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FROM THE cima 







J. KE. Cornisu, 





The present volume, the first of a series which the Council propose 
to issue from time to time, consists of papers containing the results 
of investigations conducted in the Biological Laboratories of the 
College during the past two or three years. Two papers of earlier 
date have been included because they deal with a problem that has 
attracted much attention of late years, and one of the latest phases 
of which is discussed in Dr. Beard’s essay on the “ Branchial Sense 
Organs of Vertebrates.” 

Mr. Marshall-Ward’s paper on “An Aquatic Myxomycete,”’ and 
the contributions of Mr. Dendy and Mr. C. F. Marshall appear here 
for the first time. The remaining papers are reprinted from the 
Transactions of Scientific Societies, or from Scientific Journals, the 
editors of which have courteously granted permission to republish 
them and to reproduce the plates by which they are illustrated. 

Special interest attaches to the two earlier papers of Mr. Marshall 
Ward, and to those of Dr. Beard and Mr. Fowler, as the investiga- 
tions the results of which they record were carried on by these 
gentlemen during their tenure of Bishop Berkeley Research Fellow- 
‘ships. To the generous encouragement afforded by the founder of 

these fellowships is due the opportunity for the completion of these 
researches, and to him this volume is respectfully dedicated. 

Much of the work here recorded was performed under the difficul- 
ties of cramped accommodation and limited appliances, and it may 
confidently be hoped that the material for future volumes will show 
corresponding improvement when, in the immediate future, the 
completion of the new Morphological Laboratories shall have placed 
the College in a position of exceptional advantage for the promotion 
of Biological research. 

Owens College, 
March, 1886. 


Mr. MarsHatt Warp.—On the Morphology and the Development of 
Menioua, a genus of tropical epiphyllous Fungi. Plates I. 
and II. Reprinted from the “Philosophical Transactions of the 
OY Ol sSOCtetYy meme OTE LINN BSo pir atstnieritedsae cass eveslseleseiiesesanesiactetes 

Mr.. MarsHatn Warp.—On the Sexuality of the Fungi. Reprinted 
From the “ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ 1884 ...... 

Mr. Nees Warp.—An Aquatic Myxomycete, Plates JIT. and 

ere ee eee eee ee ee ee eer ee ee ek er rrr 

Prof. Marsuatt and Mr. Sprencer.—Observations on the Cranial 
Nerves of Scyllium, Plates V. and VI. Reprinted from the 
“ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,” 1881 ............00000s 
Prof. MarsHaun.—The Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves. 
Reprinted from the “ Journal of Anatony and Physiology,’ 1882.. 
Dr. Joun Brarp,—The System of Branchial Sense Organs and their 
Associated Ganglia in Ichthyopsida. A contribution to the 
Ancestral History of Vertebrates. Plates VII, VIII, and IX. 
Reprinted from the ‘‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,” 
BB Binion in Seas gage aiainn cist seca tan vaca aisle caiamt cia slac it soa Meee Romeo 
Mr. B. Menitanp.—A simplified view of the Histology of the Striped 
Muscle-fibre. Plate X. Reprinted from the “ Quarterly Journal 
Of MicroscopicaliScvence.wanl SS om mnscepenonaate core eeceh cenit erate 
Mr. G. H. Fowzirer.—The Anatomy of the Madreporaria. Part I. 
Plates XI., XII., and XIII. Reprinted from the ‘ Quarterly 
Journal of Microscopical Science,’ V885..........e0.0s.ccscensccseces see 
Prof. MarsHaLu.—On the Nervous System of Antedon rosaceus. Plate 
XIV. Reprinted from the “Quarterly Journal of Microscopical 
Science,” 1884: 
Mr. A. Denpy.—On the Regeneration of the Visceral Mass in Ante- 
COM TOSACCUS 325, ciies Geielsclsnetenecaciecaltemace setaile Monee cee acre eee Te ooet 
Mr. C. f. MarsHatt.—Some Investigations on the Physiology of the 
Nervousisystemsok themlobstereesccescecosetnscheeoaeecee cece 
Prof. MarsHaLi.—The Morphology of the Sexual Organs of Hydra. 
Reprinted from the “Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and 
Philosophical Society,” 1885 ......s.c.0es Rico eauMasrasiamuaeaae Ga6¢600900006 








By H. MarsHatt Warp, B.A., Berkeley Fellow of Owens College, 
Victoria University ; late Cryptogamist to the Ceylon Government. 

[Prates I—IT.]- 

During the course of recent researches into the nature of parasitic 
fungi, my attention was arrested for some time by several forms 
of epiphytal growths which occupy a sort of half-way position between 
the more pronounced endophyllous parasites and those fungi which 
cannot be looked upon as requiring more than a hold-fast or shelter 
from their hosts. Among these are the Meliolas, a group established 
by Fries in 1825 to receive certain tropical fungi! In the ‘ Annales 
des Sciences Naturelles’ for 1851? is a memoir by Bornet on the 
species constituting the genus J/eliola, in which the characters of 
these remarkable epiphytes are enumerated and examined, and a 
classification of the known forms proposed: this paper is a standing 
authority on the subject, and I shall have occasion to refer to it at 
intervals subsequently, partly to confirm some of Boruet’s work, partly 
to add new observations and correct older views as to the nature or 
significance of various points. 

The Meliolas are minute epiphyllous fungi, belonging to the 
Pyrenomycetes, the deep-brown or black mycelium of which appears as 

2 Systema Orbis Vegetabilium.’ 
2 Ser, iii., Bot., t. xvi., pp. 257, &e, 


sooty patches on many and various plants in the tropics, and presents, 
roughly, a similar appearance to the masses of Capnodium or Fumago 
sometimes observed in European woods on the leaves of living plants. 

Though, according to Bornet, several species must have been known 
under different names to the earlier botanists, the name established 
by Fries, and published in his revised system, was accepted by Mon- 
tagne and Léveillé and has persisted since: Berkeley, in England, has 
referred to the group in his ‘ Cryptogamic Botany,’ and has described 
several species from the tropics in various papers. 

The habit of these fungi, and the fact that no true Hrysiphe had 
been found among the collections of travellers in the tropics, led Fries* 
to insist strongly on the known or supposed analogies between the 
two genera, and, Bornet following Fries, the J/eliolas have thus come 
to be regarded as replacing the Hrysiphes in tropical countries—as, 
in fact, “ representative species.” Bornet added several facts to those 
already known concerning the coarser anatomy of the group ; but even 
his excellent and systematic memoir left large gaps in the knowledge 
of important details, and practically nothing was known of their 
development or of the formation of their “fruit-bodies.” These and 
other gaps I hope to fill up to at least a large extent in the present 

The appearance of this fungus, as presented to the unaided eye, 
is much the same as that offered by Asterina and similar forms, and 
the reader may be referred to a recently published drawing of that 
fungus for a tolerably accurate idea of it? The chief difference is 
that the black maculze presented by well developed plants of Meliola 
are more decided and thicker than those of Asterina; all transitions 
are found, however, and, as with many other forms of epiphyllous 
Pyrenomycetes, it is impossible to detect exactly what fungus is present 
by a superficial examination. 

The fungus Meliola may be conveniently considered as composed 
of a mycelium, which supports appendages and perithecia, and which 
arises from spores developed within the asci of the latter. Bornet 
considered the “receptacle” as an equally important and distinct con- 
stituent, but this is perhaps unnecessary, since, as will be shown, the 
so-called receptacle can only be looked upon as a more or less acci- 

1 ‘Summa Vegetabilium,’ p. 406: ‘‘ Genus in foliis tropicis vulgatissimum ut Hrysiphes 
in terris temperatis.’ 

2 Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc., October, 1882, plate 27, figs. 1 and g. See also Bornet’s 
beautiful figures, Ann, des Sc, Nat,, ser, iii, t. xvi., plates 21 and 22. 


dental development, so to speak, depending and following upon the 
formation of the perithecium. 

The mycelium, forming the chief part of the black patches found 
on the surface of the affected leaves, petioles, &c., spreads in an 
irregularly stellate manner from a common centre or centres (see 
fig. 1). It is detached with comparative ease from the epidermis of 
the leaf, and bristles with fine, simple or branched, pointed appen- 
dages, of a black colour, which spring from the main hyphe, and 
from around the subglobular perithecia which are irregularly scattered 
over the surface. 

The main hyphe constituting this vegetative part of the fungus, 
are irregularly radiating, sinuous or zigzag filaments, closely appressed 
to the epidermis of the leaf, &c., and composed of cylindrical joints or 
cells placed end to end, and branching at angles of about 45 degrees 
(of. fig. 2, and fig. 5), Their stiff and even brittle walls are deeply 
coloured brown or biack, and thus obscure the view of their contents: 
sections and reagents prove these to be finely grained protoplasm, 
with or without oily drops in the interior. The diameter of the hypha 
is equal throughout, the apex being, as a rule, evenly rounded: the 
cross-septa dividing the hyphe into cells are firmly marked, thick and 
dark-coloured like the outer walls. 

The main branches of the mycelium all present the same general 
characters described above. In many cases, however, the blunt apices 
of the larger hyphee, instead of being evenly rounded, become curiously 
deformed by an accumulation of abnormal growths, of the nature of 
caps (see 43, fig. 7) fitting roughly one over the other: these consist 
of swollen, more or less cuticularised thickenings of the cell-wall, 
with or without granular débris between the layers. They are evi- 
dently produced by irregularities in the forward growth of the hypha : 
in the moist intervals the growing apex, more delicate than the 
older portions of the hypha, creeps along the surface of the leaf in 
the normal manner; during recurrent dry and hot unfavourable 
periods, however, sudden hardening and stoppage of growth causes 
the accumulation of the caps. That unfavourable intervals in out- 
_ ward circumstances may produce such abnormalities is well seen in 
the Saprolegnie, and I have in these observed the formation of suc- 
cessive shell-like caps of dense cellulose, more or less altered, and 
enclosing granular matter between the layers: the caps are coloured 
blue by solution of ginc-chloride and iodine, the granular débris yellow, 


These phenomena were by no means uncommon with the hyphe of 
Achlya and Saprolegnia grown, in summer, too long in the same 
water ; of course the pathological changes are produced by different 
causes in the two cases.’ 

Besides the main branches of the mycelium, certain small pyriform 
or flask-shaped “outgrowths are given off at pretty regular intervals 
from the cylindrical cells of the larger hyphe (see figs. 2, 3, and 4): 
in some cases each cell or joint gives off such a short branchlet from 
each side, in others from alternate sides. More rarely they are absent 
altogether. In all cases examined the short lateral branchlet arises 
as a simple bulging out of the lateral wall of the cell: as this proceeds, 
the bud (as it may be considered) swells out, and its cavity finally 
becomes separated from that of the parent branch by a firm septum. 
The long axis of the bud-like protuberance is very generally, though 
not always directed at an angle of nearly 45 degrees to that of the 
portion of the main hypha lying nearer the growing point (see fig. 
2, &c.): its walls are similarly dark coloured and firm, and it contains 
fine grained protoplasm much as the cells of the main hyphe. Mor- 
phologically considered, the short lateral outgrowths are undoubtedly 
of the nature of arrested branches. 

In one form of JMeliola, growing on the leaves of a species of Con- 
volvulus, I have observed a second form of the lateral branchlet (see 
fig. 4), co-existing with the commoner pyriform type. In this case 
the outgrowth was longer, narrowed into a sort of neck, and presented 
the general shape of a Florence flask, seated with its bulged out body 
on the parent branch. In some specimens, each cell of the latter 
supported two opposite flask-shaped branchlets : in others only one, 
with or without a pyriform body in addition. Sometimes one or the 
other type occurred singly and irregularly (fig. 4). 

‘The flask-shaped body is sometimes open at the apex, though I have 
never succeeded in observing anything emitted from the pore. These 
flask-shaped appendages recall to mind the peculiar bodies figured by 
Woronin in another group of the Pyrenomycetes (Sordaria),? and 
although no grounds exist for correlating the two phenomena in detail, 
the fact is at least worth recording that the lateral pyriform bodies in 
Meliola are capable of subserving reproduction, as will be shown here- 


1 There seems reason to believe that further investigation may throw light on this subject 
in connection with the apposition of the cell-wall. 

- 2 “Beitrige zur Morph. u. Phys. d. Pilze,” De Bary and Woronin, ser, iii., plate 5, 


When the hyphe or branchlets of this fungus are looked upon from 
above, and a strong light passes through from below, one often observes 
a minute, circular, bright spot, which appears to shine through the 
upper wall like a very small oil-drop ; on reversing the object, so 
that the lower side of the hypha comes uppermost, this brilliant pore- 
like spot appears much more evident, and is clearly due to a thinning 
in the wall of the under side of the hypha, at a spot where no colouring 
matter is deposited in the cell-walls, and where the contained proto- 
plasm is placed more nearly in connection with the outside (see 
figs. 7, 21, and 40). 

Bornet apparently refers to these bright spots when he speaks of 
oily globules in the interior of the hyphe,' though he may have been 
speaking of actual oil-drops developed in the dried specimens with 
which he chiefly worked. If Bornet’s remarks refer to the bright 
spots here described, the facts of their appearing only on the lower 
wall and not being altered by alcohol, &c., remain to be explained. 

Taking all the facts into account, the view seems to recommend 
itself that these bright spots are the points of attachment of the hyphee 
to the epidermis ; if so, they are to be regarded as haustoria of a very 
rudimentary nature. The mycelium certainly is attached to the sur- 
face of the leaf, though but feebly, and it appears suggestive that 
alcohol specimens are more easily detached than fresh ones, possibly 
because the protoplasm becomes contracted and rendered brittle. No 
other anchoring bodies have been observed, and one notes that the 
position of these brilliant spots accords with that of the well-developed 
haustoria in Asterina,* a genus of fungi at least allied to the Meliolas. 
These bright points are not always present, and in some cases seem 
to be normally absent. They are very generally formed at once 
on germination, appearing on the first short tubes put forth by the 
spore (fig. 40), a condition of things which may again be compared to 
what occurs in Asterina,’ and also in Hrysiphe and allied forms.* Still 
another point reminding us of Asterzma and the LHrystiphee is the 
function of the pyriform branchlets ; in some cases at least, they become 
detached, and act as vegetative reproductive organs or conidia, each 
putting forth bud-like processes which develop into new hyphe. 
Bornet remarked the separation of these buds in Meliola amphitricha, 

1 Op. cit., p. 260, and plate 21, fig. 3. 

2 See my description in Quar. Journ. Micr. Sc., October, 1882. 

3 Bornet, op. cit., plate 28, fig. 5. 

* De Bary, “‘ Beitrige zur Morph. u. Phys. d. Pilze,” 1870, ser. iii., plate 12, figs. 1 and 2. 


and hints at their possibly serving as reproductive bodies much as the 
Ordium forms of Erysiphee: since he worked with dried specimens, 
however, this question could not be decided. 

Bornet remarks that the mycelium on the upper side of many leaves 
are sterile, while those below and protected from the direct rays of 
the sun alone support perithecia: this is certainly not true for the 
Species examined by me, and, indeed, I cannot determine any difference 
between the upper and lower mycelia in this respect. Those on the 
upper surface seem quite as productive of spores, &c., as those below, 
and in many cases—e. g., those Meliole so common on Memecylon— 
the mycelium vegetates almost exclusively on the upper surface, and 
is quite fertile there. 

Besides the short pyriform and flask-shaped branchlets described 
above, the mycelium bears certain stiff, upright, appendages of the 
nature of sete (see figs. 1, 41, and 8): these sete spring from the 
cells of the hyphe at various points in their course, and, from their 
position and mode of origin, are probably to be regarded, morphologi- 
cally speaking, as lateral branchlets which become elongated in a 
direction more or less perpendicular to the plane of the leaf. Such a 
seta grows very rapidly and soon reaches its limit: the cylindrical 
cells composing it are relatively longer than those of the hyphee, but 
resemble them in other respects (the walls being, perhaps, somewhat 
stiffer and more deeply coloured), and taper above, in the simple types, 
or become variously branched. 

In most Deliolas the sete are especially aggregated around the 
perithecia, forming circles of stiff radii springing from what Bornet 
terms the “receptacle” : they are also developed, however, from various 
isolated points of the mycelium bearing no direct relation to the fruit- 

The forms of the sete vary from a simple, upright or curved filament, 
to structures branched like antlers, trifurcate, twisted, &c., at the tip 
(cf. fig. 8 and Bornet’s figures?) : Bornet has made use of these details 
in classifying the formal species, and although it is doubtful 
whether the more similar types are constant, there can be no objec- 
tion to their use much in the same manner that the appendages of 
Erysiphee, &c., are used to distinguish the forms of that group. 
Bornet regards the origin of the sete at points on the mycelium as 
marking out places where new perithecia are to be developed : I cannot 

1 Loe, cit., plates 21 and 22, figs, 6, 15, 16, &c. 


say that this idea is altogether a false one, but investigation of the 
development of the fruit-bodies seems to show that at least no neces- 
sary connexion exists between the two phenomena, 

Ag to the function of the sete, little or nothing can be stated. The 
earlier suggestions of Sprengel and Fries (as quoted by Bornet) that 
they may be organs for the exit of the spores cannot be accepted: not 
only on the ground of the disproportion between the numbers, but 
also because the spores are too large to pass through the setw, even 
supposing the cavity continuous and ending in an ostiolum, which is 
not the case. I have often tried to discover conidia or other bodies 
in connexion with the setw, but have been forced to the belief that 
they have no function whatever connected with spore-production. 
One is not now impressed with the necessity for assigning any special 
function to such structures: if the sete are merely free-growing 
branches of the otherwise appressed, creeping mycelium, there is 
nothing surprising in the fact that some differences in form and con- 
sistency are correlated with their sub-iierial habit. This is at least no 
more remarkable than that the looser branches of an alga, like Coleo- 
cheete, should have a facies slightly differing from that of the cell 
series comprising the lower, creeping, appressed parts of the thallus. 

The collection of sete immediately around the “ fruit-body” simply 
results, immediately, from the vigorous development of hyphz which 
accompanies the later stages of formation of the perithecium: this 
mass of setigerous hyphze, which seems comparable with the formation 
of haustoria and such-like organs in other fungi during the fruit de- 
velopment, was called the “véceptacle” by Bornet. As to a possible 
protective influence of the circles of sete, the question must be left open 
until we know more of the conditions: in some cases, at any rate, the 
sete do not arise until the perithecium is completely formed, and the 
spores nearly ripe. 

The perithecium, when completely developed, is a globular or 
sub-globular body, consisting of a shining black or brown external 
case, the outer thick walls of which appear regularly embossed, and 
an internal mass composed of asci and spores, &c. The embossed 
pattern on the outer walls results from the thick-walled cells, of which 
it is composed, projecting at their free surfaces: where the cells join 
each other, forming polygonal figures, they do not so project.1_ What 
may be termed the base of the perithecium is sessile on the mycelium : 

2 See Bornet’s figures, loc. cit., plates 21 and 22. 


at the opposite pole, or apex, is frequently a slight papilla, not ob- 
viously pierced by any pore. Bornet, noting this fact, imagines that 
the dehiscence takes place below, the whole upper part of the peri- 
thecium becoming broken away by a circular rupture at the base. In 
some forms, at least, the spores escape through an opening at the 
apex: how far this is general I do not know (fig. 43), but facts exist 
to render it probable that a minute and dilatable pore occurs in 

Vertical sections of the mature perithecium show that within the 
firm, deep-coloured, external wall is a lining of softer cells, with swollen 
envelopes and of a more or less flattened form: this inner lining of 
the perithecium extends two or three cell-series deep, and is slightly 
yellow or pale-brown in colour (see figs. 33 and 34). In the cavity 
thus enclosed are the groups of asci in various stages of development : 
these delicate, clavate sacs contain spores, or have emptied them into 
the semi-gelatinous, granular matrix around. 

With these preliminaries, I may pass on to consider and describe the 
development of the perithecium, as followed step by step on a species 
of Meliola which I have investigated with no slight success :! this 
will be found to throw light on the morphology of these fungi from 
the best of sources—development—and aid in a more critical estima- 
tion of their proposed systematic position. After describing in detail 
the origin, mode of development and fate of the fruit and spores, I 
propose, therefore, to examine the relations of the Afeliolas to Hrysiphe 
and other fungi. 

On examining portions of the epiphyllous mycelium bearing the 
short pyriform, lateral branchlets so often referred to above, one fre- 
quently discovers specimens presenting the appearances depicted at 
figs. 9, 10, 11, &c. The simple pyriform body, after becoming more 
swollen, has suffered division into two portions or cells by a septum, 
usually vertical to the plane of the mycelium and leaf, and passing 
diagonally across the cavity with a slight curve, so as to abut on the 
outer walls at right angles, or nearly so. The originally unicellular 
protuberance becomes in this manner divided into two more or less 
unequal cells, and it will be shown in the sequel that these two cells 
have, from the first, each a different destiny in the formation of the 
fruit. For this reason I have indicated in the drawings, by shading, 

1 I must take this opportunity of thanking Professor De Bary for kind suggestions with 
respect to this work, 


a difference which does not present itself in the natural object at this 
stage. The more apical cell, which is smaller and shaded darker in 
fig. 9, may be indicated throughout by the letter A: it will be found 
that this cell produces the central ascogenous tissue of the young 
perithecium, while the other, which will be referred to as cell B, 
originates the outer portions of the case or perithecium wall. 

Following close upon the preliminary division above described, a 
septum appears across the larger of the two cells, cutting the first- 
formed division wall at right angles, or nearly so: this is rapidly 
followed by another septum (fig. 10), and so the larger cell (B) becomes 
cut up into three. Following upon these, a number of further divi- 
sions in planes at right angles to the preceding are soon established 
(figs. 11 to 17), and at the same time, though much more slowly, one 
or two more division walls are formed in the cell A, thus cutting it up 
into a short series of about three cells (figs. 14, 15). 

If the above description has been followed, it becomes clear that the 
division of the more rapidly growing cell, B, results in the production 
of a sheet of cells affixed, so to speak, to the few-celled mass resulting 
from the slow division of A: such being the case, and the sheet ex- 
tending as new divisions are formed, the cells resulting from A become 
gradually enveloped more and more in those resulting from B. A 
comparison of the figs. 9 to 17 will facilitate matters here, and for 
convenience of description hereafter, and in consideration of its destiny, 
we may term the mass of cells produced from A the ascogenous core— 
or simply the core. 

At a stage which may conveniently be considered the next one to 
fig. 11, the cells resulting from the division of B are observed to be 
extending as a curved layer over the ‘“ core” of cells formed by A. 
If, at this stage, the young fruit-body is cut off, and allowed to roll 
over in fluid under the microscope, the form and arrangement are 
found to be somewhat as sketched in fig. 12, where a represents the 
view from below, 6 that from the side, and ¢ an end elevation of the 
structure. The cell A, in fact, is becoming gradually enfolded by the 
layer of cells derived from B, a process which results, at a later period 
(fig. 17), in the almost complete tucking in of the “ core” as the centre 
of a sub-globular mass of cells, 

As this process of “invagination by epibole” (as it would be termed 
in the case of an embryo) goes on, the “core” has been more slowly 
cut up into cells—at first by walls perpendicular to its long axis, and 


then by septa in other planes at right angles—and the sub-globular 
body thus produced lies with the open part towards the epidermis. 

After this period, two events occur: Ist, the cells of the “core,” 
possessing very thin walls, acquire a different aspect from those of the 
outer shell; their finely granular protoplasm makes them appear 
denser and more opaque, shining through the latter until this becomes 
too thick to be transparent ; 2nd, the open part of the growing peri- 
thecium becomes closed over, and the internal structures can no longer 
be made out without the aid of actual sections. At this point my 
observations have failed to decide which of two possible modes of 
growth take place: Is the covering in of the “core” completed simply 
by the extension and closing in of the edges of the outer layer ; or are 
cells, cut off from the “ core” below, intercalated, so to speak, into the 
open gap? One is led to expect by analogy that the former process 
takes place, but some events lead to the suspicion that such may not 
be the case. 

At the stage corresponding to fig. 19 the young perithecium 
appears almost opaque, very little light passing through the dark- 
coloured and thick outer walls; from below, however, the larger cells 
composing the “core” can be readily seen in the optical section, 
shining by means of their dense, fine-grained contents through the 
shell. In the next stages, the “core” can only be seen dimly through 
the outer envelope (fig. 20), even after treatment with reagents, or, as 
in figs. 21 and 22, after cutting or tearing off some of the outer cells. 

Nothing but a fortunate vertical section through the young fruit 
at or near this stage will decide finally whether the lower side is 
covered in by the meeting of the outer shell edges, or by partial 
“delamination” from the lower side of the “core,” and this I have 
not succeeded in obtaining. The thick, dark outer walls have now 
become so opaque, that optical sections fail to determine the course of 
events; and treatment with reagents does not atford evidence suffi- 
ciently satisfactory to decide the questions, since it seems impossible 
to remove the colouring matter, Potassic hydrate or weak acids do, 
it is true, render the structures a little more translucent after some 
time ; but even the extreme resort of heating in weak chromic acid 
has only yielded partial results, and with this slight information on 
the point I have reluctantly been compelled to content myself for the 
present. A comparison of figs. 17 to 21 certainly suggests that the 
process of envelopment is completed by the outer layer of cells derived 


from the repeated and rapid division of the cell B, and this view may 
be recommended on the ground of analogies with the Lrysiphee, to be 
examined hereafter; but, while figs. 19 and 20 by no means decide 
the point, we shall find that in the perithecium of another species of 
Meliola (or an allied form) the construction almost certainly proceeds 
by continued cutting up and “ delamination ” of the results of division 
of one cell. 

Be this as it may, the young perithecium now consists of the follow- 
ing parts :—A central “ core ” of delicate-walled colourless or yellowish 
cells, very rich in finely granular protoplasm, and, surrounding this 
completely, a single layer of cells with thick, hard, dark-coloured walls 
(especially those on the exterior surface) ; the whole mass is attached 
to the hypha from which it originated by a very short pedicle or joint 
(see figs. 19-24). 

