The  remodeling  ofHead  Dean 
Ron  Quatley's  office  is  Ihe  most  of  ihe  dorm  improve- 

Lasl  spring  Ihe  engineering  depanmeni  removed  a 
wall  between  Dean  Qualley's  former  office  and  an 
adjacent  room  transforming  ihe  previously  minule 
space  into  a  spacious  room.  The  room  was  left  useless 
all. summeruniil  a  new  carpel  was  installed  lastSunday. 
Dean  Qualley  did  Ihe  painling  and  much  of  Ihe  other 
work  himself.  Despite  Ihe  long  wait, dorm  residents  are 
enthusiastic  about  the  changes  taking  place  in  the  Head 
Dean's  office.  Resident  Assistant,  John  Sager  said  the 
new  expanded  office  will  provide  a  proper  place  to  hold 
staff  meetings  and  "more  room  for  guys  lo  come  in  and 
gel  to  know  the  dean  better."  Except  for  the  electrical 
work  in  Dean  Hobbs'  office  that  remains  unfinished, 
the  other  offices  are  now  coplete  thanks  to  the  efforts  of 
the  deans  themselves. 

The  yel-to-be-completed  kitchen  room  located  in  the 
basement  of  Talge  Hall  replaces  the  old  appliances  that 
used  to  be  in  what  is  now  the  vending  machine  room. 
The  new  kitchen  area  contains  a  large  double  sink,  a 

Dean  Qualley,  conducting  t 

for  the  move  is  that  Dean  Qually  is  "s 
plentyofcounterandtablespace.  It  smelling  people's  burnt  offerings"  in  the  lobby. 
bolted  down  microwave  which  was       The  vending  machine  room  is  now  larger  d 

n  during  the  fourth  sum 

New  faculty  members  welcomed  to  Soutliern 

Itv  Kichaid  Mtir|>h> 

The  students  and  faculty  here  at  Southern  College 
have  always  welcomed  new  teachers  on  campus  with 
open  heans.  This  year  is  no  exception. 

The  Depanmeni  of  Journalism  has  is  welcoming 
three  new  staff  members.  Among  them  is  Dr.  Lynn 
Sauls,  the  new  Department  head  for  Journalism.  A 
graduate  of  Andrew's  University,  he  currently  holds  a 
Ph.D.  from  the  University  of  Iowa,  a  masters  degree 
from  Peabody  College  of  Vanderbilt  University,  and  a 

Renovation  of 
Student  Center 
nearly  complete 

By  Adrienne  Pabney 

B.A.  from  yours  truly.  Southern  College.  In  hi; 
"I'd  like  to  be  treated  like  a  college  Junior,  liki 
the  crowd."  With  Dr,  Saul's  open  friendlin 
abundant  experience, 

Last,  but  not 
tory  department 
Christianity.  He 

successful  leaderof  our  Journalism  department. 

Pamela  Maize  Harris  also  has  long  history  of  report- 
ing and  journalism  experience.  Counted  by  all  of  hei 
past  employers  as  "die  best  in  our  employ".  Pamela  is 
sure  to  be  a  credit  to  this  department  and  a  valued     understand 
member  of  our  collegiate  staff. 

Volker  R.  Henning,  also  joining  S.C.'s  journalism 

/ords.  depanmeni  as  Assistant  Professor,  is  experienced  in 

)neof  photography.  Audio,  and  Video  productions.    As  a 

s  and  first-class  photography  and  visual  arts  instructor,  he 

be  a  will  no  doubt  be  an  assest  to  the  department. 

Douglas  Morgan,  the  new  His- 
er.  specializes  in  the  History  of 
up  his  philosophy  thusly.  "If  we 
mportance  of  history,  wecannot 

importance  of  today." 

Does  something  look  diffcrcntin  the  Student  Center? 
Isn't  something  strange  going  on  in  there?  Hasn't  the 
appearance  of  the  Student  Center  changed?  Students 
are  asking  about  Ihe  Studeni  Center,  Several  changes 
have  been  made  in  the  parlor,  the  game  room,  the 
parlor,  ihe  game  room,  and  the  Student  Association 

At  the  end  of  last  school  year,  the  parlor  was  re- 
carpeted  and  the  sofas  and  chairs  were  re-apolstered. 
This  summer,  a  game  room,  formerly  the  workroom  of 
Ihe  Strawberry  Festival,  was  the  major  sight  of  recon- 
struciion.  The  blinds,  painl,  pictures,  and  planis  have 
all  been  changed,  and  according  to  Beth  Malgadey.  a 
pool  table,  ping-pong  tables,  and  air  hockey  game  are 
all  soon  to  come. 

The  latest  change  in  the  Student  Center  has  been  Ihe 
relocation  of  the  Student  Association  offices.  The  S.A, 
offices  are  now  divided  into  two  separate  parts.  The 
president,  secretary,  and  Ihe  treasurer  are  in  one  office. 
The  Joker  (which  isn't  an  all  year  activity),  executive 
vice-president,  social  vice-president,  parliamentarian, 
and  public  relationsroomsarc  in  theoiherofficc.  They 
fomieriy  worked  out  of  one  office  with  all  of  our  other 
Mudent  affairs  officers,  and  they  crowded  each  other. 
Thcsechanges  were  made  so  Ihe  S.A,  officers  can  serve 
the  students  belter.  Take  advantage  of  this  by  visiting 

the  Deaconess  Lecture  Series 

September  12,1989 

12:00  Noon 

)  Southern  College  Banquet  Room 

Speaker:  Betty  Garver 

Betty  Garver,  M.S.N. ,  Referral  Development  Coordinotof  at  HCA  Vallev  Hospital  in 

Ctiattonooga.  began  studying  ttie  positive  effects  of  laughter  in  tiealing  almost  tO 

years  ago.  She  will  describe  the  physiology  of  laughter  and  explain  the  psychological 

benefits  of  humor,  An  experienced  nurse.  Mrs.  Garver  served  as  Associate  Professor  of 

tulentol  Health  Nursing  at  Southern  College  from  1977  to  1987 

Investment  in  SO  education  maltes  sense 

Maybe  "bargain"  i 

By  Ginger  Bromme 

:  last  word  you  would  think  of  Walla  Walla 

to  describe  Souihem— but  think  again.  According  to  a  ^iianijc  Union 

cost  analysis  comparing  Souihem  College  with  eight  ^^  s\ena 

other  SDA  colleges  in  Ihe  U.S.,  Southern  College  has  Andrews  University 
the  LOWEST  toUl  for  tuition,  room  and  board. 
Il'sinic.  The  following  chart  lists  the  totals  from  the        -p^jj^ 


mosi  economical  t( 

•most  expensive. 

This  is  not  even  taking  i 
thesecolleges  have  additional  fees  that  are  nc 

in  Iheabove  totals.  Southemdoes  not  have  ai 
added  fees. 
Southern  College  is  the  best  buy  for  your 

An  interview  with  Dr.  Donald  Sahly 

By  Sheila  Draper 

ACCENT  Contrlbtfting  Editor 

August  31, 1989 

start  using  the  building.  I  hope 
it  completed  by  Alumni  Wee 
Secondly,  I  would  like  to  co 
making  improvements 
and  ladies'  donnitorie 

We  i 

Good  aftefnoon.  Dr.  Sahly.  Thank 
you  for  taking  time  to  answer  a  few 
questions  for  the  ACCENT,  It  looks 
like  things  are  off  to  a  pretty  good 
startthisschoolyear.  Thebignewsis 

How  do  you  feel  about  this? 

2  Center  as  they  did  ir 
those  days  as  dormitory  space,  wt 
would  probably  have  no  difficulty  ac 
commodating  1600  students  in  the 

the   I 

students  you  I 


things  you  can  accomplish  during  the 
school  year.  We  have  some  projects 
that  definitely  need  to  be  accom- 
plished. We  need  some  repairs  done 
on  this  campus,  particularly  in  the  dor- 
mitories. We're  using  rooms  that  we 
haven't  used  for  several  years.  Those 
rooms  need  refurbishing.  They  need 
carpet.    They 

things.  The  income  from  the  addi- 
tional students  provides  a  means  to 
accomplish  these  things,  not  just  the 
dorms,  but  also  equipment  for  labora- 
tories and  classroom  facilities  and  so 
on.  We  can  begin  to  look  forward 
positively  lo  accomplishing  some 
things  as  we  did  last  year.  As  you 
know  last  year  we  totally  refurtiished 
Summerour  Hall  and  we  need  to  look 
'■  nursing  building  and  other 

nity.  That's  not  going  to  happen  right 
away,  but  the  capacity  of  the  institu- 
tion is  probably  an  enrollment  of 
2.000,  We  would  really  be  crowded 
at  that  pace.  There  would  not  be  any 
more  room  available. 

Do   ] 

The  demographic  data  that  the  De- 
partment of  Education  produces  indi- 
cates a  decline  in  the  pool  of  17-to- 
18-yearHDlds,  the  high  school  gradu- 
ates. Across  the  nation,  starting  in 
1991-94  or  '95.  there's  supposed  to 
be  a  three-year  dip.  However,  the 
Southeastern  United  States  is  grow- 
ing rapidly.  The  population  is  in 
transition.  The  North  and  the  Mid- 
west are  moving  to  the  Southeast 
are.  So  we  have  a  chance  of  riding 
through  that  slump  without  feeling 
the  significant  decline  that  well  be 
felt  elsewhere.  However,  there's  no 
question  that  some  of  ou 
showing  i 

places  and  I  don't  know  if  we  can 
make  it  through  the  year  without 
seeing  some  significant  problems. 
So  we're  looking  to  see  how  much 
it's  going  to  cost  to  redecorated, 
I'm  not  sure  if  we'll  do  it  this  year, 
but  at  least  it's  on  our  agenda. 
We're  also  talking  about  purchas- 

a  1966  or  '67  model.    It's  small 

one.  So  there'salot  of  things  that 
we're  looking  at,  and  we'll  try  to 
keep  the  paper  informed  so  you 
can  inform  the  student  body  as  we 
decide  to  move  ahead  on  these 

We  need  to  tell  all  the  good 
things  that  we  can.  Do  you  have 
any  major  changes  in  mind  as  far 
as  policies  or  rules? 

There  have  been  no  real  signifi- 
cant policy  changes  from  1st  year 
to  this  year.  The  dormitory  rules, 
the  dress  codes,  and  so  on  have 
significantly  at 

1.  In  fact,  I  don't 
langes  myself— 


tinue  to  improve  the  campus. 

How  much  Is  enTollment  u| 
last  year? 

We  don't  have  a  final  figu 
cause  we  don't  finalize 
until  the  end  of  the  week.  The  final 
count  last  year  was  1326  students. 
We're  still  building  toward  a  final 
number  but  it's  presently  at  about 
1410  students,  which  is  an  increase 
of  84.  I  understand  that  there  were 
about  12  more  students,  who  have 
registered  since  registration,  so  we 
would  be  up  to  about  96  more  stu- 
dents than  last  year.  We  atso  have 
more  full-time  students  and  fewer 

■  full-ti 

students  coming  from  outside  of  the 
Southern  Union  and  that's  where 
we'reshowingourbiggestgains.  The 
closing  day  of  enrollment,  we  had  49 
more  students  from  outside  the 
Southern  Union  than  we  had  last 
year,  I  think  students  from  other 
places  are  finding  this  an  attractive 
college,  mainly  because  we  have 
several  things  going  for  us.   First  of 

;  in  Berrien  Spnngs  or  Bos- 

think  these  two  factors  have  at- 
tracted students  in  the  past  few 

we're  working  on.  One  is  to  see  t 
completion  of  (he  Lynn  Wood  H 

I  think  so.  It  seems  like  things 
are  going  well.  I  was  impressed 
today  when  we  went  to  assembly, 
I  was  told  that  there  were  1.200 
chairs  on  the  floor  and  I  counted 
nearly  100  students  standing  in 
theback.  Thafsagoodstartwhen 
we  have  about  1500-f  students  on 
campus,  including  part-time  and 

some  have  work  programs  and 
other  things  where  they're  ex- 
cused from  assembly  attendance. 
Another  area  of  interest  is  the 
cafeteria,  I  was  told  that  700 
students  showed  up  for  supper  on 
Tuesday  night  after  registration. 
That's  the  largest  supper  group  in 
the  cafeteha  in  along  time.  All 
these  things  make  for  a  good  stu- 
dent body  and  a  good  school  year. 

Along  a  different  line,  how  do  you 
see  Southern  wtth  other  colleges  in 
terms  of  student  finances? 

with  the  e)rtras 
registering,  it  looks  like  it  may  get  up 
to  105  or  even  a  little  beyond  that. 

What  Is  the  total  enrollment  ca- 
pacity of  the  college?  How  many 
students  do  we  have  room  for? 

Well.  I  understand  that  historically. 

and  fresh  I 

and  we're  pleased 

least  able  to  get  the 

j  during  campmeelings 

applications  tan  we  had  last  year  and 

However,  students  often  apply  to 
more  than  one  college — sometimes 
three  or  four  more — to  see  which 
college  offers  the  best  scholarships 
and  the  best  financial  aid  packages. 
That  directs  them,  so  we  always  know 
we  have  more  applications  that  ac- 
tual students  coming.  Most  of  the 
other  colleges  are  reporting  that  they 

e  applic 

a  year  ago,  and  they're  anticipating 
some  modest  increases  as  well-  As 
Dr.  Barrows,  who  heads  the  Admis- 
sions program,  says,  you  always 
iplefistfulsof  Rolaids 
those  days  because  you  just 
know  how  it's  going  to  turn  out, 
really  pleased  and  think  that 
aositive  program. 

on  similar  to  ours  although  they 
ven't  had  registration  yet.  We  went 
0  registration  with  about  280  more 

In  looking  at  the  Hnancial  state- 
ments, which  all  college  business 
managers  and  presidents  share  from 
month  to  month  and  year  to  year,  we 
s  happening 


the   . 

schools.  We  had  a  good  year  last 
year.  We  had  an  increase  in  enroll- 
ment and  we  kept  our  budget  as  tight 
as  we  could,  so  the  school  showed  a 
small  net  gain.  However,  we  have 
some  debts  to  pay.  When  they  built 
the  dorms  back  in  the  late  70s  and 
Brock  Hall  in  the  early  80s,  they  took 
mortgages  on  them  and  so  we  have  a 
2.5  million  dollar  debt.  A  sizable  por- 
tion of  our  net  gain  that  we  gel  from 

ancing  a  budget  because  of  smaller 
income  and  greater  debts.  However, 
when  I  look  at  Southwestern's  finan- 

buildings  like  we  have.  Financially, 
they're  quite  stable  as  well,  though 
they  have  a  much  smaller  program 
and  a  much  smaller  school.  We  at 
Southern  feel  very  comfortable  in  that 
we  have  a  good  enrollment,  and  our 
debt  load  is  moderate  and  we're  able 
to  manage  well  with  the  finances  we 

you're  going 

the  Church  of  God  college,  we  have 
about  the  same  enrollment  but  they 
only  offer  20  majors.  Instead  of 
having  130  faculty  as  we  do,  they 
teach  those  20  majors  with  only  75. 
That  gives  them  more  financial  stabil- 
ity.   Our  weakness  is  that  we  try  to 

complish  so  much  with  what  we've 
got  and  that  kind  of  puts  us  in  a 
stretch  all  the  time.  We  talk  upenroll- 
ment  and  solid  budget  but  we  always 
ike  a  rubber 

Department  shows  that  perhaps  c 
much  as  20-25%  of  the  Adventi: 
church  is  using  alcohol  to  some  e 
tent.  That'saproblemforthechurcl 

f  that 

it's  a  long-standing  principle  that  we 
don't  use  it,  obviously  a  percentage 
of  those  families  are  sending  their 
young  people  here.  So  we  have  a 
group  of  young  people  on  campus 

And  t 

.   Our 

year  to  year  helps  to  liquidate  those 
debts.  The  other  colleges  around  the 
circle  have  borrowed  more  heavily 

heavier,  some  significantly.  In  that 
regard,  we  find  ourselves  m  a  little 
better  picture  in  terms  of  financial 
stability.  Our  student  body  carries  a 
smaller  debt  load  than  some  other 
colleges.  I  understand  that  Union 

applies  with  the  drug  s 
church  is  facing  the  reality  of  that 
problem.  Howdowedeal  with  that  in 
our  Advenlist  culture  and  our  Advent- 
ist  society  when  we  have  a  health 
principle  that  says  we  abstain?  How 

caught  with  the  problem?  Sending 
them  away  from  school  doesn't  solve 
the  problem,  it  just  puts  it  elsewhere. 



De  and  a  good  c 
A-ith.    The  most  ( 

citing  thing  for 

frst  V 

That's  tfue.  Now,  you  were  a  mis- 
sionary in  Singapore  for  some  time. 
We  as  Adventists  always  consider 
the  world  our  mission  field.  How  do 
you  see  Southern  as  a  "mission 


;  the 

returning,  and  getting  things 
wound  up  and  ready  to  go.  I  really 
enjoy  the  first  few  weeks  of  school. 
After  that,  it  gets  really  busy  and  1 
have  committees  and  meetings  to 
attend,  both  on  and  off  campus, 
and  things  really  speed  up.  but  the 
first  few  weeks  are  really  ep(citing. 
I  like  graduation,  too,  because  it's 
wonderful  to  see  kids  who  have 
worked  hard  and  studied  hard  fin- 
ishupandsucceed,  Thefirstweek 
and  the  last  week  are  always  the 
best.  The  middle  weeks  go  by  at  a 
speed  you  don't  even  like  to  calcu- 

li does  go  by  in  a  sort  of  blur. 
What  do  you  think  is  Southern's 
greatest  strength? 

have  a  great  faculty,  but  if  we 

wouldn't  have  the  faculty.  Three 
years  ago.  when  I  cam  here,  we 
were  down  to  1,100  students  and 
we  had  to  let  some  faculty  go — 
some  very  good  faculty.  If  the 
students  are  satisfied  and  happy 
and  the  enrollment  numbers  are 
increasing,  you  can  build  pro- 
grams and  add  faculty  and  you 
build  the  strength.  The  assets  of 
nay  college  aren't  the  buildings  or 
the  campuses  but  really  in  the  stu- 
dents and  the  faculty.  These  are 
the  things  we've  got  going  for  i 

IS  all  about.  It's  providing  man  with  a 
way  out  of  the  predicament  that  he's 
in.  It  doesn't  matter  if  you're  in  Sin- 
gapore or  Bangkok  or  China  or  South- 
ern College.  The  thingthat's  different 
is  the  standard  of  living,  the  cultural 
environment  that  you  find  yourself  in. 
However,  there's  as  much  need  to  do 
good  and  to  help  others  right  here  at 
Southern  College  as  there  is  in  Africa. 
There  are  as  many  people  in  need 

here  whose  backgrounds,  homes. 

situation  as  you  will  find  anywhere 
else  in  the  world.  They  have  plenty  of 
clothesandthey'renotstarving.  The 
problems  are  different,  but  the  need 
is  still  there.  It's  an  Inside  need,  the 
human  need.  It  really  doesn't  make 
that  big  a  differ 
is  the  cultural 
yourself  in,  but  the  mission  is  th 
same.  That  is  to  teach  young  peopit 
whether    they're    Singaporians    c 

be  an  Advenlist,  what  it  means  to  b 
a  child  of  God  and  what  the  plan  c 
salvation  can  mean  in  their  own  live 

That's  the  rr 

This  is  not  a  i 

the  Adventist  lifestyle  is  and  how  it 
should  be  lived  in  all  aspects:  spiri- 
tual, social,  health,  professional,  and 
soon,  Wedon'thavethefacilitiesto 

has  a  real  problem,  we  try  to  help 
them  get  the  assistance  they  need. 
It's  probably  not  the  best  solution  to 
the  problem,  but  it's  the  best  solution 
we  can  find  in  dealing  with  what  we 
have.  It's  a  financial  situation. 
Should  we  provide  rehabilitation? 
Who's  going  to  pay  the  bill?  It's  not 
part  of  the  educational  process. 
Should  every  student  be  required  to 
pay  more  money  so  we  can  hire  pro- 
fessional drug  counselors?  fwly  think- 

ing h 


lot  caught  up  in  that 
problem  should  not  have  to  pay  to 
solve  It.  If  we  hire  counselors,  they 
become  our  expense  and  they've  got 
tobepaidwith part ofthe budget.  We 
focus  on  teaching,  and  the  rehabilita- 
tion is  going  to  have  to  be  done 

r  you  go. 

it  faculty. 

On  the  other  hand,  what  do  you 
see  as  Southern's  neatest  weak- 

•s  trv  ti 

and  they  have  about  500- 
iOO  students  to  carry  that.  Obvi- 
lusly,  they  have  a  tougher  time  bal- 

I  think  our  ereatest  weakness  is  the 
fact  that  w 

much.  A  college  trying 
date  1,550  students  can  sometimes 
try  to  do  too  much.  TO  have  31  or  32 
different  majors  and  degrees  to  sat- 
isfyeverybodyisarealstruggle.  Com- 
pared to  our  neighbor,  Lee  College. 

Right  now.  many  Adventist  feel 
that  the  youth  of  the  church  are  In 
trouble.  From  what  you've  seen  on 
this  campus,  how  do  you  view  that 

I  wouldn't  say  that  the  youth  of  this 
church  are  in  trouble,  but  I  think  that 
the  Adventist  Church  is  facing  some 
problems  and  looking  at  some  statis- 
tics that  it  hasn't  dealt  with  before. 
The  use  o!  drugs  and  alcohol  is  be- 
coming a  significant  problem  in  the 
church.  A  recent  survey  from  the  An- 

myself  included,  going  door-tcnJoor, 
visiting  families  and  recruiting.  More 
applications  came  in  than  we  antici- 
pated. We  have  a  good  student  body 
arrive  on  campus  and  the  numbers  all 
lookgood.  Thefacuityhadagoodcol- 
loquium  and  some  inspirational 
meetings.  We  recognized  some  fac- 
ulty for  t 

sense  among  the  students, 
happy  to  be  here  and  hope 
everyone  else  is  as  well. 


Two  out  for  the  price  of  one? 

Unusual  base  ninninn  stralagies  are  exibited  during  recent  girh  softbaU  game. 

Ben  Keppler,  sports  edi- 
tor, lists  his  predictions 
for  the  outcome  of  some 
major  sporting  events: 

Dark  Horse:  Anyoi 

!.  Buffalo         1,  Minnesota 

2,  Housion       2.  Los  Angeles 

3.  Cincinatli      3.  Chicago 


2.  Michigan 

3.  Aubum 

Dark  Horse:  Miami 

Softball  facilities  improved 

By  Steve  Watson 


n  down  to  tht 


fields  lately,  he  ha. 

probably  no 

d  h 

large  gray  building 

centered  at  thi 

the  two  fields.  Those  students  v 

here  last  year  may 

remember  tht 

b  ok  n 

down  shed  that  we 

called  our  ci 

upm  n 

room,  and  will  realize  this  new  bi 

a  very  big  improvement-  The  old 

hardly  big  enough  for  our  equipm 


new  building    now 

holds  a  rid 

g        n 

mower,  spons  equipment,  a  co 

stand  and  rcsDxion 

s.    Thai's  righ      N 

longer  will  people 

avc  to  run  to 

h    VM 

at  a  crucial  point  i 

n  the  game  to 

use  the 

restroom.  The  co 

cession  stan( 

w     be 

open  during  most  g 

ames  and  wil 

pro   de 

soda,  candy  bars. 

and  chips  fo 


players  and  spectators.  The  build  ng  was 
donated  by  Byron  DeFoor  of  DeFoo 
Developments,  with  the  primary  goal  of 
enhancing  the  Little  League  Baseba  pro- 
gram and  the  college  intramural  p  ogram  j 
This  new  building  will  prove  to  be  a  grea 
asset  10  the  playing  fields. 

ThisyeartheAll-NightSoftbal  Touma  ' 
ment  will  feature  new  electron     sco  c 
boards.  These  new  scoreboards  dona  ed 
by  Coca-Cola  of  Chattanooga,  ha     been 
positioned  at  the  meeting  point  o    h 
fields.  So,  when  one  wants  to  k 
score,  all  he  has  to  do  is  look  out  i 
left  field  (depending  on  which  g 

For  the  home-run  hitlers,  there  are  new 
distance  markers  on  each  field.  These 
larger  and  brighiersigns  will  enable  one  to 
discoverjust  how  far  hecan really  hiu  New 
and  improved  signs  have  also  been  added 
to  the  backstops. 

An  80  foot  fence 



If  you  like  to  play  volleyball,  a  net 
will  be  up  every  evening  in  the 
gym.  Ifoneisnotup.justaskone 
of  the  P.E.  teachers  (Steve  Jaecks, 
Phi!  Graver,  and  Ted  Evans)  and 
they  will  be  glad  to  provide  one. 
Come  on  out  and  play! 


The  schedule  for  P.E.  Center  ac- 
tivities is  up  in  the  gym.  Drop  by 
and  have  a  look  or  call  the  gym  lo 
find  out  what  is  going  on.  New 
this  year  are  badminton  and  ping- 
pong  Monday's  and  Wednes- 
day's from  8:(K)  pm  lo  10:(W, 

Panicipation  in  the  intramural 
Softball  leagues  is  up  considera- 
bly from  last  year.  This  year  15 

teams  are  competing.  This  is  up 
from  12  and  4  respectively  last 
year.  ■Tmreallypleasedwiihlhc 
participation  level  thisyear,"  said 
Steve  Jaecks,  intramural  director. 
He  continued  by  saying,  "We've 
gotten  off  lo  a  good  start  and  ii 
looks  like  we  will  have  a  very 
competitive   AJi-Night   softball 

As  die  Soflbat!  season  is  just  get- 
ting underway.there  are  no  stand- 
ings to  report  as  yet  However, 
our  photogrphers  have  captured 
some  of  the  early  action  on  film. 

Audition  applications  for  the  Destiny  Drama  Company  are  now  available  ai  the  Thatcher  Hal 
reception  desk,  the  Talge  Hall  from  desk,  the  siudeni  Cenier,  and  ihe  Chaplain's  Office. 

All  Souihem  College  students  with  an  interest  in  creative  Christian  theatrics  are  invited  to  fill  oui  ai 
application,  turn  it  in  to  the  Chaplain'sOffice,  and  prepare  for  the  auditions  which  win  be  held  Sepiembc 
14,  15  and  17  in  Lynn  Wood  Audilorium. 

Audition  appointments  can  be  made,  after  completing  the  application,  by  visiting  or  calling  thi 
Chaplain's  Office,  238-2787. 

The  Destiny  DramaCompany  is  a  Souihem  College's  Christian  drama  troupe  which  performs  for  hid 
schools,  youth  rallies,  and  colleges  throughout  the  Southeastern  United  States.  They  strive  to  portray  thi 
power,  pertinence,  and  personality  of  Jesus  Christ  and  His  gospel. 

For  more  information  regarding  the  Destiny  Drama  Company,  call  the  CARE  office.  238-2724,  a 
Allan  Manin,  Student  Director,  238-3033. 



Camping  Club 
Biking  Club 

Track  and  Running  Club 
Skj  Club 

Weight-Lifting  Club 
Swimming  Club 
Scuba  Club 
Souihem  Spelunkers 
Triathlon  Cub 

Keith  Nelson,  Kyle  Selby 

Bobby  Young 

Jeremy  Pcitit.  Angela  Dob i as 

Matt  Kroeger 

Chris  ViUani.  Reggie  Hoiton 

Ruth  Gifford.  Angela  Dobias 

Danny  LaFare,  Sandy  Railz 

Stan  Dobias.  Brian  Bergherm 

Chris  Mitchei.  Bob  Benge 

Richard  Moody.  Tun  Prusia 

Need  Help! 

C.A.BX  Fact 

A  new  Gallop  poll  found  that  32%  of  adult  kii 
cholesterol  Icvel-up  from  17%  a  year  ago. 

Coming  up: 


CARE  1989-90:  Setting  our  sights  on  the  Savior 



September  7-10  will  bring  the 
chance  for  everyone  to  get  involved 

in  an  activity  that  will  draw  him 
closer  to  God.  and  others,  as  well  as 
promoting  physical  fun  and  fitness. 
There  will  be  something  for  every- 

This  year,  S.C's  theme  is  "Setting 
Our  Sights  on  the  Savior."  Com- 
mittment Weekend  will  introduce 

Thursday,  September  7,  will  begin 
Committment  Weekend,  sponsored 
by  CARE  (Collegiate  Advenlists 
Reaching  Everyone).  Ted  Wick  J'ill 
be  the  speaker  for  chapel,  Friday 
night  vespers,  and  the  chruch  service. 

Sabbath  morning  (7:30)  students 

will  meet  in  front  of  the  Student  Center 
and  hike  through  the  woods,  renaming  in 
time  for  Sabbath  School  In  the  gym. 
CARE  will  present  its  programs  during 
Sabbath  School  and  give  students  the 
chance  to  sign-up.  Sabbath  aftemoon 
activities  will  include  Sunshine  Bands  at 
2:30  and  at  6:00  p.m.  and  a  lawn  concert 

For  those  who  enjoy  a  big  Sunday 
morning  breakfast,  or  Just  socializing, 
there  will  be  a  Pancake  Breakfast  in 
Student  Park  from  9:00-1 1 :00  a.m. 

Southern  College  is  not  the  only  par- 
ticipant in  Committment  Weekend, 
Sabbath.  September  9,  is  a  Union-wide 
Prayer  Day.  Through  the  coordination 
of  CARE,  Sabbath  Schools  throughout 
the  Southern  Union  will  join  in  this 
special  day,  praying  for  the  continuing 
spiritual  growth  at  SC.  This  will  be  a 


3  focus  on  Christ, 

Septmember  9.  Prayer  Day,  is  the 
most  important  part  of  Committment 
Weekend.  In  order  to  "set  our  sights  on 
the  Savior."  God  must  be  placed  num- 
ber One  and  through  prayer  SC  will  ask 
[he  Holy  Spirit  to  guide.  From  sunset  to 
sunset,  someone  will  pray  every  hour. 
Students  can  sign-up  to  participate  in 
this  activity  (more  information  will  be 

Committment  Weekend  is  only  one 
of  the  many  programs  sponsored  by 
CARE.  Therearethreemaindivisions: 
Campus  Ministries,  C.A.B.L.  (Colle- 
giate Advenlists  for  Belter  Living),  and 
C.M.C.  (Collegiate  Missions  Club). 

Ed  Santana  is  in  charge  of  Campus 
Ministries  an  organization  with  more 
than  35  programs.  A  few  of  these  in- 
clude Adopt  a  Grandparent,  Bible 
Marking  and  Study  Programs.  Big 
Brother/Big  Sisier,  Clown  Ministry. 

E>esiiny.  Soup  Kitchens,  and  Story  Hour. 
Three  programs  developed  for  this  year 
are  Morning  Group  Worship,  (Project 
Overcoat,  and  Silverdale  GED. 

C.A.B.L.,  headed  by  Stan  Dobias.  will 
encourage  students  to  live  better  lives. 
They  will  sponsor  many  athletic  clubs 
such  as  camping,  caving,  scuba,  and  run- 
ning. It  will  also  be  involved  with  Blood 
Assurance  and  Drag  Awareness. 

Students  interseted  in  the  Student 
Missionary  program  will  want  to  contact 
CMC's  leader  Kyle  Robinson. 
CM.C's  activities  will  include  a  retreat 
and  a  Spring  Break  mission  trip  to  Hon- 

CARE  has  organized  its  1989-90  pro- 
gram to  fit  the  personal  interest  of  each 
student  at  SC,  There  is  something  for 
everyone  and  Committment  Weekend 
will  be  the  time  to  become  involved  with 

S.A.  soars  into  a  new  year  with  annual  mixer 

On  the  night  of  September  2.  a  differ- 
ent kind  of  party,  the  S  A  Mixer  was  held, 
[t  was  achance  for  all  students  to  mix  and 

1  flying 

e  party,  t 

a  plastic  bag  donated  by  a  major  airiine, 
and  a  Little  Debbie  as  ihcy  entered  the 
gym  via  a  simulated  runway. 

The  first  portion  of  the  evening's  cn- 
tenaininent  was  short,  but  well  planned 
slide  presentation.  The  humorous  narra- 
tion and  the  upbeat  soundtrack  helped 

Then  came  the  mining.  Each  person 
received  a  sheet  of  paper  which  listed 
different  characteristics.  They  were  en- 
couraged to  find  people  with  character- 

istics  matching  those  on  the  lisL  There       Waiting  for  the  balloons  to  fall. 

was  mass  chaos  as  everyone  rushed  to 

find  people  with  holes  in  their  socks,  colored  contact  lenses,  and  bad  breath. 

While  everyone  collected  new  friends,  some  collected  wonderful  prizes  as  well 
Nexton  the  agenda  was  Ihe  raffie.  About  half  of  the  tickeinumberscallcddidn"ihav€ 
a  matching  ticket,  so  it  was  one  of  the  slower  moments,  but  the  pent  up  energy  soor 

found  release  during  the  balloon  drop. 

As  the  money-filled  balloons  came 
down.  Ihe  confusion  was  unbelievable. 
It  could  have  been  a  slam-dancing  scene 
in  a  punk  rock  concert,  or  a  soccer  game 
in  England.  But  in  reality,  it  was  just  a 
bunch  of  college  students  crushing  each 
other,  trying  to  get  enough  money  to  do 
their  first  (and  well  overdue)  load  of 

As  the  confusion  died  down  and  a 
semblance  of  order  was  restored,  the 
Mixers  weredirecied  to  the  field,  were  an 
attempted  aerial  candy  bombardment 
awaited.  Afterwards,  refreshments  were 
served.  Students,  teachers  and  insects 
congregated   around    the    food-laden 

I  old  ; 


The  Grand  Finale  of  the  nig 
fireworks  display  set  to  patriotic 
and  songs.  Flashes  of  red,  whi 

h  laundry  money,  but  everyone  left  with  good  n 

Southern  lifestyle 

r-  Viewpoints 

Why  did  you  choose  Southern  College  over  all  the  other 
Adventist  Colleges 

Ufestjjle    editor    Angel    Echemendia    asked    collegians    this    questic 

Geoff    Blomeley 

SO  Accounting 
Columbus.  NC 
"ll  is  closer  to  home. 
cheaper  than  the  other 
Adventist   Colleges,   and 
they  offered  me  a  good 

JR     Religion-Business 

Wilson.    NC 

"I    transferred    here    from 

tie  cause 
Southern  was  bigger  and 
closer  to  home.  Once  here, 
1   found  Southern  a  better 
college    all    around." 

Tammy     Gray 

FR    Nursing 
St.    Petersburg,     FL 
"Because    I    feel   like    it 
will  help  me  develop  my 
relationship  ".vilh   Gog   and 
I  had  to  be  with 

Erin     Tyner 

JR    Religon 
Marlinsbur.     WV 
"Time  for  a  change...!  had 
lot's  of  friends  at  Sc  who 
said  they  loued   it   here." 

Yvette     Norcott 

JR    English 

Laurel,     MD 

"It's    a    beutlful    campus 

and  Tm  excited  about 

meeting   new  people" 

de   la    Pena 


Upcoming  Events: 

September  8- 10  College  Com- 
mitment Weekend 

Septemtjer  9     Humanities  Film, 
'Chariots  of  Rre" 
Named  Best  Rim  of  1981 
8:30  p.m,  Lynn  Wood  Hall 

September  9-10  Sequoyo  Cav- 
erns Arts  8c  Crafts  Festival 
Trenton,  Georgia  10-6  Dally 
Featuring  Crafts,  Food  and  Music 

September  13    Care  Day 

September  16    Film  'A  Cry  in  tti 


8:30  p,m.  P.E.  Center 

September  20    SA  Pep  Day 

Promoting  a  Stiarper  image 
Guys:  Wear  a  Tie 
Girls:  Dress  Up 

Any  Day:        Point  Park,  Lookout 


Bring  change  for  the  Parking 


Ctiottanooga  Audubon  Society 

Audubon  Acres/Elise  Chapin 


Hiking,  Indian  Cabins,  Suspened 


Admission:  50  cents 

Call  892-1499  for  details. 

Hair  Designers 

S.C.  Students  are  Special 

Student  Discount  Day  is  Wednesdays 

Guy's  Cut-Reg  $8:00-$5:00 
Girl's  Cut-  Reg  $10:00-$7:00 

Wednesdays  Only 

College  Plaza 

College  Rep  Wanted  to  distribute  "Student  R$ate" 
Subscription  cards  at  this  campus.  Good  income.  For 

more  information  and  application  write  to 


Center  Ave.  Morseville,  NC  281115 


Earn  money  $$$$  Sell  Ads  for  the 

Accent.  CallExt.2721  or  see  us 

personally  for  more  details. 

Speeding  expensive  in  more  ways  than  one 

By  Jo-Anne  E.  Stevenson 

On  the  opposite  side  of  the  road,  a  deep  blue  1985 
Honda  Prelude  lay  in  the  gutter.  As  it  had  swung  out 
of  control,  the  car  rolled  and  with  a  brief  hesitation, 
rested  on  its  roof.  When  all  was  silent,  the  driver 
unleashed  himself  from  his  seaibeit.  With  enormous 
effon  he  pulled  himself  out  of  the  car  through  the  open 
sunroof.. .and  passed  out. 

This  is  the  story  which  Jason  Rivera,  a  freshman  ai 
Southern  College,  will  tell  you.  He  will  tell  you  that 
ihe  loose  gravel  on  the  side  of  the  road  was  partly 
responsible  for  his  accident.  But,  he  will  also  tell  you 
that  he  was  speeding  as  he  turned  the  curve  that  day. 

Rivera,  is  probably  only  one  of  the  many  who  speed 
on  the  rural  roads  of  Collegedale  every  day.  Every 
licensed  driver  has  read  or  heard  about  the  dangers  of 
speeding.  But  how  do  drivers  act  on  the  information 
they  recieve?  Authorities  have  posted  speed  limits  to 
remind  them.  Yet,  even  with  the  clearly  posted  speed 
limits  on  both  rural  roads  and  major  highways,  speed- 
ing remains  a  problem. 

Statistics  tell  us  that  speeding  is  the  biggest  factor  in 
fatal  accidents  throughout  Tennessee.  Other  research 
shows  that  your  chances  of  being  involved  in  an 
accident  are  much  greater  when  your  speed  exceeds 

the  posted  speed  limit;  hov 

Asa  result  of  Rivera's  ai 
hospital  with  five  stitches 
and  multiple  scrapes.  Heal 

ds     reckless  driving  and  $41  in  court  costs. 

V  heed  these  warn-  Martha  tZasler  from  the  City  Hall  said  speeders  in 

ihe  Collegedale  area  are  watched  carefully,  and  the 

dent,  he  spent  the  night  in     penalities  are  "strictly  enforced." 

his  head,  a  broken  wrist.        Author,  Henry  Gregor  Fclson  said,    "When  you 

facedcourt,a$40  fine  for     underslandandrespectthe  limitations  ofa  situation  that 

has  no  visible  or  legal  limit,  yi 
a  good  driver  in  every  sense  o 
will  keepall  the  public  and  pri' 
in  you  when  you  get  behind  it 

we  become  safe  drivers.  Are 

can  regard  yourself  as 
leword.  For  then  you 
e  faiths  that  areplaced 


By  Andrea  Nicholson 

e  of  students  needs  to  be     anend,  will  b 

E  sludent 

Mixing,  mingling,  and  a  lot  of  talking  about  South-  _ 

em  College  politics  was  the  scene  in  Room  336  of  "Jhc  Senate  was  flOt  USed  tO  itsfull 

Brock  Hall,  Monday  night,  ^^P^'^'J^^;^|^';*';^'^'^^^j  potential  in  the  past.  I  have  a  burden 

naie  positions.  to  make  it  succeed."  -Kroll 

n  running  for  student  senate  positions. 

Tim  Kroll,  S.A.  executive  vice  president,  brought 
:he  meeting  to  order  shortly  after  8:30  p.m.,  and  gave 
iome  background  on  the  role  of  the  senate.  He  men- 

K.R.  Davis  followed  KroH's  remarks  witl 

view  of  the  senate's  responsi 

requires  a  lot  of  tim 
expected  to  make  frequent 

urged  poten- 
that  being  a  senator 
Senators  are 

Next,  Carlos  Romero,  who  serve 
senate  last  school  year,  exprssed  his  desire  to  see  this 
year's  senate  function  as  a  team.  "I  invite  all  of  you  to 
run  and  see  what  you  can  do.  The  need  is  out  there.  We 
have  a  chance  to  be  more  active  than  in  years  past,"  he 
said.  Romero  spoke  of  the  senate  as  "not  just  a  social 
club,  but  a  functioning  body  to  belter  the  campus  and 
deal  with  student  concerns." 

Craig  Lastine,  S.A.  president,  spoke  next, exprssing 
his  pesonal  view  of  the  senate.  Likening  it  to  a  circle 

"Ifyoudon't  want  10  see  things  happen,  and  if  you 
dont  want  to  see  things  change  at  SC,  then  don't  nil 
out  that  petition,"  Lastine  told  the  students. 

Kroll  closed  the  meeting  by  sharing  his  goals  for  the 
senate  and  reviewing  the  senate  election  campaign 
packet  that  each  prospective  senator  received.  He 
called  attention  to  die  increase  in  the  number  of  pre- 
cincts from  16  to  20.  including  2  new  village  precincts. 
He  explained  that  each  one  represents  5%  of  the  total 
student  body. 

According  to  Kroll,  candidates  don't  have  to  reside 
in  Ihe  precincts  they  run  for.  "But  guys,  I'm  sorry  to 
have  to  tell  you  that  you  can't  run  for  those  Thatcher 


Thoughts:  early 
Wednesday  morning 


By  John  Caskey 
e  wha[  our  thougtils  make  them."  -  Marcus  A 

Bits  and  Pieces 

An  Open  Letter  to  the  Phillip 
Morris  Tobacco  Company 

"I  jusi  can'i  get  that  song  out  of  my  head."  said  my  friend  as  she 
dabbled  with  her  homework.  "I  heard  it  on  ihe  radio  this  moniing 
and  ii's  been  buzzing  around  in  my  brain  ever  since."  Have  you 
ever  experienced  this  phenomenon? 

The  brain  is  a  marvclously  complex  organ  ihat  controls  every 
aspect  of  our  lives  from  life  sustaining  respiration  and  circulation 
10  flawlessly  executing  Beeihoven  concenos  and  double  plays  on 
ihe  Softball  field.  The  brain  is  also  a  vast  biological  siorehouse  of 
information.  Iicaialogs  each  momenl  of  our  lifetime,  and  uses  this 
information  lo  choose  the  best  possible  course  of  acUon  in  a  given 

Many  of  ihe  functions  of  our  brain  are  beyond  our  conscious 
conlrol.  It's  normal  processes  can  be  disturbed  by  the  most 
mundane  outside  influences:  chemicals  in  our  food,  the  weather. 
the  mess  in  our  dorm  rooms,  the  changing  seasons.  We  cannot 
regulate  the  secretions  of  our  hypothalamus  lo  voluntarily  raise  or 
lower  our  blood  pressure.  Some  of  us  even  snore  in  our  sleep!  We 
can,  however,  regulate  our  altitudes  and  the  data  diat  we  provide  for 
our  brains'  decision  making  processes. 

The  information  we  provide  our  brains  determines  the  way  we 
think.  The  way  we  think  determines  the  way  we  live.  Keep  track 
of  what  you  put  in  your  vast  biological  storehouse.  You  may  find 
that  it  is  easier  lo  pul  things  in  than  to  get  Ihem  back  out. 

Southern  nOMIin  Accent 

Dear  Philip  Morris: 

Jusi  wanted  to  drop  you  a 
thanks  for  the  special  offer  1 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  [>raper 
Sheila  Draper 
Greg  Paikhurst 

Photo  Edttor 

Sean  Terretta 

Lifestyle  Editor 

Angel  Echemendia 

Sports  Editor 

Ben  Keppler 

Layout  Editor 

Chris  Sepulveda 


Stan  Hobbs 

Word  Procesdng 

Heavier  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

L  OpinkiiB  cxprecEEd  in  Uh  Soadmn  A 

Cottcgc  Ibe  ScvrathHlij  A 

•s  of  tlu  edlion,  SootiKro 


I  expect  people  will  certainly  be  excited  by 
this  new  cigarette  product  you've  developed. 
After  all,  what  could  be  more  enjoyable  than  a 
cigarelie  thai  produces  much  less  smoke  than 
[he  average  cigaretle?  Truly,  this  innovation 
will  shake  Ihe  tobacco  world. 

I  am  sorry  to  lell  you,  however,  thai  my 
mother  will  nol  be  taking  you  up  on  your  offer 
of  a  free  sample  of  this  new  cigarette.  She  has 
given  up  the  enjoyable  pasttime  of  smoking, 
and  I  don't  think  she's  going  to  be  interested  in 
taking  the  habit  up  again  in  the  near  future. 

By  die  way,  I'd  like  tocongralulate  you  on  die 
fine  magazine  you  send  to  my  mailbox  every 
month  or  so.  ll  is  truly  heartening  to  know  that 
there  is  a  company  out  there  which  cares  about 
its  customers  enough  to  stay  in  touch  with  them. 
Your  magazine  keeps  mc  informed  of  all  that's 
going  on  in  the  nation  affecting  smokers  (and 
former  smokers,  like  my  mom). 

For  example,  it  was  encouraging  lo  read  how, 
as  a  tobacco  company,  you  are  standing  up  for 

Letters  To  The  Editor 


September  II,  1989  want  lo  let  you  know  how  year,  and  I  w 
miuch  I  appreciate  the  positve 

1  want  to  congratulate  you  on  upbeat  that  rings  from  the  pa-  the  positive  spint  in 

your   recent   edition    of   the  per.   I  do  not  say  this  just  be-  em  College. 

"Southern  Accent."  It  it  Duly  cause  you  featured  me  in  the 

one  of  the  most  positive  edi-  center  spread,  but  the  enUi^  Sincerely  yours. 

tions  of  the  "Accent"  thai  have  edition  was  filled  with  positive 

come  up  in  my  time  here  a  articles  and  coinmenis  about  a  Donald  R.  Sahly 

Southern  College.  Therefore,  I  great  beginning  of  the  school  President 

the  rights  of  smokers.  I  really  can't  understand 
how  some  of  those  left-wing  liberals  in  Con- 
gress could  accuse  a  company  of  your  magna- 
nimity of  being  self-serving.  I'm  convinced  that 
the  faci  that  you  produce  tobacco  products  is 
totally  unrelated  to  your  efforts  on  behalf  of  the 

I'd  like  lo  pass  along  best  wishes  from  my 
mother,  bui  I  can'i.  She's  dead.  She  died  last 
December,  just  before  Christmas. 

You'll  be  pleased  to  know.  I'm  sure,  that  up 
until  a  month  or  so  before  her  deaih  she  was  a 
loyal  customer.  Forty  years  and  who  knows 
how  many  cigarettes. 

Ididn'tmeanlobrag.  Ijust  thought  you'd  like 
to  honor  her  or  something,  maybe  put  a  plaque 
with  her  name  on  it  in  your  Smokers  Hall  of 

"Lois  Jean  Denton,"  that's  how  her  name  is 
written,  if  you  are  interested.  Thai's  how  a\ 
wriiten  on  her  death  dertificale,  too,  along  with 
the  cause  of  death:  lung  cancer. 

If  you  decide  not  to  give  her  a  plaque,  that's  all 
right,  iunderstand,  But,ifIcould,rdliketoask 
one  favor.  Please  stop  sending  me  your  maga- 
zine— I  don' t  smoke,  and  mom  doesn't  read,  not 


Consistency  Needed 

imcs  these  rules  are  only  par- 
ially  enforced.  Astudentcame 

o  class  one  day  wearing  a  pair 
j{  shorts,  and  ihe  teacher  im- 
mediately reminded  her  of  the 
10  shorts  10  class  rule.  That 
>ame  student  has  come  to  class 

The  student  handbook 
probably  does  nol  say  anything 
about  caffeine.  The  cafeteria 
does  not  serve  Coca  Cola  be- 
cause of  Ihe  caffeine  it  con- 
tains, but  it  serves  chocolate 
pies,  chocolate  cake,  and  oiher 


stances.  The  Village  Market 
does  not  sell  Coca  Cola  either, 
probably  sharing  the  cafete- 
ria's reason.  Interestingly 
enough,  one  can  purchase 
Vivarin,    an 

medication,  which  contains 
caffeine  equivalent  to  the 
amount  in  two  cups  of  coffee. 
I  do  not  propose  an  amend- 
ment lo  the  dress  code  which 
would  allow  students  to  wear 
minis  and  shorts,  and  1  am  not 
encouraging  the  cafeteria  to  rid 
itself  of  all  caffeine  containing 
substances.  Imerely  think  ilis 
time  for  the  students  and  fac- 
ulty to  be  consistent. 

Reggie  Morton 

From  The  Achives 

25  years  ago 

Headline:  Committee  of  100  Breaks  Ground  for  New 

P.E.  Center 

39  years  ago 

Headline:  Accreditation  Gained  For  Southern 

Missionary  College 

Calvin  Hill 

Calvin  Hill,  former  Tirsl  round drafl  pick 
of  the  Dallas  Cowboys,  will  be  the 
speaker  al  the  special  10:30  assembly, 
Octobers.  1989.  Hilt's  degree  in  his- 
tory from  Yale  University  isproof  of  his 
desire  for  excellence — his  thirteen 
years  of  pro  football  demonstrate  his 
determined  drive  for  sucess.  Hill  proved 
thai  even  an  Ivy  Leaguer  could  become 
Rookie  of  the  Year  or  win  two  Super- 
bowls,  Now.  he  has  condensed  his 
experiences  in  football  and  several  off- 
season careers  mlo  a  formula — a  game 

Quotable  quotes; 

Chris  Glouderman:  "Softball  is  a  very 
simplegame.  Youihrowiheball, catch 
the  ball,  and  hit  the  ball.  Sometimes  the 
otherteam  just  does  it  better.  I 
team  has  a  lot  of  potential,  just 

John  Machado:  "Al  Tirst  I 

worry  about,  I  feel  tl 

Sport  Briefs 

Flagball  Sign-ups 

Sign-ups  for  Hawaiian  Ragbatl  end 
Sunday,  September  24  at  5:00  p.m.  for 
both  Men's  and  Women's  leagues.  Try 
outs  for  A-League  will  be  held  Sunday 
at  4:00  p.m. 


The  Southern  College  Triathlon  will  be 
held  Sunday,  September  24,  The  start  is 
scheduled  for  8:00  a.m.  at  Cohulta 
Springs  Camp. 

All-Nighl  Softball 

The  All-Nighl  Softball  tournament  well 
be  held  Saturday,  September  30.  Games 
Begin  ai  8:00  p.m.  Come  out  and  enjoy 

Make  Money, 

Sell  Ads  For  The 

$  Accent  $ 

C.A.BX.  Comer 


I'm  So  GLAD... 

Thank  you  so  much  for  your  support  of  Uiis  very 
important  program!  On  Wednesday,  ihc  Blood- 
mobile  had  to  mm  away  people  morning  and 
afternoon  because  of  the  overwhelming  re- 
spoase.  13S  students  showed  up  and  gave  a  total 
of  1 19  uniE. 

Next  Blood  Drive:  November  14, 15. 

Coming  Events; 

Triatbkin    September  24.  8:00  p.m.  Cohutta 
Running  Club  meeting    September  25.  12:00  in 

Covenant  Players  to  Perform  and  Instruct 
at  Southern  College 

The  Covenant  Players,  an  intemationai  repertory 
theatre,  will  be  performing  for  Thatcher  Sabbath 
School.  Sabbath.  September  23.  at  9:45  p.m.  The 
public  is  welcome  to  attend  this  special  feature  to  be 
held  in  the  Thatcher  Hall  Chapel, 

The  California  based  group,  since  its  inception  in 
1963,  has  performed  close  to  a  million  limes  in  65 
countries  around  the  world,  in  i21anguages.  With  115 
louring  units,  they  have  .stirred  and  challenged  people 
to  take  a  closer  look  at  themselves  and  the  practice  of 

Tlie  Sabbath  School  performance,  is  a  special  en- 
gagement for  the  covenant  Players  who  are  on  the 
Southern  College  campus  for  the  Destiny  Drama 
Company  Intensive  Training  Weekend,  September 
22-24,  Southern's  Christian  collegiate  drama  troupe, 
will  be  recieving  instruction  throughout  the  weekend 
from  the  covenant  Players, 

For  more  information  regarding  the  Sabbath  School 
performance  of  the  Covenant  Palyers,  call  the  CARE 
office.  238-2724. 

GLAD,  a  contemporary  Christian  band  will  be  fea- 
tured in  concert  at  the  lies  Physical  Education  Center. 
Monday,  September  25,  at  7:00  p.m, 

GLAD  staned  in  1972  when,  in  Philadephia.agroup 
of  college  students  auditioned  for  a  new  Christian 
band.  Among  the  hopefuls  were  Ed  Nalle  and  his 
brother,  Don,  and  other  promising  musicians. 

Student  Association  News 

Campus  Chatter  has  a  new  foimal:    ihe  from     " 
page  is  a  chronological  calendar  of  evenis.  and  the 
back  page  conlains  more  information  about  those 
evenis.    Messages  to  be  put  in  the  Chatter  should     > 
include  relevant  dales  and  times,  and  should  be 
deposited  in  the  message  box  in  the  student  center 
across  from  the  S.A.  office,  before  5  p.m.  on  Mon- 
day. IfyouhavcanysuggestionsfortheChaltercall     ' 
editor  Valerie  Brown  at  2723. 

The  Recreation  Room  is  temporarily  dosed     C 
while  renovations  are  under  way.  The  Grand  Open-     '" 
ing  will  be  soon,  a,  which  time  the  infamous  LOVE     " 
CONNECTION  results  will  be  revealed.                   1 

If  you   have   messages  for  the   WALLSIDE 
JOURNAL  put  them  in  the  box  in  the  student     i 
center  and  please  include  the  date,  or  dates,  you 
want  them  displayed. 

Have  you  seen  the  lounge  In  Ihe  Student  Center 
cently?  New  tables  and  chairs  have  arrived,  and  it 
s  been  redecorated  and  recarpeled.  The  renova- 
n  of  the  lounge  was  an  S.A.  Senate  project  last 
.ar.  Also,  a  big  thanits  to  Helen  Durichek  for  her 
ird  work  in  the  Student  Center. 

Saturday  night,  September  23,  is  die  S.A.  Scav- 
ger  Hunt— Donl  miss  it! 

Assembly  on  September  28  will  be  in  Ihe  P.E. 
enter  at  11:00.  It  will  be  a  General  Assembly  of 
e  Student  Association  of  Southern  College.   A 

mber  of  S.A.  Officers  an  S.C.  Administration  will 

cstions  from  the  student  body. 

Tlie  Student  Association  welcomes  ideas,  ques- 
ons,  informanon,  and  suggestions.  Please  call  the 
fice  al  2723  or  speak  with  an  officer.  YOU  can 
ake  a  difference. 

Presently,  the  group  o 


1  fifteen  years:  Ed 
Nalle.  lead  vocahst  and  percussionist  who  has  a  music 
education  and  vocal  performance  degree;  Chris  Davis, 
lead  guitarist  and  vocalist  who  joined  in  1982;  Tom 
Beard,  keyboardist  and  vocalist  who  toured  interna- 
tionally with  the  Spurriows;  John  Gales,  drummer  and 
vocalist  who  toured  with  Gladys  Knight  and  the  Pips; 
and  Mark  Wilson,  bassist  and  Vocahst  who  is  GLAD'S 
most  recent  member. 

A  music  major,  Ed  Nalle  wrote  most  of  GLAD's 
material  and  produced  most  of  it's  popular  albums. 
Don.  who  has  a  degree  in  media,  coordinated  the 
goup's  media  appearances  and  interviews. 

After  1976.  the  group  became  a  success  singing  and 
playing  al  mote  than  two-hundred  colleges,  festivals. 
churches,  and  concert  halls  around  the  country. 

Myrrh  Records  released  their  "GLAD"  album  in 
1978.  And  in  1988  Benson  Records  released  'The 
Acapella  Project"  album. 

The  group  will  peform  "The  Acapella  Project"  al- 
bum, which  includes  songs  such  as,  "A  Mighty  For- 
iTCss.""Be  Ye  Glad,"  and  many  other  songs  on  campus 

eat  Southern,  He  said  heel 

Ladies  and  Gentlemeivrsttie  Doug  Martin  Show 

By  Warren  Downs 

On  a  less  serious  nole,  I've  heard 
about  your  Jello  trick.  Could  you 
describe  it? 

squeeze  your  tl 

back  lip  ir     , 

very  surprised,  especially 

Sahly  d 

Well,  there  are  15  acad 
Soulhem  Union  that  I  visi 
ing.  And  then  I  visit  other  schools 
side  [he  Soudiem  Union  for  lilce  yi 

We  talk  to  them  about  finances. 

relationships  and  classes  and 

of  the  basic  diing  about  college 

■  hour  or  what  are 

CLEP  tests.  All  those  things— terms— 

and  just  help  them  relax  when  they  are 

thinking  about  college.  And  then  in  die 

Spring  when  we  go  to  the  academies,  we 

"  ny  to  help 

decision  for  Advenlist 

education  and  make  applications.  This 

fall  when  we  go,  we're  taking  students  to 

help  answer  questions  and  help  them  feel 

comfortable  aboulcollege.  In  the  Spring 

academic  information. 

Do  you  change  your  program  for 

o  I  Uiink  al 

academies  ir 

Last  year  I 

schools  outside  the  Union.  There  are  7 
e  States  that  arc  outside 
tien  I  went  to  a  couple  of 
,sia  and  I  diink  about  5 
YouhavctousethecubesofJellolike     colleges  last  year.    But.  that's  not  re- 
they  serve  in  the  cafeteria.  (It's  not  my     cruiling  that's  just  visiting.  We 
trick.  I  want  you  lo  know  that  I  learned  it     never  rei 
from  Doctor  Sahly.)   And,  you  lei  the 
Jello  just— instead  of  swallowing— you     What  do  you 
just  put  it  in  the  back  of  your  rr 


'     -^      Drama  Co.  J 


1989-90    Troupe    Me 

Rochelle    Battistone 
Shannon    Born 
Gary    Bradley 
Sheela    Choppala 
David    Denton 
Donna    Denton 
Arthur    Gibbs 
Tricia    Greene 
Rick    Mann 
Allan    Martin 
Timothy    Mohn 
Craig    Moore 
Greg    Phillips 
Deirdre    Rivera 
Maria    Rodriguez 

Orientation  supper 
Friday,  September  22 

5:00  p.m. 

Bring  your  tray  to  the 

1  East  End  of  the  Cafeteria 

per,  you  just  kind  of  feel  the  situation 
once  you  get  there. 

How  is  the  SC  of  today  different 
from  the  one  you  attended? 

I  don't  know,  it's  really  quite  similar. 
The  campus  looks  the  same.  There  are 
a  few  more  buildings.  They  put  up  the 
new  promenade  along  the  back.  Alol  of 
the  teachers  are  the  same.  Alot  of  them 
are  new.  but  they  are  the  same  type  of 
people  and  so  I  just  felt  really  at  home 

Who  was  your  childhood  hero?  Who 


different  schools? 

There  are  difference  just  because  each 
school  has  it's  own  personality.  That'; 
not  something  that  comes  down  on  pa- 

6ih  grade  I  went  to  a  youth  rally  in 
Minneapolis  and  there  was  a  minister 

was  but.  I  remember  thai  he  really  in- 
spired me.  I  decided  then  that  I  would 
like  to  go  into  the  ministry.  So.  I  guess 
he  was  my  hero  even  though  I  don't 

Who  is  your  hero  now? 

Naturally,  the  one  we  all  look  up  to — 

Jesus  Christ. 

Photos  by  Sean  Terretta 

Up  to  the  students 
again,  Video 
Yearbook  1989-90 

In  1922.  at  the  administrative  councilf 
Southern  Junior  College,  two  students, 
Merwin  Thurtier  and  Robert  Cowdrick, 
took  their  places  among 
tors.  They  had  come  to  present 
dent  body's  desire  to  have  a  printed  year- 

This  was  not  the  first  lime  the  subject 
had  shown  up  on  the  Ad  Council's 
agenda.  During  the  Lynn  Wood  admini- 
stration, the  proposed  annual  had  been 
rejected  on  the  grounds  that  such  a  proj- 
ect would  be  "copying  the  world."  Now. 
with  the  college  under  the  progressive 
leadership  of  the  new  president,  Leo  F. 
Thiel,  the  students  again  attempted  to 
make  their  wishes  known. 

It  is  often  said  that  history  repeats 
itself,  and  if  one  takes  a  second  took,  it  is 

coming  strikingly  similar  to  the  historic 
1922-23  school  year.  Again  Ad  Council 
has  met  to  discuss  a  yearbook  idea  initi- 
ated by  students,  this  time  a  video  year- 

Asin  1922,  this  year'sadministration 
has  been  very  supportive  of  the  idea. 
Yet.  as  in  the  past,  money  remains  a 
problem.  In  1922.  it  was  voted  that  the 
yearbook  project  not  be  funded  by  the 
college,  but  rather  by  the  students  them- 
selves. Jesse  Cowdrick  was  one  of  those 
students.  "We  all  pitched  in  our  own 
money,  two  or  three  dollars,  which  was 
a  lot  back  dien..,U  wasn't  covered  by  the 
tuition  or  anything." 

Now  it  is  up  to  the  students  again.  The 
Video  Yearbook  '90  production  budget 
is  solely  funded  by  up-front  student 

My  main  man  from  the  mainland 
(China,  that  is) 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

Geoffrey  says  he  had  very  little  choice 


n  China'' 

Geofftey  says  he 

emment  initialed  the  "Family  Plan",  a 

about  what  he  ch 

ose  to  study. 

Based  on 

enjoys  b< 

ing  able 

o  choose  the  classes 

policy  limiting  each  family  to  one  child. 

He  siu  anemively.  his  eyes  dancing 

his  top  scores  in 

physics  on  Ihe  college 

he  v^ants 

to  lake. 

In  China,  the  school 

He  adds  that  in  China,  family  units 

behind  thick  glasses,  and  a  broad  grin 

entrance  exam. 

school  authorities  ar- 

authorities  decide 

what  you  will  study 

remain  intact  longer  than  in  the  U.S.  "In 

dominaiing  his  features.     He  appears 

ranged  all  Geoffrey's  classes 

or  the  3 


.  He's  also  intrigued 

your  country,  many  childen  leave  home 

eager  lo  share,  and  even  more  eager  to 

years  it  took  him 

to  completed 

s  degree. 

by  the  installation  of  air  conditioners  in 

once  they  turn  IS  or  19  years  old.    In 


•■I  had  the  same 

every  room,  a 

China,  most  children  live  at  home  until 

Meei    Zhu    Kong    Dao,   otherwise 

classmates   for 





luxury  to  him. 

they  are  married."  he  explains.    The 

known  as  Geoffrey  Church.    He  was 

every  subject  I 





"Maybe    only 

main  reason,  he  says,  is  lack  of  adequate 

bom  26  years  ago  in  Wenzhou.  Zhejiang 

look,"  he  says. 





the  professor's 


China,  and  is  now  majoring  in  commu- 


F    , 



room  has  an  air 

Due    to    expense    and    distance, 

nications  at  Southem  College. 

Taking  a  15 





conditioner   in 

Geoffrey  will  not  be  able  to  return  home 

Leaving  his  home  jusi  days  before 

hour  class  load 





the   college    T 

lo  visilhis  family  while  he  is  in  the  states 

unconfinned  numbers  of  Chinese  stu- 

and   working 


*.  -^ 



went     to     in 

attending  school.    And  because  many 

dent  protesters  were  killed  by  govern- 

for the  service 


L    "  .^ 


China,"  he  ex- 

homes in  China,  have  no  telephone,  he 

ment  iroops  in  Beijing.  Geoffrey  airived 

depariemnt    4 


m  -■ 



plains.  He  adds 

relies  on  mail  to  keep  in  touch.  "Every 

in  the  United  Stales  on  May  29,  1989. 

hours    a    day 





that    SC    has 

once  in  a  while  I  will  call  my  neighbor 

He  was  assisted  by  the  Eastern  Asia 

keeps  Geoffrey 





more     equip. 

and  tell  him  to  go  get  my  parents.  Then 

Administrative  Committee  of  SDA.  the 

busy    this    se- 



'     ment  (comput- 

I hang  up  immediately  and  call  back  in 

organization  that  made  arrangements 

mester.   "Most 


ers  and  lab  fa- 

a few  minutes  to  talk  with  them."  he 

for  him  to  attend  Southem  College  on  a 

of  the  time   [ 


cilities)    than 



have   to   study 


1  . 

Chinese  class- 

Radio  being   his   primary   interest, 

Geoffrey  taught  himself  the  language 

hard,"  he  says. 


rooms  provide. 

Geoffrey   will  return   to  China  after 

by  listening  to  American  radio  pro- 

But when  time 



"This  is  a  nice 

complehng  his  education  and  hopes  to 

grams,  chose  an  English  name  from  a 

permits   listen- 



,      =1    cm 

place   for   me. 

work  for  Adventist  World  Radio  Asia. 

British  textbook  (that  explains  the  spell- 

ing to  the  radio, 

People  here  are 

Presently,  he  says  no  one  from  mainland 

ing),  and  set  out  with  the  goal  of  receiv- 

photography, s 

Afimming,  an 



ois  of  people  who  are 

China  works  for  AWR.  but  he's  quick  to 

ing  an  Advenlist  education .  in  radio 

ball  are  some 

of  Geoffrey's 


kind  and 


he  says. 

point  out  the  change  that's  taken  place  in 



Geoffrey  has  2 

tothers  and  3  sisters. 

China  in  the  last  10  years,   "I  believe 

Having  akeady  earned  a  degree  in 

How  does  Southem  compare  with 


n  well  before  the  Chinese  gov- 

everything  will  change  even  more.    I 

physics  from  a  college  in  his  hometown, 

don't  worry  about  it  now,"  he  says. 

South  Seas  exhibit  sails  into  Southern 

By  Su: 

e  Lettrick 

Kim  Fuqua.  a  senior  art  and  journal- 
ism major,  wants  to  share  something 
with  Southem  College.  But  she  can't 
take  the  entire  school  to  the  Marshall 
Islands.  Truk  Island,  Pohnpei.  or  Yap  to 
see  the  Micronesian  handicrafts  that  the 
natives  have  made. 

But  next  week  (exact  date  not  yet  set). 
she  is  going  to  bring  these  things  to 
Southem  College  for  the  first  Microne- 

Fuqua.  who  is  in  charge  of 
hibit,  was  a  student  missionary 
Island  in  1987.   She 
pemission  from  Robert  Garren.  Chair- 
man of  the  Art  Department,  lo  hold  the 
exhibit  in  the  gallery  last  year,  but  there 
was  not  lime.  This  year  is  different. 
a  missionary.  Fuqua  taught  eighth 

Truk     baskets  and 
received     necklaces,  a 

She  s 

necklaces,  a  grass  skirt,  a  story  board 
made  by  natives  in  jail,  carved  fish, 
masks  of  men,  etc. 

Fuqua  said  that  the  handicrafts  were 
donated  by  nine  student  missionaries, 
including  herself,  who  have  visited 

e  gallery,  c 

d  floor  in  Brock 

J  highly  talented  and  creative.  "The 
reason  I'm  having  this  exhibit  is  be- 
cause I  think  the  natives  are  very  artistic. 
and  I  want  people  to  see  for  them- 
selves," Fuqua  said. 

these  plac 
"The  natives'  source  i 
selling  the  crafts  that  [ 
Things  that  would  co 
America  cost  $13-$15 
Generally,  she  conlmu 

ing.  Most  of  the  exhibits  took  about  two 
days  to  make,  not  counting  the  time  the 
reeds  have  to  be  soaked  to  prepare  them 

for  V 

Fuqua  ended  by  saying  that  if  enough 
students  express  a  wish  to  buy  items 
made  by  the  natives  of  the  islands,  she 
may  be  able  to  have  handmade  crafts 
sent  to  Southem  College   for  those 

month,  the  crafts  will  be  relumed  to  the 

WSMC  brings  'Good  Music'  to  town 

WSMC  FM.  Chattanooga's 

known  radio  broadcast  host.  Karl  Haas, 
to  Chattanooga. 

On  October  15,  the  pianist  conductor, 
will  appear  for  the  first  time  in  Chat- 
tanooga at  the  Choo-Choo  Imperial 
Ballroom  for  a  dinner  concen.  The 
Chattanooga  symphony,  including  60 
musicians,  will  perform  under  the  direc- 
tion of  Haas. 

Haas  has  hosted  the  daily  radio  broad- 
cast. Adventures  in  Good  Music,  for  Ihe 
past  26  years.  It  is  the  nation's  most 
lisiened-io  classical  music  program. 
Adventures  is  presented  daily  over  175 
stations  in  the  U.S.  and  over  650  stations 

Adventures  In  Good  Music  may  be 
heard  weekdays  on  FM  90.5  at  11:00 
a.m.  and  again  at  7:00  p.m. 

Bom  in  Germany.  Haas  arrived  in  the 
U.S.  in  1936.  and  has  since  become  the 

recipient  of  eight  honorary  docioraie  organizing  the  scheduled  budget  and  Chattanooga  Symphony  director,  a  le- 

degrees  in  music,  fine  arts,  and  the  advertising  campaign  for  the  event.  native  repertoire  will  Include  works  of 

humanities;  and  has  been  honored  twice        "Including  the  appearance,  as  well  as  Beethoven,  L'Arle.  Mozan.  Copland, 

with  the  George  Foster  Peabody  Award  all  other  aspects  in  completing  the  loUl  and  Wagner. 

for  excellence  in  broadcasting.  operation  for  the  evening,  il  will  cost  Tickets  can  be  puchascd  for  $50.00  by 

In  January  1989,  JannGenUy.devel-  WSMC  approsimaiely  $22,600."  says  contacting  WSMC  FM.    For  reserva- 

opment  director  for  WSMC.   began  Gentry.    According  to  Don  Andrews,  tions.  call  238-2905. 

Germans  invade  Collegedale 

departments  of  the  Hochsch 

J  agility, - 

'   The  V 

The  Chamber  Choir  of  the 
Hochschule  fur  Musik  und  Theater 
Hanover  will  perform  on  Friday,  Sep- 
tember 22  at  8  p.m.  in  the  Collegedale 
Seventh-day  Advenlist  Church. 

The  Choir,  under  the  direction  of 
Professor  Heinz  Henning.  comes  to  us 
from  Hanover,  Germany.  The  44- 
member  choir  is  composed  of  students 

"Church  Music"  and  "School  Music" 



newspaper  of 

n  futures  as  choral  dircc- 

10  the  Westfalen-BIatt 
Germany,  the  Chamber 
nguished  by  astonishing 

nover  Chamber  Choir  meets  "even 
most  exacting  demands." 

Heinz  Henning,  the  director,  visi 
Southem  College  when  he  tourwl  w 
the  Hanover  Boys'  Choir  two  years  a 
In  addition  to  being  Professor  of  Ch 
Conducting.  Henning  is  also  vice-pre 
dent  at  the  Hochschule, 
The  Hanover  Chamber  Choir  will  a 
pcform  for  the  church  service  on  S: 
bath.  September  23, 

Check  out  Southern's  various  campus  clubs 

By  Randal  Gilliam 

Campus  Clubs  aie  among  the  extracurricular  activities 
available  at  Southern  College. 

In  the  Biology  department  there  are  three  interre- 
lated organizations:  Tri  Beta  Kappa  Phi,  The  Biology 
Club,  and  The  Pre-med  Club.  According  to  Ihe  club 
sponsor.  Dr.  Marcia  Woolsey,  Tri  Beu  is  an  honors 
society  for  biology  and  other  closely  related  majors. 
She  listed  the  club's  two  main  functions  as,  a  social 
club  providing  an  opponunity  for  fellowship,  and  an 
organizailon  responsible  for  providing  its  members 
with  curreni  information  relevant  lo  the  field  of  biol- 
ogy. Tri  Beta  is  an  international  organization.  The 
clubofriccrsofTri  Beu  are;  President.  Kevin  Toppen- 
berg.  Vice-prsidenl,  Andrea  Achenbach,  Secreairy 
Siefanie  Scrvoss,  Trea.surer,  Shenie  Burk,  and  Histo- 
rian. Eileen  Lopez.  The  Biology  Club  is  a  separate 
organization,  although,  according  to  club  prsident, 
Jeff  Vian,  both  clubs  coordinate  many  of  their  activi- 
ties. Among  the  activities  he  mentioned  were  cam- 
pouts,  and  meetings  with  guest  speakers  lecturing  on 
topics  in  biology.  Jeff  is  also  a  member  of  the  newly 
formed  Pre-med  Club.  He  said  thai  the  primary  func- 
tion of  the  club  was  to  provide  an  opporluniiy  for  its 
members  lo  be  exposed  to  the  medical  profession.  He 
said  a  possible  activity  could  be  witnessing  a  surgery. 
Other  Biology  Club  officers  are:  Vice-president, 
Daryll  Wilkins,  Pastor,  Malt  Jones,' and  Secretary/ 
Treasurer.  Millie  White.  The  Biology  club  will  have 
its  first  outing  September  22  through  24  at  Abrams 


spiritual  leadership"'.   The  S.M.A,  is  open  h 

1  Majoi 

1  Min 


primary  goal  of  the  club  "is  lo  develop  the  altitude  and 
skills  necessary  for  spiritual  leadership  which  would 
be  a  combination  of  both  natural,  and  spirilual.  abili- 
ties." Club  activities  include  social  functions  such  as 
dinners  and  potlucks.  Praciica!  funciions,  include 
prayer  emphasis  weeks,  "power  hour",  a  devotional 
meeting  held  at  7:00  a.m.  every  Wednesday  morning, 
and  leadership  opportunities  like  club  sponsored  lit- 
erature evangelism.  During  the  club's  first  officers' 
meeting.  Sieve  said.  "In  this  club  we  are  going  lo  be 
making  sacrifices.. .if  we  are  going  to  be  spiritual 
leaders,  then  we  need  lo  be  spiritual  followers."  Other 
Club  officers  are:  Vice-presidenl.  Jerry  Rimer,  Secre- 
tary, John  Turk,  Music,  Bob  Cundiff,  and  Public 
Relations.  Evan  Valencia  and  Terry  Lynch. 

James  Robertson,  president  of  the  Southern  Mathe- 
matical Society,  says  that  the  on  ly  i 
mem  for  membership  to  his  club  i 

He  Slates  the  primary  purpose  of  the  club  is  "showing 
people  thai  math  can  be  interesting".  "Most  people  say 
math?  I'd  rather  eat  my  broccoli."  The  Society 
sponsors  a  lecture  each  month  by  either  a  professor 
from  this  campus  on  by  a  louring  speaker.  Olher  club 
officers  are:  Vice-president,  Sabrina  Robbins,  Secre- 
tary/Treasurer. Scoit  Pucketl. 

A  club  for  communications  majors  is  being  intro- 
duced this  semester.  The  club's  objective  is  a  charter 
membership  with  the  Society  of  Professional  Journal- 
ists. According  lo  club  sponsor.  Dr.  Lynn  Sauls,  "the 
club  is  going  to  focus  on  ihe  mutual  interests  and 
concerns  of  broadcast  journalists,  corporate  commu- 
nication specialists,  and  print  journalists.  We  are 
hoping  that  no  one  area  will  dominate  this  new  organi- 
zailon." Proposed  club  activities  include:  discussions 
with  professional  journalists  from  the  Chattanooga 
area,  workshops  on  seminars  on  topical  journalistic 
issues,  and  a  program  on  the  First  Amendment  and/or 
Freedom  of  Information  Aci. 

The  tl 

^  Coming 
Joker  '69 

The  Southern  Memories  announces  the  fourth  annual 
Gallery  Contest.  The  Gallery  was  established  to  display 
student  talent  in  the  area  of  photography.  This  year,  we 
are  expanding  the  Gallery  to  include  student  works  of 
art.  This  contest  is  open  to  all  Southern  College  stu- 

Photography  Division 

Photographs  must  be  submitted  approximately  3.5"x 
4.75".  All  enteries  must  be  previously  unpublished. 
Because  the  yearbook  is  designed  by,  for  and  about 
Southern  College,  we  request  that  all  photos  be  taken 
within  a  50  mile  radius  of  Southern  College.  Catagories 
for  submissions  include  College  Life,  Still  Life,  &  Natural 
Life.  Photographers  may  submit  up  to  6  photographs 
total,  with  no  more  than  2  per  category. 

Art  Division 

Any  painting  or  drawing  may  be  submitted  regardless  of 
size  and  colors  used,  however,  all  works  will  be  printed 
in  black  &  white.   All  works  must  be  previously  unpub- 

In  years  past,  the  Southern  Memories  has  done  profiles 
on  students  and  faculty,  as  a  "Who's  who"  way  of  getting 
to  know  the  people  on  the  campus  of  Southern  College. 
Our  college  would  not  be  the  same  without  the  diverse 
assortment  of  people  we  work,  play  and  study  with  on  a 
daily  basis.  To  capture  their  great  diversification,  we 
want  you  to  nominate  someone  to  be  featured  in  the 
1989-90  Southern  Memories. 

To  be  eligible  for  nomination  to  be  profiled,  the  nomi- 
nee must  be  a  registered  student  or  a  full  time  staff 
member  of  Southern  College. 

Nominations  must  be  submitted  by  Thursday,  October 
5, 1989 

The  person  making  the  nomination  must  complete  the 
following  form: 


All  enteries  must  be  delivered  lo  Ihe  southern  Memories 
Office  by  November  1  at  12:00  noon. 

Nominee's  name: 

Tell  us  why  you  would  like  to  see  this  person  featured 
In  the  1990  Southern  Memories: 

By  submitting  an  entry  In  the  Southern  Memories  Gal- 
lery, the  enterant  releases  his/her  work  for  reproduction 
In  the  1989-90  Southern  Memories. 
The  editor  and/or  the  judging  board  reserve(s)  the  right 
to  disqualify  any  entry. 

All  entries  must  be  submitted  with  a  label  on  the  back 
stating  the  title,  enterant's  name,  address  and  phone 
number.  Photographers  must  include  the  place  the 
photo  was  taken  and  the  category  which  you  wish  the 
entry  to  be  Judged  under. 

Tell  us  what  contributions  (i.e.  offices  held)  this  person 
has  made  to  Southern  College: 

How  would  you  describe  their  personalltv: 

Cash  prizes  will  be  awarded.  $25.  to  each  first  place 
winner,  $15  to  each  second  place  winner,  and  $10  to 
each  third  place  winner. 

Yourname:                                             Phone: 

Collegedale:  improvements  on  crosswalk 

Rochelle  BaHi.sione 

Souihem  College  of  Sevenih-day  Adveniisis— locaicd  in  the  happy  valley  of 
Collegedale.  Tennessee... sounds  like  a  preity  safe  place.  Well— safe  until  you  have 
to  veniure  into  ihe  "land  of  high  risk"  simply  lo  cross  the  street.  Last  year,  one  prac- 
tically had  to  gel  out  the  orange  flags  and  wave  his  amis  wildly  in  hope  that  vehicles 
would  notice  him  at  the  crosswalk;  however,  the  law  of  "pedestrians  have  the  right- 
of-way"  didn't  matter  to  most  of  these  zooming  cars.  Many  students  complained 
about  this  lack  of  safely  of  the  crosswalks — especially  the  walk  from  Thatcher  Hall 
to  the  gymnasium. 

ocurred.  Linda  Wilson,  a 
ear.  when  she  was  hit  in  the 
I  seriously  injured,  and  was 
is  accident  was  reported  to 
diately  formed  a 

No  changes  were  made  until  an  alarming  inci 
Southern  College  student,  was  walking  to  vespers 
crosswalk  by  an  oncoming  car.  Fortunately,  she  w 
able  to  resume  classes  after  a  few  days.  As  news 
BillMagoon.  the  city  manager  of  Collegedale,  he  i 
for  improving  the  safety  of  our  crosswalks.  Many  considerable  changes  c; 
as  a  result  of  his  efforts.  According  to  Mr.  Magoon,  a  little  island  was  added  lo  the 
m^n  walk  where  Linda  was  hit.  This  island  is  supposed  to  be  more  visible  to  the 
motorists.  There  are  also  several  signs  located  in  all  crosswalks  which  say.  "Stop 
for  Pedestrians".  Other  additions  such  as  the  expansion  of  the  "No  Parking  Zones," 
placement  of  reflection  buttons,  and  Ihe  repainting  of  lines  have  been  made.  Bill 
Magoon  states  that  "the  primary  concern  of  these  changes  is  to  increase  the  safety 
of  the  crosswalk  by  getting  traffic  to  stop  as  the  pedestrians  cross  the  street. 

These  are  very  significant  changes,  and  t> 
still  a  few  non-law  abiding  citizens  who  reli 
can  be  done  about  this?  Dennis  Cramer,  c 
pedestrians  are  at  the  crosswalk  and  the  drive 
out  a  complaint  at  the  Police  Department  to 
The  pedestrian  must  bring  with  him  the  tag  ni 
vehicle  and  driver.  The  pedestrian  must  als 

Bill  Magoon  urges  students  to  realize  that  i 
are  outside  the  crosswalks.  Motorists  do  nc 

■  traffic  has  slowed  down.  There  are 
se  to  stop  at  these  crosswalks.  What 
lief  of  Collegedale  Police,  states  "if 

;r  of  the  car.  and  description  of  th 

Just  for  the  health  of  It 

By  barlene  Almeda 

r  the  Health  of  It"  is  a  column  featuring  health  topics  and  is  set  up,  in  a 
question/answer  format.  A  box  will  be  placed  at  the  front  desk  in  the  Student  Center 
you  can  submit  any  health  questions  you  may  have.  Or,  if  you  prefer,  you 
may  ask  me.  Darlene  Almeda.  personally.  I  am  a  registered  nurse  and  am  presenUy 
fmishing  up  my  senior  year  in  the  Bachelor  of  Nursing  program.  Also.  I  am  one  of 
e  nurses  employed  by  S.C.'s  Health  Service  depariemnt. 
Names  of  those  submitting  questions  will 
burning  desire  to  see  your  name  in  print.  In  th 
Also,  this  column  is  NOT  meant  to  take  the  place  of 
your  personal  physician  for  personal  medical 
ilain  topics  like  mononucleosis,  strep 
sleeping  habits,  cancer,  and  other  topics  of  interest  to  you. 
So  put  on  your  thinking  caps  and  submit  your  questions.  Here 

t  tell  me  specifically. 
Health  Service  or  to 
On  the  contrary,  this  column  is 
VD,  AIDS,  colds,  exercise, 

Q:  Is  peanut  butter  low  in  cholesterol? 

A;  Now,  now,..let's  remember  that  cholesterol  is  found  only  in  animal  products. 
Thus,  peanut  butter  has  no  cholesterol.  However,  there  is  a  catch— it  is  high  in  fat. 
is  a  great  source  of  protein  and  an  even  greater  source  of  calories— 95  per 
tablespoon-  There  isapproximately  1.5  tablespoonsofpeanulbutter  in  each  serving 
in  those  little  cafeteria  containers.  Thai's  142,5  calories! 

Q;  Why  is  a  high  fiber  diet  related  to  a  reduced  risk  of  colon  cancer? 

First  of  all.  for  those  who  are  not  familiar  with  what  a 

ine.  C:ertain  foods  such  as  red  meats,  fatty  foods,  and  th( 

of  chemicals  and  preservatives,  including  some  artificially 


Uiese  foods  remain  in  the  colon  for  long 

periods  of  time  before  excreuon.  As  chemical  breakdown  takes  place  so  does 
something  similar  to  decaying.  This  process  causes  damage  to  the  lining  of  the 
le,  affects  normal  eel'  growth,  and  allows  for  absorption  of  carcinogens- 
producing  agents,  D.eiary  fiber  helps  our  systems  sweep  out  the  poisons 
from  die  colon  and  reduces  the  time  these  particles  remian  there.  This  m  turn, 
reduces  our  risk  of  developing  colon  cancer,  as  confirmed  by  Nutrition  m  Perspec- 
tive by  Kreuder.  According  to  Whitney  &  Hamilton's  book.  Understanding 
Nutrition.  Ihe  following  foods  are  rich  in  dietary  fiber:  peas,  brocolli,  cabbage, 
carrots,  com.  whole  wheat  products,  apples,  and  pears.  And  it  just  so  happen'- '  -' 
our  cafeteria  does  an  excellent  job  of  providing  us  wid 
fiber  to  choose  from. 

Washington  &  Lee 
Recruiter  on  Campus 

By  Tamara  R.  Michalenko 

Wednesday,  September  27.  Susan  Palmer  of  Washington  &  Lee  Law  School  will 
be  on  campus  to  counsel  any  students  interested  in  attending  law  school.  She  will 
also  be  giving  a  presentation  and  discussing  preparations  for  the  LS  AT  exam — ^5: 1 5 
p.m.  in  Ihe  east  end  of  the  cafeteria  (behind  the  curtain,  bring  your  supper  nay), 
Washington  &  Lee.  located  in  Virginia,  is  known  for  not  making  the  Sabbaih  an 
issue  for  exams.  Dr.  Ben  McArthur,  professor  in  Southern  College's  history 
department,  feels  students  "would  be  comforiable"  attending  the  law  shool  coming 
from  SC. 

Scott  Green  and  Greg  Willeit.  graduates  from  SC  are  currently  enrolled  in 
Washington  &  Lee. 

Dr,  McArthur  encourages  anyone  ineterested  in  law  to  attend  the  presentation  and 
to  see  him  about  scheduling  an  apoinmieni.  "Susan  Palmer  is  a  very  engaging, 
friendly  sort  of  woman,  very  professional... we  should  utilize  her  lime"  white  she  is 

Journalism  scholarship 
fund  Increased  25% 

BvLee  Bermelt 

The  amount  that  die  Francis  Andrews 
at  five-thousand  dollars. 
however,  on  the  night  of  thi 
guest  gave  die  department  a 
exaedy  $5,000. 

This  afternoon,  a  Joumali: 
p.m.  10  discuss  the  details 
recipients.  The  award  will  I 
April  2 

Scholarship  fund  n 
stood  at  just  unde 
Department's  Open  House,  a 
for  $1 .104,  bringing  the  scholarship's  fund  H 

I  staff  meeting  will  be  held  at  approximately  2:00 
f  the  award  and  the  eligibility  requirements  for 
presented  at  Southern  College's  Award  chapel  on 

Lynn  Sauls,  the  Journalism  departmeni 
Andrews,  who  retired  in  1987, 
hdvcniist  school  system  longer 

and  Public  Relations  in  the 
an  any  other  Adventist.  Sauls  also  said  that  Ihe 
C.A.  Oliphant.  began  to  collect  funds  for  the 

rint  Journalism  and  Public  Relations  students; 

y  Journalism  student* 


"Southern  Lifestyles  Editor  Angel  Echemendia  ask  collegians  this  question 

Danette  Denne; 

Dallas,  Texas 
"I've   goi   other 
plans. ..for    Ihe 
of  my  life,  get 

Rick  Swistett 

Thanks  but  I  tl 

lo  expensive 
for  yours." 

Friday.  Seplember  22 
Vespers.  8:00pn] 
Hanover  Chamber  Choir 

Salurdav.  September  23 
Church  Service:  Gordon  Bieiz 
i.  Scavenger  Hunt,  8:00pm 

Monday.  Seplember  2? 
GLAD  Concert,  7:00pm  P.E.  C 
(Double  Credit) 

Thursday.  Seplember  2S 
Assembly,  1 1:00  P.E.  Center 
Student  Association 

Friday.  September  2q 
Vespers.  8:00pm 
Lairy  Richardson:  "An  Evening 
With  James  White" 

Saturday.  September  10 
Church  Service:  Jim  Herman 
Pizza  and  Movie,  8:00pm  Cafeteria 
All-Night  Softball 

Arts  and  Entertainment 


September  28,  8:00pm 
Chattanooga  Symphony  Gala 
Opening  and  Orchestra  Show- 
case. For  more  information  call 

DeGarmo   &   Key   will   be 
Tivoli  September  30  at  7:30pm. 
Tickets  are  available  at  LemstoneBooh 
Branch.  Hamilton  Place  Mall. 

Arls  And  Exhibitions 

Through  Seplember  24 

■'Arts  on  the  Go":  An  E:ithibit  of 

Shopping  Bags 

Hunter  Museum  of  An.  Call  267-0968 

Through  November  5 

Coca-Cola  History  Exhibit,  Chat- 


Regional  History  Museum.  Call  265- 

ofArt.  Call  267-0968 

September  10  -  October  8 
19lh  and  20lh  Cenliiry  American 
and     British     Paintings. 
Hunter   Museum   of  An   Call 

September  22  -  23 

Health    Fair.    Eastgale    Mall. 

Call       894-0906 

September    29    ■    October    I 
Young  Adult  Retreat,  Cohutta 
Springs  Adventisi  Center,  For  more 
info,     call     (404)     659-9093. 

September  22, 7:30pm 
Auditions    for    ihe    Nutcracker 
will    take    place   anyone    inter- 
ested  in   a   non-dance   role   should 
call    Bob    Willie    at    756-4672 

#1  Works  for  #1 

•  Coordinate  your  school  schedule 
with  a  convenient  work  schedule. 

•  Work  2,3,4  or  5  days  a  week. 

•  Work  as  little  as  3  hours  a  day. 
•  Work  with  good  people. 

•  Free  meals. 

•  Free  Uniforms. 

•  Profit  Sharing. 

•  Stock  Purchase 

•  Premium  Pay  for  Openers  and 

We're  The  Best,  If 

You  Are  Too,  Stop  By 

And  Fill  Out  An 



Campus  Rape  Prompts  Concern 

the  day's  events.  Suddenly,  she  voice  demanded  that  she  remove  to  a  Thatcher  Hal!  resident  on  the 

felt  the  coldness  of  a  knife  to  her  her  sweats.  She  complied,  and  her  night  of  September  24,  1989. 

throat.  A  hand  covered  her  face  attacker    raped    her.       She    was          Dean  Engel  confirmed  the  ru- 

as  she   was  dragged   into  the  lucky — she  escaped  with  cuts  on  mors  Tuesday  nighl  during  wor- 

bushes.  As  one  hand  remained  her  neck.  ship.  She  shared  with  those  pres- 

her  eyes  and  the  other  held  No,  this  isn't  a  description  of  ent  that  the  victim  wanted  people 

of  the  week.  It  happened  Com.  on  p.  4 



^^^^^^^S^,^^~~           »  ^m 




By  Tamar^ Michalenko 

She  wanted  to  be  alone,  so  she 
took  a  walk.  Strolling  in  front  of 
the  apartments  near  the  Confer- 
ence  Center,  she  thought  about    .he'knife' agarnsi  ^"^03^3    the 

Rec  Room 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

Scores  of  anxious  students 
piled  into  the  student  center 
Thursday  night,  September  28,  to 
witness  the  grand  opening  of  the 

ceive  the  results  of  the  computer- 
ized dating  service.  "The  Love 

K.R.  Davis  did  the  honors  at 
the  ribbon  cutting  ceremony  of 
the  new  facility,  located  al  the  far 
end  of  the  student  center  where 
the  Strawberry  Festival  head- 
quarters was  last  year. 

Once  the  doors  opened,  the  fun 
began.  Speakers  piped  jazz  tunes. 
"GLAD,"  and  "Take  6"  melodies 
throughout  the  center  as  students 
mingled  with  friends  and  viewed 
the  new  attractions. 

Video  games  lining  the  rear 
wall  caught  the  attention  of  sev- 
eral students,  and  S.A.  officers 
passed  out  free  quarters  lo  eager 
players.  Paperboy,  Tecno  Bowl. 
Pole  Position,  Ms.  Pacman,  and 
Galaxian  each  had  lines  of  eager 
players  waiting  to  top  the  score  of 
the  last. 

Others  quickly  paired  off  in 
teams  for  games  of  Ping-pong, 
jjool,  air  hockey,  and  foosball.  A 
soda  machine,  snack  machine, 
and  piano  completed  the  furnish- 

Students  enjoy  newRec  Room. 

Meanwhile,  long  lines  formed 
into  the  student  center  lounge 
where  the  anxious  crowd 
awaited  the  results  of  the  "Love 
Coimection."  Those  who  played 
the  computerized  dating  game  at 
registration  received  a  printout 
of  15  names,  along  with  phone 
numbers,  of  individuals  who 
answered  the  quiz  questions 
similarly.  .  Bursts  of  laughter 
mingled  with  whispers  of,  "Do 
you  know  any  of  these  people  on 
my  list?"  were  among  the  reac- 
tions observed  as  students  ven- 
tured out  to  meet  their  matches. 

"I'm  definitely  interested  in 
getting  to  know  my  top  five,'" 
commented  Stepha 

Newly  Elected  Senate 
Holds  First  Meeting 

Ed  Rooney,  a  junior,  said.  "I 
got  a  pretty  decent  hit  list." 

Asked  what  he  thought  about 
the  "Love  Connection,"  Michael 
Hawkins,  a  junior,  said,  "I  think 
Com.  on  p.6 

The  Southern  College  Stu- 
dent Senate  held  it's  first 
meeting  Setember  27,  at  8pm. 
Senate  Chairman  Tim  KroII 
says  he  is  very  excitted  with 
the  choice  of  senators  this 

"It  looks  like  we  have  some 
good  people,"  said  Kroll.  "I 
feel  confident  in  their  abilities 
.  .  .  that  Ihey  will  do  a  solid 

During  the  orientation  meet- 
ing each  senator  introduced 
himself  and  stated  what  he 
hoped  to  accomplish  as  a 
senators  this  year. 
Skip  Holley,  Joker  editor  re- 
ported to  the  senate  that  com- 

pletidn  oi\\\t  joker  \\^%  been 
delayed  due  to  technical  dif- 
ficulties and  other  unforseen 
problems.  The  joker  will  be 
available  within  the  next  two 
weeks,  Holley  said. 

"Our  main  focus  is  to  im- 
prove communication  be- 
tween students,  senators  and 
the  faculty,"  Kroll  said. 
"This  way  we  can  better 
reach  our  goals  and  accom- 
plish certain  projects." 

Kroll  encourages  students 
to  contact  their  senators  re- 
garding any  problem  or  con- 

See  p.  4  for  a  list  of  this 
year's  senators. 

Lobby  Policy  Questioned 

By  Gene 


I  really  don'l  understand,  in 

vain.  It  seems  quite  rude  to  make 

fad  I'm  quiie  confused.    Whal's 

someone  stand  outside  and  wait  in 

the  deal  wiih  barring  women  from 

Ihe  cold.  Why  can't  they  come 

Ihe  men's  dorin  lobby  after  8  pm. 

inside  and  sit  down?  Are  we 

and  vice  versa?hseemsridiculous. 

afraid  that  couples  will  get  to 

Afier  all,  what's  Ihe  purpose?   Is 

close?  Instead,  those  baned  from 

ihere  some  magical  time  when 

visiting  in  the  lobbies  spend  time 

hormones  make   visiting  in   the 

steaming  up  car  windows.  And 

dorm  lobby  dangerous?    Is  there 

what  if  I  need  to  come  in  and  drop 

something  which  happens  in  dorm 

off  a  note,  or  make  a  phone  call? 

lobbies  after  8  o'clock  that  mem- 

Frequently, exceptions  are  made 

bers  of  the  opposite  sex  shouldn't 

to  Ihe  rule,  especially  in  the 

I've  heard  women  often 

exceptions  invalidate  the  rule? 

come  down  to  their  lobby  clad 

The  dorm  is  our  home. 

only  in  their  robes.  What  a 

We  should  have  the  nghi  to  mviie 

frightening  thought?  Do  they 

friends  in  the  lobby,  male  or  fe- 

also have  curlers  in  their  hair  and 

male,  during  the  hours  before  night 

green  masque  smeared  over  their 

check.    If  the  majority  of  the  stu- 

faces? If  this  is  the  case  I'd 

dents  desire   to   see   this  policy 

rather  not  visit  after  dark  anyway. 

changed,  I  see  no  reason  that  the 

I  have  tried  to  find  a  le- 

powers that  be  should  oppose  such 

gitimate  reasoning  for  this 

a  change. 

policy.  My  search  has  been  in 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 
Sheila  Draper 
Greg  Parkhurst 

Lifestyle  Editor 

Angel  Echcmendia 

Sports  Editor 

Ben  Keppler 


Julie  Jacobs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

\fember  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

ZoUtgt,  Iht  Srveilb-da)  ^ 

By  David  Denton 

There  are  those  of  you, 
I'm  sure,  who  will  be  a  bit 
surprised  that  I  am  dealing 
with  the  subject  of  this  ar- 
ticle. I  do  not  usually  write 
about  religious  things,  not 
from  a  lack  of  interest,  but 
due  to  the  controversial 
nature  of  the  subject.  There- 
fore, let  me  offer  this  dis- 
claimer: This  article  was 
suggested  by  a  facuhy  mem- 
ber (who  shall  remain  name- 
less), and  was  suggested  last 
school  year.  It  has  taken  me 
nearly  a  year  to  decide  I 
wanted  to  follow  up  on  this 
teacher's  suggestion. 

It  was  pointed  out  to 
me  (as  I  said,  a  year  ago)  that 
there  is  an  interesting,  and 
ironic,  situation  existing  on 
our  campus.  To  be  more 
specific,  in  the  "Garden  of 
Prayer."  For  those  of  you  un- 
familiar with  the  "Garden  of 
Prayer,"  it  is  a  lovely  spot, 
filled  with  trees  and  grass  and 
benches,  as  well  as  squirrels 
and  other  assorted  objects  of 
nature,  such  as  flowers  and 
the  hke. 

There  are  three  points 
of  interest  in  this  garden.  The 
first  is  a  quotation  from  Ellen 
White's  little  book,  "Steps  to 
Christ,"  which  is  engraved  on 
wood  and  stands  at  the  back 
of  the  garden.  Directly 
opposite  this  sign  is  a  cross- 
section  of  a  very  old  tree, 
upon  which  have  been  laced 
little  markers  showing  how 
historical  events  stand  in 
relation  to  the  age  of  the  tree. 
It's  a  very  interesting  exhibit. 

The  most  intere.sting 
part  of  the  garden,  from  the 
point-of-view  of  this  article 
anyway,  is  the  third  point  of 
interest,  the  Ten  command- 
ments. Engraved  on  wood,  as 
the  "Steps  to  Christ"  quota- 
tion was.  the  Ten  Command- 
ments stand  tall  in  the  most 
beautiful  comer  of  the  gar- 
den. All  the  Commandments 
are  there,  and,  if  you  look 
closely,  you'll  see  something 
else  is  too.  Nailed  right 
smack  dab  in  the  middle  of 

the  Decalogue  is  a  small, 
wooden  cross. 

Now,  I  wonder.  Could 
it  be  that  unintentional 
though  it  was,  this  diminish- 
ing of  the  cross  in  relation  to 
the  Law  is  an  illustration  of 
what  is  happening  in  our 
church  today?  Those  who  in- 
sist on  elevating  the  Law  of 
God  to  a  higher  role  than  it 
was  intended  for  are,  in  es- 
sence, acting  out  that  scene  in 
the  "Garden  of  Prayer." 

To  the  Christian  who 
truly  accepts  divine  grace,  it 
should  be,  "...the  Cross,  first, 
last  and  always.  And  BE- 
CAUSE of  the  Cross,  the 
Law  has  meaning."  Too 
often  we  have  fallen  into  the 
trap  of  believing  that  the  Law 
has  the  final  say  as  regards 
our  salvation,  and  not  the 
Cross.  If  the  Law  has  the 
final  say  in  my  life,  then  I'm 

As  Christians,  particu- 
larly as  Seventh-day  Advent- 
ist  Christians,  we  have  been 
at  the  forefront  of  those 
opposed  to  the  false  doctrine 
which  holds  that  the  Ten 
Commandments  were  nailed 
to  the  Cross.   Unfortunately, 
having  rescued  the  Ten  Com- 
mandments from  the  Cross, 
we  have  been  busily  nailing 
the  Cross  to  the  Ten  Com- 
mandments. Somewhere  in 
our  little  ignorant  hearts  we 
have  continued  to  suppose 
that  the  Cross,  and  its  salva- 
tion, is  dependent  on  the  Law 
and  its  observance.  In  truth, 
it  is  exactly  the  other  way 
around.  The  Law  and  its 
TRUE  observance,  is  depend- 
ent on  the  Cross  and  its 

Perhaps  I  will  get 
letters;  others  have.  Perhaps 
some  will  see  me  as  a  propo- 
nent of  "New  Theology,"  or 
"Fordism"  or  whatever  the 
term  of  the  day  is.  But  per- 
haps someone  else  will  stop 
nailing  the  Cross  to  the  Law 
and  learn  how  to  serve  God 
as  a  RESULT  of  salvation, 
rather  than  to  OBTAIN  salva- 
tion. If  that  happens.  1  won't 
be  so  hesitant  to  do  this  the 
.next  time. 

