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FOR 1927 



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FOR 1927 





NOV 14 1929 

47836. 2473086 



Setemmeratiniiinuaiene: on ofS. Sao eS ee le Se ho 1-3 

INDIVIDUAL INCOME-TAX RETURNS---_------------------ 3-14, 23-39, 66-308 

Number of returns filed, net income, and tax, 1926 and 1927_________ 
Simple and cumulative distribution, by income classes, of number of 

NEuuinMswNeb INCOME, aNd taxes ees Ae Ie ee Bs TAR MES 3, 4 
Classification, by sex and family relationship_______._...____-_-____- 5: 
ineameere cempt, trom normal tax. (one Oe) 0 3 A al es 5: 
Capital net loss from sale of assets held more than two years_______-_- 6 
peeermiass tor prior year,” 1922-19 27a 2). 22s PO Oa 6 
Credit of 25 per cent of tax on earned net income___-_..__-___-_-_-- 6, 7 
Sources of income and deductions in individual returns___--_._._-___ 7 

Wetailed sources, by income:jelasses! 224 080 e220) el ese 8 
ereceMoage UIsunIOWMtIOn.-.! . Lem sede Oe Sa A SPR oe 9 
Frequency distribution by size of specific source of income for individ- 

uals having net income of $5,000 and over, calendar year 1927_______ 9, 10 
Income from business reported by individuals having net income from 

allesources7of po,000sand over: 2==e55 S52 eR 2) oo SPATE See 11 

Distributed by industrial divisions, showing number of businesses 
BEG nem PrOmis TODOMEO:... — etfs os Se oa 
Estates and trusts reported on Forms 1040 and 1040B, showing net 
income of $5,000 and over, distributed by size of net income________ 12 
iasespaic.oether thansincometax: <22:2ss2 ewes jo. eek eet 13 
Disputed byameomerclasses.<24 e020. 2) oo2ee4-2oseeee— seeds. 13 
Wholly and partially tax-exempt obligations_._...........-.--------- 14 
Returns) bytcounines andreities: spires) «ois. s Sn bee sod LLU 14 
PARTNERSHIP RETURNSHOP INCOMHES2 25S jo5.3l2 204 3) eo) tebe eel ed 14-15 
Numbertotimeturnstitied! 1917-1927 tsses ye 225 el ye see 14-15 
CoRPORATION INCOME-TAX RETURNS__---.--.----_-_--- 15-23, 40-45, 310-421 
Number of returns’ filed, net income, and tax__.._....22..-..-_-2 LLL 15 
Distribution, by major industrial groups and by corporations reporting 

net income, no net income, and inactive corporations reporting no 

“RET ETLSLG ON Se UR Bok a ee he gy SO Pee ee. 16-17 
SIMetOSSHOrMprOnrnyeats) > LO2Z2—1927 20 weetes i to) eee Se 17-18 
Amount of corporation net income exempt from, and amount subject 

ORUAK a, See tet porary A tela oy tet fanaa ees) telnet lee 
Degedendidistribution; 1922-1924». weer eens eke ek ee 18 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions____._.._..._.----------- 19 
Distribution by size of net income and deficit.............-----=---- 19 

Assets and liabilities—Statement prepared from income-tax returns 
of corporations submitting balance sheets______.____..-_---------- 
Comparative statement showing by size of net income number of, . 
corporation returns filed and number of balance sheets tabulated_ 21 

Waerporationguscal yearn returnes oo2e eb es ot eee 21-28. 
Distributed by months ending fiscal year___.__..__-.----------- 21 
Distributed by size of net income and net deficit.__._.-._-------- 21 

PO OEA WON (Paiva Cur REGULHS 7 oy Sisk eons oe UE a UL ere 23 

OAD SUMMA RENS 2. 222. a eps ee re eek At ee 23-45 


Individual returns, calendar years 1913-1927, showing number of 
RELURESranOMNe yin COMe La an 8 oe Ue ee eae 

Fae et eee er eee 2g SA ae 

Number of individual returns, calendar years 1914—1927, by income 
ENGI SS eh Ee ha a Sap AE ay eels eR Nt Seige : 

Net income, calendar years 1916-1927, by income classes_------ 25, 26: 

Tax reported, calendar years 1916-1927, by income classes- ------ 27 

Average tax per return and average rate of tax per cent, calendar 
years tore) 947, by mmeome classes. --- 0S 2 oe Boel 

Total income distributed by main sources for calendar years owe a 
TIC Ba Fs ae 2 os a let at aR, SU yes al gical = eee Ps Le 


Honms O40 rarrd O40 Atria aes eee re oa cs at RU AO ee Face 
Table A. Individuals required to file returns, personal exemp- 
tion, credit for dependents, and normal tax rates 
under the revenue acts 1913-1928, inclusive_______-_ 
Table B. Surtax rates under the revenue acts, 1913-28, inclusive_ 
Table C. Supplemental income taxes and tax credits under the 
revenue acts of 1917-1928, inclusive____._._._____-__- 
Total number, number and per cent reporting net income and 
no net income, and net income and deficit, 1909-1927_____-_ 
Income and profits taxes, calendar years 1913-1927____.___-_-- 
Number of returns, net income and deficit by size of net income 
and deficit for all corporations for years 1918-1927, inclusive_ 
Worms 1120, andl F204 oe 2} a eee ee Face 
Corporation income and profits tax rates, exemptions, and credits 
under the revenue acts of 1909-1928, inclusive____._.___...--- 
OF THE UNITED STATES, 1925-1927... - cee dee eee ee eee eee 


Sl v928_ eles er Le tads See ae Cee es SEE Specs 
Table 1. Resident decedents—Form of property and nature of deduc- 
tions, showing amounts, number of estates, and relative percent- 
ages, by size of net estate ze se ok Sarees ol eee ee ee 
Table 2. Resident decedents—Number, gross estate, net estate, deduc- 
tions, total tax, tax credit, and net tax after deducting tax credit, 
distributed by States and Territories and by estates subject to 
tax/and estates not subject tovtaxc 22 ease. ee eee eee 
Table 2A. Resident decedents— Date of death after February 26, 1926 
(taxed under revenue act of 1926). Same distribution 

as Table: O:o_ 2 See) a eee nee hs 

Table 2B. Resident decedents—Date of death after June 2, 1924, and 
prior to February 26, 1926 (taxed under revenue act of 

1924). Same distribution as Table 2_...-...-.----_- 

Table 2C. Resident decedents—Date of death prior to June 2, 1924 
(taxed under revenue acts in force prior to the revenue 

act of 1924). Same distribution as Table 2...--___--- 

Table 3. Resident decedents— Number, gross estate, net estate, deduc- 
tions, total tax, tax credit, and net tax after deducting tax credit, 
distributed\by, size of netiestates sons. oe soee eee eae aes eee 
Table 4. Nonresident decedents—Number, gross estate, net estate, 
deductions, total tax, tax credit, and net tax after de- 

ducting tax credit, distributed by size of net estate__-_-- 

Historical comparison, resident and nonresident decedents, September 
9, 1916, to December'31,) 1928220 s0222 552 eee ee eee = 
TICAL DATA FROM ESTATE-TAX RETURNS__.--..-------.-~----------- 
Tax rates, specific exemptions, and credits against estate tax under 
the various revenue acts 1916-1928, inclusive.__...-.----------- 


United States in aggregate (1-8)— 

{By States and."Territorieses sce oe ee 
By income classés-.2 02 Sas eee ee en a = = ee 
Simple and cumulative, by income classes--_-------------- 
Sex and family relationship, by States and Territories_- ---- 
Sex and family relationship, by income classes__---.------- 
By sources of income, by States and Territories_~.--------- 
. By sources of income, by income classes__--..-.---------- 
. Tax-exempt obligations, by income classes_--------------- 















States and Territories separately (9-11)— 

Rm Sy POUNeNII ASO Sse ae 2 ak 87-162 

10. Historical comparison for the years 1916-1927, inclusive__ 163-175 

iy ycanmilesy ant Ciilessesn oo 0s ee 176-308 


United States in aggregate (12-16, 18-22)— 
12. Distribution by States and Territories.__.._.._______ Follow 309 
13. Cash and stock dividends, distributed by Statesand Territories. 311 
14. Income statement showing analysis of compiled receipts and 
statutory deductions, by major industrial groups— 

ath bicAll COrporieneee es Ce ee te ee 312-315 
Part 2. Corporations reporting net income__________ 316-319 
Part 3. Corporations reporting no net income__-__-__-_ 320-323 
15. Percentage distribution of Table 14__.._.....__._____ 2. 324-325 
1o:, By industrial groups.and subgroups... = 22> ee 326-331 — 
18. By size of net income and deficit, by major industrial 
CO AS eee eet ee ee ee eee eee Cee en 365-370 

19. Assets and liabilities—Statement prepared from income-tax 
returns submitting balance sheets, by major industrial 

UI CONDOMAONS=- .—— eae ee oe 371_373 
Corporations reporting net income________________- 374-376 
Corporations reporting no net income_____________- 377-379 

20. Comparative statement showing by size of net income, num- 
ber of corporation income-tax returns filed, and number of 
balance sheets tabulated, by major industrial divisions__ 380-383 
21. Corporation fiscal year returns—showing total number of 
returns, number reporting net income and no net income, net 
income or deficit, net loss for prior year and income tax—in- 
cluded in corporation tables for 1927— 
Distributed by industrial groups__..._._.___.______- 384-388 
22. Corporation fiscal year and part year returns—Income state- 
ment of compiled receipts and statutory deductions; also 
net profit (or deficit), net income, tax, and net profit after 
deducting tax, distributed by months ending fiscal year— 
included in corporation tables for 1927— 

Part 1. All fiscal year and part year returns_______-_ 389-391 
Part 2. All fiscal year and part year returns showing net 
WN EOLOE (SU. hay Se cer eh 392-395 
Part 3. All fiscal year and part year returns showing no 
pA ET ASML eV E10" C52 a eon Olan ee a ein 396-399 
States and Territories separately (17, 23)— 
17. By industrial groups, by States and Territories_______-_- 332-364 

23. Historical comparison for the years 1916-1927, inclusive... 400-421 

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Washington, D. C., September 10, 1929. 

Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report presenting 
statistical tabulations of the economic data reported on the income- 
tax returns for 1927 filed by individuals, corporations, and partner- 
ships during 1928, and of the estate-tax'returns, irrespective of the 
date of death of the decedent, likewise filed during 1928. The report 
also contains an historical presentation of the income and tax liability 
reported by individuals and corporations since the inception of the 
present period of come taxation under the sixteenth amendment 
to the Constitution. 

The income-tax returns for 1927 are filed under the provisions of the 
revenue act of 1926. The year for which the income is reported is in 
general the calendar year ending December 31, 1927. However, 
a considerable number of corporation returns and a negligible number 
of individual returns are filed for a fiscal year other than the calendar 
year. These returns are tabulated with the calendar year returns 
for the year in which the greater part of their accounting period falls. 
Thus, there are included with the returns for the calendar year 1927, 
returns whose fiscal year ends after June 30, 1927, but not later than 
June 30, 1928. Fiscal year returns ending in 1928 come partly under 
the provisions of the revenue act of 1928. 

The statistics contained in this report are based on the taxpayers’ 
returns as filed, unaudited except for a preliminary examination to 
insure proper execution of the return. All income-tax returns filed 
by individuals having net income of $5,000 and over, and all returns 
filed by corporations, regardless of the size of net income, pass through 
the statistical section, and the data are tabulated from each of these 
returns. A sample of approximately 250,000 of the returns filed by 
individuals reporting net income of less than $5,000 was analyzed, 
and the data obtained considered as fairly representative of such re- 
turns. The average results from this sample group were applied 
to the total number of individual returns, showing net income of less 
than $5,000, to determine the data as published for these returns. 

Throughout this report ‘“‘net income” means the excess of gross 
income, as defined in the revenue act effective for the year for which 
the returns are filed, over the deductions claimed by the taxpayer 
under the provisions of the respective acts, and “deficit”? means 
excess of deductions over gross income. The net income of individuals 
includes ‘‘capital net gain from sale of assets held more than two 
years.” Credits allowed individuals, such as personal exemption, 
credit for dependents, ‘‘net loss for prior year,” and “loss from the 
sale of capital assets held more than two years” (beginning with 
1924) are not included in deductions; neither is the special credit of 
$2,000 for domestic corporations having net income of $25,000 or less, 
nor “‘net loss for prior year,” included in deductions in arriving at 
net income of corporations. 



The industrial classification is based on the predominant business 
of the corporation or of the affiliated groups of corporations filing a 
single return. The industrial divisions, however, do not contain cor- 
porations engaged solely in the industries in which they are classified, 
due to affiliated corporations filing consolidated returns, which include 
the income and deductions of the subsidiary or affiliated concerns. 
If such subsidiary or affiliated concerns could be classified independ- 
ently of the consolidated returns, many would fall in industrial 
divisions other than the ones in which they are included. 

The data for States and minor civil divisions, although compiled 
from returns filed in each locality, do not represent what may be 
called the geographical distribution of income, there being no way 
of ascertaining from the income-tax returns the amount of income 
originating in the respective States or the amount of tax paid on that 
basis, as income reported by an individual or corporation in one 
State may have been derived from sources in other States. Moreover, 
the number of returns filed is less than the number of corporations 
included or covered by such returns. 

An individual files his income-tax return in the collection district 
in which his legal residence or principal place of business is located, 
and a corporation files its income-tax return in the collection district 
in which its principal place of business or the principal office or agency 
is situated, excepting closely affiliated concerns filing a consolidated 
return, in which case the consolidated return is frequently filed in a 
State other than the State in which the principal place of business or 
principal office or agency of the subsidiaries is located. 

The amount of income-tax liability returned for 1927, shown in 
the tabulations in this volume, is not altogether comparable with the 
amount of taxes collected during the calendar year 1928. A variety 
of factors is responsible for this discrepancy, several of the important 
of which are— 

1. The amount of tax originally reported on the returns does not 
always represent precisely the amount of tax paid for the reason that 
an adjustment may be made after the data have been taken from the 
original returns for the statistics of ncome. These adjustments may 
result in additional assessments, thereby increasing the tax liability; 
or, in certificates of over-assessment, thereby decreasing the tax lia- 
bility. An amended return has the same effect as an adjustment. 

2. Income and profits taxes paid to foreign governments or pos- 
sessions of the United States are deductible from income taxes payable 
to the United States but are not deducted in the amount of tax 
liability shown herein. The aggregate amount of income and profits 
taxes paid to foreign governments or possessions of the United States 
reported by individuals and corporations is, however, shown. Indi- 
vidual income taxes paid at the source on tax-free covenant bonds 
are deductible from income taxes payable by individuals but are not 
deducted in the income-tax lability of individual returns herein 

3. The amount of income taxes in fiscal year returns included in 
this tabulation may not represent taxes collected during 1928 on 
such returns. Fiscal year returns are required to be filed on or before 
the fifteenth day of the third month after the end of the fiscal year 
and payment, as in the case of calendar year returns, is required at 
the time when the return is filed, or in four quarterly installments. 


The first of the quarterly installments is due when the return is filed. 
Thus, during the calendar year 1928, collections were made of part or 
all of the taxes in returns for fiscal years ended from January 31, 
1927 (the last quarterly installment payment on which was due on 
or before January 15, 1928), to September 30, 1928 (the filing of 
returns and the full payment or first installment payment on which 
for the fiscal year ended on the latter date was due on or before 
December 15, 1928), whereas, as described above, there are excluded 
from these statistics those returns for fiscal years ending prior to 
July 1, 1927, and subsequent to June 30, 1928. 

4. Delays in payment due to financial embarrassment, death, 
liquidation of business, or any other cause result in collection of 
taxes after the close of the year in which such taxes are due, and the 
classification of such collections as ‘‘back taxes,’’ because made in a 
subsequent year. Certain amounts are uncollectible due likewise to 
the above causes. . 

5. Current collections include such interest and penalty items as 
are received during the year in connection with delinquent payments 
on returns for 1927. 


The returns for 1927 filed by individuals number 4,101,547, of 
which 2,440,941 were taxable and 1,660,606 nontaxable. The ag- 
gregate net income was $22,545,090,553, and the tax liability $830,- 
639,434. As compared with the returns filed for the previous year, 
the number for 1927 decreased by 36,545, or 0.89 per cent. The 
total net income shows an increase of $586,584,904, or 2.67 per cent, 
whereas the tax shows an increase of $98,168,644, or 13.40 per cent. 
The average net income is $5,496.73, the average amount of tax 
liability $202.52, and the average tax rate 3.68 per cent. For the 
preceding year the average net income was $5,306.43, the average 
amount of tax liability was $177.01, and the average tax rate 3.34 
per cent. The ratio of the number of individual returns filed to the 
total population is 3.45 per cent, which for the preceding year was 3.52 
per cent. 


The distribution of the returns of individuals and the net income 
and tax reported therein, by States and Territories, are shown in 
basic Table 1, pages 66-67, and in Table 2, pages 68-69, the distri- 
bution is shown by income classes. 


The distribution of the returns, by a limited number of income 
classes, is exhibited in the following table, which shows the number 
of returns filed, the amount of net income and tax reported; also 
cumulative totals and relative percentages. In basic Table 3, pages 
70-72, a similar distribution of the number of returns, net income, 
and tax is shown by a more detailed income classification. 



Simple and cumulative distribution of individual returns, by income classes, showing 
number of returns, net income, tax, and percentages, calendar year 1927 


A see gs Cumulative distribu- | Cumulative distribu- 
Income classes! Simple distribution | tion over class below | tion under class above 
Number | Percent | Number | Percent | Number | Per cent 
UIT er O00 saan es oe 126, 745 38. 09 4, 101, 547 100. 00 126, 745 3.09 
SOOO TONS 2/000 Mes sions Gok Pee 996, 098 24. 29 3, 974, 802 96. 91 1, 122, 843 27. 38 
$2,000 to $3,000_._.-.-- 855, 762 20. 87 2, 978, 704 72. 62 1, 978, 605 48. 25 
$3,000 to $5,000 _ ~~ 1, 209, 345 29. 48 2, 122, 942 51. 75 3, 187, 950 HRB 
$5,000 to $10,000 - _-_- 567, 700 13. 84 913, 597 22. 27 3, 755, 650 91. 57 
LOMGOO TOT 20, 0002 = 22-2 = oe 252, 079 6.14 345, 897 8. 43 4, 007, 729 97. 71 
$20, 000't0iIS50/000 2S ss ae oe 60, 123 1. 47 93, 818 2. 29 4, 067, 852 99. 18 
$50:000ito: 5100/0002 2. == ee ee 22, 573 . 55 33, 695 - 82 4, 090, 425 99. 73 
SLOO O00! toi sl 60/0002 22-= 2 ee 5, 261 ald LU 22 BPH 4, 095, 686 99. 86 
$150;000) to1$300; 000! 2- = 22-2 ee oe 5 3, 873 . 09 5, 861 14 4, 099, 559 | 99. 95 
$300,000 to $500,000. . .--.---.-------- 1, 141 - 03 1, 988 . 05 4, 100, 700 99. 98 
$500;000 to!$1,000,000_....-.-.--.---__ 557 . 013 847 -020 | 4, 101, 257 99. 993 
$1;000/000iandlover-..--2--52522.5_= 5 290 . 007 290 . 007 4, 101, 547 100. 00 
Total eases eS ew ere Ne! 8 4, 101, 547 NOOO. Ress Seo ae Ce ee ee ee S| 2 
| Net income 
| P Fehr Reng Cumulative distribution | Cumulative distribution 
Income classes ! Simple distribution over class below under class above 
Amount Per cent Amount Per cent Amount Per cent 
WmderiS0008 = 25 2 | $72, 230, 684 0.32 | $22, 545, 090, 553 100. 00 $72, 230, 684 0. 32 
$1,000 to $2,000_..------ 1, 645, 575, 700 7.30 | 22, 472, 859, 869 99. 68 1, 717, 806, 384 7. 62 
$2,000 to $3,000_--.----- 2, 062, 275, 084 9.15 20, 827, 284, 169 92. 38 3, 780, 081, 468 16. 77 
$3,000 to $5,000_..------ 4, 700, 816, 426 20. 85 18, 765, 009, 085 83. 23 8, 480, 897, 894 37. 62 
$5,000 to $10,000_..-_--_ 8, 895, 759, 157 17. 28 14, 064, 192, 659 62.38 | 12, 376, 657, 051 54. 90 
$10,000 to $25,000_..-__- | 38, 748, 057, 507 16. 62 10, 168, 433, 502 45.10 | 16, 124, 714, 558 71. 52 
$25,000 to $50,000_._-_-_ | 2,051, 770, 684 9.10 6, 420, 375, 995 28.48 | 18, 176, 485, 242 80. 62 
$50,000 to $100,000_.._-_| 1, 535, 387, 374 6. 81 4, 368, 605, 311 19. 38 | 19, 711, 872, 616 87. 43 
$100,000 to $150,000- -_-_ | 636, 018, 520 2. 82 2, 833, 217, 937 12. 57 | 20, 347, 891, 136 90. 25 
$150,000 to $300,000- - .-_ | 787, 270, 255 3.49 2, 197, 199, 417 9.75 | 21, 135, 161, 391 93. 74 
$300,000 to $500,000- - -_- | 431, 121, 727 1.91 1, 409, 929, 162 6. 26 | 21, 566, 283, 118 95. 65 
$500,000 to $1,000,000__-- 378, 166, 589 1.68 978, 807, 435 4.35 | 21, 944, 449, 707 97. 33 
$1,000,000 and over-.---! 600, 640, 846 2. 67 600, 640, 846 2.67 | 22, 545, 090, 553 100. 00 
Motal seen sis 22, 545, 090, 553 TLOONOOH| 22 22 2 = eee ee ebay: Saree se eee Boownwosee 
P shen ar Ns Cumulative distribution | Cumulative distribution 
Income classes ! Simple distribution avericiassinelow auderiainss above 
Amount Per cent Amount Per cent Amount Per cent 
Wmder $1:00022-.-.....- $39, 980 0. 01 $830, 639, 434 100. 00 $39, 980 0. 01 
$1,000 to $2,000. .------- 1, 233, 658 wo | 830, 599, 454 99. 99 1, 278, 638 .16 
$2,000 to $3,000. ...----- 3, 970, 412 - 48 | 829, 365, 796 | 99, 84 5, 244, 050 . 64 
$3,000 to $5,000_-.------- 6, 508, 177 . 78 | 825, 395, 384 99. 36 11, 752, 227 1. 42 
$5,000 to $10,000. ..-..-- 20, 664, 502 2. 49 818, 887, 207 98. 58 32, 416, 729 3. 91 
$10,000 to $25,000...-.-- 74, 225, 906 8. 94 | 798, 222, 705 96. 09 106, 642, 635 12. 85 
$25,000 to $50,000_------ 119, 475, 301 14, 38 | 723, 996, 799 87.15 226, 117, 936 27. 23 
$50,000 to $100,000- - .--- 156, 674, 952 18. 87 | 604, 621, 498 72.77 382, 792, 888 46.10 
$100,000 to $150,000. - .-- 87, 397, 904 10. 52 | 447, 846, 546 53. 90 470, 190, 792 56. 62 
$150,000 to $300,000- - .-- 123, 775, 837 14. 90 | 360, 448, 642 43. 38 593, 966, 629 71. 52 
$300,000 to $500,000. - ._- 73, 750, 177 8. 88 236, 672, 805 28. 48 667, 716, 806 80. 40 
$500,000 to $1,000,000__- - 64, 265, 391 torn 162, 922, 628 19. 60 731, 982, 197 88. 13 
$1,000,000 and over..-.- 98, 657, 237 11. 87 | 98, 657, 237 11. 87 830, 639, 434 100. 00 
Totaleersssneul on 830, 639, 434 LOONOO {Fake See A CL se | Sa Se 

1 Distribution of income classes under $5,000, estimated, based on sample. 

(See p. 1.) 



The following table shows the number of individual returns and the 
net income distributed according to sex and family relationship of the 
taxpayer. In basic Tables 4 and 5 (pp. 73-78) similar distributions 
of the number of returns and net income are shown by income 
classes and by States and Territories. 

Distribution of individual returns by sex and family relationship of taxpayer, calendar 

year 19271 
Returns Net income 2 
Family relationship 
Number | Per cent Amount Per cent 

Joint returns of husbands and wives, with or without 

dependent children, and the returns of husbands 

whose wives, though living with them, file separate 
Tio L iii deen eye aero OL oye Pa Jel ea 2, 016, 850 49.17 | $13, 870, 232, 343 61. 51 
Wives filing separate returns from husbands_-_.--_-.__- 112, 719 2.45 1, 219, 714, 318 5.41 
Binglea men) heads/ of families-==-- <2 = 2.5222 = 2-2 eLe 302, 821 7. 38 1, 211, 234, 402 5. 39 
Single women, heads of families_.............--------- 103, 430 2. 52 463, 326, 695 | 2. 06 
Single men, not heads of families__....-..--.-..-----.-- 1, 109, 676 27. 06 3, 700, 791, 106 16. 41 
Single women, not heads of families. ._.._.----.---.-.- 431, 769 10. 53 1, 770, 517, 373 7. 85 
Community-property income---...-.---..------------ 24, 282 . 59 309, 274, 316 1.37 
Ca Ls tO ee I en ee ee eee 4, 101, 547 100.00 | 22, 545, 090, 553 100. 00 

1 Includes returns for income of estates or property held in trust. 
2 Net income for returns ‘‘under $5,000” estimated on basis of samples See p.1. 


The net income specifically exempt from normal tax through per- 
sonal exemption, credit for dependents, dividends on stock of domestic 
corporations, interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt 
from tax, capital net gain from sale of assets held more than two 
years, and net loss for prior year; also net income subject to normal 
tax, are shown in the following table: 

Net income exempt from and amount subject to normal tax, individual returns, 
calendar year 1927 

Distribution Amount Per cent 
WREES MESNPOT ATU LICTRET. Cha oes ea en ee ne ee eS Use $22, 545, 090, 553 100. 00 
Net income specifically exempt from normal tax: 
Personal exemption and credit for dependents__._---...-----.-.----------- 12, 000, 708, 798 |---------- 
Less exemption in excess of net income_....-.------------------------ 1, 890, 895, 608 |._--------- 
Net personal exemptions and credit for dependents___-...---------------- 10, 109, 813, 190 44, 84 
Dividends on stock of domestic corporations_____......------------------ 4, 254, 828, 886 18. 87 
Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax--------- 47, 479, 483 nek 
Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years_---- $1, 081, 186, 018 
Less loss in ordinary net income deductible from cap- 
Hig! TG eT a DR ON OA eee aes 8, 914. 290 | 
oe 1, 072, 271, 728 4.76 
Me LncoMelgrsear pyieb loss for prior year._-......-—-_-.---=-==---=---—--=-- 37, 054, 785 -17 
Total net income not subject to normal tax__----_.-.------------------------- 15, 521, 448, 072 68 85 
INetincome|subject'tomormal tax. 22. 2b 22226222222. 82sset cnc atee 4d. ceesct 7, 023, 642, 481 31.15 

2 Net income for returns ‘‘under $5,000’’ estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 



Under the revenue acts of 1924 and 1926 loss from the sale of 
capital assets held more than two years is not deductible in arriving 
at ordinary net income subject to normal tax and surtax if, by deduct- 
ing such loss, the tax is less than by taking a tax credit of 12% per 
cent of the amount of such loss. The revenue acts of 1918 and 1921 
permitted such loss to be deducted in arriving at ordinary net income. 
In order therefore that the amounts shown as “‘net income” and 
‘“‘eneral deductions” in the Statistics of Income for 1924-1927 be 
made comparable with prior years, it is necessary that such losses 
be deducted from “net income” and that “general deductions” be 
increased by a like amount. These adjustments have not been made 
in the “net income” and ‘‘general deduction” figures shown in the 
Statistics of Income for these years. 

Capital net loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years reported 
on individual income-tax returns for 1927 on which the tax credit 

ot 1 2iamer vem was computed. o-oo ssl Soc eee ese eee $48, 221, 344 
aKVerodin Ohl ary Dereent. line. OL Ol ee ee 6, 027, 668 


The net loss during a given taxable year in a trade or business regu- 
larly carried on by the taxpayer, as specifically defined in the revenue 
acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926, is allowed as a deduction in computing 
the net income of the taxpayer for the succeeding taxable year. If 
such net loss is in excess of the net income (computed without such 
deduction) for that year, the amount of the excess may be carried over 
and allowed as a deduction in computing the net income for the next 
succeeding taxable year. 

Such net losses being of prior year origin are therefore not included 
in the current year deductions in arriving at the net income for the 
various years shown in this volume. 

# “Net loss for prior year’? reported in the individual income tax 
returns for the years 1922 to 1927, inclusive, is given below. 

Returns for year: Amount 
TPA i eS SRE SO AL a Se A ee ees $45, 220, 859 
VCS 8 a ge yc PPR ea ee ee ee 34, 266, 149 
TAS IRE a ME a RP ag eh at 29, 869, 182 
GD pier ete mene ee ae WL Seema eias Uo os ae 32, 321, 310 
SZ Gere ne oo iar SI Soke Lie Ie Rp ee ah ee ean apes RY <7 St 27, 411, 767 
OS De Tie ee tes i ks re ra ee 37, 054, 785 


The credit of 25 per cent of the tax on earned net income applies 
to the tax on the first $5,000 of net income, and, if specifically 
earned, to the tax on an amount not exceeding $10,000 under the 
revenue act of 1924 applicable to returns for 1924, and to an amount 
not exceeding $20,000 under the revenue act of 1926 applicable to 
returns for 1925, 1926, and 1927. 

Earned net income tax credit reported on returns for the years 
1924-1927 is as follows: 


Returns for year: Amount 
I re era we ets a he ae Seo seee Sea ie $30, 637, 463 
Fe a kN 24, 570, 183 
2 haje tae al G5 INS ND SS MS Se kL Ra 24, 646, 993 
nek as CONE TS HiT oie ae 24, 915, 315 


Immediately following is shown a summary of the income reported 
by individuals distributed by sources; also general deductions. The 
amounts of income for the various sources represent the summation 
of positive net gain items shown on the income-tax returns; that is, 
in each instance the gross income as reported on the schedules in the 
returns exceeds the deductions allowed. Net losses in the schedules 
are transferred in tabulation to general deductions, which also include 
deductions included in the return under “‘general deductions.”’¢!: le. 

Sources of income and deductions in individual returns, calendar year 1927 

Distribution Amount Per cent 

RU COSTMICN SAINI ee an ce os oe ee nS tee dan Seen coat eee LS $10, 218, 449, 780 | 38. 98 
LDS GS. panes ed eee soe SoS Se cee ee oes ee 3, 287, 421, 294 12. 54 
LAME RUSS). ees ooo teaser Ses oe eter por ee eee see see ee Aaa Ie 0ST 6. 70 
Profit from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., other than capital net gain | 
fromi\sale of assets held more than. 2 years__..__...-.--2.222-.--- | 1,813, 395, 955 6. 92 
Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years__.-----.........__- | 1, 081, 186, 018 | 4.13 
Cn nll a: saci eaean 2 5 oivaiana aioe eiepiodae | i iia eheie wcrearirages | 18, 155, 598, 082 69.27 
LEGTAAS Cras bios 2) Cpe ee A ee, ae ee a on Serene , 1,302, 275, 981 4.97 
Interest and investment income-_.--.._.-._..—.---..-.---=--=<=5- 2, 026, 897, 032 | 7. 73 
Interest on Government obligations not wholly exempt from tax 47, 479, 483 .18 
Dividends on stock of domestic corporations_.-__.-_-.-.-.-.-__- 4, 254, 828, 886 16. 24 
SOG EUG ET  l S Se e  aeg O AE RSE 8 Senet ee hes eee | 421, 481, 104 1.61 
TOS ree ee eon acne deecuccwctenepeacescneeeae | 8, 052, 962, 486 30. 73 
IS CONCIERTO sera aad Be a a eee ee 26, 208, 560, 568 100. 00 
General deductions: | 
Miscellaneous deductions (includes taxes paid other than income tax— 
$800,806,308—but does not include taxes paid on business and business 
PLOpertYy—Gl23,622,494. (SeO:)s. —)\- = oases come ao a see gee see cence esas | 2,927, 885, 668 11.1 
Loss from sale of real estate, stocks and bonds, other than loss from sale 
Gf assets held more thaw 2'years—__..-- 2 5 ase sw ncw enn ncceanane 227, 878, 965 . 87 
SPHERES LTGLOINE Seeee c= ye eS ee ee ee | 507, 705, 382 1. 94 
SHAG rn ot sammie TUE lp LENT lied 2 eal --| 3,663, 470, 015 13. 98 
TSS PEG) aS af ER a ad I ee he Oe NE i ot Sere 22, 545, 090, 553 86. 02 

1 Net income for returns “unde r $5,000’’ estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 



The following table shows, by size of net income, the distribution 

of the income by sources. 

The distribution, by sources, by States, 

and by finer income classification, is shown in basic Tables 6 and 7 

(pp. 79-84). 

shown in the second table following. 

The percentage distribution of income, by sources, is 

Total income in individual returns distributed by income classes, showing sources of 
income in detail, calendar year 1927 

Income classes 

Wages and 



Profit from 
sale of real 
estate, stocks, 
bonds, etc., 
other than 
capital net 
gain from sale 
of assets held 
more than 2 

Capital net 
gain from 
sale of assets 
held more 
than 2 years 

Under $5,000 1___...... 
$5,000 to $10,000_.....-- 

$5, 694, 173, 901 |$1, 583, 246, 027 
1, 952, 270, 811 

836, 307, 833 

$400, 723, 375 
351, 780, 955 

$301, 536, 583 
261, 780, 002 

$10,000 to $25,000 1, 444, 538, 961 532, 212, 938 366, 105, 914 463, 815, 199 
$25,000 to $50,000 560, 174, 834 181, 009, 651 201, 983, 447 328, 984, 967 $32, 380, 725 
$50,000 to $100,000___......-- 304, 104, 134 89, 833, 580 157, 337, 372 177, 250, 334 169, 512, 409 
$100,000 to $150,000___...---- 97, 321, 437 23, 024, 909 68, 416, 091 67, 200, 759 115, 214, 351 
$150,000 to $300,000__-_-_._-- 92, 017, 552 23, 667, 847 89, 966, 764 84, 019, 472 196, 907, 303 
$300,000 to $500,000_-__-_.--- 35, 564, 477 8, 478, 299 50, 477, 551 46, 526, 708 131, 788, 912 
$500,000 to $1,000,000____.__- 21, 092, 4199 7, 057, 054 31, 669, 649 40, 115, 413 137, 928, 508 
$1,000,000 and over---------- 17, 191, 474 2, 583, 156 36, 683, 917 42, 166, 518 297, 453, 810 

La Noy ifs) ht pea ee 10, 218, 449, 780 | 3, 287, 421, 294 | 1, 755, 145, 035 | 1, 813, 395, 955 | 1, 081, 186, 018 

tere on 
overn- Seta) 
. Dividends 
Interest and | ment obli- : 
Income classes Rents and | investment (gations not | 0% Stock of | piquciary _Totai 
royalties income wholly ex- domestic income 
empt from corporations 

Under $5,000 1__...--_- S057, 97452008 S020 ne vost IO) | oaennea eee $492, 919, 183 |$92, 129, 884 |$9, 948, 576, 278 
$5,000 to $10,000___-__- 251, 883, 725 364; 392,433: |; Seasr a Sole 430, 621, 042 | 68, 732, 930 | 4, 517, 769, 731 
$10,000 to $25,000_____- 203, 638, 830 400, 565, 199 | 17, 674, 211 834, 566, 470 |100, 505, 712 | 4, 363, 623, 434 
$25,000 to $50,000___..- 88, 572, 129 | 217,391,311 | 11,960,832 | 679,905,761 | 69, 240,031 | 2, 371, 603, 688 
$50,000 to $100,000____- 50, 215, 176 145, 877, 747 7, 543, 759 623, 863, 861 | 48, 491, 720 | 1, 774, 030, 092 
$100,000 to $150,000_..-| 16,654,878 | 51,754,777 | 2,551,803 | 276,702,231 | 12,849,063 | 731, 690, 299 
$150,000 to $300,000 -___- 14, 739, 374 51, 767, 894 2, 566, 227 332, 074, 5388 | 12, 093, 411 899, 820, 382 
$300,000 to $500,000 ___- 6, 806, 173 27, 141, 837 1, 004, 220 172, 434, 124 7, 150, 662 487, 372, 963 
$500,000 to $1,000,000__- 6, 124, 699 18, 534, 300 1, 061, 015 167, 095, 725 3, 892, 710 434, 571, 272 
$1,000,000 and over---- 5, 666, 791 23, 598, 415 3, 117, 416 244, 645, 951 6, 394, 981 679, 502, 429 

Motels ee eee 1, 302, 275, 981 | 2,026, 897,082] 47, 479, 483)/4, 254, 828, 886 |421, 481, 104 |26, 208, 560, 568 

1 Amounts shown for income class ‘‘ Under $5,000”’ are estimates based on sample. (See p. 1.) 



Percentage distribution of total income in individual returns, by income classes, 
showing sources of income in detail, calendar year 1927 

| Profit from 
sale of real 
| estate, Capital 
b SPUCES, nee gain 
Wages | bonds, etc., | from sale Ren 
Income classes and | Business Earn: | other than | of assets Ae 
salaries ships | capital net jheld more) _, Iti 
gain from | than 2 yalties 
sale of years 
assets held 
more than 
2 years 
PORTE TE SLT i Ea 57. 24 15. 91 4.03 Sc 03) peo eee a= 6. 61 
SANDEE? SUN ee a ee ee 43. 21 18. 51 7.79 Bagg) es teats 5.58 
CIT CP AAN 0, tn 33. 10 12. 20 8.39 LOHGS tS esau woe 4 67 
Sa ILO SO0;/000! 2 _ -- = eo 8 cue- 23. 62 7. 63 8. 52 13. 87 1. 37 3.73 
SO: 9100/0002. 5... ecco 17.14 5. 06 8. 87 | 9.99 9. 56 2. 83 
WICH OILO' SL OU: O00! ©. - oot cen occ oa 13. 30 3.15 9. 35 9.18 15. 75 2. 28 
Sine 000't0 $300,000) 52). 282 ok 10. 23 2. 63 10. 00 9. 34 21. 88 1.64 
Pe COU LO: S500'0005 22 2 sete 7.30 1.74 10. 36 9. 54 27. 04 1.39 
SaUG O00 L091, 000; 000222. . 222 eee a 4. 85 1. 62 7. 29 9. 23 31. 74 1.41 
ei G OU and Ovene.....20ans eee tee 2. 53 . 38 5.40 6. 21 43.77 . 84 
ANG) ee a. eee eS eee 38. 98 12. 54 6. 70 6. 92 4.13 | 4.97 
on Gov- Divi- 
lnlereet ee eee Ser or 
and in- | obliga- | on stoc : Total 
Income classes vestment | tions not | of domes-|Fiduciary| income 
indome | wholly | tic corpo- 
exempt | rations 
from tax | 
inden solO00 eee oes knoe sd) sales Me 30) are a oe ae 4.95 0.93 100. 00 
SHOU CE en COU Rene tet eee ep a ee Sri bases ceons 9. 53 1. 52 100. 00 
SURO GE a ee eS ee ee ee 9.18 0. 41 19. 12 2. 30 100. 00 
“DAVE CRUE Sie ae SE See ee eee 9. 17 - 50 | 28. 67 2. 92 100. 00 
CAT D DONE UU paves SR iit ee 8. 22 . 43 35. 17 2. 73 100. 00 
SOE Ne) GUN CT Le Se BR SS re See eee 7. 07 35 37. 82 1.75 100. 00 
LOO OU EO SUD OU0= 2 cake Saeco en cere eee eee 5. 75 . 28 | 36. 90 1. 35 100. 00 
SUT HI DLO the Oe et ae ee ee eee 5. 57 Aral 35. 38 1.47 100. 00 
SOUOUU LORS IE OUU O00 MY aa = ss aaee  eere See oie 4. 27 . 25 38. 45 89 100. 00 
lcci DUO AME O VORet oak nese ee eee 3.47 - 46 36. 00 .94 100. 00 
UMP bea 5 os sas ee eee 7. 73 18 16, 24 1.61 100. 00 
| : 
1 Amounts shown for income class ‘‘ Under $5,000’ are estimates based on sample. (See p. 1.) 


There is given below a tabulation prepared from the income-tax 
returns of individuals reporting net income of $5,000 and over, 
showing, for certain sources of income, the number of returns and 
the total amount distributed by the size of the specific source of 
income reported on the returns. 

The income from partnerships and fiduciaries reported in items 4 
and 4 (a), Form 1040, was not distributed by size, as the amounts 
shown in items 4 and 4 (a) may not represent the total income de- 
rived from partnerships and fiduciaries reported on Form 1040, as 
is shown by the instructions on the return relative to such income, 
and quoted below: 

Enter as item 4 your share (whether received or not) in the profits of a partner- 
ship, and as item 4 (a) income of an estate or trust, except (a) where the tax or 
reduction on account of the share of net gain or loss derived from the sale of 

capital assets is computed as provided in instruction 6a, such net gain or loss 
shall be reported separately in Schedule D, and (b) the share of the profits which 


consisted of dividends on stock of domestic corporations, and the taxable interest 
on obligations of the United States, shall be included in items 7 and 8, respec- 

tively, on page 1. 

Frequency distribution by size of specific sources of income for individuals having 
net income of $5,000 and over, showing for each source the number of returns 
and total amount, calendar year 1927 

Salaries, commissions, | pyciness or profession _ Dividends on stock of 

etc. | domestic corporations 
Size of specific source of | 
SHES | Number | Number | | Number 
ofre- | Amount of re- Amount | ofre- Amount 
turns | turns | turns 

Un Tea ee eee 5, 917 $387, 7 2, 152 $91, 583 44, 897 — $2, 125, 368 
— CR 2 2 rn 4,774 670, 991 | 2, 034 282, 140 33, 384 | 4, 881, 780 
Ds See 3, 660 889, 034 1, 720 434, 572 24, 543 | 5, 977, 755 
a0 £0 S400. 2= + =. 5. =2.=- 3, 184 1, 069, 232 1, 459 | 505, 087 20, 687 7, 141, 234 
- EG "| ee ee 2, 492 1, 098, 288 1, 383 617, 015 17, 507 7, 789, 835. 
inn) £0:51.0005-—~ ~~ 22- 3-5 11, 557 8, 268, 143 6, 160 4, 533, 191 62, 702 | 45, 244, 302 
$1000 to $2,000... -=~2-=.-=- | 25, 943 | 38, 640, 896 11, 076 16, 486, 434 73, 495 107, 119, 699 
52.000 to $3:000: = ====2==-=2 | 28, 753 | 75, 034, 484 11, 393 28, 402, 387 43,499 109, 699, 079 
$2,000 to $4,000-__ ..__ -.=..-- 33,188 | 115, 511, 354 13, 036 | 45, 702, 524 31,214 | 108,010, 623 
EU a 35, 143 158, 802,488 , 16,885 | 76, 364, 092 23, 266 103, 974, 821 
$5,000 to $10,000__..--------- 258, 476 | 1, 768, 916.593 | 102, 881 710, 481, 475 64,481 453, 587,373 
$10,000 to $15,000 | 827,714,619 23, 740 285, 084, 356 25,878 314,601, 126 
$15,000 t 435, 141, 882 8, 499 145, 383, 074 13, 904 239, 682, 770 
$20,000 t | 267, 033, 962 3, 713 82, 352, 821 8, 460 188, 552, 892 
$25,000 t 177, 073, 156 2, 306 62, 023, 589 6,040 165,323,312 
$30,000 t 210, 013, 083 2, 208 76, 527, 790 6, 782 233, 748, 329 
$40,000 t 106, 256, 865 786 35, 511, 792 4,220 | 187,693, 789 
$50,000 t 145, 806, 228 893 54, 456, 306 5, 097 308, 388, 315 
$75,000 t 62, 347, 836 324 27, 772, 571 2, 152 184, 947, 124 
$100,000 92, 845, 810 223 31, 714, 947 2,912 | 430, 549, 670 
$250,000 19, 822, 106 40 13, 181, 400 | 594 206, 143, 811 
$500,000 4, 403, 683 7, 4,774, 546 220 | 149, 177, 083 
$1,000,000 and over-_-__------ 40 6, 527, 363 1 1, 491, 575 | 95 197, 549, 613 

ATT 2c 540, 893 4, 524, 275,879 | 212,919 | 1,704,175, 267 | 516,029 | 3, 761, 909, 703 

| Profit from — of real 
oy ge oat Mapai | Capital net gain from 
tal net gain from sale Sale =! assets held 
of assets held more| ore than 2 years 

Rents and royalties 

Size of specific source of | than 2 years 
Number | Number | Number 
of re- Amount of re- Amount | ofre- Amount 
| returns | returns returns 
Under $100__---------------- 21, 437 $1, 095, 188 | 18, 433 $865, 212 | 377 $18, 730 
$100 to $200.___-_-.---.------ } 19,621 783, 305 14, 377 2, 082, 835 | 297 | 42, 991 
Fue x 16, 270 4,001,470 | 11, 664 2, 864, 629 | 290 72, 223 
$300 to $400.........--...--.-- | 14,331 } 5, 033,487 | 10,441 3, 668, 843 | 271 94, 077 
$400 to $500______..-.....-.- 12, 112 5, 489, 760 | 8, 237 3, 670, 825 | 273 122, 324 
$500 to $1,000. ...-..--------- 38, 341 27, 847, 538 32, 023 23, 249, 063 | 1, 090 792, 797 
$1,000 to $2,000__..-..---.--- 34, 873 49, 712, 538 38, 632 55, 598, 789 1, 481 2, 159, 578 
$2,000 to $3,000_...-...------ 17, 996 44, 010, 780 24, 842 61, 043, 141 1, 163 2, 901, 631 
$3,000 to $4,000. -..---.------ | 11, 598 40, 025, 453 18, 037 62, 375, 600 882 3, 085, 682 
$4,000 to $5,000_-._---.------ | _8, 230 36, 683, 911 14, 084 62, 851, 674 758 3, 389, 704 
$5,000 to $10,000-_------------ 966 145, 759, 071 38,456 | 270, 196, 270 2, 627 19, 067, 949 
$10,000 to $15,000. .-..-..---- 6, 593 79, 616, 174 15, 009 181, 836, 126 1, 725 21, 167, 962 
$15,000 to $20,000_....------- 46, 079, 615 7, 380 126, 813, 238 1, 189 20, 689, 766 
$20,000 to $25,000-.....------ 1, 336 29, 654, 571 4, 294 95, 474, 328 — 869 19, 492, 233 
$25,000 to $30,000_....--.---- 717 19, 480, 805 2, 689 73, 328, 709 | 739 20, 281, 068 
$30,000 to $40,000_-....-.---- 829 | 28, 227, 251 2, 937 100, 576, 774 1, 089 37, 930, 430 
$40,000 to $50,0@0_.....-.-.-- 370 16, 403,870 1, 519 | 67, 325, 606 812 36, 479, 387 
$50,000 to $75,000_-..-------- 367 21, 782, 139 1, 415 | 84, 753, 125 | 1, 349 83, 556, 197 
$75,000 to $100,000_--..--.--- 136 11, 568, 655 514 | 43, 233, 233 775 66, 896, 075 
$100,000 to $250,000-_-----.--- 109 16, 513, 114 655 | 94, 935, 210 | 1, 464 225, 253, 861 
$250,000 to $500,000__..---..-| 17 5, 572, 977 | 147 | 49, 113, 291 | 432 147, 592, 549 
$500,000 to $1,000,000. --.---. 5 3, 183, 893 45 | 30, 782,770 163 112, 913, 890 
$1,000,000 and over____-_-_-- 2} 3, 776, 210 | 8| 15,170,081 | 120 | 257, 184, 914 
Rete ie cist = shcrene | 228,946 | 644,301,775 | 265, 838 | 1,511, 859,372 | 20, 235 | 1, 081, 186, 018 



The net profit from business other than from partnerships reported 
by individuals whose net income from all sources was $5,000 and over, 
is shown according to the nature of the business in the following 
table. These data represent only such amounts reported by indi- 
viduals as were derived from business operations conducted as sole 
proprietors and do not necessarily indicate the principal occupation 
of or the total income reported by the person making the return. 

The income from business on the returns showing net income of 
less than $5,000 is not given by industrial divisions, as the sample of 
the returns in this class previously referred to was considered as 
being not sufficiently comprehensive to determine the number of 
businesses in each industrial division. 

The net profit from business as shown in these statistics means the 
total receipts from business or profession less cost of goods sold and 
other business deductions, such as salaries, interest on business 
indebtedness, taxes on business or business property, loss from fire 
or storm, bad debts arising from sales, depreciation, obsolescence, 
and depletion, rents, repairs, and other expenses, as provided for in 
Schedule A of the individual income tax return, Form 1040. 

Income from business, distributed by industrial groups, showing number of businesses 
and net profit from business reported by individuals having net income from all 
sources of $5,000 and over, calendar year 1927; aso grand totals for 1926 and 1926 

: a | Net profit 
Industrial groups MESES Per cent from busi- | Per cent 
reported a 
Agriculture and related industries___.......-.------------- 16, 297 7.68 | $103, 212,791 | 6. 06 
ESI TI OM UMCLTIREG IMIS) 2 en ieee Sok ei eee 1, 160 | 54 | 12, 355, 376 | We 
Food products, beverages, and tobacco___..._-__...-_- 3, 003 1. 41 23, 958, 823 | 1.41 
Textiles and textile products___._._..__-...--- 2, 639 1. 24 | 25, 613, 419 1.50 
Leather and leather products_ } 227 | ll 2, 662, 126 -16 
Rubber and related products_ } 80 | 04 592, 662 03 
Lumber and wood products_____...._._------- 775 | 36 | 7, 201, 418 . 42 
Mapor. pulp. and! products-..52s.c0ls slates Leo 157 | 07 | 1, 678, 961 -10 
EMI SINE sai Pe bisen oe ne Ge ES oo dO oe es 2d | 2, 003 94 | 16, 921, 350 -99 
Chemicals and allied substances__.............--.----- 390 | .18 4, 279, 467 25 
Stone, clay, and glass produets....................___- 587 | . 28 | 5, 256, 715 31 
Natal ane: metal produits. os fol sa ee ee es | 1, 952 . 92 | 19, 424, 314 | 1.14 
All other manufacturing industries_____.......__.____- 1, 049 | . 49 11, 273, 574 | - 66 
ren — | Seen \ 
mocalannnufactwrineesesss eee Cs ee i 2 el 12, 862 6.04 | 118, 862, 829 6. 97 
ROHRONEeCIOTE 01-28! > ace See Bes th ge ee et Sa ye) |} 12,304 5.77 | 111, 392, 090 | 6. 54 
Transportation and other public utilities_____- web )8, 516 1. 46 22, 594, 344 | 1.33 
TAee See eee = Re Ok 9h ee 2 53, 935 25.33 400, 029, 873 23. 47 
Service—professional, amusements, hotels, ete__....-..-.--| 83, 471 39.20 | 688, $81, 713 40. 42 
Finance—banking, insurance, real estate, and stock- | 
[SUReL STiSSNG' 16 3 oe RS PRE ee pe eke ee 12, 866 6. 04 126, 966, 569 | 7.45 
Business not sufficiently defined to be classed with any | 
CUEGT COS Gir eran a eS et Care a | 16, 908 7.94 | 119, 879, 682 7. 03 
RAMUMLOGO LOA = 2 22 hl kveed bees 2 ine 2 Blt eae 212, 919 100. 00 1, 704, 175, 267 | 100. 00 
MIEANUSLOUS eLOLO =e Senin ge se ea a the ee SESS TS picttes Leto sete Se See 1, 738, 522, 844 |---------- 
Orer eG! pak Ps ee ee eee ee ee ere A DOS FRG Pes 1, 623, 638/298. |.-c25=-2.. 




Individual income tax returns, Form 1040, are filed by fiduciaries 
for estates and trusts under the conditions outlined below: 

Income of (a) estates of decedents before final settlement, (b) trusts, whether 
created by will or deed, for unascertained persons or persons with contingent 
interests; or income held under the terms of the will or trust for future distribu- 
tion, is taxed to the fiduciary as a single person, except that from the income of a 
decedent’s estate there may be first deducted any amount properly paid or cred- 
ited to a beneficiary. In such cases the fiduciary should make a return for the 
estate or trust on Form 1040 if the net income is $1,500 or over, or the gross 
income is $5,000 or over. 

= Fiduciary returns of income, Form 1041, are filed for estates and 
trusts under the following conditions: 

Every fiduciary, or at least one of joint fiduciaries, must make a return on 
Form 1041 for the estate or trust for which he acts, if any income of such estate 
or trust is distributable currently, or the tax is payable by the beneficiaries or 
by the grantor, provided (a) the net income of such estate or trust for the taxable 
year is $1,500 or over, or (6) the gross income is $5,000 or over, or (c) any bene- 
ficiary of such estate or trust is a nonresident alien. If the sole beneficiary of the 
estate or trust is a nonresident alien Form 1041 may be omitted, but in such case 
the fiduciary should make an individual return for the beneficiary on Form 1040B 

For the calendar year 1927 there were filed 80,898, Form 1041, and 
5,860, Form 1040B. 

The following tabulation compiled from the returns Forms 1040 and 
1040B, having net income of $5,000 and over, shows the number of 
returns and amount of net income. These returns are distributed by 
sex and family relationship of the testator or grantor and included in 
the tabulation of such distribution for all individual returns. 

Returns on Form 1040 and 1040B for estates and trusts, showing net income of $5,000 
and over for 1927, distributed by size of net income 

= i} = 
Income class piel Net income || Income class eal Net income 

$000 £0: $6,000 12 _ 2. =. } 337 $1, 848, 808 || $60,000 tp $70,000__ 144 $9, 315, 855 
$5,000 to $6,000__.........___ 1, 083 5, 948, 474 || $70,000 to $80,000__ 117 8, 757, 366 
$6,000 to $7,000 1____________ 259 1, 671, 14. |, $80,000 to $90,000__ 71 6, 015, 181 
96,000 to $7;000.__.-........_ | 848 5, 496, 091 || $90,000 to $100,000____ 5, 127, 969 
+7000 to $8,000 T-2=- 207 1, 545, 320 || $100,000 to $150,000__________ 161 19, 549, 120 
7-000'tO $8:000" 2 728 5, 450, 600 | $150,000 to $200,000___._.____ 73 12, 481, 944 
$8,000 to $9,000 !___________. 146 1, 236, 588 || $200,000 to $250,000_____.____ 47 10, 648, 588 
3000/50 995000) 5-2 554 4, 695, 246 || $250,000 to $300, 000_..______ 14 3, 876, 244 
$9,000 to $10,000 1__.________ 160 1,516, 891 | $300,000 to $400,000__________ 32 11, 199, 813 
$9,000 to $10,000___._._______| 512 4, 863, 293 || $400,000 to $500,000__________ 14 6, 213, 507 
$10,000 to $11,000___________- 553 5, 781, 794 || $500,000 to $750,000___.._____ 19 11, 246, 350 
$11,000 to $12,000___________- | 472 5, 431, 559 || $750,000 to $1,000,000________ 7 6, 031, 898 
12000: COa 15,000. 383 4, 779, 000 | $1,000,000 to $1,500,000______ 10, 483, 161 
$13,000 to $14,000___ 335 4, 542, 783 $1,500,000 to $2,000,000______ 3 5, 331, 674 

$14,000 to $15,000___ 302 4, 382, 772 || $2,000,000 to $3,000,000______ 7 (2) 

$15,000 to $20,000___ sul 995 17, 204, 704 || $3,000,000 to $4,000,000______ 7 @) 
$20,000 to $25,000____________ 633 14, 110, 202 || $4;000,000'£0'95;000,0002—=5 = |-. .-..=..|-..2.. ee 

Ste = “eed ia 2 oe roa 11, a“ 077 | Fees and Pete eS eases 1 () 
y 0 $40,000__......_____ 48) 16, 831, 805 || Classes grou Be ee eee ee 126, 533 
$40,000 to $50,000_--22722----) 333 | 14,870, 323 || sii | 
$50,000 to $60,000_.......____ 206 11, 249, 879 || otalis2 = eee 10, 736 | 299, 470, 556 

1 Nontaxable. Specific exemptions exceed net income. 
3 Classes grouped to conceal net income and identity of taxpayer. 



In the following table taxes other than Federal income taxes or 
income and profits taxes paid foreign countries or possessions of the 
United States allowed as deductions are distributed by income classes. 
In column 1 is shown the amount of taxes reported under ‘‘ Deduc- 
tions”’ in the individual income tax return as item 12 on Form 1040 
and item 6 on Form 1040A, in accordance with the following instruc- 
tions quoted from Form 1040: 

Enter as item 12 personal taxes and all taxes on property not used in your 
business or profession, paid during the year, not including those assessed against 
local benefits of a kind tending to increase the value of the property assessed. 
Do not include taxes imposed by section 600 of the act upon sales by the manu- 
facturer, Federal income taxes, taxes imposed upon your interest as shareholder 
of a corporation, which are paid by the corporation without reimbursement 
from you, nor income and profits taxes claimed as a credit in item 52 on page 1 
of the return. 

In column 2 is shown the amount of taxes paid on business property 
or for carrying on business, as reported under business deductions in 
Schedule A, item 12, ‘‘Income from business or profession,’”’ and does 
not include Federal income taxes, taxes assessed against local benefits 
of a kind tending to increase the value of property, nor taxes imposed 
upon sales by manufacturers. 

Taxes paid other than income tax, individual returns, calendar year 1927 

Taxes paid | Taxes paid 

included in | included in 
Income classes general de- | business de- Total 
ductions ductions 2 

Under $5,000 1__.___-______- $359, 832,476 | $77,626,599 | $437, 459, 075 

$5,000 to $6,000__ 40, 993, 805 7, 502, 106 48, 495, 911 
$6,000 to $7,000_- 32, 343, 508 5, 563, 797 37, 907, 305 . 

$7,000 to $8,000__ 26, 401, 944 4, 358, 080 30, 760, 024 

$8,000 to $9,000_. 21, 401, 864 3, 483, 685 24, 885, 549 

$9,000 to $10,000_____-___ -| 18, 275, 460 2, 605, 085 20, 880, 545 

UNCER Key UA ae eS eS a ee ee ae 15, 898, 419 1, 993, 487 17, 891, 906 

RITES TU Dy hay 17200 ae ea genes i ieee eae 14, 218, 671 1, 697, 145 15, 915, 816 

SO UPDID CEC LR SE ee RE: | Daan 11, 875, 839 1, 477, 608 13, 353, 447 

POS LOSI, 000 lo 22 = EMPEROR Ee Oe peck Beers pe _ 2 10, 488, 929 1, 332,523 | 11, 821, 452 

STULL) COUN TO) ESL ASA US i ae le ee ale pee Aa aa aa SO, 9, 990, 625 1, 079, 184 11, 069, 809 

SHENG RINT DUES See ee ee eee See 36, 900, 188 3,681,056 | 40, 581, 244 

SD ILO S25 QO0 NS oe ok Sete ce Cee ee ee ee ee 24, 880, 551 2, 267, 884 27, 148, 435 

PDEA MM TOLSOO QO meters eae eae ee ee ape 18, 413, 967 1, 355, 673 19, 769, 640 

EOLONUTO SLO O0UE. eeeeaed  FeVPEw a CEt Sie CT aes ex owt 25, 217, 081 1, 965, 141 27, 182, 222 

SLICED Up CHT all hs De OG VET? SEE aN 17, 429, 362 957, 936 18, 387, 298 

SyaU LAO TRD EO Uae a ae ES ak Bae ek 13, 226, 900 598, 454 13, 825, 354 

“UENO RDU ES ONE (| ee el Oe RS FEE eRe Oe eae oe eee 10, 523, 073 484, 522 11, 007, 595 

SMEG OES Ona Omens ONT yn. ee eee 8, 275, 831 468, 928 | 8, 744, 759 

PEDO SOU O00 besa fk SSeS FTL a El ye eta ie 8, 294, 992 260, 898 8, 555, 890 

UNEED i CUD De eS RE it eS ee ete eee eee 5, 379, 885 133, 887 5, 513, 772 

SEINTMDED UD SSRI ae RI Pee CS, 17, 862, 801 734,720! 18, 597, 521 

SAUGLT UO SENG ee Se ee ee a ee eee 9, 072, 923 313, 971 9, 386, 894 

SRO TUTD (ORE) ee iS: FC ee NS wen 6, 265, 942 112, 770 6, 378, 712 

139, 440 5, 833, 289 

41, 238 7, 069, 902 

53, 822 3, 206, 381 

290, 921 5, 559, 842 

10, 209 3, 225, 150 

6, 721 4, 951, 323 

1, 233 1, 747, 190 

13, 710 1, 451, 616 

3 i 3, 644, 737 : 3, 649, 826 

SI OUOIEO Sb 000 G00 seen ena ak tra awe Leal ea ee eS 364, 536 4,972 369, 508 

ROGU TO ATG OVGRemeaer ee ye re CRS Aah ee Ee ee $44::600) | S53 eae ean eae 844, 600 

ETO Ele Ss eee oe ee os BS 800, 806,308 | 122,622,494 | 923, 428, 802 

1 Amounts shown for income class ‘‘ Under $5,000” are estimates based on sample. (See p. 1.) 
2 See text (p. 13). 



The following tabulation shows the wholly and partially tax- 
exempt securities owned and interest received therefrom, by nature 
of obligation, reported by individuals having net income of $5,000 
and over. The amount owned and interest received, by income 
class distribution, are shown in basic Table 8 (pp. 85-86). 

Tax-exempt obligations, showing amount owned and interest received, by nature of 
obligation, calendar year 1927 

Nature of obligation Amount received 

Wholly tax-exempt obligations: | 
Obligations of States and Territories or political subdivisions thereof_.-_| $3, 064, 031, 968 |$152, 335, 75 

Securities issued under the Federal farm loan act__--.-----------.------ 598, 284. 246 | 29, 205, 942 

Liberty 314 per cent bonds and obligations of the possessions of the United 
SSB EL US ecres aera ae fe Re LO U e  as Eal 659, 108, 893 | 25, 365, 508 
Total wholly tax-exempt obligations.._-.......-.....--....----- 4, 321, 375, 107 | 206, 907, 209 

Partially tax-exempt obligations: : ; } 
Liberty bonds, Treasury bonds, certificates of indebtedness, war-savings | 

certificates, and Treasury notes (not tax-exempt) _-.....-..--.----_-___ 1, 274, 445, 482 | 59, 975, 352 
Granditotalemusse eras coe eo cee ce Aen ware See eee 5, 595, 820, 589 | 266, 882, 561 


The number of returns of individuals filed for the calendar year 
1927, by counties, cities, and townships, is shown in basic Table 11 
(pp. 176-308). This tabulation does not represent an exact count of 
returns for each civil division, but is a very close approximation of 
the number of returns filed. The following method is used: Index 
cards of the returns of net income filed in each collection district are 
‘prepared in the offices of the collectors of internal revenue. These 
cards are arranged by counties and cities, and the number is calcu- 
lated by measurement on the basis of a certain number of cards to 

_ the inch. 

Partnership returns, except for the war excess-profits tax of 1917, 
are not subject to direct assessment, the income being reported in 
the individual returns filed by the co-partners according to their 
distributive share, whether distributed or not. 

The number of partnership returns filed for 1917 to 1927, inclusive, 
is as follows: 

Year: Number Year: Number 
NTU (GS ad SIRES ee ae a 31, 701 1 ea ai ay aes EP SN 304, 996 
IGigiaaer a PT aU 100, 728 fio Rae Mee OR 321, 158 
ibe Np Sl peel a yan 175, 898 POA Cio Sen. css hoes ne re nL 309, 414 
DOR Oe OG 240, 767 TODO M arose eadh 295, 425 
SS ety ey ne ec 2 A 259, 359 io GE Ue ea ee 282, 841 



Corporation income-tax returns for 1927 numbered 475,031, of 
- which 259,849 show net income aggregating $8,981,884,261 and tax 
$1,130, 674, 128. For the calendar year 1926 corporations filed 
455,320 returns, of which 258,134 show net income totaling $9,673,- 
402,889 and tax of $1,229,797,243. 


The table immediately following shows the returns of corporations 
distributed by industrial groups and segregated according to “Cor- 
porations reporting net income,” ‘‘Corporations reporting no net 
income,” and ‘Inactive corporations showing no income data.” 
Basic Table 12 (p. 310) shows the returns distributed by States and 
Territories and likewise by those showing net income, no net income, 
and inactive. 

In analyzing the data compiled for corporations classified under 
“Finance—banking, insurance, real estate and holding companies, 
stockbrokers, etc.,’’ allowances should be made for the two special 
deductions from gross income permitted life-insurance companies. 
These special deductions, totaling $455,321,615, represent (1) the 
_ excess of 4 per cent of the mean of reserve funds over the tax-exempt 
interest received by the company, and (2) 2 per cent of the reserve 
held for deferred dividends. (See pars. (2) and (4) of subdivision 
(a) of sec. 245 of the revenue act of 1926.) 

These special deductions for life-imsurance companies in basic 
Tables 14 and 15 (pp. 312-325) are included in “Miscellaneous de- 
ductions”’ under ‘‘Statutory deductions.” 



Corporation returns, distributed by major industrial groups and by corporations 
reporting net income and no net income, showing number of returns and per cent 
of total, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, 
and income tax; also inactive corporations reporting no income data, calendar 

year 1927 } 

Corporations reporting net income 

Tera) - 
F number er 
Industrial groups of Number] cent of 
returns of total 
returns | report- 
Agriculture and related industries_---_.-.-- 9, 905 4,445) 44.88 
Mining-and quarrying nes soi 18, 519 6323217) 28525 
Food products, beverages, and tobacco. 15, 524 9,232; 59.47 
Textiles and textile products__-___-___-- 13, 851 8,240) 59.49 
Leather and leather products-___..------ 2, 411 1,448) 60.06 
Rubber and related products-_-_--.----- 655 835) 51.14 
Lumber and wood products- ----------- 7, 816 4,178) 53.45 
Paper, pulp, and products____-.-.------ 2, 083 1,386; 66. 54 
Printinesand publishing --22- 52222224 10, 679 6, 734, 63, 06 
Chemicals and allied substances-_------ 7, 229 3,960} 54.78 
Stone, clay, and glass products------.-- 4, 682 2) 587) bo. 20 
Metal and metal products___.......---- 20,379) 11,412) 56.00 
All other manufacturing industries___-- 8, 106 4,108) 50.68 
Totalimanutachuning - £222 225222 93,415) 538,620, 57.40 
Wonstructionve 2. ooh. ates | Ae ee ee 17,609! 10,071} 57.19) 
Transportation and other public utilities_._| 22,912; 13,855} 60. 47 
Ped O LYSIS 5 a SIE al SR i UR NL 122,360)  74,747| 61,09 
Service—professional, amusements, hotels, 
(XCEL See So SI A RO PR RAE EN | 34,193) 18,287) 538.48 
Finance—banking, insurance, real estate 
and holding companies, stockbrokers, ete_| 137,425) 78,100) 56.83 
Nature of business not given_...._._.__-_-_-- 18, 693) 1, 492 7. 98 
ETANOOLOUA Stee aa eee Sonne wee 475, 031) 259,849) 54.70 

Gross income? 

$633, 781, 952 

2, 259, 850, 477 

702, 208, 946 
285, 401, 148 

4 ? , 
039, 525, 022 

1, 401, 780, 073 
2, 185, 712, 460 
6, 799, 331, 331 
1, 357, 109, 268 
16, 256, 966, 289 
1, 761, 042, 343 

50, 134, 090, 867 
2, 413, 183, 931 

12, 844, 090, 391 
33, 512, 875, 844 

2, 680, 916, 440 

10, 797, 009, 957 
48, 539, 858 

115, 324, 339, 717 



$555, 204, 778 

1, 983, 541, 814 

9, 116, 388, 494 
5, 867, 916, 969 
1, 316, 128, 393 
969, 271, 870 
1, 804, 405, 285. 
1, 277, 792, 262 
1, 987, 236, 807 
6, 303, 474, 059 
1, 199, 846, 411 
14, 755, 692, 555 
1, 597, 290, 392 

46, 195, 443, 497 
2, 242, 023, 968 

11, 255, 210, 330° 
32, 356, 005, 639: 

2, 436, 452, 590° 

8 9, 274, 176, 159 
44, 396, 681 

106, 342, 455, 456 

Corporations reporting net income 

Income tax 

Industrial groups 
Net Net loss for 
: : Per cent | Per cent 
Haters pees Amount | of net | of total 
income tax 
Agriculture and related industries_______- $78, 577,174| $6, 504, 006 $9, 053, 541 11. 52 0. 80 
WMiningand ‘quarrying -.-...-2--.. 22.25 276, 308, 663) 12, 470, 132 34, 898, 460) 12. 63 3. 09 
Manufacturing: " 
Food products, beverages, and tobacco- 585, 820,452) 11, 483, 361 75, 793, 776 12. 94 §. 70 
Textiles and textile products_________- 417,484,179) 34, 032, 009 50, 341, 461} 12. 06 4,45 
Leather and leather products________- 99, 071, 812) 7, 013, 367 12, 229, 044 12. 34 1. 08 
Rubber and related products- -_._____ 70, 258, 152 4, 098, 922 8, 849, 421 12. 60 .78 
Lumber and wood products-_--_..____ 125, 408, 497 4, 474, 624 15, 611, 798 12. 45 1,38 
Paper, pulp, and products___.-.-..._- 123, 987, 811 8, 074, 225 16, 063, 362 12. 96 1. 42 
Printing and publishing -__-____- a 198, 475, 653} 3, 965, 318 25, 123, 328 12. 66 2. 22 
Chemicals and allied substances______ 495, 857, 272! 8, 398, 156 64, 766, 664 13. 06 5. 73 
Stone, clay, and glass products-_-_-_-___ 157, 262, 857 1, 698, 714 20, 563, 697 13. 08 1,82 
Metal and metal products____._______ 1, 501, 278, 734! 14, 568, 659 198, 066, 290 13. 19 17. 52 
All other manufacturing industries___ 163, 751, 951) 7, 339, 699} 20, 325, 669 12. 41 1.80 
Total manufacturing... .......-.... 3, 938, 647, 370, 100, 147, 054 507, 734, 510 12. 89 44. 90 
SOUSiTICHONS open e enna Hee 171, 159, 963) 9, 706, 168 20, 078, 238 11. 73} 1.78 
Transportation and other public utilities_! 1, 588, 880,061! 12, 319, 687) 210, 877, 896 13. 27; 18. 65 
RT Adee ees ene Secs Bees eee 1, 156, 870, 205) 39, 084, 547) 137, 351, 547 11. 87 12.15 
Service—professional, amusements, | 
OTC ER CLC appease ee ee eo. ak 244, 463, 850! 11, 300, 385, 28, 625, 757 11.71 2. 53 
Finance—banking, insurance, real estate 
and holding companies, stockbrokers, 
() (qe renege a he SS Sere ee aes 1, 522, 833, 798] 52, 412, 730 181, 705, 991 11. 93 16. 07 
Nature of business not given___-__._______ 4, 143, 177 348, 666) 348, 188 8. 40, . 03 
Grancditoral ese le sae Sas oe calc 8, 981, 884, 261} 244, 293, 375! 1, 130, 674, 128 12.59) 100.00 

1 Fiscal-year returns are included. (See p. 


7 Gross income corresponds to total income as reported on the face of the return plus the cost of goods sold. 
‘Includes special nonexpense deductions of life-insurance companies. © (See p. 15.) 



Corporation returns, distributed by major industrial groups and by corporations 
reporting net income and no net income, showing number of returns and per cent 
of total, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, 
and income tax; also inactive corporaiions reporting no income data, calendar 

year 1927—Continued 

Inactive cor- 

. . - porations 
Corporations reporting no net income reporting no 
income data 
Industrial groups ‘s 
Num- cent of slate Per 
ber of | total |Grossincome?; Deductions Deficit ae Alb ae 
returns report- turns 
Agriculture and related indus- 
bile eee OS ek Ak 4,460} 45.02! $188, 644, 782| $250, 537,986) $61, 893,204) 1,000) 10.10 
Mining and quarrying__________- 7, 804| 42. 14) 1, 576, 985, 724| 1,823, 910,004) 246,924,280) 5,483) 29.61 
Food products, beverages, 

ATCO DACCO mer ae. oe as eee 5, 630! 36. 27| 4, 212, 282, 626) 4, 320, 473, 265) 108, 190, 639) 662) 4. 26 
Textiles and textile products_ 5, 348) 38. 57] 1, 522, 067, 615) 1, 642, 883, 544) 120, 815, 929) 268} 1.94 
Leather and leather products_ 903) 37.45) 316,039,057) 337,741,647) 21, 702, 590 60} 2.49 
Rubber and related products_ 284| 43.36) 407,271,983) 426,628,469) 19,356, 486) 36} 5.50 
Lumber and wood products__| 3,353) 42.90; 874,473,686) 968, 768, 528 94, 294, 842 285) 3.65 
Paper, pulp, and products_-- 642| 30.82} 267,599,523) 281,213,919) 13,614, 396) 55| 2. 64 
Printing and publishing____- 3,629) 33.98) 380,416,720) 415, 204, 715 34, 787, 995 316} 2.96 
Chemicals and allied sub- 

Stancos sep SER Se ee 2, 892} 40.00} 1, 969, 078, 193) 2, 079, 447, 208) 110, 369, 015) 77| 5.22 
Stone, clay, and glass prod- 

MGUS. = 22222 eee e3 ce 1,876) 40.07 248, 350, 016 271, 705, 789 28, 355, 77 219! 4.68 
Metal and metal products-__- 8, 227| 40.37] 2, 928, 373, 358) 3, 169, 678, 495) 241, 305, 137 740} 3.63 
All other manufacturing in- 

GUSUMESS tao - eae ee 3,417| 42.15] 467, 835, 233 526, 095,070} 58, 259, 837) 581} 7.17 

Total manufacturing ____- 36,196) 38. 75/13, 588, 788, 010/14, 439, 840, 649] 851,052,639) 3,599) 3.85 
onstruction’ 22-2 - ssa 5 6, 281| 35.67) 642,410,274} 701,827,673) 59,417,399) 1,257) 7.14 
Transportation and other public | 

Miiitionee ys as ee 6,982! 30.48] 2, 295, 882, 216] 2, 493, 354, 643| 197,472,427! 2,075) 9.05 
Bran ceeeeet ne ee ee 44,931| 36. 72| 7, 430, 839, 801| 7, 793, 179, 145] 362, 339,344) 2,682) 2.19 
Service — professional, amuse- 

ments, hotels, ete._.....------- 12, 859 37.61| 906, 078, 710] 1, 023, 143, 870| 117,065,160, 3,047) 8.91 
Finance — banking, insurance, 

real estate and holding com- iy i 

panies, stockbrokers, etc______- 44, 582) 32. 44| 2, 407, 046, 374! 82,973, 228, 283] 566, 176, 909) 14, 743 10. 73 
Nature of business not given____- 1; 731) 9. 26 37, 335, 838 46, 733, 852 9, 398, 014) 15, 470} 82. 76 

Granditotal-- 2: }- 5 Je 2 165, 826) 34. 91/29, 074, 011, 729/31, 545, 751, 105)2, 471, 739, BiG) 49, 356} 10. 38 

2 Gross income corresponds to total income as reported on the face of the return plus the cost of goods sold. 

§ Includes special nonexpense deduction of life-insurance companies. 

(See p. 15.) 


The net loss during a given taxable year in a trade or business regu- 

larly carried on by the taxpayer, as specifically defined in the revenue 
acts of 1921, 1924, and 1926, is allowed as a deduction in computing 
the net income of the taxpayer for the succeeding taxable year. If 
such net loss is in excess of the net income (computed without such 
deduction) for that year, the amount of the excess may be carried 
over and allowed as a deduction in computing the net income for the 
next succeeding taxable year. 

Such net losses being of prior year origin are therefore not included 
in the current year deductions in arriving at the net income for the 
various years shown in this volume. 

“Net loss for prior year’’ reported in the corporation returns filed 
for the calendar years 1922 to 1927, inclusive, and fiscal year returns 
to June 30 of the succeeding year (see p. 1) is given below. 



Return for year: Amount Return for year—Contd. Amount 
1) fa a $501, 780, 287 1925 un: Sees eeess $243, 078, 565 
Lome eee. SoU dae 578, 307, 088 1926 h 2232 eee 235, 851, 012 
11 oy 219, 727, 166 1927 22 coe eee ee 244, 293, 375 


The corporation net income subject to tax is reduced by a credit 
of $2,000 allowed corporations with net income of $25,000 or less. 
For corporations with net income in excess of $25,000, but not in 
excess of $25,270, the method of computing the tax, as provided for 
in the revenue act, affords a variable amount of credit, but in every 
case less than $2,000. The revenue act of 1928 increased the credit 
to $3,000 for net incomes under $25,000 with a variable amount of 
credit for incomes up to $25,360, this change affecting some of the 
fiscal year returns included. A deduction for “Net loss for prior 
year” from net income for the current year is likewise permitted. 
The net income reported, also the net income not subject to, and the 
amount subject to tax in corporation returns for 1927, are shown 

RictomuOminme wm Ee Ek Se a a 
Net income not subject to tax: 

INetwlossiforprioryyear=- _ =. hse Bea 

Specific credit of $2,000 for corporations 

with net income not in excess of $25,000 

and a variable amount of credit for cor- 

porations with net income in excess of 

ee but not in excess of $25,270 (esti- 

BASIC) ee ee oe a a 

$8, 981, 884, 261 

567, 965, 038 
8, 413, 919, 223 

The amount of cash and stock dividends paid to shareholders onthe 
capital stock of domestic corporations, as reported in the corporation 
income tax returns for 1927, is shown by States and Territories in 
basic Table 13 (p. 311) and by industrial divisions in basic Table 14 
(pp. 312-323). A presentation of the aggregate amounts of divi- 
dends distributed for the years 1922 to 1927, inclusive, for all corpo- 
rations is given below. 

Cash and stock dividends distributed by years ! 

Corporations 1eporting net Corporations reporting no 
Aggregate come net income 
Year | 
Cash divi- Stock divi- | Cash divi- Stock divi- Cash divi- | Stock divi- 
dends dends dends dends dends dends 

5 bp». Se a | $3, 436, 715, 104 | $3, 348, 049, 865 | $3, 182,869,985 | $3, 166,915, 674 | $253,845,119 | $181, 134, 291 
1823. 2 4, 169, 117, 678 , 285, 3, 820, 619, 64 787,167,102 348, 498, 036 104, 118, 481 
1924 2 : 822, 858 510, 525, 809 | 3, 994,990, 754 466,820,095 | 348, 832, 104 43, 705, 714 
1925 e. SLs 5, 189, 474, 507 544, 431,367 | 4,817,301, 320 602, 489,520 | 372, 173, 187 41, 941, 847 
$9260 oo 2k 5, 945, 292, 657 757, 649, 610 | 5, 530, 210, 586 716, 219,451 | 415, 082, 071 41, 430, 159 
i Ne ape ee 6, 423, 767, 181 692, 501,245 | 5, 786, 065, 738 632,177,901 | 637,701, 443 60, 323, 344 

1Cash dividends and stock dividends of capital stock of life insurance companies are not included. 



‘The income statement of compiled receipts and statutory deduc- 
tions of corporations as reported in the income-tax returns, also net 
profit (or deficit), net income, tax, net profit after deducting tax, 
and cash and stock dividends, segregated by major industrial groups, 
is shown in basic Table 14, pages 312-313. Part 1 shows the data 
for all corporations, part 2 for corporations reporting net income, 
and part 3 for corporations reporting no net income. Basic Table 
15, pages 324-325, shows for all corporations the income and de- 
duction items expressed in percentages of such total receipts as are 
compiled and the profits from sales in percentages of gross sales. 


The following table shows for corporations, distributed by size of 
net income, size of deficit, and inactive corporations, the number of 
returns, amount of net income or deficit, amount of tax, and relative 
percentages. Basic Table 18 (pp. 365-370) shows the returns dis- 
tributed by size of net income and deficit, by industrial divisions. 


ber of” 
Size of net income Uiietes Per cent ci Mie ds Per cent ate of | Per cent 
net in- 
(Onivolre Rit 1 ee es oe 70, 299 27.05 $27, 806, 395 0. 31 $8, 540 
SOOO tO Se. Q00 nes ooo. 8 8 ot 52, 044 20. 03 79, 589, 268 . 89 32, 184 0.12 
CRANE SHOT Te oe as eee 26, 470 10. 19 64, 351, 482 542 1, 337, 383 
OMMO LO ON) oo gee oe eo 15, 048 5.79 52, 633, 692 . 59 2, 604, 853 =25 
CE) COS DE ee ee ee es 9, 914 3. 82 44, 367, 754 .49 2, 839, 630 20 
C5000 tO IO 0002 2a. 0 wen Te 27,690 | 10.66} 197,100,206 2.19 16, 942, 577 1.50 
MIO OCU TOs S000 N= no o-oo 11, 387 4. 38 137, 633. 906 1. 53 13, 900, 194 2S: 
S15: O00 to S205000 oe oo so. Se 9, 912 3. 81 165, 701, 312 1. 84 17, 981, 849 159 
20 OOO tOg25/000 S25 BE ee Dee ee 6, 217 2. 39 140, 165, 752 1. 56 16, 046, 765 1.42 
SAOCUtO S00;0002 se esl fell 12, 518 4.82 447, 199, 459 4.98 57, 597, 798 5.09 
$50,000 to $100,000. .-.---.---.----.-- 8, 299 3.19 580, 909, 267 6. 48 75, 700, 536 6. 70 
STOO O00 to $200 000s anne eee 5, 823 2. 24 901, 979, 956 10. 04 114, 258, 190 10. 11 
$250,000) 10) $500,000. 8 3. ot =e | 2,047 79 714, 494, 467 7.95 91, 277, 843 8.07 
$500,000 to $1,000,000...-.........-.-- 1,139 -44 | 788,890, 764 8.78 103, 168, 307 9.13 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000 ae eee SSeS 855 -33 | 1, 700, 282, 717 18. 93 222, 661, 223 19. 69 
$5,000,000 and over._.._....__--.----- 187 .07 | 2,938, 777, 864 32. 72 394, 316, 256 34. 87 
Total for returns showing net 
ALCOITIO sata at oe pe SE 2 259, 849 100.00 | 8, 981, 884, 261 100. 00 | 1, 130, 674, 128 100. 00 
of returns 
Size of deficit showing | Per cent| A™ountof | per cent 
no net 
income | 
iadekioi Ouse an = So. oa eee ney 49, 199 29. 67 $22, 260, 980 | 0. 90 
CECT EG, GOAT OR Bee aL seh ie Ay ake hee aE Dee 23, 543 14. 20 35, 201, 966 1. 42 
SLs Re eS 15, 379 9.27 38, 056, 867 | 1.54 
Cos GS nes ree (i a ORR A i a Sa eS NE eyed aoe ee eee 11, 321 6. 83 39, 367, 959 1. 59 
PL OMEO RS UN Sac core lem te SA ee nul Re uui hs 8, 333 5. 03 37, 228, 992 1.51 
rod) PESTS ODE See ane BE a, EF Se TD 23, 198 13. 99 166, 072, 281 6. 72 
Go CP) Ue STIG CU EE SB eee en ae Sa 10, 118 6.10 125, 106, 434 | 5.06 
SP DODIEOY SAD OOD Se oe ce oe le ee retseeet eee eek 5, 633 3. 40 98, 125, 977 3. 97 
3, 776 2. 28 85, 380, 525 3. 46 
7, 863 4. 74 273, 897, 401 11. 08 
4,019 2. 42 277, 499, 065 11. 23 
2, 327 1.41 351, 234, 547 | 14. 21 
654 . 39 225, 694, 160 | 9.13 
257 215 176, 554, 346 7.14 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000 188 stl 351, 194, 669 14.21 
SOOO anil oven’ 1555 Sree E teh ee ee 18 01 168, 863, 207 | 6. 83 
Total for returns showing deficit ._.......---------- 165, 826 100.00 |__ 2,471, 739, 376 100. 00 
Inactive corporations, no income data reported_---------- ASR ADES | ents ear Sh eee eee 

SE 0 SO OO eee ee 




In the tables immediately following are shown for 379,158 corpora- 
tions out of 475,031 filing income tax returns a summary statement 
of the principal assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1927, or at 
the close of the fiscal year nearest thereto, and a comparative state- 
ment showing, by size of net income, the number of corporation returns 
filed and the number of balance sheets tabulated. The variance 
between the number of balance sheets tabulated and the number of 
returns filed is due to the data for assets and liabilities not being re- 
ported on allreturns. In Tables 19 and 20 (pp. 371-383) are shown 
the same data by industrial groups for corporations reporting net 
income and no net income and in aggregate for all corporations. 

In the analysis of the balance sheets items not otherwise distributed 
are included in ‘‘ Miscellaneous assets” or ‘‘ Miscellaneous liabilities.” 
Some of these items are— 

Miscellaneous assets —Investments in affiliated companies; stocks 
and bonds other than tax-exempt obligations; patents, good will, 
formulas, trade-marks, etc. 

Miscellaneous liabilities —Reserves; accrued expenses; unadjusted 
credits; deposits (time, saving, demand, etc.) reported by banks; 
reserves, other funds, capital stock, and surplus for life-insurance 

Assets and liabilities—Statement prepared from income-tax returns of corporations 

submitting balance sheets, showing major items of assets and liabilities as of 
December 81, 1927, or at close of fiscal year nearest thereto, by corporations 

reporting net income and no net income 

ppt su! Corporations | Corporations 
Assets and liabilities Aggregate reporting net roepornting 
income net income 
Assets: ; 
Cash (in till and deposits in banks)_--.-...-.-_---- $16, 851, 216, 594 | $13, 553, 883, 635 | $3, 297, 332, 959 

Notes receivable ! 
Accounts receivable (less reserve for bad debts)__-_- 

Tax-exempt investments— 
Obligations of State and Territories or political 
subdivisions thereof 
Securities issued under the Federal farm loan 
act and obligations of the United States or its 

Total tax exempt investments 

Real estate, buildings, and equipment (less depre- 

BOCHITASSCLS tesa eee eee ee Week ee 


iINOLeS) Day alble a eee ace ee 
INGrefoy eh aii} 50}55172)] 6] CIS So pe ee Se 
Bonded debt and mortgages 
Miscellaneous liabilities not distributed__..._______ 

Capital stock— 

INT GUISUTE UIS oe ae eee aes See 
Hotalyia bilities: 424i aio ht Ale ee aa 

32, 365, 006, 588 
18, 594, 380, 445 

21, 005, 344, 454 

2, 223, 478, 480 

7, 557, 042, 033 

9, 780, 520, 513 

26, 744, 074, 848 
14, 217, 823, 903 
15, 968, 217, 154 

5, 620, 931, 740 
4, 376, 556, 542 
5, 037, 127, 300 

1, 659, 060, 272 

5, 938, 024, 437 

7, 597, 084, 709 

104, 945, 293, 326 
84, 000, 555, 302 

287, 542, 317, 222 

76, 591, 078, 349 
66, 291, 822, 612 

220, 963, 985, 210 

564, 418, 208 

1, 619, 017, 596 
2, 183, 435, 804 

28, 354, 214, 977 
17, 708, 732, 690 

66, 578, 332, 012 

13, 021, 037, 104 
11, 104, 858, 036 
34, 739, 571, 192 
96, 274, 333, 003 

7, 623, 900, 880 
7, 350, 443, 339 
24, 372, 370, 019 
77, 830, 351, 544 

5, 397, 136, 224 
3, 754, 414, 697 
10, 367, 201, 173 

17, 800, 278, 039 
74, 080, 965, 946 

91, 881, 243, 985 

12, 628, 211, 902 

54, 447, 219, 851 

67, 075, 431, 753 

18, 4438, 981, 459 

5, 172, 066, 137 
19, 633, 746, 095 

24, 805, 812, 232 

45, 414, 697, 191 
4, 893, 423, 289 

37, 871, 193, 370 
1, 159, 705, 695 

40, 521, 273, 902 

287, 542, 317, 222 

36, 711, 487, 675 
220, 963, 985, 210 

7, 543, 503, 821 
3, 733, 717, 594 

3, 809, 786, 227 


66, 578, 332, 012 

1 Includes loans and discounts from bank statements which for 1926 were included in ‘‘ Miscellaneous 



Corporation returns—Comparative statemeni showing by size of net income the num- 
ber¥of corporation income tax returns filed and the number of balance sheets 
tabulated; also the number showing par-value and no-par-value common stock 

Number of corporation balance sheets tabulated 


of Or ‘ Per cent 
poration : 
Size of net income income- eaeoent Showing Snow ae 
tax re- par-value par- | Showing | Showing 
Total | sheets to value 
turns returns |CO™MOoD | om par- no-par- 
filed filed stock atoake value value 
common | common 
stock stock 
WRG Gen). 5 a ere 173,775 | 146, 281 84.18 | 136, 602 9, 679 93. 38 6. 62 
$5000 G0Is1 0/0008 2 =-- S26. 2.5. 27, 690 27, 189 98. 19 26, 340 849 96. 87 | 3.13 
$10;000)t01p25;000__. .+— --2=..-2-~ 27, 516 27, 256 99. 06 26, 432 824 96. 98 3. 02 
$25,000 to $50,000_-- 12, 518 12, 384 98. 93 11, 949 435 96. 49 3. 51 
$50,000 to $100,000___- 4 8, 299 8, 227 99. 13 7, 947 280 96. 60 3. 40 
$100,000 to $500,000__....-------- 7, 870 7 C9 99. 00 7,491 300 96. 15 3.85 
$500,000 to $1,000,000_...-------- 1, 139 1, 125 98. 77 1, 052 73 93. 51 6. 49 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000__--------- 855 845 98. 83 779 66 92. 19 Tet 
$5,000,000 and over__-..--.------ 187 186 99, 47 173 13 93. 01 6. 99 
Reporting net income_____._---- 259, 849 | 231, 284 89.01 | 218, 765 12, 519 94. 58 5. 42 
Reporting no net income--_------ 165,826 | 147,872 89.17 | 137,375 10, 497 92. 90 7.10 
Inactive corporations reporting 
moOuncomoetdatas--===2=2.---- BONSDO" Beeb ae <= | ame roe ae | Semen so occa ses|saseseasas|scasaesaes 
Granditotal-.2-2555.... 475, 031 379, 156 79.82 | 356, 140 23, 016 93. 93 6. 07 


' Theftabulations for fiscal year returns are compiled from returns 
filed by corporations whose fiscal year is other than the calendar year. 
The returns are also included in the general tables of corporation 
income throughout this report and fall within one or more of the 
following conditions: Full 12 months’ period, net income of $2,000 
and over; net deficit of $500,000 and over; gross sales or other items 
of $5,000,000 and over, or net loss for prior year deduction. The 
compilation also includes a limited number of returns showing net 
income of less than $2,000, or deficit, and not falling under the other 
conditions stated above. This is also true of the tables prepared 
from the fiscal-year returns as well as part year returns for 1925 and 
1926, published in the Statistics of Income for 1926, except that for 
returns for the months, July to November, inclusive, for these years, 
a considerably larger number of returns was included showing net 
income of $2,000 or less or deficits, and not falling in the above 


Corporation returns filed for fiscal year, showing the total number of returns, number 
reporting net income and no net income, amount of net income or deficit, net loss for 
prior year and income tar—Included in corporation tables for 1927 

[Fiscal year terminating not earlier than July 1, 1927, nor later than June 30, 1928) 


Corporations re- 
Corporations reporting net income porting no net 
Total income 
Month ended ise . - | 
e of re- um- um- 
Net loss | 
turns | ber | Netincome | for prior | 22come ber | Deficit 
of re- ear tax of re- 
turns Mi turns ’ 
aT ye OD 7 game ee b/s De ee 2 1, 498 1,468 | $51, 128,960 | $3, 201,961 | $6, 138, 619 30 {$1, 772, 729 
sANISTISH Nl Oa - =o eee LS 1, 253 1, 233 88, 455, 703 2, 850, 789 | 11, 312,778 20 | 2, 760, 117 
September, 19272 =. 2-2-2. --= 1, 302 1, 279 76,981,194 | 4, 636, 369 9, 526, 649 23 | 7,304, 849 
‘October O24 Se 1,101 1, 082 103, 075, 317 3, 041, 554 | 13, 371, 227 19 11, 338, 952 
Movember, 19272 — 21-22 oi. 1,615 1, 608 155, 664,182 | 3,710,481 | 20, 207, 009 7 | 1, 957, 500 
WaNUMIAny, Oke sees A 2, 596 2, 587 147, 128, 415 3, 796, 243 | 18, 819, 225 9 | 5, 562, 460 
Mepriary, il Osseo 2 see ol 1, 257 1, 245 77, 713, 377 2, 493, 832 | 9, 481,870 12 | 3, 283, 755 
IVES TER RO Die ee bee ee we 1, 754 1, 741 58, 644, 380 | 4,072,926 | 6,885,185 13 | 4, 564, 159 
PANES NO Dey ieee = he ; 1,595 1, 580 77, 270, 841 2, 627, 562 | 9,332, 221 15 | 9, 747, 020 
IG a Ip a ee 1, 865 1, 852 61, 856, 233 4, 741, 106 6, 968, 657 13 | 9, 183, 570 
ITO O28 eee se | 4,272 | 4,226 203, 843, 024 7, 463, 768 | 24, 150, 354 46 |18, 825, 110 
Total fiscal year-_-.._--- 20,108 | 19,901 |1, 101, 756, 626 | 42, 636, 591 |136, 193, 821 207 oe 300, 221 


Distribution a Oe Net income | Income tax 
Reporting net income: 
Size of net income— 
Winder pHi) 2 esse soi 26S Ee eee) 339 $135, 906 $531 
Sh OODNtONSel O00Peen: tycas. te pte ee ee 346 507, 534 3, 083 
So ODOM Os O00ss- eek. oe eee eee eee 3, 230 7, 837, 657 133, 746 
SOLO LO S4 000 Co 22s Oe OS ee eee 1, 961 6, 786, 797 288, 587 
S400 Tosa O00 oe 5 es ee es 1, 428 6, 373, 213 371, 650 
SHiGOOKOVSTO,000 8 2 et 20 ee ae eee 3, 787 26, 922, 224 2, 122, 956 
eh OOGNEG 2 QOO Ee) he ts 2 Sh ec ed Se eee a 3, 837 62, 409, 721 6, 390, 180 
MZOKUUO ICO SOU UU0 oes aca oc oo ee ee ee eee 1, 974 70, 732, 914 8, 507, 781 
$50,000 to $100,000___..-___- 1, 348 96, 522, 723 11, 945, 669 
$100,000 to $500,000________- . 1, 307 265, 797, 047 33, 551, 225 
$500,060 to $1,000,000 194 136, 543, 425 | 17, 555, 456 
21.000; 060;TO' $6, 000/000 = =. 6.223 ie ET es 138 267, 164,472 | 35, 061, 547 
POLO OOUTANCVONGP2. 2 2. 2 iW ae eee 12 154, 022,993 | 20, 261, 410 
‘otal. reportie net income.22.222- 5-2) eee 19,901 | 1,101,756, 626 | 136, 193, 821 
————d _—<$<—<—<—<$<$<$—$——————————————— ———___________— } 
Reporting no net income: 
Size of deficit— 
WTGOR ol OOO sero eer 2 ee aa eee 12 6; 2627 |_ 22 eee 
SOOO TO) S2,000iean se Clo Te oe eee 18 25, 293 |) a2 5 sheen 
S200 LOS 000r ete neon oo eee 9 21, 592 |. Shee 
So OOD tONS4: 00022 22 22s ke ee 5 17,035 |s 235 e ee 
Ba OOOO SO O00 senecce noel ce 2 ee eee 4 17,312 ))|.--S2-eeeoae 
S0,000)50/ 510! 000 Sees. =o ie oo ee eee 15 110, 342 | o.e-soseeee 
S10(000it0/$20, 00082222 == et 2 eee 19 300; 797 |. 222 eeeeeee 
$20 0000 S0 000.20. so osu uo ek ce 7k kee 17 L011 76)" |e 
SOOL000 10'S 10000022 oe 2 oe i eee 17 1,308,646 |o 2 -S2eeeee 
SLOOOO0 TO S00 000NS 5 se = a2 82s eee 40 10/5065 603'||2oSeeeeeeee 
SOOO O0OItO: SL 0000003222 3222. 2-- iS eee 30 19, 569; '384 |. 2o22sseee= 
15 000;000)6015; 000/000 22-3 223-2. eee 21 43'410; 204: ||. 222eceeness 
$0:,000:000/ and! iover.-2.- 2.22 aL a | ee ee eee 
Motalirenorine Gencits-- 362.22 ts. lL eee 207 76; '300;/221)|-oeeeeee ee 


In basic Table 21 (pp. 384-388) the fiscal year returns are distributed 
by industrial groups and by corporations reporting net income and no 
net income; also amount of net income, net loss for prior year, income 
tax, and amount of deficit. In basic Table 22 (pp. 389-399), parts 
1, 2, and 3, is shown the distribution of compiled receipts and statu- 
tory deductions, by months ending the fiscal year, and for returns 
showing net income, no net income, and in aggregate. 


The returns filed by corporations for less than 12 months represent 
reorganizations, consolidations, disintegrations, newly organized 
businesses, liquidating corporations, and changes from calendar year 
to fiscal year, or vice versa, and are also included in the general 
corporation income tables in this report. 

Below are shown for part year returns the total number, number 
reporting net income and no net income, net income, deficit, net loss 
for prior year and income tax. ‘The part year returns likewise fall 
under the same conditions as to net income, deficit, etc., as govern the 
returns used in the tabulations for fiscal year returns. 

Corporation part year returns, 1927 

Ries ee Une aAIS OR ENE MOT UITIAG Me Sh oe 5 at Ae Se ee ee en so eee 5, 377 
Corporations reporting net income: 
Numberolsreturnss 2 2a k eevee 2 epee ee ee S 5, 329 
TNL TROD CT SSE Ne ee $158, 348, 852 
INGUMOSHM OR TION VOaR. 59 eo ho meet ake= $7, 346, 488 
Geass sen een eh Rep ee oe $19, 164, 477 
Corporations reporting no net income: 
PUNE T Or TECUINS 2 o5 Seem eae oe ce 48 
[OS EEISTY HO ee Inet Te ene ee aera Pee $25, 881, 409 


A résumé of the number of income-tax returns filed, the net income, 
and tax reported for each of the years since the inception of the present 
period of income taxation follows herewith. The income-tax returns 
filed by individuals, 1916-1927, inclusive, by States, showing number, 
net income, and tax, as well as the average net income and average 
tax per return, are exhibited in Table 10, pages 163-175. The income- 
tax returns filed by corporations for 1916 to 1927, inclusive, by States, 
showing total number of returns, number reporting net income and 
no net income, amount of gross income, net income or deficit, and in- 
come tax, also relative percentages, are presented in Table 23, pages 
400-421. An outline of important changesin the revenue acts affecting 
the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of in- 
dividuals is shown on pages 32-39. 



Individual returns, calendar years 1918 to 1927, showing number of returns andjnet 


Number of returns 

ear Per cent of total 
Total Taxable 

able Tax- | Non- 

able |taxable 

NOES SS aeRO OER Sead 357, 698 }\_0 2h a eee ola. coos 

NO14 25 ee ne ete Be eeeanecosee 357; 616 \\222520 5k ee a a ee el ccoaces 

OTH Ree ee i ee Soecactesne 336;'652" |2 2 ee ae | sae | so owen 
ROT GECE 2 oe eee ried ore eS STE ee 437, 036 362, 970 74, 066 83 17 
NOU pee eae ee nae aaron as 3, 472,890 | 2,707, 234 765, 656 78 22 
OT GUreeee ae CRANE _ ORAL. ee cues 4,425,114 | 3,392,863 | 1,032, 251 77 23 
1S Se ee 5, 332, 760 | 4, 231, 181 1, 101, 579 79 21 
GP Ee ee ae 7, 259, 944 | 5,518,310 | 1,741,634 76 24 
Dy} Sa So ees Se ee ee 6 ee ee 6, 662,176 | 3,589,985 | 3, 072,191 54 46 
ipod Se ee eee 6, 787,481 | 3,681,249 | 3, 106, 232 54 46 
1p et A ee eee | 7,698,321 | 4,270,121 | 3,428, 200 55 45 
4 {72 ee ee 7, 369,788 | 4,489,698 | 2,880, 090 61 39 
Tht Aye ee eo ee a ed ee 4,171, 051 2, 501, 166 1, 669, 885 60 40 
UO} a) he oe Le a eee 4,138,092 | 2,470,990 | 1,667,102 60 40 
ThE URN a a ee 4,101,547 | 2,440, 941 1, 660, 606 59 41 

Net income 





Income and profits taxes in individual returns, calendar years 19138 to 1927 ! 

Tax before tax credits 
r Credits 
Year Be against tax ? 
Normal tax Surtax gain 1214 Total 
per cent 
a Ae) Ue eee a ead $12, 728, 038 $15;:525, 497) 2a eee S28) 2oSnbsb nN see se eee nee 
1h) ROY ee Sa 16, 559, 493 24, 486.669) |p ee 4104631620). - ee ee 
19) WSs eee, 2 23, 995, 777 43947, B18 = cee oe Sees Gy ALS Rit ee Se 
VO1G2 Ss Heat = 51, 440, 558 121, 946; 136) |2235 nt ee ease 1735350; O040|— 5-32 soo ooee ee 
19) by ae ears ee 156, 897, 441 433 345,732,222 saan ee 8°3965630! (19a) te Ce 
ih?) eee 476, 432,808. | 651,289,027 |=2-- 2222 eee aee W272), Sapeleea aa oe ee 
1OIGE Secs Seat she. 468, 104, 801 801, 525,.303.)|- 2 = eee 1,269), 630,104; | eee oS eee 
G20 2 yee eaee ea hk 478, 249, 919 596; 803: 767. | 2252 eee 11075; 053,686 | 2 sce eee 
Ths) ies ea a 308; 050,422 | 411 307-684), lain aan FIOISST A106 | io ee 
AQMD OIELE ASD 355, 409, 840 | 474,581,111 | $31,066,357 | 861,057,308 |_____.---___-_- 
ADDS. Seu e 0a 378, 387,954 | 464,918,056 | 38,915,500 | 882, 221, 510 | 4 $220, 555, 377 
NOVA] =) one ce 257, 794, 728 437,540,797 | 48, 603, 064 743, 938, 589 39, 673, 199 
AO D5 Seley ge 216, 360,163 | 432,853,170 | 117,570,971 | 766, 784, 304 32, 229, 121 
1926) 422 eos o 200, 599, 384 448, 330, 446 112, 509, 705 761, 439, 535 28, 968, 745 
LOZ 722 ste ees oh 215, 817, 075 511, 731,376 | 134,033,966 | 861, 582, 417 30, 942, 983 
i | 


$28, 253, 535 
41, 046, 162 
67, 943, 595 

173, 386, 694 

3 896, 630, 719 
1, 127, 721, 835 
1, 269, 630, 104 
1, 075, 053, 686 

719, 387, 106 

861, 057, 308 

661, 666, 133 

704, 265, 390 

734, 555, 183 

732, 470, 790 

830, 639, 434 

_ Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. Amounts shown for 1913-1915, inclusive, are receipts for fiscal 
year ended June 30, immediately following, as shown in annual report of commissioner of Internal Revenue, 
which receipts include fines, penalties, additional assessments, etc. 
amount reported on returns. 

2 Includes credit of 25 per cent of tax on earned income and credit of 12}4 per cent on capital net loss and 
excludes credit for income and profits taxes paid to a foreign country or a possession of the United States 
and credit for income tax paid at source. 

3 Includes war excess-profits taxes of $101,249,781 on individuals and of $103,887,984 on partnerships. 

4 25 per cent reduction provided for in section 1200 (a) of revenue act of 1924. 

1916 and subsequent years tax is 


Number of individual returns, calendar years 1914 to 1927, by income classes ! 

Income classes 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 
Ee COS Eo ee See Se || 1, 640, 758 | 1,516,938 | 1,924,872 | 2,671, 950 
AU TUD TAD ESC 018 See ET Ee ee ee ee ree 838, 707 | 1,496,878 | 1, 569, 741 | 2, 569, 316 
Sa: 0ftO po, 000__ ane 149,279 | 127,994 | 157, 149 560, 763 932, 336 | 1, 180,488 | 1, 337, 116 
$5,000 to $10,000___---.-- eae 127, 448 120, 402 150, 553 270, 666 319, 356 438, 851 455, 442 
$10,000 to $25,000__..--------- 58, 603 60, 284 80, 880 112, 502 116, 569 162, 485 171, 830 
$25,000 to $50,000__----------- 14, 676 17, 301 23, 734 30, 391 28, 542 | 37, 477 38, 548 
$50,000 to $100,000_----------- 5, 161 6, 847 10, 452 12, 439 9, 996 13, 320 12, 093 
$100,000 to $150,000_.---.----- 1, 189 1, 793 2, 900 3, 302 2, 358 | 2, 983 2, 191 
$150,000 to $300,000__---.----- 769 1, 326 2, 437 2, 347 1, 514 1, 864 1, 063 

,000 to $500,000 a eS es 216 376 714 559 382 425 239 
$500,000 to $1,000,000---.----- 114 209 376 315 178 189 123 
$1,000,000 and over_---------- 60 120 206 141 67 65 33 

Motalezets Sees e to: . 357,515 | 336,652 | 2 429,401 | 3, 472,890 | 4,425, 114 | 5, 332, 760 | 7, 259, 944 

Income classes 1921 1922 1923 1924 | 1925 1926 1927 
Wxiderel,000-2.....-.--..- 401, 849 402, 076 368, 502 344, 876 | 98, 178 119, 513 126, 745 
$1,000 to $2, (11) Deeper ereremees 2, 440, 544 | 2,471,181 | 2,523,150 | 2,413, 881 | 1,071,992 | 1, 045, 519 996, 098 
$2,000 HOY oo} O00. e-- 52-552 2, 222, 031 | 2,129, 898 | 2,472, 641 | 2, 112, 993 842, 528 837, 792 855, 762 
a,000't0/ $5,000..--22 2. 1, 072, 146 | 1,190,115 | 1, 719,625 | 1,800, 900 | 1,327,683 | 1, 240, 400 | 1, 209, 345 
$5,000 to $10,000 Leh See 353, 247 391, 373 387, 842 437,330! 503,652 | 560, 549 567, 700 
$10,000 to $25,000_--_------ 132, 344 151, 329 170, 095 191,216 | 236,779 246, 730 252, 079 
$25,000 to $50,000_...------ 28, 946 35, 478 39, 832 47,061 | 59, 721 57, 487 60, 123 
$50,000 to $100,000__------- 8, 717 12, 000 12, 452 15, 816 | 20, 958 20, 520 22, 573 
$100,000 to $150,000 ee eeeee s 1, 367 2,171 2, 339 3, 065 | 4, 759 4, 724 5, 261 
$150, 000 to $300,000_.------ 739 1, 323 1, 301 1, 876 3, 223 3, 267 3, 873 
$300,000 to $500,000 4 162 309 327 457 | 892 | 892 1, 141 
$500,000 to $1,000,000---..- 63 161 141 242 | 479 468 557 
$1,000,000 and over-.------ 21 67 74 75 | 207 231 | 290 

orale. = =< coe = 6, 662, 176 | 6, 787, 481 | 7, 698, 321 | 7, 369, 788 | 4,171,051 | 4,188,092 | 4, 101, 547 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

1 This total is exclusive of 7,635 returns of married women made separate from returns of husbands. In 
1916 the net income on returns filed separately by husband and wife is combined and the total appears as 
onereturn. Inall other years the returns of married women filed separately are included in their individual 
income classes independently of the husband’s income. 

Norte.—The returns for 1913 are omitted, as they pertain only to the last 10 months of that year. 

Individual returns, net income reported for calendar years 1916 to 1927, by income 

classes ! 
Net income 
Income classes 
1916 1917 2 1918 2 1919 2 19202 

CHO 0 i) kd SPOTS ee ee $2, 461, 137, 000) $2, 232, 354, 577) $2, 829, 113, 151|$4, 050, 066, 618 
S200 OIs O0Uras =o oe. 2 2 |2 2 ele le 2, 064, 977, 328] 3, 626, 824,833) 3, 807, 286, 365) 6, 184, 543, 368 
$3,000!t01S5, 0008) 8 =e $624, 669, 015 2, 115, 864, 601) 3,535, 219,007) 4, 513, 264, 030) 5, 039, 607, 239 
$5,000 to $10,000____--.-..._- 1, 037, 247, 977 1, 827, 508, 088! 2, 145, 690,016] 2, 954, 137, 253) 3, 068, 330, 963 
$10,000 to $25,000..._..._-.-- 1, 235, 015, 786 1, 687, 165, 619! 1, 736,548,050) 2,412, 275, 757) 2, 547, 904, 786 
$25,000 to $50,000__-_-_-- 822, 661, 658 1, 042, 320, 083 978, 042,710) 1, 277, 364, 635) 1, 307, 785, 113 
$50,000 to $100,000___ 722, 795, 474 846, 894, 335 679, 720, 737 896, 497, 209} 810, 386, 333 
$100,000 to $150,000__-_-- 357, 355, 318 400, 492, 040 284, 106, 740) 358, 392, 923 265, 511, 505 
$150,000 to $300,000____-_____ 505, 859, 406 474, 651, 960 305, 024, 817, 371, 148, 536 213, 138, 673 
$300,000 t0'S500; 0002. = 2-2. 271, 938, 017 209, 904, 969 144, 545, 428 159, 070, 948) 89, 313, 552 
$500,000 to $1,000,000. _______ 256, 771, 325 214, 631, 270 119, 075, 548) 128, 290, 396) 79, 962, 894 
$1,000,000 and OVGRses. 522 464, 263, 644 306, 835, 914 137, 486, 892! 152, 650, 245) 77, 078, 139 

cL ale I SE 6, 298, 577, 620! 13, 652, 383, 207) 15, 924, 639, 355) 19, 859, 491, 448/23, 735, 629, 183 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 
2 Net income for returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 



Individual returns, net income reported for calendar years 1916 to 1927, by income 

Net income 
Income classes 
19212 19224 1923 2 19242 

nder:s1 O00 822-22 2 ee re a $218, 849, 934 $247, 564, 383 $252, 513, 019 $235, 451, 546 
$1,000 to $2,000 3, 620, 761, 768 3, 630, 570,922 | 3, 693, 641, 547 3, 564, 474, 084 
$2,000 to $3,000. 5, 325, 931, 265 5, 153, 497, 468 | 6, 073, 443, 625 5, 277, 147, 446 
“BYE DOR LLC eS Se Se 4, 054, 891, 244 | 4, 500, 557,809 | 6, 469, 194, 945 6, 827, 924, 126 
SS NOOOItO SLO OO0 2 Sea ae ee eee 2, 378, 759, 237 | 2, 641,904,702 | 2,653, 026, 193 2, 991, 187, 905 
BAO OOD tO S20 00.8 a See Seen Eo 1, 958, 156, 206 | 2, 255, 871,780 | 2, 538, 079, 115 2, 855, 396, 811 
25,000 tomss0 000! 2 eee. col. 979, 629,305 | 1, 208, 273,932 | 1, 350, 680, 468 1, 599, 848, 363 
MT OO0 tO > 100; 000 ee ane e ae oes | 582, 230, 218 805, 223, 854 833, 898, 237 1, 066, 783, 643 
100;080 ‘to $150;00022-- 4-2-2 | 163, 520, 999 260, 2038, 553 280, 656, 213 377, 644, 950 
SLO O00 TO; S800! OO ae aes Be tes 145, 948, 047 266, 814, 381 260, 584, 012 374, 609, 374 
PSUO U0 LO OOO OUUe- eee cee sre ee | 61, 342, 550 116, 672, 075 124, 569, 194 171, 248, 552 
$500}000 to $1,000,000... ---....... = 42, 780, 426 107, 670, 678 95, 107, 209 158, 462, 179 
S17 000000 ANG OVER ae een eens saa occu ek 49, 411, 329 141, 386, 993 152, 071, 881 | 155, 974, 475 

HM ANS ee 19, 577, 212, 528 | 21, 336, 212, 530 | 24, 777,465,658 | 25, 656, 153, 454 

Net income 
Income classes 
19252 19262 19273 

TOAST ETL Ye ee Oe ee Se $58, 305, 538 $67, 237, 548 $72, 230, 684 
UTD TD EP DO ed eee Site 1, 774, 601, 508 1, 747, 917, 122 1, 645, 575, 700 
~ PCED OCS He a ee eee ae. 2, 047, 969, 883 | 2, 042, 903, 198 2, 062, 275, 084 
CBHEED OCS 1 6 ee Se I a a ere ee 5, 236, 003, 283 | 4, 872, 788, 835 4, 700, 816, 426 
ERT ORL CLIN) aac e pte eee 8 ee eee 3, 463, 852,012 | 3, 838, 953, 366 3, 895, 759, 157 
PO UO tones UO ase eee le. 2 i eee 3, 544, 898,379 | 3, 660, 622, 482 3, 748, 057, 507 
RDOTOCU ELD ERDUTOOD tae oe ee oe ecicc ome ecto we ec ts ee 2, 032, 239, 284 1, 954, 653, 219 2, 051, 770, 684 
CHET TD TO ST) Das Oa ee eae 1, 418, 948, 285 | 1, 389, 339, 134 1, 535, 387, 374 
SIOUOUU COIS IDO OU0snet erates noc obo cece cocc enone ee 572, 859, 982 570, 189, 915 , 018, 520 
OO OOD LOSS OO ODDS en wa 8 ie ee 655, 300, 217 661, 411, 549 787, 270, 255 
HOM COMO OL ODU see ncn ase 2 to SU? oe eee 339, 773, 657 340, 214, 162 431, 121, 727 
POU CULO SIN econ ooo STE eee 327, 367, 523 317, 881, 202 378, 166, 589 
SOOO OOD ANG OMGre sere ee ok LP ER ee 422, 456, 852 494, 393, 917 600, 640, 846 

Oa a ao ra Fe 2! 21, 894, 576, 403 | 21,958, 505, 649 | 22, 545, 090, 553 

4 Net income for returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 


Individual returns, tax reported for calendar years 1916 to 1927, by income classes } 

Income classes 
1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 
Sum tO) S2;000. 2. as aee bee ap ol Be | $16, 243,504 | $26, 481, 602 $24, 696, 200 $36, 859, 732 
SEAL VOROL SENG OE Ree A EAI i EE 9, 097, 378 35, 415, 344 28, 257, 861 45, 507, 821 
Sct GO'$5, 000). 2s eee 8D $775, 804 | 18, 283, 457 | 82, 928, 720 75, 914, 847 83, 496, 116 
woud, tO: $10,000. 2223432252 .- == 6, 301,183 | 44, 066, 389 | 93, 057, 963 91, 537, 910 97, 886, 033 
LO}000' T0)$25:000-<2225~--=..-=- 11, 637, 014 80, 695, 149 142, 448, 679 164, 832, 523 172, 259, 321 
$25;000 to $50;00022- 222... 11, 602, 681 76, 593, 344 130, 240, 648 154, 946, 343 154, 265, 276 
$50,000 to $100, (C0 ee 16, 298, 587 85, 027, 556 147, 428, 655 186, 357, 608 163, 717, 719 
$100,000 to $150, QOD S82 5. = 2-22 12, 423, 481 55, 766, 236 95, 680, 064 118, 705, 303 86, 587, 694 
$150,000 to $300,000 eee re 24, 007, 267 86, 718, 157 136, 155, 916 163, 695, 349 92, 604, 423 
$300,000 to $500,000___---------- 17, 951, 410 50, 227, 598 | 79, 164, 847 86, 031, 032 47, 043, 461 
$500, 000 to $1,000,000__..-.----- 20, 901, 911 59, 349, 187 69, 834, 148 76, 228, 132 45, 641, 005 
$1,000,000 and over_.----------- 51, 487, 356 | 109, 424, 999 88, 885, 249 99, 026, 996 49, 185, 085 
Ot ee 8 ee se. tod 173, 386, 694 | 691, 492, 954 | 1, 127, 721, 835 | 1, 269, 630, 104 | 1, 075, 053, 686 
Income classes 
1921 1922 1923 1924 
| | 
UUReVa GIP SSO 0 Die EES ole ie ea ee eee $173, 678 $246, 636 $316, 602 $145, 629 
PRUE ED) 8.0) OS ea ee 29, 160,654 | 27,081, 089 18, 252, 646 10, 432, 394 
$2, 000 iho: ESA a Pe Se eee ane ee 20, 712, 373 20, 729, 737 16, 605, 972 10, 207, 284 
$3,000 to $5,000 iso 2 oe ee ee ee eee 42, 743, 604 47, 533, 306 46, 048, 427 26, 865, 387 
EMRE LO O00 21 aiken 22 SNOUT LES Tyee ee i 68, 871,422 | 70,387,912 | 54, 074, 735 28, 827, 944 
$10,000 to $25, (C100 SE 22S 5 So Pe oe ee 126, 886, 410 123, 575,960 | 103, 109, 350 78, 068, 669 
COSTED DNICORG AT OH 0 Can = ae ee I A Se ERTS a 112, 909, 840 125, 697, 249 | 103, 600, 750 109, 359, 811 
$50,000 BOTS 100; 0004 samt RL bee 2 = SR eae 3 Se 115, 711, 635 144, 092,555 | 108, 878, 597 136, 636, 004 
LOG OOO KEG i190) 00022 o oe oe Sasso - ole 52, 330, 056 71, 337, 246 55, 719, 390 75, 677, 735 
RRS MUGMOROUO;OUU e = a2 ee = 2a a= oe a8 61, 495,988 | 98,810,408 | 62, 104, 203 92, 480, 898 
$300,000 to $500,000___ 31, 859, 630 43, 488, 227 31, 668, 552 45, 771, 131 
$500,000 to $1,000,000- 25,112,090 | 38, 559,344 | 25, 498, 434 42, 585, 301 
SPIRO ANG OVELS 2.08. 2-0 22 22 oS 31, 419, 726 49, 517, 639 35, 788, 475 47, 207, 203 
‘That Eee eo? ed 719, 387, 106 861, 057, 308 | 661,666,133 | 704, 265, 390 
| Tax 
Income classes 
1925 1926 1927 
be he Rae Ls SE eS ee 
Seema ee ORT ek i ee $68, 557 $55, 538 | $39, 980 
SHC EIMIO SEU TIE Cl Re Se ee ee ee eee 1, 704, 087 1, 761, 233 1, 233, 658 
SEDI) SSH D0 Ws sens i eee 2am eae a eT a, } 3, 809, 422 4, 216, 702 3, 970, 412 
SEL OTe Te eS ee ee eee oe eee | 8, 326, 214 7, 245, 433 6, 508, 177 
SRE LT ey SUH OE 02 SS See aE, ee SR i een 2S oe Ce Ss pee ee a ig 20, 272, 195 20, 664, 502 

=| 74, 171, 952 72, 464, 803 74, 225, 906 

$10,000 to $25,000_- 
| 120, 688,692 | 112, 796, 680 119, 475, 301 

PRU ODS IT CN eae ee a Oe ee eae | 147,842) 780 | 140, 946, 589 156, 674, 952 
SECT 0 7 2 AS I a Ra ee 79, 471, 792 77,900,137 | 87, 397, 904 
TROD ho UG TS a os Bee eee 7 ee Sane 103, 058,819 | 103, 997, 156 123, 775, 837 
Sa OU TOEEOras) ta ae aay te ee | 55, 721, 982 55, 255, 627 73, 750, 177 
See OUO Onin CR) GOUESS 2. = 4. 2 Ses a eee 53, 674, 188 53, 665, 366 64, 265, 391 
$1,000,000 sie! ao RRR > Fae Sama a a ea 66, 867, 521 81, 893, 331 | 98, 657, 237 

Bat al: oseeeeee oO ae oer AE. 734, 555,183 | 732,470, 790 830, 639, 434 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. Distribution of income classes under $5,000 estimated, based 
on sample. (See p. 1.) 



Individual returns, average amount of tax and average rate of tax by 


calendar years 1916 to 1927 } 

income classes 

1916 1917 1918 1919 

Aver- Aver- Aver- Aver- 

Income classes Average Sd Average rate Average a a Average Bet 
tax of tax tax of tax tax of tax | tax of tax 

per return (per per return (per per return (per per return (per 

cent) cent) cent) cent) 
Pi OOObONbe OOOE esse b aes Be fs $9.90) 0.66 $17.46} 1.19 $12. 83} 0.87 
tt OO TEN pO OC eet anes ee A ee EL 10. 85 . 44 23. 66 . 98) 18.00} .74 
$3,000 to $5,000 -_____- $4.94] 0.12 32. 60 . 86 88.95} 2.35 64.31) 1.68 
$5,000 to $10,000 ______- 41. 85 Gil 162.80) 2.41 291.39) 4.34 208. 59} 3.10 
$10,000 to $25,000-_-____ 143. 88 . 94 717.27| 4.78) 1, 222.01) 8. 20, 1,014. 45) 6.83 
$25,000 to $50,000 _ -____ 488.86} 1.41 2, 520. 26} 7.34 4, 563.12) 13.32: 4, 134.44} 12.13 
$50,000 to $100,000 _ _ ___ in SE ESTA ee hess) 6, 835. 56} 10. 04 14, 748. 76} 21. 69 13, 990. 81) 20. 79 
$100,000 to $150,000 _ __- 4, 283.96) 3.48} 16,888.62} 13.92 40, 576. 79) 33. 68 39, 793. 93] 33. 12 
$150,000 to $300,000 _ - _- 9,851.16} 4.75) 36,948.51) 18.27 89, 871.89] 44. 64! 87, 497. 50) 43. 94 
$300,000 to $500,000 _ _ _- 25, 142.03} 6.60} 89,852.59} 23.93 207, 237. 82) 54. 77; 202, 425. 96} 54. 08 
$500,000 to $1,000,000___| 55,590.19) 8.14) 188,410.12) 27.638 392, 326. 67| 58. 65) 403, 323. 45) 59, 42 
$1,000,000 and over--_-- 249) 938.62) 11.09) 776,063.82) 35.65) 1, 326, 645.51) 64.65 1, 523, 492. 25) 64. 87 
General average_ 396.60} 2.75 199.11} 5.06 254.85! 7.08 238.08) 6.39 

1920 1921 1922 1923 

: Aver- Aver- Aver- Aver- 

Income classes age age 7 age age 

eres rate eee rate alee rate piverase rate 
er return of tax er return of tax er return of tax er return of tax 

P (per | P (per | P (per | P (per 

cent) cent) cent) cent) 
Wma erigt: 000s sts Aaee sb oot 2 eb. 2 s2 $0.43) 0.08 $0.61} 0.10 $0. 86} 0.13 
$1,000 to $2,000___-___- $13.80) 0.91 11. 95 . 81 10. 96 By (5 7.23) .49 
$2,000 to $3,000-----_-- 17. 71 14 9, 32 . 39 9. 73 . 40 B.cf2 | eae 
$3,000 to $5,000___-___- 62.44, 1.66 39.87} 1.05 39.94] 1.06 26. 7: nal 
$5,000 to $10,000______- 214,92} 3.19 194.97} 2.90 179.85) 2.66 139.42} 2.04 
$10,000 to $25,000_____- 1, 002.50} 6. 76! 958. 76} 6. 48 816.60) 5.48 606.19) 4.06 
$25,000 to $50,000_--__- 4,001.90} 11.80) 3,900.71} 11. 53 3, 542. 96} 10.40 2,600.94! 7. 67 
$50,000 to $100, O00F = = 13, 538. 22} 20. 20) 13, 274. 25| 19.87) 12,007.71) 17.89 8, 743. 86) 13. 06 
$100,000 to $150, O00ES== 39, 519.71) 32.61 38, 280.95) 32.00} 32,859.16} 27.42) 23,821.89) 19.85 
$150,000 to $300,000 _ _ _- 87,116.11) 43. 04) 83, 215.14] 42.14! 74,686.63) 37.03] 47, 735. 74| 23.83 
$300,000 to $500,000_-_ _- 196, 834. 56} 52. 67) 196, 664.38) 51.94) 140,738.60) 37.27) 96,845.72) 25.42 
$500,000 to $1,000,000___ 371, 065.08} 57.08 398, 604.30) 58.70) 239,499.03) 35.81] 180, 839.96) 26.81 
$1,000,000 and over_---.| 1, 490, 457.12) 63.81} 1,496,177.43| 63.59) 739,069.24) 35.02) 483, 628. 04| 23. 53 
General average_ 148.08) 4.53 107.98) 3.67 126.86) 4.04 85.95) 2. 67 

1924 1925 1926 1927 

- 1 AVer- ) Aver- | Aver- AvVer- 

ncome classes age age ‘ age - age 
eeerage rate of fy oreee rate of A YErREE rate of AN GISEE rate of 

per return ree per return ee per returu ar per return Hee 

cent) cent) cent) cent) 

Wrdersl5 000. S22. fee She te ee $0.42) 0.06) $0. 7 0. 12 $0.46, 0.08 $.32| 106 
$1000't0'$2;000). — = =. 3 = 4,32 . 29) 1.59 . 10 1.68 .10 1.24, .07 
$2:000 tons 000s== sa. saseees en 4, 83 . 19] 4. 52 .19 5. 03 S21 4.63} .19 
$3,000 to $5,000. - 2.222 22-2422 14. 92 . 39 6. 27 .16 5. 84 ~ 16 5.38}. 14 
$53000/t0'$10,000 22222. Seats. 65. 92 . 96 38. 02 55 36. 16 «62 36.40) .53 
S10;000:toig25;000)) 222-282 ee 408.27) 2.73} 313. 26] 2.09 293.70) 1.98 294.45; 1.98 
$20, 000)60 1950) 00022222 522223 2 = 2,323. 79| 6.84) 2,020.85) 5.94 1,962.12} 5.77) 1,987.18) 5.82 
$50,000 to $100,000____._._____- 8, 639. 10) - 12. 81) 7, 054. 24; 10.42 6, 868. 74) 10. 14 6, 940. 81) 10. 20 

$100,000 to $150,000_____._____- 24, 690.94; 20.04) 16,699.26) 13.87] 16,490.26] 13. 66 16, 612. 41) 13. 7 
$150,000 to $300,000_.-...--__-- 49, 296. 85; 24.69] 31,976.05) 15.73] 31,832.61) 15.72) 31, 958.64! 15. 72 
$300,000 to $500,000___-_._.____- 100, 155. 65| 26.73) 62,468.59) 16.40] 61,945.77) 16.24) 64, 636. 44) Wee el 
$500,000 to $1, 000, O00 onc are 175, 972.32} 26.87) 112,054.67} 16.39] 114, 669.58} 16.88 115, 377. 72| 16. 99 
$1,000,000 and over_.---.--_--- 629, 429. 37| 30. 27) 323, 031. 50} 15. 83} 354, 516. 58] 16. 56) 340, 197. 36) 16.42 
General average____--.-- 95. 56| 2. 74 176.11) 3:35 177.00] 3. 33| 202. 52) 3.68 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 

individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

on sample. 

(See p. 1.) 

Distribution of income classes under $5,000 estimated, based 



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‘OT 940U UI peqriiosep sv solIeIONpy JO eulODUT JT6] Ul ‘xeq WOT 
‘OI6I UI ,,SSOUISNG ,, Ul pepnjouy “040 ‘4e4Se [BEI IO B[BS TOT] SIYOI ¢ 
‘OT 940U UI peqtiosep 
SB ‘selivionpy Jo pue (6 pur ‘g ‘) SejoU eds ‘sedINOS 10140 UT POpNOUT sJUNoUIe UIe{100 4de0xe) [ZS PUP SIGT JO SJOB ONUEADI OY} UI Peuyep sv sUOI}eIOdI0N BdTAJOS [BUOSIEd JO ETTODUT 
SOPN[OUI JUNOUIL OY} ‘PAISNIOUL ‘TZ6T 0} SIGI UL “9T6T Ul ,,SSOUISNG,, YIIA poye[ngey, ‘6 pus ‘g ‘Z ‘9 SeJOU eS ‘sedIMOS 10440 UL pepnjouy sdiysseu4zied Woy oULOOUT UIEIIOD 5 
*g pus ‘fF ‘Z SOJOU 99Q ¢ 
, SSoulsng ,, U10IJ eUIODUT Jo Ted SB 10 ,,SOLIV[VS PUL SOSE A ,, JOPUN OUMIODTI SB IOy4IO poy1Ode1 91OM SolIe[es 
pus sesBA YONS FZ6] 0F JOIIG ‘“[VNPIAIpUI oy} Aq peyonpuod ssouIsnq 94} WO. PeAtiop ‘sIOUTUT yUepUEedep JO ‘ojIM SITY ‘[BNPIAIPUI 94} JO solre[es puw sesvM YONS JO OAISN[OXG 



The following tables, A, B, and C, show for citizens and residents 
of the United States the minimum income for which income-tax 
returns are required, the personal exemption, credits for dependents, 
and tax rates under the revenue acts of 1913 to 1928, inclusive. 

A. Individuals required to file returns, personal exemption, 
credit for dependents, and normal tax rates under the 
revenue acts, 1913 to 1928, inclusive. 