At a period slightly later than the above, the cells of the outer 
layer are becoming multiplied by tangential walls, and those of the 
inner core by radial and horizontal divisions : these processes go on for 
some time until the whole perithecium is a complex of many small 
cells, the outer of which become firmer and darker-coloured, the inner 
delicate and full of fine-grained protoplasm as described. 

No trace of the internal structure is, however, visible now from the 
outside. On isolating a perithecium at this stage—a matter of no 
slight difficulty, but practicable with a slender knife used under a low 
power of the microscope—it presents the forms shown in fig. 25 
on being rolled over. Above, the outer surface curves equally away 
from the centre, and the slightly projecting walls of the cells give it 
an appearance of being embossed (fig. 25, x). From below (fig. 25, y), 
the object looks very different; the surface is much flattened and 
nearly circular, and from many of the cells are processes developing as 
hyphee in all directions. These radiating processes creep close along 
the surface of the leaf, to which the fruit-body is also appressed, and 
no doubt serve to give a much firmer hold for the fruit ; at first their 
thin walls are only of a pale brown hue, but rapidly acquire the 
thickness and deep colour of the fruit and mycelium. Seen from the 
side, the young perithecium presents the appearance sketched at fig. 
25, z. It is these radiating anchoring hyphe which form collectively 
what Bornet terms the “réceptacle,’ and from them, at a later period, 
the bristling seée found around the mature fruit are developed. 

From the stage just described the development of the fruit-body 


proceeds rapidly ; but, since the objects now become of a more manage- 
able size, I have been able, by actual sections through the perithecium 
embedded in spermaceti or gum, or, better still, in elder pith, to 
obtain some insight into the processes going on even in the centre of 
the mass of cells. 

At stages just prior to the one last described, the central core of 
thin walled cells—which it will be remembered has been derived from 
continuous divisions of the cell A—is commencing to divide up by 
septa in several directions (figs. 23, 24), while the outer layers sur- 
rounding this—derived primitively from B, and, possibly, in part 
from A—are divided more regularly by tangential walls, followed by 
radial ones at right angles as the area enlarges. As the increasing 
small and delicate cells of the core become formed more rapidly, a 
certain tendency at least to a regular arrangement can be recognised 
in the later stages, as shown in such sections as figs. 28 and 29 and 
fig. 27: this regularity becomes interfered with by the mutual pres- 
sure of the cells, and the outer ones, of which the walls are especially 
soft and swollen, become flattened and pulled in the tangential direc- 
tion, and only marked by the very granular yellowish protoplasm in 
their diminishing cavities. In the central lower part of the core, 
vertical sections at this, and slightly later stages, show that certain 
cells, with very delicate outlines and finely granular refractive con- 
tents, maintain their larger size and upright arrangement, and are by 
these peculiarities well distinguished as a special group or tuft of cells 
(see fig. 28, and fig. 31). In oblique (fig. 29) and horizontal (fig. 30) 
sections passing through the lower third of the developing perithecium, 
they can also be readily distinguished by their special peculiarities, 
and no question can be entertained as to their signiticance in the for- 
mation of the essential parts of the fruit-body. This group of cells is 
the forerunner of the young asci, and may be termed the Ascogonium. 

As development proceeds continuously, the outermost layers 
acquiring thicker and more deeply coloured walls, the above named 
group of upright cells become relatively larger, increasing slowly in 
number by a few divisions, while the diffluent, compressed cells between 
them and the outermost layers slowly give up their contents, and 
become reduced to mere granular streaks embedded in a jelly-like 
mass of swollen and fused cell-walls (see fig. 31). This process is 
exactly. comparable to what takes place in the developing embryo-sac 


of certain phanerogams,! or of the pollen mother cells in the anther,? 
in so far as the larger cells clearly develop at the expense of material 
derived from those around. 

The tuft of successful cells thus nourished is, in fact, the “ ascogo- 
nium” of this fungus. At a slightly later stage than the one last 
figured, the space formerly occupied by the deliquescent remains of 
small cells is filled with an almost transparent semi-fluid mucus, in 
which a few bright granules are embedded; while the lower part of 
the perithecium contains a tuft of asci in various stages of develop- 
ment (see fig. 33), and which have evidently proceeded from the large 
cells of figs. 28 and 31, which have devoured all, or nearly all, the 
smaller soft cells surrounding them. 

Sections of perithecia at a stage between those shown in figs. 31 
and 33, have not been obtained, but enough evidence has been secured 
to enable me to conclude that the asci are the direct result of the 
transformation of the elongated upright cells of fig. 31, which are 
nourished at the expense of the cells of the inner layers. Partly from 
the brittle nature of the outer walls, enclosing a space filled with 
almost fluid contents, and partly from the extreme delicacy of the 
young asci, I have been unable to decide whether any distinct branch- 
ing of the ascogenous cells precedes the formation of the definite asci: 
probably such is the case. We have now followed the development of 
the perithecium to the period when it may be considered ripe: a period 
of some duration, since the asci are continually and successively formed 
in the tuft for some time. 

Fortunate sections of the perithecium wall at this stage have yielded 
the following information. In the centre of the apical wall, where a 
slight protuberance sometimes occurs, the cells of the inner wall are 
found to radiate towards a pale translucent spot or pore (see fig. 36), 
and although I have not been able to obtain sections exactly through 
this, and am therefore unable to affirm positively that it is an actual 
pore, there seems little doubt that this is at least the weak point 
through which the spores escape from the ripe perithecium, no doubt 
forced through by the swelling of the materials around. Bornet® 
believes that the perithecium opens by a circular rupture at the base : 
I have tried to confirm this, but failed, and am strongly persuaded 
that the apical spot figured is the point of exit for the spores. That a 

1 Cf., amongst others, Strasburger, ‘ Angiospermen und Gymnospermen.’ 
_ 2 Of., Strasburger, ‘Bau und Wachsthum der Zellhaute,’ 1882, 
® Op. cit., p. 261. 


minute pore should escape observation from without is not remark- 
able: the reflection of the light from the black shining outer cells 
might easily obscure it. The general structure of these walls has 
already been described, and figure 34, drawn from an extremely for- 
tunate and very thin section, shows the details. 

The very young ascus presents no features of importance to distin- 
guish it from that of many other pyrenomycetous fungi. In its earliest 
state it is recognisable as a single thin-walled, club-shaped cell, taper- 
ing to a point at the lower attached end, and filled with finely granular, 
yellowish protoplasm (see fig. 37 a.): sometimes a small pale, refrac- 
tive nucleus-like point is seen in the protoplasm. .As the young ascus 
grows longer, and its protoplasm increases in quantity, a fine, sharp 

division line makes its appearance somewhat oblique to the long axis - 

of the whole (fig. 37, c.) ; this is soon followed by a second, similar 
longitudinal division, in a plane at right angles to the former (fig. 
37, d.), and four well-defined masses are thus marked out. These, the 
young spores, do not include the whole of the protoplasm (fig. 37, 
dand f.), but lie in a scanty matrix of granular matter, closely ap- 
posed face to face, and following the curve of the wall of the enlarging 
ascus on their outer walls. 

As the four, almost fusiform young spores increase in size, and 
acquire more distinct membranous envelopes, they come to lie some- 
what more loosely in the cavity of the ascus, and may cross one another 
in accommodation to the space at disposal. Then appear cross-septa 
(fig. 37, ¢., f.), dividing the material of the spore into a number of 
compartments varying from three to five—or, in one case, a single 
septum only is formed—and vacuoles and granules appear in the 
hitherto almost homogeneous contents. As the spores ripen, their 
cross-septa become more firmly marked, their outer walls thicker, and 
gradually brown or nearly black in colour, like the hyphee of the de- 
veloped mycelium; the side walls of the separate compartments also 
become bulged out slightly, giving the mature spore thé appearance of 
a long oval body, constricted at intervals (see fig. 39). Very com- 
monly one or two oily-looking drops accumulate in the compartments * 
of the ripe spore. 

Such is the typical mode of development of the perithecium, asci 
and spores. I have found no modifications of importance from a 
morphological point of view ; it should be recorded, however, that the 
number of spores in the agcus varies from two to eight. Sometimes 

a ee 


in the same perithecium one finds asci in which one, two, or three 
spores develop at the expense of their presumably weaker neighbours 
(fig. 38), in other cases the number two appears constant, only one 
complete division occurring in the ascus (fig. 38), while in one case to 
be referred to later, the asci normally produce eight two-chambered 
spores (fig. 43). 

On germination, which may take place soon after the emission from 
the ripe perithecium, the spores seem to behave generally in the same 
manner ; one or several simple protuberances emerge from any of the 
partitioned chambers (see fig. 40), and proceed to develop into a 
typical mycelium, often with a preliminary formation of the rudi- 
mentary haustoria referred to in an earlier part of this paper. This 
mycelium grows rapidly in moist weather, forming branches, sete 
and fruit-bodies as before. In some seasons the leaves of various 
plants may be seen covered with hundreds of these young mycelia, 
which dry up when the atmosphere does, only to renew their growth 
with the rains. 

Before passing on to the consideration of the pathological influence 
of these fungi, and of their systematic position, I will record a few 
details concerning a form of Jfeliola which varies somewhat from the 
typical cases hitherto considered ; at any rate, it seems to differ more 
from the six or eight forms to which the above description refers, than 
they do among themselves. 

The species to be examined has only been found on the leaves of 
Pavetta indica, and its mycelium forms more spreading and less de- 
fined patches on the leaves of that plant than the easily recognisable 
sooty patches of the other Meliolas. The main features of its myce- 
lium, &c., are shown in fig. 41, and differ chiefly in the delicate 
straggling hyphee, with a paler brown colour and no trace of haustoria. 
The branching is very irregular, and somewhat like that of the form 
figured at fig. 3, but the short, lateral branchlets are not always ovoid, 
but often have sinuous, almost angular outlines, reminding one of the 
similar structures in Asterina, except that the latter bear distinct 
haustoria, The sete are here quite simple, short, and not so hard and 
brittle as usual; they are also produced in smaller numbers than in 
the more typical species. 

The greatest peculiarities, however, are offered by the fruit-bodies, 
or perithecia. Each of these arises as before by the successive dividing 
up of a short, lateral branchlet (plate 44, fig. 42), with this difference, 


that the rapidly following septa permit no recognition of primitive 
cells destined to form the outer walls, ascogonium, &c., as before. 

After a few radial, vertical, and horizontal walls have been formed, 
tangential septa (fig. 42, d.) make their appearance, cutting out series 
of cells which are to form the outer wall, and which become firmer 
and more deeply coloured, from an inner cell mass which gives rise to 
the ascogonium much as before. Only a few asci are formed, in each 
of which arise eight small oval uniseptate spores, which acquire a pale 
brown colour as they ripen (fig. 42, f, and fig. 43). 

The mature perithecium is shaped like a pear or top, the broad end 
attached to the hypha by a short pedicei, the narrow free end, or apex, 
becoming thin and diffluent in order to allow of the escape of the 
spores (fig. 43). Very few or no sete are formed around the peri- 
thecium, and these of the same simple type as those scattered on the 
mycelium (fig. 41). The whole structure of the fruit-body is, there- 
fore, much simpler than that of the above described forms, and, from 
the semi-translucent characters of the thinner cell-walls, allows the 
main details to be made out by optical sections only. In some of the 
dark-coloured cells of freshly prepared specimens, a bluish tint is often 
observable ; I have not seen this in any other similar form. 

In no case have I succeeded in tracing a distinct alterative or de- 
structive action of the Melolas on the cells of leaves to which they 
are attached. In many instances, as, for example, thick leathery 
leaves like those of Wemecylon capitellatum, &c., the haustoria seem to 
have no function beyond that of holdfasts ; in others, such as Pavetta, 
Triumfetta, &c., attacked leaves certainly suffer from the presence of 
the fungus. Nevertheless, I cannot trace this to any direct action of 
the mycelium ; the contents of the cells show no effects which can be 
regarded as due to the fungus mycelium directly. We must conclude, 
therefore, that where the life of the leaf is interfered with at all, it is 
indirectly ; the dense crust of a well-developed Meliola no doubt ob- 
structs the play of physiological functions in an obvious manner by 
obscuring it from light, blocking up stomata, We. 

It is now possible to consider the question of the systematic position 
of these remarkable and interesting fungi. Bornet,’ following Fries 
and Léveillé, places Meliola near the old group of Sphaerias with 
especial reference to Hrysiphe.. I have already quoted the view of 
Fries that the Meliolas may be considered tropical representatives of 

1 Qp, cit., p. 266. 


our Lrysiphee, and Berkeley? takes the same position, These opinions 
appear to have been based simply on the resemblance in habit and 
the more obvious anatomical characters, and on the fact that no Hry- 
siphe is known in the tropics. 

The details of structure, and especially of the development of the 
fruit-bodies above described, enable us to criticise these views from a 
somewhat firmer standpoint. 

Apart from minor points of resemblance between MJeliola and the 
typical Hrysiphee, such as the haustoria (not well developed in 
Meliola), the asci, &c., there can be no question as to certain points of 
agreement in the structure and development of the perithecia; 
nevertheless, the origin of the fruit-body in the two groups is not 
obviously similar, and at first sight the differences may seem greater 
than they really are. 

In the typical simpler Lrysiphee, such as Podosphaera, as is well 
known from De Bary’s classical researches,” the carpogonium and anthe- 
ridium arise each as a short lateral branch from separate hyphe, at 
the point where two hyphe cross: each becomes cut off by a septum, 
which is formed close to the parent hypha in the case of the pyriform 
carpogonium, and about half way up the curved antheridium branch. 
The free end of the latter becomes closely applied to the top of the 
carpogonum, and fertilisation—possibly not complete in a physio- 
logical sense, however—is said to be complete. After this process 
numerous branchlets arise from the base of the antheridium filament 
(and also from the base of the carpogonium), grow rapidly and with 
numerous segments, and invest the carpogonium, which meanwhile 
begins to be (more slowly) cut up into cells. 

In Zurotium*® we have an essentially similar process, except in 
minute details, and the antheridiwm is a branch springing from the 
same hypha which bears the carpogonium, and arises just beneath the 
latter. Here, as before, the perithecium envelope is formed chiefly by 
the rapid overgrowth of cells derived from the antheridium branch. 
It is quite conceivable that a form allied to Hrysiphe and Zurotium, &c., 
might have the unicellular carpogoniwm and antheridium arising quite 
in contact at their bases from the same branch. 

If we now compare the above with the succession of events in the 

2 Introd. to ‘Crypt. Bot.,’ p. 275. 

2 ‘Beitr. z. Morph. u. Phys. d. Pilze,’ R. iii., 1870 
3 Cf., De Bary, loc. cit. 


development of Meliola, the following points of analogy seem to me 
sound. ‘The original pyriform branchlet—containing in itself, so to 
speak, the elements of the fruit-body—after the first division (fig. yy 
may be considered as establishing morphologically an archecarpium ! 
and an antheridial branch—or the latter may be considered as contain- 
ing in itself the antheridium, plus the elements of the perithecium wall. 

If the cells A and B (fig. 9) became further developed, and diverged 
at their apices, we should have no difficulty in seeing these points of 

Thus much cannot but be allowed. The cell A resembles a true 
archecarpium in so far that it slowly produces the ascogonium and 
asci ; the homology will not be weakened, but the contrary, if further 
research shows that part of the perithecium wall results from cells 
derived from A. The cell B so far acts as an anthertdium branch in 
that it is closely applied to A, divides up more rapidly, and thus pro- 
duces most—perhaps all—of the perithecium wall. 

The above may possibly suggest some difficulties to those who have 
not followed the recent progress in our knowledge of sexual organs 
and their homologies in the lower fungi. It has of late been shown 
to be not improbable, but on the contrary very likely, that we should 
view the Hrysiphee as a group connecting the higher Ascomycetes, on 
the one hand, and the Phycomycetes* (Mucor, Peronosporec, and Sapro- 
legnice) on the other: the evolution of the latter group seems un- 
doubtedly attended by a fusion of parts before separated—a withdrawal 
of the sexual organs, so to speak, into one another,—and De Bary has 
followed this out with marvellous skill and success in a number of 
forms passing from Pythiwm, through the Peronosporee, to certain 
Saprolegnace, in which the male sexual organ (antheridium, pollinodium) 
is normally suppressed. Whether or not we suppose, with De Bary, 
that the Lrysiphee took origin from some Peronospora-like form, it 
seems reasonable to look upon Meliola and its immediate allies as a 
branch group derived from the Zrysiphe stem, either from the ancestor 
of Hrysiphe itself or from ancestors which gave rise to Hurotewm and 
Lrysiphe, and that this group has become developed in tropical lands 
along lines more or less parallel to those along which the Kuropean 
forms have proceeded in temperate climates, being, in fact—though 
not in the strictest sense perhaps—“ representative species.” Be this 

1 De Bary, Beitrige IV., proposes to use this word as denoting that part of the body 
which becomes the ascus and pedicel in Podosphaera. 
2 Vide De Bary, ‘‘ Beitr. z. Morph. u. Phys. d. Pilze,” R, IV., 1881. 


view entertained or rejected, I am strongly impressed with the neces- 
sity for further and closer investigation of the very remarkable group 

of fungi centering around or near the Melole, since they will probably 
fill up yet more completely the gap—partially bridged over, it is 
true—between the lower and higher Ascomycetes. 





Meliola sp. with portion of epidermis of Memecylon. On the 
mycelium are setw, branchlets, and fruit-bodies in various 
stages of development.—Zeiss D. 

Mycelium of another species of the same, found on the Teavee 

of Schutereia (Conv.), with portion more highly magnified. 
—Gundl. 4 and Zeiss D. 

Portion of me ees of a species of Meliola on Triumfetta 
(Tiliacew).—Zeiss D. 

Portions of more advanced mycelium of fig. 2 more highly 
magnified, and showing various forms of lateral branch- 
lets.— Zeiss J. 

Portions of mycelium on JMemecylon showing mode of 
branching and young fruit-bodies—Gundl. 4 and Zeiss D. 

Vertical section through portion of mycelium where fruit- 
body is being formed. The section is not median,— 
Zeiss J. 

End of hypha with three cap-like thickenings and pore-like 
spot (haustorium ?) seen from below.—Zeiss J. 

Various forms of sete in plan and elevation.—Zeiss D, and J. 

End of hypha (with one cap-like thickening) bearing lateral 
pyriform branchlet which is to become a Perithecium. 
The first oblique septum has already appeared, the 
smaller cell (A) represents the ascogonium, &e., and is 
shaded darker; the larger one (B) will divide up more 
rapidly, and enclose the cell A and its progeny. 

Figs, 10 and 11. Further stages in the development of the young 

Perithecium. The cell B is becoming divided.—Zeiss J. 


Fig. 12. 


ig, 18. 



Young Perithecium seen from below (a), from the side (6), 
and from one end (c). In all, the dark cell is the one 
marked (A) in fig. 9; the remainder have resulted from 
the growth and division of the cell (B).—Zeiss J. 

and 14. Slightly later stages:)seen from below. ‘The cell 
(A) has become divided by a cross septum.—Zeiss J. 

and 16. Similar preparations seen from above and below.— 
Zeiss J. 

. Somewhat more advanced Perithecium seen from the side. 

The cells resulting from the division of A (“ascogenous 
core”) are seen through those formed by B, which are 
growing over them.—Zeiss J. 

Somewhat more advanced stage.—Zeiss J. 

Slightly later stage. The upper figure is seen from above, 
the lower from below: the latter shows the “ ascogenous 
core.”—Zeiss J. 

. Similar preparations seen from above (lower figure) and 

below (upper figure).—Zeiss J. 
and 22. Slightly advanced Perithecia cut by the razor. The 
‘‘ ascogenous core” is exposed at the cut parts.—Zeiss E. 
and 24. Similar preparations treated with chromic acid. 
The ‘“ascogenous core” is seen enveloped by the cells 
forming the Perithecium-wall: all much swollen, and 
fig. 23 slightly crushed.—Zeiss J. 

. More advanced Perithecium seen from outside and above 

(x), below (y), and from the side (z). The radiating 

hyphee (réceptacle) spring from the external walls below. 
—Zeiss E. 

ig, 26. Portion of mycelium with young Perithecium seen from above 

and below.—Zeiss E. 

. Somewhat older Perithecium. The razor has cut off one 

side obliquely.—Zeiss J. (camera). 

. Vertical section through young Perithecium about this stage. 

The ascogenous cells in the middle are distinguished by 
their larger size and arrangement.—Zeigs J. 

Oblique (nearly horizontal and median) section through the 
same.—Zeiss J. 


Fig. 30. Horizontal section above the base of same.—Zeiss J. 

Fig. 31. Somewhat older stage in vertical section. The ascogenous 
cells in the centre are enlarging at the expense of those 
around.—Zeiss J. 

Fig. 32. Portion of outer wall with disorganised cells lining it— 
Zeiss J. 

Fig. 33. Vertical section through nearly ripe Perithecium, showing 
asci and spores embedded in the gelatinous mass produced 
by the disorganisation of the unemployed cells.—Zeiss D. 

Fig. 34. Portion of outer wall of latter in vertical section.—Zeiss J. 

Fig. 35. Vertical—not median—section through ripe Perithecium 
(and portion of epidermis of host-plant), showing crowds of 

Fig. 36. Thin slice from top of similar Perithecium. A pore-like 
spot is seen in the centre of the radial marking. 

Figs. 37, 38 and 39. Various stages in the development of the asci 
and spores.—Zeiss J. 

Fig. 40. Germinating spores.—Zeiss D. and E. 

Fig. 41. Portion of mycelium of a species of Meliola found on Pavetta, 
showing mycelium, sete, and young Perithecia.—Zeiss J. 
and D 

Figs. 42 and 43, Development of Perithecia and extrusion of spores. 




Plate ath 



F. Huth, Lith? Edin? 


By H. Marsnatt Warp, M.A., Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge ; 
Assistant Lecturer in Botany at the Owens College, Manchester. 

The fruitfulness and stimulus of the theory of descent have pro- 
bably been felt in no province of biology with more effect than in the 
investigation of the more minute forms of plants; and the results 
obtained from the study of microscopic fungi have absorbed attention 
and interest of late years to an extent which, whether commensurate 
or not with their importance, promises even more in the future than 
has been attained in the past. 

Not only with respect to the economic aspect of a thorough know- 
ledge of Fungi inimical to the animal and vegetable world, but also 
as regards the real position of these remarkable organisms in nature, 
it is of the greatest importance that investigations should proceed and 
multiply. For we have learned in this as in other departments of 
science, that the results of thorough and accurate knowledge cannot 
really be foreseen, and that new side lights are thrown on other mat- 
ters by every acquisition of facts and principles. 

Apart from their interests more directly affecting mankind, the 
fungi have seemed to present problems of life in some respects simpler 
than other forms, and have thus in a manner promised a solution of 
phylogenetic and physiological questions more nearly approaching the 
ideal of the evolutionist. As research progressed, however, and the 
methods of observation were improved, experience showed that the 
study of the Fungi—though yielding results much beyond rather 


than below what was expected—is attended with unlooked for diffi- 
culties. Not only is the isolation and cultivation of any given fungus 
an extremely difficult matter, but the following it through all the 
phases of its life-history brings the observer face to face with problems 
of quite a special nature. 

As time progressed and observations multiplied, it became clear 
that the fungi are by no means so simple as they perhaps appeared. 
Apart from practical difficulties of manipulation, consequent on their 
minuteness, number and intermixture with other forms, it soon became 
evident that special conditions of various kinds affect their develop- 
ment, and that the complete life-cycle of any one fungus—and evi- 
dence based on a thorough knowledge of this is alone admissible for 
the purposes of science—may present various forms of complexity. 

Even to-day, notwithstanding the considerable additions to our 
knowledge derived from the study of development, and notwith- 
standing that we possess several comprehensive generalisations as to 
the curious changes undergone by typical forms in their development, 
we are far from possessing sufficient knowledge of these matters to 
enable us to group the fungi satisfactorily from a phylogenetic point 
of view. This, however, is a distinct aim of biology, and every addi- 
tion to knowledge in this direction is to be welcomed. 

In the present essay it is proposed to describe some of the more 
recent and most suggestive observations on fungi; and especially on 
their reproductive organs, since it is in these that the most important 
phenomena (from the phylogenetic point of view) are centred. We 
shall ‘have occasion to refer to, and in part to trace certain processes 
connected with their development ; and finally to see how far it may 
be possible to generalise from the facts now known. 

In s0 far as this paper simply recounts observations—for the most 
part made by others—it cannot claim scientific merit; but if, after 
condensing and arranging the facts, and stating the condition of our 
present knowledge of the subject, the attempt to bring this knowledge 
under a more general statement succeeds, it may be that we have 
helped to advance matters after all. 

If, however, further criticism results in the overthrow of the hypo- 
thesis brought forward at the conclusion, we may nevertheless hope 
that some service is rendered in arranging the facts, and drawing 
attention to the necessity of employing physiological as well as mor- 
phological considerations in the attempt to construct a phylogenetic 


system of the fungi. In the last case we may at least succeed in 
attracting more attention to the direction in which modern research 
in this region is impelling the more thoughtful biologists, and go call 
forth confirmatory evidence or criticism of unseen fallacies, 

If we neglect a few isolated observations as having led to no general 
views on the subject, we may regard Pringsheim’s discovery of the 
sexual organs in the Saprolegnie in 1858* as the starting point of our 
knowledge of the sexuality of the fungi. This observation was made 
at a time when attention was being drawn particularly to the sexes of 
the Algee by the researches of Thuret, De Bary, Cohn, Nigeli and 
others; and the Saprolegnice were then, and fora long time afterwards, 
regarded as Algze. 

