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A  HisTORy 


St.  AncIrew's 


"A  Field  of  Dreams 


RAyMONd  T.  CAffREy 

Saint  Andrew's  Field  of  Dreams 

The  Roman  Catholic  church  of  Saint  Andrew  in  Avenel,  New  Jersey  was  established  by 
incorporation  under  the  auspices  of  Right  Reverend  Thomas  J.  Walsh,  Bishop  of  Trenton,  and 
witnessed  by  Right  Reverend  John  H.  Fox,  Vicar  General  of  the  Diocese,  Reverend  Richard  J. 
O'Farreli,  pastor  of  Saint  James  Church  in  Woodbridge,  Joseph  Felten  and  Andrew  Jandrisevitz, 
trustees  of  the  new  parish,  on  14  September  and  recorded  on  27  September  1920,  in  accordance 
with  the  New  Jersey  statute.  "An  Act  to  Incorporate  Trustees  of  Religious  Societies,"  written  in 

Andrew  Jandrisevits,  Joseph  Felten,  Harold  Skay  and  Julius  Jaeger,  the  earliest  trustees  of 
the  new  parish,  who  represented  residents  of  Avenel  who  were  parishioners  of  Saint  James  Church 
in  Woodbridge  and  Saint  Mary's  Church  in  Rahway,  inspired  the  movement  to  establish  an 
independent  parish  in  Avenel.  Andrew  Jandrisevits'  leadership  was  honored  by  his  fellow  trustees 
who  named  the  new  church  for  his  namesake.  Saint  Andrew,  brother  of  Saint  Peter. 

Boundaries  of  the  new  parish  were  formally  described  in  1935  as  the  Rahway  River  to  the 
north,  Blair  Road  to  the  east.  Port  Reading  Railroad  to  the  south  and  Saint  George  Avenue  to  the 
west.  Although  Fr.  O'Farreli  opposed  the  creation  of  a  Mission  parish  within  the  boundaries  of 
Saint  James  parish  because  he  felt  that  125  Catholic  men  and  women,  the  first  reported  census  of 
Saint  Andrew's,  could  not  support  a  new  facility  for  rather  a  long  time,  he  complied  with  Bishop 
Walsh's  order.  Sunday  Mass  was  celebrated  in  the  fourth  grade  classroom  on  the  second  floor  of 
Woodbridge  School  Number  4,  later  identified  as  Avenel  School  Number  4  and  5,  on  Avenel 
Street,  which  was  built  in  1912.  When  the  Woodbridge  Board  of  Education,  in  1923,  built  an 
addition  to  the  rear  of  the  school  which  included  an  auditorium  with  a  stage,  the  new  hall  served  as 
a  church  for  Sunday  Mass. 

Harold  Skay  built  a  collapsible  wooden  altar,  and  a  small  dressing  room  fiimished  with 
two  wooden  chairs  served  as  a  sacristy  and  doubled  as  a  confessional:  face  to  face  confession  was 
a  liturgical  necessity  in  the  early  days  of  the  parish.  Peter  Jandrisevits  and  John  Wranitz,  who 
apparently  mastered  their  Latin,  were  the  first  altar  boys. 

The  people  of  St.  Andrew's  met  the  challenge  of  creating  a  viable  parish  by  dedicating 
themselves  to  the  task  of  building  a  church.  The  Rosary  Society  sponsored  card  parties  in  private 
homes,  at  Avenel  School,  and  at  "Once  Upon  A  Time,"  Bill  Campbell's  Clubhouse.  The  parish 
regularly  sponsored  block  parties  on  Burnett  Street  and  in  1922  held  a  week  long  carnival  that 
occupied  the  large  area  between  Avenel  Street,  Rahway  Avenue,  Burnett  Street  and  Manhattan 

On  3  October,  according  to  a  deed  recorded  on  10  October  1923,  "Saint  Andrew's 
Catholic  Church,  Avenel,  New  Jersey"  purchased  from  John  B.  and  Mary  D.  C.  Labat,  the  land  on 
Avenel  Street  that  bordered  properties  of  Benjamin  B.  Clark,  J.  B.  Edgar,  and  the  remainder  of  the 
Labat  property.  The  earliest  available  Parish  report  to  the  Diocese  of  Trenton,  for  the  period  from 
30  September  through  3 1  December  1923,  advises  the  Bishop  that  the  parish  purchased  one  and 
one  half  acres  of  land  for  the  price  of  $1500.00  cash. 

There  were,  at  the  time,  205  members  of  the  parish,  60  men,  65  women  and  80  children; 
the  Rosary  Society  reported  65  members;  80  children  attended  Catechism  classes  on  Sunday  and 
were  taught  by  5  lay  teachers.  Rev.  Richard  J.  O'Farrell  submitted  his  annual  report  from  365 
Amboy  Ave.,  Woodbridge,  the  address  of  Saint  James'  rectory,  and  Harold  E.  Skay  and  Julius  E. 
Jaeger  signed  the  document  as  Lay  Trustees.  Although  Saint  Andrew's  was  nearly  twenty  years 
away  from  constmction  of  the  first  church,  the  parish  owned  the  field  on  which  the  present  church, 
rectory  and  parking  lot  stand,  and  Andrew  Jandrisevits  did  not  allow  the  land  to  sit  idle:  he 
recruited  Julius  Jaeger,  Jim  Jaeger,  Walter  Manaker,  and  others  to  form  a  parish  team  that  played 
baseball  on  the  vacant  lot. 

The  Twenties 
Parish  reports  to  the  diocese  for  the  years  1923,  1924  and  1925,  written  in  pen  and  ink, 
suggest  that  parishioners  invested  time  and  hard  work  to  raise  funds  to  build  capital  in  anticipation 
of  constructing  a  church.  In  1923,  receipts  for  fiand  raising  projects  were  reported  as  $402,  while 
regular  Sunday  collections  produced  about  half  that  amount;  in  1924,  regular  collections  for  the 
year  increased  dramatically  to  $664  and  fund  raising  kept  pace  at  $606;  and  in  1925  collections 
were  reported  at  $615  while  fund  raising  fell  to  $455.  In  1925,  the  average  national  income  was 
reported  as  $2,239;  a  new  car  cost  $290;  gasoline  sold  for  12  cents;  bread  cost  9  cents  and  milk  56 
cents.  Keds,  a  product  of  the  United  States  Rubber  Company,  were  not  called  sneakers  and  sold 
for  between  $1.25  and  $4.50. 

Fr.  O'Farrell  presented  his  first  tvpevvritten  report  to  Trenton  for  the  year  1926  when  fund 
raising  efforts  produced  $794  compared  to  annual  Sunday  collections  of  $663.  The  parish  did  not 
grow  significantly  between  1920  and  1926  when  Fr.  O'Farreii  reported  a  total  population  of  60 
men,  75  women  and  an  astonishing,  and  probably  erroneous,  200  children,  62  of  whom  attended 
Catechism  clcisses.   In  spite  of  the  increased  number  of  children,  the  record  reports  only  one 
wedding,  5  Baptisms,  and  6  First  Communicants. 

Curiously,  in  the  following  year,  1927,  the  report  was  submitted  in  pen  and  ink  and  signed 
by  "Rev.  C.  B.  Reagan,  Administrator."  During  the  year,  the  diocese  or  the  parish  instituted  a 
"monthly"  collection  to  supplement  Sunday  collections  and  the  parish  realized  an  increase  in 
revenue:  weekly  collections  amounted  to  $535  for  the  year  while  the  monthly  collection  netted 
$256;  fund  raising  efforts  realized  $295,  but  special  occasion  collections,  Christmas  and  Easter, 
rose  significantly  to  a  total  of  $214. 

Early  in  1928,  Bishop  Walsh  was  reassigned  to  the  Newark  Diocese  and  Most  Reverend 
John.  J.  McMahon  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Trenton  and  consecrated  on  26  April.  By  the  time  he 
submitted  his  1928  report  to  the  new  Bishop,  Fr.  O'Farrell's  typewriter  was  again  in  good  repair. 
The  parish  profile  remained  quite  the  same:  there  were  200  parishioners,  62  men,  58  women,  and 
80  children.  Sunday  Catechism  classes  were  attended  by  50  children,  30  boys  and  20  girls;  the 
Rosary  Society  enjoyed  a  membership  of  40;  there  were  15  First  Communicants;  4  were  Confirmed 
at  Saint  James  Church,  and  the  parish  boasted  another  marriage.  Fr.  O'  Farrell's  report  valued  the 
parish  land  at  $2,000.  Tlie  average  national  income  reported  for  1928  rose  to  $2,470,  $250  over 
tlie  1925  level,  and  indexed  prices  for  housing,  gasoline,  milk  and  bread  remained  substantially  the 
same,  though  the  price  of  a  car  rose  from  $290  to  $525.    The  New  York  Yankees  won  the  world 
series;  the  New  York  Rangers  won  the  Stanley  Cup;  and  the  Stock  Market  reported  record  trading 

In  1929  Babe  Ruth  hit  his  500th  home  run;  construction  began  on  the  Empire  State 
Building;  and  the  Stock  Market  crashed  on  Tuesday,  29  October.  The  average  national  income  fell 
to  $2,062,  and  ironically,  "Happy  Days  Are  Here  Again,"  was  among  the  most  popular  songs. 
Although  the  size  of  the  parish  did  not  change  through  its  first  nine  years,  the  125  adult  Catholics 
of  Saint  Andrew's  were  dedicated  to  their  parish  and  determined  in  their  support:  contributions  and 
fund  raising  efforts  produced  revenue  consistent  with  previous  years. 

Fr.  OTarrell's  1929  report  to  the  diocese  showed  interest  income  from  bank  deposits  of 
$354,  a  sum  larger  than  the  monthly  collections  of  $263.  Special  occasion  collections  remained  at 

the  $200  level;  regular  Sunday  collections  were  $504  for  the  year;  and  fund  raising  produced  $208. 
Although  Fr.  O'Farrell  was  right  to  predict  that  the  parish  would  require  rather  a  long  time  to 
evolve,  he  was  well  served  by  the  diligent  and  persistent  support  of  Saint  Andrew's  parishioners: 
Julius  E.  Jaeger  and  Harold  E.  Skay,  lay  trustees,  who  continued  to  sign  Fr,  O'Farrell's  annual 
reports,  in  1929,  approved  a  loan  to  Saint  James  Parish  in  the  amount  of  $5,000. 

Four  couples  were  married  in  1929;  22  children  received  First  Communion,  and  61 
children,  34  boys  and  27  girls,  attended  Sunday  Catechism  classes.  News  for  1929,  however,  was 
not  all  good.  There  were  a  shocking  17  deaths  during  the  year,  and  4  of  those  were  children;  parish 
records  indicate  that  for  the  period  between  1923  and  1928,  there  were  only  three  deaths. 

Depression  Years 

Saint  Andrew's  Holy  Name  Society  was  officially  established  on  1  December  1930  and 
reported  membership  of  36,  slightly  more  than  half  of  the  60  men  registered  in  the  parish.  The 
Rosary  Society  reported  membership  of  25,  a  significant  decline  from  earlier  levels.  The  parish 
register  for  1930  lists  120  adults  and  130  children,  98  of  whom  attended  Sunday  Catechism 
classes.  The  decision  to  loan  money  to  Saint  James  Parish  suggests  that  the  lay  leaders  conceded 
that  their  numbers  combined  with  uncertain  economic  conditions  did  not  yet  justify  construction  of 
a  church,  and  Fr.  O'  Farrcll's  report  to  Bishop  McMahon  fomially  identified  Saint  Andrew's 
Parish  as  "Mission  of  Woodbridge-Saint  James." 

Winds  of  change  blew  through  the  1930's.  Rev.  Richard  O'Farrell,  pastor  of  Saint  James 
in  Woodbridgc  since  1918  died  in  October  1932  and  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  Francis  X.  Langan. 
Bishop  McMahon  died  in  December  1932  and  was  succeeded  by  Bishop  Moses  E.  Kiley.  Saint 
Andrew's  population  remained  relatively  constant,  though  it  is  difficult  to  ascertain  how  pastors  of 
Saint  James  or  their  designated  administrators  arrived  at  the  numbers:  reports  for  193 1  and  1932 
count  65  men  and  62  women.  In  1933  the  numbers  jump  to  100  men  and  100  women,  perhaps  a 
rough  estimate;  and  in  1934  there  were  reported  92  men,  83  women,  and  1 12  children--not  enough 
people  to  build  a  church  in  difficult  economic  times.  The  reported  national  average  income  in  1934 
fell  to  $  1 ,600.  Neither  did  change  create  a  climate  favorable  to  a  new  venture. 