B. Surtax rates under the revenue acts, 1913 to 1928, inclusive. 

C. Supplemental income taxes and tax credits under the reve- 
nue acts of 1917 to 1928, inclusive. 

(quo Jo ssorppy) 

Quo3e zo [enpraypuy Jo omnjeus;s) 

sed 3u o[qesud 31 Aju poydesou og I]! 3383p PUw sysYD 

TON (Ze 'd 9B) “6Z—ZSLLE 

uanjer Jo doz 32 ,, popucwiy,, peyseut oq anus usnjoa papuoure uy 
(orn) (qavo duyo1s;m] UIpE Jeo NGO Jo ornyWN3}g) 

ees Oia Seen an waiedesasencences| [ecesennessaw mnmees een eremh anESes saceaap neo sewee merecanerscecece 


IY} OUT SIOJaq Paquosqns pus 0} WIOMG 

"OCOL dO ep 

(OTT 8177 TO pens oq AsNUT JOJoI0q) TOSOL ON} ‘WHORE Aq OpuUT s} WIN}0I JT) 

*yooroq} Aq0y}Ne JapuN ponsst suoepnFoy oy} pus ‘gzGT JO Wy ONUdAdY oy} 07 guBnsind ‘pozes sv vad a[qexvy dy} IOJ YWIEJ pood ut apeur wuMyax 949;d M109 put onsy vst 
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as oa eo See CD aro) a ae Sean eae (2 UREIT JO QOOO'SS Fea peg (HF pur (ep “Sp “Re SuIAIT JOY 
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worens[-mneen========"|-1701SSassod “g *() 10 AagUNoOd UddI05 r pate “(9g pus ‘2¢ ‘9g ‘cz Suroqy 
BO} pred saxty s}yolg pu oulodut “zo (28 0194] JO QOD'FS Puodos ayy JO [0}0}) aWODUT JON pause uo xv, iL “62 
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pao |e. Se) eS See pommen comronserennn=gi—--~--"---= (Be SNUIUE Le UlazT) DOUBLE 
$) (6p PUB SP SuIA}T WOON een ae y 5 
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S80J 10 UBL) [BzIdBD JO; quaUNsN[py “Ep IOAO 4OU) % S47 4 a]qQuxez yunoury “ge (€8 PHT 30%) XBL IFUHON “92 
me pormnnnnrneg-mmrnn-== (ye SNUIMT Of WO}T) OOURLE “SF (gg snurur Tg ureqy) aounpegE “7g [fp $8 WAT Jo % 4 T) XBL, [euIONY “oz 
a aoe "(0g max]) eMMODUT YON pourUgT cat lea, ear ain es Ge pue “pg ‘ge ‘ee SuIAgT JO [BION 9G Pn um ‘ 
fe | BO SRL JO % ES JO BIPAID ssoT “Lb ee a 4 | TaA0 oouRTEd) % A es Ao ee “FZ 
$ masse (Gpipuel rT Selene 5 |! We Slee -squepuadeg Joy4rparp (1% Wo4] JO O00‘'FS Puodas 
SUI9}] JO [G}0}) DUTOOUT JaN UO XBT, “OF a4} JOAO Jou) %e ye ajqexe} yunomy ‘ez 
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a -onijsuy 99S) QT UWIa}T UO XBVING “CF OY} IBA0 You) % Sey 4B ajquxey yunoury “zz 
r=" (Tp Wax] JO %C) XBL, [SULION “PF poms prommnmmnnnnnl= (3 Wr94]) 949 ‘spuog, par er “——""(9B SNUIUL GT WO4J) OOUTCY “1Z 
Aqsaqyy uo 4sozaquy “ge ||___| 
"(OF waz] JO %E) XBT, [CUION “Ep Fim wlince Mame RRR See RC WesOUG a ilaee gies a (0% WoNonsysuy 9as) syuapuadacy 103 
Wa}J) sSpuaplarq ssoyT “ze peg pus uoyjduraxg| yeuosiagq ssavy “og 
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X ; Gz woRenaysuy 99s) KVL AC NOILVLNdWOD 
SS a pitsosrte see ea eee pany eee: (LT We4qy SNUIUr OT UIdyy) SWOONT Tayy “BT 
SS a ee erm emer ies iat eames sama ga Te aan [a [AS ae QL OL TI SWaLT NI SNOILONaTG TYLOJ, Sie 
pears ee alc 22 = 23-20 emeseseeseo=== (gf omMporag UF uIN{drg) avery Aq pazwoyyny suosnpag 19430 “9T 
(a aqnpoyog uy uyepdxsy) *SUOIZNGIIyGOD “CT 
“(4 empeqog ur uredrg) “s}qeq prg “FT 
Eesra5 jeeaaas al rae Fa; lipaas || aaa: REA Gaecaaala Saat SEER GaESRES SStesse> Sse eee @% eed uo gQrL ur udrg) “dja “MII0}G ‘amg Aq sosso'T “S] 
maneileaeeli see nl (aX empeqas ur ursdxg) “pled saxey, “ZT 
Fe nee | ae aaa eas ee SCENE BEDE Gal "tas Sa BT PET “Bry Hi Ta LTE ae je tite ~ preg 4s010}UT “TTL 
On on ER RRS mand tei SPR ENS HMR SL —F---- Soon“ epronne ons SC. co | vio ef eee BRONSON NI CNOONT AVEO R, “OL 
es SS eee eS a Sac 
dishiinhanis: Vea iaina ici bahia pnemh, msinela tile SS eee aes ia as | aa saa Soe ee CY 
(emoouy Jo eye eymI) *(SUOTZEIOdIOD UBZrer0J Jo YO0}S UO PaAlavaI SpuapIAIp BuIpnypoul) outooduy 19y3O “6 
sens ras Trremrereemaroonn== (Gr ompaqag word) *099 ‘spuog AzIaqIT uO qsaIa4UT aquxey, -g 
a fe a eae a suorytiodsoy o1jsem0q] Jo 490}g uO spuapraiq 2B) 
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a a aa | a a aaa a ae aa ie) (ssorppB pus ourea ows) “sdrqsiaujzIGg WoIy OMIODUT “fF 
=== “=== 99NOgG 4B Pltg SUA XBT, B YOY A, uody spuog yuBaeAoy aazj-xUJ, UO YSaroyUT (0D) 
bearer preconee| Paseas so iesese cess, ~-- (gomnos 48 pred svat xu} yor codn qsaroqur ydaoxa) *a}0 ‘spuog uolyerodi0H ‘sojony ‘syisodaq yurg uo 4sorazUy “¢ 
penen=)-nonnnnn|annnana—|--=an-|annnanenananne See ene oo (rl mpanos MOLT iy, OISsaION] 10 SHOUTS WOT GULOOUP. “ZG 
mule Seelieae Tae See ee oes Sie ATS Sin MG Ap OMe ORER ML) Sorte GN Galt oLia | kak Lane ek Si aI fos. 
(a4 ompagog at armyaxg) (pesyecor toys troy; Tossad jo sseIPpU Pu eMeU o7}8j}g) “DJA ‘SUOISSTUIMIOD ‘sIDBA\ ‘SATIVIEG “7 
prod sacuadzy 77019994 JUnOWY “ON CoNIUysUy 

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Japun (aj1M IO puegsny uBYy} Jay40) suosiod yuapuadap AuvUT MOF, 
me ~aduvyo Jo ainyeu pus ayep oyeq3 ‘avad 04} Suimnp 
posusyo 9 pus g suoljsanb 04 yaadsaa ur snjB4s 4nOA Jy * 

quas SBA YI OIOTLM ado 8,10}09]]09 

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L OJIM JO puwqsny Jo awieu ajeyg “Pp 

~- JaJLM pu puBgsny jo 
tunjor 4urol B sty} ST “gE 

a ommmmmnnnnmnnnse= nok 04 paysier Ajasojo are OYA pjoyasnoy anod ur Suray suossed oiout cleo taeda as chara anced Pere 47003 FT SBAL DOGO SLOP aT[OF) FEY OF 
to 9u0 Zurj1bddns wok ajqexe, snod Jo Aup yset ayy UO NOK orOA\ “Jou JT “9 “9Z6L 103 UINJar B pag Nod JT *S 
TSS ee Pina Vacs eA ery ARC EY.N= (OF: E aber aa (ov (ole2| SY YUE] fave (TLE (OVKGY (UU (0 I icone naples chal ecg es be oes vine ean 48978}S) P2}tG/), 947. JO. 
pusqsny YyIM Sutay pus patieut nod araAy *G quapIsar 10 TeZV19 GB NOA Vy “T 
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RDPB) 2 epee) ef. Se Ee 0) ee eee eee ee 


queurseg 33931] 

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sooedg esayy, ur 2114 20N| OG 


SZ6L “ST YPaepy e40jeg 20 UO yr1ASIG INOY 10y oNnUPAeY FEUIAIU] Jo 10}D2T]0F OY) IPIA\ UMJoY sty, IPL] 

ZeC6L AeaX AeSPUsl[eD 410,j 



(duingjs s,1071pny) 


§ 1 

oi ates Sar are es 
Tvs y SINANTAOUdA) eTéT * 2 
oT TrewoadId “8 ane SANIWRAENY “L , ¥ | axgadasdag i | ao By XLUZIONT 40 ANH “T 


awk UL 8 suvod snolaeld “L (pavy Jo oatsnjoxg) BT JOOAISNOxT) | INIKAMINdDOV wILAy azaindoy “ (poyonsysa9D Gop As jo | soyu0 97%4s ‘sBuypijn 
Ue et er TOD a aur] Biavaoud "> Nanay zoy'g | Ttmaboy sav % Tiuawowr aoa, te) 



“—SojON Arnstedy, (a) 

se ere ar nares SapBogiyoD sFuraty (eM) Ainsvaiy, pus ‘ssoupajqapuy Jo saywoyrysay Aun 
~svay, ‘spuog % Yep pur '%y'% Meg ‘Wdee Amsuosy, ‘spuog % 4p PUT F Aqwoqry (p) 
SF anaes cae ape aaa brie aoe aac eoeo ca! S$9}e]G Paziug ayy jo sucissossod jo suoryssyqo pus “Y{GT ‘[ taquaydag 
910J2q JO UO PaNss! Ba}xB4S paz] Jo suolesyqo Jaqyo pus spuog %%4¢_ Aysoqry (9) 
~ popusadly sv yoy Yons Japun Jo ‘yoy uvoT ulLeg [Biapag Jopun pansstsayundag (9) 

Re Se Se Rae SE RO EE DE Se B1qQUIN|Oo. 
JO 4915481 34} JO “jooiey4 WoIsIAIpans [eorjIfod 10 ‘ArozLIIAy, ‘ays7]Q BJO Rueda (r) 

Soudnasa 40 a0 bsaxq KI nous wana GINMO LNOORY "f Ete BS S3ILIN93g UO SNOILVOTIGO “1 



SSS SSS = SS SS SS Se ne Ee EEL OB BL Pe ee 
Aysadoid Moy 37839 


4vaq fog *ojy | 209.¢ hog *o7y 

se Mer 270g) oa eer A) ny 1809 ‘9 Sree GaAITOaY INNOWY “F 


SS a re a ae eae aS ea gS a paunbow sai 

£y19d01d Moy 27049 

a10g aas1o09V R < 
slvq ‘£ ava 2 Zlyqd0ud 40 aNry “T 

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“anges ay} jo | o3vd uo ZG waz] Ul JIpodo B SB PoU!B[d Sox} S}yoid pus 
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dIvVd SAXVL “cl 

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“urns TeyIdeo ynoyIA poyndurod suIOUT sso1F 9N4 
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*poqsenbos uoyrurojur oy} Burald “gq ajnpayog ur [Ig 

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dy4 esTaIDUT 07 FUIPUd} puNy B JO syYyauoG [TOO] 4SUIVIT pessasse sexu} OpNou!l zou oq 
“ssauisnq uo SutAqed 10j 10 Azsadoid ssautsng UO SAXvy ZI BUI] UO JojUGT—‘sexBy, 
“SSOUISNG OY} OF PAUZAPB JO UT pozS@AuT jvyidva UO Jjasunod 0} 4sSarazUT ApNjour 
you OG *S19Y}O 0} SSaUPa}qapUl SsauISNG UO 4S2de{UI [] AULT UO J0yUq—"jseseqUy 
-aTquonpop 4OU St YOIYA ‘payu St UaNged QuIOL B JL OFM JO puvgsny JO ‘uarpyTgo 
Journ yuapuadap INO jo SaotAsas ayy JO SadtAses INO IOJ WOIVBSUNd 109 4daoxe £Z auYT 
uO |, JOQUT,, SB PapNjoul yOU sodBM PUT salinyes [|G OT WITT UO JoyUGT—"sateyRS 
“OBIT msoy ‘Rsoyusauy fo ayvorfiiag ¥V UINAI S14} JO 4ivd v sv aly PUT anuaray [wusOpUy 
JO JOzOITOD BY} Woy aINdas ‘JOJOeJ Aulonposd-awooul uv st asipuRyosour JO avs JO 
‘aguyoind ‘uoranpod ay} Yor ar UL SseusNq JO apBly B UI pedvTuG JJ —‘saTIOjUeAUT 
*aZ1BY9 DoIAIaS IO oud 
Q[es 94} WOIJ SAOUTAO][T 10 syUNODSIP AUT ssay ‘sdd]Aras JO SayeS TOT] BYCIa0aT [b}O} 
eq} V a[Npayag Jo [ oury uo JozUq—worssazosd 10 SSauIsng w10Ij S}diadal [BIOL 
‘oqo ,,dauivy,, ,,“Aatmey,, ,,{40}00p,, 
,{fipunty,, ,,{a10}8 Bnap,, ,,{Farmppopo pvezos,, ,,{A19001B,, sv ‘T adzd jo doy oy} 4B 
papiaoid aoeds oy} ul worssajord Jo ssauIsng 94} d¢\12s9q—"ssauIsnq Jo pury 
*poz0a][09 yunoWe uo 4yyoud ssoiry (f) puB fpazda{joo yuNouTY (a) ‘sores 
B8013 0} szyoid jo odeyUsoI0g (Pp) fsyyosd ssory (9) !plos spood jo 4sOD (9) fsaTvs ssO1n 
(p) :uorpeUs0suL BuIMO[[O} 949 ZZGT PUB ‘OZHI ‘STET_‘FZGI StBOA 919 JOJ Ajayuindaa 
SZumoys onpayos w usnjas ANOA OF Yyou}AT ysntu NOA ‘sajes quatuy|eySUL WoL) OWOD 
-UT ZuyyNdwM0d UL PoYyyoUT JUdWTTTe}SUT 9} pasn OATY NOL j]—'sayes MOMT]BSUT 
“uMyar sty} UO ‘XTaAQIedsad ‘g pu fg 
‘9 “7 sumazy WT papnypour oq prnoys ‘Az19doad jo sayus pv ‘syuor “Asosoquy ‘soyuyUs wody 
atmoouy = “jeuolydo st J OFOL MAO Jo Stuyy yy ‘siseq [BNs008 UT MO 4doy Orv yUNOoVAT JO 
BAO Wey Nod JY “UN Jad Siyy JO | aBvd uo Z Wj] Sv OIMOIU! WILY JOU 9Yy JOzU pu 
‘sasuadxny PUR aWOIUT UNE, JO ajNpIyog “TOFOL WAT UsNyeL S1q} OF YouIU puw 
*IOPIOT[OH 9Y} WO UIBYGO ‘sIsEq TSvo GUO SYood daay JO 4yuNodou.JO syooq ou dooy puu 
SOIEYS UO INO UIT] INOA Jud JO JaUIILy V 918 NOL JJ —A[Npayos smoony S,19MIBT 
caja ‘soyddas ‘soqey ‘yeuazetu 10j sasuadxe posmnour nod yaya jo Furuswe 044 
ur amoour Aut yiodas ‘jesou0d UT ‘auioIpaur Jo ‘may ‘As}SIQUAP SB _YaNs ‘@d].A\dos [RUOIT 
-sajorg (9) pus {939 ‘uoIyeyodsuvsy ‘aFv10}s “Buropuny ‘olAres aAvsvd puv AIAIT 
‘Qo1Adaa JUBANTASAL PUE J9I0Y ‘SyumMasNuIY st YyoNS ‘dIAJaS ssoursng (q) foungjna 
-1W38 pus ‘UOKONIysUOD ‘Huw ‘Furngoejnuear yo syonpoid Jo asipuByosoUt JO I/¥g 
(PD) :S90INOS FUIMO[[OF af} Woly Padwop awooUl opnjaur pynoys anpayas SiL 
; “ungar ayy Jo T oded 
UO Z Wax] SB (sso] JO) OMIOOU! you ay} JazUa puv ‘UAN}o1 Ot} Jo Z oud UO Y aynpaqog 
ul [[g ‘gunod08 UKO INOL UO UO\ssajoid v paoyoBd JO ‘ssauIsNg BV pouNo HOA JT 
“‘SuiZpoy, pas ‘spvour 
‘saivj pwos[ter JOJ semngipuadxa apnyour Ayutemypso sasuedxa Fuyoavay “guewoznj9 
payoezje av uo Jo ‘aanjad oy} Jo % aad UO J EyMpaqog ut pouryjdxe Aj~ny eq pynoys 
‘ssauisnq 10 apts; w JO yiNsund oy UL aMOY Wor AB.AVe QTY ‘sesuadxe Fuyoawsy sv yons 

“a40 ‘sojreivs ysuluse sasuadxa Auussovau Joy UOTONpep v se pawnyyio quNOUT AUy 
*paysanbat woljwunojut 

9Y} SutAid ‘AuyUa youve 10j aul aytivdas B as—, *"SAVINOS APIS}NO WO Po.tovo1 IO Aq 
pez !peid uoIyususdu0d Jatj}o 10 SalAT]ES []v ‘UIN}O1 AY} JO [ 93Ud UO | Tay] Su JORU 



ee) OO 


Ppam stab wonie Yhrsqowy dive tot vi 

‘ey se ou pogons 909 oo 919 aeygoere‘aopong Bao tana 
pee ae hn : vy here —_ 

( Sh iettaeray os Sr cep laizoy oq yshut 2zGT Awos wpuETBo OY} @uls9A00 
WON BUIOJUL JO suINjod yong “4ysanbor uodn anusaos [BUIOFU! JO 10}00][09 Aus Aq poyst 

8q [EN ‘uoreuojur yons Buysodor Joy ‘GGEOT PUB GOT SUE *7ua!drood OY} JO 
ssadpp¥ puv owvu ey) puv spuoWALd yons jo yanowY 97 Zuimoys ‘onuoroy [vusOFU: 
JO JOUOISSIUTAIOD 94} OF UANjer aywINOOe puk ons, G oxBUT oF posmnber st ‘dost 
‘patrem wo} osOUT IO QOG'Eg 410 ‘AreIONpy GIO ‘diqsyoujzed & ‘aossad asus B07 ‘wad 
AUpUa|w oy} FurNp sow 10 OOS‘ TS JO WOoUr efqwurMsa};op JO poxly Joyo 10 ‘sors 
-siummoo ‘s}U0r ‘gsquaqut ‘sodea ‘saneyes jo syuowded Aunpuur uosyed AroAgy 


: “pnvsy 0} anp jt Aouatoyop Jo yuNouTE jo 

F a to ‘pnvayja HOPUL ZNOYZIN SMONL|HFor PUG Sa[NI Jo prvsorstp [EUEYUOpUT 

es ot onan ap oy} Jo guNoWE aq) Jo UAO Jed G UONppe Ut ‘pus 

‘Jayava aly SE Oyp JaAoyayA ‘Spwaddy xvy, JO prvog, Oy} YBIA uoyned & ory 07 44a 

oy} JO JAAIBA BG JO Suyy 9yy Joye Avp yporjAIY} Ol} 0} JO ‘passossu sy ouotogep 24} 
a7up oy} OF tunuue Jod quae Jad g 48 Aoua!oyop UO ysor9}UT—Xe} Ur AQMaIgOP JOT 

*xu} oy} jo JunowT ee 

yo quao ad og ‘uoyppe Ur ‘pus ‘Yyj0q Jo ‘sivak OAY UBIZ e1OUT Jou JO yuoMMUOSHduy 
\! 7" OW JON—"UsNjad JUaNpneyy JO asyey ve Buryeur Ap[N[IM 107 

Jo QOO'OTS UTP e0UT FON jar jUaTNpnesy Tey eo oat io yuo 3k ib 

ao sod ‘goIppe ur ‘pus ‘yj30q 40 ‘IvOk QUO TUY} a1OUT 4OU Joy yUoWTUOSTIduy JO 
anne one Moet FON vataR WO WINjoI B 2[g pu HEU 0} DANjIey [NjZL[IM IOY 


*10,09]]0D ay} Aq putMep puv do1j}0 uodn pred oq [eys predun xq ey} Jo 
qunoms soya 04} FuouTATd zt Joy Paxy 9ep OY} UO pred you st yuOUTTTeISUT Aue JT 
“SZ6T ‘GT Jaquiacoq e10Jaq JO UO yUAUNT|RYSUT qANOJ 94} PUT ‘ZGT ‘ST saquiagdag asojaq 
40 UO BUaITTEISUL PIG, OY} ‘SZEI ‘GI UNF aiojoq JO wo pred aq [feYs yuoUN[BySUy 
puoves oy} ‘SZGr ‘ST YoueyY Odojaq Jo uo pred aq [[wYs yuoUT[EysUY yS1y oe os 

eT T Ey! ‘pay Ngor oy} us pred oq Avut xv} ou 
se ‘syue! sur Tenba anoy ur so st WINgor oT} UA pred oq Oy iL, ame 
“4 ed sou ‘jreur 94} YAnomyy ysvo puas you od 
8,10}09T10F) 94 48 4daoxe ‘uosiad ur 41 [reur 94 YsNozyy | . ete ce 
4198) 4B ONDA JBUIOZUT JO 10790][0D,,, JO JopIo ay} 0} WANAP J9pIo AUOUT Jo DOGO 
@ uMJoL OY} YA Buisuq Jo Surpuos Aq ‘apqrssod yr ‘pred aq pynoys xv} OY, 

divd 3d ISNW X¥.L 3HL WOHM OL GNV NaHM “22 

~Ase]y ‘iounypg ‘onUoAeY TEALa,UT JO IOJATTOD OY} 0} PapswArioy oq pinoys wanjor 
ayy ‘sezB}g PozUp] Cy} Ur SsauIsNq Jo dovid Jo aouEpIsas jeAo[ OU OATY NOA asvo UT 

7 “*SZ6I ‘GT Youn] e10Joq 10 Uo aDYJo 
8,10}99][0D 243 your 03 sv os ‘ssaursnq Jo sour yedrourd Mos oAwY 10 BATT NOA Yor UF 
qouystp oy} Joy onuaAey [wUIIJUT JO JOJOT[OA oY} 07 us oq SMUT UINyoL OY, 


*SYJ9O JoxSTUILIpe 0} pozt 

-10y}N¥ wossad Jay}0 10 ‘ad¥od 94} Jo doyWSNf ‘oNqnd Asvjou v a10Jaq 07 UIOMS oq P]NoYs 

uINgar dy} ‘9]Qu[AB JOU SI 1odJO VNUdAaI PeUIOJUL UB JT “quod eNUdAaL [CULEZUT JO 
“ropoaT[oo Ayndap ‘1oJoaT[09 Atre Aq aFreITD JNOYIIM posajsiururps oq [EM YPEO OT, 


ay} aynooxo tu yNIde Jo OAYBJUASOIdoI [BA] AY} OSBO YOIY.AN UT ‘poyeytondvour asi 

-i9yj0 JO ‘fQUNOD ay} MOI JUOSQE “[[I st OY Sso]UN so “QuajodurooU! JO OMIT B St aIL 
Sso]uN pazioder St ouMIOdUT VsOYA UOSIOd oy} Aq poyNoaXe oY YSNUL PLAepYyH OL 


‘aTuvyo oy} JOaYO 0F posnbar oq plnoar wangor @ yoryar 10) ported pasod 
MIO Uo opeur aq [pBys poled Suyunosse oy wi odueyo e Joy uorvoydds uy 
‘sreak quonbasqns Joy 0} polaype oq ysnur poysiqeyso powed Suijunovov oy], 
“pasn oq Pinoys ATOPOT WOT LZ6T Ur 
‘Jaquiasaq Wey} Jeq40 ‘qyUOM AUB Jo ABp 4sBT OY} UO Zurpua IwOA [BOSY B IOJ SI UINjaL 
24} JL ‘OPOT WaAOy uO spBUI oq [[BYs L7G IA wpuaTBo oy} OJ UINJoI NOX 


pred sasuadxa pus “4unosoe 

INOA 0} pazipasd yeo1ajUI YuBq sB yons ‘paaisoer AJAAYONI}SUOD 10 padAtodeI aMIODUT 
W® yiodaxr ‘pasmout sesuedxa pus pons90B aWIODUI MOYS you Op SHOOG ANOA JT 

‘pied sosuadxa jo pwaysur posmour 

sasuodxa pus ‘syooq a4} UO padozUe JO paaraoar AjyeNjow us0q jOU Sty yt YANO} uaa 
‘paniso8 ammoour TB 4iodas ‘siseq jeni998 UB UO 4day aIB yUNODIG JO SYOod INO JT 


, “AMIOITI SS017 SI] WIOIJ papnpoxd os yUNOUTB aq} 
qSUIBae a[qBasiByo IO 0} aquoorTe Ajrodoad yunowe Aue auloout ssoad sty WO. JONpap 
jou Avur asvo B yons ur JaAedxe}, ayy, “wad J[quxE, JY} Auunp syjuoUr xXIs UBT} 
ALOU JO} JUApISeIMOU Ipy BUOg T SI OYAL 89}BIG PopUp dy} Jo UazZIyIO PeNpIAIpur us Aq 
591079 P2qtA LE] OY} FHOYFIM sodINos Woy OUIODUL pouiva sv padlooor sjunoury (C) 

“saaAojdurp 10 

SIODJO S}I 0} JOOIOY} UOISTATpqns wood Jo 9yn,g & Aq pwd uoNesuadmoD (2) 

fuorssusduioa sty jo 316d Sv jadsod ayy jo Jajsturm B 
0} paystuiny joaray} sodusuazindds pus asnoy DurjjaaMp B JO anjva jezued ayy, (Y) 
FSIOQUIOUI O} SUTOT FuUIySU OF pauyuod st YOTYA Jo ssauisng ayy [Tw AT~MyUEIS 

-qns ‘suorjsioosst uvoT puv Furprinq saysauop wrory “QOgs Dutpoovoxo you ‘ysasazur 
JO spuopralp sv ived a[qeBxE, a1} JurNp yenprarput ue Aq poatodor syunoury (6) 

suoisued & Zurfud st azuyg oy} YOU IOF 

JayjOue 10 Arpioysueq 34} Aq pasapuor SadtAsas IOJ uoIsuad a7u}g BSB JO ‘ABA JO oT} 
UL S9}B}G pazIay) ay} JO Saod10y [BAvU IO ALEPYIUL 9Y} UL JoYJOUG 10 ArBIOYaUAq Jy} JO 
BOIAIAS 10j S0}B}Q pezta(] 94} Woy suoIsuad sv IO ‘FZGT “Joy ,SUTIOJOA IBA\ P]LOA\ ON 
JO SOY WON TIGQEyaYy [ouoysIDA OY} pus cdUBINSUT YSN IVA, OY} Jo suorstaosd oyy 
AOPUN SOOUBMOT[S pUB SpUSMMZOT[e AyvuIUy ‘uoryesuoduiod su paAtooar syunowy (f) 

fssouyoIs 10 
soaun{ut YoNS JO JUNODOT UO “YuatDaI9B 10 4MS Aq JOYAZOYA ‘poAtador sodeuEp cae jo 
FUHOUE ay} shid ‘ssouxo1s 10 sarin fur [uu osiod 10} uoiywsuaduioo sv ‘s}o8 UOT;BSUaduI0o 
8,WoWyIOM JapUN JO ddUBINSUT YZ[BIY 10 ZUapIady YXNoI4} paatooas syunoury (3) 

‘ £(§ uoyonsjsuy aos) Xv} aUTODUT Woy JoARd 
XU} oT} 07 ydmoxe ATfoya\ st 41 4Ua}xo OY} 07 puv J A[UO aUIOONT ssosS WIOIy papnjoxa 
eq pinoys puv ‘pajusurayddns pus popuewe se ‘yoalayy onsst ayy Jurzwoyyne sjow 

_ aAtjoadsar ay} ur papraoid 4ue}xe at} 0} puw yt AJUO 4ydwoaxa st 4so1azut a1} ‘(4180dap Jo 
99}B9H1}199 SAu1ATs [v}s0d Wey} Joy}0) ZTET ‘T Jaquiaydag 10zJe ponsst sajzBIg paying 

OY} JO SUOIWwII[GO JO aswo 04} UT “suoIssaszod 941 10 sazB}g PoP] 94} JO suOTPETI|GO 

24) (g) 10 tpapuaure sb JOY YoNs JOpuN JO yoy UvOT WIE, [e1OpeT dy} JO SUOISIA 

oid 04} Japun pansst sayyuinoas (Z) 10 SerquINjOD Jo yoIASIC] Oy} JO ‘joosoy} UOIstAIp 

-qns [wood Auv Jo ‘K10j;LUIay, ‘9}8}g V JO suOKeSTqo ayy (7) uodn ysoroquy (Pp) 

£ (poqsodas og 4snut pus a[qexv} st Ajaadoid 

Yons Woy padtlap auTOoN! ay} 4NqG) aUEzWaYUT IO ‘astAop 4ysonbaq Aq posnbow Aq1adoid 

pus Aeuour pus ‘(paiepuor edtAios Joy uoKnJapisuoo B SB opEUT 4OU) SyIH (02) 

syduisvivd sty} 10 oAoge (v) ydvasduied Jopun 

UO}BxXE} WOIJ 4duIaxe oq T[BYS salaysuBIy 94} 4q pred AyQuenhasqns suns 1ay30 paw 

sunward a4} JO FanOWre 844 Pus UOIWwIapIsUOD YoNs Jo ane [enzo ayy A|UO ‘u1a10y4 

qsosojut Aue 10 “YoeyU0d AyNUUG JO “UauIAOpua ‘QOUBINSUT OI] B JO ‘ASIA\ZI}O 10 

quomusisse Aq ‘UOBIEpISUOD O[qUNIBA B 10} JaJsUvI} T JO ISU ay} UT “oWLOdUT SsouT Ur 

Pepnyour aq |[BYs ss9ox9 ayy uay} (Avec aqexe} oy} urinp pred you 10 soyjay) pred 
woYsLapIsuoo JO suIntudId oJuAaIZdv ay} Pavoxo (you1}UOD ons JopuN svat 9[qBxB} 

Ol), B10Joq POATodoL SyuNOUIe OF PappY UdyA\) SyunoMT Yons fr 4nq “youI;U0D AzINUUB 

do GuoMMOpua ‘souUvINSUT AFT B Jopun (SyUNOME Yons uO syuaUtATd 4saia}Ut pus poings 

~UY ol} JO YFVEp OY} JO uosuos Sq pred syuNoMP UBY} 19430) pastovas SyUNOUTY (q) 

; {(outOoUur ssord UT papnyout aq Toys spueuAud 
qsatoj,UT OY} ‘MosIay} 4yso19j01 ed 07 JuOUIOZIAG UB JOpUN JOINSUT ay} Aq play aru 
S,UNOIIB Yons J 4nd) SuoUT||B}sUF UT JO UNS a[FuIS B UT JayZaqA ‘parnsut oy} Jo yywap 
oy} JO uosvar Aq pred yovsjuod oduBINSUL aT B opuN paAtooos syunouny (D) 

19Z6T JO JOY onuaAagy ay 

JO 9NZ WONddg des OsBd YOIYA OT ‘ssoy Jou B YSTCqHISe 07 panisap ‘s qt Beard Sa 
$q you plnoys pus xB} auTOoUY [eapa, MOTs 4ydurexa aie Stayt Duraoljoy aL, 

XVL WONd LdWaXa SIAL! *22 

BO tied mW% sresl off) Mabe Bo 

pro waloado aol feve wea to Baten nh © aes ao uaa wares axaMICHEA00 WD 

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la hay Ste Ga pny Lzét wos saLVu XVLUNS hd 
OS “263 | 00 S23 PIS [TT VL], 7 

OG “ZT | 00 “eLs "uo quea sod Z 4v xvyANg 

00 ‘OFS | 00 000 “FIs [> U0 a[qBy TWoOIy XBIING 

xeqing “9 eMODN] WN “> xoung ‘2 | 9moon] WN “3 

SWaLI ‘tT 

— ——————eesSS 

ISMO]]OJ SB poyndurod ‘ge726g aq pyNoa GAR‘ P1y JO AUIO9UT You ay UOdN XBZINS OY, 

“G9 SUONPENFY JO KT aoysy PusB '9zGT JO yoW anuaaay ey} JO (9)T1G tO 
~o9g sag ‘ood Buyjas ayy jo yueo sad gy povoxa you yjeys 9yo1d oy} UO XUPNY O4D 
‘qraiol{} ysosazur Auw 40 ‘s]joM sed JO [JO ‘saUTUT jo ayes apy BUOG Jo aSB2 OY) UT oy 

*oY} Ul pozMoIpUr O4BI OY} Ye GUNOWE 4Vq} JaAO ssooxo ay} UOdN Xv}INS 9y} ‘IWOIUY 243 
ULL) SSOf SI YDIGAL UMOYS FUNOW 4saFIB[ 244 JO} XBZANS 8yz 07 Zurppe Aq paznduroo st 
*POLWULGID BIPEId SY} Wo Jayip pred voy soxe, 949 JL aNp PuNoy Saxuy AUB JO 
quaurded ay} JOy JT {] WOT Uo puog B alINbar ABW JaUOIssIMMMOD 24} PUL “pastq SBAS 
xB) pandooe yons yote yor uo usngor ay jo Adoo v 41 0} payouzye aavy 4snuT WIOS 
ay} pons99¥ saxe7 1OJ WYDNOS st ypado osva uy -quatmAvd xvz yons yore 40j qdiooer 3q} 
YIIN Wangar INOA YPM OTT T wo giuigns ‘saze7g paz!Ug eyy jo worssossod ¥% Jo AayUNOD 
uxlo10y v 0} pred Apvaiye soxe, sygord puv ewMOodUI JoJ ZG WAa}[ Us pouUTe[ st zIPe9 
w j[—uorssessod “g “gq 30 Arjun0d us1as0y v 0} pred sexe} sjyoid pus amoouy 
"1261 WwOA VepUalBo IY} LOF O1OA\ DUTODUL Yons Ji SB poyndwoo oq |eys 2Z61 Ul pepue 
avak [Bosy Boy UNO B DuryVUA Aationpy, 40 diyssduzaed wv uO Padova avIOoU! UO 
xB} OY [—'siseq Jvad jeosg BuO pajndmos Aswronpg Jo diyssanjied v woly aMIOIUT 
‘000'0Z$ ULTYI etour aq 
OUIOdUT JOU POUIVS 94} [[BYs 299 OU UT *OHO‘'GS WEY Sse] 9q 0} Paropisuoa aq 4ou |[BYs 
omooU! JOU pourEa 94} ‘NOO'SF ULI]} BOUL SI oMODUT Jou INO jr ao ‘OMOOT! JOU peuivea se 
*s10}08J Dulonposd-awoguy [eio}wur div 
Jez1dvo puw saotades peuosiad yyoq YOGA. UI SsouIsng 1O opvsy v WOT HOA AQ Parlep 
87goud you 94} Jo yuaa rod QZ JO SsgOXE UL ZOU BUNOWG UB JO ‘poJopUdl AT[BNJ9B Sad!.Atos 
yeuossed Joy WoIyBsusduI0d s¥ PoAlooeI SJUNOWG Jo 4s;jsMOd ABU OUIODUT pouEgy 
“Jo]/BUIS dy} SI qUnOTIS 
TAIT ‘pH pus ‘ep ‘ZH ‘gz Sulazy JO wINs a} JO yUad aad gz Jo ‘gz Way jo yuad 
dad GZ aq [[IM GP PUB OE SUlAIT SB paiojTa aq 0} JIPA ayy, “GZ Uldj] SU palazua pus 
8Z 0} ZZ Suiaqy ut paynduzoa aq pynoys TZ Wez] Ul aoUTLEq a4} UO XB} 94} ‘OZ Wez] 
um ‘fue jt ‘sydepuadop s0y y1paid puw aodurexe jBuossad snOA Zuyjonpap 103j8 pus 
‘61 We] se paiajzua aq pynoys suIOOM You paiva ano ‘4rpasd SIyy OUTAJOP OJ, 
‘am00U! you pauve INOA UO XB} dy} Jo yUa0 Jed Ez jo FIPa1O B XB} YONS 4SUIBIE 
wie Avur nod amoour you inok uo xv} 04} Zuyndu109 u]—‘amoon! pening 


“pamela aq Avur g¢'Tg Jo uordwoxe uv ‘4ysnz4 Ut pay auoan! 0} yoadsar yyIA\ JO 
‘qoIvI_SIaIMApB JO ssav0id Ul 94HzS9 UL IO} OFOT UNO UO payy SI UINjaL B WAY A, 
“1vod 3[QBXB} OY} JO BSO]O AY} 4B SN4LzsS JOY JO Sty OF 
Furpsi09v0v8 asnods AMATAINS 9} 0} PAAoj]e oq OS]/e [JVYS SzIpato [[NY “YyRvEP jo outy 
ay} 78 snyRys Jey zo sity {q poutusajap aq |[eys s}uapuadep pus uoHNduiexa jeuossad 
JO} S}Ipaso ayy “Awad a[qexuz oy} FZuUUNp saIp OYA [RNPIAIpUL UT JO asva dy} UT 
“1vat a[quxE} 94} DuULMp patiaeur st AyIWBy BJO pBRal[ ay} Bay. QOS‘ESS 
paaoxe jou [[vys uodmoaxa youosiod jo yuNOWIE ayy, “YWUOUL [[Ny B SB podapisuod 
TI8ys yQUOUT B yo yaud [oMONoUI v asodand siyy Joy “syQUOUT 2A]9A\} 09 Savaq ‘AyTUNBy 
B JO pvay ol} SBA JO ‘af JO puBgsNy YQIA Sua pus paleur suay Jadudxe} 342 
YOY ZULNp syzuoUL Jo JaquINU ay} SU QOG'S$ 0} O1VBL DuUIES at} Suvaq YoY. quNoUB 
uv snjd ‘sijjUOUL aAjaM} 0} Sivaq a]FuIs SBM JaABdxXEZ ayy Yor Fulinp syjzuour jo 
euosied 949 ‘avad ajqexu} a4} Jaunp sadavyo s9Avdxe} B Jo snjyejs 044 esvd UT 
PaplArp oq Jou ugo puv “yzoddns jaryo oy} saystuiny OYA uosiod ayy AQ ATUO Powe 
eq UB YIpaso sty, “val a[qUxB} sf} Jo Aup ysBy oy} UO JOABdNL} OY} WOIy 4AoddNs 
Jal Loy JO sty AULAT@VAI SBA OYAL ‘aAtQIoJap Ay[RoIshyd IO Ay[ezUGUE asntooq yaoddns 
Jos Jo.0[qudvout Jo ‘adv Jo siveX uva}yH10 Jopun (ajI Jo pungqsny uBYyy 10430) Uossed 
Yove 1OJ pomivpo oq AvBul OOPS JO pipes B ‘uodulaxa jBuOsiad ay} 0} UOHIppE uy 
[Biour oM0s UOdN. pase St STBNPIATpUt yUapUddap asay} JOJ oprAoid puvB josyuog Apts 
asla19x9 OF FFI osoy pus ‘uoydope Aq Jo ‘adelaseut Aq diysuorpefed ‘diysuoijpejor 
pooyq Aq uIly WIA poyoeuUOa AJosOpD O1B OYA\ S[BNpPIAIput aiour 10 QUO Pjoyosnoy ouo 
Ur SUIGyUIeUL DUB sjioddns A]jEN4Qou OYA. [RNPLAIpUr uB st ,, A]NWIR BJO pro, V 
"way}? UsdAJaq pPeplarp Jo zoyIIe Aq uoyeZ oq Avur uoNdwo 
=xo jeuosiod oy} ‘suanjar ojwaedos oy ajr pus pueqsny Jy “OOS‘gs Jo uoMduoxa 
sua ‘vod a[qexE} o11jUa ay} Bulsnp ‘oy uosiad y “QOS'TS Jo Uoduioxa Jeuossod B 
Tv ABU ‘AJL JO puBQsny YyIAX SULA] yOu Uossed polisei B JO ‘uOsiad ajfuIs y 

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5,juapadep 8 JO QUIODUI oy} Woy 4BYy Ydooxe ‘uossod a[ZuIs B sv AIBIONpY ay} oF 
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£8}80U0}UT JUDTUIZUOD YALA SUOSad JO SUOSJad PauTe}199SBUN JO} ‘poop Jo [[LA. Aq po}earo 
zayqoyam ‘s}sn4} (9) ‘jueMa}yQJ0S [BUY aOJoq sjuapovap Jo sa}Byso (B) Jo auooUT 
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{12A0 JO NOO'GS SUA pottad ay} JOJ sUIODUT ssoId STY JI JO ‘OJIN JO PUDQsny YIM Fura 
PUB palBUL JI ‘T9AO JO QOG'EG 40 ‘parsuwUUN jr ‘A9AO 10 YNS‘TY SUX YYBAP sty Jo ajzp 
Ot} 0} IBAA JJqQUxv} OY} Jo DuruulJoq ay} WodIJ JUapaop VB JO QWOIUT JOU OY} JT 

Ilay} Pus suINjoI o}BIVdas aly 0} 4oa]9 aJIM puUB puTGsNY IY} esto Uy ‘aI puw 
puvgsny jo susnjes oyBIudes uo JO ‘uINjad quIol B UO paysodad oq 4ySNUE OWODUT Yons [tT 
“19A0 10 NNO'SY SI aWOdUT ssosd poutquIOd tat} JL 40 ‘ZaA0 10 QOG'Eg st ‘Aww yt ‘uaapyrya 
doula guopuadap pus ‘ayia puBs puvgsny jo auoour yau pouIqmos ay} JT "pealy 
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‘sdourut JUapuddop Jo 4Bt} AUIpNpour ‘OuOUL you OY} PUG O[FuIs St [UNpIAIpul uw Jy 

“dorjdutaxa [wuosiad oy} spaddxa duo JOU dy} JT pUNOUTE Jo ssa_preFaxy (2) 
JO fom JO puBqsny YIM FuLAatl pus parisvur jt Oos'es (9) 
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—0} popuNoUrs atuoour ZOU asoyAr Jo ‘O00'SS 
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Ysnoyy soyeIQ pazuy oy} Ur Hurpiser uossod Azovo puv ‘prvosgy do autoy 9B Burpis& 
Jaq OYA 897BIQG ES}:U7y 2YQ JO uoZVIO AyoAo Aq poly oq ysNuu uANj;oL XB} OWIOIUL Uy 


GON (3g d90B%T) “6Z—ZELLE 
‘TepRI—s . 
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Ce a Ee 

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ao Se enone Bac! Fats , 
255 yeep SESS CE oc aia a aR 10 4ep--———--—————- 

SITY SUL sIOJoq peqiiosqns pus 04 uIOMG 

(OUT SIT} TO poqeIs oq JSNUT JOJOINY} Wosvar oy} “WWedG Aq OpeUT st wWINIOI JT) 

‘JooI0y} APOYNe JopuN ponss! SuOT}E[NSaY PUB OZGET JO JOY SNMOADY OY} OF guensind ‘paqyeqs sv rvak a[qexe} OY} 10} UNO O40 1d 
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cam Sa Ss te - (QT WI0g YORI V) “g*— JO UOIssessod 10 AI} UNO UFI010} 8 pred soxe} syyoid puv sm09UT "GT 

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7 eas ee ee Meee gO 7a et) ek enor nee i Oe 
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Se dad Sia TOIL |WOr alisaiGslTG at 40 GUGTS Tings sont Tor. Sat Bo haeM b ohd bas on uoyjduiexy [Buosieg ‘II 
AIT TOT Tis QENgTT SCOTS Tanai Toto Tuoi ous Ta 30 SeeePuodag .Wy IIpSMy ‘Or 



:(sopaq mieldxg) MET Aq pozoyny suoonped 30yIO “2 
Ge aaa amas ae ea we CV cE cen Ca nn (apis esiaAei UO UIe[dxq) SUOTINGWYOD “9g 
ake a Srna arate abrcacehs to-eetate seer eae er aT eT Al MaIOO ERG © SETA oan’ Gastit) JASON e bates 


aS ae aan 


:(gomos 333) (solmelonpy pus sdrysisuyred WoIy OUTODUI SUIPN[OUl) sMIOdUT IBYIO “E 

aoinos ye pred sem % 34] Jo xv} & YOIyA uodn spuog uo 4s010,UT (D) 

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aa ea ie gio sbse= sare ates rages pon -= =o" ~ (PaATdOT WOM TOI 04678) “D459 ‘sade ‘SOLIBIBS “T 
oe NaniinnV be soaatienl inl tel ont wae Levies eee 
-----1 G98 B[QUXe} INOA JO Avp JSvl Oy} WO NOA MIO yJoddns ==> 7 gieodk o[qexe} MOA Jo Aep ysvpoqy uO gayls PUB pusqsny Jo 
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Brsiee fire a7 ieak oy} SuLIMp F Jo ¢ suorjsonb sapun ---="====-=-y 7894 O[QEXE} MOA JO Aep qsel oy} WO OFA TG T50 PRESS DSUEL OF 10 
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ZB YE pe Gas fe Doms. yl [abe aaa minh ht ROUSE fonas nen seee meee ===" NOT LVE NOVO 
. (9784S) (4yan09) (amo 780d) 

(9yNOs [wINI 10 ‘1AQquUING puT 490148) 

(dureys 8,s01y2"D) " MOTTA ATINIVId SSTUGGV GNV JINWN LNidd 
Saeeeetaneser se : ——s pied 8Z6E ‘ST Yore PAI C10 Joq 40 UO ZdE4S1P ANOA Jo ONUDASY [BUIIZUT JO 10IO[[OD Of? YIM Peg oq OL 
junowy LZ6I AeoX aAepusleD 40,5 
[rues 000‘s$ NVH.L ZUOW LON 30 SAINOONI LAN YO4 (aureag 5,20UPRY) 



panna tanta 

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“-aGHONpep StyI JO Jateq 0g) INOqIUAA psydmMos oMooU! 3Om ONY jo.qu09 ted 
ST pacdxa jou []PYS POUL] GUNS CULL “ jeuoijsonps Jo ‘opquyaeyo 
Ssnoisijer Joy APOAISNPOXE Pszwsodo pws poz;nes20 PUNy JO worjesndio9 AUC 0} GIL 
eq) Bawap SPL SIIB JO suoNRGi4joo Auv g WaIT Sv J9yIy—cuoyNG iD 
ogy Aq Safes Godin pesodury Soxs} ‘S9XG} BNIOIAT [eLpog OPMPIUT JOU OC “eA OY 
Suup pred AyHdoid vo sexvz puv srxr} [erosazd [je ¢ Md}y &v IsJUy—'soxey, 


*digsioujavd @ Jo syyord oN] Uy ‘JOU 19 POATIDAT IsqIATA 

‘grays INCk PUB '7SM.1 JO o7e}sa TS JO GULOI! ‘SUO;PEAOA0D US!aI0J JO HO0}S WO 
SPUEPTAIp AuypNpoar ‘OULOIT! OfqeXE} IHyIO [[G § Wia}zT Se 1oyUy|—‘awMoIN! TIO 

‘ajqeAed pus onp UsayA PULOOUT 

pazapIsuoo SI SpUOg UO 4SS12zUT “FT WAIT UT IIposo BSS PIUITS[D oq PTNOYS ySo10j;TT 

yons UO soos ey} 98 pred 4uW09 Jod S47 JO x8] OY, “stodnod qysosaqar MOA YA 

PIT SEM WOOO UOT It (n)Z LIOIT SB Pe1o;TA OQ p[NoYs ToIywI0dI0D 10}q9p et &q 

QoiNos OY} 7B pred SbAA XG] B YOGA TOdN spu0g AUB TO PaATSI0I 4Se10};UT Jdedxo 

‘spmog ToIBIod109 puw ‘seSZszIOUt ‘sazou ‘szisodap Huq uo wos oyy SaymMp 
qunosse IMOA 0} Pa}Ipold IO PIAJOGOA 4sarazUT [[S J UlajyT SV J0JUA— 7Se39jUT 

“plryo Jourtu yuapmedap yora (9) pus ‘poly st 

waNjal wICf B JI aTA\ JO puvqsng ano0& (9) ‘Fpasnod (0) AQ sodINcs episyno uloOIy 
poAlarad WO]ZeSMed 0D Jaq} 4O ‘SOSLAs ‘SolIUfEs [JB TL We} SB 10}UG—sealepes 


‘Ayzaenb efqvdAed sjueur 
+j[eISeT [RNbI Mj Ur Jo ‘WIN}a1 9q} Sarg Jo am} 46 pred oy ABUT xB} a —xBY 
é "R261 ‘ST YosBPY G10JOq 10 WO apISeA NOA YOUTAd Ot 4O1ISIp. 
“4yaasB INUAAGI [BUIN}U! JO ‘10}2eT]O9 Ayndop 


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JOJ S}{pamd OY} ‘194 O[GBXE} GY} SULIMp se1p OLA [BNPLATPUL UZ JO Es8o eu} UT 

“IBOA B[QUXe} 94} 
Sununp pasavul st ATIUey & JO pRoy ey OLS A ONS‘E$ pAd0NO Jou [sys UOdiaxa 
Jeuosiad JO JUNOWIS oy T, “YINOUL [jij B SB PSldplsUGCo sa [[BYS J esto YS 
jo qed jeuorjor.y v asodind sty} 105 “SQJUOUT aAlas\} 02 SIBeq ‘ATIMIB] BIO PFET 
[ewoszad oy} ‘GEA BfqUeL} ey} ZulMp sosuvgo HABdxG} B JO sN4s}s ay} dvd UT 
; “s[CUpIATpUL 
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uedn pose SI sjenplAlpur JU2pUSdep Os5T]} IO! Opraord puv [61}U0d ATIUIT} 9S1010N9 

0} 14311 sou pus ‘UOT]GopR Aq JO ‘ode Aq diqsuoljejad ‘drystorEper PoojG 

Aq UI] YIAL payoeuod Ajasoja oie OYA stenprarpar 910UI 10 9UO PlOYssnoy ou 
Ul SUIBJUIEUL PUL szioddns A[penzov OYA [CNPIATpUT UB ST , A[TUIt} @ JO psag,, V 

“COS‘e$ JO UOdwmaxe UB DIED Acut 

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QQexb} siyjuo ey) dulnp ‘OYA uosIod Y “0NS‘T$ j9 UOIWdUIEXe euOsied v WIT{D 
AvUI ‘OJIM IO PULGSNY YAL SULAT, JOU Lossed pare B IO ‘aosied asus Y 

SHipeiy pue uondursxy yeuosisg 

“soaXoldiza 10 
SIDOYFO SII 07 JOoINY) WOISLATpqns [worjt[od 10 914g B Aq pred UoNssusdUI0D (2) 
“woTyesuaduod sty JO 1zed Se [sdso8 eu Jo Ja}SiUTTI 
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0} PoUYUCD st YIM JO ssvuIsng oY [[Y A[[ciyWUs}eqns ‘suoNwIMOSss WTO, pus 
SapyMg oysoimop urory PEATOI ‘OOZ$ SUTPIGOXI JOU ‘jsa194UI ZO Spuaplatd (4) 
*aoisded v durcud St $4043 9} YIYM 10} pesopuer SedtAtes Joy LoIsued 01045 
“OY [CUONBIOA PUB OIUTINSUT YSIY IBA, OY} Jopun poAdjader sjunomy (/ 
“SS9U AIS 10 Satraful YINs JO JUNOIO¥ UO PartoveI SaduuIep snjd ‘ssauyors 
Jo solmmfur [euosiad JO} GOUBINSUT YI[Cey JO JUEpIOdY sB PoAtsder sytMOUTy (9) 
“000‘OTY J2A0 SI euLOONT 4at 
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pue ‘spuog uroy Wie, [CIOpAy @) {BIQUIN[OD JO 4oqSIq SY} IO ‘josey WOIS 
-IAIpqns [worqjfod B JO ‘AJOjIIIOT, *0}¥]S & JO SMOT}eSi[Go (1) uodn 4soz0}UT (p) 
*(paqJodai oq ysnur pue afqe 
-xt} st Ajicdoid yons MOF; SUTONUT 94} 3Nq) edULITIONUT JO ‘astaAap ‘Iscubel Aq 
pomnboe Ajzodoid puv “(sddotAios JOJ UOI{eIOpIsuo0d & Sv epPEUI 4CU) SyJIx) (9) 
*qovs3009 Yons Joy pred uciyesopism0o 
Jo stintmeid 94} posoxe 0} You “40eI}N00 AJNUUL Jo ‘JUSUT-AOpUO ‘BOULINSUI oT & 
JapuN (peiNsuy dU} Jo GIVep 04} Jo Wosvel Aq UBq} Joq}O) poAtooaI syuNOMY (q) 
*poinsal ey} Jo qIvep 
ey} JO Uosver Aq pIvd 4ov1]M09 SOUBINSUT OMT & JepuN peateooI sjunouly (2) 

XB Urory JWduraxy suiszy 

“nonjdmexa [tuosied sq] speedxe dMmOITT Jac 
0G JI Juno JO seayplBFar (9) Jo ‘asta, JO puvgqsny YALA\ SUIAT[ pue petaqeUt Jr 
“240 JO 0NGS% (9). 40.‘AJWAIO PuLgsny [IEA ZUIAT[ JOU puL pole Jt JO ‘apsuts IF 
«x9A0 10 QNS'I$ () Jo polrad amMus ay} 10} OUIOIUT Ja V IO ‘I9AO JO ‘NDN‘S$ JO LZ6L 
IVVA IBpUI[GO tj} JO} SsUAODUT SsoIZ B BUTAeY ‘Joolsq} UezZI}10 v JOU Y3N0g} “se}e1g9 
peiagQ eq} UL Sutpised uosiod AOA pure ‘peoiqy JO ouIOg 4 JUTpISel IsqyeTAs 
S2}819 peyEQ og} Jo azo AJOAI AQ pay Sq JSNU UINJol Xv} OMOOM UY 

wuanqey SUL] 40} ArzIqery] 


“pnvij 0} onp jt Aouotoyep Jo yunoure Jo yuao Jed Og Jo ‘pneajap 0} YUOqUT 

ANOYIIM SLOTYE[NBIE pure Sana JO PAVSoASIp [BUOWwoRU! Jo QouasT[seu 0} ONp FI Aoudoyap oY} Jo JUNOUT O44 JO 4USd Jed G UOIZIPpe UT 
‘nue “Jarxzo JY} SI OJRp IOASTOTYA ‘spwoddy xB, JO pxvog oy} YIIM UoTyyed B oT 07 YYSM oY} JO JOAITAL B JO Suyy sy} Joye Aep 

Y}OIANYZ2 Py 0} Jo ‘passasse st AoudTOYyap uy Oyep Sq} 07 UINUUe Jod 4ueo tod g ye ADUDIOYoOp UO 4So.10}U,— xBy, ut AoUDINgaq 10,5 
- *xB4 OF JO JUNOTIB oY} Jo yuo Jod gg ‘uoTyIppe ul ‘pu ‘Y4Oq JO 

‘srvak aAY ULY} O1OUL 4OU IOy QUSUIUOSTIAUAT 10 QQO'OTS ULI} 910M JON—"UINjoy JUo[NpHeIg Jo asjeg Be Buryey ATINZIT LA 10M 
“xbq oy} JO JUNOUTL a7 Jo yuso Jod Gz ‘uOTyIppe Ut ‘pue ‘yQ0q 20 ‘zeed 



snd} Io Q}e3S0 UB IO ‘diyssouzied v Aq pao 4903s UO 
SpuOpiAIp WoNs Jo asvys MOA Surpnypour ‘suorze1od109 o1ysswlOp WOLF PIAlooel SpUDPLAIp Jo JUNOWe Vy} 9304g 


FOSSES PSSS SIS Sr SEP aorer (Tear Dac eweio bo Gee e Soe leet bebe a Oa SUOISSOSsOd S}I 10 SozeIG POPUL] OY} JO SUOTZBSITGO (2) 
ae pepueury sv yoy yons Jopun Io “yoy UvoOT WIE [e10po,7 OY} JepuN poensst setpInceg (q) 

faa Mapas lam oR “g)-eIqUIN[OD Jo4dIIySICZ OY} IO‘Joo1ey} UOIsTATDGns [vor [Od 10 ‘Ai0; IAF “a}PVyIg & JOSUOHESTGOQ (2) 





aivg iNnaony 


i; » SS ———_—_—_—S ie <2 ae east a 



A.—Individuals required to file returns, personal exemption, credit for dependents, 
and normal tax rates under the revenue acts 1913-1928, inclusive 

[Applicable to: Citizens and residents of the United States and taxable estates and trusts] 

Individuals required to file 
- Personal exemption and} Net income subject Nor- 
Married and seh pae ae credit for dependents to normal tax 2 es 
living with Taine with ees 
; snspaed a husband or 
Appli- -wife 
Reve-| cable to 
- nue | incomes ] 
act us Maree Single 
Gross Gross | ,22 one 
income income avine se ee 
Net Tegard- Net regard-| pus. aa; or Rate 
: less of |; less of ves each Amount per 
income? , mount Income |. mount eae syne depend- cent 
of net of net ae ee eS 
income income] head of| band 
family ‘jor wife ! 
Dec.31, : 
doaBriyid G4 [183/000] 2a: $3, 000 |__..-_-- $4,000 | $3,000 | None, | All.........-...------ 1 
| a, at td 
LOT6 W916 =~ 2 35K 10, O04 pase ed 3 OO) wees 4,000 | 3,000 | None. All | OPIS breed 2 = FS 2 
1917 | 1917____- OM a 100018. 2 2,000 | 1,000 | $200 rea eae 65000. ae 
ipise.-. B00 | ese. i's 9 eee BON LOU), ANON ee eterna "| 49 
1818 sy First $4,000.....-....- 4 
(1919-20. .| - 2,000 |_..----- TO00R = as 2, 000 1, 000 200 Balance over $4,000- 8 
1921 | 1921-238) 2,000 | $5,000 | 1,000 | $5,000 |72,500!| 1,000] © 400 Ween ee earar re Oe 
MMA) Eo 
Hirst: $4.00 sssse2 <= = 2 
1924 | 1924____. 2,500 | 5,000 1, 000 5, 000 2, 500 1, 000 400 |{Second $4,000 4 
: Balance over $8,000__.| 6 
1925 — 2s | Rirsi $4 OOH 2: =: = 1% 
1926 |41926_____ 3, 500 5, 000 1, 500 5, 000 3, 500 1, 500 400 |{Second $4,000___-____- 3 
it p74 i Balance over $8,000__-| 5 
Hirst s4-000t2 ==. 53. 146 
1928) P192822= = 3,500} 5,000] 1,500] 5,000} 3,500} 1,500 400 |,;Second $4,000_-__---- 3 
|(Balance over $8,000___| 5 

1 Husband and wife each to file a return unless combined income is included in joint return. 

2 Net income after deducting personal exemption, credit for dependents, dividends on stock of domestic 
corporations, and interest not wholly tax-exempt on U. S. obligations issued after Sept. 1, 1917. 

3 Net income means the excess of gross income over deductions as defined in the various revenue acts. 
Net income has been adjusted from time to time as follows: 

(a) Amortization of buildings, machinery, equipment or other facilities constructed or acquired on or 
after Apr. 6, 1917, for the production of articles contributing to the prosecution of the war, is in- 
cluded to a reasonable amount in business deductions for 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1921. 

(b) Contributions to charitable and scientific organizations, etc., not exceeding 15 per cent of the net 
income before deducting the contributions, are deducted for 1917 and subsequent years. For un- 
limited deduction of contributions see section 214, revenue acts of 1924 and 1926, and section 120, 
revenue act of 1928. 

(c) Losses sustained in transactions entered into for profit but not connected with business or trade are 
not deductible for 1913 to 1915, inclusive. For 1916 and 1917, such losses are deductible to the 
extent of the aggregate income from such transactions; for 1918 and subsequent years, such losses 
are wholly deductible, excepting that for 1924 and subsequent years the loss, if incurred through 
the sale of capital assets held for more than 2 years, is deductible from total tar, to the extent of 
121% per cent of the loss. (See Table ‘‘C.’’) 

(d) Net loss for prior year. The revenue act of 1918 provides, in the case of a net loss for any taxable 
year beginning after Oct. 31, 1918, and ending prior to Jan. 1, 1920, for the deduction of such loss 
from net income of the preceding year, a redetermination of taxes for the preceding year being 
made. If the net loss exceeds the net income for the preceding year the amount of such excess is 
to be deducted from the net income of the succeeding taxable year. For 1921 and subsequent 
years the revenue acts provide for net loss in any year beginning after Dec. 31, 1920, to be deducted 
from the net income of the succeeding taxable year and if such net loss exceeds the net income for 
the succeeding year, the amount of such excess is to be allowed in the next succeeding year. 

Be iy eee sion for head of family in revenue act of 1913. Exemption prorated for period Mar. 1, 1913 to 
ec. 31, : 

5 Under 18 years of age or incapable of self-support because mentally or physically defective. 

6 Tax for 1923 reduced 25 per cent by credit or refund under the revenue act of 1924. 

7 For net incomes of $5,000 and over, personal exemption is $2,000. 







Revenue act of— | 4PPlicable ee for the | personal exemption aEreraee ee alee 
Per cent @ 
TANS ES op a ee re Mar<l to Dee: 31; 191321914 |) Nomess=*2- _-- _- -__ eee (None2..c#. oe 1 
Tn ao aes Oe POV GE se a= oa te ree ee $3,000 if single, $4,000 if | None___._____- 2 
INOW (se ee As Ee I: Sere es ee See INowemss elt: yi _ | eae INDO 22245 2 
1918 (role See Sk ee een eee (Ocoee See... 23g (Cass ee 12 
eae a 1919\and' 1920. = = 822. ee eee © =. ee (3) See eee 8 
1921 ee ies... 2 ee ee S000 S822 =.___._.  Saeee INOneS = eae 8 
RR gs Toe ST 1922tand 1923 Chr ee TO) seen. ee eee ee 58 
ODA eee eee = Sa 19242 foo)... | ee eae SOOO sa =) eee (G) Weer US st Se 56 
GPs Le ee 1925, 1926, and 1927______1_-- SiPb00eee o-oo ee (A222. ae 55 
iM eee 1928 hoo. 3 oo ee ee SIMO) ees 2. ee (() aS Fee 55 

1 Required to file income-tax returns for all income derived from sources within the United States, regard- 
less of amount, unless total tax has been paid at source. 

2 All income in excess of personal exemption, credit for dependents, dividends on stock of domestic cor- 
porations, and interest not wholly tax exempt on United States obligations issued after Sept. 1, 1917, is 
subject to normal tax. 

3 If country of which nonresident alien is a citizen either imposes no income tax or allows similar credit 

to citizens of the United States not residing within such foreign country, personal exemption ($1,000 if — 

single, $2,000 if married) and credit for each dependent ($200) allowed only. 
: ‘ If neuesident alien is resident of contiguous country (Canada or Mexico), $400 credit for dependents 

5 Alien residents of contiguous countries (Canada or Mexico) on net income attributable to compensa- 
tion for labor or personal services actually performed in the United States receive benefit of normal tax 
rate provided for United States citizens. 

6 Tax for 1923 reduced 25 per cent by credit or refund under the revenue act of 1924. 




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CHU SICA PE EGU Tse eine aia > ia eateries iter neceae. Ss peep oe eee MibMiac boa ee Mee Bence 9 ek to pat on ee co we (ieee | eee meee Oe IZ6. IZ6T 
*peni008 . 

10 pred yunoury 



Corporation returns, calendar years 1909 to 1927, showing total number, number and 
per cent reporting net income and no net income, and amount of net income and 



Number of returns Per cent of total 
a | 
Inactive | 
Year Report- | Report- | corpora- | Report-| Report- No Net ineome Deficit | 
Total ing ing tions no ing ingno} income 
net no net income net | net in- data 
income | income | datare- |income, come | reported 
1909__| 262, 490 | 2 52,498 | 3 209, 992 20 80 $3,590,000,000 
1910__| 270, 202 | 2 54, 040 | 3 216, 162 20 80 3, 761, 000, 000 
1911__| 288, 352 | 2 55, 129 | 3 233, 223 19 81 ||8, 503, 000, 000 Not) avail 
1912__| 305, 336 | 2 61,116 | 3 244, 220 20 80 4, 151, 000, 000 able - 
1913__| 316,909 | 188, 866 128, 043 60 40 4, 714, 000, 000 | j 
1914__|41299, 445 | 174, 205 125, 240 58 42 13, 940, 000, 000 t 
1915__|4366, 443 | 190, 911 175, 5382 52 48 5, 310, 000, 000 \ 
1916__| 341, 253 | 206, 984 134, 269 61 39 8, 766, 000,000 | $657, 000, 000 
1917__| 351,426 | 232,079 | 119,347 |\No data 66 34 |\No data |J10, 730,000,000 | 630, 000, 000 
1918__} 317, 579 | 202, 061 115, 518 |{ available. 64 36 |{ available.|)8, 362, 000, 000 690, 000, 000 — 
1919__| 320,198 | 209,634 | 110, 564 65 35 9, 412, 000,000 | 996,000, 000 
1920__| 345,595 | 203,233 | 142, 362 59 41 7, 903, 000, 000 | 2, 029, 000, 000 
1921__| 356, 397 | 171,239 | 185, 158 48 52 4, 336, 000, 000 | 3, 878, 000, 000 
1922__| 382,883 | 212,535 | 170,348 56 44 6, 964, 000, 000 | 2, 194, 000, 000 
1923__| 398, 933 | 233, 339 165, 594 58 42 8, 322, 000, 000 | 2, 014, 000, 000 
1924__| 417,421 | 236,389 | 181, 032 57 43 7, 587, 000, 000 | 2, 224, 000, 000 
1925__| 480,072 | 252, 334 177, 738 59 41 9, 584, 000, 000 | 1, 963, 000, 000 
1926__| 455,320 | 258,134 | 197, 186 57 43 9, 673, 000, 000 | 2, 169, 000, 000 
1927__| 475,031 | 259,849 | 165, 826 49, 356 55 35 10 | 8, 982, 000, 000 | 2, 472, 000, 000 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
corporations are summarized on pp. 48-45. 1909-1915 includes to a limited extent additions made by 
audit and delinquent returns filed. Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are included. 

2Returns showing net income in excess of $5,000 exemption. 

3 Returns showing net income not in excess of $5,000 exemption, or deficit. 

41915 contains approximately 30,000 returns showing no net income which properly belong and should 
be included in 1914. (See Annual Report, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1916, p. 26.) 

Income and profits taxes in corporation returns, calendar years 1918 to 1927 } 

Year #1 a are 
ar-profits an 
Income tax excess-profits tax Total tax 
2 $43, 127, 740 2 $43, 127, 740 
39, 144, 532 39, 144, 532 
56, 993, 657 56, 993, 657 - 
171, 805, 150 171, 805, 150 

503, 698, 029 | $1, 638, 747,740 | 2, 142, 445, 769 
653,198,483 | 2, 505,565,939 | 3, 158, 764, 422 
743, 535,888 | 1,431,805,690 | 2, 175, 341, 578 

636, 508, 292 988,726,351 | 1, 625, 234, 643 
366, 443, 621 335, 131, 811 701, 575, 432 
775, 310, 154 38, 466, 114 783, 776, 268 
O37, 106, 708. iter eke ke ee 937, 106, 798 

SS) 540, O46) osa= oo eee eee 881, 549, 546 
1170, 331, '206) |Saae Seon ees 1, 170, 331, 206 
D220, 797,243: |S eee eens on aaa 1, 229, 797, 243 
T30} 674; 128)". esa eee eee 1, 130, 674, 128 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 
corporations are summarized on pp. 438-45. 1909-1915 includes to a limited extent additions made by 
audit and delinquent returns filed. Fiscal year returns are included. Amounts shown for 1913-1915, 
inclusive, are receipts for fiscal year ended June 30, immediately following as shown in annual reports of 
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which receipts include fines, penalties, additional assessments, etc., 
1916 and subsequent years tax is amount reported on returns. 

2 Includes excise tax, $10,671,077, act of Aug. 5, 1909. 

3 On net income earned from July 1 to Dee. 31, 1921, reported on fiscal year returns whose accounting 
period terminated prior to July 1, 1922. 



Corporation returns—Distribution of number of returns, net income, and deficit, by 
size of net income and deficit for all corporations for years 1918 to 1927, inclusive } 

1918 1919 1920 
Distribution Number Number) Number 
of Amount of | Amount of Amount 
returns returns | returns 
Returns showing net income: | 
Size of net income— 
$55, 281, 461 $65, 835, 628 
162, 073, 156 151, 338, 556 
rae 218, 305, 243 194, 776, 140 
$25'000 to $50,000... } 37,053 | 800, 570, 917 786, 538, 508 
$50,000 to $100,000_ -___- 7, 224 DUG; Aha ezon | eee. oe ee See 7, 092 496, 550, 045 
$100,000 to $250,000- -___ 5, 383 838) DUS noose (aes kB oe oe 5, 497 851, 989, 198 
$250,000 to $500,000- - -_- 2, 054 vals tiricAthy(iy/] Ss Ses ee ae 2, 124 737, 217, 126 
$500,000 to $1,000,000_---| 1,171 BIO ,090 90a n nae eens =o lawns oes ee 1, 142 788, 372, 009 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000_- 846 | 1,701, 416, 348 |__------- a Seog ae 836 | 1, 626, 705, 255 
$5,000,000 and over_---- 1807) 2,554, 269,'070) |-22.- -. -2 | a: 2 TS 2 160 | 2, 203, 332, 348 
Total for returns aay ar 
showing net in- 
Comes 2.3 ee ace 202, 061 | 8, 361, 511, 249 | 209, 634 $9, 411, 418, 458 | 203, 233 | 7, 902, 654, 813 
Returns showing no net income: 7 j ca Se 
Size of deficit— 
HERVE Se) KOC) ie ey cee |e eS ee ee eee ee ee ee eee oo Gas ccee as 
Ca (UP inopboi CE ONO 0 0) ee ee a ee Se eee | ee Ee eee 
STOO COTO OUU ene ae [eee eee | een ee eee 2 |e on oon me 
EHO OMT DO OS AOC D0 0 EN ee a posed ence oa see len | 
S100 O00; ORS 2 O00 O00 Le Tso ss ies oa 3 Sees ee |e Ee | ee nao) ae nS esos 
SOROUEL CRIES GU OU: |e ot MANE RE Sho adn cen es 5 ES = 
SALUT C Ui. SOU UNO Doe ee ee Sie |S eee ee Oars Pee eee ed ee 
CTPA UE DSH OOD O10 Uae Lees an, MSS SRN Se ee ae ee EA) hd ee |e eer 
SF O00) GUO) OVEre nee |e eee 2 = en Oe a cer Se on ee eee nee aoa n= 
Total for returns 
showing no net in- 
GOMO-=_=..--S-52=—~ 115, 518 689, 772, 361 | 110, 564 995, 546, 241 | 142,362 | 2, 029, 423, 744 
Grand total—net in- cn. ee t.. 5o 5 
come less deficit.-__| 317,579 | 7, 671, 738, 888 | 320, 198 | 8, 415, 872, 217 | 345, 595 | 5, 873, 231, 069 
1921 1922 1923 
Distribution Number Number Number 
of Amount of Amount of Amount 
returns returns returns 
Returns showing net income: 
Size of net income— 
Wmder $2:000=--+=.==..- 75, 451 $61, 895, 581 92, 259 $86, 729, 211 99, 240 $87, 992, 887 
$2,000 to $5,000--__.._-- 40, 402 124, 049,405 | 43, 502 137, 791,967 | 48, 269 153, 069, 832 
ae to vee Soecceos , 20, 1384 142, 168, 065 24, 787 174, 308, 283 27, 602 199, 336, 286 
10,000 to $25,000_--__-- Sas 
$25,000 to $50,000. ._.._- 25, 327 547, 473, 491 35, 811 767, 133, 959 39, 764 891, 426, 019 
$50,000 to $100,000_ -___- 4, 595 320, 442, 399 7, 312 512, 069, 921 8, 258 577, 435, 489 
$100,000 to $250,000- - -__ 3, 108 478, 376, 439 5, 114 791, 272, 098 5, 942 923, 065, 165 
$250,000 to $500,000- - --- 1, 186 391, 718, 873 1, 889 658, 842, 334 2, 149 745, 679, 327 
$500,000 to $1,000,000__-- 555 380, 316, 893 1, 016 708, 997, 233 1, 089 752, 853, 087 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000__ 461 918, 041, 802 725 | 1, 444, 773, 281 858 | 1, 695, 716, 712 
$5,000,000 and over ---- 70 971, 569, 865 120 | 1, 681, 892, 856 | 168 | 2, 294, 954, 330 
Total for returns fare 
showing net  in- 
(C0300 s\aee ee ee oe 171, 239 | 4,336, 047,813 | 212, 585 | 6, 963, 811, 143 | 233, 389 | 8, 321, 529, 134 
Returns showing no net income:} MT ain? phew it 
Size of deficit— 
(mdents2): O00 526 25. eas | Meee serra eee ee ee ee an nt eee a | een | nn 5 
S05 GGO) ta) S100: OOO! Sako | ee ae ee | ee eee | === 
STO TOOO NEO is 500! OOO see ea ee ee ee TE a Ee oo Sap eee oo - = eee aa [a one 
5005000! C0: 912000; 000-222 | b= Bas eee ese |e es Jae == -- | an | nas 
12000! GOD! tO. s2: 000/000! S| be = em | See Oo eee ee a | oa a aa ene ewan | =e a= === 
$2;000}000 to: $3,000; 000-=|- 24. 2-2 <lhe2--____ == |e- | fn nnn nn 
STOO OOURC OT UO O00 Te awe men pete a ice wpe WN ero iaire* eS (gee se a a 
SAHOO OOOILO S00! OOO wassenes eae CULT ESI es Ae Oe eal ocak loses Rie eg 3 C Ttat MUy Uee 
Sh OO OOD atid! Oveleew ae |sbeeset es le- 2 === oe ee eee |----=----------|---------|-------------- 
Total for returns 
showing no net in- | 
CONIGE a see 185, 158 | 3, 878, 219, 134 | 170, 348 | 2, 193, 776, 356 165, 594 | 2, 018, 554, 987 
Grand total—net in- | | | 
come less deficit____| 356, 397 457, 828, 679 | 382, 883 | 4, 770, 034, 787 | 398, 933 | 6, 307, 974, 147 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income tax returns of 

corporations are summarized on pp. 43-45. 

Fiscal year returns are included. 


Corporation returns—Distribution of number of returns, net income, and deficit, by 
ae of net income and deficit for all corporations for years 1918 to 1927, inclusive— 

1924 1925 1926 
Distribution | Number Number Number 
of Amount of Amount of Amount 
| returns returns returns 
Returns showing net income: 
Size of net income— 
Winder $2,000! =.-==2282= 105, 135 $92, 757, 850 | 108, 447 $96, 859, 748 | 118,092 | $104, 121, 718 
$2,000 to $5,000___---_-- 49, 050 154, 696, 040 51, 834 162, 780, 292 50, 918 160, 215, 419 
$5,000 to $10,000__-___-- 26, 090 192, 682,420 | 29, 067 207, 812, 825 | 28, 363 201, 434, 466 
$10,000 to $25,000__-_--_- 39, 411 858, 279, 429 { 29, 533 477, 066,018 | 26, 463 424, 743, 533 
$25,000 to $50,000__-____ | : 1S ae 13, 965 498, 304,439 | 15, 250 505, 981, 193 
$50,000 to $100,000- - -__- 7, 857 546, 492, 107 9,249 | 646, 218, 517 8, 748 612, 009, 482 
$100,000 to $250,000- _ -_- 5, 200 800, 400, 960 6,270 | 966, 671, 837 5, 966 917, 880, 867 
$250,000 to $500,000- - --- 1, 793 620, 791, 551 2, 200 765, 259, 354 peal ye 749, 611, 283 
$500,000 to $1,000,000____ 952 662, 504, 898 1,156 | 788, 857, 128 1, 100 759, 354, 667 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000_- 739 | 1, 447, 837, 353 917 | 1, 876, 242, 787 883 | 1, 769, 642, 841 
$5,000,000 and over---_-- 162 | 2, 210, 209, 684 196 | 3, 097, 610, 752 214 | 3, 468, 407, 420 
Total for returns 
showing net in- | 
(Ot)o0X eee Ss ee 236, 389 | 7, 586, 652, 292 | 252,334 | 9, 583, 683, 697 | 258, 1384 | 9, 673, 402, 889 
Returns showing no net income: | 
Size of deficit— | 
Wnder: $25; 0005222 - == —— Ree ee eae AL 165,909 | 507,429,985 | 183, 538 622, 156, 073 
SOR OOO Oss OO OMe an 2) ko eee 8,565 | 401,080,214 | 10, 630 497, 909, 273 
STOOD OOO GOspo00 ONO mee |. 2 ot eee 2, 876 486, 586, 356 2, 619 520, 867, 843 
SSOO OOO MOS O0OTOOUEA eI... 2 |= See 241 171, 006, 631 251 178, 364, 712 
$1,000,000 to $2,000,000__|_--------|---- EAN REE S! 81 111, 694, 991 94 124, 482, 493 
$2)000'000:t0'$3000!000__ |=... == 2+). 2228 2 ees 28 67, 150, 838 28 66, 305, 016 
$3: 000: 000ito $4:000}000!— |. --=-2252|.2222-E ae ee 15 55, 984, 630 12 41, 221, 059 
CAST O00 tO mo, O0UL000 =o! 2. |e eee ees if 31, 018, 188 6 26, 887, 189 
SH OOU UU0 anGlovelees..| 2. =. leo. see eee 16 | 180, 676, 262 | 8 90, 516, 644 
Total for returns 
showing no net in- 
OMO.2 eee ene 181, 032 | 2, 223, 925, 993 | 177,738 | 1,962, 628,095 | 197, 186 | 2, 168, 710, 302 
Grand total—net in- | 
come less deficit____| 417,421 | 5,362,726, 299 | 430,072 | 7, 621,055, 602 | 455, 320 | 7, 504, 692, 587 

1927 1927 
Distribution Ne FR Distribution Nee 
ber of | Amount ber of | Amount 
returns returns 
Size of net income: Size of deficit: 

iWnder Sl 000: sees eens 70, 299 | $27, 806, 395 Wmider pi 000_.2-= 32a 49,199 | $22, 260, 980 
$1000 fois2;000 ssa sees 52,044 | 79,589 268 $1,000 to $2,000 35, 201, 966 
$2,000 ‘to'$3,000_..-.-.---.- 26,470 | 64,351, 482 | $2,000 to $3,000. 38, 056, 867 
$3 O00MtOlnt, 000s ieee 15, 048 52, 633, 692 $3,000 to $4,000 39, 367, 959 
$4,000 to $5,000_-..-------- | 9,914 44, 367, 754 $4,000 to $5,000. 37, 228, 992 
$5,000 to $10,000___-_-_-_-- 27, 690 | 197, 100, 206 $5,000 to $10,000 166, 072, 281 
$10,000 to $15,000__-_------ 11, 387 | 187, 633, 906 |! $10,000 to $15,000__- 4 125, 106, 434 
$15,000 to $20,000____-_-_-- 9,912 | 165, 701, 312 || $15,000 to $20,000___ 98, 125.977 
$20,000 to $25,000____..----| 6,217 | 140, 165, 752 $20,000 to $25,000 .776 | 85, 380, 525 
$25,000 to $5 0, 000 =a 12, 518 | 447, 199, 459 |) $25,000 to $50,000 273, 897, 401 
$50, 000 to $100, C00 == 8, 299 | 580, £09, 267 | $50,000 to $100,000 277, 499, 065 
$100,000 to $250,000 eat 5, 823 | 901,979, 956 || $100,000 to $250,000 351, 234, 547 
$250,000 to $500,000____-___- 2,047 | 714, 494, 467 $250,000 to $500,000 225, 694, 160 
$500,000 to $1,000,000______ 1,139 | 785, 8S0, 764 | $500,000 to $1,000,000 176, 554, 346 
$1,000,000 to $5,000,000----| 855 |1,700,282,717 | $1,000,000 to $5,000,000_...| 188 | 351, 194, 669 
$5,000,000 and over_----_-- 187 |2,938,777,864 $5,000,000 and over-------- 18 | 168, 863, 207 
aes) |e ene SY eae SSSR Ee Patis Sh 

Total for returns show- | Total fo. returns show- 
ing net income---.----- 259, 849 |8,981,884,261 | ing no net income----- 165, 826 |2,471,739,376 

Inactive corporations 

no income data re- 
Wortedea-2 === see—- pie te ol eee eee 

Grand total—net in- 
come less deficit -- ---- 475, 031 |6,510,144,885 

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iS}UsUT}seAuy “¢ 

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a eee Spoos paqstaiy 
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See ere eee 8}q9P PU OJ OAIOSAT ssoT 

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senmecnmvacannnrenseceenens Jo EP “=—-———"* BIT OUT OOF POGLISGNS PTY OF TIME , 

q pourmexs uaeq suq ‘s}U9mM}e49 puB so[npeyos AuIAUBdMODIT |yz arpnyour ‘aingor 



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4740} da1jj09 ‘jusm9}039 B ‘ou, st UoNsaNb s1y} 0} Josisut oy} JT ~~ - 12261 

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0} JOMSUT 94} JT “WaNgoI sty} Jo yavd ¥ Ev poly pus UI Pay oq [[eYs Gory ‘, pus 
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“ANY [VUIO4UT JO 10Z09][0H oY} Wosy Ornooud ,,‘SoA,, St ‘tUay} Jo AUT 07 JO ‘g pus ‘g 42 
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BI UONsanb stq} 0} Jaaisuv oy} JT ~ ~ ysuvak o[quxu} quenbesqns 10 Zz6T 
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srorommmaenene=e JetOryelOdiod Jay30 JO 10 uoIyBIod109 otjsaMIOp Jayjous jo _o048 
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~===="-=--(moYwUsIsep Jo}Je[ Aey OsSN) BsB[O [B1euaD (D c 
“OD do ‘g “V GIA Wl8g} ANyUAp! pmo uoYoNpod £44 
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UAO JIy} [[B3SAt JO ‘[jas ‘yasodsuesy Os] YIyAA pus g JO y ur Ajddns [wllayeM Jo aoin0s 
~Uapt oq ][GS pmoys ‘A[uIBUr JO Ajaaisnjoxe yonpoid uMO Jey} YaxIEM pus yiodsuBsz 
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-soMlop—adoIAdsg—"y*SoTBS WOIy ApuvUId yyord qyLA eFv10}s GIL Soyeg =“ paypuwy 
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10 orpAy) Jamod so 4y3q oqoa]a {(1a4vAi JO ‘[eoo ‘[eInyBT) sed—seaTPIIVN oONQng—zqy 
“Aus jt ‘payiodsuvi, yonpoid yerods pues pury 94} 24039 "930 ‘Boo, ‘JayeAL “fer 
—uontyiodsuvi,—"{q ‘“SUOMpBI[[BIsUI JO PUTy 10 ‘pasn spuUEzTUI “4[ING soinjons4s Jo 
Buyjvjsut pus Jurddinba osye “ozo ‘sdiys ‘speosres ‘sa8piiq ‘sZurpring ‘suoieAsoxe 
—woronijsuog9—*q  “yonpoid ayy Jo omea oyu} Aq parduit you jt [wIazeU oY} OSTU 
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-doid yons jo dursvaj 94} Os[e pus ‘s][a [lo puv sed Jurpnyour ‘Zurfarenb puv Zararpy 
—gq ‘sjonpoid 10 yonpoid 343 a38}g5 ~“Aj40Gd01d Yons Jo Zutseay ayy os]6 pus “oa 
‘Zuyyseaiey oor ‘Bu1s50j ‘Surysy Jurpnjout ‘sayysnpur pozpejel pus ongjnowsy—y 
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uleur 8,consiodioo og} Ayyuopr ‘Mojeq uaAId siaqje, AOH 94} JO BuveU Ag “T 



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948 SB SeIT}ONOD aH}010; 10 EUOISSeoH mot ee ox] cone 
pau ‘s01013 pean Oc]} 0} Prod sew siomd pus omoony (9) 
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ae eRe LE OGrT wos (e;OF, “IE 

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SS wos ogrre, Iuyposcrd 
JO @50[9 96 4ooNS ooUeTeG Sq UAMOYS SU eygoId peprAipun pus sniding “gs 

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‘Qoy UROT MINT [CIPI oy) JepuN Porssy SoypMoIs uO yearaUy (9) 
OL ‘IVIg BJO soe 

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~e1odi09 04} ammbor Avul JOMOISSIMIMIOD oY} ‘FIPeIO SI} JO DDUBAOTTE OY} OF quapaseid 
uOHIpUCd B SB pus ‘paseq SEAL XB PanioIs YoNs Yous YOGA uO WANjeL OY} JO doo 
payiqieo B 41 0} payoe7yB OAT] 4SNUL UIIOJ oy} Pansoov Sox} IO} 4YINON St 4Ipotd asBO 
uy “quemsud 8} Yons yous 10g ydradat 949 YR 1049090} ‘UINqoI BIG} YRAL pozqter 
-qns oq 4snur Oo} UIOAIS pus UT peri AJa}o[durOo ‘ETT T WOT JO Adoo 8 ‘807239 pezay 
ey} Jo uorsassod v Jo AjuNod uF1o10j B 0} pred Apeare sexe, s}goid pug ouloouy 
jo yunooow uo 7g Ulaz] UT UoIyw1odi09 oNsaMIOp vB Aq POUT] 8! 4!P210 B JI “LS 

m *a0INos oy} 9S 
PleqqILA pus pozonpop oq 0} posmber xe} om0ouT Aue [gE Wax] Ul yIpold B SE UIYEIO Awur 
Ures07} Ssauisng Jo voyjd 10 eo1go Auw SulAvy 40U pus 80707g PazUN 247 UIq}I4 ssa: 
-Isnq 10 opti} v UI pessdue you puw uorjexe, 07 yoofqns TOIPBIOd109 UBis10} Y “9S 


“69 STONINSOY JO SPIT SIV 908 ‘ZZGT “JOY OpBIY, BUIYO og} Japan pozravai0 
worjeIOd109 B POAOTTS 4{pa10 94,104 “gF WOONWSuUy ur popraoad sv poynduroo oq [Teys 
x} 047} ‘porsed Suryunooov 94} UreduByo G yooye 07 Awad B JO Javd [BUOIOBIS B OJ apeUT 
ET EIMPLOY, JT “PEMOT[E sr O00'TS JO4!POr0 [INF OYF ‘Sy}UOMT OApoMy ULG} eso] JO polrod 
uroout you & SUIABY BoIyer0d100 orjsautrop & Aq gz W194y UI peut aq Awu yor QO0'ZS 
Jo pox ox} Jo sse0Ke UT eUIOVUT you JO JUNOUY ay} UodN payndmio? st xv} OT, “GZ 


-gumoour 00} yooper Ao] Jou Soop poyjour yons ssayan ‘sqooq ay} Amdooy Uy posojdure 
AjxwBor FuryUN0008 Jo poyyaur oy} yA oowsps0008 ur Avod o]GeXxE} B7T JO BISEq ON} 
uodn payndmos eq [peys uoryvr0d100 B Jo aMMONUT qOM YT, “TT Wz] Woy Eg U19;T Sut 
~yonpap Aq pourszgo SI YOIYM ‘AMLOOU! 4OU 94} FZ Woz] HG JoyUG—OMOIU! ION “FS 

“aarmnjour ‘ZZ 0} ZT SWIIzT JO TsO} OY} IOjUY—sTOHINpap TE}OL “ES 
+69 suOIpaNdagy JO ZZOL afouTy 03 ‘rea 101d 10J sso] Jou B JO JUNDIO’ UO pauITElo ET 
Toronpap BJT “poynduroo sua worjonpep yous Moy Zurdoys ojnpeyos B WINZSI OY YALA 
ey pus ‘avy Aq pezwoyyne suoiyonpep Joyo Aue sozUgq—suonINpap JOO “Zs 

‘ "69 SUOT}EINAey JO ZOOT PUB LET 04 TOZ SeG1Y seg “PeuUIULojJep Teaq 
seq Teok o]qQBEE, OT} 10 UOT}ONpap Torja[dep Moy Jo o]JBUB[dxe YIM syossu [warshyd Jo 
ON[VA 0} SUOT}IPPS JO SUOT}ONpsp Uo Zursvaq suoNoesues} [[E JO FUMII}e4S [NJ UT YpIOF 
Suyyes ‘eyep cy dn ompayos uonysldep imof Zuq of Aresseosu UOIZBULIOJUT WIMyeI 
STU} IA ery uayy ‘Suvad snorasad Uy erTUUONsENH IIA peyy Useq Savy BWP VOWEN[ea 
ayaydumoo jy “WANYOI YALA OTY puv ur [Ty ‘(Jequry) [ Woy Jo “(sv pus [10) E-O Wo, 
‘(syeyauu0U SnoauseosMm) J UII0,7 ‘([e0o) mW WOT ‘(speieurM) | WO 10,09T]/0D 94} 
Woy eIMoes ‘uoyeldep jo yUNOVDT UO peUNE[O st UoTJONpep @ JJ—"NoHesdeq "[Z 

"69 SMONBMA0Y JO OLT OF TOT SopoMTy seg “eMpayos Tq} UT 
Pepnpour oq you ysntm soNTvA puwyT ~“poynduroo st 4x YoryAi Uodn sieeq puv peuTeyo 
gunours, Ajoyercdes 03039 ‘pepnjoul SI BoUeDseTOsqo OBB UE "4oos OoUB[wq Oy} UT 
peyoogor somdy oy? WIA prodsesi0d pmoys Uleleq} pemyelo WUNoUTE [e}o} ey} puE 
“OI pay 9q [eqs [ elmpeyog uorye1esdep jo yUNOIDv UO PeMyeIO BI UOTJONpaD w Fy 

“ANB OT} JO SUTUBAUT 64} UITIIM Teo} pus 1vOM ‘UONSsNuyXe 07 
qoofqns ou ore SoyLIMOas OF] pus ‘spuog ‘sy0}g “UINJeI SY} UI poqiiosep eq pmoys 
paydops pogjem eyy, “zeod o[quxs, 947 SulmMp suoTpuoD Sutyw10do 07 pisdei enp 
e4aey 8NU pus 9qBuosver oq 4SNu pozdopz st guomM0I710dds jo poryyour zo ued JaAs 
4eqyM “Woronpoad jo s71un JOA quouTUONOdde ue sB TONs ‘ao0¥81d opwsz pozTuSooar 
39430 Aus YIM OOUspIOINB UI JO syUaUTTeysu [enuUB yenba ur Joyy1e AyIsdosd oy4 30 
OFT Thyesn 94} JoA0 YO padizyo eq pmoys paovder oq 0} ums Yeudeo eyy, “9Z6T JO 
qoy enuargy on} JO FOZ UOMag ves eseyomd Aq uvyI JoUUTM Joy;0 Aus UI parmb 
-o8 sea Ajrodoid 04} IJ “Jo}seIT BI JOASTOTA ‘STS6T ‘T Wore JO 8B ONTCA JoxIETE 
@BJ 94} IO 4800 [BULBI0 st MO paynduios oq PIA 4I 4vq} ydeoxe ‘1oWUUT OUTES OT} 
Ul paurIULajep oq [ITM UOIpTderdop jo yunome 044 ‘“STET ‘T Wore 0} so1d paseyoind 
sum Aqtodoid oy} esto UT ‘ayy [NJoon 9} JO Zururemer sive Jo raqumu a[qeqoid 
oy} pus ‘Az10do1d oy Jo (3800 4uatmedu[der you) 4809 TeUZUO 944 JO sIs¥q oY} UOdN 
pamluliezep 9q pynoys uorBIoeI1dap Jo gunOUTE 04} ‘TET ‘E WoIBYA[ 10}Ju JO TO osuqoind 
4q poimbos sea Aj10edcid 943 JT ‘aed a4} JO suoiesscdo oy ysulede o[quezreyo 
Apredoid st omar ‘oomaosajosqo JO ‘1ee} pus Jes ‘UONSNeyxe JO uoswer Aq AjI0 
-doid a[qeiaadep ut guemy4saAur 943 JO uoTpI0d oy} Auumseaur AjMey yuNoUe Ue SI OF 
We3J Ul UOMBIOoIdap jo yuNODOB UO aIqyONpap yunows oy T—Uonrpeamdag ‘oz 

““ONONpep B SB PIWITE[O spueplATp Aus F O|Npoyog ur oquaseqy 
“6 W104 Ul OMODUT su poy1odad araZa 
WIA 6 WOONysUy UT pequosep spueplarp oY} ET WO] sv J9Uy—spueplaiq “EL 

- *pajoayqoo WOrYyAl UT vad oy} 10j oMIOOUT ge 
‘pominges sq yenur ‘pazoaqjoo Ayuonbasqne 7 ‘peq sv yo pasreyo ATsnotaeid yqop y 
*poysonbar woryeuLroyar 94} FUA Uy 
PITY eq pmoys H emnpeysg ‘aAsosoz B 0} UOIFIPpT UB SI po}ONpop JuNoue oy} JT 
“SS89[ JOA 0q 0} PeUTUJeZOp BEAL YOeS AOY 97848 pus ‘GO Pasreyo syunows oy} 
SuLAoTS a[Npeyos B 4yrIqQns ‘paumTe[o WOHONpep Oy} UT papnpour exe eyqop 94} JT 
; *aead 04} UTA 8]qQep peg JOJ GAsasal BO} Poppe U2aq sey HB 
gunoule o[qeuoseor Yons JO ‘1voA 04} UIQ YO pesieyo uso savy PUB SS9Tq}IOA Oq OF 
poulezia08¢8 AjoyTuyep Useq aAGq YMA ‘eMOOUT UI pozeHeI Us0q GATT 4LY2 S90LAIO_ 10 
89/83 THO1j Duisiie ‘joora4} suorsiod Jo ‘ayqap gI Wiox] SB JozUq—s}Gop peg ‘gT 

“A OMpeyog Ut pautreyo sesso] urepdcy 
2 - *@S[M10440 10 soUsINSUy 
4q 10} poyeeusdcios you pus ‘yJaq4 wosy Io ‘Ayyensvo Jdq}0 JO ‘yDeLAdIqS "n11048 
‘og WloIy Busy sso you ay} AT woz] sv JozUy—j0 ‘wz03s ‘erg £q sassoq *yT 

"P2PNPap SoxB}z JO SsUlO Yous | o[npeyog ur 4svT 
“aI poRnueut oy} Aq sayvs uodn pasodun soxez 
dou “uEUaA0D 903j-xu} @ Duyure;u09 spuog uo pred soxe} Teiapay ‘possosse Aysadord 
9q} JO EN[TA oy} esvaIOUT 0} FuIpuo, s}YJoueq [wool ysule#e possesses sox, ‘zg Wo}T 
Uy 41PSI0 B 8B pouTTE[O coxny SyyOI1d pus oUOoUT ‘saxu} OMIONUT [wIopa, OpNpoUr you OG 
‘veh oquxB} 04} Hunmp panioos ro pysd soxe, oT woz] ae IOHUGq—'sexey, ‘OT 

“UO}Ux} ory 3dutexs AT[OYA Bt YOTyA uodN yeau0,Uy Oy} SaryuINoas 20 suoTyesITqo 
41189 10 oseqoind 0} penuyyao0o Jo pelinout sseupeyqapuy uo 4se10}UT epnyouy 70u 
OM “woupeyqopay ssomsnq uo pred yeele,Uy gy loz] se JOyY—yse103;UT “QT 

S°ON (ap de0uq) “67—ZzLLE 
eUO UT eurez] IOWpEr oy} Zurdnow “4809 jo suraqr pedjoupd oy} q eMpensg ut yery 

Oy} JO Soo OY} UO posreyo st UONeIDedop moy wo Futpuodap “aAras51 TOYsredap 
0} JO 4yun0d08 [uyId¥o 03 e[quaSeyo eB samnyzipnedxs yons se ‘ajquoNpap you are 
Aqrodoid Imovjder 10 Zurs04ser1 103 samyrpuadxy -4gunooov [e7z1deo 07 ajquesseyo ore 
Ayradoid oy} JO ONTBA oY} esBoIOUL YOIYA spUaTIIEy4eq JO syuewMeACIdUN yuaUBULIEd 
oy 10 “quoudmbe ‘Arourgovur ‘s8urpyinq Aiou Joy sommgipuedxm *Ayradoid jo opy 
04} Buojord A[quweidde 0 onyea oy} 04 Pp¥ ou Op qorqAs swaz1 J9y40 pus ‘sayddns 
‘10qu] 04} Zurpnjouy ‘sxyedor [eyUopyour Jo 4809 04} FT Wz] ev 1yUq—ssTeday “PT 

' -kymbo ou seq woryei0d 

*paysonbar vorysM0su! 04} Burard ‘O snpeyog ur [Tg pus ‘pred u10j saAezeTy UE 
‘s190TgO [IB JO UOpesuaduI0D CY} ZI Wz] SB 1oyUq—'sr90qO JO UOHBsUedMOD ‘ZL 

°g pus ‘p “g sute}y uy pozioder sossoy Aue Suyonpep 
qaye ‘eArsnjouy ‘OT OF § SuIa}z] JO yUNOUTS zou OY} JO;UY—euIONy [jo “IT 
: “6 W934] W0Iy 
pepnpoxe Aypeogioeds spueprarp Aue qyLM Joy}0#0} ‘mmyo1 og} TO pepLioid sy cond 
OU YIYA JOJ OUIOIUT O[QUXE} 19470 TS OL Wa] sB Io,Uq—‘ourosuI JaM]O ‘OL 
“QV 94} JO 2TZ Worjdeg Japan psuyap sa 
-100 94} 88 potied yons Jo 41ed yons 103 10) spuaplAyp Yons jo uolBIvpep 944 Zurpea 
-oid reak g[qexe} 8} JO OS0[D 04} YZIA Burpue poyed read-sa1q4 oy} 10 wOIZwIOdI09 
BUTYD OY} JepuN poziuVeZ10 UONsIOdI00 B UBT} Joqj3O PUT HZET JO OV anUaAdy OG} Jo 
79% WONdg JO S{YauEq 94} 0} p2]}z13Ue DOI}BIOdI0D B UBYZ Joq}0 UOT}eIOdION OIyseMIOp 
‘8 WIOIy (D) SPUSPIAIP SB P9AToVeL YUNOUTE 04} G Woz] 8B JoJUq—spueprAI “6 

“HUT pel pA wo}4] JO uss snurm 8 Aq pepadoid eq plnoys 
qumoure pons ‘sso, oTquONpep B st g WiI;] SB pate}Ta oq 0} YUNOUIT 8y} oFsd UT 

“ssautsnq JO osinoo AreUIpIO oY} UI faI;LMO09 IO 

HO0AS TI IOTeop B HI VOT}eIOd109 oT} SseTuN ‘ales TONS JO oyep O47 104jB 10 BIOJaq sAEP OG 

umm Aysedoid [voruepy ATeryUEysqns pemnbow seq uoryerod109 oy} o1eYA soryLINoes 
IO 49039 JO sorsys JO UOT}IsOdstp 19440 20 oss Au UI paztusooeL oq [TBYS BSOT ON 

*"sS0[ 10 ue Zuyndurcos wy sexe} 10 “ysoroza! ‘sreder AreuTpIO 

qgonpep 70u OG =*esT [NJosn 841 Huojosrd ‘10 Ay1z9dord oy} e10js01 04 opeuT sivedal pus 
‘syuemoAoIduy ‘suorjIppe IO} seInjipuedxa opnyour syueueAOIdut yuonbasqng 


~0ag cag “OVEP 48q} CrOJSq pouTeysns ATTeNnyoe uorwoerdap ey, Aq p2onpes oq [Eqs 

4800 04} ‘az5P UT} JO S¥ ON[VA JoHIGHIaATEy 8}y UUYy JoyweIs st Ayodoid Yons Jo 4800 

oy} FF pus “ETET ‘T yorwyy ex0jeq parmbow sea Ayadosd oy JL ‘UONIpps UZ “970p 

4eq} e10jaq pormboe sea Ayzodoid 043 yt ‘S16 ‘T WoTByy eours JO ‘WOIIsINbdB JO a3Bp 

sours Aprodoid yons 70 qoedsez Ut o[quAoTTe used sey YOY UoOMedop so ‘doryUzyJ0NULE 
‘gous0sa[0sqo ‘1¥0} PUB IVE ‘UONSsNeyxXe JO yuNOUrE 64} UOTjeIOsIdep sB JOU 

*QUIODUT WOLF poyONpap JaAou jt 4900 Vy} UI pepnypouy 

oq Avur ssuqoind ey} 03 jeyuepioui sosuodzy ‘pouimajep se “ET ET ‘T YoIVPL JO eu 

onfeA Moy Suyurerdxe gueuteze}s YouY *o}BP 4UI} JO sv ON[wA JoRIVUT Tey ON} “ETET 
*] qorsyy 04 Jouid pazmbos sua 41 jt pus ‘Az1odoid 943 JO 4S00 TeULsIIO OY} JazUT 

“peAteoor yuNOUTS ay} Suryndaroo uy 

pe}onpep oq Auui ‘syue3e pred suolssrura10o se yons ‘ays 8q} BAIA pezootuoe sesuadaay 

‘adueyoKe Ul pastader Azsodoid oy} JO Onj[BA JaHIBUZ ITBy oy} JO ‘poAtedar coud 10 
WONBIEpIsuoo [yNzIe Vy} 07033 pus ‘g_ ofMpoqog uy Agortq Ayrodoid 943 oquioseqT 


Tszidwo pue ‘spuoq “sx00}8 ‘o7%}82 [war JO UOIIsodsyp Joq}O JO ETE EY, TOI SIO 
10 Ure Jo yUHOUE OY} g WA4y Be JoJU—‘sjesse [EyIdsD Jo OyBS OI WYOIT “S 

"IZ Mex] Se pozrodar oq pmoys 4 ‘uoNe[dep Joy paumtvyo st CoRONpep 
@ J] ‘seppedor es poaroool yuNoWe ss0i9 04} Z Wax] Fe JojUq—senTeAoy “4 

*£panoadsos ‘og pus ‘gt ‘et “pT suteq] Uy Pepntouy 
eq PMoys uoHswsidep pus ‘sexvy “ysoIequT ‘suysdor Joy pemyeya suoyonpep Ay 
*Aqzedord yo yuer oy} JOy PoAloool JUNOW B5019 OY} Q Mid}] SU JOJUY—jUSY “Gg 

*spuod uonsiodioo pus ‘saieF 

“yom ‘sojou ‘sysodep yueq uo rat e[qexs; 043 Smump uoyzesodio0 oy} OF Poypera 
JO POAlO0aI YSAIOQUT [TB g Wi94y BE JozU—"939 ‘sjisodep Hcvq wo 7s0793,0T “g 

“‘sumoure suc 

Ur pednos3 oq pnoys suroqt JouTU ey} fsureqr pedrouyzd oy} Jo YUNOUTe puY OINjEN 

0q} peprAoid eovds 04} ur Sunsye ‘ZuLM,OeNUBM Jo Fulpeiy UBT} soyj0 suoIjeIodo 
wioIy 4goId ss013 94} F UlO}T SB JOjUq—suOHeIedo JOMO woz yYO’d SSID " 

88019 94} ‘T Ux7] WoIy ‘Pos Spood jo 4800 on} ‘Z uray Faponpep Aq pouyezqo By Yorqa 
‘ZuyMyoRjNUBU IO Suypes, wos YGord ssorT 04} gE Urs;] SS 1O}UG— Bord ss0Ig “"g 
*paLimozo eouarey 
“FP oy} Aoy Zorurejdxe yuowmazejs & youyye “ooys souEpeq Og} UO TAOYs GF0q} UII 
9a156 Jou Op WIMMYeL 97} UO poqsodal seloyUOAU] OY OsVO UT “JAMO, Sf J9ASTOFYAL 
‘soy rBUL IO 4800 Jo ‘4809 1OY}{0 4¥ PON|[EA VIE SILIOJUSAUT OG} FET} S}BITPUT OF ,, “FA 10 D,, 
JO «Dy, 8194970] OG} ‘MeINjoo yUNOMIE ey} eToJeq AjeyerpeurerT “Z wreyy Jepun (9) pus 
(2) sou] Uo JajUMm “Og TT wloy ‘fhuozusauy fo opvoYiyi99 8 WIN{SI SI} JO qred & #3 oTy 
Pus ONUdADY [SUI9}UT JO 10ZaTJ[OH oy} Woy oINoes ‘ssoUTSNG JO epvIy ET} UY JO,OUT 
Suponpoid-euoour Us st OsTpUyoIoW Jo eyus 10 ‘ossyoind ‘uomonposd ey} JF 
uc ur pednosd oq 0} sureq! Jourm 04} ‘(9) SUT] UO Posey JUNOUTS oY} UT Pepnyouy 
4809 jo sureyy yedyouzd oy} ‘amor on} Jo z eBed wo “y oMpayog UT 4ST, pus *(9) 04 
(®} sauy] uo poysonber uoljwurs0suT oy} Z WISI] SY 1O;UG—pPjos Sspood 30 380] *% 

' ; *umjer o4} Jo [ eFud uo 7 Waj] FE Parsjue oq 
Pmoys pws ‘pozyraqns yuame7e48 osuodxo pus omoour oy} Aq BAoys 4yoid you ong 
WYWA ‘unger oq} 10 % AZed uo Ty oMperyog jo suvers Aq poyouooeA oq [IM oTMOOUY Zou 
Surqstamy jo ney ur ‘Joomjo yons 07 poezyimMd is YOTTA wt uTOZ oN} UT sesuedxe puw 
euICONT jo FUaMIA}sIs B UINZaL OY} YIIM yromqMs Avur JooWo oRqnd sey} Jo ‘[udyora 
-nur ‘93849 ‘feuoysa Aue 0} sosuodxa puv oUIOOUT Jo szTOMIe}j9 ypmqns 07 parmbar 
suorysiodioo Jeqj0o pus ‘sorauduioo oouwimsur ‘syusq ‘suoYeIOdI0d PHOITTSy 

gourd o[8s oy} Wosy epuNoosTp 
Jo saonuMoye Aus pus paumyer spood sso] ‘vepes sso18 04} “UINyer oy} jo 7 ated 
uo [ Wozy s¥ JojUe ‘Surmzoejnueur Jo Duypwsy uy peseIae J[—"Sopes SBD “TL 




grormonmzsur jo TF afar 

oni tase semua saint 
wre -SZET ‘ST YouVPY THI} 10yvT Jou paayooar oq OF OUI) UE “CD *q “UOITAIGST AL 
‘qoroog Fuysog foNuaAdcy PVuULIUy JO JOUOIsSIUIMMOD O47 0} PopsvALIOZ oq 4snut 
2261 avaf rupug[vo oq} Fuyz2A09 worwuojO! Jo sUINyar Yong ‘ysonbor aodn onua 
~Aoy 18 ‘spuaptalp 10y VLGOT PUY L60T 


PIAIP PUB ‘GAUALO [BNPLAIpU! UT JO spurt] O4} UI gavd ur 10 goys uy xz 07 yoal 
<qiis oq pmnoas yoryA “ZTGET *T soquiozdag 4}je ponss! $az¥7g popu EYF JO Sao!z8S1|qo 
WO 4saza,Ur Aphjour j[sYs awWOoUT you ay} OSH YONS UT “ZV 947 JO Oss BONIS Aq 
pasodur xu} aq} 07 UONIPpe Ur aq [[EYS YorYyar ‘Jooroyy yuNourE oy} JO 490 dad gg 0} 
yenba REL B Mo}}wIOdIoa yans Jo QmooN! YoU ITA uodn 1094 ajquxt} yove 103 pred put 
‘pozoaTqoo ‘patra, eq [1BYS 2043 ‘Peynqiysip JO pepiAlp Satoq Jo pvaqsur opupnmnooy 
0} syyoid pay sured sit Suygziaued Aq siopjoqoreys szt uodn xtyings ay} Jo uorisodur 
04} Surjtiaaoid jo esodind ayy oJ JO payleae 10 pautios st uonviodios Auv jy “pS 
*pnesy 0 anp Jt Soustoyap Jo yUNOUTB Jo 4ua0 
god 9g 30 ‘pneayop 0} WUOzUI yNONIA\ suONL[NFer puv sons Jo pivsaistp ;BUOINAzUT 
10 douasyJau 04 anp jt Aouvarogap ayy JO JUNoWT 9421 Jo yuo Jed G UONyIppe Ur ‘puT 
‘oyrvo OY} STO} Bp JOAOYaIYA\ ‘spwaddy xvy, JO prcog oy} YA uoNHed vB ag OF Ys OY} 
jo JOATEA B JO Buy 04} Joye Lcp q}917114} 24} 0} 10 ‘passasse st AoUaIOgop oY} OUP 
oy} 07 uNUUe Jad yua0 Jad 9 yu Aoualdyap uo ysel0zUJ—"xe} UT AQUATOyep JOT “Eg 
“XD 2G} JO yUNoULE 943 JO 
quao sad gg ‘uorrppe ut ‘pus ‘q}0q Jo ‘sivok BAG ULA} BOUT 4OU 10} yuoMTUOSLIduTT 10 
OOO‘OTS UVq} q1Om AON—UINyax yUEMMpNEry JO esTey B Buryeur Aly JOY “ZS 
? “xt} oq} JO JuNoME 913 Jo 
quaa sad eg ‘uonrppe ur ‘pus ‘q}0q Jo ‘1Ge4 ano ULY} OOM 4OU Joy yUOUIUOSTIduT! 10 


*1072aT109 943 Aq puBMep pur 90x}0u uodn pred oq [JeYs predun xv} 917} Jo 
qunoure ojoyAs ay} ‘yuowAvd s}1 10j paxy 0yep 94} UO pred you st yuamjeysuar Aue jy 
“quammy[EqoUr 4sxy 94} Burked soy poqiiosoid ayep 4soqv] 94} Joye ‘YUOUT qZUIT O13 Jo AEP 
yqu993J5 ON} e10Jaq JO uo yuoMTI[E}sSUT YIAMNO; ay) pug ‘yUOT YRxIS oq} Jo Avp qyWIEqTY 
OY} 210J9q 10 UO JUaUTT[EYSUL pATY) Oy} ‘Y}UOUT pam} 9143 Jo Arp y}UIe4Iy 94} eTOJOq 40 
uo pied og [[c4s JUaMI[EySUI puodas ay} ‘Tea afqextz Sy} JO aso]o OY} BuIMoOyToOy yzUOUL 
PAM 214 jo Sup WywIzjY 94} e10Joq JO Uo pred aq [[BYs JUerMT[CysUI 4sIg OUT, 

TSMOT[OJ 8B ‘s}UoUr 
~Irsjsuz penbe anoy uy Jo wanqos 94} SUNY Jo our} oq} 4B pred oq Avur xe} [5709 OL 
91} JO a0mJ0 O43, 4 ydooxa tossed ur 41 Atd Jo [uur oy} UFNOIG} Yeo pues 4ou OC 
: « YDIg par 4719 
Jo yoayo B UINjaT aq} GM duiguuq 10 Zurpues Aq pred oq pnoys xe} en, “0G 

“q}80 Jopun woreI0d109 Yons Oy UINzOI 
9} 9}NIaNO [TeYs seouTIss# JO s90jsnI} ‘sIaAI@0eI Yons ‘uno1}zBIOdIOD 9Yy1 JO ssouIsNq 
to, Apedosd 04} Zuyvisdo v1 saauSisse Jo ‘Aojdniyusq ul saaysniz ‘sIaAooe1 JT 
*queBe yons Aq 0} uOMS aq [YS Saztig payiug 04} Ul 4yuede Us BuIAVY uOI}eIOdI00 
usia1oJ B JO UINZOT OYJ, “~JaiNsued} 4uvISISSB JO Jomsver}, 243 Aq puB ‘190yJo [edIo 
-auid 1aqj0 Jo yuapisaid ao1a ‘Quapisaid a4} Aq 0} UIOAIs oq [[BYS UINJAL OUT, “GP 


*s}SIxo 9snuo pood quamIpnl sry ul JaagueyA\ ‘umyor yoNs Bury 1Oy MEL 

Aq poquosaid a4up a4} e10jaq apr st Ioja1ayq} uoIsoydds jr ‘uINjer & Burpy 10} suny 
jo wolsuezxe v[quuostal v 4uvI9 ABU ONUaADY [BUIe}UT JO 1040aT[0D SNL “gp 

“pusyAreyy “orounyeg 

‘MUAY [eULa}UT JO 10,ISTJOD 9y} TIA ‘gzBI ‘SL ouNL orOJaq IO UO poly oq [BYS 

WIN}2L 94} §9}3B]G paytuy 943 ul ssoursnq Jo sov[d 10 odMgo Aus Zulaey you uorye10d100 

UBla10J B JO V8UI 94} UT “YZGT ‘GT YorBpY S1OJoq IO UO ddWZO g,40,00T10D 94} Yowor 

0}, 82-08 pazBoo] St Q2qjo [edioulsd g,01}vI0d109 OY} WOIGA Ul 4O11zSIP IY} 10J ONTIAAY 
TeU1970T JO.10,02TI0H a7 07 yas aq sNUT sZGT Iva IspuoPeo ay} IOJ UINZOL OUT, “LF 


30 st powed yons ut syzu0M jo Jequmu 043 st siseq [enuUT yons uo peyndmoo xv} 
jo yavd Yons aq [[vys xe} 049 pur ‘powed ay) ur papnyout syjuOU jo Jaquinu ey} <q 
SUIpIAIp puy eae} Aq joosay} yunoure ayy Buréydry~nar 4q siseq jenuue uv uo psovd 
9q TBys Ivok B jo qavd JeuoMoRIy v 10} uIngar aye1udas ay} uO peyndues euooUt you 
24} poled Zuyyuno008 244 ut eBuEqo w soacidds AQUOISSMMMOD, BH} VIM “OF 
*poysed 10 awa 
914Bx0} Aeu 10 pesodoid a4} Jo asoja ay} e10Jeq sXup. 64.174} ySEO] 4B.10}08T]0D 24} 07 
peprBALloy puw SZ] WOT vo apeu oq T]eYs eXuvyo yons Joy uoyvoydde uv ‘avak peosy 
doqjoue 0} eo [eosy ou0 WOIJ JO ‘Bad [Rosy 04 ZO Aepuayeo mor ‘aad avpuajeo 
0} ava [wosy wo1y powad Surunoso~e 571 aFuByo 07 Salsep UOIeI0dI0d & Jy “Sp 
*poired Sur 
“Janoso8 aq} ul opeuUl sI aZuByqo B ‘TaUOIssTUTUIOD oT} Jo Teaoidde 043 4314 ‘ssofun Surpoo 
~d Apyerpamuy 394 o[qexe7 oy} Joy opuu se UINYOI 94} Yor uodn SISBq exe! uo 
UINjer sy} Ayu TeYs worye1od1oo 04} uinyer 4sIy 94} JO asvo Oy} UT qdooxa “FP 

G@auaAo0o aorad 

"ST 9Mparog Jopun papraoid 
soeds ay} Ut peureydra Aly eq pmoys SQOUTIOHIP 94} IwoeA a[qexe} snorasid ayy jo 

Pu On} 48,88 payimMqns sea Gor 4oaqs couTTEq By} YIIA yoadsox AJOAa ul 0180 4Ou 
s20p 1seA a]qexe} yueLIN 94} jo Surmuigeq on} 4% st 4ooqs oousTeq 243 asva uy 

: *rnaA 21qGBxvB} 9} JO puo pus Sumurdeq 04} 48 se ‘sor 
“Hoy4ne [ediormur put 97249 10 UOIssIMMIOD pres Aq Leet as sqo0ys Ercole meq4 “A 
saidoo ‘yp afnpoyog jo nay ur ‘41mqns Aum ‘zo0qJo ayqnd say30 Jo ‘fedroranur “aang 
“{euoyjsu Auy 0} pur uorsstum0D so19NIMIOD, aqeisiayuy oy) 04 Smy10dar pue ssamisnq 
10 Ope.y 9484STIZUI PUB o7eYSIO}UI UT UT pesnsua suoryesi0dios Tv “le uoxonsysuy 
HIM QoUEpIOOG UT paqsTuINy aq Pfnoys uinjor pazyeprfosuos v soy syaays sounyEq auL 
*petomovar eq pmnoys souazayip Auv Jo ‘y71Maray) 92438 p[noys pue syxooq aq} mor 
Peredead oq prnoys ‘xy ampayag ‘uinyax 243 Jo ¢ afed uo syooqs oousEq "UL ‘eh 


SON (ZF 'deBT) “6E—ZzLLE 

‘ainjat 94} Sujredasd Ul posn svat 4oyz 
S3x00q §,uOTyeIOdI09 94} WO FONODOT Yous UT OUT eq ay} Furnoys Siadud BurqioM ‘sooo 
anueaer v Aq uoryoodsar 10j ofquireav ‘aasosord pmoys uolyesodi09 AIOAT “Zp 


*Axessooou yt ‘papuadds saonvaridxe a[quyins pus ‘suroq1 wiyuoo Aj1}Wapt 04 
Pozroqurss aq pynoys s;uaurysn[pe pue suorpEUIUMND OJ UTUN{OO 94} UI popnjout suta4t 
aqE “syuauiysn{pr pure suoreayurl[o 4} OF Joaya BuyAyd 19450 su9q1 ayI] JO [e104 B 10F 
uuinjoo ano pus ‘s}uoujsn{pe pus suorrureaya Auvdo0910;01 10y UUIN]oOo au ‘aptu a1B 
EUaMTASN[ps AoJaq SUIOIL IYI] JO [0}O} BOF UMINIOo ONO ‘aO!}epl;osuOd 4} UI Pepnyour 
mo1v10d109 yous ioJ papracid Bujoq wuINjOo ouo ‘uTIOJ I¥MUIN]O9 wt paredazd oq pynoys 
UIN}21 PoyEpt[osuod & Y}IA\ palg sajnpayos Surysoddns pus Aivyoauajddns [Ty “1p 

“Q01ISIP S}I OJ IOpIATTOD Iq} Jo soo ay} Ut 
SIT BUOY IY PYS suorjvsodso9 paywiyys 19440 94} JO YoU “seajosum9y} ysSuome 
uodn poaide se youve 0} pazvoore uorodoid oy} ‘sao1yw1odios asaqy Suowe pauoy 
-iodde st xv} 04} Jt put ‘dnosd og} ul suosiodi09 pozerure [TB Jo Sassarpp¥ put soumeu 
dt} SULMOYS BNpogos B oza10Y} YoOu}}e TTeYS ‘uTIOJ Sty} UO UINJaI poyepyosuoo B ZUG 
uayat ‘suonviodios payeygys jo Auvduros Zurysoder pedroutd go yuoisd ayy, “Op 

(69 STON EINFay JO LE9 OF TO SETOIWTY 89g) ~49V 24} JO OFZ UONVag Jo Fur 
~UBOUT 94}, UTYZIM UOTyTIOd109 Jay}O AUB YI poyerBe eq 07 pousap aq you [eys ‘ZZET 
‘oy apely, BUIYD 24} Jopun pazravsio0 uoNyeIodi0o y “JauoIsstmrMI0D 94} Aq poyuTsa 
U9aq SBY SIstq 94} 92uTY9 0} UoIssttmed ssayuN s!seq euTBs 344 UOdN oq [LYS Opeur 19338 
~910q} SUINjar [JB pus ‘uoWyeiodioo yoRa roy UINjoI ayesedas vB Jo ‘dno as1yua ay} IOJ 
UIN}O1 PI}BpTOsuod ou0 ay 0} 4daIa J9q319 TTeEYS faq} ‘QZEI JO JOY ONuaAazy 24} JO OFZ 
UOIOag JO FUMBAM Iq} UMUPIA pazuyOse oie suoryesodi0s yo dnoi# v oy AA “6E 

“WINqo1 9Y} JO FZ eded WO y 047 sMONSaNb ulsoy poy[eo uONBUIIOFUI Aq} YsTaINy ysnur 
dnoi3 poyeriye a4} jo woryssodioo jedrouud 10 quored ay} ‘pay st uINjal pazTprosueo 
BOSBI Ul “SPUaPIATP 0} SB padsajaid pue pazrmay st YoryA y004s Juyjoauon epnjout you 
SOOP ,,4904S,, Wi9} ay, “suoNvsodr09 yons Aq paly eq AvUT UINyoI pazeprfosuod ¥ ‘NOI 
-1odoid outs 04} ATUIUtysqns ur ‘suo1ye10d100 40 ‘edryssouzied ‘sfenprArpur onus ey4 
&q 10 ‘dryssanjied 10 [enprarpur auius a4} Aq pouMo SI suotyesOd109 o1ysamMOp e1Our IO 
OM4 JO ¥90}s Zurpuyysyno ay} Jo o10UL 10 4yua0 sad ¢g jf JO ‘s1aqyjO JO JeyjoUT Jo H00}s 
Suaipuejzsyno oy} JO sour 10 yuad rad GE SUMO UOTytIOdIOD DIysamIOp ou JI "gg 


“40 94} JO 2p% UOyIaG Aq paMorE sz “949 ‘aonsroasdap ‘s}qap peq ‘sassc] ‘soxe7 
‘g)s9.10] UI ‘sasuadxo Aivssooau put AIBUIpPIO 203 SuUOT}ONpap ay} sszI ‘QZGT JO JV ondaady 
oy} Aq padoidde yuemezT}g jenuUy 94} JO JIqryxa JUaMysaAUI puv Juywaepun 
24} JO SIseq sy} UO poyndmod ‘oUIODUI ZuYWUAJepUN WoIy pus oMOOUI yuaUTySaALT 
mor v9 BIQexv} 94} ZuLNp pause ouodur ssor9 oy} st ‘pasodun st 4uao Jad 34zZT Jo 
Xb} B yor uodn ‘(aA0qe 0} passajar AUBduIOS eoUBINSU [NZRU JO ayT] T UYY 19490) 
Ausdwoa souvinsul ue jo smoour you oy,—'semedmoa g2uBMsuI Iay}O “LE 

put sosso] Zutjaeur yo asodind gos aq} 10J sIaqUISUM MOI] PI}DAT[OO SPUNOUIE JO SPsISTOD 
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ayr Io ‘sormeduios auoydola}, sArjesrsdoo2 so yengnur ‘soravduros uoesIIIT IO YyoRIp 
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aouvinsulol put ‘sasuadza ‘sassoy Joy pourejar syisodep ummuerd jo yunome aq} pus 
siapjoyAorod 841 03 pauingar s}isodep unrmeid jo yuNOUTe aq} ‘UIMyoI 944 JO TZ WIeyT 
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*jooray} guomAed 94} pus yUsMIUTE}Ia0Se 9q} W9eA3q 
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3 UB} 10430) Ausdm0s souEmMsuI [eNnyNUT y—sermedwod adueMSH ENN “ZE 
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souBMsU! os] ZumMsst Adeduroo vduwmsul ayy] W—'sermedurod aduvMsUT 9jIT “TE 


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emrooul jou 2qL **So9B1S pad) 04} UI SSOTISnq 34} pep,oBsUt1y St qormar ysnorg} 
AduaZe Jo ojo [udrourid 9}1 pd}EIO] St JOLIYSIp SSOTA UT 1OZO9TTORD Ol} YIP WINzor wv oy 
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jo suomstaoid aq} 0} yoafqns uompaodiod uilaioy y—"suoneiodro9 uslel0q ‘pg 

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Ajeyerpouran powed saA-o0I7]} 04} IOJ OMIODUI Sso1 [v}0} BYY. JO Aout 10 4uao Jed gg (2) 
‘papraoid ‘soye7g poyIUE) 04} UIGILM SodINOs WIOIy AaMIOON! ssozd ATMO OUTODUI ss013 SB 
qioder Aeut (Spuvysy ust, 97} 4ds0xa) sayrjyg popluy, a2 JO storssassod oT} UITQIAS 
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4ujof ‘nonviodios yuepiser 10 oNsamop A1oAq—*ATTe19N93 suOnBIOdI0D “gz 


suoyjonaysuy Jo Z e2eq 

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*joorog) AyUOYINT Jope ponest FuoryeNHar oy} PU OZGT JO IOV ONUOANAT OGt 07 quensmd ‘payne ee reo 

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———————qsoraqur sotiveq sysodep yuug “9 


a TT aay —Bejou umyuerd Zarpnpur ‘suvoy AotOT “y 


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Sergi iets ee a Soe ese Sater ce POOR, 

“avax STGVXVy £0 ONG "9 “ayaX TIGVIV], 40 ONINNIOAG “F "Eva XIGVXVY, 40 ONT “€ “avik TIGvVXVY, 40 ONINNIOZ “Z 

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$y (qr gs pormmayt 042) S07 POTTED OTT UTTILA esoUTENG Todn Iwo oABxET Jo Pud ye soTMEdurOD wsror0} Jo epuny EATSAT [UO], “TT 
i reas (G WHOA JO FTBT-OUO) 19k O[qexe) O4} Joy spunNy OAISOT OT] JO WLOTY “OL 
————— ee ann nan nn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn enn GAOGE B UIT UT WAOTS SB ‘§ putz summyoo JOTRIOL, “6 
az SS ee a ~(quenreye38 pezrmezt yous7e) Auu Fr ‘spuny eArpI 1OMIO “L 
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2] enna neem nner nnnnnnmnnna == 19 MNOS[D POPNIOUT Jou) papuemap oq Avur onyea JepuaLms B yoryA uodn sarorod Joy on1980xf “ 

“spyomoq AjIqestp PeLMour Joy saresoy “F 
“pjoerjuoo Are}usureyddns aoy GAresaYy “§ 

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Uvy} Ssof ST Aweduroo OySemMOp B JO VMODUT you 9} JT “ZL | Kees foal OGG GCS DONE ay 10. 

S72 Fea Pe Dp SPS “"% way Jo %Sqzr ‘Auwduroo udraioj B JZ “9 | | | omoour you 8 Satay Atedaros onsaumop Joy ‘000'Z$ IP2ID *S 

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a anna ———__—_———— gastdd xo 070}69 [Ol TIO “IL 
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---|----------|---- (gmnpayos Youye) 9ZEE Jo OV enmeAoy oy} JO § (D)gFZ WON}aag ZopuM e[qroNpep SPUePIATT *L 
= Bl 9 

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aaeecen nnn ennnnnn nn nnnnnmnnnemnnonnmenen—nn= TOT} BIOION UITOIOF PUB OT}SOUIOP JO Yoo}s WO spuspLAT, “S 
a aa “go0TMOS [TB WoT] Ws9IO}UL “TL 

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ae LZG6I aeoX szepuseg 10.Jj 
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wong oo arommoveg | NUMLAY XVL SWOINT ANVdWOD JONVUNSNE S01 moore wed 


ovo uo AUvduI0D JO SSOIPPE PUBOTIvUdOv[G “JequINU o[NpoYos oY} PUT 2171 
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%@ 10 ‘drysionjied  ‘uosiead 0} d10M JO NOS$ JO Spasplarp Jo s}uourAvd Jo uosiad 
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JBpue]so oy} Jawnp o10w JO YOS‘TS Jo euLooUr ajquuratiajzap IO paxy 410130 JO ‘suoIs 
-stwmm0o ‘szUar 4saiazur ‘save ‘soleus jo syucurted Suryeur uoywiodioa Ata 

"OraqL Sq} UL 

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2} SI ET Woz] SB O[GNONpep 4sesozUI Jo yUNOWG oY T—'sseupezqapus UO jSe19}OT 

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pus iva ‘uoysneyxe jo uosvar Aq Ivak ay} Burinp ssoy oy} soinsvaur Ayirey TOMA 
JO pasieyo yunows ue st uoysideideap jo yuN0I08 UO aIqyONpep 4yunoWws o4y, 
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22jUG—"§ We}] JaAO Spunj OAiesaI OY} JO UBIUI Oy} JO JUad Jod F ‘Jo ssaoxg 
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“suorssassod 531, 
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depun Jo yoy UvOT UIBY [elapaq O4} JO suoIsiAcAd 044 Japun ponsst saiyiinoag (Z) 
SBIQUINOD JO ¥oU4sIG 843 JO “yooray} ToLwLArpgns [woy]od Aue Jo ‘A1opUIEy, 9481S 
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ee iene Sian ssiamaaen ~~ (4 SuyT snuyuL g OUI) s~ezU0I to. eMLdN] J@N “gs 
Click ds SERGE, GGiGl EERE Gaiam Game 9 PUL ‘9 ‘p SaNyT JO [BIOL “LZ 

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uo1onpep ou ‘yunoure sua Ur papnpourgou st paidnooo os Suipjing & jo anywa [eyued ey. 
8suo uy “Ausdwod oy} Aq pauao Surpying Aus Url patdnodo eoeds 043 Jo anya [epner 
©} Surpnjouy ‘syuvue} moi paateoar Apjenqjou squad € Wsz] 8B Jo,Uq—s}uay 

“suoMusodiod UstaI0J pus 
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“reaX 9[qBxby 01} Burn} 
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; . “@0UBINSUT JO SSB[9 Jay}O AUB g UUINjOD TI pues 
SOUGANSUY OFI[ YA WoYoouUOS ur pajowsuB.y ssaurENq [IB Zz UUIN[OI UL qaodey: 


* BON (3p'de0vg) ‘62—ZsLLE 

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: :1OJaINy} UOsBaL 
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SsoT puU ureD aq} ulredasd ur posn yyy st oUTES OY} poNZOM oA0qu 94} ST “9 

PV aNpoyag “6 wWezy 
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‘reo a[quxe}, oy} JO pus oy} 4U SpuNy pudpIAIp passajap jo yunowE OY} 93019 “F 

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-sassod soqyeyg poyla yy) ‘Te 00] 04 



The amounts reported by individuals and corporations for income 
and profits taxes paid foreign countries or possessions of the United 
States are shown below. These amounts are tax credits and should 
be deducted from the net tax shown in the various tables in the report 
to arrive at the tax payable to the United States. 

Income and profits taxes paid foreign countries 

= Individual | Corporation 
Year returns returns 
ec Bee St 
19205 52% 22. SO. eee eo oe ore tbs ee ee ee | $1, 987, 285 $20, 139, 995 
OG) ee i 2S See 2 ee eee: eee Se eee | 2, 622, 246 21, 653, 994 
NO 2722 2 5 ba eee We 2 ae Ee i ee ee eee | 2, 297, 852 24, 236, 955 


The following tables are compiled from estate-tax returns filed with 
the bureau in the 12 months ending December 31, 1928, as distin- 
guished from the number of estates of persons who died within the 
period, the returns not being due until one year after the date of 
death, and under certain conditions further extensions of time are 
granted for filing the returns. 

The tax is not imposed upon the property but upon its transfer to 
others. The transfer is the subject of the tax, not any particular 
legacy, devise, or distributive share, and the relationship of the bene- 
ficiary to the decedent has no bearing upon the tax liability or the 
extent thereof. The estate tax is not an inheritance tax, although 
popularly referred to as such, the distinction being that the estate 
tax 1s imposed on an estate in its entirety. 

The gross estate as defined by statute includes transfers made in 
contemplation of death or intended to take effect at or after death. 

The net estate is the amount of the gross estate less the sum of 
authorized deductions, and in the case of ‘tesident decedents a specific 
exemption of $100, 000 for individuals who died on or after February 
26, 1926, the date ‘the revenue act of 1926 went into effect. Estate 
tax returns filed under the revenue act of 1926 are allowed a tax credit 
not to exceed 80 per cent of the total Federal estate tax for estate, 
inheritance, legacy, or succession tax made to any of the several 
States, Territories, or the District of Columbia. Under the previous 
revenue acts the specific Eeoeecen was $50,000, and under the 
revenue act of 1924 (effective June 2, 1924) the tax ‘credit for estate, 
inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes made to any of the several 
States, Territories, or District of Columbia was limited to 25 per 
cent of the total Federal estate tax. Prior to the revenue act of 1924 
this tax credit was not allowed. For statistical purposes the returns 
are distributed into classes on the size of the net estate corresponding 
to the successive brackets specified in the revenue act of 1926. 

The tables are based on the data disclosed by the returns as filed, 
but not as determined upon investigation and audit. The tax shown 
does not correspond with the actual receipts of taxes during the period. 
for the reason that payments may be made at a later date than the 
filing of the return, and for the further reason that field investigation 


and office audit may disclose deficiency taxes or excess payments 
which are not reflected in these tables. 

Table 1 shows for the returns of estates of resident decedents, dis- 
tributed by size of net estate, the number of returns, number subject 
to tax and number not subject to tax, form of property owned by the 
decedent at the time of death, nature of deductions entered in the 
returns under the provisions of the law, net taxable estate, total tax, 
tax credit, and net tax after deducting tax credit. 

Table 2 distributes the returns of estates of resident decedents by 
States and Territories. It shows the total number of returns and 
aggregate gross estate, net estate, deductions, total tax, tax credit, 
and net tax after deducting tax credit, as well as the distribution by 
estates subject to tax and those not subject to tax. 

Table 2—A shows the same distribution as Table 2 for estates of 
resident decedents whose date of death was after February 26, 1926. 
(Taxed under revenue act of 1926.) 

Table 2—B shows the same distribution as Table 2 for estates of 
resident decedents whose date of death was after June 2, 1924, and 
prior to February 26, 1926. (Taxed under revenue act of 1924.) 

Table 2-C shows the same distribution as Table 2 for estates of 
resident decedents whose date of death was prior to June 2, 1924. 
(Taxed under revenue acts in force prior to the revenue act of 1924.) 

Tabie 3 shows returns of estates of resident decedents distributed by 
size of net estate, giving the number of returns, gross and net estate, 
deductions, total tax, tax credit, and net tax after deducting tax credit. 

Table 4 shows the returns of estates of nonresident decedents dis- 
tributed by the size of the net estate, the situs of which is in the 
United States, giving the number of returns, gross and net estate in 
the United States, tax, tax credit, and net tax after deducting tax 

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Ph hint ge acaeyy etree 4 "or --o1gO 
aa Cie ee nee ie ee BUI[OIB,) YIION 


TABLE 3.—Estates of resident decedents—Distribution by size of net estate, showing 
number, gross estate, deductions, net estate, total tax, tax credit, and net tax 
afier deducting tax credit 

{Returns filed from Jan. 1, 1928, to Dec. 31, 1928] 

Sane G Net taxabl T | Net te 
a ero ross : et taxable ax after 
Size of net estate aie estate Deductions estate Total tax credit! |deducting 
turns tax credit 
No net taxable estate: 
Gross estate under 
$50: 0002 [ens Jens aa 99). *$38719; 371). :$9; 548; 306 2a2- ane) bot ee | | 
Gross estate over | 
S50; 000 teen ee } 1, S64 Fali7s800;'251|" 413,386,721 =.= 2 ee eee 
Net taxable estate: 
Under $50,000____.-_- 2,184! 329,718,885! 282,278,398) $47,440,487] $476,664) $305,040! $171, 624 
$49,000 to $100,000___-- | 1,026) 228,622,937, 153,837,369} 74, 785, 568 985,072) 691,178) 293, 894 
£300,025 to $200,000_---| 1,067} 321,505,062 169,327,446} 152,177,616) 2,956,626) 2, 091, 756 864, 870 
$200,002 to +400,000____ 884) 419,277,835 170,129,582} 249,148,253) 6,867,619] 4, 934, 146) 1, 933, 473 
£400,000 te “60% 900_.--; 326) 241, 269,976 83, 063, 752} 158, 206,224) 5, 462, 232) 3, 927, 135) 1,535, 097 
$600,000 to $806,900____} 167, 159, 000, 456 42, 826,819] 116,173,637} 4,715,933) 3,319, 939) 1,395, 994 
$800,0C0 to $1,000,000 - "10 147,071, 978 48, 955, 660 98, 116,318) 4, 503, 442) 3, 151, 765) 1,351, 677 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000- 136} 216, 137, 017 49, 642,719) 166,494, 298) 9,029, 536) 6, 187, 755) 2, 841, 781 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,600 - 67| 144, 578, 871 29, 432, 505) 115, 146, 366} 7, 247,662) 5,109,031) 2, 138, 631 
$2,000,000 Lo $2,500,000_ 44; 123, 412, 703 26, 665, 453 96, 747, 250} 6,802, 750! 4, 534, 323) 2, 268, 427 
$2,500,000 to $3,000,000_ 23) 79,779, 306 17, 324, 453 62, 454, 853) 4, 765, 534| 3, 170, 706) 1, 594, 828 
$3,000,000 to $3,500,000_ 19} 88,816,098, 26,933,763! 61, 882,335) 5, 117,378) 3,410, 295] 1, 707, 083 
$3,500,000 to $4,000,000_ il 45, 738, 225 5,029,271! 40,708,954) 3,570,661] 2, 488, 025) 1, 082, 636 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000_ 16) 79, 775, 084 9, 269,872! 70,505,212) 6,726,730) 4, 293, 212] 2, 433, 518 
$5,000,000 to $6,000,000_ 12} 83,883,141 19, 648,780) 64,234,361) 6,677, 155) 4,653, 613) 2, 023, 542 
$6,000,000 to $7,000,000_ 7 56, 644,656 - 11,494,822) 45, 149.834) 5, 078, 473] 3, 626, 379) 1, 452, 094 
$7,000,000 to $8,000,G00- 3| 26, 746, 899 3, 601,583) 23, 145,316] 2,805, 203) 1, 097, 350} 1, 707, 853 

$8,000,000 to $9,000,000_| 4 36, 937, 967 2,992,510; 33,945,457] 4, 283, 383) 3, 173, 006) 1, 110,377 
$9,000,000 to $10,000,0U0| 2) 20, 921, 100 2, 245, 256) 18, 675, 844) 2, 455, +10) 1,964,328) 491, 082 
$10,000,000 and over-__-_ 8 331,880,866 83, 590, 388) 248, 290, 478) 44, 486, 096 32, 323, 342/12, 162, 754 

aja ee meres 20 | 8, 798, 503, 238, 684 1, 661, 225, 428 1, 943, 428, 661/135, 013, 559 94, 452, 324/40, 561, 235 

1 Credit for payment of estate. inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually made to any of the several 
States, Territories, or District of Columbia. (Limited to 25 per cent of the total tax after the effective 
date of the revenue act of 1924 (June 2 1924) and prior to the effective date of the revenue act of 1926 (Feb. 
26, 1926), and to 80 per cent of the total tax after the effective date of the revenue act of i926.) 

TABLE 4.—Estates of nonresricn’ decedents—Distribution by size of net estate 
showing number, gross esiate, nei esiate, deductions, tota! tax, tax credit, and net 
tax after deducting tax credit 

[Returns filed from Jan. 1, 1928, to Dee. 31, 1928] 

Num- a a at ie 
. ber of ross De tue Net tax- ax after de- 
Size of net estate re- estate ti be estate | otal tax! Gegit: | ducting 

turns | tax credit 

No net taxable estate: 
Gross estate under $50,000_ 6 $65, 530 $67, 824 
Gross estate over $50,000__|___..._|_....______- 

Net taxable estate: 

Under $50,000__...-------- 1, 990 | 12, 463, 458 500, 131 | <1, 96, 527 125, 575 $3,512 | $122, 463 
$50,000 to $100,000____- a 67 | 4, 666, 863 108,185 | 4, 358, 67 1, 118 4, 495 56, 623 
$100,000 to $200,000_______- 51! 7,399, 920 122, 1388 | 7, 270, 782 0. 568 21, 915 118, 653 
$200,000 to $400,000_______- 20 | 6, 299, 744 624, 622 | 5, 675, 122 ‘0, 580 36, 226 134, 354 
$400,000 to $600,000_______- 7 | 3,388, 812 162, 551 3, 226, 261 107, 864 18, 783 88, 881 
$600,000 to $800,000________ 5 | 3,767, 802 214, 602 | 3, 553, 200 145, 892 23, 785 121, 907 
$800,000 to $1,000,000______ 4| 3,669, 727 64,092 | 3, 605, 635 181, 392 34, 693 146, 699 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000____ 6 | 7,578, 900 95,151 | 7, 483, 74 (09.5156 Ween nae 499, 156 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000_ ___ 1 

Le GONOSS "|= 25 eee 1, 730, 983 109, 288 1s 2S 109, 288 
$2,000,000 to $2,500,000____!_____ an Se ee eee ee = 

$2,500,000 to $3,000,000_ _ __ 
$3,000,000 to $3,500,000_ ___ 
$3,500,000 to $4,000,000_ ___|_ 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000_ _ __|_ 
$5,000,000 to $6,000,000_ ___ 
$6,000,000 to $7,600,000_ ___ 
7000: 000it0'S8/000;0005 2/22 holes 20 Sree 
$8,000: 000it0)$9'000, 000.222 |.b2s- c]os) ABs TRC SEs ee 2 PTE WE ee ee) oe ee eee 
$9'000;000)t01510/000/0002 |e 22 Se Oe ee ee ee ee 
$10;000/000/and!\over-...2..|2.-2 | 2. 2 a ee ee ee | ee 

Ov eee eee 2, 157 | 51,031,739 | 1,959,296 | 49,074, 737 |1, 541, 433 143, 409 | 1,398, 024 

1 Credit for payment of estate, inheritance, legacy, or succession taxes actually made to any of the several 
States, Territories, or District of Columbia. (Limited to 25 per cent of the total tax after the effective 
date of the revenue act of 1924 (June 2, 1924) and prior to the effective date of the revenue act of 1926 (Feb. 
26, 1926), and to 80 per cent of the total tax after the effective date of the revenue act of 1926.) 



The number of estate tax returns filed for the period from Septem- 
ber 9, 1916, to December 31, 1928, is as follows: 

Historical comparison, by resident and nonresident decedents, of number of returns, 
gross and net estate and tax, September 9, 1916, to December 31, 1928 

Returns filed Gross estate 
Resi- | Non- = < 

dent {resident Resident Nonresi- 

Total | gece- | dece- Total decedents Pees 

dents | dents SIGS 

Sept. 9, 1916-Jan. 15, 1922______________ 45,126] 42,230; 2, 896 $8, 893, 238, 780'$8, 785, 641, 889/$107, 596, S91 
Sania, 1922—Dec. 31, 1922. _..-..-._..- 13, 876) 12, 563 1, 313) 3, 014, 072, 723) 2, 955, 959, 464) 58, 113, 259 
Bante 1923— ec. sl, 1923__._..._-_...- 15,119) 13, 963 1, 156) 2, 804, 327, 313) 2, 774, 740, 672| 29, 586, 641 
Jan. 1, 1924-Dec. 14,513; 13,011 aS 502) 2, 566, 521, 698) 2, 540,922,175) 25, 599, 523 
Jan. 1, 1925-Dec. 16,019 14,013) 2, 006) 3, 001, 088, 953] 2, 958, 363, 744 42, 725, 209 
Jan. 1, 1926-Dec. 14, 567| 13,142) 1, 425] 3, 407, 923, 034| 3, 386, 266, 616| 21, 656, 418 
Jan. 1, 1927-Dec. 10,700} 9,353; 1, 347| 3, 173, 235, 017| 3, 146, 289, 565| 26, 945, 452 
Jan. 1, 1928-Dec. 10, 236 8, 079 2, 157) 3, 554, 270, 423) 3, 503, 238, 684) 51, 031, 739 
| | 5 | | 
Net taxable estate Tax 

Total Resident en Total Resident | igual 
decedents | decedents decedents ‘decedents 
Sept. 9, 1916-Jan. 15, 1922____/$5, 509, 522, 243/85, 407, 673, 531/$101, 848, 712 $356, 516, 251/$351, 138, 323)$5, 377, 928 
Jan. 15, 1922-Dec. 31, 1922___| 1, 704, 974, 496) 1, 652,832,089! 52, 142,407) 120, 562, 181) 117, 623, 821) 2, 938, 360 
Jan. 1, 1923-Dec. 31, 1923____} 1, 532, 061, 390! 1, 504, 621, 046) 27,440,344) 89,109,477) 88,383,941) 725, 536 
Jan. 1, 1924-Dec. 31, 1924____| 1,395, 815, 832) 1, 372, 420,879] 23, 394,953) 71,939,423) 71,451,158) 488, 265 
Jan. 1, 1925-Dec. 31, 1925____| 1, 658, 869, 282) 1, 621, 008, 326] 37, 860,956) 87,322,284) 86, 223,095! 1,099, 189 
Jan. 1, 1926-Dec. 31, 1926____| 1, 972, 536, 751) 1,951, 969, 366) 20, 567, 385} 101, 805, 202] 101, 324, 152 481, 050 
Jan. 1, 1927-Dec. 31, 1927____| 1, 761, 617, Pe 1, 735, 840, 229} 25,776,801) 41,686,113} 40, 931, 224 754, 889 
Jan. 1, 1928-Dec. 31, 1928___-_| 1, 992, 503, 398) 1, 948, 428, 661; 49, 074,737) 41, 959, 259) 40, 561, 235) 1, 398, 024 

Changes in tux laws affecting the comparability of statistical data from estate tax 



tax, revenue acts, 1916-1928, inclusive 

Net estate 
5 Not exceed- | Amount of 
xceeding ing block 
es $50, 000 $50, 000 
$50, 000 100, 000 50, 000 
100, 000 150, 000 50, 000 
150, 000 200, 000 50, 000 
200, 000 250, 000 50, 000 
250, 000 400, 000 150, 000 
400, 000 450, 000 50, 000 
450, 000 600, 000 150, 000 
600, 000 750, 000 150, 000 
750, 000 800, 000 1 50, 000 
860, 000 1, 000, 000 200, 000 
1, 000, 000 1, 500, 000 500, 000 
1, 500, 000 2, 000, 000 500, 000 
2,000,000 | 2, 500, 000 500, 000 
2, 500, 000 3, 000, 000 500, 000 
3, 000, 000 3, 500, 000 500, 000 
3, 500, 000 4, 000, 000 500, 000 
4, 000, 000 5, 000, 000 1, 000, 000 
5, 000, 000 6, 000, 000 1, 000, 000 
6, 000, 000 7, 000, 000 1, 000, 000 
7,000,000 | 8,000,000 | —_1, 000, 000 
8,000,000 | 9,000,000 | —1, 000, 000 
9,000,000 | 10,000,000 | — 1, 000, 000 
ce LILS TID | a3 i 


Federal estate tax rates, specific exemptions, and credits against estate 

Revenue | Revenue 

revenue | act of 1916, | act of 1917. 
in eifect. amended. | In effect 
from Sept. | In effect | from Oct. 
9, 1916 to" from Mar. | 4, 1917, to 
iar 9 3, 1917, to | 6.55 p. m. 
1917. in. Oct. 3, Feb. 24, 
clasise 1917, in- 1919, in- 
clusive clusive 

Rate per cent Rate per cent! Rate percent) Rate per cent 

1 14) 2 

2 3 4 

2 3 4 

3 46 6 

3 44 6 

4 6 8 

4 6 8 

5 714 10 

5 714 10 

5 7% 10 

5 7% 10 

6 9 12 

6 9 12 

7 10% 14 

7 10%) 14 

8 12 16 

8 12 16 

9 13% 18 

10 15 20 

10 15 20 

10 15 20 

10 15 22 

10 15 22 

10 15 25 

acts of 1918, 
1921, and 1924 | 
(as amended | 
by revenue | 
act of 1926). 
In effect from 
6.55 p. m. 
Feb. 24, 1919, | 
to 10.25 a. m. 
Feb. 26, 1926, 



Revenue act 
of 1926. 
In effect after 
10.25 a, m. 
Feb. 26, 1926 

Rate per cent 



Changes in tax laws affecting the comparability of statistical data from estate tax 
Federal estate tax rates, specific exemptions, and credits against estate 



tax, revenue acts, 1916-1926, inclusive—Continued 

act of 1916. 
In effect 
Specific exemptions and credits against | from Sept. 
tax 9, 1916, to 
Mar. 2, 
1917, in- 

act of 1916, 

In effect 
from Mar. 
3, 1917, to 


1917, in- 


act of 1917. 
In effect 
from Oct. 
4, 1917, to 
6.55 p. m. 
Feb. 24, 
1919, in- 

acts of 1918, 
1921, and 1924 
(as amended 
by revenue 
act of 1926). 
In effect from 
6.55 p.m. 
Feb. 24, 1919, 
to 10.25 a. m. 
Feb. 26, 1926, 

Specific exemptions: 
Resident decedents___._.___-______ 
Nonresident decedents 
Credits against estate tax: 
Credit for estate, inheritance, 
legacy, or succession tax made to 
any of the several States, Terri- + 
tories, or District of Columbia in 
respect to property included in 
the gross estate of the decedent 
for Federal estate tax purposes. 

Credit for gift tax paid 

$50, 000 

$50, 000 

| Not to ex- 
ceed 25 per 
cent of to- 
Val ‘tax: 
(After 4.01 
p. m. June 
2, 1924, and 
prior to 
10.25 a.m. 
Feb. 26, 

Total amount 
paid !upon 
gifts made 
during cal- 
years 1924 
and 1925 
by the de- 
cedent in 
respect to 
in the de- 
gross es- 
tate for 
estate tax 

Revenue act 
of 1926. 
In effect after 
10.25 a. m. 
Feb. 26, 1926 

$100, 000 

Not to ex- 
ceed 80 per 
cent of to- 
taly tax 
quent to 
10.25 a. m. 
Feb. 26, 

Total amount 
paid! upon 
gifts made 
during cal- 
years 1924 
and 1925 
by the de- 
cedent in 
respect to 
in the de- 
gross estate 

| for Federal 

; estate tax 


1 Rates for gift tax same as for estate tax under revenue act of 1924 as amended by revenue act of 1926. 

(Gift tax repealed as of Jan. 1, 1926.) 

_ Tables exhibiting the distribution of income in the United States, | 
in each State and Territory, and by size of net income and industrial 

divisions are continued in the following pages. 


A. W. MELLon, 
Secretary of the Treasury. 

Rost. H. Lucas, 
Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 






TaBLe 1.—Individual returns—Distribution by States and Territories, showing 
population and ratio of population filing returns; also number of returns, net 
income, net loss for prior year, personal exemption and credit for dependents, 
average net income and average tax per returns, and relative percentages 

[Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. ae and fractional (att year) returns are 

included. See p.1 
Returns Net income ! 
as of July 1, 
States and Territories | 1927 (Bureau Net loss for 
of the Census) jampber | Per cent n t pees Jee KO aioe 
estimate) umber r cen moun er cen 
= bata eee ee cee 2, 549, 000 27, 992 0. 68 $133, 224, 614 0. 59 | $167, 557 
SAS We ARS 2 col Pet LL a Beeler 
LAVAGE SS 2 So) Se eS eee 459, 000 11, 059 ot 45, 837, 158 . 20 121, 353 
Arkansas__- —— 1, 923, 000 17, 331 42 75, 553, 896 . 34 319, 530 
Galiformiatese peas Se 8 4, 433, 000 315, 566 7.69 1, 582, 576, 258 7. 02 2, 816, 284 
Woloradon a seee Tae oe | 1, 074, 000 31, 727 Siti 148, 473, 486 - 66 216, 473 
Connecticut eee 1, 636, 000 77, 778 1, 89 451, 001, 651 2. 00 254, 947 
Delaware -piew sss iy LLL e 243, 000 9, 266 «23 90, 262, 899 -40 29, 586 
District of Columbia____.--- 540, 000 39, 560 - 96 198, 938, 042 . 88 3, 250 
TN ORIG Renee Ree 1, 363, 000 40, 080 - 98 206, 917, 657 - 92 819, 004 
(Geor sine eh soe 3, 171, 000 33, 818 . 82 167, 407, 479 74 370, 380 
Bei ee 305, 000 9, 252 23 44, 618, 510 .19 9, 914 
SL eth pees ere ee 534, 000 10, 673 - 26 38, 448, 758 salv/ 97, 957 
UIT 1S re ee 7, 296, 000 378, 859 9, 24 2, 093, 908, 574 9, 28 8, 186, 446 
inrdtamaeee nose ar. ook a 38, 150, 000 76, 703 1. 87 349, 434, 464 1, 55 278, 569 
NOW Es eRe eee 2, 425, 000 45, 349 1.11 190, 436, 034 . 84 119, 122 
iit ye 1, 828, 000 35, 575 . 86 157, 394, 402 .70 522, 475 
IGG rat ekey See ee ae 2, 538, 000 33, 004 - 80 172, 582, 213 airtel 169, 682 
TOPO TAT yas Ai a a ie 1, 934, 000 37, 293 .91 175, 254, 161 . 78 933, 029 
1yideehvove) SLs 2 OU eS Dee ae 793, 000 18, 710 «45 103, 080, 848 - 46 67, 506 
Nittmvilamdee seen te 222 ee ele 1, 597, 000 65, 099 1. 59 390, 671, 215 1.73 309, 998 
Wiassachusetts. 2-22-3222 4, 242, 000 214, 356 5.23 | 1, 189, 273, 214 5, 27 1, 036, 094 
Mingnicans saben ote See ie 4, 490, 000 175, 806 4, 29 950, 085, 831 4, 21 838, 259 
Minnesota__ 2, 686, 000 61, 439 1, 50 295, 670, 416 1. 31 372, 362 
Mississippi 1, 791, 000 16, 964 41 64, 878, 684 - 29 484, 652 
Missouri__- 3, 510, 000 96, 407 2. 35 501, 495, 130 2. 22 427, 966 
Mionpian al 282202 ooo oe 714, 000 18, 651 - 46 69, 654, 023 eal 68, 297 
Nebraska sen Se 1, 396, 000 32, 170 | 79 130, 131, 079 . 58 181, 898 
INTE byes ase Se eee ee 77, 000 4, 702 oy 17, 443, 233 . 08 33, 768 
New Hampshire--......-... 455, 000 14, 484 .85 70, 560, 949 dl 57, 129 
IN@w Jersey == =--<-<.--<..=--5 3, 749, 000 195, 467 4.76 1, 117, 398, 064 4. 96 690, 029 
ING WaVIGXICOs san scene ae one 392, 000 6, 462 - 16 26, 288, 148 ~12 59, 137 
INO WRWON Kon soe es ooo oe 11, 423, 000 766, 974 18. 70 5, 398, 451, 005 23. 95 9, 243, 355 
NonbheGaroling 222222222220 2, 897, 000 33, 398 81 | 155, 916, 827 . 69 151, 138 
North) Dakotas. 22020-2122 641, 000 9, 758 . 24 | 33, 252, 341 ens 37, 360 
(0) oi\c) Lene Se oe) See ee 6, 710, 000 222, 707 5.43 | 1, 153, 756, 214 §. 12 967, 289 
Oklahoma Stee a ee 2, 384, 000 39, 806 | 97 212, 341, 656 94 429, 904 
Oregons see ase. se Loe 2 kk 890, 000 33, 903 83 140, 739, 425 - 63 - 219, 909 
Pennsyvivanian. 2 fo 8 9, 730, 000 381, 374 9.30 | 2,091, 825, 217 9. 27 1, 764, 768 
Rnodewslandsss22 22 rae 704, 000 25, 184 .61 157, 464, 733 -70 134, 729 
South Carolina 1, 845, 000 14, 310 . 30 55, 218, 679 - 25 120, 902 
South Dakota 696, 000 10, 969 mad 35, 906, 515 . 16 33, 601 
Tennessee. 2, 485, 000 33, 812 - 83 173, 162, 605 . 76 239, 420 
PROXAGH A es cet Se 5, 397, 000 114, 534 2.79 560, 322, 568 2. 49 2, 324, 517 
Witahe2=—< 522, 000 13, 029 Aey 58, 628, 897 . 24 143, 787 
Vermont-_ 353, 000 8, 268 SAN 41, 842, 221 19 45, 311 
Virginia 2, 546, 000 37, 393 91 172, 239, 863 .76 192, 532 
Wiashinptonessss) 2. 222-02 1, 617, 000 62, 200 1. 52 252, 547, 211 1,12 454, 315 
iWiesthvirginigiacof 22-2 1, 696, 000 32, 500 .79 139, 696, 175 . 62 192, 951 
RWVSCOMSimMa seal se oe 2, 918, 000 100, 956 2. 46 436, 579, 613 1. 94 251, 689 
Waylon gee soe es ee cee 241, 000 8, 870 22 31, 297, 698 14 44, 655 
Mote sseseasocanc see 118, 988,000 | 4, 101, 547 100. 00 | 22, 545, 090, 553 100.00 | 37, 054, 785 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for Priel year are not deducted. Net income for 

returns under $5000 estimated on basis of sample. 

2 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 

See p. 1 



Taste 1.—Individual returns—Distribution by States and Territories, showing 
population and ratio of population filing returns; also number of returns, net 
income, net loss for prior year, personal exemption and credit for dependents 
average net income and average tax per returns, and relative percentages—Contd. 