Since that time numerous cases of the occurrence of sexual organs 
have been described among other fungi, chiefly by the labours of De 
Bary and the school of cryptogamic morphology practically established 
by him and his pupils. 

With De Bary’s brilliant researches on the Ascomycetes,? and 
especially the Lrysiphee,® a point was reached where a definite opinion 
on the sexuality of the fungi became accepted; and the conclusions 
drawn from the study of Spherotheca, Eurotium, and Peziza led to the 
view that the fruit-body of a higher fungus results from a process of 
fertilisation preceding the development of asci, and that Hofmeister’s 
supposition that the asci are sexual organs was to be abandoned. 

In 1871 Janczewski* described the sexual organs in Ascobolus fur- 
furaceus. Other researches by Baranetski, Gilkinet, Woronin, Van 
Tieghem, and Brefeld were considered to support the then generally 
received opinion that the fungi, while differing considerably as to 
their forms and mode of producing spores and fructification, probably 
all develope their chief reproductive bodies as the consequence of a 
sexual process. 

When in 1874 Stahl demonstrated the sexuality of a Lichen,* the 
matter seemed to be placed beyond doubt ; and it was freely admitted 
that in the cases—now somewhat numerous—where a definite union 
of sexual organs could not be established, that the failure was largely 
due to the extraordinary difficulties attending the investigation. In 

1 Sachs, ‘Geschichte der Botanik.’ 
2 ‘Ueber die Fruchtentwickelung der Ascomyceten,’ 1863, 
8 ‘Beitraige zur Morph., &c., der Pilze,’ R. iii., 1870. 

+ © Bot. Zeitg.’ 1871. 
5 ‘Bot. Zeitg.,’ 1874, 


this manner, apparently, it came to be widely believed that in such 
cases as Sordaria,’ Penicillium, Sphaeria lemanece,? and. Chaetomium 
the sexual process is essentially the same as that described for the 
simpler Lrysiphee. 

All the observers agreed in the main that the asci are either parts 
of the Ascogonium, or female sexual organ (Spherotheca, Podosphera), 
or are developed by budding from it, in each case no doubt after the 
Ascogonium had received something from the male organ (Pollinodium) 
attached on its surface. Meanwhile, investigation was not confined to 
the Ascomycetes. 

The researches of Brefeld,* Van Tieghem,° and others’ demonstrated 
a simple form of sexual reproduction in the Mucorini, now so well 
known that we need not dwell upon it. It is interesting to note in 
passing, however, that Ehrenberg had discovered the conjugation of 
Syzigites so long ago as 1820." 

We now pass to the discovery of the true nature and sexual organs 
of the Peronosporece by De Bary, who, in a series of masterly memoirs,® 
has made this group and its allies a special study. De Bary showed 
that in certain members of this group an antheridium bores into the 
oogonium, sending a “fertilising tube” into the oosphere contained 
therein ; the oosphere then becomes an oospore, and capable of germi- 

A considerable amount of labour had been devoted to the study of 
the Saprolegnie since Pringsheim’s first publication, much of it by this 
investigator himself? and among other remarkable discoveries his 
observation that, in certain cases, the oospores become normally 
developed and capable of germination without any male organs being 
formed at all, is to be noted. Pringsheim himself termed these oos- 
pores parthenogenetic.” We may pass over the controversy between 

1 Gilkinet, ‘‘ Recherches Morphologiques,” ‘Bull. Acad. r. de Belg.,’ ser. 2, 1874. Woronin, 
‘Beitr. z. Morph., &c.,’ R. iii. 

2 Brefeld, ‘ Schimmelpilze,”’ ii. 

3 Woronin, ‘ Beitr. zur Morph., &c.,’ R. iii. 

* *Schimmelpilze,’ H. i. 

5 ¢ Ann. des Se. Nat.,’ ser. 6., t. i. 

® De Bary, ‘ Beitr. z. Morph.,’ i. 

7 This ig the date in Sachs’ ‘ Geschichte der Botanik,’ p. 473. De Bary, ‘Beitr.,’i., p. 74, 
gives the date 1829. 

8 ‘Ann, des Sc. Nat.,’ ser. 4, vol. xx, and later, ‘ Beitrige zur Morph., R. ii; ditto, R. iv. 
© Bot. Zeit.,’ 1881. 

9 ‘Jahrb. fiir wiss. Bot.’ 

10 © Jahrb, fiir wiss. Bot.’ ix. 



Cornu! and Pringsheim as to certain details in the manner of fecun- 
dation of the oospheres of Saprolegnie. It,is sufficient to note that 
in 1880, or thereabouts, the matter appeared to stand thus: While 
the typical Saprolegnice possess oospheres in an oogonium, and anthe- 
ridia as simple or branched structures which send “ fertilising tubes ” 
through the walls of the oogonia as far as the oospheres, which they 
appeared to fertilise ; there are others in which the oospheres develope 
into fertile oospores without contact of the antheridia. 

If we now turn aside from the fungi referred to in the preceding 
sketch, we find a vast number of forms comprehended under the 
Ustilaginew, Uredinece (dicidiomycetes), and the larger Basidiomycetes. 
The parasitic Ustilaginee have received much attention since Tulasne? 
and De Bary® brought them together and led the way to a more 
scientific knowledge of their nature. Much has been done since, and 
much opinion has been expressed as to the signification of the cross 
unions made by the “sporidia” developed from the promycelium of 
the germinating spores* in some cases. We must regard the view as 
to its supposed sexual character with grave suspicion. 

The Uredinee, apart from their interest as parasites on economic 
and other plants, have absorbed much attention from the point of view 
we are concerned with. It was natural to look for sexual organs in 
them, especially after the successes met with elsewhere, Neverthe- 
less, from Tulasne’s® and De Bary’s ° earlier investigations, more than 
thirty years ago, down to the present time, no one has succeeded in 
demonstrating even a trace of any intelligible sexual process or organs. 
This is the more remarkable since many of the Meidiomycetes produce 
no less than four forms of reproductive bodies. Moreover, the group 
has been studied with extraordinary success, and our knowledge of 
the nature of parasitism and heteroecism is largely if not chiefly due 
to this success. The best views as to the reproduction of these fungi 
held up to 1880 may be fairly stated thus. They form at most two 
kinds of asexual spores (Uredospores and Teleutospores) and Avcidia and 
Spermogonia ; the latter were regarded as probably the bodies con- 
cerned in sexual reproduction, the Spermatia emitted by the Spermo- 

1 * Ann. des Sc. Nat.,’ ser. 5, t. xv, &. 

2 *Ann. des Sc. Nat.,’ ser. 3, t. vii, and ser. 4, t. ii. 
5 “Die Brandpilze,’ 1853. 

* Tulasne, op. cit. 

5 Op. cit. 

® Op. cit, 


gonia being the male organs, and the “cidium fruit” probably 
resulting from a fertilised body equivalent to the ascogonium of the 
Ascomycetes. This view was strengthened and supported by Stahl’s 
discovery of the sexual process in Lichens; but no organs like the 
ascogonium or trichogyne have yet been discovered in spite of much 
labour. Finally, we may dismiss the larger Basidiomycetes by refer- 
ring to Brefeld’s magnificent research * on certain types, and particu- 
larly on Coprinus. 

Brefeld placed beyond all reasonable doubt that the stalked pileus 
arises from the mycelium, and completes its development without the 
intervention of any sexual process, or the appearance of any sexual 
organs; and since no one has succeeded in rendering it probable that 
sexual organs occur later, we may probably accept Brefeld’s view that 
no sexes exist in the Agarics as we know them, but that they are 
large aggregations of hyphe producing asexual spores. Whether we 
really know the whole life history of any of these forms is a question 
which cannot be raised with much advantage just now. 

It thus appears that while the discoveries of Pringsheim, Tulasne, 
and De Bary led, on the one hand, to numerous other observations of 
sexual organs in the fungi, and seemed to show that a sexual process 
is nearly universal with them as with other groups of living beings 
equally complex in organisation ; on the other hand, there were nume- 
rous cases where room for serious doubts existed—doubts not dispelled 
by the recognition of the difficulty of the research. As time passed, 
moreover, the suspicion that certain groups of fungi are really devoid 
of sexual organs (although analogy would lead us to expect them) 
increased, and in some cases reached conviction. Of course, we are 
not referring to the very obscure lower groups—the Schizomycetes, 
Saccharomycetes, and Myxomycetes, &e.—which we shall leave out of 
account altogether in this survey. 

It is not to be forgotten that much more was known about the 
physiology of the fungi by this time, and that the recognition of sapro- 
phytic and parasitic forms implied considerable advance in our know- 
ledge of their modes of life, changes of habit, and so forth. The 
progress made in the study of fermentation, moreover, had its effect 
on the study of mycology generally ; and the progress of biology as a 
whole—so particularly active during this period—had, in 1880, left 
its mark on this specialised branch of research. 

2 *Schimmelpilze,’ H. iii, 


It is not necessary to enter into all the systems of classification 
proposed for the fungi during this period. The well-known grouping 
of Sachs and Cohn, presented to English readers in the “ Text-book” 
of the former, was admitted to be in great measure artificial, and those 
proposed by Van Tieghem* and by Winter* appear to answer their 
purpose only temporarily, and certainly need not occupy us here. The 
same is true for other classifications up to 1880. 

It was just prior to this period that the very important memoir by 
Brefeld® was published, in which he detailed the results of his investi- 
gations into the nature of the Basidiomycetes. 

By cultivation in nutritive media, Brefeld succeeded in tracing the 
whole cycle of Coprinus from the basidio-spore to the formation of a 
mycelium and fructification. He shows that the latter arises by a 
purely vegetative process from the dense mass of interwoven hyphee 
(Sclerotium) budded off from the mycelium, and that no trace of a 
sexual process or of the formation of sexual organs can be detected 
either previously to the development of the Sclerotiwm or afterwards. 
The pileus with its hymenium are produced simply by a budding off 
of numerous hyphe growing up together, either directly from the 
mycelium, or with the intervention of the Sclerotium. Brefeld regards 
it as certain that these fungi are entirely without sexual organs. 

It is impossible to go into the details of this voluminous memoir ; 
but it is important to notice the results embodied in a scheme of a 
proposed classification of the fungi which Brefeld tabulates at the end 
of his valuable paper, since we have here a comprehensive view of the 
direction in which modern speculations in mycology were tending. 

In the accompanying diagram I have slightly condensed Brefeld’s 
scheme, since the original contains details of little importance for our 
present purpose. 

i ©Ann. des Sc. Nat.,’ ser. 6, t. iv, 1878. : 
2 ‘Hedwigia,’ 1879—see also Rabenhorst’s ‘ Kryptogamen Flora.’ 
8 *Schimmelpilze,’ Heft iii, 1877. 




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There is little need to dwell on this scheme, since its chief interest 
for us is in its being an intelligible attempt to classify the fungi from 
the point of view of the theory of descent. A point of some impor- 
tance, however, may be referred to, as we shall have occasion to speak 
of it later. Brefeld indicates the possibility that the Oosporew (typi- 
fied by Peronosporee) may be allied to the “true fungi” otherwise 
than by a common descent from some Alga-like ancestor. He also 
recognises a common origin for the Oosporew and the Zygomycetes. In 
other respects the system is chiefly remarkable for the peculiar views 
taken of the descent of the two great groups, the typical Basidiomycetes 
(Gasteromycetes and Hymenomycetes, &c.) and the Ascomycetes, which 
he regards as having long ago diverged from a common point, at a 
time when the ancestral forms commenced to specialise their repro- 
ductive organs, While on the one hand asci arose as specialised forms 
of sporangia—complications resulting from the development of peri- 
thecia, &c., being considered unimportant—on the other hand, the 
sporangia became degraded to conidia, and the Basediomycetes came to 
be merely highly developed tufts of conidiophores. 

In a later memoir! Brefeld insists on regarding the so-called Polli- 
nodia of the Ascomycetes as simply tubes for enveloping the ascogenous 
cell or filament ; and it is interesting to note that he quotes Melano- 
spora as acase where the non-sexual relation of the ascogenous cell 
and the filaments which envelop it may be clearly observed. Brefeld 
also points out that in the Ascomycetes we can trace gradual degra- 
dations of the various forms of fructification, with a disappearance of 
sexuality at the same time. He supposes that all the fungi arose 
from an ancestral form containing chlorophyll and possessing sporangia, 
and that the variations met with are derived by modifications of this 
sporangium, as already indicated. 

It seems unnecessary to criticise these views in detail, since it is 
obvious that no decision can be arrived at apart from the considera- 
tion of numerous facts. It will be noticed, however, that Brefeld’s 
hypothesis assumes that, in addition to purely vegetative modes of 
multiplication (e. g. the breaking up of filaments, c&c.), certain fungi 
must have acquired other forms of reproduction than those inherited 
and specialised—some Wcidiomycetes, for instance, with their four 
kinds of spores or spore-like bodies (secidospores, spermatia, uredos- 
pores, and teleutospores) must have acquired at least one of these spores. 

1 6Schimmelpilze,’ iv, 1881, 


At this point we may leave this short survey of Brefeld’s important 
work, and turn to the consideration of a memoir! published by De 
Bary about the same time as the last one quoted. In this—probably 
the most important contribution to mycology yet made—the author 
describes his observations on the Peronosporee and Saprolegnie ; and 
bases upon these and other previous observations a classification of 
the fungi which is in large measure new, and certainly promises to be 
more fruitful than any yet proposed. 

De Bary finds that, passing from the typical Peronosporee (Pythium, 
&c.) to the Hrysiphee on the one hand, and to the Saprolegnie on 
the other, the sexual process is gradually eliminated, and the sexual 
organs become at first functionless and then disappear altogether. In 
Pythium itself, the antheridium pierces the oogonium wall and ferti- 
lises the oosphere by pouring protoplasm into it.2. In Phytophthora 
and Peronospora the process is essentially similar, but the quantity 
of protoplasm passed over from the antheridium is smaller. 

In the Saprolegnie—which differ from Pythiwm and other Pero- 
nosporee in forming several oospheres in each oogonium—the fertilis- 
ing tubes do not open, and no protoplasm can be observed to pass 
over from the antheridium to the oospheres.* Or, in some forms, no 
antheridia are present at all—a fact already recognised by Pringsheim 
—and the parthenogenetic spores are nevertheless capable of germi- 

Now if the typical and thoroughly investigated case of Podosphera* 
be compared with the Peronosporece, it is, as De Bary states, evident 
that the antheridia correspond in both cases; while the “archecarp- 
ium” (z. e the cell which produces the ascus, and to which the 
autheridium applies itself) of Podosphwra is homologous with the 
oogonium of the Peronosporee. It is a remarkable fact that, as De 
Bary noticed long ago,’ the antheridium of Podosphera only applies 
itself closely to the archecarpium, and does not pierce it ; it appears 
highly probable, moreover, that no passage of substance from one to 
the other takes place—that the ascus, in fact, arises without a sexual 
process, though the sexual organs are present. 

1 ‘Beitriige zur Morph. and Phys. der Pilze, &c.’ R. iv, 1881. 
2 Cf. Quart. Journ. Mic. Se.,’ October, 1883. 

5 Cf. also Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc.,’ July, 1883, 

* De Bary, ‘Beitr. zur Morph. und Phys.,’ R. ili. 

5 De Bary, op. cit. 

vi - a ee 


Now a whole series of forms are known leading us up from Podo- 
sphera and the other Hrisyphece through the Pyrenomycetes and Disco- 
mycetes, and it is remarkable that (apart from some peculiar forms to 
be referred to shortly) the best investigations lead us to conclude that 
while the sexual organs are present, but functionless, in the lowest 
forms, they disappear entirely in the higher Ascomycetes. 

These facts may be put shortly in the form of a diagram as annexed, 
where attention is only paid to the points referred to. 

Other Ascomycetes 

Other Peronospores 


If we now turn to the Saprolegnic, we may note that De Bary finds 
that, between the typical cases where the antheridia pierce the oogo- 
mium wall, but do not empty any protoplasm into the oospheres (Achlya 
and some Saprolegnias) and the extreme parthogenetic forms of Sapro- 
legnia where no antheridia are formed at all, there exist cases where 
the antheridia apply themselves to the outside of the oogonia, but 
either form no antheridial tubes at all or only rudimentary ones (3, 
torulosa, S. asterophora). These facts may also be diagrammatically 

represented as follows. 

forms of Saprolegnia 

8. torulosa, S. Asterophora 

Achlya, Typical 


If now the various cases are duly considered, De Bary thinks that 
we may probably regard the Peronosporece as phylogenetically impor- 
tant in two senses : 

1. Their general biology strongly suggests that they are derived 
from Algal ancestors, possibly not very unlike Vaucheria and its allies. | 



2. That they are the progenitors (or the near relations of progeni- 
tors) of a few chief series of true fungi—on the one hand the main 
series of Ascomycetes and allies; on the other the Saprolegme and 
forms derived from them, and allied to them. 

If we now regard these forms more closely, it is not difficult to 
agree with many of De Bary’s conclusions. It will be clear, in fact, 
that some of them are not new, though they are stated in a much 
clearer form than by Brefeld and others who have helped to systema- 
tise the chief groups already. We will first shortly consider the main 
subdivisions themselves. 

The Zygomycetes are regarded as branching off from the Perono- 
sporee. In this group De Bary arranges the Mucorini and the Ento- 
mophthorece, basing the conclusion that Lntomophthora is a Zygomycete 
chiefly on Nowakowski’s description of the zygospores.t It should be 
remembered that Brefeld considers the resting spores of this genus as 
arising asexually ; but that he, too, indicates the possible alliance of 
the Entomophthorece with the Oosporec, and therefore, indirectly, with 

Pythium seems closely allied to the Ancylistee of Pfitzer,? which 
lead us on to the Chytridece, in which we meet with forms which con- 
jugate (and are therefore sexually simpler) as well as purely apoga- 
mous genera. It is not improbable that among these latter the 
asexually produced resting spores are really oogonia, a view already 
held by Brefeld in other cases. 

De Bary raises the point of the possible alliance of these simple 
parasitic Chytridiacee with the lower Algze (e. g. Protococcacee), and 
decides that it is, on the whole, more probable that they have been 
derived from the higher fungi, as indicated, by degeneration. 

The Ostilaginee are next dealt with. The author expresses himself 
cautiously, but points out that this important and very natural group 
may be looked upon as a series, beginning with the simpler Zntyloma, 
Tilletia, &c., and rising to more complex forms, such as Sorisporiwm 
and Urocystis, on the one hand, and Ustilago on the other. 

There are many difficult points to consider in classifying the Uséz- 
laginee. Their asexually produced resting-spores generally form a 
“ promycelium” on germination, from which “sporidia” arise ; and, 
as is known, these “sporidia” commonly become united by cross- 

1 © Bot, Zeitung,’ 1877. 
2 © Monatsber. der Berling Akad.,’ May, 1872) 


unions. But whether this is to be regarded as a “ copulation” or 
not, the sporidia often germinate without it. It should be noted that 
Woronin? points out this significant fact also, and it is all but certain 
that the so-called “copulation” is not of a sexual nature at all. If 
the lower Ustilaginew are allied to the Chytridece by means of Enty- 
loma and Protomyces, we seem to have a satisfactory position for the 
former group. Of course, if this view be accepted, the resting spores 
of the Ustilaginew are the homologues of oogonia, which become 
developed apogamously. The preceding facts may be summarised in 
the following diagram : 

Ascomycetes, «ce. Protomyces, &c. 

Olpidiopsis, &e. 

N.B.—If these forms produce 
i zygospores, they may be allied 
Erysiphew Polyphagus, &c. to the Zygomycetes also; this 

could not be shown on one plane. 


Zygomycetes Saprolegniz. 

Continuing our survey of De Bary’s memoir, we may pass over the 
opinion respecting the Saccharomyces, and proceed to the part dealing 
with a much more difficult and important series of forms. As the 
author showed in 1879,? the Zremellint may well be looked upon as 
derived from Uredinew and allies; while those Uredinew which form 
eecidia resemble the Ascomycetes in so many points of structure and 
development, that we may regard them as closely allied. The for- 
mation of three forms of conidia (Uredospores, Teleutospores, and 
Sporidia) may be in part due to specialisation ; but it must be remem- 
bered that the Ascomycetes are also in the habit of forming many and 
various conidia. It is, however, in the many points of resemblance 
between the eecidia and perithecia, and the spermagonia and spermatia 
of both groups, that the alliance appears most clearly. True, no 
observer has found a trace of sexual organs in the young ecidia ; but 
the same is certainly true for the perithecia of many Ascomycetes. In 
structure, apart from peculiarities in the development of the spores in 

1 *Beitr zur Morph.’ R. v., 1882 
2 * Bot. Zeit,, 1879, p 825 &e. 


the two cases—ecidia and perithecia present many points of agree- 
ment, while the ‘spermogonia and spermatia of both groups are quite 
alike. It cannot be overlooked, however, that the peculiar develop- 
ment of the ecidiospores affects the question of this alliance. De 
Bary does not even allude to the similarity between these and the 
“eonidia” of Cystopus ; and it is of course obvious that the asexually- 
produced spores of the latter are rather to be regarded as homologous 
with one of the conidial forms of the Wecdiomycetes ; for if the eecidium 
fruit is homologous with the perithecium of Podosphera, its further 
homologies are with the oogonium, &e., of Cystopus. It has been 
suggested, however, that a solution of these difficulties should be 
sought in the direction hinted at here. 

De Bary thus considers the Zeidiomycetes as a group allied to the 
Ascomycetes genetically, though we have not sufficient knowledge as 
yet to enable us to place them at any particular spot in the scheme 
of that series. The Zremellint are Basidiomycetes, with basidiospores 
so suggestive of the teleutospores of Uredinece that De Bary does not 
hesitate to place them as derived—with considerable reduction and 
simplification—from those of Uredinece which possess no ecidia (e. g. 
Chrysomyxa). This is regarded as no more extraordinary than the 
peculiar simplification of phanerogamous water-plants, &e., or of 
Saccharomycetes, if they are reduced Ascomycetes. The Tremellini 
would then lead us to the Hymenomycetes and G'astromycetes, though it 
is by no means clear how this came about. We are here plunged into 
the greatest difficulties, because the development and life-history of 
these groups are so little known ; and we may thus leave the discussion 
of their phylogeny for the present. It must suffice to add that De 
Bary believes it possible that the Tremellint having arisen by degene- 
ration of uredinous forms, the other Basidiomycetes developed anew 
progressively as forms adapted to special modes of life. 

The annexed scheme sums up the whole of the preceding. 


— Tremellini — Ge 

Saccharomycetes— Gasteromycetes. 


— Chytridee — Protomycetes — Ustilaginee. 
Zygomycetes — 

— Saprolegnie. 

esty — xezodsouo1sg — svoydishig — sojyooftmoosy 

The details may be filled in according to what has been said. 

On comparing this diagram with that offered by Brefeld, it will be 
noticed that there is some agreement in general between them ; it is 
chiefly in points of detail that the differences appear. Both the 
authorities agree as to the serial arrangements (on the whole) of the 
main groups ; but Brefeld, while also placing the Zremellini as derived 

"from Uredinez, seeks another origin for the other Basidiomycetes. 
When we notice De Bary’s cautionin not deriving the Uredinew from 
any particular point in the huge ascomycetous series, we may allow 
that he and Brefeld do not differ much in opinion as to their origin 
—the latter simply places their origin more definitely lower down in 
the main series, a fact which would possibly be of significance if we 
were inclined, after all, to regard the similarities between Meczdvo- 
mycetes and Cystopus. 

The chief motive in Brefeld’s scheme is afforded by his peculiar 
views on Pycinidia, and on the relationships of the Hntomophthorew. 
He regards the point where the main series of higher fungi developed 
pycinidia, as the point whence the Basidiomycetes (excepting Tremel- 
lint and allies) and Ascomycetes diverge; the former then became 
specialised as conidium-bearing fungi, the latter as modified sporan- 
gium-bearing forms—z. e. as ascus-bearing fungi. 

The great motive of De Bary’s views, as already shown, depends 


upon the value of the new knowledge obtained of the Peronssporee, 
and the meaning of the oogonia (or ascogonia) and antheridial fila- 
ments respectively. 

Tf, in Brefeld’s scheme, we tack the remaining Basidiomycetes on to 
the Zremellini, &c., and bring his ‘ Oosporew” to the base of the main 
trunk of the phylogenetic tree, slight though not unimportant altera- 
tions in detail are necessary to make the two diagrams agree. 

If we now turn our attention to the investigations of the last two 
or three years, it is suggestive that the best results have been won 
among the Ascomycetes. The influence of De Bary’s memoir shows itself 
repeatedly in these, and they must be regarded as tending on the 
whole to strengthen his conclusions. No object is to be served by 
taking the various memoirs in strict chronological order, and I may 
therefore commence by reviewing an important contribution by Kihl- 
mann.? It may first be stated that Pyronema confluens, a Peziza, is 
one of the Ascomycetes which has been particularly well studied ; and 
is classical in that De Bary’ first described the sexual organs in it in 
1863, and that Tulasne’s celebrated figure * of these organs has been 
so much copied. In 1866 De Bary, having devoted much attention 
to the development of the fructification of this fungus, wrote as fol- 
lows concerning the pairs of peculiar organs assumed to be sexual : 
“Ob und wie sie einer Befruchtung dienen ist eine durchaus unent- 
schiedene Frage.” * 

These sexual organs consist of pairs of swollen branchlets arranged 
in groups. Each pair consists of a macrocyst and a so-called paracyst. 
The macrocyst is an ovoid vesicle, filled with protoplasm, &c., and 
provided with a hook-like tubular prolongation. The paracyst is a 
club-shaped branchlet close to the macrocyst ; the apex of the paracyst 
and the hook-like prolongation become united. After this—the “ pro- 
cess of fertilisation ”—branches spring from below, envelope the sexual 
organs, and form the perithecium, in which the asci arise. 

