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Full text of "The Story of St. Paul's parish, Toronto : commemorating the centenary of the first parish church in the archdiocese of Toronto"

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1622 - 1922 










Commemorating the 


in the 


Table of Contents 


Chapter I. The French Period 17 

Chapter II. York, a Churchless Mission 23 

Chapter III. The First Church 40 

Chapter IV. Bishop Macdonell at York 60 

Chapter V. Toronto a City 67 

Chapter VI. Early Catholic Schools 77 

Chapter VII. Toronto a Diocese 84 

Chapter VIII. The Typhus 96 

Chapter IX. St. Paul s 1850-1858 Fathers Fitzhenry and 

walsh 105 

Chapter X. St. Paul s 1858-1870 Father Rooney 110 

Chapter XI. St Paul s 1870-1879 Fathers McCann and 

Conway 118 

Chapter XII. St. Paul s 1879-1892 Bishop O Mahony and 

the New Church 127 

Chapter XIII. St. Paul s 1892-1922 Very Rev. Dean Hand 137 

Chapter XIV. Public Functions in Parish 154 

Chapter XV. Altars and Decorations 176 

Chapter XVI. Parish Buildings 184 

Chapter XVII. Religious Activities 193 

Chapter XVIII. Vocations from the Parish 206 

Chapter XIX. The Religious Communities 223 

Chapter XX. Parish Societies 248 

Chapter XXI. The Centenary Celebration 278 

List of References 317 

Appendix List of Subscribers to New Church Fund 

List of Subscribers at Laying of Foundation 


Financial Statement ] 892-1910- - - 321 


Archbishop of Toronto 

JANUARY 2, 1923 


On being asked by the Very Reverend Dean Hand to take 
up the compilation of the history of St. Paul s Parish, the 
undersigned made use of material gathered for years simply 
as a hobby. As some of this was the outcome of personal 
interviews with men of prominence who have since passed 
away, the information thus gained might otherwise have been 
lost forever. 

He also made use of other sources of information, a detailed 
list of which will be found at the end of this volume. When 
the end of Chapter XII. had been reached, sickness delayed 
the work for some time. On resuming his task, the writer 
found that part of Chapter XIII., all of Chapters XIV., XV., 
XVI., XVII., XIX., XX had been prepared, so that he can claim 
but editorship for this part of the work. 

A deep debt of gratitude is due the Very Rev. Dean Harris 
and Rev. M. J. Oliver, C.S.B., who read the proofs of the work; 
also of the clergy of the Cathedral of Kingston ; of the parishes 
of St. Raphael and St. Andrews, in the diocese of Alexandria, 
and especially to the Very Rev. Geo. Corbett, V.G. 

That the work was not delayed indefinitely by reason of the 
illness of the writer is due to the indefatiguable labors of Mr. 
James O Hagan, who, in addition to work of publication, had 
charge of the whole matter for more than two months. 

Richmond Hill, December 28, 1922. 

Very Rev. J. L,. Hand, S.T.L., 

Dean of Toronto, and Pastor of St, 

Paul s since 1892. 


Two thousand five hundred years ago, after the promulga 
tion of the law by Moses, the first Jubilee was proclaimed 
among the chosen people of God. From that time until now 
all Hebrew and Christian peoples have observed the centenary 
of some memorable event in their histories or the introduction 
of their religion into foreign countries. 

Following these historical and laudable precedents, the pas 
tor and people of St. Paul s Parish, with commendable devo 
tion and enterprise, celebrated last November the hundredth 
anniversary of the foundation of their parish. 

It was then determined that the occasion deserved a me 
morial which would go down to future times and preserve 
the speeches, sermons and addresses delivered at the cen 
tenary celebration. It was also deemed fitting to perpetuate 
the memory of many of the priests and parishioners who in 
the past, took an active part in the foundation, growth and 
expansion of the parish. 

This "Memorial Volume" was, then, planned and written to 
record the ceremonies, addresses and events associated with 
the centenary celebration, and to preserve from extinction the 
memory of the dead who so nobly and generously contributed 
to the erection of the buildings and to the support of the 


The Book will be hospitably received into the homes of the 
sons and daughters of the splendid men and women who so 
generously contributed to the erection of the fine and substan 
tial buildings which give distinction to the historic parish. It 
will also keep alive the memory of those self-sacrificing and 

12 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

generous souls who, in the "unity of the faith and in the bond 
of peace," died in the friendship of God. We may here repeat 
the words of St. John spoken of the saints of his day, who kept 
the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ, 
"write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Now they 
may rest from their labours for their works will follow them." 
No people in Ontario have contributed more liberally even 
lavishly, than the parishioners of St. Paul s. 

Under the careful and prudent administration of zealous 
priests, aided by the generosity and encouragement of their 
people, the parish, spiritually and materially, has, in the past 
sixty years established for itself an enviable reputation. The 
architecturaly imposing church ; the wonderful House of Prov 
idence, a monument to Catholic Charity; the commodious and 
attractive presbytery with its well-cared-for grounds; the St. 
Paul s Lyceum and Hall of Entertainment, and the large and 
modernly equipped and ventilated schools manifest the en 
couraging progress which, in the material order, the parish 
has made and the admirable work priests and people have 
accomplished. They have made the parish what it is to-day 
the brightest portion of the Kingdom of God in Ontario. 

As devoted loyal children, whether they suffered privation 
when the means of home were slender, or shared the abundance 
of good things in more prosperous days, alike in scarcity and 
in plenty, the people of St. Paul s have always been devoted and 
affectionate to their priests and their church.. 

The author of this volume has given us an exhaustive and 
admirable production which is a monument to his ability, his 
industry and powers of research. Independently of its intrin 
sic worth, its fine type, paper and binding, the illustrations are 
fine specimens of photographic art. 

January 2, 1923 

Jst of [lustrations 


Sketch of Fort Rouille 20 

Toronto Harbor in 1793 29 

York in 1805 29 

Old St. Paul s Church 45 

The Town of York in 1828 55 

Russell Abbey 61 

Bishop Macdonell s Residence 64 

East End of Toronto in 1837 71 

Interior of Old St. Paul s 75 

One of the Early Catholic Schools 81 

Old St. Paul s Presbytery Ill 

Two Heirlooms from the Old Church 114 

Holy Water Font from the Old Church 116 

The Church Bell 121 

Old St. Paul s Church in 1880 123 

Interior of St. Paul s, looking towards sanctuary 135 

Interior of St. Paul s, looking towards choir 141 

Main Altar and Communion Railing 155 

Unveiling of Soldiers Memorial 1921 167 

Soldiers Memorial 172 

The Side Altars 177 

The Dome Paintings Life of St. Paul 179-180 

Two of the Stations of the Cross 181 

Memorial Tablets in the Church 

The New Presbytery 185 

The New Parish Hall 188 

The Old and the New Pulpits 196 

One of the Hospital Wards in House of Providence . 
Old General Hospital, Gerrard Street 

Old Jail, Gerrard Street - 203 

"White House," Toronto s First St. Joseph s Convent 

Old St. Paul s School - 229 

House of Providence, 1922 

St. Paul s School 243 

14 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Holy Name Procession, 1322 - 267 

Two Memorial Windows in St. Paul s Church - 280 

St. Paul s Centennial Celebration 285 


Abbe Desjardins 24 

Right Rev. Edmund Burke, D.D 27 

Right Rev. Remigius Gaulin, D.D 27 

Right Rev. Bishop Alex. Macdonell, D.D. . 33 

Right Rev. Bishop Plessis of Quebec 41 

Hon. James Baby 41 

Rev. Father Angus Macdonell 51 

Hon. Alex. Macdonell 51 

Rev. Edward Gordon 58 

Rev. Murt. Lalor 58 

Right Rev. Michael Power, D.D 87 

Former Pastors of Old St. Paul s 91 

Assistants at St. Paul s before Bishop O Mahony s time 95 

Three Hero Priests of Typhus Epidemic Very Rev. John B. Proulx, 

Very Rev. John O Reilly, Rev. Peter Schneider .... 97 

James McCurry, Sexton 99 

Sir Richard Scott and Hon. John Elmsley 101 

Rev. John Carroll 103 

Bishops of Toronto since Bishop Power s time 107 

Right Rev. Timothy O Mahony, D.D. . 125 

His Eminence Cardinal Tachereau 128 

Most Rev. Archbishop Cleary 128 

Curates of Bishop O Mahony 131 

Father Hand and Second Book Class of Boys, St. Paul s School, 1895 145 

Curates at St. Paul s during Father Hand s Pastorate 147, 149, 151 

First Communion Classes, 1922 159 

Members of B.V.M. Sodality 163 

Picnic Group of Parishioners at Queenston, 1922 163 

St. Paul s School Teachers, 1922 169 

Domestic Science Class, St. Paul s School, 1922 191 

Two Missionary Priests Fathers Gillis, C.S.P., and Sholly, C.SS.R. 194 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Native Priests of St. Paul s Parish . - 207, 211, 215 

Daughters of St. Paul s Members of St. Joseph s Community . 

Father Peter McCabe 

Daughters of St. Paul s Members of Community of Sisters Adorers 

of the Precious Blood 

St. De La Salle 

Principals and Teachers of St. Paul s School . 

Rev. Brother Tobias 

Superiors and Special Teachers at St. Paul s School . 

Presidents of St. Paul s Conference St. Vincent de Paul Society... 

Mrs. Rosalia Rosar, Mrs. Elizabeth O Hagan, Miss Stella Bruxer... 251 

Rev. Sisters M. Immaculate Heart and M. Bernadette of Sisters 

Adorers of the Precious Blood . 
Presidents of B.V.M. Sodality . -255, 259 

Sodality Officers for 1922 

Presidents of St. Paul s Confraternity of the Holy Family . . 261 

Mrs. Ellen Curry, Miss McAuley, Miss J. M. Fitzhenry . . 263 

Presidents of St. Paul s Holy Name Society . . 269 

James L. Dillon, F. R. Boylan, Frank McKernan . 271 

Collectors at St. Paul s Church - 273 

Messrs. Chas. Burns, Patrick Hynes, Daniel Kelly -275 

Dr. M. Wallace and Mr. W. J. O Connor .. 277 

Messrs. John Mallon, A. W. Holmes, John Mogan . . 278 

Mr. John O Neill, M.P.P - 279 

His Excellency, Most Rev. Pietro di Maria, Apostolic Delegate... . 283 

Most Rev. Neil McNeil, D.D., Archbishop of Toronto .. 287 

St. Paul s Choir - 290 

St. Paul s Sanctuary Society, 1922 . 293 

Mrs. J. Nicholson, Mrs. J. Larkin, Mrs. Shortt . . 296 

Pupils of St. Paul s School . 

Mr. John Mulqueen 307 

The Parish Centenary Committee . 

Rev. Edward Kelly -- 312 


We are told that one of the conceptions which may be 
traced far back in the history of Egyptian philosophy is that 
of the magical virtue of names. On this continent, the abori 
gine, by the sonorous and mellifluent appellations he has be 
stowed on our lakes, rivers and mountains, has cast a spell 
over his conqueror, compelling him by their very beauty to 
retain these names in their ancient sweetness the last, but 
lasting, legacy of a doomed race. 

The name "Toronto," a Huron word signifying "a meet 
ing place," or, more literally, "place where many dwell," was 
formerly applied to that stretch of country between Lake Sim- 
coe and Georgian Bay, the ancient home of the Ouendats or 
Hurons, and in course of time the waters adjacent to that 
region and the streams used as highways were called by 
the same name. Thus on some of the early French maps 
we find the name "Toronto" applied to Lake Simcoe, Matche- 
dash Bay, and to both the Humber and Trent rivers. By a 
happy chance when the ancient Toronto became a desert the 
name lived on, being applied by the French to what we call 
Humber Bay, and it gradually came to denote the land in that 
part also. As we shall later see, this noble Indian word, so 
well adapted both in sound and in meaning as a name for a 
great city, has rendered futile the efforts of both French and 
English officials who would fain have extinguished it. 

* -:: * , 

The first priest in Upper Canada, an humble son of St. 
Francis, had toiled for weeks to reach the land of the Hurons 

18 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

by the long and arduous route of the Ottawa and Lake Nipis- 
sing, because the shorter and much less tedious way by either 
the Trent or the Humber was barred by the terrible Iroquois, 
whose war parties held the pass in the upper St. Lawrence, 
and no canoe but theirs dare enter the paradise of the Lake of 
the Thousand Islands. During the whole period of the mis 
sions of Huronia, and for some time after, this state of affairs 
continued, so none of the Recollects or the Jesuits of that 
period can with certainty be connected in any way with the 
site of the present city of Toronto. 

In October, 1626, Father De La Roche Daillon left the 
Huron country for the land of the Neutrals, which lay to the 
south and west of the upper end of Lake Ontario. In this 
journey he most likely passed down the Humber; and fourteen 
years later the two Jesuits, Brebeuf and Chaumonot, most 
probably used the same route on a similar journey. The 
"Jesuits stone" found in Vaughan Township, close to Toronto, 
with the date "1641" cut upon it, would seem to indicate the 
location of a village at which the two missionaries were snow 
bound for twenty-five days on their return journey to Huronia. 
In October, 1668, the Sulpician Mission of Rente was 
founded, and in the following year other Indian villages along 
the north shore of Lake Ontario were visited, as well as a 
place called Tinawatawa, between Burlington Bay and the 
Grand River. For nearly ten years the Sulpicians had charge 
of these missions, finally handing them over to the Recollects. 
Among the priests of the former community who labored in 
these parts were Fathers Fenelon, D Urfe, Trouve, Mariet, 
Barthelemy and DeCice. An old tradition has it that the name 
"Frenchman s Bay," near Pickering, is an inheritance of these 
mission days, Father Fenelon being in some way or another 
connected with the story. As to whether there was a village 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 19 

at that time on the site of Toronto, and, if so, what missionary 
work was done there, we have no means of ascertaining. 

In 1678 Father Hennepin, a Recollect, and a party of seven 
teen others sailing up Lake Ontario from Fort Frontenac to 
Fort Niagara in a small brigantine entered for shelter from 
the storm the mouth of a river which may have been the 
Humber. Here they remained from the 26th of November 
until the 5th of December, when, having been frozen in, they 
had to cut a channel through the ice for their little craft to 
regain the open lake. Hennepin calls the place the Indian town 
of Taiaiagon, but this word is simply the Mohawk term for 
"landing place," not a proper name, as the good Friar 

In 1749 a trading fort was established by the French on 
the site of the present Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, to inter 
cept the Indians on their way to the new English fort at 
Oswego. Although the official name of the place on the north 
shore was Fort Rouille, in compliment to the French Colonial 
Minister of the period, it was popularly known as Fort 
Toronto, and is so designated even on the maps of the time. 
It was but a wooden stockade, built for trade purposes alone, 
and had but five soldiers, two non-commissioned officers, one 
officer and a storekeeper. There was at this time a Recollect 
chaplain at Fort Niagara, and, doubtlessly, he came from time 
to time to attend the spiritual wants of the little trading post. 

In 1752 the Abbe Picquet visited Fort Rouille, but we have 
no record of his having performed any religious functions 
here. The Mississagas of the region asked him to have a 
priest sent amongst them. They said that instead of a church 
they had been given only a canteen. He answered them rather 
brusquely, and left the place immediately. Many censure the 
Abbe for thus losing a grand opportunity of spreading the 



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The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 21 

Gospel. Living as we do, nearly two centuries after his time, 
we are not able to judge the affair as well as he who had spent 
a score of years amongst the Indians and knew their nature 
most intimately. In point of fact, from what we know of this 
tribe in their relations with the French at Fort Rouille, we 
must confess that the Abbe understood them very well. A 
soldier with dispatches for Montreal was slain by them 
between Toronto and Niagara, and word was brought in by 
friendly Indians that the Missisaugas were gathering at the 
head of the lake, apparently meaning harm to Toronto. On 
the outbreak of war between England and France a party of 
this tribe, on its way to Montreal to aid the French, under 
took to loot the Fort, despite the fact that it belonged to those 
for whom they were going to fight. A canoe hastily dispatched 
to Niagara brought two batteaux loaded with soldiers to the 
relief of the imperilled garrison. 

The critics of Abbe Picquet, however, urge that the ances 
tors of these Mississagas had come under the influence of the 
Jesuits in the seventeenth century in the north country, and 
that, consequently, this tribe had at least equal right to a 
missionary with the descendants of the murderers of Brebeuf, 
Lalemant, Jogues and the other martyrs. Even if the Mis 
sissagas were not sincere in their desire for a priest, his very 
presence amongst them would do untold good dying children 
could be baptized, and some at least amongst the adults would 
be converted. It is further pointed out that it took years of 
residence amongst the Hurons to make any impression upon 
them as a whole, and it was only during the last few years of 
the mission that great results were obtained. As a matter of 
after history, the Mississagas were converted to Methodism 
by Feter Jones. 

Governor Vaudreuil had given orders after the fall of Fort 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Frontenac that, on the appearance of the English at Toronto, 
the stockade should be burned and the garrison fall back on 
Niagara. It so happened, however, that Niagara itself was 
beseiged, so the commandant at Toronto, M. Douville, on hear 
ing the cannonading across the lake, burned Fort Rouille and 
made his way as best he could toward Montreal. 



After the conquest the place reverted to its primeval wild 
state, and thus remained for a third of a century. In 1793 
Lieut.-Governor Simcoe, knowing that inevitably the land east 
of the Niagara River would be ceded to the Americans, in 
which case his capital, Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake), would 
then be in the position of a frontier town, sent Capt. Bouchette, 
a young French-Canadian officer, to survey the harbor at 
Toronto as a possible site for a new capital. The Lieut.-Gov 
ernor went himself to that place in May of that year for a 
brief visit of inspection, and so impressed was he with its 
appearance that after the prorogation of Parliament, early in 
July, an immediate preparation was made for the removal, 
Colonel Simcoe going across on July 24. 

A month later the Lieut.-Governor entertained in the infant 
settlement two very distinguished guests, the Abbe Desjar- 
dins and M. St. Luc De La Corne, delegates sent by the Eng 
lish Government in regard to making a settlement of French 
Royalists who had fled to England from their native land. The 
visitors were well received by Colonel Simcoe and were pressed 
by him to locate on land at the head of Lake Ontario, where 
a township had been set apart for them. It would be inter 
esting to know if the Abbe Desjardins said Mass here on that 
occasion. The date of his visit was a Sunday, but he may 
have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice before leaving Niagara, 
where he had spent three weeks before coming across the 
lake. This Abbe Desjardins was assuredly a man gifted with 
prescience. Standing in the little clearing in the forest by 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the side of the Lake, where but a few cabins were as yet built, 
he proposed to Colonel Simcoe that a hospital be built here, and 
one each in Kingston and Detroit, all under the care of the 
Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul. This, he urged, would incur 
but little expense, as a small portion of the immense waste 
land available would give ample support to these institutions. 
The Lieut.-Governor averred that it was a matter which 
would have to be arranged with the British Government. 

The Reverend Philip John Louis Desjardins was born June 6, 1753, 
and after his ordination, which took place October 19, 1777, he occupied 
a high position, from which he was driven on the outbreak of the Revolu 
tion. Having taken refuge in England, he and two other priests and the 

Chevalier De La Corne, a naval officer (who was 
born in Canada), were sent to this country to make 
arrangements about sending a colony of the Royal 
ists to Upper Canada. Arriving in Quebec, March 
3, 1793, the Abbe Desjardins and M. De La Corne 
set out shortly afterward for the Upper Province. 
At Kingston they secured four lots for church pur 
poses, and continued on to Newark, where they were 
well received by the Executive Council, and a town 
ship at the west end of the Lake was set apart for 
their intended settlement. They remained three 
weeks in Newark, and then came to Toronto, as we 
have seen. Two days after their visit the name of 
the place was officially changed to York, in honor 

,. ,, _. , ,, , 7 , . TTT , ^ 

of the Duke of York, son of George III., and Com- 
mander-in-chief of the British army. Returning to 
Quebec, the good priest was taken ill, and for a 
long time was incapacitated for any kind of labor. 
On his recovery he taught Sacred Scripture and Theology in Quebec 
Seminary, all the while waiting for the emigrants who were to make up 
his settlement. But things looked brighter for the Bourbon cause, and 
those who had been most enthusiastic in the project now lost interest in 
it, preferring to take possession of their own chateaux, as now seemed 
not only possible but probable, to burying themselves in the backwoods 
of Canada. 

Seeing that his colonization plan was doomed to failure the Abbe 
offered his services to the Bishop of Quebec, who had made him one of 
his Vicars-General shortly after his arrival. He was appointed chaplain 
to Hotel Dieu and the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, and 


in the Ursuiine Con- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 25 

afterwards of the Ursulines. He preached often at the Cathedral, and a 
Protestant lady, the wife of Col. Simcoe, tells us in her diary of the 
admirable sermon which she heard him deliver in "the French church," 
as she calls it, on Christmas day, 1794. By special permission he acted 
as one of the Assistant Bishops in the consecration of Bishop O Donell 
of Newfoundland, as a third Bishop was not available for the ceremony. 
Owing to his efforts many of the paintings that adorn the Basilica and 
the chapel of the Ursulines at Quebec were brought to this country. 
Beyond the period of three months spent in the Chaleur Bay district his 
whole ecclesiastical career while in Canada was confined to the city of 
Quebec, excepting, of course, whatever offices of a religious nature he 
may have performed during his very brief stay in Upper Canada. In 
1802 he returned to France and took up the regular work of the ministry 
again. Some correspondence of his with the Duke of Kent, with whom 
he had become acquainted in Canada, was intercepted by the government 
of Napoleon, and, as a consequence, he was imprisoned, and was for four 
years away from his mission. He was later made Vicar-General of 
Paris, where he died in 1833. 

A Dominican priest named LeDru came to Niagara in 1794, 
but was soon expelled from the country by order of the Lieut.- 
Governor because of his political leanings toward the Ameri 
cans. Whether he visited during his short stay at Niagara 
the new- settlement at York we know not ; there were troops 
at both places and they had an equal right to his ministrations 
as chaplain. As to the civilian population at York it was 
almost nil, as from the account of the Due de la Rochefou- 
cauld-Liancourt, a year later, there were only twelve houses 

In September, 1794, Lieut..-Governor Simcoe expressed the 
wish to the Bishop of Quebec for a priest of unquestioned 
loyalty to British interests for the Indian missions in the 
Raisin River district, then a part of Upper Canada. The man 
selected for this position was the Rev. Edmund Burke, an 
Irish priest who had come to Canada some eight years before. 

The Rev. Edmund Burke was born in the parish of Marysborough, 
Queen s County, Ireland, in 1753. After a distinguished course at Paris, 
where he showed remarkable aptitude, especially in mathematics and 
philosophy, he was ordained, and, returning to his native land, was en- 

26 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

gaged on the mission in his home diocese, being finally appointed as 
pastor of the town of Kildare. Having incurred the ill-will of many of 
his colleagues because of his advocacy of Mgr. Delaney as coadjutor, he, 
on the advice of Archbishop Carpenter of Dublin, left Ireland, and 
through the Abbe Hussey, the London agent of the Bishop of Quebec, 
came to Canada in the summer of 1786. On the opening of the seminary 
in September of that year, he was appointed professor of mathematics 
and philosophy, a post which he filled for some four years. He then 
evinced a desire for the western missions, but was appointed pastor of 
the parish of St. Pierre, on the Island of Orleans, where he remained 
until his appointment to Upper Canada. Being made Vicar-General of 
the missions of the Upper Province, he set out for his new charge im 
mediately. At St. Regis he visited Rev. Roderick Macdonell, who had 
lately built a fine church for the Indians at that place, and the Vicar- 
General made arrangements with Father Macdonell to visit Kingston 
twice a year to give the Catholics of that place an opportunity of ful 
filling their religious duties. He found that the Reverend Alexander 
Macdonell of Glengarry was living in Montreal, and attending his charge 
from that distant point. This priest he ordered to live on his mission 
and to build a church at once. 

Having arrived in the west, he established on the Raisin River the 
mission of St. Anthony, from which he withdrew to Detroit after 
Wayne s victory over the Indians. He left that place in the summer of 
1796 on Jay s treaty coming in force, taking, temporally, the charge of 
what is now Sandwich, until the appointment of a successor to the 
pastor, Father Dufaux, who had just died. His stay in the west was 
much embittered by opponents, both political and religious, and his life 
was often endangered. The main cause of the opposition to him, accord 
ing to Bishop Carroll of Baltimore, was "an apostate Dominican named 
LeDru," the same who had been driven out of Niagara by Col. Simcoe. 

During the next four years we get glimpses of the Vicar- 
General in his wanderings throughout the vast district under 
his charge. In October, 1796, he writes the Bishop of Quebec 
that he has obtained land both at Niagara and York for the 
benefit of the missions. The property at York consisted of 
200 acres, being lot 4 on the third concession east of Yonge 
Street (now Leslie Street). This he assigned to Bishop Denaut 
of Quebec in trust for the Catholic congregation of the town 
of York, and, on the death of that prelate, many years later, 
the relatives of the latter becoming acquainted with the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


nature of the trust, had it transferred to a board of trustees 
consisting of the Very Reverend Henry Augustine Roux, su 
perior of the Seminary of Montreal, and Vicar-General of the 
Diocese of Quebec; the Very Reverend Alexander Macdonell 
of Glengarry, also Vicar-General of the same diocese and the 
Reverend Angus Macdonell, clergyman, of the city of Mont 
real. In 1831 the pastor of York, the Very Reverend W. J. 
O Grady, advised Bishop Macdonell to sell the property, as it 


Bishop of Sion and Vicar- 
General of Nova Scotia, 
who as Father Burke from 
1794 to 1801 frequently 
visited as missionary priest 
York and the Catholic set 
tlements of Ontario. 


Bishop of Kingston, who as 
Father Gaulin in 1811 and 
for three years thereafter 
was missionary priest vis 
iting Catholic settlements 
in Ontario. As Bishop he re 
sided in Toronto for a time. 

was wild land and far from the town." If held to-day by the 
Church this gift of Vicar-General Burke would be worth mil 
lions of dollars. 

In July, 1798, the register of the hotel of Abner Miles at 
York has an entry of a few words which brings home to us 
the great difference between the mode of travel in those days 
and ours. A priest had come on horseback from the River La 
Tranche (The Thames). The items are: "Three quarts of 

28 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

corn for the horse, a half pint of wine and breakfast for the 
rider," all for two shillings and sixpence. This traveller must 
have been Vicar-General Burke, as there was no priest then 
stationed in the vicinity of the Thames, and the Vicar-General 
travelled about from place to place wherever he could be of 
service to his people. 

During that same summer of 1798 we find him at Niagara, 
on his way to Detroit. At the former place he found that 
although three-fourths of the troops, both officers and men, 
were Catholics, and that a chaplain was paid by the King to 
look after their spiritual welfare, they were entirely neglected. 
In consequence the Catholics were compelled to attend the 
Protestant service. On a visit to Kingston during that year 
he found that practically the same state of affairs existed at 
that post. The chaplain, Father Duval, was absent, and the 
Vicar-General wrote the Bishop to send that priest or a sub 
stitute to Kingston immediately. In a newspaper of the day 
we read of the celebration by Vicar-General Burke at Niagara 
in 1798 of the wedding of Capt. Miles Macdonell of the Royal 
Canadian Volunteers and Miss Katy Macdonell. The bride 
groom afterwards became famous as the Governor of Lord 
Selkirk s settlement at Red River, and the bride was the 
daughter of Capt. Allan Macdonell, a veteran of the Revolu 
tionary war. 

The winter of 1799 was spent in York and the Vicar-General 
had high hopes for that mission. Desiring to have a church 
built, which on account of the paucity of Catholics in the place 
at the time could not be thought of as a local venture, he 
wrote the Bishop of Quebec on the matter. The answer was 
that the people of York must themselves be the instruments 
of Providence to bring about the much desired effect. "Be 
sides," the Bishop avers, "York is not far distant from the 

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30 Centennial Souvenir, St. Paul s Church, Toronto 

French settlement at Windham," and the Count de Puisaye 
had informed his Lordship "that the church and presbytery 
at that place are now ready." 

This settlement referred to by the Bishop was an abortive 
affair arising out of the mission of Abbe Desjardins and his 
companions some years before. The emigration scheme which 
had then come to naught was revived by the Count de Puisaye 
and several of his fellow-nobles, and a party of forty-four, all 
told, arrived at York on November 18, 1798, when the town 
ships of Uxbridge, Gwillimbury, part of Whitchurch and a 
township not yet named situated north of Whitby, were 
assigned to them. In addition four thousand, four hundred 
acres in lots of two hundred acres each were set apart on 
Yonge Street about twenty miles from York as the nucleus of 
a town. In a short time seventeen houses were erected as well 
as a church and presbytery, as we have seen. The new town 
was called Windham in honor of the British Secretary of War, 
through whose influence the affair had been achieved. Less 
than a year sufficed to demonstrate to the colonists (who being 
for the most part members of the nobility) that they were 
entirely unsuited to the labor of clearing their lands. Some 
sold their claims and went back to France, others engaged in 
other avocations, and Windham was deserted. There was at 
least one death at the place during its brief existence, Padiou, 
known also as La Drama, having died there. Early in 1800 
Vicar- General Burke, who had come to York to minister to 
a poor fellow who was to be executed, wrote the Bishop that 
he is about to visit Windham. This was probably the only 
visit of an ecclesiastical nature that the settlement ever had. 

Whilst at York on that occasion, the Vicar-General met the 
celebrated Joseph Brant, who claimed to be a Catholic and to 
be anxious to have a priest on the Grand River reserve. He 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 31 

also requested that his son be taken into some of the Catholic 
institutions to be brought up in the doctrines of the faith. All 
this is referred by Vicar-General Burke to the consideration 
of the Bishop. 

Campbell in his work, "John Graves Simcoe," mentions an 
incident which reminds one of the days of Frontenac, and the 
petty bickering and interference in things ecclesiastical of 
that great man. Lieut.-Governor Simcoe had censured the 
Reverend J. Burke for refusing a pew and the honors due his 
station to the lieutenant of the county. The clergyman thus 
grieviously offending must have been the Vicar-General, as 
there was no other of any denomination of the same name in 
the country at that time. At any rate, in the spring of 1801 
he went to Quebec, having been involved in a dispute with the 
Commandant at Kingston ; shortly afterwards going to Rome, 
where he wrote a "Memoir on the Canadian Missions." In 
1801 he was sent to Halifax as Vicar-General of the Bishop of 
Quebec, and in 1818 was consecrated Bishop of Sion and ap 
pointed Vicar-Apostolic of Nova Scotia. He died in 1821. 

His account of the neglect of the Upper Canada missions 
has caused much heartburnings which extend even to the 
present day. The idea to which he tenaciously clung during 
his residence in this Province was that all the Catholics of 
the vast region should have priests to visit them at intervals 
to bring them the consolations of religion. The country was 
fast filling up, and the Catholics who settled beyond the con 
fines of the few parishes that then existed would in time be 
lost to the Church if left to their own resources. 

After the departure of Father Burke from the Province we 
have no record of any priest being at York until the autumn 
of 1804, when there arrived upon the scene a man who has 
left his impress deep and broad on affairs both ecclesiastical 

32 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

and political in the Province, of which he was one of the most 
outstanding figures for the period of thirty-five years the 
Reverend Alexander Macdonell, "the Father of Catholicism in 
Upper Canada." 

This great prelate was born in Glen Urquhart on the banks of Loch 
Ness, Invernesshire, Scotland, July 17, 1760. His early education was 
received at Scallan, whence he proceeded to the Scots College, Paris, 
about the year 1775. In his sixteenth year, however, he was sent, pre 
sumedly at the wish of Bishop Hugh MacDonald of the Highland district, 
to the Royal Scots College at Valladolid, where he was ordained priest 
on Holy Saturday, April 7, 1787, by Monsignor Emmanuel Joachim 
Moron, and returned to Scotland on August 20 of the same year. He 
was placed in charge of the mission of Badenoch, where he remained 
until May, 1792. 

He might Vave spent his whole life in this laborious mission had not 
social and economic changes brought about a state of affairs that 
caused his removal to a new sphere of action. In 1784 began the system 
of converting the small farms into sheepwalks, which were rented to 
Lowland shepherds who could pay higher rentals than the tenants al 
ready in possession. Seeing his people evicted from their holdings. 
Father Macdonell, finding that laborers were needed in the mills at Glas 
gow, went to that city to secure employment for them. The commercial 
magnates received the good priest very cordially, but they reminded him 
of the two great difficulties to his proposition these Highlanders did not 
understand English and they were for the most part Catholics. Father 
Macdonell assured them that he would accompany his people and be their 
interpreter as well as their spiritual guide. He was then reminded that 
he would be not only subject to the insults of the rabble (only a few 
years previously the Catholic chapel had been burned in the Gordon 
riots), but, as the law stood, he as a priest could be haled before a court 
of law. He expressed his willingness to take his chance with the law, 
and soon he had 800 Highlanders at work in Glasgow, and they gave 
every satisfaction. 

Up to this time, when Mass was celebrated in Glasgow, the Holy Sacri 
fice was performed in some obscure attic or other out-of-the-way place for 
fear of molestation. Father Macdonell, however, rented a place opening 
to the street and there he performed the offices of religion publicly and 
without any interference. In the year 1794 the cotton trade of Glasgow 
became disorganized owing to the war with France, and the Highlanders 
were thrown out of employment. There was one field alone in which 
these men could earn a livlihood the army but to enlist they must de 
clare themselves Protestants. To prevent apostacy, and to be of some 
material help to his people, Father Macdonell proposed to raise a Catho- 

For a quarter of a century, first as missionary and later 

as Bishop Macdonell, did this great prelate labor for 

souls in this section of the Lord s vineyard. 

34 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

lie regiment; and at a meeting held at Fort Augustus in February, 1794, 
the Glengarry Fencible Regiment was begun. This was the first Catho 
lic corps since the days of James II., and, despite the fact that the law 
forbade the appointment, the Reverend Alexander Macdonell was gazet 
ted as chaplain. 

Fencible regiments were for Home defence, but on the advice of the 
chaplain the "Glengarries" volunteered for service in any part of Great 
Britain, Ireland, or the Channel Islands. They were in Guernsey until 
1798, when they were ordered to Ireland, then in a state of rebellion. 
They encountered the Insurgents at Laggan, and had skirmishes with 
them at Hackett s Town, Kilkenny, and New Ross; but the spirit of the 
peasantry by this time had been broken, and the "Glengarries" saw little 
of the real fighting such as had taken place before their arrival. Their 
Chaplain accompanied them throughout the campaign, and those chapels 
which he found had been defiled by the Hessian troops he took pains 
to have cleaned and restored to their former sacred uses. He said Mass 
in them and invited the people to come forth from hiding and resume 
their wonted occupations. This was something new to the peasantry, 
who had been hounded by Yeoman, Hessian and Briton alike. 

Whilst in Ireland they came under the command of General Hunter, 
then in charge at Wexford, of whom, let it be told to his honor, that he 
was the very antithises of his predecessors at that post. The Orange 
Yeomanry found to their cost that the new troops were by General 
Hunter s orders to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants from 
pillage and plunder by these cowardly ruffians. When a loyalist with 
the prefix of Reverend to his name brought to the General the story of a 
plot on the part of the unarmed Papists to massacre the well-armed Pro 
testants, Hunter threatened to have him whipped publicly through the 
streets at the tail of a cart as a spreader of false reports liable to make 
trouble in the city. 

The "Glengarries" returned to Scotland, where they were disbanded in 
1802. The mills being still closed, Father Macdonell, seeing no prospect 
for his people at home, turned his thoughts to Upper Canada, where many 
of his clan had taken up their residence over a quarter of a century be 
fore. With a view of interesting the Government in a scheme of emigra 
tion to that Province he set out for London, where he was met with 
another proposition that of bringing his people to Trinidad instead. 
Knowing the unsuitability of that place, owing to its torrid climate, for 
his people, he clung tenaciously to his own goal, the new Glengarry 
where his kinsmen dwelt. 

A change in Government delayed somewhat his proposition, but at last 
in March, 1803, he received, "under the sign manual of the king," a 
grant of land in Upper Canada for every officer and soldier of the late 
Glengarry regiment whom he would bring to that Province. The lairds 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

now opposed the scheme, fearing the utter depopulation of their estates, 
and a deputation of prominent gentlemen approached Father Macdonell 
attempting to prove to him the folly of his undertaking. Lord Hobart 
proposed an alternative scheme by which the settlers might enter Can 
ada by way of the United States, and thus receive their land grants as 
United Empire Loyalists from that country. This he also refused to 
entertain, on account of the extra expense on his poor people, and the 
danger of their being indoctrinated with republican ideas, which might 
make them citizens of that country through which it was intended that 
they should pass. In fact, his people had become by this time very much 
embittered against the Government and the lairds on account of the 
treatment they had received, and had this plan been carried out many of 
them would have remained in the United States, and the story of the 
capture of Ogdensburg and the other episodes of the War of 1812, in 
which the "Glengarries" figured, might never have been written. 

Owing to the stringent requirements of the Emigration Act, which by 
the influence of the jealous lairds were strictly enforced, Father Mac 
donell had literally to smuggle his people out of the country in small de 
tachments at various times during the years 1803 and 1804, arriving in 
Quebec himself in September of the latter year. After a brief visit to 
his kinsman, Reverend Roderick Macdonell at St. Regis, he repaired to 
York armed with a letter of introduction from the Bishop of Quebec to 
General Hunter. This document was not at all necessary in this case, 
for reasons which we have already seen. General Hunter had been ap 
prised of the intended settlement and of the obstacles thrown in the way 
of its accomplishment, and he wrote Lord Hobart of the pleasure it 
would give him to be of any service to the Reverend Mr. Macdonell on 
his arrival in the colony, and expressing his regret that the scheme of 
bringing the members of the Glengarry Regiment to the colony had been 
impeded. "That Regiment," he states, "served under my command some 
short time in Ireland in 1798, when I found them to be a remarkably 
well-behaved and well disposed set of people." 

No doubt the people of York had on this visit the consola 
tion of having the Holy Sacrifice offered in their midst, and 
any other of the offices of religion that the circumstances war 

The land matter having been arranged, he was shortly after 
wards appointed pastor of St. Raphael, in Glengarry, from 
which place he visited the Catholics, scattered as they were 
throughout the whole of Upper Canada, from the Province 
line at Coteau du Lac to Lake Superior, through a country 

36 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

without roads or bridges; sometimes on foot, carrying on his 
back the essentials for Mass ; sometimes on horseback, or in 
the rough wagons of the time ; sometimes in the canoes of the 
aborigines this true apostle sought out his people to break for 
them the Bread of Life, and to bring the message of forgive 
ness to souls remote from civilization. 

On his advent to the Province he found two priests, Father 
Fitzsimmons, a Franciscan, in Glengarry, who on the arrival 
of Father Macdonell went to St. Andrew s, where he remained 
about a year, then leaving Upper Canada; the other, Father 
Marchand, at Sandwich, a good and holy man, but who had 
no knowledge of English, and, therefore, confined himself to 
the precincts of his own mission. The mentality of Father 
Macdonell was identical with that of Father Burke on the 
issue of the necessity of the people being looked after wher 
ever they might be. 

Shortly after arriving in Glengarry, Father Macdonell 
found that many of the early settlers, through ignorance of 
legal proceedings or inability to pay the necessary fees, had 
not secured deeds for the land allotted to them by the Gov 
ernment. He again proceed to York, where, after a protracted 
stay and much trouble, he secured patent deeds for 160,000 
acres of land, which might have otherwise passed from the 
hands of its occupants. 

This stay in York was no doubt pleasing to the Catholics of 
the place, as it gave them a boon of which they would be ordi 
narily denied the privilege of hearing Mass frequently. 
There were at that time but three churches in the Province, 
two of wood and one of stone. It was his highest ambition 
that wherever possible the people should have a temple of the 
Most High in their midst. With this end in view, from his 
very coming into the Province he at various times used his 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 37 

influence with the Government to secure land for ecclesiasti 
cal and educational purposes in the places where it seemed 
such institutions were most needed. In March, 1806, a lot 
of nine square chains was secured by free grant from the 
Government in the village of York, being situated on the 
north-east corner of George and Duke Streets, in the name of 
a board of trustees, consisting of the Honorable James Baby, 
John Small, and the Reverend Alexander Macdonell, in trust 
for the Roman Catholic congregation of York, for the purpose 
of building a chapel. The first of these gentlemen was a very 
prominent Catholic, of whom we shall tee much in the narra 
tive of the establishment of the parish at York; the second 
was not a Catholic, why he should have been appointed to such 
a position is a mystery; the third was, of course, the priest 
of whom we have been treating. 

This plan, however, never developed into action, so far as 
the lot then secured was concerned, and for many years the 
Catholics of York had to be content with the services held in 
the residence of some of the faithful on the occasion of the all 


too seldom visits of Father Macdonell, or of one of those 
assistants who came to his aid in later years. 

Appointed Vicar-General in 1807 by the Bishop of Quebec, 
and being for a long time the only priest in Upper Canada, his 
visits to the various places where there were Catholics were 
necessarily few and far between, but gradually in the course 
of time co-operators came, and the people received more 
attention. Father Gaulin, afterwards Bishop of Kingston, 
came to the Province in 1811, remaining three years; Father 
Perinault in 1815, who retired to Lower Canada after a simi 
lar stay in the Upper Province; and Father John Macdonald, 
also in 1815, who remained in these parts until 1879, but we 
have no record of any of these priests ever visiting York for 

38 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the purpose of rendering spiritual aid to the Catholics of that 

In the Journal of Bishop Plessis we read that that prelate, 
accompanied by the Reverend Peter Joseph Perinault, above 
referred to; the Reverend John Baptist Kelly, pastor of St. 
Denis; and the Reverend Mr. Gauvreau, the Bishop s Secre 
tary, were in the harbor of York on June 12, 1816, on the way 
from Kingston to Sandwich. The three priests went into the 
town, where they spent four or five hours, but the Bishop, 
hearing that the Governor was absent, did not leave the vessel. 
Bishop Plessis tells of the land secured by Vicar-General Mac- 
donell, about an acre in extent, some ten years previous, but 
no church had as yet been built. This evidence of the Bishop, 
only six years before the building of St. Paul s, should set at 
rest the story of there being in York a Catholic church before 
1822, though the Bishop mentions that there were in the town 
some Catholic families. 

On January 12, 1819, Pius VII. appointed the Very Rever 
end Alexander Macdonell Bishop of Resina in partibus in- 
fiddium, and the consecration by Bishop Plessis took place in 
the chapel of the Ursulines at Quebec on December 31, 1820. 
It has been stated time and again, even in works of some 
moment, that the Pope on this occasion created a Vicariate 
Apostolic of Upper Canada, and that Vicar-General Macdonell 
became the first occupant of it. The Bulls of appointment, 
however, show how far from the truth are these assertions. 
In this document are distinctly defined the relations of 
the new Bishop to the Ordinary of Quebec. That you," it 
reads, "having been given the episcopal character may more 
usefully discharge your present Vicarial office as subject and 
auxiliary of the Bishop of Quebec, and have charge of the 
Catholics subject to him." Bishop Macdonell was not then by 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 39 

this appointment made a Bishop-in-ordinary, nor a Vicar- 
Apostolic, nor a coadjutor with the right of succession, but 
simply what he had been for several years before Vicar- 
General of the Bishop of Quebec, and his consecration was for 
the purpose of enabling him to perform the duties of the epis 
copal office. This promotion in no way diminished in the least 
the missionary labors of the recipient ; the long and weary 
journeys by trail and stream still continued unhampered by 
the episcopal dignity. 

In a letter of Mrs. Boulton, wife of the Solicitor-General, 
to Bishop Macdonell, dated April 13, 1821, she says that Rev 
erend Mr. Fraser has written that he intends coming to York 
by the first opening of navigation, if he can manage it. She 
also refers to a former visit by that priest to York in the pre 
ceding year. 

The Reverend William Fraser, son of David Fraser and Mary 
Chisholm, was born in Inverness, Scotland, in 1788. Coming to Canada 
in 1817, he was ordained at Quebec, December 5, 1819. His first appoint 
ment was to St. Raphael as assistant, where he remained until April 1, 
1821, when he was made pastor of Kingston, visiting the Catholics along 
the shore of Lake Ontario as far west as Dundas. At Kingston he built 
a stone presbytery, which Bishop Macdonell afterwards occupied, and 
still later was used as an academy by the Nuns of the Congregation. 
In 1829 he was transferred to St. Andrew s and Cornwall, where he 
remained until his death, which occurred April 4, 1836. 


About this time the Catholics of York determined to have a 
church erected, and finding that the lot procured from the 
Government was not well situated for the purpose, permission 
was obtained by a bill, passed in April, 1821, by the Legisla 
ture, to dispose of it, the proceeds of the sale to be applied to 
the purchase of a new site. 

"After a good deal of searching about on the part of Hon. 
James Baby and the Hon. Alexander Macdonell, who had 
charge of the affair for Bishop Macdonell, a site was finally 
decided on, and application made for it to the Government, to 
whom it belonged. In a letter, which was written about May 
15, 1822, to the Bishop by the former of these gentlemen, he 
says : 

"His Excellency has been pleased to sanction, indeed con 
firm, the recommendation of the council on the petition pre- 
ser.tsd in your name and those of the trustees in beha f of the 
Roman Catholics of this place and its vicinity. The ground, 
two blocks, each of five acres, as per the plan you saw, are 
granted. They were estimated at 20 per acre, 200 in the 
whole, on the annual payment of interest or rent. This sum 
would be redeemed at the option or pleasure of the trustees. I 
hope I have not erred in comprising ten instead of five acres. 
We may relinquish the other five, if it is thought advisable. 
For my part I have no hesitation to say that I would prefer 
taking the whole ten, than the one-half, for I have no doubt 
that at no distant period, the other five would be found not only 
very valuable, but also most useful, particularly as you should 
be enabled to mature your plan of erecting a public school for 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

young girls. The ground or spot where the church or chapel 
is intended to be erected, is getting cleared. There will be to 
morrow a bee or collection of people to forward the work. In 
a few days I shall take steps to contract for the material as 
well as for the undertaking of the building, the dimensions of 
which I will take care not to be too contracted or exceed much 
our expected means." 

The writer of this letter was a descendant of one of the 


>f Quebec, the fi rst Bishop 
to visit Toronto (1816). 
From portrait in possession 
of L. P. Sylvain, Assistant 
Librarian of Parliament, 


The outstanding character 
in the building of Old St. 
Paul s Church. From a 
drawing- in the John Ross 
Robertson collection in To 
ronto Public Library. 

earliest settlers at Detroit, his father, who was both fur trader 
and farmer, being a great friend of the famous Pontiac, who, 
hearing that the English had offered Baby a bushel of silver 
for the scalp of his friend, went into the house of the settler 
and slept there to show his confidence in him. Mr. Baby often 
brought food to the garrison by night during the siege, when 
it was utterly unattainable from any other source. 

Born at Detroit in 1765, James Baby was sent at an early age to the 
Seminary of Quebec, where he remained until shortly after the peace of 

42 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

1783. After returning home his father sent him for a tour of Europe be 
fore having him settle down to a business career. Returning in 1785, 
he engaged in the fur trade. On the formation of Upper Canada as a 
separate province, he was appointed a member of the Executive and 
Legislative Councils, and also Lieutenant for the county of Kent and 
judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He was a resident of York from 
its very infancy, his home being on the north side of Wellington Street, 
then known as Market Street, east of Scott Street. In a directory of 
1815, he was living at that place, for which he had received the patent in 
1799. During the war of 1812 he commanded the Kent militia, and in 
1815 was appointed Inspector-General of Accounts for Upper Canada. 
As we have seen, he was identified with all things pertaining to Catholi 
city, and spared neither his time or his means in fostering its growth in 
the village of York. Writing to Bishop Macdonell on one occasion he 
says : "You may command my services, feeble as they are, in any man 
ner you please." He died in 1832. 

The . work of clearing went on, and subscriptions were 
sought amongst the Catholics of the district. Mr. Baby wrote 
the Bishop of Quebec and the pastor of Montreal in regard to 
a collection in the latter city. On receiving a reply which 
seemed the death knell of his appeal he wrote Bishop Mac 
donell : 

I have received this instant a letter from Mr. LesAulnier, 
cure of Montreal, in answer to me on the subject of a subscrip 
tion in behalf of our church. He informs me that Monseigneur 
Plessis has not given him any direction to propose such a 
thing to his parishioners, although I had requested and en 
treated him to give his sanction to the measure. We will 
be compelled to begin our work on such a small scale as our 
means can permit, and I feel no further help can be expected 
from that quarter, as Mr. LesAulnier writes that there are 
three subscriptions for similar objects preceding our applica 
tion. Five acres out of ten are ready, I mean have been 
cleared. I hope I am right in taking ten acres and not confin 
ing ourselves to five acres. Mr. McDonell is now at this place 
and we shall set to work immediately. I shall be happy to re 
ceive such instructions as you may deem necessary to give, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 43 

as well as to hear that you continue in good health. 

"I have written sometime since to Mr. Fraser to request if 
he would let me know the dimensions of the church at King 
ston. I regret to say I have had no answer from him." 

The writer was mistaken in his surmise, as both the Sulpi- 
cians and the Catholics of Montreal came generously to the 
aid of the struggling mission later. Bishop Lartigue, then 
auxiliary Bishop, residing in Montreal, headed the list with 8. 
The Sulpicians, who gave 25 to the fund, were ever dear to 
the heart of Bishop Macdonell, who in a letter to his Vicar- 
General wrote as follows : 

"To the Seminary of Montreal, to the gentlemen of that 
Seminary, and particularly to my dear bosom friend Mr. Les 
Aulnier, and to the worthy superior, Mr. Roux, the Catholic 
religion owes under God, I may say, its existence and princi 
pal support in this Province." 

Bishop Macdonell came to York to help in the work which 
was begun immediately, and so rapid was the progress that on 
December 23, 1822, the Honorable Mr. Baby was able to report 
to the Bishop, who had returned home, "Our church is under 
cover and the walls are secure from the frost." 

During the summer of 1823, York was visited by the Rev 
erend John O Meara who remained about two weeks, and to 
wards the autumn of that year, the Honorable Mr. Baby wrote 
him to come again if possible. The good priest answered that 
he had secured the consent of Bishop Plessis and promised 
be in York early in January (1824). That month came and 
went, but Father O Meara did not arrive. The visit then 
looked forward to was no ordinary occasion for the Catholics 
of York, as it meant for them the first Mass in their new 
church, and the good people of St. Paul s had to be content 
with the first Mass in their new church at a much later date. 

44 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Reverend John O Meara was born in Ireland, April 21, 1793, and 
was ordained September 15, 1822. He was in charge of St. Andrew s and 
Cornwall from ordination to October, 1825, whence, as we have seen, he 
visited York. He left for Ireland, where he died some years afterwards. 

The Honorable Mr. Baby writing Bishop Macdonell on Feb 
ruary 5, 1824, gives a most interesting summary of the finan 
cial side of the project. Many of those who had subscribed 
when the Bishop was at York had failed to pay the amounts 
then agreed upon, and, as the work progressed and the pay 
ments became due, it devolved on the Honorable Mr. Baby to 
finance the project. In this he was nobly backed up by Mr. 
Peter Macdougall, a merchant of York and a neighbor of the 
Honorable Mr. Baby. When all other sources seemed unable 
to provide the funds to meet the indebtedness, Mr. Baby, no 
doubt with great reluctance, pathetically appealed to his Lord 
ship Bishop Macdonell, who was then in Europe, about mat 
ters connected with the proposed seminary, in the following 

"I beg and entreat you to use your best endeavor in solicit 
ing assistance by donations from amongst the opulent Catho 
lics at home, through some of their clergy, in order to relieve 
us from the expense we have been at, beyond our means, in 
finishing the church. When I say we, I should say myself and 
Peter McDougall, as we are much in arrear with the workman 
who has built the church. Our resources have fallen much 
shorter than we expected, from causes which it is unnecessary 
to state in a letter. None, hardly, of the people who were so 
zealously inclined when you were at this place have paid their 
subscription money, thus having fallen short of means, and 
the building having at your Lordship s suggestion and desire 
been extended to 90 feet, in lieu of 60 feet, the expense has na 
turally been increased, and especially by the addition of the 
elegant spire or steeple which had not been contemplated when 


the oldest Catholic Chuch in Ontario between Kingston and the Detroit River, and 
which for seventy years was the parish church of most of the Catholic pioneers of 

the city of Toronto. 

46 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the first estimate was made. The whole now completed is 


To amount of building 1,398.2.9 By amount of lot sold.. 265.10 

Amount paid for rent Subscription in York.. 227.5.4 

due Government .... 12. Subscription in Mont- 
Amount paid for real 147.13.4% 

fencing cemetery .. 20. From the Seminary of 

Amount paid for clear- Montreal .... 25. 

ing, digging, and so 

forth 12.2.11 1 /4 Balance due . 778.17.5 1 / 4 

"From this your Lordshp will easily perceive in what pre 
dicament Mr. McDougall and myself are placed, particularly 
myself, as I am the only person responsible to the contractor. 
My reliance is, therefore, founded on your Lordship s exer 
tions to relieve me from so serious an embarrassment, hav 
ing had to borrow money, which is loaned for but a short 
period to the first of July next. I have, however, to observe 
that if the cost is great, the building is well worth it, for on in 
spection it is, and will be found, I can truly say, the neatest 
building of the kind in Upper Canada. To this may be added 
also, the cheapest; with roof, steeple, neat gallery, beautiful 
arched ceiling with cornices all in plaster of paris, completed 
and painted, the whole ready for public worship." 

The building thus brought to completion, the "old St. 
Paul s" so familiar a generation ago, indeed invited the en 
comiums heaped upon it by the worthy gentleman through 
whose efforts it was brought into existence. 

It was of red brick, substantially built, 90 feet by 46 feet ; 
;he north and south walls being worked into a tesselated pat 
tern, by means of brick of a lighter color, which design was 
considered most beautiful in those days. The spire above re 
ferred to was surmounted by the figure of a cock, a familiar 
sight still on the spires of the older Catholic churches in 
Upper and Lower Canada. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 47 

The contractors were Messrs. Parke and Ewart, the name 
of the architect who designed the church, unfortunately, can 
not be found. 

Mr. Peter Macdougall, above referred to, despite his Scottish cogno 
men, was a typical French-Canadian, being, no doubt, a descendant of 
some of the Highlanders who settled in the Lower Province and 1 inter 
married with the French settlers. He was a merchant at York, and was 
also interested in the shipping industries on the lakes in the early days, 
having lived in Niagara before coming to York. In the latter town his 
residence was on the north side of Wellington Street, west of Scott 
Street. Unfortunately, after doing so much to help along the Church in 
its infancy at York, Mr. Macdougall felt himself aggrieved by the Church 
wardens in the matter of a pew, and this leading to other causes of 
misunderstanding, he insisted on the payment of what was due him. 
This went on for some time and he threatened to bring action in court 
against the Bishop and Mr. Baby. Finding that this was impossible, he 
endeavored to have five acres of the Church lands made over to him, and 
Mr. Small, the non-Catholic trustee, was willing that this should be done, 
but the affair was finally settled by Bishop Macdonell paying the amount 
of the claim, 325, out of his own funds, Mr. Macdougall shortly after 
wards established a place on Dundas street, some twenty miles from 
York, which he called Dougallville, where he wished to have a church 
built, offering a donation for that purpose of 25 and a site of two acres, 
but this also came to naught. 

In September, 1824, there came to York the Reverend 
James Crowley of the diocese of Cork, who, being interested 
in a project of immigration of Irish Catholics to Upper Can 
ada, had obtained leave from his Bishop to remain in this 
country for some time. In a letter to Bishop Macdonell, who 
was still in Europe, Honorable Mr. Baby says: 

"Since the beginning of September we have had the good 
fortune of having a truly worthy and zealous clergyman of 
the name of Crowley, who has come to this country with the 
view to form some establishment for some of his friends and 
countrymen from Ireland. I fear much, he will not continue 
long with us, as his leave from his Bishop will expire in the 
course of next summer. Not wishing to relinquish his living, 

43 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

for he has a parish in Ireland, he feels himself compelled to 
return to Europe. I am confident you would find him a great 
acquisition in your diocese. He is much respected and beloved 
by all who know him. He has visited the country between 
this and the head of Lake Ontario with great success. Mr. 
Manseau, V.G. and cure of the parish cf Cedars, is actually on 
a visit in these parts. He is actually at Niagara. We expect 
him here soon on his return home. That gentleman is de 
lighted with Mr. Crowley s zeal and meritorious conduct, 
which is not sufficiently rewarded, owing to the indigence of 
most of our congregation, which is very numerous." 

The Very Reverend Antony Manseau, above referred to, was, during 
the absence of Bishop Macdonell in Europe, the Superintendent of the 
Missions of Upper Canada. He was born at Baie-du Febvre, July 12, 
1788, and was ordained January 2, .1814, being for a short time assistant 
at Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, then going to the Nova Scotia missions for 
two years. In 1817 he was appointed pastor of The Cedars, where he 
remained ten years. It was while in this charge that he received the 
office of Vicar-General, and was given the temporary jurisdiction over 
the missions of the Upper Province. In 1827 he was made pastor of 
Contrecouer, and in 1834 was transferred to Longueuil. In 1840 he was 
created canon of the chapter of Montreal, and in 1842 was sent as pastor 
to Jolliette, where he remained until 1866, when he retired to the hospice 
of St. Joseph, where he died two years later, aged 78 years. 

Father Crowley remained in York until March 28, 1826, 
when he went to Peterborough, where, in the previous year, 
the Honorable Peter Robinson had located a colony of four 
hundred and fifteen Irish Catholic families, numbering over 
two thousand souls. 

The Reverend James Crowley was born in the diocese of Cork, Ireland, 
and had charge of a parish in that jurisdiction for some years. He came 
to York in September, 1824, remaining until March 28, 1826, being the 
first resident pastor of that town. On leaving York he went to Peter 
borough, where he remained in charge for some years. In October, 1833, 
being in poor health, Father Crowley relinquished the Peterborough mis 
sion to Father Bennett, and confined himself to Otonobee and the sur 
rounding townships. In 1836 he was in Toronto for a short time with 
Father McDonough, and then left the Province. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 49 

After the departure of Father Crowley from York the 
Catholics, wishing to have another priest appointed, and 
thinking that the Bishop might be under the impression that 
they were unable to support a pastor, held a meeting with the 
Honorable Mr. Baby in the chair and pledged themselves to 
ra se annually the sum of 150 for that purpose. 