States and Territories 

cs in ee 

Sn Ga rr 
_ JS a 
“) SSuiT 2 

2S a ae 
ew Hampshire_.--.........- 
Mewlersey =. 2220-25 o22-k. 
New Mexico 
on) a ee 

(Dn. 2S ee 
Rhode Island 

Pig), Ses 

Personal ex- 

emption and 

credit for de- 

$86, 116, 318 

31, 346, 000 
56, 355, 138 
903, 809, 658 
95, 510, 564 
218, 764, 072 
26, 287, 417 
103, 615, 271 
124, 243, 806 
104, 341, 754 
30, 479, 843 

32, 711, 918 | 

1, 071, 282, 748 

227, 552, 549 | 

138, 992, 671 
116, 030, 920 
96, 687, 431 
109, 707, 208 
56, 346, 114 
190, 316, 511 
610, 431, 380 
486, 695, 614 
180, 445, 569 
55, 491, 105 
299, 508, 976 
56, 442, 178 
101, 318, 440 
12, 023, 244 
41, 352, 606 
583, 677, 143 
18, 963, 903 
2, 235, 226, 293 
106, 778, 358 
31, 974, 684 
652, 643, 232 
132, 403, 857 
104, $24, 410 
1, 113, 243, 859 
72, 754, 376 
45, 801, 151 
35, 849, 433 
104, 520, 289 
328, 178. 933 
40, 280, 965 
24, 064, 354 
113, 694, 734 
173, 183, 007 
96, 857, 167 
302, 857, 001 
25, 724, 626 

12, 000, 708, 798 

Amount Per cent 
$2, 455, 166 0.30 
697, 800 . 08 
1, 339, 952 . 16 
46, 044, 994 5. 54 
3, 307, 180 -40 
16, 117, 674 1. 94 
7, 970, 035 . 96 
6, 027, 133 73 
6, 047, 244 ute 
3, 612, 724 -43 
1, 200, 544 .14 
247, 272 203 
73, 796, 361 8.88 
8, 884, 047 1. 07 
3, 310, 099 .40 
2, 240, 877 ae 
4, 027, 734 .49 
3, 174, 839 -38 
3, 300, 741 - 40 
18, 859, 686 1. 67 
43, 949, 866 5. 29 
35, 599, 799 4. 29 
7, 383, 307 . 89 
816, 429 -10 
13, 738, 256 1. 65 
867, 944 -10 
1, 427, 747 we 
228, 799 . 03 
1, 824, 931 mee 
38, 911, 894 4, 68 
283, 403 . 04 
305, 210, 059 36. 74 
4, 519, 870 . 54 
187, 635 . 02 
35, 519, 337 4. 28 
6, 232, 124 m/f) 
1, 920, 597 ay 3} 
78, 674, 525 9.47 
6, 332, 169 . 76 
554, 731 . 07 
209, 667 . 03 
4, 035, 541 .49 
12, 909, 842 1. 56 
851, 031 .10 
846, 932 .10 
3, 611, 135 44 
2, 913, 642 .35 
2, 519, 731 . 30 
10, 621, 745 1. 28 
274, 644 . 03 
830, 639, 434 100. 00 

2 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 

Pas Ratio of 
Average za veteee popu- 
net income “te ar lation 
per return se ate filing 
$4, 759. 38 $87. 71 1.10 
4, 144. 78 63. 10 2.41 
4, 359. 47 11.32 - 90 
5, 015. 04 145. 91 7.12 
4, 679. 72 104. 24 2. 95 
5, 798. 58 207, 23 4.75 
9, 741. 30 860. 14 3. 81 
5, 028. 77 152. 35 7.33 
5, 162. 62 150. 88 2. 94 
4, 950. 25 106. 83 1. 07 
4, 822. 58 129. 76 3. 03 
3, 602. 43 23. 17 2. 00 
5, 526. 87 194. 79 5.19 
4, 555. 68 115. 82 2. 44 
4,199. 34 72. 99 1. 87 
4, 424. 30 62. 99 1.95 
5, 229. 13 122. 04 1.30 
4, 699. 38 85.13 1. 93 
5, 509. 40 176. 42 2. 36 
6, 001. 19 212. 90 4.08 
5, 548. 12 205. 03 5. 05 
5, 404. 05 202. 49 3. 92 
4,812. 42 120. 17 2. 29 
3, 824. 49 48.13 . 95 
5, 201. 85 142. 50 2.75 
3, 734. 60 46. 54 2. 61 
4, 045. 11 44, 38 2.30 
3, 709. 75 48. 66 6.11 
4, 871. 65 126. 00 3.18 
5, 716. 56 199. 07 5. 21 
4, 068. 11 43. 86 1.65 
7, 088. 64 397. 94 6.71 
4, 668. 45 135. 33 115 
3, 407. 70 19. 23 1:52 
5, 180. 60 159. 49 3. 32 
5, 334. 41 156. 56 1. 67 
4,151. 24 56. 65 3.81 
5, 484. 88 206. 29 3. 92 
6, 252. 57 251. 44 3.58 
3, 858. 75 38. 77 Uy 
3, 273. 45 19.11 1.58 
§, 121.33 119.35 1.36 
4, 892. 19 112. 72 212 
4, 116.12 65. 32 2. 50 
5, 060. 74 102. 43 2. 34 
4, 606. 21 96. 57 1.47 
4, 060. 24 46. 84 3.85 
4, 298. 34 77. 53 1. 92 
4,324.45 105. 21 3. 46 
3, 528. 49 30. 96 3. 68 
5, 496. 73 202. 52 3. 45 



TABLE 2.—Individual returns—Distribution by income classes, showing the number 
of returns, net income, net tax, average net tax per return, and average rate of tax, 
net loss for prior year, personal exemption and credit for dependents, tax before tax 
credits, and tax credits—Distribution of income classes under $5,000 estimated, 
based on sample (see p. 1) 

{Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are 
included. See p. 1] 

Tax after tax credits 

Aver- Personal 
Num- Net loss F 
. agerate A exemption 
Income classes a | Net income ! Average loftax to. for PEGE and creditfor 
| Net tax | net tas per |netin-| % dependents 

| return come 


Wnder’ $1,000. S222... 2 115, 744 5664280; 369) Ysa | A ee ee gal ee $299, 240, 733 
Undersi 000 ets Pa 11, 001, 5, 950, 315 $39, 980 $3. 63 On67 ca 898, 570 
$1,000 to $2,000 2________ 453/132) ) $706)1684, 2940/2 22R SF. —_ | See Be tee -| 1, 245, 798, 505 
$1,000 to $2,000_________ 542, 966 938, 990, 760) 1, 233, 658 2:27 Sake} = 820, 986, 987 
$2,000 to $3,000 2_______ BOT1948| NRO TA S29" 808] 2c ee | Bk ee OR fe he! oe ee 1, 459, 421, 450 
$2,000 to $3,000___-_____ 457, 814| 1, 087,945, 276| 3,970, 412 8. 67 2330) ene oe 711, 369, 704 
$3,000 to $4,000 2_______ Ai8;(367) WGOOReOS, 416 | tee eee | ts Se eee eS = ~| Pocetoee 1, 909, 367, 030 
$3,000 to $4,000__...___- 244, 538) 866, 949,749) 2,879, 855 11.78 Oo Sete 577, 758, 341 
$4,000 to $5,000 2______- 174, 336 758, 949, 837} sees se a| SL SSS eR ae ea 72, 491, 188 
$4,000 to $5,000___-_____ 315, 104) 1, 414, 508, 424 3, 628, 322! 11.51 26 eee 1, 044, 747, 502 
$5,000 to $6,000 3_______ 20, 808 AUZ5G65'392|2 eee ee Oe | ee Ee $1, 105, 578 87, 604, 978 
$5,000 to $6,000___-_____ 181, 015 991, 941,921) 3, 768, 914) 20. 82 38 282, 065 640, 948, 075 
$6,000 to $7,000 2_______ 9, 416 SOULS, 704 See. | ee See o_o se 88 | 980, 449) 32, 343, 063 
$6,000 to $7,000___-____- 127, 740 826, 857, 840| 4, 178, 369) 32. 71 -51| 235,219) 454, 121, 201 
$7,000 to $8,000 2_______ 5, 964 440546; 599) SSeS S| el Sa 697, 570 18, 736, 060 
$7,000 to $8,000__-_--____ 92, 937 699, 604, 786, 4, 244, 833 45. 67 - 61 234, 498 330, 679, 950 
$8,000 to $9,000 2_______ 4, 332 SO OLA OOS Se Se oe | ees ae a es 882, 069 13, 101, 343 
$8,000 to $9,000_________ 68, 331 579, 828, 312) 4, 158, 548 60. 86 -72) 323,141 240, 899, 535 
$9,000 to $10,000 2______ 8, 559 Boi 94. p89 aueeeeeas- [eee eee eee Sou 767, 707 10, 347, 460 
$9,000 to $10,000________ 53, 598 509, 053, 914) 4, 313, 838) 80. 49 . 85 214,317; 191, 808, 301 
$10,000 to $11,000_______ 43, 718 458, 183, 031; 4, 383, 671! 100. 27 -96 954,155) 149, 481, 946 
$11,000 to $12,000_______ 35, 131 403, 643, 534) 4, 551, 979] 129. 57 Is 830, 721 120, 125, 983 
$12,000 to $13,000______- 28, 532 356, 293,171) 4, 611, 472) 161. 62 1, 29 990, 956 96, 817, 423 
$13,000 to $14,000_______ 23, 727 320, 178, 702) 4, 721, 581! 199. 00 1.47 795, 634 80, 341, 027 
$14,000 to $15,000_______ 20, 156 292, 271,414) 4,854, 075] 240. 83 1.66) 635, 651 67, 740, 216 
$15,000 to $20,000_______ 65, 391| 1, 127, 068, 207) 25, 004, 439 382. 38 2. 22) 2, 717, 188 216, 878, 595 
$20,000 to $25,000_______ 85, 424 790, 419, 448) 26, 098, 689 736. 75 3.30, 2, 248, 264 115, 351, 651 
$25,000 to $30,000___.___ 21, 894 598, 458, 662) 26, 431, 225 1, 207. 24 4.42 1,961, 706 70, 502, 747 
$30,000 to $40,000______- 24, 773 853, 569, 772) 49, 142, 519) 1, 983. 71 5.76 2, 400, 762 78, 511, 845 
$40,000 to $50,000______- 13, 456 599, 742, 250) 43, 901, 557 8, 262. 60 7.382 2, 487, 515 41, 886, 041 
$50,000 to $60,000_______ 8, 192 447, 201, 129) 38, 381, 456) 4, 685. 24 8. 58, 1, 319, 282 25, 192, 710 
$60,000 to $70,000_______ 5, 644 364, 580, 180) 35, 590, 603) 6, 305. 92 9.76, 1, 261, 637) 17, 363, 193 
$70,000 to $80,000_______ 8, 844 287, 559, 815) 30, 810, 515 8, 015. 22 10. 71 813, 779 11, 536, 349 
$80,000 to $90,000__-____ 2, 781 235, 627, 045) 27, 198, 138 9, 779. 98 11.54) 563, 941 8, 293, 700 
$90,000 to $100,000______ 2,112} 200, 419, 255) 24, 694, 240 11, 692. 35 12.32, 666, 623 6, 223, 144 
$100,000 to $150,000____- 5, 261 636, 018, 520) 87, 397, 904 16, 612. 41 13.74! 2, 168, 268 15, 478, 213 
$150,000 to $200,000_____ 2, 122 364, 214, 566, 55, 569, 990 26, 187. 55 15. 26 805, 842 6, 088, 947 
$200,000 to $250,000_____ 1, 106 246, 213, 183] 38, 989, 108 35, 252. 36 15. 84 666, 451 3, 102, 935 
$250,000 to $300,000_____ 645 176, 842, 506} 29, 216, 739 45, 297. 27 16.52} 376,603 1, 809, 193 
$300,000 to $400,000____- 755 259, 624, 653) 44, 317, 452 58, 698. 61 17. 07 190, 756 2, 093, 283 
$400,000 to $500,000____- 386 171, 497, 074| 29, 432, 725 76, 250. 58 1 iy eb | |S 1, 075, 550 
$500,000 to $750,000_____ 384; 228, 999, 193) 38, 596, 248 100, 511. 06 16. 85] 1, 887,324 1, 007, 364 
$750,000 to $1,000,000__- 173 149, 167, 396) 25, 669, 143 148, 376. 55 17. 21 93, 732) 458, 664 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000__ 138 164, 637, 400) 28, 471, 058 206, 312. 01 i529) 52a ee 356, 450 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000__ 56 97, 049, 514) 16, 313, 262) 291, 308. 25 NG. Slee eee 123, 250 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000__ 55 132, 044, 039) 21, 271, 277 386, 750. 49 16,01 S522 123, 087 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000__ 22 74, 835, 056] 12, 341,256) 560, 966.18 16; 40)24 28.0828 40, 716 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000__ 8 36, 523, 123) 4,852,405} 606, 550. 63 13. 29) 4, 495, 382: 9, 000 
$5,000,000 and over-___- 11 95, 551, 714) 15, 407, 979, 1, 400, 725. 36 16; 13-2 8-2 25, 600 
Motaleeee eee 4, 101, 547 22, 545, 090, 553/830, 639, 434 202. 52| 3. 68/37, 054, 785 12, 000, 708, 798 
Nontaxable ?___.__.__- 1, 660, 606| 4, 455, 025, 754).-_..______ [nets ean Set Seek aie 4, 433, 373 5, 848, 451, 810 
Taxable: sel Dee 2, 440, eae 090, 064, 799/830, 639, 434 202.52) 3. 68/32, 621, 412) 6, 152, 256, 988 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

2 Nontaxable. 

Specific exemptions exceed net income. 




Taste 2.—I ndividual returns—Distribution by income classes, showing the number 
of returns, nel income, net tax, average net tax per return, and average rate of tax, 
net loss per prior year, personal exemption and credit for dependents, tax before 
tax credits, and tax credits—Distribution of income classes under $5,000 estimated, 
based on sample (see p. 1)—Continued 

Tax before tax credits Tax credits 

1W4 121% per 

wae ead Spat ie 

Income classes capital net 25 per cent nae a 

gain from of tax on 

Normal tax} Surtax Bale OP ase] Total PaGRERenee le 

sets held income Trails) US 
more than held more 

2 years than 2 


oo iat SNC Co SS i a ee ee | rr oe) ee a, Se Ree eel (Oe, Ge | ee 
oar RN sr CRS hal = ee Le 
(PRO EU ME yl eee 6 | ae ees oe ee ee eee ee eee e aa | ee es 
EMOONTO/o2,000-.--.-_.2---====5- rns ae 
SME ETE Lae oe Ae 2 Soe! | ye eS. Bh Se ties ee eke 
SeEeMHO) SOA0U0= == —--=-=—=====2- 1323; 466/02. O82 FL k 
DEmmnURE YA ink rome te 2 0 2 8 A 8. ce ee SUL ho oS. | ee ee a en se een a SS 
menuo to o4,0002._-...._.-=.-.-- Q59VO5 6/22 223 See 
oO SE CS eae eee A 8 ee eee ee Ce) Pee ele See pee Oe Sie 
TO tO /000 G--.----.-.2=2-- 1 209;-4R9 ee 2 Sete 
0S SE) CES eae I Se ee en ee eae eee oe Ee ee oe ete a 2 a 
ey, 000itO $6,000. _----..-.-.=.-..- SUSU Sp al a 
OR SU) Se ae es | ee re ee ee eee eee ee een ae eee aes 
ODOM A) O47 868ie2-2 os 
Oo SIT | eee ei ee ee ee ee en ee [pe ee 
SyAUU tO $8,000. = -..-._--_-----.- 5, 128, 673 88S 284H) es) oe 
(2 a SEC) Oe Se SS a eee ee en eee eee ee en he | ee ee 
mere O o0;000. 2 == 22. CTU GCE fl) eee eae ee ee 4, 954, 350 rita Fee C74 ey eae oe ee 
2 IN LECT COE a SR SS SR PE Bel [ont eee eee ae ee) [ee ee me el pc ete eel | eee a ey 
manaaitO 10/000.) 5.2... =. +._- SRLS Rab cies: ees. 3|_ See 5, 103, 362 MSONaz4 es ee 
meaGOOILO $11,000... 2.....2=-=._- 4, 918, 805) SZ IES 7) te See es os 5, 130, 492 (Sites 71 (a 
me OOOILO $12,000. 2--.-.-.---=..- 4, 752, 467 622000). eee eee 5, 274, 467 T22RABS eee ee 
mi2,000't0 $13,000..-......._....- 4, 577, 691 209285) ae Ss 5, 286, 976 G75. HOS are oe 
mip 000 to $14,000. --.__.._--._.- 4, 557, 976 $2682) see 5, 384, 868 EBAY SY) (ee a 
mat,000't0 $15,000. -.._.._-..-.-_. 4, 518, 249 10025645 ||2 ee tae 2 5, 520, 894 (ay ofa ppt ht) ae 
aeRO UO 520;000_22-.-.-__.=.-_- 20, 133, 642 i, SOB 203) 2 ties 28, 038, 935 SHOSSRAOG LE ewe 
20,000 to $25,000_-_......._-.-.- 16) 3195155) 12, 13'7,:862)__ 2222-2 28, 457, 017 PIS act V a de eae ae 
m2, 000 to $30,000. ..-..--.2.=.._- 13; 260; 046) © 14,750, 118)_-2 =~ 22. 28, 010, 164 1, 578, 939) 2 ghee 
$30,000 to $40,000_____-__-.-______ 19, 658, 199) 30,580,020) $1,214,398) 51, 452, 617 1, 895,006) $415, 092 
$40,000 to $50,000__-___.._.______- 13, 494, 893) 29,066,629! 2,714,932) 45, 276, 454 1,065, 706) 309, 191 
agin ~ on 1 See 9, aoe ag > nies on, 3, 892, 990; 39, 419, 586) 670,065) 368, 065 
4 Eno QUOm= = St 52 7, 358, 71 , 509, 596 4, 586, 566) 36, 454, 881 478, 845 385, 433 
$70,000 to $80,000__..._.._-.---_- 5, 435, 947| 21, 826, 116 4, 350, 645) 31, 612, 708 358, 335 448, 858 
~ $80,000 to $90,000__-_.__-___---_- 4, 381, 363) 19, 306, 733 4, 206, 669) 27, 894, 765 248, 813 447, 814 
$90,000 to $100,000___..__---_____- 3, 634, 079) 17, 507, 936 3, 993,174) 25, 135, 189 201, 788 239, 161 
$100,000 to $150,000_____________- 11, 095, 195) 63,333,670) 14,352,720) 88, 781, 585 516,359) 867, 322 
$150,000 to $200,000. .-...--__-__- 6, 132,992; 40,153,036) 10,139,027) 56, 425, 055 284, 777 570, 288 
$200,000 to $250,000_____-.__-____- 3, 698, 294! 27, 263, 593 8, 372, 829| 39, 334, 716 125, 770 219, 838 
$250,000 to $300,000_____._._____- 2,919, 185) 20, 684, 931 5, 979, 236] 29, 583, 352 69, 459 297, 154 
$300,000 to $400,000_____-__-_-__- 3, 967, 290| 30, 796, 177 9, 894, 713) 44, 658, 180 77, 422 263, 306 
$400,000 to $500,000. ______._____- 2, 5388, 686, 20, 893, 403 6, 4386, 258) 29, 868, 347 40, 266 395, 356 
_ $500,000 to SOG 0s Se a ae 2, 627, 307) 26, 141,462) 10,197,761) 38, 966, 530 48, 361 321, 921 
$750,000 to $1,000,000-....------_- 1, 522,572} 17,316,578] 6,983, 639) 25, 822, 789 16,395) 137, 251 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000___.______- 1, 699, 781) 18, 574, 688 8, 302, 953) 28, 577, 422 12, 882) 93, 482 
$1,500,000 to 52000000. = 2 2.8 800, 677 9, 811, 059 5, 744, 752) 16, 355, 888 5, 843 36, 783 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000____._-___- 790, 306; 11, 359, 700 9,146, 519) 21, 296, 525 5, 236 20, 012 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000__=_______ 514, 758 7, 389, 856 4,621,120) 12, 525, 734 2, 363 182, 115 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000... _.___.-- 5,036, 2,339,449] 2,510,036] 4, 854, 521 369 1, 747 
$5,000,000 and over____-________- 216,908 8,806,445) 6,393,029] 15, 416, 382 924 7, 479 
‘EOL 215, 817, 075) 511, 731, 376) 134, 033, 966) 861,582,417) 24,915, 315| 6, 027, 668 
eennes ity Cennereer tnees oe S| roe Ve aes Welt Get |S eee Ge ea 
at (G. a eS 215, 817, 075| 511, 731, 376| 134, 033, 966) 861, 582,417} 24, 915, 315| 6, 027, 668 

2 Nontaxable. 

Specific exemptions exceed net income. 



Tasie 3.—Individual returns—Simple and cumulative distribution of the number of 
returns, net income and tax, and relative perceniages, by income classes—Distri- 
bution of income classes under $5,000 estimated, based on sample (see p. 1) 

{Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. 

Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are 

included. See p. 1] 

Income classes 

Wirider 1 OU0L tase Clee ae 
$1,000 to $2,000 
$2,000 to $3,000 
$3,000 to $4,000 
$4,000 to $5,000 
$5,000 to $6,000 
$6,000 to $7,000 
$7,000 to $8,000 
$8,000 to $9,000 
SOONtO MO O00 na ee eee 
SLO00O TOOL O00 R555" eee 
SLL COO CO;aL20002— oo eee aon 
$12:000)t0)$13:0002 2° = eee 
913,000 Co/S14:000 2 222 ee 
914,000; to SL5;000L 52" °2) Sey eee 
SS) S000 tO 20000252) — eure ne 
$20,000 t0'$25,0002 2. -- 2. -.3 22s 
$20;000)60/$30;0002 22-1 2 
30,000)t0.$40;0002= = 2222s 
S20;000ito' $50/0002 --- 2 ee 
$90,000/t0 $60;00022 2" eee 
$60;/000't0'$70;0002 22-22 ee 
$20; 000'toS80;000522 3) ee 

$80,000 to $90,000-......-..--.-.-_- 

$90,000 to $100,000_-....----..--2_- 
$100,000 to $150,000 
$150,000 to $200,000 
$200,009 to $250,000 
$250,000 to $300,000 
300,000 to $400,000 
$400,000 to $500,000 
$500,000 to $750,000 
$750,000 to $1,000,000_-.._--.-.----- 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000_._....-.---- 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000___-_-.-.---- 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000_-._-._._____. 

$3,000,000 to $4,000,000__...-...-.-- | 

$4,000,000 to 45,000,000___.....____. 
$5,000,000 and over..__--_._.-_.--. 

. Corea Cumulative distribu- 
| Simple distribution | Ley Seta tion under class 
Numberin)} Per cent Per cent Per cent 
each class | of total | Number | ‘oftotay | Number | ‘oF total 
126, 745 3. 09 4, 101, 547 100. 00 126, 745 3. 09 
996, 098 24, 29 3, 974, 802 96. 91 1, 122, 843 27. 38 
855, 762 20. 87 2, 978, 704 72. 62 1, 978, 605 48, 25 
719, 905 aly tata) 2, 122, 942 51. 75 2, 698, 510 65. 80 
489, 440 11. 93 1, 403, 037 34. 20 3, 187, 950 TESTE 
201,823 | 4.92 913,507 | 22.27 | 3.339,773| 82 65 
137, 156 3.35 711, 774 17. 35 3, 526, 929 86. 00 
98, 901 2.41 574, 618 14, 00 3, 625, 830 88. 41 
72, 663 ae 475, 717 11. 59 3, 698, 493 90. 18 
5%, L57 1.39 403, 054 9. 82 3, 755, 650 91, 57 
43, 718 1. 07 345, 897 8.43 3, 799, 368 92. 64 
35, 131 . 86 302, 179 7. 36 3, 834,499 | 93.50 
28, 532 . 69 267, 048 6. 50 3, 863, 031 94.19 
23, 727 . 58 238, 516 | 5. 81 3, 886, 758 94.77 
20, 156 49 214, 789 SP} 3, 906, 914 95, 26 
65, 391 1.59 194, 633 4.74 3, 972, 805 96. 85 
35, 424 . 864 129, 242 3. 150 4, 007, 729 97. 714 
21, 894 . 534 93, 818 2. 286 4, 029, 623 98, 248 
24, 773 . 604 71, 924 1.702 4, 054, 396 98. 852 
13, 456 O20 47, 151 1.148 4, 067, 852 99. 177 
8, 192 . 200 33, 695 - 823 4, 076, 044 99. 377 
5, 644 . 138 25. 503 . 623 4, 081, 688 99, 515 
3, 844 . 094 19, 859 - 485 4, 085, 532 99. 609 
2, 781 68 16, 015 . 391 4, 088, 313 99. 677 
2,112 . 052 13, 234 ays} 4, 090. 425 99. 729 
5, 261 - 128 11, 122 ar yal 4, 095, 686 99. 857 
2, 122 052 5, 861 143 4, 097, 808 99. 909 
1, 106 . 027 8, 739 091 4, 098, 914 99. 936 
645 016 2, 633 . 064 4, 099, 559 99, 952 
755 .019 | 1, 988 . 048 4, 100, 314 99. 971 
386 . 009 1, 233 . 029 4, 100, 700 99. 980 
384 . 009 847 . 020 4, 101, 084 99. 989 
173 . 004 463 . O11 4, 101, 257 99. 993 
138 . 003 290 . 007 4,101, 395 99. 996 
56 0015 152 . 004 4,101, 451 99. 9975 
55 . 0013 96 . 0025 4, 101, 506 99. 9988 
22 . 0007 41 0012 4,101, 528 99. 9995 
8 - 0002 19 . 0005 4, 101, 536 99. 9997 
11 . 0003 1l . 0003 4, 101, 547 100. 00 
40,547 | 100:00 sle2ceee tee a a ee eee 




TaB_LeE 3.—Individual returns—Simple and cumulative distribution of the number of 
returns, net income and tax, and relative percentages, by income classes—Con. 

Income classes 

Simple distribution 

A Per 
Amount in 
cent of 
each class total 

“TRACES SMC 1 $72, 230, 684 0. 32 
IROOU OIDs O00) 2. = 320k 1, 645, 575, 700 7. 29 
SAHOO MS; 0005. -2-..---5--2-- 2, 062, 275, 084 9.15 
BaO00 tO 94,000... 2-.-=--- 2, 527, 358, 165 11. 21 
R400 to o0;000L .-2.-=-=-s-==-- 2, 173, 458, 261 9. 64 
$5,000 to $6, (iS do oe 1, 104, 607, 313 4.90 
s0.000\to'$7,0002_ =. -2-- 887, 609, 574 3. 94 
MUU tO $9,000) 2/220... 2 228- 744, 151, 385 3. 30 
$8,000 to $9,000 Beek aaeesees 616, 542, 382 Qo te 
SOONG 10;000)_--=------2--= 542, 848, 503 2. 41 
$10,000 to $11,000 458, 183, 031 2. 03 
$11,000 to $12,000 403, 643, 534 1.79 
$12,000 to $13,000 356, 293,171; 1.58 
$13,000 to $14,000 320, 178, 702 1.42 
$14,000 to $15,000 292, 271, 414 1.30 
$15,000 to $20;000.....-.--.---- 1, 127, 068, 207 5. 00 
wee 000it0) 205000) -.......==--=- 790, 419, 448 3. 51 
$25,000 to $30,000__.....------- 598, 458, 662 2. 65 
$30, 000 to $40, (0 Uae ee LS oe 853, 569, 772 3.79 
$40, Beg tos50;000) 222.225... 599, 742, 250 2. 66 
$50, WOOO. $60;000! 2 ==. --b2__2. 447, 201, 129 1.98 
$60,000 to $70,000 eee nara eee 2 364, 580, 130 1. 62 
$70,000 to $80,000_.._-._.------ 287, 559, 815 1, 28 
$80,000 to $90,000__._.______-_- 235, 627, 045 1. 05 
$90,000 to $100,000___-___-_---_- 200, 419, 255 91 
$100,000 to $150,000________---- 636, 018, 520 2. 82 
$150,000 to $200,000______.____- 364, 214, 566 1. 62 
$200,000 to $250,000___....--.-. 246, 213, 183 1. 09 
$250,000 to $300,000__........-- 176, 842, 506 . 78 
$300,000 to $400,000___.___----- 259, 624, 653 1.15 
$400,000 to $500,000____._______ 171, 497, 074 . 76 
$500,000 to $750,000____________ 228, 999, 193 1. 02 
$750,000 to $1,000,000______ 149, 167, 396 . 66 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000____ 164, 637, 400 .73 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000________- 97, 049, 514 - 43 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000_________ 132, 044, 039 . 58 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000_________ 74, 835, 056 ABB) 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000______-__ 36, 523, 123 .16 
$5,000,000 and over____.______- 95, 551, 714 .42 
‘Uniti ae ee ee 22, 545, 090, 553 | 100. 00 

Net income ! 

Cumulative distribu- Cumulative distribu- 
tion over class below | tion under class above 
Per | Per 

Amount cent of Amount | cent of 

total | total 
$22, 545, 090, 553 | 100. 00 $72, 230, 684 0. 32 
22, 472, 859, 869 99. 68 1, 717, 806, 384 7.61 
20, 827, 284, 169 92. 39 3, 780, 081, 468 16. 76 
18, 765, 009, 085 83. 24 6, 307, 439,633 | 27.97 
16, 237, 650, 920 72. 03 8, 480, 897, 894 | 937.61 
14, 064, 192, 659 62. 39 9, 585, 505, 207 | 42. 51 
12, 959, 585, 346 57.49 | 10,473, 114,781 | 46.45 
12, 071, 975, 772 53205" } 11 5:217,-266; 166"! 49.75 
11, 327, 824, 387 50. 25 | 11, 833, 808,548 | 52.47 
10, 711, 282, 005 47.53 | 12,376,657,051 | 54.88 
10, 168, 433, 502 45.12 | 12,834, 840,082 | 56.91 
9, 710, 250, 471 43.09 | 13, 238, 483, 616 58. 70 
9, 306, 606, 937 41.30 | 13, 594, 776, 787 60. 28 
8, 950, 313, 766 39.72 | 13, 914, 955, 489 61.70 
- 8,630, 135, 064 38.30 | 14, 207, 226, 903 63. 00 
8, 337, 863, 650 37.00 | 15, 334, 295, 110 68. 00 
7, 210, 795, 443 32.00 | 16, 124, 714, 558 71.51 
6, 420, 375, 995 28.49 | 16, 723, 173, 220 74. 16 
5, 821, 917, 333 25.84 | 17, 576, 742, 992 77.95 
4, 968, 347, 561 22.05 | 18, 176, 485, 242 80. 61 
4, 368, 605, 311 19.39 | 18, 623, 686, 371 82. 59 
3, 921, 404, 182 17.41 | 18, 988, 266, 501 84, 21 
3, 556, 824,052 | 15.79 | 19, 275, 826, 316 85. 49 
3, 269, 264, 237 14.51 | 19, 511, 4538, 361 86. 54 
3, 033, 637,192 | 13.46 | 19, 711,872,616 87.45 
2, 833, 217, 937 12.55 | 20, 347, 891, 136 90. 27 
2, 197, 199, 417 9.73 | 20, 712, 105, 702 91. 89 
1, 832, 984, 851 8.11 | 20, 958, 318, 885 92.98 
1, 586, 771, 668 7.02 | 21, 135, 161, 391 93. 76 
1, 409, 929,162 6.24 | 21,394,786,044 | 94.91 
1, 150, 304, 509 5.09 | 21, 566, 283, 118 95. 67 
978, 807, 435 4. 33 | 21, 795, 282, 311 96. 69 
749, 808, 242 3.31 | 21, 944, 449, 707 97. 35 
600, 640, 846 2. 65 22, 109, 087, 107 98. 08 
436, 003, 446 1.92 | 22, 206, 136, 621 98. 51 
338, 953, 932 1.49 | 22, 338, 180, 660 99. 09 
206, 909, 893 -91 | 22,413, 015, 716 99. 42 
132, 074, 837 -58 | 22, 449, 538, 839 99. 58 
95, 551, 714 .42 | 22, 545, 090, 553 100. 00 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net 
loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 


TaBLeE 3.—Individual returns—Simple and cumulative distribution of the number o 
reiurns, net income and tax, and relative percentages, by income classes—Con. 

| Tax 

Simple distribution Cumulative distribu- Cumulative distribu- 

Income classes | tion over class below | tion under class above 
Amount in | Per cent Per cent Per cent 
each class | oftotal | A™@OURE | oftotal | Amount | of total 
$39, 980 0.01 | $830, 639, 434 100. 00 $39, 980 0. 01 
1, 233, 658 15 | 830, 599, 454 99. 99 1, 273, 638 16 
3, 970, 412 -48 | 829,365, 796 99. 84 5, 244, 050 64 
2, 879, 855 | 35 | 825,395, 384 99. 36 8, 123, 905 99 
3, 628, 322 | .44 | 822, 515, 529 99. 01 11, 752, 227 1.43 
3, 768, 914 | .45 | 818, 887, 207 98. 57 15, 521, 141 1.88 
4, 178, 369 .50 | 815, 118, 293 98. 12 19, 699, 510 2.38 
4, 244, 833 © -51 | 810,939, 924 97. 62 23, 944, 343 2.89 
4,158, H8 | -50 | 806, 695, 091 97.11 28, 102, 891 3.39 
4,313,838 | 152 | 802,536,543 | 96.61 | 32,416,729 3.91 
4,383,671 | -53 | 798, 222, 705 96. 09 36, 800, 400 4.44 
4, 551, 979 | .55 | 793, 839, 034 95. 56 41, 352, 379 4. 99 
$12:000 to $13,000. _-------=-_-- 4, 611, 472 .56 | 789, 287,055 95. 01 45, 963, 851 5. 55 
$13,000 to $14,000_---_--------- } 4, 721, 581 | -57 | 784, 675, 583 | 94.45 50, 685, 432 6.12 
$14,000 to $15,000_-.__--------- 4, 854, 075 -59 | 779, 954, 002 93. 88 55, 539, 507 6.71 
$15,000 to $20,000__-__--_-_--.- 25, 004, 439 3.01 | 775,099, 927 93. 29 80, 543, 946 9. 72 
$20,000 to $25,000. -----.------- 26, 098, 689 3.14 | 750, 095, 488 90.28 | 106, 642, 635 12. 86 
$25,000 to $30,000-_-__---------- 26, 431, 225 | 3.18 | 723, 996, 799 87.14 133, 073, 860 16. 04 
$30,000 to $40,000---._--------- 49, 142,519 5.92 | 697, 565, 574 83.96 | 182, 216,379 21. 96 
$40,000 to $50,000_-__-.-------- | 43,901, 557 5.28 | 648, 423, 055 78.04 | 226, 117, 936 27. 
$50,000 to $60,000_-___-----s--- 38, 381, 456 4.62 | 604, 521,498 72.76 | 264,499, 392 31. 
$60,000 to $70,000. --.-------.-- 35, 590, 603 4.28 | 566, 140, 042 68.14 | 300, 089, 995 36. 
$70,000 to $80,000_--_--.-----_- | 30,810, 515 | 3.71 530, 549, 439 63.86 | 330, 200, 510 39. 
$80,000 to $90,000_--_--_----_-- | 27, 198, 138 3.27 | 499, 738, 924 60.15 | 358, 098, 648 43. 
$90,000 to $100,000_---__--_----- 24, 694, 240 2.97 | 472, 540, 786 56.88 | 382, 792, 888 46. 
$100,000 to $150,000_--_.------- 87, 397, 904 10.52 ; 447, 846, 546 53.91 ' 470, 190, 792 56. 
$150,000 to $200,000____-------- 53, 569, 990 6.69 | 360, 448, 642 43.39 525, 760, 782 63. 
4.69 | 304, 878, 652 36. 7 564, 749, 890 67. 99 
3.52 | 265, 889, 544 32.01 593, 966, 629 71.51 
5.33 | 236, 672, 805 28.49 638, 284, 081 76. 84 
3. 4 192, 355, 353 23.16 667,716, 806 80. 38 
4.65 | 162, 922, 628 19.62 | 706,313, 054 85. 03° 
3.09 | 124.326, 380 14.97 731,982,197 88.12 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000_________ 28, 471, 058 3. 43 98, 657, 237 11.88 760, 453, 255 91. 55 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000__-_.---- 16, 313, 262 1.96 | 70,186,179 8.45 | 776,766, 517 93. 51 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000_-_---_--- 21, 271, 277 2. 56 53, 872, 917 6.49 798, 037, 794 96. 07 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000__...--_- 12, 341, 256 1.49 32, 601, 640 3. 93 810, 379, 050 97. 56 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000_-------- 4, 852, 405 58 20, 260, 384 2.44 | 815,231,455 98. 14 
$5,000,000 and over------.----- | 15, 407, 979 86 15, 407, 979 1.86 830, 639, 434 100. 00 
pe |  Y Set BC a ea 


COT Ws 830, 639, 434 


TasLe 4.—Individual returns—Number of returns and net income, distributed 
according to sex and family relationship, by States and Territories 

[Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are 
included. See p. 1] 

Joint returns of husbands 
oud SITES, yan or etter = 
ependent children, includ- . pk 
ing returns of husbands | ‘ele Foe of 
whose wives, though living 
States and Territories with them, file separate 
Number of | Tati Number! x, ; 
returns | Net income ! Jian Net income ! 
F | | | 
ERE e ee ee oo 52 Ie ee Le. = eS 15, 156 $91, 341, 151 1, 857 $7, 350, 655 
iso seh 2222 Se SRS ee | ee eee eee eke lissussrss2s [nt SORES OR 
4, 942 | 21, 063, 646 733 2, 278, 655 
10, 729 52, 801, 193 1, 074 | 3, 891, 823 
155, 713 | 983, 249, 882 22, 793. | 82, 897, 953 
17, 475 | 98, 228, 362 2, 347 | 8, 162, 728 
35, 569 262, 468, 849 | 4, 682 21, 446, 588 
4, 203 55, 355, 084 828 4, 432, 853 
15, 481 111, 251, 444 2, 094 9, 055, 057 
23, 512 140, 415, 730 2, 216 | 8, 771, 455 
18, 256 112, 631, 800 2, 395 | 9, 439, 109 
4, 923 27, 917, 058 630 | 1, 964, 933 
5, 647 21, 432, 777 568 1, 928, 644 
175,379 | 1,310,895, 077 27, 637 | 116, 164, 080 
37, 725 229, 994, 646 5, 940 19, 772, 555 
25, 286 128, 106, 993 2, 724 9, 161, 091 
21, 623 114, 460, 320 | 2, 984 9, 856, 877 
15, 540 | 108, 620, 410 | 3,157 | 11, 789, 453 
17, 387 | 69, 270, 934 2, 461 9, 836, 728 
10, 073 | 66, 431, 883 1,415 | 5, 314, 505 
(PUT (Lo ae Oe eee oe 33, 278 | 224, 128, 933 4, 932 23, 730, 730 
BRRNHGHEISOLUS§ Sao. 5 ona t ace ce nace ase aan 101, 113 | 695, 844, 592 19, 305 70, 526, 536 
peereiptiriere  ke  oee t Pe  e 83, 477 595, 145, 607 9, 557 42, 334, 532 
LUND 2, ee eee 32, 388 | 199, 125, 168 | 3, 652 | 14, 361, 753 
Mississippi 10, 291 46, 694, 434 1, 194 3, 954, 912 
| J ite ee a eae 50, 327 326, 332, 768 8, 823 | 31, 670, 111 
LL Dae ee eee 8, 950 44, 100, 209 1, 820 | 4. 742, 244 
3 LOIS EG ee ee eee ee 19, 522 93, 350, 248 1, 892 | 6, 643, 688 
op ED ee ee ee eee 1, 619 | 7, 619, 950 260 9A6, 517 
DESEO Shiro soe es Swe es 2 7, 255 43, 906, 681 937 3, 304, 790 
SUING ee ee eee FET ee ee 97,180 | 718, 474, 323 17, 295 67, 908, 933 
erreiexico.__© 292...) =.=) = Ee ee week Ou 3, 149 12, 925, 368 416 1, 441, 299 
7 Nghe ae 1 2 Ee oe ees 371, 155 3, 288, 313, 355 56, 069 267, 619, 078 
North Carolina 19, 286 107, 876, 651 2, 260 9, 0R1, 223 
North Dakota 6, 083 | 24, 170, 320 73 | 1, 623, 043 
2 EO ee ee Be 106, 246 | 726, 213. 865 18, 658 | 67, 233, 156 
Oklahoma________ 25, 091 156, 670. 868 1, 955 7, 910, 311 
jl) 18, 255 95, 608, 686 2, 568 7, 622, 396 
Pennsylvania 174.486 | 1, 263, 552, 117 33. 593 129, 915, 246 
Rhode Island 11, 798 92, 232, 746 2, 261 8, 719, 343 
South Carolina 8, 247 38, 096, 751 939 3, 219, 261 
PTC 2 TIRE eet 5 ee a ee 7,152 27, 221, 080 480 | 1, 440, 687 
bh EPL ie Sea OE ee Bh 18, 507 | 118, 452, 011 2, 671 10, 260, 666 
(POTS... - oes Seer diet mareptemngepianes Separate 55, 236 222, 433, 991 5, 919 ag tole to 
OTE Eocene aS A eR ee ee 6, 893 | 35, 883, 564 724 2, 597, 412 
IGT a eee ae 3, 993 | 25, 662, 633 676 2, 639, 874 
rareeeeeins. Sek ee ee ee a 18, 884 112, 637, 122 3, 115 10, 768, 871 
Washington____ 27, 921 | 119, 777. 565 3, 169 10, 598, 537 
West Virginia__ 16, 131 | 90, 814, 708 2, 165 7, 503, 942 
UTS UTS SS ee ee ia 54, 398 | 292, 247, 622 5. 762 21, 992, 907 
OW Sere Th gt Po ee 3, 920 | 18, 781, 168 746 2, 274, 941 
LUNG LL 6 sa ai pie a Dice a eeipge Se 2, 016, 850 | 13, 870, 232, 343 302, 821 1, 211, 234, 402 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. Net income for 
returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 

? Alaska included in the State of Washington. 


TasLe 4.—Individual returns—Number of returns and net income, distributed 
according to sex and family relationship, by States and Territories—Continued 

{ | | 
| Single women—Heads | Single men—Not heads | Single women—Not heads 

of families of families of families 
States and Territories ite a See ee | 
T: j } 
| ee Net income ! | ole ia | Net income! | bree Net income ! 
} a | | 

oe a 591 | $2, 516, 134 | 7, 492 $20, 502,374 | 2, 361 | $7, 027, 533 

Qe ee ES | ne es eee Ee es ee eee SS 
Arran > 2 180 701, 481 3, 552 8, 940, 154 | 575 1, 739,479 
JA no res 402 1, 796, 178 | 3, 503 9, 999, 065 1, 242 3, 926, 676 
Malifornige.-_.. = 22588: 2.1 9,575 | 42,372, 472 | 89, 542 264,793,172 | 30,591 126, 120, 748 
ealoridoe=-) asst vs te 957 3, 756, 595 7, 428 22, 073, 501 i 10, 090, 795 
Connecticut___...------- 2,225 12, 229, 109 19, 682 66, 647,773 | 12,491 55, 109,225 
Welaware 92 = 333 2, 199, 666 2, 361 12, 443, 786 1, 161 7, 206, 968 
District of Columbia_--- 1, 526 5, 534, 325 9, 936 31,965,872 | 9, 532 30, 732, 001 
Miprdas 2 eee 895 3, 814, 125 8, 653 29, 643, 950 3, 745 13, 768, 631 
fanerin eee 945 3, 676, 854 8, 070 , 903,884 | 3,396 10, 785, 329 
Ens 71 Le ree 365 1, 609, 020 1, 826 6, 126, $27 1, 270 878, 336 
Reinlip seen edt Ripa ee 151 | 461, 529 2, 872 6, 584, 941 460 1, 140, 099 
Bfigngig= es aa Se 9,753 | 39, 578, 730 119, 198 280, 653,483 | 37, 495 144, 643, 950 
"7G Th ee ee ae 1,516 | 5,047,340 4,771 | 62, 427, 595 5, 326 18, 407, 942 
ys ae ee 891 2, 634, 580 11, 525 | 31, 464, 454 3, 967 13, 126, 942 
TLE SR ye elles Spat 860 2, 671, 099 7, 198 | 19,617,774 | 2, 198 6, 643, 580 
Kentucky. 987 4, 240, 391 9, 362 28, 916, 534 3, 182 12, 676, 652 
Louisiana __ 1, 043 4, 435, 037 8, 289 | 25, 279, 046 PEEP AR| 9, 687, 751 
Maine____-- 412} 1,739,501 4, 187 | 14, 651, 907 2, 057 9, 285, 356 
Maryland 1,704 | 10, 748, 554 15, 957 68, 467, 892 7, 731 43, 977, 611 
Massachusetts 6,350 | 25, 656, 782 48, 654 185, 125,340 , 31,077 | 132, 365, 534 
Wbipliparts ss ace - | 2,983 | 13, 626, 417 58,227 | 185,923,721 | 17,127 | 65, 026, 099 
Mlannesotal= bse = 924 4, 222, 538 16, 896 45, 094, 427 6, 130 | 18, 983, 358 
WHesissippis =.= 3 —.. 371 1, 131, 878 3, 542 8,492,041 | 1,254 | 2, 814, 673 
Oi a a 3,028 | 11,543, 913 23, 431 77,114,106 | _—-8, 656 | 31, 009, 883 
ii 396 959, 160 6, 216 15, 824, 391 1, 097 2, 754, 977 
Walrasian 2 oes 5.2 629 1, 873, 515 6, 918 18, 190, 202 2, 593 7, 101, 552 
WMewadie 2a 57 436, 264 2, 228 5, 130, 015 222 748, 827 
New Hampshire-------- 266 1, 894, 090 3, 940 | 11, 182, 805 1, 639 | 7, 284, 676 
New Jersey---_--------- | 5,802 | 25, 706, 231 48, 572 156, 122,232 | 21, 501 | 90, 465, 514 
New Mexico. -_...-.---- 112 495, 473 1, 631 4, 510, 027 450 | 1, 088, 818 
WawyVork---2) 52-52 =-3 20,547 | 109, 270, 055 190, 958 870, 279, 505 | 101,178 | 478, 700, 096 
North Carolina___-.____- 614) ~—-2, 648, 567 7, 634 20, 802, 171 , 822 7, 675, 176 
North Dakota___-__-___- 123 291, 136 | 2, 382 5, 460, 265 577 | 1, 234, 399 
4 0 a © 4,876 | 20, 551, 286 68, 457 199, 582,966 | 19, 263 74, 878, 202 
Oilahorin: ee 2 2, 684, 497 | 8, 785 29, 226, 103 2, 301 7, 036, 044 
recon 2 ee eee 1, 230 3, 780, 997 8, 914 23, 071, 858 2, 318 7, 359, 824 
Pennsylvania-_-____----- | 9,561 | 46,657,421 | 114,613 370, 446, 269 | 40, 190 174, 063, 038 
Rhode Island_-_-___------ 775 4, 390, 621 6, 106 23, 579, 169 3, 379 | 18, 192, 796 
South Carolina 303 1, 051, 294 3, 494 8, 193, 212 1, 078 2, 901, 058 
South Dakota____-_- 128 | 324, 587 2, 468 5, 273, 405 642 1, 308, 577 
Rormessee! =. 5. Sy 938 3, 344, 905 8, 061 24, 569, 887 2, 898 9, 869, 128 
rat Saag es BSA 2,716 | 11, 565, 590 23, 942 74, 500, 410 7, 824 28, 909, 967 
Pipe ee ao. 2 Sees 146 806, 459 4, 338 10, 321, 998 677 2, 116, 179 
Mormotit: =... 200 728, 879 , 064 5, 995, 865 1, 069 5, 066, 788 
(ites) es 1, 032 3, 851, 035 9, 621 26, 381, 286 3, 970 12, 383, 303 
Washington___.______--- 1, 212 4, 258, 974 17, 590 43, 102, 510 5, 594 15, 304, 410 
West Virginia___._..__-- 531 2, 059, 146 11, 469 | 27, 747, 613 1, 630 6, 382, 034 
Wascorsin, =) 1, 495 5, 237, 252 29, 720 | 76, 185, 110 7, 897 25, 507, 698 
Waomme. 220 140 515, 013 3, 561 8, 258, 213 409 1, 009, 141 

7) Eee 103,430 | 463, 326, 695 1, 109,676 3, 700,791,106 | 431, 769 1, 770, 517, 373 
i | 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. Net income for 
returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample. Seep. 1. 

1 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 


TaBLeE 4.—Individual returns—Numober of returns and net income, distributed 
according to sex and family relationship, by States and Territories—Continued 

Wives filing separate Community property 
returns from husbands income Grand total 
States and Territories 
Number : Num- : Number | .,; 
afretunes Net income! | ber of | Net income! aiirsiiens Net income ! 
$4, 486, 767 $183, 224, 614 
1, 373, 619 799 $9, 740, 124 11, 059 45, 837, 158 
SRG Py ee ee Se a ee 17, 331 75, 553, 896 
78, 731, 956 258 4, 410, 075 315, 566 1, 582, 576, 258 
iy LS ee S| ee ee 31, 727 148, 473, 486 
SOOO SLOT. | Sse ae ees se 77, 778 451, 001, 651 
SS EP EE RN eA ar a 9, 266 90, 262, 899 
TORS OOTS4s | = ete eee a F 39, 560 198, 938, 042 
TOMS 1766) ante Seek Le Red 40, 080 206, 917, 657 
GaStOso0s | ete Soe = ee es 33, 818 167, 407, 479 
CL 1D24 88 ie (ee DR 2 (ee ae 9, 252 44, 618, 510 
1, 367, 514 575 5, 533, 254 10, 673 38, 448, 758 
SsAIRIS Pee ore 9, 397 | LOUD 737204 === ees (See 378, 859 2, 093, 908, 574 
_ i eee 1, 425 | TOA S586) |= eae eal. ee ae 76, 703 349, 434, 464 
“ton, re 956 | PRGddn O74 Gace edo 2 45, 349 190, 436, 034 
in Fsg S.J re 712 | 2 TER Gm ee a ed B77 | 35, 575 157, 394, 402 
Clif Are 776 | Gepaeat (|= Selo e Se 33, 004 172, 582, 213 
OS rr 1, 399 5, 038,988 | 3, 987 51, 705, 677 37, 293 175, 254, 161 
OOS GL Seer 566 | BAO ap TOGO | =e cee eee oo oe ee 18, 710 103, 080, 848 
Lt Ea 1, 497 | TEN OLY SU gl RS ee aes ee 65, 099 390, 671, 215 
7, 857 | ie SU ae ee Fe ee 214, 356 1, 189, 273, 214 
4, 435 | PNR Glin ee Be Se 2 ere 175, 806 950, 085, 831 
1, 449 | Me i rete Ue Pee Se Sal il OE: SE 61, 439 295, 670, 416 
312 | OO S746 ak Se 16, 964 64, 878, 684 
2, 142 | DCI OAG |e eee ee 96, 407 501, 495, 130 
172 P28. O42: 2 tee Rol tas <a } 18, 651 69, 654, 023 
616 | SY Tracy el ee aoe | OS ETE 32, 170 130, 131, 079 
78 | 359, 054 238 2, 182, 606 4, 702 17, 443, 233 
New Hampshire_____-_-_- 447 | PSORTOOT, jon eel a 14, 484 70, 560, 949 
iNew Jersey. ....-...._____ Lipa tealba Lee Oe yt eames | aR? REST | 195,467 | 1, 117, 398, 064 
PewaWexICO\=--......... | 231 | 886, 216 473 4, 940, 947 | 6, 462 26, 288, 148 
imme On. 22-...--.--- | 27, 067 | BAAS POROUO | 2a wae 2s LEE 766, 974 5, 398, 451, 005 
erga @arolina...-..2_...-. 782 | Yeasts SUB (eM peptic 6] | Reamer) Se) bE 33, 398 155, 916, 827 
Worth Dakota_......_.____| 120 PAS aT Rul ie Oeeel ea Te ay D 9, 758 33, 252, 341 
i). ae 5, 207 | CSO Gl ee TS See ee 222, 707 1, 153, 756, 214 
Oklahoma_ 1, 040 | OS Ta Boo! | Soe es egal oe oe ST 39, 805 212, 341, 656 
Un hr 618 Mer aD NGOS: |io eo, eal. ee 33, 903 140, 739, 425 
hepnsyvivania._.-.=.-.-..- 8, 931 | 17 eee oy ee os eS | 381, 374 2, 091, 825, 217 
node island. ..-.-__=___ 865 | OCS EUR ote ee aes | eS eS 25, 184 157, 464, 733 
South Carolina..._..._._._ 319 | Te Ae Ca 08 tal Ree ae | SOI - Te Tee 14, 310 55, 218, 679 
Bowen akota__-=..-..--.._ 99 S38 col 174 Ia ee Se | | a Se Se | 10, 969 35, 906, 515 
Yi s, ————— 737 | S16G6003) | Ae. = a: ee RE ee 33, 812 173, 162, 605 
SO ee 5, 514 | 19, 657, 242 13, 38/3 180, 123, 647 | 114, 534 560, 322, 568 
Uh. 3 251 VOOR Resta oe a ey ee 13, 029 53, 628, 897 
Juco 266 Dept bop oe Se ees eee | 8, 268 41, 842, 221 
Oi ee 771 (273 Reet a [ls Bla aN Ea ES 37, 393 172, 239, 863 
Weshineton._........__.- 2, 145 8, 867, 229 | 4,569} 50,637, 986 | 62, 200 252, 547, 211 
Wespivireinia..-.....__ |. 574 LSPA oe) [ee memes | ie ag A | 32, 500 139, 696, 175 
inn are 1, 684 MG 2409. 024s) | eas aa | he | 100, 956 436, 579, 613 
Myivanainevess | Sei. 94 AS ONII9 | Nokaom ptt ak ee IE 8, 870 * 31, 297, 698 
ISCG eee 112, 719 1, 219, 714, 318 | 24,282 | 309, 274, 316 | 4, 101, 547 22, 545, 090, 553 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. Net income for 
Teturns under $5, 000 estimated on basis of sample. See p. 1. 

4 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 



Taste 5.—Individual returns—Number of returns and net income distributed 
according to sex and family relationship, by income classes—Distribution of income 


classes under $5,000 estimated, based on sample (see p. 1) 

[Income returned for the calendar year ended Dee. 31, 1927. 

included. See p. 1] 

Joint returns of husbands 
and wives, with or without 

Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are 



dependent children, in- F oan 

cluding returns of husbands Single Rearrie s of 

whose wives, though living 

Income classes with them, file separate 
Number of . Number 5 

ratonne Net income ! Rirannnns Net income ! 
Winder S1h000 sade 2 ee eee oak 65, 278 $36, 603, 899 3, 558 $2, 162,824} 
(Ubayols\ns 3101010 Ree) a eS ee 1, 264 | 700, 275 2 1, 342 5} 
ICOOO OR? OOO 2s SS See ee Ss 139, 505 217, 449, 492 79, 955 138, 474, 606 | 
SI OOOtORS2:000 PAG ie. 2 ve ee el 9, 567 16, 459, 026 41 74, 223 © | 
$2,000 to $3,000 2 231, 842 580, 849, 201 103, 812 245, 258, 187 
$2000 TOSS O00 Mes See ae ee eC 20, 091 49, 974, 343 436 1, 041, 838 | 
$3,000 to $4,000 2 408, 313 | 1, 431, 048, 988 43, 337 148, 270,739 | 
$3,000 to $4,000______-_-- 98, 386 | 365, 326, 114 6, 946 26, 097, 742 
$4,000 to $5,000 2 155, 754 677, 117, 446 8, 991 39, 003,726 | 
$4 0000: 55: 0002 22% Sau _ es 5 eee ee 228, 378 | 1, 027, 795, 050 17, 951 | 80, 133, 605 — 
DH OOOO; SG; 000 stats: ee eee eee 16, 089 86, 854, 650 845 | 4, 560, 164 — 
S500 GOO, O00 S94 ees eS See We 3 she 2 138, 607 759, 517, 625 8, 201 44, 926, 9696 
SOOOO TONE OOD SHEE te ok Pee ee ee 5, 899 38, 041, 469 371 2, 387, 051 
SOLOOO TOUS OOO es oS. 8 he a ee 97, 165 | 628, 997, 543 5, 607 | 36, 259, 196 — 
Se O00 te $8: 000/22 ess. 5 eae See eee 3, 529 26, 360, 812 176 1, 321, 023 1 
BOO TOSS OOO Ree tn, SS eee eee 70, 415 530, 685, 348 3, 586 26, 845, 421 © | 
SS: OOOGONTG! O00 12 Aah Bee es BAI lt 2, 397 20, 311, 844 164 1, 387, 689 BY 
$8; 000 TOIS9! 0002 ove < . -. ee ee 51, 031 433, 039, 978 2, 836 24, 087, 989 
$9,000 to $10,000 2 1, 871 17, 773, 283 123 NB ale ssl | 
SPOON LOS1O\O00 es oe Te ee 39, 681 376, 894, 264 2, 205 20, 989, 284 ! 
S10L000i0 $11; 00082. 2--._- eee ee 31, 088 325, 785, 363 1, 780 18, 651, 058 — 
SAAKOOOIO O12, OOO: Bi. - =) Lee ee eR 24, 963 286, 801, 710 1, 453 | 16, 686, 433 
STP OOOO! S13) 000M AAs _. SR Ue eee eee ee es 19, 920 248, 740, 591 1, 148 14, 326, 598 
SUS OOO tO S14; O00RS= ae os ee 16, 485 222, 415, 249 984 13, 289, 633 
pide OOOO ato; O00! SA ae 2 eee eee 13, 867 201, 022, 277 812 | 11, 772, 283 
SL'O00 tO: $20; 000k 2 22= _.  - See ee 43, 942 756, 835, 800 2, 673 | 46, 070, 379 
20000 OrS25: 00082. ie. - 2 1 eee eee 23, 141 516, 139, 240 1, 421 31, 719, 002 
H20;000 iO, Hs0;O00RS2S2..- - ba ee ee eee 13, 987 382, 274, 863 847 23, 188, 420 
$30!000;01940; O00USE Se. (See eee 15, 606 537, 724, 366 905 31, 087, 210 
Pe QO00ItO S50! O0ORSE SS = - 55 ee eee 8, 246 367, 459, 438 513 22, 754, 912 
DOLOOOIEGIS60; O00u AHS. = eee, eee 5, 007 273, 068, 343 289 15, 863, 352 
SOOLOOOKO: 70,0008. ate _. ee eae oe 3, 482 224, 773, 059 218 | 14, 083, 607 
SOOO O:S80; 000L RE. > eee eee ee 2, 319 173, 634, 785 119 8, 862, 119 
SSOHO00CO:S90; OOO Maa -_ | Stee ee 1, 656 140, 151, 122 93 7, 877, 123 
SIO OOOO: SLOO OOO Saas severe ee eee LS 1, 302 123, 645, 852 56 5, 305, 945 ia 
S100'000/t0'$150}000! 2. _.. ) Sara ee 3, 192 386, 208, 717 183 22, 220, 333 — 
LOO OOOIEO!S200; 000% - = See eee 1, 283 220, 568, 015 78 13, 185, 862 — 
S200; 000R60'S250/000hA50 - = 3 tee 642 143, 324, 058 41 9,002,310 | 
S200 0000 S800} O00L2s seer ae. * 411 112, 424, 057 18 4,917,049 | 
$300: 000;t0:$400;000L 228 = 2-12 ae ee! 467 160, 941, 467 18 6, 326,730 
F400 O00 TO SS00/O00U BS. = = 2 Se eee 254 112, 787, 592 11 4, 925, 498 
S500'000}T0'$750; 000! 4a 22.528 eee a oS 239 142, 190, 367 10 5, 583, 516 
SV 5O/000EOs$1,000;0008-— 22 5- eee eee 2s 109 938, 894, 618 1 (3) 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000 80 96, 408, 884 3 (3) 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000 35 60, 938, 494 1 (3) 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000 36 84, 709, 028 1 (3) 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000 15 51, 535, 441 1 (3) 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000 8 hi COB fll Je Pets ae 2 ee 
0 ,000/000'an drovers SU 050 See eee 6 65, 505, 774 1 (3) a 
Classes grouped. 25.20 Ae eee RE _ Le | eee eee 19, 080, 424 

SROGAIE 2) 2 Soe ee a oe 2, 016, 850 | 138, 870, 232, 343 | 302, 821 1, 211, 234, 402 

Nontaxable taco el epee ret 1, 030, 477 3, 1382, 411, 084 241, 332 583, 997, 270 
HINES ¢) 9) (2) a eee eS OA EO 1 es 986, 373 | 10, 737, 821, 259 61, 489 627, 237, 132 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 

from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

2 Nontaxable. 

Specific exemptions exceed net income. 

3 Classes grouped to conceal net income and identity of taxpayers. 



Taste 5.—Individual returns—Number of returns and net tncome distributed 

according to sex and family relationship, by income classes 


Single women—Heads | Single men—Not heads of Single women—Not 
of families families heads of families 
Income classes 

Number P Number of| »,;; Number : 

ahaa AERTS Net income!) “turns Net income! | of returns) Net income ! 
Wmader $1,000)4:-...-....- 2, 287 $1, 371, 144 27, 230 $16, 096, 513 13, 392 $8, 034, 555 
Wnderor,000.. 2-.2..+-- 10 5, 868 416 171, 168 450 212, 570 
$1,000 to $2,000 2__---_--_ 33, 672 57, 291, 236 119, 769 175, 946, 519 73, 502 107, 402, 373 
$1,000 to $2,000___------- 27 * 43, 205 390, 942 679, 455, 633 131, 563 226, 442, 136 
$2,000 to $3,000 2__--____- 31, 232 74, 448, 504 15, 785 36, 932, 591 12, 053 28, 983, 268 
2/0000’ $3,000. ---..---- 91 220, 040 334, 346 790, 574, 226 91, 671 218, 225, 839 
$3,000 to $4,000 2__._----- 11, 587 39, 239, 125 3, 534 12, 065, 815 5, 946 20, 576, 234 
$3,000 to $4,000__-------- 1, 343 4, 976, 717 96, 328 327, 495, 656 32, 078 | 110, 079, 018 
$4,000 to $5,000 2_--___--- 2, 870 12, 586, 236 1, 697 7, 672, 555 3, 382 15, 151, 957 
$4,000 to $5,000__-------- 3, 935 17, 588, 397 39, 530 175, 951, 633 16, 450 73, 239, 522 
$5,000 to $6,000 2._____--_- 716 3, 915, 542 847 4, 637, 522 1, 346 7, 372, 633 
$5,000 to $6,000___------- 2, 297 12, 594, 034 15, 170 83, 042, 890 7, 004 38, 503, 968 
$6,000 to $7,000 2__--_----- 522 3, 373, 727 691 4, 464, 335 1,127 7, 273, 563 
$6,000 to $7,000___------- 1, 743 11, 293, 336 10, 433 67, 462, 683 5, 410 35, 035, 355 
$7,000 to $8,000 2_-__----- 318 2, 370, 071 504 3, 758, 020 794 5, 940, 836 
$7,000 to $8,000___------- 1, 318 9, 869, 057 7, 768 58, 386, 260 | 4,109 | 30, 825, 969 
$8,000 to $9,000 2___------ 277 2, 343, 322 | 411 3, 464, 567 588 5, 002, 070 
$8,000 to $9,000___------- 1, 076 9, 150, 374 5, 733 48, 636, 447 | 3, 132 | 26, 566, 826 
$9,000 to $10,000 2__.____- 179 1, 700, 380 345 3, 287, 898 | 539 5, 092, 282 
$9,000 to $10,000___------ 827 | 7, 831, 072 4, 486 42, 614, 337 2, 713 25, 762, 226 
$10,000 to $11,000___----- 824 8, 656, 508 3, 904 40, 923, 301 | 2, 574 27, 008, 306 
$11,000 to $12,000___----- 690 7, 937, 645 3, 034 34, 882, 113 2, 077 23, 845, 451 
$12,000 to $13,000___----- 608 7, 584, 563 2, 518 31, 464, 354 1, 773 22, 140, 044 
$13,000 to $14,000___-___- 443 5, 974, 910 2, 202 29, 748, 034 1, 454 19, 602, 371 
$14,000 to $15,000___-_--- 381 5, 523, 168 1, 852 26, 939, 812 1, 409 20, 409, 205 
$15,000 to $20,000__~----- 1, 394 24, 040, 312 6, 220 107, 476, 733 | 4, 578 78, 973, O77 
$20,000 to $25,000-_---_--- 777 17, 453, 710 3, 490 77, 711, 204 2, 644 59, 193, 420 
$25,000 to $30,000__-~----- 500 13, 661, 611 2, 287 62, 418, 413 1, 781 48, 708, 131 
$30,000 to $40,000__------ 546 18, 855, 511 2, 608 89, 717, 404 2, 038 70, 227, 527 
$40,000 to $50,000.__----- 304 13, 673, 057 1, 545 68, 893, 528 1, 209 54, 020, 127 
$50,000 to $60,000___----- 172 9, 486, 694 914 49, 877, 331 763 41, 689, 543 
$60,000 to $70,000_.____--- 112 7, 221, 274 626 40, 710, 453 511 32, 893, 642 
$70,000 to $80,000___----- 88 6, 526, 762 486 36, 393, 389 323 24, 126, 372 
$80,000 to $90,000___----- 50 4, 227, 966 345 29, 287, 505 273 23, 186, 845 
$90,000 to $100,000__-_---- 30 2, 873, 252 272 25, 791, 268 191 18, 048, 916 
$100,000 to $150,000-__ _-_- 102 12, 436, 926 * 606 72, 267, 213 490 59, 729, 410 
$150,000 to $200,000_____- 40 6, 935, 335 262 45, 100, 638 157 26, 717, 521 
$200,000 to $250,000___-_- i) 1, 957, 370 154 34, 100, 543 88 19, 774, 494 
$250,000 to $300,000___-_- 11 3, 034, 240 82 22, 603, 834 47 12, 950, 346 
$300,000 to $400,000___-_- 9 3, 101, 978 101 34, 406, 776 68 23, 487, 323 
$400,000 to $500,000_____- 4 1, 887, 182 52 23, 073, 143 | 22 9, 678, 107 
$500,000 to $750,000__-_--- 5 3, 193, 517 65 39, 101, 950 21 12, 210, 918 
$750,000 to $1,000,000- _ _- 1 (3) 30 26, 146, 960 8 6, 946, 595 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000-_- 2 (3) 26 31, 081, 172 10 11, 655, 915 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000-_- 1 (3) 13 22, 047, 389 4 7, 287, 604 
2400,000! t0.$3,000,000. -.|---s--=-.-|--222.222-2-2- 11 | 27, 015, 233 4 10, 656, 060 
Paro 000: to $4,000,000... .|-2s2=-2=--|222222--2----- 2 6, 735, 154 3 9, 626, 840 
<p CELLO ROPES POO TET C0 FO (RSS eg ee ee ee eae eel Rees eae ae eee 
EpeUOU O00 and OVer-..2=—|-22222522s}se lessees 2 == 4 221 848h OOie Bz ee ees See eee ee oe 
lasses erouped!’_._....|-=-==<2==-- CA STL 7% | cre ee | eel woe RE Be Se |e es 

ot alee tease ae 103,430 | 463,326,695 | 1,109,676 | 38, 700,791,106 | 481, 769 1, 770, 517, 373 

Wontaxable a... = 22s.25_2 83, 660 198, 639, 287 170, 813 268, 236, 335 112, 669 210, 829, 771 
iN? |0] Ca eee 19,770 | 264, 687, 408 938, 863 | 3,482, 554,771 | 319, 100 1, 559, 687, 602 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

2 Nontaxable. 

Specific exemptions exceed net income. 

3 Classes grouped to conceal net income and identity of taxpayers. 


TaBLe 5.—Individual returns—Number of returns and net income distributed 
according to sex and family relationship, by income classes—Continued 


Wives filing separate |Community property 
returns from husbands income 
Income classes 
Number Num- 
of Net income! | ber of | Net income? 
returns returns 
Wnder $1,000 2. ==----2..22 3, 999 $25101, 434 [2 sae 22. oe eer 
Wnder S$i,000..— 2-=.=-=-=2- 8, 859 4 859 0920/2 e Se ses cece Sars Ss 
S15 000't0;$2, 000 22=-—-=22 - == 6, 729 10020; ;714: | ake 2 = 8” oe ee 
S17 O00st0) $2,000) 22 -2= =. = 10, 826 TGV51G, Foy || £22 Ss 3] ee See eee 
S21000 tol Sa; 00012 === 3, 224 (SS al Bee ee 
S2/000) 0 $3; 0005 22 5=2-=- ~2- 11,179 | 27908, 990), |-=2eoes alse Se eee 
$3,000 to $4,000 2_---------- 2, 650 | 9907, 515 | soe nee Le ae ee ee 
33-000 'to' $4; 00022222 -- == - 22 9, 457 32:,974, 502) || aei 2A eee ee 
$4000 to $5;000/922--- = += 1, 642 1,467, OUT | see ee ee ee 
$4,000 to $5,000___--------- 8, 860 395800) Qh7) | (ae S22 24|b- 2 ee 
$5,000 to $6,000 2 806 4, 410, 793 159 $914, 088 
$5:000'to' $6; 000! 232-2 -- = 4, 623 25,353, 150 | 6, 113 28, 003, 558 
$6,000 to $7,000 2 695 4, 488, 055 | 111 723, 534 
$6:000't0'$7, 0002 22=------ 2 3, 798 24,600,961 | 3, 584 23, 208, 766 
$7,000 to $8,000 2 553 4, 127, 996 90 667, 841 
7/0000) $8; 000! == 2 22s 3, 091 23,190,212 | 2,650 19, 802, 519 
$8,000 to $9,000 2___-------- 425 3, 606, 329 70 598, 299 
$8000 to $9'0002 22-2 ots 2, 576 21,857,117 | 1, 947 16, 489, 581 
$9,000 to $10,000 2_--------- 420 3, 981, 936 | 82 787, 499 
$9,000 to $10,000__--------- 2, 169 20, 576, 860 | 1,517 14, 385, 871 
$10,000 to $11,000___------- 2, 232 23, 377,632 | 1,316 13, 780, 863 
$11,000 to $12,000_--------- 1, 941 22, 317, 563 | 973 11, 172, 619 
$12,000 to $13,000__-_------- 1, 689 21, 104, 140 876 10, 932, 881 
$13,000 to $14,000__-------- 1, 511 20, 415, 993 | 648 8, 732, 512 
$14: N00) G0 S15; 00G—2= == =_ 22 1, 249 18, 122, 760 | 586 8, 481, 909 
$15,000 to $20,000__-------- 4, 806 83, 212,552 | 1,778 30, 459, 354 
$20,000 to $25,000___-_------ 3, 014 67, 441, 488 | 937 20, 761, 384 
$25,000 to $30,000__-------- 2, 001 54, 798, 466 491 13, 408, 758 
$30,000 to $40,000__-------- Onan ire 87, 091, 295 553 18, 866, 459 
$40,000 to $50,000__-_------- 1, 397 62, 216, 700 242 10, 724, 488 
$50,000 to $60,000___------- 897 49, 029, 264 | 150 8, 186, 602 
$60,000 to $70,000__ -_------ 596 38, 536, 539 | 99 6, 361, 556 
$70,000 to $80,000_- -------- 429 32, 070, 123 | 80 5, 946, 265 
$80,000 to $90,000__-------- 309 26, 257, 746 | 55 4, 688, 738 
$90,000 to $100,000__------- 226 21, 419, 595 35 3, 334, 427 
$100,000 to $150,000_-_------ 627 75, 854, 540 61 7, 301, 381 
$150,000 to $200,000_- ------ 265 45, 381, 697 | 37 6, 325, 498 
$200,000 to $250,000_____--- 154 34, 124, 884 | 18 3, 929, 524 
$250,000 to $300,000_- ------ 68 18, 691, 819 | 8 2, 221, 161 
$300,000 to $400,000_______- 84 | 28, 456, 609 | 2 ‘s 
$400,000 to $500,000___-_--_- 4] 18, 255, 775 | 
$500,000 to $750,000___-__--- 40 24, 292, 406 | 
$750,000 to $1,000,000 - _ - -_- 22 18, 590, 804 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000____- 17 19, 811, 573 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000 -- -- 2 3, 297, 486 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000_____ 3 (3) 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000_-_-_-_- 1 (3) 
$47000/000)00'$5; 0000002. = | asa cen nae 
SOLO OOO MAG Over — 2) a oer eeeenes sae 
Classes grouped 3__________ 10, 686, 485 
OAS = aera 112, 719 1, 219, 714, 318 | 24, 282 309, 274, 316 
Woantaxable!?- 2...) =-2-=5- 21, 143 57, 220, 746 | 512 3, 691, 261 
PREXA MN Go a se -5 eee ean 91,576 | 1,162,493, 572 | 238,770 | 305, 583, 055 

Grand total 
of Net income ! 
115, 744 $66, 280, 369 
11, 001 5, 950, 315 
453, 132 706, 584, 940 
542, 966 938, 990, 760 
397, 948 974, 329, 808 
457,814 | 1, 087, 945, 276 
475, 367 1, 660, 408, 416 
244, 538 866, 949, 749 
174, 336 758, 949, 837 
315, 104 1, 414, 508, 424 
20, 808 112, 665, 392 
181, 015 991, 941, 921 
9, 416 60, 751, 734 
127, 740 826, 857, 840 
5, 964 44, 546, 599 
92, 937 699, 604, 786 
4, 332 36, 714, 070 
68, 331 579, 828, 312 
3, 559 33, 794, 589 
53, 598 509, 053, 914 
43, 718 458, 183, 031 
35, 131 403, 643, 534 
28, 532 356, 293, 171 
23, 727 320, 178, 702 
20, 156 292, 271, 414 
65, 391 1, 127, 068, 207 
35, 424 790, 419, 448 
21, 894 598, 458, 662 
24, 773 853, 569, 772 
13, 456 599, 742, 250 
8, 192 447, 201, 129 
5, 644 364, 580, 130 
3, 844 287, 559, 815 
2, 781 235, 627, 045 
2,112 200, 419, 255 
5, 261 636, 018, 520 
2, 122 364, 214, 566 
1, 106 246, 213, 183 
645 176, 842, 506 
755 259, 624, 653 
386 171, 497, 074 
384 228, 999, 193 
173 149, 167, 396 
138 164, 637, 400 
56 97, 049, 514 
55 132, 044, 039 
22 74, 835, 056 
8 36, 523, 123 
ll 95, 551, 714 
4, 101, 547 22, 545, 090, 553 
1, 660, 606 4, 455, 025, 754 
2, 440, 941 18, 090, 064, 799 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net 
loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

2? Nontaxable. 

Specific exemptions exceed net income. 

3 Classes grouped to conceal net income and identity of taxpayers. 




TaBLe 6.—Individual returns—Distribution of income by sources of income, general 
deductions, and net income, by States and Territories 

[Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns 
are included. See p. 1] 

Sources of income 

Profit from 
sale of real 
estate, stocks, 
States and Territories i “| Dende teis 
Jages an P . other than 
Ed ealarics Business Partnerships capital net 
\ | gain from 
{ sale of assets 
eel held more 
ke: than 2 years 
Kees | 
$68, 775,981 | $23,884,937 | $15, 558, 060 $7, 684, 032 
ET nn ee ee eee eee pps tt ae ee see eean 
21, 183, 004 10, 936, 386 3, 455, 659 3, 655, 742 
34, 033, 728 17, 357, 044 9, 436, 658 3, 085, 363 
630, 426, 996 284, 551, 478 119, 867, 965 154, 996, 697 
65, 740, 732 33, 994,099 | 10, 544, 822 8, 085, 886 
165, 688, 671 52, 834, 084 21, 543, 389 47, 874, 243 
23, 017, 913 7, 119, 173 2, 981, 949 11, 887, 118 
101, 094, 956 27, 256, 010 | 8, 262, 051 13, 365, 035 
94,810,539 | 38,316, 606 16, 158,-857 31, 314, 734 
95, 076, 145 27,176,927 | 15, 268,077 11, 998, 499 
24, 265, 945 | 4, 943, 397 1, 224, 562 2, 770, 899 
16,978,301 | 14,658, 101 3, 512, 289 1, 159, 721 
oR. ae eke ae ee 1, 017, 820, 356 252, 648, 791 137, 644, 514 145, 449, 233 
i 174,372,166 | 58,226,579; 24,386,649 19, 964, 645 
87,825,384 | 45, 318, 275 16, 402, 141 7, 671, 903 
59,011,200 | 53, 760, 590 17, 806, 136 7, 583, 852 
81,170,934 | 27,926, 812 14,165,895 | 16,623, 726 
89, 732, 756 29, 368, 793 18, 927, 796 11, 942, 981 
37,052,188 | 19,713,071 4, 720, 381 7, 887, 023 
Maryland 166, 444, 135 44, 589, 732 25, 363,180 | 31, 552, 626 
Mracsnchusetts___...--..--...=- 500, 482,276 | 145, 135, 889 75, 386, 394 | 101, 715, 599 
Ch VU 1070 se 5 Seal 473, 884,608 | 124, 280, 322 49, 979,372 | 87, 096, 607 
MIENOL AS oe aoe koe 150,006,726 | 52,089, 042 20, 700, 566 13, 615, 209 
ROMIEMISSITA Tee ee ee ne 32, 473,361 | 19, 662,694 9, 306, 970 | 2, 555, 842 | 
(SIS TV FHT 2 le ll ell celta Baia 273, 509, 151 70, 424, 57: 30, 025, 028 26, 072, 380 
Sit os Slee ee 35, 435,892 ; 20,677, 433 5, 367, 231 |, 2, 918, 239 
Ce yh Leap) SS a 59, 559, 262 40, 073, 799 12, 879, 420 | 5, 678, 387 
vid. ee 8, 473, 150 | 4, 620, 569 1, 714, 302 815, 001 
New Hampshire__.........__.- 25,689,169 | 13,606, 499 3, 983, 874 6, 471, 738 
NERUMIOUSE = Sonos fos le 558, 123,165 | 147, 644.079 57, 761, 270 93, 450, 168 
INGWRITeNICO. 2-2-3 2.2---2e 10, 748, 695 | 8, 634, 661 2,915, 851 1, 231, 204 
LL GIN, 40) 5 a SS a 2, 245, 158,805 | 570,904,114 | +545, 443,582 | 526, 880, 629 
INGLE aAroling. == 2.2 84, 078, 278 26, 687, 695 15, 078, 960 14, 014, 061 
North Dakota 14,865,168 | 12,728, 648 3, 822, 762 651, 821 
ite Se i 571, 550,902 | 154, 050, 934 70, 402, 415 73, 450, 988 
Oklahoma-____-_- Bae 93, 144, 781 42, 439, 013 26, 384, 736 15, 963, 687 
207 eed 68, 371, 987 40, 109, 211 11, 202, 332 | 5, 516, 690 
annisvivianiao--—-—-5---- 2. = 939, 879, 328 | 302,039,781 | 129,133,522 | 157, 985.026 
Feundersiand..o- sc oo. -2 soe 63, 494,949 | 19,811,842 9, 677, 874 | 9, 751, 237 
Boutun@earoling..- 202-5228 32, 261, 587 12, 742, 513 5, 174, 935 | 2, 878, 274 
Boi MOAkota.s.- 2... -2---.--- 15, 269,857 | 14, 396, 627 3, 965, 966 999, 589 
MIMMUBSSOB ae oa s Secs ecco ae 90, 640,820 | 28, 184, 533 17, 473, 336 8, 533, 510 
NEA SLi 2 aa ie ei 242,261,814 | 129, 632, 944 76, 638,890 | 39,824, 870 
UID) <5) pe ae SES 28, 351, 036 11, 479, 510 3, 469, 612 | 2, 285, 785 
CARO ia 28 el ee eli 16, 785, 687 8, 614, 599 2, 852, 841 2, 353, 483 
WHEE eee 86, 560,644 | 28,717, 108 15,857,140 11, 674, 461 
SNMP LOMs 220 (oes! 132, 879,359 | 59, 941, 382 17,641,878 10, 105, 148 
Wiest Virginia---2--.-.-.---..- 75, 158, 415 24, 985, 730 9, 624, 244 9, 955, 989 
Wiican 218, 250,156 | 69, 206, 359 31, 298,690 | 31,470, 576 
enh ae 16, 578, 722 | 9, 318, 305 2, 750, 012 925, 799 
siotaliee- S64 tee seca. 10, 218, 449, 780 |3, 287, 421, 294 |1, 755, 145, 035 1, 813, 395, 955 

Capital net 
gain from 
sale of assets 
neld more 
than 2 years! 

$2, 027, 825 
1, 302, 239 
2, 201, 717 

60. 772, 770 
3, 729, 691 

18, 809, 645 
8, 138, 204 
8, 594, 762 
8, 941, 286 
3, 715, 053 

528. 765 
554, 452 
102, 644, 820 

15, 206, 073 
1, 466, 620 
2, 520, 866 
4. 009, 495 
1, 697, 378 
3, 825, 142 

25, 328, 924 

51, 229, 718 

55, 849, 649 
8, 921. 787 

190, 746 
17, 636, 237 
612, 222 
606, 368 
124, 259 

2, 615, 475 
56, 038, 071 
116, 697 
379, 888, 993 
5, 102, 320 
128, 996 

51, 507, 883 

4, 437, 943 

916, 386 
115, 743, 956 
4, 264, 891 
270, 213 

2, 118 

5, 421, 864 
15, 394, 558 
1, 574, 786 
212, 280 

3, 213, 113 
3, 232, 109 
3, 375, 026 
16, 466, 081 
75, 519 

1, 081, 186, 018 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net 
loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. Net income 

for returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of sample. 

? Alaska included in the State of Washington. 

See p. 1. 



TaBLeE 6.—Individual returns— Distribution of income by sources of income, general 
deductions, and net income, by States and Territories—Continued 

Sources of income—Continued 

States and Territories Triterestemd 
Rents and : 
A investment 
royalties artcaTie 
Alabamamosse- =) 20232. ee $12, 403,821 | $18, 151, 194 
JANIS Sous epee ee Cote cies ti tees Revoly Ree An Leaner te 
ATIZONR sapere bo a ue ae 3, 386, 724 3, 809, 141 
AK Anca See atc a 2 be Stee 9, 744, 618 7, 108, 902 
@alhifornia=----*22 2-2. 2 ee 153, 525, 744 186, 570, 639 
Wolorados= on 222 ek SIE 10, 469, 156 17, 045, 836 
Connecticn tate] 0] =e is Baas 21, 224, 188 40, 402, 739 
IDBIAWaArOne ase Se ee 2, 280, 045 5, 540, 460 
Sine nolColimbia o-- sss ee 18, 207, 373 24, 498, 090 
Tis Leja ohn 8 oot SR. 20, 344932 | 28, 769, 064 
@earcine Ga oe es eke 13, 398, 197 12, 550, 432 
PG Wea emi een a ek ee 2, 196, 654 2, 922, 953 
Oe ee ee es Re 2, 355, 075 3, 006, 157 
OIS See ee eee A 123, 575. 884 | 176,699, 418 
eran sinit) ee ae es Pore 25, 094, 309 15, 857, 044 
MOM eee eee wees. ene EEE 20, 357, 199 24, 348, 339 
IAmSpG asec cater ee See 19, 718, 212 12, 462, 096 
PRTG TIC Kayee nh ee tee eee ee 11, 370, 486 13, 115, 253 
DeaWisianaese ope ote e nee, Seer 16, 763, 636 17, 030, 955 
CHIT Se SR IY aap i I as OR ae 4, 390, 863 15, 302, 959 
Viena dee sees ae ee ee eee 18, 348, 331 45, 132, 876 
MMassachusettsn- 2 0s 220 = Se Re 39, 999,979 | 103, 874, 152 
IMiGhigan se. C5 St sey Sa eee 63, 187, 387 82, 377, 237 
MISMMNESOtAL se ne a ee 15, 410, 847 26, 381, 853 
VINSSISS US IOL =e: kee ee teres eee 6, 300, 485 6, 329, 789 
IVIg SS ieee eae ee ee ee ee ee 34, 032, 441 35, 795, 433 
Montana 3, 770, 190 4, 692, 205 
Nebraska 13, 231, 030 14, 254, 122 
Nevada 829, 185 1, 154, 382 
Neweevampshire.2- 22. 2s las ees 3, 087, 969 6, 559, 905 
ING wrUeCIseVe. ses ee yt 2 45, 114,394 | 114, 558, 654 
Newnlvliexicol 3 a eee 1, 877, 036 2,391, 195 
Nyy OLke See SS ee 175, 670, 685 | 484, 451, 078 
North Carolina). 3 a= ee 14, 961, 143 8, 014, 509 
INGE akotae ooo wee 2, 150, 910 3, 857, 907 
(Oia jes of RO GR pe I od | 68, 987, 399 58, 040, 672 
Oklahoma 52a a ee Oe 36, 390, 631 17, 490, 114 
CONRSVEG) 01 4 5a eee LAL eb ol EE ie 11, 159, 361 15, 075, 188 
ReUNSyLVANIAS se seem | eee 93, 964, 860 | 180, 827, 732 
vO Ces slanids ti ase AS 2 eee 6, 580, 709 17, 341, 127 
SouthiCurolinas. seo Sr se hers 4, 522, 618 5, 820, 569 
SoutneDakota--22 eee Pei Stee 3, 175, 062 3, 509, 808 
A heros Gait eee Set eee ee 12, 546, 536 12. 504, 865 
PROXA Sere: Se el eS 2s) 76, 530, 737 55, 701. 390 
LOI; fe) aS 5 RE ee PY Die a 2, 034, 730 3, 858, 136 
NY GCVE Ba (0) 2 I oe ee ls 1, 656, 074 4, 941. 418 
Wancininees: oer se Te eee 11, 577, 951 13, 522, 919 
Wasting Olas sos els Yee 16, 943, 925 19, 859, 577 
NVGStRVaT OIA. eee ae T EY Lee 11, 266, 023 5, 909, 594 
Wiisconsingi2).: 57 vise. 3) Sree 19, 573, 208 50, 312, 630 
Wavonmiine =a... wo: Stor Cee 1, 587, 079 2, 164, 325 
slotal.- 2a sa. es 5 _ te 1, 302, 275, 981 |2, 026, 897, 032 

2 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 

Interest on 
not wholly 
from tax 

$184, 207 

711, 587 
256, 370 
291, 137 
766, 985 
2, 941, 373 
1, 067, 744 
661, 221 

1, 595, 071 
98, 921 
134, 313 
11, 103 
163, 873 
1, 465, 383 
15, 727 
14, 723, 235 
255, 953 
16, 600 

4, 025, 510 
478, 009 
210, 753 
4, 402, 027 
389, 295 
57, 527 
50, 711 
306, 032 
999, 975 
46, 113 
84. 067 
535, 278 
383, 020 
531, 586 
467, 389 
72, 528 

Hometic. | Fiduciary 

$15, 951,055 | $1, 594, 835 
4, 441, 541 341, 098 
9, 353, 749 1, 250, 208 
259, 654,476 | 23, 690, 835 
25, 292, 940 1, 569, 846 
126, 526,883 | 10, 350, 354 
42. 517, 944 1, 257, 279 
32, 208, 341 5, 090, 804 
41, 101, 010 4, 160, 338 
26, 831, 370 1, 652, 675 
12, 651, 579 1, 102, 722 
2, 423, 186 236, 134 
337, 775, 585 | 31, 753, 178 
54, 063,078 | 2, 026, 839 
27,510,096 | 1,454, 131 
14, 870, 151 | 993, 615 
34, 432,773 2, 706, 357 
29, 365, 189 1, 254, 783 
23, 718, 802 1, 844, 573 
76,161,170 | 11, 946, 448 
299, 766,579 | 35, 072, 721 
174, 287, 646 10, 562, 271 
55, 717, 673 4, 032, 897 
6, 097, 922 346, 613 
98, 052, 621 5, 699, 889 
5, 923, 323 305, 380 
12, 512, 820 | 925, 892 
1, 771. 309 84, 579 
16, 218, 013 993, 803 
191,425,581 | 20, 085, 074 
2, 300, 417 | 339, 512 
1, 122, 932, 607 | 128. 699, 469 
33, 173, 649 1, 288, 540 
2, 050, 463 253, 159 
241,650,900 | 15, 320, 330 
22, 315, 152 7, 394, 517 
13, 229. 826 1, 278, 779 
435, 514, 586 | 58, 627, 533 
41, 899, 514 4, 223, 236 
6, 968, 531 567, 054 
2, 003, 945 151, 276 
26, 678, 307 1, 882, 058 
66, 193, 900 6, 5380, 459 
8, 500, 500 391, 750 
9, 601, 854 733, 858 
33, 933, 373 2, 971, 040 
26, 882, 643 1, 451, 305 
30, 106, 117 1, 035, 146 
67, 973, 479 3, 689, 265 
2, 294, 718 266, 647 
421, 481, 104 

47, 479, 483 |4, 254, 828, 886 


ee ee Se ee eee ee 



TaBLE 6.—Individual returns —Distribution of income by sources of income, general 
deductions, and net ince me, by States and Territories—Continued 

States and Territories 

MEDORA Ses oan a ste 
MreuOnnitas2——. ~\-+2--.-- 
BRNGEAGO! =. oo 35 so255— 

Berney e eo 22 fl AK 
Loli See 
Meiewinig = 22 -___. Py one 
Lbs Se re 


2) SSA 5 oe eee | 

New Hampshire 
oO Ui 
1 a LO) 6 (os a rr 

erin Makota-....2.__2_-.--L- 
2. a 

G0 0. Se eee 

“CI CENTN JOE Se teed 
uasineton = 2. .----.-.-__- 
West Virginia 

Total income 

General deductions 


$161, 215, 947 

52, 567, 140 
93, 687, 702 

1, 875, 898, 341 
176, 894, 792 
506, 185, 245 
104, 884, 644 
234, 047, 482 
284, 297, 105 
207, 862, 473 
52, 642, 614 
44, 916, 972 

2, 328, 812, 140 
390, 347, 282 
232, 576, 552 
188, 948, 098 
206, 233, 318 
216, 340, 637 
118, 746, 139 
445, 634, 407 
1, 355, 604, 680 
1, 122, 572, 873 
347, 537, 818 

83, 326, 082 

592, $42, 825 
79, 801, 036 
159, 855, 413 
19, 597, 839 
79, 390, 318 

1, 285, 665, 839° 
30, 570, 995 

6, 194, 753, 197 
202, 655, 108 
40, 526, 434 

1, 308, 987, 933 

266, 438, 583 | 

167, 070, 513 
2, 418, 118, 351 
177, 434, 674 
71, 263, 821 
43, 524, 959 
204, 171, 861 
709, 709, 537 
61, 991, 958 
47, 836, 161 
208, 563, 027 
289, 320, 346 
171, 947, 870 
508, 707, 833 
36, 033, 654 

26, 208, 560, 568 

2, 927, 885, 668 

$23, 662, 674 
5, 987, 534 
15, 555, 411 
254, 348, 640 
24, 180, 549 
40, 146, 607 
11, 475, 079 
29, 727, 747 
68, 160, 827 
33, 682, 917 
6, 943, 528 
5, 760, 923 
175, 208, 943 
30, 813, 610 
36, 959, 974 
27, 208, 071 } 
28, 009, 323 
35, 553, 172 
12, 664, 570 
44, 302, 333 
124, 643, 142 
142, 646, 163 
43, 381, 644 
16, 064, 254 
73, 395, 093 
9, 029, 101 
25, 973, 175 
1, 993, 189 
7, 125, 054 
134, 644, 245 
3, 884, 599 
587, 935, 327 
39, 086, 681 
6, 593, 090 
115, 299, 738 
48, 025, 496 
23, 354, 637 
252, 343, 696 
14, 804, 128 
13, 553, 349 
6, 884, 621 
25, 399, 324 
133, 903, 758 
7, 145, 687 
4, 684, 487 
29, 383, 289 
32, 217, 785 
27, 438, 140 
62, 469, 473 
4, 230, 871 

Loss from 
sale of real 
ag eae ea 
and bonds . Net income ! 
other than Conan: 
loss from oats 
sale of assets 
held more 
than 2 years 
$645, 799 $3, 682, 860 | $133, 224, 614 
202, 668 539, 780 | 45, 837, 158 
362, 294 2, 216, 101 | 75, 553, 896 
16, 467, 009 22, 506, 434 | 1, 582, 576, 258 
1, 410, 579 2,830,178 | 148, 473, 486 
4, 480, 909 10, 556, 078 451, 001, 651 
423, 320 2, 723, 346 | 90, 262, 899 
1, 895, 706 3, 485, 987 | 198, 938, 042 
4, 157, 596 5,061,025 | 206, 917, 657 
2, 180, 235 4, 591, 842 | 167, 407, 479 
287, 244 793, 332 | 44, 618, 510 
277, 357 429, 934 38, 448, 758 
19, 388, 162 40, 306, 461 | 2, 093, 908, 574 
2, 276, 078 7, 823, 130 349, 434, 464 
993, 894 4,186,650 | 190, 436, 034 
779, 213 | 3, 566, 412 | 157, 394, 402 
905, 668 | 4,736,114 | 172,582, 213 
2, 114, 822 3, 418, 482 175, 254, 161 
864, 305 2, 136, 416 103, 080, 848 
3, 252, 202 | 7,408,657 | 390, 671, 215 
17,342,176 | 24,346,148 | 1, 189, 273, 214 

7, 380, 206 
1, 787, 273 
911, 153 
4, 726, 466 
459, 694 
1, 110, 445 
87, 107 
388, 916 
8, 975, 354 
93, 425 
79, 266, 566 
862, 215 
89, 402 

8, 960, 858 
1, 583, 329 
1, 066, 513 
16, 411, 575 
1, 376, 997 
493, 182 
103, 605 
706, 855 
3, 326, 133 
285, 370 
937, 994 
1, 409, 874 
1, 328, 886 
1, 516, 012 
2, 727, 105 
199, 219 

227, 878, 965 

22) 460, 673 
6, 698, 485 
2,171, 991 

13, 226, 136 

658, 218 

2, 640, 714 

74, 310 

1, 315, 399 
24, 648, 176 

304, 823 

129, 100, 299 
6, 789, 385 
591, 601 
30, 971, 123 
4, 488, 102 
1, 909, 938 
57, 537, 863 
3, 788; 816 
1, 998, 611 

630, 218 

4, 903, 077 
12, 157, 078 

932, 004 

1, 071, 459 
5, 530, 001 
3, 226, 464 

3, 297, 543 
6, 931, 642 

305, 866 

507, 705, 382 

950, 085, 831 
295, 670, 416 
64, 878, 684 
501, 495, 130 
69, 654, 023 
130, 131, 079 
17, 443, 233 
70, 560, 949 

1, 117, 398, 064 
| 7 26, 288, 148 
5, 398, 451, 005 
155, 916, 827 

| 33, 252, 341 
1, 153, 756, 214 

|” 212, 341, 656 
| 140, 739, 425 
2, 091, 825, 217 
157, 464, 733 
55, 218, 679 
35, 906, 515 
173, 162, 605 
560, 322, 568 
53, 628, 897 
41, 842, 221 
172, 239, 863 
252, 547, 211 
139, 696, 175 
436, 579, 613 

| 31, 297, 698 

22, 545, 090, 553 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 
from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

2 Alaska included in the State of Washington. 



TaBLE 7.—Individual returns—Distribution of income by sources of income, 
general deductions and net income, by income classes—Amounts shown for income 
class “‘under $5,000” are estimates based on sample 

{Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927. 
are included. See p. 1] 

Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns 

Sources of income 

Income classes 
Wages and 
TUR erin On sae aoe re ee $5, 694, 173, 901 

$5,000 to $6,000__. 
$6,000 to $7,000__- 
$7,000 to $8,000__- 
$8,000 to $9,000__- 
$9,000 to $10,000__ 

$14,000 to $15,000. 
$15,000 to $20,000 
$20,000 to $25,000. 
$25,000 to $30,000 
$30,000 to $40,000. 
$40,000 to $50,000 
$50,000 to $60,000. 
$60,000 to $70,000 
$70,000 to $80,000 
$80,000 to $90,000. 
$90,000 to $100,00! 

Q eras aon osnsee 

$100,000 to $150,000_------------ 

$150,000 to $200,0 

| eee 

$200,000 to $250,000__..-.------- 

$250,000 to $300,0 
$300,000 to $400,0 
$400,000 to $500,0 
$500,000 to $750,0 
$750,000 to $1,000 

$1,000,000 to $1,500,000 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000 

Orson seaosee 
I, ease ome ee Be 
U0 Ee Sane nen 
,000_ - 

$2,000,000 to $3,000,000______._- 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000________- 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000________- 
$5,000,000 and over____-__-.__-_- 

595, 789, 714 
454, 222, 397 
364, 939, 902 
288, 914, 540 
248, 402, 328 
200, 034, 467 
174, 055, 454 
145, 430, 418 
127, 944, 349 
115, 797, 517 
416, 620, 467 
264, 656, 289 
180, 374, 827 
232, 826, 928 
146, 973, 079 
98, 826, 019 
75, 833, 081 
53, 138, 496 
41, 396, 666 
34, 909, 872 
97, 321, 437 
47, 854, 420 
27, 280, 187 
16, 882, 945 
22, 013, 782 
13, 550, 695 
13, 479, 885 
7, 612, 314 
6, 904, 757 
1, 837, 294 
6, 499, 669 
1, 243, 130 
291, 374 
415, 250 



267, 231, 611 
193, $18, 160 
153, 208, 112 
121, 885, 088 
100, 164, 862 
79, 215, 884 
66, 406, 738 
55, 924, 166 
50, 407, 789 
42, 126, 009 
148, 652, 483 
89, 479, 869 
60, 152, 427 
76, 260, 566 
44, 596, 658 
28, 556, 747 
22, 777, 947 
16, 651, 518 
11, 953, 650 
9, 893, 718 
23, 024, 909 
12, 338, 799 
5, 869, 897 
5, 459, 151 
4, 768, 597 
3, 709, 702 
5, 429, 781 
1, 627, 273 
168, 369 

1, 491, 575 
101, 181 

822, 031 

10, 218, 449, 780 |3, 287, 421, 294 


$400, 723, 375 
92, 685, 428 
79, 654, 525 
68, 903, 234 
59, 682, 800 
50, $54, 968 
45, 179, 222 
38, 479, 454 
35. 721, 791 
31, 564, 470 
29, 572, 113 

108, 308, 461 
77, 280, 403 
60, 684, 267 
84, 529, 260 
56, 769, 920 
45, 315, 565 
37, 677, 539 
28, 238, O15 
25, 414, 323 
20, 691, 930 
68, 416, 091 
40, 339, 795 
27, 463, 126 
22, 163, 843 
32, 115, 699 
18, 361, 852 
19, 451, 969 
12, 217, 680 
18, 447, 823 

9, 793, 591 

2, 642 
3, 449, 730 

1, 755, 145, 035 

Profit from 
sale of real 

estate, stocks, 

bonds, etc., 
other than 
capital net 
gain from 

sale of assets 
held more 

than 2 years 

$301, 536, 583 
55, 147, 893 
55, 173, 296 
54, 193, 186 
49, 163, 211 
48, 102, 416 
45, 217, 366 
42, 093, 124 
39, 421, 660 
35, 989, 174 
34, 563, 523 
148, 885, 913 
117, 644, 439 
96, 806,186 
138, 674, 712 
93, 504, 069 
59, 297, 529 
41, 432, 461 
31, 428, 836 
22, 797, 316 
22, 294, 192 
67, 200, 759 
39, 296, 324 
25, 297, 471 
19, 425, 677 
28, 389, 464 
18, 137, 244 
25, 608, 625 
14, 506, 788 
16, 493, 861 

7, 170, 678 

4, 180, 519 

8, 108, 000 

4, 327, 266 

1, 886, 194 | 
1, 818, 395, 955 

Capital net 
gain from 
sale of assets 
held more 

than 2 years! — 

$10, 107, 117 
22; 273, 608 
31, 531, 068 
37, 013, 933 
35, 012, 961 
33, 930, 595 
32, 023, 852 

115, 214, 351 
81, 548, 105 
67, 463, 644 
47, 895, 554 
79, 334, 073 
52, 454, 839 
81, 910, 640 
56, 017, 868 
66, 563, 137 
46, 626, 402 
73, 173, 116 
36, 968, 960 
20, 110, 285 
54, O11, 910 

1, 081, 186, 081 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net 

loss from sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 



TaBLe 7.—Individual returns—Distribution of income by sources of income, 
general deductions and net income, by income classes—Continued 

Income classes 

$9,000 to SS ae 
£10,000 to $11,000...-...-.-.-------- 
$11,000 to $12.000__._-------..---_-- 
mi2.doe £0'$13,000L. 22 2.---~.--..- 
is,000 £0 $14,000_2_-.-_.-----2----2 
$14,000 to $15,000___--_------.--_--- 

Sources of income—Continued 

Rents and 

$657, 974, 206 
75, 485, 412 
58, 139, 055 
47, 536, 470 
39, 153, 148 
31, 569, 640 
27, 282, 776 
23, 429, 748 

20, 268, 749 

17, 920, 760 
16, 123, 937 
59, 652, 151 

20,000 to: $25,000... ...........-.---- 38, 960, 709 | 
25,000 to $30,000___.._......._--__- 26, 519, 222 
$30,000 to $40,000_----22-222- 2222 | 37,851, 460 | 
i) 000 £0 $50,000"... 2. --2 == 24, 201, 447 
20,000 to $60,000.-.2-.-......-.=.--' 16, 193, 687 | 
$60,000 to $70,000 13, 307, 373 | 
$70,000 to $80,000_ 9, 604, 318 
$80,000 to $90,000 6, 877, 006 | 
$90,000 to $100,000. 4, 232, 792 
Bano 000iCO $150/000-. 2. 2... 2-22. 16, 654, 878 
150,000 to $200,000..............-.. 7, 198, 824 
eene0,000 to $250.000.............._-- 3, 188, 487 
f20:000'to $300;000_.-_-.....-...---- 4, 352, 063 
$300,000 to $400,000_.........---__. 4, 432, 497 
$400,000 to $500,000______.__________ 2, 373, 676 
$500,000 to $750,000__._...-...--_-__ 2, 789, 393 
$750,000 to $1,000,000___._._.._..-___ 3, 335, 306 
$1,000,000 to $1, 500, POGse = LA Ss 390, 379 
$1,500,000 to $2. 000,000 > ee es rs PS 459, 164 
$2/000,000 to $3,000,000.=......2- 5. 2, 551, 028 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000___..________ 2, 140, 855 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000._..._-.._____ 47, 001 
$5,000,000 and over_-_-.-.....-.---- 78, 364 
OG 2p le eS 1, 302, 275, 981 

Interest and 

$725, 873, 119 
92, 776, 248 
81, 454, 441 
72, 113, 937 
62, 348, 484 
55, 699, 343 

46, 495. 816 

41, 847, 086 

38, 134, 450 
33, 555, 267 

30, 876, 211 
124, 454, 556 

85, 201, 813 | 

66, 215, 668 
89, 914, 683 
61, 260, 960 

45, 292, 376 

34, 480, 903 

26, 457, 250 

22, 725, 901 

16, 921, 317 - 

51, 754, 777 
24, 615, 356 
15, 377, 143 
11, 775, 395 
15, 924, 153 
11, 217, 684 
12, 164, 050 
6, 370, 250 
7, 154, 524 
3, 049, 057 
3, 308, 056 
3, 464, 439 
1, 219, 016 
5, 403, 323 

2, 026, 897, 032 

Interest on 
not wholly 
exempt from 

$1, 658, 203 
1, 705, 853 
1, 535, 071 
1. 303, 467 
1, 352, 696 
5, 750, 686 
4, 368, 235 
3, 473, 060 
5, 095, 505 
3, 392, 267 
2, 334, 353 
1, 850, 263 
1, 383, 544 
1, 290, 278 

685, 321 
2, 551, 803 
1, 155, 938 

719, 461 

690, 828 

610, 081 

394, 139 

525, 339 

535, 676 

669, 302 

754, 062 

410, 650 

433, 571 

818, 060 

47, 479, 483 

on stock o . : 
domestic Fiduciary 
$492, 919, 183 | $92, 129, 884 
85, 631, 142 16, 227, 923 
89, 959, 399 | 14, 880, 211 
88, 247, 275 14, 186, 555 
83, 855,100 | 11, 786.048 
82, 928,126 | 11, 652, 193 
76, 686,129 | 10, &96, 764 
72, 178, 208 9, /31, 088 
68, 593, 978 2, 191, 075 
64, 102, 738 8, 406, 341 
62, 648, 956 7, 613, 250 
271, 400, 505 31, 431, 605 
218, 955, 956 | 23, 435, 589 
181,025,619 | 18, 881,113 
281, 256,986 | 28, 795, 865 
217, 623,156 | 21, 563, 053 
172, 304, 687 16, 150, 966 
145, 234, 176 11, 218, 551 
121, 216, 320 8, 227, 751 
99, 977, 784 8, 097, 334 
85, 130, 894 4, 797, 118 
276, 702, 231 | 12, 849, 063 
154, 322,278 | 6, 10, 153 
105,076,881 | 3, 745,345 
72, 675, 379 2, 197, 913 
101, 404, 200 4, 281, 248 
71, 029, 924 2, 869, 414 
100, 696,026 | 2,706, 202 
66, 399, 699 1, 186, 508 
70, 445, 153 1, 790, 806 
36, 698, 504 | 1,699, 135 
45, 960,043 | 2,826,010 
30, 907, 283 | 1, 658 
16, 611, 087 40, 495 
44, 023, 881 36, 877 

4, 254, 828, 886 | 421, 481, 104 



Taste 7.—Individual returns—Distribution of income by sources of income 
general deductions and net income, by income classes—Continued 


$154, 517, 703 
21, 833, 776 
17, 848, 020 
14, 924, 186 
12, 483, 176 
10, 976, 425 

9, 454, 999 
8, 365, 512 
7, 612, 704 
6, 765, 966 
6, 186, 068 
24) 375, 569 
17, 746, 169 
13, 729, 643 
20, 238, 660 
15, 501, 983 
11, 721, 943 
10, 135, 040 
7, 902, 980 
6, 776, 951 
6, 236, 061 
19, 982, 752 
11, 097, 491 
- 7, 686, 960 
5, 918, 822 
8, 799, 762 
5, 665, 021 
9, 143, 208 
5, 862, 346 
6, 829, 770 
3, 564, 218 
4, 445, 695 
3, 257, 053 
1, 783, 850 
8, 334, 900 

General deductions 
| Loss from sale 
| of real estate, 

Income classes Total income ; See 
Miscellane- | Gharkloss 
QUE from sale of 
assets held 
more than 2 
Winder SpiO0QU we tet ee eee $9, 948, 576, 278 |$1,221,764,013 $91, 396, 668 
SH OOO OSG O0OLE eee ee ee 1, 280, 975, 371 147, 103, 159 7, 431, 123 
SHLO0O MONS 7 COOULRs | ee 1, 027, 301, 414 115, 797, 429 6, 046, 391 
SHOOOOSSS OOOL Aas ie 863, 328, 671 98, 473, 786 5, 779, 314 
55,000 torso O00Re ee is See 716, 790, 399 82, 286, 183 5, 478, 658 
$9,000 to $10,000___ 629, 373, 876 70, 936, 822 4, 612, 126 
$10,000 to $11,000__ 532, 466, 627 60, 612, 999 4, 215, 598 
$11,000 to $12,000 469, 926, 753 54, 178, 146 3, 744, 561 
$12,000 to $13,000 414, 221, 358 46, 363, 532 3, 951, 951 
$13,000 to $14,000 371, 194, 355 41, 108, 323 3, 141, 364 
$14,000 to $15,000 340, 674, 212 39, 008, 143 3, 208, 587 
915,000 to: $20,000.12 Sees eee 1, 315, 156, 827 149, 436, 215 14, 276, 836 
$20,000 to $25,000_--4---=..-_--__ 919, 983, 302 102, 525, 355 9, 292, 330 
$25,000 to $30,000-.=__--£-..-___ 694, 132, 389 74, 540, 778 7, 403, 306 
$30,000 to $40,000______________- 985, 313, 082 102, 965, 020 8, 539, 630 
$40,000 to $50,000.__._._-_______ 692, 158, 217 70, 559, 723 6, 354, 261 
$50,000 to $60,000___....._-____- 515, 802, 997 52, 498, 357 4, 381, 568 
$60,000 to $70,000_______._______ 420, 826, 227 42, 093, 334 4, 017, 723 
$70,000 to $80,000___.______-_____ 331, 359, 009 32, 914, 013 2, 982, 201 
$80,000 to $90,000_....__.______- 274, 460, 853 29, 372, 629 2, 684, 228 
$90,000 to $100,000_____.-_-_____ 231, 581, 006 22, 908, 772 2, 016, 918 
$100,000 to $150,000___.-.______- 731, 690, 299 67, 661, 144 8, 027, 883 
$150,000 to $200,000_____________ 414, 819, 992 35, 607, 732 3, 900, 203 
$200,000 to $250,000__.__________ 281, 481, 642 25, 284, 247 2, 297, 252 
$250,000 to $300,000______.______ 203, 518, 748 18, 890, 282 1, 867, 188 
$300,000 to $400,000_____..._____ 298, 273, 794 22, 729, 264 2, 120, 115 
$400,000 to $500,000___-_________ 194, 099, 169 15, 555, 859 1, 381, 215 
$500,000 to $750,000___.._._______ 264, 761, 910 25, 487, 947 1, 181, 562 
$750,000 to $1,000,000___._______ 169, 809, 362 12, 759, 793 2, 019, 827 
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000_________ 189, 028, 111 15, 125, 495 2, 435, 446 
$1,500,000 to $2,000,000___._____ 109, 579, 462 8, 261, 186 704, 544 
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000_________ 141, 797, 466 4, 580, 098 727, 634 
$3,000,000 to $4,000,000_________ 85, 470, 833 7, 098, 867 284, 857 
$4,000,000 to $5,000,000_________ 42, 680, 937 4, 348, 017 25, 947 
$5,000,000 and over__..-________ 110, 945, 620 7;/059;006) || Shes es= 22 
of oy 2) We ais 5 26, 208, 560, 568 |2, 927, 885, 668 227, 878, 965 

507, 705, 382 

1 Capital net gain from sale of assets held more than 2 years is included in net income, but capital net loss 

rom sale of assets held more than 2 years and net loss for prior year are not deducted. 

Net income! 

$8, 480, 897, 894 
1, 104, 607, 313 
887, 609, 574 
744, 151, 385 

616, 542,382 

542, 848, 503 
458, 183, 031 
403, 643, 534 
356, 293, 171 
320, 178, 702 
292, 271, 414 

1, 127, 068, 207 
790, 419, 448 
598, 458, 662 
853, 569, 772 
599, 742, 250 
447, 201, 129 
364, 580, 130 
287, 559, 815 

235, 627,045 

200, 419, 255 
636, 018, 520 
364, 214, 566 
246, 213, 183 
176, 842, 506 
259, 624, 653 
171, 497, 074 
228, 999, 193 
149, 167, 396 
164, 637, 400 

97, 049, 514 — 

132) 044, 039 
74, 835, 056 
36, 523, 123 
95, 551, 714 

22, 545, 090, 553 — 

PE ate br es TS es te ce 



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S}1pero XBT, 

S}Iposo xB} O1OJOq XBT, 

ponunu0d—AGSUAL MAN 

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sessed eULODUT 

penutjwopO—OOIXaW MAN 

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‘rp} au ‘awmoour qau ‘suunjas fo saqunu ay, Bumoys ‘sasspj9 awoour fig pajnqrsip ‘sariojitiay, puv sajpjg fig suinjas JONpurpuy— 6 ATAV J, 



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‘ap} jau ‘awmoour you ‘suunjas fo saqunu ay, buimoys ‘sasspj9 awoour fig pajngrujsip ‘sar1ojI1iay, pup sayojg fiq susnjas yonpwuipuy—'6 ATAV J, 



“19ABAXBq JO AZIJUIP! PUB SULODUT Jou [BADD 07 pednold sessv[O ¢ 

*pajonpep jou 
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‘20} Jau ‘awmoour yau ‘suunjas fo saqunu ay} buinoys ‘sasspjo awoour fig pajnqruijsyp ‘sa1lopiitay, PUD sajpj}g fig susnjas JoNpiipUul— 6 ATAV J, 

i a 



TaBLE 10.—IJndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 1—Number of returns, net income, and tax 


Net income Tax 
Number of es 
Year returns | 
Total | Average Total Average 
Phu. Goes i ee es ee 437,036 | $6, 298, 577, 620 | $14, 412. on $173, 386, 694 $397. 00 
PLE, DER Re ae oe ee ey. 3, 472, 890 | 138, 652, 383, 207 | 3, 931.0 691, 492. 954 199. 00 
ID, SESS eve Se eee eee 4, 425, 114 15, 924, 639, 355 3, 599. 00 1, 127, £21, 835 255. 00 
LD, ee oe ee es eee 5, 332, 760 19, 859, 491,448 | 3, 724.00 1, 269, 6380, 104 238. 00 
DN eS ee ee eee 7, 259,944 | 23, 735, 629, 183 3, 269.00 | 1,075, 053, 686 148. 00 
LL tee SS Se SS bee eee 6, 662, 176 19, 577, 212,528 | 2,939.00 719, 387, 106 108. 00 
TG Se eee ee 6, 787,481 | 21, 336,212,530 | 3, 143. 00 861, 057, 308 127. 00 
ES) I 2 ee ero aes 7, 698, 321 24,777, 465,658 | 3, 219.00 661, 666, 133 86. 00 
ME TS SAS ee ae ee oe es 7, 369, 788 25, 656, 153,454 | 3, 481.00 704, 265, 390 96. 00 
OED ee ee eee 4,171, 051 21, 894, 576,403 | 5, 249. 00 734, 555. 183 176. 00 
LSE. oe Se eS? See eee 4, 138, 092 21, 958, 505,649 | 5, 806. 00 732, 470, 790 177. 00 
In _f EINES = eee eee 4,101,547 | 22, 545,090,553 | 5, 496. 73 830, 639, 434 202. 52 
. | | 

CLT. See US 0 2 ee eee ees 2, 097 $18, 469,010 | $8, 807.00 $175, 989 $84. 00 
OY, Se ee ee" Ee ee ee 21, 844 73, 508. 562 3, 365. 00 2, 023, 984 93. 00 
ORD, es a ee ee 38, 988 121, 250, 958 3. 110. 00 4, 431, 563 114. 00 
UND 2 2 SO ee ee 40, 789 133, 470, 965 3, 272. 00 4, 668, 465 114. 00 
OL, 2a oS ee SS ee ee 52, 984 156, 604, 933 2, 956. 00 4, 482, 805 85. 00 
UT NS es 43, 009 117, 108, 806 2, 723. 00 2, 713, 826 63. 00 
“UD. EEE TG a ee ee 43, 612 126, $08, 473 2, 910. 00 2, 892, 298 66. 00 
cree a fuee SE Pe Ssh 51, 049 159, 064, 390 3, 116. 00 2, 840, 975 56. 00 
Oa Be a aS ees ae eee 47, 591 159, 918, 982 3, 360. 00 2,001, 221 58. 00 
ee ee eee ee oe 26, 278 130, 024, 575 4, 948. 00 2, 326, 213 89. 00 
TRG? ES ee a eee 28, 540 136, 523, 003 4, 784. 00 2, 449, 196 86. 00 
DD 2 o SRS RS 2 Oe ee See ee 27, 992 1338, 224, 614 4, 759. 38 2, 455, 166 87. 71 

a SIR EL epee) ee 243 $1, 878,419 | $7, 730.00 $17, 022 $70. 00 
I SRE 72 2 ee eee 4, 570 10, 549, 506 2, 308. 00 132, 769 29. 00 
DNC OE Ee eee ee 7, 606 15, 434,987 | 2, 029. 00 316, 859 42.00 
(SME 20 ES 9, 427 18, 862,034 | 2, 001. 00 357, 783 38. 00 
2, abe Sy oe >a ee eee eee 9, 899 19,400,775 | 1,960.00 248, 605 25. 00 
0, SUBSE on 2 Ae es BE PS ag 0 i ee es A DR ee ee 2 ©) |e ee) ea eee | eee BPE | 
(EER 2 OR BV BS ae a ee eens |e ee ee [REE Sy eS |e ee 
OEE eS u le 2. oe Se ee es Ease FE As ee | Pe as eS eee ee fe eee Deen] mre An! 
EPL Se OF RT ER fe De Bl CaS eS RD a Pre ra ee ee we ee eens LS 
OBE Ble a Se ae Oe Se ee ee ee eee os eee ee eee) ee ACIS 
DE LBs a a SNE Bay on (eg «| 1 ee [ES OPER |e tee eee ty One 
LT DL PS CORE 50a SS 6 Ds Oe Bl ne 8 Sekt SP |) eee ee |e, Ross eA | he Belt a ere Lap eee 

UG eee ts on | 994 $11, 777, 241 | $11, 848. 00 $191, 519 $193. 00 
ere tht: 206 Atk in 12, 264 39, 635, 508 3, 232. 00 1, 019, 262 83. 00 
i. SSS Se eee err eae | 13, 701 41, 579, 450 3, 035. 00 1, 724, 116 126. 00 
TEL Se a eee eee ree 20, 495 61, 434, 347 2, 997. 00 1, 816, 899 89. 00 
PD 2 ee eee ge ees ee | 24, 812 67, 280, 486 2, 712. 00 1, 325, 905 53. 00 
JL). Soa ae eee | 18, 477 48, 310, 197 2, 615. 00 516, 637 28. 00 
Ree Sa ee Deo dee 20, 079 48, 459, 738 2, 413. 00 687, 026 34. 00 
0 Le ea eee ae 22, 899 59, 526, 474 2, 599. 00 603, 100 26. 00 
a Lee eee eee ae 21, 301 58, 273, 049 2, 735. 00 511, 987 24.00 
Bee a rene 208 de i ek | 10, 104 41, 382, 939 4, 096. 00 544, 953 54. 00 
Depameeted: 28 bet 8 Laws ee A 10, 509 41, 716, 578 3, 970. 00 498, 896 47.00 
2 RRS See So! eh See | 11, 059 45, 837, 158 4, 144. 78 697. 800 63. 10 


1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are sumunarized on pp. 32-39. Net income for returns under $5,000 estimated on basis of 

sample. See p. 
2 Included in the State of Washington. 


TasLe 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tax—Continued 


Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns 
Total Average Total Average 
2, 255 $17, 683,678 | $7,842.00 $157, 513 $70. 00 
17, 839 68, 296, 287 3, 828. 00 1, 848, 177 104. 00 
20, 612 76, 354, 037 3, 704. 00 3, 269, 477 159. 00 
33, 556 123, 704, 361 3, 687. 00 4, 237, 673 126. 00 
38, 113 118, 060, 710 3, 098. 00 3, 268, 450 86. 00 
33, 830 92, 616, 903 2, 738. 00 1, 866, 164 55. 00 
32, 072 95, 625, 678 2, 982. 00 2, 314, 409 72. 00 
35, 788 109, 793, 634 3, 068. 00 2, 050, 416 57. 00 
35, 484 110, 255, 418 3, 107. 00 1, 458, 499 41.00 
20, 597 84, 474, 350 4, 101. 00 1, 434, 504 70. 00 
19, 363 84, 661, 070 4, 372. 00 1, 481, 272 77.00 
17, 331 75, 553, 896 4, 359. 47 1, 339, 952 77. 32 
21, 208 $228, 324,945 | $10, 766. 00 $3, 595, 636 $170.00 
182, 232 632,608,546 | 38,471.00 20, 355, 424 112.00 
206, 471 701, 850, 380 3, 399. 00 36, 070, 926 175.00 — 
266, 720 981, 170, 941 3, 679. 00 48, 983, 856 184.00 © 
396,973 | 1,329,006,594 | 3,348.00 50, 447, 505 127.00 
385, 082 1, 168,021,448 | 3,025.00 36, 438, 432 94.00 — 
O22 E 2a 2h eee ee Fe ee ee 420, 923 1, 357, 524,521 | 3,225.00 43, 778, 932 104.00 
TCD ee SS A STS 517, 109 1, 697, 902, 803 3, 283. 00 39, 958, 780 77.00 
QOAE so REC es oe oe 511,218 | 1, 741, 063, 671 3, 406. 00 37, 880, 658 74.00 
OSE RUE See See as ea ae 305, 074 1, 490, 419, 792 4, 885. 00 37, 127, 167 122.00 | 
LOD Goes eet ee ee eee 315, 344 1, 571, 673, 688 4, 984. 00 46, 238, 346 147.00 © 
ODT we RAT ARRAS tee a Si al 315, 566 1, 582, 576, 258 5, 015. 04 46, 044, 994 145.91 - 
4, 435 $53, 854, 130 | $12, 143.00 $1, 055, 758 $238. 00 
40, 627 137, 853, 875 3, 393. 00 5, 184, 948 128.00 
54, 160 159, 487, 951 2, 945. 00 5, 844, 925 108. 00 
57, 526 191, 001, 999 3, 320. 00 7, 196, 593 125.00 
74, 198 219, 277, 184 2, 955. 00 6, 766, 900 91.00 
69, 676 174, 490, 980 2, 504. 00 3, 862,862 | - 55.00 | 
67, 463 184, 572, 407 2, 736. 00 4, 869, 555 72.00 
72, 366 200, 572, 724 2, 772. 00 3, 267, 732 45.00 
73, 350 205, 087,973 | 2, 796.00 3, 162, 736 43.00 
35, 808 150, 363, 411 4, 199. 00 2, 840, 926 79.00 | 
35, 110 154, 804,655 | 4,409.00 2, 959, 248 84. 9 
31, 727 148, 473, 486 4, 679. 72 3, 307, 180 104, 24 
9, 713 $133, 858, 341 | $13, 781.00 $2, 824, 846 $291.00 
64, 472 249, 186, 724 3, 865. 00 10, 595, 737 164.00» 
86, 489 295, 617, 840 3, 418. 00 17, 690, 343 205.00 | 
110, 409 347, 929, 674 3, 151.00 16, 833, 829 152.00 , 
148, 195 451, 737, 702 3, 048. 00 15, 774, 598 106.00 
123, 269 343, 017, 180 2, 783. 00 10, 633, 045 86.00 
128, 431 401, 720, 143 3, 128. 00 18, 130, 562 102.00 
149, 820 473, 804, 719 3, 162. 00 11, 199, 184 75.00 
148, 406 478, 174, 249 38, 334. 00 12, 593, 904 88. 00 
74, 595 404, 498, 337 5, 423. 00 13, 533, 997 181.00 
81, 449 433, 776, 846 | 5, 326. 00 13, 751, 314 169. 00 
77, 778 451, 001, 651 5, 798. 58 16, 117, 674 207. 23 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

. | 


TaBLeE 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net tncome, and tax—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Year Number of 
Total Average Total Average 
by el SS I SS We a 1, 346 $57, 798, 410 | $42, 941.00 $3, 695, 605 | $2,746. 00 
epee Feu err eo eS 8, 032 56, 459, 176 7, 029. 00 9,350,461 | 1, 164.00 
SL ieee Se DOES a 10, 239 48, 358, 031 4, 723. 00 7, 158, 522 699. 00 
(os pet GE UE Se a Cs wae 16, 059 62,901,249 | 3,917.00 7, 495, 453 467. 00 
TEL 2 Ae es ee ES 18, 937 55, 633, 321 2, 938. 00 2, 122, 025 112. 00 
= eee 15, 889 43, 676, 893 2, 749. 00 1, 284, 365 81.00 
Soi ES EN 17, 141 53,981,068 | 3, 149.00 1, 833, 712 107. 00 
eee eee oes hE 2 ey aa 19, 202 57, 186,685 | 2, 978.00 1, 402, 093 73. 00 
a Se ae 18, 892 64,179,747 | 3,397.00 2, 432, 617 128. 00 
1, Se a 9, 131 54,897,972 | 6,012.00 2, 780, 200 304. 00 
ou), SR A eS 9, 301 70, 544, 423 7, 585. 00 5,100,884 |* 548.00 
oT GUESS 9, 266 90, 262,899 | 9, 741.30 7, 970, 035 860. 14 
6, 808 $67, 334,621 | $9,891.00 $1, 068,644 | $157.00 
33, 737 113, 499,332 | 3,364.00 4,499,820 | 133.00 
50. 776 154, 963,835 | 3, 052. 00 8, 832, 200 174. 00 
88, 616 234, 959, 904 2, 651.00 8, 869, 833 100. 00 
109, 730 299, 802, 574 2, 732. 00 9, 468, 632 86. 00 
89, 966 248, 345, 804 2, 760. 00 7, 704, 564 86. 00 
77, 923 231, 328, 739 2, 969. 00 8, 336, 587 107. 00 
75, 796 221, 950, 528 2, 928. 00 6, 097, 678 80. 00 
77, 836 253, 312, 253 3, 254. 00 5, 765, 861 74. 00 
43, 293 200, 353,699 | 4, 628.00 5, 718, 046 132. 00 
40, 024 } 198,055,768 | 4, 948. 00 5, 526, 436 138. 00 
39, 560 198, 938, 042 5, 028. 77 6, 027, 133 152. 35 
a oe Ee ee ee 1,779 $17, 401,202 | $9, 781.00 $322, 636 | $181. 00 
| EE a eae 15, 336 54, 378,496 | 3, 546. 00 1, 584, 917 103. 00 
ona ee ee 19, 102 63, 681, 401 3, 334. 00 2, 367, 463 124. 00 
_) 1 je ee Se 31, 107 107, 362, 976 3, 451. 00 4, 363, 089 140. 00 
oem at es te 42, 210 141,105,124 | 3,343.00 5, 242, 705 124. 00 
Lb ee eee 42, 249 119, 557,316 | 2, 830. 00 2, 929, 409 69. 00 
Lr ear 41, 531 132, 047,020 | 3,179.00 4, 059, 859 98. 00 
lo ee ee 49, 591 156, 500,260 | 3, 155. 00 3, 693, 955 74. 00 
meeeerisnes fer G8 el 64, 306 250, 963, 654 | 3, 902. 00 7, 229, 272 112. 00 
|) Ao ee 76, 213 649, 932,382 | 8, 528. 00 28, 857, 801 379. 00 
eerie ee ie 6s ae 56, 109 322, 601, 033 5, 750. 00 10, 415, 636 186. 00 
eter ey 40, 080 206, 917, 657 5, 162. 62 6, 047, 244 150. 88 
_- to 7 aS See ee 3, 444 $32, 992,965 | $9, 580. 00 $378,062 | $110. 00 
“5 2 eae 38, 252 137, 775, 612 3, 601. 00 3, 250, 342 85. 00 
| lp) ere 39, 073 148, 366, 439 3, 797. 00 | 7, 077, 184 181. 00 
2S es 58, 930 219, 471, 959 3, 724. 00 9, 134, 092 155. 00 
lo Eee 73, 325 228, 619, 716 3, 118. 00 7, 697, 693 105. 00 
penne oe) F _-_. 67, 719 180, 311, 466 2, 663. 00 3, 892, 645 57. 00 
2.2 ee eee 69, 988 199, 432, 531 2, 850. 00 | 4, 557, 769 65. 00 
>... ae 71, 341 222, 888, 344 | 3, 124.00 | 3, 766, 159 52. 00 
. oreo ae 62, 651 210, 908, 421 3, 366. 00 | 3, 398, 860 54. 00 
oo oo eee | 37, 410 177, 203, 659 4, 737. 00 3, 529, 883 94. 00 
) ta tae 36, 744 171, 146,482 | 4, 658. 00 2, 888, 409 79. 00 
0) =a rs 33, 818 167, 407, 479 4, 950. 25 | 3, 612, 724 106. 83 

_ | Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 


TaBLe 10.—IJ/ndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 

1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tax-—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns | ; 
Total Average Total Average ; 
aS aU} Sees YR NS A 1, 144 $20, 362, 022 | $17, 799. 00 $366, 802 $321. 
NOL FRe te 2a TR PR PR 8 SE 3, 131 21, 888,755 | 6, 991.00 1, 174, 831 375. 
EG TRON, 2 Se SEE Sh ea eee 8! 4, 242 20, 054, 940 4, 728. 00 1, 857, 352 438. 
TEKS es SS Se eee se ee aS 8, 136 33, 164, 366 4, 076. 00 2, 145, 194 264.00 — 
LODE ES oS ay SR Bee on ey ee 13, 715 55, 572, 896 4, 052. 00 4, 075, 539 297. 00 
TAP aS | Se Me et SOLS Sa 11, 481 37, 840, 014 3, 296. 00 1, 451, 776 126. 
AG O2iee alee ee a2 Se Tes 11, 597 37, 122, 696 3, 201. 00 1, 387, 398 120. 00 
TCS |e eS ae oe 12, 421 42, 829, 250 3, 448. 00 1, 319, 276 106. 00 
RO ZAR Veet es ores ee 12, 387 46, 395, 290 3, 745. 00 1, 481, 883 120. 00 
UO iia os SON ta Ee 9, 306 41, 465, 375 4, 456. 00 944, 053 101. 00° 
RODG Ryu 2 2 See OE Eo De ee 9, 146 42, 950, 279 4, 696. 00 1, 096, 213 120.00 ' 
LOD jue 2 seem cus OE See 9, 252 44, 618, 510 4, 822. 58 1, 200, 544 129, 6 
JO Geet 7 hee eh ae Ea a 756 $7, 927, 064 | $10, 485. 00 $140, 496 $186. a 
VOUT 2 2 ee re a ae ee 16, 414 46, 465, 514 2, 831. 00 839, 646 51. 00 
GUNG & ot ee ee ee = oe ee 19, 249 55, 954, 296 2, 907. 00 1, 493, 518 78. 00. 
QQ A 22S eee ee oS re 21, 448 65, 472, 540 3, 053. 00 1, 475, 023 69.00 | 
GON 2 2 oie OE _ 2 ae ee 25, 755 67, 391, 639 2, 617. 00 1, 086, 614 42.00 } 
1O2hae Pos eee. ise ieee | eee a 22, 976 49, 737, 718 2) 165. 00 493, 658 21.00 — 
RODD RE 2) aoe ees Oe Eel ae 23, 369 51, 166, 793 2, 190. 09 478, 706 20.00 | 
NOQ88 2 sy Sa Se Eis eae 25, 012 58, 393, 333 2) 335. 00 426, 196 17. 
QA 3 Le Pee Me aa ee 21, 436 52, 301, 491 2, 439. 00 261, 008 12. 00 
OOF So Bae a Pe ace 12, 907 40, 443, 781 3, 133. 00 170, 912 13s 
U92BE =~ ee Ce ee ie’ Tries Vers 11, 617 39, 887, 951 3, 434. 00 184, 344 16. 00 
NOD Or os ae aah oS 2 Oe Oe 10, 673 38, 448, 758 3, 602. 43 247, 272 23. Tim} 

37, 525 $484, 290, 833 | $12, 906. 00 $10, 947, 250 $292. 

319, 497 1, 119, 960, 600 3, 505. 00 49, 103, 261 154. 

366, 918 1, 255, 309, 485 3, 424. 00 84, 560, 642 230. 00 

422, 229 1, 662, 796, 441 3, 938. 00 99, 398, 236 235. 00 

542,467 | 1, 836,956,942 | 3, 386. 00 85, 409, 203 157. 

611,558 | 1,833, 920,436 | 2, 999. 00 68, 574, 351 112.0 

614,449 | 1, 927,637,451 | 3, 137. 00 77, 196, 407 126. 