Tulasne® described an open communication through the hook-like 
process, placing the protoplasm of the macrocyst and paracyst in 
connection. De Bary, much later,’ speaks with great caution, and 

1 * Acta Soc. Scient. Fenn.,’ t. xiii, 

2 © Ueber the Fruchtentw. der Ascomyceten.’ 

3 *Ann. des Sc. Nat., 8.5, t. vi; cf. Sachs’ ‘Textbook, &c.’ 
* ©Morph. und Phys. der Pilze, &c.,’ p. 164. 

5 Op. cit. 

® * Beitr. zur Morph., &c.,’ R. iv. 


considers it undecided that a true sexual process occurs. Fisch? 
doubts whether these organs have anything to do with the formation 
of the asci. Sachs” and Goebel® describe the organs and the sexual 
process in terms which Kihlmann thinks too confident and premature 
at the time. 

I now pass to the observations made by Kihlmann himself. The 
macrocysts and paracysts arise together in pairs as terminal swellings 
of the branches. The hook-like prolongation of the macrocyst becomes 
fused to the apex of the paracyst, much as described by previous 
writers ; but before the apex of the hook-like process meets the paracyst, 
a solid septum cuts off its communication with the macrocyst at the 
point where it leaves the latter. 

Hence a mingling of the protoplasm in the two “sexual” organs is 
impossible, and the open communication described by Tulasne never 
occurs. From certain changes in the appearance of the protoplasm of 
the paracyst, at the time when the hook-like prolongation fuses with 
it, and from the peculiar refractive appearance of the septum, the 
author is compelled to ask, May not diffusion occur? But, as a matter 
of observation, the protoplasm in the paracyst does not perceptibly 
diminish in quantity, and soon regains its former appearance, like that 
of the macrocyst. 

The paracyst and macrocyst both become enlarged, and hyphee bad 
out from below, enclosing them as described before. Meanwhile, buds 
appear on the paracyst, which are from the first much thicker than 
the paraphyses, and are evidently the ascogenous hyphee. 

The macrocyst is therefore an Ascogonvwm, and the paracyst is mor- 
phologically an Antheridium. Whether these sexual organs are so 
physiologically is very doubtful. 

Comparison with the Collemacew* suggests that the hook-like pro- 
longation from the macrocyst is really a Zrichogyne; and it is not 
impossible that here, as in the Collemacec, an extremely small quantity 
of material may pass into the ascogonium, and the sexual act be 
physiologically complete also. 

Proceeding to compare the foregoing with what we know of other 
Discomycetes, Kihlmann thinks that the sexual process in Ascobolus 

1 * Bot. Zeit.,’ 1882; ‘ Beitr. zur Entw. einiger Ascomyceten.’ 
2 € Textbook,’ p. 309. 

3 * Grundziige der Systematik, &c.,’ p. 123. 

* Stahl, ‘Beitrage zur Entw. der Flechten,’ H. i. 

Ee ee 


furfuraceus* is still less established than in Pyronema. The ascogo- 
nium in Ascobolus is large and well marked, it is true, but the so-called 
pollinodium is very little, if at all, different from the ordinary mycelium, 
Probably in this, as in other Ascoboli,? the male organ is degenerated. 
Reference is then made to recent researches on other Discomycetes. 
Mattirolo’s® and Brefeld’s* investigations of Peziza sclerotiorum show 
that the process of reduction has gone still further in this case; even 
the ascogonium seems to have disappeared. Other Pezizae,° so far as 
the researches allow us to judge, seem to present similar degenerations. 

Kihlmann thinks we may probably say that Pyronema conjluens 
possesses sharply distinguished sexual organs—at any rate, morpho- 
logically. Ascobolus furfuraceus probably produces its fructification 
parthenogenetically, while Pezza sclerotiorum forms its asci and para- 
physes in a purely vegetative manner. At any rate, apogamy must be 
regarded as occurring in these Déscomycetes, and as being attained 
gradually through a series of forms. 

Before referring to other work of Kihlmann’s I wish to review an 
important paper by Fisch,° published in 1882. In this are detailed 
the development of the fructification of several Ascomycetes which form 
a stroma, in which the proper perithecia are buried, more or less. He 
is clearly acquainted with the recent researches and speculations of De 
Bary, and, in fact, worked in his laboratory. Very little has been 
done with regard to the Fungi mentioned, and so careful a paper as 
this is especially welcome. The Fungi examined by Fisch are Poly- 
stigma, Xylaria, Olaviceps, and Cordiceps. 

Polystigma occurs in the leaves of Prunus,’ forming swollen masses. 
The formation of the ascospores takes place some months after the 
fall of the leaf. ‘The ascospores, sown in water, produce secondary 
spores. These send hyphe through the epidermis of the living leaf, 
and a mycelium is formed in the intercellular spaces. This breaks 
down the cells in part, or stimulates them to hypertrophy, and thus 
the stroma is formed, partly of mycelium, partly of hypertrophied 
leaf-tissue.® Hight weeks after infection, the young spermagonia 

Janczewski, ‘ Bot. Zeit.,’ 1871. 
Ei. g. A. puleherrimus ; Woronin, ‘ Beitr. zur Morph.,’ R. ii. 
‘Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital.,’ vol. xiv. 
§ Schimmelpilze,’ iv. 
5 Cf. Woronin, op. cit., and Tulasne, ‘Ann, des Se. Nat.,’ ser. 5, t. vis 
6 « Bntw. GENO E Ascomyceten,’’ ‘ Bot. Zeit.,’ No. 49, 1882. 
7 Cf. Frank, ‘ Krankheiten der Pflanzen,’ p. 632. 
8 Of. Tulasne, ‘Selecta Fung. Carp.,’ iii, and De Bary, ‘ Morph. und Phys, der Pilze,’ &c., 
P 8.; also Frank, loc. cit. 



appear as knots of hyphe, which become hollow and abstrict the 

The young perithecia now arise as small clumps of fine hyphe, 
which soon form a sub-globular mass, and in the interior of which a 
spirally-coiled group of cells represents the Ascogonium, and reminds 
the observer of the ascogonium of the Collemacee.1 This body is 
somewhat irregular, not evidently attached to a particular part of the 
mass enveloping it, and it slowly grows as the surrounding perithecium 
cells multiply. 

One end of the spiral grows out straight, passes through a stoma, 
and is clearly of the nature of a ‘‘trichogyne.” This was frequently 
seen, and is figured several times. Though spermatia were seen to 
adhere firmly to the end of the trichogyne, the author could not con- 
vince himself that fertilisation took place. 

It requires two or three months to complete these processes and the 
formation of the ripe perithecia. Meanwhile, the trichogyne begins to 
be disorganised from its free apex inwards. This was confirmed in 
both the species examined, and the author thinks it is a more pro- 
nounced degeneration than the change induced in the trichogyne of 
Collema on fertilisation. 

The paraphyses now bud from the base of the perithecium—not 
from the ascogonium—and soon fill up the space formerly occupied by 
the dense tissue surrounding the coiled portion of the Ascogoniwm. 
This tissue meanwhile becomes resorbed, and the few remaining basal 
cells of the ascogonium—the trichogyne and upper part have dis- 
appeared—give rise to asci by budding. All the stages of develop- 
ment are clearly described. 

With Xylaria polymorpha Fisch was able to clear up the points 
left undecided by De Bary? and Fuisting.? The young perithecia 
arise in the dense stroma as clumps of interwoven hyphee, in the midst 
of which a mass of paler. cell-rows arises, which are coiled and inter- 
woven into a core or “‘nucleus.” These are the “ Woronin’s hyphe ” 
of Fuisting. While these are developing, the outer walls of the perithe- 
cium become differentiated. The ‘‘ Woronin’s hyph” now break up, 
first into pieces of one or two cells, and then into a disorganised mass, 
which soon becomes gelatinous and amorphous. 

1 Stahl, op. cit. 
2 Morph. und Phys.,’ pp. 97—99. 
8 ‘Bot. Zeit.,’ 1867, pp. 303—310. 


The paraphyses now spring from the dense mass forming the inner 
wall of the perithecium. The asci arise from among these, and have 
therefore nothing to do with the “ Woronin’s hyphe,” which have 
disappeared in a slimy mass, Further details offer nothing new. 

In Claviceps, the young perithecium arises as a mass of small cells, 
which rapidly divide and form a parenchyma-like mass.: A hollow 
then appears in the interior (reminding one in many respects of the 
cleavage cavity in some animal embryos) by the separation of the cells. 
The mass now consists of a thick basal portion, above which is a hollow 
space roofed over in a dome-like manner by the upper cells. There is 
no trace of an ascogonium or of “ Woronin’s hyphe” at any time ; 
the asci arise by budding from the cells forming the floor of the cavity. 

Cordiceps and other species of both genera agree in the main with 
what has been described. 

In summing up the foregoing, the author points out that while in 
Polystigma we have morphologically the same organs as occur in the 
Collemacez (viz. spermatia, trichogyne and ascogonium), no sexual 
process could be demonstrated. In Xylaria the sexual organ—at any 
rate the ascogonium-—is represented morphologically, but has become 
functionless—it deliquesces and is absorbed before the asci arise ; 
these spring in a purely vegetative manner from the lining walls of 
the perithecium. It is possible that certain facts observed in Cucur- 
bitaria point to the same end. 

In Claviceps the perithecium is purely apogamous—no trace of an 
ascogonium occurs, and the asci are produced by a vegetative process 
of budding from the floor of the perithecium cavity. 

Putting together the foregoing facts, and what is known otherwise 
of the allies of these Fungi, Fisch shows that the compound Pyreno- 
mycetes present a series of forms which commence with a complete 
differentiation of sexual organs (ascogyne, trichogyne, and spermatia), 
and end in forms which are quite apogamous, and with no trace of 
sexuality. We may go further than this. 

Beginning with Podosphera, in which a sexual process is possibly 
still recognisable, we trace a series through the simple Pyrenomycetes 
and the Discomycetes branching off from these, ending with the com- 
pletely apogamous Chetomiwm’ and Pleospora.? In this series there 
is no place for the composite Ascomycetes and Lichens—for although 

1 Van Tiechem, ‘Compt. rend.,’ 1875; and ‘Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr.,’ 1876, 
2 Zopf, ‘Bot, Zeit.,’ 1879, p. 73. Bauke, ‘Bot, Zeit.,’ 1879, 


the sexual process by means of spermatia is only an adaptive form, 
the difference is too great to fit into the main series. How then do 
these forms abut on to the main series? Has a sexual process arisen 
in the Ascomycetes a second time; or did these forms branch off early, 
and evolve and specialise their peculiar mode of fertilisation from the 
original type? The first hypothesis cannot be maintained ; the second 
seems highly probable. 

We must regard the separation of the sexual organs in the compo- 
site Ascomycetes and Lichens as adaptation, though we cannot say 
how it came about or served the organisms concerned. It is remark- 
able that this only .ovcurs in forms which develope a stroma. 

The composite Ascomycetes, therefore, branched off before the 
sexual process was lost ; whether the Lichens came off at the same time 
is not clear—the latter possibly form more than one series, moreover. 

The Discomycetes must also have branched off early from the main 
series ; they form a series in the following forms, gradually culminating 
in apogamy—Ascobolus furfuraceus, A. pulcherrimus, &e., Pyronema 
confluens, Peziza tuberosa, Fuckeliana Willkommi (the latter examined 
by Fisch). 

The Uredineze must also have come off very early from forms in 
which sexuality still existed. 

As I understand the foregoing, the following scheme fairly expresses 
the views ; it being borne in mind, however, that the lines are not in- 
tended to indicate more than the general directions in which descent 
may be traced. Of course, such a diagram suffers from being drawn 
on a plane surface. No doubt more than one line should be drawn 
towards the Lichens. 


Pleospora, &c. 

Uredinze Lichens 
‘avi 22 
Claviceps Peziza a8 
a a on 
n ie) jj 
: 3 Oo 
Xylaria > Apo 
ee a 5 Pyronema 28 
| £S 
3 & & 
Pa Sb 
Polystigma 2 sad 
@ [or a8 eS 
x Ascobolus 55 
[or g mG i 
wv - ° No 
% ae eee 
Podosphera and =. 
Erysiphez Sa 
S 5 
Peronosporee. Pen 

We may now shortly consider the chief results obtained by Kihl- 
mann from cultivations of Melanospora parasitica,’ a pyrenomycetous 
fungus found associated with, and parasitic upon /sarza. 

Lsaria grows upon and destroys insect larvee, and Kihlmann ob- 
served that large quantities of the perithecia of J/elanospora soon 
appear with it; the same is true for otrytis—another insect killing 
fungus. In both cases the sowing of Melanospora spores on these fungi 
soon resulted in the formation of abundant perithecia. 

This, of course, only suggests, but does not prove, the parasitism of 
the Melanospora on the Lsaria, or Botrytis. 

Spores of Melanospora—whether conidia or ascospores—if sown in 
water only swell and throw out short tubes, which invariably die off 
soon. ‘The same happened with all the numerous nutritive solutions 
tried. These solutions were varied not only as to composition, but 
also as to concentration, &c. 

If a spore germinates in the neighbourhood of a living hypha of 
Isaria, however, the germinal tube fixes upon the Jsarza hypha and at 
once emits more tubes, which are thicker and more vigorous than before. 
If the germinal tube from the Melanospora spore comes within a cer- 
tain maximum distance from a branch of /saria its apex grows directly 

2 Op, cits 


towards the latter until a union is effected. This was observed and 
confirmed several times. All the above facts are generally true of the 
conidia also; and Botrytis may be substituted for Zsaria as the host 

After about eight days the above processes have resulted in the 
formation of a vigorous mycelium and the formation of young peri- 
thecia. The perithecium commences by the development of a lateral 
branchlet, which becomes coiled two or three times, and divided by a 
few septa; this is the ascogonium. It frequently resembles that of 

Thinner hyphal branches now spring from below the ascogonium, 
and envelope it by applying themselves closely to it, and branching and 
dividing ; although one of these may grow out more rapidly at first, it 
does not seem to more than hint at an antheridial branch. But very 
often two or more arise together, and others soon follow in all cases. 

None of these branches copulate with the ascogonium. Although 
Tsaria branches may be close to and serve to nourish the hyphe pro- 
ducing the fructification, there is no doubt whatever that only the 
hyphee from the M/elanospora enter into the constitution of the fructifi- 

The details of the development of the perithecium wall from the 
enveloping hyphe are interesting, but present nothing essentially new, 
and need not be described here. 

Of the four or five cells into which the coiled ascogonium is divided, 
the cell below the apex forms the ascogenous tissue. The terminal 
cell above it becomes disorganised ; it is sterile, and soon disappears. 
Its immediate neighbour (2. e. the cell below the apex) becomes cut 
up by numerous septa in all planes, and forms an ascogenous core of 
parenchymatous tissue. As this occurs, the internal layers of the now 
dense envelope—produced by repeated ramifications and divisions of 
the interweaving hyphe of the enveloping branches-—become dis- 
organised, deliquescent, and evidently then serve as nourishment for 
the cells of the ascogenous core.*? The proximal cells (2. ¢. those cells 
between the ascogenous cells and the mycelium) of the ascogonium 
also disappear, and the enveloping layers around them become elon- 

1 Cf. my description of the behaviour of a hypha of Pythiwm gracile, ‘Quart. Journ. Mic. 

Sc.,’ October, 1883, p. 504; and also the remarks below on the behaviour of Spirogyra in con- 

2 Cf. my description of the development of the perithecium in Meliola, ‘Phil, Trans.,’ 1883, 
p. 592, &e. 


gated to form the long neck of the perithecium. It thus comes about 
that the free apex of the ripe perithecium corresponds to what was 
the attached end of the ascogonium. 

The walls meanwhile become coloured deep brown, and rudimentary 
paraphyses spring from their internal layers. The asci arise from the 
colourless cells of the ascogenous core, in which a cavity is produced 
by the tangential growth of its peripheral cells. 

In the concluding remarks stress is again laid upon the fact that 
we cannot speak of an antheridium here ; the antheridia have degene- 
rated to mere vegetative hyphe, and the ascogenous core produces its 
asci without any sexual process whatever. A single cell produces the 
asci. In most respects this agrees with Gilkinet’s description of the 
analogous processes in Sordara fimicola.1 But in Sordaria, Gilkinet 
finds one enveloping hypha apply itself to the ascogonium before the 
rest, though he could not decide that copulation took place.? Kihl- 
mann denies that this can be termed an “ antheridium.” He regards 
Melanospora as somewhat midway between those Hrysiphee which, 
like Hurotium and Podosphera, have the sexual organs at least mor- 
phologically present, and the truly apogamous Pyrenomycetes, Cheto- 
mium* and Pleospora.* We may no doubt fairly represent these views 
in such a diagram as the following : 

Pleospora, &c. (completely apogamous) 
Melanospora (no antheridium) 

Podosphera (sexual organs well developed). 

I now proceed to notice a further contribution to our knowledge of 
the Ascomycetes, by Eidam.’ Passing over his description of Hre- 
mascus albus, a new species and genus (in which the process of con- 
jugation is, however, strongly suggestive of the Zygosporew), we may 
briefly notice the general absence of any recognisable process of fertili- 
sation, though an ascogonium is always present, and Kidam seems to 
regard one of the enveloping branches as an antheridium—morpho- 
logically at least. 

This observer has studied the development of the perithecium in 

1 *Bull. Acad. r. de Belgique,’ ser. 2, t. xxxvii. 

2 Of. also De Bary and Woronin, ‘ Beitr. zur Morph. und Phys. der Pilze, &c.,’ 1870, R. iii 
3 Zopf, ‘ Nova Acta, Leop. Car. Akad.,’ B. xlii. 

* Bauke, ‘ Bot. Zeit.,’ 1877. 

5 Cohn’s ‘ Beitr, zur Biologie, &c.,’ B. iii, H. iii. 


Chetomium. The ascogonium arises as an isolated coiled branch ; 
fine branched hyphee then envelope it. The tufts of fine hyphe may, 
however, arise independently of ascogonia also. Other cases occur 
where the ascogonia show no traces of anything but vegetative bud- 
ding from the hyphe. He regards it as possible that a sexual process 
occurs in the cases first described, and that all stages of degeneration 
to complete apogamy occur. Questions of nutrition seem to affect 
this matter. 

It must be allowed that the figures do not establish this, however, 
and it seems very questionable if any antheridial branch whatever can 
be distinguished. 

Sterigmatocystis nidulans is a new species of fungi allied to Asper- 
gillus and Eurotium. An interesting description of its capability of 
producing pathological changes when injected into the blood of animals 
can only be adverted to here. The fructification occurs embedded in 
a sort of stroma of hyphe, interwoven into dense cushions, the pecu- 
liarities of which need not be detailed. 

The simple ascogonium is enveloped by a hypha (‘“antheridial 
branch ”), which soon becomes septate and branched, and forms the 
perithecium wall. The ascogonium forms a multicellular core, from 
which the asci arise. No fertilisation is shown to occur. 

Felicosporangium parasiticum was also thoroughly studied. Here, 
again, we have simple ascogonia enveloped gradually by so-called 
antheridial branches. The author does not make quite clear, however, 
what are the ultimate fates of the several parts. One central cell 
becomes filled with spores, but Eidam differs from Karsten as to the 
meaning of this. He also denies that Helicosporangium is parasitic. 

A closely-allied form is Papulospora, which agrees with the latter 
in forming the peculiar mases of cells which seem to represent young 
perithecia. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Hidam has 
either figured ill-nourished specimens—which appears unlikely—or 
that some unknown conditions would have caused the bulbil-like 
bodies to form perithecia.1 Be this as it may, the bodies in question 
form no asci, but “germinate” like compound spores. The great 
variability in the formation of the spores and fructification in these 
fungi supports the suggestion ventured above, and there can be little 

» Thave drawings of somewhat similar bodies from an unknown fungus, which cannot as 

yet be made to develope further: they appear to be young porithecia, but they germinate 
directly, like gemme, when the conditions are favourable. 


doubt that Eidam has opened a question of great importance, and 
succeeded in showing that variability occurs in these processes— 
whether due to conditions of temperature, nutrition, moisture, &c., or 
not, cannot yet be determined. There are facts to support this, and 
indeed Eidam has shown this in some examples. 

Concerning Hremascus, where a true conjugation takes place between 
the apices of two similar hyphee coiled round one another like a double 
screw, it is not easy to see why the product of the sexual act (a glo- 
bular body situated between the conjugating apices) should not rather 
be termed a zygospore than an ascus. The fact of its containing eight 
“spores” instead of one, is no more peculiar than in the case of the 
Saprolegnize, where an oogonium may contain one to twelve or many 
more oospheres. Hidam recognises the general similarity to Zygo- 
spore, but gives no adequate reasons for choosing the name “ascus” 
in preference to “zygospore.” The eight-spored body would be an 
extremely anomalous ascus; but it is impossible to decide the matter 
until the asexual spores are discovered. It is interesting to note, 
however, that the so-called “asci” arise parthenogenetically in rare 

The main results of Eidam’s observations go to prove that in apo- 
gamous forms there may be more or less indications of certain rudi- 
mentary organs—antheridial branches (?)—but they do not seem to 
establish his conclusions that sexuality exists in these forms. Of 
course it is open to imagine that the sexual act comes in now and 
again, as Hidam suggests, but no one acquainted with the facts will 
lay stress on this supposition. 

If we now turn from the Ascomycetes to the other groups of fungi, 
the chief papers published lately are not very numerous. 

The most important, probably, is Woronin’s memoir on the Ustila- 
ginee, and his description of the hitherto little-understood Tubercinia 
trientalis. Woronin devoted much time to this investigation, com- 
menced sixteen years ago. We may shortly summarise the life-history 
as follows : 

In May and June the under side of 7rientalis leaves are apt to be 
covered with white patches. These consist of the colourless conidia,” 
supported on long hyphee, much like those of Ramularia, Peronospora, 

1 ‘Abhandl. Senk. Nat. f. Gesellschaft,’ B. xii, H. iv, 1881. 

2 These are true conidia, homologous with those of Ascomycetes, and have nothing to do 
with the ordinary spores and ‘‘ sporidia.”’ 


and others. These conidia-bearing hyphee spring from a mycelium in 
the leaves. In the mesophyll are abundance of the usual brown usti- 
laginous spores—very like those of Sorosporiwm, &c.—in dense clusters. 

In the autumn the Zrientalis plants are found spotted with black 
patches. These are due to the densely-clustered brown compacted 
spores, as before, but no conidia occur now. The pyriform colourless 
conidium germinates on the leaf surface; the germinal tube bores its 
way in, grows to a mycelium which ramifies between the cells, and 
sends branched haustoria into their cavities. 

At certain points on the mycelium arise lateral branchlets, which 
superficially resemble ascogonia, at least in some cases ; these—single 
or several together—become enveloped by fine hyphee, and soon pre- 
sent the appearance of a dense grape-like cluster of spores embedded 
in the interwoven mass of fine hyphe. The investment becomes dis- 
organised as the clusters of spores turn yellow, and then brown, and 
acquire thick coats. The cluster of spores germinates as a whole, 
putting out tubes (“promycelia”’) at the end of which the crown of 
“sporidia” appear according to the type of Z%lletva. These oval 
sporidia may algo “copulate” in pairs in the well-known manner ; but 
this often does not occur, and it seems to be an unimportant point, 
not affecting the future of the sporidia or their progeny at all. Secon- 
dary and tertiary sporidia may arise from the primary sporidia by 

After sowing the brown spores on young plants of Zrventalis, still 
level with the ground or nearly so, the mycelium arises in the seed- 
ling, and, as soon as the leaves unfold, produces the white conidia 
externally and the brown compound spores internally. This is no 
doubt the best established case of the existence of two generations 
(producing conidia and spores respectively) that we as yet know of in 
this group; it is true, it is not the only case, for we have the same 
thing in Lntyloma.’ Tubercinia also agrees with the others in being 
anteecious, 2c. in passing its whole life on the same host plant. 
Woronin is of opinion, however, that “a whole series of hetercecious 
forms ” will be discovered among Ustilaginew ; whether this remark is 
inspired by facts not yet published does not appear. 

Of the remainder of Woronin’s magnificent paper nothing need be 
said here; and space does not admit of our referring more in detail 

1 De Bary, ‘ Bot. Zeit., 1874 p 81 

to the other papers lately published on the Ustilaginew by Brefeld? 
and Max Cornu,” which, moreover, contain little of importance for our 
present purpose. 

In the foregoing part of this essay I have collected a mass of evi- 
dence tending to support the view definitely stated by De Bary, to 
the effect that, as we proceed along the main lines from the lower to 
the higher fungi, the sexual process and sexual organs gradually 
become less and less evident, and at length disappear altogether, and 
the fructification arises by apogamy, 

If we try to follow the various groups of fungi phylogenetically, 
there can be no doubt that they may be placed, on morphological 
grounds, much as De Bary has grouped them ; and if, taking into 
account what has been said above, we attempt to arrange the smaller 
groups as branches of the larger ones, we shall, I think, arrive at a 
scheme not very different from that annexed, 

Claviceps ILielirem 
nD Pyronema 
2 2 
2 8 
% & Melanospora S$ 
@ Xylaria z5 Pee: & 
(S) BS S 
4 5 Ascobolus .2 
= A oS) 
2 3 
2 Polystigma 2 
a ae is Erysiphez 
=) rh 
a A=| 



2 © Schimmelpilze,’ iv, 
2 fAnn. des Sc. Nat,’ 


Tt must be borne in mind that we confine ourselves strictly to the 
evidence derived from the study of living forms—it may or may not 
be that numerous primary or ancestral forms, long since disappeared, 
would lead us to different conclusions, as the imagination of such led 
Brefeld to different views ; but the only true method is to adhere to 
what we know as the basis of our plans for knowledge to come. 

It must be allowed at the outset that we know very few forms 
accurately or thoroughly, and there are therefore almost endless possi- 
bilities in the future. Keeping these cautions in mind, however, we 
need not fear to point out whatever points of general significance can 
be obtained from our present knowledge. 

