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Full text of "Specimen of divine truths : fitted for the use of those, of various capacities, who desire to prepare themselves for a due confession of their faith."

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I,    . 

Vs^^*vVX        --Wt 


Q                                    OF  ^ 

I  Divine   Truths,  \ 

g                         FITTED    FOR  | 

e      The  Ufe  of  thofe,  of  various  Capacities,  f 

who  defire  to  prepare  themfelves  for  2 

A    D  U  E 


By  the  Rev.  Mr.  ^.  HELLENBROECK, 

Late  Alinifter  of  the  Gofpel  at  Rotterdam. 

g|     TRANSLATED   FROM    THE     DUTCH,    FOR    THE   USE  ^ 



B  N  E  W'T  0  R  K:  § 

^    PRINTED  BY  W.  DURELL,  NO.  I985  QUEEN-STREET.  |f 

G  M3DCC5XCI.  ^ 

TPHIS  Translation  of  /^.  HellenbroecJi% 
-*•  Specimen  of  Divine  Truths,  &u 
having  firft  been  examined,  compared  and 
approved  of  by  the  Confiftory  of  the  Re- 
formed Proteftant  Dutch  Church  of  the 
City  of  New-Tor ky  is  by  them  recom- 
mended for  the  Ufe  of  their  Congregation, 
and  printed  by  their  Orden 


V.  D.  M.  P.  T.  Proef. 
""Sepemher  165   1765. 

yg>co^m.t^^     Q-yJ^^^^      (ytXh^ 



Of     the     AVtHOR. 

Dearly  Beloved, 


FOrafmuGh  as  your  whole  Devotion  ought  to  be 
fpiritual,  fo  muft  like  wife  this  falu  tar  y  Work  of 
Catechizing  3  and  becaufc  this  is  done  by  many 
with  fo  little,  yea,  without  any  Spirituality,  we  de- 
fire  to  give  you  fome  brief  Diredlions  how  you  are 
to  behave  in  a  becoming  Manner,  as  in  the  fight  of 
God,  before,  at,  and  after  catechizing  j  praying 
that  the  Lord  will  enable  you  to  apprehend,  defire, 
and  prad:ife  the  fame. 


In  the  firft  place,  your  Velws  ought  to  be  pure  \  to 
learn  to  know,  to  obey  and  glorify  God,  to  edify  one 
another,  and  to  further  your  own  Salvation,  (which 
we  hope  you  may  have  good  Grounds  to  exped)  let 
the  Frame  of  your  Hearts  be  humble,  andfeektobe 
convinced  of  your  natural  Ignorance,  and  inability  in 
Spiritual  Things. 

Let  this  fill  you  with  an  holy  Shame,  and  excite 
in  you  a  true  Defire  to  be  delivered  from  thefe  things,  4 
and  to  be  conformable  to  the  Image  of  God  in  true 
Wifdom,  be  ye  therefore  fubjed  to  this  Way  of  In- 
rtruclion,  and  to  the  Difcretion  of  your  Minifier  in 
Rcfpcct  to  his  Orders  and  Diredions,  for  thofe  who 
learn,  ought  by  all  Means  to  be  obedient  herein,  ac^ 
cording  to  Heb.  13.   17.   "  Obey  them  that  have  the  - 



(     iv     ) 

Rule  over  you,  and  fubniit  yourfelvesj^'  And  that 
our  Lord  would  have  done,  in  refpeft  even  to  the 
Pharifees  and  Scribes,  Matt.  ag.  3.  "  All  therefore 
whatever  they  bid  you,  that  obferve  and  do/'        A. 


Furthermore,  you  are  feveral  ways  to  prepare 
ourfelves  3  above  all  Things  draw  nigh  to  God  in 
rayer,  and  therein  let  your  Defiresbe  in  the  follow- 
ing Orders  That  befidesthe  Things  before-mention- 
ed, the  Lord  may  give  you  a  clear  Underllanding  to 
comprehend  Matters  3  a  fanclified  Judgement  to  value 
them>  a  ilrong  Memory,  to  remember  them,  and  an 
unwe-rU  led  Dein-e  and  Diligence,  to  improve  therein  j 
a  fettled  Attention,  to  underiland -the  Qiieftions  arid 
Anfv/ers  >  a  ready  Utterance,  with  ether  Qualifica- 
tions, in  order  to  exprefs  Matters  aacording  to  the 
Truth  and  Worth  thereof  3  aslikev/ife,  the  Guidance 
of  the  Holy  Spirit,  to  apprehend  the  Excellence  and 
Glory  of  thofe  Things  5  and  finally  that  the  Lord 
may  incline  and  move  your  Hearts,  agreeable  to  the 
SuDJe6t  treated  eh.  Endeavour  to  learn  fome  fliort 
and  comprehenfive  Book  of  Inftruction  by  Heart, 
which  may  afterwards  ferve  as  a  Foundation  for  far- 
ther InHru&on. 

Learn  alfo  to  get  perfectly  by  Heart,  the  moft  ne- 
cefiary  PafTagcs  of  Scripture  5  in  your  Preparations, 
ufe  yourfelf  to  get  a  dillin^b  Apprehenfion  in  your 
Unaerfl::inding  and  memory,  of  the  Things  you  are 
to  anfwer :.  and  to  that  End  ftudy  a  little  upon  each 
Matter  :  Make  it  your  Practice  to  meditate  upon  them, 
fo  that  when  vou  come  to  catechize,  you  may  know 
\vhat  you  undcrlland,  and  what  not,  and  to  what  you 
are  more  particularly  to  give  zteention  3  hence  it 
will  appear,  that  you  have  not  learned  to  repeat  it  j 
Without  Underftanding. 

Let  him  that  hath  made  fome  Progrefs,    read  ano- 
ther Book  onthe  fame  Subjedj  but  in  reading  other 

(       V       ) 

•Books  keep  this  rule,  that  you  read  not  many  Books, 
but  read  one  Book  often  >  being  thus  prepared,  go 
out  with  a  dependent  Heart,  trulting  in  the  Lord  j  and 
to  this  End,  maintain  continually  on  your  Mind,  a 
lively  Senfe  of  this,  viz.  That  without  the  Divine 
Alliftance,  you  will  net  be  fit  for  any  Word  or  Duty  5 
but  that  with  his  Affifiance,  youihall  enjoy  all  thofc 
required  Qualifications^  and  their  EfFe&s. 


Expecting  thus  the  Favour  of  the  Lord,  go  to  the 
Place  of  Catechizing,  with  a  Mind  ready  and  defir- 
ous  to  make  Profeflion  •,  and  give  Account  as  in  the 
Prefence  of  God,  of  the  Knowledge  the  Lord  hath 
given  you  5  yea,  with  a  Defign  by  thefe  Mgans,  to 
advance  in  Knowledge  andSanftification. 

Being  there,  let  Gravity  be  fo  confpicuous  in  your 
whole  Deportment,  that  others  may  obferve  that  the 
Prefence  of  God,  and  the  Weight  of  his  Divine  Truths, 
imprefs  your  Soul. 

And  offer  both  Soul  md  Body  to  the  Lord,  folenin- 
ly  defiring,  that  the  Lord  may  fo  difpofe  and  govern 
th€e,  as  may  be  moft  to  his  Glory  and  thy  Salvation, 


Beware  of  interrupting,  contradicting,  or  crofs- 
queflioning  thy  Minifler  >  lefl  thou  fhould  feem  to 
pretend  to  be  his  Mafter,  or  through  thy  Self-Con- 
ceit,  endeavour  to  bring  his  Perfon  and  Service  into 

[     vi     ] 

But  endeavour  carefully  to  attend  to  his  Queflions, 
to  underlknd  them,  and  when  he  hath  propounded  the 
Queftion,  then  anfwer>  but  when  the  Miniiler  be- 
gins to  fpeak  again,  youmufl:  be  iilent,  and  not  conti- 
nue fpeaking  with  hini. 

In  Regard  to  the  Manner  of  thy  Expreffion,  take 
Heed  of  AflFedation,  of  fpeaking  inarticulately  or 
heedlefsly  5  but  on  the  contrary,  take  Care  to  Ipeak 
with  a  Voice  fufliciently  loud  and  clear,  fo  that  not 
only  the  Miniiler  and  the  Perfon  fpeaking,  but  all 
prefent,  may  underfland  y  every  one  fpeakmg  in  his 
natural  Tone  'of  Voice,  though  with  Reverence,  flow 
and  grave,  according  to  the  Nature  and  Weight  of 
the  Matter. 


This  being  fo  in  general,  wc  are  further  to  notice 
how  you  are  to  behave  in  feveral  Circumftances  j  and 
firfl,  v/hen  you  are  queftioned,  and  God  enables  you 
to  anfwcrj  acknowledge  that  it  is  from  him,  and  in 
Humility  render  him  Thanks  for  the  fame  5  but  if  you 
have  not  anfwered  well,  be  not  difcouraged.  and 
don't  refolvc  to  ceafc  catechizing  -,  but  remember, 
that  you  come  to  that  Duty  not  as  one  who  knoweth 
every  Thing,  but  as  a  Learner,  who  defires  to  know 
thefe  Things  -y  be  not  altogether  filent,  that  waftes 
Time,  makes  the  minifter  concerned,  and  feems  to  re- 
flect upon  the  Importance  of  the  Qiieftion;  but  fiiy, 
cither  that  you  know  it  not,  or  what  you  apprehend 
to  be  the  meaning  ;  and  fhcw  your  Defire  of  receiv- 
ing Information  from  the  Miniftcr  ;  in  refped  to  God, 
acknowledge  your  Ignorance,  and  your  Obligation  to 
know  thofe  Things  j  Pray  for  the  forgivenefs  of  the 
Sins  of  lo-nor.'incc,  and  for  Incrcafe  of  true  Wif-» 

C   vii   3 

Endeavour  to  quicken  your  Heart  in  the  UiP^of 
Means  for  further  Inftru£tion,  endeavour  to  under- 
ftand  what  the  Miniiler  fays  in  explaining  the  Subjecb, 
thank  God  for  his  Goodnefs  in  fending  you  fuch  a  mi- 
niiler or  Minifters,  by  whofe  Means  the  Lord  is  pleaf- 
ed  to  teach  you  that  which  you  know  not,  and  yet 
neceffiirily  mull  know  j  and  endeavour  for  the  Future, 
better  to  prepare  thyfelf. 


When  others  are  queftioned,  think  not  then  what 
youfhall  be  afked,  but  rather  what  would  I  have  an- 
iwcred  thereon,  and  endeavour  to  underftand  what  is 
faid  in  Explication  thereof  j  if  others  know  that,  do 
not  envy  them,  but  thank  God  for  the  Gifts  and  Wif- 
doiii  beftowed  on  them,  and  defire  to  be  equal  to 

If  they  know  it  not,  do  not  defpife  or  TidlcuW 
them  3  don't  boail  nor  exalt  thyfelf,  lead  the  Lord 
alfo  put  thee  to  Silence  or  Confufion,  when  thou  an- 
fwergflj  but  pray  for  them,  that  God  may  grant 
them  more  Light,  Defire,  Memory,  Boldnefs,  and 
Ability  j  and  animate  and  encourage  them  hereto,  as 
much  as  in  you  lies, 


Finally,  Catechizing  being  finillied,  here  alfo  the 
End  muft  crown  the  Work. 

Let  Pride  and  Vanity  be  fxv  from  thee,  it  is  very 
unbecoming  that  young  People   fliould  come    from 
fuch  Exercife  as  from  a  vain  idle  Place,  entertaining 
themfelves    with    laughing,     and    in  this    laughing  it 
and    fporting,     exalting    themfelves    and    defpifing 

(   ^^   J 

©ther?3  repeating  what  they  themfelve^  knew  or  did 
not  know,  fpeaking  thereof  in  a  dilrefpedful  Manner^ 
fo  that  fiich  People  Ihew  their  own  Folly,  and  prevent 
tlie  Freedom  pf, others.  j 

•  But  on  the  Contrary,  let  Sobriety  and  Gravity.  biJ) 
your  Ornaments  >  go  alone  or  with  one  another  to* 
your  Houfes,  ponder  on  the  Subject  you  have  heard, 
fearch  as  in  the  Divine  Prefence,  how  you  have  be^ 
haved  at  Catechizing.  Be  not  content  that  your  Ears 
only  have  heard,  but  endeavour  after  an  hearty  Ex- 
perience of  thof^  Things. 

Thank  God  for  what  y.QJLi  haye  h'4d  an  Opportiinity 
of  heariiig,  and  fpeaking  >  endeavour  to  preferve  it 
intl\y  Heart  and  Memory,;  iyea  even  on  Paper,.  \r\  Oi*- 
der/taniake  Ufe  thereof  occalionally  y  to  that-  end, 
pray  God  for  the  Grace  of  his  Holy  Spirit,  tp  pre- 
ferve and  bring  thofe  Things  to  your  Remem- 


And  above  all,  it  is  thy  Duty  to  {hew,  that  thofe 
Truths  you  have  made  profefllon  of,  do  not  confilHn 
Words  but  in  Po>ver  ^ .  and  that,  in  an  Holy  Converr 
fation,  forafmuch  as  it  is  a  Doctrine  leading  to  God- 
linefs.  Speak  not  of  thefe  Things  only  in  the  Cate- 
chize, but  let  Heart  and  Mouth  be  filled  therewith, 
in  Order  alfo  to  fpeak  thereof  at  every  Opportunity  5 
feek  to  be  an  Example  to  others  in  Do6lrine,  Rebu- 
king, Directing,  Comforting  and  Sandification. 

Thus  beloved  Learner,  we  have  fct  before  you 
{ome  of  thofe  Matters,  which  you  are  to  prattife  in 
regard  to  Catechizing  5  may  God  enable  you  to 
praclife  this  Duty  to  his  Glory,  to  the  Ornament  of 
his  Church,  Edification  of  others,  and  to  thine 
own  Salvation. 


O  F 

Divine   Truths, 

CHAP.     L 
Of  the  knowledge  of  GOD. 

I  Queft.  TT7  HENCE  do  we  know  that  there  is 
VV    a  God  ? 

Anfwer  From  Nature  and  the  Scriptures. 

a  Of  how  many  forts  J  is  the  knowledge  of  God  from 
Nature  ? 

Anf.  Of  two  forts;  i  An  internal  or  innate,  a  An 
external  or  acquired  knowledge. 

3  (^ueft.  What  is  the  internal  or  innate  Knowledge  ? 
A.  That  which  is  natural  in  the  hearts  of  all  Men. 

Rom.  I.  19.  Becaufe  that  which  may  he  known  of  God 
is  manifefi  in  them^  far  God  hathjhewed  it  unto  them. 

4  Q.  How  can  there  be  fuch  an  innate  Knowledge, 
fince  there  are  Fools  who  fay  in  their  Hearts  there  is  no 
'God  ?  Pf.   14.   I. 

A.  It  is  wiihin^  rather  than  believing;  that  there  is  no 
God.  ^ 

5  Q,  What  is  the  external  or  acquired  Knowledge  ? 
A.  It  is  that  we  learn  from  the  Creatures  without  us, 

Pf.  19.  1 5  a.  The  Heavens  declare  the  Glory  of  God^ 
and  the  Firmament  Jheweth  his  Handy-Work .  Day  unto 
Day  uttereth  Speech^  and  Night  unto  Night  fJoewetk 
Knowledge . 

6  Q.  How  can  wc  conclude  from  the  Creatures,  that 
there  muft  be  a  God  ? 

(      lo     ) 

A.  Becaufe  they  cannot  be,  nor  eiillof  themfelves, 
butmuftnecelTarily  be  created,  and  continually  upheld 
by  God.  Job  la.  9.  JV/io^  knowet knot  in  all thefej  that 
the  Hand  of  the  Lord  hath  wrought  this. 

7  Q.  Is  this  natural  Knowledge  fufficient  to  Salvation? 

A.  No. 

8  Q.  Why  not? 

j1.  Becaufe  we  thereby  cannot  know  Chrift. 

9  Q.  Is  the  knowledge  of  Chrift  foneceflary  to  Sal- 
vation ? 

A.  Yes,  John  17.  3.  This  is  eternal  Life  that  they 
might  know  thee  the  only  true  God,  and  Jefus  Chrtfi  whom 
thou  haft  fent. 

10  Q.  Whence  muft  we  attain  this  faving Knowledge? 
A.  From  the  fcriptures.  a.  Pet.    i.    19.   PFe  have 

alfo  a  more  fur  e  Word  of  Prophecy;  w  hereunto  ye  do  well 
that  ye  take  Heed^  as  unto  a  Light  flyining  in  a  dark  Place ^ 
until  the  Day  dawn^  and  the  Day  Star  arife  ijfyour  Hearts. 

CHAP.     11. 


f  Queft.  TXTHAT  do  you  underftandby  the  Scrip- 
▼  V  tures  ? 

yL  The  written  word  of  God.  John  5.  39.  Search 
the  Scriptures^  for  in  them  ye  think  ye  have  eternal  Life ^ 
and  they  are  they  which  teftify  of  me.  Tim.  3.  15.  And 
that  from  a  Child  thou  haft  known  the  Holy  Scriptures^ 
^vhich  are  able  to  make  thee  wife  to  Salvation^  through 
Faith^  which  is  in  Chrtft  Jefus. 

a  Q.  Has  there  always  been  a  written  Word  ? 

A.  No  :  Before  the  Time  of  Mofes  the  Word  was 
not  written. 

3 .  Q.  How  did  God  then  make  known  his  Word  ? 

A.  By  Speech  and  revelation  to  the  Fathers.  Gen. 
18.  I.  And  the  Lord  appeared  unto  Abraham  in  the 
Plains  ofMamre^  and  He  fat  in  the.  Tent  Door  in  the  Heat  of 
"the  Day. 

(  "  ) 

Chap.  a8.  il.  And  he  dreamed  and  beheld  a  Ladder  fet 
iiponthe  Earth  and  the  Top  of  it  reached  unto  Heaven :  And 
behold  the  angels  of  God  ajcending  and  dejcending  on  it. 

4  Q.  How  did  they  then  prefer ve  that  among  them- 

fblves '? 

A.  By  tradition  of  tlie  Fathers  to  theChildren.  Gen, 
1 8.  19.  For  I  know  him.,  that  he  v/ill  command  his  Chil- 
dren and  his  Houjloold  after  him^  and  they  Jh all  keep  the 
JVay  of  the  Lord  to  dojufiice  and  Judgment ;  that  the  Lord 
may  bring  upon  Abraham  that  which  he  hathfpoken  of  him. 

5  Q.  Howcouldthatbedoncthen^betterthannow? 
A'  Becaufe  then  Men  lived  longer,  were  few  erin 

Number,  God  revealed  himfelf  more  frequently,  and 
the  Wiles  of  Satan  were  fewer. 

6  Q.  Who  hath  caufed  the  fcriptures  to  be  written  ? 
A.     God.  a  Tim.   3.    16.     All [cripture is  given  by 

Infpiration  of  God  ^  and  is  profitable  for  Reproofs  for  Cor- 
rection^ for  Inflru^ion  in  Righteoufnefs. 

7  Q.  By  whom  hath  he  caufed  them  to  be  written  ? 
A.  The  Old  Teftament  by  the  Prophets,   and  the 

New  Teftament  by  the  evangelifts  and  Apoftles.  Exod. 
17.  14.  And  the  Lord faid  unto  Mofes^  write  this  for  a 
Memorial  in  a  Book^  end  rehearfe  it  in  the  Ears  ofjofjjua^ 
Rev.  I.  19.  JVrite  the  Things  which  thouhaflfeen.,  and 
the  Things  which  are^  and  the  Things  which  fhall  be  here- 

8  Q.  By  whom  were  they  infpired,  in  writing  this? 
A.  By  theHolyGhoft:  a  Pet.   i.  ai.  Forth  ePro- 

phecy  came  not  in  old  Time  by  the  Will  of  Man :  But  Holy 
Men  of  Godfpake  as  they  were  moved  by  the  Holy  Ghofi. 

9  Q.  Could  they  not  err  in  writing  the  Scriptures? 
A.  No:  The  Holy  Spirit  hath  led  them  in  all  Truth, 

John  16.  13.  Howbeit  when  he^  the  Spirit  of  Truth^  It 
come^  he  will  guide  you  into  all  Truth.,  for  he  fhall  not  fpeak 
of  himfelf ^butwhatfoevcr  he  fhall  hear  that  fhall  he  fpeak  .^ 
and  he  will  f jew  yon  Things  to  come. 

xo  Q.  How  many  Taftaments  are  there  in  the  Scrip- 
tures ? 

A.  Two;theoldandNewTeft:iment.  a  Cor.  3.  14. 
Buttheir  Minds  were  blinded  ;  for  until  this  Day  remaineth 

(       12      J 

the  fame  Vail  untaken  away^  in  the  reading  of  the  Old  Tef^ 
tament  which  Veil  is  done  away  in  Chrift.  Heb.-p.  15. 
And  for  this  Caufe^  he  is  the  Mediator  of  the  New  Teftament^ 
that  hy  Means  ofDeath^forthe  redemption  of  the  Tra?ifgref- 
/tons  that  were  under  the  firft  Tejiament^  they  which  ars 
sailed  might  receive  the  promife  of  eternal  inherit  ance . 

II  Q.  In  what  language  is  the  Old  Telkment  written? 

A.  In  the  Hebrew,  and  a  fmall  part  of  the  Chaldean 

la  Q.  In  what  Language  is  the  New  Teilament  writ- 
ten ? 

A.  In  the  Greek. 

13  Q.  Is  the  whole  Scripture  a  Divine  Book  ? 

A.  Yes:  Becaufe  fuch  Things  are  therein  contain- 
-ed  which  can  only  be  of  God. 

14  Q.  What  Things  are  thefe  ? 

A.  Myfteries^  fuch  as  the  Holy  Trinity  5  the  Creation 
of  allThings  out  of  nothing  iniixDaysj  that  Jefus  God- 
Man,  the  Mediator,  &c  and  prophecies  of  Things  to 
come  duly  fulfilled,  both  as  to  Time  andPlace. 

15  Q.  Are  not  the  Apocryphal  books  the  Word  of 
God  ? 

A.  No  :  Becaufe  they  contain  things  which  are  fabu- 
lous, and  repugnant  to  the  Word  of  God:  For  which 
Reafon  they  were  never  acknowledged  as  divine,  by 
the  Jewifh  Church  unto  whom  the  Oracles  of  God  wers 
committed^   3.   a. 

1 6  Q.  Are  the  Scriptures  perfed  or  imperfedt  ? 

A.  They  are  perfect,  Pf  19.  7.  The  IjAW  of  the  Lord 
is  PERFECT  converting  the  Soul,  the  Testimony  of  the 
Lord  is  sure  making  wife  the  fimple, 

17  Q.  Is  no  Part  of  the  Scriptures  loft  or  falcified? 
A.  No  :  They  are  a^  entire  as  ever  they  have  been. 

Matt.  5.  18.  For  Verily  I  fay  untoyou  till  Heaven  and 
Earthpafs^  one  Jot  or  one  Tittle  Jh  all  in  no  wife  pafsfrom  th$ 
Law^  till  all  he  fulfilled . 

18  Q.  Need  we  to  have  Traditions  of  Men,  belides 
the  Scriptures? 

A.  No:  The  Scriptures  alone  are  fufficient.  Matt. 
15.  9.  But  in  vain  do  they  worfhipme^  teaching  for  Doc* 
trlnes  the  Commandments  of  Men. 

(     IS     ) 

l^  Q.  Arc  the  Scriptures  clear  or  obfcure  ? 

yf.  They  are  clear  in  thofe  Things  that  are  necefTary 
to  Salvation.  Pf.  119.  105.  T/^y  word  is  a  light  for  my 
Feet^  and  a  Lamp  for  my  Path. 

ao  Q.  Why  then  doth  the  Apoflle  Peter  fay,  that  in 
the  EpilHes  of  Paul  are  fome  things  hard  to  be  underjiood'% 
1  Pet.   3.    16. 

A.  The  Truth  of  a  Thing  although  in  itfelf  clearly 
revealed  may  be  hard  to  be  underftood,  thus  it  is  with 
all  myfleries,  as  the  Holy  Trinity,  &c. 

ai  Q.  May  and  muft  we  read  the  Scriptures'? 

A.  Certainly  yes.  John  5.  39.  Search  the  Scriptures^ 
for  in  them  ye  think  ye  have  eternal  Life^  and  they  are 
they  which  teftify  of  me, 

aa  Q.  How  muft  we  read  and  fearch  the  Scriptures? 

A.  Firft  in  the  Fear  of  God,  Pf  iii.  10.  The  Fear 
of  the  Lord  is  the  beginning  of  IVifdom  :  A  good  Under- 
fianding  have  all  they  that  do  his  Commandments ;  his 
Praife  endureth  for  ever.  idly.  With  a  praying  heart, 
Pf.  119.  18.  Open  thou  mine  Eyes  that  I  may  behold  won^ 
drous  Things  out  of  thy  Law.  sdly.  With  Reverence, 
Ifaiah  66.  a  and  5,  But  to  this  man  will  I  look^  evert  t9 
him  that  is  poor  and  of  a  contrite  Spirit^  and  tremhleth  at 
my  Word.  Hear  ye  the  Word  of  the  Lord  ye  that  tremble 
at  his  Word^  your  Brethren  that  hated you^  that  caft  yoic 
out  for  my  Name's  Sake^  faid  let  the  Lord  be  glorified : 
But  he  Jhall  appear  to  your  Joy  ^  and  they  fhallbe  ajhamed. 
4thly.  With  Attention  and  Spiritual  Judgment,  i  Cor, 
a.  13.  Which  Things  alfo  we  fpeak^  not  in  the  Words 
which  Man's  IVifdom  teacheth^  but  which  the  Holy  Ghojl 
teachethj  comparing  fpiritual  Things  with  Spiritual, 

(      H     ) 

CHAP.    in. 

Of    G  O  D. 

rft.     In  General. 

t   Quejl,  WTHAT  is  God? 

VV  ^.  A  perfed,  and  an  infinite  Spirit, 
John  4.  '24.  God  is  a  Sprite  and  they  that  worJJnp  him, 
mufi  worjhip  him  in  Spirit  and  in  truth.  Matt.  5.  48. 
Be  ye  therefore  perfcU^  even  as  your  Father  'which  is  in 
Heaven  is  perfeU. 

a  b.  How  can  that  be,  as  the  Scriptures  afcribe  to 
him  Eyes,  Ears,  Hands,  and  other  bodily  Members  ? 

A.  All  this  muft  be  underftood  improperly,  as  mean- 
ing fuch  Perfedions  in  God  as  have  fome  Analogy  with 
the  Ufe  of  thofe  human  Members. 

3  Q.  Wherein  mull  God  be  known  ? 

A,  I.  In  his  Being,  a.  In  his  Names.  3.  In  his 
Attributes.     4.  In  his  Perfon. 

4  Q.  May  we  afcribe  Being  or  Eflence  to  God  ? 
A,  Yes :  Though  not  in  a  corporal  Senfe.  Prov.  8. 

14.   Council  is  mine  and  found  TVi[do7n  (or  as  it  may  be 
rendered,  EJfence)  I  am  Underftanding^  I  have  Strength, 

5  Q.  How  many  Gods  are  there  ? 

A.  But  one  God.  i  Tim.  a.  5.  For  there  is  one  God 
and  one  Mediator  between  God  and  Man^  the  Man  Chrift 

6  Q.  Neverthelefs  God  fpeaks,  in  the  firfi  Command, 
of  other  Gods  >  Exod.  ao.  3. 

A.  Not  that  there  are  other  Gods  in  reality  >  but  fuch 
as  are  made  and  held  for  fuch  by  Men,  i  Cor.  8.  S'>  ^' 
For  though  there  be  that  are  Gods^  whether  in  Heaven  or  /« 
Earth  {as  there  be  Gods  ?nany  and  Lords  many)  But  to  us 
there  is  but  one  God,  the  Father^  of  whom  are  all  Things^ 
And  we  in  him  ;  and  one  Lord  Jefus  Chrift^  by  whom  are 
aU  THngSj  '^nd  we  by  him. 

(     15     ) 

ad.     Of  God's  Names. 

I  Queft.  Hath  God  need  of  Names,  in  the  Manner 
Men  have? 

A.  Noi  For  there  is  none  like  unto  him.  Gen.  3a. 
2.9.  And  Jacob  ajked  him^  and  Jaid^  tell  me  I  pray  thee 
thy  Name:  And  he  [aid  wherefore  is  it  that  thoudoft  ajk 
after  my  Najne  ?  and  he  hlejfed  him  there.  Judges  13  18. 
And  the  Angel  of  the  Lord  faid  unto  him^  why  afkeji  thou 
thus  after  my  name^  feeing  it  is  fecret? 

1  ,Q;  To  what  End  have  Men  Names  ? 

