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From  a  death-mask  preset  ved  by  the  nuns  of  Prato. 




F.  M.  CAPES 

^Preceded  by  a 


Preacher-General  of  the  Order 



Nibil  Obstat 

J.   S.   NoRTHCOTE 

Censor  Deputatus 



Archiepiscopuf  Westmonast. 


The  Right  %}>.  Lady  Abbess  Parser,  O.S.B. 
and  the  Community 


Sf  Marys  Abbey  ^  East  Bergbolt, 

this  BooJ^ 

is  most  Affectionately  Dedicated  by  the 


ST  CATHERINE  DE'  RICCI,  one  of  the  three  canonized  Domi- 
nican women  of  the  "Third  Order,"*  holds  a  different 
position  from  that  of  either  her  great  predecessor  and 
namesake  of  Siena  or  the  Saint  of  the  New  World  who 
was  a  little  girl  when  she  died,  Rose  of  Lima.  These  two 
were  "Tertiaries"  in  the  strict  sense  of  the  word,  remain- 
ing inmates  of  their  respective  parents'  houses  to  the  end 
of  their  lives. 

St  Catherine  de'  Ricci,  on  the  contrary,  was  not  only  a 
"conventual"  tertiary,  but  she  belonged  to  a  community 
which,  although  of  the  Third  Order,  was  enclosed  behind 
a  grille  and  led  a  strictly  contemplative  life.  Its  members 
had  nothing  to  do  with  hospitals,  orphanages,  schools,  or 
any  kind  of  charitable  institutions,  doing  no  "active"  work 
except  what  was  absolutely  needful  for  their  own  sup- 
port:— such  as  needlework  or  confectionery,  etc.,  which  they 
sold;  and  even  these  occupations  were  lessened  as  far  as 
possible  under  Catherine's  rule,  to  give  more  time  for 
prayer.  In  fact,  had  it  not  been  that  their  constitutions 
were  of  a  less  severe  nature  as  to  fast  and  abstinence,  the 
sisters  of  her  convent  might  almost  as  well  have  belonged 
to  the  Second  Order  as  to  the  Third.  Hence  it  is  as  a  model 
rather  of  a  contemplative  nun,  than  of  what  we  in  England 
usually  understand  by  a  conventual  tertiary,  that  this  con- 
temporary of  St  Philip  Neri  and  St  Mary  Magdalen  de' 
Pazzi  must  be  regarded. 

Again,  wide  as  was  her  acquaintance  with  "seculars"  of 
every  kind,  so  that  her  life  was  by  no  means  a  hidden  one 
like  St  Rose's,  the  nun  of  Prato  was  not  a  great  historical 
character  like  St  Catherine  of  Siena,  whose  wonderful  voca- 
tion was  clearly  inconsistent  with  a  cloistered  life.  Cathe- 
rine de'  Ricci  had  great  fame  in  her  own  time  and  country, 

*  There  are  many  "Blessed." 


but  it  was  more  for  her  extraordinary  mystical  life  than  for 
any  of  her  personal  actions  that  people  were  drawn  to  her, 
at  least  to  begin  with;  though,  when  they  came  to  know 
her,  the  beauty  of  her  character  and  the  good  that  she  did 
to  others  with  true  Dominican  activity  of  mind  and  heart 
warmly  attached  them  to  her.  She  was  prioress  of  her  con- 
vent for  a  great  part  of  her  life,  and  as  such  was  renowned 
for  her  wise  and  holy  government.  Thus,  her  position  with 
regard  to  the  public  lies,  as  it  were,  between  that  of  the 
other  two  saints.  Her  life,  we  may  say,  contains  a  triple 
interest : — that  of  the  pure  mystic;  that  of  the  practical  Re- 
ligious superior  in  her  own  community;  and  that  of  the 
essentially  loving  and  tender  woman,  spreading  beneficent 
influence  around  as  far  as  the  circumstances  of  her  calling 

The  substance  of  this  new  life  of  the  saint*  is  mainly 
taken  from  the  Vie  de  Ste  Catherine  de  Ricci  by  Pere  Hya- 
cinthe  Bayonne,  O.P.  (Paris:  Poussielgue,  1873),  which  the 
present  superiors  of  the  French  province  have  most  kindly 
allowed  to  be  freely  used.  Many  of  its  narrative  portions 
have,  however,  been  omitted  or  simplified,  the  French  life 
being  often  either  too  long  and  wordy  or  rather  too  flowery 
in  style  for  English  taste.  Also,  whilst  the  accounts  of  St 
Catherine's  celebrated  lasting  miraculous  favours — her  ec- 
stasy of  the  Passion,  her  receiving  the  sacred  stigmata,  and 
the  like — have  been  retained  in  full,  some  only  of  the  stories 
given  by  Pere  Bayonne  of  incidental  miracles  or  visions 
have  been  chosen  for  insertion,  and  even  these  frequently 
told  in  shortened  form. 

Considerable  additions  have  also  been  made  to  the  older 
work,  consisting  in  several  original  letters  of  the  saint  which 
either  do  not  appear  at  all  in  the  French  life,  or  are  merely 
quoted  there. 

These  letters  form,  it  need  hardly  be  said,  a  particu- 
larly valuable  portion  of  the  present  work,  by  enabling 
the  saint  to  speak  to  us  herself  from  behind  her  grille 
of  three  centuries  ago.  It  would  perhaps  be  impossible 

*  The  narrative  has  been  here  and  there  supplemented  or  corrected  by  reference  to 
Guasti's  admirable  introductory  notes,  etc.,  to  the  "  Letters." 


to  characterize  them  more  truly  than  a  Dominican  doctor 
in  theology,  Pere  Berthier,  has  done  in  this  pithy 

"These  simple  and  practical  letters  of  the  nobly-born 
Catherine  de'  Ricci  form  a  fitting  pendant  to  the  grand— 
we  might  almost  say  the  aristocratic — style  of  Catherine  of 
Siena,  the  dyer's  daughter."* 

In  one  case,  throughout  this  English  version,  not  the 
substance  only  but  the  words  of  the  French  writer  have 
been  kept  to: — i.e.,  wherever  an  explanation  or  dissertation 
of  theological  nature,  concerning  the  Religious  life  or  any 
spiritual  matter,  is  in  question.  As  Pere  Bayonne  was  a 
noted  Dominican  friar,  which  means  a  first-rate  theologian 
as  well  as  an  authority  on  the  spirit  of  his  Order,  it  would 
be  an  impertinence  to  substitute  any  expressions  for  his 
own,  or  to  omit  anything  of  consequence  that  he  had 
said,  where  such  things  were  concerned.  Moreover,  his 
words  on  these  subjects  are  often  of  considerable  beauty 
and  power  in  themselves,  and  greatly  add  to  the  interest  of 
the  biography. 

As  to  the  original  sources  for  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's 
life,  which  are  mainly  Italian,  and  date  from  immediately 
after  the  saint's  death,  Pere  Bayonne  gives  a  full  and  care- 
ful account  of  these  at  the  beginning  of  his  work,  besides 
making  frequent  reference  to  them,  with  many  quotations, 
throughout  the  text.  This  latter  plan  has  been  followed 
here;  but  the  account  of  authorities,  being  too  long  for  re- 
production in  full,  is  given  merely  as  a  "List"  at  the  end 
of  this  book. 

Any  reader  who  becomes  sufficiently  interested  in 
Catherine  to  feel  inclined  to  hunt  up  and  examine  the  old 
Italian  chroniclers  for  himself  will  probably  be  well  re- 
warded for  his  trouble,  especially  in  the  case  of  Serafino 
Razzi.  If  we  may  judge  from  the  extracts  given  by  Bayonne, 
and  from  some  others  in  Mother  Francis  Raphael's  "Spirit 

*  See  a  letter  of  approval  prefixed  by  the  Oullins  nuns  to  their  French  translation. 
St  Catherine  of  Siena's  academic  style,  it  must  be  remembered,  was  supernatural,  she 
having  learnt  to  read  and  write  miraculously.  Catherine  de'  Ricci  had  had  the  ordinary 
woman's  education  of  a  well  born  and  bred,  but  not  literary,  family,  and  wrote  merely 
as  her  natural  intelligence  dictated. 


of  the  Dominican  Order,"  that  bygone  writer  has  a  grace 
and  charm  in  story- telling,  combined  with  faith  and  devo- 
tion, quite  peculiar  to  himself. 

Three  points  connected  with  this  English  Life — i.e.,  the 
letters,  the  portrait,  and  the  mixed  name-system  here  adopted 
— need  some  prefatory  explanation: 

i.  Two  full  editions  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  letters 
were  brought  out  in  the  latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century 
(besides  a  small  earlier  one  consisting  only  of  fifty  letters, 
chiefly  to  her  family,  edited  with  no  notes  or  explanatory 
matter).  One  of  these  two,  edited  by  Alessandro  Gherardi, 
at  Florence,  is  as  late  as  1890,  and  contains  four  hundred 
letters,  some  of  them  being  taken  from  an  earlier  edition, 
which  is  the  most  important  of  all.  This  is  the  collection 
edited  and  annotated  by  Cesare  Guasti,  and  published  after 
his  death,  at  Prato,  by  Ranieri  Guasti,  in  1 8  6 1 .  This  edition 
contains  about  three  hundred  and  fifty  letters,  with  some 
most  useful  and  interesting  prefatory  matter  (by  way  of 
notes),  which  throws  much  light  on  various  points  con- 
nected with  the  saint,  her  family,  and  her  friends  and 
correspondents;  as  also  on  the  connection  of  herself  and  her 
community  with  Savonarola. 

It  is  on  this  Italian  edition  that  the  latest  and  largest 
volume  of  the  saint's  letters  is  based:  i.e.,  the  full  French 
edition  brought  out  by  the  Dominican  nuns  at  Oullins 
(now  banished  to  Bissighem-les-Courtrai,  in  Belgium)  in 
1 900.*  This  volume  contains  some  letters  from  Gherardi 
besides  those  of  Guasti,  bringing  them  altogether  up  to 
four  hundred  and  sixty-two  in  number ;  but  as  regards 
"notes,"  etc.,  it  is  an  actual  translation  of  Guasti's  work. 
From  this  very  valuable  book — leave  to  use  which  was 
most  kindly  given  by  the  nuns — the  present  writer  has 
chosen  the  letters  to  be  published  in  English;  but — with 
the  exception  of  a  few  that  have  been  done  from  the  French 
— all  those  here  given  have  been  translated  straight  from 
the  Italian,  so  as  to  secure  the  reproduction  of  the  saint's 
own  words  as  nearly  as  possible.  This  part  of  the  work  was 

*  The  French  volume  is  actually  not  dated  by  publishers  (Douniol,  Paris)  creditors. 
The  date  is  therefore  quoted  from  memory. 


undertaken  by  two  friends  of  the  writer's,  one  of  whom 
has  passed  away  since  she  gave  her  kind  help:  namely,  by 
the  late  Miss  Cecilia  Simeon  (who  translated  a  few  family 
letters,  and  several  of  those  to  Filippo  Salviati)  ;  and  by 
Miss  E.  Kislingbury,  who  is  the  translator  of  the  main 
portion.  The  latter,  "in  addition  to  the  apology  owing  to 
her  readers  for  her  own  shortcomings  in  style,"  desires,  in 
partial  justification,  to  quote  the  following  lines  from  the 
preface  of  Guasti,  with  whose  opinion  she  fully  concurs 
from  her  own  experience  in  translating  the  letters,  which 
have  sometimes  been  very  difficult  to  put  into  grammatical 

Catherine  [remarks  her  Italian  editor],  as  I  have  said,  was  not  a  literary 
woman,  neither  did  she  know  anything  of  the  artificialities  of  style.  But 
the  words  came  from  her  heart  with  a  spontaneity  which  is  nearer  to 
nature;  and  when  her  discourse  changes  from  the  singular  to  the  plural, 
and  back  again  to  the  singular;  when  the  verb  does  not  correspond  with 
the  nominative,  or  the  noun  which  she  has  in  mind  is  not  even  expressed; 
if  the  reason  for  this  is  not  in  the  grammar-books,  it  is  to  be  found  in  her 
own  heart,  which  felt  the  efficacy  of  certain  constructions,  irregular  perhaps, 
in  that  they  are  foreign  to  precedent,  but  well  within  the  spirit  of  the  lan- 
guage and  approved  by  the  authority  of  the  people,  the  highest  law-giver.* 

To  make  choice,  from  so  many,  of  a  few  special  letters 
for  insertion  here  has  of  course  been  a  difficult  task.  The 
writer  has  gone  on  the  plan  of  choosing  those  which  seemed 
best  to  illustrate,  not  merely  the  saint's  own  character,  but 
that  of  her  community,  and  the  nature  of  her  general  sur- 
roundings: thus  enabling  the  portion  here  presented  of  her 
familiar  correspondence  to  give  as  vivid  a  picture  as  possible 
of  contemporary  "  manners,"  Religious  and  secular,  of 
everyday  life.  Whether  the  right  letters  tor  this  purpose 
have  been  picked  out  or  not  must,  however,  of  course  be 
a  matter  on  which  opinion  may  differ,  should  any  readers 
of  this  volume  already  know  the  whole  collection,  or  be 
disposed  to  turn  to  it  after  making  acquaintance  with  these 

It  is  greatly  to  be  regretted — as  in  the  case  of  so  many 
letters  published  posthumously — that  we  have  not  the  other 

*  Guasti's  Lettere  Spiritual!,  etc.,  p.  24. 


side  of  the  correspondence  preserved,  in  some  instances,  to 
complete  the  picture. 

2.  The  portrait  of  St  Catherine  here  given  is  taken, 
with  permission,  from  the  French  volume  of  letters.  This 
portrait — as  might  be  conjectured  by  its  general  expression 
— is  from  a  mould  taken  after  death,  which  was  preserved 
at  Prato.  M.  Guasti,  in  the  year   1860,  had  an  engraving 
done  after  this  mould,  considered  to  have  been  very  suc- 
cessful; and  the  said  engraving  was  lent  by  his  daughter  to 
the    French  nuns,   who  had  it  photographed   and  repro- 
duced for  their  translation  of  the  letters. 

There  are  various  portraits  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci 
about — some  engravings  which  more  or  less  resemble  the 
one  here  published,  and  some  "pious"  coloured  pictures 
of  the  beautified  sickly-sentimental  order,  as  absolutely 
unlike  it  as  possible.  That  these  last  are  also  utterly  unlike 
the  original  is  clear  from  a  comparison  of  the  older  engra- 
vings with  this  one  taken  from  the  "mask,"  which  appears 
to  be  the  only  really  authentic  portrait  preserved.  Some  of 
the  older  drawings  represent  St  Catherine  as  uglier  than 
this — making  the  features  coarser  and  the  chin  more 
receding — but  none  of  them  attempt,  like  the  modern 
productions,  to  make  her  "pretty."  M.  Guasti's  engraving 
(it  is  thought  by  some  who  have  looked  at  it  critically, 
with  a  view  to  the  question  of  prefixing  it  to  the  English 
Life),  if  repellant  at  first  sight,  has  the  merit  of  repaying 
a  more  careful  study  by  the  discovery  of  much  sweetness, 
dignity,  and,  above  all,  great  saintliness  of  expression  in 
the  worn  and  even  plain  features.  It  must  be  remembered 
that  the  mould  from  which  it  is  taken  was  not  only  that 
of  a  dead  woman,  but  of  one  sixty-eight  years  old  and 
exhausted  with  bodily  penance  and  spiritual  effort. 

3.  The  name-system  followed  in  this  English  life  of 
St  Catherine  may  be  justly  charged  with  inconsistency; 
but  it  is  an  inconsistency  adopted  of  set  purpose,  with  a 
method  in  it,  and  the  method  is  this: 

Where  proper  names — whether  of  people  or  places — 
have  become  so  familiar  to  us  in  their  English  form  that  to 
give  them  in  their  native  Italian  would  appear  to  ordinary 


readers  either  strange  or  pedantic,  they  have  been  Anglicized 
here.  Where  this  is  not  the  case  the  Italian  form  has  been 
preserved,  as  being  not  only  more  suitable  to  the  book,  but  in 
almost  every  case  far  superior  in  beauty.  For  example,  the 
name  of  the  saint  herself  has  been  given  as  "  Catherine," 
English  people  being  so  used  to  all  the  saints  of  that  name 
under  this  form,  that  "  Caterina  "  would  seem  most  un- 
familiar. Again,  in  the  case  of  St  Philip  Neri,  the  Oratorians 
in  this  country  have  made  the  English  spelling  so  universal 
that  to  spell  it  "Filippo"  would  seem  absolutely  pedantic; 
whilst  Dominicans  are  also  familiar  with  St  Vincent  Ferrer. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  name  of  the  Prato  convent  has  no 
place  among  us  in  English,  and  may  therefore  have — as 
also  may  the  saint's  relations — its  own  musical  name  of 
San  Vincenzio  left  to  it;  and  for  the  same  reason  Cathe- 
rine's friend  and  "spiritual  son,"  Salviati,  may  keep  his 
Christian  name  in  its  original  form  as  "Filippo"  :  and  so 
on  in  other  instances. 

This  explanation  will  show  readers  that  what  may  seem 
an  odd  system  of  mixed  nomenclature  does  not  arise  from 
carelessness;  and  they  will  probably  be  grateful  for  as  little 
Anglicising  as  possible  when  they  come  across  some  of  the 
double  names  that  appear  pretty  often.  Pierfrancesco,  for 
instance,  and  Gianbatista,  are  soft  and  graceful  appellations 
in  their  native  contracted  form;  but  who  could  endure  to 
see  "Peter  Francis"  or  "John  Baptist"? 



Preface v 

On  the  Mystical  Life,  by  Father  BERTRAND  WILBERFORCE,  O.P.          xvii 

St  Catherine's  Family — Birth  (1522)  and  Early  Years     ...          i 


Alessandrina's  Vocation — Her  stay  at  Monticelli — Return  to  her 

Father's  House — Search  for  a  suitable  Convent 7 


Alessandrina  at  the  Villa  San  Paolo — She  hears  about  the  Con- 
vent of  San  Vincenzio  from  its  Begging  Sisters — Gets  her 
Father's  consent  to  visit  it — Her  compulsory  Return  to  Flo- 
rence— She  falls  ill — Her  Miraculous  Cure — Final  entry  into 
San  Vincenzio 19 


Alessandrina  receives  the  Habit  (1535)  and  with  it  the  name  of 
Catherine — Her  Novitiate  and  its  Trials — Her  Profession 
(1536) 28 


History  of  San  Vincenzio  at  Prato  and  its  Foundresses — Fresh 
Trials,  Illness  and  Miraculous  Recovery  of  Catherine — Restor- 
ation to  favour  with  the  Community — Second  Illness  and 
Second  Cure — Doubts  as  to  her  Extraordinary  States  finally 
dispelled — Further  Trials  and  Supernatural  Helps — Her 
Victories  over  the  Devil 38 


Some  Joys  accompanying  Catherine's  Trials — Our  Lord  changes 

her  Heart — Beginning  of  her  Great  Ecstasy  of  the  Passion    .        57 


The  Ecstasy  of  the  Passion  Examined  by  both  Provincial  and  Gene- 
ral of  the  Order — Their  favourable  Verdict — Other  Doubts 
set  at  rest — The  "  Canticle  of  the  Passion "  revealed  to 
Catherine  .,.,.,,., 68 




Mystic  Espousals  of  the  Saint  with  Jesus  Christ — Our  Lord  gives 
her  the  Ring — Her  Sacred  Stigmata — Her  Crown  of  Thorns 
— Favours  bestowed  on  her  through  a  Miraculous  Crucifix  .  79 


Catherine's  Love  for  her  Family — Her  anxiety  about  their  Con- 
cerns— Beginning  of  her  Correspondence  with  them  (1542)  •  88 


Catherine's  Demeanour  during  her  Great  Ecstasy — How  the  Fame 
of  it  spreads  beyond  the  Convent — The  Saint's  personal 
Virtues,  Penances  and  Humility  in  the  midst  of  her  fame — 
The  Pope's  Commissioners  pronounce  in  her  favour  .  .  .  1 09 


Catherine's  Mission  to  the  Sixteenth  Century — The  great  person- 
ages of  Italy  throng  to  Prato — The  Saint  made  Sub-Prioress 
(1547) — Death  of  M.  Raffaella  de'  FaSnza — Catherine's  influ- 
ence on  Souls — Her  Miraculous  Power  of  converting  Sinners 
and  expiatory  Offerings  for  them — Her  Devotion  to  the  Souls 
in  Purgatory - 125 


Work  as  Sub-Prioress  within  the  Community — She  is  named 
Prioress  (1552) — Death  of  her  Uncle,  Fra  Timoteo — St 
Catherine's  Spiritual  Teaching  and  Conferences  in  Chapter — 
She  is  delivered,  at  her  own  prayer,  from  outward  manifesta- 
tions of  her  Great  Ecstasy  (1554) 141 


Mother  Catherine's  internal  Government  of  her  Community — 

Her  character  as  Prioress — Her  standard  of  Religious  Life    .      1 60 


Filippo  Salviati  and  his  services  to  San  Vincenzio — The  Saint's  in- 
fluence on  and  correspondence  with  him 177 


St  Catherine  and  her  Brothers — Correspondence  with  Ridolfo  and 
Vincenzio — Visit  of  the  Bavarian  Prince  to  Prato — Prophecy 
of  St  Charles  Borromeo's  miraculous  escape 195 




Some  correspondence  of  St  Catherine  with  Superiors  of  her  Order 

— The  Affair  of  Convent  Enclosure 211 


The  Saint's  "  Spiritual  Sons"  :  Religious  and  Laymen — Her  Letters 

to  some  of  them 223 


Later  years  of  St  Catherine's  Life — Her  relations  with  St  Mary 
Magdalen  de'  Pazzi — With  St  Philip  Neri — Her  friendly 
intercourse  with  Seculars — Her  spirit  of  Poverty  in  Sickness — 
Her  increasing  Humility  and  desire  of  self-affacement  shown 
by  a  final  act 248 


The  Saint's  Interior  Life  during  her  latter  years — Her  last  Illness 
— Death  (1590) — And  Funeral — Posthumous  Apparitions 
and  Miracles — Opening  of  the  Cause  of  her  Beatification — 
Celebrated  Incident  in  the  Process — She  is  Beatified  (1732) 
— Her  Relics  translated — She  is  Canonized  (1746)  .  .  .  258 


List  of  Original  Sources  for  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  Life    .     .     .      275 
Index 277 



THE  writer  of  this  Life  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci  has  asked 
me  to  help  readers  by  pointing  out  what  is  meant  by  "  the 
Mystical  Life."  This  may  assist  those  who  have  not  read 
any  work  on  mystical  theology  to  understand  better  the 
dealings  of  almighty  God  with  souls  who,  like  St  Catherine, 
are  led  by  His  special  grace  into  close  union  with  His 
divine  Majesty. 

The  first  fact  evident  about  St  Catherine  is  that  a  great 
part  of  the  interest  and  importance  of  her  life  belongs  to 
its  hidden  and  mystical  aspect.  Externally,  her  biographer 
has  but  few  striking  events  to  record  of  her,  having  not  very 
much  more  to  tell  than  might  be  told  of  many  Christian 
maidens  who  have  led  an  innocent  early  life  in  their  fathers' 
homes,  and  then  left  them  for  the  cloister,  where,  after 
finishing  their  course,  they  have  died  a  holy  death. 

This  almost  sums  up  the  outward  life  of  St  Catherine 
de'  Ricci.  There  were  certain  exceptions  to  such  an  ordinary 
career  in  her  case,  as  will  be  seen;  but,  speaking  generally, 
she  did  no  visible  work  that  the  world  would  admire.  Un- 
like St  Catherine  of  Siena,  to  whose  mystical  life  hers  bore 
much  resemblance,  she  had  no  public  calling  which  would 
have  broughther  before  men.  She  spent  her  life  in  a  secluded 
convent,  and  for  the  most  part  in  a  constant  round  of  duties 
that  the  world  would  despise  as  trivial,  and  that  many  would 
be  inclined  to  condemn  as  useless. 

The  wonders  of  her  life  were  hidden  with  Christ  in  God. 
They  were  mystical  in  the  first  and  widest  sense  of  that  word, 
namely,  being  hidden,  secret,  invisible  to  the  eye  of  man. 
A  mystery  is  a  hidden  thing,  invisible  not  only  to  the  bodily 
eye  but  also  to  the  mental  and  rational  sight,  being  above 
and  beyond  the  comprehension  of  man.  God  Himself  is  the 
deepest  of  all  mysteries,  and  His  divine  Life,  that  never 


began,  can  never  change  and  will  never  end,  is  the  most 
mysterious,  the  most  mystical  of  all  possible  lives. 

What  is  most  wonderful  in  the  life  of  St  Catherine  is 
thus  secret  and  invisible.  The  intense  interest  of  the  history 
of  souls  like  hers  consists  in  studying,  as  far  as  possible,  the 
progress  of  their  inner  life  and  the  process  by  which  al- 
mighty God  drew  them  into  closest  intimacy  and  most 
exalted  union  with  Himself. 

If  we  desire  a  short  yet  comprehensive  description  of 
the  mystical  life,  we  cannot  have  a  better  than  that  given  by 
St  Paul  in  his  Epistle  to  the  Colossians.* 

The  Christian  mystic  is  one  who  being  "risen  with 
Christ,  seeks  the  things  that  are  above,  where  Christ  is 
sitting  at  the  right  hand  of  God;  one  who  minds  the  things 
that  are  above,  not  the  things  that  are  upon  the  earth." 

St  Catherine  was  eminent  among  these,  and  of  her  it 
could  be  truly  said  at  any  time  of  her  mortal  life  here  be- 
low: "You  are  dead,  and  your  life  is  hid  with  Christ  in 
God."  And  we  can  add  with  infallible  certainty  of  her : 
"When  Christ,  who  is  our  life  shall  appear,  then  shall  you 
also  appear  with  Him  in  glory."  f 

A  mystical  life  therefore,  though  a  very  real  life,  is 
hidden;  it  is  concealed  by  the  bright  cloud  that  makes  God 
invisible.  It  is  a  life  more  true,  more  beneficial,  more  noble 
and  exalted  than  any  merely  natural  life,  but  it  is  secret, 
invisible  and  spiritual. 

St  Thomas  gives  secret  and  hidden  as  the  first  meaning 
of"  mystical,"  and  in  treating  of  the  word  secret^  in  his  com- 
mentary on  the  words  of  Isaias,£  "  My  secret  to  me,  my 
secret  to  me,"  the  holy  doctor  tells  us  why  the  wonders  of 
God  are,  for  the  most  part,  secret  and  veiled  from  the  eyes 
of  men. 

i .  They  are  hidden  from  many  on  account  of  their  very 
greatness,  as  our  Lord  said  of  the  grace  of  perpetual  chastity, 
"All  men  take  not"  (cannot  understand)  "  this  word,  but 
they  to  whom  it  is  given. "§  In  another  place  also  He  said, 
"I  have  spoken  to  you  earthly  things,  and  you  believe 

*  Col.  iii,  4.          f  Col.  iv,  1-5.          £  xxiv,  16,  Vulgate.          §  Matt,  xix,  n. 


not;  how  will  you  believe  if  I  shall  speak  to  you  heavenly 

2.  A  second  reason  for  the  secret  nature  of  God's  divine 
operations  is  on  account  of  their  supreme  dignity,  as  our 
Lord  explains  to  His  apostles,  saying:  "  To  you  it  is  given 
to  know  the  mysteries  of  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  but  to 
them  it  is  not  given. "f 

3.  Many  things  are  hidden  from  certain  souls  because 
they  are  unfit  to  receive  them  and  too  carnal-minded  to 
understand  them.  "  Give  not  that  which  is  holy  to  dogs, 
and  cast  not  your  pearls  before  swine,  lest  perhaps  they  may 
trample  them  under  their  feet,  and  turning  upon  you  they 
may  tear  you."  J 

From  this  principle  came  the  "discipline  of  the  secret" 
in  primitive  ages,  when  such  sacred  doctrine  as  the  Real 
Presence  was  kept  carefully  from  the  knowledge  of  those 
outside  the  Church. 

It  is  a  maxim  of  the  spiritual  life  that  the  more  we  love, 
the  more  we  know.  In  illustration  of  this,  a  story  told  of 
Gregory  Lopez,  a  very  simple  man,  but  a  high  contempla- 
tive, comes  to  the  mind.  Knowing  that  Philip  II,  King  of 
Spain,  when  the  candle  was  put  into  his  hand  at  death,  had 
exclaimed,  "  Now  for  the  great  secret,"  Gregory  said  as  he 
himself  held  the  death  candle,  "  No  longer  any  secret  for 
me,"  and  smiled  with  joy  as  he  went  to  his  Lord. 

The  life  of  our  Lady  and  the  wonders  of  God  in  her 
soul  were  all  mystical,  in  the  sense  of  being  secret,  hidden 
from  the  eyes  of  men.  Her  outward  and  visible  life  was 
that  of  a  village  maiden,  afterwards  married  to  a  working- 
man,  the  village  carpenter,  and  with  great  simplicity  and 
humility  doing  the  various  duties  of  her  state  of  life.  That 
she,  alone  among  the  daughters  of  Eve,  was  conceived  im- 
maculate ;  that  she  was  chosen  to  be  the  Mother  of  God 
Incarnate;  that  she  was  sinless  and  destined  to  be  the  spiri- 
tual Queen  of  Heaven,  were  all  favours  of  God  utterly 
hidden,  known  only  by  revelation. 

Every  one  has  two  lives;  the  outward  one  made  up  of 
the  daily  actions  of  the  visible  life,  and  the  inner  life  of  the 

*  John  iii,  12.  f  Matt,  xiii,  n.         JMatt.  vii,  6. 


soul,  consisting  for  the  most  part  of  desires,  thoughts  and 
affections.  When  the  soul  is  living  in  God's  grace  and  is 
moved  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  this  inward  life  is  supernatural, 
and,  in  a  wide  sense,  we  may  call  it  a  mystical  life.  But  the 
proper  signification  of  "mystical"  is  attained  when  the  inner 
life  of  the  soul  is  raised  above  the  common,  and  consists  in 
an  extraordinary  degree  of  union  with  God  in  both  know- 
ledge and  love. 

What  we  mean  then  by  saying  that  St  Catherine  was  a 
"mystic,"  is  that  she  led  a  life,  by  God's  grace,  of  most  exalted 
and  perfect  contemplation  of  God  and  of  fruitful,  as  well  as 
most  sweet,  love  of  Him,  intimately  present  and  united  to 
her  soul. 

No  one,  manifestly,  could  attain  to  this  state  by  his  own 
exertions.  It  must  be  a  special  and  singular  gift  of  God.  No 
human  effort  could  possibly  attain  to  the  lowest  state  of  true 
contemplation,  in  the  sense  in  which  that  word  is  used  in 
mystical  theology,  without  the  gift  of  God  ;  for  contempla- 
tion means  the  supernatural  visit  of  God  Himself  to  the 
soul,  filling  the  intellect  with  wonderful  knowledge  of  Him- 
self and  uniting  the  will  to  Himself  in  the  close  embrace  of 
spiritual  love.  In  this  state  God  illuminates  the  soul  by  be- 
stowing on  it  a  simple  intuition*  of  Himself  with  a  most 
ardent  movement  of  love.  This  visit  is  sometimes  of  very 
short  duration,  but  however  brief  it  repays  all  the  trials  and 
pains,  whether  of  soul  or  body,  that  have  preceded  it. 

It  will  be  useful  here  to  lay  down  a  few  elementary 
principles  of  mystical  theology,  drawn  from  St  Thomas  and 
other  holy  and  approved  authors. 

i.  In  the  first  place,  what  is  meant  by  mystical  theology? 
Theology  (0eos  and  Xoyo?)  is  the  science  that  deals  with  and 
discourses  about  God,  and  the  things  of  God.  It  is  manifest 
that  we  can  consider  the  infinite  nature  of  God  in  many 
ways.  We  can  point  out  how  far  the  human  mind  can  know 
God  by  the  mere  light  of  reason.  The  department  of  theo- 
logy that  does  this  is  called  "natural  theology."  Then  we  can 
proceed  to  consider  what  revelation  makes  known  to  us 

*  An  "intuition"  means  simple  and  direct  mental  sight  without  process  of  reason- 
ing. We  all  see  by  intuition  that  light  is  not  darkness,  black  is  not  white,  that  a  partis 
less  than  the  whole,  etc. 


about  God,  considered  in  Himself  and  in  His  works.  This 
is  called  "  Dogmatic  Theology."  Moral  theology  treats  of 
God's  law,  pointing  out  what  He  commands  and  forbids. 

Spiritual  theology  teaches  how  the  soul  of  man  is  to 
work  out  the  great  end  of  its  creation,  which  is  to  become 
united  with  God  in  intellect  and  will,  by  faith  and  love. 
Spiritual  Theology  is  divided  into  ascetical  and  mystical 

Ascetical  theology  lays  down  the  ordinary  rules  which 
apply  to  all  men,  showing  how  they  are  to  avoid  sin  in 
order  to  please  God,  and  what  they  must  do  in  order  to 
become  united  to  Him. 

Mystical  theology  ascends  higher  and  instructs  men  as 
to  what  they  must  do  to  prepare  themselves  for  the  gift  of 
contemplation,  in  case  God  should  deign  to  bestow  it  on  them. 

Mystical  theology  therefore  differs  from  dogmatic  (or 
scholastic)  theology  because,  instead  of  being  merely  specu- 
lative and  abstract,  it  is  practical,  and  from  moral  and 
ascetical  theology  because  it  is  not  content  to  show  men 
how  to  avoid  sin  and  attain  salvation  and  ordinary  virtue, 
but  treats  of  the  more  excellent  way  of  love,  and  of  that 
intimate  union  with  God  in  this  world  which  is  the  fore- 
taste of  heavenly  glory. 

The  end  and  object  of  mystical  theology,  or  the  science 
of  true  wisdom  and  of  the  secret  of  divine  union,  is  to 
guide  the  soul  of  man  into  the  most  perfect  degree  of  the 
love  of  God. 

Mystical  theology  is  therefore  a  sublime  science,  since 
it  points  out  to  man  the  way  to  ascend  to  God.  It  is,  more- 
over, of  extreme  utility  because  it  is  the  true  practical 
wisdom,  not  consisting  merely  in  theoretical  disputations 
"which  minister  questionings,"  but  showing  how  we  are 
to  avoid  evil  and  become  closely  united  to  the  infinite 
good.  It  directs  us  at  once  to  "the  end  of  the  command- 
ment— charity — from  a  pure  heart  and  a  good  conscience, 
and  faith  unfeigned."* 

The  spiritual  life  in  general  is  considered  to  have  three 
principal  divisions,  through  which  in  some  degree  all  those 

*  I  Tim.  i,  4,  5. 


who  save  their  souls  must  pass.   They  are  indicated  in 
Psalm  xxx  Hi,    15  : 

Depart  from  evil,  and  do  good; 
Seek  peace  and  pursue  it. 

"Depart  from  evil."  The  purification  of  the  soul  from 
all  sin,  mortal  and  venial,  and  from  all  affections  and  desires 
that  are  not  for  God,  is  the  first  stage  of  the  spiritual  life, 
and  is  called  the  "purgative  state,"  or  the  state  of  puri- 

"Do  good."  These  two  words  indicate  the  second  stage 
of  the  soul's  life,  which  is  called  the  "  illuminative  state," 
and  consists  in  meditating  on  and  practically  imitating  the 
life  and  virtues  of  Jesus  Christ,  the  light  of  the  world.  The 
third  stage  is  called  the  "unitive  way,"  because  the  purified 
soul,  formed  after  the  model  of  Christ,  does  all  that  is  pos- 
sible to  unite  itself  to  God  in  perfect  love. 

In  these  three  ways,  the  ways  of  the  Lord,  all  must  walk 
continually.  The  beginner,  though  still  unpurified,  must  try 
to  follow  our  Lord  and  to  be  united  to  God  by  love,  and 
the  soul  most  advanced  in  perfection  will  always  find  defects 
to  be  amended  and  virtue  to  be  practised  more  generously. 
But  at  first  the  chief  work  will  be  to  purify  the  soul,  while 
after  a  time  the  main  object  will  be  to  form  virtuous  habits 
by  imitating  the  life  of  Christ,  and  at  last  the  union  of  love 
will  be  the  one  absorbing  thought  and  desire.  This  union 
can  be  always  made  more  and  more  perfect;  it  can  increase 
without  measure. 

Before  proceeding  further  it  will  be  useful  to  explain 
what  is  meant  by  the  term  "  spiritual  life,"  and  what  is 
understood  by  "union  with  God,"  for  many  use  these  words 
without  any  very  definite  idea  of  their  meaning. 

By  spiritual  life  is  meant  habitual  or  sanctifying  grace. 
This  grace  is  a  supernatural  gift  of  God,  poured  into  our 
souls  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  remaining  there  clothing  the 
soul  as  a  habit.  It  is  not  a  passing  movement  of  the  Spirit 
of  God,  but  something  dwelling  in  the  soul  and  raising  it 
to  a  supernatural  state.  The  effect  of  this  noble  gift  of  God's 
goodness  is  to  make  the  soul  holy,  righteous  and  pleasing 


to  God.  It  makes  us  the  adopted  children  of  God,  the  mem- 
bers of  Christ  and  heirs  of  the  kingdom  of  heaven.  This 
abiding  grace  is  the  source  of  all  good  to  us  in  the  super- 
natural order,  the  root,  of  virtues,  of  meritorious  actions, 
of  the  sight  and  love  of  God.  Without  it  we  can  do  nothing 
to  merit  eternal  life  or  to  promote  supernatural  union 
with  God. 

Our  Lord  declares  that  to  bestow  on  us  this  great  prin- 
ciple of  spiritual  good  was  the  precise  object  of  the  Incar- 
nation: "I  have  come  that  they  may  have  life,  and  may 
have  it  more  abundantly."*  St  Thomas  f  teaches  us  that  as 
the  soul  gives  life  to  the  body,  so  God  giveth  life  to  the 
soul,  and  the  holy  doctor  quotes  the  words  "He  is  thy  life."  J 
He  is  the  cause  of  the  supernatural  life  of  the  soul  by 
bestowing  on  it  habitual  and  abiding  grace. 

The  soul  of  man,  the  principle  of  life,  has  certain  powers 
by  which  it  acts,  which  we  call  intellect  and  will.  These  are 
necessary  for  every  rational  act.  In  like  manner  the  habitual 
grace  of  God  has  certain  virtues  by  means  of  which  it  acts 
in  the  supernatural  order,  and  these  powers  are  faith,  hope 
and  charity  which  unite  the  soul  to  God.  The  moral  vir- 
tues are  also  infused  into  the  soul  when  it  receives  super- 
natural grace  and  charity,  even  though  they  may  have  been 
acquired  before  by  the  light  of  reason  and  practised  as 
natural  virtues. 

But  in  order  that  these  virtues  may  produce  their  fruit 
actually,  the  help  of  God  by  actual  grace  is  necessary.  These 
actual  graces  are  movements  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  These  graces 
are  necessary  because  man  is  so  weak,  that  he  cannot  even 
use  the  virtues  poured  by  God  into  his  soul,  without  actual 
light  given  to  the  mind  and  strength  to  the  will.  "Without 
Me  you  can  do  nothing." § 

God  is  so  generous  that  besides  grace  making  us  holy 
aud  pleasing  to  Him,  and  actual  graces  (light  and  strength) 
continually  bestowed  upon  us,  we  have  also  the  gifts  of  the 
Holy  Ghost,  which  are  poured  into  the  soul  in  baptism. 

St  Thomas  shows  at  some  length  II  that  these  gifts  are 

*  John  x,  lo.        t  I,  II,  qu.  i  10,  art.  i  ad  2.          f  Deuteronomy  xxx,  20. 
§  John  xv,  5.          ||  la  2ae,  qu.  68,  art.  I. 


really  distinct  from  virtues,  though  some  virtues,  e.g.,  forti- 
tude, are  called  by  the  same  names. 

Of  these  gifts,  four  perfect  the  reason  or  intellectual 
faculty,  namely,  wisdom,  knowledge,  understanding  and 
counsel:  and  three  perfect  the  will,  or  the  power  of  desire, 
and  these  are,  fortitude,  piety  and  the  fear  of  the  Lord. 

On  this  interesting,  though  rather  abstruse  subject,  St 
Thomas  writes  as  follows: 

"  In  order  to  distinguish  the  gifts  from  the  virtues,  we 
must  follow  the  way  of  speaking  we  find  in  Scripture,  in 
which  they  are  described  to  us  not  indeed  under  the  name 
of  gifts,  but  of  spirits.  For  we  read,  "  The  spirit  of  the  Lord 
shall  rest  upon  Him  [Christ],  the  spirit  of  wisdom,"  etc.* 

Now  these  words  clearly  give  us  to  understand  that  the 
seven  gifts  here  enumerated  are  within  us  by  divine  inspira- 
tion. But  inspiration  implies  a  certain  movement  from 
outside  ourselves.  For  we  must  remember  that  in  man 
there  is  a  twofold  principle  moving  the  soul:  one  in  the 
soul  itself,  which  is  our  reason;  the  other  exterior,  which 
is  God. 

It  is  clear  that  everything  that  is  moved  must  bear 
proportion  to  the  mover.  If  we  consider  a  thing  as  able  to 
be  moved,  its  perfection  in  that  respect  would  consist  in 
being  able  to  be  well  and  easily  moved  by  the  one  moving 
it.  By  how  much  therefore  the  mover  is  higher  in  his  nature, 
the  one  moved  ought  to  be  disposed  to  movement  by  a 
more  perfect  disposition ;  as,  for  example,  a  more  perfect 
state  of  mental  activity  is  necessary  in  a  pupil  to  take  in  a 
more  difficult  teaching  of  his  professor. 

Now  it  is  evident  that  human  virtues  perfect  a  man's 
natural  reason,  for  it  is  natural  for  a  man  to  be  moved  by 
reason  in  those  things  he  does,  whether  within  his  soul  or 
in  outward  action. 

It  is  necessary,  therefore,  for  the  human  soul  to  have 
certain  higher  perfections  to  put  him  into  the  right  state 
to  receive  divine  movements,  and  these  perfections  are  called 
"gifts,"  not  only  because  they  are  poured  into  the  soul  by 

*  Isa.  xi,  2. 


God,  but  also  because  by  them  the  human  soul  is  put  into 
such  a  state  that  it  can  be  promptly  moved  by  the  divine 
inspiration.  This  state  is  indicated  by  Isaias,  in  the  words: 
"  The  Lord  God  hath  opened  my  ear,  and  I  do  not  resist: 
I  have  not  gone  back." 

Habitual  or  sanctifying  grace,  with  the  abiding  virtues 
and  gifts  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  are  bestowed  in  baptism  on 
every  Christian ;  but,  over  and  above,  God  often  adorns 
His  friends  with  certain  special  favours,  which  are  called 
"  graces  freely  or  gratuitously  given."  They  are  thus  called 
because  they  are  not  essential  for  salvation  or  for  holiness, 
but  are  ornaments  and  treasures  by  which  the  spiritual 
favourites  of  the  King  are  enriched.  We  see  a  type  of  this 
in  the  natural  talents  and  advantages  given  to  some  men 
and  not  possessed  by  others.  Some  have  remarkable  musical 
or  artistic  powers,  others  inherit  great  riches  and  honours, 
others  enjoy  extraordinary  literary  or  poetical  gifts.  These 
special  talents  are  not  necessary  to  perfect  their  nature. 
Those  who  have  no  sign  of  them  are  equally  men,  though 
they  lack  many  advantages  which  the  ones  enriched  by 
these  special  talents  enjoy. 

In  the  spiritual  and  supernatural  order  also  God  is 
pleased  to  single  out  certain  select  souls  and  to  bestow  on 
them,  according  to  His  will,  certain  graces  that  do  not 
render  them  more  holy,  but  make  them  wonderful  and 
illustrious  among  His  servants. 

St  Paul  enumerates  some  of  these  special  endowments 
in  his  first  epistle  to  the  Corinthians.f  Among  these  royal 
favours  are  included  the  gifts  of  prophecy,  of  miraculous 
healing,  reaching  the  hearts  of  others,  and  wonderful  inter- 
course with  the  unseen  world  by  visions,  ecstasies,  raptures 
and  other  things.  These  are  not  necessary  for  salvation  or 
perfection,  but  are  freely  bestowed  upon  His  faithful  ser- 
vants, chiefly  for  the  good  of  others,  though  sometimes  as 
the  reward  of  virtue.  They  do  not  increase  sanctifying  grace, 
and  therefore  do  not  render  those  that  receive  them  more 
holy  or  more  pleasing  to  God.  They  are  rather  signs  of 
virtue  and  of  God's  good  pleasure.  After  St  Peter  had  cured 

*  Isa.  1,  5.  +i  Cor.  xii,  8-u. 


the  lame  man,*  he  was  no  holier  than  before,  but  the 
wonderful  sign  showed  the  people  that  God  was  with  him, 
and  made  them  more  willing  to  listen  to  his  teaching. 

Having  laid  down  these  elementary  principles  we  shall 
be  more  easily  able  to  understand  the  extraordinary  events 
in  the  lives  of  saints  like  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci. 

The  spiritual  life  is  essentually  the  same  in  every  soul. 
Every  baptized  person  receives  sanctifying  grace,  as  the 
principle  of  all  holy  life,  and  with  it  the  supernatural  virtues 
and  the  gifts  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  All  have  to  be  purified 
from  sin,  to  practise  virtue,  and  to  be  united  to  God  by 
charity.  But  some  do  this  much  more  perfectly  than  others. 
Many  pass  through  their  whole  lives  without  much  pro- 
gress. Constantly  falling  away  from  God  by  sin  they  come 
to  the  end  of  their  probation  very  little  purified,  with  very 
weak  virtue  and  slight  union  with  God,  leaving  the  work 
of  their  purification  to  be  accomplished  in  the  next  world. 
Others  make  holiness  the  one  object  of  their  lives,  and  at- 
tain, by  God's  grace,  to  very  intimate  union  with  Him  even 
in  this  mortal  state.  Of  these  the  Holy  Ghost  says  :  "The 
path  of  the  just  as  a  shining  light,  goeth  forwards  and  in- 
creaseth  even  unto  perfect  day."f 

Before  proceeding  further  it  will  be  useful  to  explain 
what  is  meant  by  the  state  of  contemplation.  We  often  hear 
of  the  contemplative  orders,  the  Carthusians  and  Cistercians 
among  men,  and  the  Carmelites  and  Poor  Clares  for  women. 
Those  who  enter  these  orders  adopt  a  quiet  life  of  prayer 
and  penance  instead  of  devoting  their  energies  to  works  of 
charity.  The  members  of  these  Orders  are  called  contempla- 
tive Religious,  or  members  of  a  contemplative  Order,  but 
they  are  not  on  that  account  in  "a  state  of  contemplation," 
in  the  sense  that  mystical  theology  understands  that  term. 

Contemplation  is  a  free  gift  of  God  to  a  faithful  soul. 
It  is  a  divine  visit  made  by  God  to  the  soul,  enlightening 
it  and  uniting  it  in  most  ardent  and  sweet  love  with  Him- 
self. In  this  supernatural  state  the  soul,  in  some  way,  sees 
God,  not  by  the  indirect  way  of  reasoning  and  meditation 
but  by  a  simple  intuition  or  spiritual  sight.  This  heavenly 
visit  may  vary  very  much  in  details,  as  regards  intensity, 

*  Acts  iii.         f  Prov.  iv,  18. 


duration  and  the  like,  for  being  a  perfectly  gratuitous  favour 
of  almighty  God,  it  is  evident  that  no  rules  can  he  laid 
down  in  the  matter. 

Writers  of  mystical  theology  treat  of  "ordinary"  and 
"extraordinary"  contemplation. 

Contemplation  is  described  as  "ordinary,"  not  because 
it  is  a  common  thing,  but  because  it  is  an  elevation  of  mind 
into  God,  not  by  reasoning  and  meditation,  but  by  simple 
intuition,  by  means  of  special  divine  light  and  with  most 
ardent  love,  but  still  within  the  laws  of  God's  ordinary 
providence  in  dealing  with  holy  souls.  This  kind  of  con- 
templation is  called  in  a  certain  sense  "acquired,"  and  may 
be  said  in  a  measure  to  depend  on  the  exertions  of  the  soul, 
but  only  in  a  limited  sense.  For  it  is  a  distinct  gift  of  God 
and  without  the  free  action  of  His  grace  it  cannot  be  secured 
by  anything  the  soul  can  do  or  suffer.  But  the  soul  can  dis- 
pose itself  for  the  divine  visit,  and  thus  invite  God  to  come 
and  bestow  His  special  favours  upon  it. 

We  must  remember  that  this  ordinary  contemplation 
is  a  supernatural  state  implying  intense  love  of  God  and 
entire  submission  to  His  will,  and  therefore  is  totally 
different  from  a  merely  speculative  and  philosophical  con- 
templation of  truth,  which  may  carry  away  the  mind,  but 
without  any  supernatural  action  of  God.  The  main  diffe- 
rence consists  in  its  being  the  action  of  God's  grace  on  the 
intellect  and  the  will,  and  therefore  not  speculative  only, 
but  implying  also  a  vehement  motion  of  love  to  God. 

Benedict  XIV,  in  his  work  on  the  canonization  of  saints, 
describes  contemplation  as  being  "  a  simple  intellectual 
intuition  (or  mental  insight)  of  divine  things  with  the 
relish  of  love."  This  proceeds  from  a  special  action  of  God 
on  the  intellect  and  will,  by  which  the  soul  sees  and  realizes 
divine  truths.  The  soul  is  attracted  and  drawn  into  God  by 
a  singular  brightness  of  light  in  the  intellect  and  united  to 
Him  by  burning  love  in  the  will. 

The  words  of  Psalm  xxxiii,  9,  "Taste  and  see  how  sweet 
the  Lord  is";  and  Psalm  xlv,  n,  "Be  still  and  see  that 
I  am  God,"  are  considered  to  refer  particularly  to  the  soul 
when  thus  visited  by  God.  Also  the  Beatitude,  "Blessed 
are  the  clean  of  heart  for  they  shall  see  God."  For,  though 



in  this  life  in  the  body  we  cannot  see  the  divine  essence, 
still  these  words  of  our  Lord  seem  to  imply  that  a  soul 
truly  purified  can  be  raised  by  His  light  to  a  simple  intui- 
tion of  His  presence. 

There  is  such  a  thing  as  a  merely  natural  rapture,  by 
which  a  man  is  carried  out  of  himself,  and  loses  conscious- 
ness of  where  he  is  or  what  he  is  doing  or  suffering  by 
intense  concentration  of  the  mind  on  one  thought.  In  such 
cases  the  rapture  is  only  partial. 

This  is  a  power  we  often  see  in  the  lives  of  eminent 
thinkers.  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  Gladstone,  Newman,  and  many 
others,  had  this  power  of  concentration  of  mind  in  a  marked 
degree.  St  Thomas  Aquinas  possessed  it,  as  few  others  ever 
did.  We  are  told  that  when  the  surgeons  came  to  perform  an 
operation  on  his  leg,  the  holy  doctor  so  concentrated  the 
whole  force  of  his  mind  upon  the  mystery  of  the  blessed 
Trinity,  that  he  felt  no  pain.  This  need  not  have  been 
miraculous.  It  may  have  been  the  effect  of  intense  concen- 
tration of  mind,  amounting  to  entire  rapture,  the  holy  man 
thus  anticipating  the  merciful  office  of  chloroform. 

Quite  different,  however,  not  only  in  degree  but  in  kind, 
is  the  extraordinary  contemplation  of  the  saints. 

Contemplation  is  called  extraordinary  when  there  is  an 
elevation  of  the  mind  into  God  by  simple  intuition  and 
most  ardent  affection  of  love,  above  the  ordinary  laws  of 
God's  dealings  with  souls.  We  may  call  it  miraculous  con- 
templation; for  it  is  as  miraculous  in  the  order  of  grace  as 
it  would  be  in  the  natural  order  to  fly  in  the  air,  or  to  pass 
through  fire  without  injury. 

Instances  of  this  miraculous  state  of  union  with  God  are 
found  in  the  holy  Scripture.  One  notable  example  is  found 
in  the  transfiguration  of  our  Lord  on  Mount  Thabor,  during 
which  the  three  apostles  were  by  special  privilege  allowed  to 
see  His  glory  and  were  carried  out  of  themselves  by  an 
ecstasy  of  love,  speaking  words,  yet  "  not  knowing  what 
they  said."  * 

Also  the  marvellous  rapture  described  by  St  Paulf  is 
an  example  of  miraculous  contemplation  of  the  highest  kind, 

*  Mark  ix,  5.  -j-  2  Cor.  xii. 


in  which  the  apostle  was  "  caught  up,"  by  the  Spirit  of  God, 
"  into  paradise,  and  heard  secret  or  c  mystical '  words  which 
it  is  not  lawful  for  man  to  utter." 

St  Thomas  in  his  commentary  on  2  Cor.  xii,  considers 
that  the  apostle  speaks  of  two  different  raptures,  one  in 
verse  2,  in  which  (whether  in  the  body  or  out  of  it  he  knew 
not)  he  was  "  rapt  to  the  third  heaven  ";  and  another  in 
which  (again  not  knowing  whether  his  soul  left  his  body  or 
not)  he  was  caught  up  to  paradise,  and  saw  the  very  essence 
of  God. 

The  first  rapture,  when  his  soul  was  rapt,  or  carried 
away  by  the  power  of  Christ,  to  the  third  heaven,  is  an 
example  of  extraordinary  contemplation  resting  on  the  au- 
thority of  the  inspired  word.  St  Thomas  conjectures  that  it 
took  place  during  the  three  days  in  Damascus,*  after  his 
conversion,  which  he  passed  in  blindness  and  neither  eating 
nor  drinking. 

Whenever  the  miraculous  ecstasy  occurred,  the  apostle 
declares  that  he  was  rapt,  that  is  transported,  out  of  him- 
self, by  the  power  of  God.  He  had,  in  other  words,  a 
mystical  ecstasy. 

As  the  soul  possesses  the  twofold  power  of  intellect 
and  will,  the  rapture  may  be  principally  directed  to  one  or 
the  other,  though  both  will  be  always  acted  upon,  for  the 
soul  is  simple,  and  cannot  really  be  divided. 

If  the  effect  is  primarily  on  the  will,  then  the  soul  is 
carried  away  from  the  love  of  self  to  the  intense  love  of 
God  and  the  things  of  God.  A  rapture  of  this  nature  is 
called  seraphic. 

On  the  other  hand,  when  the  action  of  God  affects 
directly  and  principally  the  intellectual  faculty  which  is  out 
of  itself  and  is  flooded  with  intellectual  light,  then  the 
rapture  is  called  by  mystical  writers  cherubic.  In  both 
cases  there  is  light  and  love,  but  in  the  first  the  will  is 
primarily  and  principally  affected,  and  in  the  second  the 

The  rapture  of  St  Paul  was  cherubic,  because  the  first 
and  chief  effect  was  the  illumination  of  the  intellect,  though 

*  Acts  ix. 


accompanied,  as  in  all  true  contemplation,  with  intense  love 
uniting  the  will  to  God. 

The  reason  of  raptures  being  called  either  cherubic  or 
seraphic  is  found  in  analogy  to  the  two  choirs  of  the  angelic 
host  which  are  nearest  God.  These  are  the  seraphim  and 
cherubim.  The  seraphim  excel  all  the  other  choirs  in  that 
which  is  the  highest  thing  of  all,  in  loving  union  with  God, 
and  the  cherubim  know  the  divine  secrets  in  the  most 
excellent  degree. 

A  rapture,  then,  means  an  elevation  of  soul  from  a  natural 
to  a  supernatural  state  by  the  action  of  a  higher  power.  The 
raising  up  of  the  soul  from  the  ordinary  state  of  intellect 
and  will  to  an  extraordinary  condition  by  the  action 
of  God. 

St  Paul,  in  describing  his  first  rapture,  says  he  was 
carried  "  even  to  the  third  heaven."  We  may  ask  what  is 
meant  by  this  expression? 

One  interpretation  considers  that  allusion  is  made  to 
the  air  above  us,  the  spaces  of  the  sidereal  heavens,  and  the 
empyrean  heaven,  which  was  considered  to  be  the  highest 
heaven,  where  the  pure  element  of  fire  was  supposed  by 
the  ancients  to  subsist. 

But  this  ancient  notion,  founded  on  mistaken  notions 
of  the  physical  universe,  was  considered  by  St  Thomas  as 
too  material.  So  the  holy  doctor  reminds  us  that  there  are 
three  kinds  of  vision: 

1.  Corporeal  vision,  with  our  material  eyes,  by  which 
we  see  and  know  bodily  objects. 

2.  Imaginary  vision  by  which  we  can  form  in  the  mind 
the  likeness  of  a  material  object  that  we  have  seen.  The 
imagination  cannot  represent  things  we  have  never  seen 

3.  Intellectual  vision,  or  sight,  by  which  we  can  see  the 
natures  of  things  in  themselves.  By  this  kind  of  sight  we 
see  an  abstract  truth,  for  instance  that  a  thing  cannot  be  and 
not  be  at  the  same  time. 

If  these  three  kinds  of  sight  are  exercised  in  the  ordi- 
nary way  they  are  simply  natural.  They  cannot  in  any  sense 
be  called  "heavens." 

But  any  one  of  them  may  be  called  "heaven,"  if  they 


come  to  be  exercised  by  the  action  of  God  in  a  way  above 
the  natural  power  of  man. 

1.  If  with  the  bodily  eyes  a  man  sees  something  above 
the  ordinary  power  of  nature,  he  may  be  said  to  be  rapt  to 
the  first  heaven.  In  this  way  was  Baltassar  or  Belshazzar 
affected  when  he  saw  the  mysterious  hand  writing  on  the 

2.  But  if  the  soul  is  lifted  up,  and  enabled  to  see,  not  an 
object  appearing  to  the  eyes  of  the  body,  but  some  interior 
image  of  the  mind  representing  figuratively  a  supernatural 
truth,  then  a  man  may  be  said  to  be  carried  to  the  second 
heaven.  An  instance  of  this  may  be  found  in  St  Peter's 
vision  when  he  saw  "heaven  opened,  and  a  certain  vessel 
descending  unto  him,  as  if  it  had  been  a  great  sheet  knit 
at  the  four  corners,  and  let  down  to  the  earth;  wherein  were 
all  manner  of  fourfooted  beasts  of  the  earth,  and  wild  beasts 
and  creeping  things  and  fowls  of  the  air,  etc.f 

This  was  a  heavenly  vision  presented  to  the  imagination, 
to  teach  St  Peter  the  Christian  doctrine  that  not  only  the 
Jews  but  all  nations  of  the  earth  were  called  to  the  Catholic 
Church  and  to  salvation.  St  Peter  was  in  an  ecstasy,  or  as 
the  English  version  translates  it,  "a  trance,"  during  which, 
having  lost  consciousness  of  outward  things  he  was  carried 
to  the  "second  heaven"  and  interiorly  instructed  by  an 
imaginary  vision. 

But  St  Paul  tells  us  of  his  own  case  that  he  was  carried 
higher  still,  to  "the  third  heaven,"  because  he  was  so 
utterly  raised  above  all  sensible  and  bodily  things  and 
favoured  with  a  vision  of  things  purely  intellectual  in  the 
same  way  in  which  they  are  seen  by  the  angels  and  souls 
separated  from  their  bodies.  What  is  more  wonderful,  he 
saw  in  this  rapture  even  the  essence  of  God  Himself,  as  St 
Augustine  clearly  maintains.^ 

Nor,  continues  St  Thomas,  is  it  probable  that  Moses, 
the  minister  of  the  Old  Testament  to  the  Jews,  should  see 
God,  and  the  minister  of  the  New  Testament  to  the  nations 
and  the  doctor  of  the  Gentiles  should  be  deprived  of  this 

*  Dan.  v.         t  Acts  x,  n. 

J  XII  super  Gen.  ad  litt.  et  in  Glossa  et  ad  Paulin.  in  libr.  de  videndo  Deum. 


Now  it  is  clear  that  Moses  did  see  the  essence  of  God. 
He  asked  this  favour  in  so  many  words,  saying  "Show  me 
Thy  Face."*  Though  it  was  at  that  time  denied,  we  are  not 
told  that  his  petition  was  finally  rejected.  St  Augustine's 
opinion  is  that  it  was  conceded  at  some  other  time,  and  that 
this  is  implied  by  the  expressions  in  the  book  of  Numbers, 
where  the  Lord  said:  "  Hear  My  words:  if  there  be  among 
you  a  prophet  of  the  Lord,  I  will  appear  to  him  in  a  vision 
or  speak  to  him  in  a  dream;  but  it  is  not  so  with  My  servant 
Moses,  who  is  most  faithful  in  all  My  house.  For  I  speak 
to  him  mouth  to  mouth,  and  plainly,  not  by  riddles  and 
figures  doth  he  see  the  Lord."f 

For  this  transient  sight  of  the  Essence  of  God  it  was 
necessary  that  St  Paul  should  be  carried  completely  above 
all  sensible  and  bodily  things.  It  would  be  impossible  for 
God  to  be  seen  face  to  face  in  this  life  by  a  man  not  entirely 
abstracted  from  all  sensible  things,  because  no  image,  no- 
thing represented  by  the  imagination,  could  be  a  medium 
sufficient  to  show  the  essence  of  God.  In  order  to  see  Him 
a  man  must  be  rapt  to  the  third  heaven. 

There  is  another  way  of  interpreting  the  words  "  the 
third  heaven. "J  There  are  in  heaven  three  hierarchies  of 
angels,  in  each  of  which  there  are  three  choirs.  These  three 
hierarchies  may  represent  the  three  heavens,  and,  according 
to  this  interpretation,  St  Paul  was  rapt  to  the  third  heaven 
in  this  sense,  that  he  saw  the  essence  of  God  as  clearly  as 
the  angels  of  the  highest  hierarchy  see  Him.  They,  the 
Cherubim  and  Seraphim  and  Thrones,  see  Him  so  clearly 
that  they  are  enlightened  immediately  by  God  Himself  and 
thus  they  know  the  divine  mysteries.  This  same  high  illu- 
mination was  given  to  St  Paul. 

An  objection  might  be  made  to  this  interpretation.  It 
might  be  said  that,  were  this  true,  St  Paul  would  have  been 
in  his  mortal  life  glorified  and  a  "comprehensor" :  that  is, 
one  who  enjoys  the  beatific  vision. 

But  this  was  not  so.  Even  though  he  did  see  the  essence 
of  God  he  was  not  one  of  the  glorified,  because  it  was  not 

*  Exod.  xxxiii,  13.         f  Numbers  xii,  6,  7,  8.         J  St  Thomas  in  loco. 


4  permanent  and  abiding  vision  but  only  transient  and 
during  his  rapture. 

We  must  notice  that  St  Paul  says  of  his  rapture, 
"Whether  in  the  body,  I  know  not,  or  out  of  the  body,  I 
know  not,  God  knoweth."  In  what  sense  are  we  to  under- 
stand this  expression? 

Some  consider  that  by  these  words  the  apostle  declares 
that  he  did  not  know  whether,  in  this  rapture,  his  body,  as 
well  as  his  soul,  was  carried  away,  or  whether  his  soul  only 
ascended  or  was  assumed  into  the  third  heaven;  whether  he 
was  carried  up  in  a  bodily  way,  as  we  read  of  Habacuc  in 
the  last  chapter  of  Daniel,  or  in  the  way  Ezechiel  describes 
in  the  eighth  chapter  of  his  prophecy. 

St  Augustine  and  St  Thomas  do  not  admit  this  inter- 
pretation, considering  that  if  St  Paul  had  been  carried  up, 
in  the  body,  into  a  corporeal  heaven  he  must  have  known 
it ;  and  therefore  they  interpret  the  passage  to  mean  that  the 
apostle  did  not  know  whether,  in  that  vision,  his  soul  was 
so  utterly  abstracted  from  all  sensible  things  as  to  be  for  the 
time  entirely  out  of  his  body;  or  whether  his  soul  was  all 
the  time  still  animating  the  body  and  only  raised  in  mind 
above  all  sensible  and  corporeal  things.  The  words  of  God 
in  Exodus,  "  Man  shall  not  see  Me  and  live,"*  are  con- 
sidered to  mean  that  man  cannot  see  God  unless  the  soul  is 
entirely  separated  from  the  bodily  life,  either  in  the  sense 
of  being  completely  out  of  the  body  and  separated  from  it, 
as  after  death;  or  when,  remaining  still  as  the  life  of  the 
body,  it  is  completely  abstracted  from  sensible  things  :  i.e., 
the  second  rapture.f 

The  difference  between  the  two  aforementioned  visions 
or  raptures  is  that,  in  the  first  St  Paul  describes  himself  as 
"  rapt  to  the  third  heaven,"  and  in  the  second  as  "  caught 
up  into  paradise." 

If  we  accept  the  more  spiritual  meaning  of  the  "  third 
heaven,"  as  indicating  that  the  soul  did  not  receive  a  mere 
imaginary  vision,  but  entirely  abstracted  above  all  visible 
and  corporal  things  so  as  to  see  purely  intellectual  truths  in 
themselves,  then  there  will  be  no  distinction  of  place  be- 

*  Exod.  xxxiii.  f  2  Cor.  xii,  3,  4. 


tween  the  "  third  heaven  "  and  "  paradise."  One  and  the 
same  is  meant  by  both  expressions,  namely  the  glory  of 
the  saints;  but  looked  at  from  two  different  points  of  view. 

For  by  the  word  "heaven"  is  meant  a  certain  marvel- 
lous elevation  of  mind  with  singular  brightness  of  intellec- 
tual light,  while  by  the  word  "  paradise  "  is  indicated  a 
wonderfully  high  degree  of  joy  and  sweetness.  In  the  first 
is  indicated  primarily  the  illumination  of  the  intellect  and 
in  the  second  the  delight  of  the  will — light  and  sweetness. 

The  angels  and  the  blessed  who  see  God  face  to  face 
possess  light  and  sweetness  both  in  an  excellent  degree. 
There  is  in  their  minds  wonderful  brightness  of  glory  by  the 
light  of  which  they  see  God,  and  intense  sweetness  which 
comes  from  the  possession  and  fruition  of  God.  And  there- 
fore they  may  be  said  to  be  in  "heaven,"  if  we  consider  the 
brightness  of  their  vision,  and  in  "paradise,"  if  we  consider 
the  sweetness  and  joy  of  their  union  with  God.  "You  shall 
see,  and  your  hearts  shall  rejoice." 

Both  these  gifts  were  bestowed  upon  the  apostle  in  these 
mystical  visions,  for  he  was  lifted  above  all  earthly  things 
into  the  very  highest  spiritual  brightness  of  vision,  and  thus 
was  "rapt  to  the  third  heaven"  ;  and  he  moreover  had  joyful 
experience  of  the  sweetness  of  divine  union,  and  thus  was 
"caught  up  into  paradise." 

"  O  how  great  is  the  multitude  of  Thy  sweetness,  O  Lord, 

Which  Thou  hast  hidden  from  them  that  fear  Thee, 
Which  Thou  hast  wrought  for  them  that  hope  in  Thee, 
In  the  sight  of  the  sons  of  men.  "f 

"To  him  that  shall  overcome  I  will  give  the  hidden  (or 
mystical)  manna. "£ 

This  sweetness,  this  mystical  manna,  is  the  joy  flowing 
perpetually  from  the  full  possession  of  God,  of  which  it  is 
said,  "Enter  thou  into  the  joy  of  thy  Lord."§ 

The  exalted  nature  of  the  ecstasy  with  which  he  was 
favoured  is  shown  by  the  following  words.  St  Paul  tells  us 
"he  heard  secret  (or  mystical)  words,  which  it  is  not  granted 
to  man  to  utter." 

By  the  expression  "he  heard  secret  words  "is  meant  that 

*  Isa.  Ixiii,  14.         +  Ps.  xxx,  20.          +  Apoc.  ii,  17.          §  Matt.  xxv. 



he  perceived  by  the  light  of  God  in  his  soul,  secret  or  un- 
speakable things  about  the  divine  essence. 

As  St  Paul  was  miraculously  rapt  from  earth  to  heaven 
and  saw,  in  a  passing  manner,  the  very  essence  of  God  Him- 
self, it  is  evident  that  it  was  impossible  for  him  to  describe 
what  had  been  communicated  to  him,  in  human  language. 
Words  are  symbols  by  which  we  convey  to  others  the  ideas 
of  our  own  mind,  but  these  exalted  truths  were  so  much 
above  human  ken  that  they  were  secret,  mystical,  incompre- 
hensible to  ordinary  men. 

Before  speaking  of  this  rapture,  which  was  far  more 
wonderful  than  any  related  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci,  St 
Paul  says:  "If  I  must  glory  (it  is  not  expedient  indeed), 
but  I  will  come  to  visions  and  revelations  of  the  Lord." 

As  St  Catherine  and  the  other  mystics  had  so  many 
visions  and  revelations,  it  will  be  interesting  to  ask  what  is 
the  difference  between  them. 

Every  revelation,  by  which  God  makes  known  to  the 
human  mind  some  truth  by  an  inner  and  supernatural 
light,  may  be  called  a  vision.  By  the  action  of  God,  the  soul 
sees  something  invisible  to  unaided  knowledge. 

But,  on  the  other  hand,  every  vision  is  not  a  revelation. 

It  may  happen  that  a  man's  soul  receives  a  supernatural 
communication  from  God,  but  the  man  understands  not 
the  meaning  of  what  is  represented  to  him.  In  that  case 
there  is  a  vision,  but  no  revelation. 

The  visions  of  Pharao  and  of  King  Nabuchodonoser 
were  of  this  nature,  and  were  not  revelations.f 

On  the  other  hand,  where  there  is  an  understanding  of 
the  spiritual  meaning  of  the  thing  seen,  then  there  is  a 

So  Pharao  and  Nabuchodonoser  had  a  vision  only,  but 
Joseph  and  Daniel  both  a  vision  and  a  revelation. 

Both  the  vision  and  the  revelation  are  sometimes  from 
God.  "There  is  God  in  heaven,  who  revealeth  mysteries.''^ 

Sometimes,  however,  visions  and  revelations  may  come 
from  the  evil  spirit:  "They  [the  prophets  of  Samaria] 
prophesied  in  Baal  and  deceived  My  people  Israel."' 

*  Gen.  xli;  Dan.  ii.         f  Dan.  ii,  28;  compare  Osee  xii,  10.          J  Jer.  xxiii,  13. 


The  apostle  St  Paul  had  both  visions  and  revelations, 
because  the  secret  (mystical)  things  he  saw  he  fully  under- 
stood by  the  action  of  the  Lord,  not  by  any  deception  of 
the  devil. 

The  word  "revelation"  signifies  the  taking  away  of  a 
veil  that  hides  truth.  This  intellectual  veil  may  be  twofold: 

1.  The  veil  may  be  in  the  mind  of  the  man  who  sees  the 
vision,  and  may  be  the  effect  of  infidelity  or  want  of  faith, 
sin  or  hardness  of  heart.* 

2.  Or  the  veil  may  be  over  the  thing  seen;  when,  that 
is,  a  spiritual  truth  is  represented  to  a  man's  mind  under 
sensible  figures.  Weak  minds,  weak  in  faith  and  love,  can- 
not take  in  spiritual  things  if  they  are  presented  to  their 
minds  as  they  are  in  themselves.  This  is  typified  by  the  rule 
given  to  the  priests,  that  they  should  carry  the  vessels  of 
the  sanctuary  veiled.  All  things  in  the  old  law  were  figures 
of  the  spiritual  realities  of  the  new  dispensation;  and  this 
is  a  type  of  the  truth  that  souls  weak  in  light  and  love  (faith 
and  charity)  are  not  able  to  understand,  take  in  and  see 
spiritual  things  as  they  are  in  themselves.  These  things 
must  be  represented  to  them  under  figures,  allegories  and 
parables.  Therefore  our  Lord  spoke  to  the  people  in  parables. 
But  to  those  more  enlightened  He  said:  "Blessed  are  your 
eyes  because  they  see,  and  your  ears  because  they  hear."f 

Another  dfaine  Gift  bestowed  on  God's  Servants,  not  to 
increase  their  Sanctity  but  for  the  good  of  other -s,  is 
that  of  Prophecy 

i.  What  is  meant  by  a  Prophet? 

The  word  is  derived  from  a  Greek  word  signifying  to 
foretell.  A  prophet,  therefore,  denotes  a  man  who  can  see 
certain  things  afar  off.  In  early  times  a  man  thus  en- 
lightened was  called  a  "seer,"  or  "one  able  to  see."  J 

Prophecy,  then,  is  the  sight  of  things  afar  off,  either 
because  they  are  future  and  contingent  (that  is  possible  but 
not  necessary  to  occur),  or  because  they  are  above  the  reason 
of  man  and  require  supernatural  light. 

*  2  Cor.  iii,  14.          f  Matt,  xiii,  13.         J  i  Kings  ix. 


For  prophecy,  four  things  are  necessary. 

1.  The  first  requisite  is  that  in  the  imagination  should 
be  formed  the  likenesses  of  those  things  that  appear  to  the 
mind;  for  it  is  impossible  for  a  ray  of  divine  light  to  shine 
upon  us  unless  wrapt  in  a  variety  of  sacred  veils. 

2.  The  second  thing  required  is  intellectual  illumina- 
tion of  the  mind  that  it  may  know  and  understand  the  things 
shown  which  are  above  natural  knowledge.  For  unless  the 
one  who  sees  the  images  formed  in  the  imagination  under- 
stands their  secret  significance,  he  is  a  dreamer — not  a  pro- 
phet— as  Pharao  was. 

3.  The  third  thing  required  for  a  prophet  is  boldness 
to  announce  what  has  been  communicated  to  his  mind. 

4.  The  fourth  is  the  working  of  miracles  done  to  show 
the  truth  of  the  prophecy.  For  unless  the  prophet  does 
something  above  the  power  of  nature,  men  will  be  slow  to 
believe  that  he  can  see  the  future  by  a  supernatural  light. 

Different  "Degrees 

Sometimes  a  man  appears  in  whom  all  these  four  things 
are  combined.  He  sees  imaginary  visions  and,  having  the 
knowledge  of  what  they  portend,  he  boldly  proclaims  it  to 
others,  at  the  same  time  working  miracles  as  the  credentials 
of  what  he  foretells.*  On  the  other  hand,  a  man  is  some- 
times called  a  prophet  who  has  only  imaginary  visions,  but 
in  a  very  indistinct  and  remote  way. 

Again,  the  name  of  prophet  used  to  be  given  to  one 
who  had  intellectual  light,  which  enabled  him  to  explain 
imaginary  visions  that  have  come  to  himself  or  others;  or 
to  expound  the  dark  sayings  of  the  prophets  or  the  writings 
of  the  apostles.  In  this  way  any  one  is  a  prophet  who  under- 
stands the  writings  of  the  wise,  for  by  the  same  spirit  from 
whom  they  come  are  they  interpreted.  Solomon  and  David 
are  thus  called  prophets  because  they  had  intellectual  light 
by  which  they  could  see  clearly  the  dark  mysteries  of  God. 
David's  visions  were  intellectual  only. 

Moreover,  in  a  wide  sense,  the  name  of  prophet  was 
occasionally  given  to  a  man,  only  from  the  fact  that  he  an- 

*  Numbers  xii,  6. 

xxxviii         ST  CATHERINE  DE'  RICCI 

nounced  or  explained  the  sayings  of  the  prophets  or  sang 
them  in  church,  and  in  this  way  it  was  said  that  Saul  was 
among  the  prophets,  that  is,  among  those  who  chanted  the 
words  of  the  prophets. 

Lastly,  a  man  who  has  the  gift  of  miracles  is  sometimes 
called  a  prophet,  as,  for  instance,  when  it  is  said  of  Eliseus, 
"After  death  his  body  prophesied,"  *  that  is,  his  relics 
worked  a  miracle. 

What  St  Paul  says  in  chapter  xiv  of  i  Corinthians  is  to 
be  understood  of  those  who  are  prophets  in  the  second  sense, 
namely,  by  being  able  through  divine  intellectual  light,  to 
explain  the  meaning  of  visions  shown  to  himself  or  to  others. 

Gift  of  Tongues 

In  the  primitive  Church  there  were  few  to  whom  was 
given  the  office  of  preaching  the  faith  of  Christ  through  the 
world,  therefore  our  Lord,  for  the  more  easy  spreading  of 
the  word  of  salvation  to  a  greater  number,  bestowed  on 
preachers  the  gift  of  tongues,  by  which  they  might  announce 
salvation  to  all.  They  spoke  all  languages.  "I  thank  God 
that  I  speak  with  all  your  tongues."  f  Many  in  the  primi- 
tive church  had  this  gift  from  God. 

The  Corinthians  desired  this  gift  more  than  that  of 
prophecy.  When  the  Apostle  then  writes  of  "speaking  with 
tongues,"  he  means  speaking  in  an  unknown  tongue  and 
being  understood;  as,  for  instance,  if  a  man  spoke  in  German 
to  a  French  man,  who  was  ignorant  of  German,  and  was 

Many  saints  received  the  gift  of  tongues,  either  speak- 
ing in  their  own  language  and  being  understood  by  those 
who  knew  not  their  tongue,  or  speaking  miraculously 
languages  they  had  not  learnt.  St  Vincent  Ferrer,  St  Lewis 
Bertrand,  St  Francis  Xavier  and  many  others,  are  instances 
of  this  wonderful  gift.ijl 

In  the  light  of  these  instances  of  the  higher  mystical 

*  Ecclus  xlviii,  14.          t  i  Cor.  xiv,  18,  and  Acts  i. 

£  In  the  first  Epistle  to  the  Corinthians  (xiv)  the  Apostle  seems  to  speak  of  the  gift 
of  tongues  as  merely,  or  at  least  chiefly,  bestowed  as  a  sign  of  the  indwelling  Spirit. 
Neither  the  speakers  nor  the  hearers  appeared  always  to  have  understood. 


life,  from  St  Paul,  explained  to  us  by  St  Thomas,  we  are 
more  able  to  understand  the  life  of  St  Catherine  and  the 
other  mystics  and  the  wonderful  favours  bestowed  on  them 
by  our  Lord. 

St  Catherine  was  an  instance  of  one  chosen  and  singled 
out  by  God  for  the  state  of  extraordinary  contemplation, 
which  means  that  she  was  visited,  or  acted  upon,  by  His 
divine  Majesty  in  a  miraculous  manner. 

She  was  prepared  for  this  state  of  extraordinary  union 
with  God  from  her  infancy.  God  took  possession  of  her 
soul  in  a  special  way,  not  granted  to  ordinary  people,  and 
He  bestowed  upon  her  extraordinary  lights  and  helps  to 
prepare  her  for  her  future  union  with  Himself  by  charity. 

At  what  period  of  her  life  she  first  received  the  gift  of 
contemplation  it  is  difficult  to  say.  The  ordinary  rule  is  that 
the  gift  is  not  bestowed  on  any  soul  that  has  not  undergone 
a  long  and  painful  course  of  purification,  so  as  to  become, 
by  cleanness  of  heart,  "the  King's  friend."  "He  that  loveth 
cleanness  of  heart ....  shall  have  the  King  for  his  friend."* 

This  purification  from  the  least  and  most  hidden  vestige 
of  self-love  is  generally  a  long  and  painful  process,  in  which 
are  recognized  two  different  stages,  which  may  be  either 
simultaneous  or  succeeding  each  other.  The  first  is  called 
the  active,  the  second  the  passive,  purification. 

In  the  first  the  soul  is  purified  by  what  it  does  itself, 
with  God's  grace.  All  kinds  of  austerities  that  afflict  the 
body  are  of  this  class  and  especially  all  self-restraint  that 
mortifies  the  inner  powers  of  the  soul.  In  it  is  included  the 
whole  region  of  mortification,  exterior  as  well  as  interior. 

The  second  stage  is  much  more  painful  and  searching. 
It  is  when  God  takes  the  direct  management  of  the  purifying 
process  into  His  own  hands,  and  begins  to  cleanse  the  soul 
Himself:  the  soul  is  then  passive  under  His  divine  touch. 

Those  who  have  read  the  Life  of  Blessed  Henry  Suso 
will  remember  how,  after  several  years  of  strict  austerity 
and  brave  penance,  he  was  told  that  he  might  now  cast  away 
his  instruments  of  corporal  mortification.  He  was  delighted, 
and  describes  in  his  simple,  childlike  way,  the  joy  of  being 

*  Prov.  xxii,  n. 


delivered  from  these  hard  and  difficult  exercises.  Then  he  is 
shown  under  the  figure  of  an  old  cloth,  tossed  up  and  down, 
carried  hither  and  thither,  torn  and  rent  by  the  teeth  of  a 
dog,  how  God  was  now  about  to  take  his  soul  into  His  own 
hands,  and  that  torn  clout  was  an  image  of  how  his  soul 
must  be  treated.  Descending  into  the  cloister  Blessed  Henry 
rescued  the  cloth  from  the  dog  and  preserved  it  with  great 
care  as  the  image  of  himself. 

Then  he  was  subjected  to  such  a  series  of  searching 
trials  without  and  within,  calumny,  persecution,  sickness, 
temptation,  aridity  and  desolation,  that  all  the  austerities 
and  penances  he  had  inflicted  on  himself  appeared  to  him 
as  mere  child's  play. 

Of  these  terrible  sufferings  he  lovingly  complains  to  the 
Eternal  Wisdom  in  his  Dialogue,  saying:  "  It  may  well  be, 
Lord,  that  afflictions  are  most  wholesome,  if  only  they  are 
not  too  great.  But,  O  Lord  God,  who  alone  knowest  all 
hidden  things,  Thou  Thyself  dost  see  that  my  sufferings 
now  are  without  measure  and  entirely  beyond  my  strength." 
To  this  the  Eternal  Wisdom  replies:  "  From  thy  own  expe- 
rience surely  thou  hast  learnt  that  the  crosses  sent  by  Me 
(the  passive  purification),  if  a  man  knows  how  to  use  them 
aright,  come  more  home,  penetrate  more  deeply  and  more 
quickly  urge  a  man  to  give  himself  to  God  and  in  a  way 
force  him  into  God,  than  any  chosen  by  his  own  will"  (active 

What  is  the  object  of  all  this  suffering,  of  all  this  long 
series  of  painful  afflictions  of  body  and  soul  ?  It  is  to  cleanse 
the  soul,  to  cast  out  self-love,  to  prepare  the  inner  sanctu- 
ary of  the  spirit  to  be  the  marriage-chamber  in  the  spiritual 
nuptials  between  God  and  the  soul. 

And  what  is  meant  by  purifying  or  cleansing  the  soul  ? 
It  is  an  allegory  taken  from  the  idea  of  cleaning  a  room  or 
washing  stains  from  the  hands  or  face  or  from  white  gar- 
ments. The  cleansing  of  the  soul  must  be  the  casting  out  of 
the  memory  and  intellect  every  thought  that  is  not  God  or 
for  God.  This  is,  in  other  words,  making  the  soul  love  God 
with  its  whole  mind.  The  memory  has  to  be  so  completely 
mortified  before  God  can  visit  the  soul,  as  to  remember 


nothing  but  God,  and  the  things  necessary  to  be  remem- 
bered for  the  service  of  God.  In  like  manner  the  intellect 
must  be  so  restrained  as  to  be  occupied  only  with  God  and 
the  things  of  God. 

This  no  doubt  renders  very  holy  men  not  such  pleasant 
companions  to  those  who  are  in  a  lower  state  of  soul.  They 
can  take  interest  in  few  things.  Their  thoughts  and  desires 
are  all  entirely  centred  on  God  and  invisible  things.  They 
can  take  a  lively  interest  in  nothing  else.  So  we  are  told  of 
St  Dominic  that  he  could  talk  only  of  God  or  to  God,  be- 
cause his  memory  and  intellect  were  full  of  the  thought  of 
God  and  nothing  else. 

Besides  this,  the  will  has  to  be  purified.  What  is  meant 
by  having  the  heart  and  will,  the  desires  and  affections 
made  clean  and  pure?  Pure  means  unmixed.  Pure  water, 
pure  wine,  are  not  mingled  with  any  other  substance.  Wine 
mixed  with  water  is  not  pure  wine.  The  human  will  is 
likewise  pure  when  it  has  one  only  desire — God  and  union 
with  God.  This  must  be  the  state  of  the  soul  before  it  can 
be  ready  for  the  supernatural  visit  of  God,  called  con- 
templation. All  self-love  must  be  entirely  excluded.  The 
movement  of  grace  must  be  the  beginning  of  every  de- 
liberate action,  and  God's  glory  must  be  its  end.  The  love 
of  God,  that  is  the  desire  to  please  God,  must  be  the 
motive  for  doing  or  not  doing  everything,  the  will  of  God 
must  be  the  rule  regulating  every  action,  whilst  the  presence 
of  God  must  be  the  sunshine  illuminating  and  animating 

This  is  a  simple  process  of  prayer,  of  which  all  are 
capable,  but  mystical  contemplation  is  impossible  without 
the  special  and  gratuitous  visit  of  God  to  the  soul. 

For  this  happy  and  holy  state  the  soul  must  have  learnt 
complete,  prompt  and  perpetual  submission  to  God's  will, 

*  In  the  Spiritual  exercises  of  St  Ignatius  some  exercises  are  called  meditations,  others 
contemplations.  The  word  "contemplation"  here  means  something  quite  distinct  from 
the  supernatural  visit  of  God,  either  ordinary  or  miraculous.  In  the  exercises  called 
"meditations"  the  principle  thing  is  the  discourse  of  the  mind  reasoning  about  the  sub- 
ject, in  order  to  draw  the  will  to  prayer;  in  the  exercises  called  "contemplations"  the 
soul  looks  at  the  mystery  as  a  kind  of  picture,  without  so  much  reasoning,  and  speaks 
to  those  seen  in  the  picture,  listens  to  them,  watches  them,  etc. 


and  this  heavenly  knowledge  can  be  acquired  nowhere  save 
in  the  school  of  suffering,  the  divine  school  of  the  cross. 

Give  sorrow  leave  awhile  to  tutor  me 
To  this  submission. 

Nothing  else  than  the  cross  can  give  this  submission, 
absolute,  entire,  unhesitating,  cheerful  and  loving,  to  God's 

When  the  soul  has  been  thus  purified,  God  may,  if  He 
pleases  and  when  He  pleases,  bestow  upon  it  the  grace  of 
contemplation,  either  in  an  ordinary  or  in  an  extraordinary 
manner,  in  divers  degrees  and  for  different  lengths  of  time. 

All  this  may  be  traced  in  the  life  of  any  saint.  In  St 
Catherine  we  have  an  instance  of  a  soul  purified  in  great 
measure  from  early  childhood,  kept  clean  from  sin  and 
unruly  desire  by  the  indwelling  Spirit  of  God,  though  not 
without  her  own  co-operation.  Therefore  much  less  purifica- 
tion was  necessary,  and  the  gift  of  ordinary  contemplation 
was  evidently  bestowed  at  a  very  early  age.  The  more 
wonderful  favour  of  extraordinary  contemplation  was  be- 
stowed also  at  an  early  age,  or  perhaps  from  the  very 

God  intended  her  light  not  to  be  under  a  bushel,  but  to 
be  put  on  a  candlestick,  that  it  might  shine  unto  all  that  are 
in  the  house  of  His  Church.  Therefore  he  added  many  won- 
derful "graces  freely  given,"  such  as  visions,  raptures,  pro- 
phecies, miracles  and  other  extraordinary  manifestations  of 
His  wisdom,  goodness  and  power. 

These  things,  it  should  be  remembered,  did  not  make 
St  Catherine  holy.  She  would  have  been  as  holy  without 
them.  Her  holiness  consisted  in  the  high  degree  of  sanctify- 
ing grace  and  union  with  God  to  which  she  was  raised  by  the 
Divine  Majesty. 

But  without  these  signs  of  God's  special  favour  she  might 
have  remained  one  of  the  vast  multitude  of  hidden  saints,  not 
recognized  on  earth. 

Having  a  special  work  to  accomplish,  as  the  instrument 
of  God,  in  the  Church  and  for  individual  souls,  it  was  neces- 
sary that  she  should  be  favoured  by  many  outward  and 


visible  manifestations  of  God's  special  and  miraculous  deal- 
ings with  her  soul. 

From  what  has  been  said  it  follows  that  the  words 
"mystic,"  "mystical,"  "mysticism"  are  often  used  in  mo- 
dern literature  in  a  sense  very  different  from  that  in  which 
Catholic  writers  employ  them.  Often  indeed  it  is  not  easy  to 
understand  what  modern  authors  do  mean  by  these  phrases, 
and  perhaps  the  writers  themselves  could  not  very  clearly 
explain.  It  might  indeed  be  considered  almost  as  profane  to 
demand  a  definition  of  so  vague  an  idea,  as  it  would  be  to 
inquire  of  certain  modern  poets  what  exactly  they  meant  by 
their  verses.  They  express  probably  a  kind  of  universal  ten- 
dency of  general  vagueness  that  cannot  be  precisely  defined. 

Thus,  philosophical  writers  are  sometimes  described  as 
"mystical "  who  have  a  symbolical  way  of  looking  at  ab- 
stract truths.  Again  writers  of  fiction  often  describe  their 
characters  as  "mystically  inclined,"  because  their  minds  have 
a  tinge  of  melancholy  and  regard  ethical  or  religious  truth  in 
a  dreamy,  imaginative  and  unpractical  kind  of  way. 

The  Catholic  mystical  theologians  have  on  the  other 
hand,  as  has  been  shown  in  this  essay,  a  very  definite  and 
precise  meaning  when  they  use  the  word  mysticism,  and 
can  indicate  very  clearly  what  they  signify  by  calling  a  man 
a  mystic  or  by  saying  that  he  walked  in  mystical  ways. 

They  mean  that  the  soul  was  chosen  by  our  Lord  to  lead 
a  life  of  close  and  constant  union  with  God.  Such  a  soul,  in 
a  most  perfect  way,  realizes  the  ideal  held  out  by  St  Paul  in 
the  words:  "Always  rejoice,  pray  without  ceasing,  in  all 
things  give  thanks."  * 

A  mystic  in  this  real  and  highest  sense  fully  appreciates 
that  lovely  distich  of  Cowper,  who  possessed  so  religious  a 
mind  that,  had  he  only  been  a  Catholic,  he  might  himself  have 
walked  in  mystical  ways,  instead  of  being  driven  into  mad- 
ness by  the  blasphemous  horrors  of  Calvinism. 

These  two  lines  St  Catherine  herself  might  have  written, 
in  her  highest  union  of  mystical  love: 

Give  what  Thou  wilt,  without  Thee  we  are  poor, 

And  rich  with  Thee,  take  what  Thou  wilt  away. 

*  i  Thess.  v,  1 6. 


St  Paul,  as  we  can  easily  draw  from  what  he  has  written 
in  his  epistles,  was  an  eminent  mystic.  We  have  already 
seen  how  he  was  favoured  by  the  highest  visions,  raptures 
and  revelations. 

His  hidden,  secret  (that  is  mystical),  life  of  union  with 
God  can  be  gathered  from  incidental  sayings  about  him- 
self in  his  various  epistles. 

A  man  who  is  a  Christian  mystic  lives  an  entirely  super- 
natural life,  having  no  object  he  desires  in  this  world; 
and  St  Paul  could  say  with  full  truth:  "I  live,  now  not  I, 
but  Christ  liveth  in  me."* 

A  mystic  is  one  who  has  no  inclination  for  anything 
earthly,  having  tasted  and  found  by  experience  how  sweet 
the  Lord  is;  and  St  Paul  declares:  "I  count  all  things  to 
be  but  loss,  for  the  excellent  knowledge  of  Jesus  Christ 
our  Lord:  for  whom  I  have  suffered  the  loss  of  all  things  and 
count  them  as  dung,  that  I  may  gain  Christ." 

A  mystic  has  one  and  only  one  desire,  union  with  God. 
St  Paul  testifies  this  concerning  himself.  Nothing  else  did 
he  desire  in  life  or  death,  nothing  else  could  satisfy  the 
hunger  and  quench  the  thirst  of  his  soul.  So  he  exclaimed: 
"  To  me,  to  live  is  Christ,  and  to  die  is  gain."  f 

A  mystic  is  one  utterly  abandoned  without  reserve,  in 
life  and  death,  to  Jesus  Christ,  and  St  Paul  tells  us:  "  With 
Christ,  1  am  nailed  the  cross."  £ 

A  man  walking  in  mystical  ways  speaks  of  himself  as 
annihilated  in  Jesus  Christ,  in  the  sense  that  natural  life  is 
of  no  value  to  him  except  in  as  far  as  by  it  he  can  give  glory 
to  Jesus  Christ,  and  what  but  this  is  expressed  in  those  sub- 
lime words,  "Now  also  shall  Christ  be  magnified  in  my 
body,  whether  by  life  or  by  death"  ?§ 

Mystical  writers  speak  of  holy  people  being  transformed 
into  Jesus  Christ,  meaning  by  this  strong  expression  the  in- 
timate union  of  the  purified  soul  with  our  Lord,  and  St  Paul 
says  that  he  bore  in  his  very  body  "the  marks  of  the  Lord 

The  mystical  mind  has  so  put  on  the  Lord  Jesus  that  it 

*Gal.  ii,  20.          t  Phil,  i,  21.         J  Gal.  ii,  19.          §    Phil,  i,  20. 
||  Gal.  vi,  17. 


looks  on  everything  in  the  same  light  that  He  did,  and  this 
St  Paul  meant  when  he  described  himself  as  "not  knowing 
anything,  but  Jesus  Christ  and  Him  crucified." 

The  will  of  a  man  in  mystical  ways  is  entirely  and  for 
ever  united  to  the  Will  of  God,  expressed  by  that  short, 
simple  yet  comprehensive  aspiration  of  the  Apostle,  "Lord, 
what  wilt  Thou  have  me  to  do  ? " 

Lastly,  the  whole  object  of  the  mystical  soul  is  to  imi- 
tate and  reproduce  the  character  and  life  of  Jesus  Christ, 
and  how  perfectly  did  St  Paul  accomplish  this  before  he 
exhorted  the  Corinthians  to  follow  his  example:  "Be  ye 
imitators  of  me,  as  I  am  of  Christ"  !  * 

The  reader  of  the  Life  of  St  Catherine  will  see  how 
perfectly  she  could  apply  all  these  sayings  of  St  Paul  to 
herself.  They  exactly  describe  her  inner  life,  and  this  be- 
cause she,  as  well  as  the  apostle,  was  an  eminent  Christian 


*  I  Cor.  xi,  i. 


Page  163,  line  12,  for  "this"  read  "the  " 

Page  183,  note,>-  "  Chapter  XIX"  read  "  Chapter  XII  " 

r     DE'  RICCI 


St  Catherine's  Family — Birth  (1522) — Early  Years 


Ricci  family,  which  gave  birth  to  St  Cathe- 
rine, belonged  to  one  of  the  patrician  houses  of 
Florence.  Its  members  came  of  an  ancient  race  of 
bankers  and  merchants,  who  had  always  divided 
their  lives  between  the  counting-house  and  the  magistracy; 
and  who — caring  as  a  rule  more  for  the  good  of  their  country, 
for  cultivating  the  arts,  and  for  enjoying  public  life,  than  for 
making  their  fortunes — had  helped  to  form  the  energetic  and 
brilliant,  if  somewhat  turbulent,  aristocracy  of  the  Republic. 
Nearly  three  hundred  years  before  the  saint's  birth  an 
ancestor  of  hers,  Uguccione  de'  Ricci,  is  said  to  have  taken  a 
noted  part  in  one  of  the  great  faction-fights  of  the  time, 
and  to  have  furiously  defended  a  feudal  tower  of  his 
family's,  with  the  help  of  a  mob,  against  his  rivals  the 
Albizzi.*  The  fight  appears  to  have  had  its  origin  in  some 
conspiracy  formed  by  Uguccione  for  the  purpose  of  raising 
the  Ricci  faction  to  power  and  humiliating  the  family  they 
hated,  which  resulted  in  success  for  the  Ricci;  and  in  after 
days  the  latter  seem  on  the  whole  to  have  favoured  the 
Medici  rule,  though  somewhat  lukewarmly,  not  because 

*  This  story  of  Uguccione  de'  Ricci  is  given  without  any  authority  named  by  Guasti  in 
the  Introduction  to  the  "Letters"  and  copied  from  him  by  Pere  Bayonne.  The  present 
writer,  looking  carefully  through  Napier's  detailed  history  of  Florence,  and  other 
Italian  chroniclers  that  he  refers  to,  can  find  no  mention  of  this  particular  fight,  nor  of 
any  noted  one  in  which  a  Ricci  took  part. 


they  genuinely  approved  it  but  because  the  Albizzi  were 
against  it,  and  it  brought  about  their  banishment. 

The  saint's  father,  Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci,  son  of  a 
Roberto,  was  a  prominent  man  in  Florence,  and  much 
valued  by  his  fellow-citizens.  Both  before  and  under  the 
Medici  he  held  one  important  office  of  state  after  another, 
being  in  turn  Prior,  Gonfalonier,  "  Member  of  the  Six," 
and  later  Member  of  the  "  Council  of  Two  Hundred." 
Afterwards  he  filled  posts  of  local  government  in  both 
town  and  country,  dying,  as  we  shall  see,  a  Maritime 
Consul ;  but  all  the  time  remaining  head  of  the  family 
bank,  which  he  managed  with  the  help  of  his  eldest  brother 
Federigo,  who  was  his  partner.  Federigo  was  of  equal 
consequence  in  the  city  with  Pierfrancesco,  and  a  man 
of  considerable  character.  On  the  occasion  of  the  revolt 
in  1527  which  temporarily  deprived  the  Medici  of  power, 
being  made  "  Prior  "  for  the  moment,  he  chivalrously  de- 
clined at  great  cost  to  himself  to  use  his  authority  against 
the  unpopular  rulers. 

Catherine's  mother  sprang  from  an  illustrious  Italian 
family,  that  of  the  Ricasoli,  of  which  she  was  the  last  re- 
presentative and  sole  heiress.*  Her  own  name  was  Catherine 
de'  Panzano,  daughter  of  a  Ridolfo,  and  she  married  Pier- 
francesco de'  Ricci  in  1514. 

Guasti,  in  his  Introduction  to  the  Letters,  mentions  a 
romantic  but  sad  history — connected  with  a  paternal  aunt 
of  St  Catherine's,  Marietta  de'  Ricci  (a  woman  so  re- 
nowned in  her  day  for  wickedness  that  she  became  the 
subject  of  many  fictions) — which  makes  a  strange  contrast 
to  that  of  her  holy  niece.  In  the  saint's  own  generation, 
also,  the  two  families  of  Federigo  and  Pierfrancesco  had 
curiously  contrasting  lots,  for  poor  Federigo  had  a  daughter 
named  Cassandra  who  followed  in  this  aunt's  footsteps  and 
was  a  grief  and  shame  to  her  family  throughout  her  career. 
Neither  of  these  two  life-histories,  however,  appears  to  have 
actually  crossed  that  of  the  saint,  and  they  are  mentioned 

*  In  the  South  Kensington  Museum,  amongst  a  most  interesting  collection  of  mediaeval 
Italian  "  marriage  coffers,"  there  is  one  beautifully  painted,  showing  the  magnificent  wed- 
ding procession  of  a  Ricasoli,  probably  a  maternal  ancestress  of  our  saint. 


here  only  to  make  a  picture  of  the  family  and  surround- 
ings from  which  she  sprang. 

The  future  saint  (whose  name  of  Catherine  was  only 
given  to  her  in  Religion)  appears  to  have  been  the  eldest  * 
of  her  mother's  children;  she  was  born  on  April  23,  1522, 
and  was  baptized  next  day  with  the  name  of  Alessandra 
Lucrezia  Romola.  Her  birth  did  not  take  place  in  the  old 
Ricci  Palace,  on  the  Corso,  possessing  the  tower  associated 
with  her  turbulent  ancestor  Uguccione,  but  in  a  palace 
called  the  Riccardi,  which  had  come  later  to  be  owned  by 
the  family,  and  had  very  different  associations.  It  was  a  house 
in  which  another  saint  had  died:  St  Juliana  Falconieri, 
foundress  of  the  Mantellate  of  Florence,  and  sister  to  St 
Alexis  Falconieri,  one  of  the  Seven  Founders  of  the  Ser- 
vite  Order.  It  stood  close  by  their  church  of  the  Annun- 
ziata,  in  the  Piazza  of  that  name,  and  was  originally  called 
the  Palazzo  Griffoni;  whilst  in  later  times  it  has  been  again 
re-named,  and  is  called  the  Mannelli  Palace.  Here  St  Juli- 
ana had  established,  about  1287,  the  first  house  of  con- 
ventual Third  Order  Servite  Sisters;  which  community  she 
afterwards  joined  herself  and  lived  in  until  her  death. 

The  great  characteristic  of  little  Alessandrina — as  the 
child  came  to  be  called  in  her  own  family — is  said  to  have 
been,  even  from  babyhood,  an  exceedingly  sweet  serenity, 
which  she  possessed  to  a  degree  felt  by  her  friends  and  re- 
lations to  be  beyond  mere  nature,  and  the  account  of  which 
reminds  one  of  the  descriptions  given  of  Saint  Rose  of 
Lima  in  her  childhood.  It  developed  into  a  certain  calm 
recollectedness  of  manner,  accompanied  by  little  graceful 
childlike  acts  and  habits  all  tending  to  show  a  strong  in- 
clination to  piety,  which  seemed  to  bear  witness  to  extra- 
ordinary divine  workings  going  on  within  the  opening 
soul.  One  of  her  historians  f  even  says  that  she  forestalled 
as  a  tiny  child  her  devotion  for  that  which  was  after- 
wards to  become  the  great  object  of  her  love  and  the  sub- 
ject of  her  ecstasies,  by  prayers  and  actions  in  honour  ot 

*  That  is,  she  is  the  first  named  in  genealogical  tables;  but  others  may  have  died  first, 
as  she  was  not  born  till  eight  years  after  her  parents'  marriage, 
•f"  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  i. 


our  Lord's  Passion.  "  It  was  a  marvellous  thing,"  says  her 
devoted  biographer,  "to  see  so  small  a  child  employing  her 
thoughts  on  what  her  tongue  could  barely  stammer  forth; 
and  to  find  that  she  showed  herself,  by  transports  of  love,  the 
true  daughter  of  Jesus  Crucified,  even  before  she  possessed 
the  power  of  giving  public  and  complete  proof  of  it." 

It  is  also  held  for  certain  by  some  of  her  biographers 
that  God  employed  the  visible  intervention  of  a  heavenly 
messenger  in  her  spiritual  formation,  during  her  very 
earliest  years: — namely,  that  of  her  own  angel  guardian.* 
He  is  believed  to  have  appeared  to  her  even  in  her  cradle; 
and  to  have  performed,  in  the  matter  of  heavenly  things, 
the  office  that  is  ordinarily  that  of  a  mother,  by  awakening 
and  guiding  her  infant  mind  and  senses,  so  that  they  should 
be  directed  towards  prayer,  and  contemplation  of  divine 
mysteries,  from  the  very  beginning. 