676, 489 2, 272, 960, 122 3, 359. 00 62, 880, 129 93.00 © 

652, 501 2, 413, 605, 350 3, 699. 00 66, 583, 239 102.00 | 

357, 448 | 1, 975, 436, 222 | 5, 527.00 64, 791, 507 181, 00 

374, 725 1, 995, 011, 009 5, 324. 00 64, 213, 839 Via 
NOD ees 5 a eas Baye et EC 8 ey eee 378, 859 2, 093, 908, 574 5, 526. 87 73, 796, 361 194. 79 

POV G ea. oo age ania 2 ey ep 7, 004 $74, 637, 683 | $10, 656. 00 $1, 165, 961 $166.00 | 
OA eee ne ee PO eRe ae 85, 021 261, 265, 426 3, 073. 00 5, 978, 782 70.00 
EO Tap 2 eee ee Oe ee 2 Se ey) See 104, 581 325, 549, 440 3, 113. 00 11, 456, 898 110. 
OOP f= 2 faa aie ae. 2 2) Sa ee 130, 383 417, 323, 251 3, 201. 00 13, 541, 245 104. 
BOZO 22 Soe ee ot ee 189, 587 556, 061,991 | — 2, 933.00 15, 780, 124 83. 
DMO Dike a! Pr = 2B ie pag hcl. ee ag ee 150, 300 406, 242, 138 2, 703. 00 8, 973, 653 60. 
HOQ2E oo SS Sha > a ns ame 153, 469 426, 365, 818 2, 778. 00 9, 578, 511 62. 0 
2b pe eeepc Bee OS Re eee) oe 2 ae 178, 831 510, 507, 072 2, 854. 00 7, 882, 768 44. 
Cp! ERAN Se DEIR SSP 156, 845 461, 717,343 | 2, 944. 00 6, 655, 560 42.00 
Oo Oe eo. Ses Ae et es Belen ee 80, 300 344, 266, 673 4, 287. 00 7, 508, 733 94.00 © 
Agere 9 reais lan Se 28 2 eo RS ys 77, 126 358, 624, 820 4, 650. 00 9, 934, 476 129.00 © 
IA cnafed is octet ea ate Petit Fs! Oe, man Ba 76, 703 349, 434, 464 4, 555. 68 8, 884, 047 115. 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. | 


TasLe 10.—IJndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 —Number of returns, net income, and tac—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns 
Total Average Total Average 
8, 497 $65, 604,874 | $7,721.00 $518, 845 $61. 00 
114, 970 337, 283, 861 2, 934. 00 5, 445, 816 47.00 
118, 933 450, 267, 585 3, 786. 00 15, 928, 158 134. 00 
133, 796 527, 163, 054 3, 940. 00 15, 807, 707 118. 00 
183, 398 631, 560, 789 3, 444. 00 18, 776, 990 102. 00 
111, 483 313, 762, 935 2, 814. 00 5, 837, 960 52. 00 
131, 870 359, 562, 822 2, 727. 00 5, 466, 397 41.00 
135, 864 363, 242, 331 2, 673. 00 4, 126, 470 30. 00 
110, 404 298, 734, 381 2, 706. 00 3, 123, 808 28. 00 
50, 379 198, 735, 930 3, 945. 00 3, 111, 096 62. 00: 
49, 476 203, 015, 362 4, 103. 00 2, 917, 845 59. 00 
45, 349 190, 436, 034 4,199. 34 3, 310, 099 72.99 
RES Se eg 4, 290 $39, 638,465 | $9, 240. 00 $555, 943 $130. 00 
Sl BU rr es 63, 065 202, 159, 002 3, 206. 00 5, 428, 495 86. 00 
hs SER SO eR SE 64, 794 218, 524, 054 3, 373. 00 7, 880, 244 122. 00 
oe Ee eee 76, 451 264, 971, 649 3, 466. 00 9, 138, 315 120. 00 
 . sage Se cece 99, 255 306, 413, 429 3, 087. 00 8, 351, 393 84. 00 
i ee eS a eS as 88, 785 217, 237, 297 2, 447. 00 3, 392, 429 38. 00 
LL. 2 Ee ee ee 86, 915 211, 061, 984 2, 428. 00 3, 246, 097 37.00 
> a a ee ee 86, 291 215, 346, 538 2, 495. 00 2, 118, 957 24. 00 
lo doe Bae ee 84, 080 203, 034, 515 2, 415. 00 1, 918, 019 23. 00 
LL sad Sai ea er ee 34, 284 141, 511, 127 4, 128. 00 2, 222, 306 65. 00 
nn a 32, 732 158, 673, 206 4, 695. 00 2, 756, 049 84. 00 
ane Oe ee eee 35, 575 157, 394, 402 4, 424. 30 2, 240, 877 62. 99 
3, 887 $38, 506,976 | $9, 907. 00 $384, 497 $99. 00 
34, 692 124, 826, 244 3, 598. 00 2, 943, 196 85. 00 
47, 098 166, 350, 127 3, 532. 00 7, 918. 960 168. 00 
59, 332 215, 977, 422 3, 640. 00 7, 595, 384 128. 00 
78, 258 243, 879, 230 3, 116. 00 7, 292, 098 93. 00 
69, 496 192, 273,937 | 2, 767.00 4, 297, 470 62. 00 
69, 666 200, 048,892 | 2,872.00 4, 676, 804 67. 00 
79, 091 214, 415, 879 2, 711. 00 3, 723, 960 47.00 
72, 119 | 238, 094, 411 3, 301. 00 3, 805, 669 53. 00 
37, 315 | 180, 217, 420 4, 830. 00 3, 299, 792 88. 00 
32, 821 | 169, 100, 987 5, 152. 00 3, 226, 344 98. 00 
33, 004 172, 582, 213 5, 229. 13 | 4, 027, 734 122. 04 
4,517 $51, 274, 633 | $11, 351. 00 $778, 693 $172. 00 
32, 317 134, 349, 180 4, 157. 00 4, 936, 825 153. 00 
33, 432 137, 261, 983 | 4, 106. 00 | 9, 353, 518 280. 00: 
52, 871 201, 753, 808 3, 815. 00 12, 888, 655 244. 00: 
69, 340 237, 109, 145 3, 420. 00 9, 626, 591 139. 00 
67, $60 197, 897, 146 2, 912. 00 5, 304, 522 78. 00 
66, 972 208, 664, 606 3, 041. 00 5, 353, 574 80. 0G 
67, 440 213, 802, 450 3, 170. 00 4, 438, 454 66. 00 
67, 658 221, 133, 422 3, 268. 00 3, 528, 511 52. 06 
40, 695 195, 585, 488 4, 806. 00 3, 850, 206 95. 00 
38, 996 185, 478, 850 4, 756. 00 3, 311, 535 85. 00 
37, 293 175, 254, 161 4, 699. 38 3, 174, 839 85. 13 

i Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
Individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 




TasLe 10.—IJndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 Number of returns, net income, and tax—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns 
Total Average Total Average 
pes Ra 8 Ee eae El soe 2, 823 $30, 485, 945 | $10, 781. 00 $371, 367 $132. 00 
US i Ay ea St dee Be SES ee 17, 112 66, 950, 710 3, 913. 00 2, 467, 852 144. 00 
i Ug) ed ae ne OF Se es ee ws 25, 104 84, 033, 212 3, 347. 00 4, 263, 003 170. 00 
POLO Hoe ER eran a? ae eS 34, 578 112, 562, 525 3, 255. 00 4, 468, 876 129.00 
PSD SH. IS NE OBERT 47,717 148, 455, 545 3, 006. 00 4, 892, 419 103. 00 
OD Siler 2 See! eee ee cl eee 44, 397 124, 628, 679 2, 807. 00 3, 974, 861 90. 00 
APPA ee We Sot 2 Aj ort AS ts Be 43, 041 129, 857, 441 3, 017. 00 3, 896, 892 91.00 
TODS ee be eee RB! ee es 48, 435 142, 964, 209 2, 952. 00 2, 785, 696 58. 00 
GDA ee Ea Sees 2 Sh eS eat 42, 254 135, 221, 259 3, 200. 00 2, 568, 353 61. 00 
G25. See ey ee Oe ake e 19, 444 97, 927, 563 5, 036. 00 2, 718, 658 140. 00 
Eee S22 Geen ES a ee 8 19, 709 107, 979, 178 5, 479. 00 8, 419, 490 174.00 
IOP fa A Metts Fe RO Ue 18, 710 103, 080, 848 5, 509. 40 3, 300, 741 176. 42 

NOE Gees. elt ees. 2 I 9, 674 $121, 009, 054 | $12, 509. 00 $2, 405, 523 $249. 00 
SST? eR aN I Ie 56, 954 244, 291, 849 4, 289. 00 12, 325, 524. 216. 00 
OUR ea oe Behe eee es 2. ee 80, 085 287, 423, 572 3, 589. 00 20, 252, 137 253. 00 
TOON ee ah Pee. eee 86, 373 330, 111, 972 3, 822. 00 21, 931, 984 254. 00 
13210). as 8 a ee eee 108, 600 390, 781, 048 3, 618. 00 20, 257, 233 188. 00 
NOD WSL 225 Ped ee. oe SS 112, 963 368, 691, 062 3, 264. 00 14, 537, 303 129. 00 
1227) Spe A AE aS 110, 896 386, 830, 235 3, 488. 00 15, 363, 765 139. 00 
GB Se ce tas eee Ae eee 127, 770 401, 259, 584 38, 140. 00 11, 540, 437 90. 00 
MG QA ooo ESS See SOE ee 126, 226 467, 225, 699 3, 701. 00 12, 073, 312 96. 00 

66, 152 362, 484, 950 5, 480. 00 11, 623, 229 176. 00 

67, 160 374, 758, 859 5, 580. 00 11, 517, 168 171.00 

65, 089 390, 671, 215 6, 001. 19 13, 859, 686 212. 90 

NQIGWES. 4) SRR eee yo a eae 32, 291 $474, 292, 762 | $14, 688. 00 $10, 892, 685 $337. 00 
NOs 2 oo ea OU 2 Fe ee 156, 111 717, 512, 002 4, 596. 00 44, 478, 907 285. 00 
51(2)) fe ea ee SS, 7S SER aL 8 RP 209, 786 868, 460, 461 4, 140. 00 81, 307, 340 388. 00 
OLQES |p Pee Aa ER I 268, 307 1, 090, 808, 058 4, 065. 00 86, 566. 938 323. 00 
HOQOW.< .. Jee A) See ae 401, 770 1, 368, 406, 648 3, 406. 00 69, 368, 994 173. 00. 
T1073 | NT a Ee 388, 442 1, 153, 008, 156 2, 968. 00 46, 534, 644 120. 00 
192202... ti Si ae eae 397, 241 1, 237, 893, 477 3, 116. 00 57, 781, 194 145. 00 
NG238 4... 2 >be ee Se ee 415, 100 1, 413, 015, 994 3, 404. 00 42, 527, 993 102. 00 
1 (0 SE Os 6 UY eae a SB Le 378, 049 1, 320, 156, 959 3, 492. 00 40, 857, 137 108. 00 
TOQhee ea SR Se eae ae 221, 530 1, 132, 289, 870 5, 111. 00 41, 052, 088 185. 00 
O26 E> J. Sat eS oe eae as 224, 042 1, 147, 576, 498 5, 122. 00 37, 115, 976 166. 00 
hOOjet = Uae eee 214, 356 1, 189, 278, 214 5, 548. 12 43, 949, 866 205. 03 

- | 

PO IGEES = 5) ee 2 11, 448 $162, 533, 104 | $14, 198. 00 $3, 340, 682 $292.00 — 
ee a a a 111, 562 387, 824, 910 3, 476. 00 15, 159, 388 136. 00, 
NOUR ies A oe ee 135, 349 415, 313, 164 3, 068. 00 22, 336, 385 165.00 — 
12 12) a Ee ke eee ae |e 181, 662 665, 475, 193 3, 663. 00 55, 958, 378 308.00 | 
LOVEE: -) 23S) EE ee eee 305, 075 895, 679, 238 2, 936. 00 40, 493, 261 133.00 
ROQUES 2. Ee Re te ee 250, 147 657, 779, 854 2, 630. 00 24, 197, 840 97. 00 
19228 5. on Rae's. Ee ee 267, 953 796, 411, 946 2, 972. 00 34, 965, 003 130. 00 
TOOS2 5— << Re ee ee eee 350, 072 1, 041, 933, 086 2, 976. 00 28, 051, 017 80. 00 
Opa ee A eee 323, 733 1, 045, 850, 046 3, 231. 00 30, 983, 705 96. 00 
US 2b) 3.3 Sos eee - eee 148, 669 910, 910, 113 4, 828. 00 33, 263, 014 176.00 — 
TO 268 ess ES RS ee 2 eee 176, 804 905, 814, 790 5, 123. 00 32, 408, 357 183. 00 
NOZ (2 i = Mea) 2k. 2 a 175, 806 950, 085, 831 5, 404. 05 35, 599, 799 202. 49 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 

individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 



TasLe 10.—IJndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tac—Continued 


Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns 
Total Average Total Average 
7, 556 $93, 201, 384 | $12, 335. 00 $1, 558, 282 $206. 00 
80, 009 275, 510, 103 3, 443. 00 8, 356, 172 104. 00 
84, 515 291, 074, 629 3, 444. 00 15, 262, 760 181. 00 
123, 914 383, 920, 683 3, 098. 00 15, 696, 465 127. 00 
154, 118 453, 212, 241 2, 941. 00 15, 169, 869 98. 00 
124, 501 340, 833, 699 2, 738. 00 8, 697, 117 70. 00 
122, 885 348, 740, 625 2, 838. 00 9, 419, 301 77.00 
134, 360 372, 376, 782 2, 771. 00 7, 083, 527 53. 00 
128, 237 375, 588, 940 2, 929. 00 6, 720, 567 52. 00 
71, 291 305, 945, 206 4, 292. 00 6, 125, 915 86. 00 
64, 227 296, 414, 294 4, 615. 00 6, 475, 311 101. 00 
61, 489 295, 670, 416 4, 812. 42 7, 383, 307 120. 17 
1, 440 $14, 831, 796 | $10, 300. 00 $195, 054 $135. 00 
15, 382 61, 763, 713 4, 015. 00 2, 252, 612 | 146. 00 
19, 949 70, 323,185 | 3, 525. 00 3, 542, 849 178. 00 
23, 804 101, 262, 053 4, 254. 00 5, 634, 901 237. 00 
28, 022 88, 954, 352 2, 996. 00 2, 495, 207 89. 00 
25, 614 60, 104, 438 2, 347. 00 1, 069, 136 42. 00 
26, 897 76, 981, 743 2, 862. 00 1, 803, 632 67. 00 
27, 851 83, 494, 009 2, 998. 00 1, 685, 439 61. 00 
27, 213 82, 652, 945 3, 037. 00 1, 155, 729 42.00 
16, 985 73, 750, 950 4, 342. 00 989, 451 58. 00 
17, 196 64, 859,892 | 3,772.00 643, 744 37. 00 
16, 964 64, 878, 684 3, 824. 49 816, 429 48.13 
12, 956 $147, 069, 303 | $11, 351. 00 $2, 373, 327 $183. 00 
91, 608 362, 026, 687 3, 952. 00 10, 880, 241 119. 00 
110, 890 409, 013, 021 3, 688. 00 20, 716, 692 187. 00 
125, 248 470, 443, 311 3, 756. 00 22, 146, 510 177. 00 
162, 199 548, 130, 178 3, 379. 00 21, 877, 701 136. 00 
172, 519 499, 911, 004 2, 898. 00 14, 660, 351 85. 00 
178, 728 526, 387, 658 3, 030. 00 15, 972, 706 92. 00 
192, 282 605, 275,520 | 3, 148.00 13, 085, 218 68. 00 
186, 784 632, 532, 962 | 3,386. 00 12, 373, 492 66. 00 
109, 059 533, 836, 188 4, 895. 00 14, 246, 816 131. 00 
99, 509 512, 801, 163 5, 153. 00 13, 496, 872 136. 00 
96, 407 501, 495,130 | 5, 201. 85 13, 738, 256 142. 50 
Seeermmemaee es ie eh 1, 801 $19, 467, 019 | $10, 809. 00 $304, 448 $169. 00 
eee te ee 28, 646 81, 207, 992 2, 835. 00 1, 548, 582 54. 00 
il ee eer 34, 464 90, 091, 830 2, 614. 00 3, 012, 902 87. 00 
C8 2 eee 42, 593 108, 380, 657 2, 545. 00 2, 413, 463 57. 00 
I a ese 45, 557 109, 348, 194 2, 400. 00 2, 033, 190 45. 00 
ee 36, 907 81, 527, 662 2, 209. 00 1, 051, 863 29. 00 
(UL. ee 38, 044 83, 903, 851 2, 205. 00 1, 029, 195 27. 00 
lll 22 eee 42, 809 99, 255, 947 2, 318. 00 721, 406 17. 00 
oe NE 44,011 107, 241, 911 2, 437. 00 731, 111 17. 00 
li __ a 19, 239 66, 825, 486 3, 473. 00 580, 196 30. 00 
9 __ wt eee 16, 191 59, 289, 994 3, 662. 00 561, 833 35. 00 
). 12... J 1 eee 18, 651 69, 654, 023 3, 734. 60 867, 944 46. 54 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

from income-tax returns of 


TaBie 10.—IJndividual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 

1927 \—Number of returns, net tncome, and taz—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns , 
Total Average Total Average 
WOIG sho. 4 Meee ee ee 4, 286 $36, 559, 607 | $8, 530. 00 $347, 778 $81.00 
GAS hr TE A es ee 82, 472 251, 988, 895 3, 055. 00 5, 285, 238 64. 000 
JIG TS EAE. Ske ee See ee ee 2 96, 049 306, 053, 565 | 3, 186. 00 9, 373, 582 98.00: 
TOLOLES = baat AeA Bok <A eee 2 87, 344 287, 457, 592 3, 291. 00 8, 639, 003 99. 00 
NG ZO RE. - 2s CE eS ae ee Ee ee 97, 729 306, 362, 700 3, 135. 00 8, 363, 305 86.00 © 
OD en 2! teh UE ays 71, 853 179, 905, 513 2, 504. 00 3, 328, 145 46. 00 
O22 ko ie ee De 2 ee 67, 503 177, 969, 193 2, 636. 00 3, 165, 433 47.00 
[G23 2 3 SRA = ee Ee 70, 545 195, 152, 562 2, 766. 00 2, 534, 257 36. 000 
NG DAs <b A eee Se Se 66, 512 189, 371, 665 2, 847. 00 1, 848, 121 28. 00) 
he i 2 ee = ee ee eee eee 35, 661 141, 877, 975 3, 979. 00 1, 732, 535 49. 00 
aM PA eee es eee a 33, 532 134, 153, 838 4, 001. 00 1, 381, 307 41.00) 
OD (ay fa ea ee A 32, 170 130, 131, 079 4,045. 11 1, 427, 747 44. 38: 
NOT GRRE ee ees ee Le =. eed 364 $2, 799, 775 | $7, 692. 00 $18, 505 $51. 000 
ULI SS” Sr Ses ee ee eae 6, 623 16, 423, 316 2, 480. 00 241, 944 37. 00° 
GR ee oe a eee eee = 5 oe 7, 097 17, 826, 669 2, 512. 00 412, 342 58. 00 — 
GRO Maes 21 Oe Ee ee ER 8, 740 20, 887, 132 2, 390. 00 435, 002 50. 00° 
OZONE ae Ree ee. Se 10, 381 25, 337, 934 2, 441. 00 390, 077 38. 00° 
TOD ee ee eee ree 9, 719 22, 455, 508 2, 310. 00 329, 296 34. 00" 
TB 22eee se SEED Le ae ee 9, 723 22, 397, 460 2, 304. 00 258, 732 27. 00 
TOG Mess hoes eee te a 10, 467 25, 711, 611 2, 456. 00 241, 291 23. 00° 
Iho ks Se LN oe Se 10, 664 27, 534, 276 2, 582. 00 184, 334 17. 00° 
TSG) < Na ek pe weet See 6, 164 19, 661, 369 3, 190. 00 178, 361 29. 00 
DG pet. OB I. = Se ae 4, 797 16, 795, 822 38, 501. 00 195, 497 41.00. 
NO Dee a es Eee Sees 4, 702 17, 443, 233 38, 709. 75 228, 799 48. 66 
735 $19, 557, 542 | $11, 272. 00 $258, 173 $149. 00: 
10, 809 42, 843, 296 3, 964. 00 1, 517, 183 140. 00 — 
Ve Sue 56, 889, 284 3, 285. 00 2, 827, 724 163. 00 
25, 601 78, 565, 318 3, 069. 00 2, 811, 830 110. 00° 
35, 983 100, 431, 539 2, 791, 00 2. 720, 793 76. 00: 
OQ ae. 2 Fate SR eee Bee 32, 410 82, 352, 496 2, 541. 00 1, 759, 290 54. 00° 
1992S 3. Sd OR eh) ee ae 31, 787 85, 577, 058 2, 692. 00 2, 133, 631 67. 00 ; 
ODS ee |. . 1! Be ee ee ee 36, 876 104, 852, 122 2, 843. 00 1, 643, 150 45.00 | 
KC py Ee ee So OS py 2 ee es 2 31, 532 94, 132, 914 2, 985. 00 1, 377, 393 44. 00 
NOQHS EL = 2 ete beers i 2k Pe ea 16, 413 70, 117, 771 4, 272. 00 1, 218, 822 74. 00- 
12 pA} J 2 De ee OT ee ee 2d Be 15, 276 66, 743. 817 4, 369. 00 1, 201, 298 79. 00- 
ik? 7/8 SR, Sy Cee eo 14, 484 70, 560, 949 4, 871. 65 1, 824, 931 126. 00° — 
19; 701 | $254, 068, 880 | $12, 896. 00 $5, 545, 231 $281. 00 
134, 960 | 521, 042, 424 38, 861. 00 25, 710, 042 191. 00 
185,706 | 653, 112,589 | 3,517. 00 43, 109,648 | 232.00 
231, 757 | 828, 428, 672 8, 575. 00 47, 321, 422 204. 00: 
296, 989 | 977, 853, 627 3, 293. 00 48, 275, 477 145. 00 
269, 096 | 856, 856, 058 3, 184. 00 33, 258, 294 124.00 
301, 884 | 1, 032, 262, 375 8, 420. 00 40, 982, 616 136. 00" 
293, 503 | 1, 050, 741, 177 3, 580. 00 30, 552, 642 104. 00 
299,904 | 1,177, 421, 081 3, 926. 00 31, 941, 148 107. 00. 
150, 874 | 943, 672, 751 6, 255. 00 32, 383, 155 215. 00 
176, 320 | 1, 032, 297, 571 5, 855. 00 32, 858, 092 
195, 467 | 1, 117, 398, 064 5, 716. 56 38, 911, 894 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 

individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 


TaBLe 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tar—Continued 


Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns , 
Total Average Total Average 
(OP 2 ES es ee 813 $7, 486, 732 | $9, 209. 00 $83, 935 $103. 00 
|. 52 ee Crnee 11, 616 31, 644, 721 2, 724. 00 713, 829 61. 00 
oe . JESS es Si ee es) Be a 13, 084 _ 36, 591, 416 2, 797. 00 989, 825 76. 00 
ere ee 10, 757 31, 587, 990 2, 937. 00 774, 470 72. 00 
Ll 3 SER Se es 13, 656 36, 923, 120 2, 704. 00 612, 573 45. 00 
Ee a ee 11, 780 27, 838, 165 2, 363. 00 351, 629 30. 00 
oo , . SR es es ee eee ee 11, 553 28, 982, 814 2, 509. 00 383, 750 33. 00 
Ub. ee ee eee 12, 202 32, 667, 610 2, 677. 00 337, 354 28. 90 
err eee ys I 11, 595 31, 951, 117 2, 756. 00 223, 842 19. 00 
LIL. eR ee ees oe 7, 203 23, 994, 717 3, 331. 00 178, 762 25. 00 
OD . eS ae eee oer ae, 6, 513 24, 631, 507 3, 782. 00 227, 471 35. 00 
LEY. eS 2 ee ae 6, 462 26, 288, 148 4, 068. 11 283, 403 43. 86 

93,155 | $1, 922, 864, 651 | $20, 641. 00 $77, 970, 521 $837. 00 
489, 089 2, 774, 035, 148 5, 672. 00 251, 785, 795 515. 00 
559, 753 2, 719, 713, 784 4, 859. 00 354, 263, 417 633. 00 
683, 085 3, 436, 343, 179 5, 031. 00 399, 792, 351 585. 00 

1, 047, 634 4, 030, 623, 696 3, 847. 00 286, 607, 280 274. 00 
1, 066, 637 3, 617, 757, 104 3, 392. 00 210, 768, 379 198. 00 
1, 102, 748 4, 110, 588, 989 3, 727. 00 273, 960, 079 248. 00 
1, 221, 654 4, 565, 314, 898 3, 737. 00 192, 311, 565 157. 00 

ORE ea ee eee 1, 215, 640 5, 144, 766, 182 4, 232. 00 236, 774, 567 195. 00 
UE. Ee OS cee 751, 941 4, 903, 228, 994 6, 521. 00 252, 157, 834 335. 00 
eee ee Ae a8 bose lei 753, 044 4, 984, 020, 281 6, 619. 00 247, 164, 324 328. 00 
eee ee eed 766, 974 5, 398, 451, 005 7, 038. 64 305, 210, 059 397. 94 


Semen oe 2h ee fe 2, 207 $24, 825, 826 | $11, 249. 00 $560, 970 $254. 00 
pripmerene a 08 eel Lk 22, 977 84, 220, 131 3, 665. 00 2, 747, 673 120. 00 
2... ee ee eae 21, 738 89, 748, 811 4, 129. 00 5, 575, 001 256. 00 
E.R eee eee eee 37, 185 161, 613, 467 4, 346. 00 10, 010, 348 269. 00 
hase eee 47, 342 163, 799, 837 3, 460. 00 9, 620, 675 203. 00 
ll cence ee eee 44, 161 127, 992, 951 2, 898. 00 3, 760, 499 85. 00 
LL ere 58, 009 171, 929, 259 2, 964. 00 4, 908, 611 85. 00 
Fo. =e ne ee 68, 191 206, 638, 618 3, 030. 00 4, 767, 257 70. 00 
YL... Ee er eee 63, 864 200, 888, 953 3, 145. 00 3, 777, 873 59. 00 
Fh. oe 38, 740 161, 623, 754 4, 172. 00 3, 178, 767 82. 00 
TE. ot or 35, 332 153, 231, 981 4, 337. 00 3, 398, 245 96. 00 
eerie LOS eee ee 33, 398 155, 916, 827 4, 668. 45 4, 519, 870 135. 33 


1,176 $9, 219,055 | $7, 839. 00 $66, 344 $56. 00 
20, 941 61, 233, 723 2, 924. 00 936, 862 45. 00 
29, 120 89, 586, 415 3, 076. 00 2, 219, 954 76. 00 
27, 375 80, 190, 946 2, 929. 00 1, 360, 509 50. 00 
24, 209 66, 188, 434 2, 734. 00 1, 105, 801 46. 00 
18, 440 43, 032, 753 2, 334. 00 485, 785 26. 00 
18, 750 43, 767, 089 2, 334. 00 453, 219 24. 00 
18, 054 42, 973, 996 2, 380. 00 276, 288 15. 00 
19, 160 48, 689, 794 2, 541. 00 268, 090 14. 00 
11, 715 35, 695, 178 3, 047. 00 162, 589 14. 00 

9, 881 33, 169, 117 3, 357. 00 180, 012 18. 00 

9, 758 33, 252, 341 3, 407. 70 187, 635 19. 23 

_ | Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 



TaBLE 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tac—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Year Number of 
returns | 
Total Average Total Average 
21, 774 $318, 822, 511 | $14, 642. 00 $7, 722, 306 $355. 00 
190, 273 740, 406, 422 3, 891. 00 31, 928, 937 168. 00 
306, 918 | 993, 314, 432 3, 236. 00 55, 170, 252 180. 00 
308, 309 1, 075, 115, 926 3, 487. 00 56, 505, 315 183. 00 
447, 998 1, 407, 388, 003 3, 142. 00 56, 285, 168 126. 00 
367, 096 1, 060, 027, 926 2, 888. 00 33, 574, 094 91. 00 
364, 988 1, 138, 934, 714 3, 120. 00 39, 310, 406 108. 00 
463, 017 | 1, 457, 696, 567 3, 148. 00 33, 061, 877 71. 00 
418,048 | 1, 403, 748, 590 3, 358. 00 32, 061, 822 77. 00 
224, 643 | 1, 141, 453, 071 5, 081. 00 30, 321, 360 135. 00 
231, 196 | 1, 146, 495, 871 4, 959. 00 32, 839, 052 142. 00 
222, 707 1, 153, 756, 214 5, 180. 60 35, 519, 337 159. 49 
OT Gms sures ihallee i a 2, 539 $66, 811, 462 $26, 314. 00 $4, 347, 797 | $1, 712. 00 
LOW ete se Meiers ae) ee 48, 758 170, 751, 358 3, 502. 00 5, 682, 493 117. 00 
LOIS Hee Se wee ee ie ee sees 46, 818 163, 678,297 | 3, 496. 00 7, 649, 280 163. 00 
61, 500 242,184,301 | 3,938.00 12, 207, 129 198. 00 
81, 785 295, 790,791 | 3,617. 00 13, 548, 211 166. 00 
69, 381 191, 816, 067 2, 765. 00 4, 206, 507 61. 00 
72, 063 217, 555, 604 3, 019. 00 6, 414, 336 89. 00 
70, 189 221, 293, 177 3, 153. 00 3, 909, 926 56. 00 
; 63, 357 211, 271, 658 3, 335. 00 3, 794, 477 60. 00 
LO Do een) SES ee Ok Se See 40, 825 219, 960, 990 5, 388. 00 6, 897, 119 169. 00 
O26 mete 2 eae 4s. ee es 37, 497 223, 036, 805 5, 948. 00 8, 134, 654 217. 00 
ee See ee ee eee 39, 806 212, 341, 656 5, 334. 41 6, 232, 124 156. 56 
OU G hasten! S 2 eh eee ee ee 2, 800 $24, 968, 572 $8, 917. 00 $337, 051 $120. 00 
IGS 3 ee es Se ee Ss eee 25, 071 84, 746,023 | 3,380.00 3, 298, 630 132. 00 
Os Sa ae eee ee ee A be, | 34, 592 111, 601, 050 3, 226. 00 6, 049, 987 175. 00 
GG se”. Sts ee Ek Bad 49, 663 166, 240, 606 3, 347. 00 8, 232, 437 166. 00 
1020) 2 Se Oe Se ee es ee 67, 640 193, 652, 281 2, 863. 00 6, 649, O11 98. 00 
GD e Se 8 ee ee ee ie a ee 62, 804 159, 574, 639 2, 541. 00 4, 951, 580 79. 00 
RODD ees oa a ae LE ee eee | 61, 879 161, 226, 232 2, 606. 00 4, 239, 789 69. 00 
The a eee ee ees eae 2 Oe 69, 123 189, 854, 013 2, 747. 00 2, 891, 804 42. 00 
OD AR ae So Be eee ee ee 66, 669 189, 884, 373 2, 848. 00 2, 025, 068 * 30. 00 
18 15) ea Sr cD ee anaes OF Tae ee 32, 542 132, 022, 718 4, 057. 00 1, 787, 992 55. 00 
Gia Se tae BL ae, Be) 30, 955 135, 030, 190 4, 362. 00 2, 175, 322 70. 00 
1G ( S52 eee SES ea oe 33, 903 140, 739, 425 4, 151. 24 1, 920, 597 56. 65 
ROLG Bee. = 2 Res a A ee 40, 289 $643, 243, 991 | $15, 966. 00 $17, 612, 739 $437. 00 
AS ES Se A SR ee SS ae 328, 171 1, 360, 802, 293 4, 147. 00 79, 454, 848 242. 00 
OURS Oe ye at ee 518,729 | 1,770, 848, 133 3, 414. 00 137, 781, 370 266. 00 
LOO SSS = 2s an ee ee ee 539, 172 1, 838, 002, 395 3, 409. 00 128, 195, 161 238. 00 
NG 20 Ree oes DRE a ees te eae 672, 746 2, 212, 178, 029 3, 288. 00 118, 750, 989 177. 00 
621, 103 1, 937, 291, 858 3, 119. 00 84, 660, 220 136. 00 
587, 770 2, 005, 570, 020 3, 412. 00 93, 573, 559 159. 00 
740, 478 2, 478, 751, 471 3, 347. 00 73, 266, 630 99. 00 
713, 427 2, 548, 132, 809 3, 572. 00 77, 873, 521 109. 00 
376, 923 2, 031, 305, 849 5, 389. 00 73, 364, 345 195. 00 
397, 575 2, 138, 168, 594 5, 378. 00 76, 887, 315 193. 00 
381, 374 2, 091, 825, 217 5, 484. 88 78, 674, 525 206. 29 

_ 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 



TaBLE 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 —Number of returns, net income, and tax—Continued 
Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns o 
Total Average Total Average 
3, 745 $65, 257, 163 | $17, 425. 00 $1,915,104 | $511.00 
23, 927 112, 129,569 | 4, 686. 00 8, 805, 953 368. 00 
32, 921 129, 630, 322 | 3, 938. 00 13, 512, 766 410. 00 
39, 936 146, 109,811 | 3, 659. 00 11, 234, 132 281. 00 
53, 128 180, 303,990 | 3, 394. 00 11, 685, 163 220. 00 
48, 057 157, 568,411 | 3, 279. 00 9, 236, 328 192. 00 
50, 076 171, 409, 669 | 3, 423, 00 9, 351. 580 187. 00 
66, 965 214, 749, 602 | 3, 207. 00 6, 658, 089 99. 00 
48, 792 191, 556,190 | 3, 926. 00 6, 722, 491 138. 00 
29, 123 160, 955, 280 | 5, 527. 00 5, 817, 977 200. 00 
26, 362 155, 050,974 | 5, 882. 00 5, 545, 787 210. 00 
25, 184 157, 464,733 | 6, 252. 57 6, 332, 169 251.44 

ot ae a 1, 204 $9, 882, 947 | $8, 208. 00 $77, 198 $64. 00 
ee 22, 321 70, 917, 349 | 3, 177. 00 1, 815, 909 81. 00 
ee ee Sy ee 20, 239 73, 855, 345 | 3, 649. 00 2, 732, 593 135. 00 
2 eo 37, 296 142, 688, 832 | 3, 826. 00 5, 192, 020 139. 00 
Le Sl ee aa a 33, 044 109, 246, 657 | 3, 306. 00 3, 236, 875 98. 00 
Ai 25, 160 68, 255,825 | 2, 713. 00 1, 246, 523 50. 00 
et FUE io es 26, 830 72, 755,770 | 2, 712. 00 1, 268, 305 47. 00 
2 a ae 28, 225 87, 031,355 | 3, 083. 00 1, 555, 315 55. 00 
Se ees 28, 090 79, 613,886 | 2, 834. 00 727, 462 26. 00 
di es 15, 727 57, 661, 544 | 3, 666. 00 430, 879 27. 00 
| eos 13, 809 53, 060,331 | 3, 842. 00 420, 164 30. 00 
ee 14, 310 55, 218,679 | 3, 858. 75 554, 731 38.77 


971 $7, 474, 252 | $7, 697. 00 $48, 563 $50. 00 
39, 654 | 109, 794, 860 | 2, 769. 00 1, 171, 328 30. 00 
45, 505 | 151, 725,486 | 3, 334. 00 4, 139, 239 91. 00 
38, 614 133, 174,792 | 3, 449. 00 3, 124, 066 81.00 
34, 670 103, 578,036 | 2, 988. 00 2, 228, 187 64. 00 
21, 681 47, 087,498 | 2, 172. 00 524, 653 24. 00 
21, 465 48,949,551 | 2, 280. 00 548, 688 26. 00 
21, 928 50, 170,861 | 2, 288. 00 350, 312 16. 00 
26, 506 66, 124,303 | 2, 495. 00 306, 097 12. 00 
17, 086 53,971,360 | 3, 159. 00 192, 460 11. 00 
12, 414 38, 153,263 | 3, 073. 00 208, 893 17. 00 
10, 969 35,906,515 | 3, 273. 45 209, 667 19. 11 

2. 4,414 $39, 867,675 | $9, 032. 00 $413, 078 $94. 00 
ae 31, 451 111, 964,540 | 3, 560. 00 2, 794, 197 89. 00 
si... 2 ees 38, 232 139, 173,691 | 3, 640. 00 6, 795, 268 178. 00 
1919 50, 789 193, 909, 353 | 3, 818. 00 9, 082, 054 179. 00 
65, 054 212, 600,105 | 3, 268. 00 7, 565, 009 116. 00 
60, 949 170, 969, 895 | 2, 805. 00 3, 984, 051 65. 00 
63, 555 190, 723,937 | 3, 001. 00 4, 902, 612 77. 00 
69, 081 226, 033,948 | 3, 272. 00 4, 283, 805 62. 00 
66, 981 224,184,198 | 3, 347.00 3, 419, 535 51. 00 
34, 689 168, 198,127 | 4,849. 00 3, 125, 603 90. 00 
35, 495 175, 714,293 | 4, 950. 00 3, 651, 457 103. 00 
33, 812 173, 162,605 | 5, 121.33 4, 035, 541 119. 35 

_ 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 


TasiLe 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 


1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tax—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of | s : 
Year returns i 
Total Average Total Average 
TOUGELLS SUE ee Ok eae ee 10, 514 $113, 278, 037 | $10, 774. 00 $2, 643, 697 $251.00: 
OTe = se Oe A Ee Se 95, 416 350, 297, 337 3, 671. 00 13, 447, 453 141. 00: 
VOWS Ue 8 ede is eas EC ee 114, 500 392, 975, 557 3, 432. 00 21, 575, 479 188.00 
AQTOLRS,: DOERR EES Ets Tae 176, 547 643, 172, 301 3, 643. 00 32, 302, 280 183. 00 2 
(O20ee oes ee Pepe 224, 617 720, 720, 162 3, 209. 00 25, 400, 849 113..00> @ 
TLS PTS se Bee Oe i 200, 188 536, 897, 427 2, 682. 00 12, 667, 894 63.00. 
O22 eee <j a A 186, 865 545, 901, 576 2, 921. 00 14, 119, 655 76.00 — 
HO ZSS 22) 1 oe RR ERS 2 A SS. 200, 683 613, 494, 900 3, 057. 00 10, 678, 022 53.00 
ODAC AI) ieieepe ee eih es cu bt eee 192, 735 638, 109, 285 3, 311. 00 10, 235, 806 53. 00 
DODD ee ee NRA gy Sle ee I 109, 448 496, 820, 449 4, 539. 00 9, 766, 688 89.00 — 
aS Pee ae Sa EYE eae 1s TY 111, 438 647, 562, 501 4, 914. 00 12, 681, 529 114. 00 
TOD Fes eee es gE i os. Sahoo 114, 534 560, 322, 568 4, 892. 19 12, 909, 842 W272 
Th )LUB ya, eee ee a et ae es A 1, 259 $14, 281, 206 | $11, 343. 00 $167, 688 $133. 00° 
IDA erent eek = SOE SANE 6 nS 14, 636 45, 044, 946 3, 078. 00 1, 364, 652 93.00 — 
TIA SES RS CRY ee oe tae 18, 517 52, 454, 404 2, 833. 00 1, 347, 780 73. 00° 
ORO Me any Ole ee) ee Se 21, 164 61, 913, 436 2, 925. 00 1, 270, 543 60.00. 
UDO MMR 2 PAP MOS re. NN 30, 510 82, 278, 389 2, 697. 00 1, 506, 781 49. 00 
(OSS Bie et 26, 128 62, 713, 461 2, 400. 00 842, 904 32. 00" 
eee UE Ot hy a ee 27, 325 67, 744, 653 2, 479. 00 955, 929 35.00 
Oe t- ER A0G da 2 Ee 30, 242 79, 943, 306 2, 643. 00 725, 908 24.00: 
eA ty ee nay ey ee 28, 685 82, 088, 477 2, 862. 00 599, 194 21. 00-8 
11,9 Oi a Al ee eae dae 16, 101 61, 634, 951 3, 828. 00 660, 497 41.00: 
ee path Lp Sgt Bs Laake ee 138, 568 53, 832, 169 3, 968. 00 628, 773 46.00 
LOD ee ae ee ae 13, 029 53, 628, 897 4, 116. 12 851, 031 65. 32> a 
TTT Gate = 2 Sn 1, 100 $14, 628, 955 | $13, 299. 00 $365, 004 $332.00: 
ThE (=, ae au eo 7, 258 29, 540, 804 4, 070. 00 1, 459, 253 201.00 
TOWSES - =. 5 lk Rn Re 9, 965 34, 063, 265 3, 418. 00 | 1, 821, 823 183.00 
TGHORE s,. . .. TBR 2 13, 569 46, 204, 506 3, 405. 00 2, 074, 804 153. 00 : 
1OZON) 2 ee les AGha 3 A ees 19, 205 59, 303, 302 3, 088. 00 2, 259, 129 118.00: 
TG ges. te el a oh 17, 746 47, 561, 557 2, 680. 00 1, 155, 767 65.00 
TSQORE 22). aN eae. LE eee 17, 901 51, 653, 367 2, 886. 00 | 53; 200 88.00 
119). 3h eg a eee Le De toe 64, 800, 009 2, 979. 00 1, 332, 822 61.00: 
Ae 2 os SR as fy 20, 618 63, 630, 620 3, 086. 00 978, 252 47.00" 74 
42.15) St SE Ee Ns ES eee oe an 9, 559 45, 857, 160 4, 797. 00 919, 959 96.00. 
RZ GE ose = 2 SUS See 6 2 8, 646 42, 209, 083 4, 882. 00 821, 296 95.00. 4 
AOD VAP oo 2 SUR AOL 28 od 8, 268 41, 842, 221 5, 060. 74 | 846, 932 102.43. 
2 | 
SER GG Bele 2” A Se: ee ee 4, 190 $42, 216, 464 | $10, 076. 00 $593, 304 $142.00) | 
OT (ee tn ta Ee AI 37, 951 130, 682, 859 3, 443. 00 3, 929, 273 104.00 — 
LOIS HEU: .- 2 ARAM sus So 1 2 eS 51, 207 173, 104, 495 3, 380. 00 7, 674, 725 150. 00 
TULOSEt <= .-7 See ee a ee 75, 966 247, 658, 373 3, 260. 00 9, 020, 237 119. 00 
IOZ0RE£ .- = eee. os A 92, 576 273, 235, 229 2, 951. 00 7, 404, 201 80. 00° 
LOW BES 0. ee 76, 257 208, 331, 701 2, 732. 00 4, 161, 116 55. 00 
GOT Ga 2 lees MAR oe Se 71, 528 207, 277, 342 2, 898. 00 4, 919, 485 69. 00 
1GQ3EE- 23 Oe ee se. Se 77, 451 242, 586, 945 3, 132. 00 3, 669, 294 47.00: 
MORACEs =. Ae eee 2. . 2 71, 597 231, 055, 514 3, 227. 00 3, 313, 896 46.00 
O20 2. 2 2 2s 37, 507 170, 257, 017 4, 539. 00 2, 981, 412 79. 00° 
(Pies Se ey ee eee ee ET 37, 797 176, 024, 673 4, 657. 00 3, 495, 042 92. 00— , 
LO ee A eb ee 1 37, 393 | 172, 239, 863 4, 606. 21 3, 611, 135 96. 57 

1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data 

individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

from income-tax returns of — 




TaBLe 10.—Individual returns, by States and Territories, for the years 1916 to 
1927 \—Number of returns, net income, and tar—Continued 

Net income Tax 
Number of 
Year returns 
Total Average Total Average 
TG 2 age Fe la 5, 360 $49, 697, 247 $9, 272. 00 $776, 470 $145. 00 
UL 2S eS ee tee 56, 322 169, 727, 615 | 3, 014. 00 4, 377, 754 78. 00 
UL 6a ee 95, 422 266, 096, 746 2, 789. 00 9, 743, 163 102. 00 
LD. 2 2 a ear 114, 322 325, 920, 733 | 2,851.00 11, 615, 795 102. 00 
To See ee ee 148, 067 375, 979, 893 2, 359. 00 9, 094, 764 61. 00 
Ll ¢ 2 25 - ae 115, 593 261,400,721 | 2,261.00 4, 878, 295 42. 00 
OL ee 123, 216 300, 523, 342 2, 439. 00 5, 148, 477 42. 00 
IR) OL ee ene oat 136, 057 351, 985,059 | 2, 587. 00 3, 925, 801 29. 00 
Sapam ny a SS Sa on Rk 138, 181 398, 961, 927 2, 851. 00 3, 231, 233 23. 00 
SE Ss eS eee eee 78, 030 272, 544, 925 | 3, 493. 00 2, 717, 102 35. 00 
DL es ee eee 61, 950 245, 592,050 | 3, 964.00 2, 800, 548 45. 00 
eI ae Fo hos Wa Ds 62, 200 252, 547,211 | 4, 060. 24 2, 913, 642 46. 84 

2 DLO $30, 170, 809 | $11, 717. 00 $416, 386 $162. 00 
28, 281 105, 061, 550 3, 750. 00 3, 303, 285 117. 00 
48, 876 156, 557, 747 3, 203. 00 5, 709, 295 117. 00 
45, 168 147, 949, 092 3, 276. 00 5, 319, 197 118. 00 
96, 326 287, 729, 460 2, 987. 00 8, 517, 268 88. 00 
UDP AMtl 207, 157, 054 2, 752. 00 4, 579, 113 61. 00 
69, 501 196, 777, 359 2, 831. 00 4, 594, 653 66. 00 
89, 263 260, 343, 202 2, 917. 00 3, 875, 864 43. 00 
75, 037 226, 999, 720 3, 025. 00 2, 796, 310 37. 00 
35, 810 144, 777, 469 4, 043. 00 2, 133, 510 60. 00 
82, 544 141, 396, 917 4, 345. 00 2, 304, 313 71. 00 
32, 500 139, 696, 175 4, 298. 34 2, 519, 731 77. 53 

ON eee 8, 261 $87, 614, 595 | $10, 606. 00 $1, 253, 257 $152. 00 
OT 1 2 de 70, 554 228, 190, 253 3, 234. 00 5, 716, 256 81. 00 
a 2 ene 94, 704 290, 199, 685 3, 064. 00 11, 382, 127 120. 00 
EL oud Se a 105, 793 337, 851, 344 3, 194. 00 10, 901, 097 103. 00 
ED _..- n 150, 452 436, 436, 810 2, 901. 00 13, 232, 531 88. 00 
5 eee 148, 457 379, 754, 222 2, 558. 00 8, 971, 044 60. 00 
NP so ee oe Seo 160, 519 401, 670, 058 2, 502. 00 | 9, 126, 855 57. 00 
2) oe ene 194, 050 547, 039, 928 2, 819. 00 9, 019, 076 46. 00 
3. 179, 275 496, 659, 728 2, 770. 00 7, 344, 053 41.00 
TS ee eee 110, 485 418, 618, 008 3, 789. 00 6, 799, 312 62. 00 
1... ee 99, 251 407, 642, 742 4, 107. 00 8, 418, 047 85. 00 
2. er 100, 956 436, 579, 613 4, 324.45 10, 621, 745 105. 21 

673 $6, 523, 787 $9, 694. 00 $67, 510 $100. 00 
7, 663 28, 855, 603 3, 766. 00 838, 196 109. 00 
7, 821 26, 413, 937 3, 377. 00 1, 272, 692 163. 00 
18, 349 52, 463, 959 2, 859. 00 1, 444, 063 79. 00 
24, 594 63, 244, 529 2, 572. 60 1, 161, 320 47. 00 
22, 413 51, 051, 629 2, 278. 00 783, 257 | 35. 00 
21, 943 48, 826, 743 2, 225. 00 687, 062 31.00 
23, 246 57, 376, 054 2, 468. 00 520, 769 22. 00 
22, 947 60, 751,853 | 2,647.00 414, 087 18. 00 
10, 336 33, 481, 518 3, 239. 00 256, 481 25. 00 
8, 930 31, 750, 581 3, 556. 00 263, 319 29. 00 
8, 870 31, 297,698 | 3, 528. 49 274, 644 30. 96 

_ 1 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistica ]data from income-tax returns of 
individuals are summarized on pp. 32-39. 

2 Includes Alaska. 


TasLeE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927 1 


County and city bet el County and city A eer 
Autauga: Clay: 
IpTativillloseen so: ae ee ee 52 Ash andi: 2 Seis) ee See 6 
Miiscellaneouss. 2.0.8. sees ee 10 inevillexs2 keene) Le ee 6 
IMNCC AEE ODES Sao ee ee a 2 
Ova ee ae. ak ee ee 62 
FRObAN He eaw Sea. es Lee 14 
IBayiiVinnette ce 2... > ae ee ae es 44 || Cleburne: 
Wiscellancousass_—_ Se eeeeal eee 75 Fo flim ee ee 2 ee 15 

Blocton me 2 Bt soo Les ee ee 

(Wfrationak ss) oerbabesy Se Ae ee ee te 
Miscellaneous 2252 22. fs 0 ee ae 

Chapmantscs 232 2 We ea a See 
Goorpianasreseces SST) Sei ees 
Greenvillensies ao 2 SAR a 

CO XTOR CEA RE vais Ay os 2 Eee Re 

atayettess shes. Ie ee 
GATIOL eee ie. ta 2 

GL CKSOME ee ee tak UL k oS Fee 
HOM SS Ville see sees ake ee eS 
Miscellancous= a a a) ees 

1Does not represent an exact count for each civil division. 

Shefiiel di aseasaee= 4 >" so ae Dee ae 207 
ASS e(bb eal ys eee 115 
WViiscellancoust===52 22st Sane eens 12 
otal {2 seas oe hse seo Seat 334 
I Veleree linemen senor os ti See ee 62 
INTISCELANCOUS Sasa s ha ak aL SAE Ee 15 
ROtal= eee 2. 2 tk ae 77 
Coosa: a 
Goods Waterss el eee 9 | 
Miscellaneous 4 
Total sos ieee ee eee aes 13 
An Galuside secs: 2s eee 93 
Honea 34 See ees 2) ee 30 
Op Die ee ee on eed 31 
IRIVeRIE alls ae ee eae ee = 
IMiscellancouss==-—===—-- == 265 eee 158 
PTO (SUL E Sete ceerees cere Bs 2 8 EU 175 
NSTU VE UGE eevee occ ee 26 
Miscellaneous=+= 6-2 == 2-34 12 
otal Sa eee ae ee eee 38 
Gulliman ee ea ae cate eee 110 
Muscellaneous®sce- 2-2 2. - ee aes 11 
ba DR she) Ca Ea cg gs CN 121 
Ozarks ss Se seer eae 22 ee 50 
INMiscellaneouss==2.3... 223 eee 7 
Motal jae eS. Le ee 57 
Selma: Sear eee aoe oe ae 630 
IMS cellaneousteae tee ane aes 55 
Totally SS.8o 6 Sa ee 685, 
De Kalb: 
Rort Paynes eee oS eee 42 
Misecll sneous ese ee 36 
FT oo tie ee Aes eat ye SS ns ES Se 78 

See p. 14. 


TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ALABAM A—Continued 
. Number 5 Number 
County and city eireranssilt County and city Sireturns 

Elmore: Jefferson: 

WpAMaSSe@=Ne 2-52 32c2iscese~3- 20 feet 53 Binmingham=)2: eee ee 12, 761 
PIPE ae esa Seas oot Sk A 91 Bessemer <2. ts See ea 607 
MMasceManeouSs.. 20-25-22 252-555-284 15 |} Blosshurg 2 eee aa 5 
a Brightons:- 24. 22 Veen ees 19 

Tiga S22 ee ae 159 RIEfeld. — = 2-0 EE eS 344 
NUOCUS Seo eee ee ee 47 

Escambia; IVEISCellANeGUS:. 2. soem nant 411 
LATO a er 58 
LUE THO it 2 Se ee ee eee re 7 Total: 222s22.223. oe 14, 194 
PLL EEE ee See 22 
Mriscellsineous: 222 2255-5 = = eae 11 || Lamar: 

Sulligent2.*s.. . 2. =e eee 10 
(Roti =o es ee 169 MiscellancéouS2.22 232 eee di 

Etowah: Motale # sc 206 Seen ee eee eee 17 
Alabama City 31 SS = 
NIN ofa) 0%: a 8 || Lauderdale: 

JIG SS Sd eee es eee 0 a 28 2 53 || WIOLEN CB» Ls oe se ee 288 
‘Ou Cita eS 2 ee ee eee 347 || Miscellaneous: 23 = ee 4 
MMISCRMATIDOUSS= =o. f50 5s senses tele 2 
ROU SS: Zee ek Soe ee ee 292 
icy ea eee ee a a tN 441 
———— || JU yesacee 

Fayette: Countland===3-— =) 4. ee 23 
HBMVGU Osean S35 oso oho os eso Lessee 37 IWEISCellANGOUS 2 oe eeee es cena ee eee ee 11 
BVMNCELIANCOUS 223 25 So 6 —_—_—_— 

—_— Moleless==-=2 5.225. et 34 
UGE A eS 43 || 

Franklin: ibpinee = eos ie Oe ee 29 
ERPISSE NVA Geers 5 ae eet 36 Opelika eee 147 
MUSCEMANICQUS £22505 22= Bigewert ot) 13 || PheniiGitys es be eee 31 

en Miscellaneous <2 22252522. 5 eee 2 
“OGLE Se SOT nee eres Vere eae & 49 _——_—__—— 
MWotale oes cat Soe eae 209 


VLG a eee Lee Le 22 || Limestone: 
CEL MNT gR6 Le ee. Se Pee 15 || INNGUS8= ee nee ee ee ee 74 
SSDS, ee ee ee er eee 28 IWiiscellaneouss sess a. sone = eee 11 
RVI CONAMCOUS =~ 2. 55.2222 2-522 6 SSS 
TNotaless ss ee = ee are 85 
“et eee eee 71 
e —————— lO WaGoss 

Greene: ROE DOSIbs = ee os tee ees Se 10 
ID ee 37 || Miiscellaneéous=. =. 22-2 == Se eee 39 
Meet AMO QUS 2: = ee 14 a 

MNOLAl ee oe eee ee ee eee 49 
“NDR SS ee res 51 
——————_|| Macon: 

Hale: STIS OC GG sacs ae ae aE ee ees 81 
210... ea ee 16 MMihiscellaneouss) 22 sess sas ae eas 13 
PeEHSDOLOL nes... wan weet Te 56 = 
MmrmconlAmGOUSs22 022.0 02s b 18 U1 Boy ifs | we ye ee he ee 94 

Ten ee ree, 90 || Madison: 
_———— ibumtsville2=— 2 ee 404 

Henry: AVEISCellATICOL1S seme Niemen nnn ieeUE 34 
oo SDEWU SS eee 2 18 — 
"5 Lyk ELQ Vg | 5 sa 12 SRotalee west eae See 438 
Rupsetincous:-_ 22... 4! leewal a et 1 || = 

———— | Marengo: 
S71 3. ree me 31 Damon Olise sass eee ee 125 
—<——S WMiscellancous2 = 4 = eee 63 

Houston —_—_——. 
URE. ee eee 240 La Wo); ee ee eet eo 188 
MMMNUAIIATIOOUS.—..- 2-2 =----2-25-~ 90 || = 

| Marion: Miscellaneous---..-.---------- 37 
BPS ry Pee Seely i td 260 || 
———— | wMarshall= 

Jackson: ‘Albertville. -o-can eee ceed 32 
PIBIP CHOSE os 11 1B (ahs va NR EWS 2 ett aR 20 
Bib PSHORO SS es | 26 Guntersvillo-222 2 sane Sees Sain 40 
BEMSECHANCOUS <5 28 soe 14 ihiscellaneous 22 eit een eee 4 

UGS er 51 Total: <caona eee 96 



TaBLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ALABAM A—Continued 
q Number : Number 
County and city 6G SERS County and city of returns 

Mobile: Shelby—C ontinued. 

Mio pies.) ee eee 2, 631 Montevallos-2 = a= ee 20 

Ipnichandeesss= 5.3 eee ee 14 Vin eent 222. 2 ea 2 ee 6 

Wihistler. 2: .cesccee cee eee ee 29 Wiiltonveseut- 22. 22 eee 7 

Miscellaneous 225. -<= 2a 127 IMuseellaneouss. 25 ==-2-- = Se ee eaee 59 

4 Do) #711 pe ee SRD Die oe 2, 801 | Motalees= ae see 112 
Monroe: Miscellaneous_----_..-_-_---__-_- 73 || Sumter: 

eivingstonWers sno. 3. ake eee 27 

Montgomery: York @ 2285925202 e eset neaee eee 37 
Miontitomeiyee-+ 9-2-5 = oes ee 2, 374 Miiscellaneoust====---= "=== eee 24 
IMuscellameous==- sees. 22 uke ae 40 

—————— HWY) (2) Leip ee mS Ae 88 
ANG MS 2 52 hee ee ene 2, 414 

Morgan: Siyilicaupass222— 232 - -  ee  e 83 
TANTO SUM Vis gD ea A 4 MATA Gp aes ese es) ee 128 
DCCA es tart a 323 Miscellaneausi= 224. Ui_. see 33 
Eantsellos-.22= 25 ol. Sea 32 
HVEISCellaneoust== 25-2522 eee 15 Motal.S-22225— ===). So eeeee 244 

NOM setae: £2 ah DS eee 374 || Tallapoosa: 
iMesanderi@ityensss.)- 5-2 eee 41° 

Perry: IViiscellancousts t= = — = =e 18 
Mis vi onis = = = 22 22 ee ee 67 
WAG NTO Wine = = 222 oe ee SS 41 Totals 22. ee So eee 59 
ViScellaneous=-25 a eee ened 7 

Motel: %.:-45, peo eee ee 115 iol te-* 2> seen a ee 16 
Kellenmanceeeen. a: =. oes See 12 

Pickens: Musesloosa eee: a5 28 2 ee 451 
PANT CR VG Ase on ee ke ee 23 IMiscellaneousiis’. =<. _- 2. 2. Sees 44 
FCLOR IME isa ae eee 2 
IVILSCEllaMeOUS= eens Ses oe eee 25 otal eran os eee 523 

Motalsossee has assy ee ee aan eee ee 50 || Walker: 
Garhonieiilllizeere ses: oe ee ae 44 

Pike: CoaléValleyete se eae 1 
IBrundidgern 2... 5.2.50 eee 31 Cordova 235) 2. ee eee 31 
CTR ops Se A See NST ee et a 174 Doras. 22 ea ee 25 
INVUIiScelaneouss- se es= oS eece ee ee 6 RNIPIPO es ean eee: ae eae 6 

TSS TO eee eee ore so ee 152 

Mo Geile ee A wetness soe ane ae 211 Oakmanteae 2s ee ll 

Lethe cise ee Ba ee SS 21 

Randolph: Roanokes. 2-0) ao eee 57 Quin fone ee eee 7 
Sipse Ys see se es a 9 

Russell: Mownleye asset A eS ee 19 
Girard set SES ee en 9 INScellameousyseeeee a cee 60 
Mniscellaneouss= 22522222 i ee ieee 24 

Totalo Se 3 eee ke, ae re et 386 
$4 R10) (71) Cee es SO eee eet 33 ; 
Washington: Miscellaneous_____.._-___- 30 

St. Clair: 

INeMman = .- 2 Xie soe SS SSE 3 || Wileox: 

eluiGityeeecne eek ee ee eee ae 16 CeIn Gen eiee a ee eee Hee 35 

IMiscellaneotish 22s. ee 40 WMiscellaneouSsensl a. -o ka eee 49 
Nota a: 5 22--se ss. 59 TO TBI Seaeeeee eee ni San ee 84 

Shelby: iWanston: Haleywilles=—- 5c eee 23 
@aloratc. Leese See 15 
Helena 2822-202 Sa ee 5 Stateioraleess_ 82. eeee ee 27, 992 


Apache: Cochise—C ontinued. 

Si ODUS I er eoe sane aso toe ae 6 Wratten soe Seon Secu leo. soe 95 
INTISCOllaneGuseeectce eee oe ewer eee 61 IMFISCellan BOTISe eae eee ee ae eae 202 
Tote ene oe eee eee 1, 455 
Total_~--------.------------------ 67 poconing : 2 — 

Sree SOStalh as aoe a ka eee eee 
co ee Williams. otto tr neers 85 
496 Mliscallanéousi2 02 s2- 2 sens aere 54 
134 Motels oes oe ee a Re 412 
36 (SSS 

ee Me 

> sees, 



TasBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ARIZON A—Continued 
: Number A Number 
County and city Biman County and city ofreturns 
Gila: Navajo—Continued. 
CUI Oa a Se eee 393 Miscellaneous! = 17 
LEI ie eS a ee eS 76 ——— 
TRING aati ned 1, Ai celal iy Se See eee 402 Ut Boy 29 PE a ee 2). Soh eS Se 453 
MVISCENAMEOUS == 22 2s ee Sty 165 
|| Pima: 
(NO) SS a ee ee eee he aerate B 1, 036 DAO eo ae: ae ee eee eee eee 123 
MICRO. <== 22 Sine eee sey 1, 325 

Graham: IVEISCeMIANGOUS=- = 2 ee ee ee 32 
SO ORO eee ee a eee a 66 
Mibabehers = — one SS - 2  -  Rreet 8 Motels 22. =o Se ee er 1, 480 
MWiscollaneous___-..-_.__..--...-.--- 17 

—— Pinal: 

91 MeasarGrandes 225 54 3ee ee ee eel 30 
Mlorenc@sass--0_ 2 cae eur Oe ere Ta 27 
48 104 
16 37 

2, 262 

INiogalesy.< 225 ee ee ana 238 

Maricopa: Miscellaneous sscse so eee ee 23 
Renan Herre see SEL 42 
RG leah Omer ee eee ee eae, 82 Ro tals 5. 3: ake wee A ene 261 

GSP ta i a ee ee eee © 135 4 
PING ae SA es ee 3, 114 || Yavapai: 
Miominguetce nook te 2 ee ae 91 @larkdsloyss: 2) Soe ae eee 159 
MMUISCOMSMEOUS 21a sso cece 155 12 [ohn cle) (sl epee ee oe See ews POSE Tol 11 
JiQrOmie ee ee a ee 400 
NEM ee = See eee eee ee eee 3, 619 (PROSCOL ti Gates see se 407 
eh Niscellancous=*522 2 ee 244 
ohave: ; 
IRI ee 137 hE 1 ope ee ee ay 1, 221 
OND TaOL EN 0) 25 ee eee Ser ee 24 2 : 
WMinscellaneotssuel seus klein Dede 56 || * bese edeas) 93 
OUI oe ee Seno aE ee ok 253 
Total - ---------------------------- 217 Miscellaneduss soe eee ene oe 39 

Navajo: 6 No] 4:1 VER ee ne ee Ses OREO 315 
FEIT Kee ea oe eo. EE 67 
VN TEAS Of aS Raa He: 369 Stateitotal= See ee ee 11, 059 

Arkansas: Bradley: 
PREG Lees wont ae eee eee 66 War Ore oes oh by 9 epore seen seniens 2 eh 136 
CHALE) 1 fe ee re en oe 31 Miscellaneous: £2.12 sin5ss5b 5557 11 
HUE eer be Ses 82S Sees fs ISU TOL 294 
MMIGRCOMATIODUS:2=-—-~ = 8 54 i io) (2) eh ene ee ee ee 147 
CLUE ss SSS a Ee 445 Absakoyqal no) ae sees Se nam yet Te ee 13 
si Mfiscellancouss22-2 =a es 6 
Erosett Beha we ga rch 4 by an e7> MOOREA 32 Total __--------------------------- 19 
JI Oi 34 
Pearse ot cht el Carroll: 
; MUISCOMANGOUS <2 on2Se ese 65 B erryville 7° tne aberedegy sir faye 4 30 16 
BMTeKa) Sp rIN ESS eee 45 
Total__--_------------------------ 131 INUIScellancous 95s sa eee ee 11 

Waxter: Miscellaneous__-__.--___-..--.- 20 Gi eee ee en 72 

Benton: 5p wane 
Bentonville aera esr Eee Sak 38 a ae ott re 

EGS. 2 ee ee (ef | [DN 0 ae SS ree 
Siloam Springs_——-—- o-oo UP ec ice  sceces = 62 
Miscellaneous... 222-222-2228. 40 VERSIONE a) icon appee eg 10 
Dhells Ae, ee ee ee 221 {RO talicy iene hs and wae OT 167 
Clark: - 

Boone. _ Aricad elp hie tenn ety mien acl 105 
00 a 52 Giobgoley ewes ty TE EEN) 46 
MMIISCOMANEOUS-.. 8 08) 2 cee ad 2 Miscellaneous {-eeee ee 19 

| “TAVi SL. 5 si Bs eae ie aR pot 54 otal eee eee 170 


TaBLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


* Number || 2 Number 
County and city ef returns'|| County and city of returns 

Clay | Franklin: 

Corming =. 2c. = eee 39 LOL ANd ee’ 2 OSE ee eee fe 16 

1eATes20 |  nes e e  eea 24 | Miscellaneousi2.- 20 ee 25 
Rector 323 Sas te oS eee ea 28 || 

Miscellaneous: cs) 222 ee 18 || Totals 322 eat 2 eee 41 

|| _——————— el 

“To Get ee re eee ge ee Sd 109 || Fulton: Miscellaneous.._.............-- 12 

Cleburne: Garland: 

IEebemS prin gsoe ee ea ee ae 30 Hot Springss2. 5 oeoocalceeee ee eee eee 694 
iTS Cell SCO rise = eae eee ea 2 | Miscellaneous-___----.-.------------- 2 
Total emer eens ear a etn 8 32 | Totaleemeres 2.5. se a ae 696 


Cleveland: Miscellaneous_.....--------- 16 || Grant: Miscellaneous___-...-.....-.-.-- 24 

—<$—<————— etl 

Columbia: || Greene: 

Miaemolias ses 2 35.28 - =.= | sae 95 IParavonldees= = 3 _2- = eee 152 
Miscellaneous 32 Miscellaneous 10 
CRO baleen se Oa a ee 127 Total ee oe eo ec eee 162 

Conway: Hempstead: 

Mionnilton]--- 2-22 -.-.._.--- ae 104 Hope Se ee eee 164 
Miscellaneous’ s2cs soos sence 40 Miscellaneous==*=.-.2--sesn22 5 eee 24 
TCG’ Oe ee ee ae 108 Notalos2 a en aoe eee 188 
Craighead: | Hot Springs: 
JOMeSHOTO Ss ae te i ae 359 Malver=- 2 s25- 536-2. . -= 2 95 
ATO TOT LG ge ae ee 12 | Miscellaneouss=—22-5.2-2=2o-s2eoe ee 2 
Miscellaneous: 2-22-22. 55 soaks es 30 
otal sexe = ste 23 5 eee 97 
Rotel 7.2 = a ees 401 | 
|| Howard: 

Crawford: Dierks)..2 255-2 ot See 4 
INNO dea eee ee ee es 10 | Nash villé:2 2s 2-2. =. 5 ees 3 
Vane Buren see eee eA aS 103 IMiiseellaneous!=24240 =) ee eee 11 
IMuscellancousie tee ee sae 25 | 

Motale sees ep assas ck se ee 93 
AMG ee eee ee eae so = 138 | 
| Independence: 

Crittenden: ‘Batesvilless—= ena eee 110 
1G Re or a 7 a AE Ee ee 49 Miscellaneous 19 
iWhiscellanequsse2 222 es sees e ars 125 | 

Totalouoesscceosae ne ae anes 129 
‘TNotaless eee. ee eee 174 : 
Tzard: Miiscellaneous=-=-------sese-eee—s 4 

Cross: | 
Park n es ees ae 39 || Jackson: 
SW Nee ee a eee 107 ING@WDODb2 2 sees ance ee seco eee 129 
IMiscellancous=2: =) aos ee es 12 | Miseellaneous2.2---5-=2--- esses 43 

TNOGAL SS ae see one aE 158 Total tao awe ee: a Se eee 1729 

Dallas Jefferson: 

Ord Y.GO==. eee eee ee 73 PinesBlog = 2) ee oo eee 1, 004 
IMascellancous et see ae 16 IMiiscellaneots: 22 2 - = [3222222 es 68 
Otel o22e ee 89 Total oe ence on cones eee 1,072 
Desha: | Johnson: 
Arkarisas City... 23 || Olarksvill€ 2s2s2ece ote eeeee 80 
Damas: 222 es eee 39 || Cos nile eee 7 
MicGeheec. cok 3k, Eel 105 | Miscellaneous... ae 10 
ViScellaneous= 22-02 = eee see ee 21 || 
ot 0) ee ee 97 
Total__--------------------------- 188 Lafayette: 

Drew: ewisvill6: 2-2: — 2 - - cco eee eet 26 
Monticellon=.ecucee chee 71 Stamps oe eee 36 
Willan. 2 ace thc 2 IMUScellanGOUS se anaes seen eee 23 
Miscellaneous... 2. -.c.-cccceeeeees 29 

Motel! pas eee et anesceee eee eee 85 
Total ----------------------------- 102 | Lawrence: 

Faulkner: | HMOxi0 se ese ee eee 19 
Conway eeccet ee 114 WalnutiRidgess2a casas 58 
INTISCENANGOUS 2s a2— =. laasseneneseeeee 8 WMiscellaneousiso2 25 ee Seca ees 23 

Motels. sccassscsceccstescssacsoce 122 Motalsscccssckdecsewecesececeneeee 100 



TaBLeE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

: Number : Number 
County and city Gi nena County and city REnctiens 

Lee: Poinsett: 
pilin airs se a ral Nl s 125 | ATHISD ULE == eae eee ee 31 
DSHS TOC Eee eee 15 TOMATO. = a2 SS Se oa 30 

SNUIEN le Xo BY Dass eee ete SE eee 49 
TNS ee eee emery! 140 ‘PMA 2-2 se ee 33 
SSS == Moscellaneous. 52 a2 seen Be 42 
Dincoln: Miscellaneous--__..--.--.------ 40 
pres Motal= 5: _-— - 6 eee ee eee 185 
ittle River: 

LNSG (2 ee ee 37 || Polk: 
SAS RG TATA ae So a Se SS 18 d\¥/ 2s 2): SO eek AS oS See 39 
MSCEMATICOUS ss osseee obo l Stk 8 Mhiscellaneous. <<. . =e 5= oe eee 10 
‘MiG OE A eee 63 TNotale ==) = = =. a es 49 

Logan: Pope: 

PERTAIN OMe on 17 SAINS:-- == eee eee 29 
IPDS el eS eer poe ere 55 iRUSSell Ville: eohe oa 84 
PMINCRNATIOOUS 2. 20- oo sc a-Sccasas=a= 6 miscellaneous: = 22—58--- ==. eee i 

LY TAP lee a Re eR ee Be 78 4 N07) ie eee Se 120 

Lonoke: Prairie: 

LE TREL ON 6 |S Se pose eee 76 IDESPATC ae eee ee 17 
CONG ee pes ee eee Eee 47 Miscellaneous: - =. 322 2252 eee 67 
PMB EEMATIGOUS =: ence co sees aes ee 74 
Rotalences se ease See 84 
DU ere ae a ne ne SHS Se 197 

Madison: Miscellaneous---__......------ 9 Whittle UR o¢ks- 2-222 3, 643 

Marion: Miscellaneous. -._...---------- 2 North Little Rock..—-2—.-- = 295 

Miller: " MiscellaneouS=2-2222s22sssss55—eee 38 

Penge oa eka 481 = 

Miscellaneous... 2-2-2 bce sss__ 22 Total __--------------------------- 3, 976 
| Randolph: 

Total_-_-------------------------- 503 iPecahontas- > s—2 see 18 

Mississippi: ; NVEiscellaneouSoc ssc 22s sseesace eee 2 
LE STG Ge ee ee 250 

US NEP 22 Ee eee 28 Totals cossesa5sesssenne =e 20 
LER LS eee eee & 102 
US UCL 2. So ee eee 28 || St. Francis: 
MRE ENANIOOUS nse o eos ce seco cece = 86 orrest:. City -2s-22 22 ee ee ee 136 
Miscellaneous 2-262 2 e- 67 
a eeeere 494 

Monroe: otal. sss sass eee 203 
_ESTINELI SI a 67 oe 
OU Ee ie aie 47 Sy a 3 99 
MiaNcenAnBOUS 28200 025 SoS 42 “Sa INO MRE AE Ie Sealine Sara 52 

Total 156 IWiscellancouss.— sass seasons 4 
, - Total:..A.335s sce eee e ee eee eee 78 
_ Montgomery: Miscellaneous_.-_...----- aO|| steer cNAGeaatlani@ous. 0 .2mec ic Leal 15 
PN; eee 108 || Searcy: 
BUENO OUS = 2 8 cd 15 Wesliee = —sa-- 2-22 ee ee eee 1 
WVinscellaneous 25.2 == sose ae eee 6 
SLL. <a eae Pee aod 123 
Totaly 25-3 ee eee eee ee 7 
Newton: Miscellaneous___--_..--------- 3 "i 
CaS Sebastian: 

ee on an fegreyernith o-oo 1, 088 
iL TES EEE eS 57 Greenwood: 24222 See eee 12 
Rieuhens=!-/ 18 Eipetiord. SSS ee a 

24) ee UR GI BORK a eee ett oe 
Miscellaneous 38 TT REE ROSE UR TOS TP 36 
Total __-_--___.----------------- 424 ER Geral <j ohm sta 1,160 
Bory: Mistellaneous- 222.22. -------_- 8 ll sevier: 
Phillips: De Oueei et eee eae 94 
200D. rie 516 FELOT AT OWS cco Se see eee ee 11 
esnelenas = 2 56 INGIScellan COs sy aeeeea an eau ae 14 
POUNCED Sete ee ee 81 
Ota 2k eee ee 119 

LAD L, el gi ea 653 
4 : Sharp: Miscellaneous ll 
Pike: Miscellaneous__.._..-.------------ 20 || Stone: Miscellaneous___..._.------------ 8 


TaBLE 11.—I/ndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and cit Nes County and cit Nun 
y y of returns y AN) of returns 

Union: White 
@aliontaaee dda ud dented eee 8 Bald: Knobiesteu yuu eee) seioa meee 17 
HL DOTAGCO setae See eae 1, 100 Beebe. ce eh se aL 18 
Griflingsss se eb estan seer eaten 13 SOaney sweets ee see ees 88 
AS KUT Hh ean ene eae) Sete Bee ee 23 Miscellaneous.2.. ee eed 62 
Junction City 19 
Norphlet 113 Total 22 a Jee ee 185 
Smackover 221 Moodie: fh 
pee econ 16 || AUzUStE. ——-—-n-n-nnnennenenennomen aT 

4 CottongPlant:: -=_ = = 22222522 eee 41 
Pent ab utd AR oe het 1, 531 Miscellameous2)_ = 22 222-22" seveeene 35 

Van Buren: Miscellaneous_-__-_--------- df ea Total __--------------------------- 123 

ell: ; 

Washington: Dardanelles ee) oe ee 16 
IFSC Lareivall Gene es ie 209 Plainview 2 ee li 
SDRn gale verserece tease ase 39 Miscellaneous. 222453 ee 16 
IMnScellaneeusice ca oct oe 28 — 

———- ‘Ota eee ees ee ee 49 
PINOT Ae es aa cee See . 276 
Site totale c- =): 2 Seas 17, 331 

Alameda: Contra Costa—Continued. | 
Milamedaes 2-22 52222 2 ee eee eee 2, 137 Richmond yess eae ee 1,105 — 
PAUlbamiy= 5. = 022 2 2 ee es 40 Miscellaneous: =. -2- 5 eee 855 - 
IRerkeleyews 22 9 2 222 ee eee 6, 982 
IIRC GY VNC: eae fee ee ee eee eae 73 MOtH ete he Yeo 3 ae 3, 0/om 
SET VIWVIGLE Ces oe ee 373 5 
Livermore 225 || Del Norte: Miscellaneous-_.-----.----.---- 133 
UNGIOSEEE Soe Be ee ee ae 2 ee ee 60 ; 
Oakland 16, 245 || Eldorado: 

Piedmont 1, 201 PISCE ene e Ss. = eee 150° 
San Leandro 418 Miscellaneous 43 
Miscellaneous 365 j 
Totals. so en...) So a 193 
M0] 4:1) MAR eG diner RE ORS epee eet ea.) 28, 119 —— 
Fresno: r 

Amador: WO WAS SROEt ee fe 23 ee bee ole) 
ACTS EI CY a ie Sale eS SNS Be Ba ae 73 Coglingaee yes. ar ee Sire eee 300 
IViiSCOllame ols s=eeee a eee ene oes 88 HOW! .< tocsc<2sssessesetsscsSscseee 49 

1p of 3) 00) ye ee 3, 562 — 
Ota) = oe eae se ee ee 161 ain gs wre see sees) 2 see 75 
Reed fy sie e584 e5 ies ¢< 5 Son nee 188 

Butte: Sanver sate see eee eee 168 
CHICO Ree ee eee 605 Selina. jy eG ae 168 
Grid eye ee Alc cos ee eee: 110 Miscellaneous oi) 3 is cere 597 
Oroville sss ease St RE ee ae 335 
IMMISCeM ane GIS 255 a eee 171 Totalie ese ee ee eae 5, 168 

11 Bo st: ee Le RO 1, 221 || Glenn: ; 
Oram Ge ee oh 66 

Calaveras: LNG Wye ee ol I pl 185 
SanisAln dineas aaa ee eS 30 IMiscellancois sss ale ee ae 86 
IWasScellame ovis se eee 154 

Motel! 2 223) * eS eae 337 
Rotaleas ons 22 024 35 eae 184 

Colusa: ATcatg ele YoU 20 eo eee ee 148 
IAT DUGCKICS se oe ko eee ee 55 ENING Ki eee renee hk ee Sry eee ee 938° 
@olusas ee a eee 225 Rerndaleee ett ae ee 110° 
IVs cellaneouss 9. sen ose en eee 210 Scotian seer Se ee 113 

IMascellancous..20 2) 28 Ss eenee eee 390 
CANO} lave ne eer NRE Me 0 490 = 
Motaleic wait a A ee 1, 699° 

Contra Costa: ; 
BAIT LOC Ih oo ea ee eee 178 || Imperial: : 
IBSy MEOW bse. <p ee 75 Brawley sss <4 2a) okt en ees 376 
Grocketti ese 5 see 380 Calexito = 222 Ye ae 290° 
RC erritosss=no. 25 2600: eee 44 Galipatrinsss 2 ea) 2S ce Rees 61 
1M Rinne (sya ee a SE aS 7 488 HiGentroter 2222-22 a8 es eae 476 
TEMS) S rn ee RE et 450 oltyill eases oe ee ee ae 103 


TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number . Number 
County and city otmantieds County and city atraeuras 
Imperial—Continued. Los Angeles—Continued. 
MTD S he aa ee So 75 Montebello... seep eee eee 235 
Miscellaneous... =. ---2s.--6---5-058 61 Monterey) Parka seme meee ae 152 
_—_———_—— INT ONMEROSO Fo A eee pe 60 
MARI ES 2 re eee 1, 442 INIOR Walk. £ 2. 5 2 Se 128 
Romongs.. 93 = LS eee eee 832 
Inyo IRESad Ona set. eco ee eee ae MH Ue) 
MST) Se eee See oS phe 150 TEA.) 21 |) rere S30 Sai 178 
MMISCOMANCOUS. 22-2525 c5-s-555--4— 138 Redondo. wel). Soe ee 417 
Sank Diimas2 355. Sole eee 106 
TDD LED LL ces Sp MA yl ei 288 San) Gabriele: 1 weeps 392 
=== SanveRernando.2.-2 cee eee 356 
Kern: Santavks) SPLINlSs one eee ae ee 54 
HAKOTSHOELG= 2. 2 4538 o 4 sen ne 1, 966 Santa Monica 2, 395 
SRenmTAN 4 = Ass - pice Cen ee 227 
Sierra; Madres ioctl 252 
Soutihpate 2-3 ee eee 204 
Southebasadenas.. cusses 1, 311 
FRONVAN COs 2A ak eee eee 342 
AND) ie: f: oe wee eC Ee ee 79 
MGIMNGR ES oss lan eeeeer eee eee 34 
AV SUA oS SS Se rece 125 
Wihaitilier. 3.5.0 Dek se ee ee 1, 166 
Will owibtOOKos.- co 30 
. Misesilanéous=2-<. 2-51 Se ee 2, 327 
iotalame Sess sit eee 129, 896 
———— IMIR G OFA or sen Ae 223 
Lake: Miscellaneous.s<- eee eee 108 
U/DIESQYS jt eee gee ee 68 = 
MinseeNlaneOUS. 2. -—--2= -s-o2 sees ee 87 Total... .--.---------------------- 331 
Total. ------.--------------------- 155 IGRI: Walley ici 2 acts 2 300 
SaneAriselmos=s- 50a =" 2 eee 365 
Lassen: Binivnntiael Sk. 126 co)! J eee 635 
Susanville mesacke Re SSS eS oR ee 240 Sausalito oe Se Soe eee ee OEE BE 305 
“W/TAG oe oe ee EE Se 298 iVGiscellanieous=sses sone ann 583 
Winscellaneous: =. -— = --3 22 ies 5 19 az Lea 
Mie a= ek ed nes os owes: 5 HAN 557 Se aR ORRE MASE PES RT heal Oe 
Mariposa: Miscellaneous____--..--_---_- 85 
Los Angeles: ———__— 
PIA ee ees ae eS 1,420 || Mendocino: 
J AJTGEXO I op 230 Ont Blase Slee acme ee a ee 205 
ROMEO Ieee see nT 7: (Ukiaae 12325 eg ae eines Seiten 185 
GED OS a ee ee 127 IWalTS == 22> See re Pees 60 
BOIS eee ee ad ete EE 149 Mascellaneouss=saeeeee ne eee 178 
EIN) 12h a 103 
(EU ee 231 Totalathtectin cake ee Se 628 
Cb kOe ele ee ee ea 122 
TMG )SEGCIDIG Le ae a a a 18 || Merced: 
IESE MEVAEIUH SS = nee = SN se 2, 087 |! MoStBan0S. ce ea a eee 185 
US eyD IR ie RI AE REN EERE P 562 IMPOR COGS 43-1) ee eee 483 
BRPIER ENON iets == Seas 2 2 ats 307 || INiscellaneouss._ <2) 2:2 ee 473 
TORT ee ee eS 421 1 RGN 1 Ue ph a a Sl Ee Se 
| CUPL Se ee te 428 1, 141 
| TRS Oh] Sea errr 402 |} ———$—_—_——= 
| LW ee ee ee 164 || Modoc: Miscellaneous- ----------------- 131 
| El Monte 288 || Mono: Miscellaneous- --.--------------- 14 
El Segundo 146 SS 
i fbi, 22 aes 179 || Monterey: 
Go a ernie 3, 504 || KamnpeG@ity 22-2 -s= 2s aeons 91 
Shoniion, eee, 173 IMMOnCRLey eS seese- 8 eee 530 
Hawthorne_____________ ced meniche EY 123 iIPaciiic: GroVel.c-asee eee ee 243 
[inne a 221 Shit 2 eee! eee 563 
iqingine ton Park-.==-.:=......--__- 1, 188 IViiscellaneoussee ease ere = eee 543 
Lorik - 740 —————— 
ai Vaid Sees eee 119 i 0} #2 | eres ee eee 1, 970 
Ladin) 2 ie 105 ee! 
LALDS 1355) a ees 7,900 |) Napa: 
mos Angeles City. ....------.------22 88, 254 || Nagas 2) 2. See eee ole ee 530 
Laid |. er 142 St vbl elena ce 2. eee eee aa 93 
“STL Nic ar er 72 Mis cellaneousis-s2ssss55 0252525225 2 126 
Bobiynyog dees net 222k 2 22 etd 132 SS 
VILSR 2 Sa a a 34 Motel 82 shee ew een aeons teenie 749 
NUIVEITChU ae eh renee 2 Elo 5a4 |} ————— 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


‘ Number . Number 
County and city ouretunns County and city of retuna 

Nevada: San Diego: 

GrassiiValleyc oes eee asad 185 Chula Mista: 22+. == --+ =e ee 148 
INevadar@ity2sa= 2s ees Base ie ene 93 Coronados-ais- ete ede 300 
PRR CKBeS eee oe ess ab aaa 58 MI CGajonwieele ca 2e ote ee a oes 44 
INMTiScellaneOUSH seen a ee ee 93 Escondido? t-.- 22-4 2222d-nesesee see 171 
—_—_—_—— TawiViesaco eso. 3 ei ee 2 ee 92 

ARO Hs) eat pee ee ee ee IT 429 NationaliGitye=2-42- = eee 132 
QOceanside:--= == +-.4.-. 22s. ese 119 

Orange San’ Diegome=-- === 6, 387 
Aria el bees 928 Ao sae 3 alee 958 Miscellaneous 990 
Balboa eA ces oe soe oo 85 
PEG Se eee ea ee a See ee 159 oT BY 0} F621 Ua a eae 8, 383 
IBUeNS harks 22 22 Ses Lees sad 46 
TOAD UNE et Hove See ae ee 637 || San Francisco: San Francisco - ---------- 63, 256 
@ardensGroves==s-2=2-— ee ee 113 
iEiumnting ton) Beach== = 2 sos saaeees 430 || San Joaquin: ; 
agunavBeachen so eee 103 Odie Bee oie cectee et 563. 
havhabra js -—ss.5--.-2.-- eee 182 Manteca 22se2censas22sssaccteseseeee 93 
Oranges S208 Be. Fo ee ee 559 Stocktone2-22 2. 2. -. 2... 2.2 eee 3, 420 
IPIACen biases se ed ee ee ee 172 TRACY eUt sus a2 52 256 Oe eee 300: 
SantavAmas 2-222 22 eee 1, 836 Miscellaneous22==+-2==-===2-22222552 363. 
SealiiBeach 22st Ste ae eee 2 
SMUISGiNE te eee ee tee eae 83 TOtalSa: ete oe 2s ee 4, 739 
IMiscellaneous=2=--2=- eee eee 318 San Luis Obispo: 7 

Arroy or Grandeves 2222552 5sseSooeeee 
Total_---------------------------- 5, 709 DRGEINGE NG SG) <a ape ae ee pS 44 
Pasa. Roblesvet stad ssc e ses eee 152 
9295 PismoNBeac hie Mak 2a eee 27 
132 SsneWiisiObispor cases se sae eee 550: 
338 IViiscellaneousse ==) a2 sae re 175 
oe Motels eee a sults 1, 022 
HYG 12) LE eee 1,039 || San Mateo: 
Burlingamoesenesso oon eee ee 1, 21m 
Plumas: Miscellaneous! 222 22sses-2 eee" 312 Waly Cityees = s-= <a Se 110; 
; : (eValiViOOneD aye =a ee eee 43. 

Riverside: Redwood Gitye. ee 505: 
IBANNING= 42226 sae See ee eee 90 San’ Bruno se nee eee ee 73 
Beaumonts— 2222 2252 oe ee 20 San Mateo fie s* = 205" 25h es eee 1, 068 
Blythe 2.o. so oes es eee eee 79 South }Sanehranciscos sees eae 150: 
Coachella 22 2st2 ste eee 44 IMiscellaneousee -2a-. soa ee ee eee 525 
@Worong 23525 ese ee 208 
ISIN OF62.2- 2-2 ae 79 "LOA Sree oe ee eee 3, 685 
Fiemet SEARS 7 5 un OR LAE a? Ge 160 Santa Barbara: 

PORISh ooo. ke tee eee a 26 Lompoc._..------------------------- 219 
TURN CLO ee Manmade 1. 443 Santa Barbara---____-__._-________- 2, 375 
SIT AGU COU nm sane kn ane eee ea "60 Santa Waria eens 2 none e een ene 450° 
Mliscellaneous-..- 2.12.0. .eamueaael 262 Miscellaneous. ---------------------- 432° 
MRO tates a2 Soe A lee 2, 559 | Motieleenee sone oS on he 3, 476 
Santa Clara: 

Sacramento: Gilroyisen fee ee etn es ee ee 225) | 
Molson Citys 23.2 Lu 70 ios (Gatostuteccel: 22 lolces SORBED 355. | 
Sacramento- 2-2. =! eee ee I dahay May heldicc 23: Se. 2 nia eee ee 56; | 
Miscellaneous! ==.) <2) 7 2 eee 689 Mountain Viewoess.222-22 ee 185, 

PalovAl toss eiass-- 22-2533. 
Motel! ss.<2 252: 2.22 se eee 6, 316 San Josete Sessa sete os eee 
San Benito: Santa Clara_.__-...-.---...-------.- 
FROMISterse Le 225 ee a 5 A 338 Sunnyvale —-- 22-22 =---=255222s2—on 
Wiiscellaneousss 2+.) sles saa 102 Miscellaneous 
sii wet ot LS 2, eee 440 Total -<.-.---2-2-22—22-cenaasoe 
San Bernardino: Santa Cruz: : 
TETSU G Wea et ole a = he a 91 Santa Cruz__..---------------------- 
Ginoe eee ak lee eee 102 Wists onal @he = enn eee 
Golionee nha tt a 167 Miscellaneous 
Weadles 2a: <¥2i 5 Sn 7 2 eee 251 
Ontanoeee ee tbe he eae 506 Total _ ---.-...-.---------------==- 
IRA GAINS =A) eae 2 a ee 936 || Shasta: 
ULI OME oe seb eta ke a 79 Andersonee fede ee eee ae ee ee 
San Bernardino 1, 184 | Redding sss sees- sees 
Upland 310 | Miscellaneous 
Victorville 43 | 
Miscellaneous ..202 22 elie ae 728 Motales aes eels oho ea 453 
ree onl || 
Cant Naa ee CP PINS LA 4,397 || Sierra: Miscellaneous-....-.------------ 107 



TaBuE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number . Number 
County and city of reruns County and city eisenliras 
Siskiyou: Trinity: Miscellaneous_---..-..--------- 40 
WRIST eet te ee ee 280 SSS = 
Oo) al. eee 150 || Tulare: 
“SY CTI pa a a 83 DINWD as = 22-232 = ee eee ee 168. 
MAISCENANGOUS.2------—-saceeecacec=2 531 MOOD: <2- 22.22 185 
Windsay2o22. 2 ee 308 
‘Terigil es see ee ee 1, 044 porenyille ere es ie 3) Ne 370: 
i Ware: 2.2 2 > a eee eee 370 
Ben: in ea Misa ores. |) oven So 505 
Baas 2s, SERIE ATTA, gly OS, BEREENRNGOUS,-----—- agen 20 
Lad) (ASE Se eee 
Vacaville oe ae ae ra IR he ie 06.) ee eas 2, 185. 
ieee ts eo Se dL P 
MihiscelaneOus-=..—s---52ss-cs5=-5255 438 ppc ruue: there ss tneet Sree 185, 
C0 ft pe ne eee 1, 945 Wiscellancous: 2222252 =55=sen eee 247 
po ldsbure ae Total. --------------------------- 432 
‘etaluma---_-_- 3 
Santa Rosa---- 823 enum ore 239: 
BEDASLODO] 2o22222ss25sc-ca-= 155 iglesia 116 
Miscellaneous Bie eee 7S 7 a ea NR Sed NCATE SOF 5 | 431 
"CEST Es a ee a 2, 442 Bene Paula <2 ea See aly 
a ’ —— ALICOV=2-2- ss-25—. 5 eee 2 
es: ae (Ci em 827 1, 147 
Newman 222-22 22-2-----------0--- 263 Miscellaneous--_-------------------- 323 
Midal Oscar oe ooo se canes aoe oes 
REP hee ANA is PSL en ave sla has get 300 Wotala 225555 2225-53555 2, 698 
Mins cCellaneOUSs2-22s<3 2225322024504 388 Yola: 
"TERE ns es mre tl eee ene anny 2, 058 Woodland; 22-25-2202... 390: 
Sutter: Le, rm Miscellaneous. sc. s=22 =~ -22e2ss22- 475 
iV FEA Of A eg a 
MvEIScellaneous.:=22-22-22-2222322--8 =. ile RIES Total----------------------------- 865 
443 || Yuba: 
Wiser sVilles ss. 202 eo. ce eee eee aes 635 
99 Miscellaneouse seas eee 114 
or ofall... $2 5s a 749 
398 State: total. 2-2 eee 351, 566. 
_ Adams: Bent: 
Brighton 83 MgstAmimas®. i220 0 ae eens 117 
Miscellaneous 95 Miscellaneous 28 
CT ae i ee ee ae 178 ‘Rotalsss— Sooo eee ee 145 
F Boulder: 
en Sees “ie a EN aT 469 
"EIDE REE Oe Ee Oe Mafayettes co -- = eee ees 27 
Ce q iponemont: < ..22c-c een ae 246 
Monisevilie s. =~. eee 26 
Total. .--------------------------- 194 IMEiScellancous.~-=2- ee ee 37 
. Arapahoe: 
| 1. LES ais oe Mae ee ee 109 Total.....--.--------------------- 805 
LLG eae 118 || Chaffee: 3 
MBAECHATICOUS. 1-22 ee 37 alias. Sere eee aise 233 
iviiscellaneous! f2 2 eee ee 25 
DML: 33 Saha Seen a ae eee 264 
NOUS wets re oe een a 258 
“Haee BDRM GS eee eee need 25 || Cheyenne: Miscellaneous___-_--._-_-__- 31 
iscellaneous eee ee eee ee ea sae 5 Clear, Creek : SSS 
sho’ Springs =2=-- ee ee 32 
Total. -.---------.---------------- 30 IMiscelianeous:-.= 2-2 ee eee 9 
Baca: Miscellaneous___________________- | 23 otal. .o = se ween ns ee as 41 


TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 

distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

County and cit Number County and cit Number 
v of returns (OUTLES) v of returns 
Conejos: Miscellaneous-.---__---__-__-- 63 || La Plata: 
Costilla: Miscellaneous. -.----...-..___-- 21 Durango s2se sss ae ee 204 
Miscellangousi2.<-2.:22.2 2 eee 29 
Ondiway an Saas oe se 37 "Totals aaa a 2 a | 2338 
IMuscellaneous22= 22252 ssa ee 23 
TO tal ep pia Se Ss fe kee oy oe et 60 POON S25 452 aos ee ee ees 5505 
Bovelandiets. 522. 0. *< — 3.5 eee 163 
@uster; Miscellanecouse.-+_ 2.2 eee 38 IMiiscellaneoustee = so. 22 eee eee 157 
Delta: ‘ROvaIS Been. S25 e ee 870 
TENG) iets Mae Da Se a Ee een 107 
MinScellaneOUS#= 2-5 ho bak a oes See 95 || Las Animas: 
pA ee es eee eee 21 
Motel ascot sss nasctoccsee ee 202 Wel APU Rees ss a5 2 < - 5s 5a tase ee 33 
rinid dete sso. 2. 4a See eee 435 
Denver wOCMV Cl. soso as 16, 244 IMiiScellan@oush= =~ 322 ae 191 
oloress Wuiscellaneous:.--...-- 30 
Douglas: Miscellaneous___.._.__________ 63 ROG AI Reese ot 8 pe 680 
Eagle: Miscellaneous_-..-.-..--.-.-.---- 106 
Elbert: Miscellaneous-=-2222252.2-2o252- 33 || Lincoln: 
== GONE Meee Perko ne ee ae ee 39 
E] Paso: Miscellaneous=.22--2--8s--.- 60 
Colorado Springs 1, 852 
Manitoul.---------.-- 54 TOPE = eee © NTU eee 99 
Miscellaneous! =.= eee 86 
TOtall- sce sae sta es el de 1, 992 Steg o= erste te een ee 273 
Miscellaneous==-==- =<. eee 60 
Fremont: = 
Canon Citys See ee 241 Motalle css eee ooo ee ee 333 
Mlorenc@- 4. = sa es Se 124 
ROCK Vale=c 22 ee ee ee ob. Lees 5 || Mesa 
Miscellaneouss2-= 22  ee 39 Wn ilitisy Reg een oe 2 2 oe Se ee 26 
Grand Jum conse = 2-5 2- eee 429 
Mo tale Soar ee oe Jeera 409 IMNsScellaneouseee ==" 522-525 2555 ae 97 
Garfield: 0 ta) ee ee A) eee 552 
Glenwood! Springs-2-=2=-2 == ee 123 = 
Miscellaneous tenn soe rere 101 || Mineral: Miscellaneous.___----------_-- il 
Motalick is eee 224 || Moffat: 
Craig Seana Se 38 fo An ee 70 
Gilpin IMiscellancouss-=-- see eeaeeee ily IMiscellansousse== 22-2225. 5s -e 22 
Grand: Miscellaneouses=-2 ses 65 
ee TROUAIE Pate er ee ee eS ee 92 
Gunnison ; 
Crested Butte sete oa See 34 || Montezuma: Miscellaneous-_----.------- 108 
Gummisontes es Sa. See ae 120 
Miscellaneouss 25a sesso er eeets 64 || Montrose: 
Montrose. eee 155 
FINO G EUS eee ees SNe Ne ES ee 218 IVETSCOM AM ROUSE eae soe ees 43 
Hinsdale: Miscellaneous____._._-___--_- 4 ROUGH Sat cues chee SU ee 198 
Huerfano: Morgan: 
Wis Sen DUNE. 2. ee el 165 BUS tn steer ey on ooo 2 i 113 
Miscellaneous. 25025 2 eae ee 142 Mort. wNiOr sane, 2 eee 237 
Miscellameousseee a = es 52 
“I BYO) (7) (2 ge DE Pe BO Soe Ae 307 ————— 
IE\ otal ere er ee 402 
Jackson: Miscellaneous-_--_.....-.-__--- 47 
Otero , 
Jefferson: PowWilothetece eet 28 
(GOL BRR pte 9 oer onl 117 Da Incas (see A. ee ee es 322 
INTISCEMISHC ONS! = 2222 24s. - eee ee 233 Rocky jMords-2=—* 2. ose eee 142 
NEISCENEMeOUSE === — We 2 eee 35 
MOUs coeee he ee oi ee 350 aaa 
MNGtal eas =e bee eae eee 527 
Kiowa: Miscellaneous___-.._.....__.--.- 17 
Kit Carson: Miscellaneous______-_-_-_-- 71 || Ouray: 
Ouray eeesete tess ehee eee ee oe 34 
Lake: IWihiscelfancousi 232 See ee 16 
Theddwilleee ees eee tae ee Lee ee ae 237 
Minscelianeous=222- 2 ee ee 15 Ope rs to ee ee 50 
MOtaletete twee Mee ete kl ee) ea 952 Park: Moiscella@ne0US=.s-0cee=] ae eee ene 36 

TS De Ww 

DOS eT eS Se ees 2. 



Taste 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city eels County and city Hunsber. 
Phillips: San Miguel: 
SG eee ee ae 38 Moelluride:. 2-255. 2o-sceccSea esse e es 67 
Lo he SGC) ees ae nee ee 36 Miuscellancous!. 322-22 Se Soe ees 65 
PUSCOMaAncouUS. 2... 2->-~-a<-<as5e<2) Uh 
Total-w sas Seale ee eS 132 
4G) See roe 81 = 
an Sedgwick: 
ee eas o Talesbure <= eee 53 
3 Miascellaneous == ssenee sense eee 30 
32 HMO} he sceiocncackonetends 83 
o1 Summit: Miscellaneous.......--.------- 39 
ee Teller: 
Cripple Creek... 48 
296 Wieionesaneceoe 78 
re Miscellaneous 8 
1, 685 (pO tale <x 3 accce Roe ee see ee 134 
LN) i) Ee ee eee ee 1, 728 Aion dpa: ne, Sah ta Alone a 41 
Miscellaneous-ss- ~2 2222 sseesos eee 1 
‘Rio Blanco: Miscellaneous_--...--.--.-- 56 aie 3: 
Rio Grande: 
MEIPNOLtO.. 2 ccassaccaccceasaseasse- 68 
Lene NAR See ee oe 233 
Minscellaneous-—>...-----=--==--4--2- 2 
SNOT Ale ene e en fees. She eet Seo et 303 
Steamboat Springs..........-----.--- 49 
PVISCOUANOOUS saa o soe oe oases 114 
Wins eh 9 parce cee ce 163 
Saguache: Miscellaneous. ...-..-..--.--- 183 
San Juan: 
SGU el ae eer 34 |; 
PMIINCEANOOUS: -.-sesseee st akenc oa 112 
Ua 146 
Fairfield: Hartford—Continued. 
ne no See SSE Eee 152 IBtirlingtons=-- o-oo cee eee eee 1 
IB EMON Gee a co ce ee eae 7, 224 G@anton...--acscce cc cese sence eee ast 79 
LS Ch eee ee 1,510 Hast Graupy..2..3-2-s2oseceneee ae 22 
TOOT a a eee 371 ast Murtiords -2 222 - se eee eee | 547 
Antic) (| ei SS ees eee 527 Hast WindSObs scessoueeoe cece eeee 131 
PSL WORSE eee 2, 227 |) LOCH) (6 ee eee ein | 400 
on a ees ea 36 Marmingtone: - = 20 one ee aoe enen 316 
OWRUANAAN.---- 360 Glastonburyeas coe ccoeee eee eee eee 251 
AT a7 a ma Pa eee 197 RAT yy oO soe Saas eee 33 
Sup cil ee eee 1, 671 anor eats. ee 12, 138 
PRIMING Ss oo os4-2--sssnesennnes- 36 || Mia Chestete == n= saan e eee anaen ean | 986 
TUDO UITLST (Lepage eee 87 INewabritains.25. eo eee eee 2, 818 
SUG TT. 2 ei Se eee 416 Newington... 5.252 oceee sence es | 67 
nt Sa eee 2, 430 Mainvillets.. sosseneeeesseekenencsse | 219 
CL SiG ty hee aa te lees ada 581 Roly; ail. ee eee 8 56 
USS toa | aS ee 27 Simsbury = -w2ec sent te eecccetkeowes | 196 
UMS) Teh eee 380 Southington’ 2=-222 ses eae en 291 
A Oh Se 111 South: Windsornees eee eres esee ee 52 
REE TICOUS 2. = en nt 27 Suffield-- 222.6 e eee ee ee 147 
‘West/Hartfordi-222 tec eee | 2,449 
OD OYAD) 2 ost tea ae Mel el ileal etary eee 18, 280 Wethersfield; 222 eee ceed 427 
Windsor <= =<-=-2 Soe Sake ec 345 
Hartford WindsorLocks¥e as Sa 162 
NQ0..6 a 40 MMUISCelaneOUS Sasa s sens ones onan senee 24 
EAD LUD ae 3 Sa a a 140 
ESGTUTETUG (a eae a eben 64 en Oba os 3222 eee neensoseenes 23, 583 
Dy suit oa 1, 182 | 


Tas LE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued — 



- Number c Numb 
County and city perahinds County and city ane ota 
Litchfield: New Haven—Continued. 
Ierwinton 222 oocss Shee eee 1 Wallin gfordtisaoi- a eee 667 
Qo see eee ease ses oe erased 61 Waterburyio ik eee ee 4, 818 
LEC ous) Yo ees ee ee ee 195 West Haventes ooo.) Soe Sean 996 
News Hartford sees sane neeeaneenene 47 Wioo0dbridpess soso en eee 43 
INe we Mialfor dios ss sess ue oe acces 239 IMUScell ames ae nn enn 6 
Norte ee a 103 ae 
OrthiGansane ee ee ee 111 FROGAN Seam oe oe 7 ee 23 
PU yanOUt hese eee cea LES 133 ae 
Salisbunye sas ee eee ee are 177 || New London: 
SH Sro nee eee ee Pek 59 Colehesters=2 == eS eee 30 
FINITOTMASLOM As ee ae pens cee ce eee 191 (MaStalsyimessece sca ao ae eee | 49 
Morning ton estes oon ne ete Dene 921 Groton ee ee 209 
WWASHIn Pe tOR ese seven enone See re 95 Jewett City and Griswold-___..-...-- 137 
NVATORUO Wile eee ee ween 2s ee 368 Tebanonteo ss eee 5 
Winsted eee oset 222 a eee 430 Ledyard 11 
Woodbury 74 Montville 63 
Miscellaneous 103 New London 1, 566 
North Stonington- 7 
FTN Gea See EE IN 3, 308 Norwich 1,396 | 
Spraguese seen oa ee ee eee 77 
Middlesex: Stouinoionteetss oS ae 353 
Chester! =—-— =< se eee 63 Wiaterford tes. en ee See SL 
Glintona. 52253 sea52 seo e 2 occ sae 70 MUS cellameatnsmee ec cane ae 123 
@romiwelle 2-22 esa eee 68 
Masta aad anaes: sie ee nee 5 cere 58 Rotel esse oo a cae eee 4, 107 
Haslam ptonses--- see a= =e ee 112 
BE SSC ae ape ae Bee a 132 || Tolland: 
Haddam asses to setae ee Cee 40 Coventry<cecesate ut cele 24 
Mid diletieldita2 2 ea ae ea 27 Billington! ae Se ee 16 
Vii GletOWMe a oes a eae eee | 1, 046 Man Sfie] dais) =e eee 25 
OldiSaivi brooke sean en ae sere eaten 66 Rockville and Vernon_.------------- 322 
orblamd sues eae ree ee gee 168 SOMCrS een enn au eee 40 
Savbnoo ke est ene eet eeen mo eee 114 Staffordeisseess 2... -- lee 108 
Vin SCellanOOUS see sane eee oe eee 54 Mollandze eases So) le Sees 12 
Willing tonmessee ss a ee ee eee 29 
TT otalise ates fs ee ee 2, 018 IMEISCeLIE TC OUS tn soe een eee 41 
New Haven: Totalese sect tes 2 ee eee 617 
IAMISONIAee ee ee etc eee oe tee ene 846 
Bea cone alls heee = eas tanee eee 42 || Windham: 
Branton sees ee ee Ae, Se ee 396 Brooklyneeee! ee 4 ee eee 15 
Gheshires eee ere eee 140 Danielson and Killingly__.....__--- 309 
WW Erb Vern ee ees DOE as SLATS 491 ‘Plaitifielde ee ss ae See 171 
Hast Havens. eee con ee name cee 197 Pomifreta eee oes ten Leet ete 56 
Gail ford eee ee ee ee 121 Putnam hes ee se oss cee eee 267 
Je lheovo (syalepaes | CS eee 492 Sterling! ee eee 22 
Madison. 2-22 so oe 25 ef Us 2 SES 69 |) hom psonvetetes Leet ke ee eee 75 
Mier den 24228 vist 2h ls ees 1, 979 Willimantic and Windham_--_-_-__--_- 516 
IMM Gale tiny ae ee ee Ree 48 Woodstock. Sesse tev eee Seren 19 
IV Ord Sete eee oe 508 Miscellameouss-25 22252 Seas aaah eee 33. 
INalgatiickit S42ehe< 222s 2 eee 659 
New Havent ot: se ees eee 10, 629 otal lees Sea eee e 2 eh oa eae 1, 483 
North Brantford! 2262s saa ee 29 
North) Haven! *=<2-==2 eee 115 || Miscellaneous for State: 
Orangeke 22 ete Oe ae en ee 48 Residents of other States__....-.-.-- 736 
Seymours elie = Leone eee ee 278 
Southbury_22 eS eee 29 Statetotalits-6-. cess, 2 ee 77, 778 
Kent New Castle: 
10 @laymont=-¢) 2). eee 149 
40 Delaware:City 2s. 2tease nee eeneee 33 
323 i DY0 (-<:) 0000) Pace ape ena a ete 58 
21 Ml MhUTse eta See ee ee 17 
13 WB smierete ne one os see ae eee 54 
47 Pillerest he een Ses ees lea ees 4 
76 Oly Od es aa ee es 40 
27 Marshallton] 22s een ieee eee ee aes 63 
31 Middletowneeenocoseseneeeeoeeeees 100 
INewankseete: SoA bees eee 212 
588 New Gastle=2tiitat: at antes eee 133 
INewporte cone esse seeces ce seteeeesse 51 



TaBLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

A Number . Number 
County and city Gi returns County and city Giretnmdis 
New Castle—Continued. Sussex—Continued. 
mienardson bark =—-- 22-62. 2 - 2ea 39 HeAUrClee oo nos eee 66 
Townsend --_- 61 Lewes.-_- 152 
Wilmington_- 6, 678 Milford = oo) 552 eae eaaee 163 
Morklyn....--_ 19 Molishboro =< Sse 2 eee 16 
MHSeHlANCOUS= secs lc acce a occ c coe 233 IMGiGON 22. So ae 21 
IRGHODOtD ces coe ca ene 29 
(Me ee ee eee or 7, 899 Seaford =< sees hae Oe 84 
= Selbyville. 22 2 2= = 2 ee 27 
juSsSeXx: Miscellaneous: <2 22 eee 42 
igvoville tenes a eae ee 49 
CTA ee a ea eee 56 Total2-<3-..2).. ee 779 
ECT E TO ee ee ee ee 52 == 
MeECOMWOGU er yaree ene ek oe 22 State totale *=22_ =: 9, 266 
: Number 
City of returns 
(ENTERS) CTT a) eta te ele be ere. eee a a ee ieee ie 39, 560 
‘ Number . Number 
County and city iGfiret unis County and city Giiatusas 
Alachua: Charlotte: 
PEeMMESVUGte tates kc See a es See 299 Punta Gorda:--2 222202. toe eee 86 
SER SSyoy ba ene es Ra ES See 28 Miscellaneous: 225-co 23-2 eee | 5 
MUMISEOLIATOOUS seen oceen cence eset en. 83 
Motel coc tscckeeasceccee sense 91 
“ENO a niet ls pa pty ld Se ela eee 410 Citrus: 
ae AVERNOSS = os ata eee eer 43 
Baker: Miscellaneous.........-.-.------ 19 NGSEAliT Goris ae 36 
ee 4 Total_-------.-------------------- 79 
Panama City .......- pie see a 08 98 || Clay: 
MOISE TICOUIS eee nee eee eee ese 22 Green Cove Springs_.........--.-.-.- 69 
Miscellaneous=22=22-242 ssn eee et 28 
“DG ee ee eee 124 
Toba G2" Sea ee 97 
Citi 2th. <a eS 49 || Collier: Miscellaneous_........-...-....- 36 
“CLE SYEVE LG Ya G00 aa 11 Golumbin: 
hakerOrtys- ee Lo eon ceeeeene 139 
Total__.-.-.---------------------- 60 IMiiscellaneGns = aeawe auenen name 13 
oS) Sree 154 el 10) Ct (aa i A ed eee 152 
PINON > an sen en ee kon can 124 | Dade: 
OO SW ee 106 IBWeHALVAStAL <2. os soe soe se oe 15 
MINEO ANOOUS 2 ene cote fee ee 118 CoconuttGrovess 2s22seeke sees] 209 
@oranGables.. 22. 2a es ee 569 
“UN TTEY petals Sd tied cate apa Ae eg 502 bales! o 2 eee ees 76 
Homestead’: s22ss22s 2522 seee asec rose 79 
Sroward Demon’ City” ss sess 52252 ee 18 
LOTLOT ee 38 ittie River2s=) 2252s seas ee 38. 
Monilauderdale..-....-.--=-ss<.-- 414 Misinitess:2sv2escneseeue eI 5, 424 
SENET eee ee Ae te ee 209 Miami Beach? sss2sees senses 5 22) 569 
2 TLE ea eT aa 44 Miscellaneous 22522252252222- 2k 108 
ou tall bat 18 
Total sis 2222 See 7, 105 
Total ----------------------------- 723 De Gunes fa 
Yalhoun: a 
Mlonnistown...----2--2---2-2.-2--- 7 Miscellaneous...---<-2---2--seeccas 13. 
MUSCOMANGOUS® 22 .-sac2-2--s2s0-225 5 UNG) 1 ea ne eek ee ee 152 
(US) = 35a ees 22) || Dixie: Miscellaneous=-..--222<-2.s-=---- 13: 


TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 




County and city of returns 

Jackson villesce Ss) >a See 6, 241 
SouthwJacksonvillessssetee seen ee ee 258 
Miscellaneous seco ae ee oa 149 
UA Ba) bee ee eae 6, 648 
leteyatefs ea) (aa Ae Ee ee eae 1, 036 
Miascellaneouss) 2s eee Nee 49 
ABO) 1 ee A ae a ea 1, 085 
Flagler: Miscellaneous. .......---------- 23 
Ainalachicolas=22-2-+----s-ce eee eeeee 56 
Carrabelle ets seen eee 8 
Mnascellaneous sees ase ee oneeeee oes 2 
Motels? 2S Jso cles See es 66 
Oniney en ee ee a 137 
Miscellaneous... =.= 22-2oc cece ces 49 
Ota seen ee an meee aare eae ene 186 
Gilchrist: Miscellaneous. ...........---- 13 
Glades: Miscellaneous.......----------- 8 
Gulf Wiiscallaneous:22---¢ceen-ceeeeeeee 13 
Wiauchule-22284 22222252222 ees 89 
WViScellaneous es sent teen ens See 24 
ti May ob ae a ge Se 113 
Hendry: Miscellaneous.......-.-.-.---- 28 
Brookswillete soc nen ae eee eee 78 
Miscellaneous: <--2ooicecekeee see... 1 
OLAS ee cake sete Sik ee eee cee 79 
ACO (Parkes anes 2k Pasa ae aes a 69 
Sebring 22 ses hess ces tetas 119 
Miscellanéous:2a225 so ee eee 12 
oA Wo) rf) Cm a RP eel mn ade Lh 200 
Plant Citys oe ee eee ee eee 188 
Port amps Cilly ane noe cee nee 36 
PRADA sve eee ec eae Seog ne 5, 126 
Vest Ram pale. <2 oo ee ee 23 
MIDOMG@IGV ao sence ee ee 56 
MiisCelaneOUS..-2.sc5. neces meee 94 
WROUA ao ek Sea ein 5, 523 
IBOnI fay eeet eas ks eee 19 
Miscellaneous: o..2sesi cece enoneee 6 
ROTA een ate fate ce eee 25 


ounty and city 

Indian River: 


Marianna. 52 os oe eee 

Lafayette: Miscellaneous-...-..-.-.-.-. 


Ipeesbunteeeene eos. on eon nee eee 


MOG versasc=s sos ecusseeea eee 
Miscellaneous=....=25. 2225 22 


levy: Miscellaneous------2-es-seeeseese 

Liberty: Miscellaneous. -..._-.-..-.----- 



Bradentonessisc-scaccccnce te saeee 



Number © 
of returns 


gle lales 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Number : Number 
County and city ib couneris County and city abrobuviia 

Nassau: St. Johns: 

MABHANGING: 2200 802s 2 Sat, 84 DterAmenstines «2-2 ee 659 
Miuiscellaneous:— 2 —— —-—- 5 ecco 21 Muscellancéoust: 222222 esas a ers 129 
“LD 8? UC Sa ee, 105 TOURS =. 3 2 oe 788 

Okaloosa: Miscellaneous.--.....-------- 34 || St. Lucie: 

Mort Elerce ss 22-3 Sasa sees R onde 248 

Okeechobee: IVEIScelaneous! ==. 522 ees 16 
Mkcechohee essence 2-s4sa-55s55c5 59 
BTISCONANGOUS: 5255.5 5<555s5s2--5=0—4 fy ROH Ss. c32 225s ske se eee een 264 

NO): ES ee ee ee 66 || Santa Rosa: 
MiltOnS.. . oo cates seeks ees 49 

Orange: IMisceliarigouss=- 22522 see ene 15 
GG sb ee 1, 491 
VFCEUICS) oC OE 8 is (5 a ea a ee 89 |) J No): | ere scene 64 
“VFTITET REY ET BG 7 ec aa ee a 211 | 
MMEScollanoOOUSs: <2 - 52s 0522-2 k nod 139 || Sarasota: 

SAlasova.--.-- lise cose ercseaeeemees 459 
PNG ee owe nn oe aoe 1, 930 | Miscellaneous_---------=-- 2 <2 = ice 78 

oe api Vo es ns 99 Total---.----------------.-------- 537 
t OUGS S22 lowese¥s coeeecs sees) 26 : 

Fanallaviaa qaeeneane Seminole: 
me Miscellaneous: -.-.-=----.-----.---.-- 18 | Sanified: ot connie 378 
TTF alee wo 143 | Miscellaneous 79 

Palm Beach: Notas eo a Pee 457 
TOS EEE aa a a 104 | 
IL A/G 0 ee ee er 133 || Sumter: Miscellaneous-.-.....-......._.. 68 
Pimp esehcss —) ooo eco et aeh a= 369 
Wwesivealm Beach 2.2. ----.--.-- 1,022 || Suwanee: 

BnSCAlAnNbOUSserec eee esse tek 110 ive Oak 32. l2sc222 ssc S2 sere eee 7 
Miscellaneous: ==-.=2225. 2252225 13 
Mgt dlesct=seesses ns Soe 1, 738 | 
Pasco: i| Totals nei clits ntcese ee eee 91 
LENG GOS ee 59 | 
F Taylor: 
Pets COMA TICOUS! = 25 ho Ss ese 86 Tf ok aD IEEE ys 58 
Tigict ee ee 145 | Miscellaneous------------------____- 13 

Pinellas: Rotel 22.522 eee eee 71 
CLEVES 3) gS a 409 
PINTO CHIAM ene eet Lone ee en 63 || Union: Miscellaneous_------------------ 19 
BEE eLersburg 55. - ~~. 2, 636 
Tarpon Springs 102 || Volusia: 
mascellaneguse-s=. 29 2 22 ses! 125 | Wa ytONG: 2..-2-2--s5 sco so eee eeeees 857 

Melange: o- 2 eae eee eee 389 
LUG SS ee eee 3, 335 | INeowiSmiyrmasc:> 2224-2 ee) eee ee 136 

Polk: | IMiscellancouS:. 22-2 -- sso 5sse-eeee eee 113 
Beata Tota 1,495 
eer eo Aaa SUT eee a re Wakulla: Miscellaneous__-._....--.---- 4 
LESH GLa eye aS ea 596 | 

ee AB os) DerMuniak Springs 2a. et 58 
tte avon aia | IMiseclianieous=s2ss: naan ee emeanet 13 
TMs Nate at ea te a | ———__—_ 
Miiscellaneous..- 2. -.-.--.22- << 208 mae... os ee ew ee 71 
Total. ------.--------------------- | 1, 714 | Washington: 

Putnam: | Chipleycsa/<. ses ese ee ees 24 
URC Op a ee ee 41 || Miscellaneous.._.-.------.-_-.-...-.. 6 
eee lait 249 || Zs 
JJihnilint er 49 | otal 222 22oSeeeeee seen eee ae 30 

LO ae eee een 339 Statetotals—ssssves bee 2 40, 080 


TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 


WiillaCooecheGhassa: seen e eee keene 

Milledeevillets 22222 a ee ne eee 
IVUISCOaTIOOUSS=20 2 cans ENeee eee? 

BenvEtlisehitz coral dea ss =a eee ee 


pleckley: Cochran. ae een ees 

Brantley: Miscellaneous 


Bryans Wvliscellancouss-<------ 2. oan 

Slstesboromes- 236 2262 Jee 

Whiscellaneous: os 220k See eas 

Number * 
Sf RECs County and city 
33 | Jackson 
3 Miscellaneous 
36 Total 
|| Calhoun: 
if SATIN OL ONS ene eee ee ee 
8 Miscellaneous!:2234 22] 
15 Totalussecsss222ekzceaices eee 
Camden: Miscellaneous_.........------- 
1 || Campbell: 
Mair burn=t oe: ss 24 22S2 2222822 
9 Miscellaneous:22222222222 ee 
2 Totalliass sss 4:~ 22222. e 
Candler: Miscellaneous................- 
1 || Carroll: 
Bow dentseses5 62-522 2s tS eee eee 
90 Carrolltomes2 2282022" 5-252 eee 
Willa Riche esos Laat o) sane ee eee 
1 Miscellaneous ss--- 255) shea ee 
Totaltaee oe. 22 ee 
2 + Catoosa: Miscellaneous_-...........-__- 
Charlton: Miscellaneous-_-._........-_-- 
Savannahtns ee 22 ee eee 
2 Miscellameous2=222 =222-422332 22a 
15 TOtal eaten teed She Sek 
135 || Chattahoochee: Miscellaneous-----_---- 
100 || Chattooga: 
Summierville: 22. =.= 2 eee 
Trion Sees ee Ss Sew exns 2h. hada eng 
11 Miscellaneous fess 2a 52225 see ee 
Totals stzs2!ssc2 i= sss See 
Cantonsee eases as sss eenstee ee eee 
2,195 Miscellancous2s22=) 2 3) BS 
14 te 
6 Bo) 21 ee 9 Sd ra a eh eS Sot 
2, 209 
29 Atibensteeen. wore ate AVE 
Miscellancoussii2 22222 coe ta ee 
Notalzs23- se 6 oo 6 ee 
(ouleClaycenhonn Gaines ==2225--—2-5=seaeeee 
81 Jonesboroe=s22=.. sc-- 2s 
Miscellaneousii2 Sa eee 
Totalwycsiesa235 322 5235254 =se eee 
er i| Clinch: Miscellaneous. .........-.-.---- 
76 AGworthsc2ot 7 2- Aos eee 
Miarieita= ous eee 
89 Roswelll2 reese? [oes eee 
112 Totalssoceecsa este eee eee 



os ial 







TaBLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city aah County and city 
Coffee: Early: 
IRE OGL, 22 ee eee 67 Blakély-- 2 5553s ee 
NRPRMATIOOUS=— +. cacscovss Stee eee 9 Miscellancous:.. 2: 222 aa 
(ODDS =o ee ee | 76 Ota. = 5 ccsccse ante ee 
Colquitt: Hchalssefiscellaneous 22 2-s-- eee e ee aaee 
“Tea (UCD ee ae ei eRe |b sg 97 || Effingham: Miscellaneous_----.-------- 
MuscolaneOUS-. 2 -<sencs2 Seek 20 
iil...) ee eee 117 Elberton: .. =<. 9-2. = 
WMascellaneous:o<.5 25 <= see eee 
Columbia: Miscellaneous--.........---- 13 
Motal) 325.35 32=2. eee 
is Hill 22 ee ee 3 2a 9 |} Emanuel: 
MSCcellsneous: —=-2-.-_...-.- 5222s 4 Swainsboro. ..=..-.-=. =... ee 
Miscellaneous. 5.25222 eee 
“NEETU. Se eee & 13 
Motalle = 2525 55 5udscenawecneeeeee 
Paereraryi ll at = ee te 22 oe eee ee 16 || Evans: 
Newnan 173 @laxton’ 3s iii eS eee 
Miscellaneous 8 Miscellaneous! 22252522 ee 
“TST ig a cathe 1 Pie id oes a St Sa 197 Motel esse sa Se eee 
Crawford: Miscellaneous_..........--.-- 3 || Fannin: Miscellaneous__........-------- 
Fayette: Miscellaneous. -.--.-...--.----- 
fearneletee..- =  _.. patisitiralPare: 4: 129 || Floyd: 
MWHSCEUANICOUS. .2—-.---0--282Gee2eeu 4 Minds Case 2 Seo ee 
Rome. ase =e eee 
DUD = Se 133 || MaSceIlanGOUS!2=- 2205. 222-8 eee 
Dade: Miscellaneous_..-..........------ 4 TRG UA eer ee) 5a eee 
Decatur: | Forsyth: Miscellaneous-......-.--...-_- 
CE EDIE NEG (eg) 136 || 
MiScellanoous._.--=-2-22ulLel vce Le. 23 || Franklin: 
——_—_———— Ganone es 2220 ceocoes see eae aoee eee 
CH =e TS ES eee ee 159 WavOnin~ = 222 aoe eee 
Royston = 5 ee ab eee 
De Kalb: Miscellancous=. 2222222122): See 
(DELUDED oe al ee I ee ey 579 
Ln eee 1 "Tot ll te ene 2 OS ee ee ee 
LO rt a EE EE eT 22 
euarevtountain.—....--=-=---.-=-=- 22 || Fulton: 
MMISCONATICOUS. << --n--<----o-en---2 139 PAST ope a 2k rte tse ere nee 
Ghaitahoochet- a2 === eee 
TEAS La a 2 OT Ey 2 ee ie Ee 763 @ollevev Park ==. Sa 
BasnPoint=-<~ 2-222 eo: ee 
Dodge ape wile. ooo cs eae ae 
PRM AM een oo Sa we enna ee 39 Miscellaneouss=.22 22a eee 
AVINSColaAn@OUS. <= —as2-22-<a2c5 kk 4 
RO tal ars ee ane ee ee ee 
DDL 5 ee ert 43 
Gilmer: Miscellaneous-.......--..------ 
Dooly: Glascock: Miscellaneous. --------------- 
Peeritne etfs oe 2 sce cc oso sc 12 
_ NEG. i re een 16 || Glynn: 
MiNeallAnCOUS:=...-—.---s---ceecees- 7 IBTuMS WICK 225-2 2-8 =e eo eee 
WiiseellanecouS2.= =-22s22sssseeoe eae 
UR eee es ent 35 
a Motaly.~ ..----en—-—enenseeoe eo 
gherty: - 
abany emp a le sty os ee et 560 Bee 
Iscellaneous.---------------------- 10 IMbiscellaneousS2:-.2. 5-8 Se ee 
Bieler se ey ahead 570 BOT. See 
Douglas: Grady: 
igh 15 | @aing tone oe oe ae 
Shubin ee 3 IMiIScellaneOUSicc sneer ewe an aes 
TN Ell 2 es SE 18 otal. 1 coe ees 

of returns 



Tas iE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

. Number . Number 
County and city Stratis County and city of returng 
Greene: Jenkins: 
Greensboro’ = <5 25-5-2 =e ae 25 Millen. a2 oe ea ae 56 
Unionyeoints= sess 7 Miscellaneous... --..-=-n—.seseneee 5 
Miscellaneous 3 
Motels 22s oe ee os 8 ee 61 
Rotaley sc sas Sace es eee heer eS 35 

Gwinnett Wrightsville: = ee 13 
TRATED) £0 ter Pe pea ae ene re pea 32 Miscellaneous. ——=-—-_--_ = ase 1 
Mawrenceville:.so22 20 eee es Ses 20 ed 
Miscellaneous!=-22 22235-2255... 2s 33 To tale ses ete 2 ee 14 

Motalei ss sae sosseseseeslcedse 2c 85 || Jones: Miscellaneous_......----._---.---- 17 

Habersham: Lamar: 

CWornnelaneee =) tenes eau ee eee 21 Barnesville 2. Se eee 50 

Miscellaneous -2--- o-oo eee 26 6 
PRG tANS bs kt een eee 47 


GaineSsViIll6 = -2s-2.cc6ssce-ssesseese= 180 

INGWwartollan ds S222 oe eee eee 3 

Miiscellaneous!-.s2---— ease ee eee 7 
Motalé 242 22 seco ee ssa eee 190 

peace , —— 

DALtA SS eke ee eee te ae one nem 2 ede : ‘ 

: eosmiMiiscellaneous:-.--_.- 2225. see 5 
Miscellaneous. ---------------------- ¢ Liberty: MiascellancouSs222-05-eseeseee= 18 
Total 39 || Lincoln: Miscellaneous-_--------------- 15 
ase Spice Laas Seapets ree Long: Miscellaneous__.......-.--------- 8 

Haralson: lL dex: 

ATA DOOS eee eee eee 19 owe a3 t 303 
Miscellaneous 4 EOS ea ae ea 

Miscellaneous)... . 2-2. 2a 14 

Total __---.----------------------- 23 Motalee Stee oh ee ee 317 

Harris: Iviiscellancous...--s---a.2++ess= 21 A ; 

: a Lumpkin: Miscellaneous__...----------- 4 
ant: ibantwell= = 222 S222 — esa aaa nee 13 | McDuffie: Thomson..................-- 34 
Henry: McIntosh: Miscellaneous___------------ 33 

Nic DOnOUgne asec seas nee eee eee 13 
Miscellaneous: ce osncscce aan eee eeeee 9 || Macon: 
Motalic sent See seep eee 22 Montezuma_._--- 

Houston: Miscellaneous---..-....---.-- 42 
: Totals 2a ctecece aceon ae eee 


OGM ae ee eae 8 || Madison: 
Miuscellaneous222 so ces ne cee ene 1 Gone ae ee eee 4 
WWhiscellancous’:=— 222. 8a eee 12 
Motalé= 4-2-2 osha oe 9 
Motalet ese eee ee 16 
@ommerce #2 nee 37 || Marion: 
JeiersoNien aoe ee anon an een eee 7 BUenaNVASidie=os5--s—--eo== eee eee 
MuscellaneouS--55<<.=-2Usee been 7 Miscellancous=224-- 6-2 3 ee 
TOtdl e223 cbs sews oe eae ee oe 51 "TPO tal ese Se ee eee 
asper: Meriwether: 
Mionvuicelloes=. soo 2 Oks ee 20 Manchestenee-. eo eee 
Miscellaneouss.. 02sec ccee eeeeee eee 18 Wiscellancousse. = 22 eee 
Ac) 4 (a a ea a oe Eee ty SNe 38 Motels wees a Se ene 
Jen uWavise azelhurst.c- oo tole oeeeeeees 25 || Miller: Miscellaneous........----------- 
Milton: Miscellaneous 
MOWISWiU62*< ol -e= cece eee 23 || Mitchell: 
WO GNRE ihe 95 nbs sect eee 11 Ca millaie te coeds eden eee 
WitenSe sce se oc oo 5s 7 Pelhaniiicceec cen coseee coat ee) 
MASON ANEOUSH = = 2-2-5 5 esa scesoeeee 8 MiuseellaneOuS:. 222-208 -oenoceneee= 
PROUH Geek eoas Los oes Soe seen 49 Motels | sooo ow ee eee 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territori 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, 

es—Number of 



calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city fee County and cit Number 
of returns y of returns 

Monroe: Rockdale: 

Horsytih.-_-__.2- 66 Conyers: 25.23 eGo taken 0 15 
Miscellaneous 4 Miscellaneous: 2522255 eS 3 
~1LUEY ED les as oe a 70 TOtel..-cs2d2s esse des TW 18 
Montgomery: Miscellaneous___--_--_-_- 13 |) Schley: Miscellaneous___.._......--____- 14 


oon Fst ch octrtn stn nse ON 27 sta ‘0 
BREAN GOUS scat y. 1 ee eee 
aaa s Miscellaneous.....2232 2 SS 16 
TC Se 5 eee, 30 
Total=22c2220 2 aes 35 

Murray: Miscellaneous__..-.-.._-_____- 7 

; 4 cE peleueous Seminole: Donalsonville_._._....._____- 10 
Muscogee: ; pac 

MGM DUS so 3u coe Soe ek io Site 1, 484 || Spalding: 
Mis cellaneous.2o2=2s2=222sse22- 222 6 Griffins. $22 ee 240 
IMascellaneouis: 1 Se 9 
BRO Ball retreat A 1, 490 eee 
is asta ec. te 249 
evion: * 
BymcLOnes tones tot os ook ees | hens: 
LMG See ee eee meee 11 aa rks Ag) ce 39 
Miscellaneous. ..--.-..------------ 7 Miscellaneous 2 
TSN A al a ee a eg ae ee 2 71 BOTA See = oe 41 
Oconee: Miscellaneous___.-------------- 3 . 

Oglethorpe: Miscellaneous -..--..------- 16 oat A a eae uk 29 
Paulding: 115) ES pe i ee tee F 12 Wwirscellineous 220 oes ee 19 

DOI, VEG 94 Total ins << 2230. at osa5. seen 41 
Mvinscellaneousi: ceaoeu wee 9 
————— || Sumter: | a 
Minamata: Se seken We 103 MNIM OLICUS= wees sc cancase cece nee eee 
Muscelianequst 22522" oS ae 14 
Pickens: Miscellaneous_.-..------------ 33 
Se iT ae ee CCE 214 
ae ksh 31 
|S CECGSL eG Wes hea ola oh epee ee eg F 
RYNISCRIIANGOUS= 2 22-2---2s--2--es2 a2 4 ee Vianna tecnica 17 
FelinnGodal hc 6 
PERT e ete h neil hienh ¥en vires onl 35 Miscellaneous_-_- 
nu Sebaccens cecnecdes eee 23 
#ike:, Miscellaneous.........---------<- 27 Total. 
vo ani | pLaliaferro: Miscellancouss-=--22252- eo 6 
0 ON eee ee : 
Cedartown. : 7 hi a a ae nee 19 
Ee eae ee eee Reece eee 40 Miscellaneous: .c222- 0222 aeeeeenan 10 
HWyiisellanGOUS: 22.22 -----s----5--- 85 2 
£sc5ne2 Se Sse 29 
tS ae ae ee Ra Regn 164 aa ee 
Pulaski: Taylor: Miscellaneous....--.....-.....- 30 
PME VillG--.----2=---2----2sn-=5- 33 9 = 
Mince AMGOUS: == --25--.-ccsncoecceee 2 || Telfair: 
MiCGRa6-. 32.225. J5eocasenacceseosee 30 
ULE Le at ap a i la a aap Be 35 IMPISCElTIANIOGUB2 oestrone enone 19 
Salina: Matonton.-.--.---..-.-------- 28 Motale 20.2055 oes sees e seen ce 49 
Quitman: Miscellaneous__.......------- 2 = 
abun: Miscellaneous_-__....----------- 19 || Terrell: A 
Randolph: WRN SOUL «-oaannrssiengssgeeneee oan 11 
Cuthbert Pees st AL 35 < perpamenagrest eo Sa 
LU eee ee a | 15 
BOI ANOOUS) 22° c.22c2ic-2-c-22-55- 8 Total- = 
h : 
CHEN Se eee eee ae 60 || t OBoaLan Wary eet o ere ea 11 
Richmond: Meigs: «- =~ --issceese see ceeeacesssaee zs 
CS SU rel 1, 552 Mibomasyille==sssen== eee 25 
IMMIRCBMANCOUS =a. -52cs-ce-eceec2s5-22 12 IMiscellaneousit: sans eee ee 2 5 
UTE ae a a 1, 564 Totals. -<s2 5 eeese seen cee 278 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city yD County and cit Number 
OUTLY) y of returns PEERY GIEG OTN) of returns 

Tift: Warren: 

Miftonteents 22a s a ee eee ee 96 Wiattentona-22 + sere eee 4 

sHowns: wWliscellaneous----=-----<a--2-66 2 

Troutlen=: SOPeLton.= 1 s-s-ssecceneeseeee 8 || Wayne: 

VOStpoemeeas oo. a= os ee 43 

Troup: Wiscellaneous. 202225522) eee 14 
OG ATISVillOs sa. 223. 2t's a aoe 19 
WagTange.. ase ln see ee eee 253 Totaleos.. 2-2-4 5.6 a ee 57 
WiestRoints..—-- 5 -s25- oes 116 ? ; 

Miscellaneous esse sense seen eens 14 || Wheeler: Miscellaneous_---------------- 4 
White: Miscellaneous_........-.----..-- 8 
Motel = eos ee ee, 402 

Turner: Daltont= ee eee 22 eee eee 142 
Ashburn] eis oo eae 17 Miscellancous’ === ae 4 
Miscellaneous: 2-222. ae ee 3 

Total a22eee th ee ee 146 
Motals eat wee eee 20 

Twiggs: Miscellaneous............-.-.-- 17 A bbewille sais. 22 UIE ee 9 

Upson: — = Rochellesss.222. =i eee 9 
SRROTIAGEOT. ani Le eed 82 Miscellancous! =: 2222222 6 
Miscellaneous:.+--2-=2== 222222225248 6 Tota] eee 4 

‘Totals: 3 a aoe ee 88 Wilkes: 

Walker: = Washingtonese 2. ee 49 
Ma ayettOotee esas eae 47 Miscellaneous. =—2- 2. 2s eee 7 
FROSSV Illes see ee de oe aly See eel 25 
Ntiscellaneous tec eeseee tees eee eee 24 Motalicncseas =.= en cccnennceaeee 56 

Motaleenee on. 2102 2 = ee ea 96 Wieasons 
é OrdOniess2 2 F555 css 12 
Ne Montoe tas PRR iret sr at A Miscellaneous__-----.--------------- 12, 
ociali@irclossse Se eee 10 
NViIScellanGouSeee pe see ne ene 3 Total.....------------------------- 24 
Worth: ; 
Total_-----...-------------------- 64 Sylvesteriensst oes kee ls Sou 24 

Ware: Miscellaneous T 
WAY CEOSSenie a eet 312 m 
WMiiscellaneous:2-2 2 So sn ee eccne eee 16 Totalscciensn eels c ewe de 31 

— = 
OLA Beat nee Saas eee 328 Statertotal tes == e+ -- eae teen 33, 818 

Hawaii: || Kauai: Miscellaneous__............-.__- 442 
i 5 Hd (0 eee ey ee meee rr on Ue ee Ed 446 _=—=—= 
INIScellaneOus sess. eae noone mene 448 || Maui 

VV Si rote lee a ts pl SE DAE 192 
Totalisi2s fovea sey eee 894 | IM SCOUBHOOUS le. 2eLe aa: Sere een 463 

Honolulu: TNotglite se. 2 oo a ere 655 
Monolalus-2e2 ese sets eee eee 6, 517 = 
MWhiscellaneouSs-.-2se-seaeseeeeeeeeee 744 Stateitotalee 2.2 eee 9, 252 

Totaluis: £- «2.522 sks wee alee le 7, 261 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Number . Number 
County and city anintniae County and city Sirens 
Ada 4 Clark: Miscellaneous... ......_-......: $1 
EDO Seen 206 5: Bee 1,278 || Clearwater: Miscellaneous__._---.----_- 127 
MI i ae TOTTI 30 || Custer: Miscellaneous_.............----- 57 
MIGNPOMANCOUSs: 8 9— ono -ceacoee== 22 39 
> |} Lb berGnGe 
MDL AS eee 1, 347 Giennsi Merry 20.02 ks ee 71 
——=— NOU GAIN OMe s—- = eens een 73 
Adams: Miscellaneous......-.......-... 31 IViiscellaneous=: -22222 Sea a 12 
Bannock: “4 SG) (21 Ye sa ee A (Rg 156 
952 | SSS SSS 
89 || Franklin: 
Preston. ae eso ae eee eee 25 
1, 041 IMuscellaneousss222. 22 2a bes 5 
Bear Lake: Motels = 2-22 ses os ee ee 30 
Montpelier Dosh rce Se ES sees atce 95 ———— = 
TESTS ee ere EE 12 || Fremont: 
Miscellaneous..__-...---..---------- 9 || PASH Ghee = = em ae a ee ee 45 
——=—— |} SteAnthonyje--- 2-22-5524 saee ee | 83 
LNT DU ah en i ag ee a od 116 || Miscellaneous: 25. 222.2- los eee 22 
——$$<<<—<<— | —— 
Benewah: | POS wsccccascu ese eee 150 
S, MES See ee 119 eee 
MMSEOMOANGOUS==45< so-cccasacaonahaw 32 || Gem: 
PMO U GA t= S-* oS ae 81 
(Dl Le 151 MLISCeHANCOUS=-- <= soe soe eee 3 
Bingham: Motalis 252 .0- s2oS. ht 5 84 
Blackfoot 135 | SSS 
Fort Hall 1 || Gooding: 
Siglo —— 37 Goodingis 226 et oe 69 
Miscellaneous 43 Miscellaneousss-scss se ae eee 49 
“URL A ee 216 Motalsseen = ssc k ee a lee 118 
Blaine: Idaho: 
Ee eee ae a a NI ST 37 Grangevilles -sese tee ee 97 
Mascellanecous........=..........--=.- 34 Miscellaneous: 25-5 2<2s=2+<2=22=222" lll 
Total........ Sooo cose Serene 71 otalessens-2ss2522<2523-- Sri 208 
Boise: Miscellaneous....-.-...-...------ 24 || Jefferson: 
—— Rigbyet-2.. =. cho n= eee eee Se 43 
Bonner: Miscellanecous:2.2 92a = oe eee 34 
Seal a a a rer 176 ee 
MPP RMATICOUS! 2) ona cL kee ie 83 Motalesouse sions eee ae 77 
“Non ee eer 259 || Jerome: F 
SSS 6 
Bonneville: 19 
GID 1 ee ee 516 | 
SRECONaANCOUS: -o oe sooo cease cba nee 6 Movale ssac225se- 5s ee 95 
“CTL a ere 522 | Kootenai: 
<i Goennd* Alene. =. 2-2 522 ae 286 
Boundary: Mascelianeous_. "2255. Serre 156 
fonners Ferry: <22:-22-22-2..-2----- 80 wes 
Miscellaneous. 22:2 222s2s2-s-2-s-0--- 15 Notables sstcsceseosetsesseee be 442 
i ee eee 95 || Latah 
: IMUOSCOWeess==--- 22-225 ne see ee 215 
Butte: Miscellaneous-_--__-----.-------- 30 [Potlatch 2. ce see ep ee 7 
Midas. iviiscellaneous......-.....=--..- 37 Miscellaneous: 4+=2=2sseauasss ssa 159 
oat ea 188 Total ----.------------------------ 452 
Bemrnetaag eee eens ee ne | eee 215 || Lemhi: 
SO gailtn Ga i 72 Salmonun<-- 2225555 2e2es ss nase se, 73 
Miscellaneous:s222255228s=sen= ase 39 
ONG. ll Ae ee 475 == 
. d Notalussstsssessssskssssssteveeee 112 
Caribou: Miscellaneous_____-._-.____-_- 60 ———— 
Cassia Lewis: Miscellaneous. ....-.......-..--- 131 
LOGS 161 || Lincoln: 
eral cy peeee E  oesee | 15 Shoshone! 3: <2: 2s-2-s-seees ae saoeee 75 
BRAS CoHANG ONS eos ne | 26 Wiiscellaneous- 222s ee Sa 13 
Lc Ee ae so eaoecen 202 | "Potalee 2 6: ee eae ee 88 


TasieE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

: Number . Number 
County and city noreturns County and city of returns 

Madison: Power: _ } 
Rexburg... ......--S2eseeee ast es 22 93 fAmoeornican Walls... scsnenananeee 46 
IMaiscellaneous._..------s25-2eeeeeees 17 Miscellaneous.-.-._--...-.----ss-5n2 8 & 

TVA hs a2 Tc toed Mem rend une 110 Total. _----.---------+------------ 4g 

Minidoka: UN fe ee 337 
RU DStt a2 2 seco se anus nace eee 93 Mullane==- = 3... 2. -<.. 35 ee 245 
Miscellaneous....-=..-s<c--sss252-= 36 MUA 434 | 

Muscellancous-....=.--=-==-.---.22=" 285 
Total_....-.---.------------------ 129 Motil ss22222soteco.ccccs- 1, 301 

Nez Perce: - Wi 
Tea te 511 || Peton: Miscellaneous---.--------------- tok ee 
Miscellaneous.:...==-=--.<<-2=2---<2 50 || Twin aes 3 

Tee fae a ae 
pOtal eno tee ccuteensaaneaace 561 Wilemee so. ico. 3.2>-o ee eee 
MwinSligls oo... . eacenancseaoeees 

Sage ae ie Miscellaneous....=....----..2 eee 

aladiCity. ....-------=-<-.s8ese-2 
WViiscellaneousS-2<--=s<.5sas=-seee aes 1 Total. ----------~--------2-----=— 
A eee et eee 45 Valley: Miscellaneous......=-=-<--s--2= 
Owyhee: Miscellaneous__.....-.---.---- 31 VWiG See 
< Shee Miscellaneous... .--...:.-.----coeeae 
ay ee Total 
Rarotte sees eee ace 111 Beet Heer ee ena Ree 
: Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
Miscellaneous: =2-- noone ee en 44 Dither Stnteee es. 
teh ee ee Oe oe ee eee 155 Stateitotal-— 2. . <-=-..-.--—— ae 

Adams: Calhoun: Miscellaneous. ~.-._-...---.---- 
@layton = -scssoe ose cae cane 15 
Quin aye ese meee ee acne sence enone 1, 354 || Carroli: 

Miscellaneous. 22 22a 77 Ban an kee ces oes ene. oo eee 
Moun Carroll =:2 2. eee 
WOGlscuwvewcscascacseceneaweact ee 1, 446 Savana ee ls ee 

Pavoxander: IVGisepllaneousss oo. sss scene ee neon eee 
C@airos- se seis 5 SES aE 505 
AVIISCOANOOHS scence ee eee ens 35 Total_---------------------------- 

Wotals si ecsncecsnc sco sesseen-os= 540 | Cass: 
———————— AShlencde ne: Set. 2 eee 

Bond: ; | IB@SROStOWNe- os otoc ek occ ee nee 
(Cite}e seh yal (2 ea na sone 90 Witbiniaeeso sso 
IMUSCSIIBNG0US- cocusecasecssacneennes 13 Miscellaneous__ 

Total ww we we www ww www we we wee eee eee 103 Total pete cine a ee 

Boone: Ch som 
BelveneréA gence 186 "Cheaiceign 
Miscellaneous......-..-.----22-02++- a) Ne antaive=- |. aa 

POUR tres Sete ots ae Se eee 226 | (Wp panes e oo oo 

Brown: Miscellaneous. sc. 2 oc. cone cess 
Mowmnit Sterling 22222222 sso seee ee 40 
Miscellaneous 2222s ee 12 Total ---------------------------- 

52 || Christian: 
ACUI 93} 0) 10) ¢ Sega ete 
4 Kincwidhss were Sie oa 
52 Morrisonwille=-- 53258 ooo sco 
29 Pane sssseo eowassoscset usw Sebo 
Stonington Sons eoca cee 
Spring Valley 116 Taylorville... .---.------------------ 
IVEISCHIIATGOUS! coe) SS Se a 188 Miscellaneous..-..--.--------------- 
TOA See ooo sc ctecnsoakooasne teas 608 Totalissses te ee 



Tas ie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ILLIN OIS—Continued 
. Number P Number 
County and city ofratumnis County and city of returns 

Clark: Crawford: 
eS BS ee 57 Obloneie2s s22es eases eee Se 55 
ICT | i ae 60 Palestin@s 2m 2222225252 Steen 35 
Martinsville: aceon ree = SS. 12 Robinsensr22 s2ssscesoseee ses eee eee 212 
Miscellaneous sosewesaeeeee eee es 10 fiscetlaneous*=_- 222 25 

TT OtAle ocoescemenaewwawennne le 139 MT Otalat eo sot See 327 

Clay Cumberland: 

LD ee 44 Greenup 2222320 eer ee 10 
Wriscelian GOUS:-_-222--2s-s=s-s-45-- 12 Ne0P8 so Sesser eee 22 
Miscellaneous. 2<2=222-2- 17 
MOtAl sets cose eaw ot enwocoweoens 56 
Totalesose 2 ess eee eee 49 

Beckemeyers ccc e ecco eerie cesses 10 || De Kalb: 
IBTOGSO! Oho tetewe eeee eaten 36 De Kalbt 22 ee eee 353 
45 @tned)- 2. 22222. See 25 
20 Sandwich-__----- 93 
26 Sycamore-___-- 183 
26 Miscellaneous 81 
163 Total steno ee 735 

Coles: De Witt: 

WirariestOn ness = 22s e eae ene 161 Clinton. SS 264 
With} eS eee 519 Farmer City_...2 = 81 
Eh ait Aaa a ee 19 Miscellaneous...-2-s22-22-22 see 42 
Miiscelignegus! cs encece assesses 17 TESST 
Total: s...-=35 eee 387 
Motateeccece scene rece 716 

Cook: Areolaj222- 222.52. ee2 see 56 
Te ES me SG ES a ee A hE 163 Newmant.<22 eee 30 
Arlington Helghnise-- ooo sssosee nae 246 Tuscola... tesessee ee 87 
Bann puoneseen o- see ee ee 230 Villa Grove. +=. 42 
BEE WOOds sa ee cos eeeee eee eees 72 Miscellaneous:.--.<----+ = ee 69 
TEAST IATA la a i a Pa 2, 541 

792 Total:-2--2---) eee 284 
225 || Du Page: 
246, 639 ‘Downers: GroVe--<-<s<5-S-s =e eee 605 
1, 046 Elmhurst --.- 948 
3, 132 Glen Ellyn. 788 
649 Hinsdale___... 900 
123 Lombard’: <<... Jus 321 
124 Naperville. 2-222 --2252 = 9 ee eee 358 
EV RHSUOM eta eee Peet octet es 8, 520 West) Chicago.< 2222-2222) sceeee se 218 
Gres tebarkeeereee eee we lee 888 Wheaton. = 33 eee 658 
KTH COR MEE eect eee eee ae 886 Miscellaneous222 2222s eee 728 
(CHOSS THis Soe EEE eS 49 
ISR VON eee asthe oe USO! 673 Total... ee eee ee 5, 524 
lalayauisia oes eee OE ee 234 
KiomilwoOnbntereecveeececceceteee nee = 455 || Edgar: 
ILS Gon ial ee 1, 875 Chrisman. ..-...d2se2s.Se25e5 eee 36: 
ILI ee Se UC Ee } 115 Parise. 2:2 chosen ee eee 320: 
ILE TANT Roce Se 188 Miscellancous-2222)3 ee eee 84 
ILM Gk: be Te ee eee 72 
shy OOO eee a ene eee tne ee 1, 693 Notal=4--2 eee cee eee eee 440: 
Melrose Park 352 
Morton Grove 177 || Edwards 
Mount Greenwood 13 Albion.2-222c22e2cee eset 22 
IND EO = ees RE 25 Miscellaneous 2222225 ae 13. 
Oak Park.- 9, 355 
Palatine. ___- 162 otal: c=: 2.22525 seee = eee 35: 
Park Ridge 1,118 Effingham: _———————— 
Phoenix_._....-.--.--.-------------- 2 Altamont 25 
TESS QUAI Lhe Ue 2 a ae 89 sa a ae tar sit : 
River Forest | 1, 326 Effingham -. ------------------------ 101 
Rives ae } 2 910 Miscellaneous: .-====22-=2=252222-2. 23 
HOWunPELON ANG S22 eee less. eo | 110 
isiugceeptr=. eee ee ae | 73 Total_----------------------------- 149 
WVGSLCIMES DrInG@Ss= see ee eee ect et 335 || Fayette: 
Witlmelieaeeeee ten meerera se 22 8 | 2, 124 Sted lmo8=2 2a eee 6. 
Wiinneukamseene ee ceteeesee coon ae | 1, 913 Wandalias= 22-2522 se se ca ee 75 
WWiSCeIAN GUUS Leceeeee ee bacecwnessce | 2, 223 Miscellaneous.<+2--42--2e- 52222 34 
ERG UR ena eee 292, 148 MOtal is. 25322222 eee eee 115 


TasLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and, Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

ILLIN OIS—Continued 
ae { 
. Number . Number 
County and city efreturns | County and city of retusa 
Ford: Henderson: Miscellaneous---.--.-------- 79 
Gibson! City = =-22—* 86 
IPaxtonee see ee re 106 || Henry: 
Miscellaneous 116 || Cambridge ==. ------- = ee 72 
| Galyaee gee ee 123 
CODY Oh he) Up a Sa pd ee ae 308 Geneseo ays. ei eee 130 
KG WaANGG Sees oe Lo Oe 462 
Franklin: Miscellaneous) 2222.ccsacaeeneeeeee 112 
EIDE Se Oe ee Es Re 146 || 
Birekmenneee ae 2 ae oe TOUS eee et Ee ee 899 
Christopher: a. ste eecee eae ne aaae 72 
Oriente So een eee 13 || Iroquois: 
OVA LONe oot te ee ee eee 23 (Gilani ee 46 
ESSormee Scie ssi hr Se ee ee ek 12 Ninliond @epaee ak ee Eee 44 
WresteliranktOnts-ooseoeeo ee eee es 228 Onareaque see: Pee oo ee 55 
VANE ee eee 56 Sheldon -- 022) a = eee 39 
Miscellaneous: =o. 22 2-s8esl cee os 20 Wistsekamente: 2 o2 82 oe. ee 131 
MuscellanGops=- oee= ee eeee cee 154 
Ly 00) | Le ee ee See a ee 575 
NO tel eee as te he 469 
Fulton: pe 
(AS toniaeeaeees- a2 se aneoseecascweses 24 || Jackson: 
Cantonese s25 a os Sa e 222 || Carbondsle’=s22- =~. ee 214 
Cubase 17 || Murphysboro 212 
Farmington 34 || Miscellaneous 81 
Lewistown_.....--- 36 
St Davidvare eee ee aes 2 f oy: (eS ee ee eee 507 
Mermont: 222-2 saeco ae cae eee 15 _——————} 
Miscellaneous 2220s) se ees eee cna 87 || Jasper 
ING WwilO nent nts aoe ee ee 45 
RObAl: sees sae an eee ema ae ae 437 MPiscellaneOUSseseet enon nena 9 
Gallatin: TOUS eerie a ee 54 
WMQualityes <2 oo eee ee 4 || 
RIGS WAV 2. o-oo ee cee cease 6 || Jefferson: 
Shawnectownssssescse see oe ee eens 15 MountiVernon:-2.--—5..--es2ee- =" 208 
IMiiscellaneouSs) se senessnscaseeeene ae 5 Miscellaneous 2si--.sssssceencesacee 7 
Potale: 23.2 a ee eee 30 Totalossst. 32 Loen ne ceeceecee ees 210 
Greene: Jersey: 
101 Jerseyville: s=.>-ceaceccceeesecee see 149 
uf Miscellaneous! == ---22 22. aeeeee ee 12 
1 _ NT 
48 Totales2. 2 t2 36-4 eee 161 
Jo Daviess: 
272 || East Dubuque-_- 25 
SSS Galenaeesesnes= 125 
Grundy: Stockton 42 
Goal City - osc ckssesesecaeesese 32 || Warren 20 
WMiorris.- 2222-52222 .202 oo ee eee 234 Miscellaneous 49 
Southawilmington 222222 sae eens eee 7 ——_—_—_—_— 
IMiscellancouss2-<-oco-scasaenenes nee 89 || Total 261 
Motali: ccot--t eet eee eee 362 || Johnson: Miscellaneous-..-..-.--------- 41 
Hamilton: Kane: 
IMicIeansbor0:. . 2.cs--nsse-oaeeeaeae 25 AAUTOLBs 525.05 oo coceseascee ese asee 2, 749 
Miscellaneous.) oan ease eee cess 2 Batavie=. ==. s2sccsecesescseoeene 290 
Oe @arpentersvilles 222 2-22 24 
Totals seis. 3 ee ee ee 27 Dundees.22-« 2222-25. =saehesee eee 160 
Hancock: inn ao. 5 
Arusta =~ 2 <. coosh--2522ecen eee eee 15 
Carthage:-:-222-s2ssccsceccecenees=3 | 104 
MallasiCitys 2-4 = oe eee | 22 
Hamiltons.. 22s. catkeeeeeeses 44 
WAVELAnDO. soo sccs och on Sab oeee eee 35 
Warsaw/---.-22 2. ede eS 38 
Muscellaneous-..-.+.--.---ssaeseeeee 61 
Motels Hee so ook clessacseeses 319 
Miizabetbtowill!..-.2-+-scesaasceesnan 6 
Rosiclate:- ~~ 2222.2... seca eee eees 20 
MWriscellaneous==.2s.n.-sesnenemnoeaes 3 Miscellaneous: ccc sesccces-cccesecess 110 
MOLale os .stoneseatneasnekbeancceees 29 Motel on ec oScecckccseeeunduocas = 1, 068 
__ ————— 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ILLIN OIS—Continued 
County and city | a aera County and city 
= es )'| 
Kendall: McDonough: 
TPE Sp to) s le eee ae Se SCE a 49 Blandins ville-2-—s22 see eeneeee = aae ee 
Wihiseellaneous essen ene 98 Bushnell 
UL ee tee ee 147 Macomb 
= Miscellaneous 
ping doneas-sennensseetane O08 oo. =] 72 Ota eases ee eee eee ee 
Goalesbrres=tsssesseesetet se ste. =. 1,124 | 
I-GiG) a Deeece ea ae 30 || McHenry: 
RUN SCALIRTIOOUS 2 eee Seca socecce 101 C@rystalWake= 22 --s22seelaaeeeeeeans 
Harvard s22se-2<c22cateeeee eaten 
Thole ee ee | 1, 327 ASICS [GSO rN oa | 
Marengo: ..2=-<2-<.02S2esse2=4-<-* 
Lake: WiOGGS{0CK==— === naan saa ae aeeeam anne! 
highland Parks--e2ses2 "22052206022 1, 390 Miscellancous== 222-22 es sae se aeesaee 
Ino hwoodessk seesaw WEESe Sst 90 
Lake Forest-_-- 736 Total _--_------------------------- 
Libertyville__- 227 
North Chicago-- 177 || McLean: | 
ENE TIN ee eee ee ae 126 Bloomington-a==o.— 2s eee ease enn 
Waukegan 1, 888 Chenoa 
ignite mee bAed ems a eURRN ESET SS! 7° 120 Le Roy 
Miscollaneous:222e2= 2550 sebs re 694 Lexington 
intaliaaeeaeek ak nated ah eeeee y=! 5, 448 Miscellaneous 
La Salle: Total _---------------------------- 
ACNVING e+ == Seo ccs eu cceeeseese-= | 33 
13 Sil! 6) SS ia eee | 547 || Macon: 
Iiarseillosmeens a6 ec ee cer IE 89 Decatur----------------------------- 
WWrontlotatee enna eaves eens 197 Maroa_----------------------------- 
(OR OG by ee es ee 56 MiscellaneouS-- = 222-c22sseanences == 
Otis aes ee | 971 
(Pari eeennr eee ee Me ae | 357 Totel=. 22.2 Se eee 
Senn eee ee ee 21 % 
Streator__ 447 || Macoupin: 
iloaeacasesesss-7" 40 Benld___----.----------------------- 
Miscellaneous 139 Carlinville ------------------------- 
| Guba bu tescnocebetceetes eee 
T A hp ee | lrarad__- --------------------------- 
otal Zee Wiaunt. Olives: casa sane sane 
Lawrence: Staunton_--_------------------------ 
nrid eopOntseree = nea see eo 55 Virden___--------------------------- 
Hea wienCovillan sss meee. ures) 236 Miscellaneous____------------------- 
Steehravicisvilles=2o2 ae es il 
(Shenoy eee ee ee eee eee 11 Total ----------------------------- 
iScellaneOUS-—o ees. sleek keen : 
MinsenllaneQuss-soe sense ea aee esac oe 2 Ma dison: 
ANON. 22 5-25-5222 sesh cesses seen 
Total. --..------------------------ 315 Gullinspilie.... ale ener 
Lee: Bast (Alton2.:.-.22) 2455 
22GT8) YON oe eats ee | 53 Bdwardsville 5) 2222s eee eeee ewan 
1D INO) a eee eee | 417 Gleni@arbon===== === eaeaeeee 
Miscellaneous: 2222222 22525-22252. | 124 Granite Cityas2 ssa eee 
ighland =. 22-2223 222 tee ee 
NoOtalesesssssasssssheensesi tess. | 594 Divingston--=2-.2-2222sss-22 
Livingston: Madison ---------------------------- 
HAs Worthen seen en tn 41 
ID As th ee 130 
IAIn DUG youn sores See oo 109 
COVERED Le = Sse re a ae 48 
THOT Se 293 
DVEISCALIAMIGOUS = seers ees. 2 5s! 153 
DY 6 es 774 
NIG ee el See | 32 
GIN COME Seka u re elke ee eee 352 
IMOUB TOE MIASKI S00 fii at 51 
Miscellaneousssa42 sas shes ee 94 
11a) 29 LS Oe ea 529 

of returns 


TaBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

: Number : Number 
County and city AGERE County and city ofretuens 
Marshall: Peoria: 
HOnTY ae Ses ec oC sacee eee 50 IAVOLY Ville see nes eet te oe no eee 4 
TA CONM eens oat = ae Se eee coon 62 Bartonvillowsaeet as! Bree Sirs t eres 35 
NOM CaMe sence eee se anne eee 14 Cillicothomeee en. Oe ae 96 
iWienOnatose se 22 ~ 2 csp aace seek eee 31 lm WO0d meanness rte snc: 2s seer re 25 
Wiiscellancous2)—2- =. 2-2--.-2--eeeee 22 Peoria 4,677 
Peoriavhieightss.9 53 ee 15 
TNotaleeeosat Soo ek Ss 179 Princeviltomeeeeeent te ons eee 15 
WMiscellaneousss22-> = 50 cccccc esse oem 94 
Mason: ere 
Havana----------------------------- 95 CNY 5 9 ee a 4, 961 
IWasone@byses 225 acnstskenatesae=es 65 
WiiscellaneouS---2.cs=5 eee seks Sees 64 |) Perry: 
Duquoin 179 
NOU Semana Seana aaa ee 224 Pinckneyville_ 43 
Tamaroa 6 
Massac: Miscellaneous 11 
iBrookport.v2-0 2.22522. 5525285252552 13 
IAG 00) TS Se ee 84 TPotaleeectearees = bint ee 239 
dViiseellaneous= 2222-222 kes ea wenaee 5 
Mhotaleea sono secssesece=Seeeee eee 102 IBOINEH tae eeeer ee en oe eee 21 
| CernoiGordowe sss. 22 2-2. 22) eee 28 
Menard: Mionticellomemes: 22522 =. 2252.2 oo sete 138 
Athens....-------------------------- 28 | Miscellaneous.......---------------- 91 
PeterspuLe=* 2. -=s2ote5555555 2G 82 | 
Miscellaneous-__-...-.------------_- 50 ‘otal eee ne ee 278 
iL taped ae do aby earned pr eae eT ee 160 | Pike: ea: Tae 
cota | ale Sh 5S Se ee 30 
cer: Tig es villebeee tees ase ILLS ee 27 
a en ee a he ia fe Se 144 Pittstield eevee) e225 107 
TMH Nelo fbide ek 14 IMiiscellanegus sss. 592222 2s-2-e=se— 47 
ISCOLIANCOUS. asancscosan ook as eee se 101 | 
pa Motalbec sweets wis i sees 211 
Ge oo oe RL ee 259 || Pope: ———= 
Mines: Golcondassssesn28----- 222 sssk2ceze 18 
Columbia Serre ee so ah 67 Miscellaneous 2 
Wiintenloos=-~ ct co eee et ese 
Miuscellanecous=22:. 252252 -5-02scenn== 15 wave LIKDERERR TATA SF ee Pre a 
|| Pulaski: 
Total eect ete 2s. ee sl ae 157 MOUNn GSE ttass Soke oet casa noeceees 72 
MOU aN@ hyenas casaa-seeee 44 
Montgomery: Miscellaneous 222 23-32-2222 40 
Hillsboro sso 2625 sess eee da eee. 4 147 
Witehielde: fabs 2 oe boa ae 155 ‘Total. 22eeee oe occes scceensesse = 156 
INokomis*s=24c28 Ses ose oso ek 50 | putnam: === 
Hag Bernas oe i 3 | Granville. «---------------e2-----0e- 38 
Wiitie etree aa 13 SEITE EOS cose osGoaap Sees oa 2 
Miscellaneous. =.-52=-2-..2-5--220 522 26 TG te Ee see pe 53 
Motele sss el es aS 405 | Randolph: 
SOD FETS 2) gS a= = a ae 90 
Morgan: Hulten ville eae ae ee oe 25 
JeacksSonwille. <3 2.22 ee eee 618 1B 5) ON RR tS a 6 
Wisi vierlvetes = omens enema 3 1eic\o lid oj co Le (Se ee 38 
INbISCelIANeOUS- 2c cao noe cec ote esas 87 Spatta ce ieee enc ew osisscoseeee 85 
Tilden et nen aecn sc saes eee 5 
Motal sess eee cas Sa ee 736 Miscellaneous ss. ---2.2-sacccenseea 44 
Moultrie: os 0) > RO (Re eer es 293 
Wowingtonso. s 322-32. 25s aac eee 24 . —$—= 
Sullivans ves oe eee 53 ee 120 
Miscellaneous ----------2-2-2022---- 36 | Miscellaneous._.-----a-a--a-a--- 3 
ii Mo rf: [b ae ee S  RUNEEE PPRR 113 Total a5, ONS caked 123 
Ogle: Rock Island: 
Mount Morris oo. .s-~accaneeeeueeeee 107 Bast) Molines22e-c---.-5-25 225 
Oxvegron see eee 76 m0) phe (see a5 ae 1, 296 
Bol Geet eat cons ne so noes ole Ee 52 ROCK ISIBNG ne eee eee nc one eee 1,171 
uogiellGme se seen sno eg 152 Bilis. ears ee tee cosa ere eaaameee 61 
Whiscellane@OUs. 2.0 22c.0scesceseensene 88 Nfistellaneousseceene soos seen ceceeece 145 
Totals eecnnnccctucevecceoscesenee 475 Motel: So eececcspsancenceweaxans 2, 895 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ILLIN OIS—Continued 

County and city 

St. Clair: 

Garrier Mills. oo ois ssnccsesns- 
JONG ayer (5 | oa i ee 
Etarnisburee ns oo eee Seana ees LS 
INDISCEMAMEOUS: o8. 2 cS cco eSeSaoens +e. 