A.  To  diftinguiih  them  from  other  Men,  who  are 
their  Equals. 

3  Qr  Why  then  are  Names  afcribed  to  God  ? 

A,  Firftj  To  diflinguifh  him  from  Idols  5  adiy,  Alfo 
thereby  to  mak^  known  fomething  of  himfelf  to  us. 

4  Q.  Are  then  all  the  Names  afcribed  to  God  figni- 

A.  Yes. 

5  Q.  Which  are  the  two  Names  mod:  commonly 
^iven  him? 

A  The  name  of  God^  and  the  name  of  Lord. 

6  Q.  Is  not  the  Name  God^  only  the  Name  of  a  cer- 
tain Office  ? 

A.  No  'y  But  the  Name  of  the  Divine  Eflence  itfelf  > 
He  is  by  nature  God,  in  Oppofition  to  the  Idols.  Gal. 
4.  B.  When  ye  knew  not  God,  ye  did  Service  unto 
them  which  by  Nature  are  no  Gods. 

7  Q.  Is  not  the  Name  of  God  given  to  Angels  and 
Magiftrates?  Pf  8a.  6.  I  have  faid  ye  are  Gods^  and  ye 
Are  all  Children  of  the  Moft  High. 

A.  When  thefe  Names  are  thus  ufed,  they  mud  be 
underftood  in  an  improper  Scnfe. 
^  Q.  Which  is  God's  chiefeft  or  grcatefl  Name  ? 
A.  The  Name  of  Jehovah  or  Lord. 
9  Q.  Can  this  Name  be  given  to  a  Creature  ? 
^.  N03  Ifaiah4a.  8.  lamthf  Lord^thatismyName 

(    i6   ; 

and  my  Glory  will  I  not  give  unto  another^  neither  my 
Praife  to  graven  Images. 

10  Q.  Doth  this  name  imply  fomething  fo  great, 
that  it  camiot  be  given  to  a  Creature  ? 

A.  Yes>  It  fignifies  the  Being  orExillence.  the  un- 
changeablenefs  and  Faithfulnefs  of  God.  Exod.  3. 
14.  And  Go df aid  unto  Mofes\y  I  am  that  I  am  j  and 
he  [aid ^  thus  jlo alt  thou  [ay  unto  the  children  of  Ifrael^  I 
am  hath  fent  me  unto  you.  Chap  6,  3,  And  I  appeared 
unto  Abraham^  unto  Ifaac^  and  unto  Jacob ^  by  the  Name 
of  God  Almighty,,  but  by  my  Name  Jehovah  w'^j  / 
7ioi  known  unto  them 

11  Q,  May  Chrift  be  called  Jehovah? 

.  A.  Yes>  Becaufe  he  alfo  is  true  God.  Jer,  a3,  6, 
th  his  days  Judah  floall  be  faved^  and  Ifraet  JJmtl  dwell 
Jafely;  and  this  is  his  Name  whereby  he  Jhall  be  called^ 


3d.     Of  God's  Attributes. 

I  Quell:.  Are  God's  Attributes  di{l:in6t  from  himfelf? 

A.  No:  They  are  God  himfelfj  therefore  he  is  cal- 
led the  Light,  i  John  1.5.  This  then  is  the  Mejfage  which 
we  have  heard  of  him^  and  declare  unto  you^  that  God  is 
Light^  and  in  hiyn  is  no  Darknefsat  all^  Life,  Truth,  and 
Love,  I  John  4.  8.  Hethatlovethnot^  hioweth  not  God, 
for  God  is  love^  Even  Holinefs  itfelfj  To  fwear  by  hi  j 
Holinefs,  and  fwearing  by  himfelf  is  one  and  the  fame. 
Amos  4.  a.  7'he  Lord  God  hath  fworn  by  his  Holinefs,,  that 
lo  the  Day  floall  come  uponyou^  that  he  will  take  you  away 
with  Hooks ,^  and  your  pofierity  with  fifh hooks.  Compared 
withHeb.  6.  13.  For  when  God  made  Promife  to  Abra- 
ham,, becaufe  he  could  fwear  by  no  greater  he  fwear'  hyi 


a  Qiiefl.  Are  God's  Attributes  different  and  diftin£t 
from  each  other? 

A.  Not  in  God  >  for  in  him  all  is  infinite  Perfoftioni 
But  they  are  diftinguifhed  only  according  to  our  Manner 
of  Comprehenfion,  and  according  to  the  feveralExer- 
eifes  of  God',s  Pcrfe6lian>  coucernins:  the  Creatures. 

(     17    ) 

3  Q.  How  are  God's  Attributes,  or  Properties  thus^ 
generally  diilinguiihed  ? 

A,  Into  incommunicable  and  communicable  Pro- 
perties. Gen.  I.  a6.  And  Godfaid^  let  us  make  Man 
in  our  linage^  after  our  likenefs  :  '^^^'^X..  i.  \  PVhereby 
are  given  unto  us  exceeding  great  and  precious  Promifes: 
That  by  the fe you  might  he  made  Partakers  of  the  divine 
Nature,  i  John  3.  a.  Beloved  now  are  we  the  Sons  of 
God^  and  it  doth  not  yet  appear  what  we  Jhall  be :  But 
we  know  that  when  he  Jhall  appear^  we  Jljall  he  like  him; 
for  we  Jhall  fee  him  as  he  is. 

4  d  Which  are  the  incommunicable  ? 

A.  The  Independency,  Simplicity,  Eternity,  Om- 
niprefence  and  Unchangeablenefs  of  God. 

5  Q:  Why  do  you  call  them  incommunicable  ? 

A.  Becaule  there  is  not  the  leall  Refemblance  of 
them  in  any  Creature. 

6  Q.  What  is  God's  Independency  ? 

A.  That  he  is  Self  exillent.  Gen.  17.  \.  I  am  the 
the  Almighty  God.  walk  before  me^  and  be  thou  Perfect, 

7  Q.  What  is  God's  Simplicity  ? 

A,  That  all  in  God  is  one  without  Compofitionof 
different  Sorts,  Duet.  6.  4.  Hear^  Of  Ifrael  thd 
Lord  our  God  is  one  Lord. 

8  Q.  What  is  God's  Eternity? 

A.  That  he  is,  i.  Without  Beginning,  a.  Without 
Succeffion  or  Diffqrence  ofTime.  3.  Without  End. 
Pf.  90.  a.  Before  the  Mountains  were  brought  forth^  or  ever 
thou  hadjl  formed  Earth  and  the  world^  from  everlajiingto 
everlajling  thou  art  God. 

9  Q.  Doth  it  belong  to  God's  Eternity,  that  there 
is  no  Succeflion  ofTime  with  him  ? 

A.  Yes :  For  one  Day  is  with  the  Lord  as  a  thoufand 
Years  and  a  thoufand  Years  as  one  Day.   a  Pet.   3 .   8. 

10  Q.  Where  is  God  ? 

A.  Every  where  prefent.  Jer.  12 .  13,  2.4.  Am  I 
a  God  at  Hand^  faith  the  Lord^  and  not  a  God  afar  off? 


Can  any  hide  himfelf  in  fecret  Places^,  that  I fialUmfee 
him^  jaith  the  Lord :  Bo  I  ?tot  fill  Heaven  and  Earth? 
.  faith  the  Lord.     *"  ^ 

11  Q.   Muit  thi?  be  iindcrfuood  only  ofhisOperati- 
cvn  > 5   or  o r  h  i s'  Ell e ii c e  ? 

A.  It  mufc  be  undQrilooci  both  as  to  his  EITence  and 
Operation^,  which  cannot  be  feperated,  becaufe  he 
w<orketh  by  Virtue  of  his  Efience'or  Being.  A6I5  17. 
^7.  Thsit  they  fijotild  feek  the  Lord^  if  haply  they  might 
feel  a^ter  hiin^  and  find  him  ^  though  he  be  not  far  from 
every  one  of  us. 

12  Q.  Why  is  God  uid  to  be  particularly  in  Heaven  ? 
A.   Becaufe  he  there  llieweth  forth  his  Glory  m^rc 

than  any  where  eife.   Ifaiah66.    i.   Thus  faith  the  Lord  ^\ 
the  Heaven  is  my  Throne^  and  the  Earth  is  my  Footftool ; 
where  is  the  Houfe  that  ye  build  me^  and  where  is  the 
Place  of  my  Reft? 

13  Q^.   Is  God  changeable  or  unchangeable  ? 

A.  Unchangeable.  Malachi3.6.  For  I  am  the  Lord  j 
I  change  not :  Therefore  ye  Sons  of  J  acob  are  not  confumed. 

14  Q.  Neverthelefs,  Repentance  is  afcribed  unto  .^ 
God?  Gen.  6.  6.  It  repented  the  Lord  that  he'hadmade  ^ 
Man  on  the  Earthy  and  it  grieved  him  at  his  Heart. 

A.  This  Repentance  in  God  is  only  a  change~in  his 
Work:  Not  in  his  will  and  being/Nunib.  23.  19. 
God  is  ffot  a  Man  that  he  fljoiild  lie^  neither  the  Son  of  Man 
that  he  fiould  repent :  Hath  he  faid  'and fi all  he  net  do  it  ? 
or  hath  he  fpoken  and  ftoall  he  not  make  it  good? 

15  Q.  Change  of  Place  is  alfo  afcribed  unto  him^f  as 
that  he  defccnded,  came  to^  and  went  from  certain 
Places  ?  (iyQ.i\.  II.  5.  The  Lord  came  down  to  fee  the 
City  and  the  Tov/er  which  the  Children  of  Men  builded  ? 

A.  This  is  only  a  change  in*a  more  or  lefs  Manifef- 
tation  of-  his  divine  prefcnce5rhoughnot  in  his  eflentvai. 
Preience  itfelf. 

i<5Q.  WTiich  arc  the  communicable  Attributes  of 

A.  The  following  are  generally  accounted  fuch,  to 
wit,  GodVs  Knowledge,"Will  and  power,  hi^Good 
?i-efs,  Grace.   Mercy  and  Patience. 

^?  Qj-  Whv  are  thefe  called  comnvanicablel 

(    19    ) 

A.  Becaufe  there  is  fome  faint  Refemblance  of  thcnl 
in  the  Creatures  5   although  as  they  are  in  God  they  are 
intiaite,  and  io  incommunicable. 
-    18  Q.   What  is  God's  Knowledge? 

A.  It  is  that  divine  Perfcdion,  whereby  he  knoweth 
all  Things  in  himiclf  from  Eternity,  in  the  moil  per- 
fed  Manner.  Ach  15.  18.  Known  unto  God  are  all  his 
Works  from  the  Beginning  of  the  World, 

19  Q,   What  is  the  Objed  of  God's  Knowledge? 

A.  Ail  Things :  He  is  therefore  Omnifcient,  i  John 
3.  aD.  F9r  if  our  Hearts  condemn  us^  God  is  more  than 
oar  Hearts^  and  knoweth  allThirigs.  Pf.  I47-4-  He  tel- 
letli  the  Number  of  the  Stars  :  He.calleth  them  by  alltheir 

aD  Q.  Doth  God  know  all  future  and  pofiible 

A.  Y"es  :  Pi^,  139.  a.  Thouknoweft  my  down-fitting^ 
and  miM  up-rifiag^  thouunderflandeftmyThoughts  afar  off, 

a  I  Q^.  Doth  he  know  them  by  Virtue  of  a  preceed- 
ing  Decree,  or  by  way  of  a  mediate  Knowledge,  as  it  is 

A.  He  knoweth  them  by  Virtue  of  his  Decrees  -,  and 
with  an  abfolute  Certainty  that  they  fliall  take  place. 

aa  Q_.  How  is  the  Will  of  God  didinguiilied? 

A.  Into  his  Will  in  his  Decree,  and  his  Vv^ill  in  his 
Precept  j  or  in  other  Words  >  into  his  fecret  and  reveal- 
ed Will. 

a3  Q^  Whatdo  you  mcanbyGodVsWill  in  his  Decree? 

^. God's  etcrnalPurpofe, according  to  which  he  doth 
all  Things  m  Time.  Eph.  i .  \i.  In  whom  alfo  we  havcob- 
tained  an  Inheritance^  beingpred' fit  nated  according  to  the 
Purpofe  of  hi7n  who  worketh  aliTnings  after  the  Council  cj 
his  own  WiU. 

24  d.  Whit  is  God's  perceptive  or  revealed  Will  ? 

A.  It  is  that  which  he  h ath  prefcribcd  in  h ;  s  Word  as  a 
Rule  for  us,  and  which  it  is  his  V/ili  we  ihould  obey, 
Rom.  I  a.  a.  Be  not  conformed  tot  hi  sJVorld^but  be  ye  tranf- 
formed  by  the  renewing  of  your  Mlnd^  that  you  may  prove 
what  is  that  good  ^  and  acceptable^  and  pcrie^tWillofGcd. 

•25  Q^.  By  which  of  thefe  twomuu  we  be  regulated  ? 

(    ao    ) 

A.  According  to  his  perceptive  Will :  for  the  Will 
ofGodinhis  Decree  is  unknown  to  us.  Deut.  29.  ap. 
The  fecret  Things  belorig  unto  the  Lord  our  God:  But  thofe 

things  which  are  revealed  belong  unto  us  and  to  our  Children 
for  ever  J  that  we  may  do  all  the  TVords  of  this  Law. 

16  Q.  What  is  the  Juilice  of  God  ? 

A.  it  is  that  divine  Perfe6i:ion  by  which  he  doth  hate 
and  punilli  all  Sin.  Pf.  5.  4.  5.  6.  For  thou  art  not  a  God 
that  hath  Pleafure  inPFickedncfs:  Neither fh all  Evil  dwell 
with  thee.  The  foolifi  flmll  not  fi and  in  thy  Sight^  thou 
hateji  all  Workers  of  Iniquity .  Thou  flo alt  deftroy  them 
that  fpeak  leafing  :  The  Lord  will  abhor  the  bloody  and 
deceitful  Man. 

27  Q^.  Mult  God  ofNecefTity  punifh  all  Sin? 

A.  Yes^Rom.  1  ^a.  fVho  knowing  the  Judgment  of  God 
that  they  which  commit  fuch  Things  are  worthy  ofDeath^ 
not  ori^y  do  the  fame^  but  have  Pleafure  in  them  that  do 

18  Q.  Is  God  under  any  Conflraint? 

A.  No,  But  when  Vv^e  fay  God  muit,  we  mean  he  wills 
with  the  moii  perfect  Freedom.  Hab.  i  13.  Thou  art  of 
;pnrer  Eyes  than  to  behold  Evil^  and  canft  not  look  on  Iniqui- 
ty  :  Wherefore  lookeft  thou  upon  them  that  deal  treache- 
roufly^  and  hcldeft  thy  Tongue  when  the  Wicked  devour etk 
the  Man  that  is  more  righteous  than  he. 

29  O^v  But  cannot  God  difpenfe  with  hisjuftice,  at 
leaft  in  f :me  meafure  ? 

A.  N03  for  then  he  would  deny  himfelfj  forhisjuf- 
rice  isGod  himfelf.  Exod.345657.  and  the  Lord  pajfed 
hy  before  kim^  aud  froclaimed^  the  Lord^  the  Lord  God 
iierciful  and  gracioiPs^  long-fuffering  and  abundant  in 
Goodnefs  and  Truth.  Keeping  Mercy  for  Thoufands^  for- 
giving Iniquity  and  Tranfgreffion  and  Sin^  and  that  will  by 
NO  MEANS  CLEAR  THE  GUILTY  ^  vifiting  the  Iniquity  of  the 
Fathers  upon  the  Children^  and  upon  the  Children's  Chil- 
dren unto  the  third  and  fourth  Generation. 

30  Q.  But  God  however  forgiveth  Believers  the 
Guilt  and  Puniilimentof  Sins  ? 

A.  Then  God's  Juftice  is  already  fatiified  inChrift, 
who  hath  borne  the  Punifhment  of  Sins  for  them.  Eph. 

(     ai     ) 

1 .  7.  /;/  whm  we  have  Redemption  through  his  Bloal^  the 
Forgivenefs  of  Sins^  according  to  the  Riches  of  his  Grace. 

31   Q.   Of  what  Kind  is  God's  Power. 

A.  Itisan  Almighty  Power,  Matt.  i^.'iS.ButJefus 
beheld  them^  and  faid  unto  them^  with  Men  this  is  impojfihle^ 
hut  with  God  all  Things  are  pojffible  > 

3a  Q:  Can  Goddiejiin,  &c. 

J.  No  :  For  that  would  be  no  Power,  but  an  Inabi- 

33  Q:  What  is  God's  Goodnefs? 

A.  IngeneralhisBenevolence  towards  his  Creatures, 
Pf.  4.  6,7.  There  may  ^be  many  that  fay ^  who  willfloewus 
any  Good :  Lord  lift  thou  up  the  Light  of  thy  Countenance 
upon  us.  Thou  haft  put  Gladnefs  in  my  Hearty  more  than  in 
the  Time  that  their  Corn  and  their  PFine  increafed.  More 
particularly  the  Exercifes  of  his  Beneficence  and  Love 
towards  his  Creatures,  towards  Man,  and  more  efpeci- 
ally  towards  his  Saints,  Pf  36.6.0  Lord^  thouprejervejl 
Man  and  Beafl.  John  3.16.  For  God  fo  loved  the  World ^ 
that  he  gave  his  only  be  gotten  Son^  that  whofoever  believeth 
in  him^fhould  notperifl)^  but  have  everlafting  Life, 

34.  Q.  Whatis  God'sGrace? 

^.  It  is  that  divine  Goodnefs  whereby  he  doethGrood 
to  his  Creatures,  withoutany  Regard  to  their  Merits. 

35  Q.  How  many  Kinds  of  Grace  are  there? 

u4.  There  are  two  Sorts,  general  towards  all.  Matt. 
5.  45.  For  hemaketh  his  Sun  to  rife  on  the  Evil  and  on  the 
Good^  and fendeth Rain  on  the  Juft  and  Unjuft^  or  fpecial 
andfaving,  towards  the  Ele£bonly.  Rom.  3.  24.  Being 
jiifli fled  freely  by  his  Grace^  through  the  Redemption^  that 
is  inJefusChrift  :  Matt.  1 1 .  15.  Atthattime  J efusanfwer^ 
edand  faid^  I  thank  thee  O  Father^  Lord  of  Heav-en  and 
Earth)  becaufe  thou  hafl  hid  thefe  Things  from  the  IVife 
and  Prudent^  and  haft  revealed  them  unto  Bahes^  Gq.\\.  6. 
8.  But  NoahfoundGraceintheEyesof  the  Lord;  andLuke 
I.  30.  Andthe  Jngel  faid  unto  her^fear  not  Mary^  for  thou 
haft  found  Favour  with  God.AwA  this  Grace  is  preventing^ 
operating,  and  following. 

36  Q.  What  is  God's  Mercy  ? 

A,  It  is  that  divine  Goodnefs  toward  the  miferabk 

(     aa     ) 

ciecl  Sinner,  by  which  he  actually  reftores  him  to  a  State 
Oi  Grace,  through  the  Mediator  jciusChnii.  Exod.  34. 
6.  Arid  the  Lord pa£^ed  by  before  kim^  and  proclaimed  ihe 
LoRD^  //^^  Lord  God,  merciful  and  gracious:  long  Juffer- 
ing^  and  abundant  in  Goodnefs  and  Truth.  Eph.  a.  4  But 
God  who  2s  rich  in  Mercy ^  for  his  great  Love  wherewith  he 
loved  us. 

37  C^  What  is  God's  Patience,  or  Long-fufFering  ? 
A.  It  is  that  divine  Goodneis,  whereby  he  deters  the 

juft  Punifhment  of  Sin^-in  order  to  the  Converlion  ol  the 
Elect,  and  the  Conviction  of  the  Reprobate.  Rom.  a  4. 
Or  dcfpifcft  thou  the  Riches  of  his  Goodnefs,  and  For- 
bearance and  Long-Suffering  >  not  knowing  that  the 
(Joodnefs  of  God  leadeth  thee  to  Repentance. 

38  Q.  What  is  God's  Sovereignty '? 

vf.  It  is  God's  fupremeiluthority  above  all  Creatures. 
jcr.  ID.  6,7.  For  aj  much  as  there  is  none  like  unto  thee^  O 
i  aOrd,  thou  art  great^  and  thy  Name  is  great  in  Might. 
fVho  would  not  fear  thee^  O  King  of  Nations  ?  for  to  thee 
doth  it  appertain  :  Forafmuch  as  among  all  the  Wife-Men 
of  the  Nations^  And  in  all  their  Kingdoms  there  is  none 
like  unto  thee.  Chap.  18.  6  O  Houfe  of  Ifrael^  cannot  I 
do  with  you  as  this  Potter?  faith  the  Lord.  Behold  as  the 
(llayls  in  the  Potter's  Hand^fo  are  ye  in  mine  Hand^  O 
Houfe  cf  if' ael.  Rom.  9.  18  and  ao.  Therefore  hath  he 
Mercy  on  whom  he  will  have  Mercy ^  and  whom  he  will  he 
hardcneth.  ,Nay  but  O  Man^  who  art  thou  that  repUeft  a- 
i-alnft  God?  ffallthe  Thiy^g  formed  fay  unto  him  that  form- 
ed /■/,  Why  haft  thou  made  me  thu>  ? 

IV^     Of   the   trinity. 

I .  Queft.Ho vv  manyPerfons  are  there  intheGodhead? 

y'L  Threes  The  Father, the  Son^and  the  Holy  Ghoft. 

ci  Q^  May  \ve  ufe  the  Word  Trinity. 

J.  Yes  ',  For  it  isScriptural,  i  John  5.7.  For  there  are 
h-eethat  hear  Record  in  Heaven^the  Father^  the  Son^and 
'  '.c  Holy  Ghcfi'^  and  thefe  three  are  one. 

3  Q-   M^v  Vv^e  here  alfo  ufe  the  Word  Perfon  ? 

\L  Yes,  for  we  alfo  find  it  in  Scripture,  Heb.  i.  13. 
'17:0  being  the  Br i^htnefs  of  his  Glory ^  and  the  exprefs  I- 
'■:■: a  <?.€  0  ^  /^/j"  Person  . 

(   n   J 

4  Q.  Cm  the  Dodrine  of  the  Holy  Tihuty  be  prov- 
ed fromNiitmeV 

J.   No  :  Bur  only  from  Scripture,  for  it  is  a  Myilcry 
above  the  Reach  of,  tho'  not  cone rary  to  Nature/ 

5  Q:  How  do  we  prove  the  Holy  Trinity  from 

J.  I.  Out  of  the  Old.  a.  Out  of  theNev-Tef- 
tan  enr. 

6  Q_.   t?o  w  is  it  proved  out  of  the  Old  Teitament  ? 
'J.    I   From  fuch  Scriptures  where  God  ipeaks  of 

himfiU'"  in  the  plural  Number.  Gqii.  i.^6.God  jciid  let 
ns  mike  Mari^  in  our  Image ^  after oi:k  Likenefs. 

a.  From  fuchScriptures  where  Diiiindion,  is  made 
betv/een  God  and  Godj  Lord  and  Lord,  Pf,  45,  7.  T/iou 
lovefi  Rigkteoufncfs  and  kateft  Wickednefs^  there  fere  God 
thy  God  hath  anointed  thcc^  with  the  OyUfGladnefs  above 
thy  Fellows. VL  no.  i.  The  Lord  hath  f aid  unto  my  Lord^ 
Jit  thou  at  my  Right  Hand^  tint  ill  make  thine  Enemies  thv 
Fojtfool.  '     ^ 

3.  From  fuch  Scriptures  vfherc  the  three  Perfons 
are  exprei'slv  named  and  diflinguillied.  Pf.  33.  6.  By 
the  Word  of  the  Lord  the  Heavens  were  ntacie^  and  by 
///5  Breath,  (or  Spirit)  of  his  Mouth,  all  the  Hoil 
of  them. 

7  Q.  How  do  you  prove  the  Holy  Trinity  irom  the 
New  Teila mcnt  ? 

A,  From  1  J-^hn  5.  7.  For  there  are  three  that  hear 
Record  iyi  Heaven^  the  Father^  the  Son^  and  the  Ho- 
ly Ghofi^  and  thefe  Three  are  One.  Aifo  from  the  In- 
ilitution  of  Baptifm,  Matt.  i^.  19.  Go  ye  therefore 
and  teach  all  Nations^  baptizing  them  in  the  Name  of 
the  Father^  and  of  the  Son^  and  of  the  Holy  Gkoft : 
teaching  them  to  ohferve  all  Things^  v/hatfoevcr  I  have 
commanded  you. 

Alfo  from  the  Baptifm  of  our  Lord,  Matt.  3.  the  Son 
was  baptifcd,  the  Father  fpake  from  Heaven,  and  the 
Spirit  of  God  deu:ended  like  a  Dove. 

8  Q^   Wherein  are  the  three  Perfous  one  ? 
J,  InEflence. 

(     a4     ) 

9  Q.  Wherein  are  they  three  T 
u^.  InPerfons. 

10  Q.  Arc  they  thcnperfonally  diftin^t? 

^.  Yes  >  By  perfonal  Properties  or  Manner  of  fiib- 

11  Q.  Which  is  the  Perfonal  Property  '^of  the  Fa- 

^.  That  he  as  Father,  fubfifls  of  himfelf. 

I  a  Q^.  Which  is  the  Perfonal  Property  of  the  Son  ? 

yi.  That  he  is  generated  of  the  Father  >  Pf  a.  7.  / 
will  declare  the  Decree^  that  thou  art  my  Son^  this  Day 
have  1  be  gotten  thee . 

13  O.  Which  is  the  Perfonal  Property  of  the  Holy 

ui.  That  he  proceeds  from  the  Father  and  the  Son, 
John  15.  2.6.  But  when  the  Comforter  is  come  ^  who7n  I  will 
Jhtd  unto  you  from  the  Father^  even  the  Spirit  of  Truth^ 
%'hith  proceedeth  from  the  Father^  he  fJmllteflify  of  me. 

14  Q.  Why  do  you  call  thefe  perfonal,  and  riot  ef- 
f  jn ci al  Prop e rti e s  ? 

A.  Becaufe  they  are  not  proper  to  the  whole  Ef- 
fcnce,  but  only  each  to  one  Perfon. 

1 5  Q.  When  is  the  Son  generated  of  the  Father  ? 
ji.  From  Eternity,  Prov.  8.  a4.  When  there  were  no 

Depths  I  w  ashr  ought  forth;  When  there  were  no  Fountains 
abounding  with  Water. 

\6  Q.  Why  is  it  then  faid,  Pf  a.  7.  This  Day  have  I 

yL  In  God  is  nothing  elfe  but  one  eternal  and  un- 
changeable Z)^?j. 

17  Q..  Is  then  the  Son  the  proper  and  natural  Son  of 
God '] 

A.  Yes:  John  i.  18.  No  Man  hath  fe en  God  at  any 
Tlnie^  the  only  begotten  Son^  which  is  in  the  Bofom  of  the 
father,   hath  declared  him. 

18  Q.  Why  is  the  fccond  Perfon  properly  called 
the  Son  of  God? 

yl.  Becaufe  from  Eternity  to  Eternity,  the  Father 
comniuicatcs  to  the  Son,  the  fime  divine  EfTcnce, 
]^m6.  6.   For  as  the  Father  hath  Life  in  himfelf^  fo 

(     ^5     ) 

hath  he  given  to  to  the  Son  to  have  Life  in  himfelf.  Col. 
I.  15.  Who  is  the  Image  of  the  invifihle  God^  the  firft 
horn  of  every  Creature.  Col.  a,  9.  For  in  him  dwell eth 
allthe  Fidlnefs  of  the  God- he  ad  bodily .  Heb.  1.3.  rrho 
being  the  brightnefs  of  his  Glory ^  and  the  exprejs  image 
of  hts  Per/on^  and  upholding  ail  Things  by  the  Word  of 
his  Power ^  when  he  had  by  himfelf  purged  our  Sins^ 
fat  down  on  the  Right- Hand  of  the  Majefly  on  high. 

19  Q.  Did  not  he  then  become  the  Son  of  God 
by  his  Birth  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  or  by  hi  s  Media- 

'  A.  No  :  For  he  was  the  Son  of  God  before.  Gal. 
4.  4.  But  when  the  Fulnefs  of  the  Time  was  come^  God 
fent  forth  his  Son^  made  of  a  M'^oman^  made  under  the 

10  Q..  Doth  the  Holy  Ghoft  proceed  only  from  the 
Father  '\ 

A,  No  :  But  alfo  from  the  Son,  he  is  therefore  cal- 
led the  Spirit  of  Chrifi.  Rom.  8.  9.  But  ye  arc  not  in 
the  FlefJo^  but  in  the  Spirit^  if  fo  be  that  the  Spirit  of 
God  dwell  in  you.  Now  if  any  Man  have  not  the  Spirit 
of  Chrifi^  he  is  none  of  his.  And  the  Spirit  of  the 
Son.  Gal.  4.  6.  And  becaufe  ye  are  Sons^  God  hath 
fent  forth  the  Spirit  of  his  Son  into  your  He  art  s-^  crying^ 
Abba^  Father. 

ai  ^.  Is  not  the  Holy  Ghoft,  only  a  Power,  or  At- 
tribute of  God  ? 