Li  1935,  Rev.  Lawrence  A.  Travers  succeeded  Rev.  Francis  X.  Langan  as  pastor  of  Saint 
James  parish,  and  after  one  year,  he  was  replaced  by  Rev.  Charles  G.  McCorristin.  While  pastors 
came  and  went,  a  young  assistant,  assigned  to  Saint  James  parish  in  early  July  1933  proved  to  be  a 
stabilizing  force.  Rev.  Charles  A.  Dusten  belatedly  found  himself  responsible  for  the  Mission 
parish  and  submitted  Saint  Andrew's  report  to  the  diocese  for  the  year  1935  on  22  April  1936, 

some  three  months  after  the  normal  deadline.  He  signed  himself  as  "Assistant"  to  the  pastor  of 
Saint  James,  and  his  signature  was  seconded  by  Lay  Trustees,  Frederick  Foerch  and  John 

Through  1935  there  was  but  one  Mass,  an  8  AM  on  Sundays,  and  there  was  no  weekday 
Mass  at  Saint  Andrew's.  Baptism,  Confirmation,  weddings  and  funerals  continued  to  be  held  at 
Saint  James  in  Woodbridge.  Parishioners  who  chose  to  attend  daily  Mass  went  either  to  Saint 
James  or  Saint  Mark's  in  Rahway.    Fr.  Dusten's  is  the  first  annual  report  to  count  the  number  of 
families  in  the  parish:  there  were  115  in  1935;  six  people  died;  there  were  two  weddings,  1 1  First 
Communicants  and  4  Baptisms.  In  his  report  for  1936,  dated  29  January  1937,  he  signed  himself 
as  "Administrator."  The  parish  grew  to  150  families;  the  Holy  Name  Society  had  50  members;  the 
Rosary  and  Altar  Society  75;  and  the  report  suggests  the  fomiation  of  a  150  member  Boys'  Club. 

Fr.  McCorristin,  who  would  serve  as  pastor  of  Saint  James  from  1937  until  1966,  relieved 
his  assistant  of  responsibility  for  Saint  Andrew's  and  submitted  his  1937  report  without  the  benefit 
of  Trustees'  signatures,  and  for  1938  his  report  bears  the  names  of  new  Trustees,  James  J.  Crowley 
and  John  J.  Godby.  He  counted  100  families,  100  men,  100  women  and  200  children:  his  numbers 
are  suspiciously  rounded,  but  it  was  in  1938  that  he  persuaded  Bishop  Kiley  to  invest  the  parish 
with  a  church  of  its  own. 

Fr.  McCorristin,  it  would  appear,  bore  responsibility  for  the  construction  of  Saint 
Andrew's  first  Parish  Church  which  was  located  "on  church  property  next  to  the  public  library." 
He  secured  a  mortgage  from  the  diocese  of  Trenton  and  returned  the  unpaid  principle  of  the  loan 
St.  Andrews  made  to  St.  James  in  1929.  The  West  New  York  firm  of  Frank  J.  Ricker  and  Louis 
Axt,  Architects,  designed  the  church,  a  brick  and  hollow  tile  structure  with  slate  roof,  copper 
gutters,  and  elegant  wooden  doors.  The  church,  with  seating  for  350,  cost  "in  the  neighborhood  of 
$28,000."  Tlie  building  was  "approximately  90  x  40  feet"  with  a  choir  loft  and  bell  tower,  with  a 
room  below  for  the  sexton  to  ring  the  bell.  Beneath  the  church  was  a  hall  with  kitchen  facilities 
and  a  stage. 

According  to  the  article  in  the  Independent  Leader  for  29  September  1939,  the  cornerstone, 
a  donation  from  the  Woodbridge  Monumental  Works,  was  laid  at  2  PM  on  Sunday,  1  October,  by 
Monsignor  Peter  J.  Hart.   Monsignor  Edward  C.  Griffin  addressed  the  assembly.  The  church  was 
blessed  on  17  December  1939,  and  Rev.  Thomas  E.  Carney,  assistant  to  Saint  James  parish  since 
1938,  was  Fr.  McCorristin's  choice  to  man  the  new  Mission  church  of  Saint  Andrew. 

The  New  Parish 

Change  began  to  favor  the  evolving  parish  of  Saint  Andrew,  on  1  January  1940,  Bishop 
Moses  E.  Kiley  was  consecrated  Archbishop  of  Milwaukee,  and  on  22  May  1940,  the  Most 
Reverend  William  A.  Griflfin  was  consecrated  Bishop  of  Trenton.  In  his  report  to  the  diocese  for 
1939,  written  in  early  1940,  Fr.  McCorristin  suggested  that  Saint  Andrew's,  still  a  Mission  of  Saint 
James  in  Woodbridge,  had  the  assets  and  size  to  support  itself,  and  he  reminded  the  Chancery  that 
Rahway  State  Prison  Fami  was  within  the  boundaries  of  the  Mission  parish. 

In  the  following  year,  1941,  Bishop  Griffin  established  Saint  Andrew's  as  an  independent 
parish  and  appointed,  as  its  first  pastor.  Rev.  Charles  A.  Dusten  whose  experience  as 
Administrator  of  the  Mission  combined  with  his  enthusiasm  promised  to  inspire  the  new  venture 
with  the  energy  it  needed  to  prosper.  Fr.  Dusten's  annual  reports  bore  the  address,  138  Avenel 
Street,  now  a  parking  area  where  once  stood  an  interim  rectory.  An  actual  census  of  the  parish  in 
1941  counted  216  families.  Fr.  Dusten  held  Forty  Hours  Devotions,  a  diocesan  requirement,  in 
early  January,  and  celebrated  two  Sunday  Masses,  9: 15  AM  and  10;45  AM,  and  one  daily  Mass  at 
7:30  AM.  In  his  first  year  he  married  6  couples,  baptized  9  infants,  trained  2 1  First 
Communicants,  and  buried  3  parishioners.  The  Holy  Name  Society  reported  50  members,  the 
Rosary  and  Altar  society  75  and  the  Sodality  75  members. 

When  he  served  as  Administrator  of  the  parish,  Fr.  Dusten  demonstrated  his  interest  in  the 
young  by  fomiing  a  Boys'  Club  that  apparently  floundered  in  his  absence.  When  he  returned  as 
pastor,  he  continued  to  pursue  opportunities  for  the  young:  in  1942  he  reported  formation  of  an 
association  called  Boys  of  the  Parish  and  Girls  of  the  Parish  with  membership  of  76  and  102 
respectively.  In  1943  he  reported  a  Catholic  Boy  Scout  troop  with  20  members  and  a  youth 
association  called  Holy  Childhood  with  1 16  members,  56  boys  and  60  girls,  about  a  third  of  the 
305  children  counted  in  a  year  that  saw  the  number  of  families  registered  in  the  parish  rise  from 
266  in  1942  to  432  m  1943. 

The  increased  size  of  the  parish  required  Fr.  Dusten  to  add  a  third  Sunday  Mass  in  1944: 
the  revised  schedule  offered  Masses  at  7  AM  ,  9: 15  AM,  and  10:45  AM.  Daily  Mass  remained  at 
7:30  AM,  and  Benediction  services  were  conducted  at  7:30  PM  on  Thursdays  and  on  First  Friday. 
Before  the  year  got  well  under  way,  Fr.  Dusten  took  ill.  Oral  tradition  has  it  that  he  suffered  from 
a  disease  that  caused  him  to  gain  weight.  He  would  deliver  his  sermons  while  seated,  and  although 
he  was  advised  against  walking  round  the  church  for  the  Stations  of  the  Cross,  he  ignored  the 
restriction  and  collapsed  on  Wednesday  of  Holy  Week,  5  April  1944,  while  praying  the  Stations. 

His  obituary  says  he  died  in  St.  Mar>'s  hospital,  Passaic,  "after  a  six  week  illness."  Fr.  Dusten 
was  but  thirty-eight  years  old. 

Rev.  John  J.  Eagan,  who  would  remain  as  pastor  until  1971,  replaced  Fr.  Dusten  in  April 

1944.  By  the  end  of  the  year,  Fr.  Eagan  had  baptized  40  infants,  married  8  couples,  buried  6 
adults  and  1  child,  and  welcomed  36  First  Communicants,  all  children.  In  October  and  November 
he  conducted  a  parish  census  that  counted  a  total  of  1410  parishioners,  456  men,  468  women,  486 
children  and  463  families.  In  addition  to  existing  parish  organizations,  he  formed  a  Society  for  the 
Propagation  of  the  Faith  with  90  members  and  a  St.  Vincent  de  Paul  Society  with  8.  When  he 
wrote  his  annual  report  to  the  diocese,  in  the  space  that  asked  when  Confirmation  was  last 
administered,  he  made  his  small  complaint:  "Confirmation  was  never  administered  in  this  parish." 

In  compliance  with  the  doctrine  that  advises,  "If  you  want  a  task  done  right,  do  it  yourself 
or  delegate  it  to  a  busy  man  or  woman  ,"  the  Chancery,  in  1945  added  spiritual  responsibility  for 
the  "New  Jersey  Rahway  Reformatory"  to  the  Parish  of  Saint  Andrew,  and  Fr.  Eagan  added  an 
8:30  AM  Mass  at  the  Prison  to  his  three  Sunday  Masses  at  the  church.  The  last  Mass  every 
Sunday  was  a  High  Mass  at  which  Mrs.  Albert  Bama  played  the  organ  and  Mrs.  Joseph  Wukovets 
sang.  With  the  help  of  two  Sisters  of  Mercy  from  Saint  James,  Fr.  Eagan  taught  catechism  classes 
to  grammar  school  children  on  Monday  afternoons  and  to  High  School  students  on  Monday 
evenings.  The  Bishop  honored  the  parish  on  9  December  1945  when  he  administered  the 
sacrament  of  Confirmation  for  the  first  time  in  the  new  church:  64  were  confirmed,  3 1  boys,  29 
girls  and  4  adult  women,  one  of  whom  was  a  convert. 

Fr.  Eagan  was  busier  than  the  proverbial  one-armed-roofer.  The  parish,  once  slow  to 
emerge,  suddenly  burst  forth,  and  with  the  help  of  a  Seminarian,  Tliomas  Ryan,  Fr.  Eagan  counted 
heads  in  1948.  He  found  that  his  parish  of  410  families  in  1945  had  grown  to  520  families,  and  in 
1949,  he  and  Thomas  Ryan  counted  750  families.  Baptisms  increased  from  1 1  in  1939,  to  38  in 

1945,  76  in  1947,  59  in  1948.  and  72  in  1949:  the  baby-boom  of  the  postwar  years  found  Avenel. 
The  census  reported  3,105  Catholics  in  Saint  Andrew's  Parish,  and  Fr.  Eagan  added  Sunday 
Masses:  in  1949  there  were  five:  7  AM,  8  AM,  9  AM,  10  AM,  1 1  AM,  and  8:30  AM  at  the 
Rahway  Prison  Farm.  The  Holy  Ghost  Fathers  of  Philadelphia  and  the  Vincentian  Fathers  of 
Princeton  visited  on  weekends  to  help  with  Confession  and  Sunday  Masses. 

On  I  January  1950  Bishop  Griffin  died.  George  W.  Ahr,  who  was  ordained  on  29  July 
1928,  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Trenton  on  28  January  and  consecrated  on  20  March  1950.  In  the 
same  year,  Fr.  Eagan  reported  that  his  census  of  the  parish,  taken  with  the  help  of  unnamed 

Seminarians,  revealed  still  further  growth:  there  were  999  families,  3,842  Catholics,  1,162  men, 
1,089  women,  1,591  children.  During  the  year,  Fr.  Eagan  enlisted  the  help  of  two  lay  teachers  to 
help  two  Sisters  teach  weekly  catechism  classes,  and  in  the  summer  he  instituted  a  Religious 
Vacation  School  that  required  three  Sisters,  three  lay  teachers  and  one  Seminarian.  He  baptized 
87,  and  83  received  First  Holy  Communion.  Bishop  Ahr  recognized  that  the  spiritual  and 
administrative  demands  of  the  parish  were  beyond  one  man,  and  in  195 1  appointed  Fr.  Bernard  J. 
Carlin  as  Saint  Andrew's  first  curate. 

The  New  Church 
By  the  mid-fifties,  the  parish  had  attained  proportions  that  exceeded  all  e.xpectations.  Fr. 
O'Farrell,  who  predicted  in  1920  that  the  area  would  one  day  develop  and  grow,  would  likely  be 
shocked  by  the  vengeance  with  which  his  prophecy  was  fulfilled.  In  1956  there  were  1,298 
families  attending  Masses  in  a  church  built  to  accommodate  350  people,  and  Fr.  Eagan  had  to 
build  a  larger  church  and  expand  the  rectory  at  248  Avenel  Street. 