ANU UL OLE C0 6 bs cae ep ee 

Ui MCAT E LF Sie eo eli es aE 

FROST A aD eles tte el a 


WVanlii zeman sen ee NSLS. 

ROT Ape eee ee Son cae mas aneean-s 

Gl Wate eee ee ae ae a 

VWigecionbari i Se es eee 
MVbiscellanedliseee ss neeee essen eee 


of returns 

County and city 



Dan Ville =. 2522s eee ee eeeeseeee 
Georgetewn.2 s2ssscescecesseescessee 
Hoopestene: Si fsccessentesetancesecs 
Rossvillees 22 ee eee ase 

Mount ‘Carmel: =:s<ssssesssesee2222- 
Miscellaneous; =2+=-2222s2=22s5225=- 


INashwilles. -2- 22 <sco Jee anon eeeenee 


Grayville. - 22. 22. sa 82s a eases 
NorristCity22c5 =. = 

Rock. Paliss = 2222222252222 233222225 
Sterling s<<-e222sscse22-24- 


Wilmington. 22222-2222 -5-2 = eee 
Miscellaneous. .22-=222+2->~--=2—==- 

Carterville. +=. = 22-222 225222=- 2-2 

@realiSprings==2.5- se222--e se eeeeeee 

of returns 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city er County and city 4 omueel 
Winnebago: W oodford—Continued. 
Pecatonica es sesso ek a a seoees 33 86 
WROCKIORG tees sos nasa acateoeeeeces 4, 414 
South} Beloit S22. 2-2. .2-ses-eeeses 8 
Miscellaneous: .=.=22c2-0sc-asass-a— 93 
LNG) CN | Se eee 4, 548 || ; 
|| Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 

Woodford: || (other Statess2~-22---5222=5----eceaee 205 
IPP AS@ ea oe eet one 62 || ——<—= 
Miron he een ae eae 88 Stateitotalesnn a2 cs. ce oceans 378, 859 


Adams: Clay: 

Warne teew suc se oe ars 37 IBrazil eases seta tee oe oe ee 249 
GCA Re 2 cree en en pen eae 171 ClayiGitysetee o 3-28 eek eee 21 
MWiscallanéous=- == 2-22 aceneeconee= 21 Harmony seeen 22-2252 Soe ese ee 5 
Muascellaneousesaasesceceen eee 57 
PROUAl Esa 2 at as eaceeebeeeaeeeee= 229 
Rota eee ene e- an eee 332 

HOTUMWAYNO 222-5 .o2s-ss.5--carenees 5,136 | Clinton: 
ING Walavene estore eee easo ee 46 Mrankfontmese ones teen ceases oe 329 
Miscellaneous 74 WVbIScellane@ous tesa o= sone eee ceee 36 
Gil Reamer ee re ee 5, 256 |) ANE oe a ae cee eee is 365 

Bartholomew: | Crawford: Miscellaneous--...--.-------- 41 
COMIN BUSH ae ot eee ae 436 
18 (0) 0] See eee eee 11 || Daviess: 

WTiSCellsneous a ssee soe ee 8 iWiashington®-- --2222- =. - ase e eee 274 
| IMiscellaneous*22=2* =*==22525 eae 26 
PO Let eae re ee ee oe ee 455 
| Motaleeee seek ie oe. <a ee 300 

RO WOR ane ote ene senna 59 || Dearborn: 
Miscellaneous: s- sess ccecccaeeneee ood 54 SAUL OLB S32 soe eas enc ees aseseene eee 116 
Mawrencebungens = sae sae eee eee 117 
"ROU Sao ose = seaeae=socsnacae-eno 113 IMascellaneous 2 a26 2 soo20 5 o- eee 8 

Blackford: TOtg ler ne ts =F An Ss RSS hs he eee 241 
Jelena ices I ON ee ee eee ae 158 
Miontpelier==<2= 2522 2s sea ees 33 || Decatur: 

@reensburge=2 822.4252. ee eee 170 
Oba] ese na ee es Se 191 Sta ParlMend aes eae ad ees eee Pe 17 
IMuscellaneousstasose nea e ene ee 15 
118 | Totali. 2252206 2a ete cose. eee 202 
33 || DeKalb: 
Avi burns. 2 Se cook ceo eee 142 
177 Bitlersee 2 ee ee eee 35 
Garrettess=—. (2 eS eee 150 
4 WiatenoOns soekete yo tL eee 17 
Miscellancoussias sae eee area aes 10 
40 | TLotaleresteas 2+) #10 30 ts SU 354 
18 | 
16 || Delaware: 
PAD ATL Re ee cee See sea Cee eee 12 
74 Hato. Je TE ie oA Rae es 

Cass: OL 1,177 
pneansnpre ie cee es 542 Miscellaneous_-...-..----...-.---.-- 31 
Wiseallaneous.- 20. 2 Sco ceseo naan ae 26 otal eed copa re ae 1, 230 

Totaly csdesdete sete assesses 568 || Dubois: 

Clark: Hinting burgtsase nessa 525 ae ee 92 
Wehersonwilese.. 2-25 ance ee 273 JSSDOL- see seek aes ass See ae eee 85 
IMuispellaneouss2.--2.-<scec cee eee 57 Miscellaneouszi2e 2-2 22s see eee 10 

MOUG) Bis ee 8 ee 330 Totalissoes sraetres ows 5s ees 187 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

INDIAN A—Continued 
- Number : Number 
County. and city Beanie County and city ofiretarns 
Elkhart: : Hancock: 
COP eRe OS eae SS ee ee 1, 299 TOMA esa ee el ee 30 
(Sinsleyi ES Sere 326 Bi Gireentiold 225.2 20 oes 120 
INO eR eee en et Ye 96 Sin eye eres se 5 
HVEISCEIIAMCOUSE. J sccen comes een 81 Miiscellaneous:2 22 2 = eee 32 
AN Ae ee ere 1, 802 | PRODA ee eee ne ee ese ee ee 187 
Fayette: || Harrison: 
Manmersy MiGs s= seta es one nano 447 | Corydon 46 
INMISCONANGOUSH =e. 25 5c ote ens Se 10 Miscellaneous 16 
WG LS) ee ree 457 Nay LSS Ree ee eee eee 62 
Floyd: || Hendricks: 
iINewRAlbanys.-5.2-2<.-5-s2--5-5 0545 752 | BYOWMSDUPESS 222 ose sse-sescescss<= 17 
AUSCELIAN GGUS aoe === see Se 5 Man valieua ss eS Al ee ee eee 71 
PUAITHE Gass Se ae ae 38 
ANT) 7. = nnn eee a oe 757 IMusceligneous! 2022552 Sos ee 45 
Fountain Totals 32st ee a 171 
PASC EI CAME = oe oe at aso oe 130 
Mominepones 2.82 a8 oa ee 30 || Henry: 
Mocdensbure es soseen eee wee te 19 nip iStOWMe-c=— 222-2 sess once eeses 56 
WiaiscellaneouS=252- 25.55.52... ee 20 IMA dTe townie ee eae coon 27 
Newcastle =e) ar ore eae 321 
LO re ee a 199 Miscellaneous. == =--2)----- eee 39 
Franklin: A Nol qi eed os Ae on eae 443 
IBFOORKViIG= seen a= = ooo eae 75 
iINiscellancous:_--..=.--.-.---sissly 23 || Howard: 
Greentown 10 
ditntal =i.) £2 ae ee Sas 98 Kokomo 730 
Miscellaneous 16 
Fulton: { 
HVOGHESLOR eee e asa ease nee seca ea ane 101 AMO} {7 (a. SSS SANS ee Se See 756 
IMiscellaneouss 22==02- 2525552552252 46 Huntington: 
ASOLO WS se ee eee eee ee ee ll 
Total_---------------------------- 147 St alee a PAE AEN VEN EAE 392 
Gibson: arren - - --_-_-_-_~------------------ 17 
Fort Branch Wee oe nN 4 IMISGEI ATI OOUS es tae ee ee es 24 
laklandi@ity ese. s seek ek os 68 
Gywensyil Teme ae se 8 Total--.-------------------------- 444 
Pri covonbeee enn oad eee et Ee 190 || Jackson: 
Whiscellaneods- oo 43 IBTOWMSLOWAs sooo sono ee 25 
Crothersyille: oss 15 
PP Otales teat ee eet 333 Samimours 22s ee eee 197 
WViiscallane@olis=-5 tse ene es 28 
28 otal See ee ee Ree 265 
16 Jasper: _ 
610 Henugron aie Oe hand ieee ieee ee 18 
: ze | ensselaer =a 22 Se eee eee eee eee eee 101 
Uplands} |) Miseellaneous-2222-22-2222 on i 
Mihiscollancousss 25-42-22) a ease 19 TH i-| epee eee eee aa eee 133 
ARG Ged re ee IEE 719 || Jay: 
} IDnKInk +2 se subs ve wes eh eee ae 57 
Greene: | Portland’ see ct ine es sek eleeer as 115 
PO OMIne Ghee ese ea acne ae 49 || edkey====s=<522=-2 sees saesee eee = 10 
UPS A ee ee eee 69 NEiscellanieoussea2 2a == a= el 8 
LU TUAG) Oe 5 ee a 97 
Northing Loneers assessor asco a anes 21 DOtALHASsh 24 leet ee ads ek eeee eee 190 
WTiscellaneousss--8 oss ee 14 Jefferson: 
AMISON 22 4 2oe ae eee 145 
Total_-..------------------------- 250 Niiscallancous 2225352 ee ee 16 
PAT CATIA Sees eas oy ot ee 12 Total =_---.----------------------- 161 
INO DIES Valles c--2- 2 a8 153 || Jennings: 
Bihierid arises. ee 33 INGA SEN laser ee ee 70 
Miscellaneous 222-22. =-5522c2cs--~2 45 IMUSceUANCOUS 222223223 oe sacemon cee 6 
BE OLAS See sa aee st oe Saceco Leck 243 Motaless -. ae ee ena nenc ans 76 



TasiE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Terrttories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

: Number . Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns 

pre re ee Be 2 a 

Johnson: Marshall: 

Hginburcgeeeseeaceseos 44 Argos 25 
Mranklineeessteccoseee 167 Bourbon... 42 
Greenwood ee ect 32 ooo 56 Bremen-_. 63 
Miscellaneous 14 Culver... 111 
Plymouth 160 

Molaleeere eet eceoseetenccaqceaes 281 Miscellaneous 12 

Knox: Total 413 
Bicknellbee eo eee aoe oeeeee 115 i 
BW1GOVMlNesese ne cee eee e eee eases 4 || Martin: 

Winconneses. 29-5 sa ees else ee 514 WWOOLOOteCsteeet es —— soo ae asec ese 19 
Miiscellaneoulssseteccssoeeeee tose ae ee 51 Shoals seers ese. coe cone 10 
Totalers =-o coches esccaeeesee 684 MNO) He i i ee a pt 29 
Kosciusko: Miami: 
Biercetonsan22: vececaseueeecaeee ence 6 @Onversek nan sacce2acosca-scsscsees 15. 
Syracusebcsccn nee cecceesaee onc =oaa—e 32 1a) eo oe Soap eae asc 426 
Wintel Ween i eet saacoscese 175 MsceIIANGOUSS2one-- = a2 ee eee ae 23: 
Muscellanéousee.-.--ce~~=-5---- 82 
TT OCA Sees ae ee 464 
OND IONS eee eeeeeenaoraS 295 

Lagrange: iBloomington’= 22 =.----.-<---2sssees 698. 
WAPTANEO ccs cceee ee aw twee Ome meses 38 IVUISCAUANCOUSH eee a eee ae eee 48 
Miscellaneous 60 

A Boy te) Rs Se Oe ee eee 746 
Motalmatcecceeeceeace es ote cee a 98 

Lake: Crawfordsville=---* =... ===. eases 314 
Growneghointzctcesceweeccen se seeeee 211 IEE el (Sees Oe ee 23 
Wasti@ hicasOsccwececec.eccceesesnae 2, 567 MVNIScelianeousseeee sentences oss ose oes 44 
Gary eee Ss 2 eet oe ch co eee 5, 455 
MamimMOn d a=t2soc 25 ae Seen sores 2, 754 Totaleeeee toe tcc saceesesstes 381 
esswille@mte ec Sede cewcswecseacscau 26 
PO ai bee os oe ee oe ode ct ee 202 || Morgan: 

Mowe less’ ce fea s ee casa See 53 Marntinsvilleic.22--2-vss<.c22cescehe 115 
OU na Gira eo ee 1, 260 IWiooreswillofetee se sos sc.- cones cane 36 
IWNISCELIRNCOUS:—2-=-->-cceceoee ee aaee 228 Maseellaneous- 22. o.c2s-5--s25s55n- 18 

TOU eles ee eee Ce eee 12, 756 Mo} 2) (eee so ee ees Sa 169 

La Porte: Newton: 

WaMeonieuse ott ooo 775 Goodlandiasts-c seco sesces sees 22 
Michiganii@itysses.s22c.ccses 848 Kentlands ee ko. 5 eee 36 
Miscellaneousess. 22.2.2. .2cs eee 70 IMI OTOCED See etes a= ances eee eae 26. 
Weiscellancous’s-—2.22-~4 Sesel ee aaae 25 
Motalewes.cdececeosa+ 6 2os ee 1, 693 
Mo tale wesw akc scsckecsesacd 109 

Lax zye ll (oS e(6 EE Sere ee ap ee ene 498 || Noble: 
INIT CH eNeae eee Se Se ee 63 AUIDIONeees ao encs =e oe buccececesse 24 
MiscellaneouS=.-.=-22sce-coseneeae 26 endalilivillaeemaasssoss 2ccesceaeee 178 
Ligonierezsos-cecceb seu. 2.2 86 
MoOtalees- cchscecccsecc-s se eeesoes 587 Miscellaneoust..c2.-.2.2ss-<cccsece 34 


INioxandiigns-2tces cscs. ke lemme 71 Total. ..-------------------------- 322 
ey Ay 40* || ObioeMRteingiSom cs -2e-0d—an2nnc 1B 
Lapel .._-_ 7 

Pendleton 29 French Lick te Le ee ee | 51 
Summitville 16 @rleans 38 
Miscellaneous 12 DES ieeade MEEAUCR SL Urs abba 31 

Cantey ii a a ey eat 1.773 Mbiscellaneousteccen-s—---4--o=-eeeuee 47 

Marion: i Bia] e:) Roepe, Sk ee ee eae 167 
IBGOGIEGnO UO see 2 aon aes ere ee 23 
TORGEIID DIGG. oa )o sae ce coe eee ‘ 1 |) Owen: 

Unithippamolisss 222250 2 222 tt theeees 17, 943 Spencer: eae eee se oo nse 50 
DVEISCOlIENEOUSsoc. ocean clean nae 369 IMiscellancousiacesssnss.cee-eneeseee 19 
Ota Sees essccecccesec ces 18, 336 Totals tees nee cnsccanacone eases 69 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. | Number . Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns 
Parke: Scott: 
NROCCA See eect ane EM 11 Scottsburg -s- csc cose 38 
iIMOnteZztON Asoo eee eee ee 16 MiuscellaneouS.......---28s425.2S22- 7 
ocCkmlle ses saace eee eee a 48 SSS 
IMiscellaneous-. .o--2-<c eau ae 17 MOtAles sosaatas seacee cece eessas= 45 
St) ee ae ees 92 || Shelby: 
Shel tywillosess soso scese eee eee 377 
Perry: IMiscellaneouS.....-..-=222eeeee2-e- 50 
Wannelions sue wech etc t ec okee 31 
MeN CGityss nace cece eee 73 Totals set e< soc c ten 427 
Miscellaneous 4 
PROUA Soe canoe eer ee es Se 108 TRG) G1 O10) Foe ea i 41 
a MMiscellaneousi=-oeeces-ao-s—e--ene= 29 
(POtersbUre-<ucn eee 72 Notali sc esenncas ceeencseeseeseees 70 
IWANSIOWiet< com caee tebe c ee 23 
IMESCBILATCOMS sooo naa a en eee 10 || Starke: 
St) eee ee 56 
SSL Gl = ae eee ee a PRE 105 INGO AUTOR) ce ee ee 27 
INMiscollaneolse==s nee soe eae eae 21 
(Chestentones-ece ee 134 Motalteteee= tests teneoce eee ee 104 
Walparaiso==4.2../2 1... cea 391 
BUINSCOlANGOUS= sane nso acco eee 61 || Steuben: 
IANGO) ens asaeeeen a sesesaao=secanee 89 
ROU: = see) 5-882 5 a oe a 586 IMiScellan@OUS esos. seco eee a~ == 46 
Posey: | Sota tees ae cea cease cet an es 135 
Mount Vernon 89 
New Harmony 15 || Sullivan: 
WiidesvillGsst == oso See ee ane 2 Die eOhs-eeeecneese eee ea eeaocne 29 
aSCallaMCOUS= 2225522. 45-s se skse see 17 Farmersburg 15 
Hymera-.------- 8 
THAIS = 3 55 eee nee hen pe re Sa 123 Shelburne 22 
: | Sullivans eee aeeaeees a= 166 
Pulaski: | IMiscellaneous!ssen see ns ose see 35 
NAYS uO ETE Gs Yarnell epee ae ora 34 
Wisco llaneOUsecs cose coe seals t 12 | Total ee eee een asa= 275 
MG tal meas see eee ee ease ste 46 || Switzerland: 
WGK) ee Seer 19 
Putnam: Miscellancoussssesseeseeee se aoe as 3 
(GreeneCastlO se a= 3 oa ee ee tee 214 | 
NiScallaneOUSs=- Canoe nnee ee asec eeee 29 | MROUA See eee eee en asa aanee 22 
Dia (CA oe a ees 243 || Tippecanoe: 
Tafa yette soc se~ sees sa assasaseae 1, 003 
Randolph: | | West) Laiayottes +22) 2.522254 133 
Rid pevillessa= <a oeeeeesaeeaeaceessee 12 | IMiscellancousesss ss enema ee ae 29 
Union City 83 | 
Winchester 120 | Motal= ooneascen nee eee ae 1, 165 
Miscellaneous 31 | 
| Tipton: 
SRG yil spp ecaeeers a Aber pea ne Net lie 246 | Sinton eee eee en neers 126 
y IMiiscellaneous=:-=-----2----=—--=--4- 20 
Ripley: | 
Ma tesvall@s se see sass soon ee 107 | CARO} lis Gao ws see. ebened sapere eet L 146 
Osroodteass {23 -< cee 15 | 
IMPISCAlEaNGOUSS=eens oe sasne See 42 || Union: 
Wien aes 2a 20a eee seen saeeees eee 74 
Mota@le ssi 2escadareseusacseesasse4 164 WhiscellanGOUuS=ss2ta-sasssaee aces eee 19 
gush: ne ie “Nay ir gear any mene © Rear. a 93 
MISH WAGs Sanaa oe ee ee 188 
EANIRA ARES orate Rete ee ees Vanderburg: 
Miscellaneous. 22252 5cesscoeaeaesn = 48 POA CiNG ss soeeediceecceceue dtd 2, 756 
HA Mo} 2) | gape 3 ps at an ea 12 
St. Joseph: 
Mishawaka 2, 769 
Notre Dame-_- 
South Bend... 186 
Walkerton Ss22252ecase- ase eS 8 
Miscellaneous 82 
Motel emer natn be Meme tes 276 



Tasie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

INDIAN A—Continued 
- Number | . Number 
County and city of returns | County and city of returns 
Vigo: || Wayne: 
Merreantes-) oon onctssaaceceeetes 2, 371 Cambridge City 85 
West Terre Haute- 35 Hagerstown 49 
WMS Coan COUS === nesceseassoan===a= = 31 Richmond 1, 096 
——— Miscellaneous--- 65 
Potala 2s sss osessce asses ssc 2, 437 
Total 1, 295 
Wabash: ~ 
North Manchester. ....--.=--------- 71 || Wells 
Wa bas ieee ate aos eee Se 235 IDMiftOn Been as 2 ee 155 
MliscéllaneouS.o-oca=seseosscese le 31 MuscellancOus: 2 s=- 0222-2 --22-=.-58ee 43 
TRO Al oe a ae ets oteees 337 A BOY if) (eS a ae eS 198 
Warren: White: 
Williamsport. ....-.-2s2----s=<ss--=- 28 IW 00) eee 34 
Miuscellancousi.2---2.-+.=<sss-ss255 26 Mionticellose 2s... 2. = eee 62 
—— IMuSsceMaNGOUS=io. -sacncacncnnneaoete 42 
Motaliec 2282 aoe Sa aaa eee 54 
Warrick: sf ie Total - ---~----n--n--a2--7-2===--== 138 
Newburg_---.----------------------- 2) @olumbiay@iryae ae ee 99 
SouthawWhitley- 2-222... 22.2... eee 37 
138 Mnscellaneous2=— ==. 2 2----2...cesee 16 
Whotaliiove-Pfeeoccesucdasente see (a 152 
5 Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
OUNCES CALOS seat an=====eeanes anaes ee 693 
57 State:totale=ssss--5-. 2. eee 76, 703 
Adair: Blackhawk: 
Greentiel das-452 22 2 22 o852 ce eee 42 C@edarsMalisesst =< == ose 2obaseese 161 
MVinSCAllaneOUs= se ecer os ceseeee eens 77 LaPorte City 31 
——_—— Wiaterloozsss522: 1, 463 
U1 D0) of: EE ae ap ee eee S| 119 Miscellaneous 49 
cee: Motale eaosaseesese eee e ose ceoeeeae a Asx 
orning-__..-.-----.-.-------------- BON Boone: 
WhiscellaneouS:2-a-scs = -sesseecesees 14 Be a on e- hi 7 A REARS pe 355 
EXO tts ee ee eee eee 30 
TOGA So 2 toes saa oneesanaan aaeceee 54 OT Niclas ae ae CURE Dre 39 
/Lavesmapinere IMEscellaneouss-c=2 sean ae foo ee eee 16 
WaTisinBe-- shes tes he sw ener Sse 29 | 
ianiyilles = "5.22. s.siras 2s. ieee 53 Total_...--.---------------------- 440 
\WUET ES) 0 GS Se ee 44 | Bremer: 
MViiscellaneous:22s2a228 2 Seeks eee 9 SUMMNEY* sl2 5 seeusoessses2 5 ee 52 
Wis vorlyissss3esossieess oo Eee 119 
Motalse 2 eao. 2 cose ccesee ee see 135 Ihiscellaneous22 seen ee eee eee 76 
Appanoose: | Dotalicseeeeesee tess eee 247 
Gee OT ERTS BME CTT Eee CS 156 Buchanan: 
NIGEL aa I age Sea 1 Independence: =-2--- =. --.escenenees 137 
LG GS oe NOES 13 | Miscellaneous..------2-.--.22-2----- 64 
se Ag hals Stee ea ee 201 
194 | Buena Vista: —. 
Altace eee 44 
Sioux Rapids__..-- 19 
83 Storm Makesessssss--= 162 
64 Miscellaneous 58 
147 Totall.= ae See eet eee eee 283 
Benton: Butler: nas 
BAllewPisingss5-222ub soe =o reat eee 57 Clarksville... ----------------------- 22 
Vinton nooo eae eo eee FO) IE age ee eee RT pe 20 
Gack cease rc 94 | Miscellaneous...----.........---.--- 59 
WOUMeaa Korat on apkewneu sacesce eee 230 6 An) a a te ees 8 139 



Tas eE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

IO W A—Continued 
. Number . Number 
County and city of fonnas County and city (etratrieds: 
Calhoun: Crawford: 
DEATHS ON is a as a LAR NRL 42 Wenisonls sss: fe eee 124 
VEATISON eo ea ecco nnceeaeeaae eee 51 J (Fea FF Wes ae Se eae Sree eer ac 29 
mockwelli@ity = s--25o. 5 Seale 84 Miscellaneous. sno eee oes 228, 
MisealaneOUSos—=--2s5ssceee eee ee eS 76 a 
ARG Gas 2 ee os ee 381 
PANG IPS ence aa an eo eee eee ee 62 
203 1 E29 he Ep eee Bs 162 
32 MMnscellaneouse a2 oc8- ana ee 242 
60 — 
125 MOvalee eases Saese see eee t esses 466 
ARYA) 7 | esha ene 420 || Davis: 
Bloomfield os e- sees eo ee eer 43 
Cass: Miscellaneous- == 222525 setae 8 
Amita Bes sao Scene a SI 15 
AO ee eee 201 Mota oo ook os concen eee eee 51 
(Grisman nee eee ee eee 48 = 
WWHSCOUANOONS§— 222 ot co sec cate e—e 37 || Decatur: 
TION 2 ou SOS o ae oe cee ae 15 
PROTA Nee ee seek ee 301 LUGO nena ae ce ee ts 27 
Muscellancous- 22235222 sa eee 41 
“UNE ee ee eee 52 sh 0) #2 (ea a eee ee 83 
MaseellanGous cco sece Uae eee 124 == 
MOtalbasste os so enc eneenes eee 176 MAC ReSieher ns nese ee eee 91 
MWiEseelinneousroe: seat eee sees ener eee 82 
Cerro Gordo: 
Clear Lake 89 Whopaleee a. 6a ote eee 173 
Mason City_-_- 729 
Miscellaneous 34 || Des Moines: 
Bunlimeponsessc css woes ane eee 1, 057 
CAN) iN [SSS oe nae ee Se | 852 West Burlington 11 
se erunee ott S oh Nae eth: leper aay | 198 SROpalee ne epee ee ee eee 1, 118 
arcuss= oou- 54 Pe 
Peete ee Gee tai Wel nee Dickinson: 
WHR CA G7 he 90 Seiiitakel sc. t.h oe 32 
3 75 |p ee eee 342 Mnseellaneous!= 22-2 oes See 59 
Chickasaw: Total. ....-.---------------------- a 
PACHA eee eee een ee on, 15 |} Dubuque: 
IKE LE LGN Cae) 1a) cE SS 55 CS TCG (Da a ome aL ae nee ae) 32 
Mascellaneous!- 522.2 c22 52. eS 2u- 2 26 Drhaguee 222 ee ee ee 1, 627 
IDVEnSVANOW ses oe ee ee ee 48 
POUR eee eee ce one ee 96 IVINSCRIANOOUS con keen ee eon ene oe 71 
eae ; AYES 7 | | eed See ae ee ee gee Bea at 1,778 
seeolas- saa 3 38 = 
oa SSE Emmet: 
Miscellaneous: 2. = 2-00-28 sk ek 22 Menon eee ee eee 116 
TGA ees tay ets eh mn bt er ticw set eh 60 Muscellanepus ccs ceae ene seeeeaeee 30 
Olay: NCO) Ff lesen el ly i ema eg teh 146 
POY OYEN OU) pe et te lm Ree a 171 || Fayette: 
Miscollaneouss ses son eee sec eee 99 IMOhL@na~ ose conchae ee eee eee ee 25 
Welweine = 25225 bee ee eee 219 
PR OUG beret ee ee jc 270 RVeSivUmion-... "See 48 
Mascellaneous:.=.2 2022222 eee 113 
Clayton: f 
i det 2 a eS eet 62 MOA =- oo ec cannes nee ee 405 
ELITES OY) of =e eee a el a 19 Floyd: 
An aG es PS Se Paes ta al ao Gharles'Citye. 22a cone eee ae arene 237 
Saat aaa aa a = Nora Springs 27 
Strawberry Point! 2. tile 2b oe cee ee 35 e 
Miscellaneous 105 Rockford... --------- 17 
Riga RS Miscellaneous 37 
Total. -.-------------------------- 300 Tic Se ele SAU b 318 
Clinton: Franklin: 
lintone sae ooo a ee SE Bal 942 1B [evadh oh) eee Sec see eee 132 
LD Gy Lee ee pee pete se tee | 94 Shemmield....u_ cee eeeaeeeeeckaaneeee 19 
Miuiscallaneous 2o--e- sce. cet ee EY 116 Miscellaneous..=---2-2ssc nee e eee 39 
PR Ota = ee eee emt ence Sil Tl 52 TOtal cere eee ate meee ee 190 



Tape 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1 927—Continued 

: mbe . 
County and city ot pabarns County and city ae eee 

Fremont: Ida: : 

TB Faagull jute = oe ee ene eee a ey 75 HOIStelneee a soos ce anomeeeee 103 
Sidney eee oe es ee eee ees 28 TdaiGrovesr soe oe. aascace eee 115 
ARN oY a) Ose ope oe ne a eee Te ee 16 IMiscellaneons==-)--- 222. ee ee 103 
NViseellancOUS.. = soe eee eee sen eae nae 83 
: ON) a eee 321 
Rapala ace onan eee ceneee= 202 
———-——— i | ONVeDe 

‘Greene: IN NSO ee Se 56 
Grandwunctiones.-cseee oes 29 Williamsburg ses e228 2 oe 44 
etl ersOUseneeas ooo ene reee ee eee 82 IMiseelismecus-2=2).2_-- =... eee 61 
mvinscollancoussas.--—-=s--soe—a=see== 77 

== MNotals sos 25. ecsacess enn Sees 161 
Gta) a Ee ee eens 188 

‘Grundy: IBeNeV1O2 see ea: hace csascscesceeee 42 
Grundyi@ enters 2s2------ ese 60 Maqduoketa= 22-2... 2.52522. 2-2. 53 122 
Mein beck asso naa asec ose eseeeens 21 Miscellaneous: cc 2 22222 -- soe 76 
INMMiScellaneoUSesenseeene seca ae 64 

Motaleetee woe ok cee eee 240 
Motalic 2s. = ko ccee ee se eeeaae seeee 145 

‘Guthrie: Ol fixe ek coc cck ee sce see 39 
Guthrie Genter... ----2-- SeS2eSe 60 ING WiLONmeee ee aaa oo Le ee 452 
Santee See eee oo ese aee anes 40 IMPISeeIIRN EONS tess ooo -o sa sossecce n= 164 
IVIiScellanegussse ecu ccceeee ee wane 73 

Tota lee seen ooh aa eawee eee 655 
La yoy ris (nes ee ee eae este eT ee 173 —— = 
———— || Jefferson: 
Hamilton: ip tinote) (| j5 32 ee ene On 241 
; Miscellaneous:.2.---=-=-=-.-----2528 19 
Otel eee ena ancacsesnus eee 260 
A Be 71 [ces eee re nary ee INS 2S 301 || Johnson: 
— = Gh a2) (Chi SoS See 565 

Hancock: 45 
IBDIbtes Ho oo a ee eee 29 
Garnereee se ee ee eee 26 Totale eee ans eoac one aoe 610 
Wiiscellaneoust 222222 se eee = eee ke Tones : 

= INTL GIN OSA ee es ne ese ow eee nee 4 
Total . ---------------------------- Hi | WWonticnllomesise 2-8 soob so ee 72 

Hardin: \ “5 IMfiscellaneolsnene- =e eee eee nee 33 
INCA ca a a lick ee Me pe 2 oS 61 
ENG Ones eee ee ee ee 130 Total__--------------------------- 152 
Nawabiallg2 2222) ee Soe eee 121 || Keokuk: 

IVNISCENGNCOUS. 22 ess. ase ee 91 Weg tae ae =< oe 29 
————- Sisourmeveess* 52-22-22 eee 51 

Motal 22. toe ea ee ee ee 403 Wihati Geers asa 5: io ee 18 

; SSS AVUISCe ll ANGOUS#. nae oom o nn oeee meee 50 


BEEP Pee oe Ara Ao 2 ee ee ey ee 58 Yo ee Sea 148 
FORAMe =o SS On ee ee 44 Z 
Missouri Valley__.-.-..-..-..-.-___- 193 || Kossuth: , 
Wisudbinet.. <0... lh ee 35 Algona__....------------------------ 15 
Miscellaneous= —- 2-222. ee sae 46 Miscellaneous... --------------------- 163 
food ete 
TOPE eres ae 3 ee a ee 306 Total -~--------------------------- 320 
= Lee 

Henry: | Fort Madison 522 
Mount bleasant:.2---—- 22) eee 135 Keokuk 547 
Wew ond ones an. 22 sf ne eee 16 Miscellaneous 44 
Wiluniel die A) 2 oe eee i 31 
IMARCelleameGus see sone ne en memes ee 53 1,118 

- || Linn: 
Total. .--.------------------------| 235 Cedar Raplds_—--------o---2--0---~+ 2,018 
wat Grigneaeee ee ween eee nee s eee 

Bowers 90 MountivVennon™ “2: -o.22.------.—- = 53 
Miscellaneous. ...20..2220222 22 is | Miscellameous_---------------------- 166 

IT nfl eet sk See es sv | 108 MOfAl se eeeeeneeeeee ees ec cons ccess 2, 312 
| Louisa: 

Humboldt: Columbusiuuction=2.-2-+5-4e-55" 32 
[SQ bat oY) CG ye a eee 93 Wanellomeertes oe 2 nk 30 
Miscellaneous... = 2.22.28 saeeeoeee 82 Miscellaneons:s2) 2. ----2--22ss56-28 52 

NOtAlee oun cpanve rn ccbesctsszaccucee 175 TOC os soe poe aaee ke acccenansxeee 114 
SS —_————__—_——. — | 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

IO W A—Continued 
- Number . Number 
County and city ofirattinns County and city otcatdrns 
Lucas: O’Brien: 
@hariton 4: <2 <5 - 2 ooo ose 135 1618 Ch ee Se eRe PEE, Oa pe 41 
MMuscellaneous:. <.------5-.-s2eieeeas 16 RAT DORMS os = oe ee ee 18 
[SH OCI GG (ce Re a SE eee 114 
Motels oe ons bec sebl sk 151 Miscellaneous: noi. cee se 113 
Lyon: 1 bo} 1) | A ee er eee SS 286 
eck aDIdS--- o-oo acess 76 SS 
Miscellaneous... .....=-2<--2-->s222=0 81 || Osceola: 
Sibleye ee ose occa ok okt 71 
Mola waters cena et sewer eet oe Lt 157 Miiscellaneoust=-- i 32.2... ceseenee 53 
Madison: Motel eee seas ee moc oar eesnow eee’ 124 
WINLOPSOLe> 2 soccssoncce esas ee onace 84 
Wihiscellancoussss-2 222 85-8 oo os 26 || Page: 
Clann eo ee ee ee eee 135. 
Motaletan aon saateawsnceecos SSocoue 110 Shenandoah a os es ee 181 
Miiscellaneous’. 22-23-2055. . aen ae 84 
Mahaska: — 
iNew SHATONS= 22625 os oe es ae 15 Ne) | | a ee rene ke 400 
WSK OINOSAIe a ence sso occe se seasass 307 
Misceliancous:s:. <5 22.--222-2-s=25= 34 || Palo Alto: 
HM MMmMetspares oo 2 oS eae 61 
Uy BY) i [coc i etn ae eee eS 356 Miscellaneous: ..2=.2-s..2--ceueeesee 58 
Marion: 7 Mota eee san ceo as oo eet a ee 119 
9 || Plymouth: 
89 ON (01s ee a EE eet 30 
39 manpsieyeeee 3 ose. ee ce oe ewe 47 
BIN en | 206 
229 IR OMIsGh este == eee oe 91 
WMiscellsneous:-f22 22 2ese ais 8 sel 64 
591 AN GYIGA Ll aa a ee ee ee eee 438 
95 || Pocahontas: 
Ayo ae 34 
747 POCHHBNTAS 2 = «ce accccecccancsesaces 40 
ROMO Mente nc 2 = 5. See Se ee 33 
o IMISCeMANGOUS: 2.22 =5s522222.- 5555224 71 
63 GGG |. oe ee eee 178 
266 DessMipines:: --~ 22.5. 5, 903 
Valley Junction 104 
Miscellaneous.......-.--..- 91 
44 ht) | a a Se ea 6, 098 
169 || Pottawattamie: 
VOCE eee Mee we cecal weeesecnaes 68 
Monona: @anneneplufis- 222.252. .22.-ese sce 1, 162 
INGA DIOtON e248) Shee oe asco cces4 54 Ogklandie 2252 2s eos Soke ene 70 
Miwa eee Ben cee eke eS 74 Wialnite 2. 2255 eo si ao eee 60 
IMISCEIEANGCOUSS----cse-scecenceee sea 90 Miscellaneous: .:...2-225-4-cceseeee 187 
PROLM a santas seee ee cones canes 218 Motaleseieres . oto beceenenceee 1, 547 
Monroe: Poweshiek: | 
IN Pidse = 2 coseceesaesccsocsessces 92 IBTOD KVM ==5 <a. ssce sence nee teneese 27 
Be ee a er 5 Grinnell). 2. a 158. 
Wriscellaneotsss = sace2e once eke ee ced 30 IMontezwma..2.--... 222 5s) ae 20 
Museelianeous.... =~... 2-05 2=sesenens 30 
PR Ot Alas See ae ean a a kas 127 — 
Mon faornery: = Total. ---.------------------------ =o 
dt ORK ee ee cmosesosssesssesese: : 
a ae CoN a ree ts 
Miscellaneous--_-------------------- 50 WMSCallANnCOUS 2.2 oe Sasa ae eee eee ee 17 
Ota es ee eet stsesesscace 384 1) A PO RRIERLLE SO ee es PC 50 
IVINS CHtIN Obes nce ee ee eee 479 || Sac: 
NSKESTE TU) ofS) eee 69 Odebolt2csscsessesesteee ee ee accene 73 
WiltonyJtmetionese: 22 222 ae Se ee 25 SaC Citys. 22-2 ~seeae eee eee eee 96. 
MfiscallaneouSteso-e secs sesccnece= os 33 IMiscellaneouss saan eee neces 152: 
PPotalsoe= ao sees Soe a ceeseessees 606 Totale sos See eee 321 


TABLE 11.—I ndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

IO W A—Continued 
County and city Aum ber County and city a ve 
Scott: Warren: 
Bettendotteeessesaeoe seat eeeeeeeee 48 Indianolalseeeees-s—n=---—--—aa aaa 82 
Davenpobtseeese scans eee ee neaneaee 2, 412 Miscellancouss2i..22.- 22-2 54 
Db. 0) 61S eee nn Ee ee 14 
IMMuscellancouSs-cecseaceeesseeeeaeees 93 Totaluetee etc cce eee 136 
MNotaleoporjoocee wae teceateueecteas 2, 567 || Washington: 
183 t-J0 40) 0a a ee ee v 

Shelby: Washington------ 2-4. ee 165 
Harlan’ o eee c che foe tees ee 155 IVUISCEIISNOOUS Senet e ce nesecceeesceee 102 
Miscellaneous... --=-2-----2- 22225 106 —____— 

MOtalete eee occ ce conc ccecesn eons 274 
Motalascacca eee Coetesseceteseses 261 

Sioux: Gorydont=.2- 22-22 2<<-2.2ee ee 28 
INI GON see cee teen eek eecentenceeseeene 25 EMUIMOSTON aoa = a. oe ncaa secceseees 15 
IaWaLden occa lecceccese se eee 74 Seymore 6---+2222-2-252-5beteees 13 
@range, Citye.c sss se ce osteo eee 47 IMNSCellaneOUS==< cn conascaceese=seee 15 
Rock Valley --- 23 
Sioux Center--_- 29 NGtalizet-ooedsewcece st ceeeel SS 71 
MiscellaneéouS=2---+-s-e-s2==s------- 122 

Motalassatusccsh ewes satesueteees 320 Fort Dodge---_-- 757 
Lehigh®=22 22 = 14 

Story WhiscellaneouSs:-2.--.-2---20-coesne 107 
WANINI GS eral ele USP eae sae. aes 237 
ING VAG See eee ee eee re ol releee 87 if Bo) 2 9 eee eh 878 
Stonya@ ity ieee sens eae nee eee 30 = 
Miscellaneous. ...-....28:..-=------- 96 || Winnebago: 

—————_——- Poresti@ity22<--2--2-2---225-0522522 50 
Notalu.. ass ss~-ssehocesesesesssee 450 Walkepvitillgeo: 225-222 eso shoe seee 18 
Miscellancouss2=22222=-=-- 2222 S25ee 38 

Tama: ——— 
CaS 6.0: a a Ry 68 Total nas snr 5 oo 22 Soe eee 106 
MoledOtses oes aa a sce beens seas sese4 35 
irae lees Seen eee 50 || Winneshiek: 

IMiscelianeouss 22-2222 2245-4 2222S 120 Galimanss-2iets 2252-222 28 
DeCOrabes senso 22. 2s. ssa ecassesoes 152 
Motalan< -csheaesctssee nose seeeee 273 IMuscellaneoust:2<52=-===42sssesses25 68 

Taylor: Motaleee tahoe Ao Se een ae ce 248 
Bedford ac. = 2252 -- aa ee 40 
OnOXS 220 = foo anec enn oe eee ae 23 || Woodbury: 

Mhiscellaneous:..=...2.-..s-25--2-2-2 50 G@orrectionville:-<2+=2.2=.5<22-225-22 34 
_—_—_——. Sikoy hbo { Ona a ee ee ee eee | 2, 580 
Pots. s2cesssbs2L ses eo sek eee | 113 WMiiscellaneous:<=--224=2ceeessecssea8 233 

Union: | TNO tel epaeee ee e ee SS e 2, 847 
JN Ke) 0 gees es nl ee eee rey 13 
@restonc eo ce k ses 20s see eae es | 258 || Worth: 

MViriscellaneous---- 2-2-2 2 -eeee eee 21 GN Uf 64 yo et er 42 
INorthwooden 2225.25 .2cssceks aes 41 
Motalocos se fos esos edes cease see 292 IVMiscellaneousees {2-22-62 2 e oso e oe 25 

Van Buren: Motalinagevsaesescecccscs cdot esenes 108 
Hanimineyonte 2252 see eee 8 
MNS CellSnG0US. 2. <=... <s<s2ssee eee 44 || Wright: 

Pelmondste- oe oes ol a 48 
Motel jaccecaveccucccoscsbsass avons 52 Clarions2s"seeiecessecs acseesssee2e 91 
DO WS ane eo eee eee ee 42 

Wapello: BagloiGrover c= sess. see eee 73 
1 KG Ko) « ERE ee ee ee rns 41 Miscellaneous=_..==--2.2-2-<l42-<2s- 19 
ORUIMW Asc. asso ooe coz alesse 622 a 
IMiscellandous 2225-222 22 eae 27 otals- 2-22 -oesesb esse 273 

MOUA ean ne seee ce eee ee eee 690 | Statertotaleses=- 222252222222 ssas2 45, 349 



Tas Ee 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city ener County and city mal Bees 
Cheyenne: Miscellaneous-----...-------- 80 
192 || Clark: 
6 Wehlande. 2} oe ce steed 49 
28 IMNSCeNANGOUSs2=22-s2 2522-2 Se Ss 28 
295 NG 3) (ee eee 77 
92 Clay: 
40 Clay Center-..--+=--2s-=---.222=22= 148 
Miscellaneous 63 
Se epi ia ee RINS. 211 
Atchison: =a 
IM CHISONG =) = one eee aoe eae 521 || Cloud: 
MMnscellaneOuS eee ens =-a--sse=--=sa= 23 | @ly.dets: =<. a SS anaes 19 
————— Concord ihe ee ee en 220 
otal eee aeons 544 Muscellancous =< eee ee 63 
Barber: Motels eon ee eee 302 
IR OW ieee ae een once eaceocessouoss 69 
Medicine Lodge-__-..---------------- 56 || Coffey: 
WVnISCOLANCOUSS=- 22 sane ee ea - eae ae= 105 || ‘Burlington! ——==---s=- ences eee 48 
il Miseelianeous: == 2-22. -2242-s225 42 
Ot oe ica eee ea 230 || 
Barton: 4 wer Ses | Total_---------------------------- 90 
AW OOU ee ee een eee ee eene 2 
brennan es gi. | Goran nee ee a 
Hoisington------------------------=- ae Provephinn! —oetie toh OD 29 
INMiscollaneoussesccs. + sa- ss —- as 154 ‘Miscellaneous... 12 
TUTE Reese eee eh Sit eects coast 100 
OWS CO Usenet eae ee 306 || Cowley: ‘ 
IvMnscellaneousse see se see ee ase ee 19 Arkansas i@ityes =-)2—- 2 aso noe eee 524 
Wintel dea ee see ee oe ee 549 
ah ss Se eee 325 Miscellaneous: 232422. s2nedelee see 58 
Brown: | 
Hiawatha WeieSti2 on) alae 90 | AMONG ee eae 1,131 
OGUON See et ee oe eS 7 || A 
INInSceHANGOUS#=24c2—2o55--5---5 == 63 | co © Se De ety ee ane TNS 30 
UNS ei 60ys oe) ee a ee ee ee ee 29 
Total___.------.------------------ 250 || Cherokeomni ss fs 25s eal 21 
Groweburgee= 22 See 2 
Butler: oe 
AE ee ee 150 || Franklin___------------------------- a 
IDO bie Ce ene 42 || ” 
dGrad ose see ee een eae 645 || 68 
WMarscellaneous=-<--seeo-o- ee - =n = 208 || 693 
aialee eee eres tere a tee ee 1, 045 || Ae 
Cottonwond:Falls.__._-.->.-=---=-=35 49 || Motil t ot Base e epee tees eee 992 
Mvinscellane@auSs osc e oc seca ee ee = 57 
—————— |} Decatur: 
Nay nce ee ee Se ee oe 106 ponies sen ae eee ee ee 63 
Chautanqua: wns; Whiseellaneous:...<ssc-a2cco eee eee 40 
Bday ales ee ween nee ee ean 45 
PE MMUR AL Bad Sat ie. Yack 48 | MOta asthe ote eee 103 
Misco lanGOUS soe se estes ons soe saae 22 Ty Census 
Ilene ro 222222 ssh3isesc see teieee 244 
Total__--------------------------- 106 Merny LONka=2-222=sS2sessese25se2555 176 
Cherokee: Solomon=: ]. = secseesesseeseseacsoess 36 
Baxter Springs 220 MascellaneousS:.oooeeeeeeeeee ee eee 114 
Colum buss eee 123 | 
(Gini 5 BA eee Se ee 86 Total os.. oeee  ee eeeeceeae 570 
Saimin ON eee eee ne eee oa ee ae 40 
\WVGiit ee el eee 26 | Doniphan: 
Wiestuviinenral 32 ee oes cet 6 AY Xo): ee ee ae 35 
Miseellaneouss—- cece cae eS 24 Miscellaneous 96 
U ays) (eee eee ee ee 525 | Motalonshneeeceteeeeteetacdescsesl 131 



TasLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

County and city Afumber County and city 4 Levi 


Baldwin City 34 107 

Wawrenceles= 22.) 242s cse8 571 46 

Miscellaneous 27 66 

La 2 32) |S Ne Se ee ee 632 219 

Edwards ISVS ye ey eer: 59 
Kinsley --..---.--------------------- = Newton 431 
Miscellaneous.—------ 2-2-0222 158 || Miscellaneous.____~2-.-22a2za22a22 él 

BG a ee ees 313 Total... a 551 


Haskell: Miscellaneous-___..-._--..-.-._- 58 
Miscellaneous. 2027777777777] ga || Hodgeman: Miseellameous. 7772707207277 : 
Rofaltessc oc. eee 110, |Senee port) Fs 

Ellis: MiScellancousse: = 255 2-222 ee 35 
TOU GE a ee ee 75 
ick) 5S Ue eS ras 187 FTO be] Serene Oe i eee ees ae 118 
IMiscellaneous:- =. = 5") a 18 || Jefferson: 

MalleygWaligs 22.9 = soot eee 40 
Motal Su sescsscel2 se ed 280 Miscellaneous 79 
Total maaan oa, Oe =e 119 


49 || Jewell: 

63 AGH EDS Ey Woy 5k aetna es ep een 41 
Wiiscellaneowmseeet 2 aa = Ses ee es 40 

* Motaleeeeectens . eeee att ee en 81 

inney: i 

garden| City: 2 2. ee et ae ary |) TRENT 97 
Miscellaneous... ..--.--.---..------ 16 Miscellaneous. See 2 Oe 156 
Motels 2. oe 28S 187 Motalowniakewss ee - 253 

Bye. RAGICIiG ae eee 3gq || Kearny: Miscellaneous..............-.-- 25 
IVES Callan Otis ates 2s eee eee 143 Kingman: 

Kinemanme sees 2s. 2222 eee 94 
Total. ---------------------------- 532 IVEIScellANGOLIS sue ee on ee 79 
216 To taleee ee es a) 173 
42 || Kiowa: 
Greensburg eae teens hee 59 
258 Miscellaneous 60 
EO a 2) SS ee 119 
213 || Labette: 
13 (O) 6G 100: Bae 5 eee ee 16 
OSWeS0 Set nete oe aocan lee | 44 
255 FPAPSONSEeeeeree cre: = 2 oe ee 467 
WViiscellaneouss: so 2S ee 22 
32 MoOtdlaseteeee ose ou ws saec nee nee 549 
33 | 

Gray) Miscellaneous 2: - 222222222 22a eee! 113 || Lane: Miscellaneous. .....-..----------- 9 

Greeley: Miscellaneous_..............__- 9 Leavenworth: 

Greenwood: San Fort Leavenworth...............--.- 56 
Eureka. Idea Ven WW ONUMeeen ener ea seaman nee eeen 481 

oo a emai SS a2 National Military Home 1 
Miscellaneous_........-.---.-------- 295 Miscellaneous.........-------.-.---- 35 
Total Oe ee mee mmm wwe we ewww wwne 587 Total Bde fetes. a 573 

Hamilton: Lincoln: 

DSYTACUSO SD oe conan cab. 2 secu eee 27 B Opn (ere) ba poy n) Gere ie rae See eS e EY 62 
Wisceligneous*. 222.5 3.2 ia 2 Miscellaneousee eo) case eed 65 
Obs Ser csae ae ot a ee 29 Totala==aea Se ees f 117 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

eps. Number . Number 
County and city of returns County and city airetarna 
Linn: Neosho: 
DAC VENG. -occec oct oe ee 15 Ghoniwte 222k eee a ee Se 321 
PPIPHSHTILOM Senco nce ane nee 26 Bplet sesee 2  e eek cee ee Le oe a 19 
Miscellaneous. .22.-.c2+os-s4secse== 43 MitsPalANGOuUS! oo 2oo se ste Pap 
Rotalocecos Cobtoumsaseceseeaoeoe 84 Ee EIR ee Ce Er reeks 367 
Logan: Miscellaneous...........-.---.-- 27 || Ness? Miscellaneous: <..:-.-2:.-2---.-.. i 65 
Lyon: Norton: 
MIMPOME=t WsuccewuaLcdes:ssacctassse 563 INVODLOR Eee eee eene het kets to kee ak 67 
MISCMIANOOUS.cccclcnsscssecoscesoee 84 IMisceliamegusSs225: =~ 25550 o-eess soem 46 
POtHoccccc cc coeecsissesetcessusts 647 AO ee aCe ae 113 
McPherson: Osage: 
ANGSROMEe se ceacestidecunanedsosce 89 Biiniingeame: svi les. Bie ee we 
MOR HOLSOMe sone mecca eoccecacsoees 221 OSsaveiGily. == =-242=22 62 2-4 J ee 
Miscellaneous: 2.2. 252522252 222552552 151 WitscellanGous: 2s 25252 See ee 
1) | i a nn ers Re 461 PMG He so 2* oe aya ae 
Marion: Osborne: 
ii est (6 54 OWS ae oe oor ee ee 
1a 1G) 0%0) (ae eee ol sree Oa 48 Oshormmetass=-2 == 22 22 Sees eens ses es2 
INVATION Ss oo aon eean cones cee 132 Mirscallancauss.s2 cee. os sew ons. ee 
PEACE View on Scan asa same caseeaae 69 
IMISCOUENEOUS Ss enn eee eee saee 82 Total eee tne seen ae ae 
NOGA bonaas vaccsasdncceena tt 385 || Ottawa: 
IMITHORDOMSS2= "heen ees J sel soe. 
Marshall: Wiscellaneoustesssc= ces seanoce eos 
Blue Rapids 36 || 
Frankfort __- 38 Motalieei esse eee eon 8 a eh 
Marysville 143 
Miscellaneous 131 || Pawnee: 
pS a clet Ee a ee eee 
LOU a scseseswasnesewaaaaxcoeoeee 348 Whiscellaneoushaeas ee eee 
Meade: Miscellaneous............----.-- 152 Totalie es eee cose Feces 
Miami: Phillips: 
OSaWHLOIMNIG=---asoe- ote saa ee eee | 95 RTH pS DUE eee ee eee Se ee 
TRG) IDS ser Sk eee ral aed erent | 131 WMiscelianeoust sass ane = ee ee ee, 
BMiseallaneGus:sssseeesasseo52-50 212 14 
MROGA En eee eee nes See ce 
A) ee 240 
Pottawatomie: ; 
Mitchell: SU uViey sess oe ae a oo 
LID) t. i 115 Wianierotesnn eee oe eee 
INISCOlULaNOOUS << ssecceasa2seteel eS. 53 Wisgellaneous==. ia: 2222552522 222+255 
ROUGE ae Soe awed wants a cnma ee 168 RPC ere nas oe A ee ES 
Montgomery: =. || Bratt: 
(CEU CK ks ee eee 73 |; Prattsissss estes ecansssereszeccc-e=! 
neh alOnettaseen eae sa ea meee 83 IMiscellaneous<2<.a2s=2 222 S2 eS 
Wienivilles a2 2 ses se 389 
MG EMENGeCOs cone cece cee cer 524 AIG} 21 2 ete cane See ae ae Fe eae pe eek 
INFISeOHANGOUS. ~ 2322 ee 2nSlSe est See 26 
————— || Rawlins: Miscellaneous__-....--...------ 
DERG IN ae eee ee ier hd a en Se CRD 1, 095 | Reno: 
Morris: I BS G0 ee ee ee 
@onncil Groves. so a-c seeks lke 83 IECHENSON 225 22k ee 
Miscellaneous! ses oo -- 22-2 — oe 58 || Miuscellancous..22- 2-22. = --=—- Hewes 
NG Gabearosat sacs Stet ioe RO 141 |! POL Meee 2 a er see 
Morton: nan — || Republic: 
TENET DTT pean a en la peter agence 29 LEIS ya aaa AE 2s lh rea ae 
INIISCE MANE OUS= sc. oa oe a eee ethos 8 Masenlianeous2.2sseceseoeseeeeeen oe 
UT Gio: ek ee es eee 37 CONSE eR SYN ORIN Nt BERS 2 
Nemaha: aay, Rice 
PSE] OVe OF: a ee et Oe ee eee 97 NEOUS ee nea eee eee eee 
BENGGRe se oe en beeen ee 45 Stenlings.< eect Sees eee tee 
Minscellaneoussea. oss scone se as eee = 65 HVEISCANANCOUR: Sco se Ls 
RO bal ise we Ree ek eee 207 A Na) | See ee Me Pee ee Oe ee 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city dumber } County and city 
Riley: Stanton: Miscellaneous. -.-....-.-.------ 
Manhattan.—-=..==---22222s-s-s-522 452 || Stevens: Miscellaneous_-..........-.---- 
Miscellaneous. 22: .ssccectseseeee esos 134 | 
POLO eee on a ee ee ae ees 586 Caldwell. 22 Se ee 
= JON WAVES DrINPSa. aos e see a eas 
Rooks: Miscellaneous----- ha deeeeweeas 57 NWinlvaneweesssese st ll ee 
=z | Wellingtons ==s222222-. 
RusheeMviiscellaneous-.-ssss----s-s-——--= 138 | scenes 
Russell: 5 
Russelives- 2-2 4225 Fee ea 108 Total_...--.---------------------- 
Whiseellaneousie cases -cs22-ss sce eceee 107 mMnomas 
Motala=2a=vscessscscsceetscasezec4 215 
Salinas22). 2 ocls cece scssecesee 708 
WiseellaneouS..2-2-=22---222s=-2222" 65 
———--_—_ |-"Drezo: 
Motels ooo sosseecncocsoeuessesseo 773 iWinkeeneyeen==s2-22.cccecsncaleees 
Beott: Wehiscellamenwsi2s. 42. oon eee 
Scoth City 222-2 =. sse ce ease 34 
IMiscellaneous:. 225252522 ccesecesn ae 3 Total. -.-------------------------- 
Total). ss cssccecssesseescsesseseees 37 || Wabaunsee: Miscellaneous__-_-----.---- 
Redewick: lL Coy EG COlLATICOUS= a= = 5s oe ane 
BWiichiitatwe: == Sewn Ps Soe 3, 970 - 4 
Miscellaneous__.-...---s------------ 177 See Ena 
Motalees coc. o-Seacescoce senses 4, 147 Wiscelaneous=: 2522 22 ee ee 
Seward: 7/ 
[iihoralsesat=ese!¢-.-n2a a ee 142 TIVE Soccer Geo ae 
et eal Broce osscansesaaascnnss 12 |! Wichita: Miscellaneous 
(0) (f2\| [ee el ce a een 154 
Shawnee: Pa ae 
TODO hata sss see os 5 eee ee 2, 641 
MMiscellaneoussssss sils nese seen eee 39 
‘RO LAlees nook oe ee eee 2, 680 Miscellaneous s#]= 2... .. sues 
Sheridan: Miscellaneous. ...-------.---- 31 MOta Peek tees eco ele ete ec aweees 
Sherman: ; 
Goodland Sitaeesacasanae aaa aeena 118 Noo conten 
ees Sua wk ic 7" | Miscellaneousss2=2 sa seas eo ees 
Otel soo ctacnekeeennt ent eeseae 13 
Smith: 6 Lee ee tape veo eesaara or 
Smith Center 56 
a Sy ERODED TC SEL Wyandotte: 
IWEiScelancOus=2s2e2sosasee ee 34 | Bonner Springs......--------------- 
Whotaleo. <.ss-scasccseseesesecee eee 90 Heanses Cy Bio cos eaauakenenleoee™ 
R OSed al emeeen ee eee 
Sa 1) en 81 Mhiscellancouss:22~sc-c--- cece eeees 
Statordsec) 22. 2 ee 92 
Miscellaneous sso. .- oa 106 | Total_---------------------------- 
Motaloes ses 55sec sctesc see eee 279 Statentovalaecerssr ss. 52 sass 
PAGE WRI ACT) kokoro Eas eee ee ee ee 11 | Barren: 
Allens Scottsville. co s-2s-2 2 as 13 || Glasgow sae seas sees foes 
Anderson: | IMIscellanGOlS=2-a-—s-cnccccnenacens 
Wawrencebure....22.--.2se-ceoseeee 43 | 
Whiscellan Ouse se cies soe nema 2 | Motaleccesessessees aa cceaoseeeen 
Total .....-----------------22---=-- ______45 || Bath: Miscellaneous........------------ 
Ballard: Miscellaneous................-. 18 | 


of returns 





TaBLeE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

KENTUCK Y—Continued 
“ Number | Number 
County and city of returns | County and city of returns 

Bell: Carroll: 

IY GG EES a0) ee ae 214 G@arrolbone= as esas eacScccacee 54 
Pineville___-_.- 101 | Miscellaneous 12 

Miscellaneous 21 
LNG AGU ke ea ae SE eS a ae 66 

Mothlees essence none eono cose ee at 336 | 
Carter: : 

Boone: Miscellaneous.........--..-.---- 58 OliveyHiN G5 oon Se eC 18 
WMiseellaneouS=..22-ssssen-coceeasoee 29 


Millersburg = sssatssceccasco<-sce een 14 | PB) >) Ve es ER eee | 47 
PEUEVASE 2s se ee ee ee 371 SS 
BVRISellaneOUS see nees sees eee ee 15 | Casey: Miscellaneous................-.- 5 

MOlM ents at nesses n tes acccsssce 400 | Christian: 
Hopkinsyillecs-=<- ==. 25. See 273° 

Boyd Miscellaneous osecese seen ane see eee 36. 
ING MGIC: = ae oe 905 eee 
Cailetishungeens = eee eee eee 66 Totale 222 -2u ose sasenencae sue 309 
NVITSCellaHGOUSS =" sco o ccc oncom eee 3 

TMROUB eee care etc ecec cee tee e es 974 iWin Chestens-- =ssa00 2a ees ces 368 
Miscellaneous 5. 
Danville_...-.- 278 Notte cacesncssecoasoeboncec see 373 
Clay: Miscellaneous .....:-.....--.....- 11 
C1 Ma) i ta pa eR 287 

Bracken: Moarion2 <<. oo 25 
JMR TR 3 eee 47 Miscellaneous 2222 oe ee 4 
IMaScellaneous= aes) Sooo s SIT eT es 19 

Total J 2Sseseonneneosser ese 29 
NOI A ea ees ae 66 
; Cumberland: Miscellaneous_-_-..____-__ 6 
DackSOWenen se serene ssasecccncsccesens 27 || Daviess: 
IViCole Gy) Ch eee 2 Owensb0r0te- sesso eae ae 447 
Miscellaneous=-=2- <--> Seas ees 9 
ELS) Pe a pe a a 29 | 
Total 52 a 456 

Breckinridge: 2 
CUM GLD0) i saecceseee SS SaSe SSeS 20 || Edmonson: Miscellaneous______.._-___- 15 
ieol Te es 24 || Elliott: Miscellaneous_.............____- 1 

PROLAl peon= ae aeons nese oe 44 || Estill: 
ree yee IRVING 2 ao eens ee ccna senses 54 

Bullitt: Miscellaneous........---.-.---- 37 Ravenna we etiee 2h) a 80: 

Butler: Miscellaneous_--__.----.-------- 1 Miscellaneous... -------------------- 12 

Caldwell: Total_-.....-------.-------------- 146. 
TPS 76) NS ed 96 Fayette: } 

IMO SCO ia ea 11 Lexinpten eee ee ae 2, 109 

-” Tee eee 107 Miscollaneous seas 2 22 = Sas if 

Calloway: "To tell ese a oh ce 2, 126. 

INT E52 = er rr ee 49 : 
- Fleming: 

VINSCOMANOOUS =a) Sas 3c nsec eck 2 Flemingsburg_..._......------------ 28 
‘aici... ae ee OF 51 MMISvelENGOUSs2=s= esas. saece soe en 5- 

Campbell: Total. -..--.-------.-------------- 33 
IBGUG VINO Se enone eee eek 330 || Floyd: 
pDaytone eset, Sh 22e os sks oc cee 266 Preston Dune ses eee er eee 32 
HMOnGenNOMaS et ee ee ei all al 696 NVMfel yeni Ses 8 ote Se 17 
ING) 1 a Se eee 1, 266 WieekSbUny 22 obs ee ae 12 
MVUISGellaneous=ees— sss 2-2-2 eee 59 IMuiscollancous ees e eet ne 62 

Mo tall eee Coe een eat 2, 617 LE Lanes ee St ee ae 123 

Carlisle: Franklin: 

Bardwellie esse. enn ee = atsoes a= 1 WranfOnt. 222 se ocean ae 340° 
IWiiscellanegust =e sess ee 7 IMGiScellIAneOUSE 3 <2 oes ans eee el 2 
Totals. ie eo ee 8 YN) 1 |e ee a ea 342° 


Tanue 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territortes—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city ay ratara County and city frets 
: Hopkins: 

OT De epee wt no Tr) 89 | DawsoniSprings-<.=---.==-:s2-2223 5 35 
Mickian) 22 ..2cocseseeeeeasee ee 32 Barlinptonms=a-22 22222-5522 2222222 53 
IMascallaneoUsss.---2ee-s===seene=== 3 Madisonvillesess22 22222222 201 

NPORtOHSIGAp sea. 21 5 
GN i) ee a a 124 Miscellaneous: +. --=--.--.2:22222225! 15 

Gallatin: Miscellaneous----------------- 13 Rota eeemane anna nea sss sess saa 309 

Garrard: || Jackson: Miscellaneous. .........-.-.... 5 
WANCAStOLo == cance oaae cans eacaae ers 44 | 
Mlscellaneous=...------.<-=_-------- 7 || Jefferson: — 

Meouisvilles==s25s25=s<2~>+ ss xO ee 13, 122 
Matilainen 51 IVMISCHMATICOUS= a5. = - 2 oa ole 485 

Grant: Miscellaneous....--------------- 4C | A ee 13, 607 

Graves: Jessamine: 

Way field ase ss-o- sesso esesaeecees 190 INicholaswallossss 5252 = 72552" s ee 
Wiscellaneoussss senescence enneeaeee 5 iMiscellancoust==222- 22552 sss TES 
Totale. 22-4. -ncseoneceseaoose eee 195 TROL a eee anaes 2S ae ee ays ESC ES ee 
Grayson: Johnson: 
Weitchfiel de ae ee eae 19 Paintsville seseeses a2* 25 “eset eee 
Mauscellaneousies-s-ss-ss=-=a-==———= 10 Van Means ssssas= - 2 <o5Ss2ase coe 
iViiscellancOuss=-2-.-uccaccsaee eee 
otal atee oo aoeneassteaceecasee= 29 
—_——— WO tHieemees sont: o.oo ee 
Green: Miscellaneous.......-.---------- 4 

Greenup: Covinghoneoss2 222 22. eee 
(Greenup sansa eek ese 23 IGG Wea aa ee wt eee 
PRMSSOll ee Vans ee as eta cnee ses csesuuees 93 Miscellaneous Sasso ss ee 
Iviiseellaneous... =-28e220s-28es 28 33 

Motalesens2} 22 ssceees cae ees 
MOU ene eae ede ao oe seneeeee 149 
Knott: Miscellaneous 
Hancock: Miscellaneous. --------------- 20 

Hardin: Barbounvilles-s..2-- = ee ee 
Mi7AMetntOwN=ee----s252senese eos 57 WMiuscellaneous2£-2-2 25. =. 2 ee 
Miscellaneous. ..-.--£6-3205255-025- 16 

—————— Motaleenee nt neo toss eee eee 
PROTA coe Soc ee eae eee 73 

Harlan: i Od penile: - +2. =.22<.. See 
1S Gi bil ee eee ae 138 Miscellaneous. =2-4---2-2=.-- 
MVliscelyaneous-—. <5 2-20 a= oo eeeeee 295 

Oval eeeecst ees soos) =k ae eee 
otal See a sae eee 433 
, duaurel:) 00nd One en eaws eae eee cenaeee 
Cyn ghian aes ee eee 135 || Lawrence: 
Miscellaneous: - = 2-2 ae eee 15 WjOuiSaR Aa a one ceeeeeee 
iMiiseellaneous-.-5.=-....2.2.-2 eee 
“4 Oyo} if21 Le sp eee SRE ete 150 
ROTA Ss ee since eeocicn oso 
Hart: Miscellaneous: .-..........---.-.- 15 

Henderson: (Beattywilless.- * 3-2 cee eee 
PIGHOeISONe e272 os. Ge oe ee eases eee 294 || iVEiscellaneous==. ..-.-. 2. 2c ee 
ihiscellaneosss2-~-- 2s eee ee 5 || 

Totales 262 ee eee 
PL OLAIote Sons soe ee ee 299 
| Leslie: Miscellaneous 

Henry: A 
PimIneHucesn aos a-sncn ass nee eea 22 ee ae 
Miscellaneous 19 Wriscdllmicanse: cael e sage ees 

Movghers s oust sets cee et ee eee oes 41 PRP AT CRIN 1, oso ol OV IAT 
Hickman: Lewis: 
(CUM fey na ee 3 5 || Wanceburpees=s- ces ence anes 
INbiscellaneous.- 25:2 0- 0. Sse 2 |I Miscellangousssce ssse5sosae~5 5 eee 
pRotales e232 5522 o3- 30s cee, i Totnlessst see te aa. oe 



TaBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number’ of returns 
distributed. by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

ee | Number | z P Number 
County and city | of returns | County and city airabumas 

Lincoln: || Nelson: 

SUGANO ae aeenee eee ee eee oe 38 IBATGStO Waa. eee Het he 59 
Wiiscellancous=. 222-222-225 25- 2225-2 | 14 | IWMISCOMBTICOUS .3--sca52 aes oases 30 
“GT eg OSS See eee 52 |] ANC) Le Se ee eS NE 89 

Livingston: Miscellaneous-...---------- 7 || Nicholas: 

ORME CS a ae ee ys ee 37 

Logan: INEISHEN ANG OUSESS = 202s SE SeE ae ehh ee 2 
ISSOLLVIN OSs e- == 22 sas ta Sea el 70 || 
SvinacellaneOus ces a2. See See 17 |} ATG elk es A ee eee 39 

MOURN 2 oe ee os os Sk eee eed 87 || Ohio: Miscellaneous-.....-------------- 44 

Lyon: | | Oldham: 

(RY diy wil een th heres ee ater OIE 16 Dit) (Cres Vali. eee ee ee 34 
Miscellaneous 4 Miscellaneous 39 
pita Sac see Seen ee Fo Se ls 20 0G) hc) Ee ee eee at 73 
McCracken sr aducai 2222 = erase 826" || Owens Miseellancous==-----o-2--eeeece 21 

McCreary: Miscellaneous_-_....-.------ 19 


MeLean: ANTON Se a ees aes Sk ae eee 33 
Wai ODMOLOs= sen see ee oe ae 3 Miscellaneous! 2222-2 asc e 13 
BVIISCHLIANIEOUS=. = 2225 — 22> ee ae 10 

FT OURS Sr es es eee 46 
TRO pes. wee ew ee eee ee ee 13 =—— 

Madison: Ba Vari Pee eS Oe ee ee 173 
DBYGY CE a ea ec | 59 | Miscellaneouses.2 2222255225222 ste 76 
Rv MmON Gee ee S22 een oe ot 153 
Miscellaneous: .-__=----...-2=2-25--- 6 TOGGLE eee ee me eh ea 249 

ANGE 45-565 SEE RE Se Sees 218 || Pike: 
Ee llior =e eee 14 

Magoffin: Miscellaneous-____-_-__---__-- 18 Pikeville: =-2-=-2_ 106 

Miscellaneous 174 
Marion: } 
LEIS re Tbh ee oe irae ee te 60 |, ROVRIE es oe oe ee ese 294 
INPISCENANGOLS Se tea ee 2 Se 3 
Powell: Miscellaneous: = =-==---_-.-----3 2 
UNG Hila he Ce nee 63 
Marshall: Miscellaneous---------.---.-- 17 Burusidereeee ate teas ue eee SEE 13 
' | pS) sei os toe ee eee == 117 

Martin: Miscellaneous__-__........------ i Miiscellaneous*=-<-aa-- 5-2-0 o2c eee 6 

Mason: ROU IM aeeeee eR) Ae Ue Le Se ee 136 
Witey Swilles= as tan Sone es Bs 221 || 
MUSE AneOUS!s 2-2 = 2esseee= 2h Slee | 15 || Robertson: Miscellaneous___.-..--.----- 2 

Rockeastle: Miscellaneous. --_-.-..-----! 25 
236. || Rowan: Miscellaneous---......-.------- 22 
= | Russell: Miscellaneous-_-----.-.-.------ 
2 |! Seott: 
GEOrPRtO yin sete tes ten eee 166 
| Wiscellaneouss.5 3-2). SL ee | 2 
114 || 
14 PRE ime ees 2 ke Se 168 
| Shelby: 
se Bueterviles ot. 2-0 2 eee 130 
1 || Muscellaneous: .. 24 =. 232. 22k a eee Fa 
ise Total______-.- enna eT 135 
ail Simpsons eranklin. 22-2722 ea ed 32 
| Spencer: Miscellaneous. --_------------- | ll 
75 || Taylor: Campbellsville._....-..--.----- 40 
11 || Todd: | 
66 |) TRUS eS a a ee Ce oe 13 
28 || Nmscellaneous: 2 252-9 = 5. a A \ 23 
180 PARC Gel hs oo ee ha rm ee oe ot 36 


Tas Le 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued | 
. Number P Number 
County and city je aibta: County and city olieturns j | 
Mriggss Miscellaneous=---ses--2-5-—s——— 26 || Webster: ' | 
Trimble: Miscellaneous_.........------- 4 PLO Videnees- eee =e ee 49 
— == S@DreGy eee cece ee Oe 2 : 
Den aot Miscollaneousssees e202. 22a ee 16 c 
OLAS G tee ele oe eee a 47 Pr ae 
Syria foie 24) 2 ECR a 35 ; Total -----------------.----------- 67 
WNTOntO wie ee ee 8 || Whitley: aaa an 
Wis cellaneousse= aac epee ee eeee ee et @Onbine see a ase b.- - uceeee 103 
——__——_ |! Williamsburg te. 22.221 =. 2) eee 59 
Otalese sea ek SE 97 | Miscellaneoishe--. e 19 
Tips Totaleeeeraas’ <0 <.s sas none see 181 
Bowling (Greent-<- <_< --nelseenias 279 || Wolfe: Miscellaneous. .-_....-.---------- i 
Miscollaneous= 2-4 =. 225 se ee | 18 Woodford = 
Wersdillesee sane cc a Senta s ans eee 98 
Total _ _--------------------------- 207 | Miscellaneous. 36 
Washington: Springfield-__.-..--------- 45 | ‘otal eens Sh Lk 134 
Wayne: Monticello---..---------------- 9 Gtatetornlies oo. ee 33, 004 
Acadia: | Caddo: 
Crowley s2esne sets snt sel be ete noe | 195 CedariGroveree 2.2. conse n eons 9 
DRAVTIG Ree ee eee Oe ee ee | 94 | OUNC ihveereree 2 eee eee 47 
INfiscellanieguss se eee Ee ee 83 Shreveponueesnee = eee oe ae eee 4, 419 
oe VAL VT ek a 64 
Ota eee eee eee eee | 372 |} IMfISCRHMANGOUS=2= 2 === 2-- cs oa ee 293 
Allen: | ANGLIN |S <> Sa a 4, 832 
Whizabethen= =< 26538 2% ee eee ae 51 || 
1fGiaXG (2 pe SE eRe i ae ee 20 || Caleasieu: 
Oankdalot-as ti ea eee 88 || DYES OYE eV CA 26 et GR 78 
IMMIScelIaneOtIS setae eeen ee | 13 || Ged ll 
——_——— | Lake Charles__ es 764 
STO Gali © SS ED ee ets a a 172 Sulphur 
———_—_—_— Vinton 
Ascension: Westlake 
Donaldsonvillo-e 2222s ee 77 || Miscellaneous 
IVGISCellne@ Ou Sseet esa ee ee 47 |) 
ae AION 1 Lo Sn os A re a a ER 
PROtaIDSeas oe Sek a erases 124 |) 
| Caldwell: Miscellaneous. -..___._.....__- 
Assumption: | | Cameron: Miscellaneous. -.-._-.-...-.---- 
ibemarles et eee ate. Ronee weyers 1 |} 
INapoleon ville: o29 2 = Be ee 35 | Catahoula: 
IMiscellaneousseeet ase steno ae eee 31 |} JOnes Ween ae=. 2. =. -- 5. --- 
—— Miscollaneous:.-.---—..- 1. ee eee 
Pobaheee ho het > Sen neemeeee aes 67 || 
re AM ES -  o ae 
Avoyelles: || 
IBTIMKIG NS tat ES te eee | 41 | Claiborne: 
Mankeyillecees 2-2 2 eee een | 33 || isiynesvilles sesso 2 2 =. =. nee 
Miscellaneoust=--- 5-2-2 aes eee 45 || IIOMONAsee Gs seen ce ene 
|——-——— || Miscellaneous 2-s-=s------.-2eee- 
MOURA soe ee ae ne ne eee | 119 
= (Noell <S. e a 
Beaureguard: | 
WevRidder:..- 2225-228 25 2 eee i 106 || Coneordia: 
MON Rvilllese S23). Sie ee Se ee Henrida veces 2... . 
udington..*2-.-.22. =. 52.5 ee | 1 || Widalia® 22s seen n= -0es 
Miernyiville. 222-922. - 62 222 Rey Ree cee | 19 || Miscellaneous-_---_--.----.--..8 
NiScellanGous: 2522 2).2. 5s 7 || 
a TOtal= aes =e 
MM Otaleaese es celS ao eee 135 
4 x es De Soto: 
INSEE Ug gl LS 67 | abet nor Soar 
MNScellaneous:. 222222 5.2- ee 55 || AEG ae 
it et ee 7 | 122 | 
Bossier: i? re | 
IB OSSiGramesseese = 252 2 os See ee 32 || 
WWHscelianeouss =* 2324. - eae eee 127 
Motalerteia serie te. cot eae eae | 159 | Total iiere. 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

LOUISIAN A—Continued 
County and city Hares County and city Number 
of returns J : of returns 
East Carroll: — La Salle: Miscellaneous__-__----_------- 120 
Makeverovidencess--* 2 s2~ == S22. 119 
Mirscetlaneous=—--s---- =. 8S. - | 21 || Lincoln: 
—— | RUStOn 25 23s 2 5S Sa 180 
Motale=ss.22=S.-2 2-5-2 | 140 | Miscellanéous-.. 4a oes oe 27 
East Feliciana: otal’ wuts". A eee 207 
PACK SOTE See eo oe oe ena ee enen 12 - 
HVIGSCOMENGOUSs 025 ne oe ee 46 || Livingston: Miscellaneous______________ 51 
days he 232. eee eee ee ee ee eee 58 || Madison: 
TB UT GED ee es 81 
Evangeline: Miscellaneous... <-s2o ee eee 30 
Wallepbiaktess== 222 <- 2- = <a ees * Sree 33 
NUISCOMENGOIStAe tes: ae ee ene 30 Motal.<-- 6-12 dod ole 111 
FRO pales = Nie ees See ee ES 63 || Morehouse: 
RASiO Ds 20222 ss35--34 16 
Franklin: Miiscellaneous.=222222 125s eae 59 
Winns bOrole= eerwere = eens ete e 55 
Mvascalancoustessssernes eestor se 2 59 Totals... =..-4-o2- e  ee 227 
GEA lepers Soke os ee SS 114 || Natchitoches: 
INatelntoches:.--=-s2su-- = ae 129 
Grant: Miscellaneous224) 52a ea 67 
(CL MER. a ee Se a ee eae eee eee 28 
ivMiIScelaneousss== <2 2s sees ee 51 Totalt 2---<=2s222 32250 eee 196 
ANG ye ee ee ee 79 || Orleans: 
New Orleans.2¢ 2-22-2222 5052 ae 19, 163 
Iberia: Miscellaneous... 2.c2 Se 3 ee 
OATICEBULO= eee on oa 72 soe 
Niewelibeninwss <22s sess se =o * ieee 160 Motalt {2 38-3 eee 19, 169 
AVRISCER ANE OLS: enema i Renee oes 30 
DN oialemunen nnn ss © ee ee cee 262 1, 021 
Iberville: 44 
RA VOUNG OM ateere ee sade ak 10 
IPURQUORUMOeSt A" = oon te ae 129 Mota Meera sc sk eke peepee ees 1, 145 
Viiolig: Cig 21 
INCOSE Cy ee ee ee 40 || Plaquemine: Miscellaneous_-______-___- 46 
SROUAIMemen en ess = Bas ee eee eee 200 || Pointe Coupee: 
New Roads-=- -:e<tpaSs=95s 5 ae eerie 28 
Jackson: Miscellaneous: ! 222222220) 242 eel | 68 
DO. 2 Ses ee ee eee 3 —_ — 
EMA RPISYE ENN Asie (GU aY 0 (Seah la a lh eal 42 ATO Gea ye ce er a a a 96 
en eee ee 45 || Rapides: 
Alexandtial. 2: 2-2-3 781 
93 Boyes est 226 eee 19 
DE en Ta CR PETRY 39 Glenmora: 222 22 See 29 
4 Pie Se PETITE 41 Lecompte: <---> ee 40 
PrsSt SSS esa Seee 959 Pinevilles. 222+ 2224228 eee eee 34 
Benes lenis bane ores ss 7 i 22 ae 5 
ideale aah cise = SEE 160 Miscelianeous='-=-=+224 =i. 2 Saws 29 
ty eae 355 ‘Potaleisse a-242 22sec a ee 932 
Jefferson Davis: Red River: Miscellaneous- __----------- 57 
dh Sees 110 
ERE LATS CT a 13 || Richland: 
GSD... eRe As AOR I 55 ANOS L325. soe ee 15 
PREMUMMGOUISS ee 39 Ray ville: oss. ines bo ane 88. 
a ‘e Miscellaneous: 2.==-25-=-<=-224=5.39 58 
0 a. ai 217 
Lata ito: ‘ Motel. ~ 22-22 3 ee 161 
ee ete ee oe 16 Il open. 
| Sabine: 
a6 Righereese sss fase isS anda ee 10 
362 Peasonceusssosesssesses 23a eee 12 
3S eee eae Miscellaneous: =. ==-s-J2sscss-5) oe 62 
La Fourche: 
_. Matthews:. Totals 2.2 s2sss2253esee52- Ne 84 
. Bernard: Miscellaneous- --_--------- 59 
. Charles: Miscellaneous----_---------- 99 
St. Helena: Miscellaneous-_-___--------- 4 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 

distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

LOUISIAN A—Continued 

i 2 
C t it Number |) : | Number 
ounty and city of returns |) County and city Re. 
| ann | esata mn paki are t | 
| i 
St. ae: A | 'Ténsas:’ Miscellaneous... _-...._.--.47e 86 
SUIGCROY 22 = a eee ee ee od 
INiScellameous. 2 eee ee 55 || Terrebonne: 
Houma ee ee es Ry a 118 
U4 Yc] if: Ee Nee | te 101 WEScellanecous == = - So = eee 
St. John the Baptist: | = 
Giteyilics 22... soo Meee 22 || Total -- --.------------------------ | 147 
eee STS a TRE RS To 56 || Union: Miscellaneous__.-..-----.______- | 50 
Lc) i) Eee ee es oe ee 7k ess 
; ; | Vermillion: | 
aes ig WOE os a ae 84 
Opelousas--_- = 191 Gueydan Peete i, ina ss (a 75 oo ae | 25 
Washington 5 14 || Miscellaneous=* <= *--.--* 2-2" "22 51 
Miscellaneous: 22 -- 22a sae ee 70 || Total 160 
Patel estan thee 323 || RA ia a es | 
St. Martin: crnons 
IBXGauxPBrid tose yeaa = tae ene 22 Be Ont p a repea en 92 
SGeMiartinville2* 2222 eee a 24 Niiecallsicomsee==2 2 one Le amauta 47 
Dliscallaneouss 220 senease semen somone | 18 || ° a6, aoe : 
Motaly sce: Se See eee eine rete see 64 || Potalen:==22=:22 >... 2. SeeeeeerSs | 146 
St. Een Ciera WiC el et ann ied 15 || Washington: 
retry lime eee tees cs Pe 99 Foes ita = Sena ee Ts = 
MO ZaAni Clty eee tee see meee eee 104 HSE EO 0 esa Rema s25 
Pattersons 3-2. 2S 222) ee ee eee 47 |) 
iVbiscellaneous-_~222-2-ss252--—esS-5 18 |) Total-----------------------------| 3I6 
UA OG) fs Heep glee, is em yeni Seopa ee Li 283 Wiens 
a t Mindensessneaceces2 52033 eae 195 
St. Tammany: G0 :|lbiee liscellieonisss2>2727_ 2-72 22s eae 
a Motaleemeesee see. —- = eee 291 
zs West Baton Rouge: Miscellaneous-- - --- 52 
West Carroll: Miscellaneous ----.------- 39 
239 || West Feliciana: Miscellaneous ---------- | 41 
- Winn: i 
cs canbe dh aU aep wre: 
imide pendencakisne... 2s DG See 12 Miscellaneous2=-==--— 2-2 =< 222 2eee | 13 
Kentwood oe se 52 2 oe oe aes 15 
Miscellaneous. ==+....-.5-..2-sseee= 81 Total ----------------------------- 95 
Motale 22 28 i 22 th ee ee 344 State tovslese==.225--22> eee 37, 293 
Androscoggin: Aroostook—Continued. 
ATI DUNN see) oc oec ee te eee 743 PontiRentiesseses- - = = oe 
84 Frenchville 
980 Grandiisiow esos -~ - eee 
62 Hodgdonras22222-— 
51 Houliiones== 22222. 
23 Island Falls 
if Limestone.) _.s s5---2s----.-8eee ee 
18 Madawaska 
3 Mapleton oseiss- 25 -5-5-2ces2 see 
Marseille ee <- _ .  o 
1, 971 Monticellos.22222=3 .-3. eee eee 
Oakfieldeest 2244 53.55 
Presque Isle 
peuland OS Jiocaboosc sense 8 Sheeueeeee ig ghemnan Behe on 8 
GING pre 2-2 Soot bo Soe oan eee Stockholm_-- --- 
IBNIG Re water (= == oo 11 Van Buren.--- 
@anihoweest. 22> <0 eee | 170 Washburn___ 
Maslelbake sso: 25.0 is Sais 8 i 
IBSLS One ereeee rr mss ent Se ee ee sear 37 
RONG WaIETe Gee yoo eS Oe 106 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

Number | rast 
. F umber Z : Number 
County and city Givonnie | County and city | otiretirne 

Cumberland: || Lincoln: | 
SSSR a ee 51 | Boothhays.—. <2... eee ees 17 
Brunswick 286 | Boothbaysbarbors oo one aeee see 46 
Cape Elizabeth 89 | Bristol: <2... 1 enna ce | 10 
Glimibertonde <= === 22a e ok 125} 24 
Walia QUO Mee sae ee en ee 4 | 24 
Lie C01 i) 4 aeeeate 51 | 77 
(Gia T aN ee ed ee ee 34 | 
[Crh eee ee sie ee a eae 11 198 
PIR SWElIE cen oe eee se ke ee 7 
IN@wuGloucester.... 2-2-2 anes 13 
IPOru aM Ge ae oc oes = ee aes sees 4, 312 46 
NCAR DOROU Reece seen ee ee ei, a 34 22 
Soupnpbonilands =.=. 5. scceooce soso 426 38 
Standishes ee ses -see ee eee sans 3 13 | 51 
WeShbROO Ke tees seen rs le ea 272 57 
Whinrdnamee- meee ceenass Sees Se 30 | 16 
DVEISCMRAMEOUIS | ooo oC ae hows ape ee 62 272 


Wii eth ee ee eee 5, 762 


AMATI LOM es ee a ee 123 
UESY a= Ge ee ae 36 1, 275 
LE OUDVOS i. sates 2 Sates eee es 13 113 
IRAE GNy pee ee eee ae eee 52 15 
Vn O Ts ok eee eee ea 65 86 
MVITSCEMEMEOES see ao nee ee ESET SE a 45 40 
Mnfield.. s-22.te See ee 5 
480) (1 ee er 334 Hampden: =-2..52.5 5 eee 15 
Tinton! s22. = 2-2 eae ee 43 

Hancock: Milford sso ee ee 9 
TBSE VETS (OU) 010) rk ee a Ae eee ey 212 Millinocket. 2222-3 Se 168 
HEDGES 13 Chl SS ee eee eee eas) 13 Newportss.222222 = eee 23 
Leica} cshiat (cio Se en ee ee 2 Old:-Powns22-- ae 125 
IBYICKSDOG ie e525 eee Ae 36 Oronhoes 2s ccassee ee oe eee 73 
2° ORCC Sa a 7 Orrin gt0nes..2ssseehecese see 6 
IB ISWwehih en oo 98 Patten. Sa eee se eee ee 13 
Gouldsboro-..--=...=-- 6 Miscellaneous:2-<s2 esses st 50 
Mount Desert 64 | + 
DUO ME ETON sa se oar eee eS 17 Motalics busvocbassesesseeee see 2, 059 
prea peer eB 3 —— 
IVINSCEMANEQUS 2 o2 2 == 5-2. Bee 124 || Piscataquis: 

== |! Browniwille--2 2-220 ee Soe ee 34 
ONL eS) ee oe 582 Dover=Woxcroft oc ee ae eee 84 
So Greenville. -3 2232 os eas 56 

Kennebec: | @uilfondé: 2 Re eee | 42 
ATCT) 2) Oe SS Se 658 | MGW 2 = oo ene ee eee 45 
TBAT OUN CSD = mes ee ee 2) cp Pn 4 | MONSONES. <= see sane eS eee 21 
Gira Coe See Ee ea 5 | Sangervill6: Lense eee eee 10 
[CUNO 13 Le Sees ae a 18 | Miscellaneouiss2- cece eee 13 
(Qrctilti ite te a 199 | = 
eile rn oo eee Se eee ae 51 Mopal siete... 22.2 heater 305 
i Were vse O1bUH Ole Ce eee 7 = 
(Oed Gicts |S “oe ee ee 54 || Sagadahoc: 

RaneGolmhenewe l= = 3 ee ee BE 8 Baths ps2 s5 3 ee a= ee 282 
Vassalboro 15 | Boweomham-222 226 -e see 12 
Waterville. 621 Richmond: 5222 2-2-22 35-2 eee 40 
Winslow -- 12 | MOpSHAMs2 oan eee See 32 
AWalTi DOD meee ee se 2S ae 67 Miscellancous.....-.---=-- eee 12 
MES eelAnPOUS SS aes othe os eo task n 2 62 saree 

——_——__ | Motale ss 2 2< nee ee eae ee 37: 

ROG Aree te oe 8. eee 78h 

Knox: ; | (ATISOTIBSE2 SPR Hott eae 33 
(OG trite ini ere eS i ee 120 || Bingham 2:2 2252 ee 26 
a Ga nTime teers Se eee os 332 || Mgintioldey t= 2 | cs 
RUOCKMORG 8 = 2.2 ooo eset 22 SES apse sa Clee re | 8 
Sty (6 Cf ee a 26 IMadisenis 2 s22- 5 ee | 85 
PRO RIBSLONee ose eee eee 67 INorridpewock=.=2=227— == Se see 9 
TDC, ee a ee 12) Pittstiol de. 2 2 Soe ee 56 
Ruimalityene os 225s es 2 we size Sowmepane seas ene ee 140 
Vinten | eae eS a 15 | Solombets see 25 ss eee a 
AVESCOllAneGOUS.._-—-22.----<-------o8 18 | Miscellaneous. 222-2 = eee 59 

TAL toe 629 | Motalossee cea ee 493 


Tas 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


MAIN E—Continued 
F Number Booth Number 
County and city opeatins County and city ofretens 
Waldo: York: 
Bellas tye ieee Se 2. ee i es 168 38 
Searsportte yeu! = - sos. os 19 313 
Stocktonasprings:s 2 sos eee nee 1 22 
WANTED OnE ke Le eee 7 ll 
IMiniscellanGous=!- =. -22 as ose nsec eee 66 8 
Minhas nsec Yah Sgn yea Os 261 105 
Washington: 47 
eile lions ste Ne See Ronee 47 106 
(OFAN 0 ee eee 109 8 
Whenpyiield)s= 2225. Se Se ce ee ll 33 
DATONG ee tes noe ene tae. nee 20 60 
Mastivinchiass: 22. 22222205 e 8 os 
WASUDONG sete ho none tose eee eee 84 . 
Marringboniss 2 2s sos ee eee 9 47 
OHNOS DOLL Se oe c oe oe vane oe cease eee 8 51 
TGC Meee wary sam oh Sere SAREE 38 a 
Machias: 2 S252 5525- 28 
Machiasport 4 47 
IMillbridges = 22 a sees 14 
Pembroke See ate ne Ae 4 1, 716 
BLT e eas pene ne Re ae ene 1 
IMUISCellaHeOOUS 2224 eat Soe 51 18, 710 
Ua BY) fz | Nae Aeon On eee een Sh IPE 436 
Allegany: Charles: Miscellaneous-_--...---.-------- 113 
@umiberland= -- 2s 2s ee a 1, 514 
WTOStbUDRS--- 22.20. ooo ee a 142 || Dorchester: 
IMOMAGONIN GS-2 == ol. 2 ee 62 Cambridgeses ees yo. eee 214 
Mount Savage 49 urlock sees a oe eee 14 
Westernport------- 50 | Miscellaneouss=2_ * 5. _5-. =. Se 50 
IVGISeelANGOUSS - = = 5o-=><=—- saat se 107 | 
j Ot ale eereeres in a ona aeeeee 278 
Motaleses et ek US 1, 924 
————————— a RE OCLODICKs 
Anne Arundel: Bronswitkeern=- 2+). 5 2. 5 eee 105 
Ii a pplisie sr ee oo ae cea 644 | TOU oni C hee ee oe none eee 571 
Wiiscellaneous2s4i.2 20. 5.25 eee 372 Miscellaneous! = "2-2-5. 2 see 222 
Moparts oo eee 1, 016 TO tal eee ores occ dat aee emcee 898 
Oity ofBaltimores spe 36, 673 || Garrett: 
Oaklands seo 2 os a otc dace deen’ 66 
Baltimore: IMiScellampoussececess --ceaceeueeeeee 54 
Catonsvillee a Seek we Sn 637 
MO WSOM22 eae ails are | 327 Totaleeese ass. - > Sao eee 120 
IMIiscellaneouse-we ase cotae eee 1, 614 
Motalee- Be. SSS he ee 2, 578 Aberdeen 126 
| Belair 98 
Calvert: Miscellaneous--~--..--.-------- 36 Havre de Grace 176 
Miscellaneous 140 
Denton. oc- oe eee eee eee 46 Total 540 
Maderalsburgen ssc se eee ee ee 32 || 
Miscellaneous: 2222222 eee 78 || Howard: 
Hillicoth Cityses. -2 25. eee 135 
Motel: 2222 Lee ee 156 | Miscellaneous. 4c... eee ee 105 
Carroll: MotalWes ois. eck eeeeeee eee 240 
Wnion' Bridge: case. Sec eeee 50 || 
Wiestminster=s2u-.<ccesc cle eee 218 || Kent: 
Miscellaneous. eee a 2 ae ee 186 |} Chestertown--i-.sec occ eee Hee 114 
Miscellaneous... 22+ o2-- 2-4 eee 70 
Notilosccackekceuicesclede ee 454 
Motels se owe ee 184 
Bktont oss 2eseeet ete eceet eee 142 || Montgomery: 
North Hast s--+<-2-22. ee 24 ‘Rockvilleso---e+=cc ode eee 
IPoruenosits:-- 2-2 see eee 58 Takoma Park 
‘Miscellaneous:: ==-22.4-s<eeseeeeeee 230 Miscellaneous 
MOtal os s82 seks fiat dees 454 Total see. ot Be ee ees 


Tasie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

. Number : Number 
County and city atcetarne County and city Gireturns 
Prince George: Washington: 
Capitol Heights__._----------------- 15 BOOuSHOr0s 2. ssccse see eee eee 24 
IS INU ANl ae occ eee cen = eee 232 Haperstown-- 222222) 2s2ees2 222 ae 1, 184 
TAIN) a2 cope soe ce cee see See 122 Williamisport-c2ceces seeeeee ee enneee 60 
Mount Rainier__.------------------- 137 || Miscellaneous Joe se seneeee nee ee eee 164 
MMISCOMANGSOUS:==2> ssa oe sce eeee sees 594 |! a 
=S= |) Notals 2. ssc-cccesseces eae eee 1, 432 
SOU een nee oan Stee ee 1, 100 |) 
Queen Anne: ————= || Wicomico: 
@entenvillomesssets sees. esses) 7e 82 CREP HEY: a SSeS RR ae sss sae SSeS 320 
nremreentises:sesnr tees Steen "s 49 See eo eee ett a<a seen ea aaaes aeanral 32 
Tigh alee res teen erent nts eee 131 WOU SS eee 352 
- Mi Worcester: 
St. Marys: Miscellaneous__-.-..--------- 70 Berlin... a eed 52 
" OCOMOKe: City.o2s222se552 eee eee 79 
Ae canta wa lh ——-BeREENMLI, -< <= one oo SR aE 44 
Widecalintieons.< a. ose 61 || Miscellaneous_----—------ == oo 45 
AIAN I) age ear cima gas a lien ule ly 133 Motal = ...2=225 2352 2 ee 220 
Talbot: Miscellaneous for the State: 
IASLOU SMe ease eee ee ee a aa 211 Nonresident aliens and American 
Coty LN DCL EEVG) Slee ok ee Oh de noe eee 24 citizens residing abroad__________- 5, 513 
Miscellaneous» 2-25-2522 sess 72 Residents of other States__------.__- 7,917 
NG) 87) | eee ee ne 307 State total.cs..22s322s2-222 65, 099 
| i 
Barnstable: || Bristol—Continuc d. 
annsinplonsoe wees eS ee Se 369 || Mall River 22. =e ee 3, 053 
162 || Freetowll. - ---5-=s-<-sssse=-s2 eee 37 
74 || Mansheld2=3 =o ee 271 
31 New Bedford 3, 687 
245 | Norton. —— -=== 108 
93 Raynham.-. 33 
61 |} Rehoboth... -.2. 2.2 See 7 
103 | Seokonk-.-: 22-3 eee 32 
66 |, Somerset... -.2522- 22 258525 Se eee 100 
Wanmouths == 2 8 aly gta erie we Pls 58 Swansea= 24.2). 0.2 h2 sa0 oo ee 93 
Miseellancous-- 2-2 2-22-82 = 4 a2 | 67 | Tauntone 2222-2 essen ease seen eee 1,414 
seas | Wiestport= 1352555002222 eee 58 
SIN ne ye eee oe oe a | 1, 329 | Miscellaneous: .=--s2s=.25=52-44- 5 547 
Berkshire: | | Total 25. Coles osec ae ee 11, 262 
LAGGYTNG | oie ee eee 337 |) 
(CYS aii ile ee eee 40 | Dukes: 
Clarke Dubie oe ee re 3 | Hdgartowl-=-2-- 2---) 2 53 
BALD reste ee ema oe eT 2 ae 184 | Oaks Bluis: 22232 eee 20 
Greate arrington= 22 5- --= 2 265 | Misbuyy-\s2=7-2-=25-c5seseee ee ees 83 
18 birnsa 3 (2) See eee ae 25 | Miscallaneous=-—-<"2 > ee ee 10 
WAHESDOLONR De oss ee eo soe ee 24 | —__——— 
Gi 5. ane ane ie ae Cpe 189 otal. =..-22-s 22232 -e sen seo 166 
TGS ao. ips a ape ara le ea 150 
New Marlborough 9 || Essex: 
NGA LG hye eee eee 911 || AMOSDULY = = --s2-22-2s25—5-2-2==2=== 499 
TLL SHO] Cnet e eeeee eeee 2, 581 Andover---- 747 
SHEE ECUEI NG | 5 oP he tee ai Cee eae eae 36 || Beverly-- 1, 189 
SOOK Neth a | 102 || Danvers- -- 528 
WOStioLOGKbDMmdeeG.. 22 oo te 19 | INSSOKS 22.222 esc ee ee 64 
IVVGUIISTO Wile a SE 255 Georgetown_-_-.<-.-252--_- 2 aaenee 67 
WVTISCBURNGCOUS = sea et | 51 || Gloucester. - ~~. 2252222222222 5ese= 925 
== | Groveland 2-55-2222 eee 51 
TRS | ee a Se eee 1 5, 181 || aonlton 22552222. 222 2 Seer ieee eee 133 
—————— elawerbill] === ==" 25 Sees eee 2,222 - 
Bristol: i} OS Wa Cee ore oe ee ee 220 
LNG TG) Se Se ees 28 || ISG WRONCO 2-2-2222 ae = aoe 2, 707 
ASHI S Se ee | 969 Bays. == See oe eee ee 5, 303 
MrniIMON bese hese sn 2 sl 230 Isynnileld 22220-2225 eee 93 - 
ICOM ne Sake | 86 | Wianehesteres --acoe ee eee em 217 
IPPC Se ee 146 | Marblehead-2s-- 9.2 8 eee See 575 

THESE PREIS) DS & pS Sa RE as a 363 |! WMermimac cs. 3200) > 2) see eee 91 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 


INewbUnys 22.22... 2. eee | 

INewibiny ports. 2.< = eee 
North Andover- 

SEER ED SE ee Se ee eee 

Wienhiamsaset 2 eben es 

IWESLINGWbUTVe= 5606s 5. heen 
MMiscellaneous!=-. = =---2-.2: 2 


Buckland 222. neon wae eee | 

Coltains=) a2 ao eee eee eee 
Deerfield... 22. 2. # ae ee eee 


Mihatelypeeenanc-2 occ chk nce eeleee 

@hicopees ees 1b oo 2h occa dese. ee 
East Longmeadow ----.--..---------- 

1a Ca} bro) <e\ eee ee ee ere ee | 

Tonemeadowse 522522422245 Sm 
Tndloweaseesds coe sec esses 

Westfleldin.o222osssbssscsleseses oe 

West'Springfield---22---22-2-2-2222- | 
AWalllprsiam cee 8 20's boa ee ee 

AmMherstascassseesssressseess saa 

Hadley ajo sss seese secs See 

Worthampton.2lsss- 2 22231 sss ssee=8 
South Hadley22ssssc+secessscteeee 
WIA MOSbIne 2-22 classes keene meee 
IMnascellaneousis2:325. 5222555232 

PAC\OVEY c(6 ER ee ere en 


Number . Number 
of returns County and city of returns 

639 207 
30 674 
149 56 
55 1, 636 
693 1,317 
ave 173 
7 84 
140 | 99 
32 is hiGo Cou... == eee ee ee 313 

2, 077 | Toxin pbonbentaees = sino ae eee | 805 
48 ncolneeeeee So he hase Sen eee 125 
302 Lowell Ss: oo ee 3, 128 
1, 142 Mialdenteas saad (2553352 Seek eeee 3, 052 
68 Merl borouchie sc. 2 2.) So aaa 521 

25 | Miaynar cen oe 25 eee 231 
96 || WMediordaeee <2... eee 3, 098 

| MielroseStaase see S23 Sk ee 2, 267 

22, 276 « Niatickeaeeea 275s ts eevee eee 701 
ING WiLOnsesee es - 22222 eee 8, 202 
| Niorpneiesding-s025. > Aaa 49 

3 | PRenperell bees srs Se eer 85 

15 | Reading wemmewncas [oi Lee ee 694 
15 Sherborne ssa eee 42 

63 Shinleyaeeg sa 22-2 bots Sets 55 

9 | Somervillpsse-s——~ = 5, 360 

774 | Stoneham--- 464 
252 Stow2 224s" 33 
66 || Siid Dubya eee ek a 63 
175 | NewksDunyeesses-22- =.= 2a ee 35 
103 Mawnsendeesrr ences a. 2a. eee 32 
16 Mynesborougies =o ones eee 13 
11 | Wiakefisldata sso 2 2552 839 

56 Wialthamerereness 2.) > 8 lees 1, 622 
iWatertowate sere 55-25 eee 2, 247 

1, 558 | Wiayland sissies Se eo 149 
Westford Saas ees es oe 79 
‘Westone eee se eee 327 

128 Wilmington™sss2=--- 25. shee 140 
47 Winchester ets sss s5 52225 1, 669 
822 W OD UGH Esa n ea ste es <= 872 

‘ mek | Miscellaneouss20s2 22522 2322s 111 
a | Notalesessas ses sat se ses 53, 976 
ce Nantucket: Nantucket..--..........___- 238 

14 || Norfolk: 

8, 138 IAT OT Se eee eras to be 47 
732 | Bellingham seers ess 2 eas 36 
435 | Brainttecseeeaeeeeeacs 2. 5d ee 897 

68 | Brookline svaase hiss 25 <2 8, 951 
210 Gantonts eee co 2 364 
@ohassetws2-as-ssesesss she cn see eese 272 
14,311 |! Dedliam seetecces.- 2. eee 907 
II Foxboroughitsi ss 3525225 152 

| Wrankline: 2222-2 3252525225220 367 

311 || Hol brooke base se 2 ci 32s 102 
19 || Medfield s+-235-0 seb ses 2-2. Shes 85 
266 || Med wWayieksssssseoceset ste 133 
38 || Millis-c2t2s2=eeees cs cccecs. -2 ae 80 
51 Miltone 222223 825 sc eee 1, 647 

1, 337 || Need hams ssas2ee esc sscssceese 32S 840 
280 Norfolkicssoesheceisscse5 2552S 48 
247 Norwood Seca ei ae ss 2 eee 813 

52 Plainyillessces 2 ssce cesses t= 50 

111 || UWINCW-ses ee ee sascoe loss s 525 eee 4, 105 

| Randolppea eel ia lL eee 222 

2, 712 Sharonseseesssecensascccseess esas 234 
———————} Stoughton 292 
Walpole------ 396 

125 Wellesley ---------.- 1, 419 

2, 820 Westwood 136 
118 || Weymoulthtes i seess5 sess 817 
144 || Wirenthamei. 22 2s2---v eee 88 

< 102 | Miscellaneous 22225 sca 225 seas se 94 

: ne | Total. cose 35 -beeetasoe= tates 23, 594 

5, 698 |! 



TaBue 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 



F Number : Number 
County and city ot renieae County and city of returns 
Plymouth: Worcester—Continued. 
JA[S) a5 00) ee 240 MOUPIESS 2 Sosa oe cas ee 56 
IBTIGROWeURLssee erent ne ae eae os 218 Dud loys sea oes Ns a ea ae be 43 
1 VO) 0 Vaca a ee 2, 440 Fitchburg 1, 488 
Duxbury. 97 | Gardner 677 
East Bridgewater 121 | Gratton 222 223: 206 
EPAHUV Ole oe ee eee oe eae aS 140 Hardwick 46 
1S Gras jy 0 ies eee eres 41 Harvard 66 
Hingham_ 574 | fs ojloli\al pee ee ee ee 109 
181M ee Se eee 92 | Hopedale 23 6 eae ane 173 
Kingston 91 | Hub bardston@ == o oi aoo oo nceene aaa 6 
Lakeville 6 | WATICAS Lenses ns sees nae ea Bei gs 83 
ILS NAUGYC = pape Seas RN nt Lo Ra 93 | ICES l Gree = S52 ae Be ee ey Oe eaR ya 129 
WineSithiole serene ast te eon eee: 110 | TE COMUNS tO seas see oo te eee EE 706 
META DOISOL bese anes n ate cee soon se 54 | Dumen bing: = a feae eee ea eee 37 
Wradleborourh<s- co) S72 leeses is: 349 |! Milford) s32s2 seo ae ee ee 537 
HWOnWiellea tesa as etece ens een seee 44 | Millbury: 3 ee eee ! 212 
JEENTOL ES (el RS lee ee ee Dal aD 30 NY UHR ad eS Ra os Ee oh 8 69 
PIVIMOUthe tee aoe sence nets Scene sal 645 Northboro: 2=3202252 4 fas ae 74 
ochestete-+: case one oe eee eee 12 North bridgesss<-- 4 Stan 268 
Hocker ss2222 2c hho ou eee 8 319 North) Brookfield: -222=- ==) aes 72 
SCL oe eee nee tees 215 Oxford! 2 v2) 2 Eee eee 79 
Wiaronlarnie ss steer enn san mreeen nts | 231 ShirewSDUnyace see ee ee eee 236 
Westi Bridgewater. =:_ 2. ..-2222- 222. 61 SOULHDOLOn = See eee eee 128 
UE GItArisee see eee et near rs \ 304 Southbridge 510 
MiscellaneGuUsssa22 5) a= te Seek 59 Spencer. -2--sae.2 190 
| Sterlingz=- 2-222 35 
Motales-eees ene seco ae eee nee sae 6, 586 || Sturbridge- -- 23 
| Sutton. 222222225 32 
Suffolk: | Templeton 98 
BNI HOV O pete = ae me et ee hs at aa 47, 218 Upton. [ose 2s ee eee 42 
Cligihet ene ek een eee ee | 1, 345 Uxbrid pes csses 232s eee 192 
PROV EL Ore eee rie tee een 1,128 | Warren: 2-32 08 2 sts eee 64 
Vib peeee aoa cee ee 1, 587 || Webster... 2 Seca lt. ae eee 399 
Weestboro:: =. 3-255 i eee 184 
Motalbenesee ese oon no es sock 51, 278 || Wiest; Boylstons=-- 3220 eae 69 
West Brookfieldi< #22522 i seuss 39 
Worcester: Westminster. 222 22ss5* See 27 
Ship mmname esse ooo eae 66 || Winchendon! <2. = see eae 202 
ANAT ao 38 Yaa eet he el Se a ee 376 Worcester. 222 lt ee eee 9, 416 
JSON OYE ETS vs aes = ee ate et a ied er paee 118 Miscellaneous: << 202522 ees 261 
Blane. 22s ee eee eee 93 
TEE y cla) Hovey oi Se Slat ee et te eal 51 Totale 222 sus: Soke eee 18, 358 
IBropkheldeeec 22 = 22) os oe eee 50 || Residents of other States__.._..-_-—---- 1, 531 
Gariiomemee eaten one ee oe ee 23 —S== 
Climbon ce eccet one we ie bee oe 298 State total... -.2-- eco okee eee 214, 356 
| | 
Alcona: Miscellaneous---........-------- 42 | | Arenac: Miscellaneous------------- 2222. 60 
Alger: | Baraga: 
WISTIMES TTI ees eee eee te tS! 111 }) Baraoa: Oe 0t t sees ieee sass 23 
WViiscellaneouseesse see ecee eceeccenae 27 |i DL AnSOSS =. Sonn eet ease een eoue eee 85 
i JWiiscellaneous) $222 S222 oe 30 
SOLAN to ee re es ee ae 138 |! 
i Total = .<-25.5522-55255-e2555505= 138 
Allegan: Hf 
RvLG a eeeeest > bE pee 120 || Barry: | 
Oiscraeee nee maser se 86 || IERaSGin OSes = 58 ee eee 136 
Haainwolloneee eee es eI 78 |} Nashville: ~~ 2: 5.25254 S228 eee i 31 
Whiscellanegus:.-sncen2c-ss2----4-2 43 145 |} Miscellan@Ous== 222. --neeesaeeeeee eel 53 
Pia lest eee deen cs =. Re 429 || 1) 1 a ees peer Ae 220 
|| Bay: 
Alpena: | : 
Breese achtan cneec on n-s ol? CFi|(eeo =i seimenmecer cae) 
Miscellaneous. .....----------------- AVEASCellAM OOUS: o.oo ee con aee eeee 61 
Total_---------------------------- ass TON Re eeee metre tep tate hee 52 | 1,618 
2. —_——_——— 
Antrim: Benzie: . 
WPISTEOIUT See ee ace 45 HO) sf2 0g (0) of HA oe ep ea 62 
WHISCRMENGOUS cose sca ncasekcscus a5 45 Mhiscellancous...2-25-2--=2-s=sn5s25 50 
Ti mlGos.- 2 ee oe 90 Potal...sacsesc¢-sueasesseveuses see 112 



Tasie 11.—Indwidual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

‘ ie b i | . ¥4 ; 
i umber - Fis Number 
County and city ae cotinslll County and city of cota 
Berrien: Delta: 
BeritonpMarbor sass eee ss eae ee 721 || MScangpameeesscs 0 2-< 50 acne ome tenn 496 
Berrien Springss- 22422 esa 41 || Gladstoncseess + 2.2: < s- ¢s/ eee 106 
Bch anal beste see san= es on een enen 144 Wells Ps i 0 = sees SE 18 
INES Joo eae so eae 440 || IMiiscellaneousies: 22s +s) 22-255 ssa 42 
ING wn Btitaloes te saeco eee SS ee 43 || 
Ste Josep bee a 2s. See. eS 408 No tale eee se eee 662 
SEHT COLOR K See eee fae eke ee eee wee 59 || 
Wiatenvleie: SUS sao e oe es 59 || Dickinson: 
Miscellaneous-_-..------------------ 183 || jronwvlountainv=====" 2=!o2sn 2 Sen aeee 521 
INO Wa yearn ne sasha sss sere ase 87 
cota eee bee onsen nae eee ocean 2,098 |, Wil caneeeeees cole ul: nt 2 18 
| MiSCellancOusseel ans = day Ans ha eee ee 43 
erat | 
ronson | Motalteieens sa <2 vee = ee 669 
Coldwater | 
Quincy - - ----- | Eaton: . 
Union City --- Bellevue____- 22 
Miscellaneous | Charlotte. ____- 177 
} Eaton Rapids 89 
Total---..------------------------ 318 Granduked poses -4 14550224 ee 113 
Nhiscellaneous222s=22*2 | =*ss-ssseeme 55 
coer J betes ee 
LON == Saas oae soothe anne eseeeeee 25: tolerate =. +. 208 456 
Battle Creek -2--2--20 222i 2,170 beak: 
omer-__.-------------------------- 5 || Emmet: 
Marshall-_--------------------------- 167 ac bociSpningse=—2----- ee ee 64 
IMiiscellaneOuS=-<2- see = anes a tees 40 | Ralistonemee eat te oe eee 15 
=a IPOtOsKe View ase == === 2222+ soe eee 266 
Rotel eee eae eee 2, 670 Ase lTATIBOUS tee see oa on ee 37 
Cass: eee ee 5 es 382 
Cassopolis ee 54 || toe — 
OWALISC: =. 22scse22 56+ s222S lS ee 234 || : 
WMearcatlusse 200i wel ee a | 2 || coe ab je a a 52 
IMiiscellane@ous==2--ase- == =—=" eee 17 MON LOH eee eb = ow = 100 
| ling eee os eae 6, 262 
Total----------------------------- 329 MTishin Geers So ee "49 
Charlevoix: | Teal Mount ees ee 
Boyne City id dopey Sener ho): oL | iViiscellaneouss======---===--==en=——— 
arlevolxe= ees eee ere Sal ale | Or ter ieee 6 0.0 5 yo ve Re ee 
ASt Jondaneees === sles cke ne eeaaS 52 || Totes See Bros 5 ~ pee 
Miscellaneous_-.-------------------- 25 | Gladwin: | 
Gladwin---------------------------- 36 
TRG Gal 2 = Rast eck ns pee Sg 221 || IVliscellame0uUSs===---——--- = nears 10 
Chea: | Total Meee en ea one eee 46 
@boy Panes ae Se eee eee een 134 are 
NTiscelancOusioesanseaeeee esate nee 45 || Gone Tiocationee ee. = osc teen 15 
IBGSSOMCL==-=- == =--- === - == =n 142 
Total----------------------------- 179 |) TPOTIW OO sete ge ceo n= ae 556 
Chippewa: | Wakefield EC TT eS i 
Sanlteto: Rrarioc. 2402) ceaee 80 itp ee SCHAMA San =5--=~h- oon aanaaee : 
IMiscellaneoustsessscosnee esse ne 31 ot alaee tee co eee 812 
Motalia-\=) needs xom > Sag RRM er ee 411 || Grand Traverse: 
MM ravrenser@ltvensas ate eens eaeenaere 381 
Clare: IVSCallane@OUSsess=s— ea =o nae 31 
Clare= i) ee eae eee 48 a 
MVNScellancouSs 22+ -s28—2= ee ee 14 Otel ee teenth nat 58 aes 6 ee RASA Se 412 
iotaboinn vrs: 2A a nub sen ana FEN IPvsiicy ech cscs coe MRM igs 
Wi TG ACH Aen ae he a oe 73 
eee Ree 99 Shulonisee eee ee 15 
Bins =o secret. yield en gee ee" ca a 
Miscellaneous? 42-5 22=. soos a 51 ERY HL PO ek oe aa Page 2 341 
Motales os sass sense eee 207 || Hillsdale: 
Hillsdale__..------------------------ 180 
Crawford: Jonesville. - 5 26 
Graylin Geos e= eon on = ane 63 Reading----£------------- 20 
WMiscellaneouS.-- 22-2 -4=-222seseseeeoe 8 Miscellaneous 47 
Mo talueee esse sashes 2 Sas aero 71 Tota] eee sates eas seeee See 273 



Tasue 11.—-Individual returns by States and Terriortes—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 

lapel ee oe eet be 

SouthyRanves.- 3 = oa eee oe 
Primountaine a see 
DVSCAIIEANGOUSEs = 22 555-2-s5a-s5ce2—25 

Sebewaing= 25) 23222 ae Ss 
MMUSCOLIANGOUS= 2 === --2-222n-scese see 

East Tawas 
Tawas City 
MScellaneouse: = 222. = 2-2 ete 

Cryaualpballs sus eee nels Skea! 
Tron River 
NSCB AME OUISE=2 Sass = eisai oot 

MOG lOASAMUstsea eae eS 
Miscellaneous. ress 4 eset ea 

oD baleen. ees creer 2 a 


WHC aes os Sa) Eanes 

of returns 

aie Number 
County and city Gf xeturns 
TRC AIIRAS A ce SS ne ee nk ae 29 
Miscellaneous... Se 4 
TTT tt) ne eee ee 33 
Cages pringss--—- ieee se ae oo 13 
Giang apd sha ees ee ee 10, 479 
ETC Til a ee Se ee ae 87 
Rogktord’s = Soe eee Eee 71 
SPamyey See ee et ee ee ee 63 
Mascellaneouse: 22-2 eee es 294 
Magal 2. Seeks teenie ete tee 2d 11, 007 
MONS Wk ote ee ee ee ee 14 
Miscellaneous:2-ce see eee 18 
Notal=: 22.2 ess ee ee eee 32 
Lake: Miscellaneous ~ 22222 18 
Almont: "253 oe ae eee oe 
Imlay City. st ee ee 61 
Wapeerse tone ee ee 140 
IMUSee lane GUS o2= oe Sena ee 82 
POA eee 315 
Leelanau: Miscellaneous___--_...------- 51 
MATIAN 2 2S = Eee ee ee 496 
Blissfieldis-- 2 eee eee 54 
@linton 2-222 es ee 39 
Hudson! 2s. 2 ee ee eee 7 
IMIGrenei = "2a ee 45 
Tecumseh), -- 2-2 ee 91 
Miscellaneous=:. =.= =) === aaa 69 
Totals 2S ee ee 867 
Fowlerville). 2.2 wre 32 
Howells -- 2. ok) ete ee eee 170 
Miscellaneous: =-°0 22 2 eee ees 78 
Motels 2535 es ee 280 
ING WIDENI Vino eee te ee eee 81 
Miscellancousi2s22 22> ese ee eae ee 4 
Motels 2.6. ee eee 85 
Stlenace +2. 22-251 >- eee ae 48 
Miseellaneousic. 2. S22 2-5-2555. ee Gia) 
Motale 2-2-2422 eles eee 123 
NERO Wiel Vio Soe eee eee 66 
Mount Clemens--<2- ==. 2-2 22 ees 777 
News Baltimore2 =] 22 ee aee eee 28 
Richmond ==] 225522222 hee aera 34 
ROmeég=2 22> oss ee ee 76 
ROSE Oo aes 2 eS ee eee 42 
Mascellancous2=2 2822s kae== ss ssa 465 
Motale <8 eS Bis Se ee 1, 488 
(ArGadiaes 2 032) ooo ae eee ee 7 
WMianistee'4.=25---- ete ee 256 
Miuscellaneous.-==.=.-----.~2----.8= Ps 
Noahs a= 2 = aa eee eee, eee 286 


Tasie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

= | 
County and city cient County and city 
Marquette: Oakland—Continued. 
iampiqne ~*~ 2 3 tee se 2 74 PION ee eo Se oe eee 
Acywartniss 27 fo 2 oot ee 9 || Oxford =.= -2 = =35.:-----.-- 2 ae 
Ishpeming 285 |) ‘Pleasangenidve =, = ._ J 
Marquette 601 Pontiac 
Negaunee -__-_- 164 | Rochester 
Republic-_-_-_- 16. Royal Oak... 
Miscellaneous 53 || Miscellaneous 
Oise se Ss See | 1,135 | Mn) i (2 ee ee 
Mason: Oceana: 
LATS i ee a ees | 287 BB ng oe oe en Ee 
ScoLpallo-=- =~ +. 2. ....-. See | 17 Pentwater"=.—..- =... eS 
WMSecHannous— Ws Se 23 Shelby2e—- 25. =. ..<.-.--. ae 
Miscellaneous. ....--=------- ete 
TST pegs Sree Ree 8 327 
| ANG) a Saas 
Mecosta: I 
Bie Hapids...-.-=-------- 150 || Ogemaw: 
Mascellaneous=_ ---_5..5222--25--2-5- 46 | Westipranen.< = 5-5-2 
SS iscsllaneouS..==> =... ==. So- ccs 
1/7 La ee Oe eros aT eT Soe 196 | 
| ANG) (Ge 2 8 ea = 64 
Mermansyville! —--t 2. ~- 72 22a a 22 || Ontonagon: 
Menominee _. 347 | Greenlands=---- 42s..-=+-2- eee 
Miscellaneous 79 | Ontonagon 
I Rocklandeeee esas 22 
ALD ee ae Sn 448 || Miscellaneous----------------------- 
Midland: | BW oe eee ee 
Wradiand = = 2252 1m ee 272 | 
Miscellaneous... ==. 22 Ses 23 | Osceola: 
EVATb sees e asec sea a eee 
At) #2) Le Se Se ee ere ee 295 l Reed (Gity = 2222 2. 22=5--ss2ssssne2 
| i MiscallaneoHs==— <= --55ss<sSsseeseee 
Missaukee: Miscellaneous--------------- 30 | 
| AGS La ee eee ees aace 
Monroe: | 
(ees. 29 | Oscoda: Miscellaneous 
MMONEAO Ss _ = = = 2 6 oo eee awe es } 665 
Miscellaneous... -- ---=---s--.0 223 123 | Otsego: 
=~ Gaylord pees nen a asa a one eee 
Total... 22- sosase toe totes care 817 Miscellaneous: == 2----------==-= 25 
Montcalm: Total_——--_.-------------_---__-_-- 
Carson. City 2 -5.~-2 2252-5 Se 31 | 
Crocnvillo!-2ss5 ss = 180 || Ottawa: 
Howard City 20 | Coopersville__------- 
Mia scellan COS soe onan eee 120 || See Haven 
}————_ |] ijilsiets sce Se ee ee 
Wotal. -- = S-sae see ee seen } 351 Spring Bake<==--2-2-==-s2s2s<22--8 
fears on yA 1G Ee eee 
Montmorency: Miscellaneous___----_-__ 29 Miscellanéons! = 2- = --.-.-.22222-2223 
Muskegon: Total 232) 222.52 2sssscsescseeese se 
WMonbacne— ~~. 2. sich. Sea a ana 15 
Miskecon. 22-2) 2 ee 1,764 | Presque Isle: 
Muskegon Heights__-..------------- 127 Onawayee----=--------2 5 
Whitehall... -.--...->---s.seseeeeeee 45 | Rovers: Citys: —--> -aescscese=s ae 
Mvinsrellancons...-=--.-ss2=-=--==2=== 58 Miscellaneous: 22-55 -!--:--s2222- aes 
1 rr aaa eed 2,009 | 2M oe a ae ae 
Newaygo: || Roscommon: Miscellaneous 
MremOnt =. <2. - = 2 oo eee 8 
LEE a ie eee E ys 5 ay BP oh 37 | Saginaw: 
WHscCeuaTIOOUIS:<—- = o-c 2 c2saseee =e 31 MATrOuULON:.---- <--> ~ sa aace eee 
Se | HOSAINNERe == a anaes 
LTT CE ae re MPS eer 150 | Daginaw.=--==-==-= 
—$$—<—<——= |] St. Charles_._- 
Oakland: IMiscelianGos:—- = .-22.0-nccsuen se 
ide = os See eee 
Parnunpiam 2255072.) a eee 1,098 || Totaleses.25-co--s~cosesaeoseoe 
Clawsenks $35 45— 5 225052055 eee 45 || 
WARMING CON 555 ascosaee ne aeeeee 187 || St. Clair: 
Ferndale: 235 -=52 22225212252 583 || TNO) TO = a 124 
ERG yp en ea ae a eee 73 | MaringwGity==2- 528 i220 see 159 

Miltord’ $2 55-5932 ho s25 5) sts ae 86 WMaryswilless22s625cs5-sesenee eee | 21 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

i = | N 
County and cit ; Number 
y y | of returns | County and city ' ofreturns 
St. Clair—Continued. || Van Buren—Continued 
IPergsbearon=2ss5-s-522224 22222-==--- 1, 197 | Hartford : 94 
SEO) EN ee ee eee | 211 Lawton 36 
Wale sees ne 51 Paw Paw 100 
Miscellaneous. 2=s225s2--2=<-55=-—- 2 74 een peas 220 
= iscellaneous 81 
TH SORE ne eee ee SOO. tee 1, 837 || 
St. Joseph: | ee a 
ee aga o Seb agosto 32 sss 522s 61 | Washtenaw: 
S{afoas 2 ee eee | 281 | A < 
atliree Riversso- 252 2-ss ss sansa 273 | one Piya ied ne seas 1S ae 
Miscellaneous---.------------------- 103 || Manchester=---_------_------------- 24 
| Milani? s6-0 2s Sate ed 5 
inf) AN (Beene ee eee 718 | Sos RES ye dR a et via Ae. + Sele ' = 
fi C01 XT aes eke a8 Pe A 572 
Santee ah = Miseellaneous= 22-2 } °29 
SS eee ; ‘ 
eee oo ---2-------------==----- » otal. 2-5 ee eee 2, 464 
* Miscellaneous_......---------------- 81 | Wayne: 
Brightimpor..2 26 eee 16 
MG) AS © See oe re 184 | Dessborn: 222222 se ee i 734 
estan Detroit... 89, 921 
alt: corse 252 
Manistique---_--------------------- 133 Fordson (formerly Springwells) 584 
Wrseellaneoqus=-2-=5----.-.--.------- ll Grossaiias te. st See eee 109 
= Grosse:Pointe 6 ee 1,7 
SU DEE a eee EE j 144 | Hamtramck: 329s ieee 472 
: ; Highland“Park. = ae 6, 290 
Shiawassee: eal Eeneo bn Park “225522 see eee eee 121 
COU TINTS eee eee ae 17 | Northville. os ee eae 170 
pee A rn (ae ree 2S 112 || Plymouth Se. = - 22-2 ae 359 
ROSS ene ee eee 422 | Rivér Rouges eae 434 
86 || “Drentony sss: = eae eee 163 
Wayne. 6. ee ee oe 290 
637 | Wyandotte... .-=-— ==... eee 1,17 
i} Miisceaneous52">5 sees 22a 508 
ay | TRG tal teats ees SER Pee 108, 384 
40 Wexford: 
RW Spy siete 2-8. eae ee 297 
i} Miscellaneous 222-2255 222-5 ee | 26 
270 || pan 
Total. - eee eee 32 
12 Nita) Se SSE ee eee 41 || = 
PEPE TT ash gi ei 92 || State totalsy< -ed oe | 175, 806 
! | 
ae | 
Aitkin: Benton: ¢ 
IUD ee ee ee 37 Sauk ‘Rapids SS eee re 
EVEISCAT ATCO US eee es Cr rT. == | 29 Miscellaneous: —=25= <2 2 "te sae ee 24 
ThiVis | se 2S So ee eee 66 | otale n-ne 41 
i || Big Stone: me 
nae 2 Pe ! Gincquille: = =a 25 
SOE ee a 20 Oxtonwille == 63 
aed neous. —-——————————-===-=-— == Miscellaneous 35 
THA wee ae ee ere 101 Tot! oo. - 25 5a ee eee 123 
.cker: - || Blue Earth: e 
W@eprolodakess 6 ese eee Sa | 121 |) th anne YStel .-<-=sssese ee 550 
. TRENDS a ee = 7 eee | 18 | ass BENG TELE i ce 
Miscellaneous__-__------------ ey, 26 || rin SOONER GE ee a} 
Ror ors = | Total ----------------------------- 593 
Total _----.----------------------- 165 | Brown: a ‘ 
oe Naw, Ulli) = as ee 202 
a Bemidji a eR eo a epeeeepeeeneser wee Lain 
MIGJi_- ~~ ~.----------------------- Gpringiield.2 22" == <** 3s a 
Miscellaneous-.-__--.--------------- 30 || Miscellaneous. --.- 2 4 seu 16 
Day A ee eee 226 || i; Po ae Pe eed ge 303 


TABLE 11.—IJndividual retur 

ns by States and Territories—Number of returns 

distributed by cownties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


4 reed Number || x 4 . | Number 
County and city of returns | County and city of returns 
Carlton: Fillmore: 
GIG GUC he ys PS eee 201 @hatheldete ee eae 10 
Miusrellanbous.s--- =) s eeee eee 90 TyanieSROEQheeno ss) 2 3 et | 25 
————— IPTastOpRe eee eee 2 eee 34 
Rint alee Pe ee ee 291 Rushigrdsee eee 6 
SSS Sprinemvedleye. =) 2) cn ee 31 
Carver: Wiscellaneanss: 22...) > =a 70 
Chasknwere ees ssn oe RAS es { 51 SSS SSS 
MWiscollaneotisce ee ee ee er ] 83 TOtaI eee te | Pe 176 
| —=S 
SDC es eee eee | 134 || Freeborn: 
AND Ort wien = eee eee 346 
Cass: Miscellaneons: =.= eee 71 
asc R Gta ee noe eee 57 | 
WHScaManeOUS =: 2 en eee 46 | So tay eee 417 
Motalcectee: 2202. ae 103 || Goodhue: 
es @annonehalisss 5. eee 24 
Chippewa: OnyOnemern 2 Soe ke 35 
NieniSyideO!ss <a ee 97 Redivanreee oo! te eee 305 
INTiScelan CONS! 312. tee a eee | 43 | Zumbproiaeeet = fs. 2 8 39 
: MMiscelianeons-*0= 02 225 eee 57 
Totalo ~~ =.= Sa ee re oe 140 OO 
"ROtawenee 2 ee 460 
Chisago: Miscellaneous--_-........------ 101 | 
Grant:, Miscellaneous-..---—-=+-=----.-4 75 
Clay: | | 
Barmesville = ee ee 31 || Hennepin: 
NTOORNEAG Hs re eteae ote eee ne ere 197 Giri gees 2 4 
Miscellaneous 22 es eee O4 Ix Celsionseeen] 22-28 eee 107 
oa HO pRins at see 2 52 103 
PRG tAY 5 ae ee ee 322 Minneapolisses= = 2222 see 23, 975 
ee Richfeldiae SS eee 11 
Clearwater: Miscellaneous--_--___-_---- 25 Robbinshales. 2 5 eee 92 
Gook: Miscellaneous. ~~ === oe 7 St fiouisemank==.-_. os ees 13 
IMUScellamealisten =e one ee 209 
Mountain Wakes. seen eae 19 Totale sere ee. 5 eee 24, 514 
VASAT EG (0) € 1 eae eS Seti Seca apt sin aon C8 2 pu 65 
28 | Houston: 
Caledon ===. 42 
112 Muscellanbousssse= 222 o-- eee 60 
Totalbeemeesa ce et So eee 102 
70 || Hubbard: 
29 SAR OG yee eee ee ae ee 8 
40 Park Rapids eee ee 44 
Miscellancous22=5 = ee 5 
(Rota eee re os. 57 
Dakota: : 
Wanminprone. 2.22 2-2: ae eee 26 || Isanti: 
HTASUNPS soa a ena ace eae 68 | C@anibridgesss-= 25-5 -*-- ee eee 18 
Sonuiiot-peatl.o- 22s 1. eae 299 | IVEISCALIETOOIS2- oe a2 oe ee ee 54 
Wiiscallaneous: 2... .- 22S 88 
MD Obal eee sn se as eee 72 
Cd EG) ra (es ee ie me et 481 |! Ttasca: fSSc SSS 
BOvey! 222 seas Seno 31 
Dodge: Coleraine 46 
ee SSS 350 25rd 7 Deer River 2 
i ee lf Grand Benlde= . 
Total_---------------------------- 86 Miscellaneous 145 
Douglas: | } = 
IMGKangrins ee eee 107 Total_.--------------------------- an 
OSaiiSs 3202s oe ont ee 24 || Jackson: 
Miscellaneous 3.25 ete 31 JACKSOMNN =e coc oe eee ee 58 
Take iellee eee ee ee 26 
POUAL: = ¢— 2) se eee ee ee 162 || WiSeellanBouss= se =o een 45 
Faribault: } 129 
BBG Marta sa 4 eke eee 76 || 
Wiel S28 er ee 40 
Whinn@bago0n: =o 3 ee 41 8 
SMuscallaneous....-~-22-2.-2-= see 58 9 
pes ot ee 215 || 17 

es © 

a eR ee ee eae 

te Sere Pe 





TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns . 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

MINNESOT A—Continued 

County and city 

Vii DV = 2 ae ee eee } 
AVETScollanGouss sss ns Sees 

International Falls__.._____.________ 
MSE ANOOUS=— 066 oe aac ett 

PRwosblarhorss22=-26 =. 

EVI GTHPOMIBEY 1225-20-22 fee 
Ue Wgl AGU. 5 5-222 222255-522." 

Marshalls 6555 332223455 < oN TES 
ARG or. ee eee eee H 
aViiseetldeouSe== 52S ee | 


Fairmont : 


| of returns 

County and city 

of returns 


| Murray: 

Slayton. -- sss 22) =.= el See 

Worthingtons-3 2 ee 

| Olmsted: 

Rochester_- =.=. ==. 

MergusMalls== 54 ee eee 
Pelican: Rapids: = 32 ee 
Perham: 222 eee 

Thief River Falls 

WMiscellaneouss ee 

Pine, Citva- -=-255 ee == eee 
(SanGsvone:<e- - 2. = ee ee 
IMascellanceous:- = += 223522424 =5 see 

Pipestone! <= eee 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

- Number F Number 
County and city etrerarns County and city of returia 
Polk: Scott: 
@rookSton irene ae an eee ee eee 210 Belleplaingt2-—-_-=_----22 ee 12 
Hast: Grand Horks) 222222 soss22 ee 77 Ord an See eon 25 
MOSSCON Seton ee tease no tact ence ace 14 Shakopeeweee ses i. os aa 53 
he MScellaneoise=) aaa eee Se 77 Miiscellaneoustas- 5.2 oo sooo eee 21 
Ca RYO} a's |e ar a BS 378 Total eee. 222 = se 111 
Pope: iva Sherburne: Miscellaneous______________- 67 
Glonwouodeass==2ssaumaree rss tht. oe 70 
Miiscellancouss.=220 225202. 2.6523 32 || Sibley: 
| Winthrop se2- = + 22. = 2 26 
Na) 4 |S Ae aa a epee | 102 || Miscellaneous! = =~ ----.-- 2 8 eae 98 
Ramsey: | | ol No) 12) (1S ae a ne Ma 124 
NORGNGS Ge AU! set ee ees esccesseens 61 || 
‘Sia 4:10 ee ee eee ees ae 12, 669 || Stearns: 
White (Bear Dakel= 2222-222 2222-2 | 181 Mielrosessaees. . 2... 2... 2st ele 31 
IWiisceliancous=2-—-— a. 25. ae 22 || ipavnesvillesessec. 220 Se 33 
——_ | SGNC lonGete re io ae 514 
Ota teem cea ane et aa eee ae 12, 933 Sauk @enter=2 2... 2... sane pi 7a 
——— WMiiscellaneoust=2s.222.ccckecee no you 142 
Red Lake: 
Red Wake Maliso*252 ss ents teens 13 || TO tell eme e 791 
eViiscellaneous:-sats- 22 es | ll 
| Steele: 
Motaliees see sate w eee 1S ee ely pee 24 Bloomingubrairie-......___.)_ seeseee 17 
———— | OinatOnnasee 20 2 ee 197 
Redwood: | Miiscellaneotse-22202_ 2.3 ee 18 
Redwood Falls 67 || 
iwtiscellancous: <2 22 2n22 se 25=255-a—- = | 91 || MOtalee ene ae = ooo = eee . 232 
| | 
Motels: hake Se Se eee oe ee 158 |, Spe ens: : a 
Renville: \ reaper PoneagteeaoS se ot Tee 
‘ Fairfax BV IR oho ceptere vicar all | 9 || Miscellaneous s22 52 2 2 ee 35 
Ryd Asa i A eee Oe ees | 67 
REN ViLlleies SRD oe ees ee 40 Total. ---.------------------------ 18 
Miscellaneousi2- 22-2 222sassa5-2- 222 | 139 || gwift: 
| iAtppleton: eeeeste cs -. enel | 37 
Total. .---..---.------------------| 256 || Bensonee ee se 71 
| ; 
Rice: a Miiscellaneotsh=s 522 = 2222 552 ate 34 
Brian pe= 2. Se Jose ook ae See ee 291 || 
Northfield LP eS WGA eh bd ES SR 158 Total --------------------------- = 
Miscellaneous) sso se oss 19 _ Todd: a e 
| | HON PUR TAITG saci oe Aon eee 
Total__-..------------------------|-- 468 | Staples ier tae ee oe 59 
Ro ck ; | Miuiscellaneous22. 222222 2 | 54 
EV OLN? Sears as at ee 98 || 
Miscellaneous-.-....2.2...52-Seenees | 34 |) Total_--.-.----------------------- hy 
| Traverse: 
Total __---.----------------------- 132 Browns Valley 18 
Roseau: i a RT Wheaton____--_- 49 
ROSCA a. oe ser oe ek Be 14 || IMbiscellaneoussensasenes scans see 12 
IWATTORG - 255. 4--tecnennanc-aeeseeee 11 || 
Miscellancous=- =) 2.5.2 cs eae 14 || Motalensene sos 222 5-=--. See 79 
Motes sos SS ere ae Eee en eae 39 Wabasha: 
—s TiakcenGitresas 2 ee ees 103 
St. Louis: IAIN VAS WH seco 2 oc UE So ee 22 
PATITOR ARS loc aches ee ee See 24 Wines ameee ns soee oon co eee 37 
IBiWablky = 22: 5522222 i ere eee | 18 Miscellaneous: = <----..--.- i eee 61 
PATI eee ee See Soe ey RW eee | 26 | 
@bisholmisos solo eee ee eee 197 || Motalisce. Salo kool eee 223 
OUT GMs Ss oe se tA ee 5, 101 || 
iNT el eS 166 || Wadena: 
Bivelebheeatiat. 20. Te ele eae 299 |. WiAderiaee see ee cel oe tL cee ees 91 
Gil better. 2e osu anc on cceeeae ee ee 47 || Miscellaneous: .-...-.------- Ss ueee 20 
ib bine kL ee 798 |) 
Dalian Ove ssa eens aha ce ee oecsaeeene 4 | O0 nYG) T) a nS eo 111 
IMounEatnarOnes= 2220s ce cee 7 || 
LEAL CTCL C0) hes See eran ES 161 || Waseca: 
MOWOD S25 22 oto s ence wasnt ecoeceeel 25 || Janesvillone2<2_= 2s... ---- <2 boc oes 21 
Wabiya bah tle See eee eee ee ee | 420 | WiGSOCR a nae anaes sco canons seme _ 107 
IMiscellanicouss:.0. 22.522 es eee 37 | Miiscellmenusen es =o necceanecemene 23 
TOU eatee a teas ee eae i ee 7, 330 || Motel 2 ei Penaeus eee 156 



TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

Annee Number | - Number 
County and city | of returns | County and city at ecbiens 
be | z= 7 i Di. 
Washington: || Winona—Continued. 
SHUR, 2) (2) Oe eee 251 | Miscellaneous. 2222-2 280s ee 31 
MiscellaneQuss cineca ewes ese la. 116 | — 
| MU NYG) a ee SE 690 
Wi iG Ae See See ee 367 
——————————t Wright: 

Watonwan: | BUT eta tes are eee ee moe 48 
IM IGN CVE Re ae ee ee ee ee 31 |] COs esa oe eee 34 
SUS RAET SB SS ee | 108 | IDE AE SRR ee eee 30 
RVinScelinneousee= ase ee ees ee. 26 || Monigeulotess s2< sce hk ceacadececans 13 

| Miscemaneousss.—s> te ono 88 
ROUGE ss sah cee ee 165 
"Potahs a5 Sate ee eee Aes 213 

Wilkin: | 
Breckenride@=- 22-222) 22.22 - =. 98 | Yellow Medicine: 

MUSCELLNGOUS ss 88 sk == 5 54 || Canbyress 2 2 eee eee Jaecseces 57 
_—— \ Granite Falis.:-.- 22-2252. -32 54 
TNT Soe SS Bee eee 152 Miscellaneous) sses= eee 51 

Winona: | Totalt .ssehea nee eee 162 
Bim@ hanes 222.5 soe sss ate 15 || —_—— 
NVATIOHN Geese cnc Ss 2. foe est 644 |) Statetotal. .c2s se ee 61, 489 

te etthees ae SLE Fe | 

Adams: Claiborne: 

INGDYHCNG As ays ee 461 | Port Gibson. 23 ee | 64 
IWHSCAHANGOUS: waste ae ae a 5 Miscélianeous.2 2-2 2.. ses eeeeeeee es 10 
FROLG eee eee eee eee eee 466 | Tote: See 74 

Alcorn: | Clarke: | 

i | Q i { 38 
Stonewall | 5 
Miscellaneous 31 
! ! 74 
| Clay: | 
Wiest (Pointssecs see sone otncaes 101 
Miscellaneous: -. == =25s2eesaeeenqce | 4 
SSS = Totalt== 2 eee ae 105 

Attala: | 
TSGU SCH a) a 2p SE 76 || Coahoma: 

NMUscelaneousse! lot Se 25 Ce ee. 15 || Clarksdale: + aaa eee 554 
| INUiscellancouses ee aan eee 238 

CUMCG) A |= SSS ge ee a mU 91 || aa 
| Tol aes eee eee 792 

Benton: Miscellaneous_............-.--- 5 Copiah: ea * 
« ; rystal Springs—=--------=2- ae : 

eee ts 123 Hazleherst2 20 lee 
Rosedale<20220220- 70 T m4 | oy NUScelRn Bos ice re aeh ? 