The first and most important fact with regard to the scheme is that 
if we pay regard to the terminal members of most of the main branches, 
we notice that- they are all, or nearly all, parasitic forms, or, at any 
rate, include such forms. 

The higher Ascomycetes offer us the following examples from 
different branches, the Lichens, Pleospora, &c., Claviceps, &e., and 
Pexiza sclerotiordes. 

Then come the Uredinee (we need not necessarily imagine the Tre- 
mellas and Basidiomycetes as derived from the highest Uredinee; the 
evidence does not decide this), all strongly parasitic. 

The Ustilaginee of course are parasites par excellence, and they 
terminate a side series. 

We have still two main groups to deal with—the Saprolegnie 
(which, so far as known, are mostly saprophytes) and the Zygosporee, 
which are also generally saprophytes. Our very imperfect knowledge 
of the Basidiomycetes will be cited as an excuse for putting them aside 
in what follows : I do not for a moment under-value what we do know 
of them, but, as the sequel will show, their present position becomes 
more and more anomalous, if we really know the entire life-history. 
Of course we have no right to quarrel with the evidence, but the story 
of these fungi, as told at present, completely negatives their being 
included in the scheme to follow, and we must therefore neglect them 
for the moment, merely reminding the reader that some of them are 

Neglecting the Basidiomycetes, then, we may proceed to note that 
not only are the terminal groups of the series named usually parasites, 
but that it is just in those groups which are most intensely parasitic 
that least hope of our discovering sexual organs exists. In the Zygo- 


mycetes, on the other hand, we have the sexual process and typical 
saprophytic habits together, while in the Saprolegnic the case seems 

Looking still more closely into the matter, it appears as if the 
absence or presence of sexual organs (or their rudiments) rises or falls 
with the nature of the parasitism or saprophytism displayed. In the 
Saprolegnie, for instance, the Fungi may probably be looked upon as 
very highly nourished by the decomposing proteids of animals.1. Their 
sexual organs seem to be present in most cases, but functionless. 

In the Zygomycetes, which are essentially saprophytes on decaying 
vegetable matter, &c., or parasitic on one another—and may probably 
be regarded as not so highly nourished—we find the sexual organs 
functionally perfect, though very simple in character. 

In the Ustelaginee we meet with parasitism of a peculiarly high 
order, so to speak. 'The fungus not only robs its host, but has in most 
cases curiously adapted its life to the habits of the latter, using it 
rather as a slave than as a victim to be destroyed forthwith. 

The same is true for the highly organised Uredinew (d'cidiomycetes), 

and we here meet with the highest adaptation of all, hetercecism. But 
in these two groups the search for sexual organs has proved utterly 
futile (if we except the so-called “copulation” of the “sporidia” in 
Ustilaginee, which cannot be regarded as an essential process, or as 
sexual in the above meaning). 

Again, if we proceed upwards from the Evysiphew, which are epi- 
phytes—adapting themselves to parasitic habits of that special kind 
which leads to life in the interior of temporary organs like leaves— 
through the Ascomycetes, we find, speaking generally, more and more 
tendency towards close and specially adapted parasitism, ending in the 
Lichens, the parasitic Pezizas, forms like the Pleosporas, &c., and 
especially Claviceps. 

Now it is at least remarkable that no trace of sexual organs has yet 
been found in the higher Lichens—z.e. in those forms in which the 
fungus makes a particularly well-regulated use of its slave-like host, 
which is an Alga containing chlorophyll. Krabbe’ considers that in 
Sphyridvum the fructification arises independently of any process of 
fertilisation, and my own observations on Strigula complanata® lead to 
the same conclusion. It will be noted that in the beautiful case de- 

1 Tf not, indeed, by living flesh. Cf. Prof. Huxley, ‘Quart, Journ. Mic. Se.,’ 1882. 
2 ‘Bot. Zeitg.,’ February, 1882, No. 5. 
3 SZinn. Trans., ser: 2, Bot.,’ vol ii, 1884, 


monstrated by Stahl,' the host is a blue-green Alga, and the parasitism 
may well be considered as lower in many respects. Moreover, it is by 
no means certain that the Lichens represent one group. 

In Claviceps purpurea we have an excellent example of the highly- 
developed parasitism referred to. The ravages of the parasitic my- 
celium seem to be confined to one organ of the host—the young fruit— 
and we have seen from Fisch’s researches that the asci arise in the 
stromata, developed later, in a purely vegetative manner. 

Our knowledge of the large group of the simpler Pyrenomycetes 
does not enable us to make a generalisation of very much value ; but 
it is significant for our present purpose that the apogamous Pleospora, 
for instance, is parasitic during the early stages of its life, and, like so 
many of its allies, adapts its cycles to those of its host, producing a 
large stock of asexual conidia on the living leaves, and using up their 
contents before falling, to complete the development of the asci, &c., 
on the ground. It is scarcely necessary to remind the reader how 
great an advantage accrues to these higher parasites, when they scatter 
immense quantities of spores from leaf to leaf of the living tree. That 
their perfect “fruits” should be formed later, when the mycelium 
has gathered up all the material possible, is quite in accordance with 
what occurs in the formation of stromata, sclerotia, and masses of 
hyphee (often with haustoria) around the young perithecia in other 

The same is generally true for such Discomycetes as Peziza sclero- 
tioides,? P. Fuckeliana, and other parasitic Pezizee; and it will be 
remembered that it is in these forms that De Bary and others failed 
to find any traces of sexuality, thus placing them in strong contrast 
to such as Ascobolus (according to Janckzewski’s researches), unless 
intermediate forms like Pyronema and the saprophytic Pezizas are 
compared also. 

Enough has now been said to show that there is at least strong 
reason for believing that a connection exists between the mode of life 
of a given fungus and the extent to which it is apogamous. It will 
no doubt be suggested that there are still cases where this view seems 
at variance with the facts. Without wishing in any way to strain 
matters at this point, it may be noted that we really know very little 
of the mode of life of very many fungi, and that the terms saprophyte 

1 Op.cit 
2 Frank, ‘ Krankheiten der Pflanzen,’ p, 531, &c. 


and parasite are used somewhat loosely. This being admitted, it 
may happen that further knowledge will strengthen the connection 
spoken of. 

We are at least assured that profound differences exist—in degree, 
at any rate—between the saprophytism of a JJucor growing in a 
solution of horse-dung, and of a Pythium developing its fructification 
in the rotting parenchyma of a plant which it has previously killed. 

There is also an equally striking difference between the parasitism 
of an epiphyte like Zrysiphe and that of a highly-specialised Aicidio- 
mycete like Puccinia. But I would insist upon more than this. It 
is not only in the mode of attacking or living upon the substratum 
that one fungus differs from another ; differences as to the kinds and 
quantities of the various matters absorbed must also exist, and a 
Uredine in a leaf no doubt obtains different food (and in a different 
way) from that taken by Claviceps in a grain of rye, or Ustilago in a 
hypertrophied swollen stem of Zea Mays. That these differences may 
be very important—though we do not know exactly in what they con- 
sist—is fully demonstrated in cases of hetercecism. 

I have already pointed out that the coexistence of apogamy (or the 
total suppression of sexual organs) and parasitism is noticeable espe- 
cially in the highly specialised parasites. In forms which, like the 
majority of the parasitic Peronosporee and Zygomycetes (e.g. Pepto- 
cephalis), are nevertheless provided with sexual organs, which, so far as 
we can see, are quite like those found in the saprophytic forms, we 
have two points to notice. First, these forms are close to the parent 
stock in phylogeny—z.e. they are not much modified from the type 
of Pythium itself, which (as a comparison with Vaucheria shows), is 
no doubt derived from algal ancestors, and with strongly inherited 
sexuality. Secondly, such forms are probably not so highly parasitic 
as is commonly supposed. I do not mean to say that their living 
hosts are not robbed by them; but it is significant that the Peronos- 
porece are often saprophytes, and that even the most parasitic forms 
break down the parenchyma of the hosts to a rotting, fetid mass, on 
which they then flourish. Moreover they are aided by bacteria in 
this process. In addition to this they are apt to be omnivorous. I 
have cultivated Pythium De Baryanum' on the most various sub- 
stances, as well as on more than a dozen widely different living plants, 

In all these cases the parasite appears to flourish in a variety of 

1 Of, also De Bary op. cit., and ‘Quart. Journ, Mic. Sc.,’ 1883. 


substrata, and it has not got over the clumsy habit of destroying its 
host forthwith. If we compare the highly developed, almost intelli- 
gent, parasitism of a higher Ascomycete or Uredine with this, it will be 
understood what I mean by specialised parasitism. Instead of clum- 
sily destroying its host (like Phytophtora infestans does the potato), a 
Puccinia is adapted to live in isolated patches of carefully-sheltered 
leaf tissue, ramifying in the lacune filled with oxygenated air and 
aqueous vapour. Here it taps the cells as they manufacture organised 
substances in the sunlight, taxing them not too much for their strength,? 
and its mycelium keeping near the stomata. Its spores are then pro- 
truded in centrifugal succession, and shaken off from their advan- 
tageously high position on to other leaves, &c. All such adaptations 
must imply long periods of descent (and the fungus is therefore much 
further from the parent stock in the phylogenetic scheme), during 
which even the strong hereditary tendency to produce sexual organs, 
&c., might become lost, if such organs for any reason became super- 

This, however, brings us at once to the last object of the present 
essay ; and I propose to show that it is probable that the sexuality of 
the higher fungi has disappeared, because its purpose has been equally 
well or better attained otherwise than by means of sexual organs. 

Preliminary to this it will be necessary to be quite clear as to what 
sexual organs and the sexual process essentially are. 

The two points common to all the cases of sexual reproduction 
which have been directly observed are the following : 

1, A larger or smaller quantity of protoplasmic material passes 
from one portion (the male organ) of the same or another individual, 
into the protoplasm contained in another portion (the female organ). 

2. The protoplasm contained in the female organ therefore becomes 
capable of further development ; either at once, or, more generally, 
after undergoing a period of rest. 

It is not necessary to quote the numerous cases of observed ana- 
logies between the sexual reproduction of animals and plants; but 
will suffice to note that the essential in the sexual process is always 
the addition of a portion of protoplasm from the male, to the proto- 
plasm of the female. 

But this is not all. It is now well established in embryology that 

» Many Uredinew appear to do no injury at all, unless in large amount and for a long 
time—i.¢. the host can pay the tax easily. 



the normal ovum, or female mass of protoplasm, is incapable of further 
development until it has received the protoplasm of the male; that 
the latter, in fact, incites the former to further development. In 
many cases, indeed, the protoplasm of the egg or ovum gets rid of a 
small portion of its substance, as the “ polar bodies,” as if to make 
room (so to speak) for the substance coming to it from the male.? 

While in the higher organisms we can distinguish the male elements 
—spermatozoa, antherozoids, &c., only in so far that they are much 
smaller and more numerous than those of the female organs ; we find 
that in the lower forms of life even this difference in size is absent, 
and there is absolutely no safe criterion to determine which of the 
two conjugating masses of protoplasm is to be regarded as male and 
which as female. 

Nevertheless, if we consider cases such as are afforded by the fungi, 
we are certainly on safe ground when we call the antheridium of 
Pythium a male organ, and the oogonium of the same a female organ. 
The protoplasm contained in the former is itself incapable of further 
development, but normally passes over into the protoplasm (oosphere) 
contained in the latter ; the oosphere is then—z.e. after fertilisation— 
capable of further development. 

This ‘“ further development,” however, is nothing more than growth ; 
and, what is more, growth according to the same laws as affected the 
parent plant which produced the sexual organs. In cases where the 
plant is divided into cells, this growth or germination of the oospore 
commences with division into a number of cells. 

The outcome of all we know of these matters leads to the conviction 
that we have in the germination or development of an oospore—and 
the same is true for an egg, &c., the terms being different—simply a 
renewal of the growth of the organism; and from this and other con- 
victions follows the result that the formation of an oosphere, although 
it may take place after an accumulation of large quantities of food, 
implies a condition of weariness—if the term may be allowed—on the 
part of the protoplasm for the time being. No doubt the molecular 
energy of the protoplasm forming the oosphere, is less than that of 
the rest of the plant for the time being ; the access of the antherozoid 
or male protoplasm, however, reinvigorates the sluggish mass, and 
renewed life ensues. This may require some time, however, and we 

1 That something of the same kind takes place in the Saprolegnie is suggested in my paper 
on this group, ‘Quarterly Journ. Mic. Sc.,’ 1883, 


may possibly not be far wrong if we imagine that interval to be occu- 
pied in molecular rearrangements in the mass. 

But, although we can sum up the foregoing by saying that, after a 
time, protoplasm requires re-invigorating by the addition of fresh 
protoplasm from another source, it is extremely improbable that the 
protoplasm of the male and female organs is at all similar. 

While we have reasons for believing that the mass of an oosphere 
consists in the main of protoplasm such as occurs in any cell capable 
of growth, it would be absurd to suppose that the protoplasm of the 
male element is of the same nature. There is, moreover, strong evi- 
dence to support the opposite view, that the protoplasm of the male 
and the essential protoplasm of the female differ extremely. 

Anyone who reads Strasburger’s description of the process of fertili- 
sation in the ferns,’ cannot fail to be struck with the peculiar beha- 
viour of the antherozoids as soon as they come within a certain distance 
of the oosphere. It seems impossible to avoid the inference that the 
oosphere in some way attracts the spermatozoids. A similar pheno- 
menon is described by Juranyi in the fertilisation of Qdogonium,? 
where the relatively large antherozoid forces its way through an aper- 
ture too small for it, in order to reach the attracting oosphere. 

With such phenomena may be compared the case of Spirogyra and 
other Conjugate, where, as is well known, the cells of filaments which 
are laid parallel to one another, and within a certain distance of one 
another, put forth conjugating tubes which meet in the middle; or 
neighbouring cells conjugate. 

In the Peronosporeze, again, the oosphere appears not only to 
attract the antheridium, but even to induce its formation from a 
neighbouring hypha ;* and other cases may be cited, all tending to 
show that some important difference exists between the protoplasm of 
the two sexual organs. 

It does not concern us here to give any opinion on De Bary’s sug- 
gestion that profound chemical differences exist, and affect the environ- 
ment; or on Sachs’ recently expressed view* as to the analogies 
between ferment actions and fertilisation. 

Enough for our purpose that the knowledge we possess goes to show 
that sexual reproduction essentially consists in the reinvigoration of a 

1 ‘Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., vil. 

2 * Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., ix. 

3 De Bary, ‘ Beitr. zur Morph. und Phys.,’ iv. 

* *Vorlesungen iiber Pflanzenphysiologie,’ p. 491, 


sluggish mass of protoplasm, by the addition of another and different 
mass of protoplasm. That an advantage is often attained by the latter 
mass coming from a distant source, is sufficiently evident from what 
we know of cross fertilisation generally. 

It now remains to be seen if we can throw any light on the curious 
disappearance of sexual organs and sexuality in the fungi—curious, 
because the sexual process appears to be all but universal in all organ- 
isms excepting the very lowest. 

A hypothesis which suggests itself, and which Eidam favours, and 
which is certainly supported by some analogies, is to the effect that 
the apogamous fungi are not always apogamous. We know that many 
forms only produce their sexual organs at comparatively long and rare 
intervals. The JZucors, for instance, may be propagated through 
numerous generations by means of the asexual spores; the sexual 
organs only arising now and again under favourable conditions. 

Accepting that the sexual process consists essentially in a re-invigo- 
ration of the protoplasm of the organism, may it not be that one sexual 
act is effective through long periods and many generations? Such a 
view is supported by the known cases of parthenogenesis in other 
plants, and would explain such cases as the Saprolegnie, if it were 
placed beyond doubt that protoplasm does occasionally pass through 
the ‘“fertilising tubes” to the oospheres. 

Moreover, the cases of polyembryony—where several embryos arise 
in an embryo sac, although only one oosphere is fertilised—favour the 
view that the effect of fertilisation may be extensive; and we cannot 
doubt that such is the case where adventitious covering branches arise 
after the conjugation of certain I/ucorini (e.g. Mortierella), and in the 
Orchidew, where fertilisation or even the mere growth of the pollen 
tube affects the whole flower. 

In other cases, however, great difficulties are experienced. It is 
not easy to conceive how fertilisation in a distant past has transmitted 
its effects through countless generations to the individual plants of 
Chara crinita which now reproduce without any sexual act at all. 
And the same is true for other cases. 

There is one fact apparently universal in sexual reproduction ; it 
does not take place until a large quantity of material is either accumu- 
lated, or is in some way placed at the disposal of the sexual organs. 
If these sexual organs are to be looked upon as specialised to secrete 


the sexual elements, or to sort the substances of which they consist, 
as it were, this may be of importance. 

It must be allowed that no satisfactory theory exists, however, to 
account for the gradual disappearance, first of sexuality, and then of 
even the morphologically represented sexual organs in the fungi; and 
any attempt to explain the matter seems to involve more than one 
vicious assumption. 

The sexual act, however, consisting simply or mainly in the re-invigo- 
ration of protoplasm by the addition of protoplasm of a different 
nature (though we do not know the kind or limit of difference) from 
a distance, it may be that an explanation of what occurs in the fungi 
is afforded by their mode of life. I have already pointed out that the 
fungi in which sexual organs seem to be most certainly absent are 
those which are most highly specialised as parasites. Now, we have 
every reason to believe, first that parasitism is a matter of degree, and 
secondly that the most highly specialised form of parasitism consists 
in directly obtaining those contents of the cells of the host which are 
chemically most complex, and therefore contain most energy. 

I need not dwell on the degrees of parasitism exemplified by plants 
which merely rob their hosts of space or moisture, or which have ob- 
tained a hold so intimate that they break it up and feed on the rotting 
débris, but may at once pass on to consider a few vonsequences which 
follow from the mode of life of those highly specialised parasites which 
have become so closely adapted to their host, that they exist for a 
time as all but an organic part of its tissues and substance. 

It can scarcely be doubted that the protoplasm of a higher plant, 
such as a phanerogam, differs from that of a lower cryptogam in being 
capable of doing more work ; and that the great advantage derived by 
a parasitic fungus which has its life so adapted that it can tax the 
cells of a phanerogamous host plant, is that it obtains its food 
materials in a condition more nearly approaching that of its own 
substance, than would be the case if it had to work these materials 
up from inorganic matters. 

Now it seems not improbable that the protoplasmic substance of a 
higher phanerogam may contain so much energy, that it can not only 
supply the vegetative mycelium of a parasitic fungus with all that it 
requires. for its immediate growth, but also suffices to enable that 
fungus to store up enough energy in its asexual or apogamous spores 


to last until the next generation of the fungus gains its hold-fast on 
another (and it may be distant) source of life-giving substance. 

Let us take the case of a Uredinous fungus parasitic in the leaves of 
a phanerogam. We know that the substances necessary for the whole 
growth of the phanerogam are formed in the cells of the leaf ; not only 
so, the matters which eventually find their place in the reproductive 
organs must be formed there also, potentially at least. The leaf of a 
phanerogam so attacked, moreover, is able to support the parasitic 
fungus for a long time uninjured, as I have convinced myself by ex- 
periment, and there can be no doubt that substances pass into the 
fungus which would normally have passed into other parts of the host 
plant itself. Since these substances serve to support the compara- 
tively enormous display of energy evinced in the growth, &e., of the 
phanerogam ; we need not be surprised if they can also provide in 
addition for the parasite for the time being. 

But we may imagine even this to fail after a time. Without specu- 
lating as to the possible differences effective to a mycelium which 
obtains enough to produce spores on one leaf, which, germinating on 
another, produce a mycelium which derives an advantage correspond- 
ing to that obtained by plants when cross fertilised —we may suppose 
that at length the fungus derives too little benefit to be able to go on, 
or the season during which the host plant flourishes is drawing to 
an end. 

No doubt we have in hetercecism the salvation of such a fungus. 
Not only is it carried through a dangerous period, by seeking relief at 
the hands of a second host, but-—and which I believe to be far more 
important—it obtains re-invigoration by the new protoplasm with 
which it comes in contact. We may not inaptly compare the sojourn 
of the fungus on its second host, to a trip to the sea-side, where the 
weary and enfeebled organism enjoys fresh diet and associations for a 
time, which in their turn pall and prepare the recipients to renew old 
modes of life. 

We have seen that the disappearance of the sexual organs, leading 
to apogamy, commences especially in the lower Ascomycetes, and it 
may be more than a coincidence that epiphytic forms, which show a 
tendency to produce one kind of spore while on the living leaf and 
develope their asci on the fallen leaf are common here; such forms 
suggest how the parasitism and hetercecism of higher forms may have 


begun, and it is remarkable that the apogamy becomes more and more 
complete as we ascend through the latter. 

It is not pretended that the hypothesis embodied above at once 
explains all the cases possible, and it will be well to state a few of the 
' greater difficulties at once. The Basidiomycetes I shall not dwell upon, 
since our knowledge of them is still very imperfect. The few cases of 
parasitic Basidiomycetes known can hardly be cited as supporting the 
view adduced; and if it turns out that all the forms are as utterly 
devoid of sexuality as Brefeld’s Coprinus, and that no other generation 
exists than the one now known, it will be difficult or impossible to 
reconcile the facts, and the coincidences referred to in this essay may 
have to be accepted as coincidences only. 

Apart from this, the difficulty must suggest itself to many that 
there are parasitic fungi—such the Peronosporee—which neverthe- 
less develop the sexual organs in the condition typical and perfect for 
the group to which they belong. I. have already referred to the fact 
that many of these forms are really saprophytes, and that others break 
down and destroy the tissues of their hosts—clumsily killing their 
prey aud then feeding on the rotten mass—and have pointed out that 
this is a much less specialised form of parasitism than that of the 
higher fungi and Ustilaginee. It is true we do not know much about 
the nature of the food which these fungi take from the host; but there 
is evidence to show that it is of the nature of fermenting sap, and 
therefore possibly contains far less energy than the substances absorbed 
by the higher parasitic fungi. There are two other points which may 
also be of importance. 

The Peronosporee are almost certainly descended directly from Algee 
which had already won and established strongly marked sexuality. 
This would probably be lost only after a long time; for we have every 
reason to suppose that inherited sexual tendencies are among the last 
to disappear in the modified descendants of organisms. 

Nevertheless, and this is the second point, the sexuality shows signs 
of disappearance in extreme members, even within the groups of the 
Peronosporee. De Bary * shows that in Phytophthora and Peronospora 
there is a less evident passage over of protoplasm from the antheridium 
to the oosphere than in Pythium ; and that in some cases, indeed, the 
quantity passing over is too small to be observed. I will not attempt 
to lay stress on the coincidence that in Phytophthora infestans (the 

2 ‘Beitr.,’ iv, p. 72: 


fungus of the potato disease) no sexual act has as yet been discovered. 

Another obvious objection may be raised as follows: The Sapro- 
legnice are in the main saprophytes, and yet they are said to be ad- 
vanced towards apogamy—parthenogenetic, at any rate. The answer 
may be that they are saprophytic chiefly on animal protoplasm which 
“contains more potential energy than does vegetable protoplasm. At 
the same time, some Saprolegnie are parasitic on plants, and S. ferax 
now appears to be parasitic on fish.? 

Among the Zygomycetes, again, we meet with parasitic forms in 
which the very simple sexual organs and process are, so far as we 
know, as typically perfect as in the other members of the group. 
The reply here is the same as in the case of the Peronosporee. The 
Mucors must be an older group than Piptocephalis and others which 
are parasitic upon them. Hence we may assume that the inherited 
sexuality is too strong to have been replaced by the effects of admix- 
ture of the protoplasm of the Mucor, which, moreover, is probably not 
very different, and can scarcely be considered as provided with more 
energy. A similar argument may apply to the Lichens. The higher 
forms are specialised parasites on green Alove, which must be able to 
supply substances containing great potential energy, and no traces of 
sexuality are found in them. In the Collemacew, however, where sexual 
organs occur, the fungus is associated with a very low form of Alga, 
one of the Cyanophycew, and appears rather to be feeding upon the 
diffluent matters around the algal cells, than strictly parasitic on the 
Alga proper. This is so much the case that, as is well known, some 
lichenologists have doubted whether to rank the Collemacece with 
Lichens at all; and all observers must agree that it is difficult to 
decide when a mass of Wostoc is to be regarded as all Alga or passing 
into the state of Collema. I remember cases in my time at Cambridge, 
when I observed patches of Mostoc on the roadside at Shelford, and 
patches of Collema some distance away. At points between, there 
were patches of Vostoc in various stages of transition between the two, 
In Ceylon, again, I have observed masses of Aivularia with fungoid 
hyphee associated at least as definitely as in these cases, and the same 
occurs in masses of Glaocapsa in greenhouses. I do not attempt or 
wish to cast a doubt on the lichen character of the Collemacee; I 
merely point out that, as in.the case of other parasitic Fungi, the 
Ascomycetes of the Lichens exhibit gradations of parasitism from mere 

1 Prof. Huxley, loc. cit. 


association to highly adaptive parasitism, where the fungus has learned 
(so to speak) to use its host as a slave. 

The most serious objections to the above hypothesis will probably 
occur to those who draw conclusions from the life-history of imperfectly 
known forms. Without wishing to disarm any criticism whatever, I 
would mention two points to be borne in mind in this connection. 

Many fungi are known to be capable of adapting themselves to 
widely different modes of life, and it is extremely difficult to say how 
far they are parasitic or saprophytic. Leaving the Bacteria alone, I 
need only mention Koch’s experiments with species of Mucor and 
Aspergillus, and Eidam’s observations on Sterigmatocystis:+ these 
fungi were found to be pathogenic to a disastrous extent when in- 
jected into the blood-vessels of living animals. Again, Kihlmann’s 
brilliant research on MJelanospora, embodied in an earlier portion of 
this essay, brings to light an extraordinary case of parasitism and 

Secondly, we really know very little of the mode of life of many 
fungi in their earlier stages ; we assume, rather than know, that many 
forms of Pyrenomycetes, for instance, are Saprophytes. However, less 
is to be gained by dwelling upon these doubtful matters than by court- 
ing criticism of the main point at issue. 