Men's  Club 
Plans  Cruise 

By  Suzanne 
, Lett  rick 

As  the  boat 
glides  through  dark  water, 
stars  gleam  on  the  people 
strolling  the  deck.  The 
sounds  of  laughter. 
mingled  conversations. 
and  Dixieland  music  float 
through  passengers'  ears, 
then  are  left  behind  in 
darkness  as  the  turning 
paddles  urge  the  Southern 
Belle  onward. 

This  isn't  an 
episode  of  the  Love  Boat, 
but  it  is  "A  good  time  to 
show  the  women  that  the 
men  of  Southern  College 
have  class  other  than 
third."  said  Dean  Qualley. 

This  year,  on 
October  15,  the  men's 
club  reinstates  its  ten- 
year  tradition  of  having  a 
Tennessee  riverboat 
cruise  (Expenses  prohib- 
ited this  from  happening 
last  year). 

Those  on  the 
cruise  will  enjoy  a  Mexi- 
can buffet  for  dinner.  En- 
tertainment will  "proba- 
bly consist  of  Dixie  music 
played  by  the  'boat 
people ' ,  although  most 
couples  will  supply  their 
own  (entertainment)!" 
said  Dean  Qualley.  Fac- 
ulty won't  be  paying  at- 

For  this  event, 
both  men  and  women  can 
do  the  inviting  but,  Qual- 
ley commented,  "I  think 
the  guys  should  ask  the 
girls  because  it  is  a  Mens' 
Club  event,  and  the  girls 
are  always  complaining 
that  the  guys  never  do  the 
asking."  He  went  on  to 
say  that  those  without 
dates  are  not  excluded, 
but  chances  are  that  they 
will  feel  left  out. 

Those  wishing 
to  go  on  the  cruise,  must 
sign  up  by  October  8  with 
any  of  the  men's  deans. 
Tickets  are  $15/single 
person  and  $30/couple. 

The  boat 

leaves  Ross'  landing  at 
6:00.  and  returns  around 
9:00  or  9:30.  No  trans- 
portation will  be  pro- 
vided. Attire  is  casual: 
jeans  and 

Helpful  Tips  on  College  Finance 

The  cost  of  college  li 
continues  to  skyrocket.  Soi 

the  r 


:  than  $85,000  for  a 
four-year  education.  Landing 
financial  aid  is  becoming  more  of 
a  necessity  than  an  option.  Here 
are  some  simple  tips  on  how  to 
obtain  money  for  a  good  educa- 

1.  Contact  your  college  financial 
aid  office  fora  list  of  financial  op- 
lions.  There  are  also  credible 
companies,  like  College  Finan- 
cial Planning  Service  (CFPS), 
who  provide  lists  of  available 
grants,  loans  and  scholarships  for 
a  small  fee. 

2.  Analyze  your  financial  situ- 
ation honestly  and  apply  for  as 
many  programs  as  you  arc  eli- 
gible. Fill  out  the  fomis  accu- 

3.  After selectingagood  financial 

aid  package,  negotiate  improve- 
ments with  your  college  financial 
adviser.  Also  thoroughly  investi- 
gate altcmadve  means  for  more 

College  Financial  Plan- 
ning Service  has  a  data  base  of 
more  than  180,000  listings  of 
scholarships,  fellowships,  grants 
and  loans.  It  offers  information 
about  donations  from  corpora- 
tions, memorials,  trusts,  founda- 
tions, religious  groups  and  other 
philanthropic  organizations. 

To  enter  the  program,  a 
student  can  call  1-800-346-6401 
to  request  a  "student  data  fomi." 
It  must  be  completed  and  sent  lo 
CFPS  with  $45  for  the  research 
fee.  Inabouttwo  weeks,  the  sm- 
dent  will  get  a  personalized  com- 
puter printout  of  financial  aid 
resources  that  matches  his  or  her 

Many  scholarships  are 
based  on  academic  interests,  ca- 
reer plans,  family  heritage  and 
place  of  residence.  There  are  also 
many  unique  sources  such  as 
money  for  students  who  have 
been  golf  caddies  or  newspaper 

In  the  words  of  one  finar 
cial  aid  expert,  unique  opportuni 
ties  for  monetary  support  do  exis 
you  just  have  to  be  crealivi 
resourceful  in  finding  them. 

Covenant  Players  Perform  at 
Southern  Clollege 

Crash!  In  what  appeared 
lo  be  an  embarrassing  fumble,  a 
young  man  lay  on  the  platform  of 
Thatcher  Sabbath  School.  How- 
ever, the  audience  soon  realized 
the  accident  was  only  a  bit  of 
impressive  acting  which  intro- 
duced The  Covenant  Players  to 
Southern  College,  and  taught 
them  a  lesson  as  well. 

Comprised  of  Donna 
Oglesby.  director,  and  three  other 
members,  the  group  performed  a 
series  of  four  short  plays.  Each 
play  prompted  the  audience  to  ask 
themselves,  "What  does  it  mean 
to  be  a  Christian?" 

Enjoyable  though  it  was, 
performing  at  Thatcher  Sabbalh 
School  was  not  the  main  purpose 
for  the  group's  visit  on  Southern's 
campus.  Allan  Martin,  dircclorof 
the  Destiny  Drama  Company, 
invited  The  Covenant  players  to 
help  instruct  for  Destiny's  first 
workshop  of  the  year.  Over  the 
weekend.  Destiny  and  The  Cove- 
nant Players  spent  many  hours  a 
day  working  together  as  they 
learned  the  seven  basics  in  drama 
ministry.  ThiswasDestiny'sfirsi 
time  logether  as  a  troupe  since 

auditions  closed. 

"I've  been  very  happy 
with  what  The  Covenant  Players 
have  been  able  to  do  for  us,"  re- 
ported Martin. 

Based  in  Oxhard.  Los 
Angeles,  TTie  Covenant  Players 
work  year-round,  traveling 
worldwide  to  spread  their  minis- 
try. They  are  a  nonprofit  organi- 
zation and  are  not  affiliated  with 
any  church  or  other  organiza- 
tions. TTieir  only  financial  sup- 
port comes  from  performing  en- 
gagements and  gccasional  dona- 
tions.   Any  money  earned  must 

then  pay  for  all  expenses. 

Because  Uie  players  try 
lo  keep  expenses  down,  they  of- 
ten are  not  sure  how  their  next 
meal  will  be  financed.  Yet 
money  does  not  seem  lo  be  a 
major  concern;  each  member 
works  on  a  full-time  basis  for 
the  group. 

The  Covenant  Players 
enjoyed  their  stay,  in  fact,  one 
member  was  so  impressed  with 
the  attitudes  of  the  students  on 
campus  thai  he  expressed  a  desire 
to  take  some  time  off  to  work  with 
Southern  College. 

Rape  Causes  concern  . . 
•Cont.fromp.  I 

to  know  what  happened.  Mon- 
day night  a  suspect  was  arrested 
but  had  to  be  released  due  to  lack 
of  evidence. 

When  asked  about  the  Sunday 
night  incident.  Dr.  Bill  Wohlers, 
Vice-President  for  Student  Serv- 
ices, gave  this  reminder:  "You 
can  never  take  anything  for 
granted,  even  in  Collegedale." 

In  a  special  program  on  sexual 
abuse  for  Thatcher  residents,  pro- 
fessionals from  the  community 
shared  their  stories  and  sugges- 
tions forgetting  help.  Ironically, 
the  program  was  scheduled  previ- 
ously. It  had  no  relation  to  Sun- 

A  film.  "Shatter  the  Silence," 
was  shown,  portraying  the  life  of 

a  girl  who  was  a  victim  of  incest. 
TTie  film  emphasized  that  there  is 
help  available.  According  to  the 
film,  the  victim  needs  to  realize 
that  she  isn't  at  fault  and 
shouldn't  be  embarrassed  in  dis- 
cussing what  happened.  Also. 
victims  should  talk  to  someone, 
and  not  give  up  if  the  first  person 
they  approach  doesn't  respond  to 
their  cries  for  help.  They  need  to 
look  for  someone  who  will  be- 
lieve and  be  willing  to  help  them. 
Group  therapy  is  also  helpful  by 
showing  the  victim  she  is  not 
alone  in  being  abused.  Shattering 
the  silence  in  talking  about  what 
happened  can  start  victims  on  the 
road  to  recover^'. 

Laura  Nyirady,  director  of 
Nursing,  shared  thoughts  and 
suggestions  during  this  special 

program  from  a  radio  program 
entitled,  "Victims  of  Rape."  The 
program  pointed  out  that  victims 
feel  helpless,  hopeless,  and  angry 
as  they  go  through  the  stages  of 
dealing  with  the  anguish.  Three 
suggestions  from  the  radio  pro- 
gram were:  let  go  of  the  bitter- 
ness, because  keeping  it  inside 
destroys  you.  become  grateful  to 
God  for  making  good  out  of  evil, 
and  give  God  pemiission  to  for- 
give the  perpetrator.  Until  you 
work  through  these  steps,  the  hate 
and  anger  will  not  leave  you. 

"There  is  no  shame  in  having 
been  abused,"  Robbie  Robertson 
says,  "but  I  have  never  worked 
with  anyone  who  didn't  feel 
ashamed,  or  guilty...  It  was  not 
your  fault  that  you  were  abused!" 
"If  you  have  been  abused  and 

are  in  college,"  continues 
Robertson,  "congratulate  your- 
self—you are  a  survivor."  The 
healing  process  is  different  for 
each  individual.  Each  is  affected 
in  a  unique  way  and  heals  at  her 
own  pace.  Talking  with  a  coun- 
selor will  start  the  healing  proc- 

ED/TORS  NOTE:  Robbie 
Robertson  will  be  offering  indi- 
vidual counseling  to  those  inter- 
ested, and  group  therapy  will 
soon  be  available.  If  anyone  is 
interested  in  either  or  both  of 
these  therapy  sessions,  call 
Robertson  at  265-2271  exi.  34, 
or  see  Laura  Nyirady  in  the  Nun 
ing  Department. 

Tips  for  Awareness; 

*  Don't  be  out  alone  at 
night,  even  for  a  walk. 

*  Keep  keys  between  your 
knuckles  as  a  precautionary 

After  nightfall  S.C,  campus 

Names  and  numbers  of  your 

new  senators: 

Lorena  Wolff 


Alicia  Phillips 


Melanie  sanders 


Lori  Hickman 


Sheila  Draaper 


Ivonne  Rodriguez 


Vicki  Minor 


Carlos  Romero 


Ale\  Bryan 


Jon  Elliston 


Virgil  Covel 


Izcar  Feasins 


Alex  Johnson 


Don  Gates 


Tracie  Barber 


Darren  Straus 


Kenneth  Neal 


Heather  Williams 


A  Letter  to  the 

Dear  Editor, 

Because  the  5th  Annual  South- 
em  College  Triathlon  was  held 
totally  off  campus,  not  many 
students  were  exposed  to  the 
quality  race  that  was  put  on  this 
year  by  the  Physical  Education 
Department  working  with  race 
coordinator.  Chris  Mitchell. 
The  planning  and  preparation 
was  evident  from  the  starting 
gun,  which  went  off  exactly  on 
time  at  8:00  a.m. 


marked  with  buoys  as  well  as 
paddle  boats.  Plenty  of  life- 
,    guards  patrolled  the  course  in 
both  canoes  and  ski  boats.  The 
biggest  improvement  was  the 
centralized  transition  area, 
which  had  bike  racks  and  space 
for  changing.  Although  the 
running  and  biking  courses  were 
somewhat  shorter  this  year,  the 
roads  were  well  chosen.  They 
had  very  little  traffic  and  excel- 
lent road  surfaces. 

*  Call  security  to  accom- 
pany you  if  you  need  to  he 
somewhere  on  campus  after 
dark  (i.e.  Brock  Hall,  music 
building.  Iibrar>'.  etc), 

*  Walk  with  confidence. 
with  a  specific  destinaiion  in 

*  Checkunderyourvelucle 
before  getting  near  it. 

*  When  returning  to  your 
vehicle,  have  your  keys 
ready  in  your  hand  and 
check  inside  the  vehicle 
before  entering,  especially 
in  the  back  seat. 

*  When  going  on  a  date,  be 
sure  you  know  the  individ- 
ual well. 

*  Never  be  afraid  to  say 
"NO!"  if  someone  asks  you 
to  do  something  you  feel  un- 
comfortable doing. 

*  Ifsomeone  does  harm  you 
in  any  way,  seek  help  imme- 
diately. Don't  try  to  handle 
it  by  yourself. 

Tliank  you  for  a  good  race! 


Sheri  Green,  Richard  Moody, 
Ron  Amick,  Dennis  Golightly, 
Craig  Lastine,  Len  Lastine 

The  Man 

By  Tammy  Wolcott 

The  lights  dimmed  and 
the  spotlight  focused  on  the 
stage.  An  elderly  man  with  a 
beard  appeared  at  a  side  door, 
limped  onto  the  stage,  sat  in  an 
antique  chair  and  started  to 
write  a  letter. 

The  play,  "An  Evening 
With  James  White"  was  per- 
formed September  30  at  the 
Collegedale  Church  by  Larry 
Richardson.  Richardson,  a 
Cleveland,  Tennessee  resident, 
works  at  a  retirement  manage- 
ment center  called  American 

Richardson  graduated 
from  La  Sierra,  California  with 
a  B.A.  in  rhetoric  and  public 
address,  then  v/ent  on  to  take  his 
Master's  and  Doctorate.  His 
Doctorate  emphasis  was  in 
communication  theory,  which 
he  completed  at  the  University 
of  Southern  California. 
Richardson  and  his  wife,  Becky, 
have  two  children;  Lauren  who 
is  seven  and.  Daman  who  is 
nine  years  old. 

Since  religious  plays  are 
hard  to  find,  Richardson  said  he 
wrote  a  play  on  Martin  Luther 
while  teaching  Public  Address 
at  La  Sierra,  California.  "You 


tcnow  how  hard  it  is  to  get  a 
group  of  35  college  students 
together  at  the  same  time."  said 

"So,  I  thought.  Why  not 
do  a  one  man  play?"  said 
Richardson.  He  decided  to  do 
one  on  a  founding  father  of  the 
SDA  church.  "Ellen  White  was 
the  most  obvious  but  I  couldn't 
do  her.  So  I  did  James,"  said 
Richardson.  "Not  many  people 
know  James  and  I  thought  it 
would  be  historical,  original  and 
an  educational  experience.  I 
was  going  to  call  the  play 
James"  nickname,  'The  Hothead 
at  the  Review,'  but  that  was  too 

After  doing  the  play  for 
the  past  ten  years,  Richardson 
now  only  performs  the  play 
about  two  or  three  times  a  year, 
unlike  the  15  times  a  year  when 
he  first  started  in  1979. 
Richardson  said  that  before  per- 
forming is  like  going  over  the 

hill  in  a  roller  c 

"I  use  all  of  James 
White's  actual  words,"  said 
Richardson  while  using  a  cotton 
ball  wet  with  rubbing  alcohol  to 
take  off  the  make-up  and  beard 
he  wore  during  his  performance. 
"I  try  to  be  as  faithful  to  the  man 
as  possible." 

'The  six  hours  of  mate- 
rial I  have  memorized  came 
from  many  sources.  One  is  the 
autobiography  of  James  White 
entitled.  Life  Incidents,  another 
is  Life  Sketches,  which  James 
White  wrote  part  of  with  his 
wife,  Ellen,"  said  Richardson. 
After  collecting  James  White's 
words  from  these  sources,  he 
said  he  organized  them  and  put 
them  down  on  paper. 

Richardson  has  produced 
a  video  entitled,  "An  Evening 
With  James  White,"  which  may 
be  found  at  the  Adventist  Book 

From  the 

49  years  ago 
Students  come  from  26 

The  295  students  in  the 
college  and  high  school 
departments  have  come 
from  twenty  six  states  and 
four  foriegn  countries- 
Argentina.  Columbia,  Cuba, 
and  Nova  Scotia. 

10  years  ago 

Taco  Bell  stops  using  lard 

According  to  George  Bellis, 
manager  of  Taco  Bell. . .  he 
is  very  much  aware  of  the 
dietary  practices  of  SDA's. 

Rec.  Room  . . . 

year  after  S.A.  elections  with  the    cated  to  Southern  College 
idea  for  the  new  facility.  Davis,"  he  said. 

S.A.  Social  Vice-President  Har-  Wohlers    himself   commented, 

I  if  it  gets  me  wild  and     vey    Hillyer   and    his   helpers  "I'm  glad  to  see  it  [the  rec  room]  is 

es,"  served    popcorn,    punch,    and  open  again.  It  makes  the  student 

cookies  to  the  socializing  crowd,  center  more  of  an  activity  area." 

Regina  Clark,  freshman,  said  she 
would  ask  out  guys  on  her  list, 
but,  "Not  until  I  know  who  they 

When  a^ked  what  the  "Love  Con- 
nectiohf  had  done  for  him,  Kyle 
Robinson,  sophomore,  replied, 
"I'm  a  religion  major  and  I  do 
need  a  wife.  1  think !  found  her." 

"Am  1  on  anyone's  list?!"  Monte 

"I'm  watching  our  student  body 
seekout  their  prey  as  they  receive 
their  lislof  victims."  Hillyer  said. 
"Everybody's  matching  up." 

S.A.  President  Craig  Lastine 
commented  on  the  new  rec  room 
while  mingling  wiUi  the  crowd 
and  passing  out  handfuls  of 
candy.  He  said  Dr.  William 
Wohlers   approached   him    last 

According  to  Lastine.  the  S.A. 
worked  closely  with  Helen 
Durichek  throughout  die  project. 
She  arranged  to  have  a  hole  in  the 
wall  repaired  and  the  walls 
painted.  She  also  hung  the  posters. 

Observing  the  evening's  events, 
Davis  said,  "I  thought  it  was  a 
great  success  and  1  think  this 
year's  S.A.  officers  are  the  most 
progressive  group  I've  ever 
worked  with." 

The  rec  room  will  be  open  from 
11  a.m.  to  10:30  p.m.  on 
weeknights,  and  until  midnight 
on  Saturday  nights. 


said  K.R.  Davis  was  Uie 
,n  man  behind  the  scenes  of  the 
/  rec  room.  "It's  been  a  pieas- 
to  work  with  someone  as  dedi- 

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Student  Association 


The  Grand  Opening  of 
the  Recreation  Room  was  last 
Thursday  evening.  The  honor- 
able K.R.  Davis  led  out  in  the 
ribbon  cutting  ceremony,  which 
began  at  8:00  p.m.  —  with 
music,  balloons,  food  and  fun! 
TTie  results  from  the  Love  Con- 
nection were  handed  out  to  some 
very  eager  participants.  But  if 
you  didn't  receive  your  match 
made  In  a  computer,  don't  fret, 
remaining  Love  Connections 
will  be  distributed  through  dorm 
mail.  Thanks  to  all  of  you  who 
came  out  and  made  Uiis  event  a 

Recreation  Room  Hours  an 

Sunday  12:00-10:30  pm 
M-Th  11:00-10:30  pm 
Friday  1:00- 5:00  pm 


half  anhnur 


nset^  12:00 


This  weekend.  October 
6-9,  is  Reverse  Weekend.  La- 
dies this  is  your  chance  lo  try  out 
that  new  Love  Connection  list!! 
Don't  be  shy.  just  pick  up  the 
phone  and  call. 

Thank  you  for  all  of 
you  comments  in  Assembly  last 
Thursday.  Your  questions  are 
being  investigated. 

The  Student  Association 
is  glad  to  help  you,  or  your  or- 
ganization, with  public  relations 
for  events  on  campus.  Mes- 
sages for  the  Chatter  and  Wall 
Side  Journal  are  to  be  placed  in 
die  box  located  in  die  Student 
Center,  and  appropriately 
marked  Chatter  or  Wallside 
Journal.  The  deadline  for  the 
Chatter  is  5:00  p.m.  Monday; 
messages  for  die  Wallside 
Journal  can  be  dropped  off  any 
time,  but  please  include  the 
dates  you  wish  the  message  to 
be  displayed.  The  deadline  to 
include  items  in  die  Accent  is 
5:00  p.m.  the  Friday  before  dis- 

Please  talk  with  your 
S.A.  officers  and  let  them  know 
of  any  ideas,  suggestions. 
criticisms,  or  information  that 
you  have.  The  Student  Associa- 
tion office  hours  are  posted 
outside  the  office  door,  so 
please  drop  by  for  a  visit,  or  call 
us  at  2723. 

Julio  Tabuenca,Ph.D.  and 
Lori  Gulley  from  Loma 
Linda  School  of  Public 
Health  will  be  on  campus 
Oct.  11-16.  For  interviews 
contact  the  Testing  and 
Counseling  Center. 

Making  the  Grade  for  your  Peak 

By  Robert  J. 
Kriegel,  Ph.D. 

"Overcoming  the  Gottas" 

Editors  note:  Robert  J. 
Kriegel.  Ph.D.— best  selling  au- 
thor, former  All-American  ath- 
lete, and  mental  coach  for  Olym- 
pic and  world  class  athletes — 
lectures  and  consults  with  major 
corporations  worldwide  on  peak 
performance,  leadership  and 
strategies  for  dealing  with 
change.  Kriegel  recently  took 
part  in  a  national  tour  of  college 
campuses  sponsored  by  the  mak- 
ers of  Nuprin  Pain  Reliever. 

The  alarm  sounds.  "6 
a.m.  I've  really  gotta  hustle.  I've 
gona  finish  that  outline,  talk  to 
Professor  Jones,  slop  by  the  lab, 
read  1 00  pages  for  my  noon  psych 
class  and  be  at  work  at  3  p.m." 

Today's  college  cam- 
puses are  pressure  cookers.  In 
fact,  the  Nuprin  Pain  Report,  the 
first  national  study  on  pain  in 
America,  documented  that  more 
people  1 8-24  suffer  forms  stress 
and  pain  than  any  adult  age  group. 
As  I've  toured  the  country 
visiting  college  campuses,  stu- 
dents tell  me  the  m 
causes  of  their  stre 
much  to  do,  too  little 
money,  relationshipj 
family  and  career  choices. 

So,  get  rid  of  stress. 
Right?  Wrong. 

Stress  is  neither  good 
nor  bad.  How  you  handle  it  can 
be.  Learning  to  make  stress 
work  for  you  can  help  you  con- 
centrate better  and  think  more 
clearly  under  pressure,  have 
more  energy,  be  more  creative 
and  make  college  more  enjoy- 
But  many  of  us  handle 
stress  poorly. 

Some  people  panic  and 
work  too  fast  under  stress.  Others 
procrastinate.  Neitherresponseis 
productive  and  both  are  caused  by 
what  I  call  "sabotage  thinking" — 
tions  to  stressful 
s  that  work  against  rather 
than  for  you. 

Two  common  types  of 
sabotage  thinking  are:  "the  got- 
tas" and  "the  can'ts." 

Let's  look  at  the  gottas 
and  methods  to  overcome  them. 
The  gottas  usually  occur 
when  you  think  you  have  too 
much  to  do  and  too  little  lime  to  do 
it:  "Igoltasludy  fortwoexams...I 
gotla  read  two  chapters... I  golia 

call  financial  aid  about  my  loan...l 
gottagetadate  for  Friday  night..." 

The  gottas  make  every- 
thing seem  harder  than  it  really 
is.  You  get  into  the  panic  zone, 
rushing  to  get  it  all  done.  You 
walk  too  fast,  talk  too  fast,  think 
too  fast,  write  too  fast,  eat  too 

think  clearly.  You  make  care- 
less mistakes,  blank  out  on 
exams  and  forget  things  you  al- 
ready know.  Everything  seems 
like  a  life  or  death  proposition. 

I  was  talking  to  a  junior  at 
U-C  Berkeley  who  had  a  bad  case 
of  the  gottas  about  a  forthcoming 
exam.  "I  gotta  get  an  A,"  he  said. 
I  asked  what  would  happen  if  he 

"If  I  don't  get  an  A.  I 
won't  keep  up  my  4.0  average- 
Then  I'll  never  get  into  a  really 
good  graduate  school,  and  then  I 
won't  get  a  top  job,  and  then  I'll 
never  make  a  lot  of  money..." 

By  the  end  of  his  dis- 
course, not  getting  an  A  on  this 
test  was  akin  to  his  life  being 

When  he  stopped  and 
thought  about  what  he'd  just 
said— that  if  he  didn't  ace  this  test 
his  life  would  be  down  the 
tubes— he  started  laughing.  "I 
must  be  crazy." 

He  was  not  crazy,  just 
not  thinking  clearly  or  realisti- 
cally. Many  of  us  get  thai  way 
under  pressure.  This  type  of 
desperation  thinking  makes  us 
overreact  and  causes  panic.  The 
cure  is  to  shift  from  irrational  to 
rational  thinking.  Do  a  reality 
check.  When  you  gel  the  gottas 
take  a  deep  breath,  exhale 
slowly  and  ask  yourself,  ":Whal 
is  the  worst  thing  that  could  pos- 
sibly happen?"  and  "How  likely 
is  that  to  happen?" 

This  type  of  reality 
thinking  puts  the  gottas  in  per- 

spective. Sure,  not  getting  an  A 
would  be  a  drag,  but  it  wouldn't 
be  the  end  of  the  world  nor 
would  it  land  this  A  student  in 
the  ranks  of  the  homeless. 

Looking  at  past  wins 
helps,  too.  After  all,  he  already 
had  a  4.0  average,  and  had  done 
well  on  difficult  exams  before. 
Reminding  himself  of  his  past 
success  on  similar  exams  helped 
him  relax  and  restored  his  confi- 

Gaining  control  of  your 
thinking  will  help  to  turn  despera- 
tion reaclions  into  peak  perform- 
ance actions.  Learning  Ihis  early 
in  life  will  be  invaluable  in  the 
future,  because  no  matter  what 
you  do  or  where  you  do  it,  there's 
always  going  to  be  things  you 
gotta  do. 

For  the  Health  of  It 

I  thank  those  of  you 
who  submitted  questions  for 
this  week's  printing.  How- 
ever, I  will  only  be  answer- 
ing those  which  are  directly 
related  to  health  and  medi- 
cine. So  for  those  of  you 
with  a  serious  interest  in 
your  health  I  invite  you  once 
again  to  drop  your  questions 
in  the  green  box  placed  at  the 
front  desk   in   the   smdent 

Q:  Can  you  explain  a  little 
more  about  the  measles  and 
the  possibilities  of  TN  be- 
coming involved  in  the  epi- 

A:  As  the  announcement 
in  the  Chatter  said,  various 
counties  in  TN  have  al- 
ready experienced  out- 
breaks. Bradley  county, 
our  neighbor,  is  presently 
being  affected  by  the  ten 
day  measles.  .  And  as  of 
August  6  there  have  been 

By  Darlene  Almeda 

8,941  cases  of  measles  re- 
ported in  the  U.S.  Seventy 
colleges  and  universities 
have  also  been  affected  with 
this  highly  contagious  dis- 

The  main  symptoms 
of  measles  are  as  follow: 
cold  symptoms  for  about 
three  days  with  fevers  up  to 
104  degrees  or  even  higher, 
white  patches  in  the  mouth, 
and  finally  a  hairline  rash 
that  will  eventually  spread 
down  to  the  feet.  When  this 
disease  is  contracted,  you 
will  be  isolated  until  the  rash 
disappears-  This  may  be  1-2 
weeks.  don't  think 
this  is  solely  a  childhood 
disease  because  you  may  be 
in  for  a  surprise.  Those  who 
get  the  disease  at  a  later  age 
tend  to  get  a  more  severe 
type  of  measles. 

Besides  the  previously 
slated  symptoms  of  the  dis- 
ease there  are  varios  compli- 

cations that  may  arise: 
pneumonia,  swelling  of  the 
brain  due  to  infection,  even 

What  can  be  done 
about  this?  Get  vaccinated; 
if  you  haven't  already  that 
is.  The  Oootewah  Public 
Health  Department  located 
at  5520  High  St.  (behind  [he 
Baptist  church)  is  providing 
the  community  with  vac- 
cines any  week  day  until 
3:30p.m. foramere $2.00.  I 
must  say  those  $2.00  will  be 
the  wisest  investment  you 
will  ever  make  if  you  are  not 
vaccinated  yet. 

More  information 
about  measles  is  being  com- 
piled right  now  and  will  be 
given  to  all  the  students  here 
atS.C.  So  expect  some  very 
important  papers  in  your 
boxes  this  week  and  take  the 
time  to  read  them.  Your 
lives  may  depend  on  it. 

C.A.R.E.  Provide  Numerous 

programs  sponsored  by  C.A.R.E. 
Take  action  and  give  us  a  call. 


Students  will  adopt  an  elderly 
person  and  visit  Ihem  at  least  once 


Every  Friday  evening  following 
vespers  students  slay  by  for  a 
special  time  singing,  sharing, 
special  music,  readings  and 


Students  who  are  interested  in 
studying  their  Bibles  will  go  lo 
Grandma  Battle's  house  to  learn 
Bible  marking. 


Groups  will  be  set  up  to  study  the 
Bible  together. 


Every  week  students  spend  time 
with  their  adopted  brothers  and 
sisters.  They  play  games,  tutor 
the  kids  and  plan  special  activi- 


Special  time  in  which  each  day 
provides  a  unique  opportunity  to 
reach  out  and  touch  someone's 
heart.     See  listed  schedule  of 


This  will  be  a  special  day  once  a 
month.  Keep  your  eyes  open  and 
C.A.R.E.  cards  will  be  distrib- 


Twenty-five  names  are  selected 
from  the  student  body  weekly. 
Five  names  are  prayed  for  daily 
by  a  group  of  students.  A  letter 
is  sent  to  those  being  prayed  for. 


Special  time  before  vespei^  when 
students  can  come  to  the  church 
early  and  meditate. 


Groups  of  singers  go  out  during 

the  Christmas  season  to  share  the 
spiritofChristandpass  out  loaves 
of  bread  to  community  people. 


Special  Christmas  program  to 
celebrate  the  birth  of  Christ. 


After  applying  make-up  and 
clown  attire,  students  visit  the 
local  children's  hospitals,  or- 
phanages, and  nursing  homes  lo 
spread  a  little  cheer  and  laughter 
with  their  skits  and  plays. 


The  Destiny  Drama  Company  is  a 
collegiate  drama  ministry  troupe 
which  performs  for  high  schools, 
youth  rallies,  and  colleges 
throughout  the  Southeastern 
UniiedStates.  Through  Christian 
theatrical  arts,  they  strive  to  por- 
tray the  power,  pertinence,  and 
personality  of  Jesus  Christ  and 
His  gospel. 


This  is  a  program  to  encourage 
prayer  and  fellowship  in  the 
dorms.  Small  prayer  bands  meet 
once  a  week  in  both  dorms  to  pray 
with  and  for  each  other. 


On  a  dreary  Sabbath  afternoon 
once  a  semester  all  the  chairs  and 
tables  in  the  cafeteria  are  pulled 
aside  to  make  way  for  bean  bags 
and  blankets.  Then  the  show 
begins— the  best  Christian  con- 
temporary films  available. 


A  community  service  program 
where  once  a  month  a  group  of 
students  help  widi  painting,  small 
repairs,  raking,  etc. 


Those  interested  will  leave 
Wednesday  night  and  join  South- 
westem  Advenlist  and  Union 
Colleges  at  Camp  "ITorktown  Bay 
for  a  spiritual  weekend. 


Come  out  on  the  lawn  of  Sum- 
merour  Hall  to  enjoy  some  Chris- 


A  presentation  with  narration  and 
music  of  the  birth,  life,  death, 
resurrection,  and  second  coming 
of  Christ. 


A  group  of  students  will  gel  to- 
gether for  15-20  minutes  to  have 
worship.  One  dorm  worship 
credit  will  be  available. 


Overcoats  will  be  collected  to 
give  to  homeless  people  in  the 


Under  the  C.A.R.E.  umbrella 
there  are  three  different  weekly 
Sabbath  schools:  International, 
Lynn  Wood,  and  Thatcher.  All 
are  very  good! 


Different  times  during  the  semes- 
ter, activities  will  be  available  for 
students  on  Sabbath  afternoons. 


Once  a  week  students  will  go  to 
Silverdaie  Prison  to  help  prepare 
inmates  for  their  GED  test. 


On  Sabbath  evenings  when  the 
weather  fKrmils,  a  group  of  stu- 
dents gather  on  the  steps  of  Lynn 
Wood  Hall  for  a  lime  of  good  ole ' 
fashioned  singing. 


Once  a  month  students  will  go 
help  serve  food  to  the  homeless. 


Every  Sabbath  afternoon  students 
tell  stories  to  children.  The  col- 
lege students  try  to  teach  them 
moral  and  spiritual  lessons 
through  the  stories  they  tell. 


Once  a  year  C.A.R.E.  runs  a 

special  Student  Week  of  Prayer. 

Students  do  everything — even 

die  preaching.  All  meetings 

take  place  in  the  Collegedale 


A  group  from  Southern  College 
goes  to  the  local  life  care  center  on 
Sabbath  afternoon  to  sing  and  talk 
withtheresidents.  It'sagreatway 
lo  share  God's  "Sonshine." 


Table  talk  is  a  service  that  daily 
gives  the  students  a  "thought  for 
the  day"  and  any  pertinent  an- 
nouncements by  means  of  cards 
on  all  the  cafeteria  tables. 


The  second  Sabbath  of  every 
month  is  set  aside  for  target  evan- 
gelism. This  is  a  program  where 
students  distribute  Christian  lit- 
erature in  the  Chattanooga  area. 


A  tutoring  program  for  elemen- 
tary students  who  are  in  need. 

Patricia  To  Appear 
in  Sacred  Concert 

;  who  sings  and  shares  in  is.  Ifpeople  are  blessed,  then  I've 

honesty  instead  ofa  euphoric  type  done   my  job."      People   ARE 

of  presentation.  I  simply  share  the  blessed.  Don't  miss  Patricia. 

truth  about  how  trustable  the  Lord  . 

PatriciaWhite,  song- 
writer/singer, will  be  appearing 
in  sacred  concert  on  October  13 
at  8  p.m..  at  the  Southern  College 
church  of  Seventh-day  Advent- 
ists  in  CoUegedale. 

Patricia's  talents  are 
well  displayed  in  both  the  lyric 
and  music  of  her  original  songs. 
Her  first  album,  WHITE 
ROBE,  received  airplay  on 
Christian  radio  stations  all 
across  the  United  States.  An 
enthusiastic  response  followed 
with  comments  like  "A  refresh- 
ing new  sound!"  and,  "One 
great  LP!" 

Her  new  album.  LOVE 
WILL,  was  produced  in  Nash- 
ville, Tennessee,  with  such  top 
studio  musicians  as  Shane  Keis- 
ler.  Larrie  Londin,  Don  Potter 

and  Jon  Coin. 

In  concert  Patricia  shares 
herself  and  the  stories  behind  her 
music.  She  is  an  effective  com- 
municator, drawing  her  audience 
into  the  joy  of  praise  as  they  learn 
to  do  such  songs  as  the  "Praise 
Rap."  Her  rich  vocal  sound  has 
developed  over  years  of  experi- 
ence (beginning  at  4  years  of  age) 
in  performing  with  a  number  of 
groups  including  the  Heritage 
Singers  of  California. 

Juggling  a  family,  writ- 
ing, pefomiing,  and  recording 
are  several  full-time  jobs:  but  she 
seems  to  take  it  all  in  stride  and 
pulls  from  the  difficult  times  the 
humorous  incidents  she  shares 
with  her  audiences.  "I  think 
lie    better   to 

by  Izear  Fcagins 

"Lord,  help  me!"  was 
ihe  cry  of  him  who  had  no 
desire  and  no  will  to  become  a 
student  missionary,  but  he  heard 

anyway.  His  name  is  Kyle 
Robinson,  and  the  voice  was  the 
Holy  Spirit. 

After  Kyle  decided  to 
become  a  student  missionary,  in 
the  Spring  of  1988,  he  went  to 
the  student  center  to  look  at  the 
call  book  and  was  moved  by  the 
Spirit  to  accept  a  call  to  Palau  as 

Several  months  later,  on 
August  11.  1988.  Kyle  was  at 
the  William  Hatfield  Airport  in 
Atlanta  with  no  plane  ticket  or 
passport.  He  had  thought  these 
items  would  be  there  waiting  for 
him.  They  weren't.  What  could 
he  do  but  go  home?  At  his  arri- 
val there,  he  found  his  ticket  and 
passport  on  his  front  porch. 
Thai's  when  he  realized  that  Ihe 
Lord  wanted  him  to  go  to  Palau. 

After  arriving  in  Palau 
on  August  18,  1988.  Kyle  was 
exhausted.  However,  the  people 
of  the  island  weren't  tired,  they 
were  excited  about  his  coming 
and  wanted  to  lake  him  on  a 
tour  while  they  got  acquainted. 
While  on  this  lour,  he  saw  many 
needs  and  people  whom  he 
could  encourage  and  teach. 

Soon  he  settled  in,  leaching 
Bible,  history,  U.S.  Govern- 
ment. P.E.,  and  more. 

As  a  missionary,  Kyle 
had  to  deal  with  many  new 
situations.  On  one  memorable 
occasion  he  spoke  with  a  stu- 
denl  whose  parents  had  died  a 
month  before  school  started. 
Alcohol  and  drugs  became  the 
only  family  he  knew.  Kyle 
saw  the  need  and  asked  for 
the  Loid's  help.  Aflermuch 
prayer  and  effort,  Ihe  student 
overcame  his  addiction  and 
accepted  the  Lord. 

When  Kyle  preached 
his  last  sermon  and  gave  a 
call,  thirty-four  students 
between  the  ages  of  thireen 
and  twenty-one  accepted 
Christ.  These  results  rein- 
forced Kyle's  belief  that  die 
Lord  wanted  him  to  be  in 
Palau  to  preach  His  word. 

Even  though  Kyle's 
year  has  ended,  he  will  not 
give  up  the  work;  in  fact,  after 
he  graduates,  he  plans  to 
return  to  Palau  for  six  years. 

Presently,  Kyle  Robin- 
son is  a  sophomore  religion 
major  at  Soudiem  College,  as- 
sistant pastor  of  the  GraysvilJe 
S.D.A.  Church,  and  president 
of  The  Collegiate  Missions 
Club.  His  goal  is  to  send  200 
student  missionaries  from 
Southern  College  to  different 
parts  of  the  world. 

top  P.E. 

Tim  Chism 

Tennisanyone?  Orwould 
you  prefer  a  swim,  followed  by  a 
nice  run?  This  has  been  the  focus 
of  attention  at  the  P.E.  Center, 
entering  the  fall  semester  al 
Southern  College.  Increased  en- 
rollment last  year  and  money 
donated  by  The  Committee  of 
One-hundred  has  freed  up  funds 
to  improve  the  P.E.  department. 

The  Committee  of  One- 
hundred  donated  the  money  nec- 
essary to  fix  the  roof  of  the  gym- 
nasium, "which  is  a  huge  job," 
says  Phil  Carver,  department 

Kevin  Snider,  a  freshman 
and  one  of  the  belter  tennis  play- 
ers on  campus  is  very  impressed 
with  the  quality  of  our  newly  sur- 
faced courts.  Also.  "The  new 
rubber  track  is  fantastic  to  run 
on,"  says  Chris  Case,  a  junior 
Nursing  major.  Chris  continued, 
saying,  "TTie  soft  springy  surface 
allows  for  a  pleasant  exercise 
without  the  pain  of  hard  surface 

Swimming  is  also  more 

Sherri  Green  on  triathalons:  It's  more  a  mental  challange  than  a  physical 









Hemian  gets  a  "high  five"  from  Tim 
impletes  the  triathalon. 

enjoyable  since 
been  painted  i 
swimming  laps 

increased  visibility.  Finally,  for 
those  students  who  play  basket- 
ball, volleyball,  and/or  sports 
which  have  potential  for  sprained 
ankles,  there  is  a  new  ice-machine 
in  the  gym  for  your  convenience. 
Carver's  main  goal,  now 

that  everything  is  completed,  is 

Len  Lastine  packs  it  all  up  after  competing  in  the  5th     Mark  deRuiier    "To  maintain  the  department," 
annual  Southern  College  Triathalon.  keeping  everything  in  tiptop  con- 

V  lanes  have    dition  for  all  the  sports  minded 
This  makes    people  trying  to  slay  in  shape. 


cancelled  due 
to  rain. 

for  Oct.  7. 

Image  Index 

Rate  Your  First  Impression 

What  kind  of  first  impression  do 
you  make  when  you  walk  into  a 
roomful  of  business  associates? 
Are  you  perceived  as  authorita- 
tive and  reliable?  Or,  are  the 
impressions  you  leave  behind 
sabotaging  your  chances  of  get- 
ting ahead? 

The  "IMAGE  INDEX"  is  de- 
signed to  enable  people  to  calcu- 

late their  prospects  for  getting 
ahead  in  situations  where  first 
impressions  are  important.  This 
includes  getting  a  new  job.  earn- 
ing a  promotion  or  completing  a 
successful  sales  presentation. 

Recruitment  experts  tell  us  there 
are  a  number  of  elements  that 
contribute  to  an  executive's  im- 
age, including  clothes,  grooming 

and  various  aspects  of  body  lan- 
guage. If  one  of  those  elements 
doesn't  fit  in  with  the  overall 
look,  it  can  throw  off  the  person's 
entire  image. 

The  IMAGE  INDEX  was  devel- 
oped in  conjunction  with  Donald 
and  Karen  Kaufrnan  of  Kaufman 
Professional  Image  Consultants 
of  Philadelphia.  It  is  based  on  the 
likelihood  of  making  the  best 
impression  on  the  greatest  num- 
berof  people  in  most  business  and 

best  efforts  because  their  overall 
appearance  projects  the  wrong 
kind  of  image,"  said  Karen 
Kaufman.  "The  IMAGE  INDEX 
can  give  people  a  sense  of  what 
they're  doing  right  and  wrong," 
added  Donald  Kaufman. 

The  IMAGE  INDEX  lists  1 1  ele- 
ments that  make  up  a  person's 
overall  image.  One  Index  is  tai- 
lored for  women  and  one  for  men. 

After  taking  the  test,  you  can  add 
up  your  score,  and  immediately 
determine  how  your  image  meas- 

"Too  many  intelligent,  up-and- 
coming  people  undermine  their 


3.  Ankle  length,  dress  or  cas- 





I.  Long-sleeved,  all-cotton, 

1.  Always  clean-shaven. 

white,  striped  or  pastel. 

2.  Have  a  well-groomed  mus- 

2. Button-down  oxford,  any 

tache  or  beard. 


3.  Not  always  clean-shaven. 

3.  Short-sleeved,  or  anything 

that  is  wash  and  wear. 


1.  Regularly  cut  in  a  conser- 


vative  style. 

1.  AH  silk  with  a  subtle  pat- 

2. Sometimes  need  a  haircut. 

tern  or  stripe. 

3.  Always  worn  in  the  latest 

2.  Knit  ties. 

avant-garde  style. 

3.  Clip-ons. 



1 .  Groom  at  least  one  a  week. 

1.     Traditional     single- 

2.  Clip  and  clean  nails  occa- 

breasted, navy  or  grey  pin- 


striped,  expertly  tailored  and 

3.  Bite  regularly. 


2.  Designer  double-breasted. 


with  bold  patterns  or  weave. 

1.  Firm  with  both  men  and 

molded  to  body. 


3.  Prefer  sports  jacket  and 

2.  Firm  with  men  and  limp 


with  women. 

3.  Squeeze  hard  to  show  supe- 



1.  Classic  dress  shoes  that 

Ue.always  fi-eshly  shined. 


2.    Usually    casual,    rarely 

1 .  Make  frequent  eye  contact. 


2.  Not  comfortable  looking  at 

3.  Don't  think  about  shining- 

someone  often. 


3.  Normally  look  around  the 

room  or  at  feet. 


1.    Mid-    or   over-the-calf, 


brown,  navy  or  black. 

1.    Usually    stand    and    sil 

2.  Mid  or  over-the-calf,  tex- 


tured  or  patterned. 

2.  Don't  pay  much  attention. 

3.  Tend  to  slouch. 


2.  Don't  always  wear  make-up. 


3.  Applied  heavier  so  that 

everybody  notices  it. 


1.  Long-sleeved,  silk  or  cotton. 


solid  or  small  print,  with  con- 

1. Classic  style,  well-groomed. 

servative  necklines. 

shoulder  length  or  shorter. 

2.  Oxford  cloth  shirts  with 

2.  Generally  groomed,  no  par- 


ticular  style. 

3.  Lace  and  ruffles,  sheer  fab- 

3. Wear  latest  style  to  stand  out. 

rics  or  plunging  necklines. 



1 .  Manicure  at  least  weekly. 

1.  Classic  cut.  navy,  grey  or 

2.  Occasionally  file  and  groom. 

black,  made  of  quality  fabric 

3.  Wait  until  nails  are  chipped 

and  well-fitted. 

before  polishing. 

2.    Coordinating   jacket   and 

skirt  in  complimentary  colors. 


3.  Never  wear  suits. 

1 .  Carry  one  well-shined  classic 

leather  bag  for  everything. 


2.  Carry  a  well-organized  brief- 

I. One  or  two-piece,  natural 

case  and  a  purse. 

fabric,    classic    styling,    long 

3.  Briefcase  and/or  purse  is  al- 

sleeves, in  navy,  grey  or  black 

ways  overstuffed. 

with  a  jacket. 

2.  Same  as  above,  without  a 



L  Firm  with  men  and  women. 

3.    Ruffled,    sheer    or    mini- 

2.  Only  shake  when  a  hand  is 



3.  Don't  shake  hands. 


I.  Dress  shoes,  always  freshly 



I.  Make  frequent  eye  contact. 

2.  Casual  or  dress  shoes,  rarely 

2.  Not  comfortable  looking  at 


someone  often. 

3.  Don't  think  about  shining 

3.  Nomially  look  around  the 


room  or  at  feet. 



1.  Lightly  applied  to  enhance 

1 .  Usually  siand  and  sit  erectly. 

features  and  coloring. 

2.  Don't  pay  attention. 

3.  Tend  to  slouch. 

How  to  Score  Your  Image  Index:  48-66  Congratulations,  you're  on 

Give  yourself  6  points  for  every  your  way. 

#1  answer.  3  points  for  every  #2  30-47  You're  on  the  right  track, 

answer  and  0  points  for  every  #3  but  have  some  work  to  do. 

answer.  If  your  tolal  score  is:  12-29  Careful,  you  maybe  sabo- 

taging your  chances  of  getting 
ahead.  There's  still  hope,  though. 
0- 1 1  You've  got  a  real  problem. 
Without  immediate  action,  your 
chances  of  making  a  good  first 


I'm  gelling  li 
sianding  in  U 
-Ginger  Bromme 



If  the  girls  wish  to 

,1:00,  why  shou 

d  they 

down  in  their  robe 

e  dorms 

8:00.  ihey  should 

at  8:00? 


■Heather  Wise 


mbers  of  the  opposite  sex  after  8:00? 

Yes,  as  long  as  both  dorms 
•Dean  Hobbs 

Guys  are  in  the  girl's 
after  8:00  anyway.  Why 
noi  make  il  legal? 
-Joel  Henderson 

•Patrick  Matiesen 

Upcoming  Events 

Fridiiv.  October  6 


Vespers.  8:00  p.m. 
Dave  Smith 

Saturday.  Oclober  7 


Church  Service: 

Gordon  Biei7 

Humunilies  Film 

8:00  p.m.  On  the  Walerfronl 

Wednesday.  Oclob^r  1 1 

SA  Senaie  Meeting, 
8:00  p.m. 

ThuTMlav.  Ctclober  1^ 

Church  Service:  Ed  Wright 
Sunday.  Ormh^r  K 

Monday.  Oclober  16 

Tuesday.  October  17 
Naji  Hakim.  Organ  8:00  p 

Arts  and  Entertainmpnt 

Oclober  14.8:00  p.m. 

ChaOanooga  Symphony  and 
Opera  Association  perform  the 
opera  Tosca  at  Tiyoli  Theater.  For 
more  info,  call  266-0944. 

Saiurdflv.  Orrnh^^r  7 

UTC  vs.WestKenlucky. 

Chamberlain  field.  7:30  p.m.  Call 
755-4495  for  tickets. 

Saturday.  Orr^ifyi- 71 

VTC  vs.  CUadel.  Chamberlain 
field.  7:30  p.m.  Call  755-4495 

IT'S  A 







Aggressive  Salespeople 

Earn  money  selling 

ads  for  the  Accent!  Call 

Ext.  2721  for  more 


Machado  Wins  All  Night  Softball  Tournament 



Night  Softball  Tourna- 
ment was  held  Saturday 
night  October  7  after 
being  delayed  due  to  rain 
(he  previous  weekend. 
The  format  of  the  tourna- 
ment was  double  elimi- 
nation as  il  has  been  in 
previous  years.  How- 
ever, some  of  the  rules 
were  changed  this  year  to 
speed  up  play. 

Perhaps  the 
biggest  change  was  the 
reduction  of  the  number 
of  outs  per  inning  from 
the  traditional  3  to  2. 
This  rule  may  have 
changed  the  outcome  of 
some  of  the  games.  For  instance. 
John  Machado's  team,  the  even- 
tual tournament  champion,  was 
upset  and  sent  into  the  losers 
bracket  by  Angel  Echemendia's 
team.  "If  it  hadn't  been  for  the 
two  out  rule,  we  probably 
wouldn't  have  beat  them,"  said 

Another    proposed 

change  was  not  enforced.  The 
rule  in  question  would  have  de- 
nied home  run  hitlers  the  reward 
of  circling  the  bases. 

The  rain  delay  im- 
posed another  unusual  change  in 
play.  A  section  of  field  B's  out- 
field fencing  had  to  be  removed 
because  of  flagball  season.  The 
fence  was  replaced  with  rope  for 

Ground  balls 
which  rolled  under  the  rope  were 
ruled  ground  rule  doubles.  This 
may  have  handicapped  teams  that 
depended  on  speedy  base  running. 
These  changes  and  the 
"Fates  of  Softball"  conspired  to 
produce  a  night  full  of  surprises 
and  upset  victories.  One  big  sur- 
prise was  Jeff  Wood's  learn  elimi- 

Police  Investigate  Attacks 

by  Gene  Krishingner  Jr. 

(Due  to  the  sensitivity  of 
this  article  the  names  and 
description  of  the  victims  and 
suspects  involved  are  not  in- 

In  the  wake  of  a  second 
attack  on  the  campus  of  South- 
em  College  in  a  four  week 
period,  students  as  well  as  the 
community  are  being  careful. 
Both  victims  are  Southern 
College  students.  This  brings 

the  number  of  attacks  that  have 
occurred  in  the  last  seven 
months  lo  four, 

Collegedale  Police 
Chief  Dennis  Cramer  who  has 
launched  a  full  investigation 
said  that  three  women  reported 
they  were  raped  while  on 
school  grounds.  Each  victim 
was  grabbed  from  behind  and 
forced  to  go  to  an  isolated  area. 
One  of  the  victims  managed  to 
escape  before  being  raped.  At 
least  two  were  slightly  injured 
when  they  tried  to  fight  back. 

according  to  Collegedale  police. 

No  one  has  been  arrested 
in  connection  with  the  sexual 
attacks  but  at  least  one  person  has 
been  picked  up  and  taken  in  for 
questioning.  "We  do  have  some 
suspects,"  said  Cramer,  "and 
things  are  coming  in  every  day 
regarding  the  case." 

Cramer  said  that  one  of 
the  suspects  was  identified  in  a 
photo  line-up  but  when  the 
victim  saw  the  suspect  in  person 
she  was  not  sure  if  he  was  the 
assailant  or  not. 
Continued  on  p.  3 

nating  Monterde.  Dur- 
ing the  regular  season 
they  had  been  soundly 
trounced  by  Monterde. 
Chris  Gloudeman's 
team  put  on  an  impres- 
sive show,  winning  one 
game  II  to  4.  This  is 
surprising  considering 
that  Gloudeman  failed 

season  game.  "My  team 
was  hyped  up.  We  had 
nothing  to  lose  and  the 
only  way  to  go  was  up." 
said  Gloudeman. 

Another  major  upset 
was  of  a  different  type 
altogether.     Ben  Kep- 

Continued  on  p.  7 

P.O.W.  To 


Thatcher  SS 

"From  a  Cage  to 
Collegedale"  will  be  Tho- 
mas DeGraw's  feature  at 
Thatcher  Hall  Sabbath 
School  October  28,  9:45 

The  former  Green 
Beret  Master  Sergeant  will 
talk  about  39  months  held 
capiivein  a  North  Vietnam- 
ese prison  camp.  He  was 
the  only  American  held. 

"1  was  their  pel,  the 
prize  possession  of  a  prov- 
ential  commander,"  DeGraw 

He  said  he  entered 
the  Army  the  day  after  his 
17lh  birthday  after  his  dad 
refused  to  allow  him  to  go 
to  spring  training  camp  with 
the  New  York  Mets. 

Continued  on  p.  5 

The  Opium  of  the  People 

Constantexposure  to  dangers  will 
breed  conlempt  for  them." 


We  have  no  choice 
but  to  expose  ourselves  todanger. 
Every  time  we  get  behind  the 
wheel  of  a  car,  we  place  ourselves 
environment  which  is  statis- 
tically more  dangerous  than  any 
battlefield  known  lo  man.  As  we 
all  know,  walking  alone  on  the 
campus  of  Southern  College  at 
nighl  can  be  dangerous.  Yet  we 
eldom  pause  to  consider  the 
danger  inherent  in  such  actions. 
I  have  heard  that  the 
baseball  fans  in  San  Francisco's 
Candlestick  Park  laughed  and 
as  a  first  response  lo  Tues- 
day's earthquake.  They  have 
lived  so  long  in  the  shadow  of  a 

killer  earthquake  that  they  nt 
longer  fear  such  a  tragedy. 

As  Christians,  w< 
constantly  face  the  danger  of  sin 
We  even  laugh  and  joke  about  i 
sometimes.  Yet  the  danger  i 
poses  lo  us  is  even  more  perilou: 
than  threats  of  auto  accidents 
earthquakes,  or  the  actions  c 
deranged  men  could  ever  bt 
These  things  can  only  effect  ol 
feeble  earthly  existence.  Sin.  o 
Ihe  other  hand,  places  our  ver 

Karl  Marx  said,  "Reli 
gion  is  the  opium  of  the  people. 
He  would  have  us  believe  thf 
religion  dulls  our  senses,  but  t 
say  that  sin  is  the  opium  of  tht 
people  would  be  closer  I 
truth.  Through  constant  exposun 
to  sin  we  often  fail  to  recogni: 

Southern  DDDOD 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 
Sheila  Draper 
Greg  Parkhurst 

Photo  Editor 

Sean  Terretta 

Lifestyle  Editor 

Angel  Echemendia 

Sports  Editor 

Ben  Keppler 

Layout  Editor 

Daniel  Potter 


Julie  Jacobs 


Stan  Hobbs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associaled  Collegiate  Press 

Bits  and  Pieces 

by  David  Denton 

Six  years  is  a  long  time 
on  a  college  campus.  A  gradu- 
ate, returning  to  school  for  a 
visit  six  years  later,  isl  likely 
going  to  fee!  a  bit  out  of  place. 
School,  life  has  gone  on  and 
forgotten  him.  His  face  has 
been  replaced  a  hundred  items 
over  by  new,  young  faces.  The 
hallways  he  once  walked  are 
now  recarpeted  and  covered  by 
new,  young  feet. 

Four  years,  maybe  five, 
usually  marks  the  passing  of  a 
student  from  freshman  to  gradu- 
ate. Those  who  stay  longer  are 
considered  to  be  "professional 
students"  in  no  hurry  to  leave. 
Myself?  I've  been  here 
going  on  six  years  now,  only 
four  of  those  as  a  student  (The 
rest  of  the  time  I've  spent 
catching  up  on  the  costs  of 
being  a  student).  I  haven't 
regretted  my  time  here  at  the 
college.  I've  always  been  able 
to  keep  myself  busy,  sometimes 
too  busy,  as  my  grades  can 

In  my  six  years  at  South- 
em,  I've  seen  a  lot  of  things 
change.  New  faces  arriving,  the 
Morrises,  Malhises,  and  others; 
old  faces  departing,  the 
Wagners,  the  Chrislmans,  etc. 
I've  seen  the  demise  of  build- 
ings that  were  here  and  now 
aren't;  like  Jones  Hall,  which 
became  a  parking  lot.  I've  seen 
buildings  restored  like  Lynn 
Wood;  and  brand  new  buildings 
being  constructed,  like  Brock 
Hall.  This  isn't  he  same  school 
I  remember  from  1 984. 

Destiny  Drama  Co.,  my 
one  constant  over  the  years,  has 
changed  as  well.  Since  I  joined 
the  group  six  years  ago.  there 
have  been  four  student  directors, 
counting  myself,  five  or  six 
(depending  on  who  you  count) 
sponsors,  nearly  fifty  different 
members,  hundreds  of  perform- 
.  and  thousand  of  miles  of 
travel.  There  have  been  un- 
countable rewards:  new  fiiends. 
embarrassing  moments,  items  of 
ity,  and  spiritual 

Who  can  understand 
the  absolute  stillness  that  fell 
on  academy  audiences  as  Allan 
Martin  and  I  finished  the  last 
few  lines  of  "It's  a  Very  Cold 
Night."  And  what,  if  not  the 
movement  of  the  Spirit,  can 
explain  the  reverent  contempla- 
tion and  reflection  that  invari- 
ably followed  last  year's  per- 
formances of "Light  of  the 

I  have  seen  the  Father 
working  in  the  lives  and  minis- 
try of  my  friends  in  Destiny. 

I  have  experienced  the 
down  side  as  well.  The  long 

". . .  the  essence  of 
personality  is  found 
in  people ..." 

van  trips,  the  wrong  turns,  the 
poor  performances.  I've  seen 
members  leave  in  the  middle  of 
the  year  because  of  personal 
differences,  or  poor  grades,  or 
because  they  simply  had  to 
rearrange  priorities.  But 
through  all  of  the  mundane  and 
discouraging,  I've  learned  to 
love  Ihe  people. 

To  me  the  e 


Destiny's  personality  is  found  in 
people  like  Kevin  Rice,  who 
was  director  during  my  first  two 
years  and  Rochelle  Battistone, 
about  whom  I  like  everything. 
People  like  Allan  Martin,  the 
current  director,  who  is  also 
known  as  Mr.  Vocabulary,  and 
Gary  Bradley,  whom  I  wish  had 
been  my  brother.  People  like 
Shannon  Bom,  a  beautiful, 
concemed  Christian,  and  Dawn 
Patton,  to  whom  we  said  good- 
bye with  heavy  hearts  the  day 
she  lost  her  battle  with  a  termi- 
nal disease. 

But  we're  working  for 
the  Lord,  and  we  are  striving  to 
be  there  when  He  calls  us  all 
home.  Dawn  included  ,  to  be 
part  of  that  great  unending 
performance  of  Glory  expand- 
ing throughout  the  universe 

When  that  happens,  six 
years  won't  seem  very  long  at 

Government  Loan  Policy 
Explained  to  Students 

by  Izear  F 

As  of  August  24,  1989, 
ihe  U.S.  Department  of  Educa- 
tion is  requiring  all  schools  io 
announce  to  iheir  students  ihe 
importance  of  not  defaulting  on 
student  loans.  Almost  a 
billion  dollars  worth  of  loans 

are  currently  outstanding.  Last 
month  a  meeting  was  held 
during  which  S.C's  financial 
advisors  explained  this  new 
policy  to  students 

When  a  student  borrows 
money  using  the  Perkins  Loan, 
Guaranteed  Student  Loan 
(GSL),  Supplemental  Loan  for 


$5.00  off  any  perm 
$1.00  off  cut  and  style 

■Call  396-2600  for  AppoinI 

With  This  Coupon 


Marcia  McGrath 


Hair  Designers 

•No  Expiraiinn  Dale  on  Coupon- 

Students  (SLS),  or  the  Pius 
Loan,  the  student  must  repay  the 
loan.  The  obligation  for  repay- 
ment after  graduation  or  cessa- 
tion of  enrollment  exists  regard- 
less of  job  situation,  continuing 
education,  or  satisfaction  with 

If  he  does  not  make 
payments,  he  will  then  go  into 
default.  The  default  will  be 
reported  to  credit  bureaus  and 
any  school  he  has  attended,  is 
attending,  or  will  attend.  Also, 
he  could  be  sued  by  the  govern- 
ment and  be  made  ineligible  for 
future  financial  aid.  Moreover, 
his  state  and  federal  income  lax 
refunds  may  be  withheld  or  his 
checks  may  be  garnished.  The 
government  gives  a  student  six 
to  nine  months  to  begin  his 
payments.  He  must  continue  to 
repay  until  paid  in  full. 

If  an  S.C.  student  has 
any  questions,  he  can  contact 
Ihe  financial  aid  office  in 
Wrigh;  Hall  at  238-2835. 

Letters  to  the  Editor 

Dear  Editor: 

In  the  last  issue  of  the 
Southern  Accent. !  wrote  an 
article  entitled  "Campus  Rape 
Prompts  Concern."  The  format 
was  designed  to  stress  the 
seriousness  of  the  incident.  I 
had  hoped  that  it  would  be  taken 
seriously  by  all,  and  that  the  tips 
would  be  followed. 

Monday  night.  October 
9. 1  was  bothered  by  the  news 

Dear  Students, 

As  supper  hour  hostess  I 
would  like  to  express  my  per- 
sonal appreciation  for  your 
cooperation  in  maintaining  a 
friendly,  responsible,  attitude  in 
your  lovely  dining  room  away 
from  home. 

I  receive  many  positive 
comments  due  to  your  friendly 
conversations  with  visiting 
guests  during  supper,  especially 
from  folks  not  of  our  religious 
persuasion,  and  Elder  Hostel 

-Evelyn  Moore. 

that  an  attempted  rape  had  taken 
place  Sunday  night,  October  8. 
The  girl  was  walking  alone  at 
night  by  the  playground  at  iHe 
elementary  school. 

What  needs  to  be  said  or 
done  to  stress  the  importance  of 
using  common  sense?  Don't  go 
out  at  night  if  you  don't  have  to. 
If  you  must  be  some  place, 
PLEASE  take : 

It  would  be  unfortunate 
for  someone  attending  college  to 
have  to  leave  early  because  of  a 
trauma  such  as  rape. 

No  one  has  been  charged 
with  any  crime.  That  means  he 
could  still  be  out  there.  Protect 
yourself — use  your  head.  Don't 
fool  yourself  in  to  thinking  it 
could  never  happen  to  you, 
because  it  very  well  might. 

-Tamara  Michalenko 

Dear  Editor. 

I  am  writing  in  regards 
to  the  recent  lead  article  in  the 
Southern  Accent,  t  think  it  is 
good  that  the  story  entitled 
"Campus  Rape  Prompts  Con- 
cern" was  run  since  it  was  the 
focus  on  campus  for  quite  some 
time,  but  I  feel  it  was  written  in 
a  totally  tasteless  manner.  It 
was  not  necessary  to  publicize 
the  details  of  this  girl's  experi- 
ence across  the  entire  campus. 
Think  of  how  she  must  have  fell 
when  she  read  the  ariicle.  No 
one  in  their  right  mind  would 

want  to  find  a  story  about 
themselves  of  this  nature  pub- 
lished in  the  school  newspaper. 
And  really,  think  about  it.  these 
details  were  not  anyone's 

I  feel  the  appropriate 
follow-up  to  this  article  is  a 
written  apology  in  the  next  issue 
of  Southern  Accent.  Let's  try  to 
make  her  life  easier,  not  more 


Lorena  Wolff 


Coininiiedfrom  p.  I 
"It's  such  a  trau- 
matic experience  for  the 
girl  that  often  times  the 
description  is  very  vague," 
explained  Cramer  who  is 
using  the  help  of  Chat- 
tanooga authorities  to  draw 
a  composite  photo  of  the 

Meanwhile  the  alert 
is  up.  "We've  increased 
our  usual  patrol  quite  a  bit," 
Cramer  said,  "and  we'll 

to  do  so  for  some 

According  to  police 
reports  all  the  attacks  have 
occurred  between  8  p.m. 
and  10  p.m..  and  within  an 
eighth  of  a  mile  from  each 
other.  Also  the  description 
of  the  assailant  is  similar  in 
all  cases.  The  latest  two 
attacks  both  happened  on  a 
Sunday,  two  weeks  apart. 

"One  thing  we're 
doing  is  checking  out  any 
and  all  leads."  Cramer 
said.  "At  least  until  we  can 
prove  otherwise." 

Dean  of  Students, 
Bill  Wohlers,  said  the  ad- 
ministration is  trying  to 
speed  up  the  program  of 
improving  lighting  on  the 
campus  and  is  encouraging 
the  organization  of  a  stu- 

"Our  c 


physical  safety  of  all  the 
students,"  said  Wohlers  re- 
garding the  recent  attacks. 
"We  can  try  to  protect 
ourselves  and  others."  he 
added,  "since  we  can't 
apprehend  Ihe  person  our- 

Cramer  also  dis- 
courages students  from 
attempting  lo  apprehend  or 
"catch"  the  rapist.  He  said 
it  could  ruin  the  case 
because  of  technicalities  in- 
volving the  rights  of  the 

Cramer  warns 
students  to  be  careful. 
"Stay  in  lighted  areas."  he 
said.  "No  matter  what 
you're  doing,  act  like 
you're  going  somewhere. 
Statistics  show  that  you 
will  be  less  likely  to  be 
accosted  if  you  follow  these 

The  Collegedale 
police  department  is  en- 
couraging anyone  with 
information  lo  report  it. 

Journalism  Club 
Elects  Officers 

Tamara  Michalenko 

The  Journalism  depart- 
menl  has  formed  a  new  Journal- 
ism Club  for  all  majors  and/or 
minors  in  public  relations  or 
journalism.  There  are  19  charier 
members.  Officers  have  been 
elected.  Their  names  are  below, 
as  well  as  the  offices  they  hold, 
with  a  brief  sketch  of  their  ac- 

President:  Randall  Gilliam. 
Randall  is  a  junior  journalism 
major  from  Florida.  He  previ- 
ously attended  Seminole  Com- 
munity College.  There  he 
served  as  co-editor  and  reported 
for  SCC's  Journey  Magazine. 
Randall  feels  that  the  Joumalism 
Club  has  a  great  future  and 
encourages  anyone  interested  in 
joumalism  or  public  relations  to 

Vice-President:  Jim  King.  Jim 
is  a  senior  public  relations 
major.  He  has  attended  SC  for 
two  years.  During  that  time  he 
has  been  a  student  missionary  in 


live  al  WSMC.  Currently,  he  is 
the  promotions  assistant  for  the 
radio  station.  Jim  enjoys  pho- 
tography, layout,  and  talking 
with  diverse  types  of  people. 

Treasurer:  Andrea  Nicholson. 
Andrea  is  a  junior  public  rela- 
tions major  with  a  minor  in 
business.  She  is  currently 
working  in  the  public  relations 
office  at  SC.  Her  responsibili- 
ties include  writing  press  re- 
leases for  local  papers  such  as 
the  Chattanooga  Times,  News 
Free  Press,  and  East  Hamilton 
County  Journal.  Andrea  is  also 
a  regular  reporter  for  the  South- 
em  Accent. 

Secretary;  Tammy  Wolcoit. 
Tammy  is  a  junior  public  rela- 
tions major  from  Florida.  She 
has  attended  SC  for  three  years 
since  she  graduated  from  Forest 
Lake  Academy  in  1987. 

Tammy  has  been  a  feature 
editor  and  news  reporter  for  the 
Southern  Accent,  covering 
McKee  Library.  Also,  she  was 
a  photographer  for  the  1989 
Strawberry  Festival. 

Modern  Language  Department  Offers 
Adventures  Abroad 

Southern  College  is  a  stu- 
dent's ticket  to  experience  for- 


If  interested  in  traveling,  a 
student  might  want  to  consider 
American  Colleges  Abroad. 
ACA  is  an  association  of  eleven 
North  American  SDA  colleges 
and  universities,  including  South- 
ern, which  gives  students  a 
chance  to  study  in  oth( 

while  continuing  their  home  col- 
lege programs. 

Laura  Putnam,  a  junior 
who  went  to  France  with  ACA, 
said,  "I  think  it's  a  growing  expe- 
rience. Everyone  should  take  the 
opportunity  to  spend  time  abroad 
because  it  changes  the  perspec- 
tive on  life." 

Although  this  program 
especially  benefits  those  who 
want  to  major  in  a  language  and/ 
or  are  majoring  in  the  humanities 

Talge  Hall  residents 

in  San  Francisco 

area,  people  with  other  majors  are 
welcome,  too. 

When  a  student 
decides  to  go  to  a  foreign  college 
under  the  ACA  plan,  he  has  a 
choiceof  three  colleges.  Fees  for 
these  colleges,  including  tuition, 
room  ,  and  board,  are  paid 
through  Southern  College. 

While  away,  the  student  is 
still  considered  a  member  of 
Southern  College. 

If  interested  in  the  ACA 
program,  sec  Dr.  Helmut  Ott  or 
go  10  the  admissions  or  records 
olfice.  Students  should  apply 
the  spring  previous  to  the  year 
that  they  want  lo  go. 

Another  travel  opportu- 
nity for  students,  which  is  not 
yet  fully  approved,  is  hosted  by 
the  Modem  Languages  depart- 

Hclmut  Ott,  chairman  of 
this  department,  has  received 
permission  from  Southern 
College  to  take  intermediate 
level  Spanish  students  to  Mex- 
ico to  lake  the  Spanish  II  course. 

If  plans  work  out,  the 
students  will  be  staying  at  the 
SDA  University  of  Montemore- 
los  and  will  be  taught  by  Dr. 

Oil  said  the  only  thing 
that  needs  to  be  done  before 
these  plans  are  definite  is  to  get 
the  OK  from  the  university  in 

If  approved,  the  program 
will  begin  this  summer  and  last 
for  approximately  six  to  eight 
weeks — six  weeks  for  school 
and  two  weeks  for  sightseeing. 
Only  ten  lo  twelve  students  will 
be  allowed  lo  go  on  this  trip. 

The  cost  for  the  program 
is  not  settled,  but  the  final  cost 
will  include  luilion  for  six  hours 
credit,  room  and  board  in  the 
university  droms,  and  traveling 

Oil  said  that  the  trip  will 
be  "A  good  opportunity  (for  the 
students)  to  sharpen  (their) 
Spanish  speaking  skills  and  to 
become  familiar  with  Spanish 

Writing  Class 
to  be  Added 
This  Spring 

Advanced  Exposi- 
lory  Writing,  a  new  upper 
division  three-hour  writ- 
ing class,  will  be  intro- 
duced next  semester. 
Designed  for  students 
headed  for  professional 



anyone  wishing  to 
sharpen  writing  skills,  the 
class  will  be  taught  to 
meet  the  needs  and  inter- 
ests of  the  particular  stu- 
dents who  enroll. 

David  Smith,  Eng- 
lish Dept.  chairman,  said 
the  class  helps  fill  a  "huge 
gap  in  the  curriculum." 

"In  the  past,  no  in- 
struction in  expository 
writing  has  been  provided 
beyond  college  composi- 
tion," he  said.  "Any  stu- 
dent planning  to  enter  a 
job  where  writing  skills 
are  important  would  find 
this  course  invaluable." 

Pam  Harris,  of  the 
Journalism  and  Communi- 
cations Dept.,  will  teach 
the  course.  She  has 
written  for  a  wide  variety 
of  publications. 

"Students  can 
expect  a  workshop  for- 
mat," she  said  about 
leaching  style.  "We  will 
read  and  analyze  a  variety 
of  writing — especially  pe- 
riodicals in  the  fields  of 
individual  students." 

"Producing  a  piece 
of  writing  for  publication 
will  be  one  of  the  projects 
ofthe  course."  she  said. 



interdisciplinary  nature, 
the  course  is  creating  en- 
thusiasm among  many  de- 
partments across  the 

"This  class  should 
be  required  of  all  upper- 
division  students,"  Smith 

Tentatively  sched- 
uled for  2  p.m.  Tuesday 
and  Thursday,  the  class  is 
limited  to  15  students. 

Journalism  Department  Offers 
Second  Semester  Seminar 

Dan  Rather.  Sam 
Donaldson,  Edna  Buchanan, 
and  Linda  Ellerbee  will  make 
appearances  in  the  Journalism 
Department's  Seminar  Room 
second  semester,  according  to 
chairman  R.  Lynn  Sauls. 

"Not  in  person,  but  in 
their  best-seller  books,"  he  said. 
"The  entire  Journalism  faculty 
and  students  who  register  for 
the  one-credit  course.  Commu- 
nicator's Bookshelf,  will  meet 
six  evenings  during  the  semes- 
ter to  discuss  the  books  se- 

Sauls  will  lead  the  first 
discussion  of  Pulitzer  prize 
winner  Edna  Buchanan's  The  Had  a  Familiar  Face. 





by  John  Negley 

This  year's  Busi- 
ness Club,  (Alpha  Kappa  Psi)  is 
determined  to  gel  everyone 
involved  in  the  activities  they 
have  planned.  In  fact,  to  get 
more  people  to  sign  up,  the  club 
gave  away  a  free  dinner  for  two 
to  the  Olive  Garden  to  Greg 

The  new  officers 
were  chosen  this  year  from  the 
executive  committee  nomi- 
natedlastyear.  They  are:  Presi- 
dent, David  Van  Meter;  V.P.  of 
Religious  Activities,  Ervin 
Brown;  V.P.  of  Public  Rela- 
tions, John  Negley;  V.P.  of 
Social  Activities,  Skip  Holley; 
V.P.  of  Records.  Gayle  Miller; 
and  V.P.  of  Finance.  Todd 
Werner.  Other  members  of  the 
executive  committee  include: 
Rob  Fulbright,  Don  Gates  and 
Chuck  Kendall.  This  year's 
sponsors  are  Kim  Arellano. 
David  Haley,  and  Dan  Rozell. 

The  book  is  an  account  of  police 
reporting  for  the  Miami  Herald. 

Pam  Harris  will  lead  the 
discussion  on  Sam  Donaldson's 
Hold  on  Mr.  President!.  Frances 
Andrews  on  Linda  Ellerbee's 
And  So  It  Goes.  Volker  Hen- 
ning  on  Dan  Ralher's  The 
Camera  Never  Blinks,  and  Sauls 
on  the  Poynter  Institute's  an- 
thology of  prize-winning  pieces. 
Best  Newspaper  Writing  of 

The  course  has  two 
purposes,  said  Sauls.  "To 
provide  opportunity  for  students 
to  read  some  well-written  books 
about  communicators  and  com- 
municating and  to  give  them  a 
chance  to  interact  with  teachers 

and  classmates  in  discussing  the 
content,  meaning,  and  signifi- 
cance of  some  books  irnportant 
to  the  field  of  communication," 

Communicator's  Book- 
shelf is  open  to  students  who  are 
not  in  the  department,  said 
Sauls,  but  space  priority  will  be 
given  to  broadcast,  news-edito- 
rial, and  public  relations  majors 
and  minors.  "The  ideal  number 
for  this  kind  of  course  is  eight  to 
12,"  he  said,  "But  we  will  allow 
up  to  15." 

Students  who  want  to 
reserve  a  place  should  sign  up  at 
the  Department  of  Journalism 
and  Communication  in  Brock 

English  Club  Views 


ian  Comedy 

Amanda  Sheffield. 

by  Sheila  Draper 

who  also  attended,  com- 

The English  Club 

mented,  "I  thought  Mal- 

held  its  first  official  func- 

volio (one  ofthe  charac- 

tion on  Saturday  night. 

ters)  was  very  well-cast. 

October  14.  About  forty- 

This  was  my  first 

five  people  from  Southern 

Shakespearian  play  and  I 

attended  the  Shakespear- 

was very  impressed. 

ian  production  of 

Karen  Alvarez 

"Twelfth  Night."  The 

continued,  "I  really  like 

play  centers  on  a  twin 

the  stage  setting.  It  was 

brother  and  sister  who  are 

simple  but  versatile.  The 

separated  in  a  shipwreck 

plot  was  easy  to  follow. 

and  eventually  reunited 


after  a  series  of  mishaps. 

Rick  Mann  re- 

It was  presented  by  the 

marked  that  even  thought 

North  Carolina 

he  had  seen  the  play 

Shakespeare  Festival  at 

before,  seeing  it  again 

the  UTC  Fine  Arts  Center. 

had  been  very  enjoyable. 

David  Smith,  English 

Overall,  those  who 

Club  sponsor,  said,  "I 

attended  seemed  to  have 

thought  the  characters 

a  good  time.  Having 

were  very  well-cast.  I 

such  a  high-caliber  per- 

especially enjoyed  hear- 

formance available  to  us 

ing  Shakespeare's  songs 

in  the  Chattanooga  area 

put  to  music.  Sometimes 

was  very  rewarding. 

that  isn't  often  pre- 


A  Southern  Weekend 

Ant.  Fohl       H        H  M-f?.  I',.'  """  "'  '"'^'^  ""'  •*""  '''  '"■= '»"'  f»^  ««^  Men's  Club  Boat  Cruise, 
Angel  Echemendm  and  M.chelleElliott.  Photos  by  Sean  Terretta  and  Brian  Hartman 


Coniimiedfromp.  I 
extremely  upsel  when  it  was 
forced  to  forfeit  both  of  its 
games.  Keppler  was  unable  to 
attend  the  tournament  and  not 
enough  of  his  players  showed  up 
[o  field  a  team. 

Machado  was  the 
acknowledge  favorite  going 
into  the  tournament.  His  team 
won  the  tournament  the  past  two 
years  and  was  undefeated  dur- 
ing the  regular  season.  Despite 
the  untimely  loss  to 
Echemendia.  Machado  defeated 
Hayes  twice  in  the  finals  to  win 
the  championship.  Thus,  he  is 
able  to  claim  back  to  back  to 
back  championships,  something 
his  beloved  Lakers  have  been 
unable  lo  accomplish. 

The  tournament 
ended  about  3:30  a.m.  Sunday 
morning,  leaving  the  victors  to 
celebrate  and  the  vanquished  to 
plan  for  next  year's  revenge. 
The  general  consensus  accord- 
ing to  participants  was  that  the 
tournament  went  well.  Ten- 
sions were  high,  upsets  were 
abundant,  play  was  of  high  qual- 
ity and  everyone  enjoyed  the 
competition.  Everyone,  that  is, 
except  Keppler's  team. 


Coniiimedfroin  p.  7 
"1  was  a  stone-cold 
atheist  in  Viet  Nam."  DeGraw 
said.  "I  knew  more  about 
Buddha  than  Jesus." 

He  said  as  a  prisoner 
he  was  blind,  bald,  and  looked 
like  a  survivor  of  the  Nazi 
death  camp  Auschwitz.  "I 
knew  I  was  going  to  die  in  that 

Invited  to  the  White 
House  to  lunch  with  then 
President  Jimmy  Carter, 
DeGraw  was  decorated  for 
heroism  in  combat  and  for 
valor  for  his  work  in  the 
Middle  East. 

He  was  also  nominated 
for  the  Congressional  Medal 
of  Honor  by  his  commanding 
officer  and  received  the  Army 

"I  went  to  Southeast 
Asia  for  my  class  trip,"  he 
jokes.  "I'm  not  the  likely 
person  God  would  present 
Himself  to." 

DeGraw  said  his  pur- 
pose for  telling  his  story  is  to 
"Lift  up  the  Greatness  of  the 
Lord,  His  love  and  His  for- 
giveness, and  His  willingness 
to  provide  salvation  for  every- 
one regardless  of  what  you 
have  done."  

SM  Writes  from 
Puerto  Rico 

by  Laura  Mann 

Do  you  like  adventure, 
traveling,  and  hours  of  hard- 
work?  If  yes.  I  have  the  perfeci 
job  for  you — be  a  student 


Puerto  Rico  two  months  ago  to 
be  an  English  teacher,  but  when 
I  arrived  I  found  another  supr- 
ise.  I  was  going  to  teach  the 
two  subjects  I  hated  the  most 
"math  and  science."  What  an 


Besides  unexpected 
surprises  an  SM  gets  a  chance  to 
travel  to  many  places.  Although 
Puerto  Rico  is  a  small  island, 
there  are  lots  of  beautiful  places 
to  see.  I  found  the  beaches  quite 

Finally,  you  have  all  the 

hard-work  of  teaching  thirty, 
hyper-active  children.  But,  evt 
after  you've  screamed  and 
punished  them,  they  still  come 
and  give  you  a  nice  big  hug. 

This  is  my  life  as  an  SN 
in  Puerto  Rico,  Come  join  in 
the  fun.  doing  God's  work. 

Just  for  the  Health  of  It 

Q:  Is  there  a  s 

; for  acne? 

A:  The  phrase  "sure  cure"  is 
pretty  powerful.  First  let's  dis- 
cuss what  acne  is.  Acne  vulgaris 
occurs  when  thcducisof  the  seba- 
ceous (oil)  glands  gel  plugged 
with  bacteria,  sebum  (oil),  and 
dead  cells.  When  this  material  is 
oxidized  it  takes  on  a  black  color. 
This  is  not  dirt.  We  call  them 
blackheads  or  comedos.  Pimples 
will  then  form  when  continuous 
pressure  from  the  oil  brakes 
through  the  walls  of  the  ducts  and 
escapes  into  the  tissue  to  cause 
swelling  and  redness.  Scarring 
takes  place  depending  on  the  ex- 
tent of  damage  to  the  duct. 

As  far  as  acne  control  is 
concerned  you  will  be  relieved  to 
learn  that  no  relation  has  been 
made  between  acne  and  diet.  So  if 
you  do  not  mind  the  fat,  sodium, 
sugar,  calories  and  chemicals  in 
junk  foods  go  right  ahead.  But  do 
remember  that  a  balanced  diet  is 
the  key  to  health  maintenance. 
Nevertheless,  allergies  to  choco- 
late look  very  similar  if  not  iden- 
tical to  acne.  So  if  you  break-out 
afier  eating  chocolate  products 
take  the  possibiities  of  allergic 
reactions  into  consideration. 
Also  hormone  imbalances  will 
affect  oil  production  thus  increas- 
ingtheriskforacne.  Thismaybe 
triggered  by  stress,  puberty,  and 

by  Darlcne  Almeda.  R.  N. 

squeezing  pimples.  Yes,  Iknow 
I  am  asking  alot  from  you  but 
this  may  cause  permanent 
scarring  and  further  infection. 
Another  vital  factor,  ladies,  is 
make-up.  By  trying  to  cover  up 
pimples  with  make-up  and 
concealer  you  may  be  aggravat- 
ing matters  because  of  their  oil 
base.  If  you  absolutely  cannot 
do  without  make-up  give  water 
based  cosmetics  a  try. 

Useful  medications 
include  antibiotics.  These  must 
be  prescribed  to  you  by  your 
physician  not  your  roommate's 
cousin  who  just  happens  to  have 
some  left-over  from  his  pubes- 
cent years.  Retin-A  is  another 
frequently  used  prescription 
medicine  which  supresses  the 
sebaceous  glands  and  yields  and 
anti-inflammatory  effect. 
Widely  known  over-the-counter 
remedies  such  as  those  contain- 
ing benzoil  peroxide  will  help 

2  the  rate  of  n 


growth  thus  aiding  the  dead 
ones  to  slough  off.  All  these 
methods  of  control  should  be 
supervised  and  approved  of  by 
your  physician  or  dermatologist. 
And  last  but  not  least  be 
aware  of  the  fact  that  acne  is  not 
related  to  unclean liness,  dietary 
discrepancies  nor  aberrant  social 
behavior  as  much  of  the  unedu- 
cated public  wishes  to  believe. 
Now  you  know  better. 


Frequent  and  vigorous 
scrubbing  and  washing  of 
affected  area  should  be  avi 
especially  during  the  cold  and 
dry  winter  months.  Once  or 
twice  a  day  with  a  mild  soap 
will  suffice.  Also  abstain  from 

Q:  Which  is  better  for  you: 
walking  or  jogging? 
A:  Walking  and  jogging  have 
both  been  labeled  as  great  forms 
of  cardiovascular  exercise.  Yet 
many  authorities  agree  that 

between  the  two,  walking  is  the 
better.  The  main  reason  for  this 
conclusion  is  that  walking  does 
not  jar  the  ankles,  knees,  or  hips 
as  jogging  does.  Our  joints 
were  not  designed  to  receive  the 
high  impact  caused  by  each 
bounding  step  in  a  job.  Have 
you  heard  of  low  impact  aero- 
bics? Well,  walking  holds  the 
same  principle  thai  doing  the 
optimal  amount  of  cardiovascu- 
lar and  high  endurance  exercise 
with  the  lowest  risk  of  injury  or 
damage  to  the  joints. 

Walking  is  indeed  an 
aerobic  exercise.  I  am  not 
referring  to  the  leisurely  strolls 
one  takes  at  the  mall  but  rather 
to  a  brisk  walk  with  arms 
swinging  at  the  sides  and  torso 
aligned  with  the  legs.  To  make 
the  most  of  your  walks  and  to 
get  maximum  cardiac  results, 
aulhorites  suggest  that  you  walk 
for  30  minutes  3-5  times  each 
week.  The  regularity,  my 
friend,  is  the  key.  One  can  only 
reach  his  highest  level  of  health 
through  regular  exercising. 
Because  walking  is 
aerobic  it  will  bum  not  only  fat 
on  your  legs  but  throughout  the 
enitre  body.  When  walking,  the 
back  and  abdomen  get  an 
excellent  workout  by  keeping 
aligned  with  the  legs.  Since 
mile  for  mile  jogging  bums  only 
20%  more  calories  than  brisk 
walking,  why  take  the  risk  of 
joint  injury  when  a  good  brisk 
walk  will  do  the  job?  Regard- 
less of  which  one  you  choose  to 
do.  walking  or  jogging,  remem- 
ber not  to  do  it  after  dark  or  by 
yourselves,  ladies. 

S.C.  Students 

Affected  by 


by  Andrea  Nicholson 

For  many  of  us.  it  was 
jusl  another  newscast  and  one 
more  disaster  report  to  add  to 
the  countless  number  we  hear 
daily.  But  to  several  Southern 
College  students,  hurricane 
Hugo  meant  personal  disaster 
and  devastation. 

Aiinda  Martin,  whose 
home  on  the  island  of  St.  Croix 
was  among  those  that  were 
damaged  by  Hugo  on  September 
17,  said  she  heard  about  the 
hurricane  on  the  news. 

"TTie  bad  winds  and  rain 
started  about  2  o'clock  in  the 
afternoon,"  she  said.  "By  6 
o'clock,  all  the  phone  lines 
were  down,  and  I  couldn't  get 

Dean  Rose  tried  to 
contact  the  island  by  phone  to 
find  out  any  information  about 
the  families  of  the  ladies  in 
Thatcher,  but  she  couldn't  get 
through,  either. 

Aiinda  said  she  worried 
constantly  and  looked  al  the 
news  every  day  for  some  clue  of 
how  much  damage  the  hurricane 
had  done  to  the  island  where  her 
family  lives. 

It  was  two  weeks  after 
the  hurricane  struck  that  Aiinda 
finally  talked  to  her  fmaily.  Her 
mother  had  tried  to  get  through 
to  her  sooner,  but  there  were 
long  lines  to  the  only  phone  in 
the  area. 

"I  can't  really  explain  il. 
You  have  to  see  it  to  believe  it," 
her  mother  said  of  the  damage 
to  the  island.  "People  arc 
running  out  of  food,  and  every 
house  has  something  wrong 
with  it." 

Alinda's  house  was 
located  on  a  high  elevation  of 
the  island,  so  her  family  didn't 
evacuate.  She  said  her  parents 
and  brother  watched  as  the  roof 
was  blown  off  three  quarters  of 
the  house.  They  had  to  bail 
water  out  the  windows  as  it  rose 

"Compared  to  the  other 
homes,  our  damage  was  minor," 
Aiinda  said.  Her  father  is  a 
carpenter,  so  he  will  be  able  to 
repair  their  hourse. 

Alinda's  mother,  who 
worked  for  the  bus  company. 

will  be  out  of  work  for  some 
time.  The  hurricane  destroyed 
all  the  schools,  and  it  will  be  a 
long  time  before  they  can  be 

Dahila  Hodge  called 
home  eariy  that  Sunday  morning 
when  she  heard  the  hurricane 
was  going  to  hit  near  her  home. 
Her  family  didn't  think  it  would 
do  much  damage  in  the  area 
where  they  live,  so  she  and  her 
sister,  Juliet,  didn't  worry  at 

But  when  news  reports 
told  ihem  the  damage  to  the 
island  was  extensive,  the  two 
sisters  said  they  just  cried  and 
prayed  that  their  families  and 
homes  would  be  spared. 

Il  was  two  weeks  before 
they  heard  from  their  mother.  "I 
started  screaming  when  she 
called,"  said  Dahila. 

The  Hodge's  live  in  an 
apartment  near  the  sea,  so  their 
family  had  to  evacuate  to  a 
shelter  during  the  storm.  Dahila 
said  her  mother  was  injured 
when  the  shelter  caved  in,  and 
her  brother  got  food  poisoning 
from  the  canned  foods  that  were 

The  winds  shattered  the 
glass  windows  in  their  apart- 
ment, and  the  furniture  was 
blown  all  over  the  rooms.  Juliet 
said  their  apartment  will  be 
repaired  and  her  family  can 
move  back  in,  but  they  lost  all 
their  belongings  in  the  hurri- 

UTC  Professor  to  Address 
Journalism  Club 

by  Tamara  R.  Michalenko 

The  Journalism  Club 
will  hear  Tom  Griscom  on 
Thursday.  October  26. 
He  was  formerly  in  charge  of 
communication  and  planning 
at  the  White  House  during 
former  President  Reagan's 
first  term. 

Griscom  is  currently 
holder  of  the  West  Chair  of 
Excellence  in  Communica- 
tion and  public  Affairs  at 
UTC.  He  will  speak  on 

ing  Exxon,  Tylenol,  Eastern 
AiriinesDCIO.  his  function 
at  UTC,  and  Dan  Quayle. 
"Everyone  is  wel- 
come to  attend,  but  reserva- 
tions need  to  be  made. 

There  is  a  sign  up  sheet  at  the 
Journalism  department." 
encourages  Randall  Gilliam, 
President  of  the  Journalism 
Club.  Sign  up  by  Thursday, 
October  19. 

Griscom  will  speak  at 
Churchill's  restaurant.  Hors 
d'oeuvres  will  be  served  at 
5:30  p.m.  Griscom  will  begin 
his  presentation  at  about  6 

Transportation  will 
not  be  provided.  If  you  will 
be  needing  a  ride,  indicate  so 
on  the  sign  up  sheet. 

There  is  no  charge. 
The  event  is  sponsored  by  the 
Chattanooga  chapter  of  the 
International  Associate  of 
Business  Communicators 

Missionary  Relates 

by  Julie  Jacobs 

Daphney  Ramsey  also 
lives  on  St.  Croix.  She  talked  to 
her  family  a  week  after  Hugo 
struck  her  home.  The  roof  blew 
off  her  house  while  her  mom, 
stepdad,  and  little  brother  and 
sister  huddled  in  the  closet  for 
protection.  "It  sounded  like  a 
bomb  when  the  roof  went,"  her 
mother  said. 

Daphney's  stepdad  fixed 
the  roof,  and  she  said  an  insur- 
ance agent  will  be  coming  soon 
to  assess  the  damage.  She  will 
be  going  home  for  Christmas. 

There  were  more  S.C. 
students  whose  homes  were 
damaged  in  the  hurricane.  They 
said  they  were  all  a  support  for 
each  other  during  the  weeks 
following  the  storm,  watching 
the  news,  crying,  and  praying. 
All  are  thankful  that  their 
families  are  alive,  and  they 
continue  to  pray  that  their  island 
home  will  slowly  be  restored. 

Towering  head  and 
shoulders  above  the  rest,  Peter 
Luchak,  6'2",  has  a  uniqi 
of  the  people  of  China.  1 
lived  in  the  People's  Republi_ 
of  China  for  only  15  months,  he 
stated  during  the  assembly 
program  on  October  12  that  he 
is  ready  to  go  back. 

Sponsored  by  Eden 
Valley  Institute  of  Colorado, 
Luchak  was  commissioned  to 
teach  at  an  English  language 
school.  March  of  1988  found 
Luchak  and  his  wife,  Rachel,  at 
Yanbian  Teacher's  College. 

Situated  in  the  northeast 
comer  of  China,  Yanbian 
Teacher's  College  is  found  in 
the  city  of  Yanji.  This  small 
city  with  the  a  population  of 
250,000  is  part  of  the  Korean 
Autonomous  Region  which 
encourages  Korean  independ- 
ence. The  two-year  government 
college  for  training  high-school 
level  English  teachers  has  100 

The  Luchak's  stay  in 
China  was  short-lived  since  they 
were  sent  home  last  June.  The 
Democracy  movement  at  Bei- 
jing made  it  unsafe  for  them  to 
stay.  Five  days  after  the  Tian- 
anmen Square  Riot,  the  Lu- 
chak's packed  their  bags  and 
flew  to  the  United  Slates. 

The  Luchak's  are  antici- 

pating their  return  to  China.  On 
November  7.  the  family  will  n\ 
back  to  China,  to  complete  the 
work  they've  started. 

Foreigners  have  not 
always  been  allowed  to  live  in 
China.  The  Luchaks  feel  privi- 
leged to  be  allowed  to  serve  in 
this  country.  "The  thing  I  am 
most  impressed  with,"  said 
Luchak,  "Is  the  friendliness  and 
openness  of  the  Chinese 

Besides  teaching  classes 
in  English,  the  Luchaks  plan  to 
set  up  a  Health  Reconditioning 
Center.  The  people  are  curious 
to  discover  the  health  message 
practiced  by  the  Luchak  family. 
Healthy  eating  habits  and 
personal  cleanliness  are  not 
always  practiced  by  the  Chi- 

Thc  arrival  of  the  Lu- 
chak's first  child,  Ellen,  bom  in 
July,  1988,  aroused  the  curiosity 
of  many.  Many  questioned 
Rachel's  care  of  the  child.  They 
marvelled  that  the  child  grew 
despite  the  fact  she  wasn't  fed 
meat  and  kept  heavily  bundled. 

"Out  of  the  1.4  billion 
people  who  live  in  China,  only 
60,000  are  estimated  to  be 
Seventh-day  Adventists,"  said 
Luchak.  "There's  a  lot  of  work 
to  do,  and  we  just  want  to  do 

The  Southern  Accent/McDonald's  Trivia  Quiz 

The  Southern  Accent  and 
McDonald's  have  joined  forces 
Co  present  this  new  feature.  In 
every  issue  you  will  find  five 
trivia  questions.  The  first  five 
correct  entries  recieved  in  the 
Accent  office  will  win  a  free 
meal  at  McDonald's  consisting 
of  a  Large  Sandwich  or  Entree 
Salad,  Large  Fries  and  a  Large 
drinlt..    Entries  will  be  judged 
every  day  at  10:00  p.m.  In  the 
event  that  more  than  five  correct 

entries  are  recieved  on  the  same 
day  the  winners  will  be  deter- 
mined by  a  random  drawing. 
Should  no  entries  with  all  the 
correct  answers  be  recieved 

;n  days  of  the  date  of 
1,  the  entries  with  the 

declared  winners.  Members  of 
the  Southern  Accent  Staff,  their 
families,  significant  others  and 

within  s 

This  weeks  trivia  questions: 
What  U.S.  Congressman  became 
the  first  professional  football 
quarterback  to  pass  for  over  3000 
yards  in  a  single  season  while 
playing  for  the  1960  Los  Angles 

What  was  the  code  name  for  the 
first  day  of  the  Allied  invasion  of 
German  occupied  France  during 
Worid  War  11? 

What  is  the  famous  name  attrib- 
uted to  the  boundary  line  between 

Pennsylvania  and  Maryland 
which  was  established  by  two 
English  astronomers  in  the 

What  is  the  term  for  the  amount  of 
heat  required  to  raise  the  tempera- 
ture of  one  kilogram  of  water  by 
one  degree  Celsius? 
Name  the  king  of  France  In  the 
late  seventeenth  century  who  was 
known  for  saying  "L'etat  c'est 
moi"  ("I  am  the  state") 

Ail-Night  Softball 

Clockwise  from  top:  Softball  picture,  another  softball  picture, 
still  another  softball  picture.  All  photos  by  Sean  Terretta 



A  League 







B  League 















From  the 

Administration  votes  to 
Expand  WSMC-FM. 
October  29,  1964 

$2,500  in  valuables  stole 
from  the  Campus  Shop. 

",-1  , 

Destiny:  Makes  Christianity  Fun 

by  Jo-Anne  E.  Sievenson 



desolate.  The  rows  of  seats  in 
the  auditorium  were  empty 
except  the  first  few  where  the 
actors  sat.  The  lighls  were 
turned  up  and  the  strings  of  the 
guitar  played  lightly  to  the 
singing  voices  of  those  present. 
A  lively  worship  talk  began  and 
a  rehearsal  followed.  It  was 
7:00  p.m.  on  a  Thursday  night — 
time  for  the  90  minutes  practice 
for  members  of  the  Destiny 
Drama  Company.      ' 

Southem  College's 
drama  group  was  started  by  two 
students  and  campus  ministries 
in  1979,  making  this  year  its 
lOlh  anniversary.  Through 
Christian  theatrical  arts  the 
group  tries  to  convey  the  perti- 
nence, power,  and  personality  of 
Jesus  and  His  gospel.  It  has 
performed  throughout  the 
southeastern  United  States  at 
academies,  colleges,  youth 
rallies,  the  streets  of  Gatlinburg, 
and  Hamilton  Place  Mall  in 
Chattanooga.  "Destiny  is 
probably  one  of  the  more  recog- 
nized Christian  theatrical  groups 
in  the  denomination,"  says 
director  Allan  Martin. 

Martin  and  the  audition 
committee,  which  is  made  up  of 
faculty  specifically  from  the 
speech  and  English  departments 
and  C.A.R.E.  ministries,  chose 
this  year's  15  members.  The 
group  is  limited  to  15  members 
because  it  is  a  "very  functional 
number,"  says  Martin.  This 
makes  the  audition  committee's 
job  very  difficult  because 
"There  are  a  lot  of  talented 
people  on  this  campus."  Mem- 
bers are  eventually  chosen 

because  of  good  citizenship 
records  and  good  academic 
standings.  The  committee  also 
observes  each  auditioning 
student's  display  of  commit- 
ment and  dedication. 

Each  week  for  90  min- 
utes the  members  meet  in  Lynn 
Wood  Hall  to  take  care  of 
business  matters  and  to  rehearse 
for  upcoming  performances. 
Because  Destiny  is  an  outreach 
ministry,  it  schedules  off  cam- 
pus perfomiances  twice  a 
month.  This  explains  why  they 
rarely  perform  on  campus. 

Tricia  Green  who  joined 
Destiny  for  the  first  time  this 
year  says  she  wanted  to  be  a 
part  of  Destiny  because  it 
"Makes  Christianity  look  fun." 
Destiny  offers  each  member 
something  special.  Rochelle 
Battistone  who  has  been  a 

member  for  three  years  says, 
"The  one  thing  I  like  about 
Destiny  are  the  friends  I  make." 
For  David  Denton,  who  has 
been  in  Destiny  for  six  years,  it 
has  been  the  source  of  emo- 
tional growth,  "The  unity  you 
have  with  fourteen  different 
people  who  love  the  Lord  just 
rubs  off  on  you,"  says  Denton. 
Destiny  has  also  provided 
Denton  with  the  opportunity  to 
sharpen  his  creative  writing 
skills.  This  year's  home  show 
will  be  written  and  directed  by 
Denton  and  George  Turner. 
Denton  adds  that  when  the 
group  first  began,  all  of  the 
material  was  original  but  gradu- 
ally the  group  stopped  writing 
original  skits;  however,  this  year 
"Hopefully  we  will  have  an 
original  play  for  the  home 

Destiny  is  financed  soley 
through  C.A.R.E.  ministries. 
Public  Relations  and  other 
exposure  has  helped  it  finan- 
cially. The  group  also  receives 
a  stipend  for  traveling  accomo- 
dations and  expenses.  The 
group's  tour  advisor  is  Elder 
Jim  Herman,  and  its  administra- 
tive sponsor  is  Dr.  Don  Dick. 