Rp en I a Ee eer 67 
Sam Meg 74 Potale <2 =..42522¢-Stescacse ee ease 160 
MICU) Re See 270 | Covington: 
Collinge 2 See 7 
Total-_--------------------------- 618 | Miscellancoust 22 sc. 22 eres 29 
| ee ae ca 

Calhoun: Miscellaneous----.------------ 13 | MOpalbSe. os = 22 senna nee 46 

Carroll: Miscellaneous._.--...---------- 35 | , Saas 

——-——._ || DeSoto: Miscellaneous_.----.----------- 83 


TEU HOTA leap oe = sae ok 32 || Forrest: 

CO) E09 Gg Fpl pa a ope 52 | Hattiesburg._..2222-.<-2-s_>- eee 612 

MMSCOMAN GGUS! 2 asso eee ae 4 IMuiscellaneous--==:==262+2262--5-=-<5 9 
UNA ee 88 Motisl. S539. p bo see ee eee ee 621 

Choctaw: Franklin: 

LNERGS Ts SOLS = iB Se Set a ae al 14 | Budesa: eee eee 31 
Miscellaneous 2 | Miseellaneous2c---- == 2.2222 = 28 
TUE eee eee 16 | rpc 314 wisn thre RRO TRAC Oe 8 59 


31722—_29_16 : 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 


of returns |) 


County and city 

George: Miscellaneous 
Greene: Miscellaneous 


IBA Yi Ste bOUIS===- = = 5 5 2 seen 
MVSCOLIANGOUS: =. ==-4-.-. 2 =24=25—~--5" 

Biloxi set ee 
Pass Christian 

MMNSCOMANGOUS =o 2) tenes oe en ee 


Issaquena: Miscellaneous 
Itawamba: Miscellaneous--_------------ 

Moss Point 
Ocean’ Springs! 2 eee 
IR SSC eo Ota at re ee eee ee 
IMGSCElANCOUSL 22s sss 5 Fe eee 

Jasper: Miscellaneous ae eaten eS Ses wet 
Jefferson: Miscellaneous 
Jefferson Davis: Miscellaneous-_---____-_- 


Kemper: Miscellaneous 





Lawrence: Miscellaneous 
Leake: Miscellaneous 




Golumbusseee +. eee 
Miuscellaneoustss ss) -) =e =o os eee 


Colum bide eee oe eee 
Miscellaneoussss--s—2= 22-2 sos aes 

Molly iS primes see ea ear ee 
MiscelFaneous!: == -- =~... ee 



WVGISCeIA NEOUS Seon eae ne eee 

of returns 

1, 041 

1, 056 




TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


cv Number 
County and city of returns 
INN GO) bis Se ee ee eee 55 
RVINSCOMANIOQUSS =o 8 8 Soe eh pr cas 89 
SINT) Ube eee te asaya ee, 135 
Oktibbeha: es 
Starkville c. 8 25032 2 eae 2 65 
WVINSCAUSEBOMS eee eee ee et 13 
PURa EL cobemey ate ue ag cs Seth ere 78 
46 | 
Pear] River: 
Picayune = ane te. geal ines 7 
Ronlanc leseeten eee are ee 43 
GURTLIE 9 Sea dap a, ESS ies Dye ee 138 
UIGHUR eee ees a rere ERAN Ret 28 19 
IMaScelaneoust.6 2s. o ee eee u 
UR Tees ee 26 
IWACL570| NR OE ee ee Be 
INGE a Se a ee 
Miscellaneous! - == ee heeti Lea ies 1 
ANG Cee ee ee ee ee eee 42 
rentiss) Booneville... -—..---.=-c2~.. 41 
SETAE oe RR SS re Ree 38 
WVISCOMANEDIIS = oe ee ene ee 64 
ESE AD Cg oo Ra Ba ep ete aa 102 
Pelatiacehigesscer soe een tan 11 
IMESCelaNeOus) = co en 17 
Total Seis ere i ee eee 28 
PRIGTIES reer Oe ee Ea 51 
MMIUSCOMAMEOIICN Met eet ee es 21 
MT NTU to 5 ee Elna Sed 2 oer 72 
Sharkey: Miscellaneous-_--_.------.----- 79 | 
Simpson: Miscellaneous---_--_.-------- 45 
INiGi= WMlIScelaneouSs 02-22.) 14 
Stone: i 
MP PATIS Senet ene A El 23 
MTaSCENANGOUS: nae noe 8 
PING U As ma sw oe we ee yes eo NS 31 
LETECUEE; A (6) ED ORs ON eel een 8 128 
VECURHEA eee enn ar Va 41 

County and city umber, 
RWG Viliee a. S = aes eee 59 
Miuspellanecous22* 2-2 ce ie ke eae 238 
Move seo. eee eee hee 466 
@Harel ston sence oe ec eee eee ood 66 
"Wutnele ese eraars eee See ence 29 
IVEISCElaReGUSS- 2 =e kee eee 153 
ATO Gall =e et eee ea rae) 248 
Senatobia= = tee ee ee 33 
Miscellaneous 26 
TROta Se eee eee eee 59 
Tippah: Miscellaneous__.._.....-.-__._- 45 
) G51: We eee RSS a SS 12 
Miiscellaneous..s-...2--- 2-5. 5 Saeees 8 
Lota Sco 20 ee ee 20 
Tunicay Miscellaneouss= 2 sae eee eee 150 
New. Albany:..-2.- 2 a ees 79 
Miseellaneous?=. 222s) eons eee 1 
Total. 2. Jose 22 80 
WraltHall:> Tylerfown--....==<.-- 2-2 22 35 
Vicksburg? ---oe eee 985 
Miscellaneous: <2-- 2-32 5 ees 25 
Total. -. 033.2 4 ee ee 1, 010 
Greenville 2 = ee pena, 572 
Delete Gh ee ee ee 107 
Miiscelaneous!22--== 2). eee eee 191 
Total ee eee 870 
Wayne: Miscellaneous-------_- pe a he | 40 
Webster: Miscellaneous___..........---- 17 
Wioodvilles: 3.2... 2 eae eee 38 
INfiscellAnGOUSo aes me ere eee eee 22 
Motal sae ees eet eae eee 60 
Touisvillev...- +4. 5- 5 22- eee 45 
INiiscellaneouSs2- 2. eos 2 eee 14 
ARGUE... wos eh ee ee 59 
Water: Valley... 2°-2 222. ae 96 
Miscellaneous2=.---22222225csesne ee 43 
Metal se Ne 2. ake cya eee 139 
WazoorCity.2) 6-2 2 eS eee 265 
Miuscellaneous=.-—---=-- == a 58 - 
ROCA se ee eek ee Oe 323 
State: totalosse = see ste eee 16, 964 



TaBeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

i Number | ‘ | Number 
County and city of returns | County and city | of returns 
Adair: , Callaway: } 
Kelrks ville te aes ak aya il 193 | Biltonmeeeeeeten sons) fa 124 
INOVinge ieee ake osceaeee ee 24 | Miscellaneous H 18 
NWhiscoHsneousece. 22s == eee ee 5 |] 
TPotalUlaeee et oes ee dee 142 
JR ao ae Re eno Sean 222 || } 
| Cape Girardeau: 

Andrew: | CapelGirardeaque.-2---=-25222-5 ee 384 
Savaniiaiies sees sae eo ce ae ae 31 || Jacksonteees 2s 2as0- 32225525 ote 50 
IMUSCOIANGOUS2.c2ccLuees a. See 13 AViiscelAMeOUS! = =-- a... =k eee ee | 7 

MOU ese se eae sada oe a ee 44 || Motweeeses noo 244-5 2H) ete | 441 

Atchison: Carroll: 
ROC KD OLbe nina sa oa oe sas ee 44 | @arrolitoneeesssaso22 22.) oe eee 136 
MerkiOle sien cos as acne seas Oe 55 | Norbome@s22 352... 2..:5.32... ae 19 
MWhiscellaneous 2252 as 2a. 22222 aes 36 || Miscellaneous sss... 222 eae | 12 

SRD UG I See eater Bee bale Se 185 || Potaleeeees 2222.55. see 167 
| ns 

Audrain: | Carter: Miscellaneous. --.-...------=---2 4 
PVIGXI COM ka te as ee eee ee | 214 || ——— 
Mandaliasseso at eae so is oy os 35 5ou 7s oy 38 || Cass: { 
Miscellaneous s 2222252220312 e ae 22 || Je Grin citsjoray dl GL a epee LS | 43 

— | Pleasanteeileas= S22. 5. 2 eee 4} 
MOtaliee sss A ssassssusssosseessasass 274 | Miscellaneous 43 

Barry: Tota eeee SY osc a i 127 
Cassvilloe sass ess 20 Re hehe 4 | 
Wiha} A Faas Been ne MENTS 59 || Cedar: 
Miscellaneous 322.222.500.520. 43268! 6 | Mldoradojspnnes. === 22 eee 9 

iViiscelianeous====-252=12 2) 5 area see } 1 

PE Gal eee Sates et Vi Se 69 | | 
6 Mot | ee re f 10 


AMAL = sito Si 92 5 ES 30 || Chariton: ! 
IGIDOTAL Secs 235 SPE ee ee ee 9 Bruns wicks 2s.22:-:-. +22. 13 
Miiscellaneous=—. 2. so 2e 2 22h ene eee 29 Salis Dury eee as ee Sa ete Se eee | 27 
I} Mis cellancous22s45-24- = 2222252558 { 19 

Motalesnc eats 25ssaus 2252 ee 68 || | 
| uO eee. el eee ee ey | 59 


PS Ue re = oes ee os 44 || Christian: Miscellaneous_--........-____ ll 
TRA (AoW S DUNT Sy eee Rp eee 14 
MiscellaneouUssae2s eases es Sao ee 17 || Clark: | 
Kano have wees ee oo 2 eee 16 
POG A esa tesa celine tas ee 75 Miscellancous=s222- 22-2. ee | 16 
Benton: Miscellaneous_-._..-......=--.- 9 || TOtal Sareea ass: eo See 32 
Bollinger: Miscellaneous 9 || eee 
l) Clay: | 

Boone: ixcelsion Splingsees = 26 eae eee H lil 
Wbntraline ee sane ee ee ae ee 46 || Libertyasos-4-5 as L025-502 ese Sy 97 
Columbian) = i ssl ee 410 || WES COUANGOUSH= ==. oe | 67 
Miscellaneous... 5.222525 3525s 11 || | ; 

ATO a eee eee ts Lid 2 ee ee ign ae | 275 
DP OURIE = Seach wer on eee ot ee ene 467 | } 
Clinton: | 

Buchanan: Camerorttsts:2s vs 232 2dc ene laa 54 
Soe OSeD 28 4s Se eee Sie ee 2, 527 BA UNTOD sates che a eee eee | 19. 
IMbiscellangoguss2 2222.3 ses2 ese ae 21 BIST iS inee ne eee = eee ee ee 56° 

Mistélianéous: = £22: 222 esss i232 a= ¢ 14 
ROCA =<) oa eee os ee ee 2, 548 {|—_____—. 
Motsley. sos ee eee oo ee eee } 143 

Butler: ! = 
Beware iio ae eee eee ce eee 197 || Cole: Mis 
Miscellaneous: .1..2222222.22 eae 8 Jelerson: Gitys4225-2=. See { 394 

Miscellancoussses2 2222-52 22S ee | 7 
ET t Al eet oe Le = utes ee 205 en 
PROCS 3 aoe eed 23 See See 401 

Caldwell: | 
Braymer 12 || Cooper: | 
Hamilton ff 137 
Miscellaneous WY; 21 

(Obs) i: leet peas WE eee re | 26 || 158 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

MISSOU RI—Continued 
: Number ; Number 
County and city | of returns County and city ofreturns 
Crawford: Miscellaneous-......--------- 23 || Henry: | 
— lintone ess. 2 ee 8 | 132 

Dade: Dea pweteres: 2 — eee eke 10 
i GUNS TVTN aI is ee Sen oe eee | 7 WAN GSOna auc = bs aaeelimn ee oo. oe 10 
IMIISCPIIBN OOUSio seen eae ke nee ene l 7 IMiSCellaNGOMS= so soe ees ee ee 12 

UNOS gS a a ei et ae a 14 PRO UAL! hs 5 ese Ae ne 164 

Dallas: Miscellaneous.-..._.--.--------- 6 || Hickory: Miscellaneous_....--._-.....-- 3 

____——’ ——————_ | 
Daviess: || Holt: 
[CHALE Tepe ta aha lear nd eS 22 | Motinds Cifivsss"s: 2 5.--> epee 21 
PAULONSDUNP= cee panes coco cee Se! 5 Miscellaneousesc 2) nc oss nc caete se 70 
avinscellaneous=—=-5-—.---o--css-—--= | 7 || SSS 
|__| Total a2 ec ore ees ee eee 91 
Motel = scee sa osssan one see see ek | 34 | 
—————_ |} Howard: 

De Kalb: | | HavetOcjcucsessce neo eee co eeee eee 62 
TUSSLE, oe ote a petal et 2 Caeareal bape ees “Sal GTS Wis ee eee 20 
Miscellaneotss: =2ce222 0s 8 o 2 2e se 17 || Miscellaneous: 222252 252- 5s 22 sae 28 

25 Motels s = 5-5 Sek. Soe ee aera oeeeee 110 
27 | Howell: 
6 | Mountain View2--- 2-22 2--- oe ene 5 
| WestiElains)23 3 eae eel 26 
| Willow Springs 14 
: Miiscellanieots-asece 52535 e > ees 1 
os } Totals =. 25.2 0oscese seceee eee 46 
32 |) SS 
oe || Iron: Miscellaneous_.-..-.-------------- 26 
91 |} SSS 
|| Jackson: 
126 || Independence. == ====22 22. ==. ue 477 
| iGansas| City.2e: ese eee 18, 583 
i MeesiSummit-<2) 2a See | 34 
30 || Mount Washington__-_--.---------- 16 
35 Miuscellancous=.-2-2t ee i 130 
AVIFAST DP DON nee eee ree eee SY 107 = SSE 
Muscellaneoustee ase cneC nee aT Ss 80 | Totalisove.- 22. - 2 see a se ee 19, 240 
FRG Tis hcg te nee eg tena ee pe | 252 | Jasper: | 
SESS @ariyunction: = -s2s22s5e se eee 13 

Gasconade: | | Cartervillesv.1.t22- 2 eae 9 
IM@rmann to o2 oe soo oe ecco aS | 40 || @arthagetsee oases 111 
iistalinmOGus et teen eee ne | 28 | Dueniwer. 22ers eae 3 

H JODMAG:.2.-0- lS eee 1, 020 
ALITY hs lp tpl gs pty te eA eS a ND 68 || Sarconie. 22225 o ee eee ll 
Webb Cityeces-s--2-2= =e 104 

Gentry: Miscellaneous... + 2b2.< 2. JLo eee 10 
PAID ATNyee teen Senne ese 24 || 
ew yseigne aed ee eel Ee 29 || Rotale. css. 2 eee 1, 281 

EVM OS eee eas Saceeeeeaee 22 | Jefferson: Nicaea 
Miscellaneous-..-------------------- | 2 I Crystal Oltiin2 ee af 
| = OO SO0t0l 2 oe see ce cemae nee 
Total ___-------------------------- a Hestus® = *S+stceesneetre ees a 
Greene: i | INTIS V UE Vs Cho) b RE ne 
s TOV Oa aa coe 5 |} 
7¥255U71 5S le 3 || Total - -------~--------cnnenoshess 268 
PSY OLTEAEEO 8 CG) (0 | See oe a a a a 1,166 || Johnson: 
NEISCOLANeCOUS = se. seers oe | 3 || HOIGeN:. 4. 5320s ee 28 
—_ | Warrensburg.) 22 o0te eee 84 
MIRO tel eee aa ei Se | 1,177 | Miiscellancous2. 22 toe eee eee 22 

Grundy: Otel ssn e aces sae eae eee ee 134 
SUFETIGON sae eee ere eS 136 | 3 
BUNS Di) oe 7 SU Eaine lis IRS i ee 31 

re Aaeubeethsantyinee! ss 143 Miscellaneous. -o2222322 222 2 ee 19 

Harrison: Le ie paeal ae 
Web horiymerens seen oe ooo - ee 29 || La Clede: 
alts vill Ose eee a i eae 4 || Ihebanon ees eae ene 14- 
Miscellaneous | 8 IWiischllanéous-...-=--5--.--<=-2---5— 2 

LUG A os = ys ae a 41 Motel 2582s 32S eee eee nner 16 



TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and lownships calendar year 1927—Continued 

MISSOU RI—Continued 
: site | Number ait 2 | Number 
County and city Votratucns County and city of returns 

Lafayette: | Mississippi: 
iggiinsville=---0= = 22 ~-dvewapeee => 28h | 69 | (hanlestone-' 220-1. ee eee 53 
exinetonetses22.2. 2... face eae | 105 HMastieraintosees= 3 ON ee 10 
Odessaresa2ee a oi. othe Pe 20 Miscellaneous=2 <2 =+=-<-=222. 252s 4 
Miscellaneous:: 2.22 fa. seo iE 49 ———__——. 

Motalee ese ss Les 67 
Totalsss 22222 done AU aad Lee 243 || 
as | Moniteau: 

Lawrence: Californige====2 2.2. - ve 3020S 40: 
JNUUIRO CE 3 = 2 pap 23 || WUD TON Eas 22 sa ow ns ee 5 
WianiorulliGgmeete eee s eat be te ee 10 |. INDSCelaTeOlUS==2 520222. 2 ee ae | 3 
Mount; Vernon--+22*++2222<-2 2 er 1L}} 

Pierce Gives sae 2kes soe Le Ee | a MT otalemwse=* ex 242 Seenes oe ome 48 
BViiscellanGous:= 22-25. .-252252-22- 528 | 12 |; | 
———-——— || Monroe: | 

TRY EEN Ui leet mpl roe nate Bee oe 1 2 65 |. Monrogi@itys= <2: + -=s=vaseeseaees are 38 

= Pani Sse = io) 3 2) tS ae 26 

Lewis: IViiscellaneous==-— =. === ee 4 
Gantoness = s<2s3s42see-se es sesh ene 34 |) 

a, Grange s+= 2) *- 22202 eee ee 16 "Potala eee es 2 cv a= b-side 68. 
Miscellaneous: .--25=-2 "22222 224 17 
ROU ot = ote em soe Wee e Lees ee 67 NOM OMOnyas = a) ae 18 
AiG S val eerste ed oh ae ws ayn 23 

Lincoln: Miscalianeouss====4 25 == 2 eee 23- 

Hisberryss2a25s252 540) fwene be eee 10 |) 
ARTO V 228 ke SE ee RULED Soe 35 AO yc) 25) cg a6 ee ee ye) 64 
Miscellaneous=s¢=ss=2022 222 Ene 23 
Morgan: H 
Motalensaad Aeeye es = Weeks FEV2E5 SES 68 Viersalliesiwee nasa. -8 4s 24 -k6 56 naive 18. 

TE a= Miscellaneoust=*=-= ==2=*sss2eaeee ees 5 
IBTOOKNGIG a4 22eeen Se = eee te ee 88 = 
Minn celin ose aon see ne eee 67 Total. ------------.----.---------- ies 23 
Miuscellaneous:.-_.... =... -- 455508 40 | New Madrid: 

IGEN Meen ne as Sek ee eee 9 
Total... ---.---------------------- 195 Morehouse- eo AAI Ps ER. 3 8 5 12 

Livingston: | New Madrid = eee ET m1 
Chillicothe....-..--.-------+-------+ 113 | Portageville.--1---- 1s -- so 14 
Miscellaneous-_------------.-------- 2 Miscellancoust225-- 22: 22" 2442== ll 

HR OUAL Sa een wee a ee ee 115 Total anne haan sean ws eee Bae 79 

McDonald: Miscellaneous- ------------- 20 Newton: | | 

: PANDY 52 ee eee oe see ee en eee 5 

ae 18 Neosho Wee Seed eee rk ene: Sen ee ene 70 
7 eee: 2600 aiccataes seemed 12121 0e cael 2 
SUS Oca es ee Se ee eS ot 81.'|| ponruieest is aia rea ee oe ae Sy 
MMAstellaneous: 222. . --=-. =. Sea is 21 Fit Cee eee ee) 87 
_ Total... .------------------------- ek Roda wave tg 
pei anyvilloseeesen aa n8 2 > See ees Pils 

Daag tt eat BY ee ; 33 Wiscellanearsessssnn2- 9 saan meena 47 
Miscelianeoussesss f2n6 2 stem ee ae 2 Poth eeeenet abl bk Se 161 

Total _--___----------------------- 35 Oregon. e 
Se au Nas BY ORL eee sae ae Sees. eee vx 
Maries: Miscellaneous We PR YOS ese iee sere 5 VIR cal ATGO REN] =o Seas oe unas me nT r 
Haninibal 2 Sasa seen eses eerie 568 Total sec sea se CSS. eos eer eae | 28. 
Palimyraeses = 22 eek Rasen ee 37 | 
MISCeHaAnNeOIS! == een eee a eee TT) ‘Osage: Miscellaneous = 22222 Sass ese 29 
Ozark: Miscellameous-.--.-----22.----£4| il 
Totals cs Meee Beare ets: z 616 = 
= Pemiscot: 

Mercer: Caruthers villewes. aon 22222 ee eee 144 
Princeton = =.5 05 -=_- 11 ERG Vile ee ee ee oe 27 
Miscellaneous 2 Miscellaneous!) .2e5s22 2 5s esse eer 26 

PROBS G sr se acts oS oer ee eel eee ee 13 Totaliaere bees be Bh 2. SAS | 197 

Miller Perry: 

Bildonie see 2) -o=* 22-8 cape  O 23 Perryville: 20000-2cscccc800-0 2 27 
Miscellaneous: ce. 2.9252 -eee = eee 3 Miscellaneous. 232202 ees eee | 7 
CR Ge etre oes a we ss es oe 26 Tothlukiac ees e koa saad see ene nee | 34 



TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

MISSOU RI—Continued 

1 - 4 Number 
County and city Bina: 


Platte: Wriscellaneous 2-2-2. 2- 2-- 83 
Polk: | i 
IBOUVAIa sa 202 anna c = = eee th 23 
AVES CEANeOUSS sate eee ae eee 8 
CRT ee Se eS eee eee eee 31 
Pulaski: Miscellaneous---.-------.------ 0 
BU IMONVANOS se See Sn ee ae 27 
MVISCeIIANGOUSS= saan a nee aaa 3 
YO) Se ee ee eer Anas tz | 30 
allsseMiscellaneous._—-=-2.=-=-<--=--=== 20 
Randolph: =a 
Lehi ayn a es es 12 
PETE CS Vall OG Senet Ss os 10 | 
IVED Deny mee eee ee wee lees tents SN 434 
NVIISCOMHNEOUS MeAHeee east ewe eee sk 28 7 
LNG 2) Ue eee ae ea ee 463 
Tesibeloeeyey eC les 5 Saag ee ee =a 56 
MMisceluneousteteeses ten ce cen ee 44 
ENO pale Meee eee te ke he ne eee 100 
Reynolds: Miscellaneous_.-_-_---------- 10 
IDyeryolnein os Fea ee ee eee 24 | 
PVINSCAl ANOOUS sen nae eee ee 2, 
ONS eee eee es eee 26 
St. Charles: 
fis KODE) Gl EES) eles Re ea Ne a ee 336 
IVEISCOllaTICOMSee eae see ee Set ee ee 43 
TUGUD 6k eee Se ee ee eee 379 
St. Clair: SSS 
IAD DIELONN@ Ty eeees Se ee toes wah 9 | 
SCG] eae ee ees oO 15 
MESCRIIanGO Uses a= Ha te eer eed eo 0 3 
TOE occcce entenet son se see | 27 
St. Francois: 
ONTO VD COLT Ota Mee both 125 
THe. Ae eee oe eee 18 
MATMINE COMM oa eee eee ie 105 
TIS PIR RG ok See ee | 112 
IVSCelaNGOUS a=) == sees ae) Lk 144 

’ oe Number 
County and city of returns 
Ste. Genevieve: 
StesiG@enevieve:..:.-22--- --22 ee | 56 
Miscellaneous... ..2ca-ee tins eek 12 
Wovel ...-\. > - eee oe 68 
St. Louis: 
Olavitone 22 5--_: see See eee 1, 201 
MersusOna <2.) Se ee 267 
a Gb e140) 0) 0 een ie Se LF ieee | 634 
Maplewood!= > 222 a Sea | 720 
Richmond Heights) -9----s-eeeee 318 
Wniversity Citys. 2-2-2. eee 1, 782 
Webster Grovesic— 22 a eee 2, 054 
Wellstone. = 3 3. ee eee 18 
Miscellaneous=.. 2-335 sie ee 1, 786 
Motels ¢2u 2, eee ee 8, 780 
Marshal]... -7e ae a eee 200 
Slaterw cine: ov satis Rene eee 74 
Sweewoprings- 25 0 eee 14 
Miscellancous)-22 222 ees 59 
otal’ 2 2 es See een 347 
Schuyler: Miscellaneous-_--__---.-------- 19 
Memphis'=* 2-2 = 525s ee ee eee 15 
Miscellaneous... eee ee 4 
otalizs 2225 220 ee 19 
Ghgfiee. - 2... - 2 Jee eee 57 
MMi Ge! 2 <= Kas tae eee eee ee 32 
Oran] 7 226 es ee eee 10 
Sikeston. ...-....2 eee es 99 
Miscellincous2 a eee 37 
Motel: 22.45.5222 5 2 235 
Shannon: Miscellaneous--__------------ 5 
Clarence 12 
Shelbina 19 
Miscellaneous 17 
Motal= 2-22 52u=7 5a ves See ee 48 
BORO. oo ha Sle | 1 
Bloomfisia: ee eee 18 
Dexteras) 2.2224 2.24 Sat ae ees See 35 
Miscellaneous: 2:22222) 222 ees 13 
Motels: =) 8 = 67 
| Stone: Miscellaneous. -.--.--------..---- 12 
Miilanwes> > = 4-292 2a eee eee eee 15 
Miscellaneous: 25224 < =ne ee oe eee 12 
BOUG) 2.522 6222 oe ee 27 
Taney: Miscellaneous_._.._------------- 6 
‘Nexas; Miscellaneous ====2s2=s4ee= 28 13 
Nevada 166 
Miscellaneous 9 
Total 175 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by Siates and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

MISSOU RI—Continued 
County and city pluie County and city | i umber 
Warren: Miscellaneous........-....----- 42 || Worth: 
Granti@itys=--.2. 3-5. e eee 15 
Washington: Miscellaneous.._.-_-_----- 37 Miscellaneouse.. =. .c =. eee 2 
Wayne: | ROotaleewer wees oo eee 17 
Piedmont_.____-_- 12 || 
Miscellaneous 18 || Wright: 
Mountain Grove-_-222.-2-2-esse eee 12 
Notalessive scl. veretee a see 30 NVScellAMeOusStel. 22.2. eee 7 
Webster: Motelese see. on ook on 19 
IMarshfield2es-2 222233. Ae fata 15 
IMiIScellaneouses s22e2 soso eee ee SiC ityiorStavioulise--2-— 2-2-2 -- eee 51, 859 
Motaleeee-cbeceste tee oo ee 23 Statestotal= 2-2 2-5: 3-2 bree 96, 407 
Beaverhead: Deerlodge: 
DIM OHS= 22 - Sie ak 2 | 202 J MTRYOT AG ~-- ie a ee 940 
Miscellaneous===: 22... =) ees 122 IMiscellameouss- see.) eo eee 2 
Motal hao Ae Se eee ee | 324 | LG) 2h Lk Se ee ae 942 
Big Horn: | || Fallon: 
AGAIN. 22 osteo dnn- Me eoscke sees 76 | Bakereeseteo--.. 2. A 46 
Miscellancoussi.. ike ees | 19 || Miseellaneouss!= <2. =. 2525 eee 9 
Motalee 228258 42 ese ee 95 | T Otaleeee sce eek eases cee ee ee 55 
Blaine: Fergus: 
Ghinooke et ss sos oooh eb tents eee | 82 | Wewistawmes. -<-s-s2s--2-ssssece eee 447 
Miscellaneous’ 222 Seats eee 51 || Miscellaneous === s- =. --- cco oeeee ee 184 
MGtale ee Les Mae Sd op, Se 133 | Nota lee ane 2. 7. 631 
Broadwater: Miscellaneous-_-_----------- 52 | Flathead: 
Ka lisnelieesesss. == 50 = eee oes 283 
Carbon: Whitefish = see ee eee 144 
MBO OUPer ans ir 22 27 doe, a heehee 257 | IVScellaneolseeens seen. oe eee 77 
Weiscellaneous-22 222522 -22slee 120 | 
| Motaleemecees eons. o.oo See 504 
otaleass 2320 l so ee ee SHALE || 
|| Gallatin: 
Carter: Miscellaneous=- =-----=-==22=-22: 47 | NB X0y As) 020 ee a a PS 383 
SS _ ‘MhreesWorks ee 2-252 -2so a eee eee 45 
Cascade: | | Miscellaneouses===2_ 220 22 See eezae 88 
GreattWalls=s=s2222=-2sesoe seen ae 2, 012 || 
Ifiscellancous=222as2222seeesneeceon 194 | Mobali see seen <a osha ee ee 516 
Motelepe ae oe Skat eee | 2,206 | Garfield: Miscellaneous -.-..-..--------- 30 
Chouteau: | Glacier: 
Horisbentonse2=s-e=- bens eee 57 @utwBan kee se <- 22.2 eee 46 
Miscellancousi2 2kcui2k = eee 121 MiuscellaneouSss<-.22=-s~seeeeee ee eee 21 
Totals skeet sconce fe cecen ees | 178 Motos soe es See es 2 SR eee 67 
Custer: Golden Valley: Miscellaneous__-_..----- 18 
INBIIGSI Citys 2st 8 See 378 
Miscellaneous s: 2.222228 237 eee ee | 24 | Granite: 
| Philipsburgeceos2-2---2 5. cue ee 81 
Noteles2-=25acca5sc seco 402 Iiscellaneous==.2 3. 80s es Tess 36 
Daniels: nr 
Scobey - YSN 0h een rents bid aye pt a 92 MOON ee eae eee oe con Saecee as 117 
Miiscellaneouss2 22222. eee | 46 | HM: * 
AVIOLe eee se eo eho wee eee e ee 
Total. ---.------------------------ 138 Miscellaneous neces ce nas so nu enna 64 
Glon@ivel:! 252. 52222285025 saat 197 || Totals. ccccaecceetewsecec en OEY 363 
IWiscellancouSie..f2ee cess ceoseneeee | 49 || 
ia || Jefferson: Miscellaneous- ----..--------- 86 
ADLa) i) (CSP See RE a | 246 | Judith Basin: Miscellaneous--.--------- 134 
| 1] 



Tasux 11—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

I} = = eames = a 1 
. Number || : Number 
County and city of returns || County and city of returns 
| TF oe rience 
Lake: | Ravalli: 
1p (a) 0g = 4 = Se eee 50 |; Hamilton’: =.= -<s25566 96 
IMGSCRNENOOUS sec se 22 ane ane eee 58 | Miscellaneous | ; 
ia) |S 5 ee eee ree ee ee 108 Totals soc essen ee 158 
Lewis and Clark: Richland: 
TOP Sih) 8 Gl Gyn: ee ee ee 51 Sidne yee.) cee cee eee eee 72 
lel era re a oc RS 1, 192 Miseellaneous: 3: 2-2 .2-—- =.= eee 43 
MAR PWENOOUS! 2422 2o2e sabe ose ee 122 
| Motaless ono55- 6 seoee ceases 115 
Mibtaleccn=stee = aa sS52 sess case aH 1, 365 
: : || Roosevelt: 
Liberty: Miscellaneous--.---.-.---.----- 26 || Poplarte =. 0. =-55-2. ease eee 32 
( | WolfPoint-=2_.2-_ 22 -- = aeee eee 61 
Lincoln: Miscellaneous.s22.2 8) oaeceee aan ee 106 
IH UTOK Bee R ee een seas cca acsocanoaaaS 21 || 
Lene Oe ee Se ee 75 || Total(.2o3-=+. 325 eee 199 
: oo" 
MWiiseelanGOUS=20 2622-25 ce sosee see | 57 } Rosebud: ' zt 
} { ORS Vile ae ee eer 
SN ae cia aan eae eES\| Miscollancous!: 22 78 
. j | | 
McCone: Miscellaneous.-..----....----- | 20 | ii oe te 145 
eae 11 || Sanders: Miscellaneous-- ----.---------- 7 
aes Mette css SI gy) 207 || Sheridan: Miscullancows>2—22==se2-=2re 196 
| || Silver Bow: 
‘POLE 3a ono ncocecasssos5 eee | 118 Buttess: = S222 eee eee 3, 417 
; Walkerville=2— == << o-oo eee 59 
Meagher: Miscellaneous----------------| 103 |) Iliscellaneous==-=22ssaes-ae=nenn= === 35 
Mineral: Miscellaneous----------------- 50 || 
: | DMO INE SOE eee ec sa eeroscins 3, 511 
Missoula: eI , 
IU TSS) UE oe en | 789 | Stillwater: Miscellaneous--------------- 93 
MMNscellaneOuS 2-2 2--2—-—-<se—cese === 67 | Sweet Grass: eres 
| Saal Biguminipets sess ee se eae nena 
Total ----------------------------- 856 |) Woiscellancous 22222252525 e=ee 14 
Musselshell: iF 
IRignndap see S242. 2235255} 294 |I Total----------------------------- 89 
Miscellaneous-_-__---..-----..-------- | 151 || Teton: 
i @houteall =. -.:<=.-=2=-2-4--- 45 
SROtA ee eons onan eae sansa ase 375 || IMiscellaneous:22222...-2--aa==s--—- 103 
} 1 
Park: ~ { Motales-.=--2ss-- scse2 eee ee 148 
Livingston_=—-=---..---------------- 402 | 
IMATE TLa GT RE eS 59 || Toole: Miscellaneous-------------------- 321 
| Treasure: Miscellaneous 25 
Total... ---------------------=---| 461 Valley: io 
amir S| BSPOWE 2) asses ete aoe ane ( 
Petroleum: Miscellaneous---.....------- 33 MIenIEOGUS.. 2 eee eee 133 
ie Motel... .2.<ssech nes eee ee 283 
SL Ue ee Semana ceo 76 
: = | Wheatland: 
MESCONEN EONS. 2aa ease asee eee | 37 Harlowinien <a ee 72 
Tee) ae a 113 | Miscellaneous-- 52 
’ Natale sees anaes a eee seeen ee 124 
Pondera: . Miscellaneous-.-..--..-------- 149 
Powder River: Miscellaneous._.-..-.---| 35 || Wibaux: Miscellaneous------------------ 12 
< | Yellowstone: 
nee Lodge | 238 | em a Be eae 1 et 
Ca ee a aera D1 a2) Se ae ees eee a 
Miscellaneous 45 | IMiscellaneous. 222268222 2ceeenseee ee 46 
8 eee | 283 | Motel: << 202s222ce=—2 oe ee 1, 205 
Prairie: Miscellaneous- ---...---.-------- 41 Statetotal?=<<:-=--2= ee 18, 651 


TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city Number County and city Number 
of returns y ; of returns 

Adams: — Cheyenne: 

‘Hastings. <— ~------=-=-2-2--=-=-=-==— 550 Sidn@yaee = <secs cn o-22L55-l been 125 
Miscellaneouss.. s222s8 se aeee eae 55 Miiscellaneous...---2====.--s-sesesee 56 
MOtaleeewet sc. ene ee ee ed 605 MO tales oe eos 2s cee ses see eeeeee 181 

Antelope: Clay: 

INIT) So ee ee ee Eee 47 Suttonee-eocsse1 a2 s0c2cese see 24 
MiuscellaneouSzessas--5=5—-s-seee 67 Miscellaneous: -===2.<-2==s2ss2ss== 101 
COO HTS Sees Oe oe ee ee 114 Mo tales 225i 2 sass se roan 125 

Arthur.) Miscellaneous: ----------------=- 5 || Colfax: | 

Banner: MVuscellaneousi-2-2----s=—=2-—=— 3 Scnuyletes-222.=5=-=-22 eee 116 

Blaine: Miscellaneous- ----------------- 5 191 

Boone: 307 
ADONIS f= 2 eee See ee 97 
S@Or Gwardsss.4* 8 21 eee 48 
Miscellaneouss.---2-4-2+ss22---—==——— 78 | 137 

MOTE sec ce coon ae aoa Soa 223 103 

Box Butte: 361 
Mlianees.. 22 asso ees ee ee 297 
IMiScellaneOUS==- o-ee ee eee 48 || Custer: 

—_——— Broken/BOWe-sss-25--=25 ss. 75 
Mota eee se sae oe eee eee 345 Sarcentemee 2. =. eee 23 
—————————— Mbiscellaneousi.-=--22ss5---5=- =e 106 
Boyd: Miscellaneous_-.----------------- 48 
———— Totals -sssceec sss eS 204 
PMNS WObih eee eee see nea eee 49 || Dakota: 
Moneabines eee s see eee eee 13 ) fSouthiSiouxCity= = 2-=--=3 =3. 46 
Whiscellaneousss2 2 -eeeee seen 3 Miscellaneous 222--5_~-52=225s5eo2e 51 
MO tales Be eee es ee ee ee 65 Rotel aeeesett ene = nese eee 97 
Buffalo: Dawes: 
KGarn ey 2s see nos ee Lee Ae 244 @hadronsee ee oss eee ene 157 
Ravenna ct soceces fee onset eee 58 @raw ford e222 5-3 eee 46 
Shelton ess 2.5. Seb bs eee sce eee 18 IMUScellanceOUSs sa o2accs a= 5oos eee 25 
IMuScellaneous-2-—2s-5-55.55-6- es 94 || 
MOU eee re eaters aise So eee 228 
Nota eee 42 ee ee eee 414 

Burt: (OliyANo lye eee eS 49 
iy ONS Ee ese eae seco se ase eee 68 Gothenburei222-=--- + 75 
Oaklandsjss.ce3522-- 0S ee 172 ihexing Tone senna ae ates eter ee eens 92 
Mekamean os oes See eee 88 Miscellaneous... -----2+----s-se== 35 
IViScellaneousi] se) e—e= =e eee 40 ——— 

Motalostesaee ee ==. 00 SE 251 
Motaleserens se see os eee eases 368 Sea 
——<—$$=$$—— | euel: 
Sit 3 @hrap nell Bese sees ass aeae sees 48 
David iC@ity=22-42.52——2-- see ne 129 |, F 
NEGGIATIGOES Tsao eee ae 187 |! Miscellaneous sisacs 55-52-25 sae 23 
TO Cell eek ees ee a 316 || Total__--------------------------- le 

Cass: ine || Dixon: 

Plattsmouthese. 2a eee 119 Ponta ees sao Set gb Shs 38 
Weeping Water 33 Wialkkefiel de. Si ee? eas ate aces 72 
MiiscellaneouSsase = aes eee nea 134 IVSGellaneOUSes se an noe ae 104 

Mota Lee on os eae een neers 286 MO tRIbee een sack oo sa 214 

Cedar: Tanne ||; Dodge: 
acting tone oon eee eee 73 Tremont ne ones seen asa 541 
TRG TAG UG} a) oe ee Ce ee 75 FLOO Deen eee See ee 127 
Iiseellaneous 22 S282 Se ees eee 136 || INorthWB Grids a ee oe 51 

— Seribners: S23 es sass seeeee see 105 
Motals S222 es oo eee 284 || Wiiscellsmneous=2222_- = 22 Saas se ee 116 

@hase> Wiiscellancous: == 24 --25--2--—==— 71 otalet aoe eee. ooo eee ene 940 

Cherry: Douglas: 

Walentine=222- 2c2-2L2o22o2--sape ee 39 Omah piensa ets 2 sok ne es 11, 325 
IMEScelaTIeOUSS 22255222222 ae oeeees 92 Miscellaneous 2 22 o22 eee 172 
Mobale, ese es ok ee eee 131 Totaless 22s ba =a eee 11, 497 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

= ed i Ta See 
Tee Number . Number 
County and city _ of returns || County and city of returns 
Dundy: 1 Jefferson: 
Benkelman--_-.-.-..----.-- 29 Wair buyer o—-.e= coe eee 251 
Miscellaneous 15 Miscellancous). cee eee 90 
TRENT SS SE ee 44 | Motilce se-.5. oe ee 341 
Fillmore: Johnson: 
COB OWG) 5 302s sees eae eee eee | 64 eeumsehU 0-2 225 oes ee ee 58 
Miscellaneous-. 2-52. ss 22c el bssl eee 83 Miscellaneous_2. 22-2 eee 47 
“A No} 7% lek ae oh cep Neyo cee en pe ee gS 147 Motalise 20-3 ean ee ee 105 
Franklin: Kearney: 
LOVES Wal i et esl ees chee Ree ee 28 Minden. 2 = 2 ae ee eee 63 
IMascallaneous-= 22.2.2 2-25. ob ee = 64 Miscellaneous=2-2 2 ee 38 
ARO LD ere eee ac esee Ste = Oe 92 Motale:o--- test eres 101 
Frontier: Keith: 
CONDI. (Gain eee aes eee aoe eee | 20 || QOgallala-.. 22-2. eee 39 
Miscellaneous: = .2-2=+5ssss22s5252255 | 40 Miscellaneous 2 2<-- eee eeeee 44 
CLIO Ee pip eh pe ss eee sce ae 60 || Motel 32. a ee  eee 83 
¥ eres: ii 6 | Keya Paha: Miscellaneous.___--_------- 16 
BAVGE Ol yest ots as scestecessse | 
(Qtiill oy [4 eS SS ee Sa eee | 50 || Kimball: 
IMascellaneous®=2 5-5. 5. 22. Sess TB iKumalpall: <== 42-=- Je ee eee 81 
eae Miscellaneous:.... 2 Seen eee 33 
COL HT | Sete Re fae a ees ae ee ae oesers 146 
2 | otal. 32 22-2 sence ee eee 114 
age | 
ibjet hele lee, ee See Nee ee ee ee ee | 322 || Knox: 
A VRNIILO NO eres ne ee 71 | BlGonihel d2e= =e sece en eee 39 
97 @Greishton..-.---25- 2-55 an 
23 27 
| 87 72 
} 48 3, 559 
Hall: 134 
RRNA PISIANGo Soames ee ee ad 627 || 
MAgpeNaneOUSe es ee ee ee 59 || 3, 798 
AGN 2 SIE ee ane | 686 || Lincoln: 
i ovei Hebi ed Gif \eem SE a soe 344 
Hamilton: | | Miscellaneous! === 73 
PAUP ON eee te ae seene Stee SS RS SES 104 | , 
NGISGEMEMeGUSEt ss taat oe Sees Soa | 64 PO ta Rss Sa ee eae 417 
oS ee ee ae ee ee eee 168 |) Logan: Miscellaneous = 2--2=---_-=-__ =~ 23 
——————— || 1bjoybhoe Minh bhai 4 
Harlan McPherson: Miscellaneous-_------------- Me 
AATEFUNGL 2 est er Siete tes een Soma eles 28 
MWIScelANQQUS= jhe se se set temas 66 || Madison: 
| Madison 2s2220 ee ees 115 
AG Sees Se ee eee 94 evens Groves eee at 
| INoniolic==-—- =) 30a Ss eee 
Hayes: Miscellaneous___._..-__--------- 5 | Tilden ______-----------2----------—- 25 
Hitchcock: Miscellaneous______-_------- 66 | Wiscellaneous-= se ees see ees 53 
- | | 
Holt: | Mota) oe 2-222 ees Eee 587 
PATURMATING 11M ne Soe ee No ne | 33 
COTS GU es tao nee | 37 || Merrick: f 
WHSGONATICOUSHSs es. a a AL eS 52 || Gentral, City. 2 ee 119 
Miscellaneous 3-2 eee 77 
EG talleee a2 ook 2} eee 122 || 
== {I Total 2. +~ 2225-2 2cee ese teeee 196 
Hooker: Miscellaneous-----_-------------| 11 |; , 
ous 4 | | Peta Sarees eae esc ob 
Cy TEAS ee eee eee § rid geportia<-sssesceeascseee SELES 
PMiisvelaneoUs=asenee eee ese 2S 25 | INISCell ane OUSs22—= === ae eeee eee 14 
: [SSS | 
Anais A LO Ue ee 79 |! No tell ee eee 105 


Tape 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

County and city tambon. County and city | a paras 
- — — 
ivance: Sannders: 
Mullentiqne ness ue a EES elas 56 ASH IS TGeee ane oS 2 ee ee 
Genodese en asa 39 Weahooneiepies Urn eis 
MAISeCeLIANC OMS. == 20-3222 eee 4 Miscellaneous 
CONG EN ei a i | 99 ARG tal] Bere eet 3 es 
remiahiae Scotts Bluff: 
AD ey ee 108 || 84 Npeaieeneites oo a. a 
iVaiscellaneOuSa2.-2) 2.223222 5-4--=-- 60 Scere aren Manan eOn Tn 
Tee ee ne eT 168 Miscellancous 222 eee 
peo - Mo talewa ss. ee 
AIDC LOR ae eee ee Bs eee 108 ae 
IMS Gellanep uses a= es ae sete oe ey hen te tt a et ee 
ETD RALBe# 04) edna oe tea eel 184 Miscellaneous 
toes Meee | fre Moai: 552055. 25l= 25 sssa oat ae 
e raska ity aa aaa 24 Sheridan: 
Miscellaneous: +------------ ssa 114 Gordon! Sette or nce 
HIShal ee ee ret oe 362 Miscellaneous 
Quast - vf Wa) i bee ETE es 5! 
BIT) ENN eae ae mca a eae acca || Sherman: 
Miscellaneous ss 252 esas sao eesee 22: | Tour @ityeee ea | 38 
TEES ee en a ag | Miscellaneous......-----------2----- | 19 
Perkins: Miscellaneous_-__._.-..-------- 62 Total _-.-------------------------- | 5 
Bhelpa s j/@Sioux: IWoscellaneous!==— «=~ = 2-2 Sees 33 
oldrege.--------------------------- 108 |] stanton: —= 
Miscellaneous:....--.----.------Lbe 47 | Saar a aes nae ade 33 
ay alae oh mamireac Oe PS 15S IMiscellameouss22 22 2 Se oa seee eee 30 
Peres | Nota Pe se a ee 113 
IRier cokers in tune Sey eeu kek SA Suen ewe 53 || Thayer 
PRINWAG Woe aaa 2 kh sh eee ane 41 | TU) 6) do) Olean a ok ee = et 48 
Miscellaneous 2222 a4s 22-9 20s ee | 39 Whiscellsneousset 24 s"4 == Se 136 
TO balm eee ree Od ed do ams ee 133 TPotalvcte tts = 2-2-5... 22Se 184 
ree — | Thomas: Miscellaneous_---.-..--------- ti 
OLETTa DUS sees ss ol ee eee SSS 
epg pea EOS ae ety ee || Thurston: 
Miscellaneéous!--=-. 25. 2245-.=--224 146 | WORE ETAIY ceaaeee eae eile in «ng sO 30: 
ANS EG A A CA ERM Se 463. | = 
Polk | 176. 
LORY Sa) SEE Oey apap peepee 41 | 
StromSburgs 2222: = 25 50 90 
Miscellaneous 39 | 32 
otal oot ete ad TEC See 130 | 122 
Red Willow: lita le isene 15 
Mec Cooks: 2. bun eee ee 209 131 
Miscellaneous: 2. 2222. <1 eee ee 53 
| 256 
Totaly eo eek ot ele ee 262 
Richardson: 158 
HallS*@ity: 22 eee ee 181 86 
him boldt 222 sae ss es a eee eee 72 | 4 
Miscellancous#22c82%2"s") essere 51 | 
| Webster: ae 
FRO talia\= 28 23 E east Meee eames 304 Red: Cloud) 282526. 523835 acne | 37 
es iVEiscell an COUSias ann Seene see annene 48 
Rock: Miscellaneous. .......----.------- mn 19 || ee eee Oe eee re | BB 
Saline: ia aca } 
Cretege took ee ce ee 140 || Wheeler: Miscellaneous...-------------- | il 
Mipiend ata soks bo ki aay Gn Saka 43 || york | 
OIE See olan es 74 Oe rte 188 
Miscellaneous. --.-...--------------- 9% | Wistellaneous! 222 2s e222 Se eae 61 
4 Wo ft a eee ee 352 TRotgIaR = Reo ee he ee es 239 



TasieE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

epee dates. en = ee = <a is enn tn 
os 4 Number || . | Number 
County and city of returns | County and city St eticns 
a | 
Chnerhin: ye: || Mineral: Miscellaneous_.-__-____-_____- 27 
LE ee hea eel pa 7 
MiNcollancgusiesssesasacsa0 eer ol” 2 || Nye: 
: I} Monopahe.d: |. .1++ Ce eee ees eke 1 277 
EUG Ls ea 139 || Miscellaneous: 225222 heer sans Sas 41 
Clark: | 
Soph VSR 2 Se ee ee ie 266 || Total . -.-------------------------- 318 
MN ccrellaneOusees ae Sees ou See. 2 42 | Ormsby: 
ee eee cou ac ee fe 
eae Wiiscallaneous=<s2.52-=s=.5-<c- 143 | AIG EAT «(otk das sabe eee 69 
Biko menses. 2th ty. whe 253 || Pershing: 
Tasca lan Goussas Senos 2 seks sed PLUM Te 225 Dovelock= = 2222222452 sneer nese wee 63 
aie us Miscellaneous. <= 52.2.5) 22ers 26 
Olde seenntan res isk aAes 55504. 78 || 
Esmeralda ss i Total -----...--------------------- 89 
LG H 6(21 Us ee eee 65 | a 
ahs aes ST a SD ee Storey: 
Miscellaneous *2l-ces2-na-—=an=2e =~ 10 || Virginia: Oity.s. ihc: el ow penceese 46 
TESST 0 ly tan lata ae ae gee ie 75 Miscellaneous: 22i222922 eee 1 
Eureka: Miscellaneous_-__-.------------ 103 Total -.--.--..-------------------- 47 
Humboldt: Washoe: 
IVE GEAU oa DG ae ee eo 260 | Reno.d keen. dee nee eae 1, 233 
Miscellaneous. --.-.-.-----.----.---| 94 || a te wear T ESS ae eee 151 
| Miscellaneoust={2 5223-2 = 222 ee 57 
LG RS eS eee 354 || 
Lander: Miscellaneous_...-.------------ 131 Total. --.------------------------ 1, 441 
Lineoln: White Pine: 
FGit 21S, Oe ee eons ae | 65 ABU ibhyA=4- Shean cess ete ee ee 68 
IMISCeManOOUS* 225 22-5.-= 2252256 =3 | 36 yal Cee Pe een pa tiber eet fs 147 
CGN Soa ae a eee 270 
Total. - --------------------------- 101 | Rilitin:s.-02 0-505 ose 163 
Bek ate i i} Miscellaneous. 2-265 See ae 57 
OuingrontaaAass = => Shoe 04 eee eek A ! 5 || 
Miscellaneous! s2+°2 222 =2hsseeeesies! 79 | Totabs. -2s2=22522s222seeeeneseneee 705 
Batelleee seh as ne a a a | 174 | State tobakis 2's Selheeemeren ee 4, 702 
Belknap || Cheshire—Continued. 
c 18 || GHTOY = _ 5. = -tacwecsesseesseeeeee 
1 || Kigenes . . = s.s.2cesoes Sees eee nee 
12 | Marlboro 
366 || Swanzey. 
62 || FLrOVse es 
97 |} Walpole 
95 || Winchester 
} Miscellaneous 
651 |) 
Carroll: i 
PB ctr le tbe a) = Re Se 10 |; Coos: 
Won ways ee aos sso xaos seco | 67 1s\e\R ban) Se cece en eseose coo 614 
OSSIT GOar ae Na Ee ied ho eo 18 |! ol bmek pocaetessseGis le ses eee BS 
Sieitd hy yiVel oe eee ee ne ee eS 15 Onhnam cs )) lL s52h23 tes S Ss eee 
VEG) SIG eS eS eee 3 || EOREE ION ps ee ee ee he eee a 
WHolfehoroee esheets se ie | 62 efferson .. 2) 53 22k oe 
MIScollancous ssn s 8s oO Shey | 85 || isaneastor la 2 Sacer tenes se eeee eee 129 
| | StOwabistOWwNn -22-o- ee eee ee eee es 11 
ROCA S sete ee a ce all 260 || Whitefield! obi See ae 55 
Wiscellaneous:_. 2522 ee ie 78 
Cheshire | 
eRetz OE ATTY os oe an 4 | “N0) EB ee eee eee teas 1, 063 
49 || 

1S bre RG iG ee eee | 


Tapie-11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed .by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


1 - Number | K 4 ses Number 
County and city auratus County and city atronuenk 
Grafton: '| Merrimack—Continued. 
AIShilan dieses se Oe we ere 42 IPembprokere sens. 5 222. oa ee 7 
Beth ehome= 22>) See eee 37 Pitisheldtee cere. coc ee 49 
evoke) lap ae eee eS eee 45 Wiarnenweewee. 28 nL ees 21 
Campton sac 2225 ba ee ee 9 Miscellameoustess s+ 22) = = 22° eee 273 
LOFT TaN 2) 27h a ee eae ee: el ned 24 SSS 
14 Tovar ae = 1, 898 
115 || Rockingham: 
280 ADYEV Hany < ~~ Sia Sy see ae nS SS 125 
43 Bp Dine eereaes oo sss 254 = =2-- == eee 19 
59 LOD CEYIGTC E — = Aek See a ae eR ee ope 5 251 
184 Hamptones--2-: 25... - 2a eae 94 
9 RCPS LOMME Ee et nee ak Tee ee ee 38 
Biv outhnesss aes 22a see eee 142 WOnGONGOELY. = 2+ -o2.c- 2-4 Se aee eee 7 
Wioodstock= 22 52 2kke! so saree ee i 15 IN@watankete. a ees 59 
iViiscellancOus==- 22. = 20 oe ae 101 INGuihwoOodee-- =... 2225. 2S iSe sees 9 
— 16 
PROG ale ee el ee ee oe 1, 466 : 757 
——— 19 
Hillsborough: 4 
dAtmihers tet. oo - 55s ek ee 10 65 
JANA URLIN = eer aren as a eee eee 37 12 
TRY (a RKav rio Wayans ie ese re it gaa ahaa Spr ic 8 7 116 
Gontstowiss fee. eee ee Sees a 56 
Greengillet Asien 0 ese ee nee ee see | 36 1,611 
Te GG) oY) (0) 5 Yd oe ae 91 
2 IGG RG a eak ee eee eA 32 
Mitorieia eae SoG 22 te 24 
TROCHES Tienes a= es 294 
Somerswopihes_ 2. - Bese san 130 
WESCelameOUS: 22222. 22)) 2 es eee 86 
| TROUs eee nnn eno eee 1,191 
| Sullivan: 
} Mharlestowms se) 7 ee 25 
\| Claremoniize== 3.252". = ee 390 
ACO VEL ee neat = Hae Vale k= aos 8 eee ll Comishettrrse es ss Seo eee 8 
BOSCHWONE-s- <n eee teen 5 INGWiDORG ae ne ne ee eee 124 
Concord essa ks 222k = oes es ee 1, 275 | Sunapee see a ee ees Se eee 22 
LT ES ac 0 oy ae ae ape Sha el or ee 196 aViiscellanGouseesemeew oo oo nee 21 
ERO TITTICE eon Sp tren eesdirir denies Spend ah 30 |} 
IEROO RSCG ise sai) A es ee 15 4 DYG) fe CR Pace x Se ee 590 
Hopkinton 13 _ 
INOnGifi eld er Se ee ee ee 3 |) Stateyt cine eeeemen. Ss ho eee 14, 484 
Atlantic: Bergen—Continued. 
IANSOGODS Ss 4.55555 22 Se Res ee ee 73 AM OmTe ES Gee es a ee 57 
Atlantie Citys — 3-25-5223 ee eas 5, 248 Dumont nk oe eal 276 
Bee Harbors... 25-5 <5 Se 85 Basitqeatersonbes 22. <5. 522 2 eee 55 
HAMM ONC ONES eae open eae 126 Hast wnihenford === ee 27 
Whenidiswille. 522-2 ewe See oe eae 7 Rope waletoe sere ceo. so eee 205 
WAT PALO SES Seater en 2S oo nee Seren eee 157 IM erSON see ene 2k eee 42 
INisiys Avanding= 9252 222 os ae 53 Ringlemoodiese 3-535 55 sa ie eee 1, 586 
None Gas 521 sendeeas Joes as sea | 39 aah, & 2 noe Se ee ines 96 
Pleasantwille << 232 5312252555540 | 264 } Ye) RA Yom ay I a eet SY | 224 
SOMOS HROltin 92s ce apn aan 47 (Grane) denen ee a oe | 366 
A(Cil hilo) Se ew eae Pee ES ot 587 Gilenrocks eee 2s ee 388 
Miscellaneous 2.52 45528 s2ee2 2s ae 112 Grant woodieas 28: = 3 sae + 586 
== Mackensselos 452.22 2-4: - 2 eee 1, 745 
PO talleuewe eh isda eso meet Sa aes 6, 798 Hasbrouck Heights... ..-.- 222 485 
SS AISA alpen eo ae eee \ 152 
Bergen: ines am ieee ies ee 6 
Mullend a eee ne oe eee 161 ToeOni aw. = wees ee oe ea 553 
PAUL EST Be Seto ay ed Se eae ns De oa 10 little: Here os 2b.  e _ 188 
erpenieldae. 2.20 22 oye ree 401 | oy bene ee. St Le kT .. 280 
BOpAb Aas ten a gan ea eeeee 681 IVaigatal ay bens) yey ue gee geen 625 
(COMES Gh eae ep ee ee See Se 227 Wintyiwoodsers ses ete | oes Te 234 
(GATIEES YG is PS, a ta ea ie Pa yA” 171 Midland Park : 135 
Gilcster sees ah 8nd PR ee 204 WMoonnchi¢e == 2 14 
Gressiiltesc sera ele eee ee Cee 93 IMIOrS@mni Grete coe oe aes Oe ee eee 135 


TaBLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

NEW JERSEY—Continued 

: Number Sei Number 
County and city A qaitnrank County and city ofroburns 
Bergen—Continued. Essex: 
INOrtarA ringtonl. = = -=2-~ 2 ---=++ 176 Belleville: 222.2 >. See es 1, 046 
ONG 5 Se peers See 258 Bloomfield} <>... 9s ee a | 2, 318 
IBATS og 2 a ee ee ee | 265 Calawelitt i. s-: Sa eee ee | 57. 
TEA (6 (eae ee eee 126 Bast Orange: = ----2._. 52 ees 8, 212 
PLUS BV eee a a RA et 207 Glentid ees) os es 1, 192 
184 (6 (os 003 (a (Ee 280 Hiltonss > 2-2-2. = hee eee 22 
midgeneld Park... .....2..--sthee a: } 896 Iivinghome. 0) eee 2, 603 
iulilen yo) fs Da ee 1, 749 ivinvston=2.-— = 2. 2 sae ee 36 
IRIVICL OCS Omer nas ee | 160 Maplewood! ==)... ...-- aes 2, 090 
Aut hertondee ss =a 2 See 1, 660 Mill bine. =.=... 25- 2-220 ee er 240 
Moen aiiver hee ou eh 460 Montclair 5, 226 
WVialling tones eee ee | 70 Newarl 24, 186 
Waldwick. =. 2 - =~ ooo ose 39 Nutley 1, 059 
WiGcinn 000 | Sas ee eee eee 451 Orange } 2, 145 
Wooodclitf hake--=+.--<. 22.2 -~e eee ; 627 Roseland 31 
Woodridge: =~ =---- = =-=2 22-2 enone 151 Short Hills 389 
Wiortendyke:2 — 22+~ 2-2 costes 95 South Orange 2, 080 
Viv Choire Same Reeth ee Sos ch 79 || Verona 453 
Miscellaneous! 2.--=-----25-eseeebae: 2, 248 || West (Galdwell..-2_..=--. 2 =e 48 
| Wrest Orage: 2-2. ee een 1, 414 

FTO tel ese oa es an yn Fed Sn NE 20, 545 |) Miscellanecus:=_ ==: = ee eee | 270 

punlingten: a6 AMO epee e ae Soatecesoces seeats 55, 634 

EVO eee en aes ee Ol aw = | _=—=—=—=—=—=—=== 
Bonice teen pened n= bos on O50 Caled 155 || proucssier: | A 
IBUnne toners nn wn ee 290 || G Be Gon. - 22 2222--2 = <1 eae 45 

ait passhoLroL=--—- = 73 
JOURS) ify ce ee eee ee a 54 |) INissniaynet| INEGI 9 
MMcdigrdiee tte nesta reces vn SV 12 
= | Paulsboro 2. ee 127 
IVIGORESUO WIRE Coen eaten Uo eee ee 488 || Pitm: 

5 3 IF 6 0b: 0 Vj Spee ee me ee a pear eet 232 
IV OUIEb NEL OM y= oo 231 Sa cdeshor 5) 

Aly Pays ee ate meee we ee a 202 |) SN Oe OS OO Oe naa aa ae 125 
EV ONGC One ee eee say eae eh ety 92 || W enonah ee oF Rs See ae 97 
eaeartanl = 305, Westvilles.. 2 ee eee 89 
SOS a Williamstown 41 
See ae 7 1 @ cae eal, eA aaa SET ak nes | Wioodbury-.—2-- 4 See eee 511 
Sg MOO Ron Sage SE aa Miscellaneous 244 

INO iG) 527 eee eee eeeeneen 2, 540 MOPARS =e oe i ek ee 1, 596 

lL ELca Ane || | 

Camden: Hudson: | 
ANTIVG LT) O(0T 01 aie ee ees 294 || Aplington ==. 23-22 2-5. os Sees | 1, 312 
TSG) Ft) ek ee ee 64 || Bayonne == e= = 4, 225 
[placlew Oodren 2 =s soos. Ses ese See 48 || Hast Newark. -.-------- 45 
Brooklawn---_----------- es Peas 28 || Guttenberg 175 
W@amdenwees- os Ansa os fee 2k bee sees 4, 044 Harrison. 25.2 25-22 eee 458 
@lementone 2S 2.322 s-22222652 52 222- 35 Hoboken 22. 25s | 4, 029 
Collingswood S4-- = ae Sra 1, 167 Mudsonsblelg hts. =. ee 75 
\GUIOUGESUOT == tes a eee | 280 || JOrSGyi Clay. = 5-3 ee 17, 344 
IAG MOntmeld Se ee ee ee en SY 797 Keanna yee 22 2 - §22 
Haddon Heights: -<+-. 22-222 321 NorthiBergen! 225-2) eee | 1, 087 
aureltSprings: ---- 22.2. 22. ascent 63 Secaueus-2- 2-225 22) 2 eee ee | 166 
Wao olidwerct ce enacts 42 || Union City: > eee 2, 994 
Mvierchanuvilles is + ese es Sees: = 22k 700 || Weehawken 2. ...2-2- 22.555 ee eee 1, 556 
WWeS LINO Ulsan ae LL Ee 102 || West New York... ---+----- sles | 1, 662 
Wioodlynnee= - -aee 2a et 45 || IMuiscellaneous:_ = 2-- 2) 25 25 ee eee | 75 
MUSEelIanGOUse 2 aioe eet ee 477 || SSeS 

— Motels |= 2022+ 3: f= eee ees 35, 725 

Total_-----.-.-------------------- 8, 507 i poner fair ies 

}| Clintontes. s+ =2 22. Beet eee b 

Cape May: F 9 

RCS ee PEM eg ieee Sasa ememe apie 2S 
Cape May Court House_--.-______-- 44 || Hichbria Gaich <del ea 85 
MCGeanhL ibys Head eee ng ED 2" 336 | Lar nae ol ca ds ee 147 
ATAU 0100 (ea ee a 264 |) ae ee Oiasncnot trae esos Re aa ey 97 
ST ES eee ROE TC aa CD ine ere on CRM IRL DeEISCs TS | aa 
MUSCEHANEDUS. Coens 23 see) 132 | Miscellaneous —— ae | os 

r, | — 

CRW 2 ee ee 916 | CS Patatate 200: 

== || Mercer: 

Cumberland: H Mighstown.: 22-2022 = | 156 
TB SHAG ECE) eA a ee pS ea 541 || Hopewelli. =. 2222) 2 eas 54 
INGMIN Gta esse a. 334 || PeRninptOne sc a eee 1 75 
IBOBUBN OMNIS: = 2 = Sn oe as wn et 38 || iErinc@alon=! === =e eee 1, 057 
Winelands £ Seca e een oe an Sais | 494 | Mrentons=. 22 See eee 6, 425 
IVIIRCOMAN BONS 22a sn oe ee aeeoe! 131 | Miscellaneous: -=25) 2. 222 eee | 224 

| —— 
Se oe ee 1, 538 || Motels 02. oe ae ee |. 7,991 
i | 


TasreE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 

sa at aGt ialidpitic re Tana Ee wee 

distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 
NEW JERSE Y—Continued 
i SAA se Ie cs = a it ; i 
| Number 
County and city ies | County and city pee 
aaa iahe | A erst: 
Middlesex: I Passaic—Continued. 
Garteret. 2-522 /22-2- 23255 eee 334 | Rassaic= sia! = ..._-.. 2. 3, 091 
@ranbuny+2-.------— 39 | Patersone as 6, 911 
ID yodavell era eee = 292 | Ponrpton Lakes 137 
MOL Spee oo see eo eee ee 85 |) Prospect Parke = 2-225 26 7 
Highland Park 219 | otowpteet 5 Le 30 
Jamesburgec. -- 3258 seeeee eee 51 || WWATIAGQU Gh vets es oo a 10a 
Metuchen: ..-------- 222s 360 |) Wiestibaterson. ee eee | 23 
Mid deSex= Seen sae ae eee | ion | Miscellaneous = <->. = == see 368 
NIC OW: 3322-2 ee eee 2 —— 
INew) BrunsWwick- eee eee 2, 092 Total _------..-------------------- 13, 048 
OVGNBIIG pe! ane nara eens 12 |) Salem: 1, | 
Parlin 20 col ee 91 || Garnevsek ointe see 25 
Perth Amboyes 22 ee eso 1, 510 |; Mime a oe aso sees 36 
Roosevelt... 2bas see esos 10 PenunsiGrove:cs.2------- 156 
Sayreville 22525 sb a es eas 62 |) SaleMb esse a wos. tee ees ee 281 
Sewaten==---<2.-220 60 || Woodstown- 2. - 225252. ee ee 85 
SouthvAmboy=--.2s5 ee eee 275 || Miuscellaneous...22)- + eee 58 
SouthiRivers.2-5---5s soe eee ee 167 || 
Wiood bridges 225222. fees eea aa 398 | Motel... 25-5254 See eee 641 
Miscellaneous! 2 te See See 406 |" Somerset: 
FROGS sc A a ae re er 6, 594 |, Boram deville Liostoto 201 
Bound brook-~— 22 ===. eee 462 
Asbury Path <= -----2-2---2------ 208 IN A nes nec Lo 25 
fe as oe AS "4, NorthiPlainfeld-.-...--ccueme 298 
Belair ae emer. 184 || LEGO Woe See eo soe cess 33 
Bradley; Beachseeatens eae aa Sas 150 || eee ee Se he Tee ee aa 68 
Tel CRT TEC. e ahaly aahy 31 || Somenvillesss- 2-2 eee 548 
Fr hold 379 | South Boundbrook- .---.--.----=-=- 36 
Highlan sab 13 haa 41 Miscellaneous. oe) eee 190 
ie 30 
re, kes aE 4) Total. - enna 1, 908 
Wong bra nehe see se = ee as 644 || Sussex: 
Nanas an esse o ss ebee es = en | 129 |) Wrankiness22 css. —2- Soo oe eee 90 
IMiatawaninys ote eet eee ooo sect | 116 |) Newt0ni. = 2-222 -cese esas. ence l ee 262 
@eeanl Gloves aes see e ae ec eee 142 |} Ogdensbure 2-2-2 eee 
pe irikes 2 eee eo Secs | 827 || Papskatine ss 2. Jo ee 5 
IRM Sones sees ee eee eens aoe 98 Spantar = ss-o 22-2 2k eee ween s 7 
Seal Bright ass ve Bee ae oi sie | 54 || Staithope: 2.2 f2s¢ 52522 sae ee 35 
Spring bake-2:=-+-225 2 -------22 2S | 181 |) Sussees- 5: 2-225 eeeeee C 66 
Miscellaneous_2 i225 2. - 2523-2 | 876 || IMiscellanecous:--: ==-222 2 Se 100 
Total SAS ROD ee SE Sen See eee eee 5, 337 i| NG belies ee ie eae oe 593 
Morris : 
Booriee Seen at see aI TL Ue tee | @rantordes = 25. 2 eee 826 
Santina es te 412 Blizaheth === 22. _ 25-22 3s see 5, 900 
hater nee ae ge 7 29 || Manwood=. 2-2... --s-.-2-2-0 ae 95 
aT ARON AS We CMY cet 899 Garwo0od22s-2-. 22-25. -= sees 75 
Haven Lies Ae ON. tl 10 DERN S 1 C= ee 665 
Eifbemsing psec euaia. or g | Kenilworth ------- 2-2. a a 36 
Radio cose eee a 582 LN eo a mo | 
MiorrissPlainsi< 2.22.5 es eee ekS 125 Now PrenGhGl  e oF 
Morristawnicc..i 22-5 seen | 1, 507 || Pinata ave 
WiountainWakesto=.s. seeeeeeeen == | 277 Rahe Gielsceeceoae ” 836 P 
Netcong: s-<ssssu-se5- eee ceseicses 77 Ro ree Fh a Sa 652 
ROCKAWAY 26 oS 5) yas Se | 134 Roselle Park Seen VES 3 
FRAG Aa ad ce Jd Ee La 37 oselle Park.----------------------- 448 
SUVA ban aU WN a 144 Scoteh Plains¢.22:-2 = 99 
Whippany Scr ae eat Ree man 64 sornefeld a aaa cea a a Ba 
pier cite ne eth =a ey eee EN RR ST | [Viecheut| ap Same See See Wert S 1,475 
Miscellaneous- ------- eee eee 310 Tien iowa elo ee ea 326 
Motal== 2-4 222-4. 22 ae | 5, 255 Westfieldsa- 2.) 2. 222 Sea 1, 782 
Grean: —— | IMiiscellaneouS:..------+s2a- nese 118 
ae apenas: fico 3 MBER 2 -- 2 S.C 16, 927 
PointiPlessant). 522.2522. ewe eee 122 arren: 
MOMSuRiVverss sco ka le BE eee 148 ANI YT epee ee sl 23 
MuickentOn. 222. <425.. ses ee | 124 IReividderewss ou. os5. 5 cocoa eee ee 47 
Miscellaneous: 2---k 222-2282 eet 348 | Been teehee tS e eee a 
anaes AV MONG sede eck akc eee ee ease eee 4 
Total... -.------------------------ 1,083 ||. Phillipsburg.-.-..--..--.---.-.20--. 850 
Passaic: _ | Washington. o22 22222-22252 2aeee ee 271 
Bloomingdale. 222.222: 2.2» ee 34 | Miscellaneous:=<.-...-2...2-22222222 166 
@iliftonss eee e258 ee os eee 1, 561 oo 
Maledonstevssc oct ls: Pee al | 128 Motalees+-seete sa shed cen Pe aes 1, 520 
awithormeés 222250 oe. eee ec | 526 ———— 
ATE ev HN AlISHac.) So eee. FSS | 194 State: total..s226.5- oe Ge ee 195, 467 


TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city y pele County and city BS! yer 

Bernalillo: Luna: 

= AMUN UKORDGT ROP D eyes els Te ee 1, 442 (Coltimibtsse = -c225- eee eee ee 10 
SCE ane OUISe = eee ween a 3 Deming =! +s. 2 ee ee eee eee 86 
ae a age ia Miscellancous* 2s 222 seen were ae 9 
OLR eet a ae a oe er f 

TOWIee = 2-0 2 Seen esa 105 

Catron: Miscellaneous. -.-2--------=---- 12 

aS tet ids Gallapes cs i0:) eee 309 
SSS SS TS HS SSS SSS SESS SESS Miscell Pipe ee rere hs eS 
MISCELLAN EOS: == 326 eee 30 Sy uaa Be 
ce > RADON ae eROtale see ee eee ee 394 
‘ Mora 

Sn ae 127 Mora ao SE SSeS SSS SP SST SSS oe as see 4 
Taphier 2 IMiiscellaneouse: so 222.3 oa ee 37 
Raton 312 
Miscellaneous 150 Total_---------------------------- 41 

TELS) He eens eS eee ie cea 591 || Otero: 

Cane ———— Alamogord 0:2 25. = sess ee 44 
Se So if 
IMMISCAIIEH ONS 34e ssa aco 19} SO A ice tae © <5 ae oe me eee rene 

| (Saale ea re Se ihn Poe NS 
Tipit ek A pelt TN 275 ‘tole 2 
¢ i ° _———<—$<—$—$——<——— Quay : 

De Baca: Miscellaneous---.---.--------- 26 WLERAGART ee ee 149 

ete ena 5 ‘a Miscellancous-—-2- 9 == ees 22 

SAG RIT CDS Sen aoe ete we are eR 9 ors he, a 
INEISCE LIAN COIS E25 22 Ss eras eee se 96 || TO tales. see Bo et he 171 
Total_---.----.--------- =a aan ==-=- 257 || Rio Arriba: 

Eddy: : Se ae Tierra Amarilla 2-2-2) aoe eae 5 
TNS ee aa a 0 705 127 Miscellaneous 2s eeee eee ee 71 
GETS 37 ee a ee ae 143 Sa 
Miscellaneous_..-..--.-.------------ 29 SING tea ae ee 76 

Tapeless 299 || Roosevelt: 
POrtAleS too aren en Rae 46 

Gr pete 13 Miscellineousezssrse3sheen seekers 15 
HOUIM A VATO ee wasn’ soo sett seo ee 54 
DUT eye et ve bel eo ess 62 Total... -------------------------- | 61 
SEEREU EEN 1H gi ae eg ee tae 81 paatne cae 
Gilwerm@ lbyeesee stone eee sua ton 161 || Sandoval: 

Tyrone ne NE a es eee 14 Bernalillo a a ee 22 
Nihstollaneouseeee eee 55 IMiiscellamG@ous=- -==2--22se2——s2ee === 23 
SNotal Cemeteries eters 440 ANGHNI. = see eS sss 45 

Guadalupe: , 

Gi ARE OSA 2 ec an cet 19 || San Aaa pn nee: rane 49 

Miscellaneous ----------------------- 30 Miscellaneous: ==) = 22 eee 45 
ARG Sa ee Se eee aes is 49 AD TDSC GSB AN RES BAY fae 87 
ing: Miscellaneous... .-.......2-- 

ne iscellaneous 17 Shh Miguel: 

Hidalgo: Biastelins) Viegas: oes ee 288 
Words burtges s222822.22222e2e=22 22222 45 IVlGsce) lan Goris see 34 
MitscallanG0uss=sesee2 ok eee een tek 14 ee 

Total SERA Fg Total..2.<--sscseceecsseesess ee 322 

EBA VNISCELIAHEOUS == =—=--2 = 2o5---o oe 21 pena Neeeeee ee erie 494 

Emeoln: Sacra Miscellaneous: -++222=2--4 =e ee 48 

SMIZOZ0 soe eee 63 a 
Miscellaneous 32 Total -c2.22 eats ee eee 472 
BICOL A eneie ee ee erro ce ke ou 95 || Sierra: Miscellaneous. ----.....-.-----.- 39 




Tas ie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

NEW MEXICO—Continued 

County and city duataber, County and city 
Socorro: Union: 
Mapdalonasc2se se eee 27 Clay tone rire eee 
San Marcial 33 IMiscellaneoussee ss. 25 ae eee 
Socorro] =---== 31 
Miscellaneous 20 Total@eects. Seto. J. con soemee = 
UNO y i Se ee eee lll Belen A fo I hE 
Tao s: 5 Miascellaneouse=- 222... -ceseeeeenee 
ROS eee tosh eas aceceen. MUU! 
Miscellaneous. seass oes o ene ona eo 20 Total... --.----------------------- 
Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
Gh la. 28 See ee eee ee eee 60 otheniStatess 2. 2-2. occ ooeeeeeeeee 
Torrance: Miscellaneous--_.--.---.------ 31 Staietoudl-c..=s5 222-5 
Albany: Cayuga: 
Albanye=2 2222 eee ae 7, 889 PAO) a EEE RS ae 
TAN Canon tater ees ans cen eee 54 WY 0) chat 
ConhGes ee bene eee 704 iRontyhVWrOne.o 22. .2- han ekeeceseeee 
Delmar ee eee eee nee 123 | Wieedspontes. cos. .2- 3 see 
Greenvisisnd 22a eo eae 116 | Miscellaneous 22). o2 = 222-2 fees 
Menands. 222 .32.--ssss2sscsas---525 77 
Raveena: cen nee soe eee FTES 55 
Selkirk. 5.553 cecccc ee eee 29 
Slingerlangs>) <2 202 ssec- eco enee- eas 54 
Wistervilet---_cccasscsees sae pee ee 476 
iWiesPAlbany=.-- 2502 Joo ee 32 
Miscellaneous: -2--.-222252252------ 226 
Totalessosccaas ance ncaa ee noe 9, 835 JAMOStO Wiese) oes eas 
Ripleya- aceasta 
Allegany: Silveni@reek=-~.---_..___.. == 
ANGOVCl=-aaacuscanaaasccocceessacee 30 Wiesthel dis 352 Se. oe neoeee 
Amigelicnt se ane noe se ee ee eae eneee 19 Miscellancos=s)2-—.. «.--c4.s-ssee 
Belmonte. - 282. -ss--- se acer ase ae 42 
IBOlivar tenes oe oe ees eee 145 4 oy fo (Se eres oe 2 
Oubate jc cosecs-)-esec eases sssesees 77 
Mriendship.=<2ssssssss-2es5-52 S22 35 || Chemung: 
WV GNIS INO oo eee nee 290 lm irgseeeee eno ee 
MVInSGollanOOUS=)2 =) Ao nees see oe eee 170 Hlminarreights: <= = oho eee 
Biorsehendsa2ese 22.22 
TMotale eee eer en ee eee eee es 808 IMiscellaneouSs= 22-2 oe Soe eee 
IBYONX-ANOW MOLkK Cltyitiesene=— eee ene 31, 684 Notaleeesne. Heel sess s ste see seese 
Broome: Chenango: 
Binghamton osseasseoseeeceeeee eee 38, 648 Bainbridge 
Deposit... sa evans eee 93 Greene_-_---- 
Hindicottaicceecec eee eee ee 553 New Berlin--- 
JONSON Citys seca--- 2 - aoe see 409 INOr WiGhiers ee see fo oe eee 
Port Dickinson =.-<2e----e-ee- = 27 Qxfordo eee see eos Sse eee 
mone 2 2 322 Sos oe ee eee 52 Sherburmezes2. oo 2c ee eee 
Miscellansous:cu2 22-22 eee ean 147 Miscellaneous:2- << 2222-ccescecene 
Total. 2 teense eee ee 4, 929 "TO tal] es nese eter tn 
Cattaraugus: Clinton: 
IANIOSEN Ye soo sctsaw es wae ee eee ee 75 Chamiplainseet 226-2. ot eee 
@attaraugis. 205. =o ee eee 49 (Oy Wt CA Es ere 
Bllicottvilles 2-2. 2525 sa2ee2 ee eesea 40 Dannemordecess cs 2 tt eee ena 
Branidinvill----.---------.aeeenee 77 PIStisp une ee eek nee 
Gowandss.-.W.0--ascsesessseesescce 160 Rouses Robs e. conn aon aneee eee 
WittlesValley-_..-.2----sssseeeee eee 44 Miscellaneous: ......-..~....2sse282e 
QO eaEE ee ne oe ee ee re 1, 014 
Randolph 2.2... .<-e-oseeoe nae 34 otal Gat peeta se canna can cdmeoeceeuee 
MAISMIAN CRs =) can aus eee ee 380 
Miscellaneous 203 || Columbia: 
Chathames=-.. 2.3.4 2-s8stesnco ees 
Notalpoacce sans ee ee eee 2, 076 Claverack_-__- 
| Germantowntes=-555-= 5206 =e sen 

2 See footnote on p. 255. 

6, 462 


Taste 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

NEW YORK—Continued 

Number - Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns: 

Columbia—Continued. Essex—Continued. 

Hillsdale 20 'Borteborny sop 3 hee ee 86: 
pdsons—--—- 603 "RiconG ero pass. 3 eee ee ee 126 
Kinderhook 56 Westport Sesees ous = eee eee 29 
Philmont 45 Wiillsboroz2!... 2-25 eae 30' 
Walatie:.--- a2. oenossesadeeeels 43 Miscellaneous: 22205-0222. eee 172 

Whiseallaneouss= 2... 3252s keen 214 
Mopalt oo <2 2. nk = eee ees 722 

MOGs a= onaceaecaconansssasesnanas 1, 207 

= |] Franklin: 

Cortland: Chaipangvaysoo! . = see ere 42 
Wortland seus se. = ere teas eles ees 738 Milonb3s0e le 22 eh a ae 383: 
1S (O00) ee ee eee 86 Saranac ake. - 22 22 eee Se 495: 
WMeGrawesco2sss-sstisss2ssssc222c" = 25 Tupper Wakes. 2220 a a ee 113 
INiincellane@Guss==s=2 see se 242 ceases. = 8 78 Miscellaneous... - 222 = a eee 191 

Totalesseees* sttoess2s252 204500 5t 927 otal cet ot ee 1, 224 
Delaware: Fulton: 
109 Brosdalioimes:2 2225 22-2 a eee soe 56 
73 Gloversville 1, 002 
94 Johnstowal 22 25 ee 495 
73 | Maytield::" =a 21 
125 | Northvilige 4 227 ee oe ee 52 
207 | Miscellaneous 15 
681 | Totals. Se nNiyger este Pen ees 1, 641 
|| Genesee: 
59 | Bataviates. 20a a essences eee 703 
24 | TGiROys Soe re ae eee eee 210 
IB CACO Ese eo eae an oe eee eS 394 | Oaktielde2 222. SS eae ee ee 138. 
@ashlenboinite- 222-8. .--ssescles lee 18 | Miscellaneous’... 2-2 ones eee 189 
ID Ghia? JO bi ee ae 28 | SSS = 
acres eRe are aS ee ta) ema, 34 | Nétal:ss4seeesess2-5325 5525 1, 240 
opewell Junction. 22.22.2222 2s 2 43 | : ——— 
IS. fig), Sore ale aah a aia eet |)! ROBE At 
Millbrook___----.------------------- Cairo. jf Os SPIE eG eee SL | 23 
33 | Catskill eee eae 314 
106 | Coxsackie: 8222 e are seo 76 
29 Tannersvill6.. scscsesee en sae ee 33 
2.979 | Wind bgmie ees ane ee eee neee eee 20 
Pade MiscellanéouS=22.s22-2222ssseeanese 153 
95° | 
Staatsburg : 43 | Total. -.----.--------------------- 668 
A al Falls---.--------------- ee | Hamilton: Miscellaneous. --.-----.----- 50 
Miscellameous===-2s=522= 2552s s e205 184 | Herkimer: ' is 
| Dolgeville:.2-2-222e252556e0e see 
Pptdleneeae eee ase e noe te 3, 848 | Franikfort<2/ 2 Dacicc dese es oes ee 123. 

Erie Poe peter a 
A 92 | ion 
Akron...-.-------------------------- 123 Little Falls 513 
JSCTIES 1S AES RE Se eee eee 75 | 
Blasdell 39 Wiokaw ss ee 
Eigen oT ee Gl oa, 35, 781 Miscellaneous 201 
@oldeneesese 85 Le Ae Fa 7 
SDinne ic ane aa oe ag Sana 150 Total: 2.2225 222ece ete ete Re 1, 798 
igSiAMInOna a oe ee Se 400 || Jefferson: 
iGaks Wiener ec estes 74 | JA @ ams ono eae e ne ae ee 87 
Hamburg-- 490 | Wiexandria) Baya oc. ses ne eee 56 
Kenmore____ 1,015 | AmtwWenpiccs: co co- co eoose ees 35 
Lackawanna 520 | Carthage_ 22% 
AnicHst pipe se eC yay 300 | Clayton_- 88 
INGEEnROolimseas 20 ones ae tS a 51 | Dexter ___- ry 25 
Slo nrbeen ies 6 ee arearreyy 14 | Watertown__---.-.----- 2, 128. 
Gpnidevillen 2 22.8. uae 124 | Miscellaneous 335: 
Monkwandas 2-5-5: <s6 es ooo) Bly 625 | ra 
Williamsville). oS and Gg 300 | ANGYIEN Wore SR SE Sooo ete eis 2, 983: 
MBISC THEN: Gio) Ce eS SR a 1, 021 | ae 

(eines: Brook) yay 2 eee ee ee 115, 132° 
TMotaleee ts Oe et ess... wifi yess y 41, 109) || Tewis: SSS 

Essex: Peers Howiville 2 C2222 ee se eee 188: 
AT Sa leagtOnkseee ee hee eA 68 | Miscellaneous. ese 182’ 
HIZAMOb ALO Wie seen no ae 28 SES Tp ages 
PCGBSAVillG Ase ie nN ENE Fey nen ts ns 40 Total. nseee s+ VI EI ae 370 
The aypd EAE Yeo | 144 SSS = 

1 See footnote on p. 255. 



TABLE 11.—I ndividual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

NEW YORK—Continued 

. Number 
County and city ot sebnEne 
AW ON je2nee cabs 25...5i22e ee oe 123 
@aledoniat=222. 2222453. 4 aa 71 
Dansyileset=- 2-2... ee 285 
@eneseo-tes- 2-22. 2 ba ee 157 
Mount. Morris... --+=-222e5 nee 93 
NG ase oe. 2 54 
Miscellamneous-—-==-=- 2-220 See See a 165 
SOU Ee otal Se See eee eee 948 
Canastota-2-: 22-35-0752 eee 122 
@azenowid-obe) = 3220.42 Oe Re 149 
Hamilton +22. 2-20 LS ee 152 
Oneida San. 5 2 SA 572 
IMiscellaneous=-2-)---2+2522.22:22 3 230 
Totaeee csv anit os ee 1 225 
Brockportzs2e2esessesssse bees St 180 
Bast (Rochester: 2222-22 2s5422- 2552225 245 
Mairportecsssresss sesesee sss 245 
Honeoye Palls=2+2-s422225+2- ee 61 
PAL TES (0) (0 Cc = a pee 180 
Rochestors 222s s222 sse4se2eseess--—" 20, 779 
Sé6a Breeze. + --- =~. - 22-4. -s-2 5 sss 40 
Wiepstenret 2 wo ee os oe 116 
Miscellancouss:+2s22¢s222seesee=2s2 981 
Motalwrsw=ss22 ls srosesescccccco 22, 827 
IMM Steng amin 2. = eee eee oS oo 1, 341 
Ganajoharie a2 Sse eee 164 
OT Cae eee eS A 2) Ss | 30 
Wort Plaines: 2 sso tah eee ssscstes 154 
Fultonville:<:-998s*2see8<o222-22-222 20 
Hegaman'\) saci ss seeeenicesss e238 14 
Palatine Bridge 16 
St. Johnsvilles2e2=2324-22- 90 
Miscellaneous: 22224-2252 2===-2--28 | 52 
LS Okey) Ce ee eI eee | 1, 881 
Nassau: ay 
Baldwitts . 2... 2... cseeesee ese. 625 
@edarhurst 6 --sssseecsssananses-2=- 387 
Hast iRockawayi essa ce222 5 etek. 87 
Farmingdale 165 
Bloral(Park 2. 225.22. 022 2 eeeceeeee eae 695 
Mreaponte ze 2oesee soo ets 1, 091 
Garden City 759 
@len/@ovewls 222.323 487 
(GnreatiNecks: -.-.. =22-- ase ee ets 757 
Mempsteadie a. b= ee eee 1, 220 
Howlett. ==) 22.3. aa ese 168 
Hicks Villewe 26 = ee es 194 
PnwO0ds 2255-50. soho Soe 106 
MUA WEONCO sos Fo be 2 as a eee 241 
Locust Valloystseves tte eee see 130 
syn brook.222.722 ieee ee 1, 016 
Mineolat st kren ens teeeeneenee ss 427 
INewiiiyderParkt=s2<42)7eee ae 114 
Oyster Bay? 22te  eee 303 
Port Washingtons262=2=+=2s=se 2 692 
Rockville:'Center-=_ = + eeeseesee se ON 1, 307 
FRGUSON Elisha eS nen ee she a Se Lg 146 
ROS) WIN sooo an aces eon coe eens 274 
Bea OR srr een ee 249 
Walleyiotream=_. 0. 02) oe eee 449 
VOSU DDT en Ee 264 
IVINSCOLIANGOUS-- 5s cn eeceee eee 3, 427 
Totals ok os 2 epee 15, 780 
New York: New York City 2_.-__------- 341, 885 

2 See footnote on p. 2555 

County and city 

Tia: Sallessae ee ent odes eee 
Dock portamaet sess... sscteesees eee 
Niagarauballss 44225. 0sou cones Bae 
North fonawanda-- 25220 2Ss8 
Miscellaneouss5+5 2.2. ..2222-.20eae 

@amGenere . no oe ene 
Clinton ee eet ero ee eee 

Oniskanyaee te fF ei 

OM eS asanee. S02 Se See 
Sherrill Sages: eae 222 2 Pe 
Witica peiees tie soe eee 

‘Baldiwinsvillecs se: es ee 
Bast) Sivracse:=--4-+-2-s-+--2s-2+-=4 
Mavyettevilles- 2-22 .<- 2. .-4- abe 
Jordan== +2 ---22242 2222222522222 222ee 


Solvayis2= 22s 32 ots Se 
SYTACUSC S442 te Sees ecc is se see eetes 

@anandaigia-<--s- 2 2) eee 
Clifton Springs 
@OneVAL oes ecse coe 

Phelpsierst 22 orb. eee pane es 

Cornwall sere ee bee ee 
Cornwall on the Hudson- 

Pighland Walls = Son 2 Eos cs eae 
FU chlanduiViintse =o- 222.55 see ae 

Mionrop=.. --S2- 24 se5- ti = ea 
Montromenry.-. 2-4 So cee 
New burenissaoel oesecee sees ee 
Port Jenviss-ss+- ec = a eee 
TuxedoPark-)-3.5.--.--=-; 5 Sue 

WWVasninetonVille sso ee eee 
WieStiPOlnts soso e sack ce seeseshe elt 
Mistellanconsis2223=: 3.25) ae 

of returns 


Tas_e 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


NEW YORK—Continued 

A Number ‘ P Number 
County and city arneudais County and city ofreturis 
Orleans: Rockland—Continued. 
UN) (05s ee ee 255 Tomkins Cove-.2s.2sdeass=14522- 48 30 
IM Oley 22 = seas seeeesesecenel LLL: 75 Valley Cottage: ..s..e sees sees 24 
nV tobnit ee e 294 West sHaverstrawisssteseeeees sesso 30 
Miscellaneous: 2-222ss-ss<a<3-5s-L--- 90 WestiNivack sss eeaeeeeese sae 43. 
Miscellaneous. 222222-sessesee so =e 272 
Totalleses sess se shese sesesses== 714 = 
fi) 2) a Mee Oe Si 2, 371 
LOU ine RS a ee eee 385 | St. Lawrence: 
WViexICO! #ssssSsse5 cases Ha ssse 5525-2 38 @anton>-\3222 2 Se ee eee 185: 
OIC ae es Se ee | eee 836 GOUVeMNOUr sssscse2sesecoaetesseee 178 
Telarc be hee Oe eee eee 73 IVFESSon a << 5 oct See eee 312 
Pulaski Ses a es Se esse 95 Norwood. -. 3) = eee eee 67 
MiScellaneouss2222 sess ee Se eee 155 Opdensbure sate eee eee 496 
IP OUSGaIM oon tee re ee eee 216 
Hilt eee eer ene eee Senne se 1, 582 IMuscelianéous? 22222 8ssss ee 357 
Otsego: | "Lotal a. <2 5 noon oon a eee 1, 811 
Cooperstown se se se 206 | 
G@ineontwer as-is ee 640 || Saratoga: 
Richfield Springs.<--2s2s5ssss5=ss-- 44 Ballston Spar aos ne eee 244 
POLL S(O TI har et aca ag er ane oe a a 46 SGiCoy rial 8 0 Remar wate we Dare) ents la 56 
Hviiscallanenusses- cee oe eee tis 219 | Mechani¢villeis2=2 <2 eee 359 
| PRUOY 2 cata ere eee 34 
Boy ic') (Ee Bee Ake toe 1,155 Roind sakes oa sone ene eee 36 
SaralOgarePrines - oo. eee 681 
Putnam: | Schuylerville_—o eee 2 69 
Browsteriss-2ss2-sssesoso tiie; 194 | south Glens Wallsss see 49 
Wyrmaelet fete ena ss osseshe TAZ 51 Stillwater=<22 2-2 Sere a aes 40 
Cal dis prin as ose ee 122 | Wictony: Mills202 3 eee 14 
Garrisons sae ae & ee Be 76 | Wiatenfordnssaoocsee tena eee ee 137 
Take iMahopaes-: == oe 29 | Wiiscellancouss2 222 ee ee 91 
Miscellaneous___--.---- Hske SR. 3 74 
——————— || Total 2c. ---c3t ee 1,810 
QUAL ee os a ELE se 546 | 
———— |} Schenectady: 
Queens: New York City ?....--..------- 38, 097 Schenectady...2¢s2245-62--= 5, 879 
SC0tiSss .22s232222 43553522 ee 386 
Rensselaer: Miscellaneous-=-=222252------- 8 73 
Castleton sstvssssasssesssseee 89 | 
13 Koyo ice | EN Cee eee ee 153 | MPotal 2. 26s. sssue sete eee 6, 338 
IN ASSSN eee Sno =- 2 BON! 28 | 
TRGNSse eae se eee 459 | Schoharie: 
Schagnticokes.5 525222226 --- C8 21 Cobleskill 2-2-5 = =e eee 156 
UNG h es SEs Se RE Te | 3, 268 | HOW ES CHVO. tte eee ee ee 24 
Wallevahinlisc meee seuaa 2 LOL Mice} | 24 || Middleburg ee eee 23 
Wiestisand Wakenees. soc iia | 13 || Richmond Villessst = ssseeree Tannen 16 
MiSceHAneOUS-=525222.5. ee ee Ef 196 | SchoRarie:=:.-o2- Rts ee eee 30 
| SHALOM S Prin ps. sas = oe see a eee 18 
Ota ae gases ented { 4,251 || Mascellaneous_ 22-225. 2 eee 57 
Richmond: New York City ?_.______--- | 5, 211 Total = =3) 53S Se 324 
Rockland: | Schuyler: ; 
37 Wromiour Mallst= 222s. se- ae ee 77 
56 Watkins Glen. --2ss22s5-42---2-5 = 132 
29¢ || WiuScellaneous:—-- =e 25 
54 [————__—___— 
80 MOU ene oe ona sk ee ae eee 234 
32 | == 
624 || Seneca: 
178 |) Seneca Falls 246 
69 | Wiaterloo==.-- -2 222 103 
OM bOMN MACKS a Wess oe i 32 Miscellaneous 71 
SY) iT) PRR ee Ss A ee Ise } 36 | 
SDN Say alo yerce eae ees eR | 215 || otal — = 5 seosae oo ee 420 
SCTE See ees ere em ns ah nS | 266 | b 
a7 ck City: 
are otk Clty: Number of returns 
TO 2 TS ee ee ean 
Kings (Brooklyn) 
New York 
(AEB YS pees gt ee = a eg 1 eh _ EN ee ee aes 
PRA CHIN OH Geese ae Loewy ob beg OE Ee 


Taser 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of reiurns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

NEW YORK—Continued 

. Number A Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns 
‘Steuben: Washington: 
‘A ddison@22 2. 525)... 2 eee 43 Cambridge-_-_-------- W2 
PAV OCA teen oo on oe oe ee 15 Fort Edward 105 
Bath Mocs -cccse 2 once oe eS 160 Granwillewie 2252. see 136 
@anisteosn)  . -ee eeeeeee 83 Greenwithiss..--.-=2--2.--44=eeae 99 
KCornninpeees oS eee 686 Hiudsonwhalisees<. 2.2 s.2sese-asee 243 
TDG eee ae eee eee eee oe 782 Salone =o 57 
PRintodueOste. eke eee oe 90 Wihiteh alles 2: See S7. 22 eee 204 
Wiswlandecs eco seen ween ee oe 100 Miscellaneous! 222. 20-2522 sees 89 
IWiscellancous!.- 26222 he eae 173 —_——— 
Eee Motalteeass 2-6 2 so 5 5 Soke 1, 005 
TRO Gea ete are Rees UL 2, 132 
Suffolk: aye: 
Amityvillossesesese assets see ua seen ee 312 See MORDED IG hte too as ee A 
Babylon. .-------------------------- 410 Teer 5 Sh aOR 174 
Bay Shorestate2 os senae ses s2 eee se le 379 PSA isc. Soe Sma SET oS 136 
Hastibamptonssssessesso2 see enone 185 Bade: Seige =e 75 Fo te ee 38 
‘Greenport_...----------------------- 162 OUGIRRR TEED ssa cler eee SAU NEE 44 
ee SS I cH Miscellaneous: -=:....-~228s5.2eeeee 222 | 
Mindenhurst 222222202 ee eee 124 4 
are eor bedie 2 Same erm Seana ee a 189 Total. -------------->---=---2--=-= etree Se 
St Chopnesiesssee esate Soon 436 : 
Port J efferson 155 hina eet 60 
einai en Ardsley-on-Hudson- - -- 50 
Bayville... 2 -2--2-c2- mip dl er peated Hitle. ot: 7 
Southampton----------= 279 || Briarcliff M 116 
Miscellaneous 1, 923 Mane BN 
ei 6 BORER cocina ae 
Total __---.----------------------- 5, 986 @happaquas=2-25-22--- = eee 122 
Sullivan: ASETViT cui Croton-on-Hudson = ---- <2 asesseeee 167 
(GSilicoons=— see ee ae ee eee 47 || Mobbpsit Clny=_ == -—22=--.4--2 eee 290 
Te bentyene oe oe en en evase ee 198 Bmsford aes wee so ao ee 83 
ivaneston Manor... 3-2-2222 88-sa5e 58 Harmon-on-Hudson---_-------------- 51 
WMionticellon2¢ = 2c Le ote ek see 206 I aRTISON 2 soso eae eek a eee 245 
ROSCOe Mee 2 eee 31 Martsdaless2-) 2 ES ey he ee 165 
South Fallsburg- 33 || Hastings-on-Hudson---.------------- 355 
Woodridge--_------ 35 Hawthorne) 222 oe 68 
Miscellaneous 242 Irvin gtOne a2 2e< === eee ee 244 
Katonans-2). 525 5) 5 eee 194 
[Rota eare® 2 tia See ee 850 ca : He 
amaronec 6 
eRe fi 338 Mount Kisco 406 
Ww phish Cr 503 Mount Vernon 4,411 
eee io ealiais wicca aan seen 88 New Rochelle_. 3, 911 
cP TS Cait oF wort Pelion oe 
| ort arrytown 
Total_---------------------------- 524)" Qaciingienatnis seen Oe ere 786 
Tompkins: SVL We: Peekskill Ge 2 es oe ee 908 
COLO Mee ee ree ene See et eae 106 Pelham ee ae eee eee 511 ‘ 
Sf as Yet apap ae psa A Ta Bn i 1, 391 Pelham Manor. sant er sees eS 392 ' 
TRrUMansDUl Gees oceea 2 ae ea eee ee 39 Picasantvillesss.8.-- 2 =< 3 oe 414 
IMiscallaricOuS:: 2202 oh eos eee ee 59 Port (Ghestetes tense ase ee ene 762 
| Purchases te tes ee 18 
TTOtals = 2 oot eee eee 1, 595 Hive: Rua e Taian oe 
Ulster: == || Scarshoroughe2- ==. ee 6 
illeriyille. ste hace ene ones 122 Bearsdale Bean aoonamnn aaa saa eo 1, 1s 
Highland.---o:ssscenene-naceaee nen 84 || AITYLOWD.....--------=----n---aa-a-% 
Kingston 1. 187 muck ahoesee ees. ans ee 499 
TAL OLO oe nt ake , 63 AVAL ots ul eS Pee Oe ener eee as 71 
ETT TRC meeanemanNy PenAeIRRT eR TT Ie 38 || Verplanck..------------------------- 30 
Rate Hakee vee soos Anda nee ELON 45 Wihitesblains! 2h bee Woes es reg 2, 959 
Barwon accu an nme 95 || WOn Kis iese saan enna eee 6, 365 
emiiwentiosccs eldest. coe ane Rw 990 Yorktown Heights------------------ 40 
STE TT RE PR DEORE TE RECN TE | | 43 Miscellaneous:....-.---..--- eee 317 
INVOOUSLOC KA) ee ae ee eee 40 
Whiscallaneous: =. 282 —eeee 218 30, 514 
10) A 9 RI a | __ 2,085 51 
‘Warren: | 80 
GlOTISUEISI gi Oh ar to be eee eee 960 28 
Meakel George cei ecco ee te ee ee eee 46 Perryatesasee essa eee 120 
Tzerne: sees. ses eee eee eee eee 17 Silver Springs-ces-+-.2---- =e eee eee 16 
Wistrens puree 6 2s Wee ee eae 48 WHSTSA Woe ee ee ea ee eee 160 
Mimscellanedus2: ot Slee Ce eee 108 IMiscellaneouS=.-----eeoeewe te eee oe 63 
FTN Gell aye es ies eee oe SE rne 1,179 otal 22.00 Se epee eee 518 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

NEW YORK—Continued 

Number Number 
County and city otecinene County and city otretinnis 
Yates: Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
40 other’ States... -.. .- -co soon ns ee eee 4, 584 
55 State! totals 2 2ssc2ssseeense sesso 766, 974 

Alamance: Caldwell: 

IBUTNINE LOM Se cena ecco see eee a seea =e 320 Granite Walls. o_o Sense oeeeee ee 7 

Gua DI EVENS aa Spee cp ae Ree veal pe ook eee 20 ONO ies oes Fe ee ee 156 

ELA Way LV Ole setae a sae ean ce ee anewnne 3 Miscellanious stores ce eee 8 

IMO. 22) ee ees 57 

Misealisneous a 25 Motels 22025232322 eee 171 
MENT EG leea ao = ak eto I oe 425 || Camden: Miscellaneous-...-...-.-------- 8 

Alexander: || Carteret: 

RAVIORS WG t ett ne ee ee eee 30 ‘Beattiortc€ 22s es i eee 81 
LAMA EVES GES Dn VS) 0) 0 je ia a 7 Moreheadi@ityacsssss ee eee eee 52 
Miscellaneousizi< 22= cocee-- ences 24 
ULB Ra 2 5 RS ane 37 
Totalii-=. 2 eee eee ee 157 
Alleghany: Miscellaneous___.-...------- 6 
Caswell: Miscellaneous......-..---.---- 17 
WAU ESDOLO = eee eee ee one 90 || Catawba: 
IMURCUIE RET Eee ee See 25 IICKOLYcoc2eose ee eee 273 
Maiden. += 2-= ese. ps see 20 
AM aya 3 Lo oes SS Lo lige ela da ada ek 115 ING wione. SoS Soe eee 53 
. | Miscellaneous#: 22-2222 ee 27 

PAISHG PVlsCelaAneOus==2-22 222 -22-2s*—— <2 9 

Avery: Miscellaneous__..............--- 22 Total See a ee ee ee 373 

Beaufort: Chatham: 

TENG D ECT 0 ker reeled AE | 11 Silermt@ity =. sos Se oe 28 
Myashing poneesss ten re eter 205 MiscellaneouSses sees se en 33 
NVRISCOIISTIGOUS S29 a= alee oas oe ccs 18 
Totalocssses see skorts ees eS 61 
Ota ones ee! 234 

Bertie: (ATIGTEWS = oeo esa ee ae ee enor eee 26 
IGN Greer ne nee ee 33 Miurphy:... 2.32 ss2seeseseo see 12 
WhiscollanGous ese ees eee ne, 43 1 

TRGY HT a ye ee 76 39 

Bladen: Miscellaneous=-----.-.=....-.-- 33 102 

Brunswick: 2 
MOU ROO nL sete et re ne 31 
WhiScehaneousseese se ete ee 4 Total. ..csccesesesesiwetesscese 104 

TROY ETS sk af la ge 35 || Clay: Miscellaneous_-__.......---.----==- 1 
Buncombe: Cleveland: 
Jagoas nile al Or 2, 581 Kangs Mountain... 2. essase es 43 
Miscellaneous us. 22252232 o- =. 211 Shelbys <-s--sssssssn =. 140 
Miscellaneous... s<2s2ss-e2e ee 26 
EEFOY (7a bal gd ah oll kg aE 2, 792 
Totaleosee. eae ee noe cee 209 
TA WORTH YH GP ea ae oebue 8 yet a ak a aa 117 || Columbus: 
IMITRCEHANOOUS Ecce pea. ce, 32 Whiteville..<..2..s.2.- 222 36 
JMisecellaneous....---2 2. 2 eee 73 
“pte Usk oe She, a 149 
Totelts_..2-3. <Seea e 109 
(Cone jolie es ee 151 || Craven: 
Kannapolis__ 73 News Berns. -5226e sso ee eee eee 378 
Miscellaneou 14 Miscellaneous=2.--2--2se-e nc eseee ns 11 
TRA RT yap ca lar ee 238 MOtAls oo coe oe nes Sees eb eases aesaes 389 


TasLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territortes—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number |, . Number 
County and city Apa || County and city Giretarte 
Cumberland: | Guilford: 
Mavyettevilleccce2bes Joe ee 500 |) Gibsonivill@ zane eee 12 
AviTSeGll an OUSs a 2— a — see ee Te 46 Greensborod.=)2 oe 2, 348 
-————_—_ High seoinbees es) =. 847 
Ho falc sees We ey se eee ct. 546 Miscellaneous_....__-...-- Pam SAT we Hi 84 
Currituck: Miscellaneous-____----.------ 14 ARGUE [SSS ee aerate Spee J 3, 291 
Dares Miscellaneous --=---2-=--5--...=- 14 
—————— i Elites 
Davidson: Iola Glos = eee 78 
WexingtOniewe—- Saeco asset essseee 197 ROanokeyRApldSsa.22l25:= SS eeeaeees 64 
Moras vill@s= sea eee = eee, 142 IRGSGIMAIy Per a a ee 2 eee 60 
Whistle) leweQob CE a ee 17 Scotlandunedk = s5- 250 1 eee 45 
—_ AN 7GAKG Uovais SE RET RR ee een 103 
TM otale pes 3 arose sae 356 Wiscellan cots: = ss eer ree errr’ vis 
Davie: | 421 
G@ooleeméess=2 es eee 14 
MMISceIANCOUS!= 3225222 uw ses See ee 23 
SSS 75 
Mo tal s<s2 25 sause= sees SeN AeA eee Se 37 46 
Duplin: 121 
Wiarsa wate sa eau et ees een ae 33 
Miscéllancottss eee ee 62 
——= 80 
8 DY 0) FS Nan, a a aap tae 95 Winynesvillesie2 22.22 = ee 93 
ed Miscellancouss 2-2 Se 25 
Durham ————- 
DUNN alieess= =a see Des eee eae 1, 398 Ota eee 2 2. Se 198 
Miscellaneous saat =. aan ee ee 2 
—— || Henderson: 
TROty eh rnin kaos hide ee eee 1, 400 end ersonivilleeee 2 2 eee 282 
——= Miscellaneousses isis > eee 39 
Edgecombe: — 
RockyeMiountace =-----22222-4-s25—5 720 Rota eee eee op a+ 8 ee 321 
TP ar DONO male) eeee Bat ea See ea 195 
IViScellanecouss=2- 2-25 >t Ee eee 41 || Hertford: 
*ATH OSKaB ee Betti A 44 
FR tig) es 2 sme mses Sais 9 ee eg 956 IMisScellaNeOUSs a eee eee 25 
Kernersville Salas Spe Selene ae es 31 Total. ---------------------------- 69 
inSton-Salemas 22222 Sys ee 2, 344 i 
Miscellaneous... .-.--. 5. .abvodoc 568 || OR eiee C eaeeel ity 
PRAT RI Veet wut ne meee 2. 428 Miuscellaneous2. ss a eee 4 
Franklin: Total waar sh = ts ae eee 37 
Krankwint@ne=- 5-2-2 eee ees 21 = 
ovis bungss sate ae to seen wan eeenes 50)1| (EtyderMiscellaneotse=cee eee eee eae 5 
IMPISCAIIaNGOUS#S-.222sense ee see aoe ee if ———= == 
———— |; Iredell: 
TR otal ie cen ne ee panna se eee BESS 78 a pores will’ chy UAE eS bE. 97 
=== tatesville meas See ron de 285 
ig cen ai oe et 88 Miscellaneous-_..------------------- 8 
Bessemer | Citys2-=-)-e=- = scene 13 
Cherry villes- 40521 eerie 25 Total. -.-------------------------- a 
Bestia reas oni || THROM: “Miisceltaneons. - = 41 
Efe) (2) | ee ae Se ee oat int 18 4 
WicAdenvilloss a5 | ean ine 6 Ae se cata 28 
NWoountvAlolly. aoe nna 59 CGR an ALY ooo eer See 57 
Miscellaneous....---..-------------- 20} 8 faelmna eieeesee bee eerie 40 
(Sheabiel cuits Volo < Viegd a ee 6 
Total ---------------------------- 79 Miscellaneousiet: ._- 2 ene 31 
Gates: Miscellaneous_-......----------- if 
Graham: Miscellaneous_---...-.---.---- 9 Total . ---------------------------~ feganterres = 
Granville: Sa aaa ||) wones: Mascellaneous ssc ees 6 
ORfOrdpot ts $03 aod ce oe he er Re 140 —=——S= 
IVTISC RH ONG OTSset ete Sees ree ee 20 || Lee: 
— Santordis se eo eeress 111 
ED OP Mae re enon nn te ones meine Mee 160 Miscellaneous-222= 2 2 See Se 12 
Greene: Miscellaneous-_-.-.---.-------- 21 Potala. osha eke eee 123 


Tasie 11.—Individual. returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number - Number 
County and city olnetanns County and city of returns 
Lenoir: Pender: 
GINS tO N= eee eon ete 314 Buin gai iswth eee ie RES 15 
AG Pan GOs eeee meee cee SS 22 Miascellaneoussa<2- 0s if 
Minscellaneouges 2722s a2 ae 8 | 
————_| Total:s2< =. Ae eee ees 22 
AU SS eek Se Se OS 344 | 
: —————— || Perquimans: 

Lincoln: Paka nninns San aps pees Se 59 
Thinicolntoness o-——eee S wee F 86 MiScellinceous==-=<25 =e nae neee eee 5 
Miscellaneous 40 —_—_——_ 

| TOU 6 == oe ee ee 64 
qi ee ee 90 
McDowell: Roxboro sz. =e 52 eee ess 106 
INIATIO Nasa sew een Pee er or he Miscellaneous-224—2 ee eee 12 
Museellancous.2--- 22 ose: 23 
a otal. =~ 2-35 .5225 2 eee eee 118 

pinball ee eh 100 
Macon: Miscellaneous: -._-.--2-_2_=___- 27 AYGOlse caver ee ete ees Se 37 
Madison: Miscellaneous. _..._.________- 26 Rarinivill@seese c= 2+. ce nee s 65 
Grecnville-=-—--- Se eee 331 

Martin: MMGIS cell ecr eo Uis ee 69 
obersomvillgs= 32 2 18 
IWialieIMstOnis ==: tee ens eee ned = + <! 42 Notals 2226252343335 => ee es 502 

————— || Polk: 
PROG eres ee sien oc Ee ot 69 Try Onsen ee eee oe 43 
——_— Miscellaneous eee 18 
Mecklenburg: —_——_—_—_— 
(Clinker iyi ee See 4, 331 Total! 2. oes 2 ee eee 61 
@OnnBliliss =2aeeeme eRe bre ee feb en 3 5 7 = ae 
JOH TANG Solas els CN a a 53 || Randolph: 
IVWiiscellansomsaeme 46 MSHBHONOW= 2222 ee oe os eee 60 
i ieee RamSenrs- a2 eee 15 
Motdlhest--sesas cede ens RA 4, 437 Randleman: #22 9 
——— Miscellancous==-. 2 eee 30 
Mitchell: Miscellaneous -----___...___-- 41 cir rr 
——— Totalici 22. 25 Seo ee eae ee 114 

MRO Vase ares = eee tee A es | 28 || Richmond: 
MarStellaneouse scene | oe ee 36 Hamlet-s.--05 = eee 162 
————— Rockingham=<=<s-se2=22e2e=2==s2=2= 136 
Motaliaessanenn me ae oan neh = EE 64 Miscellaneous*}= ===> ==ss==-s=s as 10 

Moore: Miscellaneous--..-...-.-------- 321 Motalssessccctesseeeenee seeeeeess 308 

Nash: Robeson: 

Shania 18 (0) es ee op ee 29 Waiimont.) {oe see 14 
Miscellaneous 50 Damibertone a2 2) s2 sono 121 
Niaxt ones aaa ae 37 

SIN fied eee a 79 REG 0S DEN PS eee 67 
IMNScellaneOUSses=2e = eee ene ne= ee ane 50 

New Hanover: — as 
NVllimine tort ====s=<sen See es Se = = 1, 404 Total oa rte eS aes Be a 289 
IMISCellanenus======5 2s eho news eset 10 > 

————— || Rockingham: 
ltt ell aes meee re eens ete in selb ene 2! 1, 414 | Mraper et ee eee 28 
———————d Weaksvillete: 222 22se ones eee eeeee 91 
Northampton: Miscellaneous___________ 93 Wadison.... ---. 2-2 2s ee 34 
Onslow: Miscellaneous_______.-.-_-_-_-- 20 Wig vod nee a= === =anener eens 15 
——_—— Reidsvilleks22222Ss2e eee 162 

Orange: Spray eee eee 45 
@Warnhoroe= ==) 8 n= oases tenn ee 2 5 IMiiscellaneouss: = 22 s=s==n== =e 20 
(Cis s3| EMS Se ee ee 91 mann ass 
FELIS OT Om me ee Se eee 46 Total: cscs222 2S eee 395 
INMsecellaneonsee= =se—s asters sees 9 =e 

————— || Rowan: 
CRotaleies lesan eee eee eid ae IY 151 @hingaiGrovets=-2=2 see eeeaeee 13 
—— SAIS UI se ee 502 
Pamlico: Miscellaneous___________------ 23 Spencer 255252222 eaezaee sera 81 
SS Iiascellaneous-----==2-—-— === 41 

Pasquotank: Sa eee 
Mlizabebhe@ity=ses-sses2=00 5-5-5200" 367 Totalesss22=2=seeese sae ae 637 
IVNScelancouss ss ss=sssine se OPN IEEE 1 ae 

————— || Rutherford: 
AMO File 2s eee 368 @aroleens2:2 22 eseee2 see esas sea Z 
[=== Clitiside = 2 See 13 




TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number A Number 
County and city eiretiins County and city ofreturns 

Rutherford—Continued. Vance: 

MorestiGity:! A Ne eA 45 IFTenG ersOnees 222 ooee oS eee 246 

16 (Cz) a Veh (:) rr: ee mn ees pdhlenttn nN) 4 IMiscellaneouss. 2 Shoo ole eee 26 

Mithertordvonen eae 47 

Mnscellancoussss te Pie ee Le 43 of BOY 2 (so an Na 272 
PO tale Mee See as 154 Wake: 

Sampson: Raloighee 2652 cook ce aes 1, 903 
Clin tometer ee eee 41 Wrakeshionests.-- 255-25 ee eee 43 
MiSCellaneOUs=2= soe eee oie one 25 Wrendelliti 222-2 iii i218 oso eee ees 20 

aerigtl) Ait ed alee ee 66 IMiscellaneouss) ooo eee een 93 

Scotland: PROLa eee eeer ace ane a ee 2, 059 
aurinburge= 22222222" 97 ; 

Miscellaneous 23) ||) Wiarren® Viiscellaneous-.--.---.-------.— 97 
Total J20 || Washington: Miscellaneous---.--------- 40 
Daa ae BREE Watauga: Miscellaneous--.---....-...-- 25 

Al bemanloms sae 22. eed 116 || Wayne: 
Badin e teas Poe aE aes 40 INTremon ten cca s=.acks cea aseeeeeeeees 26 
Norwood ete ee eee 16 (CGR) 910) 0) eee see 448 
MiiscellaneguSen neon ere 4 MiGuntiOlive.c2- ==. 2a eee eee 86 
Motals cdi vceccace cole aliuaeal 176 IMuscellanGous! 22222222228 ee eee 6 

Stokes: Miscellaneous_....-.......--.--- 44 Total__--------------------------- 566 

Surry: Wilkes: 

104) cls ee Aen Oe mt eee lie ACNE ods eee 59 North) Walkesboro-<-=..=---2 2.223 96 
Mount Airyii25 2 ae es 185 Walkesborossees==-6 5-2 ese ee 6 
MScelaneouS=.2. coe onee een eee eee 32 Miscellaneous’ e2s—- 22.2 we ee 12 

Notas = so2.. =e eee 276 UNG tal ae eee ee ee ee 114 

Swain: Miscellaneous__......-------_--- 26 || wilson 

Transylvania: 543 
Brevard 70 

OCA Se etes a toe one sr eens 613 
. Se mei act Yadkin: Miscellaneous__.......-..------ 14 

Tyrrell: Miscellaneous_........-----_.-- 9 Yancey: Miscellaneous_..-.-.-.......-.- 6 

Union: rr 1 ae 
IMIOHT ORE erent oa tn eee cee 157 || Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
Miusesilaneous cos. 0c ooo eee eae ee 12 otherStatesmee =. oe eee 351 

Motalbe as ae as ee eee 169 Statetotale = 6 2... 4 ee 33, 398 

Adams: Miscellaneous.__-..------------ 49 || Cass: 

@asseltonk 424 S880 2 22 oe 76 

Barnes: Har cons eee eee 1, 522 
WalloyaC@ ity coos ene nt ere 203 MWhiscellariegidsts teens sano eee 223 
Miscellaneotisze cin 122i eee eet 80 

TS Ota Lees Ae Sok Boe 1, 821 
Otay a cess ee oe ee eee 283 

Benson: Miscellaneous......-...-.------ 120 Langdon 37 

Billings: Miscellaneous 5 Miscellaneous 107 

Bottineau: 400) Fa Ue fos = Aa LL a ee 144 
Bottineau Clty sense cs ose eee eee 43 
Miscellaneous] 2 sen cen nee 101 |! Dickey: 

end alates sear et eee eee 42 
LE RY i I apap ea al Ra es aa 144 Ogkegy eee a eee cee en eee cceee 49 

Bowman: Miscellaneous.__...-.-----__- 54 IMPIscellan@olsiasees onc nese enenees 20 

Burke: Miscellaneous._.....-...-...-.-- 109 Oval Gees Morea at ee eee lll 

Burleigh: Divide: 

PB IST ATC es tee ee ae ea 561 Crosby oe ee ee 37 
IMGISCEIIBMEOUS =o sessment en ne 24 IMIscellaneouss eso te eee 44 
Mo tales saat St Pe ee ei 585 MA No Hs Dn ps a eee eee 81 



TaBLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


. Number «, Number 
County and city eftrananis County and city otrotorae 
Dunn IWiscellaneous.-..=-....-.-=--=--- 30 || Mountrail: Miscellaneous_._.....-.----- 116 
Nelson: Miscellaneous. -......-.....---- 101 
Eddy: Oliver: Miscellaneous! e222 assesses: ve 
ING WHEROCKIOTO ees te 8 78 || Pembina: Miscellaneous.__.-...---.---- 117 
NSCS ANGOTIS sens een en eae eon 24 
SIO Geel pees eee eee ta ee on 102 RUS DYE. scone eee 52 
Miscellaneous 32 
MANtOMe soso noe cane aaess-sessaece-=e 28 | BOGGS 2 saan cea ne eee ee 84 
NVINSCRMEVIBOUS tae eee ee see 18 | 
| Ramsey: 
AL) os | erie aR On 46 | Devils. Lake. -csss2s2seectstecs.ces 264 
| Miscellarieouss. 22 322 eee 127 
Foster: _ 
Warning TOM ese ee see eek 62 | Total +. 2225-35 oa ee 391 
Mviiscelipneouss:—-— 2-222 2s 20 | 
|| Ransom: 
bf o} 2h (en ek See ea 82 Enderline22 521 2223 sesssaeueeees eee 58 
Lisbon: 83 oss aoe fe dws Bi Ue eRe el 49 
Golden Valley: Miscellaneouss:222s2eszessseke eS 23 
BY SYE 1G) C1 iba a UN ae ele Sey er ee 33 
Miscellaneousic 2 2e2- 5222 52--22les 2 16 Total: fs 34 243 bee pea nea 130 

CEUEEY HON 2 2 se a ee ena 49 || Renville: Miscellaneous_...........----- 43 

Grand Forks: Richland a 26 
Grand Forks ek Lidgenwood®..: 2:20 5 soue so) aap 31 
Miscellaneous 94 ||» Wabpeton-—=22 22-2 eae me 

| Miscellaneoush.o--ssssece see neneeeee 62 

PING Uph eeeenrns ae eene  eeeee 839 Aaa oe eee Sa 296 
Grant: Miscellaneous------------------- 37 || Rolette: Miscellaneous....-------------- 51 
eeivae: Sargent: Miscellaneous_......--.------- 33 

Caipetown 37 || Sheridan: Miscellaneous---.--..-------- 37 
epee ane ntia® (ul Ue as 25 | Sioux: Miscellaneous: <2-2-==---------==- 23 

Total__-.------------------------- 62 Marmarth scsescescesexz 20 
Hettinger: Miscellaneous___._....._---- 74 Miscellaneous 6 
Kidder: Miscellaneous-_-.......--------- 46 | TGC qle ok Rowen Dark 26 
La Moure: Stark: 

WasiMiguner oot a= aaa it ase ai |} Dickinson... 2.222252 22-252-5-8 === 141 
IVEIScellangolses- 220 aan tee te 101 JViiscellaneouss:. 222. 2-- ase ao ee ese 63. 

IN) ist] ee eee ee ee 128 | Total =sciaes ht sdeei esos 204 
Wogan: IMusctetianeous:222--2-.-25.2.2-.4 32 | Steele: Miscellaneous_--.-..-..-..------- 8t 
McHenry: Miscellaneous. -__.....------ 148 | Stutsman 

| Jamestiown...=:-=-ss—-eseeeees sae 355 

MclIntosh: Ni 
As hley ING Ce RED 20 | Miscellaneous... 2 22-2 secn es | 74 

ISHO Kee saan eee et ecle sles ells 5 

Wiiscollanools.-s----.:-..-..-.-----. 19 oes eto ee ns a 

TOWNS . os ceeesececetetosssoeces 73 Cando Wed Js Sapo caeowe ee soso 83 
McKenzie: Miscellaneous_._---.-------- 51 Miscellanee ns =a oes 2 
M cLe an: . Notaliwasssscsscesessssess ee 135. 

TWD E hee on all Och et at nae a +). 

Miscellaneous: 220820" Sener eo 114 BR re ae 43 
Mayville 42 
Total __..-----.------------------- 163 Miscellaneous 77 
51 ii Gbale Wen no ere 162 
28 Grafton 2225 sssss2se sesssesosceose 86 
189 Park River.-\sssesssssse25e2- 222948 41 
82 | Miscellaneous-=252¢ 22 ee 73 
CF Wa 12 Lh ves ph gL Te ES 299 Totalniooseseseoeeses tee 200 



TaBxLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number |! “ A | Number 
County and city Paar ans | County and city afinetrns 

Ward || Williams: 

ISON IN ATOUAE Shen eM ee eer ernnes oe 70 || Wallistaraeecerrsan ot => - 2 eee eee 166 
iin OF aeaes es Shee eere me pe 669 | Wriscellaweonss2acoo c/s 2) eae 91 
IMiscellaneogwss] 2 Vranas 79 || 
I| Totaleeesnen. L292: 3 os ieee eee 257 
A NO 2) (Ee et oe) Ee sh ee ee 818 
Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 

Wells: | olbeniSianacwees Ss sss eee 67 
RAV. yee coe eer eee | 91 || ————— 
MMbiscollaneoustes aaa ne fhe ee 101 |} Siatewondles 2. 2.2221 Sree ees 9, 758 

| | | 
TOU H eee eae see 8 eee 192 | 

Adams: Brown: 

INTSNCNGSLOR] 25 te ee 23 Georsetowme 2. ee eee 28 
IPCODIOS be Hass toe aaa eee 11 15 3:1; 09 (2). bap aa ee eae Ee a 48 
Miscellaneous ——— = —— 22 L- ae 20 || Miscellaneous). ==. -24- 22-2. =-= Ae 54 

FRO tae as baie ol aa ke hee BO 2 ae Sn 54 "OD AIEE eso 2 a a 130 

Allen Butler: 

PB uitht ona a2 ote ae eee eee er 51 Hamiltonee eso te. l 2 edb eed 1, 899 
Welphoss-s2224 4b sey a ee Bret eG 164 Middletown i222... 222 Csi 1, 275 
PAM 9 os ec rre see sae te OE 1, 628 | Oxford) 22CReet ee nn eee Ee 128 
Spencerville---2222-2-22- See eas | 30 | IMiseeHaneous=c-—--< 22s se ee ee 78 
Miscellaneous=s.2222-s2s22ss222-2=? 4] | 

TROL GN: Se = 2a oe te a ee ee 3, 380 

RO tase seen a ae ae eee 1, 914 
i Carroll: 

Ashland: | @arrolltjon222t 2225222 eee ee 180 
A Shlan Gobet do aos sseees COEDS 449 Miscellaneous: = .==22212-5225-—22 255 20 
Loudonville: 4.2.52 eee! 98 

(Rotalee So. 22 cee ce ae Se ees 200 
Totaloocsocsesecscess = See 547 &. f 
‘ ampaign: 

Poe ane 1. 646 Mechanics pure se. -_ 2- <2 noeeee 37 
J SIS RanISME eetee eno deen ee 17 
onneauts- 2. a. 2. = e 740 Gidea 210 
Senevasnes..2ee 130 SEAITO)IGR Le ABE he 14 

wifi. lesa ae 96 Miscellaneous: --.-=..- eee eee 
Miscellaneous 112 TR ee ss AS Ls ee 278 
Totalessnsies Slss lhe ee 2, 724 Gee: Be ica > 

: ou arleston-~ 2 <e2. see 

ey er ane ae Sprimeeetmnese cee. a. 2, 465 
ES IGHta Mere eae ee EE aS 9 IMiscellaneousss==5=-22=s~s2i2seekees 60 
Chaunceyic-.- ss 22. le eee eee 4 
RSL OUST OTs oot ea = a eee 44 2, 546 
Jacksonville______ 1 
Nelsonville__._.._--.- 118 45 
Miscellaneous 9 a 

NOGA Se os Ansou ye re see oe ed eal be) 403 86 

Auglaize: a 
Minstare..0-- oo gtee  en 42 i 
New. Bromen-+--—) --.— --- Sees 43 593 
SioiMaerys ae | oo eee 131 
Wiapeskonetaec-escenee eee 159 || Clinton: 

Mines ilan@ous 22 co0 oe 6 koe eee oe 23 bien Chesterm ssa a abe. 2k oes. Se eee 59 
Wilmington___-_- 245 
TOE) |e ee ee pi a ee 398 Miscellaneous 100 

Belmont: | 
Barnesville: =.2-.--2scs22222-st0Q 210 | Ota eee ara na=>>Ssacooe aan a gas 
Pe laine Se be ee E Se le ee 589 | Columbiana: 

Bethesd ase. -.< 565s uno S os bee 35 Golub ariasesss 22 = eee ees 71 
58.591 0 (42) 010) ¢ Face ee oa ee eee 194 Hast iliiverpoolessi--2 >. 22. eee 1, 435 
Wishinpe sess Se ll Ee eR 93 MASt Palestinete soe. 22st eee 390 
AVIATEINS POLLY... 2-20 see ooo eke eee 503 WG QUOTE era ee ee eee se ee 271 
St) Clairsvillesc ol 2- ee vo ee basta 130 Tisbonesi2..ce5 e+ ante e kn Spee 260 
Shadivsid@re: ssase canes aba news es eee 141 Salemss: esac oo ck he eee 398 
Pay ol ial (ON ee aes See ee 79 Saline villoscsi ee) eae ee 147 
Miscellane@ousS--2:-22-2c2s222S2eshe2 284 AWeliswill@:.n2 222 sect nest foe 302 

opal ssa Se eee 2, 258 otal us 255s oo be ee ed 3, 274 



Tas Le 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 

distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

N b | N b 
= ote |; INUMDer = . umber 
County and city | of returns County and city of returns: 
Coshocton: Franklin: 
Woshorionicctersecjactee ete ETI 344 Bexley..e- 2 See 104 
IMisGellan@ous ccc eecec tees] et 29 Columbus-2---.. a 12, 399 
Mast Glum bis: oo Weeeeenen se ses 14 
373 Grandview Heights__.__-_-___._._-- 9 
inden Feightsss- ee ee 1 
Uppen Anington eee. oeeees 10 
364 ‘Westerville... 1-2-2 ee eee 78 
180 Worthington--=.4+-.-2- oe 95 
au | Miscellaneous: ==. --- 3-22 151 
hf 072 Ra ee iS eras Boe th, 12, 861 
Total_---.-.-.-------------------- 973 | Fulton a 
Cuyahoga: Are see ee eee 21 
Peunsecnon deeds 138 | Detae. ee 41 
anche Ged ita oes cs. ana 146 Ric c cp s ee ees Coe foro Serer 51 
BratOnwhleetee seas se tes bs PUNE 40 | Wauseon. .._.--------"------ assessed 81 
BreckswillO-eee ee et 22 | IVLiscellancous:-5-25 ee eee 27 
Chagrin Falls 112 => 
Glevelandi =e 35, 754 Potal_-______--_------------------ 221 
Cleveland Heights_-_-_- 720 || Gallia: 
IDO G23 J ee 80 Gallipolis: 22 22-sse2ssc22ls ees eee 82 
East Cleveland 1, 306 Miscellaneous---+----++--+--.9n y 2 
MuclidiVillape--2 5-2-2 =. 2252-22-22 152 
ea al a a | 126 TOpal? .—- oc aee Soe ee 84 
MAGPONnGONCOs<2=~ <== 22~225ee5e4 222 17 : 
SEA late ieee eens alk 7,020, Seales “a 
Mapleidieights isso 552 BO 6 Write ONW@~ = ~~ 222255 =5 =n - a-Si 
Rew burs Heights i trae ars AAIUSLLA 150 Miscellaneous_______---------------- 19 
Orth Olmstead 222s29s2 SS seo eee 15 
TRYS Arey 120 Aro ee ea £0 | Total_-__-_----------------------- 116 
Shaker Heights 100 || Greene: 
South Buclid___.---._- 92 | VIMeStOWN! = estas een ee eee 35 
Wisoellaneouss «+22 5=-sss2s2-22c5222% 201 | RS TI Se ee ee ee 390 
Yellow Springs! 2222232522 Se rears 64 
PROG AI eee P25 Were be ees oe oct 41,177 MiscellaneouS:=-<s2--.2---2-- N78 133 
pate: aa Total: +2242 ss-s2ee2) eee 622 
1 CANN tesa Sten e ee ec 22 : 
CC i a | sug || GHemiseret . 
CRIT (CH aes mee eee 10 Cetldnee Ee oe eee 456 
Wetles ince Pir ap) oo Games scoeeeeoeeceeeeare : 
Miscellaneous *:==222s2-22220 220 -- 65 
Total 489 Totals 2 25 FA Tea 521 
Defiance Add ystone-s=«ss==9eses estes 2 2h 
BH ATIEOMENS a1 Stas ed rele ce wew 2 alte vu 2 234 Cheviot=-22:s:+s:22<2<4s---- SCs 224 
SIG RAW ANG 2 ass Oe ed cee ns | 52 Cihtinnati eee 30, 680: 
IMIES GRR TI@OUS 3 fee 8 kA Cte eS 19 Cleves. i2' 2s one cee eel 36 
hhrmnwood Pape: eo et ee ee 151 
Mi Bo) | (a eee ol lt at ee oe 305 TLOTIO MIO sa pac eter ee a eee eee 197 
| Harrison: »::: 2222222222 o= 2-4. eo 42 
Delaware: Lockland= =. 2226.04.20 -.t 2 es 208 
IDSA WANG Sries ces wewyod me ksi: CEA WNR Es 297 || Mounts Healthysc-s228s: 22 Se 15S 
MISCO ATIE TIS pees epee Sea Natt 8 28 North/ College: Hill--2-- 1/2. -. Bim 3 
—_—__——_ Norwood.) 2+20)24s 2 sess See 2, 122 
PAPC ead eee seh ewes aed ee has at 8 2 325 Reading 2 2 ss sean lt eee 163 
St.. Bernard --222222¢2s2-us<0-. BRIS 297 
Erie: Sharorivilless .-<2hec2¢2252- eset 59: 
[EQ BURO1G) astern tet Rd Su eh oe fe acre eae | &7 Wyonling=+2==-2=2=8-si 2 ae y 356. 
BANG USKay= 92 foro 4s eee sete be ke on 1, 146 MASeeH neous... Ve eae 291 
MiGrII Tie Sa ee nee Rae eae ass hems v | | 87 
SNE ISVC UL FETT SC) 6 Tepe 112 WOES =: = 2 it Ae See ee 35, 008. 
; Hancock: 
ly ten epee teen SRS arts ft fo 1, 432 Findlay... --2600s00ee os 63& 
Fairfield: McComb :42==--==:=s2=3 Gls eee | 11 
IBTemien yen les Sesh Dale. eng re |e 27 | IMiscéllaneous_2 22-2255 Soe eee 35 
LESTE 2) Ca ee 546 | - 
MIISCAMANEGIS sn mee en ob ee os = | 58 CRD Y £2) EROS Ren tees 2 eek De EA 683. 
| Hardin: 
NGLAD AO woe eapiee eee foe tel aa a 631 Agata 3 he" no eroulauied teeter dn ae 53° 
Fayette: | ORGS US ee ee 31 
Washington Court House____-_-__-_-- 280 Kenton. ssess2222224i2ssse225 0088 235 
AVEISCOHANEGUS ieee as ates | 46 Miscellaneous: 222226: 42223 ee 33 
TNS ee ata es hk eee | 326 Totaho-ts2s28soss+2snsee eee 352 



TaB Le 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Number . Numb 
County and city Vereabiene County and city are ates 
Harrison: Lawrence: 
CAGIZ es See EL eee Pa ee 241 CoallGroves=)- 2). 7 
126 Trontonuseee = St OT See 420 
Miscellaneous ies... 22.02. cee 39 
Ho balevor neste Se 2 oo 466 
34 || Licking: 
23 Granvillewee os a 73 
178 Now arksitens 202 8 oe 896 
52 Utica 2 been se ee 28 
Miscellaneous e225 3.2 Se ees 100 
ABC) 2) Ge ie Se ee Oe eee oe 1, 097 
139 || Logan: 
150 Bellefontamnesess2 esses ee 328 
66 Wiest Mibenty=—2 22022220 2s. 17 
Miscellaneous 61 
itd Total 
COS a a et a 406 
COPE ee Le ee a eae 186 || Lorain: 
IMIR TERY) ClGY see en eee 14 Amherst) #2222 22 2 ere 288 
INTISCAaANCOUS = =e ok a eames 25 VON ane ee oe re So dee gee 81 
Wl yrian ss e228) ty eee 1, 996 
“A 0 fp a 5 ae I es i ite Neh RE RES 225 orain: #202 822s oe eee 2, 555 
© berlin 220 2 ed ss ee ae 240 

Holmes: Wellington.2 Te eae 96 
Millersburg: 22222225 2222-0- a 183 Miscellaneous: 22. 2_ 5270 a eae 64 
IMiscellaneouss ete e eee ees | 168 —— 

Total: 2 5258 ee eee ee ee 5, 320 
ia bg pe eh a ae eal ee La | 351 

Huron: | IVIATITROO! 2 252 Sue NS Eee ees 172 
Bellevue | 225 Sivlvaniae see. = sk eeee PMI eee 120 
Monroeville 20 | pled oxes.2 386. <2 1 eee | 15, 047 
New London 45 IViiscellaneous!. 222) oa eae 198 
Norwalk 292 
Willard -...-2-=- 200 WIR O Galles hs eet ee eee 15, 5387 
Miscellaneous 45 

Total vce asses ebusecesssussl ees 827 TONG ON bese ee ee a oe eee 117 
== 1! Mount Sterling." 2 eee 21 

Jackson: | ! Plain iCityeeecen tone ee oon aeaee scons 11 
UaeksOn<22s-22scesssscscateesscsse23 | 135 | ‘Wrest Jetiersone 2008 eld d ee 20 
OF) 8 OUD AS Re UR ee ee eee ek 25 IVEiscellaneouseees oe - nee ee 5 
WVellSton 28 ee nS ee 99 _—_—_——__—— 
Miiseellanéous:.—se—- cence cee sooo 7 Motalesare eae Le see ee 174 

WO BG) 51 PG ARC a aap Ge Ra gp A a SAS AS 266 || Mahoning: 
TOWOeLLVGIOEeeetette lee eee 376 

Jefferson: Sebringesee eens oe. 3 eee ees 590 
Amsterdam 2222 2222220 enone oe | 54 Strupherssesserece st eos ko 2a eee 851 
Bergholz._ -- =o case cotaasee ee 66 AY OUNEStO We Hee eo oe ee 14, 340 
Brilliant 222.2220 20 22 See 104 IVE ScellaneOUS sees see wea a ae 297 
Dillonwale.. 2 oo 22 Lo es ee 120 
MGTO VOL econ sete eee eee ee 22 TRO Gate ea ce = ss 16, 454 
Mingo Junction 225222522222 see es 221 
Steubenville 2,410 || Marion: 

Morontos222. 202 219 IN aRIOn eee eree eas Se 5 ae ene 883 
Miscellaneous 80 | IMuscellaneous#. 022+ 255220 ea cee es 45 
U1%e) 701 | 2s SE a et ey Ba ORE 3, 296 Total eee secre ee ions aes ee 928 
Knox: pai), 
Hredericktown--.----_- 2-2 "2-22-22 14 area 126 
IMouME Wernon:. 2222 222 eee 389 204 
IMlIScellaneous:< 2/255 252 -- see ate 48 280 
NG ualeee se ase Se coo Le yaaa eee ee 451 u 
Lake: Total eee ss sssac eos see 684 
LOE WU ay o(aynt rs 18 Ho ofa) ne RM IE Sapa es, 171 : 
(Painesville wse. Lor Pee Se ee eee 765 || Meigs: 
AWiG LC Av oC te a pied OD Tet 126 Mid@leporteacsssechontoat tase se 95 
Willlolpiiy ces ecee ee ee wenmeane 132 POMCrDYsaseen se saee oe saee eee 104 
Miscellaneous. col cen os.) eee 211 Miscellaneous: ss222. = osec seawater ce 13 
TOGA ees Se eee ee 1, 405 Total: sos dese see os Lees 212 




TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

- Number F Number 
County and city of retards County and city at rebhiis 

Mercer: Perry: 

Calinies ts eae 166 Comiim ge... tte eeetecee ld 46 
Coldwatersas-o-tso ee 28 Crooks villosa 2122S ees 60 
MOnitiOCOVOLY = 2 2-= a=. nsccacacu=oo=! 9 New. Lexington: -2.-=-+.-22 2 136 
(ROCK ford basemen ee a) 13 IN@wStraltsville- 202 Seen ese 27 
WiiscellanbOuUs-<es see e sacs on aw ae ce 17 Shawnee -<-2t-cc eee eee ete 26 
Somoersobs soos. 52 see eee eee eae 27 

TOG a hte tee ee eee es SS 233 Miscellaneous: .<==2222seeeseese se 51 

Miami: Total : 22-22 -eecsacszeee st 373 
Covwinetons—-—-2-e- e 54 
TOT eet see eee 524 || Pickaway: 

‘Rippecanoe Citys 2-322 = 2-2-2. .- 68 INGH Ville. 22=2- bso eae ee ee 23 
POY ce eire Bere ee ats ee tL 341 Circl6ville-:4---22--2 ee 208 
Wes twVintO niece oe ce 29 Miscellancous-.<22 2. anceenn ce 32 
MiiseallanGouss 2a tee 56 
Total foo ej ecesen ceed een tease 263 
Otel sa~ Heo ee ak ee aS 1, 072 

Monroe: Waverly. o---cseccce eccde te 27 
Weodsfield i: =a oe 8 141 MiscellaneouS-.=.-2. 22. sceeseee eee 18 
IMascallaneous:== oe 20 

Total. -.acnceeesee te 45 
HO) ih a a 161 
| Portage: 

Montgomery: G@arrettsville-..-<2-s22sesseeaeeeee es 30 
Lesa) <A ee ee ee ee 26 ONG 2502 s2 cose eee eee 773 
Wayton se aa Soe e le 9, 698 || Ravenna. ==- 2s. ssss ee 384 
Germantown 65. |} Miscellaneous 172 
Miamisburg: -2- 22 oes ce 205 
West Carrollton 49 Total. =. -L-- snc 1, 359 
IMiscellaneous-.-—2-~- =-- 22-2... lll | 

———— || Preble: 
SEG Uollmee rene stewed eee eee 10, 154 |! BSCONL oss: = oe Se eee ee 115 
——————— a Rewisburg.-=22et ea eee 22 

Morgan: Miscellaneous: ==. 5.25=-s22225-5e 5 105 
iMic@onnelsville=oo2 a2 soe 37 
AVIIScellaneOUSs=--~ see oe ae Se a2 32 | Total: ss:u2sssuete sweetest eee 242 

MotalMs on i= eee! 69 || Putnam: 
Colambus ‘Grove == 28 

Morrow: Continental’ :.--- eet 16 
@ardington: 22a eo et 12 Leipsits-=--==-223-2 eee ee 40 
MNVVOMMt GUesG soot ena. eee ee 49 Ottiwe- 222) 2b eee 71 
MaScellaneouses—= 52-22 ol ee a 5 Miscellaneous: == 2s ee 39 

CH | co ey ae Ret i 66 || ARO Gal 23 (2 ke Sree 194 
Muskingum: | Richland: 
Mresden feos 2 2522. as5 18 || Mansfield...-=2.~.-2<-.2- 2 Sa 1, 467 
Roseville 33 || Plymouth-- 7 
South Zanesville 15 || Shelby---+--===4--2524¢2es25 = eae 281 
PAAMES VN Ose ee eae aes e en ee 1, 364 | Miscellaneous 48 
Moiscellaneous--2..-- tee eee kt 150 
PO talline 2-1 usewie SA 1, 870 
AMC ee a oe Pee 1, 580 | = 
|| Ross: 

Noble: || Ghillicothe--=-<-<2-ts22e-6 2 eee 649 
il Gp We Ek ae ee ee, 3 || Miscellaneous. -<2-- 222-2 = Se 55 
Caldwelles eo 28 
MUSCOIE I he 4 MOGAl - 2 s2s an se oe eee ne ee 704 

NG Le eee eee ae 35 || cane 3 

Ottawa: YAGER Fo sas oases oases 
Wve O1 GaGa Ye Lie ee 24 Pais Rhian Ta bot sr oe 
Oak Harbor_.--..-..-.-------------- 72 Whiscallaneows... 4-cs2usee means 98 
Poa Ci ee 1d | Sl ae iia ears So Oper sn a 
RISPeHANEOUS seers eee cS 196 POLAT. none ee ee 756 

MND AEN [aye ey ee 5 a A le i ana 497 Scioto: 

Paulding: New Boston 55 
ANITU NV Car] sae Be SRS SOP) 5 0 oe Ee 21 IROrESmouth: s2-20eeee 1, 564 
Penal dinigieesn es ete Tf ihe 47 Sciotoville..-- 5-2 228=53 oe Slee 14 
MMiSCelaneuuseseeer cases e seco cccee 25 Miscellaneous 73 

TRG Fo [ee I eee ae 93 AP otal <)- sso. elses See eee cee ee 1, 706 



TasiE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

: Number . Number 
County and city Gian | County and city at cohaene 
Seneca: Van Wert: 
MOStORIAs.22— 202225 Ls eseh ie fal 399 Niel Wieh ise etse ss 2 eee ureee o 312 
ARMS oes tee eee ae ee ee a2 Mpiscellaneorsts: os) ee eee eee 50 
Motaleeerasekeols. to 2) ane eee 362 
1, 073 
IVIGAT Entree se 21 
298 Miscellaneous 15 
RG (ele ee 2 es ee eee 36 
| Warren: | 
Stark: ins rit eee es ne 2 oe ee 144 
Alliance eens 228k 28 eee 1, 609 Ibebartonererecst.. > kenny 142 
GinalpWultonas-a2--2e2 ss s=s=- een 52) | Misceliameousee. _.---- = eee 103 
Warttonee esos 2a ae ea ees ee 6, 166 
EXOT EY Sy | (aa ee eee er 100 Note See e 52 22 eee 389 
IMiassillone ss secese sc ee eee 1, 081 
IMnenvadiac ons o-= eee ee 102 || Washington: 
ING VAIO te = ace bee oe eS Sa eee 68 || Relprge sete: see soe) eee 10 
iNorth) Cantons !=2225-2 as esa 88 IW arichtaeeaee onic. so. n See 551 
IMGiScellameouSes 2-22 oe. Soe ae 44 IMiscellancoustes-s- 5. os 2220 eee 62 
OGaL So Sato cos eee 9, 310 || Motel ates esas fon ea Sees 623 
Summit: Wayne: 
ASTON: esata Bel aes cere ets 12, 691 36 
Barbertons2c2 25-2 bs 5s ee ee 2, 364 320 
Cuyahoga Falls 485 || 82 
NIG Sone 102 |} 41 
IMGRINOLOke see e sesso tase ee oa ae 502 920 
MViiscellaneous=s=--5-" soe = ee 148 60 
Boy 1 CRS oi Ne EM Oe NAH BART Fe 16, 292 |) 1, 459 
Girandst Sse ee es 799 || IDTV ONE eee ees 32 ok oe eee 149 
Eb Danese Sa ee 386 |! HAVO al Fy OVSUN CE ge ae ee a ae ene pues (h 117 
iNewtonrhallseese ss shi sees 54 Diy kena sees to. ee 6 
IN 6S see aes 2 eee 637 |! GIS cellanGousee sce = Ste eee 62 
AVY SCR Ori eee eee 2 Se ew ers Rae 1, 341 || — 
IMiscellancouss=2s" 2-0 -2o 2s ee leg 175 || sho teal eee Se eh 334 
| Wood: = 
Total___-------------------------- 3, 392 eee = penn Seen MOO 193 
. INorthyBaltimorec 222.22 2) asses 85 
Dascara AS 996 Perr yGbUne eee kee ete cee eee eee 182 
ahs Sait 2 REE ee Tons 420 || NOSSTOL CUM pee so noo ce eee 124 
Wane om erst own une ajek aeaeae nen 132 MiscellaneouSt== 22s. -=====<- 24a 223 
New Philadelphia 447 ; 
Uhrichsville..........._.- 37 Total__-.-.------------------------ 807 
IMIscell ame OuS:2=- b=. 5 = eee 98 || Wyandot: 
| Ware vite 6 oo.)2o 252s eee 63 
NOtal eee = =k An oe ee eeee 1, 771 || Winpemsanduskye2 222 ee 135 
Miscellaneotis.=-—- 2-2 5 ee ee 46 
Union: —_ 
Marysvillos.=22tas2 4022 +282 Sees 64 |! Motels. Ah. Ss. s 2 eee 4 244 
RICH WOOGE. 2=22=5_ 2008 2a ae 16 || - 
Miscellaneous: se ss222"255" -seewe ean e 16 || Residents of other States_____...________. 239 
iotdlins-. oS eenee ose. one eee eee 96 |, MALO OUMen 2. Se cn2 2) ee ee a= ee 222, 707 
eal | 
Adair: Atoka: 
SUiiliwall ees = aie a oe cl 26 ATOKG#: see ietesedehe tice Acre dente 17 
MMSGElANEOUS: 25-20. Aho ee oee eee 16 MNiScellameouse 24. ii gece eee 7 
Motel! ose coe sts Le a 42 OOH ere eget Se ee 24 
Beaver: Miscellaneous...-.----.-----.= 42 
Alfalfa: Beckham: * 
Glienokeote eet tt ea 55 Blk. Olbye veto etc a etn ieeetate | 95 
IMNISGENANCOUSse= "scons ok cate a eneee 50 Save dee sents ee a ee 60 
+ Miscellameouge oe oo ee te 58 
Total ----------------------------- | 105 os ae a SES | 213 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Number é Number 
County and city otracaae County and city of returns 
Blaine: Craig: 
(CEM A Se oe oa ee =< 33 AVA a) (2 cae a aie a= os sty evr ely 85 
(Orc fit eie Pee Se eak  eeee 25 17 
AMEN OTC) ee es Soe ea ee oe eee 29 
IVINS Collen OUSSa sae see ete n eet -F 27 102 
A Sik SOS es ee 114 
Bryan: spe 
Caddo------ A eee eee aay eae 13 218 
ID obgs ayy SS ee a ees 121 5 
NSGEManNEOUS= eee ee ee eee eee 3 17 
PRCA E Ue a es 137 i 
Caddo: fs 
ONG Pi es ee eee 100 6 
6 HPaTEDEtEs (chee Sania ee lend oe el eee 36 
iT ee SO ee eee 33 
INMSCONANEOUS.- 222.2 atl So keen 99 ag 
NCO ls ee a eee oe en em ee eee ae 268 126 
Canadian: ye 
IB Re Weta he enka oe ees ae ee 298 29) 
NTIS OW aN ou coeliac 30 
NHSCellANe OMS a san aie Se 8s 53 204 
PiU ae ee eae he eet Oe, 381 ——— 
————— || Delaware: Miscellaneous___......._.-_-- 3 
Carter: Dewey: Miscellaneous-_-_--.-...--.--...- 36. 
DANE GIIOTE ees a has Oo weet out 728 sd 
Tei ee Sn ee ee 83 || Ellis: 
NUS a es ee 82 
IAs ese TR pe ere Ce 32 
Pivinscellaneous:—--- 2 === = eae 35 
ROG 2 eS Ss oe ea es 960 
RASC ee Ee ee Se oT 26 
Miscellaneous if 
Qiks. = Sees ee eee) 33 
Choctaw: A 
DEF OS AE lle serge tReet 6 
SHES T es eek se ails ee ee eae epee, 80 hindsay* =.= <2 2823 eee ee ey 31 
IWiHSColNMeOUSss.cce ts oe 3 Panls*Valleys:5 589822222 32s ae 102 
—— Wynne Woods. 22-22 eee eee 26 
ALVTHI jn Bee 5 pe boy ee See 89 IMuiscellaneouss 2-5-5 eee ee ee 20 
Cimarron: Miscellaneous_--_-__..__-____- 16 Total. 2.0.2) 25 32 ee eee 186 
; Grady: 
ee an Chickaslia. ©) =2/.5. eaten 482 
FEO e EO US nn 2 TVEISCol lan COWS. eae nae 75 
GEOL sas Se ey ey gee 2 235 TRO GAL eee eee ee ee 557 
Coal: ima 
(WOR Rao eee een a eee | 24 |) Grant: 
TG BUY fh. 3 sa oe a ple eae ee ! 1 Medford’) = =< 2 22 ee earn eae aee ae 37 
1 Miscellaneous! -2="2="s2es === 110: 
“LEROY ayes i le top atto redler beigaeea) 25 eG 
Pamemnche = aero a DON a 
GUA sil = Se eee ee es res p | 
iL ee ee a eee 286 anes 121 
Miscellaneous.--=2 22222 22227222202- 23'l| iv isoslianéous.” 0% = aks iceman 34 
ANG ATT Le Sei Es aay Sala eee AE NAIOP LS 361 THO Heal te wiser. cha nes eae 155 
Cotton | 
Gyo leseet mete ake Nate os U.S 4 || Harmon: 
Wiel Persiee So eer ee ee eee ae 36 || PE Se 71 
IM CIC 1G GaGeYo] oI) CE ee 25 || Miscellamcouse 325 oe see ea 20 
MOV AP | oes pe = fone la ee 65 Total aos se eee eee eee eee a 91 
—— i = 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