Bishop Macdonell returned from his long sojourn in Europe 
early in 1826, and that which he had striven to obtain, both 
from the court of Rome and that of St. James, the separation 
of Upper Canada from the ecclesiastical control of Quebec, was 
soon afterwards accomplished. On February 14, the See of 
Kingston was created and he was nominated its first Bishop. 
No pastor was appointed to York for the time being, but the 
Bishop himself came up during the year and remained until 
early in 1827, when he began in the depth of winter, one of 
those journeys with which the years of his long stay in Upper 
Canada were largely made up. On January 10 of that year, 
he wrote his Vicar-General, the Very Rev. Wm. P. MacDonald, 
then in Glengarry, that he was going out to the new settle 
ments around Lake Simcoe where there were a great many 
Catholic families, and after his return would remain in York 
but a short time. "I will then," he writes, "proceed to Rice 
Lake, Kingston, and the military settlements along the Rideau, 
so that I can hardly expect to reach Glengarry before the end 
of February or the beginning of March. When I get horn j I 
will see what can be done in regard to the missions and 

In May, 1827, the Bishop sent to York as its pastor his 
nephew, the Reverend Angus Macdonell, the first native priest 
of the Province. The young levite began his work in earnest 
in this strenuous mission; nor were the outlying districts 
neglected. The settlements around Lake Simcoe, Thorah, etc., 

50 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

were particularly dear to him, as he had been the chief pro 
moter of them. He visited those places whenever possible and 
encouraged the people in a temporal as well as a spiritual way. 
The Bishop visited his nephew at York in June of that year, 
and, after a brief sojourn, set out by way of Niagara anf 
Sandwich for Drummond Island and Sault Ste. Marie. A 
month later he was back in Sandwich and wrote that he would 
not be able to return to York for about a month, as he had six 
or seven stations in which he was to confirm about 500 or 600 
persons. In the north country a great many Indians and half- 
breeds approached the sacraments with fervor and devotion. 
The harvest is great, but the laborers are few," regretfully 
remarks this truly apostolic prelate in closing the narrative 
of his mission journey. 

The young pastor became a universal favorite at York ; the 
congregation flourished and improved under his guidance. 
The Honorable Mr. Baby writes the Bishop in April, 1828, 
"Our church goes on well, our members are increasing sur 
prisingly. The church was nearly full on Easter day, although 
the road giving access to it was very bad. We have now truly 
good chanting in it with some music." 

In August, 1828, there came to York, apparently on a visit, 
an Irish priest named O Grady, who helped Father Macdonell 
for a time hi the work of the mission. He wrote Bishop Mac 
donell offering his services for a year at least, and at the end 
of that period he was certain that if all went satisfactorily, he 
would have no difficulty in obtaining permission from his own 
Bishop to remain permanently in the Province. 

The outcome of th s correspondence was a visit to the Bishop 
with whom it was arranged that he should take charge of the 
mission at York. On his return to the capital he apprised the 
Reverend Angus Macdonell with the subject of the interview, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


and the young priest was qu te satisfied to be relieved of the 
responsibilities of the large mission, but his thoughts reverted 
to his Lake Simcoe settlement which might perish if he were 
not in a position to guide it. He, therefore, proposed to go to 
that place, then far removed from civilization, and dwell in 
the midst of the wilderness. As there was no hope of receiv 
ing anything from the setters because of their poverty, he 
desired that a salary of 120 per annum be paid him from the 


Second pastor of St. Paul s 

(1827) and first native 

pries: of the Province of 



Speaker of the House in 
Upper Canada and Sheriff 
of the Home District, inter 
ested in building St. Paul s. 

Government grant which the Bishop had received for his 
clergy. He hoped that within a few years the mission would 
increase to such an extent that it would become seif-support- 
ing. He was sent, however, to Bytown, now Ottawa, where, 
within a year of his arrival, he had a church erected on the 
site of the present Basilica. 

The Reverend Angus Macdonell was born in Glengarry, Upper Canada, 
April 27, 1799, the son of John Macdonell and Margaret Macdonell, sister 
of Bishop Macdonell, and was ordained by that prelate on All Saints 

52 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Day, 1822. He was at St. Raphael until his appointment at York. Whilst 
at Bytown he was made Vicar-General, and accompanied the Bishop in 
1831 on a visitation of his diocese. He was then appointed pastor of 
Sandwich, of which he held charge until that place was made the head 
quarters of the Jesuit Missions in 1843; but was absent from his parish 
for long periods owing to his accompanying the Bishop on his various 
journeys. It was on one of these occasions that Bishop Macdonell died 
in Scotland, whither his nephew and he had gone to collect funds for the 
building of Reglopolis College. After leaving Sandwich he was for a 
short time pastor of Chatham, but at his own request was transferred 
from the newly-organized diocese of Toronto to that of Kingston, that 
he might further the plans of his revered uncle in regard to the college. 
When RegiopoKs was incorporated he was one of its original trustees, 
and when its doors were opened he became its first Principal, a position 
he held for many years. During the fever epidemic of 1847 he was day 
and night in the fever sheds, soolhlrg the last moments of those unfortu 
nate immigrants who had found in the land of promise only sickness and 
a grave. He was a member of the Council of Public Instruction for many 
years and for a time a member of the Senate of the University of 
Toronto. During his long life he had come very much in contact with 
men of affairs in Canada, and, when the Separate School Act of 1863 was 
to the fore, he was the representative of the Bishops of Upper Canada 
in seeing that the rights of the Catholics of the Province were safe 
guarded in the provisions of that measure. He died at Hotel Dieu, King 
ston, in 1875. 

The new incumbent at York lost no time in getting to work 
in earnest. Within a month of his arrival he was fitting up a 
building as a parochial school, capable of accomodating sixty 
pupils, for which the Bishop was to supply 20 per annum 
from the Government grant to help to pay the salary of the 
teacher. By the spring of 1829 he had made two visits to the 
township of Toronto and the adjoining districts, where the 
people had already collected 45 for the building of a church. 
Taking advantage of the fact that parliament was in ses 
sion, when so many prominent men of the province were in 
York, and the threatened suit of Peter Macdougall was caus 
ing intense excitement in the town, he advertised a charity 
sermon in the church, at which people of all denominations 
attended and generously contributed toward the liquidation 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

of the debt. The collection on the occasion amounted to 62. 
He also organized a catechetical class, which about seventy 
children attended. He was a frequent visitor to Sir John Col- 
borne, who promised him that the purchase price of the church 
land would be remitted, and through his influence with the 
Lieutenant-Governor a site was secured for a parochial school. 
This was in extent about three-quarters of an acre, and was 
situated on the northwest corner of Nelson Street (now Jarvis 
Street), and New Street (the present Richmond Street). 
Owing to circumstances in no way favorable to the Very 
Reverend W. J. O Grady, as we shall see later, this school was 
not built until many years later. 

The state of the mission at this time may be judged from 
the contents of a letter from the pastor to the Bishop, dated 
October 29, 1829 : 

"With regard to the state of religion in York and the town 
ships within my jurisdiction, I have the pleasure to acquaint 
your Lordship that it is in as prosperous a condition as could 
be reasonably expected from the exertions of one humble 
individual in so extensive and harrassing a mission, and if I 
have not succeeded to the entire extent of my wishes, it was 
not because I did not feel the paramount obligation of extend 
ing to the utmost of my ability and judgment, the Kingdom of 
our Lord Jesus Christ. In my visits to the country districts 
my arrangements were so made as not to deprive York of my 
ministry even for one Sunday, and my circuit embraced not 
only all the townships within my jurisdiction, with the excep 
tion of Whitby, but also East and West Gwillimbury, Tecum- 
seth, Ad jala and Mono. In these latter places I have baptized 
over thirty children, and received back into the Church five 
persons who had formerly fallen away from the Church, to 
gether with two Protestants from the Church of England 

54 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Through the entire country I have found our poor people well 
disposed and most anxious to receive frequently the consola 
tions of our Holy Religion, and I have no doubt that a resi 
dent clergyman would be able to effect much good amongst 

"Adjala appears to me to contain the largest Catholic popu 
lation in this district, and with praiseworthy zeal they have 
entered into a subscription for the annual support of a clergy 
man, and as the most effectual and equitable mode of getting 
up a church they have appointed a committee of assessment, 
namely, Messrs. McFarlin, McLaughlin and Keenan, by whose 
decision they have expressed themselves satisfied to abide. 
I assured them their spiritual interest was the greatest object 
of your Lordship s anxiety and that you certainly would 
appoint a res dent clergyman for the townships, if they mani 
fested a correspond ng feeling and came forward with some 
donation of liberality. After the Holy Sacrifice, the families 
present, without the slightest hesitation, set down their 
names for the clergyman s annual stipend. The amount ex 
ceeded 30, and I am led to believe that those who were absent 
on business at York on that day have since augmented the 
subscription list to 42. The other townships will not, I have 
reason to hope, be less liberal in their contribution, and the 
aggregate may enable a young clergyman to live decently. 

The building of the contemplated church in the Gore of 
Toronto has received a temporary check, in consequence of 
Mr. Peter McDougall s anxiety to have it transferred to his 
new town at Dougallville, twenty miles from York, on Dundas 
Street, for which he has offered a donation of 25, together 
with the convenience a church in that neighborhood would 
afford the Trafalgar people and some others and induce them 
to withdraw their names from the original list. I th^ nk it 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


more than probable that there shall be a small frame church 
in the Gore before many months. 

"I have attempted a Sunday school on a small scale at old 
Mr. McGuire s, to be conducted by his daughter, and I hope 
it may succeed. Under the auspices of a resident clergyman I 
think it could not fail. 

"In Albion, too, our poor people are making an exertion to 
erect a church in conjunction with the people of the northern 


This is the earliest drawing extant of Toronto in which St. Paul s Church, is shown. 

St. Paul s is seen to the right of the forks of the tree. Reduced from a painting in 

Toronto City Hall ; original in the John Ross Robertson collection. 

part of the Gore of Toronto, Caledon and Chinguacoucy, and 
I hope in the Lord they will be able to succeed. They are cer 
tainly well disposed. I have assured them in the different 
townships with a view to excite their emulation in this mat 
ter, that the first frame church got up by them, of twenty- 
eight feet by forty-six feet, should be the parish church for 
the townships and the principal residence of the clergyman to 
be appointed by your Lordship. This appears to have a happy 

56 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

effect. They have had already several meetings on the 

The anxious request of the people in the outside missions 
of York for a pastor of their own was readily acceeded to by 
the Bishop, who sent them the Reverend Edward Gordon, who 
arrived in York toward the end of January, 1830. Writing 
the Bishop on March 11, he gives a most interesting account 
of his work, and how things are progressing at York: 

"I arrived in York over five weeks ago, yet this is my first 
day in York. I was kindly received by Mr. O Grady and could 
scarcely prevail on him to allow me to attend a sick call that 
had come the morning I arrived. He thought it hard that I 
should go over forty miles before I had time to rest, but I saw 
that he could not very well leave York, therefore, I volun 
teered to go. He sent vestments with me. I remained a week 
in the townships of Tecumseth and Adjala. On my return he 
proposed going with me himself to the different townships 
within his jurisdiction. This was impossible, so he gave me 
a paper to be read to the people when assembled. This stated 
that I was regularly appointed to attend to the spiritual wants 
of the Catholics of the different townships, and they were 
called upon to make subscriptions for my support, otherwise 
my services should be withdrawn. I left York on the 16th of 
February on a mission through the townships of Toronto, 
Albion, Mono, Adjala, Tecumseth, West Gwillimbury. In the 
latter township, which was never before visited by a Catholic 
clergyman, I found nineteen Catholic families, comprising a 
population of seventy-five souls, w th whom I remained two 
days, and then proceeded towards Thorah, by Lake Simcoe, 
where I lost my way on the ice, and, after straying a part of 
the night along the shore, fortunately, came to a path which 
brought me to a house within ten m les of Thorah. I remained 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

four days in Thorah and then returned to York. The difficul 
ties, hardships and expense of my mission were forgotten when 
I witnessed the fervor of our poor people in complying with 
their spiritual duties; their willingness to contribute to the 
support of a clergyman ; and the fervent prayers they offered 
to heaven for your eternal salvation in thus giving them the 
means of complying with their duty. In my next letter I will 
let your Lordship know the amount of the subscription en 
tered into for the support of a clergyman. I left lists in the 
different townships, which were not quite filled up when I 
came away. I intend to visit them again as soon as I can pur 
chase a horse, for I find that I cannot do without one, as the 
people have no horses to convey me back and forward. 

"Mr. O Grady is doing a great deal of good in York. He 
appears to be actuated by no other motive but that of advanc 
ing the interest of our Holy Religion. It is truly edifying to 
see the number of all classes receiving frequently Holy Com 
munion. Mr. O Grady has commenced a series of sermons on 
the marks of the true church. The most part of the Protes 
tants of York go to hear him." 

In the latter part of this journey, although he knew it not, 
Father Gordon was following in the footsteps of illustrious 
predecessors ; for Fathers Brebeuf and Chaumonot had gone 
that way on their journey from the Neutrals, before referred 
to ; and on the lake where Father Gordon lost his way the two 
Jesuits pursued their course over the ice when the very trees 
were cracking with the frost, and Father Brebeuf, slipping 
on the glassy surface, broke his collar-bone. 

The church in the lower end of the Gore of Toronto was 
completed on the arrival of Father Gordon. This was situated 
on the east side of the township line between Toronto town 
ship and the Gore of Toronto, a little south of the village of 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Malton. For some reason it was afterwards abandoned and 
another church erected on the fifth line of Toronto township, 
hardly more than a mile distant "as the crow flies" from the 
site of the former edifice. 

A parcel of land having been obtained by Bishop Macdonell 
in Ad jala township, Father Gordon soon had the people of 
that section building a church, for which the Catholics of 
Adjala and those of the adjoining township of Tecumseth 


First assistant at St. Paul s 

(1830), in charge of the 

outside missions. 


Assistant at St. Paul s 
Church. Toronto, in the ear 
ly thirties of last century. 

had already subscribed the sum of 136. He also began col 
lecting for a church in Traf ajgar, which was opened before he 
left these missior.s. That we may have some conception of 
the amount of territory he had to cover, we have but to enu 
merate the piaces mentioned in his book of baptisms, mar 
riages and interments York town and township, Toronto 
township, the Gore of Toronto, Etobicoke, Vaughan, Mark- 
ham, Scarboro, Whitchurch, East Gwillimbury, West Gwillim- 
bury, North Gwillimbury, King, Tecumseth, Adjala, Trafal- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto ,S9 

gar, Streetsville, Holland Landing, Thorah, Brock, Georgiria, 
Newmarket, Esquesing, Chinguacoucy, Caledon, Mono, Al 
bion, Niagara, St. Catharines, Lake Simcoe, Deep Cut, Mara, 
The Narrows (Orillia), Mulmer, Dundas Street, Yonge Street. 
Even the wandering savage came under his pastoral care, as 
we find the entry of the baptism of a child belonging to a 
family from the Lake of the Two Mountains, who were en 
countered in one of his trips to the north. No wonder that 
after nearly three years of th : s mode of life the Bishop, writ 
ing to the Vicar-General at Kingston, says: "The Reverend 
Mr. Gordon has been pronounced by his physician as unfit for 
any duty during the winter." After a month s vacation, how 
ever, he was back on the mission, remaining until the summer 
of 1833, when he was sent to Kingston as Assistant to Vicar- 
General MacDonald, having, as at York, the charge of the out 
side missions. 

When Father Gordon left for Kingston his place on the 
outer missions was taken for a short time by Father Foley. 

The Reverend Patrick Foley was born in Ireland and came to Upper 
Canada in 1829. He was in charge of Prescott from October, 1831, to 
about the same month in the following year. In the summer of 1833 he 
was attending Adjala, the Gore of Toronto, Toronto township, etc. His 
next charge was the River Thames Mission, afterwards going to the town 
ship of Ops, whence he visited Emly township. He then left for the 
United States, and died at Waddington, N.Y. 

Hearing of the great work of Father O Grady at York, the 
B shop had made him, in January, 1830, one of his Vicars- 
General, and entrusted him with a share of government of 
the diocese, particularly in regard to a dispute in the parish 
of Sandwich. 



On October 12, 1831, Bishop Macdonell was appointed a 
member of the Legislative Council of the Province, being 
now known as the Honorable and Right Rev. Alexander Mac 
donell. He took up his quarters in Russell Abbey, the former 
residence of the Honorable Peter Russell, who adminis 
tered the affairs of the Province during the intervals be 
tween the Simcoe and Hunter regimes. Russell Abbey was situ 
ated on the south-west corner of Front and Princess Streets. 
The Bishop lived at that place until the completion of his resi 
dence, begun in May, 1832, on the south-east corner of 
Duchess and Nelson (Jarvis) Streets, and the Bishop s chapel, 
a large frame building on the west side of the latter street, 
was built at the same time. 

Writing from York at the end of December, 1831, the 
Bishop says that after he gets over the pressure of business at 
York he will go with Reverend Mr. Crevier to Lake Simcoe 
and Lake Huron. The latter priest, who had been pastor of 
Sandwich, had been transferred to the new mission, the head 
quarters of which was Penetanguishene. 

The Reverend Joseph Crevier was born March 18, 1786, at Cap de la 
Madeleine, and was ordained September 21, 1816; immediately after 
ordination he was sent as Assistant to Sandwich, of which, on the death 
of Father Marchand, in 1825, he became pastor. As we have seen, he 
left that place in 1831, being replaced by the Very Reverend Angus Mac 
donell, and lived in York with Bishop Macdonell until early in 1832. He 
did not remain long in the new mission, but retired to Lower Canada, 
where he was appointed in the same year (1832) pastor of Daillebout and 
Ramsay, and in 1833 of Blairfindie. In 1840 he was sent to St. Pie, where 
he remained until 1867, when he retired to live with his brother, Vicar- 
General Crevier, at Ste. Marie, Lower Canada, where he died. 

In September, 1832, the Bishop wrote Father Bennett, As- 



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62 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

sistant at Kingston, to come to York immediately, and, on ar 
rival, that clergyman was sent on a missionary tour as far as 
Penetanguishene, including a mission for the Indians at Cold- 
water, then the headquarters of the Indian Department. 
Nearly two months later Bishop Macdonell wrote Vicar-Gen 
eral MacDonald that he had heard that Father Bennett had 
been overcome by the fatigues of his mission and was ill. The 
Bishop, therefore, did not expect him back for a few weeks. 
After his return to York, Father Bennett went back to King 
ston, this strenuous journey to the outposts being his only 
connection with the Mission of York. 

The Reverend James Bennett was born in Queen s County, Ireland, 
about 1801, and was ordained for the Diocese of Kingston. In 1831 he 
was appointed assistant at Kingston, and in the following year made 
the tour north of York already referred to. He then returned to his 
former mission, when he was sent for a brief period to the London dis 
trict. His next charge was Peterborough, where he remained until 
November, 1834, when he became first resident pastor of Cornwall. Early 
in 1842 he assumed charge of Adjala and Tecumseth, which he relin 
quished in the early part of 1843. His next appointment was Oshawa, 
Whitby, etc., which began in June, 1843, but he died on August 31 of the 
same year at Kingston, whither he had gone a week previous. 

A Catholic teacher at York, named John Butler, a scholar 
of some repute, who for some time had a school at the corner 
of Jordan and Melinda Streets, studied theology under Father 
Downey and was finally ordained by the Bishop. 

The Reverend John Butler was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 
1782. After ordination he was for a time Assistant at Kingston. In 
January, 1835, he was appointed to Peterborough, where he labored with 
great success, travelling as far as Oshawa on the west. At Peterborough 
he built an elegant stone church on land acquired by Bishop Macdonell 
from the Government in 1834. This is the present Cathedral of the 
Diocese of Peterborough. After nineteen years of faithful service in 
that mission he died on June 25, 1853, aged seventy-one years, and 
was buried beneath the church, in which is a slab which attests that the 
edifice which he built is a lasting monument to his zeal and piety. 

But affairs at York were now in anything but a satisfactory 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 63 

state. Factions were rife in the congregation, one party con 
tending that the pastor was haughty and supereil ous towards 
his people. The "Freeman," edited by Francis Collins, week 
after week attacked Father O Grady, and the "Correspond 
ent" (of which Father O Grady was later the editor), es 
poused his cause and replied in kind. 

After many warnings, the faculties of Father O Grady, 
which were revokable at the will of the Bishop, were with 
drawn, on the ground of neglect of his pastoral duties and 
insubordination. Many of the people sympathized with their 
pastor thinking that he was a very much abused man and that 
the appeal he had made to Rome would bring him a vindication 
from the Supreme Pontiff. The Holy See upheld the action of 
the Bishop, and then the unfortunate pastor adopted a course 
which assuredly alienated him from anyone with the least 
spark of Catholicity in his soul he appealed to the Lieut. - 
Governor, Sir John Colborne, to assume the supremacy of 
the Catholic Church in the Province. This request, of course, 
went unheeded. 

The Bishop held possession of the key of the church, which 
he gave to a carpenter who was building the gallery. One of 
Che mal-contents procured it from the workman, and the schis 
matics held forth in the church for some months, until finally 
ejected by process of law. During this time the edifice was 
interdicted and Mass was said at the Bishop s chapel, whicJi 
the O Gradyites styled the "Soup Kitchen." 

After a voyage to Rome and London, Mr. O Grady returned 
to York, where he became one of the leaders of the most ad 
vanced wing of the Reform party. He attacked Bishop Mac- 
donell through the "Correspondent" and at public meetings T.:- 
the streets of Toronto. He made charges of peculation, etc., 
against the Bishop which were made the subject of investiga- 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

tion on the floor of the House. On this occasion the Bishop 
proved before a hostile assembly that he had spent of his per 
sonal and family means for ecclesiastical and educational pur 
poses more than he had ever received from any source, public 
or private. Even the Orangemen of Toronto congratulated the 
Bishop on his acquittal on this occasion. 

The Very Reverend William John O Grady was born in Ireland and 
was ordained for the Diocese of Cork and was for a time secretary of 
Bishop Murray at that See. He went to Brazil with a party of Irish 
immigrants, and came later to Upper Canada. He died at Whitby in 

As early as the year of his appointment as Bishop of King 
ston, Bishop Macdonell had received a coadjutor in the person 


at Duchess and Nelson (.Tarvis) streets, still standing, though 
with changed front. 

of the Rev. Thomas Weld, who, after his consecration, re 
mained in England for some years and finally, in 1830, was 
nominated Cardinal. This, of course, rendered his former 

The Stonj of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 65 

position vacant, and on April 9, 1831, the Reverend John 
Larkin of the Sulpicians, Montreal, was nominated titular 
Bishop of Gera and coadjutor of the diocese of Kingston. 
This he declined. The next choice was the Reverend John 
Murdoch of Glasgow, Scotland, and the bulls for his appoint 
ment were actually drawn up, but, at the urgent request of 
the Scottish Vicar-Apostolic, it was withdrawn, and he was 
shortly afterwards appointed coadjutor for the Western Dis 
trict of Scotland. On May 10, 1833, the Reverend Remigius 
Gaulin was made Bishop of Tabraca and coadjutor with right 
of succession to Bishop Macdonell, and was consecrated on 
October 10 of the same year. 

On September 18, 1833, the Reverend William Patrick Mc- 
Donough arrived in York, where he took up his duties as as 
sistant to Bishop Macdonell, and during the absence of the 
Bishop on his various trips, Father McDonough was left alone 
in the distracted parish, York, as Father Downey had gone to 
the London and St. Thomas mission toward the end of 1833. 

The Reverend Daniel Downey was born in Ireland and educated at 
Maynooth. He came to York in 1832, being assistant to the Bishop, and 
a year later was transferred to London and St. Thomas. In 1834 he 
dedicated the first church in London, and about the same time erected a 
Presbytery at St. Thomas, from which place he attended London. He 
left that mission in September, 1835, and after some months at Kingston 
as assistant, left the Province. In 1843 he was in the Diocese of Rich 
mond, where he built several churches. 

During the year 1833 there came to York for a few weeks, 
as assistant to the Bishop, the Reverend Timothy O Meara, 
brother of the Rev. John O Meara, who had said the first Mass 
in the church nine years before. 

The Reverend Timothy O Meara was born in Ireland. He 
was in charge of Prescott from September, 1829, to Septem 
ber, 1831, being then at St. Andrew s for a short period. He 
was in Toronto in 1833, and was in charge of Peterborough 

66 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

during the same year. In 1834 he was appointed to Bytown> 
which place he left the following year. On December 12, 1833, 
the Bishop writes Vicar-General MacDonald that he had just 
returned to York a short time ago; had been very busy and 
was in very poor health. They had at last obtained posses 
sion of the church and had Mass in it for the past two Sun 
days. Affairs having been finally arranged, the Bishop was 
anxious to get to Kingston, but before doing so he hoped to ap 
point an experienced priest in charge of York. He, therefore, 
applied to have Father McMahon of Quebec available for that 
purpose, but this was impossible, so he left York in charge of 
Father McDonough as his vicar or curate. 


Father Gordon arrived back in the capital, now the city of 
Toronto, in March, 1834, and when the Vicar-General at Kings 
ton protested against the return of the Bishop to York, his 
Lordship wrote that the "spiritual wants of the surrounding 
townships and the mortal and infectious disease (the cholera) 
raging in the city render his presence necessary. When Mr. 
Gordon went to Kingston it was not with the view that he 
should remain there, but merely for the recovery of his health. 
Mr. Gordon is too efficient a missionary to leave him as a Vicar, 
when he is capable of being a principal." After a few months 
as assistant, in which Father McDonough and he alternated 
between the townships of Toronto, Trafalgar, etc., and the 
mission of Niagara, which was temporarily vacant, the Bishop 
promoted Father Gordon to the charge of the latter place. 

The Reverend Edward Gordon was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland, 
November 1, 1791, and he was baptized in a Protestant church. His 
parents dying whilst he was a child, he was taken charge of by an uncle 
in the County Wicklow, where, as a child, he beheld the stirring events 
of the Rebellion of 1798 in that part of the country- A strange coinci 
dence was that his future Bishop was then on active service in that local 
ity as chaplain to the Glengarry Fencible Regiment. In 1811 he became a 
Catholic, his conversion being due to the efforts of an older brother, Augier 
Francis Gordon. Being conditionally baptized, he remained with the 
parish priest of Black Ditches, County Wicklow, for three years, learn 
ing the classics. His studies were then taken up in England for a 
period of three years, and later at the Seminary of Quebec. On the 
opening of the Seminary of lona, at St. Raphael, he was amongst the 
first students to enter, and after a three years course of theology was 
ordained by Bishop Macdonell, on January 29, 1829. The first year of 
his ministry was spent at St. Raphael as teacher and bursar of the 
college, helping out in the adjoining missions; he was appointed to York, 
as we have seen, early in 1830. 

Made pastor of Niagara, he completed the church at that place and 
built a presbytery there and a church at Niagara Falls. In 1844, he wa? 

68 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

nearly killed by a fall from his horse, which became unmanageable de 
scending Queenston Heights on his way homeward from "the Falls," 
and from the effects of the injuries then received he never fully recov 
ered. In 1846 he was transferred to Hamilton, and five years later was 
made Vicar-General of the diocese of Toronto. On the formation of 
Hamilton as a separate jurisdiction he became its first Vicar-General, 
and remained as rector of the Cathedral until his death, which occurred 
October 15, 1870. He was buried in a vault under St. Mary s Cathedral, 

Father McDonough was not left alone very long on the Mis 
sion after the departure of the Bishop, as the Vicar-General, 
the Very Reverend William Peter MacDonald, arrived in 
August, 1834, and Mass was celebrated at both St. Paul s and 
the Bishop s chapel on Sundays. 

The debt of the parish remained unpaid and the pastors 
were not being supported by the congregation. At the sug 
gestion of Hon. John Elmsley, one of the wardens, Bishop 
Macdonell withdrew both priests from Toronto and for a few 
weeks the congregation had no service. 

With the re-opening of the church a new system was inau 
gurated by which each adult was expected to contribute a 
certain amount weekly to the church funds. The Vicar-Gen 
eral did not return to Toronto after the re-opening of the 
church, but was placed in charge of Bytown, our present 
national capital Ottawa. 

The Very Reverend Wm. Peter MacDonald was born in the Parish of 
Eberlow, Banffshire, Scotland, March 25, 1771, and at an early age was 
sent by Bishop Hay to the College at Douay. When that institution was 
seized by the French Revolutionists, he repaired to the Royal Scots Col 
lege at Vallidolid, Spain, where he completed his studies, and was ordained 
priest in that city on September 24, 1796. He was a professor at Aqui- 
horties and was also in charge for a time of the mission of Auchendonen, 
in the Eastern district (Scotland). Bishop Kyle, one of his former 
pupils, speaks of him as "a Superior from whose lessons and instructions 
I have derived benefit, and which I hope I still feel." 

In 1810 the British Government formed the project of liberating 
Ferdinand VII. from Bayonne, and Father MacDonald was the chaplain 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 69 

of the expedition which was not successful in freeing the royal prisoner. 
After being attached to the British Embassy at Madrid, Father Mac- 
Donald was appointed chaplain to the regiment of the Baron de Roll. 
At the peace of 1814 this corps was disbanded and he returned to the 
Scottish missions. In 1826 Bishop Macdonell invited him to come to 
Upper Canada to take charge of the Seminary about to be established 
at St. Raphael, and he arrived in Montreal in November of that year, 
and remained with the Sulpicians until the quarters at St. Raphael were 
ready. At this time he placed at the disposal of the Bishop 200 sov 
ereigns "for the glory of God and the good of religion." Shortly after 
his arrival he was made Vicar-General, an office he retained under 
Bishop Gaulin, and also on the erection of the diocese of Toronto under 
Bishop Power. In 1829 he took charge of the parish of Kingston, where 
he remained until 1834. While at Kingston he began the publication of 
"The Catholic," the first English Catholic paper in Canada. When on 
this mission he also had a famous controversy with the Protestant Arch 
deacon at York, who, because of the loss of one of his most prominent 
parishioners, who had become a Catholic, attacked the Church in a 
pamphlet, "The Errors of Romanism." The Vicar-General s "Remarks 
on The Eucharist," published in reply, ended the controversy. In 
August, 1834, Vicar-General MacDonald took charge at Toronto, remain 
ing until his appointment to Bytown, a little more than a year later. 

In 1836 he was placed in charge of Prescott, remaining until the end 
of 1838, becoming then the first resident pastor of Hamilton, where he 
finished the church, the corner-stone of which had been laid by Bishop 
Macdonell. On the completion of St. Michael s Palace, Toronto, the 
Vicar-General came to reside with Bishop Power, receiving the addi 
tional honor of being named Dean. When Bishop Power went to Europe, 
early in 1847, he appointed as Administrators, Archdeacon Hay and 
Vicar-General MacDonald, but the latter died on Good Friday, April 2, 
of that year, and was buried under the then unfinished Cathedral. 
Shortly before his death he made his will leaving all that he possessed 
to the building fund of that edifice. 

Father McDonough was an active missionary ; on the east 
he visited the townships of Darlington, Pickering, Whitby, 
and also the village of Oshawa, in the latter township ; on the 
north we find him visiting Mara and Markham townships, 
Thornhill and Newmarket. On the occasion of a sick call to 
the latter place he was injured by a fall from his horse. 

The outside missions were not now as extensive as in Father 
Gordon s time, so the Reverend Murtagh Lalor took charge 

70 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

of the Gore of Toronto, Adjala, Tecumseth, Albion, etc., as a 
separate parish, after Father Foley s short sojourn on that 

Father McDonough received a very zealous assistant in the 
summer of 1836, in the person of the Reverend Thomas Gib- 
ney, who was engaged mostly with the outside missions, now 
somewhat reduced, but still affording a large field for mission 
ary endeavor. Writing to Bishop Gaulin in February, 1837, 
he tells how he had just visited the townships of Thorah, 
Mara, Brock and Georgina, in all of which he found about 
75 families, for the most part very poor, but most anxious to 
have a resident priest among them. This was the second visit 
he had made to these parts, and if it were not for the inhabi 
tants of Brock, he would have been compelled to pay the ex 
penses of the journey out of his own pocket. At this time we 
find a Baptism registered by him at Hogg s Hollow (York 

Father McDonough also wrote Bishop Gaulin on the sub 
ject of the northern missions. The people there are very poor; 
they could, however, support a priest well in produce, and 
after a while the mission would give a sufficient pecuniary 
return. He believes that there is not a part of. Upper Can 
ada that stands more in need of instruction than the place 
in question. He suggests a new mission consisting of New 
market, Holland Landing, West Gwillimbury, Brock, Mara and 
Thorah. In another letter to the same prelate he asserted that 
the people of the townships on the north side of Lake Simcoe 
were emigrating to the United States because they had no 

In September, 1837, Bishop Gaulin took up his residence at 
Toronto, bringing with him the Reverend Alexander Kernan, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Father Gibney being promoted a month later to the charge of 
the Guelph Mission. 

The Reverend Thomas Gibney was born in the diocese of Meath, Ire 
land, in September, 1804. He made his studies partly in County Cavan 
and partly in County Tipperary, and came to Canada in October, 1832, 
entering Chambly College to study theology. He was ordained priest by 
Bishop Provencher in Montreal on June 19, 1836. Coming to Toronto 
immediately after his ordination he remained until Oj^-ber 23, 1837, when 
he took charge of Guelph mission, travelling as far as Goderich and 
Owen Sov.nd. He built churches in Stratford, Goderich and McKillop 
township. The frame church at Guelph having been destroyed by fire, 
he began a stone edifice there, which was not finished at the time of his 
death, which occurred at Guelph, October 17, 1846. 

Father Kernan did not remain long in Toronto, as in Novem- 

ber-of-ihat vear (1837) he was sent to Cobourg to organize a 



Showing (a) Russell Abbey, once the residence of Bishop Macdonell, and (b) St. 
Paul s Church. From the John Ross Robertson collection. 

parish in that district. Two Protestant gentlemen agreed to 
give each a half acre for the erection of a church, which was 
built immediately. He also built a church at Oshawa a few 
years later. He was killed in a runaway accident at the Rouge 
Hill, July 14, 1842, his body being brought to Toronto and 
buried, but at the earnest request of the people of Cobourg it 
was exhumed and deposited under the church in that town. 

72 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

In January, 1837, the Honorable John Elmsley wrote Bishop 
Macdonell that the piece of ground applied for in the new part 
of Toronto, on the military reserve, for a church and burial 
ground had been granted by the Government. The deed, which 
was made out some three months later to Honorable and Right 
Reverend Alexander Macdonell, the Right Reverend Remigius 
Gaulin, and the Very Reverend Angus Macdonell, in trust, 
gave the Catholics of Toronto the site of St. Mary s church 
and presbytery, and the name Macdonell square (somewhat 
altered as to spelling on the present signs) was so called in 
honor of Bishop Macdonell. The ground was used as a ceme 
tery, as was shown by the number of skeletons uncovered at 
the time of the building of the present church, but whether 
it was shortly after the grant was obtained cannot now be 
ascertained. The first church was not built on this site until 

On January 28, 1838, the Reverend Peter Lefaivre was or 
dained by Bishop Gaulin in St. Paul s church, and the young 
priest remained as assistant until near the end of that year, 
when he was made pastor of L Original, Prescott county. 

The Reverend Peter Lefaivre was born in Vaudreuil, near Montreal, 
and was ordained by Bishop Gaulin in Toronto, January 28, 1838, being 
assistant for some months at Toronto when he was sent to L Original, 
where he remained until 1844, attending for a period to the mission of 

Ordinations also were administered at St. Paul s Church, 
November 25 of that year, two candidates being raised to the 
holy priesthood, the Rev. Augustine Vervais and the Rev. 
Philip O Reilly, and a week later still another priest, the Rev. 
Chas. Bourke was ordained. These priests were not con 
nected in any way with the mission of Toronto after their 

The Reverend Michael R. Mills, who had been sent to To- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 73 

ronto by Bishop Macdonell to make a tour of the missions 

north of the city, reported as follows: 

Those old enough 
Catholic to go to 

Population Holy Communion 

Thornhill 103 55 

Newmarket 56 34 

Mara and Thorah 83 43 

Brock 130 60 

Georgina 42 16 

West Gwillimbury 94 51 

Markham 68 38 

Scarboro 31 22 

The report closes with these words: "I am happy to say 
that all except ten have been at the Easter Communion." 

Bishop Gaulin went to Kingston in May, 1839, Bishop Mac 
donell having gone across the Atlantic for the purpose of rais 
ing funds for Regiopolis College, the corner-stone of which 
had been laid on June 11, of the previous year. Kingston 
never saw her aged prelate again, as he died at Dumfries, 
Scotland, on January 14, 1840, and was buried in the crypt of 
St. Mary s convent chapel, Edinburgh. His remains were 
twenty-one years later brought to Kingston and deposited 
under the present St. Mary s Cathedral. 

The Right Reverend Remigius Gaulin was born in Quebec, June 30, 
1787, and was ordained October 13, 1811, and went immediately to St. 
Andi ew s, Upper Canada, where he remained until 1815, being trans 
ferred to the Nova Scotia missions, where he was in charge of Anti- 
gonish and Arichat. His next charge was St. Jean, from 1828 to 1831; 
when he was made pastor of Ste. Scholastique, leaving that place in 1832 
for the parish of Sault-a-Recollet, where hs remained until he was ap 
pointed as coadjutor of the Bishop of Kingston; being appointed on 
May 10, 1833, Bishop of Tabraca, with the right of succession to the 
See of Kingston. He was consecrated on October 20 of that year, and 
remained at St. Raphael, in charge of the Seminary for some time. He 
resided at Toronto from September, 1837 to May, 1839, when he went to 

74 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Kingston, of which place he became Bishop on the death of Bishop Mac- 
donell, taking possession of his See on April 12, 1840. Two years later 
his diocese was divided by the erection of Toronto as a separate episco 
pate. On February 20, 1843, he received, as coadjutor, Bishop Phelan, 
who was consecrated August 20 of that year. In 1852, owing to the 
physical and mental condition of Bishop Gaulin, the coadjutor was made 
Administrator-Apostolic of the diocese. Bishop Gaulin lived at Ste. 
Philomene for many years, and died at that place on May 8, 1857, and 
his body, en being brought to Kingston, was buried under the Cathedral. 

A new bell was installed during the year 1839, which was 
upward of 700 Ibs. weight. In the spring of that year, the 
Reverend John Cassidy was given charge of the northern mis 
sions, which he resigned at the beginning of 1840, finding 
that a younger man was required for the arduous labors con 
nected with that work. He remained with Father McDonough 
in Toronto until February, 1840, when he was appointed to St. 

His successor on the northern missions was Dr. Constantine 
Lee, who, in the following October, was sent to London, and 
we find no record of his being connected in any way with the 
parish of St. Paul s, except that he preached on the second 
Sunday of September, 1841, a sermon in aid of the com 
pletion of Father Gordon s church at Niagara Falls, and 
the collection amounted to 38. The pastor of St. Paul s went 
to Newmarket on that occasion to replace Dr. Lee. 

The successor of Dr. Lee in the Lake Simcoe missions, the 
Reverend James Quinlan, after a tour of the northern parts of 
his mission, including Medonte, Flos, Vespre and Oro, came 
to Toronto, where he remained for some weeks with Father 
McDonough helping out in the parish. The pastor was very 
much pleased with his work and would have retained him per 
manently, if it had been possible. 

Father McDonough continued alone, but when the Easter 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


time approached he was instructed by Bishop Gaulin to call on 
one of his rural neighbors to help out with the confessions, 
which were very numerous. Father O Dwyer of Adjala had 
intended to go to Cleveland on business, and he arrived just 
at the time when he was very much needed in Toronto. He 
remained some time, and, beside his other work, he began a 

^KiTfcl . tottHiVa***,^ iV^JS^^iiKrr-^V* S:/. 

iT I ^* 


From a drawing made in 1887, and among the Robertson collection of pictures in 

Toronto Public Library. 

temperance campaign, during which four hundred people took 
the pledge. 

In May, 1841, Father McDonough received an assistant, the 
Reverend R. Waters, who, after some months, was sent to 
London and then left the Province. Beyond the baptism, etc., 

76 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

recorded by him in the register, there is no other connection 
of this priest with the mission of Toronto. 

In February, 1842, Father McDonough writes Bishop 
Gaulin that the Honorable Alexander Macdonell had become 
so weak that he could scarcely walk across his room. He re 
quested to have Mass celebrated in his house occasionally if 
the Bishop would grant the permission. This venerable gen 
tleman died a month later, being one of the last of the very 
earliest settlers of the Province. 

The Honorable Alexander Macdonell was born in Scotland in 1762, 
and emigrated with his parents to the Province of New York in 1773. 
In 1775, he came to Upper Canada, and at the age of thirteen was granted 
a commission in the army and fought through the American Revolution. 
He then returned to Upper Canada and represented Glengarry in the 
first Parliament of the New Province, and was elected Speaker of the 
House. He was also the Sheriff of the Home District. Lord Selkirk 
appointed him superintendent of the Baldoon Settlement. During the 
war of 1812, he was Paymaster-General of the forces in Canada with 
the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Being taken captive by the Americans at 
Niagara in May, 1813, he was sent as a prisoner to Pennsylvania. For 
several years he was one of the secretaries of the Indian Department. 
His correspondence with Bishop Macdonell was very extensive and 
showed his interest in things Catholic. In the year 1820 he wrote the 
Bishop for a copy of Lingard s "Answer to the Bishop of Durham," 
wishing no doubt to be well fortified for any controversy that might arise. 
He interested himself very much in the btiilding of the church at York, 
being of great assistance to Honorable Mr. Baby in that project. When 
Father Crowley had left York, and some of the congregation had found 
fault with that clergyman, he deemed it his duty to inform the Bishop 
that both Mr. Baby and himself had n thing but praise for that priest. 
In 1331 he was chosen a member of the Executive Council, and when the 
church lands were given by the Government he was one of the trustees. 
He died March 18, 1841, and was buried in the cemetery at St. Paul s, 
and many years later his body was removed to St. Michael s cemetery. 



Although the first settlers of Upper Canada were of various 
denominations, the Church of England, encouraged by the 
attitude of Lieut.-Colonel Simcoe, assumed the position of a 
state church. Hence, when matters of education began to be 
mooted, that institution aspired to have complete control of 
the instruction of the youth of the Province. When District 
Schools were established in 1807, the teachers were for the 
most part Anglican parsons, and the Authorized Version of 
the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer were amongst the 
text books used in the schools. The Common School Act of 
1816 had the (Protestant) Bible on the curriculum, and this 
was sometimes supplemented by the study of the Anglican or 
Presbyterian catechism. Being in England at the time, Bishop 
Macdonell, then a priest and Vicar-General of the Bishop of 
Quebec, brought the matter of the injustice of this state of 
affairs to the attention of the Home Government. The out 
come of this protest was that three Catholic schoolmasters 
were appointed at an annual salary of one hundred pounds to 
be paid by the Provincial Government. But the Anglicans 
would not give up their supposed monopoly to education with 
out a struggle. Through their leader, Archdeacon Strachan, 
they had influence sufficient to block the payment of these 
salaries under one pretext or another for a period of seven 
years, and another trip across the Atlantic was necessary on 
the part of Bishop Macdonell before the matter was finally 
adjusted. Writing to Vicar-General MacDonald on January 
10, 1827, the Bishop tells of further help in this regard. He 
had succeeded in obtaining a yearly grant of 750 in support 

78 Centennial Souvenir, St. Paul s Church, Toronto 

of Catholic schools and the most necessitous of his clergy. 
Five years later this was still further increased to 1,000. 

Although successful in this affair, there were two other 
matters in the petition above referred to in which Bishop 
Macdonell failed to obtain Government support. He asked for 
help to found a school for boys similar to the District Schools, 
in which the children of well-to-do Catholic families would 
have the opportunity of receiving a liberal education under 
Catholic auspices without having to go to the United States 
or to Lower Canada. A similar institution for young girls 
under the direction of English nuns, if possible, was also 
brought to the notice of the Government. 

In regard to the former of these, Bishop Macdonell saw at 
least the beginning of the project in his college of lona at St. 
Raphael, and his zeal in this matter may be said to have has 
tened his death, for it was while on a trip to Great Britain, 
undertaken largely for the purpose of raising funds for his pro 
jected college of Regiopolis at Kingston, that he contracted 
a cold which developed into pneumonia, from which he died. 

The seminary for the education of young women did not 
materialize during the life time of Bishop Macdonell, although 
the Honorable Mr. Baby had made provision for a site for it 
when acquiring the church lands at York. 

Father McDonough received in February, 1835, a letter 
from a nun at Kingstown, near Dublin, asking if Bishop Mac 
donell would give her community any encouragement to come 
to this diocese. Upon this letter being sent to the Bishop, 
the latter was forced to reply that because of the outlay he 
had made in Toronto on the church, burial ground and law 
expenses in recovering ^the church and church lands, it would 
be impossible to accept the offer. He expected that the con 
gregation of Toronto would have made some attempt to pay 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 79 

back at least a part of this money which amounted to 760, 
which he needed not for his own personal use, but for the 
establishment of a convent in Toronto, and the resuscitation 
of the Vicar-General s "Catholic," which had ceased for lack 
of funds. It was not until the year 1855 that the Community 
of St. Joseph opened a school on the very ground procured by 
the Honorable Mr. Baby nearly a quarter of a century before. 

When Bishop MacDonell began his campaign for Regiopolis 
College in 1837, the congregation of Toronto took the matter 
up, and the city was divided into wards, with collectors in 

In regard to the schools of the mission of York we have 
seen that toward the end of 1828 Father O Grady was fitting 
up a private building as a Parochial School capable of accom 
modating sixty pupils, and that the Bishop was to give 20 
per annum towards the salary of the teacher. The parents of 
the children were expected to make up the balance by way of 
fees, as there was no further grant from the Government for 
the purpose. As to what was the outcome of this school, or 
who was its teacher, we find no information. 

In Chapter VIII. of the Jubilee Volume of Toronto Diocese, 
we have an interesting sketch of the early Catholic school of 
York by the late Dr. J. F. White, at that time Government 
Inspector of Separate Schools. According to Dr. White the 
first Catholic teacher in York was Mr. John Harvey who 
taught in a frame building at the head of Nelson St. (now 
Jarvis Street) near the farm of Mr. S. P. Jarvis, about the 
year 1830. 

At a public meeting of the Catholics of York, held May 20, 
1832, with Bishop Macdonell in the chair, it was declared ex 
pedient for the instruction of the Catholic children of the con 
gregation of York that a schoolhouse be built to train them 

80 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

in the principles of religion and morality, on the lot lately ob 
tained from the Government, according to a plan hereafter to 
be decided upon. A committee was appointed consisting of 
the Honorable James Baby, the Honorable Alexander Mac- 
donell, and Messrs. Francis Collins, William Bergin, Michael 
Macnamara, and Edward Barnett; the Honorable Alexander 
Macdonell being treasurer of the fund. A subscription list 
being opened it was headed by three prominent non-Catholics : 

The Attorney-General (Mr. Boulton) 10 

Mr. Peter Robinson 4 

The Chief Justice (Mr. W. D. Powell) 5 

But, unfortunately, one of the trustees of the land in 
question, the Very Reverend W. J. O Grady, became estranged 
shortly afterwards from the community for whose benefit it 
was given, so nothing could be done in the matter during the 
life of that individual, although the ablest lawyers of the 
period sought a way out of the difficulty. Some of the prop 
erty was rented, however, and the proceeds used for school 

Following Dr. White s account, the next Catholic teacher at 
York was Mr. Joseph Seyers, who had a school on York street 
between King and Richmond streets. From a letter of Father 
McDonough to Bishop Macdonell we find that Mr. Seyers left 
for Lower Canada in June, 1834. Mr. John Butler, described 
as a ripe scholar, had a school for a period at the corner of 
Jordan and Melinda streets, but as we have seen he soon 
embraced the ecclesiastical state. 

The successor of Mr. Seyers was Mr. James Murnane who 
taught as many as ninety pupils in the Bishop s chapel on 
Jarvis Street. Father McDonough found him to be a most 
efficient teacher, and as the major portion of his pupils could 
pay nothing, the good priest recommends him to the Bishop s 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


generosity when he is distributing the Government allowance. 

In April, 1836, the Honorable John Elmsley wrote Bishop 
Macdonell that a Mr. McManus who had been teaching here 
for some time had left Toronto owing to his inability to meet 
his expenses. Truly, in those days, teaching was a badly re 
quited profession. 

From a letter of Father McDonough to the Bishop, written 
in August, 1838, we learn that a Miss Robertson had been 


It was in use in the forties of last century, being conducted by Mr. Denis Heffernan, 

and was situated on Richmond Street, east of Church Street. From a 

drawing in the John Ross Robertson collection. 

teaching for some time and that she had given satisfaction in 
every way. He hoped that the Bishop would give her a share 
of the Government allowance, as she had little or nothing for 
her sustenance, and the poor female Catholic children had no 
other means of instruction except in the Protestant schools, 

82 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

where every attempt was made to turn them from the true 

On the death of Mr. O Grady a new trustee was appointed 
for the school land, and work was begun immediately on a 
frame structure which was completed in the following year. 
The building stood on the corner of Jarvis and Richmond 
streets facing the former thoroughfare. The first teacher in 
this school was Mr. P. B. McLoughlin, who afterwards had 
charge of the District School on the corner of Berkeley and 
Duke streets. 

His successor in the Catholic school was Mr. Denis Heffer- 
nan, who had for a few years previously a private school in 
his residence which both Catholics and Protestants attended. 
Mr. Heffernan entered the postal service in 1843, and was 
succeeded by Mr. Timothy McCarthy, who had charge until 
1847. Next came Mr. Taafe who went to England, and the 
last lay teacher was Mr. O Halloran, who, on the advent of the 
Christian Brothers, sailed for California, but died on ship 

On Sundays the building was used as a Sunday School and 
the Honorable John Elmsley and Mrs. Dr. John King taught 
the boys and girls respectively. The former of these was 
indeed father as well as mentor to his young charges. Sunday 
after Sunday could he be seen leading his class to Mass at St. 
Paul s from the school house. The late Bishop O Connor of 
Peterborough, one of his pupils, has recounted the unique 
means adopted by the former naval officer to teach the boys 
to march. A long rope was procured, at every yard of which 
a knot was tied, and on either side of each knot a boy was 
placed who held on firmly, and so the march began. The 
largest and strongest boy of the class with a stout stick 
thrust through the rope held on at the rear to prevent any 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


undue hurrying on the part of the company. The Honorable 
Mr. Elmsley often gave prizes to spur on his young charges, 
and the prayerbooks and rosaries thus obtained were highly 
cherished and often displayed with pardonable pride by the 
winners to their children and grandchildren in after years. 

Dr. White tells us also that one of the first classical acada- 
mies in Toronto was established by Mr. Patrick Lee (the 
father of the Reverend J. R. Lee) and that both this, and a 
commercial school taught by Mr. Higgins, were due to the 
untiring energy and zeal of the Honorable Mr. Elmsley, who 
was ever to the fore in matters of Catholic education. 


The Missions of Upper Canada were increasing very rapidly 
owing to the steady flow of immigration to that Province, 
and shortly after the death of Bishop Macdonell a new diocese 
was contemplated for the Western portion. 

By a Brief of Gregory XVI., dated December 17, 1841, the 
Diocese of Kingston was divided and the Very Reverend 
Michael Power, Vicar-General of the Diocese of Montreal, was 
appointed Bishop of that portion west of the Newcastle Dis 
trict, with authority to choose his episcopal city and the title 
of his See. 

He was consecrated at Laprairie on May 8, 1842, by Bishop 
Gaulin, assisted by Bishops Bourget of Montreal and Turgeon, 
coadjutor to the Archbishop of Quebec, and on the same day 
in a Pastoral Letter to the Faithful confided to his care, made 
known his choice in regard to the name of the diocese and the 
location of his See. After referring to the division of the 
Diocese of Kingston and of his own appointment with powers 
as above, he continues: "We have in consequence determined 
with the advice and approbation of Our Episcopal Brethren to 
take our title from the city of Toronto and there to establish 
our Episcopal See." 

On June 25, 1842, Bishop Power, accompanied by Bishop 
Gaulin arrived in Toronto and on landing was escorted by a 
large body of Catholic citizens to the residence of Father Mc- 
Donough, the pastor of St. Paul s. The next day, being Sun 
day, the ceremony of installation took place. A procession of 
1,500 men and boys marched from St. Paul s to the pastor s 
residence, where the Bulls of appointment were read and duly 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 8S 

acknowledged by Bishop Gaulin. The procession then re 
formed and accompanied the two Bishops to the church, where 
the ceremony of enthronment was carried out. Bishop Gaulin 
escorted the new Bishop to his throne, where he received 
the homage and fealty of the assembled clergy and faithful. 
Bishop Power spoke most feelingly of the great responsibili 
ties of his new office and begged the co-operation of his people 
in the fulfillment of them. The day s solemnities closed with 
Vespers and a sermon by the Rev. G. A. T. Wilson, O.P., of 
Zanesville, Ohio, the second Provincial of the Dominican Order 
in the United States. 

The Right Reverend Michael Power, D.D., was born in Halifax, N.S., 
October 17, 1804, both his parents having emigrated from County Water- 
ford, Ireland. He was baptized by the Very Reverend Edmund Burke, 
V.G., who, by a strange coincidence, had been a missionary in the very 
place which Bishop Power afterward chose as his episcopal city. Having 
received his early training in the City Grammar School at Halifax, 
Michael Power in his twelfth year was sent to the Sulpician College at 
Montreal, where he completed the classical course. His theological 
studies were made partially at Quebec and partially at Montreal, and he 
was ordained priest on August 19, 1827, by Bishop Dubois of New York. 
Immediately after ordination he was sent to the Eastern Townships of 
Lower Canada, where he labored for four years. He was then put in 
charge of the missions on both sides of the Ottawa River as far as 
Bytown, our present National Capital; and after two years of 
strenuous work there he was made pastor of Ste. Martine, in Beauhar- 
nois county, where he remained six years. During the Rebellion of 1837 
he became an object of suspicion to the insurrectionists, who kept him in 
confinement for a few days. In 1839 he was appointed to Laprairie and 
made Vicar-General of the diocese of Montreal, in which capacity he 
remained until his appointment as Bishop. 

On his arrival in Toronto, Bishop Power took up his resi 
dence at the south-east corner of Duchess and Berkeley Sts., 
where he dwelt until the completion of St. Michael s palace. 
The Catholics of Toronto numbered about three thousand, in a 
total population of about thirteen thousand. St. Paul s, the 
only Catholic church in the city, became his Cathedral. 

86 The Stonj of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Bishop brought with him to Toronto as chancellor and 
secretary the Reverend John James Hay, whom he had or 
dained at Montreal shortly after his consecration. 

The Reverend John James Hay was born in Glengarry, Upper Canada, 
June 24, 1818, and made his studies at the Sulpician Seminary, Montreal, 
and at the Propaganda, Rome. After his return from the Eternal 
City, he remained with the Bishop of Montreal for three years. On May 
21, 1842, he was ordained priest in Notre Dame, Montreal, by Bishop 
Power, whose secretary he had been since May 9. He came to Toronto 
with the Bishop and acted as Assistant at St. Paul s. 

In October, 1842, the Bishop convoked the First Diocesan 
Synod in St. Paul s for the purpose of thoroughly organizing 
the various missions of the diocese and of having uniformity 
and thoroughness in all temporal and ecclesiastical affairs. 
The Synod was preceded by a retreat of five days, presided 
over by the Reverend Peter Chazelle, afterwards Superior of 
the Jesuits in this diocese, assisted by the Reverend Louis 
Boue, an honorary canon of the Cathedral of Lyons, who was 
afterwards incorporated into this diocese. 

The Synod was presided over by the Bishop in person, and 
was attended by sixteen priests, three others in the extreme 
western portion of the diocese being excused from attendance 
for valid reasons. The growth of Catholicity in the last eighty 
years may be gauged when we compare this number of nine 
teen priests serving what are now the dioceses of Toronto, 
Hamilton, London and the greater part of Sault Ste. Marie, 
with the present figures, which for Toronto diocese alone, 
according to the last report, are 168. The Synod was 
opened by a Pontifical High Mass sung by the Bishop, with 
the preacher of the retreat, Father Chazelle, as deacon, the 
Reverend J. B. Proulx of Manitoulin as sub-deacon, and the 
Reverend A. Charest of Penetanguishene as assistant priest. 
Many salutary statutes were enacted providing for the thor 
ough organization of the diocese, which was solemnly dedi- 


First Bishop of Toronto (1841-1847), 
whose first Cathedral was old 

St. Paul s Church. 

From a painting in St. 
Michael s Palace. 

88 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

cated to the Sacred Heart of Our Divine Lord. A college at 
Sandwich was also projected under the direction of the Jesuits, 
but this was only achieved years after the Bishop s death. The 
Synod closed on the third day of its session with a Mass of 
Thanksgiving, at which the Bishop pontificated and the Rev 
erend M. R. Mills preached. 

Father McDonough was, after nearly ten years service at 
Toronto, appointed Pastor of St. Catharines on October 9, 1842. 

The Reverend William Patrick McDonough was born in the Archdio 
cese of Tuam, Ireland, May 1, 1808, and, after making his classical and 
theological studies at St. Jarlath s Seminary in that diocese, was ordained 
by Archbishop O Kelly on April 14, 1833, and came to Canada the same 
year. He was appointed to York as Assistant to Bishop Macdonell on 
September 18, 1833, and although after the Bishop left Toronto, Vicar- 
General MacDonald and Bishop Gaulin both resided in the city for brief 
periods, Father McDonough was in charge of the mission for the greater 
part of his residence here, sometimes with an assistant, sometimes alone, 
and the period of his labors was indeed a fruitful one in the history of 
the mission. 

At St. Catharines he built the present stone church, of which he laid 
the cornerstone on Ascension Day, 1843. He had great influence with 
the laborers on the Canal, stopping the pernicious faction fights amongst 
them. He visited the various parts of his mission Smithville, Port 
Colborne, Welland saying Mass in private houses, hotels, mills and 
schools, and built the first church at Thorold. 

In 1851 he left St. Catharines for the diocese of Kingston and was 
placed in charge of the parish at Douro, where he remained for many 
years. He died at Peterborough in 1863. 

On November 22, 1842, the Way of the Cross was erected 
in St. Paul s, being the first church of the diocese to be en 
riched with this beautiful means of devotion. 