A.  No  :  But  an  acSbual  Perfon^  having  Underftanding 
and  Will,  i  Cor.  a.  10.  For  the  Spirit  fear cheth  all 
Things^  yea  the  deep  Things  of  God.  Chap.  11.  11. 
But  all  thefe  worketh  that  one  and  the  felf -fame  Spirit^ 
dividing  to  every  Man  fever  ally  as  he  will.  He  alfo  ap- 
peared  at  the  Baptifm  of  Chrift,  Matt.  3.  16.  And 
Jefus  when  he  was  baptized^  went  upjlraightway  out  of  the 
Water:  andlo^  the  Heavens  were  opened  unto  hi 'm^  and  he 
fawthe  Spirit  of  God  defcending  like  a  Dove^  and  light- 
ing upon  him .    - 

aa  Q.  Is  he  alfo  a  diftinft  Perfon? 

A.  Yes  J  heisexprefsly  called  another,John  14.  1(5, 
17.  And  I  will  pray  the  Fatherland  hefJjall  give  you  another 

(  ^fj  ) 

Comfort  er^  that  he  may  abide  with  you  for  evtr\   cvehthe 
Sprit  of  Truth . 

13  Q.  Whence  do  you  prove,  that  the  Son  and  the 
Holy  Ghoil  are  God  as  weii  as  the  Father  '? 

j4.  111.  From  their  divineNames.  ad.  Their  divine 
Attributes.  3.  Their  divine  Works,  and  4thly.  From 
their  divine  Honour. 

^4  Q.  Pi'ove  that  divine  Names  are  given  to  the 

ji.  Firftj  The  Name  of  Lord  or  Tehovah  Jer  a3. 
6  Inhli  days  J  udahfj.xll  be  faved^  and  Ifrielfh  all  dwell 
fafely^  and  this  Ishts  Name  whereby  keJJjaU  be  called^  the 
Lord  our  Righteousness. 

adly.  Tie  Name  of  God,   i  John  5.  ao.  u4nd  we 
knuw  that  the  Son  of  God  is  corne^  and  ha  thgive  t  %  J  v^  that  we  may. know  him  that  is  true;  And 
we  are  in  him  that  is  truc^   even  In  h'-s  Sonjefus  Chrlfi. 
This  Is  the  TRUE  Goo,  and  e  rEaN4.L  Life. 

15  Q^.  Prove  that  the  Name  of  God  is  given  to  the 
Holy  Ghofl  ? 

A.  A6ts  5  3,4.  But  Peter f aid ^  Ananias^  IVhy  hath 
Satan  filled  thine  Heart  to  He  to  the  Holy  Ghoft^  and  to 
keep  back  Part  of  the  Price  of  the  Land?  fVhlle  it  re- 
mained^ was  It  not  thine  own?  and  after  it  was  fold  ^  was  it 
not  in  thine  own  Power?  Why  ha ji  thou  conr  e  I  ved  this  Thing 
in  thy  Heart  ?  Thou  hast  not  lied  unto  Men,  but 
UNTO  God. 

15  Q.  Prove  that  a  divine  Attribute  is  afcribed  to 
the  Son'? 

A.  Eternity.  Micah  5  1.  But  thou  Bethlehem  Ephra- 
tah^t hough  thou  be  little  among  the  thoufandsof  Judah^  yet 
out  of  T he e  flo^ll  come  forth  unto  me^  that  Is  to  be  a 
Ruler  In  Ifrael ;  whofe  goings  forth  have  been  from  of 
cLf   from  everladlrg. 

a;/  Q.  Prove  that  a  divine  Attribute  is  afcribed  to 
the  HolyGhod? 

yl.  Omniprefence.  Pf.  139.  7.  Whither  flo all  Igo 
from  thy  Spifjt?  Or  whither  Jhall  I  flee  front  thy  Pre- 



(     ^7     ) 
18  a  What  divine  Works  arc  afcribcd  to  the  Son 

i  The  Works  of  Creation  and  Ireiervation.  Pf. 
0  3  5  By  the  Word  of  the  Lord  were  the  Heavens 
inade':  and  all  the  tkflofihem  by  the  Breath  (or  bpi- 

irit)  of  hii  Mouth.  .  j    1      1        • 

ap  ().  What  divine  Honor  is  commanucd  to  be  gi- 
,ven  them?  ,    .     ^t  u  r 

\    A     To  be  baptized  in  their  Name,  to  believe  in 

them,  and  to  worlliip  them,  a  Cor  13-  H,  ^^^ 
firacloftheLordJejusChrift,  and  the  Love  of  God,  and 
the  Conmumonof  the  Holy  Ghoft,  be  with  you  all.  Arncn. 
00  O.  Is  this  Doarine  neccflary  to  Salvation  ^ 
A  \'es  :  Becaufe  we  thereby  learn  to  know  God 
.iiohtly,  and  feek  Reconciliation  with  the  Father  as 
;Tu^i-e;  in  the  Satisfaftion  of  the  Son,  through  the  Op- 
eration of  the  Holy  Spirit.  John  6.  44-  ^0  Man  can 
\come  to  me,  except  the  Father  which  hath  fent  ^ne  draw 
him  ■  Andlwillraife  him  up  at  the  UfiDay.  I  jolin  i 
•0  That  which  we  have  feen  and  heard,  declare  we  unto 
\you,  that  ye  alfo  may  have  Fellowfitp  with  us_:  andtru- 
'ly  lur  Tellowfh:f  is  with  the  Fa,  her,  and  wit  a  his  Son 
\Jefus  Chrifi. 

C   H   A  P.     IV. 


I  Q;,cft.  A  5?^E  God's  Decrees  any  tumg  dilancc 
xIl  from  GodT  . 

A  No  :  They  are  ihe  decreeing  o!  Goahmnelt, 
fo  that  his  Undemanding  and  WiA  arc  exetcied  m 
determininj' Things  without  him. 

a  Q.  When  hSh  Gcd  formed  his  Decrees? 

(  ^^  ) 

A.  From  Eternity.  A6ts  15.  18.  Known  unto  God 
are  all  hts  Works  from  the  Beginning  of  the  World  (or 
from  Eternity). 

3  Q.  AretheDecreesof  God  free  ? 

A,  Yes:  Matt.  11.  a6.  Evenfo  Fat  her  ^forfeit  fe  em- 
ed good  in  thy  Sight. 

4  Q_.  Are  they  wife  Decrees? 

A.  Yes:  Rom.  11.33-  O  the  Depth  of  the  RicheSy 
both  of  the  Wifdom  and  Knowledge  of  God  I  How  un- 
fearc'hahle  are  his  Judgments:  and  his  Ways  -p  a fl  finding 
^out !  ,  ^ 

5  Q.  Are  they  changeable? 

A.  No  they  are  unchangeable.  Ifaiah  46.  10  Declar- 
ing the  End  from  the  Beginning^  and  from  ant ient  Times 
the  Things  that  are  not  yet  done  ^faying  my  Counsel  shall 


6  Q:  To  what  do  the  Decreesof  God  extend? 

A.  They  extend  to  all  Things.  Eph.  i.  11.  In  whom 
alfowe  have  obtained  an  Inheritance^  being  predefiinated 
according  to  the  Purpofe  of  him  who  worketh  all  Things, 
AFTER  THE  Counsel  gf  his  own  Will. 

7  Q;  Are  there  conditional  Decrees,  which  depend 
on  the  free  Will  of  xMan  ? 

A.  No  5  But  there  are  fuch  as  depend  on  a  Conditi- 
on, wherein  God  hath  aifo  decreed,  and  which  he 
himfelf  infallibly  brings  about  5  Thus  (for  Inftance) 
Ood  had  decreed  to  five  Peter  on  Condition  of  Faith 
/ind  Repentance,  but  at  the  fame  Time  God  had  de- 
.creed  in  dwQ  Time  to  workj  and  a6lualiy  wrought 
F  a  i  th  and  Re p  c  nt an c  e  i  n  h  i  m . 


I  Q.  Hath  God  decreed  who  iliall  be  faved,  and  who 

A.  Yvs. 

a  Q.  Hov/ is  that  Decree  called? 

A.  Predcflination  or  I'ore-ordaining.  Rom.  8.  30. 

Moreover  whom  he  did  prcdsfiinate^  them  he  alfo  called; 

(    ^9    ) 

and  ^vhom  he^  called  he  alfojuftifiedj  and  whom  hejuftified^ 
them  he  alfo  glorified.  ,        .        i 

I    3  Q.  How  many  A6ts  of  God  muft  we  therein  take 

aotice  of?  ^  rr^,    r 

'  J,  Two,  Elcaion  and  Reprobation.  iThel.  5.  9. 
"  God  hath  not  appointed  us  to  Wrath,  but  to  obtain 
iSalvation  through  Jefus  Chriit  our  Lord." 

4  Q.  When  did  God  make  this  Eleftion? 

A,  From  Eternity.  Eph.  i.  4.  ^'  According  as  he 
"  hath  chofen  us  in  him  before  the  Foundation  of  the 
"  World,  that  we  fhould  be  Holy  and  without  blame 
"  before  him  in  Love." 

5  O.  Is  this  general,  are  all  Men  ekaed? 

A.  No>  the  fmalleft  Number,  Matt.  ao.  16.  -^^  Ma- 
<•  ny  are  called  but  few  are  chofen."  j     .  x     , 

,  6  Q.  Is  this  Eledion  concerning  certam  Individual 
IPerfons,  known  to  God  by  Name? 

A.  Yesi  Rom.  9.  13.  "  Jacob  have  I  loved,  and 
^'  Efiu  have  I  hated. 

7  Q.  Whatisthereafon  of  God's  choofingtheonc 

and  not  the  other. 

A.  Only  God's  free  and  fovereignPleafure.  Rom. 
9.  13.  "  Therefore  he  hath  Mercy  on  whom  he 
"  will  have    Mercy,  and  whom    he  will  he  hara- 

"  eneth."  ^      ^       ^  .  , 

8  Q.  Is  itnot  then  on  Account  of  forefeen  Faith  or 

woodworks?  .,^    ,  ^ 

A    No      "  It  is  not  of  him  that  willeth,  nor  oi 

■«  him  that  runneth,  but  of  God  that  fheweth  Mer- 

'«  cy."  Rom.  9.  16.  . 

9  Q.  Is  there  no  Severity  or  Injuilicein  this  ^ 

A.  No  5  For  God  could  very  juftly  have  let  all  Man- 
kind perilh. 

10  Q:  IsthisEledion  changeable? 

A.  No  i  It  is  unchangeable.  Rom.  9.  11.  "  l;or 
«  the  Children  being  not  yet  born,  neither  having 
«  done  any  Good  or  Evil,  that  thePurpofc  of  Godac- 
«  cording  to  Eledion  might  fland,  not  of  Works  but 
"  ofhimthatcalleth. 

(     30     ) 

li  Q^  Doth  it  riot  follow  from  thence  that  it  is  all  one 
liow  we  live  ? 

J.  No:  For  God  hath  Decreed  the  Means,  as  well 
as  the  End.  Rom.  8.  19./ 3-:)-.  For  whcm  he  did  foreknow 
he  aljo  did  predeftinate  to  be  conformed  to  the  Image  of  his 
So7i^  that  he  might  be  thefirft  born  among  many  Bretliren. 
Moreover  whom  he  did  -predeftinate^  them  he  alfo  called^ 
and  whom  he  called^  them  he  alfo  juftified :  And  whom  he^"^ 
juftified^  them  he  alfo  glorified,'  i 

la  Q.  What  if  an  Elect  Perfon  fliould  refiife  to  iife 
the  Means? 

A.  God  gives  them  an  hearty  Defire  to  will  theUfc 
of  Means,  Phil.  a.  13.  For  it  is  Godthat  worketh  tnyou^ 
both  to  will  and  to  do  of  his  good  Fie  a  fur  e. 

13  Q.  What  are  the  Signs  of  Eiedion? 

A.  Faith,  Hope,  and  Love,  i  Thef.  r.  3,  4. 
Remembering  withont  ceafing^  your  Work  of  Faith  and 
Labour  of  Love^  and  Patience  of  Hope  in  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrifl^  in  the  Sight  of  God^  and  our  Father : 
Knowing  Brethren^  Beloved^  your  Election  of  God. 

14  Q.  To  what  End  doth  thisDoftrine  of  Predefli- 
nation  ferve  ? 

A.  It  fervesto  theGlory  ofGod,  in  his  fupreme  So- 
vereignty, Independency,  Wifdom,  Grace,  Righte- 
oufnefs  and  Truth.  Rom.  11.  33.  O  the  Depth  of  the 
Riches^  both  of  the  JVifdova  and  Knowledge  of  God ! 
How  iinfe  arch  able  are  his  judgments^  and  his  IVayspafi  -| 
finding  out.  And  for  humbling  of  Man,  Rom.  9.  ao, 
a  I.  Nay  but^  O  Man  who  art  thou  that  repiieft  a- 
gainft  God?  fhall  the  Thing  formed  fay  unto  him  that 
forincd  itj  why  haft  thou  made  me  thusl:  Flath  not  the 
Potter  Power  over  the  Clay  of  the  fame  Lump  to 
make  one  Veffel  unto  Honour  and  another  unto  Difjo- 
siour  ?  I  Cor.  4.  7.  For  who  makcth  thee  to  differ 
from  another  ?  And  What  haft  thouj  thou  didft  not  re- 
ceive ?  Now  if  thou  didft  receive  it:  why  doft  thou  glory 
fi'S  if  thou  hadH  not  received  it? 

(     31     ) 

CHAP.      V. 

Of    the   counsel   of    PEACE. 

I  Qiieft,   TTOW  could  God  forc-ordain  Tome  of 
iJ-   the  fallen  Race  oi  Man  to  Salvati- 
on, feeing  he    can  have    no   Communion   with  the 
Sinner  ? 

^.  To  do  this  conliilently  with  his  Holinefs  and 
Juflice,  Chriiltrom  Eternity  inteip^^fed  as  Surety  be- 
tween God  and  the  Sinner  j  which  Treaty  (rr  Con- 
tract) is  improperly  called  the  Covenant  otRedempti- 
on,   or  Counfei  of  peace  ? 

a  Q.  What  do  you  underftand  by  the  Counfei  of 
Peace  ? 

J.  The  Will  of  the  Father  from  Eternity  to  redeem 
the  Eleci:  through  the  Sufferings  of  Chrill,  and  the  Will 
oftheSon,  givinghimfelfas  a  liirety  for  the  Elect. 

3  Q.  Has  there  been  fuch  a  Contrad  from  Eternity 
between  the  Father  and  tl^c  Son  ? 

^.  Yes  j  To  that  Purpofe  Divines  cite.  Pf.  a.  7.8. 
"  I  will  declare  the  Decree  :  The  Lord  hath  faid  unto 
"  me,  thou  art  my  Son,  this  Day  have  I  begotten  thee. 
^^  Aflv  of  me,  and  I  iliall  give  thee  the  Heathen  for  thine 
^'  Inheritance,  and  the  iirmoft  Parts  of  the  Earth  for 
^^  thy  PofTcffion.  Luke  m.  ap.  I  appoint  unto  you  a 
'>  Kingdom,   as  my  Father  hath  appointed  imto  me. 

4  Q.  How  many  Things  are  to  be  obferved  in  this 
Counfei  of  Peace  ? 

vf.  Two  Things  3  Firft,  the  contracting  Parties  > 
and  adly  The  V/ork  oFeach  Party. 

5  Q.  In  what  Character  dotli  the  Father  there  appear? 
^/.  In  the  Character  of  an  abfr^liite  Lord,,  who  treats 

with  his  Son  concernini^  Suretyiliip  in  behalf  of  the  E- 
lect,  which  he  was  not  obliged  to  accept. 

6  Q.  In  what  Chara6ter did  .the  Son  appear? 

-r^.  Of  Surety  and  Mediator,  who  ^a|  abputto  bring 
himfelf  under  anObliP-atf 6n  td  (ht^sfv  ^t  the  Sins  ofthe 
Elect.     ■  b  .  .- 

(     3^    ) 

7  Q:  What  did  the   Father  do   in  the  Counfel  of 
Peace  > 

A  The  Father  demanded  of  his  Son  all  that  was  ne- 
ceilary  tor  the  Redemption  of  the  Elect  5  which  de- 
mand is  the  Father's  eternal  Will.  John  6.  39.  '^  And 
"  this  is  the  Father's  Will  which  hath  lent  me,  that  of 
^'  all  which  he  hath  given  me,  I  fhouid  lofe  nothing, 
'^  butraouldraiieit  upag jinat  thelallDay." 

8  Q.  Did  the  Father  make  any  Promifes  to  the  Son  ? 
A.   Yes  J   He  allotted  the  Son  a  certain  Seed,  over 

whomhe  ihouid  be  King  and  Head.  John  17.  9.  "  I 
''  pray  tor  them  j  I  prayliot  for  the  World,  but  for 
'^  them  which  thou  hall:  given  me,  for  they  were 
"  thine." 

9  Q.  Is  there  any  thing  more  done  by  the  Father? 
A.   Yes :  God  the  Father  hath  confirmed  this  Pro- 

mifeto  the  Son  by  an  Oath.  Pf  110.  4.  "  The  Lord 
^'  hath  fworn,  and  will  not  repent,  thou  art  a  Prieft 
^^  for  ever  after  the  Order  of  Meichizedech." 

10  What  was  done  by  the  Son  in  this  Contrad  ? 

A.  Chrill  on  his  Part  ailented  to  his  Father's  De- 
mand, and  undercook  to  fitisfy  fully  for  the  Elect.  Pf. 
40.  7,  8.  "  Then  faid  I,  lo  I  come  :  In  the  Volume  of 
''  the  Book  is  written  of  me  :  I  delight  to  do  thy  Will,, 
^'  O  my  God :  Yea  thy  Law  is  written  within  my 
"  Heart.'' 

1 1  Q.  What  hath  the  Son  of  God  done  befide  this  ? 
A.  Hemadeaifo  a  Demand,  towit^  Thathefhould 

have  the  Elea  for  his  Heritage.  Pf.  a.  8.  "  Afkofme^ 
"  and  I  fhallgive  thee  the  Heathen  for  thine  Inheri- 
"  tance,  and  the  utmoil  Parts  of  the  Earth  for  thy  Po- 
"  feffion." 

CHAP.      VL 

Of  the  Creation, 

I  Qiiefl.    "pV  OTH  God  alfo  execute  his  Decrees? 
^     A.  Yes  J    From  the  Beginning  of 
Timeinhis  V/orks. 

(    33    ) 

a  Q.  Of  how  many  Sorts  arc  his  Works  in  Time  7 
J.  Of  two  Sorts  5  His  Works  of  Nature,  and  hk 
Works  of  Grace. 

3  Q:   Of  ^^"^  many  Sorts  are  his  Works  of  Nature  ? 
A.  Alfo  of  two  Sorts :  The  Work  of  Creation^  and 

the  Work  of  Providence. 

4  Q.   What  is  it  to  create  ? 

A.  To  produce  fomething  by  an  Almighty  Aft  of 
the  fimple  Will.  Rev.  4.  ii.  "  Thou  art  worthy,  O 
'^  Lord,  to  receive  Glory,  and  Honour,  and  Power: 
<'  For  thou  haft  created  all  Things,  and  for  thy  Plea- 
''  fure  they  are,  and  were  created." 

5  Q:  Who  is  the  Creator  of  all  Things  ? 

A.  The  one  only  God,  the  Father,  the  Son,  and 
the  HolyGhoft.  Gen.  i.  i,  a.  "  In  the  Beginning  God 
'^  created  the  Heaven  and  the  Earth,  and  the  earth  was 
^^  without  Form  and  void,  and  Darknefs  was  upon 
'^  the  Face  of  the  Deep,  and  the  Spirit  of  God  moved 
'*  upon  the  Face  of  the  Waters."  Pf.  33.  6, 

6  Q.   When  did  God  create  all  Things  ? 
A.  In  the  Beginning  of  Time. 

7  Qr  Of  what  are  all  Things  created  ? 

A.  Of  nothing.  Rom.  4.  17.  "  And  calleth  thofe 
^'  Things  which  be  not,  as  though  they  were.*' 

8  Q..   Where  do  we  read  the  Hiftory  of  the  Creation  ? 
A.  In  the  firil  Chapter  of  Genefis. 

9  Q:  In  what  Space  of  Time  did  God  create  all  Things  ? 
A.  In  an  Inftant  as  to  the  Matter,  and  in  fix  Days  as 

to  the  difpofing  of  them  in  Order. 

10  Q.  Are  Angels  alfo  created? 

A.  Yes :  Pf.  104.  4.  "  Who  maketh  his  Angeh 
^^  Spirits,  his  Minifters  a  flaming  Fire." 

1 1  Qj  What  are  Angels  ? 

A.   "  Miniftering  Spirits  fent  forth  to  Minifter  for 
'^  them  who  fhall  be  Heirs  of  Salvation."  Heb.  i.  14. 
i'^  Q.   When  were  they  created? 
A.  Probably  on  the  firft  Day  5  «  For  when  the  Earth 

(     34     ) 

"  was  founded,  then  the  Morning  Stars  fang  together5 
''  and  all  the  Sons  of  God  fhouted.  Job  38".  6,7." 

^3  Q-   ^^w^  di^  God  create  Angels^  Good  or  Evil  ? 

A  Good>  For, /'God  faw  all  that  he  had  made, 
'^  and  behold  it  was  very  good.   Gen.  1.31." 

14  Q.   Did  they  all  continue  good? 

A.  N05  Some  of  them  apoilatized,  and  became  De- 
vils in  Hell.  Jude  ver.  6.  "  And  the  Angels  which  kept 
'^  not  their  firft  Eftate,  but  left  their  own  Habitation, 
'^  he  hath  referved  in  everlafting  Chains  under  Park- 
'^  nefs,  unto  the  Judgment  of  the  great  Day. 

15  Q.   Who  were  i  he  fir  ft  of  the  Human  Bjice  ? 
A.  Adam  and  Eve. 

1 6  Q.   iVhence  did  God  create  Adam  ? 
A.  From  the  Earth.  Gen.  a.  7. 
170^.   Whence  did  he  create  Eve  ? 

A,  FromaRibof  Adam.  Ver.  ai,aa. 

1 8  Q.   Of  how  many  Parts  doth  Man  confift  ? 
A.  OftwoParts^   SoulandBody. 

19  Q.  Were  their  Souls  alfo  created  in  the  Manner  juft 

A.  No^  Their  Souls  proceeded  immediately  from 
God  i  '^  Who  breathed  in  them  the  Breath  of  Life, 
'^'  and  thus  man  became  alivingSoul.  Gen.  2,.  7.'' 

ao  Q.   What  is  the  Soul  ? 

J.  An  immortal  Spirits  By  which  we  enjoy  Life, 
and  exercife  Reafon, 

'2- 1   Q.   What  did  God  do  on  thefeventh  Day  ? 

A.   ^^  He  reded  thereon,  and    fandified   it.  Q^n, 

aa  Q.   TFas  God  weary  with  creating? 

A.  Noi  "  The  Creator  of  the  Ends  of  the  Earth 
''  faintcth  not,  neither  is  weary.  Ifaiah  40.28." 

'2-3  Q..  What  then  is  the  meaning  of  thefe  Words^ 
/>^^/ he  relied  ? 

A.  That  he  ceafed  to  create. 

-4  Q-   To  what  End  hath  God  created  the  World  ? 
A.  -^-Tbe  Lord   hath  made  all  things  for  himfelh" 
^'^  that  is  to  his  oY/n  Glory.  Prov.    16.  4. 

(     35     ) 

CHAP.         VI L 


I  Qucft,  D  O  TH  God  ceafe  from  all  f Fork  coricerning 
the  Creation? 

A.  No  :  There  is  flill  a  Continued  Operation  of  Di- 
vine Providence.  John  5.  17.  "My  Father  worketh 
^^  hitherto^andl work.'' 

a  Q;   In  how  many  A6ts  cloth  GocVs  Providence  confift  ? 

A.  In  three.  In  Upholding,  Co-operating,  and  Go- 

3  Q.   JVhat  is  Upholding  ? 

A.  It  is  the  Almighty  Power  of  God,  whereby  he 
caiifeth  all  Things  to  continue  in  Exillencc.  Heb.  1.3. 
"  Who  upholdeth  all  Things  by  the  Word  of  his  Po  w- 
"  cr." 

4  Q.   JVhat  is  divine  Co-operation? 

A.  The  Almighty  Power  of  God,  whereby  he  influ- 
ences all  the  Motions  and  Operations  of  his  Creatures. 
1 1  Cor.  la.  6.  ^^"^  And  there  are  Di  verities  of  Operations, 
j  '^  but  it  is  the  fame  God  that  worketh  all  in  all." 

5  Q.  What  is  the  divine  Government? 

A,  It  is  the  Almighty  Power  of  God,  whereby  he 
doth  direct  every  Thing  to  a  certain  determined  End. 
Pf.  93 .  I .  <^'The  Lord  reigneth,  he  is  cloathed  with  Ma- 
""  jelly,  the  Lord  is  cloathed  with  Strength,  where  v/ith 
"  he  hath  girded  himfeir,  The  WorkUlfoiscllablif]l- 
"  ed  that  it  cannotbc  moved." 

6  Q.  Doth  the  Providence  of  God  extend  over  allThings? 
A.  Yq%:  Eph.  I.  II.  '^^ Being  prcdcilinated  accord- 

"^  ingto  thePiirpofe  of  him  who  worketh  all  1  hings 
^  after  the  Council  of  his  ov/n  Will." 

7  Q.  Doth  it  est  end  even  to  [mall  Things  ? 

(    Z^    ) 

A.  Yes:  "  The  hairs  of  your  head  are  all  nurfi- 
"  bered.''  M^itt.   lo.  30. 

8  Q.  /j  /■/  not  to  the  Dijhonour  of  God  to  care  for  fuch 
mean  Things  ? 

yl.  No:  I.  Becaiifc  it  isno  Diihonour  toGod  that 
he  hath  created  them :  a.  Becaufe  he  thereby  neglecls 
nothing  of  greater  Moment :  3dly.  Becaule  he  often 
thereby  executes  Matters  of  the  greateft  importance. 

9  Q.  Doth  the  divine  Providence  extend  to  thofc 
Things  -which  happen  accidentally^  as  we  fay  '? 

A.  Yes  :  '-'•  The  Lot  is  call  into  the  Lap^  but  the 
"  whole  diipoiing  thereof  is  from  the  Lord/'  Prov. 

I^-   33- 

10  Q^  T)oth  any  Thing  happen  by  Chance  ? 

A.  Not  as  to  God,  butonly  in  our  apprchcnfionof  j 
Things.  1 

ii^Ql  Doth  God's  Providence  alfo  concern  Life  and 
Death  ?  ^  .J 

A.  Yes:  The  Time  thereof  is  alfo  determined  by  f 
him.     Tot).   14.   5.  ^'  Seeing  his  Days  are  determined, 
t^  the  Number  of  his  Months  are  with  thee,    thouhall: 
't  appointed  his  Bounds  that  he  cannot  pal's." 

I  a  ^O  •   Can  a  Man  lengthen  orfiorten  his  Time  of  Life  ?  || 

A.  Not  inRefpedtoGodjbutonly  in  refpedtoMan.  ' 

I  :^  Q .  Is  it  not  then  in  vain  to  ufe  Means  toprejerve  Life? 

A.  No  :  God  hath  alfo  decreed  thofe  Means  to  that 
End,  and  he  alfo  giveth  Man  a  willing  mind  to  ufe  them. 

14  Q.  Doth  God's  Providence  alfo  direct  the  moft 
voluntary  Things?  \ 

A.  Yes:  It  even  directs  the  very  Thoughts.  Prov.^ 
11.   I.  "  The  King's  Heart  is  inthe  hand  of  the  Lord, 
«^  as  Rivers  of  Water,  he  turneth  it  whitherfoeverhe 

'^  -will." 

15  Q.  But  dof-rt  that  take  away  the  Freedomof  Man's 

yL  No:  Forthis  governing  or  dircctmgis  no  Force 
upon,  butthe  inclining  theWlU  which  ads  freely. 

16  Q.  Doth  the  Providence  of  God  concern  itfelf  alf^ 

ah  out  fin  ? 

A.  Yes :  He  permits  It,  limits  and  directs  it  to  a  cer- 
t.^.lnEud.  Gen.  ^':^.  a^.  -^"But  asfor  youyethoughtEv:! 

(     37    ) 

c'  againfl  me,  but  God  meant  it  unto  good  to  bring  t* 
"  pafs,   as  it  is  this  Day,  to  fave  much  People  alive." 