The  little  girl  grew  up  beloved  of  God  and  man.  All 
those  of  her  own  family  who  daily  witnessed,  in  her 
conduct,  the  effects  of  those  wonderful  graces  that  were 
hidden  from  their  own  sight,  felt  the  deepest  respect  and 
admiration  for  the  child  whose  ways  seemed  to  breathe  an 
atmosphere  which  was  not  that  of  earth.  Her  mother,  es- 
pecially, so  long  as  she  lived,  felt  convinced — though  respect 
for  the  handiwork  of  the  Most  High  kept  her  silent  on 
the  subject — of  the  future  eminent  sanctity  of  her  child. 
But  this  mother,  who  appears  from  the  little  we  hear  of 
her  to  have  been  truly  worthy  of  her  daughter,  was  not  to 
witness  on  earth  that  daughter's  development.  She  died 
while  Alessandrina  was  still  quite  a  small  child ;  and  when 
the  latter  was  between  four  and  five  years  old,  Pierfran- 
cesco  took  to  himself  the  second  wife  who  was  destined  to 
act  the  part  of  mother  to  the  future  saint.  This  step-mother 
was  also  a  woman  of  high  birth.  Her  name  was  Fiammetta 
da  Diacceto ;  and  she  was  daughter  to  that  Francesco  da 
Diacceto  to  whom  Marsilio  Ficino,  when  dying,  recom- 
mended Plato's  philosophy  ;  whilst  her  brother  was  the 
unfortunate  Jacopo  who  was  beheaded  in  the  conspiracy 
against  Giulio  de'  Medici. 

*  Compendia  delta  -vita  di  B.  Caterina,  ch.  i,  p.  3.  (See  Appendix.) 


This  second  marriage  of  her  father's  gave  Alessandrina 
four  brothers  and  five  sisters.  The  eldest  brother,  Giovan- 
batisto,  whilst  quite  young,  became  a  Dominican  in  the 
Convent  of  San  Marco,  where  he  had  the  name  of  Fra 
Timoteo  de'  Ricci : — a  name  which  had  already  been  made 
honourable  in  the  Order  by  the  virtues  of  his  uncle,  a 
brother  of  Pierfrancesco,  and  to  which  he  added  lustre 
by  his  own  holiness.  The  second  brother,  Francesco,  died 
at  Rome  as  a  youth ;  the  third,  Roberto,  took  up  the 
family  profession,  and  eventually  founded  the  flourishing 
"Ricci  Bank"  in  Lyons;  whilst  the  youngest,  Vincenzio, 
remained  in  Florence,  where  he  was  in  favour  with  the 
Medici.  He  attained  to  the  highest  magisterial  offices,  and 
had  the  posthumous  glory  of  being  great-grandfather  to 
the  celebrated  Bishop  Scipio  de'  Ricci.*  Of  the  five  sisters, 
one — named  Catherine — died  as  a  child,  whilst  the  other 
four  all  became  nuns  at  the  monastery  of  Prato,  in  turn. 

Fiammetta  had  nothing  whatever  of  the  traditional 
step-mother  about  her,  but  filled  the  place  of  a  true  mother 
with  the  greatest  tact  and  delicacy  to  her  husband's  children. 
Her  character  was  no  less  noble  than  her  birth ;  and,  with 
the  mental  sagacity,  upright  judgement  and  warmly  gene- 
rous heart  that  belonged  to  her,  she  very  quickly  learned 
to  value  the  treasure  that  she  found  entrusted  to  her  in  the 
person  of  her  small  step-daughter.  As  she  watched  this  child 
developing  before  her  eyes,  in  all  her  modest  grace — giv- 
ing not  the  least  sign  of  vanity  in  speech,  in  manners,  or 
in  dress — showing  not  the  smallest  inclination  to  egotism 
or  self-will — always  humble,  gentle,  and  quick  to  fulfil 
everything  required  of  her — Fiammetta  was  enchanted. 
Her  affection  for  the  little  girl  soon  reached  the  point  of 
actual  respect ;  and  she  took  to  treating  her  with  the  kind 
of  veneration  that  one  shows  to  holy  things  and  to  souls 
consecrated  to  God.  It  is  refreshing  to  read  for  once  of  an 
eminent  virgin  saint  treated  by  her  elders,  in  her  youth, 
with  delicate  consideration,  instead  of  with  that  strange 
want  of  sympathy  (to  give  it  a  mild  name)  which  one  so 

*  Bishop  of  Pistoja  and  Prato  in  the  i8th  century.  He  got  into  trouble  for  heretical 
doctrine,  but  was  reconciled  before  he  died. 


often  finds  shown  to  their  daughters  by  mothers  of  saintly 

But  all  this  was  only  a  first  revelation  to  the  noble- 
hearted  step-mother,  who  was  to  receive  in  time  many 
more,  as  to  the  respect  and  honour  due  to  her  young 
charge.  Alessandrina's  humility  made  her  so  ingenious  in 
hiding  her  own  merits,  that  she  lived  for  a  long  time 
under  the  close  observation  of  her  second  mother  before 
the  latter  found  out  anything  about  her  secret  mortifica- 
tions. At  last,  thinking  once  that  she  had  not  seen  her  take 
any  food  for  a  whole  day,  Fiammetta  determined  to  watch 
her  step-child  in  this  matter  more  closely  than  she  had 
hitherto  done  ;  and  the  result  was  the  discovery  that  it  was 
not  only  her  habit  to  keep  prolonged  fasts,  but  to  keep 
them  in  a  perfectly  calm  and  natural  manner  which  be- 
trayed a  most  uncommon  strength  of  soul— or  rather,  as 
the  writer  of  an  anonymous  life  of  the  saint  remarks, 
"which  proved  that  the  love  of  God  bestowed  on  her,  as 
compensation  for  her  courage,  a  superabundance  of  spiri- 
tual food."  The  sight  of  such  Christian  fortitude  in  a  little 
girl  of  about  seven  years  old  not  only  touched  Fiammetta's 
heart  with  greater  tenderness  than  ever  for  the  child,  but 
made  her  feel  strongly  convinced  that  a  sanctity  built  on 
such  a  deep  and  solid  foundation  as  this  must  be  destined 
by  God  to  reach  very  great  proportions.  Accordingly,  she 
set  herself  to  study  the  mind  and  soul  of  Alessandrina 
more  and  more  carefully,  and  was  rewarded  by  the  con- 
stant discovery  of  fresh  treasures  of  purity  and  holiness 
hidden  therein.  It  is  said  that  her  admiration  of  the  child's 
virtue,  and  conviction  of  her  future  greatness,  became  so 
overpowering  that  she  could  not  keep  silence  about  them, 
but  frequently  spoke  to  others  in  an  almost  prophetic  tone 
of  her  step-daughter's  future  destiny ;  and  at  last  declared 
that  "  instead  of  being  herself  appointed  to  act  the  part  of 
mother  to  this  child,  it  was  the  child  who  had  become  her 
teacher  and  mistress  in  virtue  : — her  refuge  and  comfort  in 
the  griefs  and  troubles  of  life."* 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  i,  p.  3. 



Alessandrina's  Vocation — Her  stay  at  Monticelli — Return  to  her  father's 
house — Search  for  a  Convent  after  her  own  heart 

THE  precocious  development  of  Alessandrina's  soul  in  a  par- 
ticular direction  seemed  a  clear  indication  of  the  line  that 
her  spirituality  was  destined  to  take.  Her  strong  bent  to- 
wards the  interior  life,  her  love  of  solitary  communing  with 
God,  and  the  pain  and  embarrassment  that  she  always  felt 
in  company — betrayed  at  times  by  a  kind  of  gentle  melan- 
choly in  her  conversation — all  pointed  to  her  having  no 
vocation  for  the  labours  and  excitements  of  an  active  career. 
She  was  clearly  called  to  retreat  and  contemplative  prayer 
in  the  shelter  of  the  cloister. 

Given  up  to  divine  love,  and  instructed,  as  we  have 
seen,  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  she  began  before  long  to  find 
even  the  sanctuary  of  her  father's  house,  where  from  her 
cradle  upwards  she  had  received  so  much  light  and  guid- 
ance, insufficient  for  her  need  of  retirement.  Very  early  she 
sighed  for  "  the  wings  of  a  dove,  that  she  might  fly  away 
and  be  at  rest "  in  the  solitude  and  enclosure  of  a  monas- 
tery ;  and  she  planned  her  desired  flight  with  a  calmness 
and  deliberation  suited  to  her  character.  She  knew  very 
well  that,  child  as  she  was,  she  could  no  more  expect  to  be 
received  in  any  community  as  a  Religious  at  her  age  than 
St  Catherine  of  Siena  or  St  Teresa  could  have  gained  their 
parents'  consent  for  carrying  out  their  enthusiastic  childish 
dreams  of  going  forth  to  a  hermitage  or  a  desert.  But  con- 
vents in  Florence  opened  their  doors  to  others  than  nuns, 
since  most  of  them  served  as  the  ordinary  places  of  educa- 
tion for  girls.  So  Alessandrina  began  importuning  her  father 
to  let  her  enter  a  cloister  in  the  capacity  of  a  pupil,  with- 
out betraying  her  further  private  desires.  Her  father,  how- 
ever, was  in  no  hurry  to  part  with  a  child  who  was  such 
a  treasure  at  home,  so  it  took  her  some  time  to  get  her  own 


way  ;  and  she  only  did  so  at  last  by  the  help  of  her  "second 
mother,"  whom  she  persuaded  to  take  her  part  and  to  over- 
come her  father's  resistance.*  Fiammetta  was  helped  in  this 
task  by  the  unexpected  intervention  of  Alessandrina's  aunt, 
Lodovica  de'  Ricci,  Pierfrancesco's  sister,  who  was  abbess  of 
a  Benedictine  monastery  called  San  Pietro  de'  Monticelli. 
Alessandrina  was  sometimes  taken  when  her  parents  went 
to  visit  this  aunt  at  her  convent,  and  Lodovica,  conceiving 
a  great  desire  to  have  the  little  girl  in  her  keeping,  begged 
her  brother  to  entrust  his  daughter  to  her  care  for  a  time. 
Finding  his  sister's  suggestion  coincide  so  exactly  with  his 
child's  earnest  wishes,  and  reflecting  also  that  Alessandrina 
would  gain  great  advantages  from  the  fashionable  educa- 
tion given  to  girls  of  high  rank  in  this  convent,  Pierfran- 
cesco  agreed,  and  sent  her  there. 

San  Pietro  de'  Monticelli  was  one  of  the  oldest  and 
most  respected  Benedictine  houses  in  Florence.  Though 
not  free  from  the  then  almost  universal  taint  of  monastic 
relaxation,  it  was  nevertheless  in  certain  respects  regular 
and  devout ;  and  amongst  other  venerable  pious  traditions, 
it  specially  cherished  a  devotion  to  the  mysteries  of  our 
Lord's  Passion.  This  devotion,  as  we  shall  see,  besides 
winning  Alessandrina's  heart  during  her  stay  at  Monti- 
celli, became  the  means  of  betraying  the  advanced  degree 
of  sanctity  that  she  had  already  reached. 

In  the  convent  church,  facing  the  nuns'  choir,  there 
was  a  large  picture,  which  represented  our  Lord  on  the 
Cross  with  such  splendour  and  reality  that  it  deeply  moved 
the  souls  of  all  who  looked  upon  it,  and  hence  had  be- 
come an  object  of  most  tender  and  earnest  devotion.  From 
the  moment  of  Alessandrina's  first  introduction  to  this 
painting,  it  took  such  a  passionate  hold  of  her  that  she 
seemed  to  make  her  home  at  its  feet :  she  could  withdraw 
neither  her  eyes  nor  her  heart  from  it.  On  her  knees,  with 
her  gaze  fixed  on  that  adored  face  so  filled  with  grief,  each 
act  of  the  bleeding  drama  of  the  Redemption  appeared  to 
her  reflected  thereon.  So  deep  was  the  impression  made 
upon  her  that  its  effect  was  wont  to  last  long  after  she  had 

*  Vita  Anonima,  cap.  i,  p.  4. 


come  away  from  the  picture ;  and  she  would  speak  of  it 
with  all  the  vividness  and  tender  feeling  of  one  who  had 
been  witness  of  an  actual  scene  that  she  had  just  left.  In 
vain  did  they  try  to  induce  her,  as  a  relief  from  such 
thoughts,  to  spend  part  of  her  recreation  in  the  games  and 
other  amusements  of  her  school  companions.  Out  of  pure 
docility  and  obligingness  she  would  smilingly  join  for  a 
time  in  what  pleased  others,  though  it  gave  no  pleasure  to 
her ;  but  she  always  took  the  first  opportunity  of  slipping 
away  to  return  where  her  heart  called  her,  and  to  take  up 
her  place  again  at  the  foot  of  her  "crucifix" — as  the  pic- 
ture is  called  by  her  biographers,  though  a  painting.  She 
used  to  hide  herself  beneath  a  curtain  that  hung  over  the 
choir  grille,  so  as  to  be  alone,  and  unseen  by  all  but  Him 
on  whose  image  she  was  gazing ;  and,  when  sometimes 
found  there  after  some  hours'  absence,  it  was  generally 
with  her  face  bathed  in  tears. 

Her  aunt,  the  abbess,  finding  her  so  devoted  to  the 
crucifix,  carefully  taught  her  a  certain  pious  practice  that 
was  in  use  amongst  the  most  fervent  sisters  of  the  con- 
vent. This  consisted  in  saying  the  Lord's  Prayer  five  times, 
meditating  with  each  Pater  on  one  of  the  chief  mysteries 
of  the  Passion — namely,  on  the  Agony  of  Jesus  and  His 
seizing  in  the  Garden  of  Gethsemane,  His  Scourging, 
His  Crowning  with  thorns,  His  carrying  of  the  Cross, 
and  His  Crucifixion  and  Entombment.  The  learning  of 
this  devotion  was  a  great  boon  to  our  young  saint ;  and 
her  practice  of  it  soon  became  accompanied  by  a  wonderful 
and  moving  phenomenon.  Whilst  engaged  in  the  exercise, 
she  so  completely  identified  herself  with  the  sufferings  of 
Jesus  Christ  as  to  become  a  living  representation  of  them. 
During  the  prayer  for  the  first  mystery,  she  was  seen,  to 
begin  with,  on  her  knees — her  hands  raised  to  heaven,  and 
her  face  pale  and  agonized ;  and  afterwards  with  her  arms 
held  tightly  to  her  breast,  in  a  grave  and  dignified  manner, 
as  representing  Christ  bound  in  Gethsemane.  At  the  second 
mystery  she  stood  upright  and  immovable,  her  right  hand 
clasping  her  shoulder,  in  imitation  of  Jesus  fastened  to  the 
pillar  of  the  flagellation — and  so  with  the  rest ;  always 


suiting  her  movements  to  the  scenes  of  our  divine  Re- 
deemer's sufferings.* 

The  sight  of  the  little  girl  thus  vividly  realizing  by  the 
sheer  force  of  loving  sympathy  the  sacrifice  of  the  divine 
Victim,  was  overpoweringly  touching  to  all  who  happened 
to  behold  it ;  and  tradition  says  that  our  Lord  Himself 
sometimes  worked  a  wonder  in  testimony  of  His  own 
tenderness  for  His  child-imitator,  by  making  the  crucifix 
appear  to  live  on  the  canvas  and  to  speak  words  of  loving 
acknowledgement  in  return  for  her  devotion.  The  con- 
sequence of  these  supernatural  incidents — forerunners  of 
yet  greater  marvels  to  come  later  in  the  saint's  life — was 
that  this  picture  became  renowned,  first  throughout  the 
community  and  afterwards  beyond  it,  as  Sandrinas  Crucifix  ; 
and  that  it  was  eventually  hung  in  a  more  public  place  for 
the  people's  veneration  :  finally  being  taken  to  the  "  chapel 
of  St  Antoninus  "  (Archbishop  of  Florence  in  the  preced- 
ing century,  and  a  Dominican),  where  it  still  remains  for 
the  homage  of  the  faithful. 

All  these  favours  received,  and  special  tendencies  of 
devotion  gratified,  in  the  Monticelli  Convent,  would 
naturally  point  to  Alessandrina's  finding  her  ultimate 
vocation  there :  yet  it  did  not  turn  out  so ;  and  the 
girl's  decision — in  spite  of  natural  and  supernatural  at- 
tractions to  it  and  of  great  affection  shown  her  by  its 
inhabitants — not  to  become  a  member  of  this  community, 
is  one  of  the  most  striking  instances  given  in  her  bio- 
graphies of  both  the  precocity  of  her  judgement  and  the 
clearness  and  strength  of  her  early  supernatural  inspira- 
tions. She  appears  to  have  been  specially  called,  not  only 
to  become  herself  a  perfect  model  of  the  Religious  life, 
but  to  be,  even  in  her  earliest  youth,  an  instrument  in 
the  hands  of  God  for  warning  and  putting  to  shame  those 
who  lived  in  a  manner  not  fully  corresponding  to  their 
high  vocation.  The  monastic  spirit  just  at  this  period  was 
at  a  very  low  ebb :  so  much  so,  that  a  community  which 
kept  up  some  vestiges  of  regular  observance,  and  added 
to  them  a  few  pious  practices,  was  counted  by  many  very 

*  Vita,  etc.,  da  Serafino  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  i. 


virtuous  people  to  be  setting  an  example  of  true  evangeli- 
cal perfection.  Nothing  could  have  been  more  calculated  to 
keep  down  the  standard  of  Religious  life  than  this  high 
esteem  in  which  such  convents  were  held  by  the  world, 
and  the  consequent  fact  that  they  attracted  many  subjects. 
It  was,  therefore,  both  a  much-needed  and  a  fully-deserved 
chastisement  and  humiliation  for  one  of  these  decayed 
institutions  to  be  rejected  by  the  wisdom  and  disdain  of 
a  mere  child ;  and  this  was  what  happened  to  the  Monas- 
tery of  Monticelli.  Alessandriha,  whilst  adopting,  as  we 
have  seen,  whatever  devout  practices  she  found  there,  ap- 
pears to  have  entered  her  aunt's  convent  with  an  ideal 
already  formed  of  what  Religious  life  should  be,  which 
was  very  far  from  finding  its  fulfilment  in  the  Benedictine 
nuns  whom  she  had  now  to  obey  as  her  teachers  and  su- 
periors. Instead  of  such  virtues  as  she  had  dreamt  of  for 
the  inhabitants  of  a  cloister,  and  the  spouses  of  a  crucified 
Lord — in  place  of  utter  abnegation,  of  disinterested 
charity,  of  a  spirit  of  humility  and  mortification — she 
saw  around  her  only  lukewarm  virtues,  accompanied  by 
glaring  imperfections  and  acts  of  narrow-minded  selfish- 
ness— such  as  disputes  amongst  Religious  over  trifles,  a 
love  of  possession  that  sought  for  gratification  in  trivial 
objects,  and  a  generally  worldly  spirit  which  plainly  showed 
how  the  evangelical  standard  had  degenerated  in  the  com- 
munity. Such  a  state  of  things  was  enough  to  make  her 
decide  upon  never  choosing  this  monastery  for  her  conse- 
cration to  God ;  but,  having  taken  this  resolution,  she 
tried  in  every  possible  way  to  lessen  the  pain  that  she 
knew  her  decision  must  give  to  her  aunt  and  the  other 
nuns.  Whilst  unable  to  help  condemning  the  spirit  of  the 
community,  she  was  full  of  tenderness  for  its  individual 
members,  feeling  that  they  were  not  fully  responsible  for 
a  situation  which  they  had  not  themselves  brought  about, 
and  which  some  of  them  were  perhaps  hardly  conscious  of. 
Moreover,  besides  the  respect  she  felt  for  the  personal  vir- 
tues of  many  amongst  them,  Alessandrina  had  too  noble 
and  loving  a  heart  not  to  feel  greatly  touched  by,  and  very 
grateful  for,  the  tender  care  and  real  devotion  that  had 


been  shown  to  her  in  the  convent,  and  the  earnest  desire 
and  hope  which  she  knew  the  nuns  had  felt  that  she  might 
take  their  habit  and  remain  under  their  roof.  All  these 
motives,  as  well  as  a  naturally  sympathetic  character  which 
made  her  feel  other  people's  griefs  keenly,  caused  her  to 
wish  very  much  that  she  might  have  spared  them  the 
trouble  of  her  departure,  which — she  instinctively  knew — 
would  be  felt  by  them  as  a  humiliation  to  the  monastery, 
and  perhaps  even  as  an  unfair  action  on  her  part.  The  only 
plan  she  could  think  of,  when  she  found  herself  obliged  to 
give  some  account  of  her  intentions,  was  to  shelter  herself, 
so  to  speak,  behind  the  authority  of  God  who  had  made 
known  His  special  will  in  the  matter  to  her ;  and  Sandrini 
tells  us  that,  without  directly  mentioning  their  community, 
she  managed  delicately  to  explain  "  that  God  had  put  it 
into  her  heart  to  enter  a  house  where  strictly  primitive 
observance  was  kept,  and  where  she  would  be  sure  of  rind- 
ing perfect  peace  in  the  practice  of  most  exact  poverty  " ; 
and  that,  having  done  this,  she  redoubled  the  tenderness 
and  trustfulness  of  her  ways  with  the  nuns,  to  show  them 
that  there  was  absolutely  nothing  personal  in  her  resolution. 

However,  before  she  had  to  leave  the  monastery,  an 
occurrence  took  place  which  brought  her  true  feelings 
much  more  plainly  to  light,  though  still  indirectly,  and 
in  a  way  that  could  only  edify  her  friends.  The  story  of 
this  incident  in  the  saint's  early  life  is  specially  interesting, 
apart  from  its  connection  with  her,  as  an  illustration  of  one 
particular  form  taken  by  conventual  decadence  in  her  day. 

An  old  nun  at  Monticelli  died ;  and  in  her  cell  was 
found  a  book  of  devotion  adorned  with  rich  illuminations, 
and  with  those  graceful  little  paintings  introduced  by  me- 
diaeval art,  which — perfected  during  the  Renaissance — had 
developed  into  chef-d' ceuvres  of  good  taste  as  well  as  of 
piety.  Books  of  this  kind — perfectly  legitimate  objects  of 
satisfaction  to  pious  people  in  the  world — had  become,  in 
the  universal  lowering  of  the  true  Religious  spirit,  a  veri- 
table snare  and  source  of  abuses  in  monasteries  of  women. 
That  ardent  and  enlightened  promoter  of  Religious  reform 
at  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  century — Girolamo  Savonarola — 


had  severely  stigmatized  this  abuse  amongst  others,  not 
only  in  his  own  Convent  of  San  Marco  in  Florence,  but 
in  numerous  other  houses  of  both  men  and  women  of 
various  Orders. 

He  denounced  it  as  an  encroachment  on  the  true  spirit 
of  poverty,  and  a  cause  of  vain  and  curious  research,  intro- 
ducing a  secular  and  worldly  spirit  amongst  the  spouses 
of  Jesus  Christ.  The  Annee  Dominicaine  (vol.  1861-2, 
p.  607)  gives  the  following  Verbatim  extract  from  a  letter 
of  Savonarola's  to  the  Countess  of  Mirandola,  which  both 
details  the  kind  of  abuses  in  vogue,  and  expresses  in 
vigorous  terms  his  strong  feeling  on  the  subject.  "In 
leaving  the  world,"  he  says,  speaking  of  Religious,  "they 
have  made  great  sacrifices ;  then,  when  they  have  hardly 
entered  the  state  of  Religion,  they  begin  attaching  them- 
selves to  all  sorts  of  trivialities — to  a  cell,  to  a  new  gar- 
ment, to  a  fine  breviary,  to  a  pair  of  scissors  or  a  knife, 
and  so  forth.  All  this  is  an  obstacle  to  purity  of  heart ; 
it  causes  inward  disturbance;  and  they  live  in  the  cloister 
like  barren  trees  in  a  garden.  Wretched  weakness  of  hu- 
man nature  !  They  have  given  up  gold  and  silver,  and  now 
they  cling  to  sand  and  mud."  Then,  going  on  to  personal 
direction,  he  exhorts  her  to  such  heroic  perfection  as 
this :  "  In  the  world,  your  dress  and  adornments  put 
those  of  your  attendants  into  the  shade,  therefore  in  the 
cloister  you  should  wear  the  very  poorest  habit;  for,  in 
the  warfare  of  Jesus  Christ,  you  ought  to  surpass  those 
whom  you  would  have  tried  to  surpass  in  the  warfare  of 
the  world.  You  must,  then,  have  neither  fine,  nor  constantly- 
renewed^  clothes,  nor  books  richly  illuminated,  nor  a  magnificent 
breviary,  nor  any  objects  of  ^oalue.  Have  a  simple  breviary, 
with  no  gilding,  without  silk  ribbons,  without  illumina- 
tions, and  with  a  marker  of  leather  or  thread." 

One  of  the  books  thus  referred  to,  then,  was  that  left 
in  her  cell  by  the  old  nun  in  question ;  and  it  immediately 
became  an  object  of  desire  to  two  young  Religious,  who 
both  equally  wanted  it  as  a  piece  of  personal  property,  and 
between  whom  it  gave  rise  to  stormy  disputes  followed  by 
bitter  resentment.  Alessandrina  could  not  see  such  a  state 


of  things  without  a  feeling  of  keen  sorrow ;  and  (as  San- 
drini  tells  the  story)  she  "  went  apart,  and  thus  breathed 
forth  her  complaints  to  God — 'Is  it  possible  that  the 
spouse  of  Christ,  who  is  all  gentleness  and  humility, 
should  give  entrance  in  this  way  to  anger  and  bitterness  ? 
Oh,  good  Jesus,  where  is  poverty  of  spirit,  death  of  self, 
separation  from  all  creatures,  to  be  found?  Thou  hadst 
neither  home  nor  shelter  in  life,  and  in  death  Thou  wast 
so  poor  that  a  borrowed  shroud  was  thy  grave-cloth.  And 
now  here  are  holy  virgins,  consecrated  to  Thee — the  well- 
beloved  of  Thy  Heart — quarrelling  with  each  other  over 
a  few  sheets  of  paper  !  What  folly,  for  the  sake  of  a  worth- 
less little  book,  to  risk  the  danger  of  having  one's  name 
struck  out  of  the  Book  of  Life  for  ever  ! ' "  * 

As  Alessandrina,  pacing  the  cloister,  was  thus  grieving 
— and  weeping  the  while — she  was  discovered  by  the  nun 
who  was  mistress  of  the  school,  and  who  both  comforted 
the  child  and  gradually  drew  from  her  the  cause  of  her 
grief.  She  seems  to  have  been  most  tender  and  kind  over 
the  matter,  in  spite  of  the  plainness  with  which  her-little 
pupil  spoke  of  the  shock  she  had  received  from  the  quarrel 
she  had  witnessed,  and  of  her  determination  to  go  where 
true  charity  and  poverty  of  spirit  would  make  such  things 
impossible.  Her  mistress's  tenderness,  however,  in  nowise 
shook  the  young  saint's  firmness,  though  she  again  tried 
to  smooth  matters  over  as  far  as  possible  by  attributing 
her  resolution  to  a  call  from  God  which  she  could  not 
resist ;  and  when  her  aunt,  having  heard  from  the  mistress 
what  had  happened,  sent  for  her,  she  gave  her  reasons  for 
having  finally  decided  to  leave  Monticelli  with  the  greatest 
modesty  and  respect,  but  still  with  unmoved  resolution ; 
so  that  the  abbess  could  no  longer  hesitate  to  believe  that 
a  special  inspiration  of  the  Holy  Ghost  was  dictating  to 
her  niece  what  she  must  do.  Lodovica  then  acted  with 
real  generosity:  she  humbly  adored  almighty  God's  de- 
signs on  this  child ;  made  up  her  mind  to  the  sacrifice  of 
resigning  all  hopes  about  keeping  her  in  the  community ; 
and  let  her  sister-in-law,  Fiammetta,  know  what  Alessan- 

*   Sandrini,  lib.  II,  cap.  ii,  p.  7. 


drina's  intentions  were,  that  she  might  come  and  fetch  her 
away  from  the  abbey.  The  little  girl  parted  from  the  nuns 
who  had  been  so  good  to  her,  and  whom  she  loved  most 
sincerely,  with  genuine  grief,  and  with  the  frank  declara- 
tion that  nothing  but  what  she  knew  to  be  the  will  of 
God  could  have  separated  her  from  them.  This  declara- 
tion was  corroborated  by  her  attitude  towards  the  nuns  of 
Monticelli  through  the  whole  of  her  life.  She  never  her- 
self betrayed  any  of  the  serious  reasons  that  had  caused 
her  departure,  and  never  spoke  of  any  things  or  persons 
belonging  to  the  convent  except  in  terms  of  affection  and 

When  she  got  home  again,  Alessandrina  at  once  took 
up  the  position  of  an  intending  candidate  for  the  Religious 
life :  not  so  much  in  words  as  by  her  whole  behaviour. 
She  managed  to  arrange  her  time  so  as  to  live  as  nearly  as 
possible  by  conventual  hours,  making  her  own  room  into 
an  oratory,  and  spending  her  days  and  the  best  part  of  her 
nights  there,  in  quiet  and  prayer.  Her  father,  delighted  to 
have  her  back,  humoured  his  child's  tastes  for  solitude  and 
monastic  ways,  never  thinking  of  having  to  give  his  con- 
sent to  anything  definite.  In  fact,  so  far  was  he  from  tak- 
ing the  matter  seriously  that  he  looked  forward,  when  the 
right  time  should  come,  to  finding  some  suitable  husband 
for  her  amongst  the  good  Florentine  families,  so  as  to  keep 
her  always  near  him.  He  is  said  to  have  been  specially  de- 
voted to  this  child,  not  only  because  of  her  great  personal 
charms,  but  because  of  her  being  the  only  daughter  left  to 
him  by  his  first  wife,  and  very  like  her. 

This  strict  and  hermit-like  way  of  life  appears  in  no 
wise  to  have  affected  the  relations  of  Alessandrina  with  the 
family  and  household,  which  remained  as  pleasant  and 
affectionate  as  they  had  been  before  she  left  home  for 
Monticelli.  She  was  as  much  and  as  genuinely  interested 
in  other  people's  concerns  as  ever ;  took  the  greatest  care 
to  arrange  her  times  of  devotion,  so  as  to  interfere 
with  no  domestic  arrangements ;  was  so  delightful  with 
her  young  brothers  that  they  would  fain  have  had  her 
always  with  them ;  and,  in  short,  acted  not  merely  with 


perfect  unselfishness,  but  with  a  degree  of  tact  and  pru- 
dence in  her  whole  intercourse  with  others  that  astonishes 
one  to  read  of  in  a  girl  of  her  still  quite  tender  years. 
For  her  father  she  seems  to  have  had  as  great  an  affection 
as  he  had  for  her ;  and  a  quaint  story  is  told  of  one  means 
that  she  took  of  showing  it  during  this  time.  Pierfrancesco 
at  last  began  rather  to  take  fright  at  his  little  daughter's 
persistence  in  her  exactly  religious  and  retired  life,  and 
thought  that  perhaps  he  could  cure  her  of  such  ways  by 
depriving  her  of  the  means  of  solitude.  Accordingly,  on 
the  excuse  of  having  her  nearer  to  him,  he  made  her  give 
up  the  room  that  had  been  appropriated  to  her  use  in 
a  distant  and  quiet  part  of  the  Ricci  palace,  and  had  one 
arranged  for  her  next  to  his  own,  in  the  most  bustling 
and  fully  occupied  part.  Alessandrina  made  not  the 
slightest  complaint  or  fuss  at  the  change,  but  went  calmly 
on  her  usual  way  as  far  as  her  own  practices  were 
concerned ;  only  she  made  use  of  the  close  neighbourhood 
to  her  father  to  see  what  she  could  do  to  show  her  love 
for  him.  She  soon  discovered  what  he  probably  did  so 
quietly  that  his  children  had  hitherto  known  nothing  of  it: 
that  public  and  private  business  compelled  the  statesman 
and  householder  to  get  up  extremely  early,  about  3  o'clock 
in  the  morning.  As  soon  as  she  found  this  out,  Alessan- 
drina at  once  adopted  the  habit  of  rising  herself  at  this 
hour,  slipping  quietly  into  her  father's  room,  and — first 
kneeling  for  his  blessing — putting  all  his  things  ready  for 
him,  and  waiting  upon  him,  in  every  way  that  a  child 
could,  as  if  she  had  been  his  servant,  until  he  dismissed 
her  with  a  second  blessing.  Then  she  would  go  back  to 
her  own  room,  and  spend  the  rest  of  the  early  morning 
hours  in  prayer,  entreating  her  Father  in  heaven,  with 
ever-increasing  earnestness,  to  help  her  in  the  fulfilment  of 
her  vocation  and  to  show  her  the  convent  destined  for  her. 
Besides  praying  about  it,  however,  she  took  all  human 
means  within  her  reach  for  rinding  the  right  place ;  and  in 
this  search  she  got  her  ever-devoted  "second  mother"  to 
help  her.  Fiammetta  managed  to  get  introductions  to  all 
the  chief  convents  in  Florence,  and  took  her  step-daughter 


with  her  to  visit  them,  the  latter  constantly  hoping  to  find 
the  evangelical  perfection  that  she  sighed  for  fully  practised 
in  some  of  them.  But  the  search  proved  vain  :  ruins  and 
shadows  of  the  past  were  all  she  found.  The  spirit  of  the 
world  had  taken  complete  possession  of  those  devoted  by 
profession  to  the  highest  life,  and  had  dragged  them  down 
in  proportion  to  the  height  of  their  calling.  In  some  cases 
Alessandrina,  indeed,  came  across  a  state  of  things  by  com- 
parison of  which  the  monastery  of  Monticelli  must  have 
seemed  a  model  community.  Certain  nuns  of  that  time, 
Sandrini  tells  us — belonging  to  Orders  whose  rule  and  consti- 
tutions placed  them  behind  grilles  in  strict  enclosure,  there 
to  lead  hidden  lives  of  prayer — had  persuaded  themselves 
that  they  could  best  sanctify  themselves  by  sanctifying 
others,  in  a  manner  little  dreamt  of  indeed  by  their 
founders!  This  means  consisted  in  giving  "pious  re- 
presentations" of  the  Gospel  History,  or  of  the  "acts"  of 
saints  and  martyrs — in  other  words,  by  turning  themselves 
into  a  troupe  of  pious  actresses,  who  performed  mystery  or 
miracle  plays  within  the  convent  walls,  and  invited  all  their 
secular  friends  to  come  and  see  them.  Alessandrina,  with  her 
step-mother,  was  one  day  bidden  to  such  a  festivity,  at  a 
monastery  in  high  renown  with  the  Florentines — of  what 
Order  we  are  not  told.  She  went,  of  course,  expecting  to 
see  something  of  a  religious  and  edifying  description  such 
as  nuns  might  harmlessly  represent,  having  heard  no 
details  of  such  performances,  but  only  a  talk  of  "pious 
spectacles."  The  astonishment  and  grief  of  a  girl  with  such 
ideals  as  she  had  we  may  imagine,  when  we  find  that  in 
the  performance  she  witnessed  the  nuns  had  discarded  their 
habits  and  dressed  up  in  secular  men's  and  women's  clothes, 
of  great  splendour;  whilst  they  played  their  parts  so  truly 
to  the  life  as  to  be  little  in  harmony  with  Religious  mo- 
desty. It  is  not  to  be  wondered  at  that  the  holy  young 
visitor  was  seized  with  a  sudden  pain  and  sorrow  at  the 
sight,  so  sharp  that  she  could  not  quite  restrain  herself, 
but  gave  vent  to  her  trouble  in  only  half-suppressed  sounds 
of  grief  and  aversion. 

The  shock  she  received  on  this  occasion,  however,  was 


the  cause  both  of  a  great  spiritual  consolation,  and  of  her 
receiving  for  the  first  time  a  supernatural  gift  which  was 
often  granted  to  her  in  after  life — that  of  being  able  to 
read  the  souls  of  others.  As  she  was  grieving  inwardly 
over  the  spectacle  that  had  so  startled  her  as  being  a  dis- 
grace to  the  Religious  state,  and  also  over  the  sad  con- 
dition of  those  who  were  dragged  back  to  the  world  and 
its  dangers  by  taking  part  in  such  a  display,  our  Lord 
Himself  vouchsafed  to  make  known  to  her  by  some  in- 
ward vision  that  He  was  grieving  with  her;  and  at  the 
same  time  He  showed  her  the  state  of  certain  among  the 
souls  of  the  Religious  who  were  performing  the  play.  By 
this  revelation,  Alessandrina  was  made  to  understand  that 
Jesus  Christ  meant  to  encourage  her  in  the  endeavour  to 
restore  the  honour  of  His  spouses  in  the  Church. 

After  this  memorable  scene,  she  tried  harder  than  ever 
to  find  a  convent  in  Florence  where  she  could  take  final 
refuge  from  the  world,  but  still  without  success.  She  had 
to  go  further  afield  for  what  she  wanted. 



Alessandrina's  stay  at  the  Villa  San  Paolo  near  Prato — She  becomes 
acquainted  with  San  Vincenzio's  Monastery  by  means  of  two  beg- 
ging sisters — Gets  her  father's  consent  to  a  few  days'  visit  there — 
Her  compulsory  return  to  Florence — Where  she  falls  ill — Her 
miraculous  cure — Her  final  entry  into  San  Vincenzio's 

SOME  hours'  walk  from  Florence,  towards  the  north,  lies 
one  of  the  most  beautiful  spots  in  Tuscany.  It  consists  of 
a  vast  plain,  reaching  from  the  banks  of  the  Arno,  which 
here  bathes  the  foot  of  Fiesole's  mountains,  to  the  hills  of 
Pistoja,  where  the  Ombrone  takes  its  rise.  The  fertile  soil, 
the  genial  air,  the  clear  sky,  the  beautiful  and  varied 
scenery — all  combine  to  make  this  plain  one  of  the  plea- 
santest  abodes  in  the  world.  Nearly  in  the  centre  of  it, 
on  the  river  Bizencio,  stands  the  little  town  of  Prato — so 
named  from  the  beautiful  meadow  which  forms  its  site. 
In  and  around  this  place  the  rich  families  of  Florence  vied 
with  one  another  in  acquiring  land  and  building  villas,  so 
attractive  was  the  country ;  and  the  Ricci  family  had,  from 
time  immemorial,  possessed  a  fine  estate  there,  which  went 
by  the  name  of  San  Paolo's  Farm.  At  the  time  we  are  speak- 
ing of,  Pierfrancesco  went  to  stay  at  Prato  with  his  whole 
family,  when  (as  was  usual,  on  account  of  his  well-known 
charity)  all  the  poor  of  the  neighbourhood  soon  took  to 
making  their  appearance  at  the  house.  One  day,  amongst 
these,  there  appeared  two  humble  Religious  women,  lead- 
ing a  donkey  to  carry  the  gifts  in  kind  which  were  the 
usual  alms  they  received.  AJessandrina,  having  seen  them 
at  a  distance,  ran  eagerly  to  meet  them ;  and,  enchanted 
with  a  modest,  gentle  and  devoutly  recollected  manner  in 
them,  which  she  had  not  before  come  across  in  any  Reli- 
gious, she  begged  her  father  to  let  them  stay  at  San  Paolo's 
for  a  few  days,  to  which  he  gladly  agreed. 

She   found  that   they  were  two  lay-sisters  from  San 


Vincenzio — a  convent,  recently  founded  at  Prato  in  the 
spirit  of  true  monastic  traditions,  where  the  constantly 
increasing  fervour  practised  by  its  inhabitants  was  most 
helpful  and  edifying  to  souls.  The  young  saint,  we  are 
told,  acting  still  with  a  prudence  that  one  marvels  at  in 
one  so  young,  observed  the  sisters  most  carefully  and 
continuously  whilst  they  were  in  her  father's  villa,  to 
make  sure  that  their  daily  conduct  carried  out  the  first  im- 
pression they  had  given  her.  Finding  all  that  she  saw  of 
their  private  life — the  simplicity  of  their  manners,  their 
silence,  recollection,  fervour  in  prayer,  and  general  religi- 
ous deportment — such  as  to  make  her  deeply  respect  them, 
she  went  further,  and  began  to  talk  to  them  freely,  open- 
ing out  all  her  own  ideals  of  the  monastic  state,  and  ask- 
ing them  innumerable  questions  about  their  own  rule  and 
community.  She  spoke  to  them,  moreover,  of  her  cherished 
devotions  to  the  Passion  of  our  Lord,  the  Blessed  Virgin, 
and  the  Holy  Eucharist,  and  expressed  her  longing  for 
frequent  communion,  that  she  might  find  out  their  feel- 
ings. In  short,  she  put  these  two  lay-sisters,  in  her  girlishly 
earnest  way,  through  as  close  and  careful  an  examination 
as  if  she  had  been  a  judge  questioning  witnesses.  Little  did 
the  humble  sisters  guess,  as  they  answered  her  many  in- 
quiries about  their  way  of  life,  that  on  their  answers  was  to 
depend  the  destiny  of  a  saint  and  the  future  renown  of 
their  monastery ! 

The  result  of  their  replies  was  so  to  rejoice  Alessan- 
drina's  heart,  causing  her  to  feel  sure  that  here  at  last  she 
had  discovered  the  full  realization  of  the  perfect  ideal  of  Re- 
ligious life,  as  to  make  her  (according  to  Sandrini)  cry  out 
one  day  in  irrepressible  thankfulness :  "  God  be  praised ! 
here  is  the  place  He  has  prepared  for  me ;  here  is  the  place 
where  I  shall  fight  to  the  end ;  here  shall  I  find  the  altar 
of  my  sacrifice !  It  is  at  San  Vincenzio's  that  I  am  to  offer 
myself  as  a  holocaust  to  my  beloved  Redeemer!" 

The  girl's  mind  being  once  made  up  upon  this  point, 
her  own  idea  was  to  act  at  once  on  her  new-found  convic- 
tion, and  to  return  with  the  lay-sisters  to  their  convent  in. 
Prato.  She  knew,  of  course,  that  there  might  be  some 


difficulty  in  getting  her  father's  consent  to  this  course, 
and,  before  actually  asking  his  leave  to  go,  spoke  enthusi- 
astically to  her  brothers,  her  step-mother,  and  all  other 
members  of  the  household,  about  her  delight  in  all  she 
had  heard  of  San  Vincenzio's,  and  her  certainty  that  God 
called  her  to  consecrate  her  life  to  Him  in  that  monastery. 
She  hoped  that  hearing  first  of  her  wish  indirectly  might 
soften  the  matter  somewhat  to  Pierfrancesco,  and  incline 
him  to  be  lenient.  Her  innocent  diplomacy,  however, 
failed ;  for  when  at  last  she  made  up  her  mind  to  speak 
directly  to  him,  and  went  to  throw  herself  at  his  feet  with 
her  request  that  she  might  accompany  the  sisters,  she 
found  him  immovable.  He  had  made  up  his  mind  be- 
forehand, and,  for  sole  answer  to  her  petition,  formally 
declared  that  he  would  listen  to  no  more  proposals  of  the 
kind,  and  forbade  his  daughter  ever  again  to  open  her  lips 
on  the  subject.  The  pqpr  child  was  completely  crushed  by 
this  inexorable  declaration ;  and,  as  might  be  expected,  its 
final  result  was  the  hasty  departure  of  the  sisters  from 
San  Paolo.  Left  alone,  Alessandrina  could  only  rest  all 
her  hopes  on  God  Himself,  and  on  the  fervent  prayers 
that  she  knew  they  would  offer  at  the  convent. 

Naturally,  the  first  thing  that  the  two  lay-sisters  did  on 
getting  home  was  to  give  an  account  of  the  treasure  which 
they  thought  Providence  had  in  store  for  them  in  the  Ricci 
family.  The  nuns — full  of  fervour,  and  more  interested  in 
the  prospect  of  so  holy  a  postulant  than  in  the  question  of 
what  supplies  their  "  begging  sisters  "  might  have  brought 
them — bestirred  themselves  at  once  to  see  what  they  could 
do  to  promote  the  forwarding  of  Alessandrina's  projects. 
Strangely  enough,  the  spiritual  director  of  their  community 
for  the  time  being  was  own  brother  to  Pierfrancesco : — 
Fra  Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  a  friar  from  the  celebrated  Domini- 
can Monastery  of  San  Marco  in  Florence,  and  a  man  highly 
commendable  for  his  own  virtues.  To  him  the  community 
naturally  turned  for  help  in  this  matter  concerning  his 
niece ;  but  he  was  at  first  by  no  means  very  much  inclined 
to  move  in  it,  out  of  consideration  for  his  brother,  whose 
intense  affection  for  Alessandrina  he  well  knew.  However, 


having  paid  some  visits  himself  to  the  Villa  San  Paolo,  he 
found  out  by  personal  intercourse  with  her  what  were  the 
real  feelings,  and  the  truly  wonderful  dispositions,  of  the 
child  ;  and  this  discovery  seems  to  have  given  him  scruples 
about  keeping  silence,  lest  he  should  be  really  opposing  the 
will  of  God  if  he  did  not  do  his  best  to  plead  his  niece's 
health  with  her  father.  He  began  pleading  it,  accordingly, 
with  warmth ;  but  his  interference  was  not  well  received, 
and  his  brother  ended  by  desiring  "  that  he  would  cease 
meddling  with  his  family  affairs,"  and  intimating  that  his 
visits  were  no  longer  welcome.  Thus  rebuffed,  Fra  Timoteo 
could  only  tell  his  spiritual  daughters  that  they  were  not 
likely  at  present  to  overcome  the  objections  of  a  father 
whose  affections  were  so  intensely  set  on  his  child,  and 
that  much  time  and  unusual  grace  would  be  needed  to 
bring  about  the  desired  end.  The  nuns,  unwilling  to  be  so 
easily  defeated,  bethought  themselves  of  another  ambassador 
in  the  person  of  their  prioress,  who  appears  to  have  been 
a  woman  equally  distinguished  by  birth,  virtues,  and  un- 
usually charming  and  courtly  manners,  Margherita  di 
Bardo  by  name.  This  lady  they  sent,  as  a  delegate  from 
the  community,  to  call  on  Pierfrancesco  at  his  villa,  and 
to  beg  that  he  would  grant  them  at  least  the  pleasure  of  a 
visit  from  his  beloved  Alessandrina.  There  was  nothing,  it 
should  be  stated,  inconsistent  with  their  Religious  spirit 
in  this  expedition  of  the  prioress ;  for,  though  living  in 
enclosure,  the  community,  having  only  the  Third  Order 
Rule,  were  at  this  time  at  liberty  to  go  outside  the  con- 
vent when  necessary.  Sister  Margherita  was  received  at 
San  Paolo  with  all  the  honour  and  attention  due  to  her ; 
and  when  her  host  heard  this  dignified  and  gracious  dame 
begging,  as  a  personal  favour,  for  the  desired  permission, 
he  could  not,  if  only  out  of  mere  courtesy  to  the  prioress, 
well  refuse  it ;  besides  which,  there  was  the  possibility  that 
the  result  of  a  visit  to  San  Vincenzio  might  be  at  least  the 
postponement  of  the  dreaded  misfortune.  He  granted  leave, 
therefore,  with  a  good  grace  ;  but  made  it  an  express  condi- 
tion that  his  daughter's  stay  in  the  convent  should  not  ex- 
ceed ten  days.  She  took  this  unhoped-for  permission  as  a 


sign  that  Providence  was  about  to  grant  the  fulfilment  of 
all  her  projects  and,  thanking  God  earnestly,  went  off  re- 
joicing with  the  prioress. 

According  to  the  custom  of  the  house,  Alessandrina, 
on  arriving,  was  received  by  the  whole  community  as- 
sembled in  choir,  where  all  the  nuns  in  turn  gave  her  the 
kiss  of  peace.  A  story  is  told  that  as  the  little  visitor 
crossed  the  threshold  of  the  holy  place,  a  nun  who  had 
for  some  time  been  suffering  from  an  infirmity  that  affected 
her  mind  by  weakening  it,  was  suddenly  aroused,  filled 
with  the  spirit  of  God,  and  cried  aloud :  "  Here  comes 
our  little  superior  !  Here  is  the  little  mistress  of  our  souls, 
and  spiritual  guide !  "  These  words,  coming  from  so  un- 
expected a  quarter,  are  said  to  have  struck  all  present  as 
uttered  with  prophetic  inspiration ;  and  as  a  matter  of  fact 
they  did  turn  out  to  contain  a  true  prophecy;  for  their 
young  subject  lived  to  become  a  teacher,  an  eminent  guide 
to  souls  in  the  spiritual  path,  and  an  accomplished  model 
of  all  monastic  virtues,  not  to  that  convent  only,  but  to 
many  others,  throughout  Tuscany  and  all  Italy. 

However,  there  were  to  be  hindrances  yet  to  the  ful- 
filment of  her  longings.  She  soon  found  herself  so  per- 
fectly happy  amongst  the  sisters  of  San  Vincenzio,  where 
her  ideal  of  contemplation  and  Religious  life  seemed  ful- 
filled in  such  a  way  as  to  satisfy  all  her  aspirations,  that 
she  felt  like  a  wanderer  come  home  at  last ;  and  when,  at 
the  end  of  the  appointed  ten  days,  one  of  her  brothers  was 
sent  to  fetch  her  back,  she  found  herself — as  might  have 
been  expected — utterly  unable  to  leave  a  place  of  which 
she  already  appeared  to  have  become  a  part.  To  tear  her- 
self away  from  the  community,  at  least  with  her  own  good- 
will, had  become  practically  an  impossibility ;  and  she  told 
her  brother  that  she  could  not  return  to  family  life,  for  she 
belonged  henceforth  to  this  cloister,  where  she  felt  sure 
that  God  Himself  had  led  her.  She  entreated  him  to  get 
her  father's  forgiveness  if  she  disobeyed  him  on  this  one 
point,  which  concerned  God's  own  choice  for  her.  The 
brother  reluctantly  went  home,  and  executed  her  commis- 
sion ;  but  Pierfrancesco  was  not  to  be  so  easily  softened 


He  appears  to  have  looked  at  the  whole  thing  as  a  plot 
against  him,  and  came  in  person  to  the  convent,  furiously 
angry  and  determined  to  enforce  obedience  to  his  orders, 
even  by  violent  measures  if  necessary.  But  if  the  father 
was  determined  on  his  side,  the  daughter  was  equally  so 
on  hers,  though  in  a  calmer  way ;  and,  in  the  end,  her 
gently  obstinate  resolve  to  keep  to  her  decision  of  remain- 
ing at  San  Vincenzio,  together  with  the  spiritual  reasons 
she  put  forward — child  as  she  was — to  support  it,  had 
their  effect.  Her  father  gave  in  to  her,  at  least  for  the  time 
being.  He  renounced  all  idea  of  carrying  her  home  by 
force,  and  professed  himself  convinced  by  her  argu- 
ments— only,  he  said,  before  being  shut  up  for  good 
in  the  cloister,  she  must  just  come  back  home  with  him 
for  a  few  days,  to  see  and  bid  farewell  to  the  rest  of  the 
family.  At  first  Alessandrina  refused  even  this,  but  here 
she  found  her  uncle  Timoteo,  the  prioress,  and  all  the 
community,  against  her ;  so,  most  unwillingly,  she  had  to 
yield,  and  returned — though  in  tears — to  San  Paolo,  hav- 
ing first  made  her  father  solemnly  promise  that  he  would 
not  keep  her  there  for  more  than  ten  days.  This  solemn 
promise,  however,  Pierfrancesco  evidently  did  not  con- 
sider binding.  He  appears  to  have  had  some  idea  that, 
seeing  how  very  young  she  still  was,  her  vocation  might 
possibly  after  all  be  only  a  fancied  one,  and  that  he  was 
justified  in  doing  all  he  could  to  turn  her  away  from  the 
thought  before  finally  giving  her  up.  Accordingly,  he  first 
took  the  whole  family  back  from  the  neighbourhood  of 
Prato,  to  their  palace  in  Florence,  where  Alessandrina 
found  herself  surrounded  by  numerous  relations  and 
friends  who  petted  and  made  much  of  her,  and  in  the 
midst  of  various  diversions  and  changes  of  scene  which  it 
was  hoped  might  drive  San  Vincenzio  out  of  her  head. 
Then,  when  she  entreated  him  to  keep  his  word  and  let 
her  go  back,  he  made  one  pretext  after  another — mostly 
founded  on  his  own  unconquerable  grief  at  the  thought 
of  losing  her — for  delay.  He  treated  her  with  the  greatest 
possible  love  and  tenderness,  never  professing  an  inten- 
tion of  breaking  his  word  eventually,  nor  uttering  a  sylla- 


ble  ot  reproach    or   anger   again,    but    simply    "  putting 
off"  time  after  time. 

This  went  on  for  so  long  (though  exactly  how  long 
we  are  not  told)  that  at  last  the  state  of  things  became  too 
much  for  the  poor  child,  who  had  at  first  struggled 
bravely  against  the  disappointment  and  had  kept  up  her 
usual  brightness  with  all  around  her.  She  fell,  first,  into 
a  state  of  most  unnatural  melancholy,  and  then  into  one 
of  such  bad  health  that  all  her  friends  were  terribly 
frightened,  and  believed  that  she  was  dying  of  con- 
sumption. Everybody  belonging  to  her,  except  the  one 
person  chiefly  concerned,  who  was  the  actual  cause  of 
it,  knew  that  the  illness  was  nothing  but  a  kind  of 
nostalgia — a  longing,  like  that  of  the  exile  who  craves 
for  his  country,  for  the  home  of  her  soul,  from  which 
she  was  being  kept  by  too  strong  a  human  love.  Yet  the 
father  who  was  thus  forcibly  detaining  his  beloved  daugh- 
ter remained  for  some  time — perhaps  wilfully — blind  to 
the  cause  of  her  illness. 

Alessandrina  herself,  however,  even  though  almost 
feeling  on  the  point  of  death,  and  knowing  that  others 
thought  her  so,  never  in  her  heart  quite  despaired  of  re- 
covery. She  believed  that  our  Lord  would  somehow  give 
back  her  life  and  strength,  on  purpose  for  her  to  conse- 
crate them  to  Him ;  and,  whilst  lying  sometimes  in  what 
appeared  to  be  states  of  utter  collapse,  she  was  inwardly 
pleading  with  her  divine  Spouse  to  hear  and  grant  her 
desires.  Her  faith  was  rewarded  by  the  granting  of  this 
prayer.  She  was  miraculously  cured ;  and  the  following  is 
the  account  given  of  her  cure  : 

She  was  lying  in  a  deep  lethargy : — bodily  helpless, 
but  with  her  soul  active  and  alive,  and  earnestly  praying, 
when  she  suddenly  beheld  a  radiant  vision.  Jesus  Christ 
Himself  appeared  to  stand  at  her  side,  holding  a  ring  of 
dazzling  beauty  ;  and  with  Him  appeared  His  Mother,  and 
the  two  glorious  martyrs  Thekla  and  Cecilia,  who  were 
her  special  patrons.  Looking  at  her  with  unspeakable  kind- 
ness, our  Lord  asked  the  sick  girl  why  she  was  making 
herself  so  excessively  miserable  about  entering  the  religious 


state,  since  He  Himself  had  undertaken  to  see  that  she 
succeeded  in  doing  so  ?  Alessandrina  answered,  with  deep 
humility:  "My  dear  Redeemer,  who  canst  see  to  the 
bottom  of  my  heart,  Thou  knowest  well  that  what  grieves 
me  so  is  this  putting  off  of  my  happiness  in  being  con- 
secrated to  Thee,  for  I  know  not  how  long !  "  Then  our 
Saviour  said,  "  It  is  to  hasten  this  moment  that  I  have 
come  to  cure  you,"  and  blessed  her ;  whereupon  she  was 
at  once  healed  of  her  sickness.  After  this,  He  gave  her 
many  predictions  as  to  her  future.  He  warned  her  that 
she  must  look  for  many  sufferings  in  the  Religious  life — 
for  contradictions  and  all  sorts  of  trials.  He  told  her  that 
she  would  be  visited  with  cruel  bodily  infirmities,  and 
with  grief  and  anguish  of  soul,  both  because  of  distrust 
or  persecutions  from  man,  and  through  attacks  from,  and 
pitfalls  set  by,  the  devil ;  and  that  all  the  extraordinary 
favours — visions  ecstasies,  whatever  they  might  be — 
granted  to  her  from  on  high,  would  bring  about  the  worst 
troubles  and  the  bitterest  moments  of  her  life.  But  He 
further  encouraged  her  not  to  lose  heart,  promising  that 
He  would  ever  be  with  her,  and  that  with  His  help  she 
should  triumph  over  every  obstacle,  to  the  great  profit  of 
her  own  soul  and  the  honour  of  God.  Then,  smiling  with 
marvellous  graciousness  upon  her,  and  pointing  to  the 
brilliant  ring  in  His  hand,  our  Lord  concluded  by  saying: 
"  Here  is  the  ring  of  those  sacred  espousals  that  I  shall 
soon  celebrate  with  you,  that  you  may  be  My  well-beloved 
bride."  Thereupon  the  Blessed  Virgin,  and  the  two  holy 
martyrs  who  were  with  her,  approached  the  maiden  and 
spoke  encouraging  words  to  her ;  after  which  the  vision 
disappeared,  leaving  her  in  full  health  and  filled  with  un- 
utterable joy.* 

The  first  thing  Alessandrina  did  after  this  wonderful 
event  was  to  hasten  to  her  father  and,  throwing  herself 
into  his  arms,  tell  him  how  it  had  all  happened.  He  was 
deeply  moved,  not  only  at  having  his  child  thus  miracu- 
lously restored,  but  by  this  proof  that  Christ  Himself  was 
on  her  side  in  the  matter  of  her  sacred  call:  for  Pier- 

*  Vita  Anonima,  cap.  iv,  p.  17. 


Francesco  was  too  religious  a  man  not  to  know  what  a  Re- 
ligious vocation  meant,  or  to  imagine  that  this  supernatural 
visitation  could  have  been  sent  for  no  purpose  beyond  that 
of  restoring  his  daughter  to  him.  He  was  frightened  at  this 
sudden  conviction,  which  pierced  him,  that  he  had  been 
opposing  God  by  his  delay  in  keeping  his  promise ;  and 
still  more  did  he  feel  penitent  and  ashamed  over  his  con- 
duct when  he  found  nearly  every  member  of  the  family, 
including  his  elder  brother  Federigo  de'  Ricci — who  ap- 
pears just  now  to  have  paid  him  a  visit  on  purpose  to  give 
his  opinion  on  the  matter — strongly  urging  him  to  grant 
the  request  which  Alessandrina  now  put  forth  afresh,  and 
to  let  her  go  at  once  to  San  Vincenzio  permanently.  The 
poor  man  seems,  indeed,  to  have  suffered  quite  a  verbal 
castigation  from  his  relations,  who  all  freely  poured  forth 
their  views  as  to  the  selfishness,  injustice,  cruelty,  and  ir- 
religiousness  of  his  recent  behaviour ;  and  one  cannot  help 
admiring  the  meekness  with  which  he  appears  to  have 
taken  it  all,  as  well  as  the  sincere  repentance  that  he 
showed.  Having  once  seen  himself  in  the  wrong  he  was 
clearly  determined  to  acknowledge  it  publicly.  Not  satisfied 
with  giving  his  beloved  child  immediate  leave  to  go,  he 
first  (according  to  Sandrini)  begged  her  pardon,  with  tears, 
for  all  the  pain  he  had  given  her,  promising  at  the  same 
time  that  he  would  henceforth  be  to  her  "  a  father,  not 
according  to  mere  flesh  and  blood,  but  according  to  the 
grace  and  spirit  of  God";  and  then  he  took  her  back  him- 
self to  Prato,  that  he  might  with  his  own  hands  both  restore 
her  to  the  monastery  whence  he  had  taken  her,  and  offer  her 
as  a  holocaust  to  God. 

Thus,  at  last,  and  after  it  had  seemed  almost  hopeless, 
did  Alessandrina  Lucrezia  Romola  de'  Ricci  have  her 
desires  granted :  thus  did  she  finally  cross  the  threshold 
of  her  future  home  on  earth,  conducted  by  the  father  who 
for  a  time  had  been  the  one  great  obstacle  in  her  way,  and 
who  now  voluntarily  presented  her  himself  to  those  who 
were  to  be  henceforth  her  mother  and  sisters. 



Alessandrina  receives  the  habit  (1535),  and  with  it  the  name  of  Catherine — 
Her  novitiate — Her  trials  in  it — Her  profession  (1536) 

IT  is  easy  to  imagine  Alessandrina' s  joy  when  she  found 
herself  safely  under  the  peaceful  roof  of  San  Vincenzio, 
after  all  her  fears  and  troubles.  Though,  indeed,  a  mere 
neophyte — without  any  rank,  or  even  a  name,  amongst  the 
consecrated  virgins  of  Christ — she  was  at  least  in  the  house 
of  God,  far  from  the  world  she  had  longed  to  leave,  and  in 
the  atmosphere  of  prayer  and  solitude  for  which  her  soul 
craved;  and  this  was  enough  to  make  her  happiness  and 
to  fill  her  with  ardent  gratitude.  Without  waiting  to  be 
clothed  she  gave  herself  up  as  fully  as  possible  to  every 
spiritual  exercise ;  and,  above  all,  to  everything  she  could 
find  to  do  that  was  an  act  of  humility  towards  those  around 
her,  feeling  deeply  her  own  distance  from  their  sanctity  and 
unworthiness  to  be  amongst  them.  Her  one  longing  was  to 
deserve,  as  soon  as  possible,  to  receive  the  habit  of  St 
Dominic ;  and  with  this  object  she  undertook  the  practice 
of  every  penance  and  austerity  that  was  within  her  reach, 
finding  nothing  too  hard  or  severe  for  her  young  ardour. 
Hidden  and  silent  as  her  ways  were  in  most  respects,  she 
made  no  secret  of  her  ambition  to  put  on  the  virtues  of  her 
"holy  Father"  at  the  same  time  with  his  livery,  but  spoke 
with  the  greatest  naivete  of  her  aspirations  to  the  nuns. 

The  latter,  watching  the  little  postulant's  earnestness 
and  genuine  humility,  and  enchanted  by  her  fervour,  were 
unanimous  in  voting  for  her  admission  to  the  novitiate : 
in  fact,  they  were  only  too  thankful  to  obtain  such  a  sub- 
ject. She  was  therefore  clothed  after  a  short  probation,  re- 
ceiving the  Religious  habit  from  her  uncle,  Fra  Timoteo, 
who  was  also  now  her  confessor.  The  clothing  took  place 
on  Whit  Monday,  May  18,  1535,  when  Alessandrina  was 


only  thirteen  years  old.  She  had  her  baptismal  name  changed 
for  that  of  Catherine,  after  her  dead  mother — possibly,  also, 
from  some  likeness  observed  in  her  to  St  Catherine  of  Siena 
when  a  child.  A  fellow-citizen  of  hers,  Cesare  Guasti, 
writing  in  our  own  day,  chooses  to  look  upon  this  choice 
of  a  name  as  a  special  ordination  of  Providence  in  favour 
of  the  city  of  Florence,  which  was  not  to  be  left  behind 
Siena  and  Bologna  in  possessing  a  canonized  Catherine!* 
At  any  rate,  whatever  the  ground  of  her  receiving  the  name, 
we  now  part  company  with  "  Alessandrina  "  once  for  all,  to 
follow  the  history  of  "  Sister  Catherine." 

No  sooner  had  the  fervent  postulant  received  the  novice's 
veil  than  one  of  the  supernatural  favours,  now  to  become  so 
frequent  in  her  life,  was  granted  to  her.  She  had  to  stand 
aside  whilst  another  postulant — Maria  Raffaella  Buonamici 
of  Prato — was  clothed ;  and  as  she  stood  taper  in  hand 
during  this  second  ceremony,  she  was  rapt  in  an  ecstasy 
wherein  she  appeared  to  be  led,  in  spirit,  into  a  lovely 
meadow,  where  Jesus  Christ  came,  and  His  holy  Mother 
with  Him,  to  bring  her  the  tenderest  greetings.  Then  she 
was  allowed,  for  the  time  being,  to  understand  fully  the 
abundance  of  sweetness  that  is  granted  to  those  who  give 
up  all  earthly  joys  for  the  love  of  God.  At  the  same  time, 
an  inward  revelation  was  given  to  her  of  the  spiritual  con- 
dition of  certain  nuns  then  in  the  convent,  whose  souls  she 
saw  to  be  in  such  a  high  state  of  sanctity  that  they  were 
like  altars  whereon  a  sacrifice  of  burning  love  was  perpetu- 
ally offered.  Lastly,  whilst  still  in  this  state,  she  was  ex- 
pressly charged  by  our  Lord  and  the  Blessed  Virgin  them- 
selves to  be  obedient  in  all  things  to  one  particular  nun — 
Sister  Maddalena  de'  Strozzi — who  would  be  set  over  her 
by  her  superiors,  and  whom  she  was  to  look  upon  as  ap- 
pointed by  heaven  for  her  special  mistress  and  guardian. 
This  sister  was  the  daughter  of  Raffaello  Strozzi,  one  of  the 
chief  persons  in  Florence,  and  she  had  been  brought  up 
entirely  with  a  view  to  earthly  greatness,  for  which  she 
possessed  every  natural  qualification;  but  just  in  the  very 
bloom  of  her  youth  she  had  thrown  up  all  her  prospects  to 

*  Le  Letters  tfirituale,  etc.,  Proemio,  p.  9. 


consecrate  herself  to  God  in  San  Vincenzio.  She  had  done 
this  in  1514,  and  was  approaching  middle-age  when  thus 
chosen  to  be  guide  and  mistress  to  Catherine.  She  is  de- 
scribed by  Razzi  as  a  woman  of  absolutely  angelic  nature, 
and  having  even  an  angelic  sort  of  beauty — "  like,"  he  says, 
"  the  blessed  spirits  of  Fra  Angelico,  for  grace,  dignity  and 
modesty,  and,  moreover,  possessing  a  heavenly  voice."' 
She  is  said,  during  many  years  throughout  which  she  had 
charge  of  our  saint — first  as  novice-mistress,  and  after- 
wards as  being  put  over  her  in  a  special  manner — to  have 
been  a  true  guardian-angel  in  zeal,  tenderness,  and  unre- 
mitting attention  to  her  welfare  ;  whilst  she  also  contributed 
largely  to  subsequent  histories  of  her  spiritual  pupil  by 
carefully  writing  down,  from  time  to  time,  whatever  was 
most  notable  or  marvellous  in  her  doings. 

Coming  back  to  herself,  the  newly-made  Sister  Catherine 
was  filled  to  overflowing  with  joy  at  finding  herself  actually 
wearing  the  habit  she  had  so  longed  for.  Not  only  because 
of  the  vision  just  granted  to  her,  but  on  account  of  all  her 
previous  unusual  experience  in  the  supernatural,  she  was 
necessarily  in  a  very  different  position  from  any  ordinary 
novice  in  her  realization  of  the  greatness  of  Religious  life. 
To  most  lately-clothed  postulants  their  reception  of  the  habit 
is  but  the  very  first  step  of  initiation  into  the  mysteries  ot 
perfection ;  whilst  in  her  case  it  was  only  an  exterior  sign 
of  a  high  degree  of  interior  virtue  and  communion  with 
God,  attained  long  before  her  entry  into  the  monastery. 

However,  that  prophecy  made  by  her  divine  Spouse  at 
the  time  of  her  miraculous  cure  was  to  be  strictly  fulfilled; 
and,  as  a  beginning  of  the  troubles  foretold,  she  was  de- 
stined, in  spite  of  virtues  and  aspirations,  to  fail — accord- 
ing to  all  appearances — under  the  most  ordinary  trials  of 
the  novitiate.  Indeed  the  holy  girl's  career,  during  this 
particular  period  of  her  life,  is  perhaps  one  of  the  most 
striking  examples  on  record  of  what  both  humiliations  and 
humility  really  mean.  This  history  of  her  wonderful  novice- 
ship  and  its  conclusion,  too,  is  interesting  as  an  intimate 
picture  of  the  Religious  discipline  and  cloistered  life  of 

*  Seraf;  Razzi,  lib.  I,  cap.  viii,  p.  27. 


her  day,  being  taken  as  it  chiefly  is  from  the  pages  of 
Sandrini,  a  learned  member  of  the  Dominican  Order. 

It  was  the  will  of  God,  whilst  Catherine  was  outwardly 
but  a  novice  under  her  mistress,  like  any  other,  to  take 
the  direction  of  her  soul,  really,  into  His  own  divine 
hands;  and  whilst,  for  her  own  good,  He  allowed  every 
single  thing  to  conspire  against  her,  so  as  to  make  her  ap- 
pear utterly  unfit  for  profession,  to  support  her  under  the 
cloud  by  His  own  strength,  which  should  gradually  conduct 
her  to  those  solitary  heights  of  virtue  that  are  the  dwell- 
ings of  the  perfect.  The  course  of  events,  after  the  cloth- 
ing and  admission  to  novitiate,  which  brought  about  this 
purifying  process,  was  as  follows. 

The  Sisters  of  San  Vincenzio,  in  receiving  little 
Catherine  amongst  them,  had  of  course  been  well  aware 
of  all  those  virtues  in  her  that  were  apparent — of  her 
angelic  innocence,  her  wonderful  piety  and  the  ardent 
longings  for  perfection  which  had  but  recently  shone  forth 
in  her  struggles  to  get  into  the  cloister.  They,  however, 
knew  absolutely  nothing  of  all  those  exceptional  graces — 
of  the  visions,  the  ecstasies,  and  all  the  frequent  and  fa- 
miliar supernatural  communications — with  which  our  Lord 
had  favoured  her  from  her  earliest  childhood.  She,  on  her 
side,  with  that  instinct  of  delicate  reserve  that  belongs  to 
all  noble  and  highly-gifted  natures,  had  never  dreamt  of 
talking  about  what  went  on  within  her  soul,  but  had  hidden 
all  the  wonderful  graces  of  her  interior  life  beneath  a  veil 
of  humility,  so  impenetrable  that  not  even  her  confessor 
had  discovered  anything  of  her  extraordinary  state.  In  the 
present  stage  of  her  history,  Catherine  seems  to  have  been 
under  the  impression  that  she  was  intended  to  keep  all 
these  interior  matters  a  complete  secret  between  herself 
and  her  God,  even  to  the  end  of  her  life ;  and  hence  arose 
all  the  misunderstandings,  contradictions,  and  humiliations 
by  which  she  was  so  terribly  tried  during  her  novitiate  by 
mistresses  and  superiors. 

To  begin  with,  her  states  of  supernatural  prayer,  in 
which  she  was  rapt  away  from  earthly  things,  clearly  be- 
came more  and  more  frequent  after  her  clothing ;  and,  when 


in  such  states,  it  is  easy  to  understand  how  very  inconve- 
nient it  was  for  her  to  be  subject  to  community  obliga- 
tions. She  was  constantly,  as  it  were,  in  a  most  trying 
dilemma;  being,  on  the  one  hand,  perfectly  submissive  in 
desire  to  that  discipline  of  a  noviceship  which  allows  no 
breathing-space  for  self-will,  and,  on  the  other,  having  her 
soul  in  the  grasp  of  God  Himself,  who  was  forcibly — so 
to  speak — bearing  it  away  captive  as  an  eagle  bears  its  prey 
to  the  heights.  She,  who  was  by  nature  the  very  meekest 
lamb  of  the  whole  flock,  was  thus  unwillingly  constrained 
to  appear  actually  rebellious.  When  the  Rule  called  her  to 
some  special  community  exercise,  she  was  often  not  even 
aware  of  the  hour,  being  entirely  lost  in  a  heavenly  vision. 
If  they  had  given  her  an  order,  He  who  had  stolen  her 
heart  proceeded  to  rob  her  yet  further,  not  of  the  good-will 
but  of  the  actual  time  and  power,  for  fulfilling  it ;  so  that 
those  around  could  literally  see  nothing  in  her  but  apparent 
faithlessness  and  disobedience.  The  only  religious  practices 
in  which  she  showed  herself  to  be  quite  incomparably 
assiduous  and  fervent  were  those  that  consisted  in  prayer 
and  contemplation ;  but  for  these  she  got  no  credit  at  all, 
because  of  her  seeming  to  neglect  all  the  rest.  They  could 
not  overlook  her  incapacity  for  manual  work,  and  for  learn- 
ing the  chant  of  the  Office ;  nor  what  seemed  to  be  her 
sleepiness  and  dulness  of  mind  at  recreation,  and  even  in 
spiritual  conversations.  In  the  eyes  of  her  mistresses,  this 
exclusive  taste  for  prayer  was  a  sign  of  the  spirit  of  private 
judgement  and  of  self-will.  As  to  her  companions  in  the 
novitiate,  they  were  chiefly  taken  up  with  external  prac- 
tices— rather  Marthas  than  Marys  at  this  early  stage  of 
their  Religious  career — and  were  possibly  a  little  jealous 
at  sight  of  their  young  fellow-novice's  calm  and  absorbed 
habits  of  prayer ;  at  any  rate,  they  used  to  complain  of  her, 
and  say  that  all  her  love  of  God  did  not  make  her  loving 
to  them,  for  that  she  scorned  to  take  part  in  either  their 
work  or  their  recreations. 

There  was  another  trouble  soon  added  to  all  the  spiri- 
tual discredit  that  came  upon  poor  Sister  Catherine  from 
these  apparent  breaches  of  Rule  and  from  the  public  re- 


primands  of  her  superiors.  This  was  a  further  discredit  of 
a  purely  natural  kind,  and  even  more  humiliating,  though 
having  the  same  origin.  By  dint  of  her  constant  habit  of 
interior  converse  with  her  Lord  and  Master,  her  soul  had 
become  so  concentrated  within  itself  that  all  her  faculties 
seemed  drawn  inwards,  and  she  had  the  greatest  difficulty  in 
turning  her  attention  to  the  external  things  around  her. 
When  superiors  or  companions  questioned  her  on  ordinary 
matters,  she  often  answered  like  a  person  half  asleep.  The 
right  words  seemed  only  to  come  by  a  slow  and  painful 
effort,  which  gave  an  effect  far  from  favourable  to  her  in- 
telligence. Again,  sometimes  when  she  had  actually  begun 
a  conversation,  or  was  on  her  way  with  a  companion  to 
choir  or  some  community  gathering,  her  soul  would  sud- 
denly be  rapt  away  by  a  visitation  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  so 
that  she  entirely  forgot  what  she  was  saying  or  where  she 
was  going.  There  being  no  key  whatever  to  all  such  be- 
haviour on  her  part,  in  possession  of  her  Religious  mothers 
and  sisters,  the  result  of  it  was  naturally  disastrous  for  her. 
Incidents  of  the  kind  began  to  be  looked  upon  as  either 
mere  whims,  or  strange  oddities  of  nature,  only  explicable 
by  the  existence  of  some  unusual  stupidity,  or  even  defi- 
ciency, of  mind  in  the  poor  little  novice ;  and  by  degrees, 
as  no  improvement  appeared,  it  came  to  pass  that  Catherine 
lost  all  the  consideration  she  had  enjoyed  as  a  postulant 
and  to  be  looked  down  upon  by  the  whole  community, 
even  including  her  special  mistress,  Sister  Maddalena 
Strozzi,  who  does  not  appear  at  this  time  to  have  had 
more  light  given  her  about  her  holy  little  charge  than  was 
possessed  by  others.  Hence,  the  joy  felt  by  the  nuns  on 
their  first  acquisition  of  Pierfrancesco's  saintly  child  as  a 
subject,  was  changed  before  long  to  a  depressing  convic- 
tion that  they  had  acquired  one  who  was  less  than  mediocre 
in  every  way — if  not  even  likely  to  be  an  actual  burden  to 
the  community. 

Catherine,  meantime — being,  as  we  know,  the  very 
opposite  of  dull  or  stupid — was  fully  aware  of  what  was 
going  on  around  her,  and  both  saw  clearly  and  felt  keenly 
the  change  that  was  taking  place  in  the  general  feeling  to- 



wards  her.  It  was  in  her  conduct  throughout  this  trying 
time  that  the  solidity  and  genuineness  of  her  humility 
shone  forth ;  for  the  reality  of  all  those  humble  feelings 
that  she  had  expressed  on  her  first  reception  amongst  the 
nuns,  as  to  her  unworthiness  to  be  of  their  number 
and  her  deep  reverence  for  their  holiness,  could  not  pos- 
sibly have  been  put  to  a  severer  test  than  it  now  was. 
Openly  as  she  had  talked  with  the  Religious  of  her  am- 
bition for  Dominican  perfection,  and  plainly  as  they  had 
not  hesitated  to  show  the  high  expectations  they  had 
formed  of  her,  what  must  she  not  have  felt  when  she 
found  herself  no  sooner  a  novice  than  compelled  to  fall  in 
their  estimation  ?  To  any  ordinary  girl  of  even  high  virtue 
— and  to  a  very  young  and  loving  one  most  of  all — it 
could  have  been  nothing  short  of  unendurably  bitter  to 
see  that  she  was  coming  to  be  looked  upon  with  misgiving, 
not  only  as  to  natural  fitness  for  her  high  calling,  but  as 
to  the  actual  sincerity  of  her  spiritual  aspirations,  whilst 
all  the  time  she  knew  the  misgivings  to  be  absolutely  un- 
founded. Yet  no  bitterness  of  thought  seems  for  a  moment 
to  have  entered  Catherine's  heart ;  and  perhaps  there  is 
nothing  more  touchingly  attractive  in  the  whole  of  this 
gentle  saint's  career,  and  nothing  that  brings  stronger 
conviction  of  her  early  extraordinary  sanctity  than  her 
attitude  under  this  sharp  humiliation.  Clinging  firmly  to 
her  own  deeply-rooted  belief  that  God  intended  her  to 
keep  unbroken  silence  as  to  what  passed  within,  she  never 
once  opened  her  lips  to  defend  herself  from  suspicion 
and  reprimand,  or  to  explain  the  apparent  eccentricities  of 
conduct  and  deficiencies  of  mind  which  she  knew  were 
puzzling  mistresses  and  companions  alike.  She  went  quietly 
on  her  way,  accepting  everything  without  protest,  and  taking 
the  whole  state  of  things  as  sent  by  her  divine  Spouse 
Himself  for  the  discipline  of  her  soul,  and  as  part  of 
necessary  religious  training.  She  was  unaffectedly  con- 
vinced that  it  was  infinitely  less  than  her  imperfections 
needed  or  deserved,  and  was  in  truth  not  merely  willing 
but  thankful  to  be  allowed  to  suffer  something  that  would 
bring  her  nearer  to  Christ ;  whilst  her  feelings  of  love  and 


veneration  for  those  who  were  the  immediate  causes  of 
her  suffering  only  grew  deeper. 

Thus,  in  the  midst  of  contempt,  the  heroic  little  novice 
remained  actually  happy  for  a  long  time,  and  would  have 
asked  for  no  better  lot  than  to  be  the  lowest  and  most  de- 
spised of  the  community,  had  it  not  been  for  a  terrible 
fear  that  suddenly  arose  to  disturb  her  serenity.  As  the 
prescribed  time  for  her  profession  approached,  and  she 
was  conscious  of  becoming  an  object  of  careful  observa- 
tion, she  began  to  pay  more  attention  to  what  was  said  of 
her,  and  at  last  grasped  the  alarming  fact  that  the  judge- 
ments being  pronounced  upon  her  all  tended  to  nothing 
less  than  her  dismissal  from  the  monastery  on  the  ground 
of  unsuitability.  Such  a  result  as  this  of  her  novitiate 
troubles  appears  to  have  been  unexpected  by  Sister  Cathe- 
rine until  its  immediate  probability  suddenly  burst  upon 
her ;  and  the  painful  impression  was  soon  confirmed  by  a 
distressing  incident  in  which  her  uncle,  Fra  Timoteo, 
played  the  chief  part.  This  excellent  man,  after  having 
done  all  he  could  to  help  on  his  niece's  early  vocation, 
was  now  more  seriously  troubled  than  any  one  else  at  her 
apparent  alteration.  He  was  both  tender-hearted  and  strictly 
devoted  to  duty  ;  and  here  he  found  himself  in  the  grievous 
dilemma  of  having  either  to  see  his  own  brother's  child 
imposed  on  the  communtiy  as  a  useless  burden,  or  to  agree 
to  her  being  torn  away  from  the  home  that  she  had  nearly 
died  of  longing  for.  His  grief  over  the  matter  was  so  in- 
tense that,  being  of  an  emotional  and  demonstrative  nature, 
he  could  not  prevent  its  breaking  forth  on  the  first  occa- 
sion that  arose.  One  day,  when  he  was  fulfilling  a  duty 
which,  according  to  the  custom  of  those  times,  fell  to  him 
as  spiritual  director  of  the  noviceship,  and  was  addressing 
a  few  words  of  exhortation  to  each  novice  in  turn  accord- 
ing to  her  particular  needs,  the  turn  of  his  niece  came. 
Whilst  she  was  lying  prostrate  before  him,  Mother  Mad- 
dalena  Strozzi  entered  the  room,  to  make  a  request  of  the 
Father  about  the  entry  of  a  new  postulant,  for  whom  she 
wished  him  to  act  as  mediator.  Hearing  this  suggestion, 
Fra  Timoteo  let  his  sorrow  break  forth.  "  O  Mother !  " 


he  protested,  "  what  a  difficult  and  delicate  task  you  are 
wanting  to  put  upon  me !  How  shall  I  ever  have  the 
courage  to  interfere,  and  expose  myself  again  to  the  risk 
of  bringing  incapable  subjects  into  the  convent — like  this 
poor  niece  of  mine,  whom  I  should  be  so  thankful  now 
never  to  have  allowed  to  put  her  foot  within  it  ? " 

Such  are  the  words  reported  by  Sandrini ;  and  what 
poor  Catherine  felt  on  hearing  them  uttered,  and  in  a  tone 
of  such  deep  sorrow,  one  may  guess.  Until  now,  whatever 
her  troubles  had  been — even  when  stricken  nearly  to  death 
in  her  father's  house — she  had  never  once  really  lost  heart. 
But  this  time,  seeing  herself  threatened  with  final  expul- 
sion from  her  beloved  cloister,  hope  seemed  to  die  within 
her,  and  she  felt  for  the  moment  as  if  actually  abandoned 
by  God  for  her  sins.  All  that  passed  in  that  fervent  girlish 
heart  at  this  terrible  crisis  of  her  life — what  secret  tears 
and  prayers  she  poured  forth — what  penances  she  did — to 
disarm  what  she  feared  was  the  anger  of  God  and  win  His 
ear  to  her  entreaties,  can  of  course  never  be  fully  known ; 
but  one  may  form  some  idea  of  her  inward  state  and  hid- 
den actions  from  the  outward  course  she  pursued  when 
this  fear  had  laid  hold  of  her.  She  clearly  felt  that  her  only 
chance  lay  in  an  appeal  to  the  feelings  of  the  nuns,  and 
especially  to  the  "  ancients  "  of  the  monastery,  upon  whom 
she  knew  much  would  depend.  Accordingly — putting  aside 
all  human  respect — she  now  never  met  one  of  them  any- 
where in  the  house  without  falling  on  her  knees  before 
her,  and  begging  for  her  vote  as  earnestly  as  if  her  own 
fate  depended  entirely  on  the  favour  of  that  one  nun 
only.  She  went  on  doing  this  so  constantly,  with  such 
deep  humility,  such  burning  anxiety,  and  such  lamentable 
tears  and  sobs,  that  the  Religious  could  not  help  becoming 
pitiful  and  tender  over  the  poor  novice's  bitter  grief.  To 
induce  them  by  every  means  she  could  think  of  to  soften 
further  towards  her,  and  grant  the  grace  she  asked,  Cathe- 
rine then  took  to  assuring  them,  in  the  most  naive  manner, 
"  that  she  fully  expected  to  get  from  God,  for  the  whole 
time  of  her  religious  life^  all  the  strength  and  virtue  that  she 
had  been  wanting  in  during  the  year  of  her  probation." 


Genuine  humility  bears  a  stamp  that  almost  always 
commands  both  sympathy  and  confidence,  for  the  reason 
that  God  seems  to  be  present  in  a  creature  really  empty  of 
self;  and  in  this  case  the  sisters  of  San  Vincenzio  were  at 
last  completely  won  over  by  the  humble  novice.  In  spite 
of  all  appearances  against  her  vocation,  and  of  all  the  signs 
of  general  incapacity  that  she  had  given  during  her  time 
of  trial,  they  were  so  touched  by  her  simplicity,  and  by 
the  extreme  attachment  that  she  expressed  in  such  lowly 
terms  for  the  Religious  life,  that  they  voted  for  her  solemn 
profession — trusting  to  God,  "who  giveth  grace  to  the 
humble,"  to  make  all  right.  Scarcely  had  they  recorded 
their  votes  than  their  trust  was  strangely  confirmed,  for 
a  strong  feeling  of  consolation  and  satisfaction  in  what 
they  had  done  came  over  the  whole  community :  they  felt 
as  if  they  had  performed  one  of  the  best  actions  in  their 
lives.  Then — fearing  lest  some  fresh  temptation  on  the 
subject  should  assail  them — they  desired  Catherine  to 
prepare  for  immediate  profession,  paying  no  heed  to  her 
own  desire  to  be  professed  on  the  feast  of  the  Assump- 
tion, which  was  then  about  six  weeks  off.  She  accordingly 
prepared  at  once,  and  pronounced  her  solemn  vows  on  the 
feast  of  St  John  the  Baptist,  June  24,  1536.  She  made 
her  profession  in  the  hands  of  her  step-mother's  brother, 
Fra  Angelo  da  Diacetto,  who  was  just  then  prior  of  St 
Dominic's  Friary  in  Prato,  and  who  became  afterwards 
Bishop  of  Fiesole  ;  and  her  joy  was  now  complete. 



History  of  San  Vincenzio  at  Prato  and  its  foundresses — Fresh  trials,  ill- 
ness, and  miraculous  recovery,  of  Catherine — Her  restoration  to 
favour  with  the  Community — Second  illness  and  second  cure — 
Doubts  as  to  her  extraordinary  states  finally  dispelled — Further 
trials  and  supernatural  helps — Her  victory  over  the  devil's  attacks 

ST  CATHERINE'S  solemn  Religious  profession,  which  brings 
us  to  the  real  beginning  of  her  long  career  in  San  Vincen- 
zio's  Convent,  makes  a  good  opportunity  for  giving  a  brief 
account  of  the  origin  of  this  Religious  house  and  of  its 
first  founders.  This  is  well  worth  doing,  for  the  founda- 
tion has  an  interesting  history  in  many  respects,  especially 
in  being  closely  associated  with  no  less  celebrated  a  per- 
sonage than  Fra  Girolamo  Savonarola.  Both  because  of 
his  connection  with  their  own  origin,  and  because  they 
shared  in  that  universal  enthusiasm  for  him  amongst  some 
of  his  countrymen,  which  broke  forth  again  and  again  in 
different  forms,  under  different  leaders,  for  many  years 
after  his  death,  the  great  Dominican  was  ever  looked  upon 
by  the  nuns  of  this  house  as  a  saint  and  a  prophet,  besides 
being  loved  as  practically  their  founder.  The  establishment 
of  the  house  came  about  as  follows  : 

Whilst  Savonarola,  as  prior  of  San  Marco  in  Florence, 
was  labouring  to  bring  about  the  regeneration  of  that  city, 
which  was  torn  in  pieces  by  the  ever-growing  fervour  of 
his  supporters  the  Piagnom  and  the  violent  conduct  of  his 
opponents  the  Arrabbiati^  it  is  well  known  that  from  time 
to  time  the  preacher  gave  his  followers  a  little  breathing- 
space  by  carrying  the  fiery  torch  of  his  eloquence  into  the 
neighbouring  towns  and  hamlets.  Now,  on  one  of  these 
expeditions,  in  1495,  just  three  years  before  his  death,  he 
came  to  Prato  with  a  few  of  his  friars,  to  work  at  reform- 
ing the  monasteries  and  the  morals  of  the  population. 
Here,  like  all  true  and  fervent  apostles  of  Christ's  Gospel, 
he  was  a  "cause  of  the  fall  and  the  resurrection  of  many  in 


Israel";*  but  as  a  prophet  sent  by  God,  he  announced 
beforehand  what  he  was  to  do.  He  foretold  "  falls  "  that  he 
might  get  people  to  escape  them  by  wholesome  fear ;  he 
foretold  "resurrection"  that  they  might  be  roused  up  to 
reform  by  joyful  hopes. 

One  day,  when  he  was  in  the  garden  of  Antonio 
Sacromoro,  opposite  St  Nicholas's  Church,  and  when 
somebody  had  informed  him  of  irregularities  in  a  certain 
convent  of  daughters  of  St  Catherine,  he  began  prophesy- 
ing about  them.  He  sent  them  word,  as  a  message  from 
God,  that  if  they  did  not  return  to  Christian  habits,  and 
a  more  regular  mode  of  life,  the  day  would  come  when 
they  would  be  violently  torn  from  their  cloister  by  soldiers 
and  carried  off  by  them  on  horseback.  Another  time, 
standing  with  some  of  his  friars  before  the  Convent  of  St 
Dominic,  "stretching  his  arms  towards  it,  he  pointed  to  a 
spot  close  by,  saying  that  a  fervent  community  of  holy 
virgins  would  shortly  be  established  there." 

Events  very  soon  justified  both  these  predictions.  The 
first  of  the  two  prophecies  fulfilled  was  that  of  the  "  resur- 
rection." The  power  of  Fra  Girolamo's  apostolic  preaching, 
supported  by  the  holiness  of  his  own  example,  produced 
abundant  fruits  of  grace  and  salvation  in  Prato  during  his 
stay  there ;  and,  amongst  the  souls  touched  by  God,  there 
were  several  maidens — members  of  highly-respected  fami- 
lies in  the  town — who  formed  a  plan  amongst  themselves 
for  living  a  more  perfect  life.  Savonarola,  on  leaving  Prato 
himself,  left  behind  him  at  St  Dominic's  one  of  his  Reli- 
gious called  Fra  Silvestro  de  Marradi — a  man  of  exceed- 
ing piety,  and  one  of  the  most  eloquent  preachers  produced 
by  the  training  of  San  Marco.  The  life  of  this  friar  became 
no  less  celebrated  for  the  holiness  of  his  works  than  for  the 
influence  of  his  preaching,  and  he  is  placed  in  the  ranks  of 
the  "Blessed"  of  the  order  in  Tuscany.  To  Fra  Silvestro 
these  holy  maids  betook  themselves,  seeking  at  the  dis- 
ciple's hands  the  help  they  needed  for  developing  the  germ 
planted  in  their  hearts  by  the  master.  He  did  so  well  by 
the  little  flock,  thus  brought  under  his  direction,  that  be- 

*  Luke  ii,  34. 


fore  long  its  members  both  desired  and  prepared  for  the 
monastic  life ;  and  in  the  year  1 503  they  all  appeared  be- 
fore Francesco  Salviati,  Vicar-General  of  San  Marco's 
community,  then  just  lately  arrived  in  Prato,  to  beg  for  the 
Religious  habit.  Finding  all  satisfactory,  on  inquiring,  he 
agreed  at  once  to  their  request ;  and,  on  August  29  in  that 
year,  gave  them  the  habit  in  St  Dominic's  Church,  in 
presence  of  their  fervent  director  Fra  Silvestro,  then  prior. 
The  young  novices  were  nine  in  number ;  and,  as  the 
sisters  of  St  Catherine's  Monastery  made  difficulties  about 
receiving  them,  it  became  needful  to  see  about  a  new 
foundation,  both  for  them  and  for  a  good  many  more  who 
seemed  anxious  to  follow  their  example.  Pope  Julius  II 
was  approached  on  the  subject,  and  gave  the  required  au- 
thority for  founding  the  new  convent,  under  the  patron- 
age of  St  Vincent  Ferrer.  Thus,  eight  years  after  Girolamo 
Savonarola's  prediction  in  Prato,  the  Religious  house  of  San 
Vincenzio  sprang  into  being :  foretold  by  his  prophetic 
lights,  created  in  germ  by  his  apostolic  word,  and  finally  made 
fruitful  by  his  death.  It  was,  however,  four  years  from  the 
date  of  its  foundation  when  the  convent  came  to  occupy  the 
actual  spot  that  he  had  pointed  out,  near  the  Gualdimari 
Gate,  which  opens  on  the  road  to  Pistoja. 

The  second  event  which  verified  Savonarola's  prophecy 
— that  of  the  "fall"  of  the  unfaithful  nuns  and  their  con- 
vent— was  also  the  occasion  of  a  special  intervention  of 
divine  Providence  for  the  protection  of  San  Vincenzio, 
then  still  in  its  early  days.  This  event  happened  in  the 
year  1512.  The  pope  and  the  emperor  together  had  sent 
arms  against  Florence,  to  punish  that  city  for  having 
sided  with  the  French,  harboured  schismatics,  and  refused 
to  join  the  League  of  Cambrai  by  restoring  the  Medici. 
This  army — commanded  by  the  Viceroy  of  Naples,  Ray- 
mond of  Cordona — attacked  the  town  of  Prato,  which  is 
almost  at  the  gates  of  Florence.  Having  taken  it  by  assault 
they  gave  it  up  to  all  the  horrors  of  pillage.  It  is  terrible 
even  to  imagine  what  was  done  in  the  devoted  town  by  an 
army  of  12,000  men,  amongst  whom  were  nearly  three 
hundred  apostate  monks  of  various  orders,  and  four  thou- 


sand  Moors  : — the  general  destruction — the  thefts — and 
the  offences  of  all  kinds  in  churches  and  monasteries.  Then 
it  was  that  St  Catherine's  Convent,  which  had  despised 
Savonarola's  warning,  became  the  prey  of  an  enemy,  all  the 
more  terrible  that  it  was  at  that  moment  the  blind  instrument 
of  the  anger  and  vengeance  of  the  Most  High,  for  crimes 
committed  in  the  sanctuary  and  against  monastic  rule. 
"A  great  number  of  the  nuns,"  says  Serafino  Razzi, 
"  were  actually  snatched  from  their  cloister  and  carried  off 
by  the  soldiers  on  the  cruppers  of  their  horses." 

The  story  told  of  the  Sisters  of  San  Vincenzio  is  as 
follows :  They  had  all,  it  is  said,  assembled  in  the  church, 
with  a  number  of  girls  who  had  rushed  in  from  the  town 
to  take  shelter  in  the  convent.  Suddenly,  whilst  they  were 
all  praying,  the  doors  of  the  house  were  noisily  flung 
open,  and  threatening  cries  were  heard,  accompanied  by 
the  sound  of  men's  footsteps  coming  rapidly  up  to  the 
upper  floor  where  the  church  was.  Three  Spanish  captains, 
as  fully  bent  as  the  lowest  of  their  soldiers  on  murder,  pillage, 
and  even  licence,  had  rushed  in ;  but  they  were  stopped, 
the  tradition  says,  by  a  miracle.  Having  reached  a  sort  of 
vestibule  just  outside  the  church-door,  they  saw  facing 
them  a  statue  of  the  glorious  Virgin  Mary  which  seemed 
to  be  living.  With  a  gesture,  and  in  a  tone  of  authority, 
the  Mother  of  God  spoke  and  commanded  them  to  respect 
this  monastery  and  to  watch  over  it,  promising  them  the 
reward  of  paradise  if  they  would  faithfully  obey  her.  The 
three  men,  suddenly  changed  from  raging  foes  into  ardent 
defenders,  entered  the  church  still  carrying  their  naked 
swords,  and  thereby  terrifying  the  crowd  of  Religious  and 
girls  into  shrieking  out  to  them  to  spare  their  lives.  Great 
was  the  astonishment  of  the  poor  women  when  the  officers 
reassured  them  by  walking  straight  to  the  altar  and  swear- 
ing on  its  sacred  stone,  not  only  to  do  them  no  harm,  but 
to  take  them  under  their  protection  and  defend  them  from 
all  attacks.  The  promise  was  faithfully  kept ;  for  the  monas- 
tery remained  uninjured  and  in  perfect  peace  for  the  whole 
twenty-two  days  of  the  army's  occupation,  during  which 
there  was  universal  desolation  outside. 


This  miraculous  deliverance  occurred  on  the  feast  of 
St  John  the  Baptist,  and  in  memory  of  the  wonderful 
grace  the  grateful  community  instituted  a  solemn  yearly 
celebration  of  the  saint's  day.  In  the  morning,  Mass  of 
our  Lady  was  sung  with  full  choir,  and  there  was  a  general 
Communion ;  in  the  evening,  a  brilliant  procession  tra- 
versed all  the  chief  parts  of  the  convent,  in  which  our 
Lady's  statue  was  carried  in  triumph,  by  torchlight  and 
with  singing  of  sacred  canticles.  There  is  a  likeness  in  this 
incident  to  the  wonderful  security  in  which,  by  divine 
protection,  the  nuns  of  St  Dominic's  first  foundation,  at 
Prouille,  lived  through  the  devastations  and  outrages  of 
the  heretic  army  that  invaded  that  town.  Lacordaire  re- 
marks on  this,  that  God  seems  to  be  specially  touched  by 
the  first  works  of  saints,  which  have  a  purity  and  sweet- 
ness all  their  own.* 

The  nine  foundresses  of  this  favoured  Religious  house, 
as  well  as  some  who  entered  the  convent  afterwards,  and 
were  Saint  Catherine's  companions  for  a  time,  have  had 
their  special  characteristics  gracefully  traced  by  some  of 
the  early  biographers  and  chroniclers  of  the  convent. 
Amongst  them  were  several  women  not  far  inferior,  in 
holiness  and  beauty  of  character,  to  the  saint  herself.  To 
give  an  account  of  each  here,  however,  would  take  more 
space  than  can  be  afforded;  and  we  must  content  ourselves 
with  shortly  reproducing  the  portrait  of  the  most  remark- 
able and  important  of  all  that  company  of  holy  virgins: — 
Sister  Raffaella  da  Giovanni  da  Fae"nza. 

This  really  great  Dominican  woman  brought  to  the 
work  of  foundation  not  only  conspicuous  virtues,  but  all 
the  mental  qualification  needed  for  making  these  of  effect. 
There  was  no  nun  in  the  house  more  humble  or  more  ex- 
act in  observing  every  detail  of  rule  and  of  community 
life.  From  the  time  of  her  entry  into  Religion  she  adopted 
a  habit  of  saying  the  whole  Psalter  every  day,  and  of  spend- 
ing the  hour  just  before  Matins  in  prayer.  Much  given  to 
thought,  she  soon  grasped  the  fact  that,  as  nothing  really 
great  or  high  had  ever  been  done  for  God,  or  for  the  per- 

*  Vie  de  St  Dominique,  chap,  iv,  p.  182. 


fecting  of  souls  in  the  Church,  except  by  true  sanctity,  so 
her  monastery  could  never  be  worthily  established  except 
by  the  help  of  a  great  saint.*  From  the  moment  that  she 
clearly  saw  this  the  thought  never  left  her;  and  she  made 
the  gift  of  a  real  saint  to  the  community  the  chief  object 
of  her  longest  and  most  fervent  prayers.  The  second  object 
for  which  she  most  earnestly  petitioned,  and  which  she 
joined  in  her  thoughts  with  the  first  as  its  necessary  corol- 
lary, was  the  advantage  of  a  more  spacious  and  suitable 
church  than  the  small  and  poor  oratory  they  had  begun 
with.  Her  idea  was  that  a  beautiful  and  well-arranged 
church  should  hold  the  same  position,  as  regarded  the 
material  structure  of  the  monastery,  that  a  saint  would 
hold  in  the  spiritual  fabric — namely,  the  furthering  of 
perfection  by  helping  souls  to  reach  more  easily  to  union 
with  God. 

Providence,  which  had  its  special  designs  on  Sister 
Raffaella,  soon  afforded  her  the  opportunity  of  carrying 
out  her  high  aims  as  to  the  Religious  life  in  her  commu- 
nity. When  Mother  Maria  d'Antonio  Santo,  the  first 
prioress  of  San  Vincenzio,  knew  herself  about  to  die,  she 
begged  the  sisters  to  vote  for  Raffaella  as  her  successor, 
assuring  them  that  her  youth  would  be  fully  made  up  for 
by  the  help  that  she  would  get  from  God.  This  promise 
was  fully  justified,  for  the  new  prioress  governed  the  con- 
vent with  wisdom  and  prudence  far  beyond  her  age.  She 
kept  her  office  for  twenty-two  successive  years,  on  account 
of  the  monastery's  being  still  under  process  of  formation; 
and  for  the  whole  of  that  time  she  gave  perfect  satisfaction 
both  to  her  own  sisters  and  to  the  Fathers  of  the  Order 
who  directed  them,  whilst  her  guidance  was  also  of  im- 
mense profit  to  the  souls  under  her  charge.  Her  govern- 
ment was  a  wonderful  mixture  of  gentleness  and  severity. 
Cheerful  and  serene  of  heart,  and  in  manner,  she  never- 
theless always  carried  a  discipline  hung  to  her  girdle,  with 
which  she  punished  on  the  spot  every  public  fault  or 
breach  of  rule  that  she  saw  committed,  f  At  the  same  time 
her  sweetness  and  kindness  were  perfect ;  and  the  love  she 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  I,  cap.  viii,  p.  18.  t  Ibid- 


bore  to  her  sisters  in  Religion  was  so  real  that  it  overflowed 
even  on  their  relations,  to  whom  she  gave  the  most  affec- 
tionate proofs  of  it  when  they  came  on  visits  to  the  con- 
vent. One  of  the  things  she  watched  most  strictly  over  in 
the  house  was  silence,  as  being  the  greatest  possible  safe- 
guard of  fervent  contemplation  and  prayer.  Above  all,  she 
insisted  on  its  observance  in  the  dormitories,  where  she 
would  not  allow  the  very  smallest  noise.  By  such  means 
did  she  pursue  her  sublime  end :  the  desire  that  her 
monastery  should  produce  a  great  saint,  for  whose  appear- 
ance she  thus  prepared  the  soil,  being  herself  the  pre- 
cursor of  Saint  Catherine — the  angel  "  sent  before  her 
face  to  prepare  her  ways." 