About this time the church was enlarged to a length of one 
hundred feet and repaired at a cost of $6,150. 

Bishop Power, foreseeing the great increase in store for his 
diocese in general, and for his episcopal city in particular, 
began shortly after his arrival in Toronto a weekly collection 
for the purpose of procuring a site for a new Cathedral, and 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 89 

building thereon an edifice commensurate with the needs of 
the not far distant future. 

In the meantime the Reverend Stephen Fergus had come to 
St. Paul s as Assistant, in September, 1842, and remained 
until the following March. He was a native of the Archdio 
cese of Tuam, and had come directly from his native land to 
the diocese of Toronto. He was appointed to Brantf ord, which 
place he left in June, 1844. 

He was succeeded at Toronto by the Reverend Michael Rob 
ert Mills, who some years previously had done missionary work 
in the out-missions around Toronto. 

The Reverend Michael Robert Mills was born at Malahide, near Dub 
lin, in February, 1798, and was brought up as an Episcopalian. On 
December 6, 1818, he became a Catholic and began immediately the 
studies which lead to the priesthood. After some time of preparation 
in Ireland he repaired to St. Sulpice, Paris, and was ordained priest on 
May 24, 1823. His parents, who had been estranged from him because 
of his conversion, were reconciled to him on this occasion. His first 
appointment was as Curate at St. Michan s, Dublin, where he established 
a reputation as a preacher, and he was in great demand in this capacity 
throughout the diocese. He left Ireland in 1836, and after a tour of 
Europe, which lasted fourteen months, he came to America and exercised 
the ministry for a short period in Boston, Providence and Detroit. In 
February, 1838, he came to Upper Canada, being sent as assistant at 
Toronto, but shortly afterwards was given charge of London. In 
1840 he was transferred to Dundas, and two years later was appointed 
to Brantford, where he built a church, and another at Indiana on the 
Grand River. In March, 1843, he returned to Toronto, but after a few 
months was given charge of St. Thomas, and in March, 1845, was asked 
to take charge, temporarily, of the London mission, in addition to his own. 

In January, 1847, he was appointed pastor of Adjala, where he re 
mained until May, 1849, when he retired to the Trappist Monastery at 
Gethsemane, Ky. He became a member of that Order, being duly pro 
fessed on April 20, 1851, after the usual time as postulant and novice, 
being now known as Father Mary Patrick. He was appointed director 
of novices and given charge of the Abbey Church. The Protestants who 
came to hear his sermons showed the greatest veneration for him. He 
died June 7, 1851, scarcely two months after his final profession, leaving 
a holy memory to his brethren in religion. 

90 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Father Mills successor at St. Paul s was a priest who had 
seen much service in other parts of the Lord s Vineyard, and 
was destined by force of circumstances to play an important 
part in affairs ecclesiastical in these parts for several years 
the Reverend John Carroll, nephew of Bishop Burke of Nova 

The Reverend Jchn Carroll was born in Maryborough, Queen s County, 
Ireland, on June 30, 1798. He came to Nova Scotia with his uncle, the 
Bishop-elect of Sion and Vicar-Apostolic of Nova Scotia, in 1817, and was 
ordained on June 29, 1820. In December of the same year he became 
Administrator of the Vicariate on the death of Bishop Burke. He left 
Halifax in December, 1827, for St. John, New Brunswick, where he re 
mained until August, 1832. He then came to Upper Canada, living 
retired on a farm at Niagara, to the church of which he was a generous 

In May, 1843, after a retreat at Montreal, he placed himself at the 
disposal of the Bishop of Toronto, and was appointed to St. Paul s. Here 
he remained but five months, when he returned to his farm, but occasion 
ally came over to Toronto and attended to the duties of his ministry for 
a few weeks at a time until November, 1845, excusing himself on the 
ground of sickness and infirmity for not devoting himself to the duties 
of the ministry. 

Another priest who was in Toronto at this time was the 
Rev. Timothy T. McGuire, who had come to the Province in 
poor health and, so far as his physical condition allowed, helped 
out in the work of the parish. 

The Reverend Timothy T. McGuire was born at Bellewstown Hill, 
County Meath, Ireland, and entered the Jesuits. After eighteen years 
service in his native land he came to America, serving at New York and 
Buffalo, and then came to Upper Canada. He died in Toronto on No 
vember 13, 1844, and was buried beneath St. Paul s Church. 

Bishop Power ordained a young man named Charles Killeen 
for the Diocese of Cincinnati in May, 1843, who remained at 
St. Paul s for nearly two weeks and performed several bap 
tisms, etc. 

Bishop Power at last succeeded in purchasing a block of 
land on Church Street as a site for a Cathedral for the sum 
of 1,800. 

The excavation for the new building was begun on April 7, 


(1) Father Philip Henry Harkin, 1848-1851; (2) Father Thomas Fitzhenry, 1852-1858- 
(3) Father John Walsh (afterwards Archbishop Walsh), 1858; (4) Father Francis Pat 
rick Rooney, 1858-1870; (5) Father Joseph John McCann, 1870-1872; (6) Father Patrick 
Conway, assistant in 1864, 1866, 1869-70, and pastor 1872-1880. 

92 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

1845, and the good people of St. Paul s, by means of "bees," 
under the direction of the Honorable Mr. Elmsley, finished the 
work in an incredibly short time. The late Bishop O Con 
nor of Peterborough, who, as a boy, witnessed these events, has 
told of a "barbecue" in which a whole ox was roasted to sup 
ply food for the voluntary workers. The corner-stone was laid 
by Bishop Power on May 8, 1845, but neither the Bishop nor 
his Vicar-General, who assisted him in the ceremony, lived to 
see the cathedral completed. 

St. Michael s Palace was erected at the same time, being 
completed towards the end of 1846, when it was occupied by 
the Bishop and his priests, who still composed the staff at St. 
Paul s. 

Bishop Power had procured the Jesuits to take up the 
Indian missions in the northern portion of his diocese, and 
Father Proulx, a diocesan priest who laboured amongst these 
tribes, came to Toronto as Assistant, in August, 1845, where 
he remained until the following year, being then given the 
Newmarket mission. 

The Reverend John Baptist Proulx was born in the parish of Montreal, 
May 8, 1808, and was baptized at Lachine. He made his studies at St. 
Hyacinthe, Montreal and Quebec, and was ordained by Bishop Lartigue 
on July 26, 1835. For three months he was assistant at Laprairie, after 
which he was placed in charge of Penetanguishene, attending the Indians 
of the region as well as the settlers in the surrounding townships as 
far south as Vespra and Medonte. The Indian Department, having 
changed its headquarters to Manitoulin Island, Father Proulx established 
there the mission of Wikwimikong in 1836. A year later he received as 
assistant the Reverend Amable Charest, to whom in October, 1838, he 
relinquished the missions of the mainland and literally turning his back 
on civilization, devoted himself entirely to the conversion of the savages 
of Manitoulin Island and the North Shore as far as Sault Ste. Marie, 
where, nearly two centuries previous, Raymbault and Jogues had 
preached to the natives. Of the trials and dangers of the seven years he 
spent alone with the savages only the All Wise God knows. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 93 

On going to the Newmarket mission Father Proulx had charge of all 
the townships along Yonge Street and those around the southern end of 
Lake Simcoe. There were in this district the church at Newmarket and 
another, as yet uncompleted, at Thornhill, which was finished during 
Father Proulx s regime. This is the present church of St. Luke at that 
place. During the typhus epidemic of 1847 Father Proulx was called to 
Toronto to help in the fever sheds. Here he did heroic work, and by 
reason of his almost preternatural strength and vigor passed un 
scathed through that terrible period when so many of his confreres 
throughout Canada fell victims to the disease. Some of the poor immi 
grants came into his own mission with the dire infection and he set up 
a hospital of his own, and, having some knowledge of medicine, with the 
aid of a French-Canadian layman, who volunteered for the dangerous 
work, was very successful with the patients. 

In 1848 he was appointed pastor of Oshawa, which comprised the 
whole county of Ontario as far as Orillia. He built in 1849 a church at 
Pickering; three years later enlarged the church at Oshawa, and In 1854 
built a church at Highland Creek. In 1855 the northern portion of his 
mission was made into a separate parish. He established a Separate 
School at Oshawa, and purchased ground for a presbytery in that town, 
and also a site for a church in Whitby. In 1860 he was removed to To 
ronto, where, after a brief stay at the Cathedral, he was appointed 
assistant at St. Mary s and chaplain to the troops at the garrison. After 
seven years service in this capacity he was made pastor of St. Mary s, 
and two years later was transferred to the Cathedral and made Dean of 
Toronto. He was afterwards made Domestic Prelate, the first amongst 
the clergy of Toronto diocese to be thus honored. 

Although he was supposed to be retired at this time, whenever a priest 
was needed the old Monsignor was as ready for the road as the youthful 
missionary of Manitoulin. Few are the parishes of the diocese in which 
he did not labor after his official retirement He returned to the Province 
of Quebec, and died at Terrebonne, March 25, 1881, in his seventy-third 

On June 6, 1846, Father Kirwin was ordained by the Bishop 
of Montreal for the diocese of Toronto, and he came immedi 
ately to the city and took up his duties at St. Paul s. During 
the next three tragic years he did heroic work in the stricken 
city, and a month later the Reverend John O Reilly was or 
dained by Bishop Power, and after a month s service at St. 
Paul s was sent as Assistant to Hamilton. 

Bishop Power went to Europe in January, 1847, for the pur- 

94 Centennial Souvenir, St. Paul s Church, Toronto 

pose of securing more priests and financial aid for his diocese. 
During his absence the administrators were the Very Rev. 
Vicar-General MacDonald and Father Hay, who had been 
appointed Archdeacon on Nov. 16, 1846. After spending some 
time in Rome, the Bishop went to Ireland, where famine was 
still rampant. His soul was saddened by the scenes of dis 
tress he everywhere witnessed. On this visit he made 
arrangements for the Institute of the Blessed Virgin, com 
monly known as the Ladies of Loretto, to send a colony of the 
Order to Toronto. 

In the meantime the venerable Vicar-General, Very Rev. 
William P. MacDonald, one of the administrators of the Dio 
cese, died on Good Friday, April 2, and after the Mass at St. 
Paul s was buried under the Cathedral, then in course of erec 
tion. A week later Sir Charles Chicester, the commander of 
the troops in the city, was also buried in the same place, and 
the streets from St. Paul s, where the Mass was sung, to the 
Cathedral were lined with troops. The late Bishop O Connor 
of Peterborough, who was a small boy at the time, witnessed 
this funeral, which from its nature was different to any he or 
his small companions had ever seen. The coffin was borne on 
a gun carriage and covered with a flag, and the charger of the 
deceased was led by a trooper, the boots of the dead officer 
being placed in the stirrups reversed, according to military 
custom. The future Bishop and his boy companions had man 
aged to get into the Cathedral, and witnessed the ceremony of 
burial, but they were somewhat dismayed at the close to hear 
several shots ring out, which was, of course, nothing but the 
firing squad paying their last salute to their dead commander. 



(1) Rev. James Hobin, 1855, 1860, 1871: (2) Rev. Lewis Griffa, 1860; (3) 
Rev. Philibert Rey, 1864; (4) Rev. Thomas Morris, 1867; (5) Rev. Robert 
Wnlsh, 1864-65; (6) Rev. John Joseph McEntee, 1870-71; (7) Rev. Michael 
McOartan O Reilly, 1871; (8) Rev. John Joseph Kelly, 1872, 1874-76; (9) 
Rev. Francis Frederick Rohleder, 1873; (10) Rev. Peter Francis Gavin. 


On the 14th of May, 1847, the first of the "fever fleet" 
arrived at Grosse Isle in the St. Lawrence. This was the 
beginning of one of the saddest events in the history 
of Canada. The famine in Ireland had brought on an epidemic 
of typhus which devastated the country. The landlords of the 
country thought the time opportune to get rid of the peasantry, 
by promises of financial assistance on their arrival in Canada, 
which of course were never kept, or by force, when persuasion 
failed, their estates were cleared and the unfortunate peo 
ple were huddled into floating coffins and sent to Canada and 
the United States. As a natural consequence they were hardly 
afloat before the dread scourge made its presence evident, and 
men, women and children by the hundred died without a word 
of spiritual consolation, and were buried in the deep without 
as much as a prayer uttered over them. 

By May 23 thirty vessels had arrived at Grosse Isle. These 
had left port with 12,519 passengers, of whom 777 had died 
at sea and 459 on the ships anchored at the island. Before 
the season of 1847 closed this number was increased to 4,579. 
The hospital on the island was already full, so those who after 
a cursory inspection were considered well were huddled on 
board steamboats and sent to Montreal. Many of these car 
ried the dread pestilence, and thus in a few weeks all the 
settlements in Upper Canada had their victims of the scourge. 

In Toronto, where the disease made itself evident early in 
the summer, the hospitals consisted of sheds hastily erected 
on the block between Peter and John streets, on the north side 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


of King street, about half way back between King and Adelaide 
streets. Eight hundred and sixty-three people died in Toronto 
of typhus during that year, and as by far the greater number 
of the victims were Catholics, they were buried in the ceme 
tery at St. Paul s. Long trenches were dug for the purpose, 
and as fast as the bodies arrived from the pest house they were 
laid in side by side and hastily covered up. The priests of the 
city were overtaxed with the extra labor and summoned aid 
from their confreres in the country. 

As Archdeacon Hay was already far advanced in that dread 
consumption which finally carried him off, Father Kirwin was 
practically alone, until he sank under the disease and 
remained between life and death for some time. Father 
John O Reilly w r as summoned from Dundas, and he worked 
incessantly for fourteen weeks in the sheds administering to 
as many as forty-five patients in a day. He also contracted 
the disease, but worked on until he was unable to move. Father 

Very Rev. John B. Proulx Father Peter Schneider Very Rev. John O Reilly 

Three hero priests who came to Toronto to help during the typhus epidemic. 

Carroll, who no matter what might be thought of his usual 
reluctance to take up parochial work, proved himself a real 
hero during this terrible period by his attendance on the 

98 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

stricken people. Father Proulx came in from the north; also 
Fathers Saenderl from Waterloo, Schneider from Goderich, 
and Quinlan from Brantford. These escaped from the dire in 
fection, but not the Chief Pastor, Bishop Power, who was called 
upon to make the supreme sacrifice for the strangers within 
his gates. He had worked in the sheds with his priests, and 
late in September, at midnight, a call came to the Palace that 
a poor woman was dying at the fever sheds and was calling for 
a priest. The holy prelate responded immediately by going 
forth with the Holy Oils and the Holy Viaticum to strengthen 
the poor soul for its long journey. The next day he developed 
symptoms of the disease, and in a few days he had the fever 
in its most virulent form. He died October 1, and as the Cath 
edral was still unfinished, the funeral, which was held on the 
5th, proceeded to St. Paul s Church, where the solemn service 
for the dead was performed. 

The return journey to the Cathedral was most impressive. 
The cortege proceeded by way of Power, King and Church 
streets and, as a tribute of respect, the stores along the line of 
march were closed. The procession headed by a crossbearer 
and acolytes wended its way through streets where silent 
thousands of non-Catholics bared their heads as a tribute to 
the memory of the man whom they revered as a scholar, a 
citizen and a friend. 

Amongst those who walked in the procession was a young 
law student named Richard W. Scott, who afterwards took a 
prominent part in the political life of the country, and is best 
remembered as the author of the present Separate School 
Act of Ontario and the Canada Temperance Act, commonly 
known as the Scott Act. He was Secretary of State in the 
Laurier Government, and was knighted for his services to his 
country. During his student days in Toronto Sir Richard 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Scott was a fervent and consistent attendant at St. Paul s 

On the death of Bishop Power, the Administrators were 
Archdeacon Hay and Vicar-General Carroll, but, as the for 
mer was in almost a dying condition, the greater part of the 
work devolved upon Father Carroll, and 
so well did he perform his duties for 
three years, that Bishop de Charbonnel 
offered to make him Vicar-General. 

Father Kirwan was convalescing at 
Niagara when the Bishop died. He re 
turned to Toronto the following week, 
and continued his labors at St. Paul s 
as before. Father O Reilly, on his 
recovery, returned to his mission at 
Dundas, thus severing his brief but 
strenuous period of connection with the mission of Toronto. 

The Reverend John O Reilly was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 
1818, and came to Canada in 1843, completing his studies at Chambly and 
the Sulpician Seminary, Montreal. Ordained by Bishop Power on July 
5, 1846, after a month at St. Paul s, Toronto he was appointed assistant 
at Hamilton, and in November, 1846, was made pastor of Dundas, from 
which place he was called, temporarily, to assist at Toronto in the sum 
mer of 1847. On his recovery in Toronto he returned to Dundas, where 
he remained in charge until 1852, when he was made pastor of Brant- 
ford, attending Gait, Paris, and other mission stations. In 1859 he re 
turned to Dundas, where he remained till his death, which occurred on 
November 14, 1887. At Dundas he built the present church and separate 

By the end of 1847 the typhus abated, and Toronto resumed 
its usual serenity. Father Kirwan, now fully recovered, kept 
the flag flying with what help Father Hay could give and the 
occasional assistance rendered by Father Carroll, who was in 
charge at Niagara. 

For a great many years sex 
ton of St. Paul s in the early 
days of the parish. 

100 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

In the following year we find on the records the name of the 
Reverend Joseph Octavius Pare, who, in addition to helping 
out with the parish work, was the chaplain to Loretto Abbey. 
He was here about seven months, and was of no little aid to 
the clergy of the city. 

The Reverend Joseph Octavius Pare was born at St. Denis de Chambly, 
May 16, 1814, and was ordained at Montreal on September 22, 1838. At 
ordination he was stationed at the Cathedral of Montreal, and a year 
later was appointed Assistant Secretary, and in 1841 a Canon of the 
chapter. In 1846 he became Secretary to the Bishop of Montreal, a 
post he resumed on returning from Toronto, and which he held for many 
years. He did much to promote the Third Order of St. Francis through 
out the diocese of Montreal. 

The name of the Reverend John O Beirne appears on the 
register of Baptism at St. Paul s from May, 1848, to July of 
the same year. This priest was in charge of Newmarket, 
Thornhill, etc., in 1849, and from November of that year to 
June, 1850, was pastor of Brantford. 

St. Paul s was now to lose a part of its glory. Up to this 
time it had been the only church in the city and had been used 
by Bishop Power as his Cathedral, but the noble Gothic struc 
ture to the westward was now ready for occupation, and on 
St. Michael s day, September, 1848, it was consecrated by 
Bishop Bourget of Montreal. To make this ceremony possible, 
for no church can be consecrated upon which there is a debt, 
two pious laymen, both converts, the Honorable John Elmsley 
and Mr. S. G. Lynn, made themselves personally liable for the 
debt which amounted to seventy-seven thousand dollars. 
These two gentlemen had been prominent members of St. 
Paul s congregation since their conversion. 

The Honorable John Elmsley was born in Toronto, his father 
being Chief Justice of Upper Canada. At an early age he 
joined the navy, which he left with the rank of Lieutenant. 
In 1830 he became a member of the Legislative Council, which 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


office he resigned in 1833. In 1834, through reading the Abbe 
Travern s (later Bishop of Strasburg) Commentary on the 
sixth chapter of St. John s Gospel, he became a convert to 
Catholicism. In the fervor of his conversion he wished others 
also to know the truth, so he published a pamphlet giving the 
reasons for his change of belief. The Anglican rector at To 
ronto, Archdeacon Strachan, launched forth in a pamphlet on 
the Errors of Romanism, which was ably answered by the 
Very Reverend William P. MacDonald, at that time in charge 
of Kingston, in his "Remarks on Doctor Strachan s pamphlet 
against the Catholic Doctrine of Christ s Body and Blood in 
the Eucharist." From the time of his conversion to his death, 


Secretary of State for Can 
ada in Laurier Government, 
in his younger days a par 
ishioner of old St. Paul s. 


An active church warden 

and Sunday school teacher in 

old St. Paul s. A prominent 

convert in the early days. 

Mr. Elmsley was foremost amongst the Catholics of Upper 

In his correspondence with Bishop Macdonell we read the 
inmost secrets of a man whose thoughts were ever for the 
good of the Church. Being a church warden, shortly 
after becoming a Catholic, the financial conditions of the 
parish troubled him as much as they did the Bishop to whom 

102 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the congregation was indebted, and when the people seemed 
apathetic in their duty in paying the debt, Mr. Elmsley sug 
gested that the church be closed for a period. The Bishop 
accepted this advice and for a few weeks in 1835 the clergy 
were withdrawn from St. Paul s, with the result that measures 
were soon taken to pay the indebtedness. 

In 1837 Mr. Elmsley was on active duty again, having com 
mand of a gunboat in the lower St. Lawrence, and the follow 
ing year was one of the party that destroyed the "Caroline" in 
the Niagara River. About the same time he was reappointed 
as Member of the Legislative Council. 

Mr. Elmsley s connection with the new Cathedral has already 
been recorded. He donated ground for St. Michael s College 
and St. Basil s Church, and afterwards two acres to the Com 
munity of St. Joseph for the erection of a convent. Some time 
after the building of St. Basil s Church the Honorable Mr. 
Elmsley built a home near it, and never a day passed that he 
could not be found in it for hours at a time praying before the 
Blessed Sacrament. The schools of the parish were often 
visited by him, and prizes were given to stimulate the efforts 
of the pupils. He was a member of the Society of St. Vin 
cent de Paul at the Cathedral, and, on the erection of a con 
ference at St. Basil s, became its president, which office he 
held until the infirmities of age compelled him to resign. He 
died in 1865 in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Having ex 
pressed the wish that his heart should rest in St. Basil s 
Church his request was complied with. After his death it was 
enclosed in a hermetically-sealed vessel and placed in a niche 
near the Blessed Virgin s altar. A mural tablet was attached 
bearing this inscription : "The Society of St. Basil in gratitude 
to the Honorable John Elmsley, whose heart is here depos 
ited." His body rests in the crypt of St. Michael s Cathedral, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 



who at various times in 1843, 

and 1847 to 1850 assisted 

at St. Paul s. 

The name of Father John Cullen appears on the record of 
St. Paul s from December, 1848, to July, 1850. He had been 
one of the pioneer priests in Upper Canada who, after many 
years on the missions, returned to his 
native country and had now come back 
to the scene of his early labours. He 
remained at St. Paul s only a few 
month, being then appointed to another 

The Rev. John Cullen was born in Dunclock, 
County Cavan, Ireland, in 1804. On coming to 
Canada he studied at Montreal and at the Col 
lege of lona at St. Raphael s. In 1830 he 
replaced the Rev. James Campion on the Niag 
ara, Guelph and Dundas mission, travelling as 
far as London, in which town he received a 
half -acre of ground from Col. Talbot as a site 
for a church, and at St. Thomas a gentleman named McNeil gave three 
acres for a church and cemetery. At Guelph he began the church which 
was completed by his successor, and at Niagara he began the building 
of the church of St. Vincent de Paul, which is still in use. This was 
also completed after his leaving the mission. In 1831 he made a mission 
ary visit to Penetanguishene. 

In 1833 Father Cullen was transferred to Bytown, where he remained 
until the fall of 1834, when he returned to Ireland. Bishop Macdonell 
greatly regretted his leaving, as the work of the parish was not so well 
carried out for some time after his departure. 

He returned to Toronto and in 1850 was made pastor of Guelph, where 
he remained two years, then retiring to a farm in Peel township, and 
finally went to the House of Providence, Dundas, where he died Febru 
ary 10, 1882, and was buried on the lawn of that institution. 

Another priest who came to the diocese at this time was 
Father Harkin of Quebec diocese, who was loaned to Toronto 
for a short period. He came to St. Paul s in December, 1848, 
and was the chaplain and confessor to the Loretto nuns. Not 
only did he provide for their spiritual welfare, but, by his 
wise councils, helped them greatly with their temporal affairs, 
especially the work of the school. It was at his suggestion 

104 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

that, to bring the work of their school more prominently be 
fore the public, the nuns adopted the method of public exami 
nations at the end of the school year followed by concerts 
and dramatic performances. 

Archdeacon Hay died on February 19, 1849, and was buried 
under the Cathedral. 

In April, 1849, Father Kirwan was sent to London thus 
severing his connection forever with the mission of Toronto, 
where during three tragic years he had done heroic work for 
the diocese. 

The Reverend Thadeus Timothy Kirwan was born in Garagh, County 
Clare, Ireland, March 25, 1816, and was educated at St. Mary s, Youghal, 
and The Sulpician Seminary, Montreal. On June 6, 1846, he was ordained 
priest for the diocese of Toronto, by the Bishop of Montreal, and came 
to Toronto immediately after ordination. The incidents of his connection 
with the mission have already been told. Appointed to London in April, 
1849, he was shortly after the arrival of Bishop de Charbonnel made Dean 
of the Western district. He introduced the Loretto nuns to London, 
giving them the parochial residence as a convent, but, on the advent of 
Bishop Pinsonneault, they withdrew. Father Kirwan was then appointed 
as the first resident pastor of Sarnia, where he remained until 1864, 
when he went to Menominee, Wisconsin. 

ST. PAUL S 1850 TO 1858 

The widowed Church of Toronto was at last to have a 
Bishop. The first choice of Rome was the Reverend John 
Larkin, who, in 1831, had been named coadjutor to Bishop 
Macdonell and who, as we have seen, declined the honor. 
He had severed his connection with the Sulpicians and in 
1840 had joined the Jesuits. He again refused the mitre, and 
the priest who was then appointed as the successor to Bishop 
Power was one who was favorably known to the clergy of the 
diocese, as he had preached the annual retreat to them in 
1845 the Reverend Armand Francis Mary Count de Char- 


This great churchman was born near Monistrol-sur-Loire, December 
1, 1802, of parents who were both of the French nobility. At the age 
of nine years he was sent to the College of Montbrison, and the follow 
ing year to the Basilian College of Annonay. Having finished classics 
at the latter institution, he entered the seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris, 
and after completing the philosophical and theological courses was or 
dained in 1825. He refused the office of almoner to the Duchess of 
Berry, and entered the Sulpicians, and in 1826 was sent to Lyons, where 
he was professor of Dogma and Holy Scripture and afterwards treas 
urer of the Seminary. In 1833, by his energy and presence of mind, 
he prevented a riot at Lyons, for which service he was offered the Cross 
of the Legion of Honor, which he refused. 

In 1834 he went to the Grand Seminary of Versailles, and later to 
that of Bordeaux. Cardinal Donnet of that city wished to make him 
Vicar-General, or at least Superior of his Seminary, but Father de 
Charbonnel had decided to go to America. He arrived at Montreal in 
1839. Two years later he went to Baltimore to learn English, remain 
ing one year. On his return to Montreal he devoted himself to the work 
of the ministry and teaching. During the typhus epidemic of 1847 he 
was stricken with the disease and was at death s door for some time. 
On his recovery he returned to France, where he was offered a seat in 
the National Assembly formerly held by his brother, who had been 
killed in the Revolution of 1848. 

106 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

He was named Bishop of Toronto, March 15, 1850, and was consecrated 
by Pius IX. in the Sistine Chapel, Trinity Sunday, May 26, 1850. 

Arriving in Toronto, September 21, 1850, he set himself in 
earnest to liquidate the debt of the diocese, travelling to Bal 
timore and Montreal for that purpose. In 1851 the official 
figures for the census showed a Catholic population for the 
city of Toronto of 7,940 out of a total population of 30,775. 

Father Harkin left Toronto shortly after the arrival of 
Bishop de Charbonnel, being recalled to Quebec. 

The Reverend Philip Henry Harkin was born at Maghrafest, County 
Derry, Ireland, and was ordained at Quebec, September 2, 1838. On 
ordination he was sent as Assistant to St. Roch, Quebec, and the follow 
ing year was at Grosse Isle. In 1840 he was made pastor of Sherbrooke, 
where he remained until 1846. In 1847 he was chaplain of the military 
hospital at Quebec, attending also Point a Puiseaux. In the next year 
he came to Toronto and on his return to Quebec diocese, in 1851, he was 
made pastor of Sillery, where, while the church was being built, he said 
Mass in a shed. He died at Sillery on November 30, 1873, and was 
buried under the church which he built. 

With the advent of Bishop de Charbonnel, Vicar-General 
Carroll disappears from the city of Toronto. So highly pleased 
with the work of the Administrator was the new Bishop that 
he wished to make him Vicar-General. But Father Carroll 
again retired to his farm, where he lived for many years, and 
went finally to Chicago, where he died in June, 1889. 

There was a Reverend Thomas Fitzgerald in Toronto when 
Bishop de Charbonnel arrived. His name appears on the reg 
ister from July to October, 1850. The Reverend Bernard 
O Hara s name appears during the month of October, 1850, as 
well as those of the Reverend Adolphe Pinsonneault and the 
Reverend J. D. Ryan, but none of these priests were stationed 
at St. Paul s. 

For the next two years the records of St. Paul s seem to have 
been identified with those of the Cathedral, and as there i^ a 
tradition amongst the older people in St. Paul s that the 


Bishop de Charbonnel (1850-1860), Archbishop Lynch (1859-1888). Archbishop AValsh 
(1889-1898). Archbishop O Connor (1S99-1! 08). Archbiphop .\K-Evoy ( 1! ns-i:ll ) 

108 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

church was practically closed for nearly two years, this must 
have been the period. 

In the spring of 1852 the Reverend Thomas Fitzhenry came 
to St. Paul s, and was in charge for over six years. During his 
term of office much was done for the betterment of the parish. 
This priest was an ardent apostle of temperance and was 
known as the Father Mathew of Canada. In December, 1854 
a new organ was installed, and about the same time the first 
parish school was built on the corner of Power and Queen 

The Reverend James Hobin, a newly ordained priest, was at 
St. Paul s for a few weeks in July, 1855, being appointed as 
assistant at Barrie in the following month. 

A charge of a serious nature having been made against a 
brother priest, and the Bishop being absent in Europe at tin 
time, Father Fitzhenry wrote to an older priest in another 
diocese for counsel. The charge having been laid before the 
Bishop of Hamilton and the Administrator of Toronto diocese, 
the Very Reverend J. M. Soulerin, it was found, after a minute 
examination of all the evidence, to be a most cruel and ground 
less libel. Bishop de Charbonnel on his return wished Father 
Fitzhenry to take all the responsibility for the unfortunate 
affair, which he strenuously refused to do. He acted in good 
faith, he said, and no one was more pleased than he that there 
were no grounds for the charges. The outcome was that h * 
was deprived of his parish. 

From Kingston, to which place he went on leaving St. Paul s, 
Father Fitzhenry wrote to Bishop de Charbonnel that his de 
parture from Toronto might cause temporary opposition to the 
Bishop on the part of the congregation of St. Paul s, but he 
hoped that they will have that spirit of obedience which they 
are bound to render to their First Pastor, and nothing would 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 109 

give him more pleasure than to hear that they would yield to 
his successor the same submission that they had given to him 
during his incumbency. Father Fitzhenry considered that 
he had been unjustly treated, and in a short time returned 
to Toronto, where for some years he dwelt, leading a most 
exemplary life. He afterwards went to the diocese of Mil 
waukee, where he took up the work of the ministry again. 

The Reverend Thomas Fitzhenry was formerly a member of the 
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and was ordained August 29, 1847, and 
was for a time assistant at St. Hyacinthe. He came to St. Paul s in 
the spring of 1852, remaining in charge until June, 1858. 

On the departure of Father Fitzhenry, the people of St. 
Paul s received as their pastor the Reverend John Walsh, who 
remained but a few months. There was much disorder on the 
part of some who resented the dismissal of Father Fitzhenry. 

The Reverend John Walsh, afterwards Archbishop of Toronto, was 
born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, May 23, 1830, and was educated partly 
at St. John s College, Waterford, and partly at the Sulpician Seminary, 
Montreal. He was ordained priest by Bishop de Charbonnel in St. 
Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, on November 1, 1854, and a month later 
was appointed the first resident pastor of Brock. While in this mission 
he built a church at Georgina. In April, 1857, he was made pastor of 
St. Mary s, Toronto, where he remained until June, 1858, when, for about 
a month, he had charge of St. Paul s. He then assumed the rectorship 
of the Cathedral. On April 20, 1861, he was made Vicar-General, and in 
September of that year returned to St. Mary s as pastor, where he re 
mained until his appointment as Bishop of Sandwich. In May, 1863, he 
accompanied Bishop Lynch as theologian to the third Provincial Council 

of Quebec. 

Chosen as Bishop of Sandwich he was consecrated in St. Michael s 
Cathedral, Toronto, by Archbishop Baillargeon of Quebec on November 
10, 1867. Shortly after arriving in his diocese, he removed the See back 
to London, which had been the place fixed on by Rome when the diocese 
was created in 1856. At London he built a new episcopal residence and 
Cathedral. On August 13, 1889, he was appointed Archbishop of To 
ronto, where he died, July 31, 1898, and was buried under the sanctuary 
of St. Michael s Cathedral. 


ST. PAUL S, 1858-1870 

The successor 01 Father Walsh at St. Paul s was the Rev 
erend Francis Patrick Rooney, who soon reached the hearts 
of the people and had things running smoothly again. He 
renovated and repaired the church at a cost of about $2,000, 
and two years after his coming to the parish began building 
a presbytery. This was commenced in June, 1860, and was 
finished in October of the same year. The cost of the building 
was $2,410. Up to this time the priests at St. Paul s had lived 
in rented quarters. 

The house built by Father Rooney was a substantial solid 
brick building of eight rooms, which, with additions and im 
provements made in Bishop O Mahoney s time, served as a 
parochial residence until the building of the present com 
modious structure in 1904. 

As early as 1852 de Charbonnel had been desirous to 
have a coadjutor, and in December of that year the Reverend 
Patrick Dowd, S.S., was nominated as coadjutor to the Bishop 
of Toronto, but he refused the dignity. 

In 1856 the diocese of Toronto was much reduced in area 
by the erection of the Sees of London and Hamilton. Three 
years later the Very Reverend John Joseph Lynch, C.M., was 
appointed coadjutor to Bishop de Charbonnel with the right 
of succession, and was consecrated in St. Michael s Cathedral 
on November 20, 1859. Bishop de Charbonnel left for Rome 
shortly afterwards, and resigned his See on April 26, 1860, 
being named Bishop of Sozopolis. He then entered the Capu 
chins, and after his novititate was sent to Lyons. Here he 
was entrusted with the work of promoting the Society for the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Propagation of the Faith, and was afterwards appointed 
Auxiliary to the Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons, whom he rep 
resented at the Vatican Council. In 1880 he was made Arch 
bishop of Sozopolis. He died March 29, 1891, at the monastery 
of Crest, where he was buried. 

On the resignation of Bishop de Charbonnel, Dr. Lynch be- 



Old St. Paul s Presbytery, built by Father Rooney in 1860. 

came Bishop of Toronto, and for nearly thirty years he guided 
its destiny with no little measure of success for the spiritual 
and temporal interests of the diocese. 

The Most Reverend John Joseph Lynch, C.M., was born at Clones, 
County Monaghan, Ireland, Feb. 6, 1816, and made his early studies at 
Lucan and at St. Joseph s Academy at Clondalkin. In 1835 he entered 
the newly established Lazarist College at Castleknock, where he remained 
two years. Having decided to become a member of the Lazarists (the 
Congregation of the Mission), he went to the Seminary of St. Lazare, 
in Paris, being the first postulant from Castleknock. Returning to 
Ireland, he was ordained by Archbishop Murray of Dublin, in June, 1843. 
The first three years of his prietthood were spent in giving missions 
throughout his native country. In 1846 he went to Texas as mission- 

112 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

ary, .remaining about eighteen months, when, prostrated by fever, he 
went for a short period to New Orleans, where he acted as chaplain 
for a few months in a military hospital, the Mexican war being then 
on. In the spring of 1848 he went to the College of St Mary s of the 
Barrens, Mo., as President. In the following year he represented the 
American Lazarists at their general assembly at Paris, visiting also 
Rome and Ireland. In 1856 he established the Seminary of Our Lady 
of the Angels, at Suspension Bridge, N.Y., of which he was the guiding- 
figure until his appointment to Toronto. 

He took part in the Vatican Council, during which (on March 15th, 
1870) his See was raised to the Metropolitan rank. He presided over 
the first Council of the new ecclesiastical province in 1873. In 1884 he 
celebrated the silver jubilee of his consecration as "Bishop. He died 
May 12, 1888, and was buried beside St. Michael s Cathedral. 

Father Rooney remained at St. Paul s for twelve years, and 
accomplished much good in the parish during that period. 
From his annual statement of 1866 we find that the Catholic 
population of the parish was 2,600; there were 1,300 Easter 
Communions; 150 Confirmations; 112 Baptisms; 16 Marriages; 
and 3 converts received into the church. There were at this 
time 9 teachers in the schools of the parish, including a 
country school. This last was a school on Curzon street, open 
ed about three years before the date of the present report, 
and Mass was celebrated in it every Sunday by the zealous 
pastor of St. Paul s or his assistant. This was the beginning 
of the parish of St. Joseph, in what was then known as Leslie- 
ville, but now long a part of the city of Toronto, and now com 
prising six large and flourishing parishes. 

In February, 1860, Father Hobin s name appears for a few 
weeks on St. Paul s register, and the next month he was ap 
pointed pastor of St. Mary s, Toronto. From October until 
December of the same year the Reverend Lewis Griffa was 
assistant to Father Rooney. 

The Reverend Lewis Griffa was born in Sardinia, and was for many 
years a missionary in India. He came to Canada in 1858, and was ap 
pointed the first resident pastor of Thornhill, where he arrived on June 
13, 1858, remaining until March 21, 1860. In this mission he established 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 113 

a separate school, which did not survive long. He then went to the 
Cathedral as assistant, from which he was changed in October, 1860, to 
St. Paul s, and three months later took charge of Niagara-on-the- 
Lake. Here he remained until August, 1861, when he went to the diocese 
of Sandwich, being appointed in the following month to the parish of 
Ingersoll, from which he attended Woodstock. In June, 1864, he was 
transferred to Irishtown, which place he left in April, 1865, for the dio 
cese of Albany. He was pastor of Osv/ego for some time and also of 
Chatham, N.Y., where he died in 1890. 

On October 16, 1859, Bishop de Charbonnel ordained in St. 
Paul s church, the Reverend John J. Shea, who for thirty years 
was one of the most beloved of the clergy of the diocese. 

In September, 1862, Father Rooney received as curate the 
Reverend Patrick Joseph Keane, who remained until the fol 
lowing February. This priest although he was not ordained 
till rather late in life performed many years of useful service 
in the diocese. 

The Reverend Patrick Joseph Keane was born in Westport, County 
Mayo, Ireland, in 1820, and after a course of studies in San Francisco, 
St. Michael s College, Toronto, and the Seminary of Our Lady of the 
Angels, Niagara Falls, was ordained priest by Bishop Lynch on April 
6, 1862. On ordination he was sent to Thorold as assistant, being re 
moved to St. Paul s in September, 1862. Five months later he was sent 
as assistant to the Gore of Toronto. In January, 1865, be was transferred 
to Brock as assistant, and in August, 1865, was made pastor of Port 

After two years in this charge he was chosen pastor of Newmarket, 
where he built the present church. In 1876 he was sent to the Gore of 
Toronto as pastor, remaining until October, 1886, when he was given 
charge of the parish at Uxbridge. He remained there until September, 
1894, when, through failing sight and the infirmities of age, he was 
forced to resign. He then retired to the House of Providence, Toronto, 
where he died December 4, 1908, aged 86 years. He was buried in St. 
Michael s Cemetery, Toronto. 

The successor of Father Keane at St. Paul s was a native son 
of the parish, the Reverend John R. Lee, the first of a long line 
of priests born in the parish who have carried on the work of 
the Lord in the diocese of Toronto. 

Ever in frail health, Father Lee had several times to relin- 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

quish his labors temporarily, but as soon as strength returned 
he worked on till nature was finally exhausted. 

Another priest who came to St. Paul s in 1864 as assistant 
was the Reverend Philibert Rey, one of that valiant band of 
French ecclesiastics who responded to the call of Bishop de 
Charbonnel for recruits for his diocese, to whom, under God, 
this diocese owes much for the progress the faith has made 
in these parts. 

The Reverend Philibert Rey was born in the province of Burgundy, 
France, on October 19, 1834. His classical and philosophical studies were 
made in the Seminary of Autun. He began his theology at the Seminary 
of Privas, but came to America and continued at St. Michael s College, 

Two heirlooms from the old church The Missal, printed in Paris, France, in 1683, and 

from which the first Mass was read in 1824 ; and the baptismal register used from 1834. 

Both these books are in an excellent state of preservation. 

Toronto, finishing at the Sulpician Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained 
at Barrie on January 8, 1860, by Bishop Lynch, being the first priest or 
dained by that prelate. On ordination he was made assistant in Barrie, 
being changed to Adjala, in January, 1862, where he served in the same 
capacity for about six weeks. He was curate at St. Paul s for some 
months in 1864, and was made pastor of St. Patrick s, Toronto, in March, 
1865. The church in that parish being burned in June of that year. Father 
Rey resigned in the following month, being then appointed to Thornhill, 
where he remained until July, 1866. He then went to North Adjala, 
where he enlarged the church, erected a belfry and installed a bell. In 
July, 1874, he went to Caledon, where he remained a year. In 1875 he 
was sent to Mara, where he was stationed until 1886, when, owing to ill- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 115 

health he resigned his charge and took the chaplaincy of the Reformatory 
at Penetanguishene, where he died on October 26, 1887. 

The successor of Father Rey at St. Paul s was the Reverend 
Patrick Conway, who, after a few months in this parish, was 
made pastor of North Adjala. As this priest comes under our 
notice later, in a more important role in St. Paul s, we reserve 
his name for further notice. 

The next in order was the Reverend Robert Walsh, who re 
mained in the parish about a year. Those who have read "The 
Irish in America," by John Francis Maguire, will remember 
the story of the Irish boy of seven whose parents died oi 
typhus at Grosse Isle and who was adopted by a French Can 
adian family who educated him as their own son, and had the 
happiness of seeing him ordained a priest. 

The Reverend Robert Walsh was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 
1840, and came to Canada with his parents and two sisters in 1847. At 
Grosse Isle the father died and the mother was stricken. With her dying 
breath she confided her children to the protection of God and His Blessed 
Mother. The boy was adopted into one family and the two girls into 
another in the same locality. In a short time all three had learned to 
speak French, and gradually forgot the language they had spoken before. 
The boy was sent to Nicolet College, where he showed remarkable talent. 
He was ordained on October 2, 1864, and cams immediately to Toronto, 
where he remained nearly a year. The author of "The Irish in America" 
gives the reason for his coming to this diocese as his desire to acquire 
again a knowledge of the English language, which he had almost entirely 
forgotten. On his return to Lower Canada after his stay in these parts 
he became a professor on the staff of his Alma Mater. 

Father Rooney seems to have been without any regular 
assistant from the departure of Father Walsh until about a 
year later, the assistants from the Cathedral and other priests 
helping him out during this time. In October, 1866, Father 
Conway returned to St. Paul s and remained to the following 
April. His successor was the Reverend Thomas J. Morris, 
who remained until his appointment as Pastor of Thornhill 
late in the year 1867. 

The Reverend Thomas J. Morris was born in Ireland, and was edu- 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

cated there and at the Sulpician Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained 
by Bishop Lynch and was appointed to St. Catharines as assistant, 
where he remained until April, 1867, when he was sent as assistant at 
St. Paul s, remaining until he was made pastor at Thornhill. He remained 
in that mission until July, 1868, when he became the assistant at St. 
Mary s, Toronto. In September, 1869, he was appointed to the charge 
of the parish of Dixie, where he built the present church and purchased 
land for a church at Port Credit. He left Dixie in April, 1872, and re- 

Holy water 1 ont which did service for many years in the old 
church and which was used until 1910 in the new church. 

turned to St. Mary s as assistant. During the next two years we find his 
name on the register at Brock as assistant, he was also pastor of Upter- 
grove; assistant at St. Mary s again, and assistant at Dixie. He went 
to Chicago, where he died. 

Father Lee succeeded Father Morris, remaining from Aug 
ust, 1867, to the end of March, 1869. During this period the 
pastor of St. Paul s had been honored by the Bishop who, on the 
departure of Dr. Walsh for Sandwich, made Father Rooney 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 117 

his Vicar-General, an office he held also under Archbishop 
Walsh up to the time of his death. 

Father Conway returned to St. Paul s in April, 1869, and 
remained until June, 1870. In the latter year also Father 
Rooney left St. Paul s for St. Mary s, with which parish 
the rest of his life was identified, and, as in the east his work 
at St. Paul s had been fruitful, so the many parishes in the 
western portion of the city bear witness to the hard work of 
this venerable priest. 

The Reverend Francis Patrick Rooney was born in the parish of Creg- 
gan, County Armagh, Ireland, on September 12, 1822. His classical 
studies were made at the academy of Newtonhamilton and his philosophi 
cal and theological at St. Michael s College, Toronto. He was ordained 
priest in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, by Bishop Farrell of Hamilton 
on August 30, 1857. He remained at St. Michael s College for some time 
as a professor, and helped with the work of St. Basil s parish attending 
from there the mission of Weston for a time. In July, 1858, he came to 
St. Paul s, in which parish we have noted his work, and twelve years 
later was sent to St. Mary s. Here he built the present presbytery, 
erected a frame church in the northern part of the parish which has 
developed into the parish of St. Peter. St. Helen s church was also 
built, which was attended for some time from St. Mary s. His last 
great work was the building of the present St. Mary s Church. He was, 
from his very ordination, much interested in Catholic education, and was 
for many years Chairman of the Separate School Board of Toronto. 
He was, with Vicar-General Laurent, Administrator of Toronto Arch 
diocese from the death of Archbishop Lynch until the arrival of Arch 
bishop Walsh in Toronto. On July 29, 1892, he was created a Domestic 
Prelate. He died December 27, 1894, and is buried in St. Michael s 
cemetery, Toronto. 


ST. PAUL S 1870 TO 1879 

The successor of Father Rooney at St. Paul s was one who 
was destined to succeed him at St. Mary s; and like him 
to be the Administrator and the Vicar-General of the 
diocese, and also in his old age to be invested in the Roman 
purple the Reverend Joseph J. McCann. Father McCann 
came to St. Paul s at the close of 1870, and remained until 
November, 1872. 

The Reverend Joseph John McCann was born in Port Hope, Upper 
Canada, May 6, 1844, and made his studies at St. Michael s College, 
Toronto, and the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained priest at 
St. Mary s church, Toronto, on July 21, 1867. On ordination he was sent 
to St. Catharines as assistant, where he remained until the following 
November, when he was transferred to St. Mary s, Toronto, as assistant, 
and before the close of the year was appointed pastor of the Gore of 

In this mission he built a church at Clairville, in the southern part of 
the parish. After two years at the Gore he was transferred to the 
Cathedral, and in November, 1870, was appointed to St. Paul s. Two 
years later he was given charge of the parish of Oshawa, where he 
built a presbytery and purchased land for a cemetery. 

In 1877 he was recalled to the Cathedral, of which he was made rec 
tor, and also appointed chancellor of the diocese. Five years later he 
was made pastor of Brockton (St. Helen s, Toronto), where he enlarged 
the church. On January 8, 1890, he was made Dean of Toronto. 

In January, 1891, he returned to the Cathedral as rector, being also 
appointed Vicar-General. This office he continued to hold under Arch 
bishops Walsh, O Connor, McEvay and McNeil. In 1895 he went to St. 
Mary s, Toronto, where he renovated the church, paid off the debt, built 
the spire and erected a parish hall. He was the Administrator of the 
diocese on the death of Archbishop Walsh and in 1909 was made a 
Domestic Prelate. He took part in the First National Plenary Council 
at Quebec in 1909. He died August 13, 1915, and is buried in Mount 
Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

Father McCann s first assistant at St. Paul s was the newly 
ordained Father John Joseph McEntee, the first priest ordained 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 1 19 

by Archbishop Lynch since his promotion to the archiepis- 
copal dignity. Father McEntee remained only a few months 
being sent as assistant to Thorold in February, 1871, but re 
turned to St. Paul s before the end of that year. 

In the meantime the Reverend James Hobin came to St. 
Paul s as assistant, remaining about two months, when he 
gave place to the Reverend Michael McCartin O Reilly, who 
remained about the same length of time, being then appointed 
to Stayner. 

The Reverend Michael McC. O Reilly was born at Granard, County 
Longford, Ireland, May 16, 1842. He made his classical studies at St. 
Mel s Seminary, Long-ford; philosophical at St. Michael s, Toronto, the 
ological at Niagara Falls and Montreal; and was ordained by Bishop 
Lynch on August 20, 1866. On ordination he was sent to St. Mary s, 
Toronto as assistant and was transferred to Brock in October, 1866, 
where he served in the same capacity until July, 1868, when he was ap 
pointed assistant at St. Catharines. Here he remained until 1869, when 
he was given charge of Thorold, where he remained until the spring of 
1871, when he came to St. Paul s and, after a brief period, was made 
Pastor of Stayner, where he built the present church and another at 
Brentwood, a mission of that parish. In November, 1877, he was given 
charge of Uxbridge, where he remained until June, 1878, when he took 
charge of the new parish of St. Joseph, in the village of Leslieville, 
which is now comprised within the city of Toronto. Here hs built the 
present St. Joseph s church and later that of St. John in the eastern 
portion of the parish, which, in turn, has so developed that after becoming 
a separate parish, it also has been divided and several independent 
parishes formed. He died on January 17, 1893, and is buried under St. 
Joseph s church. 

Father Hobin returned to St. Paul s, remaining but a few 
weeks, thus closing his association with the parish. 

The Reverend James Hobin was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, in 
1833 and, after a classical course at Waterford College, came to Canada 
and entered the Sulpician Seminary at Montreal for his theological edu 
cation. He was ordained on July 15, 1855, by Bishop de Charbonnel at St. 
Catharines. After a few weeks at St. Paul s he was sent to Barrie as 
assistant, where he remained until early in 1860, when he returned 
to St. Paul s as assistant and was shortly afterward given charge 
of St. Mary s, Toronto. In September, 1861, he was made pastor of 

120 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Niagara, where he remained until 1868. He then went to Adjala as 
assistant, coming to St. Paul s again, as we have seen, in the same 
capacity, going then to St. Catharines as assistant, where he remained 
until December, 1882. He died at the House of Providence, Toronto, 
August 7, 1889, aged fifty-six years, and was buried in St. Michael s 

Father McEntee returned to St. Paul s in October, 1872, and 
remained there until the following April, when he was ap 
pointed pastor of Dixie, Streetsville, etc. 

The Reverend John Joseph McEntee was born in Rochester, N.Y., 
August 7, 1847, and after a course of classical and philosophical studies 
at St. Michael s College, Toronto, entered the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real, where he studied theology for one year, completing his course 
at St. Michael s College. He was ordained by Archbishop Lynch in St. 
Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, on October 18, 1870. His first work after 
ordination was at St. Paul s, which place he left for Thorold as assistant 
in February, 1871, returning to St. Paul s in October, 1871, remaining 
until the following April, when he was sent to Dixie as pastor, where he 
completed the church and procured land at Port Credit for a church. 
In November, 1876, he was given charge of Uxbridge, where he remained 
until the following October, when he was appointed pastor of Oshawa. 
Here he remained until January, 1890, when he was transferred to Port 
Colborne as pastor. In 1897 he became pastor of St. Joseph s, Toronto, 
which charge he resigned by reason of ill-health on December 30, 1902, 
and retired to the House of Providence. He died in 1911 and was buried 
in Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

The last of Father McCann s curates at St. Paul s was 
Father John Joseph Kelly who went to St. Mary s as assistant 
about the same time that Father McCann was transferred to 
Oshawa. Father Kelly returned to St. Paul s, as we shall see 

Father Conway took charge of St. Paul s as Administrator 
in November, 1872, and remained in charge until 1879. Dur 
ing his term of office many improvements were made in the 
state of the parish. In 1873 he installed the bell used in the 
present church. This was the third bell since the beginning 
of the parish. The triple Latin inscription upon it is trans- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


lated as follows: "Holy Mary, defend us." "St. Gabriel, pray 
for us." "St. Patrick, protect thy people." 

Father Gibney took the place of Father Kelly as assistant, 
remaining until July, 1873, when he was given charge of the 
parish of North Adjala, where he remained over forty-six 

The successor of Father Gibney at St. Paul s was one whose 
name was a household word in the diocese for forty years, 
Father Rohledar, better known amongst the clergy and laity 
alike as "Father Fred." He came to St. Paul s shortly after 

The bell which was hung in the old church in 1873, and trans 
ferred to the new, is still doing duty, calling the 
people to devotion and to prayer. 

his ordination and remained until the following February, 
when he was transferred to the Cathedral. 

The Reverend Francis Frederick Rohleder was born in Braunshausen, 
Westphalia, diocese of Paderborn, on October 24, 1846. He made the 
usual courses of classics and philosophy at St. Michael s College and, 
after completing his theological course at the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real, was ordained priest by Archbishop Lynch on June 29, 1873. After 
his short period of service at St. Paul s, as assistant, he went to the 

122 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Cathedral in the same capacity, where he remained until May, 1880, 
being during that time (1876) temporally in charge of St. Patrick s 
for four months. He was then transferred to St. Mary s as assistant. 
where he remained a year, being then promoted to the pastorate of 
Brock. After ten years in that mission he returned to the Cathedral, 
being appointed Chancellor by Archbishop Walsh. In January, 1909, he 
was made pastor of St. Joseph s, Toronto, which office he held at the time 
of his death, which occurred September 10, 1914. He was buried in 
Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

On the departure of Father Rohleder, Father Kelly returned 
to St. Paul s, and remained until November, 1876. 

The Reverend John Joseph Kelly was born in the parish of Ballyhaise, 
County Cavan, Ireland, June 30, 1847, and was educated at Cavan Semin 
ary, All Hallows College and the Grand Seminary, Montreal. In the 
chapel of the last named institution he was ordained by Bishop Bourget on 
June 6, 1868. The first six months of his priesthood were spent at St. 
Mary s, Toronto, as assistant, when he was appointed assistant at Barrie. 
After nine months in this latter mission he was made pastor of Niagara. 

In October, 1871, he was appointed assistant at Brock, where he re 
mained until April, 1872, when he came to St. Paul s for the first time. 
In the following November he was again stationed at St. Mary s, and in 
February, 1874, returned to St. Paul s, where he remained until the end 
of 1876. After leaving this parish he was assistant in various parts 
of the diocese, and was for a time chaplain of De la Salle Institute, but 
for many years, towards the close of his life, he was assistant to Vicar- 
General McCann at St. Mary s. He died at the House of Providence, 
Toronto, on May 23, 1907. 

From the parish report for 1876 we find that the number of 
souls in the parish was estimated at about 3,500 and the 
Easter Communions at about 2,000. There were during that 
year 139 baptisms, 15 marriages, 130 confirmed, 115 first Com 
municants and 10 converts. 

From May, 1876, to the following February the name N. 
Byrne appears at intervals on the parochial registers, but be 
yond this we have no information regarding this priest. 

On the departure of Father Kelly, he was succeeded by 
Father F. J. M. Haydon, who remained about a year. 

From May, 1877, to the middle of August of the same year 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


there appears on the register the name of Father T. F. Powet , 

The Reverend Thomas F. Power was born in the parish of Ballyhote, 
County Kilkenny, Ireland, and after the usual course of studies, which 
were made at Kilkenny and Maynooth, he was ordained priest by Bishop 
Whelan in 1855. His name appears on the register of St. Michael s 
Cathedral, Toronto, in 1876, and in the following year he came to St. 
Paul s, where he remained from about May to August. He was assistant 

Old St. Paul s in the spring of 1880, when Bishop O Mahony 
first came to the parish. 

at St. Catharines for some years, from November, 1878. His last charge 
was the chaplaincy of the House of Providence, Toronto, in which- insti 
tution he died, July 4, 1885. 

The next priest to come to St. Paul s was Father Gavin. He 
remained at St. Paul s from November, 1877, until August, 

The Reverend Peter Francis Gavin was born at Atty Cahil, County 
Mayo, Ireland, on October 16, 1853. His classical and philosophical 
studies were made at Tuam and theological at the Grand Seminary, 
Montreal; and he was ordained by Archbishop Lynch on November 1, 

124 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

1877. Coming to St. Paul s after his ordination, he remained until the 
following August, when he was transferred to St. Mary s In January, 
1888, he was sent to St. Catharines as assistant, remaining until August, 
1882, when he returned to St. Mary s. Here he remained until 1888, when, 
owing to ill-health, he left the diocese. He died at Los Angeles, Gal., 
July 10, 1890. 

In November, 1878, St. Paul s parish was greatly reduced 
in area, when all its territory east of Broadview avenue was 
taken to form the new parish of St. Joseph s, Leslieville. 

On the departure of Father Gavin from the parish, Father 
Haydon returned to replace him, remaining from August to 

The Reverend Francis M. J. Haydon was born in the parish of Borna 
Coole, County Leitrim, Ireland. He studied the classics at St. Mel s 
Seminary, Longford, philosophy at St. Michael s College, Toronto, and 
theology at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, and was ordained priest on 
October 24, 1866. His first priestly labor was as assistant at Barrie 
where he remained until December, 1868, when he was given charge of 
the parish of Duffin s Creek (Pickering) where he built the present 
church. In July, 1875, he was appointed assistant at St. Mary s, Toronto, 
where he remained until October, 1876, being then transferred to St. 
Paul s, where he remained a year. In the following year he returned 
to St. Paul s and remained from August to December. He was sub 
sequently assistant at Dixie, Flos and St. Catharines. For a short time, 
in 1890 ; he was in charge of Bedford in the diocese of Detroit. He then 
went to Ireland, but returned to Canada and lived for many years at 
the House of Providence, Toronto, where he died October 14, 1912. 

The next assistant at St. Paul s was Father A. P. Mullin, 
who officiated for about a month. 

The Reverend Arthur Patrick Mullin was born in the parish of Clogher, 
County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1830. His classical studies were made at 
Monaghan, philosophical at Our Lady of the Angels College, Niagara 
Falls, N.Y., and theological at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was 
ordained to the holy priesthood in St. Paul s church by Bishop Lynch on 
February 2, 1862, and was sent to the Gore of Toronto as assistant, 
where he remained until February, 1863, when he went to Adjala as 
assistant. In September, 1865, he was appointed pastor of Flos, and 
whilst in this mission he built Vigo church. In 1876 he left for Ireland, 
where he remained some years. On his return to Canada we find him at 
St. Paul s as assistant early in 1879, and later in the same year he was 
appointed pastor of Schomberg, from which charge he retired in 1881 to 
the House of Providence, Toronto, where he died in December, 1881. 