17  Q.   Is  God  the  Author  of  Sin% 

A.  No:  A  holy  God  cannot  be  the  Author  of  any 
Thing  that  is  linfiil,  he  hates  andpuniflics  lin. 

1 8  Q.   Doth  God  work  that  which  is  good  ? 

A,  Yes,  a  Cor.  3.  5.  '' Not  thatweare  fiiflicicntof 
^^  ourfelves,  to  think  any  thing  as  of  ourfclves,  but 
^'  our  Sufficiency  is  of  God.'' 

19  Q.  Doth  God  once  for  all  give  Power  to  do  Good  J  or 
fnuft  we  be  influenced  in  each  particular  AUion  ? 

A,  We  muft  receive  his  Influence  in  each  particular 
A6tion,  exciting  us,  and  co-operating  with  us,  to  that 
End.  Phil.  a.  13.  "  For  it  is  God  which  worketh  in 
^'  you,  both  to  will  and  to  do  of  his  good  Pleafure.'* 

10  Q.  In  what  RefpeUs  is  the  DoUrinc  of  Providence 
profitable  ? 

A,  It  teacheth  the  People  of  God  Patience  in  Advcr- 
fity,  and  Thankfulnefs  in  Profperity,  and  to  truit  in 
God  in  Refped  to  future  Things.  Job  i.  ai.  aa. 
^'  naked  came  I  out  of  my  Mother's  Womb,  and  naked 
'^  fhall  1  return  thither  j  The  Lord  gave  and  the  Lord 
^^  taketh  away,  blefled  be  the  Name  of  the  Lord.  In 
'^  all  this  Job  finned  not,  nor  charged  God  fooliflily. 
''  Gen.  3a.  10.  I  am  not  worthy  of  the  lead  of  all  the 
'^  Mercies  and  of  the  Truth,  which  thou  haft  fhewed 
''  unto  thy  Servants  >  for  with  my  Staff  I  paiTed  over 
^'  this  Jordan,  and  now  I  am  become  two  bands :  Job 
"  13.15.  Though  he  flay  me,  yetwill  Itruftinhim, 
'^  but  I  will  maintain  mine  ownWays  before  him." 

CHAP.      VIII. 

Of  the  Covenant  of  WORKS. 

I  Queft.  DOTH  Gcdufe  any  particular  Way  in 
verning  Man  ? 

(  ^B  ) 

A.  Yes  >  For  God  governs  him  by  Way  of  a  Cove- 

a.  Q:   How  many  Covenants  are  there  7 

A,  Two  3  a  Covenant  of Worksj  and  a  Covenant  of 

3  Q.   JVhemvas  the  Covenant  of  JVorks  made  ? 
A.  Before  the  Fall. 

4  Q^.    JVithwJioni  did  God  rnakc  this  Covenant '% 

A.   J^ith  Adam,  and  in  him  as  the  Head,  with  all  ; 
his  Poilerity.  | 

5  Q.'  ^^hat  was  God's  Demand  inthe  Covenant  of  Works? 
A.  Perfcd- Obedience  to  the  Law. 

6  Q^    What  is  this  Law  ?  \ 
A^  The  Law  of  Love,  that  we  love  God  v/ith  all  I 

our  Might,  and  our  Neighbours  as  ourfclves.  | 

7  (y   How  came  Ad  am  to  the  Knowledge  of  this  Law? 
A.   It  was  implanted  in  his  Heart  by  God.  , 

8  Q.   IVhat  did  God  pro7nifi  in  the  Covenant  of  Works?  \ 
A.  Eternal  Life. 

9  (J.'  JFas  this  Promife  confirmed  by  a?iy  Sacrament  ? 
A.  Yes,  Bythe  Tree  of  Life. 

10  Q.    What  did  God  threaten  inthat  Covena^zt? 
A.  Death .^ 

11  Q.  Did  God  alfo  add  a  Command  to  prove  Alan  ? 

A.  Yes  •  Not  to  cat  of  tlie  Tree  of  Knowledge  of 
Good  and  Evil.  Gen.  a.  17.  "But  of  the  l^ree  of  Knov/- 
"-  ledgeof  Good  and  Evil,  thou  flialt  not  eat  of  it  for 
"  in  the  Day  thau  eateft  thcrcof5thou  llialt  furely  die.*' 

C  H  A  p.     IX. 

Of  the  Image   of  GOD, 

I   Qucfl.   COULD  Man  keep  that  Covenant? 

A.  Yes  5    For  God  had  created   Man   capable    of 


•(    i9    ) 

a  Q.  How  did  God  create  Man  ? 
A.  Good  and  upright. 

3  Q.  Was  he  not  created  in  a  mere  natural  St  ate  ^  or  in 
a  Medium  betweenGood  and  Evil^ 

A.  No  5  but  in  a6luai  and  moral  Reditude.  Eel.  7. 
^9.  ^^  Lo,  this  only  have  I  found,  that  God  hath  made 
''  Man  upright,  but  they  have  fought  out  many  In  ven- 
'^  tionSj^ 

4  Q.   After  what  Image  did  God  create  Man  ? 
A.   '^  After  his  own  image.  Gen.  i.a7." 

5  Q.  Wherein  did  that  Image  confift  % 

A.   In  Knowledge,  Righteoufnefs,  ai,ld  Holinefs. 

6  Q.   Not  in  the  outward  Form  of  the  Body  ? 
A.   No  J   ForGod  is  a  Spirit. 

7  Q,   Not  in  the  Dominion  over  the  Creatures  7 

A.  No  y  That  is  only  a  Confequence  of  God's  Image, 
and  fhall  have  no  Place  in  Heaven,  where  nevertheiefs 
God's  Image  in  his  People  iball  be  perfectly  complete. 

8  O.  Prove  that  the  Image  of  God  confified  in  Know- 
A  C0I.3.10."  And  having  put  on  the  new  Man,  which 

^^  is  renewed  in  Knowledge,  after  the  Image  of  him 
^'  that  created  him.'' 

9  Q.  Prove  that  the  Image  of  God  confifted  in  Righte- 
oufnefsand  Holinefs? 

A.  Eph.  4.  14.  ^^  And  that  ye  put  on  the  new 
"  Man,  which  after  God  is  created  in  Rightcoufnefs 
^'  and  true  Holinefs. 

10  Q.   W as  Adam  with  that  Image  mortal  ? 

A.  No,  but  immortal  ^   For  Death  was  only  threat- 
ened in  Cafe  of  Sin.  Gen.  a.  17.   ''In  the  Day  thou 
eateft  thereof  thou  fhalt  furely  die. 



(     40     ) 

CHAP.     X. 
O  F     S  I  N. 

I.      O  F    A  D  A  M  '  s    F  A  L  L. 


I  Queft.  HATH  Man ftill that  Image? 

A,   No  'y  He  hath  loft  it  through  Sin  ? 
a  Q.   What  was  thefirft  Sin  of  Man  ? 
A  L     atingofthe  Tree  of  Knowledge  of  Good  and 

3  Q.   JVhere  did  that  Tree  ft  and  ? 
A.  InParadife. 

4  Q:  ^hat  Fruit  grew  thereon? 
A,  That  is  unknown. 

5  Q.  TF ho  cUt  thereof  fir  ft  ^  Adam  or  Eve  ? 
A.  Eve. 

6  Q.   By  whom  wasfhe  deceived? 

A,  By  the  Devil,  through  the  Means  of  a  Serpent, 
Gen.  3.  I  to  7.  ''  Now  the  Serpent  was  more  fubtle 
than  anyBeaft  of  the  Field,  which  the  Lord  God 
had  mftde :  And  he  faidunto  the  Woman,  yea  hath 
'^  God  faid  ye  fhall  not  eat  of  every  Tree  of  the  Gar- 
den? And  the  Woman  faid  unto  the  Serpent,  we 
may  eat  of  the  Fruit  of  the  Trees  of  the  Garden  : 
But  of  the  Fruit  of  the  Tree,  which  is  in  the  Midft 
of  the  Garden,  God  hath  faid,  ye  fhall  not  eat  of  it, 
neither  fhall  ye  touch  it,  left  ye  die.  And  the  Ser- 
pent faid  unto  the  Woman,  ye  ftiall  not  furely  die, 
for  God  doth  know,  that  in  the  Day  ye  eat  thereof, 
then  your  Eyes  fhall  be  opened  5  And  ye  fhall  be  as 
Gods,  knowing  Good  and  Evil.  And  when  the 
Woman  faw  that  the  Tree  was  good  for  Food,  and 
^^  that  itwiupleafant  toj:he  Eyes,  and  a  Tree  to  be 

(  41  ) 

\  *'  defired  to  make  one  wife  ^  ihe  took  of  the  Fruit 
y  «  thereof  and  did  eat,  and  gave  alfountoherHufband 
^'  with  her,  and  he  did  eat.  And  the  Eyes  of  them  both 
^'  were  opened,  and  they  knew  that  they  were  naked: 
"  And  they  fewedFig  leaves  together,  and  made 
^'  themfelves  Aprons.''  Rev.  la.  9.  '^  And  the  great 
''  Dragon  was  cafl  out,  that  old  Serpent  called  the 
*^  Devil  and  Satan,  which  deceiveth  the  whole 
''  World."  John  8.  44.  '^  Ye  are  of  your  Fathers  tho 
^'  Devil,  and  the  Lufts  of  your  Father  ye  will  do  :  He 
''  was  a  Murderer  from  the  beginning,  and  abode  not 
'^  in  the  Truth,  becaufe  there  is  no  Truth  in  him. 
'^  When  hefpeaketh  a  Lie,  he  fpeaketh  of  his  ov/n: 
*'  For  he  is  a  Lyar,  and  the  Father  of  it.'' 

7  Q.   What  did  he  make  them  believe  ? 

A.  That  they  fhould  not  die,  but  be  as  Gods,  know- 
ing  Good  and  Evil. 

8  Q.   j5y  whom  was  Adayn  deluded  ? 

A.  By  Eve,  who  gave  to  him  and  he  did  eat. 

p  Q:   TVhere  do  we  read  the  Hiflory  of  the  Fall? 

A.  In  Genefis  Chap.  3. 

10  Q.  What  were  the  Confe queue es  of  this  Sin^  t$ 
Adam  and  Eve? 

A.  ift.  The  Lofsof  the  Divine  Image,  adly.  The 
Feeling  that  they  were  naked,  sdly.  Horror  of  Con- 
fcience.  4thly.  Expulfion  from  Paradife  :  and  ^thly, 

II.     OF    ORIGINAL    SIN. 

I  Quefl.  Both  Adam's  Sin alfo  extend  to  us? 

A.  Yes  5  It  is  imputed  to  us. 

a  Q.  Why? 

A.  Becaufe  Adam  was  the  Head  of  the  Covenant, 
and  therein  confidered  as  reprefentative  of  all  his  Pof- 
terity.  Rom.  5.  la.  "Wherefore,  as  by  one  Man 
Sin  entered  into  the  world,  and  Death  by  Sin,  and  fo 
Death  pafTedupon  all  Men,  for  that  all  have  finned. 

3  Q.  What  Sin  do  we  derive  from  Adam  ? 


(     4^     ) 

^.  Original  Sin.  Pf.  51.5.  <^'  Behold  I  was  fliapen  in 
'  Iniquity,  and  in  Sin  did  my  Mother  conceive  me." 

4  CL,   J/jw  -many  Sorts  of  Sin  are  there  ? 
j1.    i\vo  Sores  3  Orignial  and  Actual  Sins. 

5  Q:  How  doth  Original  SinhecGme  ours? 
^.   By  Imputation  and  by  Entailment. 

6  Q^.   By  w/iora  is  Adayyi" s  Sm  irdputed  to  us  ? 
^.   By  God. 

7  Qj   What  doth  he  impute  to  us  ? 
A.  The  Guilt  of  Sin.  Rom.  5.  19.  '^■'  For  as  by  one 

Man's  Diibbedience  many  were  made  Sinners :  So 
'^  by  the  Obedience  of  one,  ihall  many  be  made  righ- 
"  teous.  I  Cor,  15.  aa.  For  as  in  Adam  all  die,  even 
''  fo  in  Chriil  fhall  all  be  made  alive." 

8  Q.    IVhat  is  entailed  on  us  ? 

A.  The  Pollution  of  Sin.  Job  14.  4.  '-^  Who  can 
"  bring  a  clean  I'hing  out  of  an  unclean?  Notonc. 

9  CL  From  whom? 

A.   From  our  Parents.    , 

10  Q.   JVhat  is  the  Guilt  of  Sin  ? 

A.  The  Obligation  to  Puniihment  for  the  Sin  of  A- 
dam,  Rom. 5.1a.  and  18.  ^'^  Wherefore  as  by  one  Man 
"  Sin  entered  into  the  World,  and  Death  by  Sin,  and  fo 
'^  Death  pafled  upon  ailMcn,  for  that  all  have  finned. 
'^  Therefore,  asby  theOfPence  of  onc.Judgmentcame 
^'  upon  all  Men  to  Condemnation:  Even  fo  by  the 
'^  Righteoufiefs  of  one,  the  free  Gift  came  upon  all 
^'  Men,  unto  Juflification  of  Life.  " 

11  Q.   IVhat  is  the  Pollution  of  Sin'l 

A.  It  is  that  Inherent  Corruption,  which  fpreadsit- 
itfelfthrougli  the  whole  Man.  Gen.  ^.  ai.  "For  the 
''  Imagination  of  Man's  Heart  is  Evil  from  his  Youth. 
'^  Rom.  6.  11,  13.  Let  not  Sin  therefore  reign  in  your 
'^  mortal  Body,  that  ye  fhould  obey  it  in  the  Lufts 
'^  thereof.  Neither  yield  ye  your  Members  as  Inftru- 
'^  ments  ofUnrighteoufnefs  unto  Sin  5  But  yield  your- 
^'  felves  unto  G')d,as  thofe  that  are  alive  from  the  Dead  j 
'^  And  your  Members  as  Indruments  of  Righteoufnefs 
<«  unto' God." 

I  a  Q.  Have  all  Men  Original  Sin? 

(     43     ) 

A.  Alh  Except  Qirif]:.  Johns.  6.  <^' That  which  is 
"  bornof  FlcfhisFlefh/' 

1 3  Q.   Why  had  Chrift  no  original  Sin  ? 

A,  Becaufe  he  was  conceived  by  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
Luke  I.  35.  "  And  the  Angel  anfwered  and  laid  unto 
"  her  J  The  Holy  Ghofl  fhall  come  upon  thee,  andthe 
",,  Powercf  the  highcil  fhall  cveiiliadcwthee.tbc  rc- 
"  fore  ihatHoly  Thine  that  ihallbcborn  of  thee,  fhall 
^'    be  called  the  Son  orOod.'* 

III.  Of  Actual  SIN,  and  the  Punishment  of  SIN. 

I  Qiieft.  Have  all  Men  alfo  Actual  Sins  ? 

ji.  Yes3  T^n^Gs  3.  a.  "^^InmanyThings  we  offend  all." 

n  Q.  How  do  we  connnit  them  % 

A.  In  Thoughts^Words,  and  Deeds.  Prov.  6.18. 
'  An  Heart  that  devifeth  wicked  Imaginations,  Feet 
'  thatbe  iwift  running  to  Mifchicf.  Matt.  la.  36.  But 
^  I  fay  unto  you,  that  every  idle  Word  that  Men  fhall 
'  fpeak,  they  fliall  give  Account  thereof  in  the  Day  of 
^  Judgment.  Chap.  15.  19.  Out  of  the  Heart  proceed 
^  evil  Thoughts,  Murders,  Adulteries,  Fornications, 
^  Thefts, FalleWitnefs,Blafpheniies.'' 

3  Q.   Are  aU  Menhy  Nature  ina  State  of  Miferylr 
A.  Yes. 

4  Q.   Wherein  doth  the  Mifery  of  Man  confift^  ? 

A.   In  three  Things  3  In  Sin,  in  his  inability  to  help 
himfelf,  and  inPunilhment. 

5  Qj  Is  Man  then  while  under  Sin^  alfo  Spiritually  with- 
eut  Strensathl: 

A.  Yes,  with  Refped  to  Spiritual  Good.  Rom.  8.  7. 
"  The  carnal  Mind  IS  Enmity  againilGod  :  Foritisnot 
^'  fubjed  to  the  Law  of  God,  neither  indeed  can  be. 

6  Q.  But  hath  not  Man  a  Freedom  ofWill^  or  a  natural 
power  inhimfelfto  fpiritual  Good. 

A.  No:  Eph.  a.  i.  "And  you  hath  he  quickened, 
'^  who  were  dead  inTrcfpafies  and  Sins. 

7  Q^  Are  not  then  all  Commands.,   Threatening^',   and 

(     44     ) 

Promifes  of  God^   in  vain  ? 

A.  No  3  They  are  Means,  whereby  God  will  excite 
Man  as  arationalCreature,  to  his  Duty. 

8  Q.   IVkdt  isthe  Punifiment  of  Sin? 

y/.  Death.  Rom.  6.  23.  <=' The  Wages  of  Sin  is 
^»  Death. 

9  Q;  How  many  kinds  of  Death  are  there? 

A,  ThrecKinds;Temporal5  Spiritual,  andEteriial. 

10  Q.   PFhat  is  Temporal  Death? 
A.  A  Separation  of  Soul  and  Body. 

1 1  Q.    M^hat  is  fpiritual  Death  ? 

A.  I.  A  Separation  from  God's  Favour,  a.  An  Im- 
potency  under  Sin.  Ifaiah  59.  a.  "Your  Iniquities  have 
^^  feparated  between  you  and  your  God,  and  your  Sins 
*^  have  hid  his  Face  from  you,  that  he  will  not  hear. 
^'  Eph.  a.  II.  Andyouhe  hath  quickned,  who  were 
«'  deadinTrefpafTes  and  Sins." 

12  Q.   What  is  eternal  Death  ? 

A.  An  Eternal PuniihmentinHell.  Rev.  14.  11.  "The 
'^  Smoke  of  their  Torment  afcendeth  up  for  ever  and 
«  ever." 

1 3  Q.  i)(?  all  Sinners  merit  fuck  Puniflrment  ? 

A.  Yes  J  Even  the  lead  of  them.  Gal.  3.  10.  "For 
^'  as  many  as  are  of  the  Works  of  the  Law,  are  under 
'^  theCurfe:  For  it  is  written,  curfed  is  every  one  that 
*^  continueth  not  in  all  Things,  which  are  written  in 
*'  the  Book  ofthe  Law  to  do  them." 

14  Q.  Are  there  thenno  pardonable  Sins  ? 

A.  Alone  inChri{l5  (the Si n  againft  the HolyGhoft  only 
excepted)  but  none  are  pardonable  confidered  in  them- 
felvcs.  Jamesa.  io."Forwhofoeverfliallkeepthewhole 
"  Law^  and  yet  offend  in  one  Point,  he  is  guilty  of  all. 
*^  Deut.  ay.  a6.  Curfed  be  he  that  confirmeth  not  all 
"  the  Words  of  thisLawtodo  them:  And  allthePeople 
"  fhall  fay.  Amen." 

15  Q,  Is  the  Covenant  of  Works  aholijhed  thro'  Sin? 
A.  Yes,inRcfpecttoitsPowerto  juftifv^ 

16  Q.   What  do  you  infer  from  the  Fall  of  Man  ? 

A-  The  next  to  S.itan  there  is  no  Creature  more  un- 
happy than  a  natural  Man. 

(    45    } 
CHAP.     XI. 

,Of  the  Covenant  of  G  R  A  CE 

I  QueJ}.  IS  there  another  Covenant  eJlahUfied  in  fhe 
Room  of  the  Covenant  of  Works '1: 

A.  Yes:  The  Covenant  of  Grace. 

a  Q.   When  was  it  eflablifhed  ^\ 

A.  Immediately  after  the  Fall.  Gen.  3.  15.  ^'I  will 
^^  put  Enmity  between  thee  and  the  Woman,  and  be- 
"  tween  thy  Seed  and  her  Seed,  andit  fhall  bruifethy 
*^  Head,  and  thou  fhaltbruife  his  Heel.*' 

3  (J.   PFhat  is  the  Covenant  of  Grace, 

A.  The  Covenant  of  Grace  is,  that  Method  by 
which  God  in  Chrift  becomes  the  Sinner's  Property, 
and  the  Sinner  the  Property  of  God.  Jer.  13.  33.  "But 
''  this  fhall  be  the  Covenant  that  I  will  make  with  the 
"  Houfeof  Ifraci,  after  thofe  Days,  faith  the  Lord,  I 
"  willputmy  Law  into  their  inward  Parts,  and  write 
"  it  in  their  Hearts,  and  I  will  be  their  God,  and  the3f 
^"^  fhallbc  my  People,'* 

4  (^,   W;>//  whom  is  it  eflablifhed  I 

A.  Only  with  the  Ele6b  Sinner.  Ezek.  16.  6.  ^^  And 
"  when  I  paiTed  by  thee,  and  faw  thee  polluted  iiT 
"  thine  own  Blood,  I  faid  unto  thee,  wh  cntho  u  wall 
"  in  thy  Bloody  Live,  yea,  I  faid  unto  thee  wherv 
^^  thou  waft  in  thy  Blood,  live." 

5  Q.  What  doth  God  require  in  this  Covenantl: 

A.  That  which  God  requires  in,  is  alfo  apromifeof 
the  Covenant:  Namely,  Faith  in  Chrift.  Hof.  a.  ao. 
*'  I  will  even  betroth  thee  unto  me  in  Faithfulnefs,  and 
''  thou  llialt  know  the  Lord.*'  Hab  a.  4.  "But  the 
'^  Juft  ihall  liveby  his  Faith.  Pf.  ay.  a8.  "  When  thou 
'*  faidft,  feek  ye  my  Face,  my  Heart  faid  unto  thee,  thy 
''  FaceLord,  wiUIfeek." 

6  Q.  What  doth  God  promt fe  therein^ 

A.  Gr.^.se  here,  and  eternal  Life  hereafter.  Acts  i (5 

(     4^     ) 

31.  "Believe  on  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl:,  and  thou  ilialt 
'^  be  fiived,  thvouandthy  Houfe.'' 

7  Q,.   Is  this  Covenant  in  all  j^ges  ejfentially  the  fame  ? 
A.  Yes. 

8  Q.  TVere  then  Believers  undei-  the  Old  Teflament 
Partakers  of  all  the  real  Benefits  of  the  Covenant  of  Grace? 

A.  Yes  y  '^'^ForChriilJefiis  is  the  fame  Yefterday  and 
'^  to  Day  and  for  ever.''  Heb.  13.  8. 

9  Q.  How  doth  the  Sinner  enter  into  this  Covenant  ? 

A.  God  doth  firil  draw  near  the  Sinner,  v/hen  he  in- 
vites andbefccchcs  with  Love,  a  Cor.  5.  ao.  "Now  we 
'^  are  Ambafladors  for  Chriil:,  as  though  God^  did  be- 
^^  feech  you  by  us :  "VVepray  you  in  ChrilVs  ftead,  be  ye 
^^  reconciled  to  God."  With  the  greatefl  Earneftnefs 
and  Uprightnefs.  Ezck.  33.  11.  "  Say  unto  them,  as  I 
^'  live  faith  the  Lord  God,  I  have  no  pleafure  in  the 
'^  Death  of  the  Wicked,  but  that  the  Wicked  timi  from 
'^  his  Way  and  live,  turn  ye,  turn  ye  from  your  Evil 
'^  Ways:  For  why  willyedieOHoufe  oflfrael."  And 
folving  all  their  Difficulties.  Ifiiah  ^^.  a.  "Wherefore 
^^  do  ye  fpend  Money  for  that  which  is  not  Bread,  and 
^^  your  Labour  for  that \Viiich  fatisfieth not?  Hearken 
'^  diligently  imto  me,  and  eat  that  which  is  Good,  and 
''  let  your  Soul  delight  itfelf  in  Fatncfs." 

10  Q.   JFhat follows fuch  an  Invitation? 

A.  Hereby  God  "  draweth  the  Sinner  v/ith Cords  of 
^^  aMan,  and  Bands  of  Love.'"  Hof.11.4. 

11  Q.   IVhat  doth  the  called  Sinner  oi  his  Part '? 

A.  He  receives  the  Lord  as  his  God,  and  wholly 
fi-riTcndcrs  himfelf  to  him  as  his  Property.  Cant.  a. 
16.  <^'^  My  Beloved  is  mine  and  I  am  his,  he  feedeth 
*'  among theLillies." 

12  Q.   IVhat  are  the  Properties  of  this  Confent  '? 

A.  The  Sinncrpcrforms thisSolemnly,  Freely,  Hum- 
bly, Faithfully,  Uprightly,  with  a  fullConfent  as  well 
t-;)  the  Demands  as  to  thePromifes  of  the  Covenant.  Pf. 
5 1  i6,  "  Behold  thou  dclirefr  Truth  in  the  inward  Parts  : 
*^  And  in  the  h?d  Icn  Part  thou  fhnlt  make  me  to  know 
■<^  Wi(do.m/^ 

C     47     ) 

1 3  Q.  TJ^hat  arc  the  Efe6fsoftkis  Confent  ? 

J.  God  remcmbercth  his  Covenant  for  ever.  Pf.  105. 
o.  <•''  He  hath  remembered  his  Covenant  for  ever,  the 
''  ¥/ord  which  he  commanded  to  a  Thoufand  Genera- 
'^  rions."  And  thcfe  in  Covenant  have  a  right  to  afk  for 
all  Th.ingv,  that  are  neceflary  to  Lifeand  Salvation.  Pf. 
74.  19,  ao,  -21.  ^'  O  deliver  not  the  Soul  oi  thy  Turtle 
^'  dove  unto  theMultitude  of  the  Wicked,  forget  not 
^'  theCongregation  of  the  Poor  for  ever. Have  Refpect 
'^  unto  the  Covenant :  For  the  dark  Places  of  the  Earth 
''  are  full  of  the  Habitations  of  Cruelty.  O  let  not  the 
'^  Oppreflcd  return  afhamed  :  Let  the  Poor  and  Needy 
■"  praife  thy  Name." 

C  H  A  P.     XIL 

Of  the  mediator  of  the  COVENANT. 

I  Qiieil:.   WHO  is  the  Mediator  of  this  Covenant  ? 

A.  The  Lordjefus  Chrill.  iTim.  a.  5.  '•'-  For  there 
^^  is  one  Mediator  between  God  and  Man,  the  Man 
^^  Chrifljefus." 

1  Q..  Is  ke  only  a  Mediator  of  Inter  cejjlon^  or  alfo  of  Re- 

A.  Alfo  of  Reconciliation,  for  thus  it  follows  in  the 
T€xt>  ^'Who  gave  himfelf  a  Ranfom  for  all.  i  Tim. 
''  2.  6r 

3  Q:  ^^  J^f^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^  Mediator  or  Mefjiah  who  was  to 
come  ? 

A,  Yes>  For  in  him  was  fulfilled  all  that  was  fore- 
told oftheMeiTiah. 

Q.  jpid he  appear  in  due  Time ? 

(    48    ) 

A.  Yes  5  Before  the  Sceptre  was  departed  fromju- 
^ah,  andthe  Law  giver  from  between  his  Feet,  Gen. 
49.  10.  adly.  While  the  fecond  Temple  flood,  accord- 
ing to  Hag.  a.  a.  and  gdly.  When  the  Seventy  Weeks 
were  about  expired.  Dan.  9. 

5   Q.   JVhere'm  is  ths Mediator  to  he  known ? 

A.  Firft  in  his  Names,  adly.  In  his  Offices.  3dly.  In 
hisNatures.  4thly.  In  his  States  j  and  sthly.  In  his  Be-  , 

I.     Of  the  Name  JESUS. 

I  Quefl.  TVhich  are  his  mofi peculiar  Names. 

A,  They  are  two,  to  wit.  Jefus  and  Chrift  3  thefirft 
an  Hebrew,  the  other  a  Greek  Name. 

a  Q.   What  doth  the  Name  of  Jefus  fignify^ 

A.  A  Saviour,  Matt.  "Thou  fhalt  call  his  Name 
^''  Jesus  :  For  he  fhall  save  his  People  from  their  Sins." 

3  Qj   What  is  ittofavel: 

A.  To  redeem  from  the  greateflEvil,  and  to  reflore 
to  the  fupreme  Good. 

4  Q.   By  what  Means  doth  Chrifi  dothis^ 
A.   By  Merit  and  a6tual  Application. 

5  Q.   Hath  Chrift  merited  Saivationl: 

A.  Yesj  Heb.  5.  9.  "AndbeingmadePerfedhebe- 
^'  came  an  Author  of  Salvation,  unto  all  them  that  obey 
'-  him." 