As  early  as  17  Febaiary  1955,  Fr.  Eagan  had  in  hand  a  new  survey  of  parish  land,  and  he 
contracted  with  Ricker  and  Axt,  the  West  New  York  architectural  firm  that  designed  the  first 
church,  to  design  a  large  one:  the  new  church  would  seat  859.  On  Thursday,  15  December  1955, 
the  Independent  Leader  reported: 

Building  pemiits  were  issued  yesterday  to  Saint  Andrew's  Parish,  Avenel, 
for  construction  of  a  new  church  on  Madison  Avenue  and  an  addition  to  the 
present  rectory. 

The  church  will  cost  $245,000  and  the  addition  to  the  rector>'  $18,000. 
Tlie  church  to  be  made  of  stone  and  brick  and  a  tile  roof  will  be  built  on 
the  lot  near  the  present  church  which  faces  Avenel  Street.  It  will  have  a  56  foot 
front,  148  foot  depth  and  will  be  42  feet  high. 

The  rectory  addition  will  be  two  stories  high  and  will  also  have  a  cinder 
block  garage.  Work  will  begin  immediately. 
Fr.  Eagan  secured  mortgages  for  the  new  church  ($200,000  at  3.5%)  and  the  addition  to  rectory 
($50,000  at  3.5%)  from  the  Emigrant  Savings  Bank  in  New  York,  and  by  September  1956,  he 
entertained  bids  to  fiiniish  the  church  with  marble  altars,  a  pulpit,  pews,  and  stained  glass 

On  Tliursday,  27  September  1956,  the  Independent  Leader  printed  a  photograph  of  the 
nearly  completed  church  with  the  caption: 

Above  is  the  new  church  being  constructed  for  St.  Andrew's  Parish  in  Avenel, 
adjacent  to  the  old  church.  The  new  church  faces  Madison  Avenue,  instead  of 
Avenel  Street.  Rev.  John  Eagan  .  .  .  estimated  that  the  new  structure  will  be  ready 
for  midnight  Mass  on  Christmas  Eve. 
Fr.  Eagan's  report  to  the  diocese  for  1956,  written  in  early  January  1957,  indicates  that  the  church 
and  rectory  were  under  construction,  and  correspondence  dated  April  1957  suggests  that  the  church 
was  a  recalcitrant  project,  reluctant  to  be  finished.  The  Bishop's  formal  blessing  of  the  church 
bears  the  date  12  May  1957,  a  Sunday,  when  he  celebrated  Mass  and  dedicated  the  church. 
Bishop  Ahr  paid  a  second  visit  to  the  new  church  on  23  May  1957  when  he  confirmed  169,  159 
children  and  10  adults,  100  more  than  the  parish's  first  Confirmation  of  65  in  1945. 

On  22  May  1957,  Stephen  J.  and  Stella  C.  Cohorsky  of  Avenel,  donated  to  St.  Andrew's 
Parish  an  undeveloped  tract  of  land  on  the  comer  of  Pocohant  Street  and  Madison  Avenue.  The 
Indenture  says  that  the  lot,  a  combination  of  two  smaller  lots,  was  transferred  to  the  Parish  "for 
and  in  consideration  of  One  or  more  Dollars."  The  land  sits  idle  as  the  Parish  celebrates  its  75th 

Bisliop  Ahr  must  have  viewed  Saint  Andrew's  parish  as  either  a  boot  camp  for  training 
curates  or  a  parish  in  which  one  might  become  too  comfortable,  for  he  marched  Fr.  Eagan's 
assistants  in  and  out  with  excessive  regularity.  Fr.  Carlin  was  replaced  in  1953  by  Fr.  Charles 
LaCovera  who  left  in  1954  to  be  replaced  by  Fr.  Amedeo  L.  Morello.  Fr.  Morello  saw  the  new 
church  completed  and  gave  way  on  1  September  1957  to  Fr.  Edward  J.  O'Connell  who  barely 
unpacked  his  belongings  before  he  was  replaced  on  1  June  1958  by  Fr.  Amiand  Pedata  who 
managed  to  escape  the  revolving  door  until  1962. 

Fr.  Eagan's  annual  report  to  the  diocese  for  1959  was  seconded  by  Lay  Trustees,  James  J. 
Crowley  and  Jolin  G.  Wranitz.  Fr.  Pedata's  influential  interest  in  the  young  adults  of  the  parish 
appeared  in  the  designation  of  "the  old  church"  as  the  "CYO  Hall".  The  parish  required  seven 
Sisters  and  three  lay  teachers  to  man  the  CCD  and  Religious  Vacation  School  programs.  Mr. 
Charles  Pryce  was  the  sexton.  Fr.  Eagan,  whose  salary  was  basically  paid  by  the  State  and 
supplemented  by  the  parish,  described  his  attention  to  the  Rahway  State  Prison  Farm:  he  said  Mass 
on  Sundays  and  Holy  Days,  heard  confession,  gave  instruction  and  was  available  for  conferences 
with  inmates. 

The  census  of  1959,  taken  by  Fr.  Eagan,  Fr.  Pedata,  unnamed  Seminarians,  and  the  men  of 
the  parish  who  were  members  of  the  Legion  of  Mary,  counted  1,101  families,  5,210  parishioners. 

1,291  men,  1,339  women,  and  2,580  children  under  the  age  of  17,  The  Holy  Name  Society  ended 
the  1950s  with  201  members;  the  Altar  and  Rosary  society  with  220;  the  Legion  of  Mary  15;  the 
Sodality  64;  and  the  Legion  of  the  Sacred  Heart  421.  Twenty-four  couples  were  married;  120 
infants  and  7  adults  were  baptized;  8  died;  and  Bishop  Alir  must  have  worn  himself  out  on  17 
October  when  he  Confirmed  269:  126  boys,  128  girls  and  15  adults,  100  more  than  he  found  in 
1957.  Saint  Andrew's  Church  had  grown  from  a  fledgling  Mission  to  a  parish  of  significant 


Giuseppe  Roncalli,  bom  25  November  1881,  was  just  shy  of  his  78th  birthday  when,  after 
twelve  ballots,  he  was  chosen  to  succeed  Pope  Pius  XII  who  died  on  9  October  1958.  Shortly  after 
he  ascended  the  Papacy  as  John  XXIll,  he  announced  his  inspiration  to  convene  an  ecumenical 
council,  the  sort  of  thing  Papal  Rome  liked  to  avoid  on  the  principle  that  chaos  rides  the  wake  of  a 
Vatican  Council.   Pope  Jolin  XXlll  conceived  of  his  council  as  necessary  "to  bring  the  church  up 
to  date"  and  to  inftise  it  with  the  regenerative  powers  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  Vatican  II  was  to  be  a 
"New  Pentecost." 

In  the  summer  of  1960,  when  the  43  year-old  Senator  from  Massachusetts  accepted  the 
Democratic  Party's  nomination  to  run  for  the  office  of  President  of  the  United  States,  Jolin 
Fitzgerald  Kennedy  said  the  country  stood  on  the  "edge  of  a  New  Frontier."    He  was  elected  in 
November  and  in  his  inaugural  address  of  January  1961,  he  urged  the  country  to  meet  the 
challenges  of  the  new  decade  with  "the  energy,  the  faith,  the  devotion  [which]  will  light  our  country 
and  all  who  serve  it—and  the  glow  from  that  light  can  truly  light  the  world." 

Pope  Jolin  XXIII,  a  man  in  the  last  years  of  his  life,  and  John  Kennedy,  a  man  in  his  prime, 
the  youngest  ever  elected  president,  viewed  the  new  decade  as  a  time  for  change  and  reconciliation; 
both  urged  a  renewal  of  energy;  both  used  the  metaphor  of  light;  and  both  spoke  with  a  youthftil 
spirit  that  inspired  the  early  years  of  the  1960s. 

The  first  wave  of  children  bom  in  the  years  after  the  Second  World  War,  the  baby- 
boomers,  were  in  high  school,  and  the  church  scrambled  to  address  their  interests  and  spiritual 
development.  Fr.  Pedata  took  responsibility  for  the  young  men  and  women  of  the  parish  and 
persuaded  Fr.  Eagan  that  the  old  church  would  serve  nicely  as  a  CYO  hall  where  he  could  see  to 
the  spiritual  development  of  the  teenagers  who  were  beyond  the  reach  of  catechism  classes.  He 
recently  wrote,  "the  little  'old'  Church  was  a  big  target  of  my  activity.  With  much  help  from  good 


parishioners,  we  converted  it  into  a  youth  center;  basketball  gym  upstairs,  and  a  meeting,  social 
hall  downstairs.  Our  Youth  Group  became  enormous!" 

Monsignor  Pedata  was  equally  enthusiastic  about  the  altar  boys:  "We  had  a  great  altar  boy 
society.  Tim  Certain  (the  smallest  of  all  of  them)  burned  a  Z  for  'Zorro'  in  the  ceiling.  His  father 
took  care  of  him  and  the  ceiling!"  The  Sisters  of  Mercy  from  Saint  James  in  Woodbridge 
continued  to  teach  CCD  classes,  and  Fr.  Pedata  remembered  one  in  particular:  "Sr.  Josephus  was 
tough!  One  day,  thinking  that  I  was  an  Altar  boy,  she  literally  threw  me  out  of  Church!  A  good 

In  1962,  Fr,  Eagan  reported  that  the  parish  organizations  included  the  Holy  Name  Society 
(203  members).  Saint  Vincent  de  Paul  Society  (12  members).  Rosary  and  Altar  Society  (220 
members).  Sodality  (62  members),  CCD  (52  men  and  54  women),  and  the  League  of  the  Sacred 
Heart  (203  men  and  220  women):  the  Legion  of  Mary,  a  society  of  men  who  helped  with  the  parish 
census  was  conspicuous  in  its  absence.  Since  the  diocese,  in  the  1950s  and  1960s  required  an 
annual  parish  census,  Fr.  Eagan  turned  to  the  St.  Vincent  de  Paul  Society  and  with  the  help  of 
Seminarians  stationed  at  the  parish  for  a  portion  of  the  summer,  they  counted  1,214  families,  4,452 
parishioners,  1,224  men,  1,246  women  and  1,982  children.   Bishop  Ahr  had  not  forgot  the  269 
Confimiandi  he  faced  in  1959,  and  on  20  March  1962  sent  the  Most  Reverend  James  Hogan, 
Auxiliary  Bishop  of  Trenton,  to  Confirm  215  candidates  at  Saint  Andrew's  in  Avenel! 

Fr.  Eagan  revised  the  Sunday  Mass  schedule  in  1962:  Masses  were  celebrated  at  7  AM, 
8:15  AM,  8:30  AM  at  the  prison,  9:30  AM,  10:45  AM  and  at  12  noon,  and  Rosary  and 
Benediction  devotions  were  held  at  4  PM  on  Sundays. 

On  1  September  1962,  Fr.  Pedata  was  replaced  by  Fr.  Chester  Genecki  who,  like  Fr. 
Pedata,  took  particular  interest  in  the  young  of  the  parish.  Fr.  Genecki  was  director  of  the  CYO 
and  Catholic  Young  Adult  Club  in  Burlington  County  before  he  was  assigned  to  assist  Fr.  Eagan  at 
Saint  Andrew's.  He  took  charge  of  parish  activities  at  the  Woodbridge  State  School,  and  during 
his  tenure  at  St.  Andrew's,  Fr.  Genecki  earned  a  master's  degree  in  Special  Education  from  Seton 
Hall  University.. 

The  parish  continued  to  grow  through  the  1960s:  by  1963  there  were  1,350,  250  families 
more  than  there  were  in  1960;  122  infants  and  10  adults  were  Baptized;  140  received  First 
Communion;  24  couples  married;  and  8  died.  Fr.  Eagan  could  no  longer  manage  the  administrative 
burden  of  the  parish  by  himself  and  on  16  March  1963,  hired  Mrs.  Dorothy  O'Neill  to  assist  him  in 


the  parish  ofilce.  Mr.  Charles  Prvcc  left  on  1  March  and  Mr.  Wilham  Leahy  replaced  him  as 
sexton  on  4  May  1 963 . 

The  nearly  naive,  youthful  enthusiasm  of  the  first  years  of  the  1960s  was  stunned  and 
challenged  in  June  1963.  Pope  John  XXIII  convened  the  second  Vatican  Council  in  the  fall  of 

1962  and  died  on  3  June  1963,  and  later  that  year  on  22  November,  John  Kennedy  was  shot  and 
died.  The  courageous  vision  and  the  challenge  to  make  necessary  change  that  both  men  offered  the 
world  remained,  but  their  leadership,  energy,  and  light  were  gone.  The  hope  and  joy,  the  promise 
of  Camelot,  lasted  but  "One  brief  shining  moment." 