Rt. Rev. Timothy O Mahony, D.D., 
Bishop of Eudocia and Pastor of St. 
Paul s Church from 1880 to 1892. 

126 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Father Sheehan followed Father Mullin as assistant at St. 
Paul s, remaining five years and seven months. 

During the year 1879, from August to December, the name 
of Father E. B. Lawlor appears on the register of St. Paul s. 
Although not a priest of Toronto diocese, Father Lawlor, who 
was a nephew of Bishop Burke of Nova Scotia, was for many 
years a resident of Toronto. He had been pastor of Hunger- 
ford, in the diocese of Kingston, for many years, and on leav 
ing there he came to Toronto, where he lived retired. He 
helped in the various city churches when needed, especially 
in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, in which he dwelt. 

At the close of 1879 Father Conway left St. Paul s after a 
successful administration of seven years. This was more 
than the mere change of pastors ; it was the severing forever 
of the last link that bound the pioneer parish of the city to 
the older clergy of the days of Bishop de Charbonnel. 

The Reverend Patrick Conway was born in Dromod, County Leitrim, 
Ireland, on September 4, 1829, and made his studies in Ireland and 
France, completing them at the Sulpician Seminary, Baltimore. He was 
ordained to the holy priesthood on July 25, 1855, at St. Catharines, of 
which parish his uncle, Dean Grattan, was the pastor. He remained as 
assistant at St. Catharines until March, 1859, when he was given charge 
of Streetsville, where he remained almost a year, when he returned as 
assistant to his revered uncle, with whom he remained until 1864, when 
he came to St. Paul s as assistant. A few months later, however, he was 
given charge of North Adjala, where he built a presbytery. In October, 
1866, he was back at St. Paul s, where he remained until the following 
April. After a year s pastorate of Pickering we find his name again on 
the records at St. Paul s from April, 1869, to June of the next year. 

Later on, in 1870, we find him at St. Mary s, where he labored until 
late in 1872, when he was made Administrator of St. Paul s. His work 
here has already been noticed. At the beginning of 1880 he was made 
pastor of Brockton and two years later named Dean of Toronto. The 
same year, however, he went to Peterborough, which had just been raised 
to the episcopal status, and became the rector of the Cathedral. In 1888 
he was made the first resident pastor of Norwood, where he erected a 
presbytery and enlarged the church and also built a church at Havelock. 
In 1910 he retired to Peterborough, where he lived until his death, which 
occurred June 23, 1912. 

ST. PAUL S 1879 TO 1892 

An honor was now bestowed on the parish of St. Paul in that 
it was to have as its pastor a bishop. Archbishop Lynch feel 
ing the evergrowing labors of his office more than his declining 
strength could endure, had received as Auxiliary the Right 
Reverend Timothy O Mahony, titular Bishop of Eudocia, for 
merly Bishop of Armidale, Australia. 

The Right Reverend Timothy O Mahony was born in the city of Cork, 
Ireland, November 1, 1825. He began his studies in Cork and completed 
them in Rome, where he was ordained in 1849. After spending some 
time as assistant in various rural parishes of his native diocese, he was 
attached to the Cathedral of St. Finbar, in the city of Cork. In 1869 he 
was appointed first Bishop of Armidale, Australia, where he built a 
Cathedral. In 1878 he resigned and returned to Europe, being appointed 
titular Bishop of Eudocia. Meeting Archbishop Lynch in Rome in the 
following year, he came to Canada with that prelate and at the beginning 
of 1880 was given charge of St. Paul s. 

From the beginning of his incumbency in the parish Bishop 

O Mahony realized the utter inadequacy of the church to ac 
commodate the congregation which now numbered about one 
thousand families. He began then, soon after his arrival, a 
weekly collection for a new church. This continued for many 
years until 1887 when ground was broken for the new edifice, 
the corner-stone of which was laid on October 9 of that year 
by His Eminence Cardinal Tachereau, assisted by Archbishop 
Lynch and Bishops Walsh and O Mahony and the Papal Able- 
gate Mgr. O Bryen. 

The work progressed, and on December 22, 1889, the new 
church was solemnly dedicated to the service of God by the 
Most Reverend James Vincent Cleary, Archbishop of Kings 
ton. This edifice is not only a monument to the zeal and 
executive ability of Bishop O Mahony, but it is one of the 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

most perfect examples of church architecture in Toronto, 
which is known as the City of Churches. It is built on the 
symbolic cruciform plan and consists of nave and spreading 
aisle and transepts, apsidal chancel and large sacristies. The 
basement contains a large chapel and sacristy and the heating 

The external dimensions are: length 174 feet, width across 
aisle and nave 70 feet, across transepts 100 feet, height of 
campanile (completed by Dean Hand in 1905) 129 feet. The 
church proper has a seating capacity of 1,250, while the base- 

His Eminence Cardinal Tach- 
ereau, Archbishop of Quebec, 
who in 1887 laid the corner 
stone of new St. Paul s. 

Most Rev. J. V. Cleary, 

Archbishop of Kingston, who 

officiated at the opening of 

new St. Paul s in 1889. 

ment will accommodate 1,000. The architect was Mr. Joseph 
Connelly, R.C.A., who designed some of the finest churches in 


Father Sheehan, who was assistant on the arrival of Bishop 
O Mahony, remained in that capacity, and at about the same 
time as the Bishop took charge there appears on the records 
the name of Father J. F. McBride, the Secretary of Archbishop 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 129 

Lynch who, on July 27, 1881, was appointed to the chaplaincy 
of the Reformatory of Penetanguishene. 

The Reverend Joseph F. McBride was born of Irish parents in Glas 
gow, Scotland, on October 20, 1853. He came to Canada in 1861, and 
made his classical studies at Streetsville High School; philosophical at 
St. Anne de la Pocatiere; theological at the Seminary of Our Lady of 
the Angels, Niagara Falls, N.Y., the Grand Seminary, Montreal, and 
Laval University, Quebec. On April 23, 1878, he was ordained by Arch 
bishop Lynch in St. Paul s Church, Toronto. On ordination he was sent 
as assistant to the Cathedral, acting also as secretary to the Archbishop. 

After a short period in 1881 as assistant at St. Paul s, he was ap 
pointed chaplain of the Reformatory at Penetanguishene, on July 27 of 
that year. After some time at that post he returned to the Cathedral as 
assistant, resuming his secretarial duties. In October, 1886, he was 
appointed the first pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Toronto He 
was transferred to Dixie as pastor in January, 1890; but thirteen months 
later, resigned because of ill-health and, at his own request, was appointed 
assistant at St. Helen s, Toronto. For a time, in addition to his clerical 
duties, he was the editor of the "Catholic Weekly Review" of Toronto. 
He died August 20, 1893. 

Another assistant then appeared in the person of the Rev 
erend J. J. Egan, who remained until the following spring. 

The Reverend John Joseph Egan was born in County Clare, Ireland, 
on February 27, 1846. He made his classical studies at the Diocesan 
College at Ennis, philosophical at St. Michael s College, Toronto, and 
theological at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained priest 
by Archbishop Lynch in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, on June 29, 
1873. From his ordination to September, 1874, he was assistant at Thor- 
old, when he was appointed pastor of Caledon. When in charge of this 
mission he built the church at Orangeville and purchased a church build 
ing at Brampton. In May, 1880, he came to St. Paul s and remained until 
March, 1881, when he was sent to Uxbridge as pastor. In the following 
October he was transferred to Thornhill, where he was in charge until 
1893, when he was appointed pastor of Barrie and made Dean. Here he 
enlarged the church. He died on August 29, 1909, and was buried beside 
the church in Barrie. 

The next Assistant at St. Paul s was Father Fell, who re 
mained from February, 1881, to about August of the same 

The Reverend Michael J. Fell was born in County Galway, Ireland, on 
December 29, 1855, and made his studies at St. Jarlath s, Tuam; May- 

130 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

nooth, and Niagara Falls, N.Y. He was ordained priest by Archbishop 
Lynch on December 15, 1878, and was sent to Flos as assistant, where 
he remained until coming to St. Paul s. In 1882 and 1883 he was at 
St. Catharines as assistant. He afterwards went to the United States, 
where he died. 

The next name on the records is that of Father Lynett, who 
came to St. Paul s immediately after his ordination in Decem 
ber, 1881. He was connected with this parish for more than 
two years being transferred to the Cathedral as assistant in 
July, 1883. 

The Reverend John Francis Lynett was born in Markham township, 
near Richmond Hill, on February 10, 1857. He was educated at Rich 
mond Hill High School, St. Michael s College, and the Grand Semin 
ary, Montreal, and was ordained by Archbishop Fabre on December 
17, 1881. After his stay at St. Paul s he remained at the Cathedral until 
November, 1883, when he was appointed first pastor of Midland, which 
charge he held until 1891. His next charge was Merritton, where he 
remained about a year. He was pastor of Uxbridge from the beginning 
of 1895 to the early part of 1896. He was assistant at Dixie and at St. 
Joseph s, Toronto. He died in New York City in 1897, and was buried 
in the family plct in Thornhill cemetery. 

From June, 1883, until the following December the name of 
Father M. E. Kelly appears on the parochial records, and 
from September, 1883, to March of the following year that of 
the Reverend John C. Kenny. Beyond these evidences noth 
ing is known of these priests or of the Rev. J. F. M. Mullan, 
whose name appears during February and March, 1884. 

Another priest who, although not on the staff of St. Paul s, 
helped with the work of the parish at this time was the Rev. 
M. J. Jeffcott who, owing to ill-health, had been appointed 
chaplain of the House of Providence. On his recovery in the 
following year he resumed parochial work, which, until his 
death, he exercised in many places throughout the diocese. 

Rev. Michael Joseph Jeffcott was born August 25, 1857, in Tralee, 
County Kerry, Ireland. He studied in St. Brendan s College, Killarney, 
and made his philosophy and theology in the Grand Seminary, Namur, 
Belgium; being ordained July 9, 1882, for the Archdiocese of Toronto 
in the Cathedral at Killarney. On coming to Canada he was appointed 
assistant at Penetanguishene, where he remained until July, 1883. H_ J 


) Rev. D. J. Sheehan: 2. Rev. J. F. McBride; 3. Rev. ,T. J. Egan ; 4. Rev. J. 
k\ Lynett; 5. Rev. M. J. Jeffcott; 6. Rev. M. Moyna; 7. Rev. D. Morris; 8. 
Rev. ,T. A. Trayling; 9. Rev. J. J. Lyneh; 10. Rev. L. Minehan. 

132 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

was then chaplain of the House of Providence, Toronto, until November, 
1884, helping during this period at St. Paul s. For a short time he 
was secretary to Archbishop Lynch and chaplain of the Central Prison, 
Toronto. In 1885 he was made pastor of Orangeville, where he pur 
chased a presbytery. In January, 1890, he was appointed pastor of 
Pickering, being promoted in October, 1892, to the pastorate of Oshawa, 
where he built the Church of St. Gregory the Great. After nine years 
in this mission he was transferred to Stayner, and in 1904 became 
pastor of Adjala, remaining twelve years. In 1916 he was made pastor 
of Merritton, where he died April 26, 1918. 

Father Sheehan left St. Paul s at the end of September, 
1884, after more than five-and-a-half years service, having 
been promoted to the pastorate of Pickering. 

The successor of Father Sheehan as assistant at St. Paul s 
was Father Moyna, who remained a little more than two 

The Reverend Michael Moyna was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, 
on September 24, 1853, and was educated at St. Macartan s Seminary, 
Monaghan; St. Michael s College, Toronto, and Brignole Sale College, 
Genoa, Italy. He was ordained to the holy priesthood on July 27, 1884, 
by Archbishop Magnasco at Genoa. On arrival in Toronto in the follow 
ing September he was sent to St. Paul s, where he acted as assistant until 
November 14, 1886, when he was sent to Stayner as pastor where he 
built the presbytery. In 1895 he was transferred to Orillia, and in 1909 
was given charge of Barrie and appointed Dean. In 1914 he was made 
pastor of St. Mary s, Toronto, which charge he held until his death which 
occurred September 8, 1920. He was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery. 

A week later than the advent of Father Moyna at St. Paul s 
brought another newly ordained priest from Ireland, Father 
Morris, whose name is still in fond remembrance by the older 
generation of the people, although more than three decades 
of years have flown since he left them. He remained in the 
parish until 1890, being then appointed pastor of Orangeville. 

The Reverend Denis Morris was born at Gallow, Newtonstewart, 
County Derry, Ireland, on August 16, 1860, and received his education at 
Gorten Academy and All Hallows. He was ordained to the holy priest 
hood on June 24, 1884, at All Hallows by Bishop Woodlock. On his 
arrival in Toronto he was assigned to St. Paul s, where, as we have seen, 
he remained until 1890 when he was given the pastorate of Orangeville. 
After one year at that place he was promoted to Newmarket, where he 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 133 

remained until June 2, 1901, when he was appointed pastor of St. Cath 
arines and made Dean. 

In October, 1886, the new parish of Our Lady of Lourdes 
was formed, taking all the territory of St. Paul s parish north 
of Carlton street. Two years later a parish for the French 
Canadians was erected in the immediate vicinity of St. Paul s. 

When Father Moyna left for Stayner he was succeeded at 
St. Paul s as assistant by the Rev. Jas. A. Trayling, who re 
mained in the parish about ten months, being then made pas 
tor of Fort Erie. 

The Rev. James A. Trayling was born at Lansing, York County, 
Ontario, July 5, 1859. He studied at St. Michael s College, Toronto, and 
the Grand Seminary, Montreal, and was ordained priest in St. Mary s 
Church, Toronto, December 8, 1885. He was assistant at St. Mary s from 
ordination until the following August, when he went as assistant to 
Brockton (St. Helen s, Toronto), where he remained three months. He 
was then assistant at St. Paul s until September, 1887, when he was 
given charge of Fort Erie. Here he remained until February, 1891, 
when he was made pastor of Dixie, remaining until 1895, when he was 
promoted to Port Colborne. In October, 1909, he assumed the pastorate 
of Orillia, where he built the present stone church. In August, 1915, he 
was made rector of St. Michael s Cathedral, and in September, 1920, 
was appointed pastor of St. Mary s Church, Toronto. 

The Rev. John J. Lynch succeeded Father Trayling at St. 
Paul s, and during the five years of his stay amongst them he 
endeared himself to the people of St. Paul s, despite the fact 
that he had to relinquish his post on several occasions and 
for long periods at a time. 

The Rev. John Joseph Lynch was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 
1863. He made his preparatory course at Navan and his ecclesiastical 
studies at All Hollows, at which latter institution he was ordained in 
1887. Coming to St. Paul s in October of that year, he remained until 
July, 1892, when he went south for his health, remaining more than 
a year. In 1894 he was given charge of Niagara-on-the-Lake, where he 
died September 9, 1897, and was buried in the cemetery of St. Vincent 
de Paul at that place. 

Father Sheehan returned to St. Paul s early in 1890 and 

remained to the following autumn. 

134 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Reverend David Joseph Sheehan was born at Leap, County Cork, 
Ireland, on February 27, 1848, and made his studies at Castleknock and 
All Hallows. He was ordained priest on September 8, 1875, by Arch 
bishop Lynch. For a year after ordination he was assistant at Adjala, 
after which he was appointed first resident pastor of Schomberg, where 
he remained until February, 1879, when he came to St. Paul s, remaining 
until September, 1884. He was pastor of Pickering until January, 1890. 
He was then at St. Mary s for some years, after which he went to 
Chicago, where he died. 

The next name on the records is that of the Rev. Daniel 
O Brien, a priest of Buffalo diocese, who was loaned to Toronto 
and was assistant at St. Paul s for about a month. 

Father Fell returned for a brief period in the summer of 

In September of that year there arrived in the parish 
a young Irish priest who from that day to the present has 
been one of the most energetic and hard working of our 
clergy the Rev. Launcelot Minehan. He remained at St. 
Paul s as assistant for a period of thirteen months. 

A month later than the advent of Father Minehan there 
came to St. Paul s Father Michael Joseph Reddin, who, despite 
his weakly constitution, worked conscientiously in the parish 
for three years. 

Bishop O Mahony after a long and painful illness, during 
which he visited California in the hope of restoring his shat 
tered constitution, died on the eighth day of September, 1892. 
His funeral took place in St. Paul s Church, September 10th. 
The funeral Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Cleary of 
Kingston, a life-long friend of the deceased prelate, and at 
tended by Archbishop Walsh and Bishops Bowling of Hamil 
ton, O Connor of Peterborough and O Connor of London. The 
remains of Bishop O Mahoney were interred in a brick vault 
at the south-east corner of St. Paul s Church, where a stone 
slab was placed to mark his tomb, that all who enter may be 


136 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

reminded of him who erected the fane, and breathe a prayer 
for the repose of his soul. 

In October, 1892, Father Minehan was appointed pastor of 
Schomberg, thus severing his connection with St. Paul s. 

The Rev. Launcelot Minehan was born at Killaloe, County Clare, Ire 
land, and made his classical studies at All Hallows College, Ireland, and 
his ecclesiastical studies at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was 
ordained priest by Archbishop Fabre, December 20, 1884, at Montreal. 

He was assistant at Thornhill from ordination until April, 1885, when 
he went to Brockton in the same capacity. In November, 1887, he was 
appointed chaplain of Penetanguishene Reformatory. He was assistant 
at the Cathedral from February, 1890, to January, 1891, and from the 
latter date until September, 1891, was assistant at St. Mary s. From 
September, 1891, to October, 1892, he was at St. Paul s as assistant. For 
the next four years he had charge of Schomberg. He became the 
first pastor of St. Peter s, Toronto, in February, 1896, where he erected 
the present church and presbytery. In 1914 he resigned his parish and 
began anew in the newly organized parish of St. Vincent de Paul. Here 
he has built a church. Father M nehan, since his coming to the diocese 
has. ever been a staunch advocate of total abstinence, and despite his 
many parochial duties, finds time to spread abroad the true doctrine by 
means of the press. 


Rev. J. L. Hand, parish priest of Oshawa, was appointed to 
take charge of the parish of St. Paul s on the 12th of October, 
1892. In the meantime an audit had been made of the 
accounts of St. Paul s building fund and an inventory taken 
of the church and house. The statement of James J. Mallon, 
J. C. Murray and J. F. Hughes, who audited the accounts the 
previous year, was found to be substantially correct, with, 
however, a floating debt in the neighborhood of $5,000, which 
made the total amount due on the church in round numbers 

The Very Reverend John Laurence Hand was born February 5, 1859, 
in the diocese of Meath, Ireland. His classical studies were made par 
tially in Cavan and partially in Meath. He received his ecclesiastica 
training in the Grand Seminary, Montreal, and was ordained by Arch 
bishop Lynch in the Chapel of Our Lady of the Angels, Niagara Falls 
N.Y., November 1, 1882, and went to St. Michael s Cathedral as assist 
ant. In January, 1890, he was placed in charge of Oshawa, where h< 
remained until October, 1892, when he took charge of St. Paul s. 


Erected 1887 


Amount received from (Building of Church) 

weekly collections and Excavation, Messrs. Up- 

subscriptions in par- ton & Co $ 1,581.50 

ish, from 1st March, Stone and Brick work, 

1886, to 1st March, Jno. Herbert 60,200.00 

1891 $ 31,513.45 Plastering, &c., W. J. 

Pew rents, to March 1st, Hynes 3,700.00 

1891 2,901.95 Woodwork, Altars and 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Forward - $34,415.40 

Amoupnt received from 

special donations and 

other sources 9,709.88 

Mortgages 57,000.00 

536 00 




Forward $65,481.50 

Benches, J. Hanley .... 15,809.00 
Ironwork, B. Treloar & 


Slating, Williams & Co. 
Stone, Carving, Exterior 

and Interior, Young & 


Carpenters work. Base 
ment and Ceiling, R. 


Lumber for Basement, 

&c., E. E. Hargraves 
Plastering for Base 
ment, Crowley & Co. 
Marble of Facade, J. G. 


H e a ti n g Apparatus, 

Piping and Gas 

Brackets, Messrs. 

Purdy & Co 3,884.33 

Iron Roof, O Hearn & 

Co -- 

Paintin and Varnishing, 

M. O Connor 

Window Wire Screens, 

Rice & Co 

Carpets and Laying on, 

Kay & Co 

Galvanized Iron work, 

M. Flynn 

Iron Safe, Taylor Bros. 
Brass Rods, dividing sit 
tings, Keith & Fitz- 


Fixing Bench Rods 



Grass Sodding 



Two Water Hydrants, 
F. C Hagan 

Organ Rental, ona and 
one-half years 

Preparation and Laying 
of Corner Stone 

Advertising, Tickets, 
Opening of Church . 

Architect s Plans and 

Commission 2,475 00 

Insurance Premiums .... 

Legal Expenses, Loans 
on Mortgages 

Total amount of Inter 
est paid Bank of 
Commerce on Loan, 
from the 7th July, 
1888, till 13th Febru 
ary, 1890 3,431.18 






The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 139 

Forward. $101,125.28 Forv/aH . .$97,31385 

Three half years Inter 
est paid on Mortgages 
of $45,000, from Jan. 
1st, 1890, to July, 1st, 

1891 3,181.43 

Two half years Inter 
est paid on Mortgage 
$12,000, from April 
1st, 1890, to April 1st, 
1891 630.00 


Total amount now due on church: 

By Mortgages $ 57,000.00 

By Balance on Building 2,200.00 

$ 59,200.00 

We hereby certify that we have examined the accounts in connec 
tion with the building of St. Paul s Church, and that the above statement 
is correct in every particular. j j MALLON> 


J. F. HUGHES, Auditors. 

At that time there was a general depression of busi 
ness and a stringency of money in Toronto and throughout 
the Province of Ontario. The outlook for the paying off of 
the church debt was none too bright; in fact some of the 
prominent members of the congregation were of the rooted 
opinion that nothing more than the interest, which amounted 
to $3,650 per annum, could be paid for many a year to 
come. It was the policy of the new rector, hoy/ever, to con 
centrate his efforts en diminishing the principal with the least 
possible delay. He took up a census of the parish, visited 
every family and spoke to them words of cheer and comfort. 
He organized societies and made use of those already in exis 
tence to help in collecting money in small amounts and in get 
ting up concerts and fairs for the avowed purpose of reducing 
the burden upon the people of the parish, and in a very short 
time he imbued his congregation with a spirit of optimism. He 
gave out yearly reports, which were couched in encouraging 

140 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

language, and showed a substantial reduction of the debt from 
year to year. The assistant priests, school children and 
teachers, Brothers and Sisters, joined in the movement in a 
whole-hearted way, and with a laudable spirit of co-operation 
spared no pains to second every effort of the parish priest for 
the successful accomplishment of the object in view. 

As the principal was gradually reduced, works necessary 
for the completion of the church and the accommodation of the 
clergy were attended to. Among the important works under 
taken were: 

1893 Decoration of sanctuary. 

1898 New organ put in place and gallery enlarged. 

1899 Stained glass windows. 

1901 Stations of the Cross. 

1904 New presbytery. 

1905 Construction of the church tower. 

1908 Three marble altars put in place, tiling of sanc 
tuary ; altar railing and pulpit installed. 

1910 Elimination of the church debt and burning of the 

1911 Decoration of the church. 

1912 Purchase of property for the parish hall. 

1914 Erection of parish hall. 

1907 Celebration of Silver Jubilee of priesthood of the 
Reverend Pastor. 

1917 Celebration of his Jubilee as pastor of St. Paul s 

* * 

During the thirty years that Father Hand has been pastor 
of St. Paul s he has had many assistants, for St. Paul s has 
been the starting point in the priestly life for many a young 
levite, who, after remaining some time under the guidance of 


142 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Father Hand, has graduated into the ranks of the pastors of 
the diocese. 

In August, 1913, the Rev. J. P. Treacy, D.D., came to St. 
Paul s and remained until the following January. 

The Reverend James Power Treacy, D.D., was born in Cappaghwhite, 
County Tipperary, Ireland, May 16, 1869. He studied at St. Michael s 
College, Toronto, Castleknock College, Ireland, and the Royal Univer 
sity, Dublin; and went to Rome, where he pursued the philosophical 
and theological courses at the Canodiar College and the Propaganda, 
from which latter institution he graduated with the degree of D.D. On 
June 16, 1892, he was ordained by Cardinal Parocchi in St. John s 
Lateran, Rome. On coming to Canada he was stationed at St. John s 
Grove, Toronto, until August 1893, when he was appointed assistant 
at St. Paul s, where he remained until the following January. His next 
field of labor was St. Mary s, Toronto, where he remained thirteen 
months, being then sent to the Cathedral as assistant, and in February, 
19C4, was made pastor of Dixie, where he made many improvements in 
the churches of that mission. On January 7, 1913, he was appointed 
pastor of St. Cecilia s, Toronto, in which parish he has built a new 
presbytery and has extensively improved the interior of the church. 

Dr. Treacy was succeeded at St. Paul s by the Rev. Andrew 
O Malley, who, after seven months, was transferred to St. 

The Very Reverend Andrew O Malley was born in Rochester, N.Y., 
November 8, 1863. His classical and philosophical studies were made 
at St Michael s College, Toronto, theological at the Grand Seminary, 
Montreal. On July 9th, 1893, he was ordained priest at St. John s Grove, 
Toronto, by Archbishop Walsh. He was successively assistant at St. 
Mary s, Toronto, for seven months; at St. Paul s, Toronto, for a like 
period; and at St. Catharines for four months. In January, 1895, he 
was made pastor of Uxbridge, and in 1901 was promoted to the charge 
of Oshav/a. This latter he resigned in 1907 by reason of ill-health and 
remained inactive for some time. 

On January 9, 1909, he was appointed assistant at the Cathedral, 
Toronto, and six months later went to St. Mary s, Toronto, in the same 
capacity. In September, 1915, he was made pastor of Barrie and Dean. 
He died November 8, 1921. 

In the summer of 1894 there came to St. Paul s the Reverend 
Michael Spillane, who, after about three months, left the 
parish for Uxbridge, but before the close of the year he died 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto H3 

at that place. His body having been brought to Toronto, the 
funeral services were held from St. Paul s. 

The Reverend Michael Spillane was born in County Kerry, Ireland, 
and after making his classical studies at the Redemptorist College, 
North East, Pa., entered the Grand Seminary, Montreal, where he com 
pleted the courses of philosophy and theology. He was ordained by 
Archbishop Lynch in the summer of 1894, and came to St. Paul s as 
assistant immediately afterwards. In October, 1894, he was appointed 
temporarily to the charge of Uxbridge, where he died December 17, 1894. 
He was buried in St. Michael s Cemetery, Toronto. 

In October, 1894, the Rev. Maurice J. Wilson, a newly or 
dained priest from Ireland, was sent to St. Paul s as assistant, 
and acted in that capacity for more than a year. 

The Reverend Maurice J. Wilson was born at Tralee, County Kerry, 
Ireland, November 22, 1868. He studied the classics at St. Brendan s 
College, Killarney; philosophy at Carlow College; theology at the latter 
institution and at the Catholic University of America, Washington, B.C. 
He was ordained priest in Carlow College on June 10, 1894, and came to 
St. Paul s as assistant in the following October, remaining about thir 
teen months, when, through ill-health, he left the diocese temporarily. 
Returning in 1905, he was placed in Adjala as assistant, where he 
labored zealously for ten years. In 1915 he was given charge of the 
Gore of Toronto and Albion. The latter mission being erected in 1918 
into a separate parish, Father Wilson continued as pastor of the Gore, 
where he has built a fine presbytery. 

In the meantime Father Reddin, who had been assistant 
since Bishop O Mahony s time, was promoted to the pastorate 
of the Gore of Toronto. Four years later this zealous young 
priest died at that mission, and his remains were brought to 
St. Paul s, where the last sad, but consoling, rites were per 
formed over them before their interment in his native parish 
of Pickering. 

The Reverend Michael Joseph Reddin was born in Pickering, Ont., 
July 16, 1864. He made his classical studies at St. Michael s College, 
Toronto, and after a course in higher mathematics at the University 
of Toronto, entered the Basilian Novitiate at Plymouth, England. Re 
turning to Canada, he went to the Grand Seminary, Montreal, where he 
completed his theological studies, and was ordained priest by Arch 
bishop Walsh in St. Basil s Church, Toronto, in September, 1891. Being 

144 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

appointed to St. Paul s immediately after ordination, he remained in 
that parish until 1895, when he was given charge of the Mission of the 
Gore of Toronto. He died November 27, 1897, and was buried in the 
cemetery of St. Francis de Sales, Pickering. 

The next priest in order at St. Paul s was the Reverend 
M. D. Whelan, a former parishioner, and at present Vicar-Gen 
eral of the Archdiocese. He was assistant at St. Paul s about 
six months. 

Father Whelan was succeeded by Father Cline, who re 
mained as assistant for more than four years and a half. Dur 
ing this period the names of several priests appear on the 
registers, the first of these being that of the Reverend A. P. 
Small, the chaplain of De La Salle Institute. 

The Reverend Ambrose Patrick Small was born in the township of 
Adjala, Simcoe County, in 1871, and after a course of classical studies 
at St Michael s College, Toronto, entered the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real, where he completed the courses of philosophy and theology. He 
was raised to the holy priesthood on July 14, 1895, by the Right Rev. 
R. A. O Connor, D.D., of Peterborough, in St. Mary s, Church, Toronto. 
Appointed assistant at the Cathedral, he had soon to relinquish this post 
because of poor health, and he assumed the chaplaincy of De La Salle 
Institute. During this period, when able, he assisted the priests at 
St. Paul s in the work of the parish. He died January 13, 1897. 

Father H. J. Canning came September 1, 1893, and spent 
seven months in this parish, and after a like period as tempor 
ary pastor of Uptergrove, resumed his duties at St. Paul s, 
remaining until Dec 16, 1897. 

The Reverend Hugh J. Canning was born July 2, 1865, in the town 
ship of Scarboro, York County, and made his classical studies at 
Ottawa University, and theological at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 
On August 30, 1896, he was ordained priest, and was sent to St. Paul s 
as assistant, remaining until March, 1897, when he tock temporary 
charge of Uptergrove. Returning to St. Paul s, he was assistant until 
December, 18S7, v/hen he was cent to St. Catharines in the same capa 
city. In February, 1900, he was appointed Inspector of Christian Doc 
trine in the separate schaols of the diocese, which position he held until 
March, 1903, when he was made pastor of St. Joseph s Church, Toronto. 
While there he purchased a church building in the north-western sec- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


tion of the district, which afterwards developed into the parish of St. 
Ann. In January, 1909, he was given charge of the parish of Our 
Lady of Lourdes, Toronto, where he enlarged the church, making it 
practically a new edifice. He also built a new presbytery. He died 
May 20, 1915, and was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

Another priest well remembered in the parish, especially for 
his work amongst the boys, was the Rev. T. E. Finegan, who 

,t . 


\**P W . 


SCHOOL, 1895. 


came to St. Paul s in March, 1898, remaining until October 29, 

The Reverend Thomas Edward Finegan was born in Syracuse, N.Y., 
November 18, 1870, and was educated at Manhattan College, New York 
City, St. Michael s College, Toronto, and the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real. He was ordained priest by Archbishop Walsh in the Church oi 
Our Lady of Lourdes, Toronto, on December 21, 1897, and was sent to 
St. Paul s as assistant, where he remained two years and a half, lie 
was then appointed pastor of Grimsby, where he labored for four years 
and a half. He then went to Barrie as assistant, having charge of the 
two missions of that parish, Brentwood and Belle Ewart. In May, 1908. 
he was transferred to Dixie as assistant, and a year and a half latei 
went to St. Joseph s, Toronto, in the same capacity. In November, 1915, 
he was given charge of the parish of Orangeville, where he died Sep 
tember 12, 1919. 

Four days previous to the departure of Father Finegan from 
St. Paul s, Father Cline received his appointment as pastor of 

146 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Reverend Michael Cline was born in County Longford, Ireland, 
June 20, 1870. He made his classical studies at St. Mary s College, 
Longford, and theological at All Hallows College, where he was ordained 
June 23, 1895. On coming to Toronto diocese, he was appointed to St. 
Paul s as assistant, remaining until 1900, when he was given charge of 
the parish of Brock, where he built a church. In 1907 he was trans 
ferred to Oshawa, where he built a separate school and parish hall. He 
was appointed the first pastor of Holy Name parish, Toronto, in October, 
1913, being for some months after this appointment superintendent of 
Catholic charities. In his present charge he has built a presbytery and 
parish hall, and has begun the church, the basement of which has been 
used for religious services for some time. 

On October 29, 1900, the Reverend T. O Donnell was trans 
ferred from St. Cecilia s, Toronto Junction, to St. Paul s as as 
sistant, remaining over four years and a half. The Reverend 
C. C. Cantillon came to the parish at the same time, but two 
and a half months later was sent as assistant to Penetangui- 
shene. He was replaced at St. Paul s by the Reverend G. A. 
Williams, who remained until the following October. 

The Reverend George A. Williams was born in New York City, No 
vember 9, 1870. He made the classical and philosophical courses at St. 
Viateur s College, Kankakee, Illinois, and the theological at St. Jerome s 
College, Berlin (Kitchener), Ont., and the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 
On December 23, 1899, he was ordained priest by Archbishop O Connor 
in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, and after a period of one year and 
five months as assistant at Thorold came to St. Paul s, where he was 
assistant for about five months. He was then successively assistant at 
St. Joseph s, Toronto, and St. Mary s, Toronto, and in January, 1906, 
was made pastor of the Gore of Toronto. In January, 1909, he was 
transferred to the charge of the parish of St. John, East Toronto. 

The Reverend John R. Grant was sent to St. Paul s on 
January 9, 1902, temporarily, and two weeks later was ap 
pointed as assistant at Penetanguishene. He was replaced at 
St. Paul s by Father Cantillon, who remained until the autumn 

of 1905. 

Father O Donnell was transferred to St. Mary s, Toronto, as 

assistant in June, 1904. 

Rev. Thomas O Donnell was born in Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland, 
August 16, 1874, and after a course of classical studies made at St 
Michael s College, Toronto, entered the Grand Seminary, Montreal, and 
after the usual courses of philosophy and theology was ordained in 


1 Rev. M. J. Reddin; 2 Rev. .T. P. Treacy; 3 Rev. A. O Malley; 
4 Rev. M. Spillance; 5 Rev. M. .). Wilson; 6 Rev. M. Cline; 7 Rev. 
A. P. Small; 8 Rev. Rev. H. J. Canning; 9 Rev. T. E. Finegan ; 

10 Rev. T. O Donnell. 

148 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Montreal by Archbishop Bruchesi, on December 23, 1899. He was sent 
on ordination to St. Cecilia s, Toronto Junction (now part of the city 
of Toronto) as assistant; being removed to St. Paul s in December, 
1900, where he remained until June, 1904, when he was transferred to 
St. Mary s as assistant. In January, 1909, he was appointed pastor of 
St. Anne s, Toronto, where he has built a church and presbytery. Since 
1916 he has, in addition to his parish work, the presidency of the Catho 
lic Church Extension Society of Canada. 

In October, 1905, Father Cantillon s field of labor was 
changed to Midland as assistant, after being at St. Paul s for 
more than three years. 

The Reverend Charles C. Cantillon was born at Sillery Cove, P.Q., 
January 15, 1857. He studied for a time at the College of St. Anne cle 
la Pocatiere, and afterwards with the Jesuits in the United States. His 
theological training was received at the Brignole Sale College, Genoa, 
Italy, and at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. On January 25, 1892, he 
was ordained to the holy priesthood by Archbishop Walsh in St. John s 
Chapel, Church street, Toronto. After a period of a little over two 
years as assistant in Flos, he was changed to Adjala, where he was 
assistant until September, 1894, when he was appointed pastor of Brock. 
In this mission he remained until 1900, when he was made assistant at 

In April, 1902, he came to St. Paul s as assistant, and for three years 
and a half was idenitfied with the work of that parish. After a period 
as assistant at Midland and at the Cathedral, Toronto, he was given 
charge of Pickering in January, 1913, being transferred to the pastorate 
of Uxbridge in April, 1914. Owing to the scarcity of priests in the dio 
cese of Peterborough, Father Cantillon has been loaned to that diocese, 
and has been conne;ted with the Cathedral of that city for some years. 

The next assistant was the Reverend Edward McCabe, who 
labored in the parish for more than five years. 

The Reverend Edward McCabe was born at Uxbridge, Ont., August 
27, 1864. He studied the classics at Uxbridge High School ; philosophy 
at Assumption College, Sandwich, and theology at the Grand Seminary, 
Montreal. On December 21, 1904, he was raised to the holy priesthood 
by Archbishop O Connor in St. Basil s Church, Toronto, and was sent 
to St. Paul s as assistant, where he remained more than five years. In 
the parish of Pickering, to which he was promoted in 1910, he practic 
ally rebuilt the church at Highland Creek. In January, 1913, he was 
given charge of the newly established parish of St. Clare, Toronto, where 
he has built the present church and presbytery. 

1 R ev . c C. CantUlon; 2 Rev. Geo. A. Williams; 3 Rev. E. MeCabe; 4 Rev. 
G. E. M. Doherty; 5 Rev. S. A. Corrigan; 6 Rev. -f. P. Murphy : 7 Rev. M. 
W. Cullinane; 8 Rev. J. M. A. Castex; 9 Rev. T. K. Boylan ; 10 Rev. .Ino. M. 

O Connor. 

150 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Reverend G. E. M. Doherty was transferred to St. 
Paul s in January, 1906, and was identified with the parish 
for three years. 

The Reverend George Edward Mary Doherty was born in Toronto, 
May 31, 1875. His classical and philosophical studies were made at St. 
Michael s College, Toronto; theological at the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real. On December 21, 1901, he was ordained priest by Archbishop 
O Connor in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto. After four years as 
assistant at Toronto Junction (St. Cecilia s, Toronto) he came to St. 
Paul s, where he acted as assistant until his appointment as first pastor 
of St. Leo s, Mimico, in January, 1909. 

In January, 1909, Father Corrigan of Kingston came to St. 
Paul s, but was recalled to his own diocese six months later. 

The Reverend Sherman A. Corrigan was born in Kingston, Ont., and 
was educated at Ottawa University and the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 
He was ordained priest in December, 1908, and cams to St. Paul s 
as assistant, where he remained six months, returning to Kingston 
diocese, from where he had been loaned to Toronto. At present he is 
pastor of South Mountain, Ont. 

The successor of Father Corrigan was a young Irish priest, 
the Reverend J. H. Murphy, whose health broke down after 
the close of the following winter, and he was compelled to 
abandon his post. 

The Reverend James Harvey Murphy of the diocese of Kildare and 
Leighlin came to this diocese in September, 1909, with permission to re 
main two or three years. Appointed to St. Paul s as assistant, he became 
ill after six months service and retired. He died February 1, 1911. 

In April, 1910, the Reverend M. W. Cullinane was trans 
ferred from Barrie to St. Paul s as assistant, remaining until 
his appointment as a pastor in January, 1913. 

The Reverend Michael William Cullinane was born at Leap, County 
Cork, Ireland, July 12, 1885. After completing the course in arts at the 
University School, Skibbereen, he entered All Hallows, where he took 
the courses of philosophy and theology, and was ordained for the Arch 
diocese of Toronto, June 24, 1909. After a month in Orillia as assist 
ant, he was transferred to Barrie, where he was assistant for six months. 
He then came to St. Paul s as assistant, remaining until January, 1913, 
when he was made pastor of Uxbridge. In November, 1913, he was 
appointed to the charge of Fort Erie. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


The Reverend J. M. A. Castex became incardinated into the 
Archdiocese of Toronto during the summer of 1910, being 
sent as assistant to St. Paul s, where he labored until Septem 
ber, 1913, when he assumed a position on the staff of St. Aug 
ustine s Seminary. 

The Reverend John Mary Alphonsus Castex was born July 22, 1871, at 
Sacoue, diocese of Tarbes, France. His studies were made with the 
Company of Mary and in the Seminary of Cyrville. He was ordained at 
Ottawa by Archbishop Duhamel on May 30, 1896. Coming to Toronto 


Three of the most recent curates at St. Paul s. 

in August, 1910, he was appointed assistant at St. Paul s, where he re 
mained until September, 1913, when, on the opening of St. Augustine s 
Seminary, he was made professor of ecclesiastical history, French liter 
ature and Gregorian chant. 

In June, 1921, he was given charge of the parish of Midland, where 
he has installed a beautiful set of chimes as a memorial to the parish 
ioners who died in the great war. 

In January, 1913, the Reverend T. K. Boylan began his 
priestly life as assistant at St. Paul s, remaining until June, 
1918, when he was promoted to the pastorate of Uxbridge. 

152 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Reverend Thomas Kilty Boylan was born at Caledon, Peel County, 
February 26, 1888. After taking the classical and philosophical courses 
at St. Michael s College, Toronto, he entered the Grand Seminary, Mont 
real for theology/and was ordained by Archbishop Bruchesi in Mont 
real December 21, 1912. Appointed assistant at St. Paul s on ordina 
tion, he served in that capacity until June, 1918, when he was made 
pastor of Uxbridge. He died of influenza October 28, 1918, and was 
buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

The Reverend John M. O Connor came to St. Paul s in Janu 
ary, 1914, and remained until July, 1916. 

The Reverend John M. O Connor was born in Pickering, Ont., Aug. 
1888, and made his classical course at Whitby Collegiate Institute and St. 
Michael s College, Toronto; philosophical at the latter institution, and 
theological at the Grand Seminary, Montreal and St. Augustine s Semi 
nary, Toronto. He was elevated to the priesthood by Archbishop McNeil 
in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, Dec. 14, 1913, and was appointed 
assistant at St. Paul s, where he remained until July, 1916, when he was 
transferred to Holy Name parish, Toronto. After a year and two months 
in this latter station, he was sent as assistant to St. Joseph s, Toronto. 
In July, 1918, he was made pastor of Albion. 

In August, 1916, the Reverend E. T. Keane was transferred 
from Barrie to St. Paul s, where he labored zealously for more 
than two years. 

The Reverend Edward T. Keane was born at Ennis, County Clare, 
Ireland, February 9, 1887. He made his classical studies at St Hannon s 
College, Ennis, and Mount St. Joseph College, Roscrea; philosophical 
at All Hallows, Dublin, and theological at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. 
On December 21, 1912, he was ordained at Montreal by Archbishop 
Bruchesi, and two weeks later was sent to St. Ann s, Toronto, as assist 
ant. Sixteen months later he was transferred to Barrie as assi 
coming to St. Paul s in the same capacity in August, 1916. 
appointed pastor of Uxbridge in October, 1918. 

The Reverend R. S. Miller was appointed assistant in May, 
1918, and is still acting in that capacity. 

The Reverend Robert S. Miller was born in Toronto, December 26, 
1890, and was educated at St. Michael s College, Toronto, the Grs 
Seminary, Montreal, and St. Augustine s Seminary, Toronto, 
ordained in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, by Archbishop McNeil, 
June 17, 1917. He was successively assistant at Thorold for sevent 
months and at St Joseph s, Toronto, for five months, when m May, 1 
he came to St. Paul s as assistant. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 153 

During the influenza epidemic of 1918 the staff of St. Paul s 
were particularly hard pressed. In addition to the immense 
labor of attending the stricken members of a vast congrega 
tion, they had the House of Providence and the old General 
Hospital, which had been refitted as a Military Hospital, to 
attend. In this last institution the days of "the black 47" 
seemed repeated, in the number of cases to be attended, and 
the heroism of the priests who performed their duties amid 
the dire infection. 

In March, 1919, the Reverend M. O Farrel came to the Arch 
diocese and was stationed at St. Paul s, as assistant, continuing 
there until the present time. 

The Reverend Michael O Farrell was born at Lismore, County Water- 
ford, Ireland, November 1, 1892. After taking the classical course at 
Mount Melleray, Ireland, he entered Maynooth College, where, after the 
usual courses of philosophy and theology, he was ordained, March 3, 
1918. He came to St. Paul s as assistant in March, 1919. 

In the summer of 1922, during the absence of Father O Far 
rell in Ireland, the Reverend 0. Cuddady was at St. Paul s for 
some time, and the Reverend E. J. Ryan for a brief period also. 

The Reverend Edward J. Ryan was born in the parish of Dorn, County 
Limerick, Ireland, and attended Rockwood College, Castel, Ireland, from 
which he matriculated in 1915. He then went to All Hallows, whence 
he attended the lectures at the National University, Dublin, from which 
institution he graduated in arts. His theological training was received 
at All Hallows and at St. Augustine s Seminary, Toronto. He was 
ordained June 10, 1922, by Archbishop McNeil in St. Michael s Cathedral, 
Toronto. From shortly after ordination to September, 1922, he was 
assistant at St. Paul s, being then transferred to St. Ann s, Toronto, as 


Silver Jubilee, 1907 

The Silver Jubilee of Rev. J. L. Hand, pastor of St. Paul s 
parish, was observed by a series of ceremonies and festivities 
extending over several days and shared in by the entire 
parish, young and old. Many outsiders, former and present 
friends of St. Paul s pastor, assisted. 

The solemn opening of the Jubilee took place on Thursday 
morning, October 31st, 1937, when at 10 o clock a grand High 
Mass was celebrated, the celebrant being the Jubilarian, Rev. 
Father Hand, who was assisted by Rev. Father Whelan of 
St. Michael s Cathedral, as deacon, and Rev. Father Cline of 
Oshawa, as sub-deacon. Rev. Father McCabe acted as master 
of ceremonies. Others present were Rev. Father Doherty, St. 
Paul s ; Rev. Father Canning, St. Joseph s ; Rev. Father Cruise, 
Secretary to the Archbishop; Rev. Brother Odo, and other 
representatives of the Christian Brothers. The Royal Mass, 
under the leadership of Mr. Bissonette, was finely rendered by 
alternate choirs of men and sanctuary boys, "O Salutaris" 
being sung by Mr. McGuire at the Offertory. 

The sermon was preached by Very Rev. Vicar-General Mc- 
Cann, and was an eloquent and eulogistic representation of 
the works of the priesthood, with special reference to that of 
Rev. Father Hand, whose thanksgiving Mass of Jubilee was 
being celebrated. 

At the close of the Mass a deputation of the gentlemen of 
the parish approached the altar railing and presented Father 


156 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Hand with an address and a purse of $2,300 in gold on behalf 
of the parishioners. The address, read by Mr. Jas. O Hagan, 
was as follows: 

Rev. and Dear Father: 

The people of St. Paul s Parish, and your many friends throughout the 
city of Toronto, unite in tendering to you an expression of their sincere 
and heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anni 
versary of your ordination to the Holy Priesthood of the Catholic Church. 

For fifteen full years you have labored as pastor amongst us, with zeal 
and devotedness. Your charge was not an easy one. A large congrega 
tion in poor circumstances, with a huge debt upon the church building, 
confronted you on taking possession of the old historic parish of St. 
Paul s. The gloom of depression and the despondency that hard times 
beget amongst a struggling people, surrounded the early days of your 
administration here. 

In presence of such difficulties, your confidence in Divine Providence 
never wavered. Your determination in battling against obstacles became 
contagious; your optimistic spirit put new life into the work of the 

Year by year you succeeded, with the help of a devoted people, in 
reducing the encumbrance upon our beautiful edifice. In addition to your 
woi k of diminishing the debt, you have beautified the interior of the 
church, completed the facade and had the tower erected at an outlay of 
a large amount of money. 

A new presbytery, a model of ecclesiastical taste and arrangement, 
sprang up as if by magic at your invitation. To-day, on Queen and 
Power streets, stand a group of ecclesiastical buildings which for beauty 
of design, solidity of construction and usefulness of purpose, are unsur 
passed by any in the Archdiocese of Toronto. Practically clear of debt, 
they shall remain behind as a stately monument to the singular ability 
with which you have administered the temporalities of the parish, and a 
just pride to the generosity of the people of St. Paul s. 

But it is not, Reverend Father, for your material works that we lov 
ingly gather around you to-day to do you honor. 

Monuments much more enduring have been by you erected in the hearts 
of your people, by your blameless life, unshaken attachment to every 
priestly duty, and all those qualities that dignify the Sacerdotal career 
and adorn social life. 

Your labors for the spiritual advancement of your people have ever 
been marked by that zealous, patient and self-sacrificing spirit in which 
the Catholic Church glories as the noble inheritance of her ministers. 

We are assembled to-day, Reverend Father, to bear testimony to the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 157 

devotedness by which you, as one of her loyal sons, have maintained this 
grand inheritance. 

The love, fervor and piety which characterize the performance of your 
sacred duties, the enthusiastic eloquence with which you have moved us 
to the practice of virtue and religion, and the deep interest you have 
always manifested in the spiritual and temporal welfare of your flock, 
excite our admiration and command our warmest love and esteem; whilst 
your works of mercy among the poor, the suffering and the wayfarer, in 
the House of Providence, the Hospital, the Jail and the Parish generally, 
tell us how mindful you have been at all times of the sacredness of 
human life and the sanctity of human suffering. 

Nor can we refrain from mentioning the energy displayed by you 
among the various religious societies established in this parish. Under 
your fostering care and wise direction, they have brought joy and conso 
lation to the afflicted, sanctified their individual members and promoted 
God s honor and glory. 

In the midst of so many and such burdensome activities, your indefa 
tigable zeal for the promotion of education has been untiring. Under 
standing that education without religion is not complete, you have 
directed your energies to the organizing and perfecting of the Sunday 
School, and, recognizing the necessity of education to the national prog 
ress, you have, as a member of the Separate School Board during the 
past fifteen years, aided, by your wise administration and executive 
ability, to bring our school system to a standard of excellence of which 
we all feel proud. 

And now, Reverend Father, the distinguished service you have ren 
dered to the Church in past years, gives us as assurance that under your 
wise and skilful direction this, the Mother Church of the Archdiocese, 
shall continue to grow and flourish, and in all your undertakings for her 
prosperity, we pledge our generous and hearty co-operation. 

May you be long spared with us, and may you always inherit the love, 
the esteem, and the admiration that have been formed for you by a grate 
ful and appreciative people. 

We ask you to accept this gift as a slight acknowledgement of the 
esteem and veneration we, each and all, entertain towards you. 
Signed on behalf of the congregation, 

JAS. O HAGAN, Chairman. 
JNO. MALLON, Secretary. 
JNO. McGLUE, Treasurer. 

Father Hand replied as follows: 

My Dear People: 

I thank you from my heart for the demonstration of love and loyalty 
which you have made to your pastor to-day. It did not need your splen 
did address or your big purse to tell me how much you loved your pastor 

158 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

and priests; I learned that many times from your generous support dur 
ing my stay amongst you. 

I thank the Very Rev. Vicar-General for his presence here to-day to 
share with the people of St. Paul s the joy of their pastor s jubilee. I 
thank him most sincerely for his words of eulogy and encouragement. 
We all need the kind support and the fatherly help and sympathy of a 
superior in our trying work. The human heart, enriched as it may be 
by Christian virtue and Divine grace, will ever yearn for the "Well done, 
thou good and faithful servant." For these words of sympathy and en 
couragement on your behalf and for myself personally, I fervently thank 
the Venerable Vicar-General of the Archdiocese. 

The occasion for me, at the conclusion of twenty-five years in the ser 
vice of the Divine Master, is one of jubilee and rejoicing. It is for that 
reason that we, pastor and people of this parish, are assembled to-day 
at the foot of the altar to give thanks to God in the Holy Sacrifice of the 
Mass for the blessings He has been pleased to bestow upon the ministry 
of His unworthy servant. 

Your beautiful address in its conception and wording is lavish in the 
praise of my labors amongst you. It is the picture of what you would 
have me do and be rather than what I really did and am. I am not pre 
pared to make a public confession just now, but I may be permitted to 
say that I am far from being the incarnation of the virtues and per 
fections which you would have the world believe me to possess. Yet I 
am glad to think that my ministry for the past fifteen years amongst 
you deserves and receives your praise. I would regret exceedingly that 
it should be the reverse, so that now that my work is under review, it 
rejoices me to think that it meets your full and hearty approbation. 

For the success, please, do not give me the glory. "Not to us, C Lord," 
say we with the Psalmist, "but to Thy Name b3 the glory." St. Paul, 
the patron of our parish, expresses the idea in my mind forcibly when 
he says, "Neither he that planteth is anything nor he that watereth, but 
God that giveth the increase." Every man shall receive his reward 
according to his own labor; for we are God s coadjutors; you are God s 
husbandry. . . . Let no man therefore glory in men; for all things 
are yours whether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas . . . for all a ^ 
yours; and you are Christ s, and Christ is God s. Let a man so account 
of us as of the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the Mysteries 
of God. Here, now, it is required among the dispensers that a man be 
found faithful." 

These are the sentiments which pulsate through my heart to-day. They 
are sentiments of gratitude for God s preserving grace; sentiments of 
thankfulness that I have been chosen by the Master to be of some little 
use in His vineyard. I am thoroughly conscious that without Him I could 
do nothing. What therefore has been accomplished amongst you is tfrv 


160 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

work of the Lord. In this we rejoice that I am His coadjutor and th~ 
you are His husbandry, and that working in correspondence with His 
grace we have been made worthy to bear the fruit of Christian lives. 

Your judgment is indulgent; you pronounce me a faithful dispenser; 
but I am reminded by our beloved Apostle, that He that judges is the 
Lord and to Him I shall have to pray for mercy, not to ask for judgment. 

Coming to the substance of your address I am pleased to say that the 
debt which was such an incubus to the Church at the time of my appoint 
ment will be entirely wiped out in a very short time. The debt could 
not be paid, houses could not be built, towers could not be erected with 
out many sacrifices on your part. I am glad to say that you made sacri 
fices generously and willingly, without reluctance or murmuring. I had 
only to ask for the means to do the work and it was forthcoming. To 
the party that pays the cash should belong the credit, and so to you, 
and not to me, belongs the honor and the buildings themselves. I need 
not tell you that the congregation is not a rich one, so that real sacri 
fices have been made by the members on behalf of God s House. There 
is not one amongst you who has not felt better, because of the share of 
his substance he has given to God. This giving has blessed your homes 
and families, and has made them models of Christian piety, peace and 

You are good enough to credit me with a deep interest in Catholic 
education. I would be a ve^y poor specimen of a Catholic clergyman, 
indeed, if I did not take an abiding interest in the Catholic training of 
the young of the flock. In this country Catholics are justly dealt with 
in the matter of primary education, and for this I am sure they are 
grateful to Divine Providence. Our schools for all practical purposes 
are under the control of the Catholic people. It rests with them to a 
great extent to make our system such a success that it will claim the 
admiration of the people of this country, irrespective of denominational 
lines. There are many improvements yet to be made before our school 
system shall give unlimited satisfaction. The field of higher education 
has yet to be explored in connectipon with our Separate Schools. 

As for the success of St. Paul s School, I am glad to say, that it takes 
rank with the best and most successful schools in the city. The credit 
belongs to the teachers, to the Christian Brothers and to the Sisters of 
St. Joseph. The parish of St. Paul and the Catholic people of Toronto 
owe these religious communities a debt of gratitude they can never suffi 
ciently repay. Their unselfish devotedness to the cause of charity and 
education deserves our loudest praise. I congratulate the teachers on the 
success of their pupils at the entrance examinations last June, and I con 
gratulate them still more on their own excellent showing at the qualify 
ing examination conducted by the Education Department of Ontario last 

You mention in your address my work in connection with the House of 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 161 

Providence, the General Hospital, and the Jail, which are located in this 
parish. I appreciate the reference. Hospitals for the sick and homes 
for the poor and aged are the offspring of the Catholic Church. Pagan 
civilization knew them not. The words of the Master, "The poor you 
have always with you," "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the 
Kingdom of Heaven," have found verification in every age of the Catholic 
Church. It is therefore a priestly work of benediction to aid the poor, 
to console the sick and visit the prisoner. There is no parish in the 
Diocese of Toronto, or, for that matter, in the province, which affords a 
greater field for the exercise of priestly zeal and genuine charity than 
St. Paul s. I can t claim for myself the praise in connection with this 
work which you are so very willing to bestow; that to a very large extent 
belongs to my very admirable assistants, whom it has been my good for 
tune to have joined with me in the exercise to the ministry in this parish. 
I feel thankful to one and all of them, who made the labor light and my 
home a place of Christian joy and happiness. 

In conclusion I thank the priests who are present here to-day to do 
honor to the occasion. I am grateful to His Grace the Archbishop and 
to the clergy of the diocese who have befriended and helped me in the 
discharge of my duty in this important field of labor. I appreciate their 
good-will and friendship. It is unity that gives strength to the Church. 
When the people work in harmony with their priests and the priests 
with the bishops and the bishops with the Holy Father, then is the king 
dom of God on earth invincible. This unity and subordination I have 
often preached to you, I hope I shall never fail to give you a practical 
example of it. 

I thank you again for your kind congratulations and generous offer 
ing and from the depths of my heart I beseech our Heavenly Father to 
bless you with happiness in this world and crown you with glory in the 
next. Amen. 

The singing of the Te Deum closed the opening ceremonies. 

Amongst the laymen present were Mr. Justice Anglin, Mr. 
Claude Macdonell, M.P., Mr. E. J. Hearn, Mr. Richard Dis- 
sette, Mr. J. Stauffer, Mr. W. J. Johnston, Mr. Matthew Hut- 
chinson, Mr. W. Evans, Mr. Peter Dwan, Dr. McDonagh, Dr. 
Sweeney and Mr. M. Martin. 

The committee who had charge of the arrangements were 
Jno. Hall, A. J. Reid, P. Boylan, F. R. Boylan, Jas. Delaney, 
M. J. Mogan, E, Rosar, A. Pennylegion, P. Farley, L. Bear, 
Robt. Scollard, Jno. Mogan, P. McCabe, J. H. Barber, M. 

162 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Devane, Jno. Dodd, A. J. Walsh, R. G. Cassidy, E. Foley, F. 
Paquette, P. Kennedy, Robt. King, W. F. Winnett, 0. J. Giroux, 
Wm. Fogarty, E. J. Collins, T. K. Haffey, F. Ejbach, Jas. Mor 
gan, Jos. Morgan, Jas. Wright, Jos. Parker, J. Greig, Jno. 

Address from the Priests of the Diocese. 

Rev. John Laurence Hand, S.T.L., Pastor of St. Paul s Church, Toronto: 

Dear Rev. Father, When your twenty-five years have elapsed in the 
faithful work of the Sacred Ministry it is no wonder that we, your bro 
ther priests in this diocese, would gather around you to join with your 
flock in thanksgiving to our Divine Master on this happy occasion. 