During  the  mid-term 
break  Destiny  will  perform  at 
Andrews  University,  in  the 
Pioneer  Memorial  Church  and 
in  the  Crossroads  Sabbath 
school.  There,  the  seats  will  fill 
with  an  audience.  The  lights 
will  dim.  The  stage  will  come 
alive  as  Destiny  presents  the 
Holy  Spirit  though  its  dramatic 
abilities  and  Christian  commit- 

C.A.R.E.  Week   Octobcer  22  -  27 

Monday  -  Balloon  Day  -  Give  a  balloon 

Tuesday  -  Flower  Day  -  Give  a  Hower 

Wednesday  -  C.A.R.E.  Day  -  Give  a  C.A.R.E.  card 

Tlirusday  -  Button  Day  -  Share  a  tlioughl 

Friday  -  Hug  Day  -  Sliare  your  appreciation 

"The  Lion,  the  Witch,  and  the  Wardrobe"  will  be  shown  in 
die  cafeteria  for  lunch  in  a  four  part  series  on  Tuesday, 
Wednesday,  Thursday,  and  Friday. 

Balloons,  flowers,  and  C.A.R.E.  cards  will  be  available  at 
the  student  center  on  the  designated  days.  Balloons  are  free 
and  the  flowers  are  $.50. 

Paper  with  which  to  make  buttons  will  be  available  at  the 
Student  Center.  Monday  through  Thursday.  After  you  have 
designed  your  button,  return  it  to  the  student  center  where  it 
will  be  assembled  for  you. 

Greater  Love  Hath  No 
Man  Than  This  . . . 

by  David  Wingate 

"Greater  love  hath  no 
man  ihan  this,  that  a  man  lay 
down  his  life  for  his  friends." 

I  met  Jesus  at  a  confused 
stage  of  my  adolescence.  I  did 
not  desire  to  be  close  to  him  for 
we  had  nothing  in  common. 
But  He  persisted  and  showed 
me  letters  He  had  written. 
Through  these  writings  1  found 
the  love,  counseling,  and  gener- 
osity of  Jesus  Christ— who  has 
completely  changed  my  world. 

On  the  road  to  self- 

Community  Service  Center 
Aids  Hurricane  Victims 

The  Seventh-day  Ad- 
ventist  Community  Service 
Center  works  with  other  Chat- 
tanooga area  agencies  and 
denominations  to  help  people  in 
need.  Although  it's  services  are 
mainly  devoted  eastern  Chat- 
tanooga, they  were  recently 
extended  to  residents  of 
Bishopville,  South  Carolina. 

On  September  22, 
Hurricane  Hugo  struck  the 
South  Carolina  coastline  with 
full  fury.  Charleston  was 
devastated,  and  many  surround- 
ing cities  received  considerable 
damage.  A  tornado  emerged 
from  the  storm  and  flattened  the 
town  of  Bishopville,  population 
3.500.  According  to  Lee 
County  administrator  Barry 
Hickman,  589  homes  were 
severely  damaged,  and  another 
102  were  beyond  repair.  The 
tornado  caught  up  many  mobile 
homes,  and  scattered  them 
about.  236  of  them  were  de- 
stroyed, and  214  suffered  major 
damage.  All  of  the  major 
businesses  in  town  displayed 
moderate  to  severe  damage. 
The  cotton  crop  was  spread  far 
and  wide  giving  the  fields  a 
snow  covered  appearance. 

When  the  news  of  this 
calamity  reached  Chattanooga, 
many  people  pulled  together  to 
prepare  necessary  relief  for  the 
victims.  The  Adventist  Com- 
munity Service  Center  was 
chosen  as  the  central  point  to 

by  Kerri  Healey 

bring  the  supplies.  Channel  12 
News  and  WDEF  picked  up  the 
story,  and  appealed  to  the  public 
for  food,  paper  products,  and 
other  needed  materials.  The 
response  seemed  slow  at  first, 
but  as  the  days  passed,  the 
provisions  began  to  pour  in. 
Some  volunteers  stood  at  the 
doors  to  help  bring  in  the  dona- 
tions, while  others  organized 
and  boxed  the  supplies.  The 
names,  addresses,  and  goods 
were  recorded.  Even  with  all 
the  commotion,  there  still 
appeared  to  be  an  atmosphere  of 
order,  as  each  volunteer  did  his 
or  her  job  tirelessly  and  cheer- 

At  the  beginning  of  the 
last  week  in  September,  the 
upstairs  classroom  at  the  Ad- 
ventist Community  Service 
Center  exhibited  only  one  lonely 
pile  of  donations.  However,  as 
the  days  went  by,  the  pile 
increased,  so  that  by  the  middle 
of  the  next  week,  the  once  vast 
expanse  of  floor  space  was  now 
covered  with  a  tremendous 
mountain  of  boxes. 

In  order  to  lessen  the 
confusion  when  the  workers 
arrived  at  their  destination,  each 
box  of  goods  was  prepared  to 
supply  adequate  food  for  a 
specific  number  of  days. 

Aftera  week  of  fast- 
paced  organization,  vans  from 
Southern  College  and  the 
Adventist  Community  Center 

were  scheduled  lo  take  the 
boxes  to  South  Carolina.  Some- 
one had  gone  ahead  earlier 
searching  for  the  best  location  to 
take  the  supplies.  Word  came 
back  that  Charleston  was  over- 
whelmed with  trailers  full  of 
food,  and  the  search  began  for 
another  city.  After  consulting 
with  the  South  Carolina  gover- 
nor, Bishopville  was  agreed 
upon  as  the  recipient  town. 

Seven  representatives 
from  the  Adventist  Community 
Service  Center  left  with  the  vans 
at  4:30  on  the  morning  of 
October  4,  1989.  The  head  van 
carried  a  banner  (graciously 
donated  by  a  local  printer)  that 
read  "Hugs  for  Hugo—  Chat- 
tanooga Cares."  From  the 
beginning  their  efforts  were 
greatly  welcomed.  Several 
workers  distributed  food,  while 
others  helped  with  repair  work, 
and  assisted  in  other  areas. 
These  volunteers  worked  over- 
time to  provide  all  the  help  they 
could  give. 

The  main  purpose  of 
each  volunteer  was  not  "What 
will  1  get  out  of  it?",  but  rather, 
"What  can  I  do  to  help?"  With- 
out these  people,  "Hugs  for 
Hugo"  would  never  have  been 
possible.  The  unselfish  giving 
of  Chattanooga  shows  that  when 
it  comes  to  helping  a  neighbor, 
Chattanooga  truly  shines. 

destruction,  I  found  deloured 
thorough  His  compassion. 
Unlike  other  friends.  Jesus  was 
not  shy  about  expressing  love. 
He  shows  me  adoration 
through  His  patience  and  warm- 
heartedness. On  occasions  1 
will  push  Him  aside,  and  though 
this  must  hurt,  He  always  seems 
to  understand. 

Whenever  1  am  in  a 
bind,  my  Friend  and  1  determine 
plausible  solutions.  His  amaz- 
ing wisdom  helps  to  keep  my 
life  on  steady  ground. 

Through  His  counsel,  I 
have  come  to  love  and  forgive 
my  enemies.  During  my  child- 
hood my  stepfather  and  I  did  not 
get  along.  Many  times  lex- 
pressed  hatred  toward  him.  But 
a  Presence  comforted  me  and 
silenced  my  cries  of  anguish.  I 
learned  that  this  Presence  was 
the  warm  embrace  of  my  dearest 
Companion,  Jesus  Christ.  He 
taught  me  to  behold  others  with 
eyes  of  compassion. 

Along  with  this  new 
outlook,  my  Friend  has  given 
me  many  more  cherished  gifts. 
He  helped  me  to  purchase  a  car. 
handed  me  money  in  times  of 
need,  provided  me  with  re- 
sourceful books,  and  at  present 
is  helping  lo  finance  my  educa- 
tion. His  extreme  generosity 
has  prompted  me  to  pursue  the 
same  quality. 

My  greatest  gift  from 
Jesus  puzzles  me.  but  I  know  He 
sacrificed  a  lot  for  it.  I  commit- 
ted a  crime — one  deserving  of 
death.  He,  however,  was  inno- 
cent and  worthy  of  eternal  life. 
But  my  Best  Friend  took  my 
place!  He  paid  the  price  of 
death  and  suffering  for  me. 
Thus,  I  became  guiltless  and  no 
longer  required  execution.  He 
gave  me  life  and  told  me  this 
gift  was  for  everyone. 

Many  years  have  passed, 
but  our  friendship  grows 
stronger.  I  continue  to  learn  and 
depend  upon  Jesus  and  try  to 
introduce  Him  lo  others.  If  you 
are  not  yet  acquainted  with  my 
Friend,  I  know  He  desires  your 
company.  Call  on  His  name. 
He  is  eager  to  express  His  love 
and  heal  your  heataches. 
Surely,  greater  love  hath  no 
man  than  this...!" 

1.  \Vardlloc/i 

I  feel  thai  college  sludenls 

unfortunaie  if  Ihey  d 
away  with  it. 
-Jose  Monies 

It  brings  back  lovely 
memories  of  my  freshmen 
year  in  academy. 
-Anissa  Houselv 

If  they  want  to  skip,  they 
will.  Mid  term  or  no. 
•Lisa  Hollinger 


Saturday,  October  21 
Church  Service,  Gordon 

Sunday,  Oclober  22 
Nora  Kyle,  Flutist 
Ackerman  Auditorium,  8:00 

Tuesday,  October  24 
Alexander  Troandze,  Pianis 
Ackerman  Auditorium, 
8:00  p.m. 

Thursday,  October  26 
Assembly,  Church 
H.M.S.  Richards,  Jr. 
11:00  a.m. 

Friday,  Oclober  27 
Vesfwrs.  Church 
8:00  p.m. 

Saturday,  October  28 
Southern  College  Choral 
Extravaganza,  P.E.  Center 
8:00  p.m. 

Sunday,  October  29 

Set  Clocks  BACK  One  Hour! 

Monday,  October  30 
SA  Picnic  Supper 

Tuesday,  October  3 1 
SA  Bam  Party 

Thursday,  November  2 
Last  day  to  drop  a  class  and 
automatically  receive  "W." 

SA  Apple  Dumpling  Gang 



Monday,  October  23 
"Work  of  Haydn* 
Chattanooga  Symphony 
Treasure  Series,  Silver  Ball- 


Saturday.  October  21 
UTC  vs.  Citadel, 
Chamberlain  Field. 

Call  7554618. 

Earn  Cash 
Selling  Ads 

Call  Ext.  2721   for  details 

a  choice?" 

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p.  2  Editorials 
P.  3,5  News 
P.4  Religion 
P. 6  Features 
P.7  SM  Letters 
P.8  More  News 
P.9  Health 
P,12  Viewpoints 

Volume  45.  Number  5 



Fall  Festival  Photo  Feature 
Pages  10,  11 

November  2,  1989 



West  Coast 


By  Steve  Stilson 

Claire  Gonzalez,  an  18  year- 
old  Business  major  at  Pacific 
Union  College,  chats  with  her 
friend  Darren  Dee  as  he  drives 
onlo  the  lower  level  of  the  San 
Francisco  Bay  Bridge. 

The  time  is  5:03  p.m. 

They  had  attended  PUC's  SA 
Fall  Picnic  ihat  day  in  Golden 
Gale  Park,  and  had  left  early  to 
go  shopping  in  San  Francisco. 
Jusi  that  morning.  Claire  had 
said  she  didn't  feel  a  part  of  any 
big  events  in  the  world. 

Suddenly  the  car  swerved  out 
of  control.  Claire  glanced  up  in 
time  to  see  a  wall  fall  in  front  of 
them.  "It  took  me  a  few  sec- 
onds to  figure  out  that  this  wall, 
which  I  hadn't  seen  before,  was 
the  bridge!"  she  says. 

The  time  is  5:04  p.m. 

Darren  pulled  over  and 
stopped,  saying  "It's  an  earth- 
Angelica  Fisher,  the  passenger 
in  the  back  seat,  got  out  and  ran 
ahead.  She  saw  water  spraying 
up  from  a  broken  water  main. 
"I  really  thought  the  bridge  was 
sinking."  she  says.  "I  thought 
'This  is  it,  guys!'  Let's  get  out 
of  here  now!'"  she  screamed. 
They  grabbed  everything  out  the 
car  and  sprinted  back  to  Treas- 
ure Island,  the  island  in  the 
middle  of  San  Francisco  Bay. 
There  another  aftershock  hit 
them.  Angelica  thought  about 
the  people  that  were  important 
10  her.  "Oh  man!  I  really  didn't 
get  to  say  good-bye!" 

In  another  vehicle.  Camille 
Hogaboam,  a  junior  nursing 
student  and  sister  of  Walla 
Walla  College  senior  Jeffrey 
Co/I/,  on  p.  5 

Who  ya  gonna  call?  Bam  Party  Grand  Prizt 
'  Greg  Cruz.  Jeff  Gang,  and  WahHutt 

Grammy  Nominee  Phipps  to  Perform 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

The  Collegedale  Church  will 
house  some  powerful  preachin' 
and  gospel  singin'  on  Thursday, 
November  16,  when  Winiley 


and  good 
with  young 

said  Craig  Lastine,  Student  As- 
i  president.  Lastine 

ited  Phipps  to  Southern  after 
hearing  him  speak  at  an  Advent- 
ist  Intercollegiate  Association 
National  Leadership  Convention 
in  Washington,  D.C.  last  April. 

Phipps  will  speak  at  the  Stu- 
dent Association's  1 1  a.m. 
assembly  program  in  (he  church 
November  16.  That  evening, 
Phipps  will  perform  a  sacred 
musical  concert  in  the  church  at 
7  p.m. 

A  1988  Grammy  Award 
Nominee,  Phipps  has  performed 
before  audiences  across  the 
United  States,  Europe,  Austra- 
lia, the  Caribbean,  and  Africa. 
He  accompanied  Jess  Jackson 
on  his  peace-seeking  mission  to 

several  countries  in  Southern 
Africa  in  August,  1986. 

Phipps  became  acquainted 
with  Black  American  Gospel 
during  his  college  days  in 
Alabama.  It  was  then  that  he 
first  began  writing  Gospel 

Since  earning  a  Master's  of 
Divinity  degree  from  Andrews 
University.  Phipps  has  devoted 
his  life  to  reaching  out  to  man- 
kind. His  life-long  love  for 
music  has  evolved  into  a 
unique  multi-cultural  fomi  of 
Gospel  music  he  both  writes 
and  performs. 


Com.  from  p.  I 
Bom  in  Trinidad,  West 
Indies.  Phipps  grew  up  in 
Montreal.  Quebec.  He  cur- 
rently lives  in  Columbia, 
Maryland  with  his  wife. 
Linda,  and  two  sons, 
Winllcy  II  and  Winston  He 
is  the  pastor  of  the  Capitol 
Hill  Seventh-day  Advcniist 
Church  in  Washington. 

David  Denton's:  Bits  and  Pieces 

Editors  Note: 

Uniil  atroul  4:30  a.m.  EST,  ihis 

was  the  best  issue  of  the  Accenl  put 

At  itiai  lime,  a  scrisot  incredible 
human  erors  and  even  more 
incredible  computer  failures 
rcsulied  in  the  complete,  total  and 
irrevocable  loss  of  ihe  entire  sports 
page.  I  wish  to  express  my  sincere 
apologies  lo  Jim  King,  our  new 
Sports  Editor,  and  to  all  those 
iniereslcd  in  the  sports 




-John  Caskey 

In  the  last  issue  of  the  Accent 
there  appeared  a  letter  to  the 
editor  written  by  a  disgruntled 
reader.  This  reader's  main 
concern,  if  I  understood  her 
correctly,  was  the  free  use  of 
details  in  the  report  on  the  rapes 
that  have  occurred  recently  on 

Now,  unlikely  as  it  seems,  the 
letter  has  been  read  and  consid- 
ered thoughtfully  by  the  Accent 
staff.  In  an  effort  to  forestall 
any  fuilher  criticism  of  their 
handling  of  sensitive  news 
stories  the  Editor  and  his  assis- 
tants have  agreed  to  drop  all 
details  from  any  future  news 
articles  that  might  be  offensive 

I  applaud  this  decision  as  a 
dynamic  step  forward  in  re- 
porter-reader relations.  As  an 
intrepid  (if  I  do  say  so)  reporter 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 

Sheila  Draper 

Gene  Krishingner 

Photo  Editor 

Sean  Terretta 

Sports  Editor 

Jim  King 

Layout  Editor 

Daniel  Potter 


Julie  Jacobs 


Stan  Hobbs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associated  CoUegiate  Press 

CoUeitc  of  Scvmib-dsf  A 

•iittiDr-(f«io««litorr««T«U.<righltoreJ«iai,jteii^  T 
ifc*dUiw  f6r  taUtt  b  Oc  Swutay  brfoi*  publicalkm  at  noon.  Plm 

myself.  I  have  uncovered  a 
working  model  of  the  style  of 
writing  we  are  likely  to  see  in 
future  Accents.  As  a  public 
service,  I  am  reprinting  this 
model  for  you,  thereby  promot- 
ing even  stronger  reporter- 
reader  relations.  Mind  you.  this 
is  only  a  model,  and  it  may  or 
may  not  refer  to  any  particular 

Someone  today  reported  to  an 
unnamed  source  that  something 
had  happened  to  someone  at  an 
unknown  site  between  the  hours 
of  12  a.m.  and  12  midnight. 

It  is  till  unclear  as  to  whether 
the  event  was  good  or  bad,  but 
unconfirmed  reports  indicate 
that  someone  was  either  appre- 
hended or  not  apprehended. 
Someone  is  at  work  on  the  case, 
if  indeed  something  did  happen. 

The  person  in  charge  of  the 
investigation  was  quoted  as 
saying  that  due  to  the  nature  of 
the  event  that  might  or  might 
not  have  happened,  a  "certain 

class  of  people  should  refrain 
from  certain  activities  during 

In  an  effort  to  clarify  the 
confusion  surrounding  this 
unconfirmed  possibility  of  an 
incident  which  might  have  been 
good  or  bad,  an  official  with  a 
certain  amount  of  authority  from 
an  institution  involved  in  some 
way  with  the  potentially  positive 
or  negative  occurrence  spoke  to 
an  approximate  number  of 
people  who  were  involved  with 
the  institution  which  was  in- 
volved in  some  way  with  the 

No  names  have  been  released 
due  to  concern  for  the  families 
of  those  affected  by  the  event. 

At  the  end  of  each  story,  the 
editors  plan  to  insert  a  dis- 
claimer which  will  read  as 

It  is  the  sincere  hope  of  this 
paper  that  the  preceding  article 
did  not  offend  any  of  our  read- 
ers. If  you  found  this  article  too 
detailed  please  feel  free  to  let  us 

A  Letter  to  the  Editor 

Dear  Editor, 

Dissection  has  become  a 
painful  dilemma  for  many 
students  and  professors  who 
object  to  killing  or  mutilating 
animals.  The  Animal  Legal 
Defense  Fund,  a  non-profit 
organization,  has  launched  a 
national  campaign  to  advise 
students  and  professors  about 
alternatives  to  dissecting  frogs, 
rabbits,  cats,  fetal  pigs  and  other 
animals  in  the  classroom. 

A  Dissection  Information 
Hotline,  I-800-922-FROG 
(3764),  provides  callers  with 
information  on  educational 
alternatives  to  dissection, 
guidelines  for  negotiating  with 
college  officials,  and  sugges- 
tions for  overcoming  obstacles 
students  may  face  as  they 
exercise  their  legal  rights. 

A  free  Student  Handbook 
outlines  an  eight-step  plan  to 
help  students  "say  no"  to  dissec- 
tion and  includes  a  list  of  alter- 
native teaching  aids, 

I  encourage  you  to  investigate 

the  issue  of  animal  dissection  on 
your  own  campus  and  to  alert 
your  readers  to  the  availability 
of  the  hotline  to  help  them  find 
alternatives  to  dissection. 

Animal  dissection  has  been 
controversial  for  many  years, 
but  the  issue  gained  great 
prominence  two  years  ago  when 
teenager  Jenifer  Graham  refused 
to  dissect  a  frog  in  her  high 
school  biology  class.  Jenifer's 
experience,  resulted  in  a  state 
law  giving  students  in  grades 
kindergarten- 12  the  right  to 
refuse  to  dissect. 

Biology,  physiology  and 
anatomy  should  be  life  sciences, 
not  death  sciences.  But  dissec- 
tion teaches  students  that  animal 
life  is  expendable  and  unimpor- 
tant. All  students  have  the  right 
to  study  animal  life  without 
desecrating  it. 

Thank  you  for  your  considera- 

Joyce  Tischler 

Food  Fair  Draws  Crowd 

by  Jo-Anne  E.  Stevenson 

The  aroma  of  festive  food 
greeted  the  guests  at  the  door  as 
they  came  to  participate  in  the 
sampling  of  foods  from  around 
the  world.  On  Sunday,  October 
29,  the  annual  International 
Food  Fair  was  held  in  the 
Spalding  Elementary  gym. 
Vendors  composed  of  students 
and  local  church  members 
situated  themselves  behind 
small  booths  and  sold  a  variety 
of  foods  typical  to  the  particular 
country  their  booth  represented. 
At  the  Mexican  booth,  guests 
could  purchase  a  plate  of  rice 
and  black  beans  and  a  crispy 
burrito.  Italy  offered  a  helping 
of  spaghetti  and  salad  with  a 
piece  of  garlic  bread.  The 
Orient  offered  a  sizeable  plate 
of  fried  rice,  noodles  and  won- 
tons.  For  those  who  were  more 
adventurous,  India  was  selling 
curry  and  rice.  But  for  those 
who  couldn't  break  themselves 
away  from  good  'ole  American 
food,  the  Western  American 
booth  had  tasty  com-on-the-cob 
dripping  with  butler  and  sea- 
soned with  a  pinch  of  salt.  The 
Islands  provided  an  oasis  if  pina 
colada  or  fruit  punch  drinks  for 
the  tender  palate  not  yet  used  to 
the  hot  spices  of  other  countries. 
If  some  guests  were  not  yet 
filled  to  their  brim  the  Dutch 
and  the  Danish  had  something 
real  sweet.  Large  danishes  and 
assorted  cakes  could  be  pur- 
chased from  the  Danish  or  a 

heaping  scoop  of  soft  serve  ice- 
cream topped  with  popular 
toppings  could  be  bought  from 
the  Dutch.  For  some,  this  was 
still  not  enough.  After  finishing 
his  entree'  and  desert.  Wayne 
Stevenson,  a  sophomore  at 
Southern,  got  up  and  began 
round  two.  "It  was  a  real  inter- 
national experience,"  he  said. 
Others  were  more  conservative 
their  first  lime  around  and 
purchased  food  from  two  se- 
lected booths  and  came  back 
later  in  the  day  and  bought  their 
supper  from  two  other  booths. 
Others  sampled  one  of  every- 
thing all  in  one  meal. 

While  guests  sauntered  slowly 
around  to  each  booth  soft  pan 
flutes  played  in  the  background. 
The  first  piece  of  live  entertain- 
ment was  performed  by  Jackie 
James  who  accompanied  him- 
self on  the  piano  singing  the 
[heme  song,  "All  Are  Precious." 
Edwin  Disla  received  a  lively 
applaud  for  the  romantic  Span- 
ish song  entitled,  "Promise 
Love."  Shannon  Bom  who 
coordinated  the  entertainment 
said  it  was  all  performed  by 
students  from  Southern. 

The  annual  international  Food 
Fair  is  sponsored  by  the  local 
SDA  churches.  Each  sponsorer 
is  requested  to  bear  all  the  costs 
of  representing  a  country  and 
providing  the  food.  The  money 
received  from  each  booth  is  then 
donated  to  a  fund  for  Student 
Missionaries  at  Southern  Col- 
lege. ArleenTolenlino  who  is 

Toradze,  Bravo! 

On  Tuesday  evening, 
October  24.  Ackerman  audito- 
rium welcomed  highly  ac- 
claimed, Russian  pianist 
Alexander  Toradze. 

His  concert  program  in- 
cluded selections  from  Ravel. 
Mussorgsky,  Babadjanian. 
and  Scarlatti,  all  of  which  he 
played  with  high  emotional 
intensity.  The  audience 
received  his  interpretations  of 
these  pieces  enthusiastically, 
and  invited  Toradze  back  onto 
the  stage  for  several  encores. 

Toradze,  a  Soviet  defector, 

tional  contests  including  the 
prestigious  Van  Clibum 
Competition.  He  has  ap- 
peared with  virtually  every 
major  North  American  or- 

Bom  in  1952  in  Tbilisi. 
Georgia,  U.S.S.R.,  Toradze 
has  not  returned  to  the  Soviet 
Union  since  August,  1983, 

when  he  v 
tour  with  the  Bolshoi  Sym- 
phony Orchestra  of  Moscow. 
At  that  time,  the  pianist  made 
a  spontaneous  decision  lo 
remain  in  the  West  and  was 
granted  asylum  for  two 
months  at  the  American  Em- 
bassy in  Madrid.  Since  his 
arrival  in  New  York  in 
October,  1983,  Mr.  Tordadze 
has  made  his  home  near 
Manhattan's  Lincoln  Center. 

the  coordinator  of  the  fair  said 
that  the  money  is  given  to 
student  missionaries  who  are 
raising  funds  for  their  air  fares. 
"If  there  is  any  money  lacking 
for  their  air  fares,  the  fund 
makes  up  the  difference,  this 
money  is  for  them,"  said 

Dennis  Golightly  who  went  to 
South  Korea  three  years  ago 
received  $75  toward  his  air  fare 
as  a  result  of  the  funds  from  the 
International  Food  Fair.  "The 
fair."  says  Cheryl  Magnant,  a 

returned  student  missionary, 
"really  rakes  in  the  dough." 

Behind  the  booths  of  strong 
smelling  cuisine,  students, 
church  members,  CMC,  and  the 
International  Club,  busily 
worked  on  keeping  the  platters 
of  food  replenished.  Meanwhile 
guests,  who  themselves  repre- 
sented different  nationalities 
from  the  local  area  and  the 
college,  flittered  back  and  forth, 
torn  between  their  favorite 

New  Marketing  Program  Seeking  Majors 

By  Suzanne  Lettrick 

The  business  department 
wants  people  to  inquire 
about  the  new  full  marketing 
program,  which  offers  a 
BAA  in  marketing. 

Although  the  program  has 
been  going  since  the  begin- 
ning of  fall,  not  many  people 
have  heard  about  it  because 
it  was  added  after  the  course 
catalog  was  published. 

CliffOlson,  the  new  busi- 
ness teacher,  said  that  he 
hopes  more  students  will 
look  into  this  program. 

There  are  now  1 5  marketing 

One  reason  he  thinks  people 
should  inquire  is  that  it  will  help 
people  in  every  career  because 
"People  always  have  to  market 

"More  CEO's  come  from  a 

Marketing  background 

than  any  other." 

themselves.. ..everyone  should 
take  a  marketing  course."  He 
quoted  Fortune  magazine 
saying.  "Out  of  the  Fortune  500 

companies,  more  chief  execu-  • 
live  officers  come  from  a  mar- 
keting background  than  any 
other  area  in  business." 

Olson  said  the  field  of  market- 
ing is  "a  hot  area  for  students. 
The  forecast  is  for  the  job 
outlook  to  increase." 

Among  careers  that  can  be 
reached  by  majoring  in  market- 
ing are  advertising,  marketing 
management,  market  research, 
and  sales. 

"Marketing  courses  will  give 
students  experience  in  the 
field."  Olson  said.  In  the  mar- 
keting management  course  the 

students  will  do  a  real  mar- 
keting plan  for  a  real  busi- 
ness," and  in  the  sales  man- 
agement course,  the  students 
are  video  taped  to  see  how 
they  can  improve  their  selling 

Within  a  year  there  will  be 
a  total  of  eight  marketing 
courses  offered.  Olson,  who 
has  his  masters  in  marketing, 
and  Vinita  Sauder.  a  new 
teacher,  make  up  the  market- 
ing faculty. 

For  more  information  about 
the  marketing  program  see 

C.A.R.E.  Week  Appreciated  by  All 

Often,  during  the  hectic  days 
of  sleeping,  working,  and 
studying,  many  students  don't 
get  the  chance  to  let  their 
friends  and  aquaintances  know 
how  much  they  are  appreciated. 
C.A.R.E.  Week  gave  everyone 
the  opportunity  to  let  others 
know  just  how  special  they  are. 

Monday  was  Balloon  Day, 
and  one  could  see  brightly 
colored  balloons  printed  with 
"We  Care"  dancing  above 
backpacks  and  book  bags. 
Many  of  the  orange  colored 
balloons  were  decorated  as 
floating  jack-o-lantems  with 
comical  faces  bringing  smiles 
and  stares  from  passersby.  The 
balloons  were  also  used  as  an 

innovative  way  of  sending  a 
message  to  a  fellow  student. 

Tuesday  brought  about  an- 
other way  of  expressing  appre- 
ciation: flowers.  It  was  neat  to 
see  the  bright  carnations  given 
around  campus.  In  fact, 
student  had  bought  a  car 
to  share  with  "anyone  who  looks 
like  he  needs  to  be  cheered  up  a 

Wednesday  was  C.A.R.E. 
Day;  and  it  gave  everyone  the 
opportunity  to  send  a  little  note 
of  cheer  to  someone.  "I  think 

something  that  encourages 
everyone  to  participate,  since 
almost  everyone  has  someone  he 
appreciates,"  noted  one  fresh- 

Thursday  gave  students  the 
excuse  to  share  their  thoughts 
with  buttons.  Students  chose 
and  designed  the  buttons,  and 
John  Lazor  and  Ed  Santana 
snapped  the  buttons  together. 

Friday  was  Warm  Fuzzie  Day, 
and  it  was  great,  according  to 
one  freshman,  because  "It  gave 
me  a  chance  to  give  people 
hugs."  Another  freshman  was 
quick  to  add,  "I  thought  it  was  a 
great  idea  since  I'm  a  firm  be- 
liever in  hug  therapy" 

"I  think  it's  great  to  show 
friends  that  you  care  about  them 
and  not  have  a  special  reason  for 
having  to,  like  a  birthday  or 
illness,"  Sandi  Floyd  reflected 

as  she  fondly  smiled  at  the  latest 
picture  her  boyfriend  had  drawn 

"I  thought  the  flowers  and 
balloons  were  the  best  ideas 
because  you  could  give  them  to 
people  and  cheer  them  up  while 
you  also  let  them  know  you 
value  their  friendship,"  said 
Kevin  Wright  when  he  was 
asked  what  his  favorite  day  was. 

Overall,  C.A.R.E.  Week  was 
enjoyed  by  both  the  givers  and 
the  receivers.  Whether  it  be  a 
flower,  hug,  balloon  or  a  card,  it 
seems  that  people  enjoy  being 
appreciated  -  no  matter  what 
week  it  happens  to  be. 

Illuminating  This 
Present  Darkness' 

By  Andrew  C.  Nash 

For  most,  this  past  Halloween 
was  a  time  for  thrills,  nick-or- 
trealing,  and  games;  however, 
for  devil  worshipers,  it  was  a 
ninth  Halloween,  prompting 
thousands  of  sacrifices  to  Satan 
across  the  nation.  You  can  bet 
it  was  a  festive  night  for  demons 
everywhere,  including  those  in 
the  Chattanooga  area... 

Much  of  this  information  was 
given  by  former  Satan-wor- 
shiper, Eileen  (last  name  with- 
held) during  a  seminar  in 
Orlando,  Florida,  several  weeks 
ago.  According  to  Eileen,  who 
made  her  first  sacrifice  at  age 
five,  every  ninth  Halloween  all 
of  the  devil's  followers  are 
expected  to  "celebrate"  the 
occasion  by  making  a  human 
sacrifice.  Eileen  used  to  play  a 
major  role  in  these  horrifying 
ceremonies.  Then  she  met 

At  the  seminar,  an  audience  of 
Orlando  residents,  including 
several  Adventist  school  teach- 
ers, was  astonished  to  hear  that 
Eileen  had  been  given,  from 
Satan,  the  power  to  see  demons 
and  angels.  When  asked  if  she 
could  see  demons  and  angels  in 
the  meeting  room,  Eileen 
hesitated  and  then  responded, 

The  demons  are  about  eight 
feel  tall,  according  lo  Eileen, 
while  the  angels  are  slightly 
larger  and  holding  massive 
swords  of  light. 

Eileen  cited  the  novel.  This 
Present  Darkness,  by  Frank  E. 
Peretti,  as  a  close  resemblance 
to  how  it  really  is  in  the  unseen 
world.  In  the  book,  a  small 
town  is  inhabited  and  fought 
over  by  demons  and  angels  of 
God.  The  primary  power  source 
for  the  angels  is  the  ascending 
prayers  of  the  people.  Only  with 
this  "prayer  power"  are  the 
angels  justified  in  ridding  the 
town  of  the  demons. 

As  Christians,  we  sometimes 
get  discouraged  when  our  prayer 
requests  seem  to  go  unanswered. 
But  knowing  that  our  prayers  are 
directly  aiding  our  guardian 
angel's  war  against  demons 
should  make  us  even  more 
excited  about  talking  with  the 

"For  we  are  not  contending 
against  flesh  and  blood,  but 
against  the  principalities,  against 
the  powers,  against  the  worid 
rulers  of  this  present  darkness, 
against  the  spiritual  host  of 
wickedness  in  the  heavenly 

Potter  Preaches  Here 

Jon  Mourglia  (pronounced 
"Mor-Ya")  of  "The  Potter's 
House"  will  be  teaching  at 
Southern  College,  Friday, 
November  10  at  8:00  p.m.  in 
the  church.  Mourglia  has 
been  a  potter  since  1965  and 
became  a  Christian  in  1970. 
His  teaching  of  "The  Potter's 
House"  precedes  "The  Great 
Passion  Play"  in  Eureka 
Arkanasas  and 
is  a  regular 
presentation  of 
the  Elna  M. 
Smith  Founda- 
tion which 
operates  "The 
Great  Passion 
Play".  Mour- 

lecturer  with 
The  Thomas  F. 
Staley  Distin- 
guished Chris- 
tian Scholar 
Lecture  Program. 

"The  Potter's  House"  is  a 
unique  ministry  through  the 
medium  of  pottery,  which 
combines  Mourglia's  natural 
talent  as  a  potter  with  a 
spiritual  gift  of  teaching  the 
Word  of  God.  His  teaching 
involves  bringing  a  potter's 
wheel,  along  with  a  variety  of 
finished  vessels,  and  using 
them  to  illustrate  the  different 

points  he  teaches. 

As  he  makes  a  form  on  the 
potter's  wheel,  Mourglia  par- 
allels the  physical  with  the 
spiritual,  using  pottery  as  the 
example,  much  the  same  way 
that  Christ  used  parables. 
When  Christ  spoke  to  farmers 
He  used  elements  they  under- 
stood such  as  crops,  seeds, 
soils  and  the  seasons.  When 
He  taught  fish- 
ermen. He 
related  to  the 
things  of  the 
sea  to  explain 

he  teaches, 
relates  the 
Master  potter 
with  Fadier 
God,  the 
potter's  clay 
with  human 
flesh,  centering  of  the  clay  on 
the  potter's  wheel  with  truth, 
water  with  the  Spirit,  the 
forming  of  the  vessel  with  the 
growth  of  the  individual 
Christian,  the  fire  of  the  kiln 
with  spiritual  trials,  sealing 
glaze  with  baptism,  a  finished 
cup  compared  to  communion, 
and  ashes  with  humility. 

Continued  from  p.  1 

Hogaboam,  was  driving  with 
two  of  her  friends  on  the 
upper  level  100  feet  past  the 
point  where  the  "wall"  fell. 
She  heard  a  repeating  thump- 
ing noise  and  almost  hit  the 
side  rail.  "Oh  no,  not  another 
flat  tire,"  she  said.  She 
pulled  over  and  checked  the 
tires.  They  were  OK.  Then 
she  looked  back.  There  was 
nothing  there,  not  even  a  lane 
of  traffic,  except  for  one  car. 

That  car  pulled  up  beside 
them,  and  the  man  inside 
yelled  "It's  an  eanhquake!" 

Camille  got  back  in  and 
sped  off  the  bridge  at  about 
80  mph.  Her  wheel  align- 
ment was  damaged  because 
of  the  big  cracks  she  drove 
over  on  the  rest  of  the  bridge, 
but  otherwise,  she  and  her 

Jill  smith,  a  sophomore, 
was  talking  to  a  saleslady  in 
the  glass  counter  in  Nord- 
strom's  in  Union  Square. 
"When  it  hit,  the  saleslady 
turned  while,  looked  around 
and  swore,"  she  says.  "Glass 
started  falling  everywhere.  1 
remembered  that  I  should 
look  for  a  doorway,  but  there 
weren't  any  around." 

"Ann  Angevick  and  I  just 
stood  there,  clutching  each 
other,  and  1  cried.  I  remem- 
ber thinking,  am  I  saved  at 
this  moment?  I  knew  the 
answer  should  be  yes,  but  I 

Outside,  she  wailed  in  line 
at  a  pay  phone  to  call  911, 
and  the  operator  told  her  to 
wait  45  minutes  before 
driving,  to  avoid  aftershocks. 

Most  people  didn't.  "There 
was  panic  on  the  streets.  The 
traffic  lights  and  electricity 
were  out,  and  no  one  obeyed 
right  of  way,"  she  says.  "It 
took  us  five  to  six  hours  to 
get  home." 

"The  whole  way  back,  we 
talked  about  how  trivial  life 
is.  and  that  brought  us  all  to- 

Jen  McMurray,  the  Social 
Vice-President  of  the  SA 
who  was  responsible  for  the 
Fall  Picnic,  had  a  sleepless 
night  waiting  for  two  stu- 
dents who  hadn't  returned 
from  San  Francisco.  "Who 

would  have  thought  that  the 
day  most  of  the  students 
were  downtown  would  be  the 
day  it  happened!"  she  says. 
"As  each  one  relumed,  I 
went  up  to  him  and  said, 
"Oh,  I'm  so  glad  you're 
back!"  By  10  a.m.  the  next 
morning,  everyone  had 

John  Collins,  the  PUC 
Vice-President  for  Student 
Services,  was  at  the  world 
series  game  which  had  to  be 
evacuated.  "You  could  hear 
the  earthquake  as  the  stadium 
shook.  Many  people  thought 
it  was  going  to  collapse,"  he 

TTie  eanhquake  registered 
at  6.9  on  the  Richter  Scale, 
and,  according  to  the  New 
York  Times,  the  U.S.  Geo- 
logical Survey  says  there  is  a 
60  percent  chance  of  a  7.5- 
8.0  quake  along  the  San 
Andreas  Fault  within  the 
next  30  years. 

There  was  no  damage  to 
PUC,  except  for  some  cracks 
in  a  condemned  building.  A 
staff  member  fainted  in  the 
Financial  Administration 
Building.  TheAngwin 
Volunteer  Fire  Department 
was  called  to  look  for  gas 
leaks  in  Santa  Cruz  County, 
says  Louis  Lique,  a  volunteer 
fire  fighter. 

Keith  Wheeler,  the  Princi- 
pal of  Monterey  Bay  Acad- 
emy, reported  very  minor 
damage.  One  cafe  window 
fell  out,  and  a  chandelier  fell 
from  the  chapel.  Their 
electricity  was  out  for  30 
hours,  and  a  number  of 
dishes  broke  in  faculty 
homes.  No  one  was  hurt. 
"A  number  of  students 
stayed  in  faculty  homes 
because  they  were  scared  of 
the  continuing  aftershocks, 
about  4.0  Richter.  which 
were  centered  about  4  miles 
from  our  campus!"  he  said. 
"It  appears  the  Lord's  pres- 
ence was  very  evident  here." 

Peter  Ringering,  a  Walla 
Walla  College  freshman  en- 
gineering major,  reported 
that  every  single  Amateur 
radio  band  and  all  five 
OSCAR  satellites  were  used 
up  to  relay  messages  lo  San 

Nursing  Dedication 
Slated  for  Sabbatin 

Nursing  students  at  Southern 
College  of  Seventh-day  Advenl- 
isls  will  be  honored  Saturday, 
November  4,  during  candlelight 
service  at  6  p.m.  in  the  Col- 
legedale  Seventh-day  Adventist 

David  Smith,  chairman  of  the 
English  department  at  Southern 
College,  will  address  the  59 
nursing  students  to  be  dedicated. 
His  message  is  entitled  "The 
Healing  Touch." 

Coordinator  of  the  program  is 
Dorothy  Hooper,  associate 
professor  of  nursing.  Students 
will  hold  dedication  candles 
which  will  be  lit  by  their  nursing 
instructor.  Representatives 
from  the  Gideon  Society  will 
present  Bibles  to  the  nursing 
students.  The  nursing  class  will 
recite  the  International  Nursing 

Pledge  and  sing  their  class  song, 
"I  Am  Willing."  A  sUde  presen- 
tation will  show  scenes  from  the 
students'  classes  and  lab  activi- 

The  public  is  invited  to  attend 
this  special  event. 

Currently,  273  students  are 
enrolled  in  the  Southern  College 
nursing  program,  39  more  than 
last  year.  Of  that  number,  151 
are  pursuing  the  associate 
degree  (A.S.),  while  122  are 
working  toward  a  bachelor  of 
science  degree  in  nursing. 
Forty-nine  registered  nurses  in 
the  Chattanooga  area  are  partici- 
pating in  Southern's  Consortium 
program  which  allows  nurses 
working  full  time  to  eam  their 
B.S.  degree  over  a  4  or  5-year 

Southern  Accent  /  McDonalds 

Trivia  Quiz 

This  weeks  trivia  questions: 

Last  Weeks  Winners: 

1)          What  is  the  term  for  a 

With  Five  correct  answers: 

form  of  a  verb  that  ends  in  - 

ing  and  funtions  as  a  noun  in 

1)          Thomas  Huntress 

a  sentecnce? 

2)          Ben  Keppier 

2)         Name  the  Roman 

3)         Eileen  Lopez 

slave  who  in  the  first  century 

4)          Mark  Linke 

B.C.  led  an  insurrection  of 

With  Four  correct  answers 

slaves  that  defeated     several 

(selected  by  random  draw- 

Roman armies  before  being 



5)         Dale  Lacra 

3)         What  is  the  term  used 

to  describe  the  heating  of  the 


atmosphere  owing  to  the  pres- 

The first  five  correcl  entries 

ence  of  carbon  dioxide  and 

recieved  in  the  Accent  office 

other  gases? 

will  win  a  free  meal  ai 

4)         What  was  the  slogan 

McDonald's  consisting  of  a 

used  by  President  John  F. 

Large  Sandwich  or  Entree 

Kennedy  lo  describe  his  goals 

Salad.  Large  Fries  and  a 

and  policies? 

Large  drink.    Entries  can  be 

5)         Name  the  famous 

slipped  under  the  door  of  the 

English  nurse  of  the  nine- 

Accent office  and  will  be 

teenth  century  who  estab- 

judged every  day  at  10:00 

lished  a  field  hospital  for 

p.m.  In  the  event  that  more 

British  soldiers  wounded 

than  five  correct  entries  are 

during  the  Crimean  War? 

recieved  on  the  same  day  the 

winners  wilt  he  determined  by 

Last  Weeks  Answers: 

a  random  drawing.  Should 

no  entries  with  all  the  correct 

1)         Jack  Kemp 

answers  be  recieved  within 

2)         D-Day 

seven  days  of  the  date  of 

3)         The  Mason-Dixon 

publication,  the  entries  with 


the  most  correct  ansH'ers  will 

4)         Calorie 

be  declared  winners.  Mem- 

5)         Louie  XIV 

bers  of  the  Southern  Accent 

Staff,  their  families,  signifi- 

cant others  and  pels  are 


9rEPMEN  7  DeA\F5e/  R£> 

Look  to  the  Cross,  then  Look  Again! 

by  Bill  Kittle 

Every  time  I  open  my 
Bible,  I  find  it  more  and 
more  beautiful.  That 
may  seem  like  a  normal 
thing  for  a  ministerial 
candidate  to  say,  but  for 
me  it  seems  strange  to  be 
headed  in  that  direction. 
For  many  years  I  fought 
against  the  One  who  had 
the  power  to  transform 
my  worthless  existence 
into  something  valuable. 

Many  good  people  have 
put  forth  great  efforts  in 
my  life  so  that  I  might 
obtain  peace  for  my  war- 
weary  soul.  Yet,  not  one 
person  can  match  the 
greatest  gift  of  all,  Jesus. 
In  Him  I  find  rest.  I  can 
feel  His  love  in  the 
warmth  of  a  hug  or  in  the 
rays  of  the  sun  on  my 
face.  I  can  see  His  love 
in  the  kind  deeds  of 
people  who  care.  I  can 
hear  His  love  in  the  kind 
words  spoken  by  a 
friend.  In  all  my  life  no 
one  has  so  surrounded 
me  in  love  as  Jesus  has. 
Jesus,  what  a  beautiful 
name!  I  could  say  it  a 
million  times  at  His  feet 
and  never  grow  weary  of 
His  name  or  of  His  com- 

I  look  back  on  my  life  and 
ask  myself,  "How  did  God 
ever  make  a  somebody  out 
of  me?"  I  guess  it  was 
always  the  feeling  that  He 
was  near,  always  at  my  side 
to  support  me  and  to  lift  me 
up  when  I  was  down.  Inevi- 
tably I  would  look  again  at 
His  broken  body,  and  He 
would  transform  my  life 
once  again. 

In  Isaiah  45:22  God  speaks 
to  each  need  of  our  hearts. 
He  says,  "Look  to  Me  and  be 
saved,  all  you  ends  of  the 
Earth!  For  I  am  God,  and 
there  is  no  other"  (NKJV). 

It  is  as  if  God  says  to  me, 
"In  Me  only  can  you  find 
peace  for  your  life.  In  Me 
alone  will  your  life  be  filled 
with  joy!  Look  to  Me  and  be 
saved."  He  also  invites  us. 

"Come  unto  Me,  all  you 
who  labor  and  are  heavy 
laden,  and  I  will  give  you 
rest"  Matt.  11:28. 

Rest  for  your  souls,  rest 
and  peace  in  your  life.  We 
should  look  again  to  the 
cross  of  Jesus,  to  be  saved. 
Look  again!  Look  again! 
And  look  again! 


student  Profile:  Adrianne  Zukovski 

By  Izear  Feagins 

"Will  I  know  everybody  at 
Southern?  Will  I  make  friends?" 
These  were  the  questions  of 
Adrianne  Zukovski  when  she 
came  to  Southern  in  the  fall  of 

Adrianne  who  was  bom  in  Sao 
Pauio.  Brazil  did  not  want  to 
come  to  America  because  of 
racial  segregation  among  blacks, 
whites,  and  hispanics;  however, 
because  her  parents  are  mission- 
aries who  received  a  call  to 
Miami.  Florida,  she  had  to  go. 

When  Adrianne  moved  to 
America,  she  had  to  choose  a 
college.  She  chose  Southern. 
She  said  that  although  she  spoke 
poor  English,  the  students  of  all 
races  were  patient  and  kind  to 
her.  They  came  to  sit  and  talk 
with  herjusl  like  a  friend.  Be- 
cause of  this  southern  hospitality, 
she  no  longer  doubted  the  friend- 
liness of  the  people. 

Adrianne  is  a  sophomore  Allied 
Health  (nutrition)  major.  She 
wants  to  give  lectures  on  how  to 
eat  and  cook  nutritiously.  She 

Making  people  laugh  is  Adri- 
anne's  hobby.  She  said,  "I  like 
to  make  people  laugh,  they 
look  beautiful  when  they  pour 

also  wants  to  give  health  tips  on 
changing  people's  diets. 

Adrianne  has  lived  in  Brazil  and 
Mexico.  As  a  result  of  living  in 
these  countries,  she  speaks  Eng- 
lish, Spanish,  and  her  native 
language,  Portuguese. 

With  Adrianne 's  speech  and 
humor  talents,  she  has  had  no 
problems  making  friends  at 

student  Missionaries 
Write  Home 

Dear  friends, 

It's  lime  to  snatch  a  few  min- 
utes for  communication  with 
you  folks  again!  A  big  thank 
you  to  those  of  you  that  have 
written,  especially  Southern, 
who  has  been  sending  letters 
and  the  student  paper — "The 
Accent"!  I  enjoy  seeing  the 
familiar  faces! 

The  1st  quarter  is  almost  over, 
only  two  more  weeks  to  go.  At 
the  mid-term,  September  21,  we 
got  a  sneak  preview  of  what  the 
Rock  Islands  are  like.  On 
Thursday  the  21st,  the  Student 
Association  took  the  whole 
school  on  a  Rock  Island  picnic. 
We  swam,  ate,  snorkeled,  and 
relaxed  on  a  little  island  proba- 
bly only  about  300  feet  i 
say  across  because 
the  island  is  made 
of  rock  that  goes 
straight  up  from 
the  water  about 
forty  or  fifty  feet, 
except  for  one  sandy  beach 
jutting  out  on  one  side.  But 
the  fun  was  only  beginning. 
That  weekend  we  camped  at 
another  island.  It  was  great- 
sandy  beach, cc 
around,  warm  water,  and  lots 
of  beautiful  fish  and  shells. 
We  explored  a  rusty  Japanese 
Zero  at  low  tide  (i'  was 
sticking  out  of  water  two 
feet),  and  found  many  animals 
and  plants  that  I've  only  read 
about  before.  For  instance,  sea 
stars,  giant  calms,  angel  fish, 
trumpet  fish,  sea  urchins,  star- 
fish, moray  eels,  puffer  fish, 
many  kinds  of  hard  and  soft 
corals,  coconut  crabs,  and  even 
a  small  black-tipped  shark.  I'm 
looking  forward  to  going  again 
at  the  end  of  the  quarter! 

Back  at  P.M.A.— reality— life 
is  busier  than  ever.  I'm  really 
enjoying  leaching  now.  I'm 
getting  along  well  with  the  stu- 
dents, which  is  one  of  the  most 
important  ingredients  for  suc- 
cess here.  All  the  teachers  are 
being  tougher  than  last  year,  and 
some  of  the  rules  are  new,  so 
complaints  about  too  much 
homework,  etc.  are  frequent. 
My  class  load  has  changed  a  bit 
because  now  that  John  Norman 
has  arrived,  he  teaches  Reme- 
dial English,  and  I  teach  a 
sectionof  senior  English.  I 
have  many  other  responsibili- 
ties. Oneof  them  is  having 
Friday  night  vespers  every  five 

weeks  or  so.  Then  on  Sabbaths, 
I  always  have  some  responsibil- 
ity to  fill,  whether  it's  playing 
the  piano  for  Sabbath  School, 
for  church,  teaching  the  les.son 
(every  week!),  calling  for  the 
offering,  being  the  chorister  for 
church,  having  the  scripture  and 
prayer,  special  music,  or  having 
the  sermon,  which  I  will  on  the 
21stof  this  month!  On  Sabbath 
afternoons,  we,  the  SM's.  take 
the  student  for  walks  and  will  be 
involved  in  branch  Sabbath 
Schools  very  soon.  Sunday,  we 
work  three  hours  in  the  morning 
and  take  turns  with  "being 
around" — student  supervi- 
sion in  the  afternoon, 

Dear  Southern  Friends: 

Yokwe!  It  has  been  good 
to  hear  about  some  of  the 
things  happening  at  S.C,  but 
I'm  so  glad  God  wanted  me 
here  in  Ebeye  this  year.  He's 
teaching  me  so  much,  and  it's 
only  October! 

I  had  heard  before  coming 
here  that  there  was  no  physi- 
cal beauty  on  Ebeye,  but  I 
have  been  blessed  to  see 
more  than  three  palm  tress, 
some  beautiful  flower  bushes, 
a  big  cluster  of  lavender 
flowers,  and  green,  leafy 
nes  by  our  water 
spigot  (we  don't 
have  to  boil  our 
water!).  This 

have  a  chance  to 
go  to  Koror  and 
buy  food,  visit  the  SM's 
in  town,  etc.  We  get  the  use  of 
the  school  truck,  a  small  white 
Nissan  pickup,  free-once  a 
week.  With  all  of  our  schedules 
being  so  busy,  you  might  expect 
us  to  have  a  hard  time  getting 
along  with  each  other  under  all 
the  stress.  If  it  wasn't  for  the 
Lord,  I'm  sure  that  would  be  the 
case.  Many  times,  at  least  for 
me,  the  task  looks  so  big  that  I 
know  1  have  to  have  the  Lord's 
help.  There  aren't  any  other 

If  you  are  a  young  person, 
seriously  consider  the  option  of 
going  somewhere  as  a  student 
missionary.  I  recommend  it! 

Thanks  again  to  those  of  you 
who  wrote  and  for  the  prayers 
that  I  know  some  of  you  must 
be  sending  up  for  me. 

David  said,  "Where  does  my 
help  come  from?  My  help 
Cometh  from  the  Lord!"  Psalm 

Keep  looking  up! 


Kaselehlia      (hello)  from 
Pohnpei!  Two  months  have 
passed  since  I  arrived  on  this 
60  mile  island.  I've  adjusted 
well  to  the  culture,  and  what 
an  adjustment  it  was!  After 
getting  used  to  the  fact  that  I 
am  1 1,000  miles  from  home, 
I've  had  to  adjust  to  other 
aspects  that  have  to  be  looked 
at  humorously.  Here,  the 
roosters  wake  me  up,  church 
services  are  attended  bare- 
foot, and  the  weekly  grocery 
trip  takes  3  hours  at  5  differ- 
ent tiny  stores,  which  make  a 
7- 1 1  look  like  a  food  ware- 
Looking  beyond  these  little 
"adjustments",  I  can  see  the 
breathtaking  nature  this 
island  possess.  While  swim- 
ming in  a  clear  lagoon  at  the 
bottom  of  a  cascading  water- 
fall, I'm  awed  by  the  beauty. 
To  think  that  this  is  just  earth, 
makes  the  beauty  of  heaven 

than  I  had  expected.  The  sky 
always  changes  its  awesome 
cloud  formations,  often  adding 
brilliant  rainbows.  Ebeye  is  far 
from  paradise,  but  sharp  eyes 
will  see  the  beauty  and  be 

The  people  are  wonderful. 
I'm  getting  to  know  my  kids 
more  and  more,  and  love  each 
one  of  them.  I  teach  34  fourth 
graders  and  a  freshman  English 
class.  My  Ihtle  ones  can  be 
challenging,  but  God  works 
little  miracles  ofien,  and  gives 
me  wisdom  and  love  to  teach 
them.  I  was  often  overwhelmed 
at  first,  but  now  !  have  given  my 
class  to  God  and  it's  no  longer 
my  burden.  I  r 
tienlly  for  Him  to  work  in  my 
students.  He  is  making  changes 
in  my  class  and  me. 

This  experience  doesn't  just 
happen  here  on  Ebeye.  It  hap- 
pens any  time  one  will 
sincerely  ask  God  to  change 
him  and  use  him  to  touch 
others.  Reaching  out  to 
others  is  the  way  to  be  the 
happiest  wherever  one  is 

Have  a  great 
year!  KEEP  IN 

Yokwe  Yuk, 

As  far  as  teaching  goes,  well, 
lets  just  say  that  teachers  de- 
serve a  raise!  I  already  realize 
that  it  takes  a  special  person  to 
dedicate  his  or  her  life  to  teach- 
ing. !  spend  7  hours  a  day  with 
24  ten  year  olds.  After  explain- 
ing an  assignment  to  the  class 
three  times.  I'm  ofien  faced  with 
explaining  it  again  individually. 
By  the  24th  time  I  often  want  to 
scream.  Sometimes  I  do.  Most 
of  the  time  I  pray,  and  every 
time  the  Lord  listens.  I  have  to 
constantly  remind  myself  that 
I'm  here  to  teach  them  about 
Jesus  and  to  show  them  His 
love.  When  I  think  that  these 
kids  are  children  of  the  King, 
teaching  turns  into  my  privilege! 

Well,  I  must  end.  It's  late, 
and  I  have  lesson  plans  to 
review.  Take  care.  Andre- 
member,  in  between  all  the 
classes  and  deadlines,  Jesus  is 
with  you! 

Much  love, 
Lorraine  Antolin 
Pohnpei  SDA  School. 


AIA  President  Visits  Southern 

By  Craig  Lastine 

Ivan  Bartolome  was  the 
Student  Association  President  at 
Southwestern  Advenlist  College 
during  the  school  year  1988-89 
and  is  the  current  Adventist 
Intercollegiate  Association 
President.  He  visited  Southern 
College  the  weekend  of  Septem- 
ber 23-24.  This  year  Ivan  is  a 
part-time  student  at  S.A.C..  and 
a  full-time  employee  of  the 
marketing  department  at 
Huguley  Hospital,  in  Fort 
Worth,  Texas. 

CL;  What  brings  you  to  South- 
IB:  I'm  visiting  as  many  Sev- 
enth-Day Adventists  Colleges  as 
possible  in  North  America.  I 
visited  Oakwood  before  I  came 
to  Southern,  and  three  weekends 
ago  I  was  at  Union  College. 
Basically  I'm  just  trying  to  get  a 
taste  of  each  of  the  different 
student  associations  and  a 
feeling  of  what  the  individual 

campuses  are  going  through. 
This  way  I  can  help  transmit 
information  between  the  col- 

for  Advent- 
ist Intercol- 
legiate As- 
and  it's  ba- 
sically a 
group  for  all  the  different  SDA 
Student  Organizations  in  North 
America.  The  A.I.A,  serves  to 
facilitate  information  between 

the  different  colleges.  In  other 
words,  if  the  Student  Associa- 
tion at  Walla  Walla  college  is 
doing  a  project  and  it  is  very 

he  should 
be  able  to 
share  that 
with  all  of 
our  S.D.A. 

The  A.I.A. 
is  a  useful 
for  distrib- 
uting that 

CL:  Who 
makes  up 
the  A.I.A.? 

IB:  Student  Associations  from 
La  Sierra  College,  Atlantic 
Union  College,  Canadian  Union 


College,  and  Southwestern  Ad- 
ventist College  make  up  the 
A.I.A.  And  I  add  that  the  A.I.A, 
is  also  trying  to  become  an 
international  organization.  We 
are  sending  letters  out  to  all  the 
Adventist  Colleges 
Bogenhaffen,  Cologne,  Sagunto, 
and  Newbold  inviting  them  to 
join  and  attend  the  annual  con- 
vention held  in  the  spring  at 
S.A.C.  In  addition  to  that,  we 
will  be  inviting  delegates  from 
Weimar  and  Hartiand. 

CL:  We  have  all  been  here 

Southern  for  some  time,  anc 

often  we  take  oi 

for  granted.  As 

are  your  impressions  of  South' 



Lynn  Wood  Hall  Open  for  Business 

By  A.  Lee  Bennett  Jr. 

Lynn  Wood  Hall,  on  the 
campus  of  Southern  College 
of  Seventh-day  Adventists, 
is  once  again  housing 
classes  and  meetings  for  the 
first  time  in  4  years. 

The  old,  wood-frame 
building,  which  is  located 
west  of  Southern  College's 
Wright  Hail,  was  officially 
opened  during  the  college's 
Alumni  Homecoming  on 
October  27-29;  however,  the 
extra  rooms  which  are 
nearly  completed  on  the 
main  level  have  already 
been  put  to  use.  The  chapel 
^  been  used  for  classes, 
seminars,  workshops,  and 
the  Humanities  Rim  Series. 
The  north  classrooms  which 
have  been  carpeted  and 
partially  furnished  are  being 
used  this  semester.  The 
south  room  is  nearly  com- 
pleted and  will  house  South- 
em's  Alumni  Heritage 
Museum,  previously  located 

on  the  second  floor  of  Mabel 
Wood  Hall,  Southern's  music 

Public  relations  vice-presi- 
dent. Dean  Kinsey,  said  that 
refurbishing  Lynn  Wood  Hall 
has  "proved  to  be  a  blessing." 
The  college  no  longer  has  to 
schedule  academic  classrooms 
and  Wright  Hall  conference 
rooms  for  special,  non-student 
related  meetings.  Lynn  Wood 
Hall  contains  rooms  of  varying 
size  to  house  seminars.  It  has  a 
27 1  seat  chapel  for  larger 

The  building  is  also  used  to 
house  classes  for  extension 
programs.  "Southern  College 
has  at  least  two  masters  degree 
programs  that  are  extensions  of 
Loma  Linda  (University)  pro- 
grams." said  Kinsey.  "They 
meet  at  Lynn  Wood  Hall...when 
they  are  here." 

Lynn  Wood  Hall  was  origi- 
nally opened  in  1924  as  South- 
em's  administration  and  class- 
room building.  In  1967,  the 
administrative  offices  were 

moved  into  the  newly  built 
Wright  Hall,  the  current  ad- 
ministration building,  which 
made  room  for  even  more 
classrooms  in  the  building, 
and  the  WSMC  radio  studios. 
Upon  the  complerion  of 
Brock  Hall  in  1985,  the 
classes  and  the  radio  station 
moved  out,  and  Lynn  Wood 
Hall  was  closed  until  it 
became  the  subject  of  refur- 
bishing in  1987. 

Southern's  alumni  associa- 
tion and  Committee  of  100 
have  spent  $400,000  dollars 
on  the  main  floor,  which  is 
nearly  complete.  Both  the 
lower,  and  upper  levels  have 
yet  to  be  completed;  how- 
ever, work  on  the  lower  level 
is  under  way.  and  already 
houses  the  Strawberry  Festi- 
val studios.  Southern's  yearly 
multi-media  slide  show,  and 
the  college's  security  head- 
quarters, previously  located 
in  the  science  and  physics 
building,  Daniels  Hall. 

IB:  I've  visited  your  campus 
once  before,  but  it  was  only  for 
an  evening.  This  is  the  first 
time  I  have  gotten  to  take  a  look 
inside  your  campus  and  your 
student  association.  I  have  to  be 
right  up  firont  with  you  and  tell 
you  I'm  incredibly  impressed. 
It's  obvious  that  your  college 
has  had  a  long  term  plan  of 
development,  and  it's  obvious 
that  your  administration  has 
stuck  with  that  plan.  It  has  paid 

CL:  This  weekend  you  attended 
an  S.A.  event,  the  Progressive 
Party.  Could  you  comment  on 
the  activity  and  the  interaction 
between  students  and  faculty? 

IB:  The  kids  here  are  very 
vibrant.  The  kids  that  attended 
were  willing  to  speak  out  and 
participate.  They  were,  for  the 
most  part,  not  inhibited  at  all. 
Seeing  faculty  and  students 
actually  sit  together  and  have 
fun  is  something  really  wonder- 
ful.   Southern  College  is  a 
relatively  small  school  in  com- 
parison to  our  state  universities, 
yet  that  is  an  advantage.  It  give 
you  a  "You're  at  home  feeling." 
Your  administration  has  been  so 
cooperative  toward  the  Student 
Association  and  has  been 
willing  to  work  with  your 
students.  It  is  a  WIN- WIN 

'erywhere  you  look! 

For  the 
Health  of  It 

Q:  What  is  the  difference 
between  a  sprain  and  a 

A:  A  sprain  is  an  injury  to 
the  Ugaments  around  a  joint 
due  to  a  twisting  motion. 
Actual  tearing  of  the  liga- 
ment may,  but  nor  necessar- 
ily, occur.  This  tearing  will 
cause  damage  to  the  blood 
vessels  and  allow  them  to 
rupture.  During  the  first  2- 
3  hours  rapid  sweUing  and 
increased  pain  take  place 
due  to  the  bleeding  and 
seeping  of  fluids  from  the 
damaged  vessels  into  the 

A  strain  is  a  "muscle- 
pull"  caused  by  excessive 
stress  and  over-stretching. 
These  are  usually  micro- 
scopic and  partial  tears  in 
the  actual  muscles  tissue. 
Following  a  strain  one  will 
feel  sudden  pain  accompa- 
nied by  localized  tender- 
ness. Swelling  as  well  a.s 
bruising  also  take  place  due 
to  ruptured  and  damaged 

Q:  Is  there  any  possibility 
of  getting  AIDS  from 
coming  in  contact  with 
body  fluids  on  a  toilet  seat? 
A:  Well,  it  all  depends  on 
what  it  is  you  do  with  the 
toilet  seat.  As  of  now  there 
is  no  direct  evidence  that 
AIDS  is  transmitted 
through  casual  contact  with 
restroom  facilities.  Al- 
though the  virus  has  been 
isolated  in  a  wide  variety  of 
body  fluids,  transmission 
has  only  taken  place 
through  semen,  vaginal 
fluid,  blood  and  breast 
milk.  To  become  infected 
with  the  AIDS  virus  re- 
member that  the  virus  must 
somehow  enter  your  biood 

into  consideration  the  fact 
that  the  AIDS  virus  is  a 
very  fragile  one  once  it 
comes  in  contact  with  the 
air.  So  the  answer  is  no.. 
You  will  not  get  AIDS  by 
sitting  on  a  "sprinkled" 


but  neither  i: 



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Don't  Worry,  Be  Happy 

By  Robert  J.  Kriegel,  Ph.D. 

Editors  note:  Robert  J.  Kriegel, 
Ph.D.— best  selling 
author  farmer  Ail-American 
athlete,  and  mental  coach  for 
Olympic  and  world  class  ath- 
letes— lectures  and  consults 
with  major  corporations  world- 
wide on  peak  performance, 
leadership  and  sirageties  for 
dealing  with  change.  Kriegel 
recently  look  parti  n  a  national 
lour  of  college  campuses  spon- 
sored by  the  makers  of  Nuprin 
Pain  Reliever. 

Worrying  is  the  negative  na- 
tional pastime.  Everybody  does 
it  and  very  few  find  it  is  a  pos- 
tive  experience.  You  don't 
think  clearly  or  perform  well 
when  you  worry.  The  fear  of 
"What  might  happen  if...," 
which  overwhelms  you,  makes 
you  fee!  depessed  .reduces  your 
energy,  and  prevents  you  from 
getting  your  work  done. 

Most  of  what  we  worry  about 
is  out  of  our  control.  You  can't 
control  other  people's  re- 
sponses, the  grade  a  prof  will 
give  us.whether 

agree  with  us,  what  they  think 
of  us,  the  weather,  traffic, 
roommates,  money,  how  we 
look,  grades,  the  future.  The 
more  we  worry  about  things  we 
can't  control,  the  worse  every- 
thing gets. 

Remember  this  rule  of  thumb: 
You  can't  control  other  people 
or  external  situations.  But  you 
can  control  how  well  you  pre- 
pare for  and  respond  to  them.  In 
other  words,  you  can  control 
your  information,  attitude  and 

Worrying  is  made  up  of  two 
words:  what  if.  "What  if... 
they  say  no,. ..I  don't  get  the 
money, ...the  professor 
assigns, ...the  traffic. .The  key  to 
beating  the  worries  is  to  change 
the  what  ifs  to  "if...thens,"  "If 
they  say  no.. .then  I  will..."  "If  I 
don't  get  the  money  ...then  I 
will..."  Always  change  the 
worry  to  anticipation.  Concen- 
trating your  energy  on  what  you 
can  change,  rather  than  dwelling 
on  things  you  can't  control 
increases  your  confidence  and 
prepares  you  for  any  situation. 

This  strategy  was  used  by 

President  John  F.  Kennedy. 
Before  his  press  conferences 
Kennedy  and  his  aides  antici- 
pated any  possible  question  or 
situation  that  might  arise  and 
developed  answers  for  them. 
Whether  a  reporter  asked  about 
the  Viet  Nam  War,  the  economy 
or  civil  rights,  Kennedy  was 

Likewise,  in  a  job  interview, 
instead  of  worrying  whether  or 
not  the  potential  employer  will 
ask  about  your  grades,  antici- 
pate that  he  or  she  will.  Then 
mentally  list  wins,  accomplish- 
ments and  qualifications  that 
your  course  grades  might  not 

Get  into  the  habit  of  anticipat- 
ing prior  to  any  pressure  situ- 
ation, whether  it's  an  exam,  an 
interview,  a  date  or  a  tennis 
serve.  Make  a  "worry  list"  then 
change  each  worry  (what  iO  to 
an  anticipation  (if  ..then). 
Leaving  your  worries  behind  by 
focusing  on  what  you  can 
control  enables  you  to  concen- 
trate your  energy  and  perform  at 
peak  levels. 

Fall  Festival  & 
Barn  Party  Attract 
Southern  Spooks 

Photos  by  Sean  Tetretta 

Clockwise  from  top  center:  Kerry  Woods  and  Michelle  Rose  admiring  the 

costume  contestants.  Laura  Capman,  Michelle  Largent,  Sean  Dickerson, 

and  Cindy  CooHdge  discuss  the  Starvin'  Artists'  lastest  hit,  Robert  Pittman 

looks  on  as  Julie  Seaton  helps  another  Great  Pumpkin  rise  from  its  patch. 

Woody  White  harmonizing  on  "1  never  wrote  a  song  mean  enough  for 

you."  Joahnna  Evans  and  Mike  Magursky  defy  Halloween  chills.  Mystery 

m,  definitely  odd...  Starvin'  Artists  John  Elliston  (vocals)  and  John  Steen 

(guitar),  and  Brian  Sitler  (keyboards).  Jeannie  Bradley  teaches  Pumpkin 

Carving  101.  Tamatha  Collson  gives  Kathryn  Vandulek  a  lift. 

And  who  is  the  Lady  of  the  Web?  We  betcha  can't  guess! 






■  ^.fll 


mm  I'  ,2,,j| 



'  '     '^Hj^iwk 









--  ^£ 





Angel  Echemenclia,  Southern  Lifestyles  Editor  failed  to  ask  several  students  the  following  question: 
Why  do  you  think  we  don't  have  a  Lifestyles  section  this  issue? 

Get  the  facts 
and  fear  no  more! 

Up  Coming 

Friday.  Nnvpmhfr  ^ 

Vespers,  Church,  8:00  p.m 
Stan  Knight 

SaliirHav.  Noveitihir  4 

Church  Service,  Gordon 

Nursing  Dedication, 
Church,  6:00  p.m. 

Southera  College  Symphony, 
'  Academy  Audi- 

Tuesdav.  Nnvf  [n|,f  r ; 

Organist,  Judy  Glass, 
Church  (Chapel  Credit)  8:00 

Wednesday,  Nnvfmhfr  |i 

SA  Pep  r 

International  Club  Teacher 
Appreciation  Day 

Anderson  Nursing  Series, 
Carolyn  Whitaker,  7:00-9:00 

Friday.  Novemlipr  Ifl 

Vespers,  The  Potter 
8:00  p.m. 

Saliirday.  Noyf  mhpr  1  \ 

Pizza  and  Movie,  Cafeteria 

Monday.  Nnvl■^lh^■^^,^ 

Atlanta  Chamber  Players, 


(double  chapel  credit)  8:00  p 

Tuesday.  N^yflnlffr  1-1 


C.A.R.E.  Day 

Assembly,  Shjdent  As.sociation, 
P.E.  Center,  1 1 :00  a.m. 

Thursilav.  November'.  Chattamosa  Symphony  Orches 

Assembly,  Michael  Williai 
P.E.  Center.  1 1 :00  a.m. 

Tivoli  Theater  8:00  p 
Call  757-5042. 


For  more  information 

about  humane  alternatives 

to  animal  dissection 

in  classrooms, 




lSOO-922  FROG  (3764) 

^  stucleni  orilmicl} /imji'd  nfthv 

'■■'■niil  Uwl  nefeme  Fuiiil 

F.2  Editorials 
P.  3,5  News 
P.4  Religion 
P.6  Humor 
P.7  Siblings 
P.8  Healtli 
P.9  Sports 
P.IO  Features 
P.  11  Ads 
P.12  Viewpoints 

Historic  Tabernacle  Devestated  by  Fire 

The  smoke  of  ihe  tabernacle  rises  above  ihc  campus, 
November  4,  Half  ihe  Tab  and  the 
the  blaze,  siancd  by 

bn9>l99W  9819V9F1 

Dr.  Gulley  has 
papers  which  he  is  scheduled  i 
present  at  three  of  the  profes- 

Califomia,  One  of 
Gulley's  papers,  "The  Cosmic 
Christ  of  the  New  Age  Movemnt 
Coniinued  on  p.  5 

Jan  Gentry,  WSMC's  development 
,  said  the  money  raised  during 
the  six  day  drive  will  be  used  for 
program  funding. 

,  supporters  of 
public  radio,  and  allied  arts  of  Chal- 

.  during  its  membership  drive. 
These  interviews  included  a  visit  from 
Mr,  Pal  Brock.  President  of  Brock 
Candy.  Chattanooga. 
Gentry,  coordinator  of  the  drive,  said 

FM  90.5  C 
of  full-color  F 

tanooga  a 

All  donors  were  also  eligible  for  Ihe 
grand  prize,  a  Super  Party  Package,  in 

By  Suzanne  Uttrick 

"He's  gonna  think  I'm  a  nerd 
■■He'll  say  yes  just  because  he  fi 
sorry  for  me".  "He'll  get  the  w; 
idea".  "He'll  say  NOOOOI!" 

place  on  November  1 7- 19,  Some  of 
the  guys  remembered  loo  and  said:  'I 
don^t  care  (about  reverse  weekend),  I 
probably  won't  get  asked  anyway,"  "If 


r.  along  with  50 


oing  tc 

These  have  probably  been  some  o: 
the  thoughts  of  the  girls  in  Thatcher 
Hall  this  past  week.  The  reason? 

campus  who  know  what's  taking 

rest  of  my  life",  "The  only  way  I'll 
date  someone  is  if  she  asks  me. .I'm 
too  shy  10  do  the  asking." 

It  sounds  like  this  weekend  should 
be  something  lo  dread  instead  of  an 
opportunity.  Dean  Hobbs,  and  Dean 
Rose  have  given  some  pointers  on 
making  the  most  of  it. 

To  the  women; 

friends,  would  1. . 

showing  of  one  of  the  Little  Theatre's 

1989-90  season  performances. 

Other  bonuses  offered  to  those  who 
pledged  included  free  three  month 
Chattanooga  Times  subscriptions,  S20 
Barrett  and  Company  booksellers  gift 
certificates,  and  Chattanooga  Sym- 
phony tickets. 

The  FM  90,5  gold  card,  which 
allows  its  members  to  atiend  special 
receptions  and  parties  hosted  by 


ued  on  p-  5 

Editorial :  What  are  we  doing 
here  at  5  a.m.  and  Why? 


V  fealuresare  making 
Tceni  this  issue.  We 
are  now  utilizing  the  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network. 
We  hope  thai  the  articles  gleaned  from 

readers.  Also  in  this  issue,  the  Sports 
page  has  finally  materialized  thanks  to 
the  efforts  of  Jim  King  and  Gene 
Krishinger.  We  have  a  new  Lifestyles 
editor,  Adrienne  Cox,  and  a  somewhat 
controversial  Viewpoints  question  to 
inaugurate  her  editorship. 

With  regard  to  the  previously 

wpoinis  question, 
bers  of  the  Accent  staff  placed  a 
?  Walla  Walla  in  order  lo  clarilj' 
nderslanding  of  their  policy.  We 
I  that  it  is  in  fact  not  a  "policy" 
but,  rather  an  experiment  being 
.  Visitation  is 

miy  V 

h  express  permission  of 
Walla  Walla  officials  ha' 
found  (hat  very  few  students  are 
advantage  of  this  privilege. 

As  you  have  no  doubt  notit 

rather  than  the  traditional  Thursday 
deadline.  Does  anybody  care?  Does 
anybody  bother  to  read  this  thing  at  all 
or  do  Gremlins  steal  the  stacks  of 
newspapers  off  the  dormitory  desks 
and  out  of  mailboxes  in  the  wee  hours 
of  the  morning?  If  any  of  you  do  read 
the  Accent  we  would  greatly  appreci- 
ate your  comments  about  what  you 
like  or  don't  like  about.  What  would 
you  like  to  see  added  or  deleted?  Do 
you  like  the  cartoons?  Is  the  Trivia 
Quiz  a  waste  of  space?  (How  can  free 
food  be  a  waste  of  space?)  Would  you 
like  lo  see  the  new  personal  message 
column  continued?  Will  you  put  it  to 

I  ani  a  history  major,  not  a 
journalist.  My  staff  has  been  drawn 
from  the  English,  Computer  Science, 
Nursing,  and  Psychology  departments. 
Thus,  the  production  of  this  newspa- 
per has  been  an  exercise  in  trial  and 
error.  Both  trials  and  errors  have  been 
numerous.  However,  by  the  grace  of 
God,  we  have  endured.  "We  stand 
today  on  the  edge  of  a  new  frontier ..." 
-  John  F,  Kennedy 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 

Sheila  Diaper 

Gene  Krishingner 

Photo  Editor 

Sean  Tcrretta 

Lifestyle  Editor 

Adrienne  Cox 

Sports  Editor 

Jim  King 

Layout  Editor 

Daniel  Potter 

Paste  Up 

Virgil  Covel 


Stan  Hobbs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

David  Denton's:  Bits  and  Pieces 

Last  Rites  for  the  Old  Tabernacle 


d  Denton 

So  the  old  Tabernacle  is  gone  is 
it?  It'salleast  half  gone.  Well, 
well,  what  a  diversion  for  the  folk 
on  a  lazy  Sabbath  afternoon! 

I  expect  there  are  those  who  were 
old  thing  go.  I 


s  glad  t( 

"The  only  mistake  they  made,"  he 
said,  "was  putting  the  fire  out!" 

Me,  I'm  not  going  to  jump  into 
that  debate.  There's  no  use  crying 
over  spilt  milk— or  burnt  buildings. 
Question  now  is,  what  are  we  going 
to  do  with  what's  left  of  the  struc- 

Several  suggestions  come  to 
mind.  They  could  sell  pieces  of  the 
building  to  college  alumni  who  long 
for  the  good  old  days.  Any  alumnus 
who  actually  remembers  participat- 
ing in  a  worship  service  in  the 
Tabernacle  could  be  cut  a  special 
deal,  buy  one  pice  of  charcoal,  get 

Another  closely  related  idea  is  to 
erect  a  solid  fence  around  the 
building  and  charge  a  modest 

would,  of  course,  be  admitted  free. 

Another  pmssibility  would  be  to  let 
Dean  Qualley  use  the  building  for  his 
office,  in  the  event  that  his  present 
office  should  prove  to  be  inadequate. 

If  none  of  these  ideas  strikes  your 
fancy,  why  not  give  the  building  to 
theS.A.?  Instead  of  having  to  go 
off-campus  for  the  bam  party  every 
year,  we  would  just  trek  up  to  the 
Tabernacle,  re-light  die  burnt  end  of 
the  building,  and  use  the  other  side 
for  the  bam.  How  efficient,  a  bam 
and  a  bonfire  in  one  neat  package. 

Perhaps  we  should  consider  going 
ahead  and  tearing  il  down  instead.  In 
its  place  we  could  erect  a  huge 
billboard  so  that  the  Collcgedale 

a  legiti 


to  hide  from  motorists.  After  e 
setting  up  speed  traps  in  the  Sovex 
parking  lot  seems  so  unprofessional. 

Another  idea  which  seems 
a  lot  going  for  il  (especially  s 
came  up  with  it),  is  to  lease  the 
Tabernacle  to  the  Volunteer  Fire 
Department  and  lei  them  have  il  for 
practice  every  year  or  so.  Besides 
the  obvious  benefit  to  the  fire 
department  and  it's  volunteers,  it 
would  give  the  school  and  coirmiu- 
nity  a  welcome  diversion  on  some 
lazy  Sabbath  afternoon. 

Burning  Old  Glory: 
Crime  or  Free  Speech? 

In  1984  a  protester  burned  a  U.S. 
(lag  during  the  Republican  National 
Convention  in  Dallas.  That  deed  w, 
wrong  in  the  sense  of  being  disre- 
spectful, tactless,  inreverent.  and 
repugnant.  But  desecrating  our 

freedom  i! 

:.  True,  i 

malcontent  of  a  crime.  But  ihe  United 
States  Supreme  Court,  acting  unchar- 
acteristically libertarian,  threw  out  the 
conviction  on  grounds  that  a  law 
prohibiting  flag  burning  violates  the 
freedom  of  nonverbal  speech.  The 
Court  probably  acted  wisely:  rights 
thai  encompass  freedom  should  be 
emphasized  over  objects  thai  symbol- 
ize freedom. 

But  President  Bush  seized  the 
moment.  With  Congressional  concur- 
rence and  popular  support  he  pledged 
to  seek  a  constitutional  amendment 
rendering  flag  burning  criminal  once 
again.  This  extreme  remedy  seems 

Opposing  such  an  amendment  may 
appear  unpatriotic,  and  organizaUons 
choosing  to  do  so  (such  as  People  For 
the  American  Way)  will  take  the  heat. 
but  the  case  is  solid  for  accepting  and 
not  reversing  the  Supreme  Coun's 
declaration.  If.  as  already  suggested, 
die  Court  found  correctly,  then  the 
proposed  amendment  puts  "an  asterisk 
on  the  First  Amendment,''  possibly 
starting  the  treacherous  process  of 
ing  to  identify  those  "free- 
that  the  bill  of  Rights  does  not 
Would  this  upset  the  delicate 

balance  between  the  free  exercise  and 
establishment  of  religion? 

But  beyond  the  merits  of  a  panicu- 
lar  constitutional  amendment  lies  the 
amending  act  itself.  Of  this  the 
framers  were  skeptical.  Use  it 
fhigally.  they  admonished — mainly  to 
define  institutional  relationships,  such 
as  those  of  federalism  and  the  separa- 
tion of  power,  and  only  rarely  lo  cure 
a  social  ill.  And,  they  might  have 
added,  if  a  social  ill  must  be  drasti- 
cally addressed,  be  sure  ii  is  not  rare, 
isolated,  and  eccentric  like  the 
incident  prompting  the  present 

Whatever  the  case,  a  number  of  flag 
desecration  bills  are  before  Congress. 
and  the  President  wants  something 
stronger  than  a  statute,  namely  an 
amendment  to  the  Constitution. 

The  House  has  voted  380-38  to 
make  flag-burning  a  federal  crime. 
But  the  numbers  are  complicated  by 
ihe  fact  that  tactics  rather  than 
substance  motivated  legislators  on 
both  sides  of  the  issue.  Voting  for  the 
bill  were  not  only  people  who  want 
flag-burners  in  prison,  but  also  people 


amendment.  Opponents  were  split, 
too,  with  some  fearing  such  a  statute 
would  undermine  chances  for  a 
consliiuiional  amendment  and  others 
resisting  (7ny  form  of  legislative 
attack  on  the  Supreme  Court's  sound 

(Editors  note:  this  article  is  re- 
printed from  a  General  Conference 

Psych  Class  Added 

By  Jo-Anne  E.  Stevenson 

This  semesler  psychology  siudenls 
relumed  from  iheir  summer  vacations 
to  discover  ihai  a  required  class  would 
no  longer  be  offered.  Former  psychol- 

Experimenial  Psychology  class 
without  a  leacher. 

The  psychology  sludents  were 
unhappy  about  the  faci  that  they  would 
have  lo  replace  Experimental  Psychol- 
ogy wiih  Physiological  Psychology.  A 
few  sludenis  gol  together  and  re- 
quested that  Dr.  Ernie  Stevens.  Ed.D.. 
a  contract  teacher  for  the  Introduction 
to  psychology  and  History  and 
Systems  of  Psychology  classes,  would 
teach  Experimental  Psychology  second 
semester.  Last  week  he  consented  lo 

e  schedule. 

Computer  Science  Department  Unveils  NeXT 

By  Izear  Feagins 

This  past  summer  the  Computer 
Science  Department  purchased  a 
UNIX  computer.  NcXT.  for 
academic  purposes. 

The  NeXT  computer  is  new  and 
was  purchased  by  fund-raising. 
Last  spring,  Americom.  a  computer 
company  in  Atlanta,  donated  a 
similar  five  year  old  UNIX  com- 
puter called  Dual  to  the  Computer 
Science  Department. 

Linden  deCarmo,  a  senior 
computer  science  major,  said  that 
the  NeXT  computer  can  store  over 
250,000.000  bytes  of  information, 
the  complete  works  of  Shakespeare, 
and  the  Webster's  Dictionary  and 

Thesaurus.  It  can  also  do  any  math 
problem  a  student  punches  into  it.  It 
can  send  characters  on  the  computer 
screen  and  recorded  voice  messages. 
This  computer  can  also  play  games 
like  chess  and  billiards  with  an 
opponent.  It  is  also  able  lo  do  things 
like  playing  music  while  a  student 
does  his  homework  on  it.  Lastly,  the 
NeXT  computer  has  the  best  possible 
laser  printing.  What  appears  on  the 
computer  screen  appears  on  the  print- 
out sheer.  Linden  said,  "What  you  see 
is  what  you  get.'s  an  art." 

Monte  Mitzelfeli.  sophomore 
computer  science  major,  said  that  it  is 
essential  for  a  computer  science  major 
or  software  engineering  major  to 
know  how  to  use  a  UNIX  computer. 

pnmarily  the  NeXT. 

The  NeXT  computer  which  has 
eight  megabytes  of  memory  and  a 
330  meg  hard  drive  is  used  by  the 
Physics  and  Math  Departments,  am 
is  very  regular.  Linden  said  that  w< 
need  more  UNIX  computers  on 
campus  because  of  the  great 
demand.  He  also  encourages  non- 
computer  majors  lo  use  the  com- 
puter. He  said  that  this  computer  is 
becoming  standard  around  the 

Steve  Jobs,  co-founder  of  Apple 
Computer  when  the  Macintosh 
Computer  came  out,  is  also  the 
founder  of  NeXT  computer. 

Chamber  Players  Get  Mixed  Reviews 

years.     It  will  be  a  challenge,    said 

to  the  students'  request.  Experimental 
Psychology  is  not  one  of  Stevens' 
strengths,  but  he  loves  research  and 
believes  that  teaching  this  class  will  be 
a  learning  experience  for  him  and  his 
students  as  he  brings  "humor  and  fun 
into  the  subject  and  presents  it  as  a 
valuable  field  and  tool  for  people  to 
look  at  and  enjoy,"  said  Stevens. 
Stevens  obtained  his  degree  at 
Andrews  University  in  education  and 
counseling  psychology.  He  is  a 
certified  professional  counselor  and 
marriage  and  family  counselor  in  the 
Chattanooga  area.  He  is  also  a  clinical 
member  of  the  American  Association 
of  Marriage  and  Family  therapists  and 
a  Diplomat  of  the  American  Board  of 
Sexology.  His  field,  he  says,  is  proba- 
bly the  "most  lonely  field  to  be  in,"  but 
his  favorite  thing  about  it  "is  to  watch 
lives  change,  to  see  people  live 
successful  lives  and  reach  their 

Stevens  also  works  closely  with  the 
state  on  a  pilot  program  for  study  skills 
of  high  risk  children.  The  program  is 
designed  to  help  educationally 
disabled  children.  "I  describe  educa- 
tionally handicapped  as  anything  that 
keeps  that  child  from  learning,"  said 
Stevens.  The  program  has  been 
nominated  as  the  program  of  the  year. 

"He's  a  very  ulenied  man."  says 
Junior  psychology  major,  Kristie 
Brown.  He  has  hands-on  experience, 
and  he  can  bring  the  class  alive  by  the 
examples  from  his  own  experience." 
Stevens  enjoys  his  chance  to  come  to 
the  college  and  teach  because  "it's 
almost  a  vacation  from  my  regular 
routine."  He  also  finds  it  a  privilege  to 
teach  among  "very  talented  teachers 
and  students." 

"My  favorite  thing  about  teaching," 
said  Stevens,  "is  letting  the  student 
realize  that  the  world  of  psychology 
can  be  a  field  in  which  a  Christian  can 
provide  a  much  needed  service  to  the 
general  public  in  the  correlation 
between  faith  and  learning."  Many 
Christians  have  looked  down  upon  the 
field  of  psychology,  said  Stevens,  but 
"psychology  is  the  study  of  sinful  man. 
and  if  you  arc  able  to  bridge  that  gap 
of  understanding,  then  you  are  able  to 
give  someone  hope." 

By  Julie  Jacobs 

The  Atlanta  Chamber  Players 
performed  for  a  double  credit  assem- 
bly last  Monday  evening  at  the 
Collegdale  Church. 

Considered  the  "epitome  of  making 
music"  by  director.  Melanie  Cramer. 


music.  "Chamber  n 
democratic,"  said  Cramer,  "There  is 
no  conductor  which  makes  each  piec 
a  personal  experience.  Performing 
chamber  music  can  be  very  intimate, 

Feeling  there  was  a  need  for  a 
chamber  group  in  Atlanta,  CA.. 
Melanie  Cramer,  flutist,  and  Paula 
Pice,  pianist,  founded  the  Atlanta 
Chamber  Players  14  years  ago.  "I  hai 
no  idea  the  group  would  do  so  well." 
said  Cramer. 

Performing  more  than  100  times 
each  year,  the  players  present  sub- 
scription concerts,  radio  and  televisio 
broadcasts,  college  and  university 
residences,  and  touring  programs. 

Included  in  the  quintet  of  players 

are:  Thomas  Jones,  violinist. 
Ravnan.  violist.  and  Ian  Ginst 

Student  response  to  the.coni 
varied,  "The  music  was  very  r 

I,  Public 

Relations  major,  'The  whole  program 
was  quite  entertaining." 

Robert  Fetters,  Biology  major,  said. 
"The  conccn  was  a  most  impressive 
performance.  It  gave  mc  three  things, 
namely  two  assembly  credits  and  one 

"Explaining"  the  Inexplicable? 

Bible  beginning 

the  U.S.,  but  did  you  know  these 


e  original  language  ol  Ihe  Old  Testament  w 

s  papyrus.  1 

It  the  plague  thai  finally 

-  The  oldest  sur 

-  The  proper  wa 
throwing  il  away. 

je  Irom  Ihe  skin  ol  lambs  or  ca 

5dilion  of  Ihe  Bible 

n  Old  Teslameni  is  in  Greek. 

d  Bible  Society  distributed  6 

existing  today,  lound  in  1 947  by  a  goal  h 
years;  today,  they  are  in  the  Museum  ol  1 

Do  It... 

Denise  Foster 

Adapted  from  the  Catalyst 

Sept-Nov  1988 

You  can  make  a  difference — 
yes,  even  you.  You  do  nol  have 
lo  have  ihe  voice  of  Sardi  Palii 
or  Ihe  intelligence  of  EinKiein, 
for  God  especially  designed  ; 
jusi  the  way  you  are.  and  He 
,a  specific  purpose  in  mind  ju 
for  you.  Of  Jeremiah  Ihe  Loi 
said,  ''Before  I  formed  you  ir 
womb  1  knew  you,  before  yo 

Icremiah  1:5).  Eve 

ord  knew  you  before  you  were 

om,  and  He  inslJlled  wiihin  you 

'f  Christ's  church 

tiiled  by  Chrisi.  Jesus 
himself  spent  Ihirly  years 
faithfully  fulfilling  His  humble 
trade  while  ministering  to 
about  Him.   As  Ellen  While  said. 
"With  a  loving  spirit  we  may 
perform  life's  humbles  duties  'as 
to  Ihe  Lord. '  If  the  love  of  God 
is  in  tlie  hean,  ii  will  be  mani- 
fesled'in  the  life.  The  sweel 
rof'thcheart,  it  willbe 
festcd  in  Ihc  life.  The  sweel 

Right:  "But  I'm  not  supposed  lo  talk  to 

strangers."  exclaims  Desliny  Drama  Company 

member,  Gary  Bradley  who  plays  a  child  brat  in 

Ihe  sketch,  "The  Beaiiiudes."  Bradley  and  David 

Demon  (left)  were  pan  of  the  five  member  unit 

which  performed  and  laughi  workshops  at  the 

"Super  Bold  and  World  Serious"  youth  event 

held  in  Takoma  Park.  Maryland. 

Right  Center:  Troupe  members  David 

Wingaie.  David  Denton.  Gary  Bradley,  Deirdre 

Rivera,  and  A.  Allan  Martin,  performed  for  a 

Polomac  Conference  sponsored  youth  rally  held 

ai  Ihe  Columbia  Union  College  gymnasium. 

Super  Bold 

and  World  Serious 

Above:  The  Desliny  Drama  Company 

.season  will  include  local  performance.s 

Covenant  College,  Hamilton  Place  Mall, 

Thatcher  Sabbath  School.  Week  of  Prayer, 

and  CoUegedale  Academy  Week  of  Prayer. 

Right:  David  Denton  and  Deirdre  Rivera 

perform  the  religious  sketch,  'The 

Beaiiiudes,"  for  ihe  D.C.  youlh  rally  al 

Columbia  Union  College. 

e  generaiio 

niiy  of  fmishing  God's  holy 
work.  This  will  not  happen  wtl 
a  few  well  speaking  preachers 

on  our  part,  you  and  me  Chnst 
is  waiting  on  us,  Thenjfore  let 
us  live  a  life  dedicated  to  Him 
for  that  is  all  He  asks.  He  will 
bring  ihe  witnessing  opportun 
s  10  us,  and  the  Holy  Sp  nt 
II  be  by  our  side.  Lei  us  not 

if  God  t 


Sunshioe  Bands 







Track  and  Runnjng  Clu 


Weigh!  Lifting  Club 



Caviny  Club 






Adopi  an  S.M 

W«k.^d  Reli^u 



«ta„-,„»c,l  ....„■„■. 




and  Ecumenism  Among  World  Re- 
ligions," was  submiiied  lo  the 
Evangelical  Technological  Socieiy. 
On  the  basis  of  his  submission,  ihe 
Socieiy  asked  Dr.  Gulley  lo  make  a 
prcseniaiion  lo  ihe  plenary  session 
n  response  to  a  paper  given  by 


who  is  al 
selling  book  entitled.  Understand- 
ing Ihe  New  Ape  Movyn^ff^r    Dr. 
Guiley's  response  paper  is  entitled, 
"The  Function  of  Ihe  Cross  as 
Siraiegy  to  Assen  ihe  Biblical 
World  Views." 

"It's  a  great  opportunity  and  I 
praise  the  Lord  for  it,"  Gulley  said 
of  his  upcoming  presentation.  The 
ETS  is  a  non-Advenlisi  organiza- 
tion with  few  Adveniist  members. 

opportunity  as  "a  little  feather  in 
the  cap  for  Southern  College." 

Dr.  Gulley  will  also  present  a 
paper,  "The  Bailie  for  the  Bible  in 
Eschalology."  at  ihe  Adventist 
Theological  Socieiy.  and  one  at  the 
Andrews  Society  of  Religious 
Studies  titled,  "A  Tribute  to 
Edward  Heppensiall:  The  Rise  of 
an  Intellectual  in  ihe  Life  of  the 
Church  and  His  Influence  on 
Adventist  Theology." 

Dr.  Springeii  will  be  presenting 
two  papers  at  the  California  society 
meetings.  The  first  will  be  deliv- 
ered at  the  Evangelical  Theological 
Socieiy.  It  deals  with  the  New  Age 
Movement  and  is  entitled  "Mo- 
nism, Magic,  Mysticism,  and 
Medicine."  His  second  paper, 
"Paraph  us  in.  and  Kaiaphusin  in 
Romans  I."  on  the  subject  of 

will  be  presented  at  Ihe  Adventist 
Theological  Socieiy. 

A  book  by  Springeii,  Homosexu- 
aliiv  in  History  and  Ihe  Scriptures , 

published  in  1988.  After 
reading  it.  the  publishers.  Christi- 
anity Today,  asked  Springeii  to 
condense  some  of  the  material  in 
his  book  to  be  used  as  a  chapter  in 
a  large  volume  Ihey  will  be 
publishing  in  early  1990.  The 
volume  will  deal  wiih  the  topic  of 
homosexuality.  Authors  who  are 
experts  in  various  areas  of  the 
subject  will  contribute  chapters  to 
the  book.  Springeii  has  been  asked 
to  write  a  chapter  on  the  Biblical 
view  on  homosexuality. 

Dr.  Blanco  will  present  his 
paper,  "Mysiicism's  New  Chal- 
lenge to  Adventist  Chrislians,"  al 
the  Evangelical  Theological 
Society.  As  president  of  the 
Adventist  Theological  Socieiy. 
Blanco  negotiated  with  the  ETS  for 
permission  to  meet  in  their  facili- 
ties in  San  Diego.  "The  ATS  has 
developed  an  excellent  relationship 
with  the  ETS  and  looks  forward  lo 

only  nationally,  but  regionally,"  he 

It  of  il 

socieiy  meetmgs  m  t 
including  the  Evangelical  Theo- 
logical Socieiy.  the  Andrews 
Society  of  Religious  Studies,  and 
the  Socieiy  of  Biblical  Literature. 



CARE  Ministnes.  the  collegiate, 
relieious  I  fe  organization  at  Southern 
College  of  Seventh-day  Adventists. 

Colkgedale  Tennessee,  is  run  by 
student  leaders  and  volunteers.  The 

n  C  A  RE.  s 


WSMC  was  also  offered  to  donors 
who  pledged  S150.  This  year  the  gold 
card  was  accompanied  by  a  Gruen 

The  amount  of  the  largest  single 
donation  was  SI, 200. 

Present  announcers  and  student 
volunteers,  including  freshmen  Brian 
Miller  and  Alison  Watkins.  helped 
answer  telephone  pledges  and  call  past 
donors  for  membership  renewals. 

Various  directors  and  announcers 
helped  coordinate  and  operate  the 
shifts  during  the  drive,  including 
David  Barasoain,  Dan  Landrum,  Doug 
Walter,  and  Jan  Gentry. 

Morning  Music  host.  Kcrri  Stout, 
found  the  membership  drive  fun. 
"One  of  Ihe  disadvantages  was  we  had 
'  programs: 


showed  they  cared  by  pledging  their 
support."  said  Stout. 

Compeiilion  also  added  to  the 
pledging  participation.  Crown 
America  Corporation  offered  to 
double  their  gift,  if  five  other  carpet 
related  industries  would  pledge 

Duane  Chesney  challenged  l9oihei 

Reverse  weekend  from  p. I 
considerations  is  to  realize  a  lot  of 
guys  get  apprehensive  when  they  are 
asked  out  by  a  girl,  beacuse  ihey  arei 
sure  of  Ihe  giris  intentions.  He  said 
that  keeping  this  in  mind  might  n 



reverse  weekend. 

Dean  Rose  gave  a  final  word  on 
how  to  accept  rejection  from  a  guy.  "I 
would  have  been  upsei  at  first,  but  my 
ego  would  have  said  'sorry,  your 

To  the  guys: 

If  you  are  asked  by  a  girl  and  you 
aren't  sure  if  you  want  to  go.  "Go 
anyway  and  remember,  it's  just  a  date- 
not  marriage,  and  you're  not  going 
steady,"  Dean  Hobbs  said. 

Dean  Rose  said  to  gel  a  giri  to 


get  to  know  her — a  table  in  the  cafe,  a 
bench  at  a  game.  etc.  Then  pray. 
Girls,  if  you  are  still  unsure  of 
asking  a  guy,  listen  to  a  Charlie 
Diamond  thought.  "Go  for  it.  Life  is 
too  short  to  be  fearful  of  the  opposite 

Southern  College  students  dunng 

Although  the  projected  S'i'i  000  goal 
was  not  met,  the  event  was  declared  "a 
success  just  because  people  re- 
sponded." said  Gentry. 

According  to  general  manager. 
Doug  Walter,  the  goal  should  be  mei 
within  Ihe  next  two  weeks,  as  call-outs 
continue  to  receive  pledges. 

SC  Symphony 
Orchestra  To 
Be  Televised 

The  Southern  College  Symphony  Or- 

Recorded  on  December  3.  the  orches- 
tra will  perform  in  the  First  Presbyte- 
rian church  with  Glen  Draper,  choral  di- 

In  the  future,  there  are  more  special 
performances  planned  for  Ihe  orchestra. 
The  Tivoli  Theaier  will  host  the  college 
orchestra  along  with  the  combined 
choirs  of  Lee  College.  Covenant  Col- 
lege and  University  of  Tennessee  at 
Chattanooga  on  December  14.  This 
comingsummer.  Ihe  orchestra  will  be 

end  of  General  Conference  taking  place 
in  Indianapolis.  Ind. 

Orlo  Gilbert,  director,  is  proud  of  his 
performers.  "I  feel  I  have  a  very  good 
orchestra."  said  Gilbert.  "I  am  very 
fortunate  to  have  such  an  unusual  blend 

I   College  orchestra 

of  w 

Chattanooga  Symphony  which  is  pri- 
marily made  up  of  professional  musi- 
cians. Sheri  Peck  and  Daniel  and  Ellen 

,dveni  SIS  Reaching  Everyone, 
l\  Campus  Ministries. 