The  Sober  Sixties 

Giovanni  Battista  Montini,  Pope  Paul  VI,  was  elected  to  replace  John  XXIll  on  21  June 
1963.  His  papacy  would  bear  the  heavy  burden  of  continuing  the  work  of  the  second  Vatican 
Council  and  he  would  live  to  implement  its  decrees.  In  the  fall  of  1963,  Paul  VI  presided  over  the 
second  of  four  sessions  of  the  Council,  and  the  Catholic  community  lived  as  if  in  suspension, 
uncertain  of  the  direction  in  which  the  new  Pope  would  lead  the  council  and  the  church. 

Lyndon  B.  Johnson  took  the  oath  of  office  in  the  early  morning  hours  of  23  November 

1963  to  become  the  36th  President  of  the  United  States,  and  the  country  lived  as  if  in  suspension, 
uncertain  of  the  path  he  would  take  into  the  New  Frontier  which  had  defined  itself  in  questions  of 
civil  rights  legislation  and  the  extent  to  which  the  country  should  be  involved  in  the  civil  war  in 
Viet  Nam. 

During  1964,  Saint  Andrew's  Parish  took  spiritual  responsibility  for  what  was  called  the 
Woodbridge  Hospital  for  Severely  Retarded  Children.  Fr.  Eagan  defined  the  parish  role  as  "On 
Call,"  and  he  retained  responsibility  for  the  prison  which  paid  his  entire  salar\'  for  the  year.  The 
parish  continued  to  grow  and  the  1964  census  found  1,405  families.  Bishop  Ahr  visited  on  14 
April  1964  to  Confirm  another  263,  253  children  and  10  adults:  he  recognized  that  the  size  of  the 
parish  required  Confirmation  at  intervals  of  two  instead  of  three  years. 

Questions  about  the  direction  the  country  would  take  in  Viet  Nam  were  answered  early  in 
1965  when  President  Jolinson  escalated  military  activity:  by  the  end  of  the  year  there  were  180,000 
troops  on  active  duty  in  Viet  Nam.   Paul  VI  convened  the  final  session  of  the  Vatican  Council  in 
fall  and  closed  the  council  on  8  December  1965.  Although  the  Council  had  completed  its  work,  the 
shape  and  impact  of  its  decrees  were  largely  unclear  and  issues  like  changes  in  liturgy  and  a 
transition  from  traditional  Latin  to  the  language  of  each  country  would  require  the  development  of 
formal  guides  and  new  texts. 


The  immediate  impact  of  Vatican  II  on  the  church  in  the  mid-sixties,  however,  was  clear: 
implementing  change  would  require  parishes  to  invest  even  more  time  and  resources  in  education 
for  all  Catholics.  Throughout  his  years  as  Pastor  of  Saint  Andrew's  Fr.  Eagan,  once  a  math 
teacher,  demonstrated  the  high  value  he  placed  upon  education.  Forums  and  programs  to  meet  the 
educational  needs  of  the  parish  were  largely  in  place  as  a  function  of  Fr.  Eagan's  vision  of  the 
parish  responsibility  to  educate.  Through  1965  the  weekly  and  summer  CCD  programs  were 
staffed  by  the  Sisters  of  Mercy  from  Saint  James  in  Woodbridge.  In  1966,  though,  only  3  Sisters 
of  Mercy  were  available  to  Saint  Andrew's,  and  Fr.  Eagan  enlisted  the  help  of  the  Sisters  of  the 
Sacred  Hearts  of  Jesus  and  Mary  whose  Motherhouse  was  located  at  1200  Via  Cascia,  La  Storta 
di  Roma,  Italy  with  an  American  Motherhouse  in  Fairhaven,  Massachusetts. 

Mother  General  Bridget  Mary  assigned  Mother  Marie  Leobin.  SSCC  and  two  Sisters  to 
St.  Andrew's  with  the  understanding  that  the  Parish  would  provide  a  convent.  In  late  July,  Fr. 
Eagan  informed  Bishop  Ahr  that  the  Mother  General  reftised  to  accept  even  interim  arrangements 
with  the  Sisters  of  Mercy  at  Saint  James:  she  insisted  upon  a  "cottage  in  Avenel  for  a  temporary 
Convent  until  the  Convent  is  built.  She  is  willing  to  be  without  a  Chapel  and  to  double  up  in  the 
bedrooms  if  necessary."  In  the  same  letter,  Fr.  Eagan  proposed  to  buy  a  house  at  42  Madison 
Avenue,  and  the  Bishop  agreed.  The  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  arrived  in  Avenel  on  3 1  August 
1966,  in  the  nick  of  time  to  begin  fall  CCD  classes.  The  presence  of  the  Sisters  of  the  Sacred 
Hearts  in  the  parish  required  that  Fr.  Eagan  secure  spiritual  services  for  them  from  outside  the 
parish:  Fr.  Francis  Daley  served  as  Ordinary  Confessor;  Very  Reverend  Maurice  GriflTin  was  their 
Extraordinary  Confessor;  Fr.  John  Gerity  held  monthly  spiritual  conferences;  and  Fr.  Eagan  began 
to  contemplate  construction  of  a  convent. 

By  1966  the  parish  stabilized  at  1,470  families  with  2,722  children.  There  were  30 
marriages,  103  Baptisms,  131  First  Communicants,  and  Bishop  Ahr  visited  to  Confirm  244  on  4 
June.  Fr.  Genecki  recruited  lay  teachers  from  the  parish  and  instituted  a  Saturday  morning 
program  of  religious  instruction  for  residents  of  the  Woodbridge  State  School.  Although  the  size 
of  the  school-aged  population  of  the  parish  did  not  change,  the  number  of  available  religious  did:  3 
Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Heart  replaced  7  Sisters  of  Mercy,  and  the  parish  was  required  to  provide 
religious  instruction  to  the  Prison  and  the  State  School:  if  the  Church  Fathers  who  attended  Vatican 
II  had  not  decided  to  invite  the  laity  to  take  a  more  active  role  in  the  business  of  the  church,  the 
demands  of  the  parish  would  have  decided  for  them. 


On  25  March  1967  Fr  Eagan  signed  an  agreement  with  Albert  Garlatti  of  Highland  Park 
who  would  serve  as  General  Contractor  for  the  new  Convent  which  would  be  built  on  the  site  of  the 
old  church.  Fr.  Eagan  expected  the  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  to  have  a  permanent  presence  in 
the  parish  and  personalized  the  convent  by  choosing  for  the  front  door  a  stained  glass  window  with 
a  design  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  of  Jesus  and  Mary. 

The  convent  was  originally  planned  as  the  first  phase  of  a  building  program  that  would 
include  a  new  school  and  a  rectory  to  replace  the  house  at  248  Avcnel  Street.  Thomas  A.  Vail  & 
Company  of  Somerset  drew  plans  for  a  building  to  accommodate  10  Sisters. 

The  first  floor  will  contain  chapel,  refectory,  kitchen,  common  room,  porch  and 
two  offices.  The  second  floor  will  have  10  cells,  a  combination  sick  or  guest 
room,  superior's  office  and  cell   .  .  .  Heating  and  Plumbing  work  will  be  done  by 
McGowan  and  McLean  of  Middletovvn,  and  Klein  Electrical  Contractors  of  Perth 
Amboy  will  do  electrical  work. 
The  diocese  had  begun  to  inquire,  as  part  of  the  annual  parish  profile,  what  number  of  parishioners 
were  students,  and  in  1967,  Fr.  Eagan  reported  935  in  public  and  90  in  Catholic  grammar  schools; 
3 10  in  public,  and  26  in  Catholic  high  schools.  The  numbers  warranted  consideration  of  a  parish 
school  and  the  new  convent  was  apparently  designed  to  house  rather  a  large  group  of  Sisters  who 
would  eventually  teach  in  the  proposed  school. 

In  June  1967,  Pope  Paul  VI,  who  wrestled  with  the  difficult  task  of  implementing  changes 
proposed  by  Vatican  II,  issued  Sacerdotalis  Caelibatus.  which  affirmed  the  Church's  traditional 
value  of  religious  celibacy.  His  encyclical  "evoked  much  harsh  criticism,"  and  he  later 

likened  the  large  numbers  of  priests  leaving  the  ministry  to  'a  crown  of  thorns. '  He 
also  was  disturbed  by  the  growing  numbers  of  religious  men  and  women  asking 
for  release  from  vows  or  who  were  abandoning  out  of  hand  their  religious  vows. 
In  the  following  year.  Pope  Paul  VI  issued  Humanae  Vitae,  which  argued  for  traditional  doctrinal, 
opposition  to  artificial  methods  of  birth  control. 

In  many  sectors  this  encyclical  provoked  adverse  reactions  that  may  be  described 
as  the  most  violent  attacks  on  the  authority  of  papal  teaching  in  modem  times. 
The  first  news  from  Vatican  II  was  no  news.  Paul  VI  insisted  that  the  "Catholic  Church  in  the 
20th  centurv  should  be  a  faithfiil  witness  to  the  tradition  of  the  past,  except  when  tradition  was 
obviously  anachronistic."  His  posture  favored  changes  in  liturgy  and  in  the  role  of  the  laity,  but  he 
straggled  with  questions  raised  by  the  Council  to  be  certain  that  he  identified  the  baby  before  he 


tossed  the  bath  water.  Many  among  religious  and  laity  alike  who  looked  forward  to  a  lifting  of 
traditional  restrictions,  found  themselves  in  conflict  with  the  church  and  a  Pope  whose 
interpretation  of  the  Council's  purpose  seemed  to  contradict  the  spirit  in  which  John  XXIII 
convened  Vatican  II. 

The  spirit  of  unrest  and  conflict  that  attended  the  church  was  also  apparent  in  the  country's 
attitude  toward  the  progressive  escalation  of  the  war  in  Viet  Nam,  where,  in  1967,  Lyndon  Johnson 
deployed  390,000  American  military  personnel: 

sentiment  against  U.S.  involvement  in  the  war  mounted  steadily  from  1967  on  and 
expressed  itself  in  peace  marches,  demonstrations,  and  acts  of  civil  disobedience. 
Growing  numbers  of  politicians  and  ordinary  citizens  began  to  question  whether 
the  U.  S.  war  effort  could  succeed,  or  even  whether  it  was  morally  justifiable  in  a 
conflict  that  some  interpreted  as  a  Vietnamese  civil  war. 
The  late  1960s  were  difficult,  troublesome  times.  The  New  Frontier  proclaimed  by  John  Kennedy 
and,  in  his  way,  by  John  XXIll  was  a  conftising,  contradictory  territory,  and  its  paths  were  neither 
clear  nor  straight.  The  fiiture  was  unpredictable:  Fr.  Eagan  could  not  know  in  1967  that  the  parish 
would  not  build  a  school,  that  his  convent  would  become  a  Parish  House  and  then  a  rectory. 
Neither  would  he  have  predicted  that  Bingo,  first  introduced  under  the  sponsorship  of  the  Holy 
Name  Society  in  September  1967,  would  endure  through  the  years  as  the  leading  parish  fund 

John  C.  Reiss,  DD,  ordained  3 1  May  1947,  succeeded  Auxiliary  Bishop  of  Trenton,  James 
J.  Hogan  on  21  October,  and  was  Consecrated  on  12  December  1967.  On  16  October  1968  he 
paid  his  first  Canonical  visit  to  St.  Andrew's  to  administer  Confirmation  to  222  children  and  15 
adults,  and  to  assess  the  progress  of  the  new  convent. 

Mother  Mar\'  Leobin  was  attended  by  three  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  in  1968,  and  in 
July,  three  more  visited  for  the  month  to  help  with  Religious  Vacation  School.   Fr.  Michael 
McNulty  replaced  Fr  Daley  as  the  Sisters'  Ordinary  Confessor;  Fr.  William  Roos  replaced  Msgr. 
Griffin  as  their  Extraordinary  Confessor;  and  Fr.  John  Gerit>',  in  his  third  year  of  service, 
continued  to  provide  monthly  spiritual  conferences.  In  the  following  year.  Rev.  Gabriel  M.  Coless, 
a  Benedictine  Father  and  college  professor,  who  specialized  in  the  histrory  of  liturgy,  began  to 
serve  as  a  weekend  assistant.  His  paternal  and  cheerful  spirit  created  a  sense  of  stability  for  the 
next  twenty -three  years. 