I may say, in conclusion, that it was during the study of the 
parasitic fungus of the Coffee disease (Hemileia vastatrix) in Ceylon 
that I was first led to speculate on the enormous amount of energy 
displayed by an organism which shows not the remotest satisfactory 
trace of sexuality, but which reproduces itself through many genera- 
tions exclusively by means of asexual spores. That this energy of 
reproduction is derived from the Coffee tree there can be no doubt, 
and that it is at the cost of the reproduction of the host is sadly 
evident ; the clear inference from the fact that the Coffee leaf supplies 
substance for the reproduction, &c., of a fungus at the expense of its 
own fruit, is that the fungus takes matters which are very rich in 
energy, so rich, indeed, that the fungus is not necessitated to sort 
these substances in special reproductive organs, and to secrete sexual 
elements, one of which would then re-invigorate the other, but may 
employ them forthwith for the purposes of its own relatively simpler 
existence and reproduction. 

1 Cohn’s ‘ Beitrige,’ B, ii, H. iii., p. 397 ff 



By H. Marsuatt Warp, M.A, Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge; 
Assistant Lecturer in Botany, Owens College, and Lecturer in the 
Victoria University, Manchester. 

[Prates ITI—IV.] 

During the progress of certain experiments which I instituted during 
the course of the past winter and spring, in order to obtain information 
as to the feasibility of employing the electric light in the botanical 
laboratory, so that demonstrations on the assimilation of green plants 
might be made independently of the sunlight, of which we obtain so 
little in Manchester, it became necessary to employ among other 
plants actively growing Hyacinths ; in order the better to study the 
effect of the electric light on these, I grew them in nutritive solutions 
consisting of minerals dissolved in pure water, according to a method 
devised some years ago by Sachs, and now much used in my laboratory 
course for teaching purposes. A few fractions of a gram of phosphates, 
sulphates, and nitrates of calcium, magnesium, and potassium are 
dissolved in one litre of distilled water, and a trace of common salt is 
added. All the salts should be chemically pure, and plants may be 
easily cultivated in the solution for weeks and months, as is now 
abundantly proved (fig. 1). 

The Hyacinths in question were grown with their bulbs resting on 
the necks of tall glass jars, cylindrical in shape, and the roots of the 

Sr i Nt 


plant hung perpendicularly into the solution mentioned above ; in 
this they developed vigorously, and were to all appearance quite 
normal. During the course of the experiments, and while the plants 
were exposed to the influence of the electric light emitted from incan- 
descent Swann’s lamps, certain minute black spots were several times 
observed on the white roots hanging down into the liquid; these spots 
were all very small, but varied in size, and evidently increased in 
number day after day and week after week, and beyond making a few 
notes as to their occurrence and increase I paid little attention to them 
at first, my interest being aroused in the progress of the more special 
investigation to which my experiments were directed. Very soon, 
however, the time came when it was necessary to examine the roots, 
and their tiny black spots, and I then discovered that the little specks 
were really the sporangia of a microscopic Myxomycete. Fig. 1 shows 
the appearance to the unaided eye of the roots and the black spots 
referred to, drawn to their natural size. 

In the first place their order of appearance showed no obvious 
regularity with respect to either space or time. Sometimes one of 
the tiny sporangia would arise at or near the tip of the root, at others 
it would appear near the basal portion, or irregularly at any spot 
between the base and apex. Again, while three or four might be 
formed during a given 24 hours, none or several might make their 
appearance during the next day, and so on. Moreover, I could detect 
no obvious relationship between the order (or want of order) of suc- 
cession, and any changes in the light (electric light) and temperature 
which were noted with reference to my other investigations. All that 
I was able to establish in this connection was that the black sporangia 
became developed on the roots, both in the glare of the electric light 
used, and in the diffuse daylight of January and February ; subsequent 
investigation showed that they also became developed on the roots 
when kept in the dark. The temperatures varied somewhat con- 
siderably, and the sporangia were formed in some cases at 18° C,, 
during the periods when the electric light was turned on, and even at 
14° or 15°C. during the night, and at those periods when the roots 
were in the dark. 

Another point of interest is that by far the majority of the sporan- 
gia referred to were developed in the nutritive solution—7.e. on parts 
of the roots entirely submerged—though, as I shall show later, they 
may also be formed on parts of the roots which are in the damp 



atmosphere outside the liquid. On the sides of the bulbs, or on the 
leaves, and generally on any part of the Hyacinth exposed to the dry 
air outside, the sporangia are not developed, and every attempt to 
cultivate them there has so far failed utterly. 

There can be no doubt that the life-history of this Myxomycete then 
is passed through in the aqueous solution, and it seems to me a point 
of no small interest to have found what may justly be described as an 
aquatic Myxomycete. 

There is still another point of general importance to be mentioned. 
The sporangia arise on what are to all intents and purposes perfectly 
healthy, living, and intact roots, and there are no observations to show 
that the organism causes any injury whatever to the plant on which 
itis found. It is not intended to deny that this Myxomycete may 
produce its sporangia on dead or dying roots—a point which I have 
not directly investigated, though some experiments to be described 
later show that it may well be so—but all investigation places beyond 
doubt that no interference with the normal relations of the root are 
necessary for the well-being of the Myxomycete. 

The black sporangia referred to contain spores ; these spores ger- 
minate readily and emit “myxamoebe,’ which pass rapidly into 
“‘myxozoospores” ; after a varied term of life, during which nutrition 
is carried on, and various phenomena connected with reproduction are 
observed, these “myxameebe” unite into plasmodia ; which, in their 
turn, again form sporangia. The above may be regarded as a cursory 
sketch of the life-history which I have observed point for point, and 
partly because the above headings agree broadly with the order of inves- 
tigation, and partly for other reasons, I shall adopt the simple plan of 
describing the subsequent details in the following order. (1) The 
anatomy of the sporangium and its contents ; (2) the germination of 
the spore, and the production of myxamecbee ; (3) the changes under- 
gone by the myxamosbee—their nutrition, changes of form, encystment 
and division; and (4) the formation of the plasmodium, and the 
changes which it undergoes. Other remarks, on the physiology of 
the myxameebee chiefly, may find place under one or more of the above 


As shown in fig. 1, the sporangium is a minute black body, of 
globular or ovoid form, or occasionally less regular and shaped like a 

Se Oe el ee 


slug or planarian: it varies in diameter from $ a millimeter to 12 
millimeters or more, and stands up from the epidermis of the root, to 
which it is attached by a slightly flattened base. As shown both by 
sections and by the ease with which the sporangium can be detached 
from the root by means of a razor or even the point of a needle, the 
sporangium is only fixed on to the outside of the epidermal layer, or 
to the outer cells of the root-cap, and is in no way connected anatomi- 
cally with the interior of the cells or tissues: in some cases, however, 
it can be shown that the base of the sporangium is actually in contact 
with the external cell-walls of the root, and not merely adherent to 
the slime, &c., found on the surface. 

When detached, examination fails to show any aperture in the 
Sporangium, or any special organs of adhesion, except in so far as the 
thin network to be referred to shortly, and which passes off from the 
surface of the sporangium to that of the root may be looked upon as 
a hold-fast. 

On slightly magnifying the sporangium (figs. 2, 3, and 4) it is at 
once noticed that the smooth hard black appearance is due chiefly to 
two causes. In the first place the thin outer covering or shell reflects 
the light in various ways from its rounded surfaces, which are, more- 
over, wet and bright, and evidently coloured with a dark pigment ; 
and secondly the densely packed, minute, purplish-brown spores in 
the interior render the whole mass perfectly opaque, except at the 
edges where they may be seen shining through with more or less dis- 
tinctness (figs. 3 and 4). 

Closer examination now shows also that the deep black mass of 
Sporangium and contents proper is fringed as it were (at any rate in 
most cases) with a bright canary yellow border, and, as will be shown 
below, this extends over the sporangium proper as a sort of outer coat 
or network. 

The whole sporangium, then, is composed of two coats—an inner coat 
composing the wall of the sporangium proper, is a thin, tough, very 
elastic and almost horny homogeneous membrane, which is quite 
smooth or nearly so, being occasionally marked with almost impercep- 
tible rugosities. Its colour is, as already stated, dark, and evidently 
due to a purple-brown pigment usually evenly distributed throughout 
its substance. In comparatively rare cases the pigment is nearly absent 
in places, and the depth of its hue varies somewhat : these variations 


seem to depend on the age and relative thickness of the membrane, 
but may be in part due to other causes. 

External to this, the proper shell of the sporangium, is a yellow net- 
work or coarser membraue somewhat less constant in character. In 
some cases, at any rate, it can be traced all over the surface of the 
sporangium, but in other cases it appears to be incomplete at places. 
The meshes of this layer vary considerably in size, and the whole net- 
work is thicker or thinner at some spots than at others: to these 
peculiarities may be referred the different shades of the yellow colour. 
It is where this yellow meshwork passes off from the surface of the 
sporangium to become extended irregularly on to the surface of the sub- 
stratum that the yellow fringe or border (figs. 3 and 4) is observed, and 
in a certain sense this “outer peridium,” as the network might be 
termed, may be looked upon as fixing the sporangium which it im- 
prisons to the substratum. The relative positions of the two struc- 
tures are no doubt due to the fact that the network is a mass of coarse 
granular material excreted by the protoplasm of the plasmodium when 
it is forming the spores and sporangium. 

In the large number of cases where the sporangia present the 
typical bright black colour to the unaided eye, or when but slightly 
magnified, this thin yellow network offers nothing further worthy of 
note. It occasionally happens, however, that certain of the sporangia 
referred to above as being developed not in the nutritive solution 
but on parts of the roots which are in the damp atmosphere just 
above the surface of the liquid, present a dull greyish appearance, in 
place of the bright black one described in detail above: in these cases 
the thin outer network is infiltrated with carbonate of lime in 
varying degrees and may be closer in texture accordingly. This 
seems to mask the yellow colour, and the network becomes a coarsely 
granular and, it may be, brittle greyish membrane. There is much 
variability in this connection however. 

Two points of interest present themselves here. ‘First, as already 
said, the external granular membrane or network is evidently a 
remnant or excretion from the plasmodium, left over in the process 
of formation of the sporangium proper from its protoplasm; and 
secondly, it depends on circumstances whether it contains much or 
little calcium carbonate. My observations on the subject lead to 
the following conclusions. 


The bright black sporangia developed on the completely submerged 
roots have no perceptible amount of lime on their surfaces ; they are 
smooth and bright, simply because the yellow network which passes over 
them is too fine and translucent to materially affect the appearance of 
the pigmented proper membrane of the sporangium (c f. figs. 3—6). 
But in the case of the dull greyish sporangia developed on the roots 
outside the liquid, the dullness is clearly due to the large quantities of 
calcium carbonate deposited as fine granules and crystalline masses in 
the outer coat. In some cases the infiltration with lime goes so far 
that the membrane is quite brittle and cracks into angular pieces (fig. 5), 
and on the addition of dilute acetic acid the crystalline needles (fig. 9) 
or granules rapidly dissolve, copious effervescence of carbon dioxide 
taking place at the same time. These facts suggest the question 
whether calcium carbonate is not perhaps formed in abundance on all 
the developing sporangia, but in the case of those submerged in 
the water it is possibly carried off dissolved in the carbonic acid 
diffused throughout the solution, whereas in the case of those 
sporangia developed out of the solution, the surplus carbon dioxide 
escapes into the damp air around leaving the crystalline solid calcium 
carbonate behind. 

That calcium carbonate is actually produced in the interior of the 
submerged sporangia also is abundantly proved by the excreted nodules 
of that mineral which are contained in the nodes of the capillitium to 
be referred to shortly ; of course the conditions under which clusters 
of needles or granules of calcium carbonate are excreted in the cavity 
of the sporangium might be very different from those referred to above. 
The capillitium, as shown in fig. 8, is constituted simply of a loose 
irregular network of delicate horny fibres, which may be either colour- 
less and nearly transparent, or tinged with the purple-brown pigment 
so common in other parts of the sporangium (fig. 5). What may be 
termed the nodes of this irregular meshwork are usually enlarged, and 
in the triangular or irregularly angular enlargements are deposited the 
concretions of granules or crystals of calcium carbonate referred to 
above (fig. 8). The fibres or rods forming the capillitium are apparently 
solid, and spring from the inside of the wall of the sporangium, their 
bases being dilated at the areas of attachment (figs. 5 and 8). The 
fibres pass directly across the cavity of the sporangium in some cases, 
while in others they seem to terminate freely in it; or they are 
connected together, at various angles, with other fibres which cross 


them. The meshwork of this rudimentary capillitium reminds the 
observer of the ceratose skeleton of some sponges, a similarity which 
is perhaps not lessened on examining the texture and composition of 
the fibres. 

In concluding these remarks on the sporangium, a few words may 
be added as to the action of reagents on the structures described. 
Even in extreme cases it is possible, after removing all the calcium 
carbonate by means of dilute acetic acid, to separate more or less 
completely the outer network or membrane from the thin pigmented 
proper wall of the sporangium (fig. 5): the latter retains its even 
colour and tough elastic character, but the external layer, if much 
hardened by calcium carbonate, may be cracked in all directions under 
the pressure of the cover slip. 

Solutions of iodine alone colour both the decalcified outer membrane 
and the horny internal one yellow or brown, and the addition of 
sulphuric acid enabled me to detect the blue colouration indicative of 
cellulose in some parts at least of the inner membrane. This reaction 
is by no means satisfactory however, and the rule is that when it 
does make its appearance the blue colour is only in patches bere and 
there. The same ig true of the reaction with carefully prepared 
chlor. zine iodine (Schulze’s solution): very often the only indication 
of cellulose is a pale bluish-green patch here and there in the 
membrane. Sulphuric acid causes partial solution of the test and 
swelling of the fibres of the capillitium; and the latter are coloured 
bright golden brown by iodine, the colour only being rendered deeper 
on the addition of sulphuric acid. 

Certain variability in these reactions of the walls and capillitium is 
no doubt due, in part at least, to the age of the sporangium, as is the 
depth of colour of the natural pigment : of course the depth of colour 
is affected by the thickness of the membrane also, but this could 
scarcely be a serious difficulty. In all the cases referred to the 
spores, the only remaining contents of the sporangium, were ripe ; and 
I now proceed to describe them. 

The ripe spore (figs. 5, 6, 7, and 10) in sporangia which have 
become normally mature on roots in the solution, is a spherical cell, 
sdovin. in diameter, with a tough homogeneous cell wall, which is 
coloured purple-brown, and appears to resemble the proper membrane 
of the sporangium in all essential respects. With the usual reagents 
the spore membrane yields better cellulose reactions, however, though 


even here it evidently does not consist entirely of that substance, but 
appears to contain a body (possibly approaching cutin in composition) 
of some more resistant nature. In most cases the spores are so nearly 
smooth that the extremely fine punctations on their exterior may 
easily be overlooked or neglected ; but in other examples the fine 
punctation is quite noticeable, and it seemed to me that these more 
evidently marked spores were smaller than the average size, though 
no differences could be detected in their behaviour. They certainly 
germinate as readily as do the smoother spores, and behave in exactly 
the same manner during the process. But, as I shall show directly, 
there are much greater variations in the size of the spores than these, 
none of which seem to affect the purpose or behaviour of the spore in 
the slightest degree. 

Each normally ripe spore contains a quantity of very pale translucent 
protoplasm in or near the centre of which is a paler and brighter round 
spot : this is the nucleus shining through the hyaline protoplasm, The 
nucleus is particularly clear at the moment when germination com- 
mences (fig. 11, 14), but can always be detected in the resting con- 
ditions, and also, as will appear subsequently, in other conditions of 
the contents of the spore. 

With respect to the other varieties of spore referred to above, these 
are much rarer than what I have described as the normal form. The 
specimens drawn in fig. 13, however, all came from the same sporan- 
gium:; they are clearly of the nature of double or triple, &c., giant 
spores, or are malformed specimens, the ripening of which is perhaps 
completed before the protoplasm has finished dividing up in the young 
sporangium. In some cases it is almost certain that they simply result 
from an imperfect separation of the formative masses set apart for the 
production of spores; an assumption which is supported by the fact 
that these malformed or giant spores (or complexes of spores) germi- 
nate quite normally, simply giving rise to a larger number of indi- 
vidual myxamoebee than do the perfectly isolated spherical spores, 
selected, on account of their being the more common, as the typical 
spores. Such abnormal spores are by no means confined to this Myxo- 
mycete*; apart from the variations in the sizes of the spores of nume- 
rous species,” I have myself observed equally striking differences in the 
spores of a Myxomycete in the tropics. There can be no doubt, I think, 

1 Cf. De Bary, Vergt. Morphol., der Pilze, &c., p. 452. 
2 Zopt{, Die Pilz-Thievre, p. 52. 


that the differences referred to are of no morphological importance, 
and only depend on obscure conditions which make themselves felt 
during the development of the spores in the sporangium. 

In the case of the typical spores formed in the sporangia on the 
submerged roots, the spherical shape is maintained until the moment 
of germination ; but in those sporangia which ripen outside the liquid, 
it often happens that the ripe spores present the appearance repre- 
sented in fig. 12. This, however, is simply due to an infolding of the 
spore membrane, consequent on the loss of water, a fact which may 
easily be proved by partially drying any of the spores slowly and at a 
low temperature ; or a similar result follows if the water is extracted 
by means of alcohol or glycerine. In both cases the plump spherical 
shape is immediately restored on the addition of water, but of course 
the spores long treated with the reagents are killed. Spores contracted 
in the former manner, however, germinate at once and normally 
exactly as do those taken from the submerged sporangia: if dried very 
thoroughly, however, it may require several days before the swollen 
Spore germinates in water, and of course it is possible to carry the 
desiccation too far unless very great care is taken. 


The normally ripened spore is at once capable of germination, and 
the process is usually completed in from 12 to 24 hours, at ordinary 
temperatures. 3 

The germination is easily observed as follows. A sporangium 
ripened in or out of the water (there are no further differences to be 
noted, and the following description applies to spores obtained from 
both sources) is broken open by means of a sharp clean needle, and 
the point of the instrument is then immersed in a small drop of water 
on a perfectly clean glass slide: some of the spores attached to the 
needle are left behind in the drop of water, and the whole is then 
placed in a moist chamber, and kept at the ordinary temperature of 
the laboratory. In a few hours germination commences, and the 
escape of the contents of the spores as myxamoebze is completed in 
from 12—24 hours, even when the temperature has varied between 
20° C. and 15° C. 

In order to study the details of this process, and to cultivate the 
myxameebee further for even long periods (several weeks) I have 
successfully employed a method well known in Germany but still far 


too little used in England, and it may be worth while to give a 
description of the process, which can of course be made use of for the 
cultivation of almost any minute organisms. 

A moist chamber is made by cutting a piece of thick cardboard, 
or several thicknesses of filter paper, to the size of an ordinary glass 
slide (3in. by lin.) and cutting a hole through the centre: this hole 
may be about fin. in diameter, large enough to let all necessary light 
pass through, but not too large to be efficiently covered by means of a 
square or circular thin cover-slip, which will be held close down to the 
perforated board or paper when the latter is saturated with distilled 
water by the capillary attraction at the edges. The cardboard or 
paper pad is then saturated with water, and can obviously be boiled 
or heated if necessary, for a short time ; its wet surface adheres firmly 
to the glass slip on which it is now placed, and which supplies a 
transparent floor to the small cylindrical chamber, the walls of which 
are formed by the saturated board or paper, and the roof by the thin 
cover-slip. It is obvious that a small drop of water suspended from 
the under side of the thin cover-slip, will evaporate very slowly, so 
long as the cardboard or filter-paper is kept thoroughly wet, because 
the air in the chamber will be nearly saturated with water ; hence 
any spores &c. suspended in the drop will run no risk of drying up 
for a considerable number of hours. Moreover, it is clear that light can 
pass through the whole chamber, and its suspended drop, in sufficient 
quantity to enable us to examine what is going on in the drop even 
with fairly high powers, provided the cover-slip is sufficiently thin, 
and the drop of water not so large that objects falling to the lower 
surface of it are out of focus. At any rate it is easy to work with 
Zeiss D and E in this way. Another great advantage to be claimed 
for these damp cells is the ease with which atmospheric oxygen can 
gain access to the interior: the comparatively trivial practical difficul- 
ties need not be entered upon here. 

It is, of course, difficult to keep Bacteria, &c., out of such damp 
cells—heated needles, pure water, treating all the glass parts with 
acids, absolute alcohol or heat, &c., are all without avail unless the 
water saturating the parts is kept clean, and, of course, unless spores 
and foreign bodies are absent from the material sown, &c. Some 
remarks on this subject will be made shortly, however, in connection 
with certain experiments of physiological importance. 


Observed in such a suspended drop of water as that described above, 
the first changes noticed in the germinating spore are as follows. The 
‘ spore slowly swells, the nucleus being very distinct, and a slight pro- 
tuberance makes its appearance at one side: over this protuberance it 
is easy to see that the cell wall is distinctly thinner, and hence this 
portion of the spore looks paler, from the two facts that the same 
amount of pigment is distributed over a larger area of thinner mem- 
brane, and the translucent refractive protoplasm shines through with 
a sort of pearl-like lustre. 

Meanwhile the protoplasm in the interior begins to move very 
slowly, and in some cases it is certain that a vacuole is already formed 
which begins to pulsate feebly at long intervals. As the protuberance 
becomes more pronounced, the movements become a little more active, 
and the vacuole pulsates at intervals of from one to two minutes: 
minute brilliant granules can now be distinctly observed to change their 
positions in the hyaline protoplasm. Very soon after this the lateral 
protuberance ruptures, the crack slowly extending (figs. 11 and 14) 
and the contents becoming exposed: all these phenomena may occur 
in from 4—12 hours after sowing the spores. 

In favorably situated spores the contents may now be seen to divide 
into two, and two nuclei (in one case two vacuoles also were seen) 
make their appearance. In some examples the following phenomenon 
was observed : the protoplasm thus exposed to direct contact with the 
water suddenly retreated into the spore again, then slowly commenced 
to emerge as before and shrank back suddenly again. This was re- 
peated several times before the protoplasm escaped as two myxameebee. 

In other cases, it may be observed that, in a few minutes after the 
appearance of the two nuclei, there are two amoeboid masses of proto- 
plasm in the spore, one of which slowly emerges, followed soon after- 
wards by the second one. Thus, in fig. 15 the spore had developed 
the protuberance at 11.40: this ruptured at 12.10, and the naked 
protoplasm rapidly withdrew as if it had sustained some shock on con- 
tact with the environment: at 12.22 one of the myxamcebe was seen 
slowly emerging (the other one of the two having escaped about one 
minute previously was now slowly creeping about on the surface of 
the spore) and at 12.24, when nearly completely emerged, it suddenly 
withdrew into the spore, as if some shock had irritated it. At 12.26 
it protruded again, and in the course of the next minute escaped as a 
free myxamoeba. During the course of the next few minutes both 


the myxameebee slowly moved about the field, each with a clearly 
marked nucleus and a slowly pulsating vacuole, and at 12.32 each of 
the active myxamoebz began to come slowly to rest, and rounded 
itself off as a cyst. At 1.37 the two spherical cysts were lying in the 
same places and their vacuoles only making extremely feeble pul- 
sations at very long intervals : shortly afterwards they had completely 
come to rest—a condition I shall have more to say about shortly. 

It occasionally happens that the process of germination is even less 
normal than in the case mentioned above. The drawings in fig. 16 
will illustrate this, and I may describe these before proceeding to offer 
some explanation of both sets of phenomena. In this case the spores 
were sown at 4 p.m., and left to germinate during the night: at 10-30 
next morning many of them were germinating, and the figures were 
drawn from one that was watched without intermission during the 
next two hours. At 10.46 one of the spores (fig. 16, a) emitted its 
contents bodily as a spherical mass of hyaline naked protoplasm, in 
which were numerous very fine bright granules, and a large well-formed 
nucleus: during the course of the next quarter of an hour several 
(2 to 4) small vacuoles kept making their appearance and very slowly 
pulsating (fig, 16, 6), and a feeble “frothing,” so to speak, of the 
protoplasm went on (fig. 16, c) until about 11.20, the granules and 
nucleus slowly changing their positions at the same time. At 11.26 
(compare the figures bracketted fig. 16, d) three faint lines made their 
appearance in the mass of protoplasm, and these disappeared in about 
half a minute as quickly as they had come, the slow movements and 
“frothing” still continuing: at 11.33 a feebly marked line appeared 
half way across the protoplasm, and this, too, only lasted for about 
half a minute. Five minutes later (e, fig. 16) not a trace of these 
lines could be detected ; but at 11.45, in place of the one not very 
conspicuous nucleus seen shortly before, there appeared two nuclei 
imperfectly separated by a line passing about half way across the 
protoplasm (fig. 16, 7): this line also disappeared during the next three 
minutes, but at 12.1 (fig. 16, g) the sphere of protoplasm was unmis- 
takably divided across by a line passing between the two nuclei, and 
two minutes later these two nucleated portions commenced to separate. 
It now became evident that the protoplasmic mass had formed a very 
thin membranous envelope on its exterior, and, in fact, the two masses 
of nucleated protoplasm escaped one after the other (through separate 


apertures) from their envelope, and moved away very slowly as 
myxameebee (fig. 16, 7). 