The best part of your life has been spent, and well spent, in the noblest 
work of God. You have been signally blest with Heaven s choicest gifts, 
and your consolation to-day should be that you have not buried your 
talents; you have negotiated with them, and have doubled and trebled 

The good and faithful servant has been mirrored in season and out of 
season in your continual and successful work as a priest of God. Hence 
we rejoice with you, and we are proud of your record. Your success in 
this dear old parish is an inspiring example to us all. While it is pleas 
ing to dwell on the material success which has crowned your efforts in 
finishing this church and in building a beautiful presbytery, to both of 
which the Catholics of Toronto may point pardonable pride, still more 
do we. your confreres, admire the intelligent zeal which has ever dis^ 
tinguished your work as a good pastor of the flock which loves and 
reverences you. 

Your well-known generous and hospitable traits of character make us 
all feel at home with you, and we are glad to be able to embrace this 
opportunity to give public testimony to the gratitude we have in our 
hearts for these innumerable acts of kindness which you ever cheerfully 
lavished on us. 

Only in a feeble way can we extend to you to-day this slight testimony 
of our good-will and thanks for the past, and a hope for the future that 
you will continue to be the faithful friend of your brother priests and the 
prudent and zealous father of your people. 

Let us also trust that many years of useful work still remain for you 
before your course is run and when it will be finished we pray that the 
well merited crown from the Just Judge will bt your eternal reward. 

On behalf of the priests of the Archdiocese oi Toronto, 

J. J. McCANN, V.G. 
J. J. EGAN, Dean of Barrie. 
D. MORRIS, Dean of St. Catharines. 






164 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Father Hand s Reply. 

Dear Rev. Fathers, I deeply appreciate your greetings on the twenty- 
fifth anniversary of my ordination to the Holy Priesthood. I am sensible 
of the honor that the presence here to-day of the whole body of the 
clergy of the Archdiocese of Toronto does me. 

Your address and gifts were not necessary to make me understand 
your friendship and love for me. I have many times experienced your 
brotherly kindness and esteem during the past twenty-five years. 

I appreciate your estimate of my career in the ministry. My manner 
of life has been better known to my fellow-priests than to my flock. It 
is, therefore, because of your means of judging, that I value your words 
of encouragement and congratulation. 

I have striven to discharge my duty to the best of my very ability in 
the various places where my lines have been cast. The first eight years 
of my priesthood were spent at St. Michael s Cathedral. My stay at 
headquarters during the last years of the regime of the late Archbishop 
Lynch brought me in to contact with many of the older priests of the 
diocese for whom I shall ever cherish the highest respect. Many of them 
have been called to their reward. Their memory will live in the hearts 
of the people, because of their blameless lives and noble deeds. The older 
generation of the priesthood did a great work in the organizing of the 
field of labor, in the erection of churches and schools, in the formation 
of confraternities and societies in the preaching of the word of God and 
the administration of the holy sacraments. It is owing much to their 
labors that religion and charitable institutions flourish in the diocese 

Since my appointment to St. Paul s parish I have been necessarily 
brought close to many of the young priests, who have shared my roof 
and labored with me in the vineyard. I can testify that there is splendid 
material in them and that the fruits of our work will be well harvested 
by them. Many of them are models of piety and storehouses of knowl 
edge. They will give a good account of themselves as occasion may 
arise. The only regrettable feature is that while the quality is excellent 
the quantity is far too small for the growing needs of the diocese. The 
recruiting of the priesthood should be a chief concern if our work is to 
go on and prosper. I am sure it is the wish of the priests of the diocese 
as it is mine to see St. Michael s College accomplish great work in sup 
plying young men for the Diocese of Toronto. It has done excellently in 
the past; we hope for still greater things in the future. 

I have always felt proud of Toronto and considered it a high honor to 
belong to its clergy. They are a zealous body of men, devoted to the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 165 

work of their holy vocation, the glory of God and the sactification of 
souls. Toronto has been blessed by a noble line of prelates from the days 
of the saintly Bishop Power, who veritably and literally gave his life for 
his flock, to the present illustrious Archbishop, whom we all hold in the 
highest love and esteem, and whose devoted life of incessant labor is 
praised and admired by all. 

Gratitude and loyalty are by no means the least noble of the many 
traditional characteristics of the Catholic Priesthood. It is refreshing to 
see these noble qualities flourish and abound in the clergy of Toronto. 
They are profoundly loyal to the work of the Divine Master, intensely 
loyal to His representative on earth, devotedly attached to their immedi 
ate spiritual chief, the Archbishop of the diocese. 

With these conditions, Rev. Fathers, the continuation of our work is 
assured, when we pass from the scene of our labors. 

I thank you again for your address and gift, as well as for the many 
acts of kindness done me during my priestly life. 

Other Presentations. 

On Sunday the members of the Holy Name Society, St. Vin 
cent de Paul Society and the Sodality of the Children of Mary 
attended the eight o clock Mass and received Holy Commun 
ion, offering It as a "spiritual bouquet" for the Rev. Pastor. 
Rev. Father Hand was the celebrant and the choir of the 
Sodality rendered the music. After Mass Mr. P. Kennedy, 
president of the Holy Name Society, read a congratulatory 
address and presented a bouquet of twenty-five white roses, 
emblematic of the twenty-five years of the Jubilarian in the 

Father Hand, replying, thanked everyone for making such a 
success of the Jubilee, which greatly exceeded his expecta 
tions. He thanked the members of his congregation, the 
societies, and all who helped in the undertaking. He also 
thanked the press for the kind references to himself and to 
St. Paul s parish, which he had no doubt would do much good. 

In the afternoon the Young Ladies Sodality presented a 
golden chalice to Father Hand, who in a brief speech thanked 
the Sodality for their gift. 

166 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

On Monday morning a Jubilee Mass was said at eight 
o clock, at which the children of the schools assisted. In the 
afternoon the girls gave a delightful entertainment and pre 
sented Father Hand with an address and a "sick call" outfit. 
The boys of the school gave one of the most charming of the 
series of entertainments, and presented an address and um 
brella handsomely mounted in ivory and silver. 

On Monday evening the choir gave an excellent musical 
entertainment, the Sacred Heart League and the Altar Society 
presenting an address and cabinet of silver. On Tuesday 
the priests of the Archdiocese were entertained at St. Paul s 
presbytery, the host being the pastor, Rev. L. J. Hand. Dinner 
was served in the basement hall, beautifully decorated with 
mottoes and flowers. 

The secular press of the city was very complimentary in its 
accounts of the Jubilee and the following editorial notice and 
sketch are taken from The Globe of October 31st, 1907 : 

"The people of St. Paul s parish will on Friday and the next few days 
celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ordination of their parish priest, 
Kev. Father Hand. Such incidents are perhaps not so rare as to call for 
special comment, but Father Hand fills so distinctive a place in the life 
of the people in the eastern section of Toronto that the celebration which 
begins to-morrow is an event of no common interest. The address of 
last night began, Reverend and Dear Father, and it is as the spiritual 
father of his flock that Father Hand has earned their love a father 
whose kindness and patient interest faileth never. 

"The parish priest of St. Paul s combines qualities which are sometimes 
thought to be inconsistent. The brain of a born financier does not usually 
accompany mildness and benignity of character. But they are certainly 
mingled in Father Hand s case. When he came to St. Paul s fifteen 
years ago there was a debt of $60,000 on the parish. Times were bad, 
and the very mention of the word "subscription" was calculated to chil. 
any gathering of men. But Father Hand has managed to pay off all but 
$10 000 of that $60,000, besides expending $50,000 in the improvement 
of the church and other property on Power street. When it is considered 
that St. Paul s is by no means a well-to-do parish, it may be truly termed 

a proud record. 

"It has been accomplished without much noise or arguing. The pri 

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168 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

went on attending to his parish duties, winning the love of his people 
by the eternal fount of sympathy that welled in his nature for them in 
their joys and sorrows, their temptations and their triumphs. For such 
a churchman the purses of the people were always open; indeed, as a 
friend said, it pained the pastor at times to see them give so much of 
their little store. The return that his gift for finance enabled him to 
give them was superb management of the funds that came into his hands. 
The parish is rejoicing these next few days, and it may be said, without 
reference to denominations, that we will all rejoice with the parishioners 
in spirit if not in deed." 

The 1917 Jubilee 

In 1917 the Rev. Dean Hand completed twenty-five years in 
the pastorate of the parish of St. Paul. It was an unusual 
event in the annals of the church in Toronto. Not before or 
since by any other priest has a like record of continuous 
service in the same parish in the city of Toronto been made. 
The parishioners were loth to allow the occasion to pass with 
out some tangible expression of their gratitude to God and 
their appreciation of their much esteemed pastor. They de 
termined to make a presentation of a sum of money that 
mght be used in the purchasing of a suitable car for parish 
work. At the conclusion of the parish Mass on Sunday, No 
vember 4, a deputation of the parishioners, headed by Con 
troller O Neill, moved forward to the altar railing and pre 
sented to the Dean the following beautifully worded address 
with a purse of $1,000.00: 

Pastor of Saint Paul s, 

Very Reverend Dean, 

On this the occasion of the celebration of your silver jubilee as pastor 
of our grand old parish, we, the grateful people amongst whom you 
have labored during these long years, gather round you, and, with words 
of heartiest greeting and congratulations to you on the attainment of 
the anniversary, wish you yet many years more of your blessed and 
fi uitful ministrations amongst us. "Ad multos annos" is our preseiit 

From left to right, 1st row Sister Fidelis, Sister St. Paul, Sister Aure .ia. 2nd row- 
Miss M. Wallace, Sister Seraphia, Miss Matthews, Miss Pamphilon, Miss Lowe. 

1st row Miss Dunn, Brother Manfred, Miss W. Brady. 2nd row Miss Neville, 
Mr. Thomsoi), Miss Feeney, Miss Donovan. 


170 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

prayer, and the most earnest wish of our hearts on this jubilee day. 

This is, indeed, a day of rejoicing for us all, for very Eeverend Dean, 
is not this celebration in a very special manner ours as well as yours? 
It is in every sense a family festival with us, for you have been so 
long identified v/ith the life and activities of the parish, and such 
has been your devotedness to its interests, that we have one and all, 
learned to look upon you as a true father in the midst of his many 
spiritual children. 

This day, too, works the happy completion of a period of singular 
prosperity and wonderful development of St. Paul s Parish. You 
have been, indeed, Very Reverend Dean, God s chosen instrument for 
great works both spiritual and material for the benefit of our people. 

Coming into our midst as you did when our Chui-ch was burdened 
with great financial obligations, you set to work with noble endeavor to 
wipe out the indebtedness. This your skill as a financier soon enabled 
you to do more than that, your zeal and energy quickly saw to the 
completion of building operations by the erection of the beautiful Cam- 
parrile. The installation of magnificent marble altars soon followed, 
interior embellishments were added and to-day St. Paul s Church 
stands as an enduring monument to your zeal for God s worship, as 
well as an eloquent testimony to your executive and administration 

These works once carried to a successful issue, you were not idle. 
Knowing that the interests of our young men are the interests of the 
Church and Catholic Society in general, you undertook the erection 
of a Parish club house where, under your immediate direction, 
the morals of our youth would be safe guarded and where they would 
learn, by Catholic association, to think and reason correctly on the 
social and religious questions of the day. 

But it is above all as spiritual head of this parish, Very Reverend 
Dean, that you endeared yourself to your people. Whether as Priest 
of God offering daily for us the unbloody sacrifice of the altar, as con 
fessor and director in the sacred tribunal of penance, as the minister 
of baptism and other sacraments of God s Church, you have been the 
true friend and guide of our souls. 

Your activity, Very Reverend Dean, has reached out into every avenue 
of Catholic work. Under your fostering care our parish societies have 
felt a new impulse, and they have become in our midst powerful instru 
ments for the moral and social betterment of our people as well as 
fruitful nurseries for the development of priestly and religious voca 

But it is particularly in sickness and distress you have appeared most 
like the Great Priest, the true father and consoler of your people, watch 
ing in the home of our sick and by the bedsides of our dying, with the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 171 

word of consolation and encouragement ever on your lips, and your 
consecrated hand ever raised to bless or absolve. 

Nor Very Reverend Dean, must we forget your deep and abiding 
interest in our children in their religious and secular instruction as 
well as the great work of Catholic education in general. In fact this 
work seems to be particularly dear to your heart, is evidenced by your 
interest in our Parish School, and by your long years of faithful and 
devoted service as member or as Chairman of the Separate School 
Board. As a member of the Board you have been the uncompromising 
champion of Catholic rights and the soul inspiration of every movement 
for the improvement of our system of Primary and Secondary Schools. 

For all this interest and unsefish devotedness during the long years 
of your pastorate, let us assure you once more, Very Reverend Dean, we 
are most grateful and as we, the old settlers in St. Paul s who have 
known your spiritual care of ourselves and our children throughout 
all these years, take it as our privilege to represent the parish on this 
occasion. We therefore ask you to accept this offering as a token of 
our heartfelt appreciation, our fidelity, and our love. 

J. Mogan, J. O Neil, J. Burns, P. Kennedy, M. Devane, M. Kelly, 
M. Martin, E. Rosar, F. McKernan, J. McGlue, A. McNeil, F. Cassidy, 
J. Miller, W. Kearns, J. Wright. 

The Very Rev. Jubilarian thanked, in touching terms, the 
members of the congregation for their generosity and affec 
tion, and assured them that the twenty-five years spent as 
their pastor were for him years of unspeakable peace and 

The Soldiers Memorial 

On Saturday afternoon, June 18, 1921, his Grace Archbishop 
McNeil unveiled and solemnly blessed a monument and tablet 

"In memory of the men of St. Paul s Church who 
gave up their lives in the war in Europe, 1914-1918." 
It was a tribute to the gallant 81 who had, in their first 
manhood, sprung loyally to arms in defence of their ideals and 
their King. The monument typifies the spirit of the resurrec 
tion, ethereally chiselled in white marble. The figure holds 
aloft the cross the heroes so readily assumed, and with the 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

other hand holds forth the wreath of laurels which they won. 

This memorial stands close beside the steps which the 

heroes had so often and so recently climbed as boys and lads. 

The Soldiers Memorial in front of 
St. Paul s Church. 

They greet the eyes of all who enter the church, to perpetuate 
the memory of the young soldiers, to plead the cause of their 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 173 

patriotic zeal, and to ask the prayers of the loyal congregation 
of this historic parish. 

The names which appear on the tablet are as follows: 
Joseph Anderson, Joseph Aspinwall, Claude Barker, Albert 
Brennan, Thomas Byrnes, James Carr, Norman Chadwick, 
John Collins, Michael Conlon, David Dillon, Joseph P. Dillon, 
James Doyle, James Falvey, Edwin Fitzgerald, John Flanagan, 
William Foley, Thomas Fox, Bart Freeman, John Gilroy, Hugh 
Goodman, Frank Gorman, Harry Green, John Grogan, John 
Hand, Arthur Hare, Charles Hewlett, Arthur Hinde, Patrick 
Hurley, J. P. Irwin, F. G. Jordan, Dennis Kalihar, Peter Kane, 
Sam Kavanah, James Keating, James Kelly, John Keough, 
Michael Keough, Thomas Lacey, F. Lanchetti, A. L. Lawrence, 
John Leary, Thomas Lennon, Maurice Lindsay, Owen Lynch, 
Fred Lyner, Fred Mansfield, Harvey Mansfield, James Mara, 
James McCauley, Joseph McClure, John McCormick, Hugh 
McGrath, John Mcllhenny, Fred Mitchell, William Mitchell, 
Thomas Morton, Frank Mulhearn, Frank Murphy, Henry 
(Harry- Joseph) Murphy, John Murphy, W. J. O Brien, W. 
O Donohue, Henry Offenburger, Joseph O Hara, Vincent 
O Leary, William O Leary, William Pennylegion, J. Perry, 
Thomas Phillips, Harold Raines, Michael Riordan, Edmund 
Roach, Eugene St. Denis, Charles Speyer, George Stephens, 
James Stephens, Maurice Wallace, Arthur Westover, Ambrose 
Flannagan, George Gloynes, and Patrick Sweeney. 

Following the ceremony of blessing the memo.rial, Arch 
bishop McNeil spoke from an improvised platform at the top 
of the broad steps to the large gathering in the open space 
below. It was, he said, an occasion of sympathy and of 
rejoicing; sympathy with many of the families of the parish 
who had to mourn for the death of loved ones who had gone to 
the front, but also of rejoicing and gladness that when the 
supreme test came St. Paul s parish was to the front. 

174 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

"I don t know," he said, "what congregation in the city pro 
vided the largest number of recruits. Until we know better, 
St. Paul s parish can claim to have sent the largest number of 
volunteer soldiers to the war, for the total is 762, of whom 
less than one hundred were conscripted. When the number of 
dead is counted it is found to be the largest number of any 
congregation in the city of any denomination whatever. The 
number is eighty-one." 

When war broke out, in his communication to his people, he 
had not felt it necessary to remind them of their duty of 

"If," he added, "you hear anyone say that because of Sepa 
rate schools there is separation in patriotism or civic virtue, 
just point to that tablet." 

John O Neill, M.P.P., who took the chair, said that his 
father and mother had been married in the parish, he had 
been born in the parish, he had attended no other school than 
St. Paul s, and he had been married in the parish. 

"At no time," he added, "have I been so proud as now in 
paying tribute to the boys of the parish who lost their lives in 
the great war." 

He closed with a tribute to Dean Hand, whose idea the 
memorial was, and who felt that he could not do too much to 
recognize the valor of the brave boys who left the parish to 
defend the country. 

Sergt. -Major MacNamara followed in a spirited address. 
He emphasized the necessity of not only remembering those 
who had fallen, but of caring for those who had returned from 
the fray broken in health, as well as the dependants of those 
who had made the supreme sacrifice for their country. 

Mayor Church congratulated the Catholic people of Toronto 
on the good work they had done. The city of Toronto could 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 175 

not, he said, have made the contribution it did to war had not 
all classes and creeds joined in. This parish had especially 
done well, their eighty-one dead being a veritable company in 
themselves. He closed with a tribute to the good work which 
Dean Hand had done among the poor, not only of his own 
people, but of all denominations. 

"They had the love of God in their hearts," was Dean 
Hand s explanation of the response from the men of his con 
gregation when war broke out. He had never been an inspirer 
of militarism, but when the call came it would have been im 
possible to hold them back. For the mothers on the platform 
he expressed sympathy. 

"Words," he said, "cannot take the place of the good, brave 
boys who have gone. They are assured of our sympathy for 
them and of our prayers for their boys. They will always 
have sympathetic friends in the congregation of St. Paul s." 

The ceremony closed with three cheers for the Archbishop 
and three cheers for the King. During the ceremony the boys 
of St. Paul s School sang appropriately, opening with the 
hymn, "Form your ranks," followed by "O Canada," "The 
Minstrel Boy," and "Men of the North." 



The Altars 

The altar is the heart of the Church. It is the tomb in which 
repose the relics of the saints. On its table is offered up the 
holy sacrifice of the Mass, in which the unbloody Victim for 
the redemption and salvation of the world is immolated. It 
is the Ark of the Covenant in which rests the manna of the 
divine Eucharist; it is the centre around which the prayers 
of the faithful cluster. It is the focus of Catholic worship, 
the place where dwelleth the glory of the Lord. 

That the altar may be precious and ornate is the ambition 
of every devout Catholic. For such reasons the parishioners 
of St. Paul s at the very earliest opportunity had three marble 
altars erected in the church to take the place of those of wood 
which had served from the opening of the church in 1889. 

In 1908 the main and side marble altars were put in place 
by a firm of Angers, France, who sent their own men to 
Toronto to superintend the erection of the altars. The main 
altar was paid for by the congregation at large; the Sacred 
Heart altar by the League of the Sacred Heart of St. Paul s 
parish; the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the Sodality 
of the Children of Mary. Mrs. Frank Rosar donated the 
marble altar railing and Mr. John O Neill the very handsome 
pulpit, which was the work of the Daprato Company of Pietra- 
santa, Italy. 

The altars were consecrated by Archbishop McEvay, Novem 
ber 9, 1908. His Grace was assisted by Rev. M. D. Whelan 
as deacon, and Rev. G. E. Doherty as sub-deacon. Rev. E. 
McCabe was master of ceremonies on the occasion. Mr. A. W. 
Holmes, architect, designed the altars and pulpit, and superin 
tended their construction and erection. 


178 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Decorations 

Roman and classic churches with large interior areas of 
plain surface require decoration to remove the appearance of 
bareness which plain walls give to the mind. Such style of 
edifice is intended for elaborate mural decoration, and without 
it a very chilly atmosphere is presented to the worshipper. 
The style of church common to Toronto is mostly Gothic, with 
its points and tracery which need little in the line of color 
or decoration on the interior. It is otherwise with the Roman. 
St. Paul s church being of that class of architecture presented 
a decidedly unpleasant impression to the beholder previous to 
its treatment by the ecclesiastical artist. The first attempt 
at relieving the monotony of the vast plaster surface of the 
edifice was made in 1893, when a Belgian artist was engaged 
to paint Raphael s "Conversion of St. Paul" in the top panel 
over the sanctuary and to reproduce the "Last Supper" of Da 
Vinci in the space immediately over the altar. On the side pan 
els of the sanctuary Hoffman s "Gethsemane" and Perugini s 
"Annunciation" were painted by the same artist in fairly taste 
ful colors and realistic detail. Owing to lack of funds and other 
urgent church and charitable work the balance of the interior 
was allowed to remain in its unfinished state until 1911. In 
that year Signer Caroselli, who had decorated a church in 
Buenos Ayres which was modelled on the same Italian style as 
St. Paul s, accepted an engagement to come to Toronto and 
undertake to paint scenes from the life of St. Paul on the 
ceiling of the centre aisle of the church. He succeeded beyond 
all anticipations and produced here in our city a veritable work 
of art. He touched up the paintings on the walls of the sanc- 
turary and proceeded to depict ten outstanding episodes in 
the life of the great Apostle, after the manner of the great 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Masters Michael Angelo, Raphael and Dore. The subjects 
chosen were St. Paul at Ephesus, Acts XIX-18-19 ; Paul and 
Barnabas at Lystra, Acts XIV-12 ; Paul preaching at Athens 
in the Areopagus, Acts XVII-22; the Shipwreck at Melita, 
Acts XXVII-17 ; Paul before Felix and Drusilla, Acts XXIV; 
Paul and the Viper, Act XXVIII-3; Paul in Chains, Acts 

St. Paul at Ephesus St. Paul Shipwrecked 


XXVIII-16; Paul before the Roman Magistrate; The Decapi 
tation of St. Paul. 

The contrast in color and moresco of the scenes make a 
very pleasing picture. The tableaus stand out in strong re 
lief, notwithstanding the altitude of the church, and reveal to 
the naked eye the most minute detail of the scenes portrayed 
by the brush of the artist. In preparation for the centenary 
celebration the entire church was thoroughly cleaned and 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

renovated. The paintings look quite new and present their 
original lustre. 

The Stations of the Cross 

The Way of the Cross, or Stations, is a devotional exercise 
whose object is to meditate on the sufferings, Cross and death 
of Our Divine Lord. In its literal acceptation, the Way of the 

St. Paul Preaching at Athens St. Paul Before Felix and Drusilla 


Cross is the distance traversed by Christ, loaded with the 
weight of the Cross, from the Court of Pilate, where he had 
been condemned, to the summit of Calvary whereon he was cru 
cified. After the Ascension of her Divine Son, the Blessed Vir 
gin Mary, either alone or accompanied by other holy women, 
frequently travelled over the dreary way of sorrow. Imitat 
ing her example, the Christians of Palestine at first and in 
after ages crowds of pilgrims, even from the most remote 
countries in the world, used to visit these sacred places, which 
were made holy by the presence and sacred suffering of Christ. 
To encourage the piety of the people the Church attached to 
the making of such pilgrimages to the Holy Land certain 
rewards and indulgences, and since for want of means and for 
other reasons all the faithful could not avail thmselves of 
these privileges by a visit to Jerusalem, the Church attached to 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


the making of the Way of the Cross in or before crosses can- 
onically erected on the wayside, the same spiritual favors as 
obtainable by those who made a visit to the holy places in 
Jerusalem. Hence the erection of vivid representations and 
paintings of the way of the Cross divided into fourteen sta 
tions. To-day these stations on canvas or in statue are part of 
the sacred furnishings of every Catholic church. They afford 
a subject of deep meditation on the suffering and death of 
Christ to the faithful who attend the Church services. They 
are frequently very ornate and artistic compositions which pro 
duce a very realistic impression of the terrible punishment 
to which Christ was subjected in that terrible journey to 

There are only two essential conditions necessary for the 
gaining of the spiritual favors and indulgences attached to the 



making of the Way of the Cross. The first is to go actually 
through the stations without omitting any of them, and the 
second is to think on the Passion of Christ while going the 
round of the fourteen stations. 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Stations of the Cross were canonically erected by 
Archbishop O Connor, December 22nd, 1901, in St. Paul s 
Church. Up to that time the stations used in the church 
were small framed pictures which had been transferred from 

Memorial tablet erected in 
St. Paul s Church in mem 
ory of those who contributed 
the Stations of the Cross 

Memorial tablet erected in 

vestibule of St. Paul s 

Church to the memory of 

Rt. Rev. Bishop O Mahony 

the old church to the new. They did not suit the new building 
in size or architectural design. They were only intended for 
temporary provisional use, until such times as properly 
designed stations should be inserted in the building. 

The stations are composed of a stone composition known 
in Europe as carton Romain. They were made in Europe and 
imported by the Stolzenberg Co., of New York. The 
stone composition is the strongest and most durable material 
that can be used for this purpose. The design and execution 
of the stations are quite artistic, and harmonize beautifully 
with the architecture of the church. 

The stations cost $2,000. They were donated in the follow 
ing order: 1. Henry O Connor; 2. The Children of John and 
Ellen Collins; 3. Isabell Reynolds; 4. Margaret O Connor; 
5. Morgan J. Kelly ; 6. Mary McAuliffe ; 7. Bridget Murphy ; 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


8. Ellen Quinn; 9. Thomas Lee; 10. The family of Mrs. 
Leah Roster; 11. The family of Michael Kennedy; 12. 
Matilda McAuley; 13. Catherine Farrell; 14. Ann Power. 

The stations are highly decorated and enhance the beauty 
of the interior of the church. Their appearance was a call 
for the decoration of the whole church. They gave a fore 
sight of what the church would look like when properly decor 
ated. They have served to elicit the devotion of the par 
ishioners to the passion and suffering of the Saviour and make 
them realize fully the ever touching story of the Cross. 


The New House 

It may not be out of place to explain here the reasons 
for demolishing the old church and house, as the thought may 
occur to some that they should have been preserved as monu 
ments of the early days of Catholicity in York. The house, 
which was erected under the administration of Rev. Father 
Rooney in 1862, was very much wanting in accommodation 
for the clergy in 1900, though enlarged by the addition of a 
dining room and kitchen by Right Rev. Bishop O Mahoney, it 
was considered unsanitary at the time of which I speak. Some 
of the young men, notably Father Reddin and Father Wilson, 
attributed their break-down in health to its poor ventilation 
and unhealthy surroundings. Dr. Wallace urged again and 
again that something should be done to improve conditions 
from a sanitary point of view. It was therefore decided at 
a meeting of the parishioners in St. Ann s Hall, on Sunday, 
February 22nd, 1903, that a new house should be erected for 
the welfare and accommodation of the clergy of the parish. 
Mr. A. W. Holmes, architect, was instructed to draw up plans 
to be submitted to a committee of the parish with a view to 
the erection of a building with the least possible delay. 

The old house was situated close to Power street, within 
ten feet of the sidewalk and within four feet of the driveway 
from Power along the south side of the present church. The 
matter of a suitable site for the new building was the subject 
of considerable discussion and it was eventually decided that 
the old church and St. Ann s chapel adjoining it should be 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


pulled down and the new house erected in their stead, on a 
line with the present church and the House of Providence, giv 
ing a large front area to all the church buildings on the street. 
The plan met with the approval of Archbishop O Connor, who 
was adverse to the using of the old church as a parish hall 


in which, by the younger elements of the parish athletic 
bouts, fairs and dances were sometimes conducted. The old 
building was torn down in the autumn of 1903. There 
was no corner-stone with papers or souvenirs in it, 
nor were there any bodies found beneath it. The bell was 

186 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

removed from the tower and remained in the custody of 
the House of Providence until the erection of the Campanile of 
St. Paul s Church in 1905. 

The corner-stone of the house was blessed May 24, 

1904, and the building was ready for occupation by January, 

1905. During the construction of the house the priests took 
up their abode in the House of Providence. The new building 
completed and furnished cost $30,269.50. The principal con 
tractors on the work were Wickett Brothers, Dinnis and Son, 
arid W. J. McGuire & Co. The building committee consisted 
of James B. Wright, J. W. Mogan, Joseph Cadaret, P. M. 
Kennedy, J. P. Mallon, and Rev. Father Hand. 

The Parish Hall 

For some years after the erection of the present St. 
Paul s Church, the old church building, erected in 1822, was 
used for the purposes of a parish hall. The small chapel erec 
ted in the incumbency of Rev. Father Conway in 1874, under 
the title of St. Ann, and intended as a winter chapel, was dur 
ing this period used as a meeting place for the St. Vincent de 
Paul Society; as a work room for the Sewing and Relief 
Society, and for many other purposes of church work. This 
chapel was situated on the north-east side of the old church 
and was in area about 22 x 40 feet. It was built of red brick 
and roofed with cedar shingles. It was connected with the 
old church by a vaulted entrance through a short corridor, 
terminating in three steps which landed in a small sacristy of 
the old building. It was dear to Father Conway, who named 
it after the patron saint of his mother, and it gave him con 
siderable pain w r hen he heard that it had been torn down. The 
smoke-room, chapel and servants sitting-room in the present 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 187 

St. Paul s presbytery, erected in 1904, occupy the exact site 
of the old St. Ann s Chapel. 

With the removal of these old buildings, to make way for 
the new presbytery, the parish was without any suitable place 
in which to hold secular and social functions. The basement 
of the church was, indeed, large, and accommodated throngs 
at Christmas trees and other semi-religious entertainments, 
but certain classes of legitimate amusements could not very 
well be carried on under the church where the Blessed Sacra 
ment was kept. It, therefore, became necessary for the wel 
fare of the parish to provide a hall for the social and educa 
tional requirements of the young people. The first property 
acquired with that end in view was a piece of land opposite 
the church, part of the old Lysaght estate, and occupied as 
a pickle factory. There were two objects in view in the pur 
chase of this property: to get rid of the unpleasant odor 
of the onions and garlic used in the making of pickles, 
which the west wind carried directly into the church, and in 
the next place to afford a site for a hall in front of the church. 
The advisability of removing the pickle factory was never 
questioned, but the suitability of the place for a parish hall 
was not so unanimously concurred in. When the time came 
to draw up plans it was found that without the acquisition of 
the Queen street frontage there would not be sufficient ground 
to erect a hall. The idea of constructing a hall on the property 
was allowed to rest for a while, and in the meantime an oppor 
tunity of acquiring a first-class location for the hall presented 
itself when the Bowden property on the corner of Queen and 
Tracey streets, was put on the market. This property was pur 
chased in 1911 for $19,000. It had a frontage of 93 feet with 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

a depth of 250 feet, and had been used as a lumber yard by the 
Bowden Lumber Co. The next step was to erect the hall, and 
to this end Father Castex and Father Cullinane, then assist 
ants at St. Paul s, canvassed the parishioners by personal 


interview from house to house. They were received every 
where with encouraging promises of financial assistance in 
the prosecution of the project. 

The corner-stone was put in place Sunday, May 24, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 189 

1914, by Hon. J. J. Foy, Attorney-General of the Province of 
Ontario, attested by the following memorial placed in a steel 
box in the corner stone: 

"In the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and 
fourteen, in the pontificate of Pius X, Pope of Rome, suc 
cessor of St. Peter and Vicar of Christ on earth; in the 
reign of George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland and 
the Dominions beyond the seas, the Duke of Connaught 
being Governor-General of Canada, Neil McNeil being 
Archbishop of Toronto and John Lawrence Hand being 
parish priest of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto, on the twenty- 
fourth day of May, James J. Foy, the Attorney-General of 
the Province of Ontario, laid this foundation stone well 
and truly in presence of a large concourse of citizens and 

The hymn herewith subjoined was composed for the occa 
sion and sung by the school children of St. Paul s School under 
the direction of the principal, Brother Jarlath: 

Jesus, Lord! we Thee invoke 
To bless, as we begin the work, 
The stone on which we hope to rear 
A building meet for play and prayer. 

Without Thy aid they build in vain 
Who strive to raise, in sight of gain, 
A tower high as Babel stood 
On matted brick and cedar wood. 

Upon thy Love, Oh! Jesus, dear, 
We build in faith unwavering here 
That youth and age may virtue learn 
And sin and vice forever spurn. 

The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. G. E. 
Doherty, who said in part: 

"All boys admire manliness, and the highest compliment you 

190 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

can pay a boy is to call him a manly fellow. Manliness is an 
other word for fortitude, and fortitude, as you know, is one 
of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. 

"In the condition in which we find the world to-day it is not 
brute force but courage young people need. It is not so much 
the heroism of the soldier, or the strength of the athlete, as 
the fortitude of the Saint that is required. A young man 
may be in body a Samson, and yet in mind and heart a mere 
infant. To the physical strength of Samson should be joined 
the moral courage of St. Paul. 

"It has been said that the Church fosters the passive or 
feminine virtues, as humility, unworldliness and such, at the 
expense of what, I suppose, we may call the muscular or manly 
virtues of justice, courage and aggressiveness. This, however, 
is not true. The Church teaches that all virtues are essentially 

"The tender virgin martyr facing sword and rack rises to 
the highest pitch of heroism. What the Church needs to-day 
is young men, strong in body and soul. They must have the 
character and grit of St. Paul. The day of the ethical jellyfish 
is over. 

"It is no rare thing to find a whole school cowed into a state 
of slavery by a domineering bully, but he usually meets his 
downfall at the hands of what appeared to be a timid and 
gentle newcomer. The same thing is going on in the world 
outside. The world is full of moral bullies. All that we need 
to do, is to have the moral courage and the physical strength 
to send them to the ropes for the count. 

"To be truly manly we must be always ready to say no to 
what we know is morally wrong. We are proud of our faith, 
but we must always remember that it is exposed on all sides 
to attack, and, therefore, needs our manly defense. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


"Before I conclude I wish to say a few words in praise of 
the good priest through whose zeal and ability this magnifi 
cent parish hall has been erected. 

"Dean Hand is no stranger to the City of Toronto. For 
over thirty years he has identified himself with every move 
ment for the social and spiritual welfare of his people. This 


beautiful church though not begun by him, has been greatly 
embellished and paid for by his untiring energy. The impos 
ing rectory is also the work of his hands. And now, as a 
crowning effort to a life spent in the service of his Church, 
comes this splendid Parish Hall. This Parish Hall will be 
greatly instrumental in equipping the young people of your 
parish in the great battle of life. They will, I have no doubt, 
as they take their place in the arena of life, bring glory to 

192 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

their church and honor to their parents. May the good God 
spare you for many years to come, to enjoy the fruits of your 
labor. This is the prayer that comes this day from the soul 
of every father and every mother, yea, from the soul of every 
child of St. Paul s Parish." 

The new hall was formally opened on Monday evening, Jan. 
18, 1915, with an "At-Home," which was enjoyed by a party 
of one thousand people. 

The cost of building, including architect s fees, amounted 
to $73,676.47 ; and the Committee in charge were : Dean 
Hand, J. W. Mogan, Joseph Cadaret, James B. Wright, P. 
M. Kennedy, Frank McKernan. Mr. C. J. Reid was the archi 
tect who designed the plan of the hall and superintended its 

Summary of Accounts: 

Jas. A. Wickett, Ltd $24,841.13 

D. & M. J. Madden 11 : 356.24 

General Fire Extinguisher Co 11,388.35 

McGregor & Mclntyre 9,968.00 

P. J. Hayes 3,250.81 

E. B. Milloy 825.00 

Geo. J. Beattie 865.05 

Geo. J. Beattie (deducted from Hayes) 85.00 

E. J. Curry 3,238.47 

W. E. Dillon Co., Ltd 1,009.50 

J. W. Mogan 1,457.84 

Venetian Marble & Tile Co 322.75 

Luxfer Prism Co 159.30 

The Hardware Co. of Toronto 255.79 

The H. W. Johns-Manville Co 338.00 

Bennet & Wright 212.40 

Speight & Van Nostrand 20.00 

Canada Hardware Co 40.84 

Herbert Williams 19.00 

Dominion Ornamental Iron Co 12.00 

Geo. B. Meadows - H-00 

Architect s fees 4,000.00 

Total $73,676.47 


Missions and Retreats 

During the past forty years numerous missions and re 
treats were preached in St. Paul s Church. The Fathers of 
the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer gave missions 
to St. Paul s people in 1884, 1894, 1905-6, 1914-15, 1918-19 ; the 
Fathers of the Society of Jesus 1890, 1898 and 1901. 
The Fathers of the Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle, 
preached to St. Paul s people in 1910 and 1911. The Passion- 
ist Fathers from Pittsburgh preached a mission in St. Paul s 
Church in 1922. 

The parochial mission has for its object the awakening of 
new spiritual life in the parish, the bringing of sinners back 
to God, and, in general, a clean-up of the spiritual life of the 
parishioners. This end is effected by a concentration of the 
mind upon the destiny of man and his relations with God. A 
good mission will include a clear, forcible and consecutive ex 
position of the most important truths of Salvation, together 
with a course of instructions to prepare the people for the 
worthy reception of the Sacraments, and enlighten them on 
the duties of their daily lives. It will draw people to the 
tribunal of penance through the assurance of the mercy of 
God from the persuasive words of the kind-hearted mission 
aries. The mission is to the laity what the retreat is to the 
clergy and religious; its conclusion is a renewal of good 
resolutions and a solid determination to persevere in the 
friendship of God, and the avoiding of the avenues which 
lead to sin. A good mission is a great grace for a parish and 
helps the work of the pastor in shepherding his flock in the 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

fold of the Master, and keeping the wolves of greed and lust 
at bay. 

Among the many missions given in St. Paul s Parish, two 
stand out conspicuously in the memory of the congregation. 
One given in 1905 by Rev. Father Zilles of the Congregation 
of the Holy Redeemer, assisted by Fathers Sholly and Mulli 
gan ; it covered a period of two weeks, the first week for the 
women and the second for the men. During the two weeks, 
at the morning and evening exercises, the capacity of the 
church was exceeded by the large congregation, and seats 

Rev. Father Gillis, C.S.P. Rev. Father Sholly, C.SS.R. 


had to be provided in the sanctuary and the vestibules; and 
an overflow during the men s week had to be accommodated 
in the basement of the church. From the intoning of the 
"Miserere" at the porch of the church at the opening of the 
Mission a religious spell permeated the congregation, which 
was lifted only at the departure of the missionaries. Three 
thousand two hundred and seventy approached the sacra 
ments ; fifty -four adults were confirmed on the closing day of 
the mission. The parishioners supplied themselves with an 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 195 

outfit of religious articles to the amount of $2,500 worth, and 
contributed over $2,000 in the mission collection. The effect 
of the mission was visible to the pastor in the conduct of 
young and old for many moons after the event. The Holy 
Name Society was put on a permanent footing; the member 
ship of the Children of Mary increased ; the spirit of the Con 
fraternity of the Holy Family renewed; and in fact all the 
agencies of the Parish animated with an abiding spirit of 

The other mission which claims special attention was given 
by the Paulist Fathers in 1910. It lasted for three weeks. 
It was conducted by Fathers Devine, Gillis and Cartwright. 
Father Conway came on for the third week, which was de 
voted to a mission for non-Catholics. The attempt to give a 
mission to non-Catholics was looked upon with considerable 
apprehension by some of the more timid and conservative 
members of the fold, particularly as the atmosphere had 
been charged with resentment on the part of some of the 
anti-Catholic orators of Toronto, on account of certain ex 
pressions of Father Vaughan, the English Jesuit, at the 
Eucharistic Congress in Montreal a few months previously. 
In fact some of the more amiable, if not pious, Catholics 
approached Father Hand to have the non-Catholic part of 
the mission cancelled. The result showed how much these 
good people were mistaken. There was no attempt made to 
proselytise. Announcements were made in all the daily 
papers that the doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church, 
with first-hand knowledge, would be explained to those who 
were interested enough in the Catholic religion to hear a 
correct version of its tenets. "The Question Box" was freely 
used to have difficulties answered. The result was most 
gratifying; the questions were for the most part serious and 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the answers gratefully received ; not a single untoward in 
cident occurred during the entire mission; the Church was 
packed every night with 75 per cent. non-Catholic audiences, 
who followed with the greatest attention the lectures and 
explanations of the good Fathers. An hour each evening was 
given for the convenience of those who wished for personal 
explanation or the solution of some spiritual trouble. One 
of the Fathers conducted a Christian Doctrine Class for those 

The old and the new pulpits, the former used in the old church, and for some time in 
the new ; the latter a gift from Mr. John O Neill, M.P.P., in memory of his parents. 

who wished to become better instructed in the teachings of 
the Catholic Church. About two hundred, made up equally of 
men and women, attended this class. After the Fathers left 
for other fields this Christian Doctrine Class was continued in 
the rectory, and in the course of the subsequent two years 
one hundred and nineteen of the Catechumens who started 
instruction during the non-Catholic Mission were received 
into the Church. 

Apart from the effect upon the congregation of the parish, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 197 

the Mission was productive trf irrach good among the citizens 
at large. Some prominent city officials attended the lectures 
and the daily press gave comprehensive and fair reports of 
the sermons, the number in attendance, and the little details of 
interest to the public. This was the first close-up view that 
Toronto had of the Paulist Fathers, and, needless to say, 
Catholic and Protestant alike were pleased with them and re 
joiced to know that arrangements were under way to have 
them permanently stationed in Toronto. 

* * * 

House of Providence 

Any history of the century s work of St. Paul s Parish, 
Toronto, would be incomplete without a sketch of the institu 
tions, religious and secular, to which it ministered for many 
years and in the majority of cases continues to do. 

The first of these is the House of -Providence, the splendid 
institution adjoining the church and presbytery grounds 
which ministers to the destitute of every age and sex and 
creed with a kindliness and efficiency which have endeared 
it to all classes of our citizens. Whenever a visitor or delega 
tion interested in the work of helping distress pays Toronto 
a visit the House of Providence is sure to receive an early 
call. And it is safe to assert that in all cases the result of 
the investigation will be admiration of the neatness of e^ery 
inch of space, of the content of the inmates, of the zeal and 
sweetness of the Sisters of St. Joseph who behold in their 
charges Him who said: "Amen I say to you as long as you 
did it to one of these My least brethren you did it to Me." 
For many years every age, from a day to close on to a century, 
could be found within the precincts of the House of Provi 
dence grounds. On the southeast corner was located an In 
fants Home, which at the time of its completion had no peer 

198 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

in Toronto. But after a considerable time it was found neces 
sary to carry on the work of caring for infants in another 

The building vacated was very soon occupied, for the steadi 
ly-growing population of Toronto has made the problem of 
accommodation a serious one for the House of Providence. 
Large additions have been made from time to time, but, not 
withstanding all this, it is only by the most skilful manage 
ment that the Sisters in charge have been able to house their 
many hundreds of inmates, who do not always belong to the 
indigent class, not a few who are in good financial circum 
stances preferring its religious atmosphere to comfortable 
quarters outside. 

A journey through the various wards will give some idea 
of the immensity and variety of the work carried on. Almost 
every variety of human affliction (excepting contagious 
diseases and dangerous insanity, which, of course, must be 
dealt with elsewhere) can be found there. Paralysis, blind 
ness, senile decay, dropsy, malignant growths and many other 
forms of dread diseases are familiar to the gentle forms 
that move daily through these wards. In some cases the 
afflicted ones have been sent there from their own homes, 
their children not being able to give them the attention they 
receive from the expert hands of the Sisters. 

The gratitude of many of the patients for the services re 
ceived is touching and must be sweet to its recipients. They 
need this encouragement very much, for in some cases their 
experiences are anything but pleasant. Natures soured by 
failure are not improved by old age; and when illness and 
partial decay of mental faculties supervene a very trouble 
some type of character develops. The present writer knew 
an instance in which a bed-ridden patient stowed away in a 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


box (her sole possession) beside her bed the food given her, 
and then complained to visitors that she was being starved. 
In another case a blind old mischief-maker whose tongue 
made up for her loss of eyesight, carried gossip from one to 
another of a group almost as old and dim-visioned as her 
self, and excited the bitterest enmity between them. The 


casual visitor has no opportunity of knowing what the Sis 
ters have to face at times, how they have to forgive and for 
get, make allowances for those who were queer in their best 
days and are hard to bear with in their second childhood. 
Only one who has spent a considerable time, day and night, 
as resident chaplain there knows something of the heroic 
patience exhibited in dealing with the sorts and conditions of 

200 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

broken-down humanity of which the House of Providence is 
the refuge. 

In this work that great institution has found a constant 
and powerful helper, we might say partner, in St. Paul s 
Parish. Beside St. Paul s first church the House of Provi 
dence began under very straitened conditions the career 
which has expanded so marvellously. For more than a 
generation St. Paul s was its mainstay. Its spiritual needs 
were attended to solely by St. Paul s for many years after 
its foundation. Even when it had a chaplain there were fre 
quent intervals when the lack of priests threw the burden of 
its spiritual care on St. Paul s. And in recent years sole 
charge has been resumed by the staff of this historic church. 

* * * 

The Toronto General Hospital 

Very different was the character of the work contributed 
by the former Toronto General Hospital, now no more, which 
occupied a whole block between Sackville and Sumach streets, 
facing Gerrard street. It consisted of an aggregation of 
buildings stretching from west to east the entire length of 
the block. Considering that there was no unity of design, 
additions being put up as necessity demanded, the old hospital 
served its purpose excellently, the result being in no small 
measure due to the energy and executive ability of Dr. Breff- 
ney O Reilly, its superintendent. It was a pleasure to work 
with Dr. O Reilly. He appreciated work of the right kind 
and afforded every facility for it. And as the old General 
Hospital was, up to the opening of St. Michael s in 1892, the 
only large hospital in Toronto, work was abundant; so abun 
dant that attendance there was the heaviest part of sick 
visitation duty in St. Paul s Parish. Practically every Catho 
lic hospital patient in Toronto was brought to its wards. On 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings several hours 
were spent in visiting every ward and administering the 
Last Sacraments wherever the slightest symptom of serious 
danger appeared. This regular and thorough visitation cut 
off a great number of sick calls. But as accident cases were 
likely to come in at any time, it not infrequently happened 
that the priest who had spent between two and three hours 
in the wards during the morning had two or more hurried 


trips to make during the day. Away up in the attic were 
the cliptheria and scarlet fever cases. To these visits were 
made at times, always after all other visits were completed 
and under special permit. 

Work in the General Hospital whilst heavy at all times, 
and very much so during epidemics of typhoid fever, dip- 
theria, scarlatina, and the like, which were by no means in 
frequent when Toronto s water supply came through a wooden 
pipe under the Bay and filtration was unknown, was a splen 
did training. It prepared the priest for all kinds of situations 

202 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

and made him familiar with almost all the ills that flesh is 
heir to. The present writer never met a case of Asiatic 
cholera there, but was brought face to face with almost every 
thing else. Perhaps one instance not altogether devoid of 
humor, though tragic enough, will serve to illustrate what 
the visiting priest was likely to meet: As the writer had 
completed his rounds on a Saturday morning the ambulance 
hurried to the main entrance a man who had been picked up 
in an unconscious condition at a street crossing. As the 
patient might be a Catholic, inquiries were at once made re 
garding his religion, but no information could be gleaned. As 
the man had evidently not many hours to live the house sur 
geon on the spot, said to the writer, "You had better take 
charge." Everything that could be done for a Catholic in 
such a condition was performed. The patient died that even 
ing, and when relatives came to claim his body it was learn 
ed that he was a Lutheran. However, the efforts made to 
arouse consciousness and the ministrations and prayers deep 
ly affected those around whatever may have been the effects 
on the patient. As a result the house surgeon and the 
writer became fast friends and when the former was danger 
ously ill with erysipelas the latter was a frequent and wel 
come visitor to his bedside. 

This incident will show that whilst the work at the old 
General Hospital was more than trying at times it was al 
ways consoling. An excellent spirit prevailed, and whilst 
religious ministrations were confined to Catholics, words of 
inquiry and cheer were extended to all, and almost invariably 
received with pleasure. Well may St. Paul s be proud of its 
service rendered at the old General Hospital for many decades 
a service for which the Catholics of Toronto owe a debt of 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


The Toronto Jail 

No greater contrast could be well found than that between 
the House of Providence and Toronto Jail which, until the 
establishment of St. Anne s Parish some years ago, was with, 
in the limits of St. Paul s Parish. The Toronto Jail did not 
afford a very encouraging field for missionary work. It way 
the clearing house for the police crop of Toronto. Prisoners 
on remand were detained there until their trial came off. In 
case the charge was very serious and the next assize a long 

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way off such cases had a stay of several months at times. 
Outside of these cases, however, the period of detention was 
not very long. The toper who was sent down (or up, for 
topographically Toronto Jail rivals Rosedale in altitude) for 
thirty days in default of a payment of one dollar and costs, 
supplied the principal portion of the priest s Sunday after 
noon congregation. As his thirty days served to put him in 
good shape for another spree, he was usually more solicitous 
for a contribution of a quarter dollar to help towards that 
result than for spiritual help. Indeed, the latter was usually 

204 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Jooked upon as a means, to the former. Because of the pre 
dominance of this element, and the transient type of its 
general population, there was little opportunity for work of 
permanent good in Toronto Jail. 

One opportunity, however, of an unequalled character it 
afforded, namely, that of becoming acquainted with the 
shortsightedness and callousness of our methods of a genera 
tion ago in dealing with crime. Prisoners on remand from 
the first offender to the most hardened repeater were huddled 
together without any effort whatever at segregation. The 
habitual drunkard reappeared with unfailing regularity to 
renew his acquaintance with Governor Green s Hotel the 
name by which a paper noted for its spicy dishing-up of police 
court news affectionately designated the Toronto Jail. 

As the name of Governor Green has been mentioned, let 
the writer pay a tribute to the strictness, fairness, and effi 
ciency of the administration of Governor Green. If glaring 
faults were to be found with the system in vogue, the fault 
was not his. He did his best with an obsolete and vicious 
system. And the priests of St. Paul s who entered every 
Sunday afternoon its gloomy precincts entertained high 
esteem for Governor Green. 

What was true of moral applied also to physical promis 
cuity. There was no opportunity for the segregation of 
youthful from hardened offenders, there was equally no pro 
vision for the separation of the diseased from the healthy. 
And the saddest feature of all was that the jail was the only 
place to which the homeless, the mentally deranged, the vic 
tims of senile decay could be sent, when through trouble- 
someness or lack of accommodation they were barred from 
hospitals or houses of refuge. 

The most hopeless of all the denizens of the Toronto Jail 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 205 

were, however, the female inmates who for the most part 
gravitated between the Mercer Reformatory and the streets 
and spent the interval between transmission from one to the 
other in the Toronto Jail. Some of these unfortunates showed 
good dispositions, but not a few were utterly corrupt in 
body and mind. Such formed the most trying of the many 
trying elements with which the priests of St. Paul s had to 
deal in their visits to Toronto Jail. 


The stately Roman matron, on being asked to show her 
jewels, pointed with pride to her children, exclaiming: "These 
are my jewels." So also the Church of God regards as her 
most precious possession her children, especially those who 
consecrate themselves to the service of God in the priesthood 
or in her many religious communities. St. Paul s parish has 
been blessed in the number of those who, being called by God 
"as Aaron was," have served at the altar of God, or have de 
voted themselves to the service of their fellow men either in 
educational or charitable institutions. 

The first vocation from the parish has already been referred 
to the Reverend John Butler who, although his connection 
with St. Paul s was not of long duration, can rightly be styled 
Toronto s first priest. He came to Toronto as a teacher, as 
we have seen, and feeling himself called to the ecclesiastical 
state, studied theology under Father Downey in York, and 
was ordained by Bishop Macdonell. His priestly career, 
which was most fruitful, was spent entirely in the eastern 
portion of the diocese. 

A few years after this important event we come upon the 
first religious vocation from the parish. Miss Ellen Feehan 
expressed to Bishop Macdonell, on one of his visits to the capi 
tal, her anxiety to enter the religious state. The Bishop asked 
her to make known her intention in writing, which she did, 
stating that her determination both in Ireland and in Canada, 
since she came to this country, had been to embrace the reli 
gious state, and from the dictates of her conscience she ex 
pected peace of mind in no other. She asked the Bishop to 


Rev. John R. Lee; 2 Rev. John J. She; : 3 Rt. Rev. Richard A. O Connor; 4 
very Rev. Edward Cassidy ; 5 Rev. Edmund F. Murray; 6 Rev. Henry J Gibney 
7 Rev. Thus. M. Shanahan; 8 Rev. James C. Carberry; 9 Rt. Rev. Martin D 
Whelan; 10 Rev. Arthur J. O Leary. 

208 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


use his influence to get her into one of the convents of Lower 
Canada, or elsewhere, and she hoped that she would not prove 
ungrateful. The outcome was that she entered the Commun 
ity of the Sisters of Charity at Emmitsburg, Md., on December 
18, 1837. 

Ellen Feehan was born in Clonmel, County Tipperary, Ire 
land, on May 10, 1806, and was baptized the same day. She 
emigrated to Toronto with her parents, where the latter died. 
On entering the Community at Emmitsburg she was known 
as Sister Mary Rose, the habit then being the "black cap and 
dress" of Mother Seton s time. She was sent, after the usual 
time of probation, first to New Orleans, and later to St. Vin 
cent s School, St. Louis. She died in the latter city, December 
29, 1852, after fifteen years of active and useful service in 
the work of her spouse. She thus wore for two years the 
white cornette of the Order of St. Vincent de Paul, with which 
community that of Mother Seton was amalgamated in 1850. 

She was closely followed into the religious state by her sis 
ter Margaret, who entered the same community and the same 
convent, on Christmas Day, 1838. Writing of these two young 
ladies to the Bishop, Father McDonough, their pastor, says: 
"Your Lordship knows the Misses Feehan of this city, who 
are the admiration of the congregation for their strict atten 
tion to their religious duties." 

Margaret Feehan was also born in Clonmel, but the date of 
her birth has not been recorded. Entering at Emmitsburg, 
December 25, 1838, she took the name of Sister Mary Barna 
bas. Her missions were more numerous than those of her 
sister. She went first to the Baltimore Infirmary, where she 
remained until 1843, when she was transferred to the Phila 
delphia Asylum. Three years later she was sent to St. Peter s 
School, Wilmington, Delaware. In 1850 she was placed on the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 209 

staff of the New Orleans Asylum, where, with the exception 
of one year spent at the Infant Asylum at New Orleans, she 
labored until her death, which occurred December 17, 1885. 
She thus wore the habit of Mother Seton for twelve years and 
that of St. Vincent de Paul for thirty-five. 

As those who have joined the Brothers and Sisters of the 
various Communities from the parish are treated in a separ 
ate chapter, we will from henceforth confine ourselves in this 
chapter to those sons of the parish who have entered the 

One-third of a century went by from the building of the 
church until the first native of the parish was raised to the 
holy priesthood- 

The Reverend John R. Lee was born in York, now Toronto, 
November 6, 1831, and after the usual course of studies was 
ordained to the priesthood on June 15, 1856. He was in Ham 
ilton for a short time after ordination, and was appointed pas 
tor of Brock in the fall of that year. In that parish he built 
a presbytery at Vroomanton and erected a church in Thorah. 
His next station was as assistant at Barrie in 1861, coming to 
St. Paul s as assistant in March, 1863, where he remained until 
June, 1865. He then went to the Cathedral as assistant and 
was there until August, 1866. The following year he was sta 
tioned at St. Catharines as assistant, returning to St. Paul s 
in November, 1867. He remained until March, 1869, when he 
again went to the Cathedral. He died April 10, 1873, and was 
buried in the family plot in St. Michael s cemetery. 

Three years later another native son of St. Paul s was or 
dained the Rev. John J. Shea. 

The Reverend John Joseph Shea was born in Toronto on 
March 4, 1837. His studies were made at St. Hyacinth, St. 
Michael s College, Toronto, and Sandwich. Ordained October 

210 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

16, 1859, he was sent as assistant to Adjala, where he re 
mained until March, 1860, when he was appointed to Streets- 
ville as pastor. That town had been made the place of 
residence of the priest two years before, but Father Shea 
moved back to the old residence built by Father McNulty at 
the church on the Fifth Line of Toronto township. In May, 
1861, he was placed at the Cathedral in Toronto, and during 
his residence there his name appears frequently on the regis 
ter of St. Paul s. In the following year he was appointed 
pastor of Oshawa, and during his incumbency built a church 
at Whitby. Recalled to Toronto in 1873, he was made rector 
of the Cathedral. At the first council of Toronto he was one 
of the theologians. In 1875 he was made the first resident 
pastor of Brockton, now St. Helen s, Toronto, where he built 
a presbytery. He remained in that parish until 1880. Ap 
pointed to the parish of Dixie, on October 13, 1888, he died 
there very suddenly on October 30, 1888, and was buried in 
the family plot in St. Michael s cemetery, Toronto. 

The Right Reverend Richard Alphonsus O Connor was born 
in Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, April 15, 1838, coming 
with his parents to Toronto in 1841. He attended the old 
Richmond Street Catholic School when it was taught by lay 
teachers, and was also a pupil of the Christian Brothers in 
that institution on their taking charge in 1851. In September, 
1852, St. Michael s College opened on Queen street east, and 
our subject was one of the first students to enroll. He finished 
the classical and philosophical courses at St. Michael s and 
took one year in theology at that institution. This last 
course he completed in the Sulpician Seminary, Montreal, and 
was ordained to the holy priesthood by Bishop Lynch, August 
12, 1861, in St. Michael s Cathedral. 