Constmction  of  the  convent  was  completed  before  9  January  1969  when  Fr.  Eagan 
received  word  from  the  Vice  Chancellor  of  the  Diocese,  Edward  U.  Kmiec,  that  Bishop  Ahr 
granted  permission  for  him  to  bless  the  new  convent  and  "to  reserve  the  Blessed  Sacrament  in  the 
Convent  Chapel."  The  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  were  installed  in  their  new  home  and  in  an 
article  published  by  The  News  Tribune  on  Saturday,  22  February,  Fr.  Eagan  explained  that  Sister 
Gail  Ann,  Sister  Jane  Marie,  and  Sister  Muriel  Louise  were  responsible  for  religious  education  of 
elementary  school  children  and  assisted  Mr.  Thomas  O'Neill  director  of  the  secondary  school 
program  which  was  held  on  Sundays  in  the  Avenel  School. 

Fr.  Eagan  also  boasted  that  the  'Way  of  Love'  pre-school  program,  begun  in  September 
1968,  was  "a  'first'  in  the  Trenton  Diocese."  Under  the  direction  of  Mrs.  Raymond  Larson  and  Mrs 
Lawrence  Wisniewski,  the  program,  conducted  during  the  9:30  AM  Mass  on  Sundays,  instructed 
180  children  of  pre-school  age.  If  Vatican  II  would  require  education,  the  process  was  underway 
at  Saint  Andrew's  parish. 

In  1969  the  Diocese  ordered  a  census  that  required  parishioners  to  register  at  the  parish 
office.  Between  1965  and  1969  the  parish  grew  by  only  50  families,  but  1504  was  the  largest 
number  of  families  in  parish  historv':  37  couples  were  married;  95  infants  and  5  adults  were 
Baptized;  130  received  First  Communion;  and  28  died. 

Fr.  Eagan  was  relieved  of  some  of  the  pressure  of  the  State  Prison  when  a  Rev.  Hugh 
McGovem  was  appointed  pemianent  chaplain  and  took  responsibility  for  Sunday  Masses  and 
CCD  instruction.  The  parish  continued  to  provide  CCD  instruction  to  the  Woodbridge  State 
School  under  the  direction  of  Fr.  Genecki,  and  Mother  Joan  Rita  replaced  Mother  Mary  Leobin  as 
local  Superior  of  the  community  of  five  Sisters.  Fr.  Donald  M.  Endebrock  replaced  Fr.  McNulty 
as  Ordinary  Confessor  to  the  Sisters,  and  Frs.  Roos  and  Gerity  continued  to  serve  the  convent. 


The  mid-nineteenth  century  Liturgical  movement  that  inspired  changes  ordered  by  Vatican 
II  urged  the  Church  to  restore  liturgy  to  its  early  Christian  tradition  and  to  revise  liturgy  to  make  it 
relevant  to  contemporary  Christian  life.  The  movement  fomiulated  its  views  in  the  light  of  new- 
Christian  archaeology,  increased  circulation  of  early  Christian  literature  and  liturgical  texts,  and 
Biblical  study  from  which  emerged  a  record  of  early  Christian  practices.  Pope  Pius  XII  endorsed 
the  movement  in  1947  when  he  stressed  the  importance  of  liturgy  and  the  need  to  include  the  laity 
in  his  encyclical  Mediator  Dei,  and  he  instituted  liturgical  reform  with  Holy  Week  services  in  1951 


and  1955.  Vatican  II  continued  the  process;  by  1969  the  documents  necessary  for  reform  began  to 
appear:  a  new  lectionary  and  calendar,  and,  in  1970,  the  Definitive  Roman  Missal. 

Before  the  1970s  got  well  under  way,  Fr.  Eagan's  health  began  to  fail  and  in  July  1971,  Fr. 
Chester  C.  Genecki,  whose  9  year  tenure  as  assistant  set  a  record  for  longevity,  took  responsibility 
for  the  parish  as  Administrator.  Andrew  Introne  succeeded  William  Leahy  as  sexton  in  March 
1969,  and  Mother  Jean  Rita,  who  led  her  contingent  of  Sisters  back  to  Fairhaven  at  the  end  of  July, 
leaving  behind  a  question  of  whether  they  would  return,  was  replaced  in  August  1970  by  Sister  M. 
Rose  who  served  as  Superior  for  the  3  Sisters  who  reappeared  at  the  end  of  the  month. 

In  his  first  report  to  the  Diocese,  Fr.  Genecki  recognized  a  number  of  parish  organizations 
whose  existence  and  membership  was  not  previously  reported:  Knights  of  Columbus  Council 
#5088  (200  members).  Knights  of  the  Altar,  a  national  association  of  altar  boys  with  headquarters 
at  Notre  Dame,  Indiana  (45  members),  3rd  Order  of  Mt.  Camiel  (15  members),  a  Senior  CYO  (40 
members)  and  a  Junior  CYO  (300  members).  Membership  in  the  Holy  Name  Society  fell  to  38; 
the  Altar  and  Rosary  Society  gave  way  to  a  Ladies'  Society  with  125  members;  and  the  St.  Vincent 
dePauI  Society  still  had  its  8  members.   Bishop  Ahr  visited  on  14  May  1971  to  administer 
Confinnation  to  243  children  and  1 1  adults. 

Early  signs  of  Vatican  II  reforms  appeared  in  a  revised  Mass  schedule  that  included  a  7 
PM  Mass  on  Saturday  evening.  Sunday  Masses  were  offered  at  7:45  AM  9:30  AM,  10:45  AM 
and  12  noon,  and  Fr.  Genecki  added  a  folk  Mass  every  six  weeks:  during  the  Mass  he  would 
explain  his  actions  and  their  significance  in  an  effort  to  help  the  children  and  their  parents 
understand  and  appreciate  the  new  liturgy.  He  also  added  a  monthly  Mass  to  his  activities  at  the 
Woodbridge  State  School.  There  was  one  daily  Mass  at  7: 15  AM,  and  one  evening  Mass  on 
Monday  at  7:30  that  was  accompanied  by  Novena  devotions.  Sister  M.  Rose,  superior  of  the 
convent  community  of  6,  though  only  three  appear  on  the  payroll  for  1971,  was  identified  as  Sister 
M.  Rose  Perry,  and  those  three  Sisters  who  were  paid  by  the  parish  returned  to  the  Motherhouse  in 
Fairhaven  Massachusetts  for  the  months  of  July  and  August. 

The  task  of  rearranging  the  church  to  accommodate  radical,  liturgical  change  fell  to  Fr. 
Genecki.  When  stone-masons  disassembled  the  rather  large  pulpit  installed  when  the  church  was 
built  in  1956,  they  built  a  smaller  one,  and  used  the  remainder  of  the  marble  to  create  a  sanctuary 
platform  for  the  altar.  They  turned  the  original  altar  toward  the  people,  cut  the  marble  levels  on 
which  the  original  altar  stood  to  provide  a  platform  for  the  celebrants'  chairs,  and  used  the 
remainder  of  the  marble  to  complete  the  sanctuary  platform.  When  they  removed  the  altar  rail. 


they  left  a  short  stretcli  of  the  original  rail  in  front  of  the  side  altar  on  which  sat  the  original 
tabernacle  until  Fr.  O'Neill  replaced  it  with  a  smaller  version.   Removing  the  Baptismal  font  from 
the  rear  of  the  church  to  left  side  of  sanctuary  was  less  complicated  a  matter. 

The  task  of  explaining  and  cultivating  an  appreciation  of  the  new  liturgy  also  fell  to  Fr. 
Genecki.  If  Vatican  II  roused  the  ire  of  the  religious  and  the  faithful  by  failing  to  alter  Church 
teaching  on  issues  like  celibacy  and  birth  control,  it's  effect  was  private,  personal,  and  had  no 
apparent  impact  beyond  the  gradual  exodus  of  religious  that  created  personnel  and  morale 
problems,  but  when  the  Council  ordered  a  nearly  complete  revision  of  the  liturgy,  abandoned  the 
familiar,  if  obscure  Latin,  and  turned  the  Mass  round,  many  of  the  faithful  struggled  with  the 
change  in  what  they  held  to  be  an  immutable  spiritual  reality.  Among  his  papers  is  one  homily  in 
which  Fr.  Genecki  acknowledged  unrest  in  the  parish  over  the  new  look  of  the  church  and  the  new 
liturgy:  "Some  people  persist  in  saying  that  it  was  all  a  mistake,  that  they  should  have  left  the 
Church  the  way  it  was  even  if  it  was  old  fashioned,"  and  he  asked  the  community  to  distinguish 
between  the  incidental  and  the  essential: 

As  one  author  put  it,  we  have  witnessed  the  death  of  permanence  .  .  most  of  us 
look  for  something  that  has  not  changed.  For  many  of  us  that  means  our  faith,  our 
religion.  One  thing  we  always  used  to  hear  about  the  Catholic  Church  was  that  it 
could  not  change.  Well  if  you  have  that  idea  in  your  head,  you  keep  it  there.  It  is 
true,  in  spite  of  what  you  hear  and  read.  And  yet  in  the  Church  we  too  have  seen  a 
lot  of  changes  in  recent  times,  in  the  Mass  for  example  .  .  .Today  we  offer  the  very 
same  sacrifice  [of  the  Mass]  in  English.  The  language  of  the  Mass  is  incidental. 
It  is  what  happens  at  Mass  that  is  essential,  and  that  has  remained  the  same  down 
through  the  centuries  .  .  .We  should  all  ask  for  the  vision  to  see  that  amid  all  the 
uncertainties  and  anxieties  brought  on  by  a  too  rapidly  changing  world  we  still 
have  something  that  is  truly  stable  and  reliable  .  .  .  and  that  something  is  our 
Catholic  faith. 
Fr.  Genecki  tried  to  understand  the  unrest  he  addressed  and  urged  the  parish  to  see  beyond  the  face 
of  change  and  find  in  new  garb  their  familiar  faith. 

In  1973,  Sr.  Jane  Donnelly  replaced  Sr.  M.  Rose  Perrs'  as  Superior  of  the  4  sisters  who 
lived  in  the  Convent.  The  parish  no  longer  offered  a  contingent  of  clergy  to  attend  the  Sisters' 
spiritual  arrangements.  One  daily  Mass  was  offered  at  8  AM  in  the  convent,  and  the  Sisters  were 
free  to  choose  their  own  Confessors.  The  Sisters  left  Avenel  for  Fairhaven  during  the  months  of 


July  and  August,  a  practice  begun  in  1970,  and  returned  in  September.  A  Fr.  Marr  replaced  Fr. 
McGovem  as  Chaplain  at  the  Prison,  and  on  25  October,  the  Bishop  administered  Confirmation  to 
a  throng  of  285! 

Within  a  month  of  the  Bishop's  visit  the  parish  and  diocese  was  shocked  by  the  death  of  Fr. 
Genecki.  He  took  ill  on  Sunday  at  the  rectory  and  entered  John  F.  Kennedy  Hospital  in  Edison  for 
tests  on  Monday  morning,  12  November  1973,  where  he  died  suddenly  shortly  past  noon.  He  was 
52  years  old.  Fr.  Genecki's  body  lay  in  state  in  the  church  he  altered  to  accommodate  a  liturgical 
renewal  he  embraced  and  taught  to  the  people  of  St.  Andrew's.  The  parish  visited  on  Thursday 
afternoon  to  take  their  leave  and  they  celebrated  Fr.  Genecki's  life  with  Mass  at  7:30  PM.  On 
Friday,  16  November,  Bishop  Ahr,  who  returned  from  Washington,  D.  C.  where  he  attended  the 
United  States  bishops  amnial  meeting,  was  principal  celebrant,  and  Fr.  Edward  A.  Bumbera, 
pastor  of  St.  Dominic's  in  Brick  Town,  was  homilist  at  a  Mass  of  Resurrection:  the  New  Liturgy 
for  Christian  Burial. 

More  Change 

In  December  1973,  the  Bishop  assigned  Fr.  Gerald  C.  Callahan  as  temporary  assistant  to 
Fr.  Eagan  who  remained  as  titular  pastor  of  St.  Andrew's.  Fr.  Callahan  completed  the  1973  annual 
report  and  kept  a  hand  on  the  wheel  until  March  1974,  when  Bishop  Alir  appointed  Fr.  James  J. 
McGovem  to  serve  as  Administrator.  The  parish  grew  to  1,620  families  in  that  year:  the  last 
diocesan  census  was  taken  in  1969,  and  the  numbers  for  1974  reflected  change  since  1969. 
Membership  in  parish  organizations  became  a  source  of  concern:  the  ladies  society  boasted  140 
members  and  the  Knights  of  Columbus  continued  strong  with  260  members,  but  the  Holy  Name 
Society  dropped  off  to  40  members:  the  St  Vincent  de  Paul  Society  had  5  members;  but  most 
troublesome  was  the  membership  of  the  CYO  whose  membership  had  declined  to  12! 