The  thread  of  Sister  Catherine's  own  history  may  now 
be  taken  up  again  where  we  left  it : — at  the  moment  of 
her  Religious  profession.  This  irrevocable  act,  far  from 
being  the  end  of  her  trials,  was  only  the  beginning  of 
more  and  greater  ones.  The  Dominican  theologian,  John 
Tauler,  says,  speaking  of  those  who  are  to  be  drawn  into 
the  closest  union  with  God :  "  It  is  not  our  heavenly 
Father's  custom  to  use  half-measures  in  purifying  a  soul 
that  He  destines  to  such  high  favours.  He  bathes  it — 
plunges  it — throws  it,  so  to  speak,  headlong — into  a  per- 
fect ocean  of  bitterness,  as  He  threw  His  prophet  Jonas 
into  the  sea,  and  as  He  made  His  tempests  to  overwhelm 
the  soul  of  David."  So  did  He  now  act  with  regard  to 
Catherine ;  and  in  her  case  there  was  special  reason  for 
such  purification,  from  the  nature  of  the  graces  to  be  be- 
stowed upon  her.  She  was  to  be  not  only  the  spouse  of 
Jesus  Christ,  but  of  Jesus  Christ  crucified^  and  hence  it  was 
with  His  sufferings  that  she  would  be  particularly  associated. 
In  preparation  for  this,  it  was  necessary  that  before  being 
allowed  to  share  the  sufferings  of  God  she  should  under- 
stand the  full  depths  of  human  grief;  and  that,  before 
putting  her  lips  to  the  chalice  of  His  Passion,  she  should 
have  steeped  them  in  the  bitter  cup  of  our  pains  and  tribu- 
lations here  below.  Through  these  trials  we  have  to  follow 
her  in  the  next  five  years  of  her  life. 

Her  first  trouble  was  a  repetition,  but  increased,  of 


what  she  had  already  suffered  from  others.  The  return 
of  sympathetic  feeling,  which  had  made  Catherine's  sisters 
in  Religion  receive  her  to  the  act  of  solemn  Profession, 
hardly  outlasted  the  time  necessary  for  arranging  and  ac- 
complishing that  act ;  and  it  was  she  herself  who  put  an 
end  to  the  feeling,  by  the  very  increase  of  fervour  brought 
about  in  her  own  heart  through  the  gratitude  that  she  felt 
for  the  favour  she  had  received.  Acting  on  this  impulse, 
she  plunged  deeper  than  ever  into  the  hidden  life,  and  into 
her  former  habits  of  solitary  intercourse  with  the  super- 
natural world.  As  before,  these  habits  betrayed  themselves 
by  what  appeared  to  be  fits  of  absent-mindedness*  and 
eccentricities  of  conduct,  which  annoyed  those  around  her 
and  again  alienated  all  her  companions'  affections  and  in- 
terest; only,  this  time,  the  states  which  caused  her  be- 
haviour being  intensified  in  degree,  the  effects  were  more 
noticeable  than  formerly.  Consequently,  a  month  had  barely 
gone  by  when  the  poor  girl  found  herself  in  a  worse  posi- 
tion of  universal  discredit  with  the  community  than  during 
her  novitiate,  for  she  was  not  now  the  object  of  even  the 
slight  degree  of  consideration  and  attention  that  had  at- 
tached to  her  position  as  a  probationer.  She  had  become 
simply  a  fait  accompli — and  an  unwelcome  and  useless  one, 
whom  everybody  soon  began  treating  almost  as  if  she  were 
not  there  at  all.  Her  biographer  describes  her  as  being 
"completely  put  on  one  side,  and  looked  upon  as  no- 
thing." f  They  adopted  the  plan  of  not  even  caring 
whether  she  was  present  or  absent  at  the  regular  com- 
munity exercises,  simply  taking  for  granted  that,  if  not 
there,  she  was  hidden  in  some  corner  or  other  of  the 
monastery,  rapt  in  one  of  her  states  of  abstraction — or, 
as  they  now  took  to  often  calling  these,  her  sleepy  fits.  In 
short,  they  appear  to  have  behaved  to  the  saint,  for  the 
whole  of  this  strange  period  of  her  career,  much  as  they 
would  have  done  to  an  actual  idiot  of  inoffensive  kind,  in 
whom  no  strange  doings  could  cause  surprise,  but  whom 

*  On  the  subject  of  "  raptures  "  such  as  close  the  senses  to  all  outward  things,  see 
St  Teresa's  CAAteau  Int/rieur :  Sixi&mes  "Demeures,   chap,  iv,  v. 
f  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  viii,  p.  28. 


they  felt  at  perfect  liberty  to  treat  with  a  sort  of  contemp- 
tuous pity,  and  even  to  ridicule  in  a  good-natured  way  if 
they  came  across  her.  Thus,  they  are  said  sometimes,  when 
she  happened  to  be  present  at  spiritual  conferences,  to  have 
amused  themselves  by  asking  her  questions ;  and  by  then 
laughing  at  the  extraordinarily  humble  replies  that  she 
gave,  as  fresh  proofs  of  mental  incapacity  and  foolishness. 
Such  conduct  on  the  nuns'  part  does  not  impress  one  with 
their  wisdom ;  but  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  it  was  all 
expressly  allowed  by  our  Lord  for  Catherine's  more  utter 
humiliation.  The  higher  were  the  graces  He  gave  her,  the 
lower  did  she  sink  in  the  opinion  of  her  sisters  and  su- 
periors ;  and  when  the  sense-life  was  entirely  suspended  in 
her,  by  reason  of  the  soul's  being  rapt  away  to  a  region  of 
supernatural  light  and  activity,  the  immovability  of  her 
body  was  taken  for  nothing  but  a  prolonged  fainting-fit 
arising  from  weak  health. 

Now,  however  great  were  the  delights  of  her  raptures 
and  ecstasies,  when  she  came  back  from  them  to  the  shadows 
of  this  life  she  certainly  did  not  find  her  power  of  suffering 
any  the  less  for  having  enjoyed  them.  Her  sensitively 
tender  heart  was  cruelly  torn  by  the  indifference  and  dis- 
dain of  her  companions;  for  though,  in  her  humility,  she 
would  have  willingly  remained  the  lowest  in  the  house,  it 
was  quite  a  different  matter  to  find  herself  bereft  of  all 
affection ;  and  she  could  by  no  means  comfort  herself, 
humanly  speaking,  under  such  a  trial.  Nevertheless,  it 
was  the  one  that  God  had  decreed  for  her,  and  which 
He  left  her  to  bear  without  mitigation  for  two  years. 
She  had  to  learn  in  advance,  by  her  own  personal  experi- 
ence, the  full  meaning  of  that  "  Canticle  of  the  Passion  " 
which  the  Blessed  Virgin  was  to  reveal  to  her  later  on  ; 
and,  especially,  to  be  able  with  her  own  heart  to  sympa- 
thize truly  in  that  complaint  of  Jesus  Christ's  Heart : 
"  My  friends  and  my  neighbours  have  drawn  near,  and 
stood  against  Me.  All  they  that  saw  Me  have  laughed  Me  to 
scorn  :  they  havespoken  with  thelips,  and  wagged  the  head."* 

But  all  this  was  only  the  beginning,  and  the  least  evi- 

*  Ps.  xxxvii,  12;  xxi,  8. 


dent  part,  of  Catherine's  troubles.  Two  years  after  her 
profession — in  the  year  1538,  when  she  was  sixteen  years 
old — she  was  suddenly  seized  with  an  illness  that  was  as 
extraordinary  in  its  complications  as  it  was  serious  in 
kind.  She  is  said  to  have  suffered  from  four  separate 
diseases  with  sufficient  intensity  in  each  to  bring  her  to 
death's  door ;  and  yet  she  had  to  lie  sick  of  their  com- 
bined torture  for  two  years  uninterruptedly.  The  doctors, 
who  had  been  puzzled  from  the  beginning  by  the  nature 
of  this  strange  seizure,  became  fairly  bewildered  when 
they  found  that  the  complaint  baffled  all  their  efforts 
against  it,  as  time  went  on.  In  fact,  all  their  experiments 
on  the  patient,  for  either  cure  or  alleviation,  only  seem  to 
have  resulted  in  making  her  worse ;  so  that  at  last  they 
had  to  give  up  all  attempts  at  treating  her  and  leave  the 
disease  to  take  its  course.  The  poor  young  saint's  condi- 
tion from  her  sixteenth  to  her  eighteenth  year  is  described 
as  heartrending ;  whilst  the  sweet,  patient  submission  and 
courage  of  the  sufferer  are  said  to  have  been  as  wonderful 
and  as  touchingly  impressive  as  the  illness.  Sandrini  says : 
"All  those  who  were  witness  of  Catherine's  state  were  con- 
tinually moved  even  to  tears ;  and  they  found  it  almost 
equally  hard  to  understand  how  the  good  and  just  God 
could  allow  such  innocence  to  suffer  so  terribly  and  un- 
intermittingly,  and  how  so  feeble  a  being  could  be  thus 
torn  to  pieces  by  incessant  pains  without  uttering  a  single 
cry  or  complaint,  such  as  might  have  been  some  slight  re- 
lief to  nature."*  But,  though  man  could  not  see  it,  God 
was  in  fact  preparing  this  chosen  soul  by  such  severe  treat- 
ment for  His  double  design  upon  it — first,  for  its  glorious 
participation  in  the  mysterious  sufferings  of  God  the  Son  ; 
and,  secondly,  for  the  necessary  return  of  the  community's 
sympathy  and  respect  for  the  saint,  through  the  spectacle 
of  her  supernaturally  heroic  virtue  under  trial. 

For  with  the  coming  of  this  cross  the  former  one  dis- 
appeared, the  sisters  having,  very  soon  after  the  strange  ill- 
ness began,  become  deeply  interested  in  the  once-despised 
Catherine  and  most  earnestly  anxious  for  her  recovery. 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  xvii,  p.  206. 


With  this  object  they  took  to  praying  incessantly,  and  to 
hoping  that  a  cure  might  be  effected  by  some  sort  of  miracu- 
lous help  if  it  were  impossible  by  human  means.  They  had 
prayed  thus  perseveringly  for  nearly  two  years — besieging 
with  entreaties,  and  making  vows  to,  our  Lady  and  all  the 
special  saints  whose  intercession  they  desired — without  re- 
sult ;  when  the  approach  of  a  particular  date,  celebrated  in 
the  monastery,  suggested  to  the  community  that  they  should 
make  a  vow  to  certain  "  Blessed  "  of  the  Order  whose  me- 
mory the  date  revived.  It  was  the  anniversary  of  the  death 
of  Savonarola  and  his  companions. 

As  has  been  said  above,  the  cultus  of  this  great  man, 
which — despite  the  tragic  and  humiliating  circumstances 
of  his  death — had  constantly  been  kept  up  by  ardent  fol- 
lowers and  imitators  in  many  parts  of  Italy,  was  nowhere 
so  fervent  as  at  San  Vincenzio's.  Besides  cherishing  his  me- 
mory as  a  sacred  thing,  the  Religious  preserved  with  the 
greatest  care  some  objects  that  had  belonged  to  him,  and 
also  a  few  of  his  own  ashes,  saved  by  some  generous  hand 
from  the  decree  which  condemned  them  to  be  all  thrown 
into  the  Arno.  These  relics  the  nuns  boldly  honoured  as 
if  authenticated  for  those  of  a  martyr,  which  they  held 
Savonarola,  with  his  companions  Domenico  and  Silvestro, 
to  be.  They  venerated  his  pictures,  invoked  his  interces- 
sion, and  kept  the  day  of  his  death  as  the  feast  of  his  entry 
into  heaven.  Catherine,  though  last  of  all  the  community 
in  the  knowledge  of  this  cultus,  surpassed  everybody  in  her 
devotion  to  its  object.  Accordingly,  when  her  sisters  in 
Religion  determined  on  making  a  special  vow  to  "  Fra 
Girolamo  and  his  companions  "  for  obtaining  her  cure  (we 
are  not  told  what  the  particular  vow  was),  she  joined  fer- 
vently with  them,  three  days  before  the  feast  in  question. 
On  the  eve  of  this  feast — which,  that  year,  was  also  the 
eve  of  Trinity  Sunday — the  sick  girl  begged  to  be  left 
quite  alone  in  her  cell,  so  that  she  might  pray  with  more 
fervour.  The  Monastery  Chronicle  relates  that,  while  thus 
left  by  herself,  about  four  o'clock  in  the  morning  she 
managed  to  get  up  and  crawl  to  the  little  altar  on  which 
the  relics  of  Savonarola  were  placed  ;  and  that  there,  lean- 


ing  exhausted  on  this  altar,  she  dropped  her  head  on  her 
arms  and  fell  asleep.  In  her  sleep  she  had  a  vision  of  three 
Dominican  friars,  resplendent  in  glory,  of  whom  she  be- 
lieved the  middle  and  most  glorious  of  all  to  have  been 
Fra  Girolamo.  The  chronicler  thus  describes  it :  "  Sister 
Catherine,  addressing  this  middle  one,  said :  '  Who  are 
you  ? '  *  What ! '  replied  the  friar, c  do  you  not  know  me  ? ' 
*  No,  Father,'  said  Catherine,  ' 1  know  you  not.'  '  But  of 
whom  have  you  begged  your  cure  ? '  he  answered.  '  Of  Fra 
Girolamo,'  she  instantly  responded.  £  Well !  I  am  Fra  Giro- 
lamo, and  I  am  come  to  cure  you.  But  you  must  first  pro- 
mise me  always  to  obey  your  superiors  and  your  confessor, 
and  then  you  must  go  to  confession  this  morning  so  as  to 
receive  Communion.'  With  that,  he  made  a  large  sign  of 
the  cross  over  her,  and  she  found  herself  perfectly  cured. 
Frightened  at  first  by  so  sudden  and  great  a  change,  her 
fright  soon  gave  way  to  joy,  and  to  the  liveliest  gratitude 
to  God."* 

Such  is  the  account  given  in  the  convent  archives  of 
this  event,  so  memorable  to  the  community  as  being  be- 
lieved by  them  to  establish  the  blessedness  of  Savonarola 
and  his  companions.  It  had  also  the  immediate  effect  of 
sensibly  modifying  the  sisters'  attitude  towards  Catherine 
in  respect  of  her  extraordinary  states  of  mind,  which  they 
felt  unable  to  judge  so  severely  after  such  a  proof  as  this 
of  her  being  under  the  special  protection  of  heaven,  as  well 
as  after  watching  the  heroic  courage  that  she  had  shown 
throughout  her  long  illness.  They  began  now  to  wonder 
whether,  under  the  appearance  of  what  they  had  looked 
upon  as  mere  common  "  faintings  and  sleepy  fits,"  there 
had  not  been  hidden  something  of  a  much  higher  nature. 
They  tried  to  recall  circumstances,  and  to  remember  exactly 
what  had  been  Sister  Catherine's  appearance  and  proceed- 
ings when  in  these  states.  They  recollected  that,  instead  of 
having  closed  eyes  and  drooping  head,  as  in  ordinary  heavy 
slumbers — or  a  pale,  livid  face,  and  nerveless  body,  as  in 
common  fainting  fits — or  convulsive  and  revolting  move- 
ments with  foaming  at  the  mouth,  as  in  epilepsy — she  had 

*  Le  Lettere,  etc. — Document!,  etc.,  p.  48. 


had  her  eyes  open,  and  sometimes  a  most  brilliant  colour 
in  her  cheeks ;  had  remained  firmly  in  whatever  attitude 
she  had  been  in  when  the  seizure  came  upon  her — whether 
kneeling,  standing,  or  sitting — without  any  sign  of  weak- 
ness or  relaxed  muscles ;  and,  however  insensible  to  what 
was  around  her,  had  never  made  a  sign  or  movement  to 
inspire  any  feelings  but  those  of  piety  in  anybody  near 
her.  Recalling  all  this,  and  looking  at  the  young  sister 
now  with  very  different  personal  feelings  from  those  they 
had  formerly  entertained  towards  her,  the  nuns,  and  their 
spiritual  director  with  them,  came  finally  to  the  conclusion 
that  they  had  been  mistaken  in  their  earlier  judgement  of 
Catherine's  strange  states,  and  that  these  had  probably 
been  signs  of  some  supernatural  intervention  concerned 
with  her  soul.  Consequently,  after  serious  deliberation,  it 
was  decided  that  her  interior  spiritual  state  should  be 
examined  with  all  necessary  prudence,  so  that  its  con- 
formity with  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  the  absence  of  any 
possible  delusions  from  the  spirit  of  lies,  should  be  fully 

The  venerable  Father  Timoteo,  accordingly,  had  the 
humble  Catherine  brought  before  him.  He  began  by  pro- 
fessing great  surprise  and  displeasure  at  her  having  con- 
cealed from  him,  and  only  let  him  hear  through  others, 
things  that  he,  as  her  confessor,  ought  to  have  heard  straight 
from  herself.  He  then  went  on  to  dilate  on  her  imprudence 
in  practising  such  entire  want  of  openness  with  her  su- 
periors, by  which  conduct  she  had  exposed  her  soul  to 
the  danger  of  becoming  a  victim  of  the  devil's  delusions 
and  snares ;  and  finally  ordered  her,  in  virtue  of  the  au- 
thority he  held  from  God,  to  give  him  then  and  there  an 
account  of  everything  that  she  saw  and  heard  in  her  states 
of  rapture.  This  was  a  sharp  blow  to  the  Saint's  humility 
and  habits  of  silence,  but  obedience  prevented  her  from 
opposing  such  a  direct  command ;  so,  falling  on  her  knees 
at  the  feet  of  her  spiritual  father,  she  humbly  begged  his 
pardon  for  never  having  revealed  her  interior  graces  to 
him,  and  (says  the  author  of  the  anonymous  life)  "con- 
fessed with  great  simplicity  and  frankness  that  it  had  never 


entered  her  head  that  she  might  be  deceived  in  such  matters 
by  the  devil."  *  Then,  amid  tears  and  sobs,  and  with  such 
confusion  as  might  have  been  shown  by  a  criminal  from 
whom  a  confession  was  being  wrung,  she  told  him  about 
all  the  apparitions  she  had  had  of  our  Lord,  of  the  Blessed 
Virgin,  and  of  the  Saints ;  about  the  holy  instructions  that 
she  had  received  in  such  visions  on  the  great  mysteries  of 
religion;  and  about  the  injunctions  that  had  been  laid  upon 
her.  Lastly,  she  described  the  effect  of  all  these  visions — 
how,  after  at  first  having  given  her  a  certain  sense  of  fear, 
they  had  always  ended  by  filling  her  soul  with  deep  peace, 
intense  joy,  and  great  love  of  God. 

Father  Timoteo,  on  hearing  all  this,  was  too  wise  to 
show  the  pleasure  he  inwardly  felt  at  such  an  account,  given 
by  a  soul  so  full  of  innocence  and  so  truly  dear  to  his  own 
heart.  He  even  pretended  at  first  to  think  them  all  delu- 
sions, and  told  his  niece  that  such  visions  were  only  traps 
laid  by  the  infernal  spirit  to  attract  and  mislead  souls. 
Then,  to  put  her  on  her  guard  in  future,  he  ordered  her 
positively  to  make  the  sign  of  the  Cross  over  every  spirit, 
or  figure,  that  might  appear  to  her;  and  to  receive  all  such 
apparitions  with  marks  of  nothing  but  contempt.  Cathe- 
rine, we  are  told,  exclaimed  nafvely  at  this:  "What!  Father, 
do  you  tell  me  I  am  to  show  marks  of  contempt  to  Jesus 
Christ,  and  to  His  holy  Mother  and  the  Saints  ?  Is  it  pos- 
sible ? "  But  she  only  got  from  her  uncle  in  reply  a  severe 
reproof,  and  the  observation  that  God  and  His  saints  love 
what  springs  from  obedience  before  all  things,  so  that  a  con- 
temptuous sign  ordered  by  this  can  be  nothing  in  their 
eyes  ;  whilst  the  devil,  being  the  embodiment  of  pride  and 
disobedience,  cannot  endure  contempt.  The  holy  man  next 
appointed  the  very  sister  who,  it  may  be  remembered,  she 
had  long  ago  been  told  in  a  vision  would  one  day  be  her 
special  superior — Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi — to  be  her  per- 
sonal guardian  and  mistress,  from  whom  she  was  to  con- 
ceal nothing  that  happened  to  her  interiorly ;  and  he  con- 
cluded the  interview  by  strictly  enjoining  her  to  come 
every  evening,  before  she  went  to  bed,  to  give  him  an  ac- 

*  Vita  tAnonima,  ch.  ix,  p.  65. 


count  of  whatever  she  had  heard  or  seen  by  means  of  visions 
or  ecstasies  throughout  the  day. 

Poor  Catherine  seems  to  have  been  greatly  overwhelmed 
by  this  close  examination  into  her  state  and  these  orders, 
and  to  have  felt  herself,  though  in  a  different  form,  once 
more  the  object  of  mistrust.  The  hitherto  unknown  fears, 
too,  which  had  been  aroused  in  her  mind  by  Father  Ti- 
moteo's  words,  and  the  idea  that  she  might  possibly  be 
deceived  by  the  devil,  were  naturally  more  terrible  to  such 
a  soul  than  any  of  the  trials  she  had  had  before.  Indeed, 
she  hardly  knew  how  to  bear  a  state  of  things  which  com- 
pelled her  actually  to  dread  the  coming  of  heavenly  favours, 
and  to  try  even  to  repel  the  inspirations  of  the  Holy  Spirit 
and  the  familiar  intercourse  of  the  Divine  Spouse.  Mean- 
time, she  was  not  spared  fresh  sufferings  and  trials  of  ex- 
terior kind.  About  six  months  after  her  cure,  towards  the 
end  of  October  in  1540,  she  was  attacked  with  smallpox, 
which  was  just  then  raging  in  Prato  in  a  peculiarly  violent 
form.  It  exhausted  the  strength  of  its  victims,  so  as  to 
bring  them  to  death's  door,  with  extreme  rapidity  and  the 
accompaniment  of  sharp  pains.  The  whole  monastery  was 
in  consternation  when  Catherine  fell  ill  of  this  disease — 
not  so  much  on  account  of  the  complaint  itself  and  its 
mortal  nature,  as  because  it  seemed  so  inexplicable  that 
this  pure  soul  should  again  have  such  severe  treatment 
from  Providence.  The  sisters  even  began  to  doubt  whether 
the  former  cure  had  been  a  true  miracle,  and  to  frighten 

•*  O 

themselves  with  the  thought  that  perhaps  it  had  been  a  de- 
moniacal work. 

The  Saint  had  been  lying  between  life  and  death,  in 
great  agony,  for  nearly  a  month,  when  she  was  once  more 
cured  after  much  the  same  manner  as  before,  only  being 
this  time,  she  believed,  awakened  from  sleep  by  a  sudden 
touch,  and  beholding  again  the  same  three  friars  who  had 
appeared  to  her  in  her  sleep  on  Savonarola's  feast.  The 
one  whom  she  had  formerly  held  to  be  Fra  Girolamo  him- 
self again  cured  her  by  the  sign  of  the  Cross,  after  making 
her  acknowledge  that  she  wished  to  have  her  health  re- 
stored if  it  was  the  will  of  God ;  but  on  this  occasion  he  is 


described  as  healing  her  gradually,  by  making  the  sacred 
sign  over  her  several  times,  and  as  afterwards  forbidding 

o  *  o 

her  to  leave  her  cell  (which  she  was  on  the  point  of  doing 
at  once)  until  she  had  leave  from  the  infirmarian  to  do  so 
— to  which  prohibition  he  added  an  exhortation  to  be  al- 
ways obedient  in  the  smallest  things,  patient  in  trial,  and 
humble  before  God. 

This  fresh  miracle  set  the  returning  doubts  of  the 
Community  entirely  at  rest,  and  increased  the  respect  that 
they  had  begun  to  feel  for  God's  great  designs  on  Cathe- 
rine's soul,  after  her  first  cure.  The  sisters  appear  to  have 
been  somewhat  ashamed  of  their  inclination  to  rash  judge- 
ment, and  anxious  to  second  the  Saint's  gratitude  to  God 
for  her  restoration  by  joining  most  earnestly  in  the  thanks 
that  she  offered  to  our  Lord.  In  the  fervour  of  her  grati- 
tude, Catherine  wrote  a  Lauda,  or  song  of  praise  and 
thanks,  to  the  three  holy  friars,  Girolamo,  Domenico  and 
Silvestro,  in  which  she  gave  full  vent  to  her  feelings  of 
love  and  veneration  for  her  "  Founder "  and  his  com- 

But  even  now  the  end  had  not  come  of  Catherine's 
troubles,  physical  or  mental.  From  this  latter  part  of  1 540 
to  the  end  of  1541 — being  till  just  over  five  years  from 
her  Profession — she  was  constantly  subjected  to  sharp 
sufferings,  interior  and  exterior,  of  a  kind  clearly  inflicted 
by  God  as  the  immediate  means  of  that  absolutely  perfect 
purification  necessary  for  her  special  calling.  Innocent  and 
holy  as  she  might  be,  there  was  evidently  still  left  some 
small  remnant  of  self  that  must  be  pressed  out,  no  matter 
at  what  cost,  before  peace  could  come. 

As  regards  bodily  sufferings  during  this  year,  three  are 
particularly  mentioned. 

First,  an  extraordinary  pain  in  the  teeth,  of  which  she 
is  said  to  have  been  miraculously  cured  by  the  intervention 
of  Fra  Girolamo,  and  then,  within  a  short  interval,  two 
strange  illnesses,  which  took  the  form  of  sudden  poisoning, 
with  most  violent  internal  pains,  great  swelling  of  the  body, 
tremblings,  and  convulsions.  Of  these,  also,  she  was  mira- 
culously cured :  the  first  time,  Razzi  tells  us,  by  a  vision 


of  St  Thomas  Aquinas,  who  not  only  cured  her,  but  filled 
her  with  consolation,  exhorted  her  to  go  oftener  to  Commu- 
nion, and  told  her  that  her  prayers  had  delivered  her  mo- 
ther's soul  from  Purgatory  ;  the  second  time,  through  the 
application  by  Maddalena  Strozzi  of  Savonarola's  relic.* 

These  two  attacks  appear  both  to  have  taken  place  to- 
wards the  end  of  her  five  years'  probation  ;  but  before  this 
time  Catherine  had  been  undergoing  a  course  of  terrible 
trials  of  a  more  directly  spiritual  kind  than  had  yet  been 
her  lot.  These  came  from  the  enemy  of  souls  himself,  with- 
out some  attempts  from  whose  jealousy  and  malice  it  was 
not  likely  that  such  a  soul  would  long  remain  ;  and  of 
whose  subtle  deceits,  moreover,  it  was  doubtless  as  neces- 
sary that  she  should  learn  something  as  it  was  for  her  to 
experience  purely  human  troubles.  Satan,  F.  Filippo  Guidi 
tells  us,  attacked  Catherine  in  two  different  ways.  First,  he 
attempted  to  hinder  her  from  praying,  by  those  external 
means  that  one  so  often  hears  of  his  being  allowed  to  em- 
ploy against  very  holy  people  :  by  noises,  horrible  sights, 
disgusting  odours,  and  even  actual  shaking  of  the  place  that 
she  was  praying  in ;  whilst  she  sometimes  also  heard  him, 
as  if  full  of  bitter  grief,  entreating  her  to  be  satisfied  with 
making  him  powerless  against  herself,  and  not  to  snatch  the 
souls  of  others  from  his  grasp. 

But  these  open  attacks,  her  biographer  goes  on  to  say, 
were  nothing  at  all  to  the  Saint  compared  to  the  spiritual 
snares  and  subtle  illusions  with  which  he  next  took  to  be- 
sieging her.  He  was  allowed  so  to  counterfeit  the  inward 
operations  of  grace  as  very  nearly  to  draw  her  into  all  sorts 
of  imprudent  excesses  in  her  devotions,  and  to  produce 
appearances  of  heavenly  visions  so  overpowering  in  their 
splendour  that  any  less  perfectly  humble  and  watchful  soul 
than  Catherine  might  have  been  quite  deceived.  She,  how- 
ever, having  light  to  see  through  the  deception,  felt  only 
most  intense  grief  and  mistrust  of  self  under  these  attacks, 
and  redoubled  the  fervour  of  her  entreaties  to  God.  At  last, 
we  are  told,  the  devil  made  a  peculiarly  bold  attempt  by 
appearing  to  her  in  the  form  of  St  Peter  with  his  keys, 

*  Seraf:  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  vi,  pp.  63,  64, 


on  the  eve  of  the  great  Apostle's  feast  in  1541  ;  when  the 
glory  and  venerableness  of  his  aspect  were  so  great  that  she 
at  first  forgot  her  prescribed  custom  of  making  the  sign  of 
the  cross  and  showing  contempt  as  a  test,  and  for  a  few 
minutes  gazed  trembling  and  awestruck  at  the  vision.  Satan 
took  advantage  of  this  to  deliver,  in  the  capacity  of  the 
saint,  an  exhortation  so  strange  in  conception  that  it  is 
worth  giving  a  full  account  of.  He  is  described  as  having 
spoken  in  a  tone  of  "  gentle  remonstrance  and  noble  gra- 
vity," and  as  if  filled  with  interest  in  the  monastery.  He 
reproached  Catherine,  and  the  other  nuns  too,  for  putting 
their  trust  so  exclusively  in  the  protectors  that  they  had 
chosen  for  themselves  in  heaven,  as  this  made  them  neg- 
lect seeking  help  from  man.  He  said  it  was  tempting  God 
and  the  saints  ;  and  that  it  was  exacting  too  much  from  the 
latter  to  try  to  draw  them  away  from  the  enjoyment  of  their 
eternal  happiness  and  glory,  and  get  them  to  be  always 
occupying  themselves  with  the  wretched,  petty  affairs  of 
this  world.  It  would  be  much  wiser — and  more  according 
to  the  right  order  of  Providence  as  well — for  them  to  keep 
within  their  appointed  earthly  sphere,  and  to  seek  protec- 
tors and  patrons  amongst  the  rich  and  powerful  here  below, 
who  were  far  better  able  to  appreciate  their  needs,  and  to 
supply  them. 

By  such  language — coming  apparently  from  one  of  the 
Blessed  themselves — it  is  easy  to  understand  that  the  evil 
one  overshot  his  mark.  Its  impiety  and  blasphemy — her 
momentary  delusion  once  over — struck  Catherine's  heart 
with  a  shock  through  all  its  disguise  of  holy-sounding  ac- 
cents; and,  horrified,  she  made  the  sign  of  the  Cross,  call- 
ing for  God's  help  with  all  her  might,  when  the  wolf  in 
sheep's  clothing  speedily  took  to  flight  by  disappearing  with 
all  his  apparent  glory. 

Then  followed — still  according  to  Guidi — a  reward  of 
the  young  saint's  faithfulness  and  humility.  This  false  vi- 
sion left  her  in  a  state  of  utter  depression  and  sadness — 
not  merely  because  of  this  particular  attack  itself,  but  be- 
cause she  felt  so  cast  down  and  terrified  at  the  thought  of 
being  constantly  exposed  to  such  temptation,  and  in  clanger 


of  falling.  Unable  to  bear  the  prospect  of  future  trials  of 
the  kind,  she  determined  on  one  tremendous  act  of  confi- 
dence in  God  whereby  to  call  down  His  special  mercy  on 
her  state  of  trouble.  She  flung  herself  then  and  there  at  the 
feet  of  her  crucifix,  resolved  not  to  rise  until  she  had  re- 
ceived the  grace  of  final  delivery  from  her  fears;  and  there 
she  spent  the  whole  night,  in  such  trusting  and  fervent 
prayer  that  our  Lord  could  not  deny  Himself  to  so  much 
love.  He  not  only  appeared  to  her  with  the  greatest  and 
most  comforting  aspect  and  manner,  but  He  crowned  His 
favours  by  giving  her  a  solemn  promise  that  she  should 
never  be  the  victim  of  Satan's  treacherous  deceits.* 

*  Filippo  Guidi,  cap.  xxxiv,  pp.  78-80. 




Some  joys  accompanying  these  trials — Our  Lord  changes  Catherine's  heart 
— The  beginning  of  her  great  ecstasy  of  the  Passion 

THE  time  of  sharp  trial,  just  recorded  as  having  lasted  with 
more  or  less  severity  for  the  five  first  years  of  Catherine's 
professed  life,  was  not  without  its  notable  alleviations  in  the 
form  of  supernatural  joys.  Besides  the  wonderful  Divine 
promise  recounted  at  the  end  of  the  last  chapter  concern- 
ing her  diabolical  temptations,  several  most  consoling  vi- 
sions, or  other  marvellous  visitations,  are  narrated  as  having 
been  sent  to  rejoice  the  Saint's  heart  in  the  midst  of  her 
sufferings;  and  these  seem  to  have  been  especially  frequent 
in  the  last  year  of  the  five.  For  instance — to  take  a  few  of 
the  most  notable  mentioned  by  Razzi — when  she  was  offer- 
ing very  earnest  thanks,  in  the  chapel,  on  Christmas  Day, 
1 540,  for  the  two  miraculous  cures  that  she  believed  due 
to  Savonarola's  intercession,  a  very  beautiful  appearance  of 
Our  Lady  with  the  Sacred  Infant  in  her  arms,  and  seem- 
ingly accompanied  by  Fra  Girolamo,  is  recorded,  when 
Catherine  was  allowed  to  take  the  Holy  Child  into  her 

Another  vision  of  our  Lady  and  the  saints — but,  this 
time,  surrounding  our  Lord  Himself  in  all  the  glory  of 
His  Resurrection — is  said  to  have  taken  place  on  the  Whit 
Tuesday  following,  in  the  dormitory  corridor,  and  to  have 
completely  dazzled  her  by  its  brilliancy.  This  vision  was 
the  cause  of  a  miraculous  occurrence  that  immediately  fol- 
lowed it — namely,  of  a  gentle  reproach,  uttered  next  morn- 
ing through  the  figure  of  our  Lord  which  Catherine  had 
detached  from  the  cross  of  her  cell  crucifix,  the  better  to 
contemplate  and  lovingly  adore  it.  A  voice,  seeming  to 
come  from  this  figure,  admonished  the  holy  young  nun 
that  she  had  committed  a  fault  of  disobedience,  in  having 
decided  that  it  was  not  necessary  to  go  and  tell  her  confessor 


about  the  vision  that  had  appeared  to  her  the  day  before, 
because  none  of  the  saints  had  spoken  to  her.  Catherine,  we 
are  told,  melted  into  tears  at  such  a  reproach,  with  heart- 
felt entreaties  for  pardon;  and  we  may  safely  conclude  that 
she  never  again  committed  an  act  that  could  offend  in  the 
slightest  degree  against  Religious  obedience. 

Again,  in  the  early  part  of  '41,  the  saint  is  recorded  to 
have  been  miraculously  confessed  by  a  father  sent  from 
heaven,  who  took  the  form  of  her  Uncle  Timoteo,  the 
community  confessor,  when  the  latter  was  really  absent 
from  Prato.  A  similar  miracle  is  related  of  St  Elizabeth  of 
Hungary,  who  had  St  John  the  Baptist  to  hear  her  con- 
fession :  only  in  Catherine's  case  it  was  not  a  canonized 
saint  whom  she  believed  to  have  been  thus  sent,  but  once 
more  the  "Holy  Father  and  Founder"  of  her  convent, 
Fra  Girolamo.* 

But,  of  all  the  visions  related  as  having  been  granted 
to  the  holy  maiden  during  this  period,  the  one  of  most 
interest  and  importance,  as  being  immediately  related  to 
the  great  purpose  for  which  she  was  being  prepared,  is  the 
following,  which  we  give  as  verbally  taken  from  Razzi : 

"It  was  the  Friday  before  Palm  Sunday,  in  the  begin- 
ning of  April,  1541.  Catherine  had  gone  after  dinner  into 
a  chapel  in  the  garden,  to  gain  a  weekly  plenary  indulgence 
which  Pope  Paul  III  had  attached  to  a  large  cross  that  was 
put  up  there.  When  she  reached  the  threshold  she  raised 
her  eyes,  and  saw  before  her  three  crosses  instead  of  one ; 
and  on  the  middle  one  she  beheld  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ 
in  so  torturing  an  attitude  that,  from  the  violent  shock 
caused  by  her  first  sight  of  it,  she  all  but  fainted  with  grief. 
However,  making  a  great  effort,  she  went  nearer  to  the 
cross,  and  there  looked  close  at  a  lamentable  sight  indeed. 
Our  divine  Lord's  head,  as  though  almost  severed  from 
the  neck,  hung  down  on  His  breast  in  such  a  manner  that 
His  face  rested  upon  it.  The  breast  so  protruded  that 
all  the  ribs  appeared  to  be  dislocated.  His  hair — here  and 
there  in  disorder — fell  partly  over  His  face,  and  streamed 
with  blood,  as  did  His  beard  also.  From  the  large  opening 

*  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  iv  and  v. 


in  His  side  the  blood  gushed  forth  as  from  a  fountain.  All 
the  rest  of  His  body,  torn  and  bruised,  was  covered  with 
livid  spots  and  clotted  blood.  His  hands  were  stretched  so 
far  above  His  body  that  it  seemed  as  if  flesh  and  bone 
must  soon  break  apart,  whilst  the  body  itself — weighed 
down  towards  earth — appeared  on  the  point  of  falling.  At 
the  foot  of  the  cross  was  a  pool  of  blood,  around  which 
some  women  were  moaning  and  wailing. 

Poor  Sister  Catherine,  finding  herself  in  presence  of 
such  a  heartrending  spectacle,  was  torn  with  inward  con- 
flict :  on  one  hand,  she  did  not  feel  courage  to  endure  the 
sight,  and  on  the  other  she  had  not,  at  first,  strength  to 
leave  the  spot.  At  last,  recommending  herself  to  God,  she 
tore  herself  away  as  best  she  could;  and  having,  with  great 
difficulty,  got  back  to  her  cell,  she  was  forced  to  take  to 
her  bed,  utterly  crushed  with  the  force  and  anguish  of  the 
sensations  she  had  undergone;  and  there  she  had  to  remain 
for  ten  days,  suffering  an  actual  illness  from  the  compas- 
sion that  had  overwhelmed  her  for  her  crucified  God.* 

Catherine  understood  from  this  vision  that  the  great- 
est sufferings  of  her  life  were  to  come — and  that  before 
long — from  union  with  the  Passion  of  her  Divine  Spouse; 
but  (Razzi  goes  on  to  tell  us)  on  rising  from  the  sick-bed 
to  which  her  grief  had  brought  her  she  was  almost  imme- 
diately consoled  and  strengthened  by  a  second  apparition, 
typical  of  the  joy  that  should  follow  her  future  sufferings. 
In  this  vision  St  Mary  Magdalen  appeared,  and  led  the 
awe-struck  maiden  into  the  presence  of  Christ,  standing  in 
her  own  cell  amid  the  dazzling  light  set  forth  by  His  glo- 
rified body.  She  was  allowed  to  approach  and  kiss  His  sa- 
cred feet  and  the  wounds  in  His  side;  and  she  offered 
humble  petitions  for  her  Religious  Sisters,  that  they  might 
be  always  protected  from  the  snares  of  the  devil.  After  this, 
our  Lord  dismissed  her  at  sound  of  the  office  bell.f 

We  come  next  to  one  of  the  greatest  events  of  the 
saint's  early  Religious  life,  which  took  place  on  June  6  in 
the  same  year — 1541.  This  was  no  less  than  that  marvel- 
lous mystical  transformation  that  had  also  been  formerly 

*  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  v,  pp.  59,  60.  t  Ibid,  p.  61. 


worked  in  Catherine's  namesake  of  Siena,  and  that  took 
place  during  her  own  century  in  St  Philip  Neri — the  mys- 
terious event  of  a  change  of  heart.  Sister  Catherine  de'  Ricci 
is  said  by  Razzi  to  have  prayed,  like  her  predecessor  and 
her  contemporary,  that  God  would  give  her  "  a  new  heart, 
all  divine  and  heavenly";  and  she  received  this  signal  fa- 
vour on  the  feast  of  Corpus  Christi. 

The  account  given  of  the  occurrence  is  that  on  the 
morning  of  that  day,  after  receiving  Holy  Communion,  she 
was  rapt  in  spirit  into  heaven.  There  it  seemed  to  her  that 
the  glorious  Queen  of  Angels  presented  her  to  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  begging  Him,  with  humble  insistence,  to  be 
graciously  pleased  to  change  Catherine's  heart,  as  she  had 
so  long  desired.  The  Son  of  God  heard  and  granted  His 
august  Mother's  prayer  without  delay.  Then  did  the  Saint, 
in  one  of  those  transports  of  love  such  as  the  Blessed  ex- 
perience, feel  something  mysterious  take  place  within  her 
heart;  and  she  was  conscious  at  the  same  time  of  what  felt 
like  a  flood  of  entirely  new  life  coursing  suddenly  through 
her  veins.  The  Divine  Redeemer  had  in  that  moment  taken 
away  her  heart  and  given  her  a  new  one,  formed  on  the 
model  of  that  of  His  most  holy  Mother,  the  Virgin  Mary.* 

An  immense  and  unspeakable  joy  seized  hold  of  Ca- 
therine when  she  thus  found  herself  in  possession  of  an- 
other life — of  a  fresh  existence,  in  fact — far  superior  to  her 
former  one.  This  was  no  illusion  caused  by  her  miraculous 
presence  in  the  home  of  the  Blessed;  for,  when  she  had  re- 
gained her  senses  and  come  back  to  earth,  she  saw  clearly 
that  it  was  a  real  blessing  and  gift  of  the  Divine  bounty. 
She  felt  her  soul  still  so  raised  above  earthly  things  and  so 
illuminated  as  to  the  things  of  God,  that  she  seemed  to  be 
living  no  longer  in  this  dreary  world,  but  in  the  abode  of 
eternal  light.  Accustomed  as  she  had  already  become,  from 
the  heights  of  contemplation  to  which  her  Divine  Spouse 
had  led  her,  to  gazing  on  marvellous  visions  from  the  eter- 
nal regions,  yet  the  summits  whither  this  new  heart  seemed 
to  carry  her  opened  out  of  her  spiritual  sight  such  marvels 
as  made  her  declare  "  that  she  did  not  know  herself."  In 

*  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  vi,  p.  63. 


short,  she  seems  to  have  experienced  something  of  the 
burning  love  and  fervour  bestowed  by  the  Holy  Ghost  on 
the  Apostles  in  the  Cenacle.  She  never  tired  of  declaring 
that  she  was  now  living  in  a  climate  and  breathing 
an  atmosphere  not  of  this  world,  and  that  this  heavenly 
air  had  become  the  food  of  her  new  life.*  It  was  to  her 
faithful  guardian,  Sister  Maddalena,  that  she  made  (as  in 
duty  bound)  these  confidences;  and,  after  talking  about  her 
wonderful  state,  Razzi  says  that  she  would  protest  to  her 
devoted  mistress:  "  No!  you  must  no  longer  call  my  heart 
Catherine 's  heart — you  must  call  it  the  heart  of  the  glorious 
Virgin  Mary!" 

Now,  however  great  may  be  the  beauty  and  however 
sublime  the  perfection  of  those  seraphic  souls  on  whom 
Christ  is  pleased  to  bestow  such  extraordinary  favours  as 
these,  they  are  not  usually  granted  except  to  those  whom 
God  predestines  for  some  public  mission  in  the  Church; 
and  just  in  this  way  did  our  Lord  act  with  regard  to  Saint 
Catherine  de'  Ricci.  When  He  took  away  her  heart,  and 
gave  her  another  like  to  that  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,  He  gave 
her  also  a  public  office  corresponding  to  the  grace.  This 
office  was  to  reproduce,  in  her  own  person,  after  the  pattern 
of  His  Mother  at  the  foot  of  the  Cross,  all  the  actions  of 
Jesus  Christ  when  He  saved  the  world  through  the  suffer- 
ings of  His  Passion.  This  great  mystery  of  our  redemption 
always  has  been,  and  always  will  be,  the  abiding  object  of 
contemplation  for  Christian  souls.  All  saints  in  turn  have 
in  some  form  followed  the  bleeding  path  to  Calvary,  there 
to  kiss  His  footsteps  and  to  water  them  with  their  tears; 
and  many  amongst  them  have  had  the  privilege  of  either 
receiving  the  sacred  Stigmata,  or  of  partially  showing  His 
pains  by  some  other  means,  in  their  own  bodies.  But  since 
the  most  holy  Virgin  herself  felt  every  separate  suffering 
of  her  Son  by  attending  Him  to  the  cross  and  the  tomb, 
our  historians  declare  that  none  of  the  saints — no  matter 
how  they  might  have  suffered  with  and  for  Christ,  nor  even 
though  they  had  been  honoured  with  the  Stigmata — had 
ever  before  reproduced  the  mystery  of  the  Compassion  to  the 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xvii,  p.  61. 


same  degree  as  Catherine  de'  Ricci  was  called  to  do:  none 


had  personally  retraced,  as  she  did,  all  its  incidents. 

It  was  on  the  first  Thursday  of  February,  1542,  that 
Catherine — then  twenty  years  old — had,  for  the  first  time, 
this  wonderful  ecstasy  which  was  destined  to  be  renewed 
every  week  until  the  year  1554.  Beginning  always  on  a 
Thursday  at  noon,  it  went  on  till  four  o'clock  on  Friday 
evening,  thus  lasting  twenty-eight  hours. 

The  following  was  the  regular  order  of  this  marvellous 
phenomenon : 

It  began  with  the  touching  scene  of  separation  between 
Jesus  and  His  Mother,  which  lasted  four  hours,  during 
which  Catherine  heard  the  Son  and  Mother  discourse  on 
the  great  mystery  about  to  be  wrought. 

At  four  o'clock,  she  followed  Jesus  as  He  set  out  from 
Bethany  for  Jerusalem;  and,  on  the  way,  she  listened  to  the 
wonderful  words  in  which  He  described  to  His  disciples, 
that  He  might  strengthen  them,  all  the  details  of  the  forth- 
coming events.  On  entering  the  city,  she  went  towards 
Mount  Sion,  where  the  Cenacle  was. 

She  entered  this  sacred  room  at  five  o'clock,  and  was 
present  at  the  Last  Supper,  at  the  washing  of  feet,  at  the 
institution  of  the  Holy  Eucharist,  and  at  that  beautiful 
discourse  which  followed,  up  to  the  words  :  "Arise!  let  us 
go"  These  different  actions  took  up  two  hours. 

At  seven  o'clock  she  left  the  Cenacle  and  wended  her 
way  to  the  Mount  of  Olives,  preceding  our  Lord  and  His 

Jesus  waited  a  few  minutes  in  the  house  close  by  the 
Garden  of  Gethsemane  ;  and  it  was  eight  o'clock  when 
Catherine  followed  Him  as  He  entered  the  Garden.  For 
three  hours  she  watched,  as  all  the  phases  of  the  Great 
Mystery  of  the  Agony  were  gone  through — Our  Saviour's 
prayer,  prostrate  on  the  ground  ;  His  repugnance,  and 
His  resignation,  before  the  chalice  of  His  Passion  ;  the 
angel's  apparition,  and  the  bloody  sweat. 

At  eleven  o'clock  she  beheld  Jesus,  feeling  that  His 
enemies  were  near,  rise,  and  go  to  seek  His  disciples ;  and 
for  half-an-hour  she  heard  Him  exhorting  them  to  watch 


and  pray.  Then  Judas  arrived  with  his  band  of  soldiers  ; 
she  saw  them  felled  to  the  earth  by  our  Lord's  word,  and 
was  then  present  at  the  flight  of  His  disciples,  at  His  arrest, 
and  at  all  the  insults  heaped  upon  him  up  to  the  hour  of 

At  that  hour  they  started  for  Jerusalem,  and  reached 
the  house  of  Annas  at  one  o'clock  in  the  morning.  There 
she  was  witness  of  the  questions  put  to  Jesus — which  lasted 
half-an-hour — and  of  the  blow  given  to  Him  by  the  High 
Priest's  servant. 

Another  half-hour  was  taken  up  in  going  to  the  tribu- 
nal of  Caiphas,  and  waiting  there  for  his  hour  of  giving 

It  was  not  until  two  in  the  morning  that  Jesus  appeared 
before  Caiphas.  His  interrogations  and  appeals,  the  testi- 
mony of  the  false  witnesses,  and  the  hypocritical  indigna- 
tion which  caused  the  chief  priest  to  tear  his  garments, 
lasted  a  little  over  an  hour. 

A  little  after  three  o'clock  Catherine  followed  Jesus  to 
Pilate's  judgement  seat,  before  which  (having  taken  some 
little  time  in  going  and  in  waiting)  they  actually  appeared 
only  at  about  a  quarter  to  four.  This  corresponded  to  St 
John's  statement,  when  he  says  that  it  was  "morning" 
erat  autem  mane. 

Pilate  questioned  our  Blessed  Lord  for  half-an-hour, 
and  then  sent  Him  back  to  Herod.  The  latter  contemptu- 
ously sent  Him  back  after  another  half-hour's  examination, 
which — including  the  time  of  the  walk — caused  Him  to 
reappear  before  Pilate  at  half-past  five.  This  magistrate, 
knowing  the  wickedness  and  treachery  of  the  Jews,  inter- 
rogated Jesus  yet  once  more  for  half-an-hour,  trying  to 
find  some  means  of  getting  Him  out  of  their  hands  with- 
out compromising  himself.  But  he  yielded  at  last  like 
a  coward  to  their  threatening  clamour,  and  condemned  Him 
to  be  tied  to  the  column,  there  to  undergo  the  torture  of 
scourging.  This  cruel  punishment,  begun  at  six  o'clock, 
only  came  to  an  end  at  a  quarter  past  seven. 

The  instant  it  was  over  the  saint  beheld  the  soldiers 
press  round  Jesus  to  crown  Him  with  thorns.  She  said 


that  out  of  respect  for  this  sacred  crown,  our  Redeemer 
placed  Himself  reverently  on  His  knees  to  receive  it.  The 
soldiers,  however,  soon  compelled  Him  to  sit  down,  that 
they  might  insult  Him  the  more  easily ;  when  they  put  a 
reed  in  His  hand,  spit  on  Him,  and  did  all  those  insult- 
ing acts  described  in  holy  Scripture. 

At  eight  o'clock,  she  saw  Pilate  take  Jesus  from  the 
soldiers'  hands,  and  present  Him  to  the  people,  saying, 
Ecce  Homo.  Then  she  witnessed  all  the  fluctuations  of  that 
feeble  soul,  wavering  between  the  innocence  of  the  divine 
Prisoner  and  the  furious  demands  of  the  mob  which  called 
for  His  blood. 

She  heard  the  sentence  of  death  pronounced  upon  our 
Lord  at  half-past  nine,  and  watched  them  spend  half-an-hour 
in  preparing  the  instrument  of  His  execution.  It  was  ten 
o'clock  on  Friday  morning  when  they  presented  Him  with 
His  Cross ;  and  she  saw  Him  humbly  bend  His  sacred 
shoulders  to  receive  it,  and  carrying  it  painfully  up  the 
steep  ascent  of  Calvary,  not  without  falling  several  times 
under  the  weight.  He  reached  the  summit  of  the  moun- 
tain at  eleven,  and  an  hour  was  spent  in  first  making  the 
needful  preparations  and  in  then  stripping  Him  of  His 
garments  and  nailing  Him  on  His  gibbet  of  shame. 

At  the  second  noon  of  her  ecstasy,  Catherine  beheld 
the  Cross  raised  upright,  and  gazed  on  Jesus  hanging  there 
alive,  for  three  whole  hours,  between  the  anger  of  heaven 
and  the  outrages  and  blasphemies  sent  up  to  Him  from 

He  died  at  three  o'clock ;  and  at  four  His  body  was 
taken  down  from  the  Cross  and  placed  in  the  arms  of  His 
forlorn  mother. 

At  that  moment  the  saint  came  out  of  her  ecstasy,  hav- 
ing not  only  beheld,  but  suffered  in  her  own  soul  and  body, 
every  act  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  throughout  His  most 
painful  Passion — an  agony  that,  as  His  faithful  spouse, 
she  was  to  experience,  not  once  only,  but  every  week  for 
twelve  years  of  her  life. 

In  this  ecstasy,  as  in  all  her  others,  Catherine's  face 
wore  a  supernatural  splendour  and  a  majestic  expression 


proper  to  an  angelic  countenance  alone,*  which  inspired 
those  who  looked  upon  her  with  both  deep  respect  and  a 
strong  attraction  for  the  things  of  God.  But  whilst,  in  her 
usual  states  of  rapture,  she  remained  motionless — her  eyes 
fixed,  and  no  sign  visible  of  what  she  felt  except  changes 
from  pallor  to  crimson  in  her  face,  according  to  the  emo- 
tions she  might  be  going  through — in  her  ecstasy  of  the 
Passion  her  body  moved  in  conformity  with  the  gestures, 
attitudes  and  all  the  various  motions  of  our  Lord's  own 
body  throughout  His  sufferings.  For  instance,  she  held 
out  her  hands  as  if  to  be  bound,  at  the  hour  of  His  cap- 
ture; she  stood  majestically  upright  to  represent  His  fasten- 
ing to  the  pillar  for  the  scourging ;  bent  her  head  as  though 
to  receive  the  crown  of  thorns;  and  so  with  all  other  inci- 
dents of  the  Passion.  She  adopted  all  these  attitudes  and 
made  all  these  movements  with  such  gentle  gravity  and 
modesty  as  to  call  to  mind  that  divine  Lamb  prophesied 
of  by  Isaias  who  should  be  "dumb  before  the  shearers" 
and  should  "open  not  His  mouth  before  the  slaughterer." 

When  all  outward  action  was  suspended,  the  spectators 
knew  by  the  words  she  used  what  part  of  the  sacred  drama 
she  had  reached.  Thus,  in  the  calm  and  solemn  time  of  its 
beginning,  she  was  evidently  in  the  house  at  Bethany,  be- 
cause words  fell  from  her  lips  such  as  Jesus  might  address 
to  His  Mother  in  bidding  her  farewell.  Again,  a  shudder- 
ing of  her  form,  with  a  cry  to  her  Creator  to  spare  her, 
betrayed  the  agony  when  the  terrible  sufferings  were  ap- 
proaching; whilst  soon  afterwards  she  was  heard  to  offer 
herself  unreservedly  to  Jesus,  that  she  might  share  His 
pains  to  the  full  extent  of  His  holy  will;  and,  later  on  still, 
she  would  call  on  her  divine  Spouse  to  help  her  in  bearing 
the  heavy  weight  of  the  cross,  and  wonder  "how  He  could 
have  borne  it  Himself,  tender  and  delicate  as  He  was!"f 

Often  she  would  take  occasion  from  the  various  suffer- 
ings of  Jesus  Christ  to  address  fervent  exhortations  to  her 
sisters  on  the  fulfilment  of  their  Rule  and  the  practise  of 
monastic  virtues,  which  she  did  with  a  knowledge,  lofti- 
ness of  thought  and  eloquence  not  to  be  expected  from  a 

*  Compendia  delta  f^ita,  etc.,  cap.  iv,  p.  21.          t  Vita  Anonima^  cap.  viii,  p.  57. 


woman,  and  especially  from  a  woman  neither  learned  nor 
literary — so  says  one  of  her  historians ;  and  he  adds  that 
one  would  have  thought  that  a  consummate  theologian  or 
father  of  the  Church  was  speaking.  The  same  historian  also 
says  that  she  would  speak  during  these  ecstasies  in  different 
characters,  i.e.,  sometimes  in  the  person  of  Christ,  some- 
times in  that  of  His  Mother  or  of  St  Dominic,  and  some- 
times again  in  her  own  name — and  that  she  would  vary  her 
voice  accordingly.  Again,  he  tells  us  that  at  times  she  broke 
forth  into  ejaculations  or  invocations  to  her  divine  Spouse 
so  full  of  burning  love,  or  compassion  for  His  sufferings, 
that  her  hearers  could  not  but  feel  themselves  extra- 
ordinarily inflamed  with  love  of  God;  whilst  sometimes 
she  would  speak  directly  to  sinners,  reproaching  them 
with  ingratitude,  and  moving  any  who  might  happen  to 
be  present  to  tears  of  tender  compunction.  She  prayed  also 
at  intervals  most  fervently  for  her  sisters  in  religion — both 
giving  thanks  for  them  and  begging  pardon  for  their 
faults;  for  the  universal  Church  and  all  its  needs;  for  the 
remission  of  all  sin;  and  lastly  for  herself,  that  she  might 
not  become  the  victim  of  Satan  by  means  of  some  secret 
fault  existing  beneath  all  these  heavenly  favours.* 

Notwithstanding  the  saint's  abstraction  from  whatever 
was  passing  round  her  during  this  ecstasy,  if  any  one  pre- 
sent thought  of  begging  some  particular  grace  from  God, 
or  merely  of  asking  His  blessing  by  the  hand  of  His  servant, 
her  arm — while  the  rest  of  her  body  still  remained  motion- 
less— immediately  moved  towards  the  person  who  had  thus 
prayed,  and  she  made  the  sign  of  the  cross  over  the  suppli- 
cant. This  action,  it  is  said,  inspired  all  who  saw  it  with 
a  sense  of  mingled  awe  and  fear,  as  at  a  divine  apparition; 
for  it  was  felt  that  God  Himself  had  instantly  answered 
a  secret  thought  of  the  heart  by  His  faithful  handmaiden's 

This  marvellous  contemplation  of  Sister  Catherine's 
always  went  on  uninterrupted  for  its  full  course  of  twenty- 
eight  hours,  save  for  the  one  break  of  her  receiving  holy 
Communion.  When  this  time  arrived,  her  soul  came  down 

*  Vita  Anonima,  cap.  viii,  pp.  57-59. 


from  the  heights  of  rapture,  and  she  reassumed  her  senses 
to  honour  Jesus  Christ  in  the  sacrament  of  His  body  and 
blood;  but  after  having  received  it,  she  was  rapt  again  into 
her  ecstasy  at  the  point  where  she  had  quitted  it.  We  arc 
told  that  every  time  this  hour  of  Communion  recurred,  it 
was  announced  to  those  in  the  house  by  a  delightful  per- 
fume which  seemed  to  exhale  from  her  body,  and  which 
scented  the  whole  quarter  of  the  convent  that  she  inhabited, 
thus  making  known  her  longing  to  receive  her  Lord,  which 
was  at  once  complied  with. 

When  at  last  the  great  ecstasy  was  over,  she  came  forth 
from  it  even  as  a  brave  soldier  comes  off  the  battle-field: 
her  body  covered  with  the  wounds  she  had  received  in  this 
glorious  combat  of  love  and  suffering.  The  bleeding  signs 
of  likeness  to  her  crucified  Spouse  were  imprinted  on  her 
whole  person,  which  bore  visible  marks  of  the  scourging, 
of  the  thorn-crown,  of  the  crucifixion,  and  even  of  the 
cords  they  had  used  to  take  Him  down  from  the  cross.* 

*  Vita  Anonitna,  cap.  viii,  p.  59. 



The  Ecstasy  of  the  Passion  is  examined  by  the  Provincial  and  by  the 
General  of  the  Order — Their  favourable  verdict — Other  doubts  set 
at  rest — The  "Canticle  of  the  Passion"  revealed  to  Catherine 

So  considerable  a  phenomenon  as  the  ecstasy  just  described 
could  not,  of  course,  fail  to  produce  an  enormous  sensation 
in  San  Vincenzio's  Convent.  From  the  first  day  that  it  oc- 
curred, in  fact,  the  house  may  be  described  as  having  been 
literally  turned  upside  down — not,  however,  as  might  per- 
haps be  supposed,  by  any  hasty,  enthusiastic  excitement, 
but  rather  by  a  general  feeling  of  truly  religious  fear  and 
mistrust.  The  holy  women  who  formed  the  community 
were  too  really  wise,  and  the  marvel  was  too  great  a  one, 
for  them  to  adopt  a  blind  belief  in  its  divine  authenticity. 
Accustomed  to  put  into  practice  St  John  the  Evangelist's 
advice  with  regard  to  supernatural  gifts,  which  advice  re- 
quires that  they  should  be  tested  before  acceptance,  the 
nuns  reserved  their  opinions  all  the  more  completely  that 
they  felt  the  grace  to  be  so  extremely  wonderful  if  it  were 
really  authentic.  Through  humility,  they  dared  not  hope 
this ;  through  love  for  their  Sister  Catherine,  and  for  the 
honour  of  their  monastery,  they  dreaded  nothing  so  much 
as  a  deception.  Never  before  had  they  felt  so  closely 
threatened  by  some  appalling  artifice  of  Satan's.  Thus, 
throughout  the  community,  there  burst  forth  one  great 
explosion,  so  to  speak,  of  prayer  against  such  a  possible 

Apart  from  the  general  good,  there  was  not  a  single 
Religious  in  the  house  who  did  not  shudder  at  the  very 
thought  that  so  holy  and  humble  a  soul  should  become 
the  sport  of  the  devil ;  and  nobody  was  so  anxiously  con- 
cerned about  this  as  the  saint  herself.  It  was  touching  to 
see  her,  on  coming  out  of  her  ecstasies,  throw  herself  pro- 
strate at  the  feet  of  her  companions,  and  entreat  them, 
with  tears,  to  obtain  for  her  by  the  fervour  of  their  prayers 


what  she  feared  she  could  not  get  by  her  own.  The  supe- 
riors of  the  convent,  on  their  part,  did  all  they  could  by 
recommending  the  strictest  discretion  in  speech  to  prevent 
any  account  of  the  wonder  from  getting  prematurely  known 
outside ;  but  Providence,  apparently  intending  the  ecstasy 
to  be  made  public,  defeated  their  precautions,  and  allowed 
the  matter — whether  by  means  of  pupils  in  the  school  who 
found  it  out  and  reported  to  their  parents,  or  by  seculars 
who  came  into  the  convent  for  employment  and  gossipped 
in  the  town,  was  not  known — to  get  bruited  so  universally 
in  Prato  that  it  soon  reached  Florence,  and  came  to  the 
ears  of  the  Father  Provincial  of  the  Roman  Dominican 
province,  to  whom  the  chief  jurisdiction  of  San  Vincenzio 
belonged.  This  office  was  held  just  then  by  Padre  Fran- 
cesco Romeo  di  Castiglione,  a  worthy  son  of  San  Marco's 
in  his  piety,  zeal  for  regular  observance,  and  remarkable 
learning ;  all  of  which  qualities  caused  him  to  be  raised 
later  on  to  the  dignity  of  General  of  the  whole  Order,  and 
to  become  one  of  the  most  noted  theologians  in  the  Coun- 
cil of  Trent.  Hearing  all  these  rumours  from  Prato,  which 
came  to  him  accidentally  and  without  any  official  notice 
from  the  convent,  he  felt  disagreeably  impressed,  fearing 
that  premature  reports  of  such  things  might  turn  to  the 
discredit  of  the  monastery  and  the  whole  Order,  should 
time  reveal  the  reported  ecstasies  to  be  false.  Accordingly, 
faithful  to  the  duty  of  his  office,  and  determined  to  see 
how  the  land  lay,  he  straightway  betook  himself  to  the 
spot.  He  certainly  lost  no  time ;  for  Catherine's  great 
ecstasies  dated  only  from  the  beginning  of  February,  1 542, 
and  by  the  end  of  that  month  he  was  at  Prato  to  judge 
them !  His  visit,  with  the  severe  punishments  that  might 
possibly  come  in  its  train,  was  officially  announced  before- 
hand ;  and  the  announcement  is  said  by  Razzi  to  have  pro- 
duced a  striking  instance  both  of  the  saint's  lowliness  and 
of  the  high  place  she  held  in  the  esteem  of  those  who  knew 
her  intimately.  He  recounts  that,  when  the  news  arrived, 
she  went  straight  to  her  dear  mistress  and  confidante^  and, 
with  humble  and  charming  simplicity,  said  to  her:  "Mo- 
ther, if  somebody  comes  to  punish  me  for  my  'trances' 


(as  she  called  her  ecstasies),  and  condemns  me  to  prison, 
I  am  quite  ready  to  go  there,  and  to  suffer  everything  for 
the  love  of  Jesus.  Only,  I  entreat  you,  do  manage  so  that 
they  may  put  me  somewhere  that  will  not  frighten  me  too 
much !  Let  the  cell  be  as  narrow  and  wretched  as  you  like 
— 1  shall  not  mind  that,  for  I  know  I  deserve  nothing 
else ;  but  I  should  love  you  more  than  ever  if  you  would 
only  be  so  good  as  to  keep  me  company  there,  and  not 
leave  me  all  alone!  "  The  confidante  was  well  worthy  of 
such  a  sweet  and  gentle  soul ;  for  she  went  to  Catherine's 
uncle,  Fra  Timoteo,  and  thus  expressed  her  feelings : 
"  Father,  I  assure  you  that  if  they  were  to  shut  me  up  in 
a  dark,  narrow  prison  with  your  niece  I  should  rejoice  at 
it,  and  think  myself  happy ;  for,  with  her,  the  most  hor- 
rible dungeon  would  be  to  me  a  garden  of  delights,  know- 
ing as  I  do  how  pleasing  that  soul  is  to  God,  and  how  dear 
to  His  Heart !  "  * 

Arrived  at  San  Vincenzio,  then,  this  learned  and  austere 
provincial  ordered  the  humble  Catherine  to  be  brought 
before  him.  Being  thoroughly  impregnated  with  the  strict- 
est principles  of  Catholic  theology  concerning  raptures 
and  ecstasies — knowing  how  easily  the  devil  can  simulate 
true  ones  for  the  purpose  of  instigating  their  subjects  to 
pride  and  self-complacency — he  at  once  began,  with  stern 
countenance  and  harsh  voice,  both  to  interrogate  her  se- 
verely and  to  heap  reproaches  on  her  as  though  she  were 
a  convicted  criminal.  He  told  her  that  she  was  disturbing 
the  monastery  by  getting  up  extravagant  scenes  under 
pretence  of  visions  and  ecstasies;  that  she  was  nothing  but 
a  vain  hypocrite,  wanting  to  pose  as  a  saint  through  con- 
temptible means,  that  she  might  get  credit ;  and  that  even 
if  she  did  see  anything  in  her  pretended  visions,  this  was 
merely  a  diabolical  illusion,  wrought  by  the  enemy  of  her 
salvation  that  he  might  the  more  surely  drag  her  to  eternal 
death.  He  even  accused  the  poor  girl  of  having  made 
a  compact  with  the  prince  of  this  world  and  the  father  of 
lies.  He  went  on  to  add,  however,  that — no  matter  how 
great  her  crimes — if  she  felt  touched  by  repentance  and 

*  Scraf.^i,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  iii,  p.  107. 


would  promise  to  give  up  all  these  dangerous  deceits, 
he  would  undertake  to  pardon  her,  to  forget  the  past,  and 
to  give  her  his  protection  for  the  future.  If  she  refused  to 
submit,  she  must  expect  to  be  put  under  a  ban  in  the 
monastery,  and  to  be  separated  from  her  sisters — in  short, 
to  be  subjected  to  whatever  severe  penalties  might  be  ne- 
cessary for  the  honour  of  God  and  the  good  of  her  own 

Catherine  listened  to  all  this  in  calm  silence;  and,  when 
the  provincial  had  finished,  replied  gently  and  modestly. 
She  said  she  quite  acknowledged  herself  worthy  of  severe 
chastisement  for  her  own  sins  ;  but  that,  as  to  her  "trances," 
having  no  share  of  her  own  in  bringing  them  about,  having 
never  sought  them,  and  being  indeed  subject  to  them 
against  her  will,  she  could  not  promise  to  abstain  from 
them  even  if  she  wished.  She  added  that,  so  far  from  having 
intentionally  anything  to  do  with  the  evil  one,  God  was 
her  witness  that,  from  the  time  when  baptism  had  given 
her  to  Jesus  Christ,  she  had  had  no  wish  at  all  except  to 
please  and  belong  to  Him,  as  the  spouse  of  her  soul.  She 
knew  well  that,  in  spite  of  all  this,  the  extraordinary  things 
that  had  happened  to  her  might  of  course  be  diabolical  snares 
and  delusions,  in  which  case  she  most  earnestly  begged  of 
her  Redeemer,  by  His  own  tears  and  groans,  to  deliver 
her  from  them ;  but  that  if  they  were  in  truth  heavenly 
favours  and  gifts  of  His  divine  munificence,  "  then,  she 
was  not  so  entirely  destitute  of  sense  and  intelligence  as 
to  wish  to  be  deprived  of  graces  which  He  Himself  had 
thought  well  to  bestow  on  her  for  her  soul's  salvation." 

The  saint  went  on  to  say,  further,  that,  whilst  she  be- 
sought God  to  continue  and  to  increase  His  favours,  she 
also  entreated  Him  to  take  away  their  outward  signs,  and 
everything  that  could  bring  her  into  public  notice,  seeing 
that  the  gifts  of  God  could  not  but  suffer  in  the  eyes  of 
the  world  by  appearing  in  such  a  wretched  and  contemp- 
tible creature  as  she  was.  She  declared  also  that  she  had  in- 
cessantly begged  the  holy  souls  amongst  whom  she  lived 

*  Vita  Anonima,  cap.  ix,  p.  71. 


to  pray  for  her  with  this  object ;  but  that  in  spite  of  their 
fervent  and  persistent  intercession,  coupled  with  the  merits 
of  their  angelic  lives,  she  had  found  her  c  trances,'  up  to 
the  present  time,  increase  rather  than  diminish. 

Such  was  Catherine's  reply ;  and  it  so  filled  the  nuns 
(who  appear  to  have  been  present  at  the  examination)  with 
wonder  at  its  heavenly  wisdom  that  a  report  spread  through 
the  monastery  that  St  Thomas  Aquinas  had  come  to  her 
help  with  his  advice,  as  her  special  advocate.  Nobody, 
however,  was  so  well  able  to  appreciate  its  full  purport  as 
Padre  Francesco  himself.  His  mind  was,  as  it  were,  dazzled 
by  such  an  answer,  and  his  heart  then  and  there  won  over 
to  Catherine's  side.  He  could  absolutely  find  nothing  to 
say  except  a  few  words  of  affectionate  encouragement;  and 
was  rising  as  if  to  conclude  the  interview  without  further 
delay,  when  the  young  saint  herself  pressed  him,  in  the 
most  humbly  submissive  terms,  to  pronounce  a  decision. 
Either  because  he  did  not  wish  to  make  a  public  pro- 
nouncement, or  because  he  simply  wished  to  postpone 
formal  judgement,  the  provincial  tried  at  first  to  avoid 
a  definite  answer,  and  merely  said :  "  Enough  upon  this 
subject!  Let  there  be  no  further  question  about  it."  But 
Catherine,  contrary  to  all  her  usual  habits  of  timidity  and 
respect,  insisted.  "  Father,"  she  said,  "  I  am  a  little  sheep 
of  your  flock,  and  you  are  the  shepherd  of  my  soul.  Your 
duty  is  to  enlighten  and  direct  me,  and  mine  is  to  obey 
you.  I  ask  you  to  tell  me  whether  I  may  be  at  peace  in 
my  conscience  ?  " 

This  deference,  spontaneously  shown  by  a  soul,  just  re- 
turned from  heavenly  intercourse,  to  the  visible  hierarchy 
of  the  Church — this  strong  and  clearly-marked  subordina- 
tion of  private  judgement  to  the  verdict  of  Christ's  repre- 
sentatives and  successors  in  authority,  even  whilst  that 
soul  was  flooded  with  supernatural  light — caused  the  man 
of  God  to  throw  aside  at  once  any  hesitation  he  might 
still  have  left  as  a  theologian,  and  to  give  the  humble  vir- 
gin the  assurance  she  desired.  "  Take  courage,  my  child," 
he  said,  "  and  be  at  peace.  There  is  no  delusion  in  your 
state.  God  Himself  is  guiding  you,  and  all  the  things  that 


you  see  and  experience  are  graces  of  His  divine  bounty. 
Be  humble  and  obedient.  Never  fail  to  reveal  whatever 
passes  within  you  to  your  confessor ;  and  I  can  safely  as- 
sure you  that  not  only  will  you  be  free  from  fault,  but 
that  you  will  be  pleasing  to  God  in  all  your  works." 

Having  thus  given  his  verdict  on  their  reality,  the 
Father  Provincial  wished  to  see,  and  be  edified  by,  the 
actual  form  of  the  heavenly  graces  bestowed  on  Sister 
Catherine,  and  therefore  waited  to  be  present  at  the  next 
occurrence  of  her  ecstasy  of  the  Passion.  Having  witnessed 
it,  and  been  deeply  moved  and  astonished  by  all  its  touch- 
ing details,  he — who  had  come  to  the  convent  armed  with 
intended  punishments  and  energetic  measures  of  repression 
— went  home,  his  heart  overflowing  with  divine  consola- 
tion, and  his  mind  full  of  joy  and  wonder  at  the  great 
things  that  God  works  in  His  elect.  He  did  not  stay  at 
Florence,  but  went  straight  on  to  Rome  to  make  his  re- 
port to  the  general  of  the  Order,  who  was  at  that  time 
Padre  Alberto  de  las  Casas,  a  man  of  Spanish  birth  who 
became  afterwards  Legate  of  the  Holy  See.  He  was  greatly 
struck  by  hearing  such  a  man  as  Padre  Francesco  Romeo, 
with  his  high  character  and  learning,  assert  such  marvels 
of  "  the  young  saint  of  Prato,"  and  decided  at  once  to  go 
there  himself — not  so  much  for  the  sake  of  subjecting  the 
facts  stated  to  his  own  scrutiny,  as  for  that  of  gaining  the 
spiritual  joy,  and  profit  to  his  soul,  which  he  thought  such 
a  rare  and  wonderful  sight  must  cause.  He  was  not  dis- 
appointed in  his  expectation.  He  saw  the  saint  in  her  great 
ecstasy ;  and  he  was  so  powerfully  moved  by  the  vivid 
representation  of  Jesus  Christ  suffering  placed  before  him 
by  her  whilst  going  through  it,  that  he  could  do  nothing 
the  whole  time  but  shed  tears  of  compunction  and  of  love 
for  his  holy  Redeemer.*  When  it  was  over,  he  offered 
humble  thanks  to  the  Lord,  and  said  to  those  who  had 
accompanied  him  that  "  there  was  nothing  to  doubt  about 
in  this  soul,  but  everything  to  revere."  f 

After  her  ecstasy  he  had  an  interview  with  Catherine, 
and  was  charmed  by  her  simplicity  and  humility:  the  more 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xiv,  p.  58.          +  Ibid.  p.  53. 


so,  that  there  was  joined  to  these  qualities  a  graceful  play- 
fulness of  manner  that  was  most  lovable.  But  what  he  ad- 
mired most  of  all  was  the  holy  attractiveness  of  her  con- 
versation, which — turning  entirely  on  the  things  of  God — 
so  insensibly  wove  its  invisible  meshes  round  her  listeners 
that  no  soul  who  heard  her  could  escape  being  strongly 
drawn  by  sympathy  to  share  her  love  of  our  Divine  Lord. 
"  No!"  he  exclaimed,  as  he  left  her,  "  this  is  no  mere  girl 
that  we  have  heard — it  is  a  true  seraph."* 

The  appearance  of  these  two  chief  authorities  of  the 
Order  at  Prato,  coming  immediately  after  each  other  to  give 
their  sanction  to  the  workings  of  grace  in  Sister  Catherine, 
produced  its  natural  effect  within  as  well  as  without  the 
monastery;  and  the  general  opinion  decided  at  once  in  her 
favour.  Nevertheless,  certain  individual  protests  of  incre- 
dulous views  were  still  to  be  made,  and  that  for  some  time 
to  come,  amid  the  nearly  universal  faith  of  admiration. 

One  great  example  of  these  sceptical  minds,  convinced 
in  spite  of  himself,  was  the  immediate  successor  to  Francesco 
di  Castiglione — Padre  Nicolo  Michelozzi,  the  next  pro- 
vincial. Hardly  had  he  taken  in  hand  the  government  of 
the  province  than  he  took  advantage  of  his  position  to  go 
and  judge  for  himself  of  these  strange  things,  so  that  he 
might  have  the  last  word  on  the  reported  ecstasies  of  the 
wonderful  sister.  Arriving  one  Friday  at  San  Vincenzio,  he 
happened  to  meet  Euphrasia  Mascalzoni,  a  sister  extremely 
devoted  to  the  saint,  and  he  asked  her  at  once  what  "Sister 
Catherine  "  was  doing  at  that  moment.  Euphrasia  replied: 
"  She  is  in  her  state  of  ecstasy,  and  is  sitting  with  her  hand 
over  her  face." 

Then  the  provincial,  forming  a  secret  wish  in  his  heart, 
said  to  the  young  sister: 

"Very  well!  Now  do  you  go  into  her  cell,  and  there 
place  yourself  on  your  knees  right  in  front  of  her,  with  your 
hands  beneath  your  scapular;  notice  carefully  what  she  does, 
and  then  come  and  tell  me." 

The  sister  obeyed.  Hardly  had  she  taken  up  her  posi- 
tion in  front  of  Catherine  than  the  latter  raised  her  right 

*  Ibid. 


hand,  and  blessed  Euphrasia  three  times  by  making  three 
signs  of  the  Cross  on  her  forehead;  then,  having  taken  her 
in  her  arms  and  kissed  her  affectionately,  she  sent  her  away. 
When  the  sister  came  and  repeated  all  this  to  Padre  Miche- 
lozzi,  he  was  compelled  to  give  immediate  homage  to  the 
Spirit  of  God  dwelling  within  the  saint — for  she  had  ex- 
actly performed  all  the  actions  that  he  had  privately  wished 
her  to  do! 

But  the  most  wonderful  fact  recorded,  of  this  kind,  is 
the  conversion  from  incredulity  of  the  same  Sister  Euphra- 
sia's  own  sister,  Gabriella  Mascalzoni.  She  was  also  devo- 
tedly fond  of  the  saint,  and  suffered  greatly  at  heart  from 
feeling  unable  to  believe  in  her  ecstasies.  One  day  Cathe- 
rine, meeting  Gabriella  at  the  door  of  a  little  oratory  in  the 
convent,  asked  her  the  time;  and  when  she  replied  that  she 
did  not  know,  begged  her  to  go  and  look  at  the  clock  and 
bring  back  word.  The  saint  then  went  into  the  Oratory, 
began  to  pray,  and  fell  almost  at  once  into  an  ecstasy.  When 
Sister  Gabriella  came  back  and  found  her  in  this  state — 
there  being  no  one  else  present  to  notice — she  fell  on  her 
knees  before  her  holy  companion,  and  fervently  entreated 
our  Lord  to  have  pity  on  her,  and  to  remove  from  her  heart 
the  hardness  that  made  her  always  doubt  about  these  rap- 
tures. Then,  raising  her  eyes  to  Catherine's  face,  what  did 
she  behold  but  the  Face  of  Jesus  Christ  Himself,  with  the 
long  hair  and  the  beard  belonging  to  our  representations  of 
Him!  Seized  with  fear,  the  sister  would  have  fled  at  the 
sight;  but  the  saint — without  breaking  through  her  ecstasy 
— placed  both  hands  on  Euphrasia's  shoulders  and  held  her 
back,  looking  straight  into  her  eyes.  Then  she  said:  "Who 
do  you  think  I  am?  Jesus,  or  Catherine?"  The  poor  child, 
yet  more  frightened  now,  gave  a  cry  that  was  heard  by  many 
of  the  community;  and  all  who  had  heard  came  hastily  run- 
ning into  the  Oratory,  whilst  Euphrasia  felt  constrained  to 
make  answer:  "  Ton  are  Jesus!"  Three  times  did  she  have 
to  give  the  same  reply  to  the  same  question  asked  by  the 
Estalica;  and  then  an  immense  joy  suddenly  flooded  her 
heart,  for  she  had  in  that  moment  gained  the  absolute  cer- 
tainty of  Catherine's  great  sanctity  and  the  reality  of  her 


ecstasies.  She  afterwards  told  her  companions  that  never  in 
her  whole  life  had  she  beheld  any  beauty  to  compare  with 
the  beauty  of  Christ's  Face,  as  she  saw  it  in  the  place  of 

Benedict  XIV,  speaking  from  that  seat  which  has  the 
privilege  of  passing  infallible  judgements  on  the  actions  of 
the  saints,  expresses  himself  as  follows  concerning  this  mar- 
vellous phenomenon: 

"Jesus  Christ,  wishing  to  show  how  far  the  union  of 
thought  and  will  between  Himself  and  Catherine  reached, 
placed  a  glorious  sign  of  it  on  her  face,  by  transforming  it 
to  a  living  image  and  perfect  likeness  of  His  own  Face; 
so  that  those  who  saw  Catherine  thought  they  beheld  the 
Son  of  God  and  the  Son  of  Man."  f 

The  saint  herself  gave  the  same  interpretation  of  the 
marvel,  in  her  own  naive  and  graceful  manner,  to  her  for- 
tunate confidante  Maddalena  Strozzi,  who  had — and,  clearly, 
never  failed  to  use — the  right  of  questioning  her  upon  the 
innermost  secrets  of  her  life.  Sister  Maddalena  having  asked 
how  such  a  change  of  countenance  as  this  could  possibly  be 
made,  Catherine  replied  in  the  beautiful  words  of  St  John: 
"  Do  you  not  know  that  '  he  who  dwells  in  charity  dwells 
in  God,  and  God  in  him'  ?" 

We  are  told  that  the  most  Blessed  Virgin  herself  chose 
to  add  her  own  high  sanction  to  all  these  proofs  of  genuine- 
ness, by  conferring  a  singular  favour  which  should  serve  to 
promote  the  piety  of  the  faithful,  not  at  the  time  only  but 
in  ages  to  come.  Immediately  after  the  first  ecstasy  of  the 
Passion  she  appeared  to  Catherine  and  gave  her  joy  of  being 
associated  with  herself  in  the  mystery  of  the  "  Compassion" 
where  she  stood  at  the  foot  of  her  Son's  cross.  She  then 
taught  her  to  honour  the  object  of  their  mutual  love  in  the 
form  which  always  seems  most  apt  to  express  the  truly  great 
feelings  of  the  heart — that  of  a  sacred  canticle.  This  pathe- 
tic lament,  composed  entirely  of  the  words  of  Holy  Writ, 
is  in  two  parts.  In  the  first  part,  verses  from  the  Prophets 
and  Evangelists  are  put  into  the  mouth  of  our  Divine  Re- 
deemer Himself,  who,  in  this  inspired  language,  sets  forth 

*  Compendia  dMa  Vita,  etc.,  cap.  vi,  p.  32.          t  Bull  of  Canonization. 


the  chief  circumstances  of  His  Passion  in  a  profoundly 
moving  way.  As  one  listens  to  His  plaintive  and  loving 
cries,  each  act  of  the  cruel  drama  seems  to  pass  before  one's 
inward  sight,  so  that  one  can  count  His  bleeding  wounds 
one  by  one;  whilst  the  hearer's  heart  is  pierced  with  tender 
compunction,  and  filled  with  overwhelming  gratitude  and 
love  for  a  God  who  has  first  so  loved  us. 

This  part  of  the  Canticle  ends  with,  first,  the  cry  of  the 
"Good  Thief  "  from  the  cross — "  Remember,  O  Lord,  Thy 
servants,  when  Thou  comest  into  Thy  kingdom!" — here 
supposed  to  be  addressed  to  the  Saviour  of  the  world  by 
all  the  faithful  as  He  is  about  to  die;  and  then  the  last  words 
of  the  account  of  His  Passion — "  And  Jesus,  with  a  loud 
cry,  gave  up  the  ghost." 

The  second  part  consists  entirely  of  the  reflections  which 
the  recital  of  this  great  mystery  is  supposed  to  suggest  to 
the  soul — still  expressed  in  that  language  of  Scripture  which 
can  say  so  much  in  so  few  words.  It  begins  with  an  utte- 
rance of  gratitude  for  the  mercies  of  the  Lord,  followed  by 
a  most  pathetic  calling  to  mind  of  all  that  we  have  cost  our 
meek  Deliverer.  Then,  after  a  fervent  call  upon  His  good- 
ness to  awake  and  help  us,  and  an  act  of  especial  confidence 
in  Him  under  the  title  of  Saviour,  the  Canticle  ends  with 
a  humble  prayer  to  Jesus  Christ  that  the  merits  of  His 
Blood  may  be  applied  to  us. 

Our  Lady  is  said  to  have  desired  Catherine,  when  she 
revealed  this  Canticle  to  her,  to  spread  it  through  the  con- 
vent as  a  form  of  prayer  and  contemplation  supremely  pleas- 
ing to  our  Lord.  The  venerable  confessor,  Fra  Timoteo, 
wrote  it  out  in  full  at  the  saint's  dictation  and  submitted  it 
for  the  approval  of  the  Order.  Padre  Francesco  di  Casti- 
glione  had  then  become  general,  and  he  was  not  satisfied  with 
allowing  its  use  in  San  Vincenzio.  By  a  circular  letter  to  all 
monasteries  of  the  Province  he  ordered  it  to  be  placed 
amongst  the  regular  devotions  and  forms  of  prayer  peculiar 
to  the  Dominicans;  and  it  has  remained  celebrated  amongst 
us,  under  the  title  Canticle  of  the  Passion,  as  a  monument  to 
the  tender  love  of  our  great  Dominican  saint,  Catherine  de' 


Ricci,  for  her  crucified  Jesus.*  It  is  still  the  general  custom 
in  our  churches  to  chant  it  publicly  on  certain  occasions, 
and  especially  on  the  Fridays  in  Lent.  It  never  fails  to  pro- 
duce— chanted  as  it  is,  in  many  cases,  to  a  peculiar  and  ex- 
traordinarily pathetic  tone — a  most  deep  sense  of  devotion 
in  earnest  souls. 

*  Fr  Jacobus  Echard,  De  Script.  Dominicanis,  t.  II,  p.  181.  This  "  Canticle"  of  St 
Catherine's  is  to  be  found,  with  other  special  Dominican  devotions  for  the  Passion,  in  a 
Latin  book  of  "Little  Offices,"  brought  out  in  Rome  in  1884  by  Father  J.  M.  Larocca, 
called  Ojficium  Par-vum  B.M.^.juxta  ritum  Sac.  Ord.Fr.  Pnedicatorum,  p.  235. 



Mystic  espousals  of  the  Saint  with  Jesus  Christ — Jesus  gives  her  the  ring 
— Her  sacred  Stigmata — Her  crown  of  thorns — Favours  bestowed 
on  her  through  a  miraculous  crucifix. 

THUS,  then,  were  Catherine's  ecstasies — and  especially  that 
of  the  Passion — authentically  acknowledged  as  of  Divine 
origin,  and  in  nowise  a  delusion.  The  moment  had  now 
come  for  her  to  receive  the  full  accomplishment  of  God's 
promises.  Eight  years,  or  thereabouts,  had  gone  by  since 
Jesus  Christ  had  appeared  to  her  during  that  bad  illness 
in  her  father's  house,  to  tell  her  of  her  approaching  recovery 
and  to  show  her  the  splendid  betrothal-ring  with  which  He 
meant  one  day  to  espouse  her.*  This  miraculous  occurrence 
now  actually  took  place ;  and  the  following  account  of  it 
is  handed  down  to  us,  in  the  graceful  words  of  Serafino 
Razzi : 

"  On  the  9th  of  April,  1 542,  being  Easter  Day,  and 
the  maiden  Catherine  being  in  her  cell  towards  early  dawn, 
our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  appeared  to  her  covered  with  glory, 
bearing  a  brilliantly  shining  cross  on  His  shoulder,  and 
a  magnificent  crown  on  His  head.  He  had  with  Him  His 
glorious  Virgin  Mother,  Mary  ;  Saint  Mary  Magdalen  ; 
Saint  Thomas  of  Aquin  ;  and  another  Blessed  of  the  Order. 
The  saint's  little  cell  became  instantly  full  of  dazzling  light; 
and  amidst  the  light  was  a  multitude  of  angels  gracefully 
clad,  and  ranged  in  due  order,  with  divers  musical  instru- 
ments in  their  hands.  Beholding  such  majesty,  Catherine 
was  struck  with  a  great  fear;  and  (having  first,  notwith- 
standing her  awe,  carried  out  what  obedience  prescribed  as 
to  all  visions)  she  prostrated  three  times  in  adoration  of 
Jesus.  Then  did  the  most  holy  Mother  of  God  pray  her 
Divine  Son  to  be  pleased  to  take  Sister  Catherine  for  His 
Spouse.  He  therewith  gladly  consented;  and — whilst  the 
Blessed  Virgin  held  forth  the  hand  of  His  humble  servant 

*  See  chap,  iii,  sup.  Date  c.  1535. 


— hastened  to  draw  from  His  own  finger  a  brilliant  ring, 
which  He  Himself  placed  on  Catherine's  left  fore-finger; 
and,  as  He  placed  it,  He  said:  '  My  daughter,  receive  this 
ring  as  pledge  and  proof  that  thou  dost  now,  and  ever  shalt, 
belong  to  Me.'  And  when  the  holy  maid  longed  to  tell  her 
gratitude,  but  could  find  no  words  worthy  of  such  a  grace, 
then  the  angels  suddenly  began  to  draw  from  their  instru- 
ments melody  so  sweet  that  her  narrow  cell  seemed  all  at 
once  to  be  Paradise. 

"Jesus,  after  that,  earnestly  commended  to  His  spouse 
the  practice  of  humility,  obedience,  and  all  Christian  vir- 
tues; filled  her  soul  with  some  of  that  heavenly  joy  that  is  the 
portion  of  His  well-beloved  ones;  and  disappeared  from 
sight,  followed  by  all  His  train." 

The  ring  given  to  Catherine  was  of  pure  gold,  enamelled 
with  red  in  symbol  of  the  Blood  of  the  Passion,  and  with 
a  magnificent  diamond  set  in  the  middle.  It  was  said  to  have 
been  always  visible  to  her,  but  not  equally  so  to  others.  It 
became  visible,  we  are  told,  to  different  people  from  time 
to  time,  in  different  forms,  according  to  the  devotion  of 
each  and  as  God  pleased.  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi  saw  it 
habitually,  as  a  raised  red  circle  round  the  finger,  increasing, 
in  the  shape  of  a  square  stone,  in  the  middle.  Other  sisters 
saw  it  now  and  then  shining  like  a  luminous  circle.  Others 
again,  seeing  it  under  one  form  or  another,  were  at  the  same 
time  conscious  of  a  heavenly  scent  coming  from  it.  Once, 
however,  the  whole  community — having  put  the  saint  under 
obligation  to  beg  the  favour  of  God — saw  the  ring  in  its 
full  real  beauty  and  true  form.  Then  every  one  of  these  con- 
secrated virgins  recognized  in  the  mysterious  pledge  of  be- 
trothal a  sacred  gift,  which  the  Divine  Spouse  gives,  indeed, 
to  whomsoever  He  pleases ;  but  with  which  He  specially 
loves  to  address  one  to  whom  He  may  say,  in  the  joy  of  His 
Heart,  Una  est  columba  mea,  una  estperfecta  mea*  Soon,  both 
in  the  Monastery  and  in  all  Tuscany,  Catherine  was  named 
with  one  voice  "the  Bride  of  Christ"  par  excellence. 

It  is  remarkable  that  at  the  very  same  period  when  our 
Lord  was  bestowing  this  strangely  touching  proof  of  Divine 

*  Le  Lettere,  fife.,  p.  114. 


condescension — which  had  been  but  rarely  granted  in  the 
earlier  ages  of  Christianity — on  the  subject  of  our  present 
history,  He  was  also  granting  the  favour  of  Mystic  Espou- 
sals to  other  saints.  Saint  M.  Magdalen  de'  Pazzi,  in  Italy; 
St  Theresa,  in  Spain ;  the  Venerable  Agnes  of  Langeac,  in 
France:  all  received  the  marvellous  grace  somewhere  about 
this  time.  It  would  seem  as  if,  on  the  threshold  of  the  great 
religious  upheaval  that  was  to  weaken  Faith  and  cool 
Charity  later  in  the  sixteenth  century,  God  chose  to  be 
specially  prodigal  of  such  divine  gifts  as  might  strengthen 
the  love  and  devotion  of  pure  and  generous  souls. 

But,  after  this  short  respite  from  suffering  granted  to 
her  in  the  joys  of  her  heavenly  betrothal,  Catherine  was 
soon  drawn  back  into  the  more  hidden,  though  not  less 
glorious,  path  of  her  appointed  lot.  God  destined  her  for 
the  enormous  favour  of  the  Sacred  Stigmata,  that  she  might 
thereby  share  the  honour  as  well  as  the  pains  of  His  Pas- 
sion; so  He  appears  to  have  prepared  her  for  this  immedi- 
ately after  her  reception  of  the  mystical  ring,  by  a  special 
and  intimate  communication,  in  which  He  revealed  to  her 
how  complete  was  to  be  that  "  baptism  of  suffering  "  which 
should  inflict  the  pains  of  death  on  every  part  of  her  body, 
and  all  its  anguish  on  her  soul,  without  taking  away  her 

The  holy  maiden's  heart  was  inflamed  by  this  superna- 
tural interview  with  Jesus  Christ  to  more  generous  thoughts 
than  ever,  which  laid  firm  hold  of  her.  When,  five  days  after 
her  sacred  espousals  (being  the  Friday  in  Easter  week),  she 
was  rapt  into  her  usual  ecstasy  of  the  Passion,  and  reached 
the  moment  of  contemplating  the  Crucifixion,  she  was  seized 
with  such  extraordinarily  keen  sympathy  at  the  sight  that 
she  offered  herself  with  fervour  to  her  Spouse,  to  take  His 
place  on  the  Cross.  Instantly,  as  though  she  had  been  fastened 
by  blow  to  His  gibbet — as  though  a  lance  had  struck  her 
full  in  the  breast — she  felt  pains  so  sharp  and  intense  that 
it  seemed  to  her  as  if  she  were  dying  with  Jesus  Himself. 
Then,  her  ecstasy  over,  she  appeared  with  body  all  emaci- 
ated and  livid,  and  face  pale  as  a  corpse:  "so  much  so,"  says 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xx,  p.  69. 


an  historian,  "  that  for  a  few  days  afterwards  her  sisters 
hardly  knew  whether  she  was  alive  or  dead,  and  could  not 
look  upon  her  without  shedding  tears  of  pity."*  At  the  same 
time  she  herself,  seeing  her  hands  pierced  right  through,  and 
feeling  her  left  side  opened  by  a  large  wound,  "ceased  not 
to  thank  her  divine  Spouse  for  having  granted  her  His 
sacred  wounds,  with  all  His  pains,  as  a  means  of  meditating 
on  his  sorrowful  Passion  with  a  more  loving  and  compas- 
sionate heart."f 

This  new  favour  of  the  stigmas  also  had  the  whole 
monastery  as  witness,  but  again  with  variations.  Some  of 
the  sisters  beheld  the  wounds  in  the  hands  with  awe,  even 
as  the  saint  herself  saw  them — open  right  through  and 
sometimes  bleeding.  Others — among  whom  was  Maddalena 
Strozzi — saw  them  several  times  shining  with  so  brilliant 
alight  that  they  had  to  lower  their  eyes  before  it;  whilst 
to  the  greater  number  they  appeared  under  the  form  of 
healed-up  wounds,  red  and  swollen,  with  a  black  spot  in 
the  centre,  round  which  blood  seemed  to  circulate.  It  was 
thus  that  the  sacred  marks  were  visible  to  the  whole  com- 
munity in  the  year  following,  on  April  5,  1543,  eve  of 
St  Vincent  Ferrer's  feast,  when  Catherine — being  in  ecstasy 
— held  her  hand  outside  her  scapular,  and  each  of  the 
sisters  in  turn  kissed  it  with  deep  devotion.  The  same 
favour  was  granted,  under  like  conditions,  to  many  secu- 
lars: amongst  others  to  the  saint's  second  mother,  the  de- 
vout Fiammetta,  who  escaped  from  Florence  at  intervals 
to  come  and  admire  the  miracles  worked  by  "  her  Alessan- 
drina,"  the  celebrated  spouse  of  Jesus  and  the  saint  of 

The  wounds  in  the  feet,  naturally  less  observable,  had  a 
more  restricted  number  of  witnesses.  Some  of  the  nuns  saw 
them,  open  on  both  sides  and  raw;  whilst  the  flesh  had  the 
peculiarity  of  being  swollen  on  the  upper  part  of  the  wound 
and  sunk  in  on  the  lower  part :  a  state  that  could  only  have 
been  produced  by  the  impression  of  our  Lord's  body, 
whose  weight  had  pressed  on  the  nails  that  fastened  His 
feet  to  the  cross. 

*  Sandrini,  ibid.          f1  Vita  Anonima,  cap.  x,  p.  84. 


As  to  the  wound  in  the  side,  the  only  person  who  be- 
held this  during  the  saint's  lifetime  was  her  faithful  guard 
and  companion  Maddalena,  who  had  to  nurse  her  charge 
from  time  to  time  in  illness.  She  stated  that  this  wound 
was  larger  than  the  others,  and  that  she  often  saw  it  all 
streaming  with  light. 

All  the  wounds — incurable  as  that  divine  love  which 
caused  them — were  accompanied  by  great  and  continual 
pains;  and,  by  the  holy  maiden's  own  confession,  the  pain 
of  the  wound  in  her  side  was  so  violent  that  she  constantly 
felt  as  if  on  the  point  of  fainting  away,  or  even  of  dying, 
from  it. 

Other  saints,  as  we  know,  have  had  these  wonderful 
marks  of  our  Lord's  crucifixion  imprinted  on  their  bodies, 
and  have  offered  themselves  as  generously  as  did  Catherine 
de'  Ricci  for  the  sharing  of  His  sufferings  and  the  expia- 
tion of  sin  throughout  the  world ;  but  the  peculiarity  of 
her  case  lies  in  the  fact  of  her  having  received  the  sacred 
stigmata  in  early  life,  whereas  they  have  usually  been  given 
as  the  final  episode  only  of  a  saint's  career.  To  name  only  two 
of  the  most  celebrated  instances,  St  Catherine  of  Siena  re- 
ceived this  honour  five  years  before  her  death;  whilst  St 
Francis  of  Assisi  lived  but  two  years— as  Dante  notices: 

Nel  crude  sasso  intra  Tevero  ed  Arno 
Da  Christo  prese  1'ultimo  sigillo 
Che  le  sue  membra  due  anni  portarno. 

— //  Taradiso,  cant.  xi. 

— after  the  day  when  he  found  his  calvary  on  that  rocky 
height  between  the  Tiber  and  the  Arno.  Here,  however, 
we  have  a  maiden  of  twenty  years  old  mystically  transfixed 
to  the  altar  of  sacrifice,  and  destined  to  be  a  victim  in 
union  with  her  crucified  Spouse  for  forty-seven  years :  as 
she  lived  to  the  age  of  sixty-seven. 

One  thing  only  was  now  wanting  to  make  our  saint  a 
perfect  copy,  externally  as  interiorly,  of  Christ  in  His 
Passion,  namely,  the  crown  of  thorns.  Sandrini  tells  of  a 
vision  of  our  Lady  with  the  Infant  Jesus,  specially  sent — 
at  the  Christmas  following  her  stigmatization — to  prepare 
her  for  this  fresh  honour,  by  awakening  in  her  a  yet  more 


ardent  desire  for  suffering,  and  courage  to  bear  it,  than 
she  had  had  before.  None  of  her  biographers  mention  the 
exact  date  of  her  receiving  this  final  exterior  mark  of  the 


Passion,  but  all  are  agreed  that  she  did  receive  it,  and  that 
it  was  seen  sometimes  in  the  form  of  actual  long  thorns 
piercing  the  skull  and  temples,  with  blood  flowing  from 
them;  whilst  at  other  times  only  the  bleeding  wounds — as 
if  made  by  thorns  just  extracted — were  seen,  encircling  the 
head  in  the  form  of  a  crown.  The  lay-sisters  of  St  Vincent's, 
who  had  to  cut  the  nun's  hair  from  time  to  time,  testified 
that  the  marks  were  never  effaced  throughout  the  saint's 
life;  and  the  whole  community  gazed  at  them  with  awe  as 
she  lay  on  her  death-bed. 

Yet  one  more  symbol  of  her  union  with  the  Crucified 
was  granted  to  Catherine,  but  one  never  visible  except  to 
the  few  who  nursed  her  in  her  illnesses.  This  was  a  livid 
mark  about  three  fingers  wide,  which  went  in  a  straight 
line  from  the  top  of  her  right  shoulder,  down  her  back  to 
the  waist;  in  which  those  privileged  to  behold  it  recognized, 
with  deep  reverence,  the  impression  of  the  cross,  as  carried 
by  our  Saviour  from  the  Pretorium  to  Calvary.* 

During  the  whole  of  this  year,  1 542 — so  memorable 
in  our  saint's  life,  as  the  period  within  which  she  received 
most  of  these  marvellous  favours  at  different  times — her 
heavenly  Spouse  was  pleased  both  to  help  her  in  her  mys- 
tical sufferings,  and  to  show  His  own  great  love  for  her 
and  His  approval  of  her  heroic  virtue,  by  means  of  a  large 
wooden  crucifix  in  her  cell,  of  which  the  figure  was  a  special 
favourite  with  her  and  the  constant  object  of  her  contem- 
plation. Our  blessed  Lord  chose,  many  times,  to  commu- 
nicate with  Catherine  through  this  figure  of  Himself,  by 
causing  it  to  become  animated  and  to  speak  to  her  as  in 
His  own  person.  Sometimes  He  made  the  figure  stretch 
its  arms  towards  her  from  the  cross  on  which  it  hung,  and 
address  her  in  loving  accents  in  answer  to  the  prayers  she 

*  The  Bull  of  Canonisation  thus  resumes  all  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  supernatural 
graces  of  this  kind:  "Ipsam  in  fide  et  charitate  fulgida  ornata,  ac  preciosissimis  monili- 
bus  de  thesauris  suis  decoravit.  Ipsius  enim  latere  ac  manibus  et  pedibus  sacra  Clavorum 
suorum  et  Lanceae  stigmata,  sanguine  rubentia  insculpsit,  spineum  diadema  capiti  im- 
posuit,  humeris  vero  vestigia  crucis  impressit." 



was  pouring  forth  at  its  feet.  Again,  when  she  lay  on  her 
bed,  powerless  from  illness,  the  sacred  image  would  smile 
at  her  with  unspeakable  kindness;  whilst  at  other  times  it 
would  eloquently  exhort  her,  as  she  gazed  at  it  nailed  im- 
movably to  its  cross,  to  patience  in  every  suffering. 