He began his priestly labors as assistant at the Gore of 



J Rev. J. J. McGrand; 2 Rev. .1 R. Grant; 3 Rev. \Vm. Dunn, S.J. ; 
4. Rev. J. ,T. Coleman; 5 Rev. F. H. Pennylegion ; 6 Rev. A. T. Clancy; 
7 --Rev. G. T. Culliton; 8 Rev. J. A. Mogan ; P Rev. .1. O. Cuddahy; 

10 Rev. D. J. O NeiH. 

212 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Toronto, and five months later was given charge of that mis 
sion. Father O Connor was transferred to Niagara Falls as 
pastor in December, 1865, remaining until September, 1868. 
He was then placed in charge of Adjala, where he was Pastor 
two years. In October, 1870, he was made Pastor and Dean 
of Barrie. Here he built the present church. After more than 
eighteen years in this charge he was made Bishop of Peter 
borough, January 11, 1889; and was consecrated May 1, 1889, 
in the Cathedral of Peterborough by Archbishop Cleary of 
Kingston, assisted by Archbishops Fabre of Montreal and 
Duhamel of Ottawa. In 1911 he celebrated the golden jubilee 
of his ordination. He died January 23, 1913, and was buried 
beneath the Cathedral of Peterborough. 

The Most Reverend Denis O Connor was born at Pickering, 
Ont., March 28, 1841, and was brought as an infant to St. 
Paul s, Toronto, for baptism, as there was no priest nearer his 
birth place at that time. In September, 1852, he came to St. 
Michael s College, which had just opened on Queen street 
east, and there began his life-long connection with the Com 
munity of St. Basil. The next eleven years were spent as a 
student with the Basilians at St. Michael s College and in 
France. On December 8, 1863, he was ordained priest in St. 
Mary s Church, Toronto, by Bishop Lynch, and for seven 
years was at St. Michael s College. He then took charge of 
Sandwich College, which had been closed for some time, and 
in a few years had it in a most flourishing condition. He re 
mained in this position for twenty years, having in addition to 
his college duties the supervision of the parishes of Sandwich 
and Amherstburg. He was twice Administrator of the dio 
cese of London, and in 1888 received the degree of D.D. from 

On October 19, 1890, he was consecrated Bishop of London 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 213 

in the Cathedral of that city, by Archbishop Walsh of Toronto, 
assisted by Bishops Bowling of Hamilton and Foley of .De 
troit. He was appointed Archbishop of Toronto, January 27, 
1899, and was installed in St. Michael s Cathedral on May 3, 
in the presence of the Archbishop of Kingston, the Bishops of 
Hamilton, Peterborough, Alexandria, Sherbrooke, St. Hya 
cinth, Detroit and Buffalo, and one hundred and fifty priests. 
After nine years of unrelenting labor, he felt that the duties 
and responsibilities of his office were more than his failing 
strength could endure, so he resigned the See of Toronto, and 
on May 22, 1908, received official notice from the Holy See 
that he had been relieved of the burden. He was made titular 
Archbishop of Laodicea and retired to the Basllian novitiate, 
Toronto, where he died June 30, 1911, and was buried in the 
plot of his beloved Community in Mount Hope Cemetery, 

The Very Reverend Edward Cassidy was born October 4, 
1845, in that portion of St. Paul s parish which afterwards 
became the Cathedral parish. He studied the classics, philos 
ophy and one year of theology at St. Michael s College, com 
pleting the last named at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He 
was ordained priest in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, by 
Bishop Lynch, October 4, 1868. His first appointment was 
to Brock as assistant, being transferred to St. Catharines as 
assistant in the following June. In May, 1871, he was given 
charge of Thornhill, and of Pickering four years later. 

After a year at this latter mission he came to St. Michael s 
Cathedral, Toronto, for a year, being then appointed pastor of 
Dixie. Ten years later he was made pastor of Adjala, where 
he built the present church. In January, 1890, he was given 

214 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

charge of the parish of Barrie, and made Dean. A year later 
he was transferred to St. Helen s, Toronto, being appointed 
Dean of Toronto. He died March 3, 1895, and was buried in 
St. Michael s cemetery, Toronto. 

The Reverend Edmund Francis Murray was born on King 
street, near Berkeley street, Toronto, May 30, 1844, and was 
baptized in St. Paul s Church on June 4 following by the Rev 
erend J. J. Hay. In 1855 he entered St. Michael s College, 
then in St. Michael s Palace, Church street. For many years 
he was an altar boy at the Cathedral. Having finished his 
collegiate course at St. Michael s, he joined the Community 
of St. Basil September 8, 1865, and was ordained priest by 
Bishop Walsh at London, May 1, 1872. Since that time, with 
the exception of four years (1910-14), which he spent at 
Assumption College, Sandwich, he has been identified with the 
work of St. Michael s College, Toronto, of which institution 
he was professor of music for thirty-five years. He was or 
ganist of St. Basil s Church from 1867 to 1890. 

The Reverend John Shea lived in that part of St. Paul s 
parish east of the Don, and entered St. Michael s College about 
the year 1861. Having completed the collegiate course, he 
entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross, in which he was 
ordained. Some years later he left that community and be 
came connected with the diocese of Sioux Falls. On the com 
ing of Archbishop Walsh to Toronto he invited Father Shea 
to take up his work in this diocese, but Bishop Marty felt that 
he could not spare him, so the transfer did not take place. 

The Reverend Henry J. Gibney was born in Toronto on 
August 10, 1846, and was baptized at St. Paul s, as yet the 
only church in the city. His classical studies were made at St. 
Michael s College, Toronto, and at the College of Our Lady of 
the Angels, Niagara Falls, N.Y. After an interruption of four 
years he reentered St. Michael s College, where he completed 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


the classical course and also the philosophical. He then took 
the position of English professor at the College of Ste. Anne 
de la Pocatiere, where at the same time he took up the study 
of theology. After one year he entered the Grand Seminary, 
Montreal, where he completed the course, and was ordained 
by Archbishop Lynch in St. Michael s Cathedral, on August 
24, 1872. After a year at St. Paul s he was appointed to North 
Ad jala. 

He built a church at Alliston, to which place he later re 
moved and built a presbytery. He resigned in 1919 and lived 

Rev. P. ,T. Cfiulfield Rev. T. E. McCabe 

in Alliston until his death, which occurred on March 29, 1922. 
He is buried in Alliston. 

The Reverend Thomas Martin Shanahan was born in the 
Gore of Toronto, November 12, 1858. His family having 
moved to St. Paul s parish, he attended De La Salle Institute 
and St. Michael s College, Toronto. In 1880 he entered the 
Brignole Sale College, Genoa, Italy, and was ordained priest 
in the House of Providence chapel, Toronto, by Bishop 
O Mahony, December 8, 1883. His first appointment was to 

216 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Thorold as assistant, being transferred to St. Catharines as 
assistant in November, 1885. He was appointed pastor of 
Niagara-on-the-Lake in 1889, and during the following year 
was transferred to Merritton as pastor, where he died, Aug 
ust 1, 1890. 

The Reverend James C. Carberry was born in St. Paul s 
parish, Toronto, January 4, 1865. After attending the sepa 
rate school he entered St. Michael s College, Toronto, for 
classics, making his philosophical and theological studies at 
the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained priest, July 
9, 1893, by Archbishop Walsh at St. John s Grove, Toronto. 
Being sent as assistant to St. Helen s, Toronto, on ordination, 
he remained there until he was transferred to St. Mary s, 
Toronto, as assistant, in April, 1895. Appointed pastor of 
Schomberg in January, 1896, he had charge of that laborious 
mission for thirteen years. In January, 1909, he was made 
pastor of Merritton, and in February, 1915, was transferred 
to the charge of the parish of Orillia. 

The Right Reverend Martin Darius Whelan was born in 
Caledonia, Ont., October 15, 1867. His family moving to 
Toronto, he attended St. Paul s School and De La Salle Insti 
tute. He studied the classics at Assumption College, Sand 
wich; philosophy at St. Michael s College, Toronto; and the 
ology at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. Being ordained 
priest by Bishop O Connor of Peterborough on July 14, 1895, 
in St. Mary s Church, Toronto, he was sent as assistant to St. 
Paul s, Toronto, being transferred six months later to St. 
Mary s, Toronto, as assistant. After three months in that 
parish, he was appointed assistant at St. Catharines, where 
he remained one year and eight months. He was then made 
pastor of the parish of Caledon, where he was in charge for 
six years and three months. Whilst in this mission he built 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 217 

a new church in Albion. Forced to resign through sickness, 
he came to the Cathedral as assistant, being made rector of 
the same in January, 1909. Appointed second Vicar-General 
and Chancellor, October 15, 1914, he became first Vicar-Gen 
eral, August 13, 1915. During the same month he assumed 
the charge of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes. He was 
nominated an honorary chaplain to His Holiness, and in 
November, 1920, was appointed a Domestic Prelate. In April, 
1921, he was made pastor of St. Helen s parish, Toronto. 

The Reverend Arthur Joseph O Leary was born in Picker 
ing, Ont., August 9, 1874, and on removing to Toronto attended 
St. Paul s School. He made the classical course at St. Mich 
ael s College, Toronto, and the philosophical and theological 
at the Grand Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained priest in 
St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, by Archbishop O Connor, 
December 23, 1899. On ordination he was sent as assistant 
to St. Mary s, Toronto, where he remained until his appoint 
ment as pastor of Collingwood, in May, 1903. While in this 
charge he established a separate school. He went to Europe 
in October, 1912, studying in Rome until March of the follow 
ing year. Before returning to Toronto he received the degree 
of Doctor of Divinity at Genoa, Italy, In April, 1915, he was 
transferred to St. Joseph s, Toronto, as pastor. During the 
scholastic year 1917-18, in addition to his parish work, he was 
professor of first and second year dogmatic theology at St. 
Augustine s Seminary. 

The Reverend John Joseph McGrand was born in St. Paul s 
parish, July 1, 1875; studied the classics at St. Michael s Col 
lege, Toronto, and philosophy and theology at the Grand 
Seminary, Montreal. He was ordained priest in St. Paul s 
Church, December 22, 1900, by Archbishop O Connor. On 
ordination he was sent as assistant to St. Helen s, Toronto, 

218 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

remaining in that position until January, 1909, when he was 
made the first pastor of St. Anthony s parish, Toronto. Here 
he began a church, the basement of which alone was finished ; 
this was used for divine service until 1922, when this property 
was sold and a church built on another site. For years Father 
McGrand has been a member of the Toronto Separate School 
Board, being treasurer of that body for twelve years. 

The Reverend John Ronald Grant, Ph.D., was born in Nap- 
anee, Ont., September 24, 1873, and began his classical train 
ing in the High School of his native town, but his family 
moving to St. Paul s parish, Toronto, he entered St. Michael s 
College, where he completed these studies. He then repaired 
to the Grand Seminary, Montreal, where he made the courses 
of philosophy and theology. On December 1, 1901, he was 
ordained priest in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, by Arch 
bishop O Connor. He was appointed temporarily as assistant 
at St. Paul s on ordination, but within a few weeks was 
transferred to Penetanguishene. He was then successively 
administrator of Lafontaine and assistant at Midland. In 
1907 he was made pastor of Thornhill, where he remained 
until October, 1912, when he went to Rome and took a post 
graduate course in philosophy, acquiring the degree of Ph.D. 
In September, 1913, he began his duties at St. Augustine s 
Seminary, Toronto, as professor of Moral Theology, Ecclesias 
tical History and English Literature. He died suddenly at 
Martinstown, Ont., August 19, 1917, and was buried in Mount 
Hope Cemetery, Toronto. 

The Reverend William Fraser was born in Inverness, Scot 
land, April 2, 1867, coming to Toronto with his family at an 
early age. He attended St. Paul s School for some years. He 
made his classical studies at St. Michael s College, Toronto, 
philosophical and theological at the Brignole Sale College, 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 219 

Genoa, Italy. On June 17, 1905, he was ordained for the Pro 
paganda by Archbishop Fulciano at Genoa and was sent as a 
missionary to the Vicaratte Apostolic of Tchi Kiang, China, 
where he labored for four years. 

Returning to Toronto in 1909, he was appointed assistant at 
St. Ann s, Toronto, in which place he remained until January, 
1913, when he was created pastor of Grimsby. He resigned 
this post in 1915 and became assistant at St. Francis Church, 
Toronto. In the spring of 1922 he received the chaplaincy of 
the Carmelite Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Toronto. 

Reverend Wm. Dunn, S.J., was born and baptized in St. 
Paul s parish. He pursued his studies at St. Mary s Jesuit 
College, Montreal, and entered the Jesuit Novitiate in 1897. 
In 1910 he was ordained to the priesthood. After some years 
of teaching at Loyola College, Montreal, and St. Boniface Col 
lege, Manitoba, his superiors assigned him to St. Ignatius par 
ish, Winnipeg. He is at present parish priest of St. Ignatius 
Loyola s Church, Montreal, and director of the Laymen s Re 
treat Association. 

The Reverend Joseph James Coleman was born in Orillia, 
Ont., March 20, 1885. His family having moved to Toronto, 
he attended St. Paul s School and served on the sanctuary of 
that parish for eight years. After passing the entrance ex 
amination he attended De La Salle Institute for one year. He 
then passed to St. Michael s College, where he completed the 
classical and philosophical courses, and entered the Grand 
Seminary, Montreal, for theology. On December 17, 1910, he 
was ordained priest by Archbishop Bruchesi in St. James 
Cathedral, Montreal, and sung his first High Mass in St. Paul s 
Church on the Christmas day following. After two years as 
assistant at Orillia, he was transferred to St. Cecilia s, Toronto, 

220 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

-as assistant, where he remained until his appointment as pas 
tor of Schomberg, which was made in August, 1916. 

The Reverend Francis Henry Pennylegion was born in St. 
Paul s parish, and after attending the local separate school 
entered St. Michael s College, where he pursued the classical 
and philosophical courses. He then attended the Grand Semi 
nary, Montreal, but on the opening of St. Augustine s Semi 
nary, Toronto, completed his theological course in that insti 
tution. He was ordained to the holy priesthood, December 14, 
1913, by Archbishop McNeil in St. Michael s Cathedral, To 
ronto. On ordination he was sent to St. Helen s, Toronto, as 
assistant, being transferred to the Cathedral, Toronto, in Sep 
tember of the same year to act in a similar capacity. In May, 
1916, he was appointed assistant at St. Ann s, Toronto. 

The Reverend Aloysius T. Clancy was born in St. Paul s 
parish and received his early education at Bond Street Con 
vent, St. Paul s School and De La Salle Institute. He made 
his classical studies at St. Michael s College, Toronto, and the 
University of Toronto. Having entered the Grand Seminary, 
Montreal, for theology, he remained three years in that insti 
tution, and on the opening of St. Augustine s Seminary, 
Toronto, completed his course there. He was ordained priest 
March 8, 1914. Since ordination he has been successively 
assistant at St. Mary s, Toronto, Midland, St. Catharines, St. 
John s, Toronto, and St. Francis , Toronto. In February, 1922, 
he was made pastor of Mount St. Louis, Simcoe County. 

The Reverend Gerald Joseph Culliton was born in St. Paul s 
parish and received his early education at St. Paul s 
School. He then attended St. Michael s College, on graduation 
from which institution he made his theological studies in St. 
Augustine s Seminary, Toronto. Ordained in Toronto by the 
Right Reverend A. Macdonald of Victoria, April 9, 1917, he 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 221 

was appointed as assistant at St. Francis , Toronto, and was 
transferred to St. Cecilia s, Toronto, in January, 1919, to act 
in the same capacity. 

The Reverend Francis J. Riordan was born in St. Paul s 
parish, July 6, 1891. His family having moved to the western 
part of the city, he attended St. Helen s School and De La Salle 
Institute. He then entered St. Michael s College, and on the 
completion of his course there went to St. Augustine s Semin 
ary. He was ordained by Archbishop McNeil in St. Michael s 
Cathedral, Toronto, June 2, 1917. After a period as assistant 
at Penetanguishene, St. Francis , Toronto, St. Joseph s, To 
ronto, and the Cathedral, Toronto, he was appointed to the 
staff of St. Augustine s Seminary as professor of philosophy. 

The Reverend James Augustine Mogan was born in St. 
Paul s parish, Toronto, June 6, 1891, and received his early 
education in St. Paul s School. He then took the collegiate 
course at St. Michael s College, Toronto, and entered St. 
Augustine s Seminary, Toronto. On graduation from that 
institution he was ordained priest June 2, 1917, in St. Mich 
ael s Cathedral by Archbishop McNeil. His first appointment 
was to St. John s, East Toronto, as assistant, and after fifteen 
months at that place was transferred to St. Catherine s 
Church, St. Catharines, where he remained until 1920, when 
he came to the Cathedral as assistant. In the spring of 1922 
he was made assistant at St. Francis Church, Toronto. 

The Reverend J. Ormande Cuddahy was born in St. Paul s 
parish and attended the parish school. After a period with 
the Redemtorists at North East, Pa., he attended St. 
Michael s College, Toronto. He then went to Texas, where he 
studied with the Oblates, returning to Toronto, completing his 
theological training at St. Augustine s Seminary. He was or- 

222 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

dained in 1919 for the diocese of Calgary. During the sum 
mer of 1922 he was at St. Paul s as assistant, temporarily. 

The Reverend Daniel Joseph O Neill was born in St. Paul s 
parish and received his early education at St. Paul s School. 
His classical and philosophical studies were made at North 
East, Pa., and at St. Michael s College, Toronto; theological 
at St. Augustine s Seminary, Toronto. He was ordained to 
the holy priesthood in St. Michael s Cathedral, Toronto, June 
15, 1919, by Archbishop McNeil. His first appointment was 
to Thorold as assistant, and he was transferred to St. Helen s, 
Toronto, as assistant, in September, 1922. 

The Reverend Francis J. Caulfield was born in Oshawa, 
Ont., July 29, 1891. Having moved to Toronto, he attended 
St. Paul s School and De La Salle Institute. He then entered 
St. Michael s College, and having completed his course in that 
institution, proceeded to St. Augustine s Seminary. On the 
completion of theology in the latter seat of learning he was 
ordained priest by Archbishop McNeil in St. Michael s Cathe 
dral, Toronto, May 21, 1921. After a period of five months as 
assistant at St. Paul s, he was transferred to St. Mary s, To 
ronto, as assistant. 

The Reverend Thomas E. McCabe, was born in Orangeville, 
Ont., and on the family moving to Toronto he attended St. 
Paul s School and De La Salle Institute. He then entered St. 
Michael s College, and on the completion of his course there 
went to St. Augustine s Seminary for theology. On January 
10, 1922, he was ordained priest by Archbishop McNeil in St. 
Michael s Cathedral, Toronto. On ordination he was sent to 
St. Joseph s, Toronto, as assistant, and in September, 1922, 
was transferred to Mimico to act in a similar capacity. 


Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph 

A record of the hundred years existence of St. Paul s 
Parish would be singularly incomplete were no mention made 
of the close connection established between it and the Com 
munity of St. Joseph, dating back to 1853, the second year 
after the arrival of the first Sisters of St. Joseph in Toronto. 
Although it was not until June, 1854, that the Sisters built 
a Convent in St. Paul s Parish, they had already been in 
charge of the girls classes of the parish school during the 
year previous. 

A rapid survey of the history of the Community up to the 
time of its coming to Toronto may not be without interest 
to our readers. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph 
was founded at Le Puy, France, Oct. 15, 1650, by Henri de 
Maupas, Bishop of that city, a man no less eminent for his 
noble birth than for his exalted virtue, and who in making the 
foundation was acting at the earnest request of the Rev. 
Father Peter John Medaille, a zealous and holy priest of the 
Society of Jesus. During the French Revolution, which broke 
out in 1790, the Community was suppressed and several of 
the Sisters were imprisoned and condemned to the guillotine. 
Among the latter, was Mother St. John Fontbonne, who, 
after spending eleven months in prison at St. Didier, escaped 
execution by the downfall of Robespierre on the day preceding 
that appointed for her death. A few years later when reli 
gious persecution had subsided this remarkable and saintly 
woman was chosen by the Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons to 
restore her Congregation, and it was owing to her zeal and 

224 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

great apostolic spirit that the first foundation of the Order 
in America was made at Carondelet, near St. Louis, Mo., in 
1836. The missionary band numbered six, among them 
Mother St. John s two nieces, Sisters Febronia and Delphine 
Fontbonne, the latter of whom afterwards was appointed 
Superior of the first Canadian foundation. 

It was at the request of His Lordship the Rt. Rev. Armand 
de Charbonnel, Bishop of Toronto, that the Sisters of St. 
Joseph first came to Canada, arriving in Toronto on October 
7, 1851. The little pioneer band numbered only four, three 
of whom, Mother Delphine Fontbonne, Superior, Sister Al- 
phonsus Margery and Sister Bernard Dinan were sent from 
the Philadelphia Mission (a branch house of Carondelet) and 
one, Sister Martha Bunning, from Carondelet itself. 

As is the case with most great enterprises the establish 
ment of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Toronto had lowly be 
ginnings. Their first residence, in which they conducted an 
orphanage, was situated on the west side of Nelson, after 
wards Jarvis, street, between Richmond and Stanley, after 
wards Lombard street. The house was very small and in a 
short time the accommodation proved altogether inadequate 
for the growing Community and ever-increasing number of 
orphans. It, therefore, became necessary to select a suit 
able location for a Mother House and Novitiate. The result 
was the erection of the first actual Convent of St. Joseph in 
Toronto, affectionately known in the Community, even to 
the present day, as the "White House/ which stood on 
Power street on the southwest portion of what is now the 
House of Providence grounds. 

Early in the summer of 1854 the Sisters took up residence 
on Power street. On July 2, the Feast of the Visitation of 
Our Lady, the Convent was blessed and the Holy Sacrifice of 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


the Mass offered in it for the first time by the Rev. E. Gordon, 
afterward Vicar-General of the diocese of Hamilton. The 
first ceremony of Profession was held in the Convent Chapel, 
July 4, when Sister Mary Magdalen Ahearne took her Final 
Vows. Later on in the same year, on October 17, His Lord 
ship Bishop de Charbonnel received the Perpetual Vows of 
Sisters M. St. John Mallon, M. Teresa Brennan and M. Philo- 

GONVCNT, 18J4-J8<$3 



mena Sheridan, the ceremony taking place in St. Paul s 
Church. It was in 1854 also that a Boarding and Day School 
were opened in the Convent, although the connection of the 
Sisters of St. Joseph with St. Paul s Parish had begun a 
year earlier, when they took charge of St. Paul s Separate 
School in 1853. In 1855, the erection of the House of Pro 
vidence was begun. 

During the four years that elapsed since the arrival of the 

226 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, 1 oronto 

Sisters in Toronto, God had blessed abundantly their labors; 
the Community had experienced a steady growth and was 
now in a flourishing condition. Excellent subjects had been 
received, not only from Toronto and various other parts of 
Canada, but from the United States as well. It is noteworthy 
that the majority of those received were natives of Ireland, 
that dear "Isle of Saints" to which all America is indebted for 
zealous Missionaries. There were now forty-eight members 
in the Community, including Professed Sisters and Novices, 
so that it became possible to meet the demands for Sisters in 
other dioceses, and to open Mission Houses in Hamilton, 
Amherstburg and Chatham. 

The work and the lives of the Sisters in these pioneer 
days lay by no means along rose-strewn paths, but were 
stamped, as might be expected, with the Cross of their Cruci 
fied Master. In 1855, a bitter trial awaited the Community. 
A virulent type of typhus fever was raging in the Province, 
and the Sisters in their ministrations to the sick and dying 
contracted it. Mother Mary Alphonsus Margery, Superior of 
the Orphan Asylum, Hamilton, and one of the four 
Foundresses in Toronto, was the first victim of the malady. 
Her remains are interred in St. Mary s Cathedral, Hamilton. 
A few weeks later a young Novice, Sister Ignatia Fleming suc 
cumbed to the scourge, and predeceased by a few months 
only her sister, Sister Angela Fleming. Both had the happi 
ness of being professed on their death-bed. The Venerable 
Superior, Rev. Mother Delphine, a true mother in every sense 
of the word to her spiritual daughters, also contracted the 
fever while attending the stricken Sisters and died February 
7, 1856. Mother Delphine was only forty-two years old at the 
time of her death a significant fact when we consider what 
she had accomplished in that comparatively short life-time. 



1 Sister Anna Maria; 2 .Sister M. Camilla; 3 Sister Frances Borgia; 
4 Sister Patricia; 5 Sister Ignatia ; 6 Sister Norberta: 7 Sister Ser- 
aphia ; 8 Sister Macaria ; 9 Sister Hieronyme ; 10 Sister Constance. 

228 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The grief of the bereaved Community at the loss of so devoted 
a Superior cannot be described. On the day following her 
death, after a Solemn High Mass celebrated in St. Paul s 
Church, her remains were laid to rest in the Community vault 
in St. Paul s Cemetery. Her Month s Mind was solemnly cele 
brated in St. Michael s Cathedral, and the many citizens of 
every rank who assisted at this Mass of Requiem bore evidence 
to the deep esteem in which the late Reverend Mother was 
held, and how much her labors in Toronto were appreciated. 

On the Feast of St. Joseph, 1856, the Rt. Rev. Bishop 
appointed Mother Teresa Struckhoff to succeed the late Mother 
Delphine as Superior. On the return of the former to St. 
Louis in 1858, Mother Teresa Brennan became Superior and 
governed the Community until 1863. 

And now for a second time in less than ten years the 
Community outgrew its accommodation, and this in spite of 
the fact that four foundations had been made, St. Catharines, 
1856 ; Niagara, 1857 ; Barrie and Oshawa, 1858. The need of 
a larger building, became imperative. In 1862, two acres of 
the Elmsley Clover Hill Estate were donated by the late 
Honorable Captain John Elmsley to the Community in the 
interests of education. On May 26 of that year the building 
of the present St. Joseph s Convent was begun, and on August 
13, 1863, the Mother House, Novitiate and Academy were 
removed from Power street to their new home. It is of 
interest to learn that four of the Sisters who were in the 
Community when it was on Power street, are still living 
Sisters M. Angela Caplise, M. Rose O Malley, M. Stanislaus 
Bain, and Anna Maria Coolahan; also three pupils who at 
tended the Academy in those early days Sisters M. Borromeo 
McNally, M. Attracta Hynes, and M. Ignatia Creagh. Can 
we wonder that the pleasure the Sisters experienced in the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


thought of their new home was mingled with feelings of deep 
regret and loneliness at leaving the old Convent on Power 
street, the cradle as it were of the Community in Toronto, a 
house rich in tender memories, a sacred place "of smiles and 
tears." In that Novitiate there had been trained the noble 
souls who laid secure and firm the foundations of the great 
work afterwards accomplished by the Community throughout 
the Province, prominent among whom were the future General 
Superiors the Revs. M. de Chantal McKay, M. Antoinette 
McDonnell, and M. de Pazzi Kennedy of Toronto; Revs. M. 

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Philip Leniton and M. Vincent O Hagan of Hamilton ; Rev. M. 
Ignatia Campbell of London; and Rev. M. Austin Doran of 

As has been already stated, the Sisters of St. Joseph 
first took charge of the girls classes in St. Paul s School in 
September, 1853. Sister M. Teresa Brennan was one of the 

230 The btory of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

first teachers. The school building stood on the east side of 
Power street, immediately south of Queen street, on part 
of the grounds now occupied by the Church. It was a very 
modest structure indeed, one story and rough-cast, consisting 
of four rooms two for boys and two for girls. The Christian 
Brothers were already in charge of the boys classes. 

With an increase in attendance during the succeeding 
years extra classes were opened, at one time in the House of 
Providence and later in the old Convent. Eventually the 
accommodation became so inadequate and unsuitable that the 
erection of a proper building was an absolute necessity. It 
was not, however, until September, 1881, that the Parish was 
afforded the "luxury" of a commodious up-to-date school 
the present one on Queen street, to which, some ten years 
later, a large addition had to be made to provide yet more 
room for the continuous increase of population. 

Among the Separate Schools of Toronto, St. Paul s always 
has ranked high for its up-to-date methods and standard of 
excellence. The pupils of the school distinguished themselves 
in the early days at the yearly public examinations and in 
the annual tests of the Government Inspector; also time and 
again in later years at the High School Entrance Examina 
tions. To-day St. Paul s, with an enrolment of seven hundred 
pupils, is one of the largest Separate Schools in Ontario. The 
high standard of efficiency to which it has attained is due in 
no small measure to the characteristic zeal and energy of 
Very Reverend Dean Hand, the devoted Pastor, who during 
the thirty years of his incumbency has been an enthusiastic 
supporter of every movement tending towards the uplift and 
educational advancement of the children of his Parish. To 
him must be attributed the privilege which the school enjoys 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 231 

of being the first of the Toronto Separate Schools to have a 

department devoted to Household Science. 

* * * 

The House of Providence 

The House of Providence was founded by the late Right 
Reverend Mgr. de Charbonnel, in 1857, to meet the need that 
had long been felt by the good Bishop of an institution for 
the relief of the poor and destitute of all classes and creeds. 
It was eminently characteristic of this great and saintly Bis 
hop that he measured his love of God by his love for his 

The building was begun in 1855. The central portion of 
the House as it now stands was not yet completed when the 
Sisters of St. Joseph, to whom the charge had been entrusted, 
took possession in 1857 and received the first inmates, mostly 
the sick poor. Under the circumstances, hardship could 
scarcely be wanting; but to know how to sacrifice self and to 
live for others was the secret of the Sisters happiness in these 
trying times. Mother Agnes Geary, Superior, Sister Mary 
Joseph King and Sister Elizabeth Blaney were the first Sisters 
in charge. In 1858 Mother de Chantal McKay succeeded 
Mother Agnes, and during the ten years in which she was 
Superior we find associated with her in this great work of 
mercy, the names of Sisters M. Patrick Kennedy, M. Michael 
Home, Mary Clare Mallon, M. Cecilia Gartland, M. Alphonsus 
Gamier, M. Helena Fahey, M. Febronia Fahey, M. Catherine 
Kelly, M. Elzear Clarke, M. Chrysostom McArdle, M. Camilla 
Hennigan, M. Veronica Walsh, M. Assumption Keenan, and 
M. Teresa Augustine McKay, all of whom have passed to their 
reward. The charge of the House of Providence pressed 
heavily on the Community. Resources were limited and un 
certain, and often the Sisters had to solicit alms from door to 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

door. But their courage never failed, and trust in Divine 
Providence and in the unfailing intercession of St. Joseph was 
their watch-word. 

In 1859, when the Orphanage on Nelson street was closed, 
the House of Providence assumed the new responsibility of 
caring for the dependent children. These were provided for 
in the Institution until the Sacred Heart Orphanage at Sunny- 
side was opened in 1885. Only the older children, however, 


were sent to Sunnyside, those under four years remaining 

until St. Vincent s Home, Sackville street, was opened in 1906. 

In 1869, when Mother de Chantal was appointed Superior 

of the London Community, the burden of Superiorship of the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 233 

House of Providence fell to the late Reverend Mother 
Antoinette McDonnell, who labored strenuously in the in 
terests of the Institution for nine years. Meanwhile the num 
ber of inmates was increasing, and within ten years after its 
erection, the House became so crowded that many deserving 
people had to be refused admittance. It can readily be under 
stood that with heavy expenses and very small income there 
could be nothing laid by for building operations, and yet the 
Sisters hesitated to ask for further help from the clergy and 
laity, who had already been most generous in almsgiving. 
However, in 1872, when by accident it came to the notice of 
the public that it was only because of absolute necessity that 
those seeking relief were being turned away, a public meeting 
was held and a subscription list opened to supply building 
funds. And such was the generosity of all classes that in 
January, 1875, a large new wing was completed. At the same 
time the Government and the City authorities showed their 
approval of the work being done at the House of Providence 
by considerably increasing the annual grants. 

To meet the cost of the up-keep of the Institution, which 
even so far back as 1875 was sheltering close on to four hun 
dred people, the Sisters had to devise every means of adding 
to the regular income. Collections were taken up in the city 
and throughout the diocese, not indeed by representatives, but 
by the Sisters themselves, who, in winter and summer, en 
dured fatigue and hardship and sometimes even contempt in 
their noble zeal to provide the best they could for God s poor 
and neglected ones. This practice, however, was discontinued 
later, and instead a collection was taken up in the churches 
once a year. Musical festivals were arranged for the winter 
and picnics for the summer, for which latter Government and 
private grounds were always generously thrown open. Public 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

halls were given free of charge for concerts, at which the best 
artists of the day gladly gave their services gratis. But the 
great event of the year in aid of the House of Providence was 


For ten years a resident of the House of 
Providence. He died there, Dec. 7, 1922. 

the Annual Picnic on May 24th, which was first held in 1870 
on the House of Providence grounds, and from that time until 
its discontinuance in 1919 in favor of the Civic Federation 
Charities, it was the great rendezvous for all the Catholics of 
Toronto. With the hearty co-operation of the Archbishop and 
the clergy, parish vied with parish in doing its utmost to make 
the picnic a success, so that such generous efforts on the part 
of the people could not but fully repay the Sisters for their 
almost incredible labor on these occasions. 

In 1878, Mother de Chantal again took charge of the 
House of Providence, when Mother Antoinette was elected 
Superior-General. During Mother de Chantal s Superiorship 
the present beautiful spacious chapel was erected. In 1885, 
Mother de Chantal was appointed to the Sacred Heart Orphan 
age and was replaced by Mother M. Louise Clancy, whose 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 235 

memory is still fresh among the older parishioners of St. 
Paul s. Also are remembered the band of self-sacrificing souls 
who aided in her devotion to God s poor and who, with her, are 
now enjoying their eternal reward Sisters M. Gabriel Mac- 
kassy, M. Paul McDonald, M. Basil Baker, M. Euphrasia Mc- 
Kendry, M. Gonzaga Brophy, M. Lawrence Keaney, M. Thecla 
Lehane, M. Philomena Lehane, M. Immaculate Conception 
Brennan, M. de Chantal Hennessey, M. Ligouri Murphy, M. 
Celestine O Hagan, M. Barbara Wrightson, M. Praxedes Mc- 
Grath, M. Leocadia O Driscoll. 

During the twenty-three years in which Mother Louise 
was in charge of the Institute much was done to add to the 
comfort of the inmates. In 1894 an additional wing provided 
more comfortable quarters for the old men. In 1897, by the 
will of the late Thos. O Connor of Toronto, the Sisters of St. 
Joseph in charge of the House of Providence were bequeathed 
in trust for the House of Providence the "O Connor Farm" on 
Queen street east. This farm supplied the House for several 
years with splendid produce and was later sold at considerable 
advantage to the Scarboro Beach Park Co., and is now the 
well-known Scarboro Beach Amusement Park. The proceeds of 
the sale enabled the Sisters in charge, besides providing better 
maintenance for the inmates, to purchase the present farm 
known as the House of Providence Farm on St. Clair avenue, 
east, to erect a Home for Infants on Sackville street and to 
build suitable quarters for the Sisters the first provided for 
them during the half -century and more of the existence of the 

In 1916 the Sisters of the Misericordia took over the care 
of the infants, and St. Vincent s Residence is now affording a 
temporary home for the girls of the Sacred Heart Orphanage 
pending the erection of a new orphanage for both girls and 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

boys. It is the intention, however, that the building on Sack- 
ville street will be used later on as a Home for Incurables. The 
latest improvement at the House of Providence, made during 
the past year, is that of a proper boiler house and the con 
sequent renovation of the heating system of the whole institu 

And so it may be seen that every few years, from the time 
that the House of Providence was built in 1857 until the 
present, some new attempt has been made on the part of the 

Rev. Sisters M. Juliana, Annunciate, Romanus and Enducia. 

Superiors and the Sisters to add to the comfort and better 
maintenance of the inmates, and to-day the House of Pro 
vidence stands unique among the institutions of its kind as a 
home where the poor and destitute of all classes and creeds 
are sure to find Christ-like charity and kind attention. And 
the watchword that is written in the hearts of each one con 
nected with the Institution is: "Lo, here is Christ." 

# * + 

This then in general is the association of the Sisters of 
St. Joseph with St. Paul s Parish during the past seventy 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

years, an association which embodies much that is tender and 
sacred in the traditions of the Community, and one, which it 
is to be hoped, will grow, if possible, stronger and deeper with 
the coming years. It only remains to append the names of 
those Sisters in the Community, who were former members 

of St. Paul s Parish: 

Sister M. Francis McCarthy Ig51 

" St. John Mallon 1852 

" Clare Mallon 1855 

Anna Maria Coolahan 1359 

M. de Sales Coolahan 1 865 

" Francis Melia iggg 

" Camilla O Brien 1867 

Borgia Murphy iggg 

" Patricia Mallon (London) Ig71 

" Ignatia Creagh jg 72 

Benedicta Shanahan 1873 

Attracta Hynes 

Norberta Dunn 

Seraphia Rigney 

Macaria Larkin 

Xaveria Murphy 189 g 

Hieronyme Kennedy iggg 

Constance Dunn (London) 1906 

" Juliana Mitchell 1908 

Immaculate Conception Williamson .... 1909 

" Annunziata Williamson 1910 

Rosario Hare 1911 

Romanus Hushin 1912 

" Eudocia Christie 1915 

" St. Luke Buckley 1916 

" Blandina McKenna 1917 

" St. Mark Devaney 191 7 

" St. Albert Mattimoe 1920 

Mildred Mulvogue 1921 

" Majella Conway (London) 1921 

" Aloysia Dearling (Hamilton) 1921 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

1 he Brothers of the Christian Schools in St. Paul s Parish, 

By Brother Alfred 

The congregation of the "Christian Brothers," more prop 
erly called the Brothers of the Christian Schools, was founded 
in France in the year 1681 by St. John Baptist De La Salle. 
The Saint, quite aside from the high place he holds in the 
hearts of Catholics by reason of his eminent sanctity, is 
regarded as an educational genius of bold and striking origi 
nality. As a pioneer in modern educational methods, he stands 

unrivalled. His principles of psychology 
were sound and practical, and he had a thor 
ough knowledge of the educational needs of 
his day. Becoming early interested in educa 
tional work, he resigned the canonry he held 
in the Cathedral of Rheims, and devoted 
himself entirely to improving the scholastic 
methods then in use and to the organization 
of a community of teachers who would apply 

^ principles for the benefit Q f t he P eO P le. 

With fearless intrepidity he broke away 
from tradition-bound custom and inaugurated in his schools 
the system, now universally adopted, of making the mother 
tongue the foundation of all instruction. Before his time 
Latin was the basis of all studies, and through it children 
acquired the rudiments of knowledge. He replaced, in prim 
ary education, the individual by the simultaneous method. He 
introduced everywhere Socratic and catechetical methods of 
teaching. His results were extraordinary, and his schools at 

Pounder of the Broth 
ers of the Christian 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 239 

the time were regarded as curiosities. His methods are, how 
ever, to-day universally adopted, and he has been styled the 
"Father of modern pedagogy." He founded in 1684, at Rheims, 
the first normal school ever established. Then followed Sun 
day schools for workmen, technical schools, art schools, marine 
schools, and reform schools for erring boys. The educational 
reforms of St. De La Salle anticipated in almost every point 
the work of Pestalozzi and Froebel by 100 years, and to-day 
his mehtods have almost entirely replaced those of Lancaster 
in the elementary schools of England. 

The scheme of St. De La Salle included not only elementary 
schools, but high schools and colleges. His college at St. Yon, 
near Rouen, was a famous school of higher studies before the 
French Revolution. The exiled sons of the Irish nobility were, 
on the advice of the Archbishop of Paris, confided to his care 
by the fugitive James II., after the disastrous battle of the 
Boyne in 1690. De La Salle lived to see his work assume a 
wonderful development, and when he died in 1719, his schools 
had spread throughout France, and even to Rome. In 1725 
his congregation was officially approved, in a solemn bull, by 
Pope Benedict XIII. 

He gave to his Order a perfect organization. It is governed 
by a Superior-General, who is elected for life. He has twelve 
assistants, who with him form the Administrative Council of 
the Institute. The Mother House is at present located in Bel 
gium. Each province of the Order is governed by a Provincial 
or Visitor, and each House by a Brother Director. The con 
gregation to-day numbers nearly 20,000 members and con 
ducts schools in every part of the world. 

In 1737 an effort was made with the then Superior-General, 
Brother Timothy, to bring the Brothers to Montreal. This 
effort however, came to naught, and it was not until one hun- 

240 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

dred years later, October 10th, 1837, that four Brothers, with 
Brother Aidant as Superior, arrived in Canada. 

In the spring of 1851 the Right Reverend Bishop de Char- 
bonnel, who, previous to his appointment as Bishop of Toronto 
was a member of the Sulpician Community and chaplain to 
the Novitiate of the Brothers in Montreal, obtained from 
Brother Facile, then Provincial for North America, three 
Brothers for Toronto. These pioneers opened on May 1 three 
classes in St. Michael s School, with an attendance of some two 
hundred boys. The building, which served both as school and 
residence for the Brothers, was situated on the north side 
of Richmond street, a few doors east of York. 

The success of the work at St. Michael s induced Father 
Fitzhenry, then pastor of St. Paul s, to petition for two 
Brothers to open a school in his parish. His request was 
granted, and in September, 1851, two classes separated by a 
screen, were started in St. Paul s Church. Brother Rodol- 
phus taught the first class, and Brother Frank the second, 
while Brother Joachim of Mary was Director of the Brothers. 
During building changes in St. Michael s in 1852 and 1853 the 
Brothers of both St. Michael s and St. Paul s resided in the 
palace with Bishop Charbonnel, sharing both his table and his 
roof. In 1853 Father Fitzhenry built a wooden rough-cast 
school of three classes in St. Paul s parish. This building stood 
on the site of the present St. Paul s Church and faced on Power 
street. A fourth classroom for junior boys was later opened 
in the girl s school building, to accommodate the ever-increas 
ing number of pupils. 

Shortly after the call of Brother Joachim of Mary to the 
United States in 1854, Brother Hugh, so well remembered by 
the early pupils of the Christian Brothers in Toronto, and who 
had been teaching in St. Paul s, was appointed Director of the 


1 Rev. Bro. Christian; 2 Rev. Bro. William; 3 Rev. Bro. Francis; 4 Rev. Bro. 

Theobald; 5 Rev. Bro. Lawrence-; 6 Rev. Bro. Patrick; 7 Rev. Bro. Denis; 8 Rev. 

Bro. John ; Rev. Bro. Jarlath ; 10 Rev. Bro. Alfred. 

242 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Brothers, a position which he held with distinction until 1866. 
The Order of the Brothers in America in these early days 
comprised but one vast province. Changes in the personnel 
of the teachers were frequent, being necessitated by the de 
mands of new foundations in various places. Then, too, volun 
teers were frequently required for mission work in foreign 
fields, hence we are not surprised to see Brothers who once 
taught in old St. Paul s later holding important positions in 
the Order in the United States or even in distant parts of 
the world. Brother Rodolphus after leaving St. Paul s School 
was named Director of the Brothers School in Kingston in 
1853. He was successively Superior in Rochestor in 1857, 
Baltimore and Yonkers in 1865. He died at Pass Christian, 
Mississippi, on the 18th of June, 18.68. Brother Hugh was in 
1867 Director of the Brothers School in Albany. N.Y. ; Su 
perior in Dublin, Ireland, in 1880 ; and later head of an impor 
tant school in Liverpool, where he died on the 26th of Febru 
ary, 1881. Brother Rogatian, who taught the second class in 
St. Paul s in 1867, afterwards offered himself for the missions 
of the Brothers in South America, and died of the fever in 
Quito in 1880. He was a brother of Brother Michael, at pres 
ent inspector of St. John s Industrial School. Brother 
Christian, who was principal of St. Paul s from 1858 to 1866, 
was from 1870 to 1876 principal of St. Mary s Cathedral 
School, Halifax, and in 1878 first Superior of the Christian 
Brothers at St. Catharines, Ont. He was subsequently trans 
ferred to the American Province of the Order, and finally ap 
pointed Director of the Brothers Industrial School in Man 
chester, England, where he died. Brother Tobias, who taught 
St. Paul s second class in 1876, became later Director of the 
De La Salle Institute, and Provincial of the Order in Ontario. 
We afterwards find him Superior of the Brother s College in 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


London, Eng. Pie died in Marseilles, France, in December, 

In January, 1878, Brother Arnold, for ten years Superior of 
the Brothers in Toronto, was called to Montreal, and on the 
8th of August of the same year, Brother William arrived in 
Toronto, as principal of St. Paul s. Brother William saw, in 
the early eighties, the opening of the new school, and during 
his seven years term as principal he enjoyed the intimate 
friendship and support of the late Bishop O Mahony, whose 
frequent visits to the school w r ere a source of great encourage 
ment. Brother William had associated with him in those days, 


Brothers Sigismund, Rhodian Patrick, Odwin, Felix and 
Francis. On August 14, 1884, Brother William was moved by 
his Superiors to Quebec City, where he became director of St. 
Patrick s School. He is at present at the De La Salle College, 
Three Rivers, P.Q. 

Following Brother William as principal of St. Paul s we 
find Brother Severus, who was transferred to Waterford, 

244 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Ireland, in the vacation of 1885, and died in Quebec City in 
1891 ; Brother Rhodian Patrick, in 1886 ; Brother Theobold in 
1888 ; Brother Servilian, who died at the De La Salle, Toronto, 
on November 23, 1893 ; Brother Walter, who died in Baltimore, 
whither he had been sent for his health, on May 8, 1896; 
Brother Lawrence, who died in Toronto on July 5, 1918 ; Bro 
ther Mundolf of Mary, Brother Patrick, Brother Jarlath, Bro 
ther John, Brother Denis, Brother Alfred and Brother Silvin. 

The long and successful principalship of Brother Jarlath 
from 1901 to 1914 deserves special note. The work of the boys 
was of a very high order, and won high commendation from 
successive departmental inspectors. On many occasions, in the 
Government tests at the annual examinations, the boy of St. 
Paul s carried off the gold medal from all competitors. Brother 
Jarlath s work was ably seconded by Brothers John, Pius, 
Manfred and Ansbert. 

During long years the art work of St. Paul s was under the 
direction of Brother Maxentius, the success of whose pupils at 
the Chicago Exhibition in 1893 was rewarded with so many 
prizes. For twenty years St. Paul s had as Inspector Brother 
Odo Baldwin, who gave his splendid talents and long experi 
ence to the good of the school. He died on March 21, 1909. 
His work has been ably continued by the present Inspector 
Brother Rogatian. 

The results of the religious training of the boys of St. Paul s 
bore fruit in a goodly number of recruits for the ranks of the 
Holy Priesthood and the Congregation of the Brothers. One 
of the latter deserves more than passing mention. We refer 
to Brother Osmind Gregory, who spent practically his whole 
religious career in the Mission Schools of the Brothers in 

Brother Osmind Gregory (Thomas McGrath), was born in 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Toronto on June 15, 1857, in St. Paul s parish. His parents at 
that time lived on Parliament street, near Sydenham. He 
attended St. Paul s School, and later, the De La Salle Institute, 
where he took a commercial course and entered the business 
world. Feeling a call to a higher life, he was admitted to the 
Novitiate of the Brothers in Montreal in 1878. He was, at the 
time, twenty-one years of age. After some years of study and 
religious training in the old College on Cote street, Montreal, 


of which Bishop Charbonnel was chaplain in 1847, we find 
Brother Gregory successively in Ottawa, Montreal, Sorel and 
Fraserville. In 1888 he offered himself to the superiors of the 
Order for mission work in Asia. His offer was accepted, and 
in the spring of 1889 he was appointed Director of the College 
at Colombo, Ceylon. We next meet him at the college in 
Singapore, of which institution he was appointed Director in 

246 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

1896. In December, 1899, he became Provincial of the Order 
in Southern Asia. In January, 1900, he assumed charge of 
St. Paul s College, Rangoon, Burmah, where the greatest work 
of his life was done, and where to-day his name is held in 
veneration. At the close of Brother Gregory s career, the 
students of St. Paul s College, Rangoon, numbered 1,100. The 
climate of India finally brought on him a persistent malaria 
which medical skill failed to relieve, so in May, 1908, he bade 
good-bye to Rangoon to seek in France and in the sunny cli 
mate of Guernsey a recovery from his ailments. He failed to 
improve, however, and in February, 1909, suffered a paralytic 
stroke and died at Fleury, near Paris, on May 15, 1913, in his 
56th year, 25 of which he had given to the Asiatic missions. 
He was widely known and respected in the East and his influ 
ence for good with the native population was very far-reach 
ing. He enjoyed, too, the confidence of the British Governors 
of the Indian provinces, and entertained at St. Paul s College, 
Rangoon, Sir Herbert White in 1900, Lord Curzon in 1901, and 
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales in 1906. Brother Gregory was a 
brother of Mr. Hugh McGrath, of 64 Fulton avenue, Toronto. 

St. Paul s School to-day is one of the largest and best ap 
pointed Catholic schools of Toronto. Much of its success is 
due to the impetus given to education work by the Very Rev 
erend Dean Hand, who for over 30 years has been the guiding 
spirit of Separate School activities in Toronto. To the work of 
the Brothers, and to the progressive programme of the present 
Provincial, Brother Bernard, who, it may be remarked, began 
his teaching career in St. Paul s School, the Dean has been a 
constant and generous friend, while to the boys of St. Paul s 
for the last generation he has been a father and a guide. 


1 Rev. 

i . Bro. Odo Baldwin; 2 Rev. Bro. Arnold; 3 Rev. Bro. Osmind Gregory 
4 Rev. Bro. Maxentius; 5 Rev. Bro. Pius: (i Rev. Bro. Sixtus. 



The Saint Vincent de Paul Society 

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society was organized in St. 
Paul s Parish in December, 1853. D. K. Feehan was the first 
president, but he occupied the office for only a short time. He 
was succeeded by William Patterson, who, in turn, after a 
long and fruitful term in the office of president, was succeed 
ed by J. G. Moylan. After Mr. Moylan came James J. Mallon, 
who managed the affairs of St. Paul s Conference for over 
twenty years. On the retirement of Mr. Mallon in 1894, 
Maurice Devane filled the position for a couple of years. He 
was followed by James B. Wright, James Delaney and Edwin 
Stubbs, successively. These gentlemen gave most efficient 
and painstaking service to the work of the Society. It was 
a conscientious duty with them that the needs of the poor 
should be the first consideration in the social and charitable 
work of the Parish. They co-operated very effectively with 
the other agencies, such as the House of Industry, which were 
engaged in dispensing fuel and provisions for the relief of the 

The St. Vincent de Paul Society, both for the quality ol 
its membership and its work, holds an enviable place in the 
esteem of the pastor and people of St. Paul s Parish. Its 
record is a bright page in the story of that section of the city. 
It lived up to the high standard of its saintly founder, Fred 
erick Ozanam. It cared for the spiritual and educational wel 
fare of its dependents as well as the physical and temporal. 
For many years, during the existence of the General Hospital 
on Gerrard street, the members of the St. Vincent de Paul 
Society visited the Catholic patients every Sunday, and fre- 










250 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

quently through the week. They brought them beads, scapu 
lars, prayer books and magazines, through which means the 
weary, trying hours of confinement and suffering might be 
relieved. The St. Vincent de Paul Society provided a sum 
mer camp for boys at Pickering, which the children of St. 
Paul s School, for the past twelve years, have enjoyed to the 
full. This camp has been a real blessing to many a child 
who otherwise could not have an opportunity of enjoying, 
during the hot season in the city, a few weeks of fresh air and 
sunshine in the country, where health of body and soul was 
well attended to. 

One of the members of St. Paul s Conference, the late P. 
Hynes, filled the office of agent of the St. Vincent de Paul 
Children s Aid Society for some twenty years, and only the 
recording angel will be able to relate the innumerable deeds 
of charity .and mercy exercised through his agency. His 
venerable figure was for years familiar to the officials of the 
Children s Court, where he was a faithful and welcome atten 

There is no lane or alley of St. Paul s Parish which has 
not known the presence of the St. Vincent de Paul workers. 
The members of St. Vincent de Paul are not arm-chair 
critics of the means and methods of dispensing charity and 
accomplishing the work of God among the poor; they are 
real laborers in the battle-field of life. During the winter 
of 1921-22 St. Paul s Conference made 375 visits to the sick 
and the needy and expended in rents, fuel, and provisions, 
in the neighborhood of $1,700. This amount does not, it is 
true, appear upon their returns, for the reason that they 
acted as agents for the pastor as well as members of St. 
Paul s Conference. 

The Ladies Sewing and Relief Society is an organization 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


which has been in existence from time immemorial in St. 
Paul s. Their purpose is to supply poor children during the 
winter months with shoes and clothing to enable the little 
ones to attend school and church in comparative comfort. 

For many years previous 

For several years President of Ladies Aid Society 

to her death in 1921, Presi- of the Sunday School Teach- whose family hats been 
dent of the Ladies Sew- ers Association and assist- resident in St. Paul s par 
ing and Relief Society. ant organist at St. Paul s. ish since 1828. 

The Sewing Society keeps in close touch with the St. Vincent 
de Paul organization and attends to a quality of social and 
charitable work that men could not very well handle. The 
parish owes a debt of gratitude to the society for its splendid 
efforts on behalf of the weaker and more helpless members 
of the flock. 


"The Securest Shield for the Innocence of 
Youth is a tender, heartfelt devotion to 
the ever-blessed Virgin Mary, the Imma 
culate Mother of God." 

The Sodality of the Children of Mary, in honor of the Imma 
culate Conception of the ever-blessed Virgin, was established 

252 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

in St. Paul s Parish, in August, 1860, under the kind super 
vision and fostering care of the esteemed Pastor, Rev. F. P. 
Rooney. Father Rooney realized that the Sodality in band 
ing together young girls and women in a holy crusade against 
sin forms a strong motive for mutual aid and good example 
under the gentle guidance and controling influence of the 
good Nuns, consecrated to God, who foresaw that it would be 
a powerful and lasting means of good to the Parish. 

Seventy young ladies became members of the Sodality at 
the inaugural reception, all reciting the Act of Consecration to 
Mary as found in the Manual of the Society. Miss Rahilly 
was elected first President. 

In the sixty-one years which followed, sixty-five receptions 
brought to the feet of our Blessed Lady about eleven-hundred 
young ladies, who pledged themselves to labor for the acqui 
sition of the virtues of a true child of Mary Purity, Humil 
ity, Obedience, and Charity. 

The spiritual welfare of the Sodality has been as dear to 
the heart of each succeeding Director as it was to Rev. F. P. 
Rooney, who was privileged to be the founder of the Children 
of Mary in Toronto ; and thus we find Rev. J. J. McCann, Rev. 
P. Conway, Rt. Rev. T. O Mahony, Rev. M. Moyna, Rev. L. 
Minehan and Very Rev. J. L. Hand, our present beloved 
Pastor and Director, each in his turn laboring to enroll under 
the Banner of Mary Immaculate all the young ladies entrusted 
to his fatherly care. 

These devout pastors of souls provided a secondary means of 
assistance to the Sodalists spiritual advancement by appoint 
ing Religious of the Order of St. Joseph as Directresses of the 
Sodality. The following have served as ,such in the sixty-one 
years, Rev. Sisters M. Seraphine, M. Camilla, M. Thecla, M. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Dympna, M. Demetria, M. Mechtilde, M. Maria Theresa, M. 
Victoria, M. Monica, M. Arsenia, M. Ermelinda, M. Christina, 
M. Fidelis, M. Magdalena, and M. St. Paul. Rev. Sisters M. 
Cecelia and M. Justina also gave of their musical talents 
to the Sodality in the years that they labored in St. Paul s 

It was the privilege of the Sodalists of 1910 to celebrate 
the Golden Jubilee of the society. They were joined in their 
jubilation by those who had been members at some time 

Rev. Sisters M. Immaculate Heart (McGuire) and 
M. Bernadette (Pennylegion) 


during the fifty years and had changed the ribbon of the 
Child of Mary for the sombre garb of a religious, or had 
embraced the married state and rejoiced that daughters filled 
their places amongst Mary s Children. The celebration com 
menced on Wednesday, May 25, and consisted of a Triduum 
conducted by the Rev. Father McDonald of the Carmelite 

254 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Order and a social re-union of present and former members. 
The exercises of the retreat were well attended and it was an 
impressive and most edifying sight on the Sunday morning 
to see the Children of Mary, former as well as present mem 
bers to the number of 500, approaching the Holy Table to 
receive Holy Communion in honor of the Immaculate Mother 
of God, and in order that the seeds of grace, planted in their 
souls during those days of prayer, might blossom and bear 
fruit. At vespers that evening there was a grand procession 
and a reception of thirty candidates into the Sodality. On 
Monday morning a Requiem Mass was offered for the eternal 
repose of those who had been called to their reward. In 
the evening all assembled to renew old friendships and to 
rejoice socially with one another. Among those who accom 
panied the Very Rev. Dean Hand to the banquet were Rt. 
Rev. Monsignor McCann and Rev. Fathers Minehan, McCabe, 
Doherty and Cullinane. The evening was spent in music, 
song and speeches, which called forth hearty applause from 
all present. Thus was the celebration of the Golden Jubilee 
brought to a festive closing. 

The Sodality while tending primarily to the spiritual ad 
vancement of each individual member has, as a society, lent 
its aid to every good work pertaining either to the religious 
or material welfare of the Parish, or to alleviating the suf 
ferings of God s poor. Thus, whether the need was temporary 
altars for the Church, a carpet for the presbytery parlor, a 
donation to help the St. Vincent de Paul or Sewing Societies 
in times of stress, or a yet more important and larger under 
taking, the Sodality was ever ready to give financial assis 
tance and by hearty co-operation at bazaar or garden party 
to encourage and gladden the Pastor in his labors. In the 



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256 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

year 1881 the following is an appended account to the financial 

statement : 

Amount realized by Sodality Table at Picnic, 24th May, 

in aid of House of Providence $200 

Dominion Day Picnic in aid of Rev. P. Conway s Pres 
bytery - 100 

Civic Holiday Festival in aid of St. Paul s Parochial 

Fund 160 

Sale of tickets 89 

Oct. 25th, Concert given to aid in the decoration of the 
New Chapel in the House of Providence towards 
providing an Altar of the Blessed Virgin 150 

We who live in these "times of money-making and spending" 
can realize the labor and sacrifice of those who helped in the 
early clays to make such a report possible. 

A library having become a necessity in connection with the 
Sodality, $158 was raised in 1886 by means of a concert and 
subscriptions from the members. The good work then begun 
has been continued up to the present time, the funds being 
augmented by concerts and other entertainments when the 
expenditure called for same. 

A stained glass window of the Assumption of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary was installed in the new church in 1894. In 1903 
the Altar of the Blessed Virgin was encircled with electric 
lights, and in 1908 Our Blessed Lady was presented with a 
new marble altar. 