B  II  Dubois  developed  C.A.R.E.  as  an 

un       )ld  organization  covering 

L   II     Jic  Missions,  the  organization 

e  punsible  for  student  missionary 
act  vii  es  in  the  United  Slates  and 
abroad  CA  B.L.  (Collegiate  Advent- 

sts  for  Better  Living),  the  health  and 
posiuve  lifestyle  organization,  and 
Campus  Ministries,  the  student 

Since  1985,  C.A.R.E,  Ministries  has 
been  functioning  on  the  Southern 
College  campus  serving  siudenis  in  a 
variety  of  ways.  C.A.R.E.  sponsors 
over  40  different  activiiies.  clubs,  and 
programs  for  students  ranging  from 
the  Biking  Club  to  the  Christian  Lawn 
Concerts  held  each  semester, 

A  recent  survey  studied  campus 
awareness  of  the  C.A.R.E,  organiza- 
tion and  found  some  interesting  facts. 
A  random  telephone  survey  ques- 
tioned three  separate  groups  on 
campus,  male  students,  female 
studenis.  and  faculty/staff  members. 

Sixty  percent  of  Ihe  male  students 
and  fifty  percent  of  the  female 

acronym  C,A,R.E,  Tsventy-five 
percent  of  the  males  and  forty  percent 
of  the  females  had  no  idea  or  clue  as  lo 
its  meaning.  Of  the  faculty  and  stalT 
members,  only  fifteen  percent  knew 
the  acronym  in  its  entirely. 

When  asked  to  name  the  three 
subdivisions  of  C.A.R.E.  (Collegiate 
Missions,  C.A,B,L,.  and  Campus 
Ministries),  studenis  and  faculty/staff 
named  Collegiate  missions  and 
CA.B.L.  Guesses  at  the  third  branch 
inconeclty  indicated  the  Destiny 
Drama  Company,  Southern's  Christian 
collegiate  drama  troupe,  as  Ihe  third 
division  of  C.A.R.E. 

The  survey  asked  participants  to 
indicate  the  mosi  visible  C.A.R.E. 
programs  and  aciivities.  The  top  three 
programs  were  the  Destiny  Drama 
Company.  Collegiate  Missions  Club, 
and  C.A.R.E,  Week.  Sunshine  Bands. 
the  visitation  of  shut-ins  and  hospital 
patients,  received  honorable  mention 
as  fourth  in  PR  visibility. 

Active  participation  (classified  as 
involvement  beyond  n 

1  play  ii 

\,R.E.  i 

ivity.  c 

Two  of  Southern's  faculty.  Orlo 
Gilbert,  violin,  and  Bruce  Ashion,  viola 
also  play  in  the  Chattanooga  Sym- 

Studenis  from  Southern  College  may 
become  involved  with  symphony  per- 
formances by  ushering  in  exchange  for 

ering  for  future  performances  call  the 
Music  Department,  exi.  2880, 

or  program)  of  male  siudcnts,  female 
siudents.  and  faculty/staff  members 
proved  surprisingly  low.  The  female 
studenis  were  the  most  involved  with 
40%  of  them  citing  involvement  in  at 
least  one  C.A.R.E.  activity.  Eighty 
and  seventy-five  percent  of  the 
faculty/staff  members  and  male 
students  respcciively  cited  no  involve- 
ment at  al!  with  the  C.A.R.E,  program. 

Low  Mid-term  GPA  Excuse  #37 

By  Mike  Hernandez 

When  I  received  my  mid-lerm 
grades  lasl  week,  my  firsi  reaction  was 
to  change  my  name  and  move  lo 
Canada  were  I  could  stan  a  new  life 
for  myself.  I  quickly  decided  against 
ihis  plan  when  I  realized  thai  Canada 
is  populated  mostly  by  Canadians 

hockey.  Hockey  is  much  like  soccer 
because  Ihe  final  scores  arc  always  1- 
0,  or  in  certain  riveting  games,  2-1. 
But,  let's  get  back  lo  my  grades.  As 
you  may  have  guessed,  my  G.P,A, 
was  a  little  below  the  4.0  expected  by 
my  parcnLs  and  the  Academic  Dean, 
Dr.  RoydCreenlcaf.  Parents  and 
Academic  Deans  have  no  sense  of 

it  all  SI 



school  when  my  air-conditioner  was 
broken.  The  heat  in  my  room  thai 
week  was  almost  unbearable.  You 
could  not  lie  still  for  more  than  20 
minutes  without  patches  of  fungus 
growing  on  your  skin. 

During  that  week  I  developed 
several  strategies  for  beating  the  heai 
which  I  will  reveal  to  you  so  you  can 
use  them  when  your  a 

I  -  Make  use  of  your  refrigerator. 

Sleeping  is  very  difricult  when  the 
room  temperature  is  over  107  degrees. 
I  dealt  with  Ihis  by  turning  my 
refrigerator  up  lo"Hr'  and  sleeping 
with  my  head  inside  the  freezer 
companmenl.  This  worked  very  well 

until  the  cockroaches,  which  are 
abundant  in  every  men's  dormitory 
room,  also  discovered  the  freezer. 
2  ■  If  you  do  not  have  access  to  a 
refrigerator,  I  suggest  you  perspire. 

Perspiration  is  Mother  Nature's  own 
natural  cooling  system.  When  your 
Central  Nervous  System  realizes  that 
your  air-conditioner  is  broken,  it  sends 
a  message  to  your  sweat  glands 
(perspirus  odiferus),  which  are  located 
in  you  armpits.  The  sweat  glands 
immediately  start  pumping  perspira- 
tion and  making  your  shirt  smell  Uke  a 
dead  hamster.  To  counteract  this,  you 
should  put  on  anti-perspirant.  But  this 
forces  Mother  Nature  to  re-route 
perspiration  to  the  mouth  where  it 
forms  bad  breath. 

My  final  strategy  for  beating  the 
heal  islo  stay  out  of  your  room  alto- 

gedier.  This  is  what  I  finally  had  to 
do  until  the  repairman  came  and 
installed  a  new  air-conditioner,  which 
brings  me  back  to  my  G.P.A.  Since 
my  air-conditioner  was  broken,  I  was 
forced  lo  stay  qui  of  my  room,  which 
is  where  my  books  were  located. 
Obviously  I  could  not  study. 

I  tried  to  explain  Ihis  to  my  parents, 
but  they  suggested  the  obviously 
impractical  solution  of  taking  my 
books  out  of  my  room  to  study. 
Parents  can  be  so  illogical  sometimes. 

So.  if  any  of  my  teachers  (Drs. 
Williams.  Kinsey,  Worth.  Richards, 
and  Cline)  are  reading  Ihis,  please 
lake  this  into  consideration  when  you 
are  making  out  the  final  grades.  1  may 
let  you  borrow  my  American  Express 
card  for  a  week  or  two.  if  you  know 

Humanities  Film  Series  Shows  The  Seventh  Seal 

November  18,  8:00pm 
Lynn  Wood  Hall 

Ingmur  Bcrman's  films  have 

Uniied  Stales.  This  is  because 
American  audiences  have  tradition- 
ally a.ssumed  that  the  primary 
purpose  of  a  film  is  to  tell  a  story — 
and  director  Bergman  has  other 
inieresis.  Despite  the  fact  thai 
Modernism  in 

nied  by  sound— contained  the  poien- 
lial  to  investigate  and  illustrate  the  in- 
creasingly problematic  human 
condition.  One  of  the  most  famous  of 

was  the  Swedish  director  Ingmar 
The  Seventh  fj^l  opens  peculiarly. 
"  crusader  returning  to  his 


since  abandoned  such  a  simple 
simplistic  means  of  reflecting  a 
complex  and  at  limes  incomprehen- 
sible reality,  film  (paniculariy  in  the 

people  as.sumed  il  did  best — tell  a 
simple  story. 

direciors  who  attempt  to  go  much 
further  and  do  much  more.  These 

s  feel  tl 

,t  the  e! 

indeed  for  himself  that  Death  has 

ready—to  which  Death  replies:  'No 
one  ever  is."  In  an  aiiempi  to  literally 
play  for  time,  the  crusader  challenges 
Death  to  a  game  of  chess.  As  long  as 
the  crusader  prevents  Death  from 
beating  him.  the  crusader  is  allowed  to 

The  crusader  has  a  specific  reason 
for  asking  for  more  lime.  Having 
spent  years  on  a  crusade  experiencing 
much  suffering  white  wimcssing  even 

more,  the  crusader  wanu  to  observe  a 
brief  inleriude  of  human  happiness 
before  Death  claims  him.  Yet  every- 
where the  crusader  looks,  he  sees 
death:  death  on  the  crusades,  death 
from  the  plague,  death  caused  by 
superstition.  Much  of  this  suffering 
and  death  is  instigated  by  the  one 
medieval  institution  supposedly 
dedicated  to  alleviating  suffering— the 
church.  It  is  the  church  that  calls  the 
crusades,  that  encourages  superstition 
which  results  in  flagellation  and 
burnings  at  the  stake.  Where  is  human 
happiness  to  be  found? 

The  crusader  finds  happiness  in  an 
unlikely  place.  He  happens  on  to  a 
family  of  traveling  minstrels  (not 
insignificantly  namedMary  and 
Joseph)  and  their  infant  son.  Reveling 
in  outdoor  living  and  life's  simple 
pleasures,  ihey  generously  share  their 
simple  food  with  the  crusader,  thus 
displaying  the  joy  and  happiness  after 
which  the  crusader  has  searched.  The 

viewer  should  not  miss  the  irony  of 
this  encounter.  The  church  (ostensi- 
bly the  source  of  charity  and  love) 
causes  death  and  suffering.  The  en- 
tertainment industry  (symbolized  by 
Mary  and  Joseph  and  officially 
frowned  upon  by  the  church  for  its 
laughter  and  frivolity)  provide 
examples  of  happiness  and  love. 

After  a  nocturnal  journey  through 
a  forest,  during  which  the  crusader 
prevents  Death  from  taking  Mary 
and  Joseph  and  their  baby,  the 
crusader  and  members  of  his 
household  are  summoned  by  Death. 
This  time  there  is  no  postponement. 

In  Bergman's  allegory  we  all  play 
chess  with  Death.  Life  and  Death 
are  inseparably  close.  Ii  is  not  a 
question  of  whether  or  not  we  will 
win.  In  this  life.  Death  always  wins. 
The  question,  for  Bergman  at  least, 
is  how  long  the  game  will  last  and 
how  well  we  will  play  the  game. 

Southern  Siblings:   Sometiiing  In  Common 

Skip  and  Cason  Holley 

Skip,  who  is  23,  and  Cason.  19. 
have  many  things  in  common:  the 
same  major  (accounting),  they 
both  drive  Volkswagon  Dashers, 
Ihey  favor  their  mother,  and 
they're  stubborn.  But  as  for 
differences.  Skip  says  he's  more 
erratic  and  likes  to  take  bigger 

Cason  says  he  can  talk  to  his 
brother  "about  anything"  and 
spends  a  fair  amount  of  time  doing 
things  with  him  on  the  weekends. 
He  says  what  he  likes  best  about 
his  brother  "is  that  he's  here." 

skip  says  what  he  appreciates 
about  Cason  is  that  he's  persistent 
and  "he  lets  me  borrow  his  car," 
As  the  middle  member  in  his 
family,  Skip  says  it's  easier  to 
identify  with  Cason  than  with  his 
older  sister,  who  is  married. 

Wayne.  Jo-Anne,  and  Cindy  Ste- 

When  asked  what  he  likes  most 
about  being  the  oldest  of  his 
siblings.  Wayne  says,  "They're  all 

"Our  family  is  very  close  and 
openly  affectionate  towards  each 
o'Jier."  he  says.  "We  irj' 
each  other  as  often  as  we 

mealtimes  is  the  best  lim 

Cindy,  the  young- 
est, says  that  when 
they  were  small. 
"Wayne  always 
protected  us.  I 
always  wanted  to  be 

would  do  anything 
for  her.  But  know  I 
know  better  and 
have  my  own 
individual  ideas!" 

Jo-Anne,  who  has  roomed  with 
her  sister  for  two  years  now.  says 
Cindy  is  her  best  friend.  "We 
know  everything  about  each 
other."  says  Jo-Anne.  "We  are 
almost  like  twins  we're  so  very 
much  alike!  And  the  best  thing 
about  Wayne  is  that  he  looks  out 
forme.  I  like  knowing  that  I  can 
go  to  him  for  unconditional  advice 
and  see  something  through  a 
male's  world.  He  is  a  lovinp 


about  being  youngest  was  that  "It 
was  never  my  fault." 

Kim,  Tony,  and  Jillian  Thedford 

"Ingus,"  as  Heidi  affectionately 
calls  Ingrid,  says  "We  were  not 
close  at  all  when  we  were  younger 

'  She 

Robert  and  Ronnie  Pittman 

•'When  we  were  younger,"  says 
Ronnie,  "We  were  both  competi- 
tive, didn't  fight  very  much,  and 
both  very  accident  prone." 

Now,  rooming  together  for  the 
first  time.  Robert  and  Ronnie  are 
very  close.  Robert  says  of  his 
brother,  "I  can  always  depend  on 
his  support  whenever  I  need  it.  He 
is  easy  going,  while  I  worry  about 
the  world." 

going  to  music  stores  together, 
playing  volleyball  on  the  beach, 
and  playing  sports  are  the  things 
they  like  to  do  together,  Ronnie 
says  they're  both  perfectionists, 
despite  the  fact  that  he  calls  Robert 

This  is  the  first  year  since  their 
elementary  years  that  Kim.  Tony. 
and  Jill  have  all  gone  to  the  same 
school  together,  and  so  far  they 
like  it.  "We're  very  close,"  all 
three  agree. 

Jill,  who  is  youngest,  says, 
"They  are  always  there  for  me 
when  I  have  problems  or  if  I  need 
someone  to  talk  to.  They  are  like 
my  best  friends." 

As  the  middle  member,  Tony 
says  he  identifies  with  both  his 
siblings,  but  in  different  ways.  "1 
can  talk  to  Kim  about  ore  mature 
things,  but  Jill  and  I  have  more  fui 
because  we  do  more  together." 

All  three  look  very 
much  alike,  but  Kim 
says  she  and  Jill  arc 
most  often  confused 
as  twins.  As  for  dif- 
ferences, Kim 
admits.  "I'm  the 
oldest  and  some- 
times I  tend  to  be 
bossy!"  She  adds.  "1 
got  a  car  first.  I  got 
everything  first. 
Mom  lets  me  take 

Ingrid  and  Heidi  Skantz 

Ingrid,  who  is  21,  and  Heidi, 
who  is  18,  both  love  food,  sleep, 
and  spending  money.  Although 
they  have  a  totally  different  taste 
in  clothes  and  never  dress  alike, 
people  are  constantly  asking  them 

great  n 

ways  they  are  both 
messy,  so  neither 
compalins  about  a 
cluttered  room, 
Heidi,  known  to 

"Ugmo,"  us  one  of 
Ingrid's  best  friends. 
"I  can  tell  her  any- 
thing," she  says. 
"Plus.  1  can  act  like 
idiot  and  she  still  respects 

Dale  and  Cheryl  Estep 

Although  they  don't  spend  atoi 
of  time  together  because  of  very 
different  class  and  work  schedules, 
the  time  Dale  and  Cheryl  do  sf)end 
together  is  quality  time. 

"We  play  tennis  or  racquetball 
together,  and  go  hiking  or  study. 
That  helps  keep  us  close."  says 
Dale.  "We  both  love  sports  and 
Mexican  food."  he  says. 

Cheryl  says  what  she  appreciates 
most  about  her  brother  is  that  he  is 

'slob"  ( 


As  the  older  brodier,  Robert  says 
he  never  had  to  worry  about 
Ronnie  beating  up  on  him — until 

Ronnie  says  what  he  liked  most 

a  very  caring  person.  "He  Is 
always  willing  to  help  me  in 
school  work  or  anything."  she 
says.  "Anotherthing  that  is  very 
special  about  Dale  is  that  he  treats 
me  like  a  normal  person.  He  picks 
on  me  as  much  as  he  docs  my 
younger  sister.   He  also  doesn't  let 
me  get  out  of  doing  anything  just 

short.  1  really 
appreciate  him 
doing  that  forme." 

Dale  says  his 
favorite  thing  about 
Cheryl  is  that  she  is 
always  willing  to  be 

The  vacant  building  of  the  American 
Cultural  Center. 

low  an  abode  of  silence,  reluctantly 
eceives  a  visitor,  unlocking 
wo  padlocks  and  an  iron-barred  gate 
strip  of  empty  air  is  hung  at  the 
where  the  Star-Spangled  Banner  had 

forty-iwo  years.  What  then  has 

America  left  here. 

0  Hwangkum-dong,  very  near  the 

5. 1 8  Square 
where  ihe  citizens  in  the  bloody 

wind  screamed  for 
democracy  and  Liberty? 
The  dust  silling  mute  on  chairs  in  the 

reading  room. 

tricks,  closed  doors,  panes  of 
builelproof  glass, 

md  some  questions  unquenchable  in 
everyone's  mind 

spanows  are 
.scattering  in  the  quadrangle  of  the 

Culiural  Center;  I  gaze  up  into  the 

through  the  shadows  falling  lo  pieces 

One  heaven 
of  five  thousand  years  the  Korean 

paulownia  branches  support 

To  where  winds  this  road  along  now? 

the  prophetic  songs  above  the  scars 

braking  Ihe  heavily-buili  white 
silence,  turns  the  history 

amicable  hands 

liai  have  been  shaking  forty-four 
years.  Yet  you  would  say: 

;elf-reliance  doesn't  lie  in  blaming 
others  for  your  own 
ores  nor  in  isolating  yourself  We'd 

without  bending  to  a  seasonal  wind. 

Then  as  we 

light  open  Korean  Cultural  Centers 

in  any  city 
f  Ihe  U.S.,  why  can't  the  Americans 

open  iheirs  here? 

"he  vacant  building  of  the  Americai 

Culiural  Center 

1  the  heart  of  Kwangju  City,  drearii 

Iters  monosyllables  in  metallic 

ndersiood.  closing  its  iron-barred 

Measles  Epidemic  Feared 
at  Southern  College 

For  Ihe  past  several  weeks,  Elanor 
Hanson.  Director  of  Student  Health, 
has  been  gathering  information  about 
the  vulnerability  of  the  student  body 
of  Souihem  College  lo  the  measles 
vims.  Allhe  writing  of  this  article. 
less  than  half  of  the  studeni  body  have 
turned  in  the  information  requested  by 
the  school's  Health  Services  Depan- 
ment  regarding  their  measles  immu- 


disregard  the  requests  for  Ihis  infor- 
mation uould  be  in  for  some  frustra- 
tion when  it  is  lime  to  register  for 
classes  in  January.  "We  are  only 
asking  them  to  let  us  know  whether 
they  have  been  vaccinated  or  not," 
says  Hanson.  She  suggests  that 
students  turn  in  Ihe  information  before 
Chrisimas  vacation  because  she  fears 
Ihat  otherwise  "there  will  be  a  line  of 
five  hundred  students  with  restricted 
registration  passes."  If.  at  that  point,  a 
student  does  not  wish  to  volunteer  the 

we  are  going  lo  lell  the  students  that, 
and  they  will  sec  the  necessity  of 
being  vaccinated." 

measles,  the  student  would  be  placed 
immediately  in  ihe  innrmaiy,  and  Ihe 
local  Department  of  Public  Health 
would  be  notified  within  the  hour. 
Public  Health  would  then  come  and 
Once  Ihe  case  is  officially  deter- 


it  of  III 


infomiation,  i 

required  to  sign  a  release. 

Although  there  have  been  no 
reported  cases  of  measles  on  Souih- 
em's  campus  for  Ihe  last  nine  years, 
there  have  been  four  reported  cases  in 
nei{hboring  Bradley  County  this  year, 
There  are  both  students  and  faculty 
who  reside  in  Bradley  County. 

The  main  objective  of  the  informa- 
lion  program  is,  according  to  Hanson, 
"to  learn  how  vulnerable,  the  campus 
is,  because  if  we  are  very  vulnerable 

they  should  go  to  be  vaccinated.  If  an 
immunization  program  were  insiiiuied 
on  campus,  ii  would  probably  cost 
each  student  requiring  service,  iwenty- 
five  dollars  lo  be  vaccinated. 

If  deiecied  early,  a  student  who  has 
contracted  the  virus  could  be  kept  in 
isolation  for  a  period  of  four  lo  six 
days.  The  sickness  usually  lasts  len 

The  seasons  which,  according  lo 
Hanson,  seem  most  conducive  lo 
measles  outbreaks  are  Fall  and  Spring. 

According  to  Hanson,  "when  the 
college  sees  a  real  and  eminent  threat 
lo  the  health  of  Ihe  student  body,  ii 
will  act  more  decisively.  If  this  is 
necessary,  the  previous  cooperation  of 
the  students  will  help  ihe  Health 
Services  EJepanment  lo  act  more 
accurately,  more  quickly,  and  with 
less  confusion  and  hassle." 


A:  A  study  was  conducted 
several  years  ago  to  lesi 
whether  sugars  decreased  the 
function  of  Ihe  phagocytic  cells 
(white  blood  celts  which  engulf 
and  destroy  bacteria,  protozoa, 
and  other  foreign  panicles  in 

■  blood)  in  our  bodies^  Ji  was 
1  that  after  eating  or 
drinking  high  a 

for  at  least  five  houi 
after  eating  the  sugar  (sources 
released  upon  request). 

Also,  because  sweets  are 
more  filling  ihan  other  foods, 
one  tends  to  neglect  nutritious 
foods  such  as  fruits,  vegetable; 

..  Thisc 

Monday  Night's  Fabulous  Football 

BvTiMSULLIVAN  "w»',.  ^  <,-......-., ,__,.       


©Copyrighi  1989.  USA  TODAY/Appl 

College  Infoi---    " 

One  of  the  most  siiiring  games  In  two 
^des  of  Monday  Nighl  Fooiball  ended 
:niciatingly  for  ihe  Bengals,  Houston 

The  Bengals'  defense 
dramatically  fro 

look  panicularly  likely.        Rous 

'e  Ihe  Oilers  a  26-24  victory 

Monday  waj 

le  Oilere. ' 

I  change        far  withheld  from  C 

safely  David  Fulcher  exchanging  si 

wiih  Houston  comcrbacfc  Oris; 

The  regulation  brawling  begar 

scis  the  lone. ...  We  want  our  guys  to  play 
fooiball,  period." 

The  Bengals  did  not  always  comply 
with  Brown's  wishes.  James  Brooks  and 

as  iheir  opponents,  altempiing  their  own 

imimidaiion  with  infuriating  gestures. 

Four  plays  following  Johnson's 

10  comerttacli 

ane  play  later.  It  also  happened  oi 


at  dropped  the 
IS.  The  Raiders 


/,  Ihe  Oilers  suffered  for 
Mai.  A  foolish  unsports- 
ci  penally  againsi  Houston 
■hard  Johnson  pre-empted  a 

e  to  plaj 

Dave  Bametl  seeks 

A  League 

















Dos  Santos/Graham 






B  League 







Bradley/Am  ick 

















National  Conference 

Lambeth  wins 
Tennis  Tourney 

"I  had  to  play  my  best  lennis  to 
beat  him."  said  P.J.  Lambeth  who 
won  the  1989  official' Southern 
College  Tennis  tomamenl.  After 
losing  7-5  in  ihe  fist  SCI  Lambeih 
tied  ihe  score  by  winning  6-1  in  the 
second  sei. 

Then  in  the  third  and  final  set  of 
ihc  match.  Lambeth  recovered  from 
a  4-3  setback  by  winning  three 

Jaecks'  Picks  for  Flagball 

Eastern  Division 

NY.  Giants 











Central  Division 




Green  Bay 
Tampa  Bay 



Western  Division 

San  Francisco 



LA.  Rams 



New  Orleans 






^ ^„_  displaying 

outstanding  athletic 

^'  current  intramural 

Coach     Women's  League: 

Jaecks'  pickfor  the  final 
week  of  flagbal!  season  was 
Michelle  Fulbright .  "She 
has  excellent  leadership 
skills  and  playcalling  ability." 

B  League: 

"I  like  Randy  Rouse  for  B 

league  because  oi  his 

superb  quarterbacking 


A  League: 

John  Machado  gets  the 

pick  for  two  tough  back  to 

back  wins." 

S.C.  Flagball  Wrap-up 

Congraiulations  lo  league  winners 
Women's  League;  Fulbright 

B  League;  O'Brien 
A  League;  Monlerde 

BJ  Boles  Sends  Greetings  fornfi  Chile 

Sahdos  desde  el  gran  pafi  de 
Chile.  1  hope  this  leiier  finds  you  and 
your  families  doing  well.  Life  for  me 
is  very  busy,  bui  also  very  exciting 
and  challenging. 

It's  hard  lo  believe  ihai  I've  been 
here  over  two  and  a  half  months. 


'  It's 

springtime  in  Chile  now.  There  are 
many  beautiful  flowers  blooming  and 
the  hillsides  are  starting  to  mm  green. 
Slowly  but  surely  all  the  snow  on  the 
Andes  mountains  is  melting  away. 
Chile  is  very  beautiful  and  at  limes  1 
feel  like  I'm  in  Swii7.erland.  I  guess 
about  now  in  the  Slates  all  the  trees 
are  beginning  to  change  colors.  I  bet 
it's  really  pretty  there. 

I'm  sorry  for  not  writing  this  letter 
sooner,  but  my  life  has  been  very 
hectic  getting  used  to  everything.  It's 
quite  a  shock  when  you're  dropped 
into  a  strange  country,  with  a  different 
language,  a  new  job,  a  new  culture, 
and  not  knowing  anyone.  The  shock 
has  subdued  now.  and  life  is  becoming 
more  usual  lo  mc.  I'm  learning  and 
adapting  quickly  to  the  language  and 
ways  of  Chile,  in  fact  some  of  my 
friends  call  me  the  Chileno  Gringo. 

I'm  living  with  the  secretary  of  the 
Chile  Union  and  his  family.  They  are 
good  Christian  people  and  have  been  a 
greai  help  to  me.  They  are  Argentini- 
ans, so  I'm  learning  a  liiile  about  that 
culture  as  well,  I'm  living  in  Las 
Condes,  which  is  a  good  section  of 
Santiago.  My  work  is  not  loo  far  from 
my  house,  so  I  ride  the  bus  lo  and 
from  ihe  Union.  It  seems  like  every- 
body and  his  brother  rides  the  bus 
here.  There  are  over  8,000  buses  in 
Santiago  alone. 

My  main  obligation  in  Chile  is  lo 
teach  English  lo  Ihe  officials  pastors 
and  workers  of  Ihe  Seventh-day 
Adveniisi  Chile  Union  Mission  and  of 
ADRA/OFASA  (a  food  and  relief 
agency).  On  the  average  1  have  25 
classes  per  week.  My  students  range 
from  Union  presidents  to  janitors,  and 
from  pastors  to  secretaries.  In  other 
words.  I  leach  everyone.  They  are  all 
at  different  levels.  Some  are  first  level 
beginners  and  others  are  ready  for 
conversational  classes.  I  have  some 
private  classes  and 
classes.  Needless  l 
challenge  teaching 

and  learn  more  of  Ihe  couniry.  I've 
been  lo  many  different  pans  of  Chile 
and  nnet  many  wonderful  people. 

Throughout  my  day  1  assist  the 
workers  in  writing  and  translaiing 
letters  lo  and  from  the  Uniied  Stales,  i 
also  help  people  translaie  forms  that 
are  in  English  and  understand  differ- 
ent items  of  material  from  the  General 
Conference  of  S.D.A.'s  in  Washington 

Last  month  (September)  was  a  big 

n  Chili 

national  holidays.    September  11th 
marked  the  anniversary  of  General 
Pinochet  taking  control  of  the  counny 
in  1973.  September  18lh  was  Chile's 
Independence  day  and  September  19lh 
was  Ihe  celebration  It  seemed  every 
house  had  a  Chilean  flag.  There  were 
a  lot  of  traditional  dances  (the 
"cueca")  and  a  whole  lot  of  "empana- 
das".  Empanadas  are  a  favorite 
traditional  food  in  Chile.  It  was  very 
interesting  seeing  all  the  shows  and 
learning  how  another  country  cele- 
brates its  independence. 

Each  day  I  am  met  by  new  chal- 
lenges. I  am  learning  a  lot  in  Chile 
and  I'm  sure  ihat  when  I'm  done  here 
I  will  look  back  and  say  1  was  glad  I 

came.  Every  day  is  a  class  for  me.  I 
ihoughl  I  was  going  lo  get  a  break 
from  my  classes  by  becoming  a 
Studeni  Missionary,  but  I  was  wrong. 
Every  day  I  learn  new  ihings.  I'm 
learning:  a  new  language,  a  new 
culture,  new  customs,  a  different 
geography,  how  to  teach,  how  to  corr 

patience,  and  so  much  more.  The 
mosi  important  thing  I'm  learning 
though,  is  total  dependence  on 
God.  I  have  good  days  and  I  have 
bad  days,  but  it's  the  Lord  that  carrii 
me  through  them  all.  Anything  that 
accomplished  here,  and  anything  I 
learn  is  a  direct  result  of  ihe  support 
and  prayers  of  you,  and  God's 
leading  and  helping  hand  in  my  life. 
Thank  you  so  very  much  for  your 
letters,  prayers,  and  support;  wiihou' 
it  I  don't  know  where  I'd  be.  I  ihinl 
of  you  often  and  I  hope  to  see  you 
soon  (a  year  isn'l  ihai  long). 

id  God  b 

By  David  Barasoain 

around  Richard  Moody  is  like 
well  directed  comedy.  One  of  his  be 
known  attributes  is  his  humor.  It's 
comprised  of  good  liming,  smooth 
delivery,  and  much  improvisation.  / 
would  say,  "II  slays  me," 

I  enjoy  it. 
good  people  with  a  desire 
10  Icam.  I  use  an  array  of  different 
material.  The  whole  situation  is  fun 
and  challenging,  and  over  all  a  good 
learning  experience  for  everyone, 
myself  included. 

My  other  obligation  in  Chile  is  to 
work  with  the  youth  of  the  country. 
Right  now.  it  is  difficult  to  do  a  lot 
with  this  because  my  Spanish  is  not 
thai  great  yet.  I'm  learning  quickly 
though,  and  I'm  sure  it  won't  be  too 
much  longer  before  I'm  doing  more 
with  this  department.  At  this  poini  I 
can  only  sing,  so  I'm  singing  a  lot  at 
different  churches  and  other  youth 
meetings  here  in  Chile.  Even  though  I 
don't  have  a  large  part  in  Ihe  programs 
I've  been  traveling  lo  different  parts  of 
the  country  for  youth  congresses  and 
Pathfinder  investitures.  In  Ihis  way,  I 
can  become  acquainted  with  the  youth 

Richard  Moody:  A  Wild  and  Crazy  Guy 


;iiy  is  another  of  Richard's 
One  Sunday  a  group  of  us 
idcd  to  take  an  afternoon  drive 
h  him  in  his  truck.  What  started 
as  an  uneventful  commute  turned 
i  a  four- wheeling  escapade. 
Where  are  we  going?",  one  girl 

found  Richard  eating  with  a  group 
what  he  calls  Frauleins.  They're 

everyone  else  calls  babes. 
It's  easy  lo  tell  when  Richard  is 
trying  to  Impress  these 
German  persuasion.  He  usually 

In  addition 

:  I  was  in  Europe.  I  remember 
though  il  were  ycslerday.  I 
harvesting  wheat  in  Ihi 
of  France  for  the  poor.  Of 

leaned  over  and  switched  ihe  blazer 
into  high  gear.  "Yep,  just  a  simple 
ride.",  he  reassured  us. 

Sitting  up  in  his  seat  he  slammed  his 
foot  against  the  gas  peddle  and 
secured  a  grip  on  the  wheel.  Staring 
straight  ahead,  Richard  searched 
horizon  for  the  first  obstacle  he  would 
conquer.  We  drove  to  the  edge  of  a 


fanning  equipment  was  destroyed 
in  that  flood.  No  on 
remind  you  that  the  flood  would 
have  been  much  worse  had  I  not 
pushed  those  two  huge 
path  of  the  rampaging  w, 
The  girls  aren't  naive, 

Frauleins  is,  "Richard, 

usually  followed  by  Richard  silting 
back  in  his  chair,  buffing  his  knuckles 
against  his  shin,  and  assuring  them  "it 

s.  Huge  din 
n  fool  mud  puddles, 

I  stopped  the  truck. 

and  iried  to  remember  when 
last  confession  was. 
What  sianed  off  as  a  simple, 

hours.  We  ti 

afternoon  looking  for  places  lo 
Episodes  like  il 

Moody.  If  you 
don't  worry,  he'll 

If  you  do 
you  may  have  heard  the 

In  just  a  single  cafeteria  v 
Richard  you  might  fall  v 
humor.  I  can't  guaraniee  whai  your 

12  noon 

Southern  College 

Banquet  Room 

Program  Free 

Soup  and  Salad  Luncheon  $3.50 

Guest  may  purchase  meal  at  Southern  College 
Cafeteria,  if  desired,  or  bring  a  lunch. 

Help  Wanted 


$32,0U0  per  year  income  potential. 

Call  (602)  838-8885  Ext.  BK  74 1 8  for  details 

Southern  Accent  Trivia  Quiz 

I  Whott 

rivia  questions; 

e  Tlie  Wealth  of  Nations? 

o  Galileo  Galilei's 

understanding  of  the  concept  of  gravity, 

3)  Name  the  quanerback  whose  team  won  the  1989  Superbowl. 

4)  Name  the  television  show  of  the  t960s,  in  which  a  group  of  space  explor 
their  crah  the  Enterprise,  traveled  through  interstellar  space, 

5)  What  event  did  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  describe  as  a  "Date  which  will  livi 

Last  Weeks  Answei 



The  Greenhouse  Effect 

A  New  Frontier 

Florence  NlghtingaJe 

Last  Weeks  Winner: 

Thomas  Huntress 

Sponsored  by 





The  first  five  correct  entries  received  in  the  Accent  office  will  win  a  free  m 
1  McDonald's  consisting  of  a  Large  Sandwich  or  Entree  Salad.  Large  Fries 
nd  a  t-arge  drink.    Entries  can  be  slipped  under  the 

and  will  be  judged  every  day  at  10:00  p,m.  In  the  eve 
srrect  entries  are  received  on  the  same  day  the  wirmi 
random  drawing.  Should  no  entries  with  all  the  correct  answer 
iihin  seven  days  of  the  date  of  publication,  the  entries  with  the 
iswers  will  be  declared  winners.  Members  of  the  Southern  Ac( 

Don't  GOBBLE  up  your  money  with 

nothing  to  show  for  it  -  SAVE  at 


where  money  earns  money. 

CoUege  Plaza 

Hours  -  Mon-  Wed  8:00-3:00 
Thurs  8:00-6:00 
Fri  8:00-1:00 

From  the  Archives 

November  2, 1967 

WSMC-FM  extends  broadcast  day  to  1 8  hours. 

September  29, 1977 
WSMC-FM  to  carry  N.Y.  Philharmonic  Symphony. 

October  8, 1987 

WSMC-FM  sets  $40,000  goal  for  fund-raising  drive. 

Personal  Messages 

Heather  Marie, 

Two  people  moving  closer  with  God  in  the  c 

closer  to  each  other.  Love,  DP 

Remember  the  Rock  sayings.  Somelimes  the  Why  i: 
important  that  the  What  and  sometimes  the  What  is  i 
important  than  the  Why.    JC 


iins  but  it  pours  -  Accent  Staff 

Your  message  can  be  phnred  in  litis  section  at  (he  nonmina!  c 

of  $1.00  per  3  lines.  $.25  per  each  additional  line.  The  editors  of 

the  Accent  reserve  the  right  to  refuse  lo  publish  any  messages 

which  might  be  considered  itmppropriate. 

-Danny  Villemain 

When's  ihe  nexi  night  tc 
Walla  Walla? 
-Caria  Gang 


!  suppose  it  could  work, 

•Shawn  Williains 

rmglad  Walla  Wallas 
Admmislraiion  is  recognizing 
Ihcir  sludenis'  responsibility. 
-Joe  Bieksza 

Students  have  enough 

opportunity  to  visit.  Ii  could 
open  the  door  to  temptation, 
-Helmut  Ott 

Upcoming  Events 

Friday.  Novemher  17  Tuesday.  November  28 

C.A.R.E.  Ministries  Ves- 
Church  8:00  p.m. 

!^3turday,  November  18 

Church  Service.  Ken 
Thanksgiving  Service 

Humanities  Film,  "The 

Seventh  Seal" 

Lynn  Wood  Hall.  8:00  p.m 

Monday^  Novemher  20 

David  Wingale 
Evening  Meeting,  7:00 

Christmas  Tree  Lighting, 
8.00  p.m. 

Wednesday.  Nftygmber 

Laura  Putnam.  Evening 
Meeting,  7:00  p.m. 

Thursday.  November  3Q 

Allan  Martin,  Assembly, 
11:00  a.m. 

SA  Thanksgiving  Supper 

Wednesday.  November 
22-Sundav.  Novemher  If, 

Thanksgiving  Vacation! 

Monday.  Novemher  27 

Student  Week  of  Spiritual 
Emphasis  Begins 
Craig  La.stine,  Evening 
Meeting,  7:00  p.m. 

Kyle  Robinson,  Evening 
Meeting,  7:00  p.m. 

Friday.  December  \ 

Bob  Cundiff.  Vespers, 
8:00  p.m. 

y  of  a  greai  flood  re 

lave  paned  the  Red 
an  eanhquakc  may 
erJonian  for  Joshua. 

Canaaniie  god  of  agriculture. 

perhaps  Crete,  who  invaded  and  foug 
Samson,  King  Saul  and  David,  and  vi 
Tinally  routed  by  Babylonian  King 
Nebuchadnezzar  II.  Later.  Philistine  i 

husband  rich, 
would  lake  o 

t  century  and  comes  from  the  Greek 

'aiion."  Christ  comes  from  ihe  Greek 
n  of  Ihe  Hebrew  word  Mashiah 

—  Early  Christians  had  trouble  making 
sense  of  Jesus'  crucifixion.  'There  was 
certainly  never  any  expectation  that  God' 
Messiah  would  suffer  such  degradation. " 



Wanleri:  Well  Dressed. 

Conservative  Advenising 


&SSIMA  Cash  that  the 

financial  aid  office  can't 


Call:    (615)238-2721  for 




p.  8  Photo 
P.  9  Sport: 
P.IO  Feati 
11  Ads 
P.12  Viewpoint; 

;  45,  Number  7 

November  31,  198'J 

Eastern  winds  of  chang^ij. 

h  of  November,  the 

winds  of  change  through  Eastern  Europe, 
wn  the  Berlin  Wail  and  stirring  talk  of  an  end 
nmunism.  The  upheaval  had  touched  ever^ 
3  is  a  status  report: 

Population:38  million 
Leader:  Tadeusz  Mazowiecki 
since  August  1989 
The  once-oullawed  Sohdanty 
union  began  a  nationwide  siril 


ding  t( 

"round  table"  talks  wilh  the 
Communist  Party  and  eventually 
power  itself.  But  Solidarity 
inherited  a  crumbling  economy. 

Population:  16.7  million 
Leader:  Egon  Krenz,  since 
October  1989 

Having  torn  down  the  Berlin  Wall 
and  flung  open  its  borders,  East 
Germany's  leadership  was 

3  find  its  citizens 

Since  January  1989,  17= 
East  Germans  have  left.  Now  tl 


exchanges  with  West  Germany. 
Population:  15.7  million 

May  1975 

Friday,  the  Communist  Parly 
leadership  resigned  after  more 
than  a  week  of  huge  protests, 
saying  the  party  had  senously 
underestimated  the 
pro-democracy  movement  in 
East  Europe-  Al  Ihe  same  time, 
hundreds  of  thousands  of  people 
in  Prague  cheered  Alexander 
Dubcek,  the  former  party  chief 
whose  attempts  to  institute 
reforms  in  1968  were  brutally 
crushed  by  a  Warsaw  Pact 

Leading  Eastern  Eurc 

Leader:  Branco  Mikulic,  sine 
fwlay  1985 

Opposition  groups  have  calt( 
Itiparty  democracy  a 

became  the  first  Warsaw  Pact  counl-y  (or  amnesty  for  political 

to  dissolve  the  old  Communist  Party,  prisoners-  The  ethnically 

renaming  it  the  "Socialist  Party-"  The  diverse  nation  has  been  a 

new  organization  condemned  Ihe  cradle  for  a  host  of  small 

Population:  1 .5  million  (Estonia): 
2,63  million  (Latvia);  3.25  million 

Leaders:Vaino  Valjas  (Estonia): 
Anatolis  Gorbunovs  (Latvia); 
Algirdas  Brazauskas  (Lithuania) 
The  Baltic  slates,  annexed  by  the 
Soviet  Union  after  World  War  II, 
have  nearly  seceded,  energized 

Populatlon;287  million 
Leader:  Mikhail  Gorbachev, 
since  March  1985 
The  nation  has  moved  from 
gridlock  to  "glasnost"  and 
"pereslroika,"  but  Gorbachev 
approaches  a  fifth  year  in  power 
trying  lo  calm  growing  internal 

Bush  meet  Dec.  2-3  for  a  summit 
off  the  coast  of  Malta,  and 
changes  in  Eastern  Europe  likely 
will  dominate  Ihe  lalks- 

Populatlon:23  2n 

Leader:  Nicolae  Ceausescu.  [ 

since  March  1965 

Ceausescu,  the  East  Bloc's  I 

longest-reigning  leader,  was 

reappointed  Communist  Parly  chief 

for  five  years  in  a  lavish  show  of 

support  for  his  rejection  of  change 

sweeping  the  region-  Ceausescu 

Nov,  10 

Thought  deaf  to  Gorbachev's 
appeals  for  change.  Bulgaria's 
Communist  Party  chief,  Todor 
Zhivkov,  stepped  down  m  favor 
Mladenov,  who  promised  chang 
However,  this  year  alone,  Bulga 

Bush-Gorbachev  summit:  Is  Peace  breaking  out  all  over  the  world? 

©Copyright  1989.  L'SA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

WASHINGTON  —  Months  ago. 
when  he  proposed  a  gel-acquainied 
meeting  with  Mikhail  Gorbachev, 

St  meeting 
I  End  [he  CoW 

Ihe  fasl-paced.  historic  changes 
sweeping  Eastern  Europe- 

As  Ihe  Soviei-tlominaied  empire 
disintegrates  and  the  possibility  of  a 
new  order  emerges  in  Europe,  the 

meetings  aboard  Soviet  and  U.S. 
warships  in  the  Mediterranean  off  it 
island  nation  of  Malta  come  at  a 
crossroads  of  history, 
full  of  unforeseen  potential,  paeked 
with  high  hopes  and  high  stakes. 

They  said  he  couldn't  do  it 

ans  nervously  awaii  th 
brwihing  easier  abou 

Running  off  Ihef 

was  in  your  office  son 

*    fooiball  leam.' I  sai 

TUSCALOOSA.  Ala.  —  Bill  Curry  rise. 
ai 4i30 every  morning.  Time  lo  himself, 
for  refieciing  and  thinking  clearly. 

landing  his  firing. 

uddenly.  however.  iT  .seems  Bill  Cuny  is 
DK  guy.  Funny  how  everything  ^ 

nges  with  a  10-0  record.  aJ^o^-^' 

a-s  Ballimore  Colts)  than  his  coaching 
:r  (3  M3-4  in  seven  years  ai  Georgia 

7-5  record  in  1987  calmed  no  one. 

Southern  000000  Accent 

Bui  lightly  regarded  Gary  Hollingswont 
college  transfer  Siran  Stacy  look  over  the 

At  Mississippi,  the  Tide  got  ambushed. 
Alabama  iraiIed2l-0  just?  1/2 

What  happened  next,  Curry  says,  "was 

highlight  of  my  15  years  in  coaching." 

defense  stiffened.  The  field  tilted  the 

iling  u: 

always  fought  long  od< 
id  pick  of  the  Packers. 

Says  former  Alabama  center  G 
McCollough,  a  Birmingham  plas 
surgeon:  "The  average  man  woul 


John  Caskey 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 

Sheila  Draper 

Gene  Krishingner 

Photo  Editor 

Sean  Tenetta 

Lifestyle  Editor 

Adrienne  Cox 

Sports  Editor 

Jim  King 

Layout  Editor 

Daniel  Potter 


Virgit  CoucI 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

College  of  Snimh-daj  A 

Letter  to  the  Editor 

2.  Leave  your  studying  at  home. 
When  you  study  duiing  a  concen  the 
effect  is  the  same  as  tying  lo  cany  on 

T  am  proud  of  the  students  of 
Soulhem  College.  In  general  they  are 

behavior  in  which  too  many  show  a 
lack  of  courtesy  and  understanding  of 
proper  decorum.  [  am  speaking  of  the 
behavior  I  have  observed  at  concerts 
in  Ackerman  Auditorium,  the  P.E. 
Center,  and  Ihe  Church. 

where  performers  and  audience  are 
interacting  in  an  aesthetic  and  spiritual 
cupenence.  This  experience  is  largely 
negated  when  talking,  studying  (with 
iLs  inevitable  nistle  of  paper)  and 
"enienainment"  oiher  ihan  that  which 
is  on  stage  takes  Ihe  spotlight.  Indi- 
viduals who  attend  these  events  have 
an  obligation  of  counesy  t 

pcrfoimer(s)  a 

r  fellow 

I .  Come  to  enjoy  the  program. 
1  ou  may  not  understand  or  enjoy  it 
.■111.  but  try  to  learn  by  actual  listening. 
Whatever  you  do.  don't  come  just  to 
get  chapel  credit.    You  won't  enjoy  it 
and  neither  will  those  around  vou. 


reading  or  writing  while  you  are  trying 
to  tell  them  something  important. 

3.  Dress  so  you  feel  like  you  are 
going  to  something  special  (which  you 
are).  Think  of  how  you  might  dress 
for  a  concen  in  ihe  Tivoli  or  ihe 
Atlanta  Symphony  Hall,  Jeans  and  T- 
shirls  are  not  necessarily  appropriate. 

4.  Come  prepared  lo  listen  £101 
talk.  Save  your  talking  for  intermis- 
sion. Those  of  you  who  have  per- 
formed solos  or  in  a  group  know  how 
distracting  talking  is  when  you  are  on 
stage.  It's  equally  disturbing  in  the 
audience.  (By  the  way.  turn  off  your 
watch  beeper  before  the  concert.) 

5.  Finally,  if  you  don'l  know 
when  to  clap,  depend  on  the  musicians 
in  the  audience  lo  Stan.  Clapping 
between  movements  of  works  is 
generally  not  acceptable. 

By  observing  these  five  suggestions 
concerts  will  become  more  exciting  to 
you.  They  will  be  more  enjoyable  to 
those  around  you,  and  this  will 
identify  Soulhem  as  a  place  w" 

Yours  for  more  enjoyable  concerts. 
Marvin  L.  Robertson,  Chairman 
Music  Department 

Senate  seeks  to  stiffen  security  at  Southern 

Ii  is  done  because  of  anger,  power. 
and  sadism.  It  happens  every  six 
minutes.  And  one  out  of  four  women 

.  Thev 

n  of  "fir* 

no  affect  upon  the  assailant.  This 
action  is  called  rape. 

Gregg  Graham  and  Adrianne 
Baiii  stone  spoke  to  Talge  and  Thatcher 
residents  November  20,  1989  about 

Gregg  Graham,  Executive  Director 
for  Addiction  Recovery  in  Chat- 
tanooga, giving  statistics  on  rape  and 
physical  assault,  said  that  84%  of  the 
victims  reported  knew  their  assailants. 
He  also  said  thai  research  has  shown 
that  700.000  women  have  actually 

For  example,  Graham  said  out  of 
3200  women,  15%  of  them  reported 
rape,  11%  reported  attempted  rape, 
11%  reported  sexual  cohesion,  14% 
reported  that  they  were  touched 
against  their  will,  and  49%  reponed  no 
problem.  Funhermore,  he  said  thai 
rape  will  happen  to  25%  of  college 

were  provided  by  The  National 
Insiiiule  of  Menial  Health. 

If  Southern  College  women  arc  not 
to  become  a  pan  of  the  25%  raped, 
who  will  take  the  preventive  action? 
Administration?   Senate? 

It  of  It 


self-defense  class  is  in  the  making.  A 
Chattanooga  police  officer  has  told  Dr. 
Wohlers  that  the  class  will  be  given. 
Students  will  receive  more  information 
as  the  program  develops. 

The  Senate,  a  body  of 
tives  for  students  at  SC.  invited 
Target  Hardening,  a  security  service 
company  in  Chattanooga,  in  October 
to  discuss  SC's  need  for  proper 
lighting.  Sherrill  Long,  security 
supervisor,  said.  "Security  lights  are 
needed  around  all  building,  sidewalks, 
(and)  back  of  propeny...the  lighting 
is  very,  very  poor."  Senate  agreed 
that  lights  arc  needed  on  the  side- 
walks between  Brock  Hall  and  both 
dorms,  the  ladies'  as  well  as  the 
men's  parking  lot,  and  the  Conference 
Center.    The  Senate  has  also  said  that 
a  fence,  which  would  seal  off  the 
courtyard,  needs  to  be  behind  the  girls 
dorm.  The  senators  added  that  we 
need  an  official  patrol  car  with  a 
recognizable  paint  Job  and  lights. 

The  Senate  has  not  yet  spoken  to 
administration  about  these  sugges- 
tions. So  far.  the  Senate  has  only 
asked  the  administration  to  inform 
students  about  the  rape  and  to  squelch 
the  rumors  circulating  around 
campus.  Dr.  Wohlers  did  so  in  an 
October  assembly. 

Adrianne  Ballistone,  an  activist 
against  rape  spoke  lo  Thatcher 
residents.  Her  objectives  were  to 
develop  an  understanding  of  sexual 
assault  and  rape,  to  practice  preven- 
tive action,  and  lo  enhance  coping 

She  said  that  rape  is  never  ihe 
victim's  fault,  and  that  sexual  assault 
happens  to  children  as  well  as  adults. 
She  also  said  that  rapists  become 
progressively  violent. 

For  preventive  action,  she  encour- 

Young  Americans  exibit 
at  Hunter  Museum 

Young  Americans  IQSS 
opened  at  the  Hunter  Museum 
of  An  Sunday,  November  19, 
1989.  The  exhibit  will  be  on 
view  in  the  Hunter's  temporary 
galleries  through  January  7, 

The  Young  Americans  com- 
petition and  exhibition  is  one  of 
the  oldest  and  most  highly 
esteemed  traditions  within  the 
craft  field.  Since  its  establish- 
ment in  1950,  the  competition 
has  brought  to  the  forefront  of 
public  attention  many  of  the 
vanguard  figures  in  American 

Younp  Americans  is  a  travel- 
ing exhibit  which  is  the  result 
of  a  national  competition 
dedicated  to  handcrafted  work 
by  Americans  between  the  ages 
of  18  and  30.  The  competition 
was  introduced  in  1950  by  the 
American  Craftsmen's  Educa- 
tional Council  with  two  objec- 

tives;  to  offer  craftsmen  under 
thirty  an  opportunity  to  present 
Iheir  work  to  the  public  and  to 
give  these  artists  an  avenue 
through  which  they  can  com- 
pare and  analyze  their  work 
with  the  work  of  their  contem- 
poraries. The  exhibition  fea- 
tures 98  works  by  62  artists:  24 
in  clay.  18  in  fiber,  14  in  glass, 

24  ii 

^  mixed  media. 

lal, ; 

1  10  in  wood. 

roung  Americ; 
organized  by  the  American 
Craft  Museum  in  New  York. 
The  exhibition  was  made 
possible  through  the  generous 
support  of  Ihe  Collectors  Circle 
of  the  American  Craft  Council 
and  the  Jerome  Foundation. 

MUSEUM  HOURS:  Tuesday 
through  Saturday  10:00  a.m. 
until  4:30  p.m.;  Sunday  1  until 
4:30  p.m.;  closed  on  Monday. 

-Watch  for  potential  rape  sites. 
Keep  away  from  them.  Public 
restrooms  are  not  a  good  idea.  Do  not 
go  in  alone. 

-Watch  while  walking,  even  during 

-Do  not  advertise  your  single  life. 
-Keep  emergency  phone-numbers 

-Avoid  carrying  too  many  packages. 
■Do  not  pick  up  hitch-hikers. 
-Call  the  police  if  the  car  should  get 

-Drive  with  locked  doors. 

-Make  sure  that  the  car  is  in  good 
working  condition. 

-Slay  out  of  notorious  hotels  and 



-Call  the  police. 

If  raped,  Battisione  encourages  the 

realizing  that  she  has  does  nothing 
wrong.  She  said  that  one  should  focus 
on  the  identity  of  the  attacker  so  she 
can  identify  him  if  he  is  apprehended 
by  the  police. 

Poetry  contest 

December  31  is  the  deadline  for 
entering  the  American  Poetry  As- 
sociation's contest.  Entry  is  free 
.and  everyone  is  welcome  to  enter. 

The  Grand  Prize  is  S 1 .000,  and 
the  first  prize  is  S500.  In  total 
152  poets  will  win  cash  and 
publication  prizes  worth  $11, 000. 

"Every  student  who  writes 
poetry  should  enter  this  contest. 
Our  latest  SI  ,000  winner  is  a 
student.  Students  also  won  24  of 
the  other  prizes."  said  Robert 
Nelson,  publisher  for  the  associa- 
tion. "December  break  should 
give  students  the  chance  to  enter 
before  Ihe  deadline." 

Poets  may  enter  the  contest  by 

sending  up  to  six  poems,  each  no 

address  on  each  page,  to  American 
Poetry  Association,  Dept.  Cr-90, 
250-A  Poirero  St..  P.O.  Box  1S03. 
Santa  Cruz,  CA  95061.  Entries 
should  be  mailed  by  December  31. 
A  new  contest  starts  January  1. 

Each  poem  is  also  considered  for 
publication  in  Ihe  American  Pocirv 
Antholoey.  a  leading  collection  of 
today's  poems. 

During  eight  years  of  sponsor- 
ship the  American  Poetry  Associa- 
tion has  sponsored  34  contests  and 
awarded  5165,000  in  prizes  to 
3,100  winning  poets. 

New  iVI.A.S.  computer 
being  tested  in  library 

By  A.  Ue  Bennett  J r, 

"Oh  great,  now  the  library  has 
another  machine  1  have  to  learn  how  to 
use!"  was  ihe  phrase  overheard  by  one 
of  many  McKee  Library  patrons. 

The  Magazine  Article  Summary 
computer  has  found  a  temporary  home 
in  Ihe  library's  periodical  area,  on  a  60 
day  trial  period,  with  jusi  over  two 
weeks  to  go.  Students  will  not  "have" 

do  will  find  it  extremely  beneHcial 
when  looking  up  magazine  articles. 

If  the  library  decides  to  keep  the 
index  after  the  trial  period,  the 
computer  supplier.  Ebsco.  will  replace 
iis  CD-ROM  "brains"  once  a  month. 
essentially  leaching  it  every  magazine 
and  every  article  the  library  carries,  as 
well  as  a  few  the  library  doesn't  cany. 
The  semi-current  CD-ROM  disc 
currently  used  by  the  index  contains 
over  200  general  magazines  from 
January  1984  to  the  present. 

Upon  silting  at  the  machine  for  the 
firsi  time,  all  one  has  to  do  is  enter  a 
title  of  an  article  wanted,  an  author,  or 
the  mosi  popular  category,  subject. 
The  computer  will  then  quickly  search 
Ihe  CD-ROM  for  all  articles  pertinent 

reference  two  additional  entries.  A 
few  seconds  later,  a  list  of  articles 
fitting  the  search  pattern  will  appear 

even  a  short  summary  of  the  article. 
The  summary  is  probably  the  best 
feature  of  the  index  because  a  user 
can  immediately  see  whether  or  nol 
the  article  is  relevant  to  what  he  or 
she  is  looking  fi 


:  subject,  author,  or  litle.  a 
topic  browse  can  also  be  done,  which 
will  give  an  alphabetical  lisl  of  every 
subject  the  index  recognizes. 

Once  a  decision  is  made  to  keep  the 
computer,  Ebsco  will  replace  Ihe  CD- 
ROM  disc  monthly  for  nine  months 
out  of  the  year.  A  lack  of  use  is  Ihe 
reason  the  remaining  three  summer 
months  will  not  be  updated. 

By  keeping  up-to-date  with  the 
monthly  disc  replacemenis,  Ihe 
computer  will  have  reference  to  all  of 
the  library's  periodicals,  and  also  lell 
if  a  given  article  is  even  contained  in 
the  library. 
Library  Director,  Peg  Bennett,  said 

Terri  Lynch:  female  religion  major 

By  Jo-Anne  E.  Stevenson 


Her  eyes  d 

quick  precision,  she  scoped  out  the 
room  which  was  already  filling  with 
students.  With  cenain  composure. 
she  sat  down,  "Gentlemen,"  the 
teacher  said,  "you  will  notice  we  have 
a  rose  among  the  thorns  today."  She 
had  entered  Homclitics  class. 

Anna  Theresa  Lynch,  a  Junior  at 
Southern  College,  is  a  religion  major. 
She  is  also  the  only  female  majoring 
in  religion  and  pursuing  ' 
rial  track  in  the  department  this  year. 

Lynch,  who  is  better  known  as 
Teni.  was  bom  in  Lake  cifj;,  Florida 
in  1969-  She  is  from  a  fifth  genera- 
tion family  of  Seventh-Day  , 
ists.  Interestingly,  only  the  i 
her  immediate  family  have  been 
SDA's.  Coming  U)  Southern  College 
in  1988.  Lynch  originally  majored  in 
Relgion  and  Behavioral  Science.  As 
she  progressed  into  the  ye 
though  she  was  pursuing  i 
field.  After  several  visits 
professors  in  the  department  she 
decided  to  take  the  ministerial  track 
Lynch  wants  to  preach. 

"I  felt  like  God  was  calling  me." 
said  Lynch,  when  asked  why  she 
decided  lo  go  into  this  field.  Since 
deciding  lo  pursue  the  ministerial 
track.  Lynch  has  become  very  awan 

s  involved  in  this  field 

When  she  sits  down  in  her  Personal 
Ministry  class,  taught  by  Dr.  Jack 
Blanco,  the  Chairman  of  the  Religion 
and  her 

class,  taught 
by  Dr. 

Bennett,  she 

change.  Some 

;  approach  to  the  issue 
putting  in  recommendations  that 
would  enable  women  to  become 
licensed.  While  the  ordination  of 

The  beginnings  of  It 
are  evident  even  her 

make  guys  uncomfonable," 
said  Chris  Miller,  a  religion  major, 
when  asked  what  men  think  of  womi 
studying  to  be  ministers.  "It's 

intimidating,"  said  Greg  Phillips,  also 
a  religion  major,  "what  guy  wants  to 
be  a  minister's  husband?" 

There  are  other  obstacles  which 
Lynch  faces  as  she  attends  classes. 
Being  in  a  classroom  of  30  male 
students  makes  her  feel  alienated.  She 
feels  as  though  she  will  be  critiqued 

teachers  and  fellow  students  have 

feel  welcome,  "All  women 
msterial  students  have  been  warmly 
d  graciously  received  and  have 
jreaily,"  said  Bennett. 
"Some  of  my  best  preachers  have 
been  the  women  in  my  classes." 
Until  the  ordination  of  women 
becomes  an  accepted  procedure,  there 
is  a  great  need  for  womens'  ministry 
in  other  ways  within  the  church. 
Bennett  believes  that  there  is  an 

ng  need  for  counselors  among 

in  the  church,  an  area  he  feels 

could  fulfill  very  effectively. 

"There  is  a  wide  open  field  for  women 

in  the  church,"  Bennett  explained. 

Lynch  is  in  agreemenL    She  says 

she  is  happy  with  the  amount  of 

acceptance  existing  now  among  the 

.  "I  will  probably  remain  an 

pastor  for  a  longer  period  of 

I  would  a  man,"  said  Lynch. 

position  will  still  provide  her  with  an 
opportunity  to  be  an  effective  worker 
for  the  Lord. 

Joe  Ellsworth,  Student  Missionary,  writes  from  Korea 

Dear  friends  at  Southern; 

just  yesterday  that  we  arrived  in  Seoul 
rather  unsure  of  ourselves.  The  first 
day  of  leaching  was  on  September  4. 
That  entire  first  week  was  rough.  I 
was  getting  used  lo  teaching  and  my 
students  were  gelling  used  to  me. 
Now  that  I  know  them,  it's  time  lo 
start  another  term  wit 
There  arc  8  teachers ; 
Six  are  English  and  iwo  are  Japanese, 
My  school  is  located 
fioor  above  a  depanmenl  store.  Thrci 
of  ihe  teachers  are  from  Walla  Walla. 
One  is  from  Berkeley,  and  the  other 
one  is  from  Loma  Linda.  Somyon, 
where  the  school  is  located,  is  the 
drag  dealing  area  of  Pusan.  I  live 
about  30  minutes  from  the  school.  I 

The  school  where  Chris  Lang,  Mark 
Cox,  and  Vanessa  were  at  is  dowr 
mountain  from  where  1  live.  The 
view  from  our  aparlmeni 
especially  at  night.  We  overlook  the 
city  and  harbor.  I  really  tike 

teachers  and  our  two  pastors  went  on  s 
picnic  together.  It  was  a  lot  of  fun. 
We  went  to  a  resort  called  Tae  Jong 
Dae.  It  has  a  lighthouse,  a  rocky 
beach,  and  many  cliffs.  Some  of  the 
s  have  interesting  n 
r  wailing  rock,  w 

my  health  I  avoid  eaiing  meat,  and  I 
don't  like  the  thought  of  eaiing  dead 
animals.  Each  day  as  I  walk  through 

forces  my  d 


Sabbaihs  keep  us 

busy  helping 

he  church.  I 

have  preached,  had 

streams  and  trails  is  only  about  25 
steps  away.  It's  great!  I  like  getting 
up  early  and  watching  ihc 


Every  weekend  since  ] 
il  seems  thai  I've  gone  o 
of  picnic.  Last  Sunday, 

kimchi.  On  my  Book  1  i 

picnic,  Ihey  fixed  thai 

menu,  I  ale  only  rice,  kimchi 

and  the  onions  and  potatoes  from  the 

tuna  soup.  They  asked  me  if  ii  was  be 

because  of  my  church— I  told  them 

no,  that  it  was  a  persona!  choice.  For 

oice  would  change, 
and  we  had  a  different  tone. 
We  studied  anicles  from  Signs 
magazine.  My  class  was  at  8:00  o.m. 

talk,  so  I  had  them  look  for  interesting 
articles  to  study.  One  lady  picked  the 
article  "Should  Saturday  be  put  back 
into  Sabbath?"  I  was  really  surprised, 
I  had  two  atheists,  one  S.D.A.,  one 
Presbyterian,  and  two  nothing  believ- 
ers. It  made  for  a  very  interesting 
discussion  and  class.  The  lasl  week 
we  studied  about  the  New  Age 
Movement.  They  hadn't  heard 
anything  about  ii  before,  in  one 
article  it  mentioned  something  about 
the  Moonies  and  they  recognized  the 
leader  from  Korea. 

This  past  term  I  taught  classes  from 
7-9  a.m.  and  from  6-9  p.m.  1  taught 
one  less  class  than  the  rest  of  the 
teachers  because  my  Book  1  class  was 
canceled  due  to  lack  of  students. 
During  my  free  time  two  days  a  week 
I  help  at  the  high  school  on  the  army 
base,  1  help  with  home  economics 
and  health  classes.  Being  able  to  go 
to  Ihe  army  base  is  like  being  in  a 

any  packages  to  me.  please  send  them 
to  this  address: 


Joe  Ellsworth 
American  Red  Cross 
APO  SF  96259 

More  women  in  the  pulpit 

The  number  of  women  in  the  clergy  rose  significantly 
between  the  years  1977  and  1986.  Here  are  the  five 
denominations  that  saw  the  largest  number  of  women 
become  preachers  in  their  pulpits: 

Assemblies  of  God 

No.  in 


Salvation  Army 

No.  in    Percent 
1986      increase 

3,718        136% 

3,037       3,220 

United  Methodist  Church         31 9      1 ,891 


Presbyterian  Church 

370       1,519 

United  Church  of  Christ  400      1 ,460        265 

Source:  Yearbook  of  American  and  Canadian  Churches 

The  meeting  will  bring  logelher  the 
careful,  prudeni  Bush  with  the 
self-confident,  unpredictable  gambler 
from  the  Kremlin,  who  has  made 
surprise  his  hallmark. 

in  two  days  of  meetings—  some 
with  aides  and  some  alone  —  they 
will  take  a  measure  of  each  other  and 
seek  common  ground  to  deal  with  a 
changing  world. 

"Neither  Bush  nor  Gorbachev  could 
have  foreseen  what  the  state  of  the 
world  would  be  in  early  December 
when  they  agreed  on  this  meeting"  las' 
summer,  said  Raymond  Ganhoff,  a 
former  State  Department  official  now 
at  ihe  Brookings 
Institution,  a  liberal  think  tank  in 

"Now  the  meeting  has  acquired  a 
good  deal  more  prominence  and 
greatly  raised  expectations,  because  of 
s  changes  in  Europe," 

scholars  a 

Historian  Richard  Bamei  compares 
e  Malta  meeting  backdrop  lo  the 
;riod  after  World  War  II.  when 

Western  alliance  that  virtually  ha 
won  the  Cold  War. 
Gorbachev,  on  the  other  hand. 

alliance  is  crumbling,  and  his  p 
"Gorbachev  is  an  impatient  n 

Lisa  Young,  Gannett  News  Service 

World  Bank.  International  Monetary 
Fund  and  the  General  Agreement  on 
Tariffs  and  Trade.  U.S.  officials  have 
opposed  Soviet  overtures  to  join  those 

—  Some  U.S.  consideration  of 
onger-ierm  economic  cooperation,  to 

n  and  shape  the  world. 

e  for  Policy  Studies  in  Was 
"is  a  recognition  on  both  s 
the  first  time  in  55  years. 

said  Dimitri  Simes.  a  Russian-bom 
Soviet  scholar  at  Ihe  Carnegie  Endow- 
ment of  International  Peace. 

"His  situation  at  home  is  sufficiently 
desperate  that  he  needs  to  come  back 
with  something  significant  when  he 
meets  with  the  U.S.  president." 

Bush  will  be  prepared  for  a  Gor- 
bachev surprise  —  such  as  some  grand 
design  for  Eastern  Europe  or  a  plan 
for  a  demilitarized,  neutral  Germany 

talks  on  such  ideas,  administration 
officials  .said. 

"We  are  not  meeting  to  determine 
the  future  of  Europe,"  Bush  himself 
vowed  in  his  Thanksgiving  eve 

What  will  the  Soviet  leader  seek  at 
the  Malta  talks?  Soviet  specialists 
suggest  a  variety  of  likely  agenda 

at  Harvard.  "He 
military  budget" 
reallocated  to  do 

;  in  Europe  now 
lie  collapse  of  il 


approach  it  with  certain  goals,  wis 
lists  and  hopes.  A  wide  range  of 
authorities  on  East- West  relations  say 
Bush  and  Gorbachev  will  come  to  the 
table  with  differing  aims  and  needs  — 
though  not  necessarily  conflicting 

Bush,  the  experts  say,  comes  from  a 
position  of  strength.  The  United  States 

is  economically  prosperous  and 
militarily  strong,  leading  a  successful 

receiving  favorable  tariff  treatment  on 
exports  to  the  United  Stales.  Lower 
tariffs  would  not  be  a  major  boon  lo 
the  sick  Soviet  economy,  but  ending 

trade  discrimination  would  be  impor- 
tant symbolically  to  Gorbachev. 
—  U.S.  suppon,  or  at  least  sympa- 
e  consideration,  of  Soviet  desires 

Gorbachev  will  w 

Benneti  recalled  the  InfoTra 

was  about  S7.000;  however,  th 
M.A.S.  will  cost  S18.000  each 
year  to  keep  up-to-date  with  it! 
periodicals  by  the  CD-ROM 

Bennett  also  said  ihat  this  in 
appealed  to  the  Student  Associ 
lion  Senate  as  its  project.  The 
senate's  annual  budget  is  aroui 
S4.000,  and  this  system  would 
their  budget  very  nicely. 

There  are  three  major  reasor 
for  going  with  the  Magazine 
Articles  Summary  system, 
according  to  Benneti.  "It  Intle 
more  of  the  journals  we  subset 
to.  It  provides  a  summary  of  e 

InfoTrac.  Bennett  said. 

On  the  political  front,  experts  say. 

United  Slates  will  not. seek  to  exploit 
urmoil  in  Eastern  Europe  —  a 

Bush  made  in  Wednesday's  speech. 

Gorbachev  also  may  propose 
accelerating  talks  to  cut  conventional 

forces,  strategic  forces  and  chemical 

In  his  Wednesday  speech.  Bush  sait 
the  Malta  summit  will  begin  "the 
work  of  years,"  and  he  appealed  to 
Gorbachev  lo  "once  and  for  all.  end 
the  Cold  War." 


;d  lo  express  their  hopes  for 
eiing.  Thus  the  Malta  summi 
s  great  expectalions  as  a 

Thanksgiving  New  York 
trip  enjoyed  by  students 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

students  spent  ihe  holidays  lourin, 
museums,  feeding  the  homeless, 
and  sightseeing  in  the  grand 

separate  itineraries  during  their  sia 
The  art  trip  emphasized  tl 
cultural  aspects  of  the  city.  Students 
loured  six  museums,  attended  the 
NY  City  Ballet  at  Lincoln  Cenier, 
and  a  play  eniiiled,  "Steel  Magno- 

"The  play  was  wonderful— 
probably  Ihe  best  part  of  the  whole 
irip."  said  Cayle 

The  Irip  was  sponsored  by     accounting  major. 

Some  attended  the  Macy's 
Thanksgiving  Day  Parade,  the 
Bronx  Zoo,  and  quile  a  few  found 

]  Sun.  the  19th. 
Students  enrolled  in  An  Apprecia- 
tion, taught  by  Bob  Garren, 
followed  a  different  itinerary  on 
the  trip  than  those  who  signed  up 
for  Ed  Lamb's  behavioral  science 

Both  groups  stayed  at  the 
YMCA  on  E.  47th  St.  "The  rooms 
were  incredibly  small,"  said  Loa 
Sparks,  a  junior  an  major  who 
weni  on  the  art  Appreciation  lour. 
Other  than  sharing  accommoda- 
tions, Ihe  two  groups  followed 


prestigious  department  stores. 
Angela  Bracket!,  a  junior  account- 
ing major,  advised.  "If  anybody  is 
going  to  go  to  NY.  don't  go  shop- 
ping Ihe  day  after  Thanksgiving!" 

The  group  boarded  Ihe 
Staten  Island  Ferry  Friday  evening. 
"We  could  see  the  Siatulc  of  Liberty 
and  Ihe  whole  NY  City  skyline.  It 
was  just  beautiful,"  said  Loa  Sparks. 

Some  students  got  tickets 
to  talk  shows  such  as  "Late  Night 
Wiih  David  Leiicrman"  and 

don't  use 


By  Mike  Hernandez 

How  many  of  you  have  ever 

embryonic  pig.  eic.  and  aciually 
found  anlhing  inside?  Thai's  whai  I 
Ihoughl  -  nobody.  This  is  because 
ihe  animals  ihat  are  used  for 
dissection  are  noi  real,  itcnow  this 
because  I  dissected  a  frog  once  in 

I  was  supposed  lo  find  over  400 
individual  frog  parts  and  draw  ihem 
on  my  paper.  The  lab  manual  had 
each  of  ihsee  frog  pans  separated 
and  drawn  in  a  differeni  color.  Ii 
was  very  neat.  When  I  cut  open  my 
frog,  all  I  found  was  a  pinkish- 
brown  subsunce  that  resembled 
very  old  Jello. 

I  prodded  around  inside  of  my 
frog  for  approximately  30  minutes, 
until  1  finally  gave  up  and  joined  the 
rest  of  [he  students  in  tracing  Ihe 
pictures  direclly  from  the  lab 

Viking  Club:  Wiiat  is  it  and  where  do  I  get  my  horns? 

By  Julie  Jacobs 

II  started  as  a  prank.  The  ad  in  the 
Campus  Chatter  promoting  the 
Viking  Club  was  fictional.  But 
today,  the  Viking  Club  does  exist 
thanks  lo  the  interested  persons  who 
called  for  their  free  sets  of  Viking 

Brian  Miller  was  elected  president 

presidenl."  said  Nash,  "He's  always 
wearing  his  Viking  horns  around  the 
dorm,and  he's  uying  to  grow  a  beard 
like  the  Nonlic  men  themselves  did 
years  ago." 

Future  club  activities  include  a  slide 
preseniaiion  of  the  recently  built  replica 
of  the  Viking  ship,  Hjenicomsi,  a 
traditional  Viking  campout  and  a  visit  ic 
a  local  Norwegian  reslauranl. 

According  to  Nash,  the  goal  of  the 
club  is  10  gain  an  appreciation  for  the 
rich  heritage  of  the  Viking  people. 


Other  Viking  Club  members 
include  Mike  Johnson.  Lisa 
Willsey,  Russ  Miller,  Brad  Emde, 
Rich  Wingei,  and  Lance  Morlen, 
Anyone  jnleresied  in  joining 
should  contact  Brian  Miller  at 

(Editors  Note:  The  Vikinv  Cl„h 
is  HiW  a  prank.  However,  the  idea 
has  potential.) 

o  my  theory  on  why       4  -  Frogs  are  ugly. 

This  brings ; 
it  is  OK  10  dissect  frogs. 
1  -  Frogs  cannot  feel  anything. 

Frogs  cannot  possibly  have  any  sort 
of  nervous  system  because  they  are 
filled  with  glop.  Frogs  are  nothing  but 
Hide  bags  of  glop  hopping  around  with 
eyes  and  a  long  sticky  tongue  to  give 
(he  impression  that  ihey  are  actual 
living  creatures. 

3  -  Frogs  have  bad  personal  hygiene. 

Have  you  ever  seen  a  frog  use  a 
public  toilet?  No.  This  is  because 
frogs  go  lo  Ihe  bathroom  on  mush- 
rooms which  many  of  you  eat  regularly 
on  salads.  Can  you-imagine  how  awful 
it  would  be  lo  have  warts  on  your 

Every  child  has  read  the  story  of  the 
princess  who  kisses  a  frog  and  il  lums 
into  a  prince.  After  reading  this  siory, 
my  sister  and  1  decided  lo  see  if  this 
actually  worked.  The  plan  was  for  me 
10  catch  Ihe  frogs,  and  she  would  kiss 
diem.  We  did  not  succeed  in  turning  a 
frog  into  a  prince.  The  only  thing  we 
succeeded  in  doing  was  getting  about  20 
frogs  go  10  Ihe  bathroom  on  my  hands. 

I  felt  compelled 


Accent  on  dissection,  i  nope  i  nave 
provided  you  all  with  enough  informa- 

If  you  would  like  more  informa- 
tion, all  you  have  to  do  is  send  SI9.95 
(plus  shipping  and  handling;  state, 
local  and  federal  tax,  plus  a  small 
donation,  if  possible)  to: 

Mike  Hernandez 
Room  277  Talge  Hall 
Soulhem  College  37315 

If  you  order  today,  I  will  also  throw 
in  a  FREE  metric  screwdriver  set.  and 
a  FREE  Chinese  Oriental  Antique 
Classic  Wok.  And,  if  you  are  one  of 
the  first  100  who  responds,  you  will 
receive  a  FREE  imitalion  diamond 
pendant  in  the  shape  of  an  embryonic 
Order  now  while  they  last. 


While  a  little  stress  in  your  life 
is  healthy  and  interesting,  too 
much  can  cause  many  differeni 
illnesses.  Dealing  with  stress 
and  knowing  how  to  spot  the 
things  (hat  cause  il  aie  important. 

Stress  survivors  slay  healthy 
even  in  the  worsi  of  limes.  They 
consider  difficult  situations 
opportunities  for  growth.  These 
may  include  anyihing  from  work 
stress,  money  problems,  or  lack 
of  lime,  10  misbehaving  children. 

Happy  events  cause  stress  as 
well,  for  example,  a  new  position 

work,  getting  married,  having 

maintain  an  altitude  that  God 
control  of  you  life,  raiher  ihar 
feeling  Ihal  you  are  a  victim  c 

Keep  the  goals  you  set  for 
yourself  within  reason.  If  ihey 
unattainable  within  the  time 
have  set,  you  place  yourself 
stressful  situation.  Whether 
amount  of  work  you  warn  lo 
today,  or  what  you  hope  to  a 
plish  in  a  longer  period  of  tir 

Develop  relaxation  lechnii 

jog.  a  brisk  walk,  or  exercising  lo 

music  does  wonders  for  that 
stressed-oui  feeling. 

For  the  Health  of  it 

By  Darlene  Almeda 

Q:  Since  you  are  one  of  ihe  health 
service  nurses,  could  you  possibly 
explain  why  I  have  been  given  aspirin 
for  three  very  different  problems? 

A;  Aspirin  is  your  good,  all- 
around,  multipurpose  medicine. 
Aspirin  or  ASA,  which  stands  for 
acctylsalicyllc  acid,  has  a  wide  range 
of  functions  besides  curing  head- 
aches. Here  are  a  few.  Ii  lowers 
fevers,  and  works  as  an  anli-inflam- 
maiory  agent.  It  also  has  an  analgesit 
effect,  and  decreases  blood  cloning. 
Because  of  all  of  these  actions,  we  at 
Healdi  Service  take  advantage  of  the 
inexpensive,  yet  powerful,  effects  of 
ASA  when  treating  sprained  ankles, 
fevers,  headaches,  toothaches. 
muscular  soreness,  flu  symptoms. 

backaches,  menstrua!  cramps,  and 
several  other  ailments. 

Although  you  may  feel  you  need 
something  stronger  for  your 
specific  problem  when  visiting 

Health  Service  besides  ASA, 
please  be  aw 
to  offer  you  thai  which  will  have 
the  least  side  effects  and  still  be 
therapeutic  enough  to  help  you 
oui.  It  is  not  always  feasible  to 
give  a  strong  prescription  medici 
lion  when  somediing  less  potent 

.  Son 

lime  you  get  ASA  from  Health 

potent  effecis  of  this  greatly 
underrated  drug.  And  whatever 
you  do.  don't  lake  il  on  an  emply 

Merry  Cfiristmas 

and  a  ^ap-py  9{ew  year 

to  the  staff  of  Camp  "K^iaqua 

Masha  Becker 

Yvette  Norcott 

Juan  Carlos  Belliard 

Claudio  Otero 

A.  Lee  Bennett,  Jr. 

Christie  Peters 

Joe  Bieksa 

Jeremy  Peltit 

Amy  Bradley 

Christie  Perivini 

Yvette  Disbro 

Macki  Pierre 

Rick  Engel 

Ronnie  Pittman 

Ryan  Fetters 

Sean  Pittman 

Kim  Fillman 

Kevin  Pride 

Michelle  Fried 

Jason  Rivera 

Michelle  Fulbright 

Carlos  Romero 

Rob  Fulbright 

Charmin  Sagert 

Kevin  Fulford 

Benjamin  Sanchez 

Anthony  Harris 

Grant  Schlishner 

Michael  Hawkins 

Ingrid  Skantz 

Barry  Hendrick 

Shannin  Spinella 

Dany  Hernandez 

Alan  Slarbird 

Melissa  Laporte 

Cindy  Stevenson 

Tina  Loaks 

Jo-Anne  Stevenson 

Paul  Lower 

Rick  Swistek 

Terri  Lynch 

Nancy  Thamas 

John  Machado 

Glen  Valenzuela 

Lori  Marchant 

Danny  Varner 

Yvette  Mesa 

Gale  Varner 

Amber  Murphy 

Sieve  Watson 

Keith  Nelson 

Sherri  Wright 

Congratulations  on  a  record-breaking  summer!  You  helped 
make  it  possible  for  over  1 ,500  campers  to  enjoy  the  beauty 
of  God's  nature  at  Camp  Kulaqua. 

With  His  love, 

yfCamp  Kulaqua 


Santa  Comes  to 
Southern  College 

Mitchell  races  on  Turkey  Day 

by  Jim  King 

While  you  and  I  were  home  for  ihe 
holidays  snug  in  our  beds,  dreaming 
about  the  fabulous  Thanksgiving  feasi, 
Chris  Mitchell  was  pounding  ihe 
pavement  at  the  Atlanta  Thanksgiving 
Marathon  and  Half-Marathon. 

The  starting  gun  went  off  at  7:30 
a.m.  and  30  mph  winds  had  forced  the 
temperature  below  25  degrees.  "It 
was  freezing  cold!"  said  Chris. 

According  lo  Chris,  there  were  ai 
least  five  thousand  runners  starting  the 
1 3.5  mile  race,  and  the  great  push  of 
humanity  kept  the  pace  high  during 
the  first  pari  of  the  race.  "It  was  like 
a  vacuum."  said  Chris.  "I  ran  6:30 
miles  for  five  miles." 

Things  were  going  smoothly  for 
Chris  when  he  ran  into  a  problem. 
Nature  called.  "Those  pon-o-johns 
sure  come  in  handy  around  mile 
seven."  he  laughed. 

Feeling  the  cold,  Chris  said  he  was 
shocked  when  a  man  who  looked  like 
he  was  in  his  seventies  blitzed  by  him 
wearing  only  silk  shorts  and  Nikes, 
"He  really  blew  me  away!"  said  Chris, 
'There  was  no  way  I  could  keep  up 
with  him." 

Chris  said  he  didn't  gel  to  train  for 
the  race  as  much  as  he  had  wanted  to 
so,  "around  the  eleven  mile  mark  I  ran 
out  of  gas."  He  was  really  struggling 
at  the  twelve  and  a  half  mile  mark 
when  a  miracle  happened.  "A 

was  threatening  to  pass.  It  really 
motivated  me  to  pick  it  up  and  I 
stayed  with  her  the  rest  of  the  way." 
Chris  ended  with  a  total  time  of  1 
hour  27  minutes.  Not  bad  for  Uking 

People  lining  Ihe  streets  kept  yelling  a 
me  to  keep  going.  I  kepi  wondering, 
'Where's  the  end!'" 

Chris,  who  is  the  coordinator  of  the 
Well/Fitness  program  for  Southern 
College  is  planning  to  run  full  and  hal 
and  compete  in  tri/ 
"I  want  to  participate  in  ai 
many  sports  events  so  I  can  to  better 
the  wellness  program  here  at  South- 

Mental  athletics  begin  next  semester 

By  Randal  Gilliam 

The  seventh  annual  College  Bowl 
will  begin  January  22,  As  an  aca- 
demic competition,  questions  for  the 
contest  will  be  drawn  from  ten  major 
areas:  business,  current  events. 
English/grammar/literature,  geogra- 
phy, government  and  law,  history, 
natural  and  physical  sciences,  religion. 
sports,  and  general  knowledge. 

Matches  will  be  held  in  Ihe  cafeteria 
at  5: 15  and  5:45  p.m.  each  Monday 
and  Wednesday  evening  through 
February  19.  The  semi-finals  will  be 
held  in  Lynn  Wood  Hall  Auditorium 
on  February  2 1  and  26  beginning  al 
6:00  p.m.  The  Championship  match 
will  be  held  Thursday,  March  1,  at 
1 1:00  a.m.  in  the  P.E.  Center. 

Through  a  joint  contribution  of  the 
Student  Association,  the  Student 
Activities  Office,  and  Ihe  History 

Department,  a  new  buzzer  system  for 

ducedfor  this  year's  contest.  Anew 
clock,  which  for  the  first  lime  will  be 
visible  to  Ihe  audience  as  well  as  the 
teams  and  the  moderator,  will  also  be 
purchased.  According  lo  Stan 
Hobbes.  Assistant  Men's  Dean  and 
Contest  Moderator,  "We've  been 
really  trying  to  upgrade  the  College 
Bowl  and  make  it  better  every  year.  I 
think  that  with  the  addition  of  these 
new  buzzers,  this  will  be  the  best 
College  Bowl  we've  ever  had." 

According  lo  the  College  Bowl's 
"Rules  of  Play",  a  match  is  begun  with 
a  ten  point  toss-up  question.  The  team 
correctly  answering  the  toss-up 
question  then  has  an  opportunity  to 
answer  a  bonus  question.  Toss-up 
questions  will  be  worth  ten  points  and 
bonus  questions  will  be  worth 
between  fifteen  and  twenty-five 
points.  Matches  will  be  twenty-four 

Jaecks'  Picks 

The  competition  will  be  conducted 
as  a  double  elimination  tournament 
with  a  championship  and  an  alternate 
bracket.  Each  team  will  consist  of 
four  players  plus  an  alternate.  Team 
captains  are:  Linden  DeCarmo,  Rheit 
Eklund,  Jeff  Grange.  Benjamin 
Keppler,  Gene  Krishingner,  Robert 
Marsa,  Mark  McKenzie,  Richard 
Moody,  Benjamin  Moreland,  Keith 
Nelson,  Lisa  Springeit,  and  Jason 


A  r.eayue  Vollevhall 

Teams                        W  L 

Lastine/Mjranda          3  0 

Overslreet/Moreland  2  I 

Dos  Santos/Graham     1  1 

Langford/Dickinson     1  2 

Malin/Williams            0  1 

Ritterskamp/Pittman  0  2 

B  Leapiie  Vollfvhall 

Teams  W  L 

Facull.v  3  0 

Giles/Wakeneld  2  0 

Bradley/Amick  2  0 

Bowes/Welch  2  0 

Mills/Scott  1  0 

Thompson/Henry  1  1 

Stoul/Walkins  1  1 

Hinson/Bishop  1  1 

Collins/Tull  1  2 

Santana/Neal  0  2 

Lacra/Reece  0  2 

Watson/Burrill  0  2 

Hines/Myers  0  3 

Jingle  Bell  Jog  to  be  held  here 

The  first  annual  Jingle  Bell  Jog  wilt 
lake  place  at  Southern  College. 
Sunday.December  10.  1989.    A5K 
race  will  begin  at  2  p.m.  followed  by  a 
I  mile  jog/walk  at  2;45  p.m.    There  is 
a  $7.00  registration  fee  for  the  5K  and 
aS5.00feeforihc  I  mile  jog.  if  you 
register  before  December  7  (there  will 
be  an  additional  $2,00  fee  for  late 
registration).  Proceeds  will  go 
towards  Amyotrophic  lateral  sclerosis 
(ALS)  or  Lou  Gehrig's  disease.  ALS 
is  a  progressive  disease  [hat  attacks 
specialized  nerve  cells  called  motor 

spinal  cord  to  gradually  disintegrate, 
preventing  them  from  delivering 
chemical  signals  and  essential 
nourishment  that  muscles  depend  on 
for  normal  development.  ALS  came 
to  wide  public  attention  when  the 
Hall-of-Fame  career  of  Yankees  first 
baseman  Lou  Gehrig  was  cut  short  bj 
the  disease  in  1939.  Since  then,  man; 
people  use  the  term  "Lou  Gehrig's 

"  when  referring  l« 

cloihing.  Also,  encouragement  ij 
extended  to  Ihe  participant  to  dre; 
in  Christmas  Spirit  Attire  such  as 

Dale  Deason  WSMC's    morning  personality 

for  corr..Tiercial  radio.  Instead,  he 
works  al  WSMC  from  6:00  a.m.  until 
9:00  a.m.  and  is  the  local  host  during 
National  Public  Radio's  Morning 
Edition.  The  rest  of  his  time  is  spent 
making  commercials  and  talking  with 
clients.  "When  you're  doing  commer- 
cial radio  it's  all  consuming.  You 
inything  else.... this  is  i 


d  still  d 

o,"  says  Dale. 
His  Chaicanoogu  radio  career  got 
slaned  when  he  was  offered  a  job  with 

He  started  working  in  public  radio, 
al  West  Georgia  College's  WWGC  in 
1976.  Now,  after  a  decade  in  the 
commercial  radio  market,  he's 

public  radio  station  WSMC  in 

Dale  Allen  Deason,  32.  currently 
resides  in  McDonald.  Tennessee,  jusl 
outside  of  Oollewah.  He  is  best 
known  for  his  work  announcing  and 
producing  commercials  < 
radio  stations  in  Chattanooga. 

He's  worked  al  various  radio 

lite-mix  105  in  Chattanooga.  But  why 

the  most  popular  disc  jockey  in 
Chattanooga  go  back  to  public  radio? 
Dale  recently  started  h 


he  accepted  a  job  al  WLMX 
ming  air  personality.  The 
5  launched  in  '86  with  Dale 
T  the  first 

as  the  morning  d  j. 
quarter.  WLMX  became  ihe 
one.  aduli-fonnal  radio  siali 

In  1988.  after  two  years  w 
WLMX,  the  ChaiianooEa  Times  a 

Chattanooga's  favorite  disk  jockey. 
He  was  the  first  radio  personality  to 
beat  WDEF's  Luther  Masingil  for  that 

Shortly  after  his  popularity  peaked. 
Y-102  approached  him  with  a  "lucra- 
tive 3-ycar  contract",  says  Dale.  What 
looked  like  what  was  going  to  be  a 
popular  station  with  a  good  format 
went  sour.  "The  owner  interfered 
with  daily  programming  and  kept 
changing  the  formal",  says  Dale.  At 
first  Ihe  station  did  well,  but  its 
popularity  slowly  tapered  off.  After 
hearing  rumors  that  the  station  was 
going  to  be  sold  (it  was,  and  is 
currently  known  to  listeners  as  FOX 
102)  and,that  ratings  were  declining, 
Deason  decided  it  was  time  to  get  out. 

Before  leaving  Y-102.  he  had  been 
making  arrangements  to  start  his  own 
business.  Since  his  expertise  was  in 

making  commercials, 
he  decided  to  begin  his 
own  commercial- 
making  business...  — 
Deasonworks.  Inc.  To 
dale  he  has  done  work 
with  Mc  Donald's. 
Coca-Cola.  Compuier- 
land.  R&  R.  Check 


1,  M.C.B 

Slate  Line  Electronics, 
as  well  as  Newton 

Overall,  Dale  says 
public  radio  is  more 
relaxing  than  commer- 
cial radio,  because  it's 
not  sales  driven;  how- 
ever, he  says  when  the 
bottom  line  is  looked 
at.  all  radio  stations  are 

It  Ihe  o 


the  first  lime  al  Z-9 

said  'this  is  really  nice,  but  it's  just 

radio  station'",  says  Dale. 

After  watching  and  listening  to 
Dale,  it's  evident  thai  his  goal  is  to 
simply  make  listeners  comfortable. 
He  describes  radio  as  an  individual 
perience.  Says  Dale.  "You're  just : 
important  to  somebody  listening  in 

Collegedale  as  you  are  to  someb 
who's  listening  in  Atlanta..  The 
difference  is  there  are  two  millio 
people  listening  in  Atlanta  and  o 
twenty  thousand  listening  in  Col 

Mr.  David  Smith  transformed  into  Dr.  David  Smith 

By  Lynn  McFaddin 

David  Smith  recently  received  his 
Doctorate  in  English  from  The 
University  of  Tennessee  at  Chat- 
tanooga. His  340  page  dissertation 
took  two  and  a  half  years  to  complete. 

Smith  chose  to  write  about  Henry 
David  Thoreau.  Transcendenial 
Saunterinp  was  the  title  of  his  thesis. 
"The  basis  for  most  of  my  writing 
came  from  a  Published  Journal 
containing  16  volumes,  written  by 
Thoreau."  said  Smith.  "Thoreau 
walked  four  to  six  hours  a  day  and  the 
Journal  was  written  largely  on 
accounts  of  his  walks." 

blood."  he  s 

at  got  in  my 

enjoyed  an  academic  environment  ani 
have  a  real  burden  to  work  with  younj 

Bom  in  Illinois,  he  later  attended 
Broadview  Academy.  He  then 
continued  his  education  at  Andrews 
University.  He  majored  in  History 
and  minored  in  English  and  later 
received  his  Masters  in  English  from 
Andrews  University. 

Wisconsin  Academy  proved  to  be 
Smith's  first  teaching  job.  He  spent 
six  years  there  with  his  wife  Peggy. 
While  there,  he  served  as  assistant 
boys'  dean,  and  a  history  and  religior 

teacher.  "Boihof  my  children  were 
bom  there,"  said  Smith.  Jacinda  is 
now  l6,andKimberly  is  13. 

Laurelwood  Academy  would  be  his 
next  stop.  Smith  taught  English  for 
one  year  there  and  moved  on  to  Union 
College.  He  spent  two  years  there  and 
taught  the  same  classes  that  he  leaches 
here  al  Souihem  College,  composi- 
tion, literature,  and  speech.  This  will 
be  Smith's  ninth  year  at  S.C.  "I  am 
very  happy  to  be  at  the  college  level 
and  enjoy  it  very  much,"  he  said. 

When  asked  if  he  would  do  it  all 
over  again,  he  replied  Yes.  "I  would 
be  a  dean  in  a  dorm  again,  because 
0  other  experience  like  that. 
at  the  secondary 
level  because  of  the  closeness  between 
faculty  and  students. 

The  most  challenging  pari  of  my  job 
is  the  volume  of  papers  that  1  have  to 
grade.  Psychologically,  I  strive  to  get 
them  to  perform  and  grade  ihem.  I 
repeat  ihe  process  over  and  over 
again,"  said  Smith.  "I  am  glad  to  see 
that  I  have  helped  a  student  on  a 
personal  level,  whether  it  be  spiritual 

I  would  a 

X  years  to  complet 

II  look  Smith! 
his  Doctoral  Program.  "1  feel  t 
courses  I  took  have  been  very  helpful 

much  better  grasp  of  literature,"  he 
said.  "Theexperienceof  doing  ii,  and 
setting  goals  lo  push  myself  on  a  dailv 

■nore  confident  about 
taking  on  something  challenging.  It 
was  the  hardest  thing  I  ever  did." 

Smith  dedicated  his  disserlaiion  to 
his  wife  Peggy,  She  is  secretary  to  the 
Academic  Dean  here  at  S.C.  "She 
was  very  excited  when  1  told  her."  he 
said.  "I  appreciated  her  strong  support 

As  for  the  future.  "I  plan  to  spend 
more  lime  with  my  family  and  6'=' 
reacquainied  with  them."  he  said. 


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Who  wrote  Candide? 
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Name  the  quarterback  whc 
Name  ihe  organizations  wl 
Name  ihe  longest  river  in  1 

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The  Tirst  five  coneci  entries  received  in  the  Accent  office  will  win  a  free 
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Fries  and  a  Large  drink.    Entries  can  be  slipped  under  ihe  door  of  the 
Accent  office  and  will  be  judged  every  day  at  10:00  p.m.  In  the  event  that 
more  than  five  correct  entries  are  received  on  the  same  day  the  winners  will 


zn  days  of  the  dale  of  publication,  the  ei 
vill  be  declared  winners.  Members  of  il 
nilies,  significant  others  and.  pets  are  in 

To  us,  there's  no  such  thing 
as  a  small  potato. 

From  the  Archives 

July  30, 1971 

Old  cafeteria  is  demolished.  Construction  starts  on 
New  cafeteria. 

February  21, 1980 

$50  food  minimum  removed. 

January  7, 1988 

Southen  expects  1,300  students  second  semester. 


COLLEGE  REP  WANTED  to  dislr 

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cards  at  this  campus.  Good  income 

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Austin  Peay  Slate  University  is  offering  scholarships  in  reading  and 

music  for  qualified  black  students  who  plan  graduate  programs  in  these 

fields.  The  Vice  President  for  Academic  Administration  has  application 

forms.  Applicants  must  be  residents  of  Tennessee. 

When  did  you  first  hear  about  the  Berlin  Wall  and  what  was  your  reaction  ?" 

I'm  glad  ihcy  have  a  righl 
(o  freedom  now. 
-Sherry  Aumack 

It  was  exciting  because  my 

husband  escaped  from  there; 
we  were  glued  to  the  T.V. 
-Beth  Malgadey 

e  because 
happened  so  fasL 
-Geoffrey  Church 

Upcoming  Events 

Friday.  December  1 

Vespers,  8:00  pm 
Bob  Cudiff 

Candlelighl  medilation  s£ 

Saturday.  December  2 

Ciirch  service.  Ed  Sanlana 
Pizza  and  Movie.  Cafeleria 
Business  Club  Christmas  Party 

WcdnesfUiv.  decemhpr  fi 

S.A.  Pep  Dyy 
Thursday.  Decemhfr  7 

Assembly,  ll:00ai 
Center  S.C.  Band 

Friday.  Decemhpr  9 

,  P.E. 

Vespers,  8:00  pm 
C.A.R.E,  Christmas  Pageant 

Saturday.  Decemhyp- in 

Church  Servecc,  Gordon  Bictz 
International  Club  Sabbath 
School  Christmas  Musical 
Soulhem  College  Band 
Christmas  Concert.  P.E.  Center 
8:00  pm 

Wednesday.  Decembpr  1,^ 

C.A.R.E.  Day 

Thursday.  December  14 

Assembly,  11:00  am  Clubs 
and  Departments 

Friday.  December  l.S 

SA  Chrislmas  Supper 
Vespers,  8:00  pm 
Soulhem  College  Music 

^raphers  on  Display : 
g  soon:  the  portfolios  of  lasi 

's  phoiojoumalism  class  will 

on  display  in  the  Brock  Hall 

gallery,.,  drop  by  and  see. 

"Donahue."  A  few  found  tl 



watching  ihe  filming  of  "America's 
Most  Warned."  The  program  aired 
Mon.  night,  and  a  handful  of  SC 
students  identified  themselves  in  ihe 
crowd  on  Ihe  program  thai  is 
broadcast  nationally. 

Free  lime  was  spenl  shop- 
ping, sightseeing,  ice  skating  ai 
Rockefeller's,  and  checking  out  the 
famous  Hard  Rock  Cafe.    Some 
weni  to  Radio  City  Music  Hall  and 
^aw  Ihe  "Christmas  Spectacular" 
with  the  Rockeits. 

d  decaying  fruii  il 

"It's  a  dirty  city,"  said 
Pearlie  Reyes,  a  senior  pre-physical 
therapy  major,  "and  people  arc 
constantly  asking  for  money  in  the 
subways.  Ii'sa  fun  place  to  vjsii, 
but  I  wouldn't  want  lo  live  there. 

The  behavioral  science 
group  focussed  iheir  attention  on 
Ihe  people  in  NY  City,  particularly 
the  homeless.  They  toured  an 
Amish  community  in  Pennsylvania 
on  the  way  to  NY.    Tours  of 
Midtown,  Litlle  Italy.  Chinatown. 
Lower  East  Side.  Belmoni  and 
Harlem  were  pan  of  the  daily 

The  highlight  for  mosl  on 

bom  to  drug  addicts.  The  women 
are  placed  in  rehab  centers  and  gei 
their  babies  back  when  they  have 
overcome  their  habil.  Students  got 
to  play  with  some  of  the  babies, 
three  of  whom  were  AIDS  infecied, 

"The  trip  really  opened  my 
eyes  to  how  the  world  really  is." 
said  Lisa  Hollinger,  a  junior 
behavioral  science  major.  "I 
realized  things  are  a  lot  worse  than 
what  they  seem  in  this  world." 

The  group  fed  4,400 
homeless  people  at  the  Salvation 
Army  on  Thanksgiving  Day.  "I 
thought  they'd  be  a  bunch  of 
animals,  you  know,  su-eet  people 
that  don'l  know  how  to  act.  but 
they  were  very  polite,"  Lisa  said. 
"They  kept  saying.  "Thank  you, 
God  bless  you.  you're  so  nice.'" 
She  said  il  was  so  sad  lo  see  that 
there  really  are  people  oui  ihere 
who  don't  have  anything.  "I  was 
gelling  more  from  them  ihan  1  felt 
like  I  was  giving,"  Li,sa  said.  "It 
was  such  a  blessing." 

The  group  attended  ihe 
Macy's  Parade,  loured  Ihe  Empire 
State  Building,  the  Siaiue  of 
Liberty,  the  Bronx  Zoo.  and  had 
ample  free  lime  to  shop,  sighisee. 
and  attend  functions  of  their  choice. 

Both  groups  relumed  on 
Sunday  with  plenty  of  adveniures 
and  experiences  to  tell  about  New 
York.    Art  siudenis  kept  a  Journal 
of  Ihe  museums  and  exhibit  ihey 
viewed,  and  behavioral  science 
siudenis  kept  a  daily  journal  of 
observations  about  the  people  Ihcy 
came  in  contact  with  in  the  ciiy. 
Each  student  will  write  a  paper  lo 
fulfill  Iheir  class  requirements. 