Wlien  Sr.  Jane  Domielly  led  four  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Heart  to  Fairhaven  for  the  summer 
months  of  July  and  August,  she  returned  with  only  three  who  were  joined  in  January  1975  by  a 
fourth.  And  when  the  Sisters  left  for  the  months  of  July  and  August  1975,  they  returned  with  a  new 
Superior,  Sr.  JoAnn  McKenzie,  and  their  numbers  had  dwindled  to  three.  By  1976  Fr.  McGovem 
recognized  that  the  convent  was  too  elaborate  and  too  large  a  facility  to  house  no  more  than  three 
or  four  Sisters,  and  asked  the  diocese  to  approve  the  purchase  a  house  nearby  to  accommodate  the 
Sisters.   Bishop  Ahr  agreed  and  on  30  August  1976  the  parish  acquired  a  house  at  245  Avenel 
Street  that  would  ser\'e  as  a  convent.  The  Convent  was  renamed  the  "Parish  House"  and  altered  to 
make  class  rooms  for  the  CCD  program. 


During  his  pastorship,  Fr.  McGovem  refurbished  the  pews  one  section  at  a  time  and 
installed  carpeting  in  the  church.  Around  that  time,  during  the  later  months  of  1975,  he  sought 
permission  to  install  an  elevator  in  the  church  to  make  it  accessible  to  the  handicapped.  He  had  the 
Bishop's  permission  by  29  January  1976  and  on  16  July  1976,  contracted  with  Albert  Garlatti 
Construction  Co.  of  Highland  Park,  the  firm  who  built  the  Convent,  to  make  necessary  changes 
and  install  an  elevator  at  a  cost  of  $82,882.  PauU  Engineering  of  Cherry  Hill,  New  Jersey, 
architects,  designed  the  alterations  to  the  church,  which  included  removal  of  one  pew  on  either  side 
of  the  church  near  the  center  to  create  an  aisle  for  wheel  chairs.  The  elevator  was  one  of  the  first  in 
the  Trenton  Diocese. 

On  1  July  1976,  Pr.  Eagan,  whose  health  continued  to  be  worrisome,  retired  from  his  post 
as  pastor  of  St.  Andrew's  after  32  years.  He  had  given  over  a  majority  of  his  pastoral  duties  in  the 
early  1970s  when  Fr.  Genecki  and  then  Fr.  McGovem  ran  the  parish  as  Administrators.   Bishop 
Ahr  appointed  Fr.  McGovem  to  succeed  Fr.  Eagan  as  pastor  in  August  1976  and  in  November  he 
assigned  Fr.  Michael  Hackett  to  assist  him. 

The  Parish  Profile  for  1977,  Fr.  McGovem's  first  as  pastor,  gave  the  Convent  address, 
244  Avenel  Street,  as  the  mailing  address  for  the  parish:  the  rectory  was  still  at  248  Avenel  Street. 
The  convent  was  located  at  245  Avenel  Street,  and  three  Sisters,  each  from  a  different  order,  lived 
there:  Sr.  Jane  Donnelly,  last  of  the  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts,  was  described  as  Director  of 
Pastoral  Care;  Sr.  JoAiin  Reynolds,  a  Sister  of  Charity  from  Convent  Station,  N.  J.,  was  the 
Director  of  Religious  Education;  and  Sr.  Elaine  Corey,  a  Sister  of  Saint  Dorothy  from  Taunton, 
Massachusetts,  was  Coordinator  of  Elementary  Religious  Education.  Fr.  James  Marr  remained  as 
Chaplain  of  Rahway  State  Prison  and  the  recently  developed  New  Jersey  Adult  Diagnostic  Center. 
John  G.  Wranitz  and  Charles  Podraza  continued  to  serve  as  parish  tmstees.  Joyce  Zakierski,  the 
organist  hired  in  November  1974,  gave  way  to  Sharon  Gomian  in  October,  and  the  report 
identified  an  adult  choir  with  1 1  members  and  a  teen  choir  with  8  members.  There  were  24 
Lectors,  27  ushers,  38  altar  boys,  35  Pastoral  Aides,  8  Pastoral  visitors  and  24  Eucharistic 

In  1977  Fr.  McGovem  reported  1,570  families  living  in  the  parish,  and  he  arrived  at  that 
number  by  adding  95  newly  registered  and  subtracting  101  families  who  moved  away  The 
Diocesan  report  asked  for  a  discussion  of  the  "most  pressing  problems"  the  parish  faced,  and  the 
staff  developed  a  list  of  difficulties  that  began  with  change  in  the  church:  "Church  renewal  has  not 
reached  majority"  led  to  decrease  in  attendance  at  Mass.  Social  difficulties  of  the  1970s,  especially 


an  increased  divorce  rate,  contributed  to  the  problem  of  "Breakdown  of  family  life,"  which  was 
reflected  in  "Alienation  of  youth,"  and  a  general  sense  that  "Indifference  and  apathy"  prevailed. 
The  religious  staff,  Fr.  McGovem,  Fr.  Hackett,  Srs.  Re>'nolds,  Donnelly  and  Corey  signed  the 
report  and  committed  themselves  to  finding  "vehicles  to  reach  marginal  and  indifferent 
parishioners"  to  learn  their  "attitudes  and  thinking,"  and  they  proposed  to  develop  a  "total  Youth 

In  1978  Sr  Jane  Donnelly,  the  last  of  the  Sisters  of  the  Sacred  Hearts  left  the  parish.  Sr. 
JoAnn  Reynolds  and  Sr.  Elaine  Corey  remained  to  face  the  challenge  of  rousing  the  parish  to 
spiritual  renewal.  Confirmation,  now  conferred  every  2  1/2  years,  was  administered  on  9 
November  1978  to  166  Confimiandi,  a  number  that  reflected  a  failure  of  interest  in  a  parish  whose 
membership  continued  to  increase.  Better  news  appeared  in  the  membership  of  a  newly  formed 
Teenage  Club  that  attracted  60;  there  were  15  members  of  a  Children's  Choir,  and  1 1  sang  in  a 
Teen  Choir.  The  adult  religious  education  program  began  to  show  signs  of  life:  1 14  were  involved 
in  preparation  for  First  Communion;  223  in  preparation  for  Confirmation;  18  attended  lectures  and 
discussions  and  42  were  engaged  in  teacher  training  programs. 

During  1978  Fr.  Raymond  J.  Cosgrove,  S.  J.  took  up  residence  at  St.  Andrew's  as  an 
assistant.   Fr.  Cosgrove,  a  Jesuit,  was  at  the  end  of  a  career  of  student  counseling  that  included 
assignments  at  St.  Peter's  High  School  in  Jersey  City,  St.  Joseph's  University,  and  St.  Joseph's  Prep 
School  in  Philadelphia.  Fr.  Cosgrove  remained  active  through  the  year  but  took  ill  in  the  summer 
of  1979  when  at  the  age  of  78,  he  died  on  Sunday  morning  ,  29  July,  at  J.  F.  Kennedy  Medical 
Center.  Fr.  Cosgrove's  body  lay  in  state  in  St.  Andrew's  Church  on  Tuesday  evening  when  the 
parish  offered  a  Christian  Wake  Service  at  8:30  PM,  and  on  Wednesday  when  a  Mass  of  Christian 
Burial  was  concelebrated  by  Fr.  McGovem,  Fr.  Hackett,  and  numerous  Jesuits  who  traveled  from 
distances  to  be  in  attendance.  Fr.  McGovem  shared  letters  of  thanks  from  the  Jesuit  Fathers  who 
were  at  first  surprised  that  Fr.  Cosgrove  would  be  buried  from  a  parish  church  rather  than  from  a 
Jesuit  Chapel.   Fr.  William  Watters,  S.J.,  Assistant  Provincial  wrote  from  the  Provincial's 
Residence  in  Baltimore  Maryland: 

What  a  special  grace  last  evening  was  for  me  and  for  my  fellow  Jesuits  of  the 
Mar)'land  and  New  York  Provinces.  In  joining  you  and  your  gracious  Catholic, 
Christian  community  at  St.  Andrew's  Church  for  the  celebration  of  the  Mass  of 
Christian  Burial,  we  Jesuits  all  experienced  the  wonderful  blessing  both  of  Father 
Cosgrove's  own  life  and  of  the  St.  Andrew's  Parish  Community  ...  It  became 


apparent  to  all  of  us  how  (Fr.  Cosgrove]  experienced  the  living  Presence  of  the 
Spirit  of  Jesus  in  the  warm  and  human  community  at  St.  Andrew's. 
If  St.  Andrew's  parish  seemed  to  retire  into  apathy  and  indifference  in  the  mid-seventies,  the 
indomitable  spirit  of  Christian  love  that  marked  the  struggling  Mission  parish  and  the  parish  that 
flourished  through  the  1950s  and  1960s  reasserted  itself  and  rose  up  to  bid  a  warm  farewell  to  Fr. 
Ra>inond  Cosgrove:  the  familiar  spirit  of  St.  Andrew's  had  not  died  but  survived  in  abeyance. 

A  New  Start 

Depletion  of  the  ranks  of  the  religious  created  serious  personnel  problems:  there  were  not 
enough  clergy  or  religious  to  properly  staff  parishes  throughout  the  diocese,  and  the  parishes 
continued  to  grow.  St.  Andrew's  in  1980  claimed  1,975  families.  Bishop  George  W.  Ahr  retired  in 
1980  and  on  4  March,  Auxiliary  Bishop  John  C.  Reiss  was  appointed  to  succeed  him.  In  1979  Sr. 
JoAnn  Reynolds  and  Sr.  Elaine  Corey  were  joined  by  Sr.  Elaine  Donovan,  a  School  Sister  of  Notre 
Dame  from  Wilton  Connecticut.  All  three  Sisters  left  in  1980  and  were  replaced  by  Sister  Doris 
McKeman,  O.P.  and  Sister  Frances  Eustace,  C.S.J.  Fr.  Hackett  was  succeed  in  1980  by  Fr.  David 

On  19  November  1981  The  Diocese  of  Trenton  was  divided  and  the  Diocese  of  Metuchen 
was  created.  Saint  Francis  church  in  Metuchen  was  designated  as  the  new  Cathedral,  and  the 
Convent  at  St.  Cecelia's  in  Iselin  was  chosen  to  serve  as  the  new  Chancery  Office.  The  Most 
Reverend  Theodore  E.  McCarrick  was  appointed  Bishop  of  Metuchen  on  19  November  1981  and 
installed  on  3 1  January  1982.   Bishop  McCarrick  was  first  appointed  Auxiliary  Bishop  of  New 
York  on  24  May  1977,  and  ordained  a  Bishop  on  29  June  1977. 

Fr.  Edward  O'Neill  was  selected  to  replace  Fr.  McGovem  as  pastor  of  St.  Andrew's  and 
Fr.  Thomas  Steckel  replaced  Fr.  David  Lawlor  as  Associate  Pastor.  Mr.  James  P.  Kissane  and 
Mr.  Anthony  Graham  replaced  John  Wranitz  and  Charies  Podraza  as  trustees  of  the  parish  and,  on 
8  March  1982,  witnessed  the  amendment  to  the  documents  of  incorporation  that  officially  shifted 
parish  affiliation  from  the  Diocese  of  Trenton  to  the  Diocese  of  Metuchen. 

In  1982,  St.  Andrew's  first  full  year  under  the  auspices  of  the  Diocese  of  Metuchen,  Steve 
Ciak  served  as  Sexton,  and  Fr.  O'Neill  hired  Rosemary  Brzychcy  to  play  the  organ.  Fr.  Thomas 
Steckel  replaced  Fr.  Lawlor  as  Associate  Pastor,  and  since  there  were  no  Sisters  available  to  staff 
CCD  programs,  Fr.  O'Neill  rented  the  parish  property  at  245  Avenel  Street  to  a  private  couple 
while  he  waited  to  see  what  might  be  done  about  recruiting  Sisters  for  the  ftiture. 


Fr.  Steckel  initiated  a  Prayer  and  Praise  Group  with  a  meeting  on  14  January  1982  that 
was  attended  by  30  to  35  parishioners.  During  their  first  six  weeks  the  Prayer  Group  met  with 
representatives  of  the  Body  of  Christ  Prayer  Group  from  St.  Francis  Cathedral  who  taught  the 
essentials  of  the  program.  The  group,  originally  led  by  Rose  Marie  and  Lenny  Paliscewski,  met 
every  Wednesday  evening  and  while  he  remained  at  St.  Andrew's,  Fr.  Steckel  served  as  moderator 
and  offered  Adoration  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament  and  Benediction  once  a  month. 