But the exertions of the Sodality have not been limited to 
parochial matters alone. One of our treasures is a letter 
penned by the Most Rev. J. J. Lynch, Archbishop of Toronto, 
on May 3, 1881, thanking the members of the Sodality of the 
Children of Mary of St. Paul s Parish for their noble exertions 
to establish in our city the Convent of the Precious Blood. 
Again, in the financial statements even in the early years, a 
frequent entry is "Donation to Charitable Bazaar," "Dona- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


tion to a Charitable Picnic," or the name of the charity is 
mentioned, as in 1873, "Gift to De La Salle Bazaar," and 
"Proceeds of Table at House of Providence Picnic." 

Two later works of Diocesan interest are familiar to 
many : The Children of Mary Burse to St. Augustine s Semi 
nary, raised by the Sodalities of Toronto in 1916 by the sale 

Misses Hattie Ford, Secretary ; Catherine Eagan, President, and Hilda Woodhouse 
(Mrs. G. Mason), First Vice-President. 


of certificates at one dollar each and by a joint bazaar held in 
St. Michael s jHall, $375 being contributed by our Sodality; 
and the Carnival of Nations in aid of St. Augustine s Semin 
ary held in the Arena Gardens in 1921 in which some of 
our members helped in canvassing the Parish for donations 
and also in the Arena. 

In conclusion let us follow some of the Sodalists in the 
paths they chose on leaving the ranks of the Children of 
Mary. In the quiet and seclusion of the cloister we find 
thirty-two consecrating their lives to the service of Christ 
and His weak and little ones. Let us tread softly and watch 
them in their labors. One is leading her little charge to God 
along the paths of virtue and knowledge ; another mothers the 

258 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

orphan or consoles the aged in a life destitute of other care. 
A third bends in loving solicitude over a hospital patient, 
seeking to sooth and heal by her gentle ministrations, or 
kneels at the side of a dying sinner pleading that he be con 
verted and return to God before it is too late. Another 
rescues wayward young girls and women from the pit-falls 
of sin, and by kind and gentle admonitions leads them back to 
the Good Shepherd and a useful life ; while yet another kneels 
before the Sacramental Throne in adoration and reparation, 
in order to obtain her own sanctification, the conversion of 
sinners, and the graces of which Holy Church has need. 

We shall now turn our eyes to those who entered the 
married state, which called by far a greater number. The 
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered for the welfare of 
every Sodality bride in good standing. Having taken the 
Immaculate Mother of God as their model in girlhood it is 
surely natural that they would be devoted to the Mother of 
Good Counsel and the Comforter of the Afflicted, and con 
tinue to follow the lessons learned at Mary s knee, thereby 
leading a life pleasing to God with the Holy Family as their 

May the Sodality of the Children of Mary long continue 
its salutary influence in St. Paul s Parish, and may the Im 
maculate Mother of God attract young girls to place them 
selves under her powerful protection in this life by becoming 
faithful children of Mary. 

"Yes, tis her pleasure to assist each child, 
Who calls upon her aid in humble prayer; 
Past ages, speak! O, was there ever one 
Whose vows our Mother dear refused to hear!" 

* * * 

O912> \ 










TO DFC6MBeR, 19!7i 


260 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Arch-Confraternity of the Holy Family 
Origin and Approbation of Pious Association of Holy Family. 

The first idea of this work is due to an officer of talent 
and some good laborers of the city of Liege, Belgium. For 
mutual edification they agreed to meet every Monday for 
prayers, pious reading, and to sing hymns. The first meeting 
took place on Whit Monday, 1844, in the humble home of a 
laborer of the same trade as St. Joseph. God blessed this 
pious Association, which in a short time increased to such 
an extent that the place of meeting became too small. 

The Redemptorist Fathers, who desired to give their zeal 
ous concurrence to this work, threw open their church for 
the weekly meetings on the 8th of December of the same 

With the foresight which penetrates the future and 
measures the promises of a good work, Mgr. Van Brommel, 
Bishop of Liege, seeing in this Association the realization of 
projects which he had long meditated for the good of his 
people, joyfully acceded to it, and took it under his special 

The pious Bishop, not content with giving his approval 
of the Statutes of the new Association in a pastoral, 7th of 
April, 1845, desired to obtain for it the pontifical approbation. 

At his prayer, and in consideration of the happy fruits 
procured by it for the episcopal city (the number of members 
amounted to nearly one thousand), His Holiness Pius IX. ap 
proved of the pious Association and created it an Archcon- 
fraternity, 20th of April, 1847. 

The Archconfraternity of the Holy Family was established 
in St. Paul s Church, Toronto, in January, 1891. The first 
Overseers were: Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. E. Currie, Mrs. C. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Burns, Mrs. Rigney, Mrs. Falconbridge, Mrs. Dolan, Mrs. 
Melady, Mrs. M. O Connor. 

On September 17, 1899, the Archconfraternity and Altar 
Society united under the name of "The Archconfraternity of 
the Holy Family and Altar Society," and the following officers 
were elected: President, Mrs. Melady; Vice-President, Mrs. 
Murphy; Secretary, Edith Walsh; Assistant Secretary, Lillie 
Rosar; Treasurer, Miss McAuley; and Overseers Mrs. Law- 

Mrs. N. Melady, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Graham. 



ler, Miss V. Prudhomme, Mrs. O Brien, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. 
Murphy, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Graham, Miss Kearney, Miss 
Dixon, Miss Kennedy, Miss McGovern, and Miss McAuley. 

These officers, with the exception of Miss Walsh, remained 
at their posts until 1905, when Miss Rosar resigned, and in 
November, 1906, Miss McAuley was removed by death. Mary 
Kennedy held the office of Secretary and Treasurer until 

In June, 1915, Mrs. Christie was elected President; Miss 
Kennedy, Secretary; and Miss Dixon, Treasurer. In April, 
1919, Miss Kennedy resigned. 

In October, 1919, Mrs. Graham was elected President; Mrs. 
Miller, Secretary, and Miss Dixon, Treasurer. 

262 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The League of the Sacred Heart 

The Apostleship of Prayer is a pious association, otherwise 
known as a league of prayer, in union with the Heart of 
Jesus. It was founded in Vals, France, in 1844, by Francis 
X. Gautielet. It owes its popularity to the Society of Jesus. 
Rev. Father Ramiere, S. J., in 1861 adapted its organization 
for parishes and various Catholic institutions and made it 
known through the book entitled, "The Apostleship of Prayer," 
which has been translated into many languages. In 
1879 the association received its first statutes approved by 
Pope Pius IX., and in 1896 these were revised and approved 
by Leo XIII. These statutes set forth the nature, constitu 
tion and organization of the apostleship as follows: Its ob 
ject is to promote the practice of prayer for the mutual inten 
tion of the members in union with the intercession of Christ in 
heaven. There are three practices which constitute three 
degrees of membership. The first consists in one s daily 
offering of prayers, good works and sufferings ; the second of 
daily recitation of a decade of beads for special intentions of 
the Holy Father recommended to the members every month ; 
and the third of the reception of Holy Communion with the 
motive of reparation monthly or weekly on the days assigned. 
The members are also urged to observe the practice of the 
Holy Hour spent in meditation on the Passion. 

The Apostleship of Prayer is more popularly known as the 
League of the Sacred Heart. The machinery of propaganda 
in the League is very thorough and efficient. The Editor-in- 
Chief of the authorized organ, "The Messenger of the Sacred 
Heart," is the General Director of the League, and the local 
or national editors are the directors of the League for the 
territory for which their Messenger is published. The Mes 
senger supplies the matter for the promoters, who are 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


appointed in local centres for the direction and control of the 
members of the branch. There is not much required from 
the pastor in the working of the Society. When once well 
organized with a capable president and a band of zealous pro 
moters the work goes on with the greatest smoothness and 
efficiency. The supreme thing for the functioning of the 
League is a full comprehension of the nature and purposes 
and the very intimate manner in which it permeates the life 

Miss McAttley Mrs. Ellen Curry Miss J. M. Fitzhenry. 



of the practical members. The Promoters Guide is a very 
explicit manual of the spirit and rule of the League. 

The League of the Sacred Heart was organized in 1880 by 
Rev. Father Nolin, S. J., in St. Paul s Parish. The first 
director of the League was Rev. Father Lynch, assistant to 
Bishop O Mahony. 

There were forty-two promoters appointed to attend to a 
membership of eight hundred. The League has continued 
to fulfil its mission in the parish during the thirty odd years 

264 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

of its existence. The promoters make monthly visits to the 
members of their districts. 

The promoters and members have taken an active part in 
the charitable work of the parish. They have interested 
themselves in the House of Providence and have shown care 
for the orphans. In the many fairs and bazaars in connection 
with the parish they have taken prominent and creditable 
part. They have paid for the altar of the Sacred Heart in 
the church, and erected a stained glass window to the memory 
of the first director, Rev. Father John J. Lynch. 

The officers for the year 1922 are: President, Miss B. 
Eagan; Secretary, Miss Irma Boulogne; and Treasurer, Miss 
Isabel Pamphilon. 

The number of promoters is forty-five in the senior divi 
sion, and fifteen in the junior. The total number of members 
at the present time is in the neighborhood of 1,250. 

Among the promoters of the League of the Sacred Heart 
who have gone to their reward and deserve mention are Miss 
McAuley, Mrs. Ellen Curry, Emma Walsh, Mary Fitzhenry, 
Mary Delaney, James Mallon and Michael Dwan. 

* * * 

The League of the Cross 

The League of the Cross is a Catholic total abstinence 
confraternity, founded in London, England, in 1873 by Cardi 
nal Manning, to unite Catholics, both clergy and laity, in the 
warfare against intemperance and thus improve religious, 
social and domestic conditions, especially among working 
classes. The League spread rapidly throughout the British 
Isles, where it effected very much good in the large industrial 
towns. The fundamental rules of the League were: (1) 
That the pledge shall be of total abstinence and taken with 
out limit as to time. (2) That no one who is not a practical 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 265 

Catholic shall hold any office in the League. Pope Leo XIII. 
was a very ardent advocate of the League of the Cross and 
enriched it with many ecclesiastical favors. It was introduced 
into Canada by Bishop Carberry of Hamilton in 1885, and was 
organized in St. Paul s Parish, in 1891 by Rev. Father Mine- 
han, who has been a consistent advocate of temperance all 
his life. His example has been a source of edification to 
the clergy and laity of the Archdiocese of Toronto. St. Paul s 
branch of the League had, at one time, a membership of 500 
men and boys enrolled upon its register. Discourses on the 
subject of temperance were delivered, usually on Sunday 
afternoon, in St. Ann s Hall. 

Among the leaders of the Crusade when it was at the 
height of its popularity were the Rev. Dr. Treacy, W. H. 
Cahill and George Duffy. Archbishop Walsh took a deep 
interest in the movement, and delivered a lecture in St. Paul s 
Church, Jan. 15, 1893, at the Sunday evening service. It was 
an intensely cold day, with a temperature below zero, and one 
of the main steam pipes in the church burst, necessitating the 
shutting down of the plant. The Archbishop, nothing daunted, 
faced the large audience and got through his discourse 
as best he could. When the service was over he casually rer 
marked that there was very cold comfort in temperance 

The League continued in existence until 1905, when it 
gave way to the more popular Holy Name Society. During 
the existence of the League in the parish much good was 
accomplished amongst the boys and young men, but the older 
generation was certainly hard to hold within the limits of 
the League. The temptation to have an occasional drink 
seemed to be too strong for the powers of resistance of many 
who, in a moment of enthusiasm, were carried away by the 

266 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

hopeful promises of membership. Lapses and little bicker 
ings among the members unfortunately brought about the 
vlownfall of this most excellent society. In the days of Father 
Fitzhenry, in the early fifties, there was a strong temperance 
organization in St. Paul s Parish, and among the clergymen 
who lectured to the members on the subject was the unfortun 
ate Father Chiniquy, then a priest of Montreal diocese, who 
went about preaching temperance. 

* * * 

The Holy Name Society 

One of the societies that has added much honor to St. Paul s 
parish is the Holy Name Society. Of its history as a Church 
organization we need say little. It is old, as present-day 
Church societies go, having been established in the thirteenth 
century by St. Dominic to offset the Albigensian heresy. Since 
the time of its formation the Holy Name Society has been 
under the care of the Dominican Fathers. 

The Society in its early clays obtained great following in 
France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. In America it is com 
paratively new (about fifty years), and in Canada dates back 
to the beginning of the present century. 

One of the first, if not the very first, Holy Name Societies 
established in Canada is that erected in St. Paul s parish by 
the present pastor, Very Rev. Dean Hand. It was formed 
among the boys of the school and, as the charter granted by 
the Master General of the Dominican Order at Rome shows, 
was given all the spiritual privileges of the Society on August 
30, 1903. 

The senior Holy Name Society was established on Sunday, 

December 17, 1905, following the mission given by the Re- 

demptorist Fathers, when practically all the men who attended 

the closing exercises of the mission were enrolled in this 

beneficent organization. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


The inaugural meeting of the Society was held on Sunday 
afternoon, January 17, 1906, when, with 132 members pres 
ent, the Reverend Director Father Hand explained the aims 
and objects of the Society belief in the Divinity of Our Lord; 
promoting the due observance of Sunday ; respect for the Holy 


Name of Jesus; respect for oaths, and the doing away with 
unnecessary swearing. Elections followed, with this result: 

President, Patrick M. Kennedy; Treasurer, James O Hagan; 
Secretary, Geo. C. Cassidy, who acted for half a year, his suc 
cessor being James Dillon. 

The following Sunday, January 14, the newly established 
Holy Name Society celebrated the Feast of the Holy Name by 
assisting in a body at Holy Communion at the 8 o clock Mass, 
and attending a general meeting in the afternoon. Thus be 
gan those series of monthly meetings that eventually led to 
the formation of the Society in other parishes and also to the 

268 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

establishment of the Holy Name Union to foster the growth 
of the Society throughout the Archdiocese. 

In those early days much enthusiasm was shown; a choir 
was formed among the members for the singing of hymns at 
the meetings and at the Holy Communion Masses of the 
Society. This choir also assisted the regular church choir and 
eventually merged into it. 

So heavy became the activities of the Society that other 
officers were appointed to assist those elected in carrying out 
the works undertaken. These additional officers were: Vice- 
Vice-President, M. J. Martin ; Financial Secretary, Geo. Owen, 
who later retired in favor of 0. J. Giroux ; Marshal, P. Farley ; 
and Novice-Master, Rev. Bro. Jarlath. To this latter religious 
too much credit cannot be given for the help he rendered the 
pastor and the Society in its early days. 

The Society, now firmly established, took part in the work 
of helping to build up the parish. Besides supplying musical 
talent for the choir, it offered its members services as col 
lectors, ushers and in every other way that would be helpful 
to the pastor. The parish was divided into districts and pre 
fects appointed to look after the welfare of the members. 
The sick were visited, and in conjunction with the St. Vincent 
de Paul Society, committees visited the jail and the hospital, 
speaking the word of sympathy and cheer so helpful to the 
sick and needy. 

One of the first deaths in the Society was that of Dr. Mat 
thew Wallace, and from that time began the beautiful cus 
tom of the visitation of the homes of mourning by Holy Name 
men, leaving Mass cards instead of flowers, and offering up 
the Rosary and Litany of the Holy Name for the departed 
soul whose earthly tenement was present. This custom be- 










270 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

came so pronounced that families not visited had word of 
complaint sent to parish priest of this neglect. 

At one of the meetings the reverend director mentioned the 
matter of the growth of the Holy Name Society in other par 
ishes and suggested the formation of a Union with the 
existing societies in the city, thus making the Holy Name 
Society one of our greatest Catholic organizations. Out of 
this suggestion grew a correspondence which eventually cul 
minated in the formation of the Archdiocesan Holy Name 

During the Christmas season of the first year of the 
Society s existence a Christmas tree entertainment was given 
the Sunday School children by all the church societies, at 
which the Holy Name Society contributed prizes and presents. 
Committees of the Society, also visited the jail and the hos 
pital, singing carols and hymns and distributing fruit, prayer 
books and articles of devotion. These functions became fea 
tures of the Society until the erection of St. Ann s parish, 
which took up the jail work, and the removal of the General 
Hospital to another part of the city. 

Throughout the year the members of the Holy Name Society 
had assisted at various religious exercises such as the Corpus 
Christi and May Day open air processions, and at the Forty 
Hours Devotion, Musical Vespers and other services. 

The second year s activities were ushered in by the re 
election of the first year s officers, and in addition Mr. James 
Delaney was appointed Vice-President, with Messrs. Wm. 
Fogarty, John Lee, F. Ebach and A. Reid as Councillors. 

The collection and distribution of Catholic newspapers 
and periodicals among the patients at the hospital and the 
inmates at the jail was new work inaugurated this year. 
During the early part of the year a presentation was made 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 271 

of an address and a framed copy of Hoffman s "Christ in the 
Temple" to Rev. Brother Jarlath as a recognition of his work 
in building up the Holy Name organization, and in the follow 
ing year the reverend brother was given a trip to Ireland to 
see his relatives and his old home. 

Among other activities of the Society were the series of 
sermons and lectures given several times every year by noted 
clerical orators at the Vesper services. The members of the 
Society also lent their service in erecting the tables and tents 

James L. Dillon F. R. Boylan Frank McKernan 

President of St. Paul s President of Holy Name President of St. Paul s 
Club. Union. Club. 


at the annual House of Providence picnics, and they also 
assisted with the arrangements at the annual Sunday School 

During this year (1907) occurred the Silver Jubilee of the 
priesthood of Father Hand, and the Holy Name Society helped 
the success of the affair through the work of its committee. 
One of the pleasing features of the Jubilee exercises was the 
reception of Holy Communion by all the members for the in 
tentions of the pastor on the morning of Sunday, November 3. 

So the work went on year in and year out. James O Hagar* 

272 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

was president in 1908 and 1909; James Delaney in 1910 and 
1911; 0. J. Giroux, 1912 and 1913; H. McGrath, 1914 and 
1915; F. Donley, 1916 and 1917; E. J. Collins, 1918, 1919 and 
1920; Jos. Starr, from January, 1921, to May, 1922; and H. 
McDonald since that time to the present. 

It was in 1910, during the presidency of Mr. Delaney, that 
the Holy Name Union was formed. Acting on a suggestion 
of Father Hand the officers of St. Paul s Holy Name Society 
invited delegates from the other city branches to meet and 
discuss the matter of a united organization, with branches in 
the various parishes of the city and diocese. As a result a 
conference was held in St. Paul s Church of representatives 
from St. Basil s, St. Mary s, St. Helen s and St. Paul s Holy 
Name Societies, with Mr. Delaney as chairman, and it was 
decided to organize along the lines of the New York Holy 
Name Union. Of this Union Mr. Delaney was elected presi 
dent for the year 1911; Father Williams (pastor of St. John s 
and former curate of St. Paul s) for 1912; James O Hagan for 
1913, 1914 and 1915; and Francis R. Boylan for 1916, 1917 
and 1918. All these were parishioners of St. Paul s, so besides 
forming the foundation of the Holy Name Society in Toronto, 
and in fact in Canada, St. Paul s was also the foundation stone 
of the Holy Name Union, now grown to 54 senior and 20 
junior societies, with a membership of 21,000 in Toronto 
diocese alone . 

The Holy Name Union was the first to interest itself directly 
and in a big way in the athletic activities of the Catholic boys 
of the city. During the second year of Mr. O Hagan s presi 
dency (1914) a boy s summer camp was opened at Clarkson s, 
Ont., and was continued the following year. The outbreak of 
war in 1914 was the prime cause of the discontinuance of the 
Holy Name Camp in 1916. 

In 1914, Mr. F. R. Boylan, secretary of the Holy Name 










274 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Union, with the assistance and advice of Mr. O Hagan, formed 
the first Holy Name Junior Baseball League. In the fall ol 
that year these two zealous officers succeeded in organizing a 
hockey league among the junior Holy Name boys of Toronto. 

In the fall of 1917, under the presidency of Mr. F. R. Boy- 
Ian, the first annual Holy Name field day was held in Dufferin 
Park, Toronto, and was a success from the start. 

In 1918 from within the Holy Name Union grew that splen 
did and valuable organization, "the Catholic Big Brothers," 
which received the approval of the Union delegates at Rich 
mond Hill, July 8, 1918. Much could be written of the inspir 
ing results of the efforts of the members of this body in 
salvaging wayward boys to better spiritual life and good 
citizenship. To Mr. F. R. Boylan, president in 1918, is due to 
a great extent the honor of fostering and organizing the 
Catholic Big Brothers. He acted as directing head during the 
first six months of its existence and was afterwards president 
of it during the years 1920 and 1921. 

Mr. Boylan represented the Toronto Catholic Big Brothers 
at the International Convention of Big Sisters and Brothers 
held in Toronto, May, 1920, and at Philadelphia in May, 1921. 

All of these activities have continued to function and spread 
under the able leadership of the succeeding presidents of the 
Holy Name Union. 

One of the features of the Union is the annual rally in 
June of each year. Beginning in 1911 with a turnout of 2,500 
men, the Holy Name Society at its annual rally this year 
(1922) had nearly 20,000 men in line. 

The Holy Name Union of Toronto was strongly represented 
at the Eucharistic Congress held at Montreal in 1911. The 
Union officers from St. Paul s part : c : pating in the historic 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


procession to Fletcher s Field were Very Rev. Dean Hand and 
Messrs. Delaney and O Hagan. 

The first and only international convention of Holy Name 
Societies was held in Baltimore, Md., in 1912. Jas. Delaney, 
president, and James O Hagan, corresponding secretary, rep 
resented the Toronto Union on that occasion. 

At the Holy Name Rally within the diocese of Hamilton, 
which took place at Kitchener, Ont., in June, 1914, the To- 

Three of the older generation of parishioners who assisted in the local good works, 
Messrs. Burns and Keilly as Catholic school trustees, and Mr. Hynes as agent for the 
St. Vincent de Paul Children s Aid Society. 

ronto Societies were represented by the Union President, 
James O Hagan, and Francis R. Boylan, corresponding sec 

Over five hundred Holy Name men from Toronto sailed 
early the third Sunday morning in June, 1914, by the S.S. 
"Lakeside" to St. Catharines to join with their brethren there 
in the first demonstration held in the Niagara district. Mass 
was offered on board the boat by the Spiritual Director, Dean 
Hand, Frank Caulfield, now Father Caulfield of St. Mary s, 
acting as server. This is the first and only time of which there 

276 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

is any authentic record that Holy Mass was celebrated on the 
bosom of Lake Ontario. Members of St. Paul s Parish Holy 
Name branch were present in large numbers. 

Oustanding Parish Personalities 

Doctor Wallace was identified with St. Paul s Parish for over 
twenty-five years. He devoted himself unsparingly to the 
care of the sick poor. He was a man of profound religious 
feeling, and had strong rugged Catholic faith. He was of a 
cheerful, encouraging disposition, and met his patients with a 
broad smile and a glad hand-clasp. He more frequently pre 
scribed food than drugs for his patients, and when the butcher 
boy was out, he would not infrequently bring the meat to the 
poor in his own buggy. If there was no fire to cook the food he 
would hasten to have the coal dealer supply the necessary 

He was on the most friendly terms with the pastor of the 
parish. The esteem of Dr. Wallace for Father Hand, and of 
Father Hand for Dr. Wallace was mutual. They worked in the 
same field there was no room for rivalry. The one looked 
after the body and the other after the soul. The combination 
was a good one, and counted for much consolation and happi 
ness amongst the families of the poor. 

It w r as a matter of universal regret, that Dr. Wallace was 
taken away in the very prime of his manhood. A wail of 
sorrow went up, not only from the members of St. Paul s 
Parish, to which he belonged, but from the people of the east 
end in general. In fact his death was mourned by the medical 
fraternity of Toronto and the public at large, as the extracts 
from the papers of the time bear witness. 

The doctor made very little provision for his own family, but 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


St. Paul s Parish, in co-operation with the medical body of 
the city, provided a fund of $10,000 for the education of his 
children ; a fact that reflected credit upon the public spirit of 
the people and their grateful appreciation of the services which 
Dr. Wallace, during his life time, rendered them. 

* * * 

William O Connor, Champion Oarsman of America 
Sports and athletics were ever much favored by the young 
people of St. Paul s. The various summer and winter games 
were indulged in to the full by the rising generation. These 


sports were encouraged by the teachers and clergy as a means 
of physical and moral development. 

One of the most outstanding athletes of the old parish was 
William O Connor, who won the sculling championship of 
America from Teenier, on the Potomac in 1889. He retained 
the title until his death, which resulted from typhoid fever in 

William O Connor was born at the corner of Vine and Front 
Streets, and was one of a large family of brawny, powerful 
men. In his day he was the admiration of the young people of 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Toronto, and his untimely death, cut off as he was in the 
flower of his young manhood, was universally regretted by 


Auditor and secretary 

for many years at St. 

Paul s. 

Architect of the new One of the active sup- 
parochial residence on porters of St. Paul s and 
Power Street. its pastor. 

his fellow-citizens. A handsome stained glass window was 
erected in St. Paul s Church to his memory, by his brother, 

Henry O Connor. 

* * * 

Mr, John Mogan 

One of the active supporters of St. Paul s Church in recent 
years was the late John Mogan, whose death occasioned 
much regret among the Catholic people of Toronto. Mr. 
Mogan was a self-made man. He was left an orphan at a 
tender age, but even as a young lad he showed marked charac 
teristics of indomitable perseverance, lively energy and laud 
able ambition; all of which served him in good stead in his 
later life. Admirable as such qualities are in any man, they 
are poor if not crowned by a life of Christian virtue. It is 
in this particular that the key-note of Mr. Mogan s life was 
struck; and this note dominated every action of his life. St. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Paul s Parish and the House of Providence were two institu 
tions that claimed much of his attention. He was always 
ready for any call that his Pastor or the Sisters of St. Joseph 
might make for his advice and assistance. His death occur 
red on April 4, 1920. 

* * * 

John O Neill, City Controller and M.P.P. 
John O Neill was one of the outstanding members of St. 
Paul s Parish. He was born in 1859, and was baptized in 
the old church. He received his education in St. Paul s 
School, and started out early in life to make his own living. 
How admirably he succeded, and with what credit to himself, 
may be gleaned from the press of the city on the occasion of 


his lamented funeral from St. Paul s Church, January 9, 1922. 
Mr. O Neill was for ten years a member of Toronto s City 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Council, six years as Alderman for Ward No. 2, and four 
years as a member of the Board of Control. While in the 
Council, Mr. O Neill was interested in welfare work on be 
half of his less fortunate fellow-citizens. He established a 
public playground; helped to found the Industrial Farm at 


II III ! f * III I 


TttMIMVtV I6 tlC1t8Vt:,B8tfHe*W 1 

St. Timothy, in memory of Bishop O Mahony; and St. Paul, in memory of Win. J. 

O Connor. 

Thornhill, to overcome the evils of the jail system; and helped 
open a home for indigent aged couples, where such couples 
could end their days in each others company instead of being 
compelled to live in separate institutions. 

Mr. O Neill, in 1919, was elected as member of the Legisla 
tive Assembly of Ontario, and it was while holding this posi 
tion that death came upon him. 


On Sunday, November 12, 1922, the centenary celebration 
of St. Paul s began, and during three days the festivities con 
tinued to mark this important event. 

As the bell which for nearly fifty years has called the people 
of the parish to devotion sounded out on the clear autumn 
air, the procession of clergy and dignitaries, headed by 
acolytes and erossbearer, wended its way from the parochial 
residence to the church, where Mass was sung by His Excel 
lency, Mgr. Pietro di Maria, the Apostolic Delegate, with the 
Rev. A. J. O Leary, D.D., as Deacon, and the Rev. J. J. Mc- 
Grand as Subdeacon. 

The Right Rev. M. D. Whelan, V.G., acted as Archpriest, 
and the Very Rev. D. Morris and the Rev. P. J. Coyle assisted 
at the throne. The Rev. F. J. Morrissey, D.D., was Master of 
Ceremonies, and was assisted by the Rev. F. H. Pennylegion. 

Archbishop McNeil was assisted by Very Rev. Dean Hand 
and Dr. Treacy, of St. Cecilia s. His Grace Archbishop Spratt 
of Kingston, was assisted by Mgr. Corbett, V.G., Cornwall, 
and Father T. O Donnell of St. Anne s. Other priests in the 
sanctuary were: Mgr. Kidd, of St. Augustine s Seminary; 
Rev. E. Kelly, Richmond Hill; Rev. R. S. Millar, St. Paul s; 
Rev. M. O Farrell, St. Paul s; Rev. Peter E. Hand, Lostant, 
111.; Very Rev. H. Carr, C.S.B., St. Michael s College; Rev. P. 
K. Malouf and Rev. S. Auad, of the Syrian Church, Toronto ; 
and Brothers Michael, Luke, John, Jarlath, Pius and Alfred, 
of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. 

282 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The sermon preached by Archbishop McNeil was as follows : 

"I am ivith you all days even to 
the consummation of the world." 

We are gathered here to-day to rejoice with the Rev. Dean Hand and 
his parishioners in the celebration of the centenary of the Parish of St. 
Paul. It is not that one hundred years is an extraordinary event in the 
history of the Church, but it is because it marks the first centenary of 
the history of the Church in Toronto. This is the mother church for all 
other parishes and all are interested in it in and around Toronto. At that 
time, one hundred years ago, the territory of St. Paul s Parish included 
what is now the territory of thirty parishes and many strong institutions. 

When St. Paul s was founded it was the first Catholic parish in 
Ontario, which also included Western Canada. The Catholics of Mont 
real sent $7CO towards the erection of St. Paul s Church, a sum which 
is now equal to $25,000 on account of the changed conditions and differ 
ence of money value. 

A few weeks ago the Cathedral of Cologne, on the Rhine, celebrated 
its sixth century. A few years ago I stood in a church that had been in 
active service fourteen or fifteen hundred years, and had only a few 
years ago been excavated from the accumulation of earth. The holy 
water font was still at the door, and a painting of the crucifixion over 
one of the side altars. You could not possibly stand within that church 
without knowing that it was Catholic. If every church built throughout 
the Catholic world was to celebrate its one hundi edth anniversary we 
should have churches celebrating every century in the history of the 
Catholic church from the first to the nineteenth. There are many 
churches of to-day which were erected in the fourth and fifth centuries. 
Every century from the first to the nineteenth is represented to-day by 
some church in the world. 

There was a Bishop in Lyons, France, in the middle of the second 
century and from that day to this there has been a continuous line of 
bishops in that place. Go a little further, in Malta, where 90 per cent, of 
the people are Catholic. Its succession of bishops dates from the time 
of St. Paul. These are instances in the Church that show the mani 
festation of the power of God in continuing the church unbroken through 
twenty centuries, despite the persecutions and revolutions. "I am with 
you all days, even to the consummation of the world." 

Suppose that some influential people undertook to establish one single 
language in place of all others. Let us suppose they form an organiza 
tion and take their cause as a mission. How far could this enterprise 
be carried against national sentiment and human nature? That would 
be a simple undertaking compared with what Our Lord undertook to 
teach all nations. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


When persecutions came strongly it was a question as to which would 
endure, the Roman Empire or the Catholic Church, and for fifty years 
this went on, until it was proven that the Roman Empire was powerless. 
"I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world." With 
out that presence we would not be here to celebrate the centenary of this 
church to-day. 

The church for the occasion was tastefully decorated with 
red and white streamers, and the choir, with Mrs. McGann at 





the organ, was directed by Mr. Geo. Somers. At the offertory 
Mr. James Farley rendered a solo, "Ave Verum." 

In the congregation were representatives of the various re 
ligious sisterhoods, the Municipal Council and the Separate 
School Board. 

At the conclusion of the Mass, His Excellency, the Apostolic 

284 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Delegate, congratulated Rev. Dean Hand and the parish as 

follows : 


I feel happy to be here to-day with you, my dear Father, with this 
distinguished gathering of archbishops, clergy and the people of St. 
Paul s, to partake of your joy and gladness in celebrating with all the 
possible splendor of the Roman Catholic ceremonial the first centenary 
of the establishment of the first Catholic Church in the Capital of 

A centennial celebration of this kind is very touching indeed, because 
of its meaning as to the historical event itself which is commemorated, 
and also as to the deeply religious character connected with all Catholic 

The historical event, while quite simple in itself, is full of memories 
most dear to our Catholic heart. In fact this celebration brings us 
back to that momentous date when in this great city of Toronto, at thai 
time a very humble town, still in its infancy, we may say, for the first 
time the faith of Rome, of the true Church of Christ, opened its first 
public and official house of worship. In other parts of this great Domin 
ion of Canada the faith of Rome was already preached for several cen 
turies and it was thriving beautifully among whites and Indians; but it 
is only one hundred ysars since Toronto received its first Catholic church. 
And it was a happy thought indeed to have the first Catholic Church 
of Toronto dedicated to Almighty God under the auspices and through 
the intercession of the great Apostle of the Gentiles, the indomitable 
Saint Paul, who had known no rest until he reached the Caput Mundi, 
the Eternal City, whereto he was preceded long before by St. Peter, the 
Chief cf the Apostlc3, and where both crowned their apostolic labors 
with martyrdom for the Religion of their Divine Master, Jesus Christ. 

Saint Paul and the Faith of Rome are inseparable. This faith is 
synonymous of religion, and religion is the greatest and most precious 
gift that God can give to men, because it conveys to them happiness in 
this earthly place and assureo them the eternal bliss of the world beyond. 

Religion, taken as a synonym of faith, brings happiness to this world 
because, as its etymology tells us, it binds men t;> God, and in this sacred 
union men will find light for their mind to know, stimulus for their 
heart to love and to act, and strength for their will to accomplish and to 

A good knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and intense love 
for Him and for all that pertains to Him, a faithful service to Him in 
every activity of the mind, of ths soul and also of the body, and finally 
an unflinching combat uryainr.t and resistance to everything opposed to 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


our Divine Master; such is the program of earthly happiness and the 
sure mortgage on the eternal glory of heaven. 

This program of life, however, is only to be found complete and real 
in the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, as this is the only true 
Church founded by and upon Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 

It is obvious in fact that Jesus Christ founded only one Church, be 
cause He, being the Son of God, had only one teaching of truth. Truth 
is not divisible; a thing is either true or false; consequently religious 
truths also are either true or false. 

The true Church of Jesus Christ is, then, evidently that one which 
was preached by the Apostles to all the world, under the leadership and 


1 Procession of sanctuary Ix.ys leaving the presbytery: 2 Procession entering 

church; 3 Archbishops of Kingston and Toronto, with officer* nf the Mass, leaving 

the presbytery; 4 Apostolic Delegate and assistants. 

under the guidance of Peter, who was the only one to receive from the 
Divine Master the Primacy over them all. 

Peter was brought by Divine Providence to Rome and evidently in 
structed from on High to fix his See in the centre of paganism, in order 
to strike at the root of evil and begin right there the re-making of the 

286 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

world in accordance with the new standard of life taught by Jesus Him 
self. Peter sealed his faithful apostolate with his own blood, leaving to 
his lawful successors the divine inheritance to rule over all the faithful, 
over all the priests and also over all the bishops of the true Church of 
Christ. Where Peter is there is the Church: ubi Petrus ibi Ecclesia. 

Therefore let us first humbly and fervently thank God for having 
given to the priests and to the Catholics, who lived in this neighborhood 
a century ago, sufficient grace and strength to build this church which, 
becoming the mother church of all the sacred edifices of this city, ac 
quired the glorious distinction of being a real milestone in the history 
of Catholicism in Upper Canada. 

Likewise, let us remember with reverent and loving -gratitude the 
zealous bishops and priests who toiled faithfully in this Vineyard of the 
Lord, and all those loyal members of this parish, who proved themselves 
true pioneers of the Catholic faith by lending their unstinted support, 
spiritual and material, to this House of God and to all the undertakings 
which received their impulse from this eminent parish. 

Let us keep in grateful memory all these benefactors of St. Paul s and 
offer our humble prayers for their eternal rest and bliss! 

Finally, as a distinguished mark of solemnity to your celebration, you 
have craved for the presence of the Apostolic Delegate, the humble rep 
resentative of the illustrious successor of Peter, Pope Pius XI. 

Well then, allow me to say to you that I am happy to be among you 
during this celebration, and I assure you that the Holy Father also is 
here in spirit among us. The common Father of all the faithful appre 
ciates the work which has been done here and rejoices at its success, for 
the glory of God and for the progress of the Church in your great city. 

The Vicar of Christ sends you his Papal Blessing, which I have the 
honor and the great satisfaction to bestow upon you all. May this Bless 
ing of the Roman Pontiff descend and rest upon the first pastor of this 
archdiocese, the Most Reverend Archbishop of Toronto; upon the Arch 
bishop of Kingston; upon you, my dear Father Hand, who have so well 
deserved of this parish; upon the clergy who have worked with you, and 
upon all the faithful parishioners of St. Paul s. May this Papal Bless 
ing abide with you all as a pledge of God s own blessing, leading you all 
and myself to our e.ernal salvation. 

In the evening at seven o clock, after the recitation of the 
Rosary, Rev. J. P. Treacy, D.D., St. Cecilia s, preached as 
follows : 

"He gave some apostles, others some pastors and doctors for the per 
fecting of the saints for the work of the ministry and for the building 
up of the Body of Christ." Eph. 4:12. 


288 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The religious celebration of the centenary of this premier parish of 
the Archdiocese of Toronto, honored as it is by the presence of distin 
guished prelates and members of the clergy, appeals to our reason as 
well as to our imagination, and stirs up within us a salutary pride in 
our holy faith and reminds us of the beauty, strength and antiquity 
of the holy Catholic Church to which we belong, through no merits on 
our parts, but rather through the gracious mercy of Almighty God. 

The great apostle of the Gentiles, St. Paul, whose name and memory 
have been indelibly carved upon this church and parish for 100 years, 
speaks of the Catholic Church as the Body of Christ. I might say that 
a summary of the teaching of St. Paul would almost be restricted to two 
subjects, the Church and Christ, whose Sacred Name occurs over 150 
times in the pages of his Epistles. Again and again he refers to the 
Church as the Body of Christ. 

Christ is the Head of the Church; the Church is His Body and we are 
members of the Church and members of Christ. The same Holy Spirit 
which animates Christ comes into our souls with His heavenly gifts in 
baptism and confirmation. As a consequence we are united to Christ by 
the most intimate bonds, "You are the Body of Christ and members of 
His members," and we are also for the same reason united with one an 
other in the communion of saints. "So we being many are one Body in 
Christ and every one members one of the other." Running throughout 
all his Epistles is this central idea that the Church is an organism, a 
vital living society whose head is Christ, "from whom the whole body 
being compacted and fitly joined together by what every joint supplieth 
according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase 
of the body unto the building of itself in charity." (Eph. 4:15-16.) 

All the members of this body occupy indeed different positions; they 
perform various functions in relation to other component parts of the 
society, but they are all welded together by a common faith, hope and 
charity, by the union of the same spirit of God Holy Ghost and by com 
mon obedience to the supreme authority. 

Some are apostles like Peter and Paul himself, and in later days men 
of another race like Cyril and Methodius; Patrick, Augustine, Boniface 
and Francis Borgia, who will go forth and preach Christ crucified to 
the pagan nations turning them from darkness unto light and winning 
their souls by the sweet unction of their preaching and the glory and 
power of their miracles. 

Some are pastors like St. James of Jerusalem and John of Ephesus 
and Clement and Gregory and Leo of Rome, who will protect the flock 
of Christ and guard the sheep and lambs from the wolves of schism 
and heresy. 

There will be doctors like Paul and Stephen and Barnabas; men of 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 289 

erudition like Jerome, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine and Thomas of 
Aquin, steeped in the knowledge of God and of things divine and learned 
also in the culture of this world to which they and their children will 
contribute whatever is of lasting value or enduring fame in all the arts 
and sciences. They have all different operations; they have all definite 
functions and widely diversified labors, yet they are all appointed by 
God "for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry and 
for the building up of the Body of Christ which is His Church. This 
is the Pauline teaching. 

Again the Church is called the Kingdom of God on eai th. The city 
built upon a rock, a sheep-fold, of which Christ is the Shepherd, the 
responsibility and the care of which He conferred on St. Peter after His 
resurrection. "Feed my lambs and feed my sheep." 

All these metaphors and similes, all these comparisons indicate the 
Church as a society or organization which Christ has established on 
earth for the salvation of our immortal souls. It was to be a visible 
society on the earth, conspicuous to all the world as a society so that 
men of every age and nation, despite the handicaps of time or place, 
despite the obstacles of race or language, would be able to see it and 
recognize it as the vehicle of God s grace and the home of salvation. 
"The House of God, which is the Church of the living God the pillar and 
the ground of truth" (1 Ti. 3-15). This is the one thought uppermost 
in St. Paul and in the acts of the apostles. It is the radiant conviction 
that stares us in the face from the illuminated text of the Gospels. 

Our Divine Lord came upon this earth to proclaim the new religion, 
to teach men their duties to God, to their neighbors and to themselves, 
"to enlighten them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death, to 
direct our footsteps in the ways of peace." He came down from heaven 
to take upon His shoulders, like the scapegoat of sacrifice, the burden 
and punishment of our sins, to atone for them by His passion and death 
on the cross and in this way to satisfy the offended justice of our sins. 
"He was wounded for our iniquities and bruised for our sins and the 
chastisements of OUT peace were upon Him." 

He was the prophet, priest and king foreshadowed by the Old Testa 
ment whose mission was to continue down the ages until all the nations 
shall be gathered to Him. He came to perform the functions and to ex 
ercise the triple office of teacher, priest and shepherd of souls, and 
therefore His office must be continued to all ages, the saving merits of 
His passion and death must be applied to the souls of all men. His 
redemption was to be as universal in its beneficent healing effects as 
the fall of the first man was universal in its deleterious consequence. 
That teaching was not to die with Him, it was to go on down the ages. 
The saving graces of His passion and death were not only for those who 
lived at the time, but for all men and all times. He died for all for 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

the Greek and for the barbarian, for the Jew as well as for the Roman, 
and therefore the work of salvation, enlightening the minds of men by 
the teaching of the gospel, cleansing their hearts by the application of 
His Precious Blood, healing the sores of sin, was to go on down the ages 
until the gospel was preached to all the nations of the earth. 

"Behold I have given Thee to be the light of the Gentiles that Thou 
may be my salvation even to the farthest parts of the earth." (Is. 49.) 
How was this divine mission of Christ to be continued? How was this 
teaching upon whose acceptance depended eternal salvation to be per 
petuated amongst men? How and in what way were the saving merits 
of His passion and death to be brought home to every individual soul 
in such a way as to ensure confidence in and certitude of the fruits of 


Mrs. McGann, organist, and Mr. Geo. Somers, director. 

salvation? In one word what were the means which Christ adopted in 
order to ensure the continuance of His saving mission on earth? Did 
He make the reading of the Bible the supreme rule of faith and morals? 
Did He allow every man to be the sole arbiter of what he must receive 
and of what he must reject of the Gospel of Christ? No! If the teach 
ings of St. Paul be true, if the New Testament be positive on any doc 
trine, it is this that Christ has founded a visible organization or church 
and in that religious society or church, He has embodied all His teaching 
as to what we are to believe and what to practise in order to ensure our 
eternal salvation. "He that will not hear the Church, let him be to thee 
as the heathen and the publican." I do not mean that He hinted at 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 291 

such a religious organization or that He suggested to the apostles that 
after His ascension into heaven they were to organize His spiritual 
kingdom. Though He disclaimed before Pilate any thought of establish 
ing a temporal kingdom "and fled into the mountain Himself alone when 
He perceived that they would come to take Him by force and make Him 
king" (John 6:15), yet He would and did establish a spiritual kingdom 
or organization on this earth, and He Himself gave to it all the decisive 
and definite elements, all the component parts of an organized society. 

In every organization which is established by men to carry out some 
great undertaking in the social, political or financial world, which they 
cannot accomplish by their own individual labors, there are four con 
stituent elements. There must be members who are united together; 
there must be a definite end or purpose in view which is the aim of all 
parties in the society; certain adequate means must be employed which 
the members will use in order to accomplish their end and finally there 
must be seme supreme authority who will direct and govern the society. 
Applying this to the Church we find these elements of organized society 
present from the beginning and that by divine appointment. (1) Our 
Divine Lord laid down the end or purpose of His heavenly mission which 
was the salvation of souls. "This is the will of God your salvation." 
(2) Again He and He alone determined the means that we must employ 
in order to attain that end, viz., prayer and sacraments. (3) Further 
more He laid the foundation of the Church w r hen in the course of His 
teaching He gathered His followers and disciples around Him and (4) 
chose twelve of these to preside over the rest and St. Peter to be head of 
all. "Thou are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church and the 
gates of hell shall not prevail against it." 

Hence we see that from the very beginning the religion of Jesus 
Christ was embodied and crystallized in the form of a visible society, or 
Church which was authorized to continue His mission, to apply the sav 
ing merits of the redemption to each individual soul by the internal 
means of faith, hope and charity, and by the external means of prayer 
and the sacraments, and which was to continue His blessed work of 
regeneration until time shall be no more. 

"Go ye teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father 
and of the Son and of the holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all 
things whatsoever I have commanded you, and behold I am with you all 
days even to the end of the world." 

At first this society was the veritable grain of mustard seed, which in 
the words of Christ is the smallest of all seeds, but grows into a wide- 
spreading tree which shelters the birds of the air and the beasts of the 
field. In the beginning the Church consisted of only 120 members. It 
began its life on the day of Pentecost when the holy Ghost came down in 
the form of tongues of fire and became henceforth the vitalizing spirit- 

292 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

ual power of the organization. On that day 3,000 were baptized; in a 
few days 5,000 souls were converted by the preaching of Peter and by 
the visible manifestations of divine power. The Acts of the Apostles 
speaks of many thousands that were daily added to the society of salva 
tion. Tacitus writes of "the vast multitude of the followers of Christ," 
and so widespread was the religion of Christ in the world that St. 
Justin says, "There is no people barbarian, Scythian or Greek, amongst 
whom the name of Christ is not invoked." 

In the period after the death of Christ they were called "Brethren" 
or "Saints" or "Christians," as in Antioch, but at the end of the first 
century they were called, or called themselves "Catholics" "Christian 
is my name, but Catholic is my surname," said Papias. 

"We fill your camps, your cities and your provinces, we leave you only 
your temples," said Tertullian. 

From 284 A.D. to 385 A.D. there were ten different persecutions, in 
which, according to conservative estimates over 2,000,000 Christians 
were put to death. Ancient monuments have been discovered in Spain 
which had been erected to the Emperor, Diocletian, who was said to have 
destroyed the hated religion of Christ "Deleto nomine Christiano." 

Ravaged by fire and sword the means adopted by pagan emperors to 
exterminate the Church, were the very means which helped to propagate 
its doctrine. The blood of martyrs became the seed of Christianity. 

Hard pressed by the heresies of the Arians and the Manicheans down 
to the end of the 5th century, she was in danger from Mohammedanism 
which overran the greater part of southern Europe and northern Africa 
in the 8th century. The sturdy growth of a poisonous nationalism 
which began in Constantinople in A.D. 867 under Photius, patriarch of 
that city, lost many millions of her adherents in the Greek Empire. 
The same cause supplemented by the lust of princes and the avarice of 
nobles produced like effects in England and Germany in the 16th century 
when whole nations went out from the Church and established national 
religions for themselves on the ruins of the old faith. 

It seemed at one time as if the Church must perish, as if the promises 
of Christ were not to be fulfilled "Behold I am with you all days even to 
the consummation of the world." But the storm past by when the 
Master awoke and calmed the tempest. 

"The Church," says St. Ambrose, "is like the moon, it may wane but 
never is destroyed; it may be darkened but it never disappears." St. 
Anselm says, "The bark of Peter may be swept by the waves, but it will 
never sink because Christ is there." And the great Bishop of Hippo, 
St. Augustine, says, "Persecutions serve to bring out saints. The 
Church is a field fruitful when it is torn up by the ploughshares of per 
secution and harrowed by the shards of trial and suffering." In the 
days of his imprisonment at the hands of the Emperor Napoleon, Pius 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


VII. wrote the remarkable words, "The more battles the Church has to 
fight, the more her spiritual powers are developed, and the more she i 
oppressed, the higher she rises." 

"Truth crushed to earth shall rise again 

The eternal years of God are hers. 
While error wounded writhes in pain 
And dies amidst her worshippers." 

A great writer has well said that upon careful consideration ths sci 
entific observer could see three great characteristics in nature: 

(1) The indestructability of matter. 

(2) Inerrency in the order of the universe. 

(3) Perfect organization. 

Likewise in the Catholic Church which is the spiritual creation of God, 
the same identical features may be observed, viz., indefectability in 



duration, infallibility in doctrinal teaching and most wonderful organi 
zation. If the Catholic Church were not a divine institution, it would 
have gone to ruin a thousand times. 

The poor fallible human element in the Church which comprises dif 
ferent passions and ambitions and widely different mentalities and tra 
ditions would long since have destroyed it unless it were protected by 
the holy spirit of God and the promises of our Divine Lord. "Behold [ 
am with you all days, even to the end of the world." 

Very true, in her sanguinary encounters with the Czars of Russia and 
the rulers of England and Germany in the 16th century, she lost 
most valuable portions of her ancient inheritance by heresy, schism and 

291 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

infidelity in Russia, Germany, England and in the Scandinavian coun 
tries of northern Europe, but she has more than made up for the de 
fection by the innumerable neophytes that come to her from darkest 
Africa, from eastern Asia, free America, and far Australia, until it 
would seem that the words of Isaiah, the prophet, were verified over 
again. "Lift up thine eyes round about and see all these that are gath 
ered together, they are come to thee, thy sons shall come from afar and 
thy daughters shall rise up at thy side. Then shalt thou see and abound 
and thy heart shall wonder and be enlarged, when the multitude of the 
sea shall be converted to thee and the strength of the Gentiles shall 
come to thee." (Isaiah 61-9-11.) 

For nineteen hundred years she has borne the persecution of fire and 
sword in every age of this old world s history and in every nation and 
tribe of the children of men, but she has survived it all for she is the 
city built upon a rock. "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build 
my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." "She was 
great and mighty," says the historian, Lord Macaulay, "When the 
Frank had crossed the Rhine, and before the Saxon set foot upon the 
shores of Britain and she will still continue to exist with undiminished 
splendor when a lonely traveller from far New Zealand shall stand upon 
the broken arches of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St. Paul s." 

That noble son of the Church, Cardinal Newman bears like testimony 
to her divine endurance. "She came first," he says, "upon an age of 
luxury and refinement like our own, and in spite of the persecutor, fertile 
in the resources of his cruelty, she soon gathered out of all classes of 
society the slave, the soldier, the high born lady, and the sophist mate 
rials enough to form a people to her Master s honor. The lawless kings 
arose sagacious as the Roman, passionate as the Hun, yet in Her they 
found their match. They were shattered and she lives on. The gates of 
the earth were opened to the east and west and men passed out to take 
possession, but the Church went with them by her missionaries to China, 
to Mexico, carried along by zeal and charity, as far as those children of 
men were carried by enterprise, covetousness or ambition. Has she 
failed in our fathers day, that she should fail in ours? What grey 
hairs are on the head of Judah, whose youth is renewed like the eagles 
whose feet are as the feet of harts and underneath the everlasting 

All this is historically true. When Columbus came to the shores of 
America in 1492, a priest accompanied that expedition which was fitted 
out by the Catholic sovereigns of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella. The 
first official act which he performed on American soil was the erection, 
mid salvos of cannon, of the emblem of our redemption, and the first 
act of worship offered to God on this virgin soil was the holy sacrifice 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 295 

of the Mass. To-day there are over twenty millions of Catholics in the 
United States and eighty millions in the South American republics. 

The foundations of our Canadian history were laid deep and strong in 
the fertile soil of the Catholic Church. From that hallowed day in 1535 
when Commodore Jacques Cartier sailed away from the sea-port of St. 
Malo, the Catholic religion has flourished in this country, thanks to the 
self-sacrificing zeal and heroic efforts of the sons and daughters of old 
France. From the year 1615, when the Recollet Father Le Caron went 
on his 900-mile journey from Quebec to the shores of Lake Huron, Mass 
was said and the Gospel of Christ was preached to the aboriginal in 
habitants of Ontario the Hurons, Ottawas, Neutrals, Nipissings and 
Iroquois, down to the year 1649, when the Jesuit Fathers Brebeuf and 
Lalemont met death at the hands of the savages in the present County 
of Simcoe. The Huron Christian Missions were completely wiped out. 
All the priests were massacred with most of their followers. Here too, 
let us hope that the "blood of martyrs will be the seed of Christianity." 

"From the rustic altars erected by the Franciscans and Jesuits the 
crucifix looked with its agonized face on the savage multitudes of che 
aborigines, kneeling before it, and since then this province has been con 
secrated for all future time to the religion of Jesus Christ." 

The past never returns, but the course of events, as history proves, is 
nearly always the same, though new in feature, fashion and coloring. 
Persecution is a mark and a sign of the true religion in every age and 
country. Whether it is placed upon our shoulders by the hands of an 
impious Roman Emperor or by the untutored savage of the Canadian 
wilds matters not. It is the badge of the tribe of the house of Judah. 
Our Divine Lord said, "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you and 
persecute you and speak all that is evil against you untruly for my 
sake, be glad and rejoice for your reward is very great in heaven, for 
so they persecuted the prophets that were before you." (Matt. 5.11.12.) 

The Indians are gone to the happy hunting grounds of their fathers 
beyond the setting sun, the old missionaries shall never more return, 
and a new race takes the place of those who have departed forever. 

"Still stands the forest primevial, 

But under the shade of its branches 

Dwells another race, with other 

Customs and language." 

The gap between 1649 when the Catholic Missions were destroyed in 
Huronia and 1776 is filled by perambulating missionaries who travelled 
on foot or by canoe to the outlying French settlements along the Detroit 
River. The first mention we have of missionaries other than French is 
when Father McXenna, an Irish priest who had studied at Louvain, ap 
pears in Ontario at the head of 300 Catholic Highlanders in 1776. 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, foronto 

Twenty-seven years later, Father Alexander Macdonell came with 
other Highlanders who settled in Glengarry in 1803. Bishop Macdonell 
was nominated Bishop of Rhesina in 1819, and was consecrated the fol 
lowing year. 

Land was secured from the government early for church purposes and 
the first church was built in 1822, a brick structure, which was said to be 
the handsomest building in York. Dr. Scadding gives an account of old 
St. Paul s. "The material of the north and south walls was worked into a 
kind of tesselated pattern which was considered very extraordinary. 
The spire was originally surmounted by a large and spirited effigy of 
the bird that admonished St. Peter and not by a cross." 

A long rugged line of heroic self-sacrificing priests and pastors have 
occupied the pastorate since 1822. We read of Fathers Crowley, 

Three old parishioners present at the Centenary Celebration. 

O Grady, McDonagh, Kirwin, Harkin and Fitzhenry, then comes Arch 
bishop Walsh, Mgr. Rooney, Fathers McCann, Kelly, Conway, and then 
Bishop O Mahoney, who erected this church and had it dedicated 22 
December, 1889. 

And now when the parish attains, as it were, her full and complete 
Catholic majority the helm is in the hands of the Very Rev. Dean Hand. 
Coming here 30 years agd in the spring time of his manhood, he found 
the church and ecclesiastical property encumbered by a debt of nearly 
$100,000, an enormous sum in those days. 

That debt has been removed, the tower has been built, the church has 
been magnificently decorated, a new and commodious rectory has been 
erected, a large imposing parish hall was built and fully equipped; a 
magnificent monument has been erected to the memory of St. Paul s 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 297 

boys who paid the supreme sacrifice in Flanders Fields all this has 
been accomplished by the tireless energy of Dean Hand backed up as 
he has been in all these works by a sincere, faithful and loyal people. 

For over twenty-five years he has, as member and chairman of the 
Catholic School Board, taken a large and active interest in the building 
and equipment of our Catholic schools in the City of Toronto, and if 
to-day we have over 35 schools in this city and have evolved an efficient 
and coherent educational system in our curriculum, it is largely owing to 
his financial ability and width of judgment in educational matters. He 
has always enjoyed the reverence of his people, the confidence of his 
superiors and the respect and esteem of his brother priests. And when 
life s journey is over and his work is done, may he hear from the lips 
of the Great High Priest the consoling words: "Well done, thou good 
and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord." 

The service closed with benediction of the Most Blessed Sac 
rament, the celebrant being the Apostolic Delegate, assisted 
by Rev. J. P. Treacy, D.D., as deacon and Rev. Edward Kelly 

as subdeacon. 

* * * 

Mass for the Catholic Students 

On Monday morning at nine-thirty o clock the Apostolic 
Delegate celebrated a low Mass for the Catholic students of 
the city, who filled the church to overflowing. His Excellency 
was attended by Rev. M. O Farrell and Rev. R. S. Miller. The 
preacher of the day, the Right Rev. J. T. Kidd, ascended the 
pulpit and delivered the following sermon : 

It is for a great reason we are congregated here to-day, made evident 
by the presence of His Excellency, His Grace, and others, who have come 
to take part. We are assembled to celebrate the product of faith, and if 
we wish to consider what it is, we look back over one hundred years. 
One hundred years ago your forefathers were few in number, however 
they decided to erect a church at this place. It was the first parish of 
Ontario. And how may this encourage us? We are grateful for this 
encouragement and kind act. 

To overcome obstacles and to do Christ s work, faith is necessary, and 
it cannot bs done without faith. We have a natural life to live in this 
world. We receive this natural life when born of water and the Holy 
Ghost in baptism. You all know how necessary it is to be fed. Now it is 
just as necessary to have faith, and it is also necessary that we should 

298 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

nourish and strengthen ourselves with the life giving food of super 
natural life. A child will die without nourishment, so also will our souls 
die if not nourished through the life giving food, through Holy Sacri 
fice, sacraments and prayers. 

How necessary it is to overcome all obstacles. Well and good as it 
may be to prepare to take a prominent part in life, it is far more im 
portant to lead a good life. There is no comparison, and the latter is 
most important. We are followers of Christ, and were made His soldiers 
when we received the Sacrament of Confirmation. When a soldier goes 
on the battle field he must fight, so also must we fight and fight faith 
fully, under Our Lord and to fight we must have faith. "Without faith 
it is impossible to please God." You can readily conclude what great 
gift that faith is and how we should thank God for it. Faith helps you 
to understand God in a manner that others do not understand Him; it is 
faith helps you to know God as others do not know Him; it is 
faith gives you light to understand the mysteries as others do not under 
stand, light to understand His whole Church as others do not; light to 
show you everything beautiful that is worth knowing. 