F.  2  Editorials 
P.  3,4  News 
P.5,6  Religion 
P.  7  Amusement 
P.  8  Christmas 
P.9  Sports 
P.  11  Ads 
P.12  Lifestyles 


Page  4 


Students  react  to  the  crumbling  of  the  Wall 


e  E,  Stevenson 

Tweniy-eighi  years  ago,  a  symbol 
division  between  East  and  West 
Germany  was  erected.  For  twenty- 
eight  years  East  Germans  were 
imprisoned  in  iheir  own  country  by 
wall  which  separated 
fellowmen,  family  and  friends.  The 
wail  '■  protected"  them  should 
they  be  tempted  to  discover  a 
freer  society  than  (heir  own. 

On  November  9,  this  year, 

cally,  but  emotionally  for 
millions  of  Germans.  "So  far 
this  year  225,000  East  Germans  out 
of  a  population  of  16  million  have  en- 
tered West  Germany  through  Hungary 
and  Czechoslovakia  at  rates  of  300 

Time  Magazine. 

This  week  selcc 
Southern  College 
to  react  to  the  aftermath.  For 
many,  it  was  of  little 
concern.  For  many  others. 
they  had  heard  the  news  but  knew  very 
little  detail.  Some  expressed  pwsitive 
emotion,  but  were  not  touched  beyond 
that  point.  For  some  there  was  indeed 

which  is  a  definite  sign  towards  the 
second  coming... [for  the  Germans]  it 
seems  like  everything  is  getting  belter 
but  is  it  really  getting  better?" 
Wayne  Stevenson  said.  "I  think 

and  anxious.  I  don't  believe  unifica- 
tion will  take  place.  This  freedom  wil 

cause  more  political  and  economical 
problems."  he  said. 

e  Fried  believes  "our 

■s  Christ's  com- 
ing." The  new  found  freedom  fi 
the  Germans  is  "only 
added  thing  to  show        A 

In  East  Berlin,  I  fell  a  strange  sense  of 
confmemeni  and  stagnation — nothing 
langible.just  an  uneasy  sensation.  The 
difference  between  the  two  sections  of 
the  separated  city  is  remarkable. 
There  is  a  festive,  almost  reckless  at- 
mosphere in  West  Berlin,  which  comes 
from  being  surrounded  by  a  hostile  and 
repressive  regime.  The 

.11  bring 
freedom  to  both  sides.  The 


Democratic  society,  which  is  a  sign  of 
the  end  of  time.  The  German  Govern- 
ment is  opening  the  doors  to  religious 
The  Sevenlh-day  j 

n  Uncle  in  West  Berlin." 
said  JC  Belliard.  "I  am  glad  to 
see    this   event    during    my    life- 

"The  Pope  and  the  Russia 

and  because  of  that  they  have  been 
permitted  to  come  in.  which  is  a 
reflection  on  the  state  of  time  we  are 

tries  where  before  the  doors  had  been 
shut."  Tom  Huntress  felt  more  anxiety 


■'I  feel  both  happy 

coming.  There  is  always  a  calm 
before  the  storm."  said  Fried.  Keith 
Nelson  was  "shocked  it  happened 
without  a  revolution,  ultimately,"  he 
said,  "the  people  control  the  Govem- 

Richard  Moody  who  visited  Ger- 
many two  summers  ago  reflected  upon 
the  feelings  he  had  when  he  heard  the 
news  of  the  recent  freedom  for  the 
Germans.  "I'm  particularly  excited 
about  the  Wall's  destruction.  It  was 
very  sobering — seeing  the  barbed  wire 

sorbed  with  every  cffon.  "They 
will  learn  to  or  already  appreciate 
their  freedom  which  we  take  for 
granted,"  said  Robert  Piitman, 
The  opening  of  the  Berlin  Wall 
suddenly  gives  the  German  people  a 
freedom  to  do  what  the  American 
society  can  do  everyday.  Richard 
Moody  explains.  "I  saw  dozens  of 
rabbits  in  the  fortified  no-man's  land 
adjacent  to  the  Wall,  Maybe  this 
opening  will  allow  men  to  do  what 
dumb  animals  have  always  been  able 
to  do — go  wherever  they  please." 

Young  people  value 
Christmas  tradition 

By  Darcy  Reid  Trick 

©Copyright  1989,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

Younger  people  are  more  likely  than 
their  seniors  to  celebrate  an 
old-fashioned  holiday,  says  a  new 

Eighty-eight  percent  of  those  aged 
18  to  24  will  decorate  a  Christmas  tree, 
compared  with  69  percent  of  all  ages, 
according  to  a  poll  of  1,000  people 
nationwide  by  Alamo  Rent  A  Car, 

Younger  people  are  also  more  apt  to 
exchange  gifts  (90  percent  vs.  83.2 
percent;  send  cards  (87  percent  vs.  8 1 
percent);  and  bake  holiday  treats  (83 
percent  vs.  80  percent).;  and  hang  the 
mistletoe  (50  percent  vs.  42  percent). 

'This  is  the  Rrst  generation  of  kids 
where  both  parents  worked."  explains 
Ken  Wilson,  author  of  Kids  on  Board, 
"They're  grabbing  all  the  warm  fuzzies 
they  can  in  this  high-tech  wacky 

Other  findings: 

—  61 .5  million  of  us  will  take  an 
overnight  trip  between  Dec.  22  and 
Dec.  25 
—  49,2  million  by  car,  9.2  million  by 



—  Average  spent  on  gifts:  $340. 

Least-celebrated  tradition:  Roasting 
chesmuts,  only  nine  percent. 

"And  if  it  weren't  for  Nat  King  Cole, 
there'd  be  even  fewer  people  doing 
it,"  says  Liz  Clark  of  Alamo. 

The  case  of  the  missing  silverware 

By  Izear  Feagins 

Evans  said.  "If  the  cafete- 

ria can  keep  these  plates,  forks. 

Someone  is  stealing  from 

knives,  and  spoons,  it  helps  the 

students' pockets,"  He  continued 

saying.  "It's  the  principle.  It's  what 

we  believe."  As  Christians,  we 

utensils  to  their  rooms  and  keep 

should  not  take  what  does  not 

belong  to  us. 

Before  November  10, 

Dr.  Sahly  pleaded  for  the 

1989.  Mr,  Earl  Evans.  Food 

students  to  return  the  missing  silver- 

Director for  S.C,  purchased  51 

ware  and  dishes  to  the  cafeteria.  If 

dozen  spoons.  51  dozen  forks,  24 

a  student  has  silverware  and  dishes 

dozen  knives,  and  16  dozen  plates 

thai  belong  to  the  cafeteria  in  his  or 

10  replace  the  ones  lost  stolen  or 

thrown  away.  Mr.  Evans  also  had 

For  if  Ihe  utensils  keep  disappear- 

eight racks  of  desen  dishes.  Today, 

ing,  the  cost  of  replacing  them  will 

nearly  half  of  those  desen  dishes 

be  reflected  in  higher  cafeteria 

have  disappeared. 


David  Denton's: 

Bits  and  Pieces 

ir  green  oliv 

There  a 

By  David  Denton 

very  stupid  people 

read  ihe  following  phor 

I  had  one  evening  while  working 

Pizza  Home  Delivery.  Every  woi 

It  up. 

■■  (What  I  wanted  lo 
5;  "No.  sir.  I'm 

know  the  sign  says 

Pizza  Home  Delivery,  but  that's 
because  Pizza  Home  Come-Pick-It-Up 
wouldn't  ni  on  the  sign.  YES,  YOU 
"Okay,  I  want  a  pizza"  (ten  second 

"What  kind  of  pizza  would  you 

"What  kind?" 

"I  mean,  what  do  you  want  on  it?" 

■Oh.  Hold  on.  Hey.  Mabel,  what 

kinda  pizza  you  want?  What  kind  you 

It  is  not  so  much  the  being  exempt  from 
faults  as  the  having  overcome  them  that  is 
an  advantage  to  us. 

-Alexander  Pope 


John  Caskey 

Assodlate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela  Draper 

Sheila  Draper 

Gene  Krishingner 

Photo  Editor 

Sean  Terretta 

Sports  Editor 

Jim  King 

Layout  Editor 

Daniel  Potter 


Virgil  Couel 


Stan  Hobbs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

"Hey,  Mabel,  ihey 
got-uh-siujsage.  .pepperonLum-XJiikiti..  what 
else  did  you  say  you  had?"  Here  I 
repealed  the  list  10  him,  and  he 
repealed  it  to  his  wife  (1  guess  it  was 
his  wife),  at  which  point  he  said  to  me: 

"We'll  just  take  plain  cheese." 

"Okay,  would  you  like  while  or 
whole  wheal  dough?" 

■•Hold  on.  Hey.  Mabel,  you  want 
white  or  whole  wheat  dough?"  Pause, 
then  to  me.  "What's  the  difference?" 

"Well,  one's  while  dough,  and  one's 

"Oh.  We'lllake  white.  I  guess." 
"Fine.  Would  you  like  anything  10 

drink  with  that?" 
"Uh,  yeah."  Another  ten  second 

pause.  This  time  I  nearly  screamed 

inlo  the  phone: 

"Uh,  what  you  got?" 
"We  have  COKE!  We  have 

SPRJTEI  We  have  DR.  PEPPER  and 

we  have  DIET  COKE!" 

"Hold  on.  Hey.  Mabel,  you  wani  a 
Coke  with  that?  Yeah,  give  us  two 

"Good,  now  can  I  have  your 

"Yeah.  141 14  S.  Seminole  Dr..  ApL 

"Let's  see,  thais  141 14  S.  Seminole, 
ApL  3-b?" 

"Hold  on.  Hey,  Mabel,  are  we 
I4ll4or41441?  Yeah,  that's  right, 
we're  141 14.  fifth  house  on  the  righl 
after  you  pass  the  third  streei  on  the 

.  We  a 


door,  but  they  do  three  houses  down. 
'Course  I  cain't  'member  what  Iheir 
name  is...Hey,  Mabel,  what's  Ihe  name 
of  them  folk  live  down — " 

"Never  mind,  we'll  have  your  pizza 
there  in  about  fifteen  minutes." 

"Oh.  no,  that's  okay.  We're  gonna 
pick  it  up." 

I  don't  know  if  he  ever  picked  his 
pizza  up  or  not';  I  haven't  been  back  10 

Letter  to  the  Editor 

Recently  a  friend  received  a  notice 
staling  chat  she  had  skipped  dorm 
worship  ten  times  and  would  conse- 
quently be  fined  $25.  Her  I.D.  card 
would  also  be  deactivated.  As  it 
turned  out  Ihey  were  able  to  make 

worships  skipped,  and  she  did  not  have 
to  pay  the  fine.  Her  I.D.  card  was  not 

This  event  however,  caused  me  to 
refiect  seriously  upon  the  school's 
religious  regulations  and  consequently 
come  to  the  following  conclusions. 

As  it  stands  presently.  Southern 
College  requires  dorm  students  to 
attend  four  worships  a  week,  three 
dorm  and  vespers.  Sabbath  School  and 
Church  are  also  required. 

Apparently,  if  ten  or  more  skips 
from  dorm  worship  are  taken  the 

being  fined  $25  and  being  denied  the 
use  of  his/her  I.D.  card.  In  essence, 
students  are  punished  for  not  attending 
religious  activities. 

Those  who  enforce  such  regulations 
will  suggest  thai  if  a  student  does  not 
want  to  attend  religious  activities  then 
Ihey  should  choose  an  alternative 
educational  institution. 

Let's  look  at  it  this  way.  The 
difference  between  a  Christian  school 
and  a  public  school  is  ihai  a  Christian 
school  provides  religious  activities,  a 
public  school  does  noL  Because  a 
student  chooses  to  attend  a  Christian 
school  over  a  public  school  should  that 
mean  that  he  must  be  forced  to  attend 
the  religious  activities?  A  Christian 
school  should  provide  the  opponuni- 

should  noi  require  the  attendance  of 
iiuch  activities..  By  requiring  students 
ship  and  church  we  do 


.  Inai 

ilily,  1 

school  provides?  Should  we  not  leave 
the  choice  up  to  the  student  just  as 
Christ  leaves  the  choice  up  to  us  to 
follow  him? 

L«t  us  not  assume  that  if  worships 
were  no  longer  required  that  students 
would  no  longer  come.  I  strongly  be- 
lieve that  if  worships  and  church  were 
optional,  many  students  would  still 
attend.  They  would  attend  out  of  their 
own  spiritual  aliveness  and  desire  10 
enter  God's  presence.  Other  SDA 
campuses  have  discontinued  the  re- 
quirement to  attend  daily  worships  and 
have  found  a  decline  in  worship  and 
church  attendance.  Yet  at  the  same 
time,  this  does  not  prove  that  the 

themselves  conducting  their  own 
spiritual  worships. 

Most  students  I  am  acquainted  with 
conduct  their  own  worships.  During 
Ihe  lime  that  Ihey  are  sitting  in  dorm 
worship,  completely  tuned  out.  they 
could  be  enjoying  Iheir  own  worship 
done  because  of  their  natural  desire  10 

College  age  young  people  should 
not  be  required  10  attend  structured 
worship  services.  The  mere  fact  that 
Ihey  have  chosen  to  enroll  at  a 
Christian  college  should  be  a  refiection 
of  their  spiritual  aliveness.  Thus,  they 
choose  an  institution  where  religious 
activities  are  provided.  In  the  event 
that  Ihey  choose  not  to  attend  should 
not  be  an  assumption  thai  Ihey  are 
spiritually  weak  and  need  prompting 
towards  a  deeper  spiritual  level. 
Perhaps  we  should  rely  on  each 

the  Lord  with  an  eager  heart  instead 
one  full  of  hostility  and  eagerness  to 
I  the  week's  requirement  of  "spin- 

Girls  dorm  opens  it's  doors  to  guys 

B  y  Suzanne  Leitrick 

Afier  a  day  of  lasl  minu 
door  decorating,  the  halls 
fell  silenl.  Women  quickly 
scooped  wrapping  pap^r. 
d  garland  remaini; 

,r  pre-v 

carpels  before  the  nrsi  di 
voice  vibrated  down  the 

Before  guests  arrived, 
rious  women  previewed 
Santas,  Christmas  trees, 

fully  applied  lo  their  neigh- 

Then,  the  n 

men  poured  in  from  evei 
entrance.  Thatcher  had 
opened  its  doors  to  Talge. 

From  6:30-8:00  p.m.. 
men  were  allowed  to  go 
past  the  "No  Men  Allowed"    ; 
signs,  lo  a  world  which  they    ', 
hardly,  if  ever,  enter. 

Christmas  was  the  theme 
of  this  December  3 
women's  club  open  house. 
Robert  Ganen.  one  of  the  door  judges, 
said,  "probably  about  75%  of  the  doors 
had  been  decorated.  I  enjoyed  it  be- 
cause I  think  this  year  more  people 
took  part  in  decorating  than  in  past 
years,"  he  said. 

"Hey,  cool  room",  "Look  who's 
under  the  mistletoe",  and  "Ooh,  look  at 

were  served  as  refreshments. 

Women's  club  officers  picked  three 
couples  to  judge  the  doors:  Mr. 
Ganen-the  art  chairman,  and  his  wife; 



sounded  that  night.  . 

his  wife;  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Krause,  his 

"Doors  were  judged  on  the  amount 
of  work  put  into  ihem  and  the  original- 
and  cookies      ity  of  the  ideas,"  Gairen  said. 

Prizes  weni  to  the  best  3  doors  or 
each  floor,  the  hall  with  the  most 
Christmas  spirit  ( 1  st  East),  and  one 
room  for  grand  prize. 

When  Patricia  Snider  and  Anita 

results  would  be  announced,  they  >*. 
handed  an  envelope.  They  had  wot 
the  grand  prize  of  S40. 

Chattanooga  Times 
editor  visits  Southern 

By  Randal  Gilliam 

Paul  Neely,  the  Managing  Editor  of 

Southern  College  Wednesday,  Decem- 
ber 6.  as  Ediior-In-Residencc.  Neely 
is  a  volunteer  in  a  program  sponsored 
by  the  American  Society  of  Newspaper 
Editors.  The  program's  purpose  is  to 
bring  newspaper  professionals  into  the 
classroom.  "I  think  its  a  good  sign  Ihal 
Southern's  Department  of  Journalism 
is  interested  and  involved  with  the 
professional  world,"  said  Neely. 
"Some  journalism  departments  recede 
into  themselves.  I  think  its  good  that 
they  are  trying  to  maintain  a  program 
that  is  grounded  in  reality." 

Neely  spent  the  morning  in  Brock 
Hall  speaking  to  three  journalism 
classes  in  a  row.  He  discussed  putting 
oui  a  paper,  becoming  a  managing 
editor,  and  the  editorial  position  of  the 
Times.  During  a  luncheon  meeting 
hosted  by  the  Journalism  Club.  Neely 
offered  a  critique  of  the  Southern 
Accenl-  "What  I  like  best  about  the 
Accent  is  the  Viewpoints  section. 
Ordinarily,  I  hale  the  man-on -the -street 
stuff,"  said  Neely.  "However,  it  .seems 
a  different  paper  with  each 

focus  of  the  paper  and  keep  a  consis- 
tent layout." 

During  the  afternoon  Neely  lectured 
on  the  role  of  the  press  in  shaping 
public  opinion  and  conducted  individ- 
ual meetings  with  students. 

Neely  has  been  involved  in  similar 
cditor-in-residence  programs  with  the 
University  of  Tennessee  at  both  the 
Chattanooga  and  Knoxville  campuses. 
He  has  not,  however,  conducted  an  all 
day  program  before.  "This  is  my 
yearly  quota  in  one  day."  said  Neely. 

Neely  did  his  undergraduate  work  at 
Williams  College  in  Massachusetts. 
He  received  a  joint  Masters  Degree  in 
Journalism  and  Business  Administra- 
tion from  Columbia  University  in  New 
York.  Neely  has  worked  in  California 
at  the  Riverside  Pr^jis-Enterprise  as  a 
reporter,  in  Kentucky  at  the  Louisville 
Courier-Journal  as  an  assistant 
managing  editor,  and  in  Florida  ai  the 
St.  Peiersbure  T 

a  features 
viih  the 

Chattanooga  Times  for  si 
When  asked  for  his  fir! 
of  the  journalism  majors  of  Southern 
College  Neely  said  that  "l 

and  that's  important  for  d 

e  students 


iky,  which  was  stretched  out  past  the 
Tlie  idea  for  the  door  came  to  Snider 

in  class.  "I  was  bored  in  one  of  my 
classes  so  I  was  sketching,  1  drew  this 
winter  scene  and  thought  it  might  looli 

Like  many  of  the  women.  Scott  and 
Snider  stayed  up  late  lo  work  on  their 
scene.  "We  started  at  1 1:30  p.m. 
(Thurs.  night)  and  worked  round  the 
clock  until  Friday  afternoon.  Sunday 
was  finished."  Snider  said. 

"I  didn't  really  care  about  winning, 
just  wanted  people  lo  look,"  she  said. 
"So  much  work  to  have  it  fall  down 

Garren  said  that  the  door  won  the 

Photo  E 

By  Suzannne  Lettrick 


in  the  photojournalism  class,  and  it  s 

The  black  and  white  photographs 

a  rewarding  feeling  to  have  our 

'  hang  proudly  on  the  while  walls  of 

photos  exhibited."  He  also  said  thai 

the  gallery  in  Brock  Hall.  Four  pho- 

he hopes  the  exhibit  will  gel  people 

tographers'  creations  were  unveiled 

interested  m  taking  the  photojourna- 

to the  public  on  December  7. 

lism  course. 

The  exhibit  centers  on  work  done 

The  course  teaches  people  lo 

by  the  remaining  students  of  last 

creatively  produce  pictures  essays. 

year's  phoiojoumalism  class,  said 

"and  gives  the  student  a  'news 

Allan  Martin,  coordinator  of  the 

the  course  students  are  able  lo  shooi. 

Martin.  Ervin  Brown.  Sean 

process,  and  pnnt  within  an  hour. 

Terretta,  and  Kenny  ZiU  are  the 

They  will  also  know  how  to  take 

exhibiting  photographers. 

human  interest  pictures,  which 

The  exhibit  features  photos  they 

attract  people's  alteniion. 

took  in  the  phoiojoumalism  class 

Brown  is  a  photographer  for 

lasi  year  and  pictures  from  their 

Strawberry  Festival.  Martin  has  a 

personal  portfolios. 

photography  inieniship  with  the  East 

The  photos  cover  a  wide  range  of 

Hamilton  County  Journal,  Terelia 

is  the  pholo  editor  for  the  Southern 

love;  to  police,  profiles,  and  sports. 

Martin  said  the  exhibit  is  "a  good 

Festival  editor. 

A  Russian  scientist  and 
his  visit  to  Southern 

By  Monte  MUzelfetl 

n  clecirical  engineer  and 

Leningrad.  Dr.  Arseny  Berezin  lived 
a  fairly  normal  childhood — playing 
the  violin  and  going  10  school.  He 
did.  however,  spend  a  year  in  a 
remote  Soviet  village  not  knowing 
whether  his  parents  were  alive  or 
dead  during  World  War  n  After  this 
year  of  uncertainty,  he  spent  another 
two  years  in  ihe  orphanage  before  he 
returned  home  and  continued 
playing  his  violin  all  throughout 
prep  school.  Before  he  finally 

preparatory  school  for  Air  Force 
cadets.  By  ihc  time  he  was  twenty- 
three,  he  discovered  his  first  love, 
physics,  and  joined  and  A.F,  loffe 
PhysTcarfcchnical  Institute^  . 
Academy  of  Sciences  in  Leningrad. 
Methodically,  he  rose  from  the  ranks 
of  ordinary  technicians  to  become 
the  Deputy  Head  of  Physics,  a 
position  he  held  until  he  left  the 
Institute  in  1987.  During  this  period 
he  met  Dr.  Ray  Heffcrlin,  whom  he 
and  his  wife,  Helena,  also  a  doctor 
of  physics,  hosted  during  Hcfferlin's 
two  visits  to  Ihe  Soviet  Union  in 
1979  and  1982-  Dr.  Berezin 
compared  Hefferlin's  work  favora- 
bly with  Dmitri  Mendeleev,  the 
creator  of  the  periodic  table.  They 

friends,  the  single  largest  contribut- 
ing factor  to  hi,s  visit  to  CoLegedale, 
although  he  was,  in  his  own  words, 
"very  glad  to  accept  the  invitation 
and  share  my  knowledge  in  Ihe 
seminars"  as  well.  In  1987.  he  was 
hired  by  the  Science  Technology 
Corporation  of  the  Soviet  Academy 
of  Sciences  in  Leningrad  to  be  the 
head  of  its  physics  department.  The 
Science  Technology  Corporation 
manufactures  scientific  insinimenta- 
tion.  maintains  four  factories  in  four 
different  Soviet  cities,  and  operates 
one  research  and  development 
facility  in  its  headquarter  city  of 
Leningrad.  Dr.  Berezin  currently 
has  three  children — one  a  theatrical 
scenery  painter,  one  graduating  in 
January  with  a  degree  in  biophysics, 
and  a  five  year-old  son  who  speaks  a 
liltle  English  even  though  he  can't 

sources  of  energy.  His  current  trip 
to  Ihe  United  States,  which  is  his 
second,  is  as  a  Soviet  delegate  lo 
the  Center  for  Iniemational  Security 
and  Arms  Control  at  Stanford 
University.  Better  known  as 
CISAC.  the  Center  involves  nine 
nations — Great  Britain,  Ireland, 
China,  South  Korea,  the  United 
States.  Israel,  West  Germany,  Italy 
and  the  Soviet  Union — and  seeks  lo 
shift  the  emphasis  of  research  and 
development  from  a  military 
orientation  to  a  civilian  one.  They 
feel  that  existing  satellites  could  be 

situation  on  Earth  and  provide  the 
necessary  information  to  help 
reverse  the  growing  trends  of  ozone 
depletion,  deforestation,  soil  ero- 
sion, and  firesh  water  shortage. 

Insightfully,  Dr.  Berezin  said, 
"None  of  these  problems  could  bie 
solved  by  one  nation.  They  require 
close  cooperation  and,  I  would  add, 
a  spirit  of  brotherly  love  as  ex- 
pressed by  the  commandments,." 
And  indeed,  he  is  not  only  worried 
about  the  future  of  mankind  in  the 

e  full  SI 

c  of  ethics 

relates  t< 

When  asked  if  there  is  room  for 
God  in  physics.  Dr.  Berezin  replied, 
"Plenty.  The  more  we  know  the 
more  room  there  is  for  God,"  which 
was  apparently  his  main  point  in  his 
lecture  to  the  faculty.  He  also 
mentioned  that  "the  way  of  atheism 
goes  to  nothing." 

This  marriage  of  science,  nature, 
and  ethics  seemed  to  be  his  primary 


"How  c 

e  the  develop- 

and  keep  harmony 
between  man  and  nature?"  Since 
1970  when  he  joined  the  European 
Physical  Society.  Dr.  Berezin  has 
made  this  question  Ihc  focus  of  his 
scientific  endeavors.  He  has  also 
made  significant  c 

physics.  During  the  past  nineteen 
mittees  facing  such  challenging 

he  did  say  a  few  words  about  the 
political  situation  in  the  U.S.S.R. 
The  overall  tide  of  political  cnlight- 

straight-forward  thing  but  has 
fluctuated  greatly  over  lime.  The 
current  favorable  situation,  how- 

his  way  of  thought,  politicians  are 
mere  reflectors  of  the  will  of  the 
people,  people  who  are  becoming 

live  in  harmony  with  one  another. 
As  for  the  forthcoming  McDonald's 
in  Moscow,  he  felt  that  it  will  be 
"very  much  accepted  and  have  the 
longest  queues  [lines]  in  the  world." 
This  he  said  was  not  so  much  thai 
food  is  in  short  supply,  but  rather 
dial  feeling  of  "come  lo  Americans, 
be  closer"  that  pervades  Ihe  Soviet 
people.  In  fact,  he  said  that  the 
Soviets  tend  to  idealize  American 
culture  and  liteiaiure  despite  any 
flaws  our  way  of  life  might  possess. 
In  some  of  his  final  words,  words 
which  I  will  never  forget,  he  said, 
;  absolutely 


impossible,  li  would 
prevailing  attitude.  The  feeling 
would  bejust  the  opposite.  'Yan- 
kee, come  here.  Come 
are  very  welcome,'" 


Christmas  Band  concert 

By  Julie  Jacobs 

The  song  "Here  Comes  Santa 
Claus"  performed  by  the  Southern 
College  Concert  Band  convinced 
Santa  and  his  helpers  to  parade 
through  the  P.E.  Center  last  Satur- 
day night. 

Not  to  be  outdone  by  ihe  band, 
Santa  and  his  helpers  convinced  the 
audience  of  dieir  musical  abilities  as 
they  sang  "Feliz  Navidad." 

Another  guest  performer  for  the 
evening  was  Joseph  Brooks, 
clarinetist.  Coming  from  Western 
Kentucky  University,  Brooks  led  ihe 
band  in  "Theme  and  Variations,"  by 
)  Rossini.  Mr.  Srooks  also 

soloed  in  "Rhapsody  in  Blue." 
"I  thought  the  program  was 
terrific."  said  Barbara  Keys,  faculty 
at  Southern  and  mother  of  a  band 
member.  "I  thought  it  contained  a 

at  Soulhem  College.  "Mrs.  Silver  i^ 
great,"  said  Shawn  Collins,  bass 
clarinetist,  "She  does  a  good  Job 
getting  our  group  to  play  decent- 
sounding  music." 

Bill  Kittle,  religion  major  said, 
'The  music  was  uplifting  to  the 
Christmas  spirit  and  Pat  Silver 
looked  groovy  in  her  new  glasses 
that  Santa  gave  her." 

Scientific  Cramming? 

Ron  Orlick  Softwi 

Cramming  for 
become  an  obsession  for  success- 
oriented  students  throughout  the  world. 
The  higher  your  grades,  the  greater 
your  rewards,  in  terms  of  academic 
achievement,  recognition,  job  opportu- 
nities, career  advancement  and  total 

Every  year,  thousands  of  inlelligenl, 
fully-capable  students  fall  by  the 
wayside,  because  they  never  learned 
how  10  cram  for  exams.  Many  more 
settle  for  low  grades  who  may  have 
earned  much  higher  grades  for  the 
same  amount  of  effort. 

scientific,  computerized,  result-getting 
method  of  studying  "to  pass  examina- 
tions" has  been  de  eloped.  The  creator 
of  this  long-awaited,  grade-boosting. 
modem  miracle  is  Ron  Orlick.  a 
software  developer,  who  sweated 
blood  over  dozens  of  crucial  examina- 
tions "the  old  fashioned  way"  during 
his  pre-compuier,  undergraduate  and 
posi-graduate  years. 

"There's  got  to  be  a  better  way," 
said  Ron  to  himself,  before,  during, 
and  after  every  examination.  Finally, 
he  found  that  "bencr  way".  He 
developed  a  revolutionary  IBM 
compatible  software  program,  which 
he  calls  CRAMBO,  To  introduce 
CRAMBO  to  colleges  and  universities 
across  the  nation,  the  regular  price  of 
5199,00  has  been  slashed  by  Si  I4,IX}. 

CRAMBO  Users  can  input  high- 
lighted textbook  data,  lecture  notes. 
quizzes,  past  exams,  into  the  computer 
in  several  question/answer  formats. 
This  is  so  easy  that  even  a  two-finger 
typist  can  use  CRAMBO.  Each  entry 
is  tagged  to  the  page,  chapter,  text- 
book, notebook,  where  it  originated. 
Through  self-testing,  students  can  pin- 
point exact  pages  that  need  more  study 
and  by-pass  those  with  which  they  are 
thoroughly  familiar. 

This  exciting,  new  computer 
program  is  aimed  at  helping  all 
CRAMBO  users  to  dramatically 
improve  their  grades.  It  is  expected  to 
sweep  through  every  college  and 
university  at  which  it  is  introduced, 

Ron  Orlick  worked  his  way  through 
college  and  has  a  special  affinity  to 
students  with  limited  financial  re- 
sources. This  led  him  to  develop 
CRAMBO  into  a  "money-maker"  as 
well  as  a  "grade-booster"  for  college 

CRAMBO  on  any  course  he  is  taking, 
he  can  copy  his  input  on  to  a  special 
copy-protected  diskette,  which  he  can 
sell  10  other  students  taking  Ihe  same 

To  order,  write  to  Ron  Orlick.  I68l.'> 

Milltown  Landing  Road.  Brandy  wine, 
Maryland  20613,  or  call  (301 )  479- 

Destiny  plans  special 
Sabbath  School 

Drama  is  a  refleciion  o 
own  lives,  Allan  Martin  insists, 
touches  us  so  intimaiely  becausi 

neglected  and  otherwise. 

Now  in  his  fourth  year  with 
Destiny  Drama  Troupe-two  of  those  as 
director-Martin  has  shaped  a  touring 
company  in  demand  across  the  nation 
for  perfonnances  at  Adventisi  gather- 
ings where  young  adults  are  present. 

He  won't  take  all  the  credit, 
though.  The  company,  in  its  tenth  year, 
has  lapped  the  talented  and  stretched 
them  and  given  ihem  stage  presence, 
poise,  and  a  driving  message. 

"Christian  drama  is  on  a 
plateau  above  secular  drama  in  that  the 
purpose  is  beyond  entertainment," 
Martin  emphasizes. 

"We  liy  to  take  Jesus  Christ 
out  of  the  ethereal  twilight  zone  to 
where  we  can  touch  him,  feel  him  and 
develop  a  relationship  with  Him." 

Martin  calls  drama  the  perfect 
vehicle  for  addressing  relalionships- 
with  God  or  anyone  else.  Relationships 
we've  developed  and  relationships 
we've  neglected. 

'"It  shows  us  ourselves," 
Martin  explains. 

And  that's  where  "Convicted 
to  Commitment,"  this  weekend's 
performance  at  Thatcher  Sabbath 
School,  comes  in.  Martin  has  selected 
from  a  repenory  of  20  sketches  and 
vignettes  he  has  written. 

With  a  major  in  psychology 
and  a  minor  in  public  relations,  Martin 
is  a  master  at  targeting  his  audience, 
anticipating  iheir  anxieties  and 
addressing  them  head-on.  Using  this 

aisle  and  talks  directly  with  the 
audience.  What  are  they  seeing  and 
feeling?  Why?  "I  bring  the  big  picture. 
What  does  all  this  mean?  What  does 
this  sketch  have  to  do  with  ihe  whole 


And  Manin  insists  the 
audience  participate.  "We  feel  the 
audience  has  to  be  involved  with  it." 

The  troupe  strives  for  fluidity 
between  stage  and  audience. 

praying.  Praying  that  some  message  is 
getting  through.  Asking  the  Holy 
Spirit  to  spark  whatever  needs  to  be  li' 
"No  mailer  what  sketch  we'r 
doing,  we've  committed  that  perform- 
ance to  the  Holy  Spirit.  In  one  way  or 
'11  light  up  01 

light  b 

'  of 'I  hud  a  friend  that 
happened  to,'"  Manin  explains. 

Destiny's  upcoming  tour 
dates  include  appearances  at  the 
Jacksonville  Youth  Congress,  Florida; 
Hamilton  Place  Mall.  Chattanooga; 
and  the  Youth  to  Youth  Convention. 
Cohutta  Springs  Adventisi  Center, 
Calhoun,  Georgia. 

Auditions  are  held  at  the 

;s  Thursday  nighLs  from  7:00  ic 

Equality  in 
Adventist  Ministry 

Since  April  1988  a  group  of  profes- 
sional men  and  women  living  in  the 
metropolitan  area  of  Washington, 
D.C.,  have  banded  together  to  speak 
fonhrightly  on  women's  ordination  in 
the  Seventh-day  Adventist  Church. 
They  call  themselves  TEAM— Time 
for  Equality  in  Adventist  Ministry. 

Victory  week 

"Our  lives  were  deeply  touched 
through  personalities,  power,  and 
the  Spirit  of  God  revealed  by  our 

Religion  Major 

In  spite  of  a  busy,  academic 

pace  a  bit  for  the  1989  Student 
Week  of  Prayer.  During  November 
27  -  December  2  students  chal- 
lenged each  other  to  victory — 
victory  in  being  a  Christian  and 
Living  a  Christian  Life.  Each  night 
al  7  p.m.  the  Collegedale  Church 

ning  with  a  call  to  worship  and  the 
theme  song  "Victory  in  Jesus," 

Randy  Burks. 

Craig  Lastine,  a  senior  Biology 
major  and  SA  [^resident,  began  the 
week's  sermons  after  "allowing" 
Ndaia  Gooding  to  create  a  worship 
atmosphere  with  a  vocal  solo. 
Personal  experiences  in  cycling 
races  and  roller-derby  competitions 
with  his  mother  contributed  to 
Lastine's  topic,  "It  Starts  In  Your 
Mind."  Lastine  was  emphasizing  a 
victory  in  the  bailie  of  die  mind,. 
Using  U  Corinthians  10:3-5.  he 
suggested  we  "personalize  and 

e  Scripture  to  make  it  mort 

rity  was  Lastine's  pica  for  students, 
"Don't  be  different  for  diffcreni's 
.sake.  Be  different  for  God's  sake." 

On  Tuesday  evening  Marlyn 
Lamond  gave  special  music.  David 
Wingaie  immediately  followed 
with  his  sermon,  exclaiming  "It's 
lime  to  go  home!"  Wingaic  is  a 
future  medical  missionary  and  a 
nursing  major  at  S,C.  His  sermon 
was  entitled  "We  Shall  Overcome." 
Handouts  of  Spirit  of  Prophecy  and 
Biblical  quotes  were  provided  so 
students  could  follow  Wingaie 
closely.  He  reminded  those  present 
that  everyone  is  a  royal  son  or 
daughter  of  God — heirs  to  salva- 
tion. Using  elementary  education 
major  Shannon  Bom  as  an  illustra- 
tion, Wingaie  proved  that  with  jusi 
"trying"  we  won't  get  very  much 
accomplished.  We  need  the  grace 
of  God. 

Love  was  on  Laura  Pumum's 
mind.  After  a  vocal  solo  by 
graduate  Joey  Pollom  on  Wednes- 
day, Putnum,  a  junior  nursing 
major,  presented  her  sermon  "It's 
Where  Your  Heart  Is."  She  talked 
about  three  kinds  of  love:  man's 
love  for  man,  man's  love  for  God, 
and  God's  love  for  man.  Students 
were  reminded  by  Putnum  of 
preacher  and  singer  Wintley 
Phipp's  statement  "The  issue  is  the 
Cont.  on  p.6 

ordination  are  preaching  and  speaking 
unrestrained  throughout  the  world 
church,  TEAM  decided  to  do  what  it 
could  to  facilitate  careful  study  of 
biblical  principles  which  bear  on  the 
issue.  TEAM  members  want  to  make 
an  impact  at  the  grass-roots  level  of  the 

1.  The  Bible  supports  the  I 
of  women  through  the  principles  of 
unity,  equality,  and  spiritual  gifts. 

2.  Ellen  White  approved  of  women 
and  men  serving  the  Church  with  equal 
authority,  recognition,  and  pay. 

3.  The  fulfillment  of  the  gospel 
commission  by  the  Adventisi  Church 
requires  the  spiritual  gifls  of  women  in 
the  ordained  ministry. 

4.  By  ordaining  women  the  Church 

members  say. 

TEAM  is  also  actively  promoting 
weekend  seminars  on  equality  in 
ministry  in  churches.  They  themselves 
hosted  such  a  seminar  in  cooperation 
with  Sligo  Church  in  Takoma  Park. 
Maryland,  October.  A  video 
highlighting  some  of  Ihe  presentations 

:ing  that ; 

re  equal  before 

"For  these  reasons  TEAM  calls  the 
Church  to  approve  Ihe  ordination  of 
women  at  its  1990  Genera 
session,"  Brillhari  stated. 

TEAM  is  also  distributing  scores  of 
articles,  scholarly  papers,  cassette  and 
video  tapes  which  support  women  in 
ministry  in  the  Adventist  church. 
Finally,  the  group  is  organizing  a 
network  of  concerned  people  who  can 
work  logeiher  to  reach  church  leaders 
and  influence  policy. 

Will  such  programs  affect  the 

TEAM  members  say  diey  know 
their  effort  will  accomphsh  al  least 
four  things.  It  will  affirm  women  in 
ministry,  unite  scattered  voices  of 
support  into  one  voice  for  equality, 
and  strengthen  the  hands  of  those 
church  leaders  who  favor  ordination 
but  feel  isolated  in  their  efforts.  They 
also  feel  their  effons  will  alert  church 


■The  c 

elaborate  process  to  decide  whether  or 

not  to  ordain  women,"  says  Rebecca         Projects 

Brillhart.  TEAM'S  project  coordinator 

"But  just  when  church  leaders  and  lay 

members  need  to  be  exploring  the 

issue,  the  official  church  press  has 

been  asked  lo  remain  silent." 

Recognizing  that  some  of  the  most 
outspoken  opponents  to  women's 

TEAM  has  set  in  motion  sever 
projects.  An  ad  which  appeared 
back  page  of  the  Columbia  Unioi 
Atlantic  Union  papers  in  May  w; 
crisp  and  forthright.  We  known 
people  throughout  the  Church  sh 

TEAM  board-members  admit  their 
load  is  heavy.  "The  best  plans  canno 
be  implemented  without  volunteers  o 
without  funding,"  Brillhart  said.  "Wt 
need  support  from  individuals  who  ar 
concerned  about  the  future  of  Ad- 

Changes  seen  in  religion  for  the  '90s 


©Copyright  1989.  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Informalion  Network 

s  1980s 

"Its  light  and  Fire  al 
gone,  like  the  dead  m 

spent  and 
oon,  it  still 

OIL"  —  T.S.EIio^o 

n  the  Christiar 

Religion,  which  has  survived  the 
1 9gOs.  will  survive  the  1 990s  and 


Yet,  as  in  every  decade,  some 
constants  and  some  changes  can  be 
expected,  and  here  arc  a  few; 

—  Religious  pluralism  will 

creased  emphasis  on  the 
tional  guarantees  that  give  Bud- 
dhists, Muslims  and  other  religious 
faiths  the  same  rights  and  freedoms 
as  Christians  and  Jews. 

—  Ironically,  the  controversial 
issues  that  arise  in  the  debate  over 
those  constitutional  guarantees 
won't  abate  but  also  will  intensify. 

church  repenoire. 

—  A  greater  global 
the  local  congregation.  If  I 
have  taught  us  anything  it  is  thai  the 
planet  has  become  a  "global  village," 
with  events  in  Chernobyl  or  China 
having  a  real  or  potential  impact  on 
small-town  United  States. 

—  Better  Bible  preaching.  The  topical 
e  prosperous 

1950s  when  post-war  optimism  for  the 
coming  Kingdom  of  God  was  high,  is  in 
a  blue  funk.  Preachers  are  learning  that 
Christians  want 

the  Bible,  and  Jews  want  to  hear  from 
and  about  the  Torah. 

—  Panicipatoiy  worship.  The  hum - 
dnmi  sit-and-lisien  service  of  worship  i; 
bankrupt,  and  more  and  more  congrega- 
tions are  turning  to  services  of  worship 

altar  calls,  and  {among  more  liberal 
groups)  include  liturgical  responses, 
congregational  prayers  and  traditional 

expressions  of  grace. 

TEAM  Cont.fromp.S 
Going  into  action 

What  can  concerned  people 
do?  Brillhart  suggests: 

Circulate  key  papers  and 
materials  to  friends,  pastors, 
conference  and  union  officers. 

Prompt  discussion  of  the  issue 
in  small  groups. 

Make  a  contribution  to  TEAM 
and  other  groups  supporting 

ministry  so  that  even 
;  people  can  be  educated 
during  this  c 

"All  of  u 
our  group  dissolve,"  ad' 
Brillhan.  "The  hours  a 
and  progress  is  hard  to  i 

speak  for  tJ- 
who  have  n 

of  mixing  religious  practice 
with  tax-supponed 

—  The  big-time  television  evan- 
gelists, typified  by  Jim  and  Tammy 
Bakker  and  Jimmy  Swaggart  —  all 
fallen  from  grace  —  aren't  likely  to 
enjoy  the  prominence  that  made 

—  The  local 
gogue,  having  suffered  adecli 
anendance  and  panicipation  - 
pan,  because  of 
experience  some  resurgence 
the  seekers 
vagarious  i 
sawdust  revival  meeting. 

Southern  Baptists,  the  largest  Prot- 

(and  growing),  will  continue  to 
grow.  Why?  They're  intensely 
evangelical,  come  down  hard  on 
whiskey  and  gambling  but  largely 
and  judiciously  remain  silent  on  a 
number  of  other  controversial  social 
or  political  issues. 

The  large-membership  meg- 
achurch,  just  now  coming  into 
vogue,  will  become  the  local  church 
of  the  1 990s.  as  the  faithful  flee  the 
world  and  build  a  cradle-io-the  grave 
refuge  for  themselves  and  their 
children,  a  church  that  provides  the 
complete  regimen  of  human  needs 
—  education  from  kindergarten 
■'trough  high  school,  family  reciea- 
m  and  retirement  housing. 
Within  the  local  church  or  syna- 
igue  itself,  several  problems  or 
mds  of  the  laic  1980s  give  an 
iicator  of  what  might  come  in  the 

—  Much  more  recorded  music, 
hy?  The  accomplished  pianist  and- 
organist  is  a  diminishing  breed; 
large  pipe  organ  is  a  particularly 

I,  and  secular  music  and  in- 

laiion  makecontinuing 

in  the  traditional  Bach-laden 

Victory  Cant,  from  p  J 

'  Challenging  all  to 
victory,  Putnum  closed  by  saying  "You 
can  fill  your  life  with  victory  by 
allowing  your  heart  to  overflow  with 

Thursday's  1 1  a.m.  chape!  lime  was 
filled  by  Destiny  Drama  Company. 
Five  sketches  were  performed  involving 
each  member  in  the  program,  an 
important  goal  of  Destiny.  Member 
Maria  Rodriguez  sang  "Upon  This 

Rock"  I 

are  the  first  skit  a 



sketch,  "The  Beatitudes."  showed  a 
T.V.  newsman  searching  the  streets  of 
Coltegedale  for  love  and  Christianity 
and  having  a  difficult  lime  with  it. 
Director  Allan  Manin  spoke  between 
skits,  lying  them  together  and  provok- 
ing students  to  really  think  about  their 
own  relationships  with  Christ.  Atone 
;,  Martin  asked  students  if  striving 
good  GPA  was  "chaining  them 
down  10  this  earth,"  pushing  oul  time 
hGod.  Destiny  stressed  that  one 
St  know  God  to  have  a  relationship 

Nursing  major  Cecelia  Henry 
--vided  special  music  for  Thursday 
evening's  meeting.  Then  it  was  Kyle 
Robinson's  turn,  and  he  came,  as  his 
sermon  was  entitled.  "Shouting  the 
Shout  of  Victory."  Robinson  is  a 

Religion  major  and  director  of  the  Colle- 
giate Missions  Club  at  S.C.  Hischal-     - 
lenge  to  peers  was  to  accept  Christ's 
victory  as  our  own,  with  thr^  easy 
steps.  Accept  Christ's  healing.  Let 
Christ  calm  the  storm  in  your  life,  and 
let  Christ  fill  your  life.  Robinson 
explained  that  by  taking  these  steps, 


Friday  night  was  a  dream  come  true 
for  speaker  Bob  Cundiff.  As  a  senior 
Religion  major.  Cundiff  came  to  S.C  as 
a  freshman  with  a  dream  lo  speak 
someday  for  a  vespers  service  in 
Coltegedale  Church.  In  the 


;came  more  specific, 
"To  have  Jennifer  Eaton  sing  'There  is  a 
Saviour'— and  to  embarrass  the  people  I 
love,"  His  dream  came  true.  Jennifer 
sang,  and  his  girlfriend  and  best-friend 
were  on  the  front  row.  "Your  Relation- 
ship with  Jesus"  was  Cundiff  s  topic. 
and  he  shared  two  things  needed  to  have 
one.  The  first  was  "Recognize  the 
Lordship  of  Christ,"  and  the  seeond, 
"Set  Christ  Up  as  Your  Saviour." 
Cundiff  explained  that  no  one  can  save 
himself,  no  matter  how  good  he  is.  But 
Cundiff  warned,  a  balance  between  the 
two  is  important,  "Unless  Jesus  is  your 
Saviour,  you'll  ne\ 

of  a  relationship  is  a 

;ness  that  He's  right 
there  beside  you....Ii's  time  to  say 
good-bye  to  your  religion  and  say 
hello  to  Christianity."  Cundiff  told 

Ed  Saniana.  director  of  CA.R.E.. 
spoke  for  the  Collegedale  Church 
Sabbath  morning,  first  and  second 
services.  He  focused  on  being 
positive  about  Christianity  and  the 
fact  that  peoples'  problems  do  not 
cease  when  they  become  Christians; 
however,  their  attitudes  should 
change.  A  positive  altitude  comes 
from  believing  that  God  will  work 
things  out.  "We  have  to  be  positive 
about  ourselves,  the  situation  around 
us,  and  about  others,"  Saniana  said. 
"Can  people  accept  another  who 
comes  to  their  church  wearing  torn 
jeans,  a  leather  jacket,  and  an  eamng 
Being  positive  may  not  be  man's 
nature,  but  by  believing  God's 
promises,  it  does  not  have  to  be  done 
alone.  There  is  no  victory  without 
victory  in  Jesus." 

rtHim  be  your  Lord.  His 

Great  Southern 


©Copyright  1989,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Nel- 

The  following  aiticle  about 
strange  things  falling  from  the  sky 
appeared  in  the  Sepi.  8  Arkansas 
Gazette.  Apparently,  this  kind  of 
incident  has  been  happening  all 
over  the  country  for  years: 

"Fort  Worth.  Texas  —  Hundreds 

"Jeff  Derosa  of  the  Humane 
Society  of  North  Texas  found  100 
more  bats  on  a  sidewalk  Wednes- 
day and  said  at  least  1,000  were 
hanging  from  the  eaves  of  a 

What  caused  bats  to  descend  on 
Fon  Worth?  How  did  the  public 
react?  Had  such  a  thing  happened 

These  are  the  kinds  of  questions 
an  author  such  as  E,  Randall  Floyd 
would  ask,  and  he  has,  by  writing  a 
compelling  collection  of  stories 
recomiung  mysteries  in  the  Deep 
South.  Floyd's  "Great  Southern 
Mysteries,"  (August  House, 
$16.95;  180  pp.)  should  be  a  big 

In  the  chapter  titled  "Gifts  from 
the  Sky,"  Floyd  leads  widi  the  first 
documented  "skyfaJl"  in  the  United 
Slates:  It  was  March  3,  1876,  in 
Bath  County,  Ky.,  when  pleasant- 
tasting  meat  plummeted  down  onto 
the  ...  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Allen 
Crouch.  The  next  year  in  Memphis, 

entertaining  fashion. 

Thirty  baffbng  stories  are  in- 
cluded. Royd  discusses  the  myth  of 
Atlantis;    To  add  to  the  lingering 
mystery  of  Atlantis,  Edgar  Cayce, 
the  famous  "sleeping  prophet"  of 
Virginia  Beach.  Va..  in  1945 
predicted  that  "in  1968  or  1969"  a 
portion  of  Atlantis  would  rise  from 
the  sea  off  the  Coast  of  Florida. 

In  1968.  an  underwater  structure 
was  discovered  off  the  Rorida 
Coast  —  a  structure  exhibiting 
eroded  marble,  stone  columns,  a 
mysterious  roadway. 

Really,  it  was! 

Then  there's  the  Surrency  ghost 
thai  haunted  the  hotel-home  of  the 
Allen  Sunency  family  in  southern 
Georgia  in  the  late  1870s,  a  tale  that 
will  bring  to  mind  scary  films  based 

"  fell o 

In  1886  in  Charleston.  S.C. 
stones  fell  from  the  sky. 

What  caused  diese  occurrences? 
What  did  newspapers  say?  What's 
happened  in  recent  history? 

Floyd  raises  these  questions  while 
informing  the  reader,  and  he  does  it 
concisely.  Obviously,  he  is  putting 
his  journalistic  talents  lo  work. 

A  teacher  of  journalism  at 
Augusta  College  and  the  University 
of  South  Carolina  at  Aiken,  Floyd 

for  United  Press  International.  His 

style  reflects  that  of  a  professional 
trained  to  pick  through  the  material 


Stephen  King. 

Or  the  chapter  titled  "Thou  Shalt 
Take  Up  the  Serpent,"  a  discourse 
on  the  history  of  snake-handling, 
and  "The  Devil's  Brother  Black- 
beard,  Scourge  of  the  Spanish 
Main."  in  which  we  learn  of 
Blackbeard's  "strange  relationship" 
with  the  governor  of  North  Caro- 

And  was  the  quiet  North  Carolina 
schoolteacher  Peter  Stuart  Ney,  who 
died  in  1846  and  is  buried  in  Rowan 
County,  really  a  soldier  under 
Napoleon  during  the  French  Revo- 
lution? He  said  he  was  often 
enough,  but  was  it  ever  proven? 

A  benefit  of  Royd's  book  is  that 
he  is  not  concerned  about  proving  or 
disproving  anything.  His  aim  is  to 
entertain  and  educate. 

Royd  has  taken  material  that 
could  have  been  boring  and  made  it 
into  an  entrancing  collection  of  tales 
and  mysteries  focusing  on  the  South 
—  tales  and  mysteries  that  are  an 
integral  part  of  the  heritage  of  all 

author,  who  spent  much  time  as  i 
youngster  listening  to  his  uncle, 
writer  Heruy  Curtiss  Tillman, 
knows  how  to  tell  a  good  story. 

Popular  gifts  for  a 
collegiate  Christmas 


©Copyright  1989,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

If  you're  tired  of  getting  underwe; 
or  a  book  for  Christmas,  you  might 
want  lo  suggest  one  of  the  new  gift 
items  invading  stores  this  sea 
become  the  Irendiest  college 
on  the  block. 

The  top  gift  item  to  buy  ihi 

bright,  the  better. 

Color  is  what  attracts  customers, 
says  Patrizia  Spinelli,  spokesperson  for 
Bene  I  ton  headquarters  in  New  York. 

The  new  style  is  the  ethnic  look  with 

come  in  colors  including}  fuchsia, 
orange  and  a  mixture  of  gold  colors," 
says  Spinelli. 

ibie  cardigan  with  zip  front,  which 
tums  into  two  different  sweaters 
(when)  turned  inside  out  and  Uie 
Mohare  sweater,  which  comes  in 
colors  (including)  orange,  red  and 
gold,"  Spinelli  i 

Sweaters  a 

e  only  fashionable       Cont.  an  p.8 

a  big  entrance  m  stores  near  you.  And 
Neon  and  Chambray  are  the  stars. 

Neon  jackets  contain  blocks  of  neon 
colors  (any  color  available)  on  ihem, 
white  each  Chambray  jacket  is 
encircled  with  a  strip  of  neon  colored 
nylon,  says  Susan  Sienko.  assistant 
buyer  trainee  for  Gantos  headquarters 
in  Michigan,  The  jackets  started  being 
sold  in  stores  only  a  few  months  ago, 
and  quickly  attracted  customers,  says 
Fred  Meyers,  vice  president  and  half 
owner  of  the  East  West  company  in 
New  York. 

At  the  rate  the  jackets  are  selling 
now  "they'll  be  sold  out  by  Christ- 
mas," says  Meyers,  "They're  phenomi- 

Roxanne  and  Ronda,  both  by  C 
The  Roxanne.  which  comes  i 
d  pink,  "is  a  contemporary  d 

New  books  at 
McKee  library 

By  A.  Lee  Bennett  Jr. 

students  know  that  they  are  available. 
Next  semester,  the  Southern  Accent 
will  contain  a  list  of  the  library's 
suggested  books,  along  with  a  short 
summary.  In  the  article  one  can  also 
find  the  books'  call  numbers. 

Library  director.  Peg  Bennett,  who 
is  supplying  the  information,  men- 
tioned two  books  for  the  last  weeks  of 

venture  narrating  the  experience  of 
five  Costa  Rican  fishermen  suddenly 
overt^en  by  a  violent  storm  in  1988, 

what  appears  to  be  overpowering 
odds."  Bennett  also  said  that  this  hook 
is  "an  exciting  story  to  readl" 

The  library's  second  new  book  is  U 
was  On  FirE  When  1  Lav  Down  On  U. 


y  fieed  ^o  Know  I 

Learned  in  Kindereanen. 

"Fulghum  majors  on  the  'simple 
truths',  guaranteed  to  bring  a  smile." 
said  Bennett  "Once  as  a  Unitarian 
minister,  he  officiated  at  the  marriage 
of  a  Jewish  bride  and  an  Irish  Catholic 

o  join  two  people  trying 
to  cross  a  mine  field  without  getting 
blown  apart,'" 

Bennett  said  that  the  book  is  "filled 
with  chuckles"  and  that  it  will  "remind 
you  of  life's  taken-for  granted  truths." 

srs^&^  j,  oemi^ey,  ro 

Christmas  Spirit:  Open  house  &  Jinglebell  Jog 

coniemporary  version  of  a 
irimline  phone  hung  on  ihe  wall 
or  (placed)  on  Uie  desk,"  says 
Sieffan  Olto,  senior  buyer  for  ihc 
Spencer  gift  company. 

They  are  each  encircled  wiih 
"a  neon  tube  (that)  blinks  on  and 
off  when  ihe  phone  rings,"  says 

If  you're  Ihe  type  to  lose  scraps 
of  paper  ihat  happen  to  have 
immensely  imporiant  phone 
numbers,  you  mighl  want  to 
consider  Ronda  a  possible 
solution  to  your  memory 

"(Ronda)  has  a  10  number 
memory,"  says  Oiio. 

Roxanne  and  Ronda  retail  for 

They  are  unique  in  the  respect 
thai  they're  clear,  so  the  inside  of 
the  phones  may  be  visible,  says 

s  this  i 

mo  wrestling 
fan,  Abalone  may  be  the  game 
for  you. 

Though  Abalone  greatly  re- 
sembles the  popular  Chinese 
checkers,  it  uses  the  concept  of 
pushing  lo  defeat  the  opponent. 

Unlike  other  board  games  that 
use  concepts  of  surrounding  or 
jumping  the  opponent  lo  win  Ihe 
game,  such  as  in  checkers  or 
chess,  this  game  "is  the  only 
game  in  history  to  use  the 
pushing  concept  like  in  sumo 
wrestling."  says  Matt  Meriani, 
national  sales  manager  for 

The  object  of  the  game  is  lo 
line  up  your  marble  balls 
horizonially  or  vedically  until 

e  of  your  opponent's  marble 

balls  i) 

if  the 

slots  bordering  the  inner  part  ol 
the  game  board.  When  all  of 
your  opponent's  marble  balls 
have  been  pushed  off  the  board 
into  one  of  the  bordering  slots, 
you've  won  Ihe  game. 

Abalone,  which  has  received 
its  share  of  honorable  awards  fi 
strategy,  has  only  been  on  the 
market  in  the  United  States  sin< 
February.  But,  it's  been  quite 
popular  in  Europe  for  a  while. 

"It  originated  in  France  at  a 

p  for  k 

Meriani. "The  typical  game  only 
lasts  fifteen  minutes...  and  it's 
very  challenging. 

It's  the  new  backgammon  for 
college  kids," 

Abalone  retails  between  S28 
and  S32,  and  is  presently  sold 
only  in  high  quality  stores. 

"People  say  they  love  to  play 
the  game."  says  Meriani.  "It's  a 
gift  for  a  person  that  (already) 
has  everything." 

(Lakshmi  Arjoonsingh  writes 

The  1989-90  Bowl  roll 


Dec.  9 
Fresno,  Calif. 


4  p.m. 
Sport  Ch. 


Dec.  16 
Shreveport,  La. 

8  p.m. 

Fresno  State 




Dec.  25 

3:30  p.m. 



Michigan  State 




Dec.  28 
Memphis,  Tenn. 

6  p.m. 
$1  million 

Air  Force 


All  American 

Dec.  28 
Birmingham,  Ala. 

8  p.m. 

Texas  Tech 


Dec.  29 
San  Diego 

9  p.m. 
$1  million 

Brigham  Young 


Penn  State 

John  Hancock 

Dec.  30 

El  Paso,  Texas 

12:30  p.m. 


$1  million 


Texas  A&M 


Dec.  30 
Anaheim,  Calif. 

2  p.m. 







Dec.  30 

2:30  p.m. 






Dec.  30 
Jacksonville,  Fla. 

8  p.m. 
$1  million 



West  Virginia 


Dec.  31 
Tucson,  Ariz. 

8  p.m. 





North  Carolina  State 


Hall  of  Fame 

Jan.  1 
Tampa,  Fla. 

1  p.m. 





Ohio  State 

Florida  Citrus 

Jan.  1 
Orlando,  Fla. 

1:30  p.m. 


$1.2  million 



Jan.  1 

1:30  p.m. 


$2.4  million 




Jan.  1 
Tempe,  Ariz. 

5  p.m. 


$2  million 

Florida  State 




Jan.  1 
Pasadena,  Calif. 

5  p.m. 


$6  million 




Jan.  1 

8  p.m. 


$4  million 



Notre  Dame 


Jan.  1 

New  Orleans 

8:30  p.m. 


$2.75  million 



Miami,  Fla. 

Gannett  News  Servic 

Carnivores  Beware 


©Copyright  1989.  USA  TO- 

DAY/Apple  College  Ii 


record-setting  ajnounl  of  meat  this 
year  and  nutritionist  say  all  the 
excess  protein  is  fattening  our  hips 

A  new  Agriculture  Depanment 
report  says  each  of  us  ate  a  record- 
selling  2 1 8.4  pounds  of  meat  this 
year.  That's  more  than  half  a  pound 
a  day.  And  1990  figures  will  be 

"This  is  really  troubling  news," 
says  Nancy  Wellman.  president  of 
the  American  Dietetic  Association 
in  Chicago.  "When  you  consider 

IS  (repon)  under- 
re  shoveling  in  far 
I  we  physiologically 

s  ought  to  worry 

Hurley,  nutritionist  for  die  Center 
for  Science  in  the  Public  Interest. 
Washington.  D.C. 

National  health  organizations 
recommend  that  only  15  percent  of 

from  protein  sources;  Americans 
typically  consume  double  that. 
"The  obvious  problem  is  dial 
many  protein-rich  foods  are  far  too 

risk  of  hear!  disease."  says  Hurley. 
Diets  high  in  animal  protein  also 
can  promote  osteoporosis,  obesity, 
kidney  problems  and  may  be 

And  an  excess  of  calories  from 
any  source  can  add  unwanted 

If  you  keep  yourself  to  three- 
ounce  servings  of  lean  beef,  pork 
or  skinless  poultry.  Wellman  says. 
"There's  no  reason  you  can't  enjoy 

Mental  Practice  can 
improve  performance 

©Copyright  1989,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Infonmation  Network 

When  Chinese  pianist  Liu  Chi  Kung 
placed  second  to  Van  Clibum  in  a 
1958  intemaiional  competition,  his 
career  as  a  virtuoso  seemed  assured  — 
only  to  be  ihwaned  a  year  later  when 
the  Chinese  government  put  him  in 

But  even  though  he  never  touched  a 
keyboard  in  jail,  he  was  on  tour  within 
months  of  his  release  and  —  according 

Backed  by  evidence  like  Kung's  and 
Bales'  experiences,  researcher  and 
"Peak  Performers"  author  Dr.  Charles 
Garfield  flatly  asserts:  "There  can  be 
no  questioning  thai  mental  rehearsal  of 
future  events  brings  results." 

Another  example  of  how  just 
thinking  about  it  can  alter  an  event's 


This  might  seem  astonishing,  but 
according  to  Ances  Sheikh,  a  psy- 
chologist at  Marquette  University, 
"Research  shows  that  mental  practice 
has  the  same  effect  as  real  practice." 

Dallas  Cowboys  defensive  back  Bill 
Bales  agrees:  "The  night  before  the 
New  York  Giants  game.  I  had  an 
image  where  I  saw  myself  pulling  in 
two  interceptions.  1  saw  it  all  in  my 
mind  —  every  play  and  my  every 
move.  The  next  day,  I  got  iho&e 
interceptions  and  both  were  cniciaJ. 

conducted  at  the  University  of  Chi- 
cago. Researchers,  testing  the  concept 
of  mind  power,  put  together  three 
teams  to  compete  at  the  baskeiball 
free-throw  line.  One  group  was  lold  to 

hoop  for  30  days.  A  second  group 
practiced  shooting  free  throws  every 
day  for  an  hour.  The  third  group  was 
told  to  imagine  sinking  free  throws  for 
an  hour  a  day,  but  not  to  touch  the  ball. 

One  month  later,  ihey  were  tested. 
The  first  group  showed  no  change  in 
accuracy.  The  second  group,  who  had 
played  daily,  improved  24  percent.  The 
third  group  of  non-shooters  who  had 
only  thought  about  putting  the  ball 
through  the  hoop  did  almost  as  well  — 
Ihey  showed  23  percent  improvement 
without  ever  dribbling  a  ball  on  the 

"What's  happening  here."  says 
Thomburg,  "is  thai  in  mental  rehearsal 
you're  engaging  your  subconscious  as 

an  ally  in  pursuit  of  goals.  With 
imaging  reinforcing  the  goal's  impor- 
tance, the  subconscious  will  put  that 
goal  very  high  on  your  priorities, 
making  it  far  more  likely  that  you'll 
unconsciously  begin  adjusting  your 
actions  in  ways  that  will  make  that 
goal  happen  for  you.  The  mind  is  a 
marvelous  tool.  When  freed,  it  will 
find  so  many  ways  for  us  lo  achieve 

This  might  seem  a  liltle  far-reach- 
ing, but  it's  actually  something  thai  we 
all  do.  "Who  hasn't  projected  into  the 
future,  to  see  where  their  career  or 
company  is  heading?"  asks  Garfield. 
"Once  we  establish  that  mental 
rehearsal  is  just  an  amplification,  a 
more  systematic  version  of  what  we 
already  do,  it's  noi  difficult  at  all  for 
people  to  see  the  applications  this 
technique  can  have  in  their  own  lives. 

Before  you  start  putting  this 
powerful  tool  to  work,  ihe  first  siep  is 
10  get  relaxed.  "That's  essential,"  says 
Thomburg.  "It  frees  you  from  the 
clutter  of  your  day,  from  worrying 
about  tasks  that  are  ahead.  Only  when 
you're  relaxed  will  your  mind  open  to 
fresh  ideas  and  techniques." 

Although  relaxation  tapes  are 
available  in  book  and  record  siores. 
that  type  of  assistance  isn't  needed  to 
get  the  requisite  calm.  Los  Angeles 
psychotherapist  Allen  Rabinowitz 
offers  this  proven  technique:  "Sit  in  a 
chair,  relaxed.  Close  your  eyes  and 
listen  10  yourself  breathe.  Pui  your 
attention  on  the  sound  of  air  coming  in 
and  going  out.  Then  empty  your  lungs 
and  slowly  take  a  deep  breadi.  Do  ihat 
again  and,  as  you  exhale,  feet  yourself 
relax.  Do  it  five  more  times;  then 
you're  done.  It  lakes  90  seconds." 

Then,  says  Thomburg.  who  teaches 
mental  rehearsal  in  seminars  and  also 
hosts  the  nationally  syndicated  "Power 
Thoughts"  radio  show,  "Lei  your 
thoughis  wander  through  your  mind. 
Stop  paying  anention  to  them.  Now 
think  about  a  happy  period  of  your  life 
—  it  doesn't  matter  what  or  when  it 
happened.  Really  get  in  touch  with  that 
experience.  Now  slide  into  imagining 
what  it  is  you  want  to  achieve,  from 
giving  a  great  speech  to  turning  around 
a  corporate  downslide  in  profits, 
making  the  experience  as  real  and  as 
detailed  as  you  can.  Take  il  all  the  way 
from  the  beginning  through  successful 
completion.  That's  it.  You've  jusl 
mentally  rehearsed." 

Thomburg  explains  that  ihe  key  is 
beginning  the  process  wilh  images  of 
that  earlier,  happy  memory.  'The  sub- 
conscious is  gening  two  messages  — 
first,  that  you're  happy;  the  second 
message  deals  with  the  specific,  future 
goal.  The  subconscious  associates  ih 
goal  with  your  happiness,  so  it 
determines  to  work  towards  il," 
Thomburg  says. 

Following  Thomburg's  technique. 

5  15  n 

I.  Butd 

formation.  "Positive 

aboui  that.  Bui  it  doesn't  take  pi; 
overnight."  says  Thomburg.  "It 
consistent  effort  and  practice  — 
1  and  hundreds  of  repetiiic 

For  The 
Health  Of  It 

ByDarlene  Almeda,  R.N. 

Q:  What  are  the  symptoms  of 

A:  Once  again  here  are  the 
main  symptoms  of  measles:  first 
one  gets  classic  cold  symptoms 
such  as  a  runny  nose  and  sore 
throai.  A  fever  of  up  to  104 
degrees  follows  accompanied  by 
white  patches  in  the  mouth,  and 
finally  a  rash  which  begins  at  the 
hairline  and  eventually  spreads 
down  to  the  feet.  Remember,  this 
is  a  highly  contagious  disease  and 
upon  contraction  one  will  be  put  in 
isolation  for  up  lo  two  weeks. 

Q:  I  hear  there  is  chicken  pox 
going  around  this  campus.  How 
do  you  catch  it? 

A:  True.  There  have  been 
several  cases  of  chicken  pox 
among  the  students  here  ai 
Southern  College.  Chicken  pox. 
also  known  as  varicella  zosler  is 
through  respiratory 
and  direct  contact  with 
new  lesions.  This  means  that  one 
contracts  it  by  breathing  air  or 
somehow  ingesting  the  contami- 
nated droplets..  The  varicella 
zoster  virus  incubates  for  13-17 
days  before  one  can  actually  see 
the  blistering  lesions,  and  it  is  con- 
tagious unul  scabs  have  formed 
over  all  the  lesions,  usually  a  week 
after  onset. 

So,  because  one  doesn't  know 
how  is  carrying  the  virus  until  the 
actual  symptoms  appear.  1  must 
emphasize  how  difficult  it  is  to 
avoid  getting  it  once  ihe  initial 
droplet  C( 

very  positiv 

Happy  Holidays 

To:AII  of  You 

From: All  of  Us 
(Whoever  US  is) 


This  weeks  li 

a  questions: 

1)  Who  wrote  The  Charge  of  the  Light  Brigade! 

2)  What  do  the  leilers  MIRV  siand  for? 

3)  Name  Ihecoacii  of  the  LSU  Basketball  leam. 

4)  Name  the  program  by  whicli  the  US  gave  large  ai 

countries  after  World  War  n. 

5)  Name  the  woman  who  served  as  Israeii  Prime  Mi 

Last  Weeks  Answers: 

Tfrom  196910  1974. 

1)  Voltaire 

2)  Kremlin 

3)  Doug  Williams 

4)  Boy  Scouts 

5)  Thames 

Last  Weeks  Winners: 

1)  Thomas  Huntress 

2)  Bruce  Cambique 

3)  Dale  Lacra 

4)  Darrin  Slewan 

Sponsored  by 



cm  office  will  win  a  free  meal 
ir  Entree  Salad,  Large  Fries 
■  the  door  of  the  Accent  office 

The  first  five  correct  entries  received  in  the  A 
at  McDonald's  consisting  of  a  Large  Sandwicl 
and  a  Large  drink.  Entries  can  be  slipped  un( 
and  will  be  judged  every  day  at  10:00  p.m.  In 

I  random  drawing.  Should  no  entries  with  all  the  correct  answers  be  receive 
viihin  seven  days  of  the  date  of  publication,  the  entries  with  the  most  correc 
inswers  will  be  declared  winners.  Members  of  the  Southern  Accent  Staff, 
heir  families,  significant  others  and  pets  are  ineligible. 

We  don't  throw  back 
the  little  fish. 


Speaking  in  tongues 

n  average  2,749  of  us  enroll  in  a  foreign 


Lifestyles  forthe^gOs^ 

10  skills  for 
the  90s 

Upcoming  Events 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

iatwiaiy  is  the  bleakesi  monih  of  the 
school  year.  Billerly  cold,  wel.  hazy 
days  bring  wiih  them  posi-Christmas 
vacaiion  letdown  and  dreary  spirits. 
But  as  next  semester  slowly  creeps 
into  its  third  weekend,  the  Student 
Association  will  throw  a  party  that 
will  bring  excitement  and  summer- 
time back  to  the  campus  of  Southern 

PARTY!!!  Coming  to  the  gymna- 
sium on  Saturday  night,  January  20. 
It  will  begin  at  9  p.m.  and  continue 
until  2  a.m. 

"If  you  had  a  good  time  last  year, 
plan  on  an  even  better  time  this  year," 
said  Harvey  Hillyer,  S.A.  social 

Last  year's  bash  attracted  hundreds 
of  students  decked  out  in  summer 
attire.  Although  temperatures  were 
biting  outside,  the  gym  was  trans- 
formed into  an  80  degree  party  place, 

swimming  pool  activities,  contest, 
volleyball  and  Twister  games. 
refreshment  stands,  and  Beach  Boys 
music  piped  over  loud  speakers. 
Hillyer  said  the  theme  for  this 
year's  bash  will  be  "The  Boardwalk." 
Instead  of  using  a  company  to  set  up 
the  party,  the  S.A.  is  planning  all  the 
activities  themselves.  Tentative  plans 
include  a  dunking  booth,  dart  throw, 
more  pool  activities,  a  lip-sync 
contest,  and  beach  areas  like  last  year. 
Also  a  pool  of  Jello,  in  which  students 

can  dive  for  specially  marked 
golf  balls  that  can  be  used  to 
claim  prizes,  is  in  the  platuiing. 
"There  will  be  more  food  and 
free  ice  cream  this  year,"  said 
Hillyer.  So  don  your  suits. 
Grab  a  towel  and  some  friends. 

e  gym  o 

available,  so  get  yours  while 
Friday.  nprpmhPrl'; 

SA  Christmas  Supper 

Vespers,  8:00pm 
SC  Music  Department 

Saturday.  necemhPr  lit 

Church  Service-Special  Musical 

Christmas  Parties 

Sunday.  Owpml^Pr  17 


Monday.  nprpn,|,|.r  |ff. 

Thursday.  nM-Pml^^r  ^1 
Semester  Finals 

The  80s:  Couch  Potal 

From  the  Archives 

June  9, 1964 

Committee  of  100  breaks  ground  for  new  RE.  Center. 

August  31, 1972 

Thatcher  has  phones  installed 

September  3, 1981 

SMC  welcomes  Bietz  to  church  staff. 


F.2  Editorials 
P.3,4  News 
P.5  Europe 
P.6  Photos 
P.IO  Ads 
P.ll  Trivia 
P.12  Viewpoints 

In  the  Gym... 
Page  6 

Summer  Camps 

Southern  to  sponsor  Opportunities  '90 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

On  Friday,  February  16,  Ihc  Hamil- 
ton County  Convention  and  Trade 
center  will  house  "Opportunities  ■90." 
a  liberal  arLi  career/job  fair  coordi- 
nated by  six  regional  Christian 

The  one-day  evenl.  beginning  ai  S  will  provide  opportunities  fur 
employers  and  students  lo  talk  infor- 
mally about  careers,  disiiibutc  recruii- 
mem  literature,  and  conduct  individual 

morning  or  afternoon  sessions  in 
downtown  Chattanooga,  The  S5 
registration  fee,  due  no  later  than  I-fh 
2,  includes  transportation.  No  IudcIi  is 
provided.  Vans  will  depart  at  7:.l(i 
a.m.  and  12:30  p.m.. 

"There  is  a  tendency  for  students  to 
step  out  after  graduation  wiih  a  college 
degree  and  say,  "Here  I  am.  Take 
me.'"  said  K.R.  Davis.  Director  of 
Counseling  and  Testing  at  Southern 
College.  "Students  need  to  market 
themselves  NOW  so  when  they 
graduate,  they'll  have  belter  opponuni- 

Sludenis  attending  the  job/career  fair 
wilt  have  the  chance  to  gather  informa- 
tion from  employers,  conduct  inter- 
views, and  panicipate  in  workshops  on 
job  search  techniques. 

Students  may  make  contacts  with 

Substance,  not  style,  at  work 

Charm  and  charisma  won't  get  you  praise  or  a  pay  raise. 
What  executives  say  are  the  most  likely  factors  used  to 
evaluate  an  employ's  performance  (they  coutd  choose 
!  than  c     ■      '"*' 

more  than  50  participating  representa- 
tives from  government  and  law 
enforcement  agencies,  school  systems, 
social  service  organizations,  health 
care  providers,  department  stores, 
holels,  insurance  and  food  service 
companies,  financial  institutions, 
graduate  schools,  and  other  businesses 
and  organizations. 

Bell  South  Corporation,  Becker 
CPA  Review  Course.  Hyatt  Regency 
Nashville,  Internal  Revenue  Service, 
Professional  Psychology  Program, 
Provident  Life  &  Accident  Insurance 
Co.,  Sovran  Financial  Corporation, 

Computer  thieves  strike 
Daniells  Hall 

.By  Bradley  Hyde 


Last  Saturday  night  belw 
pm  and  10:40  am  Sunday  moming 
four  computers  were  stolen  from  the 
computer  science  lab  in  Daniel's  Hall. 
The  four  systems  have  a  retail  value  of 
roughly  S30,000.  The  advanced  lab 
had:  I )  a  NeXT  computer  with  high 
resolution  display,  optical  disk, 
keyboard  with  mouse,  and  a  laser 
printer;  2)  a  Polywell  386  computer 
with  VGA  color  monitor;  3)  a  Wells 
American  AT  computer  with  EGA 
color  monitor;  and  4)  a  Laser  Turbo 
XT  computer  with  CGA  monitor.  All 
the  machines  had  hard  disk  drives. 

The  loss  of  this  equipment  leaves  i 
lab  with  just  one  Laser  Turbo  XT 
computer  with  CGA  color  monilor  f 
the  10  students  in  the  graphics  class 
use.  There  may  be  an  insurance 

deductible  and  since  the  insurance  is 
provided  by  tl 


church  and  Southern  College.  Even  if 
full  replacement  is  made,  it  will  be 
some  time  before  students  have  the 
equipment  ihey  need  to  properly 
complete  their  class  work. 
Security  checked  the  building  at 
12:00  midnight  and  3:00  am  but  didn't 
notice  anything  missing. 
...Theft  Cont.onp.4 

U.S.  Air  Force  and  Army.  Emory 
University,  and  Vanderbili  University 
are  among  (he  employers  and  graduate 
schools  tentatively  scheduled  lo 
participate  in  "Opporlunilies  '90." 

Three  foriy-minute  workshops  will 
be  conducted  during  both  moming  and 
afternoon  sessions.  These  include 
"Opportunities  WiEh  the  Federal 
Government"  al  9: 10  a.m.  and  1:40 
p.m.,  "Graduate  School  Decisions  for 
Success  in  the  2lsl  Century"  at  10:00 
a.m.  and  2:30  p.m.,  and  "Interviewing: 
Why  Should  I  Hire  You?"  at  10:50 
a.m.  and  3:20  p.m. 

K.R.  Davis  encourages  all  S.C. 
students  to  take  advantage  of  the  Job/ 
career  fair.  "Start  as  a  freshman 
looking  into  what's  available,  and 
asking  questions,"  he  said. 

The  fair  is  a  chance  to  prepare 
earlier  than  other  job  seekers,  lo 
practice  and  fine  tune  interviewing 
skills  with  employers,  and  to  learn 
what  opportunities  are  available  with  a 

A  bulletin  board  outside  the  Testing 
and  Counseling  Center  in  the  Student 
center  has  information  about  partici- 
pating employers,  including  which 
ones  will  be  conducting  interviews. 

Southern  has  worked  closely  with 
Bryan  College,  Covenant  College.  Lee 
College,  Tennessee  Temple  Univer- 
sity, and  Tennessee  Wesleyan  College 
10  coordinate  "Opporlunilies  ''iO." 
Each  of  these  four-year  institutions  has 
a  strong  liberal  ans  tradition.  Employ- 
ers taking  pan  in  the  job  fair  want  lo 
hire  students  from  such  an  educational 

"It's  an  exceptionally  good  opportu- 
niiy  for  juniors  and  seniors  to  make 

ir  Held  o 

going  lobeav! 
study  in  the  next  few  years,"  said  B 
Malgady.  secretary  in  the  Testing  ai 
Counseling  Office.  "Iknowofaik 
one  person  who  was  hired  from  a 
contact  he  made  at  the  job/career  fa 
last  year.  That  makes  it  worth  goinj 









+  50 


Head  Counl 
Hrs.  Enrolled 



*  45 
t  38 

1068  students  pre-regislered 

37  studcnLs  nol  pre-regislered 
1  im  [olal  Cotlegedale  campus  students 

The  Times,  they  are  a  changin' 

By  John  Caskey 
...and  now  il  is  1990.  These 
are  sad,  strange  limes.  Times  of  fear 
and  horror,  shame  and  degradation, 
squalor  and  fihh.  There  is  unresi  in  ihe 
slreels  all  over  Eastern  Europe.  The 
Plague  is  in  the  Sireels  of  San  Fran- 
cisco and  in  New  York's  concrete 
Jungle.  Neo-Nazis  roam  the  West 
terrorizing  sheep  and  cattle.  In  New 
Orleans  there  are  rumors  that  49ers  are 
slinking  into  town  and  preparing  a 
SuperBowl  ambush  for  the  hapless 
Denver  Broncos.  Gangs  roam  the  cities 
with  brains  full  of  chemicals  and  souls 
full  of  hate.  But,  there  is  fear  in  their 
eyes  and  in  the  eyes  of  a  lot  of  other 
people  from  Baku  to  Panama  City  and 

all  points  in  between.  There  is 
something  in  the  air.  The  natives  are 
growing  restless.  Sometimes,  late  at 
night,  I  think  I  can  hear  the  drum  beat 
thumping  out  of  the  Jungle.  The  sound 
is  fainibutdisiincL 

Gorbachev  has  met  with  the 
Pope  and  Bush  owes  the  Vatican  Man 
a  favor  or  two  for  letting  us  have 
custody  of  a  cut-rate  pineapple  faced 
Panamanian  dictator.  Everybody  is 
shrieking.  "Peace,  Peace"  at  the  top  of 
their  lungs  and  there  is  serious  specu- 
lation in  some  quarters  as  to  whether 
or  not  that  thing  on  Gorby's  head  is 
really  the  Mark  of  the  Beast  after  all. 
Ronald  Reagan  said  in  1985.  "This 
generation  may  be  the  one  that  will 

"The  Park  is  always  crowded  on  Sunday.' 

-Ferdinand  Marcos  on 
the  riots  in  Manila 





Associate     Editor 









Pamela    Draper 

Sheila    Draper 





Photo     Editor 

Scan    Terretta 









Suzanne    Lcttrick 



Viewpoint     Editor 



Adrienne    Cox 



Word     Processing 



College  or  Sevtnih-dii,  AdvcnlLsli 

nl  Mudul  newspip 


vncallon-s.  Opinions  ciprtsstd  in 






face  Armageddon,"  The  former 
President  makes  no  claim  on  the  gift 
of  prophecy,  but  the  smart  money 
agrees  wiih  the  Gipper  on  this  one. 
All  over  Arkansas,  survivalisis  are 
deepening  their  foxholes  and 
slocking  up  on  canned  goods. 

And  what  of  Collegedale? 
More  specifically,  what  of  Southern 
College?  Profound,  dangerous  things 
are  happening  all  over  the  world  at  an 
increasingly  rapid  pace.  "Nation  will 
rise  against  nation,  and  kingdom 
against  kingdom.  There  will  be 
famines  and  earthquakes  in  various 
places,"  (Matthew  24:7)  Yea,  verily. 
But.  what  of  Collegedale?   What  of 
Southern  College?  Are  we  ready  for 

this?  If  not,  what  are  we  doing  to 
prepare  ourselves?  "Therefore  keep 
watch,  because  you  do  not  know  on 
what  day  your  Lord  will  come." 
(Matthew  24:42)  Are  the  watchmen 

A  story  is  told  of  mad  king 
Richard  in  of  England.  As  he  loured 
Ihe  camp  defenses  early  on  the  morning 
of  Ihe  battle  where  he  met  his  death,  he 
came  upon  a  watchman  who  had  fallen 
asleep  at  his  post.  Richard  took  out  his 
dagger  and  slii  the  man"s  throat  saying. 
"I  found  him  asleep  and  I  leave  him 
asleep."'  The  Thing  that  inspired 
miserable  old  Richard  is  alive  and  well 
today.  There  may  be  worse  things  in 
store  for  sleepy  modem  day  watchmen 
than  mere  throat  slitting. 

Adventist  Physicists  to  meet  here 

Physics  teachers  probably  h 
of  the  most  closely-k 
of  any  professors  on  Seventh-day 
Adventisl  campuses.  They  have 
formed  the  Assiaciation  of  Advenlis 
Physicisis,  which  now  also  has 
members  on  faculties  of  other 
institutions  and  members  who  wor^ 
for  industry  or  government,  and 
which  is  international  in  scope. 

li  is  a  long-standing  tradition  for 

afier  the  joint  meeting  of  the 
Americal  Physical  Society  and  of  the 
Americal  Association  of  Physics 
Teachers,  at  the  nearest  SDA  college. 
This  joint  meeting  is  always  in  New 
York,  even  if  ii  lakes  place  some- 
where else.  Thus,  this  year's  meeting 
is  ihe  "New  York  meeting  at 
Atlanta."  and  so  ihe  AAP  wilt  meet 
at  Southern  College  Friday  evening. 
January  19,  through  Saturday  nighl. 
January2l.  As  of  this  moment, 
faculty  from  four  Advenlist  colleges 
and  from  Duke  University,  and  two 

Letter  to 
the  Editor 


The  last  edition  of  the  Acceni  con- 
an  article  about  my  receiving 
doctorate.  1  appreciated  the  pubiic- 
y.  but  the  factual  errors  in  the  articlt 
oved  to  be  a  major  embarrassment. 
I  panicular,  the  reponer  staled  in 
I'D  places  ihat  my  wife  is  Peggy 
mith  instead  of  Cherilyn  Smith  (my 
al  wife)  and  that  I  graduated  from 
TC  instead  of  the  right  institution— 
The  University  of  Tennessee  (Kn- 
oxville).  To  save  my  marriage  and 
my  reputation.  1  would  really 
appreciate  it  if  you  would  publish  a 

.  Thanks  for  your  help. 

former  employees  of  the  thermonuclear 
program  al  Oak  Ridge  National 
Laboratory,  have  indicated  their 
intention  to  be  present. 

Faculty  and  students  of  SC  Daniells 
and  Hackman  Hall  depanmenis.  faculty 
of  the  SC  Theology  department,  and  SC 

welcome  to  attend  ihe  functions  and 
urged  to  meet  our  guests.  The 
scheduled  events  will  take  place  in  the 
"fireplace room" (DH  101),  Pleasecail 
the  Physics  depanmental  secretary.  Mrs. 
Conine  Dann.  at  2869.  if  you  want  more 
information  or  wish  to  know  if  any 
changes  have  been  made  to  the 
schedule.  Here  is  the  schedule  as  now 
planned  by  the  AAP  officers  (President, 
Dr.  Ken  Thompson,  of  PUC). 

On  Friday  evening  from  7:30  to  9:30, 
Dr.  Rand  McNally  (who  does  not  make 
maps)  will  present  "A  Mailer  of 
Pressing  Concern,"  which  deals  with  a 
physicist's  search  for  the  solution  to  a 
thermonuclear  holocaust. 

On  Sabbath  afternoon  from  3:00  to 
5:00  pm.  Dr,  Milo  Anderson  will  make 
a  presentation  and  lead  the  subsequent 
discussion  on  the  interface  between  faith 
and  scholarship. 

On  Saturday  evening  from  6:45  to 
7:30  the  Physics  Deparunent  will  host  a 
reception,  with  refreshments,  in  honor 

On  Saturday  night  from  7:30  to  9:30 
or  so,  there  will  be  a  short  business 
session  of  the  AAP,  and  a  couple  of 
presentations  about  teaching  physics 
(with  computers?)  will  be  given.  Most 
Collegedale  natives  will  be  at  the  Beach 

Joint  meeting  of  APS/AAPT  will  be 
in  Atlanta.  January  21-25. 

Physics  students  would  benefit  from 
attending  some  of  this  meeting.  Seeing  a 
crowd  of  physicisis  scurrying  from 
session  to  session,  or  plotting  something 
(and  experiment?  a  theory?  a  proposal 
for  funds?  a  job  interview?)  in  the  halls, 
is  truly  a  remarkable  experience.  Some 
of  the  talks  are  interesting;  books  and 
equipment  are  displayed.  If  a  sufficient 
interest  exists,  perhaps  transportation 
can  be  arranged.  How  about  Tuesday? 
See  Dr.  Kuhlman. 

New  deadly  sins  for  the  90's 


©Copyrighi  1990.  USA 
TODAY/Apple  College  Informaiion 

The  original  seven  deadly  sins 
are  pride,  greed,  lust,  glutlony,  envy, 
anger  and  sloth.  To  cop  a  phrase  from 
George  Bush,  they're  baaaad,  they're 

That  is,  they  were  until 
recently.  In  the  last  10  years,  the  seven 
deadlies  seem  to  have  shifted  rapidly 
from  venal  to  mainstream.  Remember 
how  "Wall  Streei"'s  Gordon  Gekko 
^id  greed  is  good?  Have  you  asked  a 
couch  potato  about  slolh  recently?  Can 
a  society  with  chocolate-covered  Orcos 
retain  any  concept  of  gluttony? 

In  lieu  of  getting  a  major  oil 
company  to  endorse  them,  we  asked 
several  social  commenlaiors  for  the  top 
sins  of  contemporary  times.  Here's  a 
septet  of  candidates  (with  special 
thanks  to  Donald  Trump,  who  currently 
is  guilty  of  them  all). 

"Greed  isn't  a  way  of  sin," 
says  San  Francisco  Chronicle  colum- 
nist Alice  Kahn.  "It's  become  a  way  of 

But  in  the  '80s.  having  a  big 
bank  account  was  no  longer  enough.  It 
was  more  imponani  to  acquire  the 
perfect  wife,  the  cutest  kids,  the  purest- 
bred  pooch,  the  shiniest  coffeemaker. 
"The  drive  to  get  objects  to  validate 
yourself —  it  makes  me  want  to  leave 
the  country,"  moans  writer  Cynthia 

Think  of  acquisitiveness  as 
super- unleaded  greed.  Donald  Trump, 
poster  boy  for  acquisition,  personifies 
all  that  is  bad  about  the  sin,  according 
to  San  Francisco-based  writer  Jean 

"Here  is  someone  wl 

really  make  a  difference  for  p 

But  he's  like  a  4-year-old.  His  name 
has  to  be  on  everything.  He  buys 
whatever  he  wants  without  even 
paying  lip  service  to,  'Gee,  Til  fix  the 
eanhquake  rubble.'  1  cannot  think  of  a 


If  the  '80s  had  a  human  face, 
it  would  be  sneering.  In  fact,  it  would 
look  a  lot  like  David  Letlerman.  A 
smart-aleck  fraternity  boy  with  a 
white-bread  outlook,  Letlerman  took  a 

Bulbs  and  milked  a  half-hour  of 
material.  Just  Bulbs?  What  a  crass, 
stupid,  middlebrow  name.  We'd  never 

As  the  tide  of  Smug  humor 
grew,  some  comics  took  a  stand 
against  it,  "It's  not  an  honorable 
approach,"  says  comedian  Richard 
Beizer.  Others,  such  as  Spy  magazine. 
thrived  on  making  fun  of  stupid 
human  tricks.  When  Spy  took  a  look 
at  small-town  America,  the  headline 
was  "Big,  Dumb  White  Guys  With 

Eventually,  smugness 
succumbed  to  the  trickle-down  iheory, 
infiltrating  every  aspect  of  everyday 
life.  Food  was  smug.  Could  any  other 
word  describe  a  blue  com  tortilla 
chip?  The  smugness  anthem  was 
"Don't  worry,  be  happy,"  which  is 
very  hard  to  hum  along  to  if  you're 
living  below  the  poverty  line. 


It's  notjusi  a  concept 
anymore.  It's  a  pursuit.  "It's  sort  of  a 
way  to  disengage  yourself  from  brutal 
realities,"  says  Gonick.  "You  read 
Danielle  Steel  instead  of  something 
wonderful,  because  you  don't  want  to 
be  challenged.  It's  an  incredible 
striving  toward  mediocrity." 

Case  in  point:  "Vanna 
Speaks,"  the  autobiography  of  Vanna 

Case  in  point:  Because  Uiey 
had  been  collected  by  someone 
famous,  Andy  Warhol's  175  cookie 
jars  sold  for  $247,830  in  1988, 

Coun  case  in  point:  The 
people  versus  Zsa  Zsa. 


Many,  many  people  were 
deeply  troubled  during  this  decade. 
How  do  we  know?  Because  50  percent 
of  them  admitted  it  in  People  maga- 
zine. At  least  10  celebrities  told  all  in 
an  honest  effort  to  help  others.  The  rest 
did  it  as  a  cheap  publicity  ploy. 

"There  are  all  these  talk 
shows  where  people  are  baring  their 
souls  about  sex,  drugs,  alcohol. 
weight,"  complains  syndicated 
columnist  Ellen  Goodman,  "In  a  larger 
context,  it's  amazing  that  what 
happens  to  your  life  is  of  interest  to 
anybody  else,  I'm  interested  in  the  fact 
that  anybody  would  tell  all.  I  can't 
figure  out  why." 

Kicking  a  habit  is  now 
considered  a  career  move,  if  you  can 
get  enough  good  press  for  doing  it. 
Cracks  Alice  Kahn  of  the  San  Fran- 
cisco Chronicle,  "It's  better  to  have 
been  addicted  and  recovered  than  to 


There  are  no  authentic 
impulses  anymore.  None.  The  minute 
you  decide  you'd  like  to  wear  a 
cowboy  look,  along  comes  Ralph 
Lauren  lo  turn  it  into  a  fashion  line. 
Tear  down  the  Beriin  Wall  and  what 


Folk  Art  exhibit 

showing  at  Hunter 

Museum  of  Art 

The  Hunter  Museum  of  An  an- 

whirligigs, decorated  furniture,  or 

nounces  the  opening  of  two  exciting 

toys -fanciful  or  fundamental.  In 

folk  art  exhibitions.  "Life  in  the 

essence,  folk  art  is  the  art  of 

New  World:  Selections  from  the 

common  people,  done  with  un- 

Permanent Collection  of  the 

common  style.  Over  100  examples 

Museum  of  American  Folk  An"  and 

of  folk  art  will  be  on  view  at  the 

"Access  to  Art:  Bringing  Folk  Art 

Hunter  Museum,  including 

Closer",  on  Sunday.  January  14, 

portraits,  paintings,  sculpture,  fur- 

1990. "Life  in  the  New  World"  is  a 

niture,  quilts  and  coverlets, 

museum-wide  exhibition  of 

pottery,  fraktur.  theorems,  deco- 

American Folk  art  dating  from  the 

rated  tinware,  shop  signs,  and 

18th  century  to  present  day,  telling 

more.  These  objects,  some  useful 

an  informal  social  history  of  life  m 

and  some  ornamental,  are  treas- 


ured  icons  of  our  cultural  heritage. 

What  IS  folk  an?  It  could  be  the 

Museum  hours:    Tuesday  ■ 

face  of  a  child,  or  a  memory  of 

Saturday  10:00  a.m.  -  4:30  p.m. 

home,  the  shapes  of  nature,  or  a 

Sunday  1-4:30  p.m. 

lesson  in  virtue,  weathervancs. 

rock  on  sale  at  Hudson's. 

Packaging  is  the  apotheosis  of 
the  Madison  Avenue  mentality.  It 
makes  the  advertising  more  important 
than  the  thing  that's  actually  being 
hawked.  Take  the  Infiniti  ads,  those 
abstract  photos  that  are  so  cool  they 
don't  get  around  to  mentioning  what's 
being  plugged.  Aftershave?  Condoms? 
Mutual  funds?  Your  guess  is  as  good 

"I  know  by  experience  that 
Absolut  is  a  good  vodka,"  said  New 
York  Times  columnist  Anna  Quindlen. 
"But  I'm  really  offended  by  the  talking 
ad  they  put  in  Vanity  Fair.  If  they 
would  put  in  a  black  and  while  ad  next 
year  and  send  the  rest  of  the  money  to 
the  Coalition  for  the  Homeless,  I'd  be 
a  client  of  theirs  for  life." 

Morton  Downey.  Terry 
Rakolta.  Pro-choice  versus  pro-life. 
Animal  rights.  CNN's  "Crossfire." 
Professional  wrestling.  Sam  Kinison. 
Heavy  metal.  What  do  they  all  have  in 
common?  They're  a  few  of  the 
enchanting  items  that  have  turned 
public  discourse  into  a  shouting  match. 

It  really  didn't  matter  what 
George  Bush  knew  about  Irangatc,  did 
it?  What  counted  was  the  verbal  jab  he 
took  at  Dan  Rather  during  their  much- 
publicized  verbal  slugfest.  Whether  he 
was  kicking  ass  with  Geraldine  Ferraro 
in  1984  or  raising  red  flags  with  Willie 
Norton  commercials  in  J988,  our 
kinder,  gentler  president  managed  to 


©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information 

The  cost  for  one  year's 
room,  board  and  tuition  at  four- 
year  private  colleges  rose  at  a ' 
torrid  8.3  percent  rate  last  year  to 
SI 2.365.  while  four-year  public 
college  costs  rose  6,2  percent  to 

Even  if  costs  rise  only  5 
percent  a  year,  four  years  of 
private  college  for  today's 
newborn  would  nin  you  S128,260 
in  the  year  2008;  four  years  of 
public  college,  $49,094.60.  But 
don't  be  intimidated:You  could 
cover  that  full  public  college  bill 
by  socking  away  $88  a  month  at  8 
percent,  starting  when  your  child 
is  bom  and  continuing  through 
the  four  years  your  child  will  be 
in  college.  For  private  college: 
$228  a  month  would  do  it. 

Or,  if  you  figure  tt 

years  go  by.  you  could  start  by 



public  college,  $155  a  month  for 
private  college,  then  increase  you 
contribution  by  5%  a  year. 

Don't  be  discouraged  if 
you  have  to  start  more  slowly. 

may  be  able  to  get  financial  aid, 
and  that  they  can  also  work  during 
their  college  years,"  says  Eileen 
Walker,  president  of  Fonune 
Financial  Inc.  in  Seattle.  "The 
more  you  save,  the  less  you'll 

barroom  brawl, 

Quindlen  has  a  solution.  "1 
think  all  mean  people  should  be  put  in 
jail."  she  says. 

Vanity  deals  with  caring 
excessively  about  your  appearance. 
Preening  is  more  like  vanity  lite  —  all 
of  the  sin,  but  none  of  the  moral 

"It's  not  your  real  appearance 
versus  your  possible  appearance 
anymore,"  says  Quindlen.  "It's  your 
possible  appearance  versus  everyone 
else's  possible  appearance.  It's 
competitive  vanity.  Everyone  is 
looking  out  of  the  comer  of  their  eye 
to  see  how  they're  doing." 

Most  icons  preen  before  the 
media,  not  before  minors.  Using 
make-up  and  plastic  surgery,  they 
remake  their  public  image  as  diligently 
as  General  Motors  works  on  this  year's 
model.  Michael  Jackson's  nose  is  the 
ultimate  preen  symbol,  as  are  Cher's 
costumes.  The  smaller  they  get,  the 

Quindlen  worries  that  the 
'80s  justified  preening.  "I  think  we 
made  showing  off  acceptable  by 
making  it  part  of  the  professional 
program,  the 



Curt  Cloninger 

War  SI 



Tue»Jay  evenings  in  January  and 

Tugsday.  January  30 

February,  ihe  Audilorium  of  ihe 

-''^H^^HP^  .^kJ\ 

Hunter  Museum  of  Art  will  be  the 



selling  for  some  of  (he  most 

powerful  films  ever  produced  by 

-<k  Ifc-jlH^ 

Hollywood.  "Reel  Civil  War 

of  this  1956  film  opens  nch 

Siories,"  co-sponsored  by  Friends 

insights  into  those  of  the  Quaker 


or  Ihe  Park  and  ihc  Hunler  Mu- 

faith in  Jessamyn  West's  beautiful 

1  ^^^V  1^^ 

^  ■ 

seum  of  Art,  will  celebrate  the 

story  of  a  happy,  waim-heaned 

1  ^^^^Kk^^m.  £  s^iMiM 

■  ■ 

1  OOlh  anniversary  of  the  creation  of 

Quaker  family,  committed  by  faith 

-III    ^ 

the  Chickamauga  &  Chatiunooga 

to  non-violence,  caught  up  in  the 

'^imm  ^1 

National  Military  Park.  All  films 

backlash  of  the  Civil  War.  Ttie 

j-rw^  ^H 

will  be  shown  at  7:00  p.m.  at  the 

family  is  conlronied  with  the  need 



Hunter  Museum.  Bluff  View. 

to  choose  between  their  pacifism 


Chattanooga.  There  will  be  an  ad- 

and their  belief  in  the  need  to 


mission  charge  or$l. 50  for  adults 

preserve  the  Union.  Starring  Gary 


andSl  for  children.  The  following 

Cooper  and  Dorothy  McGuire. 


movies  will  be  presented: 







■  ■ 

James  Slewan  and  Doug  McClure 
star  in  and  Andrew  McLaglen 

Ernest  Gaines'  stunning  novel 
chronicles  and  Cicely  Tyson 


directed  this  epic  struggle  of  the 
Civil  War.  Stewart  plays  what 
many  consider  his  greatest  role  as  a 
widowed  Virginian  who  attempts 

brilliantly  portrays  the  growth  of  a 
young  slave  giri  to  a  contemporary 
citizen  of  no  years  of  age.  The 
1974  Emmy-winning  TV  movie 



hold  on  10.  There  is  a  greai  need  for  qualily  criteria 


to  make  his  land  an  island,  shel- 

represents one  woman's  preserva- 

ihal also  presents  the  truth  of  God's  love. 

tered  from  the  horrors  of  war.  He 

tion  of  dignity  throughout  the  tu- 

successfully pits  his  bull-headed 

multuous  years  of  change  in  black 

Theone  nvin  thc'ilrenfr     iTI      '            1         '     iih 

and  almost  arrogant  belief  in  peace 

America.  Also  starring  Richard 

ur      oninj,er   oesjus 

against  all  the  forces  attempting  to 

Dysait  and  Kalhcrinc  Hclmond. 

draw  him  into  the  war,  until  it 

Coming  Febriiitry  2  al  8:00  pni 

involves  his  own  family. 