6  Q.  Doth  he  a5iuaUy  apply  this  Saivationl- 

A.  Yes  5  John  10,  a8.  "  I  give  unto  them  eternal 
^'  Life,  and  they  iliall  never  perilh,  neither  fhall  any 
*^  pluckthemoutof  my  Hand.'* 

7  Q.  Can  Merit  and'  Application  be  feparatcd  in  this 
TVork  of  Salvation  ? 

K.  No  j  He  furely  applies  this  Salvation  to  all  thofe 
for  whom  he  h  ath  merited  it.  Ifaiah  53 .  11.  "He  fhall 
"  fee  the  Travail  of  his  Soul,  and  fhall  be  fatisfied: 
"'  By  his  Knowledge  fliallmy  righteous  Servants  jufti-'< 

fy  many  >   for  he  fhall  bear  their  Iniquities." 


(    49    )• 

8  C^.  t>oth  this  Application  depend  on  Ourfilves  ?   • 
J.  Noj  But  on  the  powerful  Operation  of  the  Di- 
vine Grace, 

n.     Of  the  Nam£  CHRIST. 

I  Qiieft .  PFkat  doth  the  Nafhe  Chriftftgnify  ? 
A.  Anointed. 

a  Q.  How  isthatName  inHehre^v? 
A.  Mefias,  John  1.41.  ^'  We  have  found  the  Mfisr- 
^^  as  which  is,  being  interpreted,  Christ. 

3  Q.   In  how  many  Things  doth  this  anointing  confift "?  ^ 
A,  In  two  Things  >   In  his  Appointment,  and  in  his 

Qiialiiication  to  his  Mediatoriliip. 

4  Q^   Who  hath  appointed  and  qualified  him  ? 
A.  God  the  Father. 

5  Q:   Jfhen  was  he  appointed  ? 

A.  From  Eternity.  Prov.  8.  23.  <^^  I  was  fet  up  (of 
"  anointed)  from  everlafting,  from  the  Beginnings  or 
''  everthe  Earth  was.'' 

6  Q^.   According  to  what  Nature  was  he  Appointed  ? 
A.  Both  according  to  hi?  divine  and  human  Nature. 
'7  Qj   When  was  he  qualified  ? 

A.  In  the  fulnefs  of  Time.  Gal.  4.  4. 
S  Q.  In  what  Nature' was  he  qualified^ 
A.  In  his  Human  Natura,  for  as  to  his  divine  Na- 
ture he  cannot  be  laid  to  be  made  fit. 

9  Q.   Why  is hisheing  appotnted^called an anointing'% 
A,  Becaufe  under  the  OldTeftament,  men  were  or- 
dained to  certain  Offices  by  anointing. 

10  Q.  IFhy  Vshis  being  fitted  or  qualified^  called  an 
anointing  ? 

A.  Becaufe  God  by  that  anointing  fpmetimes  render- 
ed fuchPerfons  fit  for  their  feveralOfnces. 

I I  Q.  Wherewith  is  Chrifi  anointed  or  qualified  ? 


(     50     ) 

A.  With  the  Holy  Ghoil.  A6ts  lo.  38.  ^<^  How  God 
''  anointed  Jefiis  ot  Nazareth  with  the  Holy  Ghoit, 
''  and  with  Power  5  who  v/ent  about  doing  good^ 
^'  and  healing  all  that  were  opprelTed  of  the  Devil: 
^^  For  God  was  with  him." 

la  (^  fVhat  peculiar  Gifts  of  the  Holy  G  ho  ft  are  com- 
municated to  him "? 

A.  Wifdom,  Power,  and  Holinefs. 

13  Q.   Wherein  did  he  manifeft  hisWifdom  ? 

A.  In  his  Doctrine.  Matt.  7.  a8,  ap  "  When  JefiH 
'•  had  ended  thefe  fayings,  the  People  were  ailonifned 
'^  at  his  Dodrincj  for  he  taught  them  as  one  having 
"  Authority,   and  not  as  the  Scribes." 

140^.   W herein  did  his  Power  appear  ? 

A.  In  his  Miracles.  Luke  24.  19.  "  Concerning  Je- 
"  fus  of  Nazareth,  which  was  a  Prophet,  mighty  in 
"  T>^(id.  and  Word,  before  God  and  all  the  People. " 

1 5  Q.   TVherein  confifted  his  Holinefs  ? 
A,  In  that  he  had  no  Sin. 

16  Q.  Had  he  no  original  Sin  ? 

A,  No:  Luke  i.  35.  "And  the  Angel  anfwered 
^^  and  faid  unto  her,  the  Holy  Ghoil  fhall  come  upon 
^*  thee,  and  the  Power  of  the  High  eft  fhall  overiha- 
"•  doY/  thee  :  Therefore  alfo  that  Holy  Thing  which 
'^  fliall  be  born  of  thee,  faall  be  called  the  Son  of 
"  God." 

17  Q^.  Had  he  no  actual  Sins? 

A.  No  •,  John  8.  46.  '^  Which  of  you  convinceth 
"  rac  of  Sin? 

1 8  Q^   JVas  it  neccffary  that  he  ftootild  he  without  Sin  ? 
A    Certainly  •,   For  one  who  himfelf  was  a  Sinner 

could  not  {^itisfv  for  another.  Heb.  7.  a6.  "  For  fuch 
^«  rui  hi^^h  Pricft  became  us,  vvho  is  holy,  harmlefs, 
^^  undefiled,  feparate  From  Sinners,  and  made  hiq;her 
^ *  th an  th e H e a v e r. "^ 

(     51     5 

ill.     Of  his  OFFICEJ5 

I  Queft.   To  how  many  Offices  is  Chrifl  anointed  ? 

A.  To  three  5  To  wit,  the  Office  of  aProphet,  oi  a 
Prieft,  and  of  a  King. 

a  Q.  IVas  he  prefigured  m  thefe  Offices  in  the  Old  Tef- 
t  anient  ? 

A.  Yes  'y  By  anointed  Prophets,  Priefls  and  Kings. 

§  Q.   Were  all  thefe  three  Offices  neceffary  in  him  V 

A.  Yes. 

4  Q.   Why  miift  he  he  a  Prophetl: 
A.  To  enlighten  our  Ignorance. 

5  CL   Why  a  Prieft  ? 

A.  To  reconcile  our  Guiit. 

6  Why  our  King  ? 

A.  To  redeem  us  from  the  Slavery  of  Sin  and  Satan . 

A,     Of  his  PROPHETICAL  Office. 

t  Queft.   Was  hepromifed  as  a  Prophet  ? 

A.  Yes  5  Deut.  i8.  15.  ^-^  The  Lord  thy  God  will 
^'  raife  up  unto  thee  a  Prophet  from  the  Midil  of  thee, 
^'  of  thy  Brethren,  like  unto  me-^  unto  him  fhall  ye 
"  hearken." 

a  d-   What  doth  he  as  a  Prophet? 

A.  He  teaches  US. 

3  Q.   What  doth  he  teach  us? 

A.  He  teaches  US  the  Way  of  Salvation.  lfaiah^6i.  i» 

a,  3,  ^'  The  Spirit  oFthe  Lord  God  is  upon  me,  becau-fe 

"  the  Lord  hath  anointed  me  to  preach  good  Tidings 

'  ^'  unto  the  Meek,  he  hath  fcnt  me  to  bind  up  the  bro- 

'^  ken-hearted,  to  proclaim  Liberty  to  the  Captivcsy 

■■,ft^  and  the  opening  of  the  Prifon  to  them  that  are  bound: 

;,^f,;  To  proclaim  the  acceptable  Year  o^  the  Lord,  and 

•,-^^;  &^Q:  Day  oi:  Vengeance  of  our  God,   to  comfort  all 

•S^  that  mourn:    To  appoint  unto  tliem  that  mourn 

^'.in  Zioii,  to  give  unto  them  beauty  for  Ailies,  th  : 

^-^  Oil  of  Joy  for  MourHing,  the  Garment  ofpraife  k^- 

(     5^     ) 

"  the  Spirit  of  Heavinefs  J  that  they  may  be  called 
<-<-  Trees  of  Righteoufnefs,  the  pi^nting  of  the  Lord 
"  that  he  might  be  gloriiied.'* 

4  Q_.   thereby  dotli  he  teach  us? 

A,  Externally  by  his  Word,  and  internally  by  his 
Spirit.  Ads  i6.  14.  "  And  a  certain  Woman  named 
^^  Lydia,  a  Seller  of  Purple,  of  the  City  of  Thyatira, 
'^  Yv'hich  worihipped  God,  heard  us .  Whofe  Heart 
^'  the  Lord  opened,  that  Hie  attended  on  the  Words 
'^  whichwerefpoken  by  Paul/' 

5  Q.  Was  Chrift  a  Prophet  under  the  Old  Tefiament? 
A.  Yes  >  The  Prophets  of  thofe  Times  have  alfo 

fpoken  by  the  Spirit  of  Chrift  which  was  in  them,  i  Pet. 
1 .  1 1 .  ^'  Searching  what,  or  what  Manner  of  Time  the 
''  the  Spirit  of  Chrift  which  was  in  them  did  fignify, 
*^  when  it  teftiiied  beforehand  the  Sufferings  of  Chrift, 
'^  and  thcGlory  that  ihould  follow." 

6  Q.  Hath  he  ever  taught  in  his  own  Perfon  ? 

A.  Yes :  When  he  was  in  the  Flelh  on  Earth.  John  17. 
6.  "I  have  manifefted  thy  Name  unto  the  Men  which 
"  thou  gaveft  me  out  of  the  World.  Thine  they  were, 
'^  and  thou  gaveft  them  me,  and  they  have  kept' thy 
''  Word.  Ads  I.  3.  To  whom  alfo  he  Ihc  wed  himfelfa- 
^^  live  after  his  Paftion,  by  many  inf^illible  Proofs,  be- 
"  ing  feen  of  them  forty  Days,  and  fpeaking  of  the 
"  Things  pertaining  to  the  Kingdom  of  God." 

7  Q.   Ishenow^  after  his  Afenjion^fiilla  Prophetlr 
A.  Yes  j  He  doth  now  teach  by  m.eans  of  Paftors  an 

Teachers,  whom  he  hath  appointed.  Eph.4. 11.  ''An 
''  he  i^ave  fome  Apoftles,  and  fome  Prophets,  and  fomej 
'^  Evangelifts,  and  fome  Paftors  and  Teachers.'* 

8  Q.   Doth  he  hlmfelf  then  ccafe  toteachl: 
A.  He  himfclf  and   he  alone  always  hath,  and  ftill 

doth  tcachby  his  Spirit.  Ifaiah  59.  ai .  ^'  As  for  me  this- 
*^  is  mv  Covenant  with  them,  faith  the  Lord,  my  Spirit 
^^  thai  is  upon  thee,  and  my  Words  which  I  have  put 
«'  in  thy  Mouth,  ftiall  not  depart  out  of  thy  Mouth,  noa;; 
^'  out  of  the  Mouth  of  thv  Seed,  nor  out  of  the  Mouth 
«^  ofthy  Seed's  Seed,  faith  the  Lord,  henceforth  and 
^^  forever." 


(     53     ) 

B.     Of  his  priestly  OFFICE. 

1  Quefl.   JV uiS  he  alfopromlfed  as  a  Prieft  ? 
^  A,  YeSjPf.  no.  4.  ^'TheLordhathfworn,  tind  will 
5*  not  repent,  thou  art  a  Prieft  forever  after  the  Order 
'<^  of  Meichifedek/* 

-  a  Q.  What  is  the  meaning  of  this  Scripture  ? 
.  J.  Firft,  That  he  alone  is  Prieft.  a.  An  eternal  Prieft. 

3  Q.  How  doth  he  execute  the  office  of  a  Priefi  ? 

A,  By  offering  Sacrifice  j  and  making  Interceftion. 
.     4  Q.   What  hath  he  offered  ? 

A,  Himfelf.Heb.  9.  14.  ^' How  much  more  ftiall  the 
"  Blood  of  Chrift,  who  through  the  eternal  Spirit,  of- 
*'  Fered  himself  without  Spot  to  God,  purge  your 
^f  Confcienccs  from  dead  Works  to  ferve  the  livine 
"«^  God.'' 

5  Q.  When  was  this  Offering  made  ? 

A.  During  his  whole  fufferings,  but  efpecially  on  the 
Crofs.  I  Pet.  a.  14.  ''  Who  his  own  felf  bare  our  Sins  in 
'^  his  own  Body  on  the  Tree,  thatwe  being  dead  to  Sin, 
^^  ihould  live  unto  Righteoufnefs  *  By  whofe  Stripes  ve" 
"  were  healed." 

6  Q.   To  whom  hath  he  offered  hirtifclf? 
A.  To  his  Father. 

7  Q.   For  whom  hath  he  offered  himfelf? 
A,  Foralltheelea:. 

8  Q.  Was  his  Sacrifice  a  true  Sacrifice  of  Reconci- 
liation ? 

A,  Yes :  Heb.  10.  14.  "  For  by  one  offeringhe  hath 
"  perl:e6i:ed  for  ever  them  that  are  landified.'' 

9  Q:   What  is  his  Inter ceffion  ? 

A.  That  he  continually  prefenteth  his  Merits  iwito  his 
Father,and  thereon  demands  the  Salvation  of  hisPeople. 
John  17.14."  Father  I  will  that  they  alfo  whomthou  haft 
*'  given  me  be  with  me  where  I  am, that  they  may  behold 
'^  my  Glory,  which  thou  haft  given  me  j  for  thou 
"  lovedft  me  before  the  Foundation  of  the  World." 

(    54    ) 

£0  Q.    IVhere  dothhe  thus  interceed? 

A.  In  Heaven.  Rom.  8.  34.  -^^Chrifl— whoisat  the 
"  RightHandof  God,  who  alfo  maketh  IntercefTion 
"  for  us. ^' 

II   Q;   For  whom  ? 

A.  OiilyfortheEle6t.  John  17.9.  "I  pray  for  them: 
"•'  [pray  riot  for  the  World,  but  for thofe  which  thou 
^'  had  given  me,  for  they  were  thine.*' 

Ti  Q.   Is  there  more  thcin  one  Mediator  of  InterceJfj.on% 

A.  No:  I  John  a.  i.  "My  little  Children,  thefe 
^^  Things  write  I  unto  you,  that  ye  fm  not,  and  if  any 
-'  Man  lin,  wehaveari  Advocate  with  the  Father,  Jc- 
;•  flisChrift,  the  righteous,  and  he  is  the  Propitiation 
'^^  for  our  Sins. 

11,  Q.  Are  not  the  Angels  or  Sorints  otir  Inter cejfors  in 
Heaven  ? 

A.  No  J  Firll:,They  knownot  ourNeceffitiesj  Se- 
condly, Cannot  hear  our  Prayers  5  nor.  Thirdly,  Have 
diey  made  Satisfadion  for  us,  for  the  Sake  of  which 
they  miglit  make  a  Demand . 

C.     Of  his   kingly  Office. 

I   Q.UC1I:.   Was  Chrift  alfo  promifed  as  King  ? 

A.  Yes :  PC  a.  6.  '-^  Yet  have  I  fet  my  King;  upon 
■^'  my  Holy  Hill  of  Zion.'* 

-  Q.   What  doth  he  perform  as  King  ? 
i.  He  doth  rule  and  defend  his  People. 

3  Q^   Whereby  doth  he  rule  them  ? 

A.  ^2^\f  his  Word  and  Spirit.  Pf  43.  3.  "  Ofend  out 
'-  thy  Light  and  thy  Truth v  let  them  lead  me,  leti 
'  ^  them  bring  me  unto  thy  holy  Hill,  and  to  thy  Ta-  ' 
^'.  bernacles." 

V  ^-   Againft  whom  doth' he  protect  them  ? 

A.  AgainlUhcir  fpiritual  and  carnal  Enemies.  John 
to..  18, 19.  "I  give  unto  them  eternal  Life,  and  they 
^^  fliiU  never  periili,  neither  ihall  any  pluck  them  out 
-'^'■.of  my  Hand.  My  Father  which  gave  them  me  is 
^'  greater  than  all  3  And  none  is  able  to  pluck  them  out 

(     55^    ) 

5  Q.   Is  /^e  an  earthly  King  ? 

A,  )>^o  ;bi]ta{piritual  and  heavenly  King.  John  i8. 
365  "Jefiis  aniwered,  my  Kingdom'isnotof  this  World: 
^'  If  my  Kingdom  wcrcofthis  World,  then  would  my 
^^  Servants  fight,  thatl  fhould  not  be  delivered  to  the 
"  Jews  >  But  nov/  is  my  Kingdom  not  from  hence." 

6  Q.  Was  he  alfo  a-  King  under  the  Old  Teftamcnt '? 

A.  Yes  \  For  he  hath  even  then  as  King  defended  and 
given  Laws  to  his  Church.  iraiah33.  la.  "•'•For  the  Lord 
'^  is  our  Judge,  the  Lord  is  our  Law-giver^  the  Lord 
^^  is  our  King,  he  will  faveus/' 

7  Q.   How  long  is  he  King? 

A,  For  ever.  Luke  i.  33.  "He  fhall  reign  over  the 
^'  Houfe  of  Jacob  for  ever,  and  of  his  Kingdom  there 
"  fliallbenoend." 

7  Q  JVhy  are  Believers  called  Chriftians  ? 

A.  Becaufethey  are  partakers  of  Chrifl's  anointing. 
I  John  a.  ao.  and  17.  "  But  ye  have  an  Undion  from  the 
''  Holy  One,  and  ye  know  all  Things.  F^r.  a7.  Butthe 
'^  anointing  which  ye  have  feceived  of  him,  abidethin 
'^  you :  And  ye  need  not  that  any  Man  teach  you  :  But 
'^  as  the  fame  anointing  teacheth  you  of  allThings,  and 
"  is  truth,  and  is  no  lie  :  And  even  as  it  hath  taught  you 
'^  ye  fliall  abide  in  him.  i  Pet.  a.  9.  But  ye  are  a  chofen 
"  Generation,  a  Royal  Priefthood,  an  Holy  Nation,  a 
"  peculiarPeople,  thatye  fliouldlliew  forth  the Praifes 
"  of  him,  who  hath  called  you  out  of  Darknefs  to  his 
"  marvellous  Light." 

IV.     Of  his   natures. 

I  Quefl.  Hoiv  many  Natures  hat k  Chrift? 

A,  Two  :  A  divine  and  human  Nature,  i  Tim.  a.  16. 
^''  And  without  Controverfy,  great  is  the  Myflery  oi' 
^^  Godlinefs :  God  was  manifeitin  the  Flefli." 

a  Q.   fFas  that  foretMd  ? 

A.  Yes  5  Ifaiah  9.  6.  ^'  For  unto  us  a  Child 
"  is  born,  unto  us  a  Son  is  given,  and  the  Go- 
"  vernment  iTiall  be  upon  his  Shoulders  :  And  his 
^^  Name   fhall   be   called    wonderful,    Counfellor> 

(     56    ) 

<«  the  mighty  God,  the  everlafting  Father,  the  Prince 
"  oi  Peace  : 

3  Q.  Is  /fe  very  God  1- 

ui.  Yes  i  John  5.  %o.  "  And  we  know  that  thq  Son  of 
"  God  is  come,  and  hath  given  us  an  undcrftanding, 
*'  that  we  may  know  hitn  that  is  true,  and  we 
'^  are  in  him  that  is  true,  even  in  his  Son  Jelus 
^^  Chrifl,  this  is  the  true  God  and  eternal  jLjfe." 

4  Q.  Which  of  the  three  Perfons  is  he  according  to  his 
Godhead f 

J,  Th^  fecond  Perfon  or  the  Son.  Gal.  4.  4.  <-'  But 
'^  when  thelulnefs  of  the  Time  was  come,  God  fent 
^'  forth  his  Son,  made  of  a  Woman,  made  under  the 
*'  Law.'^ 

5  Q.   Ishe  alfo  very  Manl: 

j1.  Yes  >  I  Tim.  a.  5.  "-  For  there  is  one  God  and  one 

6  Q.  Of  how  many  Parts  doth  his  human  Nature  confifi% 
j1.  Of  two  j  Soul  and  Body. 

7  Q.  Did  not  his  Godhead  J  apply  the  Place  of  a  human 
Soul  ? 

^.  No>  For  he  hath  fuffered  in  his  Soul.  Matf.  a6. 
38.  "Then  faith  he  mito  them,  my  Soul  is  exceeding 
'^  forrowful,  even  unto  Death :  Tarry  y^  here,  an4 
*'  watch  with  me." 

8  Q.   JVhy  rauft  he  be  God  ? 

A.  To  fupport  the  human  Nature  in  bearing  the  infi- 
nite Wrath  of  Godj  And  to  add  an  infinite  Value  to 
hisMerits.  Ifaiah63.  1,^,3.  "  Who  is  he  thatcometh 
'^  from  Edom,  with  died  Garments  from  Bozrah  ? 
''  This  that  is  glorious  in  his  Apparel,  travelling  in 
^'  the  Greatnels  of  his  Strength  ?  Ithat  fpeakinRigh- 
'^  teoufnefs  mighty  to  fave.  Wherefore  art  thou  red 
^'  in  thine  Apparel,  and  thy  Garments  like  him 
^'  that  treadeth  the  Wine-fat?  I  have  trodden  the 
^^  Wine-prefs  alone,  and  of  the  People  there  was  none 
^^  with  me  :  For  I  will  trea^  them  in  mine  Anger  >  and 
^'  trample  them  in  my  Fury,  and  their  Blood  fhall  be 
^'  fprinkled  upon  my  Garments,  and  I  will  ftaiil  all 
^^  my  Raiment," 

(    57    ) 

p  Q.  PFhy  mufl  lie  he  Man  ? 

A,  In  order  to  be  in  a  Capacity  to  {iiffcr  and  die, 

JO.  Q.   Are  the  two  Natures  in  Clirift  united  ? 

A.  Yes :   (o  as  to  make  but  one  Perfon. 

1 1  -Q.   How  is  this  Union  brought  about^ 

A.  By  the  divine  Pcrlbn  taking  upon  him  the  humaii 
Nature,  Phii.^.y.  ^'^Butmade  himieli*  ofno  Reputati- 
'^^  on,  and  took  upon  him  the  ibrm  of  a  Servant,  and  was 
"  made  in  the  Likenefs  of  Men." 

ja  Q.  Isnotthqn  the  Godhead  changed  into  the  human 

A.  No^  He  remained  God. 

J3  Q.  But  yet  it  is  written^  John  1.14.  ^^The  Word  was 
^'  made  Fiejh?'' 

A.  The  Word  made^  (or  being  made)  don't  import 
an eflential  Change,  Gal.  3.  13.  <^^Chrif]:  being  made  a 
"  Curfc  for  us,'*  which  cannot  fignify  he  was  changed 
into  a  Cur fe. 

1 4  Q.   Are  not  the  two  Nature^  intermixed  in  one  ? 

A,  No  i  They  remain  two  Natures  even  after  their 

1 5  Q:   Are  then  the  two  Natures  alfo  two  Perfons  ? 
At  No:  But  one  Perfon. 

i  6  Q.  Are  mtfome  of  the  divine  Properties  transferred 
to  the  human  Nature. 

A,  No  y  Each  Nature  retains  its  diftinft  Properties. 

V.     Of  his  S  T  /I  T  E  S. 

I  Qiieft .  How  many  States  w'ufiwe  difiinguifh  in  Ckrifi? 

A.  Two  :  A  State  of  Humiliation,  and  a  State  of  Ex- 
altation, Pf.  110.7.  "  He  fhall  drink  of  the  Brook  in  the 
"  Way:  Thereforeihall  hclift uphisHead."      :      ..^ 

a  Q^.   Were  they  hoi  hue  ccffary? 

A\  Yes5  Inthe  State  of  Humiliation  it  was  necefHiry 
he  ihould  purchafe  Salvation  :  And  apply  it  in  the  ^ate 
of  Exaltation. 

(     58    ) 

3  Qj   Which  are  the  Degrees  of  his  Humiliation? 

A.  Firft,  His  humble  Birth.  Secondly,  His  Suffer- 
ings. Thirdly,  His  Death.  Fourthly,  His  Burial.  Fifth- 
ly, Defcending  into  Hell. 

4  Q^.   IVhich  are  the  Degrees  of  his  Exaltation  ? 

A.  Firfl,  His  Refurrection.  Secondly,  His  Afcenlion 
into  Heaven,  Thirdly  his  fitting  at  the  Right  Hand  of 
God.  Fourthly,  His  coming  again  to  Judgment. 

Of  the  Degrees  of  his  Humiliation. 
A.     Of  his  humble    BIRTH. 

I  Qiieft .   Of  whom  was  he  horn  ? 

u^.  OftheVirginMif^;}/,  Ifaiahy.  14.  ^'Behold  a  Vir- 
'^  gin  lliall  conceive  and  bear  a  Son,  and  fhall  call  his 
'^  Name  Lmmanuel." 

a  Q.   By  whom  was  he  conceived  ? 

A.  By  the  Power  of  the  Holy  Ghofl.  Luke  r.  35. 
^'  And  the  Angel  anfweredand  faid  unto  her,  the  Holy 
"  Ghoftfhall  come  upon  thee,  and  the  Power  of  the 
"  Higheft  iliall  overihadow  thee  :  Therefore  thatHo- 
"  ly  Thing  which  ihall  be  born  of  thee,  ihall  be  called 
"  the  Son  of  God." 

3  Q  Was  he  bornofthe  Flejh  and  Blood  of  the  Firftin 
Ma-^yl:  ^ 

A,  Yes  3  Gal.  4.  4.  "But  when  the  FuUnefs  of  the 
^^  Time  was  come,  God  fent  forth  his  Son  made  of  a 
"  Woman,  made  under  the  Law." 

4  Q.  Hath  he  not  brought  his  Sub  fiance^  or  his  Fief,) 
and  Blood  from  Heaven  ? 

A.  No  :  He  received  it  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  and 
jiiot  before. 

5  Q.  But  it  is  '^ritten^  He  that  afcended  is  the  fime 
.that  defcended.  Eph.  4.  9,  10. 

A.  The  fame  Perfon  though  not  according  to  the 
iame  Nature  3   for  according  to  his  human  Nature  he 

C     59    ) 

hath  afcended,  but  according  to  his  Divinity  he  de- 
fcended,  manileltinghimfelf  inthe  Flefli. 

6  Q.   Wfiere  was  he  horn  ?      '        '       ' 

A.  In  Bethlehem,  Mica  5.  a.  "But  thou  Bethlehem 
''  Ephratah,  though  thou  be  little  among  the  Tribes  of 
"  Judah,  yet  out  of  thee  fhall  come  forth  unto  me,  that 
"  is  to  be  a  Ruler  in  Ifrael:  V/hofe  going  forth  have 
"  been  of  old  from  everlafling." 

The  accompli Jhment  whereof  we  read  in  the  Hijiory  of  his 
Birth  in  the  %d  of  Luke, 

B.     His  SUFFER.INGS. 

I  Q.   H^ere  the  Sufferings  of  Chrift  necejfary  ? 

A,  Yes  i  for  they  were  foretold.  Pf.  12,.  Ifaiah  53 .  Pf. 
8.  and  Dan.  9. 

a  Q.   How  long  did  his  Sufferings  continue  ? 

A.  From  the  beginning  of  hisLife  even  tohisDeath. 
a  Cor.  8.9.  <^'For  ye  know  the  Grace  of  our  Lord  Jefus 
"  Chrift,  that  though  he  was  rich,  yet,  for  your  Sakes 
''  he  became  poor,  that  ye,  through  his  Poverty  might 
"  might  be  rich. Phil.  1.  8.  Andbein^  found  in  Fafhion 
^'  asa  Man,  he  humbleth  himfelf  andbcciune  obedient 
^^  unto  death,  even  the  Death  of  the  Crofs." 

3  Q.   In  what  did  hefuffer  ? 

A.  InSoul  and  Body,  Matt.  a6.--- 1  Pet.  a.  14.  "Who 
"  his  ownfelfbare  qur  Sins  in  his  o wnBody  on  theTree, 
"  that  webeing  dead  to  Sin,  fhould  live  unto  Righte- 
"  oufnefs,  by  vvhofe  Stripes  ye  were  healed." 

4  Q.   Did  hefuffer  immediately  after  his  Birth  ? 

A,  Yes  >  He  fuffered  painful  Circumcifion  on  the 
eighth  Day. 

5  Q,   fFhy  was  Chrift  circumcifedl: 

A.  Among  other  Reafonsi,  becaufe  he  fhould  have 
the  Sign  of  Abraham's  Seed. 

6  Q.   Hath  he  fuffered  more  ? 

-/f.  Yes3  He  was  brought  up  in  a  poor  defpifed  Condi- 

(     6o     ) 

tion,  and  alfo  his  whole  Life  Time  he  endured  the  Ha- 
tred, Malice,  andPerfecutions  of  his  Enemies. 