In the drop of water containing the spores, the germination of which 
has just been described, there were relatively large quantities of organic 
debris, as well as Bacteria and numerous Infusoria and other oxygen 
consumers, and I have very little doubt that what was abnormal in the 
process was due to the want of oxygen caused by these organisms ; 
for although it was impossible to show this directly, subsequent 
experiments proved that an additional supply of fresh water caused 
the dormant myxamoebee to become active again, and I found that 
the more free the cultivations were from Infusoria and Monads 
especially, the longer the myxamoebze tended to be active. Bacteria 
need not be absent, though of course there may be too many of them: 
there are even facts pointing to the conclusion that within certain 
limits the Bacteria not only do no harm, but even serve as food. The 
deprivation of oxygen, then, no doubt accounts for the tardiness of 
some of the processes described; while it seems not improbable 
that the curious phenomena which took place during the germination 
of the specimen to which fig. 16 refers, were connected with nuclear 
division, however difficult it may be to follow the connection in detail. 

It now remains to describe what may be termed the normal process 
of germination which occurs when sufficient precautions are taken to 
avoid an accumulation of oxygen-consuming objects in the cultivation 
and, it may also be added, when the temperature is a little higher than 
before ; I have satisfied myself, however, that the spores can germinate 
normally when the thermometer in the laboratory stands at 18° C, and 
even lower. I will describe the germination first, and the methods 
employed afterwards. i 

On the rupture of the thin-walled papilla (¢. f. figs. 11 and 14) the 
two myxameebee escape very rapidly, and at once begin to move about 
actively, and close examination now shows that each possesses a single 
flagellum—a long, very thin, but tapering, stiff cilium, the free end of 
which is exceedingly flexible—in addition to the evident nucleus, and 
now actively pulsating vacuole. The vacuole slowly expands, taking 
about # of a minute to fill, and then closes with a rapid wink-like action, 
to repeat the process almost immediately. The nucleus offers nothing 
remarkable, so far as I could determine ; it and the fine granules are 
in the more internal portions, and are constantly changing their posi- 
tions as the amceboid movements proceed. The flagellum stands out 


straight and stiff from the scarcely distinguishable ectoplasm, its very 
fine flexible tip swaying to and fro with an irregular swinging move- 
ment, The pseudopodia are small, numerous, and very irregular (fig. 
17a and fig. 18). Very often the myxamceba may be seen to creep 
forward, the flagellum in front, for a short time, and then rather 
quickly to leave go, as it were, of the glass and subside in the drop, 
and at once assume an elongated shape, like that of a club, and steadily 
glide forward, suspended in the water as a “‘zoospore” (fig. 170). This 
zoospore moves with the flagellum projecting stiffly from the front 
pointed end, where the nucleus also is situated ; the pulsating vacuole 
appears to be always at the rounded dilated hinder end. The free swim- 
ming zoospore-form may then come in contact with the glass surface, 
and either assume the ameeboid form and movement at once, or wriggle 
about with quick jerking movements (fig. 17¢d) for a time, and then 
pass again into either the zoospore or the amceboid form. The out- 
lines figured at d for instance are sketches of the forms assumed within 
3 minutes by the same zoospore; while those shown in fig. 18 sufii- 
ciently illustrate the passage to the amceboid condition. 

After a certain time, however, it is noticed that a number of per- 
fectly spherical colourless bodies (fig. 17e) are scattered about the 
field, and as these increase in number the amcebe and zoospores 
diminish : these spheres are encysted myxamcebe, and indeed fig. 17e 
was drawn from a specimen observed to pass over from the zoospore 
to the amoeboid conditions (d), the latter of which then slowly rounded 
off and assumed the encysted state. 

Before describing this and other phenomena, however, I may say a 
few words as to the methods of culture referred to above. It is obvious 
that absolute immunity from foreign organisms cannot be expected 
when the sowing is made from sporangia on the submerged roots of 
Hyacinth, and moreover it could not be supposed that the results of 
germination could be cultivated for any length of time in distilled 
water : nor was such the case in the examples cited above, for small 
quantities of organic matter from the roots and of minerals from the 
solution in which they grew were certainly added during the process 
of sowing. . 

Tn order to obtain as few foreign organisms as possible, and to be at 
least fuirly certain whence they were derived, I employed the following 
precautions. A nutritive solution (that used for growing the Hya- 
cinths in) was prepared in a large test-tube, and a piece of fresh Hya- 


cinth root added: the whole was then boiled. A new close fitting 
cork was fitted and provided with a short bent tube and a long one as 
for an ordinary wash-bottle, but with the following differences. The 
long exit tube dipping below into the solution in the test-tube was 
drawn to a fine capillary end, and the free end of the same tube was 
drawn out very fine indeed and its end hermetically sealed in a flame. 
The short tube had the limb which is placed in the mouth.constricted 
in the middle to a narrow capillary, between which and the mouth a 
plug of cotton wool was fitted. The fused tip was then broken off and 
the whole was ready for use. On blowing gently down the mouthpiece, 
the cotton-wool prevents the passage of spores into the liquid, and the 
fusion of the exit. end, after a minute drop of the nutritive fluid has 
been expelled, effectually prevents spores obtaining access that way. 
The other advantages are obvious, and the highly putrescible nutri- 
tive solution can be employed day after day for the supply of minute 
drops of nutriment to the cultures. While it is not intended to imply 
that such a vessel is absolutely proof against bacteria, it is certainly 
useful in preventing their being added in serious quantities, and can 
easily be quite freed from other spores. 

The next precaution was to sow as few spores of the Myxomycete 
as possible at a time, and this I accomplished by the well known 
method of dipping the needle point, on which the spores to be sown 
adhered, into a drop of pure water, a drop from which was then placed 
in the culture drop suspended in the damp-cell. Certain other more 
obvious precautions may be passed over. The result was that in a 
fair proportion of sowings germination proceeded normally and rapidly, 
and very few bacteria (and no larger organisms) made their appearance 
during the earlier stages; hence the objectionable turbidity was ob- 
viated, and the struggle for existence was considerably in favour of 
the Myxomycete. 

A number of experiments were next made in which the nature of the 
fluid was varied: the following sums up the chief results. Germination 
takes place normally in pure water (unless the temperature is too low, 
or other unfavourable conditions prevail), but the myxamoebee rapidly 
pass over into the dormant condition and encyst. In a purely mineral 
nutritive solution the same results are obtained. If an infusion of 
Hyacinth roots is added to the mineral solution, however, the myxa- 
moebee most evidently flourish, and I have kept them and their 
progeny alive for as long as 16 days in such a solution. Bacteria 


always make their appearance from spores, &c., introduced with those 
of the culture; but, as already said, it is not difficult to exclude 
Infusoria and other relatively large oxygen-consumers, and the myxa- 
moebee seem to flourish so well in the presence of a certain quantity of 
bacteria, that the question naturally suggests itself whether the latter 
do not favour their growth and nutrition, either by breaking up the 
organic matter, or by serving directly as food. This point is not easy 
to decide: in cases where the myxamoebee pass over rapidly into a 
dormant condition in a solution of nutritive substances, it is difficult 
to determine whether a want of oxygen (due to the long-continued 
boiling, &c.) or some other cause is acting, and any manipulation 
introduces risks which only increase the final difficulty. 

For instance, having satisfied myself that something other than pure 
water and minerals was absolutely necessary for the nutrition of the 
myxameosbe, the next question was, is organic matter (derived from 
boiled Hyacinth roots, e.g.) in solution the only other ingredient neces- 
sary? and in the successful cultures one always felt that the answer 
was obscured because there were always bacteria present, and three 
obvious possibilities suggested themselves: (1) the myxameebee might be 
feeding simply and directly on the dissolved substances in the original 
solution ; (2) they might be absorbing substances that only arose after 
the action of the bacteria on the original solution ; and (3) they might 
be chiefly nourished by the bacteria themselves, since they certainly 
envelope bacteria after the usual manner of amoebee. It thus follows 
that my experiments only prove that organic matter in some form is 
necessary for the nutrition and growth of the myxameebze, but do not 
decide in what form it is absorbed. I regard the last question as 
important with respect to any hypothesis as to the animal or vegetable 
characteristics of the ameeboid stage, though a positive answer even to 
this question could by no means be regarded as conclusive of the 
animal nature of the organism, in view of the other facts to hand. 
It may be shortly remarked, in this connection, that the conditions 
of cultivation in my damp-cells must have been remarkably similar 
to those which the myxameebee meet with in the roots on the glass 

vessels. JI may now pass on to the other phenomena observed in the 
life of the myxameebee. 




It is easy to convince one’s self of the fact that the myxamoebee divide. 
I have several times observed this process directly and in detail ; but 
it might also be safely concluded from the fact that in sowings of from 
8 or 9 to 20 or 30 spores, which yielded twice that number of myxa- 
moebee on germination, it was frequently observed that the number of 
myxameebee increased several fold in the course of two or three days. 
In figs. 19 and 20, however, are drawings of the process as actually 
observed-in successful cultures. A myxameeba was detected in the con- 
dition at a (fig. 19) at 10.48, having become extended and slightly 
constricted in the middle, where it was relatively at rest, though 
several small pseudopodia were being protruded and withdrawn at the 
ends. No nucleus was detected, but two pulsating vacuoles were 
clearly visible. Two minutes later the constriction had deepened con- 
siderably, and at 10.52 (two minutes later still) it had cut the mass 
in two (fig. 196 and c), and a nucleus as well as a contractile vacuole 
was observed in each. The two daughter amcebee remained quiescent 
and in contact for a few minutes, and at 11 o’clock were again active 
and moving away. In some cases (fig. 20) the process was varied to 
the following unimportant extent. The dividing myxameeba (fig. 20a) 
was extremely sluggish, and then elongated very slowly as in the 
figure: two nuclei were now observed in it. This was at 1.17 o'clock. 
Division then followed quickly, the nuclei not being noticed during 
the process. The stage d was attained at 1.20, ¢ at 1.22. The two 
separated daughter amoebee remained quiescent for several minutes, 
then slowly moved apart (d) to a very little distance, and then 
encysted. Here again I have reasons for thinking that deficient 
oxygen had to do with the sluggishness noticed in some cases. 

Enoystep SracE.? 
As already stated, the myxamecebee become dormant, round off into 
a sphere, and form a delicate colourless membrane when oxygen is” 
deficient in the culture, or the temperature is very low, or from other 
causes. This deficiency of oxygen may arise simply from the fact that 
the myxamoebze have themselves increased so rapidly by division that 
the supply of oxygen is unequal to their demand ; or it may be due 
to other causes, among which the presence of Infusoria and other 

1 Cf. De Bary, Vergleichende Morphol. und Biol. der Pilze, &c., p. 455.—Zopf, Die Pilz- 
Thiere, p. 10. 
2 Cf, De Bary, op. cit., p. 46, and Zopf, p. 99 


oxygen-consumers is the chief. While not denying that the myxa- 
moebee may be impelled to encyst from lack of food, or when the 
temperature is too low, there is reason for ascribing these dormant 
states chiefly to a lack of oxygen, since the myxamoebe may be re- 
awakened to activity on the mere addition of pure water containing 
oxygen, though the temperature (not too low) remains the same. 
Beyond the fact that such cysts may lie unchanged for 12 or 14 days, 
and then be restored to activity, I do not know how long they retain 
their vitality. 

In fig. 21 (a) is a cyst kept under observation (with seven others) 
for some time: after resting for two days, a minute drop of fresh 
nutritive solution was added, and three hours later it and its com- 
panions were beginning to germinate. The process (¢f. fig, 21 ¢ and d) 
is very simple, the extremely thin membrane opens by a minute pore, 
evidently formed by the myxameeba itself, through which the whole of 
the protoplasmic contents pass out as an extremely active myxameeba, 
which soon shows the presence of a cilium. The pulsating vacuole is 
formed before its escape ; the nucleus is evident all through the dor- 
mant state: the flagellum seems to be protruded after the escape of 
the myxameeba. In some cases the extremely fine colourless envelope 
was dragged for a short distance by the myxameeba, but it soon fell 
off, and the tiny round hole through which the contents had escaped 
could then be detected. Such empty cysts were often to be seen in 
certain cultures which had been allowed to dry up and were then 
wetted, and as they increased the number of encysted myxamoebee 
decreased. Moreover, it was by no means difficult to see the process 
of escape of the contents, as in the specimen figured ; I have watched 
the process from beginning to end at least five times. It only remains 
to add that the free myxamoeba may feed, grow and divide, or may 
again encyst, according to circumstances ; or, finally, under certain con- 
ditions, which I have failed to refer to anything external, the myxa- 
moebee may commence to congregate in masses and subsequently form 
plasmodia. I have failed to obtain satisfactory evidence as to the con- 
stitution of the extremely thin wall of the cyst: it is, presumably, 
cellulose, but its delicacy is such that reagents destroy every trace of it 
before one can be-assured of a colour reaction. It is not improbable 
that this encysted stage is far commoner in myxameebe than has 
hitherto been supposed, for the very delicate transparent empty cases 
are almost sure to be overlooked at first. 



THe Puasmopium.' 

On the roots of the Hyacinths on which the sporangia were situated, 
it was not difficult to find larger and more complex amceboid masses 
of protoplasm (fig. 24a) and among the sediment at the bottom of the 
glass cylinder occurred very similar specimens (fig. 246) which, how- 
ever, seemed as a rule less active. Since those on the roots were 
mingled with myxamecebie, bacteria, spores of the myxomycete, and 
sporangia in all stages, it may no doubt be inferred that they are 
the plasmodium produced by the fusion of the myxamobe. The 
inference becomes very near certainty after watching the specimens 
under cultivation. In fig. 22 are drawings of myxamcebe from a 
much larger aggregate which were found in a culture kept under 
observation for 11 days. These myxamocebee were cultivated from 
the spores, and had passed through the stages of division and encyst- 
ment, and by this time outnumbered the original spores at least 
eighty or a hundred to one. They were now moving sluggishly about 
on the glass, and also on the lower surface of the suspended drop of 
nutrient fluid: the nuclei were quite distinct, the vacuoles pulsating 
slowly and at long intervals, and the flagellum appeared to have 
been withdrawn in all cases. It was not until I had seen such 
cases, where the sluggish myxamcebze glide slowly over one another 
for some time, that it became clear that this is a preparatory 
stage to the formation of plasmodia. I then had opportunities of 
examining the process more in detail: as the myxamcebee approach 
more closely to one another, they slowly glide over one another, in 
undoubted contact, but without sticking or blending together in the 
least. It appeared at times as if an extremely delicate investment 
separated them—if such an investment exists, however, it must 
follow every movement of the protoplasm. As fig. 25 shows, some of 
them may still retain the flagellum, but the majority have lost it, and 
all do so eventually: the conditions figured at a to ce (fig. 25) were 
drawn at intervals of 2 minutes, and d 5 minutes after c, to show 
this slow “swarming” process, as it might be termed. 

Later on, after from 12 to 30 hours, several relatively large plas- 
modia were found on the slide, and that these were formed by the 
fusion of the myxameebee was evident from the fact that the process 
was still going on. As shown in fig. 23, larger masses of plasmodium 
were being added to by smaller ones and by myxamebe, which now, 

2 Of, De Bary (op. cit., p. 455), and Zopf, p. 22, for a general description of Plasmodia. 


instead of gliding over the surface stuck to it and were either at once 
drawn in, as it were, or partially separated off and then again became 
part of the larger mass. In some cultures I had as many as eight or 
nine separate plasmodia slowly moving on the glass for two or three 

One of the largest (more than a millimeter in length) is drawn at 
fig. 26, and a description of it will serve once for all. Its changing 
outlines were very irregular: short and long pseudopodia would be 
put forth together or separately, and withdrawn or extended, the fine 
granules (as well as fewer larger ones and nuclei) flowing quickly 
down the central portion. The general hue was a pale dirty yellow, 
the very clear ectoplasm being colourless, in thin parts at any rate. 
There were several or even many contractile vacuoles varying in size 
and activity. Bacteria, spores, empty cysts and other objects were 
frequently observed in the plasmodium, and were also seen to be en- 
veloped by its pseudopodia ; some to be carried into the interior, others 
to become free again as the pseudopodia withdrew. The following 
curious phenomenon was observed more than once. The actively 
moving plasmodium would come to rest in irregular or rounded clumps 
during the night (fig. 27), possibly on account of the lowered tempera- 
ture, and would then spread out again next morning, and move as 
before: this would be repeated—even several times. In other cases 
this dormant condition would last a longer time, and a distinct invest- 
ment (the character of which was not made out exactly) would be 
excreted (fig. 27a and 6) suggesting an effort on the part of the plasmo- 
dium to produce a sporangium.* No undoubted sporangia were formed 
in the suspended drops, however. 

There can be little doubt that external conditions have to do with 
these changes ; but although I have notes on the subject which show 
that at certain stages the myxamoebee collect at the lighted side or on 
the free surface of the drop, while at others they choose the surface 
of the glass generally, and that the plasmodia seem to favour the 
upper regions of the drop, they are too scanty and not sufficiently 
decisive for the purpose of determining the questions which arise. 

The failure to produce sporangia in the above cultures, and the 
observation that the plasmodia tend to the upper regions of the drop, 
however, led me to try the following experiment, which was at any 

» Or they may be the “ macro-cysts” described by Cienkowski in Pericheenia.—Ct. Zopf, 
p. 92. 


rate partially successful. Having cultivated several fairly large plas- 
modia, I inverted the cover-slip (fig. 28c) and suspended vertically 
from a glass filament (/) supported by a cork (e) a piece of fresh clean 
Hyacinth root (4) so that its tip plunged into the drop (d) containing 
the plasmodia. The whole was then placed within a larger damp 
chamber, and the root kept thoroughly wet: in several cases the plas- 
modia crept on to the root, and in one example I believe that a plas- 
modium commenced to form a sporangium. Further than this I was 
not able to go, and so the matter rests for a time, my investigations 
being brought to an end by the pressure of other business. 

It now remains to say what can be decided as to the systematic 

position of this aquatic myxomycete. 


Rostafinski’ divides the more typical Myxomycetes (‘‘Endosporese”) 
into seven groups or “orders,” characterised chiefly by the presence 
or absence of lime in the fructification, the colour of the spores, 
presence or absence of a capillitium and columella, &c. According 
to this classification the present Myxomycete would be included under 
Rostafinski’s order VI. Calcaree, and of the four “tribes” into which 
these are divided, we may at once discard the fourth, Spwmariacee, on 
account of the columella there present. If the nature of the deposits 
of calcium carbonate—in crystals or amorphous—is really to be 
regarded as important, which may well be doubted, then the tribes 
Cienkowskiacee and Physaracee may be also put aside as not 
including the present species, and we are limited to the Didymiacee. 
But here there is also a columella, and so on; the fact being that the 
aquatic myxomycete I have described would, if certain characters were 
insisted on, impel us to connect two or more of Rostafinski’s “ tribes.” 

If we now follow the classification proposed by Zopf,? we may at 
once discard the first group of his extended system—the Monadinew — 
for, although they are usually aquatic, they form no true plasmodia. 
Turning to the Humycetozoa, which Zopf characterises as “ Lafthewohner” 
however, there are three sub-groups to notice ; the first (Sorophorec) 
have no zoospore stage, the plasmodia are not typical, and there are 
other characters which at once exclude the present Myxomycete : the 
third group, comprising the one genus Ceratium, may also be forthwith 

1 Versuch eines Systems der Mycetozoa. (Inaug. diss., Strassburg, 1873.) 
2 Zopf, op. cit., p. 95, 


discarded. Under the second group (Hndosporec) it is not difficult to 
refer our species to the Hndotrichece, characterised by possessing a 
eapillitium which traverses the lumen of the sporangium, and consists 
of solid fibres (“stereonemata”). Here we are limited to two of 
Rostafinski’s “ tribes ””—the Calcariacece and the Amaurocheetacece, and 
a comparison of their characters at once places the present form among 
the Calcariacee. Of the three ‘ families” into which Zopf distributes 
these genera, the second (Didymiacew) seems to embrace the characters 
of our form, and it seems very likely to belong to the genus Diderma, 
having several of the characters of that genus well marked. It is, 
indeed, not improbable that we have here an aquatic form of D. difforme, 
one of the commonest of our Myxomycetes, and if so, we have another 
proof of the all but uselessness of attempting to classify the lower 
organisms, until we know more of their habits under varying con- 
ditions. In any case, some of the facts here described show that 
characters for the description of “genera” and “species” of Myxo- 
mycetes should be chosen very carefully. 



Fig. 1. Sporangia of Myxomycete on the roots of Hyacinth. Natural 

Figs. 2, 3 & 4. Sporangia magnified. o, the yellow border. Figs, 
3 & 4 are attached to the epidermis of the root: the 
spores can be seen within. 

Fig. 5. Portion of wall of sporangium, seen from within, and showing 
places of origin of capillitium. 

Fig. 6. Portion of wail seen from outside, with looser yellow net- 

Fig. 7. Sporangium bursting, and liberating spores. > 

Fig. 8. Burst sporangia, showing capillitium i situ. 

Fig. 9. Spicules of calcium carbonate from walls of sporangium. 

Figs. 10 & 11. Spores commencing to germinate in water. 

Fig. 12. Spores after desiccation, after lying in alcohol. 

Fig. 13. Abnormal and giant spores, drawn in outline only. 

Figs. 14, 15 & 16. Spores germinating, in various stages (wde pp. 
74 seq.) 

Fig. 17. Myxamcebee and zoospores which have emerged from the 
spores. Each has a cilium, contractile vacuole, and 

Fig. 18. A myxameeba sketched at short intervals. 

Figs. 19-20. Division of myxamceba: stages at short intervals. 

Fig. 21. Germination of an encysted myxameeba. 

Fig. 22. A group of myxameebee. 

Figs, 23—24. Plasmodia resulting from the fusion of myxameebee. 

Fig. 25. Myxameebee prior to their fusion into plasmodia. 

Fig. 26. A large plasmodium. 

Fig. 27. Resting condition of plasmodia previous to the formation of 
sporangia. ; 

Fig. 28. Apparatus used for cultivation of plasmodia (vide p. 84). 
a, glass slip ; 4, fibulous paper cell; c, cover slip; d, drop 
of water containing myxameebee and plasmodia ; e, a cork, 
supporting (h) a piece of Hyacinth root by means of the 
glass rod f. 

H.Marshall Ward, del. 

Plate Ill. 

= F. Huth Lith? Edin? 




By A. Mityzs Marsuatt, M.A., D.Se., Professor of Zoology in Owens 
College ; and W. Baupwin SPENCER, of Owens College. 

[Prates V—VI.| 

The investigations recorded here were undertaken in the first instance 
for the purpose of controlling certain determinations published by one 
of us in a previous number of this journal’ concerning the cranial 
nerves of Elasmobranchs. To this end we have carefully re-examined 
the specimens upon the investigation of which the former account 
was based, and have, in addition, made a large number of new 
preparations, illustrating more especially the later stages of develop- 
ment—stages m to Q of Balfour’s nomenclature.” 

During the course of our work so many altogether new and unex- 
pected points were brought to light, that we soon found it necessary 
to widen considerably the scope and limits of our investigations, and 
have finally been led to attempt a complete account of the development 
of the cranial nerves from stage K to the adult form, and to endeavour 
in this way to connect together directly the accounts previously given 
of the early stages® with the descriptions of the nerves of adult Elas- 
mobranchs published by Stannius,* Gegenbaur,’ and other anatomists.° 

1 Marshall, ‘‘On the Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” ‘ Quart. 
Journ. Micr. Sc., Jan., 1881, pp. 71 seg. Future references will be to this paper unless 
otherwise specified. 

® Elasmobranch fishes, pp. 79 and 80. 

5 Balfour, op. cit. Marshall, loc. cit. 

* Stannius, ‘Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische,’ Rostock, 1849. 

5 Gegenbaur, “Die Kopfnerven von Hexanchus,” ‘Jenaische Zeitschrift,’ Bd. vi. 

. © Hsp. Jackson and Clarke, ‘‘ The Cranial Nerves of Echinorhinus spinosus,” ‘Journal 0 
Anatomy,’ vol, x. 


Owing to defective supply of materials, our observations on the 
stages earlier than K are too fragmentary to be relied on ; this we greatly 
regret, inasmuch as many features in the early stages are of extreme 
importance, and would well repay thorough investigation. 

In the present paper we propose to confine ourselves to the 
consideration of the preauditory nerves, reserving the postauditory, 
which present many features of peculiar interest, for a future occasion. 

Our investigations have been conducted almost exclusively by means 
of sections of hardened embryos of Scylliwm, and, as on former occasions, 
we have found a mixture of chromic and osmic acids superior to any 
other hardening agent. For the specimens from which our best 
preparations have been made we are indebted to the courtesy of the 
managers of the Southport Aquarium ; our thanks are also due to 
Mr. A. J. Moss, of Owens College, for his gift of a fine specimen of 
Mustelus, as well as for valuable assistance in connection with the 
literature of our subject. 

Tue THirD (OcuLomoror) Nerve.—We do not propose to deal in the 
present paper with either the olfactory or optic nerves, inasmuch as 
the former has been already fully described,t while concerning the 
latter we have nothing new to communicate ; we therefore commence 
with the third or oculomotor nerve. 

Concerning the development of this nerve we have very little to add 
to the account given in the paper already referred to.2 At stage L it 
arises from the base of the mid-brain, not far from the mid-ventral 
line, by a large posterior ganglionic root and by several smaller anterior 
ones clearly distinguished from the former by possessing no ganglion 
cells. The nerve itself runs backwards as a long slender stem to the 
interval between the first and second head cavities (fig. 10, 1—2), 
where it expands into a ganglionic swelling (fig. 10, cg.) wedged 
in between the tops of the two cavities. From this ganglion the two 
main branches of the third arise ; of these the upper one (fig. 15, m1 4), 
at a rather later stage, supplies the rectus superior and rectus internus 
muscles, whilst the lower one (fig. 15, m1 ¢c), runs down behind the 
rectus inferior, and ends in the obliquus inferior muscle (fig. 15, 0.2.). 
At stage K, at which our observations commence, the third nerve has 
the same point of origin and the same relation to the head cavities ; 

1 Marshall, ‘‘ Morphology of Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” ‘Quart. Journ, Micr. Sc.,’ 
July, 1879, pp. 300 seq. : 
2 Marshall, loc. cit., pp. 78 seq. 


it differs from the condition described above chiefly in not possessing 
anterior non-ganglionic roots, and in not having its terminal branches 
fully developed. At stages later than N the nerve seems to arise from 
the base of the mid brain by a single large ganglionic root, no smaller 
non-ganglionic ones being visible (fig. 14, 11), though at stage n itself 
they are very prominent (fig. 13, 11). 