When a captain starts out across the ocean he always has a compass 
which points out the direction, and he follows it carefully, night and day, 
and if he did not he would roam the ocean, and probably land on some 
shore and be wrecked. You have heard of the star that guided the three 
wise men from the east. You have a light and guide of faith, which we 
must follow through our whole life. It guides us into the great harbor 
of heaven. We read when Christopher Columbus landed the first thing- 
he did was to erect the sign of cur faith. But a short time ago the whole 
world was engaged in battle. The great martial of them all was in a 
little church before Our Lord asking strength and light from heaven, 
asking the little children to pray God to direct his army. 

We learn in the early years of the Church of dark ages. If we read 
history you find it was the faith of our forefathers that enabled them to 
pass through these persecutions. You need not go back to history at all. 
Look at our own men and women of to-day, who sacrifice their lives to 
teach others our holy religion. Learned men and women who offer them 
selves as priests, brothers and sisters, engaged in work promoted by 
faith. Our forefathers showed their faith by erecting beautiful temples, 
to God, and this one in particular. 

God is sure to call some of you to make your sacrifices, and if they 
are not made, when you have the light of faith in your souls, He will 
surely hold you responsible. God expects you to lead a Catholic life. 
Some foolish people read bad books, go to shows that scoff at religion, 
but God will hold you responsible for your conduct. Teach others what 
the Catholic religicn does for you; tD be kind to one another, love and be 
obedient to your parents and superiors. Show them by your example 


.. . 
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<- D 

! ^*^ 

300 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

how beneficial are the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, prayers and the sac 
raments. If we lead a Catholic life God holds out a grand reward. 

At the conclusion of Mgr. Kidd s address, Archbishop Mc 
Neil spoke as follows : 

Before we separate I should add a word to express our thanks to His 
Excellency for coming here to be present at our celebration; to His 
Grace, Archbishop of Kingston; to the Diocese of Alexandria, the Vicar- 
General of which with others have united with us in the celebration of 
the Centennial of St. Paul s. 

It is not often we have an opportunity to have so many students gath 
ered together, and I should like to add a word to them all. There is a 
sentence in the instruction of this morning that shows that your lives 
should be directed to the light of faith. You cannot divide your life in 
two parts, one for God and one for the world. Your studies are not 
merely a means of imparting content in the world. If that is the spirit, 
you are missing the higher part of life. You do not study to pass exam 
inations, or to get this position or that position in the world. You are 
not studyng for yourself alone. No man lives or dies for himself alone, 
and we expect, the Church expects, God expects a sterling product, a 
beneficial product for the kingdom of God, the kingdom of man and for 
the welfare of others. Do not be selfish and study for yourself alone. 
Consider the need of the Church, of the country. Do your work as far 
as you can yourself. Do not lean on the teachers except when you can 
not avoid it. When undertaking to solve a problem do it yourself. 
Learn self-reliance and self-confidence. I wish you to take this to heart. 
We count on you for help. Twenty years from now, the vocations, and 
our men and women will be the product of this body of students. What 
ever you take up we wish you to have the qualities of efficient men and 

In the sanctuary on this occasion were the following: Very 
Rev. J. L. Hand, Rev. M. Cline, Rev. G. A. Williams, Rev. P. K. 
Malouf, all of Toronto; Rev. J. J. O Sullivan, Wooler, Ont. ; 
Rev. P. E. Hand, Lostant, 111.; Rev. E. Kelly, Richmond Hill, 
Ont. ; and Brothers Luke and Rogatian of the Brothers of the 

Christian Schools. 

* * * 

Dinner to the Clergy 

On Monday at one p.m. a banquet for the clergy was given 
in St. Paul s Hall, Queen street east, which was graced by the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 301 

presence of His Excellency the Apostolic Delegate, and the 
Archbishop of Toronto. 

One hundred and thirty guests sat down to a sumptuously 
laden table, and after the menu had been disposed of, the Very 
Reverend Dean Hand arose and thanked the Delegate, Arch 
bishop and clergy for their presence at the celebration. He 
then introduced the toastmaster, Rev. A. J. O Leary, D.D. 

In drinking the health of the King, the company arose, and 
the orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Harold McNamara, 
rendered "God Save the King." Replying to the toast of "Our 
Holy Father the Pope," which was received with a most gen 
erous applause by the assembly, the Apostolic Delegate said 
that as the Pope s representative he was pleased to visit To 
ronto and take part in the festivities of the centennial celebra 
tion of the first parish in the ecclesiastical province of Toronto. 
He felt at home with the clergy of the Archdiocese of Toronto. 
He admired the chief pastor of the Diocese and was pleased to 
attend the celebration of his silver Jubilee in the Episcopate 
two years ago. He recognized the Archdiocese of Toronto 
as a most active agency in the spread of Catholicity through 
out Canada. It was thoroughly equipped with schools and 
seminaries fit to prepare the young aspirants for the work 
of the church in the home and foreign fields. This he as 
sured the clergy was a most gratifying condition to the mind 
of the Holy Father. 

Pope Pius XI. was par excellence a herald of peace. He was 
engaged in carrying out the policy of Benedict XV., which 
was the restoration of peace to the much distressed nations of 
the world and particularly of Europe, the home of Catholic 
Christianity. There could be no permanent peace except 
through the influence of the religion of Jesus Christ, of whom 
the Holy Father was the Vicar on earth. Until the nations 

302 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

of Europe recognized anew the role of the Papacy on that con 
tinent, the outlook for peace and contentment was not very 
bright. The Holy Father was using every means within his 
reach to improve conditions and to help to heal the havoc and 
wounds made by the great war. In conclusion the Delegate 
congratulated Dean Hand and the priests of the Archdiocese 
on their faithful labors for the cause of the Church and 

The toast to "The Hierarchy" was replied to by Arch 
bishop McNeil. His Grace considered it a great honor to 
speak in the name of the hierarchy of Canada. The 
hierarchy of Canada contained a most distinguished body 
of learned and able prelates, who "in season and out 
of season" were devoted to the care of the faithful 
and the safeguarding of the precious truths of the Gosepl. 
Historically, the hierarchy of Canada was the oldest 
Episcopal foundation in the continent of North America. It 
numbered amongst its members some of the most illustrious 
sons of Mother Church. The records of their noble achieve 
ments are written in letters of gold in the archives of the 
Church chronicles. The Hierarchy of Toronto has had an 
inspiring line of prelates from the saintly Bishop Power to 
the late Mgr. McEvay, the founder of the Extension Society 
of Canada and of St. Augustine s Seminary. He considered 
it a high honor indeed, to occupy the chair which has been 
made illustrious by his distinguished predecessors. He wished 
to make known to any of the ambitious young men who might 
be aspiring to the office of bishop, that, though the aspiration 
was a praiseworthy and noble one, the work was no sinecure. 
The bishop, he assured them, was seldom free from worry, 
and occasionally in hot water. The episcopacy was not a post 
of ease or retirement, but one of continual vigilance and in- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 303 

cessant labor. In conclusion he congratulated Rev. Dean 
Hand and St. Paul s Parish on the successful celebration of its 
century mark. He wished the old parish success in the 
future and the Dean many more years of useful work in the 

Coupled with the name of the Right Rev. M. D. Whelan, 
V.G., and the Very Rev. W. R. Harris, LL.D., was the toast of 
"The Clergy." Monsignor Whelan, as an old St. Paul s boy 
and a former curate of Dean Hand, gave many interesting 
reminiscences of former days in the old parish, and paid a 
high tribute to the sterling qualities of the clergy of St. Paul s 
of the olden days, and complimented the present pastor on 
the success of the celebration. 

On rising to the same toast, Dean Harris responded as 
follows : 

To do justice to the merits of the priesthood of the Archdiocese and of 
Ontario, I do not think there could be any argument more impressive or 
convincing than to cast a glance over the work our priests have accom 
plished in the past sixty years, in the lifetime of some among us in this 
banquet hall to-day. 

The history of the priesthood of Ontario does not reach back beyond 
the annals of St. Paul s Parish. We are celebrating a dual centennial 
to-day the centenary of the establishment of St Paul s Parish and the 
centenary of the priesthood of our province and our hearts are filled 
with joy on viewing what has been achieved in the spiritual and struc 
tural domains during this short period. 

Truly, the Church in Ontario, under the wise administration of zeal 
ous bishops and faithful priests, has made encouraging progress during 
this comparatively brief time. The already numerous dioceses, the mul 
tiplication of parishes, the many institutions of charity which provide 
for every need in life and, what is still more admirable, the splendid 
work which bishops and priests have so courageously undertaken for 
the moral and religous education of Catholic childi^en, show the great 
advance the Church is making in Ontario and the wonderful things 
bishops, priests and people have accomplished. 

And, indeed, we observe that within the brief space of less than a 
century, from the time the immortal Leo XII. laid the foundations of the 
Ontario hierarchy, the province has been divided and subdivided into 

304 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

dioceses and parishes all of them manned by bishops of great ability and 
priests of great self-sacrifice. And that these diocese and parishes are 
all well equipped with fine schools, presbyteries, churches and substan 
tial cathedrals, with every work of Christian charity and a well organ 
ized system of education extending from the lowest to the highest de 
gree of culture. 

On February 14th, Upper Canada was erected into a diocese and 
Bishop Alexander Macdonell chosen to fill the See. His nomination was 
made on the recommendation of the British Government and was the 
first official recognition of the Catholic hierarchy by that government 
since the era of the Reformation in England. The Rev. Alexander Mac 
donell was consecrated December 31, 1820, in the chapel of the Ursuline 
Nuns, Quebec City. His episcopal ring a very beautiful amethyst en 
circled with diamonds was presented to him by his Majesty, George 
IV., in recognition to his loyalty to the British Crown. I may here 
parenthetically remark that, in 1806, the Bishop, then the Rev. Alex 
ander Macdonell, visited Toronto, then York, and said Mass at the home 
of his cousin Colonel Archibald Chisholm. This was the first Mass, of 
which we have any record, ever offered up in the town of York. 

When, in 1826, Bishop Macdonell assumed charge of his vast diocese, 
there was no priest in all Upper Canada. This we know from the letter 
he wrote in 1836 to Sir Francis Bondhead wherein he states: "I had the 
whole province in charge without anyone to assist me." There were then 
in all Upper Canada, according to the Quebec Almanac and Gourlay s 
Statistical Account of Upper Canada, but 25,000 Catholics embracing 
Scotch, French Canadians, Indians and Half-breeds, that is, out of a 
total population of 400,000 there was one Catholic to fifteen non-Cath 

In 1830, there was one bishop and six priests who visited the Indians 
and the scattered white families from the western boundaries of Quebec 
to the Detroit Narrows and northward to Manitoulin Island and Sault 
Ste. Marie. 

According to the statistics made public by the Catholic Year Book, 
1921, there are now in Ontario 4 archbishops, 7 bishops, 1 vicar aposto 
lic, 870 priests, 460 parishes and 273 missions. 

Who, may I ask, among the noble priests and pioneer Catholics that 
one hundred years ago fought and conquered the wilderness would have 
predicted that the Church in this country, could have made the notable 
progress which it has made, or who would have surmised that the Cath 
olics of this province after years of bitter opposition, persecution and 
trials would occupy the high position they hold to-day? 

Possibly that great champion of the faith, Bishop Macdonell, who was 
the first bishop consecrated in Canada, west of Quebec City, may have 
had some conception of the future greatness and expansion of Catholic- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 305 

ism in this country and may have cherished the hope that Ontario and 
the great west would impart, in the course of time, a brighter lustre to 
God s Divine Kingdom in our Dominion. Still I do not think that even 
he, with almost prophetic vision, could have foreseen the really encour 
aging progress which the Church has made and is making in our prov 

How may we explain this extraordinary development which to-day 
ranks the Church in Ontario, after Quebec, as the most fertile and prom 
ising portion of our Blessed Lord s vineyard in our Dominion? To what 
powerful influence is this progress due? I may be answered, it is to the 
freedom accorded the Catholic Church by the laws of our country, and 
to the liberal and progressive spirit of a people and a land blessed by 
God. There can be no doubt that there were contributory factors to the 
extension of Catholicism in our province, but permit me to remark that 
these very advantages would have remained inoperative had it not been 
for the Apostolic zeal and devotion which have always been distinguish 
ing characteristics of our Ontario bishops and priests. 

It is a supreme consolation to experience that the progress our holy 
religion has made in our land is primarily due, humanly speaking, to 
the religious enterprise and zeal of these apostolic men who have known 
how to profit by the advantageous and prosperous condition of a free 
and enlightened country, to enlarge the boundaries of the Kingdom of 
Christ in our province. The bishops and priests, with the faith and co 
operation of a generous people, have made the Church of Ontario what 
she is to-day in our Dominion one of the brightest portions of the King 
dom of Gcd in America. 

I know I voice the prayer of all who are, to-day, privileged to be the 
guests of Dean Hand, when I ask God to bestow His choicest blessings 
on the bishops and priests of Ontario in order that, as a body united by 
the bonds of a supernatural faith, they may continue to shine full of 
merit and glory in the vast panorama of the Church. May He bestow 
His choicest favors on ths hierarchy and the clergy so that they may 
continue to work zealously for the salvation of souls, the Glory of God 
and the temporal and spiritual welfare of our beloved country. 

* * * 

Reception to Apostolic Delegate 

At eight-fifteen o clock the same evening a reception to His 
Excellency was held in St. Paul s Hall. The honored guest, 
accompanied by his host, Dean Hand, was escorted from the 
parochial residence to the hall by the members of Toronto 
Assembly Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in uniform, 

306 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

who also acted as a guard of honor during the function. Mr. 
J. F. Power, government inspector of Catholic schools, acted 
as master of ceremonies, introducing those presented. 

An orchestra rendered many pleasing selections during the 
evening. Amongst those presented was Mr. John Mulqueen, 
aged 97, the oldest living member of the congregation. 

On the arrival of His Excellency in the hall, this address of 
welcome was read to him by Mr. Jerry Burns: 

Toronto, October 26th, 1922. 

Apostolic Delegate to Canada. 

May it please your Excellency, 

The clergy and faithful of St. Paul s Parish, the mother church of the 
Metropolitan See of Toronto, beg to extend to Your Excellency a most 
hearty welcome. We deem it a signal honor to have you amongst us for 
a few days. We revere in you the presence and authority of the Holy 
See, which is the centre of Catholic worship throughout the world. We 
are grateful to the Holy Father, who, as the good shepherd, deigned to 
consider the Church in Canada of sufficient magnitude and importance 
as to justify the presence in this country of a personal representative 
to watch and guide the growth of the Catholic body in the solidity of 
faith and the purity of morals. 

The happy occasion of your welcome visit is the centenary celebration 
of the organization of our parish. A hundred years is only as a day in 
the life of the church, but to Catholics of some countries the first cen 
tenary would seem a small affair indeed, yet the record of the interval 
between 1822 and 1922 will, no doubt, challenge the closest study of fu 
ture generations; the spread of knowledge, the discoveries of science, the 
inventions of ingenious minds, the racial animosities, and yet withal 
the progress and growth of the Church make it a period of strange 
contrasts. When the pioneers of the parish assembled together one 
hundred years ago to erect a place of worship, the practise of the faith 
was outlawed in England and Catholics were barely tolerated in the 
British dependencies. The obstacles in the way of advancement were 
many and almost unsurmountable, but yet the Lord blessed the work, 
and the growth of the faith despite occasional set-backs, was steady and 
successful. It is in humble thankfulness that we turn to God when we 
behold the magnificent prospects for the future. Within the limits of 
Toronto the Church is equipped with machinery to meet the needs of the 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


time. The schools, colleges and seminaries; the homes, orphanages and 
hospitals; the missionary organizations for home and foreign service, 
beautiful temples for the worship of God, a devotedly zealous priest- 


Aged 97 years, 72 of which have been spent as a parishioner of St. Paul s, the oldest 
participant in the Centenary celebration. 

hood, religious orders of high efficiency and rare self-denial, a faithful 
vigorous people, all proclaim that the stone laid by the builders of St. 
Paul s Parish one hundred years ago was not rejected by the Divine 

In conclusion we renew our spiritual allegiance to the supreme Pon 
tiff, Pope Pius XL, the Father of Christendom, and humbly pray Your 
Excellency to bestow upon us, clergy and laity, the Apostolic benediction. 

Signed on behalf of St. Paul s Parish Centenary Committee, 

DEAN HAND, Pastor, 
JERRY BURNS, Chairman, 
HAROLD McDONALD, Secretary. 

308 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

His Excellency s Reply. 

In reply His Excellency, Mgr. Di Maria said that it afforded him very 
much satisfaction to assist at the celebration of the one hundredth an 
niversary of the first Catholic parish in Western Ontario. Personally, 
and as representative of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XL, he congratu 
lated Rev. Dean Hand and the people of St. Paul s Parish on the magni 
ficence and beauty of the celebration of the centenary. It was a genuine 
pleasure to observe on every side evidences of devotedness and loyalty to 
our Divine Lord and to His Vicar on earth. St. Paul s Parish kept the 
light of faith burning brilliantly for a hundred years. It had been 
prolific in the works of charity and religion. It had given many sons 
and daughters to the work of the Church, and had shown an example 
worth following to the many parishes formed from its original territory. 
In conclusion the Apostolic Delegate prayed that God might bless the 
pastor and people, that charity and peace might long reign among them. 
He bestowed upon all present the blessing of the Holy Father, Pope 

Pius XL 

* * * 

Mass for Deceased Members 

On Tuesday morning at nine o clock a solemn Mass for the 
deceased clergy and parishioners of St. Paul s parish was sung 
by the Very Reverend Dean Hand, with the Rev. E. T. Keane, 
Uxbridge, Ont., as deacon, and the Rev. M. O Farrell, St. 
Paul s, as subdeacon. The church was crowded on this occa 
sion, many whose connection with St. Paul s had been severed 
for years being present as a tribute to the memory of the 
departed ones who laid the foundations of the parish and built 
it up to its present condition. 

The clergy present on this occasion were Rev. J. A. Mogan, 
F. J. Caulfield, G. J. Culliton, Miller, P. K. Malouf, J. Reddin, 
of Toronto; P. E. Hand, Lostant, 111; and E. Kelly, Richmond 

* * * 

Concert in Massey Hall 

The Archdiocesan Union of the Holy Name Society of To 
ronto, desiring to show its appreciation of the work of the 
Very Rev. Dean Hand since the foundation of the Union, ten- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 309 

dered to him a testimonial concert on Tuesday evening in 
Massey Hall. A large and enthusiastic audience greeted the 
various numbers of a well-selected program, under the direc 
tion of Signor Carboni. Before the close of the program Mr. 
Wallace Baker, president of the Archdiocesan Union, accom 
panied by Mr. E. F. Belanger, secretary, and Mr. G. D. Mac- 
Donald, treasurer, of the Union, came to the platform, and 
called upon Dean Hand to come forward. An address was 
then read to the Very Rev. Director by Mr. J. F. Power as 
follows : 

Pastor of St. Paul s Parish, 

Dear Reverend Dean, 

The members of the Archdiccesan Union of the Holy Name Society 
assemble this evening to rejoice with you in celebrating the One Hun 
dredth Anniversary of the foundation of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto, 
and to extend to you their sincerest congratulations on the magnificent 
work you have done as pastor of that parish for the past thirty years. 

St. Paul s is the premier Catholic parish in Toronto the destinies of 
which were guided for many years by an array of distinguished church 
men, until on Oct. 15th, 1892, you were appointed by the late Archbishop 
Walsh to assume the responsibilities relinquished by your illustrious 
predecessors. It is only fair to say that during your long period of pas 
torship the affairs of that grand old parish of St. Paul s, both spiritual 
and temporal, have been most ably conducted by you. 

When you assumed charge of the parish the present church was built 
but it remained for you to add the tower, to improve the interior fittings, 
to handsomely decorate the interior to build one of the best presbyteries 
in the Archdiocese, to erect a well appointed and costly club-house, and, 
without any burden on your people, to discharge the debt incurred oa 
what is to-day one of the very best equipped parishes in the Province of 

Of the spiritual side of your work we are scarcely competent to speak. 
Only God and His Recording Angel can know the good that you have 
done. The many acts of charity you have performed towards the sick 
and the poor, the consolations you have brought to innumerable weary 
and sin-stained souls and the heavenly blessings showered down on your 
people by your prayers and other good works, are beyond our power to 

310 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

estimate. We can bear witness to the vocations you have fostered both 
for the Priesthood and for Religious Orders, to the ever zealous interest 
you have taken in everything that tended to increase the welfare and 
the happiness of your parishioners and to the good example you have 
always shown by your ideal priestly life. 

But your energy, talents and sane judgment have not been confined 
to the affairs of your parish. Your life has been truly catholic. You 
have been ever ready to give the best that was in you for the betterment 
of mankind in general. Hence you have been always identified with wel 
fare work among the people of Toronto. Such excellent organizations 
as the St. Vincent De Paul Society, the St. Vincent De Paul Children s 
Aid Society and the Federation for Community Service, have found in 
you an active and zealous supporter and a wise counsellor ever ready to 


further the good works they have undertaken. Especially have you 
been particularly active in the child welfare work of the St. Vincent De 
Paul Children s Aid Society and through your activity countless chil 
dren have enjoyed comforts, pleasures and recreations which otherwise 
would have been denied them. 

Your work for Catholic education in Toronto is perhaps your greatest 
crowning glory outside the Parish of St. Paul s. For twenty-seven years 
you have been a member of the Separate School of Toronto, for six of 
those years its treasurer and for five its chairman. And during all this 
time the schools, their teachers and their pupils have had no truer, 
saner or more zealous friend than you. No petty or parish spirit ever 
dominated you as a member of the board. You have seen the schools 
increase in number from 20 to 40, and the teachers increase from 91 to 
260, and the pupils from 4,500 to 12,000. If the Catholic citizens of 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 311 

Toronto have reason to be proud of their schools, to no one do they owe 
a greater debt of gratitude than to you. 

As a citizen of Toronto you have played a becoming part in all public 
affairs and have always had the esteem and respect of all classes of 
people. In nothing has your silent, energetic and effective work been 
shown to better advantage than in the late war. Without any flag 
waving, without any newspaper notoriety, without any self-seeking, you 
entered into the great cause and well over 850 men enlisted from your 
parish and nearly all were volunteers. The tablet on the outside of St. 
Paul s Church with its eighty-one names of men who gave up their lives 
on Flanders Fields, bears silent but eloquent testimony to your influence 
in the cause of patriotism. 

The Holy Name Society, which has for its object greater honor and 
reverence for the Holy Name of Jesus, has had in you an enthusiastic 
supporter. One of the first branches of that society formed in Toronto, 
or in Canada for that matter, was established in your parish. Later on 
you became a warm advocate of the union of all branches of the society in 
the Archdiocese into one central society known as the Archdiocesan Union 
of the Holy Name Society of Toronto, and you became its Spiritual 
Director and have been an inspiration to its members to increase their 
reverence for the Holy Name. As members of that society we are proud 
to-night to be able to do honor to you, our spiritual director, to offer our 
heart-felt congratulations on the hundredth anniversary of your parish, 
and to bear testimony to your worth as an outstanding priest of God. 
We ask you to accept from us this address and purse as a slight evidence 
of our appreciation. 

Trusting, Very Reverend and Dear Dean, that the great God for whom 
you have labored so zealously will continue to shower down on you His 
choicest blessings and will spare you for very many years to enjoy 
health and happiness, to continue as our spiritual director and to carry 
on the splendid work in which you have been always engaged, we ask t3 
be remembered in your good prayers. 

Signed on behalf of the Society, 

WALLACE J. BAKER, President, 
GEO. D. McDONALD, Treasurer. 

Mr. Baker then presented the beautifully illuminated ad 
dress and a cheque to the Very Rev. Dean, who replied as 
follows : 

I would, indeed, be very stoical were I unmoved by this magnificent 
demonstration. I am not so egotistical as to appropriate to myself 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

personally this great manifestation of Catholic Christian sentiment. The 
honor you are good enough to extend to me passes on beyond my person 
ality to the great priesthood of Christ of which I am a very unworthy 
and insignificant member. For the past few days we have been com 
memorating the one hundredth anniversary of the foundation of St. 
Paul s Parish. 

From every angle we may be pleased to view it the celebration was a 

great success. The pontifical Mass on Sunday was attended by a vast 
.congregation of Catholics and some non-Catholics who appreciate the 

work that has been done by the Catholic body in this community for 

REV. EDWARD KELLY, Author of this work. 

many years past. The record of the old parish is certainly one that the 
congregation of St. Paul may be well proud of. Its people have stood 
the test for faith and country. On that account I have been the recipient 
of numerous messages and expressions of congratulation, for all of 
which I take this public opportunity on behalf of the parish of returning 
my very sincere thanks. 

Yesterday morning there assembled in St. Paul s from the high schools 
and academies a vast concourse of young people who are qualifying 
themselves for useful lives in the world. They took the resolution to 
carry into the second century of Catholicity in Toronto the torch of 
faith in the divinity of the Lord Jesus. To hold fast to the precious 
gift which has been transmitted to them by the pioneers, who laid the 
foundation of St. Paul s Parish, and to be better men and women because 
of the example and steadfastness of their forefathers. They promised 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 313 

to give a good account of themselves that they may not prove unworthy 
of the traditions and trust handed down to them. Their participation in 
the celebration was a pledge for the future and a proof that the first 
settlers did not labor in vain for their faith and church. 

For over thirty years I have labored in St. Paul s Parish. I have had 
some difficulties, as every human being will have, but I must confess 
that I have had many, very many, joys. I have lived to see the magnifi 
cent edifice on the corner of Queen and Power Streets, which is an orna 
ment to the public buildings of the city, entirely cleared of debt. I have 
lived to see much of my spiritual work ripen into fruition. I have been 
privileged to see many young men who placed their confidence in me 
elevated to the ranks of the priesthood, and many beautiful young 
women dedicate their lives to Christ in the religious Sisterhoods of the 
Church through my direction and help. I feel I have enjoyed the love 
and respect of my parishioners and I assure you that my life has been 
replete with happiness. I have enjoyed most keenly the celebration of 
this centenary, and not the least piece on the program this artistic con 
cert under the auspices of the Holy Name Society. 

The Holy Name Society is very dear to me. I have had much to do 
in establishing it in Toronto and I have been the Diocesan Director 
since the formation of the Diocesan Union. I have had much to do with 
the demonstrations and activities of the society and I have tried hard 
to steer it away from dangers which might mar its usefulness or dimi 
nish it in the esteem of the Catholic people and public at large. The 
H.N.S. is a religious organization I am glad to say. It stands as a wit 
ness to the divinity of Jesus Christ. It stands for cleanliness of speech; 
it recognizes that from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. 
To have clean speech you should have a pure heart. To be a good Holy 
Name member you must be a man of purity and virtue. The H.N.S. stands 
for the sanctity of the home. I may not tell you, for you are well aware 
of the evils which are strangling society to-day and which strike at the 
very roots of the commonwealth and threaten our civilization with destruc 
tion. The home is being broken up, law is held in contempt, the marriage 
bond no longer binds. Society is at the brink of the chasm and what 
will save it? Legislation? Education? The churches? Of these things 
there is an abundance. Publicity? No. Religion is the panacea. The 
religion of Christ is the only hope for the world to-day. Therefore, is 
the Holy Name Society recommended to our young men because it binds 
them together in the name of Christ and concentrates their minds on 
Christian virtue and sets a true value on the things of God. 

I must stop preaching. I must thank you for this evidence of good 
will to your spiritual director. I must wish you continued success in 
your efforts to better the condition of things about you, that you may be 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

real assistance and service to your neighbor and ever active in promoting 
the Kingdom of God on earth. 

Amongst the numbers on the program was the reading of 
The Pioneers," an original poem written by Mr. P. J. Cole- 
man, M.A., editor of the Catholic Register, for the occasion 
of the centenary. 


(Written for the centenary of St. 
Paul s Church, Toronto, November 
12-35, and read at the grand concert in 
Massey Hail, Tuesday evening, Novem 
ber 14, 1922). 

A canticle to Christ the Lord 

Lift we in grateful voice! 
With blended voices in accord, 
Our happy hearts in song outpoured, 

Come, let us all rejoice! 

Crowned with God s bounty rich and 

With mingled smiles and tears 
We, gazing from the century s height, 
Retrace in fancy fond to-night 

The milestones of the years: 

A hundred years with blessings rife, 

Of gain outweighing loss, 
A hundred years of noble life, 
Of peace rewarding pain and strife, 

Of crown succeeding cross. 

But while we humbly bow the head 

In thanks for fruitful years, 
Oh, let us not forget the dead, 
The men who broke the trails we tread, 
The sturdy pioneers. 

But let us render honour s need 
And crown with homage meet 
The hardy heralds of our breed 
Whose venturous barks bore manhood s 

To flower in freedom sweet. 

Brave nomads of an age sublime, 

Pale exiles from the past, 
Sad wanderers on the shores of time, 
On alien coasts in wintry clime 
Their clouded lot was cast. 

They braved tempestuous waves and 

They dared the stormy seas; 
They left the sacred past behind 
And faced the future vast, to find 

Their hope s Hesperides. 

They left behind their father s graves, 

Their Irish churchyards gray, 
And where the wild Atlantic raves 
By Aran s cliffs and Achill s caves, 
They took their westward way. 

Erom Scotland s hills, from France s 

From England s pleasant shires, 
On freedom s quest they set their sails 
And bore tho blustering winds and gales 

Their sacred altar fires. 

Heart-sore, from plunging prow and 

Mid whitening fields of foam, 
They shared the stars companionship 
And watched o er dim horizons dip 

The holy hills of home. 

They heard the thunder shout God s 

And on the sullen sea 
They saw Him in the lightning s flame, 
As when to Peter s bark He came 

O er stormy Galilee. 

He walked the waves in cloud and mist, 

He led them to their goal; 
And far o er wastes of amethyst 
With tempest dark, with sunlight kissed, 

They followed, strong of soul. 

From isle and continent they brought, 
From Seine and .Shannon s side, 

The faith for which their fathers fought. 

That Patrick preached, Augustine taught. 
And saints confessing died. 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


With confidence serene in God, 

The wilderness they hewed, 
And where the Iroquois had trod 
They felled the forest, broke the sod, 
And raised their altars rude. 

There sweetly pealed their voice of 

Their evening canticle; 
And, blessing all their nights and days, 
Rang down the echoing woodland ways 

Their soft-toned vesper bell. 

And when, at length, their day was done 

Mid twilight s shadows deep, 
They turned them to life s setting sun 
And ceased from toil, and one by one 
They laid them down to sleep. 

They laid them down in nameless graves 

By dim Laurentian woods; 
Or by Ontario s sapphire waves 
Where Don its meadows softly laves, 

They sleep by inland floods. 

But clean hands closed their dying eyes 

In fond affection s rite 
Hands blessed to housel and baptize 
And plead for them in Sacrifice 

At altars pure and bright. 

Now temple rich and stately pile 
Lift soaring towers and spires; 

And trade and commerce throb and 

Where came from comment and isle 
Our plain, God-fearing sires. 

And richly dowered, from east to west, 

From dawn to sunset s star, 
Across the prairie s fruitful breast, 
With wealth of peace and plenty blest, 
An Empire stretches far. 

But while we chant its golden praise 

With patriotic pride, 
A thought to those of other days 
Our fathers brave, in humble ways 

Who wrought for it and died! 

Such make a land, for not in spoil 

Of war a nation thrives; 
Nor in the wealth of sea or soil, 
But in strong hands of patient toil, 

Pure hearts and simple lives. 

These build against the blasts of time, 

On virtue founded deep, 
The citadel of law sublime, 
Confronting fate, wiih crests that climb 

O er passion s surga and sweep. 


At Home in St. Paul s Hall 

The closing function of the centenary celebration was the 
"at home" in St. Paul s Parish Hall on Wednesday evening. 
The church choir rendered a program of musical selections, 
after which dancing was indulged in to the beautiful strains 
rendered by an orchestra of local talent. Refreshments en 
tirely prepared and served by the Domestic Science Class of 
St. Paul s school were partaken of later. 

The committee in charge of this and the other social fea 
tures of the centenary celebration was composed as follows: 
Mr. Jerry Burns, chairman ; Mr. H. J. MacDonald, secretary ; 
and Messrs. P. M. Kennedy, R. King, James O Hagan, Fred. 
Reddall, Geo. Pamphilon, Geo. Somers, J. Starr, D. Murphy, 

316 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

J. Farley, E. Stubbs, A. Cain, M. J. Kelly, J. L. Dillon, J. Cook, 
W. Mogan, M. Whitaker, E. Currie. 

The Ladies Committee was composed of Mrs. W. Dixon, 
Mrs. Cain, Mrs. McGann, Mrs. McKernan, Mrs. Shortt, Mrs. 
Graham, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Burns, and the Misses H. Ford, 
K. Christie, A. Dixon, N. Dulan, K. Eagan, B. Eagan, M. 
Kennedy, D. McCarron, M. Brown, E. Koster, M. Breen. 


The authorities used in this volume are: 

Sources : 

The Archives of the Archdiocese of Toronto. 

The Archives of the Archdiocese of Kingston. 

The Archives and Parochial Registers, St. Raphael, Ont. 

The Archives and Parochial Registers, St. Andrews, Ont. 

The Archives and Parochial Registers, St. Paul s, Toronto. 

The Parochial Registers of the Cathedral, Toronto ; the 
Cathedral, Kingston; St. Mary s, Toronto; St. Patrick s, To 
ronto; Thornhill, Adjala, Penetanguishene, Schomberg, the 
Gore of Toronto, Newmarket, Brock, Uxbridge, Pickering, 
Prescott and Dundas. 

Personal Recollections given by the Right Rev. R. A. O Con 
nor, Sir. Richard W. Scott, Rev. F. Walsh, C.S.B., and Very 
Rev. George Corbett, V.G., Cornwall, Ont. 

Bibliography : 

Toronto of Old, Scadding, Toronto, 1873. 

The Diary of Mrs. Simcoe (Robertson, Editor), Toronto, 

Toronto Past and Present, Scadding and Dent, Toronto, 

Toronto Old and New, Adam, Toronto, 1891. 

Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of 
York, Toronto, 1907. 

History of Toronto and the County of York (2 vol.), To 
ronto, 1885. 

Recollections and Records of Toronto, Pearson, Toronto, 

318 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

The Landmarks of Toronto, Robertson, Toronto, 1894, et 

La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, Parkman, 
Boston, 1913. 

A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, Hennepin, 
London, 1699. 

Canada and Its Provinces, Vol. I., II., XL, Shortt and 
Doughty, Editors, Toronto, 1914. 

Memoirs of the Rev. Edmund Burke, O Brien, Halifax, 

History of the Catholic Church in the United States, Vol. 
II., Shea, New York, 1888. 

The Fate of Glengarry, Kelly, Dublin, 1905. 

Reminiscences of the Honorable and Right Reverend Alex 
ander Macdonell, Macdonell, Toronto, 1888. 

Journal des Visites Pastorales de 1815 and 1816, par Mgr. 
J. 0. Plessis, Eveque de Quebec, Tetu, Quebec, 1903. 

The Catholic Highlands of Scotland (2 vol.), Blundell, Edin 
burgh, 1917. 

Jubilee Volume of the Archdiocese of Toronto and Arch 
bishop Walsh, Teefy (Editor), Toronto, 1892. 

The Grosse Isle Tragedy, Jordan, Quebec, 1909. 

Essays on the Church in Canada, O Sullivan, Toronto, 1895. 

The Catholic Church in the Niagara Peninsula, Harris, To 
ronto, 1893. 

Repertoire General du Clerge Canadien, Tanguay, Quebec, 

Life and Letters of Mother Theresa Dease, Edited by a 
Member of the Community, Toronto, 1916. 

The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol XIV., New York, 1902. 

The Catholic Encyclopedia and Its Makers, New York, 1917. 

The Most Reverend Denis O Connor, D.D., C.S.B., Arch- 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 319 

bishop of Toronto, by a Student of Assumption College, Sand 
wich, In the Old Days, Kalamazoo, 1914. 

In the Days of the Canada Company, Lizars, Toronto, 1896. 

Report on Canadian Archives, Ottawa, 1896. 

The Life and Labors of Archbishop Lynch, McKeown, To 
ronto, 1886. 

The Irish in America, Maguire, New York, 1868. 

The Irishman in Canada, Davin, London, 1877. 

La Canada Ecclesiastique, Montreal, 1918. 

The Council of Toronto, Toronto, 1882. 

The City and Diocese of London, Coffey, London, 1885. 

A Brief Account of a Tour Through the United States in 
1833, together with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada, 
Rolph, Dundas, 1836. 

The Makers of Canada, Index Volume, Toronto, 1911. 

The History of Simcoe County, Hunter, Barrie, 1909. 

Men of Canada, Cochrane, Brantford, 1891. 

The Conspiracy of Pontiac, Parkman, New York, 1913. 

Authentic Letters from Upper Canada, Dublin, 1833. 

History of the Catholic Church in Newfoundland, How- 
ley, Boston, 1888. 

William Lyon Mackenzie, Lindsay, Toronto, 1862. 

The Township of Scarboro, 1796-1896, Boyle (Editor), To 
ronto, 1896. 

The Catholic Almanac of Ontario (various years). 

Diamond Jubilee History of the Diocese of Hamilton, with 
a Complete History of the County of Waterloo, Spetz, Toronto, 

The History of St. Basil s Parish, Hoskin, Toronto, 1912. 

The History and Directory of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto, 
Toronto, 1894. 

The Retrospect, Corbett, Cornwall, 1912. 

320 The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

St. Vincent de Paul Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Greene, 
N.H.S. Publication No. 13, 

The Parish of Dixie, Treacy, Toronto, 1909. 

The Silver Jubilee of St. Michael s Parish, Dunnville, Ont, 
Donovan, Dunnville, 1911. 

Files of The Catholic, The Mirror and The Freeman. 



Page 71 Line under illustration should read 1837 instead 
of 1887. 

Page 150 The name Rev. "J. Harvey Murphy" should 
read James Patrick Murphy. 

Page 58 The Rev. M. Lalor was never assistant at St. 
Paul s, although his name appears on the records there while 
he was in charge of the Gore of Toronto, of which he was the 
first resident pastor 1833 to 1837. 


List of Subscriptions and Donations 

to the 


Up to the First Day of March, in the Year of 

Our Lord, 1887. 


Collected by Misses Kennedy 

and Meehan. 

P. Mahony 

P. Eagan 

Ph. Kelly 

A. Belmore .... 

John Gibbin 

E. Nadeau 

James Murphy 
A. McGuiggan 
James Larkin 

L. Murphy 

R. Burns 

R. M. Scott 

Mrs. M. Ward 
Mr. LeVoix .... 

S. Lyndon 

Mrs. E. Kelly . 

Mr. McCabe 

T. Dean 

L. McCarroll ... 
Mr. O Rourke 

K. Shea 

Miss Cameron 

Mrs. Miller 

Mrs. Charleton 
Mrs. Stephens 
Mrs. Oakes ..... 

Mrs. White 

Mrs. Murphy . 
Mrs. Hynes ... 

Mrs. Lee 

Mr. Henry 

Mr. Hurley 

Mr. P. Doyle . 
James Delaney . 













Mr. Wigglesworth 

John Hayes 

Mr. Dorrian 

Mr. M. Donoghue . 

T. Shea 

Mr. Fogarty 

Mrs. Cardine 

Thomas Shea 

Mrs. Shea 

D. Ryan 

Mrs. Donnelly 

Mr. Croak 

Dennis Hayes 

Mr. Cullen 

Mrs. Frawley 

Mrs. Lacy 

Mr. Jno. Murphy . 





Collected by Misses Hallinan 
and Green. 

T. Presnell 

Wm. Presnell .... 
John O Brien .. 

John Burke 

P. Dowling 

Mr. Rossiter ... 

C. Gorman 

C. McManus .... 
Mrs. M. Hynes 
Mr. Passmore .. 

Miss Linke 

James Green .... 
Wm. Johnston .. 
Wm. O Connor 

P. Graham 

Mr. Meade 


















The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Mr. O Sullivan . 

Win. Flynn 

Mrs. Burrows 

T. K. Haffey 

P. Mulqueen 

Mrs. Lemon 

Mrs. Armstrong 
Miss Mahony ... 

Mrs. Cassidy 

Mrs. Magee 

Mr. Jones 

Jas. Curran . 














Collected by Misses Sullivan 

and Dolan. 

Mrs. Hartigan 
Mrs. Madigan 

Mr. Walsh 

James Hickey 
Mrs. Donnelly 
A. Kew 

N. Melady 

T. Sheehan 

Mr. Hobberlin 
Mrs. Sullivan 

Mrs. Bolan 

John Sullivan 
James Flanigan 
Mrs. Chadwick 
Mr. John Shanahan 
P. Kearney 
Joseph Dean 

Mr. McGann 

John F. Ryan 

R. Knox 

Michael Kennedy 
Mrs. Russell .... 
Mrs. Read . 

















Collected by Misses Finn 
and Leydan. 

Michael O Brien $ 13.00 

Mrs. Kelly 1.00 

John Christie 12.00 

Jos. Sullivan 2.50 

O Brunner 4.00 

P. Toner 3.00 

Thos. Barry 8.75 

K. Daly 2.60 

Jno. Mclnerney 2.25 

Mr. Stanley 3.80 

Jas. Evoy 4.50 

T. O Connor 18.50 

Mr. M. Collins 4.00 

Mr. Gallagher 5.25 

Mrs. Reynolds 12.00 

Mrs. Enright 36.00 

C. F. Enright 24.00 

John Enright 24.00 


P. Maginn $ 7.65 

E. Smith 5.50 


Collected by Misses McGinn 
and Brunner. 

Mr. F. McGarry $ 10.00 

Mr. Huggard 15.00 

Mrs. Fitzhenry 18.00 

Mrs. D. McCarthy 10.00 

John Connors 8.20 

Mrs. Holy .75 

Mrs. Hughes 6.25 

T. Morrissey 5.25 

S. O Brien 1.00 

Mrs. Magrath 12.25 

P. Maginn 11.25 

John Arthurs 11.50 

P. Fleming 11.25 

James Ledan 4.00 

James Stewart 8.00 

Mrs. McDonald .50 

Mrs. Smith 11.00 

Mrs. O Connell 3.75 

Mrs. Lavick 6.40 

Mrs. Connors 5.60 

Mr. Flynn 6.25 


Collected by Misses Dixon 
and Dunne. 

Mrs. McLoughlin 

James Judge 

Wm. Foley 

S. Martin 

Mr. Cassidy 

Mrs. Connor 

Mrs. Ross 

Mr. D Arcy 

Mr. O Brien 

Mr. Stephenson ... 

T. Ferry 

P. Nealon 

Mr. Heck 














The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 



Michael Hayes 
Mrs. Burke .... 
Mr. Meehan ..... 

Mr. O Reilly 

Mr. Cronin 

Mr. Beasly 

Mrs. Riley 

Mr. Hoey 


Jas. McCarthy 

R. Corbett 

M. Reilly 

Mr. Whelan .... 
Mr. Kernan .... 
Mrs. Burke 


Mrs. Flavin 

Mrs. Cleary 

Mr. Howarth . 



















Collected by Misses Mahony 

and Henry. 

Mrs. Kelly 
Mr. Lee ... 
A Friend 




Collected by Misses Sullivan 
and Dolan. 

Miss Kelly $ 12.00 

Mrs. M. Smith 10.00 


M. Rogers $ 6.45 

P. Cody 12.20 

Mary McCaffrey 5.20 

Mr. McCrystal $ 3.00 


Collected by Misses Mahony 
and Henry. 

B. Sheridan 

M. Hickey 

Mrs. Mary Ellis 
Mr. Sheridan .... 

Mr. O Neill 

Mr. McMahon 

Mr. Sheehan 








Mr. Mogan 
Mrs. Judge 



Collected by Misses Gorman 
and Fitzhenry. 

James A. Gorman 

Joseph Lyner 

Dennis Murphy 

Jeremiah Harrington 

T. Walsh 

Mrs. Byron 

Mrs. Adams ., 

P. Jennings 

Mrs. Stewart . 


Mrs. Duff 

Mrs. O Keefe 

T. Quinn 

Mr. McAuliffe, Sr. 
Mr. McAuliffe, Jr. 










Collected by Misses Holland 

and Hyde. 












Logan .... 
Keivie .... 
Flynn .... 


Driscoll ... 
O Brien ... 
Brennan . 
Driscoll . 

Owen Reil 

Mrs. O Connor 
Mrs. Kusie ... 
S. J. Byrne ... 
Wm. Holland . 
Mr. Hartnett . 

T. Murphy 

Mr. Horan 

Mr. Curry 

Mrs. Lynden .. 
Mr. Flanagan 
Mrs. McAuley 

P. Sheedy 

Mr. O Brien .... 
Miss Doody .... 

Mr. O Hara 

Mr. Kiely 






























The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

T. O Grady . 

R. Aylward 

Mr. McGough .... 

Wm. Norton 

Mrs. Kennedy .... 

T. Carey 

Mr. Hayes 

Miss Murphy .... 



O Farrell 











Collected by Misses Mallon 
and Walsh. 

A. Sage , 

M. Doheny 

M. Farmer 

Mrs. McCormack 
Mrs. C. Carroll 

J. Lynch 

Jas. J. Mallon .. 

S. Quigley 

Wm. Dunne 

Mrs. Cody 


Cahill Bros. $ 

John O Connor 

Mrs. Lynch 












Collected by Misses Mulqueen 

and Furniss. 

D. Lucitt $ 

George Harrison 

Mrs. L. Coffee 

Mrs. Bond 

Mrs. Spiegle (Gall) 

M. King 

Miss Curran 


P. Heany $ 

Mr. Magrand 

Mr. Tracy 

Jno. McDonnell 

Jno. Herbert 

Mrs. Robertson 











Collected by Misses Burns 
and Kearney. 

Mrs. T. J. Watson $ 

Mr. O Keefe 

Mrs. Chambers 

Mr. Bateman 

Mrs. Corkran 


Mr. McGuiggan $ 

James Murphy 

Mrs. Regan 

Mr. Allen 

Mr. Milwood . 


Mrs. Ed. Crowe $ 

W. E. Barron 

M. Taylor 


Mrs. Crigue 
Mrs. Carton 










Collected by Misses Wingle 

and Kennedy. 

A. Thomas $ 10.00 

Mr. Batt -75 

E. Thomas 9.65 

John Flanagan .10 

H. Tremp 12.25 

M. Maginn 1.50 

Mrs. McDonnell 4.00 

Wm. Galvin 11.00 

R. Harding 3.15 

J. Somers 1.25 

M. Jno. Kearney 6.00 

M. Scott .10 

Susan Tait 4.00 

Anne Tait 4.00 

Mrs. Bastine 5.00 


Charles O Neill $ 8.75 

M. Tolland 7.00 

Miss Wingle 2.00 

Mrs. S. O Brine .50 

Mrs. O Hearne -90 

Mr. Dilworth 1.75 

Mrs. O Neil 6.50 

The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 


Mrs. O Neil 

Mr. Harrington .. 

Clancy Bros 

E. Mahony 

Wright Bros 

P. Walsh 

Mr. Hobberlin ... 

T. Quinn 

George Wright .. 

Miss Langly 

Mrs. Jas. Wright 











Collected by Misses Wingie 

and Kennedy. 

M. Dunne 

John Williamson 

John Lawless 

Mr. McLaren 

Mrs. English 

Ed. Thorn 

Mr. Maguire 

J. McGrady 




Collected by Misses Daly 

and Moran. 

Mrs. Jas. Daly . 
Mr. Charlebois 
Mrs. Newman . 
James O Hagan 

Mrs. Bolton 

Mrs. Leahy 

Mr. Clancy 

Mr. Clancy 

Mrs. Moran 

Mr. Ryan 

Mr. Judge 

Jas Daly 

Mr. Curran 

Miss O Connor 
Mrs. Mahony ... 

Mrs. Lyons 

Mrs. Gallagher 


Mrs. O Rourke 

P. Walsh 

Mrs. Ducette .. 

J. Walsh 

Mr. O Brien . 

Mrs. Pardee - 























$ 10.00 

Mrs. Costigan 
Mr. Johnston 
Mr. O Brien . 



Collected by Misses McLennan 

and McMullen. 

Lizzie O Brien 

Mrs. J. P. O Brien 

Mr. Gamble 

Mr. Listen 

Mr. Mogan 

Mr. Alex. Killarky 

J. Gow 

Mr. Thompson 

Mrs. Preslin 

Mr. Downs 

James Long 

Mr. Chambers . 


P. Ennis $ 

Mrs. H. Rice 

Mrs. P. Shea - 


P. Coll $ 

Alex. McMullan 

D. McLennan 

















Collected by Misses Heeney 

and Clitherow. 

M. Ellis - $ 24.00 

Mr. Wren 12.00 

Mr. Callaghan 7.50 

Mr. Cassidy 3.25 

Mrs. Thornton 5.50 

R. Carter : 200 

J. Nicholson 20.00 

George Norman .50 

Mr. Rahilly 12.75 

Mr. Dillon 2.00 

Mr. Hyland 5.50 

R. Creagh 12.00 

Mr. Ebach 6.00 

Mr. McDonald 3.00 

Mr. Lang 1.30 

Mr. Tomlin 5.00 

Mr. Ward 12.00 

Mr. Sullivan 12-.00 

Mr. McGuire 12.00 

Mr. Handorf 1.00 

Mr. Conway =...., 2.25 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Mr. Tremble 
Mr. Rutledge 

Mr. Mallony . 


Mr. Tomney $ 

Mr. O Hagan 

Mr. Hurley 

Mr. Archibald 

Mr. Padden 

Mr. Furniss 

Mr. Corr 

Hugh Evans 

Jas Crosbie 


P. O Leary $ 

J. Purcell 

Mr. Hayes 








Mr. Upton 


Collected by Misses Boylan 

and O Rourke. 

Mrs. Driscoll .. 

Jas. Farrell 

D. Small 

Mr. Carton 

Mr. Moylan 

Mr. Vaughan .... 

Mr. Brown 

Mr. Keating .... 

J. Carton 

Mr. Beauregard 
Mrs. Magrath ... 
Mrs. Driscoll .... 
Mr. Clark 


P. Kelly $ 

J. Giroux 

Thomas Kelly 

Jas. Dillon 

Joseph Thornton 

Joseph Thornton 

Jno. T. Daly 

Mrs. O Connor 

F. Clarke 

Mr. Chisholm 

Mrs. McAuliffe 

J. Sheehan 

Mrs. McGrath 

Miss Malone 




























$ 10.00 


Collected by Misses Brophy 
and Tremp. 

L. Veale $ 13.00 

F. Rosar 25.00 

Mr. Lynch 2.00 

Mr. Gibson 50.00 

Charlie Burns 24.50 

D. Kelly 26.00 

Mrs. O Keefe 25.00 

Mr. Gillispie 19.50 

Mr. Rossiter 25.00 

Mrs. J. Gilmore 6.50 

Michael Brophy 1.00 

A. Mulvaney .75 

R. Dixon 6.25 

D. Hagan 9.90 

Mr. Sylvas 6.50 

P. Burns 12.00 

The Missess Boylan 20.00 

M. McCabe 8.00 

Mr. Ryan 2.50 

Mr. Sheedy 3.40 

Mr. O Leary 12.00 

T. O Leary 12.00 

Mrs. Barter 6.00 

M. Mitchel 7.50 

GALLEY 53 St Paul Nov 1st 


Collected by Misses Dunne 
and Kenny. 

Mrs. Walters 

Mr. Sheehan 

Mr. O Hearn 

Mr. Cassidy 

Mrs. Boyde 

Miss K. O Hearn 

Mrs. Malcolm 

J. Daly 

J. B. Leroy 

Mrs. Houck 

Mr. Egan 

Mr. Cosgrove 

John Cole 

Mr. Sullivan 

Mr. Cole . 

Mrs. Ryan . $ 

















The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 



Mrs. Conners ... 

Mr. Evoy 

Mr. Kenny 

Mr. O Donoghue 

Mr. Hurley 

Mr. McAuley ... 
Mr. John Finn ... 
Mrs. Budd 


Mr. Coleman $ 

Mr. Abby 


Mr. Quigley $ 

Mr. Quigley 


C. Warmington 5 

Mr. Lafontaine 

Mr. Perrauly 

Mr. Labelle 

Mrs. Lafontaine 

Mr. Spaetz 

Mr. Ogilvie 

Mr. Roy 

Mr. Bruyere 


Mrs. Reed 3 

Mr. Perrault 

Mr. Gray 

Miss Horan $ 

Mrs. Ryan $ 

P. Nash . ...$ 

























Bishop O Mahony 

Mr. Lawrence Coffee 

A Friend 

Mr. Michael Martin 

Mr. Michael O Connor, 

King Street 

Mr. T. Delany, King St.. 

Mr. Thos. Wright 

Mr. M. Dwan, Sher- 

bourne Street .. 




J. Coffee 50.00 

M. J. Kelly 50.00 

Mr. R. Davies, Dominion 

Brewery 25.00 

Mr. J. Conroy 30.00 

Mr. J. C. Smith 25.00 

Mr. P. O Connor 25.00 

Rev. D. Morris 25.00 

Long Bros, Sumach St. 36.00 
Mr. Jas Quinn,, Trinity 

Street 15.00 

Miss Hodgekinson 12.00 

Mr. Frank McGarry 10.00 

Mr. Jas Kew 8.00 

Mr. E. T. Scott 5.00 

Miss Harris " 8.00 

Mr. Freeman 5.00 

Mr. McGrady 5.00 

Mrs. Cooper 6.00 

Mr. J. J. Dixon, Queen 

Street 5.00 

Miss Uttenweiler, King 

Street 5.00 

Mrs. Kelly, Parliament .. 1.00 

Mrs. O Neill 1.00 

Jno. Williamson 1.00 

Jos. Colombe 1.00 

Miss B. Fitzgerald 1.00 

Mrs. J. H. Barber 2.00 

Mr. Jno. Meehan 2.00 

Mrs. Payne, Duchess 

Street 2.00 

Mrs. B. Walsh, Water 

Street 10.00 

Mr. Moran, Seaton St. .. 14.00 
Mr. Jas. O Brien, Prin 
cess Street 10.00 

Mrs. Mulqueen, Seaton 

Street 5.00 

Mrs. Hibbett, Parliament 

Street 3.00 

Mr. Robinson, White s 

Block 3.00 

Mrs. Dorsey, White s 

Block 4.00 

Mr. Schuch, Ontario St 3.00 

Mrs. Ogilvie, Sherbourne 

Street 1.00 

Mrs. Langley, Queen St. 11.00 
Mr. Jas. Crosby, St. 

David Street 3.50 

Mrs. Riel, Ontario Place 5.00 

Mrs. Bergin 6.00 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 

Dr. Wallace, George St. 10.00 

Mrs. McWilliams 2.50 

Mrs. Walz, Duchess St 5.00 

Mrs. Lumbers 5.00 

Mrs. Furniss 2.00 

Mrs. Alyward 5.00 

Mrs. Green, Sumach St. 2.00 
Mr. John Malone, Sumach 

St 5.00 

Mr. J. F. Dowling 1.00 

P. McNamara, Power St. 2.00 
Mrs. O Connell, Queen 

Street 6.00 

D. W. Kavanagh 2.50 

Mr. Henry, Seaton St 2.00 

Miss Norton 1.00 

Mrs. Reidy, Sydenham 

Street 1,00 

Mrs. Flynn 1.00 

Mrs. M 1.00 

Mr. Mason 1.00 

Miss Mullholland 1.00 

Miss Gorman 1.00 

Mr. Quinn 1.00 

Miss Liston 1.00 

Mrs. Collins 1.00 

Mr. O Brien, Ontario St... 1.00 

Mr. Dufour, Duchess St. 2.00 
Mrs. B. Dufour, Duchess 

street 5.00 

List of Subscribers at the laying of the Foundation Stone of St. Paul s 
New Church, October 9, 1887: 

Archbishop Lynch :.... $500.00 

Hon. Frank Smith 500.00 

Mr. Jno. Jos. Herbert ....- 500.00 

Eugene O Keefe 100.00 

Jas. Connolley 100.00 

Mr. George Kiely 100.00 

Patrick O Connor 100.00 

Spilling Brothers 100.00 

Mr. James Mason 50.00 

Thos. O Connor 50.00 

M. T. Bergin 50.00 

Fr. Laurent, V.G 50.00 

Mr. McMeehan 50.00 

Thos. Lee 50.00 

Mr. J. J. Foy 50.00 

Mr. A. A 25.00 

Edward McKeown 25.00 

Rev. John Egan 25.00 

Mr. James Daly, Queen St... 25.00 

Loretto Abbey 25.00 

Millet & Co 20.00 

Mr. L. Coffee 20.00 

Morgan Kelly 25.00 

Mr. Quinn 20.00 

Mr. Grace, Front St 20.00 

A Friend 20.00 

Jas. O Brien 10.00 

James O Hagan 10 

D. Lamb 10 

H. O Connor 10 

Mr. Hargreaves 10 

Dr. Murphy 10 

John O Neill 10 

Mr. Furniss 10 

Mr. Cassidy 5 

A Friend 5 

A Friend 5 

Mrs. Hourigan 5 

Simen Kehoe 5 

Mr. Hickey 5 

A Friend 5 

Mrs. E. Coffee 5 

Mr. Shiedy 5 

Richard O Donoghue 5 

Master Marten 5 

A Friend 5 

Mr. Carolan 5 

R. Whelan 5 

Mrs. M. Burns 1 

A Friend 1 

A Friend 1 

Mr. Gallagher 

William Long 1 

Mr. Kavanagh 

A Friend . 


The Story of St. Paul s Parish, Toronto 329 



Debt . $62,500.00 

Interest 39,893.68 

Sanctuary and Decoration 1,237.56 

Organ and Gallery 3,266.90 

Electric Wiring and Fixtures 1,058.20 

Statues, Vestments, Altar Plate, etc 1,414.90 

Stations of the Cross 1,935.38 

Stained Glass Windows 1,189.00 

Parish House 30,269.50 

Church Tower 7,815.00 

Facade, Steps, Areas, etc 2,875.26 

Marble Altars 7,250.00 

Paid prior to 1892 44,125.28 

Total $204,628.66