But  on  one,  now  celebrated,  occasion  God  was  pleased 
to  work  an  even  greater  miracle  than  these  by  means  of 
this  crucifix.  Coming  into  her  cell  one  morning  immediately 
after  Communion,  Catherine  heard  her  name  loudly  called; 
and,  looking  towards  her  crucifix,  saw  the  figure  detach  it- 
self suddenly  from  the  cross,  bearing  away  with  it  the  nails 
by  which  it  was  fastened,  and  dart  through  the  air  towards 
her.  Instinctively,  she  stretched  out  her  arms  to  receive  it, 
placing  one  hand  under  its  feet  and  reverently  encircling 
it  with  the  other.  Then  the  miraculously  animated  figure 
leant  towards  the  saint,  and  pressed  her  with  its  arms,  say- 
ing these  words  in  a  clear  voice :  "Beloved  spouse,  I  have 
come  to  seek  shelter  in  your  heart,  and  in  the  hearts  of  all 
my  daughters,  against  the  crimes  of  sinners  which  are 
weighing  Me  down.  I  require  you  to  have  three  solemn 
processions,  in  expiation  of  their  sins,  and  to  disarm  My 

Scarcely  had  Catherine  received  the  figure  in  her  hands 
and  heard  these  words  than  she  was  ravished  into  an  ecstasy, 
in  which  she  remained — fixed  in  the  same  attitude — for  a 
full  hour.  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi,  coming  into  the  cell  and 
seeing  the  miracle,  was  so  moved  by  the  beautiful  sight  that 
she  fell  on  her  knees  before  the  image  of  Christ  and  entreated 
our  Lord  not  to  awaken  His  holy  spouse  from  her  rapture 
until  her  sisters  had  had  the  happiness  of  beholding  the 
wonderful  scene.  All  were  accordingly  fetched;  and  all — 
moved  to  tears  of  joy  and  tenderness — lovingly  kissed  the 
marvellous  figure  and  the  fortunate  hand  that  supported  it, 
inhaling  as  they  did  so  a  delightful  fragrance  of  unearthly 

The  Dominican  artist,  Pere  Hyacinthe  Besson,  made  a 
drawing  of  this  celebrated  occurrence  in  the  saint's  life,  in 
which  he  represents  the  Figure — just  detached  fromits  cross 
— coming  down  towards  Catherine.  He  has  wonderfully 


caught,  in  this  sketch,  the  mingling  of  deep  respect  which 
keeps  the  maiden  on  her  knees  with  the  fervent  impulse 
of  love  which  causes  her  to  stretch  her  arms  suddenly  to- 
wards the  Image  of  her  Spouse;  but,  like  many  another  of 
the  modern  Fra  Angelico's  works,  it  has  remained  only  a 
sketch:  he  never  had  time  to  paint  the  picture. 

On  coming  out  of  her  ecstasy,  Catherine  straightway 
sent  for  the  Prior  of  St  Dominic's,  and  communicated  to 
him  the  will  of  God  concerning  the  three  processions  re- 
quired for  gaining  His  mercy  towards  sinners.  The  first 
of  these  took  place  that  very  day,  which  was  the  24th  of 
August — feast  of  St  Bartholomew.  The  saint,  filled  with 
enthusiastic  veneration  for  the  miraculous  crucifix,  was 
burning  to  carry  it  herself  at  the  head  of  the  procession;  but 
her  modesty  made  her  fear  both  that  this  might  make  her 
too  conspicuous,  and  that  it  was  perhaps  wrong  to  covet  an 
honour  of  which  others  were  moreworthy.  She  confided  her 
doubts  to  her  mistress,  who  soon  set  them  at  rest  by  the 
decisive  remark  that  the  office  of  cross-bearer  in  front  of  a 
procession  belonged  by  right  to  the  lay-sisters,  and  was 
therefore  one  quite  consistent  with  humility.  Catherine, 
therefore,  marched  joyfully — crucifix  in  hand — at  the  head 
of  all ;  and  a  fresh  marvel  appeared  as  she  did  so.  She  was 
rapt  in  ecstasy  the  whole  time  of  the  procession,  with  eyes 
completely  shut;  and  yet — unguided — she  traversed  all  the 
main  parts  of  the  monastery,  through  which  the  procession 
was  to  pass,  without  a  single  mistake:  going  round  every 
turn  or  winding — in  and  out  of  doors — up  and  down  stair- 
cases— with  perfect  solemnity  and  exactness,  as  if  she  saw 
the  way  with  her  bodily  sight:  "  Which  could  not  possibly 
have  happened,"  wrote  the  Venerable  Fra  Timoteo,  "  if  she 
had  not  been  invisibly  supported  by  the  hands  of  angels." 

The  miraculous  crucifix,  naturally  becoming  an  object 
of  special  veneration,  was  placed — with  the  young  saint's 
consent — in  the  general  convent  oratory,  so  that  all  the 
nuns  might  come  freely  to  satisfy  their  devotion  at  its  feet. 
But  after  Catherine's  death,  when  her  cell  was  made  into  a 
sanctuary,  the  crucifix  was  restored  to  its  former  place:  and, 
of  all  the  relics  now  there  that  bear  witness  to  her  virtue 


and  her  love  of  God,  none  seem  to  speak  of  her  in  more 
touching  and  eloquent  language  than  this  one. 

This  miracle,  so  publicly  manifested,  was  both  preceded 
and  followed  by  many  divine  communications  to  the  holy 
maid,  some  of  which  were  in  the  form  of  beautiful  visions 
of  the  "  imaginative  "  order,  described  by  some  of  her  bio- 
graphers with  extreme  minuteness:  notably  by  Razzi.*  The 
great  point  of  interest,  however,  in  all  the  revelations  or  ap- 
pearances granted  to  Catherine  during  this  period,  is  that 
most  of  them  were  not  for  her  own  personal  consolation— 
or  even  sanctification — alone;  but  were  intended,  whether 
by  way  of  direct  commands  from  our  Lord  Himself,  or  of 
allegorical  interpretation  of  visions,  for  the  good  of  the 
whole  community.  They  were  frequently  either  reprimands 
for  some  defects — such  as  breaches  of  silence,  or  slight 
carelessness  in  saying  office,  for  example — which  had  to  be 
remedied;  or  instructions  as  to  fresh  devotions,  or  as  to  an 
increase  of  fervour  in  general  monastic  virtues.  When  the 
saint  received  such  communications  as  these,  not  all  her  na- 
tural timidity  and  modesty  combined  could  prevent  her  from 
making  them  known  to  her  sisters :  so  clear  was  her  duty 
as  simply  the  mouth-piece  of  her  and  their  Lord;  whilst 
the  humble  submission  with  which  reproof  or  instruction, 
as  the  case  might  be,  was  heard  and  acted  upon  by  the  com- 
munity proves  how  undoubting  was  the  conviction  of  Ca- 
therine's sanctity  and  the  reality  of  her  intercourse  with  God, 
since  the  fact  of  her  being  one  of  the  very  youngest  sisters 
in  the  convent  clearly  did  not  in  any  way  affect  the  reve- 
rence which  all  spontaneously  paid  to  her  injunctions. 

*  See  chap,  xi,  vol.  I,  of  Pere  Bayonne's  "  Life." 



Catherine's  love  for  her  family — Her  anxiety  about  their  concerns — Be- 
ginning of  her  correspondence  with  them  (1542) 

WE  are  now  to  look  at  Catherine  in  a  different  aspect  from 
that  in  which  we  have  been  considering  her  through  the  last 
few  chapters:  namely,  in  her  relations  with  her  own  family. 
Whilst  she  had  been  living,  amongst  her  religious  sisters 
at  Prato,  this  life  of  close  interior  intercourse  with  God,  oc- 
cupied exteriorly  with  all  the  minutiae  of  cloister  duties,  she 
was  very  far  from  having  forgotten  the  inhabitant  of  the 
Ricci  Palace,  left  behind  at  Florence.  Indeed,  the  saint's 
faithful  and  tender  love  for  her  family — and,  as  we  shall  find 
later  on,  for  her  friends  too — is  one  of  her  most  remarkable 
characteristics,  lending  a  charm  and  humanness  to  her  life 
which  make  it  as  attractive  on  the  natural  as  on  the  super- 
natural side.  Of  this  characteristic,  happily,  there  is  plenty 
of  direct  proof  to  lay  before  the  reader,  in  St  Catherine's 
own  words. 

It  was,  strangely  enough,  in  the  very  year  in  which  the 
wonderful  heavenly  favours  just  recorded  were  vouchsafed 
to  her  that  "Sister  Catherine"  first  opened  a  correspondence 
with  her  family — beginning  with  some  letters  to  her  father 
— of  which  several  specimens  have  been  handed  down  to  us; 
and  which,  after  her  parents'  death,  she  kept  up  with  her 
brothers  till  the  later  part  of  her  life.  It  seems  as  if,  from  this 
time  forth,  she  was  no  longer  satisfied  to  see  them  at  inter- 
vals, when  they  came  to  talk  to  her  through  the  grille  at 
Prato,  but  felt  impelled  to  pour  forth  some  of  her  super- 
natural riches  for  their  comfort  and  instruction,  and  to  ex- 
press her  keen  sympathy  with  their  joys  and  sorrows,  and 
their  spiritual  condition,  more  frequently  and  freely  than 

Now,  Pierfrancesco  was  undoubtedly  a  firmly  believing 
Christian;  but  he  was  a  man  of  the  world,  and  deeply  im- 


mersed  in  both  his  public  functions  and  his  own  private  busi- 
ness affairs;  consequently, like  many  another,  he  was  at  times 
carried  away  by  such  things  to  the  danger  of  his  soul.  Ca- 
therine was  only  too  well  aware  of  this;  and,  becoming  really 
uneasy  as  to  her  father's  salvation,  she  took  advantage  ot  the 
Lenten  season  in  this  year  1542  to  give  expression  to  her 
wishes  about  him.  On  March  21  we  find  her  writing  to  him 
as  follows  : 

"  Honoured  and  dearly-loved  father,  health  and  hearty 
greeting  in  the  Lord  ! 

"  I  cannot  refrain  from  sending  you  a  few  lines,  just  to 
remind  you  not  to  put  off  your  confession,  now  that  Holy 
Week  is  close.  Imitate  our  Lord  in  humility,  for  without 
this  we  cannot  follow  Him  who  said:  '  I  am  the  Way,  the 
Truth,  and  the  Life,'  in  order  that  the  life  and  habits  of  the 
Master  might  be  the  model  of  His  servants;  and  also  that 
we  might  choose  that  humility  which  He  taught  us  when  He 
said, {  Learn  of  Me,  for  I  am  meek  and  humble  of  heart.'  He 
who  exalts  himself  shall  be  humbled,  and  he  who  humbles 
himself  shall  be  exalted :  shall  be  made  glorious  and  blessed 
in  heaven,  where  Jesus  our  model  invites  and  expects  us, 
that  we  may  live  there  with  Him  for  ever. 

"  I  have  received,  as  usual,  your  charitable  gifts.  May 
the  Lord  reward  you  for  them! 

"  I  have  nothing  more  to  say  except  that  I  have  written 
to  Federigo  *  as  you  desired.  We  send  affectionate  greet- 
ings to  you  and  to  our  mother,  and  so  do  Mother  Prior- 
ess and  the  other  sisters.  May  Jesus  Christ  protect  you  from 
all  evil  and  keep  you  in  His  grace! 

"  Your  daughter,  Sister  Catherine,  at  San  Vincenzio's. 

"From  Trato,  {March  21,  1542." 

That  Pierfrancesco  proved  the  genuine  humility  of  his 
character  by  taking  his  holy  daughter's  exhortation  in  good 
part,  and  by  at  once  following  her  advice,  is  clear  from  her 

*  Federigo  was  Catherine's  uncle.  The  "we "in  this  letter  probably  refers  to  the 
saint  herself  and  one  of  her  younger  half-sisters,  Lucrezia,  who  later  on  took  the  veil  at 
San  Vincenzio's,  and  must  at  this  time  have  been  in  the  convent  as  a  pupil.  The  prior- 
ess mentioned  here  was  Sister  Raffaella  di  Faenza. 


next  letter,  thanking  him  for  some  "  gifts  in  kind  "  that  he 
had  sent  to  the  convent  for  Easter: 

My  kind  and  most  honoured  father,  health  and  greet- 


"  I  have  received  your  letter,  which  was  most  pleasant 
to  me;  and  with  it  the  numerous  things  for  which  I  greatly 
thank  you.  May  the  Lord  reward  you  for  me;  and,  above 
all,  may  He  fill  you  with  His  grace  at  this  holy  Paschal 
time,  paying  you  back  in  spiritual  gifts  the  temporal  ones 
that  you  bestow  upon  us!  You  really  do  too  much  for  us! 
But  I  am  very  sure  that  God  will  reward  you  amply,  for 
even  the  smallest  thing,  so  long  as  you  do  it  all  for  the  love 
of  Him.  I  entreat  you,  throughout  this  Easter  season,  to 
give  yourself  entirely  to  God.  See  how  He  suffered  for  us; 
and  how  He  did  it  out  of  the  great  love  He  bears  to  all 
His  creatures,  so  that  we  may  have  cause  to  love  Him  our- 
selves all  the  more!  Therefore,  my  father,  devote  yourself 
to  reflecting  on  such  love  as  this,  and  pray  for  me,  that  I 
too  may  learn  to  understand  it  better.  Exhort  Giovanni,* 
from  me,  to  do  the  same.  Tell  him  not  to  approach  this  great 
Sacrament  without  thought,  but  to  receive  It  after  serious 
reflection,  and  with  a  firm  purpose  of  avoiding  all  sin.  If 
he  does  this,  our  Lord  will  help  him.  Greetings  to  my 
brother  and  all  of  them,  and  also  to  you  and  our  mother. 
May  Jesus  Christ  keep  you  in  His  grace  and  preserve  you 
from  harm! 

"  Your  daughter,  etc.,  etc. 

"From  Trato,  Jprll  2,  1542." 

The  following  note  —  which  carries  us  on  to  more  than 
a  year  later  in  Catherine's  life  than  the  last  one  —  needs 
some  explanation  as  to  the  relations  of  her  father  with  the 
convent.  As  far  back  as  1538  Pierfrancesco,  having  been 
named  by  the  Grand-Duke  "  Commissary  "  at  Prato,  had 
the  opportunity  of  seeing  his  daughter  much  more  fre- 
quently than  before,  and  of  getting  to  know  the  chief  sisters 
of  the  convent  much  better  than  he  had  done.  He  was  so 

*  One    of  her  own  brothers,   by   the  first  wife,   Caterina   di    Panzano.    He    died 



charmed  by  their  conversation  that  he  became  devoted  to 
them,  and  gave  them  a  place  in  his  affections  of  such  a 
really  paternal  kind  that  he  voluntarily  bound  himself  to 
their  daily  interests  by  becoming  their  "  Procurator,"  or 
manager  of  their  temporal  affairs.  When  he  was  specially 
wanted  at  the  convent  on  business,  Catherine  herself  was 
generally  commissioned  to  write  to  him;  and  thus  she  had 
the  opportunity  of  saying  many  little  things  to  her  father, 
of  spiritual  or  temporal  interest,  on  her  own  account.  This 
state  of  things  will  explain  the  mingling  of  a  certain  degree 
of  "  corporate  self-interest  "  with  daughterly  anxiety  on  the 
saint's  part,  when  she  writes  of  Pierfrancesco's  illness: 

"  I  have  received  your  pleasant  letter,  and  with  it  your 
usual  little  presents:  we  will  beg  our  Lord  Himself  to  re- 
ward you  for  them.  We  are  much  grieved  to  hear  that  you 
are  ill;  and  we  are  offering,  and  will  continue  to  offer, 
prayers,  that  God  may  soon  restore  you  to  health,  and  that 
you  may  be  able  to  come  here.  The  mothers  are  in  great 
need  of  you  for  the  business,  and  the  numerous  works  going 
on  at  the  convent.  I  therefore  beg  you,  when  you  have  re- 
covered and  can  do  so  without  inconvenience,  to  come  with- 
out fail. 

"  Do  not  forget,  my  good  father,  to  give  yourself  to 
God  and  the  Blessed  Virgin.  Love  Him  with  your  whole 
heart  and  soul,  and  desire  nothing  save  to  please  Him  and 
do  His  holy  will.  I  know  that  He  will  never  fail  you  in  all 
your  needs.  .  .  .  Greet  our  dear  mother  for  me,  and  tell 
her  we  are  praying  for  her,  and  that  she  must  be  cheerful, 
and  give  herself  completely  to  Jesus  and  His  most  holy 
Mother.  .  .  .  May  the  Lord  be  always  with  you,  and  quickly 
make  you  well! 

"  Your  daughter,  etc.,  etc. 

"From  Trato,  July  8,  1543." 

We  come  next  to  a  portion  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's 
family  correspondence  which  is  full  of  pathos  as  well  as  of 
interest,  being  once  more  the  old  story — though  this  time 
enacted  from  behind  a  grille — of  a  sister  standing  between 
an  angry  father  and  an  erring  brother. 


But  a  fortnight  after  the  note  just  quoted,  we  find  the 
saint  writing  to  her  father  in  terms  that  can  only  be  ex- 
plained by  her  having  had  some  supernatural  revelation  of 
serious  trouble  shortly  to  befall  him,  and  of  which  she 
seems  to  be  giving  him  solemn  preparatory  warning.  Here 
is  her  letter  (dated  July  23): 

"My  good,  honoured,  and  well-beloved  father,  health 
and  innumerable  greetings  in  our  dear  Jesus! — May  He 
comfort  your  heart  in  all  the  needs  that  may  arise  at  any 
moment;  and  may  He  enlighten  you  in  all  your  works,  so 
that  you  may  walk  according  to  His  most  holy  will  and 
never  offend  the  Divine  Majesty.  I  would  make  this  re- 
quest of  you,  my  good  father — to  wish  for  nothing  but  His 
good  pleasure,  and  to  hold  yourself  in  subjection  to  His 
law  and  commandments — as,  indeed,  I  hope  and  believe 
you  are  sure  to  do.  But  I  want  to  remind  you  to  persevere 
in  this,  and  to  make  yourself  go  forward  from  good  to  better; 
because,  if  you  do  this,  I  am  certain  that  the  mercy  of  God 
will  never  forsake  you,  as  I  have  often  told  you.  I,  your 
daughter,  shall  never  cease  praying  to  my  Jesus  that  He 
will  not  desert  you,  and  that  you  too  may  never  desert 
Him,  whatever  may  happen  to  you.  Do,  I  beseech  you,  dear- 
est Father,  give  yourself  entirely  to  Jesus,  the  Lover  of  our 

"  I  received  your  letter  a  day  or  two  ago,  and  with  it 
your  many  kind  gifts.  .  .  . 

"  Your  daughter,  etc."  * 

The  misfortune  that  Catherine  evidently  foresaw  was 
not  long  in  coming.  At  the  beginning  of  September,  1543, 
her  father  wrote  to  tell  her  of  the  bitter  sorrow  into  which 
he  and  the  whole  family  had  been  plunged  by  the  miscon- 
duct of  his  eldest  son,  Ridolfo,  Catherine's  brother.  He  was 
a  young  man  of  about  twenty,  of  strong  passions,  who  was 
already  beginning  a  career  of  both  private  and  public  error 
which  was  to  keep  him  in  disgrace  almost  throughout  his 

*  The  beginnings  and  endings  of  all  the  saint's  letters  are  so  much  alike,  that 
in  the  future  only  one  specimen  of  each,  in  the  case  of  each  fresh  correspondent,  will 
be  given. 


life,  and  to  be  a  source  of  perpetual  anxiety  to  his  sister, 
whose  untiring  love  and  zeal  followed  him  to  the  end  in  an 
incessant  effort  to  bring  him  back  to  a  sense  of  duty.  In 
answer  to  the  first  news  of  his  bad  conduct  sent  to  her  by 
the  aggrieved  and  disconsolate  father,  she  writes  as  follows: 

"  I  have  read  your  letter,  and  also  that  of  the  poor  boy. 
May  God  have  as  deep  mercy  for  him  as  the  misery  into 
which  He  sees  him  plunged!  I  am  praying — and  the  whole 
community  is  joining  with  me  in  doing  the  same — that  this 
soul  may  not  perish.  It  is  perfectly  clear  that  he  means  to 
do  what  he  says;  but  prayer  may  disarm  the  anger  of  the 
Lord.  May  it  please  God  to  give  the  unhappy  boy  grace 
not  to  persist  in  the  bad  intention  that  he  has  now!  And 
you,  most  honoured  father — recommend  him  to  God,  as  I 
am  sure  you  are  doing — and  then  bear  the  troubles  with 

which  N *  is  overwhelming  you  patiently  and  in  peace. 

Remember,  my  dear  father,  that  our  Lord  will  give  you  a 
great  reward  for  this,  and  trust  entirely  to  God. 

"I  have  read  the  letters  to  our  uncle  (Fra  Timoteo),  and 
you  may  be  sure  that  he  feels  as  much  pity  for  you  as  I  do. 
Still,  things  being  as  they  are,  we  are  glad  to  have  had 

news  of  N ,  so  as  to  be  able  to  help  him  :  which  is  our 

duty,  as  he  is  all  the  more  in  need  of  help.  I  beg  you 
again  not  to  be  more  troubled  over  this  than  God  wills, 
but  to  let  reason  always  keep  the  upper  hand,  for  the  love 
of  Him  from  whom  you  incessantly  receive  so  much  good. 
If  He  allows  such  great  sorrows,  be  sure  that  it  will  all 
count  to  you  for  merit,  if  you  will  have  patience.  .  .  . 

"  From  Prato,  September  5,  1543." 

The  wording  of  this  letter  leaves  it  somewhat  doubt- 
ful whether  the  youth  had  written  himself  straight  to  his 
sister,  or  whether  Pierfrancesco  had  enclosed  a  letter  from 
his  son  for  Catherine  to  read.  Also,  we  cannot  be  sure, 
from  the  saint's  way  of  expressing  herself,  exactly  what  she 
means  by  the  "  help  "  which  she  and  her  uncle  thought  it 

*  Though  this  letter  and  the  two  following  ones  have  the  letter  N  in  place  of  a  name, 
it  is  held  certain  that  they  both  refer  to  Ridolfo. 


their  duty  to  give  to  Ridolfo;  but  it  certainly  conveys  an 
impression  that  they  had  been  affording  him  some  mate- 
rial help  in  a  bad  "  scrape,"  besides  assisting  him  with  their 
prayers.  However  this  may  be,  Sister  Catherine  apparently 
said  no  more  on  the  subject  to  her  father  for  some  time: 
hoping,  probably,  that  the  first  extreme  irritation  on  both 
sides  might  cool  a  little  if  she  waited.  Whether  she  at  last 
offered  to  intercede  for  her  brother,  to  get  him  pardoned, 
or  whether  the  culprit  himself — penitent  for  the  time — 
begged  her  to  do  so,  does  not  appear;  but,  at  any  rate,  she 
undertook  the  office  of  mediator,  two  months  after  this 
first  offence,  with  the  most  ardent  love  and  desire  for  peace, 
as  we  see  from  the  two  following  letters:  both  written  on 
the  same  day: 

"  May  the  Divine  Majesty  grant  you  patience  and  give 
peace  to  your  troubled  soul !  May  you  have  light  which, 
amid  all  your  trials,  will  enable  you,  for  the  love  of  God 
who  suffered  so  much  for  you,  to  see  what  course  will  be 
best  for  you  to  take,  and  may  you  have  grace  to  pursue  it. 
I  have  received  a  letter  from  your  son,  wherein  he  begs 
me  to  commend  him  to  you  and  to  send  you  the  letter 
which  he  has  written  to  you.  Full  well  do  I  understand 
your  displeasure  against  him  and  the  grave  faults  which  he 
has  committed;  but,  father,  1  entreat  you  to  be  patient  and 
discreet,  so  that  your  magnanimity  may  be  acknowledged 
by  all.  Your  son  has  indeed  acted  very  wrongly  and  dis- 
obeyed God,  and  you,  his  dear  father,  who  have  taken  so 
much  pains  for  him;  but  nevertheless  I  beseech  you,  for 
the  love  of  God,  to  pardon  him.  If  you  have  cursed  him 
according  to  his  deserts,  restore  your  blessing  to  him  now 
and  commend  him  to  God.  I  would  further  implore  you 
to  listen  to  his  prayers  and  to  grant  him  your  favour  and 
help  as  far  as  it  may  be  in  your  power  to  do  so.  If  you 
will  act  thus  I  shall  indeed  be  happy,  for  sons  are  often 
helped  in  life  for  their  fathers'  sake  rather  than  for  their 
own.  Encourage  my  mother  and  do  your  best  to  preserve 
your  peace  of  mind.  I  would  beg  of  you  to  send  a  line 
to  your  son  in  answer  to  this  letter  and  to  write  as  kindly  as 


you  can;  for,  since  the  harm  is  done,  there  is  nothing  to  be 
gained  by  making  bad  worse  and  driving  him  to  despair. 
May  Jesus  strengthen  you  as  I  fervently  pray  of  Him  to 
do !  May  He  be  with  you  and  guard  you  from  all  evil. 

"  November  15,  1543." 

"As  N *  is  returning  to  you  with  N ,  I  want 

to  beg  of  you  for  the  love  of  our  good  Jesus  to  lay  aside 
all  harshness  and  undue  severity.  Although  justice  may  be 
on  your  side  and  the  world  may  say  that  you  ought  to  be 
firm  in  asserting  your  rights,  it  is  my  belief  that  you  will 
please  our  Lord  Jesus  by  showing  mercy.  At  the  time  that 
his  mother  shall  deem  fitting  your  son  will,  I  know,  ask 
your  forgiveness;  and  I  implore  of  you  to  grant  him  par- 
don when  he  begs  it  of  you.  Tell  him  the  truth  gently, 
promising  to  help  him  if  he  behave  well  and  threatening 
to  withdraw  your  assistance  should  he  misconduct  himself. 
If  you  will  act  thus  I  think  that  you  will  do  him  a  great 
deal  of  good,  but  as  long  as  he  is  afraid  to  approach  you 
or  speak  to  you,  medicine  will  avail  him  little.  I  know  how 
much  he  suffers  when  I  tell  him  that  you  will  not  see  him. 
He  fully  acknowledges  that  you  are  in  the  right  and  is  very 
humble  and  most  anxious  to  atone,  by  his  future  conduct,  for 
the  displeasure  he  has  caused  you,  and  the  sooner  you  will 
forgive  him  the  more  quickly  he  will  recover  from  his 
illness  and  be  restored  by  you  to  health  of  soul  and  body. 
I  have  another  request  to  make  to  you.  Will  you  allow  this 
son  of  yours  and  the  others  to  go  to  Confession  henceforth 
to  Fra  Gabriello  Totti,  the  master  of  novices  at  San  Marco? 
When  your  son  came  here  he  told  me  that  he  meant  to  go 
to  Confession  on  his  return  to  you,  and  I  advised  him  to 
leave  his  former  confessor  and  go  to  Fra  Gabriello.  He  de- 
clined to  make  this  change  without  your  consent;  so  I  beg 
you  to  assign  the  priest  whom  I  have  named  as  confessor 
to  all  your  sons;  for,  without  wishing  to  asperse  any  one, 
I  think  he  is  a  good  father.  It  only  remains  for  me  to  beg 
your  pardon  if  I  was  too  free  in  speaking  with  N in 

*  Ridolfo. 


your  presence:  I  did  so,  not  out  of  disrespect,  but  from 
confidence;  so  pray  forgive  me.  I  have  offered  you  entirely 
to  Jesus,  and  I  pray  for  you  and  for  all. 
"November  15,  1543." 

These  two  letters,  however,  did  not  have  the  desired 
effect.  Pierfrancesco  remained  inflexible.  He  wrote  to  his 
daughter  with  redoubled  affection  for  her  and  her  convent, 
which  he  loaded  with  gifts;  but  he  said  not  a  word  about 
her  appeal  for  the  culprit,  whom  he  did  not  even  conde- 
scend to  mention.  Then  poor  Catherine,  overcome  with 
grief  at  seeing  her  brother  ostracized  from  his  father's  home, 
had  recourse  to  the  plan  of  putting  her  appeal  in  a  different 
form:  in  that  of  entreaty  for  a  personal  favour  to  herself. 
She  wrote  as  follows,  a  week  after  the  two  unsuccessful  com- 
munications, having  evidently  had  a  bad  account  of  her 
father's  health  in  his  letter,  which  gave  an  excuse  for  her 
writing  again  : 

"  I  have  received  from  you  a  letter  informing  me  of 
your  illness  which  grieves  me.  I  pray  and  will  pray  that 
God  may,  if  it  so  please  Him,  restore  you  to  health.  May 
such  be  His  will,  for  I  can  desire  nothing  save  His  good 
pleasure.  I  have  not,  as  yet,  heard  that  you  have  made  peace 
with  Ridolfo.  This  really  distresses  me,  and  I  do  beg  of  you, 
my  good  father,  for  the  sake  of  the  passion  of  Jesus  and 
for  the  love  of  the  Blessed  Virgin,  to  be  pleased  to  grant 
me  this  favour.  I  am  so  grieved  that  as  yet  you  have  not 
done  so,  that  my  sorrow  is  making  me  ill.  Therefore,  dear 
father,  I  implore  you  to  deliver  me  from  this  anxiety  and 
to  forget  the  past  and  bury  the  whole  matter  in  the  sacred 
wounds  of  our  good  Jesus.  Speak  to  your  son  again.  Do 
not  refuse  me,  father!  If  I  am  truly  your  daughter  and  you 
really  love  me  as  much  as  you  profess,  you  will  grant  me 
this  favour  and  will  deliver  me  from  this  distress.  I  am  cer- 
tain that  you  let  Ridolfo  want  for  nothing  and  provide  him 
with  everything;  but  what  good  will  medicine  do  him  while 
he  is  in  such  trouble  at  your  refusal  to  speak  to  him?  I 
entreat  you  soon  to  let  me  hear  that  you  have  done  as  I  ask 


you.  I  thank  you  with  all  my  heart  for  your  affection :  may 
the  Lord  reward  you  ! 
"23  November,  1543." 

This  time,  the  saint  succeeded  in  softening  her  father's 
severity,  as  the  opening  lines  of  her  next  letter  (not  other- 
wise interesting)  show.  "  I  have  had  your  very  welcome 
letter,"  she  writes,  "  and  I  see  that  by  the  grace  of  Jesus, 
you  are  now  quite  satisfied  and  peaceable — as  I  wished  you 
should  be,  for  your  own  happiness." 

Thus  ended  the  first  spell  of  trouble  over  Ridolfo.  We 
have  given  Catherine's  letters  on  the  subject  in  this  place, 
though  it  is  a  little  ante-dating  things  to  do  so,  because 
they  form  such  an  important  part  of  the  correspondence 
with  her  father  beginning  in  1542;  which  correspondence 
was  destined  to  be  so  short  that  it  seems  best  to  put  every- 
thing connected  with  it  together,  and  so  finish  the  subject. 

The  letter  last  quoted — whose  date  is  December  1 9, 1 543 
— goes  on,  after  expressing  the  writer's  pleasure  in  hearing 
of  peace  between  father  and  son,  to  congratulate  Pierfran- 
cesco,  piously,  on  being  appointed  to  the  office  of  "Maritime 
Consul"  at  Pisa  which  had  just  been  bestowed  on  him  by 
the  grand-duke,  and  which  he  forthwith  took  up,  and 
held  until  his  death  shortly  afterwards.  We  can  only  con- 
jecture that  he  saw,  and  bade  good-bye  to,  his  daughter  and 
her  community  before  leaving,  as  we  are  told  nothing  about 
this;  but  it  is  to  be  hoped  that  Catherine  had  at  least  one 
happy  interview  with  her  father  just  then,  to  console  her 
for  both  past  and  future  worrying  intercourse:  for  the  hot- 
tempered  Florentine  was  to  give  trouble  again  to  his  holy 
child,  by  his  implacable  disposition  when  angered,  before 
the  end  came.  It  happened  in  this  wise. 

Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci,  as  we  know,  owned  the  heredi- 
tary family  bank  in  common  with  his  elder  brother  Federigo 
de' Ricci.  They  managed  the  business  affairs  of  this  property 
together,  and  shared  the  profits.  Now,  at  a  certain  squaring 
of  accounts,  the  saint's  father  considered  that  his  own  rights 
had  been  seriously  infringed  upon — went  into  a  violent  rage 
with  his  brother — and  nursed  the  most  bitter  resentment 



against  him.  Catherine's  grief  over  such  a  quarrel  may  be 
imagined,  as  well  as  her  earnest  determination  not  to  rest 
till  she  had  done  all  in  her  power  to  heal  it.  Clearly,  she 
tried  her  best  to  bring  about  a  personal  interview  between 
her  father  and  Federigo  at  San  Vincenzio,  probably  hoping 
that  her  kindly  uncle  Fra  Timoteo  might  act  as  mediator 
and  bring  about  a  reconciliation  between  the  other  two; 
and  one  can  picture  her  disappointment  when  all  her  plans 
failed  by  Pierfrancesco's  hasty  departure  and  refusal  to  meet 
the  offender.  She  fell  again,  then,  to  writing  her  entreaties, 
as  she  had  done  in  the  case  of  Ridolfo;  the  two  last  letters 
we  have  of  this  correspondence  concern  the  difference  be- 
tween these  brothers:  in  which  the  saint  clearly  thought  that 
her  father  had  some  right  on  his  side  as  far  as  the  business 
matter  went,  terribly  in  the  wrong  as  she  saw  his  state  of 
mind  about  it  to  be. 

The  first  of  the  two  letters  is  taken  up  entirely  with  the 

"  I,  Sister  Catherine,  greet  you  in  the  love  of  Jesus 
Christ — longing  that  in  you,  my  father,  this  holy  charity 
should  be  perfect ;  for  it  is  this  that  keeps  us  in  union 
with  God,  and  makes  us  dear  and  acceptable  to  Him,  and 
which  also  guides  us  in  all  our  conduct  to  our  neigh- 
bours, whether  superiors,  equals,  or  subordinates.  Yet, 
father,  it  does  not  seem  to  me  that,  in  these  holy  Easter 
days,  any  signs  of  such  divine  charity  are  to  be  seen  in  you. 
I  am  most  deeply  distressed  to  find  you  so  ill-disposed  as 
to  have  kept  away  from  meeting  your  dear  brothers,  so  that 
you  might  interchange  explanations  and  make  peace  with 
each  other.  What  greater  happiness  could  you  have  than  to 
be  with  your  brothers  and  your  daughter  ?  We  should  in- 
deed have  praised  God,  if  we  had  seen  in  you  the  fruit  of 
Holy  Communion:  that  Victim  of  peace  whom  you  received 
on  Easter  morning,  and  who  produces  holy  charity  in  hearts 
that  receive  Him  with  due  faith  and  humility,  and  unites 
them  to  God  and  their  neighbour.  You  ought  not,  then,  to 
have  gone  to  this  Holy  Communion  until  you  had  been 
reconciled  to  your  brother;  and  he,  also,  ought  not  to  have 


put  off  [reconciliation]  till  after  Easter.  But  what  you  did 
not  do  before,  I  want  to  beg  you  to  do  now,  by  the  mercy 
of  Christ,  who  loved  us  so  much  that  He  did  not  refuse  to 
humiliate  Himself  and  do  penance  for  our  sakes,  though  we 
had  so  greatly  offended  Him.  Ah!  did  not  He  say,  when  the 
Jews  crucified  Him  so  unjustly,  c  Father,  forgive  my  exe- 
cutioners, for  they  know  not  what  they  do '  ?  I  want  you  to 
do  the  same,  even  though  alhthe  right  were  on  your  side. 
I  believe,  and  am  indeed  certain,  that  much  of  it  is  so,  and 
I  feel  great  compassion  for  you;. but  I  do  not  want  you  to 
stop  there:  I  want  holy  love  and  holy  peace  to  show  forth 
in  you,  as  in  a  true  Christian.  Do  hot  refuse  what  I  ask. 

"  You  must  not  think  that  because  I  have  exchanged 
a  few  words  with  N *  I  have  turned  against  you,  con- 
trary to  all  reason.  I  know  him,  too,  very  well,  and  quite 
understand  that  his  disposition  is  incompatible  with  yours. 
What  I  am  now  writing,  I  should  have  said  [before]  vivd 
>0££,  had  I  known  the  terms  on  which  you  and  he  stood; 
and  I  think  still  as  I  did  formerly,  and  fee\  very  much  for 
you.  But,  if  I  think  rightly  of  your  soul,  m  ^conscience  tells 
me  that  I  am  not  wrong  in  pointing  out  your  proper  course 
to  you.  Even  if  every  reason  you  could  urge  [for  displea- 
sure] were  a  true  one,  nevertheless  you  ought  to  explain 
yourself,  and  come  to  an  agreement,  so  as  to  be  at  peace. 
You  ought  to  do  this  both  for  the  honour  of  God  and  for 
the  sake  of  a  better  example  to  the  world  and  to  your  own 
sons,  who  will  follow  the  precedents  you  set  and  walk  in  your 
footsteps.  So,  dear  father,  do  not  refuse  what  I  ask,  for  the 
good  of  your  soul  and  your  body!  If  you  do  this,  God  will 
help  you  and  make  you  prosper  in  all  your  concerns;  if  you 
do  otherwise,  you  will  not  deserve  that  He  should  help  you, 
but  that  everything  should  go  from  bad  to  worse.  I  am  sure 
you  will  not  fail  me  in  this,  but  that  you  understand  how 
important  it  is  for  you  to  be  at  peace  with  N . 

"  It  pains  me  to  worry  you  with  such  a  long  letter,  but 
I  did  not  know  what  else  to  do.  I  would  rather  have  said 
what  I  am  now  writing — and  should  have  done  so  if  you  had 
not  gone  off  in  the  morning,  almost  in  anger,  and  without 

*  Federigo  de'  Ricci. 


saying  a  word  to  us.  This  was  a  very  great  trouble  to  us  all. 
I  only  want  to  beg  you — hoping  that  you  will  want  to  please 
me — to  tell  me,  in  answer  to  this,  when  you  will  do  what 
I  ask,  and  take  a  day  or  two  for  looking  over  those  accounts 
again,  so  as  to  put  an  end  to  the  matter  and  make  peace. 
With  your  permission,  I  should  like  to  send  the  Padre,  our 
uncle,  to  stay  with  you  and  listen  to  your  views,  as  I  know 
he  wishes  nothing  but  your  good.  So  do  not  fail  to  let  me 
know  what  you  intend:  the  more  quickly  you  settle  it  all 
the  more  you  will  honour  God,  and  the  better  it  will  be 
for  you,  in  every  respect. 

"  Once  again,  I  beg  you  to  satisfy  me  by  answering 
quickly,  if  you  wish  God  to  be  with  you.  I  must  not  for- 
get to  warn  you,  in  certain  states  of  anger  or  violence,  not 
to  let  words  escape  you  that  might  trouble  or  offend  your 
neighbour,  as  you  can  judge  that  they  would  displease  you 
if  said  by  anyone  whatever;  for  by  thus  offending  your 
neighbour,  you  would  offend  God,  and  might  do  yourself 
great  harm. 

"From  Prato,  April  16,  1544." 

If  this  intense  anxiety  for  both  soul  and  body  on  the 
part  of  his  daughter — even  whilst  she  believed  him  in  the 
right  as  to  the  grounds  of  complaint — gives  a  painfully 
vivid  picture  of  what  Pierfrancesco's  temper  must  have  been 
when  strongly  roused,  an  equally  clear  impression  of  the 
humility  and  faith  that  lay  at  the  bottom  of  his  passionate 
character  is  surely  conveyed  by  her  next  letter  to  him,  as 
well  as  a  most  touching  proof  of  the  deep  love  and  confi- 
dence that  must  have  existed  between  the  two,  to  make 
such  plain-speaking  on  her  part  and  such  ready  acceptance 
on  his,  possible. 

A  week  after  the  above  earnest  appeal  the  saint  writes 
again  thus : 

"I  am  writing,  my  dearest  father,  in  answer  to  your 
most  welcome  letter  informing  me  that  you  have  asked 
pardon  from  your  heart.  I  could  never  tell  you  what  joy 
this  news  has  given  me:  it  makes  me  happy  on  account 
both  of  your  soul  which  I  love  dearly,  and  also  of  your 


bodily  welfare.  I  thank  you  for  having  sent  me  such  joyful 
intelligence,  the  best  indeed  that  I  could  possibly  have  re- 
ceived. Blessed  be  God  who  never  forsakes,  but  rather 
lovingly  assists,  all  them  that  trust  in  Him !  As,  by  your 
letter,  you  have  gladdened  my  heart,  I  likewise  will  send 
you  some  happy  tidings.  Know  then  that  yesterday  your 
dear  daughter  Lessandra,  together  with  the  others,  was 
accepted  by  the  sisters  assembled  in  chapter.  She  obtained 
a  large  number  of  votes.  Do  you  thank  God  then  together 
with  me  for  the  many  blessings  which,  despite  our  ingrati- 
tude, He  never  ceases  to  pour  down  upon  us.  May  He 
also  reward  you  for  the  charity  and  affection  that  you  un- 
failingly show  me.  Nothing  further  occurs  to  me  to  say 
except  to  commend  myself  to  you  and  to  my  mother,  pray- 
ing God  to  enrich  you  with  His  grace.  I  should  be  very 
grateful  if  you  would  send  me  the  dates  of  my  birth  and  of 
my  baptism.  I  know  that  they  occurred  during  this  month. 
The  reverend  Father  Provincial  received  your  and  our 
Sandrina  and  offered  her  at  the  altar  together  with  the  others. 
" April 24,  1544." 

Was  Catherine's  extreme  desire  to  see  her  father  spiri- 
tually at  rest  as  quickly  as  possible  in  any  way  inspired  by 
some  private  foreknowledge  ?  It  may  be  so,  for  the  end  of 
Pierfrancesco's  life  was  very  near  when  she  wrote  the  above 
letter  :  the  last  we  have  of  this  correspondence.  He  died  in 
September,  1544,  having  held  his  office  at  Pisa  but  ten 
months.  Whether  he  and  his  saintly  daughter  met  again 
upon  earth  we  are  not  told. 

We  must  now  go  back  a  little  in  time,  to  show  by  one 
or  two  other  letters  of  this  period  the  sort  of  separate  inter- 
course that  Sister  Catherine  was  holding  with  her  step- 
mother, whilst  she  was  communicating  on  these  thorny 
subjects  with  her  father.  Fiammetta — mother  of  seven 
children  of  her  own,  in  addition  to  the  step-children  whom 
she  had  so  completely  taken  to  her  heart — was  a  woman 
of  many  cares  as  well  as  of  very  warm  affections;  and  she 
had  no  more  keen  sympathizer  in  all  concerns  than  the  step- 
daughter whom  she  had  so  generously  helped  to  the  desire 


of  her  heart  in  former  days.  Just  at  the  end  of  1542, 
Fiammetta  was  in  great  anxiety  about  her  own  boy, 
Vincenzio,  who  was  dangerously  ill;  and  the  saint  writes 
thus  about  it : 

"  My  honoured  and  dearest  mother, — Your  troubles  are 
mine,  and  I  feel  most  deeply  for  your  grief  and  anxiety  on 
account  of  your  little  Vincenzio.  I  have  begged  Mother 
Prioress  to  make  a  vow  with  me,  to  him  who,  by  the  will 
of  God,  cured  me,  that  if  he  will  restore  him  to  health  be- 
tween this  time  and  the  Purification  of  the  Blessed  Virgin, 
our  uncle  the  Father  shall  say  a  mass  in  his  honour,  to 
which  you  shall  send  Vincenzio,  wearing  the  habit  of  our 
order  to  show  that  it  is  our  holy  Father  who  has  granted 
him  the  favour  of  health.  I  will  not  fail  to  commend  him 
to  my  Lord  in  the  manner  and  with  the  love  that  you 
desire  :  I  have  never  forgotten  to  do  so  since  I  heard  of  his 
illness.  But  my  dearest  mother  and  my  honoured  father 
must  be  resigned  to  the  will  of  their  Creator,  who  allows 
us  to  suffer  so  many  tribulations  that  we  may  not  be  at- 
tached to  this  world  and  may  have  reason  to  acknowledge 
our  good  God.   I  know  that  you  love  Him  and  confess 
Him  and  are  wholly  His;  but  He  by  means  of  trial  would 
make  you  belong  still  more  perfectly  to  Him.  How  clearly 
does  not  this  very  trouble  prove  to  you  that  Jesus  loves 
us  and  promises  us  all  happiness  in  order  that  in  the  furnace 
of  affliction  we  may  become  pure  gold !  Let  us  then,  dearest 
mother,  accept  our  sufferings  willingly  from  the  hands  of 
such  a  Benefactor.    I    send  you   a  little   relic  :  put  it  on 
Vincenzio  with  prayer  and  faith,  but  do  not  let  him  lose 
it,  for  it  is  valuable.  Keep  up  your  heart,  dear  mother,  and 
be  of  good  cheer,  for  thus  would  Jesus  have  you  be.  Com- 
mend me  to  our  father :  may  he  be  willing  to  endure  with 
patience !  Jesus  be  with  you  ever. 

"Your  daughter, 


"  December  30,  1542."* 

*  This  child  died;  but  a  boy  born  afterwards  was  also  named  "Vincenzio,"  and  is 
he  one   whom  we  shall  find  referred  to  later  on  as  having  married  a  certain  "Cassandra." 


The  next  letter  from  Catherine  to  her  step-mother  is 
interesting  as  a  picture,  not  of  family  life  only,  but  of  the 
"  educational  "  customs  of  the  period.  The  girl-members 
of  the  many  large  Italian  families  were  usually  brought  up 
within  the  cloister  walls;  and  their  parents  sent  them,  by 
preference,  to  convents  where  an  aunt  or  an  elder  sister 
was  amongst  the  nuns  and  would  be  likely  to  give  special 
motherly  care  to  her  young  relations.  Moreover,  besides 
ensuring  the  immediate  comfort  and  welfare  of  their  child- 
ren, the  parents  often  found  help  towards  the  future  "esta- 
blishment "  of  their  numerous  daughters  in  adopting  this 
plan ;  for,  attracted  by  the  ties  of  blood  as  well  as  by  those 
of  religion,  and  treated  almost  as  affectionately  as  they  would 
have  been  at  home,  the  pupils  very  often  became  postulants 
for  the  novitiate  at  an  extremely  early  age.  If  accepted,  they 
were  then — with  the  parents'  consent — placed  immediately 
under  a  system  of  education  specially  adapted  for  the  Re- 
ligious state,  and  lived  in  this  manner  till  such  time  as  they 
were  old  enough  to  receive  the  habit,  which  was  never  given 
till  they  were  thirteen  or  fourteen  years  old. 

St  Catherine  de'  Ricci  fulfilled  this  office  of  "elder  sister 
or  aunt  "  of  the  cloister,  most  thoroughly,  towards  her  four 
half-sisters,  who  were  in  turn  sent  to  be  under  her  care  from 
their  earliest  years.  The  first,  Lucrezia,  was  clothed  there  in 
1 543,  taking  the  name  of  Maria  Eenigna — under  which  title 
her  aunt  often  speaks  of  her  in  family  letters.  Two  others 
were  accepted  as  postulants  early  in  the  next  year,  both  of 
whom  were  professed  in  due  time  ;  and  it  is  apropos  of  their 
acceptance  that  we  have  the  following  letter  from  the  saint, 
showing  equally  her  own  joy  at  having  her  young  sisters 
received  by  her  own  community,  and  her  anxiety  not  to 
wound  their  mother's  susceptibilities: 

"  I  have  done  something  which,  such  was  my  confidence 
in  my  dear  mother,  I  believed  that  I  might  do  without  in- 
curring her  displeasure.  I  have,  without  your  knowledge, 
procured  the  admission  of  Marietta  and  of  Lena.  The  idea 
occurred  to  me  and  I  felt  sure  that  such  was  the  will  of  God. 
I  said  to  myself:  I  know  that  my  mother  will  be  satisfied 


with  what  I  am  going  to  do;  and  then  I  asked  the  mothers 
of  the  convent  about  it,  and  they  willingly  complied  with 
my  desire  this  evening,  feast  of  St  Vincent,  martyr.  Both 
my  sisters  had  a  large  number  of  votes  and  I  am  very  happy 
that  they  are  here  with  us.  Thank  our  Lord  that  He  has 
allowed  them  to  be  received  into  the  dwelling  of  so  many 
of  His  handmaids.  Do  not,  I  beg  of  you,  be  anxious  about 
them,  but  give  them  gladly  to  Jesus,  who  wills  to  have  them. 
You  can  send  for  them  whenever  you  like,  either  now  or 
when  you  go  to  Pisa.  This  is  left  to  you,  but  you  must  not 
send  them  anywhere  else  for  this  is  their  abode.  My  sisters 
are  more  happy  than  I  can  say,  and  you  likewise  must  be 
contented  and  happy  that  Jesus  has  chosen  them  for  Him- 
self and  called  them  from  the  folly  and  vanity  of  the  world. 
Oh,  what  great  mercy  has  He  shown  to  them!  Even  if  your 
feelings  rebel,  it  will  suffice  if  your  reason  remains  firm,  and 
I  think^that  such  with  you  will  be  the  case.  For  the  love  of 
God,  and  for  my  sake,  you  will  take  this  step  willingly  and 
you  will  forgive  me  if  I  have  presumed  too  far.  I  have  no 
more  to  say  save  to  commend  myself  to  you,  in  conjunc- 
tion with  your  daughter  Sister  Maria  Benigna  who  is  as 
happy  in  her  vocation  as  she  can  be.  She  desires  to  be  re- 
membered to  her  sisters,  and  we  both  send  our  love  to  them 
and  commend  ourselves  to  our  father  and  to  the  others. 
Mother  Prioress  and  the  other  sisters  send  you  greeting. 
May  God  keep  you  ever  in  His  grace! 
"January  22,  1543." 

The  reception  of  Fiammetta's  fourth  daughter,  "  Les- 
sandra  " — Catherine's  own  namesake — has  been  described 
above,  in  one  of  the  saint's  letters  to  Pierfrancesco,  who  thus 
had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  all  the  remaining  girls  of  his 
second  family  (one,  if  not  more,  had  died  before  this  time) 
safely  placed  under  their  eldest  sister's  care. 

About  a  month  after  her  father's  death,  Catherine  had 
the  grief  of  losing  her  brother  Giovanni — the  one  to  whom 
she  sent  a  message  about  his  spiritual  concerns  in  the  Lent 
of  1 542.  Though  only  her  step-son,  Giovanni  seems  to  have 
had  as  deep  a  place  in  Fiammetta's  heart  as  if  he  had  been 


her  own,  judging  from  the  tone  in  which  the  saint  sponta- 
neously writes  her  sympathy  over  their  mutual  loss: 

"  I  learn  from  your  letter  that  it  has  pleased  God  to  call 
to  Himself  the  soul  of  my  dearest  brother  Giovanni.  This 
news  cuts  me  to  the  heart  because  I  loved  him,  but  reason 
bids  me  be  patient  and  endure  all  that  God  does  or  allows, 
because  it  is  willed  by  Him  without  whose  good  pleasure 
not  a  leaf  moves  upon  a  tree.  I  entreat  of  you,  my  dear 
mother,  to  have  patience  likewise,  and  to  commit  yourself 
wholly  to  our  Lord,  remembering  that  whatsoever  He  does 
is  for  His  glory  and  for  our  welfare  and  that  He  knows  and 
sees  far  better  than  we.  We,  as  far  as  we  are  able,  will  as- 
sist you  with  our  prayers,  imploring  the  Almighty  to  give 
you  grace  to  endure  your  heavy  trial.  I  do  most  truly  sym- 
pathize with  you  and  bear  you  ever  in  mind,  and  pray  for 
you  continually  as  my  duty  obliges  me  to  do.  It  boots  little 
to  commend  myself  to  you,  seeing  that  you  are  ever  in  my 
thoughts.  I  would  fain  hear  some  details  as  to  my  brother's 
end:  whether  he  was  willing  to  depart,  and  whether  he  re- 
ceived the  holy  Sacraments.  Will  you  then  inform  me  about 
the  matter,  and  also  tell  me  where  Ridolfo  is  and  what  he 
is  doing?  The  Father  our  uncle  sends  you  many  remem- 
brances: I  believe  that  he  is  writing  to  you.  I  have  given 
the  news  to  Sister  Maria  Benigna:  I  have  told  her  that  you 
are  not  grieving  more  than  you  can  help,  and  have  bidden 
her  assist  you  with  her  prayers.  She  begs  to  be  remembered 
to  you  and  so  does  Sister  Maddalena  who  often  prays  for 
you.  She  feels  for  you  very  much,  and  makes  our  troubles 
her  own.  Nothing  further  remains  for  me  to  say  except 
to  commend  myself  to  you.  Let  me  know  if  there  be  any- 
thing that  I  can  do  for  you;  I  will  serve  you  in  any  pos- 
sible way.  The  whole  convent  is  praying  for  you.  May  the 
Lord  keep  you  ever  in  His  grace:  remember  me  to  all, 
especially  to  Giovambatista,  and  tell  him  that  I  think  of 
him  and  bid  him  be  good. 

"  October  16,  1544." 

It  may  probably  be  safely  conjectured  that  part  of  Cathe- 
rine's intense  sympathy  with  her  step-mother,  in  this  loss, 


was  called  forth  by  her  pity  for  the  recent  widow  as  well 
as  for  the  bereaved  mother:  the  latter  sentences  of  the 
letter  seem  certainly  to  point  to  this.  No  other  letters  on 
the  subject  of  Pierfrancesco's  death  are  given  in  any  of  the 

Poor  Fiammetta's  troubles  came  thick  upon  her;  for  in 
the  same  year  in  which  she  had  lost  her  husband  and  step- 
son by  death,  she  had  next  to  lose  the  eldest — and  appa- 
rently the  favourite — of  her  own  sons  by  another  way.  The 
"  Giovambatista  "  referred  to  in  the  above  letter  shortly 
afterwards  announced  his  intention  of  becoming  a  Domi- 
nican friar  at  San  Marco.  How  very  keenly,  notwithstand- 
ing her  real  holiness,  the  poor  mother  in  her  loneliness  felt 
this  blow,  was  fully  realized  and  understood  by  Catherine; 
and  in  the  two  last  letters  that  we  give  of  this  correspon- 
dence she  seems  to  put  forth  all  her  powers  of  tender  per- 
suasion and  sympathy,  as  well  as  of  heavenly  exhortation, 
with  the  object  of  comforting  and  supporting  the  stricken 
widow  in  this  final  and  evidently  unexpected  bereavement. 

The  first  letter  is  written  immediately  on  receiving  the 

"  Dearest  and  honoured  mother,  health  and  consolation 
in  the  Lord, — I  do  not  doubt,  from  what  I  hear,  that  your 
son  and  my  dearest  brother,  Giovambatista,  will  leave  you 
and  go  into  holy  Religion.  Sweetest  mother,  do  me  the 
pleasure  to  mitigate  your  grief,  by  thinking  to  whom  he  is 
going,  while  leaving  you,  his  beloved  mother.  Consider  that 
it  is  to  none  other  than  to  his  and  our  God,  the  Creator  of 
heaven  and  earth.  He  is  going  into  Religion  to  serve  his 
most  sacred  Majesty  with  more  security,  with  greater  faith 
and  stability;  for  you  know  what  the  world  is  for  the  young! 
If  it  be  for  your  loss,  as  regards  temporal  necessities,  which 
I  know  cause  you  some  suffering,  I  am  sorry  for  you.  As 
regards  higher  reasons,  I  know  that  you  have  some  cause, 
not  having  the  Padre  our  uncle  nor  myself  with  you,  but 
you  must  reflect  that  his  only  motive  is  the  call  from  God. 
You  must  console  yourself  my  dear  mother,  that  it  is  the 
will  of  that  God  who  gave  him  to  you;  for  He  might  have 


taken  him  some  other  way,  with  much  more  bitterness  to 
you  than  the  way  he  is  being  taken  now.  For  you  will  be 
able  to  see  him  sometimes,  and  with  untold  satisfaction,  in 
good  health,  as  we  may  hope.  Above  all,  if  you  feel  troubled 
in  a  case  of  so  much  importance,  keep  firm  and  constant  in 
the  will  of  God,  and  commend  yourself  to  Him  who  is  the 
true  Consoler  of  afflicted  souls,  as  I  know  yours  is,  my 
dearest  and  most  beloved  mother  in  Christ  Jesus.  May  He 
bless  that  heart  which  is  His  own,  and  relieve  it  of  all  its 
sorrow,  and  keep  it  calm  in  Himself  and  His  will.  Come 
and  see  us  as  soon  as  you  can  with  the  little  sisters  whom 
I  desire  greatly  to  see,  if  that  be  pleasing  to  God  and  His 
most  holy  Mother.  Now  be  as  little  melancholy  as  you  can, 
and  we  will  not  fail  to  pray  for  you  and  for  all  the  others 
at  home.  Sister  Maria  Benigna  does  the  same,  and  com- 
mends herself  to  you.  May  Jesus  be  ever  in  the  midst  of 
your  heart,  and  inflame  it  with  His  holy  love,  which  is  the 
highest  I  can  desire  for  you. 
"  December  30,  1544." 

Giovambatista  entered  San  Marco  on  February  24, 1545; 
and  Fiammetta  evidently  poured  forth  all  her  grief  at  the 
parting  and  her  anxiety  about  her  beloved  son's  own 
health  under  the  rigours  of  Dominican  rule  in  a  letter  to 
her  unfailing  refuge  in  trouble;  for  Catherine  writes  thus 
early  in  March: 

"  Honoured  and  dearest  mother,  health  and  greeting  in 
Christ  Jesus, — I  have  received  your  letter,  by  which  I  see 
how  grieved  you  are  at  parting  from  your  dear  son.  And, 
my  dear  mother,  I  believe  you,  indeed  I  am  certain  of  it 
and  have  very  great  sympathy  with  you,  more  than  I  can 
tell  you.  But  being  the  work  of  our  Lord,  who  is  the  high- 
est Wisdom,  console  yourself,  dear  mother,  and  do  not 
make  yourself  unhappy;  or  rather  I  should  say,  as  little  as 
you  can,  placing  yourself  entirely  in  the  will  of  our  Lord, 
as  I  am  sure  you  have  already  done  and  will  do.  And  so  I 
pray  you  do  not  grieve  any  more  for  him,  lest  you  make 
yourself  ill,  which  I  should  not  like,  indeed  I  should  be 


displeased  on  account  of  the  other  children.  And  do  not 
fear,  dear  mother,  that  Religion  can  do  him  any  harm,  as 
you  say  in  your  letter;  and  think  that  He  who  has  called 
him  to  Himself  in  holy  Religion  will  preserve  and  keep 
him  always,  and  will  not  let  him  come  to  harm  in  those 
things  which  seem  to  us  might  be  bad  for  him.  Besides  that, 
I  can  tell  you  that  the  fathers  will  take  diligent  care,  and 
not  let  him  want  for  anything,  for  they  know  very  well 
what  his  strength  is.  Believe  that  they  will  use  discretion, 
especially  on  this  head;  I  also  have  commended  him  to 
them,  and  I  know  that  they  will  do  it,  because  they  love 
him.  So  you  must  be  happy  and  thank  God  that  He  has 
given  such  great  grace  to  your  son  as  to  call  him  into 
Religion,  which  is  a  holy  and  perfect  state.  Therefore  be 
of  good  heart,  for  our  Lord  will  not  forsake  him,  having 
taken  him  for  His  own,  and  given  Him  such  a  holy  voca- 
tion. I  will  say  no  more,  except  to  commend  myself  to  you, 
and  to  all.  Mother  Prioress  and  the  others  do  the  same. 
May  our  Lord  be  always  with  you. 
«  March  i,  154(5)-" 



Catherine's  demeanour  during  her  Ecstasies  of  the  Passion — How  the  fame 
and  proofs  of  them  spread  beyond  the  convent — People  attracted  by 
them  to  Prato  from  the  court — The  saint's  personal  virtues,  penances, 
and  humility  in  the  midst  of  her  fame — The  pope's  commissioners 
pronounce  in  her  favour 

WHILST  CATHERINE  was  thus  carrying  on  her  simple, 
womanly  intercourse  with  her  family,  the  supernatural 
wonders  of  her  daily  life — and  especially  those  connected 
'  with  her  marvellous  ecstasy — were  constantly  rather  increas- 
ing than  diminishing.  Her  fellow-nuns,  never  tired  of  the 
wondrous  sight,  and  moreover — like  the  "  daughters  of 
Jerusalem  " — longing  to  show  their  sympathy  by  mourn- 
ing, now  with  the  saint  herself,  and  now  with  the  Saviour 
of  whom  she  became  such  a  perfect  likeness  at  these  times, 
made  a  practise  of  regularly  relieving  each  other  during  the 
weekly  twenty-eight  hours  for  which  the  ecstasy  lasted,  so 
that  she  was  never  left  alone. 

Catherine's  demeanour  in  these  states  was  not  only 
wonderful  in  itself,  but  was  so  wonderfully  varied  as  to 
form  a  constantly  fresh  attraction  to  the  onlookers.  Her 
utterances,  especially — which  seem  to  have  been  almost 
continuous  during  her  ecstasies — changed  perpetually. 
Sometimes  she  would  recite  sacred  Canticles,  or  Psalms  of 
David  that  made  plaintive  echoes  to  the  particular  phase 
of  the  Passion  that  she  might  be  going  through — such  as 
Psalm  cxviii,  Sea  ft  immaculati  in  >/'«,  etc.,  corresponding 
to  the  long  torture  of  the  scourging;  or  Psalm  xxi,  Deus, 
Deus  meus,  respice  in  me^  etc.,  full  of  the  agonies  of  the 
crucifixion.  She  appeared  to  hear  these  words  fall  from  the 
very  lips  of  Jesus  Christ  Himself;  and  when  she  repeated 
them  with  His  own  majestic  accent,  and  rendings  of  soul 
and  voice,  it  was  impossible  to  listen  without  deep  emo- 
tion and  religious  awe. 

At  other  times  the  saint's  utterances  would  consist  of 


colloquies,  or  burning  discourses  on  the  Sacred  Victim — 
on  His  sufferings — on  the  ingratitude  of  sinners — or  on 
her  own  sins,  whose  malice  she  never  ceased  to  deplore, 
and  whose  consequences  she  believed  would  be  fatal  to  the 
whole  human  race.  Again,  she  would  sometimes  pour  forth 
the  most  earnest  exhortations  to  her  nuns,  to  incite  them 
to  the  love  of  God. 

Some  of  these  words,  taken  from  the  convent  MSS., 
are  given  in  full  by  Razzi,  and  may  here  be  fitly  quoted  as 
an  example  of  what  the  sisters,  reverently  following  the 
great  weekly  ecstasy,  were  accustomed  to  listen  to. 

One  Friday,  towards  half-past  eleven,  contemplating 
our  Saviour  carrying  His  cross  up  the  steep  heights  of 
Calvary,  she  was  heard  to  cry  aloud: 

"  Oh,  my  divine  Spouse,  in  what  a  state  Thou  art! 
Thy  poor  shoulders — they  cannot  go  on  bearing  such  a 
weight!  Ah!  if  I  am  ready  to  fall  at  only  the  sight  of  it, 
what  must  it  be  to  Thee,  who  art  so  tender  and  delicate! 
Who  could  ever  imagine  the  state  Thou  art  in,  O  my 
Jesus?  Eternal  Father,  is  that  indeed  Thy  Son?  Ungrate- 
ful, ungrateful  sinners,  acknowledge  such  love!  I  recom- 
mend them  to  Thee,  my  divine  Spouse.  Oh,  let  them  reap 
the  merit  of  the  sufferings  that  Thou  art  this  moment  en- 
during for  them,  and  for  me  who  am  the  cause  of  all  the 
evil  that  is  being  done  in  the  world!  O  God,  in  what  days 
I  have  to  live! — alas,  alas! — Thy  honour  is  no  longer  de- 
sired: no  one  thinks  of  Thy  glory:  none  are  anxious  to 
serve  and  love  Thee!  I  beseech  Thee,  O  Lord,  change  the 
nature  of  souls  a  little,  and  give  the  spirit  of  uprightness 
and  fervour.  I  recommend  to  Thy  mercy  the  holy  Church, 
and  the  city  of  Florence,  which  is  Thy  Mother  Mary's 
daughter;  also  all  our  benefactors,  all  Religious,  and  all  my 
beloved  sisters  here. 

"  But — what  do  I  see,  O  my  Spouse? — savage  dogs  are 
setting  upon  Thee!  Ah,  how  pitilessly  they  are  dragging 
Thee  down  when  Thy  strength  is  so  exhausted  that  it  will 
not  let  Thee  go  on!  Cruel — cruel !  " 

After  other  exclamations  of  the  same  kind  she  came  to 
the  moment  when  Jesus,  crushed  down  by  the  weight  of 


His  cross,  meets  His  Mother  coming  round  the  mountain. 
She  gave  a  heart-rending  cry. 

"Poor  Mother!  how  could  she  endure  such  grief?  If 
only  our  nuns  were  there  to  keep  her  company  and 
strengthen  her  in  her  anguish!" 

Then,  after  remaining  in  profound  silence  for  a  time, 
she  thanked  our  Lord  for  all  the  blessings  she  had  received 
from  Him,  and  begged  for  fresh  favours,  particularly 
entreating  Him  graciously  to  address  some  words  with 
His  own  lips  to  her  dear  sisters  in  Religion.  And  behold, 
after  a  few  moments'  pause,  Jesus — making  Catherine  His 
mouthpiece — spoke  thus  to  her  companions: 

"  How  long,  my  dear  daughters,  will  you  go  on  so 
negligently?  When  will  you  determine,  once  for  all,  to  give 
your  hearts  perfectly  to  Me — to  come  and  hide  yourselves 
in  this  Wound  in  My  side — and  find  pure  joy  and  lasting 
happiness  there?  You  say  that  to  receive  My  gifts  and 
graces  the  soul  must  be  rightly  disposed  for  them — and 
you  speak  truly.  You  say,  again,  that  this  disposition  of 
soul  is  given  by  Me,  and  you  are  right.  But,  none  the  less, 
if  you  would  obtain  it  you  must  have  great  zeal,  and  use 
your  own  efforts.  Therefore,  if  you  would  have  My  grace 
and  My  gifts  to  take  possession  of  your  hearts,  tear  from 
them  all  earthly  affections:  remember  that  the  things  of  this 
world  pass  quickly  away,  never  to  return;  whilst  I  shall 
never  be  wanting  to  My  faithful  spouses!  Practise  holy 
humility;  be  grateful  for  the  favours  of  God;  obey  your 
superiors;  keep  peace  and  mutual  love  amongst  yourselves; 
and  profit  by  the  words  of  My  well-beloved  spouse  Cathe- 
rine, in  whom  I  show  you  a  living  image  of  the  sorrowful 
mysteries  of  My  own  Passion."* 

But  it  was  not  for  the  convent  sisters  only  that  this 
spectacle  was  destined:  Jesus  Christ  intended  it  to  be  the 
means  of  reviving  faith  beyond  the  cloister  walls,  and  of 
arousing  a  more  Christian  spirit  amid  the  populations  of 
Tuscany  and  a  large  portion  of  Italy.  Rumour  had  already 
been  everywhere  busy  with  the  marvels  concerning  "  the 
Saint  of  Prato."  The  wonderful  phenomenon  of  her  ecstasy, 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  xvii,  p.  91. 


the  veneration  that  she  had  inspired  in  her  community, 
and  the  severe  scrutiny  to  which  the  superiors  of  the  Order 
had  subjected  her,  were  all  reported  and  talked  about,  and 
to  these  reports  was  soon  added  the  gift  of  miracles. 

Four  miracles,  happening  within  a  short  time  of  each 
other,  are  related  of  the  year  1542.  The  two  first  were 
physical  miracles — one,  the  restoration,  and  subsequent  in- 
crease, of  a  quantity  of  corn  belonging  to  the  nuns,  which 
had  gone  quite  bad  in  the  granary,  by  the  saint's  walking 
over  it  bare-footed;  the  other,  the  miraculous  extinguish- 
ing of  a  bad  fire  which  broke  out  suddenly  in  the  convent, 
by  her  making  the  sign  of  the  cross  over  the  flames. 

Shortly  after  this  last  event,  a  strange  and  sad  occur- 
rence, of  spiritual  kind,  showed  forth  strongly  both  the 
hatred  of  Satan  for  Sister  Catherine  and  the  wonderful 
power  of  her  intercession  for  even  the  most  desperately 
hopeless  souls.  A  certain  young  lady — member  of  some 
great  family,  but  whose  name  is  not  given — had  let  her- 
self get  into  the  power  of  the  evil  one;  and  he  made  her 
the  instrument  of  a  violent  assault  on  the  saint's  credit,  by 
inciting  her  to  join  the  community  of  San  Vincenzio,  and 
there  endowing  her  with  diabolical  powers  which  caused 
her  for  some  time  to  appear  as  a  rival  in  holiness  to  Cathe- 
rine. To  make  her  like  the  latter,  he  caused  her,  from  the 
beginning  of  her  career  in  the  convent,  to  go  through 
many  and  serious  states  of  illness,  which  she  bore  with 
extraordinary  patience — so  much  so  that  the  sisters,  know- 
ing nothing  of  the  spirit  that  guided  her,  were  full  of  ad- 
miration and  revered  her  as  an  actual  prodigy  of  penance. 
Then,  to  complete  the  apparent  similarity  between  her  and 
the  true  Spouse  of  Christ,  the  devil  made  her  keep  her  cell 
from  Thursdays  at  mid-day  till  Friday  evenings,  so  as  to 
bring  about  the  idea  that  she  also  had  her  ecstasy  of  the 
Passion.  But  this  proceeding  began  before  long  to  raise 
serious  doubts  in  the  minds  of  the  Father  Confessor  and 
the  "  elders  "  of  the  convent,  especially  as  this  sister  prac- 
tised most  mysterious  reserve  about  herself  towards  every- 
one— never  opening  her  conscience  to  either  her  superiors 
or  her  spiritual  father,  for  advice  or  direction.  Before  long, 

St  Catherine  discovered  the  enemy's  ruse;  and,  in  concert 
with  the  very  holiest  souls  in  the  convent,  began  to  pray 
earnestly  for  the  defeat  of  all  his  projects.  Then  the  devil, 
seeing  clearly  that  he  was  unmasked,  and  fearing  to  see  his 
prey  snatched  from  him,  made  one  final  attempt  at  the 
damnation  of  this  wretched  girl,  by  insinuating  the  hor- 
rible suggestion  that  she  should  tread  the  cross  of  her  Re- 
deemer under  foot.  She  consented;  and,  the  crime  accom- 
plished, Satan  was  on  the  point  of  completing  his  work  by 
dragging  his  victim — the  measure  of  whose  iniquity  seemed 
now  full — away  with  him  to  eternal  flames.  The  victory, 
however,  was  not  to  be  his,  close  as  it  seemed. 

Catherine  had  been  supernaturally  warned  of  the  poor 
soul's  danger  by  her  guardian  angel,  and  went  in  haste  to 
the  sister's  cell.  She  got  in,  in  spite  of  actual  resistance 
from  the  evil  spirit;  and,  taking  firm  possession  of  the 
miserable,  hardened  creature,  never  left  her  till  she  had 
fully  opened  her  eyes  to  her  crime  and  her  awful  peril,  and 
had  further  inspired  her  with  absolute  confidence  in  the 
infinite  mercy  of  our  Lord.  She  made  a  general  confession 
of  her  life,  with  every  sign  of  deep  repentance;  and  had  the 
happiness  of  dying  a  few  days  after  she  had  been  recon- 
ciled to  her  God,  with  the  assurance  of  eternal  salvation,  as 
was  revealed  to  the  saint. 

The  last  of  the  four  wonders  worked  by  Catherine  at 
this  time  was  as  follows: 

On  September  17,  1542,  a  notorious  thief  was  con- 
demned to  death  in  the  town  of  Prato.  The  unfortunate 
man,  who  had  not  expected  a  capital  sentence,  gave  him- 
self up  to  despair;  and  sullenly  rejected  every  attempt 
made  to  console  or  sympathize  with  him.  The  members  of 
the  Misericorde  confraternity — "  brothers  of  a  good  death," 
as  they  were  called  in  the  middle  ages, — part  of  whose  work 
was  to  prepare  criminals  for  a  Christian  end,  appealed  to  St 
Catherine  to  beg  the  grace  of  conversion  for  him  from 
God.  Moved  by  the  thought  of  his  danger,  Catherine  began 
to  pray  for  the  poor  soul;  and  she  did  this  so  efficaciously 
that  the  wretched  man  was  quite  miraculously  transformed. 
He  became  so  gentle  and  humble  in  view  of  his  death,  says 



Razzi,  that  he  prepared  himself  for  it  with  the  greatest 
devotion.  He  accepted  it  as  the  punishment  and  expiation 
of  all  his  crimes,  and  a  means  of  showing  his  love  for  his 
divine  Saviour,  who  had  voluntarily  submitted  to  the  shame 
of  just  such  a  death,  though  innocent  and  free  from  all  sin.* 
The  occurrence  is  referred  to  by  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi 
in  words  that  clearly  bring  out  the  sympathy  felt,  in  those 
monastic  institutions  often  abused  by  the  world  as  heart- 
lessly "  egoistic,"  for  the  outcasts  of  society  who  have  none 
but  God  and  His  special  servants  to  care  for  them: 

"  This  morning,"  she  writes,  "  when  I  heard  the  bell 
that  announced  the  death  of  that  unhappy  man,  I  ex- 
horted Catherine  to  pray  for  his  soul.  1 1  have  been  doing 
so  ever  since  morning,'  she  answered,  '  and  will  go  on 
doing  it.'  Then,  I  having  asked  her  whether  she  had  good 
hope  of  his  salvation,  she  replied  'Yes  ';  and  for  a  whole 
hour — that  is,  for  the  whole  time  that  the  proceedings  of 
the  execution  lasted — she  remained  in  prayer  for  him,  com- 
pletely absorbed  in  God — as,  indeed,  she  had  been  the 
whole  morning." 

Accounts  of  these  miracles  getting  wind  in  Florence, 
and  adding  to  the  credit  that  already  attached  to  Sister 
Catherine's  name,  she  became  more  and  more  the  theme 
of  conversation  in  "  society  "  there.  Prato  was  the  place  of 
villegiatura  for  the  greatest  Florentine  families;  the  saint 
herself  was  daughter  of  an  illustrious  house;  and  it  was 
well  known  that  Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci,  her  father,  was 
thought  no  little  of  at  the  court  of  Cosmo  de'  Medici — 
all  of  which  facts  increased  the  interest  felt  about  her  by 
the  inhabitants  of  the  capital,  which  interest  received  its 
final  touch  by  means  of  a  miracle  that  occurred  actually  in 
their  midst,  through  her  intercession.  This  was  the  re- 
covery from  a  hopeless  illness  of  Maria  Gualterotti,  wife 
of  Filippo  Salviati,  a  cousin  of  the  Grand  Duke's.  An  aunt 
of  Salviati's — Maria  Guicciardini  by  name — advised  him, 
when  all  human  means  had  failed,  and  he  was  in  despair  of 
her  life,  to  write  and  beg  the  prayers  of  Sister  Catherine  at 
Prato.  He  did  this — also  sending  "  an  alms  of  ten  crowns  " 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  xiv,  p.  83. 


to  the  convent — in  a  letter  to  Fra  Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  not 
liking  to  address  Catherine  herself,  as  a  stranger.  He  had 
no  sooner  dispatched  the  letter  than  a  marvellous  thing 
happened  to  his  sick  wife.  He  had  to  disturb  her  from  an 
apparently  unconscious  state  to  give  her  a  little  food;  and 
she — appearing  to  wake  suddenly  as  if  from  sleep — spoke, 
and  complained  that  he  had  taken  her  away  from  one  of 
the  most  delightful  pleasures  she  had  ever  enjoyed!  She 
then  declared  that  she  had  been  transported  in  spirit  to 
Prato,  where  she  had  been  in  Sister  Catherine's  company, 
and  been  overwhelmed  with  tenderness  and  with  spiritual 
consolation.  It  appeared  afterwards  that  before  she  had  re- 
ceived Salviati's  letter  the  saint  had  known  all  about  his 
wife;  and  that  when  Fra  Timoteo  brought  her  the  request 
for  prayers  she  not  only  told  him  that  the  lady  would 
recover,  but  prophesied  that  she  would  have  a  child  who 
was  destined  to  become  a  nun  in  San  Vincenzio — a  pro- 
phecy that  was  eventually  realized. 

The  story  of  this  miracle  is  told  by  Razzi;  and  he 
further  adds  that,  when  her  recovery  was  complete,  Salvi- 
ati's wife  went  to  Prato  to  thank  Sister  Catherine,  and  re- 
cognized her  at  once  amongst  a  number  of  sisters  who  came 
together  to  receive  the  visitor,  though  they  had  before  her 
illness  been  entirely  unknown  to  each  other. 

After  this  wonderful  occurrence,  the  enthusiasm  of  the 
Florentine  great  people  for  their  holy  young  fellow-citizen 
seems  to  have  culminated  in  a  kind  of  general  "  rush  "  to 
Prato,  to  make  her  personal  acquaintance,  or  at  least  to  hear 
more  of  the  marvellous  ecstasy  which  had  been  so  much 
talked  of,  from  her  fellow-nuns.  The  movement  was  in- 
augurated by  Cosmo  de'  Medici's  mother,  Maria  Salviati, 
who  was  aunt  to  Filippo,  and  therefore  specially  touched 
by  his  wife's  miraculous  cure.  The  circumstances  of  her 
first  sight  of  the  saint  are  peculiarly  interesting,  as  proving 
the  coolness  of  head  with  which  even  these  enthusiastic 
Italians  chose  to  test  the  truth  of  popular  reports  as  to  the 

Maria  came  to  Prato  at  the  beginning  of  November, 
1543 — which  was  only  a  few  days  after  the  miracle  in 


Florence — and  happened  to  reach  the  monastery  on  a  Fri- 
day, when  Catherine  was  in  the  midst  of  her  usual  ecstasy. 
The  princess  was  a  prudent  woman  of  enlightened  mind 
and  great  common-sense.  Resisting  the  strong  instantaneous 
attraction,  which  the  mere  sight  of  the  young  saint  was 
wont  to  exercise  over  those  who  beheld  her  for  the  first 
time,  Maria  Salviati  placed  herself  calmly  in  front  of  her, 
carefully  examining  her  attitude  and  gestures — touching 
her  with  her  own  hands — gazing  fixedly  at  her  face,  and  at 
the  varying  expressions  of  countenance — and,  in  short, 
studying  her  condition  in  every  possible  way,  so  as  to  be 
personally  convinced  before  believing.  Her  study,  however, 
did  not  last  very  long:  touched  interiorly  by  the  Holy 
Spirit  with  a  grace  that  made  her  suddenly  a  better  woman, 
and  drew  her  wholly  towards  God,  she  soon  gave  her- 
self up  completely  to  the  inexpressible  charm  of  the  saint's 
presence.  She  remained  on  the  spot  for  a  long  time,  deep 
in  contemplation,  shedding  tears  of  love  and  compunction; 
and  then  declared  over  and  over  again  that  "  it  would  be 
impossible  to  witness  a  holier  or  a  more  wonderful  sight 
on  earth."  *  She  left  the  convent  so  overwhelmingly  con- 
vinced of  Catherine's  high  degree  of  sanctity  that  she  could 
not  help  saying  to  the  venerable  nuns  who  escorted  her  on 
departure  in  honour  of  her  high  rank:  "O  sisters!  make 
the  most  of  the  heavenly  treasure  you  possess,  and  take 
great  care  of  everything  that  such  a  holy  creature  uses;  for 
a  time  will  come  when  the  least  thing  she  has  touched  will 
work  miracles  !"f 

On  returning  to  Florence,  Maria  Salviati  not  only  filled 
the  court  with  minute  reports  of  what  she  had  seen  and  felt 
convinced  of,  but  showed  the  reality  of  her  impressions  by 
the  effect  that  they  produced  on  her  life.  It  was  universally 
noticed  that  she  had  brought  with  her  from  Prato  a  soul 
far  more  detached  than  before  from  the  things  of  earth, 
more  absorbed  in  God,  and  ever  rising  higher  towards  Him 
by  a  more  active  and  fervent  piety  than  she  had  formerly 
shown.  This  holy  influence  was  destined  never  to  be  weak- 

*  Sandrini,  lib-  I,  cap.  xxix,  p.  92.  t  Seraf,  Razzi,  lib.  II,  cap.  xii,  p.  77. 


ened,  for  she  died  about  a  month  after  her  return,  with  all 
her  heavenly  ardour  undiminished. 

For  some  time  yet,  however,  the  "  pious  pilgrimages  " 
to  Prato  and  the  firm  belief  in  Catherine's  wonderful  states 
were  confined  to  the  ladies  of  the  court:  the  men — even 
though  full  of  respect  and  veneration  for  the  deceased  prin- 
cess and  her  convictions — refused  to  give  in  their  adhesion 
at  once,  and  appear  to  have  held  back  all  the  more  coldly 
when  they  saw  the  women  so  deeply  and  enthusiastically 
impressed.  One  woman — the  wife  of  the  Grand  Duke, 
Eleonora  of  Toledo — was  at  first  a  little  inclined  to  halt 
between  the  two  views,  and  not  to  follow  the  rest  of  her 
sex  lest  she  should  be  looked  down  upon;  but  at  last  she 
too  determined  to  see  for  herself,  and  in  the  March  of 
1544  she  went  to  Prato,  taking  in  her  suite,  besides  her 
ladies,  some  of  the  court  gentlemen.  She  was  at  first 
admitted  to  the  convent  with  only  some  maids  of  honour, 
and  brought  into  the  room  where  the  saint  was  in  ecstasy. 
She  began  gazing  at  her  with  the  keenest  curiosity;  and, 
noticing  her  immobility,  tried  to  rouse  her  from  it  by 
taking  hold  of  her  arms  and  neck  and  attempting  with  all 
her  strength  to  drag  her  towards  her.  But  the  uselessness 
of  her  efforts  soon  showed  Eleonora  that  she  was  strug- 
gling with  a  divine  phenomenon.  Moreover,  she  became 
overpowered  by  a  religious  feeling  which  mastered  her, 
little  by  little,  in  spite  of  herself;  and  at  last  she,  in  turn, 
remained  immovable  in  the  presence  of  the  holy  sister, 
rapt  in  admiration  and  filled  with  tender  love  for  our  Lord. 
By  and  by  she  turned  to  her  maids  of  honour — no  less 
moved  than  herself — and  said:  "When  we  see,  we  must 
believe.  If  we  were  to  tell  my  Lord  the  Duke  what  we 
have  seen  and  felt  in  our  hearts,  he  would  say  that  it  is  all 
nothing  but  mere  emotion  and  women's  piety,  not  worth 
crediting:  and  yet  we  have  these  wonders  before  our  eyes 
and  can  touch  them  with  our  own  hands!"  Thereupon, 
feeling  that  at  all  costs  she  must  take  back  some  incontro- 
vertible testimony  to  court,  she  entreated  the  prioress,  for 
the  honour  of  God  and  of  Catherine  His  spouse,  to  let 

*  Vita  Anon.,  cap.  viii,  p.  48. 


the  court  gentlemen  whom  she  had  brought  in  her  train 
be  admitted  to  the  convent.  Strict  enclosure  not  being 
canonically  enforced  in  houses  of  the  Third  Order,  the 
prioress — having  first  consulted  two  Father  Superiors — 
consented.  The  doors  were  then  opened  to  three  of  the 
duchess's  train — to  Mgr  Dom  Pedro  de  Toledo,  her  own 
cousin  and  Bishop  of  Forli;  to  Dom  Angelo  Marsi,  director 
of  the  Hospital  of  Santa  Maria  Novella;  and  to  Signer  Baccio 
Lanfredini,  her  excellence's  major-domo.  Ushered  into 
Sister  Catherine's  presence,  these  illustrious  personages 
were  instantly  affected  in  the  same  way  that  their  mistress, 
and  the  duke's  mother  before  her,  had  been;  and  there 
they  remained  for  some  time,  chained  to  the  spot  by  some 
indescribable  splendour  in  the  saint's  face,  and  overmastered 
by  feelings  of  sudden  contrition  for  their  sins  and  of  irre- 
sistible love  and  tenderness.  When  they  left,  Dom  Angelo 
Marsi  said  to  the  nuns  that  "  God  had  given  them  in 
Catherine  perhaps  the  most  brilliant  mirror  of  sanctity 
that  was  at  the  moment  existing  in  the  whole  of  Christen- 
dom." The  Bishop  of  Forli — as  a  true  Spaniard — after 
speaking  of  the  interior  grace  he  had  just  received,  de- 
clared that  "if  he  were  half-way  between  St  James's  in 
Galicia  and  San  Vincenzio's  convent,  he  would  make  a 
second  pilgrimage  to  the  latter,  rather  than  go  to  the  former, 
for  his  soul's  sake."  As  to  the  Signor  Baccio  Lanfredini, 
he  had  received  on  the  spot  one  of  those  mighty  strokes 
of  grace  from  on  high  which  produce  immediate  disgust 
for  earthly  things.  Wounded,  whilst  at  Catherine's  feet, 
with  the  true  love  of  God,  he  had  then  and  there  made 
the  resolve  to  avoid  even  venial  sin  for  the  future,  so  as 
the  better  to  consecrate  his  life;  and,  henceforth,  no  courtly 
dissipations,  nor  the  public  duties  of  offices  in  Pisa — where 
he  was  shortly  afterwards  appointed  governor — ever  dis- 
tracted him  from  the  work  of  inward  perfection  and  union 
with  his  Creator,  which  he  carried  on  unceasingly  till 
his  death. 

The  testimony  of  these  men — all  known  to  be  very 
intelligent  and  of  high  character — produced  in  Florence 
the  effect  hoped  for  by  the  grand  duchess,  and  Cathe- 


rine's  wonderful  gifts  were  acknowledged  to  be  not  merely 
the  fancy  of  enthusiastic  women.  The  "  pilgrimages  "  to 
Prato  immensely  increased,  and  not  a  week  passed  in  which 
some  gentleman  or  lady  of  the  court,  or  member  of  a  noble 
family,  did  not  go  there — at  first,  very  often,  secretly — to 
satisfy  his  or  her  curiosity.  But,  however  privately  they 
had  gone,  the  results  of  all  these  visits  were  proclaimed 
on  the  house-tops;  and  soon  all  mystery  about  such  jour- 
neys ceased,  curiosity  giving  way  to  real  devotion;  and  the 
Florentines  made  public  expeditions  in  common  to  see  the 
marvellous  spectacle.  From  Florence  the  movement  spread 
before  long  through  Tuscany  to  other  parts  of  Italy. 
In  towns  and  private  dwellings  people  told  one  another 
that  the  young  daughter  of  Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci  had 
become  "  the  spouse  of  Jesus  Christ  crucified  " ;  and  that 
every  week  she  was  seen  to  suffer  with  Him,  in  both  body 
and  soul,  all  the  pains  of  the  Passion.  From  all  parts  they 
flocked  to  San  Vincenzio,  to  see  for  once  in  a  lifetime — if 
only  for  an  hour,  or  perhaps  a  moment — so  great  a  marvel. 
Rome,  Bologna,  Milan,  and  many  other  places  caught  the 
pious  contagion,  and  successively  sent  their  most  illus- 
trious inhabitants  to  witness  this  extraordinary  spectacle. 

But  whilst  Sister  Catherine  was  thus  drawing  crowds 
to  the  convent  by  the  reports  of  her  supernatural  gifts,  she 
was  living — when  out  of  her  ecstatic  state — a  life  of  morti- 
fication and  simple  humility  amongst  her  sisters,  which 
was  a  clearer  proof  to  them  of  the  reality  of  her  union  with 
God  than  any  of  the  marvels  that  He  worked  through 
her.  Like  all  great  saints,  she  was  an  intense  lover  of 
voluntary  penance,  and  practised  it  to  a  degree  and  in  a 
manner  truly  Dominican.  From  May  of  the  year  1542 
she  had  taken  to  perpetual  abstinence,  to  which  she  seems 
to  have  been  supernaturally  inspired;  and  this  abstinence 
she  made  to  consist  of  living  almost  entirely  on  vegetable 
diet,  hardly  ever  eating  fish,  and  only  taking  a  little  broth 
when  she  was  ill.  On  this  point  of  entire  abstinence — the 
Rule  making  it  only  partial — Catherine  had  to  endure  a 
good  deal  of  opposition  from  her  community,  as  Rose  of 
Lima  in  the  same  case  had  to  do  from  her  parents;  and  it 


was  only  after  several  times,  both  openly  and  secretly, 
testing  the  real  supernatural  inability  to  take  meat  which 
had  been  imparted  to  the  saint,  that  the  nuns  gave  in  to 
her  desires.  Being  left  free  in  this  matter,  she  next  pro- 
ceeded to  drop  by  degrees  every  sort  of  seasoning,  or 
delicacy  of  preparation,  that  could  make  her  food  more 
palatable;  and  then,  further,  she  diminished  its  quantity, 
so  as  to  live  in  a  perpetual  fast.  When  she  possibly  could, 
she  ate  only  the  coarsest  bread  brought  to  the  convent  by 
the  sisters  who  begged  for  the  community;  and  three 
times  a  week  she  condemned  herself  regularly  to  live 
entirely  on  bread  and  water,  that  she  might  be  like  the 
poorest  of  the  poor.  Her  biographer,  Serafino  Razzi, 
breaks  forth  into  an  apostrophe  to  gluttons,  as  he  describes 
these  fasts.  "And  it  was  on  this  regimen,"  he  writes, 
"  that  Catherine  lived  to  the  age  of  nearly  sixty-six.  So 
true  is  it  that  frugality  and  sobriety  prolong  life,  and  that 
good  cheer  and  intemperance  are  the  things  that  shorten  it 
by  disease  and  premature  death! " 

The  saint's  mastery  over  sleep  was  as  complete  as  that 
over  food:  indeed,  she  is  said  to  have  attained  to  never 
sleeping  for  more  than  about  an  hour  in  a  week,  except 
under  obedience,  when  she  would  go  to  sleep  immediately, 
but  be  heard  praying  all  the  time.  When  Sister  Madda- 
lena,  her  ever-faithful  guardian,  remonstrated  with  her  on 
the  extreme  pitch  to  which  she  had  brought  her  habit  of 
watching,  she  is  reported  to  have  replied:  "Oh,  never 
mind,  dear  mother.  It  is  the  will  of  Jesus  that  prayer 
should  serve  me  for  sleep." 

As  regards  inflicting  pain  on  her  body,  St  Catherine 
was  behind  none  of  the  great  Dominican  saints  in  fervour. 
She  wore  a  rough  hair-shirt,  with  a  girdle  of  sharp  iron 
points  beneath,  and  imitated  her  "  holy  Father "  in  her 
disciplines,  which  she  took  nightly  with  an  iron  scourge, 
and  offered,  after  his  example,  for  a  threefold  intention: 
i.e.,  for  the  sins  of  the  whole  world,  for  the  souls  in  purga- 
tory, and  for  her  own  sins  and  those  of  her  sisters  in 

Beyond   all   these   bodily   mortifications,  however,  in 


respect  of  making  Catherine  beloved  and  revered  in  her 
community,  was  her  continued  and  increasing  humility. 
The  account  of  her  early  years  of  trial  amongst  the  nuns 
has  shown  how  remarkable  was  this  virtue  in  her  from  the 
beginning;  and  neither  the  full  acknowledgement  of  her 
supernatural  gifts  by  superiors  and  companions,  nor  the 
visits  paid  to  the  convent  which  showed  how  she  was  be- 
coming publicly  known,  made  the  slightest  difference  to 
her  genuine,  heartfelt  conviction  of  her  own  personal  worth- 
lessness.  The  more  she  was  favoured  by  God,  the  less  did 
she  think  of  herself  and  the  more  humble  and  lowly  became 
her  bearing  towards  others.  As  regarded  the  community, 
her  attitude  was  that  of  simple  servitude:  she  was  always 
thanking  God  for  having  placed  her  amongst  such  holy 
people,  and  insisted  on  waiting  upon  all  whenever  it  was 
possible,  and  on  doing  all  the  lowest  and  most  disagreeable 
work  that  she  could  find.  As  regarded  the  outer  world  and 
the  visitors  who  began  coming  in  such  numbers  to  see  her, 
she  had  but  one  wish:  to  escape  them.  Sometimes,  of  course 
outsiders  coming  for  this  purpose  were  allowed  merely  to 
look  at  her  whilst  in  a  state  of  ecstasy,  and  then  took  their 
departure;  but  at  other  times  her  superiors  ordered  her  to 
see  people  who  wished  to  speak  with  her.  If  Catherine  ever 
found  out,  indirectly,  that  this  was  likely  to  happen,  she 
did  her  best  to  hide  before  any  obedience  could  be  laid 
upon  her;  and  stories  are  told  of  all  sorts  of  odd  places  in 
which  she  took  refuge  that  nobody  might  find  her:  such 
as  a  thick  bed  of  fennel  in  the  garden,  a  cupboard  in  the 
lingerie^  and  even  the  pigeon-house !  To  this  last  place  she 
mounted  with  the  help  of  the  kitchen  sister,  who — find- 
ing her  in  great  distress  at  tITe  prospect  of  being  made  a 
"show"  of  to  a  stranger  on  the  occasion  of  a  certain  pro- 
cession— gave  her  a  ladder  to  climb  up  by,  assuring  her 
that  she  was  perfectly  safe  there:  as  turned  out  to  be  the 
case,  for  Sister  Maddalena  only  found  her  missing  charge 
when  the  function  was  over,  and  the  sister  who  had  helped 
her  made  known  the  hiding  place.  Catherine  is  said  to  have 
been  found  on  this  occasion  kneeling,  surrounded  by  the 
pigeons,  and  with  one  little  creature  perched  on  her  head, 


whilst  she  herself  was  calmly  rapt  in  ecstasy;  and  to  have 
said  quietly  to  her  mistress,  when  she  came  to  herself: 
"  Did  you  see  how  familiarly  those  dear  birds  had  come 
round  me  ? " 

That  such  humility  as  Catherine's  was  accompanied  by 
perfect  gentleness  and  sweetness  of  manner  and  speech, 
and  by  obedience  wherein  no  flaw  could  be  detected,  need 
hardly  be  said.  In  fact,  it  is  to  her  utter  obedience  that  her 
biographers  owe  much  of  their  knowledge  of  her  super- 
natural gifts.  As  in  her  early  days,  she  never  voluntarily 
talked  of  her  inner  life;  and  nothing  would  have  induced 
her,  of  her  own  accord,  to  make  known  any  special  favours 
or  visions  granted  to  her  in  private ;  so  that  nothing  be- 
yond the  outward  marvels  of  her  life  would  have  been  dis- 
covered in  the  community  had  she  been  left  to  herself. 
When,  however,  her  superiors  put  her  under  obedience 
to  tell  her  special  "mistress"  everything  of  a  supernatural 
kind  that  passed  within  her,  it  would  no  more  have  oc- 
curred to  her  to  disobey  in  this  matter  than  in  any  other ; 
and  she  gave  the  account  of  her  various  states  with  the 
openness  and  simplicity  of  a  child. 

In  intensity  of  devotion  to  the  Blessed  Sacrament, 
Catherine  appears  to  have  at  least  equalled  any  saint  in  the 
calendar;  and  many  touching  stories  are  told  of  visions 
beheld  by  her  in  the  sacred  Host,  or  on  the  altar,  as  rewards 
of  her  faith  and  love.  Above  all  was  she  noted  for  the  ex- 
treme care  and  fervour  with  which  she  always  prepared  for 
Communion,  and  for  the  earnestness  with  which  she  la- 
boured to  instil  the  same  devotion  and  reverence  which 
she  herself  felt  and  practised  into  her  fellow-nuns.  She  was 
wont  to  beg  of  our  Lord — breaking  forth  sometimes  into 
burning  words,  heard  by  all — to  inspire  her  with  the  need- 
ful powers  for  making  them  understand  the  great  graces 
and  benefits  received  in  the  holy  Eucharist,  which  she  felt 
that  few  people  realize.  At  one  time — according  to  the 
custom  of  the  age — she  had  great  difficulty  in  getting  leave 
to  communicate  as  often  as  she  wished ;  and  it  was  only  in 
answer  to  her  unwearying  prayers  and  complaints  to  her  di- 


vine  Spouse  that  the  convent  confessor  was  at  last  inspired 
to  give  her  leave  for  daily  Communion. 

But  the  private  virtues,  and  the  desire  for  hiddenness, 
which  made  the  young  saint  such  an  object  of  love  and 
reverence  within  her  convent  home,  could  of  course  not 
be  known  to  the  outside  world  or  to  ecclesiastical  superiors 
in  high  places  living  at  a  distance.  The  public  fact  was  that 
a  large  concourse  of  people  was  being  attracted  to  a  convent 
in  an  obscure  corner  of  Tuscany  by  the  report  of  a  young 
nun's  great  sanctity;  and  before  long  Rome — ever-watchful 
for  abuses — took  fright.  Paul  III,  then  pope,  suspected  the 
possibility  of  some  blameworthy  motive  in  the  commu- 
nity for  so  attracting  outsiders,  and  he  privately  ordered 
Cardinal  Roberto  de'  Pucci,  Bishop  of  Pistoja  and  "Dio- 
cesan" of  San  Vincenzio,  to  go  himself  to  the  spot,  care- 
fully study  the  facts  of  the  case,  and  make  an  official  report. 
Accordingly,  professing  to  go  as  one  of  the  ordinary  pious 
people  who  were  daily  making  pilgrimages  to  Prato,  this 
eminent  prelate,  with  two  other  bishops  and  several  eccle- 
siastics, made  his  appearance  unexpectedly  at  the  convent. 
Taken  thus  by  surprise,  both  Catherine  herself  and  the  com- 
munity fully  stood  the  test.  The  reality  of  the  marvels  re- 
ported, the  saint's  great  gifts  and  solid  virtues,  and  the  conduct 
of  her  superiors  in  the  matter,  all  made  a  deep  impression  on 
the  pope's  representative.  They  were  unanimous  in  inform- 
ing His  Holiness  that,  so  far  from  having  done  anything 
either  to  bring  about  or  to  encourage  the  influx  of  people 
to  their  house,  the  nuns  and  their  immediate  superiors  of 
the  Order  had  shown  both  their  prudence  and  the  noble 
simplicity  of  their  character  by  doing  their  best  to  lessen 
it.  They  had  been,  as  everybody  acknowledged,  inflexible 
in  keeping  the  majority  of  visitors  from  holding  intercourse 
with  the  saint,  and  had  only  admitted  persons  whom  they 
could  not  refuse  without  rashness,  or  who  had  a  right  to 
demand  admittance.  They  further  formally  stated  that  "in 
the  grave  state  of  things  now  prevalent  in  the  Church,  such 
a  concourse  to  witness  such  a  spectacle  could  not  come  to- 
gether but  to  the  great  advantage  of  true  Christians  and 


the  confusion  of  heretics;  for  that  the  extraordinary  graces, 
of  which  they  themselves  had  just  been  witnesses,  consti- 
tuted a  most  striking  demonstration  of  the  truth  of  the 
Catholic  faith."* 

Thus,  by  the  end  of  1544 — her  own  community,  and 
then  her  fellow-countrymen,  having  been  already  convinced 
— we  find  the  seal  of  the  supreme  spiritual  authority  placed 
on  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  sanctity,  and  on  the  reality  and 
closeness  of  her  union  with  God  in  her  ecstatic  states. 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xxix,  p.  91. 



Catherine's  mission  to  the  sixteenth  century — The  great  personages  of 
Italy  throng  to  Prato — The  saint  made  sub-prioress  (1547) — Death 
of  Mother  Raffaella  da  Fae'nza — Catherine's  influence  on  souls — 
Her  miraculous  power  of  converting  sinners,  and  expiatory  offerings 
for  them — Her  devotion  to  the  souls  in  purgatory 

THE  pope's  commissioners  might  indeed  well  speak  of  the 
importance  of  such  a  testimony  to  the  truth  as  was  afforded 
by  St  Catherine's  weekly  ecstasies,  just  at  the  particular 
period  when  they  attracted  public  attention.  The  middle 
and  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  century  was  truly  "  the  hour 
of  the  powers  of  darkness  "  in  the  form  of  Protestantism 
apparently  triumphant  throughout  nearly  all  the  countries 
in  the  north  of  Europe;  whilst,  in  Italy,  the  morals  of  those 
in  high — and  what  should  have  been  holy — places  were 
unhappily  providing  an  object-lesson  for  the  promotion  of 
heresy  in  the  name  of  "  reform." 

It  is  told  of  our  saint  that  she  had  to  share  our  Lord's 
sight  of  the  sins  of  mankind  during  His  agony  in  the 
Garden,  by  herself  seeing,  before  the  beginning  of  each 
weekly  ecstasy,  terrible  visions  of  the  iniquities  going  on 
at  that  time  all  over  Europe,  and  especially  in  Italy. 

One  day  (Sandrini  relates)  she  was  carried  in  spirit  to 
Germany,  where  she  saw  that  grand  country  devastated  by 
Luther's  heresy,  under  the  appearance  of  vast  tracts  of  land 
filled  with  enormous  serpents,  and  with  imaginary  terrible 
beasts,  all  engaged  in  tearing  the  land  into  bits,  which  they 
separated  from  the  mother-country,  as  limbs  might  be  torn 
piecemeal  from  a  body.  Another  time  the  Spirit  of  God 
caused  her  to  go  successively  to  all  the  spots  in  Europe  that 
the  great  heresy  had  attacked  secretly.  When  she  reached 
the  towns  of  Italy,  and  beheld  the  wide  spread  of  contagion 
amongst  them,  she  sent  forth  a  cry  of  horror  and  surprise: 
"  O  my  God,  if  all  those  who  are  heretics  at  heart  were 


to  profess  their  errors  publicly,  the  number  of  faithful  would 
indeed  be  small !  "  * 

The  convent  archives  tell  us  that  holy  Church  often 
appeared  to  her,  covered  symbolically  with  horrible,  dis- 
figuring wounds;  and  that  she  would  then  cry  out,  with 
sobs  and  tears:  "  Ah,  my  divine  Spouse,  I  recommend  Thy 
whole  Church  and  Thy  mercy!  Oh,  how  many  Judases  are 
profaning  and  betraying  her!  Why — why — should  we  keep 
silence  any  longer?  Why  not  tell  the  truth  aloud?  O  Lord, 
Lord,  renew  this  poor  Church,  which  belongs  to  Thee,  but 
in  which  Thou  canst  now  behold  no  form  of  a  Church !  " 
— or  words  to  the  same  effect.f 

At  other  times,  praying  in  ecstasy  for  the  sins  of  the 
world,  and  seeing  Rome  in  a  mysterious  vision,  she  would 
express  her  grief  in  some  such  utterance  as:  "Poor  city  of 
Rome!  what  sins  are  committed  there — what  lives  are  being 
led!  Have  pity  on  her,  O  Lord — come  to  her  help!  And 
help  too,  I  beseech  Thee,  the  whole  of  Italy,  and  all  Chris- 
tendom. Ah,  what  blindness!  What  ignorance!  "  J 

It  was  after  such  visions  as  these — forming  her  Geth- 
semane — that  the  saint  followed  her  divine  Master,  in  spirit, 
over  the  Brook  Cedron  by  the  Way  of  the  Cross  to  Gol- 
gotha; and,  from  every  quarter  of  Italy,  people  began 
crowding  to  Prato  as  to  a  second  Jerusalem,  there  to  gaze 
upon  the  sacred  Victim  on  His  altar  of  sacrifice.  For,  when 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  II,  cap.  ii,  p.  156.  +  Le  Lettere,  Document!,  etc.,  p.  no. 