DECADE     OF     THE   I 


Machines  and  us 

Gadgets  since  the  decade's  begining 
The  tax  (machines) 

Then  Now  Then  Now 

personal  computers 
1^0" 329.400 

Destiny  Drama 
Company  schedules 
mall  appearance 

The  Destiny  Drama  Company,  a 
Christian  collegiate  repertory  theatre 
iroupe  from  Southern  College  of 
Seventh-day  Adveniists,  Collegedale, 
Tenn,  will  perform  two  30-minuie  pro- 
grams at  the  Hamilton  Place  Mall. 
Chaiianooga.  on  Friday  and  Saturday. 
January  26  and  27,  1990. 

Friday,  ihe  15-member  drama  troupe 
will  perform  at  7:00  and  8:00  p.m.  and 
Saturday  ai  2:00  and  3:00  p.m.  on  the 
center  stage,  located  in  the  middle  of 
the  mall,  in  front  of  Profiti's, 

Utilizing  pantomime,  vignettes, 
plays,  and  street  drama,  the  Destiny 
Drama  Company  performs  throughout 
the  Southeastern  United  Slates  for 
high  schools,  colleges,  and  youlh 
rallies.  They  strive  to  portray  the 
peninence  of  Chrisiianily  through  this 
creative  medium. 

The  iroupe  is  sponsored  by  CARE 
Ministries,  Southern's  student  reli- 
gious life  organization.  Southern 
College  is  a  coeducational,  four  year. 

liberal  arts  college  located  just  outside 
of  Chattanooga. 

For  more  information  regarding  the 
Destiny  Drama  Company  and  its  tour 
schedule,  call  Allan  Manin  at61.*i- 

. .  .Theft 


It  appears  that  the  thieves 
forced  their  way  into  the 
building  and  the  lab.  They 
obviously  knew  what  they  were 
looking  for  and  look  the  most 
valuable  items.  Any  informa- 
tion that  might  lead  to  recovery 
of  the  stolen  equipment  should 
be  given  to  security,  the 
Collegedale  police,  and  the 
computer  science  depanmenl. 

in  Europe 

By  Ginger  Bromme 

Sii  back  and  think  about  yourself 
strolling  along  the  Champs  Elysees  in 
Paris  with  your  college  friends.  Or,  if 
you  prefer,  imagine  yourself  riding  on 
a  train,  seeing  for  itie  first  time  the 
majestic  Alps,  Vienna,  Austria,  which 
isyournexl  stop.  In  Vienna  you  can 
ride  the  biggest  ferris  wheel  in  the 
world.  The  cars  are  the  size  of  train 
cars!  Or,  if  ferris  wheels  aren't  your 
thing,  picture  yourself  louring  places, 
like  the  Louvre,  Notre  Dame,  St. 
Paul's,  Leicister  Square,  and  many 

other  famous  European  sites.  Imagine 
listening  to  Scottish  men  playing  bag- 
pipes on  the  sidewalks  of  Edinburgh. 
Best  of  all,  imagine  getting  up  to  six 
hours  of  college  credit  for  this  once-in- 
a-lifetime  experience. 

For  20  students  at  SC,  the  dream  will 
become  a  reality  this  summer.  Dr.  Bill 
Wohlers  will  be  leading  the  1990  sum- 
mer tour  of  Western  Europe. 

This  summer's  tour  is  scheduled  in 
two  stages.  The  main  tour  will  leave 
Atlanta  on  May  30  and  will  visit  six 
countries  on  the  continent.  Holland, 
Belgium.  France.  Switzerland,  Austria, 
and  Germany.  The  second  stage  of  the 
tour  will  begin  earlier,  May  21 .  and 
will  include  9  days  in  England  and 


markets  (Paris  has  a  gigantic  flea 
market  that  could  take  days  to  ex- 

In  addition  to  touring,  swdents  may 
choose  to  earn  up  to  six  hours  of  either 
upper  division  or  lower  division  credit. 
This  may  be  in  either  history  (C-l)  or 
humanities  (D-3).  It  may  also  satisfy 
W  credit  and  European  History 
requirements;  however,  students  can 
opt  to  go  on  the  trip  without  taking  the 

The  price  of  the  trip  is  S2397  for  the 
three  week  option  and  $2995  for  both 
options.  The  price  includes  all 
Uransporiation.  lodging,  two  meals  a 
day  and  entrance  fees  at  tourist  sights. 
<  extra  charge  for  tuition. 
;  only  five  spaces  still  open 
r.  Fifteen  students  have 
rete  plans  to  go  this  sum- 
1  running  o 

There  i! 

There  a 

of  Paris,  Amsterdam,  Munich,  London 
and  Edinburgh.  The  tourists  will  be 
kept  busy  attending  concerts  and  plays, 
visiting  famous  museums,  and  soaking 
up  the  European  culture.  Of  course. 
there  will  be  plenty  of  free  time  to  visit 
sites,  sample  local  cuisine,  and  my 
favorite:  shop  in  all  the  outdoor 

contact  Dr.  Wohlers  immediately  and 
gel  your  place  reserved  with  a  $250 
deposit.  He  will  also  be  able  to 
answer  any  furiher  questions  you 
might  have  about  the  trip, 

Bon  Voyage! 

Memories  of  the 
1988  Tour 

Top  to  Bottom: 

Members  of  the  1988  Tour  in 
front  of  the  Eiffel  Tower  in 
Paris  (Left  to  Right:  Mae 
Orquia,  Dennis  Golightly, 
Shelly  Whitson,  Kim  Newball, 
Holly  Jones.  Jody  White,  Bill 
Wohlers  and  the  infamous 
Richard  Moody) 

Jennifer  Von  Maack  and  Janet 
Conley  at  Schonbrunn  Palace 

1988  Tour  group  in  the 
Bavarian  Alps  overlooking  the 
city  of  Garmisch- 

In  the  Gym 

By  Suzanne  Lettrick 

The  Boys  of  Summer 

Summer  Camp  directors  from  the  Southern  Union 
brought  a  carnival  atmosphere  to  the  Student  Center  this 
week.  They  were  here  to  recruit  college  students  to  help 
with  their  summer  ministry. 

camp  life  with  Rich  Lochridge 

in  '90s       ^^ 




Paralegal  ^\„..^''''''^ 


Medical  assistant    ^^^-""'^ 



Physical  theraplst^%^^^ 



Physical  therapy    % 
CoiiEgesand             Home  health  t^'' 



Camp  Kulaqua-Once  again  the  winner  of 
tlie  annual  battle  of  the  booths 

Basketball  Poll 

AA  League 


2) Johnson 
3)  Young-Tie 
3)  Facully-Tie 

5)  Osborne 
6)  Taylor 

A  League 

I )  Fulbright 

2)  Gay 
3)  Lawhom 

4)  Duff 

5)  King 

6)  Malone 

8)  White 
9)  Hopkins 
10)  Moreland 

For  the  Health 
of  It 

By  Darlene  Almeda  R.N. 

This  column  will  feature  health  topics 
of  interest  to  you  ihe  students  and 
faculty  of  Soulhem  College.  This  is 
how  you  can  submit  your  questions: 
you  may  either  drop  your  requests  in  ihe 
labeled  box  at  the  Student  center  desk 
or  you  may  ask  me  personally. 

Q.  During  Christmas  break  I  found 
out  my  sister  has  anemia.  What  causes 
this  and  what  is  the  treatment? 

A.  There  are  many  different  types  of 
anemia  the  most  common  being  iron- 
deficiency  anemia.  This  type  is  caused 
mainly  by  inadequate  iron  intake, 
chronic  blood  loss,  pregnancy,  and 
destruction  of  red  blood  cells. 

Because  of  women's  compulsive 
dietary  restrictions,  menstrual  cycles, 
and  pregnancies  we  have  a  high  risk  of 
becoming  anemic.  However,  unless  il 
is  a  chronic  problem  anemia  is  treated 
quite  simply.  Iron  supplements,  and  an 

spinach,  lima  beans,  broccoli,  raisins, 
dried  apricots  and  peaches  is  suggested. 

1 .  New  York 

2.  Chicago 

3.  Los  Angeles 

4.  Philadelphia 

5.  Houston 

6.  Detroit 

7.  Dallas 

8.  San  Diego 

9.  Phoenix 
10.  Baltimore 

1.  Chevrolet  Impala 

2.  Oldsmobile  Cutlass  Supreme 

3.  Chevrolet  Chevette 

4.  Chevrolet  Malibu 

5.  Ford  Fair 

1 .  Laverne  and  Shirley 

2.  Three's  Company 

3.  Happy  Days 

4.  Mark  and  Mindy 

5.  Angle 

1.  Newf  York 

2.  Los  Angeles 

3.  Chicago 

4.  Houston 

5.  Philadelphia 

6.  San  Diego 

7.  Detroit 

8.  Dallas 

9.  San  Antonio 
10.  Phoenix 

1 .  Ford  Taurus 

2.  Ford  Escort 

3.  Chevrolet  Corsica 
4:  Honda  Accord 

5,  Chevrolet  Cavalier 

1 ,  Bill  Cosby  Show 

2.  Roseanne 

3,  A  Different  World 

4.  Cheers 

5-  60  Minutes 

Do  you  truly  love 

me?  Jesus  said  . . . 

Take  CARE  of  my 


John  21:16  NIV 

9  f , 


Roberi  Pitlman  238-3028 

"This  club  feels  thai  ii  is  imponani 
pray  for  each  other.  Every  week 
Iwenly-five  sludents  an 
Ihe  student  body  and  fi' 
prayed  for  by  each  member, 
sent  oui  to  Uiose  being  prayed  for. 

"Clown  Ministry  meets  a 
limes  a  month  to  practice 
usually  in  area  hosipitals 
perform  skits,  plays 
children.  We  are  planning 

talk  ti 

"  Adopt- A-Grandparent  is  a  program 


"The  Destiny  Drama  Company  is  a 

with  the  purpose  to  bring  happiness 


collegiate  drama  ministry  troupe  whic 

through  friendships  with  elderly 


performs  for  high  schools,  youth 

people  in  our  community.  Participants 


rallies,  and  colleges  throughout  the 

are  expected  lo  visit  with  their 


Southeastern  United  Slates.  Through 

"grandparent"  at  least  2-5  times  per 


Christian  theatrical  arts,  they  strive  to 

month.  The  visits  and  activities  can  be 


portray  the  power,  pertinence,  and 

as  widely  varied  as  the  grandparenls- 


personality  of  Jesus  Christ  and  His 

anyihing  from  talking  and  table  games 

^^     ^^  ^^ 


to  walking  and  gardening." 

Destiny  Drama  Co. 
Allan  Martin  238-3033 

"The  Bible  Study  program  provides  an 


"Sunshine  Band  will  be  continuing 

opponunity  for  good  Christian 


second  semester.  We  will  be  leaving 

fellowship  and  spiritual  growth.  Sign- 


at  2:30  p.m.  (participating  Sabbaths,  so 

up  sheets  will  be  posted  in  the  dorms 


watch  for  announcements).  We  will  b« 

and  m  the  Student  Center." 


bringing  songs  and  prayers  to  four 
local  nursing  homes  on  an  alternate 
schedule.  All  are  invited  to  share  in 
these  events  each  week  to  bring 

'  >^/'^ 

sunshine  lo  the  elderly  shut-ins," 

Sunshine  Bands 

Charles  Kilgore  238-316 

"The  Big  Brother/Big  Sister  program 

is  designed  to  allow  students  of 


Southern  College  to  take  an  area  grade 

^m      ^^ 

school  student  and  become  a  big 

41^  4^W 

shelter  providing  for  children  who  arc 

^A    J 

temporarily  removed  from  their 

visits  occur  along  wiih  monthly  group 


parents  by  the  courts.  We  need  many 

volunteers  to  work  on  Thursday 


evenings  at  the  shelter  and  arranged 
times  at  the  day  care  center.  Please 
contact  Robert  Pittman,  Jill 
McKenney.  or  Diane  Butler  for  more 


Distinguished  Dean's 

Students  Who  Carried  at 
Least  12  Semester  Hrs. 
With  GPA  of  3.75-4.00 
Addison.  Robert  Martin 
Ahn.  Jane  Hayoung 
Ashlon,  Edward  Bruce  (Ted) 
Balii,  Kevin  Charles 
Bennett,  John  Keith 
Balir,  Carrie  Faye 
Bray,  Dawn  Lynn 
Brewer,  Aaron  James 
Brewer,  Terry  Joe 
Bromme,  Ginger  Sue 
Brown,  Michelle  Yvonne 
Brown,  Susan  Valerie 
Brown,  Tammy  Michelle 
Bryan,  William  Alexander 
Bullock,  Angela  Michelle 
Burdick,  Janene  Joy 
Burke,  Sherie  Lynelte 
Cavanuagh,  Richard  John 
Chen,  Ben  Hyungwcn 
Choppala,  Sheela  Mae 
Clark,  Debra  Jane 
Cole,  Daryi  Keith 
Collins,  Shawn  Bryant 
Conerly,  Kerre  Leatha 
Corbett,  Jeffery  Scott 
DeCarmo,  Linden  Alanzo 
Denton.  Celia  Diane  Mitchell 
Dickinson,  Robert  Bruce 
Dieter,  Garry  Phillip 
Downs.  Warren  Shelby 
Dyer,  Angela  Christine 
Edwards.  Beth  Joann 
Eirich,  Paul  R  (III) 
Elliston,  Jonathan  Bruce 
Foikenberg,  Kalhi  Lynne 

Fulbright,  Michelle  Elizabeth 

Fulford,  Kevin  Lee 

Gates,  Donald  Lyle 

Gibson,  Yvonne  S 

Glass,  Gregory  Edward 

Grange,  Jeffrey  Todd 

Greene,  John  Frank  (III) 

Handal,  Evelyn  Xiomara 

Harlin,  Amy  A 

Hillyer,  Harvey  Jordan  (Hi) 

Hold,  Ronnie  Lee  (Jr) 

Housley,  Men  Anissa 

Huntress,  Thomas  E 

Hutchinson,  Omie  Louise 

Issa,  Shadya  Sheni 

Janzen,  Barry  Dale 

Jensen,  David  Arnold 

Kang.  Hyung  Jin 

Keiper,  Janet  Louise 

Keller,  Brenda  Grace 

Kelley,  Anthony  Lynn 

Kelley,  Leta  Lucille 

Kcyes,  Beverly  Ann 

Kim,  David  Nam-Young 

Kim,  Julia  Goo  Sool 

Kim.  Mike  Myungshik 

Knoll.  Rebecca  Beth 

Kolett,  Lorrie  Ann 

Kroll.  Peter  Brian 
Lastine,  Craig  Lelland 
Long,  Valerie  Lois 
Lorren,  Joanna  L 
Lovin,  Crysta  Mae 
Lytle.  Elizabeth  Ann  Inman 
Machado,  John  David 
Magee,  Lynda  Irene 
Mann,  Guy  Edward 
Marchant,  Lori  Ann 
Marsa,  Robert  Lee 
Martin,  Artemio  Allan  (II) 
McMahon,  Mary  Margaret 
Metzing,  Kevin  Joseph 
Miller,  Gayle  Marie 
Miller,  Russell  Everett 
Miranda,  Condrado  Steve 
Mtichell,  Philip  E 
Moore,  Deanna  Elizabeth 
Morisette,  Dallas  Todd 
Moyer,  Gary  Dean 
Myers,  Amanda  Beth 
Nash,  Andrew  Charles 
Neall.  Robert  Ronald 
Nelson.  Karen  J  Heidinger 
Nicholson,  Andrea  Dawn 
Parkhurst,  Gregory  Eugene 
Pettibone,  Lori  Lynn 
Poole,  Kathleen  Marie 
Pratt,  Douglas  Geletle 
Puckett,  Bryan  Scott 
Randolph,  Jackie  Lynne 
Ratliff,  Janet  Leigh 
Ringer,  Laurie  Nannette 
Sasser,  Janna  Lynn 
Scofield,  Ann  Louise 
Sheffield,  Amanda  Ilene 
Skantz,  Ingrid  Linnea 
Song,  Danny  Yeong 
Springeti,  Lisa  Rene 
Starkey,  Mary  Catheryn 
Stewart,  John  Darin 
Stuyvesant,  Heather  June 
Stuyvesant,  Valerie  Rose 
Taylor,  Robin  Ray 
Thompson,  Debbie  Lynn 
Toppenberg,  Kevin  Scott 
Toppenberg,  Marcia  Dee  Giles 
Trenchard,  Mark  Edward 
VanSant.  Eleanor  Louise 
Veach,  Laura  Nicole 
Viar,  Jeffrey  Kip 
Werner,  Julianne  Nicole 
Werner,  Todd  Steven 
Wheeling,  David  Russlyn 
Whidden,  Bruce  Edward 
Wilkie,  Kathryn  Mary  Lothian 
Williams,  Lesly  Shawn 
Wolcott,  Tamara  A 
Wolf,  Denise  Renee 
Woioten,  Rick  Lane 
Yeager,  Jeffrey  Norman 
Zukovski,  Adriane 


Dean's  List 
Students  Who  Carried  At 
Least  12  Semester  Hrs. 
with  GPA  of  3.50-3.74 

Alvarez,  Karen  Marie 
Anthony,  Delka  Linda 
Ashton,  Ellen  Grace 
Auge,  Tammy  Lynn 
Austin,  Karen  Emily 
Barkhuizen,  Sanmari 
Battistone,  Rochelle  Louise 
Belliard.  Juan  Carlos 
Bledsoe,  Shea  Elaine 
Blomeley,  Geoffrey  Scott 
Blount,  Calvin  Louis  (Jr) 
Blume,  David  Allan 
Boyd,  Cyntia  Lou  Robinetle 
Brandon,  Anthony  Alfred 
Casavant,  Jennifer  Lydia 
Caskey,  John  Samuel 
Cahmpion,  DeAnn  Kaye 
Cirigliano,  Anthony  John 
Collins,  Gary  Sean 
Collson,  Tamatha  Sharon 
Conslanline,  Eugene  Victor 
Covrig.  Arthur  Bryant 
Dailey,  Robin  Lesette 
Dickhaut,  Pamela  Dell 
Dittes,  James  A 

Draper,  Sheila  Renee' 

Elliott,  Micheele  Lynn 

Emde,  Bradford  Mark 

Engel.  Julie  Lynette 

Fluharty,  Kelli  Dawn 

Frett,  Darlene  Leah 

Fuqua,  Kimberly  Dawn 

Gallagher,  Richard  Louis 

Gibson,  Tami  Michele 

Grabinski,  Rodney  John 

Greene.  Patricia  Jill 

Grosswiler.  Anna  Marie 

Hall,  Ashley  Elizabeth 

Hannah,  Keely  Lynne 

Hawkins,  Michael  Andrew 

Healey,  Kerri  Anne 

Henry,  Cecelia  Claudia 

Holcombe.  Tonya  Lynne 

Hunt,  Rumiko 

Huse,  Lawrence  Stephen 

Huthcinson,  Joel  Len 

Jacko,  Kirk  Edward 

Jensen,  Donna  Marie 

Jones,  Jeffrey  Scott 

Jones,  Kristine  Lynn 

Kendall,  Charles  N  (Jr) 

Kim.  Chin-Hyung 
Korff,  Dcirdre 
Leavitt,  Gregory  Arthur 
Loeks,  Tina  Earlene 
Madden,  Terri  Lynn 
Mahrle,  Craig  Edward 
Mann,  Laura  Elain 
Mann,  Robert  Lee  (Jr) 
Martin,  Artemio  Robert 
Martin,  Jennifer  Jane 
Mathiesen,  Patrick  M 
McCaughan,  Cindy  Lou 
McColpin.  Chen  Lynn 
McConnell,  Claudine  Janell 

Mclntyre.  Monica  Lynn 
McKenney,  Jill  Orlaine 
Miller.  Brian  J 
Moore,  Craig  Andre 
Murdoch,  Michael 

Naiman,  Theodore  Samuel 
Nash.  Jon  M 
Odell,  Melanie  Vanessa 
Olson,  Krisla  Luray 
Orquia,  Carl  Michael 
Paul,  Diane  A 
Peck,  Sheri  Kathleene 
Peterson.  Randal  Lewis 
Peterson,  Robert  Laurence 
Phillips.  Gregory  Randal 
Pitman,  Sean  Devere 
Piitman,  Robert  Wayne 
Piiiman,  Ronald  Ray 
Raitz,  Sandra  Ann 
Reeves,  Craig  Anthony 
Reid,  Danielle  Elizabeth 
Rilea,  Iris  Letitia 
Ringer,  David  Benjamin 
Robinson,  Rebecca  Ann 
Robinson,  Sharlene  Ayarma 
Rose,  Melissa  Dawnelle 
Rosete.  Sharon  R 
Schwab.  Brian  David 
Scott,  Elizabeth  j  Wentworth 
Sermersheim,  Tami  Lynn 
Short,  Donald  Robert 
Simmons.  Virginia  Lynn 
Sinaga,  Maya  Irene 
Singh,  Krishna  Anjali 
Smith.  James  Lynwood  (II) 
Smith,  Susan  Lorena 
Snider,  Kevin  A 
Stevens,  Erich  Marshall 
Stevenson.  Jo-Anne  E 
Stewart.  Kathleen  Marie 
Swart,  Kimberly  Lynn 
Tschickardt,  Monica  Lee 
Tyner,  Erin  Noelle 
Valenzuela.  Glenn  Aaron 
VanBeukering.  Michael 
Villars,  Kelly  Catherine 
Wahto.  Robert  Warren 
Waller.  Kimberly  Maureen 
Weldon,  Elizabeth  June 
Wenzel.  Miya  Son  Soon 
White,  Haywood  Edwin  (III) 
Williams,  Arlene  LuAnn 
Wolff,  Mary  Lorena 
Wooley,  Elisabeth  Karen 
Wright,  Sharon  Elspeth 
York.  Kathleen 
Zegarra,  Robert  Lee 
Zinke.  David  Dwayne 
Zmaj,  Veronica  Sue 

The  Summer  Ministries  promotion  is  over,  but  if 
you  didn't  have  time  to  sign  up  for  your  favorite 
camp,  you  can  still  pick  up  an  application  at  the 
Chaplain's  Office  or  the  Student  Center  desk. 

On  the  other  hand,  if  you're  looking  for  that 
special  position  or  need  any  other  information, 
feel  free  to  call. 

And  thanks  to  those  who  did  come  by...  you're 
going  to  have  a  great  summer  which  ever  camp 
you  chose! 


Thank  You!!! 

To  all  of  you  who  are  considering  ICC  as  your 
summer  home.  If  you  didn't  get  a  chance  to 
stop  by,  call  fi/like  lulcKenzie  at  (615)  859-1391. 

Great  opportunities  await  you! 

''What  am  I 
doing  with  my 


omg  back  lo  Camp  Kulaqua  because  it 
,.  baskoUy  it's  fun. 
But  (wjonJ  that.  I  really  see  it  as  a  great 
opportunity  to  share  Christ  tmih  kids. " 

Camp  Kulaqua 


Thanks  you  for  your 

interest  in  summer 


P positions  are  filling  fast, 
if  you  want  to  be  a  part  of 
this  summer's  team,  pick  up 
an  application  in  the 
chaplain's  office,  or  call: 

Phil  Rosburg  (704)535-6720 

Cohutta  Springs  Camp... 

Are  you  looking  for  great  opportunities  in 
Christian  Ministry?  We  have  openings  in: 

1.  Camp  Ministry 

2.  Vacation  Bible  School  Ministry 

3.  Task  Force  Ministry 

For  more  information,  call 
(404)629-7951  and  ask  for 
Dave  Cress  or  John  Swafford. 

.On  My  Mind 

Camp  Aiamiso© 

"The  best  little  camp  in 
North  Alabama" 

Thanks  to  those  who  already  joined 
"the  summer  adventure." 

To  those  who  haven't, 

you've  still  got  the  chance. 

Call  Bill  Wood  at  (205)272-7493 

•  WE  NEED ^OU  « 

If  you  are  nterested  n  the  theater  aud  a  sua],  cloth  ngde 
sign,  or  art,  and  you  are  good  at  what  you  do,  we  need  you! 
We  also  need  many  vocalists  for  the  BEHOLD  THE  LAMB 
mass  choir.  If  you've  always  longed  to  \vitness  for  Christ,  are 
creative  and  enjoy  using  your  mind  come  Join  us.  Help  us 
give  the  city  of  Chattanooga  a  whole  new  reality  of  what 
Christ  sacrificed  for  us  so  long  ago.  For  more  information 
call  238-2724  during  the  day,  or  238-3152  after  10pm. 

Bowl:  1990 

The  annual  battle  of  the  minds. 

Monday  and  Wednesday  at  5:15  pm 
In  a  cafeteria  near  you. 


This  weeks  ti 


'0  Captain,  My  Captain"? 

2)  Name  an  iron  struclure  Ihat  dominates  the  skyline  of  Paris, 

3)  Name  the  American  religious  refomier  who  founded  Christian  Science. 

4)  Argentina  seized  them  in  1982. 

-■i)   What  did  Lydon  Johnson  declare  war  on  in  19647 
The  Answers  (December  14): 

Targetable  Reentry  Vehicle 

Marshall  Plan 
Golda  Meir 

The  Winners  (December  14): 

1)  Dallas  Scolt 

2)  Chris  Indermuehle 

3)  Dale  Lacra 

4)  Ira  Mills 

5)  David  Koliadko 

Sponsored  by 




The  first  five  correct  entries  received  in  the  Accent  office  will  win  a  free  meal 
at  McDonald's  consisting  of  a  Large  Sandwich  or  Entree  Salad.  Large  Fries 

1  random  drawing.  Should  no  entries  with  all  the  c 
vithin  seven  days  of  the  date  of  publication,  the  entries  with  tl 
inswers  will  be  declared  winners.  Members  of  the  Southern  / 
heir  families,  significant  others  and  pets  are  ineligible. 

s  will  be  determined  by 

From  the  Archives 

'The  cold  war  has  melted!"  These  electrifying  words  opened  the  talk  of 
Elder  W.  A.  Scharffenberg,  executive  vice-president  of  the  American 
Temperance  Society,  who  was  guest  speaker  in  chapel  on  Monday. 
November  8.  _— 

The  "war."  the  students  learned,  was  the  beginning  of  the  American 
Temperance  Society's  nation-wide  fight  against  the  manufacture  and  use 
of  alcoholic  beverages.  The  speaker  stated  that  "given  enough  rope  the 


What  is  your  opinion  on  tlie  new  hair  policy  for  men? 

II  causes  confomiiiy;  Ihe 
faculty  should  spend  iheir 
time  solving  important 

-Sheryl  Sattertield 

They  say 
-Charlie  Diamond 

Upcoming  Events            | 

Wednesday,  Janiiarv^i 

Fnd^V,  Januar>'  19 

Usl  day  lo  return  textbooks 

Vespers.  Siudeni  Missionary 

unlii  May  buyback 

Association.  Church  8:00  pm 

Salurdav.  January  20 

Assembly,  Hyveth  Williams 

Church  Service — Gordon  Bieiz 

11 :00  am.  Church 

Beach  Party.  10:00  pm,  Gymnasiuir 

Mondav.  lanimrv  ?"> 

Special  Events  in  Town 

Lasi  Day  to  Drop  a  Class 
WednesdQV.  I;inii;iry  ->4 

Art  Closer" 

SA  Pep  Day 

"Life  in  the  New  World: 

Thursday.  Janvary  ''^ 

Selections  from  the  Permanem 

Collection  of  the  Museum  of 

Assembly,  Ray  James, 

11 :00  am.  Church 

For  more  information  call; 

Friday.  January  26 


SA  Reverse  Weekend 

Vespers,  Ray  Tetz, 

8:00  pm,  Church 

Saturday.  Jan.inrv-'? 

Church  Service,  Gordon  Bietz 

Humanities  Film.  8:00  pm 

Lynwood  Hall 

#1  Works  for  #1 

•  Coordinate  your  school  schedule 
with  a  convenient  work  schedule. 

•  Work  2,3,4  or  5  days  a  week. 

•  Work  as  little  as  3  hours  a  day. 
•  Work  with  good  people. 

•  Free  meals. 

•  Free  Uniforms. 

•  Profit  Sharing. 

•  Stock  Purchase 

•  Premium  Pay  for  Openers  and 

We're  The  Best,  If 

You  Are  Too,  Stop  By 

And  Fill  Out  An 


1020  Shallowford  Rd. 


p.  2  Editorials 
P.  3-5  News 
p.  6  Photos 
p.  8  Religion 
P.  9  Humor 
P.  10  Sports 
P.12  Viewpoints 

Volume  45.  Number  10 



Beach  Party  Photo  Feature 
Page  6 

February  i,  1990 

On  the  Boardwalk: 

Party  '90 

By  Allison  Mayers 

Saturday  night,  January  20,  Southern 
College  students  were  able  lo  leave  the 
dismal  winter  weather  behind  and 
experience  a  taste  of  summer  by  at- 
tending the  annual  S.A.  beach  party 
held  in  the  gymnasium. 

The  students  arrived  at  10:00  p.m. 
decked  out  in  sunglasses,  shorts,  and 
swimsuits.  Tans  were  provided  by  the 
glare  of  heat  lamps. 

Plenty  of  activities  kept  everyone  en- 
tertained. The  favorite  among  the  stu- 
dents seemed  to  be  the  dunking  booth, 
where  they  got  a  chance  to  dunk  some 
of  their  favorite  faculty  like  Dean 
Rose,  Dr.  Wohlers,  and  even  the  col- 
lege's president.  Dr.  Sahly. 

Other  activities  such  as  volleyball, 
the  basketball  toss,  the  baseball  throw, 
and  the  photo  booth  had  a  steady 

.  Some  chose  to 

lake  it  easy  in  the  "giant  sandbox," 
complete  with  loLtnge  chairsand 

Many  students  got  the  opportunity  t» 
reveal  their  amazing  by  participating  i 
one  of  several  contests.  Bruce  Austin 
winner  of  the  belly  flop  contest, 

s  high  tolerance  for 

Senators  study  improvements 

for  Industrial  Drive 

By  Darren  Strang 

The  buildings  along  Industrial 

Drive  have  been  painted  and  new 

The  condition  of  the  pavement 

signs  and  street  numbers  have 

on  Industrial  Drive  has  been  a 

been  put  on  each  one. 

major  concern,  especially  to 

Another  project  has  been  staried 

village  students  who  use  the  road 

behind  the  So-Ju-Conian  Hall. 

vinually  every  day  of  the  week. 

You  may  have  noticed  some  fresh 

Many  of  the  students,  faculty,  and 

digging  at  for  a  new  parking  lot  for 

alumni  have  voiced  their  concern. 

religion  professors  and  their 

When  is  the  road  going  to  be 



Another  parking  lot  with  two 

Some  students  raised  this 

rows  of  parking  will  be  placed 

question  in  a  recent  senate  meet- 

below that  for  the  students.  These 

ing  and  many  senators  voiced 

lots  will  more  than  double  the 

agreement  that  there  was  a 

amount  of  parking  spaces  in  that 

problem.  By  the  end  of  the 


meeting,  a  three-man  committee 

Another  project  is  the  implemen- 

consisting of  Danen  Strang. 

tation  of  gas  heating  m  some  of  the 

Kenneth  Neal,  and  Heather 

buildings  along  Industrial  Drive, 

Williams  was  fonned  to  pursue 

and  some  of  the  road  will  have  to 

this  issue. 

be  dug  up  to  place  the  pipes. 

After  some  study,  the  committee 

Mr.  Lacey  wants  to  be  sure  that 

found  that  Mr.  Lacey.  the  head  of 

no  digging  will  have  to  be  done 

the  Grounds  Department,  has  a 

after  the  road  is  paved.  He  also 

plan  for  Industrial  Drive  and  an 

plans  to  put  in  large  pipe  sleeves 

appointment  was  made  with  him 

so  that  other  things  can  be  pushed 

to  discuss  iL 

through  later  if  needed. 

In  our  meeting  Lacey  showed  us 

He  has  not  received  word  yet  as 

several  projects  related  to  the  re- 

to which  buildings  will  get  the  gas 

construction  of  Industrial  Drive. 



pain;  while  Michelle  Fried  displayed 
her  awesome  Rexibiliiy  and  won  the 

The  lip  sync  contest,  which  was  the 
I  high  point  of  the  evening,  featured  im- 
personations of  Phil  Collins,  Richard 
Marx,  and  Alvin  and  the  Chipmunks. 
Finil  prize  went  to  Kyle  Tomer  and 





By  Daryl  Cole 

Yells  and  shouts  filled 
Brock  Hall's  classroom 
147,  while  the  other  side  of 
campus,  students  cheered  in 
the  Student  Center.  Both 

modated  about  100  people 
for  the  Student  Association 
Super  Bowl  Party  on  Janu- 
ary 28. 

Originally.  S.A  officers 
planned  for  the  pany  to  be 
just  in  the  Student  Center. 
But  because  of  cable  problems,  the 
party  moved  lo  Brock  Hall.  Shortly 
.the  cable  company  fixed  ih 
the  Student  Center,  and 

friends  for  their  impersonation  of 
Louis  Armstrong  singing  "What  a 
Wonderful  World." 

The  Beach  Party,  according  to  Deana 
Malek,  "was  the  absolute,  most 
incredible  time  I've  ever  had  at 
Southern  College." 

Center  revelers  only  got  ice  cream. 

Ken  Stonebrook  received  an  offic 

NFL  football  for  the  closest  guess  o 

the  final  score.  Harvey  Hillycr.  the 

the  party  started  there. 

The  party  in  Brock  Hall  was 
complete  with  drinks,  candy,  popcom. 
and  ice  cream.  Unfortunately,  most  of 
the  refreshments  ran  out  before  anyone 
from  the  Student  Center  party  could 
enjoy  ihem,  therefoie  the  Student 

everyone  had  a  ball. 

At  the  end,  excited  49er  fans  and 
disappointed  Bronco  fans  left,  taking 
with  them  left-over,  melted  ice  cream 
in  hopes  that  it  would  freeze  again. 
And  so  ended  Super  Bowl  XXIV. 

Basketball:  bringing  out  the  worst  in  the  best  of  us? 

By  John  Caskey 

"Everyone  must  submit  himself  to 
the  governing  auttiorilies,  for  there  is 
no  authority  except  thai  which  God  has 
established.  The  authorities  thai  exist 
have  been  established  by  God.  Conse- 
quently, he  who  rebels  against  the 
authority  is  rebelling  against  what  God 
has  instituted,  and  those  who  do  so  will 
bring  judgment  on  themselves.  For 
rulers  hold  no  [error  for  those  who  do 
right,  but  for  those  who  do  wrong.  Do 
you  want  to  be  free  from  fear  of  the 
one  in  authority?  Then  do  what  is 
right  and  he  will  commend  you.  For    . 
he  is  God's  servant  to  do  you  good. 
But  if  you  do  wrong,  be  airaid,  for  he 
does  not  bear  the  sword  for  nothing. 
He  is  God's  servant,  an  agent  of  wrath 
to  bring  punishment  on  the  wrongdoer. 
Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  submit  to 

e  punishment  but  a 

-Romans  8:1-5 

It's  Basketball  Season  here  on  the 
campus  of  Southern  College,  and 
while  the  passage  I  quoted  from 
Romans  was  clearly  not  intended  for 
use  in  an  intramural  basketball 
program.  I  think  it  should  be  applied  to 
us  anyway. 

TTiere  seems  to  be  a  lot  of  hatred 
and  discontent  welling  up  out  there  on 
the  hardwood  floor.  I  think  that  it's 
about  titne  that  we  put  and  end  to  it 
once  and  for  all.  We  started  it  after 
all.  and  therefore,  we  can  stop  it. 

It*s  just  a  stupid  game,  guys. 

No  one  from  Southern  College  is 
ever  going  to  make  a  living  playing 
basketball.  So.  why  do  we  try  to  make 
intramural  basketball  such  a  Ufe  or 
death  struggle?  Three  weeks  after 
basketball  season  ends,  very  few 
people  will  be  able  to  remember  who 
won  or  lost  or  fouled  out  or  fouled  up. 
But  if  you  consistently  act  like  a  jerk 
out  on  the  court,  the  Big  Ref  may  see 
fit  to  lay  a  MAJOR  technical  on  you 

Assodate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela    Draper 
Sheila    Draper 

Photo    Editor 

Sean    Terretta 


Kenny    Zill 
Geoffrey    Church 


Monique    Tou/nsend 

Lifestyle     Editor 

Adrienne    Cox 

Sports    Editor 

Jim     King 

Religion     Edtior 

Andy  Nash 

Layout    Editor 
Graphic    Art 

Daniel    Potter 


Stan    Hobbs 

Word  Processing 

Heather  Wise 
Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 



day  durins  th.  «*■»! 

AdvMlisl  church,  or  the  aayertisen. 

spa«  and  daritj.  Al<  1 

tiers  must  liavc  the  wriicr'i  oaTne  aitd  ohone 

^  -Uhcmgh  n=m«  ma,  bt  «[,hheld  a.  iht 

tor  ttatnis  the  right  lo  reject  uny  ktler.  The 

to:  Soulhcm  Colkgt, 

-«*™.r„«.  pT.'S^SS'r™ 

and  throw  you  out  of  the  Cosmic 
Game.  Permanently.  That,  my 
friends,  is  a  life  or  death  struggle. 

Far  be  it  from  me  to  assume  a 
holier  than  thou  attitude  on  this  issue. 
i  am  one  of  the  offenders.  I  freely 
admit  it.  I  was  worse  last  year.  I  will 
be  better  in  the  next  game. 

I  challenge  every  player  and 
every  ref  and  Jaecks  and  Evans  and 
the  spectators  and  the  people  who 
don't  care  about  basketball  at  all  (but 
just  happen  to  be  wandering  around 
in  the  gym)  to  follow  this  simple 

"If  you  don't  have  sometbing 
kind  or  beneficial  or  good  to  say 
then  keep  your  moutb  shut" 

Don't  try  to  call  the  game  for  the 
refs.  Don't  clap  or  cheer  when  the 
refs  make  a  call  against  the 
team.  Don't  bellyache  and 
groan  when  they  make  a  call  against 
your  team.  Congratulate  your 

1  and  the  guys  on  the  other 
■  when  they  make  a  good  play. 

When  in  doubt,  shut  up. 

If  everybody  involved  in  the 
intramural  program  can't  do  this,  then  i 
suggest  that  we  abolish  the  program 

think  a  little  healthy  competition  on  the 
playing  field  is  good  for  the  human  soul. 
But.  the  spirit  of  "win  at  all  costs"  and 
'I'm  better  than  you"  and  "the  ref  is 
biased  against  me"  and  "your  ugly  and 
your  momma  dresses  you  funny"  does 
not  have  a  place  on  a  "Christian" 

We  all  need  to  sit  down  and  have  a 
long  hard  think  about  our  priorities  from 
time  to  lime.  If  after  doing  so  you  find 
that  your  first  priority  is  to  win  an 
intramural  basketball  then  you  don't 
belong  here  on  the  campus  of  Southern 
College  of  Seventh-day  Adventists, 

Rule  your  desires  lest 
your  desires  rule  you. 

Letter  to 
the  Editor 

Dear  Editor. 

I  was  reading  through  the  recent 
edition  of  the  "Accent"  when  I 
came  to  the  veiwpoinl  section 
("What  do  you  think  of  the  new 
hair  policy  for  men?").  I  was 
greatly  distressed  at  this  question. 

1  would  like  to  personally  thank 
the  deans  of  Talge  Hall  and  all 
others  responsible  for  this  new  rule 
Thanks  to  you  our  fine,  young  men 
V  look  like  pre-pubescent 

guys  ( 

.  Nobody  h 

Why  all  of  the  fuss  about  hairstyles^' 
If  Jesus  walked  on  our  campus,  would 
the  Deans  make  him  cut  his  hair? 

Stop  worrying  about  the  guys'  hair 
and  start  worrying  about  more  important 
things  like  whether  they  are  getting  a 
good  education.  After  all.  are  we  here 
for  an  education  or  a  hair  grooming 
lesson?  We  are  paying  for  a  career — not 
a  haircut! 

i  have  a  friend  (who  shall  remain 
unidentified  to  protect  his  hair's 
-  length)  that  I  will  call  "John".  John 
has  hair  a  little  past  his  collar,  but  it 
IS  neatly  groomed  and  looks  good 

forced  to  have  those  locks  re- 
moved, he  will  look  like  a  little  kid 

I  have  another  friend.  Let's  call 
him  "Fred",  Fred  used  to  have  hair 
the  same  length.  He  had  to  get  his 
cui  and  does  qqi  look  the  same. 
Thanks  again! 

1  say  that  if  a  guy  wants  to  have 

power  to  him.  as  long  as  it's  kept 
neat  and  not  a  rat's  nest.  Some 
guys  just  look  better  with  longer 
hair.  So  many  times  in  high  school 

Why  are  they  being  told  to  cut 
their  hair  all  of  the  sudden?  Why 
not  at  the  beeinnin^  of  last  semes- 

1  agree  with  the  viewpoints  of  il 
Mudents.  Hair  does  not  affect  aca 
demic  progress  and  it  should  be  tl 



These  are  just  a  few  of  the 
projects  that  Lacey  has  on  his 
overall  plan  for  Industrial  IDrive. 

Many  things  must  be  considered 
with  a  problem  like  Industrial 
Drive,  the  main  thing  to  remem- 
ber is  that  these  projects  lake  time. 
As  Mr.  Lacey  said.  "If  you  want  to 
waste  money,  gel  in  a  hurry."  To 
gel  a  quality  job  at  a  good  price, 
one  must  accept  delays. 

One  such  barrier  is  getting  some 
buried  communciation  cables 
located  low  enough  to  build  the 
parking  lot  over  them.  This  and 
other  problems  make  it  impossible 
to  set  deadlines  or  dates  for  the 
completion  of  Industrial  Drive. 
No  one  knows  how  many  more 
glitches  will  have  to  be  dealt  with. 
"We  just  have  to  confront  the 
obstacles  as  they  come,"  said  Mr. 

Although  it  may  take  a  while,  the 
improvements  should  be  well 
worth  the  wait,  and  all  will  be 
happy  to  know  that  action  is  being 
taken  on  Industrial  Drive. 

College  Bowl 

kicks  off,  more 

exciting  than 

the  SuperBowl 

By  Amy  Beckwarth 

The  questions  come  rapidly.  "Name 
the  legendary  South  American  city  ol 
stupendous  riches  sought  by  the 
Spanish  Conquisiadores."  Buzzzz/ 
■'El  Dorado!" 

What  appears  to  be  entertainment  to 
ihe  onlookers  is  really  quite  strenuous 
for  the  players.  What  is  the  cause  of  all 
this  excitement?  The  College  Bowl! 

The  seventh  annua!  college  bowl 
L-ommenced  on  January  22.  In  the  first 
round  the  teams  ofBen  Keppler  and 
Robert  Marsa  battled.  Marsa  was  vie- 

This  was  the  first  game  of  many  in 
the  college  bowl  tournament.    The 
hack  of  the  cafeteria  was  packed  with 
students  hoping  to  see  their  friends  in 




^^^^■^  r 

Pt-^-iW     m 


\:y\      i 

1^1,^ — .^^^^^^^^1 


possible  to  win  points  for  their 
points  at  the  end  of  the  round  i; 

winner.  The  champion  l£ 

double  elimir 

determined  during  chapel  on  March  I 

Dean  Hobbs  organizes  the  bowl,  and 

he,  along  with  Drs.  McAnhur.  Haluska 
and  Woolsey  are  the  moderators. 

Everyone  is  invited  to  come  see  "the 
annual  battle  of  the  minds"  this 

Careers  in  the  Church,  opportunities  nnoney  can't  buy 

By  Julie  Jacobs 

Working  for  the  church  means 
doing  Ihe  same  kind  of  job  you 
could  do  elsewhere  but  receiving  a 
lower  wage  for  It,  according  to 
Dean  Kinsey,  Alumni  Director. 
One  does  not  work  in  our  church 
for  the  size  of  the  paycheck 

Richard  Erickson  of  the  business 
department,  used  to  work  as  a 
financial  manager  for  a  major 
industry.  Although  he  took  a  de- 
duction in  pay  lo  work  for  Southern 
College,  he  found  that  he  enjoyed 
this  working  environment  much 
better.  "I  sure  appreciate  asmoke- 

free  working  area,"  said  Erickson. 
Now  Erickson  finds  he  now  has 
something  in  common  with  his 
colleagues,  whereas  he  used  lo 
have  difficulty  relating  to  his 
working  partners. 

"My  enjoyment  of  the  work  en- 
vironment and  job  helps  me  cope 
with  the  discrepancy  in  my  sal- 
ary", said  Jeanette  Siepanske  of 
the  education  department.  She 
continued  by  saying  that  sharing  i 

for  money  or  fame  and  are  content 
with  the  rewards  of  working  for 
God.  "I've  worked  for  the  church 
all  my  life,  said  K.R.  Davis, 
director  of  testing  and  counseling. 
"I've  always  had  a  roof  over  my 
head  and  bread  on  the  table." 
Jeanne  Davis,  K.R.'s  wife  and  sec- 
retary to  Ihe  president,  added, 
"We've  never  gone  wanting  and 

have  always  had  our  needs  sup- 
plied, plus  much,  much  more." 

Although  offered  other  jobs 
outside  of  the  church.  Dean  Kinsey 
has  never  worked  outside  the 
church.  "When  I  believe  that 
something  is  right,  I  want  lo  be  a 
part  of  it,  and  1  am  willing  to  spend 
my  energy  to  perpetuate  it." 

n  goal  a 

1  phi- 

losophy with  colleagues  makes  a 
job  much  more  rewarding. 
Some  people  do  not  feel  the  n 

Century  II  scholarship 
fund  growing 

By  Melissa  L.  Farrow 

The  Century  II  scholarship  endow- 
ment began  a  couple  of  years  ago  to 
benefit  incoming  freshmen  and  needy 
students.  In  December  1989,  one  of 
the  biggest  portions  of  the  money  to 
date  was  raised  and  added  to  the  ten 
million  dollar  goal.  It  began  with  a 
challenge  to  Southern  College  board* 
members  from  a  group  of  anonymous 
families.  The  challenge  had  two  parts, 

I )  The  board  members  would  give 


cash  to  the  endowment 
p  of  families  would  match 

give  a  total  of  S500.IXH)  in  cash  by  De- 
cember31.  1989  and  the  group  of 
families  would  contribute  $90.IK)0  in  a 
span  of  two  years. 

Pan  two  of  the  challenge  was 
successfully  met  by  the  proposed  date 

with  a  100%  participation  from  all 
board  members.  Part  one  is  still  in 
progress  with  a  total  of  $362,452  given 
by  the  board.  When  this  challenge  is 
complete,  it  will  have  added 
$2,400,000  to  the  fund,  giving  a  grand 
total  of  approximately  $7,000,000  in 

All  donations  are  invested  according 
to  conference  guidelines  and  the 
interest  in  tum  is  given  as  scholarships. 
"We  can't  give  what  is  expected  from 
this  project  until  our  goal  is  reached, 
for  obvious  reasons,"  said  Jack 
McClarty.  head  of  development.  "We 
have  to  invest  at  the  current  percentage 
rate  and  then  wail  a  year  to  gain  the 
interest.  More  money  invested  means 
more  money  for  scholarships." 

The  goal  is  set  for  1992,  which  will 
mark  the  centennial  of  the  college's 

Students  "reach  out  and 

touch"  Alumni  in  phone-athon 

By  Gina  Mclntyre 

half  of  the  Alumni  being  home. 

This  may  seem  a  palny  sum  for 

Three  cheers  for  students 

eight  students,  but  funds  are  only 

working  evenings  in  the  Alumni/ 

one  of  the  requests.  Address 

Public  Relations  offices  for  Ihe 

changes,  interesting  facts  for 

Alumni  Association's  phone- 

athon.  which  began  on  January  14; 

tidbits  of  information  are  sought 

they  are  raising  funds  with  record 

as  well.  Kinsey.  in  a  quick 

progress.   Students  work  five 

reminder,  said,  "Our  goal  is  nol 

nights  a  week  from  7-10  p.m..  call- 

just raising  money.  Fund  raising 

ing  alumni  across  the  nation  to 

friend  raising  are  the  objectives." 

secure  donations  for  the  "Alumni 

Jeff  Lemon  and  Janenc  Burdick 

Loyalty  Fund."  which  will  be  used 

supervise  and  tabulate  the  funds. 

for  scholarships  and  classroom/lab 

Lemon  states,  "It's  a  real  employ- 


ment  opportunity  that  most  people 

Dean  Kinsey.  associate  vice 

don't  realize  exists.  Everyone   ^ 

president  of  Alumni/Public 

gets  a  percentage  of  the  pledges 

Relations,  projects  the  goal  for  the 

they  secure,  You  also  get  bonuses 

four-month  drive  at  $200,000  The 

for  attendance,  plus  an  hourly 

campaign  ends  in  April,  but  the 

wage.  The  hourly  wage  goes  on 

goal  is  not  unrealistic.  Last  year. 

your  bill,  but  a  lot  of  money  goes 

the  phone-athon  exceeded  the  goal 

straight  into  your  pocket.  [This  is 


an]  opportunity  for  Public 

Students  employed  on  this  drive 

Relations  majors.  It's  great  to  put 

are  trained  in  one  night  and  begin 

on  your  resume." 

work  the  night  after.  According  to' 

Kinsey.  eight  students  average 

eighteen  calls  an  hour,  with  only 

Sahly:  a 

man  on 

the  move 

By  Jonathan  Malloch 

Not  many  people  realize 
exaclly  what  being  the  Presi- 
dent of  Southern  College  in- 
volves. Just  glance  at  his 
calendar  and  one  would  easily 
see  that  Dr.  Don  Sahly  is 
indeed  a  national  man. 
Appoinimenis  from  Florida  to 
California,  France,  Germany 
and  Spain  keep  our  presideni 
on  the  move. 

Last  weekend  alone  was 
undoubtedly  a  long  and  busy 
one.  On  Thursday  morning. 
January  25,  Dr.  Sahly  met  with 
the  Board  of  Florida  Hospital. 
He  has  served  as  a  member  of 

1986.  Thursday  afternoon  and 
Friday  he  met  his  appointment 
with  the  Sunbelt  to  discuss  a 
"Conference  on  Mission."  On 
Saturday,  Dr.  Sahly  was  the 
guest  speaker  at  ihe  Cress  Me- 
morial Seventh-day  Adventist 
Church  in  Orlando.  The  next 
day,  he  spoke  at  a  brunch  for 
Southern  College  alumni  in  the 
Orlando  area.  He  concluded 
his  weekend  at  Madison 
Academy,  near  Nashville,  on 
Monday.  But,  "It's  not  always 
that  busy,"  Dr.  Sahly  said. 

Later  ihis  year.  Dr.  Sahly 
will  be  leaving  the  country  and 
heading  for  France,  Germany, 
and  Spain.  He  is  a  member  of 
Advenlisi  Colleges  Abroad 

the  problems  they  face 
overseas,  and  work  on  possible 
improvement  He  will  also  be 
meeting  with  faculty  and 
administration  of  these 
colleges  discussing  problems 
and  improvements  they  feel 
need  woik.  THe  last  weekend 
in  Germany  will  be  spent  as  a 
guest  speaker  at  the  American 
Servicemen's  Conference. 

boards  ai 


area  that  he  is  involved  in.  "1 
spend  five  days  a  year  solicit- 
ing donations  from  various 
businesses  for  the  Tennessee 
Foundation  for  Independent 
Colleges.  In  return  they  give 
Southern  College  a  525,000.00 

Although  it  seems  like 
much  more.  Dr.  Sahly  says. 
"I'm  only  gone  25%  of  the 
time.  It's  my  job  to  represent 
this  institution,  to  build 
confidence  in  the  institution  " 

Henning  completes 
masters  program 

journalism  at  Southern 
College  of  Seventh- 
day  Adveniists.  re- 
cently completed  a 
master's  degree  in 

Central  Florida  in 

His  thesis,  '■Chureh 
Advertising:  Views  on 
Appropriateness  Held 
by  Clergy  and  the 
General  Public- 
compared  the  altitudes 
held  by  clergy  and  the 
general  public  toward 
church  involvement  in 

Concerto  Concert 

By  Doris  Burdick 

Five  student  soloists  from  area  high 
schools  and  colleges  will  be  featured 
at  the  Southern  College  Symphony  Or- 
chestra's annual  Concerto  Concert 
Friday,  February  16.  The  program 
will  begin  at  8  p.m.  in  the  Coltegedale 
Seventh-day  Adventist  Church. 

"This  will  be  a  very  exciting 
program  with  outstanding  soloists 
playing  a  variety  of  fine  Baroque, 
Classical,  and  Romantic  music," 
predicts  Orio  Gilbert,  symphony 

The  Southern  College  Symphony 
Orchestra  will  accompany  these  gifted 
high  school  and  college  student  who 
auditioned  for  their  solo  positions. 

Ellen  Ashton,  sophomore  violin 
major  at  Southern  College,  will  be 

performing ' 

by  Gla- 

Andy  Hong,  junior  at  Baylor  High 
school,  will  be  performing,  "Concerto 
No.  2  for  Cello,"  by  B.  Romberg. 

Sheri  Peck,  sophomore  violin 
major  at  southern  College,  will  be 
performing,  "Conceno  No.  2  in  E 
Major,"  by  Bach. 

Lynda  Magee  will  be  performing, 
"Fantaisie  Dialogue,"  by  L.  Boellmann 
for  Organ  and  Orchestra.  She  is  an 
organ  major  at  Southern  College. 

Tim  Evans,  a  senior  piano  major 
from  Bryan  College,  will  be  perform- 
ing, "Liszt  Conceno  No.  1  for  Piano 
and  Orchestra." 

The  public  is  invited  to  attend  this 
special  concert  performance  free  of 
charge.  For  more  information  call  the 
Music  Depanment  at  238-: 

advertisement.  Henning's  research  re- 
vealed a  more  open  response  from  the 
genera!  public  than  from  clergy  toward 
general  church  advenising. 

Henning  gave  an  oral  of  his 
thesis  over  the  phone  to  a  committee 
of  three  professors  at  the  University  of 
Central  Florida  in  early  December.  He 
graduated  on  December  16. 

Before  joining  the  journalism  staff  ai 
Southern  College  in  1989.  Henning 
was  the  Communications  Director  for 
the  Florida  Conference  of  Seventh-day 
Adventists.  Prior  to  that,  he  pastored 
the  Leesburg  and  Belleview  SDA 
churches  in  Florida. 

Henning  completed  his  M.Div.  ai 
Andrews  University  in  Berrien 
Springs,  Mich.  He  and  his  wife,  Linda 
Hanson  Henning,  have  two  children. 

Gil:  helping 
students  help 

The  Center  for  Individualized 
Instruction,  or  CII,  was  opened  at 
Southern  College  this  school  year 
especially  for  students  needing 
extra  help  with  their  college 

Sponsored  by  the  Education 
Department,  the  Cn  offers  tutors 
throughout  the  day  in  math  and 
English.  If  students  need  tutoring 
in  other  classes,  the  CII  will  try  to 
arrange  for  this  additional  help. 

The  Cn  is  located  on  the 
second  floor  of  the  library  and  is 
open  on  Mondays  and  Wednes- 
days, 11:00  a.m.  until  9:30  p.m.; 
Tuesdays  and  Thursdays,  9:00 
a.m.  until  9:30  p.m.;  and  on 
Sundays,  2:00  p.m.  until  9:30  p.m. 
During  diese  times,  students  may 
stop  by  or  set  up  appointments 
before  coming. 

Presently  there  are  17  regular 
tutors  working  on  alternating 

So  far,  attendance  at  the 
Center  has  been  very  regular  and 
the  director,  Dr.  Carol  Haynes.  is 
excited  about  future  plans  for  CII. 
One  plan  is  to  initiate  a  student 
survival  course  designed  to  help 
students  who  are  new  to  college  or 
who  are  on  academic  probation. 
The  program  would  include  topics 
like  time  management  skills  and 
better  study  skills  which  would 
help  students  adapt  to  college 
studies  and  die  discipline  it  lake-- 
to  pass  them. 

The  Center  for  Individualized 
Instruction  is  specifically  designed 
to  help  students  help  themselves 
and  is  a  beneficial  additive  to  a 
student's  college  curriculum. 

Expect  the  Unexpected  in  the 

All-New  119th  Edition  of  Ringling 

Bros,  and  Barnum  &  Bailey 


Handsome  hotdog  skiers  zoom 
perilously  down  a  four-slory-high 
indoor  ski  slope,  throwing  caution 
10  the  wind  and  executing  danger- 
ous flips  and  twists.  A  super- 
charged, roller-skating  trio  twirls 
and  spins  at  breakneck  speed. 
Beautiful  wonnen  maneuver  scores 
of  shining  hula  hoops  from  head  to 
toe.  Golden  statues  come  to  life 
before  your  very  eyes.  You've 
come  to  expect  the  unexpected  at 
The  Greatest  Show  On  Earth,  and 
this  year,  audiences  are  treated  to 
unending  surprises  when  the  all- 
new  199lh  Edition  of  Ringling  Bros, 
and  Bamum  &  Bailey  Circus  comes 
to  the  UTC  Arena  on  February  22- 
25. 1990. 

Among  the  many  unique  acts 
brought  together  from  all  comers  of 
the  globe  are  four  young  men  from 
British  Columbia  who  comprise  The 
Royal  Canadian  Aerial  Ski  Squad- 

ics— is  the  hottest  new  spon  in  the 
world  and  was  previewed  recently 
at  the  1988  Olympics.  Now,  these 
thrill-seekers  bring  their  own 
power-packed,  daring  skiing 
spectacle  to  The  Greatest  Show  On 
Earth  for  the  first  time  ever. 

For  a  spicy  twist  of  new  excite- 
ment, the  1 1 9th  Edition  features  a  rare 
three-ring  display  of  whirling  roller 
skaters  and  twirling  hula  hoopers.  The 
Willers  from  England  rock  the 
audience  as  they  spin  around  at 
dizzying  speeds,  performing  round- 
robin  roller-skating  hijinks  atop  a 
roller-skating  platform  no  larger  than  a 
dining  room  table.  Twirling  simulta- 
neously, the  beautiful  hula  hoop  spe- 
cialists Marie  Perry  and  Dessi 
Kehaiova  dazzle  audiences  with  their 
championship  skill. 

Art  comes  to  life  as  the  perfectly- 
matched  Living  Statues  display  the 
power  and  flexibility  of  incredible 
acrobatic  movements  in  lime.  Danger 
permeates  the  air  as  The  Ayak  Broth- 
ers perform  a  heart- stopping  aerial 
display  high  above  the  arena  floor. 
And  for  the  first  time  anywhere. 

female  trapeze  arti 
hilarious  harlequir 


lults.  Hordes  of 
,  a  bevy  of  beauti- 
)us  pachyderms 
e  all  pan  of 

1  acrobats  a 
this  shimmering  spectacle. 

The  all-new  11 9th  Edition  of 
Ringhng  Bros,  and  Bamum  &  Bailey 
Circus  pays  tribute  to  the  man  who  in 
the  past  20  years  performed  for  more 

fomier  living  or  dead.  Now  is  your 
last  chance  to  see  the  legendary 
Gunther  Gebel-Williams  display  his 
mastery  of  training  wild  Siberian  and 

mammoth  elephants.  For 
2t  information  call  the  UTC 
na  Box  Office  at  615/266-7469. 

New  books  recommended  by 
McKee  librarian 

By  A.  Lee  Bennett  Jr. 

The  month  of  February  brings  iwc 
new  books  to  the  McKee  Library.  Li- 
brary director  Peg  Bennett  n 
s  Thunder  Gods  and  G_eJ^ 

relates  absorbing  courtroom  dramas 
from  his  personal  experiences  in  his 
book.  Bennett  says  that  he  gives 
"lively,  often  touching... glimpses  of 
his  clients  and  courtroom  proceed- 

n  reading  al 

Midnight  madness  strikes 
Thatcher  residents 

By  Tammie  D.  Menlzel 

The  film  "Yours,  Mine,  and  Ours," 
starring  Lucille  Ball  and  Henry  Fond 
in  a  Brady  Bunch  type  comedy,  was 
January  27  in  Thatcher  H 
fu-st  midnight  n 
The  story  focused  on  a  widow  (Ball) 
with  eight  children  and  a  widower 
(Fonda)  with  ten.  During  tf 



Introducing  tlie  new  B.M.O.C.-the  big- 
gest Macintosh  on  campus: 

The  Macintosh'  D  computer.  It's  the  per- 
fea  roommate  for  power  hun^studenls 
who  do  high  speed  computing,  video  pro- 

Made  with  an  open  configuration  that 
allows  for  special  purpose  boards,theMac'n 
is  the  fastest,  best  performing  Macintosh 

ever  built  Vet  with  ail  its  sophistication,  it 
stOl  has  the  same  point-and-c!ick  simplicity 
that  Macintosh  has  become  famous  for. 

Which  means,  of  course,  the  Macintosh  D 
and  you  wiO  be  the  perfect  roommates: 

it  cooks.  And  )du  dean  up. 

The  pou-er  to  be  >our  best" 

Jesus  said,  "Do 
you  truly  love 

me?"  . . .  "Take 

CARE  of  my 


John  21:16  NIV 

'Setting  our  Sights  on  the  Saviour" 


What  are  you  laughing  at? 

By  Andrew  C.  Nasli 

An  American  family  huddles  in 
front  of  the  lelevision  lo  watch  an  "I 
Love  Lucy"  episode.... 

Two  Mexican  boys  sit  on  a  split-rail 
fence  and  exchange  their  favorite 

A  foursome  of  Japanese  golfers 
watch  in  amazement  as  a  misguided 
ball  careens  off  several  trees  and  lands 
in  a  pond,  driving  away  a  flock  of 
angry  ducks.... 

The  class  klutz,  attempts  to  do  a 
from  handspring  during  recess,  but  she 
over-rotates  and  lands  on  her  jaw. 
Jeannie  is  unhun  until  stie  looks  up  to 
see  the  reaction  of  her  "friends"..., 

These  situations  do  not  have  much 
in  common,  except  that  each  will  be 
followed  by  a  high  degree  of  laughter. 
Laughter  is  universal,  and  it  sounds  the 
same  in  every  part  of  the  worid.  We 
choose  lo  laugh.  No  one  can  force  us 
to  laugh  (an  honest  laugh).  Laughter 
often  goes  hand-in-hand  with  happi- 
ness, but  not  always. 

The  gift  of  laughter  was  given  to  us 
by  God  for  the  purpose  of  bringing 
..  To  laugh 

distresses  of  the  world.  Most  of  us 
enjoy  humorous  things  such  as  the 
comics  in  a  newspaper  and  the  sight  of 
playful  puppies  rolling  around  in  the 
grass.  To  laugh  means  to  break  down 
barriers  and  replace  them  with  friends. 
Who  can  reach  a  group  of  first  graders 

more  effectively — the  president  of 
Disney  World  or  Goofy?  Laughter  can 
mend,  delight,  and  uplift. 

However,  laughter  also  has  the 
power  to  cause  a  great  deal  of  pain, 
more  aptly  tenned  mocking  or  ridicule. 
this  type  of  laughter  can  hurt  feelings 
and  destroy  self-esteem. 

Several  years  ago  in  a  small  town  in 
Minnesota,  a  twelve -year-old  boy 
hobbled  off  the  bus  (he  had  broken  his 
ankle  and  was  on  cmtches)  for  his  first 
day  of  junior  high  school.  As  he  made 
his  way  up  the  rain-soaked  sidewalk, 
he  was  excited  about  his  initial  taste  of 
seventh  grade.  But,  when  he  walked 
through  the  huge  double  doors,  his 
crutches  gave  way  to  the  slippery  tile 
floor....  The  next  thing  he  knew  he 
was  sprawled  out  in  front  of  "millions" 
of  hysterical  ninth  graders. 

No  one  offered  to  help  me  up,  and  I 
will  never  forget  that  feeling  of  embar- 

Laughier  is  a  weapon  that  has  been 
around  for  along  lime.  All  but  eight 
people  on  this  earth  mocked  the  flood 
warnings  of  Noah,  but  in  the  end.  the 
disbelievers  were  sorry— they  laughed 
themselves  to  death. 

As  we  continue  to  laugh  at  the  jokes, 
comical  characters,  and  unexpected 
happenings  of  our  lives,  may  we  also 
remember  to  laugh  at  others  as  we 
would  have  ihem  laugh  at  us. 

Ascending  Pravers 

Special  prayer 
needs?  Let  others 
on  campus  pray  with 

Tiirn  in  your 
prayer  requests  to  the 
C.A.R.E.  office  for 
printing  in  this  box  of 
the  next  Accent. 

On  Friday. 
February  2  at  8;00 
for  vespers, 
C.A.R.E.  ministries 
will  be  sponsoring  a 
special  program 
that  will  prove  to  be 

unique  vespers  pro- 
grams of  the  year. 
Curt  Cloniger  will 
be  performing  a  one 
man  theatrical 

Cun  Cloniger  re- 
theatre  and  commu- 

STRAIGHT  TO  IHE  IJEART    »"  i^i""- 

'"  ~~  "     "  medium.  Clo 

FRIDAY,  FEBRUARY  2  realizes  that  \ 

VESPERS  in  an  enterlaii 

8  P.M.  centered  society, 

and  believes  there 
a  great  need  for  quality  entertainment  that  also  presents  the  truth  of  God's  iove. 

While  here  Cloniger  wil!  be  performing  for  the  Collegedaie  Academy  and 
holding  a  workshop  for  the  Destiny  Drama  Company. 

BehoW  the 


reknowned  Christian 

The   day 
cloudy  as  Christ  hung 
in  anguish  on  iht 
dying  to  redeem 

iri)mg  the  Miracle,  tl 
MessMh  Jesus  Christ.  Prcmieringai 
Southern  College,  this  Easier  produc- 
tion features  the  music  of  Amy  Grant. 
MichdLl  W,  Smith,  Steve  Green  and 

you  are  interested  in  lending  yo"5_^""' 
and  talent,  please  call  either  H 
after  10:00  p.m.  or  the  C.A.R 

Bud  the  Hamster  defies  death 

©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

SALEM.  Ore.  —  Cats  may  n 



Take  Bud  the  Hamsier. 

Bud  defied  death  last  week,  to  the 
delight  of  his  6-year-old  owner,  when 
he  survived  a  night  in  the  family  food 

"I  thoughl  he  would  go  up  lo 
heaven,  and  my  mom  would  buy  me  a 
new  one,"  Bradley  Snoddy  of  Salem 

Bradley  and  his  mother.  Mary 
Ann  Snoddy,  were  certain  Bud  was 
spending  his  last  days  on  a  death  bed 
of  wood  chips  in  the  comer  of  the 
cage.  Bud  was  4-years-old,  far  beyond 
the  average  life  expectancy  for  a 
hamster,  which  is  1  1/2  to  2  years. 

Snoddy  and  her  son  were  looking 
for  a  way  to  put  Bud  out  of  his  misery. 
She  called  a  Salem  pet  store  and  was 
advised  to  put  the  sickly  hamster  in  the 
freezer,  where  he  would  "fall  asleep 


"We  had  a  very  rough  night.  A 
were  totally  devastated.  My  son  w 
tears  all  night,"  she  recalled. 

But  Bud  refused  to  lay  down  and 

The  rodent  chewed  his  way  out  of 
the  paper  bag.  The  would-be  death 
chamber  became  an  arctic  all-you-can 
eat  smorgasbord  for  Bud,  who  spent 
the  night  munching  on  frozen  hash 
browns  and  a  brick-hard  loaf  of  bread. 

The  next  morning,  Snoddy 


"I  thought  that  was  the  best  way  to 
dispose  of  an  animal  without  causing 
any  suffering,"  she  said,  describing 
how  she  bundled  Bud  up  in  cloth 
Wednesday  night,  putting  him  in  a 
paper  bag  and  placing  him  in  the 

dispose  of  Bud's  body. 

"I  opened  the  freezer  door,  and 
flop,  onto  the  floor  fell  the  hamsier.  He 
sat  up  on  his  hind  legs,  and  looked  at 
me  like  "why  did  you  do  this  to  me?'  " 

Since  then.  Bud  has  had  a  new 
lease  on  life.  In  fact,  he  even  has  a  new 
exercise  wheel.  "He's  just  fine.  Just 
the  regular,  normal  hamster  that  we 
had  before,"  Snoddy  said. 

Salem  veterinarian  Stephanie 
Hazen  said  Snoddy  got  bum  advice  on 

"You  can't  kill  animals  putting 
them  in  a  freezer.  They  live  and  live 
for  days,"  she  said. 

Because  it  is  a  slow,  often  painful 
death,  she  recommended  instead  that 
people  take  dying  animals  to  the 
Humane  Society  to  have  them 
euthanized  painlessly. 

Calaveras  County  contest  threatened  by  mega-frogs 

©Copyright  1990.  USA 
TODAYIApple  College  Information 
ANGELS  CAMP,  Calif  — 
This,  folks  are  saying,  is  war.  How 
daie  anyone  bring  in  foreign  competi- 
tion for  an  inherently  American 

The  Calaveras  County 
Jumping  Frog  Jubilee  since  1928  has 
commemorated  the  Mark  Twain  short 
story  "The  Celebrated  Jumping  Frog  of 
Calaveras  County,"  in  which  a 
shiftless  stranger  bets  locals  that  his 

iiragc  p 

Seattle  animal  trader  Andy  Koffman  i; 



entering  10 1 

frogs  imported  from  Africa, 

Koffman  hopes  to  break  the 
world's  frog-jump  record  and  win  a 
S1.500  prize  —  but  more  important,  he 
says.  "It  is  the  destiny  of  these  frogs  to 

Fair  officials  fear  the  Goliath 
frogs  —  which  can  be  three  feet  long 
and  weigh  8  pounds  —  not  only  will 
outjump  common  bullfrogs  but  also 

the  popular  event. 

Virtually  all  entrants  have 
been  California  bullfrogs,  with  Ihe 
biggest  about  a  pound,  said  interim 
county  fair  manager  Diane  Baumann. 

Koffman  said  his  superirogs 
can  leap  as  much  as  20  feet  in  a  single 
bound.  The  record  is  2 1  feet  5  inches 
in  three  Jumps  by  Rosie  the  Ribbiter  in 

Fair  officials  have  not  yet 
accepted  Koffman's  entry  for  Ihe  May 
17-20  jump.  The  nine-member  board 

issue,  "probably  in  executive  (closed) 
session  due  to  the  possibility  of 
litigation,"  said  Baumann. 

Baumann  said  at  least  one 
frog  jockey  has  complained  that  the 
Goliath  frogs  could  be  unfair  competi- 
tion, and  others  arc  concerned. 

■They  think  it's  an  unequal 
contest,"  Baumann  said.  "And  if  those 
frogs  can  jump  as  far  as  Andy  says 
they'll  jump,  one  of  them  could  land  in 
the  middle  of  the  crowd  and  hit 

Basketball  season  in  full 
swing  at  Southern 

;am  in  each  divisio 
d  undefeated.  That  changed 
Monday  night  when  King  of  A  League 
fell  10  Gay.  and  B  Leagi 
was  defeated  by  Geiiys. 

Maihis.  in  the  women's  division, 
siill  holds  on  to  ils  perfect  record  as  of      of 
this  writing. 

In  AA  Mckenzie 
undefealed  team  at  this  time  with  a  5-0      This 
.  It's  been  15  years 
u  through  the 

McKenzic  pull  il 
off  this  year? 

widely  thought  to 
be  3  major  il 
lo  McKenzie's 
hope  for  a  perfect 

IS  challenge 
Tuesday  night  in 
the  form  of 


Fitness,  ihe  craze  of  the  '80s,  is 
moving  inio  the  'gOs.  and  Souihera  is 
moving  along  with  it 

Beginning  next  fall  Ihe  Health. 
Physical  Education  and  Recreaiion  De- 
partments will  be  offering  a  four-year 
Bachelor  of  Science  degree  in  Corpo- 
rate/Community Wellness  Manage- 
ment. "One  of  the  main  reasons 
wellness  programs  are  being  initialed 
is  economics,"  said  Dr.  Phil  Carver, 
Department  Chairman.  "With  the  ad- 
minisiraiion  of  these  programs,  corpo- 
rations are  finding  iha 
drop  and  productivity 
result  of  fewer  absentee  days," 

Previously,  students  haven't  had  a 
vehicle  to  gel  into  this  field.  The 
Physical  Education  degree  required 
students  to  take  unnecessary  courses 
and  the  Health  Science  degree  basi- 
cally prepared  students  for  graduate 

Basketball  Standings 













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This  weeks  trivia  questions: 

1 )  Its  surface,  al  1 292  feet  below  sea  level  is  the  lowest  point  on  Earth. 

2)  He  pardoned  Nixon 

3)  The  second  wife  of  Henry  VIU.  mother  of  Elizabeth  I. 

4)  He  said,  "I'll  huff,  and  Til  puff,  and  I'll  blow  your  house  down. 

5)  An  ancient  Greek  mathematician;  the  founder  of  the  study  of  Geometry. 

Last  Times  Answers: 

1)  Walt  Whitman 

2)  Eiffel  Tower 

3)  Mary  Baker  Eddy 

4)  Falkland  Islands 

5)  Poverty 

Last  Times  Winners: 

1)  Melanie  Sanders 

2)  Craig  Mahrle 

3)  Travis  Barefoot 

4)  Dallas  Scott 

5)  David  Koliadko 

Sponsored  by 



The  fir: 
at  McDonald 

and  a  Large  drink.  Entries 
and  will  be  judged  every  day 
correct  entries  are  received  o 
a  random  drawing.  Should  r 
within  seven  days  of  the  dalt 
answers  will  be  declared  win 
families,  significant  others  ai 

T  of  the  Accent  office 

1  be  slipped  under  if 
10:00  p.m.  In  thee 
he  same  day  the  wir 

of  publication,  tlie  entries  with  the  most  corre 
lers.  Members  of  the  Southern  Accent  Siaff,  ti 
d  pels  are  ineligible. 

Lunch  with  the 

The  Senate  Stu- 
dent-Faculty Rela- 
tions Committee  is 
sponsoring  a  new 
program  this  se- 
mester. "Lunch 
with  the  President" 
is  an  effort  to  in- 
crease communica- 
tion between  stu- 
dents and  the  ad- 

ministration. Sev- 
eral days  this  se- 
mester. Dr.  Sahly 
will  eat  his  lunch  in 
the  back  of  the 
cafeteria,  where  he 
will  gladly  address 
any  questions, 
complements,  or 
complaints  about 
school  policy. 

Program  dates: 

February  14 

February  21 

February  28 

April  4 

From  the  Archives 

January  14, 1949 

Sunday  moming-it's  amazing  how  many  activites  go 

on  in  Lynn  Wood  Hall  on  Sunday.  Soon  after  the  seven 

o'clock  whistle  sounds,  Mr.  Harter  is  busy  recruiting 

the  boys  in  cleaning  up  the  building.  In  no  time  at  all 

one  can  hear  some  enthusiastic  musician  practicing  an 

organ  lesson,  chairs  being  moved  about,  a  telephone 

ringing  and  the  clicking  of  typewriters  in  offices 

upstairs  and  down. 


■nment  jobs  ■  your  area.  Many  im 
ariest.  $17.840 -$69,485.  Call  1 
,  EXTR7418." 

COLLEGE  REP  WANTED  to  disiribule  "Student  Rale"  subscription 

cards  ai  this  campus.  Good  income.  For  informalion  and  application 

write  lo:   COLLEGIATE  MARKETING  SERVICES.  303  W.  Cenler 

Ave.  Moorcsville.  NO  281 15-  704/663-0963. 

Austin  Pcay  State  University  is  offering  scholarships  in  reading 
music  for  qualified  black  students  who  plan  graduate  programs  in  t 
fields.  The  Vice  President  for  Academic  Administration  has  applic. 
forms.  Applicants  must  be  residents  of  Tennessee. 

"What  would  be  the  perfect  Valentine's  gift  to  you?" 

A  fishing  liip  for  tv 


A  trip  10  Hawaii  with 

To  bw  Abk- 10  beji 

A  dozen  red  rose;. 

girlfriend  who  wea 

re  red 

someone  speciaJ. 

Siephanie  m  racine 

Mr.  Rigbl. 

cowboy  bools. 

-Michael  Orguia 

through  A[lan[a, 

-Janesta  Bryant 

-Jon  Elliston 

-Jeff  Gang 

A  moonlighi  picnic  for  i 
by  a  lake. 
-Healher  English 

Upcoming  Events 

Saturday.  February  3 

Tuesday.  Fehmary  fi 

Evening  Meeting,  Dave 
Osborne  7:00  p.m.  Church 

Wednesday.  February  7 

Friday.  February  9 
Vespers.  Dave  Osborne 

Saturday.  February  1(1 

SA  Valentine's  Banquet 
Tuesday.  February  1 T 

Wednesday.  February  14 

TTiursdav.  F^bnitTf  r 

Assembly,  SA  Election 
Speeches  1 1 :00  a.m. 
P.E.  Center 


J  What  men  look  at 


,       first  in  women 




■     . 


^y  _     "^s 


K^.^V        ss' 


^"^itk  "i 



Volume  45,  Number  1 1 

A  Knight 


The  campus  of  Southern 
College  was  strangely  quiet  last 
Sunday  nighl.  The  Student  Center  and 
Library  were  vinuaJly  abandoned.  The 
parking  lots,  usually  filled  to  capacity 
with  illegally  parked  vehicles,  sat 
empty.  Happy  Valley  rested  in 
peaceful  seclusion. 

High  atop  Lookout  Mounlian. 
the  scene  was  very  different. 

There,  at  the  Fairyland  Club. 
scene  of  the  annual  SA  Valentine's 
Banquet,  over  150  SC  couples  had 
crowded  into  a  large  banquet  hall  for 

The  couples  were  decked 
lanner  of  finery.  Many  of 
orled  tuxedoes,  while  theii 
'Ore  elegant  evening  gown 
nood  prevailed.  They  wer 

February  15,  1990 


Upon  their 
the  couples  were  inv 
pictures  taken 

event.  Then,  after  much  socializing 
and  general  milling  about. 

The  buffet  style  meal  con  si  ted 
of  salad,  lasagna.  broccoli  and  another 
tubular  pasta  substance,  identified  by 
some  as  Ziti  which,  according  to 
Laurie  Ringer  was,  "good,  but  not 

warm  enough  for  my  taste."  After 
dinner,  the  entertainment  portion  of  the 
evening  began. 

After  a  bit  of  unexpected 
sword  play  between  Harvey  Hillyer 
and  Daryl  Cole,  the  Master  of  Ceremo- 
nies. E.O.Grundsei, 
rest  of  the  evening's 

Kaihy  Stewart  and  David 
Koliadko  sang  first.  Next,  there  we 
Shakespearian  readings  and  an 
anachronistic  musical  number  by  a 
group  called  the  Jesuits. 

and  sending  part  of  its  contents  on  to 
Andrea  Nicholson's  dress.  Daryl  Cole 
said  that  he  'spotted'  Andrea's 
pr^icament  inmeadiacely  and  rushed 
to  her  rescue  keeping  the  the  banquet's 
theme:  "A  Knight  of  Chivalry." 


subdued  lighting  in  the  hall,  he 
track  of  one  of  the  rubber  balls 
juggling.  It  promptly  bounced 
the  nearest  table  upseting  a  gla; 


College  B 

The  1990  College  Bowl 

owl  action 

the  director  of  College  Bowl,  two 

heats  up 

of  the  pre-season  favorites,  will 

season  is  now  well  under  way. 

matches  have  never  been  decided  by 

attempt  to  maintain  its  perfect 

After  Monday's  matches,  only  six 

foreit  on  the  same  day  in  College  Bowl 

record  against  upstan  King.  Marsa 

of  the  12  original  teams  remain  in 

history.  Keeping  with  tradition, 

has  yet  to  be  seriously  challenged 

the  competition.   Moreland  has 

Springett  and  Moody,  the  teams  which 

in  the  competition.  King  has  been 

been  eliminated.  Keppler  fell,  after 

advanced  by  default,  played  anyway 

consistani,  but  unspectacular  in  its 

a  valiant  struggle,  to  Nelson  who 

against  a  team  selected  from  the 

two  previous  wins. 

was  subsequently  crushed  by 

audience.  The  Ad  Hoc  team  won  both 

The  second  game  between 

Moody  260  to  100. 


DeCarmo  and  Grange,  both  highly 

Mark  McKenzie  ran  up  the 

While  the  Accent  is  at  the 

ranked  at  the  onset  of  the  season. 

white  flag  on  Wednesday.  February 

press  on  Wednesday  evening,  two 

promises  to  be  the  best  game  to 

7.  as  his  team  fell  to  Eklund 

crucial  matches  will  be  decided 

date.  DeCarmo  struggled  early  in 

On  Monday  both  Eklund 

amongst  the  four  teams  which  remain 

its  game  against  McKenzie  but 

and  Suddeth  were  eliminated  by 


finished  strong  and  later  swept  to 

forfeit.  According  to  Stan  Hobbs. 

[n  the  first  game,  Marsa,  one 

College  Bowl . . .  com  nn  p.  7 

evening  was  the  prefomiance  by  Bob 
Martin's  band.  They  played  several 
coniempary  love  songs  featuring  Bob's 
widely  acclaimed  saxaphone. 

This  brought  an  end  to  the 

However,  many  couples  lingered 
outside  on  the  terrace  where  a  nearly 
full  moon,  a  starry  sky  and  Ihe  lights  of 
Chattanooga  far  below  lent  a  romantic 

SA  election 
drive  gets 

The  election  drive  for  1990- 
91  Student  Association  officers  is 
under  way.    Campaign  posters  began 
popping  up  all  over  campus  last 
Monday  as  the  candidates  started 
trying  to  woo  voters. 

The  original  deadline  for 
submidng  petitions  for  candidacy  was 
extended  from  February  6  to  February 
12  for  the  offices  of  Southern  Memo- 
ries Editor,  Joker  Editor,  and  Straw- 
berry Festival  Director  since  these 

The  few,  the  brave,  the  candidates 

By  John  Caskey 

"If  we  take  the  generally 
accepted  definition  of  bravery  as 
a  quality  which  knows  no  fear,  I 
have  never  seen  a  brave  man. 
All  men  are  frightened.  The 
more  intelligent  they  are.  the 
more  they  are  frightened." 

— George  S.  Patton.  Jr. 

This  is  a  salute  to  the 
brave  men  and  women  who 
have  stepped  forward  in  the  past 
weeks  and  volunteered  to  run 
for  Student  Association  offices. 

These  people  are  brave 
because  they  have  faced  their 
fear  of  failure  and  rejection  and 
decided  to  take  the  risk.  They 
have  placed  fragile  human  egos 
in  the  path  of  the  juggernaut  of 
public  opinion  because  they  feel 
that  their  efforts  can  make  a 
difference  in  the  lives  of  fellow 

Student  Association 
offices  are  almost  universally 
difficult,  thankless  and  under- 
paid positions.  They  involve 
long  hours,  neglect  of  all- 
important  school  work  and 
constant  c 

Thomas  Jefferson  said, 
"When  a  man  assumes  a  public 
trust,  he  should  consider 
himself  public  property."  The 
public  seems  to  take  great  care 
in  the  way  they  select  their 
property.  Once  they  have 
selected  it,  they  should  treat  it 
with  the  care  and  respect  it 

In  all  contests  there 
must  be  winners  and  losers. 
The  losers  will  get  over  the 
"agony  of  defeat"  in  due 
course.  The  plight  of  the  win- 
ners will  be  more  prolonged 
and  agonizing.  I  passed 

Harvey  Hillyer,  this  years  Social 
Vice-President,  on  the  sidewalk 
the  other  day  and  said,  half  jok- 
ingly, "Are  you  glad  it's  almost 

"I  can't  wait",  he  replied, 
I  find  myself  in  complete 

The  SA  election  process 
is  an  important  responsibility  for 
each  and  every  student  here  at 
Southern  College,  but  the  respon- 
sibility does  not  end  once  the 
ballots  are  cast  and  tallied.  If 
your  SA  officers  are  to  be  effec- 
tive, they  will  need  your  support 
j'ear  round. 

"With  malice  toward  none;  with  charity  for  all;  with  firmness  In  the  right  as  God 

gives  us  to  see  the  right,  let  us  strive  on  to  finish  the  work  we  are  in." 

"Abraham  Lincoln 

Associate  Editor 

Laurie  Ringer 


Pamela    Draper 
Sheila    Draper 

Photo    Editor 

Sean    Terretta 


Moruque    Townsend 

Word     Processing 

Heather    Wise 

Lifestyle     Editor 

Adrienne    Cox 

Sports     Editor 

Jim     I^g 

Religion     Edtior 

Andy  Nash 

Layout    Editor 

Daniel    Potter 


Stan    Hobbs 

Member  of  the  Associated  CoUegiate  Press 

erThureday  during  Iheschoilveflr  with  tht^cepiionoieMm 
weeks MdvBcaUoos.  OptnlonsexpressediDUieSowAemAccCTi/ 
are  lh««  of  the  authors  ond  do  not  necessarily  reneclitie  views  or 
tfteedftors,  Sourhem  CoUege,  the  Seventh-day  Adventist  church 
or  the  adverltaers. 

Tte  Soulhen  Aatiu  wdcoraes  your  lettera  whkh  mufil  con- 
Slii,!^'*'''*  "^"^  ^"""^  '"''  P*'^"*'  number.  Lettcre  wll 
be  edited  for  space  and  dority.  All  leltera  most  hove  ibe  writer's 
nameand  phone  number  for  verincalIoii,aithoueh  names  may  be 
withheld  at  the  auihor's  rcauest  The  wHinr  ,--17^  .u  1^ 
reiect  anv  ii>ti       -r^   ^  ™  ,  ^-  "«  ™lwr  reserves  the  right  to 

Z^  .,  tener,  ITie  deadline  for  letters  Is  the  Sundav  before 
pnbDcallon  at  noon.  Place  letters  under  the  door  of  the  Ac^^ 
office  in  the  Student  Center  or  mall  to:    Somhem  College, 

P.O.B.  370,  Collegedale,  TN  37315. 

Letter  to 
the  Editor 

Accen[  staff. 

Although  I'm 
year,  I've  still 
copies  of  the  newspaper  and  I 
must  say  I'm  impressed.  I  still 
love  reading  David  Denton's 
satires  relating  to  campus  life, 
and  1  also  liked  several  of  the 
editorials,  not  to  mention  the 
VERY  FUNNY  Pomp  and 

the  back  page. 

With  your  variety  of  back- 
grounds in  the  newspaper  staff, 
you  have  managed  to  pull  off  a 
very  challenging  task.  I  espe- 

at  Newbold  our  school  newspa- 
per is  rather  primitive.  The 
issues  are  run  off  on  the  copter 
and  hand-folded.  They  don't 
have  an  advanced  computer 

Newbold  is  a  wonderful  place, 
and  I  have  really  "broadened  my 
horizons"  while  studying  and 
traveling  here,  but  I  definitely 
have  a  love  for  SC.  and  can't 
wail  to  return  in  the  fall. 

Keep  up  the  good  work!! 

The  cat 
and  the 
squirrel:  a 

As  I  was  walking  through  the  student 
park  last  week  I  noticed  a  squirrel.  I've 
seen  a  lot  of  squirrels  but  this  one  was 
being  a  tad  obnoxious.  He  was  sitting  at 
the  tip  of  a  ragged,  broken-off  branch, 
diinking  his  whole  purpose  in  life  was  to 

1  things:  What  was  he 
screaming  ai  and  why  was  he  screamin 

The  answer  lo  the  first  question 
quickly  became  plain.  The  squirrel  wa; 
staring  at  a  spot  which  contained  a 
contented,  sleeping  cat. 

The  second  question  was  not  so  easH 
answered.  The  squirrel  was  safe.  He 
was  30  feel  up  in  a  tree  that  was  40  feel 
from  the  sleeping  cat.  The  problem  wa 
merely  that  the  cat  was  diere. 

Now,  I  bet  in  the  past  the  cat  liked 
squirrels,  or  at  least  tolerated  diem  but  ] 
wouldn't  be  surprised  if  diat  cat  was  no 
becoming  some  what  irritated  al 
squirrels  that  sat  and  screamed  at  a 
peacefully  sleeping  cats. 

As  I  watched  I  noticed  diat  the  cat 
continued  to  sleep.  Although  his 
opinion  of  squirrels  had  undoubtedly 
dropped  several  notches. 

And  the  squirrel?  Well,  as  he 
continued  lo  look  tense  and  scream  he 
began  to  visibly  tire.  All  for  what?  I 
don't  know,  but  as  he  grew  tired  his 
screams  began  to  weaken,  his  head 
began  to  droop. 

Then  I  noticed.  The  .squirrel  had  a 


3)  What  basketball  coach  has  won  the  rr 

4)  Aaron  Burr  killed  him  in  a  duel. 

5)  George  A.  Custer  died  in  this  baltle. 

2)  Gerald  Ford 

3)  AnneBoleyn 

4)  The  Big  Bad  Wolf 

5)  Euclid 

Last  Weeks  Winners; 

1)  KimberlyLevi 

2}  Dale  Lacra 

3)  Melanie  Sanders 

4)  Todd  Fox 


The  first  five  correct  entries 
win  a  free  meal  at  McDonaJd's 
Entree  Salad,  Large  Fries  and  a 
slipped   under  the  door  of  the   P 

Sponsored  by 



ived  in  the  Accent  office 
listing  of  a  Large  Sandwich 
;e  drink.        Entries     can   be 

:  office   and   will   be  judged 

every   day   . 


m.      In 

significant  others  and  pels  are  ineligible. 

Accent   Staff. 

From  the  Archives 

March  13. 1957 

Edgar  O.  Grundset,  presently  on  the  staff  at  La  Sierra 
College,  will  teach  in  the  biology  department  next  year. 

Mr.  Grundset  is  a  graduate  of  Emmanuel  Missionary 

College  and  will  receive  his  Master's  degree  in  biology 

from  Walla  Walla  College  this  summer. 

Buckle  Up  For  Spring  Break  '90 

Welcome  to  the  '9Q's. 

•  Arc  you  ready  for  school  spirit  and  pride? 

•  Are  you  ready  for  unity? 

•  Are  you  ready  to  feel  like  you  belong  at  southern? 

•  Are  you  ready  for  a  Christ-  centered  atmosphere? 

If  SO,  then  VOTE  Jeff  Gang 
S.A.  President 

and  you, 

Winter  Park  Resort 

"•• .......  *•• 

March  1-5, 1990 
Everyone's  Invited  !!! 

For  More  Info  . . . 
Rocky  Mt.  Conf. 
2520  S.  Downing 
Denver,  CO  80210 


Dream  Alive 

■'  By  Andrea  Nicholson 

"Dream  Alive,"  a  multi-media  pres- 
entation by  Kim  and  Reggie  Harris. 
will  be  presented  Monday.  February 
19.  at  7  p.m.  in  the  Physical  Education 
Center  as  part  6f  Black  History  Week 
celebrations  atSouihem  College  of 
Seventh-day  Adventisls. 

The  husband/wife  duo  combine  en- 
tertainment, educabon.  and  inspiration 
10  bring  to  light  the  stories  of  signifi- 
cant black  Americans  from  every  walk 
oflife.  Heroes,  artists,  inventors. 

explorers,  scienbsis,  poets,  and  other 
important  conuibuiors  to  the  life  and 
culnire  of  American  and  the  world 
come  alive  during  the  perfonnance. 
Married  since  1976.  the  Harrises 
studied  at  Temple  University  where 
Kim  earned  a  degree  in  radio,  televi- 
sion, and  film  communications  and 
Reggie  majored  in  English.  Both  sing, 
play  the  guitar,  and  write  much  of  their 
performance  material.  They  have 
composed  music  for  radio  and  televi- 
sion commercials  as  well  as  multi- 
media presentations.  Their  perform- 

Kim  and  Reggie  Harris 

ances  have  taken  them  to  more  U 
300  colleges  in  37  states  as  well 
Kennedy  Center,  the  Smilhsonia 
Insititution,  theaters,  r 
festivals,  and  schools. 

The  Harrises  released  "Stranger  in 
the  Shadows."  their  first  single,  in 
1981  on  Ascension  Records.  "Music 
and  the  Underground  Railroad."  their 
first  album,  continues  to  be  praised 
throughout  musical,  cultural,  and 
i     historical  circles. 

The  public  is  invited  to  attend  this 
special  celebration  during  Black 
History  Week  at  Southern  College. 
Admission  is  $4  for  adults,  $3  for 
senior  citizens  and  children  under  12. 
and  $10  per  family.  SC  students  will 
be  admitted  free. 

February  is  Black  History  Month 


©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network. 

In  1955,  the  black,  expatriate 
American  writer  James  Baldwin  said, 
"The  world  is  white  no  longer,  and  it 
will  never  be  white  again." 

The  world  never  was  white  — 
although  it  is  hard  to  arrive  at  that 
conclusion  after  reading  U.S.  history 
books  written  from  a  mostly  while, 
mostly  male  perspective. 

But  other  voices  have  always  told 
other  histories,  and  in  1924,  people 
started  listening.  That  was  the  first 
year  a  weeic  was  set  aside  to  observe 
the  achievements  of  blacks  in  U.S. 

Since  1924,  the  name  of  the 
observance  has  changed  several  times, 
and  in  1976.  the  length  was  extended 
to  a  month.  But  the  intent  has  always 
remained  the  same;  to  honor  the  rich 
and  invaluable  contributions  of  black 
Americans  to  this  nation's  history. 

Here's  a  quiz  designed  to  introduce 
the  people  and  milestones  of  early 
U.S.  history,  in  honor  of  Black  History 


He  was  a  black  astronomer,  mathe- 

lor.  When  he  was  22.  he  was  the  first 
person  in  North  America  to  build  a 
clock.  In  1791,  Benjamin  Franklin 
nominated  Banneker  to  be  a  member 
of  the  commission  charged  with  laying 
out  plans  for  the  city  of  Washington. 

—  Ebenezer  Don  Carlos  Basselt 
In  1869.  he  was  named  U.S. 

Haiti,  making  him  the  first 
;eive  a  diplomatic  appoini- 

—  Ellen  Craft 

A  19lh-centuiy  abolitionist 
lecturer,  she  escaped  out  of  slavery 
with  her  husband.  In  1 868,  the  Crafts 
returned  to  Georgia,  where  ihey 
opened  the  Southern  Industrial  School 
and  Labor  Enterprise  for  blacks  to 
study  agriculture. 

—  Sarah  Harris  Fayerweather 

In  1 83 1 ,  she  applied  for  admission 

to  an  all-white,  all-girls  school  in 
Canterbury.  Conn.,  making  her  the  fini 
student  to  challenge  racist  admission 

—  Margaretta,  Sarah  Louisa,  and 
Harriet  Forlen 

They  were  the  daughters  of  James 
Forten.  a  Philadelphia  black  who 
served  in  the  Revoluiiotiary  War.  The 
American  Anti-Slavery  Society  was 
started  at  the  Forten  home,  a  popular 
meeting  place  for  abolitionists. 

The  sisters  became  members  of  the 
Philadelphia  Female  Anti-Slaveiy 
Society  and  worked  their  entire  lives 
promoting  equality  for  all  races  and 

Admiral  Peary  to  explore  the  Arctic  in 
1891.  In  1909.  Henson  planted  the  flag 
on  what  was  believed  to  be  the  North 

—  Oliver  Lewis 

A  black  jockey,  he  rode  the  horse 
Aristides  to  victory  in  the  first  Ken- 
tucky Derby  in  1875. 

—  Mary  Eliza  Mahoney 

She  was  America's  first  black  pro- 
fessionally trained 

The  founder  of  the  Association  for 
the  Study  of  Negro  Life  and  History  in 
1914,  Woodson  is  regarded  as  one  of 
the  fathers  of  the  black  history  move- 
ment. The  son  of  slaves,  he  received 
his  doctorate  in  history  from  Harvard 
University.  He  was  instrumental  in 
launching  the  first  black  history  week. 


Q.  The  first  blacks  came  to  the  New 
World  as  slaves. 

A.  False.  One  of  Christopher 
Columbus'  crew  members  was  a  black 
man  named  Pedro  Alonzo  Nino. 
Blacks  also  were  members  of  the 
expeditions  headed  by  Balboa,  Ponce 
de  Leon,  Cortez,  and  Pizarro.  The  first 
black  slaves  were  brought  to  the 
United  States  in  1526. 

Q.  George  Washington  never 
owned,  bought,  or  sold  slaves. 

A.  False-  When  George  Washington 
acquired  his  Mount  Vernon  estate,  18 
black  slaves  came  with  it  During  the 
time  Washington  lived  at  Mount 
Vemon.  the  number  of  slaves  grew  to 
200.  However,  his  will  called  for  the 
release  of  the  slaves  upon  his  death. 

Q.  The  Declaration  of  Independ- 
ence denounced  slavery. 

A.  True  and  False.  In  the  original 
document.  Thomas  Jefferson  included 
a  denunciation  of  slavery.  An  amended 
version  of  the  declaration,  without  tha[ 
controversial  passage,  was  adopted  in 

Q.  Blacks  fought  in  the  Revolution- 

A.  True.  Although  the  Continental 
Congress  initially  barred  blacks  from 
the  Revolutionary  Army,  there  were 
10,000  black  soldiers  in  the  army  by 

References  used  for  this  quiz  were 
"The  Negro  Almanac:  A  Reference 
Work  on  the  Afro  American."  edited 
by  Hany  Ploski  and  James  Williams; 
"A  Pictorial  History  of  Black  Ameri- 
cans." by  Langston  Hughes.  Milton 
Meltzer.  and  C.  Eric  Lincohi;  the 
Negro  Heritage  Library's  "Profiles  of 
Negro  Wonmnhood,"  by  Sylvia 
Dannett;  and  World  Book  encyclope- 


:.  She  graduated 

for  other  black  womer 

who  wished  lo  enter 

the  medical  professior 

—  Hiram  Revels 



black  el 
U.S.  Senate,  represent- 
ing Mississippi  in 
1870.  Revels  was  one 

of22  blacks  to  serve  in 


them  were  ex -slaves. 

—  John  Rock 

In  1865, 
first  black  admitted  ii 
practice  law  before  tl 
Supreme  Coun. 


Black  college  enrollment 

A  college  education  and  graduate  school  training  are  seen  as  important 
preparations  for  leaderstiip.  but  black  enrollment  has  not  been  martted 
by  a  steady  upward  trend.  The  number  of  black  undergraduates  actually 
has  declined  since  1980,  The  number  of  blacks  in  graduate  schools 
only  reached  its  1976  level  again  after  a  10-year  period. 
Four-year  colleges 

Graduate  schools 

(In  thousands) 

Source:  American  Councjl  On  Education.  Office  of  Minority  Concerns 

Gannett  News  Service 

Classic  designer  clothing  for  men  and  women. 

Bring  your  college  ID  and  receive 

an  additional  15%  off  the  ticketed  price. 



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For  the 
Health  of 

By  Darlene  Almeda,  R.N. 

Q:  Why  is  Ihe  gallbladder  so  readil 
removed?  Doesn't  it  have  a  specific 

A:  Yes,  the  gallbladder  has  specifii 
functions  and  ihey  are  to  store,  con- 

e  bile  v. 

stimulated  10  do  so.  Upon  removal  of 
the  gallbladder  or  a  cholecystectomy, 
Ihe  patient  is  no  longer  able  lo  store 
bile,  a  substance  which  increases  the 
action  of  gastric  enzymes  and  en- 
hances the  absorplion  of  fatty  acids. 
The  main  source  of  bile  is  the  liver 

the  removal  of  Ihe  gallbladder. 
Instead  of  releasing  bile  into  the  gall- 
bladder for  storage,  during  surgery  the 
liver's  ducts  are  direcUy  connected  to 
the  smalt  intestine  thus  releasing  bile 
direcHy  inio  ils  destination  point. 

So  as  you  can  see,  although  the  gall- 
bladder does  indeed  have  a  specific 
function,  we  are  able  to  exist  without 
IL  This  is  why  when  a  patient  arrives 
ai  ihe  emergency  room  with  positive 
gallbladder  problems  the  physician 
will  usually  get  right  to  Ihe  source  of 
the  problem  withoui  much  hesitation. 

In  Insight 




for  fed. 

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against  the  alcohol 
or  drug  Impaired  driver 

The  year  has  only  just  begun 
and  already  Southern's  journalism 
department  is  well  represented  in  the 
Advenlisl  publishing  world. 

Julie  Jacobs,  journalism 
junior,  included  one  of  her  poems  in  a 
portfolio  she  sent  lo  "Insighl"  maga- 
zine as  part  of  her  application  for  a 
summer  internship. 