During  his  pastorship,  Fr.  O'Neill  made  the  transition  from  the  rector\'  at  248  Avenel 
Street  to  the  present  rectory  at  244  Avenel  Street.  He  also  removed  the  Baptismal  Font  from  the 
front  of  the  church  to  the  center  where  Fr.  McGovem  created  an  aisle.   Since  the  new  church,  built 
in  the  mid-fifties,  lacked  the  bell  tower  of  the  original  parish  church,  Fr.  O'Neill  sought  permission 
of  the  Bishop  to  correct  that  deficit.   On  22  October  1983,  the  1.  T.  Verdin  Company  of  Cincinnati, 
Ohio  acknowledged  Fr.   O'Neill's  order  for  a  Paramount  4000  Trac-a-matic  Carillon-electronic 
church  bells!   Verdin  Company  promised  to  have  the  bells  in  Avenel  in  time  for  the  Christmas 
season.  The  church  bells  were  a  significant  investment:  the  carillon  itself  cost  $7,185  and  required 
installation  by  an  electrician  and  a  roofer  who  would  attach  the  speaker  support  frame  to  the 
church  roof  to  the  rear  of  the  building  and  install  devices  to  prevent  rain  water  from  damaging  the 

Tlie  Diocese  of  Metuchen  replaced  the  Trenton  diocesan  "Parish  Profile"  with  an  "Annual 
Pastoral  Report."  In  his  report  for  1983,  Fr.  O'Neill  listed  Rev.  Charles  Costello  as  his  Associate 
Pastor,  Rev.  Mr.  Michael  Copertino  as  a  Permanent  Deacon.  Deacon  Copertino,  a  member  of  the 
parish  since  1955.  taught  CCD  for  17  years  and  after  Vatican  II,  was  among  the  first  lectors  and 
Eucharistic  Ministers  of  the  parish.  He  completed  a  three  year  course  of  studies  and  was  ordained 
a  Deacon  on  16  May  198 1  and  stationed  at  St.  Andrew's.  He  continued  to  work  with  the  CCD 
program  as  the  Director  of  Religious  Education,  restructured  and  led  St.  Andrew's  pre-cana 
program,  taught  weekly  Bible  classes  and  worked  with  adult  converts  in  the  RCIA  program. 
Deacon  Copertino  assisted  at  Mass  and  administered  sacraments  of  Baptism  and  Matrimony. 
When  the  Prayer  and  Praise  Group,  of  which  he  was  a  member,  found  themselves  without  a 
clerical  moderator,  he  offered  Adoration  of  the  Blessed  Sacrament  and  Benediction  once  each 
month.   Deacon  Copertino  served  St.  Andrew's  Parish  until  1985  when,  in  April,  he  succumbed  to 
cancer.  The  Permanent  Deacon  was  one  answer  to  post-Vatican  II  difficulties  with  personnel 


When  asked  to  reply  to  the  question,  "Would  you  be  in  favor  of  a  'DIOCESAN-WIDE' 
CENSUS  in  1984?"  Fr.  O'Neill  would  not  write,  "NO,"  but  replied  that  he  had  recently  completed 
a  census  and  learned  that  calculations  of  the  number  of  families  in  the  parish  made  in  lieu  of  an 
actual  count  were  severely  over-stated.  The  actual  census  counted  1,680  instead  of  1,895  Catholic 
families  in  the  parish  and  estimated  that  only  950  families  actively  supported  the  church. 

The  Parish  resumed  responsibility  for  Mass,  instruction  and  counseling  at  the  Rahway 
State  Prison,  the  Avenel  Diagnostic  Center,  and  Fr.  Genecki's  Saturday  morning  program  at  what 
was  now  called  the  Woodbridge  Development  Center  continued.  Fr.  O'Neill  changed  the  Mass 
Schedule:  Masses  were  celebrated  at  5;30  PM  on  Saturday,  7:45  AM.  9  AM,  10:30  AM,  12  noon, 
and  5  PM  on  Sunday;  daily  Masses  were  scheduled  for  8  AM  and  12  noon.  The  Bishop  visited  on 
14  May  1983  to  administer  Confimiation  to  58  candidates;  55  children  were  Baptized;  48  died;  35 
couples  were  married  and  3  sought  amiulments.  Tlie  Parish  workload  was  excessive,  even  with  the 
aid  of  a  Permanent  Deacon,  and  Fr.  O'Neill  made  a  diplomatic  plea  for  help:  he  described  the 
difficulties  incarcerated  Catholics  endured  at  Rahway  State  Prison  and  urged  the  Bishop  to  appoint 
a  regular  Chaplain. 

Through  the  early  1980s,  St.  Andrew's  Associate  Pastors  once  again  experienced  the 
revolving  door:  Fr.  David  Lavvlor  was  assigned  to  the  parish  in  1980  and  was  transferred  by  1981 
when  Fr.  Thomas  Steckel  arrived  to  leave  in  1982.  Fr.  Charles  Costello  survived  from  1982  till 
1984,  but  Fr.  Thomas  Alappat  lasted  one  year,  from  1984  to  1985;  Fr.  Sevastian  M.  R.  Pillai 
came  and  went  in  1985.  Fr.  Thomas  A.  Piechocinski,  Ed.D.  relieved  Fr.  O'Neill  as  pastor  on  25 
October  1985,  and  a  few  days  later,  on  31  October  1985,  welcomed  Fr.  Raphael  Moyalan,  CM. I., 
an  extern  priest  who  served  the  parish  in  lieu  of  an  assigned  Associate  Pastor.  Rev.  Mr.  James 
Hagerman  replaced  Deacon  Copertino  in  1985,  and  Joseph  Karabin  served  as  Director  of  Religious 
Education.   In  1984,  Anthony  Graham  resigned  and  Carmine  P.  Muccilli  joined  James  P.  Kissane 
as  Lay  Trustees,  and  Fr.  O'Neill  reported  the  existence  of  a  Parish  Financial  Council  chaired  by 
Benjamin  Dispoto  whose  tenure  extended  through  1988. 

In  June  of  1986,  Fr.  Moyalan  continued  to  serve  the  Parish  and  the  Bishop  appointed  Rev. 
Joseph  Karjewski  as  Associate  Pastor.  Deacon  Hagerman  continued  in  his  role  as  Permanent 
Deacon.  Joseph  Comacchia  served  as  Director  of  Religious  Education.  James  P.  Kissane 
resigned,  and  Jean-Paul  Piiict  joined  Camiine  Muccilli  as  Lay  Trustees:  they  would  serve  the 
parish  until  1991. 


In  1986,  Deacon  Hagerman  developed  the  Rite  of  Christian  Initiation  for  Adults,  the  RCIA 
program.  He  developed  a  handbook  of  lessons  and  Scripture  reading,  and  encouraged  a  team 
approach  to  education  of  adults  who  prepared  for  Baptism,  When  Deacon  Jim  Hewitt  replaced 
Deacon  Hagerman,  he  served  as  director  of  the  program,  which  continues  under  the  direction  of 
Patricia  McKim. 

The  parish  grew  by  about  50  families  to  1,664  in  1986,  and  Fr.  Piechocinski  urged  the 
Diocese  to  send  help.  Through  the  course  of  the  new  year  he  planned  to  reorganize  the  Youth 
Group,  enlarge  the  choir,  and  extend  the  Parish  Mission,  a  vehicle  that  proved  to  succeed  in 
repatriating  alienated  or  indifferent  parishioners.  In  order  to  accomplish  his  goals,  Fr.  Piechocinski 
wrote  that  it  was  imperative  to  find  "two  associates  to  implement  Parish  Programs.  Fr.  Raphael 
Moyalan,  the  extern  priest,  is  leaving  the  Parish  to  return  to  India  on  June  14,  1987."  He  also 
recommended  that  Fr.  Krajewski  be  reassigned  "to  an  ethnic  Parish  whereby  the  necessity  of 
English  is  not  imperative." 

In  Februar\'  1986,  Fr.  Piechocinski  requested  and  received  Diocesan  permission  to 
purchase  a  new  organ  for  the  church.  He  advised  the  Bishop  that  the  parish  would  raise  money  for 
the  organ  by  issuing  a  "Subscription  Memorial  Series,  and  explained  that  fund  raising  by  Memorial 
Subscription  was  a  tradition  at  St,  Andrew's  Parish.  Fr.  Piechocinski  initiated  a  drive  to  raise 
ftmds  in  March  1986,  and  by  1  June  1986  reported  that  he  had  $34,385  of  the  $35,400  he  needed 
to  buy  and  install  a  new  Allen  Digital  Computer  Organ.  On  2  July  1986,  the  Allen  Organ 
Company  acknowledged  his  order,  and  once  again,  St.  Andrew's  demonstrated  the  determined  spirit 
of  support  that  characterized  the  small  group  of  men  and  women  who  founded  the  parish. 

On  30  May  1986,  Bishop  Theodore  E.  McCarrick  was  appointed  Archbishop  of  Newark, 
and  the  Most  Reverend  Edward  T.  Hughes,  D.D.,  who  was  consecrated  a  Bishop  on  21  July  1976 
and  appointed  Auxiliary  Bishop  of  Philadelphia,  was  appointed  on  1 1  December  1986  and 
Installed  as  Bishop  of  Metuchcn  on  5  February  1987.  Bishop  Hughes  heard  Fr.  Piechocinski's  call 
for  help  and  on   1  June  1987  appointed  Rev.  Mr.  Edward  Czarcinski  as  Permanent  Deacon  of  St. 
Andrew's  Church.  Within  the  month,  he  appointed  Fr.  Roger  Labonte  and  Fr.  Blaise  Baran  as 
Associate  Pastors. 

In  his  report  for  1987,  Fr.  Piechocinski  estimated  that  there  were  now  1,629  families  in  the 
parish,  a  total  of  4,013  Catholics,  The  weekend  schedule  offered  Mass  at  5:30  PM  on  Saturday 
and  7:45  AM,  9  AM,  10:30  AM,  and  12  noon  on  Sunday.  Eighty-four  children  were  Baptized;  37 
couples  were  married;  3  Annulments  were  granted;  53  died;  58  received  First  Communion;  and 


only  41,  39  children  and  2  adults,  wore  Confirmed.  Fr.  Piechocinski  counted  352  public  school 
students  in  the  CCD  program,  and  all  were  in  elementary  school. 

In  1989,  his  last  as  pastor,  Fr.  Piechocinski,  addressed  difficulties  with  the  boiler  in  the 
church.  He  requested  permission  to  replace  the  existing  boiler.  On  24  May  1989,  the  Diocese 
approved  his  plan  to  remove  asbestos,  and  replace  the  boiler,  a  chore  that  cost  the  parish  $32,166. 
Fr.  Piechocinski  took  the  a  direct  approach  to  the  problem  and  the  parish  raised  money  with  a 
special  collection. 

Fr.  Robert  G.  Lynam  replaced  Fr.  Piechocinski  as  Administrator  on  9  January  1990,  and 
submitted  the  1989  report  to  the  diocese.  Fr.  Lynam  recognized  that  his  appointment  to  St. 
Andrew's  was  temporary,  and  subject  to  evaluation  after  a  period  of  six  months.  Since  he  was 
uncertain  of  his  future,  Fr.  L>nam's  plans  for  the  parish  were  necessarily  undeveloped.   Fr.  Edward 
Czarcinski,  the  Associate  Pastor  who  replaced  Frs.  Labonte  and  Baran  in  June  1988,  was  joined  in 
December  1988,  by  Fr.  Virgilio  Chagas,  an  extern  resident.   Rev.  Mr.  James  Hewitt  was  appointed 
Pemianent  Deacon  on  17  June  1989.  Mr.  Frank  Pelzman  replaced  Mr.  Benjamin  Dispoto  as  Chair 
of  the  Parish  Financial  Council.  The  population  of  the  parish  was  reported  as  1,757  families  in 
1989,  though  a  door-to-door  census  had  not  been  taken  since  1983.  The  number  of  children  who 
received  the  sacrament  of  Baptism  in  1989  rose  to  94,  but  there  were  only  38  First  Communicants 
and  33  Confirmandi.  The  report  identifies  365  public  elementary  school  students  in  the  CCD 
program,  not  a  large  number  when  compared  with  the  number  of  families  in  the  parish.  Thirty 
eight  couples  were  married:  4  marriages  were  annulled;  39  died;  and  I  adult  was  baptized  and  6 
were  confirmed. 