J  What  the  saint  was  thus  mysteriously  beholding  from  the  depths  of  her  convent, 
the  fathers  assembled  from  all  parts  of  the  world  at  the  Council  of  Trent  were  at  the 
very  same  time,  and  almost  in  the  same  words,  publicly  proclaiming.  During  the  second 
session,  the  Bishop  of  St  Mark's  addressed  the  great  assembly  with  a  burning  exhorta- 
tion to  provide  a  remedy  for  the  "mortal  wounds"  of  the  Church;  and,  in  pointing  out 
the  enemies  to  be  combated,  spoke  first  of  "the  open  deserters  who  are  upsetting  every- 
thing, destroying  the  Sacraments,  and  attacking  us  with  our  own  weapons — the  Holy 
Scriptures — which  they  twist  and  mutilate  "  ;  and  then  went  on  to  name  the  secret  enemies, 
"who,  pretending  to  belong  to  us,  pervert  not  only  individuals,  but  sometimes  whole 
towns."  Speaking  further  of  the  corruption  of  morals,  he  exclaimed:  "Look  at  Rome — 
placed  in  the  midst  of  nations  to  shine  like  a  star!  Look  at  Italy — France — Spain!  You 
will  see  neither  sex,  nor  age,  nor  condition  of  life  that  is  not  corrupt.  Scythians — Afri- 
cans— Thracians — live  not  more  impure  or  criminal  lives!" 

Then,  turning  boldly  from  the  effect  to  the  cause,  he  went  on  :  "  O  Pastors  !  O 
towers  placed  on  a  hill  !  We,  who  ought  to  shine  more  brightly  than  the  sun — we  it  is 
who  have  led  away  the  flock  of  the  Lord  by  our  example.  They  thought  us  the  better 
the  more  highly  we  were  placed;  and  it  is  by  forming  their  lives  on  our  pattern  that  they 
have  been  dragged  down  to  that  abyss,  whence  they  can  never  rise  except  with  us,  when 
we  shall  climb  again  to  the  heights  of  virtue  from  which  we  have  fallen!"  (Rohrbacher, 
Histoire  de  I'Eglise,  Vol.  XXIV,  Book  Ixxv,  p.  18.) 


once  in  Catherine's  presence,  the  beholders  of  her  seraphic 
union  with  Christ  crucified  immediately  forgot  the  copy, 
to  think  only  of  the  divine  original;  and,  like  the  centu- 
rion at  the  foot  of  the  cross,  each  new  comer  struck  his 
breast  and  bewailed  his  sins,  with  heart  softened  by  love 
for  a  God  who  has  so  loved  us. 

This  strange  spectacle — for  it  is  here  necessary  to  ante- 
date matters  a  little — went  on  for  twelve  years;  and  during 
that  time  it  never  ceased  to  attract,  for  witnesses,  the  most 
illustrious  and  influential  members  of  Roman  and  Tuscan 
society,  princes,  princesses,  nobles,  savants,  magistrates, 
bishops,  eminent  religious  of  different  orders — in  short, 
people  from  every  class  whence  the  leaders  of  religion  and 
patriotism  spring — constantly  went  and  came  around  the 
humble  Dominican  convent,  and  carried  back  to  their 
respective  spheres  full  accounts  of  the  impressions  they 
had  received.  These  impressions,  moreover,  continued 
throughout  to  be  as  deep  as  those  made  on  the  first  wit- 
nesses of  the  ecstasy.  We  are  told  that  it  almost  seemed  as 
though  the  Son  of  God  was  pouring  forth  the  effects  of  His 
Redemption  in  floods  over  the  favoured  spot,  so  marvel- 
lous were  the  conversions  there  worked — and,  above  all, 
the  brilliant  intellectual  lights  granted  as  to  the  truth.  No- 
body was  allowed  to  assist  at  these  mysteries  of  love  without 
experiencing  wonderful  results  in  some  degree — each  accor- 
ding to  his  own  state  or  capacity. 

When  we  consider  such  a  state  of  things  as  this,  we 
cannot  wonder  that  the  long  continuance  of  this  great 
ecstasy  was  alone  sufficient  to  revive  faith  in  innumerable 
souls,  and  to  secure  its  possession  to  the  inhabitants  of  the 
country  where  the  miracle  was  wrought;  and  that  hence 
the  clouds  of  error  drifting  over  from  Germany  were 
quickly  dispersed,  on  reaching  Tuscan  skies,  by  the  sun  of 
Catherine's  holiness. 

History  has  carefully  preserved  the  names  of  many 
amongst  the  great  personages  who  came  in  succession, 
both  during  these  twelve  years  and  afterwards,  to  admire 
the  marvels  of  grace  revealed  in  the  saint  of  Prato  and  to 
profit  by  them.  To  begin  with,  princes  of  the  Church — 


besides  Roberto  de'  Pucci,  Cardinals  Gaddi,  Cafarelli,  and 
Marcello  Cervini — who  afterwards  became  pope  under  the 
name  of  Marcellus  II — are  all  named  as  having  been  wit- 
nesses of  the  ecstasy  of  the  Passion,  and  all  gave  striking 
testimony  to  it,  declaring  that  they  considered  it  one  of 
the  greatest  graces  of  their  lives  to  have  gained  Catherine's 
powerful  intercession  with  God.  Fra  Vincenzio  Giustiniani 
— who  was  at  first  General  of  the  Dominican  Order,  and 
afterwards  a  cardinal — confided  most  important  and  delicate 
matters  of  business  to  Catherine,  and  took  her  advice 
about  them.  It  is  reported  of  him,  and  also  of  Cardinal 
Aldobrandini,  who  mounted  St  Peter's  Chair  as  Cle- 
ment VIII,  that  nothing  ever  inspired  either  of  them  with 
a  higher  standard,  or  with  more  generous  impulses  in  the 
service  of  God,  than  the  few  hours  of  intercourse  that  they 
obtained  with  her  at  San  Vincenzio.  When  St  Pius  V  was 
pope  (which  was  after  the  public  miracle  of  the  weekly 
ecstasy  had  ceased,  as  will  be  seen)  he  ordered  his  nephew, 
Cardinal  Michael  Bonelli,  to  make  a  pilgrimage  to  Prato 
on  the  way  to  Spain — where  he  went  as  legate  to  negotiate 
the  league  against  the  Turks — in  order  to  see  the  saint, 
and  recommend  his  mission  to  her  prayers.  He  found  so 
much  good  result  from  the  visit  that  he  returned  to  the 
convent  on  his  way  back,  to  offer  his  thanks  and  to  see 
Catherine  again.  Another  important  witness  to  her  won- 
derful gifts  was  Alessandro  de'  Medici — afterwards  Pope 
Leo  XI — who  could  not  help  paying  homage  to  her  emi- 
nent sanctity,  in  spite  of  knowing  her  deep  devotion  to 
Savonarola,  who  was  to  him  so  antipathetic.  Whilst  living 
close  to  Prato,  as  Archbishop  of  Florence,  he  used  to  go 
from  time  to  time  to  visit  her,  to  beg  for  her  prayers  and 
to  imbibe  some  of  the  wisdom  of  God  that  fell  from 
her  lips. 

Amongst  Tuscan  "great  ladies" — besides  the  Princess 
Maria  Salviati  and  the  Grand-Duchess  Eleonora,  already 
mentioned — the  following  connections  of  the  reigning  house 
are  specially  named  as  having  visited  and  known  the  saint: 
The  Arch-Duchess  Joanna  of  Austria,  wife  of  Francesco  de' 
Medici;  her  two  daughters,  Eleonora  and  Maria,  of  whom 


one  became  by  marriage  Duchess  of  Mantua,  and  the  other 
Queen  of  France,  as  wife  to  Henri  IV;  Francesco  de' 
Medici's  two  sisters,  Duchesses  of  Ferrara  and  Braciano ; 
Christina  of  Lorraine,  wife  of  the  Grand-Duke  Fernando 
de'  Medici ;  and  Eleonora  Orsini,  wife  of  Duke  Sforza 
of  Milan. 

Of  foreign  personages  who  went  to  Prato,  the  most 
remarkable  were  the  Dukes  of  Mantua  and  Ferrara ;  the 
King  of  Bavaria's  son ;  and  Don  Luis  Belasio,  the  Spanish 

Thus,  whilst  in  Germany,  England,  Denmark  and  Swe- 
den, the  ruling  classes  were  seizing  upon  the  property  of 
Religious  houses,  and  using  the  possession  of  riches  by 
monastic  orders  as  an  argument  against  Catholic  doctrine, 
one  simple  maiden,  in  her  humble  cell,  was  attracting  all 
the  power  and  royalty  of  Italy  by  the  mere  odour  of  her 
virtues ;  and  she  had  but  to  let  fall  a  few  words  from  her 
lips — or  even  just  to  let  herself  be  seen  invested  with  the 
supernatural  glory  of  her  Lord — to  draw  forth  from  all 
who  approached  her  a  cry  of  faith  and  love  for  the  Church  ; 
for  what  could  a  mother  able  to  bring  forth  such  children 
be,  but  the  true  spouse  of  Christ  ? 

This  incessant  concourse  of  people  to  the  convent- 
some  wishing  to  see  Catherine  in  ecstasy,  but  many  also  to 
have  personal  intercourse  with  her  in  her  ordinary  state, 
that  they  might  interest  her  in  their  concerns,  and  beg  for 
her  prayers  or  her  advice — began,  in  time,  to  make  the 
saint's  extreme  unwillingness  to  appear  somewhat  of  a 
difficulty  to  her  superiors.  Even  at  ordinary  times  of 
year,  some  visitor  of  note  was  pretty  certain  to  appear 
more  than  once  a  day;  but  through  the  spring  and  summer, 
when  Prato  and  its  neighbourhood  were  the  resorts  of 
nearly  the  whole  Florentine  nobility,  crowds  daily  invaded 
the  convent.  The  fact  that  only  a  few  privileged  people 
were  actually  admitted  to  see  the  saint  in  no  wise  di- 
minished the  pressure  or  discouraged  the  visitors,  who 
would  endure  hours  of  waiting  for  the  mere  chance  of  just 
looking  at  her  from  the  parlour  or  the  church ;  and  when 
Sister  Catherine  had  managed  one  of  her  "hidings"  so 


cleverly  that  she  could  not  be  found  even  for  those  who 
had  been  allowed  entrance,  and  promised  an  interview  with 
her,  the  superiors  were  at  their  wits'  end  as  to  how  they 
should  appease  the  disappointed  devotees.  If  these  hap- 
pened, moreover,  to  be  princes  or  princesses — or  other 
people  of  importance  in  some  way — the  matter  became 
even  more  serious,  as  injury  might  accrue  to  the  commu- 
nity if  influential  visitors  were  offended,  however  unrea- 
sonably. Besides  this,  the  nuns  were  really  grieved,  from 
a  spiritual  point  of  view,  to  find  themselves  so  often  com- 
pelled to  refuse  what  might  be  a  very  great  advantage  to 
the  souls  of  others,  simply  on  account  of  their  holy  young 
sister's  shrinking  humility. 

For  all  these  reasons  the  community  at  last  determined 
to  consult  their  chief  superior,  the  prior  of  St  Dominic's 
monastery.  This  office  was  just  then  filled  by  FraTommaso 
Roffi  de'  San  Miniato,  a  man  of  great  learning  and  wis- 
dom, who — after  having  once  been  strongly  prejudiced 
against  her — was  a  devoted  admirer  of  Catherine,  and 
humbly  called  himself  her  spiritual  son.  He  at  once  gave 
very  decided  advice :  that  they  should  appoint  her  sub- 
prioress  of  the  convent,  which  would  satisfy  the  devotion 
of  the  faithful  without  in  any  way  hurting  her  humility, 
since  it  was  one  of  the  regular  duties  of  this  office  to  ac- 
company the  prioress  to  the  parlour  whenever  she  went 
to  see  strangers.  This  answer  seemed  like  a  flash  of  light 
to  Mother  Raffaella  da  Fae"nza,  who  was  then  once  again 
prioress.  The  intense  devotion  of  this  saintly  woman  to 
the  convent,  as  one  of  its  early  foundresses,  and  the  pro- 
phetic spirit  with  which  she  had  greeted  and  believed  in 
Catherine  de'  Ricci  on  her  arrival  there  as  a  child,  have 
been  already  described.  She  was  now  the  only  one  left  of 
those  nine  first  Religious  of  San  Vincenzio ;  and — with 
her  old  ardent  longing  to  see  "a  saint"  ruling  her  com- 
munity— had  for  some  time  past  been  secretly  wishing  to 
associate  her  favourite  in  the  government  of  the  house,  as 
her  own  sub-prioress. 

A  humble  opinion  of  her  own  judgement,  however,  and 
zeal  for  the  convent  traditions,  which  had  hitherto  forbid- 


den  the  raising  of  any  but  fully-matured  subjects  to  this 
office,  kept  her  from  carrying  out  the  desire  on  her  own 
responsibility,  in  view  of  Catherine's  youth.  But  when  the 
initiative  came  from  a  man  of  such  personal  eminence  and 
such  unquestioned  authority  as  this  prior,  she  hesitated  no 
longer,  but  accepted  his  decision  as  a  voice  from  heaven; 
and  thus  the  young  saint,  in  spite  of  her  strong  resistance 
and  actual  tears  of  entreaty  to  be  spared,  was  officially  in- 
stalled as  sub-prioress  on  December  21,  1547,  when  she 
was  not  quite  twenty-six  years  old.  It  is  said  of  M.  Raffaella 
on  this  occasion  that  her  joy  at  seeing  her  longing  fulfilled, 
and  the  "  child  of  her  desires  "  placed  at  her  side  in  autho- 
rity, was  so  great  that  she  then  and  there  raised  her  hands 
and  eyes  to  heaven  and  took  farewell  of  earth,  begging  God 
to  let  her  soul  quickly  depart  in  peace  from  this  world.  It 
is  certain,  at  any  rate,  that  this  appointment  of  Catherine 
was  almost  the  last  act  of  the  holy  prioress,  for  she  fell  ill 
a  month  afterwards,  never  to  rise  from  her  sick-bed  again. 
Her  last  hour  came,  and  found  her  smiling  and  joyful.  She 
sent  for,  and  gave  wise  counsel  to  all  the  nuns  from  the 
novices  up  to  the  "  ancients  "  of  the  house — as  the  oldest 
professed  mothers  were  called;  and  then,  faithful  to  her 
character  of  "  precursor "  to  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci,  she 
recommended  to  their  votes,  as  the  best  person  for  the 
office  of  prioress  after  her  own  death,  Sister  Maddalena 
Strozzi.  She  felt  that  such  an  election,  by  keeping  the 
personal  guardian  and  mistress  of  the  saint  united  to  her  in 
the  government  of  the  house,  would,  better  than  any  other 
arrangement,  ensure  perfection  for  the  community.  This 
done,  the  last  survivor  of  the  foundresses  blessed  her 
children,  and  breathed  forth  her  spirit  in  peace.  She  died 
on  January  28,  1548,  at  midnight;  and  we  are  told  that 
Catherine  had  revealed  to  her  that  this  beautiful  soul  spent 
about  five  hours  in  purgatory,  for  its  perfect  purifica- 
tion, and  then,  with  early  dawn  on  earth,  took  flight  to 

Raffaella's  work  was  finished :  that  of  the  "  saint  "  for 
whom  she  had  prayed,  and  for  whose  coming  she  had  pre- 
pared the  ground,  was  yet  to  be  accomplished. 


This  saint,  then,  has  now  to  be  viewed  in  the  altered 
position  of  being  brought,  by  virtue  of  her  office,  into  more 
immediate  contact  with  souls  outside  her  community  than 
she  had  been  before;  and  we  have  to  see  how,  under  these 
circumstances,  she  unconsciously  came  to  exercise  more 
and  more  widely  that  grandest  of  all  Christ-like  faculties — 
the  power  of  touching  sinners'  hearts  and  winning  the  grace 
of  conversion  for  them. 

Catherine's  biographers  are  unanimous  in  declaring 
that  what  helped,  more  than  anything  else,  to  draw  souls 
by  her  means  to  holiness,  was  something  peculiarly  and 
extraordinarily  attractive  and  impressive  in  her  face:  some- 
thing which,  whilst  exceedingly  gracious,  modest  and  bright, 
was  at  the  same  time  inexplicably  grand  and  compelling. 
Now,  if  we  may  judge  by  prints  of  St  Catherine  de'  Ricci 
taken  from  portraits  that  are  said  to  be  contemporary,  her 
face  was  anything  but  beautiful,  naturally;  in  fact,  if  some 
of  these  pictures  are  correct,  her  features  were  almost  ugly 
when  in  repose.  We  may  hope  that  such  portraits  as  these 
were  not  quite  faithful  to  nature;  but,  in  any  case,  it  is  clear 
— from  a  certain  general  resemblance  amongst  all  the 
Italian  pictures — that  there  can  have  been  nothing  in  her 
own  personal  appearance  to  account  for  this  extraordinary 
attraction  possessed  by  her  mere  look:  none  of  that  remark- 
able, commanding  beauty  of  person,  which  does  undoubt- 
edly sometimes — even  in  the  case  of  very  holy  people — 
first  help  to  draw  hearts  towards  them.  Hence,  we  may 
safely  conclude  that  this  inexplicable  "  something  "  in  our 
saint  was  a  purely  supernatural  endowment;  and,  looking 
back  to  that  occasion  when  Christ  had  been  pleased  to  allow 
His  own  countenance  to  appear  through  hers,  it  were  per- 
haps not  too  bold  to  suppose  that  there  henceforth  lingered 
on  her  features  some  remains  of  that  divine  light  which  had 
then  so  overpowered  the  beholders.  Be  this  as  it  may,  it  is 
certain  that  there  came  from  her  face  a  power  that  appeared 
to  spring  straight  from  God,  so  firmly  and  suddenly  did 
it  seize  hold  of  hearts  and  conquer  them  for  Him.  "  No 
matter,"  says  Razzi,  "  how  corrupt  or  perverted  they  might 
be,  souls  [at  sight  of  her]  passed  suddenly  from  the  most 


unbridled  love  of  the  world  to  a  deep  and  tender  love 
of  God." 

One  of  the  earliest  instances  of  this  power  recorded  is 
that  of  the  very  sudden  conversion  of  a  bishop,  who  came 
to  San  Vincenzio  to  administer  confirmation.  This  man 
was  called  Giovan-Maria  Canigiani,  and  belonged  to  a  well- 
known  Florentine  family.  He  is  described  as  one  of  those 
miserable  specimens  of  degenerate  Religious,  common  at 
the  period,  who  turned  into  the  cloister  as  they  would  into 
a  cross-road,  as  the  quickest  and  most  certain  way  of  reach- 
ing ecclesiastical  preferment.  He  had  first  been  a  Dominican 
friar;  then,  entering  the  Order  of  Vallombrosa,  had  become 
general;  and  had  finally  added  to  this  dignity  the  title  and 
office  of  bishop.  But  this  was  supposed  not  to  be  the  end 
of  his  ambition;  for  public  report  accused  him  of  having, 
more  ardently  than  justly,  coveted  the  cardinal's  hat,  and  of 
having  wasted  the  property  of  the  Order  on  trying  to  obtain 
it.  This  accusation  had  been  embodied  by  mischievous 
Italian  wit  in  a  caricature,  wherein  the  general  was  repre- 
sented strangling  St  John  Gualbert,  founder  of  his  own 
Order.  This  prelate,  then,  came  to  the  convent  to  confirm 
a  few  young  ladies  who  were  brought  up  there.  He  was 
brought  into  Catherine's  presence — whether  in  her  ecstasy 
or  not  does  not  appear — and,  the  moment  that  he  gazed 
on  her  face,  he  was  touched  so  hard  by  God  that,  having 
to  go  immediately  to  the  altar  to  say  his  Mass,  he  did 
nothing  the  whole  time  he  was  celebrating  but  weep  and 
deplore  his  sins,  giving  every  sign  of  the  deepest  repen- 
tance. The  sincerity  of  this  instantaneous  conversion,  and 
the  certainty  of  his  having  taken  measures  to  reform  and 
repair  his  former  bad  life,  were  proved;  for  he  died  not 
very  long  afterwards,  and  Catherine  had  it  revealed  to  her 
that  he  had  saved  his  soul. 

Two  instances  of  sudden  reform,  on  merely  beholding 
Catherine's  face  accidentally — one,  of  a  peasant  named 
Baccio,  who  saw  her  go  by  in  a  procession,  and  the  other 
of  a  man  who  attended  his  blind  master  on  a  visit  to  the 
saint,  and  caught  sight  of  her  through  the  parlour  grille — 
may  be  passed  over  with  simple  mention;  but  we  may 


give  in  full  the  story  of  a  young  man,  whose  name  does 
not  appear,  but  the  details  of  whose  conversion  are   in- 
teresting. He  was  brother  to  two  nuns  of  San  Vincenzio, 
and  was  well  known  for  his  dissolute  life.  He  came  one 
day  to  the  convent  on  a  visit  to  his  sisters;  and  they — 
hoping  that  she  would  say  a  few  words  that  might  influ- 
ence him  for  good — sent  for  Catherine,  then  sub-prioress, 
to  the  parlour.    She   came;  and   had  hardly  reached  the 
grille  than,  raising  her  eyes  to  the  young  man's  face  and 
giving  him  a  piercing  look,   she  was  seized  with    great 
sadness  and  a  deep  pity  for  his  soul,  by  reason  of  the  hor- 
rors with  which  she  saw  it  stained.  Then,  after  standing 
there  for  a  few  minutes  full  of  melancholy,  she  went  away 
without  uttering  a  word.  The  young  man's  sisters,  taken 
by  surprise,  and  quite  confused  at  such  an  abrupt  and  al- 
most insulting  departure,  waited  a  little  and  then  sent  to 
ask  Mother  Catherine  to  come  back.  She  obeyed  the  sum- 
mons, but  only  to  act  again  as  she  had  done  before:  to  fix  her 
eyes,  full  of  sadness,  on  the  youth's  countenance,  and  in  a 
moment   or   two  once  more  to  depart,  still  in  complete 
silence.  The  two  young  nuns,  more  and  more  astounded 
and  ashamed,  returned  yet  again  to  the  charge  by  sending 
another  message  to  the  saint;  but  this  time  she  sent  down 
an  excuse  that  she  was  ill.  Then  the  young  nuns,  utterly 
disconcerted  and  puzzled  at  her  conduct,  began  assuring 
their  brother  how  unlike  this  was  to  the  holy  sub-prioress's 
usual  behaviour,  when  he  himself  burst  forth   with  the 
explanation  of  the  mystery.  He  confessed  that,  the  very 
moment  his  eyes  met  those  of  the  saint,  he  had  seen  all 
the  crimes  and  abominations  of  his  life — all  his  acts  of 
ingratitude  to  God — pass  before  his  vision  as  though  in  a 
mirror;  and  that  the  sight  had  so  pierced  him  with  sharp 
contrition  that  he  had  then  and  there  promised  our  Lord 
to   serve   him   faithfully  for  his    whole    life.    When    the 
sisters  reported  this    to   Mother    Catherine,  she   assured 
them  that  their  brother  would    henceforth   not    only   be 
a    faithful    Christian,   but  that,   filled  with   the   Spirit  of 
God,  he  would   become   the   instrument  of  salvation   to 


many  souls.  Such  was  the  kind  of  incident  that  happened 
over  and  over  again  throughout  Catherine's  life. 

There  were  times  when  the  saint  had  the  gift  of 
prophecy  for  the  benefit  of  her  fellows;  and  one  instance  is 
specially  recorded,  at  this  period,  of  her  having  saved  the 
son  of  a  lady — an  intimate  friend — from  the  commission 
of  a  great  and  disastrous  crime,  by  sending  him,  through 
his  mother,  a  secret  message,  which  showed  that  she  had 
been  supernaturally  warned  beforehand  of  his  intention. 

It  must  not  be  supposed,  however,  that  it  was  only 
for  the  conversion  of  sinners  that  Catherine's  marvellous 
gifts  were  employed.  The  just  felt  her  influence,  when 
brought  into  contact  with  her,  as  keenly  as  the  wicked; 
and  there  was  one  particular  effect  which  the  sight  of  her, 
or  a  few  minutes'  conversation,  is  said  sometimes  to  have 
produced,  which  calls  for  special  notice.  This  consisted  in 
the  supernatural  engraving,  on  the  mind  of  the  person 
concerned,  of  a  marvellously  vivid  picture,  sometimes  of 
her  own  face  and  sometimes  of  the  face  of  our  Lord 
Himself  on  the  cross.  Whichever  it  might  be,  the  super- 
natural impression  had  the  same  effect:  that,  namely,  of  so 
strengthening,  raising,  and  enlightening  the  subject  of  it 
(who  seems  to  have  been  able  at  will  to  recall  and  gaze 
upon  this  interior  image,  when  once  impressed)  in  that  the 
things  of  earth  became  more  and  more  indifferent  and 
contemptible  to  him,  and  the  depths  of  his  soul  remained 
at  peace  no  matter  how  great  the  outward  stress  of  trouble  or 
temptation.  Two  people  who  are  specially  named  as  having 
been  subjects  of  this  miraculous  effect — a  young  Floren- 
tine of  great  literary  tastes,  and  an  eminent  lawyer  re- 
nowned for  his  abilities — appear  to  have  had  peculiarly 
holy  and  happy  deaths  as  the  final  result  of  it. 

This  almost  universally  converting  effect  of  a  visit  to 
Mother  Catherine  at  Prato,  after  her  having  been  placed 
in  office,  became  in  time  so  widely  recognized  that  the  very 
strength  of  popular  faith  in  her  powers  kept  some  people 
away  from  her.  It  was  hardly  safe  for  those  whose  delibe- 
rate attachment  to  some  state  of  sin  or  of  lukewarmness 


made  them  dread  a  change  to  visit  a  person  with  such 
a  dangerous  faculty  of  mastering  souls;  and  it  is  generally 
supposed  that  some  such  motive  as  this,  some  fear  of  being 
compulsorily  moved  to  moral  reform,  kept  the  two  chief 
personages  of  Florence,  and  the  nearest  neighbours  to  Prato 
of  all  the  Tuscan  princes,  away  from  the  saint.  Throughout 
the  whole  time  of  Catherine's  life — whilst  members  of  all 
the  reigning  houses  and  the  rest  of  the  Italian  nobility 
continued  to  resort  in  crowds  to  San  Vincenzio — it  was 
remarked  that  neither  Cosmo  de'  Medici,  nor  his  son  and 
successor  Francesco,  ever  entered  its  doors;  and  it  was  well 
known  that  their  absence  was  not  caused  by  unbelief  or  con- 
tempt for  the  saint,  for  they  both  did  all  they  could  to  show 
their  faith  and  their  reverence,  constantly  sending  alms  to 
the  convent  and  begging  for  prayers  on  all  occasions.  Only 
they  would  not  trust  themselves  in  her  presence. 

But  besides  this  miraculous  share  in  our  Lord's  re- 
deeming power,  granted  to  Catherine  as  a  consequence  of 
her  share  in  His  Passion,  she  possessed  in  high  degree 
another  and  more  ordinary  faculty  for  the  winning  of  souls: 
that  of  the  most  intense  love  for  them.  This  love,  in  her, 
took  the  form — which,  indeed,  it  has  taken  with  more  or 
less  intensity  in  many  saints — of  a  burning  desire  to  suffer 
herself  for  the  sins  of  others,  and  so  to  expiate  them;  and 
one  of  her  biographers  says  that  "like  another  Samuel" 
she  incessantly  groaned  and  wept  over  the  sins  of  mankind, 
entreating  the  Lord  to  spare  sinners  and  to  let  her  suffer, 
in  body  and  soul,  all  the  punishments  due  to  them.  He 
adds,  too,  that  God  heard  her,  and  that  she  appeared  some- 
times completely  crushed  under  the  weight  of  the  responsi- 
bility she  had  accepted:  that  she  might  be  seen  breathless 
with  fatigue,  her  body  bent  down,  her  steps  tottering,  her 
whole  aspect  that  of  one  bearing  a  burden  far  beyond  her 
strength.  He  tells  how,  the  first  time  that  her  guardian, 
Maddalena,  met  her  in  this  torturing  attitude,  she  naturally 
ran  to  help  her,  and  anxiously  inquired  what  had  caused 
such  a  state  of  weakness;  and  how  Catherine  answered,  with 
a  deep  sigh:  "Mother,  it  seems  as  if  my  Jesus  had  laid 
the  weight  of  the  whole  world  on  my  shoulders  ! " 


Sometimes  the  visions  that  the  saint  had  were  so  terrible 
as  to  make  her  fall  fainting  and  rigid  to  the  ground,  where 
her  sisters  would  find  her;  and  then  they  would  learn,  on 
her  recovery,  the  cause  of  her  overwhelming  grief. 

Another  form  in  which  the  saint  made  expiation  for 
sin  was  that  of  taking  upon  herself  the  sufferings  due  to 
particular  individuals,  which  were  inflicted  upon  her  di- 
rectly from  the  hand  of  God  for  their  redemption.  Some- 
times such  pains  were  to  benefit  one  of  those  exceptional 
public  sinners,  appearing  from  time  to  time  in  the  world's 
history,  who  seem  absolutely  to  require  the  sacrifice  ot 
some  holy  and  innocent  victim  as  co-operator  in  their  salva- 
tion, to  whom  our  Lord  does  not  choose  to  give  the  fruit 
of  redemption  without  the  mediation  of  the  saints.  On 
other  occasions  she  exercised  this  special  ministry  for  people 
usually  good  or  even  holy,  but  likely  to  be  overcome  by 
some  peculiarly  strong  temptation,  as  she  did  for  a  nun 
in  her  own  community  who  was  tempted  on  her  death-bed 
to  utter  despair.  Or,  again,  she  would  purchase  by  this 
means  the  conversion  of  some  private  friend  whose  spiri- 
tual state  she  knew  to  be  very  bad;  as  in  the  case  of  a  certain 
gentleman  who  was  an  immense  benefactor  to  the  convent, 
and  a  man  of  uncommonly  generous  and  upright  character, 
but  a  complete  unbeliever.  His  name  is  not  given,  but  the 
story  of  his  conversion  throws  some  striking  lights  on 
Catherine's  character.  She  was  extremely  grateful  to  this 
signor  for  his  continuous  and  liberal  help  to  the  community, 
and  for  the  respectful  admiration  which — despite  his  absence 
of  faith — he  always  showed  for  the  nuns,  who  appear  to 
have  had  no  claim  at  all  on  his  generosity.  Like  her  father, 
St  Dominic,  "she  could  not  bear  to  reap  temporal  advan- 
tages without  sowing  spiritual  ones";  and  she  set  herself 
earnestly  to  win  this  soul  to  its  Creator,  constantly  urging 
on  her  friend  the  claims  of  his  God  and  of  his  own  eternal 
destiny.  She  talked,  however,  in  vain  ;  he  would  not  listen 
to  such  language,  and  always  managed  to  turn  the  conver- 
sation when  it  took  this  line,  or  went  brusquely  out  of  the 
parlour.  One  day,  when  the  saint  was  pressing  him  more 
closely  than  usual,  he  lost  patience  so  far  as  to  forget  cour- 


tesy,  and  said,  in  a  haughty  tone,  that  "he  knew  what  he 
was  about !  He  had  no  need  to  learn  from  a  woman's  ser- 
mons, and  her  business  was  to  stick  to  her  distaff  and 
spin ! "  Catherine,  miserable  over  his  obstinacy,  went 
straight  to  her  cell  to  pray  once  more  to  her  divine  Spouse 
for  his  salvation.  No  one  ever  knew  from  herself  what  had 
passed  in  her  secret  heart  on  this  occasion;  but  the  result 
showed  of  what  nature  her  prayer  must  have  been.  Their 
benefactor  fell  dangerously  ill,  suddenly  recognized  the 
hand  that  had  struck  him  down,  and  humbly  bowed  be- 
neath it.  Become  a  Christian  at  the  last  moment  of  life,  his 
really  grand  nature  showed  itself  by  the  extraordinarily 
fervent  acts  of  faith  and  love  that  he  made:  and  the  deter- 
mined unbeliever  died  "the  death  of  the  saints."  When  a 
friend  brought  the  detailed  account  of  his  last  hours  to 
Catherine,  she  said  smilingly:  "  Now  he  must  know  whether 
Catherine  went  to  her  spinning,  or  did  something  else  for 
his  salvation  !  "  She,  however,  was  at  the  same  time  seized 
with  most  violent  bodily  pains,  which  she  had  to  bear  for 
a  definite  period.* 

This  intense  love  of  suffering  for  others  was,  as  we 
should  expect  to  find,  very  often  carried  by  the  saint 
beyond  the  region  of  this  world  into  that  of  the  Church 
suffering.  The  supernatural  visions  of  purgatory  often 
granted  to  her  were  as  vivid,  and  sometimes  as  overpower- 
ingly  touching  to  her  heart — though  in  a  different  way — 
as  her  visions  of  sin  and  of  the  punishment  that  impeni- 
tent sinners  would  have  to  suffer.  She  is  said  to  have  been 
often  mysteriously  conducted  through  the  place  of  purga- 
tion by  different  saints,  but  especially  by  her  own  guardian 
angel;  and  to  have  made,  in  consequence  of  what  she  saw, 
such  intensely  ardent  supplications  for  the  release  of  those 
she  found  there,  that  our  Lord  could  not  resist  her  prayers. 
She  learnt  also,  by  these  visions,  the  deep  importance  in  the 
sanctification  of  a  Christian  of  many  things  that  seemed 
small  on  earth;  and  especially  did  she  learn  this  in  the  case 
of  Religious,  by  once  finding  a  nun  from  her  own  commu- 
nity, whose  life  had  been  noted  for  holiness,  suffering  much 

*  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  viii,  p.  182. 


on  account  of  some  slight  carelessness  in  administering  the 
" temporalities,"  which  had  caused  diminution  in  goods 
that  should  have  benefited  the  poor.  Souls  that  were  en- 
during very  severe  punishment,  too,  were  occasionally 
caused  to  appear  to  her  on  earth,  revealing  what  were  their 
torments,  and  urgently  begging  her  help. 

Over  and  over  again,  as  the  result  of  the  knowledge  thus 
mysteriously  acquired,  Catherine  prayed  to  take  upon  her- 
self the  penance  of  others;  and  she  was  allowed  by  this 
means  to  deliver  many — both  strangers  and  friends — from 
purgatorial  pains,  either  wholly,  or  after  a  much  shorter 
time  than  was  really  due  to  their  sins.  God  often  rewarded 
her  love  and  zeal  by  sending  her  revelations  of  the  attain- 
ment of  heaven  by  those  for  whom  she  had  suffered;  and, 
amongst  others,  our  Lady  once  showed  her  a  sister  of  her 
own  whom  she  had  thus  delivered.  Moreover,  holy  souls 
who  had  reached  the  Beatific  Vision  by  her  help  were  some- 
times allowed  to  come  themselves  to  announce  their  happi- 
ness and  to  thank  her  for  it. 

And,  with  all  those  wonders  being  worked  by  her  in- 
fluence or  prayers — with  the  daily  increase  of  visitors  to 
the  convent  on  her  account — what  was  the  attitude  of  the 
saint  during  her  years  as  sub-prioress  ?  It  is  described  as 
only  an  intensified  degree  of  her  former  self-doubting  hu- 
mility :  a  deeper  and  deeper  conviction  of  her  utter  un- 
worthiness  to  be  amongst  such  holy  companions  as  those 
over  whom  she  had  been  set.  The  very  concourse  of 
strangers  to  the  place,  of  which  she  knew  so  much  more 
than  she  had  done  in  her  private  capacity,  was  only  a  source 
of  fear  and  trouble  to  her  tender  conscience.  It  made  her 
fancy  herself  the  cause  of  disturbance,  and  perhaps  a  spiri- 
tual injury,  to  the  community  by  bringing  incessant 
distraction  into  the  retired  and  peaceful  atmosphere  of 
Religious  life ;  and  she  used  at  times  to  accuse  herself  of 
this,  covered  with  confusion  as  if  at  some  tremendous 
crime.  Once,  when  the  sisters  found  her  dissolved  in  tears, 
on  a  Friday  night  just  after  her  ecstasy  of  the  Passion,  and 
asked  her  what  was  the  matter,  she  declared  most  earnestly 
that  she  felt  unworthy  to  wear  the  habit,  and  that  "  if  she 


had  to  be  professed  again,  she  was  quite  sure  that  they 
would  never  receive  her  because  of  the  disorder,  bad 
example,  and  scandals  of  her  life !  "  Mother  Maddalena, 
standing  by,  could  not  help  exclaiming:  "Sister  Catherine! 
are  you  speaking  seriously?"  Then  the  saint,  with  sobs 
and  tears  redoubled,  solemnly  protested  in  answer:  "God 
is  my  witness  that  I  am!  I  am  quite  convinced  that  if  the 
community  could  have  foreseen  all  my  disorderly  conduct, 
and  all  the  trouble  and  scandal  that  I  should  cause  it, 
I  should  never  have  been  admitted  to  profession!" 

One  little  incident,  proving  the  reality  of  Catherine's 
self-depreciation,  may  find  appropriate  place  as  conclusion 
to  this  chapter.  A  poor  woman  from  the  neighbourhood, 
suffering  from  dropsy,  came  and  knocked  at  the  convent 
door  one  day.  The  holy  sub-prioress  happened  to  be  there, 
and  opened  the  door  herself.  "I  want  to  speak  to  the  saint" 
said  the  simple  peasant-woman.  Catherine  fired  up  in  a 
moment,  and  answered  quite  sharply:  "Who  is  the  saint, 
and  who  is  not?  All  the  sisters  here  are  good,  but  none  of 
them  are  saints!  The  saints  are  in  Paradise."  And  with 
that  she  shut  the  door  in  the  poor  woman's  face.  How- 
ever, she  meekly  made  up  for  her  little  ebullition;  for  the 
real  portress,  Sister  Elena  Nardi,  who  had  come  up 
meanwhile  and  heard  what  passed,  reproached  the  saint 
with  harshness  towards  the  poor  woman,  and  begged  her 
not  to  send  her  away  hurt.  "At  least,"  she  begged,  "  make 
the  sign  of  the  cross  and  give  her  your  blessing."  So 
Mother  Catherine,  accepting  the  reproach,  opened  the 
door  and  called  her  visitor  back.  She  knew  that  the  poor 
creature  wanted  to  be  cured  of  her  dropsy;  and,  signing 
a  cross  on  her  breast,  she  told  her  to  "  trust  in  God  and 
San  Vincenzio,"  and  she  would  pray  for  her,  and  she  would 
be  cured.  The  woman  went  straight  home,  and  on  arriving 
found  herself  well,  as  the  saint  had  promised;  whereupon  she 
immediately  returned  to  thank  her.  It  is  a  pleasant  ending 
to  the  story  to  read  that  the  gratitude  of  this  poor  peasant 
did  not  end  in  words.  From  that  day  forth  she  remained 
devoted  to  Catherine,  and  came  constantly  to  see  her  and 
to  bring  presents  of  the  very  best  fruit  in  season,  which 
the  saint  on  her  side  accepted  in  all  grateful  simplicity. 



Work  as  sub-prioress  within  the  community — She  is  named  prioress  (1552) 
— Death  of  her  uncle,  Fra  Timoteo — St  Catherine's  spiritual  teaching 
and  conferences  in  chapter — She  is  delivered,  at  her  own  prayer, 
from  the  outward  manifestations  of  her  ecstasy  of  the  Passion  (1554) 

WHILST  CATHERINE  was  doing  her  best  to  persuade  her  com- 
panions that  she  was  unfit  to  hold  even  the  last  place  in  the 
community.  Providence  was  so  ordering  things  that  she 
might  before  long  hold  the  first.  This  was  what  Mother 
Raffaella  had  had  in  view  when  she  begged  God  for  "  a 
great  saint"  for  the  convent:  she  had  looked  not  only  to 
the  individual,  unobtrusive  influence  that  such  a  one 
would  exercise,  but  to  the  generous  impulse  towards 
greatness  of  combined  action  that  is  imparted  to  a  com- 
munity by  saints;  and  for  the  bringing  about  of  this 
end  she  knew  that  it  would  be  necessary  for  the  saint  she 
desired  to  govern  the  house  as  prioress. 

God  seemed  to  have  been  preparing  Catherine  de' 
Ricci  long  beforehand  for  this  important  ro/e,  especially  by 
the  feelings  with  which  He  had  inspired  her  for  her 
sisters  in  religion.  From  the  time  of  her  first  entry  into 
San  Vincenzio,  her  love  for  them  all  had  been  so  great 
that  she  absolutely  identified  her  own  interests  with  theirs, 
especially  in  all  matters  of  spiritual  advancement;  and  she 
prayed  as  fervently  and  incessantly  for  all,  and  tried  to 
make  herself  as  completely  whatever  each  one  desired,  as 
though  she  already  had  the  charge  of  their  souls.  To  this 
really  maternal  zeal  and  tenderness  for  her  sisters  she  had 
long  joined  a  correctness  of  judgement,  a  wisdom  in  dis- 
cernment of  spiritual  things,  and  a  prudence,  gentleness, 
and  moderation  that  were  quite  marvellous  at  her  age; 
and  all  these  qualities  of  course  became  more  conspicuous 
now  that  they  had  fuller  play  as  she  filled  the  office  of 

During  the  years  that  she  occupied  this  post  she  gave, 


as  we  have  seen,  much  time  each  day  to  her  apostolate  for 
souls  outside  the  community;  but  this  did  not  prevent 
her  keeping  sufficient  liberty  to  attend  to  the  internal 
duties  and  responsibilities  involved  in  her  office,  and  God 
Himself  helped  her  in  this  by  so  changing  the  times  and 
seasons  of  His  special  visitations  that  they  should  not 
interfere  with  her  public  community  duties,  as  they  had 
hitherto  often  done.  It  will  be  remembered  how,  in  the 
early  days  of  her  convent  life,  Sister  Catherine's  "slumbers" 
had  caused  her  to  be  left  to  herself,  and  exempted  her 
from  many  of  the  religious  exercises  practised  in  common. 
From  the  time  when  her  great  ecstasy  of  the  Passion 
began,  in  the  year  1 542,  this  need  for  excusing  her  from 
assisting  on  certain  occasions  in  the  daily  community 
functions — both  secular  and  religious — had  increased 
rather  than  diminished.  She  was  often  seized  by  raptures 
so  suddenly — especially  at  times  of  holy  Communion,  at 
the  evening  &?/><?,  and  in  the  Refectory  when  others  were 
eating  and  she  was  trying  to  conceal  her  own  fasting — 
that  her  ecstatic  states  were  a  cause  of  distraction  or  dis- 
turbance; and  her  superiors  had  consequently  withdrawn 
her  from  public  appearance  on  these  occasions.  Now, 
however,  that  she  was  officially  bound,  as  sub-prioress,  to 
give  an  example  of  strict  monastic  regularity,  all  out- 
ward manifestations  of  her  supernatural  states  which  could 
in  any  way  hinder  this  duty  ceased.  She  was  able  to  have 
meals  with  the  community  and  take  part  in  the  Sahe; 
and,  though  still  at  times  ravished  into  ecstasy  on  re- 
ceiving her  Lord  in  the  Holy  Eucharist,  it  was  only  in 
such  a  manner  as  to  attract  no  special  attention  and  to 
cause  no  disorder  in  the  choir. 

Besides  practising  this  perfect  exactness  in  outward 
duties,  Catherine  also  let  no  calls  on  her  attention  from 
seculars  hinder  her  from  rinding  time  for  the  personal 
demands  made  upon  her  by  the  sisters.  The  latter,  despite 
her  youth,  now  came  constantly  to  her  for  advice:  either  to 
get  difficulties  and  doubts  cleared  up  or  to  obtain  greater 
lights  on  matters  of  the  interior  life.  All  who  consulted 
her  were  enchanted  to  find  how,  under  every  circumstance 


and  upon  all  questions  proposed  to  her,  she  was  able  to 
pronounce  decisions  and  to  give  answers  of  such  high 
wisdom  that  they  could  not  doubt  her  being  habitually 
taught  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  inspired  with  particular 
lights  for  the  direction  of  souls.  In  short,  she  managed  so 
to  fill  this  subordinate  office  as  to  satisfy  every  one,  and  to 
produce  in  her  community  the  triple  effect  of  great  peace  in 
all  souls,  perfect  union  of  heart  and  mind,  and  a  strongly 
pronounced  movement  towards  greater  religious  perfection.* 
In  addition  to  this  general  influence,  however,  there 
was  a  special  one  that  Catherine  had  to  exercise,  in  a  de- 
partment of  convent  life  relegated  to  the  sub-prioress  as  her 
particular  work.  At  San  Vincenzio — as  in  most  large  com- 
munities of  that  period — the  nuns  were  separated  into  four 
distinct  divisions,  each  of  which  had  its  own  individual 
superior.  These  divisions  consisted  respectively  of  the  no- 
vices proper;  the  "young  professed"  ;  the  more  mature,  or 
"middle"  professed  ;  and  the  "ancients,"  referred  to  before. 
The  prioress  was  ex-officio,  head  of  the  ancients,  and  mother 
to  the  "middle  professed"  nuns;  the  novices  were  of  course 
under  the  regular  mistress;  whilst  the  sub-prioress  was 
placed  over  the  "young  professed,"  or  junior  nuns.  To  St 
Catherine,  therefore,  fell  the  specially  delicate  and  impor- 
tant task  of  training  and  guiding  hearts  and  souls  at  just  the 
most  difficult  crisis  in  Religious  life:  at  the  moment  of 
transition  from  the  absolute  and  complete  dependence  of 
the  novitiate  to  the  comparative  liberty,  and  greater  soli- 
tude of  soul,  that  belong  to  the  professed  nun.  Hers  it  was 
to  teach  these  young  sisters  as  they  left  their  novice- 
mistress,  to  walk  firmly  on  their  feet,  so  to  speak,  in  the 
way  of  Religious  perfection,  in  which  they  had  hitherto 
been  led  and  supported  by  another's  hand.  St  Francis  de 
Sales  speaks  of  this  office  as  that  of  "flying  before  the 
young  doves,  as  they  leave  their  mother's  nest,  to  teach 
them  to  use  their  wings"  ;  it  is  clear  to  any  one  who  thinks 
of  it,  how  much  watchfulness,  holy  tact,  and  tender  care 
are  needed  in  such  a  position  to  rouse  the  timid,  strengthen 
the  weak,  and  restrain  the  rash.  So  difficult  is  the  task  that, 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xxviii,  xxxviii. 


pursued  even  with  the  most  zealous  devotion,  it  not 
unfrequently  issues  in  more  or  less  of  failure;  and  many 
a  fervent  novice,  promising  excellently,  has  become  the 
permanent  slave  of  lukewarmness  after  profession. 

Catherine,  whilst  sub-prioress,  was  found  so  extraor- 
dinarily successful  in  accomplishing  this  work  of  training, 
that  the  nuns  could  never  remember  to  have  seen  so  few 
failings  among  the  juniors.  They  seemed,  under  her  gui- 
dance, able  to  keep  all  the  fervour  of  their  noviceship  while 
they  gained  the  self-possession,  and  the  power  of  initiative, 
necessary  for  solid  progress:  imbibing  from  their  saintly 
"mother"  some  of  her  own  spiritual  ardour,  together  with 
her  remarkable  modesty  and  gentleness.  A  letter  addressed 
by  her  to  these  "young  professed,"  during  one  of  her  terms 
of  office  as  sub-prioress,*  giving  a  picture  both  of  her  mode 
of  dealing  with  them  and  of  the  interior  life  of  the  convent, 
is  well  worth  reading;  and  though  it  was  written  rather 
later  than  the  time  we  are  just  dealing  with,  its  subject 
makes  this  the  most  appropriate  place  to  insert  it : 

To  the  Young  Nuns  of  the  Monastery  of  San  Vincenzio 

"The  reason  of  my  present  letter  is,  that  having  been 
requested  by  you  to  say  something  on  the  occasion  of  your 
feast  of  St  Catherine,f  I  reply  as  follows  :  It  is  not  usual 
for  the  sub-prioress  to  come  forward,  but  to  leave  all  in  the 
hands  of  the  superior.  But  I  am  not  able  to  refrain,  on 
account  of  my  love  for  you  (considering  that  you  are  all 
my  daughters),  from  satisfying  your  desire,  with  the  same 
charity  that  has  been  shown  to  me  by  all  in  the  convent. 

*  The  dates  of  St  Catherine's  various  elections — which  from  the  year  1547  onwards, 
became  frequent  events — to  the  offices  of  sub-prioress  and  prioress  respectively,  are  a 
little  confusing,  as  there  appears  sometimes  to  be  a  slight  discrepancy  between  dates 
given  in  the  narrative  and  those  of  the  letters.  For  instance,  P.  Bayonne  gives  1552 
as  the  date  of  her  first  election  as  prioress  ,•  whereas  there  are  letters  dated  15  54  in  which 
she  signs,  or  speaks  of,  herself  as  sub-prioress.  This  may,  of  course,  merely  mean  that  she 
was  prioress  for  two  years  only  the  first  time;  but  no  definite  explanation  is  given  of 
any  such  apparent  discrepancies.  The  best  thing,  therefore,  for  the  reader  to  do  as  re- 
gards this  point — which  is,  after  all,  not  of  much  consequence — is  to  recollect  simply 
that  for  about  forty  years  from  the  time  of  her  being  first  made  sub-prioress  she  was  kept 
almost  constantly  in  office  as  either  prioress  or  "sub."  The  elections  (it  may  be  observed 
for  the  benefit  of  readers  not  aware  of  this)  had  to  be  constantly  repeated,  because  an  elec- 
tion to  life-long  office — such,  for  instance,  as  that  of  a  "  consecrated  "  Benedictine  abbot  or 
abbess — is  not  allowed  in  the  order. 

t  St  Catherine  of  Alexandria,  martyr,  special  patroness  of  the  young  nuns. 


Therefore  I  send  you  with  this  a  golden  scudo.  I  am  sorry 
I  cannot  give  you  more;  but  you  must  excuse  me  and 
accept  my  good  will  towards  you.  The  superior  will  arrange 
all  to  your  satisfaction;  do  not  fear. 

I  exhort  and  pray  you,  my  dear  daughters,  to  imitate 
our  glorious  saint,  and  to  practise  virtue  if  you  would  be 
pleasing  to  Jesus,  as  she  pleased  Him,  if  not  with  the  same 
degree  of  perfection,  at  least  as  much  as  your  frailty  allows. 
Remember  that  she  was  a  woman,  and  young  like  your- 
selves; yet  she  did  not  excuse  herself,  and  you  are  spouses 
of  the  same  holy  Spouse  as  she  was.  And  if  you  would 
exercise  yourselves  in  all  the  virtues,  as  she  did,  your 
Spouse  will  not  fail  to  give  you  the  graces  and  favours 
given  to  her.  Be  reverent  and  obedient  to  your  superiors 
as  she  was.  For,  out  of  reverence  and  obedience  to  her 
mother  she  went  to  speak  to  that  holy  hermit,  whom  she 
believed  and  obeyed  in  all  simplicity;  she  did  not  say, 
"  These  things  which  he  has  told  me  are  childish,  that  I  am 
to  pray  to  such  an  image  and  I  shall  see  the  Spouse  of 
whom  he  has  spoken."  And  by  her  obedience  and  faith  she 
merited  to  see  Jesus.  Likewise  you,  my  daughters,  give 
yourselves  to  holy  obedience,  and  often  frequent  confession 
and  holy  Communion,  if  you  wish  to  see  Jesus;  because 
no  one  can  love  or  see  Jesus  better  than  by  uniting  oneself 
with  Him  in  holy  Communion.  In  short,  we  come  to  know 
His  goodness  and  mercy,  and  our  own  vileness  and  misery; 
as  did  that  saint,  who  in  prayer  was  illuminated  with  truth, 
knew  her  own  errors,  and  quickly  departed  from  them,  and 
followed  with  great  fervour  Jesus  her  Spouse.  And  you,  my 
daughters,  have  been  called  by  your  Spouse  to  holy  Reli- 
gion, so  that  you  may  follow  His  footsteps,  and  the  example 
of  His  holy  Mother  and  the  saints;  fly,  therefore,  ever 
occasion  of  offending  your  Spouse,  as  did  our  saint.  And 
as  she  had  great  zeal  for  the  honour  of  her  Spouse,  and  a 
desire  to  suffer  for  love  of  Him,  so  do  you  show  zeal  in 
the  observance  of  our  holy  rule,  first  for  yourselves  and  then 
for  your  neighbours;  and  desire  to  suffer  for  love  of  Him, 
and  to  render  something  to  Him  for  what  He  has  done  for 
you,  so  far  as  is  possible  to  your  frailty.  If  you  love  your 



Spouse  with  all  your  heart,  as  did  our  glorious  saint,  you 
will  not  weary  of  obeying  your  superiors,  but  will  do  it  in 
all  simplicity.  And  I  am  glad  when  you  have  confidence 
in  them,  as  I  told  you  the  other  day;  and  I  would  on  no 
account  that  you  should  be  wanting  in  reverence  and 
obedience  towards  them,  for  you  would  thereby  displease 
Jesus  your  Spouse,  and  would  lose  many  graces  and  spiri- 
tual favours. 

"  My  dear  daughters,  give  yourselves  joyfully  to  Jesus, 
as  He  willingly  gave  Himself  wholly  to  you,  and  as  did 
our  glorious  saint,  who  did  not  think  it  hard  to  go  to 
martyrdom  for  love  of  Him.  And  do  you  joyfully  and 
willingly  bear  the  fatigues  and  observances  of  holy  Religion, 
which  are  wearying  to  our  senses,  and  are  a  kind  of  martyr- 
dom; but  to  one  who  loves  Jesus  with  his  whole  heart, 
everything  is  sweet  and  pleasant,  as  He  said  :  "My  yoke  is 
sweet  and  My  burden  is  light."  Therefore,  my  daughters, 
follow  cheerfully  your  Spouse  in  the  way  of  Religious  life, 
and  do  not  be  discouraged  if  you  find  you  are  not  all  you 
would  wish  to  be,  but  humbly  ask  pardon  of  Jesus  with  a  firm 
resolve  to  correct  yourselves;  and  have  recourse  to  Him 
with  great  faith  and  hope,  because  He  is  your  Father 
and  your  Spouse  and  is  consumed,  so  to  say,  with  the 
desire  to  bestow  graces  on  you.  But  He  wishes  to  be  en- 
treated; therefore  go  to  Him  with  great  confidence  and 
doubt  not  that  you  will  be  heard,  and  take  your  saint  as 
your  mediator,  to  pray  to  your  and  her  Spouse  for  the 
grace  you  desire.  I  beg  you  also  to  include  me  in  your 
petitions,  that  Jesus  may  do  to  me  as  is  pleasing  to  His 
Majesty.  And  I  will  continue,  just  as  I  am,  to  pray  for  all 
of  you  who  are  or  have  been  my  dear  children ;  and  I  offer 
you  all  to  Jesus,  that  He  may  make  you  His  true  spouses 
and  fill  you  with  His  holy  love.  I  have  dictated  all  this  to 
my  secretary,  for  I  am  not  able  to  write  with  my  own 
hand,  on  account  of  the  pain  you  know  it  gives  me  to 
write.  May  God  bless  you  all. 

"Your  Mother  in  Christ, 



But  it  was  not  only  to  her  spiritual  children  at  San 
Vincenzio  that  the  saint  gave  instructions  on  the  Religious 
life.  She  had  correspondence  on  the  subject  with  members 
of  other  communities,  both  men  and  women;  and  the  two 
following  letters — given  as  good  specimens  of  her  style  of 
writing  and  her  tone  of  thought — belong  without  any 
doubt  to  this  period  of  her  first  sub-prioress-ship. 

The  first  is  to  one  of  two  brothers,  sons  of  a  Bernardino 
Rucellai,  both  members  of  the  Dominican  house  at  Fiesole. 
To  this  house  Fra  Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's  uncle, 
was  sent  as  prior  in  1 547,  which  will  account  for  the  refe- 
rence in  the  letter.  We  are  told  nothing  about  these  two 
young  men — very  probably  friends  of  Catherine's  family — 
except  the  fact  of  their  being  at  the  Priory  of  Fiesole. 

To  Fra  Damiano  Rucellai,  a  novice  at  San  Domenico  of 


"Dear  Son  in  Jesus  Christ  (^c.), — I  have  your  most 
welcome  letter,  to  which  I  will  make  a  brief  reply.  Firstly, 
I  am  glad  to  see  you  desirous  of  good,  and  fervent  in 
seeking  Jesus,  who  is  the  beloved  of  all  good  Christians, 
but  still  more  so  of  Religious  who  give  themselves  wholly 
to  Him,  forsaking  themselves,  especially  their  own  will, 
placing  it  in  God's  hands  and  in  those  of  His  prelate. 
Then  again,  not  caring  anything  for  the  body,  how  it  is 
provided  for,  but  offering  it  a  sacrifice  to  Jesus,  who  in 
His  goodness  will  not  fail  to  accept  it,  and  in  exchange 
for  it  will  give  Himself,  who  is  the  only  good  in  heaven 
or  on  earth.  The  blessed  are  satisfied  with  gazing  on  the 
divine  Majesty,  and  with  continually  thanking  and  praising 
His  infinite  goodness,  who  is  always  giving  new  joys  and 
happiness,  in  heaven  to  the  saints  and  on  earth  to  the  just, 
for  this  offering  of  soul  and  body  which  they  have  made. 
Now  who  would  not  willingly  give  to  receive  so  much  ? 
So  that,  my  dear  son  in  Jesus,  give  yourself  wholly  to 
Him,  soul,  body,  and  will,  and  He  will  give  Himself  to 
you,  as  to  a  dear  son.  Imitate  Him,  then,  in  holy  humility; 
as  you  may  contemplate  Him  in  the  approaching  solemnity 
of  His  holy  Nativity,  which  shows  forth  His  sacred  humi- 


lity.  For  He  is  the  highest  wisdom  and  of  incomprehensible 
greatness,  and  yet  of  His  goodness  has  deigned  to  come  in 
such  lowliness!  Born  in  a  stable,  in  the  company  of  two 
lowest  animals,  without  any  provision  for  His  wants;  but 
with  greatest  humility  He  remained  there  with  His  gentle 
Mother.  Therefore,  little  son  of  Jesus,  go  this  night  and 
day  and  visit  that  sweet  Infant,  praying  His  holy  Mother 
to  give  Him  to  you  for  a  little  space.  And  she  will  be 
gracious  to  you  and  will  not  deny  you;  but  you  must  be 
humble,  or  you  will  not  see  Him.  And  when  you  have 
Him,  commend  to  Him  my  soul,  and  I  will  do  the  same 
for  you.  Commend  me  to  your  father  superior,  and  many 
times  to  his  prayers,  and  the  same  to  our  uncle  the  prior, 
and  to  all  your  companion  novices.  I  hold  you  as  my  son 
in  Christ,  and  am  happy  to  accept  you  as  such.  So  be  of 
good  will,  and  be  as  good  as  possible.  Assai,  assai.  I  desire 
nothing  else,  except  to  commend  myself  to  you.  And  may 
the  sweet  infant  Jesus  be  with  you. 

"  Yours,  &c. 
"December  16,  1548." 

The  second  is  simply  headed 

To  a  Nun 

"  Very  dear  daughter, — I  have  already  sent  you  a  letter 
to  exhort  you  to  the  service  of  our  Lord;  and  now  I  send 
you  this  one,  in  which  I  am  going  to  give — first  for  myself, 
and  then  for  you — an  account  of  the  true  way  of  faithfully 
serving  our  Divine  Spouse,  and  a  resume  of  the  spiritual 
life;  so  that,  by  following  it,  we  shall  carry  out  the  holy 
will  of  God.  If,  then,  my  daughter,  you  would  be  the  true 
spouses  of  Jesus,  you  must  do  His  holy  will  in  all  things; 
and  you  will  do  this  if  you  entirely  give  up  your  own  will 
on  every  occasion,  and  if  you  love  the  divine  Spouse  with 
your  whole  heart,  your  whole  soul,  and  your  whole  strength. 
Then,  you  must  carefully  attend  to  the  following  points 
(but  it  is  necessary  to  weigh  all  these  words),  as  they  con- 
tain the  summary  of  Christian  perfection: 

"  i.  We  must  force  ourselves  to  detach  the  heart  and 


the  will  from  all  earthly  love;  to  love  no  fleeting  things, 
except  for  the  love  of  God;  and,  above  all,  not  to  love  God 
for  our  own  sakes  for  self-interest,  but  with  a  love  as  pure 
as  His  own  goodness. 

"  2.  We  must  direct  all  our  thoughts,  words  and  actions 
to  His  honour;  and  by  prayer,  counsel,  and  good  example 
seek  His  glory  solely,  whether  for  ourselves  or  for  others, 
so  that  through  our  means  all  may  love  and  honour  God. 
This  second  thing  is  more  pleasing  to  Him  than  the  first, 
as  it  better  fulfils  His  will. 

"  3.  We  must  aim  more  and  more  at  the  accomplish- 
ment of  the  divine  will:  not  only  desiring  nothing  special 
to  happen  to  us,  bad  or  even  good,  in  this  wretched  life, 
and  thus  keeping  ourselves  always  at  God's  disposal,  with 
heart  and  soul  at  peace;  but  also  believing  with  a  firm  faith 
that  Almighty  God  loves  us  more  than  we  love  ourselves, 
and  takes  more  care  of  us  than  we  could  take  of  ourselves. 

"  The  more  we  conform  to  this  way  of  acting,  the  more 
we  shall  find  God  present  to  help  us,  and  the  more  we  shall 
experience  His  most  gentle  love.  But  no  one  can  reach  such 
perfection  except  by  constant  and  courageous  sacrifice  of 
self-will;  and,  if  we  would  learn  to  practise  such  abnega- 
tion, it  is  necessary  to  keep  ourselves  in  a  state  of  great 
and  deep  humility,  so  that  by  perfect  knowledge  of  our 
own  misery  and  weakness  we  may  rise  to  learn  the  greatness 
and  beauty  of  our  God.  Consider  how  just  and  necessary 
it  is  to  serve  Him  unceasingly,  with  love  and  obedience. 
I  say  just,  because  God  being  Father  and  Master  of  all  things, 
it  is  just  that  His  son  and  servant  should  obey  and  love 
Him:  I  say  necessary,  because  by  acting  otherwise  we  could 
not  be  saved.  Let  us  always  remember,  never  doubting, 
that  it  is  the  eternal,  sovereign,  all-powerful  God  who  does, 
orders,  or  allows  everything  that  happens,  and  that  nothing 
comes  to  pass  without  His  divine  will.  Let  us  remember 
that  He  is  Himself  that  wisdom  which,  in  the  government 

*  O 

of  the  universe — of  heaven,  earth,  and  every  single  creature 
— cannot  be  deceived  (He  would  be  neither  God  nor  most 
wise,  if  it  were  otherwise).  Let  us  look  upon  Him  as 
supremely  good,  loving  and  beneficent.  If,  through  His 


mercy,  this  conviction  becomes  strongly  impressed  upon 
our  wills,  we  shall  easily  take  all  things  from  His  sacred 
hand  with  well-contented  hearts,  always  thanking  Him  for 
fulfilling  His  most  holy  will  in  us;  because,  by  acting  thus 
(with  the  help  of  His  holy  grace)  we  shall  unite  ourselves 
to  Him  by  true  love  in  this  life  and  by  glory  in  eternity. 
May  He  grant  it  to  us  in  His  goodness!  Of  your  charity 
pray  for  me,  a  wretched  sinner,  who  commends  herself  to 
you  all. 

"  Your  sister  in  Christ. 
"November  18,  1549." 

Such  were  the  burning  words  of  love  for  Jesus  Christ 
and  for  souls,  and  such  the  truly  angelic  tone  of  thought, 
in  which  Catherine  addressed  young  hearts  consecrated  to 
God.  It  is  not  to  be  wondered  at  that,  when  they  had  for 
some  time  watched  the  results  of  her  first  tenure  of  office 
in  the  community,  and  when  they  considered  all  that  she 
had  done,  both  inside  and  outside  the  convent,  for  the  good 
of  souls  even  before  this,  the  nuns  resolved  to  entrust  her 
with  full  government  on  the  first  occasion  that  should  arise. 
An  opportunity  for  her  election  came  in  1552,  just  ten 
years  after  the  beginning  of  her  miraculous  ecstasies;  and 
she  was  then  unanimously  chosen  prioress,  to  the  delight 
of  all  her  fervent  and  zealous  sisters. 

We  are  told  that  the  only  sad  heart  in  the  community 
that  day  was  Catherine's  own.  She  felt  struck  down,  as  with 
a  sudden  blow,  by  this  election.  She  found  it  impossible  to 
believe  that  she,  whose  one  desire  in  life  was  for  ever  to 
serve  her  dearly-beloved  sisters  in  the  humblest  and  most 
laborious  capacity,  could  be  of  the  least  use  to  them  in  the 
one  to  which  they  had  appointed  her;  and  she  was  seized 
with  a  fear  of  being  unfit  to  take  spiritual  charge  of  the 
simplest  soul  in  the  house.  She  poured  forth  her  soul,  with 
tears  and  sobs,  in  complaints  to  her  divine  Spouse;  she 
remonstrated  with  her  companions  about  the  mistake  they 
had  made;  she  complained  to  the  superiors  of  the  Order, 
and  tried  to  convince  them  of  her  incapacity  and  of  the 
harm  she  should  do  in  the  convent:  she  made,  in  short, 



the  genuinely  humble  protests  of  a  saint  in  the  face  of 
a  dreaded  honour.  But  such  protests  were  not  accepted. 
Catherine's  election  was  confirmed;  and  the  superiors  of 
the  Order  formally  intimated  to  her  that  she  was  to  sub- 
mit to  the  change  imposed.  She  then  obeyed;  and  the  very 
humility  that  had  made  her  fear  the  responsibility  now  came 
to  help  her  in  heartily  accepting  it.  In  both  her  unwilling- 
ness and  her  acceptance  she  was  completely  in  accord  with 
the  doctrine  of  saints  concerning  perfect  Religious  obedi- 
ence. This  doctrine  teaches,  on  the  one  hand,  that  there  is 
as  much  pride  in  refusing  any  honour  or  dignity  imposed 
by  God,  as  there  is  in  ambitiously  desiring  such  when  His 
voice  either  opposes  or  simply  does  not  call  to  it;  and,  on 
the  other  hand,  that  whilst  obscure,  humiliating,  or  difficult 
posts  in  Religion  are  to  be  invariably  accepted  with  readi- 
ness and  joy,  and  even  to  be  desired,  the  case  is  quite 
otherwise  with  posts  that  give  prestige  or  honour  of  any 
sort.  Where  these  are  concerned,  it  as  held  that  a  certain 
repugnance  and  instinctive  aversion  to  the  consideration 
and  homage  that  belong  to  such  offices  are  not  only  legiti- 
mate but  desirable,  even  while  responsibility  is  accepted 
with  hearty  good-will  under  obedience.* 

Without  this  repugnance,  there  could  be  neither  dis- 
interestedness nor  humility;  and  hence  it  is  that  one  of  the 
most  salient  characteristics  of  the  saints,  when  occupying 
honourable  posts,  is  a  certain  melancholy  spirit — that  sad- 
ness of  the  true  "pilgrim  and  stranger"  on  earth — which 
they  keep  so  long  as  they  are  condemned  to  such  positions. 
St  Catherine,  throughout  the  whole  forty  years  during  which 
she  was  kept  in  office  as  either  prioress  or  sub-prioress, 
experienced  this  holy  sadness  in  a  high  degree;  never  feel- 
ing the  least  complacency  in  her  dignity,  nor  taking  the 
slightest  repose  from  the  incessant  labours  that  it  brought 
with  it.  At  each  re-election,  up  to  the  one  just  before  her 
death,  she  went  through  the  same  anguish  of  soul  that  had 
seized  upon  her  the  first  time.  When  some  of  the  nuns 
were  once  so  imprudent  as  to  congratulate  themselves  in 

*  To  desire  superiority  for  the  cares  of  office,  other  things  being  equal,  is  praiseworthy; 
to  desire  it  for  its  high  position  is  criminal  ambition;  to  desire  it  for  the  consideration  it 
brings  is  disgraceful  egotism  "  (St  Thomas  Aquinas,  in  cap.  xiii,  slit  Roma). 


her  presence  on  having  voted  for  her,  she  spoke  in  a  way 
that  made  them  repent.  "Sisters,"  she  said,  in  a  deeply 
sad  tone,  "  if  I  had  the  choice,  I  would  rather  spend  the 
two  years  of  prioress-ship  imposed  upon  me  in  a  narrow, 
dark  prison  than  in  fulfilling  its  duties  " — words  which,  as 
her  pious  historian  adds,  are  well  worth  meditation  by  any 
inclined  to  forget  the  humility  of  their  profession  and  to 
long  for  cloistral  honours.* 

Catherine,  then,  had  entered  upon  her  office  as  prioress 
in  the  early  months  of  the  year  1552.  She  was  barely  installed 
when  she  heard  of  the  death  of  her  uncle,  the  venerable  Fra 
Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  at  Perugia.  This  man  held  a  very  large 
place  in  her  heart,  little  given  as  it  was  to  clinging  to  earthly 
affections;  for  in  him  she  had  found,  when  she  left  her 
parents'  home,  the  tie  of  blood,  the  likeness  to  her  own 
father,  and  the  warmth  of  heart,  which  formed  a  natural  bond 
in  addition  to  the  triple  spiritual  fatherhood  that  he  came 
to  exercise  over  her  as  man  of  God,  priest  of  Jesus  Christ, 
and  first  guide  of  her  soul.  He  it  was  who  had  been,  so  to 
speak,  her  sponsor  in  the  Religious  life  ;  and  who  had  after- 
wards received  all  the  confidences  about  her  great  spiritual 
favours,  and  witnessed  her  extraordinary  states.  He  had  been 
moreover,  to  her,  what  he  was  to  every  one  in  the  convent 
— the  devout  and  austere  friar,  formed  in  the  school  of 
Savonarola  at  Florence — the  friar  who,  for  more  than  twenty 
years,  had  kept  alive  his  Master's  spirit  in  the  Convent  of 
San  Vincenzio,  which  was  the  honour  of  Tuscany  and  the 
consolation  of  the  Church.  Of  most  generous  nature,  Timo- 
teo de'  Ricci  was  a  man  who  won  pardon  for  his  defects  of 
character  by  his  frank  acknowledgement  of  them  and  his 
speedy  reparation.  If — as  was  sometimes  the  case — he  hap- 
pened to  wound  people's  feelings  by  the  sharpness  of  his 
zeal,  he  quickly  regained  their  sympathy  by  the  deep  humi- 
lity of  his  repentance.  If,  by  misunderstanding  for  a  time 
his  niece's  heavenly  gifts,  he  had  bitterly  grieved  her  heart, 
he  had  afterwards  still  more  bitterly  lamented  what  he  came 
to  look  upon  as  one  of  the  gravest  faults,  and  the  greatest 
misfortune,  of  his  life.  For  many  years  he  had  been  humbly 

*  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  iv,  p.  108. 


begging  pardon  of  God  for  having  offended  Him  in  the 
person  of  His  spouse,  Catherine;  and  he  could  only  console 
himself  at  all  by  actually  becoming  her  disciple  and  spiri- 
tual son.  As  a  man  of  more  than  sixty  years  old,  we  find  him 
receiving,  in  the  most  docile  spirit,  even  public  lessons  and 
corrections  from  her  whose  master  he  had  been ;  and  two 
touching  instances  of  his  submission,  recorded  by  Razzi, 
may  here  be  quoted  as  proofs  both  of  what  his  natural  cha- 
racter was  and  of  the  generous  depths  of  humility  to  which 
repentance  for  his  faults  led  him. 

The  first  is  assigned  to  April,  1 542,  on  one  day  of  which 
Catherine,  coming  forth  from  ecstasy,  obtained  an  interview 
with  her  uncle.  She  then  advised  him  to  put  more  gentleness 
into  the  reproofs  that  he  administered  to  the  nuns,  so  as  to 
fulfil  our  Lord's  injunction:  "Learn  of  Me,  for  I  am  meek 
and  humble  of  heart."  Fra  Timoteo,  having  asked  her  how 
she  knew  (she,  of  course,  never  being  subject  to  them)  that 
his  reproofs  were  too  severe,  as  neither  he  nor  the  sisters  had 
ever  spoken  to  her  of  the  matter:  "  Ah! "  she  replied  at  once, 
"and  do  you  think  that  my  Jesus  draws  me  up  above  into 
His  presence  without  clearly  showing  me  everything  that 
concerns  the  interests  of  mydearsistersPDon't  deceive  your- 
self: His  goodness  leaves  me  ignorant  of  nothing  that  has  to 
do  with  my  monastery."  Then  the  good  father  promised 
to  keep  her  instructions  in  mind,  and  to  do  his  best  to 
profit  by  them ;  and  he  further  begged  her  to  remember 
him  in  presence  of  her  divine  Spouse  in  her  next  ecstasy  of 
the  Passion,  and  to  offer  his  heart  to  our  Lord  for  him.  "1 
will  most  willingly  offer  it,"  said  the  saint,  "but you  will  take 
it  back  again  almost  directly,  will  you  not?"  Such  marvel- 
lously frank  language  on  the  part  of  his  meek  and  holy  niece 
to  her  revered  uncle  and  spiritual  father  shows  indeed  what 
clear  knowledge  she  must  have  had  of  his  extremely  hasty 
temperament;  and  the  doubt  she  here  expressed  of  the  im- 
mediate efficacy  of  her  warning  is  justified  by  the  second 
incident  we  are  to  quote. 

This  happened  a  year  afterwards,  in  April,  1543,  on  the 
eve  of  St  Vincent  Ferrer's  feast.  The  saint  being  rapt  into 
ecstasy  in  the  church,  in  presence  of  her  uncle  and  the  united 


sisters,  it  was  observed  that  one  of  her  hands  was  outside  her 

Now,  beholding  the  sacred  stigma  on  this  hand,  the  nuns 
— seized  with  tender  devotion  for  the  blessed  wound — 
pressed  forward,  by  a  sudden  spontaneous  impulse,  almost 
all  together,  to  kiss  it.  Naturally,  such  an  impetuous  move- 
ment of  a  large  number  could  not  take  place  without  causing 
confusion;  and  Fra  Timoteo,  seeing  the  disorder,  and  not 
stopping  to  reflect  on  the  good-will  that  had  caused  it,  gave 
way  to  his  natural  hastiness  and  began  to  reprimand  the  sisters 
severely  and  even  intemperately.  But  when,  in  his  own  turn, 
he  followed  the  nuns  with  the  intention  of  devoutly  kissing 
the  sacred  wound,  the  saint — notwithstanding  her  state  of 
rapture — withdrew  her  hand  and  hid  it  under  her  scapular. 
Then  the  good  friar  remembered  all  her  warnings  about  his 
harshness  and  hasty  temper ;  and,  going  aside  into  a  quiet 
corner,  fell  on  his  knees  and  wept  so  bitterly  over  his  fault 
that  his  tender-hearted  niece  took  pity  on  him,  and  offered 
him  the  hand  she  had  withdrawn.* 

This  deep  humility  of  Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  however,  in 
nowise  lessened  his  real  grandeur  and  nobility  of  soul.  His 
fine  character  showed  him  truly  akin  to  his  niece  in  the  super- 
natural as  well  as  the  natural  order;  and  it  was  his  delight  to 
follow  her  to  the  sublimest  heights  of  contemplation  and  re- 
flection on  the  mysteries  of  God,  and  to  pour  forth  his  heart 
like  her  in  ardent  love.  It  was  in  this  spiritual  relationship  of 
their  souls  that  he  most  sharply  felt  the  blow  of  separation, 
when,  in  1547,  he  was  sent  to  be  prior  at  Fiesole;  and  he 
proved  his  regret  by  taking  every  possible  opportunity  of 
visiting  Prato  to  refresh  himself  by  spiritual  conversations 
with  Catherine.  He  is  last  heard  of  there  in  1548,  at  the 
saint's  feet,drinkinginconsolation  from  her  heavenly  words. 
Four  years  after  this  Fra  Timoteo  was  prior  of  St  Dominic's 
House  at  Perugia,  when — on  the  feast  of  St  Peter,  martyr 
— Catherine  was  transported  in  spirit  to  his  death-bed. 
Whether  she  actually  appeared  to  the  dying  man,  as  she  did 
to  some  people  in  the  course  of  her  life,  or  only  supported 
him  by  the  power  of  her  prayers,  at  any  rate  she  had  the  com- 
fort of  helping  him  in  his  last  moments. 

*  Serat.  Razz;,  lib.  II,  cap.  x,  pp.  72-73. 


That  same  evening  she  assembled  the  sisters  in  chapter, 
to  announce  to  them  the  decease  of  her  uncle,  "who  had 
just  died  in  the  Priory  of  Perugia."  In  doing  so,  she  freely 
poured  forth  her  tender  gratitude  for  all  that  he  had  done 
for  her,  and  for  the  great  services  he  had  bestowed  on  their 
convent ;  and,  after  earnestly  recommending  his  soul  to 
their  prayers,  ordered  the  suffrages  of  the  community  for 
him  to  continue  for  several  days.  The  nuns,  surprised  at  these 
communications,  for  which  they  were  quite  unprepared,  care- 
fully noted  down  the  day  and  hour  when  they  were  made. 
Some  days  afterwards,  when  the  official  news  of  the  Father's 
death  arrived  from  Perusia,  they  were  able  to  testify  that 
the  moment  at  which  their  young  prioress  had  called  them  to 
chapter  was  the  very  same  at  which  her  uncle  had  breathed 
his  last. 

On  the  1 5th  of  the  following  May,  Catherine  fulfilled 
the  office  of  prioress  towards  another  member  of  her  family, 
on  a  happier  occasion.  She  gave  the  habit  to  her  youngest 
half-sister,  in  presence  of  Fra  Angelo  da  Diacceto,  the  girl's 
maternal  uncle.  Of  thesaint's  four  half-sisters  who  were  nuns 
with  her  at  San  Vincenzio,  this  one — Lessandra — was  the 
only  one  to  receive  the  habit  from  her  hands,  with  the  name 
of  Sister  Lodovica.  The  three  others  had  been  clothed  in  her 
presence,  but  before  she  was  prioress:  the  first,  as  we  have 
already  seen,  in  1543,  taking  the  name  of  Maria  Benigna; 
the  second — Marietta — in  1547,  as  Maria  Clemente;  and  the 
third — Maddalena — as  Filippa.  All  these  young  sisters  of 
the  saint,  with  one  exception,  were  fragile,  delicate  creatures, 
destined  not  to  finish  their  career  on  earth  :  called  to  the 
cloister  only,  as  it  seemed,  that  they  might  die  ignorant  of 
the  world's  evil.  Filippa,  Maria  Clemente,  and  Lodovica, 
fell  victims  to  the  same  fatal  disease — consumption — one 
after  the  other,  and  all  between  the  ages  of  sixteen  and  eigh- 
teen. By  the  year  1555,  their  holy  sister  had  seen  their  three 
souls  gently  depart,  herself  receiving  the  last  breath  of  each, 
and,  it  is  said,  accompanying  the  liberated  spirits  to  heaven 
whilst  she  was  in  ecstasy.  The  convent  chroniclers  sum  up 
the  sweet,  peaceful  lives  of  all  these  three  young  nuns  in  the 
same  words:  TZuona  e  quieta  sororal  Sister  Maria  Benigna, 


the  first  to  join  Catherine  at  San  Vincenzio,  was  the  last 
whose  eyes  she  closed,  under  circumstances  to  be  mentioned 

As  prioress,  Catherine  naturally  became  the  light  and  the 
counsellor  of  all  the  sisters  in  everything  concerning  the  final 
end  of  life  in  the  cloister — that  is,  Religious  perfection. 
Though  she  was  barely  thirty  years  old,  the  oldest  as  well  as 
the  youngest  came  and  opened  their  hearts  to  her,  as  to  a 
mother,  giving  her  their  confidence  fully  and  lovingly,  as 
her  high  sanctity  inspired  them  to  do.  They  well  knew  that 
the  "science  of  perfection"  belongs  less  to  the  head  than  to 
the  heart,  and  that  a  holy  soul  who  practises  its  generous 
maxims  understands  its  deepest  mysteries  better  than  a 
learned  man  who  has  merely  studied  its  principles  intel- 
lectually. They  felt,  in  short,  what  St  Thomas  explicitly 
teaches:  that  love  surpasses  knowledge,  and  is  more  perfect 
than  intellect;  for  we  love  more  than  we  know;  love  entering 
into  man,  while  knowledge  remains  outside.* 

Something  of  Catherine's  mannerof  instructing  her  nuns 
may  be  seen  in  a  little  collection  of  her  "Maxims"  made 
by  her  nuns.  All  show,  like  the  letters  given  above,  how 
entirely  her  doctrine  of  Christian  perfection  was  based  on 
the  one  great  principle:  God  is:  the  creature  is  not.  These 
maxims  are  culled  from  such  of  her  sayings  to  individual 
sisters  as  were  preserved  by  them,  after  having  gone  to  her 
for  advice  on  various  points,  and  are  most  practical;  but  the 
form  of  teaching  in  which  the  saint  specially  shone  was  in 
that  of  "conferences,"  or  addresses,  which  she  gave  to  her 
daughters  in  chapter  on  the  eves  of  great  feasts.  She  is 
described,  on  these  occasions,  as  appearing  at  first  shy  and 
confused,  as  if  ashamed  of  what  she  had  to  do;  for  nothing 
was  so  painful  to  her  as  speaking  in  public,  being  persuaded 
of  her  own  ignorance  and  incapacity.  Then,  she  would  in- 
wardly submit  to  the  Will  of  God,  and  begin  her  exhorta- 
tion. After  a  few  words,  spoken  with  her  natural  grace  and 
simplicity,  to  introduce  her  subject,  suddenly  she  would 
be  rapt  into  ecstasy;  and  from  that  moment  voice  and  words 
were  purely  supernatural.  She  spoke  in  the  name  of  Jesus 

*  D.  Thomas,  in  4,  dist.  xlix,  9,  I ;  n.  ex  Hug.,  a.  S.  Viet,  in  7,  DC  Celest.  Hierarch. 


Christ  Himself;  or  else  in  that  of  the  Blessed  Virgin  or 

*  O 

some  other  saint;  and — as  in  the  case,  already  described,  of 
her  great  ecstasy — her  language  and  voice  took  so  com- 
pletely the  tone  and  accent  of  those  whom  she  was  repre- 
senting, that  the  sisters,  marvelling,  seemed  to  hear  the 
very  persons  themselves  speaking.  The  effect  on  their  souls 
may  be  imagined. 

But,  whilst  thus  winning  admiration  and  confidence 
from  all  around  her,  Catherine  herself,  in  these  first  years  of 
her  authority,  was  greatly  troubled.  The  constant  stir  and 
tumult,  in  and  around  the  convent,  produced  by  the  con- 
course of  people — ever  increasing — drawn  thither  by  the 
fame  of  her  ecstasy  of  the  Passion,  filled  her  with  holy  sad- 
ness. It  was  not,  now,  her  personal  humility  only  that  was 
alarmed :  her  conscience  as  prioress  was  roused  by  a  dread 
that  all  this  external  agitation  and  excitement  might  end  in 
seriously  compromising  the  interior  peace  of  thecommunity. 
She  saw  that  amongst  her  nuns  minds  and  souls  were  being 
disturbed,  and  that  silence  and  recollection  were  no  longer 
protecting,  as  they  should,  the  spirit  of  prayer.  If,  even  as  a 
private  Religious,  she  had  formerly  taken  fright  at  the  pil- 
grimages to  Prato  on  her  account,  how  far  keener  was  her 
anxiety  now  that  they  bid  fair  to  become  a  real  disorder,  and 
that  all  the  responsibility  for  them  rested  on  her  own  shoul- 
ders, as  prioress!  Her  distress  was  deep,  and  she  incessantly 
mourned  and  sighed  over  it  before  God.  Even  amid  her 
ecstasies  she  was  heard  complaining  of  her  trouble:  "  O  my 
Jesus!  "  she  would  cry,  "  deliver  me  from  all  this  renown — 
from  all  these  outward  appearances  that  Thou  hast  given  to 
the  heavenly  favours  Thou  bestowest  on  me!  Let  my  poor 
convent  get  back  a  little  of  its  hiddenness  and  quiet! "  Then, 
thinking  her  own  prayers  not  worthy  to  be  heard,  she  at  last 
begged  her  nuns,  with  tears,  to  come  to  her  help  with  their 
merits  and  fervour,  so  as  to  supply  her  deficiences  in  the 
sight  of  God. 

Moved  by  her  trouble,  and  also  by  the  real  inconveni- 
ences that  caused  them,  her  superiors — the  prior  of  St 
Dominic's  and  the  convent  confessor — ordered  the  sisters  to 
fulfil  Catherine's  desire  by  sending  up  fervent  prayers  to  God 


until  He  deigned  to  hear  them.  From  the  day  of  this  order, 
for  several  months,  that  holy  community  perseveringly 
raised  supplicating  arms  to  heaven  that  they  might  be  de- 
livered, as  though  from  a  public  calamity,  from  the  marvel- 
lous ecstasy  which  was  in  truth  the  honour  of  Catherine,  the 
salvation  of  many  souls,  the  light  of  faith  to  Italy,  the  admi- 
ration of  the  world.  Surely  no  holier  or  purer  prayers  ever 
mounted  to  the  throne  of  God,  for  never  can  there  have 
been  more  humble  or  disinterested  ones;  and  they  were  at 
last  answered,  for  Jesus  Christ  was  pleased  to  veil  His  own 
glory  and  that  of  His  spouse,  in  order  to  deliver  the  virgins 
consecrated  to  Him  from  the  crowds  that  invaded  their 
dwelling-place,  and  to  grant  them  once  more  the  solitude  and 
peace  wherein  they  had  lived  with  Him  in  old  days. 

In  the  year  15  54  all  external  signs  of  Catherine's  ecstasy 
of  the  Passion  disappeared,  though  its  substance  remained 
in  the  form  of  her  close  and  tender  inward  union  with  her 
Beloved.  The  worship  of  Jesus  crucified  remained  the  wor- 
ship par  excellence  of  her  life,  and  was  her  special  object  of 
contemplation  every  Thursday  and  Friday;  but  the  drama 
itself — the  living  scenes  reproduced  by  her  ecstasy,  which 
had  so  revived  the  faith  of  others — had  done  their  work,  and 
never  reappeared.  People  continued  coming  to  Catherine, 
as  to  an  inexhaustible  source  of  grace,  light,  and  consolation: 
she  never  ceased  to  be  a  means  of  edification  and  a  mirror 
of  holiness  to  individual  souls,  but  was  no  longer  a  sight  for 
crowds  or  a  hindrance  to  the  peace  and  quiet  of  her  convent: 
and  the  peace  was  needed,  to  leave  her  free  for  the  cares  of 
government  that  she  was  to  support  for  so  many  years. 



St  Catherine's  internal  government  of  her  community — Her  character  as 
prioress — Her  standard  of  Religious  life 

A  MONASTERY  or  convent  is  a  small  state,  which  attains  its 
true  end  only  through  the  wisdom  of  whoever  presides  over 
and  guides  its  course.  Let  the  laws  and  constitutions  of  a 
nation  be  even  ideally  beautiful  and  high-minded,  their  suc- 
cess must  dependon  the  perfection  of  their  practical  working; 
and  we  all  know  that  the  attainment  of  this  perfection  lies 
in  the  hands  of  those  placed  at  the  helm.  The  pagan  held 
that  divinity  was  concerned  in  the  making  of  laws  only;  but 
the  Christian  knows  that  God's  intervention  and  help  are 
just  as  necessary  in  their  application,  and  that  the  statesman 
who  would  rule  aright  must  daily  bend  the  knee  before  his 
Maker  and  ask  Him,  with  Solomon,  for  the  gift  of  that  same 
wisdom  that  presides  over  the  counsels  of  the  Most  High 
"to  stay  with  him  and  work  with  him."* 

What  is  true  of  a  state  is  still  truer  of  a  Religious  com- 
munity. Though  the  people  forming  the  latter  are  trans- 
formed by  a  special  grace  not  given  to  all  men,  they  are  none 
the  less  human;  and  as  the  laws  under  which  they  live  aim  at 
nothing  less  than  at  guiding  them  to  advancement  in  the 
superhuman  ways  of  evangelical  perfection,  it  is  not  to  be 
wondered  at  if  opposition  to  such  laws  is  found  to  be  as  strong 
and  as  persistent  in  their  hearts  as  in  those  of  other  men  and 
women.  Hence  it  is  that,  if  saints  are  needed  to  found 
Religious  orders,  they  are  also  needed  for  governing  them. 
Souls  are  required  for  this  work  to  whom  God  might  say, 
as  He  did  to  Josue,  "I  will  be  with  thee  as  I  was  with 
Moses"  ;  souls  at  once  brave,  tender  and  utterly  devoted; 
knowing  how  to  draw  the  sword  for  the  good  of  their  sub- 
jects with  one  hand,  and  with  the  other  to  shield  them 

*  Mitte  illam  de  ccelis  sanctis  tuis   .   .   .   .  ut  mecum  sit  et  mecum  laboret"  (Sap. 
cap.  ix,  i  o. 


against  their  enemies — especially  against  themselves — and 
so  to  secure  their  entrance  into  the  promised  land. 

The  sisters  of  San  Vincenzio  of  Prato  were  happy 
enough  to  be  thus  governed;  and  if  it  is  true  that  commu- 
nities— like  peoples — always  get  the  kind  of  government 
they  deserve,  nothing  could  be  more  to  their  honour  than 
to  have  deserved  that  of  Catherine  de'  Ricci  for  more  than 
forty  years. 

The  fundamental  condition  of  rightly  governing  a  con- 
vent is  for  the  superior  to  realize  in  her  own  person  the 
ultimate  end  of  its  government,  which  is  simply  the  perfec- 
tion of  Religious  life.  Besides  the  fact  that  she  cannot 
bestow  what  she  does  not  possess,  it  would  be  both  unbe- 
coming and  rash  for  her  to  have  the  honour  of  headship  in 
her  community  without  also  having  the  merits  and  virtues 
of  the  position.  Moreover,  ordinary  virtues  will  not  suffice 
her.  She  must  have  eminent  and  extraordinary  ones,  corres- 
ponding to  her  dignity;  for  human  nature  will  never  keep 
itself  at  even  a  moderately  high  level,  unless  a  constant  im- 
pulse is  given  to  it  by  the  sight  of  a  standard  of  generously 
high  perfection  set  by  its  rulers.  A  holy  writer,  Pere  Dupont, 
S.J.,  has  said  that  a  well-ordered  Religious  house  ought  to 
be  like  the  statue  of  Nabuchodonosor  with  the  head  of  gold, 
even  though  the  rest  of  the  body  be  made  of  commoner 

This  was  what  St  Catherine  felt  so  profoundly  when 
the  unanimous  voice  of  her  sisters  called  her  to  be  their 
prioress;  and  this  feeling  it  was  which  caused  her  that  ever- 
recurring  distress,  already  referred  to,  at  each  re-election  to 
office.  However,  she  unhesitatingly  took  up  the  burden  of 
the  highest  perfection  in  every  requirement  of  rule  and  con- 
stitutions; and  she  so  lived  that  one  might  have  believed 
that  she  incessantly  heard  echoing  in  her  ears  that  saying 
of  the  canon  law:  "The  rule  thou  hast  given  to  others, 
take  for  yourself"* — so  faithful  was  she  to  that  principle. 
She  would  have  been  ashamed  of  her  title  of  prioress,  had 
she  not  been  always  and  everywhere  first  in  exactness  and 
fervour.  Hence  she  was  never  seen  deliberately  to  fail  in  the 

*  In  Decret.  lib.  I,  lit.  ii,  "  Cum  Omnes." 


smallest  matter;  "and  if,  from  weakness  or  inadvertence, 
she  ever  happened  accidentally  to  do  so  in  some  point  of 
slight  importance — such  as  momentarily  breaking  silence, 
or  being  late  for  an  exercise — she  regretted  it  so  deeply  that 
she  instantly  gave  public  testimony  of  her  repentance,  even 
to  the  shedding  of  abundant  tears."*  Not  that  she  forgot 
the  fact  that  her  rule  and  constitutions  bound  only  under 
pain  of  making  satisfaction  by  corresponding  penance,  and 
not  under  pain  of  sin;  but  that — besides  her  very  high 
esteem  for  perfection  in  itself — she  felt  so  strongly  about 
the  disastrous  effect  on  the  spirit  of  a  community  that  might 
result  from  the  slightest  transgressions  of  its  prioress,  one 
infraction  of  rule  on  her  part,  perhaps,  giving  countenance 
to  a  hundred  committed  by  others. 

As  we  might  suppose,  however,  the  saint's  zeal  for  regu- 
lar observance  did  not  end  with  the  setting  of  a  perfect 
example.  She  held  herself  just  as  strictly  bound  to  prevent 
negligence  in  her  subjects  as  to  avoid  it  herself;  and  she 
went  so  far  as  to  tell  her  nuns  that  "  the  slightest  liberty  she 
was  to  allow  them  against  the  Rule  would  be  in  her  eyes  an 
attempt  against  God  Himself,  that  might  provoke  His  anger, 
compromise  their  salvation,  and  even  bring  about  the  ruin 
of  the  convent  as  a  final  punishment."  This  was  a  sound 
principle;  for,  in  fact,  apart  from  the  chastisement  that  im- 
punity in  offending  deserves  from  God,  it  contains  in  itself 
the  elements  of  inevitable  decay.  A  community  cannot  pos- 
sibly subsist  unless  correction  incessantly  keeps  it  alive,  by 
holding  it  back  from  the  abyss  into  which  daily  faults  are 
perpetually  tending  to  plunge  it.f 

From  these  motives,  our  holy  prioress  had  made  a  rule 
for  herself  never  to  let  any  fault,  however  small,  pass  unpun- 
ished. She  always  imposed  a  penance  proportionate  to  the 
offence:  keeping  here,  as  in  all  things,  the  due  measure  pre- 
scribed by  her  kindness  as  well  as  her  justice.  In  the  same 
equitable  spirit,  too,  she  always  gave  her  reproofs  in  the 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  II,  cap.  xxii,  p.  222. 

t  Cf.  Bossuet.  "La  peine  rectifie  le  desordre;  qu'on  peche,  c'est  un  desordre.  Mais 
qu'on  soit  puni  quand  on  p6che,  c'est  la  regie.  Vous  revenez  done,  par  la  peine,  dans 
1'ordre  que  vous  eloigniez  par  la  faute.  Mais  qu'on  p£che  impunement,  c'est  le  comble 
du  desordre.  C'est  le  desordre  non  de  celui  qui  peche,  mais  (du  superieur)  qui  ne  punit 
pas." — Meditations  sur  VE-vangile. 



gentlest  and  most  affectionate  form  possible,  never  losing 
her  serenity  of  manner,  or  letting  words  or  voice  betray  the 
least  personal  emotion.  Both  in  reproving  and  in  giving 
necessary  official  commands,  where  an  authoritative  tone 
was  sometimes  called  for,  she  made  it  evident  that  no  mere 
human  feelings  influenced  her,  and  that  all  her  hatred  of 
faults  and  imperfections  in  nowise  lessened  her  tenderness 
and  respect  for  those  she  had  to  correct.  In  fact,  she  really 
never  gave  reproofs  or  penances  without  first  asking  and 
waiting  for  light  from  the  Holy  Ghost,  that  she  might 
see  things  only  as  God  willed,  and  use  the  words  with  which 
He  should  inspire  her.  The  consequence  of  all  this  was  that 
the  sisters  used  to  say  among  themselves  that  "  They  found 
this  difference  between  Mother  Catherine's  corrections  and 
those  of  other  superiors — that  hers  remained  permanently 
fixed  in  their  minds,  whilst  other  people's  merely  passed 
through  them." 

The  saint  used,  further,  to  impress  upon  her  subjects 
the  great  benefit  that  doing  penance  for  their  faults  would  be 
to  them  in  the  next  world  as  well  as  in  this,  as  she  was  sure 
that  it  would  spare  them  much  purgatory,  besides  greatly 
increasing  their  merits:  so  that,  by  insisting  on  the  fulfilling 
of  penalties,  she  was  doing  them  a  great  personal  kindness. 

In  spite,  however,  of  her  strictness  and  her  high  views 
of  the  matter,  Catherine  was  delicately  alive  to  the  sensibi- 
lities of  her  children,  and  extremely  sensitive  about  not 
inflicting  any  lasting  hurt  by  humiliations.  Hence,  Razzi 
says,  she  never  allowed  any  sister  on  whom  she  had  inflicted 
a  penance  to  go  to  bed  without  having  first  shown  her,  by 
some  specially  affectionate  word  or  deed,  how  truly  she 
loved  and  felt  for  her. 

The  two  special  points  of  rule  as  to  which  St  Catherine 
was  most  strict  in  her  government  were  the  Divine  Office, 
and  the  common  communitylife  in  both  spiritual  or  ascetical 
matters  and  outward  customs.  With  regard  to  the  first  of 
these,  a  community  in  choir  was  in  her  eyes  a  portion  of  the 
heavenly  court  assembled  round  the  throne  of  the  Most 
High  ;  and — never  so  happy  herself  as  in  this  little  heaven 
on  earth — she  could  not  bear  to  see  a  single  empty  place 


there.  That  perfect  exactness  on  this  point  was  not  always 
customary  in  Religious  communities  of  the  day  is  clear  from 
the  saint's  being  described  as  glancing  round  the  choir  at  the 
beginning  of  each  "  Hour  "  of  the  office,  to  see  who  were 
absent,  and  then  either  going  to  fetch  these  herself  or  send- 
ing for  them  in  her  name.  Then,  when  all  were  assembled, 
"  she  would  exhort  them  to  recollection  and  devotion  during 
this  holy  exercise,  and  forbid  them  to  go  out  from  it  with- 
out express  leave."* 

Neither  was  it  of  public  prayer  only  that  the  saint  made 
a  great  point  with  her  nuns.  She  counted  it  as  part  of  their 
vocation  to  cultivate  the  spirit  of  prayer  generally,  and  this 
practice  of  as  much  private  prayer  as  possible,  so  diligently 
that  no  other  occupations  should  be  allowed  to  hinder  it ; 
and,  as  far  as  might  be,  she  even  lessened  the  common  manual 
labour  of  the  community  so  as  to  give  more  time  for  this : 
so  fearful  was  she  lest,  by  slight  practice  of  actual  mental 
prayer,  the  inward  spirit  of  the  hidden  life  of  union  with 
God  should  be  lost.  This  diminishing  of  active  work  at  San 
Vincenzio  was  a  rather  serious  matter  to  undertake,  for  the 
community  there  had  always  depended  to  a  great  extent  on 
the  labour  of  their  hands  for  their  livelihood.  It  will  be 
remembered  that  one  of  Catherine's  great  attractions  to  the 
convent,  in  her  early  days,  had  been  the  spirit  of  laborious 
poverty  that  she  found  in  the  sisters;  and,  though  the  nuns 
of  Prato  had  nearly  all  come  from  rich  and  powerful  Floren- 
tine houses,  in  which  work  of  any  sort  was  practically 
unknown  to  the  women  of  the  families,  they  had  sedulously 
kept  up  this  spirit,  sometimes  even  working  so  hard  for 
their  bread  as  to  carry  their  hours  of  labour  far  on  into  the 
night.  When  Catherine  became  prioress,  she  saw  that  such 
excessive  work  and  anxiety  for  their  livelihood  as  this  could 
not  fail  to  injure  the  contemplative  spirit,  and  she  looked 
round  to  see  what  means  she  could  find  of  reducing  it  to 
more  just  proportions.  First,  as  usual,  she  turned  to  God 
Himself,  with  earnest  prayer  that  He  would  by  some  means 
so  provide  for  the  bodily  needs  of  her  children  that  they 
might  be  freed  from  all  undue  attention  to  temporal  matters, 

*  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  v,  p.  112. 


so  as  to  turn  their  thoughts  fully — as  became  His  faithful 
servants  and  spouses — to  things  of  the  soul.  Then,  by  hum- 
ble requests  to  her  own  relations  (well-to-do  in  the  world) 
and  to  various  rich  people  who — as  we  shall  shortly  see — had 
by  this  time  become  her  "spiritual  children,"  she  succeeded 
in  obtaining  means  enough  for  the  community  to  exist  in 
decent  comfort  without  any  undue  exertions  for  earning. 
The  only  person  in  the  house — so  Sandrini  says — whose 
condition  was  not  the  least  improved  by  any  outward  help 
was  the  prioress  herself.  She  remained  in  such  utter  desti- 
tution of  almost  necessities,  as  to  the  furniture  of  her  wretched 
cell  and  as  to  all  things  allowed  for  her  use,  that  the  sisters 
were  often  moved  to  tears  of  compunction  when  they  left 
her  presence,  as  they  reflected  on  the  extreme  poverty 
that  their  mother  insisted  on  practising  herself,  whilst  so 
anxiously  providing  for  her  subjects  every  convenience 
consistent  with  the  spirit  of  their  Rule. 

On  the  point  of  common  community  life,  the  saint  was 
almost  as  strong  as  on  that  of  prayer;  and  by  "common" 
life  is  not  here  meant  only  work  or  recreation  in  common, 
or  a  spirit  of  common  fraternal  charity,  but  the  following 
in  all  things  of  the  general  Rule  and  spirit  of  the  Order,  as 
opposed  to  the  setting  up  of  a  particular  one  in  any  matter, 
and  of  desiring  private  permissions  or  dispensations.  Her 
strictness  in  this  matter  approached  to  sternness,  and  was 
exercised  in  two  opposite  directions.  On  the  one  hand,  she 
was  stern  even  to  severity  in  refusing  to  dispense  from 
fasting  and  abstinence,  or  any  other  penance  prescribed  by 
Rule,  on  the  ground  of  slight  ailments  or  mere  general 
delicacy  of  health.  She  held  that  there  was  no  more  certain 
way  for  the  evil  spirit  of  relaxation  to  creep  into  a  whole 
community  than  for  a  prioress  to  be  the  least  lax  with  indi- 
viduals upon  this  point;  and  she  even  went  so  far  as  to  allow 
no  one  who  was  not  ill  enough  to  be  actually  in  the  infir- 
mary to  eat  meat  oftener  than  was  prescribed  by  the  Rule. 
Even  if  a  few  suffered  to  some  extent  from  this  strictness, 
she  considered  it  better  than  for  any  risk  of  general  laxity 
to  be  run:  and  the  same  as  to  absence  from  choir,  for  which 
she  would  never  give  leave  on  slight  grounds. 