7  Q;   ^^en  were  his  Sufferings  moft  fever e  ? 

J  At  the  End  of  his  Life  5  Read  the  Circumftances^ 
thereof.  Matt.  a6th  and  a7th  Chapters. 

8  Q.    Underwhat Judges  did  he  fnffcr? 
A.  Under  Pontius  Piiate..^ — ^-  ^ 

C.     His  D  E  A  T  H. 

1  Q.   What  Death  did  he  die"^, 

A,  The  Death  of  the  Crofs.  Phil.  a.  8.  <^' He  became 
''  obedient  unto  Death,  even  the  Death  of  the  Crofs." 

a  Q.   JVas  his  Crucijixion  alfo  foretold? 

A.  Yesi  Pf  la.  i6  ^^ForDogs  havecompafledme, 
"  the  Aflembly  of  the  Wicked  have  inclofed  me  >  They 
••'  pierced  my  Hands  and  Feet."" 

3  Q:  Had  not  that  Death  any  aggravating  Circum- 
fiances  ? 

A.  Yes  j  ift.  It  was  a  fcandalous.  adly .  A  painful,  and 
3dly,  An  accurfed  Death. 

4  Q.   JVhy  did  he  die  fuch  an  accurfed  Death  '? 

A.  To  redeem  us  from  the Curfe,  Gal.  3.  13.  "  Chrift 
^^  hath  redeemed  us  from  the  Curfe  of  the  Law^  being 
••'  made  a  Curfe  lor  us  5  For  it  is  written,  curfed  is  eve- 
"■^  .iDFi^e  thathangeth  on  aTree." 

5  Or   Inhere  was  Chri ft  crucified? 

A.  On  the  Mount  Golgotha;  between  two  Thieves. 

6  Q.  Was  his  Death  alfo  a  neceffary  part  of  his  Suffer- 
pigs  ? 

Yes  3  Becaufe  Death  was  threatened  as  a  Punishment 
«f  Sin,  and  Chriil  was  to  take  away  all  Puniihment. 

D.     Of  HIS  B  U  R  I  A  L. 

I   Queft.   Who  buried  Chrift? 

A.  Jofeph  of  Arimathea,  and  Nicodemus. 

■2  Q.   Where  was  he  buried? 

A.  In  a  new  Grave  hewn  out  of  ^  Rock. 

3   Q.   Why  was  he  buried? 

(     6i     ) 

A.  To  affiire  us  that  he  was  really  dead. 
4  Q.  Was  his  Burial alfo  for etold% 
A.  Yes  j  Ifaiah  13 .  9.  "  And  he  made  his  Grave  with 
"  the  wicked,  and  with  the  Rich  in  his  Death. 

E.     His  decending  into  HELL. 

I   Quefi.   What  is  meant  hy  his  defcending  into  Hell  ? 
A.  That  he  fuffered  heliiili  Torments  in  his  Soul, 
a  Q.   When  did  he  fuj/er  them? 
A.  Efpecially  in  the  Garden  of  Gethfemana,  and  on 
the  Crois. 

3  Q.  How  did  he  complain  in  Get  hfemanal: 

A.  "  My  Soul  is  exceeding  forrowful,  even  unto 
"  Death. ^'  Matt.  a6.  a8. 

4  Q.   And  what  onthe  Crofs? 

A.  ELI,  ELI,  LAMA,  SABACTHANI,  that  is,  "My 
"  God,  my  God,  why  haft  thou  forlaken  me."  Matt. 
27.  46. 

5  ^.   Did  he  not  per  finally  defcend  into  Hell? 

A.  Notatalh  For  while  he  was  dead,  his  body  was 
in  the  Tomb,  and  his-  Soul  in  Heaven.  Luke  13.  43. 
"  And  fclus  faid  unto  him,  verily  I  fay  unto  thee,  To- 
'^  dav  ihalt  thou  be  with  me  in  Paradife." 

6  Q.  Was  then  his  Defcent  into  Hell  accomplijhed  be- 
fore his  Death  ? 

A.  Yes^  Diu'ing  the  Time  of  his  Bodily  Sufferings. 

7  Q.   Were  the  Sufferings  of  his  Soul  alfo  necejfary  ? 
A.  Yes  J  Becauie  we  have  alfo  fmned  in  our  Souls. 

F.     Of  the  End  of  his  HUMILIATION. 
His  S  A  T  I  S  F  A  C  T  I  O  N. 

I   Quefl.  Hat hCkriJlin his  State  of  Hnmiliation^  fatis- 
fied  the  Divine  J  ufiice  ? 

(  ^^  ) 

A.  Yes  J  Ifaiali  53.4.  "  Surely  he  hath  borne  out 
^'  Griefs,  and  carried  our  Sorrows,  yet  wedideiieem 
*'  himilricken,  Imitten  of  God,  and  afflicted." 

a  Q.   J^Fherein  doth  this  Satisfadion  confifi  ? 

u4.  In  two  parts,  ift.  In  obeying  theLaw,  and  adly. 
In  fufFeringthe  Puniihment? 

3  Q.  Is  the  doing  or  obeying  the  Law  part  of  his  Satis- 
f ah  ion  ? 

A.  Yes  5  Rom.  5.  19.  "  For  asby  oneMan'sDi^obe- 
''  dience  many  were  made  Sinners :  So  by  the  Obedi- 
^^  ence  of  one  many  fhall  be  made  righteous." 

4  Q^.  Is  his  Suffering  the  Punifiment  due  to  Sin^  alfo 
fart  of  this  Satisfaction  ? 

A.  Yes5.  Ifaiah  53.  5.  "  But  he  was  wounded  for  our 
^'  Tranfgreflions,  he  was  bruifed  for  our  Iniquities : 
•'  The  Chaftifement  of  our  Peace  was  upon  him,  and 
'^  with  his  Stripes  we  are  healed." 

5  Qj  JVasnot  the  fufering  the  PuniJJrment  alone  fuffi - 
$ient  to  merit  or  fatisfy  for  us  ? 

Ax  No  5  Suffering  the  Punilliment  could  only  free 
from  Punifhment^  but  could  give  no  Right  to  eternal 
Life  y  that  was  only  promifed  upon  obeying  the  Law. 
'^  Do  this  and  thou  fiiak  live . ' ' 

6  <J.  JFas  a  Satisfaction  nee effvry  ? 

^.  Yes,  lil.  Fromthe  Nature  of  divine  Juftice,  which 
could  not  forgive  Sins  unpunifhed  or  unfatisfied.  idly. 
By  V^irtue  of  his  Truth,  which  exprefly  hath  declared 

7  Q.  Is  there  in  this  Satisfaction  an  ahfolute  Reconcili- 
ation made^  or  did  Chrift  only  merit  a  poffihility  of  being 

A.  An  Actual,  abfolute,  and  perfonal  Reconciliation 
is  made,  ci  Cor.  5.  19.  ^"^  God  was  inChrifl,  reconciling 
^^  the  World  unto  himfelf,  net  imputing  their  Trefpaf- 
''  fes  untothem,  and  hath  committed  unto  us  the  Word 
^^  of  Reconciliation." 

8  Q.   For  who?n-  hath  Chrififatisficd'^.- 
A,  Fcrthe  Ekct  onh^ 

(     63     ) 

9  Q.  Did  he  not  die  for  all  Men  ? 

A.  No  >  But  only  for  his  People^  Matt,  i.ii,  "  And 
^^  ihc  fhall  briug  forth  a  Son,  and  thou  fhalt  call  his 
"  Name  Jesus,  for  he  fhallfave  his  People  from  their 
"  Sins.  !For/^/V6'//^^/>5john  10.  II.  I  am  thegoodShep'^ 
"  herd,  the  good  Shepherd  giveth  his  Life  for  thq 
"  Sheep.  For  his  Churchy  A6ts  ao.  a8.  Take  heed  there- 
"  fore  unto  yourfelves,  and  to  all  the  Flock,  over  the 
^'  which  the  Holy  Gholl:  hath  made  you  Overfeers,  to 
'^  feed  the  Church  of  God,  which  he  hath  purcha- 
'^  SED  WITH  HIS  own  Blood.'* 

10  Q.  How  then  are  we  tounderftand  what  we  often  find 
in  Scripture  that  Chrift  died  for  the  World  and  for  all 
Men  ? 

A.  We  are  to  underftand  by  fuch  Expreffions,  all  the 
Ele6l:  in  the  World,  or  the  Gentile  World,  together 
with  thejewsunder  theNewTcftamenti  or  Menofall 
Ranks  and  Degrees. 

11  Q.   What  are  the  Effects  of  this  Reconciliation? 

A.  ill.  God  is  now  reconciled  with  the  Ele6t  Sinner, 
a  Cor.  5.9.  <^' God  was  inChrift,Teconciling  the  World 
unto  himfelf,  not  imputing  their  TrefpaiTes  unco 
them,  and  hath  committed  unto  us  the  Word  of  Re- 
conciliation, and  adly .  He  receives  aRight  to  eternal 
Life.  Gal.  4.  4,  5.  When  the  Fulnefsofthe  Time  was 
come,Godfentforth  his  Son  made  of  a  Woman,  made 
under  the  Law,  to  redeem  them  that  were  under  the 
Law,  thatwemightreceivethe  Adoption  of  Sons." 
I  a  O.  Hath  every  one  a  Right  to  believe  that  Jefiis 
Chrift  hath  fatisfied  for  him  ? 

A.  No  y  But  only  thofe  who  receive  him  as  the  merit- 
ing, operating,  moving,  and  exemplary  Caufe  of  their 
fpiritual  Life.  Titus  a.  14  <^'Who  gave  himfelfforus, 
^'  that  he  might  redeem  us  from  all  Iniquity,  and  purify 
^' unto  himfelf,apeculiarPeople,zealous  of  good  Works 
'^John  la  14.  Verily,  Verily  I  fay  unto  you,  except  a 
^'Cornof  Wheat  fall  into  the  Ground  and  and  die,  it 
^^al^ideth  alone  5  But   if  it  die  it  brin^eth  forth  much 

(  H  ) 

''  Fruit- a.  Cor.  5.  14,  15.  For  the  love  of  Chrift  (S^n 
'<  llraineth  us,  becaute  we  thus"  judge,  that  if  one  dicj 
"  for  Jill,  then  were  all  dead  :  And  that  he  died  for  alt 
''  thatthey  which  live,  fhould  not  henceforth  live  un- 
*'  to  therafelves,  but  unto  him  which  died  for  thenij 
^*  and  rofe  again.  Rom.  6.  5.  For  if  we  have  been  * 
^^  planted  together  in  the  likenefs  of  Death,  we  fhall 
<«  be  alfo  in  the  Likcnef>  of  his  Resurrection.'' 


Of  the  State  and   Degrees  of  Christ's  Ex^ 

altation.  1 

A.     His    R  E  S  U  R  R  E  C  T  I  O  N. 

1  Queft,  Was  it  neccjfary  that  Chrifijhould  rife  from 
the  Deadl: 

A.  Yesj  Pf.  16.  ID.  <^-Thou  ihalt  not  leave  my  Soul 
"  in  Hell5nor  fuflfer  thine  HolyOne  to  fee  Corruption." 

a  Q).   W hat  certainty  have  we  of  his  Refurre5iion  ? 

A.  ill.  The  Tellimony  of  Angels,  and  the  Watch- 
men, adly .  The  many  Appearances  of  the  Lord  Jefus  to 
the  Women  and  Difciples,  prove  the  certainty  of  his 
Re  fur  red- ion? 

2  Q.  Is  his  Rcfurreclion  of  any  Advantage  to  us  ? 
A.  Yesj  An  AiTurance  of  our  Spiritual  and  bodilyRe- 

furre6i:ion,and  of  his  having  in  all  Things  fullvfiitisfied. 
Rom,  4.  15.  '^  Who  ^vas  delivered  for  our  offences,  and 
"  raifed  again  for  our  Juftification.'' 

4  Q'   By  whofe  Power  did  he  arife? 

A.  By  his  Father's  and  his  own  divine  Power,  being 
raifedby"his  Father,  and  having  arofebyhimfelf.  Ads. 
I.  a4.  '^'' Whom  God  hath  raifedup^  having  loofed  the 
«  Pains  of  Death:  Becaufe  it  was  not  poflible  that  he 
"  ihouldbehcldcnofit.Johna.  19.  Jefus  anfwercd  a;id 
^^  -aid  unto  them,  deftroy  this  Temple,  and  in  three 
«  Days  I  will  rajfe  it  up.*' 

(    ^5    ) 

5  Q.   On  what  Day  did  he  artfe  ? 

A.  On  the  third  Day  after  his.  Death. 

6  Q.   By  whom  was  that -prefigured? 

A.  By  Jonas,  "Who  was  thieeDays  and  three  Nights 
"  in  the  Whale's  Belly,  fo  ihould  likcwife  the  Son  oF 
<^  Man  be  three  Days,  and  three  Nights  in  theMidfl  of 
''  theEarth."  Matt.  la.  40. 

7  Q.  On  what  Day  was  he  buried ^  and  on  what  Day 
did  he  arife. 

A.  He  was  buried  on  Friday  Evening,  and  rofe  again 
on  Sunday  Morning . 

8  Q.  But  thefe  are  not  three  whole  Days  and  Nights  '? 
A.   The  Parts  of  thefe  Days  muft  be  accounted  for  the 

whole  of  them. 

9  Q.   PVho  are  Partakers  of  ChrijV s  Re furreclioul: 

A.  Thofe  who  know  the  Power  of  Chrifl'sRefurrcc- 
tion  .  Phil .3.10.  *^"  That  1  may  know-  him,  and  the  Po  w- 
"  er  of  his  Refurreclion  and  the  Fellov/fhip  of  his  Suf- 
ferings, being  made  conformable  unto  his  Death." 


B.     His  ASCENSION. 

I  Queft,  How  many  Days  did  Chrift  remain  on  Earth  af- 
ter his  Refurreciion  ? 

A.  FortyDays.  A6ts  I- 3.  '^'To  whom  alfohe  fhew- 
"  edhimfelf  alive  after  his  Paffion,  by  many  infallible 
'^  Proofs,  being  feen  of  them  forty  Days,  and  fpeaking 
^'  of  the  Things  pertaining  to  the  Kingdom,  of  God." 

a  Q.   To  what  End? 

A.  111.  The  more  fully  to  prove  the  Certainty  of  his 
Refurre6lion.  adly.  And  further  to  inllrudhis  Difciples 
in  certain  Matters, 

3  Q.   fFhat  Degree  of  Exaltation  did  then  follow'^ 
A.  His  Afcenfion  into  Heaven. 

4  Q.   Was  that  alfo  foretold? 

A.  YesjPf.  68.  18.'  "Thou  haft  afcended  on  hieh, 

(     66    ) 

'^  thou  hafl:  led  Captive  Captivity :  Thou  haft  received 
^'  Gifts  for  Men :  Yea,  for  the  Rebellious,  alfo  5  that 
*'  the  Lord  God  might  dwell  among  them." 

5  Q.    j^re  there  Witneffes  for  his  Afcenfion  ? 

A^  YesjThe  Angels  and  Difciples  ofour  Lord,  Afts  i; 

6  Q.   IVas  his  Ajcenjion  into  Heaven  necejffary  ? 

A.  Yes>  ift.  There  to  rule  as  King.  adly.  To  in- 
tercede for  his  People,  sdly.  At  laft  there  to  receive 
them  unto  himfelf. 

7  Q.   From  what  Place  did  Chrift  afcend? 

A,   From  the  Mount  of  Olives  without  Jerufalem. 

8  Q.   JVhitherisChrifi  afcendedl:  ^ 
A.  To  the  third  Heavens,  Eph.  4.  10.  <^'  He  that  de-  a 

"  fcended  is  the  famealfo  thatafcended  up  far  above  all 
'^  Heavens,  thathe  might  fill  all  Things." 

9  Q.   In  what  Manner  did  he  afcend  ? 

A.  Truly,  vifibly,  and  locally.  John  1(5.  a8.  "Icame 
^'  forth  from  the  Father,  and  am  come  into  the  World: 
''  Again  I  leave  the  World  and  go  to  the  Father.  A6bs 
^^  3.  "i^i.  Whom  the  Heavens  muft  receive  until  the 
''  Times  of  the  Reftitution  of  all  Things,  which  God 
''  hath  fpoken  by  the  Mouth  of  all  his  Holy  Prophets, 
"  fince  the  World  began." 

10  Q.   Is  not  his  human  Nature  at  his  Afcenfion  become 
emniprcfent  ? 

A.  No^  Matt.  a6.  11.  "ThePoor  you  have  always 
"  with  you,  but  me  youhave  not  always. 

11  Q.   Who  can  comfort themfelveswithChrifi^s  Afcen- 
fion into  Heaven  ? 

A.  Thofe  who  are  rifen  with  Chrift  unto  New- 
nefs  of  Life.  Col.  3.  i.  "  If  ye  then  be  rifen  with 
'i  Chrift,  feek  thofe  Things  which  are  above,  where 
«  Chrift fitteth  on  theRight-Handof  God.'' 

(     67     ) 

D.     His  sitting  at  the  Right-Hand  of  GOD. 

I  Quefl.  Was  it  alfo  foretold  that  Chrift  Jhould  fit  at 
the  Right 'Hand  of  God  ? 

A.  Yesj  Pr.  no.  I.  "TheLordliiiduntomyLoid, 
"  fit  thou  at  my  Right  Hand  until  I  make  thine  Enemies 
"  thyFootllool." 

a  Q.   Is  that  fulfilled  in  J  efusl: 

A,  Yes>  Stephen  fliwhim  "  (landing  at  the  Right- 
"  HandofGod/'Aasy.  a6. 

3  Q.  PVhat  is  intimated  to  us  hy  his  fitting  at  the  R^ight- 
Hand  of  God  ? 

A.  His  Exaltation  to  fupreme  Power  and  Gloiy .  Heb. 
1.3.  "  Who  being  the  Brightnefs  of  his  Glory  and  the 
^'  exprefs  Image  of  his  Perfon,  and  upholding  all 
^^  Things  by  the  Word  of  his  Power,  when  he  had  by 
'^  himfelf  purged  our  Sins,  f^it  down  at  the  Right- 
''  Handof  theMajefly  onhigh." 

4  Q:    Is  this  Exprefiion  to  he  under  ft  cod  literally  ? 

A.  No  j  For  God  being  a  Spirit  hath  properly  no 

5  Q..   fFhat  Benefit  is  this  Glorious  Exaltation  to  us  ? 
A.  Pf.  68.  18.  "^'He  hath  led  Captive  Captivity,  he 

^^  hath  received  Gifts  for  Men,  yea  for  the  rebelliou^ 
^^  alfo,  that  the  Lord  God  mightdwell  among  them." 

CHAP.       XIIL 

Of     vocation. 

1  Qiiefl.   7^0  what  End  is  Chrift  thus  exalted  ? 
A.  To  apply  his  Benefits  to  us. 

2  Q.  How  may  Chrift' s  Benefitsbe  diftinBly  cenfidered ? 

(    68     ) 

A.  ChriiVs  Benefits  may  be  confidered  as  of  two  Kinds 
III.  Such  as  are  beftowed  in  this  Life  j  adly.  Such  as 
ihall  be  conferred  in  the  Life  to  come. 

3  Q.  Which  are  the  Benefits  beftcwed  in  this  Life  ? 

A,  The  principal  or  chief  are  thefe  :  Vocation,  Jufti- 
fication,  and  Sanclification. 

/\Q.  What  Benefits  jloallhe  conferred  in  the  Life  to  come? 

A.  Tha  Refurredion,  final  Judgment,  and  eternal 

5  Q.   Ls  there  more  than  one  Sort  of  calling^ 

A.  Yes  there  is  an  external,  and  an  internal,  or  ef- 
fe dual  calling. 

6  Q.   How  are  Sinners  externally  called  ? 

A.  By  the  Word  of  God,  Pro V.  9.  3  to  6.  <^'She  hath 
''  fent  Forth  her  Maidens,  flic  crieth  upon  the  highefl 
"  Places  of  the  City  :  V/hofo  is  fimple  let  him  turn  in 
'^  hither:  As  for  him  that  wanteth  Underflanding  fhe 
^^  faith  to  him,  come  eat  of  my  Bread,  and  drink  of  the 
^'  Wine  which  I  have  mingled.  Forfakc  theFooliili'and 
^^  live,  and  go  in  the  Way  of  Underflanding." 

7  Q.  LIow  ar 8  they  eff equally  called? 

A.  By  theSpirit  of  God,Jer.  31.  33.  <^' But  this  ihall 
'^  b«  the  Covenant  that  I  will  make  with  the  Houfe  of 
^^  Ifrael,  after  thofeDays  faith  the  Lord,  1  wnll  put  my 
'^  Law  in  their  inward  Parts,  and  write  it  \\\  their 
*•'  Hearts,  and  will  be  their  God,  and  they  fhall  be  my 
"  People." 

o  Q.  Who  are  externally  or  outwardly  called  ? 

A.  All  Sorts  of  Men  even  thofe  who  are  not  eleded. 
Matt.  ao.  16.  ''For  many  are  called  but  few  are 
«'  chofen." 

9  Q:   Is  then  the  external  call  general  ? 

A.  Among  Chriftians  indeed  it  is,  but  not  through- 
out the  whole  World. 

ID  Q.  But  is  not  thjs  call  now  ?nore  general  than  it  was 
under  the  Old  Teflament  ? 

A.  Yes^  For  then  it  was  confined  to  the  Jews,  but 
liow  extends  alfo  to  the  Gentile  Nations. 

11   Q.   Is  th  cr  e  no  fa  ving  Ca  U  in  Natur  e  ? 

(    ^9    ) 

A.  No  :  For  Nature  is  ignorant  of  Chrifl:,  and  with 
out  him  there  is  no  Salvation. 

11  Q.  /$•  not  external  calling Jufficient  to  Converfion ? 

A.  Noj  '^'Itis  in  vainthough  Paul  plant  and  xA.pollo§ 
''  water,  it  isGodthatgiveththelncreafe.i  Cor.  3.7." 

13  Q.   JVhatmuft ftillhe  added  to  the  external  Call? 
A.  The  internal,  or  efFedual  Call  as  is  exemplified  in 

Lydia^Ads  16.  14.  "Whofe  Heart  the  Lord  opened, 
'''  thatlhe  attended  unto  the  Things  that  were  fpoken 
"  ofPaul/' 

1 4  Q.   JVho  are  they  that  are  internally  called  ? 

A.  Only  the  EledjRom.S.  30.  "Moreover  whom 
"  he  did  predeftinate,  them  he  alfo  called  j  And  whom 
"  he  called,  them  he  alfo  juflified  j  And  whomhejufli- 
^'  fied  them  he  alfo  glorified/' 

15  Q.   TV  hat  is  internal  calling  1 

A.  It  is  a  powerful  Change  in  the  whole  Man  ? 

16Q.  Is  there  then  any  Thing  to  he  changed  in  Man  ? 

A,  Yes  5  theUnderftanding,  Will,  Affedions^  and 

17  Q.  How  are  they  by  Nature  ? 

A.  The  Underftanding  is  darkened,  the  Will  is  per- 
verfe,  the  Affections  irregular,  and  the  Converfation 
finful.Eph.4.  i8-  "Having the Underflandingdarken- 
'^  ened  being  alienated  from  the  Life  of  God,  through 
^^  Ignorance  that  is  in  them,  becaufeof  the  Blindnefs 

of  their  Hearts.  Rom.  8.  7.  Becaufe  the  carnal  mind 

is  Enmity  againft  God,  for  it  is  not  fubje61:  to  the  Law 

of  God,  neither  indeed  can  be.  Jude  ver.  la.  13. 

Thefe  are  Spots  in  your  Feafts  of  Charity,  when  they 
'^  feaft  with  you,  feeding  themfelves  without  Fear  : 
^^  Clouds  they  are  without  Water,  carried  about  oi 
^'  Winds  >  Trees  whofe  Fruit  withereth,  without 
'^  Fruit,  twice  dead  plucked  up  by  the  Roots,  raging 
*'  Waves  of  the  Sea,  foaming  out  their  own  Shame  > 
*^  Wandering  Stars,  to  whom  is  referved  theBlacknefs 
*'  of  Darknefs  forever.  Titus  3.3.  For  we  ourfelves  al- 
'^  fov/crc  fometimes  fooliili,  difobcdient,  deceived, 
^'  ferving  divers  Lufts  and  Pieafures,  living  in  Malice 
'^^  and  Envv,  hateful  and  hating  one  another/' 

(    70    ) 

1 8  Qj  ^/^''yf  is  then  the  Effe^ofthis  internal  calltng  ? 
A.  The  Underilandingis  enlightened  to  knov/ God  in 

his  Work  of  Salvation,  Jefus  in  his  precious  Excellen- 
to  the  Curie,  i  Cor.  a.  i  a,  13.  ^^  Now  we  have  received, 
^^  not  the  Spirit  of  the  World,  but  the  Spiritwhichisof 
'^  God,  that  we  might  know  the  Things  which  are 
'^  freely  given  us  of  God.  Which  Things  alfo  we 
^'  fpeak,not  in  Words, which  Man'sWifdom  teacheth, 
'^  but  which  the  Holv  GhoU:  teacheth,  comparing  fpi- 
'•  ritual  Things  with  fpiritual.''  The  Willis  inclined 
to  ferve  and  glorify  God.  Rom.  7.  15.  ^' For  that  which 
"  I  do  I  allow  not:  For  what  I  would  that  do  I  not,but 
"  what  I  hate  that  do  I." 

The  Affe6lions  are  cleanfed  to  hate  Sin,  and  on  the 
contrary  to  love  God  as  the  [upreme  Good,  to  have  a 
Delire  after  Holinefs,  &c.  Rom.  6.  19.---  <"^For  as  you 
'-  have  yielded  your  Members  Servants  to  Unclean- 
"  nefs  and  to  Iniquity,  unto  Iniquity:  Even  fo  now 
^^  yieldyour  Members  Servants  to  R^ghteoufnefs  unto 
^'^  Holinefs . "And the  wholeConverfation is  fandified . ' ' 

1 9  Q.   Is  this  internal  I  ca  Uing  powerful  ? 

-/f.  Yes  5  It  hath  an  irreliitable  Power. Eph.  i.  19. ao. 
'^  And  what  is  the  exceeding  Greatnefs  of  his  Power  to 
'^  us  ward,  who  believe,  according  to  the  working  of- 
'^  his  Power  3  which  he  wrought  in  Chrill:,  when  he 
<•-  raifed  him  from  the  dead,  and  fet  him  in  Heaven  at 
'^  his  ownRightHand  in  heavenly  Places." 

ao  Q.   Is  any  Thing  more  done  herein  thanaperfuading  | 
the  Man  by  moral  Arguments '? 

A.  Yes,  there  is  an  inward  inclining  of  the  Will. 
Phil.  a.  13.  "  For  it;  is  God  which  worketh  in  you,  both 
"  to  will  and  to  do  of  his  gocdPleafure." 

a  I   O .   Doth  God  then  compel  Men  ? 

A.  N^^-^j  But  he  makes  them  willing.   Cant.   i.  4. 
^^  Draw  mc,   we  will  run  after  thee  :  The  King  hath 
'^  broiK^htmc  into  his  Chamibers :   We  v/illbe  glad  and  ; 
'-  i;eioice  in  thee,  v/e  will  remember  thy  Love  more  j 
the  liprightlove  thee.'' 

C   71    ) 

la  Q..  How  is  this  powerful  Effe5l  of  the  internal  eat- 
ing expreffed  in  Scripture  ? 

A.  It  is  called  a  Creation;  "  Weareliis  Workman- 
"  fhip  CREATED  in  Chriltjefus  to  good  Works,  Eph. 
"  a  10.  alfo  a  Drawing,  no  Man  can  come  to  me  ex- 
"  cepttheFatherwhofentme  draw  him.*'  John  6.  4. 

CHAP.     XIV. 


I  Queft.  DOTH  Chriji  alfo  by  Means  of  this  calling 
gather  a  Church  ? 
A.  Yes. 

a  Q.   Where  is  that  Church  ? 
A.  Here  on  Earth  and  in  Heaven. 

3  Q.   How  is  the  Church  on  Earth  called  ? 

A.  The  Church  militant;  Becaufe  ithath  acontlnu- 
alWarfare.Rom.  7.  0.3.  "Butlfee  another  Law  in  my 
*'  Members,  warring  againft  the  Law  of  my  Mind,  and 
' '  bringing  me  into  Captivity  to  the  Law  of  Sin,  which 
*^  is  in  my  Members." 

4  Q.   With  whom  ? 

A.  With  the  World,  the  Devil,  and  our  own  Fleih. 

5  Q.   How  is  the  Church  in  Heaven  called  ? 

A.  TheChurch  triumphant  J  Becaufe  it  hath  com- 
pletely  conquered.  Rev.  7.  14 — 17. 

6  Q.  Are  there  then  two  different  Churches  ? 

A.  No  y  They  are  only  two  diftin6t  Parts  of  one  and 
the  fame  Church.  Eph.  I  10.  ^--^  That  in  theDifpenfati- 
"  onoftheFulnefs  of  Time,  he  might  gather  together 
"  in  one,  allThings  in  Chrift,  both  which  are  in  Hea- 
''  ven,  and  which  are  on  Earth." 