OKLAHOMA —Continued 
County and city Sl eta County and city a aries 
Harper: Miscellaneous------------------ 28 || Logan: | 
Guthnieetet = .o: sto ee eae 323 
Haskell: IViISceANe Gls 8” oe bao eS 147 
MeCurtaine=s-- --5- 32 e sea == 1 
Stiglen.-+ 2-222 ele eee 22 Motaleeeeee =. 2k 2k Lee 470 
MWliscellaneouss. 222 -see see ese eee = 1 
Motaleyea52- a3 see eee ee ae 24 # 
Moldenwille: -2- sna ees 224 29 
WWiet iM kaes tees aot ee 85 
IMiscellanceous=.2222---2s--+---s=5—2— 32 me 
Motale so - 8 eo eee elk ee 341 31 
Jackson: 81 
PAU GSS 2s Soe Se ee 2 ee ae 228 
IVGIScellaneOUSs= seen nee aeee 65 me 
Motels te ks Bae ee 293 56 
= Wirighit@itvss: 2.225 22=22see beeen 3 
Jefferson: Miscellaneous: =222=---5=-2 5225 eee 13 
Ringling = -222---2=--4 ===> 12 pes ott 
WiaUrika.- sno eee ee” 49 Nota wae ee ee 90 
Miscellaneous: -- 2-2-2222. sss sse—— 43 
McIntosh: : 
104 @hechtahes = 2 #2 2. oe coe 33 
MUfauilaetenes | 9. Ek = Lee eee 55 
i Miscellameous2:-.=-—..=-2225-- ee 12 
4 FO bell ease ot a rs te ee 100 
30 HN BIRVIO Ween Sant ok kk Se eee 37 
Miscellaneous 12 
He Popelt ete eo. ee 49 
Toorak) (ON ye So ae ees 1,100 || \farshall: 
Mhree Sands 2 << +==- +2 ae tee 12 ‘i 
‘ Ye Voll) ot ee eee 14 
Tonkawa==-c=s2see2 es eee eee 302 Miscell 3 
Miscellaneous__---.----------=---s-- 131 ee eee 
paleo srect 2s SORE 2, 096 IRE ooo gt Seen af 
Kingfisher: Mayes: 
PEIGMMeSSOVS == seen oases eee 29 PryOt ees letera te clip yin an be 33 
Kingfisher- 2-.o222eok eee ee 82 IMiiscellaneorisles ee]: 2 222 ee ie 16 
Miscellaneous:.-----e=--25-+= eee Ml 
‘Mota ese a acea ase. Sta oe eee 49 
TPotalecq) eee sete ces 122 
: 5 Murray: 
Kiowa: Tay ge eee TT ee 28 
HGDanGee coe aes teses eee tee ee 122 
SRY GR a22 5 2o5) paee asso eS eee 16 Sulphur SECT nee Te Pe 60 
Miscellaneousiic® tices = eee 88 Miscellaneous--.-------------------- 2 
Oe Medal df dal rumah nde ie craiee 296" Total aoe ene ae ee oe 90 
Latimer: Muskogee: 
INVA Rnbon 2) eo eee ee 28 (Boyiuitone eee 0252 oe 21 
Miscellaneous-=2 =: 62: .- 22-22 eee 3 Hort, Gibsonis2=2 2-52 -2- eee 15 
iaskell-agte sree Suess be sie ee 30 
Totals ~nse sone e cece 31 IVIISKOPECR eeu soe ee oe eee eS 1, 570 
Le Flore: Miscellarieous=22* i 2222 = see eeeeree 17 
Hlepvener motaieees hae 1, 653 
SD Ose s saat soe 
F Noble: 
Miscellaneous Perrys te ee 156 
TES ee a i NRE 7." IMiiscellaneous.- 2. 22.22 ees 80 
Lincoln: Motaleessen kk lee Ue ee ee 236 
(Chandlers 222022 ee ee 80 
Neg ¢-40 eee eo ee 32 || Nowata: 
SOU eee ene eee 64 INoWweliaienes = aes se0e2 ele eeU ee eee 90 
IVITSCBIIETICOUS:-2-- acu eo eee ee eee ee 62 Miscellaneous. 2222. coc ceeataceeeens 12 
Motalee seats Ss) a eee aes See, 238 Totalt Se se-2- cc cesue econ eee ee 102 


TaBLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

| Number : Number 
County and city "of returns County and city areata 
Cituskee: | Pontotoc: 

OlOWie -o2eo 8 hes sone 3--2-. 4 243 
(Tea) cots} se ee eee 172 29 
AGG) c: ee Se ee eee | 53 5 
IViISCeHANGOUS-—=-- 2282 cee eao=s-55~~ 30 16 

VS Tee ee ane eee 259 293 


IBMUbONS Ae. 55-2 —oSsnsseeees zee 10 744 
Edmond....-... 46 49 
Oklahoma City. 6, 485 270 

WViiseeltiancouss.- 8-2 oo soe ee 36 
1, 063 

Rota leas $22 See nen cane 6, 527 
Okmulgee 23 
TOR RSM enn Soe eee oto ek 53 12 

NB WaT ok sae satan ease tnossencccs 4 
Henryetta | 194 35 
iKqsaseee | 1 |) a 
jae ece se 1, Pt Roger Mills: Miscellaneous------------- 9 
Miscellaneous | 12 Rog ers : ete 
yHelse@as 2a seat one eee eee eee eee 4 
Total - ---------------------------- | 1, 362 || Claremore: --22 = See 65 
Bee zy Miscellaneous-2- 2-252 222222-s-e22-== 6 

TOV OLE) (0) @ a Ee aa ee eae ae a oe aah | 
7: FT a | 20 || Pbals: = :20s2sde oa 119 
Barnsdall (formerly eral Baie | 61 
LD TRON a ee ee epee tae tees 13 || Seminole: 
sige ees meer as aaah ners Dern 214 Cromwell 20 
SEV) CELI BY. ee ee ae eee es et ESS ae he 179 Wewokai. 222... 324 
(Dae s Kee eee een meee rt eee | 916 |! Miscellaneous 647 
FeUa UG GY pig hated bated op ape tag ee 72 || 
Wy Rane eA Be ee ee 26 Total =. = 9... ae eee 991 
IMiiscellaneous-e. ten oe ete n | 140 |} 

} || Sequoyah: 
INU Oe Oa eee | 1, 644 || Salieew Beene ee ere ae eee ae - 
Ottawa: | | 1 OO a a aa 
Afton he oe ehgaellens | 13 1 Miscellaneous! 2232 22 a 

Dati 2a a Se eee ae 4 |i 
Paueeeree utp aetewuaaddsssaceasesd | 19 | Ot ccaieaaaneie = saaamaaaiee pute es 
LDC EG (2 De ee en ee | Bila > 
Miami a | eH } ee pest AAA ee ee Ree 35 
Nese = sS255 555 pp SaSe Sess asseSSee | st | Dinca eee ee a ee 295 
Bea alo ce | 12 || Mian ONy =e ee 65 

BS EUM UR OURS 2 poo saeneas SSeS | | INES Callan GOS =a 23 


Total -~-.------------------------- | 495 || Rr piatict < :beer nee ke ee Canes 418 

Pawnee: | % 1 
Clbvelander sme ee ere ee meee ar oh ee 141 || Texas: 

TP ae a Bee ee Re a pip lee Sai | 75 Guymon 63 
IMERCIIEni TS eee eee | 67 | Miscellaneous 74 
283 | AMY Nh eet pp a Nae eam 137 

|| Tillman: 
B05 ih teepterichee tT! eke oe ee | 141 
“93 H Granfield': ----2=<s<.2 22-2 eeeeeees 34 
43 Miscellaneous... ~s-neceseee eee | 48 
at MPatal? A. ! eae 223 

| | 
eg | af: 

| 2 IMD Yi oS eee 
Haileyville Gif oo ol eek = Se oe | 16 |) Broken ATTOW == == =-=-=———— == —=ae a= 44 
PT aniGiORM OC eee eee ee 42 || Collinsville: -c2..-2 223 eee ee 34 
RG ee ee ere on | 3 Jenks.) 2 23 
12612) 2) as ee Ea ee ee 7 | Sand! Springs !2*2=---=-==2=-—==—e=— == 180 
McAlester -_- 305 |} praetook 8 2s oe ha A ai pare ee ed j i. 

uinton 18 Usa Fee ee eee | 8, 
ener 18 | Miscellaneous2:=)=22222- 2a 57 

Ota eee ee | 411 Total 22. sae eee eee 9,135 


TasieE 11.—Individual returns by Staies and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

OKLAHOMA—C ontinued 

F Number i . Number 
County and city Bhatt 1 County and city ofreturns 
- I 
Wagoner: Woods: 
Coweta sesrae shee eee ee ae ese 26 Al Va Sree eet diate 1 ed 124 
Wagoner--___- 41 Waynoka 24 
Miscellaneous “i Miscellaneous 25 
Total. ..-------------------------- is ea a RN 8 7158s | 173 
Washington: | 
Baptlesvallos Gy se tabi SE ee apie in 8 | 1,476 || Woodward: 
IDEN AES ee ee ee epee Eta 47 Wioodiwerdi tas 2s =52-5" 4 So laaee es 136 
IMHINee Isa a es SEE ee | 29 Miscellameoustes.a2cco't- eee eee ee 38 
EO Valeae ee tee oa as ee 1, 552 TG TAT ee cee a, Oe 174 
Wordellieer es eee eee eee ee 54 STavenuatalees 22 et: sien we eee eee 39, 806 
IMMSCEIAMGOUSs 524 == exten es 70 
(TOC) HPN aes NS ee Be ee ee 124 
Baker: | Deschutes: 
[BAK Grace ne see a ee es et re 310 IBOR OME ten -e = 8s Se i ee 410 
NGIScelaMeGuSss heat ae See eee 126 || Miscellaneous#- == s.r 31 
} ———— 
Totaly eesen AE tukhlsk ¢ mpc eee 436 | SHEE SRS Ais SE aioe ts 2 441 
Benton: Douglas: 
Gonvyallis: ee See eA eee Tks 254 Rose Dungannon eee 208 
IMEISCO@MaMe GUS 22 sree cae eee ee ee 30 | IMiscellaneoss=22= >= 4s tes ese eeeee 153 
—_—__—. | —————_____ 
IBUrnSHat ee eae ow ea ee 41 
Clatsop: _ Muscellaneous2=-=2---- 2-2 SoS ae ene 30 
AASHOMMUE oo eerste retest 631 
RSL SYEAUUG (2) Meta MR se a a dS 59 Mo telearey eee oi A oy 71 
Miscelianepus= = — et eee ees 112 
———— || Hood River: 
sy © ea ie ae ee tere reas ee aD 802 Iiood  Rilversiel ss ties Mine a ee 207 
os IMiscellaneoustas2=5.-- =. 225 sees 32 
Columbia: j i RCE 
Glatskaniie i326 goa Ue ae aie 54 36 BLO) eo Ue ols el ered ST aed ee rae 239 
Rainier. <a Sa ee eae 36 SSS 
St. bleleng 22 neue cit en ae ee 121 || Jackson: 
IVIGS COllaMCOUS sae sean beeen aepl enna | 222 |i Ashland 114 
| Medford 544 
ROU ALS: = <2 seek © aE ee 443 Miscellaneous 82 
Coos at S 
iS) fs (hs eae ee meter ENN? | 45 || Total - ---------------------------- 740 
Marshfield 22222722222777277727T2 apg || Jefferson: Miscellaneous... ss 
Niort buBend 255-2. 2 eee 91 . 
. Josephine: 
INiseellaneous--— esas 5 > eee 132 | Grintaieenee es ee 165 
AoA Sean ae aie Dalal ex deny b-lloce, onde 669 Miscellaneousi=s-22. 2. 2. See eae 
Wrookay a ean a otal aseeee sh oS Sn ee eres 191 
PRIN eyillesy 2k oe een eee 50 ed 
IMiscellaneoust sss) = ee eee | 15 || Klamath: 
— lg maphenheis see tats ee eee ee 703 
Motaleeee coc tet kee sek ees ee ey | 65 Miscellameoustes i: tie thes oer eee eee 239 
Curry: Miscellaneous__-_..__.-_---222-- | 29 || Total ACs eee RSet oo tee ees 942 





TaBLe 11.~--Individual returns by States and Territories—N umber of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

OREGON —Continued 

; Number | Poe Number 
County and city aivettinds County and city ofreturns 
Lake: F | Sherman: Miscellaneous-__..._.-/.----- 230 
LUPIN (Gh 1 ee Ee 429 || ees 
NWEISCENANEOUS scone seo sec oS te 14 || Tillamook: 
| Tyblamooks 22.4 - >see sauseesaee eee 139 
One W523 Soe doses es se eed 443 IMIS Callanie@OuS -2= 42-3 Ses es ee 90 
Lane: { t 
Cosine CHRON Gags 3k a ee 98 || Total_---------------------------- 229 
(YEAST | are eco ine 751 || pare at 
oy) il ey i 43;|| eee =e 
ERs COE SE SSDS LO ilo; Pendleton. ae 579 
Motlens essere or ince omerbenn ns aif 1. 057 Mascellansous!= = 5502" eee 398 
Lincoln: Miscellaneous_---------------- 150 Total_.---------.----------------- 1, 044 
Linn: Union: 
GA CRo rs — <A ee Teas Ee eee 178 EA (5 61 ae OR NANG nob aa i ee) tite 26 
Ieee DNS soe eee ee eee eee 48 ia OTanOGl. ose o2o sea See 385 
IVES COMANCOUS se soe ee ete seas | 105 || Union ees soe. eect eee 36 
} Miscellaneouss. 20 s2ce cee eee 72 
LINO 24 [Sees Aare SOR eee eee Oe = ety 331 | 
Malheur: | Total. -_.------------------------ 519 
(COPE HE 0) = sy rp at art ala 64 F 
Fro ea ae at Tstept an ee ots es sete , || Wallowa: 
TMIETTS CS IUE WS yb Foye get aan oes een 88 Wteyprise...... sicsce ee ease 54 
TRatalinnn amet nesemhn Hane ABE D8 152 | Miscellaneous... sacs eee oe 91 
Marion: | Potal sae dossos eee 145 
sgiljgn.. eee ee Ee eer ee Fe 841 
STIMOnt OHS sss ee I | | 156 || Wasco: 
NQ@000 |b iin 6) ee ee 31 | 313 
INMancellancous cece so 125 61 
BING fal ea See sa eo 1, 153 374 
Morrow: pseees 
|| Washington: 
Heppner oa MorestGrovOso. oss occaee 92 
aa IA TISHOrdcc- 5) cosa one eee 151 
166 Miscellaneous: .2525-s-sssssess = 165 
| TOPBl os se 5 os oe ea 408 
90 | 
19, 890 || Wheeler: Miscellaneous_-_.-.---...-.---- 35 
IMURGBIANEOUS sue oeecacesecoce os eee 216 | 7 
_—____ |] Yamhill: 
BNO baleeetea ee toa. Ee Se 20, 196 | ae inn Ville: 2. so..02 eee 162 
s —— | INO WHODE. 1c ss52e- sabe ee ee 60 
a al Gee Past SDE Pen ne one «BIBLE 78 Miscellaneous: 2.253 s-3-a sea irs lL 
ndependence 58 
Miscellaneous 79 SS Be 
RABE Tree NN Se ik oe one Gwin! 215 | State total. sess sss A 33, 903 
“ 5 2 I 
Adams: Allegheny—Continued. 
Gieriysnures <3. 2S2 ea eee ol 209 IBridgeville-— - 22. 2 Sesesese seen sees 247 
iniWestouness eee en ee Se ere’ Le 44 || IBTOUPDLON S22 soa eee eee 25 
WEES HeiaystoMilee ees ee na 34 |) Garmnepien 22.22 eee ee 851 
BVRISG@pllaTreOUS 2c lc. en ee ee ee 120 |) Gastie*Sharinon 2: 22 eee 103 
| Chalfant 222-2 2 eee 6 
TUGIST [ad OR Rs es eae aR 407 Clinton Sees 409 
——————— jj Goronelis. eee 709 
Allegheny: ration sce jc 72a ee oe ee 898 
Aspinwall. 501 || Cnday 2.20 ee eee 6 
sani tora oa ko Sa 386 Curtisville 10 
IS SinCmOn Cees ome eS he ere, 3 WonmMont. 0. - = ye See eee 1, 080 
BIG MIISmee e een ICA SE. al 1, 908 Dravosburg-- 117 
ESTAS Tse ea Ler 338 Duquesne 865 
Iprackennidaessweseseee TE ALE 242 East Pittsburgh 518 — 
BTOWEWOUG Swe ee 52 |) Bast McKeesport 222223 sss 88 
BE TROGOGKI te ee a gh Savery i 1, 104 Kdgewood.... 222-228 ee 362 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


* Number Number 
County and city Sirovarids County and city of returns 
Allegheny—Continued. Beaver—Contiaued. 
HG PeWwOTGN ees is Ene Wee ee 33 IMonscaaaler tnt he 229 
Ri Zao thes tate eee aes 213 New Brighton! 22.2224" Sie 623 
TS WOnun yeas ee ee at 115 ROCHEStOI eens one. Le ee eee 499: 
YG ee ee et 385 a ea La he 
Giassimeroante sterner es 41 457 
GIsSSpOL Eee ees ae ee ee eT 184 
Gignitiol de Se eae ee ee 1 6, 241 
@erishia eee aes een cee Ser EN 212 
Greenireese ct nee eee Sa 5 
Harmarville 10 144 
Harwick_- al 6 78: 
IElsiyseten oe = 67 7 
Eeidelberciae ean enters ee 3 38 
ETOMESTOAd tees ste seen Ue) SPAN ae 1, 261 60° 
hadian lates. shies san eee if 
Tin praise a aise a eae 115 327 
MCOUSd ales =e ae eee ne 97 
in colnehl acele se soc: eee es 53 || Berks: 
MeKeesport2 10.522 3, 545 IBindSboroseees) - = 22 eee 159 
IMeKeasiRocks.:0 23 ee 922 BOyebtOwa eee noe eens 212 
VEN Valet eet ee ees Bee 505 leet woodessns {\ 2 io. Lo 2 eee 85 
MiooneRun ns ef sea iea tee 7 Iblamibineee ein. os sila ee 185 
Morgan tons eh SoTL eee 10 Ktztawtleeeeee std Fee FR ee eee 126. 
Miami nae So <a oe 437 Mobnioneients tes si aa Eee 58 
Natrona es 0s Sen 78 al eee 218 MountePennne ie Ses 21s ae 71 
INortheBesseiner2 62 Belts ee 21 FGA pea sas see (Oe Ns eee 6, 273 
NorthBraddock®22 2 ere 347 UO DeSONIAN ween ooo te ee 38- 
Oakdale 252 eo ae ree 73 Shillinetonwaee: 2222 eee 200 
Oskmont it. 22 2h. ee a ee 403 SingineiSprings 225.622 eae 141 
Piteginn ioc Soo ee aaa 283 Toptoneeee see. 22. oe caccnas eee 29 
Pittsburgh_____ 58, 228 West Reading_- 330: 
PorGiviues—— = 33 Womelsdorf___ 46 
Rankin-__- 161 Wyomissing__ 394 
Russellton - _- 23 Miscellaneous 02 2-2 ---. ae re eae 1,114 
Sewickley: .-sess. 1. es Si 12 Ss 
Sharpsbtrgesi eee cee 426 AS RYO a2 a a eM pike Na 9, 461 
Sprinzdalo ii sis 2i- os else ue ea 221 = 
St: Clap. - 2378. i oui eat 52 || Blair: 
Swissvyale2i5 2 2icka 2 ce ee ee 1, 311 Al Coon Seeeeer rn os sae 3, 249" 
‘Paremtimneans ses ie PSN Pee 759 Bellwood se ae 8. oe 
Turtle /@reek ese ee ee 660 Duncansyilles 22> = - = 8 Sass ee 29 
Versailles 2. in 2-5 tpl ae ta 49 Hollidaysbirgs- 22 os eee 285 
WMOnGTia © “tie aaa: 2s LE 287 Juniata eee 2) 8) ae 183 
W/E ae aes SRST LOTUS 39 IMartinsburgeee 2-92 = nie | 32 
West Homestead e222 22 aia 75 Roaring Springs <8 22 2 ee 64 
West View___-_- BPS Cie mF) 187 AyRONC eee een So a oo ee 357 
Wihitakere 6.0 lg S22 red 38 Wiallisrispurgiet eee 48. 
Wilkinsbungi 225 tee a maps 3, 947 IMiscellaneoushane: Sts 2 nna eee 67 
Wilmerding ia sia 101 Ss ae acetal 320 SS 
Wiilson2=2 2222 > Sa eee eee 124 To fall anne Sees 2 = 4S SUN ee 4, 398 
WMiscellaneous!252 1255. (as 2, 764 SSS 
Totals 2252 ot Sareea 91, 223 IA CH Gris ee eee nen on on eee 123. 
Armstrong: Lae aed 
Apollo. .____-_---------------------- 179 South Waverly. 24. 
Dayton. __ 22 (Si2sn2- 222s ceeeeeenece 16 Towanda 201 
MOLG City.) => DRESS REI Yee 334 
HP OO DO ao eee eee ee ee eee 165 ANE Romar TT Tee ae 
Kaylor Ine nat eine rs onan ae 9 IscellanGoUS=-25)-<ccnccceeLe eee 
TEGATININ gS +) ees i oe RE 514 ; 
ees Sal See SAP TIRRAAS AS) RIESE 273 Total....-------------------------- ey ee 2 
arkers) Wangin geese eee 28 ‘ 
Sagamoret ie niceichan snare Oa 32 || 8 sash Seat 295 
Yatesboro pointe 23 Doylestown gE, anime ae? 292° 
Muscellancous sass seas nee eee 323 Langhorne pn: ae Oe 146 
MORRIS VARs a oon oe 
MOCAIEES *ss.-4n ory rn Me Se Beer ned 1, 896 New Hone: eee 64 
Leaver: Ear Ne Wwtowilatecs anno eee ee 127 
ALIiQuippalsa225 22-222 Lee 220 Perkasiesssie 2 sr ee ae 128. 
Armibridyeias 2-80 220 Tei see 871 Quakertown: 0-2 bs ee 182 
IBGAV Eline. 0. es aie aaa 581 Sellersvilleses2-202 YS eee 70: 
Beaver Hallssos-— 2 2 tau ae 1, 069 Wardleyse ee eee 54 
Bridgewater. <2. 3 Le ee 36 Miscellaneous): =.=. 022 See 551 
Wonwaysce. eee eae ae 57 —= aan 
Bead OTeiss Peles bee Tie ee eis 167 TPotale-c2s-4 octet eae 2, 072 
Mic ari tek fas ee ore Ee ee 315 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


: Number ‘ Number 
County and city atratdens County and city ‘of returns 
Butler: Clarion: 
NBT bl Osees as Se ee eee ee ee Se 1, 453 Clarione-2281 3) 12 3 134 
hie ora eee Se ee eni hence 65 WASH Brady. alsa 2 seen eae 102 
MVANSHOILYS aoe eter neat eee ass cacae g1 New-Bethlehem-:= = 2-2 aes 130 
Lae V6 Ua) 2 hee eee renee ae ee 15 RimMershurea.—2 ose esas eee 31 
Reve CRSA AMEE SS a Miscellaneous. 22 sone eee 246 
ISTeaela See ee ee —— 
ZSGVII OD CU oo ec 102 Totales es. 643 
WVinSeeAneOUSE=2=-2-) = aes ssees eo nsa 480 Clearfiel a: 3 an aa 
learfields---s-ee--e ee eee 
ange 288 Coalportz- cote ce ee ee eee 35 
Guageusville eae ee Aas be fe 
UB ONS! a beeen eee = 4 
a Walls: @reekes oe eee oe ee eee 23 
16 Grassiilati: cee eee 9 
42 Houtzdales2.- 2 2 ees eee 68 
62 Va ampere get a6 
144 Eo (hig: Waa runate Uae at ae 
Greco meiemuncasccansau se sins 115 Osceola, Millso 2.3 eee eee 114 
Dunlo 22 Ramey _--.-------------------------- 
Hiberishureeaentate emer stPITT 156 Tyler------------------------------- 3 
lmona Sapo 13 Winbuime sense e=ee eee 12 
Mepranmnersc ernst 11 || Miscellaneous------.------.--.------ 546 
Ge is Tote ols aie eee 1, 794 
TOHTISED witteenee eee Seat ure Eee 3,991 || Clinton: EEE fase 
el yee ee eee eee SS 52 JAWISS8 a ey eee eee 25 
MaRS eller cee ee ee 1 HMlomington 220 ete eee 10 
INantwaGlOs 2-222 262cd2ccbesleeewss 54 Lock Haven... 2.25 ee eee 441 
LEAN Syren, AES Sele ee A eS 73 mul Hall’. 3 eee aay 
POUR Geers en eee ek he Se S 84 || ON0OVO2224.55--ceseee eee i 
Scalpelevela=——----- =-6.22.. 2-2-2 19 Miscellaneous. . =. 2-222 2222-2-=-5- oe 68 
Southprorice= ee 92 —_———_ 
DAT CIR ete e eae et ee 41 ‘Potal.. 3.25. s.52) sees eae ee 807 
Vintondale2 2 ee. 20 8 > —=—= 
Miscellaneous 783 a ADM ELE on = yb neti 200 
‘Bloomsburg eee eee 303 
Total__...------------------------- 6, 008 || Catawissa = 22S ee eee 36 
Cameron: fia Centralia... SS eee 40 
SHH ORIN tao ee ee 134 Miscallaneous-.- 2222222 os eee 70: 
IVEiscellaneoms= 32 o es ences sae eee 33 ars ROPER Gas 
otal ee ee 
Total. ---------------------------- 167 Crawford: ; = ae a 
Carbon: ae Cambridge Springs_.-.-------------- 76 
Beaver Meadow== --- 252-2 5-52--45- 19 Tens walle sess ane e eee eee 38 
Haste vVauche@ bunks 2). tn eset a 119 Meadville; =.=. 2265. 696: 
Weanistord ess ee ence ccacseesc eee 349 || Titusville. _..-.2-n soc csecen ee 413 
LANG iene ee a ea 263 || Miscellaneous... _.-2-==-.. Jesse see 259 
Mauchi@ hunk: tose: tea ct eee) 149 || oe 
Hesdehoning Rn ene ae 234 |) Rotel . os 2 ssc aswSt sees 1, 482 
PIIMERU OM ema eee teens mee Nee te 245 || - SS = 
Ser Thenee third o (1 | [poesia tek ee oe eee 136 || Cumberland: 
Campy Hills 222s s es aoe 172 
Weatherly. -....-.------------------ 75 Garlislo- 2 = ee 473 
Miscellaneous_-_--.-..-.------------- 154 Lemoyne. io Sets ee 102 
= echanicsburg 22-2 ss eee 
EF Total ---------------------------- 1, 743 || Mount Holly Springs.<2--2--2--22-- 8 
entre: ieee sean] ew Cumberland.-_.-----------_-_- 
See er ||? Setatenspars: 1-2 nee eee Ton 
SHAS He CO WEG es Bhs ceeds cee ae 148 || West Bairview. 22 2222 S2e2 eee 21 
IMIscellanegisss> 22" es as 133 || Miscellaneous:: 2 2222se 2 eee 149 
i Motal’ecwlsdcse caseee eee 1,391 
ALAN sas ee a aa ol a ee 814 ——— 
Chester: Blizabethville.__..-..--.----------- 21 
UTI ele ee a 558 F 1 
A Harrisburg... 2. 222-22 eS 4,810 
DMowninetown =o 22.. es 2 243 Highspire 15 
Kennet) SGunrele see sens ee see ese Te 201 Eainiols to wii 99: 
VER eT ee ee oe es Vine Ve eA Ne 108 ae ei eereeres Sa TTT 114 
GVO Se eee eee eee 
A eee earns ree 22 Wh papbtedletowses. --e1 ssneeeeeeee 142 
iol amege let oweeesreseesn = O\NAO"" B16 |} et - Pungre ae esrs-cecrac spas eaemaaeelee 3 
Joy Oh cease eae 168 ft Ot Rowatngy Sc esc arse aoe ON 6 
Wiesti@hesters= mes: ase teen eect ise 782 Steniton ore PPS PENS Se i val, 270) 
West Grove___---.-.---------------- 43 | Williatistownti-. 2. s-es terre pial 92 
RVRScolnneOlise== earn an eee les TE 892 Toa ee RR RUS PERE N  PO ee RUT : 
SRT SSSE5S Miscellaneous: 52222824 s2ee5eee ease 270 
Ahi) oe ee 3, 644 Notalisos.5--sccsscsss2es5-se e525 5, 966 



TasiE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 

Number | 
of returns 

County and city 


OHOSLETAHs te en ee es 
Clifton Heights 
Collinge dale=.<rimchaseiienrate eS 
Col wine ee rear Ne) 
DST Dy Cie) oe A see ee 

GeV STON Os eee eae le Pee. ob 
Gilenol denis eine 5a Se eS ie 

Prospect Park (Moore)--.-...------- 
Ridley Park 
Sharon Hill 


Union City 
Wiieslemvallps 27 ates ste een enue meen 

Belle Vernon 
‘Brownsville oo oe a 
Chestnut Ridge 

TV LGey Cit ven wenn ae oe tnnne Raeeeee 
Grays Landing 
Ia Belay s2e2e han 

CVE VP ay Gh eth aeschge so k 

West Leisenring 

of returns 


Greencastilenceet + “+ stot eee eae 
NEYRE REYES 0 (0) 10 aes a ee ae 

INGmacolinite = itt.) 3 See 
Wiynesburess © =* Si tenherrsiseetes 

Mount Union 

Glyn ere eee ie eee he See eee 
GientCamp bells eee 
Pei wood yee east eee 
TST Ae ae ee eee 
Selina te eee 

IROSSILAIEE ee ne 2 a Pee see 
Baltsbimge sehen: «in eee 
Miscellaneousl. 22-2 22s eee 

Big TRAIN ee ees § Oe eee a Renae eee 
IBTOCK Wan Vil lO eee eee ee ee eee 

IPUDXSItawhieyerreac ose. oes e a 
Re ynoldsyillemeemeesenen enone 
SUMMERvillees tee oe See ee 
SVicOS Ville a nee eer ee Se er eee 
Wiiscellaneoustemar cess saa eee 

Mifflintown: 20 lo <= 3 eee 

| ROEM ae oe ee ne ee 

| Lackawanna: 
IAT CHD Rl eee ee et a ee ees 
Blakely st eee fates Sere eee 

Clarks Summit 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 

of returns 

QR Tee ae ee eee 
Okra) cs) CE eee ee eee eee 
Racks let soe PEs eS eee 
Pershing eee. 23s = 

ANROO UM taser eee soe eee 
Witty che) 22 Se eee reece 

(Co iiriis hr Se ee Rees eee eee 

Mphratas Ss - a aa  ee 

DRO Ut OV ee SE 
Isthehar Je teil pave Pa See 
WMiseellaneQus= = 5 oose.o5-55.-— See) 

IBBSSOTMG Tree = es a 
Ellwood City 
ING wa@astle= 2s. = 2222-2 eel, 
Wis@ellaneous!==2 22 =- 22.2222. 2424.5 

IVINFOE STOW ie ase eee 
lelitad Ae ee ee eet 
iaseellaneouss=25-==-5ssn=- 525225525 


COLT) 7 eS eee 

Slate ion 2o2 4 eo 5 So aah fel giry: 
iVnScellameous---<o552 552 soon eR 

Forty Fort 
WintiibinG) Se oe | 
Glen Lyon 
ISIC tle. aS ee Oe ee re | 
ERTIESHESEO Wiles ceeene en ee oe ea 
IG heh 5 i(0) ee yap 4 A Se ll ah 

ISES GO) OTe (Cl Se RA TD a 
Parsons | 

2 See footnote on p. 276. 

County and city 


Pringle:sss he eee 
Shickshinney....--- 2.4. eer 
Suvari Notch= = eee 
Swoyersvilles) 5. 23 se ee 
Warrior Run 

West: Wyoming: -- ==> Seer 
White Havens e ==: =e 
Walkes- Barret 22" 95 6 seen eee 
ay Onn eee eee 

iughesville= =2 30 eee 
Jersey: SHOLe: 22 =+- a eee 
Montgomery. 25 2-5 eee 

Nallignisport-ss-52 35s ee eee 
Miscellaneous...--=- 2 eee 

‘PortrA llevan yess eee 
SIMGUN DOL t= - ae eee 
MiscellancouS2:. --2-ce5 se eee 

Warnell: 2s ee es 

Sharpsvilles.s 265.4 ae 
Stonepore. 2.252 et ee 
Wrest Mid dlesex_.s-s se 
Wiheatland —.-22525 5 S500 Bae Bee 
Miscellaneous: 22: 22ss5=52 9=  eeee 

|| Monroe: 

Bast olcoudsburgs. ae e ee 
Stroudsburg::.-2- eee 
Mobyhanna:2i255 2s ee eee 
Miscellaneous 2-2 ae ee eee 

Amiblers =.=). 2 ee eee 
BRIG epORi ss en ee eee 
@onshohocken=s=233 eee 
Hast’ Greenvilles2 222-3 See es 
HEC YH ole) eee ts Fe 7 Paes 

of returns 




4, 407 

11, 935 


TaBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


, Number . Number 
County and city Sierras County and city efrotukae 
Montgomery— Continued. Potter: 
VeOnKINEGWN eo. So ee es 820 “AUISt Nees coe 2. oe ee 18 
Wansdales os) 1 kes pee eae d 451 Coudersport sos. 22-25. See 53 
Narberth): 22 a eae 825 Galoton tenes 2. cole eee 53 
INIOEEISHO Wale sone See aa 2, 107 Shinclebeuse: 2222 eae 1g 
IN Orth Wises: 122 Seat eee ena! 130 Miscellaneousi2s 222-2 -22 2 cee 26 
Rensburg 23 eee aa 30 — 
OLLStOW IIe sone oe cee sa abet 866 Ot ale ees a ae ee eee 168 
(VOCKIEG 9 eben ee ee oe | EEA pe 40 _———— 
TRO VELSfOL des cee e eae EN Nae eek Haw AU 185 || Schuylkill: 
Souderton ete pu Thy oot Wiebe’ 138 ASDA Gee es ns as Ss 2 ee 255 
West Conshohocken-.---.___-------_- 40 Coaldalest <= 2-o2ssss2e2325 cee 137 
IMiiscollaneons eto) os yee ete 9, 696 @ressonal 22 fo o2bass52=_ 2. 43 
——_—_ Delano ss2s2 - .-- Joie 26 
POL eee eet a tes a 16, 510 Frackville 161 
———————— Gilberton 63 
Montour: Girardville__- 129 
BV ATV INO ok Sie Ei ee he Sie ee 176 Gorden 30 
NWHISCellaneOUS eters ee te en RARER 4 Lost Creek 20 
——— McAdoo 105 
TOUR nets ere a eee 180 Mahbanoyi@itysccecessesesene rene eee 540 
eS Minersvilles 2 <2 =252. 8.4222 ae 248 
Northampton: New Philadelphia (Silver Creek) __- 29 
BAN POY anne een lo” See RON 248 Orwigsburg 2284-225. 22222. eg 60 
Bathseec eae eae: 2 ee. ae ai IRalovANEO=6 3c a Se ee 16 
Bethichtemss-* 26s sre es eis eee) o% saisebi) 2, 309 Pine: Gnoveses seer ere eee 100 
Mastonese eee te ek ee 2, 474 Port Carbon 222) sie aaa 69 
Hellertown) === so oS a pal 92 Pottsville 222 2.28) ee 1,321 
INE VAL AER NS, Pare 341 Sti'Clair: <4 o5-s2ss5 os cbeesse ee 178 
INortht@atassuquas == 40 SchulyikallHavena 3-8. a eee 174 
INorvhamiptonees sss ssn oe eee ee 232 Shensndoahtt<22; 2-2 e 248 
RentAroyliet was ee ee 133 MamMaqQugeloo: os == See ea eee 398 
ROS6tGE th eee. Le ee eee ee 2 Towel. CltVieo eos 5.ce ee ee 67 
Wialnutport. = 2 es ee 42 Tremont: 245.222 2scssces eee 94 
West Easton 9 Miscellaneous2:=--==4-4=<=2< 4a eee 699 
WindiGaps = 22 18 ———_————— 
Miscellaneous 155 ‘PoOtali. os sans 55. cee ssc ee nee eee 5, 210 
Rotals toe ecee 2 ee ee 6,172 || Snyder: 
== Selinsprove: 2: =o. +222 82 
Northumberland: Miscellaneous = ---2=--5==2-s5ee- oe 55 
Kulp mMOnta-.. 2 oe ee ee ee 71 ——$+—_— 
HocusiG apes =. eh eee 32 Motalecesss2=s-ccsccs seca 137 
IVER EO Hes et, ta oN ea ee 295 SSS 
Mount) Carmel-2s! 2 s2sre asks ee 432 |! Somerset: 
INorthumberland==)- {= 1 2 ee 130 Berlintee) Se r222 22355622225 2262c Sees 39 
Shamokin 2-2 io aes 11 1B} IBGswollese ens eee 20 
Sun bUnye Se ene ee ae 974 Centrale ess sees ean) kas eco eee 23 
nVatsontown. 2-2 Bee 70 Confluence 2325-35. 55 hee 26 
Miscellaneousi:. 22 22 212 Holsoppless2t 2-3. te ee 27 
——————— Hooversvilla--2=-2<--.- 2 aes 28 
Motel 2 = ie ee OS 3, 349 A @NMerShe see eee eae soe eee ay 
Perry: SSS = Groner oe ee 
Dricarin Gntois s leno = 43 Macdonaldion=<<:=-- s+... = aa 5 
= Meyersdale=2s:-)-- ==. - 2 = 5 arene 91 
IMPETYVS VALO soe oe nee on ee Eee 49 Backwnnd 35 
INC XIDON tee re re ee 63) peeitcl aereieeieaia ars. , Ge 201 
WSCEIIAREGUS Ho) 2 it ON Oar eee 62 248 
EL OL a eat Bee ieee eins i oes Sree ee 217 261 
Philadelphia: Philadelphia_._..--.--..-- 95, 717 Dh ass ea “the 
Pike: Sullivan: 
WMintamoras- =2255 2 ~-) ae eee 42 Vii dred eae sere ee Sa ee eee 13 
IVIISCeIANGOUS: > 8 -—= 2) cee FS 76 IMiscellaneouses--2--=-- =": o> athe 37 
VR OUA ES < 25 pee oo he ee eee 118 Total see esta. tt 50 
2 Bethlehem: Number 
Counties— of returns 
1 B75 cb 0 Edaanendelie: Rye elth eeetnegeen By hen # Letynoe me lierrenmene Weal es Fy Tayere ss <2. wlohe «0 bed nerygaba ire crm ms) Sots 176 
INOEbb am ptosis RP es ene ee a ee 2, 309 


TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


. | Number . Number 
County and city | of returns ey of returns 
| | 
Susquehanna: | W ashington—Continued. 
HOES YOUN sea a aaea aan a aes ooo 120° North Charleroi... 22 2222-2s--.8e- 59 
JELAUIS T%0) ee ee eee 29 QQ) 52 OV ne 9 
WVIONTPOSG | one cose eee. Seda 70 Washingtonce a. 2322 eee ees 1, 739 
ORIG 5 oo eos See | 8 WesheBrownsvilles--ti2esennensosee 80 
poaeetaere POE A RS eey 8 5 5 BRB P 2 292 sel Miscellaneous. 2.22 eS 939 
IscpllaneQUs =o 26 2--5-=-Sea see ——_—__——__ 
———- ef Wa} RS ESR ees BE ee ee 5, 923 
Total_---------------------------- | 654 || Wayne ‘ 
pues | Hawileycsaciccsco.kccee eee ewan eee 114 
Sees 99 Honestiite:-n0 losses se erae eee 268 
CONES (loca Salli ena PETE 22 Miscellaneous... .------------------- 132 
Wellsboro] |] Dotan -----anaeeeneeeeeneenee zr 
TASS EG) le See ee eae 24 || Westmoreland: 
MMliscellancous=8- 2. 222-2 l 2 as. 76 Amolduc2s2s<-ccscseeosesese sees 195 
oe Avonmore-_-_---- 32 
SRG ee oe ey ee as Se 276 Claridge 17 
—== | pee Tree 10 
Union: | arrag 15 
We WAS DU ee A ee ee 176 | IDOrbys2 2-2. k ose ne Se eee eee 143 
IMuitInibuTre S2< 225s soe es see eeo 61 | Rast Vandergrifts2cs ee 13 
IMUScellaiveoriS!= 322-22 22 Sa eee | 28 | Bxportt2t) le eee 123 
———_—— | Greensburg:s 2.4 Se eee eee 1, 318 
Cte ee = ee a 265 | Tir wine) sos SUS eo sag pee es 386 
= | DCATMOULO= = = senna seen naan ee ee 490 
rere ae Aan rated eh pnbnltonviot || es Tatrote..—--—----2-------a.<1- ee ieee 
jOver eal hk ale Sane Dae eee eee Shee Te 685 Ligonier.<3-2 ss. <sa2cesucneee ees 94 
on (CTR Ne Seco pee aa ean deg | 1, 422 Hfeanngth eco so eee eee a 
rote. = St a ee a eee Fd Sa | 9 @NO@r ss 506 2cessbsSe See se eee 
IViiScellaneOus:= 2222s 222 ono ween 17 IMonessent 222 22026 area ee ee 811 
—_— IVE OU Pa@aSaI t= eee oer 240 
“No SAE EL es Mle Se ee eee ee 2, 384 | Newalkensingtonassseass sass seca 751 
ae North Belle Vernon 24-2 4 
| Parnassus 284 
16 2a oh aS 27 
71 Pricedale__ 17 
ivf Begtidale uwntatesnesteotessecss= et! nee 
879 Southwest. .:-2-22c: 4222-22 
Wotmmesyillelss Li olco see Se 40 Southwest Greensburg...._._.----_- lil 
MVINSCHANGGUSE Sos as cock cece seecae. 204 |! South!Greensburg-.-=-=.--+2-2. 2224 8 
aan — Nriscellaneousss 22252 ces es essese ses 1, 448 
rE se hare Eran 9 42 tok \ 1, 267 |) SS 
prises Totals ---:2<22cseseenet sea sec eee 7, 589 
ashington: | 
Aen Orie Se Se See ees acess Oe 28 || Wyoming: 
Boney vile ee eerree rR AS OS TEAL S, 82 |; nnd enneee wenenesetere se BS is 
(Dg LE es ne De eee if MiscellaneouS: -<222:22-222522222e222 
TER UECTECS, NRSUICO) 70 ae ee en ee 127 —_——— 
Oalifonnigi. 22222523 -SBeht me ne: 2! 119 Totale = s2--2 228 = 2s eee 172 
ICT oie oy hit Cn eS 543 || — = 
(Chil ee ee eee eee 16 || York: 
Charleroi. secs seco RU RY 651 || Dallastowne -===s==<2=se=222s52=25= 53 
Ghiernyavalley ts eos ae a ete 1 | Glen Rock---=2224228-22242-2- te 42 
‘Claysville._._.. 48 || 406 
Cokeburg-_- 10 2 
Daisytown__- 17 || 159 
IDA LE re eee 576 |) 45 
Mast Washington s2s2-cs2e2en2 0s 24 || 48 
Ml Swronthwesessecol ose tree Eel 19 || 2, 731 
Mredenicktowisssstessestn 2 laa emis 51 || 378 
Ivoustonestscce= = e-acceceseewe- ot 101 || 
Wie onal diet ie ane. eke 2 ee 203 || 3, 864 
Mariana 5. 20542 2 eT 21 || ' 
Meadows lanGs=+ aes so. 2 ROL 10 | Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
iAListale 16:0) eyo a Se at SS 5 other States... 222 22s-s2saseeeeeses 2, 751 
MWTononeahela—- 22 2222 se eee cee 22 417 —=ae 

Lo iS ke) LOGY (Gs teas aie ee ol a 21 State: totals. 2222 e ee see eee 381, 374 



Tasie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


; Number |; . Number 
County and city of returus || County and city ofraturds 
Bristol: Providence—Continued. 
‘Barrington... .-.--- =. pee 204 Bast Providence:.=-=~=i<ssses<s se 806: 
iIBristotee: 24 3.8 eee eee 306 WP OStOD Petes 2s ee 5 
Warren) 4. 5 5 ee eee 168 |, GloluCESIerae sa: soon Le ee 21 
JOnnStOn ets sce oto eee 108 
Totaliigessa5) ees oe PORN 678 |) Hin CO ln es 212° 
NortheProvidence.... 2.5... oe 231 
Kent: Northismi¢hfields-..0 2.22.2 59° 
Movyeninyes 2222 eee eee esse 69 Pawtucketers << 222. cet ne ees 2, 500 
MastiGreenwieh! == .22. 2. 8 os ooo 252 FAROWIGen Coren s" 38 > oa eee 12, 428. 
[Wien WiC kees aes etme eee aese nes weir | 452 SOuibE i) a zi 
Wiest @reariywichmses =2"-= fees a 2 7) tShoad il ou itz) (6 Se a eer rae 43 
Wiestawanwick=2*222"-"s)"nsni trans 448 Woonsocket... 2222-5. s2s.cececeeese 1, 788 
Rot alee eaten ese ans See ee 1, 223 ROTA Se esac tome eee eee 20, 681 
Newport: Washington: 
Jamestown=2<- <2 ..24255--5. 5 60 Charlestown 40° 
NerthblevGompton a2) sess oeee en 37 1D.) 2) 0 pn 7 
Middietown= 222-2 322.2 eee ae 16 Hopkinton ==. .+2--esee shee eee 47 
ING WihOte = a eee oo ee es 1425 INanragansetts.2< =... 2. ook eee 50 
INe@wiSnoreb ane eee 16 Northekan eston- 2.5. 2-e-u essere 19° 
Portsmouth: - 2.22.2 2 eee 32 RichmonG@eee 5222.22 >. 232+. ee 26 
Biverton se see b Lid k Sao Nee ee 8 70 Southviktingston_24.-....... 2p 331 
WiGStenly ee a8 oot Gna ccauocseke sees 516 
Ao eek SRN Se ee eA 1, 356 
Mounier tas 22-2 oon eee 1, 036 
Burnillvilles =~ = ee 193 || Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
@entralialisze ss os Se 457 other Staes= seers ot ee 210° 
C@ranstones22 2-8 a ee 1, 674 = 
Comberland] 222 sete eee 135 Statertotales-<- -2 2525-25 ssc oeee 25, 184. 
Abbeville: Barnwell: 
Abbe villas 25 ete as ot ee eee 99 IBSImWwe lie: S222. oe eee 18: 
Miscellaneous 21 Blackville = ~~. 5--_.--c2ceseee ae 15 
Miscellaneous: .---5-.--25.2-2-eses 25. 
Totalice oo =- <5 oon ee ee 120 
MotalieaaaS ke ce eee 58 
LVR AS Os SO Mee ee eS 162 || Beaufort: 
(Granitevillen se 2 ees oe aoe 16 Beauioniees = ace. nen a ee ee 74 
TAN SIGVAS So co soe Nn ee eee ee ui Miscellaneous: .- -=---52<---2.2--2528 65. 
WarthAueusta =. 2-5 2 ee ee 15) 
Wiiscellaneous:-_- 22... 22.2 sar aace 39 Hi BE) Fre) (2) 2 SS A nee ee as 58 129° 
Moataltas 2-8 Sarees oe a ae 239 || Berkeley: Miscellaneous-_---.-..-------- 50: 
Allendale: Calhoun: 
Alenidaléoe <== 22k e252 ele ead aed 26 SaintiViatihews-32: 2-2.—4eses 42° 
1 GFW ba) ¢; > eaeaetae Pe ee ne Ongar 5 Miscellaneous:.2~ <=. see eer 12° 
IMMiscellaneousé 2-2-4 2: =a. 2k ies 3 
MNoOtale ite 3052 antna ot ansae eee 54 
ROLE af = sateen 2c ae eee eee 34 et 
: arleston: 
Anderson: Charlatton te 2200s eee 2, 417 
Anderson 2222222842 4ee2 o222 Sse 352 . 
Belton 54 Eidistowisland so. 0 5. oe ee ee 8 
Tea nial at 1a Johns Tsland='2.—-__._-...---seesese 23. 
Fionea) Path-:-=2232-22:42-222Onan, 21 Saaer, 27 
Pel 7ZeR ts: Ges 2h eed ae ee aes uel 16 Meggett-...------------------------- 9. 
Poendlétont-i64-522s-+-s22desd2auec sl 5 13 
Welliamston 9 jee ee are iq 59 
Miscellaneous?) 222 22ers ee an 18 
ML Re ERB SI LEP 473 2, 556 
Bamberg: Cherokee: 
Leica 0} :)f tes ee ae ere rer ee = 47 Blacksbures-co-e eee 10. 
TDYsjabes\ dist oe ae me eR OD EE 22 Gafineyse2 2-22 ce tenes 120° 
Mascellaneouss 5-2. =. 22-2 8 Miseellaneous2. 2.22 -220<2cs5oeeceuas 3 
TROVALE Aa ae sie So Se ea ae vil Total joes tae a cee 133 



Tinie 12.—7 ndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 


: Number "i Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns 
Chester: Green ville—Continued. - 
‘CGS RS Skee eee eee 165 1 7) 9 ees alae ee eee ta ete ES 61 
Great Falls__--_- 27 Picdinidnts. eee 17 
Miscellaneous 18 Misceilandouss 222s 2 seen se 47 
MD Ota nan ths oo sores rc 210 "TOGAL 2 222k 2 Be ee ee eee ees 1, 783 
Chesterfield: Greenwood: 
NO abe Wiee tare See oe nae eee a 95 Greenwood2. te eee ee 205 
Misepllaneous: 522 225--225"=222-.--- 27 WisreiShoals. 2:22 ee ae 24 
Miscellancous 20 22 eed 23 
“AYO EY ee A SE ea a ee 122 
Totale pan en eee ee eee 252 
Wien oo nee eens octet aoe 35 || Hampton: 
WHSCHlANCOUS === aes toes Fess oe 32 ESE] et 9 ah eee eer 16 
Warn villott = "2c = oneness ern al 22 
TROTALE eam eens ee ewe. ee 67 Miscellaneuis?= 2°20 stoi ae eee 33 
Colleton: otal 2 oe Pee ee cee eee 71 
Wie Len OL mses ae ee ee eee . 48 
IVIESCHUENCOUS 9854 t sere hae a oe Hoe 19 || Horry: 
CODWRY:.=2-- 222 ee eee 73 
hale sae ee aoe as aoe 67 Miscellaneous_ 22. bee 15 
Darlington: Notala. 225. 425 oes ee eee 88 
IDE NRE VON se one eee a ee 147 
aris tess seen ns Sse As eee HP 169 || Jasper: Miscellaneous_____-------------- 22 
INIISCel ANG OLS Sans ae ee ee 25 == 
ATO Lee ee eae en CREASE N 341 CaMGGiE 2 ono ee reeee 115 
Mershawe ee ee ee 22 
Dillon: IVISCelaTBOUS eee 4 
USB OTe a 2 em ra iat ace 111 
1 DU Rh gg kG ee beh ak Nl ea el 36 460) 12 (Sed ect oa te ag neg «2, tho 141 
IMSceHaTICOUS= === ness ears PSY 30 } 
PROT ae nena ne eee eee ee 177 Lancaster 2-2. ae 64 
WhiScellaneous:..< 5 2 soe ee 9 
ROTM BOL Pte pee oe es 9 otal o2.4 2-2 eee 73 
FSET SONG GY AU CS pg al a li cm cd 101 
MuScalaneOlisi ta et Se ee 11 || Laurens: 
Clinton. 2_- 2-2 eee \ 87 
Rola eee ee eter eee s 121 TURE HS ee ee ee ee 89 
} Miscellanecous=2:-=2- = ee 25 
Edgefield: | 
HA PSHeL ean eee ene ee eee 37 (Petal soo ec ee eee 201 
Taoist yel = eee ee Se ees ee 18 
NiSCollaneoUsese eee eee 8 || Lee: 
Bishopvillec es 2s ee ees 43 
ANGI La at pee cela ae Lele alg meee 63 Miscellaneous! | 82222 eee 10 
Fairfield: MNotali fo. pee ea ee ee ees 53 
Waele ee eee ees es 105 
IWniscellaneOuse. 2 ul seseee eee se oue 31 |, Lexington: 
BatespUre 2... 528 <i cee eee 23 
RTD) he so ae i eee AR OR oD 136 dueeswalle. °.2 5. 22st eee ees 5 
Dexington. “2 22a eet 23 
Florence: New. Brookland =. 2 2225255 erases 14 
LEGS REE, ya ep apa ea 541 Miscellaneous: ---~---"=_ 2-22 = == 29 
JAE aca Gor get Lal el Teel eae 47 
PhIMAraONSVilloss 22 ee ee 34 Total... -..2252=-- eee 94 
MTISCOURNEDISS See een errs 35 
McCormick: . 
SRT «pat & bee ae die oe oceans eget) 657 MeGarmick:(.-=2--2-92 2225255 eee 23 
Miscellaneous. 2: 222 -sssce eee 9 
PT GTC WS Ee cen tte nen meee oS 37 32 
(GEGEO EUG Wiles a ene sae tesa 122 oo 
Wiiseellaneouss os sess snes ho 82 2 
BUYIN ES aS a SE eee See 161 ay 
Mourtbalnelnmee ste see ke 16 162 
(ABER IVTLIO ne ees ee 1, 642 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


“ Number | - . Number 
County and city of returns |, County and city of returns 
Marlboro: é Spartanburg: 
ipennettsvilless cee eee ee Oe 118 Cliltorieee eee ey - | ee ee 8 
Lig: teen ao: as ae Lee Pe 36 QOonversetee en... 22 oe 4 
VAG GG eee 8 On ee i aE 30 Cowpens ss ar oe eee 3 
Miscellaneous aaa eer 14 Dice) (Ci 4 2 es a a apna 1 Wien v6 
| Spartanburg 1, 014 
TRO tale see hans rene obi te ee a 198 || NWoOodntuter eee Tes NESE 18 
Newberry: Miscellaneous 138. 
IN@wihernya2- 2-0 ene es ee 153 
Wihitiliromaaos sc oact seamed 14 Motal 22 © 22 222 21222222 ete ees 1, 192 
Miscellaneous: 2. --2- 2 = +. 5 Sees 34 Sumter: 
UM bene aes ee esas eee 364 
Total_-.-------------------------- 201 Miscellancéous-.:2.<=..-5- <%=. 22 Se 38 
ING Witty i os Se St Sek dk ee 3 Totaled fase fi of eee 402 
Sine cae sie net= Bases rere Rhee | 34 
Wialbali nner tins aera eee, 22 || Union: 
Westminster 9 Bitialoweper. nhs ee 1 
IVEISCOLIANGOUS= === a2 2e eae esees es 22 JOneSWiiietess- + 2-2-2522) 2 eee 4 
Mockhartses* =.=. 24/2 $e 9 
"Otal ss: =<28 eee te ins Beene ee 90 pO fay Ko) c= ee aera hei ieee eat" 9 114 
Orangeburg: Miscellaneous 22-22 24.-2- 222-2 6 
iBranchvilles-2- 2-22. eee 13 
Orangeburg eae ty Se ee NN 239 Total_------------------_--------- | 134 
Wiseellaneopss222 ee ee 58 Williamsburg: 
INESPLOB Sees Se! eee 50° 
Total. ---.------------------------ 310 Miscellaneouss22- 2 222 eee 29 
Weasley. 4-222 2 sscas al eee ee 46 YY #2 |e errs 79 
Liberty 9 
Miscellaneous 38 || York 
Clover oeea es 2s ee 21 
Total 93 Hortsviillmeeee == eee 20° 
Piohiand: Rock iis i Se ae 211 
: OnkApeeeee Te ee 53 
ses yr ic eestor Cc) aye fe eee 0, aR meee consi 12 
A ira} sl hep tN UG Sry ee BN a at ae el 2, 056 opal ieret et 6 os oc eee 317 
Saluda: F F 
Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 
Saluda 8 other 'Staiestore ets. o> LSS. < ee eee 190 
21 Statepoval seas. \ ts: 424 - ase, 14, 310 
Aurora: Brown: 
Plankinton;-=+--+=-4-e ee 23 tA berd Cees a eee 927 
39 Grotonsees o | . 2. eee 27 
; MusScellaneous=-- i... -2- ese eee 99 
| ‘Lota ee ec eee 1, 053 
472 || Brule: 
69 @hamiberlsines= =.=: 2-2 ----2 ee 66 
Kim pali@oeee seo. 5.2 eee 31 
541 Miscellangouso see 21 
Bennett: Miscellaneous__....__.----___- 2 DO tele ats fh Sn eee ee 118 
Bon Homme: Buffalo: Miscellaneous_..........---.--- 7 
Scotland==------2-c+-iee eS 25 
Tryndall.-~~---=-+-2. 2.222. ae! 45 || Butte: 
NVITSCRRIGNOGUS 8. ook een sent 57 Belle: Hourche::2.. 2-4. ee 94 
Miscellaneous eee 38 
~1STe) [25] RA a et eRe Ded eee a kl LN 127 ie > = 
: TO ta] eens» bs See BOR 132 
Brookings=-==24-<sceteseete shee 153 || Campbell: Miscellaneous_-_-_--_--------- 46 
KON seo 2 asec nee ee ened ne 18 || SSS 
Wrscellaneous.s22 52022) ea ee 44 |; Charles Mix: 
ed desea At a eee 32 
Ota ee Se IES 5 ee eee 215 bake Ancaster eee 27 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city ae County and city auneer 
Charles Mix—Continued. Gregory: 
73 Grevony--2.- seem 44 
10 Museellanieons:2.0 shee ee kee 57 
179 DoteleS ceso- te ee ee 101 
58 Phillip: :+- =... 5... a 25 
67 Miscellaneous! 2-21 23 
125 Potala ee dao As ee 48 
ie Hamlin: Miscellaneous_--_.-.-..-------- 50 
49 || Hand: 
Millon: ==. 22. 5 ee eee 70 
146 Miscellancouse2s ace 2 ese 8 
Codington: Totals. oc. 22-3 ee 78 
WVALARLOW Er = 26 nce ec ec ceee 515 
IMiSCOMSHOGUS ts _ =< oc 52 snkeccn tcl 29 || Hanson: 
es Ad exen Grids 42455 2..~22 Sane ee 28 
Mots eee ce ee en = ena! 544 Miscellaneoiis: = eine oo ee eee 14 
Corson: Dotalicoc 2 = Se ee a ees oer 42 
INLET IGG) es See ae 7 , nd 
Miscellaneous: 222. be helio 77 || Harding: Miscellaneous___---.-.-..----- 43 
OUST HEL 6 AP EASE Pt Se CERN 84 || Hughes: 
=—=—— IPIONT@h: = 2°45 25-3 ee ee ee 158 
Custer: Miscellaneous_-_=..-...-..__--_- 84 Miscellaneous: =. 22. 22:-235 5 See 37 
Davison: Motel <5 222 Le ee ee 195 
IVI TCHeN Ee eeeeeee oo 372 Bs ——— 
Wiscellaneouse: 2 eas. o0 22282 2 Se 18 || Hutchinson: 
—__———_- Parkston 32 
PROG A see oo ee ete Sle 390 irippeseeesees 33 
——————— Miscellaneous 55 
WEL eS SS Te ba} | Totals. ..-3.5 eee 120 
\WWiGLsii J =) SRS eee 62 
Miscellaneous: = 2242-..2-s2222:4--22- 35 || Hyde: 
_——————— Highmore)3ee 2 ss ee 39 
Ea ee ce ee ee ees Ys 120 Miscellaneous_22202 2-225 2 eee 3 
Deuel: otal 2-222 ee 42 
(CMS 62 1 DEC A eS ee eee a 22 
IMI COLE YO Oo Se a er rng 29 || Jackson: Miscellaneous_-......-.---.-__- 34 
ANDY TN pas oe NS ee 51 || Jerauld: 
——————d Wessington Springs.__---.---------- 21 
Dewey: Miscellaneous-------------____- 76 Miscellaneous!t8 ee 8 
Douglas: | MOtge se 2. 225-25 a eee ee 29 
PARTOUT sos osm eect oe 53 | i —S= 
IMGScellanealis eee te ee 41 || Jones: Miscellaneous_.2__-- = eae 32 
TIVE Sa Oe Te eS Senet be eee 94 || Kingsbury: 
SSS Arlington 26 
Edmunds: De Smet_-_-_- 29 
Lyelsyare) OE OSA SE eee eee ees 36 || Lake Preston 38 
IVEISCel AOU HSH eee ne eat 44 || Miscellaneous 76 
TROtAl se eee = eee mE alyed D 80 Motale <2 22225 ee ee eee 169 
Fall River: at 
1 sb cease 12 lite Mediate, a 17 
Miscellaneous...------------------ Sa teaaencs mugmaneteme ri aim i 
Tit Se 205 | (Rotel -. =. 22ce= A ee eee 227 
Haalk=Maiscellaneous:-—-.-2.------2- =. 75 ee ARAN ai SDS ST 135 
Grant: ae ia | ead: eee enone 272 
Vi yo eee ee ee ee | 67 Speartish.2: > See eee 55 
WVEISCOManGOLISe ee een ee 36 Miscellaneous: 2222. 2-2 eee 39 
TOUS tae eee eee ee ee Se 103 TOtalae 2 sso ee eee 501 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 



County and city eee County and city 
Lincoln: Roberts: 
Ganiton@e Pe 4545. ee eee 75 Sisseboncen moet ce eee eee 
DennOxe 5 coe eee 19 Miscellaneous... Soa 
IMiscellaneéous=- 222-22 s es ee 60 
ROWE eee ee pe ee | 
Mopale 2b ees wees 2 SEs 154 
———— Oa Ons 
Lyman: Miscellaneous_____.-.---------- 33 Wioonsocke tie: ioc eet eee 
————— Miscellaneous 
IBTid Pewalerenes ee ee Cees 21 Potall tence tecwnkcecucer eee 
eee ree eae re ee) eee Fe 33 
Miscellancousss 2-2). See Soe 26 || Shannon: Miscellaneous. -.-_-.-.-----_-- 
WIM O tallest Se yt 2 See 80 || Spink: 
Pa field! =-5- 25+ 228 eee 
McPherson: Miscellaneouss.2-22---=14 
Hirekal 2052s oS A ee 32 
IMASCellaneOUS ose eee ee eee eee aes 19 pRovale =<: Ae = eee 
Motels. se a ose Nee 51 || Stanley: 
Hontebierre: <2 ="2 2s eee 
Marshall: Miscellaneous! 5 eo ee 
Bpinbon sees aL Se ae ee 38 
IMGISCElIATICOHS Stee te eee ee 38 TR OUELS S aoe Se eS Ds ae 
Total so ee ears eee 76) ||| Sully: Mascellaneous-_...-- 2. eae 
‘PoddewMinscellancous! 29-2 2.2s- keene ee 
Meade , 
Sturgis 56 || Tripp: 
Miscellaneous 40 Winner... .<<2-. 2-2 - 2 See 
ROVE LS 22 Se eee 96 
SSS = Total ee ee ee eee et 
Mellette: Miscellaneous__.___..-------_- 14 # 
a ‘ ————— urner: 
Miner: @entonvillesees seer eeeoee 
Howard Se Ee ee Ee ee SS aah 41 i edshtd(s) cae ee ee 
Miscellaneous: set oe eee ene 25 IMGRCAICHGAI NLU 
ShOta eee es! See a ee eee eee 66 Matalon ck wec2ocen ea el 
WelMRADIGS 3: "es ss Oe eee 61 || Union: 
Sioux Waliss 2 ess ee eee 1, 652 IBETeOSfOnd: 2. 12+ Se EO 
Maiscellaneousss {5.25202 ese eee 120 Lo ej eyeth a) 2 Bae aoe 
Miscellaneous--- 25-25. see 
Ota. cee ee ook eee me at ae 1, 833 
Moody: Totals cocckecedenctin enue s SOM 
PQTTGPCAUs 55-0 )32 = orc Se ee ane 65 || Walworth: 
IWISCeANeOUS So ot oe te ee 22 IMobrid rebeate ee ce cee 
| JMiiscellaneous:=-<* .— --_ 2 eee 
Rota eee eee ee eee 87 | 
pai i OF Sauna Total___-------------------------- | 
api LUV SA Seok alee eee 290 Washabaugh: : 
: gh: Miscellaneous.__-....---- 
Miscellaneous... -------------------- 44 || Washington: Miscellaneous_-------.--- 
Motaleo. s.F2ice 34 ee 334 collect 
Prins [Yah 5] (0) 6 ee ee ee 
Sees PS The aad eas emanate ame Fs AVIS Col aMe Ouse nen eee een 
Miscellaneoust 222 "= <= =.= ssa 35 "Potialiee el oe ccicc ck cree cx cx RRSOSIN 
Total. ~------------------.-------- 90 || Ziebach: Miscellaneous...-------------- | 
Gethysbure. 22-222 oasee eee 48 || Miscellaneous for State: Residents of | 
Miscellaneous: = =2c2ece dosceeea ce eee 31 Other States!~ = 2=-- 8 ooo ee | 
1.000) 72 | oe at er eae ee Sk 79 

of returns 



TasLeE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city aap County and city elas as 
Anderson: Crockett: 
ivalee le | a 3 IBellsii ek bose edt Gases Sena Oe 12 
CONT: SES eee 45 Miscellaneousrsss 2224.42. eee 20 
@Moait@recks! <5 se ee 2 Sieh nth 12 
Mosca hee. i nS 9 Moises ove dwsan de eee Se ee 32 
RI Ota eerie eee oot ee 69 || Cumberland: Miscellaneous_-__-__----_- 27 
——- _—— 
Bedford: Davidson: 
Shelipyivalletes 252. se 2a ae) 75 Goodlettsyalletscs seo eee ll 
IvMiscellaneous...- 2-25-2252 - 8 = 2 16 Nashwalle.o. 222.206 Seeae soe se eee 7, 050 
Old) Hickory... 222462 i. 232 Se 82 
fle ee Pe 91 | Museellaneouszs- 222 1) ee 69 
Benton: Miscellaneous_-_-___------------- 8 Notal= ie S2 i. ace ee ee ee 7, 212 
Bledsoe: Miscellaneous____------------- 6 
|| Decatur: Miscellaneous_____..---...---- 2 
Blount: || De Kalb: Miscellaneous--_-_------------ 9 
JAWOOD | 2) 8 SE epee 19 | 
IMAGES. ee es seer 136 || Dickson: 
MMiscellaneouss=2=-—--2s225- ose e 2 42 | DiekKsON an Saute se eee 47 
| Miscellancous:.2ec.sos =e 8 
CIO Lal eee ee en ee ee 197 
| Potal souk s2.2 eee eee 55 
(CISA hii ee ee ee 156 || Dyer: 
Miscellaneous: 22-222...) 22 2e. S288 12 | Dyersburg. ss <vcseeeseves: 22222 178 
| INS WierMlelekccncceaeuece eee 21 
PIL a fa et ee 168 | MiscellancouSizccceceuse ae eee 8 
Campbell Total=..-2s-sees eekece=== =e 207 
UG) IDS ee LAs RE EEN 54 | 
Miafolleitesseo. 5 ote 3 aa ee 26 || Fayette: 
INfiS@elame@OUS: sss -22o-soo5- 22S se see 31 SOmenvilles22sceessce se = ee 19 
Miscellaneous. ..22s12¢22222 200 50 
{Ray HY a ED ee eee 111 
Totals .ccsdaueccaseses-5 = 69 
Cannon: Miscellaneous_........-..----- 6 
Fentress: Miscellaneous___........-_---- 28 
nmin ged One ee eee ee 18 || Franklin: 
IMTCIKON ZIG pee os ns eee 39 Whintebesterss- 2225. J=  ee 47 
IMiiscellaneous:2-22o2o2cneeeaeet lke 18 Miscellaneous: 2s.useeeeeeeae eee 100 
ANG AT LENS | a Ae PRR Sree meee 75 Rotali=J:2o- oss e 147 
Carter: Gibson: 
LEA VAP [OYE ON Ho) 0 ee a 55 Ores so ts sen 24235 ee 14 
MUSCOlANCOUS =o cent Sone. cee 10 Humboldt2..... eee 87 
(iL j eeeiieee Reger ID ee O85 So See e 8 37 
ARO Gale mes ee es ee 65 Trenton...s.<222... eee 36 
— Miscellaneous:...<2 See eee 15 
Cheatham: Miscellaneous___.__. ..__-__- 8 
otal so Sos ee ee ee 189 
ETON GSrsONee oe se aed 22 || Giles: 
Wiscellaneousi2=..-= = ease ene 1 || Pulaski. -—. .o.< --<--22etseaeeesenee 68 
Miscellaneous: =. 2252230 = ee 5 
ANON I LR 0 Se aie Ce a Saree 23 = 
Total: <c°a ct See eae ee 73 
Claiborne: Miscellaneous. -________-____- 31 | 
@lay-) Miscellaneous... eee Pk 1 || Grainger: Miscellaneous. -.........----- 7 
: Greene: 
Newport _=.------------------------ 78 Greeneville 150 
Miscellaneows=—---=-22"2.22 2.552222 13 UGISCel Tair 1is ae 10 
RO tale Saw ewe ewe A ie | 91 FRGE AD (oes. en eal 160 
Manchester. --2--=222-h-.<22252//0" 10 || Grundy: 
TAN OFaaene oso kL eens OUT 1 o 76 Tracy: City 20222 eee eee 22 
Miscellaneous. =<. =s.-2+-2222 025220 2 IMs cellaneous= 23s eee eee 14 
MoOtaliys ett tke eee pest aes ott 88 (Rotaleey- sl eres sre ee ee eee 36 

37722— 29-19 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

County and ity pees County and city 
Hamblen: | Lauderdale: 
IVOrcIstO Ws ne 138 | Halls- 222 333-22.-2-se2s2sces22558==— 
Miscellaneous-__-..-..=--. --2=ss=e=2 3 Ripleyss ses. - so-so Sae ee 
| Miscellaneous==.2=.=-2=2=ss=ss2eee— 
Totalaeee =. ao 2 A 
12 || Lawrence: 
4,244 | Ay AHCODHEE! <---> 2 == es 
73 Miscellaneous... .: .2=2-2=22---2aaees | 
179 hos -2--- = 
4, 524 || Lewis: Miscellaneous_-__...........____. 
1 || Lincoln: 
WaVeLLemible:*--: Nits See ae 
| MIscelaneous:—..- £2 =o se eee 
21 || 
18 ! otal. =2.-+-4- 2-3 
39 || Loudon: 
Men om City 2s-- 2-2-4 2 a ee 
Hardin: Miscellaneous-_-_---------------- | 26 hondone ee eee 
Miscelinneons= = sss! oes a ee 
Hawkins: } 
Bullsgaps >> - 2222 =2- 5 15 Total 2yseseeee2e52255-.. Se 
Rogersville. = ae ane 32 | 
Miscellaneous-_...=--=-=--4 -=2232222 | 19 || McMinn: 
Athens 22-5 eee 
Totale=2> === es 66 Nneleweodess == ==)—-- 22 eee 
tows hes es: 2 5+ a a 

Haywood: Miscellaneous_-.~=-.=2===s22s22=222 
Brownswille---2----<- a 88 
Miscellaneous 8 A ili a ee ee AL 

otal: a2. 2. 2 tae oe Sel 96 || McNairy: Miscellaneous__________-____- 
Macon: Miscellaneous. -.---.----------- 

Henderson: | 
ELOXINCLON: = 2 - =~ 8. s=2225-4>s2=5es=—— } 26 || Madison: 

Wiscellancous 2.2. 22 2222522522335 4 || JACKSON oe sean aeseccscce eS 
i Miscellaneous.= == ===s==ss2=s=228"2-— 

{EOtalia=. 22 =) 2. = = eee 30 
SPotal === = 2-2 2== 5 oo ee 

Henry: | 
Parise: 2-5 ee ee 171 || Marion: 

Miscalaneons-=-- 2232 ee 8 South Pitisburg:-+-<-- 3 

Whitwell-) 2224 s2252L-52 eee 

PPOLAMe 2.2 62 25 eee ee } 179 Miscellaneous:.2:.-=22-.:2-- ee 

Hickman: Miscellaneous_-.----------.-- 29 Total yee eet 2 k= ee 
Houston: Miscellaneous- ------.-------- 2 Se 

Humphreys: ° 

Wistvorly == seetien on eae e eee eae 20 oat ee fee Giaks << 5 eee 
; Po VSO) Ai ewiSbuneeeee ae ss ae ee 
Miscellaneous cepa eters a a 15 Miscellaneous ===; . = 2-2 -2-252 
Toba cs =: 225 2h Bh | 35 aati Loreena sp WS 5d ee 

Jackson: Miscellaneous----------------- RS Maury: 

Jefferson: Columbia2=2s2-<=2522242)2- eee 
Jeferson: City... 2... See ee 21 Mount, Pleasant-~--=--- 2 es 
Whiscellaneous. = 23-42 52523222 325 39 iVaiscollaneous= = - 2-30. 5.2 saaene 

Woval); 22-2 225-55! 3.0 ee 51 Total 0 os 2-25---2- eee 

Johnson: Miscellaneous-_-----.---------- 16 || Meigs: Miscellaneous-----..------------ 

Knox: | Monroe: 

RengEwanes os. oe Seen eee 3, 325 Sweetwater ->2-=..->..-___- = aaaeee 
WMascute.- 2-25-22... eo ee 19 Tellico Plains 
WMascelianeons:= >> ~ 22" is ee 84 Miscellaneous 

At) ct pes a eee ee Sent 3, 428 Total 222 = .255-b se ses oes 

Lake: Montgomery: 

Pin Louies 2 4422-52-55 se52 See 28 @larksville>_. -- 2=-=5-.2-2252soees—e 
Wiscellaneons2: =~ = 2.20 22. See sees 7 Miscellaneous: =_-2.--~5==--—-—4-eeee 
Motaereees ss -) toss. ee 55 Totalg2ao= 2-2 ae ee eeeeeoe 

of returns 



TaBE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Numb : 
County and city of lei County and city 
Moore: Miscellaneous..----.------------- 2 || Smith: Miscellaneous__..._.-.---.__--.- 
Stewart: Miscellaneous. .........______- 
34 || Sullivan: 
2 Bristoleats aot 2k ee oe 
15 Kingsport2.23-2 2 ee 
i Miscellaneous? 222226 see 
: Bo tal-.< ss eee 
10 || Sumner: 
105 Gallatin. <-2-3 2. 
19 Miscallaneous:<. eee 
134 | Total 24- e 

Overton: Tipton: 

GIN ES LOM ses. oe eee toe 24 Covington...25 2-2-5 ee 
Whiscallaneous==-— se ssasc tee eee 10 Miscellancous_ {223 2 ee 
Tis ee ea 34 Total<ci4 seh eee 
Perry: Miscellaneous__....-....-.-.-... 8) rousdale: Hartsville=2---)=5-s eee 

Pickett: a@liscellaneous-.-.-.=---=-=---- 1 


Polk: Winwins2 228200. ee 
OR POR Tears) eek oe Be 2 oe Sk ets 37 Miscellaneous:2 222 ssa ee= eee 
WWiiscellaneouss. sons nse ses ee ee 45 

‘Dotaleucasaoscces ees 
WNOUIGI ye SS ai tee eee nee, ere 82 
Van Buren: Miscellaneous___..._______- 

Cookeville_-_. 52 || Warren: : 
Monterey 19 MieMinnvillese 222-22 se 
Miscellaneous 6 Miscellancous.. -..=.... eee 
PTO LAAs eee ss oe SS SR ie 77 etal ss toi sc loss eesan eee ee 

Rhea: Washington: 

ID ERG ES Se 2 ee ee LD 41 Johnsonl City 2o-5s--2 ae ee 
shorist2 (Chin ee eee eee eres Fara Per 9 Miscellaneous..-....22.222... ae 

WIS CETATIGOTISS=<805 Senaean ent ae 82 8 
Oba eos) oe as 

ALO) fl Ss Bes as ee ae ee 58 
Wayne: Miscellaneous_---_...-.-----..-2 

Ja lvag beat hek See ee De ee me Ps 86 || Weakley: 

Riockweodhen. 2... = 8s 2 Pee 70 Dresden: 22-25 sane ssaseesseeee 

SCobus Muscellaneous=--_ 022-2 2222-8 2S. 
meduaichie: Dunlap. sini s= sisi ees 
Sevier: Miscellaneous__............._._- 
BingwaMpLOMseeso2 os see ee see 
IMlipreaio ileus ae ee eS ee See 
VETS CAN HOOLS ane see nee ae es Rene 

Hranklin =.= =-asasnsasuslouesesees 
Miscellaneous:<2-=.-222 se ee 

Tebanon =< 22-94... soe eee 

of returns 





TaBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city Bee eal County and city | eee 
Anderson: Bosque—Continued. 
Mikhart=—-—~___ - . -_ - — see ee | 6 Walnut pprines- 2. = eee S 
etnies ST Ae 381 Miscolbmngns=—-- 2 ee 19 
DoS Lo ei 2 ee 3 
cr 2G eee Eo 72 
LE a ae ees Ss Sey ae 410 
Andrews: Miscellaneous___.....__._____ 3 (ks oi ee ee 454 
Misscellancmis=——- ** oo eee 58 
Angelina } 
rp ee ee eS ee 21 Gia eee 
NEN es Se ee ee eae 219 
Le a 37 | Brazoria: 
BS ee oa eo we 
AW £.| LOO fo Oe een oe 277 Anploionr== 202... a ee 
————— 3 SS eae reer So | 
Aransas: Roekport___--.---------------- 23 LEE TD Se on 
Archer: Miscellaneous---__--.......-.-.- | 181 Voelasep= 32 eee 
Armstrong: Miscellaneous_-._-........-| 43 West Cotman 
ee Missedllaneots-_":_ "eee 

a a a a a a nn enews 

Bailey: Miscellaneous__...........-..-.- | 
Bandera: Miscellaneous | 



a © 



TaBLeE 11.—Indwidual returns by States and Territories—Number of reiurns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendarfyear 1927—Continued 

County and city Number || County and city Number 
of returns " ofreturns 
Camp: || Concho: Miscellaneous___.___.-.--..--- 59 
{ooo Nite ae eee ae 42 |) 
Lo SP ee ee Eee eae ee 3 || Cooke: ) 
| ——~@ainbiswille oe eee ge 270 
gS Eo ee 45 || Miscellaneous____..-..--.----------- 32 
Carson: Miscellaneous_.........---.---- 181 | ce en Se 2 302 
5 | Coryell: 
PRRARTI RANE oS Sassi 52 || Gateqyilie:s >= = ee ee 42 
UST Le a are ee 23 |i Miseollannes. 5  e | 15 
LT? Se A eee 75 etal- > eee 57 
Castro: Miscellaneous-_-_--.--_-.--------- 20 Cottle: 
Chambers: Miscellaneous____.-..---_-_-| 63 || Pagdesh® = ee ae 64 
Miscellancous._- 2 eee } 2 
Cherokee | 
J1CTE Se eS oe eee ae 19 | ‘Total-* = = —.-++-. 4. eee | 66 
LEE UT a ees. 185 || 
Se 2 eee eee 49 || Crane: Miscellaneous__..._._....._-.._- | 35 
ER SCC EER RRS Oars 99 RAE FASS 2 4 i) Crockett? Ozena_ 222222 90 
2D Ls te ET ee ee eee | 277 a ' Z 
. al i a a ee ee 
oo Ghaldress pas teend Faygeei +s eevee ss. 999 i Miscellancons:<-*2 > 22 eee | 40 
LS Ti AT Tr SoS eae eee 12 i ee eee ee ee 68 
Total = 241 | - ae 
DS i St ES ET ‘| Culberson: Miscellaneous____........._- 33 
Clay i ——— 
REV rreR eS Paes 2a sn «= a 76 || Dallam: 
Wile LST a ee 39 || Dalhart: <> 2< = eee 120 
Miscellaneous..< 25-5 3 a | 8 
LON Bou See eee 115 |} -———— 
i] Total: 23s ee } 128 
Cochran: Miscellaneous_............__--| 1 
} 42 || Dallas: 
Dalles Se | 14,465 
291 || Garland... === --..-- 31 
56 Grand Prairie--___----_--___________ 10 
19 ane eee 30 
mi. Se <i Miscellaneous... =... 55 
any Tetel <2... [14,501 
= OE ee en 12 || Dawson: 
33 | Sees 2-2 ee eee 74 
189 | Miseallaneons. -—: ==. 225 8 3 
50 i 
46 | ash = 22 ie eee 7 
330 || Deaf Smith: 
Collinsworth: Hereford--_------------------------- a 
Sac dtinpeann #528 ees area er | 40 | 
Lor UN aaa 14 | 
CER Seer a ester eer hee & | 
Colorado: j 
PHT NTS ee re 75 | 
“>. ee eee 87 | 
TAGE PY Sia oP 71 | 
EEN A ee 26 || 
a 259 
Some Braunfels 24 | > 
wow 2D 7 ee ee = 
“5; bole Sa 9 Miscelinneous:.=222-- 42S 46 
% -. vl ee | 63 | DS SPS st es esse cee | 312 
Comanche: De Witt: 
Cave eee Se eee 35 Cusre.-|. es ee 145 
al eee eee | 37 Yorktown: $1 
US SS LS) ee ee 9 SW isealiannous: = 2. =. <= Se saa 38 
CS SSeS ee eee | 81 Metal. 2... *=3 5 ee ee 264 


TaBLe 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

TEX AS—Continued 
: Number . Number 
County and city oiireturns County and city oirebaree 
Dickens: Fayette: 
Snureeeeere 8 abo.) Se ee 65 lation geet oo oe 2 Se ae 43 
HVEISceHANeGOUS. 2285 Le os ee Cea 6 lua Gian gens. 2... .2.scscc- -agkeeee ee 46 
a Schulenburgss22=-- 2 eee 86 
Motales-s22-23-522.6 ere 71 Miscellaneous 222-2522 2.42 ee eee 70 
Dimmit: Totals 2.2265. -->.. sees ate 245 
PASH OntONes 2222 2 a See eee 27 ——_— 
Miscellaneous 37 || Fisher: 
ROUAnEE Saat on 2552 = 52 a 45 
Motali esse ceases Ey 64 Miscellineousss 22253802 ae 22 
Donley: Motel eee ne Sa 3 Se 67 
@larendon 4 3523-22 Se ee 148 ———t 
Miiscéllaneouss:2 lassen ssl lee raw ek 26 || Floyd: 
es Moydadasa>- =... =. ssa ete 81 
Motaleet2s2s2ssesc es scsss See 174 WWOCKN EY sees ewes ate 2 ee 33 
——— Miiscellaneous--=s-4=5-5222 5 eee 1 
Duval: a 
Sane iegos Hae aseul eee ae 64 Motaleeeeie 2.22225. 115 
Miscellaneous. .2==25-.- ea eet 43 ————— 
————_ || Foard: 
Rota) seo ees oset sae eee 107 Crowellesh = 22 2e se eee 64 
Hastland: === Miscellaneous) 2. 5---.2-5 5 22s 10 
Ciscole tte tcestas tac tonne cenacaseek 284 
IMesdemongs= sseon en hes ker eee 18 Total ---------------------------- v4 
astinnd Sy cep PERS EET Le TE a Fort Bend: 
TG Ce ERE Pe a ae 24 Richmond 89 
Ranger. 2201022. 2. TETETT fee age |] Rosenberg - 8 
TRISINPIS LARS oe toes sae eee ae cae soe 132 purer ead BMESaer ye Gar Te 61 
Miseellancous=-. 225.22 5225 223. o ee 24 RIGS OR ce oa acon se sossaess 107 
Total teks ce be ews ble AO 945 otaleeda-22 se. sles ee 338 
MCtor-vO dessa sca sece no! soe ee eee 115 
Sees Mount; Vernon: ==2=--2 25 seen eee 21 
Edwards: Miscellaneous. -......-----_-- 108 WisedianGous so: o2 2. 221 Laan 1 
Ellis a 
IA TNTS bee ce te deen oh Non eS 141 Totale se. = csesc sank soe 22 
IM OLriS? Mic Seton 2 Sy hs so fe 2 2 eee 27 
el ty See eee he es el ao 35 || Freestone: 
Midlothian! 2.525522 22 Seu sae ener 11 Meangweessstae sso s here at ee ee 87 
Winkahachien 22 fo yeas i 2 see eee ae 254 Wiorthanle==. 22.24 A oe  e 58 
IMiscellaneouste=2 2 eee ee eee 71 Miiscallanteoustss 222522252 Sa 0a eer 14 
LS OG eae ea oe ert ate tos neh et 539 MT Ota eae eis Sete as oo ee 159 
E] Paso 5 é Cio caine aa 
RP ASO sees oct ne ee 3, 671 
Fort Bliss. 0-0-2220 201 Aten rere aa 22 
IMnscellaneoustee castes sense amen 160 
otaleetag tc ke ke eee 3, 861 Total_---------------------------- 69 
Erath: Gaines: Miscellaneous--.-...........__- 10 
ID blin oes igs oem As ssi eee oe 35 
Stephenwilles sees. te ee eee 48 || Galveston: 
10) GBA | of: eens a ee RG Bs 29 Galvestonts422- 2-22... o 5 eee 3, 227 
Lpagie Citys oi s2) oS) See eee eee 25 
Mexas Oluyseoaens oe ee eee 95 
Miscellaneouss.--- 2.22 eee 60 
OtalSesee-e tA 23k See ee 3, 407 
Post) os useaat a cb koe ee eee 38 
Miscellaneous!) -- 52-2 s eee 8 
Motallieas eae oe nese 46 
Gillespie: “ 
Mreadpricksburee 2-- sone seeaoeeesee 95 
Miscellaneous 222422 20 
Totale cesses ee 22 eee 115 
Glasscock: Miscellaneous---......------ 1] 


TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

TEX AS—Continued 
County and city Number Count d cit Number 
of returns Dvy BN CCrey) ofreturns 

Goliad: Hardin: 

(Cio) HEV 0 eet 50 Gray DUrg 22 cee ee a 6 
NMISCONANGOUSso== ss eac == soos - sees 21 Saratoga: .. 22 ee eal 23 
Silshees_- 225 22S: tae ee 90 

MORI ER* -Se3 2222 nes cbt sete ose 71 Sour hake: 42.225. See ee eed 88 

: Miscellaneous® 2252 See ae sees 22 


Gonzales pee ee ae Notalif= 2.2 ee ee en 229 
1XON-.__~--------------------------- . SS SSS 

. Harris: 
WMiscellancous-2-225-.----2-.5..-22% = 39 G saan Cr kc st, ett 171 
aInisburg. oo ee eee 26 
OTN ee eaas cae naa nan nna naan aan m= = Houston (2 Re eae one aaa 13, 972 
z WIN DG f622 <p ee coe ee 95 

Sgt ete 2 OEE ee ee 410 Miscellaneous:.~ - 2-222... -.5.-----2 342 
MuseellaneOUSs22--2---ses-—5-------- 91 rota ee See 14, 606 

Mother se meee eb ees teases 2s 501 || Harrison: aa TS 
— Marshallao 2 407 

Grayson: Miscellaneous 79 
ID thy as 337 
Bherman== oss. -- os. 498 Total lc ces eee eee 486 
Van Alstyne 21 powers the 
WihlitesbOrO=Seeen-esenns tie eee n ce 13 || Hartley: Miscellaneous_---....--------- 12 
Whitewright___--------------------- a Haskell: = 
iiseallanGous=====essc--seeaesas===- Hask ell: ee 51 

W1O2t 2 2 Se eee 
ON eee ree wd Miscellaneouss==<-. 22-22 2 Sek esses 9 


Longview os eee eS ae ee 179 Total. ---------------------------- 87 
NiscellaneouS-.=--+.s..====----=-=--- 11 || Hays: To ae 
SancMarcos: 2 sess cee tee 189 
Motal= eieee sot heres eects 190 NVGiscellancousses aes eeeee name 34 
Seige 7 vis Total. <2 eee ee 223 
VASO UAE ern ee See ta : SS 

i Hemphill: 
Miuscellameous=) 22> 22s 2 lee 58 anniinn: Ue 1 te Aaa eee 86 
Taya ee et at oleae ape lem 207 Woscellaneouss22 22-53. =e ee eee 4 

Guadalupe: Total _-..------------------------- 90 
INT ATI OTe Sete nie oe athe E 13 || Henderson: 

Gopninte ees ns oe eee ene 187 A thems -.5 2 ee eee ee ee 68 
Wiscellaneousss.0 22 so0 see neenee nos 45 Misecellancouss. 22 sone se eeeen eee 27 
ST tel ee tee ae eek Le a ga ds 245 M Otel Sek oe ee ee ee 95 

Hale: Hidalgo: 

pinrapigwreee cee ot 277 lot Maange TET ue 
i 51 
Misesallaneous=.= 2--—-~s-=-5-----—-- Mc Allen 280 
328 Mercedes 
AEG ages 52 Sas INGISSI OT oe ee ee eee ee oe 
Hall: WAamat— = a Se Ne | 

i 4 178 | SS ena ORDA eee 45 
ec 24 || Miscellaneous. - === 141 
Fanatic coche eee tab ae edict ea 202 Mote ee eee ee 1, 060 

‘ Hill: 

Hamilton: Hillsboro 149 
Hamilton_-__- 38 Hubbard 38 
Bikes See ee 11 Tit Gt: eee he er el eek mee 3h eS 30 
Miscellaneous 1 Whitney 13 

Miscellaneous 49 
PROG alee ee ee a ee meee Se! 50 
4 Totale S225 ee 279 
Hansford: Miscellaneous..-.------------- 54 ———— 
Hockley:2 Miscellaneous--_-------------- 9 

Hardeman: ; _——— 
Pueiipa Her see eee eos tene-=—--- 90 || Hood: 14 
it oes 187 Granbury--------------------------- 
BVRIRGOHANIOOUS meee eee 19 Miscellaneous----------------------- iis 5 

aig we 296 Motal= 2 ooo s en tae eee See 19 


TaBLe 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city Bees | County and cit Number 
of returns y ny of returns 
Hopkins: Jones: 
Sulphur springs: eee 107 (ANSON A See oe acts Le ee 67 
Miscellaneous °2- 2-222. cee 26 Bamlineeeste Sante 5 54 
Stamifondaee es ss eee 133 
Motes ot ee ee eee 133 Miscellaneeus:2=2-.==2-++<2l-22 eS A 18 
Houston: Motgleers see 2=-- 5s eee 272 
@rockett 22 3 kee ee ee Aso see 90 
Miscellaneous = 2222 soe se ole ee 37 || Karnes: 
Karnesi@itys==2<<+-2 22-222. 28 
Le MOY HE ieee pease es ee laa aa eS? 127 @riedyeeeteee so . _. 112 
Rungehsat=S- owe nsccent ce tees 40 
Howard: NiiscellaneOuS sss 20 ons. 5 sao ee 38 
BiGiSPEinges sees. eee ae ens 323 
Miscellaneous 13 T otalee sets center 218 
TG t alae ene Ane RAR eee eee 336 || Kaufman: 
| Morne yest aces est ek ee 38 
Hudspeth: Miscellaneous--------------- 30 |! Rte AN) 2 8 0) eee Sa ee 47 
a 101) 0) {ee ae BESS Sree Lee 14 
Hunt: Mabank. -=2-<2-22+-o2tee ee 12 
Celeste ee ne ee | 6 Moerrelle=* =~ see eee ete eee 190 
Commerce. 225522 so ae ee ee 38 Miscellaneous-----/2--22---.22 3 
Greenville... =~... eae aes 280 
PoncOaki te ke! te aoe ee 4 Total. -=-2- <4 3s eee ee 304 
Wiolf Witiyen nc = 5 see 11 
IMiscellaneouss2o eee ie see 14 || Kendall: 
IBOeIne-24~ 2-2 Le eee ee 47 
Motgia==- eS ee 353 @omifortst=2..;-.2 3 eee ee eee 42 
Hutchinson: Miscellaneous- ------------ 505 Rotaliaee <a e e e 89 
Inronsviiscellaneous=222-22-_24_ 222 28 
Kenedy: Miscellaneous___.--.---------- 8 
Jack: Kent: Miscellaneous-_-_-_._.-------------- 10 
JackSbOroe so sasses- ss eee 42 
Miscellaneous 22 || Kerr: 
Kerrvillos2) =... 2-2 eee 237 
Ot alee ses PaO Soe we eS 64 Weg lone eee 31 
WhScellancous!- =. 22.2.2 seen 15 
LD (Glabi¢ aera te ply ee eee eg 8 oe J 49 Potaleates ses. “he ee 283 
INISCANANGOUIS=oee eee eee ee 20 | 
|| Kimble: Miscellaneous___.-.------------ 54 
Rb les sere ee 69 King: Miscellaneous-----..-==-==s-=-==4 
Jasper: Kinney: 
ARSC) O13 Ae ee ee a UD Cane RL 78 Brackettville 5. -22- +2. - sce eee 51 
Teeyhey ose AU Leys Bei EP Be Se OP J ee 25) Miscellaneous=-5-- 2.22. +. 2- Seeee 18 
NVScallaneouseee8 => - 2 eee eee 14 
Motalaeeee penis ce tt oe ee 69 
29 || Kingsville oe ten ee cete eee 219 
IPIScellaneoustasces- =o 55 sone eee 
2, 402 Total =cisieceet ee tte cece eee 224 
1,505 || Knox: Miscellaneous--.-----------------. 123 
62 || Lamar: | 
Paris -# tose oe a ee eee 440 
TO GE ee cece ee a ee 4, 063 | Miscellaneous:--.-=.----2=222222-22 38 
Jim Hogg: Miscellaneous. --._---------- 95 Total eee tc ee 478 
Jim Wells: Lamb: Miscellaneous------------------- 56 
TAU COS 5 1 Sorat ese a ee ee 93 
Miseallaneous so. 5—- 2 sence eee 30 | Lampasas: 
ampasas< 2222-5 obsess 68 
Ua Yay 2) (RE eee eS a SUS NE SES 123 Miscellaneous: -.-2-5-<=es--2--se—5e= 
Johnson: Totaleciee ete cae seen 71 
IA VANS OMe Pele eee 23 || 
leit ee Pe eee 255 || La Salle: | 
Grandview ase ee 21 Cotulla--teeew tte ees 50 
WiTsCEllaneOUSi 2. see soon een ee eee 15 WriscellaneouS...--.---+-s<cssseues-= | 23 
Total eee owe tient A Aan eee 314 Motels wechcs eee nee eee eae | 73 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


“ Number | ; Number 
County and city irchasne | County and city of ratirne 
Lavaca: Madison: 
TEINS pil OS ee 65 Madisonville <2 eee o teas see eae 26 
INV OTMILO RE Ree eee ene 26 | Miscellaneous 22-2 a eee aaa 3 
is)oy baie = 2 Se ee 62 | 
NEGE Sin ee a See ee 132 | ORI: x caccsat oe ee ee 29 
IMuScellanGoOusS=o 242 sone se ecco. ones 3 
MDI 2 ee ee eee 288 | Jetlersons. 0. 2:52 eee been 37 
Miscellaneousi eee 2 

Lee: | 
MGiicl clin ogee ee es ee ee ee gs 2 61 T otaliesc.: eee eee ee 39 
IM BEC Lino ees ee 20 

Martin: Stantonics cece eee 43 
WNSIGIL (oe eR 81 

Leon: MSS0R a 23) 5e) eee eS OEE 54 
On ADEs el eee ae 14 Masvellaneous) 2.22492 ee 1 
MVinSCplulanGOUs: aa- sneer oe 8 18 

Total en ceric toe oe MOCO E 55 
Gis ae ee ee eee 32 

Liberty: { Baye City = === es eee 155 
Cleveland 36 Gul fine occa tee eee 91 
Daisetta 50 Palacios: 32s =o et ee eee 27 
Dayton 45 Miscellaneous: so eee sees 65 
Pea i ea. 32 
Liberty 80 otal so ocsecoe eee 338 
Miscellaneous 22 

Maverick: Eagle Pass.._....-----.....-- 148 
MEY Ti [RSs ate eee pet iat ee 265 

Limestone: ION 06 oon Cee 65 
LONGO) LEY AY a a i Un ae 28 Miscellaneouszcscceccc eee ee CCE 61 
(Gime syoedic. oe 3 So ee eee 131 
TOSS 6 Rees ie leh gale elaine a 29 Motels oi, 33a. ee ee eee 126 
VE OXGS bo waste kon See SSP ET 399 
MNontpme ss tee ees ST 23 || Menard: 

IViscellaneouss= 2-2 eh eat 22 | Monand:. <2: 5-32 2=- eeee 62 
Miscellaneous. tees ceeeeeee 8 

OUa ee sreewe te een eee 632 | 
Total =. cancer tee EOE eee 70 

Lipscomb: Miscellaneous--_----_--____- 65 

Live Oak: Miscellaneous__..-.____--___- 40)\) Midland: Mi dlands:>-2-522 Se 276 

Llano: Milam: 

PIR MEe Ree ee oe 61 Gameroni.c =: oes See ee 203 
Miscellaneous -s2eee2 eee LE 4 Rockdale. Re ee eee 76 
Thorndale: 2edccacceeet eee eee eee 16 

POUR ea pret teed ote 2 RON ek 65 IMiscellaneots( 2-1 oe ee 37 

Lubbock: ote) - 45-2225 eee ae eee 332 
DOCK eae ee ea eee eee 405 
SIGH C DORR ak Oe Oe ee eee a 68 || Mills: 

MiiscellaneouS!-.224.2 oe ee es 9 Goldthwaites.226- 222. 222e eee eae 18 
Miscellaneous 22-<wctecenviwectncice 4 
1 8X0) rl (ot ee es ee ee ee eee ee 482 
Motels 222-0 Ae Se eee 22 
‘eynn. Ivtiscellaneous.--.-s-.--2-2--2---- 36 

McCulloch: Golorddo.: (222 eee es 167 
JS RNG Ry Se Ae i ee ee 148 MbiscellaneouSccun niece ceaee shoe 26 
Miiscellaneoussec cee eee ee 30 

Motel ss cocn nt eenee eee eEeee 193 
BO wie! 222) 252-225 sedesSebi ees =e 65 
Nig@ona 2 8 sateen eee 170 
Miscellaneous2:=2.-=525224ss3s9e22 52 53 
TOGA: sa oe wee ree ee eee 288 
CONT00scceccencweeece tee coset 60 
MGStORIA-- - 1s -aeeaeas oe oe ee eee 
Miscellaneous. == -2222---5--e2s-ese—= 41 
NOtal co cicicccc eee wee Seen 108 



TasieE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Numbe 
County and city af Gam County and city 

Moore: Miscellaneous------.------------ 12 

Waingerfleld: 2-22-22 2 eons stoke 10 

Miscellaneous! 22.2. 2-2. 5-25 258 2 15 

PRO tal meee on Fl ee ee soe 25 

Motley: Miscellaneous-.----------------- 10 || Polk: 

Wivinesronees = 2222 Lee ee 

Nacogdoches: Miscellaneous_6- 22-3 ce eae 
@ushing ts ear oe see ees eee 7 
INseogdoches=— 222.424. 2.2  ee 179 Mofaleaete esa k a oats ee 
Niscellaneos: 22st 2o ote eh see 22 

Pottersweamarilio=: 2o0e- eee eee eee 
La DY > Nee ele a a a a meee ES 208 

Navarro: Moarfaxite Ake ee 
@orsicanats joes eee 678 IMiScellancous seus senn ne were eee 
IRGLONS Oe oct ee ee eee eas eon eee 44 
Whiscellaneous=2225-2-222--2- = - seo 63 Mo talce Soe Ns elt ee ae 

UNO IRIE Aes tees See ee 785 || Rains: Miscellaneous------------------- 

Newton: Randall: 

Wiergate 12 Oany Ont seee eect ete 
Miscellaneous 35 IMiscellaneotScstet—c-k eee ee 
AMO tal Wea eee ceees- saShs bs 47 IROEA Omen eee et! fe ee 

Nolan: Reagan: Miscellaneous_.--..------------ 
Roscoe--_--------------------------- 15 || Real: Miscellaneous-----...------------ 
Sweetwater. --.- 4-52 = eee 222 are. ® 
iNiiscellaneousi. 2 520 ee eee 3 || Red River: 

At Yoy i ARE epee oe eee ey. Bese ee 240 
IBS ISH OD eee ee en 60 
Gonos Christie 221s ees see 726 oO (ol eee oe eee ee 
RRONStD Wile soe te eee eee 141 
iVixscellaniecush ss. ss=s 22 ane ieee 28 || Reeves: 
ase 2 ee ee ene tee Sere 
(Rotel. eset e cn tessa e ease oe 955 ORES 2s ee ee ere oe 
. Miuscellaneous=-=223-<254sc ee ees 

yen son CR Se Spa OA Wt as WN ee Motalese= asc os2cl oo 2-222. ee 
IVUISGEIaMGOUS.- 22 8enee oases ea eteee 

bi Refugio: Miscellaneous ----------------- 
AD FN en ay al oe EE ONE CE 2 95 || Roberts: Miscellaneous---_...---------- 
Oldham: Miscellaneous__--------------- 20 || Robertson: 
iBremonde. to - oe ecco eee 
Orange! ees ae ae ee eee 319 
MiSceliBnOOUS sose-s2s)- se eee 23 
MOtale hens. es oe fa ae 347 

Palo Pinto: . 
Mineral Wellss22- 20222 soso eee 212 || Rockwall: 

MIN GTS S= foes een oe oe eeee ees 11 | Rockwall 222 22ceceen=-- == a eens 
SS ETE yo ee ene 37 | Royce Clty==—--<-"-=---2-----------— 
Miscallancousicoa: een eee 33 Muiscellameous = 22 4o5- one eee ne 

Motel 2 hehe we ee eee 293 Totalis2>-5ac2 = 8-3 ete se ene ees 

Panola: pinuels; 
Carthage....-..--------------------- Zl Neca meee patenrwaangt ee oe : 
INEISCOlANGOUS Sean e see oe ee enna 16 | Miscellaneous 

Total ---..------------------------ 2 FO GAl cant See ep aan et 

Parker: Rusk: 

Weatherford------ Beebe betes eat ia 202 Henderson -----=-----.-------------- 
Miscellaneous-.---....-- ge SRG ee 12 Miscellaneous ccc esse eeseseseaee 
Movalise se wescseb cee Bee eae 214 Notal= ceo ot ets ee Soap ooeeeae 


of returns 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

TEX AS—Continued 
. Number ‘ Number 
County and city of roranns County and city pe eit 

Sabine: Miscellaneous----...----------- 37 || Taylor: 

’ ——— ‘Abilene... 5. = ses ee ae ee 1,019 

San Augustine: MOR KO 2 omc ond 7 
San Augustine -------------------__ 33 IMaiscellaneouss2-2=- ee oe 15 
IMNSCEMANGOUIS= cases ees kee eee = 2s oS 5 ae ee 

———_——_ Motel. =. co ss2 ee ee eee 
ONG) ee ee ees 38 | ae 
; || Terrell: 
San Jacinto: Miscellaneous- ---..--.--.- 9 Sanderson! 2)2ce5. a Sia 61 
af Miscellaneousts.cs sees sseoee -enboeee i 

San Patricio: ! 

PAT ANSASWE ASSea seco ees fans st eK ark 40 TNO tal sis 4a ee eT 68 
DS ITIUOTI MER eee t= eee ee Se 65 ———_$s—— 
Wi. 22 po onc sh ebassencosserecdaseess 96° || ernysalViiscellancous==-seseeeten=s anes 30 
IMis¢ellaneous-20= 2 5.22522 -25--=--=2 75 || Throckmorton: Miscellaneous---_-__---_- 37 

MIRO) 5, sec eg a ae 276 || Titus: 
———— | MountePleasant=222s2o--5-eee ee 44 

San Saba: | IMiscellancos 25m 2 
NVHSCeninOOLiStes teem n eee ees oe 4 Total: ~=.. = eee 46 

TG Le ee a i 56 || Tom Green: 
a San ‘Ampeloijs oicossce5 720 1,101 

Schleicher: Miscellaneous_----...------- 53 Miscellaneous. 3-222 eee 33 

DEI ysl y GOb este ee poe het ee 84 | 

—=——S | Total. =< .-2-L 22222 ee 1, 184 


JN OG A ot Se ee 119 || Travis: 
Miscellaneous 22... s-s2se esate 63 Austinec. 32622422220 See 1, 882 
Manor- 2s see 23 
FROG aS etre 1 tess te I 182 Miscellaneous:>-=-- = 33 

Shelby: Motel. 2.32 s5o eae ee 1, 938 
Ceriter tient ose eos nee 64 | 
APN SON == sas 22 eae ese paREN Sao 2 19 || Trinity: 

Wiscellanegouss os - Se eae 22 Grovyetons 4422-55 eee oe 37 
—_———_———— Trinity=:..2-.=.4-3 3s eee 45 
SER Letl erent: mt Sn a We eS ms 105 —_——_—— 
Total... 2222252262523 5052 82 
Sherman: Miscellaneous--...........--- 24 
|| Tyler: 

Smith Woo0dville2s222s2345e222 eee 12 
PREOU Pee semen eae aaa eon ehh 24 Miscellaneouszs:22s2222s=22ssesee2= 35 
ADAG (Gio) a eae ae ae ene tS oan 536 | 
HISCOLIEMODMS eee esha a= ene ea eS 32 otal... <=. -sss--ccseceesce ss eS 47 

SRG Url eee Re 592 || Upsher: pa 
——————— @ilmersts2 eto. 2 ee eee eee 50 

Somervell: Miscellaneous---.....---.--- 1} Miscellaneous: -2222222-s2-5 eee 5 

Starr: Total s-%2ls32 tas ebeese ee eee 55 
ROMO ANG OM more ee ee 49 ———_—_—= 
ININSCAULANGOUS! meee seen anes eos 16°\| Upton Whiscellancouseassse-==e-sse—se— 244 

TENET oe eee Bh ee ee ae 8 Se ee 65 || Uvalde: be 
——————— Ssibinali <3. 255625 oa ees 37 

Stephens: Wivald@2= =a s— ees === =e eee 151 
IBTeCKenTIG PO. soto. - ea eet ots 475 IMiscellancouS:. 22222 a2 See 17 
OPO IG IDSs = Sats eye tok ee dees oe apes BEIT I 19 eT 
IMDISCONANEOUS® ac so ess ee 25 Total silica ctendimeptacseduec eeu 205 

ARE ie ate SB 519 || Val Verde: 
SS SES DeltRiov.-:- 4.22 SS eee 378 

Sterling: Miscellaneous---___......_.--- 61 Miscellancous: *222 222.2022 Saeee ess 66 

Stonewall: Miscellaneous---......------ | 27 > 

MUGLOM -SSONOLAs a5 46 =sse- ksh eees isi o53. 133 GN) ee eee 444 

Swisher: Van Zandt: J 
TEATS Stone 2 ot oe 91 GrandSaine’5-2 See eae 14 
WuIsCallnNGOUS = =. -e- == scene 36 WilissPoints== 2 oeeeee= ee “ 41 

——_——_-— Miscellaneous. 5-22222-- 2 eee 22 
Tian) Asse See 127 SSS 
Motalocescsscntesseteee ese ee 77 

Tarrant: | 
Aine unicef se = ees aioe Fd, | 91 || Victoria: 
ontaVWiortheeeseemen Doses ee 10, 875 Victorias 2-2-2 en 289 
NVIISCONATICOUISHeemraee ne tas 2 a 83 MiscellaneouSi:-222222---==--=-----= 20 

TRG LEN Ace ane SES ee 11, 049 Dota soso. oss 22 ce scene seeses 309 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

. Number PI Number 
County and city RRS attinnS County and city of returns 
Walker: Wallacy:;} Mbiscellaneous2= 2. 52== oe 87 
iumtswille seis 8 ci en ee ee ee 116 Se 
Miscellaneons)252 23 eas ee eae 23 | Williamson: 
Georeetownie= 2.22 da. 2 eee 98 
otal ee Sete \ ee eee eS Ses 139 Gran gone Se oe oe ce ce Se 41 
Ray lope es 2 Da 2 ee 513 
Waller: IMiscellameouseee --eceee een eee eee 73 
iHempstend a. eee ee 40 
Miscellancoust ea as ee 23 Totalavec... 323s ae 725 
Total meee cose Geese aenesoceesete 63 Wilson: 
Bloresmilie secre <2 tics ie ee ee 49 
Ward: Miscellaneous o22 sso eee 112 IMiscellaneatisia. o. = 22 ek ele eae 295 
WVASHIN ETON nce ho) nA EE Ls SEROTEC || ee Rn Gt Alen c-cd on ele de On 74 
IBTemnain tease awa ees eran 271 GUILE sosssscgperec saan aa 
Miscellaneous-.-------.------------- 60 | Winkler: Miscellaneous.._________---_-- 61 
Totaleosos See ea 331 Wise: : ; 
f SAV ONGE See anna. BE) Ee eee 1 
Webb: BriGZepOr be ee ee 9 
PG APO Os es ede es ae 769 Chico 4 
MiranidolCityaees eee ae 88 Dacaiagine ae ms Cane 34 
AO anne 20 Miscellaneous...-__2-2 2022022022277 16 
aK TNO 2) Uh Beek i pe pte pet ety ye 74 
98 | Wood: 
145 WAR ese eee ee 8 
131 Mineolazecees 255 25 35540 eee 43 
3 Winnsboro ee. 22. ee eee 36 
374 Miscellancous2= == 2.2.5 522 eee 6 
Shamrocke 4-2 ose G28 We ae 133 Tot ales ease 8 =e eee 93 
Miscellaneous’: 224220 ee 42 ; 
: aS |) Seoakum:Mascellaneous® 222 seers 2 
ARO Gall ee eso eee Se ee be ae 175 ra 
Wichita: an 
TB Ypiel eaye ners Gy Hee ee ee ee 185 Rael sciaiea he pata saci alae a 
Electra__-_-.--.--------------------- 267 Biicws Casters (acs: &! Soh ans ne ae 18 
TOWAWPAtK Soe bee 3 eg ie eee Sy 109 Olney en on a ae 184 
Wichita Waliss?2727 71203 eee PADISAN Wal anc necia Os on aaa s Sane 18 
Miscellaneous =. ost yen ee 3 NGiscellancona. nee. aaa 9 
4 a) 1 anon Pg a ai af ee cara 3) ob 3, 482 rogate ee ea. 3s 442 
Vernonia tet ae oh ase 472 | Zapata: Miscellaneous---......-.-------- 7 
Miscellaneous!=i822ces5se2 ar ean 37 | Zavalla: Miscellaneous_.__._......-..._- 54 
Motale i ee Leste See Skee 509 Stateitotalass-<s sense eee 114, 534 
Beaver: Cache—Continued. 
HES OSV ICT ct se ey ns ae ed ee 12 Smithfield = ss ee 23 
Mi Ong L See eee 5 my, Ae Rie 91 Wiellsvilleses 22s = 13 
Miscellaneous 22s: 2228s ee $ 4 Miscellaneous 32 
MOUS a Ate Me ed Ee ere ere eet 107 ROY cio aes oe aie tees ey ES op 372 
Boxelder: UE ae . 
sjaaa eran Ol nae eee Ae eae 103 bon. Geta 68 
ehremonton=. ton ene- eee eee een 53 Welnacs aieees Oc a 127 
IViscalleneauis meu ae aul ny came 78 Hiawatha HerpheerenseaaaSeram sees 76 
TT Ska Pricessceeea sae 176 
Total ----------------------------- 234 Sunn ysid@uec e252) 6 ee 62 
Cache: ares i Miscellaneous! .0c2 Si eee 347 
Lec] 8 00 eee ae, ane te Eee He ee ie Ee CE 25 
NAS WAStONA ae ce ey ee 12 WMotaleie >was tare bee eee eens 856 
1 Dayeg ye es oe es 241 
PRO WIG ONCOL se oe oe edie’ elie es 9 | Daggett: Miscellaneous.-.........-.--..- 2 
1G (cl apastsy eV: Renee OFTEN) ® 17 



Tas eE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Terrttories—Number of returns 

distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

. Number é 4 Number 
County and city Neteeticas County and city afreturs 

Davis: _ Sanpete: 

LE OT IRL rl eee ee ee eee 30 Ephraim 22 
PRS ee ee en a A 21 Fairview 13 
NVINSCHN NEGUS =- = one ae eu Ets 111 Fountain Gree 20 
Gunnison 19 

Dota A eee oe ses wessene eke 162 Whar i Ce eae a eee 45 
Moronizoo 3a oe eons ee 8 

Duchesne: Mount Pleasants 225 Sasa eee 28 
IRDOSOVOlU= s.- co ao- teense RSS 17 Miscellaneous) ..-U ceecucnumoannesce 8 
IMUseollaneQUSs nc eeee eee ees --- 24 

Total G.-. 6 5 sesee Cee eee eee 163 
UND eo eee ee a eee 41 

Emery: Monr0e..224232006 ee ee eee 1 
NTN PLONE ea eae SS 3 Richfield.) 3 eee 74 
MERCH CT Bae ee ee 58 Salina) sso eee een 20 

Miscellanéous-cosuGaseceeee eee 10 
ADT) 7) l= 5A Se Ba le es 61 
otal! -325. Se ee ee eee 105 

TORN ge RS ee eee 2 | Summit: 
IP SRP UH tCh= ere oe Soe ok 3 9 Park @thy sn nce eee 191 
MincollaneOluss:2=2-=-52- 52. 25--5 265 2 Miscellaneous... cc sssseauacuee 40 
RIG Le uee a a a ee 13 Total: .2 eee 231 

Grand: Miscellaneous............------- 73 | Tooele: 

Grant5ville.J3s-sssco ee 10 
‘on: Q0eley ose eee ee 167 
Wedameitve---—-- ==. 25. ao = Ses 68 Miseellaneous:_..2----- eee 81 
LENT (ch oe ee ae ere 12 
Vii Scellan GOUSHs 6 oe 2 ‘Botels 25-2 -csee see 258 
ANG ls eae eee 2 ee a 82 | Uintah: 
Vernal §=3. = eesee eee eee 78 

Juab: Miscellaneous. Sos eee eee 20 
IER He ee ee nS 122 
Te) OW yt ea a el Oo aT 36 Totals 2.2 Soso eee 98 
Miscellaneous-_--_--.-.--------------- 60 

SUATiCL 2 ee ee eee 218 American: Work 5.2222 22t2sce ee 45 
ehits 02-24 SS eee i 
: Payson: == .--2555-55222225- 225) senee 1 
ene 2 Se a 10 zleseat Grove. ee on 
iscallanicaus'= = Bee 5 TOVO 
Miscellaneous. Spanish Fork 27 
. Seta a ray res 15 pringville_- 1 
on Miscellaneous 47 
Delta sah Gn ee 32 Poetalu.c. 1 ee 499 
illmore - 
Se Re ee eo eee eee & Wasatch: 
Miscellaneous... -------------------- 34 Meter City. 2. sea ee 57 
TUcte iL: Gedung ed see dae Reap 82 Miscellaneous-_.2 a 50 
Total. 3:33 See sees 107 
2 eae paicelluneous bp es ae 25 : 
fute:IViisecellaneous® so 6 | Washington: 
Rieh: Miscellaneous.--...-.......-----.- 13 ruiwieana pee cole 2 jut eal nt a 5 
St.George. 2 a eS 18 

Salt Lake: Miscellaneous: 2 
Bin ChAT OanVvOne sss a one 734 
(GUETTOT Uo ba oa ee ne Bi a Oe 82 Totals cue oa ee Se ee 25 
Magna 96 
Midvale 43 | Wayne: Miscellaneous__-----....------- 8 
Murray 103 
Salt Lake City 6,382 | Weber: : 

Sandy 29 Ogden City... 22-222 25- 5282-5228 1, 606 
Miscellaneous 56 MiscellaneouS:~- 2-2-2 es 3 

A RYOP I he orale te anh et stele ee ag 7, 525 Totaloec. 2 te 1, 639 

San Juan: Miscellaneous_.._......------ 9 Stateitotals 2 2 ee 13, 029 


TaBiE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city | Number County and cit Num ber 
of returns QUECHEE ONY of returns 
Addison: ' Orange: 
JBUAIS Nell gece sana teen 29 Bradfordes ssn ste 2225) eee 21 
HELMSDUTE. — = 5405 2aana one eoeee eee 10 @helseaiss=- 2222s 22-3555 steea eee 9 
Middlebury 2.22- ==... 2252 -eeeeeee 112 IN@wibUtyeees soca 2s5475- eee 12 
ING Ww eiegye mes = sn 2 aa nee eee 4 Randolp nee sees 20 oe ee 60 
Wergennes: .--.-=.=-2.-s<sea=---—=-=- 43 het tong weenie ess ae eee 6 
NVGiScellameouss.) sone ee eee 29 WiellstRivenenn so eee 18 
a || Williamistowme==== 5-22-22 S Sena 4 
ANG) Ne eee eee ne 227 Miscellaneousse.022 a5 ces eeeneem 27 
Bennington: = -—— | aaah CR ree 
SATIN gb On) =a) aa eee ene ee 33 Ti Gtaleueeaet ey. +0 dee ee 157 
IPOnnMe FON a. Seco So eee 502 — = 
AD oe) ee ea ee a 24 || Orleans: 
Wan Ghester os =22—- see = eee 65 Barton a. os 31 
WOM 2 een ae 5 @rattsbunyeesc.css.- see 9 
RGACSHOLO e245 ane a on nee sen ne 18 Derb yates 36 
Shaftshunye === setae ee 7 New portieen. 2. 8. ee 147 
MWiscellaneousissscssee oe eee eae eee 31 @uloancmemee es 4 a ee ee 42 
eras pee HO yan eee oe es eee 18 
685 iMtiscellanGOUS #2 a=2 222 ase eee 19 
FI MO talteteet ccc kos Seer 302 
8 | Rutland: 
50 || BranG0ness-0-+25<sscsc 4553 ee 59 
67 @astletonesen ese eee 18 
DERI Sh es ee 15 DAD yseeecse st. --e ee 14 
St. lohusburyss oso: ae ae 341 IGIEHELAV Onn bee eto 2 ee ona 104 
INGIScel aN eOUSS= een nana ae 9 Bawleteome ss 22 
ieee hy os Pittsford el eee 17 
_ Total----------------------------- 513 Poultneyeeee ess. os eee 86 
Chittenden: —S Proctor mes cs 119 
Teor tinea ee oe 1, 046 Ritlandieees oe 723 
Charlotte--------------------------- 14 Wiallinteford is st- = 2555 5co nena 23 
Colchester - - - ----------------------- 2 WrOstHUtlan@e: 0222. ass e eee e enn 38 
ESSeX - - ----------------------------- 53 Miscellancousis24-c2225-.c2 see eee 84 
yeriche We Se ones wake Le eee is eorres: Sane 
ilton__---------------------------- Pot alieeee a ee Sa cos -eewale ees 1, 307 
Ee eee or Sorsie eae ea 3 = 
helburne--------------------------- Washington: 
NVanGoskdl 1. cas casna una Me aes 50 Rare es 577 
Miscellaneous-.--.------------------ 82 Cabot... 4 
ae eer Graniteville_-- 26 
Total ----------------------------- 1,314 Montpelier 441 
Essex: a INTOCthel Cee ee ae eee 71 
Coen PSR aS RSS SES 4 Waterbury 53 
JONCOLG~ - ~~ ---- ~~~ -- nnn nnn nnn = iscellane@OUS =) sss ee soa == nae 221 
Island ond Dio ee een ne RE ee BEBE a ee 
Lunenburg--~----------------------- TO tale sees ea oe ees 1, 392 
Miscell Ve ee ee 27 a 
on ee Fall 214 
MObAl eee ee eae eee 74 Bellows Falls. --.--------------=---- 
Tranidint pa ES Brattleboro ---- 445 
RSHITA oe a, ote ae 4 Westminster-- 7 
Berkshires.----=---—- esti 9 
Min osbUtees cos s oe eee eee 23 Wilmington_---- ie 
Tartans ee tee a) ee ee ad f Miscellaneous 
Totewyots) (6 eee Se cc 
Georela ac ssk ae wie ay Sa eee 2 Motaletena===-=s=--=—— =e eee 715 
en Cates see a eae Windsor: 
Montgomery ------------------------ 4 Bethel Die. Oth bee Ll ee eee 24 
Richford 37 Cavendish 12 
St. Albans 363 Chestereco-teet ee eee 24 
Sheldon_-__- 14 Hartford __ 20 
Swanton--_-_- 35 Hartland. 9 
Miscellaneous- 3 Tico 67 
MNOtaleaet-= 3 eee eee coke eee 503 Norwicheee eee eee eee 21 
Grand Isle: ed Qtiechee seen eee ete neee aaa 14 
UV eti ty deagth tel ater ei as hnden dh it 24. Rochester 10 
IMiScellaneous sees eeeeeeeesa ae =as== 18 Royalton_--------------------------- 11 
ae aD Springfield_-------.----------------- 224 
Total. -.--------------------------- White River Junction_-------------- 138 
Lamoille: — SS CT ir imat ob oe 7 ol ee eee 7 
Cambridge..------------------------ 5 Windsore: 2-22: s2e- ane eI 154 
aye Park____---------------------- He WrOOdStOC neste eee ne eee a8 
(0) ahatYo) a1 Ee 8 ear Re ie ee SRA TROT RARE RE Los NL ero 
Ger ROT Se CEA EES 6 5 Miscellaneous-.-------- 
BOW Oe err ea SU OAs AILS ARID Src ¢ cx pa eget eo a ee a 918 
MWMiscellaneouss.2--ss2sse---=a—ee— =e 10 Total -~-------=- —— 
Motalecesenemanes ~h Jo seesabeesee 119 State totale see eee 8, 268 


TABLE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

County and city Number County and cit Number 
of returns y y ofreturns 

Accomac: | Caroline: Miscellaneous___.........._.-- 53 
Chincoteague Island_.-_..__.______- 12 || Carroll: Miscellaneous___.......-....._- 14 
ROTI AN COCK Me en tee eee oe 39 || Charles City: Miscellaneous_ 10 
iiiscellanieotss-sseees ee aos 168 || Charlotte: Miscellaneous__.--_.._______ 50 

AREY iG) [2 es Se ieee ate a hah ete aA 219 || Chesterfield: 
= Bitinicle = ss een ee eee 17 

Albemarle: Miascellaneouss ose eee eee 84 
Whanlothesvilles: <2 252-4 588 ————_ 
MMISCOLAHOOUS = see eee eee ee 114 Potalt sas) 24 t § ee ee ee 101 

NG Let epee ene ee ee ener = 702 || Clarke: 
=—— || Berry villd- 22292 eee ee 39 

Alleghany: Miscellaneous: 2252 2st eee ae 22 
GUittonpHOlees se) on oe ae ee 310 ; ns 
Gavingtoneee = — ooo se eee 224 || Total 3 2.2 c eer oe ee | 61 
NEO WN O OL ene ee eee 7 I SS5-- 
IMGSceHATIGOUS 2 ote seo =e se 21''|| Graig: Miscellaneous iac2222 22> ees 8 

TOUR Cea e ee ae ee 562 || Culpeper: 
SS Chilpepet22 eee UME 

Amelia: Miscellaneous: ...--2<=2=-=--=2- 18 Miscellaneous: 8225-22 aks a eee 32 

Amherst: Totali2- 32 == 2s ae eee 109 
Madisonsreights=2=-— 20) = 2222 === 13 = 
IVINS Ce TRTIGOLISS see oe ee eee eee ne 75 || Cumberland: Miscellaneous----________ 5 

ll Dickinson: MiISCe lane Ol s== === ==eeeaee 22 
ALOT s eee wee eR eee 88 | ————— 
: ——————— || 1b itaieisbce 
Appomattox: Miscellaneous-----.._.--- 23 | Petersburg 22 aoee ee eee 881 
SS IVE ISCel MAN BOUS oe eee eee | 22 

Arlington: ———— 
PUGEATTI nee meme eee eee nee ne 1, 024 | otal Soe e ee Oe eee 903 
Amlingionmeeces see eaeen sees et eh 35 SSS 
VES BUNS HOVE ots A et oe mee e 61 || Elizabeth City: 

(Chemmy Ones es ee eee eae 56 | ‘Hampton! Sota ee 411 

(CHIT ENG (Ort eye ae a A ES 222 | Phoshus®: < e eee 63 

HMashHallsse hunches senses een e 62 Miscellaneousss252-2 92 ose mene eee 44 

Way IMG) oS aees a ae See 3 — —— 

MMINSCOHHMEOUS ee tes es ORE LAS BES 113 Total: 2.2235. fee se 518 

MOYEN SS ee ie a aed 1,576)5||\ssex; IMiscellaneouSss-—-2=---— eee | 24 
SSS { 

Augusta: || Fairfax: 

SLATE BC iOS PS Ba as So RR PT a eet / 410 | Palis' @hurch)so2e2=== sss. eee 41 
VASE STS OS) 010) (= ae he ee ne ee 106 Miscellaneous: ® 22 ie txs eee eeepeeee 181 
Miascellameous==-2 2-2 522% ee 75 a 
; wan Motalt.. «+ 2<Sasesese seen eee eee 222 
NOUR bs oo le el talk dee le ea 591 
————__——— || sRauquier: 

Bath: Wiarrentont 22.233 =o eee 118 
TEM Gy ry SY 0) a os = a elk ea a 68 Miscellancous 2" 22 se. eee 113 
iMiscollansousses.. 2 522) See ete 26 SSS 

——- Totals: 22.2.2 See e ee eee 231 
Maile cise ee ae ee Ce ted 94 | SSS 
i) Hloyd dviiscellaneous= 229 -— oes am 5 

Bedford: || Fluvanna: Miscellaneous-----..-.__---- | 18 
[Bettondmeseanaas een eee een nk 126 | SSS 
HViaScellaneous= ta eaee be os Seer eed hot 31 || Franklin: | 

i Rockymounts-e2- a eee eee 32 

ANGE Lo he See Be 157 || Miscelisneouss S222 eae we eee | 15 

Bland) Miscellaneous_—=---_-.-2_.-.--.- 9 Totals. 2h 2 eee ee an ae 47 
Botetourt: Miscellaneous---___.-.-_-__- 57 | Pata 
ae || Frederick: 

Be ti 60 |! Winchester See e Ssh ya Lee | 343 

IMMER PEM ANCOUSE o-oo 25 |} Miscellaneous. -- -------------------- 18 
ihr VS ee er, 85 |) Total sek cen how te ee | 361 

Buchanan: Miscellaneous___-----_----_- 13 |, Giles: | 
Buckingham: Miscellaneous--_-___-_.-__- 13 |} INSEEOWS" 22-8 ee eee 20 
: Mae Miscellaneous: -< == 2245 eaie ate ee | 51 

pal nanan 1, 656 || 

AVE E! OY OY Fife 73 Ss | a , 65 H 
LE 2 ae ee 53 | sh pear ram ant catyZik. js teawily 
Miscellaneous ------~-------------- 36 | Gloucester: Miscellaneous____----------- 30 
City ct eae meme MME Helens = ol 1,745 | Goochland: Miscellaneous -------------- 26 


Taste 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number_ of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

Numb | 
P Number © S F 
County and city of rabies | County7and city Be pers 

Grayson: | Madison: Miscellaneous ----.------------ 19 
rigs. ea eee 5 || Mathews: Miscellaneous__-_------------- 30 
igalex mieten SS ee 48 ed 
WVSeelsNeOUS = —* = -= = — eee nee 5 || Mecklenburg: 

SSS GhaseiCity2e.. =}. 2 ae eee 66 

Mota. 2 2) 2 ee eee 58 | Southeetleeeeee es a2 = oe eee eee 41 
——— iviiscelianeouss—:-----.--=- = 82 

Greene: Miscellaneous -.---------------- 4 ee 
SS Tota pee een 2 tie eee 189 

Greensville: a 
MM POMA= -—= =o 2a-oa= =a oe 112 || Middlesex: Miscellaneous-_-------------- 21 
Mascallancouss 22 sseee == soe naa ase 5 

otal eee eee 117 Blacksburg! . =) <--5- sse2- Se a 34 
| @hristranshurge. ti: esse eee 61 

Halifax: RAdfordi=s:* == -—--s- = et eee eee 102 
SoutheBoston— > 2222. = 22 == 207 Miscelitnicous! 22°22 <* iiss Sees 21 
WMuascetianeous seers sce ee ee 65 

Motals2= 222-2 chase spese see ee 218 
Molale = - eee Se ee 272 

Hanover: Suigl ket. 27 e7 Peete ae ctor 356 
W \GUPU STAY bo ee ee ee or 85 || Miscelaneous.2 22-422 --25.25 2252-225 17 
Miscelianeous==—" === 61 So 

—_——- Totgte ee ee ee 373 
TROta Soe ee nee ene 146 | ——— = 
nn Nelson: Miscellaneous -------..--------- 65 

Henrico: New Kent: Miscellaneous____-.--------- 16 
iechmond =) es neo eae 9, 266 ———— 
WWiiscellaneous:= 2-2 =-22—* == 22 e ee 133 || Norfolk: 

—_——- Churchland 22 
TR OUA ee As oR cae Sete ee ee eee 9, 399 Nfs ict 5, 656 
ee Portsmouth 1, 336 

Henry: Miscellaneous 33 
Martinsville} 22.2. === 22 see 157 = 
iMaiscellaneous--. 2225225 = 2 60 Motaheaeeeee--~-) SP eee eee 7, 047 

TG) | nee eee ee eee eee 217 || Northampton: 
| Cape '@Banles® 2° 2" = 2-2 eed 117 

Highland: Miscellaneous - --------------- 2 |i Miscellaneous! *==—" 25-* == sss 184 

Isle of Wight: TOLA eee ee on ne eee 301 
Sinitnnolde notte oe ee ee 6 || 
Miscellaneous: .-.=-25-2-----:=5----2 6 || Northumberland: 

Reed vallosetn ae on eee 17 
Motale ston ase eee ee eee 32 Miscellaneous: =_= 222.222 =2- 2 41 

James City: Totalaewete eset a acae es ee 58 
TMG aN se eta oe esos eee See 8 
Williamsburg 73 || Nottoway: 

Miscellaneous 4 Blackstones2 40 2-2-2 = Le 62 
Grewersieh tere 5 tcl oC Ue eee 109 
DUGG ee cee eh dae whee Se alspem basi 85 Miscellaneotisi22==225220. 5S teeteey 16 
King and Queen: Miscellaneous- -------- 9 Motalsskreens = 2. -* ot tthe See 187 
King George: Miscellaneous - ------------ 20 

King William: Orange = 22 sees 3550462 See 57 
WeSisboint 2] 2525272" >_* 2h os) ae 45 IMUISCOLANEGOUS=~ = 2025 Aen noe cee 97 
Whiscellaneous:.- +. ---s22-- ee aes 11 

a GtAl Ae S eons. ee eee eee 154 
OLA es te eee eres cee 56 j 
| Page: 
Lancaster: Miscellaneous - -------------- 33 (REA: Soe eae la one cee 46 
Lee: Miscellaneous--.---------------.--- 54 Shenandoah s2- = 2226 oa ee 47 
————_ |! Miscellaneous:- = 222 22-.s2s-nsnteseee 2 

Loudoun: ——<————— 
Weesbune. === 3-25-22 tenes eae 75 |, LI ft) fst lg yee ene ner ae ee 95 
Miscellaneous: 22-0 2-—- 2~ oe eee ee 103 |) =——S 

| Patrick: Miscellaneous_........--.--..=- 22 
TOA eats = Seer er ee ero 178 || 
————— ||| Pittsylvania: 
Louisa: Miscellaneous - ----------------- 38 Chathante 5s ae eee 49 
——_ jj Dan Ville! se se eae acoe ees 881 

Lunenburg: Miscellaneous! : 2 2222252" -- ess ee 69 
WACLODAtS--- o 2 ee eee 44 == 
Miscellaneous ~ 2.2 = ese 35 TOtallj 2224-5 See eee 999 

Roa eens. ne ee ae eee eee 79 || Powhatan: Miscellaneous--------------- 17 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

* Number . A Number 
County and city Btraburan County and city dfreturn 

Prince Edward: || Spotsylvania: 

[RAT Wa OL eet i ee 109 Fredericksburg. 2 ee eee re 257 
IMTSCO GO See ere eee 24 IWliscellaneouse: 22-2 ee eee 10 
“ANG HN tae Se ee oe 133 ‘Potae Be se ee ee eee 267 

Prince George: || Stafford: Miscellaneous_..._-..._--.---- 7 
Hopewelllc= 2. Wee ese ceeeee te 172 | 
Meisediianeous. 2222 2222-52225 2e 12 || Surry: 

| Dengan os ee ee 17 
CETL lea ee 9 eS i 184 | NUIScolinneors:= 2s Sa ee 6 

Prince William: 2 Notalt<. ..2-- eee ee 23 
IM ERG eS a ae 54 
@iranten= = sao ek 39 || Sussex: 

Miscellaneous 26 Waverly=+=. -+ state ee sees 19 
WHSculidn eos sso ee 39 
Me ASN 5.8 Se ae a 119 
EP OUSI.'=—2 ee ee 58 
Princess Anne: Miscellaneous_.__--._-_- 102 
1 Tazewell: 

Puaski: Biuefield-< 41. - Stuy te ee eee oes 45 
IBIAS ka eed cn ee OE Ls 164 || Pocahontas;~-.t2=-t eee eae 66 
Miscellaneous!) fawn 19 Richlands32:. 2: ose eee 24 

(Pave Well. =... Me ns eee eee 120 
ANGI. = (hot eo; ooo oe ee 183 Miscellaneous:=- 22) ere 54 
Rappahannock: Miscellaneous_______-_- 14 Total. 2. 3 ee ee 309 
Richmond: Miscellaneous__________-_____ 20 
Roanoke: HronteRoyal’ 2. ee eee 53 
3, 036 Miscelan sous: 2:2 == 222 = sees eas 15 
61 Ota Sc 2< 22 ee aoe en 68 
SU Oteleeeen ete ee ee ee Re a 3, 305 Noewporti N@ws:2022262 22 eee 1, 094 
NVITSCeHANOOUS aan = ee eee 80 
LRT WG] ee ee OY 38 Wotal oo ok ete eee 1,174 
HEDRIN LOM eee ee en 187 || 
INTISCRNANGDUS 2 o.= 22 ek eek 31 || Washington: 
| Abingdon: #222 == 254-5 64 
OCHS EAR pte eee ween Uk 256 | Brist0ls: 226 22) VS 273 
Damiaseus: =.-20 2222 sk ee eee 13 

Rockingham: Miscellaneous <2.222.-=stscoaue eee 46 
Pebamminnn DUT. ee tno ss 270 
BZ ETSLE’S) LE Wea) SI ae ee a ee 39 UL NCO) 2 4 a a ha et ar EN 396 

LIMON OS ee ee en ee 359 || Westmoreland: 
Colonial Beach=-!=!222*=seeenereees 14 

Russell: Miscellaneous________..--..--- 74 | Miascelianeous==.=se—- osseous eens 6 

Secours Wiiscellaneous =. 8) 2-68 19 

TOUS) sats 4 5 pee ee 20 


IWinOUSLOCKstee pe ows tee 35 || Wise: 
IN NER Etat) ee ea ae a TT 62 || Appalachia®=- +) sn==2! esse eee 83 
|| Bigistone Gaps === ee eee 63 
TNS [ape ee ec a a 97 || INIORT OHSS +s = = <54 ae Ae OEE eee 100 
IVEISCAllaneOQUS! 2-5) sss eee 134 

Smyth: } 

INE WIDY cant ance ee en eee 67 MOtal. 6202 oon eet ase 380 
‘SYEUN alley = ee sepa en i ae aa 36 || 
IMHISTO SL THuts| oy ieee alah tee oe Rae 20 || Wythe: 
Wytheville: <-> <-=<ss=ssi eee 65 
ANGI es 2 ee 123 || Iiiscellaneous!2222=5= ase 46 

Southampton: i 150) 1 pee de ee eee 111 
1) fet WETS UI sot a ed a = a 83 | 
INMISCRIPTEH Re oh ee Ta Aa York: IMiiscellaneous!= 2222s a eee 11 

WRafigl) 2 GN ee 130 Stateitotal: 2-2 oe eee 37, 393 




TasBLeE 11.—IJndividual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


. Number |! . Number 
County and city Gtivatnnris County and city ofsetunne 
Adams: Grays Harbor: 
GZ Alle oe oe ee 137 Aberdeene asses eo) eee 1, 510 
Miscellaneous: 2-22. - 922 2 180 Cosmopolises 22: > =- =. <2 eee 75 
lina teeeeer on 22 22 52 127 
Oval ese a oes a eh eee eee Se 317 LOUIS sss cots Oe Se 895 
Wie @leany see cee == v2 aoe ees 37 
Asotin: WMontesanoss 0" 220 be eee 120 
Clarkstonl?* see ees eee eee soa 63 Miscellaneous! =. 2: 2222 ee 194 
MMnscellanGousss eee ee: 2 ee 20 
Mogae ses 8 Se 2, 958 
SA BOY 2) hea oe eee oe ee ae ari we 83 
[sland:)Mascellancouss: =.=. 222s sees 27 
MOTI G WACK ee ee et eee ee ea, 65 || Jefferson: 
TET H OSS) cee peep Ee a Se eE RUG Tee 63 orb chOwmnsend.. 2. 2-23 =-. eee 79 
Wiscellancous:=- 22-2255 4822 es 34 WVbiscellancous..... 2 ---- 222 3) eee 70 
sO ual ee eon creas es ae een eee 162 Novae == Ss A eee 149 
Chelan:+ King : 
(CASHING a Ses oe eee eee 170 PAID tris 7 ss a 209 
Gea VenWODth- sesso) ae ee ee a 69 IBGHEVNE Haas. ots oe ee 68 
INVenALCH Cem io seeemr rer ao) Saleem ume 910 iBlackeDiamond =. 22. 2) = eee 20 
Miscellaneous: == seo es oe ee 317 Cumberland: - 0"... = See 2 
mM Cla wes =a. 22. 55 eee 168 
Ota] Be Soha eae OREN Cala 1, 466 Kren tae saeetees se) © eee 195 
Karklan dieekeee sk sb 12 Se 94 
Clallam: Rentonkat te 2 4 den jth eee Sie 170 
RorntyAnpelesss2— 220 =* Sa aE eee 382 Seattle: see S06 2 a. ey ees 22, 885 
iMaScellaneousssies eo ea see ee 180 IMisceltaneouse=se- 622-22. seen 806 
“A DRY 2 as ase a ee te a Ie hen et 562 Motaleeateser ce! - 0 OTe 24, 617 
: ~ || Kitsap: 
Clarke: IBTementonee< 4h =. -: eb 580 
(Cam aS eee ea eee 110 3 
C@harlestenee2-=: =-5- 222.4 25 
Wan COUN OLS=s2a6 se nce gato ee 425 - 
Miscellaneous 93 Port Blakely__---.------------------ 20 
Se Gee ae PEs PR Tee ee aaa Port iOrchardac«- 2-22. 222 eee ae 63 
ePota t ee feetahe ee he 628 INTIScellaneouS==. 2 2) Yt ee 185 
Columbia: Total ----------------------------- 873 
Day lone esse ee ee ee i 93 || Kittitas: 
iIMuscellaneous:+ 252-8) se 39 @le nIMmese so. Ao se 138 
Ibilensbunpees: 2s ao See 310 
Li Mya) if: 9 ge fe mes epee tried agin eral ne. a | 132 LOS Valea e= - 50 bt 85 
IMuiscellaneous:. 22. _==2: ==... 222 ae 72 
Kelana ET SEs DEL a Sirs, SAG AIT A | 20 Totalesas: 8 so) 2.) Sr 605 
CISQE Se a a ee oea ee see oe 63 ee tie 
OUR VIBW s/n asad 0s ene hea | 1G | ent Pe hs 45 
Miscellaneous----------------------- | 175 Miscellaneous 160 
Total Sig So Soe eee OS 677 | Total MRE sd Nie. pugs Oe ee 205 
Douglas: | Lewis: 
Wiskitonvill6ie= = so ec. ieee a 57 |} @entralia ne ee eee 374 
IVEISCOMAM EOS ese 2st) eae 73 @hehalisha- 20.23. 305 
— IViIScellaneos:- 2529. ae eee 298 
‘ROU sens see ee = eee ee 130 
: LA BOs baa ant 8 aR LE BR SU 977 
Ferry: Miscellaneous- --..-.....-------. 35 || Lin coln : 
ro AVOCHDOLUSS=sa. Ges sa 8 SUS eee 5 
F ee 213 Mdessatseedts seus) - 49 Pad hee eae 51 
Miscellaneous. 212022020 702207 g0 | Miscellameous.----------------- 2a 388 
Mintal Soh ee Payot anne meen 993, |i Total. -----.-.----.--------------- 497 
Garfield: | Mason: Miscellaneous. -._-.------------ 266 
OMIBIOV: <n e nee cee sees 270 | Okanogan: 
IVETSCOIATIOOUSS oe ne oe seem e se ee 15 Okandgansc--< -< c yone e ee 78 
Orovillet ee. ee eee 30 
Tote GoeA Set ee ces eee A ee ae 285 Miscellaneouse: 2-22 eos oe oe 190 
Grant: Miscellaneous__.-._-..-.-----..- 125 || Total..~-- 5 = Se eee 298 

* 2Includes Alaska. 