On  the  other  hand,  the  holy  young  prioress  guarded  her 
nuns  with  equal  care  from  an  opposite  danger:  that  of  those 
restive  and  usually  proud  spirits,  to  be  found  in  almost  all 
communities,  who  wish  to  make  rules  of  exceptional  severity 
for  themselves,  and  to  do  extra  and  peculiar  penances,  or 
to  have  special  and  unusual  times  of  prayer,  so  as  to  be 
different  from  others.  She  made  ceaseless  war  on  this  abuse 
of  invading  the  domain  of  common  usage  by  the  intrusion 
of  private  practices.  Both  in  public  addresses  and  private 
interviews  she  most  earnestly  advised  her  daughters  to  be- 
ware of  entering  on  this  course.  "  She  exhorted  them,  speak- 
ing as  for  God  Himself,  to  do  everything  to  avoid  what 
she  called  a  fall  and  a  misfortune,  and  would  threaten  with 
divine  chastisement  any  who  should  follow  this  way  of  their 
own  accord."  She  did  not  understand,  she  said,  "  how, 
between  people  who  had  taken  the  same  vows  and  who  pro- 
fessed the  same  Rule,  there  could  be  two  ways  of  keeping  it; 
nor  how,  in  a  convent  where  there  was  no  union  in  exterior 
life,  there  could  be  harmony  in  the  service  of  God."*  No 
matter  under  how  specious  an  appearance  of  good — how 
strong  a  wish  for  a  higher  standard — this  desire  for  peculiarity 
might  show  itself,  she  always  vigorously  denounced  it  as 
"  an  odious,  intolerable,  and  even  diabolical  vice."  There  is 
a  story  told  of  her  one  night  pursuing  the  devil  in  the  form 
of  a  creature  that  looked  like  a  fox,  holding  a  written  paper 
in  his  mouth,  through  the  convent  dormitories,  until  she 
compelled  him  to  give  up  to  the  paper  to  her.  She  could 
not  read  it  herself,  but  ordered  him  in  God's  name  to  tell 
her  the  meaning  of  the  words  written  on  it;  and  the  evil 
one,  before  disappearing,  told  her  it  meant  "  to  produce, 
under  the  appearance  of  good,  nothing  but  disorder  and 
scandals."  This  story  is  told  by  Razzi;  and,  whether  literally 
true  or  not,  is  in  any  case  symbolic  of  the  extreme  horror  in 
which  Catherine  was  known  by  her  contemporaries  to  hold 
this  spirit  of  restless  innovation  on  the  common  Rule. 

It  was  not,  however,  only  general  light  on  the  govern- 
ment of  the  house  that  Catherine  received  from  God,  but 
also  particular  and  often  very  wonderful  knowledge  about 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  I,  cap.  xxxv,  p.  116. 


each  of  her  nuns.  It  will  be  remembered  that  she  had  already 
had  the  gift  of  reading  hearts  and  learning  their  secrets; 
and  a  story,  belonging  to  this  period,  of  how  she  exercised 
the  gift  in  the  case  of  a  young  sister  called  Eufrasia  Mas- 
calzoni,  is  worth  telling  here  for  the  naive  picture  it  gives 
of  the  daily  interior  of  San  Vincenzio  and  its  community, 
as  well  as  for  the  supernatural  side  of  it  which  throws 
special  light  on  the  nature  of  Catherine's  ecstasies.  The 
young  nun  in  question  was  tenderly  and  devotedly  attached 
to  the  saint,  and  lived  on  terms  of  special  familiarity  with 
her;  but  for  some  time  she  was  slightly  incredulous  as  to 
the  fullness  of  her  miraculous  powers.  Now,  one  Friday 
morning  (it  was,  of  course,  before  the  cessation  of  the 
weekly  great  ecstasy),  walking  in  the  garden,  Sister  Eufrasia 
thought  she  would  weave  a  beautiful  wreath  of  flowers  for 
Sister  Catherine,  and  thereupon  gathered  jasmine,  stocks, 
and  other  such  flowers,  which  she  then  took  with  her  into 
the  cell  of  a  Sister  Prudenzia  Ginoni,  who  was  lying  in  bed 
ill  and  whom  she  was  taking  care  of.  Chatting  to  the  latter  of 
her  plan,  she  said  that  she  meant  to  place  her  crown  on  the 
saint's  head  whilst  she  was  in  ecstasy,  but  that  she  wished 
her  not  to  know  by  whose  hand  it  was  done.  Sister  Pru- 
denzia reminded  her  that  Sister  Catherine,  being  most 
closely  united  to  our  Lord  in  her  ecstasy,  would  know 
whatever  happened  by  revelation  from  her  Divine  Spouse 
without  any  need  for  another  to  tell  her.  This  was  just 
a  matter  on  which  Sister  Eufrasia  was  doubtful,  so  she 
shook  her  head  and  made  answer:  "I  do  not  believe  that 
when  she  is  in  a  state  of  rapture,  she  takes  notice  of  the 
least  thing  we  do  in  her  presence." 

At  that  very  moment,  Catherine,  who  was  in  her  cell, 
and  in  the  midst  of  her  ecstasy,  suddenly  interrupted  it  to 
say  to  Sister  Elizabeth  Ferrini,  who  was  there:  "Go  and 
tell  Sister  Eufrasia,  from  me,  to  come  here;  for,  as  she  has 
had  a  fall,  I  will  help  her  up."  The  sister  took  the  message; 
and  Eufrasia,  greatly  surprised,  declared  that  she  could 
remember  no  fall  she  had  had,  and  knew  not  what  the  saint 
meant.  However,  she  finished  her  crown,  in  which  were 
five  beautiful  red  stocks,  in  honour  of  the  Saviour's  five 


wounds,  on  a  groundwork  of  white  jasmine  flowers  which 
signified  the  purity  which  she  ardently  longed  for.  She  took 
this  to  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi,  who  put  it  on  Catherine's 
head  in  memory  of  the  Crown  of  Thorns.  Next  day,  Eufra- 
sia  went  to  see  the  holy  sister — now  not  in  ecstasy — who 
greeted  her  by  saying  pleasantly:  "It  was  not  of  a  bodily 
fall,  but  of  a  spiritual  one,  that  I  wanted  to  speak  to  you 
yesterday";  and  then,  smiling,  began  exhorting  her  to  be 
more  believing  in  future  about  the  gifts  of  God. 

After  the  public  ecstasy  of  the  Passion  had  ceased,  this 
gift  of  reading  hearts  still  remained  with  her,  and  one  may 
well  understand  what  a  marvellous  help  it  was  to  her  in  the 
guidance  of  souls.  She  constantly  made  use  of  it  for  helping 
her  nuns  to  correct  interior  faults  of  thought,  or  of  desires 
contrary  to  duty,  about  which  she  felt  quite  as  anxious  as 
about  exterior  offences.  Thus,  during  office,  or  any  time  of 
general  prayer  in  choir,  if  a  sister  happened  to  let  her  mind 
dwell  upon  irrelevant  subjects,  the  holy  prioress  would  leave 
her  own  place,  go  gently  up  to  her,  and  whisper  into  her 
ear — but  always  most  kindly — that  this  was  not  the  time 
for  thinking  of  such  and  such  an  object  (which  she  named), 
and  that  before  God  one  should  entertain  none  but  holy 
thoughts.  The  delinquents  themselves  used  to  tell  the  com- 
munity these  things:  quite  indifferent  to  their  own  credit 
if  they  could  add  to  the  glory  of  their  beloved  mother;  and 
the  saint's  biographers  have  recorded  the  names  of  some 
of  the  nuns  to  whom  such  incidents  happened.  One  of 
these,  Sister  Domenica  Poccetti,  tells  how  Mother  Cathe- 
rine came  to  her  one  day  in  church — she  being  then  only 
one  of  the  pemionnaires  educated  in  the  convent — and 
said  to  her:  "Cornelia,  my  child,  think  about  the  prayers 
you  are  saying  with  your  companions,  and  not  about  the 
new  dress  that  your  father  has  promised  you.  Don't  wish 
for  these  things  that  trouble  the  soul — desire  instead  to 
put  on  Jesus  Christ."  Then,  taking  her  by  the  hand,  the 
saint  made  her  kneel  down  before  a  crucifix,  and  in  a  moment 
her  soul  got  back  its  recollection  and  devotion. 

At  other  times  than  those  of  prayer,  also,  the  nuns  would 
be  warned  by  their  ever-watchful  mother  of  any  thoughts 


that  were  the  least  contrary  to  the  law  of  God,  and  entreated 
to  reject  them :  for  there  was  no  place  or  occasion  in 
which  she  counted  strict  interior  control  to  be  unimportant. 
There  are  many  anecdotes  of  her  exercise  of  this  gift,  but 
the  two  just  given  will  suffice  as  instances  of  her  mode  of 
dealing  with  the  definite  faulty  thoughts  of  her  subjects. 
Besides  these,  she  often  had  light  given  her  as  to  their  feel- 
ings and  dispositions,  and  especially  as  to  the  greater  or 
less  love  and  fervour  with  which  they  respectively  received 
the  Holy  Eucharist.  Our  Lord  is  said  sometimes  to  have 
shown  her  this,  by  appearing  to  her  in  the  Sacred  Host 
held  by  the  priest  under  the  form  of  an  Infant,  whose 
divine  face  changed  its  expression  as  the  sisters  went  up  to 
communion — varying  from  a  look  of  intense  joy  as  some 
approached,  to  one  of  even  deep  sadness  for  others.  She 
would  use  the  knowledge  thus  gained  for  their  spiritual 

Two  other  details  of  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  government 
are  dwelt  upon  by  her  biographers.  One  is  the  extreme 
dislike  that  she  had  to  the  slightest  affectation  or  worldly 
conventionality  in  outward  behaviour — whether  in  man- 
ners, speech,  or  personal  habits  of  any  kind,  including 
over-nicety  about  clothes,  which  seems  to  have  been  a 
weakness  not  uncommonly  brought  into  Religious  life 
amongst  her  contemporaries.  She  could  not  endure  her 
nuns  to  keep  anything  approaching  "society"  ways  in  their 
intercourse  with  one  another,  and  made  relentless  war  against 
everything  that  was  not  perfectly  simple,  straightforward, 
and  sensible  in  conversation,  having  a  horror — Sandrini 
tells  us — of  all  feminine  affectations,  which  might  pass  for 
pretty  manners  in  the  world,  but  which  she  thought  utterly 
unsuitable  to  their  state  and  contrary  to  real  humility. 

The  other  point  specially  noted  is  that — to  set  against 
her  strictness  as  to  conduct — Catherine's  readiness  to  give 
up  her  time,  and  her  own  personal  convenience,  to  her 
nuns,  was  almost  without  bounds.  They  might  come  to 
her  whenever  they  liked,  and  talk — reasonably  or  unreason- 
ably— about  themselves  and  their  difficulties  or  desires,  as 
long  as  they  liked.  She  never  rebuffed  them;  and  never  got 


either  impatient  or  disgusted  by  any  want  of  sense,  or  good 
breeding,  or  consideration  that  they  might  show.  Hers  was 
a  large  community,  and  like  others  in  not  lacking  difficult 
and  trying  subjects  amongst  its  members;  but  difficulties 
did  not  discourage  the  saint  or  cool  her  affection  for  those 
who  caused  them.  She  acted  in  everything  on  the  principle 
set  forth  by  St  Francis  of  Assisi  when  he  said  to  the  supe- 
riors of  his  communities:  "Where  your  brothers  are  con- 
cerned, be  so  easy  of  access  and  so  obliging  that  they  can 
act  and  speak  as  if  they  were  your  masters  and  you  their 
slave;  for  to  be  the  father  minister  (the  superior)  is  indeed 
to  be  the  slave  of  one's  brothers."  The  "slave"  of  her 
sisters  Mother  Catherine  truly  was,  meeting  all  their  de- 
mands so  sweetly,  brightly  and  lovingly,  that  it  never  even 
occurred  to  them  that  they  might  be  inconveniencing  her 
by  the  way  they  took  up  her  time  at  all  hours;  and  always 
sending  them  away  so  truly  sympathized  with  and  so 
marvellously  well  advised,  that  whatever  griefs  were  op- 
pressing them  had  disappeared,  and  their  hearts  had  grown 
calm  and  happy,  when  they  left  her. 

In  temporal  matters,  too,  St  Catherine  was  as  much  at 
her  children's  service  as  in  their  spiritual  or  mental  needs, 
taking  such  trouble  to  get  them  any  little  things  they  might 
want,  or  to  give  any  little  pleasure  they  might  wish  for,  that 
each  sister  felt  as  if  she  were  the  only  person  her  superior 
had  to  think  about.  In  fact,  says  Sandrini,  she  really  did 
"  love  each  of  her  sisters  in  particular  as  if  she  had  been 
her  true  mother  "  :  so  that  her  sympathy  and  desire  for  the 
nuns'  welfare  was  in  no  wise  feigned,  or  merely  ex  officio. 

Knowing  all  this,  we  are  not  surprised  at  the  account 
given  of  the  saint's  care  of  her  subjects  when  illness  was  in 
question.  Directly  she  knew  that  any  one  was  really  ailing, 
she  went  and  found  out  for  herself  exactly  what  was  the 
matter  and  took  the  right  measures  for  the  case.  She  visited 
the  sick  sister  day  and  night,  even  if  only  to  comfort  her 
by  kind  and  affectionate  words;  and  if  there  was  any  service 
she  could  do  for  her  was  only  too  rejoiced  to  perform  it, 
for  her  own  satisfaction  as  well  as  for  helping  the  patient. 
When  the  case  was  one  that  required  watching  at  night,  she 


never  failed  to  come  two  or  three  hours  before  Matins  to 
the  sick-room,  to  send  away  whatever  sister  had  been  sitting 
up,  and  take  her  place.  She  helped  the  sick,  too,  in  other 
ways  than  by  her  tender  care  for  their  bodies,  sometimes 
exercising  actual  miraculous  gifts  for  their  benefit.  More 
than  once,  we  are  told,  when  a  member  of  the  community 
was  stricken  by  some  incurable  complaint  which  would  keep 
her  lingering  on  in  terrible  pain,  the  sisters  begged  their 
prioress  to  ask  of  God  that  the  sufferer's  time  on  earth  might 
be  shortened,  lest  she  should  be  tempted  to  offend  Him  by 
impatience  or  despondency.  They  knew  that  Catherine  had 
both  granted  their  request  and  herself  been  heard,  when 
they  saw  her  redoubling  her  attentions  to  the  patient.  In- 
deed, in  all  cases  of  grave  illness,  the  nuns  were  wont  to 
say  amongst  themselves:  "  Our  sister  has  not  long  to  live, 
for  the  mother's  visits  are  getting  so  frequent."  When  death 
was  actually  approaching,  the  saint  never  left  her  daughter's 
side  at  all;  and  now  was  the  time  when  her  most  wonderful 
help  of  all  was  given  to  their  souls.  As  soon  as  a  dying  sister 
was  in  her  agony,  Catherine  entered  into  ecstasy,  the  better 
to  protect  her  departing  spirit  in  its  passage  from  this  world 
to  the  next  by  being  herself  the  more  closely  united  to  her 
Divine  Spouse.  Then,  we  are  told,  after  having  accompanied 
the  holy  soul  "  to  heaven  or  to  purgatory,"  she  came  out 
of  her  ecstasy,  leant  lovingly  over  the  departed,  and  piously 
closed  her  eyes;  after  which  she  helped  the  sisters  in  pre- 
paring the  body  for  burial  and  clothing  it  in  the  habit — 
always  making  it  her  own  special  office  to  adorn  the  head 
(doubtless,  with  the  profession  wreath)  and  to  place  it  gently 
on  the  pillow. 

So  invariably  was  this  order  of  things  carried  out  that 
the  sisters  would  never  venture  to  believe  that  a  dying 
person  had  actually  gone,  so  long  as  their  prioress  remained 
in  ecstasy ;  and  in  that  fortunate  community  the  ordinary 
ways  of  describing  death — "  She  is  no  more,"  "  She  is 
dead  " — were  unknown.  They  would  beautifully  say  in- 
stead: "Our  sister  has  certainly  gone  to  her  heavenly 
Spouse;  for  here  is  our  mother,  who  went  with  her,  come 
back  from  the  journey." 


It  will  be  seen  from  this  account  that,  whilst  delivered 
by  God  from  all  supernatural  states  which  could  in  any  way 
hinder  the  duties  of  office  or  prove  injurious  to  the  con- 
vent's welfare,  Catherine,  as  prioress,  was  still  subject  to 
being  publicly  rapt  into  ecstasy  whenever  her  being  so 
would  profit  or  edify  others ;  and  we  find  that,  no  matter 
how  completely  her  time  seemed  taken  up,  and  her  facul- 
ties absorbed,  in  the  work  of  practical  business — of  which 
she  transacted  a  large  amount  for  the  community  in  the 
course  of  her  government — these  raptures  never  ceased  to 
occur  at  intervals  throughout  her  life,  so  that  she  appeared 
sometimes  to  be  living  the  life  of  two  saints  in  one;  for  she 
worked  with  such  untiring  energy  and  burning  charity  for 
the  good  of  her  neighbour,  and  with  such  success  in  her 
undertakings,  that  one  might  have  thought  her  called  only 
to  the  active  life;  whilst,  in  the  midst  of  it  all,  her  soul  would 
be  caught  up  at  a  moment's  notice  into  such  complete 
separation  from  all  around  her,  and  such  close  union  with 
God,  as  showed  her  to  be  a  most  perfect  contemplative. 
Amongst  the  occasions  on  which  she  continued  to  appear 
in  ecstasy  one  of  the  most  frequent  was  that  of  a  clothing. 
This  was  a  ceremony — commonly  spoken  of  in  her  time  as 
the  spiritual  bridal — for  which  she  had  a  particular  affection, 
and  which  she  always  did  her  utmost  to  make  as  bright  and 
cheerful  as  possible,  inviting  the  friends  of  the  novices, 
providing  the  best  fare  she  could  for  a  feast,  and  in  every 
way  entering  into  the  celebration  of  the  day  as  a  mother 
enters  into  that  of  her  daughter's  wedding ;  but  showing 
how  purely  spiritual  was  her  joy  by  the  rapture  into  which 
it  rarely  failed  to  send  her.  A  story  is  related  of  one  of  these 
clothings  (date  not  given)  which  well  illustrates  both  their 
natural  and  supernatural  characters.  It  is  thus  told  by 
Razzi : 

One  day,  when  they  had  given  the  habit  to  two  young 
sisters,  both  daughters  of  Antonio  Neroni,  a  Florentine 
gentleman,  they  had,  according  to  custom,  invited  the 
parents  to  eat  a  modest  repast  with  the  nuns.  Towards 
the  end  of  this,  the  saint  went  herself  round  the  tables, 
distributing  preserved  fruits  to  the  illustrious  guests,  when 


she  suddenly  found  that  the  bowl  containing  them  was  so 
nearly  empty  that  there  would  be  nothing  left  for  half  the 
community.  Then,  turning  in  her  heart  to  one  of  her 
greatest  advocates  with  God,  she  begged  Him  to  come 
to  her  help ;  and  thereupon  the  fruits  were  miraculously 
multiplied  under  her  hand,  so  that  all  the  sisters  were 
abundantly  provided,  to  the  great  wonder  of  all  present 
who  saw  the  prodigy.  Many  of  the  guests,  indeed,  kept 
some  of  the  miraculous  fruits  and  took  them  to  Florence. 
But  what  charmed  and  impressed  them  most  of  all  was  to 
see  the  saint  finish  doing  the  honours  of  her  table  in  a  state 
of  ecstasy;  for  "the  presence  of  that  angel  on  earth  made 
them  taste  such  pure  joy  and  delight  that  they  forgot  the 
pleasures  of  earthly  feasts." 

As  most  people  know,  the  superior  of  a  Religious  com- 
munity washes  the  feet  of  his  or  her  subjects  on  Maundy 
Thursday.  This  was,  again,  an  occasion  which  usually  threw 
St  Catherine  into  a  rapture.  She  would  fall  into  this  state 
immediately  on  entering  the  refectory  where  the  ceremony 
was  to  be;  would  say  a  Pater  noster,  with  crossed  arms  and 
bent  body,  after  which  she  signed  a  cross  on  the  floor  with 
her  thumb  and  respectfully  kissed  it;  and  would  then  pro- 
ceed to  wash  the  feet  of  the  nuns — the  eldest  first — being 
all  the  while  in  ecstasy.  It  is  said  that  the  sight  of  their 
holy  prioress,  thus  humbly  kneeling  at  their  feet  whilst  in 
a  state  of  supernatural  union  with  her  Divine  Spouse,  so 
forcibly  represented  our  Lord  Himself  to  the  sisters  as 
always  to  produce  tears  of  deep  love  and  compunction,  and 
at  the  same  time  to  fill  them  with  spiritual  joy — the  reason, 
doubtless,  that  the  yearly  manifestation  was  granted. 

Catherine,  however,  was  very  far  from  relying  on  purely 
supernatural  means  for  promoting  evangelical  perfection 
amongst  her  children.  None  knew  better  than  she  did  that 


the  gift  of  true  contemplation  is  but  to  the  few;  and  that 
even  those  few  cannot  remain  always  on  the  heights,  but 
must  come  down  at  intervals  to  take  breath,  as  it  were,  on 
a  more  earthly  level;  and  she  was  not  above  employing 
simple  and  common  means  of  satisfying  ordinary  human 
needs,  by  taking  the  greatest  pains  to  provide  sensible 


objects  of  piety  for  her  community,  in  the  form  of  pictures, 
statues,  and  small  altars  and  shrines  in  every  part  of  the 
convent.  She  held  that  even  the  most  highly  contemplative 
souls  needed  at  times  to  use  such  objects  of  devotion,  both 
as  a  temporary  rest  from  mental  effort,  and  as  helps  to- 
wards making  fresh  starts  in  supernatural  prayer ;  whilst 
to  many  they  were  the  chief  means  of  keeping  alive  holy 
thoughts  and  suggesting  heavenly  images,  such  as  should 
strengthen  and  encourage  them  in  their  high  vocation.  She 
is  said,  moreover,  not  merely  to  have  covered  the  convent 
walls  at  every  turn  with  painted  or  sculptured  portraits  of 
saints  and  martyrs,  but  to  have  taken  great  trouble  to  get 
good  ones;  holding,  she  said,  the  best  to  be  the  most  devo- 
tional, "because  they  were  the  truest."*  As  to  the  little 
chapels  and  shrines  that  she  raised — which  were  not  in  the 
house  only,  but  in  the  garden  and  grounds — she  liked 
the  sisters  to  make  up  for  being  prevented,  through  their 
enclosure,  from  going  on  real  pilgrimages,  by  treating  these 
as  places  of  pilgrimage  and  visiting  them  with  great  devo- 
tion to  obtain  special  graces.  Amongst  all  these  shrines,  the 
one  that  she  most  liked  to  see  used  in  this  way — and  which 
was  the  object  of  her  own  chief  devotion — was  the  "chapel 
of  the  holy  relics."  Catherine's  love  for  relics  was  so  great, 
that  all  her  friends  well  knew  they  could  give  her  no  present 
so  pleasing  as  a  fresh  one  of  some  great  saint,  and  well- 
authenticated;  and  it  became  in  time  a  sort  of  emulation 
amongst  her  friends  outside,  both  lay  and  clerical,  who 
should  get  her  the  most  and  the  best.  They  had  them  also 
beautifully  set — often  in  jewelled  reliquaries — for  her; 
so  that  the  chapel  given  up  to  them  became  really  magni- 
ficent in  time,  and  the  saint  named  it  the  "little  Rome." 
Towards  the  end  of  her  life  she  is  said  to  have  collected 
nearly  three  hundred  relics. 

Another  shrine  that  Catherine  greatly  loved  was  an  exact 
imitation  of  the  "  Holy  House  "  of  Loreto,  built  against 
a  high  wall  in  the  convent  garden.  She  got  the  model  and 
plan  of  this  from  a  Monsignor  Rossetti  de'  Ferrara — abb£ 
of  a  church  in  Orleans — who  brought  them  with  him  on 

*  Sandrini,  lib.  II,  cap.  xxii,  p.  Z24. 


his  way  back  from  Loreto,  when  he  came  to  pay  a  visit  to 
Prato  a  few  years  after  she  was  first  prioress.  He  not  only 
gave  the  plans,  but  paid  for  the  building  of  the  little 
sanctuary,  whose  walls  Catherine  had  painted  with  the  his- 
tory of  the  translation  of  the  Santa  Casa  and  the  miracles 
connected  with  it. 

Next  to  the  direct  duties  to  her  community,  the  holy 
prioress's  chief  interest  and  delight  was  the  care  of  the  poor, 
towards  whom  she  insisted  on  the  practice  of  the  most  gene- 
rous monastic  hospitality.  Her  first  act,  after  each  fresh 
election,  was  to  give  special  orders  to  the  portress  sisters 
on  this  point;  she  required  that  every  poor  person  who  came 
to  the  door  should  be  pleasantly  received,  and  sent  away 
"satisfied  in  some  manner"  :  i.e.,  if  not  with  material  help 
— which  might  happen  to  be  impossible — at  least  with  the 
assurance  of  sympathy  and  desire  to  help.  She  had  such  a 
deep  and  genuine  love  and  reverence  for  the  poor  and  for  their 
condition  that  she  liked,  when  possible,  to  make  the  bread 
to  be  used  for  them  with  her  own  hands;  and  there  is  a 
story  told  of  how  she  once  went  into  an  ecstasy  whilst 
doing  this,  and  how  the  whole  batch  of  bread  that  she  thus 
made  had  a  wonderfully  delicious  flavour. 

Amongst  the  many  cases  of  distress  that  Mother  Cathe- 
rine liked  to  relieve,  none  interested  her  more  than  those 
of  girls  who  could  neither  marry,  nor  enter  convents  if 
they  wished,  for  lack  of  the  necessary  dot.  Throughout  her 
life  she  took  the  greatest  trouble,  by  looking  into  their  cases 
and  representing  them  to  the  rich,  to  settle  such  young 
women  in  life;  and  she  succeeded  in  making  a  great  num- 
ber happy,  for  both  her  relations  and  her  numerous  wealthy 
friends,  finding  what  an  excellent  use  the  saint  made  of  all 
alms  bestowed  upon  her,  seldom  let  her  want  means  for  her 
charities.  She  received  considerable  sums  from  her  uncle 
Federigo  de'  Ricci,  and  from  Giuliano  and  Alessandro 
Capponi,  amongst  others;  and  a  devout  follower  of  hers,. 
Tommaso  Ginori,  presented  an  important  landed  estate  to 
the  convent,  on  condition  that  the  income  derived  from  it 
should  be  entirely  given  up  to  the  free  disposal  of  Mother 
Catherine  during  her  lifetime. 


We  have  now  pretty  clearly  before  us  the  salient  features 
of  our  saint's  government,  with  its  combination  of  strict- 
ness, tenderness,  practical  sense,  and  use  of  supernatural 
gifts  in  her  daughters'  service;  and  we  do  not  wonder 
when  her  biographer  tells  us  that  the  effect  of  such  a  rule 
was  not  only  the  attainment  of  high  sanctity  by  this  large 
community  of  nearly  a  hundred  and  sixty  souls,  but  the 
bringing  about  of  a  deep  peace,  and  a  warm  and  tender 
union  of  hearts  amongst  the  sisters,  that  were  most  remark- 
able. Some  great  lady,  who  knew  San  Vincenzio  well,  is 
said  to  have  declared  that  it  "was  not  merely  a  cloister  full 
of  holy  maidens,  but  an  assemblage  of  angels  in  human 
form,  and  a  living  image  of  the  heavenly  Jerusalem." 

One  more  trait  only  shall  be  given  here,  to  complete 
the  picture  of  this  favoured  community,  which  seems  to 
have  added  to  its  real  strength  in  holiness  a  certain  quality 
of  natural  grace  and  womanly  charm  peculiar  to  itself — 
may  be,  in  part,  inseparable  from  the  gracious  country  to 
which  it  belonged. 

The  friendship  that  united  these  sisters,  we  are  told  by 
Razzi,  was  so  strong  that  it  bound  them  together  even  at 
the  very  portals  of  death.  Some  of  them  could  not  make 
up  their  minds  to  depart  to  their  divine  Spouse  until  they 
had  bid  farewell  to  their  beloved  sisters  all  together;  and 
they  would  have  themselves  carried  on  a  small  bed,  when 
nearly  dying,  into  the  community  room,  "that  they  might 
kiss  them  all,  one  after  the  other."  The  actual  names  of 
two  who  did  this  have  been  handed  down — Sister  Tecla 
d'Antonio  Neroni,  an  old  nun  confirmed  in  virtue;  and 
Sister  Pacifica  de'  Guadagni,  a  novice  of  fifteen  summers, 
dying  in  her  first  innocence. 

But  beyond  the  momentary  pang  of  parting,  these 
holy  virgins  had  only  joy  for  their  own  or  their  sisters' 
departure,  which  they  treated  almost  as  a  fete.  Just  as  St 
Francis  of  Assisi,  dying,  asked  his  sons  to  sing  the  canticle 
of  his  brother  the  sun  and  his  sister  death,  so,  at  San  Vin- 
cenzio, did  the  sisters  gather  round  their  companions' 
death-bed  to  sing  a  devout  lauda  which  they  had  themselves 
composed  as  the  canticle  of  their  flight  to  heaven.  The 


words  of  the  first  verse  of  this  lauda  only  are  given  to  us, 
and  are  as  follows: 

Diletta  Soror  mia,  si  appressa  1'ora 
Che  del  andare  allo  Sposo  immortale: 
Metteti  in  punto,  O  Vergine  decora, 
E  fa  avere  la  vesta  nuzziale; 
Accio  che  possi  comparir  presente 
Al  convito  del  Re  celestiale. 

In  short,  such  were  the  fervour  and  spiritual  joy  which 
reigned  in  that  strictly  observant  house  in  St  Catherine's 
day  that  two  well-known  Florentine  ladies,  who  were  allowed 
to  live  there  in  retirement  when  they  became  widows,  were 
never  tired  of  thanking  God  for  having  called  them  to 
share  in  its  holy  pleasures.  They  used  constantly  to  say 
that  "if  people  in  the  world  could  only  know  the  blissful 
life  and  the  heavenly  delights  that  those  sainted  maidens 
enjoyed  in  their  enclosure,  there  would  be  such  a  rush  to 
get  in  that  the  doors  would  not  be  large  enough  for  the 
crowd — they  would  have  to  get  over  the  walls!" 

Perhaps  there  are  some  who  could  vouch  that  similar 
joys  are  not  altogether  unknown  to  fervent  Religious  com- 
munities, even  in  the  twentieth  century. 



Filippo  Salviati  and  his  Services  toSanVincenzio — St  Catherine's  Influence 
on  and  Correspondence  with  him 

IT  will  be  remembered  that  when  Mother  Rafaella  daFae"nza 
wished  for  a  great  saint  for  her  community,  she  also  wished 
for  a  large  church.  This  last  wish  was  not  granted  in  her 
lifetime,  its  fulfilment  being  left  to  the  saint  given  to  her 
prayers.  Catherine,  we  have  seen,  had  not  scrupled  to  beg 
for  her  convent  where  real  necessities,  and  the  freedom  from 
wearing  and  distracting  anxieties,  were  concerned;  but  with 
regard  to  matters  beyond  this,  such  as  better  buildings, 
more  space,  or  anything  that  could  come  merely  under  the 
head  of  convenience  or  improvements,  she  never  came  for- 
ward herself.  She  waited,  for  all  such  things,  on  Providence, 
trusting  to  God  to  raise  up  friends  able  to  provide  them 
without  her  asking  when  He  saw  good — a  hope  in  which 
the  saints  rarely  find  themselves  disappointed,  and  which  was 
amply  fulfilled  in  Catherine's  case.  The  convent,  when  she 
came  to  govern  it,  was  both  in  great  need  of  repair  from 
its  age,  and  extremely  inconvenient  from  the  small  size  and 
bad  arrangement  of  its  buildings;  and,  amongst  other  needs, 
the  "  large  church  "  was  a  great  one.  It  was,  however,  to 
be  provided  before  long;  and  the  history  of  its  building  is 
associated  with  that  of  a  family  whose  connection  with 
Catherine  is  to  form  the  subject  of  this  chapter. 

Readers  will  not  have  forgotten  the  miracle  worked  by 
the  saint's  prayers  in  the  year  1543,  on  Maria,  wife  of 
Filippo  Salviati,  a  first  cousin  of  Cosmo  de'  Medici,  whose 
mother — Princess  Maria  Salviati — was  Filippo's  aunt.  The 
Salviati  family,  though  so  closely  related  to  the  reigning 
house,  were  by  no  means  great  upholders  of  the  Medici 
supremacy;  and  they  had  even  lived — in  the  days  of  Filippo's 
father,  Averardo — for  some  time  as  exiles  from  Florence, 
at  Bologna,  sharing  with  other  exiles  the  fallacious  hope  of 



freedom  for  their  city  by  means  of  the  French.  When  Filippo 
became  head  of  the  house,  he  returned  to  Florence,  but  kept 
out  of  politics,  and  lived  chiefly  on  an  estate  of  his  called 
Valdimarina,  half-way  between  the  city  and  Prato.  When 
the  miracle  in  question  took  place,  he  went  with  his  wife 
Maria  to  San  Vincenzio,  to  return  thanks  for  her  recovery; 
and  it  is  noted,  as  a  little  instance  of  his  unwillingness  in 
those  days  to  spend  money  on  anything  but  his  own  com- 
fort or  happiness,  that  whereas  he  sent  ten  crowns  to  the 
convent  when  he  asked  Sister  Catherine  to  pray  for  his 
wife's  cure,  there  is  no  record  of  his  having  given  one  scudo 
as  a  thanksgiving — even  though  his  visit  to  Prato  must  have 
made  him  an  eye-witness  of  its  extreme  need. 

Filippo  Salviati  is  described  as  a  man  who,  without 
being  the  least  actively  bad  in  any  way,  was,  for  all  the  earlier 
part  of  his  life  useless  in  his  generation  and  anything  but 
a  brilliant  example  to  his  neighbours,  from  being  so  en- 
tirely wrapped  up  in  his  own  concerns  that  he  never  looked 
beyond  personal  interests.  He  was  extremely  rich,  and 
extremely  fond  of  all  the  conveniences  and  refined  pleasures 
that  riches  bring;  and  to  the  cultivation  of  this  kind  of 
happiness  he  devoted  himself,  counting  it  quite  a  sufficient 
sacrifice  to  virtue  that  he  refrained  from  injuring  anyone. 
In  short,  he  seems  to  have  been  a  kind  of  Dives,  but  with 
the  merit  of  warm  family  affections,  as  was  shown  by  his 
passionate  grief  when  his  wife's  life  was  in  danger.  He  was 
not,  however,  destined  to  the  end  of  Dives — he  was  to  be 
the  subject  of  miracles  of  grace. 

The  visit  to  Prato  in  1 543  seems  to  have  had  no  effect 
on  Filippo  beyond  rousing  a  superficial  feeling  of  admira- 
tion and  devotion  for  the  saint  whom  he  there  saw  for  a 
short  time  through  the  grille.  He  talked  a  great  deal  about 
her,  and  expressed  much  curiosity  as  to  the  various  marvels 
that  were  reported  in  connection  with  her  ecstasies.  His 
faith,  however,  is  said  to  have  stopped  short  at  the  account 
that  was  by-and-by  brought  from  Prato  of  Catherine's  mystic 
espousals,  he  declaring  it  impossible  to  believe  that  a  human 
being,  however  holy,  could  receive  an  actual  ring  in  pledge 
from  Jesus  Christ,  no  matter  how  close  might  be  her  spiri- 


tual  union  with  Him.  Of  this  doubt,  we  are  told,  he  was 
cured  by  a  miraculous  vision.  Catherine  appeared  to  him 
in  his  sleep,  all  radiant  with  light,  and  smilingly  showed 
him  on  her  finger  the  brilliant  ring  of  her  mystic  betrothal, 
which  she  held  out  for  him  to  kiss.  Then  she  said,  "To 
show  you  to-morrow  that  this  was  no  mere  dream,  I  am 
going  to  make  you  feel  its  truth  by  pricking  your  lip," 
and  forthwith  pressed  the  ring  on  his  mouth,  when  Filippo 
felt  a  sharp  sensation  like  a  diamond  piercing  his  lip.  The 
pain  of  it  lasted  for  several  months,  and  he  used  to  say  that 
"  it  would  have  been  better  for  him  to  have  believed  at  once 
than  to  have  been  convinced  in  this  way,  but  that  still  he 
was  rather  glad  than  sorry  for  what  had  happened."  * 

This  supernatural  visitation,  however,  by  no  means  com- 
pleted Filippo's  conversion  to  a  less  selfish  life.  He  remained 
for  a  long  time  still  indifferent  to  the  needs  of  the  poor, 
and  unwilling  to  part  with  his  wealth,  and  did  not  even 
think  of  helping  the  community  containing  the  saintly 
virgin  who  had  thus  been  sent  to  strengthen  his  weak 
faith.  It  does  not  appear  to  be  known  when  Filippo  was 
first  so  strongly  touched  by  grace  as  to  have  his  conscience 
roused  to  his  many  sins  of  omission  in  respect  of  charity 
to  his  neighbour,  though  it  is  conjectured  that  this  must 
have  happened  not  very  long  after  his  vision ;  and  that  a 
kind  of  fear,  lest  more  spiritual  demands  should  be  made 
upon  him  than  he  felt  prepared  to  meet,  was  the  cause  of 
his  breaking  altogether  with  San  Vincenzio,  personally,  for 
more  than  ten  years  from  the  time  of  his  first  visit  there. 
However  this  may  be,  it  is  certain  that  he  is  heard  of  no 
more  in  connection  with  the  convent  till  the  year  1553, 
when  a  fresh  miracle  was  vouchsafed  to  prepare  him  for  the 
work  he  was  destined  to  do  for  it,  during  which  interval 
he  lived  in  the  same  comfortable  retirement  as  before, 
changing  his  place  of  abode,  as  the  fancy  took  him,  from 
one  to  another  of  several  magnificent  villas  that  he  possessed. 

In  1553,  France  declared  war  against  the  Republic  of 
Siena.  This  outbreak  threatened  Florence  and  its  neigh- 

*  Pere  Bayonne  gives  this  story  without  referring,  as  he  usually  does,  to  one  of  the 
Italian  biographers,  and  mentions  no  source  for  it.  We  therefore  do  not  know  on  what 
authority  it  rests,  but  have  retained  it  for  its  own  beauty. 


bourhood  with  great  disturbance,  from  the  passage  of  the 
French  army  with  its  various  attendant  circumstances;  so 
Filippo — true  to  his  principle  of  avoiding  all  upsets  of  his 
own  peace  and  comfort — decided  to  go  off  to  Bologna, 
where  he  could  live  quietly  and  remain  neutral.  His  wife 
appears  to  have  remained  at  home  with  some  of  the  children 
(they  had  two  sons  and  some  daughters),  as  we  are  told  only 
of  his  taking  with  him  his  youngest  son  Averardo — quite 
a  child — two  friends,  a  chaplain,  and  some  servants.  They 
started  from  Valdimarina,  taking  a  route  over  the  Apennines, 
on  a  December  day  which  was  quite  clear  and  fine  when 
they  set  out.  But  they  had  hardly  got  into  the  moun- 
tains when  the  weather  changed,  and  they  were  so  hindered 
by  snow  that  they  could  hardly  get  on;  and  when  at  last 
they  reached  the  little  inn  which  was  to  be  their  stopping- 
place,  they  were  kept  there  four  days  by  stress  of  weather. 
Then  it  cleared,  and  they  started  again ;  but  suddenly  the 
sky  was  overcast,  the  snow  began  to  fall  afresh,  thick  and 
heavy,  and  there  arose  such  a  hurricane  of  wind  as  was  said 
hardly  ever  before  to  have  been  known  in  the  spot  they 
had  reached — a  precipitous  peak  of  the  mountains  called 
Giogo.  The  tempest  was  so  violent  that  the  little  party  of 
people  got  separated,  and  lost  sight  of  each  other  in  the 
darkness  and  blinding  snow;  and  Filippo  was  in  terror  lest 
he  should  lose  his  child.  Then,  in  his  fright,  he  called 
earnestly  upon  God,  and  made  a  vow  on  the  spot  that  he 
would  do  whatsoever  his  Maker  asked  of  him,  if  only  they 
might  all  get  safely  out  of  this  danger ;  and  he  afterwards 
declared  that  he  had  heard,  through  the  din  of  the  storm, 
a  voice  distinctly  say:  "A  church  at  San  Vincenzio — a 
church  at  San  Vincenzio! "  Immediately  afterwards  he  found 
his  child  and  all  his  friends  near  him,  safe  and  sound;  and 
very  soon,  the  sky  clearing  a  little,  they  saw  a  shepherd's 
hut  within  reach,  where  they  were  able  to  shelter  and  rest 
till  the  wind  subsided  and  let  them  go  on  their  way.  They 
reached  Bologna  that  night,  and  offered  fervent  thanks  for 
their  safety. 

Filippo's  heart  appears  to  have  been  finally  touched  and 
changed  by  this  occurrence;  but  he  was  detained  at  Bologna 



for  two  or  three  years,  and  in  other  ways  hindered;  and  it 
was  not  until  three  years  after  Catherine's  first  election  as 
prioress,  1557,  that  he  appeared  once  more  before  the 
convent  grille,  to  renew  his  acquaintance  with  her,  to  tell 
her  himself  the  history  of  his  full  conversion,  and  to  con- 
sult her  on  the  immediate  carrying  out  of  his  project.*  He 
made  his  plans  and  preparations  so  quickly  that  the  founda- 
tion stone  was  laid  on  April  5,  1558,  the  feast  of  St  Vincent 
Ferrer,  patron  of  the  convent. 

The  sisters,  who  had  known,  in  common  with  other 
people,  the  former  character  of  Salviati  for  parsimony  with 
regard  to  his  neighbour,  had  convincing  proof  of  his 
thorough  change  in  the  magnificent  scale  on  which  he  pro- 
vided materials  of  every  kind  for  the  building  of  their 
church,  and  the  large  size  that  he  determined  to  make  it. 
The  whole  community,  with  characteristic  simplicity  and 
affectionateness,  took  him  straight  to  their  hearts,  and 
looked  upon  him  henceforth  as  a  real  father  to  whom  they 
could  never  show  gratitude  enough.  Catherine,  however, 
whilst  sharing  this  filial  attitude  towards  Filippo,  was  not 
satisfied  to  stop  short  at  grateful  affection:  she  must  carry 
on  the  conversion  of  heart  in  which  God  had  already  made 
her  an  instrument  to  the  highest  possible  degree  of  perfec- 
tion, and  must  have  her  benefactor  for  a  spiritual  son  as  well 
as  for  the  father  of  her  community.  How  she  fulfilled  this 
task  is  shown  in  what  remains  of  her  correspondence  with 
Filippo,  which  consists  of  twenty-four  letters  written  within 
a  period  of  little  more  than  a  year — from  the  latter  half  of 
1560,  throughout  1561,  whilst  the  church  was  in  progress. 

The  small  selection  from  these  letters,  to  follow  here, 
will  speak  for  themselves;  but,  before  giving  them,  it  will 
be  convenient  to  say  something  shortly  about  the  chief 
people  often  mentioned  in  them  by  name. 

The  Mona  Maria  so  often  referred  to  is,  of  course,  Maria 
Salviati,  Filippo's  wife;  who,  though  only  messages  and  not 
letters  were  sent  to  her,  was  a  great  friend,  and  did  many 

*  It  seems  clear  that,  though  absenting  himself  for  so  long  from  Prato,  Filippo  had 
laid  no  restriction  on  intercourse  between  his  family  and  the  nuns:  as  will  be  seen,  one 
of  his  daughters  was  actually  a  novice  in  the  convent  before  his  own  return  there. 


kindnesses  to  the  convent:  amongst  others,  entertaining  the 
lay-sisters  and  the  young  lady  alumnae  at  the  Villa  Valdima- 
rina  in  the  holidays.  Sisters  Maria  Filippa  and  Fede  Vittoria 
were  Filippo's  daughters,  "in  the  world"  Nannina  and  Cas- 
sandra. The  former  had  been  clothed  in  1556:  the  history 
of  the  latter's  reception  is  given  in  the  first  letter  below.  Of 
Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi  enough  has  already  been  said;  but 
special  mention  must  be  made  of  the  Sister  Bernarda,  so 
often  named  in  Catherine's  letters  to  other  people  as  well 
as  to  Salviati.  Her  secular  name  was  Selvaggia  Giachinotti, 
daughter  of  a  Bernardo  Giachinotti  of  Florence,  and  she  was 
professed  in  1 544.  She  was  a  very  holy  nun,  and  a  very 
great  favourite  with  the  people  outside  the  convent ;  but 
what  causes  her  to  play  so  large  a  part  in  the  saint's  corre- 
spondence, and  to  be  so  closely  associated  with  her  work 
as  superior,  is  that  she  was  "  Syndica"*  of  the  convent  for 
more  than  thirty  years,  and  hence  had  everything  to  do  with 
money  matters,  alms-giving,  and  all  external  business.  This 
will  explain  the  kind  of  allusions,  whether  playful  or  serious, 
so  often  made  by  her. 

Sister  Maria  Jacopa,  also  spoken  of  in  the  letters,  was 
a  Lucrezia  Cini,  who  had  belonged  to  the  community  since 
1538.  She  was  specially  intimate  with  Catherine,  who  greatly 
esteemed  her,  and  is  noted  in  the  history  of  Salviati  for  having 
been  the  person  to  whom  he  confided  (in  a  letter)  the  account 
of  his  mysterious  "call"  during  the  storm  in  the  Appenines, 
as  well  as  other  graces  that  he  received  through  the  saint 
in  the  course  of  his  life.  Some  of  Filippo's  letters  to  Jacopa 
Cini  are  largely  quoted  in  Razzi's  "Life"  (Book I, chap.  ix). 

These  are  the  people  to  whom  reference  in  the  following 
letters  is  frequent  enough  to  make  special  mention  of  them 
desirable;  for  less  important  names  the  reader  may  be  re- 
ferred to  notes.  The  only  thing  remaining  to  say  about  the 
letters  now  to  follow — and  which  applies  to  all  future  corre- 
spondence as  well  as  to  that  with  Salviati — is  to  remind 
readers  that  whenever  Catherine  speaks  of  somebody  else 
as  "Mother  Prioress"  this  means  that  she  herself  is,  for  the 

*  This  office  is  called  in  English  communities  by  different  names,  as  well  as  by  that 
of  Syndica  :  e.g.,  Procuratrix,  Econome,  Dispenser  :  according  to  the  custom  of  the  order  j 
but  in  all  cases  it  practically  means  "  housekeeper." 


time  being,  su ^-prioress,  for  the  reasons  given  in  a  former 

"Most  honoured  and  dearly-loved  Father,  greeting  !f 
"Two  days  ago,  I  wrote  you  what  was  necessary  about 
Cassandra :  that  is,  that  she  had  rather  you  would  leave  her 
here  until  she  sends  you  notice;  so  that,  in  talking  to  her 
yesterday  evening,  I  said :  '  Cassandra,  I  am  afraid  that,  as 
your  father  has  been  asked  to  leave  you  here,  if  we  say 
nothing  more  to  him  he  will  suspect  something,  and  come 
to  fetch  you  as  soon  as  possible.'  She  replied :  'I  would  on 
no  account  have  him  come  for  me  yet.  As  to  becoming  a 
nun,  I  wish  to  do  so;  but  I  don't  wish  to  speak  about  it  to 
the  sisters  without  having  told  him  first.'  Then  I  said : 
*I  don't  think  he  will  let  you  do  it.'  cAnd  I,'  she  answered, 
*  believe  that  he  will  let  me  do  what  I  please;  but  I  would 
rather  not  go  home  so  soon,  so  as  to  have  too  many  struggles 
there,  especially  with  Lucrezia.'  She  also  told  Sister  Maria 
Pia  J  that  she  has  determined  to  be  a  nun,  but  one  can  see  that 
she  wants  to  stay  here  just  a  little  longer,  so  as  to  strengthen 
her  soul,  and  also  that  she  wants  you  to  be  told  first  of  her 
resolution.  Therefore,  if  you  can  leave  her  to  us  for  another 
eight  or  ten  days,  I  should  think  it  a  great  advantage. 

"Be  sure,  my  dear  Father,  that  nobody  here  has  ever 
said  one  word  to  influence  her  :  she  has  been  allowed  to  see 
everything  connected  with  the  Order,  and  with  our  obser- 
vances, and  we  have  noticed  that  she  has  paid  great  atten- 
tion to  it  all;  but  the  fact  of  her  desire  comes  from  Jesus 
Himself;  He  would  have  that  soul  entirely.  I  want,  then, 
to  encourage  you  not  to  take  it  from  Him;  for  certainly  you 
will  have  more  real  satisfaction  in  giving  your  daughter  to 
our  Lord  for  His  own,  than  you  would  in  refusing  her  to 
Him  only  to  give  her  to  a  mortal  spouse,  subject  to  all  the 
miseries  of  this  life.  Even  if  some  fuss  should  be  made 
about  the  matter,  you  ought  not  for  that  reason  to  act  against 

*  Chap.  xix. 

t  This  is  Catherine's  mode  of  beginning  all  her  letters  to  Filippo  Salviati.  She  like- 
wise always  signs  herself  as  his  "  daughter." 

£  Sister  Maria  Pia  was  the  daughter  of  a  Giovanni  S?lviati,  and  appears  to  have  been 
a  niece  of  Filippo's.  Lucrezia — mentioned  more  than  once  in  the  letters — must  have 
been  Cassandra's  sister,  though  we  are  not  told  so. 


your  duty;  for  as  you  know,  the  things  of  God  must  always 
meet  with  opposition,  especially  when  they  clash  with  earthly 
plans.  I  think  it  would  be  well,  when  you  come  here,  not 
to  let  Cassandra  see  that  you  know  anything,  but  to  let  her 
be  the  first  to  speak,  so  as  to  give  you  her  confidence  sponta- 
neously. Moreover,  I  think  myself  that  you  had  better  not 
discuss  the  matter  with  any  one :  but  this  I  must  leave  to 
your  own  judgement.  We  do  not  forget,  here,  to  pray  that 
all  may  be  ordered  by  our  Lord  for  both  your  daughter's 
salvation  and  your  satisfaction. 

"  Mother  Maria  Maddalena  (Strozzi),  from  fear  of  you, 
sent  you  word  yesterday  that  I  had  an  attack  of  fever  ;  but 
do  not  think  I  am  ill,  as,  to  judge  by  present  symptoms, 
the  fit  has  passed  and  I  do  not  think  it  will  return. 

"  My  best  greetings  to  you,  to  Mona  Maria,  and  to  all. 
May  God  keep  you  ! 

"Mother  Prioress*  commends  herself  to  you, 
"Your  daughter, 

"Prato,  July  4,  1560." 

"I  have  received  your  most  welcome  letter.   .   .  . 

"You  tell  me  you  do  not  feel  well,  and  I  quite  believe 
it  although  I  do  not  see  what  can  be  done.  I  would  however 
remind  you  that  we  shall,  hereafter,  have  to  give  an  account 
for  our  indiscretion  as  well  as  for  our  superfluous  care  of 
ourselves.  I  wish  that  you  would  not  do  things  beyond  your 
strength  :  you  will  injure  yourself  irreparably.  For  instance 
you  ought  not  to  have  gone  from  here.  You  were  told  so 
often  enough,  but  you  only  answered:  'Whether  it  snow,  or 
whether  it  hail,  go  I  will.'  It  is  useless  to  argue  with  a  man 
who  has  made  up  his  mind,  and  you  were  determined  to  go, 
come  what  might  ....  although  I  was  very  sorry  to  hear 
it  and  would,  had  I  been  able,  have  kept  every  drop  from 
falling  on  your  dear  head.  But  you  would  not  obey  me  who 

*  "  Mother  Prioress,"  then,  was  Sister  Margherita  di  Bardo,  a  nun  who  filled  that 
office  many  times  at  San  Vincenzio.  There  is  no  more  correspondence  on  the  subject  of 
this  letter,  so  doubtless  Salviati  came  over  and  settled  it  all  in  person.  Cassandra  was 
clothed  five  months  later — on  November  n,  1560 — "in  Margherita  di  Bardo's  fifth 
Priorate,"  taking  the  name  of  Fede  Vittoria.  She  lived  till  1624.. 


am  so  full  of  good  wishes  towards  you.  Then  came  your 
carriage  accident  and  your  difficulty  in  getting  home.  Surely 
it  would  have  been  more  pleasing  to  Jesus  had  you  remained 
at  home  instead  of  going  whither  you  went.  I  do  not  mean 
that  He  is  displeased  if  we  suffer  in  doing  right  for  love  of 
Him :  on  the  contrary,  this  is  most  acceptable  to  Him  as 
long  as  we  keep  within  the  limits  of  prudence  and  reason. 
We  shall  nevertheless  be  judged  for  indiscretion,  but  on  this 
point  I  will  say  no  more. 

"Here  we  are  at  nine  o'clock  on  Tuesday  evening,  and 
I  think  you  must  have  ended  your  day  and  gone  to  rest. 
I  assure  you  that  this  weather  is  most  unfavourable  to  your 
health,  so  I  beg  of  you  to  be  content  to  take  some  care 
of  yourself  at  least  until  the  middle  of  April.  Do  this  for  the 
love  of  Jesus  and  for  the  sake  of  your  daughters  and  in 
order  to  gain  time  during  which  you  may  work  for  God,  for 
this  indeed  ought  to  be  our  aim. 

"The jubilee  has  passed  and  we  thank  Lorenzo  for  it: 
I  am  very  glad  to  have  had  it. 

"  I  do  not  know  how  to  express  myself  more  clearly  about 
the  cell  than  I  have  done  in  my  other  letter.  Sister  Fede 
Vittoria  prefers  it  small  and  does  not  think  of  the  objection 
which  I  pointed  out  to  you,  viz.,  that  in  stormy  weather  she 
is  frightened  and  must  have  a  sister  with  her,  and  it  would 
not  be  agreeable  for  two  to  remain  for  some  days  in  a  small 
cell  until  she  be  reassured  ....  But  if  you  will  make  it 
as  you  think  best,  all  difficulties  will  be  at  an  end. 

"I  have  received  the  wine  and  some  of  it  was  given  me 
at  collation  last  night  after  I  had  read  your  letter,  for  my 
throat  had  swollen  very  much  on  hearing  of  your  troubles. 
But  your  news  was  so  bitter  that  I  could  not  taste  the 
sweetness  of  the  wine.  However  this  morning  I  found 
it  sweet,  and  I  thank  you  for  it. 

"Last  night  and  this  morning  I  remembered  you  and 
offered  to  Jesus  your  body,  soul  and  heart,  your  memory, 
understanding  and  will.  They  are  like  six  water  pots  and 
I  implored  Him  to  change  their  water  into  wine.  I  prayed 
that,  as  wine  purifies  and  preserves,  so  your  mind  may  be 


purified  from  all  that  disturbs  it  and  your  good  will  pre- 
served by  means  of  good  works.  I  beg  of  you  to  be  likewise 
mindful  of  me  and  to  pray  for  me. 

"I  commend  myself  to  you,  and  so  does  Mother  Prioress. 
Mother  Margherita  and  Sister  Maddalena  also  wish  to  be 
remembered  to  you,  and  the  latter  sends  a  greeting  likewise 
to  her  Toto.* 

"  I  think  I  will  send  Niccolino  to  see  you,  for  I  shall 
not  be  happy  until  I  hear  that  you  are  well  after  your 

"Troto,  Jan.  6,  1561." 

// propos  of  this  conviction  that  "we  shall  be  judged  for 
for  our  indiscretions,"  Catherine  tries  to  restrain  Salviati 
from  what  was  clearly  an  exaggerated  tendency  to  austerities, 
in  other  passages  of  her  letters.  She  says  once,  for  instance, 
"  Religious,  who  live  separated  from  the  world,  having 
neither  business  nor  family  obligations,  are  bound  to  lead 
a  much  more  mortified  and  rigorous  life  than  others.  But 
you,  who,  being  the  head  of  a  great  house,  have  the  care  of 
a  family  upon  you,  ought  to  be  very  prudent  about  preserv- 
ing your  life  and  health:  not  for  the  sake  of  enjoying  the 
pleasures  of  this  world,  but  that  you  may  properly  support 
your  family  and  train  up  your  children  as  true  Christians." 

And,  again,  she  writes :  "  Now  that  you  are  at  Florence, 
I  fear  nobody  will  think  of  giving  you  broth  and  biscuit  for 
supper;  and  therefore  I  send  you  a  basket  of  chestnuts,  so 
that  you  may  eat  at  least  four  every  evening.  I  would  remind 
you  that  Jesus  wishes  us  to  keep  the  mean,  not  the  extreme,  in 
our  lives;  and  to  use  reasonable  human  methods  of  preserv- 
ing health.  .  .  .  We  are  not  to  aim  at  dying  but  at  living 
to  do  good,  and  so  to  honour  and  glorify  God  in  ourselves. 

"  I  understand  that  you  go  to  hear  sermons  and  like 
them.  I  wish  that  instead  of  going  for  them  to  St  Peter's 

*  We  are  not  told  in  the  correspondence  who  "  Toto  "  is,  but  he  doubtless  must  have 
been  Salviati's  son  Antonio,  then  a  boy.  He  and  his  brother,  Averardo,  inherited  their 
parents'  intimacy  with  Catherine,  and  some  of  her  letters  to  them,  after  Filippo's  death, 
are  preserved. 


you  would  come  here.  But  I  should  not  like  the  distance  to 
be  a  trouble  to  you,  only  an  additional  merit.  If  you  came 
here  we  might  meet  when  it  was  convenient.  I  look  forward 
to  the  day  when  we  shall  see  each  other,  not  at  St  Peter's, 
nor  here,  nor  at  Florence  nor  Prato,  but  in  heaven,  in  the 
fruition  of  Jesus  and  His  holy  Mother  and  the  whole 
celestial  court. 
"¥eb.  12,  1561." 

"  I  have  received  your  most  welcome  letter,  or  rather, 
your  two  most  welcome  letters.  It  gave  me  great  pleasure  to 
hear  of  your  well-being  and  to  know  that  one  of  my  desires 
had  been  accomplished,  which  Sister  Bernarda  had  also 
thought  of.  Yesterday  when  at  table  the  gospel  of  St  Mat- 
thew was  being  read,  we  came  to  the  passage  in  which  a  poor 
woman  puts  a  mite  into  the  treasury  of  the  Temple  wherein 
all  the  rich  people  had  some  days  before  placed  contribu- 
tions, according  to  their  means,  either  as  alms  or  as  tribute 
money.  Our  Lord,  turning  to  the  crowd  tells  them  that  the 
poor  woman  alone  shall  have  a  reward  because  she  has  given 
of  her  necessity  and  parted  with  her  all,  whereas  the  rest 
have  contributed  out  of  their  abundance.  When  1  heard  this 
sentence  I  at  once  thought  of  my  father,  and  wondered  how 
our  Saviour's  praise  might  be  bestowed  also  on  him.  And 
now,  to  my  great  joy,  I  see  by  your  letters  that  my  desire 
has  been  actually  fulfilled,  for  the  supply  of  wood  has  been 
such  an  expense  to  you  as  to  put  you  to  great  inconvenience. 
O  my  dear  little  widow  !  how  delighted  was  I  to  see  that 
Jesus  had  not  suffered  my  father,  like  the  rest,  to  place  his 
superfluities  in  the  treasury,  but,  in  order  that  his  work 
should  not  be  vain,  had  allowed  him,  with  the  widow,  to 
give  of  his  necessity !  Thus,  my  dear  little  widow,  you 
will  share  the  reward  of  the  widow  in  the  gospel,  and  this, 
had  you  given  of  your  abundance,  you  could  not  have  done. 
See,  dear  father,  how  God  allows  all  things  for  the  best:  He 
has  permitted  you  to  find  this  wood,  and  knowing  that  you 
would  willingly  make  an  offering  to  His  treasury,  He  has 
suffered  you  to  feel  this  inconvenience  in  order  that  you 
may  have  greater  merit.  These,  my  father,  are  mysteries  at 


which  you  ought  to  rejoice.  God  will  not  fail  to  repay  you  an 
hundredfold  in  heaven,  and  even  here,  and  I  beg  of  Him  to 
allow  you  to  gain  in  some  other  way  that  so  it  maybe  evident 
that  He  intends  you  to  do  this  work  and  to  build  for  Him 
this  house  wherein  He  will,  in  the  most  Blessed  Sacrament, 
abide  for  ever,  and  be  honoured  by  unceasing  prayer.  I  do 
not  think  you  could  do  anything  more  pleasing  to  Him, 
especially  as,  in  addition  to  this  work,  you  have  made  so 
many  improvements  in  the  whole  house. 

"  When  you  say  that  God  would  not  allow  David  to 
finish  His  temple,  you  must  remember  that  those  were 
matters  wherein  Holy  Scripture  had  to  be  fulfilled.  I  hope 
that  David  will  not  trouble  you,  but  that  my  dear  little 
widow  will  be  of  good  cheer,  and  that  we  may  always  be  able 
to  give  to  Jesus,  not  out  of  our  abundance,  but  with  our 
whole  heart.  Who  would  ever  have  thought  that  my  beloved 
father  and  son  would  have  had  this  example  ?  You  believed 
yourself  to  be  a  shepherd,  and  lo,  you  are  likewise  a  widow. 
Jesus  does  all  things  for  your  good,  and,  because  He  desires 
you  to  be  wholly  His  own,  and  gives  you  opportunities  of 
doing  His  work  for  His  sake,  in  order,  at  last,  to  give  to 
you  in  return  that  beautiful  palace  in  heaven  which  the 
apostle  Thomas  promised  to  a  certain  king.  I  rejoice  and 
have  rejoiced  at  all  that  has  happened,  not  because  I  wish 
you  to  be  put  to  inconvenience,  but  because  in  this  matter 
I  recognize,  in  a  manner  that  fills  me  with  gladness,  the 
goodness  of  God,  for  which  I  thank  Him.  I  will  conclude, 
as  it  is  six  o'clock  in  the  evening  and  the  sun  is  excessively 
hot.  .  .  .  Sister  Bernarda  desires,  together  with  Sister  Mad- 
dalena,  to  be  remembered  to  you;  and  the  latter  also  thanks 
you  for  your  advice  and  sympathy,  and  sends  a  greeting. 

"  June  10,  1561." 

Written  to  Valdimarina^  where  the  sisters  and  girls  from  San 
frincenzio  were  then  staying 

"I  have  received  your  welcome  letter,  but  did  I  notthink 
that  there  was  some  of  your  sister  Bernarda's  mischief  in  it 
I  should  be  vexed  at  it.  To  tell  you  the  truth  I  do  not  be- 


lieve  that  you  mean  what  you  say  when  you  tell  me  of  such 
grievances,  for  I  know  that  I  never  more  heartily  wished 
you  well  than  I  do  now  and  I  have  never  had  a  moment's 
disturbance  on  account  of  you.  It  seems  to  me  that  you  have 
done  more  for  our  brethren  than  their  own  father  would 
have  done.  Now  as  I  know  that  my  feeling  towards  you 
has  not  changed,  but  is  as  undoubted  as  when  I  impressed 
upon  you  the  duty  of  desiring  to  please  our  Lord  and  to  be 
wholly  His,  I  would  fain  think  that  in  what  you  say  you 
are  speaking  not  in  earnest  but  in  jest.  .  .  .  But,  my  father, 
if  you  should  indeed  have  such  an  idea  in  your  head,  I  beg 
of  you  to  dismiss  it,  for  it  is  utterly  groundless.  God  knows 
how  heartily  I  wish  you  well  and  how  constantly  I  pray  to 
the  holy  angels  and  to  your  guardian  angel  to  give  you  a 
place  in  heaven.  But  if  you  have  any  doubt  on  the  subject 
they  will  make  all  clear  to  you  during  this  festival.  When 
my  dear  father  was  alive  I  do  not  think  that  I  ever  forgot 
him  or  ever  thought  of  him  without  wishing  him  this  same 
happiness.  Jesus  has  given  you  to  me  to  be  to  me  both  father 
and  son,  could  I  be  so  mistaken  as  to  esteem  lightly  that 
which  it  has  taken  me  so  many  years  to  obtain  from  God  ? 
Would  such  be  your  conduct?  I  think  not;  and,  even  were 
you  to  act  so,  I  most  certainly  should  not.  Never  will  I  let 
go  of  your  soul;  be  sure  of  that,  my  naughty  friend.  This 
must  suffice  without  an  oath,  for  I  must  not  be  long  as  I 
have  taken  Sister  Bernarda  away  from  the  washing,*  and 
she  says  that  the  sun  is  very  hot,  for  it  is  late,  ten  o'clock 

"  I  am  happy  to  hear  that  the  sisters  and  the  children  are 
well,  for  I  love  them  as  long  as  they  are  good.  I  am  still 
more  glad  that  you  are  sending  them  back  to-morrow  or  the 
next  day.  I  shall  regret  it  very  much  if,  as  I  fear,  they  have 
given  you  trouble.  You  have  an  opportunity  of  sending 
them  to  me  and  you  will  see  how  gladly  I  shall  make  the 
exchange.  Say  this  to  Mona  Maria,  and  make  my  excuses 
to  her  for  sending  her  such  a  number  at  a  time,  as  if  she  had 
not  children  enough  already.  I  thank  both  you  and  her  for 
the  very  great  enjoyment  which  you  have  given  them.  .  .  . 

*  i.e.,  to  write  for  her:  Sister  Bernarda  acted  sometimes  as  the  saint's  secretary. 


Mother  Prioress  and  Mother  M.  Maddalena  desire  to  be  re- 
membered to  you:  they  say  that  Toto  must  not  be  left  behind. 

"I  would  have  sent  Salvadore  with  the  mule  for  the 
children,  but  as  you  forbid  me  to  do  so  I  will  obey  you.  I 
will  expect  them  at  the  hour  you  mention.  .  .  .  Farewell. 

"  September  24,  1561 ." 

In  reply  to  some  spiritual  troubles,  and  doubts  about  his  salvation, 
communicated  to  her  by  Filippo.  .   .  . 

"I  would  remind  you,  my  dear  Father,  that  when  the 
man  who  owned  io,coo  talents  asked  his  Master  to  forgive 
his  debt,  he  did  not  beg  the  favour  for  9,000  only,  but  for 
the  whole  sum.  If  this  debtor  had  not  acted  afresh  with  hard- 
ness and  cruelty  he  would  have  had  nothing  to  fear  about 
the  past  debt,  as  it  had  been  fully  and  freely  remitted;  and 
his  Lord  would  have  been  actually  offended  if  the  servant 
had  not  believed  simply  in  the  pardon  granted  to  him.  .  .  . 
Hence  I  conclude  that,  although  it  be  a  great  error  to  count 
presumptuously  on  oneself,  we  nevertheless  greatly  offend 
the  mercy  and  goodness  of  God  by  distrust.  We  know 
that  He  is  very  generous:  that  He  became  man  and  suffered 
a  painful  passion  and  death  to  deliver  us  from  all  anxiety 
as  to  our  salvation;  and  that,  by  these  acts,  He  has  opened 
heaven  to  us,  provided  we  do  not  ourselves  turn  in  the 
opposite  direction.  In  the  latter  case,  there  can  be  no  un- 
certainty, as  most  assuredly  he  who  does  not  act  according 
to  the  law  of  Jesus  cannot  reach  heaven,  any  more  than  a 
man  who  takes  the  road  to  Pistoja  when  he  wants  to  go  to 
Florence  can  expect  to  arrive  at  Florence !  But,  so  long  as 
he  takes  one  of  the  three  roads  that  lead  to  Florence — even 
though  he  may  find  he  has  taken  the  worst  one,  with  a  good 
many  bad  bits  that  will  hinder  him — if  he  gives  his  horse 
the  rein  and  goes  on  steadily,  he  may  expect  certainly  to  get 
there  at  last.  So  one  may  find  in  the  right  way  to  heaven 
many  hindrances  that  are  serious  obstacles;  but  for  these 
there  is  the  remedy  given  by  Jesus  :  namely,  to  walk  by  the 
light  that  will  lead  us  safely,  and  that  light  is  holy  faith.  If 
we  will  only  walk  with  our  eyes  fixed  on  this,  we  shall  see 
before  us  a  road,  clear,  level,  beautiful,  and  very  pleasant  to 


walk  upon;  shaded,  too,  by  the  green  leaves  of  hope,  planted 
with  the  flowers  of  holy  longings,  and  abounding  in  the  fruits 
of  good  works.  By  following  this  road,  we  shall  go  straight 
to  our  true  home.  Hence,  whoever  yields  to  fear  or  dread 
on  this  way  insults  his  Lord  and  Master,  or  that  Master's 
representative  who  acts  as  His  guarantee.  Of  course,  when 
you  say  that  you  have  kept  back  something  to  tell  me  >/># 
>0£<?,  I  am  writing  partly  in  the  dark;  but  I  can  safely  assure 
you  that,  when  we  have  once  plunged  thoroughly  into  that 
fiery  furnace  [of  sorrow  and  penance]  all  our  spots  and  stains 
are  consumed.  .  .  .  What  use  is  it  then,  dear  Father,  to  be 
afraid  ?  Of  what  use,  I  repeat,  except  to  make  us  lose  time 
on  the  way,  and  walk  with  but  little  fervour  towards  Jeru- 
salem. So  let  us  drive  away  fear,  and  put  in  its  stead  holy 
hope  :  but  a  hope  without  presumption,  and  founded  on  the 
goodness  of  God,  not  on  our  own  merits. 
"October  2,  1561." 

Written  to  Valdimarina 

"  I  know  that  Sister  Maria  Maddalena  has  written  fully 
to  you  about  me  in  the  letter  which  she  sent  you  this  morn- 
ing by  a  labourer.  She  has  told  you  that  my  fever  came 
on  last  evening  with  great  intensity,  accompanied  by  head- 
ache and  violent  sweating.  It  lasted  all  night  until  past  seven 
this  morning,  but  to-day  I  seem  to  be  better  than  I  was  on 
Friday  morning.  Now  however  it  is  nearly  nine  o'clock  in 
the  evening  and  I  am  beginning  to  have  the  same  inflam- 
mation that  I  had  last  night.  I  do  not  know  whether  it  is 
a  symptom  of  the  return  of  my  fever.  But  it  is  a  slight  thing, 
and  I  am  in  good  hopes  that  by  the  help  of  Jesus  I  shall 
soon  be  well,  especially  if  you  will  come  to  see  me  when  you 
can.  One  good  sign  of  my  improvement  is  that  whereas 
hitherto  I  have  not  been  able  to  think  of  anything  con- 
nected with  my  work,  I  am  to-day  building  little  castles  in 
the  air  about  flax  spinning.  Sister  Maddalena  laughs  and 
tells  me  that  a  doctor  told  her  in  another  illness  of  mine 
that  when  I  began  to  think  about  certain  things  it  was  a  sign 
that  nature  was  beginning  to  be  freed  from  sickness  and  to 
return  to  its  normal  state.  I  tell  you  this  for  your  satisfac- 


tion,  and  because  I  do  not  wish  you  to  be  any  longer  uneasy 
about  me. 

"  I  am  glad  that  Antonio  *  gave  you  so  much  satisfaction. 
As  you  have  been  sitting  up  so  late  (and  I  guessed  as  much) 
I  was  wise  to  send  to  you  this  morning  to  bid  you  go  to  bed 
early  to-night. 

"  I,  my  dear  father,  am  kept  under  such  strict  obedience 
that  sometimes  I  lift  up  my  head  a  little  to  see  whether  I  be 
alive  at  all.  I  could  get  up  and  go  about  but  I  cannot  succeed 
in  doing  it.  I  assure  you  that  if  theBolognese  honey  changed 
its  flavour  as  much  as  my  mother  has  changed,  apothecaries 
would  no  longer  sell  it  as  sweet  or  even  as  half  sweet.  If  I  am 
ever  dispensed  from  this  rigorous  obedience  I  shall  think 
myself  fortunate.  For  pity's  sake  do  not  make  my  mother 
more  despotic  with  me  than  she  already  is,  for  she  is  very 
masterful  and  I  can  no  longer  send  her  to  supper  nor  to  bed. 
She  will  have  nothing  of  the  sort,  and  merely  answers: { You 
must  obey  your  father,'  and  thus  shuts  my  mouth  so  that  I 
can  say  no  more.  For  my  further  comfort  she  has  even  in- 
duced the  doctor  to  say  that  I  am  not  to  be  in  my  cell.  Now 
if  you  will  help  me  with  your  prayers,  I  hope  that  soon  I  shall 
do  as  much  as  you  tell  me,  to  be  avenged  if  not  on  the  doctor 
at  least  on  my  mother. 

"Sister  Valeria  and  the  other  nuns  thank  you  for  the 
chick-peas.  There  are  plenty  of  them  because  they  mix  well 
with  other  vegetables:  they  furnish  a  dessert. 

"To-morrow  at  Mass  (for  I  hear  it  from  my  bed)  I  shall 
not  fail  to  remember  you  and  to  commend  you  to  Jesus  and 
to  those  two  holy  apostles  f  who  will,  I  hope,  be  with  you 
when  you  go  to  the  coming  fair.  My  greetings  to  you  and  to 
Mona  Maria.  .  .  . 

"Thank you  for  the  pears,  and  the  honey, and  the  grapes: 
you  do  too  much  for  me.  Sister  Bernarda  does  not  think  it 
worth  while  to  write.  She  never  leaves  me  save  to  write  to 
you;  she  bids  me  remember  her  to  you. 

11  October  27,  1561." 

*  Antonio  Gondi,  of  whom  an  account  will  be  found  in  a  later  chapter. 
t  SS.  Simon  and  Jude,  whose  feast  is  October  28.  The  saint  seems  to  use  the  word 
"fair"  here  in  spiritual  sense,  for  a  religious festa. 


"  I  could  not  tell  you  with  what  great  pleasure  I  received 
your  most  welcome  letter !  Never  fear  the  gifts  and  graces 
that  Jesus  bestows  on  you,  but  accept  them  all  with  joy. 
They  are  a  foretaste  of  what  is  prepared  in  heaven  for  men 
of  good  will,  amongst  whom  my  dear  son  must  be.  So  do 
not  be  troubled:  go  on,  with  your  heart  given  simply  to  God, 
in  all  humility  and  uprightness.  As  for  me,  unworthy:  I 
thank  God,  who  has  shown  you  the  need  of  overcoming 
that  enemy  who  always  lingers  about  us,  and  who  would 
have  disturbed  this  happy  state  of  things  if  he  could ;  but, 
thanks  to  our  Lord  who  chose  to  confirm  your  progress  in 
good,  he  has  not  had  the  strength  to  do  so ! 

"  It  gives  me  the  deepest  satisfaction  to  know  that  during 
that  night  you  were  inspired  with  the  right  thing  to  do,  and 
that  you  will  carry  out  the  thought;  for  it  is  an  exceedingly 
great  merit  to  obey  God  in  His  good  inspirations ;  and,  by  this 
act,  you  may  have  gained  more  than  the  whole  finite  world 
is  worth,  in  one  treasure  of  the  infinite  world  to  come.  We 
cannot  gain  these  by  our  own  power,  but  only  by  a  grace 
from  God.  .  .  .  He  has  made  us  out  of  nothing,  has  re- 
deemed us  by  the  gift  of  Himself,  and  unceasingly  redeems 
us  over  again  from  our  daily  sins.  And  this  should  not 
frighten  us,  but  fill  us  with  supreme  joy  and  make  us  praise 
His  name  more  and  more  ....  Oh,  my  dear  father,  be 
joyful !  Make  yourself,  by  means  of  these  gifts,  a  freeman 
of  the  heavenly  city,  whose  inhabitants  will  honour,  help 
and  defend  you :  even  as  a  beggar  may  buy  himself  a  citizen- 
ship, and  an  honourable  position,with  the  money  gratuitously 
bestowed  on  him  by  a  king.  Ah,  how  happy  I  feel  about 
you  to-day  !  .  .  .  . 

"November  7,  1561." 

The  church  of  San  Vincenzio  was  finished  in  October, 
1563,  and  solemnly  consecrated  on  the  23rd  of  that  month. 
Filippo  then  added  other  buildings  to  the  convent — in- 
cluding a  small  room  in  the  out-portion  for  himself — which 
carried  on  the  work  for  two  years  more.  When  all  these 
grand  constructions  were  seen  in  their  completeness,  the 
public  became  curious  as  to  how  much  they  had  cost,  and 



his  wondering  fellow-citizens  tried  in  every  way  to  entrap 
him  into  telling  their  price.  All  that  they  could  get  out  of 
him,  however,  was  that  "he  did  not  care  for  such  things  to 
be  known  to  man:  it  was  enough  if  they  were  clear  to 
Him  who  would  reward  them."  Cosmo  de'  Medici — well 
acquainted  of  old  with  his  Cousin  Salviati's  stinginess — 
is  reported  to  have  said  a  propos  of  these  buildings,  "that 
one  of  the  greatest  miracles  which  made  him  believe  in  the 
high  sanctity  of  Mother  Catherine,  was  her  having  been 
able  to  get  Filippo  to  be  so  liberal  to  her  convent." 

But  of  the  far  greater  miracle  of  Salviati's  inward  con- 
version, and  rapid  attainment  of  spiritual  perfection  under 
the  saint's  guidance,  the  world  could  of  course  have  but 
very  little  knowledge  or  appreciation ;  though  it  was  to  some 
extent  made  outwardly  apparent  by  his  ever-increasing  in-- 
difference  to  all  the  splendours  and  luxuries  of  his  former 
life,  and  love  of  spending  all  the  time  he  could  in  the  little 
cell  attached  to  the  convent,  where  he  had  barely  common 
comforts.  Here  he  would  go  whenever  he  could  get  the 
leisure,  rather  than  to  any  of  his  country  villas,  for  change 
and  refreshment;  and  here,  as  his  life  drew  to  a  close,  he 
would  hold  higher  and  higher  intercourse  on  the  things  of 
God  with  the  saint  and  her  holy  companions.  He  came  at 
last  to  have  so  great  a  longing  for  the  sight  of  God,  that 
he  used  to  speak  of  the  rapid  failure  of  his  health  as  a 
traveller  towards  home  speaks  of  the  favourable  conditions 
of  his  voyage,  and  of  the  loved  ones  that  he  is  expecting 
to  see  on  landing.  Shortly  before  he  died,  he  wrote  to  Sister 
Jacopa  Cini:  "I  am  departing  post-haste;  and  I  am  trusting, 
by  the  grace  of  Jesus  Christ,  and  with  the  help  of  the  most 
blessed  Virgin  and  the  saints  of  Paradise,  to  make  a  holy 
death.  I  hope  at  last  to  be  well  received  by  Him  who  was 
shown  to  me  in  vision  at  Mayano,  with  the  promise  that 
He  would  one  day  be  my  reward."  * 

Filippo  Salviati  died  in  1572;  and  he  and  his  wife  (the 
date  of  whose  death  is  not  forthcoming)  were  both  buried 
under  the  high  altar  of  the  church  at  San  Vincenzio,  as  he 
had  requested  in  his  lifetime. 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  I,  cap.  x,  p.  36.  Mayano  was  a  place  where  Salviati  had  made  a 
stay  shortly  before  he  went  to  Prato  in  1557,  and  where  he  is  said  to  have  had  a  vision 
of  our  Lord  to  encourage  him  in  his  resolution  of  helping  the  community. 



St  Catherine  and  her  Brothers — Correspondence  with  Ridolfo  and  Vin- 
cenzio — Visit  of  the  Bavarian  Prince  to  Prato — Prophecy  of  the 
miraculous  Escape  of  St  Charles  Borromeo. 

IT  is  time  now  to  show  how  Catherine,  amidst  her  many 
labours — natural  and  supernatural — for  her  community  and 
the  general  public,  was  regularly  keeping  up  close  inter- 
course with  such  members  of  her  own  family  as  were  left 
to  her.  These  became  very  few  in  number  long  before  her 
own  death.  We  have  seen  how  she  lost  the  most  valued  of 
her  relations  by  the  death  of  her  holy  uncle,  Timoteo,  just  as 
she  became  prioress;  and  by  1555  she  had  closed  the  eyes 
of  the  last  of  those  three  young  sisters  whose  early  deaths 
as  Religious  have  been  already  recorded.  The  only  sister 
then  left  to  her  was  Maria  Benigna,  often  referred  to  in  her 
letters,  for  whom  she  appears  to  have  had  a  special  affection, 
and  of  whom  it  is  said  that  besides  being  an  extremely 
holy  young  nun  of  great  promise  to  the  Order,  she  showed 
in  a  high  degree  St  Catherine's  peculiar  power  of  comfort- 
ing people  in  trouble.  However,  she  was  no  more  destined 
than  her  younger  sisters  to  complete  her  career:  she  sickened 
and  died  in  the  year  1562,  while  the  new  church  was  in 
progress;  and  the  story  of  her  death  is  also  that  of  a  mira- 
culous occurrence,  exemplifying  a  power  exercised  by  the 
saint  at  times  over  her  dying  children  for  some  special  pur- 
pose. Catherine  happened,  that  year,  to  be  sub-prioress,  and 
was  exceedingly  anxious  that  a  double  clothing,  to  take  place 
on  April  12,  should  go  off  with  all  the  cheerfulness  that  she 
loved  on  such  occasions.  Sister  M.  Benigna  was  so  near 
death  on  that  morning  that  the  shadow  of  her  departure 
seemed  likely  to  be  cast  over  the  day,  when  her  holy  sister 
and  superior  came  to  her  bedside  and  commanded  her,  in  the 
name  of  our  Lord,  not  to  die  until  the  ceremony  was  over. 
The  dying  young  nun  humbly  promised  obedience,  and 


was  actually  enabled  supernaturally  to  keep  her  soul  from 
departing  till  the  clothing  was  over.  Then  the  saint,  freed 
from  other  duties,  hastened  back  to  her  sister,  gave  her  leave 
to  die,  and,  entering  into  ecstasy  as  was  her  wont  beside 
her  dying  children,  accompanied  the  beloved  soul  on  its  last 

After  thus  losing  her  last  sister,  Catherine  had  only  left 
out  of  her  large  family  (for  other  brothers  and  sisters  had 
died  as  children  or  young  people)  an  uncle  and  four  brothers. 
The  uncle  was  Federigo  de'  Ricci,  of  whom  we  have  heard 
so  much  in  the  saint's  correspondence  with  her  father.  He 
was  a  man  of  importance  in  Florence,  frequently  holding 
public  offices;  and  his  niece  Catherine  was  specially  dear  to 
him,  so  that  he  was  always  glad  both  to  help  her  community, 
and  to  give  her  his  support  in  family  matters.  He  was  self- 
willed,  however,  and  somewhat  hot-tempered — rather  like 
her  own  father  in  character — which  made  things  at  times 
no  easier  between  him  and  Ridolfo  than  they  had  been  in 
earlier  days  between  the  latter  and  old  Pierfrancesco. 

Besides  Ridolfo  there  remained  Fiammetta's  three  sons: 
Giovanbatista,  now  the  holy  friar  Fra  Timoteo,  who  was 
ever  the  saint's  great  stay,  and  who  lived  till  within  a  few 
years  of  her  own  death ;  Roberto  the  banker,  of  whom  not 
much  seems  to  be  known,  though  a  few  important  letters 
to  him  remain;  and  lastly  Vincenzio, youngest  of  the  whole 
family.  This  half-brother  was  the  darling  of  Catherine's 
heart  and  the  child  of  her  adoption.  Born  only  a  few  months 
before  his  father's  death,  he  was  but  four  years  old  when  he 
lost  his  mother;  and  his  eldest  sister  did  her  best  to  replace 
both  parents  by  undertaking  the  entire  charge  of  his  keep 
and  education.  Before  giving  more  of  his  history,  however, 
we  must  go  back  some  years,  to  give  that  of  the  turbulent 
Ridolfo,  whose  former  escapades  will  not  have  been  forgotten. 

For  ten  years  after  his  father's  death  this  hot-headed 
youth  went  on  in  much  the  same  way  that  he  had  begun — 
always  more  or  less  in  trouble,  and  giving  endless  anxiety 
and  scandal  to  his  relations.  Then  he  became  a  Knight  of 
Malta,  which  they  hoped  would  steady  him.  He  had  no  lack 
of  personal  courage;  and  in  his  first  engagement  with  the 


Turks  he  gained  his  spurs  by  some  desperate  fighting,  at 
the  same  time  being  severely  wounded.  This  feat  delighted 
his  uncle,  who  wrote  the  news  to  Catherine;  and  here  is  her 
letter  on  the  subject: 

To  Fra  Ridolfo  de   Ricci:  Cavaliere  di  Malta 

"  My  dearest  brother,  greeting  !  It  is  some  months  since 
I  wrote  to  you.  I  have  received  no  reply,  so  I  suppose  that 
either  your  letter  or  mine  has  miscarried.  And  to-day  I  heard 
from  our  honoured  Federigo  of  the  injury  which  you  have 
sustained  from  the  two  arquebuses.  I  am,  as  you  may  ima- 
gine, exceedingly  grieved  at  it,  because  it  sounds  very 
serious,  and  must  have  caused,  and  perhaps  still  causes  you, 
severe  pain.  I  try  to  think  that  God  has  permitted  it  for 
some  good  end;  and,  now  that  you  have  become  a  soldier, 
wills  to  purify  you  for  His  service  and  chooses  that  by  means 
of  some  penance,  such  as  this,  you  should  cancel  the  debt 
which  in  time  past  you  have  contracted  against  His  divine 
goodness.  Perhaps  as  you  have  to  defend  His  holy  Faith, 
God  may  will  you  to  fight  so  much  the  more  manfully  for 
having  done  this  penance,  and  will  be  the  better  pleased 
with  your  service  in  proportion  as  you  are  more  completely 
purified.  Perhaps,  too,  He  has  allowed  you  to  be  wounded 
in  order  that  you  may  be  more  fully  conformed  to  Him, 
your  Captain,  who  goes  before  you  to  prepare  a  place  which 
shall  be  yours  if  you  follow  Him  courageously.  Do  not, 
then,  let  it  seem  to  you  too  great  a  hardship  to  travel  along 
the  strait  path  which  He  has  traced  out.  And,  should  it 
please  His  goodness  to  deprive  you  of  bodily  strength  to 
fight,  fight  so  much  the  more  bravely  with  your  spiritual 
powers  which  is  none  the  less  acceptable  than  our  bodily 
activities,  provided  that  it  be  not  our  fault  that  we  do  not 
do  exterior  work.  Strengthen  your  soul,  dear  brother,  with 
these  considerations  which  are  all  of  them  true;  and  remem- 
ber that  I  constantly  think  of  you  with  sympathy,  and  never 
fail  to  pray  and  to  obtain  prayers  for  you,  and  that  I  desire 
extremely  to  hear  how  you  are  at  present.  If  you  do  not 
come  here  on  your  way  to  Padua  (whither  you  tell  me  your 
doctors  wish  you  to  go)  write  me  two  lines;  and,  above  all, 


my  dear  brother,  resign  yourself  entirely  to  God  in  all  things. 
Let  Him  be  your  only  hope,  your  only  good;  offer  yourself 
to  Him  in  every  circumstance,  for  I  desire  that  you  should 
be  wholly  His.  Indeed  you  must  be  His,  and  so  must  all 
others  who  desire  to  possess  eternal  life,  to  which  may  He 
in  His  mercy  lead  us !  Our  sisters  are  well.  Sister  Philippa, 
who  was  Lena  in  the  world,  only  went  to  heaven  at  the 
beginning  of  last  October.  They  all  pray  for  you  and  desire 
to  be  remembered  to  you.  May  the  Lord  keep  you  in  His 
grace  and  preserve  you  from  all  evil ! 

"Your  most  affectionate  sister, 


"January  13,  1552." 

However,  though  it  sobered  him  at  first,  Ridolfo's  new 
profession  did  not  for  a  long  time  make  much  alteration  in 
his  way  of  life,  and  he  continued  a  constant  source  of  worry 
and  sisterly  care  to  the  saint.  The  great  supernatural  gifts 
that  made  her  often  so  powerful  in  converting  others  were 
absolutely  ineffectual  where  her  brothers  were  concerned — 
for  them  she  could  but  pray,  weep  and  tenderly  exhort,  like 
any  ordinary  woman,  for  the  most  part  in  vain  !  When  the 
spell  of  fighting  which  had  roused  him  was  over,  and  peace 
threw  him  into  the  fatal  idleness  of  garrison  life,  the  Cava- 
liere  de'  Ricci  became  as  much  noted  as  before  for  wild  adven- 
tures that  were  not  to  his  credit,  so  that  poor  Federigo 
began  to  long  for  war  to  break  out  again.  In  vain  Ridolfo's 
holy  sister  wrote  him  the  most  affectionate  letters:  he  hardly 
ever  answered  them;  and,  when  passing  near  Prato  in  going 
from  place  to  place,  did  not  even  condescend  to  stop  and  pay 
her  a  visit.  When,  after  a  year  or  two  of  indifference,  he 
would  write  her  a  few  lines,  it  would  only  be  to  beg  her  inter- 
vention between  him  and  his  terrible  uncle,  who — now 
bitterly  displeased  with  him — shut  up  his  purse  as  well  as 
his  heart  from  the  ill-conditioned  nephew.  Catherine,  for- 
giving as  ever,  would  undertake  the  mission,  and  write  her 
brother  word  of  the  result,  usually  unfavourable,  as  appears 
in  the  following  letter: 

"  On  the  whole  it  seems  reasonable  that  I  should  com- 


plain  of  you,  since  neither  by  letter  nor  by  visits  have  I  had 
any  news  of  you;  yet  I  excuse  you,  for  I  suppose  that  visiting 
or  writing  to  nuns,  especially  your  own  sisters,  must  seem 
to  you  unnecessary,  and  waste  of  time.  Still  I  do  not  cease 
to  think  of  you  always,  praying  God  that  it  may  please  Him 
to  keep  you  in  the  right  and  true  way,  and  in  that  of  His 
commandments ;  and  in  this  holy  journey  to  Loretto  may 
you  have  had  so  much  grace  from  the  Blessed  Virgin  that 
she  may  have  taken  you  for  her  own,  and  may  keep  you  safe 
for  ever.  This  she  will  do,  if  you  are  well-disposed  and  take 
pains  to  live  a  good  and  regular  life  in  your  profession,  and 
work  for  the  honour  and  glory  of  God.  And  I  do  not  doubt, 
if  you  do  this,  that  you  will  have  all  that  you  desire. 

"As  for  what  you  ask  from  Federigo,  as  I  have  already 
written  to  Roberto,  he  is  much  displeased  with  you,  and  he 
thinks  this  departure  of  yours  very  strange,  and  is  very  angry, 
so  that  you  will  not  obtain  anything  from  him.  But,  as  An- 
tonio has  already  told  you,  in  a  short  time  he  will  become 
calmer,  especially  if  he  sees  that  you  go  on  well ;  for,  loving 
uncle  as  he  is,  he  will  not  fail  in  anything,  the  more  so  if 
you  do  not  ask  him;  but  you  must  have  patience.  In  the 
meantime,  go  on  your  journey,  and  follow  the  advice  of 
Antonio,  which  is  the  same  as  that  of  Fra  Timoteo  and  of 
Marcello,  and  be  cheerful,  for  in  the  end  you  will  be  satis- 
fied. But  you  must  have  a  little  patience  and  compassion 
with  the  old  man,  who  loves  you  well,  though  he  has  con- 
ceived great  displeasure  with  you,  as  has  been  said,  because 
you  and  Roberto  remained  here  to  finish  your  affairs  (about 
whose  success  I  know  nothing).  But  let  this  be  as  God 
pleases,  and  I  have  good  hope  that  our  Lord  will  help  you, 
if  you  are  good.  I  commend  myself  to  you  always,  as  does 
also  Sister  Maria  Benigna.  May  God  preserve  you  in  good 
health,  and  may  His  grace  go  with  you. 

"July  17,  1 5 59-" 

Thus  warned,  Ridolfo  would  keep  out  of  his  uncle's  way 
for  a  time  and  make  no  requests;  but  he  soon  got  tired  of 
waiting  passively  and  would  again  worry  his  sister  to  inter- 
cede for  him :  sometimes  under  the  pretext  that  he  was 


anxious  for  news  of  her,  to  which  Catherine  on  one  occasion 
na'ively  replies:  "You  surprise  me,  for  since  you  left  I  have 
written  to  you  every  month  !  "  Sometimes  he  would  try  to 
make  her  believe  in  him  by  excuses  that  touched  her  heart; 
but  she  always  really  knew  his  motives  in  keeping  up  with 
her,  and  all  her  letters  contain  reference  to  it.  Thus,  she 
writes  one  day:  "Every  time  I  get  the  opportunity  I  recom- 
mend you  to  Uncle  Federigo.  I  am  sure  he  will  do  what  he 
has  promised  some  day,  but  you  know  he  has  so  many  things 
to  think  of  that  he  cannot  do  everything  at  once."  Again  : 
"  Uncle  Federigo  came  to  see  me  the  other  day,  and  I  did 
not  fail  to  speak  to  him  about  you.  He  is  always  well-disposed 
to  help  you:  but  you  know  him  even  better  than  I  do.  Wait, 
and  don't  lose  courage  !  " 

However,  a  time  came  when  Ridolfo  lost  all  patience, 
and  wrote  word  to  his  sister  that  he  intended  to  come  from 
the  place  where  he  was  stationed  to  Florence,  and  there  to 
come  face  to  face  with  his  uncle — out  of  whom  he  had  not 
got  a  word  or  a  penny  for  two  years — and  call  him  to 
account  for  not  keeping  his  promises.  Now,  such  a  pro- 
ceeding would  finally  ruin  him  with  the  authorities,  as  one 
of  the  gravest  complaints  against  him  was  that  of  his  con- 
stantly coming  privately  to  the  capital  to  amuse  himself 
with  his  boon  companions  instead  of  attending  to  his  duties: 
and  this,  though  he  was  now  forty  years  old,  and  expected 
to  maintain  the  honour  and  dignity  of  his  military  order 
as  a  mature  man.  It  was  partly  the  knowledge  of  this  low 
public  estimation  in  which  his  nephew  was  coming  to  be 
held  that  so  inflamed  Federigo's  anger  and  hardened  his 
heart;  and  Catherine's  alarm  was  extreme  when  she  heard 
of  this  rash  intention  of  her  brother's  to  come  and  openly 
put  himself  into  collision  with  their  uncle  and  with  others 
of  weight.  She  therefore  gave  him  her  mind  freely  on  the 

"As  it  is  so  long  since  I  have  had  news  of  you,  I  tell 
you  truly,  that  when  this  evening  I  had  your  letter  of  the 
1 9th  ultimo  in  my  hand,  I  felt  quite  happy  in  reading  it. 
I  do  not  wish  to  complain  of  you  in  anything,  for  that 
would  give  me  pain  also;  yet  though  I  was  pleased  with  the 


beginning,  at  the  end  I  felt  displeased  when  you  say:  c  I  shall 
see  you  again  soon.'  If  you  are  coming  to  ask  for  help  and 
a  gratuity  from  my  uncle  and  others,  do  not  take  this  step> 
because  I  can  tell  you  that  it  will  have  the  contrary  effect, 
and  be  against  your  good,  in  many  ways.  I  am  sorry  he  has 
not  performed  what  he  promised;  but  I  tell  you  that  your 
presence  will  only  inflame  the  wound,  and  what  you  think 
will  be  quite  otherwise.  And  I  tell  you  plainly,  that  if  you 
take  this  step,  you  must  take  care  not  to  appear  before 
Federigo,  nor  the  others;  this  for  certain;  and,  my  brother, 
consider  and  ponder  well  all  these  things.  Act  according  to 
the  light  of  reason,  for  I  know  that  if  you  make  use  of  this 
light  you  will  find  that  you  must  not  resolve  upon  that 
step;  and  this  I  tell  you  plainly  and  absolutely,  because 
I  know  what  I  am  saying.  And  I  know  you  to  have  sense 
enough  to  consider  well  what  you  are  doing.  It  is  not  right 
in  things  of  importance  to  be  guided  by  your  will  only,  but 
to  act  with  prudence,  and  always  to  think  of  the  conse- 
quences of  our  acts  for  ourselves  and  for  others.  And 
perhaps  you  do  not  know  all;  but  I,  who  know  very  well, 
tell  you  that  you  must  put  this  journey  out  of  your  head, 
and  not  undertake  it;  and  I  repeat  that  if  any  one  had  the 
wish  to  do  you  any  good,  this  would  be  the  very  thing  to 
prevent  it.  Think,  dear  brother,  that  I  am  your  sister,  and 
love  you,  our  Lord  knows  how  much,  and  to  Him  I  com- 
mend you  whenever  I  can.  I  will  never  fail  to  help  you 
when  I  can;  but  be  wise,  and  live  in  the  fear  of  God,  for 
if  you  do  so,  I  am  sure  that  He  will  never  forsake  you;  on 
the  contrary,  I  have  a  firm  hope  in  His  most  holy  aid,  if 
you  will  be  what  a  Christian  ought  to  be.  And  please,  when 
you  write,  do  not  speak  of  things  so  openly,  for  it  will  not 
help  us.  May  God  be  with  you  always. 

"  January  28,  1560." 

Her  arguments  for  his  own  benefit  prevailed.  Ridolfo 
did  not  come  to  Florence;  and  from  this  time  forth  seems 
to  have  begun  doing  more  honour  to  his  profession  by 
keeping  out  of  any  very  serious  scrapes.  In  1566,  when 
war  again  broke  out  with  the  Turks,  and  he  could  once 

O  ' 


more  take  part  in  active  military  duties,  the  rough  life,  the 
fighting,  and  the  suffering  from  further  wounds  that  he  got, 
worked  by  degrees  a  complete  change  in  his  character;  and 
Catherine's  faithful  love  and  care  were  at  last  rewarded  by 
her  brother's  true  conversion.  In  1569  he  evidently  wrote 
her  some  account  of  his  good  resolutions,  to  which  the 
following  is  an  answer: 

"A  few  days  ago  I  received  by  the  hand  of  Fabbruzzi 
your  most  welcome  letter  of  September  7,  which  reminds 
me  that  I  had  another  from  you  still  earlier  from  Palermo. 
I  replied  to  it  at  length,  and  sent  again  some  fine  cord  by 
means  of  Vincenzio,  which  I  think  you  must  have  had. 
This  letter  of  yours  gave  me  great  pleasure  to  see  that  you 
are  so  well  disposed  to  do  the  will  of  God,  and  take  pains 
not  to  offend  Him.  I  thank  Him  for  giving  you  such  good 
dispositions,  and  pray  earnestly  that  He  will  give  you  help 
and  perseverance  in  well-doing.  And  believe  me,  dearest 
brother,  that  you  are  always  in  my  thoughts  more  than 
any  one  else  in  this  world,  as  you  ought  to  be;  for  are  we 
not  alone,  you  and  I  ?  I  desire  that  we  may  meet  again  in 
paradise,  and  I  pray  God  earnestly  that  it  may  be  so,  and 
do  you  pray  the  same  for  me,  as  I  have  said  before.  I  have 
always  had  your  love  and  affection,  for  which  may  our  Lord 
reward  you,  and  may  He  give  us  grace  to  be  His  good 
servants,  so  that  in  another  life  we  may  be  near  Him  and 
enjoy  eternal  good.  I  commend  myself  to  you.  May  God 
keep  you  in  His  holy  grace,  and  deliver  you  from  all  evil. 

"December  22,  1569." 

At  the  beginning  of  the  next  year  she  writes: 

"I  have  your  very  kind  letter  of  Jan.  27,  from  which  I 
am  happy  to  learn  that  you  are  well,  peaceful  and  contented, 
with  the  hope  of  better  things,  and  that  you  may  return  one 
day  to  your  native  land.  I  pray  that  God  may  grant  us  this 
grace,  if  it  be  for  the  good  of  our  souls.  I  am  grieved  that  your 
leg  still  causes  you  inconvenience,  besides  other  indisposi- 
tions; it  is  in  these  ways  our  Lord  teaches  us  that  in  this  life 
we  can  never  be  free  from  trials.  I  pray  continually  that  of 


His  infinite  goodness  it  may  please  Him  to  give  you  health 
to  do  always  His  holy  will.  I  thank  you  for  the  alms  sent 
in  your  name,  for  which  I  pray  that  God  may  reward  you  for 
us,  for  it  is  very  kind  and  loving  of  you.  Yesterday  Vincenzio 
came  here  and  gave  me  the  said  alms;  he  told  me  that  he  was 
very  happy  in  hoping  soon  to  be  married.  I  am  glad  that  you 
have  warned  him,  and  certainly  he  seems  inclined  to  do  what 
is  right.  He  let  me  read  the  letter  you  wrote  to  him,  and  by 
this  I  learned  your  troubles.  Be  patient  and  place  everything 
in  the  hands  of  our  Lord.  I  am  delighted  that  your  Prince  is 
pleased  to  do  you  the  benefit  of  repairing  the  church  under 
your  guardianship;  it  is  a  great  grace  and  very  useful  with  all 
it  has  cost  you  this  year,  which  you  say  is  a  sum  of  fifty  scudi 
(crowns).  With  this  you  will  do  much  good  in  honour  of  our 
Lord,  and  I  pray  that  all  you  have  to  spend  may  be  given 
you  at  once,  for  the  expenses  will  be  very  great.  I  think  you 
have  a  great  deal  to  thank  God  for,  from  whom  proceed  all 
good  things,  and  for  the  good  will,  as  I  am  sure  you  have,  to 
be  a  good  Christian.  May  His  goodness  grant  you  this  grace 
for  which  I  pray  earnestly,  bearing  you  always  in  mind,  and 
whenever  I  can  praying  for  you.  I  commend  myself  to  you, 
and  again  I  thank  you.  May  our  Lord  make  you  all  His  own. 
"March  5,  1570." 