St.  Andrew's  Parish  had  demonstrated  over  the  years  the  high  value  they  placed  on  their 
Church  and  on  their  Catholic  Faith,  but  the  people  of  St.  Andrew's  also  showed  that  they  could  be 
unresponsive  if  a  parish  administration  failed  to  appreciate  the  values  of  a  traditional,  proud,  and 
deeply  religious  people.   Calls  for  help  from  a  string  of  pastors  from  Fr.  McGovem  on  did  not 
precisely  fall  on  deaf  ears,  but  even  creative  management  of  limited  resources  could  not  solve  the 
personnel  and  morale  problems  that  faced  the  Diocese  and  particularly  St.  Andrew's  Parish  in 


When  Rev.  Msgr.  Inimanuel  W.  Vernon,  Diocesan  Secretar>'  for  Canonical  Affairs,  was 
charged  with  the  complex  difficulty  of  restoring  priests  and  sisters  to  the  depleted  ranks  of  the 
Diocese  of  Metuchcn,  he  turned  to  Religious  Congregations  and  Orders  for  help.  In  1987  Msgr. 


Vemon  wondered  of  Fr.  Peter  Goyuk  OMV,  American  Delegate  of  the  Oblates  of  the  Virgin  Mary, 
if  his  Congregation  might  htce  to  estabhsh  a  presence  in  the  Diocese  by  providing  a  Chaplain  for 
the  Shrine  of  the  Immaculate  Heart  of  MarN'  in  Washington,  New  Jersey.  Shortly  after  Fr.  Peter 
agreed  to  staff  the  Shrine,  Msgr.  Vemon  wondered  if  the  Oblates  would  not  like  to  expand  their 
ministry  in  the  Diocese  to  include  a  parish.  Fr.  Peter  applied  to  the  Rector  Major  in  Rome,  and 
received  permission  for  the  Oblates  of  the  Virgin  Mar%'  to  accept  a  parish  assignment  in  the 
Diocese  of  Metuchen,  and  in  early  August  1990,  Fr.  Da\id  Kosmoski,  OMV  was  appointed  Pastor 
of  St.  Andrew's  Church  in  Avenel. 

The  Oblates  of  the  Virgin  Marv  are  a  Congregation  of  Religious  founded  in  1826  by  Fr. 
Bruno  Lanteri,  a  Northern  Italian  Priest  whose  early  spiritual  formation  was  influenced  by  his 
relationship  with  Fr.  Nicolaus  Diessbach,  an  e.\  Jesuit  who  "showed  him  the  power  of  the  Spiritual 
E.xercises  of  St.  Ignatius  of  Lo>ola."  Fr.  Bruno  modeled  his  Apostolic  Ministr\-  on  the  spiritual 
exercises  of  St.  Ignatius.  He  organized  retreats  and  parish  missions,  taught  the  lait>-  to  do  the 
same,  and  attended  to  the  ill  and  the  disenfranchised:  his  ministr>'  extended  to  the  homebound  ill 
and  to  those  in  prison.   Fr.  Bruno's  spiritual  message  emphasized  personal  and  congregational 
pra\er  and  meditation,  and  active,  practical  participation  in  the  lives  of  those  Christians  whom  he 
touched.   Fr.  Bruno  taught  his  apostolic  approach  to  the  members  of  his  Congregation.  Although 
they  are  a  Congregation  who  live  in  communit>-  and  take  vows  of  Poverty,  Chastitv'  and  Obedience, 
they  do  not  distinguish  themselves  in  their  clerical  attire:  Fr.  Bruno  wore  the  simple  cassock  of  the 
time  and  instructed  his  follower  to  do  the  same.  Pope  John  XXIII  identified  Fr.  Bruno  Lanteri  as 
the  precursor  of  Catholic  action  among  the  laity,  an  example  of  the  renewal  of  an  active  laity  he 
envisioned  when  he  was  inspired  to  convene  the  Second  Vatican  Council. 

Fr.  Da\  id  Kosmoski,  OMV  and  his  assistants  brought  to  St.  Andrew's  Parish  the  spirit  of 
Fr.  Bruno  Lantcri's  Apostolate.  Fr.  David  was  accompanied  in  August  1990  b\'  Fr.  James  Nibler, 
OMV,  and  they  were  joined  in  early  December  by  Fr.  Peter  Grover,  OMV.  When  the  Diocese 
wondered  if  Fr.  David  might  like  to  expand  the  Oblate  ministry  to  include  the  diocesan  retreat 
house  in  Perth  Amboy,  he  agreed  and  in  June  1991,  Fr.  David  Nicgorski,  OMV  joined  the  Oblate 
communitx  at  St.  Ajidrew's  as  Program  Director  of  Emmaus  House  If  St.  Andrew's  Parish  cried 
out  for  priests,  the  Oblates  answered. 

Fr.  David  was  installed  as  pastor  on  30  September  1990.  and  the  Oblates  set  to  work  "to 
animate  the  parish."  Programs  for  lapsed  Catholics,  support  groups  for  the  bereaved,  the  divorced 
and  separated,  and  especially  a  ministrs'  for  the  young  were  top  priorities.  Fr.  Peter  Grover  was 


designated  the  Director  of  Religious  Education  and  developed  a  CARE  (Certification  of 
Accreditation  for  Religious  Education)  program  for  lay  CCD  instructors.   Fr.  David  restored  the 
Vacation  Bible  School  for  children  and  developed  a  weekly  Bible  Study  program  for  adults.  He 
created  a  childrens"  choir  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Steve  Marchewicz.  Fr.  Peter  organized  a 
youth  group  and  inspired  the  teenagers  of  the  parish  to  attend  Mass  regularly,  participate  in  and 
learn  to  give  retreats  to  other  youth  in  the  parish  and  around  the  diocese.  As  Fr.  David  cheerfully 
wrote,  "these  teens  are  developing  a  real  spiritual  life  (plus  having  fiin)!"  Fr.  Peter  also  brought 
back  variety  shows,  remininsccnt  of  the  Minstrels  of  the  1950s  that  raised  flinds  for  the  new 
church.  If  the  Parish  of  St.  Andrew  was  a  handful  for  the  limited  staff  of  the  1980s,  Fr.  David's 
Oblates  were  a  handfiil  for  the  Parish. 

Shortly  after  Fr.  David  assumed  responsibility  for  the  parish,  Cannine  P.  Muccilli  who 
served  for  7  years  and  Jean-Paul  Pillet  who  served  for  eight,  retired  as  Lay  Trustees  and  were 
replaced  by  William  T  Higgins  and  Irene  P.  Smakula. 

By  1992,  Fr.  David  hired  Christine  Urban  as  Director  of  Music  who  joined  Dolores 
Gellici,  secretary  of  Religious  Education,  and  Dorothy  O'Neill,  to  comprise  the  lay  parish  staff.. 
With  permission  from  the  Diocese  he  installed  a  smoke  detector  system  in  the  church  and  boiler 
room,  installed  a  new  sound  system  in  the  church  and  church  hall,  and  disposed  of  the  vacant  house 
at  245  Avenel  Street,  the  old  convent.   In  1993  he  repaved  the  parking  lot.  He  installed  air 
conditioning  in  the  church  in  1994,  and  demolished  the  antiquated  rectory  at  248  Avenel  Street.  He 
was  forced  to  replace  the  boiler  in  the  church  and  installed  a  water  purification  system  to  prevent 
the  sort  of  damage  that  ruined  the  5  year-old  boiler.  In  1995,  with  help  from  the  Altar  Rosary 
Society,  Fr.  David  cleared  the  area  near  the  rectory  and  built  "Mary's  Garden,"  a  flower  garden 
with  fish  pond  and  benches  which  serves  the  parish  and  community  in  its  prayerful,  serene 
atmosphere.   Bishop  Hughes  blessed  the  garden  when  he  visited  St.  Andrew's  for  the  75th 
Anniversary  Celebration  on  Saturday,  16  September  1995. 

Fr.  David  is  heir  to  Fr.  Eagan's  early  spiritual  responsibility  for  Rahway  State  Prison,  and 
expanded  his  ministry  to  the  Adult  Diagnostic  and  Treatment  Center  where  he  regularly  says  Mass 
and  provides  spiritual  direction  and  confession.  Fr.  Peter  and  a  group  of  8  catechists  who 
continued  the  ministry  of  Fr.  Genecki  at  what  is  now  the  Woodbridge  Developmental  Center: 

In  addition  to  his  responsibilities  as  Director  of  the  Emmaus  House,  Fr.  David  Nicgorski 
was  appointed  Director  of  the  Young  Adult  Ministry  for  the  Diocese.  He  obtained  Certification  in 
Spiritual  Direction  and  uses  the  retreat  house  to  host  parish  retreats    When  Rev.  Jim  Walther,  a 


transitional  deacon,  was  assigned  to  St.  Andrew's  Parish  in  June  of  1993,  he  joined  Fr.  David 
Nicgorski  at  the  retreat  house  and  focused  upon  the  Youth  Ministry:  many  candidates  for 
Confirmation  from  the  parish  and  from  other  parishes  throughout  the  diocese  attended  pre- 
Confimiation  retreats  under  his  direction. 

At  the  beginning  of  1995,  after  3 1  years  of  dedicated  service  to  St.  Andrew's  Church,  Mrs. 
Dorothy  O'Neill  retired.  She  was  the  first  and  only  secretary  in  parish  history  until  Mrs.  Maryrose 
Buonomo  took  over  the  reins  of  the  office. 

In  September  1994,  Rev.  Gregory  Cleveland,  a  transitional  deacon,  joined  the  community 
of  Oblates,  and  on  10  June  1995,  Feast  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Bishop  Edward  T.  Hughes 
administered  Holy  Orders  to  Fr.  Gregory  Cleveland  and  Fr.  James  Walther,  at  a  Mass 
concelebrated  by  Fr.  Timothy  Gallagher,  OMV,  provincial,  Fr.  David  Kosmoski,  OMV,  Fr.  Peter 
Grover,  OMV,  Fr.  David  Nicgorski,  OMV,  and  numerous  other  Oblates  and  diocesan  priests. 
Msgr.  Michael  Alliegro,  vicar  for  pastoral  life,  served  as  master  of  ceremonies.  In  the  spirit  of  Fr. 
Bruno  Lanteri,  Fr.  Greg  and  Fr.  Jim  welcomed  the  people  of  St.  Andrew's  parish  to  attend  and 
share  in  the  joy  of  ordination. 

Shortly  after  Frs.  Jim  and  Greg  were  ordained,  on  16  August  1995,  Fr.  Peter  Grover,  after 
nearly  5  years  at  St.  Andrew's,  was  transferred  to  Boston  where  he  was  appointed  Director  of  the 
St.  Clement  Eucharistic  Shrine  and  assistant  director  of  Our  Lady  of  Grace  Seminary.   Fr.  Jim 
Walther  replaced  Fr.  Peter  as  Director  of  Religious  Education  and  also  assumed  responsibility  for 
the  parish  Youth  Group. 

In  a  short  five  years  the  Oblates  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  under  Fr.  David  Kosmoski's  direction, 
uncovered  the  warm,  human  Christian  Community  at  St.  Andrew's  that  the  Jesuits  found  when  they 
visited  to  bid  farewell  to  Fr.  Raymond  Cosgrove.  Their  efforts  on  behalf  of  the  spiritual  vitality  of 
the  parish  have  repatriated  many  of  St.  Andrew's  parishioners  and  restored  the  spirit  of  the  small 
group  of  Catholics  who,  in  1920,  envisioned  just  such  a  Parish  as  prospered  in  the  1950s  and  early 
1960s,  a  parish  like  the  one  at  Saint  Andrew's  that  on  20  September  1995  celebrates  its  75th 



The  History  Committe,  spearheaded  by  the  tireless  efforts  of 

Father  David  Kosmoski,  Patricia  McKim,  Dorothy  O'Neill  and  Ray  Caffrey 

wish  to  thank  the  following  for  the  information  provided  in  putting 

together  the  first  concise  history  of  our  parish: 

Barbara  Abbruscato 

Millie  Albrecht 

Josie  Gelesky 

Barbara  Golinski 

Mary  Harris 

Carol  Hogrebe 

Jim  Kissane 

Mary  Lou  Kunigonis 

Frances  Larsen 

Bernadette  Livingston 

Joyce  Lynch 

Sr.  M.  Michaelita,  CSSF 

Mike  and  Agnes  Myszka 

Fr.  Armand  Pedata 

Kay  Podraza 

Bob  Ragan 

Dennis  Rinaldi 

Karl  and  Mary  Swetits 

Helen  Toth 

Betty  Wukovets 

This  history  is  dedicated  to   all  who  continue  to  dedicate  their  lives  in 
loving  service  to  our  parish. 

©  1995   Fr.  David  Kosmoski,  OMV 
&  Raymond  T.  Caffrey 

These  pages  are  for  your  additions  to  the  history..