She  hasn't  heard  yet  wheiher 
or  not  she  got  the  internship.  But  the 
editor  bought  ihe  poem.  Julie  received 
a  check,  and  the  poem  will  appear  in  a 

Lori  Pettibone.  journalism 
freshman,  was  published  in  the 
January  20  issue  of  "Insighl."  Her 
story.  "The  Broach"  was  ihe  firsl  prize 
winner  in  Ihe  studenl  short-story 
category  of  Insight's  1989  writing 

Robert  A,  Browning 

1.  I  desire  to  bring  ihe 
college  into  a  closer  relationship 
with  God. 

2.  I  warn  to  uphold  the 
traditions  of  leadership  that  has 
been  displayed  in  the  past 

3.  To  maintain  as  a  go 
between  for  siudenl  and  faculty 

4.  To  serve  God's  people 
in  any  manner  that  He  asks  of  me 

5.  To  bring  prayer  activity 
into  the  lives  of  all  at  SDA 

6.  To  put  the  SDA  back  in 
front  of  Southern  College. 

7.  To  help  maintain  cuirent 
projects  and  support  them  (i.e., 

8.  I  want  and  have  prided 
myself  on  being  a  leader  and  lo 
lead  God's  people  is  the  highest 
calling  and  honor  to  me. 

9.  To  experience  leadership 
on  a  College  Level. 

1 0.  If  elected  that  God  may 
use  me  how  he  sees  fit  due  the 
office  granted. 

Candidates  for  S.A.  President 

characters,  while  dreaming  and  reaching 
fornew  goals.  The  Student  Association 
plays  a  major  role  in  our  lives  while  wc 
are  here.  Because  of  SA's  importance. 
my  goals  are  to  create  a  sense  of  school 
spirit  and  pride  which  will  be  a  pan  of 
everything  we  do.  I  want  everyone  lo 
feel  like  they  are  a  pari  of  Southern. 
While  1  can  not  accomplish  this  myself 
I  will  strive  to  unite  my  officers  so  that 
the  Student  Association  can  promote  a 
spirit  of  unity.  No  matter  who  you  are 
you  are  a  part  of  this  school.  Along 
with  these  goals  I  want  to  provide  V 

spiritual  leadership  as  I  work  with 
C.A.R.E.  in  creating  exciting  spiritual 

By  Jeff  Gang 

Southern  College  is  an  awe- 
some place  to  be!  In  my  three 
years  here  at  Southern  I  have  seei 
it  grow  into  one  of  the  top 

tion.  Much  of  this  credit  can  be 

and  leaders  who  have  dedicated 
themselves  to  serving  their 
school.  I  want  to  continue  this 
tradition  while  serving  you  next 
year  as  president  of  the  Student 

I  believe  that  Southern  and  yoi 
really  are  perfect  together.  We 
make  friends  and  form  relation- 
ships here  that  will  go  widi  us  foi 
the  rest  of  our  lives.  We  make 
ill  keep 

I  also  want  lo  be  a  voice  to  the 
Administration.  I  will  voice  your 
opinions  and  feelings  while  cleaning  up 
misconceptions  that  arise  at  dmes. 

Most  of  all  I  want  your  inpuL  This 
will  be  an  Administration  that  will 
listen  to  you  and  get  you  involved. 

If  I  can  put  these  goals  to  work  for  us 
we  can  have  a  school  we  can  be  proud 
of.  1  am  committed  to  Southern  College 
and  you, 

1  will  be  dedicated  and  responsible 
while  putting  my  leadership  and 
creativity  to  work.  So.  I'm  asking  for  a 
chance  to  work  for  you  as  Student 
Association  President  and  together  we 
can  make  next  year  a  year  to  remember. 
Don't  forget — Southern  and  you  are 
perfect  together! 

As  a  candidate  for  S.A.  President, 
it  is  important  to  have  a  vision  of 
what  needs  to  be  accomplished  and 
the  determination  to  accomplish  tl 

.  Myv 


Kenneth  D.  Neal 


I.         TO  LET  THE  STUDENTS 
VOICE  BE  HEARD,  My  ultimate  duty 
goes  to  the  students  of  S,C. 

II.         To  plan  and  promote  activities 
aimed  at  increasing  school  spirit. 

in.        To  aid  and  promote  the 
spiritual  growth  of  the  students  and 
demonstrate  God's  desire  to  be  a  pan  of 
their  lives.  Also  to  plan  activities  where 
the  students  can  panicipate  in  a  spiritu- 
ally productive  event. 

IV.        To  improve  student/faculty 
relations.  Together  we  can  make  things 

V,       To  plan  activities  based  on 
what  the  students  want  to  see  happen. 
Commurucaiion  is  as  vital  to  the  S.A.  as 
it  is  to  any  other  human  relationship.  If 
we  know  what  the  students  want,  we 
can  serve  them  that  much  better. 

VI.  To  worit  hard. 

VII.  Xob?  responsive  to  the 
students  iieeds.  To  work  to  solve  their 
problems  as  far  as  possible. 

Vm.  To  respond  to  all  issues 
brought  to  my  attention  with  equal 

S.A,  one  year  from  now  is  simple: 
An  S.A.  that  is  working  hard  for  the 
betterment  of  life  here  at  Southern, 
and  an  S.A.  that  is  committed  to 
being  exactiy  what  it  is  supposed  to 

Here  at  Southern,  we  have  a  wide 
variety  of  students  representing  many 
different  backgrounds,  countries,  and 
cultures,  each  with  different  desires 

g  the  SI 

quo;  I  envision  the  S.A.  President  to 
be  the  spokesperson  for  each  of  these 
different  sects  of  students. 

Having  been  here  at  Southern  for 
three  years,  I  have  learned  many 
tilings.  One,  is  that  die  students  of 
Soutiiem  want,  not  only  an  S.A, 
President,  but  someone  who  will  be 
their  representative  to  the  sometimes 
arbitrary  Administration';  someone 
who  will  stand  up  and  defend  the 
rights  of  every  student  AstheS.A. 
President,  I  would  be  dedicated  lo 
defending  these  rights  and  lo  making 
next  year  the  best  year  imaginable. 
How  can  1  help  make  next  year  so 
good?  Simply  by  working  my 
hardest  for  you,  the  students  of 
Southern  College,  I  don't  have  a 
flashy  slogan,  or  a  campaign  full  of 
hype — only  a  platform  tiial  pledges 
change,  a  platfonn  that  is  tailored  to 
the  individual  student,  a  platform  that 
promises  a  fun  and  exciting  year,  and 
a  platform  that  expresses  my  desire 
to  represent  the  interests  and  desire 
of  die  student  body  of  Southern 
College.  1  want  to  help  you  run 
"Your  S.A,— Your  Way!" 

Editors  Note: 
In  the  interest  of 
fairness  and 
impartiality  these 
platforms  have  been 
published  exactly  as 
they  were  originally 
submited.  We  have 
refrained  (rom 
correcting  grammar  but 
have  corrected  obvious 
typographical  errot^  in 
the  original  documents. 

CandidatfiR  for 

Alex  Bryan 

Southern  College  and  the 
students  of  Southern  College  are 
very  imporunt  to  me.  As  Execu- 
tive Vice  President  I  would  help  to 
make  the  life  of  the  student  better 

First,  as  Executive  Vice  Presi- 
dent I  will  also  be  chairman  of  the 
Southern  College  Student  Senate.  I 
strongly  believe  that  Senate  is  one 
of  the  most  imporlanl  ways  for 
student  projects  to  be  accomplished 
and  student  views  to  be  expressed 
to  the  administration  and  faculty. 
As  a  Senator  here  at  Southern  I 
have  had  the  important  opponuniiy 
to  participate  in  the  interworkings 
of  this  representative  body.  As 
chairman  of  the  Project  Committee 
tills  year  I  have  worked  with  many 
students  and  faculty  members.  I 
think  this  experience  has  been  ex- 
tremely important  in  my  under- 
standing of  how  to  best  get  accom- 
plished items  which  students  would 
like.  As  leader  of  the  the  Senate! 
will  seek  to  make  the  Senate  more 
responsive  to  the  views  of  their 
consituents  and  more  visionary  in 
plans  to  better  the  life  of  the 

Secondly,  as  Executive  Vice 
President  I  will  be  an  officer  of  the 
Student  A 

continuing  the  good  programs  a 
activities  we  have  enjoyed  in  ihi 
past.  However,  there  is  always 

.  The\ 

e  President  is  of 

President .  I  am  confident  that  I 
can  work  effectively  with  any  of 
tills  year's  Presidential  candidates. 
A  belter  Southern  College  and  a 
beuer  life  for  tiie  Southern  student 
is  my  primary  goal. 

Dear  Student  A 

I,  Izear  Feagins,  HI  has  chosen 
to  nrn  for  Executive  Vice-Presi- 
dent of  die  SASCSDA  because  I 
claim  to  have  three  ingredients. 
They  are  dedication,  detemiina- 

S.A.  Vice  President 

I  want  to  strengthen  the  Senate  by 
listening  to  the  students'  cry  of 
change.  Through  the  Senate  and 
under  my  leadership,  the  cry  of 
change  will  lum  into  a  cry  of 
strength  whereby  administration 
will  listen  and  take  action  to  what 
our  ciy  of  strength  is. 

However,  the  Executive  Vice- 
President  needs  to  be  a  strong 
leader,  motivator,  spokesman, 
teacher,  inslnicior,  and  most  of  all  a 
servant  to  he  students.  These  are 

this  job. 

d  I  believe  I  h 

d  the  students 
through  the  Senate  which  will  be 
made  strong,  so  that  the  ingredient 

Dear  Fellow  Student, 

Southern  College  needs 
you  and  your  input.  It  also  needs 
leadership,  the  kind  of  experienced 
leadei^hip  I  would  like  to  provide 
for  you.  I  have  had  three  previous 
years  of  experience  working  with  a 
student  association.  During  these 
years.  I've  held  various  offices,  the 
most  prominent  being  president. 
The  student  association  elections  are 
approaching  and  I,  Kevin  Snider,  am 
running  for  executive  vice-president. 

What  I  hope  to  accomplish  as 
your  executive  vice-president  are  the 
changes  that  you,  the  student  body, 
deem  important.  After  ulking  with 
some  of  our  fellow  students,  it  has 
been  brought  to  my  attention  thai 
several  issues  need  to  be  addressed. 
A  few  of  them  are  the  following; 

1.  campus  safety, 

2.  revised  auto  parking 

3.  more  weekend  activities, 

4.  increased  senior  privileges, 

5.  the  hair  issue,  and 

6.  classroom  attire  (shorts). 

With  the  coming  of  the  election,  I 
would  appreciate  your  supporting 
vote  for  executive  vice-president. 

Candidates  for  Social  Vice  Prfisiripnt 

As  a  candidate  for  the  position  of 
Student  Association  Social  Vice- 
President  I  believe  that  it  is  my  first 
responsibility  to  plan  and  execute 
social  activities  for  the  students  that 
would  be  immensely  enjoyable  and 
well  worth  attending. 

I  believe  that  another  re- 
sponsibility in  filling  the  position  of 
Social  Vice-President  is  to  make  the 

s  feel  a 

ginning  of  the  school  year  at  the 
Welcome  Party  to  the  very  day  of 
graduation.  I  feel  that  the  time 
spent  with  friends  in  college  is  very 
important,  and  I  would  like  to  make 
it  as  fun  for  Southern  students  as 

One  of  my  main  goals  for  the  up- 
coming year  is  to  interest  and 
involve  more  students  in  the  week- 
end activities  that  the  SA  plans,  as 
well  as  all  other  activities.  Ihave 
many  new  ideas  about  parties,  ban- 
quets, and  other  SA  activities,  and  a 
lot  of  helpful  information  about  the 
ones  in  the  pasL  I  am  very  open  to 
any  suggestions  and  c 


I  have  enjoyed  being  your  SA 
Secretary  this  semester  and  working 
with  the  other  SA  officers.  It  has 
given  me  a  lot  of  great  experience 
in  planning  banquets,  working  with 
the  Beach  Party,  and  getting  to 
know  more  of  you  as  students  here 
at  Southern.  1  am  already  very 
interested  in  helping  plan  a  new 
year  and  excited  about  getting 

I.  Deantia  Moore,  feci  very 
qualified  in  running  for  Vice  Presi- 
dent of  Social  Activities.  Consider- 
ing my  past  experience  with  cam- 
paigning. Throughout  my  Senior 
year  at  Central  Gwinnett  High 
School,  with  a  population  of  1700 
students.  I  was  elected  Executive 
Vice  President.  My  Junior  year,  I 
was  the  President  of  "The  Youth 
against  Cancer  Club."  While 
working  at  United  Parcel  Service  in 
1987, 1  was  elected  Vice  President 
of  Social/Safely  events, 

I  am  currently  a  Junior  here  at 
Southern  College,  where  I  have 
attended  for  three  years. 

A  couple  of  ideas  I've  come  up 
with  are  ways  to  get  the  student 
body  involved: 

I. Senior  Banquet  (Recognize 

Honors,  scholarship,  entertainment) 

2.  "A  Night  in  Venice" 

(Be  imaginary.  Dress,  Decorate, 

live  a  night  in  Venice). 

3.SI,98  Beauty  Contest  (Girls  and 

guys  look  their  worst,  tell  jokes,  do 


4.  All  Nights  Festival    (Activities, 

5.  Hand-shaking  (Freshman  get 

6.  Game  Night  (Several  types  of 
games,  entertainment,  win  prizes). 

7.  Faculty  Family  Night  (Teachers 
wanting  to  get  involved  randomly 
choose  students,  planning  fun 
outings  and  having  worship  with 

As  part  of  Southern  College 
student  body,  I  will  do  the  best  of 
my  ability  to  make  1990  full  of  fun 
and  excitement.  To  help  make  this 
year  successful  vote  Deanna  Moore 
for  Social  Vice-President, 

Election . . . 

Com.  from  p.  I 

offices  had  not  attracted  any  potential 
candidates  by  the  first  deadline. 

Running  for  President  are 
Woody  While.  leff  Gang.  Ken  Neal 
and  Robert  Browning.  Vice-Presiden- 
tial candidates  include  Alex  Bryan, 
Kevin  Snider  and  Izear  Feagins,  The 
candidates  for  Social  Vice-President 
are  Annette  Crosier  and  Deanna 
Moore.  Tim  Burrill  is  running 
unopposed  for  Southern  Accent  Editor, 

DeAnn  Champion  has 
submited  a  late  petition  for  Joker 
Editor,  Daniel  Potter  has  submitted 
one  for  Southerm  Memories  and  Ervin 
Brown  has  elected  to  run  for  Straw- 
berry Festival  Director,  These 

approval  from  the  Senate  Publications 
committe  before  their  names  can  be 
put  on  the  ballot. 

Upcoming  election  events 
include:  speeches  by  the  candidates  in 
today's  Assemby,  Primary  Elections 
on  Tuesday.  Febraury  20,  a  press 
conference  in  the  cafeteria  at  noon  on 
February  22  featuring  the  two  candi- 
dates who  received  the  most  voles  in 
the  primary,  and  finally,  the  General 
Election  to  be  held  Tuesday,  February 

Bowl . . . 

Cont.  from  p.  1 

an  easy  victory  over  Sudduth.  Grange 
crushed  Moreland  and  Eklund  in  its 
two  previous  games.  When  asked 
about  the  game,  Angel  Echemendia,  a 
of  DeCaimo's  squad  said. 

'This  si 

predict  that  the 

outcome  of  this  game 

will  determine 




nners  of  Wednesday's 

matches  will  h 

ve  a  place  in  the  semi- 

final  round  to  1 

e  held  in  Lynn  Wood 

Hall  Audiioriu 

n  on  February  21  SI  and 

26th.  The  time 

for  these  games  will  be 

6:00  pm. 


sers  will  face  Springett 

and  Moody  in  i 

le  Consolation  bracket 

in  their  attempt 

to  win  their  way  to  the 

finals  to  be  held 

in  Assembly  on 

March  1. 

Candidate  for 

Joker  Editor 

l>eAnn  Champion 

Candidate  for  Memories  Editor 


For  the  past  seven  years  I  have 
worked  with  all  aspects  of  yearbooks 
and  newspapers,  including  editorial 
positions,  and  am  currently  working 
as  layout  editor  for  the  Southern 

Having  a  quality  yearbook  is  just 
as  important  to  me  as  it  is  to  you.  and 
it  is  you,  the  student  body,  that  will 
be  the  focus  of  the  Southern 
Memories  in  1990-91  iflam  elected 

Let's  make  next  year's  yearbook  a 
yearbook  we  can  all  be  pnaud  of! 
Help  me  to  help  you  obtain  that  goal! 

candidaie  phoios  by  Scan  Terra 


Special  prayer 
needs?  Let  others  on 

\\  you- 

requests     tothe 
C.A.R.E.  omce  for 
printing  in  this  box  of 
the  next  Accent. 

Osborne  returns  to  Southern  as 
Spiritual  Emphasis  speaker 

By  Wanda  Vaz  and  Andy  Nash 


Termed  "one  of  the  best  speakers 
we"ve  had"  by  J.C.  Belliard  and  ''ve 
upbeat"  by  Lori  Marchanl.  Osborne 
seemed  to  ^ave  a  greal  impaci 
studenls  of  soulhem  College. 


Osborne's  talks,  nine  in  al 

1,  covered 

very  good  at  keeping  the  aitenlion  of 

a  broad  range  of  topics,  but 


his  audience." 

theme —  the  importance  of 


Other  student  descriptions  of 

Chrisiian  attimde — was  presenl 

Osborne  included:  "vigorous 

throughout  the  week.  According  to  and  to  the 

Osborne,  "being  a  Christian 

IS  excil- 

point.. .extremely  humorous.. .seemed 


to  really  care." 

Osborne's  views  on  diet,  social  rela- 

Besides speaking  at  the  church  for 

tionships,  and  the  power  of 


worships  and  assemblies,  Osborne 

were  appreciated  by  many. 


visited  the  dorms  and  soon  made  a  lot 

Omie  Hutchinson  remarked 


of  friends  on  campus,  or  as  he  put  it,  ■'! 


reluclandy  met  the  children  of  my 



former  classmates." 

For  many,  the  highlight  of  Week  of 
Prayer  was  Friday  night  vespers,  when 
students  and  community  people  alike 
joined  with  Osborne  for  the  commun- 

Pastor  Dave  Osborne  concluded  the 
week  on  Sabbath  with  a  sermon 
entitled  "Attitude  of  Gratitude,"  in 
which  he  once  again  challenged  his 

I'DHIS^  ^'-  'HH 

listeners  to  "Praise  the  Lord  in 


everything  you  do!'.'  Shortly  thereaf- 


ter.  Osborne  left  for  his  home  in  Loraa 


Linda.  CA  but  he  can  be  assured  that 


his  message  will  remain  in- the  hearts 
and  minds  of  the  students  at  Southern 

X    -Smi-z  <-.^ma 


Student  missionary  writes  from  Thailand 

Snidentof  S 

n  College. 

What's  happening?  Did  you  h 
good  Christmas  break?  It  went  t 

hiih?  Minedidio 
total  of  24  hours.  I  guess  I  really 
shouldn't  mention  Christmas  because 
by  the  time  you  read  this  Christmas 
will  have  been  over  months  ago.  Iju) 


o  telle 

For  one  thing,  I  have  done  a  lot  of 
traveling  here,  Jusi  last  weekend  I 
went  to  an  awesome  little  island  called 
Tanitao.  Thanks  to  SC  for  sending 
some  extra  Christmas  cash.  1  was  able 
to  buy  a  snorkel  set  and  snorkeled  my 
heart  out.  1  should  say  snorkeled  my 

As  for  our  wonderful  school  here  ir 
Haad  Yai.  we  have  three  teachers, 
Monica  Heiron.  Glenn  Carter  and 
myself.  Actually  we  really  need  a 

fourth.  So  if  there  is  anyone  who 

would  like  to  come  immediately, 
please  don't  hesitate  to  call  at  (074) 

In  this  land  pf  luxury  we  have — 
excuse  me— we  Jiad  two  maids.  But 
recently  a  disaster  has  taken  place. 
One  of  our  maids  quit  and  the  other 
one  has  been  my!  sa-by  (sick)  all 
week.  Therefore  one  morning,  that  is 
all  morning.  Monica  did  the  laundry. 
No,  we  don't  have  one  of  those  fancy 
push  button  machines.  She  did  it  all 
by  handl  I  think  she  did  a  great  job 
and  1  don't  think  Glenn  minds  too 
much  thai  all  his  underwear  are  red. 

That  same  day,  I  thought  I  would  be 
the  chef.  It's  rather  difficult  to  make 
the  same  things  here  that  I  usually 
made  in  the  States.  Cookies,  brownies 
and  cakes  don't  turn  out  too  well 
But  I  did  try  I 

I  experience.  I  can't  decide 
i  English  more— my 
students  or  the  rats  in  our  walls.'  But 
it's  lots  of  fun  and  I  wouldn't  change  i\ ' 
for  the  world..  Maybe  foriome  sleep, 
though.  I  am  always  yawning  in  class. 

For  a  more  serious  note,  1  really 
want  to  thank  SG  for  ail  their  prayers 
and  letters.  Please  continue  to  pray  for 
us.  There  is  a  lot  of  work  to  be  done  in 
this  99.7%  Buddhist  country.  It's 
unbelievable  what  little  they  know 

Bui;if  ^ihey  only  knew  how  haj 

would  be  with  Jesus  in  their  !i 

Well,  that's  the  scoop  here  i 

Thailand.  For  all  those  who  h 

Please  let  me  be  so  kind  a; 



.  Yes, 

.  Anyway,  in  that  day  I 
thought  I  would  make  beans  for  our 
"Thai  Haystacks".  Has  anyone  ever 
had  beans  that  are  hard  as  peanuts  on 
your  haysucks  before?  After  that 
incredible  meal  everyone  has  decided 

Teaching?  Oh,  yes.  I  do  leach  here. 

Princeton  RWtfwa  R< 


New  books  recommened 
by  McKee  librarian 

By  A.  Let  Bennett  Jr. 

Never  Too  Youne  to  Die:  The 
Death  of  Len  Bi^.  and  My  Trditor's 
Heanarc  this  week's  books  recom- 
mended by  McKee  Libraiy  Director 
Peg  Bennett 

A  "tragic  story  of  the  #1  draft 
pick  by  the  hfBA's  Boston  Celtics  in 
1 986."  Never  Too  Young  [Q  Die 

rather  than  a  sports  biography.  "I 
details  the  events  leading  to  Bias' 
death,  a  description  of  the  police  i 
vestigation.  and  the  trial  of  Brian 
Tribble,  a  friend  of  Bias'  who  wa; 
accused  of  supplying  the  cocaine.' 
The  book  is  "a  harrowing  talc  fror 
which  no  one  emerges  unaffected. 

Rian  Malan  writes  his  own  life's 
sloiy  in  My  Traitor's  Heart,  a  tale 
that  will  "rearrange  our  superficial 
ideas  about  South  Africa." 

"As  a  young  man,  the  author 
[Malan] — ashamed  because  he  was  a 
descendant  of  the  architect  of  apart- 
heid—fled to  South  Africa.  After  8 
years  he  finally  went  home  to 
wresUe  with  the  paradoxes  existing 
(here,"  South  African  blacks 
constantly  face  possible  death 
because  "Two  civil  war^  wage 
[there!:  in  one.  whites  murder 
blacks;  in  the  other,  blacks  murder 
blacks  in  tribal  conflicts." 

"Malan  looks  behind  the  stories  of 
vicious  crimes — those  distorted  by 
the  media  and  those  ignored  by  iL" 

One  Rambo  is  enough 

By  Mike  Hernandez  rented 

I  have  always  attempted  to  exhibit  I  wo 

some  of  the  characteristics  of  my  movie 

heroes:  however  I  have  found  that  this  will  sh 

is  impossible  and  even  potentially  fatal  heroc'; 

I  usually  do  not  watch  Sylveslei 
Siallone  movies,  but  one  night  I  w 
feeling  particularly  manly,  so  I  wt 
the  local  World  C  Video  store  an 

He  survived  the  crash  of  a  helicopter 
(hat  plummeted  100  feet  from  the  sky 
and  exploded.  Naturally,  he  wasn't 
scratched.  He  single  handedly 
defeated  roughly  1 ,000  machine  gun 
toiing  Russian  soldiers.  Rambo  makes 

Indiana  Jones  look  like  Little  Bo  Peep. 

After  watching  this  movie,  I  fell  this 
strange  desire  to  go  outside  and  set  fire 
to  myself  purely  for  amusement 
There  is  probably  some  sort  of 
subliminal  message  in  Rambo,  like 
there  is  in  the  song  "Another  one  bites 
thedust'.  which,  as  you  all  know, 
causes  you  to  smoke  marijuana  and 
leaves  you  unable  lo  have  children. 

It  has  been  proven  that  75%  of  all 
the  violent  crimes  in  this  country  are 
committed  by  people  who  have  just 
watched  Sylvester  Siallone  or  Arnold 
Schwarzenegger  annihilate  a  small 
country.  If  these  movies  cause  this 
kind  of  reaction  in  the  common  people, 
what  happens  when  the  president 


watches  one?  Do  his  body  guards 
have  to  hold  him  down  until  his  ui 
to  push  the  nuke  button  subsides? 
If  we  support  these  movies  in  th 
box  offices  and  video  stores  lo 
produce  them.  They  will  still  be 

I  can  see  it  now.  RAMBO  M  CXI  I 
Rambo  escapes  from  the  nursing 
home,  swims  across  the  pacific, 
destroying  two  enemy  submarines 
with  his  bare  hands,  destroys  the  enlii 
Libyan  army  using  only  his  walking 
cane  and  rescues  his  brother  (played 
by  Arnold  Schwarzenegger)  who  had 
been  taken  captive. 

What  an  utterly  disgusting  thought. 


Johnson,  falls 
to  Faculty 

McKenzie  played  Johnson 
nighi  in  AA  league 
Sieve  Jaecks.  direct 
descritted  as ,"  Ihe  r 


Team  capiian  Alex  Johnson  said 
afler  the  game  thai  his  suaiegy  had 
been  lo  keep  Mark  McKenzie  out  of 
Ihe  painl  and  force  him  to  shoot  fron: 
Ihe  perimeter.  The  plan  seems  to  has 
worked  since  McKenzie  was  able  to 
hit  only  6  shots  out  of  22  attempts. 

Johnson's  team  was  handicapped 
by  the  absence  of  starting  guard  Kev; 

McKenzie  admitted  that  he  was 
pretty  cold  from  the  outside.  He  also 
indicated  that  Johnson's  team  domi- 
nated the  boards.  SomeofMcKen- 
zie's  rebounding 

of  intramurals. 
ist  exciting  game 
is  nip  and  tuck  all 



3  Ted 

Showalter  and  Scott  Wakefield.  Ivan 
Mitchell  took  up  the  slack  with 
outstanding  defense,  according  to 
Jaecks.  Alex  Johnson  credited 
Mitchell's  scoring  ability  as  a  key 
factor  in  McKenzie's  success.  "We 
just  couldn't  find  anybody  to  guard 

With  about  three  n 

s  left  t{ 

Left:  Sean  Johnson  slams  one  home,  adding  momentum  to  his  teams  stretch  run. 

Right:  Chris  Harter  recieves  medical  attention  after  colliding  with  Mark  McKenzie.  The  wound 

required  six  stitches. 

Accent  photos  by  Geoffrey  Church 

shifting  in  Johnsons  favor  afler  Sean  to  the  suspension  of  play  turned  the 

Johnson's  slam  dunk.  Unfortunately,  tide  against  his  team.  "Wewentbai 

Chris  Harter  suffered  a  severe  mouth  out  and  look  some  bad  shots  after 

injury  seconds  later  when  he  ran  into  thai."  he  said.  "They  were  able  lo 

Mark  McKenzie's  elbow.  The  game  convert,  and  then  it  turned  into  a  fre 

had  to  be  slopped  for  about  ten  throw  shooting  match." 

a  perfect  season  was  dashed  a; 
66-65  to  Faculty.  This  leaves 
open  for  Johnson  to  claim  a  share  of 
the  AA  title  by  beating  McKenzie  in 
possible  rematch  which  has  yet  to  be 

Alex  Johnson  state 
Haner  and  the  loss  of 

McKenzie  » 

e  loss  of      The  final  si 

IS  65-60. 

On  Tuesday,  McKenzie's  hope  for 

Basketball  Standings 

Caskey  (6-1) 

Gettys  (6-1) 

Nash  (2A) 

Scott  (0-7) 











Oakwood,  Southern 
All-Stars  to  play  here 

On  Saturday  night,  February  24th 
in  lies  PE  Center  the  Southern 
College  Intramural  All-Stars  will 
host  the  All-Slars  from  Oakwood 
College  in  a  charity  benefit  basket- 
ball game. 

Southern  College  Gym  Masters 
are  sponsoring  this  evenL  Ticket 
proceeds  will  benefit  Gym  Masters, 
a  traveling  gymnastic  team. 

Before  the  game,  there  will  be  a 
3-point  Shoot-out  and  a  Slam-dunk 

contest.  The  Gym  Masters  will 
preform  at  half-time. 

Tickets  will  be  available  at  Ihe 
door  on  a  cash  only  basis.  General 
admission  will  be  $4.00.  SC  and 
Oakwood  students  will  recieve  a 
S2.00  discount  if  they  present  their 
ID  card  when  purchasing  tickets. 

(kt  your  hands  on  a  Macintosh  before  your  hands  are  M. 

Homework  has  a  nasty  way  of  piling  up, 
I  doesn't  ii?  One  day,  you  feel  on  top  of  it  all— the 
next,  you're  behind  on  your  notes,  your  research, 


Taie,  it  may  not  turn  a  lifelong  procrastinator 
into  an  overachiever.  But  it  will  make  an  enor- 
mous difference  in  how  quickly  you  can  write, 
rewrite,  and  print  your  assignments. 

Not  only  will  a  Macintosh  change  the  way 
you  look  at  homework,  it'll  change  the  way  yoi 

homework  looks— with  an  endless  variety  of 
type  styles,  and  graphics  that'll  make  your  pro- 
fessors think  you  bribed  a  friend  in  an  school. 
And  as  for  all  those  classroom  scribblings, 
research  notes,  and  assorted  scraps  of  paper  that 
litter  your  desk,  we  give  you  HyperCard*— an 
amazing  new  program  thai  provides  an  easy  way 

to  store,  organize,  and  aoss-reference  each  and 
every  bit  of  information.  (HyperCard  is  included 
free  with  every  Macintosh.) 

So  come  in  and  get  your  hands  on  a 
Macintosh  today 

Before  your  homework  slips  completely 
through  your  fingers. 

The  power  to  be  your  best." 


The  Greatest 

Show  on  Earth 

^HHi.  «hH 

Salutes  the 




Gunther  Gebel- 




"In  imperial  Rome,  the  crowd's 

accolade  for  him  would  have  lapped 

^B^-  i^v^d^B'  .  ^^^1 

over  ihe  rim  of  ihe  Colosseum  like  a 

^HK...^^-'^.ffi     .Jl^^B 

tidal  wave;  he  would  have  been  in- 

HBH£i!i'^«^fijn(|^jC '1  i^H 

stalled  in  public  office." — Edward 

Hoagland,  1973. 

In  a  lifetime  of  achievement  and 

Giant  Steel  Cage.  17  Lippizaner 

triumph,  there  ultimately  must  be  a 

lorses.  and  three  nngs  of  Afncan 

last,  best  performance.  When  the 

and  Asian  elephants. 

legendary  Gunther  Gebel-Williams 

To  honor  this  Caesar  of  the 

steps  into  the  spotlight  at  the  UTC 

rircus.  the  glories  of  ancient  Rome 

Arena.  February  22  through  25.  it 

are  re-created  in  "Circus  Maxi- 

will  be  Ihe  last  time  local  audiences 

mus" — a  majestic  production 

will  the  The  Greatest  Wild  Animal 

spectacle  that  sparkles  with  visual 

Trainer  of  All  Time  in  regular 

delights.  A  golden  pageant  of 


gladiators,  ancient  gods,  temple 

Producer  Kenneth  Feld's  all-new 

maidens  and  clown  jesters — ^joined 

199th  Edition  of  Ringling  Bros,  and 

)y  Middle  Easlem  potentates  on 

Bamum  &  Bailey  Circus  is  a  stellar 

camels  and  soldiers  on  horseback 

salute  to  the  legend  who  for  the  past 

presents  a  triumphant  tribute. 

20  years  has  held  audiences  spell- 

Temple floats  carrying  the  emperor, 

bound  with  his  electrifying  and 

empress  and  the  royal  family  parade 

intriguing  mastery  of  training  wild 

regally  around  the  hippodrome  track 

animals.  In  this  final  performance 

0  the  sounds  of  "Grand  Roman 

the  blond,  tan.  ruggedly-handsome 

-anfare"  and  "The  Glory  That  Was 

superstar  displays  the  unique 


training  style  that  has  made  him 

Tickets  are  now  on  sale  at  the 

Ljjrd  of  the  Rings.  With  masterful 

JTC  Arena  Box  Office  and  other 

voice  commands  he  controls  18 

oudeis.  To  charge  tickets  by  phone. 

Siberian  and  Bengal  tigers  in  the 

call  (615)  256-6627. 






Sunday,  February  25,  4  p.m. 
Collegedale  Academy  Gym 


vho  livo  In  OoltoAQh  (373&3).  Aplson 



Except  for  6,71 6,000  American  Indians,  we  trace  our  origins 
to  nations  around  the  world.  Top  five  etfinic  origins: 

Most  popular  hymns 

Source:  U.S.  Bureau  of  the  Census  Julie  Stacey,  Gannett  News  Service 

Marcy  E.  Mullins,  Gannett  News  Service 

Upcoming  Events 

Friday,  Febman/1  ft 

Vespers,  SC  symphony 

8:00  p-m.  Church 

Saturday.  February  17 

Church  Service.  Gordon  Bielz 

Rees  Series 
7:30  p.m.  P.E  Center 
Girls  All-Star  Game 
3-point  Shoot-out 
Slam  Dunk  Contest 
Championship  Game 

Monday.  FRhniary  19 

"Dream  Alive"  by  Kim  and 

Reggie  Harris 

7:00  p.m.  P.E.  Center 

Tuesriay   Ffthmfirv  Pff 

Vtfednesdav.  Febmary  7) 
SA  Pep  Day 

Thursday.  February  22 

Assembly,  Viveca  Black 
11:00  a.m.  Church 

SA  Electron  Press  Confer- 

12:00  noon,  cafeteria 

Friday.  February  23 

Vespers,  Walter  Pearson 
8:00  p.m.  Church 

Saturday.  February  24 

Church  Service,  Ward 

Tuesday.  February  27 

SA  General  Election 

Thursday   Marr-h  1 

Assembly,  College 

Bowl  Rnals 

11:00  a.m.  P.E.  Center 

/  ^WJ^XWhy  we  drive 

Southern's  first 
Yearbook  of  the  '90's 
nears  completion 

By  Gina  Mclntyre 

The  yearbook  is  nearly  completed. 
With  89%  of  [he  pages  already 
compleled,  Andy  McConnell,  Southern 
Memories  Editor,  still  had  a  challenge 

According  to  McConnell  this 
yearbook  is  24%  larger  than  last  year's 
book,  jumping  from  200  to  248  pages, 
those  were  the  only  secrets  he  would 

The  big  word  in  yearbook  circles  is 
"DEADLINE".  A  deadline  is  a  date 
which  the  yearbook  company  sets  to 
receive  a  stated  portion  of  the  book. 
The  Southern  Memories  had  four. 

woit  weeks  to  prepare  for  his  lasl 

"Being  in  charge  of  the  yearbook 
means  having  lo  juggle  a  lot  of 
different  responsibilities,  money 
matters,  budgets,  job  assignments, 
appointments,  and  time  management," 
said  McConnell. 

Mike  Magursky,  Memories  art 
director,  has  been  working  hard.  ""I've 
sworn  after  every  year  that  I've 
worked  on  a  yearbook  that  I'd  never 
do  it  again.  I  guess  I  never  learned  my 
lesson."  This  is  his  fourth  year  of 

"One  thing  I've  learned  about 
myself  during  this  project  is  that  I 
survived  on  less  sleep  than  my  mom 

lecture  series 
looks  at  Japan 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

"What  are  Americans  Learning 
From  Japanese  Manufacturing 
Practices?"  is  the  title  of  a  lecture  to  be 
presented  by  Jack  B.  Sample  Thurs- 
day, March  22,  at  Southern  College  of 
Seventh-day  Adventists. 

The  lecture,  beginning  at  8  p.m.  in 
Brock  Hall  Room  338.  is  die  seventh 
in  the  E.A.  Anderson  Lecture  Series, 
an  annual  feature  of  the  business 
curriculum  at  Southern  College. 

Sample  is  presently  die  general 
manager  of  Komatsu  Dresser  com- 
pany, a  company  which  he  joined  in 

Prior  to  joining  Komatsu,  Sample  was 
employed  in  the  area  of  human 
resource  development  with  the  electric 
Power  Board  of  Chattanooga. 

He  holds  a  B.A.  and  M.S.  degree 
from  the  University  of  Tennessee  at 
Knoxville.  He  is  an  accredited 
personnel  manager  of  the  American 
Society  for  Personnel  Administration 
and  is  a  certified  compensation 

Sample  has  served  in  many  leader- 

Jack  B.  Sample 

area  organizations.  He  is  a  native  of 
Chattanooga  where  he  resides  with  his 
wife  and  two  children. 

The  E.A.  Anderson  Lecture  Series  is 
made  possible  by  the  generosity  of 

understanding  of  the  business  world. 

The  community  is  invited  lo  attend 
the  lectuies  free  of  charge.  Continuing 
education  credit  is  available  for  a  fee. 

The  subsequent  lecture  in  the  scries 
will  be  March  29.  William  Peterson, 
Lundy  Chair  Professor,  Philosophy  of 
Business,  at  Campbell  University  in 
Buies  Creek,  North  Carolina,  will 
speak  on  "Our  Second  Democracy." 
For  more  information,  contact  the 
business  Department  at  Southern 
College  al  238-2751. 

thought  I  could,"  staled  McCor 

The  general  consensus  stated  by 
Magursky  is  "If  you  find  any  error 
the  book,  we  put  them  there  on 

Southern  Memories, 
rpose.  Some  people 

trying  to  please  eveiyone!" 

Senior  Celebration 
Weekend  starts  today 


d  Barasoain 

Senior  Celebration  Weekend  will 
officially  begin  March  29.  during 
the  II :00  a.m.  assembly  in  die 
Church.  The  Senior  class  will 
march  in  full  graduation  regalia  for 
this  assembly.  Seniors  can  pick  up 
their  robes  and  gowns  in  Dr.  Green- 
leafs  office  on  March  26-28.  Class 
members  will  need  to  meet  in  the 
church  a  half  hour  prior  to  Ihe 
assembly,  in  robes,  at  10:30  a.m. 
The  speaker  for  this  assembly  will 
be  Paul  Conn,  president  of  Lee 
College.  This  unique  chapel 
ceremony  is  being  conducted  to 
boost  the  spirits  of  the  Seniors.  It 
will  also  allow  underclassmen,  who 
aren't  staying  for  the  actual  cere- 

On  Friday  evening,  March  30,  at 
7:30  p.m.  an  assembly  will  be  held 
for  Seniors  in  Lynn  Wood  Hall. 
The  evening's  topic  will  be  the 
"Monday  after  the  Sunday."  Those 

attending  will  discuss  several  topics 
including  what  they  will  be  doing 
the  Monday  after  graduation  and 
how  they  will  conduct  themselves  in 
the  "real  world".  The  speaker  for 
the  Friday  evening  service  will  be 
Dr.  Ron  SpringeH. 

On  Sabbath.  March  31,  at  9:45 
a.m.,  a  Sabbatii  school  and  church 
service  for  Seniors  will  be  held  at 
Red  Clay  Park.  If  you  need  direc- 
tions to  the  park,  see  the  map  below 
or  meet  in  front  of  Wright  Hall  at 
9:00  a.m.  on  March  31.  The 
Sabbath  school  lesson  will  be  taught 
by  Senior  religion  major  Bruce 
Whidden.  The  sermon  will  be  given 
by  Senior  Class  sponsor,  Dr.  Derek 
Morris.  Blue  jeans  and  tennis  shoes 
are  acceptable  attire  for  the  service. 
If  you  want  a  sack  lunch  for  the 
afternoon,  be  sure  to  sign  up  in  the 
cafeteria  by  Wednesday,  March  28. 
A  nature  hike  will  be  directed  by 
Mr.  Houck  after  church  for  those 
wishing  to  tour  the  area. 

Letters  to 
the  Editor 

Dear  Editor, 

This  letter  is  written  is 
response  to  the  article  titled  "Bas- 
ketball: bringing  out  the  worst  in 
the  best  of  us."  It  was  in  the  Feb.  1 

I  have  sent  this  to  offer  an 
alternative  perspective  on  athletics, 
which  includes  basketball.  Basket- 
ball is  not  a  "stupid  game"  and  in- 
fering  that  athletics  are  is  ridicu- 
lous. Participation  in  athletics 
allows  for  the  oppurtunity  to  grow 
in  the  areas  of  personal  potential, 
teamwork,  discipline,  patience, 
overcoming  obstacles,  and  decision 
making,  to  name  a  few. 

To  say  that  "no  one  from 
Southern  College  is  ever  going  to 
make  a  living  playing  basketball" 
is  probably  an  accurate  statement. 
However,  why  should  one  close 
the  door  on  an  activity  that  brings 
enjoyment  just  because  it  is  not 

Dare  I  mention  that  other 
activities  like  singing  or  playing  a 
musical  instrument  will  hardly 
provide  a  means  for  support  for  the 
greater  majority  of  Southern 
College  students.  These  extracur- 
ricular activities  are  held  in  higher 
regard  and  to  think  the  same  com- 
petative  nature  is  not  in  their  par- 
ticipants would  be  foolish.  Pride, 
envy,  frustration  and  jealousy  are 
certainly  present  but  because  it  is 
hidden  easier  and  very  subtle, 
public  scorn  is  not  levied  as 

God  has  given  and  ability 

The  man  who  never  alters  his  opinion  is  like  standing 
water,  &  breeds  reptiles  of  the  mind. 

iUUUU  Accent 


John    Caskey 

Associate     Editor 

Laurie    Ringer 


Pamela    Draper 
Sheila    Draper 

Photo    Editor 

Sean    Tcrretta 


Monique    Townsend 

Word    Processing 

Heather    Wise 

Lifestyle     Editor 

Adrienne    Cox 

Sports    Editor 

Jim     King 

Religion     Edtior 

Andy  Nash 

Layout    Editor 

Daniel    Potter 


Stan    Hobbs 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

The  Soiahtm  Aectnt  is  the  olflclal  studcoi  oewspaper  for 
SontbeniCoUegeorSeraiillMla^AilvealiMsandbrelcMed  every 
weeks  and  vacatiofts.  Optaionsexpmsed  in  (heSojtffcsoi  Ac««r 
are  Uhmg  or  the  aulbore  and  do  nMiwoewartlf  reflect  (he  views  or 
the  edflon.  Soolhern  College,  ibe  Sereatthday  Adventist  dniKb. 
or  tiie  advertiser. 

TljK  SoBrtmi/tcMitfwelcomea  jour  letters  which  mitslcoo- 
I!^^»irr^  '  °*°^  »*lre«,  and  pbooe  nnmber.  Letters  witl 
be  edited  ror  space  imd  clarltj.  AD  letten  most  have  ttw  writer's 
^t^J?!?^*  "Uintw  for  verification,  nltbovgb  names  may  be 

taken  advantage  of.  Sports  is  a 
valuable  witnessing  tool  that 
can  be  used  to  reach  people. 
Let  us  take  pride  in  individual- 
ism and  be  happy  that  differ- 
ences and  competition  makes 
life  exciting. 

In  ending,  I  would  like 
to  say  that  issues  like  pre- 
marital sex,  alcoholism,  drugs, 
racism,  and  cheating  are  topics 

South  Africa... 

Dear  Editor, 

Considering  the  currenl  affairs 
within  the  South  African  political 
arena,  it  is  my  objective  in  view  of 
issues  mentioned  during  chapel, 
Febmaiy  22, 1990,  to  provide  the 
Southern  College  students  with  the 
alternative  point  of  view. 

I  respect  the  rights  of  individuals 
hold  opinions  on  any  issue-social, 
religious  or  political;  however,  I 
expect  the  relevant  facts,  both 
negative  and  positive,  before  such  a 
person  attempts  to  address  a  congre- 
gation of  people. 

Addressing  the  issue  of  labour 
unions,  (he  speaker  gave  the  impres- 
sion it  was  impossible  for  black 
workers  to  protest  peacefully  or  to 
approach  labour  relations  officials 
about  working  problems  without 
being  harassed  or  arrested  by  South 
African  Police  in  the  early  1970"s. 
He  did,  however,  fail  to  mention 
until  1979,  unions  were  illegal  ir 

that  are  more  important  and  should  be 
addressed  more  often.  Or,  would 
addressing  these  issues  in  public  be  an 
admission  of  their  presence  on  our 

South  Africa,  and  I 
of  suike  was  illegal.. .Labour  rela- 
tions were  only  addressed  by  a  com- 
mission of  inquiry  on  legislation  in 
the  late  70's.  Government  statistics 
show  labour  union  membership  in 
1979  as  zero,  growing  to  more  than 
600.000  in  1985.  All  unions  prior  to 
1979  were  unregistered  and  there- 
fore, unlawful. 

With  regard  to  the  African  Na- 
tional congress  (ANC)  having  the 
support  of  all  South  Africans,  he 
failed  lo  mention  Gatsha  Buthelezl, 
Paramount  Chief  of  6.4  million  Zulus 
who  constitute  one  third  of  the  black 
population  in  South  Africa.  Buthe- 
lezl enjoys  the  majority  of  while 
.support  and  is  acclaimed  by  inlema- 

AMcan  Police  action  to  quell  riots  as 
opposed  lo  496  blacks  killed  by  black 
radicals  (Talking  with  the 
ANCPerskor,  1986). 

With  reference  to  education,  (many  of 
us  were  led  to  believe  the  Chapel  hour 
would  deal  with  the  future  of  SDA 
schools  in  South  Africa)  he  failed  to 

governmental  institutions  which  have 
been  multi-racial  for  the  past  ten  years. 
A  new  education  dispensation  was 
formulated  in  the  White  Paper  on  die 
provision  of  Education  (1983)  and 
established  the  National  Policy  for 
Education  Affairs  Act  (Act  76  of  1984) 
to  place  education  levels  for  all  racial 
groups  on  a  level  fooling.  What  of  the 
five  "black  only"  universities  in  South 
Africa?  All  so-called  white  universities 
are  fully  multi-racial  and  have  been  for 
many  years.  University  of  Soudi  Africa 
which  is  the  largest  correspondence 
university  in  the  world  has  a  predomi- 
nantly black  enrollment.  The  oppressed 
black  school  graduate  also  receives  67% 
of  government  scholarships  to  continue 
his  education.  The  South  African  Brew- 
eries, largest  company  in  South  Africa, 
only  awards  scholarships  to  blacks. 
Black  schools  are  burnt  down  and 
classes  boycotted  by  students  at  the 

e  of  black  radical  leaders  within 

...  ;  ANC. 

Furthermore,  the  speaker  stated  the 
ANC  only  uses  violence  as  a  means 
of  defense.  How  much  defense  is 
needed  against  irmocent  women  and 
children  of  all  nationalities?  Limpet 
mines  and  plastic  explosives  placed 
in  restaurants  and  shopping  centres 
frequented  by  all  nationalities  are  by 
no  means  a  line  of  defense.  The 

communist  vehicle.  The  ANC  "s 
Radio  Freedom  on  May  11,  1986 
staled:  "If  Botiia  expects  to  buy  time 
by  appealing  lo  non-exisieni,  non- 
communisl,  ANC  leaders,  then  Bodia 
has  missed  the  freedom  boat" 
(Talking  with  the  ANC.Perskor 

Since  August  1985,  381  black 
people  have  died  during  South 

Nelson  Mandella  returned  to  the  dusly 
streets  of  Soweto.  I  wonder  how  he  will 
enjoy  his  5250,000  mansion  constructed 
by  ANC  funds,  as  he  lives  in  poverty 
with  his  people? 

What  place  did  all  this  misleading 
have  in  our  church?  Liberation  Theolo- 
gists  such  as  Desmond  Tutu,  Professor 
Pyerers-Naude,  Alan  Boesak,  and 
Desmond  Hurley  have  split  their 
denominations  in  half  for  preaching 
politics  from  the  pulpit.  Politics  has  its 
place,  but  not  in  church,  and  we  at  least 
expect  a  balanced,  credible  presentation 
from  the  rostmm. 

What  about  SevenUi-day  Advenii.^i 
schools  in  Soudi  Africa?  How  do 
labour  unions,  the  ANC,  Nelson 
Mandella,  and  recent  political  events 
have  any  baring  on  decisions  diat  lie 
solely  with  the  SDA  Conference?  The 
speaker  was  too  wrapped  up  in  politics 

wrapf)ed  up  in  supplying  the  alternative 
view  to  ask.  Nkosi  Sikclele  e'  Afrika 
(God  Bless  Africa). 

David  Denton's 

Bits  and 

If  you  believe  apathy  is  a 
voleforme.  li' II be  ihe  lasi  thing 
you'll  ever  ha\'e  to  do.  I  promise. 

It  SA  eleclions  speech  like  \i 

e  might  hear  a  campaign 

limes  I  couldn'l  help  thinking  I  was  the 
only  one  inleresied.  According  lo  the 
•official  announcements  posted  the  day 
after  the  election,  less  than  half  of  the 
student  body  took  the  opporlunily  to 
vote.  I  find  this  fascinating.  Mind 
you,  I'm  not  so  much  concerned  with 
why  less  than  half  of  you  voted,  as  I 
am  with  how  this  trend  could  affect 
future  S.A.  elections- 
After  considerable  cogitation  and  a 
preponderance  of  pondering,  Cve 
reached  a  conclusion.  One  that  is  at 
the  same  time  frightening  and  intrigu- 
ing. Whereas  in  recent  eleclions  it  has 
been  fashionable  to  make  student 
involvement  the  focus  of  a  candidate's 
campaign  (for  example:  Mark  Wal- 
drop's  "You  Belong",  or  Woody 
White's  "Your  S.A.  Your  Way"),  in 
the  future  it's  very  likely  some 
innovative  student  will  attempt  to 
capitalize  on  the  general  student  body 
apathy  by  incorporating  it  into  his 
campaign.  Imagine  someone  running 
for  S.A,  President  with  the  slogan  "My 
S,  A,.  My  Way,"  or  "Vote  For  Me,  I'll 
Leave  You  Alone."  It  could  happen. 

Southern  College  students,  are  you 
tired  of  student  leaders  continually 
hassling  you  to  get  involved  in  campus 
life?  Are  you  tired  of  being  told  you 
should  vole  for  this  office  or  that 
office?  Do  you  sometimes  wish  these 
student  leaders  would  just  disappear? 
Well,  now  you  can  do  something  to 
make  those  dreams  come  true. 

As  Candidate  for  SA.  President.  I 
recognize  that  the  majority  of  you 
couldn'l  care  less  about  what  happens 


Stand  up  for  your  right  to  be  unin- 
volved.  If/  am  elected  SA.  president 
I  promise  three  things: 

1 .  I  promise  lo  do  away  with  SA. 
chapels.  They' re  boring,  and  most 
students  would  rather  carl  up  with  a 
good  chemistry  or  anatomy  textbook 

2.  I  promise  never  to  try  to  get  you 
involved  in  anything,  at  anytime,  ever. 

opinions  or  suggestions,  nor  lo  listen 
to  any  opinions  that  are  offered. 

Southern  College  is  a  great  school, 
and  I  believe  it  can  become  even 
greater  as  student  leaders  realize  they 


This  weeks  Ii 


Name  the  LMU  basketball  player  « 

Name  the  Baltic  slates  which  is  busy  declaring  ii's  independance  from  it 

Soviet  Union. 
3)    By  what  name  did  Julius  Ceasar  know  the  date  March  15? 

Who  is  the  editor  of  this  years  Southern  Memories? 
5)    Do  you  think  you  got  the  other  four  answers  right? 

Last  Weeks  Answers: 

1 )  John  Caskey 

2)  Woody  White 

3)  Grange  and  Marsa 

4)  Yes.  I  want  Free  Food 

5)  Maybe  they  secretly  like 
cafeteria  food. 

Last  Weeks  Winner: 

1)  Beverly  Ericson 

2)  Cason  Holley 

3)  Darin  Stewart 

4)  Mike  Magursky 

5)  Charles  Kilgore 

Sponsored  by 



The  first  five  correct  entries  received  in  the  Accent  office  will  win  a  free  meal 
al  McDonald's  .   isisting  of  a  Large  Sandwich  or  Entree  Salad,  Large  Fries 
and  a  Large  drink.    Entries  can  be  slipped  under  Ihe  door  of  the  Accent  office 
and  will  be  judged  every  day  at  10:00  p.m.  In  the  event  that  more  than  five 
conect  entries  are  received  on  the  same  day  the  winners  will  be  determined  by 
a  random  drawing.  Should  no  entries  with  all  the  correct  answers  be  received 
within  seven  days  of  the  date  of  publication,  the  entries  with  the  most  correct 
answers  will  be  declared  winners.  Members  of  the  Southern  Accent  Staff. 
their  families,  signTfTcani  others  and  pets  are  ineligible. 

futility.  Lcssthanhalf  ofyou  will  n 
it.  Butlhat'sokay,  those  who  don't 

probably  aren't  aware  we  even  have 
school  paper. 

Journalism  department  brings 
'editor-in-residence'  to  campus 

"A  Picture  Is  Worth  a  Thousand 
Complaints"  is  the  title  of  an 
evening  assembly  meeting  with 
Alan  Honon,  chairman  of  the 
Ethics  Committee  of  the  American 
Society  of  Newspaper  Editors.  7:00 
p.m.  April  1  in  Brock  Hall  147. 
Hors  d'oeuvres  will  be  served  at 
6:00  p.m.  Assembly  credit  will  be 

The  meeting  is  the  first  editor-in- 
residence  program  held  under  the 
auspices  of  the  American  Society 
of  Newspaper  Editors  and  jointly 
sponsored  by  the  Journalism  Club. 
the  Journalism  and  Communication 
Departmenl.  and  the  Southern 

Morton's  presentation  will 
feature  20  slides  of  controversial 
photos  recently  published  in  the 
Naple-s  Daily  News  (Fla.l.  a 
Scripps  Howard  newspaper  where 
Horton  has  served  as  executive 
editor  since  1987.  The  presentation 
will  consider  the  ethics  of  pictures 
selection.  "I  gel  more  complaints 
about  the  pictures  we  publish  than 
about  articles  and  editorials,"  he 

Horton.  a  graduate  of  Yale  Uni- 

newspapers,  mostly  in  the  Scripps 
Howard  chain,  including  the 
Scripps  Howard  Washington 
Bureau,  where  he  covered  the 
Pentagon  during  the  Vietnam  War. 
Before  he  became  editor  of  Ihe 

nia  Publishing  Col.,  which  produces 
24  weekly  newspapers  with  a  circu- 
lation of  450.000  in  the  Los 
Angeles  suburbs. 

"The  editor-in-residence  program 
brings  the  workplace  to  students," 
said  Lynn  Sauls,  journalism 
departmenl  chair.  "It  helps  students 
become  intelligent  c 

This  is  the  first  year  Southern  has 
participated  in  the  program.  Edilor- 
in-residence  first  semester  was  Paul 
Neely,  managing  editor  of  Chat- 

Oiher  meetings  in  the  program 
will  be  held  Monday.  April  2,  and 
are  open  lo  the  public: 

8:00  a.m..  Brock  Hall  146-'Jour- 
nalists  as  Nitch-players"  will 
explore  how  journalists  are  discov- 
ering what  interests  readers. 

9:00  a.m..  Brock  Hall  146-"Whal 
Is  News  Today?"  will  explore  the 
determinants  of  news  in  the  90s. 

12:00  p.m..  Cafeteria  Banquet 
Room-"Southem  Accent-Pluses 
and  Minuses"  will  provide  a 
critique  of  the  three  most  recent 

1:00  p.m..  Brock  Hall  146-" Ad- 
vertising and 

Reporting-Joumal  ism's  Separation 
of  Church  and  Slate"  will  explore 
why  editorial  and  advertising 
departments  of  a  newspaper  need  to 

2:00-4:00  p.m..  Brock  Hall 
Seminar  Room-Individual  confer- 
ences with  students  about  newspa- 
per careers  and  journalism  in 
general  <A  sign-up  sheet  is  provided 
I  Department). 

From  the  Archives 

March  13,  1957: 

First  SMC  Museum  For 
Stuffed  Animals  Begun 

Sabbath  School 
organized  on 

By  Richard  Gallagher 

"Guten  Morgen!  Herzlich 
Wilkommen  zum  Sabbatschule'" 
(Good  morning!  Welcome  lo 
Sabbaih  school),  These  were  som 
of  ihe  firel  words  spoken  10:00 
Sabbaih.  March  17  at  the  newly 
formed  German  Sabbath  school. 

"We've  been  ihinking  for  quite 
some  time  about  having 
Dr.  Helmul  Otl.  chairman  of  the 
Modem  Languages  department. 
Several  students  in  Iniermediate 

German  told  him  they  thought  it  was 
good  idea  to  have  a  German  Sabbaih 
school,  and  they  asked  if  one  could  t 
formed.  &.  Ott  decided  il  was  time 
get  the  program  started. 
It  follows  a  simple  formal  so  il  is 

first,  followed  by  scripture  and  prayer, 
then  the  special  feature,  and  finally, 
lesson  study. 

The  special  feature  in  the  first  class 
was  Brigett  DeMemmo's  slide 
presentation  containing  pictures  of  East 
and  West  Germany.  The  special 
feature  will  be  a  regular  part  of  the 

Waldemar  Ehlers,  a  retired  minister, 
gave  the  lesson  study.  It  discussed 
Matthew  24  and  was  taken  from  the 
Sabbath  school  quarterly  for  that  week. 

Dr.  Ott  had  his  stijdents  in  Interme- 
diate German  study  the  24tii  chapter  of 
Matthew  in  class  before  the  seven- 

teenth. He  also  has  the  Intennediate 
Spanish  class  members  read  portions 
of  the  Bible  during  class. 

The  students  of  Spanish  have  an 
opportunity  to  anend  a  Spanish 
speaking  church  here  in  Colleged- 
ale.  The  opportunity  to  visit  a 
German-speaking  church  is  not 
available  to  students  of  German. 

Ott  thinks  it  is  important  for  the 
students  to  read  the  scripture  in  the 
foreign  language.  The  religious 
vocabulary  used  in  the  Bible  is  quite 
different  from  everyday  speech,  said 

The  class  will  meet  two  more 
times,  April  7  and  April  21.  The 
meetings  begin  at  10:00  a.m.  and  are 
held  in  Daniels  Hall.  Anyone  is 
welcome  to  come,  but  Dr.  Ott 
cautions,  there  may  or  may  not  be  an 

Measles  feared  to  be  reaching  epidemic 
proportions  on  college  campuses  nationwide 


©Copyrkht  1990,  uSA 
TODAY/Appfe  Cbllege  Informa- 
tion Network 

Once  on  Ihe  brink  of  eradi- 
cation, measles  is  striking  back 
with  a  vengeance. 

The  disease  has  killed  15 
people  nationwide  this  year,  and 
the  cases  are  mounting  faster  this 
spring  than  last  year,  which  ended 
with  an  alarming  16,240  cases  and 
45  deaths. 

With  schools  across  Ihe 
country  breaking  for  spring  vaca- 
tions, public  health  officials  are 
worried  that  measles  will  spread 
farther,  wider  and  faster. 

"There's  a  good  possibility 
that  we  will  have  spread  where  we 
have  measles  outbreaks,"  said 
George  Seastrom,  a  consultant 
with  the  Centers  for  Disease 
Control.  "If  (students)  intermix, 
they'll  pick  it  up." 

Spring  break  meccas  such 
as  Florida's  Fort  Lauderdale  and 

Daytona  Beach  and  South  Padre 
Island.  Texas,  wnll  literally  become 
measles  hotbeds:  fun,  sun  and  a 
hardy  virus  that  can  survive  in 
warm  humid  conditions  for  three 

"Rather  than  keeping 
measles  within  certain  coUege 
campuses,  it's  going  to  be  spread 
to  various  schools  this  way," 
Seastrom  said. 

Inadequate  immunization 
among  students  is  just  part  of  the 
problem;  about  half  of  the  cases 
are  pre-schoolers,  many  in  immi- 
grant or  inner-city  families  who 
are  not  aware  of  the  need  for 

As  of  Feb.  17,  52  out- 
breaks of  measles  have  been  found 
in  16  states:  Maryland.  Florida, 
Illinois,  Wisconsin,  Texas,  Califor- 
nia, Alaska,  Pennsylvannia, 
Missouri.  Oregon,  Maine,  New 
York,  Indiana,  Ohio,  Oklahoma 
and  Michigan. 

"It's  everywhere."  said 

Number  of  measles  cases 

Measles  cases  in  Ihe  United  States  hit  an 
alt-lime  low  at  1 ,500  in  1 983  before  soaring  to 
16,236  last  year.'  So  (ar  this  year,  there  have 
been  1 ,1 50  cases,  more  than  double  the 
number  reported  by  this  time  last  year. 

Judy  Ganit,  a  CDC  health  educa- 
tion and  information  specialist. 

The  outbreak  in  Los 
Angeles  County  persists  after  an 
unusually  long  2  1/2  year^, 
making  more  than  3,260  people 
sick.  Chicago  has  reported  2,370 
cases  since  its  March  1989 
outbreak.  Dallas  has  seen  1,200 
cases  to  date  over  a  similar 

In  Fresno  County,  health 
officials  suspect  that  cultural  mis- 
understanding of  vaccinations 
contributed  to  the  measles  deaths 
of  nine  Laotian  children.  That 
spurred  officials  in  St.  Paul, 
Minn.,  to  launch  a  door-to-door 
immunization  program  targeting 
Hmong  children  from  Laos. 

Both  counties  have  heavy 
concentrations  of  Hmong  who 
live  in  cramped  quarters,  making 
them  particularly  susceptible  to 
contagions  like  measles. 

All  states  require  children 
to  be  immunized  before  starting 
school.  Because  the  measles 
vaccine  is  considered  95  percent 
effective,  the  CDC  recommends  a 
two-dose  immunization:  one  for 
infants  at  15  months  old  and 
another  before  the  child  enters 
school.  People  are  considered 
immune  if  they: 

—  Were  bom  before 
1957  since  they  likely  had 
childhood  exposure  to  the  dis- 

—  Already  had  the 

—  Are  adequately  vacci- 
nated according  to  standards. 

Inadequate  immuniza- 
tions have  created  an  entire 
generation  of  young  people  who 
may  be  vulnerable  to  the  viral 

People  bom  between 
1957  and  1976  may  have  been 

vaccinated  too  young  for  life-time 
immunity  while  those  bom  be- 
tween 1976  and  1980  may  have 
gotten  ineffective  vaccine  doses, 
the  CDC  said. 

The  deficiency  is  emerg- 
ing nationwide  on  campuses  like 
the  University  of  Maine,  where 
400  students  without  current 
immunization  records  are  being 
excluded  from  classes  until  March 
19  because  of  an  outbreak  among 
45  students. 

Earlier  this  month,  a  30- 
case  outbreak  in  Allegan  County. 
Mich.,  caused  a  high  school 
basketball  game  to  be  played 
without  fans.  The  University  of 
Oregon,  citing  the  growing  number 
of  cases  among  young  adults,  will 
require  all  new  students  next  fall  to 
have  been  vaccinated  for  the  dis- 

That  requirement  is  fast 
becoming  standard  policy  for 
colleges,  Seastrom  said.  "An  out- 
break really  upsets  the  whole 
routine  of  a  university.  After 
spring  break,  they  have  Tinai 
exams  coming  out,  seniors  are 
going  to  job  interviews.  These 
people  can't  afford  to  have  the  dis- 

Outbreaks  also  have  hit 
Amish  communities  in  Canton, 
Minn.,  and  Cattaraugus  County. 
N.Y.  In  Canton,  the  measles  struck 
17  people  in  five  families  and  cur- 
tailed visits  until  the  outbreak 
subsided.  Amish  traditionally 
oppose  vaccination  for  religious 

Twenty  yea"^  ago,  hopes 
were  high  that  measles  would  be 
vanquished.  Public  vaccination 
programs  moved  successfully 
toward  that  goal  and  in  1983,  the 
number  of  cases  hit  an  all- 
of  1,500.  Since  then,  however,  the 
number  of  cases  has  surged. 

Protesting  administration  policies  can  backfire 

students  should  be  aware  of  what  they  can  expect  to  achieve 


©Copyright  1990.  USA  TODAY/ 

Apple  College  Information  Network 

WASHINGTON  —  It  may  be 

from  ihe  two-week  sit-in  at  Tennessee 
Siaie  University,  but  a  rash  of  similar 
campus  protests  in  the  past  year  have 
yielded  mixed  results. 

For  every  Howard  University  in 
Washington  —  where  Republican 
National  Chairman  Lee  Atwaier 
resigned  from  the  board  of  trustees  last 
March  after  angry  students  occupied  a 
building  for  three  days  —  there  is  a 
University  of  Massachusetts.  There, 
Pentagon-supported  research  rolls 
along  despite  a  series  of  student 
demonstrations  opposing  it. 

Last  May  at  Stanford  University  in 
Palo  Alto,  Calif.,  53  students  seized 
President  Donald  Kennedy's  office  for 
a  day  to  protest  racism  on  campus  and 
the  scarcity  of  minority  faculty  at  the 

Stanford  is  seeking  minority  hires. 

service  —  on  top  of  75  hours  of 
community  service  meted  out  by  the 

At  TSU  in  Nashville,  students  ended 
their  sit-in  March  8  with  an  agreement 
to  pay  for  damages  caused  to  the 
administration  building  and  for  long- 
distance phone  calls  they  made.  They 
also  agreed  their  behavior  was 

In  return,  the  administration  has 
promised  to  make  financial  records 
available  (o  students,  put  greater 
emphasis  on  maintenance  and  repairs, 
and  form  a  committee  to  monitor 
concerns  —  prompting  both  sides  to 
declare  victory. 

The  success  of  student  protests  is  not 
always  absolute,  however. 

The  same  month  of  the  Stanford 
protest,  black  studenu  at  Michigan 
Stale  University  in  East  Lansing  ended 
a  weeklong  sit-in  at  the  administration 
building  after  school  oITicials  agreed  to 
consider  the  protesters'  36  requests 
regarding  minority  concerns. 

Among  their  demands  was  that 
Michigan  Stale  appoint  a  vice  presi- 

minority  affairs.  The  school  did  create 
a  position  of  minority  adviser,  though 
It  lower  on  Ihe  flow  chart 
n  who  filled  the  new  job. 

Lee  June,  said  that  while  some  of 
students'  remaining  requests  have  been 
addressed  —  for  instance,  the  school 
has  held  a  conference  on  black  issues 
—  officials  have  been  "generally  slow" 
to  respond  to  other  concerns,  such  as 
hiring  minority  faculty. 

Regardless,  June  said,  the  protest 
served  a  piupose:  At  a  school  where 
blacks  comprise  only  5  percent  of  the 
42,000  students  enrolled,  "They  got  the 
administration's  attention  and  moved 
along  the  agenda  further." 

The  key  to  a  successful  protest  may 
lie  in  knowing  in  advance  what 
concessions  a  college  or  university  is 
willing  to  make,  said  Dave  Cutler,  a 
representative  of  the  Washington- 
based  United  States  Student  Associa- 

"As  long  as  students  are  aware  of 
what  they're  capable  of  achieving,  a 
sufficiently  organized  student  body  can 
get  just  about  anything,"  Cutler  said. 

At  tiny  Paine  College  in  Augusta. 
Ga..  300  of  the  school's  550  students 
staged  a  27-hour  sit-in  last  September 
to  protest  security  conditions  in  the 
wake  of  an  on-campus  shooting.  The 
school  responded  by  installing  high- 
intensity  lights  on  campus,  arming  its 
five  security  guards  at  night  and  setting 
up  security  booths  at  both  campus 

The  only  demand  not  agreed  to. 
Paine  spokeswoman  Therese  Griffin 
said,  was  to  fence  in  the  entire  54-acre 

hearing  p 

'eriooked  a  more 
minor  request:  that  a  majority  of  the 
university's  board  of  trustees  be  deaf. 
Though  additional  deaf  members  have 
been  added  to  the  16-member  board, 


Loyola  Mary  mount  University  in 
Los  Angeles  appointed  an  H -member 
committee  of  faculty,  alumni  and 
community  leaders  to  monitor  race 
relations  after  five  students  walked 
into  President  James  N.  Loughran's 
office  last  April  and  refused  to  leave 
until  he  addressed  racial  problems. 

Just  last  week,  students  at  Morgan 
Slate  University  in  Baltimore  ended  a 
weeklong  protest  by  convincing  the 
administration  to  install  more  lights 
and  hire  six  more  security  guards. 

No  progress  was  reported,  however, 
on  the  students'  biggest  request  —  for 

WSMC  to  host 
Adventist  Radio 
Network  Conference 

By  Lisa  Rosaasen 

The  annual  Adventist  Radio  Net- 
work (ARN)  Conference  will  be 
hosted  by  affiliate  WSMC  March 
28-30  on  the  Soulhem  College 
campus  in  Lynn  Wood  Hall  206. 

Dan  Landrum,  program  director 
at  Southern  College's  radio  station 
WSMC,  said  he  is  excited  not  only 
about  WSMC's  renewed  involve- 
ment but  that  they  have  been 
chosen  as  the  host  for  this  year's 

Approximately  30  radio  stations 
representatives  from  North  Amer- 
ica with  the  farthest  being  from 
station  VOAR  in  Newfoundland 
will  attend,  as  well  as  representa- 
tives from  It  Is  Written  and 
Adventist  World  Radio. 

The  largest  topic  of  discussion 
will  focus  on  the  planning  of  the 
coverage  of  the  General  Confer- 
ence Session  to  be  held  July  5-14  in 
Indianapolis,  Indiana.  The  cover- 
age team  has  already  been  ap- 
pointed fro  this  upcoming  confer- 

ence. Landrum  will  be  working  on 
the  team  as  a  reporter. 

Another  crucial  topic  will  concern 
the  structure  of  Adventist  Radio 
Network  and  whether  it  should 
become  a  part  of  Adventist  World 

Additional  topics  of  discussion 
will  include  network  programming. 

affiliation,  and  reports  from  current 
station  members  and  officers  of  the 
network.  There  were  also  be  a 
station  management  problem - 
solving  session  with  Lee  Mclntyre. 
the  representative  of  KSGN  in  La 
Sierra,  Califomia.  Officers  for 
Adventist  Radio  Network  will  be 

The  National  Association  of 
Broadcasting  (NAB)  meeting  will  be 
held  in  Atlanta  the  week  before  the 
ARN  Conference.  Steve  Vistaunel, 
current  president  of  ARN,  said  they 
try  to  hold  both  conferences  at  about 
the  same  time  and  place  so  that  rep- 

destiny                 drami 
company                  proud 







8:00    p.m. 

SDA    Church 

The  Cafe  Staff: 

Photo  feature  by  Sean 
Terretta  and  Heather  Wise 

Sure,  we  all  eat  there 
(most  of  us,  anyway),  and 
sure,  we  say  "hi"  to  the 
servers  and  checkers,  but 
we  rarely  notice  the  people 
who  are  working  "behind 
the  scene"  to  produce 
balanced  meals,  three  times 
a  day,  seven  days  a  week, 

Tuesday  night  was 
pizza  night,  making  things 
a  little  easier  on  the  staff,  but 
there  was  still  plenty  to 

Marie  Featress  pouring  soy  milk 

Doris  Lasao  and  Dan  Woodruf  preparing  dessert  and 
checking  stock 

Chris  Fuller  washing  up 

Gus  Maxwell  grabbing  glasses  before  washing 

Recycling:  a  fun,  easy  way  to  save  the  world  from  near  certain  destruction 
at  the  hands  of  uncaring  Reagan  administration  environmental  policy 
makers  (really) 


those  empty  cans  and  plastic  soda 
boltles  ihey  planned  to  return  to  the 
store.  Feeling  guilty,  they  chuck  gla 
in  the  garbage. 

junk  to  separate  recycling  centers. 

But  there  are  things  everyone  can  dc 
to  make  the  recycling  chore  easier. 
First,  get  organized.  There  are  many 
products  to  help  get  a  handle  on  the 
mess.  For  example,  tying  a  knot 
around  a  slippery  pile  of  newspapers 
can  be  tricky.  Bui  not  if  papers  are 
stored  in  a  rack,  available  through 

A  wooden  model,  decorated  with 
carved  ducks,  can  be  ordered  for 
$34.95  plus  shipping  from  Svoboda 
Industries  in  Kewaunee,  Wise.  Call 
(800)  678-9996. 

Hold  Everything,  a  subsidiary  of 
Williams  Sonoma,  sells  a  wire 

Annual  Talent 

scheduled  for 

By  Daryl  Cole 

■The  Few.  the  Proud,  the  Tal- 
ented." the  1990  SA  talent 
show,  will  occur  in  the  gymna- 
sium on  Sunday,  March  25  at  8 
p.m.  Entrants  will  perform  their 
talents  and  compete  for  cash 
prizes.  Winners  will  receive 
S!00  for  first  place,  $75  for 
second  place,  and  S50  for  third 
place.  But  all  entrants  that  have 
passed  the  screening  committee 
will  receive  S25  just  for 
entering  and  performing. 

Harvey  Hillyer.  the  SA  social 
vice  president,  and  Daryl  Cole, 
Hillyer's  assistant  will  emcee 
the  show.  They  will  stall  for 
lime  between  acts  by  hosting 
"Amazing  Gerbil  Tricks"  and 
oUierUme  fillers. 

The  show  is  open  to  anyone 



young,  the  old,  the  married,  the 
single,  those  in  love,  or  those 
just  casually  dating;  all  are 
invited  to  experience  Southern's 
talent,"  said  Hillyer. 

newspaper  rack  for  57.  To  order,  call 

The  company  also  sells  products  to 
help  recyclers  get  a  grip  on  empty 
bottles  and  cans,  [ts  recycling  center, 
which  sells  for  $45.  holds  three.  13- 
gallon  plastic  trash  bags,  useful  for 
sorting  returns  and  recyclables. 
There's  a  space  to  stack  newspapers, 
complete  with  spools  to  hold  string. 

Rubbermaid  also  makes  containers 
that  make  home  recycling  easier. 
Available  locally  at  hardware  and 
home  stores,  the  company's  squarish, 
15-gallon  bins  stack  to  save  space. 
one  for  newspapers,  another  for  cans,  a 
third  for  bottles.  Handles  and  drain 

plugs  make  the  bins  easy  to  cany  and 
clean.  The  containers  are  made  of 
recycled  plastic  and  sell  for  about  $  1 2. 

Other  Rubbermaid  bins  are  sized  to 
hold  three  grocery  bags  in  a  row,  or 
newspapers  spread  flat.  These  range  in 
price  From  $6  to  SI  1. 

Once  those  cans,  bottles  and  plastics 
are  organized,  it's  time  to  attack  the 
organic  garbage.  Grass  clippings, 
along  with  kitchen  scraps  such  as 
coffee  grounds,  egg  shells,  firuil 
peelings  and  vegetable  tops,  can  be 
recycled  by  throwing  them  in  a 
backyard  compost  pile.  Spread  the 
deteriorated  mixture  over  zucchini  or 

Ashton  and  Glass  in  concert 
Saturday  night 

By  Andrea  Nicholson 

The  Southern  College  Symphony 
Orchestra  will  join  organist  Judy  Glass 

Saturday.  March  24,  at  3  p.m.  in  the 
Collegedale  Seventh-day  Adventist 

"Concerto  for  Organ  and  Orchestra" 
by  early  American  composer.  Horatio 
Parker,  will  feature  Judy  Glass  as  the 
soloist.  She  will  perform  on  the  Anton 
Heiller  Memorial  Organ,  one  of  the 
largest  North  American  trackers  built 
in  this  century. 

Bruce  Ashton.  pianist,  will  perform 
"Andante,"  the  third  movement  of 
Brahm's  Piano  Concerto  No.  2. 

Two  works  featuring  the  Symphony 
Orchestra  include  "Symphony  No,  8  in 
b minor,"  by  Schubert,  and  three 
movements  of  "Brandenburg  Concerto 
No.  1"  by  J.S.  Bach.  The  latter  will 
feature  two  homs,  three  oboes,  a 

The  70-mcmber  Symphony  Orches- 
tra is  conducted  by  Orlo  Gilbert, 
professor  of  music  at  Southern 
College.  The  group  will  perform  for  a 
dinner  concert  on  April  22.  Tickets 
are  $15  and  may  be  purchased  through 
the  Music  Department  at  Southern 

Judy  Glass  has  been  associate 
professor  of  organ  at  Southern  College 
since  1975.  She  studied  with  Anton 

Heiller  at  the  Vienna  Academy  of 
Music,  and  has  participated  in  the 
International  Organ  Course  in  Haar- 

Joey  Pollom  to  give 
vespers  concert 

Christian  Singer,  Joey  Pollom,  will 
appear  in  concert  Friday,  March  23  al 
8  p.m.  in  the  Collegedale  Academy 

Having  previously  appeared  the 
musical  groups  Ecantouri.  Die  Meistc 
and  Something  Special,  Pollom  now 

come  from  the  heart,  and  people  can 

Pollom  graduated  from  Southern 
College  with  B.A.  in  Religion. 
Currently  he  is  a  Job  Specialist  at 
Soddy  Daisy  High  School.  Pollom's 
wife.  E)ebbie,  is  presently  in  the 
nursing  program  at  Southern  College. 
They  have  three  children. 

The  concert  will  focus  on  a  practical 
life  with  Christ.  Admission  is  free,  but 
a  love  offering  will  be  taken. 

It  professor 

.  In  I 

guest  soloist  and  lecturer  for  the 
Northwest  Regional  Convention  of  the 
American  Guild  of  Organists.  She  is 
cunently  the  organist  for  the  Colleged- 
ale Seventh-day  Adventist  Church  and 
the  First  Presbyterian  Church  of 
Dr,  Bruce  Ashton  has  .served 

Southern  College  as  assists 

doctorate  in  music  from  the  university 
of  Cincinnati  in  1971.  Ashton  is  a 
member  of  the  Southern  College 
Symphony  Orchestra  and  has  com- 
posed works  for  significant  college 

For  more  information  about  this  free 


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John  21:16  NIV 

"Setting  our  Sights  on  the  Saviour" 


Destiny  Drama  Company  does  California  during  Spring  Break 

II  was  raining  the  afternoon  of 
March  Isi  when  Destiny  Drama  Co. 
lefl  Southern  to  head  for  the  West 

a  Spring  Break  Tour  (March 
1-12)  that  would  include  performances 
at  Pacific  Union  College,  seeing  the 

tion,  the  panicipanls  not  only  learned 
about  becoming  belter  performers  but 
also  more  about  themselves  and  each 

Before  heading  off  to  their  firsi 
academy  performance,  Destiny  visited 
such  places  as  SL  Helena.  Elmshaven 
(Ellen  White's  House),  and  Calasloga. 
Also,  they  stopped  by  'Frisco  (tourist 

Throughout  the  next  week,  Destiny 
hit  four  academies  in  Northern 
California:  Rio  Undo  Academy, 
Golden  Gate  Academy,  Monterey  Bay 
Academy,  and  Lodi  Academy, 
Everywhere  the  drama  troupe  went, 
they  were  well  received.  Stanley 
Baldwin,  principal  of  Lodi  Academy 
said,  "You  guys  were  right  on.. .you 
addressed  issues  important  lo  our 

While  performing  for  all  those 
academy  young  people.  Destiny  took 
some  lime  out  between  performances 
lo  take  it  easy  and  see  the  sights... it 
WAS  Spring  Break  after  all. 

San  Francisco  was  visited  again,  but 
this  time  it  was  to  ride  the  famous 
cable  cars  and  visit  Fishennan's 
Wharf,  where  one  can  see  street 
performers,  "weirdos"  and  Alcatraz 
Penitentiary.  Also,  they  stopped  by  a 
few  Northern  California  beaches. 


it  of 

Golden  Gate  Bridge,  visiting  numerous 
academies  in  Northern  California,  and 
concluding  in  Sacramento  for  the 
country's  first  ever  Youth  Summit. 
The  schedule  was  full  and  everyone  in 
the  troupe  was  ready  for  a  "West  Coast 

The  first  leg  of  the  California  Tour 
look  Destiny  to  Pacific  Union  College. 
Everyone  in  the  troupe  was  excited 
and  nervous  at  the  same  time  about 
being  on  the  PUC  campus;  they  were 
unsure  how  a  group  of  "Soulhemers" 
would  be  received  on  the  West  Coast, 
so  everyone  remained  on  their  toes. 

Close  lo  1500  people  attended  the 
vespers  program  at  ihe  PUC  church 
that  Friday  nighl.  Destiny's  program, 
which  included  the  pieces  'The  New 
Christian"  and  "Soldiers  of  Light"  was 
well  received  by  the  audience. 

The  fears  of  the  troupe  were  relieved 
when  they  heard  loud  laughing  and 
hardy  "AMEN's"".  Also,  many 
students  came  up  and  personally 
thanked  the  members  for  the  vespers 

put  on  a  Sabbath  School  for  400-500 
people  in  Paulin  Hall  (Ackerman 
equivalent).  Destiny  performed  some 
of  iheir  street  drama  material  which 
focuses  in  on  "forgiveness"  and  a 
"su-ong  foundation  in  Christ". 

Later  that  afternoon.  Destiny  put  on 
a  2  1/2  hour  drama  workshop  empha- 
sizing the  seven  precepts  of  Christian 
Drama,  Learning  such  skills  as 
projection,  diction,  and  characteriza- 

-Ihe  troupe  because  of  its  cliffs,  rocky 
coast  line,  and  its  spectacular  view  of 
the  crashing  waves. 

After  a  busy  and  relaxing  week  alt 
rolled  up  in  lo  one.  Destiny  loaded  up 
the  van  and  headed  for  Sacramento  for 
their  last  exciting  weekend. 

to  end  the  lour.  Destiny  look  part  in 
the  country's  first  every  Youth 
Summit,  a  youth  rally  sponsored  by 
Ingigh(  magazine  to  kick  off  ihelr  new 
evangelistic  publication  Insiaht/Out 
which  was  held  at  Carmichae!  SDA 
Church.  Led  by  Steve  Case,  youih 
pastor  at  Carmichael.  and  Chris  Blake, 
editor  of  Insiphl.  the  estimated  crowd 
of  100-125  youth  swelled  close  to  300. 

The  idea  of  Youth  Summit  is  to 
bring  youth  closer  to  God  by  letting 
them  know  that  being  a  Christian  is  a 
lot  of  fun.  Blake's  goal  is  to  have 

part  of  the  first  o 
Allan  Manin. 

When  it  was  all  over.  Destiny  and 
the  leaders  of  Youth  Summit  talked 
about  the  day.  "Destiny  helped  fill  a 
void."  said  Steve  Case,  "You  were 
there  to  bridge  the  gap  between  us  and 
Ihe  kids."  Blake  also  had  several 
words  of  appreciation  after  the  one-day 
rally  was  over. 

In  the  span  of  only  twelve  days,  the 
Destiny  Drama  Co.  performed  fo  rover 
4000  people.  It's  difficult  to  say  if 
Iheir  performances  had  a  direct  effect 
on  people's  lives,  but  Destiny  member 
Tricia  Greene  said,  "If  the  Holy  Spirit 
used  us  to  help  only  one  person  grow 
closer  to  God,  it  was  worth  it." 

Destiny  sets 
performance  for 
April  6 

The  Destiny  Drama  Company  will 
perform  the  play  "Eyewitness"  at  8:00 
p.m.,  Friday  evening,  April  6, 1990,  at 
the  Collegedale  Seventh-day  Adventist 

Students,  faculty,  administrators, 
and  staff  are  invited  attend  this  home 
performance.  The  Destiny  Drama 
Company's  home  performance  is  an 

season.  "Eyewitness"  is  an  original 
work  commissioned  to  commemorate 
the  troupe's  tenth  anniversary  season. 
"Eyewitness"  is  a  stirring  portrayal 
of  a  modem  Christ  and  the  significant 
effect  He  has  on  His  contemporaries. 
Powerfully  bringing  the  pertinence  and 
personality  of  Jesus  Christ  into  a  20th 
century  setting.  "Eyewitness"  explores 
the  relationships  of  1 990's  men  and 

Co-written  and  directed  by  David 
Denton.  Destiny's  6-year  veteran. 
"Eyewitness"  is  sure  to  cany  the 
exceptional  humor,  drama,  and 
message  characteristic  of  this  troupe. 

Utilizing  pantomime,  vignettes, 
plays,  and  street  drama.  Ihe  Destiny 
Drama  Company  performs  throughout 
the  United  States  for  high  schools, 
colleges,  and  youth  rallies.  To  support 

Destiny's  outreach  ministry,  a  freewill 
offering  will  be  taken  following  the 

For  more  information  regarding  tf 
Destiny  Drama  Company  home 
performance  of  "Eyewimess,"  call 
Allan  Manin  at  6 1 5-238-2724. 


TSJOA  U5  «M  TO  6e  IMTaLKTaAL 
IP10T5!  SUetlW  8S1N&TRWNEP, 

BUT  NOT  eaicATeo,  i  i-fiw 

VOAftilAW,  BUT  HOT  HM  TO      ,  ^ ,„„„ 

OWAUItlWrf ;  HcrcClCAL  tHtifi,  \  ANO  V^BL*  fBece  Irt  «  UFE ' 


NO*lt  (MSBE  iT'5  esiuf 
we  WHO'S  THE  PRDafiA. 
MA«  I'm  HOT  ffiLATlN6To 

me.  clkes  oweu  twhmne. 

^  Sills  ȣ,  ^ 

For  the 

Health  of  it 

By  Darlene  Almeda,  H 

such  as  No-Doz  and  Vivarin  and  some 

A:  I  believe  it  all  depends  on  how 
sensitive  one  is  lo  caffeine.  Many 
people  are  not  aware  that  taking  over- 
the-counter  caffeine  medications  is  not 
quite  the  same  as  drinking  a  Coke  or 
Mountain  Dew  to  stay  awake. 

Did  you  know  that  No-Doz  has  100 
milligrams  of  caffeine  and  Vivarin  has 
200  mg?  One  can  compare  those 
figures  to  the  46  mg  in  Coke  and  54 
mg  in  Mountain  Dew.  So  as  you  can 
see,  taking  one  Vivarin  equals  3.7  cans 
of  Mountain  Dew. 

Adverse  reactions  to  caffeine 

products  include  rapid  pulse,  respira- 
tions with  hyperventilation,  confusion. 
irritability,  nausea,  hallucinations, 

coma.  It  lakes  approjiimaiely  5-6 
hours  for  the  body  to  metabolize  half 
the  amount  of  the  caffeine  ingested  by 
an  adult,  this  means  that  the  symp- 
toms will  remain  with  you  for  a  while. 

The  harmful  effects  of  caffeine  are 
quite  evident,  yet  many  not  only 
choose  to  ingest  it  but  go  as  far  as 
sharing  with  their  friends  No-Doz  and 


ying  a 

study.  That  is  a  great  responsibility  to 
take  into  one's'  hands  knowing  that 
everyone  reacts  to  caffeine  differently. 
You'd  be  a  fool  for  giving  it  to  a  friend 
and  a  greater  one  for  taking  it. 

The  G.P.A.  Reaper  claims  another 

A  scramble  to  the  top 

Suggested  reading  from 
McKee  library 

By  A.  Lee  Bennett,  Jr. 

Author  Denny  Rydberg  has  writie 
book  that  should  be  of  great  interest 
many  college  students.  How  to 

■Survive  in  College  is  %  "'survival 

that  makes  reading  about  both  work 
and  play  in  college  easy.  Rydberg 
includes  good  general  infonnation  o 
succeeding  in  courses,  as  well  as 
specific  advice  on  ways  to  review  fo 
various  types  of  tests.  This  includes 

information  on  attending  Christian 
colleges  and  generally  has  a  Christian 

"Those  of  you  interested  in  escape 
stories  will  hkc  this  one."  The 
Longest  Tunnel,  by  Alan  Burgess, 
"focuses  on  'the  great  escape'  of 
World  War  II  and  its  consequences. 
Burgess  provides  insight  into  the 
haphazard  nature  of  the  final  months 
of  the  Nazi  regime  and  a  description  o 

NCAA  Tournament  Sweet  Sixteen  filled  with  surprises 


©Copyright  1990.  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network. 


Ball  Slate? 


What  if  ihey  gave  an  NCAA 
regional  and  nobody  you  expected 

Bloody  Sunday  is  over,  and  ihe 
NCAA  Toumameni  is  down  to  the 
Sweet  1 6.  It  doesn't  have  No.  I  seed 
Oklahoma.  Or  No.  2  seeds  Purdue, 
Kansas  or  Arizona  —  a  shocking  22- 
poini  loser  to  Alabama.  Or  Geor- 
getown, Louisville  or  Missouri.  One 
after  another,  ihe  big  names  were 
carried  out  on  their  shields,  while  the 
little  guys  danced  at  midcouri.  The 
NCAA  bracket  is  beginning  to  sound 
like  the  NTT. 

It  doesn't  have  defending  champion 
Michigan.  Not  anymore. 


Big  Eight,  the  league  that  controlled 
the  lop  of  the  polls  all  season.  The 
Plains  went  ploohy. 

Of  the  16  teams  seeded  in  Ihe  lop 
four  in  each  region,  nine  were  upset. 
Last  year?  Only  three  look  the  early 

But  it  is  March,  and  drama  has  hit 
the  ground  running. 

They  played  16  games  Saturday 
and  Sunday.  Twelve  were  decided  by 
four  points  or  less.  The  Super  Bowl. 

"There  are  no  easy  teams  left," 
Texas  coach  Tom  Fenders  said  after 
his  Longhoms  stunned  Purdue.  "But  I 
didn't  see  any,  anyway." 

Nobody  was  safe.  Michigan  Slate, 
pride  of  the  Big  Ten,  huffed  past 
Murray  State  and  puffed  past  Califor- 
nia-Santa Barbara. 

There  is  a  I2th  seed  still  running. 
Ball  State  is  in  the  regional  for  the  Hrsl 

So  is  1  Oth-seeded  Texas  and  6th- 

seeded  Xavier. 

"The  big  thing  was,"  Xavier  coach 
Pete  Gillen  said  after  his  team  beat 
Georgetown,  "our  players  believed 

they  could  win.  We're  closing  the  gap 
on  these  superpowers." 

They  all  believe  now.  From  Prince- 

Before  this  past  week.  Ball  Stale 
and  Xavier  had  each  won  one  NCAA 
tournament  game  in  history.  Now 
they're  both  in  the  regional. 

Proud  old  names  of  questionable 
current  strength  also  moved  in. 

There  is  UCLA,  which  hasn't  been 
this  far  since  Larry  Brown  took  the 

There  is  Noilh  Carolina,  which 
spent  much  of  ihe  season  answering 
questions  about  why  it  was  supposedly 
the  worst  Tar  Heel  team  since  either 
Ihe  Neanderthal  era  or  before  Dean 
Smith  was  coach,  whichever  came 

"Now,"  said  Rick  Fox,  the  Tar  Heel 
whose  basket  sank  Oklahoma,  "people 
will  look  at  us  differently," 

Meanwhile,  Loyola  Marymounl 
builds  on  a  story  for  the  ages.  Emotion 

magnable  level  —  149  points  worth 
against  Michigan  Sunday,  With  each 
passing  victory,  another  layer  goes  on 
a  legend. 

The  Big  Eight  had  the  best  rankings 
this  season.  The  Big  Ten  had  the  most 
teams  invited.  Seven. 

But  now  ihat  we  have  a  Sweet  16. 
mirror,  minor  on  Ihe  wall,  who's  the 

The  Atlantic  Coast  Conference. 
Five  teams  came  in,  four  are  still 
going.  And  Virginia  just  missed.  The 
Big  Ten,  meanwhile,  is  down  to  two. 

The  bad-news  league  goes  good. 
The  league  that  gave  us  probation  at 
Maryland  and  a  cesspool  at  North 
Carolina  State  also  gives  us  one-fourlh 

EAST  —  Connecticut  is  the  one 
top  seed  that  breezed  through  the  first 
weekend,  the  Huskies'  pressure 
defense  is  beginning  to  look  like  a 
ticket  to  Denver. 

Next  up  for  Connecticut  is 
Clemson,  which  spent  the  weekend 
on  Ihe  brink:  winning  only  because 
BYU  missed  a  late  layup  and  rallying 
from  19  back  to  beat  La  Salle, 

"God  gave  us  this  game," 
Clemson's  Ricky  Jones  said  after  the 


. "The  n 

John  Wooden  won  his  first  champi- 

Duke  has  won  three  of  the  last 
four  regionals  played  in  East  Ruther- 

SOUTHEAST  —  Top-seed 
Michigan  State  made  its  way  through 
the  early  rounds  with  defense,  but 
will  have  to  turn  things  up  to  get  past 
Georgia  Tech  in  New  Orleans. 

Minnesota  and  Syracuse  meet  in 
the  other  game.  This  is  the  one  region 
that  went  almost  exactly  according  to 

area  for  the  favontes.  The  top  three 

No.  4  seed  Arkansas  is  the  favorite 
but  the  Razorbacks  have  serious 
obstacles  in  Dallas,  beginning  with 
North  Carolina,  which  may  be  just 
hitting  its  peak. 

Or  do  the  Tar  Heels  have  a  letdown 
after  knocking  off  Oklahoma? 

"Not  a  chance,"  guard  King  Rice 
said.  "We've  struggled  a  lot,  and  we're 
not  going  to  lapse  now.  We  want  to 
make  the  final  show," 

The  other  game  is  the  duel  of  the 
underdogs,  with  Xavier  against  Texas, 
which  had  the  rotten  luck  of  having  to 
play  Purdue  in  Indianapolis,  but  comes 
back  to  Texas  for  the  regional  in 

"A  lot  of  people  booed  us  there 
during  Ihe  Southwest  Conference 
tournament,"  Fenders  said. 

WEST  —  All  hearts  will  go  out 
and  all  eyes  will  be  on  Loyola,  which 

Hank  Gathers'  death.  The  Lions  meet 

Nevada-Las  Vegas  would  appear  to 
be  the  favorite,  especially  in  Ihe  first 
game  against  unheralded  Ball  Stale, 
the  first  Mid -American  Conference 
team  to  gel  to  this  round  in  1 1  years. 

Jeff  Dionise,  Gannett  News  Service 

In  celebration  of  April  Fools,  humor,  and 

Southern  wit:  presenting  the  first  (and 

maybe  last)  annual  April  Fools 



Submit  your  fabulously  funny  photos 
or  sublimely  salacious  snapshots 

to  the  Accent  office  by  March  27.  A 
cash  prize  of  $15  will  be  awarded  to  the 
best  (or  maybe  the  worst)  of  the  entries. 

Any  submissions  may  be  used  in  the 

Accent,  but  will  be  returned  to  you. 

Egg  controversy  rages 

really  enjoyed  their 
Academy  students  from  all      ^'^^  ^"^  ^'  Southern.  I  got  a 
the  Southern  Union,  gathered      'o  talk  to  some  of  the  girls,  and  alot  c 
here  this  past  weekend  for  the  32nd       t^en>  are  considering  coming  to 
annua!  Southern  Union  Music  Festival.  Southern  because  of  the  wonderful 
Nearly  350  kids  began  arriving  experience  they  had  here."  said 

Wednesday  nighl,  with  their  music        Shannon  Johnson. 

ready  to  be  direcied  by  Dt-  Marvin  Robertson  said, 

groups  a 


of  the  festival  choir 
was,  Dr.  Marvin  Robertson.  Accom- 
panying on  the  piano  was,  Dr.  Bruce 

packed  and  b 
;  loaded  Saturday  night  as  all  ihe 
left  just  as  quickly  as  they  c; 
direcied  by  Orio  Gilbert,  and  conduct-  Another  Southern  Union  Music 
ing  the  festival  band  was  Patricia  Festival  come  and  gone,  and  everyone 



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I  don't  livein  ihe  girl's  dorm 
•David  Koliadko 

The  girl's  dorm  is  their 
home.  I  wouldn't  want 
cameras  in  my  home. 
-Daniel  Potter 

Upcoming  Events 

March  19-30 

Advisement  for  Summer/ 

March  23-24 

SA  Reverse  Weekend 

March  23 

Southern  College  Concert 


Vespers  8  p.m. 

Joey  Pollom.  Christian 


Collegedale  Academy  8 

March  24 

Organ  (Judy  Glass) 

SC  Symphony  Orchestra 


Piano  (Dr.  J.  Bruce  Ashton) 


Collegedale  Church  3  p.m. 

"Something  Special" 
Collegedale  Academy  8 

March  25 

SA  Talent  Show 

March  29 

Senior  Recognition 
Collegedale  Church  1 1 

March  30 

Robert  Folkenberg,  Jr. 
Collegedale  Church,  8 

March  31 

Andrews  University 


P.E.  Center  8  p.m. 

April  1 

Time  Change!  Set 
clocks  forward  one 

International  Extrava- 

Cafeteria  6:30  p.m. 
(Tickets  on  sale  in  Stu- 
dent Center  and  in  Sum- 
merour  Hall,  can  be 
charged  to  Student  ID 

We  just  wanna  have  fun 

When  asked  whaf  s  more  important  —  work  or  leisure 
time — work  no  longer  wins.  How  attitudes  have  changed: 
■  work 
D  Leisure 

□  Equal 

The  Ptim^m^Jiv^iUZJJaiiMits 

the  malls 





otal  IMale  E 





MTi              II 




L\iske)  trapped  in   office 
Page  4 



Presley  sings  school  song 

Volume  45.  Number  14 

March  32,  1990 



(There's  really  nothing  e: 

Wright  Hall  collapses  forming  large  pile  of  rubble 

Tunneling  C.A.R.E.  workers  blamed  for  damage  to  historic  structure 

Al  about  3:00  am  on  Sunday, 
March  25.  1990,  the  residenLs  of 
Collegedale  were  awakened  by  the 
sound  of  shattering  glass  and  crum- 
bling masonry.  Talge  Hall  resident 
Ted  Showalter  rushed  to  his  window  lo 
see  what  was  going  on.  "It  was  amaz- 
ing," he  said.  "1  saw  Wright  Hall 
tumbling  to  the  ground  right  before  my 

ered  the  cause  of  the 
collapse,  A  tunnel 
had  been  constructed 
under  the  building. 
An  expert  Spelunking 
team  lead  by  Jo-Anne 
Stevenson  ventured 


When  que 

tunnel  Santana  con 

Herman  h 


e  able  K 

determine  fairly  quickly  thai  no  one 
was  in  Ihe  building,"  said  Joe.  "How- 
ever, we  brought  in  Stan  Hobbs'  dog 
Butch  to  sniff  the  nibble  anyway  just 
in  case."  "We  were  hoping  a  fire 

around  on  the  back  of  the  fire  track 

On  Monday,  inspectors  from 
the  Service  and  Engineering  Depart- 
ments moved  in  to  check  on  the 
damage.  In  the  process,  they  discov- 

inlo  Thatcher  Hall. 
"We  got  off  course 
somewhere  under 
Taylor  Circle  and 
abandoned  the  project 
about  two  months 
ago."  he  said, 

Investigators  were  puzzled  as 
to  why  il  had  taken  so  long  for  the 
tunnel  to  cause  Wright  Hall  to  collapse 
until  they  found  out  that  Amy  Grant's 
"Lead  Me  On"  had  been  playing  on  the 
stereo  in  the  Southern  Accent  office 
thai  night.  According  to  Dt.  Henry 








i'S^^I^^B  tl^T  jCBI^H 



^nt/^mm  1  "W^ffT^B 





Elvis  Presley  ,  freshman  Music  major,  shakes  hands  with  former  President 
Richard  Nixon  who  flew  in  from  San  Clemenle  Tuesday  to  inspect  the 
damage  lo  Wright  Hall. 

Kuhlman.  the  hannonic  vibrations  of 
the  Heavy  Metal  Rock  Music  com- 
bined with  a  the  high  tides  in  southern 
Nova  Scotia  thai  night  caused  a 
weakening  of  the  tunnel's  supporting 
beams.  When  the  beams  gave  way. 
Wright  Hall  went  down  with  ihem. 