7  Q.   Is  there  more  than  one  Church  ? 

A.  No  •,  Cant.  6.  9.  "  My  Dove,  my  undefiled  is  but 
^t  ONE,    ilie  is  the   only  one  of  her  Mother,   fhe  is 

C    7^    ) 

'^^  tlie  choice  one  of  her  that  bare  her.  -  TheChurch  in 
ill  Ages  and  m  all  Places  is  one  and  the  fame  Church 

8  Q_.   Is  there  ahvdys  a  Church  ? 

A.  Yes ,  Matt.  i6;i8.  ^^  And  I  fay  unto  thee  thatthou 
^^  art  Peter,  and  upon  this  Rock  I  will  build  my  Church- 
^^  And  the  Gates  of  Hell  iliall  not  prevail  ao-ainll  it." 

9  Q_.   Is  the  Church  always  equally  viftble  V 

^:"''  ^"IX  '^,h^  Church  can  be  outwardly  invifible  in 
1  imes  of  Perlecution. 

I  o  Q.  /$•  the  Church  then  neverthelefs  in  being  ? 

A  Yes,  as  in  the  Times  of  Elijah,  v/hen  he  fuppofed 
tnat  he  alone  was  left,  though  there  were  feven  Thou- 
{lind  who  had  not  bowed  theiiKneesto  Baal,  i  Kinasin 

II  Q.   l>Fho  is  the  Head  of  the  Church?  ^ 

A   Jeflis  ChriiL  Eph.  5.  23.  ^^  For  the  Hufband  is 
^^  the  Head  of  the  Wife,  even  as  Chrifl  is  the  Head  of 
<-t  the  Church  ^  and  he  is  the  Saviour  of  the  Body  " 
\%Q^Is  not  the  Pope  of  Rome  the  Head  of  the  Church  ? 
A.  No  :   But  he  is  the  Antichrill. 
130^.   How  do  you  prove  that  ? 

A,  Bccaufcin  him  is  fulfilled  that  which  was  fore- 
told of  Antichrid.  aThef.  a.  i.  to  the  11  ver.  "Now  we 
"•^  befecch  you,  brethren,  by  the  coming  of  our  Lord 
''  Jefus  Chrifl,  and  by  our  gathering  together  unto  him, 
^^  that  ye  be  not  foon  fnaken  in  Mind,  or  be  troubled, 
"  neither  by  Spirit:  nor  by  Word,  nor  by  Letter,  as 
"-^  from  u>,  as  that  the  Day  of  Chriil:  is  at  Hand,  let  no 
'^  Man  deceive  youby  any  Means:  For  that  Day  fhall 
not  come,  except  there  come  a  falling  away  firil,and 
that  Man  of  Sin  be  revealed,  the  Son  of  Perdition  : 
Who  oppofeth  and  exalteth  him.felf  above  all  that  is 
called  God,  or  that  is  worfhipped  >  fo  that  he  as  God 
^^  fitteth  in  the  Teir.ple  of  God,  fhewing  himfelf  that  he 
''  is  G'::>^,  Remember  ye  not,  that  when  I  was  yet 
^'  with  you,  I  told  you  thefe  Things  ?  and  now  ye 
^'  know  what  withholdeth,  thathe  mi^ht  be  revealed 
*'  inhisTime.  FortheMiftery  of  Iniquity  doth  al- 
^'  ready  works   only  he  who  nowlettctk  will  let,  un- 

(    73     ) 

^^  til  he  betaken  out  of  the  Way.  And  then  fhall  that 
'^  wicked  be  revealed,  whom  the  Lord  fhall  confume 
"  with  the  Spirit  of  his  Mouth,  and  fhall  deilroy  with 
^^  the  Brightnefs  of  his  coming  :  Even  him  whofe  com- 
"  ing  is  after  the  working  of  Satan,  with  all  Power 
'^  and  Signs,  and  lying  Wonders,  and  with  all  De- 
'^  ceivablenefsof  Unrighteoufnefs,  in  them  thatperifh, 
''  becaufe  they  received  not  the  Love  oftheTruth, that 
^^  they  might  befaved.  And  for  this  CaufeGod  fhailfend 
'^  them  flrongDelufions  that  they  fhould  believe  aLie/' 

14  Q.   What  are  the  marks  of  the  True  Church  ? 

A.  The  pure  preaching  of  the  Word  of  God,  and  the 
right  Adminiftration  of  the  Sacraments.  John  8.  31. 
^'  Thenjefus  faid  to  thofe  Jews  which  believed  onhim, 
*'  if  ye  continue  in  my  Word,  then  ye  are  myDifciples 
'^  indeed.  A<5]:sa.  4a.  And  they  continued  ftedfaftly  in 
'^  the  Apo{lle'sDo6trineand  Fellowfhip,  and  inbreak- 
'^  ing  of  Bread,  and  inPrayers." 

15  Q,  Is  not  Antiquity  a  Mark  of  the  Church  ? 

A.  No  5  For  the  Kingdom  of  Satan  is  alfo  antient. 

16  Q:  Is  the  Multitude  of  People  a  Mark? 

A.  Noj  For  Chrift's  Church  is  but  a/;;?^//i7^r/^.  Luke 

12.  3a. 

17  Q.  Is  not  worldly  Profperity  a  Mark  ? 

A.  No  >  John  16.  33.  "In  the  World  ye  fhall  have 
^'  Tribulation,  but  be  of  good  Cheer,  I  have  overcome 
^^  the  World." 

1 8  Q.  Wherein  doth  the  Power  of  the  Church  confift  ? 

A,  In  the  Exercife  of  the  Keys  of  the  Kingdom  of 

19  Q.  How  many  Keys  are  there  ? 

A.  Two  :  The  preaching  of  the  Gofpel,  and  Chriflian 
Difcipline,Matt.  28.19,20.  '•^Go  ye  therefore  and  teach 
''  all  Nations,  baptizing  them  in  the  Name  of  the  Fa- 
ther, and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  HolyGhoft:  Teach- 
ing them  to  cbferve  all  Things  whatfoever  I  have 
commanded  you.  Chap.  18.  18.  Verily  I  fay  mi  to 
you,  whatfoever  ye  fhall  bind  on  Earth,  fliall  be 
bound  in  Heaven  :  And  v/hatfoeverye  fhall  loofe  on 
Earth,  fhall  be  loofed  in  Heaven.'* 



(    74    ) 

10  Q;  Is  it  fuficient  to  he  a  vifihle  Member  of  the 
Church  ? 

A,  No^  We  mud  examine  ourfelves  whether  we 
be  living  Members  thereof. 

CHAP.       XV. 

Of    justification. 

I  Qiiell:.  ARE  thofe  who  are  internally  called^  alffi 
juftified  ? 

A.  Yes  -y  Rom.  8.30.  ^'^  Whom  he  did  predeftinate, 
'^  themhealfo  called  5  and  whom  he  called,  them  he 
^^  alfo  juilified  5  and  whom  he  juftified,  them  he  alfo 
«  glorified/' 

a  Q.    IVhat  isjttftification  ? 

A.  The  being  abfolved  from  Guilt  and  Punifhment^ 
and  the  having  a  Right  to  eternal  Life,  freely  given. 
Rom.  4.7.  ^'  Bleffed  are  they  whofc  Iniquities  are  for- 
''  given,  and  whofe  Sins  are  covered.  Chap.  5.  19.  For 
''  as  by  one  Man's  Difobedience  many  were  made  Sin- 
'^  ners,  fo  by  the  Obedience  of  one  fhall  many  be  made 
'^  righteous.'' 

3  Q^.  Is  there  a  Diftin5lion  between  J 11  ft  i fie  at  ion  and 
SanUification  ? 

A,  I,  JuftificationisanAdwithoutus :  butSan6bifi- 
cation  is  a  Work  within  us.  a.  Juftification  takethaway 
the  Guilt,  and San6i:ification  the  filth  of  Sin.  3.  Juftifi- 
cationis  perfect  at  once,  butSandification  in  this  Life 
is  only  in  Part, 

4Q.  Are  wenothy  ]  lift  i ft.  cation  inwardly  changed? 

4.  No  ;  That  is  efFe6ted  in  Sanclification. 

5  Q.  Zf  notjuftification  the  Infufion  of  Right eoufnefs  ? 


(    75    ) 

A.  No  J  It  is  only  a  Sentence  or  Abfolution  in  Behalf 
of  or  concerning  a  Pcrfon,  as  is  done  by  Judges  in 
Courts  of  Julticc  among  Men. 

6  Q.    Is  it  taken  in  this  Senfe  in  Scripture  ? 

A.  Yes  'y  Thus  it  is  oppofed  to  Condemnation.  Prov. 
17.  15.  *•' He  that  julliiieth  the  wicked,  and  he  that 
*^  condemneth  the  jult,  even  they  both  are  Abominati- 
'^  onto  the  Lord.'' 

7  Q.  Is  it  ufed  in  this  Senfe  ^  when  the  Juftification  of  a 
Sinner  before  God  isfpokcnof? 

A.Yes>  Rom.  8.33,  34.  "  WhofhalllayanyThingto 
'<-  the  Charge  of  God's  Elea?  It  is  God  that  juftifieth, 
*'  who  is  he  that  condemneth?  It  is  Chrift  that  died, 
"  yea  rather  that  is  rifen  again,  who  is  even  at  the 
"  Right  Hand  of  God,  who  alfo  maketh  interceflion 
"  for  us." 

8  Q.   M^ho  ts  it  then  that  ahfolves  orjuftifies  us  ? 

A.  Godthe  Father,  who  herein  fuflains  the  Character 
ofajudge,  Ifuah43.  ^5.  "  I  even  I  am  he  that  blotteth^ 
'^  out  thy  Tranfgreffions,  for  mine  own  Sake,  and  will 
'^  not  remeniber  thy  Sins. 

9  Q.  fVhat  Chamber  does  the  Son  fuftain  in  this 

A.  That  of  Advocate  and  Mediator  ;  for  whofe  Sake 
we  are  juftified 

10  Q.  Jnd  what  CharaSler  doth  the  Holy  Gh oft  fuf- 
tain ? 

A.  That  ofone  v/ho  fealeth,  making  known  and  feal- 
ing  to  us  our  Juilification. 

1 1 Q.  Can  we  then  he  affured  of  our  Jujlification  ? 

A.Yes^Rom.S.  16.  "  The  Spirit  itfelfbeareth  Wit- 
'^  nefs  with  our  Spirit,  that  we  are  the  Children  of 
"  God/' 

la  Q.   From  what  are  we  juftified  ? 

A.  From  all  Sins  withoutDiftindion. 

1 3   Q.   For  whofe  Sake  are  we  Juftified  ? 

A.  Only  for  the  Sake  of  Chriil,  Rom.  3.^4.  <^^  Being 
"  juftified  freely  by  his  Grace,  through  the  Redempti- 
*^  onthatisin  TefusChrid. 

(    76    } 

14  Qj  ^y^  we  UGt  juftified  on  Account  of  our  own  JVorks  ? 
A.  No  i  Rom.  3.  a8.  <^'' Therefore  we  coucluae  that 

«'  a  Man  isjuflified  by  Faith,  without  the  Deeds  of  the 

15  Q,  U^hy  can  we  7iot  bejuftifiedfor  our  own  Works  ? 

A.  Becaufe  thebeft  of  them  are  imperfecb,  and  there- 
fore cannot  fatisfy  thejuftice  of  God.  James  3.2.  ''•  For 
"  in  many  Things  we  offend  ail,  if  any  Man  offend  not 
'^  in  Word,  the  iame  is  a  perfe6t  Man,  and  able  alfo  to 
'^  bridle  the  whole  Body  Iiliiah  64.  6,  But  we  are  alias 
"  an  unclean  Thing,  and  all  our  Righteoufnefles  areas 
"  filthy  Rags,  and  v/e  do  all  fade  as  aLeaf,  and  our Ini- 
^'  quities  like  the  Wind,  have  taken  us  away." 

16  Q^  But  in  Order  to  our  being juftified  by  the  Merits 
ef  Clirlft^  mufi  they  not  becoyn  e  ours  '\ 

A.  Moilcertainlythey  muil  Jer.  13.  6.  "InhisDays 
"  Judah  lliali  be  faved,  and  Ifrael  fhail  dwell  fafely  y 
/^  And  this  is  his  Name  whereby  he  fliall  be  called,  the 
^^  Lord  our  Righteousness.  iCor.  i.  30.  But  of  him 
'^  are  ye  in  Chrill  Jefas,  who  of  God  is  made  unto  us 
'^  Wifdom,  and  Rightcoufnefs,  andSandification,  and 
«'  Redemption." 

17  Q.   H'jw  do  they  become  ours  ? 

A.  By  being  imputed,  and  received  by  us. 

1 8  Q.   Who  doth  impute  the  m  to  us  ? 

A,  God,  by  a  gracious  Gift.  Rom.  3.a4.  «' Being 
-'•^  jufliiied  freely,  by  his  Grace,  through  the  Redemp- 
•^^  tionthat  is  inChriftJefus." 

19  Q.   How  do  we  receive  thoARtghtecufnefsl: 

A,  By  Faith.  Phil.  3.9.  ^'  x\nd  be  found  in  him  not 
-«  having  mine  ownRightcouihefs  which  is  of  the  Law, 
-^^  but  that  which  is  through  the  Faith  in  Chrift,  the 
-^  Righteoufnefs  which  is  of  God  byFaith." 

10  Q.   Are  we  juHifiedftr  our  Faith  ? 

A.  No  s  The  ScVipture  faith  that  we  arc  juftified  by 
Faith,  and  througJi  Faith,  but  never  for  Faith. 

11  Q .   In  wh.zt  Light  is  Faith  here  to  be  confidcred  ? 
A.  As  a  Hand  or  Inftrument  whereby  we  receive  the 

Merits  ofChriil.  John  i ..  la.  ^^ But  as  many  as  received 

(    77    ) 

'^  him,  to  them  gave  he  Power  to  become  the  Sons  of 
"  God,  even  to  them  that  believe  on  his  Name.'* 

CHAP.       XVL 

Of     faith. 

I  Quefl,  HO  TV  many  Kinds  of  Faith  are  there? 
A.  Four  Kinds  J  An  hiflorical  Faith,  a  temporary 
Faith,  a  Faith  of  Miracles,  and  a  Saving  Faith. 
ct  Q.   What  is  anhiftorical  Faith  ? 
A.  It  is  a  bare  AfTent  to  a  known  Truth. 

3  Q:   /^  this  a  good  Faith  ? 

A.  It  is  necelTary,  though  not  fufficient.  James  a.  19. 
^'  Thoubelieveil:  that  there  is  one  God,  thou  doeil  well: 
^^  The  Devils  alfo  believe  and  tremble." 

4  Q:   What  is  a  Temporary  Faith  ? 

A.  It  is  an  Aflent  and  Profeffion  of  the  Truth  for  a 
Time,  with  feme  Degree  of  outward  Satisfa6tion.  Matt. 
13.  ao,  ai  "But  he  that  received  the  Seed  into  ftony 
^'  Places,  the  fame  is  he  that  heareth  the  Word,  and 
^'  anon  with  Joy  receiveth  it:  Yet  hath  not  any  Root 
'^  in  himlelf,  but  dureth  for  a  while  ;  For  whenTribu- 
'-  lation  orPerfecution  arifeth  bccaufe  of  the  Word, 
"  by  and  by  he  is  offended . ' ' 

5  Q:   What  is  the  Faiih  of  Miracles  ? 

A,  It  is  a  ftrong  Perfualion,  that  a  Miracle  fhali  be 
performed,  eithefbv  U5-,  or  in  us,  i  Cor.  13.  a.  *^^^nd 
*^  though  I  have  all  Faith,  fo  that  I  could  remove 
'^  Mountains,  and  have  no  Charity,  I  am  nothing.  Matt. 
^'  8.  10,  Jefus  fliid  verily  I  fay  unto  you,  I  have  not 
'^  found  fo  great  Faith,  no  not  in  Ifrael." 

(    78    ) 

6  Q.   When  did  that  Faith  take  Place  ? 

A.  In  that  Age  of  the  Church,  when  the  working  of 
Miracles  were  common. 

7  Q.   Is  this  Faith  of  Miracles  faving  ? 

A.  No  >  As  appears  from  i  Cor.  13.2,.  "  And  though 
'^  I  have  all  Faith,  fo  that  I  could  remove  Mountains, 
^'  and  have  no  Charity,  I  am  nothing." 

8  Q.  Fn>  how  many  Things  doth  faving  Faith  con(ifl  ? 

A.  In  three  Things  >  In  Knowledge,  AfTent,  and 
Trull:.  Ilaiah53.  11.---  ^' By  his  Knowledge  fhall  my 
"  righteous  Servant  juftify  manyj  For  he  fhall  bear 
*'  their  Iniquities.  John  3.  33.  Hethat  hath  received  his 
"  Teilimony,  hath  fet  to  his  Seal  that  God  is  true. 
"  Ifaiah  ^7.  5.  Or  let  him  take  hold  of  my  Strength  that 
'^  he  may  make  Peace  with  me,  and  he  fhall  make  Peace 
'^  with  me.'' 

9  Q.  Is  not  an  implicit  or  blind  Faith  without  Knowledge 
fufficient  ? 

A.  No  >  John  17.  3.  "And  this  is  Life  eternal,  that 
*^  they  might  know  thee  the  only  true  God,  and  Jefus 
'^  Chrifl  whom  thou  haft  fent." 

10  Q.  Which  is  the  principal  and  properly  juji if y in g 
A^of  Faithl: 

A.  It  is  an  Ad  of  the  Soul,  whereby  it  doth  heartily 
will  and  defire,  that  not  only  the  Promifes  of  the  Gofpel 
may  be  true  inthemfelves  j  but  alfo  fuch  an  Acl,  where- 
by it  doth  defire  anda6tually  receive  the  Lord  Jefus  with 
themoft  cordial  Affection,  as  the  only  Caufe  of  Salva- 
tion, with  Denial  of  Self,  and  all  other  Creatures.  John 
I.  la.  "But  as  many  as  received  him,  to  them  gave  he 
"  Pov/er  to  become  theSonsofGod,  evento  them  that 
''  believe  onhis  Name." 

1 1  Q.  What  are  the  Effects  of  the  juftifying  AEi  of 
Faith  ? 

A.  The  particular  and  certain  Application  of  the 
Promifes  ofthe  Gofpel,  and  the  Lord  Jefus,  to  the  very 
Perfon  of  every  Believer.  Gal.  a. 10.  "lam  crucified 
«'  with  Chrift  and  I  live  j  Yet  not  1  but  Chrifl  li  vcih  in 
«'  me-  And  the  Life  which  I  now  live  in  the  Flefh, 
''  I  live  by  the  Faith  ofthe  Son  of  God,  v/Ko  loved  mc 

(    79    ) 

<f  and  gave  himfelf  for  me."  A  comfortable  Senfe  of 
this,  every  Believer  doth  not  enjoy  at  all  Times,  by 
Reafon  of  the  Temptations  of  Satan,  the  Accufations  of 
the  Law,  and  Delufions  of  the  Fiefh,  But  to  attain 
this,  every  one  ought  to  endeavour,  who  truly  receive 
Jefus  Chrift. 

la  Q.  Can  and  muft  Believers  he  ajfured  of  the  Reali^ 
ty  of  their  Faith  ? 

A.  They  canbeafTurcd.  aTim.  i.  la.  "Fori  know 
'^  whom  I  have  believed,  and  am  perfuaded  that  he  is 
"  able  to  keep  that  which  I  have  committed  unto  him 
'^  againft  that  Day."  And  they  ought  to  endeavour  af- 
"  ter  it.  a  Cor.  13.5.  *^' Examine yourfelves  whether 
'*  you  be  in  the  Faith,  prove  your  ownfelves,  know  ve 
'^  not  your  ownfelves,  how  that  Chrill  Jefus  is  in  you, 
*^  exceptye  be  Reprobates." 

13  Q.   Who  worketh  this  Faith  in  us? 

A.  The  Holy  Ghoft.  Gal.  5.  a.  "  But  the  Fruit  of 
"  the  Spirit  is---Faith." 

14  Q.  By  what  Me  ami: 

A.  Bythe  Word.  Rom.  10.  17.  So  then  Faith  cometh 
by  hearing,  and  hearing  by  the  Word  of  God. 

1 5  Q.-    Cannot  we  helieve  of  our f elves  ? 

A .  No  3 Eph . a .  8 .  "  For byGrace  ye  are  faved  through 
'^  Faith,  and  that  not  of  yourfelvesj  It  is  the  Gift  of 
<•'  God." 

CHAP.     XVII. 


I   Qued.  ARE  thofewho  are  juflifled  alfo  fan5iified  ? 

A.  Yes  J  Forthefe  are  infeparable,  as  i  Ccr.  i.  30. 
''  But  of  him  are  ye  in  Chrifl  Jefus,  who  of  God  is  made 
'«  unto  usWifdom,andRighteoufnefs,  and  Sandifica- 
tion,  and  Redemption/' 

C    80    ) 

a  Q.  What  is  SanUification  ? 

A.  A  Renovation  of  the  whole  Man. 

3  Q:  Zf  it  not  only  a  Change  of  the  outward  Anions  ? 
A.  No:  But  alf'o  of  the  Inward  Man.  Rom.  la.  a. 

'^  Be  not  conformed  to  this  World  .  But  be  ye  trans- 
"  formed  by  the  renewing  of  your  Mind,  that  ye 
"  may  prove  what  is  that  good,  and  acceptable,  and 
"  perfea  Will  of  God."  ^ 

4  Q.  Doth  not  an  external  Change  fln^v  from  this? 
A.  Yes  5  In  the  whole  Converfation,   i  Thef  5  13. 

'^  The  very  God  of  Peace  fanftify  you  wholly  :  And 
"  I  pray  God  your  whole  Spirit  and  Soul,  and  Body 
*'  be  preferved  blamclefs  unto  the  coming  of  our 
"  Lord." 

5  Q.   IVho  worketh  San6lification  in  us? 

A.  God  through  his  Spirit.  Lev.  ao.  8.  ^- And  he 
*^  fhaii  keep  my  Statutes^  and  do  them,  I  am  the 
"  Lord  which  fandify  you.  i  Cor.  6.  11.  And  fuch 
"  were  fome  of  you )  but  ye  arc  wafhed,  but  ye  are 
'^  fan6ttified,  but  ye  are  juftified  in  the  Name  of  the 
^^  Lord  Jefus,  and  by  the  Spirit  of  our  God. 

6  Q.   Is  SanSlification  necejfary  ? 

A,  Yes 3  Heb.  la.  14.  "  Follow  Peace  with  all 
^^  Men  and  Holinefs,  without  which  no  Man  ihall 
^«  fee  the  Lord." 

7  Qj   Is  San^ification  perfect  in  this  Life  ? 

A.  No  >  It  is  only  in  part,  and.imperfe6l.  Phil.  3. 
I  a.  "  Not  as  though  I  had  already  attained,  either 
*^  were  already  perfed,  But  I  follow  after,  if  that 
^'  I  may  apprehend  that  for  which  alfo  I  am  appre- 
'«  hended  of  Chriil  Jefus." 

8  Q.   Is  San^lification  equally  great  in  all  Believers  ? 
A.    No  3  It  hath  its  feveral  degrees,    in  the  one 

greater,  in  the  other  lefs.  Eph.  4  13.  "Till  we  all 
"  come  in  the  unity  of  faith,  and  of  the  Knowledge 
'^  of  the  Son  of  God,  unto  a  perfect  Man,  unto  the 
"  Meafure  of  the  ftature  of  the  Fullnefs  of  Chrifl." 

9  Q.   Is  it  alfo  changeable  ? 

A.  Yes  3  Sanclification  is  fubjed  to  Increafe  and 
Decreafe  in  one  and  the  fame  Perfon. 

10  Q^  Can  we  totally  loofe  it  ? 

C    8t     ) 

A.  No  s  Where  the  Grace  of  God  is  orice  begun, 

there  it  doth  continue, 

II  Q.   Is  there  then  no  Jpoftacy  of  Saints  ? 

A,  No  y  They  may  fall,  but  cannot  fall  away,  i  Pet* 
1.5.  "  Who  are  kept  by  the  Power  of  God,  through 
^'  Faith,  unto  Salvadon,  ready  to  be  revealed  in  the 
"  laftTime/' 

la  Q.  Flow  do  the  People  of  God  make  Progrefs  in 
Sancfification  ? 

A.  When  by  the  Grace  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  they  put 
away  every  inward  and  outward  Hindrance,  and  de- 
pending on  the  Power  of  Chrilf,  diligently  ufe  ail  the 
appointed  Means  to  perfed:  their  Sandification. 

Of  Good  WORKS, 

I  Qvi^^JFhat  are  the  Fruits  of  Faith  andSanElification% 

A.  GoodWorks;  James  a.  18.  <^' A  Man  may  fay  thou 
^^  haft  Faith,  and  I  have  Works :  Shew  me  thy  Faith 
''  without  thy  Works,  and  I  willfliew  thee  my  Faith 
''  by  my  Works.  Gal.  5.  6.  For  in  Chrift  Jefus  neither 
'^  Circumciiion,  nor  Uncircumcifion  availeth  any 
''  Thing,  but  Faith  which  worketh by  Love.** 

a  Q.   What  are  good  Works  ? 

A.  ifl.  Thofe  that  are  done  of  Faith  •,  adly .  Accord- 
ing to  the  Law  of  God  j  and  gdly.  To  his  Glory. 

3  Qj   Prove  that  they  muji  be  done  of  Faith  ? 

-^.  Heb.  1 1. 6.  "  But  without  Faith  it  is  impoffible  to 
'^  pleafe  him  :  For  he  that  cometh  to  God  mud  believe 
^'  that  he  is,  and  that  he  is  a  Rewarder  of  them  that 
*'  diligently  feek  him.'* 

4  Q.  Prove  that  they  mujl  he  done  according  to  the  Law 
of  God? 

A.  Matt.  15.  9.  ^'^Invaintheydo  worlhipme,teach- 
**  ing  for  Dodrines  the  Commandments  ofMen.** 

5  Q.  Prove  that  they  muJi  be  done  to  the  Her^ur  and 
Glory  of  God? 

(     8a    ) 

A.  I  Cor.  10.  31.  ^'  Therefore  whether  ye  eat  or 
^^  drink,  or  whatfocvcr  ye  do,  do  all  to  the  glory  of 

'-'  Qo^r 

6  Q.   Afufi  we  do  good  Works  ? 

A.  Yes  5  "  Let  your  light  fo  fhiiie  before  Men,  that 
'^  they  may  fee  your  good  Works,  and  glorify  your 
Father  which  is'in  Heaven. ''   Matt.  5.  16. 

7  Q.   Can  fuch  good  JVorks  merit  Heavenl: 

A.  No  >   Chrift  alone  hath  merited  that  for  us. 
8.   Q,   PFhynot? 

A.  Bccaule  they  ars  imperfect.  Ifaiah  64.  6.  '-^  But 
"  v/e  are  all  as  an'unclean  Thing,  and  all  our  Righte- 
'  oufneiTes  are  as  filthy  Rags,  and  we  all  fade  as  a- 
^  Leaf,  and  our  Iniquities,  like  the  Wind  have  taken 
'  us  away  "  Luke  17.  i^.  "  AVhcn  you  have  done 
'  all  thofe  Things  which  are  commanded  you,  fiiy  we 
'  are  unprofitable  Servants :  We  have  done  that 
«  which  was  our  duty  to  do.'* 

9  Q.   Why  mufi  we  then  de  good  Works  ? 
A.    ifl.  To  glorify  God  by  them.     adly.  To  edify 
our  Neighbours :    and  3dly.  That  we  may  be  afTured. 
of  our  Faith. 

CHAP,     xvrii. 

Of  the  LAW  qe  GOD. 

r  Qiiefl.     HOW  many  Kinds  of  Laws  did  God  give 

unto  Ifraell-  i-  •     1 

A.'ThYQQy    ift.  The  Moral,     adly.  The  Political 

or  Civil,  and  sdly.  The  ceremonial  Law.  Lev.  18.  5. 

''  Ye  fhall  therefore  keep  my  Statutes  and  my  Judg'- 

<^^  ments  -,  Which  if  a  Man  do  he  iliall  live  in  them  : 

^•^  I  am  the  Lord." 

a  Q.   Which  of  theje  three  are  ftill  in  force  ? 