A  word  must  now  be  said  of  Vincenzio — the  "  Benja- 
min" of  the  de'  Ricci  family — whose  engagement  comes  out 
in  the  above  letter.  Whilst  he  remained  a  child,  Catherine 
placed  him  to  be  brought  up  with  people  over  whom  she 
herself  could  exercise  surveillance,  and  found  no  difficulty 
in  keeping  him  under  control.  But,  growing  up,  she  natu- 
rally felt  that  he  must  have  a  stronger  hand  over  him  than 
hers,  and  she  put  him  under  the  charge  of  her  friend  and 
"  spiritual  son,"  the  Antonio  Gondi  of  whom  we  have  heard 
in  her  letters  to  Salviati.  Vincenzio  got  on  quietly  at  first 
with  his  guardian;  but,  when  he  was  about  sixteen,  got  for  a 
time  into  a  rebellious  stage,  showing  signs  of  an  inclination 
to  follow  his  elder  half-brother's  example;  and  his  motherly 
sister  found  it  necessary  to  bring  all  the  weight  of  her  love 
and  authority  combined  to  bear  upon  the  delinquent.  Her 


own  letters  to  him  give  the  simplest  history  of  this  little 

'To  her  Brother  Vincenzio  de  Ricci 

"  Dearest  brother,  greeting, — The  affection  I  bear  you, 
and  the  hope  I  have  in  you,  has  caused  me  great  displeasure 
on  account  of  what  Antonio  (Gondi)  has  told  me  of  your 
behaviour.  He  came  here  to  tell  me  deliberately  that  he  can 
no  longer  take  care  of  you,  for  he  has  not  the  heart  to  suffer 
your  conduct,  and  begs  me  to  excuse  him.  Considering  your 
best  interests,  I  begged  him  so  hard  that  he  has  promised  me 
to  have  patience  a  little  longer,  to  see  whether  you  amend 
your  ways.  This  has  caused  me  no  little  grief,  assuring  me, 
as  he  did,  that  he  could  suffer  it  no  longer.  Really,  my  dear 
brother,  I  did  not  expect  this  of  you,  for  I  had  earnestly 
entreated  the  master  to  take  you,  and  Antonio  to  look  after 
you,  and  teach  you  every  virtue.  He  has  taken  much  trouble 
that  you  should  learn  something,  and  now  you  do  so  little 
honour  to  him  and  to  me.  The  consequence  will  be  the  harm 
you  will  do  yourself,  for  if  you  lose  this  opportunity,  con- 
sider in  what  condition  you  will  be,  and  where  you  will  go. 
Poor  boy!  it  seems  to  me  that  you  are  greatly  wanting  in 
judgement.  And  if  you  will  not  pay  attention  to  Antonio  nor 
to  me,  at  least  you  will  have  to  think  of  yourself.  But  not 
living  in  the  fear  of  God,  as  you  ought  to  do,  I  think  will 
be  the  cause  of  every  evil.  I  hope  in  any  case  you  will  cor- 
rect yourself;  and  first,  that  you  will  live  as  a  good  Christian 
and  leave  aside  these  follies  that  you  seem  inclined  to 
indulge  in.  And  now  that  we  are  in  Lent,  I  wish  that  you 
should  get  up  early  and  hear  holy  Mass  and  a  sermon,  then 
attend  to  the  duties  imposed  on  you,  and  do  them  will- 
ingly, and  not  as  by  force;  and  do  not  fail  in  obedience  to 
Antonio.  And  when  you  wish  for  leave  of  absence,  ask  it 
of  him  and  not  of  the  master.  For  although  the  latter  may 
give  it  you,  do  not  take  it  against  his  will  (Antonio's),  for 
he  does  it  for  your  good,  though  you  do  not  know  it,  for 
you  are  inclined  to  certain  boyish  tricks  which  will  be  your 
ruin.  And  your  wearing  certain  vanities,  I  should  like  you 
to  tell  me  if  they  belong  to  you,  who  have  nothing  in  the 


world!  For  God's  sake,  my  brother,  do  not  run  into  such 
errors,  for  I  know  you  will  soon  repent  of  them.  Force  your- 
self to  live  as  a  good  youth  in  the  sight  of  Jesus.  Regulate 
all  according  to  Christian  rules,  and  to  the  promises  you 
have  made;  doing  this,  you  will  be  a  pleasure  to  us  and  of 
use  to  yourself.  Be  careful  also  not  to  say  one  thing  for  an- 
other, nor  to  make  excuses  for  yourself,  for  if  you  do  your 
duty  you  will  not  seek  to  shield  yourself  with  lies,  but  will 
go  on  doing  everything  in  sincerity  and  truth,  for  God  sees 
all  things.  And  if  you  do  as  Antonio  tells  you,  it  will  be 
good  for  him  and  for  you.  Do  so  that  when  he  returns  here, 
he  will  speak  well  of  you,  otherwise  I  can  see  that  your 
affairs  will  have  a  bad  ending.  And  do  not  take  it  ill  that 
I  write  thus  to  you;  the  affection  I  have  for  you  induces  me 
to  give  you  the  necessary  warning.  May  God  move  your 
heart  to  do  your  duty.  I  commend  myself  to  you,  as  does 
also  Sister  Benigna.  May  God  preserve  you  in  His  grace. 
"Feb.  24,  1560." 

"  I  have  received  your  welcome  letter,  by  which  I  learn 
that  you  and  all  at  home  are  well.  I  have  also  received  your 
kind  gifts  of  charity;  may  our  Lord  reward  you,  and  we  all 
thank  you.  With  all  my  heart  I  pray  that  you  may  be  good, 
and  may  fear  God;  for  if  you  do  this  all  things  else  will  go 
well.  And  I  beg  of  you  to  be  obedient  to  Antonio,  who  only 
wishes  to  be  kind  to  you,  more  than  you  think.  And  if  it 
appears  tiresome  to  you  that  he  does  not  wish  you  to  go 
into  the  country  on  feast-days,  when  you  think  you  have 
nothing  to  do,  I  may  tell  you  that  he  is  not  wrong  in  this, 
many  things  falling  to  him,  which  makes  it  necessary  that 
one  person  should  remain  in  case  of  need  that  might  arise; 
the  more  so  that,  the  master  being  ill,  you  might  have  to 
visit  him  three  or  four  times  in  the  day.  Besides,  you  should 
not  neglect  vespers  and  prayers,  or  to  read  some  good  book; 
and  if  you  did  this  the  time  would  pass  without  your  perceiv- 
ing it.  And  I  should  like  you  to  keep  in  your  study  some 
book  of  devotion;  read  it  frequently;  and  if  you  practise 
these  things,  Jesus  will  be  always  with  you  and  will  help 
you,  and  will  make  all  your  affairs  prosper.  Also  I  wish  that 


you  should  take  care  of  that  Spanish  boy  and  conduct  him 
to  the  places  mentioned  by  Antonio.  Obey  him,  as  I  have 
said,  in  all  things,  and  he  will  do  well  by  you;  if  you  separate 
from  him,  you  may  be  sure  you  will  do  wrong  and  will  not 
find  any  one  else  to  care  for  you.  Therefore,  my  dear  brother, 
do  me  the  pleasure  to  behave  well,  that  I  may  have  good 
accounts  of  you;  otherwise  you  will  displease  me  greatly, 
more  than  I  can  tell  you.  However,  I  have  good  hope  that 
you  will  be  a  comfort  to  me,  seeing  that  I  desire  only  your 
good.  I  never  fail  to  pray  for  you,  and  for  all  those  at  home. 
May  our  Lord  preserve  you  in  His  grace  and  keep  you 
from  all  harm.  I  commend  myself  to  you.  Your  sister,  etc. 
"  June  3,  1561." 

Vincenzio  rewarded  the  saint's  care  by  growing  into  a 
good  man,  and  a  most  useful  and  prominent  citizen.  He 
married  the  "Cassandra"  above  referred  to — a  cousin  of  the 
family — in  1571;  and  both  he  and  his  wife  are  frequently 
mentioned  in  Catherine's  further  letters  to  Ridolfo.  These 
letters,  however,  are  not  of  special  interest:  they  show  the 
Cavaliere  to  have  remained  faithful  to  his  promises  of  a  re- 
formed life,  to  have  kept  up  intercourse  with  both  his  half- 
brothers  and  their  families  (as  it  is  mentioned  once  that  he 
goes  to  stay  in  the  country  with  Roberto  and  his  wife),  and 
to  have  suffered  more  or  less  from  bad  health  to  the  end  of 
his  days.  He  died  twelve  years  before  Catherine:  at  what 
place  is  not  mentioned;  but,  from  the  last  two  letters  that 
we  give  of  the  family  correspondence,  it  was  clearly  some- 
where close  to  whichever  Dominican  Priory  his  younger 
brother,  the  friar,  then  happened  to  be  inhabiting:  so  that 
poor  Ridolfo  had  every  loving,  as  well  as  spiritual,  care  on 
his  death-bed. 

To  Vincenzio  de  Ricci 

"Your  letter,  informing  me  of  the  illness  of  the  Cava- 
liere, is  a  great  sorrow  to  me.  I  fear  that  an  affection  of  the 
chest  in  his  bad  state  of  health  must  be  very  serious,  and  I 
grieve  both  on  his  account  and  for  your  sake.  If  the  doctor 
should  pronounce  him  to  be  in  danger  I  beg  of  you  with  all 
my  heart  to  prepare  him  for  all  the  holy  sacraments,  so  that, 


when  his  hour  shall  come,  he  may  depart  in  due  dispositions. 
Tell  Fra  Timoteo  from  me  to  use  the  utmost  care  about 
this  matter  and  not  to  put  it  off  till  the  end,  for  it  will  do 
the  sick  man  no  harm  but  rather  good.  I  conjure  you  to 
attend  to  these  two  points.  Remember  me  to  Fra  Timoteo. 
I  am  not  writing  to  him  now  as  I  want  to  despatch  this  letter. 
I  know  that  you  will  not  fail  to  do  anything  that  may  restore 
the  Cavaliere  to  health  if  such  be  the  will  of  God.  All  the  nuns 
and  I  are  praying  for  him.  Remember  me  to  him  :  bid  him 
be  of  good  heart  and  commit  himself  wholly  to  God,  who 
will  assist  him.  Let  him  cheerfully  resign  himself  to  his  Lord 
and  patiently  take  the  little  suffering  with  which  He  is  feast- 
ing him.  I  commend  myself  to  you,  and  to  Cassandra.  May 
God  preserve  you  in  His  grace. 
"January  4,  1578." 

To  the  Same 

"Beloved  brother  :  greeting.  I  have  received  your  most 
agreeable  letter,  but  it  is  with  sorrow  that  I  learn  the  con- 
dition of  our  dearest  brother,  for  from  what  you  tell  me 
and  what  I  hear  from  the  steward  I  think  he  must  have 
already  passed  to  another  life.  God  grant  that  he  may  have 
done  so  in  such  a  manner  as  we  all  desire,  for  I  wish  for 
nothing  but  his  salvation,  for  which  I  entreat  the  Lord  as 
earnestly  as  I  can.  He  was  our  brother,  we  cannot  but  grieve 
to  lose  him.  But  we  all  have  to  look  forward  to  the  journey 
which  he  has  made,  and  nothing  remains  for  us  but  to  be 
patient  and  resigned  to  the  divine  will.  To  this  patience  I 
exhort  you,  and  I  counsel  you  likewise  to  put  all  your  affairs 
in  good  order.  I  will  not  grieve  you  further  but  will  con- 
clude. I  commend  myself  to  you  and  to  Cassandra :  may 
God  keep  you  in  His  grace. 

"February  24,  1578." 

Strangely  enough,  during  the  years  when  St  Catherine 
was  thus  humbly  doing  her  best,  with  ordinary  human 
means  and  slow  success,  to  help  her  own  family,  she  was 
twice  brought  strikingly  into  public  notice  by  miraculous 
acts.  The  first  time  was  in  1565,  when  the  King  of  Bavaria 
sent  his  son  to  Prato,  expressly  to  ascertain  from  personal 


observation  the  facts  about  the  renowned  "saint,"  and  to 
recommend  him  and  his  kingdom  to  her  prayers.  Catherine 
had  a  great  esteem  for  this  king,  who  had  kept  faithful  to 
the  Catholic  Church  amidst  so  many  German  deserters; 
and,  when  she  heard  of  his  son's  intended  visit,  prepared 
with  much  joy  so  to  entertain  him  as  to  encourage  and 
confirm  his  faith  and  his  love  of  the  Church,  little  guessing 
how  she  was  destined  to  fulfil  her  intention.  The  young 
prince  arrived  at  the  convent  on  the  feast  of  the  Epiphany, 
and  Mother  Catherine  came  to  the  door  to  meet  him.  She 
was  filled,  at  the  moment,  with  thoughts  of  the  great 
mystery  they  were  celebrating ;  and,  beholding  her  royal 
visitor  surrounded  by  a  brilliant  cortege  of  attendants  and 
friends,  she  was  suddenly  rapt  in  spirit  to  Bethlehem,  into 
the  company  of  the  Magi  and  their  suite.  When  the  prince 
came  forward — according  to  German  custom — to  take  her 
hand  into  his,  the  saint  thought  that  one  of  the  holy  kings 
was  receiving  her  amongst  them,  to  take  her  with  them  to 
the  crib.  Thus,  led  by  him — and  outwardly  appearing  to  be 
doing  the  honours  of  her  convent  to  the  illustrious  guest — 
she  went  back  into  the  house  and  conducted  the  company 
through  it,  with  all  eyes  upon  her;  walking,  in  heart, 
amongst  the  Magi,  etc.,  into  the  presence  of  the  Infant 
Jesus.  Her  face  was  radiant,  and  her  whole  appearance 
showed  an  angelic  modesty  and  beauty  that  commanded 
awe  in  her  visitors;  whilst  her  soul  was  filled  with  holy 
exaltation,  and  she  uttered,  in  praise  of  the  Divine  Child, 
words  of  inexpressible  tenderness  and  grace.  The  young 
prince  was  enraptured :  never  before  had  human  voice 
spoken  with  such  accents  before  him:  never  had  his  heart 
felt  such  deep  and  burning  love  for  God.  But  he  did  not 
fully  understand  what  he  had  seen  and  heard,  until  they 
told  him  afterwards  that  Mother  Catherine  had  been  in  an 
ecstasy  the  whole  time  of  his  visit,  and  explained  what 
invisible  scene  she  had  been  inwardly  contemplating  whilst 
she  had  spoken  these  marvellous  words.  When  he  returned 
to  his  father's  court,  he  was  thus  able  to  bear  witness  that 
the  wonders  of  Prato  surpassed  anything  reported  of  them, 
and  to  affirm  that  he  had  seen  with  his  own  eyes,  and 


beyond  any  doubt,  how  God  shows  forth  His  presence 
and  power  in  the  saints  of  the  one  true  Church.* 

The  second  of  these  miraculous  incidents  happened  four 
years  later,  and  is  associated  with  no  less  a  person  than  St 
Charles  Borromeo.  A  certain  priest  attached  to  the  great 
cardinal-archbishop's  court  at  Milan,  named  Agostino 
Guizelmi,  and  a  native  of  Prato,  never  came  there  without 
giving  himself  the  pleasure  of  a  visit  to  the  saint.  He  en- 
joyed talking  to  her,  not  only  because  of  the  spiritual  good 
that  it  brought  him,  but  because  each  time  he  saw  her  he 
was  able  to  make  fresh  observations  on  the  marvellous 
virtues  and  the  prodigies  of  grace  that  shone  forth  in  her; 
and  it  delighted  him,  on  his  return  to  Milan,  to  rejoice 
the  cardinal's  heart  by  reporting  it  all  to  him.  Mother 
Catherine,  in  her  turn,  loved  to  hear  of  St  Charles's  extra- 
ordinary austerities,  and  of  the  wonderful  works  that  he 
was  then  doing  for  the  reform  of  his  diocese,  to  the  great 
edification  of  the  whole  Church.  Hence  there  resulted  a 
reciprocal  affection  and  esteem  between  the  two  saints 
which  the  devout  Guizelmi  took  keen  pleasure  in  foster- 
ing. Now,  one  day  in  the  year  1 569,  as  he  was  taking  leave 
of  Catherine  on  starting  for  Milan,  she  gave  him  a  picture 
of  the  Ecce  Homo  to  take  to  the  cardinal,  asking  him  to  tell 
the  latter  not  to  pay  much  attention  to  the  picture  itself, 
which  was  badly  done,  but  to  Him  whom  it  represented. 
She  then  added,  prophetically,  that  this  picture  would  de- 
liver him  a  few  days  hence  from  a  great  peril,  in  the  form 
of  an  attempt  on  his  life,  made  out  of  hatred  for  his  zeal  in 
reforming  abuses.  St  Charles  received  the  picture  with 
respect,  and  kept  it  carefully  as  Mother  Catherine  advised. 
A  few  days  later,  as  he  was  saying  night-prayers  with  his 
household  in  the  archiepiscopal  palace  chapel,  the  well-known 
attempt  on  his  life  took  place.  The  wretched  assassin,  who 
had  been  secretly  let  in,  fired  a  gun  straight  at  him,  and 
he  escaped  death  by  a  miracle;  for  the  bullets,  as  though 
having  lost  their  force  on  touching  him,  were  found  at  his 
feet,  and  he  remained  unhurt. 

Three  days  afterwards  the  holy  cardinal  sent  for  Guizel- 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  ix,  p.  125. 


mi,  and  made  him  say  over  again  exactly  what  Catherine  had 
said  on  giving  him  the  picture.  Seeing  that  every  word  of 
hers  had  come  strictly  true,  he  conceived  a  higher  admiration 
for  her  than  ever;  and  he  had  the  precious  picture  finely 
framed  and  hung  in  his  study,  much  to  the  surprise  of  some 
habitues  of  the  palace,  who  could  not  imagine  why  a  place  of 
honour  was  given  to  so  poor  a  work  of  art.* 

*  Compendia,  etc.,  Awertimento  al  Lettore,  p.  25. 



Some  Correspondence  of  St  Catherine  with  Superiors  of  her  Order — The 
affair  of  Convent  Enclosure 

AMONGST  CATHERINE  DE'  RICCI'S  correspondence  there  are  a 
few  letters  to  ecclesiastical  superiors  which  must  here  find 
a  place  in  extenso,  as  bringing  out  with  striking  vividness  a 
side  of  her  character  which  nothing  could  so  well  emphasize 
as  her  own  words:  namely,  the  strong  moral  courage  that 
made  her  say  what  she  thought,  without  fear  or  favour,  when 
she  felt  it  her  duty  to  withstand  even  those  of  whom  she 
might  naturally  be  somewhat  afraid;  and  that  enabled  her  to 
carry  out  what  she  believed  to  be  right  in  face  of  opposition 
which  might  cause  her  severe  pain. 

This  little  group  of  letters — to  the  general  and  provin- 
cial of  the  Order,  and  the  prior  of  the  "Minerva"  in  Rome 
— need  a  few  preliminary  words  of  explanation. 

The  decrees  of  the  Council  of  Trent  for  Church  reform 
were  just  at  this  time  being  actively  carried  into  execution. 
St  Pius  V,  in  his  Apostolic  Constitutions  of  1 566  and  1569, 
had  laid  down  that  there  should  be  no  more  convents  of 
nuns  except  on  condition  of  absolute  enclosure.  All  monas- 
teries of  women  making  only  "  simple  "  vows  and  having 
only  semi-enclosure — like  most  of  the  Third  Order  commu- 
nities— were  henceforth  forbidden;  and  to  members  of 
those  actually  existing  the  bishops  were  ordered  to  give  the 
choice  of  accepting  complete  enclosure,  or  of  being  released 
from  their  vows  and  returning  to  the  world.  Such  was  the 
law.  The  mode  of  its  application  in  each  case  was  left  to 
the  wisdom  of  prelates  and  superiors  of  the  respective  com- 
munities. As  the  great  object  of  the  ordinance  was  simply 
the  reform  of  abuses,  it  stood  to  reason  that  in  the  case  of 
many  fervent  and  regular  communities  too  rigorous  or  hasty 
an  application  of  it  would  have  been  very  undesirable,  as 
likely  to  upset  and  perhaps  disband  bodies  which  it  was 


better  for  public  edification  to  keep  undisturbed.  This  was 
eminently  the  case  with  San  Vincenzio  at  Prato;  others — the 
superiors  of  the  Dominican  Order,  who  were  its  ultimate 
governors — had  thought  it  prudent  not  to  formally  promul- 
gate the  pontifical  decree  there,  but  to  get  its  requirements 
gradually  and  quietly  accepted,  by  way  of  persuasion  rather 
than  of  authority. 

However,  in  the  year  1576,  when  it  so  happened  that 
Mother  Catherine  had  just  begun  a  fresh  term  of  office  as 
prioress,  St  Pius  V's  successor,  Gregory  XIII,  appointed 
apostolic  commissioners  to  visit  the  Tuscan  convents  ex- 
pressly to  inquire  into  their  observance  of  enclosure.  At 
Prato,  the  sole  thing  contrary  to  the  completeness  of  this  rule 
was  a  door  of  communication  between  the  sanctuary  of  the 
public  church  and  the  nuns'  choir.  In  view  of  the  canonical 
visitation,  the  superiors  of  the  Order  thought  best  to  have 
this  door  done  away  with,  though  without  speaking  to  the 
nuns  of  "enclosure" — merely  putting  it  upon  the  ground 
that  "it  was  not  a  suitable  place"  for  an  entrance.  Now,  it  so 
happened  that  this  could  not  be  done  without  infringing 
the  rights  of  a  third  party:  namely,  the  sons  of  Salviati,  to 
whom  their  father  had  bequeathed  all  his  rights  as  "founder" 
of  the  church  and  new  convent  buildings.  Catherine,  there- 
fore, before  taking  any  action,  wrote  as  follows  to  the  Father 
General  of  the  Order,*  from  whom  the  command  to  wall  up 
the  door  had  come  whilst  she  was  so  ill  that  the  nuns  were 
afraid  to  worry  her  with  the  full  contents  of  his  letter  till 
some  time  after  its  arrival : 

To  the  Father  General  Serafino  Cavalli 

"Very  Reverend  Father-General,  my  dear  father  in 
Christ,  greeting.  Not  until  to-day,  that  we  are  at  the  thirtieth 
of  May,  has  the  news  reached  me  of  the  contents  of  your 
Reverence's  letter  of  the  thirteenth  of  April  last,  which  ar- 
rived on  the  twenty-sixth;  it  was  given  tome  that  evening 

*  Padre  Serafino  Cavalli,  a  noted  member  of  his  Order.  As  "Master  in  Theology"  he 
had  taken  part  in  the  Council  of  Trent,  and  as  a  man  of  exemplary  life  was  much  respected. 
He  was  elected  General  of  the  whole  Order  in  1571,  and  held  office  for  seven  years,  during 
which  he  visited  the  Priories  of  Spain,  France  and  Flanders  as  well  as  of  Italy.  He  died 
at  Seville,  in  1578,  at  56  years  old,  in  high  repute  for  sanctity. 


enclosed  within  another  from  Florence,  where  just  then  fever 
was  raging,  and  I  was  very  ill;  and  having  at  that  time  near 
me  some  of  our  mothers,  I  gave  them  the  letters.  I  told 
them  to  read  your  Reverence's  inside  theirs,  and  to  inform 
me  of  the  contents;  then  they  related  to  me  the  first  part 
only.  And  I,  who  was  seriously  ill,  believed  that  they  had 
answered  it,  and  thought  no  more  about  it;  and  they  would 
say  nothing,  so  that  I  should  not  be  troubled.  Now  I  am 
greatly  displeased  about  the  matter,  and  because  the  wishes 
of  your  Reverence  have  not  been  carried  out,  which  has 
come  as  a  crown  to  many  other  troubles  at  this  time.  But 
our  Lord  be  praised,  all  this  is  little  compared  with  my  sins; 
with  strange  times  are  we  oppressed !  They,  that  is,  these 
mothers,  told  me  that  they  had  immediately  written  to 
Florence  to  Antonio  Gondi,  that  he  should  ask  leave  of  the 
Salviati.  But  now  that  1  know,  I  will  not  neglect  the  wish 

•*  O 

of  your  Reverence;  but  1  cannot  carry  it  out  at  once,  for 
I  am  still  so  weak  that  I  cannot  move  myself  nor  leave  my 
room,  on  account  of  the  great  weakness  after  the  fever  I  have 
had  from  Easter  day  until  now,  although  it  is  not  so  bad 
at  present.  It  seems  to  me  necessary  to  speak  to  the  Salviati, 
sons  of  Messer  Filippo  of  happy  memory,  who  gave  the  wall 
bearing  his  arms,  and  to  tell  them  that  I  would  not  do  any- 
thing to  his  building  without  letting  them  know  of  it.  If  we 
did  otherwise,  we  should  lose  many  benefits  and  conveniences 
which  he  was  pleased  to  have  done  for  our  monastery,  which 
is  going  to  pieces,  and  all  the  old  part  of  the  wall  is  in  a 
ruinous  state.  It  would  be  a  great  loss  if  it  were  left  to  fall 
down,  and  a  great  disadvantage  to  us,  for  the  wall  is  ninety- 
four  feet  long  and  more  than  sixteen  feet  high;  it  was  on 
account  of  this  that  the  Salviati  sent  architects  and  builders 
here,  and  concluded  in  short  that  it  should  not  go  to  pieces. 
So  that  they  gave  us  to  understand  only  yesterday  by  a  mes- 
sage that  they  were  coming  to  put  the  thing  in  hand  at  once. 
And  we  received  this  as  from  God  in  the  first  place  as  a  great 
gift  of  His  immense  providence  and  of  their  charity.  By 
reason  of  all  this  I  am  in  great  trouble  and  anxiety;  for  I 
feel  bound  in  every  sense  and  am  equally  desirous  to  fulfil 
your  command,  most  reverend  father;  and  on  the  other 


hand,  if  I  do  anything  to  offend  the  sons  of  Messer  Filippo, 
they  may  be  displeased  and  withdraw  their  hand  from  an 
undertaking  of  such  great  importance  to  this  house.  And  I 
am  so  ill  that  I  cannot  go  to  thegril/e;  or  I  would  send  for  them 
and  would  impress  upon  them  >/>#  "boce  (with  God's  help), 
before  anything  was  touched,  whatever  may  be  your  wishes, 
most  reverend  father;  and  I  believe  that  they  would  easily 
surrender  to  the  truth.  And  perhaps  they  would  even  put 
in  order  the  confessionals,  now  so  inconvenient;  as  well  as 
the  rooms  which  Messer  Filippo  inhabited.  But  they  are  of 
that  sort  that  it  is  necessary  to  manage  them  a  little,  and  to 
make  use  of  a  little  persuasion  to  obtain  from  them  what  we 
want.  And  if  I  were  able  to  speak  to  them,  I  should  take 
pains  to  bring  it  about  so  that  your  Reverence  should  be 
obeyed,  which  I  care  for  more  than  my  own  life.  But  I  en- 
treat you,  so  long  as  God  shall  afflict  me,  that  you  will  deign 
to  have  patience,  till  I  can  go  to  the  parlour  grating,  and  do 
the  business  with  these  Salviati.  And  then  your  Reverence's 
wishes  shall  be  immediately  carried  out.  And  our  mothers 
pray  you  humbly  also  for  the  same.  And  if  you  wish  any- 
thing different,  and  that  nothing  should  be  said  on  these 
matters  to  the  Salviati,  will  your  Reverence  deign  to  tell  us, 
that  we  may  obey  you.  And  if  they  should  be  angry,  and 
should  withdraw  their  promised  benefits,  and  a  great  part 
of  the  monastery  should  be  ruined  besides  causing  great 
mortality  amongst  us,  we  would  rather  choose  this,  than  not 
follow  the  wishes  of  your  Reverence,  who  is  our  father  and 
master.  And  I  pray  you  with  all  my  heart  to  have  compas- 
sion on  us,  your  poor  daughters,  and  to  commend  us  to 
God  in  your  holy  prayers. 
"Prato,  May  30,  1576." 

"Very  Rev.  Father  General,  greeting, — I  have  received 
your  Reverence's  infinitely  kind  letter,  and  I  thank  you  for 
your  patience  for  bearing  with  me  with  regard  to  our  holy 
cause  of  the  doorway.  When  I  wrote  last  I  thought  the 
Salviati  would  have  come;  but  as  they  did  not,  and  I  de- 
sired to  obey  your  paternal  commands,  I  wrote  to  them  with 
all  the  consideration  I  could,  and  they  replied,  according  to 


the  copy  I  send  you.  After  that  I  went  to  the  reverend  father 
prior,  and  the  reverend  father  confessor,  who  advised  me 
what  I  ought  to  do;  and  while  I  was  in  suspense,  the  letter 
arrived  from  your  Reverence,  and  the  reverend  fathers  then 
wrote  to  them  again  about  the  state  of  the  monastery.  I  re- 
main at  the  feet  of  your  Reverence  and  of  the  fathers  waiting 
to  know  how  I  may  obey  you  in  all  things.  And  I  pray  you 
to  pardon  and  to  help  me,  and  remember  us  in  your  prayers, 
as  I  always  do  for  you.  And  from  my  heart  I  crave  your  holy 

"  Your  Reverence's  most  unworthy  daughter. 

"Prato,July  9,  1576." 

In  answer  to  this  letter,  the  General  wrote  giving  leave 
for  the  delay  until  Catherine  could  see  the  Salviati.  How- 
ever they  did  not  come  to  Prato  as  soon  as  she  had  expected, 
and  she  therefore  wrote  to  them  on  the  subject  of  the  supe- 
rior's desire  that  the  door  should  be  closed  as  soon  as  possible. 
The  Salviati  sent  a  reply  in  which  they  accepted  the  measure 
for  ultimate  execution,  but  begged  for  postponement  to 
enable  them  to  carry  out  the  repairs,  etc.,  for  which  this  door 
of  communication  was  needed.  Catherine  forwarded  their 
letter  to  Rome,  and,  to  her  great  surprise,  received  in  return 
a  peremptory  order  to  have  the  opening  walled  up  at  once 
without  further  question.  Nothing  then  remained  for  her 
but  to  obey.  She  had  made  her  protest  as  to  the  Salviati's 
rights,  and  could  not  now  go  against  the  declared  will  of 
the  chief  authorities.  The  door  was  walled  up;  and  this  act 
was  the  first  formal  intimation  to  the  community  of  the  new 
rules  about  enclosure.  Some  of  the  nuns  got  into  a  fright, 
apparently  quite  unreasonable — seeing  that  the  sacraments 
could  of  course  be  brought  to  the  sick,  and  a  doctor  or  any 
necessary  visitor  admitted,  through  the  ordinary  convent 
door — and  fancied  all  sorts  of  deprivations  as  likely  to  arise 
from  such  a  new  state  of  things;  whilst  the  Salviati,  as  soon 
as  they  discovered  what  had  happened,  simply  took  the  law 
into  their  own  hands  and  knocked  down  the  wall.  Hence 
troubles,  from  within  and  without,  fell  thick  on  the  saint's 
devoted  head  for  some  time  to  come.  In  her  distress  she 


wrote  very  fully  to  another  superior — the  head  of  the  Roman 
"Province"  ;  and  her  letter  gives  so  graphic  an  account  of 
the  whole  matter  that  no  further  description  is  needed  to 
bring  it  all  before  us.  Nobody  seems  able  to  explain  why 
the  superiors,  both  in  Rome  and  in  Prato,  acted  with  the 
sudden,  and  apparently  even  tyrannical  haste  that  they  did 
in  the  business,  making  the  poor  nuns  suffer  for  what  was 
not  their  fault.  We  can  only  conjecture  that  it  was  one  of 
those  cases  in  which  misunderstanding  on  the  part  of  one 
body  of  holy  people  is  needed  for  the  sanctification  of  another. 
Pere  Bayonne  considers  the  action  of  Rome,  in  ordering  the 
door  to  be  thus  suddenly  done  away  with  after  Catherine 
had  set  forth  the  Salviati's  rights,  quite  inexplicable. 

'To  the  Father  Provincial  of  the  Roman  Province 
"  Reverend  and  very  dear  Father,  greeting, — If  the  Lord 
by  His  goodness  had  not  sustained  me,  a  sinner,  I  do  not 
know  but  that  I  should  have  died  from  the  pain  your  letter 
caused  me;  and  do  not  be  surprised  at  it.  And  I  do  not  know 
whether  I  told  you  that  I  desire  it,  for  I  fear,  nay  I  am  cer- 
tain that  my  sins  deserve  this  punishment,  that  this  poor 
monastery  should  be  so  troubled  by  the  prelates*  I  can  find 
no  other  cause.  I  wrote  to  you  of  what  followed;  I  do 
not  know  whether  you  received  it.  The  Salviati,  wishing 
to  have  a  painting  over  the  altar  of  the  inner  church,  which 
they  undertook  as  a  labour  of  love,f  ordered  a  man  of  their 
own  to  design  how  it  was  to  be  placed.  He  came  here 
into  the  church,  and  saw  how  it  all  stood.  He  then  said: 
'Take  me  through  that  door  that  I  may  see  the  effect.'  J 
He  was  answered  that  it  was  closed.  He  said,  'Very  well,' 

*  This  word  is  wanting  in  the  MS.,  and  can  only  be  inserted  conjecturally. — Guasti. 

+  Filippo  Salviati,  in  his  will  dated  June  6,  1572,  laid  an  obligation  on  his  sons  to 
have  an  altar-piece  painted  for  the  church  at  San  Vincenzio,  at  a  price  of  between  two 
and  three  hundred  florins.  Vasari  relates  that  he  painted  a  panel  at  the  desire  of  Filippo 
Salviati  for  the  Sisters  of  San  Vincenzio,  with  a  Madonna  crowned  as  if  received  into 
heaven,  and  below  the  Apostles  round  the  sepulchre.  But  the  picture  which  is  preserved 
near  the  altar,  and  represents  the  Virgin  assumed  and  crowned,  is  known  to  be  by  the  hand 
of  Master  Michele  Tosino,  called  delle  Colombe;  and  Razzi  tells  us  in  the  manuscript 
chronicles  of  the  monastery,  that  it  was  ordered  and  paid  for  by  the  sons  of  Filippo  Salviati. 
See  the  work  entitled,  <A  Picture  by  Filippino  Lippiin  Prato,  and  Historical  Sketches  oft-wo 
Pratesian  Painters  :  Prato,  1840,  p.  27  ;  also  Pratesian  Calendar,  year  III,  p.  137. 

i  The  outer  church,  which  had  its  principal  door  on  to  the  Piazza  of  San  Domenico, 
and  was  in  front  of  the  inner  church,  used  by  the  nuns.  In  1732  it  was  rebuilt  on  a 
larger  scale.  See  Pratesian  Calendar,  years  I  and  III. 


and  went  away.  In  four  or  five  days  he  returned,  and  said 
that  he  had  to  take  down  that  door  in  order  to  get  ofF 
certain  coats-of-arms  from  the  front  of  it.  As  soon  as  I  heard 
this,  I  went  to  tell  the  father  confessor,  and  I  found  the 
father  prior,  and  told  him  of  it.  He  was  very  angry  and 
desired  me  to  tell  that  gentleman  not  to  do  it,  or  he  would 
be  excommunicated.  This  order  I  immediately  carried  out. 
Then  he  stopped,  and  did  not  return  the  next  morning. 
I  believed  that  everything  would  be  let  alone;  because  it  is 
the  custom  of  the  Salviati,  if  they  are  not  allowed  to  do  as 
they  like,  to  leave  the  whole  thing  alone.  The  morning  after 
he  returned,  and  said  that  he  had  to  take  down  the  door, 
there  being  no  other  way  to  pass  in  and  out  (and  he  showed 
an  order  from  the  same  Salviati)  and  to  adjust  certain  work. 
And  'If  anybody  said  anything,'  he  added,  c  reply  that 
Messer  Averardo  and  Antonio  have  ordered  it  to  be  done.' 
And  he  had  his  own  doors  of  woodwork  with  strong  locks 
put  back,  as  his  masters  had  ordered.  The  father  prior, 
seeing  this,  was  indignant,  and  would  not  have  Mass  said 
for  two  mornings;  and  both  churches,  the  inner  and  the 
outer,  are  full  of  scaffolding  and  broken  plaster,  and  there 
is  no  room  to  stand  when  the  masons  are  there.  You  may 
believe  that  the  nuns  resent  this,  and  complain  greatly, 
not  wishing  to  be  deprived  of  their  Mass.  And  you  may 
also  believe  that  I  suffer  doubly  on  their  account  (alas,  that 
my  sins  should  be  the  cause  of  it  all !)  letting  them  appear 
more  afflicted  than  they  ought  to  be,  seeing  that  they  are 
not  to  blame  in  the  matter.  And  they  know  that  at  Pistoia, 
in  Santa  Lucia,  on  account  of  the  builders,  the  confessor 
has  been  for  six  months  saying  Mass  in  the  inner  chapel; 
and  they  are  professed  nuns  of  an  enclosed  order,  whereas 
we  are  tertiaries  without  enclosure.  But  they  obey  readily, 
as  is  becoming  to  Religious,  but  not  in  the  matter  of  en- 
closure. This  picture  has  been  such  a  great  and  delightful 
interest,  and  improves  the  church,  through  which  one  has 
to  pass  to  and  fro.  But  to  have  to  lose  Mass  on  this  account 
is  rather  too  hard,  and  seculars  make  remarks  about  it. 
Reverend  and  dear  father  in  the  Lord,  I  think  you  may 
remember  that  when  it  was  a  question  of  fastening  up  this 


door,  you  wrote  to  the  Salviati.  They  replied,  that  if  we 
had  a  little  patience,  they  would  restore  the  confessionals 
and  other  things;  and  do  besides  what  might  be  wanted. 
After  that  you  wished  it  closed  up,  and  they  were  told 
nothing  else,  and  I  proceeded  to  obey,  wishing  never  to 
fail  in  this,  for  the  love  of  God.  When  the  master  had  told 
them  this,  you  would  think  that  they  would  have  considered 
the  matter,  and  would  have  gone  to  the  bishop  to  learn 
whether  it  was  his  order  or  yours.  For  now  the  seculars 
know  everything  and  talk  about  it,  and  complain  of  you, 
to  my  great  displeasure,  for  my  Order  is  the  apple  of 
my  eye.  And  I  hear  murmurings,  and  what  is  said  by  those 
who  have  the  care  of  your  monasteries.  And  what  is  worse  is 
that  my  nuns  are  quite  weary  and  overdone  with  these 
troubles,  so  that  I  fear,  and  not  without  some  foundation, 
that  they  may  do  something  which  would  displease  you. 
My  heart  is  ready  to  break,  and  my  weak  health  will  not 
bear  so  much  trouble. 

"  Pray  for  me,  father,  to  Jesus;  for  I  can  no  longer  en- 
dure this  quarrelling,  and  all  this  discontent  both  within 
and  without,  which  I  see  and  feel  is  offensive  to  God.  To 
think  that  my  sins,  I  say  again,  are  the  cause  of  it  all !  Alas 
for  me  !  May  God  preserve  me  to  see  the  end  of  this.  And 
again  I  assure  you  that  my  strength  is  not  sufficient  for  it. 
Pray  absolve  me  from  my  office  (she  was  then  prioress  for 
the  fifth  time)  so  that  I  may  hide  myself  and  not  see  my 
Lord  so  greatly  offended.  And  I  am  the  more  afraid,  fear- 
ing that  my  infirmity  does  not  give  them  enough  spiritual 
support;  they  are  so  frightened,  that  if  any  violence  should 
be  done  to  them,  they  will  not  be  able  to  hold  out.  And 
every  time  that  I  try  to  persuade  and  quiet  them,  they  begin 
to  doubt  me,  and  almost  stifle  me  with  their  discussions  : 
still  I  believe  that  force  is  not  pleasing  to  God,  or  that  so 
many  poor  souls  should  be  tried  and  afflicted,  and  they  seem 
to  have  reason  on  their  side.  And  there  are  not  wanting  those 
who  open  their  eyes  and  tell  them  whence  it  all  comes.  There- 
fore, dear  father,  I  pray  you  by  the  wounds  of  Jesus,  that 
you  will  mitigate  and  smooth  down  this  affair  as  far  as 
you  can. 


"Then  I  know  nothing  about  the  door,  though  you  may 
hardly  believe  me,  what  it  has  cost  me,  in  my  mind :  but 
I  only  wish  whatever  my  Lord  wills,  for  whose  sake  I  beg 
you  to  bring  this  building  to  an  end,  and  to  see  what  these 
Salviati  are  doing;  for  I  cannot  think  they  are  such  foolish 
persons  as  to  begin  a  thing  they  cannot  carry  through  ;  and 
they  are  cousins  of  the  Grand  Duke,  and  are  much  attached 
to  His  Serene  Highness.  And  they  have  two  sisters  as  you 
know;  and  the  grandmother  of  their  uncle  gave  the  first  site 
for  this  monastery.* 

"I  desire  nothing  else  but  to  please  my  reverend  fathers, 
and  especially  your  paternity  (may  God  be  praised  for  the 
affection  I  bear  you  in  Him);  I  desire  that  you  may  have 
this  monastery  at  heart  and  that  it  may  not  suffer  violence; 
for  the  nuns  will  submit,  though  not  on  the  ground  of  en- 
closure; for  our  constitutions  permit  us  to  go  out.  We  do  not 
however  avail  ourselves  of  this  except  for  begging  alms, 
which  the  licence  of  the  vicar  and  of  our  father  prior  allows. 

I  have  written  at  length;  but  it  seemed  that  I  could  not 
do  otherwise.  My  heart  is  between  two  mill-stones,  the  one 
being  you,  my  fathers,  the  other  my  nuns,  whom,  prostrate 
at  your  feet,  I  commend  to  you.  I  quite  understand  that 
you  could  not  do  otherwise;  but  you  have  done  your  duty 
in  letting  me  feel  this  cross:  blessed  be  our  Lord  !  And  you 
will  forgive  me  this  tediousness,  although  I  have  not  spoken 
with  all  the  reverence  I  could  desire;  for,  feeling  the  grief 
of  my  nuns,  it  was  necessary  to  make  it  known  to  you.  I 
have  always  had  great  confidence  in  you,  and  have  never 
thought  that  you  would  change  towards  us.  I  pray  you  that 
I  may  not  be  disappointed;  nor  that  disorder  maybe  allowed 
in  your  time.  And  this  I  say  for  security  and  from  neces- 
sity, and  with  all  the  submission  and  humility  that  are  due 
to  you.  And  I  say  again  that  I  find  no  one  knows  what  the 
Salviati  have  done;  therefore  what  can  1  do  about  rebuild- 
ing ?  I  should  certainly  cause  some  disorder;  there  are  already 
signs  of  it,  and  I  think  you  understand  me.  They  are  power- 

*  Razzi,  in  the  Life  of  Sister  Catherine  (lib.  I,  cap.  ii),  narrates  how  Father  Francesco 
Salviati,  Vicar-General  of  the  Congregation  of  San  Marco,  procured  the  foundation  ot 
the  Monastery  of  San  Vincenzio  in  1503;  but  there  is  no  mention  of  the  grandmother 
who  gave  the  first  site: — ilfrimoiito.  fc 


ful  and  nobles;  and  what  they  have  done  appears  reasonable. 
And  this  is  true,  that  they  cannot  remove  these  coats-of-arms 
without  making  the  passage;  so  it  would  appear  best  to  let 
them  finish  and  then  see  what  they  do;  but  not  vex  me  with 
rebuilding  this  wall,  for  I  cannot  do  it.  I  did  it  the  first  time 
with  much  displeasure  to  the  nuns,  and  I  did  not  consult 
any  one:  I  thought  only  of  obeying.  .  .  .  However,  I  leave 
all  to  God,  and  place  in  His  arms  this  poor  and  afflicted 
house  ;  and  you  also,  that  you  may  be  enlightened  as  to  what 
is  best.  ...  I  thank  you  for  your  very  kind  letter;  as  for 
me,  I  did  not  deserve  so  much,  rather  the  contrary,  being 
but  an  abyss  of  misery.  .  .  .  Of  your  charity  give  us  your 

"  Prato,  March  6,  1576." 

The  next  difficulty  was  about  who  should  shut  up  the 
door  again;  for  the  Dominican  authorities  did  not  carry 
out  their  threats  of  excommunicating  the  Salviati,  and  took 
no  further  steps;  leaving  things  as  they  were,  so  as  to  thro\v 
the  whole  brunt  of  the  trouble  on  Catherine.  Her  refusal, 
expressed  in  the  above  letter,  to  rebuild  the  wall,  on  account 
of  the  Salviati's  rights,  had  roused  the  anger  of  some  over- 
zealous  and  indiscriminating  spirits  who  hastily  concluded 
that  her  sanctity  was  more  than  doubtful  when  they  saw  her, 
and  the  community  she  ruled,  in  opposition  to  the  prior  and 
other  superiors.  Whether  these  were  members  of  the  Order, 
or  laymen  in  official  authority,  is  not  mentioned;  but  in 
either  case  they  were  people  of  importance  enough  to  be 
listened  to,  for  they  sent  to  Rome  a  "memorial,"  denoun- 
cing Catherine's  action  in  this  matter,  which  raised  a  real 
storm  against  her  and  her  convent.  Some  cardinals  and 
other  eminent  personages,  tried  hard  to  get  San  Vincenzio 
condemned  by  the  Holy  See ;  whilst  the  side  of  the  nuns 
was  hotly  taken  in  Florence  by  the  grand  duke,  who  sent 
a  minister  of  State  to  Prato  expressly  to  enquire  into  the 
affair,  that  he  might  have  a  right  foundation  for  under- 
taking their  defence  as  his  subjects.  He  wrote  many  letters 
to  Mother  Catherine,  encouraging  her  and  promising  his 
protection;  and  Joanna  of  Austria,  his  wife,  constantly 


urged  him  to  keep  up  his  interest,  and  often  went  herself 
to  see  the  saint  and  show  her  sympathy.  The  prior  of  the 
Minerva  in  Rome  wrote  to  Catherine  whilst  this  state  of 
affairs  existed,  and  the  following  letter  from  her,  in  reply, 
shows  her  own  calm  and  courageous  attitude  under  all  the 
calumnies  that  were  abroad  about  her. 

To  the  Prior  of  the  Minefba,  at  Rome 

"  Reverend  and  dear  Father  in  Christ,  greeting. — I  have 
received  your  very  kind  letter.  I  thank  you  for  the  prayers 
you  have  offered  for  me  and  for  the  monastery.  You  tell 
me  that  my  honour  and  that  of  the  monastery  are  in  the 
'greatest  peril,  and  that  a  complaint  has  been  lodged  against 
us.  I  believe  that  on  that  day  or  during  the  past  week  it 
was  made  known  by  some  person  of  importance  who  knew 
that  some  of  the  cardinals  (or  one  cardinal)  are  against 
us,  and  that  those  who  are  acting  are  actuated  by  some 
noble  personage.  And  I  know  that  the  grand  duke  sent 
to  us  Signer  Concino  to  hear  about  the  case;  also  I  know 
that  the  grand  duchess  came  in  person.  And  the  grand 
duke  wrote  to  me,  and  replied  more  than  once  that  he 
held  and  would  hold  this  place  under  his  particular  and 
affectionate  protection;  and  I  know  that  he  has  written  to 
me  even  this  morning,  and  I  know  with  what  respect  and 
affection  I  have  spoken  to  my  fathers.  If  therefore  anything 
has  been  said  against  me,  may  our  Lord  be  praised  who 
holds  me  worthy  to  be  His  follower  in  being  evil  spoken 
of.  As  for  myself,  I  will  make  no  excuses;  not  that  it  appears 
at  all  strange  that  I  should  be  spoken  ill  of,  the  same  having 
been  done  to  my  Lord  without  cause;  for  I  am  guilty  of 
all,  by  reason  of  my  imperfection.  But  concerning  that 
which  you  tell  me,  I  am  not  guilty — it  is  a  mistake;  but, 
for  the  love  of  Him,  I  am  willing  to  bear  everything.  If 
the  father  prior  wishes  to  know  who  has  written  it,  I  know 
no  one  who  could  have  done  so.  But  when  Satan  is  bent 
on  ruining  a  place,  he  sets  to  work  to  get  in  the  small  end 
of  the  wedge,  and  causes  people  to  imagine  or  dream  of 
things  upside  down,  taking  a  pleasure  in  disturbing  and 
afflicting  one,  and  interrupting  devotions  and  observances, 


and  causing  danger  for  his  own  satisfaction.  And  although 
I  am  ignorant  and  foolish,  I  know  the  stairs  by  which  the 
traitor  enters  to  upset  holy  places,  and  therefore  I  have 
commended  myself  to  your  prayers.  I  have  had  and  still 
have  cause;  and  I  would  not  have  you  feel  surprised  that  I 
commend  myself  to  you.  I  know  you  are  a  servant  of  God, 
and  His  priest  and  minister;  therefore  it  is  fitting  for  me 
to  do  so.  And  I  have  not  judged,  nor  will  I  judge  any  one, 
except  myself,  who  am  full  of  evil;  but  I  throw  everything 
upon  my  Lord,  that  He  may  be  my  judge  and  my  defender 
in  all  that  is  said  against  me.  In  these  contradictions  I  will 
glory;  not  for  any  virtue  that  is  in  me,  but  for  the  love  of 
Jesus  Christ,  who  deigns  to  let  me  suffer.  And  I  pray  that 
I  may  be  His,  and  may  never  abandon  Him,  and  I  give 
myself  up  to  Him,  to  follow  what  pleases  Him.  Again  I  ask 
you  to  pray  for  me,  that  I  may  become  wholly  His.  Your 

"  Your  daughter  and  sister  in  our  Lord. 

"Trafo,  August  29,  1577." 

The  matter  finally  ended  by  the  truth's  becoming  known 
at  Rome,  and  by  the  disarming  of  the  Dominican  superiors' 
anger  in  face  of  the  saint's  quiet  and  prudent  conduct.  No 
reprimand  at  all  was  given;  and  the  community  triumphed, 
for  the  authorities  after  all  had  to  do  just  what  Catherine  had 
begged  them  to  do  at  first.  They  had  to  leave  the  door  open 
as  long  as  the  Salviati  wanted  it  for  their  work;  while  the 
sisters  were  left  unmolested,  and  became  gradually  used  to 
the  idea  that  it  would  one  day  be  walled  up  again  without 
causing  them  any  material  inconvenience  as  they  had  feared. 
This  came  to  pass  when  the  works  were  at  last  finished ;  and 
the  convent  was  once  more  quiet  and  at  peace. 



The  Saint's  "  Spiritual  Sons,"  Religious  and  Laymen — Her  Letters  to  some 

of  them 

LIKE  the  great  saint  of  Siena,  whose  group  of  holy  disciples 
included  men  as  well  as  women,  Catherine  de'  Ricci  num- 
bered amongst  her  friends  some  specially  known  as  her 
"spiritual  sons,"  without  some  short  account  of  whom  her 
history  would  be  incomplete.  Many  of  these  were  men  who 
— like  Salviati — had  been  converted  by  her  means,  whether 
from  sin  or  from  lukewarmness,  to  a  better  life.  Others, 
already  holy,  being  incited  by  her  example  to  strive  for  a 
yet  higher  degree  of  sanctity,  had  earnestly  begged  to  be 
taken  for  her  children.  To  all  alike  she  gave  a  large  place 
in  her  heart,  and  a  share  in  her  prayers,  penances,  and  other 
good  works;  whilst  she  was  unsparing  in  warnings  and 
exhortations  for  their  good,  her  sole  desire  in  their  regard 
being  to  see  them  serving  God  joyfully  and  "  singing 
praises  to  the  Lord." 

Amongst  these  "sons"  the  members  of  her  own  Order 
form  an  important  group,  out  of  which  we  must  here  con- 
tent ourselves  with  choosing,  for  special  mention,  one  whose 
life  is  most  closely  linked  of  them  all  with  the  saint's  fame. 
Passing  over  many  more  or  less  noted  Dominican  names, 
whose  owners  were  spiritual  children  of  St  Catherine 
(including  her  own  step-uncle,  Fra  Angelo  da  Diacceto, 
afterwards  Bishop  of  Fiesole,  and  a  great  friend  of  St  Philip 
Neri),  we  come  to  that  of  her  chronicler,  Serafino  Razzi, 
whose  family  name  was  de'  Marradi.  He  tells  us  how, 
whilst  still  a  novice  at  San  Marco  in  Florence,  he  was  sent 
to  Prato  for  the  feast  of  St  Vincent  Ferrer,  patron  of  the 
convent;  and  how,  on  that  occasion,  he  was  so  happy  as  to  con- 
verse with  the  saint  and  to  be  received  as  her  spiritual  son. 
It  was  perhaps  to  this  happy  and  impressive  incident  of  his 
young  life — for  he  was  but  twenty  years  old — that  Serafino 


owed  that  taste  for  legends  and  lives  of  saints  that  have  made 
him  so  dear  to  the  Church  and  the  Dominican  Order.  In  his 
maturer  manhood,  when  he  was  given  up  to  the  laborious 
teaching  of  theology,  as  master  of  studies,  whether  at  Perugia 
or  Ragusa,  his  refreshment  in  hard  work  was  to  keep  alive 
piety  in  his  soul  by  writing  the  lives  of  Tuscan  saints.  At 
sixty  years  old,  being  named  confessor  to  San  Vincenzio, 
where  the  saint  had  quite  lately  died,  he  began  to  write  her 
history  in  the  very  atmosphere,  so  to  speak,  of  the  heavenly 
odour  rising  from  her  grave,  and  amidst  the  immediate 
recollections  and  impressions  of  her  fellow  nuns.  Ten  years 
later,  we  find  him  still  there,  writing  those  celebrated  chro- 
nicles of  the  convent  that  are  sought  after  by  cultivated 
men  as  well  as  by  pious  souls,  in  which  he  shows  himself 
— according  to  the  verdict  of  a  correct  judge — "that  charm- 
ing Tuscan  writer,  whom  one  might  say  had  been  created 
expressly  to  describe  a  world,  or  rather  a  paradise,  of  earthly 

Outside  her  own  Order,  a  great  favourite  of  Catherine's 
was  Fra  Domenico,  a  wandering  hermit,  who  travelled  about, 
visiting  shrines,  and  carrying  his  shelter  with  him.  His 
inward  spiritual  history,  as  one  of  the  saint's  specially-loved 
children,  is  of  much  interest.  Domenico,  we  are  told  by 
Sandrini,  was  a  simple  and  unlearned  man,  but  with  such 
an  upright  soul  that  he  made  immense  progress  in  the 
science  of  prayer  and  the  love  of  God,  and  gained  large 
profit  from  paying  yearly  visits  to  his  "mother"  at  Prato. 
One  year  Catherine  had  given  him  as  a  particular  "  practice  " 
never  to  lose  sight,  in  any  actions,  of  heaven,  and  of  the  joy 
and  glory  that  he  hoped  for  there  as  his  reward.  The  holy  man 
took  his  staffand  wallet,  and  started  afresh  on  his  peregrina- 
tions from  town  to  town  and  shrine  to  shrine;  and  at  every 
step  he  took,  at  every  alms  he  asked  and  every  prayer  he  said, 
in  all  his  annoyances  and  all  his  penances,  he  thought,  as  he 
had  been  told,  of  heaven  with  its  joys  and  glories;  and, 
behold !  this  sweet  thought  lessened  his  burdens,  scattered 
his  cares,  and  soothed  his  weariness.  Then,  comparing  the 
little  that  he  did  for  God  with  the  great  things  that  God 
was  preparing  for  him,  he  blushed  to  be  such  a  cowardly 


servant,  so  niggardly  of  his  services  to  such  a  great  and 
munificient  Lord.  Thereupon,  he  redoubled  his  prayers, 
fasts,  penances,  good  works,  and  patience  in  trial ;  in  short, 
his  fervour  in  everything.  But,  do  as  he  would,  the  vision 
of  heaven  constantly  grew  before  his  mind's  eye,  bringing 
with  it  a  perfect  torrent  of  inward  joy;  so  that  as  he  in- 
creased his  labours  he  did  but  increase  his  happiness,  and 
there  were  times  when  he  even  fell  by  the  way  as  he  jour- 
neyed, actually  overcome  by  the  greatness  of  his  delight. 
Had  any  one,  at  such  moments,  met  the  poor  begging 
hermit,  covered  with  sweat  and  dust,  gasping  for  breath 
beneath  some  tree  or  hedge,  he  must  have  been  rilled  with 
pity  for  his  apparently  wretched  state  of  want  and  fatigue. 
Yet  this  man  was  just  then  happier  than  a  king  on  his 
throne,  inwardly  revelling  in  joys  unknown  to  the  ordinary 
mortal.  So,  when  the  year  had  run  out,  and  the  disciple 
went  back  for  his  teacher's  fresh  lesson,  he  begged  her  to 
give  him  no  new  practice,  but  to  let  him  keep  always  to 
the  same,  no  other  having  been  so  sweet  and  fruitful.  It 
used  to  be  said  in  the  convent  that,  when  this  holy  mother 
and  son  discoursed  of  the  future  life  and  its  mysteries, 
wonderful  things  passed  between  them.  Like  two  seraphs, 
their  souls  encouraged  each  other  to  mount  incessantly 
higher  and  higher  in  the  ways  of  divine  contemplation; 
and  the  favours  that  they  received  were  in  proportion  to 
their  love.  They  are  said  to  have  been  rapt  sometimes, 
when  together,  into  extraordinary  ecstasies. 

But  Fra  Domenico,  like  his  saintly  teacher,  was  not 
without  his  humorous  side  when  he  came  down  from  the 
heights;  and  an  amusing  story  is  told  by  Razzi  of  a  bit  of 
mischief  that  he  practised  one  day  on  the  nuns  at  Prato. 
Taking  it  into  his  head  that  he  should  like  to  test  the 
charity  of  the  sisters  who  managed  the  convent  hospitali- 
ties and  alms-giving,  he  presented  himself  at  the  door 
without  saying  who  he  was  (the  portress,  of  course,  being 
a  stranger  to  him)  and  asked  for  a  loaf,  which  the  sisters 
hastened  to  bring  him.  Keeping  it  in  his  hand,  he  then 
said  that  he  should  like  a  little  wine.  This  they  said  he 
was  very  welcome  to,  and  they  fetched  him  some  of  the 



red  wine  that  the  community  used.  Next,  he  asked  if  they 
could  not  find  him  something  to  eat  with  his  bread,  which 
they  again  made  no  difficulty  about.  When,  however,  he 
finally  went  on  to  say  that  he  "hoped  they  would  excuse 
him,  but  that  he  did  not  drink  red  wine  and  would  be  very 
grateful  if  they  could  bring  him  a  little  white,"  the  minis- 
tering sisters  felt  that  they  could  not  quite  take  this  upon 
themselves — the  white  wine  being  somewhat  of  a  luxury — 
and  went  to  get  Mother  Catherine's  leave,  telling  her  what 
had  passed.  The  prioress  gave  her  consent;  but  she  came 
down  to  the  hospice  to  see  who  this  strange  frate  might 
be,  who  had  asked  for  so  many  things;  and  recognizing 
Domenico  at  a  glance,  was  delighted  to  see  him.  Then  the 
holy  man  thanked  her  cordially  for  all  that  the  sisters  had 
supplied  him  with;  but  added,  with  a  sly  smile,  that  it  was 
well  for  them  that  they  had  satisfied  all  his  demands, 
"Because,"  he  pleasantly  said,  "if  it  had  happened  to  be 
our  Lord  in  person  who  had  asked  them  for  all  this,  they 
would  have  been  greatly  grieved  and  troubled  at  heart  not 
to  have  contented  Him."  "Yes,"  replied  the  saint,  archly; 
"but  then  possibly  our  Lord  in  person  would  not  have 
asked  for  quite  so  much!" 

Turning  now  to  Catherine's  "  sons  "  amongst  laymen, 
who  were  many,  we  can  find  space  here  for  mention  of  only 
two  or  three  specially  bound  up  with  her  community  by 
devotion  to  its  interests.  The  nuns'  poverty,  as  we  have 
seen,  was  great — sometimes  extreme — and  Catherine  often 
depended  entirely  on  the  good-will  and  exertions  of  her 
secular  friends  for  the  transaction  of  business  which  she 
could  not  pay  professional  agents  to  do.  Many  of  her 
spiritual  children  proved  the  solidity  of  their  attachment 
to  her,  and  of  their  esteem  for  the  Prato  community,  by 
perseveringly  doing  really  hard  work  for  their  benefit; 
and  amongst  these,  Buonaccorso  Buonaccorsi,  Lorenzo 
Strozzi,  Ludovico  Capponi,  and  Antonio  Gondi,  shall  here 
be  chosen  for  particular  notice,  as  specially  interesting 
in  different  ways.  Buonaccorso  Buonaccorsi  was  born  in 
October,  1506.  He  was  a  man  of  religious  mind  from  the 
beginning;  and,  quite  early  in  his  career  as  public  notary, 


went  and  offered  his  services  in  looking  after  the  business 
of  San  Vincenzio  on  the  sole  condition  that  Catherine 
would  charge  herself  with  the  guidance  of  his  soul.  She 
readily  consented,  and  rejoiced  in  him  as  a  son  who 
made  great  spiritual  progress  throughout  his  life.  His  great 
claim  on  our  interest  is  that  many  of  the  saint's  letters  are 
addressed  to  him.  Amongst  some  papers  belonging  to  the 
Prato  convent — now  preserved  in  the  State  Archives  at 
Florence — there  is  a  small  note-book  containing  an  entry 
of  some  interest  in  connection  with  Buonaccorso,  which 
runs  thus:  "In  the  name  of  God,  Amen.  This  journal  is 
called  by  me,  Master  Buonaccorso,  son  of  Leonardo  Buonac- 
corsi,  Florentine  notary,  Holy  'Journal  A^  in  which  I  shall 
put  down  everything  that  I  may  happen  to  pay  or  to 
receive  every  day  on  account  of  the  convent  of  San  Vin- 
cenzio at  Prato,  and  on  account  of  others,  for  the  benefit 
of  the  nuns  and  the  use  of  the  said  convent."  The  entries 
concerning  San  Vincenzio,  however,  are  not  many. 

Amongst  St  Catherine's  letters  to  Buonaccorso,  are  one 
or  two  notes  addressed  in  common  to  him  and  Antonio 
Gondi,and  to  him  and  Lorenzo  Taddei.*  Some  of  her  letters 
to  the  notary  are  of  course  on  temporal  business:  the  few 
chosen  for  giving  here  are  spiritual  ones. 

Buonaccorso  died  in  June,  1592,  two  years  after  the 
saint.  He  was  buried  at  San  Lorenzo. 

To  Buonaccorso  Buoraccorsi 

"  I  received  your  welcome  letter  of  the  2oth  a  few  days 
since,  and  hasten  to  reply.  In  yours  you  ask  me  about  two 
things,  for  neither  of  which  I  know  sufficient;  nevertheless  it 
appears  to  me  that  those  who  wish  to  be  pleasing  to  God, 

*  Lorenzo  Taddei,  above-named,  was  a  man  associated  for  a  time  with  Buonaccorso 
in  his  work  for  the  Prato  nuns,  having  acted  for  a  time  as  procurator-general  for  them 
after  Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci's  death.  He  was  devoted  to  the  saint,  who  had  a  great 
admiration  for  his  character  and,  though  he  was  a  comparatively  young  man,  called  him 
father.  He  died  not  very  long  after  her  elevation  to  high  office,  in  March,  1555;  and 
the  following  passage  about  him  in  a  letter  to  Buonaccorso  (not  otherwise  interesting)  is 
worth  quoting.  After  expressing  her  grief  at  his  loss,  she  goes  on:  "It  is  well  for  him: 
he  reminds  me  of  a  rose  gathered  in  the  early  morning,  fully  blown,  but  still  covered 
with  dew  and  unburnt  by  the  sun.  To  lose  such  a  person  is  necessarily  an  affliction;  but 
to  be  able  to  hope  that  he  has  passed  only  from  one  life  to  another  gives  one  a  contented 
feeling  that  overpowers  and  soothes  all  one's  grief;  and  this  is  what  has  happened  to  our 


must  despoil  the  old  man,  which  is  the  affection  for  all  earthly 
things  and  the  pleasures  of  sense;  and  put  on  the  new  man, 
which  is  the  love  of  all  heavenly  things,  the  observance  of  the 
holy  commandments,  with  zeal  for  the  honour  of  God.  Take 
an  example:  If  any  one  in  this  world  wishes  to  make  friends 
with  a  nobleman  so  as  to  obtain  from  him  some  benefit  or 
temporal  dignity,  he  goes  about  to  ascertain  the  will  of  that 
person,  and  does  whatever  he  can  to  please  him,  never  resting 
day  or  night.  Now,  how  much  greater  care  and  diligence 
ought  we  not  to  show  to  do  things  pleasing  to  almighty 
God,  who  does  not  reward  His  elect  with  temporal  goods 
that  soon  pass  away,  but  with  those  eternal  benefits  that  we 
inherit  for  all  time  ! 

"  Now  as  to  your  second  demand.  Having  granted  so 
many  others,  I  now  grant  to  you,  to  place  you  where  you  de- 
sire in  our  Lord  (i.e.,  as  a  spiritual  son) ;  and  so  I  accept  you, 
and  offer  you  to  Jesus  and  make  mention  of  you  in  all  my 
prayers — in  the  same  way  the  one  dearest  to  you,  to  whom 
pray  commend  me.  And  inasmuch  as  it  would  be  agreeable 
to  me  to  know  her,  let  that  be  at  her  and  your  convenience. 
And  I  thank  you  for  your  kind  offers,  which  I  greatly  appre- 
ciate. It  may  happen  some  day  that  our  honoured  Lorenzo 
Taddei,  or  Giovanni  Colucci,  our  procurators,  may  require 
your  help  and  advice  for  our  lawsuits.  I  have  told  them  they 
may  consult  you,  for  I  see  well  your  kindly  disposition  to- 
wards us,  which  enables  me  to  place  confidence  in  you,  as  I 
hope  you  will  feel  the  same  towards  us  whenever  we  can  help 
you.  May  God  preserve  you. 

"Praia,  'December  28,  1552." 

To  the  same 

"  I  have  received  your  very  kind  reply  to  our  two  last, 
also  that  of  Lorenzo;  I  have  little  to  say  now,  except  that  it 
seems  each  one  is  vying  with  the  other  to  help  me,  and  if 
there  is  any  good  in  it,  it  is  from  our  Lord.  And  it  is  a  great 
thing  to  try  to  outdo  one  another  in  good,  provided  it  be  not 
in  the  spirit  of  envy,  not  withholding  our  neighbour  from 
good,  because  we  are  not  foremost  in  it;  but  with  a  holy 
eagerness  and  thirst  for  the  celestial  spring,  to  run  vehe- 


mently,  and  without  placing  impediments  in  the  way  of 
others.  Oh!  if  such  envy  as  this  were  to-day  in  the  hearts 
of  Christians,  how  many  there  are  who  would  reach  the 
wished-for  goal  which  is  in  our  time  desired  by  so  few!  Let 
us  take  pains  then,  my  dear  son,  to  run  quickly  and  to  win. 
And  in  this  race  you  will  not  be  deemed  presumptuous,  no 
more  than  that  poor  but  happy  thief  who  was  crucified  with 
Jesus.  Does  it  not  seem  to  you  that  he  competed  wisely  with 
that  multitude  of  holy  fathers  in  Limbo,  who  had  been  wait- 
ing thousands  of  years  for  the  redemption?  For  he  took  so 
swift  a  course  in  a  moment  that  he  outran  them  all,  and  de- 
served to  be  first  at  the  goal, yet  without  detracting  from  any 
one  who  had  the  right  to  participate.  I  advise  you  to  go  and 
run  your  course  in  like  manner;  to  this  I  invite  you  once 
more.  For  this  is,  my  son,  our  day  for  the  contest;  and  we 
must  keep  more  firm  than  usual,  as  this  year  the  beginning 
and  end  of  our  redemption  both  occur  together.*  And  with 
regard  to  holding  firm,  we  see,  for  example,  how  when  a  man 
thinks  of  some  great  thing,  turning  it  over  in  his  mind,  he 
stops  all  his  work,  and  many  times  seems  to  remain  motion- 
less; so  should  we,  considering  how  profound  is  the  matter 
we  reflect  on,  remain  firm  and  motionless;  first,  because 
Mercy,  having  overcome  Justice  and  placed  itself  before  the 
eternal  Father,  has  moved  Him  to  take  flesh  for  the  salva- 
tion of  our  ungrateful  souls.  It  has  drawn  down  God  from  on 
high  to  lowest  earth;  enclosed  Him  whom  the  heavens  can- 
not contain  in  the  womb  of  a  virgin;  made  the  mighty  Lord 
become  an  infant,  enduring  all  the  misery  that  others  feel. 
From  true  God  He  became  true  man;  from  immortal  and 
impassible,  mortal  and  passible;  from  divine,  human;  from 
highest  wisdom  He  made  Himself  in  the  likeness  of  ignorant 
man;  from  a  master  whom  angels  serve,  into  the  servant  of 
men.  What  intellect,  considering  this,  would  not  be  amazed, 
and  become  astonished  and  speechless,  knowing  that  all  this 
was  done  to  pay  the  great  debt  that  human  nature  owed  to 
the  Divine  Being?  And  because  human  nature  could  not  of 
itself  pay  this  debt,  nor  open  that  heavenly  door  which  its 
disobedience  had  closed,  there  came  the  Saviour,  the  power- 

*  i.e.,  Good  Friday  must  have  fallen  on  March  25  that  year. 


ful  One  armed  with  such  great  treasure  and  ready  to  pay 
every  debt  for  us,  and  restore  to  us  the  heritage  of  our  celestial 
country.  .  .  .  We  see  Him  toiling  for  three-and-thirty  years, 
teaching  and  exhorting  the  people,  and  working  so  many 
signs  and  miracles ;  nevertheless,  He  was  called  a  seducer,  and 
many  times  calumniated;  driven  out  and  had  stones  raised 
against  Him;  finally  He  was  betrayed  by  one  who  well  knew 
whom  he  was  betraying ;  yet  He  humbled  Himself  and  washed 
his  feet,  and  communicated  to  him  His  most  holy  body  and 
blood.  And  with  great  love  He  showed  him  that  it  was  he 
who  should  betray  Him, so  as  to  give  him  time  to  repent;  by 
which  He  showed  how  great  is  the  goodness  of  God,  who 
until  a  man  has  taken  the  last  plunge  is  always  urging  him 
to  be  converted.  .  .  .  We  see  Him  bowed  down  in  the  agony 
of  death,  humbling  His   humanity   before  the  heavenly 
Father,  that  the  cup  of  His  bitter  Passion  might  pass  from 
Him;  but  the  love  of  our  salvation  was  so  kindled  in  His 
imprisoned  soul  that  He  subjected  Himself  to  the  will  of 
the  eternal  Father,  and  went  to  meet  His  enemies,  to  whom 
He  gave  Himself  up  as  their  prey.  And  being  bound,  the 
heavenly  Judge  was  led  before  earthly  judges,  standing  as  a 
meek  lamb  while  those  dogs  vituperated  Him.  And  they 
blindfolded  Him  from  whom  nothing  can  be  hidden,  crowned 
with  thorns  Him  who  is  the  giver  of  the  highest  crowns  to 
all  His  elect,  led  as  a  malefactor  to  the  place  of  death,  with 
the  heavy  cross  upon  His  back,  and  ill-treated,  Him  who 
knew  no  sin.  And  He,  being  arrived  at  the  place,  made  His 
prayer  to  the  Father,  not  because  He  had  need  of  it,  but 
for  an  example  to  us.  If  we  were  to  try  to  sound  the  least 
part  of  the  secrets  hidden  in  all  the  acts  of  Jesus,  especially 
in  the  Passion,  time  would  not  suffice.  I  will  leave  you  to 
contemplate  this,  in  whatever  manner  it  shall  please  His 
goodness  to  inspire  you;  and  let  us  pass  to  where,  having 
taken  off  His  vesture  and  being  stretched  upon  the  cross, 
He  seemed  to  say  to  those  cruel  tormentors:  'Do  it  quickly, 
delay  not;  open  these  veins,  so  that  there  may  be  made 
a  new  fountain,  and  be  ye  washed  and  cleansed,  all  ye  that 
shall  enter  it.'  And  this,  my  son,  is  the  course  we  have  to 
take,  to  throw  ourselves  eagerly  into  this  great  sea,  and 


be  washed  and  cleansed,  for  it  has  been  all  done  for  us.  Let 
us  sign  our  foreheads  with  this  sacred  blood,  that  with  this 
sign  we  may  go  to  the  eternal  Father  and  tell  Him  that 
His  only  Son  has  paid  for  us;  that  we  have  run  and  found 
the  goal  all  red  and  glowing,  for  it  is  Jesus  on  His  cross, 
bleeding  and  dying  for  love. 

"I  am  sorry  that  your  and  our  Mona  Lessandra  is  ill. 
Tell  her  to  take  care  of  herself  and  bear  this  cross  for  the  love 
of  Jesus,  who  gives  it  her ;  greet  her  and  commend  me  to 
her,  and  may  she  be  happy.  I  commend  myself  to  Lorenzo, 
and  to  yourself,  and  so  does  Mother  Syndica.  Adieu. 
'"Prato,  March  18,  1553." 

T0  the  same 

"I  have  received  your  very  kind  letter,  and  1  under- 
stand what  you  say.  But  either  you  have  not  understood 
my  last,  or  I  did  not  know  how  to  express  what  I  wanted, 
since  I  have  given  you  displeasure  in  saying  that  the  service 
of  God  must  not  be  forced.  The  service  of  God  may  be  said 
to  be  forced  in  two  ways.  First,  when  we  serve  Him  from 
fear  of  His  judgements,  or  from  being  obliged  to  do  so,  on 
account  of  human  respect.  This  I  believe,  indeed  I  am 
certain,  is  not  your  case.  The  second  occurs  when  a  man  is 
much  occupied  in  various  kinds  of  business;  and  yet  with 
all  this  he  wishes  to  undertake  a  certain  secret  service  of 
God,  which  is  beyond  human  strength,  and  thus  he  always 
wants  repose  in  his  heart,  and  he  cannot  have  that  tran- 
quillity of  soul  which  makes  us  happy.  This  is  what  I  fear 
happens  to  my  dear  son,  whom  I  would  remind  that  God 
has  placed  our  souls  in  this  miserable  flesh  so  that  one 
should  serve  the  other,  and  thus  give  us  the  opportunity 
of  gaining  merit.  It  is  necessary,  when  the  senses  try  to  get 
the  upper  hand,  that  the  spirit  should  rise  up  and  conquer 
by  means  of  virtue ;  and  when  the  spirit  becomes  too 
stringent,  that  reason  should  step  in  and  prevent  the  soul 
from  drawing  too  much  to  itself,  so  that  the  body  is  pro- 
strated; and  this  again  is  hurtful  to  herself,  since  we  cannot 
merit  anything,  unfortunately,  apart  from  our  body.  There- 
fore, my  dear  son,  when  you  find  that  you  have  much 


temporal  business,  you  cannot  undertake  spiritual  exercises, 
for  you  would  perform  them  in  such  fashion  that  your  body 
would  not  serve  your  soul.  Therefore  such  exercises  as  you 
find  you  can  do,  see  that  you  direct  them  to  the  honour  of 
God,  who  in  His  mercy  will  accept  them,  as  if  you  were  in 
continual  contemplation ;  and  then  when  you  can,  make 
your  prayer  and  some  reasonable  penances,  giving  proper 
rest  to  the  body;  for  the  better  and  longer  it  can  serve  the 
soul,  the  greater  merit  it  will  have,  and  your  heart  will  be 
both  more  tranquil  and  more  joyful.  It  was  this  I  wished 
to  point  out  to  you  in  my  letter  about  forced  service. 
I  meant  it  in  this  manner.  The  thought  came  to  me  at 
times  that  you  do  too  many  penances,  too  many  vigils  and 
austerities,  as  I  believe  did  also  my  other  dear  son,  Antonio 
Gondi.  Remember  both  of  you  that  you  are  not  [a  professed] 
Religious ;  that  our  Lord  asks  of  you  one  thing,  of  us 
another ;  therefore  you  must  both  temper  severity  with 
right  discretion,  and  offer  all  your  works  to  our  Lord,  who 
will  graciously  accept  them.  This  is  my  present  to  you  for 
this  feast  that,  like  dear  sons,  you  may  be  happy,  and  find 
yourselves  in  the  cave  in  that  holy  night,  in  which,  just  as 
you  are,  I  will  present  you  to  Jesus ;  and  you  must  offer 
me  to  Him,  and  the  poor  sister  (Bernarda  Giachianotti) 
who  is  writing  to  you. 

"  We  expect  you  for  this  feast,  although  we  did  not 
give  you  leave  for  the  two  last;  so  I  hope  you  may  have 
more  satisfaction  than  you  would  have  had  otherwise.  And 
tell  Antonio  that  to-morrow  is  his  feast,  as  well  as  that  of 
a  novice  called  Sister  Ilaria;  he  may  be  glad  of  this,  for  he 
will  be  greatly  helped  by  all  these  young  angels. 

"  Your  daughter  is  very  well,  and  on  the  Epiphany 
she  will  sing  the  lesson  at  Mass.  She  wishes  me  to  tell  you 
that  she  will  learn  it  well,  and  you  will  be  pleased  with  her. 
May  God  keep  you  in  His  holy  grace. 

"  Prato,  'December  21,  1555." 

To  the  same 

"  I  have  spoken  at  length  with  Vincenzio.  He  said  he 
knew  he  had  done  a  great  wrong,  and  had  greatly  offended 


you;  he  desires  to  be  pardoned,  but  this  being  an  old  affair, 
he  did  not  tell  you  then  so  as  not  to  cause  you  trouble. 
But  now,  being  constrained,  he  has  done  so,  and  he  knows 
he  has  not  considered,  what  is  worse  and  more  displeasing 
and  reprehensible,  that  he  owes  two  hundred  scudi ;  but 
the  man,  for  the  sake  of  getting  the  money,  will  take  one 
hundred  and  fifty.  And  from  this  time  forward,  if  you  will 
forgive  him  and  make  peace  together,  he  will  never  do  such 
a  thing  again,  nor  get  embroiled  with  Quirino.  Like  a  good 
son, he  asks  your  pardon,  as  did  the  prodigal,  and  he  has 
made  me  his  mediator.  If  I  merit  to  receive  this  grace,  and 
if  you  can  with  one  hundred  and  fifty  scudi  relieve  him  of 
this  debt,  I  shall  be  very  pleased.  But  do  not  be  angry,  for 
I  do  not  wish  to  force  you;  but  I  believe  that  your  son  has 
spoken  the  truth.  That  being  so,  all  will  be  well. 

"  It  grieves  me  to  hear  that  you  are  not  well,  and  that 
it  is  from  these  troubles;  but  if  you  make  a  good  resolution 
you  will  be  better  in  body  and  soul.  And  I  will  tell  you, 
my  dear  son,  what  just  now  occurs  to  me:  that  this  son  of 
yours  is  the  talent  that  Jesus  has  given  you,  with  which 
you  are  to  gain  eternal  life.  So,  like  a  good  trader,  go  and 
traffic  with  this  talent,  so  that  you  will  hear  those  much- 
desired  words:  'Well  done,  good  and  faithful  servant.' 

"  Trato,  February  4,  1581." 

To  the  same 

"Yesterday  I  wrote  to  you  at  length;  and  now  I  will  add 
that  however  it  may  not  be  seemly  to  come  between  father 
and  son,  nevertheless  I  judge  it  well  to  do  so,  that  if  he 
should  humble  himself  again  and  ask  your  pardon,  you  may 
forgive  him;  for  in  forgiving,  you  will  be  doing  that  which 
is  pleasing  to  God.  So  I  trust  you  will  hear  me  this  time,  and 
so  give  pleasure  to  me  and  to  our  poor  sisters,  who  are 
greatly  grieved  about  it.  He  has  promised  me  to  do  nothing 
in  future  against  your  wish;  therefore  return  to  your  better 
self,  like  the  loving  father  you  have  always  been.  I  commend 
myself  to  you.  May  God  protect  you.  .  .  . 

"  He  assures  me  that  he  has  no  other  debts,  and  that  he 


never  will  incur  any;  this  he  has  promised  me  faithfully.  .  .  . 

"Prato,  February  5,  1581." 

To  the  same 

"I  thank  you  for  having  yielded  to  my  request  to 
forgive  Vincenzio,  which  I  believe  will  be  the  right  thing. 
As  to  the  payment  of  his  debt,  I  trust  to  you,  who  know 
much  better  than  I  what  to  do,  and  what  is  most  to  your 
advantage.  As  I  have  told  you,  he  has  promised  faithfully 
never  to  fall  again  into  the  like  difficulty,  and  never  to  have 
dealings  again  with  Quirino.  And  after  all  I  have  said  to 
him — I  have  been  able  to  speak  the  truth  plainly,  and  told 
him  he  must  keep  to  it — if  he  follows  my  advice,  it  will  be 
more  for  his  good  than  any  one  else's.  And  I  wish  you  to 
tell  him  that  I  will  go  bail  with  you  for  him,  with  this 
understanding,  that  if  he  fail  in  anything,  I  will  never  speak 
for  him  again,  nor  stop  to  listen  to  him.  This  I  will  promise 
you;  but  only  under  these  conditions  will  I  submit  to  go 
bail,  and  not  otherwise. 

"He  and  your  ladies  went  away  yesterday.  I  shall  be 
glad  to  hear  of  their  arrival.  To  you  and  to  them  I  corn- 
commend  myself. 

"  Prato,  February  6,  1581." 


Lorenzo  Strozzi,  son  of  Filippo,  grandson  of  Matteo 
Strozzi,  was  born  in  July,  1482.  He  was  elder  brother  to 
the  Giovanbattista — afterwards  called  Filippo — so  cele- 
brated in  Florentine  history.  Lorenzo  cultivated  letters,  and 
was  a  friend  of  the  eminent  literary  men  of  his  day;  he  held 
honourable  office  under  the  Republic,  and  in  different  times 
always  took  the  side  of  the  upright  and  loyal  citizens.  Varchi 
calls  him  "a  noble  man  and  a  great  soul";  and  Machiavelli 
declares  that  "in  nobility  and  fortune  Lorenzo  had  few 
equals;  in  intellect,  hardly  any;  and  in  magnificence,  none." 
He  did  not  always  approve  the  political  proceedings  of  his 
brother,  yet  was  suspected  of  joining  in  them.  He  retired  at 
last  to  his  villa  at  Santuccio,and  there  wrote  two  treatises,  on 

I" Addressed  to  LORENZO  Srozzi,  one  of  her  "Spiritual  Sotis"j. 



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"Patience "and on  "Almsgiving,"  which  remain  in  manu- 
script; and  the  "  Lives  of  Illustrious  Men"  of  the  Strozzi 
family,  of  which  some  fragments  were  published  by  Bigazzi 
and  by  Canon  Giuseppe  Bradi,  of  the  Accademia  della  Crusca. 
The  date  of  his  death  is  not  given,  but  it  was  probably 
about  1549. 

The  three  letters  from  Mother  Catherine  to  Lorenzo 
that  here  follow — models  of  practical  spirituality  in  their 
brief  form — speak  for  themselves  as  to  her  keen  sympathy 
with  the  trouble  of  ill-health  and  failing  powers. 

The  first  of  them,  it  will  be  seen,  is  the  letter  given  in 
this  book  as  an  example  of  the  saint's  hand-writing. 

To  Lorenzo  Strozzi 

"  IHS.  Honoured  and  most  beloved  in  Christ  Jesus, 
greeting  in  Him  who  so  much  loves  you !  Both  in  obe- 
dience to  one  who  has  a  right  to  command  me,  and  no  less 
on  account  of  the  sympathy  that  I  feel  for  your  very  great 
illness,  I  write  you  these  few  words  with  difficulty,  and  as 
badly  as  I  can  write;  so  that,  as  you  have  recommended 
yourself  to  my  prayers  in  a  letter  addressed  to  our  Reverend 
Mother  Prioress,  and  in  another  to  Domenico  Marcassino,* 
the  friend  of  Jesus,  you  may  be  sure  that  I  will  not  abandon 
you  as  regards  the  prayers  that  I  can  and  ought  to  [offer]  to 
Jesus,  or  to  His  most  holy  Mother,  in  whose  love  He  would 
fain  see  us  clothed  if  we  wish  to  be  agreeable  and  pleasing 
to  Himself;  and  also  because  of  the  great  and  particular 
obligation  that  we  are  under  to  you,  for  the  help  given  at 
various  times  to  our  poor  monastery. 

"May  God  not  consider  my  sins,  but  may  He  answer 
your  great  faith,  as  far  as  this  may  profit  for  the  salvation 
of  your  soul;  may  He  have  bowels  of  compassion  for  you, 
and  look  upon  you  with  merciful  eyes,  because  in  one 
moment  He  may  grant  you  all  the  graces  you  desire. 
I  promise  you  (God  watching  over  me,  not  because  of  my 

*  Called  by  Razzi  "  a  man  looked  upon  in  Florence  as  highly  versed  in  spirituality." 
He  is  mentioned  in  the  "Note  on  the  iron  necklace  of  Girolamo  Savonarola,"  referred 
to  in  the  preface  to  Guasti's  edition  of  the  "Letters." 


merits,  but  through  His  goodness  as  I  hope)  that  I  will 
never  let  you  want  what  little  help  I  can  give  you.  Trust  in 
God:  if  He  strikes  you  here  below,  He  will  not  desert  your 
soul  redeemed  by  His  precious  blood.  You  know  that  some- 
times the  shepherd  uses  threats  and  blows  to  bring  a 
sheep  back  to  the  fold;  and  yet  he  only  does  this  to  have 
it  in  safety,  and  to  deliver  it  from  the  devourer  and  destroyer. 
It  suffers  the  blows,  and  afterwards  enjoys  the  peace  and 
comfort  obtained  for  it  by  the  one  who  has  loved  it  so  much. 
I  know  that  you  understand  me  well.  Notwithstanding  all 
this  I  should  still  like  you  to  be  heard  for  your  soul's  health; 
that  is,  that  such  excessive  pains  and  sufferings  should  be  at 
least  diminished,  for  the  honour  and  the  glory  of  the  Lord, 
and  for  your  encouragement  and  that  of  those  who  love  you 
in  God.  May  the  Lord  reward  you  for  all  that  you  have  sent 
to  us  through  our  friend.  All  our  mothers  thank  you,  as 
well  as  Mother  Prioress,  who  desires  me  to  write  our  thanks 
to  you  for  your  charity  to  the  daughters  of  Jesus;  and  I  also 
join  with  her.  May  His  Majesty  grant  you  increase  in  His 
holy  love,  and  make  you  understand  that  all  you  suffer  is 
known  to  Him,  and  that  He  will  compensate  you  for  all  if 
you  bear  it  with  patience,  as  I  hope  you  mean  to  do;  or, 
rather,  as  I  believe  you  are  doing. 

"Give  yourself  entirely  to  Him  and  He  will  give  Him- 
self to  you;  say:  '  Do  with  me  what  Thou  pleasest,  give  me 
either  sickness  or  health,  so  long  as  I  am  pleasing  to  Thee; 
I  wish  for  nothing  but  to  do  Thy  holy  will.'  Mother  Prioress, 
Mother  Sub-Prioress,  and  all,  recommend  themselves  to  you. 

"  Your  very  unworthy  daughter,  etc  ,  etc. 

"August  23,  1543." 

To  Lorenzo  Strozzi 

"How  greatly  Antonio  Cioni  recommended  you  to  me 
I  could  not  express;  but  he  has  asked  me  to  write  with  my 
own  hand,  which  I  do  for  the  love  of  God  with  some  fatigue, 
but  willing  for  His  sake  and  yours.  Would  that  I  were  such 
as  to  be  able  to  give  you  comfort,  but  I  am  not  used  to 
writing  such  things,  so  you  must  excuse  me  as  to  this, 


though  I  can  tell  you  truly  that  I  pray  a  great  deal  for  you. 
And  if  you  are  not  blessed  with  bodily  health,  and  you 
suffer  this  with  great  patience,  your  seeming  to  feel  your 
soul  in  danger  may  not  be  a  reality  before  Jesus,  who 
perhaps  leaves  you  in  bodily  pain  in  order  to  purify  you 
from  many  past  sins,  and  to  purify  you  here  instead  of 
there  where  the  pain  is  greater  beyond  all  comparison.  And 
if  your  mind  seems  weakened,  it  is  sufficient  that  your 
will  remain  fixed  on  our  Lord,  who  sees  how  much  you 
desire  not  to  offend  Him.  And  if  you  feel  as  if  you  offend 
Him,  there  is  pain  in  this,  but  not  guilt,  for  our  Lord  sees 
your  inmost  heart,  which  you  must  continually  offer  up  to 
Him.  Try  to  make  as  little  trouble  of  it  as  possible,  and 
be  as  cheerful  as  you  can.  And  I  shall  always  be  pleased  to 
hear  of  you  from  your  Antonio  Cioni.  May  Jesus  and  the 
Virgin  defend  you  from  all  evil  now  and  always,  until  your 
last  end.  Hope  in  God,  for  He  will  in  justice  give  you 

"  Prato,  {March  26,  i  544." 

To  the  same 

"I  replied  to  your  last  letter  of  a  few  days  since,  being 
very  sorry  for  your  affliction,  and  that  you  feel  old  and  not 
very  well,  and  that  you  have  now  to  be  under  the  charge  of 
your  sons,  whereas  up  to  the  present  you  have  been  father 
and  master.  We  feel  sure  that  these  things  are  very  hard  to 
bear.  Yet  it  is  necessary  for  peace'  sake  to  make  the  best  of  it. 
We  are  very  pleased  at  your  good  will  towards  our  monas- 
tery, and  know  that  your  humanity*  would  be  desirous  if 
you  were  able  of  helping  us,  your  poor  daughters  in  Christ; 
for  you  understand  our  need,  which  is  always  increasing,  and 
how  temporal  matters  press  upon  us  all  round. 

"  But  we  are  writing  to  you  now  again,  since  we  have 
received  your  alms  of  five  golden  scudi;  they  arrived  just 
in  time,  as  only  He  knows  who  inspired  you  to  do  this  act 
of  charity.  Therefore  we  are  the  more  bound  to  pray  for 
your  humanity,  both  for  this  benefit  and  for  the  compassion 
we  feel  for  you.  I  have  commended  your  charity  to  the 

*  Meaning  one  learned  in  the  Humanities. 


Mother  Sub-Prioress  and  to  all  the  sisters,  who  will  not  fail 
to  pray  to  our  Lord  that,  if  it  please  Him,  He  will  deign 
to  grant  your  desire  and  will  repay  you  for  this  charity, 
which  may  have  been  some  inconvenience  to  you,  and  for 
others  you  have  done  for  us  in  times  past.  And  we  shall 
remember  you  not  only  now,  but  always,  and  especially  at 
this  holy  season,  as  our  own  father.  Again  we  commend  to 
you  our  monastery,  and  may  we  always  be  grateful  for  all  our 
Lord  sends  us,  whether  great  things  or  little,  and  not  forget 
our  obligations  to  the  instruments  of  His  bounty.  1  commend 
myself  to  your  humanity,  as  does  also  Mother  Sub-Prioress,* 
who  joins  me  in  thanking  you. 

"Your  daughters  in  Christ, 

"Prafo,  December  17,  1548." 

Of  all  this  group  of  friends,  however,  the  most  inter- 
esting, after  Filippo  Salviati,  were  Antonio  Gondi  and 
Ludovico  Capponi — men  of  most  opposite  character,  but 
almost  equally  dear  in  their  different  ways  to  Catherine. 
Capponi,  born  in  March,  1533,  and  described  as  "hand- 
some, young,  and  of  noble  carriage,"  when  the  saint  first 
knew  him,  was  of  the  best  and  most  accomplished  society 
in  his  native  city.  Educated  at  the  celebrated  school  of 
Ludovico  Buonaccorsi  di  San  Gemignano,  whence  flocked 
the  elite  of  the  Florentine  youths,  Ludovico  was  not  only 
attracted  by  the  charms  of  literature,  but  vividly  impressed 
by  the  heroic  deeds  of  warlike  Rome.  The  master  of  this 
school  let  his  pupils  form  imaginary  plots  and  conspiracies, 
and  practised  them  in  oratorical  disputes,  wishing  to  give 
them  the  habit  of  speaking  boldly  in  public  before  both 
princes  and  people,  in  which  he  did  but  carry  on  the  tra- 
ditions of  the  old  republic.  Some  of  Buonaccorsi's  disciples 
joined  in  political  disturbances,  and  either  died  in  party- 
fights  or  were  executed;  others  gave  themselves  up  to  study, 
or  filled  public  civil  offices;  but  Capponi,  by  the  course  of 

*  Sister  Maddalena  was  just  then  prioress,  and  St  Catherine  sub-prioress.  Whether 
Maddalena  Strozzi  and  Lorenzo  were  in  any  way  related  does  not  appear. 


events  in  his  own  life,  was  equally  turned  from  the  pursuit 
of  arms  and  from  that  of  belles-lettres  on  going  forth  into 
the  world.  The  rapacity  and  dishonourable  conduct  of  a 
brother  engendered  in  Ludovico's  heart  a  deadly  hatred, 
which  for  many  years  took  complete  possession  of  him, 
and  involved  him  also  in  long  lawsuits,  petitions  to  autho- 
rities, and  various  proceedings  of  a  disturbing  kind,  all 
having  the  object  of  getting  justice  done  to  him,  and  even 
of  revenging  himself  on  the  offending  parties  in  what 
seems  to  have  been  a  very  complicated  family  dispute. 
Added  to  this  trouble  was  the  opposition  of  both  relations 
and  powerful  rival  suitors  to  Capponi's  marriage  with 
Maddalena  Vettori,  a  maiden  with  whom  he  was  deeply  in 
love  and  who  fully  returned  his  affection.  Her  father  was 
dead,  and  she  was  in  the  joint  guardianship  of  a  legal 
court  which  opposed  the  union,  and  of  her  mother,  who 
favoured  Ludovico's  suit. 

The  whole  story  of  this  young  couple  is  striking,  espe- 
cially because  of  the  determined  and  independent  attitude  of 
Maddalena  herself — refreshing  to  read  of  in  a  state  of  society 
where  hardly  a  girl  dared  refuse  any  man  she  was  told  to 
marry;  but  it  is  too  long  to  give  in  detail  here,*  and  it  must 
suffice  to  say  that  Ludovico  finally  triumphed  over  the  other 
suitors — partly  through  influence  of  the  grand  duchess, 
whom  Catherine  interested  in  her  protege's  cause — and  they 
were  married  in  1558.  Throughout  all  his  stormy  life  Ludo- 
vico, if  passionate  and  resentful,  was  always  upright  and 
honourable  to  a  high  degree:  so  much  so,  in  fact,  that  he  was 
not  always  acceptable  in  a  corrupt  court;  and  was  the  object 
of  much  dislike  and  many  calumnies  from  the  partisans  of 
the  Medici.  The  date  of  his  making  St  Catherine's  acquain- 
tance is  not  given;  but  it  must  have  been  pretty  early  in  his 
career,  as  we  are  told  that  being  almost  miraculously  over- 
come with  a  desire  for  holiness,  like  so  many  others,  on  his 
first  visit  to  her,  she  helped  him  by  her  prayers  and  instruc- 
tions for  about  thirty  years.  Violent,  determined  and  pug- 

*  The  full  particulars  of  Ludovico's  and  Maddalena's  love-story,  and  also  of  his 
family  and  political  troubles,  may  be  found  in  the  French  edition  of  the  "Letters,"  be- 
ginning on  p.  365. 


nacious  in  character  as  he  was,  Ludovico  found  it  very  hard 
to  acquire  the  gentleness  demanded  by  the  saint  from  her 
"sons";  but  he  valiantly  kept  up  the  fight  with  his  faults, 
and  at  the  end  of  that  time,  mainly  thanks  to  the  singular 
grace  gained  for  him  by  his  "mother's"  prayers,  he  had 
attained  something  very  near  to  perfection  in  self-control. 
The  following  letters  are  chosen  from  a  number  written  to 
him,  with  a  few  to  his  wife  (a  great  favourite  with  her)  by 
Catherine,  who  kept  up  constant  communication  with  them 
through  all  these  years.  It  must  be  remembered,  in  reading 
these  letters,  that  the  "case"  referred  to  several  times  means 
one  of  Ludovico's  petitions  to  authority  concerning  some 
of  his  numerous  wrongs,  in  trying  to  rectify  which  his  de- 
voted wife  frequently  helped  him:  in  one  case,  particularly, 
going  herself  to  present  a  memorial  to  the  grand  duke  on 
her  knees. 

These  specimens  of  the  Capponi  correspondence  have 
been  chosen  so  as  to  cover  a  considerable  space  of  time;  and 
it  is  amusing  to  find,  when  her  "son's"  children  became 
marriageable,  how  completely  Catherine,  who  in  early  days 
had  strongly  upheld  Maddalenain  her  independence,  adopts 
the  entirely  conventional  tone  of  her  contemporaries  about 
the  submission  of  daughters  where  matrimony  is  concerned. 

To  Ludovico  Capponi 

"  Much  honoured  and  dear  to  me  as  a  father,  greeting, — 
Being  certain  that  you,  as  a  good  Christian,  both  cherish 
and  endeavour  with  all  your  strength  to  bring  up  and  ac- 
custom your  children  to  love  the  things  of  God;  and  con- 
sidering that  our  Lord  in  this  impending  festival  deigned 
for  love  of  us  to  take  on  our  flesh,  and  to  become  a  litde 
child,  an  abject  to  human  eyes,  but  in  the  eyes  of  faith  the 
highest  Son  of  God  and  our  Redeemer;  in  order  that  your 
children  may  have  the  opportunity  in  their  tender  years  of 
honouring  in  childlike  manner  this  mystery,  I  send  you  a 
simple  creche  with  theholy  Virgin  and  Jesus,  so  thatyou  may 
tell  them  in  a  way  they  can  understand,  how  at  this  holy  festi- 
val they  can  stand  round  the  holy  Mother  and  Jesus,  and  how 
they  can  say  Ave  Marias  for  me  and  all  of  us,  and  be  good 


children.  And  I  feel  sure  that  she  would  be  pleased  with  the 
mystery  represented,  and  with  their  love.  And  I  beg  you  to 
remember  me  in  all  your  prayers  at  this  holy  season,  and 
say  the  same  to  our  honoured  Mona  Maddalena,  and  for 
all  of  us.  To  you  and  her  I  commend  myself;  we  will  not 
fail  to  remember  you  in  all  our  community  and  private 
prayers  at  this  most  holy  festival,  and  your  special  intention. 
Farewell  in  our  Lord. 

'"December  1 8,  1573." 

'To  the  same 

"By  Salvestro,  our  serving-man,  I  send  you  back  the 
report  of  your  case,  which  I  shall  be  glad  to  hear  you  have 
received  safely.  Besides  this  I  must  tell  you  that  I  have 
read  and  considered  it;  it  appears  to  me  to  be  very  well 
done,  and  that  it  will  show  to  whoever  reads  it  with  an 
open  mind  that  you  are  in  the  right.  But  for  all  this,  as 
1  said  when  speaking  to  you,  and  as  I  now  tell  you  again, 
I  pray  that  you  will  in  everything  leave  your  cause  in  the 
hands  of  Divine  Providence,  who  will  not  fail  to  find  means, 
perhaps  when  you  least  expect  it,  to  give  you  full  satisfac- 
tion and  to  justify  you  to  every  sort  of  person.  And  if  it 
should  not  so  please  Him,  leave  it  all  to  Him,  for  He  will 
perhaps  wish  to  try  you  in  this  way,  and  give  you  the  chance 
of  merit,  and  of  atoning  for  past  errors;  for  we  are  all  sin- 
ners. Remember  all  the  calumnies  heaped  upon  our  innocent 
and  blessed  Lord  Jesus.  And  His  most  holy  Majesty  is 
powerful  to  justify  you  here;  and  if  this  should  not  please 
Him,  He  will  not  fail  to  do  it  there,  if  your  are  patient. 
That  is  the  only  thing  that  matters;  things  here  pass  away 
and  life  here  is  very  short,  but  there  it  is  eternal.  Therefore 
I  pray*  you,  dear  Ludovico,  calm  yourself  and  let  this  cause 
sleep  awhile,  because  you  have  done  what  is  honourable  and 
reasonable.  Also  we  know  that  you  are  right  and  have  not 
erred,  and  honours  and  favours  have  not  been  wanting  to 
you.  Besides,  you  must  await  the  Divine  Wisdom,  who 
knows  best  how  and  when  it  will  please  Him  to  hear  both 
you  and  me.  For  this  I  pray  always  on  your  behalf,  and  as 



I  tell  you,  I  shall  not  cease  to  help  you  with  continual 

"  It  remains  only  to  say  that  I  am  well  and  that  I  much 
wish  to  hear  how  you  and  your  consort  are,  and  whether 
your  coming  caused  any  inconvenience.  I  commend  myself 
to  you  and  to  her,  and  greet  all  the  children  for  me.  Valete 
in  Domino. 

"  August  26,  1574." 

'To  the  same 

"I  have  received  yours  and  have  read  it  very  carefully, 
and  in  truth  I  feel  the  greatest  compassion  for  your  case. 
There  are  a  thousand  good  reasons  on  your  side,  and  im- 
portant ones  too;  and  as  you  have  not  had  justice,  all  the 
more  one  must  feel  compassion  for  you,  as  I  do.  But 
believing  that  in  the  hands  of  our  God  are  the  hearts  of 
princes  and  of  those  who  govern,  we  know,  the  eye  of 
reason  being  fortified  and  enlightened  by  our  holy  faith, 
that  our  Lord  permits  all  things  for  our  salvation  and  for 
our  greater  good.  Even  if  we  suffer  evil  and  things  against 
our  honour,  nevertheless,  my  dear  Ludovico,  neither  our 
own  judgement,  nor  devils,  nor  the  world  of  men,  can 
separate  us  from  His  most  holy  Majesty.  Therefore  I  pray 
you,  Ludovico,  dear  to  me  as  a  father,  in  Yisceribm  Jesu 
Christi,  be  comforted;  time  is  short,  God  is  for  us  all,  and 
He  will  judge  all,  and  justice  will  then  take  its  proper 
place.  And  think  that  if  it  should  not  please  Him  to  give 
it  you  here  at  once,  wait,  wait;  rest,  rest  your  soul  and 
keep  your  holy  faith,  and  say:  cGod  is  all-powerful,  wise 
and  good;  He  sees  and  loves  my  salvation  and  will  procure 
it;  my  wants  are  known  to  Him;  above  all,  I  desire  with 
all  my  mind  to  wish  what  He  wishes.'  Do  not  doubt,  bear 
all  this  hard  warfare  with  patience  and  tranquillity  towards 
your  enemies.  Wait  in  hope;  for  if  not  here,  in  that  other 
life  He  will  not  fail  to  do  you  justice. 

"Afterwards  I  read  your  letter,  and  learned  what 
Maddalena  has  done;  also  I  read  the  memorial,  which  is 
very  well  drawn  up.  I  see  by  the  report  that  His  Highness 
does  not  wish  to  make  any  revision.  Well,  Ludovico,  the 


saw  works  according  to  the  one  who  uses  it,  thus  it  pleases 
God.  Now,  do  me  this  pleasure;  take  off  your  thoughts 
from  doing  anything  more  in  defence  of  this  case,  because 
you  see  there  is  nothing  to  be  done.  I  pray  you  to  embrace 
this  cross  with  all  the  patience  you  can,  and  I  will  not  fail 
to  help  you  with  my  prayers,  and  such  as  I  am,  I  will  do 
all  I  can  for  you  and  your  family.  To  you  and  Maddalena 
I  commend  myself  a  thousand  times.  And  I  say  once  more, 
make  an  offering  to  God  of  this  chalice,  and  say  with  Jesus 
in  the  garden :  Fiat  "boluntas  tua.  I  send  you  back  the  memo- 
rial with  this,  and  shall  be  glad  to  know  that  you  have 
received  it.  Valete  in  Domino. 
"September  24,  1574." 

To  the  same 

"  I  had  your  very  kind  letter  of  the  1 5th  inst.,  and  as 
you  told  me  you  were  going  into  the  country,  I  have  de- 
layed my  answer  until  I  feel  quite  in  your  debt.  I  must  tell 
you  first  that  as  I  am  the  lowest  servant  of  Jesus,  I  do  not 
wish  you  to  give  me  the  title  of  'signora,'  because  I  am 
not  one;  neither  must  you  speak  of  holy  feet  and  hands, 
because  I  am  but  miserable  flesh,  a  mere  sack  of  vermin 
and  a  useless  creature ;  therefore  please  do  not  use  those 
expressions  to  me,  but  keep  them  for  those  who  deserve 
them.  And  I  pray  you  not  to  be  angry  when  I  say  this, 
because  out  of  the  affection  that  I  bear  to  you  in  our  Lord, 
I  do  not  like  you  to  use  superfluous  terms,  which  towards 
me  are  a  mistake.  But  be  assured  that  I  always  do  and  shall 
pray  for  you  and  your  house,  as  I  would  for  my  own.  I  pray 
you  to  commend  me  to  Mona  Maddalena,  and  to  yourself. 
May  our  Lord  preserve  you. 
"Prato,  May  27,  1578." 