Expens  from  the  Depimcnl  of 
Auto  Body  Repair  have  been  at  work 
on  Wright  Hall  since  early  Wednes- 
day. "With  a  little  Bondo  and  some 
minor  repairs  to  the  trim,  we'll  have 
her  fixed  up  good  as  new  in  no  lime." 

suffering  from 
rare  disease 

By  William  Blake 

©Copynght  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Infonnation  Network 
Ron  Qualley,  Dean  of  Men, 
was  rushed  to  Zoo  Atlanta  last 
Monday  evening  after  suffering 
k  of  lycanthropy  ov« 

■He  ci 

Doctors  at  the  University  of 
Georgia's  Center  for  Lycanthropy 
Research  and  Control  said  that 
Qualley  suffers  from  a  rare  mutation 
of  the  disease.  "Most  people  turn  into 
a  werewolf  when  they  have  an 
attack,"  said  Dr.  Alfred  Einstein, 
director  of  the  Lycanthropy  Control 
Unit  at  Zoo  Atlanta.  "Qualley  turns 

The  attack  was  apparently 
brought  on  by  anxiety  induced  when 
Angel  Echemendia  failed  to  bring 
Qualley  a  cap  from  the  NCAA  tour- 
nament held  recently  in  Knoxville. 
Qualley's  wife  reported  that  the  dean 
had  not  been  sleeping  well  for  over  a 
week  because  of  the  incident.  "He 

Qualley  recovering  at  zoo 

would  toss  and  turn  and  mumble  to 
himself  something  about  "that  dirty 
rotten  Angel.  First  he  b 

goal,  t 


Doctors  expect  that  Qualley 
will  return  to  normal  within  the  next 
few  weeks.  "He's  resting  comfortably 
now.  He  attacked  one  of  the  handlers 
earlier  today  because  he  was  wearing  a 
Oakland  A's  1990  World  Champions 
T-shin.  But.  we've  all  put  on  San 
Francisco  Giants  caps  now  and  he's 
calmed  down  considerably." 


Armand   Jean   du   Plessis,    Due   de    Richelieu 


Rene    Descartes 


Erich    Stevens 
Tim    Burrili 


Bond,  James  Bond 


Joseph    Goebbels 

Editor    in    charge 

of    putting    things 

on   top   of  other 


Heather    Wise 

people  involved  have  been  changed  if  wc  fel 
living  or  most  likely  dead  who  may  or  may 
newspaper  bearing  the  same  nunc  and  bavin 
this  one  is  purely  immiional  tnil  should  undi 
John  Caskuy,  Scan  Tcrrctra  and  the  othi 
garbage  really  like  all  the  people  llie>'  wnHt: 
exception  of  Dr.  Wohlers.  Dr.  Jan  Haluska  a 
mention  thai  last  pan  bui  we  couldn't  help  oi 

Co -CO -co- CO -co- 
co-Editor    in 
charge    of    taking 
over    small 
Mikhail    Gorbachev 

Final    Editing    and 

The    Spanish 

Trained    Moose 
provided    by; 

Ted    Evans 

Letter  to  the 

I'm  in  charge  here... 

In  light  of  the  hectic 
events  of  the  last  two  weeks, ! 
would  like  to  point  out  to  those 
misanthropic  individuals  who 

outlhat  all  able-bodied  Collegedale 
personnel  who  do  not  report  to  my 
personal  army  within  the  next  twenty- 
four  hours  are  also  subject  to  sum- 
mary expulsion  from  Southern 
College  for  action  contrary  to  the 
military  press. 

Logically,  the  next  step  is  lo 




e  editor  of  the  official  voice  of 
Southern  College  is  also  the 
official  censor  of  Southern 

I  am  therefore  empow- 
ered to  stop  any  and  all  public 
statements  against  the  fair  state 
of  New  Mexico  and  its  inhabi- 
tants. Needless  to  say  my 
emergency  powers  give  me  fiill 
right  of  summary  suspension 
and  arbitrary  expulsion.  Having 
said  this,  I  would  like  to  point 
out  that  supreme  control  is  now 
within  my  grasp. 

As  new  dictator/editor 
of  Southern  College  and 
therefore  of  Collegedale,  itself,  I 
permanently  expel  anyone  who 
publicly  denies  that  the  board  of 
trustees  fired  Don  Sahly  and  the 
rest  of  the  administrative  faculty 
for  gross  negligence  during  the 
past  two  weeks. 

(who  have  no  strong  ties  to  the 
Union,  anyway,  since  thai  Civil  War 
fiasco)  with  our  crack  invasion  team 
and  forcibly  enroll  all  of  them  in 
Southern  College,  thereby  subjecting 
•strengthening  power 



purpose  of  lowering  next  year's 
tuition  rate  and  swelling  our  ranks. 
Apply  this  method  recursively,  and  I 
am.  by  default,  the  supreme  mier  of 
the  worid.  Ha,  ha.  ha,  all  mankind 
trembles  at  the  thought.  Bow  low 
before  THE  EDITOR  OF  MAN- 
KIND. Death  to  the  Bush  tyrantlll! 
Long  live  Emperor. . . 

"Hang  on,  what's  this  patient 
doing  in  the  office." 

"I  don't  know.  Hey,  I  think 
the  Dictaphone's  still  on." 

"Well,  turn  it  off..." 

"You're  expelled...  you're 
al-l-l-l  expelled...  bow  low  before..." 

Students  placed  on  CP, 
expelled  after  school 
song  incident 

©Copyright  1990.  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

Elvis  Presley,  freshman 
music  major,  was  expelled,  and 
Edgar  Allen  Poe.  Walla  Walla 
transfer  student,  was  put  on  lifetime 
Citizenship  Probation  last  Sunday 
following  an  impromptu  perform- 
ance of  the  Southern  College  school 

The  duo  set  up  their  band 
in  the  middle  of  Taylor  Circle  and 
played  to  the  homeless  and  the 
auto-body  workers  repairing  Wright 
Hall.  Student-S  rushed  from  their 
dorm  rooms  to  hear  the  music.  This 
is  the  first  time  students  anywhere 
have  voluntarily  attended  a  per- 
formance of  a  school  song. 

When  asked  why  they 
chose  this  particular  piece,  Poe  said, 
"This  is  a  song  we  utterly  loathed 
for  fifteen  long  years,  but  now  we 

resurrected  it  in  a  slightly  more  tricky 
form  to  make  it  a  litUe  more  fun  to  play." 
Elvis  agreed,  "Yep." 

Obviously,  the  students  enjoyed 
the  performance.  Even  the  radical 
militant  feminists  left  off  their  heckling 
long  enough  to  listen  in  on  the  concert. 
But  not  everyone  was  happy. 

Dr.  McArthur,  history  depart- 
ment chairman,  called  the  performance 
"an  abomination. ..literally  shame  and 
degradation...  worse  than  burning  nags." 

McArthur  contacted  Dr.  Sahly 
who  had  been  conferring  with  Richard 
Nixon  on  methods  for  student  control. 
Sahly  immediately  unplugged  Elvis' 
microphone,  abrubily  ending  the  conce 

Sahly  said,  "In  light  of  the  ^ 
hectic  events  of  last  week,  it  wouldn't  be 
prudent  at  this  juncture  to  allow  this  so 
of  behavior.  Before  Sahly.  rock.  With 
Sahly,  no  rock.  After  Sahly,  who  can 
say?  All  I  wanted  was  to  be  assured  oi 
my  place  in  history." 

Grates  for  the 

A  Modest  Proposal 

By  Mahatma  Gahndi 

Olsen  tt 


In  a  desperate  altempl  lo 

he  homeless  question  once  and 
Clifford  Olsen.  instructor  of 
is  law,  gave  a  rousing  speech  in 
;upport  of  "Ohms  for  the  Poor,"  a  con- 
Calling  on  students,  faculty. 
ind  Ihe  Commillee  of  42,  Olsen  said. 
We  have  been  ignoring  ihe  misfonu- 
laie  long  enough.  It's  time  lo  stop 
alking  and  do  something.  Calls  from 
he  pulpit,  appeals  to  our  refined 
iensibilities,  nothing  seems  lo  work." 

this  Practical  Solution  would  b 
plemented  in  much  the  same  way  as 
the  old  self-cleaning  bug  zappers  in 
horse  bams.  He  said,  "Vagrants  will 
0  the  heal,  get  comfort- 

able o 

e  grate.  I 


hour — zap!" 

Robert  Merchant,  Ohms  for 
the  Poor  Treasurer  in  Chief,  says  this 
can  be  implemented  at  a  cost  of  only 
$19.95  monthly  per  grate. 

According  to  Elvis  Presley, 
founder  and  charter  member  of  Ohms 
for  the  Poor.  "It's  now  or  never.  I 
ain't  askin' much  of  you.  Suspicious 
minds  don't  get  all  shook  up  about 
vagrants  on  local  grates.  People 

Olsen  went  on  lo  suggest  a  more  per- 
manent solution.  He  calls  his  plan, 
"Grates  for  Ihe  Homeless." 

But  there  is  a  twist. 

"These  are  no  ordinary 
grates,"  Olsen  says.  "New  York  has 
grates.  D.C.  has  grates,  and  all  well 
populated.  But  Collegedale's  grates 
will  be  different.  Ohms  for  the  Poor 


would  rather  see  the  jailhouse  rock 
from  overcrowding  than  actually  so!" 
ing  the  problem  at  its  source.  Don't 
be  cruel,  give  them  hound  dogs  a 
break  from  the  heartbreak  hotel. 
These  same  respectable  people  who 
are  so  apathetic  about  a  live  bum  wil 
really  gel  excited  about  a  dead  one. 
Take  me  for  example..." 

Olsen  agreed.  "It  was  this 
Proposal-  p.  8 

1988-89  Accent 
Assitant  to  receive 
coveted  Martin 

©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information 

The  1988-89  Southern 
Accent  has  been  posthumously  se- 
lected to  receive  the  coveted 
Martin  award  for  excellence  in 
assistant  editorship.  The  Ameri- 
can Society  for  Ihe  Prelection  of 
Martinism  and  Prevention  of 
Cruelty  to  Small  Furry  Animals 
(ASPMPCSFA)  instituted  the 
award  only  last  Thursday  during  a 
heated  session  of  the  Executive 
Steering  Commillee  for  Deciding 
What  Kind  of  Award  We  Should 
Give  Out  Every  Year 

Brian  Miller,  former 
Viking  Club  president  and 
member  of  Ihe  ASPMPCSFA 
"Once  we  finally  decided  that  we 



le  requirements 
was  the  assistant  editor  of  the  now 
defunct  '88-'89  Southern  Accent. 
We  carefully  screened  all  the 
possible  candidates  and  found  he 
was  the  only  one  who  faithfully 

nets  of  Martinism 
remely  kindlo 
als.  Unfonu- 

his  memory." 

Elvis  Presley,  acting  Chair- 
poslhumous-per^onage  of  the 
ASPMPCSFA  called  last  years 
paper,  "the  greatest  college  newspa- 
per in  the  history  of  the  whole 
world... really."  "Don't  be  cruel,  I 
just  wanna  be  your  Teddy 
Bear...Unh-Huh!"  he  added. 

Edgar  Allen  Poe.  executive 
assistant  to  the  acting  Chair-posthu- 
mous-person  age,  staled  that  he 
really  liked,  "the  positive  upbeat 
tone  of  the  newspaper."  "I'd  like  to 
say  more  about  the  truly  outstanding 
nature  of  the  Accent  bui  there  seems 
lo  be  a  gentle  tapping  al  my  chamber 

The  generic  plaque  will  be 
awarded  al  a  special  ASPMPCSFA 
awards  banquet  scheduled  for  April 
31.  Everyone  is  invited  to  attend. 
Please  bring  your  own  stolen  silver- 
ware from  the  cafeieria  lo  eat  with  as 
the  ASPMPCSFA  Committee  for 
Stealing  Silverware  From  tt 


n  able  ic 


d  half  of 

adhered  ti 

iree  spoons  ai 

Anyone  who  is  interested  ii 
joining  the  ASPMPCSFA  should 
contact  Alex  "William  Jennings" 
Bryan  at  238-3 174  and  send  S  100.00 
in  small  demonimalions  of  un- 
marked currency  to  the  Southern 
Accent  office. 





targeted  by 


By  Benjamin  Disaeli 

A  previously  disregarded  tetter 
from  a  Southern  College  SM  in 
Lebanon  was  translated  early  this 
morning  by  Dr,  L.  Hanson,  former 
Lebanese  mathematician.  The 
letter  outlines  secret  details  of  a 
joint  Israeli- West  German  strike 
on  ihe  pipe  organ  which  they  ap- 
parently believe  to  be  a  clever 
disguise  for  a  chemical  weapons 
plant  When  asked  for  comment, 
freshman  pre -engineering  major 
Dallas  Morisette  said  that  he 
suspected  something  like  this. 

Southern  College  students  file  multi-million 
dollar  suit  against  pop  singer  McFerrin 

Edgar  Allen  Poe.  a  post- 
graduate transfer  student  from  Walla 
Walla  College,  and  Elvis  Presley,  Jr.. 
a  freshman  Music  major  originally 
from  Memphis,  have  filed  a  lawsuit 
Hamilton  Couniy  District  court 
against  singer-songwriler  Bobby 

The  multi-million  dollar: 
alleges  that  McFerrin  stole  the  ide 
his  Top  20  hit  "Don't  Worry-Be 
Happy"  from  the  duo. 

Al  a  preliminary  hearing  Wednesday,  Presley  said  that 

1986,  and  Presley  had  been  perform- 
ing it  on  the  sidewalk  in  front  of  the 
Red  Food  store  in  Ooltewah  for  over 
year  when  they  first  heard  the  McFcr- 

shocked.  He  look  the  whole  song 
from  us — every  word,  every  note.  Ht 

s,  but,  other 
than  that,  the  two  songs  are  identical.' 
Poe  was  also  asked  lo  make  i 
statement  to  Judge  William  "Wild 
Bill"  Wohlcrs.  but  the  bailiff  deter- 
mined that  he  was  too  badly  decom- 
posed to  take  the  stand. 

Wohlers  is  expected  lo  rule 

Friday  unless  there  is  a  new  moon  on  a 
Thursday  any  lime  during  1991.  in 
which  case  he  will  not  rule  at  all  bul 
just  make  some  kind  of  mamby-pamby 
remarks  and  beat  around  the  bush  a  lot. 

Feminazis'  attack  on  Accent  repulsed 

By  George  S.  PaOon,  Jr. 

a  bloody 

Militant  femi 

repulse  last  Tuesday  v 
templed  to  seize  the  offices  of  the 
Southern  Accent.  Jolui  Caskey,  ei 
of  the  Accent,  and  Stan  Hobbs,  ih{ 
newspaper's  advisor,  are  believed 
be  holed  up  in  the  office  which  is 
currently  reponed  to  be 

called  for  the  Feminazis  to  pull  back 
and  allow  UN  peacekeeping  troops  to 
take  up  positions  around  the  perime- 
ter. "We  want  to  worii  together 
peacefully  for  a  negotiated  settle- 
No  one  is  being  allowed  to 
go  near  the  building,  and  there  has 
been  no  independent  confirmation  of 
casualties:  however,  the  feminist  and 

animal  rights  activists  have  allows 
Red  Cross  to  set  up  a  first  aid  statii 
near  their  encampents  in  front  of 

'e've  treated  hunt 
irs.  I  only  hope  l 

the  Accent  office  for  over  two  weeks 
mumbling  to  himself  incoherently 
about  the  inconsistency  of  women  and 
ihemeritsof  animal  dissection.  He 
had  reportedly  received  death  threats 
from  women  and  animal  rights  groups 
all  over  the  country. 

Hobbs  had  gone  to  the  office 
to  attempt  to  convince  Caskey  to  come 

"We  kno' 
d  Molly  Yard,  I 
.  -We  can  hear 
sh  Limbaugh  ra 

We'll  have  them  out  pretty  soon 
though;  the  Crack  Environmental 
Suicide  Squad 


we  speak.  Death  to  male-chauvini; 
pigs!  Death  10  frog-mutilators!" 

When  asked  what  Caskey 
done  Yard  replied,  "He's  rude  and 
wears  a  florescent  green  PING  hat. 
What  more  do  I  need  to  say." 

Presidenl  Don  Sahly  has 
declared  martial  law  on  the  campus 
Southern  College.  The  declaration 
includes  a  dusk  to  dawn  curtew  and 
provisions  for  arming  SC's  security 
police  with  rubber  chickens. 

In  an  appeal  broadcast  to  the 
feminists  over  WSMC  radio  Sahly 

Tracy  Jensen,  RN  treats  a  severe  paper  cut  suffered  by  one  of  the  Feminazis  during 
the  attack  on  the  Accent  office. 

Fiendish  potato  plot  foiled  by  Chris  "indy" 
Indermuehle,  unexpected  Spanish  Inqusition 

By  Salvador  DaU 

"Hello,  and  thank  you  for 
calling  Dial-A-Menu!  Today  for 
dinner  we're  having  baked  potatoes, 
boiled  potatoes,  mashed  potatoes, 
scalloped  potatoes,  tater-tois,  french 
fries,  curly  fries,  cottage  fries,  Mexi- 
biles,  and  potato  salad.  Our  hours  are 

It  was  with  this  depressing 
message  thai  Chris  "Indy"  Inder- 
muehle, began  what  has,  without  a 
doubt,  been  his  greatest  adventure 
ever,  uncovering  a  terrifying  web  of 
international  intrigue,  espionage,  and 

those  oversights  so  often  seen  in 
collegiate  cafes.  But  I  had  obviously 
been  wrong,  and  now  a  terrible  pototo 
crisis  has  reared  its  bulbous  head  and 



reports  that  Indy  sneaked  through  a 
third  floor  Accent  office  window  jusi 
after  it  started  raining  up.  The  miliia 
feminists  initial  confusion  due  to  this 
unexpected  event  gave  Indy  the  time 
he  needed  to  scale  the  outside  wall  ai 
relay  his  story. 

that  fateful  message  a  cold  chill  ran 
down  my  spine.  I  could  all  but  feel  the 
insidious  forces  at  work  behind  what  I 
was  hearing.  For  several  months,  I 
noticed  a  tuber  trend  in  Southern's 
cuisine,  but  had  passed  it  off  as  one  of 

According  to  Indy.  Monte 
Mitzelfeit,  sophomore  computer 
science  major  discovered  that  the 
transcendent  aura  and  focusing  power 
of  the  common  potato  greatly  re- 
sembles that  of  the  quartz  crystal, 
during  his  travels  in  Belgium.  After 
several  minutes  of  intensive  study,  he 
founded  a  new  monastic  order  combin- 
ing elements  of  Lutheranism  with  the 
potato,  a  down  to  earth  source  of  pow- 
erful harmonic  vibes.  He  called  it 
"The  Potato  Head  Groove  Thing." 

Committed  to  uplifting  the 
Southern  College  intelligence  quotient. 
Mitzelfeit  abandoned  his  plan  to  build 
a  pyramid  over  the  campus  and  instead 
implemented  potato  power.  He 
recruited  huge  numbers  of  converts 
who  began  performing  daily  rituals 
deep  underground  and  cooking  cold 

To  meet  his  ever  increasing 
demand  for  tuber  products,  Mitzelfeit 
eventually  had  to  set  up  a  smuggling 
nng.  He  sold  Reuben  sandwiches  to 
Mark  Peach,  his  agent  in  Geimany,  in 
exchange  for  potatoes  and  obscure 
Arab  fruit  juices. 

To  keep  track  of  the  finances. 

Miueifeit,  Bennet  said,  ^0"'^  Mitzlefelt:  deranged  student 

onry  are  such  diverse  elements  as  fear. 
surprise,  ruthless  efficiency,  almost 
fanatical  devotion  to  Sahly.  and  nice 
red  uniforms.  If  the  infidel  does  not 
confess,  we  will  first  poke  him  with 

the  Soft  Cusions,  and  then  force  him  tt 
sit  in  the  Comfey  Chair  until  lunch, 
with  only  an  hour's  break  for  a  cup  of 

Bones  found  encased  in  bell  tower  believed 
to  be  remains  of  former  teamsterJimmy  Hoffa 

©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Net- 
Late  last  Thursday 
evening,  the  remains  of  an  unidenti- 
fied body  were  uncovered  in  the 
bell  tower's  concrete  base  during 
)  Heller,  bell  tower 
^as  working  at  the  time 
installing  a  new  amplification 
device  for  the  Elder  Hostel's 

I  getaway.  Heller  slates, 
:  drilling  om  a  hollow  for 


s  hit  SI 

metal.  At  first  we  thought  it  was  a 
strut,  but  it  turned  out  to  be  an  old 
ring  surrounded  by  bone  frag- 

Prominent  sources  at  the 
Collegedale  Police  Department 
report,  "The  ring  was  badly 
damaged,  but  it  was  still  easily 
identifiable  as  a  Teamster's  signet." 
Investigating  authorities  are 
reluctant  to  jump  to  conclusions 
regarding  the  identity  of  the  body; 
however,  an  anonymous  source 
echoes  the  general  feeling  of  the 
investigation  committee.  "It's 
Hoffa.  It  has  to  be.  Look  at  the 
parallels.  Foul  play,  Teamsters,  for 
land's  sake,  the  bell  lower  was  buili 
in  1978  (the  year  of  Hoffa's  disap- 
pearance). Everything  matches. 
There's  no  doubt  in  my  mind  that 
the  Hoffa  case  is  going  to  be  reo- 

Dental  prints  are  now  being 
analyzed  at  the  Tennessee  State  Crime 
Lab  to  positively  identify  the  remains, 
and,  in  a  joint  effort,  a  special  forensic 
chemistry  lab  is  being  run  by  Dr. 
Mitchell  Thiel,  Southern  College 
Chemistry  professor,  Thiel  stales, 
"This  is  a  very  exciting  opportunity  for 
my  students.  Not  often  do  we  gel 
access  to  a  [rue  specimen.  I'm  very 
pleased  with  the  happenings." 

Shirley  Devercaux,  Chat- 
tanooga Times  columnist,  shares  in  the 
spreading  excitement.  Devereaux  feels 
that  this  incident  "is  a  direct  fulfill- 
ment of  Nostradamus'  1658  prophecy 
which  states  'Central  standing  stone  of 
olde  raises  ye  Westron  Prince  from  his 
've  always  felt  that 
actually  a  missing 
□m  Stonehenge." 
the  consequences 

away  from  it."  Other 
students  express  the  same 
fears.  Jon  Nash,  senior 
physics  major,  is  worried. 
"It's  really  eerie  at  nighi 
when  it's  foggy,  especially 
when  you're  late  for 
worship.  I  never  go 
through  the  parking  lot 

worker.  \ 

know  anything  about  thi; 
woo-woo  kind  of  thing. 

pumping  power  to  that 

the  bell  tower  wa 
central  monolith  I 
She  is  uncertain  c 

Southern  students 

Don't  be  afraid  to: 
tower  emanating  a  swiriing 
blue  planar  energy.  That  could  be  po- 
tentially bad."  She  strongly  urges  us 
to  "not  let  the  prophecy  go  unheeded." 

Remarkably.  Ted  Naiman, 
Southern  College  freshman,  claims  to 
have  made  the  same  prediction  over 
three  hundred  years  after  Nostrada- 
mus'death.  "1  knew  something  like 
that  was  going  to  happen  someday. 
That  bell  thing  is  just  psycho.  It  bongs 
every  hour,  time  after  time.  I  just  slay 

electricity — maybe  it's 
solar  or  something.  Every 
once  in  a  while  I  recharge 
my  car  battery  by  parking 
next  to  it.  I  hadn't  thought 



seem  less  unusual  as  more 
facts  are  uncovered.  Until 
then,  the  Southern  Security 
force  assures  us  that, 
"Campus  protection  will 
be  as  good  as  ever. 
Whatever  happened, 
happened  a  long  time  ago. 
Southern  students  can 

The  bell  tower:  Has  it  been  tolling  for 
Jimmy  Hoffa  since  1978? 

Slice  all  you  want... 

For  more  information  about 

animal  dissection  in  da^rooms, 

...  We'll  make  more 

Carolina  Biologogical  Supply 

Secret  security  surveillance  systems 
existence  revealed  by  Thatcher  deans 

In  an  impromptu  press 
conference  on  ihe  morning  of  March 
twenty-ihjrd,  Thatcher  deans 
revealed  thai  a  hidden  surveillance 
syslem  is  already  in  limited  use  in 
Ihe  women's  residence  hall.  Afier 
ihe  furor  among  ihe  assembled 
Journalists  died  down,  Dean  Rose 
said,  "We  hope  to  go  full  scale  with 
the  system  within  a  month.  No  more 
night  check,  no  more  sneaking 
around.  A  computer  will  monitor  all 
Ihe  cameras  and  ensure  everyone's 

John  Beckett,  installation 
manager  for  Project  Godiva, 
declared  that  "computer  services  will 
be  writing  an  artificial  intelligence 
program  to  protect  the  girls'  best 
interest  by  making  sure  they  are  in 
on  time  and  that  no  "Peeping  Tom's' 
are  in  there  with  them.  In  our  minds. 
the  sooner  we  get  this  system  up,  the 
sooner  thievery  and  terptitude  will 

0  express  the  underlying 

:  student  body.  "We've 
been  planning  some  sort  of  demonstra- 
tion for  the  past  couple  of  weeks."  said 
one  activist.  "This  is  only  the  most 
recent  outrage  of  many  committed 
against  us." 

tional?"  whined  one  panic  ularly 
distraught  student  "We're  old  enough 
to  regulate  our  own  lives.  We  don't 
need  this  invasion  of  our  privacy!" 

When  Dean  Engel  was 
approached  with  these  expressions  of 
student  sentiment  she  retorted.  "They 
don't  have  to  go  to  school  here  if  they 
don't  want  to  abide  by  our  rules.  We 
are  only  attempting  to  provide 


'  On 

Andy  McConnell's 
Assembly  Service 

Tired  of  those  long,  boring  Assemblies? 
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take  you  away  from  the  hustle  and  bustle 
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"We'll  get  you  to  the  cafe  ahead  of  the  crowd  " 
Rates:  $5.00  per  Assembly  credit 
Call  238-3218  today. 

confronted  with 
these  new  facts. 
Floyd  Greenleaf, 

;  spokes- 
person, refused  to 
offer  a  direct 

hearing  this,  Dean  Hobbs  is  reported  to 
have  snorted,  "How  do  we  know  what 
all  those  pictures  are  being  used  for?  I 
think  its  a  blatant  infringement  of  the 
girls'  privacy." 

Shortly  after  the  disclosure  of 
[he  existing  surveillance  system,  the 
Accident  was  unexpectedly  contacted 
by  an  SC  psychology  graduate  who  has 
requested  that  she  remain  anonymous. 
In  an  unprecedented  show  of  loyalty  to 
the  Feminazi  movement,  our  informant 
revealed  thai  the  data  used  in  her  senior 
seminar  paper  had  not  been  collected 

though  Greenleaf 

refused  to  disclose 

the  identity  of  the      Exf>en  computer  hacker.  Linden  DeCarmo, 

star,  sources  for  The  (appej  directly  into  Thatcher's  video  surveillance 

National  Enquirer  

have  placed  Rob       system  to  download  this  clandestme  image. 

Lowe  in  the  vicinity 

digital  video  imaging  work  station,  a 
collection  of  video  tapes  and  a  filing 
cabinet  filled  with  pertinent  research 

of  Chattanooga  at  the  time  in  question. 
When  contacted  at  his  California  home. 
Mr.  Lowe  had  no  comment,  but  did  send 
his  warmest  greetings  to  the  residents  of 
Thatcher  207. 

Approaching  the  investigation 
;  system  from  another 

Negely,  a  sophomore  business  major 
who  works  for  the  SC  accounting  office. 
After  being  guaranteed  total  anonymity 
he  revealed  several  purchase  orders 
signed  by  Larry  Williams  which  would 
seem  to  indicate  an  involvement  in  the 
surveillance  system  installation  and 
maintenance  on  the  pan  of  the  psychol- 
ogy department. 

Acting  on  this  piece  of  plun- 
dered information  the  Accident  unoffi- 
cially sent  a  represyiiative  to  Ihe 
psychology  department.  Finding  the 
building  locked,  alleged  physics  ninja, 
Roben  Marsa,  surreptitiously  entered 

thorough  rifling  of 

during  I 

Further  investigations  by  the 
staff  unearthed  a  moldering 
worker  who  admitted  to 
he  system  for  Williams 
first  year  at  Southern. 

seemed  harmless  enough.  Now  that  I 
think  about  it,  those  things  did  look 
like  ray  guns." 

In  an  unsolicited  stalemeni  to 
the  press,  Marcie  Woolsey  admitted 
reading  several  of  Larry  William's 
most  recently  published  papers. 
"Frankly,  I  found  them  highly 

Upon  hearing  of  the  fiasco, 
President  Sahly  said,  "I  think  more 
faculty  should  be  involved  in  active 
research.  Ireally  don't  know  what  all 

Nothing  at  all  -  continued  from  p.S 

(Stop!  Don't  read  this  until  you  r 
sidewalks,  and  I'll  give  you  these: 

Nobody's  eyes  wandered  over  and 
rested  on  Wohlers.  It  grinned.  "I  dare 
say.  my  good  fellow."  it  said.  "You 
seem  to  have  brought  me  a  bloody 
delicatessen!"  And  a  tentacle  knotted 
iiselfaround  Wohlers' tie. 

Wohlers.  though  in  a  stale  of  shock. 
recovered  enough  to  ask.  "What's  going 
on  here.  Reggie?" 

"Nothing,"  I  said,  backing  awav 
slowly.  ' 

"Well,  nothing's  school 

le  beginning  pan  on  page 

i„o  ....,  and,  last  I  saw. 
running  through  Wright 

Wohlers  was  runnmg  mrougji 
Hall,  yelling  "Nobody's  after 
The  receptionist  just  shook  hp 
and  flipped  to  "Psychiatry"  i 

"Nobody,"  I  said,  tl 
Wohlers  followed  s 

And  if  anyone  ever  says  mdi 
nothing  happens  at  Southern  College, 
believe  him.  I've  seen  nothing 
happen,  and  it's  not  a  pretQ-  sight." 

Nobody  knows  why.  but  if 
pressed  for  more  details,  Horton  wiii 

.  he  knows  nothing— so  don  t 

Jt  Nobody        bother  asking  him, 

to  area 

It  has  been  raining  again  in 
Collegedale.  but  this  time  even  the  na- 
tives were  upset.  Though  past  studies 
proved  there  are  at  least  358  rainy  days 
a  year  at  Southern  College,  this  was 
not  everyday  rain. 

Il  was  raining  up— literally. 

For  the  past  five  days, 
Collegedale  has  been  subjected  to  the 
oddest  meteorological  phenomenon 
this  side  of  Apison.  A  steady  shower 
has  been  pelting  upwards  out  of  the 
ground  and  vanishing  somewhere 
above  in  a  cloudless  sky. 


us  the  original  architects 
waterproof  ceilings,  but 
neglected  to  seal  the  floors.  Five  feet 
of  water  has  collected  in  the  upper  half 

dows  only  open  at  the  bottom.  In- 
specting the  water  damage.  Edgar 
Allen  Poe.  consulliDg  engineer,  said 
only,  "Don't  worry,  be  happy!" 

Clothing  is  another  funda- 
mental problem.  Most  students' 
apparel  is  designed  to  shed  water 
falling  from  above,  but  even  the  most 

the  rain  falls  up. 

"It  is  particularly  annoying," 
said  Ginger  Bromme.  "when  you're 
wearing  a  skirt.  Somebody  needs  to 
do  something."  Dean  Engel  quickly 
proclaimed  a  temporary  ban  on  skirts 
and  dresses  and  commissioned  Dr.  Ray 
"Doc"  Hefferlin  to  solve  the  problem. 

Hefferlin  promptly  develop- 
ped  "Umbrelloots"  as  he  calls  them,  a 
pair  of  tiny  invened  umbrellas  to  be 
strapped  under  one's  boots.  "It's  not 
convenient  for  walking,"  he  said,  "but 

(You  can  purchase  them  in 
florescent  fuchsia  at  Daniells  Hall  for 
just  $19.95.) 

Meanwhile,  Thursday 
evening,  Craig  Lastine  and  Woody 

feasibility  of  researching  the  probabil- 
ity of  discovering  viable  options 
towards  a  working  solution  lo  the 
inverted  precipitation  and  closeted 

old  Tab. 

Friday  morning,  Douglas 
Morgan  of  the  History  department  took 
matters  in  his  own  hands  and  formed  a 
spelunking  group  to  ascertain  just  what 

Willard  Scott  of  Today  Show 
fame  stood  by  as  the  group  crawled 
into  the  tunnel  Ed  Saniana  and  Jim 

Herman  had  dug  months  earlier. 
When  asked  what  they  hoped  to 
accomplish,  Poe  said,  "Maybe  they'll 
gel  buried  alive.  I  always  enjoy  thai 

Dean  Engel,  however,  was 
more  worried.  "Jo-Anne  Stevenson  is 
still  down  there.  And  Morgan  is 
single!"  she  said.  "And  look  what 
happened  with  Peach." 

Damp  and  shivering,  every- 
one waited  through  Friday  and 
Saturday.  Suddenly,  Sunday  morning, 
the  rain  stopped  as  a  grey  mist  shot  out 
of  the  tunnel  and  vanished  over  the 

Moments  later,  Morgan  and 
his  group  emerged.  All  America 

watched,  glued  to  their  televisions,  as 
Willard  Scott  asked  him  what  had 

"Apparently,"  Morgan  said, 
"a  small  rain  cloud  was  trapped  when 
Wright  Hall  collapsed  last  Sunday.  It 
got  lost  in  the  labyrinth  of  caves 
beneath  Collegedale,  lonesome  and 
frightened.  Terrified  at  the  sight  of  a 
blonde  Amazon  racing  through  a 
cavern,  it  started  to  cry.  Disoriented  in 
the  dark,  it  rained  up — quite  simple, 

The  cloud  followed  Morgan's 

Dean  Mathis  says.  "It  is  only 
a  matter  of  time  till  the  dorms  dry  out 
and  guys  can  use  their  bunks  again." 

As  of  this  writing,  nothing 
has  yet  been  heard  of  either  Jo-Anne 
Stevenson  or  Lasiine  and  While. 


Allen  Giles,  halfway  down  a 
Colorado  ski  slope,  suddenly 
missed  a  turn,  and  Greg 
Parkhurst  captured  the 

(Runner  up  Michelle  Sykes'  shot 
of  Matt  Cromwell  being  himself 
may  appear  in  a  later  issue  if  we 
can  possibly  stand  it.) 


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Of  Mice  and  Men 

By  Rock  Hudson 

©Copyright  1990,  USA  TODAY/ 
Apple  College  Information  Network 

This  week  the  Accent  takes  a 
serious  look  at  another  growing  social 
phenomenon  in  the  world.  The 
problem  of  Mice  and  Men.  Just  what 


"Well,  it's  not  a  question  of 
wanting  to  be  a  mouse.  Just  son  of 
happens  lo  you.  All  of  a  sudden  you 
realize  Ihat's  what  you  want  to  be," 
says  an  anonymous  Southern  College 
student  reccndy  interviewed  by  an 
anonymous  Southern  Accent  reporter. 

Anonymous  Reporter:  When  did  you 
first  notice  these  tendencies? 
Anonymous  Student; 
Freshman  year  I  went  to  this  party 
with  some  friends  at  UTC,  and.  er... 
we  drank  a  loi  of  Doctor  Pepper.. .and 
then  some  of  the  guys,  uh...staned 
handing  cheese  around.  So,  just  out  of 
curiosity  I  tried  a  biL..and  well  that 

AR:  What  else  did  these  friends  of 
yours  do? 

AS:  Well  some  ofthem  kind  of 
dressed  up  like  mice  a  little  and 
then.. .when  they  got  the  costumes  on 
they  know... squeaking. 
AR:  What  was  your  reaction  to  this? 
AS;     I  was  shocked  at  first.  But, 
er...gradually  I  came  to  feel  that  I  was 
more  at  ease  in  the  company  of  other 

This  is  a  ^pica!  example  of 
the  Mouse  problem.  A  problem  which 
is  sweeping  over  our  campus  faster 
than  Michael  Gorbachev  can  ovemin 

According  to  Larry  Williams, 
of  the  Psychology  departmenl,  at  least 
8  percent  of  the  population  will  always 
be  mice.  "There's  something  of  the 

honestly  say  that  al  one  time  or  another 
in  our  lives  we  haven't  been  attracted 
10  mice.  1  know  I  have.  Most  normal 
adolescents  go  through  a  stage  of 
squeaking  once  or  twice  a  day  bui  they 

if  that,"  he  says 
"On  the  other  banc 

I,  teenagers 
arc  attracted  to  the  Mouse  scene  by  the 
very  illegality  of  it.  It's  like  murder- 
make  a  thing  illegal  and  it  acquires  a 
mystique.  Look  at  arson-How  many  of 
us  can  honestly  say  we  haven't  set  fire 
to  some  large  public  building  or 
hospital  or  something  at  one  time  or 
another  in  our  lives.  I  know  I  have." 

However,  students  are  clearly 
hostile  to  mice.  "I  understand  that 
they  can't  help  themselves."  says  Mike 


Alex  "William  Jennings"  Bryan.  "I 
think  that  these  mouse  offenders 
clearly  deserve  the  death  penalty." 

Darin  Stewan  said,  "I'm  an 
Accounting  major  and  consequently 
too  twring  to  have  anything  of  interest 

The  Collegedale  police  also 
take  a  dim  view  of  mice.  "We  know 
that  these  things  (Mouse  parties)  are 
going  on  in  the  area."  said  Elvis 
Presely.  temporary  deputy.  "We  have 
undercover  people  working  the  mouse 
scene.  They've  made  several  buys  in 
the  area  recently.,. Brie, 
Camemben.-.even  some  of  the  harder 
siuff  like  Cheddar  and  Gouda.  We're 
very  close  to  a  major  bust." 

Perhaps  we  need  to  know 

mice  before  we  judge  them.  Then 
again,  perhaps  we  don'i.  Anyway  this 
is  the  end  of  the  wiicle.  The  clock  has 
just  struck  one  and  I  can  hear  the 
farmer's  wife  coming  around  the 
comer.  Squeak! 

(Editors  note:  If  you  feel  that 
you  mighl  be  a  mouse,  a  toll-free 
hotline,  1 -800-1-SC-MICE,  had  been 
established  to  help  you  cope  with  your 



s  24  hours  a  day.) 

Southern  Security  Nabs  Nobody  Doing  Nothing 

he  past  weeks  of  unmitigated 
ended  wjih  a  rather  odd 
Sunday  evening. 
Adminisiralion  stubbornly  refused 

the  incident,  insisting  thai  nothing  had 
happened,  so  here,  in  the  words  of 
Reggie  Honon.  SC  security  officer,  are 

"11  is  all  t 

which  a 

1  Family  Circus  c: 
ously,  Bill  Keanc  has  never  seen 
nobody.  I  have.  Nobody  is  tall. 

mouths,  and 

a  place  on  lis  bulbous  forehead. 

Nobody  glared  around  for  a 

a  sianling  British  a< 

mplaining  of  indigestion  shortly." 

id  its  lenlacles  writhed  in  a  panicu- 


Yesterday  evening,  as  I  followed 
my  routine  beat  towards  the  cafeteria, 
nothing  caught  my  eye.  I  stared  at  it. 
and  sure  enough,  nothing  was  there. 
And  ii  was  spreading. 

Even  as  I  watched.  Southern's 
scenery  was  vanishing — and  in  its 
place  was  nothing.  After  halfa 
hillside,  two  sidewalks,  and  three 
junior  accounting  students  were 
swallowed  up,  1  decided  to  take  action. 
1  turned  my  back,  folded  my  arms, 
stomped  my  foot,  and  yelled,  "Enough 
already!"  That  seemed  lo  work,  for 
when  I  glanced  over  my  shoulder. 
nothing  was  happening,  and  fast.  It 
stopped  spreading  and  instead  coa- 
lesced into  nobody. 

Now  don't  get  me  wrong.  Nobody 
is  not  the  cuie,  rounded,  Casper-ihe- 
Friendly-Ghosl  figure  you  commonly 

s  qmii 

well,  ihank  you.  "Hum,"  it  rejoined. 

Another  eye  swivelled  round, 
shoving  aside  three  particularly  purple 
arms,  and  blinked  slowly. 

"I  dare  say,"  it  said,  "you  might 
bring  one  something  proper  lo  eat  if 

Usually,  nothing  scares  me  in  the 
dark.  But  when  nothing  is  standing 
there  actually  talking  to  you,  it  is 
rather  disconcerting.  1  ran  to  tti 

hurried  back  down. 

Nobody  was  there.  It  glare 
offering,  then  look  a  huge  heipi 
Special  K  loaf.  At  the  lime,  thi. 
seemed  like  an  irrelevant  detail, 
worry,  however,  whei 

screamed,  "Aspmpcsfa 
Escdwkawsgoey!"  I  fled  with  the 
leftovers  back  to  ihe  cafe  and  found 
Mr.  Evans,  the  food  service  director. 

"Nobody  ale  this."  I  lold  him, 
"and  nobody  lumed  yellow-green  and 
greenish-yellow  and  I  don't  think 
nobody  liked  ii." 

"Nobody  didn't  like  it?"  asked 
Evans  carefully. 

"Righl,"  I  insisted. 

"I  have  other  things  to  do,"  said 
Evans.  "When  nobody  likes  the  food, 
let  me  know.  Then  we'll  have 
something  lo  worry  about  it." 

"Nobody  finished  the  Special  K 

Back  outside,  nobody  w 

.  Then  it  hil  me — nobody  , 
its  food  from  the  realm  of  the  irre 
vant.  Its  choice  of  majors  was  cle 

It  is  terribly  difficult  lo  find 
something  totally  irrelevant  when  ^„. 
really  need  to  (almost  impossible,  by 

definition),  bull  tried.  I  hastily 
collected  tny  orange  airplane  guidance 
flashlights,  some  mismatched  socks 
Worid  Civ.  n  notes,  and  Dr.  Wohier^ 
Vice-President  of  Student  Affairs 
Nobody  gave  me  a  momenis 
notice,  so  I  yelled.  "Pui  back  ihe 

Nothing — p.  6 

Proposal  —  continued  from  p.  3 

very  apathy  towards  communily  unnecessaiy.  But  until  then,  it'll 

service  that  prompted  us  to  pretty  much  take  care  of  itself." 
propose  our  Practical  Solution.  When  Ron  Qnalley  was 

Maybe  once  they  realize  whafs  asked  why  he  joined  Ihe  coalition 

going  on,  people  will  get  off  he  only  stopped  poiishmg  his 

their...  well,  they  miglii  finally  do  Mercedes  long  enough  to  growl  it 

somedimg  and  make  our  solution  a  rather  lycanthropic  n 

The  Cast: 

John  Caskey  as: 

Edgar  Allen  Poe 

William  Blake 

John  Lennon 

George  S,  Patton,  Jr. 

H,L.  Mencken 

Rock  Hutison 

Sean  Terretta  as; 

William  Wordsworth 

Mahatma  Gahndi 

Paul  Bunyon 

Giovanni  Boccaccio 

Monte  Mitzlefelt  as: 

Benjamin  Disreali 

Sigmund  Freud 

Jon  Nash  as: 

Salvidor  Dali 
Greg  Bush  as: 
John  Donne 
Special  thanks  to  Kerri,  Mon-e-que,  and  Laurie 

With  his  guitar  strapped  to  his  motorcycle,  Elvis  Presely,  expelW 
from  Souther,,  College  for  singing  the  school  song,  leaves 
CoUegedale  forever. 

President  Sahly 
discusses  his  vision 
for  Southern  in  the  90s 

By  Amy  Beckworth 

Interested  in  Dr.  Don  Sahly's  goals 
for  Southern  in  the  1990s?  In  an  inter- 
view on  April  6.  Sahly  said  Ihe 
enrollmenl.  quality  of  academic 
programs,  science  facilities,  spiritual- 
ity, and  hiring  more  minority  faculty 
are  his  five  major  goals. 


As  I  look  to  the  1990s  it  is  my  goal 
to  have  a  spiritual  revival,  not  just  on 
campus  but  in  the  church  at  large.  The 
church  growth  here  in  North  America 
is  in  a  pathetic  state  especially  when 
compared  to  the  rest  of  the  world. 

The  final  goal  I  want  to  address  is 
creating  balance  in  the  diverse  popula- 
tion on  this  campus. 

minority  faculty  s 

all  the  students.  So 
far  it  has  been  a 
real  challenge. 

There  has 
been  talk  about 

school.  Is  it  Irue 
Southern  College 
may  change  to 
Southern  Univer- 

Strawberry  Festival 

Kenny  Zill  spent  the  year  behind  his 

...for  the  annual  Strawberry 
Festival,  which  will  lake  place  in 
Ihe  gymnasium  at  9  p.m..  April  28. 
"We  have  good  coverage  of  the 
students."  said  Ervin  Brown,  the 
assistant  producer  of  Strawberry 
Festival.  "If  they  got  involved,  we 
probably  have  at  least  one  picture. 


Kenny  Zill,  the  producer  of  the 
show,  chose  "'Pieces  of  Life"  as  the 
theme.  The  show  wilt  include  con- 
temporary music  along  with  around 
2,000  pictures  of  "life"  at  Southern. 

To  make  the  show  complete, 

served  after  the  slide  presentation. 

Financial  aid 
options  revealed 

equality  of  the 

We  want  to  maintain  and  improve  ihe 
majors  we  presently  offer.  We, 
especially,  want  to  upgrade  our 
accounting  program  to  a  full  masters 
level.  Wc  plan  to  do  this  next  year. 
Southern  has  just  introduced  a  market- 
ing major  in  the  business  department. 
Our  hope  is  that  the  current  interest  in 
marketing  will  continue  to  mature  and 
grow  into  a  solid  major. 

Another  goal  we  must  address 
liuring  the  1990s  is  ihe  quality  of  our 
"cience  facilities.  Our  present  labora- 
tories and  classrooms  are  the  oldest 
parts  of  our  campus.  We  are  going  to 
have  10  completely  renovate  Daniels 
and  Hackman  Halls  or  build  a  new 
science  complex.  Presently,  we  are 
giving  study  to  total  renovation  or  lo  a 

this  topic 
further  discussion. 

What  would  be  the  benelils  of 
changing  the  name? 

The  benefits  of  changing  the  nami 
are  strictly  ihose  that  hit  you  from  a 
public  relations,  marketing,  fund- 
raising,  and  recruiting  potential . 

Is  it  your  goal  to  keep  Southern 
tuition  the  lowest  of  all  SDA  col- 
Yes,  it  is  our  goal  lo  try  to  maintai 
the  lowest  cosi  in  the  denomination, 
with  the  exception  ofOakwood. 
General  Conference  subsidizes 
Oakwood.  It  is  a  real  challenge 


One  of  the  mosi  common  problems 
Southern  College  students  will  face 
next  year  is,  of  course,  how  to  pay  for 

Many  students  do  not  realize  the 

"There  are  many  types  of  grants  and 
loans  students  can  receive."  says  Ken 
Norton,  Director  of  Student  Finance. 
Some  of  these  include  Restricted 
Scholarships,  Pell  Grants.  Slate  Grants. 
Supplemental  Educational  Opportunity 
Grants,  Stafford  Loans,  Perkins  Loans. 
and  Work-Study  Programs. 

Restricted  Scholarships  are  given  to 
sludenLs  who  maintain  high  academic 
achievement  and/or  meet  the  require- 
ments of  the  individual  scholarh.sip. 

For  example,  a  Dora  McClellan 
Brown  Scholarship  is  for  theology 
majors  and  a  George  Aldcn  Nursing 
Scholarship  is  for  nursing  students 
from  Florida.  Many  more  restricted 
scholarships  arc  listed  in  the  Financial 
Aid  section  of  the  Southern  College 

>w  cost  becomes 
:ow  quality,  we  really 
have  anything  to  market.  We 

can  show  they  have  a  great  financial 
need.  Not  just  anyone  can  obtain  a 
grant.  The  student  must  apply  for 
federal  aid  (grants)  and  then  submit : 

letter  of  request  to  the  Loan  and 
Scholarship  Committee.  The  commit- 
tee will  then  look  at  the  student's  grade 
point  average,  ACT  scores,  citizenship 
record,  and  work  record  to  see  if  the 
student  is  really  putting  forth  enough 
effort  to  be  worthy  of  financial  aid. 
The  student  must  have  a  real  need  and 
must  already  be  working  before  real 
consideration  is  given.  "You  demon- 
strate you're  doing  your  part,  and  we'll 
work  out  a  program."  says  Norton. 

Loans  are  obtained  by  borrowing 
money  from  the  federal  government 
through  the  school  or  by  borrowing 
from  a  bank.  Most  loans  are  guaran- 
teed by  state  agencies.  In  a  Parent- 
Plus  Loan,  parents  may  borrow  up  to 
$4,000  a  year  to  a  limit  of  $20,000. 
Beginning  times  for  paying  back  the 
loans  vary  anywhere  from  60  days  to 
nine  months  after  graduation  or  when 
Ihe  student  drops  below  a  half-time 
enrollment  status. 

Through  the  Work-Study  Program. 
the  govemment  pays  for  most  of  Ihe 

for  by  the  employer.  Information  on 
who  is  eligible  for  the  program  is 
available  at  Wright  Hall. 

Pamphlets,  applications,  and  more 
details  about  any  of  these  programs  are 
available  at  the  Financial  Aid  office. 

Do  not  be  afraid  of  enemies;  the  worst  they  can  do  is  kill 

you.  Do  not  be  afraid  of  friends;  the  worst  they  can  do  is 

betray  you.  Be  afraid  of  the  indifferent;  they  do  not  kill  of 

betray.  But  only  because  of  their  silent  agreement,  betrayal 

and  murder  exist  on  earth, 

"Bruno  Yasienski 

Soviet  novelist 

Let  us  begin  by  committing  ourselves  lo  the  truth--to  see  il 

as  it  is.  and  tell  it  like  it  is--lo  find  the  truth,  to  speak  the 

truth,  and  to  live  the  truth. 

--Richard  Milhous  Nixon 

37th  President  of  the  United  States 

If  liberty  means  anything  at  all,  it  means  the  right  to  tell 

people  what  they  do  not  want  to  hear. 

"George  Orwell 


The  policy  of  Russia  is  changeless.. .lis  methods,  its  laclics, 

s  may  change,  but  the  polar  star  of  its  policy-- 

world  domination-is  a  fixed  star. 

"Heinrich  Kari  Marx 


Letters  to  the  Editor 

The     Staff: 

Chief    Coordinator 

John    Caskey 


Laurie    Ringer 

Photo     Coordinator 

Sean    Terretta 


Monlque    Townsend 

Word     Processing 

Heather    Wise 


Andy   Nash 

Layout    Coordinator 

Daniel    Potter 


Stan    Hobbs 


Kerri    Stout 

Member  of  the  Associated  Collegiate  Press 

nlher'niuMda}  duringtho 

IS  e\prcssed  In  tbeSouihrni  i 
1  nM  necessarily  reflect  the  vi 

wlthtidd  ai  Uie  author's  request.  TTii 
reject  any  retter.  The  deadline  for  I 
publication  at  noon.  Place  letters  ui 

eriflcatroii,  all  hungh  n; 

CollegedalcTN  37315.  (615)238- 


I  have  attended  Soulhem  for 
three  years.  Wilhin  this  short  period 
of  lime,  I've  seen  and  experienced  a 
lo!  of  ihings  thai  God  might  not 
approve  of.  God  has  given  the 
leaders  of  this  school  opponunities  lo 
preach  and  speak  his  words.  I'm 
speaking  of  leaders  like  teachers, 
administrators,  and  most  importanily 
the  pasmral  staff.  The  spiritual 
leaders  here  have  a  great  deal  of 
responsibility  lo  lead  the  young  in  the 
righi  way. 

I  can  imagine  thai  the  deans 
are  probably  wondering  why  instead 
of  tjymgiogetiovi/orship.  the 
students  are  trying  to  gel  out  of 
worship.  When  we  do  go  to  worship. 
we  have  no  reverence.  It's  as  though 
we  are  anywhere  but  the  House  of  the 
Lord.  Friday  night  vespers  is  like 
going  to  Marccy's  Massage  Parlor. 
Girls  and  guys  can't  keep  their  hands 
off  their  companions.  "Preach  the 

I  feel  as  though  the  pastoral 
staff  doesn't  fully  realize  the  respon- 
sibility that  lies  before  it.  The 
pastors  need  to  come  to  some  of  the 
students'  rooms  and  listen  to  some  of 
iheir  Satanic  music.  They  should 
their  Satanic  symbols 
i.  We  must 
Satan  has  control  of 

Southern  College  campus  he's  doing 
every  thing  in  his  will  to  lead  us 
astray,  eventually  causing  us  to  be 

lost  in  total  darkness.  "'Preach  the 

Many  students  and  faculty 
members  agree  with  me  when  1  say  this 
style  of  preaching  for  worship  services 
just  doesn't  fly.  Th  pastoral  suff  here 
would  be  surprised  at  how  many 
students  would  love  to  hear  the  Word  of 
God  preached.  "Preach  to  Word." 

"Once  upon  a  time,"  how 
many  times  have  we  heard  this  phrase 
during  worship?  This  is  the  phrase  used 
for  fiction  story  books.  This  is  the  line 
we  read  to  our  children  at  bedtime  in 
order  to  put  them  to  sleep.  And  this  is 
just  what's  happening  when  someone 
j/ith  a  phrase  like  this. 



ally,  not  to  go  to  sleep.  "Preach  the 

I  must  tell  students  at  S.C.  not 

chicken  with  his  head  cut  off.  I  ran 
from  church  to  church  looking  for  some 
pastor  to  save  my  soul;  however,  insieac 
1  found  pastors  who  are  afraid  to  hurt 
someone's  feelings.  They  sugar  coal 
God's  words.  They  don't  "Preach  the 
Word,"  with  authority.  We  must  realize 
that  pastors  and  Church  leaders  can 
cause  us  to  be  lost  rather  than  saved. 
We  must  remember  that  God  uses 
ministers  as  tools  lo  reach  his  people 
through  the  Bible,  the  Spirit  of  Proph- 
ecy, prayer,  and  most  of  all  the  Holy 
Spirit.  Pasiorsdon't  have  the  right  to 
preach  the  way  they  want  to.  "Preach 
the  Word." 

Reggie  Honon 


Dear  Editor, 
In  converse 
S.C  as  well  as  in  articles  and 
odiiorials  appearing  in  the  Accent,  I 
frequently  note  the  use  of  the  word 
"arbitrary"  in  referring  to  the  rules 
and  regulations  ai  S.C.  I  have  also 
noted  that  if  one  tries  to  discuss  the 
rules  and  regulations  with  faculty  and 
US  of  moral 

and  regulations  we  endure  are  in  fact 
arbitrary.  The  reason.  I  believe,  for 
discomfiture  at  the  mention  of  prin- 
ciple is  that  if  we  try  to  understand 
;  rule  or  regulation  in  terms  of 


evaluate  all  rules  and  regulati 
such  manner.  No  one  in  authority 
here  at  S.C.  wants  to  do  that  because 
ihey  very  well  know,  though  il  may 
be  heaiedly  denied,  that  Biblical  and 
Spirit  of  Prophecy  principles  play  a 
very  small  role  in  determining 
today's  S.C.  rules  and  regulations. 

Many  self-supporting  schools 
claim  to  carefully  follow  Spirit  of 
Prophecy  counsel  and  thus  make  life 
dull  and  monotonous  in  everything 

Conference  and  union  schools  tend  to 
believe  that  if  they  are  going  to 
recruit  and  hold  energetic,  up-beat 
and  vibrantly  alive  young  people  Ihey 
must  minimize  Ellen  White's  counsel 
on  lifestyle  in  particular.  In  the  view 
of  this  writer,  both  positions  en- 
Several  faculty  members  have  told 

me  that  orgamzauons  and  institulioni 
have  a  right  to  make  whatever  rules  they 
wish  even  if  the  rules  are  arbiliary.  This 
may  be  true  for  worldly  institutions,  but 
I  do  not  believe  it  is  true  for  institutions 
claiming  God  as  the  head.  Procedural 
rules  and  regulations  established  for  the 
sake  of  convenience  may  be  arbitrary. 
But  where  there  is  a  moral  issue 
involved  the  rules  must  be  arbiuary. 
Thisisthestuffof  which  tyrannies  and 
despotisms  are  founded.  It  reminds  one 
of  nation-slates  in  which  constitutions 
are  frequently  suspended,  the  press 
censored,  and  basic  human  rights 
routinely  violated.  When  everything  is 
arbitrary  there  is  no  safety  at  all  excepi 
where  God  mandates  special  interven- 
tion. God  does  not  govern  this  way.  I 
do  not  believe  He  wants  His  earthly 
institutions  governed  this  way. 

I  want  those  reading  this  to  know  thai 
I  appreciate  the  candor  and  honesty  of 
the  faculty  and  administration  of  S.C.  I 
am  only  one  Seventh-Day  Adventisl. 
However,  my  perspective  on  much  of 
what  is  being  done  at  S.C  and  espe- 
cially the  way  it  is  being  done  is  clearly 
different  from  that  of  the  administraiion 
and  much  of  the  faculty.  I  am  as 
concerned  as  anyone  to  have  the  college 
project  a  positive  and  favorable  image  to 
the  constituency  and  the  non-Adventisi 
worid.  However.  I  am  not  so  concerned 
with  image  that  I  want  to  distort  in  my 
own  thinking,  and  that  of  others,  the 
character  and  government  of  God.  and 
end  up  lieaung  my  brothers  and  sisters 
in  the  Church  in  ways  that  Christ  never 

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inners.  Members  of  the  Southern 

It  Staff,  iheir  families,  significant  others  and  pets  are  ineligible. 

Screaming  high  school 
seniors  invade  Southern 
during  annual  College  Days 

By  Gina  Mclntyre 

Collegedale-^'The  Splash  is 
up  to  YOU"  was  Ihe  theme  of  the 
1990-91  College  Days.  On  April  8-9. 
553  students  from  the  Southern  Union 
and  other  areas  across  (he  United 
States  and  Canada  came  to  tour  the 

The  schedule  of  events 
included  an  orientation  after  the 
Seniors  from  the  various  academies 
were  escorted  in  by  police  cars  with 

The  students  were  entertained 
on  the  first  day  by  the  music  depart- 
ments production.  The  King  and  I,  and 
at  8:(X)  by  the  Gym-Master  Home 

Macki  Rucker,  from  Madison 
Academy  said.  "I  enjoyed  taking  the 

Bible  (est.  It's  also  good  to  see  old 
friends.  Today  I  saw  a  friend  that  I 

hadn't  seen  since  eighth  grade!"  He 
also  added,  "I've  found  the  program 
[College  Days]  doesn't  give  enough 
instruction."  One  Senior  from  Atlanta 
Adventist  Academy  stated  that  in  order 
to  get  much  out  of  College  Days,  one 
had  to  be  self- motivated.  Most  re- 
sponses to  the  general  program  were 
positive,  however. 

Ron  Barrow.  Vice  President 
of  Admissions  said,  "We  had  fewer 
students  than  anticipated,  but  we  had  a 
good  group.  Everything  went  very 
well.  We  had  a  good  lime." 

two-day  event  than  last  year  even 
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The  Readers'  Digest,  national  magazine  with  a 

circulation  of  over  18  million  copies,  will  feature 

Southern  Missionary  College  activities  in  the  March 

edition  in  an  article  entitled,  "The  College  With  the 

Built-in  Pocket-book." 

"The  King 
and  I" 

By  Melissa  Farrow 

■The  King  and  I",  a  musical 
play,  was  prcsenied  by  the  Souih- 
em  College  music  departmenl.  It 
was  staged  al  the  Collegedale 
Academy  auditorium  on  April  8, 
9, 10  and  1 2. 

The  play  is  based  on  hisiorical 
facts  about  the  King  of  Siam 
1860s  and  an  English  tutor, 
Anna  taught  the  royal  child 
wives  elements  of  Western 

dignity  of  the  human  being,  and 
Uieimmorality  of  slavery  .  The 
King  and  his  son,  the  future  king, 
were  greatly  influenced,  and  they 

eventually  changed  the  dictatorial  and  "ocal  duwtor.  'The 

customs  of  their  society.  what  I  expected,  but  it  cai 

"The  play  went  well.  We  had  a  good  '>eiier.  But,  we  did  well." 

cast,"  said  Marvin  Robertson,  producer  "The  King  and  I"  had  a 

cast  and  a  21  piece  orchestra.  The  role 
of  the  King  was  played  by  Larry 
Blackwell.  Kaihy  Stewart  played 

Engineering  and  Technology 
club  formed  to  encourage  and 
assist  students  in  those  fields 

By  Lisa  Rosaasen 

Brian  Hartman,  sophomore  engi- 
neering major,  has  formed  an  Engi- 
neering and  Technology  club  to  assist, 
encourage,  and  involve  engineering/ 
technology  majors.  "As  a  freshman,  1 
found  that  ihe  engineering/technology 

offer  ihem  beneficial  activities,"  said 

The  club's  first  activity  was  a  tour  of 
the  campus  telephone  and  computer 
facilities  on  March  27,  Four  engineer- 
ing majors  attended  along  with  Mr. 
John  Durichek,  chairman  of  the 
technology  department. 

Their  second  meeting  was  a  dcpari- 
menial  chapel  on  Aprils.  Bill  Belles, 
interstate  architect  and  president  of 
Kirkman  and  Belles  Architects  in 
Cleveland,  was  the  guest  speaker. 

He  addressed  the  importance  of  the 
relationship  between  engineers  and 
architects.  In  his  discussion.  Belles 
strcs.sed  that  engineering  majors 
shouldn't  let  the  difficult  math  courts 
discourage  them  from  pursuing  the 
field  of  engineering.  He  said  the 
engineering  work  field  is  different 
from  the  required  engineering  educa- 

Twenty-five  students,  mostly  engi- 
neering majors,  attended  the  meeting. 

Belles  is  doing  architectural  work  for 
Southern  College,  designing  a  pro- 
posed science  complex  and  redesigning 
I>anieU's  Hall. 

A  third  tentative  activity,  that 
Hartman  has  planned  for  this  year,  is  a 

field  trip  to  a  local  compact  disc  plant 
Although  this  school  year  is  almost 
over,  the  club  chose  officers  to  finish 
the  year.  Hartman  was  elected  as 
acting  president  Bill  Fentress,  a 
sophomore  engmeering  major  is  acting 
secretary-treasurer,  and  Mr.  Durichek 

Hartman  said  officers  for  next  year 
could  have  been  chosen  this  year,  but 
since  the  engineering  major  spends 
only  two  years  at  Southern,  he  wanted 
to  give  the  freshmen  an  opportunity  to 
be  officers  as  well. 

Although  Hartman  and  Fentress  will 
be  transferring  to  Walla  Walla  college 
next  year  to  complete  their  degrees,  he 

Changes  in  store  for  faculty 

fly  Shawna  Dye 

The  1990-91  school  year  will 

Southern  College  teaching  staff  and 
take  away  some  of  the  present  staff. 

In  an  effort  to  not  have  as  many 
contract  teachers  next  year,  several 
departments  will  be  taking  on  full- 
time  teachers. 

The  biology  department  will  be 
taking  on  Dr.  David  Ekkens  from 
Kettering  College,  and  also  Bill 
Hayes  who  is  presently  completing 
a  doctorate  at  the  University  of 
Wyoming.  The  department  will  be 
losing  Marcie  Woolsey  who  will  be 
getting  married. 

Pam  Ahfeld  will  be  joining  the 
nursing  department  along  with  one 

more,  yet  undecided,  teacher. 

Behavioral  science  will  be  losing 
Lany  Williams,  who  will  be 
studying  for  his  doctorate  al  the 
University  of  Tennessee  at  Kn- 

Terrie  Ruff  will  be  taking  Wil- 
liam's place.  She  attended  Southern 
College  several  years  ago,  but 
graduated  from  the  University  of 
South  Carolina  with  a  masters  in 
social  work. 

Robert  Moore  wLl  also  be 
teaching  at  Southern  next  year  in  the 
math  department,  but  his  is  not  a 
completely  new  face.  He  taught  at 
Southern  four  years  ago  and  is  now 
returning  with  his  Ph.d,  in  mathe- 


.  Mr. 

Duricheck  said  he  will  encourage  the 

club  ic 

a  strong  student  leader  that  will  take 
care  of  most  of  the  planning. 

Some  of  Ihe  activities  Hartman 
would  like  to  sec  offered  next  year  are 
a  field  trip  to  a  Lockheed  airplane 
plant,  a  field  hip  to  a  TVA  electrical 
plant  and  control  center  in  Chicka- 
mauga,  and  an  egg -drop  contest, 

Hartman 's  goals  for  the  remainder  of 
Uiis  year  and  for  the  club  in  the  future 
are  to  provide  a  support  group,  to 
provide  special  diversions  and  learning 
experiences,  to  provide  a  practical 
organization  that  will  balance  the 
theoretical  math  and  physics  clubs,  and 
to  provide  field  trips  that  will  give 
engineering  students  a  view  of  the 
prospective  woric  environment  as  well 
as  local  contacts.  He  also  plans  to 

Stepanske  to  lecture  in  the 
"land  down  under" 

e  Collegedale 

Jeanette  Stepanske.  Professor  of  Edu- 
cation, will  be  doing  some  unusual 
lecturing  this  summer.  She'll  be  doing 
it  "down  under". 

On  June  4  she  \ 
for  Stanton,  Virgi 
chair  the  Small  School's  Language  Arts 
Committee  for  three  weeks. 

On  June  24  she.  along  with  Elaine 
Plemons,  Associate  Superintendant  of 
Education  for  the  Georgia-Cumberland 
Conference.  wiL  be  fiying  from  Wash- 
ington D.C.  to  Auckland.  New  Zealand, 

They  win  then  be  going  on  to 
Sidney.  Australia  where  they  will  be 
met  and  hosted  by  Dr.  L,D,  Devine,  the 
Educational  Superintendant  for  the 

South  Pacific  Division. 

From  Sidney,  they  will  go  on  the 
Howquc,  Australia  where  Stepanske 
will  give  a  one  week  seminar/work- 
shop for  principals  and  teachers  from 
the  South  Pacific  Division,  The 
subject  will  be  "management  of  small 

The  iwo  will  then  go  on  to  Mel- 
bourne, Cames,  and  on  July  12th  they 
will  fly  out  of  Australia  to  Honolulu. 
Hawaii,  and  then  hoh.c  on  the  19di  of 

Stepanske  comments  on  her  trip, 
"One  of  the  things  1  hope  to  get  out  of 
this  trip  is  to  visit  schools  in  other 
countries  and  compare  their  educa- 
tional programs  with  American 


■  'iW^       belter  fuel 
■,!/^       efficiency. 

■  Avoiij  options  ttial  cut  fuel 
economy;  a  iigfit-coiored  car 
with  tinted  glass  reduces  tfie 
need  for  air  conditioning. 

■  Tune  engine  every  5,000  to 
1 0,000  miles  to  keep  engine 
funning  cleanly. 

I  Radial  iires  require  4 
percenl  less  fuel  to  use. 



for  (n 

I  Avoid  setting 
refrtgerator's  too 
low:  TTie  proper 
temperature  is  36 

degrees  Fahrenheit 

■  Buy  energy-efficient 
appliances.  TTiey  cost  more  to 
buy  but  less  to  run. 

■  Use  a  clock-drrven  thermostat 
for  self-adjusting  healing. 

■  Use  fluorescent  lighting 
instead  of  incandescent  bulbs. 

■  Run  dishwasher  only  with  full 
loads  and  use  energy-saver 

Cliemical  i 
substitutes     ' 

Qn  Instead  of  | 
cleaners,  use  \ 
water  with  vinegar' 
or  baking  soda. 

■  For  furniture  polish,  use  1 
part  lemon  juice.  2  parts  olive     j 
or  vegetable  oil.  i 

■  For  disinfectant,  use  half 
cup  of  borax  in  gallon  of  water,   i 

■  To  clean  rugs  and  ' 
upholstery,  sprinkle  | 
cornstarch,  then  vacuum.          | 

■  Instead  of  mothballs,  use 
cedar  chips,  newspapers  or 

■  For  roach  killer,  mix  baking 
soda  and  powdered  sugar.  To 
stop  ants,  spread  chili  powder. 


nl      Install 
low-flush  loilet  or 
put  a  water-filled 
bottle  in  the  tank 
to  displace  water, 

■  Install  a  water-saving 
shower  head. 

■  Water  lawns  early  in  the 
morning  when  evaporation  is 

■  Forget  battis  (30  gallons); 
take  five-minute  sfiowers  (15 

■  Repair  leaks  quickly;  a 
moderate  drfp  wastes  two 
gallons  per  hour. 


SI      Ask  for  paper 
grocery  bags 
instead  of  plastic; 
don't  bag  small 

I  Buy  eggs,  milk  and  cereals 
in  cardboard  cadons, 

■  Separate  newspapers, 
glass,  plastics  and  aluminum 
lor  recycling;  urge  local 
officials,  friends,  and 
relatives  to  recycle, 

■  Take  used  motor  oil  lo  a 
redamalion  center, 

■  Buy  and  urge  local 
governments  lo  t)uy  recycled 

Thatcher  residents 
opposed  to 
camera  plans 

said  DeliKe  Dent,  soptiomore  in 
Thatclier  Hall  where  controversy 
over  placement  of  surveillance 
cameras  in  hallways  is  causing 

The  cameras  were  a  suggestion 
from  Dean  Lydia  Rose  after  seeing  a 
similar  security  system  at  Pacific 
Union  College.  The  proposal  was 
added  lo  the  departmental  "wish  list" 
and  submined  to  McKee  Baking  Co. 
who  donated  funds  necessary  to 
purchase  the  cameras,  said  Rose. 

■•It's  not  a  ma 
anyone  or  watch 
the  hall  inthein 
-We  only  want  ■ 

il  spying  on 

Residents  of  Thatcher  have  mixe 
opinions  about  the  cameras  being 
placed  in  (heir  dorni.  Sophomore. 
Karen  Crismond,  says  she  feels  it 
wouldn't  be  so  much  an  invasion  o 
privacy  if  the  cameras  were  placed 
only  at  entrance  ways.  "It's  a  good 
security  device,  but  I  feel  funny 
about  having  a  camera  m  the  hall  oi 
my  home,"  Some,  like  sophomore 
Lisa  Rosaasen,  feel  that  there  are 
other  areas  on  campus  that  need 
anenlion.  "The  walkfrom Brock' 

Hall  t( 

e  girl'.s 

promenade  is  dimly  lit  and  defmiiely 
deserves  priority,"  said  Rosaasen. 

Others  simply  feel  that  there's  been 
no  need  before,  why  now?  ■'Our 
doors  are  always  locked.  I  don't  see 
the  purpose,"  said  sophomore. 
Amber  Murphy. 

Tamara  Michaelenko,  Junior,  says 

can't  see  the  problem. 

According  lo  Dean  Rose  there  are 
problems.  There  has  been  vandalism 
on  several  occasions  by  academy  age 
boys  who  enter  the  doim  through  the 
side  door  used  by  the  janitors.  Rose 
says  the  cameras  would  eliminate  this 
problem  and  others  such  as  unauthor- 
ized males  in  the  dorm  and  stealing 
from  laundry  rooms. 

Christian  literature  conference  held  here 

By  Can  Cruze 

The  Souiheastem  Regional  Meeting 
of  ihe  Conference  on  Christianity  and 
Literature  took  place  at  Southern 
College  April  5-7. 

Seventy  people  representing  thirty 
colleges  and  universities  and  fifteen 
states  took  part  in  the  conference, 
which  examines  what  relationships 
exist  between  Christianity  and  litera- 

The  conference  involved  a  keynote 
address,  the  reading  of  papers  on 
Christianity  and  literature,  responses  to 

by  Judy  Glass,  a  performance  by  Ihe 
Destiny  Drama  Company,  and  a  dinnt 
at  President  Don  Sahly's  home. 

According  to  Dr.  Dave  Smith,  who 
served  as  the  program  chair,  the 
participants  expressed  how  beautiful 
the  campus  was  and  how  friendly  the 
Southern  College  students  were  to 
them.  "The  conference  went  very 
well,  and  everyone  enjoyed  iL  There 
were  good,  quality  papers  read  and 
some  fine  Christian  fellowship."  said 

The  keynote  address  speaker  was 
Professor  Leland  Ryken  from  Wheaton     Universi^ 
College  in  Illinois.  Ryken  received  his 

Ph.D.  from  the  University 
1968,  focusing  on  the 
English  Renaissance, 

The  paper  voted  most  outstanding 
was  John  Zubizarreta's  "T.S.  Eliot  and 
the  Gospel  of  St.  John."  He  is  from 
Columbia  college,  and  his  was  the  last 
paper  to  be  read  at  the  conference. 

There  were  some  students  participat- 
ing from  the  area  including  students 
from  Lee  College,  Bryan  College,  and 
Covenant  College. 

The  conference,  which  meets  once  a 
will  take  place  at  Georgetown 

Professor  Leland  Rykei 


Photos  by  Sean  Terretta 

(except  "Ira  Milis"  by  David  Koliadko) 

Typically,  "looking  back"  implies  a  nostalgic  theme — topical 
or  chronological.  This  collection  of  pictures,  however,  gleaned        i 
from  Accent  89-90' s  filesof  unused  photos,  really  isn't 
representative  of  any  specific  aspect  of  life  at  SC. 

Instead,  they  demonstrate  the  variety  of  people  and 
here  during  the  past  year, 

And  that's  what  Southern's  all  about. . . 

Mike  Magursky  cooled  off  in  SC's  Heather  Wise  escaped  academe  al 

:r  park  by  Lynn  Wood  Hall.  Booker  T,  Washington  stale  park.    _ 

Environmental  Crisis  or  Earth  Day  Hokum? 

Which  side  is  correct?    •    Who  shouid  be  beiieved? 

You  Be  The  Judge! 

Population  Control 

tn  tpopu  iBtlon  could  supp 

Crisis  or  Attack  on  ProduetlvHyi 

long-run  reduction  of  S.S9  percent  In  th 

The  Atrtomobile 

Qovernment  Control  or  Responsible  Freedom? 

"H  ttte  EPA  s  conception  at  lis  i 
powerful  brencti  of  govemme 

Ozone  Depletion 

.  changes 

Global  Warming 

31  posed  by  environmemal  hysier 

TheJohnBlrchSodety  •  DepLE  •  Appleton,Wl  54913-8040 

club  forms 
on  campus 

By  Amy  Beckworth 

SAVE.  Sludenls  Aware  of  our 
Valuable  Environmenl.  is  a  new 
environmental  club  organized  this 

The  impeius  for  forming  Ihe 
club  was  a  class  projeci.  Larry 
William's  Contemporary  Social 
Problems  class  decided  io  tackle 
environmemal  problems.  Their  first 
step  was  to  form  a  club  which  would 
raise  smdent  a' 

Some  lentaiive  goals  of  the 
club  are:  reducing  the  use  of  styro- 
foam  cups,  plates,  etc.,  organization  of 
a  continuous  recycling  campaign  on 
campus  for  paper,  aluminum,  glass  and 
other  recyclable  products,  reducing  the 
waste  involved  with  junk  mail  and 
mailboxes,  raising 
;  of  environmental  issues  in 
I  challenging 

other  schools  ai 

Robert  Piitman.  one  of  the 
founding  members  of  SAVE,  says,  "As 
Christians  we  have  a  responsibility  for 
the  stewardship  of  the  eanh.  We 
should  set  examples  for  the  community 
to  follow." 

Earthday  90 

By  Amy  Beckworth 

President  Bush  said  that  Eanh  Day 
is  an  opportunity  for  us  to  evaluate 
how  we  are  doing  with  the  environ- 
ment and  to  make  a  commitment  to 

Here  in  Chattanooga — parks,  organi- 
zations, and  people  will  take  an  active 
pan  in  Eanh  Day.  Southern  will  too. 

This  Thursday,  Ron  Littlefield.  com- 
missioner of  Public  Works  for  Chat- 
tanooga, will  come  and  speak  about 
the  environmenl  for  chapel.  "Ihave 

my  life,  but  around  here  I'm  probably 

the  Summit  Landfill,"  said  Litlleneld. 
His  chapel  talk  will  focus  on  the 
different  generations  working  together 


n  find  a 


ay  to  merge 
of  all 
said  Littlefield . 
s  Thursday,  the  new  envi- 
ronmental club,  SAVE  (Students 
Aware  of  our  Valuable  Environment), 
membership  drive  and  peii- 

s  for  SI 

cafeteria  after  Assembly. 

On  Sunday.  SAVE  will  help  with  a 
booth  at  the  Tennessee  River  Park, 

the  park  is  one  paper  bag 
of  recyclable  clear  glass,  alumi- 
1,  or  paper.  In  place  of  recyclable 
ducts  aSl.OO donation  will  be 
;ptcd.  The  park  will  have  demon- 
tions,  games,  exhibits,  concerts, 
:ial  programs,  field  trips,  conces- 
is,  and  adult  and  children's 

Jesus  said,  "Do 
you  truly  love 

me?"  . . .  "Take 

CARE  of  my 


John  21:16  NIV 

"Setting  our  Sights  on  the  Saviour" 


Angels  watching 
over  us  daily 

By  Andy  Nash 

As  typical  Adveniisi  children,  my 
younger  sister,  Angela,  and  I  were 
once  avid  listeners  lo  the  "Your  Story 
Hour"  tape  coiiection — with  Aunt  Sue 
and  Uncle  Dan. 

The  sloiy  that  peaked  our  interest 
more  than  any  other  was  one  entitled, 
"Strangers  in  the  Nighl."  In  it,  two 
ihildren  left  alone  in  their  home  are 
visited  by  a  "mean  man"  and  later,  a 
"nice  inan"  (as  we  called  them).  The 
nice  man,  exhibiting  tremendous 
strength,  protected  the  children  from 
the  robber.  Laterlhatevening.  he  went 
to  he  down  in  the  guest  room  and 
somehow  disappeared  without  leavmg 
any  tracks  in  the  snow.  "...For  some 
people  have  enienained  angels  without 
knowing  it,"  Aunt  Sue  explained.  This 
always  fascinated  us! 

concept  Angels  are  mentioned  first  in 
Genesis  3:27,  when  God  placed  Ihem 
at  the  gates  of  the  Garden  of  Eden  to 
keep  sin  out  and  to  guard  the  Tree  of 
Life.  In  fact,  the  Bible  speaks  of 
angels  over  three  hundred  times.  Ellen 
White  adds  that  angels  were  respon- 
sible for  guiding  the  animals  into  the 
ark  and  for  watching  over  the  infant 
Moses  in  the  bullnishes.  H.M.S. 
Richards  says,  "The  scriptures  lell  us 
more  about  angels  than  about  baptism, 
the  Lord's  Supper,  the  Sabbath,  ...the 

Second  Advent!"  With  all  this  biblical 
publicity,  angels  must  be  a  force  in  our 
world  today  as  well. 

written  on  ihe  occult,  the  Devil,  and 
demons,  people  are  frequently  drawn 
away  from  the  study  of  the  Lord  and 
His  messengers,  states  Billy  Graham. 
This  sometimes  is  where  misconcep- 
tions of  angels  begin.  Over  the  years, 
I've  heard  angels  described  as  passive 
spirits  that  make  music  with  their 
haips  as  they  float  through  the  clouds. 
This  just  isn't  accurate! 

When  invited  into  our  lives,  angels 
protect,  befriend,  and  enhghten  us 
through  the  saving  power  of  Jesus 
Christ.  And  Ihey  love  doing  it! 

"Through  the  ministry  of  angels. 

Richards.  And  J.R.Williams  tells  us, 
"That  angels  are  present  with  us  for 
protection  and  deliverance  is  a 
beautiful  truth  of  the  Bible..."  Most 
sources  convey  the  fact  that  these 
celestial  beings  are  here  lo  help. 
However,  before  the  angels  of 

Heaven  can  use  their  incredible 

welcomed.  When  we  pray  and  ask  for 
God's  assistance,  it  gives  Him  justifi- 
cation in  helping  us.  Often  this  is  done 
through  His  angels. 

And  what  powers  they  have!  Ellen 
White  tells  us  that  when  Jesus  was 
being  mocked  and  beaten  before  His 
crucifixion,  the  angels  of  Heaven  were 
watching  in  honor.  They  wanted  to 
intercede,  but  were  not  allowed.  'The 
weakest  angel  could  have  caused  that 
mocking  throng  to  fail  powerless,  and 
could  have  delivered  Jesus." 

The  angels  of  the  Lord  are  anxious 

0  help  u 

well,  I 


word  before  taking  pan  in  o 
When  that  word  comes,  the  angels 
excitedly  rush  to  "encamp  around 
those  who  serve  Him"  (Psalms  34:7). 

While  angels  have  the  power  to 
guide  and  protect  us  from  the  evil 
demons  of  Satan,  we  have  something 
that  the  angels  can  only  marvel  over — 
redemption.  At  one  point  in  the  novel 
Piercine  the  Darkness,  by  Frank  E. 
Peretli.  the  angels  of  God  are  in  a  park 
with  a  young  girl  named  Sally  Roe 
who  is  about  lo  accept  Jesus  Christ 
into  her  life.  The  kneeling  angels 
encircle  Sally,  their  heads  bowed,  their 
swords  lying  in  the  grass  like  "spokes 

ion.  It 

I  believe  that,  in  the  unseen  worid. 
angelic  celebrations  such  as  this  take 
place  when  a  person  comes  to  Christ. 
Ellen  While  notes  that  "Every  true 
confession  glorifies  Him,  and  causes 
the  angels  to  break  forth  into  singing." 
And,  according  to  Graham,  "Angels 
set  all  the  bells  of  Heaven  in  motion 
ir  rejoicing  lover  the  saved] 
e  Lamb  of  God."  The  angels 


of  Heaven  h 

is  like,  but  they  want  us  to  experience 

For  some  reason,  the  angels  of  God 
love  us.  Ellen  While  informs  us  that 
when  Jesus  told  the  angels  of  His  plan 
to  come  10  Earth  to  save  the  sinners, 
the  angels  were  shocked  and  greatly 
saddened  by  the  announcement.  "The 
angels  prostrated  themselves  at  the  feet 
of  their  Commander,  and  offered  to 
become  a  sacrifice  for  man."  How- 
ever, the  anfiels  couldn't  take  the  place 

The  angels  of  Heaven  have  known 


lofusallourlives,  t 

What  a  day  it  will 
■  previously 

Destiny  Drama  Company 
presents  Eyewitness 

were  the  final  words 
from  the  play 
entitled  EYEWIT- 
NESS, presented  by 
the  Destiny  Drama 
Company,  Friday 
ling,  April  t 

1990,  i 


tegedale  Seventh-day  Adventist 

The  evening's  performance  was 
dedicated  lo  Dawn  Palton,  a  former 
Destiny  member.  (1986-87)  who 
died  of  Lupus.  "The  memory  of 
Dawn  Patton  is  an  inspiration  to  not 
only  Destiny  Drama  Company 
performers  but  to  all  of  us  who 

1  Christ." 

stated  Shannon  Bom,  a  cu 
member  of  Destmy  who  ki 
Dawn  and  described  her  a; 

by  George  Turner  (Destiny  member 
from  1984-86)  and  David  Denton 
(6-year  Destiny  veteran).  Their 

memorale  the  troupe's  tenth 
anniversary  season.  EYEWIT- 
NESS was  a  stimng  portrayal  of  a 
modem  Christ  and  the  significant 
effect  He  had  on  His  contemporar- 
ies. Powerfully  presenting  the 
personality  of  Jesus  Christ  in  a 
20lh-cenlury  sening,  EYEWIT- 
NESS explored  the  relationships  of 
1990s  men  and  women  lo  a  living 

From  the  birth  of  Christ  to  His 
death,  all  events  were  portrayed 
before  the  eyes  of  a  captivated 
audience  wondering  what  would  be 
happening  next  to  this  modem  day 

Among  the  audience  were  ap- 
proximately 70  individuals  who 
registered  for  the  Southeastern 
Regional  Meeting  of  the  Confer- 
ence on  Christianity  and  Literature, 
began  Thursday  evening  and 
I  through  Saturday  after- 
noon. The  individuals  represented 
30  colleges  and  i 

states.  David  Smith,  Chairman  of 
the  English  Department  at  Southern 
College,  staled  that  for  most  of  the 
individuals  this  was  their  firsl  time 
on  an  Adventist  campus  and  the 
presentation  by  Destiny  was  a  "good 
introduciion  of  Adventist  views  on 
religion."  Smith  also  stated  that 
several  individuals  expressed  enjoy- 
ment regarding  the  play,  enjoyed  ihe 
beauty  of  the  campus,  the  food,  and 
the  young  people,  especially  the 
Destiny  members. 

A  few  students  from  Southern 
College  responded  to  Destiny's 
performance  by  saying: 

"David  Demon  and  company  did 
an  excellent  job  in  writing  the  skit. 
It  made  me  think  about  how  Jesus 
suffered  and  died  for  me,"  staled 
freshman  nursing  major,  Carol 
Shaw.  "Also  how  we  treat  others 
and  how  we  want  to  be  ffeated  as 
human  beings.  The  Destiny  Drama 
Club  really  did  an  excellent  job  on 
action  and  performance."  Carol 
continued.  "My  parents  were  here, 
and  they  told  me  after  the  program 
how  impressed  they  were  with  the 
whole  thing." 

"I  thought  it  was  very  good," 
commented  Brenda  Caldwell,  fresh- 
man elementary  education  major, 
"It  was  funny,  but  serious  as  it 
showed  how  Jesus  would  have  been 
treated  if  he  were  on  Earth  today. 
Very  creative  work!" 

"I  thought  that  it  was  an  excellent 
description  of  what  it  would  be  like 
if  Christ  came  today,"  stated 
freshman  auto  body  repair  major, 
Russell  Haveman.  "I  also  thought 
that  it  was  the  best  acting  I  have  ever 

with  the  Savior,"  says  Richards. 

For  now.  though.  'He  will  give  His 
angels  charge  of  you.  to  guard  you  in 
all  your  ways"  (Psalms  91 : 1 1 ),  a  text 
frequently  repeated  by  young  children, 

God  are  especially  proud  to  be 
standing  at  our  sides  when  these 
beautiful  words  are  spoken. 

For  the 
health  of  it 

By  Darlene  Almeda,  R.N. 

Q:  During  the  Health  Espo  90  held 
in  the  Student  Center,  I  found  out  my 
cholesterol  was  a  little  higher  than  it 
should  be.  .What  suggestions  do  you 
have  for  me? 

A:  First  of  all  you  need  to  look  at 
your  diet.  Saturated  fats  must  be 
reduced.  These  are  found  in  all  animal 
products  starting  with  meat  itself,  eggs, 
whole  milk  products,  yogurt,  and 
cheese.  Also  tropical  oils  such  as 
coconut  and  palm  oils  are  saturated — 

cookies,  crackers,  and  cereals.  Try  to 
increase  your  intake  of  soluble  fiber 
such  as  oat  bran,  psyllium,  and  beans 

.  Cardio 

Next  consider  e 
cular  exercise,  including  walking,  will 
help  increase  your  HDL  (High  Density 
Lipoprotein)  also  known  as  the  "good" 
cholesterol.  HDL  helps  carry  back  to 
the  liver  excess  LDL  (Low  Density 
Lipoprotein)  and  keeps  it  from 
attaching  to  the  walls  of  the  arteries 
which  will  eventually  narrow  due  to 
the  excess  plaque  and  debris. 

According  to  B.  Rifkind,  a  choles- 
terol researcher  at  one  of  the  National 
Institutes  of  Healdi,  a  cholesterol  level 
of  200  is  a  feasible  goal  for  most 

decrease  your  risks  [of  hean  disease). 
you'd  have  to  bring  down  your  level 
well  below  140, 



New  Kids  on  the  Block  describes  trials 
and  tribulations  of  young  immigrants 

By  A.  Lee  Bennett  Jr.                  compiled  their  oral  histories  into  a 
powerful  and  intriguing  look  at 
New  Kids  on  :he  Block,  by  Janet            modem  immigration.  The  young 
Bode,  is  not  about  the  new  rock  group,      people  describe  their  often  dangerous 
■•...but  1  don't  think  you'll  be  disap-  journeys " '"""'  "'" 

pointed  with  this  one,"  said  Peg 
Bennett,  McKee  Library  Director. 
"Bode  has  interviewed  1 1  young 
adult  immigrants,  ages  13-20.  and 

lands  and 
hardship  and  confusion  they  face  ir 
their  new  country.  All  struggle  with 
prejudice  and  conflicts  in  culture," 
This  "outstanding"  book's  reference 

number  is  HQ  796.B594. 

Described  as  "delightful  and 
upbeat,"  Barbara  Corcoran's  The 
Potato  Kid  is  "easy,  relaxing,  hean 

jealous,  hardworking,  lazy,  kind, 
selfish,  conscientious,  and  sorry  for 
herself  all  at  different  items  in  the 

book.  Youngpeople  will  relate  we 
her  disappointment  in  the  sudden 
change  in  summer  plans — and  all 
because  of  someone  she  doesn't  evi 

Gym-Masters  perform 
annual  home  show 

By  Gina  Mclntyre 

On  Saturday  night  and  Sunday 
evening,  April  7  and  8,  the  Souih- 
em  College  Gym-Masters  per- 
formed for  their  home  crowd  and 
the  siudenls  attending  College 
Days.  The  gym  was  overflowing. 

The  Home  Show  has  a  tradi- 
tional theme.  "We  open  with  a 
tribute  lo  American  and  end  with  a 

special  drug  awareness  program  into 
their  routine  for  area  high  schools. 
According  to  Evans,  each  team  captain 
is  in  charge  of  a  skit  relating  to  drug 
abuse.  These  routines  are  mixed  into 
the  general  program. 

The  College  Days  favorites  were 
"Batman"  and  the  "World  Wrestling 
Federation"  acts.  Davy  Joe  Swinyar 
admits  that  his  favorite  pan  about 


Evans,  coach  in  his  6th  year  at 
Southern.  "We  are  proud  to  he 
Americans,  and  we  want  to  give 
recognition  to  the  American  spiriL 
We  also  feel  fortunate  to  have  the 
right  to  be  Christians." 

The  team  of  35  members  has 
traveled  as  far  away  as  California 
(PUC).  They  have  pulled  a 

■'Super  I 


il  Hulkster" 
"I  like  all  the 
me  around 

Tim  Cross,  member  of  the  1 990 
team,  said  of  the  College  Days 
perfonnance.  "I  felt  really  good  abo 
both  performances.  The  team  as  a 
whole  wasn't  as  psyched  (as  they  we 
last  evening]  because  parents  and 
friends  were  there." 

According  to  Evans  it  gets  harder 
and  harder  every  year  to  make  the 
program  unique.  When  he  started  his 
first  year  it  was  easy  lo  put  on  a  good 
show.  "It's  difficult  to  improve  now 

"Cookie  Byrd"  swim  meet 
splaslied  through  PE  center 

The  swimming  club  hosted  a  swim 
meet  on  Sunday,  April  15.  at  the 
college  pool.  Stan  Dobias,  Angi 
Dobias,  and  Ruth  Gifford  coordinated 

The  "'Cookie  Byrd"  swim  meet 
slaned  in  1988,  awarding  scholarships 
to  winners  of  the  mile,  quarter  mile, 
100  yard  breast  stroke.  100  yard  free- 
style, and  100  yard  backstroke. 

According  to  Gifford,  "Due  lo  lack 
of  financial  backing  we're  not  offer- 
ing trophies  this  year.  We  didn't  have 

lo  make  this  annual  event." 
Paul  Darden.  a  resident  of  Apison. 

won  ihe  men's  quarier  mile  100  yard 

backslroke  and  ihe  mile.  He  beai  B. 

Craig's  1988  record  of  24:06  with  his 

22:22  time. 
Gifford  lied  her  1988  record  of  6:34 

in  the  quarter  mile,  coming  from 
behind  to  beat  Stephanie  Servoss.  who 
finished  at  6:35. 

Rick  Hayes  won  the  100  yard  breast 
stroke,  100  yard  free-style  and  came  in 
after  Darden  to  capture  second  place  in 
die  100  yard  backstroke. 

Women's  Quarter  Mile 
Ruih  Gifford  ( 

Stephanie  Servoss  ( 

Jil  Hines 

Men's  OuanerMilg 
Paul  Darden 
Andy  MeConnell 

100  yard  Breast  Stroke 
Angela  Bullock 
Heather  Williams 
Jil  Hines 

April  21 
at  3:30  p.m. 
In  front  of 

special  thanks  to  the  Student 

Special  guests: 
Mark  Bond 
Larry  Culey 
Chris  Lang 
Tom  Weil 

Bob  Martin 

Dale  Lacra  and 

Angela  Bullock 
Michelle  Fried 
Aimmie  Lagundino 

Rick  Hayes 
Michael  Hawkins 
Jim  King 

Heather  Williams 
Ruth  Gifford 
Angela  Bullock 

Paul  Darden 
Rick  Hayes 
Michael  Hawkins 

Paul  Darden  22:22 

BobBenge  29:15 

Ken  Parker  29:23 

1st  Annual 


On  Sunday,  April  15th 
some  men  and  a  few  ladies  tested  their 
strength  in  three  hard  core  events, 
bench  press,  squats,  and  dead  weight 


,  Kristy  Pue  and 
Heather  Theus.  Heather  won  by 
benching  80lbs.  total  in  the  three  lifts. 

In  die  mens'  lightweight 
competition  first  place  went  to  Harvey 
Hillyar.  He  lifted  a  total  of  875lbs.  in 

Hirst  place  middle  weight 

and  sdll  be  safe,"  he  said.  The 
Home  Show  is  over,  but  next 

year's  plans  are  already  in 

Invitation  Golf 
planned  for 

By  Melissa  Farrow 

The  first  annual  Soudiem 
College  invitational  Golf  Tourna- 
ment will  be  held  June  25  at  the 
Lookout  Mountain  Golf  and 
Country  Club. 

The  tournament  is  another 
fund-raising  event  of  the  Century 
n  Endowment  Fund  which  is 
expected  to  reach  its  SI  million 
goal  in  1992. 

"We  expect  lo  profit  between 
$18,000  and  $20,000  from  diis 
event,"  said  Verie  Thompson, 
chairman  of  the  toumament  com- 
mittee. "We  have  had  widespread 
recognition  and  hope  to  fill  all 
120  spaces." 

The  tournament  is  targeted  to 
downtown  businesses  but  is  open 
to  college  personnel  and  alumni, 
or  anyone  willing  lo  pay  the  $125 

Trophies  will  be  given  to  the 
first  seven  place  teams,  and 
anyone  getting  a  hole-in-one  on 
designated  par  3's  will  win  a  new 

Major  sponsors  include  McKee 
Baking  Co.,  McNeilus  Trucking, 
Ed  Wright  City  Dodge  and  John 
Hicks  Auio  Park. 

For  more  infonraiion  call  238- 

went  to  Ed  Schneider,  who  lifted  a 
total  of  7851bs.  in  the  diree  events. 

Calvin  Simmons  won  fiR' 
place  in  the  heavy  weight  competition. 
He  lifted  a  total  of  9101bs.  in  die  three 

Classic  designer  clothing  for  men  and  women. 
Bring  your  valid  college  ID  and  receive 
an  additional  15%  off  the  ticketed  price. 



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President  of  Florida 
Hospital  to  speak  at 
Graduation  excercises 

ScanTron  tips  that 
may  improve  your 
final  exam  scores 

By  Lisa  Rosaasen 

With  lest  week  approaehing.  mosi 
stucienis  are  looking  for  ways  lo  gci  the 
best  possible  grades  on  lesls.  Surpris- 
ingly, one  of  the  simplesi  solutions  and 
one  of  the  most  effective  tools  costs 
only  twenty-two  cents. 

Mary  final  tests,  panicularly  those 
given  to  large  classes,  require  students 
to  mark  their  answers  on  special  sheeb 
which  are  read  by  a  machine.  This 

light,  responding  only  lo  infrared  light. 
In  order  for  a  mark  to  be  read,  ii  has  lo 
have  the  right  amount  of  carbon  in  it. 
The  proper  instrument  lor  this  is  a 
#2  pencil.  Mr.  John  Beckett,  director 
of  Compuier  Services  emphasized  thai 
auiomaiic  "clicker"  pencils  should  noi 

used  because  some  of  ihem  will 
aciually  make  marks  that  are  com- 
pletely invisible  to  the  machine."  said 

Compuier  Services  had  its  ovm 
printer  manufacture  test  forms  for  use 
with  their  ScanTron  machme.  Re- 
cently, a  ScanTron  salesperson  on 
campus  claimed  that  forms  printed  by 

produce  acceptable  err 
So  Computer  Services  tested  its 

forms  made  and  sold  by  ScanTron, 
They  processed  25  of  each  kind  of 
sheet,  with  all  200  possible  answers 
filled  in.  Both  sets  were  graded  10 

The  sheets  wer 
changing  four  an! 
re-grading.  On  tt 
ScanTron  had  an 

ilikely  tc 

and  the  home-made  sheet  had  an  error 
rate  of  5%. 

Mr.  Beckett's  advice  to  students  wa.s 
to  use  only  a  good  old  wooden  pencil 
to  upgrade  your  grades.  His  sugges- 
tion to  the  administration  was  that 
although  the  present  answer  sheet 
scored  accepubly,  given  the  moderate 
increase  in  cost,  computer  services 
should  go  back  to  ScanTron  forms 
when  the  current  slock  is  used. 

By  Gina  Mclntyre 

On  May  4-6  graduation  exercises 
will  be  held.  On  Friday  night,  Doug 
Bennett,  Ellen  G.  White  professor  of 
Religion,  will  speak  in  the  P.E.  Center. 

The  Nurses'  Pinning  will  be 
Saturday,  May  5  at  7:30  p.m.  and 
Doug  Manin  will  be  speaking. 

cises  will  begin  at  10  a.m.  in  the  P.E. 
Center.  Tom  Werner.  President  of  the 
Florida  Hospital,  will  be  speaking. 

The  Baccalaureate  Service,  starting 
at  11:15  a.m.  in  the  P.E,  Center,  will 
be  presented  Charles  E.  Bradford, 
President  of  the  North  American 
Division  of  the  General  Conference. 

•  Senior  Class  Officers: 

•  Mark  Waldrop,  president 
;  David  Barasoain, 

•  Janna  Sasser,  secretary 
■  Jerry  Rimer,  pastor 

I  '  267  total  seniors 

•  •  187  bachelor's  degrees 

•  •  73  associate  degrees 

•  •  7  one-year  certificate 
C        students 

21  graduates  are  on  the 
Orlando  campus  and  will  have 
their  graduation  ceremony 
there — 1 1  of  these  are  bache- 
lor degrees  and  the  rest  associ- 

Other  graduating  cla: 

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"Whal  do  you  think  of  this  s 

I  utterly  loaihe  it 
•John"Ei]itor"  Casltev 

e  shouli]  legaliz 
-John  "Buckelcy"  Ca.ske? 

relief  team  to 
be  organized 
at  Southern 

By  Lisa  Rosaasen 

s  year,  the  Genera 

Conference  passed  a  policy  thai  \s 
develop  a  national  student  disaster 
relief  team  with  local  divisions  at 
panicipating  academies  and  colleges 
across  the  U.S. 

Dr.  Larry  Williams,  a  teacher 
in  the  Pschology  department  along 
with  Dan  Rozell,  a  teacher  in  the 
Business  department  hopes  to  imple- 
ment a  division  of  this  program  at 
Southern  College. 

Williams  said  the  Bible  and 
the  Spirit  of  Prophecy  says  there  will 
be  more  and  more  disasters.  "We 
should  take  this  opportunity  to  help 

College  and  academy  students 
as  well  as  faculty  will  be  involved  in 
disaster  relief  locally,  regionally,  and 
possibly  nationally  and  internationally. 

n  help  li 

il  emergency  a 

Students  will  be  trained  to 
provide  trauma  and  shock  counseling, 
grief  suppon,  food  and  clothing 
distribution,  referral  services,  damage 
building  demolition,  building  repair, 
and  clean-up.  The  Red  Cross  and 
local  community  services  organiza- 
tions will  assist  with  the  training. 

To  be  involved  students  mus 
be  willing  to  leam  specific  skills  and 
have  a  strong  sense  of  motivation. 
"They  can't  look  for  the  sensational- 


says  Williams. 

An  organizational  meeting  is 
scheduled  for  5:30  Monday.  April  23 
in  the  back  of  die  cafeteria.  Plans  for 
Southern's  team  will  be  discussed  and 
people  who  have  an  interest  can  sign 
up.  Williams  expects  to  contact  those 
people  over  the  summer  and  organize 
some  of  the  leaders  and  begin  the 
program  in  the  fall. 

Williams  will  be  meeting 
with  a  local  committee  in  May  and 
General  Conference  officials  in 
August  to  establish  further  plans  and 


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