A.  The  morarLav/  which  is  eternal.  Matt.  5-  ^Tj  ^9- 

(  %  ) 

^^  Think  not  that  I  am  come  to  dcflroy  the  Law  or  the 
^'  Prophets  5  I  am  not  come  to  dcllroy,  but  to  fiiliily 
^'  for  verily  I  fay  unto  you  till  Heaven  and  Earth  fliall 
^^  pafs,  one  Jot  or  one  Tittle  fhall  in  no  wife  pafs  from 
"  the  Law  till  all  be  fulfilled.  Whofoever  therefore 
''  fliall  break  one  of  the  leallof  thcfe  Commandments 
^'  and  fhall  teach  Men  fo,  fhall  be  called  the  leaft  in 
^'  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  :  But  v/hofoever  fliall  do 
^'  and  teach  them,  the  fame  fhall  be  called  great  in  the 
^'  Kingdom  of  Heaven." 

3  Q:   ^^^^^  were  the  others  abrogatedl: 

A,  At  the  beginning  of  the  New  Teflament.  Afts 
15.  10.  "  Now  therefore  why  tempt  ye  God,  to  put  a 
''  Yoke  upon  the  neck  of  the  Difciples,  which  neither 
''  our  Fathers  nor  we  were  able  to  bear  "  Gal.  5.  a,  3. 
'^  Behold  I  Paul  fay  unto  you,  that  if  ye  be  circumcilcd, 
'^  Chrifl  fhall  profit  you  nothing.  For  1  tcflify  again, 
^^  to  every  Man  that  is  circumcifed,  that  he  is  a  Debtor 
'^  to  the  whole  Law.'* 

4  Q.  How  many  Commands  are  contained  in  the  moral 
Law  ? 

A.  Ten  Commands. 

5  Qj   How  many  Tables  ? 
A.  Two  Tables. 

6  Q.    IVhat  doth  the  fir  ft  Table  require  ? 
A.  Supreme  love  to  God. 

7  Q.   TVhat  doth  the  fecond  Table  require  ? 

A,  To  love  our  Neighbours  asourfelves.  Matt.  la. 
40.  ^^  On  thefc  two  Commands  hang  all  the  Law  and 
''  the  Prophets." 

8  Q.  How  many  Commands  are  there  in  each  Table  ? 
A.  There  are  four  Commands  in  the  firll,  and  fix  in 

the  fecond  Table. 

9  Q.-   Whers  was  that  Jaw  given'^ 

A.  On  Mount  Sinai.  Gal.  4  i^.  "  For  this  Agar  is 
"  Mount  Sinai  in  Arabia,  and  anfwcrcth  to  Jerufilcm 
^^  which  now  is,  and  is  in  Bondage  vrith  her  Chil- 
"  dren." 

10  Q.   /'Fhen  was  tf  given  ? 

(     84    ) 

A.  Soon  after  the  Departure  of  the  Children  of  If- 
rael  out  of  Egypt. 

1 1  Q:  /i"»^^  tf^i^  L^^v  enlarged  by  Chriji  under  the  New 
Teftament  ? 

A,  No  \  This  Law  is  fo  perfed  that  nothing  can  be 
added  thereunto. 

la  Q.   Can  we  perfectly  keep  this  Law  ?  . 

A.  No  :  James  3 .  a.  ^-  For  in  many  Things  we  offend 
*«  all.  If  any  Man  offend  not  in  Word,  the  ilime  is  a 
«^  Perfed  Manjand  able  alfo  to  bridle  thewhole  Body . ' * 

13  Q.  Repeat  that  Law^ 

A,  I^m  the  Lord  thy  God  which  have  brought  thee 
out  of  the  Land  of  Egypt,  &c. 

14  Q.  When  we  fee  our  IFcaknefs  and  Inability  by 
this  Law^  to  what  miift  it  excite  us  ? 

A.  To  Prayer.  Pf.  119  4,  5.  "  Lord  thou  haft 
«  commanded  us  to  keep  thy  Precepts  diligently,  O 
«'  that  my  Ways  were  directed  to  keep  thy  Statutes.'* 

CHAP.     XIX. 

Of    prayer. 

t  Queft.    IS  Prayer  necej/ary  ?  ,  .  ,    ^    . 

A  Yes:  It  is  a  Means  to  obtam  that  which  God 
hai-b  commanded.  Pi.  5^-  ^5-  "  <^-'^^^  ^T^^  ^^^  i^  ^^e 
«  Day  of  Trouble  :  I  will  deliver  thee,  and  thou  Ihalt 
^'  glorify  me." 

9.  Q.  Towhf>?nmufiwepray%  ^.      ,     r      j 

A  To  God  only  *,  "  Thou  fhalt  worlJiip  the  Lord 
'^  thyGod.andhimonlvfhakthouferve.''  Matt.  4.  10, 

Q  0    ^^^^f  ^^  ^^^  wo/Ct^ip  Saints  or  Angels  ? 

A  Noi  that  Honoui  belongs  not  unto  them,  neither 

(    85    ) 

do  they  know  US'.  Ifaiah  4a.  8.  "  I  am  the  Lord,  that 
^'  is  my  Name,  and  my  Glory  will  I  not  give  to  ano- 
<^  ther,  neither  my  Praife  to  graven  Images.  Ccl.  a.  18. 
''  Let  no  Man  beguile  you  of  your  Reward,  in  a  vo- 
''  luntary  Humility,  and  worshiping  of  Angels,  in- 
"  truding  in  thofe  Things  which  he  hath  not  fecn, 
"  vainly  puft  up  by  his  flelMy  Mind." 

4  Q^,   Hoiv  muft  we  pray  ? 

A.  With  a  holy  Frame  of  Mind,  and  a  grave  and 
reverend  Pofture  of  Body. 

5  Q.   For  what  "mufl  we  pray  ? 

A.  For  fpiritul  and  temporal  Neceflarics.  Matt.  6. 
9,   13.  Prov.   30.   8,  9, 

6  Q.   Hath  Chrift given  an  example  ? 

A.  Yes:  In  the  Lord's  Prayer,  Matt.   6.  9,   13. 

7  Q^.   IFhtch  is  that  Prayer  ? 

A.  Our  Father  which  art  in  Heaven,  &c. 

CHAP     XX, 


I  Quefl.  J^FH AT  Means  hatk  God  appointed  for  pro- 
moting SanUification  in  his  people  ? 

A..  The  Word  and  Sacraments. 

a  Q.   What  are  Sacraments  ? 

A.  They  are  Signs  and  Seals  of  God's  Grace,  Rom. 
4.  II.  "  And  he  received  the  Sign  of  Circumcifion,  a 
^'  Seal  of  the  Righteouincfs  of  the  Faith,  vv^hich  he 
'^  had  yet  being  uncircumcifed>  that  he  might  be  the 
''  Father  of  all  them  that  believe,  chough  they  be  not 
'^  circumcifed  >  that  liightcouiiicfs  might  be  iiuputed 
"  unto  them  alfo-" 

(     86    ) 

3  Q..     Which  were  the  principle  Sacraments  of  thi 
Old  Teftament  ? 

A.  Circumcilion  rind  the  Paflbver. 

4  Q_.   On  what  Day  were  the  Children  circumcifed  ? 
ui,  Ovi  the  eighth  Day. 

5  Q:   ^'f^henwas  circmncifioninftituted? 
A.  Ill  the  Days  of  Abraham.  Gen.    17, 

6  Ci:  JVhen  wasthe  pajfover  inftituted  '^ 

A.  In  the  Days  of  Mofes :     ^'  In  the  Night  when 
^*  Ifrael  went  out  of  Egypt,"  Exod.   la. 

7  Qj   What  did  they  eat  at  the  Paffover  ? 
yl.  A  Lamb. 

Z  Q.   To  whom  did  this  allude  ? 

A.  ToChrill  i  Cor.   5.  7.  "  For  even  Chriil:  our 
•^^  p;ifibvcr  is  facrificed  for  us." 

9  Q.   How  long  did  thefe  Sacraments  continue  ? 
A.  To  the  Times  of  the  New  Teftament. 

I  o  Q.   How  ?n.any  Sacraments  are  there  under  the  New 
Tcjlament  ? 

A.  Two  ;  Floly  Baptifm,  and  the  Holy  Supper. 

I I  Q^  Who  hath  inftituted  them  ? 

A.  Chriil,  Matt.  ^6  and  Chap.  a8- 

I.     Or  Holy  BaptiSxM. 

J  Quefl:.   Wherewith  do  ^ve  Baptife? 

A*  With  Water. 

a  CL.   Muft  the  Water  he  mixed  with  any  Thing  elfe  ? 

A.  No:  It  muft  be  only  fimple  Water. 

3  Q.   What doththe Water fignify^ 

A.  The  Blood  and  Spirit  of  Chrift.  Heb.  la.  14. 
^'  To  jefus  the  Mediator  of  the  New  Covenant,  and 
*^  to  the  Blood  of  Sprinkling  that  fpeaketh  better 
^^  Things  than  that  of  Abel,  ""i  Pet.  i.  a.  Eled  ac- 
•^^  cording  to  the  Fore-Knowlcdc  of  God  the  Father, 
^''  through  the  Sanctification  of  the  Spirit  unto  Obe- 
*'^  .diencc,andSprinkling  of  theBIood  of  Jefus  Chrift/' 

(    87    ) 

3  Q^   JVhat  life  is  made  of  the  IVater? 
A.  The  Perfon  to  be  baptized  is  immeried  therein,©!" 
fprinkled  therewith. 

5  CL-   U^hat  doth  Immcrfion  or  Sprinkling  with  IVaier 
fignify  ? 

A.  The  walliing  away  of  Sin,  through  the  Blood 
-and  Spirit  of  Chrill.  Ezeck.  36.  25.  "-^  Then  will  I 
"  fprinkle  clean  Water  upon  you,  and  ye  fliall  be 
'^  clean;  From  all  your  Filthinefs,  and  from  all  your 
'^  Idols  will  I  cleanfe  you/* 

6  Q.   How  many  Benefits  are  there  fealed  in  Baptifm  ? 
A.  Two  J  Jultiiication  through  the  Blood  of  Chrifi, 

and  San61:iiication  by  his  Spirit. 

7  Q.    Can  Water  it  [elf  w  a fi  azvay  Sin^ 

A.  No  5  "  The  Blood  ofJefusChriil  his  Son  clean- 
"  feth  us  from  all  Sins'"  i  John  i.  7. 

8  Q.   In  whofe  na^ne  are  we  Baptized  ? 

A.  "  In  the  Name  of  the  Father,  and  of  the  Son 
"  andof  the  Holy  Ghoft^'  Matt.   a8.    19. 

9  Q.   May  any  one  Baptife  in  Time  of  Need  ? 

A.  No  5  Butonly  thofewhoarefent  to  teach  Matt. 
aS.  19.  "  Go  ye  therefore  and  teach  all  Nations,  bap- 
"  tizingthemin  the  Name  of  the  Father,  and  of  the 
^'  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Gh o il: .  Teaching  them  to 
"  obferve  all  Things  v/hatfoever  I  have  commanded 
^'  you." 

10  Q.    Are  Children  alfo  to  he  bapized? 

A,  Yes,  thePromife'is  to  you  and  your  Children^ 
Ads  a.   39. 

1 1  Q.   /j-  Baptifm  neceffary  ? 

A,  Yes^  By  Virtue  of  the  Command  of  Chrift. 
la  Q.  Dotii  Salvation  ahfolutely  depend  thereon  ? 
A,  No 5  God  never  binds  his  Grace  to  Sacraments. 

13  Q.   How  often  ynuflwe  he  baptized? 

A.  Bnt  once  :  Even  as  we  can  be  born  but  once  > 
For  Baptifm  is  a  Sacrament  of  Birth  and  Admiilion  in- 
to the  Church,  which  can  be  done  but  once. 

14  Q^.    JVhat  is  the  Duty  of  baptized  Performs? 

A.  They  muftexaminethcmfelves  whether  they  have 

(     B8    ) 

wholly  dedicated  themfelves  (agreeable  to  their  bap- 
tifmal  Vows)  to  God  the  Father  Son  and  Holy  GholL* 

ii.   Of  the  Holy   Supper. 

I  Quctl    JVhy  do  we  go  often  to  the  Lord's  Supper^ 

A.  Becaufe  it  is  a  Sacrament  of  a  continual  Nour- 
ifliment  in  the  Faith. 

a  d.   IVhy  is  it  called  a  Supper  ? 

A.   Becaufe  Chrill  inilituted  it  in  the  Night. 

3  (J.   When  hath  he  mjiituted  it  ? 

A.   Iv^  that  Night  when  he  was  betrayed.   Mart.  16 

4  Q.   What  are  the  vifible  Signs  in  the  'Lord"  s  Supper 'I 
A.  Bread  and  Wine. 

5  Q.   What  Sort  of  Bread'} 

A.  Common  noiirifhing  Bread. 

6  Q.  May  we  Jiot  ufe  Wafers  in  this  Supper  1:    . 

A.  No  5  For  thy  don't  fufficiently  denote  the  Spi- 
ritual Nourilliment. 

7  Q:   t-^'h^^^  d^^^'i  f^^  Bread  in  this  Supper  fignify  ? 
A.  The  body  of  Chrill.    i  Cor.  11. -24.  '^^  And  when 

he  h:id  given  Thanks,  he  brake  it,  and  fiid,  take 
*'  eat  5  this  is  my  Body,  which  is  broken  for  you: 
''  Do  this  in  Remembrance  of  me. 

8  Q.   Mufi  the  Bread  be  aljo  broken  ? 

A.  Yes  3  to  fignify  that  the  body  of  Chrid  is  broken 
for  us. 

9.  Q.  What  Sort  of  Wine  is  to  he  ufcd  in  the  Lord's 
Supper  ? 

A.  That  is  indifferent. 

10  Q.  Ahft  it  he  mixed  with  Water  ? 

A.  No  >  That  is  no  where  commanded. 

I I  Q.   What  doth  the  Wine  fignify  ? 

A.  The  blood  of  Chrill.  i  Cor.  11.25.  "  After  the 
"  fiime  Manner  alfo  he  took  the  Cup,  when  he  had 
"  fupped,  fliying  :  This  Cup  is  the  NewTellament  in 
^'  my  Blood  j  This  do  ye  as  oft  as  ye  drink  it,  in  re- 
*'  membrancQ  of  me. 


(     Sp    ) 

la  Q.  PVhat  doth  the  pouring  forth  of  the  Wine  ftgnlfy'? 
A.  That  the  blood  of  Chriil  is  ilicd  for  us. 

13  Q.  Is  not  bread  alone  fufficient  in  the  Holy  Supper  ? 
A.  Noj  For  Chrifl  alio  "  took  the  Cup,  and  gave 

''  thanks,  and  gave  it  to  them,  faying,  drink  ye  all 
"  of  it."    Matt.  a6.  ^''/^ 

1 4  Q.  Is  that  to  he  under  flood  of  all  Believers  in  common  1 
A.  Yes :  "  Let  a  man  examine  himfeU,  and  'io  eat 

"  of  this  Bread  and  drink  of  this  Cup.''  iCor.  11.18. 

15  Q,  Is  Chrifl  bodily  prefent  in  the  elements  of  this 
Supper  '\ 

A.  No  J  His  human  Nature  is  only  in  Heaven.  A6ls 
3.  ai.  '•'^  Whom  the  Heavens  mud  receive  until  the 
"  Times  of  Rcilitution  of  all  Things  which  God  hath 
^'  fpoken  bv  the  mouth  of  all  his  Holy  Prophets  fmce 
"  the  World  began." 

16  Q.  Are  not  Bread  and  TVine  chciged  into  his  Fleflj 
and  Blood  ? 

A.  No  :  They  remain  Bread  and  Wine  even  after 
the  Blelling  or  Confecration. 

17  Q.   How  then  canChrifl  fay  ^  "  This  is  my  Body  ?" 
A.  The  meaning  is,  This  doth  iignify  my  Body. 

18  ().   Doth  the  Scripture  often  fp?ak  thusl: 

A.  Yesj  Frequently,  i  Cor.  10.  4.  <-'*  The  Rock 
"  wa?  Chrifl."    That  is  to  fay,  it  did  fignify  Chrift. 

19  Q.   Cannot  we  then  eat  and  drink  Chrift  himfelf'l 
A.  Not  Corporally  j   but  Spiritually. 

ao  Q.    What  is  to  eat  Chrift  fpir it uallyl: 

A.  To  receive  him  by  Faith. 

21   (J.   For  whom  is  this  Holy  Supper  inftituted% 

A.  Only  for  Believers. 

aa  Q.  'Not  for  Children'^ 

A.  No  'y  Becaufe  they  cannot  examine  themfelves. 

13  Q.  Concerning  what  particulars  mufl  we  examine 
our  J  elves  ? 

A.  I  ft.  Whether  we  fmcerely  repent  of  our  Sins. 
ad.  Whether  we  believe  in  Chrift.  3d.  Whether  we 
cxprefs  this  Faith  in  an  Holy  Converfation. 

(     90     ) 

CHAP.     XXL 

Of  MAN'S  latter  END. 

%  QiiclL    SHALL  Man  always  live? 

A.  No  5  <^'  It  is  appointed  for  Man  once  to  die,  and 
'''  then  the  Judgment."  Heb.  9.  2.7. 

a  Q.  Doth  then  the  whole  of  Man  die  ? 

A.  No  j  For  the  Soul  is  immortal,  Matt  10. a,  8. 
^^  Fear  not  them  which  kill  the  Body,  but  are  not  able 
'^  to  kill  the  Soul  5  But  rather  fear  him  which  is  able 
"•'  to  dedroy  both  Soul  and  Body  in  Hell." 

3  Q.  How  many  Places  are  there  for  the  Soul  after 
Death  ? 

\.  Only  two  ^  Hell  or  Heaven.   Matt.  7.   13.  14. 

Enter  ye  in  at  the  Straight  Gate  >  for  wide  is  the 
^-  Gate,  and  broad  is  the  Way,  that  leadeth  to  De- 
^^  ilruction,  and  many  there  be  that  go  in  thereat: 
^'^  Becaufc  flraight  is  the  Gate  and  narrow  is  the  Way 
'^  which  leadeth  unto  Life,  and  few  there  be  that  find 



4  Q^,  Do  the  Souls  go  there  immediately  after  Death  I 
k.  Yes  3  As  appears  in  the  Cafes  of  Lazarus  and  the 

Rich  man  j  "  The  rich  Man  immediately  lifted  up 
^^  his  Eyes  in  Hell  y  and  Lazarus  was  carried  in  Abra- 
"  ham's  Bofom."  Luke  16.  aa.  13. 

5  Q.    Is  there  no  Purgatory  ? 

A.  Noj  Rev.  14.  13.  «  And  I  heard  a  Voice  from 
^^  Heaven,  faying  unto  me,  write,  blefled  are  the 
^'  dead  that  die  in  the  Lord,  from  henceforth  :  Yea, 
^^  faith  the  Spirit  that  they  may  red  from  their  Labours, 
^^  and  their  Works  do  follow  them."  The  penitent 
Thief  Y/ent  immediately  to  Heaven  without  Purga- 
tory. Luke  13.  43.  <^«  And  Jefii^  faid  unto  him,  verily 
^^  \  fiy  unto  thee,  this  Day  ih'ilt  thou  be  with  me  in 
^'  Paradiic.'' 

(     91     ) 

*  1.     Of  the  Resurrection. 

I  QiicH:.      Shall  there  he  a  Refurre^ion? 

A.  Yes  y  Both  of  the  Juft  and  Unjiift.  Acls  14.  15. 

a  Q.   When? 

A,  At  the  lad  Day. 

3  Q.   H^ho  pall  raife  them  ? 
A.  God. 

4  Q.   Shall  the  Wicked  alfo  arife  ? 

A.  Yes  >  "  The  hour  is  coming  in  which  all  that 
^^  arc  in  the  Grave  ihall  hear  his  Voice,  and  lliall  come 
^^  forth,  they  that  have  done  good  unto  the  Refur- 
"  re^tion  of  Life,  and  they  that  have  done  Evil  unto 
"  the  Refurredion  of  Damnation."  John  5.  18,  ap. 

5  Q.   With  what  Bodies  JJ) all  they  rife  ? 

A.  With  the  fame  Bodies  -,  otherwife  it  would  be 
no  Refurre(5lion,  but  a  new  Creation  >  This  was  th/3 
Expectation  of  Job  >  "  I  know  that  my  Redeemer  liv- 
'^  eth,  and  that  he  fhall  Hand  at  the  latter  Day  upon 
'^  the  Earth,  and  though  after  my  Skin,  Worms  dellroy 
"  this  Body,  yet  in  my  Flefli  flvall  I  fee  God  :  Whom 
"  I  fhall  fee  for  myfclf,  and  mine  Eyes  fhall  behold^ 
^^  and  not  another  \  though  my  Reins  be  confumed 
"  within  me."  Job.  19.  15,  16,  11, 

6  Q.   But  is  tilts  pojjihle? 

A,  Yes:  "  With  God  all  Things  are  poilible."  It 
would  feem  ftill  more  impoffible  to  create  the  World  of 
no  thin  2:. 

7  Q.    Shall  not  thefe  Bodies  he  changed  ? 

A,  Not  in  their  Eflence,  but  only  in  theirqualities. 

x^  Q.   ///  what  Qualities  will  they  he  changed? 

A,  "  This  Corruption  muft  put  on  Incorruption^ 
^^  and  this  Mortal  mufl  put  on  Immortality."  1  Cor.. 
15.  53. 

ii.     Of  the  final  Judgment. 

I  Qiicil:.   What  Jhall  follow  tho  Refmreolloji? 
A.  The  final  Judgment. 

(    9-^    ) 

a  Q.   Shall  there  he  a  final  Judgment  % 

A.  Ves  J  Ads  17.  31.  "  He  hath  appointed  a  Day, 
*'  in  the  which  he  will  judge  the  World  in  Righteouf- 
'^  ncis  by  that  Man  whom  lie  hath  ordained  :  Whereof 
'^  he  hath  given  alTurance  unto  all  men,  in  that  he  hath 
^'  railed  him  from  the  dead. 

£   Q.   fVhofiall  be  the  Jiidge'l 

A.  Chrid  our  Saviour,  who  fliall  vifibly  appear  in 
his  human  Nature. 

4  y.   Where  pall  that  Judgment  be  1: 
A.  In  the  Clouds  of  Heaven.   Matt.  16.   64.  ''  Nc- 

"  verthelefs  I  fay  unto  you,  hereafter  lliall  ye  fee  the 
''  Son  of  Man,  fitting  on  the  Right  hand  of  Power, 
"  and  coming  in  the  Clouds  of  Heaven.'* 

5  Q.   JVhen'l 
A.  "  Of  that  Day  andHour  knowethno  Man,  nor 

^'  the  Angels  in  Heaven,  nor  the  Son,  but  the  Fa- 
"  theronly."  Mark   13.   3^. 

6  Q).    TVhojloall  he  Judged''^ 
A    All  Men,  a  Cor.   5.   10.  ^^  We  mufl  all  appear 

''  before  the  Judgment  Scat  ofChrill,  that  every  one 
''  may  receive  the  Things  done  in  his  Body,  accor- 
*^  ding  to  that  he  hath  done,whetheritbe  good  or  bad." 

7  Q,  How  Jhall  mankind  he  divided  V 

A.  Into  two  multitudes  y  the  Wicked  and  the 

8  Q,    Where  f jail  Chrijl  place  them  ? 

A.  The  wicLcd  on  his  left  and  the  righteous  on  his 
right  Hand. 

9  Q.   What  pall  he  fay  unto  the  wicked  "?  J 
A.  "  Depart  from  me  yc  curfed  into  everlalling  Fire,     1 

''  prepared  for  the Devi'l  and  his  Angels,  Matt.  2,5.  41.     I 

10  Q.    What  foall  he  fay  unto  the  RlgUteGiis'l 

A.  "  Come  ye  blefled  of  my  Father,  inherit  the 
c^  Kingdom  prepared  for  you,  from  the  foundation  of 
(,"•  the  World.   Matt.  ^2.5. '34. 

III.     Of  Eternal  Life. 
1  Qiieit.  IVk at  JJj all folkw  this  Judgment? 

(    93    ) 

A.  Eternal  Life  or  etcraiil  Damnation. 

a  Q.   Where pocill  the  wicked  fuffcr  this  Damnation  ? 

J.  InHcii,  Luke  16.23.  *^-  And  the  Rich  Man  alfo 
'*  died,  and  was  bnricd,  and"  in  Heii  he  lift  up  his 
*'  Eyes  being  in  T'ornients." 

3  Q.   How  loiig  JJo all  this  Torment  endure  ? 

A.  EoR  Ever.  '•-  And  theie  fhall  go  into  everlafting 
*'  PunifhiTicnt.   Matt.   25.   46. 

4  Q^.  But  fljall  not  Damnation  he  an  Annihilation  of 
the  whole  Man^  or  end  in  Time  ? 

A'  No  5  It  will  be  a  felt  Punifhment  without  End, 
Mark  9.  44.  "  Where  their  Wormdieth  not,  and  the 
Fire  is  not  quenched. 

5  Q.    M' here  Jloall  eternal  Life  be  enjoyed? 

A.  In  Heaven,  Luke  6.  13.  ''  Rejoice  in  that  Day 
'^  and  leap  for  Joy  >  for  behold  your  Reward  is  great 
in  Fleaven. 

6  Q.   How  long  fi all  it  he  enjoyed  ? 

A.  Alfo  forever,  "  The  Righteous  go  into  evfr- 
LASTiNG  Life.   Matt.   1^.   46. 

7  Q_.    fFherciu  Jhall  it  conjtft? 

A.  In  an  eternal  Enjoyment  of  God  with  pcrfcffc 
Satisfadion  and  Delight.  Pf.  i6.  \\,^'  Thou  fhak 
*'  fhcw  me  the  Path  of  Life-,  Fulnefs  of  Joy  is  in  thy 
*'  Prefence,  vit  thy  Right-Hand  there  are  PicafureS' 
^*  for  evermore/* 



T  H  E 


Chap,  Page. 

J.       f^^  ^^^  knowledge  of  God       -  -  9 

XI.      ^-^   Of  the  Scriptures  ••       -  10 

III.  Of  God 14 

i.     In  General       -       -         -         -  -        — 

ii.  Of  his  Names  -         -        -         -  15 

iii.  Of  his  Attributes  -        .         -  i5 

iv.  Of  the  Trinity  -         -         -         -  aa 

IV.  01  God's  Decrees  -         -         -         ,  0,7 

Of  Predeilination  -         -         -         -  a8 

V.  Of  the  Council  of  Peace         -         -         -  31 

VI.  Of  Creation  -         -         -         -  3a 

VII.  Of  Providence 53 

Vill-  Of  the  Covenant  Works  -         -         "      37 

IX.  Of  the  Image  of  God       -       -         -         -  38 

X.  Of  Sin  -       .         -  -  -  4^ 

i.     Of  Adam's  Fall         -  

ii.    Of  original  Sin  -        •  -  41 

iii.  Of  AttualSin  and  the  Punifhmentof  Sin    43 

XI.  Of  the  Covenant  of  Grace       -         .       -  45 

XII.  Of  the  Mediator  of  the  Covenant         -       -  47 

i.     Of  the  Namc/£'///j-         -         -         -  48 

ii.  Of  the  Name  C/;r//?  .        -        -  ^p 

iii.  Of  his  offices  -        -         -  -  51 

A.  Of  his  Prophtical  office  -        -  .  51 

B.  Of  his  PrlelHy  office  '.  -  .  53 

C.  Of  his  Kingly  office  -        .       ,         -  54 

(    95    ) 

Chap.  Page; 

IV.  Of  his  Names               -         -         -           -  55 

V.  Of  his  States                -       -         -         -  ^^ 

A.  Of  his  Humble  Birth              -         -         .  ^3 

B.  His  Sufferings              -         -         -         -  c^^ 

C.  His  Death                60 

D.  Of  his  Burial  ... 

E.  His  Defccnding  into  Hell              -         -       -  61 

F.  End  of  his  Humiliation              -       -         .  — 

A.  His  Refurredion              -       -       .         .  ^^ 

B.  His  Afcenfion                 -          .       .       .  5^ 

C.  His  fitting  at  the  Right  Hand  of  God         -  67 

XIII.  Of  Vocation  .... 

XIV.  Of  the  Church         .....  ^i 

XV.  Of  Juftification             -         -              «  74 

XVI.  Of  Faith.                 .         -       ,         -  ~ 

XVII.  Of  Sandification         .     .       -         .  ^g^ 
Of  Good  Works              ...  81 

XVIII.  Of  the  Law  of  God.          -         -         -  8^ 

XIX.  Of  Prayer            ....  8^ 

XX.  Of  the  Sacraments  ...  8^ 
i.  Of  Holy  Baptifm  -  -  -  86 
ii.  Of  the  Holy  Scripture         -       -       -  88 

XXI.  Of  Mans  latter  End  .  ,  .  ^3 
ii.  Of  the  final  Judgment  -  -  -  91 
iii.  Of  Eternal  Life'        ...     -  p2 