To  the  same 

"  I  have  received  your  very  kind  letter,  which  I  have 
read  twice,  and  have  considered  at  the  end  what  the  thing 
is  that  your  own  daughter  has  spoken  to  you  about.  I  wish 
that  for  once  you  would  follow  my  plan,  which  is  that,  as 
soon  as  you  receive  this,  you  will  go  and  confirm  the 


engagement  with  Girolamo  Albizzi  before  you  dine.  When 
you  have  done  this,  you  will  see  how  disburdened  you 
will  feel.  Especially  when  you  have  had  the  certainty  that 
you  are  not  displeasing  the  relations  of  the  deceased  nephew, 
and  that  Girolamo  Albizzi  is  not  in  fault,  and  that  he  is  not 
concerned  with  the  one  who  committed  homicide.  All  these 
things  will  console  you,  especially  if  the  engagement  be 
accepted  voluntarily;  the  more  so  as  your  own  daughter  is 
asking  it,  though  it  is  scarcely  a  thing  that  a  girl  ought  to 
do.  But  as  we  are  in  such  a  troublesome  world,  we  have  to 
act  cautiously  and  consent  at  times  to  things  we  should  not 
do  at  others,  so  as  not  to  make  them  worse  than  they  might 
be.  Ease  your  heart  of  every  difficulty,  and  do  at  once 
cheerfully  what  I  have  told  you,  for  it  will  bring  great 
peace  to  all  your  house,  and  God  will  help  you.  So  do  it 
cheerfully  and  heartily,  so  that,  whatever  may  happen  to 
your  daughter,  she  will  not  have  to  complain  of  you.  And 
let  me  know,  if  possible  by  supper-time,  that  you  are  all 
good  friends  together.  And  then,  in  your  own  time,  follow 
the  counsel,  and  profit  by  the  help  of  His  Serene  Highness 
for  the  second,  with  de'  Botti,  since  you  have  the  possi- 
bility of  settling  them  also.  May  God  give  you  grace  that 
all  may  turn  out  honourably;  meantime  I  hope  to  hear 
that  it  is  done,  and  I  give  you  my  good  wishes  for  your 

"Prato,  April  12,  1589." 

'To  the  same 

"I  have  received  your  letter,  and  understand  the  danger, 
and  then  the  great  grace  received  (for  which  I  thank  God 
and  the  most  holy  Virgin);  also  the  little  satisfaction  you 
have  in  the  younger  girls,  who  ought  not  to  dare  to  lift 
their  eyes  in  your  presence,  much  less  to  speak.  By  this 
one  can  see  how  the  world  has  deteriorated.  And  in  their 
position  they  should  speak  differently ;  and  whoever  puts 
them  up  to  these  things,  will  have  to  give  a  serious  account. 
May  God  forgive  them  all;  and  may  you  overcome  all  by 

"I  suppose  Antonio  has  returned  you  the  bundle  of 


your  letters  which  I  had,  and  which  I  value.  To-day  I  send 
you  back  Maddalena's ;  I  also  thank  you  for  the  white 
wine  and  the  red.  I  commend  myself  to  you ;  may  God 
keep  you. 

"  PS.  [by  Sister  Giachinotti.]    Our  Reverend  Mother 
can  no  longer  drink  the  red  wine,  so  highly  coloured  as 
the  last;  she  likes  it  light  and  mild,  but  do  not  let  her 
know  I  told  you.  I  commend  myself  to  you. 
"Prato,  June  27,  1589." 

Ludovico  Capponi  religiously  preserved  Mother  Cathe- 
rine's letters  to  him ;  and  below  the  last  he  ever  received 
from  her  (a  little  note,  dated  January,  1590,*  when  the  ill- 
ness which  ended  in  her  death  had  already  attacked  her)  he 
wrote  this  memorandum: 

"  This  letter  was  the  last  written  by  the  most  holy  Sister 
Catherine  to  me,  so  great  a  sinner,  but  her  devoted  son  and 
servant,  although  quite  unworthy  of  so  many  favours  and 
such  high  grace.  I  shall  always  glory  in  having  been  honoured 
— I,  a  wretch — by  the  last  letter  she  wrote  upon  earth.  1 
entreat  her,  now  that  she  is  living  in  heaven,  to  pray  for  me, 
for  my  whole  family,  and  for  the  soul  of  my  sweet  son 
Giulio,  that  God  may  have  mercy  on  him,  as  she  strongly 
encouraged  me  to  hope." 

The  Capponi  letters  number  altogether,  including  many 
small  notes,  over  ninety.  But  before  Capponi — even  before 
their  cherished  FilippoSalviati — stood  Antonio  Gondi  in  the 
affections  of  Catherine  and  her  nuns;  and  from  the  account 
of  his  character,  quoted  from  Razzi,  he  seems  well  to  have 
deserved  his  high  place  amongst  the  saint's  spiritual  child- 
ren. She  is  said,  indeed,  to  have  looked  upon  him  from  their 
first  acquaintance  as  one  from  whom  she  could  learn,  rather 
than  as  a  pupil  in  things  divine,  and  to  have  depended  upon 
him  for  the  keeping  together  and  encouraging  of  her  other 
"  sons,"  who  appear  to  have  been  constantly  seeing  or  re- 

*  In  both  French  and  Italian  editions  this  letter  is  dated  1589;  yet  the  editors  speak 
quite  correctly  as  if  it  had  been  written  immediately  before  her  death,  which  was  in  Feb- 
ruary, 1 5 90.  There  is  therefore  clearly  a  mistake,  which  has  been  overlooked,  in  the  date. 
It  is  corrected  above. 


ferring  to  him.  Gondi,  the  date  of  whose  birth  we  are  not 
told,  was  a  member  of  an  illustrious  family  of  that  name.  He 
lived,  whilst  his  brothers  and  relations  led  the  usual  lives  of 
luxurious  Florentines,  rather  the  life  of  a  poor  Religious 
than  that  of  a  rich  and  noble  secular ;  especially,  he  always 

wore  most  humble  clothing;,  keeping:  to  the  cut  and  fashion 

f    •  • 

of  his  own  youth  without  alteration  as  he  grew  old.  Re- 
maining unmarried,  he  adopted  for  his  children  the  shame- 
faced poor,  and — actually  living  with  his  brothers — made 
the  churches  and  holy  shrines  his  chief  places  of  resort.  He 
always  attended  Divine  Office  at  San  Marco,  would  stand 
during  all  the  sermons,  and  never  neglected  daily  spiritual 
reading  even  in  the  midst  of  pressing  business.  In  all  things 
he  was  humble  and  poor  in  spirit,  and  mortified  to  the  last 
degree.  Hence,  whilst  Catherine  would  spur  on  Ludovico 
to  constantly-increasing  exertions  towards  self-mastery  by 
means  of  penance  and  fervour,  she  had  rather  to  do  her  best 
to  pull  Antonio  back  in  his  practices,  by  reminding  him  that 
cloistral  austerity  might  be  injurious  in  his  state  of  life.  It 
is  not,  however,  through  direct  communication  with  him 
that  we  can  study  her  attitude  towards  Gondi,  as  there  are 
no  letters  to  him  extant  except  two  perfectly  uninteresting 
ones  on  pure  business.  It  is  in  her  incessant  references  to 
Antonio — often  by  familiar  pet  names,  such  as  "  Toto," 
"  Tonino,"  "  babbo  Toto,"  etc. — in  letters  to  others,  both 
from  herself  and  some  of  her  nuns,  and  in  the  frequent 
messages  sent  to  him,  that  the  really  tender  and  filial  affec- 
tion felt  for  him  by  them  all,  and  the  close  intimacy  to  which 
he  was  admitted  owing  to  the  deep  respect  they  had  for 
him,  comes  out.  In  all  probability  there  was  very  little  need 
for  letters^  as  Antonio  acted  for  thirty-seven  years  of  his 
life  as  "  Procurator-General  "  to  the  nuns,  superintending 
other  workers  in  their  practical  affairs,  and  being  in  every 
way  of  so  much  consequence  to  them  that  he  was  doubtless 
constantly  at  Prato,  settling  business  as  well  as  discoursing 
on  spiritual  things,  viva  toce.  We  know  from  the  history  of 
Vincenzio  de'  Ricci  how  he  helped  Catherine  in  her  family 
matters,  and  what  thorough  confidence  she  had  in  him  as 
guardian  of  her  "  boy."  He  was  in  full  sympathy,  also,  with 


her  and  her  community  in  their  favourite  devotion  to  Sa- 
vonarola, whose  memory  was  most  sacred  to  him.  He  studied 
the  great  preacher's  works,  and  devoutly  kept  relics  of  him 
— as  also  did  Ludovico  Capponi,  when  once  Catherine  had 
acquainted  him  with  the  life  and  writings  of  one  whom  she 
so  deeply  venerated.* 

Antonio  Gondi  only  survived  our  saint  one  year,  dying 
in  1591,  and  being  buried — as  he  had  desired — under  the 
pavement  of  San  Marco,  where  he  had  spent  so  many  hours 
of  his  life  in  prayer.  He  did  not  forget  the  needs  of  the 
convent  for  which  he  had  worked  so  hard,  but  left  the  com- 
munity 6,000  crowns  by  his  will. 

*  About  1572  St  Catherine  began  deliberately  employing  many  ol  her  "sons"  in 
the  work  of  trying  to  revive,  especially  in  the  city  of  Florence,  the  then  almost  extinct 
devotion  to  Savonarola.  They  succeeded  so  well  that  by  1583  the  old  confraternity 
of  his  followers — the  Piagnoni — seemed  come  to  life  again;  and  Cardinal  Alessandro 
de'  Medici  bitterly  complained  of  its  revival,  accusing  the  fathers  of  San  Marco  and  the 
nuns  of  San  Vincenzio  of  bringing  it  about — the  latter  especially,  by  painting  and  dis- 
seminating pictures  of  the  great  friar.  But  the  men  of  influence  in  Florence  whom 
Catherine  had  set  to  work  amongst  the  townspeople,  and  especially  amongst  youths  ot 
the  better  class,  had  probably  done  more  towards  it  than  any  one  else.  (See,  for  full 
details  of  this  matter,  Chap-  XII  of  Tere  Bayonne,  Vol.  II.) 



Later  years  of  St  Catherine's  Life — Her  relations, with  St  M.  Magdalen  de' 
Pazzi — With  St  Philip  Neri — Her  friendly  intercourse  with  Seculars 
— Her  spirit  of  Religious  Poverty  in  sickness — Her  increasing  humi- 
lity and  desire  of  self-effacement  shown  by  a  final  act 

CONTEMPORARY  with  Catherine  de'  Ricci  in  Florence,  though 
much  younger,  was  one  of  those  seraphic  souls  that  appear 
to  pass  through  this  life  only  to  be  consumed  by  the  love 
of  God:  Maria  Maddalena  de'  Pazzi,  commonly  known  in 
England  as  St  Mary  Magdalen  de'  Pazzi,  the  Carmelite. 
Like  Catherine,  she  was  of  patrician  race;  and,  also  like  her, 
she  had  left  her  father's  home  with  all  its  splendour  and 
attractions,  whilst  quite  a  girl,  that  she  might  possess  the 
one  and  only  Beloved  of  her  heart  in  the  "  desert "  of  the 
cloister.  Having  entered  Carmel,  at  the  convent  of  Santa 
Maria  degli  Angeli,  when  sixteen  years  old,  she  had  flown 
towards  the  things  of  God  with  such  extraordinary  rapidity 
that  even  before  the  end  of  her  novitiate  she  had  become 
the  wonder  of  her  companions  for  her  angelic  virtues,  her 
raptures,  and  the  many  supernatural  favours  that  it  pleased 
heaven  to  grant  her.  Mother  Catherine  was  at  this  time 
nearly  sixty-four;  and  one  can  imagine  her  joy  at  all  she 
would  hear  of  the  dawning  of  a  sanctity  like  this  so  close  to 
her.  History  tells  us  that  these  two  holy  souls  held  personal 
intercourse  by  some  miraculous  means,  but  it  gives  us  no 
details  of  the  manner  in  which  this  happened,  or  of  which 
went  first  to  greet  the  other  saint.  The  only  authentic  account 
left  of  their  relations  with  each  other  enables  us  merely  to 
conjecture  two  things:  that  it  was  Mary  Magdalen  who  first 
supernaturally  visited  Catherine,  as  the  already  illustrious 
spouse  of  Christ,  whose  glory  was  then  filling  all  Italy;  and 


that  the  ecstasies  to  which  both  were  subject  plays  no  small 
part  in  their  holy  intimacy.* 

At  this  same  epoch,  St  Philip  Neri  was  reaching  the 
summit  of  his  renown,  and  filling  the  capital  of  the  Christian 
world  with  the  good  odour  of  his  virtues  and  his  apostolic 
zeal.  As  is  well  known,  having  been  born  in  Florence  and 
brought  up  under  the  influence  of  the  San  Marco  friars,  he 
had  the  greatest  esteem  and  affection  for  the  Domincan 
Order;  and  hence,  in  Rome,  kept  up  a  close  intercourse 
with  the  Minerva.  It  was  through  this  priory,  and  the  con- 
stant visiting  between  the  Roman  fathers  and  their  brethren 
in  both  Florence  and  Prato,  and  especially  through  Fra 
Angelo  da  Diacceto,  a  friend  of  both,  that  St  Philip  and 
St  Catherine  had  early  learnt  to  know  and  to  appreciate 
one  another.  To  all  his  wonderful  virtues  and  holy  deeds, 
St  Philip  Neri  added  a  further  title  to  her  respect  and  affec- 
tion, in  Catherine's  eyes,  by  his  ardent  devotion  toFraGiro- 
lamo  Savonarola.  From  his  childhood  he  had  religiously 
preserved  the  memory  of  this  great  servant  of  God.  He 
venerated  his  relics,  kept  his  picture  in  his  cell,  and  invoked 
him  with  affection  as  a  father  and  a  powerful  protector  in 
heaven.  Benedict  XIV  reports  a  vision  of  St  Philip's  in  con- 
nection with  this  devotion  of  his,  which  seemed  to  give  it 
divine  sanction.  He  says  that  when  a  great  assembly  of 
theologians,  under  Pope  Paul  IV,  was  debating  the  question 
of  condemning  certain  doctrines  of  Savonarola,  Philip — 
being  in  ecstasy  before  the  blessed  Sacrament  at  the  Minerva 
surrounded  by  Dominican  fathers — saw  and  heard  the  con- 
clusion of  the  debate  and  the  announcement  of  victory  for 
Fra  Girolamo's  friends;  which  was  confirmed  shortly  after- 
wards by  an  official  message  from  the  Vatican. f 

It  is  not  difficult  to  believe  that  two  holy  souls,  with 
such  similar  inclinations,  became  intimate  by  means  of  let- 
ters as  soon  as  report  and  messages  made  them  known  to 
each  other;  and  it  is  believed  by  biographers  of  both  saints 
that  they  held  a  correspondence  for  many  years.  There  is, 

*  For  a  passage  on  this  point,  see  f^itaJi  Santa  Maria'  Pawi,  by  Vincenzio 
Puccini,  chap.  bcvi,  p.  i  50,  which  describes  how  this  saint,  when  in  ecstasy,  saw  her  letter 
delivered  to  St  Catherine,  and  the  latter  writing  an  answer  to  it. 

t  Of  era  Bcned:  Xff^,  de  Ser-vorum  Dei  Btatijtcatione,  etc^  lib.  Ill,  cap.  xrv. 


however,  no  letter  from  St  Philip  to  Catherine  left,  and  only- 
one  from  her  to  St  Philip,  which  is  as  follows: 

To  St  Tbilip  Neri 

"  I  am  mortified  when  I  think  of  you,  so  continually 
occupied  in  such  great  things  for  the  glory  of  God,  that 
you  should  write  to  me,  who  am  a  poor  vile  woman  and  a 
miserable  sinner.  May  God  reward  you  for  your  great 
charity  to  me.  I  have  asked  our  Lord  to  let  me  serve  Him 
in  health  of  body  this  Lent.  He  has  granted  me  this 
grace;  for  in  a  moment  all  my  malady  left  me;  but  I  do  not 
seem  to  have  deserved  it,  for  I  have  done  nothing.  I  have, 
however,  applied  to  yourself  a  part  of  all  my  works;  and  I 
have  prayed  the  divine  Majesty  to  make  and  keep  you 
well,  because  our  holy  Church  has  great  need  of  you.  And 
be  you  pleased  to  pray  to  Jesus  for  me,  that  all  the  graces 
He  gives  me  every  hour  may  not  be  thrown  away  by  my 
fault.  Live  ever  in  joy  of  your  end;  for  to  such  a  faithful 
servant  as  you  have  been  all  through  your  life,  God,  who 
is  most  just,  cannot  deny  the  reward  of  paradise.  Prostrate 
on  the  ground,  I  ask  your  blessing. 

"  Your  unworthy  daughter,  SISTER  CATHERINE, 

"  A  sinner  at  the  feet  of  Jesus. 

"San  Fincenzio  "  (undated). 

A  niece  of  St  Philip  Neri's,  named  Lisabetta,  and 
married  to  a  certain  Cioni,  appears  both  to  have  known 
and  to  have  had  some  disagreement  with  the  nuns  of  Prato; 
for  amongst  her  uncle's  letters  there  is  one,  dated  October 
29,  1574,  addressed  to  some  anonymous  person  whom  he 
begs  to  be  kind  to  his  niece  "  who  is  at  law  with  the  sisters 
of  San  Vincenzio."  He  asks  his  correspondent  to  see  whether 
she  is  in  the  right  or  not:  if  she  is,  to  help  her,  and  if  not 
to  dissuade  her  from  pleading. 

But  communication  by  letter  was  not  enough  for  these 
ardent  souls,  who  would  fain  inspire  each  other  viva  voce 
to  higher  flights  of  divine  love;  and  they  both  expressed  a 
strong  desire  that  God  would  enable  them  to  meet  some 
day,  even  here  below.  Humanly,  however,  this  seemed 


impossible;  for  though  St  Philip  was  not,  like  Catherine, 
bound  by  vow  of  enclosure,  he  was  completely  chained  to 
Rome  by  his  work  there,  which  nothing  ever  induced  him 
to  leave.  Nevertheless,  God,  with  whom  nothing  is  impos- 
sible, brought  about  the  meeting;  and  the  following  is  the 
account  given  of  the  matter  in  Bacci's  "Life  of  St  Philip"  :* 

"  Giovanni  Animuccia — a  penitent  of  Philip's,  living 
in  Rome,  but  a  native  of  Tuscany — having  gone  to  Prato, 
and  visiting  Sister  Catherine  de'  Ricci,  of  the  Dominican 
Order  (now  commonly  called  the  Blessed  Catherine  of 
Prato),  asked  her  if  she  knew  Father  Philip  Neri;  the 
servant  of  God  replied  that  she  knew  him  by  reputation 
but  not  by  sight,  though  she  had  a  great  desire  to  see  and 
speak  to  him.  The  following  year,  Giovanni  returned  to 
Prato,  and  went  to  visit  her  again,  when  she  told  him  she 
had  seen  Father  Philip  and  spoken  to  him.  Philip  had 
never  left  Rome,  and  Catherine  had  remained  in  Prato. 
Giovanni,  arrived  once  more  in  Rome,  went  and  told  the 
holy  Father  Philip  what  had  happened  at  Prato  between 
him  and  Sister  Catherine  de'  Ricci;  and  Philip  confirmed 
the  truth  of  all  that  the  servant  of  God  had  told  him. 

Furthermore,  in  presence  of  several  persons,  the  same 
venerable  father,  speaking  of  Catherine  after  her  death  in 
1590,  said  openly  that  he  had  seen  her  in  her  lifetime,  and 
described  her  features  in  detail;  although  (as  has  been  said) 
Philip  had  never  been  to  Prato  and  Catherine  had  never 
come  to  Rome.  The  portrait  of  the  servant  of  God  having 
been  printed,  Philip  exclaimed  on  seeing  it:  'That  picture 
is  not  like!  Sister  Catherine  had  different  features! '"f 

There  is  a  well-painted  picture  in  Florence  representing, 
from  imagination,  this  mysterious  meeting  of  the  two  saints, 
into  which  the  artist  has  introduced  Savonarola — as  if 
descending  in  glory  from  heaven — as  the  common  object  of 
their  special  devotion. 

*  Lib.  Ill,  cap.  xi,  no.  11. 

t  In  the  Bull  of  St  Philip  Neri's  canonization,  Urban  VIII  thus  expresses  himself: 
*'  Iterumque  cum  in  Urbe  maneret,  tune  in  humanis  agentem  Catharinam  Ricciam,  sub 
rcgula  Sancti  Augustini  monialem,  Pratis  in  Etruria  commorantem,  longo  temporis 
spatio  est  allocutus."  In  case  the  mention  ot  "St  Augustine's"  Rule  should  puzzle  any 
reader,  it  may  be  well  to  state  that  the  Dominican  Rule  is  founded  on  the  Augustinian. 


But  whilst  Catherine  thus  earnestly  sought  after  inter- 
course with  the  saints,  she  grew  none  the  less  affectionate, 
as  time  went  on,  towards  her  many  ordinary  friends  and 
associates  in  the  world,  conspicuous  amongst  whom  was  the 
ill-used  wife  of  the  grand  duke  Francesco,  Joanna  of  Austria. 
The  latter,  ever  since  the  year  1567 — two  years  after  her 
marriage — had  made  a  confidante  and  adviser  of  the  saint, 
and  their  intimate  friendship  continued  until  Joanna's  death 
in  1577.  After  her  friend's  decease,  Catherine  loyally  de- 
voted a  large  portion  of  her  prayers  and  penances,  in  ful- 
filment of  a  promise  made  to  the  duchess,  to  obtaining  the 
salvation  of  Francesco,  who  died  only  three  years  before 
the  saint  herself.* 

To  the  last  years  of  her  life  she  kept  up  gracious  and 
cordial  relations  with  all  the  seculars  that  she  had  to  do 
with,  showing  her  interest  in  and  esteem  for  her  friends  by 
every  delicate  thought  and  attention  that  her  state  allowed. 
Thus,  she  specially  loved  to  send  presents  of  fruit,  con- 
fectionery, etc.,  such  as  the  convent  could  produce,  on 
occasion  offcasts  or  fastsf  that  made  the  gift  appropriate;  and 
this  because  kind  feeling  towards  her  fellows  made  her  glad  to 
seize  on  any  opportunity  that  she  might  legitimately  take 
for  fulfilling  customary  social  obligations.  When  age  came 
upon  this  saint,  necessarily  drawing  her  soul  closer  and 
closer  to  her  God  as  the  time  approached  for  going  to  join 
Him,  everything  one  reads  of  her  shows  how  her  heart 
went  out  more,  rather  than  less,  to  all  with  whom  she  had 
human  ties,  and  what  pleasure  it  gave  her  to  contribute  to 
their  innocent  earthly  enjoyments  as  well  as  to  their  spiri- 
tual perfection. 

*  Many  interesting  details  of  this  friendship  between  Catherine  and  Joanna,  and  a 
few  of  the  letters  connected  with  it,  nre  extant;  but,  as  space  fails  for  giving  them  in  the 
present  volume,  readers  interested  are  referred  to  Pere  Bayonne's  Life,  and  to  Guasti's 
introductory  notes  to  his  Letters. 

•f"  The  sending  of  sweetmeats,  etc.,  in  Lent,  to  friends  or  acquaintance,  was  a  frequent 
practice  of  the  time,  and  is  referred  to  in  several  letters  of  the  saint.  It  was  done,  not 
for  the  sake  of  treating  people  to  extra  luxuries  in  the  penitential  season,  but  in  order 
to  help  them  through  the  severe  fast  by  providing  them  with  things  allowed  by  the 
Church  at  "collation,"  or  supper,  which  should  act  as  condiments  to  their  frugal  fare, 
and  so  encourage  them  not  to  break  the  Lenten  rule.  San  Vincenzio  seems  to  have 
been  rather  famed  for  the  making  of  sweet  things  of  various  kinds  ;  and  Catherine  was 
fond  of  treating  people,  in  whose  spiritual  state  she  was  interested,  like  babies  in  this 


Joined  to  this  lenient  spirit  towards  others,  however, 
was  an  ever-increasing  sternness  and  severity  towards  her- 
self. Even  where  some  absolutely  necessary  care  for  her 
health  was  concerned  she  never  for  a  moment  forgot  what 
was  demanded  by  her  state  of  life,  and  allowed  not  the 
slightest  relaxation  of  those  monastic  virtues,  which  she  had 
undertaken  to  observe  till  death,  to  creep  in  under  the 
excuse  of  needful  dispensations.  Never  would  she  beg, 
from  even  the  richest  and  most  intimate  of  her  friends, 
for  anything  that  would  be  a  comfort  or  relief  to  herself, 
until  positively  compelled  to  make  such  a  request  by  really 
extreme  need.  Thus,  in  the  case  of  wine — the  common 
drink,  when  of  a  common  sort,  of  an  Italian  community — 
Catherine's  constant  illnesses  so  weakened  her  stomach 
that,  whilst  she  could  actually  not  do  without  it,  as  she 
would  doubtless  have  liked,  by  the  time  she  was  fifty 
she  was  unable  to  take  the  coarse,  rough  kind  that  was 
used  in  the  convent.  One  day,  therefore,  Bernarda  Gia- 
chinotti,  the  syndica,  when  acting  as  the  saint's  secretary, 
contrived  to  put  a  private  postcript  to  a  letter  to  Ludovico 
Capponi,  telling  him  what  was  the  only  quality  of  wine 
that  suited  their  mother's  weak  digestion.  Ludovico  was 
only  too  glad  to  know  this,  and  to  provide  what  was  wanted; 
and  he  wrote  to  Catherine  herself,  saying  that  as  he  had 
heard  of  her  being  ill  he  had  got  a  few  small  barrels  of 
Chianti  for  her  special  use,  which  were  now  at  her  disposal. 
The  answer  that  she  sent  him  exactly  shows  forth  her  ideal 
of  Religious  perfection  in  such  a  matter:  her  objection  to 
accepting,  even  for  health,  a  gift  for  herself  so  valuable  as 
to  infringe  in  the  least  degree  upon  the  rules  of  common 
life  and  poverty;  but  her  readiness,  both  from  delicate 
feeling  towards  the  giver  and  from  the  "  spirit  of  the 
poor"  which  begs  and  takes  alms  in  the  name  of  Christ,  to 
accept  one  small  enough  to  be  merely  a  personal  charity : 

"Molto  onorando  e  Fratello  carissimo"  she  writes,  "I  am 
very  grateful  to  you  for  your  benevolent  thought  and  your 
affectionate  kindness  to  me.  But  as  it  does  not  belong  to 
the  rules  of  common  life  that  a  nun  can  have  anything 


of  her  own  and  for  her  particular  use,  I  may  not  and 
cannot  allow  a  small  barrel  of  wine  to  be  set  aside  from 
community  use  to  be  exclusively  reserved  for  me.  Do  me, 
then,  the  pleasure  of  keeping  this  provision  for  yourself; 
and  when  I  need  any,  I  promise  you  that  I  will  ask  for  it 
from  you  just  as  freely  as  I  should  from  my  own  brother. 
For  if  people  only  send  me  a  bottle  or  two  of  this  wine, 
as  you  have  sometimes  done,  our  sisters  are  pleased  for  me 
to  accept  it  from  the  kind  hand  that  offers  it;  and  then 
I  express  my  gratitude  as  I  have  always  done  to  you." 

This  was  written  about  1573.  Not  till  many  years  later, 
after  terrible  sufferings  which  had  reduced  her  almost  to 
extremity,  did  she  keep  her  promise,  and  write  (1587)  as 
follows:  "Fratello  carissimo,  as  I  have  now  been  ill  for  several 
days,  I  should  like  to  have  a  little  of  your  Ymo  vermiglio,  but 
of  very  soft  quality,  for  this  illness  has  so  irritated  my  tongue 
that  I  can  bear  nothing  strong  or  sharp;  and  even  soft  things 
hurt  me.  Have  patience  with  me  !  You  see  I  am  treating 
you  with  real  confidence.  One  bottle  of  this  wine  will  be 

As  Catherine  drew  near  the  end  of  her  earthly  course, 
that  humility  which  had  always  been  her  strong  characteristic, 
and  which  was  at  the  root  of  her  simple  and  straightforward 
interpretation  of  duty  in  every  department,  so  continually 
deepened  that  every  day  seemed  to  increase  her  utter  con- 
tempt of  self.  She  took  every  opportunity  that  offered  of 
either  escaping  or  repudiating  any  expression  of  respect  or 
admiration  from  others;  and  did  this  in  such  a  matter-of- 
course  and  natural  way  as  to  prove  her  genuineness.  We 
have  seen  in  one  of  her  letters  to  Capponi  how  distressed, 
and  even  displeased,  she  was  at  his  calling  her  by  any  titles 
of  dignity  or  using  terms  towards  her  which  implied  a 
belief  in  her  sanctity.  Another  Florentine  gentleman,  the 
Cavaliere  Ricasoli,  whose  life  we  are  told  she  had  once  saved 
by  a  miracle,  was  deeply  impressed  by  an  interview  he  had 
with  her  in  after  years,  which  strikingly  brought  out 
the  low  opinion  she  had  of  herself.  In  1588,  two  years 
before  her  death,  being  on  a  pilgrimage  to  Lucca  with  his 
wife  and  children,  Ricasoli  stopped  at  Prato  simply  to  pay 


his  respects  to  Mother  Catherine.  As  soon  as  he  was  in 
her  presence  at  the  parlour  grille  he  began,  in  graceful  and 
courtly  terms,  to  reproach  the  saint  with  not  having  given 
him  any  commands  to  serve  her  for  a  long  time,  and  having 
thus  prevented  him  from  proving  his  gratitude  for  the  signal 
service  that  she  had  rendered  him.  He  was  about  to 
recall  the  incidents  of  the  wonderful  event,  when  Cathe- 
rine dexterously  turned  the  conversation  to  another  sub- 
ject; and  she  continued  to  make  this  subject  so  interesting, 
and  to  fix  her  visitors'  attention  on  it  so  completely  for 
the  remainder  of  her  interview,  that  they  forgot  everything 
else  until  they  left.  They  took  their  leave  quite  charmed 
with  her  sanctity  and  attractiveness;  but  when  once  out- 
side the  convent,  the  single  thing  that  remained  in  their 
memories  was  the  extraordinary  humility  that  she  had  shown, 
about  which  they  were  afterwards  never  tired  of  talking  to 
their  friends.* 

In  the  last  year  of  her  life  St  Catherine  crowned  her 
numerous  acts  of  humility  by  a  peculiarly  great  and  solemn 
one.  She  had  been  gradually  discovering,  for  some  time 
past,  the  habit  that  her  daughters  had  of  keeping  written 
records  of  her  own  extraordinary  supernatural  favours:  espe- 
cially, she  learnt,  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi  did  this.  It  was 
a  real  grief  to  her  to  know  it,  truly  believing  as  she  did  in 
her  own  worthlessness,  and  having  a  real  horror  of  being 
handed  down  to  posterity — either  within  or  without  the 
convent — in  what  she  looked  upon  as  an  entirely  false  light. 
It  would  appear,  however,  that  she  either  did  not  like  to 
make  much  of  the  matter  by  discussing  it  with  the  sisters, 
or  that  she  doubted  their  strict  obedience  on  this  one  point 
if  she  were  to  forbid  the  preservation  of  such  records;  for 
she  merely  awaited  an  opportunity  of  getting  hold  of  the 
objectionable  manuscripts,  that  she  might  destroy  them  her- 
self. This  she  found  one  day  in  the  year  1589,  when  all  the 
choir  nuns  happened  to  be  in  the  chapel  together  for  some 
time.  Then,  using  her  right  as  prioress  to  enter  the  cells, 
Catherine  went  round  to  every  one  that  she  had  reason  to 
suspect  of  containing  written  notes  on  her  doings,  hastily 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  i,  p.  102. 


collected  all  papers  that  she  could  lay  hands  on,  which  she 
thrust  into  a  bag,  and,  going  to  the  bake-house,  where  an 
old  lay-sister  was  just  then  heating  the  oven,  said  anxiously: 
"  Sister,  make  haste  to  burn  these  papers,  for  woe  to  us  if 
they  should  be  found  in  the  house ! "  The  old  sister,  who 
was  specially  devoted  to  the  saint,  suspected  nothing  but 
that  here,  as  her  mother  told  her,  were  bad  writings,  and 
threw  them  into  the  fire  instantly  as  she  was  bidden.  A  few 
minutes  burnt  up  all  these  really  precious  records,  and 
Catherine  went  away  rejoicing;*  but  what  her  daughters 
said  on  discovering  her  act  we  are  not  told !  The  memory 
of  it  was,  however,  perpetuated  amongst  her  townsmen;  and 
as  late  as  about  1843,  when  they  were  keeping  in  Prato 
the  centenary  of  her  canonization,  a  certain  Tuscan  poet — 
Pietro  Odaldi,  of  Pistoja — celebrated  the  saint's  humility, 
as  shown  by  this  act,  in  verse.  His  view  was  that,  great  as 
were  the  wonders,  whether  of  prayer,  ecstasy,  or  penance, 
that  the  cells  of  San  Vincenzio's  convent  had  witnessed 
during  the  saint's  life,  nothing  equalled  the  grandeur  of  the 
moment  when  the  holy  prioress  had  deliberately  given  to 
the  flames,  as  she  believed,  all  written  record  of  her  virtues 
and  glories.f 

Thus  did  Catherine  de'  Ricci,  by  nearly  her  last  deed, 
unconsciously  impress  on  her  own  life  a  lasting  mark  of  that 
virtue  which  she  had  ever  declared  to  be  the  fundamental 
one  of  all  true  sanctity.  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi,  in  refe- 
rence to  her  strong  feeling  on  this  point,  related  how  she  her- 
self had  one  day  recommended  to  the  saint's  notice  a  person 
with  great  reputation  of  holiness ;  and  how  she  had  then 
asked  in  confidence  whether  she  believed  this  person  to  be 

*  Seraf.  Razzi,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  i,  p.  104. 

-j-  Though  the  papers  thus  destroyed  were  of  incalculable  value  to  future  biographers, 
there  were  happily  one  or  two  of  her  nuns'  manuscripts  which  did  not  perish  after  all, 
either  because  they  had  been  more  carefully  hidden  than  others  within  the  convent,  or 
because  they  had  been  already  given  into  the  charge  of  the  prior  or  confessor  who  had 
taken  them  away.  Two  specially  mentioned  as  having  been  thus  preserved,  and  made 
use  of  afterwards,  are:  (i)  A  manuscript  written  by  Sister  Maddalena  Ridolfi  (one  of  the 
widows  spoken  of  in  a  former  chapter,  who  died  in  the  convent  after  St  Catherine), 
which  was  used  in  the  process  of  beatification;  and  (2)  a  manuscript  compiled,  between 
May  and  September,  1583,  by  Sister  Tommasa  Martelli,  which  contains  many  incidents 
of  the  saint's  life,  and  in  which  are  copies  of  one  of  her  letters  and  of  two  "chapters"  to 
to  her  nuns.  (See  Guasti's  Lettere,  etc.,  page  cvi  of  Italian  edition;  page  70*  of  French 


as  holy  as  was  reported.  Catherine  had  replied  without  hesi- 
tation: "  Yes — if  she  is  humble;  for  whenever  I  see  a  soul 
established  on  this  foundation,  I  believe  it  capable  of  every 
good  thing.  But  if  I  should  see  a  person  working  miracles, 
and  did  not  find  the  virtue  of  humility  in  his  soul,  I  should 
refuse  him  my  esteem  and  think  nothing  of  him."* 

*  Le  Lettere,  etc.,  Document!,  p.  I  10. 



The  Saint's  interior  life  during  her  latter  years — Her  last  illness — Death 
(1590)  and  funeral — Posthumous  Apparitions  and  Miracles — Open- 
ing of  the  Cause  of  her  Beatification — It  is  postponed — Celebrated 
Incident  in  the  Process — She  is  beatified  (1732) — Her  Relics  trans- 
lated— She  is  Canonized  (1746) 

SUCH,  then,  were  Catherine's  relations  with  her  kind — such 
the  outward  manifestations  of  her  virtue — as  the  end  came 
near;  and  just  as  these  exterior,  spontaneous  acts  and  words 
often  betrayed  the  largeness  of  her  charity  and  the  depth  of 
her  humility  to  friends  outside,  so,  we  are  told,  did  many 
things  in  her  demeanour  unconsciously  betray  to  those  with- 
in the  convent  something  of  her  almost  hourly  increasing 
union  with  the  Beloved  of  her  soul.  Age  and  suffering  made 
no  difference  to  her  fulfilment  of  all  possible  active  commu- 
nity duties,  nor  was  her  high  supernatural  state  shown  by 
any  deliberate  change  in  her  outward  life.  She  daily  talked, 
worked,  gave  orders,  dictated  letters,  remaining  always  calm, 
peaceful  and  affectionate,  to  nearly  the  very  end,  as  usual. 
Only,  as  she  did  all  this,  it  was  more  and  more  clear  to  all 
around  how  no  exterior  things  at  all — neither  the  being 
surrounded  by  her  nuns,  nor  visits  of  friends,  nor  public 
ceremonies,  nor  any  concourse  of  people — could  draw  her 
thoughts  for  a  moment  away  from  God.  They  saw  how,  on 
the  contrary,  every  person  or  thing  that  she  had  to  do  with 
had  come  to  serve  as  a  means  of  ever-stronger  attraction 
towards  Him,  to  such  a  degree  that  she  could  not  regard 
a  creature  of  any  kind  save  as  a  reminder  of  her  Creator. 
Numerous  beautiful  stories  are  told  by  the  old  biographers 
of  the  supernatural  atmosphere  that  appeared  to  surround 
the  holy  prioress  during  the  last  stage  of  her  earthly  life — 
stories  of  how  a  flower,  a  stream,  even  a  thing  connected 
with  the  prosaic  daily  work  of  the  house — would  throw  her, 
as  of  old,  into  an  ecstasy;  of  how  a  glory  often  shone  round 
her,  visible  to  all,  as  she  knelt  in  a  state  of  rapture  after  Com- 


munion;  and  of  how  her  angelic  purity  of  body  and  soul 
was  from  time  to  time  made  manifest  to  her  sisters  by  a 
sweet  and  delicate  fragrance — like  to  no  earthly  perfume — 
that  accompanied  her  presence  or  remained  where  she  had 
been.  They  tell,  too,  of  heavenly  visitants — of  the  Blessed 
Mother  of  God,  of  saints  and  of  angels,  who  came  to  give 
her  a  foretaste  of  the  joys  to  which  she  was  hastening,  by 
their  company. 

But  no  spiritual  joys  or  heavenly  visions  altered  the 
saint's  desire  to  suffer  to  the  end  with  her  Lord.  It  has  been 
shown  in  the  last  chapter  how  stern  she  was  to  herself,  as 
her  illnesses  increased  with  age,  in  the  matter  of  any  sort  of 
relief  from  better  food  or  whatever  might  be  called  a  luxury. 
In  addition  to  this  unyielding  negative  self-denial,  she  went 
on  unceasingly  with  the  positive  severities  of  exterior  bodily 
penances,  which  nothing  would  induce  her  to  give  up  un- 
less when  actually  incapacitated.  Besides  continuing  to  wear 
her  painful  hair-shirts  and  girdles,  and  keeping  up  her  con- 
stant fasts  and  abstinences,  she  never  relented  in  her  practice 
of  three  severe  nightly  disciplines,  which  she  seems  even  to 
have  increased  in  degree  as  time  went  on. 

The  sufferings,  throughout  which  Catherine  thus  heroi- 
cally acted,  were  in  themselves  enough  to  have  served  as 
penance  for  many  ordinary  lives.  We  have  seen,  by  the 
numerous  references  to  it  in  her  letters,  how  frequently  she 
was  laid  up  with  attacks  of  fever  all  through  her  life.  These 
attacks  never  appear  to  have  decreased,  and  often  reduced 
her  to  such  weakness  that  she  was  in  bed  for  weeks  together, 
whilst  they  were  frequently  accompanied  by  great  pains. 
Besides  these  natural  illnesses,  the  saint  suffered  severely 
from  the  permanent,  sharp  pangs  produced  by  the  sacred 
stigmata, which  never  left  her;  and  the  excessive  strain  upon 
her  natural  faculties  caused  by  her  frequent  raptures,  when 
the  spiritual  powers  were  exercised  to  a  degree  that  unavoid- 
ably disturbed  and  weakened  the  corporal  ones,  kept  her  in 
a  chronic  state  of  excessive  delicacy.  Hence,  bodily  comfort 
became  a  thing  unknown  to  her,  and  the  very  thought  of 
rest  impossible  in  connection  with  this  world:  and  here 
came  in  perhaps  the  most  heroic  of  all  her  acts;  for,  through 


all  this,  not  only  was  she  full  of  supernatural  courage  and 
readiness  to  suffer  cheerfully  with  her  crucified  Spouse,  but 
she  kept  up  her  bright,  serene  and  sympathetic  intercourse 
with  all  around  her,  unaltered,  in  the  midst  of  her  worst 
illnesses,  and  as  all  her  sufferings  increased  with  age.  Thus, 
to  the  very  end,  she  was  not  only  the  spiritual  head  and 
mother — the  supernatural  guide  and  publicly  acknowledged 
glory — of  her  community,  but  their  daily  joy  and  delight, 
from  the  freshness  and  grace  of  her  nature,  as  completely 
as  she  had  been  in  her  earliest  days  of  office  when  almost 
a  girl.  To  her  outside  friends,  too,  there  had  been  no  observ- 
able difference,  all  having  been  accustomed  to  hearing  of  her 
sufferings  and  to  seeing  her  bravely  overcome  them,  when 
the  time  came  for  her  departure. 

It  was  on  January  23,  1590,  that  her  last  illness  came 
on.  Several  members  of  her  family  had  come  that  day  from 
Florence  to  see  her,  and  Catherine  had  let  them  take  up  her 
attention  so  entirely  as  to  neglect  necessary  care  of  herself. 
Towards  evening,  when  they  left,  though  extremely  tired 
and  having  barely  broken  her  fast,  she  insisted  on  going  to 
Compline,  for  which  it  was  just  the  hour;  and  this  proved 
to  be  the  last  time  that  the  saint  was  to  be  present  in  the 
choir  with  her  daughters.  At  seven  o'clock  she  ate  her 
modest  repast;  and  at  nine  she  was  seized  with  violent  pains 
in  her  side,  which  tormented  her  without  ceasing  for  four 
days.  On  the  last  of  these  days,  the  2yth,  grave  complica- 
tions appeared;  and  as  no  care  in  nursing,  and  no  treatment 
of  the  doctors  who  were  sent  for,  seemed  able  to  hinder 
rapid  aggravation  of  the  bad  symptoms,  Mother  Catherine's 
devoted  children  began  to  add  the  dread  of  losing  her  to 
their  grief  at  seeing  her  terrible  pain.  In  the  midst  of  it  all, 
however,  she  still  retained  her  calm  gentleness  and  sweet 
smile.  Only  when  they  told  her  that  she  must  submit  to 
a  very  severe  remedy  that  had  been  administered  in  a  former 
illness,  she  said  quietly:  "  1  know  that  when  Jesus  wishes 
to  mortify  us,  He  always  finds  the  means."  The  said  remedy 
had  before  almost  stifled  her;  so,  fearing  the  same  result, 
she  prepared  for  speedy  death,  and  began  by  humbly  beg- 
ging pardon  of  all  the  sisters  present  for  "not  having  been 
all  that  she  ought  have  been,  but  a  great  sinner  and  a  bur- 


den  to  the  convent."  Then,  comforting  them  with  gentle 
words,  she  exhorted  them  to  persevere  in  holy  observance 
and  community  life,  promising  to  be  their  protectress  before 
God;  and  afterwards  she  got  them  to  support  her  with  their 
arms,  so  that  she  might  creep  round  her  cell  to  two  little 
altars  she  had  there:  one  with  a  crucifix  and  the  other  with 
a  statue  of  our  Lady  holding  the  Divine  Infant.  At  each  of 
them  she  made  a  long  prayer,  asking  our  Lord  and  His 
Mother  that  she  might  live  a  little  longer  if  God  willed, 
"Not  for  myself,  but  for  my  poor  daughters."  Then,  sur- 
rendering herself  utterly  to  the  fat  of  Divine  Providence, 
she  entreated  the  Blessed  Trinity,  by  that  love  which  had 
created  her  in  His  own  image  and  likeness,  to  forgive  all 
her  sins  and  grant  her  salvation.  She  further  begged  the 
Blessed  Virgin,  as  refuge  of  sinners,  not  to  desert  her  in 
the  last  moment,  and  all  the  holy  angels  and  saints  to  be 
with  her  in  her  need,  and  conduct  her  to  her  eternal  home. 
On  January  3 1  she  asked  for  the  appointed  remedy, 
which  consisted  in  five  small  globules  of  terebinth,  and 
took  them  with  eyes  fixed  on  the  crucifix,  and  in  honour 
of  the  Five  Sacred  Wounds.  That  same  evening,  as  her 
illness  increased,  her  loving  daughters  thought  that  the 
crucifix  which  had  formerly  been  the  medium  of  such 
wonderful  miracles  in  her  cell  might  be  a  comfort  to  her, 
and  fetched  it  from  the  church,  not  without  a  hope  that 
her  cure  might  be  miraculously  worked  by  its  means. 
Catherine,  when  she  saw  it  brought  in,  stretched  forth 
her  arms  with  joy  to  receive  it,  and — pressing  it  against  her 
breast — poured  forth  many  tender  ejaculations  to  her  cruci- 
fied Spouse,  thanking  Him  fervently  for  His  sufferings  on 
her  behalf,  lamenting  her  own  ingratitude,  and  humbly 
begging  again  for  her  own  salvation,  for  which  she  said 
she  confidently  hoped,  "  not  through  presumption,  but 
from  love  of  Him."  She  further  protested  that  she  had 
always  wished  to  die  on  the  cross  with  Jesus,  and  offered 
herself  once  more  as  a  victim  to  the  Divine  Majesty.  She 
finished  with  an  earnest  prayer  that  our  Lord  would  free 
her  from  all  fear  of  death,  so  that  she  might  go  full  of 
hope  to  meet  Him;  and  as  she  uttered  this  last  request,  it 
is  said  that  a  terrible  noise  was  heard  outside  her  cell, 


accompanied  by  a  shaking  of  the  whole  house  that  felt  like 
an  earthquake.  The  nuns  were  convinced  that  this  dis- 
turbance was  one  final  effort  of  the  enemy  of  souls,  venting 
his  impotent  rage  against  the  holy  woman  whose  life  had 
snatched  so  many  from  his  grasp. 

On  February  I  they  asked  Catherine  if  she  would  like 
to  receive  Viaticum,  which  she  said  was  her  most  earnest 
wish.  She  immediately  prepared  for  it  by  sacramental  con- 
fession, and  afterwards  remained  for  an  hour  in  prayer, 
which  seemed  like  an  ecstasy.  As  she  came  to  herself  they 
heard  her  murmur  softly,  "We  must  submit  to  the  will 
of  God,"  and  hence  concluded  that  she  had  had  her 
approaching  end  positively  revealed  to  her.  The  Holy 
Eucharist  was  then  brought  in  solemn  procession  to  her 
cell;  and  as  she  heard  the  little  bell  announcing  its  arrival, 
she  cried,  "Here  is  my  Jesus — let  us  go  to  meet  Him !  " 
and  insisted  on  being  helped  off  her  bed  (where  she  lay 
fully  dressed)  and  supported,  kneeling  on  a  little  stool,  by 
two  sisters.  Her  face,  we  are  told,  was  so  radiantly  beauti- 
ful at  this  moment  that  no  one  would  have  guessed  her  to 
be  close  to  death.  When  the  Blessed  Sacrament  entered 
the  room,  she  adored  it  by  a  deep  prostration;  and,  gazing 
at  it  with  a  look  full  of  confidence,  once  more  thanked  her 
Saviour  aloud  for  all  He  had  done  for  her.  Once  more, 
also,  before  receiving  the  sacred  elements  for  the  last  time, 
she  turned  and  begged  pardon  of  her  weeping  children 
"  for  not  having  always  helped  and  comforted  them  as  well 
as  she  could  have  wished";  and  then  she  made  her  oral 
profession  of  faith  in  the  Real  Presence  and  in  all  the 
truths  of  the  Holy  Catholic  Church:  after  which  she  de- 
voutly received  her  Lord's  body  and  blood,  and  knelt  on 
between  her  two  supporters  for  some  little  time  in  fervent 
petition  and  thanksgiving. 

Two  hours  later,  Catherine  saw  individually  a  great 
many  of  the  community  who  came  to  give  her  their  last 
confidences  and  to  receive  her  advice,  and  for  each  one  she 
had  some  special  "  words  of  life  "  to  comfort  her  and  some 
special  light  to  give.  After  these  interviews  were  over,  she 
still  had  the  strength  and  clearness  of  mind  necessary  to 
spend  a  few  hours  in  giving  minute  directions  about  the 


administration  of  the  temporal  and  spiritual  affairs  of  the 
convent.  But  time  pressed.  They  administered  the  sacra- 
ment of  Extreme  Unction;  and  she  received  it  with  fervour, 
answering  the  appointed  prayers  with  her  sisters,  and  even 
singing  with  them — again  kissing  the  miraculous  crucifix 
and  uttering  more  loving  ejaculations.  This  solemn  cere- 
mony over,  she  sent  for  the  whole  community  to  her  bedside, 
in  divisions,  taking  in  turns  the  separate  groups  or  classes 
of  which  the  sisterhood  was  made  up — the  postulants,  the 
lay-sisters,  the  novices,  the  "juniors,"  and  the  "ancients" 
— and  to  each  little  flock  gave,  with  her  dying  lips,  such 
particular  instructions  as  were  exactly  suited  to  its  own 
condition.  One  only  of  these  final  exhortations  shall  be  here 
cited,  showing  the  spirit  of  them  all,  i.e.,  her  last  words 
to  the  "mothers"  of  the  community.  She  recommended 
specially  to  them  peace  and  union  amongst  themselves; 
zeal  for  the  honour  of  God,  for  regular  observance,  and 
for  the  perfect  fulfilment  of  their  vows.  She  told  them  that 
their  part  was  to  watch  most  carefully  that  the  question  of 
"mine  and  thine"  was  never  introduced  into  their  convent, 
but  that  everybody  there  persevered  in  the  common  life 
after  the  manner  that  she  had  established;  and  she  concluded 
by  this  solemn  declaration:  "That  the  spirit  of  possession 
in  a  monastery  was  poison  to  the  love  of  God,  and  the 
source  of  innumerable  disputes  and  great  disquiet  of  con- 
science, for  any  one  who  was  bound  by  a  vow  of  poverty." 

Then,  her  last  duty  to  her  children  accomplished,  Cathe- 
rine turned  away  finally  from  everything  but  her  God,  quietly 
dividing  her  attention  between  thoughts  of  our  Lord  in 
His  Passion,  and  the  saying  of  her  usual  Taters^  A*ues^  and 
psalms.  On  the  very  threshold  of  eternity,  as  her  strength 
gradually  ebbed,  she  was  as  calm  and  collected  as  she  had 
been  on  ordinary  days — everything  about  her  simple  and 
unexaggerated — her  death,  in  short,  merely  the  act  for 
which  every  moment  of  her  life  had  prepared:  the  going  to 
be  happy  for  ever  with  her  Maker.  The  last  prayer  whose 
sound  the  watchers  caught  on  her  lips  was  an  "Our 

The  end  came  at  about  two  o'clock  in  the  morning  of 
the  Purification,  on  a  Friday.  A  little  while  before  this 


hour,  the  nuns  kneeling  round  the  saint's  bed  thought  they 
heard  some  peculiarly  sweet  singing  in  the  distant  novitiate, 
and  a  few  of  them  stole  out  of  the  cell  to  listen  to  it.  Then 
they  found  that  it  was  not  within  the  house  at  all,  but  that  the 
sounds,  of  entrancing  beauty,  seemed  to  come  from  above; 
and  they  felt  convinced  that  nothing  less  than  a  choir  of 
angels  was  making  this  divine  harmony.  For  more  than  a 
quarter  of  an  hour  the  exquisite  sounds  lasted,  bringing  deep 
consolation  to  their  hearts.  Moreover,  they  seemed  by-and- 
by  to  hear  distinctly  sung  the  Veni,sponsa  Christi!  and  just  as 
they  believed  these  words  to  be  uttered  by  angels'  voices, 
Catherine  murmured  the  request,  "  Might  she  die  soon, 
because  her  poor  children  were  so  tired  out  with  watching?" 
Then,  as  if  knowing  that  she  was  heard,  she  suddenly  raised 
her  right  hand  and  closed  her  own  eyes,  just  as  she  had 
been  used  to  do  for  her  sisters,  stretched  out  her  feet  and 
arms  in  the  form  of  a  cross,  and  without  any  outward  sign 
or  movement  gave  up  her  soul  to  God. 

At  the  moment  of  her  death,  one  of  those  revelations, 
so  often  granted  to  holy  people  when  saints  are  called  away, 
came  to  a  nun  in  a  convent  at  Prato.  She  was  spending  the 
night  in  vigil,  when  she  suddenly  saw  in  vision  a  magnifi- 
cent procession  of  saints,  followed  by  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ 
Himself,  who  was  bearing  a  glorified  soul  to  heaven. 
Whilst  gazing  in  delight  on  this  apparition,  she  heard  the 
passing-bell  at  San  Vincenzio  toll  for  Mother  Catherine, 
and  immediately  realized  what  the  splendid  vision  had 
meant.  The  same  sight  was  also  seen,  at  the  same  moment, 
by  a  man  in  Prato  named  Baccio  Verzoni,  one  of  the  saint's 
spiritual  sons,  who  instantly  recognized  her  in  the  soul 
led  by  Christ  to  glory.  He  roused  his  household  to  tell 
them  of  the  vision,  but  they  tried  to  persuade  him  that  it 
was  a  fancy,  caused  by  his  having  thought  so  much  about 
Catherine's  illness;  when  the  passing-bell  suddenly  proved 
to  them  also  that  it  was  really  a  revelation  of  her  death  and 
of  her  eternal  happiness  at  the  same  time. 

Later  on  in  the  same  day  two  or  three  apparitions  of  the 
saint  herself,  as  if  in  bodily  form,  announced  the  certainty 
of  that  salvation  that  she  had  so  confidently  hoped  for,  to 


different  people.  A  little  niece  of  hers,  Fiammetta  de'  Ricci, 
who  was  being  brought  up  at  San  Vincenzio,  saw  her  aunt, 
as  she  thought,  kneeling  in  prayer  in  the  sanctuary,  her  nun's 
habit  all  shining  with  radiant  beauty,  some  time  after  they 
had  told  her  that  she  was  dead.  The  child  thought  she  must 
be  after  all  alive,  and  was  trying  to  get  out  of  her  own  place 
to  run  to  her,  when  she  saw  her  suddenly  disappear  as  the 
nuns  brought  in  the  dead  body  on  a  bier,  and  laid  it  where 
her  aunt  seemed  to  have  been  kneeling;  and  Fiammetta 
understood  that  she  had  come  from  heaven  to  visit  her. 
Catherine  also  appeared  in  great  glory  to  some  nuns  of  Santa 
Maria  degli  Angeli  in  Florence;  whilst  St  Mary  Magdalen 
de'  Pazzi  was  granted  a  marvellous  vision  of  her  happiness 
amongst  the  blessed,  during  an  ecstasy. 

Notwithstanding  their  absolute  assurance  of  their  holy 
mother's  happiness,  however,  the  nuns  of  her  convent  are 
described  as  having  given  way  just  at  first,  when  the  news 
of  her  actual  death  spread  through  the  whole  community, 
to  such  violent  grief  that  they  even  neglected  to  do  the 
required  services  to  her  body,  and  left  it  for  a  time  un- 
tended  just  as  it  lay,  crosswise,  on  the  bed  where  she  had 
died.  Razzi,  and  the  Compendium,  are  both  quoted  as  affirm- 
ing that  God  Himself  then  took  care  of  the  holy  mortal 
remains,  and  invested  them  with  such  beauty  and  splendour 
that  when  the  sisters  controlled  themselves  sufficiently  to 
return  to  the  cell  to  do  the  last  offices  for  their  prioress, 
they  could  hardly  gaze  on  the  face  for  the  dazzling  rays 
that  from  time  to  time  came  forth  from  it.  All  the  super- 
natural favours  that  Catherine  had  received  in  the  corporal 
marks  of  our  Lord's  Passion  were  moreover  now  made 
clear  that  all  might  see:  the  stigmata  of  the  five  sacred 
wounds  and  the  marks  of  the  thorny  crown;  whilst  the 
mysterious  "  ring  of  espousals  "  was  made  visibly  resplen- 
dent to  some  of  the  nuns.  The  heavenly  fragrance,  too,  that 
had  so  often  come  from  her  when  living  was  emitted  by  the 
virginal  corpse. 

Such  a  sight  comforted  and  cheered  the  desolate  nuns, 
and  they  prepared  the  saint's  body  for  its  last  resting-place 
with  loving  care,  laying  it — apparently  embalmed,  and  of 


course  clothed  in  full  Religious  dress — on  a  bier  adorned 
with  flowers.  From  the  cell  they  then  reverently  carried  it 
through  the  whole  convent,  as  though  wishing  every  part 
of  the  house  to  be  blessed  by  its  presence,  and  especially 
the  galleries  and  cloisters  which  Catherine  had  so  loved 
during  life.  Lastly,  having  laid  down  the  bier  for  a  short 
time  in  their  own  choir — that  their  mother  might,  as  it 
were,  bid  farewell  in  person  to  that  place  of  her  chief 
delight  on  earth — they  bore  it  into  the  public  church, 
where  it  was  placed  on  a  raised  platform  that  all  might  see 
it.  For  it  need  hardly  be  said  that  neither  Florence  nor 
Prato,  after  the  many  years  of  their  intense  love  and 
veneration  for  the  saint,  would  have  consented  quietly  to 
being  deprived  of  a  last  sight  of  her  whom  they  counted  a 
glory  to  her  native  city.  Her  body  was  left  in  the  church 
for  two  days,  so  that  the  crowds  who  came  might  freely 
visit  it:  and  numbers,  not  content  with  looking,  pressed  up 
to  the  bier  to  touch  the  holy  corpse  with  some  sort  of  object, 
entreating  Catherine's  intercession  with  the  fullest  confidence 
in  her  sanctity. 

It  is  a  pleasure  to  know  that  the  saint's  care  for  her 
young  brother  Vincenzio  was  returned  at  the  time  of 
her  death  by  his  care  to  do  what  he  could  to  transmit  her 
likeness  to  posterity.  He  was  still  devotedly  fond  of  her;  and 
at  the  first  news  of  her  dangerous  illness  had  come  and 
•established  himself  in  the  convent  guest-parlour,  between 
which  and  the  sick-room  the  portress  sister  constantly  went 
and  came,  bringing  Vincenzio  information  as  to  every 
incident  of  the  illness.  After  her  death,  whilst  the  body 
was  still  on  the  bier,  he  had  a  plaster  mould  taken  of  his 
sister's  face;  and,  from  this,  the  sisters  afterwards  com- 
missioned an  artist — name  unknown — to  paint  a  picture 
of  their  mother  as  she  lay  in  her  coffin  surrounded  and 
crowned  with  flowers. 

Vincenzio  kept  watch  in  the  church  for  the  two  days 
of  his  beloved  sister's  "lying-in-state"  there;  and  with  him, 
also  for  the  whole  time,  her  faithful  "  son,"  Ludovico 
Capponi,  kept  guard.  Both  men  were  much  and  sympa- 
thetically noticed,  it  is  said,  by  the  crowds  assembled,  for 


the  noble  gravity  and  recollection  of  their  demeanour,  and 
also  for  the  deep  grief — the  tears  and  sobs — which  they 
could  not  control  when  the  body  was  finally  carried  away 
out  of  sight  for  its  burial. 

This  was  done  on  the  Saturday  night,  the  bier  being 
then  taken  inside  the  convent,  for  the  nuns  themselves  to 
perform  the  last  funeral  rites.  But,  to  give  the  people  of 
Prato  one  more  opportunity  of  seeing  the  remains  of  their 
adored  Mother  Catherine,  instead  of  being  taken  straight 
out  of  the  church  it  was  carried  through  the  assembled 
throng  across  the  piazza  of  St  Dominic,  down  the  great 
avenue  that  leads  to  the  chief  door  of  San  Vincenzio,  and 
so  back  into  that  home  where  "  Alessandra  Lucrezia  Ro- 
mola  de'  Ricci  "  had  presented  herself  as  a  humble  postu- 
lant fifty-five  years  ago. 

The  sisters,  now  in  full  possession  of  their  mother's 
body,  spent  that  night,  and  the  greater  part  of  Sunday,  in 
prayers  and  vigils.  On  Sunday  evening  they  chanted  solemn 
office;  and  then — each  sister  separately  having  reverently 
kissed  the  saint's  hands  in  final  farewell — they  placed  her 
in  a  leaden  coffin,  enclosed  in  a  wooden  chest.  This  was 
placed  within  a  deep  niche  in  the  vestibule  of  their  own 
interior  chapel,  underneath  the  miraculous  image  of  the 
Blessed  Virgin,  through  which  the  convent  had  been  so 
wonderfully  protected  at  the  sacking  of  Prato.  This  niche 
was  then  walled-up,  and  on  it  was  graven  in  Latin  the 
following  simple  inscription: 

Born  the  23rd  of  April,  A.D.  1522 
Died  the  2nd  of  February,  1590 

To  the  Memory 

the  Reverend  Mother 


of  Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci  of  Florence 

Who,  favoured  by  the  grace  of  the  Almighty, 

Magnificently  increased  and  endowed  this  Monastery. 

From  her  devoted  Daughters  in  Christ 

as  having  deserved  well  of  them 

She  lived  67  years,  9  months  and  9  days. 


So  lived,  and  so  died,  the  "  Saint  of  Prato."  It  only 
remains  now  to  give,  as  shortly  as  may  be,  some  account  of 
such  posthumous  incidents — natural  and  supernatural — as 
were  of  importance  with  regard  to  her  after-fame. 

The  community  of  San  Vincenzio,  after  burying  her 
who  had  been  for  over  forty  years  the  head  and  centre  of 
their  daily  lives,  fell  for  a  time — very  naturally — into  a  kind 
of  melancholy  calm:  a  state  of  passive  mourning,  from  which 
they  found  it  difficult  to  rouse  themselves  to  real  interest 
in  anything.  The  very  earliest  supernatural  events  recorded 
as  having  happened  in  the  convent  after  Catherine's  death 
are  certain  appearances  of  their  beloved  prioress  to  the  nuns, 
which  caused  the  first  break  in  their  gloom.  Old  Taddea — 


the  lay-sister  who  had  burnt  the  manuscript  for  her — was 
the  first  person  consoled  by  a  vision;  and  next  to  her  the 
sister  who  perhaps  felt  more  completely  "  lost  "  without  the 
saint  than  any  other  member  of  the  community — Sister 
Bernarda  Giachianotti,  of  whom  so  much  has  been  heard 
as  Catherine's  devoted  "  secretary."  Her  departed  mother 
seemed  to  take  pity  on  her  forlorn  condition  and  determine 
to  put  an  end  to  her  loneliness.  After  suffering  for  a  short 
time  from  an  oppressive  sense  of  void  in  her  existence, 
Sister  Bernarda  suddenly  began  to  feel  as  if  Catherine  was 
close  by  her  side,  just  as  she  used  to  be  when  dictating  her 
letters;  and  thenceforward  she  heard  the  voice  she  so  loved 
whisper  in  her  ear  every  day:  "  My  child,  make  haste  to 
put  your  affairs  in  order,  for  you  have  no  time  to  lose." 
Moreover,  every  morning  at  Mass,  when  the  time  came  for 
Communion,  she  distinctly  felt  her  mother's  hand  gently 
pushing  her  towards  the  holy  table,  as  she  used  to  do  in 
lifetime  to  any  of  the  sisters  whom  she  expected  to  receive 
some  extraordinary  grace.  Bernarda  confided  these  things  to 
one  or  two  of  the  sisters  who  were  her  special  intimates, 
and  all  were  unanimous  in  assuring  her  that  it  could  mean 
nothing  else  but  that  the  saint  was  calling  her  and  bidding 
her  prepare  to  die  well,  of  which  she  was  easily  persuaded. 
She  accordingly  did  her  very  utmost  to  prepare;  and  two  or 
three  months  afterwards,  still  hearing  her  mother's  voice  in 
her  ear,  she  died  as  if  answering  to  her  call  by  a  last  Adsum  ! 


After  these  first  appearances,  Razzi  says  that  for  nearly 
two  years  after  her  death  Catherine  continued  to  live  in  spirit 
amongst  her  children,  so  that  she  almost  seemed  to  be  still 
their  true  prioress.  First  to  one  and  then  to  another  would 
she  either  actually  appear  or  make  her  voice  heard,  and  for 
every  sort  of  purpose — now  to  decide  a  point  of  conscience; 
now  to  set  a  scruple  at  rest;  now  simply  to  cheer  and  con- 
sole in  sadness,  or  to  encourage  those  who  had  to  take  office 
to  face  the  responsibility  bravely:  and  then,  again,  to  help 
her  children  in  temporal  difficulties  by  working  miracles  in 
their  favour. 

Simultaneously  with  these  supernatural  occurrences 
within  the  convent,  and  for  long  afterwards,  many  miracles 
were  wrought  outside;  and  these,  not  only  in  Prato  itself, 
or  in  Florence,  but  all  through  Tuscany  and  in  other  parts 
of  Italy.  From  the  time  of  her  death  onwards — so  great  and 
so  wide-spread  was  the  belief  in  her  sanctity — Catherine  was 
universally  invoked,  in  illness  or  trouble,  by  people  of  every 
class;  and  numbers  of  those  who  asked  her  prayers  obtained 
their  requests  either  at  home,  or  on  visiting  her  tomb.* 
Many  brought  pictures,  statues,  or  symbolic  objects,  as  ex 
votos  after  receiving  favours,  to  the  convent;  and  on  this 
point  Pere  Bayonne  blames  the  nuns  for  not  having  taken 
sufficient  trouble  to  preserve  such  offerings  in  honour  of 
their  saint,  by  keeping  them  apart  from  other  decorations 
of  the  church  or  convent  as  special  records  of  the  miracles 
worked  through  her  intercession. 

Still,  though  their  modesty  might  make  them  a  little 
backward  to  accept  public  homage  for  their  deceased  mother, 
the  nuns  did  all  they  could  themselves  to  get  her  memory 
perpetuated.  They  had  several  portraits  of  her  both  painted 
and  engraved;  and  at  different  periods  in  succession  her  tomb, 
and  the  walls  around  it,  were  decorated  with  pictures  of  sacred 
subjects  by  artists  of  various  schools.  The  first  definite 
impulse  towards  moving  for  Catherine's  beatification  came, 

*  These  references  to  visits  to  Catherine's  "tomb"  are  somewhat  puzzling,  as  the  tomb 
at  this  time  was  merely  the  walled-in  place  inside  the  enclosure.  We  can  only  suppose 
that  the  "vestibule"  described  above,  as  containing  the  niche  under  the  miraculous  image, 
was  at  the  end  of  the  nuns'  choir,  next  to  the  public  church;  and  that  therefore  it  was 
visible,  probably  through  a  grille,  to  the  faithful  in  general. 


only  twelve  years  after  her  decease,  to  Mgr  Caccia,then  lately 
made  Bishop  of  Pistoja  and  Prato.  He  made  his  first  pasto- 
ral visitation  to  San  Vincenzio  in  1 602,  on  which  occasion 
there  was  a  fresh  apparition  of  the  saint,  when  she  appeared 
amongst  some  of  the  oldest  nuns  who  were  accompanying 
the  bishop  round  the  convent,  looking  just  as  she  used  to 
look  when  on  earth.  Both  he  and  the  sisters  took  this  as  a 
special  intimation  that  an  official  enquiry  into  her  sanctity 
should  be  obtained;  and  Caccia — having  himself  enquired 
whilst  at  Prato  into  every  incident  of  a  supernatural  kind 
connected  with  visits  to  her  tomb,  cures  obtained  by  invok- 
ing her,  etc. — got  the  matter  discussed  in  Rome,  and  suc- 
ceeded, just  twenty-four  years  after  Catherine's  death,  in 
introducing  the  cause  of  her  beatification,  in  the  year  1614. 

The  cause  was  approved  and  placed  in  the  hands  of  the 
judges  in  1624,  by  Urban  VIII.  All  was  found  satisfactory, 
and  the  commission  had  actually  pronounced  that  beatifi- 
cation might  safely  be  proceeded  with,  when  fresh  decrees 
made  by  Urban  himself  suddenly  transformed  the  whole 
mode  of  procedure  for  the  canonization  of  saints,  and  every- 
thing had  to  be  begun  afresh  on  entirely  new  methods. 
There  were  many  other  causes  which  the  Congregation  of 
Rites  had  now  to  take  in  earlier  order  than  Catherine's; 
and  the  consequence  was  that  her  beatification  was  postponed 
for  nearly  a  century.  The  last  examination,  under  the  new 
rules,  took  place  in  1716;  and  on  this  occasion  an  impor- 
tant incident  happened,  of  special  interest  to  the  Domini- 
can Order. 

There  was  question  of  the  devotion  and  cultus  that 
Catherine  had  professed  for  Girolamo  Savonarola.  The 
Promoter  Fidei*  Prosper  Lambertini  (afterwards  the  cele- 
brated Benedict  XIV)  opposed  heron  this  point,  affirming 
that  in  this  matter  she  had  sinned.  He  said  that,  however 
eloquently  Pico  de  la  Mirandola,  Marsilio  Ficini,and  others 
might  have  defended  the  great  friar,  there  were  two  incon- 
testable facts  most  damaging  to  his  memory.  First,  he  and 
his  companions  had  been  officially  handed  over  to  the  secu- 
lar arm  to  be  executed,  and  to  have  their  bodies  afterwards 

*  Popularly  known  as  "The  Devil's  Advocate." 


publicly  burnt  at  the  stake.  Secondly,  there  were  undeniable 
proofs,  confirmed  by  Savonarola's  own  confession,  that  he 
had  been  guilty  of  disobedience  to  the  pope,  and  that  in 
his  preaching  he  had  tried  to  rouse  his  hearers  to  rebel 
against  the  vices  of  the  Roman  Court,  declaring  himself  to 
be  a  prophet  sent  from  God. 

Catherine's  defenders  replied  to  these  alleged  facts  by 
others  no  less  incontestable,  but  favourable  to  the  friar's 
memory.  They  showed  that  Girolamo  Savonarola  had  legiti- 
mately enjoyed  a  great  reputation  for  holiness  during  hislife, 
and  that  this  reputation  had  survived  him;  that  at  his  death 
he  was  in  communion  with  the  Church  of  Rome;  that  he  had 
approached  the  sacrament  of  penance  to  purify  his  soul  by 
humble  confession;  that  he  had  received  the  Holy  Eucharist 
with  devotion;  and  had  been  grateful  for  the  Plenary  Indul- 
gence which  the  Sovereign  Pontiff  had  given  him.  From 
all  these  facts  they  drew  the  conclusion  that  Catherine  could 
have  addressed  private  prayers  to  him  without  sin;  for,  they 
maintained  with  Suarez,  the  only  thing  necessary  to  justify 
the  faithful  in  privately  offering  homage  and  prayers  to  the 
soul  of  one  whom  they  regard  as  their  advocate  with  God, 
is  that  they  should  have  a  "highly  probable  opinion  "  that 
such  a  soul  is  in  possession  of  eternal  salvation. 

By  a  large  majority,  almost  unanimously,  the  Congre- 
gation of  Rites,  recognizing  the  force  of  this  answer,  gave 
their  decision  on  the  point  in  favour  of  Catherine's  defen- 
ders. But  as  the  latter,  somewhat  over  jealous  for  Savona- 
rola's honour,  tried  to  make  this  decision  the  excuse  for 
a  proclamation  of  the  injustice  of  his  death,  and  as  a  fiery 
controversy  seemed  likely  to  arise  over  this  further  question 
which  would  in  nowise  profit  Catherine's  cause,  it  was  thought 
better  to  refer  the  matter  to  the  pope,  then  Benedict  XIII. 
He,  wishing  very  wisely  to  avoid  reviving  the  long-silenced 
question  of  the  justice  or  injustice  of  Savonarola's  sentence, 
published  a  decree  by  which  he  commanded  that,  in  future, 
silence  should  be  observed  as  to  the  cutlus  of  Fra  Girolamo 
by  the  servant  of  God.  Thus,  nothing  could  henceforth  be 
concluded  from  this,  for  or  against  her  cause;  and,  putting 
the  point  on  one  side,  they  proceeded  to  other  questions.* 

*  Opera  Bened.  XI V,  De  Ser-uorum  Dei  Beat:  etc.,  lib.  Ill,  cap.  xxv,  No.  17-20. 


The  first  decree,  in  favour  of  the  venerable  Catherine's 
heroic  virtues,  was  published  by  Benedict  XIII  on  March  7, 
1727;  the  second,  in  favour  of  the  authenticity  of  her  mira- 
cles, on  April  30,  1732,  under  Clement  XII;  and  finally, 
her  solemn  beatification  was  celebrated  in  St  Peter's,  by  the 
same  pontiff,  on  November  23  in  the  same  year,  being  made 
the  occasion  of  tremendous  rejoicings  in  Florence  on  the 
part  of  the  populace,  as  well  as  of  the  Ricci  family  and  the 
Dominican  Order. 

Nearly  a  year  later,  on  September  26,  1733,  the  tomb  of 
the  'Beata  was  opened,  in  the  presence  of  Mgr  Federigo 
Alamanni,  then  Bishop  of  Pistoja  and  Prato,  of  two  great- 
nephews  of  Catherine's,  the  Prior  of  St  Dominic's,  and  several 
other  important  ecclesiastical  and  lay  functionaries.  The 
sacred  remains  were  reverently  exposed,  after  a  hundred  and 
forty-two  years  of  interment,  to  the  gaze  of  a  generation  that 
knew  her  only  by  fame;  and  they  beheld  with  awe  that  cer- 
tain parts  of  her  body  had  the  flesh  remaining  on  it  whilst 
all  the  rest  was  a  skeleton :  those  parts,  namely,  that  had  been 
mysteriously  honoured  in  life  by  the  marks  of  Christ's  Pas- 
sion. On  the  left  side,  the  flesh  extended  from  the  shoulder 
(which  bore  a  purple  mark  where  the  cross  had  rested)  down 
to  the  breast,  which  showed  clearly  the  wound  made  by  the 
lance.  Moreover,  whilst  her  clothing,  and  everything  else 
that  had  been  buried  with  her,  had  fallen  to  dust,  the  little 
wooden  cross  usually  placed  in  the  hands  of  a  nun  on  burial 
remained  intact,  and  so  firmly  fixed  between  her  fingers 
that  they  could  not  take  it  away. 

After  gazing  with  wonder  at  these  glorious  signs  of  her 
sanctity,  and  offering  thanks  to  God,  the  bishop  and  priests 
lifted  Catherine's  body  most  respectfully  from  its  coffin,  and 
placed  it  in  a  large  gilt  reliquary,  with  glass  sides,  having 
first  had  it  clothed  again  in  the  Religious  habit,  so  arranged 
as  to  show  the  mysteriously-preserved  marks  on  her  side 
and  shoulder,  and  the  small  wooden  cross  clasped  in  her 
hand.  This  casket  was  carried  into  the  public  church  and 
placed,  for  the  veneration  of  the  people,  high  up  over  the 
altar,  whilst  a  series  of  solemn  ecclesiastical  festivities  was 
held.  An  enormous  throng  assembled  to  take  part  in  this 


celebration;  and  the  joy  of  the  populace  at  actually  behold- 
ing the  body  of  the  saintly  virgin  of  whose  wonderful  life 
they  had  heard  so  much,  whose  memory  was  so  dearly 
cherished  in  Prato,  was  overwhelming;  and  doubly  so  when 
the  miraculous  preservation  of  the  sacredly-marked  flesh 
was  perceived. 

The  public  celebration  lasted  three  days,  during  which 
Sandrini  says  that  very  many  hearts  were  moved  to  true 
repentance  for  sin,  and  went  on  the  spot  to  make  humble 
and  contrite  confessions,  so  that  all  the  local  priests  scarcely 
sufficed  to  hear  the  numbers  that  flocked  to  their  feet 
throughout  this  memorable  triduo. 

The  festivities  over,  Catherine's  body  was  brought  down 
from  its  high  position  and  placed  permanently  underneath 
the  high  altar,  cased  in  a  beautiful  silver  shrine,  presented 
by  the  Ricci  family.  Here  it  still  remains,  behind  a  gilt  iron 
grille  through  which  it  is  clearly  visible. 

Some  fresh  miracles  signalized  the  beatification,  and  the 
further  process  for  canonization  was  immediately  started. 
Ten  years,  however,  passed  before  the  examination  of  these 
last  miracles  was  finished,  by  which  time  Benedict  XIV  was 
on  the  papal  throne.  He  gave  his  formal  approbation  to  the 
favourable  decision  of  the  judges  in  1744,  choosing  for  this 
purpose  the  feast  of  St  Philip  Neri,  in  memory  of  the  friend- 
ship between  him  and  Catherine.  On  this  day,  the  great 
pontiff  first  said  Mass  on  St  Philip's  altar,  and  prayed  for 
a  long  time  before  his  relics;  after  which  he  solemnly 
declared  the  authenticity  of  the  miracles  brought  forward 
for  her  canonization. 

Two  years  later,  on  the  feast  of  SS.  Peter  and  Paul, 
1746,  he  enrolled  the  name  of  the  Blessed  Catherine  de' 
Ricci  amongst  the  canonized,  and  proclaimed  her  "saint" 
before  the  Universal  Church. 

This  event  was  celebrated,  like  the  Beatification,  by  a 
grand  religious  festa  in  Prato,  at  which  Benedict  XIV  gave 
leave  to  the  nuns  of  San  Vincenzio  to  come  forth  from  their 
cloister  and  walk  in  procession  round  the  Piazza  of  St 
Dominic  with  their  mother's  shrine,  which  was  carried  aloft 
over  the  same  road  that  her  coffin  had  taken.  The  sisters, 



on  this  occasion,  are  described  as  having  given  such  immense 
edification  to  the  crowds — formed  of  every  rank  in  life, 
both  lay  and  clerical — through  which  they  walked,  by  the 
modesty,  humility  and  devotion  of  their  behaviour,  as  to 
have  touched  some  onlookers  to  tears.  Nothing  could  have 
been  a  truer  homage  to  the  saint  than  the  tender  admira- 
tion thus  roused  by  her  children,  of  whom  Sandrini  says 
that  "  there  was  not  one  who  on  that  day  did  not  present 
a  true  image  of  her  whose  body  they  were  accompanying 
in  the  triumph  of  her  sanctity  ";  and  loud  acclamations  of 
joy  and  gratitude  from  the  populace  fitly  crowned  the 
honours  offered  to  her  on  that  great  day. 

St  Catherine  de'  Ricci's  home  has  happily  not  lost  its 
love  and  veneration  for  her.  The  quiet  town  of  Prato  keeps 
up  her  memory,  indeed,  by  having  almost  forgotten  the 
name  of  San  Vincenzio  for  her  former  abode,  and  calling  it 
the  convent  of  "Santa  Catarina."  The  community,  happily, 
still  exists,  having  succeeded  by  the  help  of  friends  (notably 
by  relations  of  M.  Cesare  Guasti,  the  editor  of  her  "Letters") 
in  buying  back  their  house  from  the  Italian  government, 
so  as  to  be  safely  established  there.  This  community,  it  will 
interest  readers  to  hear,  islineally  descended  from  theoriginal 
one,  though  wofully  diminished  in  size — numbering  about 
thirty  nuns,  where  there  used  to  be  between  one  and  two 
hundred.  But  their  loyal  devotion  to  their  saintly  "mother" 
is  undiminished;  and  they  carefully  cherish  a  pear-tree  in 
the  grounds  planted  by  the  saint's  hands,  which  still  bears 
fruit.  Many  changes,  it  would  appear  from  descriptions, 
have  taken  place  in  decorations  and  arrangements  of  church 
and  house,  and  some  of  the  monastic  buildings  are  possibly 
gone,  and  others  restored;  but  the  main  part  of  the  convent 
— far  too  large,  of  course,  for  its  present  inhabitants — 
remains,  and  its  substantial  form  and  materials  are  those  of 
the  original  construction  raised  by  Filippo  Salviati. 


List  of  Original  Sources  for  the  Life  of 
St  Catherine  de'  Ricci 

I.  Vita  della  Venerabile  Madre  Suor  Caterina  de  Ricci,  vergine, 

nobil  fiorentina,  monaca  nel  monastero  di  San-Vincenzio 
di  Prate,  scritta  del  Tadre  Serafino  Razzi  de'  Predicatori. 
(In  Lucca,  Busdraghi,  1594,  in  4to.) 

For  this  Vita,  Razzi — besides  his  own  personal  recollections  of  the 
Saint,  and  the  verbal  accounts  of  her  contemporaries  in  the  convent — 
made  use  of  Sister  Maddalena  Strozzi's  MS.  notes,  and  of  four  contempo- 
rary memoirs  compiled  by  St  Catherine's  confessors,  and  other  ecclesiastics 
who  had  known  her. 

II.  Vita  della  Venerabile  Madre  Suor  Caterina  de'  Ricci,  etc. 

— scritta  del  Padre  Fra  Filippo  Guidi,  Florentine. 
(Firenze,  Sermatelli,  1617.) 

Guidi  was  a  learned  Dominican  who  was  confessor  at  San  Vincenzio 
during  a  part  of  the  Saint's  own  life.  He  made  use  of  several  contempo- 
rary MS.  "Lives,"  Latin  and  Italian  (of  which  full  accounts  may  be  found 
in  Pere  Bayonne's  work)  ;  and  also  of  a  Vita  Anonyma  di  Santa  Caterina  de1 
Rial  from  which  readers  of  the  present  Life  will  have  found  several  quo- 

The  two  Lives  by  Razzi  and  Guidi,  with  the  various  documents  used 
by  them  as  authorities,  form  the  primitive  monuments  of  St  Catherine, 
commonly  called  her  "Leggenda  maravigliosa." 

After  them,  come  some  seventeenth  century  memoirs,  printed  and  in 
MS.,  Italian  and  French,  chiefly  short,  and  mostly  mere  compilations. 
Next,  with  the  "Processes"  for  the  Beatification  and  Canonization,  come: 

III.  (i)   Compendio  della  Vita  della  beata  Caterina  de'  Ricci, 

monaca  ee.y  estratto  da  processi  fatti  per  la  sua  beatifica- 
zione,  autore  Virginia  Vassecbi,  Cassinese,  Bresciano, 
(In  Firenze,  Paperini,  1733,  in  4to.) 

(2)  Vita  di  Santa  Caterina  de'  Ricci,  cavata  dai  sommari 
dei  processi  fatti  per  la  sua  beatificazione  e  canonizazione, 
proposti  ed essaminasti  nella  sagra  congregazione  de  Riti. 
(In  Roma,  per  Girolamo  Mainardi.  1 746,  in  4to.) 


Then  we  have  the  most  often  quoted  Life  of  the  Saint,  next  to  the 
two  "  primitive  "  ones. 

IV.  Vita  di  Santa  Caterina  de    Ricci  ....  delle  Or  dine 

di  San-Domenico^  descritta  del  *Padre  Fra  Domenico 
Maria  Sandrini,  deV  istesso  Ordine.  (In  Firenze, 
Francesco  Moilcke,  1747,  in  410.) 

Lastly,  that  very  important  source  of  information   as  to  the  Saint's 
inner  life  and  influence  on  souls  : 

V.  Le  Lettere  spiritual*  efamiliari  di  Santa  Caterina  de'  Ricci^ 

Fiorentina,  raccolte  e  illustrate  da  Cesar e  Guasti.  (In 
Prato,  per  Ranieri  Guasti,  1861.) 


Affectation,  Catherine's  dislike  for, 


Agnes,  Ven.,  of  Langeac,  8 1 
Albizzi,  the,  rivals  of  the  de'  Ricci, 

I,   2 

Alexandria,  St  Catherine  of,  144 
Angel,  Catherine's  Guardian,  4 
"Anonyma,"  Vita  of  the  Saint  (see 


Aquinas,  St  Thomas,  54,  72 
Aquinas,  St  Thomas,  His  doctrine 

on  high    office    in    Religious 

state,  151  (note) 
Assisi,  St  Francis  of,  83 
Attentions,  to   friends,   shown   by 

Catherine,  252 

Bardo,  Margherita  di,  184 
Bavaria,  King  of,  sends  son  to  visit 

Prato,  129,  207 
Bayonne,  Pere  Hyadnthe,  This  life 

of  the  Saint  founded  on  his 

(see  "Preface) 

Beatification,  Catherine's,  271 
Benedictine  nuns,  the,  Catherine  at 

school  with  (see  "  Monticelli") 
Benigna,  Sister  Maria,  Catherine's 

step-sister,  104,  105,  195 
Bernarda  Giachianotti,  Sister,  182, 


Besson,  Pere  Hyacinthe,  85 
Body,  Catherine's,  found  in  coffin 

with  parts  of  flesh  incorrupt, 

Borromeo,  St  Charles,  miraculously 

saved      through     Catherine's 

prayers,  208 

Borromeo,  St   Charles,  keeps  pic- 
ture sent  by  her,  2 1  o 
Bossuet,  opinion  on  satisfaction  for 

sin,  161  (note) 

Brothers,  Catherine's  love  for  her, 

92,  105 
Buonaccorso       Buonaccorsi,     226; 

Catherine's    letters    to,    227- 


Canigiani,  Giovan-Maria,  conver- 
sion of,  133 

Canonization,  the  Saint's,  272 

"  Canticle  of  the  Passion,"  revealed 
to  Catherine,  and  adopted  by 
the  Order,  76 

Capponi,  Ludovico,  and  wife,  238, 
239;  his  great  reverence  for 
Catherine,  245,  267;  her 
letters  to,  240-245 

Cardinals  Aldobrandi,  Cafarelli, 
Gaddi,  and  Giustiniani,  visit 
Catherine,  128 

Casas,  Padre  Alberto  de  las,  General 
of  Dominican  Order  (see  under 

Castiglione, Padre  F.  R.,  Dominican 
Provincial  (ibid.) 

Catherine,  Alessandra  de'  Ricci's 
name  changed  to,  29 

Catherine,  St,  de'  Ricci,  Birth,  3 ; 
early  years,  3 -6  Contemplative 
character,  7;  stay  at  Monti- 
celli, 8 ;  life  at  home,  1 5 ; 
search  for  convent  of  strict 
observance,  1 7 ;  finds  Domi- 
nicans of  Prato,  19;  visits  San 
Vincenzio,  23  ;  first  illness  and 
miraculous  cure,  25;  entry  at 
San  Vincenzio,  27;  clothing, 
28;  trials  before  profession,  30; 
profession,  37;  trials  after  pro- 
fession, second  illness  and  pa- 
tience under  it,  44;  second 
miraculous  cure,  48 ;  her  won- 



derful  spiritual  states  dis- 
covered, 49  ;  commanded  to 
reveal  them  to  superiors,  5 1 ; 
further  miraculous  cures,  5  3 ; 
diabolical  attacks  and  divine 
visions,  54,  57;  her  change  of 
heart,  60 ;  beginning  of  great 
ecstasy  of  Passion,  62;  mystic 
espousals,  79 ;  receives  stigmata 
and  other  marks  of  Passion, 
81;  miracle  of  crucifix,  84; 
other  miracles,  112;  visited 
from  all  parts,  115,  126;  her 
hatred  of  public  notice,  121, 
130;  sub-prioress  first  time, 
131;  prioress  first  time,  150; 
her  wise  government,  160; 
insists  on  more  prayer,  163; 
great  ecstasy  ceases  at  her  own 
prayer,  158;  firmness  in  main- 
taining rights  (see  "  Consent 
Enclosure  "J;  intercourse  with 
St  Philip  Neri  and  St  M.  M. 
de'  Pazzi,  248;  her  declining 
years,  258;  last  illness,  death 
and  funeral,  260-267;  pos- 
thumous appearances  and  mi- 
racles, 268,  269;  beatification, 
272;  removal  and  veneration 
of  body,  272,  273  ;  canoniza- 
tion, 273 
Cecilia,  St,  appears  to  Catherine, 


Church,  needed  at  San  Vincenzio, 
43,  177;  finished  by  Salviati, 


Clothing  of  Catherine,  28,  29 

Communions,  Catherine's  during 
her  great  ecstasy,  6";  her  last 
communion,  261 

Community  life,  Catherine's  views 
of,  164 

"  Compassion  "  of  B.M.V.,  repro- 
duced in  Catherine,  61;  con- 
gratulated on  by  our  Lady,  76 

Conferences,  Catherine's  to  her 
nuns,  156 

Convent  of  strict  observance,  Ca- 
therine's search  for,  1 7 

Convent  Enclosure,  affair  of,  211 

Conversion  of  Sinners,  Catherine's 
power  of,  133 

Cross,  mark  of  our  Lord's  impressed 
on  Catherine,  84 

Crowds,  drawn  to  Prato  by  Cathe- 
rine's renown,  119,  126,  157 

Crucifix,  "  Sandrina's  "  at  Monti- 
celli,  10;  wonderful  miracle  of 
at  Prato,  85,  86 

Crucifixion,  wonderful  vision  of, 
58,  59 

Death,  how  welcomed  in   Cathe- 
rine's community,  175 
Death,  the  Saint's  own,  263 

Divine  Office,  Catherine's  high 
views  of,  162 

Domenico,  Fra,  companion  of  Sa- 
vonarola, 5  3 ;  the  wandering 
hermit,  one  of  Catherine's 
"spiritual  sons,"  224 

Dominican  Superiors,  Catherine's 
relation  to  (see  "  Consent  En- 
closure "  ) 

Dupont,  Pere,  S.J.,  quoted,  1 60 

Dying,     the,     Catherine's     super- 

natural help  of,  170 

great     (see 

various    to 

Ecstasy,     Catherine's 
"  Passion  "J 

Elections,    Catherine's 
office,  144  (note) 

Eleonora  of  Toledo,  visits  Prato, 
117;  three  of  her  court  fol- 
lowers converted,  1 1 8 

Espousals,  Mystic,  of  Catherine, 
79,  80 

Eucharist,  the  Holy,  Catherine's 
great  devotion  to  and  high 
views  of,  122,  1 68 

Face,  of  our  Lord,  Catherine's 
transformed  into  image  of,  75 



Face,  wonderful  attraction  of  Ca- 
therine's own,  132 

Falconieri,  St  Juliana,  3 

Family,  Catherine's  correspondence 
with  her  own,  begun,  88; 
continued  with  her  brothers, 

Fasting,  Catherine's  severe,  6,  1 1 9 

Favour  of  Community,  Catherine's 
restoration  to,  49 

Federigo  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 
uncle,  2,  27,  89,  97,  196, 
198,  200 

Festivities,  public  at  Prato,  on  Ca- 
therine's beatification  and 
canonization,  272,  273 

Fiammetta  da  Diacceto,  Catherine's 
step-mother,  4,  8,  14,  16,  82, 
101,  106 

Fiammetta  da  Diacceto,  Catherine's 
letters  to,  102-108 

Funeral,  Catherine's,  267 

Gjberardi,  edition  of  Catherine's 
letters  (see  Preface) 

Giovanbatista  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 
half-brother,  5,  105 

Giovanni  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 
brother,  90 

Gondi,  Antonio,  192,  203,  226, 
238,  245;  death,  247 

Government,  Catherine's  wise,  of 
her  community,  160 

Grief  of  Catherine's  community  at 
her  death  lessened  by  visions 
of  her,  268 

Guasti,  Cesare,  edition  of  Cathe- 
rine's letters  (see  Preface) 

Gutdi,  Catherine's  biographer,  (see 

Guizelmi,  Agostino,  friend  of  St 
Ch.  Borromeo  and  of  Cathe- 
rine, 209 

Heart,  Catherine's  change  of,  60 
Heaven,  meditation  on  the  joys  of, 

Home,  Catherine's  love  for  and  life 

in,  15,  16 
Humility,  Catherine's  remarkable, 

5,  6,  28,  31,  34,  36, 50,  121, 

140,  150,  254,  256 

Illness,  Catherine's  last,  260 

Illuminated  books,  passion  for  in 
convents,  12,18 

Influence,  Catherine's,  in  produ- 
cing faith  and  love  for  the 
Church  in  others,  129 

Instructions,  Catherine's  last  to  her 
nuns,  262,  263 

Jacopa,  Sister  M.  Cini,  182 
Joanna  of  Austria,  128,  252 
"Junior"  nuns  of  San  Vincenzio, 

Catherine's  great  care  for,  143; 

her  letter  to,  144 

Lauda,  composed  by  Catherine  to 
Savonarola  and  companions, 

"Lessandra"  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 

half-sister,  101,  104 
Letters,  St  Catherine   de'    Ricci's, 

editions  of  and  particulars  of 

translations,  etc.  (see  "Preface) 
Letters,  written  to  various  people 

(see  under  each  name) 
Ludovica  de'  Ricci,Catherine'saunt, 

abbess  of  Monticelli,  8,  9,  14 
Loreto,  shrine  of  at  Prato,  173 
Love,  Catherine's  intense  for  souls, 


Marcellus  II,  pope,  128 

Marietta  de'  Ricci,  2 

Mary    Magdalen,   St,    appears    to 

Catherine,  59 

Mascalzoni,  Sister  Gabriella,  75,  76 
Maxims,  Catherine's,  preserved  by 

nuns,  156 
Medici,  Alessandro  de'  (Leo  XI), 

respect  for  Catherine,  128 
Medici,  Cosmo  de',  136 



Medici,  Francesco  de',  136,  252 

Michelozzi,  Padre  N.,  74,  75 

Miraculous  cure  from  illness,  Ca- 
therine's first,  25,  26 

Miraculous  cure  from  illness,  Ca- 
therine's second,  48,  49 

Miracles,  worked  by  Catherine  in 
lifetime,  112,  140,  172,209; 
after  death,  269,  273 

Monastic  spirit,  its  relaxation  in 
Catherine's  day,  10,  17;  her 
high  ideal  of,  1 1,  12 

Monticelli,  San  Pietro  de',  Abbey, 
Catherine's  connection  with,  8 

Mystical  states,  nature  of  discussed 
and  explained  (see  Introductory 
Treatise  by  F.  B.  Wilberforce, 

Name-System,  mixed,  adopted  in 
this  book  (see  Preface) 

Neri,  St  Philip,  and  Catherine,  249 ; 
his  niece's  lawsuit  with  the 
Dominican  nuns,  250;  Ca- 
therine's letter  to  him,  ibid.; 
his  remarks  on  Catherine's 
portrait,  251 

Novitiate,  Catherine's  great  trials 
during,  30 

Nun,  a  (anonymous),  Catherine's 
letter  to,  148 

Passion,  the,  of  our  Lord,  Cathe- 
rine's attraction  to  as  a  child, 
3,  4;  devotion  to  at  Monti- 
celli, 8,  9;  Catherine's  great 
ecstasy  of,  described,  62;  exa- 
mined and  authenticated  by 
Dominican  authorities,  68; 
sceptics  as  to,  convinced,  74, 
75;  finally  certified  by  Papal 
Legates,  123;  ceases,  at  Ca- 
therine's own  prayer,  158 

Paul  III,  sends  commissioners  to 
Prato  to  examine  Catherine 
and  her  community,  123 

Pazzi,   St   M.   Magdalen  de',  8i; 

Catherine's  supernatural  inter- 
course with,  248 

Peculiarity  in  devotion,  etc.,  dis- 
couraged by  Catherine,  165 

Penance,  Catherine'sspirit  and  prac- 
tice of,  6,  28,  119,  1 20,  253, 
259;  strictness  about  in  Reli- 
gious life,  1 6 1 ;  moderation  in 
advised  by  her,  186,  231 

Personages,    names    of   important,  ' 
who  visited  Prato,  129 

Philip,  St  (see  "  Neri ") 

Pierfrancesco  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 
father,  2,  15,  21,  24,  26,  88, 
90,  96,  IOO;  his  death,  101; 
Catherine's  letters  to,  89-101 

Pisa,  Pierfrancesco  Consul  of,  97 

Plays,  acted  in  convents,  1 7 

Poor,  Catherine's  love  for  the,  1 74 

Portraits  of  Catherine,  various  (see 

Portraits  taken  after  death  by  bro- 
ther's order,  265  ;  by  her  nuns' 
orders,  268 

Poverty,  Catherine's  spirit  of,  164, 


Prato,  the  de'  Ricci  villa  at,  19; 
Dominican  sisters  visit  to,ibid.; 
convent  at  (see  "San  Vincen- 
zio  ") 

Prayer,  mental,  Catherine's  arrange- 
ment for  increase  of  in  com- 
munity, 163 

Prioress,  Catherine  made  for  first 
time,  150;  example  set  by  her 
as,  1 60 

Profession,  Catherine's,  37 

Prophecy,  nature  of  gift  (see  Intro- 
ductory Treatise) ;  exercised  by 
Catherine,  135 

Psalms,  recited  by  Catherine  in 
great  ecstasy,  109 

Rafaella  da  Fafinza,  Mother,  42, 
89,  130;  her  death,  131 

Raptures,  Catherine's,  during  no- 
vitiate and  after  profession 



misunderstood,  33,  45;  her 
demeanour  during,  49,  65, 
171,  208;  they  increase  to- 
wards end  of  life,  258 

Razzi,  Serafino,  Catherine's  biogra- 
pher (see  Appendix) ;  becomes 
one  of  Catherine's  "  spiritual 
sons,"  223 

Reproof  and  correction,  Catherine's 
mode  of,  162 

Revelations,  made  to  Catherine 
about  particular  people,  18, 
29,  134,  1 66;  made  about 
Catherine  to  others,  23,  75, 

Ricasoli,  family  of,  2 

Ricasoli,  the  Cavaliere,  visits  Ca- 
therine, 254 

Riccardi  Palace,  the  (now  Mannelli), 
Catherine's  birthplace,  3 

Ricci,  de',  the  family  of,  I,  2,  5 

Ridolfo  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's  bro- 
ther, 92,  196;  death,  207; 
Catherine's  letters  to,  197-203 

Ring  of  mystic  espousals,  shown  to 
Catherine,  25  ;  bestowed  on 
her,  80;  visible  after  death, 

Rucellai,  Fra  Damiani,  Catherine's 
letter  to,  147 

Salviati,  Maria,  visits  Prato,  115 

Salviati,  Filippo:  his  wife's  miracu- 
lous cure,  1 1  5 ;  his  connection 
with  San  Vincenzio,  177; 
miracles  worked  for  his  con- 
version, 179,  1 80,  194;  his 
daughters,  1 8  2, 1 8  3 ;  his  death, 
194;  Catherine's  letters  to, 
183-193;  his  sons  and  the 
community,  212-222 

Sandrini,  Catherine's  biographer  (see 

San  Vincenzio,  convent  of  at  Prato, 
Catherine's  first  visit  to,  23; 
her  return  there  for  good,  27; 
foundation  and  foundresses  of, 

38 ;  present  condition  of  build- 
ing and  community,  274 

Savonarola,  Fra  Girolamo,  12,  13; 
connection  with  founding  of 
San  Vincenzio,  38 ;  cultus  of  in 
community,  48 ;  appearances 
to  Catherine,  49,  52,  58; 
Catherine's  "  spiritual  sons  " 
help  to  revive  public  devotion 
to,  247;  incident  connected 
with  at  Catherine's  beatifica- 
tion, 270 

Scipio  de'  Ricci,  Bishop,  5 

Sensible  aids  to  devotion,  provided 
by  Catherine  for  her  nuns, 

Sick,  the,  Catherine's  great  care  for, 

Siena,  St  Catherine  of,  83 

Silvestro,  Fra,  companion  of  Savo- 
narola, 39,  40,  53 

Sisters,  Catherine's  younger,  nuns 
at  Prato,  1 5  5 

"Spiritual  Sons,"  Catherine's  223 
(see  also  under  "  Buonaccorso," 
"  Capponi,"  "  Gondi,"  "  Do- 
menico,"  "  Strozzi "  and 
"  Razzi ") 

State,  monastery  compared  to  a,  159 

Statue,  miraculous,  of  our  Lady  at 
Prato,  41 

Stigmata,  Sacred,  bestowed  on  Ca- 
therine, 8 1 

Strozzi,  Sister  Maddalena,  29,  51, 

76,  82,    120,    136,    140,  256 

Strozzi,  Lorenzo,  Catherine's  "spiri- 
tual son,"  234;  her  letters  to, 

Sub-prioress,  Catherine  first  ap- 
pointed, 1 3  I 

Sufferings,  undertaken  by  Catherine 
for  sinners,  136;  for  souls  in 
purgatory,  138 

Sufferings,  her  own  severe,  through 
life,  259 

Superiors,  Catherine's  letters  to  (see 
"  Consent  Enclosure  "} 



Taddei,  Lorenzo,  character  beauti- 
fully described  by  Catherine, 
227  (note) 

Tauler,  John,  quoted,  44 

Teresa,  St,  81  (note) 

Thekla,  St,  appears  to  Catherine,  25 

Third  Order,  Dominican,  position 
in  of  Catherine  and  her  com- 
munity (see  Preface) 

Thorns,  our  Lord's  crown  of, 
marked  on  Catherine's  head, 


Thoughts,  Catherine  reads  her 
nuns',  167 

Timoteo  de'  Ricci,  Padre,  Cathe- 
rine's uncle,  5,  21,  20,  35, 

5°>   5'>  93,  98>  H7»   *52'> 

his  death,  154 

Totti,  Fra  Gabriello,  95 
Tongues,  nature  of  gift  (see  Intro- 
ductory Treatise) 

Trent,  Council  of,  its  pronounce- 
ments compared  with  Cathe- 
rine's visions,  126  (note) 

Union,  spirit  of  amongst  Cathe- 
rine's nuns,  175 

Unselfishness,  shown  by  Catherine 
to  her  nuns,  1 68 

Utterances,  Catherine's  during 
great  ecstasy,  no,  in 

Vincenzio  de'  Ricci,  Catherine's 
half-brother,  102  (note),  196, 
203,  210,  265;  her  letters 
to,  203-207 

Visions  and  revelations,  Catherine's, 
87,  125,  137,  138 

Visions  and  revelations,  nature  of 
compared  (see  Introductory 


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