Tasie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, cqlendar year 1927—Continued 


: Number A Number 
County and city obirebursialt County and city of returns 

a = - = _|| 

Pacific: | Thurston: 

Lhasa) sl. SS ee 206 || Olymipih he - 3 = <2 eee 661 
iS\OLetif 01 13 \2yeVs De ee SES eee 96 IVhiscellancous: =) S22 eee 227 
IWistellameeus:— =o. 25-6 Scene ete od 130 |! 

TPN DY EU ice at ger ee ee 432 MO tals 2 o.cce co oo aes eed ee 888 

Pend Oreille: Miscellaneous__-----_____- 134 || Wahkiakum: Miscellaneous-_-_--------- 68 

. : | Walla Walla: 

Saar 47 || Wists OU Seance eee eee 114 
Tere LCS 33 || Wallatwalla:.<- 225 sseene ee 1, 089 
Puyallup. | «25 || Miiscellameous.------—- 130 
MUTA One ees Red a SER 113 
TNT eo pases ace SE 4, 863 Total. .--------------------------- 1, 333 
IWHSCEIRAHEOUS Seatac oe 621 Winton 

LA NYC fl eh a cp ae ee a 5, 922 || Bellingham a= ase 5 ene eee 1, 049 

| Blaing. 20.22 32 ee 41 

San Juan: Miscellaneous__..-.---------- 53 1B 6X6 (2) s eeepenenne a= =o 8 ea 57 
Miscellaneous=2. 2 2 eee 2 


AIA CONDOS sees ee ee eee ene eee 165 Totals..< =. ee eee 1, 259 
[ein bie OTe NOE A ee Ee eee 53 
IWIOHITMELNOM cee tee ne 310 || Whitman: 
Nedromwogloys-2s-e-8 2 foe 135 Colfax: 2.2. 355 250 
WiscellaneouS---soseesee ne sone ke == 163 || Mialden=.-2. 22 eer eee ee 15 
MD EG) fea ee ge a 826 204 

Skamania: Miscellaneous---_-_---.------ 28 a 

aulington eae py NT wl RD 83 1, 166 

WELGh Use ae acetate ee 1, 358 Fee 
IMiarnySvallon< "2. asa osne stone sone 41 ¥ race sees 47 
(0) 00 00, eee ee ee ree 80 Ss iid Oo. =. ok eee 89 
Snohomish ---------2--2--22-2------ 126] 37 "Poppenish..__ 71-0. ae 12 
IMB R(GT! Gio) ee ee ee 386 | Wapato... 2s een ene 1 
EEE Ue eter a pe a 2, 074 Yakime-.c<--<-.- ee ee 1, 631 
| Miscellaneous..2-—= 2%. 5-2 Se 296 


(CHa SV OER 5 sy ee See oa hee 50 || Totals 20. 8 aso nes eee ee 2, 286 
OGG EN a ae 33 || , 
Medicniimakous coin rents 7 || ALASKA: 

OOK ANO Mae enon cee ae 5, 873 || CH OLAE == aan ee 282 

MNVMISCEUANOOUSS. oe so skeet ses 173 Corv oy ae ====— == eee 184 

| F'girbankstes setts titeeeesy Sees 437 

IND de ae eee: ee ee ae 6, 136 |) THneath Ow on Xs 5 ea Se eee 472 

A Ketchikan= == 400 

Bones 41 Wiiscellaneousi22s Seas 2s eee 1, 247 
Geiger 85 | 
HVESeellanegus?= ==. a etead 80 |, Total----------------------------- 3,022 

FRO Cee oe eee eety Aan sews) 206 |) Statestotals+=A-2ae2 eset eee 62, 200 
5 x, 

Barbour: Brooke: 

TE LTUD Oy oy RS DOs Se a 47 Hollansbees:<<42=22= 22225255025 232 
INGISCANENGOUS 32 one Se 8 ec ec 55 IPOWEr = =o eS sec ceo sceeneasseee 37 
Wellsburg! 22st ec eee 319 

BOG Sl earns ee wee te ees eee 102 Miscellaneous: < 222222220 s2-5-55Seee= 142 

Berkeley: TQ oe eos sce ceaceceostccesase= 730 
IMIAT bMS burgesses eS aeee oa teees 38 372 Gabell: 

Miscellaneous. _..--.---------------- 18 Huntingtons fo oe 2) 204 
Miltone2 == 2222 2222225252 2 eee 
Total_.-----------.--------------- 390 Miscellaneous..-.------------------- 45 

Boone: Miscellaneous_........---------- 149 Total 22. -.c. 22555-55555 25s35eee=5 3, 271 

Braxton: Calhoun: Miscellaneous_._._---..-.--.-- 39° 
leigh yall ae Se | ee 81) Clay 
CESSEN Eh aee Se ee See ce 28 Widerian ame nieae ne dee ieee eee 20 
Miscellaneous. ----..---------------- 58 Miscellaneous so 2225 sae eae eee 31 

“DRESS 12 AE ad he 94 Notaload =. aaa sens Se ees 51 



TaBLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 

Wiest eUinion: += 2222 ee eee 

IBOOMORS nese se sae 
Mayenievileme oe - 2a Sea 
Macdonsal dma ates os ae lio wd 

IS AMAR = oma a oe eee Rae 

WOWiISDUNE=—. = so 2=se—n-) oe eee 
Ronceverte-.- ..- 3-2. 5-5--- eee oe 
WiScellaANCOUSS oe. eee ene ee 

IVOMNGVE 2s cs nee een ee eee ee 

HollidaysiCovesss2s2 sass sven sees 
INewe Cumberland: 2222522222525 

Hardy-nMuscellaneous:.2----22seneo sas 

IBTIGPepOLbse- = aos ee oo eee 
@larksburgs:-22 220 be lS eee 
INnbtorshort: <2) Bee. eee ee ees 

Ravenswood --2ss25se45 2222-22200 

@harles. Pown-<=: 22222-22225: 
Shepherdstown: o..3342s-2255- 2 


of returns 

County and city 


Lincoln: Miscellaneous_.....--..------- 

ENCCOVTO! ts he se eee 

Fol den 355s 228s ee steno 

Gaye eee eee 
IRcimballeas oan ee a eee 


MOonOneahieeeass 's > = =n kek eee 

Point bleasantuces= = eee ane 
Miscellaneousiccs snes as ee eee oes 

MOY SOh cece cece eee ene eee 

of returns 


TaBie 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


: Number | F Number 
County and city of returns | County and city of returns 
Mingo: Ritchie: 
IRBOMIRCKB lsc een anna a et 34 | aris p= = = eee eee eee 14 
\Gir LYPGIRY - 2222 2 a 2 Ponnsbporo: ee eee 53 
Vin eRUE Se S(O) 436 Miscellaneous. 5.22225) one een see ake 76 
MMIScellsnp pistes ee ee 179 TT otalts n= os oon pgaeeitee all 143 
SOUR eee ne pee ee 651 
—————— Roane: 

Monongalia: SPONCO? jesse eed et 105 
IMipreantawieee eee 801 27 
IWiiScellaneOUsse nen eecene sss 159 | 132 

SUG NS ace ee Sas Sa ee 960 

Monroe: | 28 
PAN GO TSO ee ee ene ee 48 | 6 
IWiISGall ane Olisse ee te ere 2S 24 939 

STR OG Sl ee epee ee me Ee ert 72 
: 327 

Morgan: Miscellaneous__-.._--.-------- 50 36 

Nicholas: 363 
RICH WOUG see ae 92 
IVEISCEILANE OTIS He eee eee ee 8 15 17 

GMCs ee Ae ee ee ee eee 107 15 

Ohio: 37 
PETG OVO nee eae 174 16 
Triadelphia 23 93 
Wheeling. _.._-_- 4, 138 
Miscellaneous 22 || m yler: 

UMS: 3-2 BE Se ee eee 4, 357 Sistersville: = eee eee 192 
: Miscellancouss22 = eas 31 

Pendleton: Miscellaneous.______.__.____ 9 MPGtal! ...--- t= eee ee 293 

Pleasants: r ; 

(Sits WMIDVA/2 ee Se Spe cee See eee O ee aeee 86 e pee Anat eae 5 

Miscellaneous--_--.--..------------- 3 Buckhannon: 02 = 2a ae eae 136 

UA RY FD Lath ee lee yl es ee wees cote, Need 89 Miscellaneous: 2 oS a ae 9 

aceon: Total --.-------------------------- 150 
CE eet ae Rae oe ee ee pe ee eee 22 ne 

Marlinetom 22225 2522220 22552.=--.2 38 | be gece vues ALE eee 17 

MVinScollaneose =. see eo 2 ess pam «20 | Ori Walco ee sue ace 67 

UD QUETS [a peret, Soe t ee e h eyapee aleea 80 Miscellaneous? == 2s see eae enn 27 

Preston: Dotali sens ee eee 111 
AGT EW ONC tester 45 _——— 
Rowlesburgae ne ee 28 || Webster: Miscellaneous_._-_-.......___- 45 
SAREE SAUL Eee eee ee ee eee oe 35 a 
munnelionte se Ss 18 || Wetzel: Serif 
NVIISCellanGOTIS sae ee ee 87 New Martinsville2 2) Se 117 

PadeniCity= 3 es eee 2 
“ADOLIES tae oe cape cl eee, i oe Rl 213 Wiscellancous!=* =e sass see 130 

Putnam: Totals 2-2 Seco esa ee 272 
INFERNO, so eee ates ee Sees ae Ramin 56 
IWNISCoHAnGOUS ee eee 4301) Wirt) viascehaneous==20) =e ee ae 10 

AUN GYD) (tees a kh 2 mee he he 99 | Wood: 
SSS = Parkersburg? 2 2 eee es 1, 544 

Raleigh: Williamstown 38 
IBOCRLGyateere kn omg Seed 8 376 || Miscellaneous 20 
IRGATS et ee Se eae 22 
WIG) oC) i gee oe eae 7 "Rotals. «<3 See eee eee 
BVHISPeNAN DONS soe ett ee 446 | 1, 602 

—s Wyoming: —————— 
AG) ee OC eee 851 Mullins: 22+ <coe se tr 98 
=—— Miscellaneous... 2-22 eee 129 

Randolph: Sa ane 
CONUS TT) ae Rk co oe a 217 - Totals see ete eae Ne Pee 227 
NORTON ena ORT ER at ase 2 TH 7 ’ = 
IMRISCAHATTEO See eee ee net ee aati 48 || Miscellaneous for State: Residents of 

—_———— other States: == 2-<2 bee~ see e es eee 149 
Total ee ee eee eee eee ee ose 272 SSS 
Stateitotalssss=<*12te seers esesads = 32, 500 


TABLE 11.—ZJndividual returns by Siates and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

Numb | Numb 
; umber | : umber 
County and city pixetorns County and city Girobaeis 

Adams: || Columbia—Continued 
A Gams ies ood 2 ae eee ee ee 38 Bortagaees Sees Ta. 3) es ee 261 
Miscellaneous: =. 2- 32 Se a 24 uViiscellaneons) =|: i 2 aa 201 

Rotal sas Sere eae ee Se 62 Totales === 3! 3 833 
: Crawford: 
cag aa AN ee || Prairiedu Chien__..______________ 87 
WEN Se a Miscellaneous==-= 502°" 22: eee 66 
TOtA = ao ss 153 
Nad isoneess .-! = = 1. ee eee 3, 837 
Mount Horeb: 2.2225. =" Sse 113 
SUC 3 Fr Te ee ie ak Te 204 
Bun branie: tone ae) een 62 
RVESScollancons-a2) 2) s = ahe era 550 
| Motaleesso2 Sie Sa le eee 4, 766 
Sncnw nr wiry pIGRO EME eIS Kanaan Dodge: 
Ineaver Dams. 2S... ee 438 
Hox/akoucee ses 2. (ean aenEne 55 
~~ -------------------------- PETOTICQ Tile rte Serre eee 111 
tort ntti ------------- Janene ea 2 a eee 63 
jen enna === -----=------ Viewable sseee 2 8 eae 140 
Randolph ase... ae 57 
~ ooo nooo ------------------- Miscellaneous. 222. =... eee 184 
Brown Rotalese sores, oS a 1, 048 
ys ae eae settee ete Door: 
De pee bi eect | Stureeonsbayea <2 eee 142 
_————_. Miscellaneans%c 5: 2" +. Ss ae 65 
a a, 2. foe "otal Seer 2. = 8: | ee 207 
ioe Ra Douglas: 
eee eee ae EPS | BUDGRIOn=eeeeen eee ee 1, 521 
eee ee | Miscolisneonss!). >) 222 eas 
bi Aenea eh ear shales, eee Totalaaeeea =. 2.2 3 ree 1,611 

Burnett: Dunn: | 
KS FAUISDUN oe toe ee ee IMenomonies22s.. cc. =... eee | 219 
Miscellaneous | Wiscebaneonse =: 2285252 20l one aeas 109 

PLOtal = Se es ee eee ee T Obalsc eee steel a. eee | 328 

Calumet: Eau Claire 
GU ION Sane eee ee ee ae PRUPUSU Ree en ee ee ee 
Ciiligas ool a ee es | Han Clarets: - Orne ee errs 1, 024 
New; Holsten! <8) ae eee Wiiscellaneousse+ > ee eee eee 108 
Miscellancous! 22-2" eee 

TOtal 55s 5 ee eee eats eee 1, 165 
ROLAle ose eae we Oe 

Chippewa: | Bloren celeste es a ee ee | 23 
Bloomer: | =~ - = ee = oe eee IMiscellansonse= eS ae ll 
nip pOWs Als =e ee eee ee SS 
Corelle): ok eee of M1) 2 ae ae ne ae 34 
iMiscalinricous. esau ne eens ge a TEA Oe 

North? rondidti Lac! ssa eee eee 
Total. ---_------------------------ paper ae ee eee ee eee ee 
Clark: hh seaolenrd aie eeiebcages? 
Neilisville Miscellaneous... -2-.22. eee 
SROA ohio. Secor tee eS eS 
Cran dons <2. = cast soe ee 
WSDGHO wae te eee eee ee eee 
Woscelisneduss: Soot eee 
Dotale neces Se eee 


TasLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


County and city 

GS CT Oo | a ere 
NORIO ye ee eee 
Nonnimore = = 252 o ea -=----- 

shel wee eee Se eer 


Bineksh iver Walls:----------.----—-- 
ISPelinniGONs =. 2 ess et eb 

ort Atkinson, ==. =:=---2==.2:2=s=- 

AVE ELLIE Sc ale a ince meee ne 

IGBHOSR Ree ase ta ees eas a 8 

of returns 

County and city ps caer 
La Crosse—Continued. 
West: Salem: .<. =o ecto 39 
IWMiscellaneous= s0s-t-as- sees =e = 55 
Potali2s eon eee eee 1, 617 
| La Fayette: 
Darlingtons 532238 2 eee 129 
Shullshure:: =. See 34 
Miscellancous--- == -=- = = 127 
Total: =~. See 290 
Antigo: 2s. 5 bene eee 382 
Miscellaneous.2=<-<-o== eee 33 
T otal... == eee 415 
Menmilif: 20 -Ol 2 ee ee 305 
Tomahawk 2622-4 SS eee 173 
Wiascellaneous:22225-=-——-"- nea 15 
Total: 2 Se eee 493 
Kiel ce - -28 2 ee 56 
Manitowoc? eee 1, 025 
Two Rivers. 2.2 oo 2 ee 298 
Miscellaneous <=-=====2s-5s5--55=——— 126 
Motel: =. eae eee 1, 505 
AtHOUS: 2c b2- = e  eee 31 
Mosinee EEE ee 77 
Sceoheldt eS ee eee 10 
Strattord = eee 32 
Wiss ee eee 1, 055 
Wiscellaneous 22 ee ee 203 
Not eee 1, 408 
Goodinan eee 14 
Warmette.. =~ eee 464 
Niaparn. (222 se ee se ee 47 
Restititen se 64 
Waussukee 22232 18 
Wiscellanecous: 222" = ee 44 
Total. 20. ee ee eee 651 
Montello:-. 3-5 -= 2. ee 30 
MuSceMaANneOUS2=-— 28 ee eee ee eee 50 
RG alt eee ee 80 

Cudahy----------------------------- 390 
Milwaukee: 5 ee 39, 865 
North Milwaukee-.----------------- 489 
Shorewood). 215 
South Milwaukee. 22-222 -s222222-- = 537 
Wat WaLOSSe = ses ee eee 2, 056 
WrestuAllis 29252 Se 1, 185 
West Milwaukee 23 
Wriscellaneous: 222-2 = ae ene 363 

Totals = 2 eee 45, 123 
Sart 22 ee 169 
a Sie ee Se aa 
Miscellaneous. ~-- = --- --- 
Tot ale eee 415 


TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 

. Number ; Number 
County and city atretarns County and city atretard 

Oconto: Rusk: 

Gaillette2 35205 2 se ae eee 42 IDEYob Croatia k Soe eT)! 104 

Ocontosisl sas ea eee 122 Miscellanepuss 2) oer 42 

Oconto Halls=. 222-2 ei eee 54 ————— 

IViscellanenus=22 5. oe eee 66 STO es ee 146 
Rotale ens ast = she ee 284 || St. Croix: 

@acida: GsGne aes 2. ono ee 130 
i neland er ae ees eh ee AY 340 Neve peuoud GENRE aise e 
Miscellaneous_______--_.---__----__- 65 iscellaneous---_------------------- wie 

ERO t al Meas tees hcl crane sainlirget a 405 Ota Sone wenec cect eee ee ee 386 

Outagamie: Sauk: 

ANGOVOI GOTO ee AE ea ae 1, 325 iBarabooe 2 oS Se ee 333 
Kaukauna 239 eramierd saci. 222 StS hese ree 62 
Acie yes cu a 39 IR GS GSD UTE eee ee eee 178 
igtlet@ bute s 222 see ee 48 SAUKMOIY 8s. 8 SE ieee 73 
MOwenGui ee ooo ass se es 51 IViiScallaneous:... .) oe eee 114 
IVfisceilancouss== 2-2 eee 142 pa neh 

U0) il, PEs a Ee Ns 760 

PO bs ee es ee ee eS eee 1, 844 
2 Sawyer: 

oe teraebung Beat EE ON EATS A 133 Tavera 2 Saar preterit prc = as 
Port Washington 195 IscellaneouS--_-------------------- 
INTISCElaMeGUSS == 2 se meaee nea nee 170 | intel. hs see 68 

Rotalents ees oe ee Le ee bis $08 ill Serer aries 

Pepin: SHAW SsnoOsesse so lk eee 175 
Dinard ae el en Se 70 Watterbergee = 5-2 a eee 16 
IMuscellaneouss2232-~-2 = S252 3522 16 Miscellancoussee- ree eee 156 

NOEL ear BSE es ede et 86 Oval seo 2 ek See 347 


Ellsworth ___.----.----------------- 41 RedivatouGhieeers - <2 ee ees 191 
River Falls_-.----------------------- 7 | Sheboycanbeeren oc eee 2, 041 
Miscellaneous----------------------- 109 Sheboygan uhalls: — —. ) los eae 128 
NTT beck eae pA Sey eae 9297 WMiscellneous==--— 222 22 Soe ee eee 280 

Polk: Totaltetee te oe eee 2, 640 
BAT Olea ee eS eee 52 
Myiiscallaneéqusk: te hee Seen eee 157 || Taylor 

TALS CUL) 0 Leh A eee mrp ae eS ees Fs 80 
RO Ga es ee ee ee eae 209 | Riblwakew ==). eee 15 

Portage: ZA Miscellaneous). 22-2 ce 30 
Stevenste aint ae eee 
Misceliamepuss= = 5-2 oe 83 Total - ---------------------------- 12 

> || Trempealeau: 
Total... -----.-------------------- ee 598 WAT CAG Rita cee eat ee 71 

Price: Galesyilicteest = = eee 45 
LEY gl ce] OPCW Fe Seige Ree ge ae eae 109 iMiscellancousicsc- oo ee 233 
nip sees eee ee 75 
IMiiscellaneorss a eo eee 64 otaleeeess s= e  eee 349 

MOtal Res See eh Oe ee 248 Mernon: ipa 
cae TOQUE S ese eens oe Se eee ee 

eee REE 266 Wiestbysc eet) eee 41 
rife De vaomutmuee uBscey OTE T/T! op AER EE TS See ue 
Miscellaneous 2s a es 192 PT GTM Ne wiles 2 | ho \/ lly A 277 

MO tel eee eee cee eee ee ieee 4, 321 Vilas: 

Richland: Mace WRIVOl= >< Snel ake See eo eee 65 
CHENG IC Onter te cee eee res 157 MMiiscellaneous2oc.o Goce ee Ree 56 
NWiiscellaneouss: 22-28 ea | 92 — 

Motsliqeee a. a 121 
“ADEN | ao Spee lan Sap gy aha rl Sl 249 al a 
: = alworth: 

Rock: DelS VAI ee eee eae 205 
IR GLO se ee ee ly 318 Wikchownsccos. eee ee ee 124 
Edgerton.---_~---------------------- 175 Dake Genevaic con earn 195 
LO rah es Re ee ey Oe 129 avaiitewatenleees 163 
Vanes Ville. oscar ee 1, 295 ENTGSCeLLerieG is Sen 971 
Wriscellaneous- 22-2. 2.5 = eo eg COS I aes thin aaa niece ns ear ae wad a 

PR OtAl se ae oe oss ae eA ee 3, 125 of A 0) Hrs Wa er ek Rott rewire ILE es 958 



TaBLeE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—Continued 


F Number : Number 
County and city of returns County and city of returns 
Washburn: | Waushara: 
23 Reg eTani 6 =. Se 16 
86 Wautomp= 2 75a eee ee 24 
11 Miscellaneous: =... ened 46 
az otek: 2 i eee en 86 
IgE Ee ee ee 218 || Winnebago: 
VMGSIR ees ee 250 Monasha-.. 2 eee 285 
IMINSCOHATIEOHS: —— = ee oo gee 219 Neen: =~ -<--- = - =e rae 561 
Omrol 2. oo ee 24 
Total. ---------------------------- 687 Oshkosh. <2. =.) sat mameenee ane 1,779 
Waukesha: Miscellaneous: ee eee 42 
Menomonee Falls_._-._.--.--.------ 58 
MCONGMOW Os ae ek ee ere 2 284 Total. 3-3 eee eee 2, 691 
Wikeshh ap sees ar see a 828 |! 
NVIScal areas. = es Se Se aero i? 512 | Wood: 
Tinta eee te a a Vy 1, 682 Marshfield) 25... re 508 
Nekoosa. < - 22. 4a0 see ere 57 
ane ii Wea Rapids: esos 386 
timers ae Tp dg | SE POR iain ~ 
BUDA CR * 45 sn eee UES 139 || Total___..._... 
MMuscellaneous’ =<. -- snes 213 || gp oe aSSSS Sse sSSscs Soceteseecd ae 
CEN TAS 2s SE ee 617 | State: total... --. =. eee 100, 956 
Albany: || Goshen: 
TPG a Teil i a eS ee Pe ee ee §12 | ‘Torrington: == 52 eee 78 
MOScAlAn BONS en eee 78 | Misceligneéous:22-225 es ees 38 
ALG) Se ae ee oe ee ad 590 Total 32 s-so2¢4) = See 116 
Big Horn: | | Hot Springs: 
IBSCIL 2 Oo ee ee 46 ‘Thermopolis) =.= = =e eee 152 
(Greil i ae ee ee ee 75 || Miscellancous-2 2 == =e 233 
IOGV GSS 9" SS an 36 || 
iNfiscellaneous=. 2 922. -- 2-5. - 22. 26 || Motel: <= oe Dee ee 385 
| | 
ANG Cl 2 ee Se eee eee | 183 || Johnson: 
Buffalat: = 5+ ==.) eee 95 
Campbell: Mriscellaneouse. 2282 ee ene 14 
Gullettere ss 28s 2 seo. 83 || 
Miscellaneous 25 || Totale... =. 252 --sesscesacdase sae 109 
MND = SS ae | 108 || Laramie: 
| (GheyBHn6! 2 -o=e) ees eee 1, 049 
Carbon: || Miscellanceousi2s=22 = =e see 75 
leit 3 ee a a 95 | 
igaidbiels. 2-2. See ea a ee a 344 || Motale 2.22. 2-4 == = ee eee 1, 124 
iscellancouss ose eee 236 || 
| Lincoln: } 
MobaleS 2 o-s2s oo. 3s ee | 675 | Dismondville=sees= eae 48 
Wrontien= 2: 222-222 See 37 
Converse: Kemmerer... 222 2. 2322 ee 128 
IDO 8 ke ee ee 105 Miscellaneous: 222252522228 a 197 
Gilonrock2 sae 2s 2 eee 55 || 
NfiscellanGolse = seen Geli eee 55 || otaliss-+ 222s cose sce seen eee 410 
|| Natrona: 
Total 215 | @asper:. 3-22. 2 ee ee 1, 322 
50 | iIWbiscellaneous=5=2— eee eee eee 513 
Sotall.- 2---2 25252 2-2255 eee 1, 835 
136 | Niobrara: 
90 || (aS Kae nn eee ee 35 
170 |) IMiiscellaneous===2< 2.2. -=ssseeeee—= 20 
396 | otal. 5. Sd ead ee 55 
| t 



TABLE 11.—Individual returns by States and Territories—Number of returns 
distributed by counties, cities, and townships, calendar year 1927—-Continued 

W YOMING—Continued 
County and city avurber. County and city ES nme 
138 Superiontencse oo ee ne 7 
By Miscellaneous eso cone cee eee 254 
otal esos. oo oa ee 1, 141 
‘Noeton-iMiiscellaneous: 22222. s2sse ee 24 
Wiheatlantl saecsee sae ees 53 || Uinta: 
MiiscellancousS ase eee 98 Ivanstonee <5. cos nce cance 123 
Muiscellaneous=.22: 25 See eee 26 
Rotate ee eek te at es ee 151 
NOG E iF e S L  e 149 
IDA Soe Se Se eee bee 11 |} Washakie: 
Mion arChee eee oe oe ae Oe 25 Wiorland’: ~~ 225. -22-2.c20 ee eee 86 
Shenidante. 220 oie ons Stee oe 477 Miscellaneous: 22 2-2. 2222 eae 18 
Miscollaneouss.scsssee eee ete 123 TRO tn eee ke 104 
Total sccaavseecsencse Eas Se 636 |) Weston: 
Sublette: Miscellaneous... BS | ieee arenes ooo 
Sweetwater: TRotaleeetes S222 96 
Greeny Rivers. aa2s2o-262 eee ees 220 
Rock Springss eee sce ee ee 590 Stateitotaltss4 2. — 2 aaa 8, 870 





Taste 12.—Corporation returns by States and Territories—Durstributed by corporations reporting net income, no net income, and inactive corporations, showing number of returns, per 
cent, gross income, deductions, net income or deficit, net loss for prior year, and income tax 

{Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927 !] 

| e - : h 7 E | Inactive corpora- 
c Corporations reporting net income Corporations reporting no net income tions—no ineome 
Total ata reporte 
States and Territories ae _ S 
be! : . : Net loss for Number 7 ‘ . Number 

Bnet Per cent | Gross income ? Deductions Net income prior year Income tax oftreturns Per cent | Gross income ? Deductions Deficit Ofveniens Per cent 
697 | 61.53 519, 011, 709 $483, 344,761 | $35,666,948 | $1, 409, 182 $4,171,974 | 1,313 | 29.96] $138,880,150| $148, 233, 087 $9, 352, 937 373 8.51 
Tf anaimeae ois | oe] | ecoe| | et beane 6, 700, 481 "677,513 | 19, 833 62,639|  " 48| 27,50 "440, 1197, 543 536, 729 eel Aen 
era ae 1, 556 668 | 42.93 129, 186, 962 121, 407, 180 7,779, 782 390, 210 865, 061 403 | 25. 90 30, 331, 983 36, 675, 655 6, 343, 672 485 31.17 
ecm] tm] iee| eM) Raeeat| sete) ean eee) ghee] ott) eal Uhre) ae ae ee 

ante "098 |  50.08| 5,349, 886, 876 902, 137, 16 , 749, , 284, , 529, j , 271, 407, , 148, ; ‘ 
artim * 363 % t4a| 45.81 745, 766, 162 ” 698, 007, 683 47,758, 479 | 2, 050, 018 5,647,319 |  2.201| 33.38 292,356,251 | 320, 073, B71 27,717,320 | 1, 428 20. 81 
Connecticut... “| 6,685 3, 935 58. 86 1, 785, 784, 398 1, 648, 792, 182 136, 992, 216 5, 803, 248 16, 827, 368 2, 283 34.15 333, 326, 607 360, 435, 455 27, 108, 848 467 6.99 
ARF ACOE Sees 1, 553 845| 54.41 1, 088, 615, 525 971, 725, 426 | 116, 890, 099 371, 133 15, 547, 645 485 | 31. 23 97, 434, 887 120, 266, 997 22" 832) 110 293 14.36 
District of Columbia_-.| 1.988|  1,070| 53.82 548, 825, 047 | 492, 986, 718 55, 838, 329 950, 257 7, 225, 128 695 | 34.96 90, 086, 261 98, 820. 097 8, 733, 836 223 11. 22 
Florida 11,010| 3,443 | 31.27 369, 736, 525 337, 518, 331 32, 218,194 | 2, 790, 568 3,412,552 | 5,323 | 48.35 372, 695, 359 466, 498, 639 93, 803,280 | 2, 244 20.38 
(agiruies see sees a 5,524| 3,416] 61.84 869, 451, 679, | 798, 930, 486 70, 521,193 | 4, 431, 106 8, 320, 117 1,839 | 33,20 229,'623, 081} 249, 010, 437 19,387, 376 269 4.87 
HAWallececes cee ee "686 445, 64. 87 205, 253, 605 | 176, 904, 347 28, 349, 258 334, 011 3, 715, 310 203 99. 59 32, 903, 792 35, 103, 921 2; 200, 129 38 5.54 
NAR HGEE aes saa sae 2,270| 1,014] 44.67 118, 271, 495 112, 341, 054 5, 930, 441 329, 517 587, 368 564| 24.85 53, 183, 610 59, 098, 923 5, 915,313 692 30. 48 
UilfnOlss tecs ete eee ee 29,28 | 16,913 | 57.83 | 11,953, 761,586 | 11,117, 173,887 | 836, 587,609 | 18,000,542 | 107, 498,653 | 10,052) 84.37 | 4,764, 386,420 | 4, 950,335,772 | 185, 949,352 | 2, 283 7.80 
Tethys amas Se 11,463} 6,823 59. 51 1, 582, 823,282 | 1, 467, 063, 361 115, 759,921 | 3, 306, 455 13,965,445 | 3,343] 29.16 479, 235, 803 520, 806, 895 41,571,092; 1,299 11,33 
iT Se ne a 3 9,050 | 5,087 56. 21 1, 047, 967, 303 994, 675, 449 53,291,854 | 1, 578, 217 6,153,952 | 2,502) 28.64 248, 747, 615 267, 937, 863 19,190,248 1,371 15.15 
5, 191 3,122| 60.13 879, 041, 676 779, 436, 160 99, 605, 516 989, 117 12,807,208 | 1,677) 32.32 295, 469, 050 825, 341, 576 29; 872; 526 302 7.55 
5,718 | 3,397 | 59.41 938, 354, 338 866, 084, 484 72, 269, 854 | 1, 890, 986 8,892,758 | 1,691 | 29.57 157, 882, 592 172, 376, 376 14, 493, 784 630 11,02 
a) e| oe) mee) oe eee oa) oe ee) ee ee) ee 

3,489 | 2,072] 59.3 484, 206, 806 ’ 632, , 574, 45 ; ; h . 635, 20 , 904, , 269, : 
teas 5787 |  3,162| 54.64)  1,355,004028 | 1, 250,800,732} 104,113,296 | _2 43, 097 13,188,854 |  1,882| 32.52 222, 922,479 | 259, 010, 646 30988107 | 748 12.84 
18,182|  9,907| 54.49|  5,575,410,777| 5, 175,439,618 | 399,971,159 | 17, 106, 658 49,174,304 | 7,149 | 39.32] 1, 366, 406, 0: , 502, 614, 029 36, 207,941 | 1, 126 6.19 
Michigan. _._. 14,120] 7,953 | 56.32] 5,929, 511, 801 5, 364, 853, 331 | 624,658,470 | 6, 237, 665 81,971,498 | 4,873 | 34.52 | 1,280,427, 516 | 1, 309,726,801 | 134, 209, 345 | 1, 204 218 

Minnesota_- 11,101} 5,910] 53.24] 2,499, 166,464|  2,381,942,640| 117,223,824 | 3, 554, 778 14,297,460 | 3,693 | 33.27 343, 389, 56 79, 787, , 398, ’ E 
Mississippi 2,240| 1,435] 64.06 236, 058, 398 223, 882, 456 12) 175, 942 77, 088 1, 241) 953 674 | 30. 09 77,817, 013 85, 678, 030 7, 861, 017 131 5. 85 
Missouri. ._- 16,370| 9,017|  55.08|  3,441,648,553 | 3, 201,977,902 | 239,670,651 | 3, 99, 417 30, 280,874 | 5, 627 34.38 970, 499, 574 | 1, 037, 459, 489 66,959,915 | 1, 726 10, 54 
4,020} 1,837) 45.70 194, 574, 267 181, 262, 175 13, 312, 092 903, 903 1, 361, 229 983 | 24. 45 48, 014, 459 57, 356, 973 9,34, 514 | 1,200 9. 85 
cat) S| aa) ancrim) aas ||| ea) ee) ee) eee) | | a 

’ i ! ’ ? +) m 
a7 oh a a0 140) 068 G1 138 818, 408 rue. 514 882, 726 1, 240, 353 399 32. 57 48, 475, 108 54, 574, 437 6, 099, 329 74 6.03 
ieaal aa Gaan 303 see cas | 404d Ost s47 | 3406484078 | 11,210,984 | 43,336,508 6,863 35.85 | 808,805,093 | 801,807,022} 83,001,929 | 1, 497 7.82 
7 ie si He a8, 58 e 61, 856, 271 | 57, 857, 951 3, 998, 320 "236, 796 "417, 713 "983 | 27.77 16, 839, 574 19, 587, 679 wr 748, 105) 241 23. 65 
New York_____- 96,949 | 53, 051 54.72 | 31, 285, 690, 407 | 28, 740, 192, 502 | 2, 545, 506,905 | 62,640,002 | 824, 572, 838 | 36,108 | 37. 25 % 054, 304, od) 7, 630, O88 742 76, 62, 818 700 8.03 
North Carolina. 6,501| 3,688) 56.73] 1,340,346, 643 1, 225, 739, 597 114,607,046 | 5, 054, 514 14, 146, 627 2,808) Bb 0 00, 775, 418 07, 188, 959 6, £15, 488 05 pai 
North Dakota 3, 471 1,695 | 48.83 160, 228, 871 154, 816, 893 5, 411, 978 403, 300 399, 437 943 717 | | 85,820,284 | 38,970,314, 3,150,080 | 88 4, 00 
(Oh) ea 24, 305 14, 020 57. 69 6, 673, 416, 311 6, 167, 676, 081 505, 740,230 | 15, 393, 110 63, 487, 483 8, 901 a e Sea Tg BO oe pea ie ince 
Oklahoma, 6,132| 3,271) 53.35 804, 266, 359 747, 657, 894 56,608,465 | 5, 285, 080 6, 368,039 | 2.000) 34. 08 366, 858, 341 412, 409, 014 Foc ne 1m 
Oregon.____ 6,350 |  3,028| 47.69 486, 617, 783 462, 923, 297 23, 694, 486 | —_1, 440, 996 2,493,716 | 2,17 220 | 210, 608.380) | OE | a) aaa ait 
Pennsylvania- 24,883 | 13,193| 53.02) 9,986,471, 911 9,179, 977,863 | 806,494,048 | 16,212,770 | 104,134,847] 9,330] 37. , 284, 379, , 472, 776, , 396, +360 Bas 

Rhode Island 2,688 | -1,536 | 57.14 735, 728, 163: | 686, 682, 285 49,045,878 | 4, 269, 755 5,790, 707 947 | 35.23 160, 030, 388 176, 223, 693 16, 193, 305 0 ; 
South Carolina. 3,713 |  1,768| 47.62 404, 553, 318 379, 762, 526 24,790,792 | 2, 982, 364 2,693,817| 1,648 41. 69 106, a, 390 115, 559, 530 8, 612,131 397 10. 69 
South Dakota... 3.008) 1,665] 55.35 151, 272, 440 146, 042, 114 5, 230, 326 » £30, 821 7 8h 138 | 704 23. 41 eon ee Pet hi any ee 
eras. 3 030 ; toa | BBG z Bie oor ore 2, ay 34, 637 142 338 038 | 5, 531, 732 17, 051, 098 4 353 | 33. 67 607, 805, 050 625, 198, 465 67,302,815 | 1, 058 ei 
Nipabbees - 222 oc cnt reel 3,125 | 1,589| 50.85 279, 069, 333 261, 890, 512 17, 178. 821 755, 735 1, 951, 66 ; , 432, , 089, 80, 629 a ve 
Vermont. —_. oe sa nsuad 1, 089 683 62. 72 153, 167, 623 143, 240. 949 9, 926, 674 335, 337 1, 164, 237 ‘ oo oe a6 ae aa ae ae ay foe a nas oi ane ac 
WN aS 5 6,485 | 3,795 | 5852] 1,013,814, 606 890,168,706 | 123,647,900) —_1, 874, 960 15, 770, 458 2 elas ie PE retry aries dear ine 
Washington...-----__- 10,977|  5,355| 48.78 | — 1,056. 760, 800 994, 060, 351 62, 700, 449 | 2, 769, 103 7, 222,231 | 3, 74 Oe Re creeper ee aod on ge 
a Ta | ata | Sie | sear] oGeaueal ggermeemil seca 2 068 88 esiiroos| 4172; 28.86 437, 507, 852 477, 263, 884 39, 756,032 | 1, 717 11. 88 
isconsin._ “| 14,456 | 8.567 | 59.26 , 232, 946 , 047, 528, 5 : , 953, 117 . 86 | , 507, 263, fee baer 
ies omni ge =o eee eces 1, 402 788 | 56. 21 57, 921, 212 53, 001, 101 4, 920, 111 219, 318 491, 747 413 | 29. 45 | 22, 989, 750 26, 846, 185 3, 856, 435 : 

arenes ll cararadan I AR Rapa Sea nal BGR ECT peta saWanimnaa’ Mannan 1, 739,376 | 49, 356 10.3 
Grand total... 475,031 | 250,849 | 54.70 | 115, 324, 339, 717 | 106, 342, 455, 456 | 8, 981, 884, 261 | 244, 203,375 | 1, 130,674,128 | 165,826 | 34.91 | 29,074, 011,729 | 31, 545,751,105 | 2,471, 
as on a ae i lus the cost of goods sold. 
1 Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are included. See p. 1. 2 Gross income corresponds to total income as reported on the fac of the return, plus the c 8 

37722—29. (Follows p. 309.) 

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TaBLE 13.—Corporation returns by States and Territories, showing cash and stock 
dividends paid to shareholders ! 

[Income returned for the calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1927 2] 

States and Territories | 

UCT Ga See ee 
IUGR) So eo 

IN ICTR ALD TCG Lae ac ee ee ee ee 
IVIESSROEH SOLES Hee te oe ek 28 Sie ine Fd SE oe 
Wht Ne Oe eee eee 
Vin TIOSOL a ee nee ame Sees ee oe es tos 

NVRISSOW Ts at ee ee ow oe St 

One ae ee eS 
PRS VIVAN n=] seme ee on oe ees Be I __SS 
LEN Od be lee See ee 


Reporting net income— 

Reporting no net in- 

Cash | Stock 
$18, 730,673 | $1, 508, 960 | 
230, 231 50, 000 
4, 420, 503 639, 971 
10, 883, 068 | 137, 865 
297, 742,033 | 98, 019, 404 
50, 569, 756 1, 382, 554 
75, 343, 980 | 18, 667, 542 
175, 730,635 | 10, 991, 721 
26, 274, 330 451, 100 
19, 121, 552 6, 229, 853 
34, 932,803 | 14, 876, 856 
22, 388, 529 2, 368, 407 
3, 378, 790 136, 020 
568, 904,043 | 27, 318, 794 
64, 163, 952 6, 583, 159 
33, 655, 524 3, 318, 997 
54, 875, 888 1, 331, 814 
39, 359, 071 4, 210, 216 
39, 474, 099 2, 513, 298 
20, 806, 822 410, 401 
47, 995, 240 2, 065, 058 
233, 742,187 | 20, 177, 021 
341, 998, 559 | 26, 230, 368 
91, 506, 260 7, 758, 345 
5, 714, 252 276, 374 
129, 026,972 | 21, 378, 641 
8, 489, 493° 179, 627 
14, 179, 687 5, 259, 720 
1, 575, 246 9, 700 
6, 912, 713 113, 943 
218, 423,875 | 21, 959, 824 
1, 933, 797 140, 000 
1, 825, 730, 649 | 188, 303, 950 
60, 378,375 | 24, 225, 843 
1, 969, 966 183, 654 
271, 190,952 | 27, 889, 761 
31, 489, 623 2, 101,515 
14, 115, 119 7, 470, 732 
533, 855,451 | 38, 595, 939 
25, 500, 973 2, 168, 099 
9, 100, 633 1, 073, 697 
1, 819, 627 74, 734 
32, 918, 351 3, 644, 598 | 
73, 130, 818 8, 264, 463 
15, 429, 255 347, 097 
5, 218, 909 152, 129 
62, 546, 419 1, 728, 400 
38, 455, 109 3, 876, 139 
36, 718, 245 2, 937, 152 
80, 981,409 | 12, 361, 867 
3, 031, 292 82, 579 
5, 786, 065, 738 | 632, 177, 901 


Cash Stock 
$2, 942, 983 $252, 354 
0000) (2.5 eo oe 
227, 501 | 150, 038 
1, 334, 133 82, 146 
35, 277, 099 4, 616, 657 
6, 416, 487 49, 430 
3, 934, 069 256, 825 
8, 540, 247 296, 963 
1, 799, 816 417, 879 
6, 833, 373 3, 663, 573 
1, 735, 810 815, 054 
T5710) |e ae eee 
530, 980 45, 224 
76, 934, 881 5, 943, 321 
4, 774, 575 1, 874, 560 
5, 178, 625 497, 424 
5, 481, 056 196, 395 
1, 647, 830 497, 810 
5, 032, 148 308, 248 
7, 066, 358 28, 372 
2, 419, 067 48, 253 
49, 143, 753 1, 366, 880 
13, 967, 541 1, 342, 998 
7, 542, 410 407, 737 
1, 038, 414 444, 473 
13, 795, 514 813, 512 
~- 338, 987° 29,.263 
1, 250, 512 61, 927 
14S HAD) |=. ee 
602, 450 83, 447 
8, 064,842 | 1, 825, 063 
163,902). == =~ See 
221, 119, 317 18, 510, 671 
1, 435, 542 260, 320 
209, 904 147, 026 
32, 654, 894 8, 719, 626 
8, 908, 588 182, 054 
2, 894, 173 133, 065 
57, 879, 575 3, 099, 797 
1, 938, 274 130, 975 
1, 084, 287 18, 889 
354, 531 26, 806 
1, 362, 425 82, 807 
14, 155, 493 1, 029, 443 
1, 093, 207 87, 177 
185, 776 52, 509 
3, 177, 242 108, 295 
5, 685, 782 429, 412 
2, 008, 318 172, 415 
4, 411, 588 298, 206 
1, 374, 304 418, 025 
637, 701, 443 60, 323, 344 

1 Cash and stock of capital stock life insurance companies are not included. 

2 Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are included. See p.1. 




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sila bape worjordocy 

eer rere eee Ha asi Fee nis epee mP TIO EOOLCUC. 

TTT TTT eee i CAs bs pee e we he Sakae SHAPERS ETO D PUL 

nas XU) OUTODUT WBYY JOGO “pred soxwT, 

a prud ysos0quy 

Plos spoos yo 480 
‘suoHNnpop AsojNjVIs °C. 


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0% PPS ‘ZSP ‘BT £08 ‘816 ‘TET 201 PIG ‘Zeb ‘P £99 ‘166 ‘IT | 699 ‘2ZT6 ‘bE | OLP ‘6L0 ‘T6L 86 082 

*popnpour 018 suinjor (AvOA qued) [eMOTJOUVIy PUB [BOSTT 1 

~-syonpoid poyepor paw doqqna [e,0\, 

“reqqn. wr puu 

‘osoy ‘sooys ‘s,OOg—spood soqqna oYIO 

| tak aaah oe O70 ‘seqn} Puw sory, 
—spnpoid power puv dogqnyy 

““syonpoid LoyyVoT PUB AOTLYVOT [BIO 

ciples aaa clas aa ojo “LOUVRE, SayuU, 

pus dsurystay ‘syuns, ‘ssouimy ‘Aaeyp 

“pes ‘seAopH—syonpord Jove, 19IO 

"Dei Sa eae ojo ‘stoddyys ‘sooys ‘syoogy 
—sjonpoid Joyyvoy, puv Jovy 

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at SONG *AIO|SOY S10] 80M g— spood Vay 
peaegh at eee toy 3 78 ‘0 'U “dup yq0TO 
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Joy}0 pure ‘ue, ‘solddns [vorsams puu 
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twonsodur0o = ‘sAujtoA00 Joo ‘spodin¢ 
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Se I oqo ‘duTy[Nd [OOM ‘syedred [OOM 
_‘uava [00 M—Sp00d poyssOM PUL UO[OO A 
one SD ~--su1oAp puv surddeu ‘oj 
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—sjonpoad of1yxo} puw SopiyXOT, 

aa ee a mmer======"0998G0) PUB 
‘soduioAeq ‘sjonpoid pooy [eyOJ, 

er Set ae ea Saate samt ated EC Jay okt fika} quote} (wl 
pooy “ojo ‘syonpoad Aayep ‘soojds 
‘ooyjoo = ‘speeded §=‘soyngsqns 41049nq 
‘901 [epyay—sjonpord pooy 10yI0 
~---ojo ‘Ynus ‘siBd1o ‘soyje1ValO ‘ooDRqoT, 

“-SUT[NSIp pus Buy Mosq 41078 [BAoU UT 
‘soxeioAeq ‘[vol00 ‘oUlM—SYUNp qog 

AST hah y One pias ee eee OED 

-poid pus ‘ojdem ‘ouvo “joog~—avsng 









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LIT 689 ‘cet ‘ea | ge9 ‘coo ‘ecz =|: OBT ‘T Ill ‘eze ‘Gl | ere ‘Coo ‘T | 210 08E‘9TIT | ZL ‘er ‘Tez‘T | 999‘T | 898°% | ----quourdmbe pus Arouryoeur 
patie pues ‘ses ‘uoMonisu0d pue 
UIp[iIng—AJoutyqoeur SNOsUBT[AIST TAL &P 
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Pasar conte pus ‘grxe} ‘suryurid 
‘weded ‘Tejour ‘1eyyve, ‘AJOUTYOBUL 
| uoronpoid pooy—Aseuryoavur A10jOv TT OF 
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-InJ ysv[q JO sjonpolg—jeejs puB UOIT LE 
—sesseooid pu sjonpold [eyeyT 
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penunyuoj—ppypp awoour 
puv ‘wah 10rd sof sso7 au “oyfap 40 auoour you “omoour ssoub ‘awmoour Jau ou pun 

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Geax peas oa tee T Valsts cee --doys 
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Papas sore tAreavel 

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i baa cebaibetas Samat ~--" so 'u ‘oOUvUY puL 
osunyoxo uUsjo1oy ‘soyuo;pUAS 3oo0IS 
‘saojourodd ‘sj 00d OOUTANSUT ‘S4031014 
muo, pus AuypyNg—soyuwdus1o0o uBory 

—oUBUY 1010 

weonees====910 ‘O11 ‘Oyun ‘ort 
*AYUNSvO “yuapyooy oouudnsut 1910 

6 of a chet sts so;uud 
—so uu OLod oOUTANSUT 


“snpuy poyvjor puy AupyuBq pujos, 

ojo ‘soryfanoes srry 

Aywor ‘Auysvoy 10 Auypyoy ‘yueurdojoaep 

AV[voy- sopuBdu109 Buyplouy PUY 040480 [BOY 
; ~--ojo ‘sorpes ‘sound 

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qau ‘amoour ssoub ‘waqunu ay, ‘sdnosb yorysnpur solo sof buinoys ‘sarsopiiiay pup sainig fq pajngiysip suimjas uorynlodsojg— JT AIAV 

suinyol Jo 

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Sa eal bai ake al ~"UISUOOST MA 
Gees pea eet ts ea Se Ee 77> >" BTU TSIT A, 

WIN iitheg eRe Le. FARES ES oe ejoyVqd yo 

Foo Faas ae sake RE PERE Bad elysd ue ey, MON 

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ponuyu0j—nynp awmoour ou burjsodas suoyosod.soa aarjonur fo suinjas fo Laqunu ay, pup 
famoour jau ou Buysodas suorynsod.ioa fo paifap pun ‘awmoour ssoub ‘uaqunu ayz fauoour yau burysodas suoyniod.oa fo prod xp} pun ‘awoour 

‘sdnow6 yojsnpur solow sof Burnoys ‘sarsopiiay, pun saynjig fq painqiysip susinjas wouviodsog— ){ AIA, 



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ponuyu0g—njypp awoonur ou Burj.sodas suorniod.too aayjonur fo suinjas fo daqunu ay, pup 
fgmoour you ou Bursodas suornsod.soo fo poyap puv ‘owoour ssoib ‘saqunu ay? fawmoour jou burjiodas suoyn.sod.1oa fo prod xnz pun ‘auoour 
au ‘awmoour ssoub ‘iaqunu ay? ‘sdnoib yorysnpur solnwm sof Buinoys ‘sawopssay pup saynig fq payngiysyp suinjas uoyviodioj—)T ATAVL 

aa) *raheVdxeq JO AqIJUOpPT [B90TI0D 03 pednol3 seqeI9 ; *pepnyodt 9. 
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a Gere aa ee ea PE RAS ns PUTT SS 7 Aoslof MON 
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estima Se ociice Sear aise is eo a aes AN 
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ees Neer co He ter = nap ao oes aoe eee OTA 
sania sen sme mim Meee oo aaa ee aa eee OTLOSRTE 
SoD IS a Ryo Re oe ara ee eg a GRO RTT T 
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GG biogas eee Ae SATS ea eae $}OSNYOVsSsB YL 
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—pejs0d qlyed QULODUI SSOIr) XBL, 

-91 yep JoqmnN 

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SMIODU You SuTyAOde1 suo1yv10d10y 

suinjel jo 

BRS AE er ooo oe Baa CO Bee OdIxe yy, MON 
8 ee er ee Fao gee ne pO Le ee Aas.lof MON 
aaah SE SOOC EE aha Se Be EC eT allysduey, MON 

~+------------------~---------------------- LINOSsI Ay 
~ +2 =------------------------------------ TddISSISSI Jy 
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famoour you ou buysodas suorynsod.sos fo poyap pup ‘awoour ssoib ‘saqunu ay) ‘amoour jau buyiodas suoyniod.toa fo prod xp} pu ‘QUuLOdUt 
qau ‘auoour ssoib ‘uaqunu ay) ‘sdnowb yoruysnpur solow sof Burinoys ‘sarsojitiay, pwo saynig fiq payngr.sip susnjas uoynilodloj—L{ AIAVY, 



qied) [BMO1JOR.1y PUB [BIST] 

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ponuyyuopO— Td Vv aL 
ponunuog—npp amoour ou Buysodas suoyniod.too sayonur fo suinjos fo Laqunw ay, pup 

fauoour you buysodas suoynsod.oo fo prod xp, pup ‘amoaur 

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jau “amour ssoub ‘saqunu ay) ‘sdnosb Lysnpur Lolou sof Durnoys ‘sarsopitay, pun saynyg hq pamnquisrp suinjas worpn.iod.oj—){ AAV J, 



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112 ‘206 
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69 ‘ELL 
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0S9 ‘OOF 
20S ‘8h6 
ZOL ‘080 ‘T 
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611 ‘166 ‘8 
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80 ‘008 ‘682 
E8L ‘BES ‘Shs 
PPL ‘628 LET 
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196 ‘802 ‘08 
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£16 ‘GPS ‘LE 
LIT ‘T28 ‘988 
60 ‘829 ‘cp 
hE ‘80% ‘260 ‘T 
998 ‘966 ‘EL 

Z8T ‘T 
PSI ‘8 

£08 ‘T 
202 °% 
196 ‘T 

*popnyoul ore suunjor 



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pee ee ee NTP OD RS ae ee ea aT SO NIEOAONT 
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Stage gare oy. FR Se OSS es OTRO ULUT AO IT 

oo ===>" TIMOSSITAL 
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Z8 P2E ‘86 929 ‘L2I Or PIP 6 0SF ‘96 Or Z0r -sesuey 
rats FOP ‘OST £98 ‘ZI ‘T IZ OLG ‘8% F9G ‘CRS, £% gce Ses SCT Sas Orne eee OT 
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ZOL POT ‘29 992 ‘Z8T 6 169 ‘ZI TSI ‘06 8 (|) on ee Sin aa cra BIQUINTOD JO 4OL4SIC, 
91 061 ‘69 098 ‘BF 91 €¢8 ‘FT PIG ‘66 6 TPL: lattes veces ee baas oem eae ce et ete OIBMBIICT 
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suinjor Jo 
CENEELINL suinjot Jo suinjoel Jo 
SS yoyod OULODU! SSO1N) yoquinN xB OUIODT! JON 9ULONUI SSO Tequinyy |suanyox Jo 
guroour Joquinu SOTIO}IIIOT, PUB $9781 
oN—suony T810.L 
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OATIOVUT euLODUI Jou OU ZutyIOde1 suo01ye10d10 emodut jou Ju1y10de1 suoryeI0dI0D 


penuyu0g—nwp awmoour ou burysodas suoyn.sod.too aayjonur fo susnjas fo saqunu ayy pup 
fauioour you ou Buysodas suoynsod.soo fo poyap pun ‘amoour ssoub ‘waquunw ayy fawoour you burysodas suoryn.od.so9 fo prod xp}, pun ‘auoour 
you ‘auoour ssoub ‘saqunu ay) ‘sdnowb yrysnpur solom sof Burmoys ‘sorwopiway, pun saynig hg pamnquysyp suunjos woyviodsojg—}{ ATV J, 




‘raXedxeq Jo AVIQUEp! [Bed 04 pednois seqywq1g 
*pepnypoul oie suInjed 


GLE ‘SLL ‘OL O8F ‘120 “11% £08 ‘6% —|_696 ‘THB 996 ‘22T “EI 869 ‘PLE ‘06 196 ‘T 092 ‘TE 1 0261 

T9z ‘9T #20 ‘ZS O82 ‘22 O82 ‘22 1 IZ61 

908 ‘1Lz Ord ‘08 TAG (08 = 577775 2) ee GLI ‘T P26 ‘OT Zl £82 ‘08 1 2261 

OIT ‘£08 929 (ORECUh4 > *IGEE SoS es Fetpaccnaemars si cl eee eee es || ines ed 0S2 ‘9% 1 $261 

BES ‘SL IPS ‘928 Conn Ged Nea TaRMMERe cane Sa|Eanaar ot Gallas ee So ealoaies ce ce BEF ‘9% 1 F261 

COTM OGG [tee 4 tiger aay et CMO ene ae y aemariehinom laein s yeee Semele ar ae oe S(O, PPS ‘eT 1 9261 

Z16 ‘982 ‘9 260 ‘CLS ‘LT [80 ‘FT LOL ‘02% FOL ‘809 ‘% £20 ‘E68 ‘22 OFS | 1L8 ‘PT 1 9061 

P10 ‘868 ‘6 8E8 ‘See ‘LE Tez ‘T SSI ‘SPE LLY ‘StI 898 ‘68S ‘SF COP ‘T £69 ‘ST [210.1 

OCF ‘6% COQMLOCe bet lbaeu si. 98 8oP ‘9 COOSTOI- ear ~ WHEE THESE CE roe | Pages en ck eee oe oe ~~, pednois saqyeys 

P16 ‘FT PT ‘ZL 9 S61 896 ‘2 862 ‘89 L G9: 6 @IR8zae ee SSS A eee SUIULOA A 

8E¢ ‘COT S6I ‘FL0 ‘T OF 9F6 ‘9 P98 ‘16 126 ‘EIT ‘2 OF OW, i < iP gaL eels CLeaE ie oe ee eee UISUOOST MA 

C68 ‘0S 9zg ‘og PI 169 68h ‘96 ELL ‘IST LT Zit: «© @lBSenes soos 40 a ae BIUISZITA 180M 

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£28 ‘601 88F ‘6S 1g LES ‘T BE9 ‘Ze 20 ‘OOT 91 GGG: | gilf5e°° Sit ys Gaeta ce Caen BIULsIT A 
(z) (z) (6 918 ‘T 602 ‘ST £28 ‘OST P CA (SATE BERTON Tae bi eendides oc Lo 

£62 ‘ET 1&2 ‘G9 IT SLT 66S ‘IT LOL ‘FLT IT [S60 Was tt Se ers eee [ 

61F ‘89 £96 ‘829 62 809 “Pb £08 ‘SL 120 ‘062 62 OSG” ©. ill Bapaea: kau ee cous a he a SBXO,L, 

Gc6 ‘ce 28F ‘TIT 8 982 ‘T 9TL ‘0% 259 ‘ZEl Il | O9T eae: Mimumamats nT 

LPL ‘S PSP ‘8 L 98 ZG ‘OT L¥L ‘CLL I Mo) An esc es et a A ea aoe eS a y 

PPP ‘9ZT 290 ‘6LT &1 g 608 ‘8 166 ‘PLT 91 17 en ae I aencilaly gae ig Cea e ss eBulforwy Yynog 

1&6 ‘IZ 8ZI ‘LZT 6 Sui. 680 ‘Es 698 ‘68 8 Pile RT SEs eee ee cs puvysy epoyy 

LLG ‘LES 166 ‘I88 08 C1Z ‘L SIT ‘Z0T 9F8 ‘990 ‘% OF SLO eres || enesaaate Bae PG EEatEeT eo eee pluBa[Asuued 

Z0¢ ‘281 269 ‘ZE9 8% OFZ 699 ‘LT Z8F ‘616 £% GPP eee eee en ie ee u0Z010 

682 ‘FOI SCP ‘£61 we a 180 ‘£3 898 ‘O8T 't ae gene | CeCe Meenas ee nt ea a 

988 ‘PIS $29 ‘GEE'S €8 SIZ ‘6 GSS ‘FFI GF ‘Gos ‘T 92 Nea |e aie ee pagar Caran se Rig os GSES o1yo 

188 ‘08 966 ‘96 rae OTe LIL ‘TL G8 ‘cos OT 691 pa mend panei bus re oe als ejoxed YON 

PSI ‘SPT 699 ‘609 I@I ZL6 0S ‘29 199 ‘FPF lets LU Race ae oor ae TTT TTT TTT eUTpOIVD YON 

GPE ‘OOF ‘T 619 ‘cog ‘¢ 108 OGZ ‘FIZ 109 ‘P10 ‘% PE9 ‘E88 ‘6 De oF Ye ie ee ae ae ea ae mee 

ose ‘¢ Gg8 % CT meee £92 ‘¢ POOL teus 5 LAS Sct eee SAP Gia mead | aecemacer oracle ming oa a) IX 

£F6 ‘123 LGL ‘SET ‘T 99 969 ‘ST GEL ‘FOG 9ZE ‘BL ‘S 99 Vio a. gt ake SET gee. RO OLIN Aosiof MON 

982 ‘0Z PPS ‘9G (ees lla 5 a See a a 98 ‘% 8SF ‘OT b LE WEAR RI RI Se Pen ees Mee a orysduey MeN 
(z) mY) z a) 0) et) & € Seer kinekeeh U1 eb eet ek eke BpBAON 

140 ‘9¢ 228 ‘OIF 6 610% 18S “¥ 696 ‘8ST OL 86 eysviqaN 

096 ‘IF PEs ‘Z6L 8I 0% 816 ‘ST 862 ‘SEZ rat als 7 TTT TTT BueyWO 

626 “L6T €60 ‘89F “T g¢ 999 G99 ‘E% 980 ‘LEE 9% i as Se RRR A aS SLE De ae no eS TMossl Tl 

ae Bie | eeaelingoes fe, ree Oren cea eae YF coor tebaocescine et 

99 ‘C6 POL ‘IPE ag ¢ td I 

S10 ‘ELb Z¥6 ‘T#9 8P 010 ‘8 £26 ‘62 ERP “188 &% (Slee eae | enee ieee Speen eae ELL ate uestqory 

$09 ‘SIP £98 ‘898 ‘T 89 616 ‘G GOS ‘82 180 ‘£90 ‘% 8e (sso) at | gees he Seer ? ae Sqjesnyoesse | 

696 ‘S6¢ GL9 ‘TLS ‘T IZ 820 “FZ G20 ‘E61 G08 “980 ‘T &P 668 PAROS? SEAS Le era puepAre yyy 

820 ‘18% Tee ‘PIL : OBI °% aa i Ba a e vet 

20 ‘06 OTT ‘€29 ie Lg8 % CSG ‘e { 

889 ‘6g £96 ‘G8T ¥G 619 PPE ‘OT OLE ‘SE At 08% 





TaBLE 17.—Corporation returns distributed by States and Territories, showing for 
major industrial groups, the number, gross income, net income, and tax paid of 
corporations reporting net income; and the number, gross income, and deficit of 

corporations reporting no net income—Continued 


Corporations reporting net income Corporations reporting no net 
Year ber of | 4m- ARE 
t Te- | ber Gross Napanee 7, ber Gross Defici 
urn’ | ofre-| income Beloataile ax ofre-| income eficit 
turns turns 
$213, 078, 732 |$20, 385,699 $2,277,058 | 3,563 |$108, 934, 162 | $15, 203, 776 
358, 756, 223 | 26,014, 701 | 2,361,006 | 2, 295 95, 373, 013 18, 533, 476 
607, 185, 982 | 50,071,077 | 5, 209, 962 | 1,706 | 191, 441, 708 24, 345, 929 
326, 940, 929 | 38,850,617 | 4,441,639 | 1,038 | 164, 220, 112 18, 566, 276 
379, 619, 547 | 27,088,612 | 3,075,506 | 1,678 | 438, 605, 604 65, 509, 712 
665, 011,090 | 66,902,914 | 5,962,591 | 1,672 | 467, 950, 836 34, 527, 084 

1 Classified as to industry. 

2 Changes in the revenue acts affecting the comparability of statistical data from income-tax returns of 
Fiscal and fractional (part year) returns are included. 

corporations are summarized on pp. 43-45. 



*sraAvdxeq JO AYIUSPT pus JUNOUT oY} [BI0U0D 07 Podnols sasse[H z 
‘LT doeeg ‘pepnyout oie surmjor (1e0A 4aed) [BUOOCIy pue [BOSTy 1 

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“Ul Jou Buryiodoei [vjO.L, 
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PRG ‘REZ e¢ Z0L ‘SOE ‘T | G6% 218 ‘829 ‘T | 998 816 ‘296 ‘8 666 ‘T | SEB ‘264 SLI GCF ‘BTL 191 PSL ‘L908 ‘FF 000'S$ 04 000'F$S 
19 ‘G8z #8 6Eo ‘O8F ‘TI | Seb 026 ‘99S ‘T | Shr 980 ‘688 ‘6 GIL & | 160 ‘SEZ 802 OTS “E22 60% Z69 ‘E89 ‘ZS 8F0 ‘ST |7---------- -000F$ 09 000'8$ 
SIT ‘892 raat G01 ‘6FL ‘T | BIZ 9F9 ‘686 ‘T | 962 690 ‘1 ‘TT £99 ‘F | OFT ‘8g8 6rE 820 ‘$48 298 Z8P ‘TSE “b9 (Oya ae ieul apes Sas 000‘S$ 04 000‘%$ 
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—dUI0DUI Jou JO 921g 
:9UONUI Jou Bulqs0doy 
Sunjel suinjol Suinjol suinjol suinjo.t suinjol suinjos 
qunoury | joieq | yunomy | joiq | JunouUY | jo 10g yunouwly jo1oq | JunouIy | Joseq | JUNOUTY | jo eq qunomy Jo 10q 
-uinN -WInN -uInN “WINN -WnN -UnN -WnN 
0008q 0} TOMNysICd 
plata Tea duct eka a pus ‘sexzr0a0q sounjorsnueur [Ty soqz1snpUy 
Pp meen Pp THXOL sjonpoid poo Sursarenb 
FON poId: Poor shape h ts poyejor pue su01je10d109 [Ty 
: = P THN, einy[ nog y 

LL A eT SRN Oe ee ee ee | amma nneay at Ea -onn nT 

1 [L261 ‘Tg 09q pepue IBA IBPUO[Vd OT} 10} pouUINjor euoouy] 

sdnosb yorysnpur solou fig 
‘nofap jou pun amour jou fo azas fig ‘noyap jau pun awoour jou ‘suinjas fo daqunu fo uoyngr.ysiq—suinjas wornLodoj— sy ATAV J, 



27 ‘698 ‘LL | 11h ‘% | 0¢% ‘899 ‘96z! Tes ‘ET | ETS ‘6z9 ‘22h F2G ‘eT | Tez ‘Pee ‘280 ‘e| SIF ‘e6 ese ‘P8E‘6z | BTS ‘ST | 026 ‘E89 ‘9T| S06‘6 | G88 ‘FFI ‘OTS ‘9) 180 ‘GLF|-~~ ~~~ qlogep ssa] au109 
“Ul JON—[8}0} puRipn 
Se Pa 09 Sees a Semis in ("4 ae ea )!) SSesaooa=— 25 sal OGLE) nos aR EM NOST Gh li ome ace al O00 <D laut = es oc UCC GP le euamren DOMOCO DE epiomnOD 
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pce pipep Uo Mi snoouvy[oost yl Jepun pensst | Jo suo1zest[qO 


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a sige eg Ft nk eR See uolonsysuog 

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ay) os7p {suorsimp yorysnpur solpw fig ‘ojasay, 18a.nau svah qoosyf fo 
wolou Burmoys ‘sjaays aounjng Buypugns suoynsodsoo fo suinjat xD} 

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asopo yo 40 ‘1eGT ‘Tg laquasag fo sp $a1}2]1QD1] PUD SjossD fo sway 
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Se ee ne epely, 
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Fe ee ee ds ee WOTON.YSuO-) 


sjyonpoid [eyour pueB [eJoIP\y 
sjonpoid ssep3 pure ‘Avy ‘euo0yg 
Dit 5 beet ee surysi[qnd pue suyUd 
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0098q0} puB ‘sesv10Aed ‘sjonpoid poo y 

surAirenb pue SUlUI py 


pue sn[ding 



yoojs [eyIdeg 

you ‘serttqeit 

sdnoi3 [elysnpuy 




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-poid pue ‘dind ‘1edeg 

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peyejer pus soqqny 

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JoyIee] PUB JEyyvOT 

-poid 9[1}x0} puv SOTI}xO,T, 

a i a eee 



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peg Poy 

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908 ‘ZLT v GOS “L6E 922 ‘OL 92 ‘860 ‘€ cg 6g ~“SUTTIYSIP pus ‘Burmeiq ‘1978M [BIOUTUT ‘seseIaAeq “[va.100 ‘BUT A\—SYULIP og 
88F ‘I8s ‘Z| 6 86S ‘6ZT ‘T 818 “999 ‘T 029 ‘690 ‘OT a6 SA ir eee Seg Vag sy eee sjonpoid pue ‘e[deur ‘euro “jaeq—ivsng 
P16 ‘L10‘9 | 8 966 ‘068 O8Z ‘CL TOL ‘E62 ‘9 ia} COn Wie ST MS Coie ate | ot ne i Mister t oo ee ey ky Rar awe 040 ‘sjonpoid 
-£q ‘surmued yeour ‘mode ‘piel ‘urey ‘s}voU Yse1q—sjoOnpoid esnoy-suIyoVg 
GLL ‘628 € 6FL ‘FLO 62S ‘669 808 “SOL ‘TZ 10% ORG) COO Re Snes y  eeee e Ee 040 ‘pee} ‘moy ‘weg —syonpodd [ITAL 
68E ‘O8Z ‘T I LEL ‘999 ‘T 816 ‘089 996 ‘$80 ‘ET OFT L¥iligy | RARE PERE tea 090 ‘Ayqnod ‘serqeyos0a pues ‘yInay ‘YsIq—sjonpold peuueo 
Rae eae oS 91 ‘G9 882 78 968 ‘Eko ‘F Tél T&T ews ff) oie Cot 9 oe ee SOUDOIdyA QUO Woo nOo) pUBEeEE 
—0008q0} puB SusvsoAeq ‘sjonpoid poo 
08F ‘048 ‘S | 6 2¥0 ‘OSPF ‘T LEP ‘OF9 £0 ‘PSL ‘TT e1Z (6 Mead Saat Nae ees yc oP Ee oo ary rd poco supAuend pue SUraTU [240], 
Sega ES ets 5 ones eka p $9C ‘EFL OCF ‘FT 069 ‘SEI ‘T 0g 0g soto r sss snerscsccesnso--—------sleploy pue siossoy ‘7's ‘o ‘u ‘BuTATIenb pue soy 
ees cel es 66 ‘ESP 9F0 ‘9ZT 966 ‘C19 ‘E #S ¥g SED nig WA SOE PGR BETS hoe MUTE Poca hettie iene a. oer. aN) SE URN 
4jes ‘setojs snoeidimes puv snowedid ‘eyrueis ‘Avlo ‘soyseqsy—s[eisUIW 1810 
Lv ‘v0 ‘8 | F £69 ‘692 POL ‘TE FES ‘EF0 ‘% 0¢ AT A i a Bove can eg pn MRE RE mt aia cs sv3 puB [IO 
£06 ‘996 ‘T v 002 ‘CZE 086 ‘ITP OFT ‘FI6 ‘% 69 Clee. <p ae Se eereet sae 040 ‘eyoo “ved ‘oyovIyjUB puw snouTMINTG ‘TROD 
0ge ‘608 IT 84S ‘09Z Tez ‘19 ec6 ‘F10 % OT Th alee eae ee dj ‘IOATISHOIND ‘JOATIS ‘ppos ‘ourz ‘peey ‘1eddoo ‘ao1yj—sururur [e197 
:suTALIVnND pues SUlDIL 
GIL ‘GE ‘E 6 089 ‘S8I T 168 ‘62 ‘T 290 ‘ILF ‘TT Z8E TGS. | S*5| See aes ee eae on SOLSNPU! pe}elol PUw 9IN}[NdTIse [B40], 
=O Raed ey A ae eee 298 ‘S61 €19 ‘EST S86 “LOL ‘T OF OF ap era ee een epee S1OScO/DUG- NOD OUD moun 
‘soldISNPUI peze[al Jey}O pues ‘Sulysearey od1 ‘SuUIYSY ‘A14Sd10,J—SOlMSNPUT Pojzeley 
CTL “SEZ ‘E$ | 6 892 ‘686$ 81z ‘OLS ‘T$ | 22T ‘EOL “6$ rE [CS inpos| eet ees Bite d we ead Papel? Ledeen sweat ay Skeet ee ee S10SS9] 
SUIPNPUI ‘ZUTUIIV] JoOyAO [[@ PUB OIN{[NOT}JOY *yooys ‘uleis ‘W0jjoO—suIMIE 
suinjeljo reek 101d suimjerjo 
4yoyed eqUINN XB) OULODUT Io} SSO[ JAN euL0dUT JON | 5 quinN ne 
4s ae Jwequinu sdnoi3 [erysnpuy 

-y10deI su01je1od109 

SUIODUI You BUI}IOdeI suoT}e.10d10D 

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jou ‘QWwoour au ou pun awoour you Bursodas waqunu ‘susnjas fo waquinu 10}0)7 Burnoys ‘inal yoosy sof paz susnjas Uoynslodlog— |Z AAV, 



0F0 ‘689 z 161 ‘989 
ESL ‘$20 ‘T z 160 ‘S86 °9 
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612 ‘206 g 10S ‘6F6 ‘2 
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*‘peytoods ele Moesye JOU “Ss “O° N 7 

a etry ae hie Suni Real AIOUTYOVUL SUIYIOMPOOM pueB ‘oI 14x09} ‘BuTyUTId 
‘joded ‘jejour ‘ioqyve, ‘AJouIyoeU uoMonpoid pooy—Aouryovut A1040R,T 
Se ee ee sqjied 10 9ye]dur109 ‘sopoIyoOA 10j0 PT 
sosssuese ap ae ae hae ee aac ee sameeren nn—~ --queurdinbs pvoryied pue seatjoulos0'7 
~--=--=-949 ‘SOlLIPUNO] ‘S[[TU ZUI[[OI ‘soovUAN 4yse[q JO SJONpoIg—j[oojs pue UOIT 
—sessed0id pus sjyonpold [e,oyT 

wosreenannnass===-—--SONpold pojzelel pus ‘sse[s ‘Avlo ‘e049 
wort t mens ===========—=-c900BISQNS Pol[[B PUB S[BOTUIEYO [BIOL 

Ses Fe re oe ee area eee ae Caer Taras ssa sdOZ ION 
[eorm1eqo Jey}O pue ‘sdvos ‘syured ‘stlo ‘ssniq—seouRysqns [BoIMIOYD pel[[V 
SE aS won aeame=====—==-999 ‘spunodutod ‘sploe ‘aadoid speoru1ey,O 
wan nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nw nnn enna nna SUIUYOL [10 [BIOUIUL puw UINe[O.Eg 
—SseoUvjsqns poel][’ puB s[BormeyO 

““Surgsijqnd puv sunung 
EF SS eae pee tebe ee ata eke eS oe ae ee sjonpoid pue ‘dind ‘1edeg 
eg ee eee ig eRe eo sjonpoid poo pue JequIn] [e407 

ne ---990 ‘syoyseq ‘ainqruIny ‘suosem pues seseieO—sjonpoid poom I0q4O 
precrocSeasssessessrorsnecessres ~--=-====-sqonpold [[lW-sulUBl[d pus [[IUIMeg 
—sjonpolid poom pu Joquiny 

Fe pre eb TREE Pe Bag! ix eS sjonpoid poqyejel pue 1eqqnd (e407, 

PSsres a A ae ae mt (2) NOLO) (OL AANICO VN) Co ORDU ZY oh OF COV NAH RZD U3 )OCOLS f 

eter wee --"--""Jeqqnd [Blog Ie pue ‘esoy ‘seoys ‘sjoogq—spoos seqqni Jeq1O 

SSSS5s555 I I harsh) “tcfolialsl sohoussise aed py 
—syonpoid pojelel pues Jeqqny 

Sar Se aR i ee iat Ci ok Seana sjonpold 104489 pUv JoTyBe] [810,7, 

idee eee pe dos ad Se ees See ite pea ices a mere ===-999 ‘10 }ee, SUIT 
-ue] pue Zurysiuy ‘syunsy ‘ssourey ‘AJo[ppes ‘seaopyyH—syonpoid Joyyvel 10410 
33a ee aera O10 ‘s1eddijs ‘seoys ‘syoog 
—s}onpoid Joy4ee[ pus Joyyea'T 

Samer bh hate Stare ot Te, Oe oe a ae sjonpoid 9[1}x0} PUP So[I}xe} [BIOL 

FS See Oey 8 en ee ae -----o9 ‘AIeIsoy ‘Ssia}BveMS—Spo00s JIU 
POStse arse Saas SarcbassestorSssssetere se SScasseeee as S ass =A KOE NU SEN IOTD 
pue ‘Arzeurim ‘iemiepun ‘syeoo ‘epeur-A10j0R} ‘epeui-ul0jsnO—SuIYI0TD 
Papesass Steers a ate ie ica ota) al 2) fb 0 (10) 

pue ‘uoury ‘sorddns yeorsans pur yeqyidsoy ‘any ‘yJey ‘pIoOO—1's “0 “UW ‘seTXOT, 

o. hgee 040 ‘soltsedv} ‘suTIaA09 IOOT UOTIISOd THO ‘ssULIAAOD LOOT ‘syedaB) 

PP Soars SSSSs ESS RETREAT eS ojo ‘dsutuulds ‘soriqey Y[IS—spoos UOARI pure YI 

yee eee oj0 ‘Zultnd joom ‘sjod1ivo [oom ‘uIeA [00 AA—SPO00S PoejSIOM PUB UBTOO 

pom eee Suresp pue suiddeu ‘049 ‘yyojo uye[d ‘spoosd sse1q—spoos 10940) 
—Ssyponpoid 9[14x0} PUB SE[I}xXO,L, 





PRLS wp ee Ee os ee Sree fn alg  de woesnce pesecesce’|"UO4on14{SH0d [840,J, 

cick chee tat itt bs cine eens eneaeeaea i RT ye nae“ Surmedel pus Zurprima diyg 

es Op geen oe: alae 9)! = t=) © CTS) gy OL 79 GOL <) (=) Gino Co) GE) a wa) 2 (019) 

quoJj-1ejye@M ‘SUIP[ING esplig—oeovjins UO pue PUNOIZIepuN UOMoNAYsUOD JEqIO 

SteersrrstsrecprSesssserssrseserastecsrsSceesr eres Sar Seles USS 5 o4e ‘BUIZeI ‘SUT 


FT San ieee ee EC Re ee RI IO Oe ae il ge SULIMORJNUBI [P40] PUI 

“'S 0 'U ‘BUTINJORJNUBUT ‘seouv ‘spoos yeo1ydo ‘syUeMINAYSUT [eoIsnuT ‘souLTdITy 
Capea ait tee ges ao we gt See a a ee sqied 10 0j0[du100 ‘soipery 


| a ED ee Ream laa aes Wye = ang a IE sesseooid pu sjonpoid [eeu [e40,,, 

SS ree nis ae hs, pepe Aaa Ie Ep iow bak ete ae ele Fhe aia = orgs doys 

euIOvUI puw AIpPUNO} Jo suOT}eUTqUIOD ‘sessed0id puR ‘sjonpoid ‘sTejet I9yIO 
PL ASSRSUSA RSS NESS TS Ree CS 040 ‘Arjemol ‘sesseooid pue sjonpoid [ejeul-snowelg 
pe ae Ae gee ae a a ete te ge foe Se ee eee 049 ‘s[ooy ‘eIBMpIeH 
PSST oes rege eer Ce ee qusurdinbes pus [elieyeu SUTp[Ing [ee] 
(apletcnciacteaenictca ecaacin’-c =? Sens chmemny patios "gece ch rely “Siena wae RS TENE ea 070 ‘“Quemdimbe suo 
BERETS SRE SEE SAS APE E MATA Naa ojo ‘yuewudinbea pus AjoulyoBU pljoyssnoy 
PGs teeta eee sag oer ee es RS ee jusurdinbs pus AjeuryoRUL 

ZuluIMI pus ‘svB ‘UOTONIYsUOD pPUe SUIP[INg—AJeumpoeUl sSNnosUL][[sdsi]l 
ee ee ees Se, SR Pee ike ie quewdinbe pues AJeULqOBU [BOTIQOOT A 
aly ele See a oa te oar aaa geen bee Soar qyuoudinbos puv AJeuIyoORU 8INI[NOIB Vy 

*penuljuog—sesso001d puv sjonpold [B19 
*penulju0Dj—sulinjovjnue yy 

902 ‘ST (6 006 ‘g80 ‘% 619 ‘S92 ‘T TPL ‘662 ‘LT 609 119 
Soe Tas | pees SEI ‘go. OFT ‘ZI PCP ‘OES | rhe II 

SE Sa aces aaa 199 ‘e¢0 ‘T 280 ‘F88 8&6 ‘616 ‘8 612 61Z 
902 ‘ST z 102 ‘816 Lt ‘998 6LE ‘6F8 ‘2 6LE 18 

922 ‘29L ‘SE | SL OFF ‘O88 ‘FL 092 ‘868 “61 0S0 ‘TL8 ‘06 gc¢ “¢ 9¢9 ‘¢ 
88% ‘FOI F ¢ Ge ‘OF0 629 ‘798 ‘T SEI ‘6ST ‘ee 10¥ 90F 

8&2 FOL |S 096 ‘£92 “ 8S ‘L6F ‘T G29 “226 ‘96 GLE 088 
wees ge G09 ‘OLL$ LSP ‘98 Z9S ‘Tes ‘9 9% 9% 

Gor ‘CEP 6 9T Sez ‘TSS ‘Tz &h8 ‘SLT ZL9 ‘T90 ‘89T 0S0 ‘T 990 ‘T 
ann MN bs Seo 9ZT ‘988 C08 ‘16% 98% ‘TEE ‘2 CLT GLI 

FL eel PRESET 966 ‘69S €82 OZT ObL Lb F LL LL 

SES ‘61Z g €19 “6ST ‘T 129 ‘T6T SSP ‘CEP 6 16 OT 
Son Speiea|  aiaaa 611 ‘Or $86 98 GEO ‘FES ‘E 0g og 

119 ‘22P ‘T z ZOE “SBE SIT ‘cE GEL ‘EbP &% CZ 

ZSE ‘OTS ‘8 z SLI ‘SIZ ‘T 6G ‘G8 CEs F0Z 6 S 9G 
aes ares 0€8 ‘646 ‘T 912 ‘SFT FOL ‘920 ‘ST OE 9ST 
aes Sap al | Se LLG ‘LL 86§ ‘ST 209 ‘TSh ‘Fb LP lt 

OFL ‘OFS Zz 169 ‘19S ‘2 £9z “9Es$ PLP “OS8 ‘6T$ 6 6 

suinjot jo 9 zeoX 101d suinjoer Jo 
WPM | yoquny | X24 PHOUL | joy ssopjon | CUOCTHION | iequnN bee 0 
= Jequinu 

-y10del suoT}BIOdI09 


sdnoi3 [elijsnpuy 


‘ON IBHeg | 


ponunyu0g—e6l “of sajqn? wounsod.toa ur papnjouyt—xn} amoour pun ‘unah Lorud lof sso7 jau “oyap 10 awmoour 
you ‘awmoour qau Ou pup awoour jau burjiodas Jaqunu ‘sudnjas fo saqunu qojoq burnoys ‘uvah ywosy 1of papyf suinjot UoypviodoQ— |Z AIAV I, 



o9E ‘POL ‘T 
286 ‘OTT 
908 ‘CLT 

166 ‘982 ‘F 
68S “E8S ‘L 

691 ‘PLS ‘T 
88Z ‘99g ‘T 
098 ‘cz¢ ‘T 

60S ‘Z6F % OFT ‘FI8 160 “E88 ‘6T ¥0G 922 
LT ‘OGr 226 ‘6IT cre ‘Te ‘e 88 8 
9&6 ‘PES 9F8 ‘2 1g¢ ‘G98 ‘9 8h 8 
emerge a ogo.o08 GPE ‘ESE 1F6 ‘9FL ‘F LI 11 
I OP ‘8c9 920 ‘g08 PSP ‘6IP ‘CS 92 LL 
I 22S ‘880 ‘T 880 ‘FFE 196 ‘929 ‘8 ese PSE 
cc 296 ‘8E8 ‘9E 6Ie ‘PSF ‘TL PPS ‘E50 ‘TOE 016 ‘8 GZE ‘8 
P TOT ‘882 ‘T 028 ‘6LL LOT ‘OLS “TT 6IL COL 
g 60 ‘266 196 ‘BS 688 ‘292 '8 e9¢ 998 
g 626 ‘986 % 190 ‘FI8 690 ‘08S ‘FZ 9P8 18 
&% 629 ‘229 | - Leb “OFS ‘F OFZ ‘PSS ‘OST GhP 'F SOF 'b 
03 I9T $66 8 #06 ‘G92 “F 616 ‘THO “CL 006 ‘T 026 ‘T 
8 GIT ‘ese ‘e 992 ‘FO ‘T 686 ‘298 ‘8z #08 Z18 
z 99OT ‘ETL 8S ‘FES 8% ‘cg ‘¢ 6 $6 
I 886 “FES 066 ‘F $96 ‘888 ‘T Ge 9g 
Deec eas scale 53) Se V2 
200 Pees “""| 2OF ‘THE 
LEg ‘ST er RST SRS= “7777 268 ‘car 
I GPP ‘6S 96S ‘6E% 089 ‘092 % 
966 ‘699 I8I ‘08 90L ‘209 ‘2% aI SIL 
IST ‘TS¢ ‘T 888 ‘LEP 6EF ‘092 ‘TT 699 eLg 
GIF ‘16 698 ‘99 9&F ‘248 *o 9S 
a | a aa “"""| 196 °8 I I 
908 ‘6S 62h ‘T6Z 020 ‘ste ‘% LL LL 
Shey 990 ‘ITS Seca a carmen al LOOCE R00 P y 

‘pogioods ere Mos[e Jou “Ss ‘a "Ny 

Ss] WOMMESNUIe [B40], 

~~090 ‘s}10SeI oINsveTd pure ‘sxoRI} dovI ‘SHUI JOS ‘sosnort9g —s}uomMesnure 10q10 
pie ter: 5 acid mos ie Selon AN $19] B9Y} 9.1NjdId-W01}0 PT 

[opel Seenenres ns c, SLeONpoad alt} ord-comonn 
pach oA a ae een Tor ees sresesses=s="""999 ‘O[[TAOPNVA 0} BUIIZIZOI ‘s19y80q,L, 
—s] Ue mEsnULy 
Geer een TTT ores esses ===="949 ‘SJUBIMVISaI ‘s[o}oY ‘selIpPUNe ][—OdIA JOS O1SeUL0(T 
2001 AJEg 
Sane oo ee food tan Digs Skee ree? ce Cone oS S pares Celta) of Bulfiic iho fi 

[1801 pu oyesefoy 

-U109 SBS PUL 4YSI]-Ol1JO9Te PeurquIod pue ‘sormedutod JoMod puv YS OOO 

—sorqt[n ayfqnd 10430 
SOTJIATIO’ Pope[al pus woTeIAOdsuRIy [B40 J, 

Tosa p ares wen aen seeseerrs-'--"-, § 0 ‘U “solaysnpul poysjel pus woMeq10dsae3 

[eooy Joyo pue ‘suiddiqs puv suryoed ‘esvi104s pooy ‘o8v10}S pue o8vqIVO 

eee SeIUBdUIOD SUIGAS-JYU SIS puB ‘sqvoIxe} ‘Soul, Snq ony 

oe Ee ee moe, Jodsue.y [BIIoy 
ROARS Soca adsaasaaa aa RAONGOT Pie SOT 

-Jreyq a ‘Aurjopid ‘Aurseayes ‘osv1eq yar] ‘Surye1edo ospliq Mvp ‘suryo0p ‘speuwo 

‘SOUl[ Joy’M-Ysely pus UvedQ—seyOUBIG poeye[el pues UOT}eIJOdsUBIY 107B A 

paket ee ee ee cle ee ae ee wae) a Sc, SS IOSROT ADIGE, 

‘sIBd ying pus ‘Aiyjnod ‘yo04s ‘10yvIEB IOI ‘sIvd URUAT[Ng ‘SABMITEI O11}00[] 

REE ass | Seer a die es ae eieeneene he ae Bache sos SPBOITIBI URES 

—SOIJIATJOV poJBlol puv uo0l3e,10dsuBIy, 
“SOTP[I9N d[qud Jeyj}0 puv UoOIWe,JOdsuedy, 







Peo L TES ae ae aes aE TT Roos wR PE ey Lae SoTuBdU10d GOUBIMSUI [BOT 

122 ‘008 ‘9L | 20 128 ‘S61 ‘9ET | 16¢ ‘9E9 ‘cr 929 ‘992 ‘TOT ‘T | 106 ‘61 80I ‘02 
FL9 ‘TOS z PSP ‘IT 621 ‘08 OP ‘SPT 9% XG 
G99 ‘89S ‘FI | FE STE ‘TOE ‘SI ZIG ‘P90 “¢ 962 ‘190 ‘E01 STO ‘E 6F0 ‘E 
196 ‘LIZ ‘T P 966 ‘PSE % G9E ‘C6 LPL ‘282 ‘02 CLL OLL 
Pe ‘E G SF0 ‘26 £6 822 ‘69 8 Or 
So | PSoN Ose .7|\iyhe swe eee | ose ‘P89 g g 
GPE G 199 £6 918-2 & g 
OLE ‘E98 ‘EI | 8% LLB ‘$28 6 LGL ‘199 ‘b 126 ‘E20 8 SEs £92 % 
662 ‘FFT ‘8 9% #89 ‘COT ‘9 ITE ‘ZIL ‘F OTE ‘196 ‘Ce 628 ‘T $98 ‘I 
rane | artemis 68€ ‘LOT 008 ‘8 612 ‘F28 | 42 Pr 
S20 ‘828 F 4 118 ‘882 ‘T P9 ‘CLT 666 ‘229 ‘ET ZOT FOL 
== ip eae | at 989 ‘FOL ‘T $69 ‘6G £29 ‘Go8 “$1 LtaG PGS 
8S O88 T GPS ‘801 80€ ‘02 FOL P88 9¢ LE 
906 ‘292 ‘T Or 226 ‘669 ‘F 868 ‘O8F ‘T 626 “FIL ‘LE ¢20 ‘T £0 ‘T 
918 ‘FEL 9 192 ‘6P1 069 ‘0g £09 ‘898 T FOL OIT 
co eo eae | 2 seam 22 ‘G09 116 ‘F6 896 ‘LET ‘F TF iat 
89F ‘TS I 98 ‘EThS L9¢ ‘Z8I$ 08 ‘829 ‘e$ £06 FO 
suinjel jo reek JoTId suinjol jo 
wyed |"1, quny | *8} ewloouy | | OJ SSO 19N euloduT JON [495 QtON leamyezzo 
| = Joquinu 

-y10dal suotyB10d109 


ee Sar ars enensasenanooo--------SolljSnpul pej}eled Pus SULyULC [80,1 

RR TIRES Sh 049 ‘Sor}LIndes “4sNI1y Aor ‘BUrsve] 10 SuIpfoy ‘yUeutdoyeaep Aq [vor 

Re meng eo nes Sa oe ce eee mee eae elie a Gt ee. gee ena GQOIAIOS [BJO], 

ea ae e 0j90 ‘MIOOIYROTO ‘JuUoTIESNUIB—SOlIBUOISse0UOD ‘sloydeis0j0yd ‘seyvorpuAs 

‘poytoods elo Mas[e Jou “sO *N 1 

| menue Oo pn pee ge Mere ee ee Ge aE ee ones EEE owe ma Ne ie me soueuy [e4jOL 

[oes pee She tape ee ey a ne pena e pes eet Seer a eae eos Vs ‘0 ‘U ‘eouvUy 

pus osuByoxe UsIOI0J ‘seyvoTpUAS YO04s ‘s10}OMI0Id ‘syuese doUBINSUI ‘sIayOI1q 
umed Jo 9j0U ‘sodvsj10UL ‘SUOT}EIOOSSB UO, PUB ZUIpP[INgG—so;ueduI0D UOT 18 
—eouruy 10q10 

[ TERSEAER PCRS 040 ‘9[91) ‘eulIeUr ‘org ‘Aj[ensed “yuepiooy—oouRmMsUI 10710 98 
[PRISE TAREE OR ae SS seruvdu10d 404s 10 [VLUN|AJ—9dUBINSU! OJVT Gg 

—soruedur0d sduBvINsUy 

—sealuvdi0d SUIp[OY pue 91B4S9 [BOTT $8 
SR OO ES Ss PE 049 ‘sorpel ‘souvid ‘sayiqouro4yne Jo sa[es [1eJei SULIOUBOL £8 
i le al erie eae ag SIOYUB JUSUTJSOATI ‘siayOIq puog puB yI04g 28 
PIER RDAG SSS seruBdU109 jsNI} puB UBOT ‘syuRq SsUTABS ‘syUB 94BATId puB 91849 18 
a ak Aa aaa aaa eee Be a oe ee TATE OS | syueq [vuoleN 08 

—Sol]snpuy peyvjel pues suryueg 

Jodedsmou ‘opel, JO spaivoq ‘selieqour00 ‘sdurvo ojNy—)"S ‘8 ‘U ‘BdIAJES IOIIO 62 
surysi[qnd ‘surqdvisoomlul ‘sMOYs opel} ‘snveing 9A1}00j9qQ —OdIAJOS ssouISng SL 
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amoour qau ‘(poifap 40) pifoid Jou os}p {sworj~onpap 
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Accident, casualty, fire insurance companies, etc., income-tax returns of 
corporations (see. GLsO lnIsitAnce) ~~ See eee a ee 331 
Accounts payable, in corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups-_--_- gee 
Accounts receivable, in corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups-_- Lae 
Aerial transportation, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see 
also Transportation and other public utilities) _......._..----------- 329 
Agricultural machinery and equipment, income-tax returns of corpora- 
tions engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes). 328 
Agriculture and related industries: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
PROMOS Ds Baie ane oe tne ee eee 16-17, 326, 384 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
BY assets.and., liabilities. classified... 2 ee ee ee 37 1-379 
By eae CIS SRES eas Oe een ae ein oe ee 365-366 
BP SRS or ar rr en ie So ee 332-333 
By years "1920-1927 Ee ape he on ee 333 

Receipts and disbursements, classified. 312-313, 316-317, 320-321, 324 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit ee ee iis 
Airplanes, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of 
(see also Miscellaneous manufacturing) -_.-.--..----------------- 329, 387 
Amusements, theaters, motion-picture producers, and motion-picture 
theaters, etc., income-tax returns of corporations (see also Service) ----- 
Assets, in corporation balance sheets: 

By corporations reporting net income and no net income__--__----- 20 

Be Menisirial PrOUpS oc. be nan ee Cee ee kee 372, 375, 378 
Auto bus lines, taxicabs, etc., income-tax returns of corporations (see also 

Transportation’ and other publié Utilities) ~~~. 2 Se ee eee 329 
Automobile, radio, furniture, etc., finance companies, income-tax returns 

BEGRpoOLatronT (sce aren MINANCE) 32-2 oo 2 ok eee 331 
Auto tires and tubes, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 

manufacture of (see also Rubber and related products) --.------------ 327 


Bakery products, confectionery, etc., income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in manufacture of (see also Manufacture—food products, bev- 

CLSPER: ANG LODACEO) aac) ae oen bose ce cb ots ck SS eee eee 326, 384 
Banking and related industries, income-tax returns of corporations engaged 
INE SCENO SORPINGNCE) = see a oe ea a a 331, 388. 

Blast furnaces, steel mills and rolling mills, etc., income-tax returns of 
corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products and 

IDLOCESRES) see ena ee eats ok eg ee ee Se eS 328, 385: 
Bonded debt and mortgages, in corporation balance sheets, by industrial 
POST 0) UN aa a apne ep Go ee 372, 375, 378: 

Boots, shoes, slippers, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
manufacture of (see also Manufacture—leather and leather products)__ 327, 385. 
Building and construction, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged 

ing Seexalso Construction). 90 2. See ee eee Sees 329, 386: 
Building materials and equipment, metal, income-tax returns of corpora- 
tions engaged in (see also Metal products and processes) - ---------- 328, 386. 
Business, individual income from: 
By income classes, amounts and percentages_-....-------------- 8-9, 82 
By industrial groups, number, net profit, and per cent_------------ 11 
IB Ya tates tree Ree Soko Se es aren ee Ly See 79 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income___------ 10: 
Business seryice, detective bureaus, trade shows, etc., income-tax returns 
of corporations engaged in (see also Service) _--------------------- 331, 387 

424 INDEX 

(© Page 

Canned products—fish, fruit, vegetables, etc., income-tax returns of cor- 
porations engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products, beverages, 
snd COWACCO) - oo ae aes wee eo a ee ee ee ee 326, 384 
Capital net gain, individual income-tax returns: 
Income from— 

By income classes, amounts and percentages_________________ 8-9, 82 

By ota besan 2-2 a ela om ee ee eee eg oe ge 79 

Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income_____ 10 
Tax on— 

By income, classes ss. eee 1.) sol ee St) ss 69 

By iwcome. classes-arid Dy States. 22-2 owe oo ae Saeee 87-162 

By wyears 1O22-192 7 oe te 20 lh ee 2) a ee 24 

Capital net loss, individual income-tax returns: 
Changes in method of deducting for, revenue acts of 1924, 1926, and 

1) a a A a ay Sr ir? ete. po a CPR Se ACT Yd 2 6 
Tax credit for— 

IBV iM COMC CLASS Surin) ae LE ia RS ia 2 ll 69 

by income classes: and by Stabesase see. ono ae 87-162 

i L025) Lea ec Sah ge apo a eh A 0 2 Pec IN ANN eC NP A 6 
Capital stock, in corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups_ 373, 376, 379 
Carpets, floor coverings, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged 

in manufacture of (see also Textiles and textile products) ___________ 327, 385 
Cartage and storage, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see 

also Transportation and other public utilities) -___._.-._._--__________- 329, 387 
Cash, in corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups_--~-___~_ 371, 374, 377 

Cash dividends in corporation income-tax returns. (See Dividends.) 
Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data: 

Corporation come siexere Ute Se ea ee ee 43-45 
Esta te=ta x re virn sees. ok Lan 2) ere ae rt oO ee 63-64 
Mrvelnivvar citvalliei Cori e= Get xcaetee Ur Tea Sg es ee 32-39 

Chemicals and allied substances: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

INGUSUT AES Uo PRO UPS =e ea ee ee ee a = eee 16-17, 308, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 

By,asseus and liabilities: ¢lassitie cl iweapyeess 2 es eee eee 371-379 

By: INCOME ClASsES* =n. ne ee oe Se ek Scenes 367-368 

BY. SUMLOG ose ene 2 ERS lee Oe ey eh ME Es = ong eet a 348-349 

By years, (9202192 7s. ove och een ee = ae ee 349 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified___-_-- 313-314, 

317-318, 321-322, 325 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns and net 

POU Oates ts os 25g PA is 0 Ree 2) 2 11 
Cities, number of individual income-tax returns by____---_---_------ 176-308 
Clothing, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of 

(seeralsomextilesiana textile yoro Gui cts) aaa ee ee ee 327, 385 
Coal mining, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see Nonmetal 

PTTL) ie + 2 StS A wie ie cin oo Oo) 6 ere ee ee 326, 384 
Commission, income-tax returns of corporations (see also Trade) - _--_-- 330, 387 

Common stock, corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups__ 373, 376, 379 
Community property income, individual returns of, number and net 

Amount and-percentacesontotalincomes=2a2=s22——-- "=== sesenees 5 
By income ‘classes sates eee EM ee eee eee es 2 eee 78 
BYHS tates eee ee APR Se TENE DORE oS ee one a 15 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
PTO UP Se Lo eee ee eer an AE ree Sen eRe ere te 16-17, 329, 387 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By assets and disabilities, classified: eee = 2 eee ene 371-379 
Bysin conte classes =a a eb eae Oh ine ements ree eeen a eee ee 369-370 
By States x Sy eee ee. on TUE a eee Sores Aa Seen eee 354-355 
By years 1920-1907 = 222-22 me eae Ramee Ns ae an nnn eee 355 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified___ 315, 319, 323 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit_____-+ eee 11 

INDEX 425 

Contributions, individua: returns: Page 

Amount and percentage of total income_------_---+-.-.--=-.----- 7 

By. yeansr 19 4,; 1920, 1 G22 WO Aig iol ee at ho se se ey Sk 29-30 

syaincomer Classes! 2) 226 0 Seo ep Sart A I ee ae 84 

FE CURRED ek Sho eee a ne ce ed ey yg - ONE OU E we eg 81 

Corporation assets and liabilities, corporation balance sheets: 

Bysindustrialsproups 2c -- . = 2 22 Jee ee ee Be A eae 371-379 
Number of income-tax returns filed and number of balance sheets 

tabulated, by sizeof. net incomes 2232 82 8d jee SE eee 21 

Reporting net income and no net income-__-_----.---------------- 20 

Corporation compiled receipts, income-tax returns, by industrial groups, 
classified (see also Corporation income, gross) : 

All corporations, amount and percentage distribution____ 312-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income_-_-_-_-_-~_-- 316-323 
Corporation deficit, income-tax returns: 
BS ye G OT) CLASS CS Se ep carte en a aa rs PRC 2 ae 19 
Byeindusirialvoroupse a a2. ee 17, 320-323, 366, 368, 370 
Bye industrial oroupsiand suboroups. = 22 22 25 eee 2S 326, 331 
Byindustrial groups,and by States... 2207s wee oe 332-363 
LES S22) ee ea Ce eee: Sor eee ee ne Follows 309 
Biyyetsy S09 R121. te te Sascha? eel a ae dot sa bles ees Se 40 
by wears 1916 —1927.ane. by States... 2). sa.e1 53h eee eee 400-421 
By years 1920-1927 and by industrial groups_______-__-------_- 332-363 
PCTIBMIC TINO Cli ong Sed et see ed) ao pk a cies kp eid Se ee 1 

Corporation gross sales, income-tax returns, by industrial groups: 
Allcorporations, amount and percentage of total receipts_312—313, 315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income_316—317, 319-321, 322 
Corporation income, income-tax returns: 
Gross, by those reporting net income and no net income— 

ISWAIMGUSUTI ASOT OUDS --=2 5-9 5286 ers ee Lik 2 oe 16-17 
By, industrial groups and-by, States =.1.4.—%-.- 0. eb 5e-oee 332-363 
1S 1,12 ae ah es RS Le“ Follows 309 
i. By years, 1916-1927and by States.2.... 222.2 2.4 .oose aes 400-421 
Amount exempt from and amount subject to tax__________-_ 18 
By income classes and by industrial groups_____-___-___ 365, 367, 369 
Biya Gus brie le Our O TOS Hy eee a 16, 312, 314-316, 318-320 
By industrial croups and subgroups... --..-. 12242284 326-331 
By industrial eroups-and, by States... 9- <2.) ceeds ee 332-363 
AIDC EE ore Shey ect Re RRR 8 oils nt eee ae Follows 309 
By Weare oul lO ¢ 6.23.2 ek kkk oath no ee 40 
By years 1920-1927 and by industrial groups_____________- 332-363 
LST G72 |S TIRES MCU ROP IRE lg Ra NDE LIP nnd a hs lore 1 

Corporation income statement, income-tax returns, all corporations and by 

corporations reporting net income and no net income__-____-______-_ 312-323 
Corporation income tax: 

And war-profits and excess-profits tax, by years 1913-1927_________ 40 
By industrial groups— 

Amount and percentage of total receipt____ 313-315, 317-319, 324-325 

Percentages of net income and of total tax___________________ 16 

By industeal proups,and subproups - 2 ot 255oe—. 326-331, 384-388 

By indusimal.sroups and by States_.....-.2-- =. == 2 2 332-363 

LS yyt Scho a a a a ie ee eT 3 eae ane Follows 309 

ie NO feo nae. os Ke ee ee 40 

By veateelolG—1927.and, by, States. ..G2 S224 6 te re ee he 400-421 

Corporation income-tax returns (see also Corporation deficit; Corporation 
income; Corporation income tax) : 
Assets and liabilities, by industrial groups____._..._.___.--_-u.- 371-379 
By income classes and by industrial groups, number and net income_ 365-370 
By those reporting net income and no net income— 

Bry tHe Gri er OWS 28) 2 2 te 2 gh 16-17 
By industrial groups and subgroups____-__________ 326-331, 384-388 
By industrial groups and. by States... = 2naede eee 332-363 
LB Sigh i122 ed a AS 200 PRR A Mn PRA Follows 309 
By yearsi916-1927 and by States. 2. 2.2. = 2 ss se ee 400-421 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, by industrial 
STLOUDS CLASSE ae ae. ke eRe 2 oe = Ube A Pulte 312-323 

426 INDEX 

Corporation income-tax returns—Continued. 

By those reporting net income and no net income—Continued. Page 
Number and net income (or deficit), by years 1920-1927 and by 

industrial: croupss fees a Pe at AS Shee eye ee ee 332-363 

By years 1909-1927, number and net income_-_------------------- 40 

Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data.--__-_- 43-45 

Comparisone1927and=1926 returms: 2225-23225 2-e ee oe eee 15 

Deductions in. (See Deductions.) 

Deductions allowed life insurance companies__._..__._._.___---------- 15 

Fiscal and calendar year returns are tabulated____._._.___------__- if A 
Fiscal and part year returns (see also Fiscal-year returns) __ 21-23, 389-399 
Income statement, analysis of compiled receipts and statutory dedue- 

tions, by industrial BLOC pss Te eb SA eee est 2 Le ee 312-325 
Number of— 

Reporting net income, by income classes_-____-_------------- 19, 365 
Total, and by those reporting net income and no net income— 

By: industrial groups... -=s=-422.5 2-242 16-17, 326-363, 365-370 

By States...2- ce eie a Te Follows 309, 332-363, 400-421 

By- years .1920-1927.-4.--. See eee 8S eee 332-364 

Unaudited-returns tabulated 2229s-4s222 25252552222 222 SSeS 1 

Corporation profits, income-tax returns, by industrial groups: 
From gross sales and from operations other than gross sales— 

All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts_-__ 312-313, 
315, 324-325 

By corporations reporting net income and no net income__-_- 316-317, 
319-321, 323 

Net, amount and percentage of total receipts_-__---..------------- 312, 
314-316, 318-319, 324-325 

Net after income tax, amount and percentage of total receipts_._ 313-3815, 

317-319, 324-325 
Corporation statutory deductions, income-tax returns, by industrial 
groups, classified: 
All corporations, amounts and percentage distribution._._.___.--_- 312, 
314-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income_________-_- 316, 
318-320, 322-323 
Corporation surplus, corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups... 373, 
376, 379 
Corporation taxes (see also Corporation income tax; Corporation war- 
profits and excess-profits taxes) other than income and profits, by indus- 
trial groups: 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts__.-_____- 312, 
314-315, aro 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income__________- 3 

Corporation war-profits and excess-profits taxes: 
By syears shOM sO 22 5 IRs AL eh er ce epee a oa Se eA ee 40 
By years TOt¢—1922 and iby States: os bole eee Se eee 400-421 
Cost of goods sold by corporations, income-tax returns, by industrial. 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts__________ 312, 
314-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income___________ 316, 
318-320, 322-323 
Cotton goods—dress goods, plain cloth, ete., napping, dyeing, etc., income- 
tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles) ere 

Counties, number of individual income-tax returns by______________- 176-308 
Credits, estate-tax returns of resident decedents: 
By netestate classes 2 Ve eeeoAl ehh Sire ae eee wets ee 49, 51, 58, 62-63 
BY Statesiaa sass Se Ne “i Nh ee eae es eee 54-59 
Credits, individual income tax, classified: 
by income: elasses22s2 soe" 2 UN So See eee eee 69 
By tcome.classes:and by States: = 22522 27 seeeseoe ss oe 87-162 
By years 1023-19272 atc a otc ATRIOS ee ste) er 24 

Harnedenet) incomes! ls 2k ead Ate wh oo oy ER ee ae en | AN 2 eee 6 

INDEX 427 

Deductions: Page 
Corporation income-tax returns, by those reporting net income and 
no net income— 

DyisBelushrish oroups (ui: J Skee ees eee oc ede 16-17 
yi Eates pees sacl eae aD pee Bietid bye ped 8 Follows 309 
Estate-tax returns— 
By net estate classes, and by resident and nonresident decedents_ 49, 
51-53, 62 
By States, resident: decedents.s_ 2 ay ot. fs Oe ee sae a 54-61 
Individual income-tax returns— 
Byaine ome; Classes=atseya._ a!) yep a Ee el ey 84 
LEN ASE hoc) gee ane eS ee eee fee et oe Ae eee WES haa 81 
By: years POG =102 7.) store coe ae a re pets ta eS 29-30 
1924-1927 figures not comparable with prior years___________- 6 
Net loss for prior year (see also Net loss, prior year)___.____---__- 6, 17-18 
axesspaid other than income tax... Ul eee eos ee 13 
Taxes paid included in business deductions_______._......_---_--_- 13 

Deficit, corporation. (See Corporation deficit.) 
Depletion, corporate statutory deductions for, income-tax returns, by 
industrial groups: 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts. _-__--_---- 312, 
314-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income__-_-_-_-_-_--- 316 

Depreciation, corporate statutory deductions for, income-tax returns, by 
industrial groups: 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts. _.--_---- 312, 
314-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income-____-_-__---- 316, 
318-320, 322-323 

Corporation income from, by industrial groups— 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts - - - --- 312- 
313, 315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income-_-_----- 6 

Individual income from— 

By income classes, amounts and percentages_-___----------- 8-10, 83 
Dip eeiereae ae ero DENT AWE DIODE INS eee 80 
Pour veut ol0— 1027 scene oe EO a ME) Sees 29-30 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income__-_-_-- 10 

Dividends paid to shareholders, corporation income-tax returns: 
Cash and stock, by corporations reporting net income and no net 

By analysis of corporation compiled receipts and statutory de- 
GUCtIONS S24 2s Sea ee ee ee = ok ee eee 317-319, 321-323 
Eyeibesee a Lk Seen wees Ce eee ee eee 311 
Bgey ears LO22— lO 2 fe ee UO ee ee 18 
Domestic service—restaurants, laundries, etc., income-tax returns of 
corporations engaged in (see also Service) _.-.------------------ 330 
Earned income of individuals, tax credit of 25 per cent on: 
ipyrimeemereasses sac fet Gs aL a ee ee 28 69 
Bycimeome classes and ‘by ‘States. 62) sess oe Tsk etl 87-162 
Tem dennedies ooh Sued oso 1s ee el ee: ese Dk 6 
hallo ted 8 SS ie ee is 
Electric light and power companies, income-tax returns of corporations 
(see also Transportation and other public utilities) _____-.--------- 330, 387 
Electrical machinery and equipment, income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes) acaa ae 
Electric railways, etc., income-tax returns of corporations (see also Trans- 
nertation and other public utilities) . 22 2.-2+5--2-s<<2--2s2t--\.5 329, 387 

37722—29 28 

428 INDEX 
Estate tax: Page 
By net estate classes, resident and nonresident decedents___________ 62 
By periods 1916-1928, total and by resident and nonresident decedents_ 63 
By States. (residemtidecedenitg 3/540 is he ea ei ea Spee 54-61 
Changes in tax laws affecting the comparability of statistical data___ 63-64 
Defined and distinguished from inheritance tax___________________ 46 
Relation of taxes in returns to tax receipts for same period_________ 46 
Total before deducting tax credits, resident decedents— 
Byanetvestaterclasses sures) 21 A einer aipe eee ores ie 49, 51, 538, 62 
Byawnates ogg 2 LS en 2 re a Sa Nee gt Ae 54-61 

Estate-tax returns: 
By periods 1916-1928, total, and by resident and nonresident 

Geecedents eo Zhe ok AACN y Mele (2th a ee eS hy EN 63 
Nonresident decedents, by net estate classes_____________________- 62 
Number of— 

By met estate. classeg 2 tlriy: mun: fymye Wh tp tigadlis vapeoay oe ty yine hp. a 62 
By periods 1O16=19282)4.0 55... ae eens eit 2 9.0 by ae ae 63 
By States itt) 26.2 ea eae 9c} fr be one ee aa 54-61 
Resident decedents— 
By net ‘estatejelassest} ) q0Sen epee yeni nie 2 Lethon ge 62 
By States, and by estates subject to and not subject to tax_____ 54-61 
Nature of property and deductions, by net estate classes_______ A8—53 
Wnaudited réturnsitabulated 22 Seen ee a ee 46 
Kstates and trusts, individual income-tax returns filed by_____________- 12 
BycsiZelomner income My \atlge hy Lae AN sy) 6 > 2 ren end 12 
Exemptions from tax: 
Corporation income-taxmeturngsoUo whee ee 18 
Individual: incomestax Teturiis. wenttesna ee 2 folie: 2 eae ae 5 
Exemptions from normal tax, individual income-tax returns____________ 5 
Factory machinery, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
(see also Metal products Sd GOROCESSCS) bs Sethe ay a ahr 328, 385-386 
Farming, fruit, cotton, grain, stock, ete., income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in (see also Agriculture ‘and related industries)... 2-—-e4een 326, 384 

Federal farm-loan securities reported in individual income-tax returns_ 14, 85-86 
Fertilizers, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of 

(see also Chemicalsiandvalliedysulbstamces) meee so ees 328 
Fiduciary sources, individual income from: 
By income classes (amounts and percentages) ___________________ 8-9, 83 
IBY Se ewe 3 oe a a a a a hk A es ye 80 
By: years: L9IG LO 2 (244s oe ie a ee Ld a og ke 29-30 
JG Res anes (358 ae 0 (Ae Balm eels PREM Wenner AO) D/C OPS Zee OAR Mg ei neg PE 8/8 12 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
(SATO NUT O FSI sce ene Jie ne gee Oy SI SNe NHN NF i AS 8 ey 16-17, 331, 388 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By assetsiand liabilities; classified 202 “oeeee ies a ae 371-379 
By WMCOMGC CIR SRG a8 iy $1) te eee ML igs ot Les pre hee eo 369-370 
fyi Ass 2) sO ea PN SLE UE RA EE 360-362 
By. years 1920-19272 a < 205 ie rege en 2a 362 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified_ 315, 319, 323, cat 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit. 3.5 

Special deductions allowed life- =Insuramce companies = uo he Ses eEE ib 
Financing retail sales of automobiles, pianos, radios, ete., income-tax 

returns of corporations engaged in (see also Finance) _____________- 331, 388 

Fiscal-year returns, individual and corporation.__________.__-..__.--- 1, 21 


By industrial. groupses.s-e\..215 42 nee Peek. fo Ree 384-388 

By months ending thejfiscal yeans we pees yas eee 22, 389-399 

By size of net income and net deficits: =-2--22--222-L en Le 22 

Part-yeanmettens se edt brere 12,2200, aula ii ek ee Utes 9 pepe ed Bilas 23 

Food preparations, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
manufacture of (see also—Food products, beverages, and tobacco)_ 326-327, 384 

INDEX 429 

Food products, beverages, and tobacco: Page 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

ET GUUS OTL ALY S wall BO WU POS Ais Ea Ay as a ein yr uh Nae s 16-17, 326, 384 

Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 

By assets:and liabilities, classified s2eeluviny wis) fur vie ee 371-379 

IBY pmecome CIA SSES =a) 4 ta) Lean ues ohm ae ee Le ull ae eS 365-366 

By States ae 2s atl hoe ed a Ph tes ad oe eed abe ee 337-338 

Biyyears 1920-1927 i 22 0 2a SS TE Lie LOE te atu as 338 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified _ --___ 312-313, 

316-317, 320-321, 324 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns, and net 

TSO FACE R a te a a 2 a ee Pe a ape RR ER ne EAR A 11 

Forestry, fishing, ice- harvesting, etc., income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in (see also Agriculture and related industries) -______----- 326-384 


Corporation income-tax returns 1120, 1120L____-_---_-------- Faces 42 
Individual income-tax returns 1040A, 1040_______________-_ Faces 32 

Furniture, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufac- 
hunerorscealso Uumber and! wood) products)-— 22-2 eee ee 328, 385 


Gas companies, natural and artificial, income-tax returns of corporations 

(see also Transportation and other public utilities) ________-_--_--- 330, 386 

Gloves, saddlery, harness, trunks, tanning, etc., income-tax returns of 
corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Leather and leather 

PALOMRCRAE Ww ebyi yh Vos Rak Ne ee ye al 327, 385 
Government securities wholly and partially tax exempt, reported in indi- 
vidual income-tax returns (see also Tax-exempt securities) ____________ 14 

Gross corporation income. (See Corporation income.) 
Gross estate, estate-tax returns: 

By net estate classes, resident and nonresident decedents_ __- ~~ ---- 62 
’ By periods 1916-1928, total and by resident and nonresident dece- 
GLE TAS epee ie ay ek LOM Lies 1 2 alla aban ebaneanae Bap ae elo (e A area 63 
By wctatesresident:decedentsi25. 4c) Gee We Sae woke pay epee 54-61 
Hardware and tools, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
the manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes)-__-_ 329, 385-386 
Heads of families, classified, individual income-tax returns of, number and 
MELRITICOMe Maino Sian US. oe a oh 5, 73-74, 76-77 
Holders and lessors of mining property, income-tax returns of corporations 
(SceralsonMiiminexand quarnyimg)) 2" = 8 ee ee eee eee 326, 384 

Holding companies, income-tax returns of corporations (see also Finance). 331, 388 
Household machinery and equipment, income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes). 329, 385, 386 
Husbands and wives, joint individual income-tax returns of number and 
“YEN AGAKG(ON 0 OV sue wept wee en ge eed It eens age wee ge tees meeesy ere Peewee Usk Oe 

Income, corporations. (See Corporation income.) 

Income, individual. (See Individual income.) 

Income, statement of corporations. (See Corporation income statement.) 

Income tax, corporation. (See Corporation income tax.) 

Income tax, individual. (See Individual income tax.) 

Income-tax returns. (See Corporation income-tax returns; Individual 
income-tax returns.) 

Income and profits taxes paid foreign countries: 

COP CVaEe TRIO tbe bet > pe he re parent, Me SENIOR UD et Meets Mey ote ns longs eat 46 
Hoke h havc hopey euuseu ee eee ge ke eMC Sh 1 EVERVI Eo? Ma pean ies MONE es oy ea maeede ae 46 
af em income (see also Earned income; Tax-exempt securities) : 
1924-1926 figures not comparable with prior years_______------ 6 
Averare pemmetnrniby States teN Melo Ove del 2 oceans 67 
Bygestates aim GGA St Se yb aes yu pede Sele ay al Pa paps payee ia lit rulgd veh 12 

BVM COMMENCLASSES ie ees ok Usb RS Ue Coca apres 26, 68, 71, 84 

430 INDEX 

Individual income—Continued. 

Net—Continued. Page 
By income classes and by sex and family relationship__________ 76-78 
By-income,classes' and by, States.) so 2u49ne lb ses) ee 87-162 
By ‘sex-and, family, relationshipyiescte 20S ae 5, 73-75, 76-78 
By Shia teste et pee Be lS ps ee Salph LEAR  E S 66, 78, 81 
By States and by sex and family relationship________________~- 13,75 
By. years.1913—1927) amount «44.0. See eee bee yiaer eh 24 
By years 1916-1927 and by income classes___..._._.-_....-_- 25-26 
Bynyeats 946-1927 and by States22 2222 2he5 se os ee 163-175 
Lixem piatromn ormiall eiaxe . eserves epee iy ae yc ee 5 
Wtemidehined 498k a ee 1 
Net loss for prior year (see also Net loss for prior year, deduction) - 6 
Simple and cumulative distributions, amounts and percentages, 

byancomerclasses! 22252 a a see ee a 

Nontaxable, under $10,000— 

Bylincome classesu2.. 3.32 24 See Bee ales eh Se 68, 77 
ibyiimeome classes and: by States: @ = Saseee soe. al) ee 87-162 

Sources of, in detail— 

IByain conic Classesii se 21a see eee 2 ok 2 82-84 
By Biatesq ee ctos nad Be oe hel i eee oe sd 79-81 
Sources of, main— 
Amount and pertentage of totalt._22 SlS28 Jie 4 tu le ae 7 
By income. classessjieeh get ee Bake SS eC ee 8-9 
Bysyears LOG ALOR TE sibs Sah ah US 29-31 
o peau ney distribution, by size of specific source of income_-_-_-_- 10 
By Imcomes classes Ses ee Feit 2 ieee Pe is Ao ee 8 
By Sta tess Be be ae ea Re ee det ee 81 
ae income tax (see also Individual war-profits tax; Capital net 
Amount, average per return, and rate on net income, by income 
ClHSSE SL SEA SCE Seay aR SR UE ee ta ts ee 68 

Amount, by States; and percentages. = -22-25--=.2_-2-2+ 2 ee 67 

Average per return— 

Boy Seba et Sea a a a tl a IN 67 
By years 1916-1927 and by income classes__._...__-.-------- 27 
By years’ 1916-1927 and by Statess 2225. 2-2. 4. <2 sheh so eee 163-175 

Byinconreelasses! seein f)0 Fis we ee Ly AUS Se eee 27, 68, 72 

By*income classes and (by States sue) 525s Oey ode JO eee 87-162 

Buyer bes tals Gas SAN aT ETAL ON I 7 eR IS 67 

Byryears P9LS=192 7 se2 2 oe a a ep Sle 24 

By years 1916-1927 and by income classes_-__.---.-------.------ 27 

By years-1916-1927 and by-States.. 2.2 3eee we eee ls Nees 163-175 

Credits. (See Credits, individual income-tax returns.) 

Harned Metiincome sitio e) ace ie a ae ee So 2a se 6 

Normal tax— 
iby income classes iu. cele aa eee 2 Eee 69 
By: income: classesvand by: States. ..-2 2-22-2222 22.2 cee 87-162 
By years TONS SIG2 (ie 2. eee Se eee 24 

Simple and cumulative distributions, amounts and percentages, by 

INCOMPENCIASSES iy Mme easel Si aa ep 2g oe midis 
By. income classes <2 92.2 Les. 8h) Bie Set oe 69 
By income classes'and by States 24 2288239 24205_ 2" eae ee 87-162 
By years:-LOLS=192 7 aaa 2 Us Go eee ee eee 24 
Total, before tax credits— 
Bysincomeéiclassess 2 Mau eent ae ee eee eee 69 
By income classés and by States2222 522-4. = 2. Sree eee 87-162 
Total income and war-profits and excess-profits taxes, individual and 
corporation; by tyearsieesee LSet eee 24, 40 

Individual income-tax returns (see also Individual income; Individual 
income tax): 

192 7/and<1926breturmsicompareds 4s 54 2e eee eee ea ae 3 
By income classes and, under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable 
BEtUIMGs oc iecee cme neon oe ks SOS Ree AES oe eee ee ee 68-69 

By income classes and by States and, under $10,000, by taxable and 
riongaxable:réturns oc soc Geb ok bee ee Cee tear ee 87-162 

INDEX 431 

Individual income-tax returns—Continued. 

By sex and family relationship— Page 
AMOUNTS. Ang percentaress Aye < hs epee Sue se eee bs gaps 5 

By income classes and, under $10,000, by taxable and non- 
Pale re CUIMSH Go 5 Sa ae Pee ee ee oe 76-78 
oN ueee eRe La, x ka ne CN ey te oh st pee 73-75 
Piyauaemtsiroe PA yer bios: 217. Yin kee feb eel ah dh 6 ena 2 ond 66-67 
By years 1913-1927, number, net income, and tax_________________ 24 
By years 1916-1927 and by income classes_____.__..-....-2.._.-_ 27 
By syears: 1016-1927 andi by Statesten eo eee ke ee 163-175 
Changes in tax laws affecting comparability of statistical data______ 32-39 
RSM rey Apap (es ofp PY Fey rl Nyy pare eh oe as te br etey 38-39 
Normal-taxiumatesie.. 22 1 22. ee eee en a preeeh ye: Fare baler tyet 34 
Reranalrexentbigm £¢ 3 oo; el ie Bis eres ties oh et cepa rise 34 
Dlirtamurateguee tie) 2). ae el Peter ae BE 35-37 

Deductions in. (See Deductions.) 
Exemptions from normal tax. (See Exemptions from normal tax.) 
Fiscal and calendar year returns tabulated. (See also Fiscal year 

Number of— 
yeeros a! J en ses Shed See El ee es 176-308 
By counties: . 221.242 soo e eels - ee ees do 176-308 
ibyeincome, classes 4, 68, 70, 78, 87-162 
By sex-and)damilyorelationsbip suc: 220.2 = Lines ae ee 5, 73-78 
Ge babe Ae al wee ih ES elt ed eed) oe ea 66, 75, 87-162 
By taxable and nontaxable returns under $10,000______ 68, 78, 87-162 
SUE te sie | lars ht cory oy Eph eit es 2 Senay ny 25, 1638-175 
By simple and cumulative distributions, amounts, and percent- 
apesiiby income: classes 44 ose eesierl <2 lin. 22 Joe 4, 70 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income___-_ 10 
Ratio.of population filing), by: Statesl 4! 2.62.2 2 2 a eee kee 67 
Simple and cumulative distributions, amounts, and percentages, by 
ime omelelasner tect) i Pets santo cer lb. cel iys pei 4 
Sources of income, in detail— 
By income classes, amounts, and percentages____.____-_-____-_ 7-9 
By income classes, and under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable 
Te GEN Slee Pe SS Se ee ee a Se ea ee ape 82-84 
Bysiseaes Ao ere eit C42 PE eh Re ke 8. Le 79-81 
Sources of income, main— 
Amount and percentage of totals s2 2... =.22seneced eee bi 7 
PepumepriGrelacsen eee 28 2 ok en tk ected ene te ee 8-9 
ye years, MUOIG SEO Ig .2 soso tts 28 i Se ere ae gah 29-31 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income. -_--_-_ 10 
Tax-exempt securities in. (See Tax-exempt securities.) 
(Unaudited returns tabulated 221.22 els ei Je eee 1 

Individuals required to file returns, 1914-1927. (See Changes in tax laws 
affecting comparability of statistical data.) 
Insurance companies, not agents (see also Finance): 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in______-_________-_ 331, 388 
Bpegialdeductions allowed. . 0.2 >.1-.2--2o6sue See eet ae 15 
Interest and investments, individual income from (see also Tax-exempt 
securities) : 
By income classes, amounts, and percentages_____.__-_..._-___-__- 9, 83 
Ee tenner ee tees fees see 08 _ | 8 Eee ee ee en 
Interest on Government obligations. (See Tax-exempt securities.) 
Interest paid by corporations, by industrial groups: 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts_________- 312, 
314-315, 324-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income_ 316, 318, 320, 322 
Inventory, corporation balance sheets: 
Eee usin Merengue een ie fa 371, 374, 377 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income____-____- 20 
Investment income, individual income from. (See Interest and invest- 
ment income.) 
Iron and steel, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in the 
manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes) _-____--_--- 328, 385 

432 INDEX 


Joint returns of husbands and wives. (See Husbands.) 

Knit goods, sweaters, hosiery, ete., income-tax returns of corporations en- 
gaged in manufacture of (see also Textiles and textile products) ____-_ 327, 385 
Leather and leather products: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 
IN GUS trial istib STOUpS hake ees eee a ee eee reed 16— 7 327, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 
Byzassets,andliabilities;.classified {22 240.220. | 2uigen ware 371-379 
Byyimeomeclassess vend. 2. 2 Liar 2 hl ae 365 
yisbatesteie see! scp Ma, Bead eas Tepe) ari 9k leer 340 
‘By iyears 19201927 erty) tae. aoe eis solely fee Ee 341 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified___ 312, 316, 320, 324 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns and net 
pronts192%, L926; and LOM 214.28 0 See 9.) Ss itil 
Liabilities, in corporation balance sheets: 
Bayon dis tinialor ojos iis hy Ged Le os a Seen, 373, 376, 379 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income_________~_ 20 
Life-insurance companies, income-tax returns of corporations___________ 331 
Specialideductions allowedeleey oN. soca ee e uoe eldekes Sass 15 
Loan companies, ete., income-tax returns of corporations (see also Finance)_ 331 

Local transportation, taxicabs, drayage, etc., income-tax returns of cor- 
porations engaged in (see also Transportation and other public utilities). 329, 387 
Locomotives and railroad equipment, income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes) - 328, 385, 386 
Lumber and wood products: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

INGA S ELAS lo 2 O UP Sie pe a ee yes eee 116= iiee 328, 385 
Inecome-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 
Byiissets and liabilities, classifiedoout, bo) 4. 22) es a a 371-379 
Biyitimie omnie WGA SSES ys ay) ak A tilt aR en ca 367-368 
Baye SG tek oh) BRN AnD ak 2 Ra 2 343-344 
By years LO20—VO2 7 sa Uric ee gee 21 OE ee ea 344 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified________ 313-314, 
(317-318, 321-322, 324 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit___________ ial 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
TOUS eye PE NS SE eR ay eae ATED 2 16-17, 326-329, 384-386 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By, asseusandiliabilitiestclassiiede ea ree eee 371-379 
Biyln Gomme) ClASSe se i 5 9 se oe ed ee 365-369 
BBV ASUS ite fA Rt b gi L yO REE  SuRME  pa BES Le YS ee A 335-354 
Byimvyearsil 202092 7h iis ou Saeco y eel ee Oo Souls Si eae 354 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified ___-__~_ 312-314, 
316-318, 320-822, 324-325 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit. by industrial 
SUbSTOUPS: 2222 Nee et R LeaeU eee ga ARO 1 a5 CU oak SRS aera 11 
Men, individual income-tax returns of, classified, number and net in- 
OTN rea eh AlN ua ce CET Se geet PO wees! 13804, (Oi: 
Metal products and processes: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 
Tava heRsirienkel A TSyolloyedoyoN ofS), A ee EE 16-17, 328- 329, 385-386 
Income tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of — 
Bysassets) and liabilities, classifiediaaal saan ee) See 371-379 
ByaitiComenclagsesac. ae meath e ) 367-368 
Bey CA TCR ih ANS a La Yh ACI SI ona AI Rage el 351-352 
By. years LO2ZO SPOR TINTS. iii 01 an Ae ey a ee ee 352 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified _______ 313-314, 

317-318, 321-322, 325 

INDEX 433 

Metal products and processes—Continued. Page 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns and net 

oh 3 Peep Sa USERS E298 DoW etree eee mye ELC Ay ly ghee CNN reais Jel Ame RES Bee es a U4 Be Bl 
Metal mining, iron, copper, gold, silver, etc., income-tax returns of corpo- 

rations engaged in (see also Mining and quarrying) -_____________-_- 326, 384 

Milling, bran, flour, meal, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged 
in manufacture of (see also Food products, beverages, and tobacco)__ 326, 384 
Mining and quarrying: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 

TOUS eel Re ee es 2 a aa ne pd Mey ee 16-17, 326, 384 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
yassets anduia bilities; classifiedimat a seas. 2. epee 371-379 
Byoincomerclasses! ae siet Se +5 een ree eee ay ete 365-366 
IByaiaes i lee Ae Sk US FL Re sap egies Rethite, Yeas pepeton | et ey our 333-335 
Bivavents hO20 DUNO 2 (ans sok) Sah Ee eg eA eg 335 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified ___-__~_ 312-313, 
316-317, 320-321, 324 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit_________ il 
Mortgages, corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups_-—-_-__ 372, 375, 378 
Motor vehicles and accessories, income- -tax returns of corporations engaged 
in manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes) ____ __ 328, 385, 386 
National banks, income-tax returns of corporations_________________- 331, 388 

Net income, corporation or individual. (See Corporation income; Indi- 
vidual income.) 
Net loss for prior-year deduction: 
Corporation income-tax returns— 

Bivaindustrialvonroups 2. seven seme ee 16, 313-315, 317-319, 324-325 
Byandustralsoroupsrand subproupses. === = 2) = eee 326, 331 
iva babes trae Wie tes Lyte ee we Rie ee od oe ty bn ae ee Follows 309 
Individual income-tax returns— 
Svan COMErClASSES p59 22 layne Sig Ra aioe 2 yy apt ee 68 
LE oh tat | ots) ice na amma ETI WR, Te SP PS ee eee api 66 
BVEAT SO 22 NO D7 ss rey ie sos Me, Ait Pople ey So ue ee 6 
Net estate, estate-tax returns: 
By net-estate classes and by resident and nonresident decedents __ _ - 62 
By periods 1916-1928, total, and by resident and nonresident dece- 
CLE Same ene Mah eee rs. See at ee 8 eae ee 63 
Bee Sites Tesigens decedentsie 2... a6 oot a 54-61 
Nonmetal mining, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in____-_-_ 326, 384 

Normal income tax, individuals: 
Amount. (See Individual income tax.) 

Exemptions from. (See Exemptions from normal tax.) . 
Net income subject to. (See Individual income.) 

Notes payable, corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups___ 372, 375, 378 
Notes receivable, corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups_ 371, 374, 377 

Oil and gas, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in the mining of 
(seeralSomNionmretal smimirig))/ yl ee 2 eh Pa ge ane eae 326, 384 
Office equipment, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
manufacture of (see also Metal products and processes) _ _ _--_---__- 329, 385 

Packing-house products, fresh meats, hams, bacon, etc., income-tax re- 
turns of corporations engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products, 
bevernvies=, anGeuO WACO) eta. hs ae ey 2 ee SE Le ee 326, 384 
Paper, pulp, and products: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

IMGUS UG Alas PTOMOS 2 ey 2 Ske LS ey ey ee Cae 16217) 328, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 

By, assetsrandelsa bilities, classifieds) =. 5-46. = 95 eee 371-379 

IB ivyalnCOMesChARSER Says y= eae ee NS ee pepe 367-368 

IB vacate pum te eipania ls 2s) 5 ee nd ee A INL aE et Ap SBS es A 344-346 

434 INDEX 
Paper, pulp, and products—Continued. 
Income-tax returns, etc.—Continued. Page 
By: wears L920 21927 2. ee i ee ee 346 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified ______ 313-314, 

317-318, 321-322, 324 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns, and net 

OT Entiat ea grt Cyn ned ee ape el yes bel ae Syn reta P A e pie 11 

Partnership returns of income, number of, 1917-1927__________________ 14 

. Partnershipiwarzprofitettaxy LOUZpqm supe tees ie Sy iey otis 2 a 24 
Partnerships, individual income from: 

By income classes, amounts and percentages_________.___________ 8-9, 82 

BynStatesic sence 22. Sy Senet Lond 0h ow se ai Py ce 8 sys fe ee ace ep 79 

Personal exemption, individual income-tax returns: 
By income classes and, under $10,000, by taxable and nontaxable 

PO UUM Ses bs sh Eis b eT alan oe i a Ng ol a A AD FA, gee 68 
Byestatese.: fel keds 2 accel bes fel ory bebe ae Seep: hs airs By Teer ee 67 
Personal industry, individual income from, classified: 
By: main souncests 00 tity. siete CO pie peed sane) vier al) Tee ei € 
Byyears LOT OAT! Lately ied oii neo) ili 3 penne 29-31 
Petroleum and mineral oil refining, income-tax returns of corporations 
enpagedsim 21 2 saber: eva ie eis) Tete he nahn! Sar) ee eee A 328, 385 

Preferred-stock corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups___ 373, 376, 379 
Printing and publishing: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

industrial subsroupsss Sees Poe wie ee lt eee 16-17, 328, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 

Assetsyand liabilities classified] 2222-5 22-2222 5) sae 371-379 

Byineomeveldsses ue 32 ee Soo 2 Us FE ee 382 

Bay Sibaieayrs shin =< Wide 2 Siok ort UE GR UN a 346, 347 

By years O26 19007 noes ho Wh el hee RE Eee 347 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified_________ 313, 
314, 317, 318, 321, 322, 324 
Individual income from, number of returns, and net profits ies Sata 11 
Profits from sale of real estate, stocks, and bonds, etc., individual income 

By income classes, amounts and percentages______.______.--__-__ 8-9, 82 
By Staessen s 2 keke k 5) od tou ee RO LS A ee oe 79 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income-_-__-_---- 10 
Property in estate-tax returns of resident decedents, by net estate classes, 
Classifiedisa9j-2 42 si5= ad eee et Bi tlebi 2s oo Bier 2 = ale ie 2 48-53 
Public utilities (see also Transportation and other public utilities). 329-330, 387 
Quarrying, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also Mining 
andiquarrying)) 2.2)... ) fave queso 2) aaa ie Tae fs Se emia 326, 333-334, 384 
Radio broadcasting companies, income-tax returns of Ce pe Sts (see 
alsojother public utilities) 25. eee eee et ee 330, 387 
Radios, complete or in parts, income-tax returns of corporations ppeoeed 
in manufacture of (see also miscellaneous manufacturing) ____.____- 329, 386 
Rail transportation, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see 
also ‘Transportation and other public utilities) ____._....---_-_-_-- 329, 387 
Real-estate and holding companies, etc., income-tax returns of corpora- 
tlonss (see) also Psi aCe)! ce ee re 331, 388 
Rents and royalties, individual income from: 
By income classes, amounts and percentages___..._.__.._-...------ 8, 9, 83 
By staves 237 SORE ate SOT en Ue RE ee See 7 a ele eee 80 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income_____--_-- 10 
Restaurants, hotels, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
(see also. Service) oe es FEES Qe 9 ARIE ORT eget es osha | eee I 330, 387 
Retail trade, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also 
rade): 2 SUEY SERA AR EI EDS TEES ep oat ee Wt ee ee 330, 387 

Royalties, individual income from. (See Rents and royalties.) 

INDEX _ 435 

Rubber and related products: Page 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

TRAN CRT OU Sa a = eee eS eee o 16, 17, 327, 385 

Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of — 

bo psseps and liabilities, classined 22255-5222 Se Ue 371-379 

IN, TONE, S8h cl 5-12) <a C2) Shoe A ge aga ERE 367, 368, 381 

SY) S cer Ls pease oe a RNR eT oe EO Ey ie RC he | 341-343 

1 Soybean I a AP ae 343 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified. 312, 316, 320, 324 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns, and net 

PO te Lk le ee EE tyes By oo PUREE = 11 
Rubber boots, shoes, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 
manufacture of (see also Rubber and related products)_____.____-- 327, 385 

Salaries and wages, individual income from. (See Wages and salaries.) 

Sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc., individual income from profits from. 
(See Profits from sale of real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.) 

Sawmill and planing-mill products, income-tax returns of corporations 

2 engaged in manufacture of (see also Lumber and wood products) -_____ 328, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
(EL OAE Sees cas Mil Aes Bch GOP) pa ie Ba Rag 16-17, 330-331, 387 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By assets and liabilities, classified___............-..------- 371-379 
By income ‘Glasses. - tesa: 2S BoE ot UO Cee 369-370 
Pia ves ene OL gba OL) ARNG 2s a Tae 359-360 
yevyests; MOA0 LO feo oo oe eo ee 360 

Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified_ 315, 319, 323, 325 
Individual income from, number of returns, and net profitss 2322555 11 
Shipbuilding and repairing, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 

MenigiIG ACOnGtTUChIOR) ee a a~ ee ee ae 329, 386 
Silk and rayon goods, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged 
in manufacture of (see also Textiles and textile products) 2020. Fal. 327, 384 

Soft drinks, wine, mineral waters, etc., income-tax returns of corporations 
engaged in manufacture of (see also Food products, beverages, and to- 

ERG CG) ee a ee me ne oe ee ee ee ee BE NN ee ee 327, 384 
State and private banks, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in 

(SPERMISOUPINANCE) oun ee Ser Hild uae ehing Tt. ose) UT es 331, 388 
Steam railroads, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see 

also Transportation and other public utilities) __.-.._-.------------ 329, 387 
State and local securities reported in individual income-tax returns____ 14, 85-86 

Stock dividends in corporation income-tax returns. (See Dividends.) 
Stock and bond brokers, income-tax returns of corporations (see also 
WInANCe Peso keer eee ee OP? EC Dees 331, 388 
Stone, clay, and glass products: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

PREMIERE GUD PTOUPAY =.= a2 es he eee 16-17, 328, 385 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 
Piyarneonie Crasneg. eat 8 et ee se Bee oe eS 367-368 
Assets\and Habrities: Classified ..°o o<tii Vth Fes See oe) Se 371-379 
VMS SE Fe Ol DONO SAE EN Si ke ha, 2 ORE AE CIR °F) EE ER 349-351 
Bynyearsyl O20=1920 7-2-8 =. Se ae ee EU 351 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified_______ 313-314, 

317-318, 321-322, 325 
Individual income from manufacture of, number of returns, and net 

OT LUGS fone rere ae eee A YO SD 11 
Sugar—cane, beet, maple, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged 
in manufacture of (see also Food products, beverages, and tobacco)___ 327, 384 

Surplus. (See Corporation surplus.) 
Surtax, individual income tax. (See Individual income tax.) 

436 INDEX 

Taxes paid other than income tax: Page 
Individual income-tax returns, by income classes_______--_------_- 13 
Corporation income-tax returns, bysinGushrtal tomo Ups eae ee 312, 

314-316, 318-320, 322-325 
Tax-exempt income: 
Corporation income-tax returns. (See Exemptions, corporation re- 
Dividends, corporation returns. (See Dividends.) 
Exempt from normal tax, individual income-tax returns. (See Ex- 
emptions from normal tax. ) 
From securities, individual and corporation returns. (See Tax- 
exempt securities. ) 
Tax-exempt interest. (See Tax-exempt securities.) 

Tax-exempt securities in corporation balance sheets, by industrial groups_ a Slee 
5, 378 
Tax-exempt securities. 
Corporation income from— 
All corporations, amount and percentage of total receipts.__- 312-313, 
315-317, 319-321, 323- 325 
By industrialverompssss= 522 ae 312-313, 315-317, 319-321, 323-325 
By corporations reporting net income and no net income-_------ 20 
In estate-tax returns of resident decedents, by net estate classes, 
Classified 28 ae = ok ee Bee ee ee oye Ss ee 48, 50, 52 

In individual income-tax returns— 
Partially tax exempt, Government— 
Amount owned and interest received, returns of net income 
over $5,000— 

Bygacome: classes. 2): s465 8.645) 2 poe Bee oe 85-86 

MPO ta re apd) ease kee eee Sith ae eo ee a 14 
Income from— 

By income classes... U2 ues _ 1 eee ee 8,9 

Wholly tax-exempt, amount owned and interest received, returns 
of net income over $5,000, classified into obligations of States 
and Territories, securities issued under the Federal farm 
loan act, and United States Government securities— 

Bywinconre :classes= == 2 Se Te) 2 eyes 2S eee ee 85-86 
CO rea ees Se jen a 2 Sy bah et od ae 14 

Telephone and telegraph companies, income-tax returns of corporations 
(see also Transportation and other public utilities)________________ 330, 387 

Textiles and textile products: 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of, by 

industrial sulberoupss = 2 tt Ne eh ed. 16, 17, 327, 385 
Inecome-tax returns of corporations engaged in manufacture of— 
By assets and liabilities, classified] O22 -@ sce. 2. U- aenne 371-379 | 
By income classes. 4. 32 22 oe oo ere ol i Bee 365-366 
BS iS AGORA pret yeg at cee ak a hh ls a Bi ae dar 338-339 
By. years, M920 SLOG si Ne Tb a pe 2a a ear 339 | 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified _____-_ 312-313, | 
316-317, 320-321, 324 | 
Individual income from, number of returns, and net profit _________ 11 
Theaters, legitimate, vaudeville, etc., income-tax returns of corporations 
(seeralsorService)is.. 62 OU Wee ee ey Bird ene etait Lee ane 330, 387 
Tires and tubes, etc., income-tax returns of corporations engaged in the 
manufacture of (see also Rubber and related products)____________-_ 327, 385 
Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, etc., income-tax returns of corporations (see 
also Food prodtcts, beverages, and tobacco) ____-_-__-_----------- 327, 384 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
PEOW PSH = aie w es Lh EA ama oe ete se pr ee ad 16-17, 330, 387 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By assetstand diabilities, classified 2222 400". 22 222s oa 371-379 
By :TCOMENIGIASSES SHENG inl (SAAN Pentair 369-370 
Boy tates ee ot A aes Oe CT Oe ed 357-359 
By years 920-192 7-2 mony nol tes A ee ate ol Seni espa yee a 359 

INDEX 437 

Transportation and other public utilities: Page 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in, by industrial sub- 
ET RONE |S) es pe ee GA rh aap om ae | er 16-17, 329-330, 387 
Income-tax returns of corporations engaged in— 
By sesets and liabilities, classified... 2.---4-LLs_- 371-379 
Byeicuriie classesme. fc)! |.) UP men ane aire Oo ah Ui a 369-370 
1 Si bogies os RS ae es Bk a Mh NEA CNSR, Oca 356-357 
BNW? Pet esl LE 1 Se pg NP a 357 
Compiled receipts and statutory deductions, classified_________ 315, 
319, 323, 325 
Individual income from, number of returns and net profit. ~________ 11 
Trust companies, savings banks, etc., income-tax returns of corporations 
MSECRCIS OMT INCE) ey Seiya oa Se ai ee a em apne dacs AUER See 331, 388 

United States Government bonds, wholly and partially tax exempt, re- 
ported in individual income-tax returns. (See Tax-exempt securities.) 

Wages and salaries, individual income from: 
By income classes, amounts and percentages_-_-___-__-___-_----_-- 8, 9, 82 
NSS BEES RE Mie A a he a a OR RRR Ose a ke AS) ON 79 
Frequency distribution, by size of specific source of income__-_-______ 10 

War-profits tax. (See Corporation war-profits and excess profits taxes; 
Individual war-profits tax; Partnership war-profits tax.) 
Water companies, income-tax returns of corporations (see also Transporta- 

onmucvovuer public Ubilities)- 22-222 es... + 2 22 A eee eee 330, 387 
Water transportation, income-tax returns of corporations (see also Trans- 
entation and other public  wtilities)s 22 --— 82. ee eee 329, 387 
Wholesale trade, income-tax returns of corporations engaged in (see also 
APTRYOIS) ES a See Se pea ay ERA BS Ss UL Pee Re, (S 330, 387 
- Wives, separate individual income-tax returns of, number of returns and 
TDKERE WGN CUTTY SS bes Les ce A CEE EE oth alae Picea Se RCC hee I oY 5, 75, 78 

Wives and husbands, joint individual returns of. (See Husbands.) 
Women, individual income-tax returns of, classified, number of returns, 

SUELO GENIN CONAC rs wees Spe nee Seat 15-2 ee 5, 74, 77 
Woolen and worsted goods, income-tax returns of corporations engaged 
in manufacture of (see also Textiles and textile products) ___________-- Sill 


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