Besides the branches of the third nerve, mentioned above, there are 
two others in direct connection with the ganglion cg.: of these the 
first, at stage L (fig. 10, W.c.), is a short nerve, which lies along the 
top of the second head cavity and serves to connect directly the 
ganglion c.g. of the third nerve with the Gasserian ganglion at the 
root of the fifth. 

The second (figs. 10, 11, and 12, 7) passes straight forward from the 
ganglion e.g. running through the walls of the first head cavity under 
the rectus superior and rectus internus, and through the substance of 
the sclerotic on the inner surface of the eyeball. Passing out from the 
orbit, immediately above the obliquus inferior, it still pursues its 
course straight forward, but becomes more superficial. In the earlier 
stages it crosses the root of the olfactory nerve, with which it lies in 
very close contact : in the later stages (figs. 12 and 15, w) it is rather 
more dorsally situated, and crosses the ophthalmic branches of the 
fifth and seventh nerves at a considerable angle (fig. 12, n), ending 
in the skin at the extreme fore part of the head. After careful and 
repeated examination we have failed to detect any branch given off 
from the nerve at any point of its length. 

At stage K all the above-mentioned branches of the third nerve are 
developed, except the upper branch, to the rectus superior and rectus 
mmternus, which we have failed to detect: the ganglion c.g. is very 
conspicuous, and the nerves V.c. and WV. have the same structure and 
connections as at stage n, the latter of the two stretching forward to 
the extreme anterior part of the head, in the skin at which it ends. 

In the later stages the modifications which the third nerve 
undergoes are merely ones of detail, all the principal branches of the 
nerve being already established, and maintaining their relations prac- 
tically unaltered in the adult. The most important changes concern 
the ganglion c.g.; this, which at stages K and L is a large prominent 
swelling (fig. 10, ¢.g.), in the later stages becomes far less conspicuous, 
and the ganglion cells, instead of being concentrated at one spot, 
occur in small scattered patches at different parts of the nerve. This 


change is seen commencing at stage N (fig. 11, ¢.g.), where the ganglion 
has divided into two main portions, one part retaining its original 
position, whilst the other becomes connected with the nerve J. at 
some little distance from the third nerve; at stage o-p (figs. 14 and 15) 
ganglion cells appear to be constantly present at two well-marked 
points in the course of the third, (1) where the nerve JM. is given off, 
and (2) immediately above the rectus superior. . 

At stages K and t (fig. 10) the angle between the nerves Wc. and JW. 
is very considerable, and this increases in the later stages so much 
that at stage n (fig. 11) the two nerves are almost at right angles to 
one another; at stages later than this the nerve WV. is much more 
difficult to define, whilst owing to the close proximity of the third to 
the fifth nerve it is only with extreme difficulty that the nerve . c. 
can be distinguished at all. 

We find, therefore, that the main stem and the branches 1 6 and 
111 ¢ of stage N become directly the nerves which have the same course 
and relations in the adult. The ganglion c.g. becomes the ciliary 
ganglion of the adult. The nerves WV. and V.c. become directly 
ccentinuous with one another, and together form the nerve known as 
the Ramus ophthalmicus profundus. The discussion of the morphological 
import of these two very remarkable nerves we postpone till after the 
description of the fifth and seventh nerves. 

Tue Fourtu (Patuetic) NeRvE.—Concerning the development of the 
fourth nerve no description has yet appeared, and though our 
observations do not enable us to give a complete account, still, so 
far as they go, they are of so definite a character that we think it well 
to record them here rather than wait for the possibility of completing 
them at some future time. 

The condition of the fourth nerve at stage n is well shown in figures 
11 and 13, of which the former shows the greater part of its course, 
and the latter its root of origin. ‘The nerve arises’ (fig. 13, 1v) from 
the dorsal surface of the extreme hinder border of the mid-brain, so 
far back indeed that very careful examination is necessary to 
determine that its origin is really from mid and not from hind- 
brain. The roots of the two nerves are in close contact on the 
dorsal surface of the brain.» From its root each nerve runs at 

+ Marshall, loc. cit., p. 87, and Schwalbe, ‘Das Ganglion Qculomotorii,” ‘den. Zeit,’ 
Ba, xiii, 


first almost directly outwards, following the curvature of the brain, 
until it comes to lie a very short distance below the surface ; it then 
runs backwards and downwards as a long, straight, and very slender 
nerve (fig. 11, 1v), which very commonly branches early in its course, 
and terminates in the obl/iquus superior muscle. Just before reaching 
the muscle (fig. 11) the fourth nerve crosses the ophthalmic branches 
of the fifth and seventh nerves at right angles, lying at a slightly 
deeper level than these nerves. It also divides into a number of 
branches, of which one or more appear to become connected with 
similar branches from the ophthalmic branch of the fifth, the remainder 
entering the obliquus superior, whilst in the later stages (fig. 16) the 
main nerve is seen to come into very close contact with the two 
ophthalmic branches themselves of the fifth and seventh nerves. 

It will be seen from the above description that the fourth nerve has 
by stage N acquired its adult relations and distribution, and at stages 
o-P (fig. 15) and Q (fig. 16), where it is shown in transverse section, 
it is still the same. In the adult its course, like that of the other 
nerves, becomes altered owing to the varying rates of growth of the 
brain, the skull, and the face; the rapid growth of the skull relatively 
to that of the brain causing the fourth nerve to run some distance 
forward within the brain case before passing out, when, as before 
stated, it runs immediately beneath and in very close contact with 
the ophthalmic branches of the fifth and seventh nerves. 

In attempting to trace the fourth nerve in stages earlier than N we 
have met with considerable difficulties, and have hitherto obtained 
only a moderate amount of success. Atm the relations are the same as 
at N, the sole difference being that the nerve rs more slender than at the 
later stage. At stage L, though we have examined a very considerable 
number of specimens in excellent histological preservation, we have 
as yet recognised the fourth nerve in one specimen only, and even in 
that one not with absolute certainty. In the specimen in question 
the nerve has the same position and relations as at N, but is very 
much more slender, so thin, in fact, as to be almost unrecognisable. 
Earlier than t we have failed, after the most careful search, to find 
any trace of the nerve. 

Though our observations are imperfect they yet seem to point te 
certain conclusions of importance touching the morphology of this 
important nerve. In the first place the fourth nerve is the only one 
in the body which, in the adult, arises from the dorsal surface of the 


brain; it is, therefore, of great importance to notice that from the 
very earliest stage at which we have seen it the point of origin is that 
of the adult nerve.t Inasmuch as the majority of the cranial nerves, 
as well as the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves, arise at jirst from the 
dorsal surface of the brain or spinal cord, it seems natural to suggest 
that the fourth nerve differs from all the rest, not in its mode of 
origin, but in the fact that, whilst all the other nerves shift their 
attachment to a greater or less extent, it alone preserves the primitive 
position of its roots of origin. This shifting of the roots is, in part,’ 
due to the rapid growth of the dorsal part of the brain forcing the 
roots of the two sides from each other; and it becomes of interest to 
notice that the fourth nerve arises from a portion of the brain where 
this rapid growth of the roof does not occur, and where, consequently, 
one cause of the change in the other nerves is absent. 

The fact that the direction of the fourth nerve is at first at right 
angles, or nearly so, to the axis of the part of the head from which it 
arises is of importance, as showing that the fourth nerve comes under 
the category of segmental nerves ;* and inasmuch as there is no room 
as regards visceral arches and clefts for a segmental nerve between the 
third and fifth the fourth would probably be rightly viewed as a 
separated branch of the third—the only other nerve arising from the 

On the other hand, certain other facts in connection with the fourth 
nerve cannot be explained so easily. Thus, segmental nerves not only 
arise from the neural crest ; they also arise early, are from the first 
large, and have ganglia at or near their roots. Now, so far as our 
observations go, the fourth nerve, though it may possibly arise from 
the neural crest, would not appear to arise early, and certainly is not 
at first a large nerve, being of much greater size at stage o-P (fig. 15) 
than at stage N (fig. 11); whilst at stage x, in the single specimen in 
which it has been detected, it is a nerve of extreme slenderness ; 
moreover, at no part of its length have ganglion cells been found—an 
important point of difference from segmental nerves. 

Another curious feature concerning the fourth nerve is that, in our 
embryos, it appears almost constantly to divide close to its root into 
two or even more branches, as is well shown in fig. 11, 1v. These 

1 Balfour, ‘Elasmobranch Fishes;’ pp. 156 and 191. 

2 We say ‘‘in part,” because it will be shown further on in this paper that another process 
contributes greatly to this shifting. 

8 Marshall, ‘‘ Morphology of Olf, Organ,” p. 318, ‘Quart. Journ, Micr, Se,,’ July, 1879, 


again subdivide near their terminations (figs. 11 and 15), but all the 
branches, whether primary or secondary, are distributed to the superior 
oblique muscle, with the possible exception of a few of the smaller 
ones, which appear to join the ophthalmic branch of the fifth: We 
would suggest that this branching may possibly be an indication of 
the fourth nerve having previously had a more extended distribution 
than its present very limited one. 

On the whole, our observations lead us to believe that the fourth 
nerve is to be regarded as a separated part of that segmental nerve of 
which the third nerve forms the main portion. A further suggestion 
concerning the fourth nerve will be made after the seventh nerve hag 
been considered. 

Tue Firrn (TriceminaL) Nerve. —We propose to consider separately 
the roots and the branches. 

A. The roots of origin.—The earliest stage in the development of the 
fifth nerve that we propose to treat of in the present paper is that 
represented in fig. 1, taken from a transverse section through the 
hind-brain of an embryo at a stage intermediate between 1 and x, the 
plane of section passing on the left side through the roots of the 
trigeminal (v). 

As shown in the figure, the roof of the hind-brain is very thin, and 
passes rather abruptly into the much thickened sides. To the top of 
the thickened portion the fifth nerve is attached by a long slender 
root (fig. 1, va). This root passes down alongside the brain, but not 
in actual connection with it, widening considerably as it does so. Its 
inner border follows the curvature of the brain until reaching a point 
about half way down the sides of the neural canal; it then turns 
suddenly outwards, leaving the brain altogether, and forming, as it 
does so, a very conspicuous blunt projection (fig. 1, v 8), which is in 
rather closer proximity to the brain than is the part of the nerve 
immediately above it. The trunk of the nerve then passes outwards 
and downwards, lying just beneath the superficial epiblast, between it 
and the outer wall of the second or mandibular head cavity (fig. 1, 2). 
The whole of the nerve, including its root, consist of closely-packed 
Spherical or polygonal cells, which, like all nerve cells in the early 
stages, stain very deeply with osmic acid, and differ materially in 
appearance from the much less closely arranged mesoblast cells. 

By stage x the root of the fifth nerve has undergone very remarkable 


changes ; as shown in fig. 4, the dorsal attachment (fig. 1, v a) to the 
top of the thickened side of the brain has disappeared completely, and 
the nerve is now attached to the brain at a point about half way down 
the side (fig. 4, v 8), te. at a point exactly corresponding to the 
conspicuous projection (fig. 1, v 2) already described at the earlier stage. 
Immediately beyond the root of origin the nerve enlarges, suddenly, 
and presents a distinct dorsal projection at the base of the secondary 
root of attachment. Although hitherto we have not succeeded in 
following all the intermediate stages, and have not yet obtained 
satisfactory preparations of the stages earlier than that drawn in fig. 1, 
yet we feel justified in putting forward the following explanation of 
the appearances we have just described, relying for our justification 
partly upon the description given by Balfour, and still more on our 
own observations on the development of the roots of the seventh nerve, 
which will be described immediately. 

Balfour has described and figured the fifth nerve as arising at “stage 
a, near the anterior end of the hind-brain, as an outgrowth from the 
extreme dorsal summit of the brain, in identically the same way as 
the dorsal root of a spinal nerve.”* 

He has further described? how, by the growth of the roof of the 
brain, the nerves of the two sides, which at first are in contact dorsally, 
shift their position and become widely separate. His descriptions and 
our own somewhat fragmentary observations on these stages, when 
considered in connection with our much more complete series of 
observations on the seventh nerve, leave no room for doubt that the 
root of origin (v a) shown in fig. 1 is the primary root, the one which 
at stage G was situated at the top of the brain, and which has acquired 
its present position merely in consequence of the rapid growth of the 
roof of the brain pushing its two lateral halves apart, and so separating 
the roots of the nerves. 

Concerning the root of attachment (V @) shown at stage Kk in fig. 4 
there is more room for dispute. Balfour appears to hold® that this 
further change in position is due to the same cause as the former one, 
2.e. to growth of the roof of the brain ; but this explanation, while it 
would fully account for the first change, would in no way explain such 
a shifting of the root down the thickened side of the brain, ag is 

1 Op. cit., p. 191, and Pl. XIV.,, fig. 3. 
2 Op. cit., p. 196. 
3 Op. cit., p. 196. 


clearly seen to have occurred on comparing fig. 4 with fig. 1. We 
believe that what really happens is that about the commencement of 
stage K the nerve acquires a new and secondary connection with the 
brain at the point (v 8) opposite the projection already noticed ; that 
the primary attachment (v a) is lost ; and that the part of the nerve 
left above the secondary root rapidly diminishes and ultimately 
disappears altogether, the slight dorsal projection already noticed in 
fig. 4 being the last rudiment of it. As our arguments in support of 
this view depend almost entirely on our own observations on the 
development of the roots of the seventh nerve, we postpone further 
considersetion of the point till a later portion of this paper. 

At the commencement of stage K then, the fifth nerve arises about 
half way up the sides of the hind-brain by a single large root in which 
ganglion cells are abundant, and opposite to which there is a well- 
marked external bulging of the walls of the brain ;' beyond this root 
the nerve expands suddenly into a very large ganglionic swelling, the 
future Gasserian ganglion. 

Before the close of stage K additional roots appear; a long, slender 
process runs forward from the antero-superior angle of the Gasserian 
ganglion, and becomes connected with the brain some distance in front 
of the main root; in addition to which one, two, or more roots of a 
similar kind appear in intermediate situations. 

These anterior roots of the fifth nerve are well shown at the next 
stage (L) in fig 10, v y, which shows that the fifth nerve at this time 
arises from the brain by three distinct roots, of which the posterior 
one is much the largest, and is the ganglionic root (v /) of fig. 4, while 
the two anterior slender non-ganglionic roots are the new ones. We 
have studied these roots very carefully, but have been unable to 
determine with certainty whether they are outgrowths from the brain 
to meet the ganglion, or from the ganglion towards the brain; dur 
cbservations, however, though inconclusive, tend very strongly towards 
the latter of the two alternatives. It has also occurred to us that 
these new roots may possibly be the original primary root of origin 
(v a, fig. 1), which, after losing its original attachment, has acquired 
a new one lower down ; however, though the dates of the disappearance 
of va and appearance of v y agree fairly well with this hypothesis, 
we have yet no actual observations in its favour, and do not wish to 
lay stress upon it. 

: 1 Marshall, loc. cit., p. 84. 


These anterior roots which, during stage L, may be three or more 
in number, appear in the later stages to be very constantly reduced to 
two, one of which is the most anterior of the original roots while the 
other appears to be formed by the fusion of the intermediate ones. 

This condition at stage N is well shown in fig. 11, vy. Ata stage 
between o and P (fig. 14, vy) they are rather less conspicuous owing 
to the interval between them and the secondary root (v 6) being 
filled up by dense tissue. They are clearly recognisable in the adult, 
and form, as will be noticed more fully further on, the first or anterior 
root of the fifth nerve of zootomists. 

B. The branches of the fifth nerve-—The Gasserian ganglion is, from 
its first appearance, wedged in between the dorsal ends of the second 
and third head cavities in the same manner as is the ciliary ganglion 
between the first and second (fig. 10). From the Gasserian ganglion, 
at stage K, two nerves arise ; of these, one, which runs straight down 
between the second and third head cavities, and then along the 
anterior border of the mandibular arch in front of the ventral portion 
of the cavity in the latter, is the mandibular branch ; and from this, 
a considerable distance below the ganglion, a small anterior branch— 
the maxillary nerve—is given off. The second branch from the 
Gasserian ganglion arises from its anterior inferior angle, runs along 
the top of the first head cavity and joins the ciliary ganglion ; it is 
the communicating branch between the fifth and third nerves already 
mentioned, and forms the proximal part of the ramus ophthalmicus 
profundus of zootomists. 

At stage L a slender branch arises from the anterior superior angle 
of the Gasserian ganglion ; this is the ophthalmic branch of the fifth 
(fig. 10, v a) which runs forward through the orbit dorsal to all the 
eye muscles, giving off branches to the neighbouring parts in its 
course and terminating in the skin of the fore part of the head. One 
other nerve in connection with the fifth remains to be noticed ; this is 
the connecting branch (.c’., fig. 10) between the fifth and seventh 
nerves: this is present at K, at which stage as well as at L it forms a 
very stout though short nerve, running forwards and downwards from 
the seventh nerve, over the top of the third head cavity, to join the 
lower part of the Gasserian ganglion. 

The branches of the fifth nerve at stage N are well seen in figs. 11 
and 12, which have been constructed so that each of them may show 
the whole course and distribution of certain nerves; the’ outlines of 


the figures were drawn, with the camera, from individual sections and 
the branches of the several nerves carefully filled in, again by the aid 
of the camera, from other sections of the same series. In this way 
such a view of the nerve is obtained as might be got from a transpa- 
rent embryo in which the nerves alone stood out as opaque objects. 
To prevent confusion, from the overlapping of different nerves, two 
figures have been given, of which the first (fig. 11) shows the roots of 
the fifth and seventh, the connections of these with one another and 
with the third nerve, the branches of the latter and of the fifth, the 
fourth nerve, and some of the branches of the seventh ; in the second 
(fig. 12) the remaining branches of the seventh, with certain branches 
of the glossopharyngeal are shown, and in addition to these, the whole 
course of the ophthalmic branches of both fifth and seventh nerves. 

The branches of the fifth nerve are seen to be the following: 

1. The ophthalmic branch (v a), which arises by a slightly ganglionic 
root, runs forward over the obliqguus superior (0.s.), crossing, as it 
does so, the fourth nerve at right angles and giving off branches, some 
of which appear to be connected with the fourth. 

2. The communicating branch (M.c.) between the Gasserian and 
ciliary ganglia, the position and relations of which nerve are sufiiciently 
well shown in the figure. We reserve the discussion of this branch, 
merely noticing here that, though we describe it with the fifth nerve, 
it appears to belong to the third quite as much as to the latter. 

3. The main stem of the fifth, running down behind the first head 
cavity (1) and the rectus externus, receiving the communicating branch 
(W.c’.) from the seventh, and after passing downwards and forwards 
for some distance, dividing into two branches, (a) an anterior or 
maxillary nerve (v >) which again gives off numerous branches to the 
skin of the upper jaw; and (6) a posterior or mandibular (v c) which 
runs backwards and downwards, lying in close contact with the outer 
wall of the lower part of the mandibular head cavity (2) and supplying 
it with branches. The distribution of ganglion cells is sufficiently 
shown in the figure; there is a small ganglion at the base of the 
ophthalmic nerve, and the ganglion cells of the main stem extend 
some little distance beyond the point of junction with the communi- 
cating branch from the seventh. 

In figs. 14 and 15 some of these branches (v a, v 6, Vv c) are seen at 
a stage between 0 and P: except that the roots of v and vi are much 
more closely approximated, there is no difference of importance between 



this stage and the earlier one which we have more fully described. 
We have traced all these nerves up to what is practically the adult 
condition, and have identified them with the branches bearing the 
same names in the adult. Our observations show that in the fifth, as 
in the third nerve, all the main branches of the adult nerve are fully 
established by stage L, and that the after changes are comparatively 

A. The roots of origin.—Fig. 2 represents a transverse section 
through the roots of origin of the seventh nerve of an embryo between 
stages 1 and kK, the same, in fact, of which fig. 1 represents the roots 
of the fifth nerve. The nerves (vil) are seen to arise from the 
extreme dorsal summit of the hind-brain, the roots of origin of the 
two (vil a) being continuous with one another across the top of the 
brain. It will also be noticed, as contrasted with figure 1, that 
the two sides of the hind-brain are close together, both above and 
below, and that the cavity of the hind-brain is a mere vertical slit ; 
that, in fact, the growth of the roof of the brain, which we have seen 
is the first cause of the separation of the roots of the fifth, has not yet 
commenced in the part of the brain from which the seventh nerves 
arise. The section further shows that the nerve on either side extends 
down as a somewhat club-shaped mass of compactly arranged polygonal 
cells lying between the external epiblast and the neural canal, but 
distinct from both, its ventral end having a tendency to pass to the 
outer side of the third head cavity (fig. 2, 3), just as the fifth nerve 
passed to the outer side of the second cavity (fig. 1, 2). 

The next stage is represented in fig. 8, a section through the hind 
brain and roots of the seventh nerve of an embryo of stage K, of the 
same age though not from the same specimen as fig. 4. The figure 
shows that very important changes have occurred; the roof of the 
hind-brain has grown rapidly and considerably, so as to separate 
widely the two primary roots of the seventh nerves (vil a). On the 
right side this dorsal primary root is alone seen, but on the left side a 
considerable portion of the nerve is shown, and it is seen that, im 
addition to the primary root (vil a), which is still present, the nerve has 
acquired a new or secondary root (vil 3) about half way down the side 
of the brain. Both roots of attachment are perfectly clear and unmis- 
takeable, while between them the nerve and brain are quite distinet 
from one another, and separated by an appreciable interval. 


If fig. 3, showing the condition of the root of the seventh nerve at 
stage K, be compared with fig. 1, showing the root of the fifth nerve 
at a rather earlier stage, it will be seen at once that there is a very 
close resemblance between the two; the sole point of difference being 
that in fig. 1, though the nerve still retains its primary attachment, 
the secondary has not yet been actually acquired. Balfour’s figures 
and description, already referred to, show that at a still earlier stage 
the fifth nerve has exactly the same appearance and relations which 
the seventh has in fig. 2; and it is mainly on this fact, coupled with 
the close similarity between such specimens as those represented in 
figs. 1 and 3, that we rely in support of the explanation we have 
given above of the root of the fifth nerve. 

Inasmuch as figs. 1 and 2 are taken from the same embryo, it would 
seem that the fifth nerve appears before the seventh, and is, during 
the earlier phases of its formation, just one stage ahead of it in-develop- 
ment, At a time (fig. 1) when the primary roots of the fifth have 
already become widely separated by growth of the brain-roof, and the 
secondary attachment (vy /3) is on the point of being acquired, the two 
seventh nerves (fig. 2) are still in contact with one another across the 
top of the unexpanded brain-roof; and at stage x the seventh nerve 
(fig. 3) is in exactly the same condition as the fifth is at the end of 
stage 1 (fig. 1). 

Our observations appear, therefore, to prove conclusively that as 
concerns the seventh nerve, while the change of position of the dorsal 
or primary root (vi a) is due solely to rapid growth of the roof of the 
brain, the lower or ventral root (vi /5) is a new and purely secondary 

Whilst these results concerning the roots of the seventh are, we 
believe, new as applied to Elasmobranchs, they are in perfect accord- 
ance with the account previously given by one of us of the develop- 
ment of the seventh nerve in the chick, in which the very same series 
of changes--the separation of the primary roots by growth of the 
brain-roof, and the acquiring of new or secondary roots—are shown to 
occur ina precisely similar manner.’ The close correspondence between 
these two very different types of vertebrates is of much interest, partly 

+ Marshall, ‘“‘ Develop. of Cranial Nerves in Chick,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Se.,’ Jan. 1878, 
pp. 34 and 36. 

The prediction there made, that the secondary attachment of the nerves in Elasmobranchs 

would prove on further investigation to be acquired in exactly the same manner as in the 
chick, is now completely verified, 


as tending to confirm the correctness of the account, and partly as 
showing that this curious shifting of the nerve roots, though clearly a 
change of a secondary nature, must yet have been acquired very early 
by Vertebrates. 

The later stages of development of the roots of the seventh also pre- 
sent points of great interest. Fig. 6 represents a transverse section 
through the roots of the seventh nerve in the same embryo, at stage N, 
of which fig. 5 shows the roots of the fifth nerve. The seventh nerve is 
seen to arise on either side by two roots, one (vil a) from the top of the 
side of the brain at the junction of the thickened part with the thin roof, 
while the other (vu (3) arises about half way down the side of the brain. 
Between the two roots the nerve is in contact with the brain, but 
apparently not connected with it. We have traced the intermediate steps 
between figs. 3 and 6, and find that the upper root (v1 a) of fig. 6 is the 
original dorsal or primary root, and the lower one (vir /3) the secondary 
root of fig. 3. In other words, there is an important difference between 
the fifth and the seventh nerves, inasmuch as in the former the primary 
root ts lost and the secondary alone retained, whilst in the latter both primary 
and secondary roots are retained up to stage N, and indeed, as we shall see 
emmediately, throughout life. The difference between the roots of the 
fifth and seventh nerves just noticed does not occur in the case of the 
chick, in which the primary root of the seventh is lost as completely 
as is that of the fifth in Hlasmobranchs.! 

This shifting of the roots of origin and acquiring of a secondary 
connection with the sides of the brain is not confined to the cranial 
nerves. It has already been shown to occur in the posterior roots of 
the spinal nerves of the chick,? and occurs also in the posterior roots 
of the spinal nerves of Elasmobranchs. ‘Tt isa point of much interest 
to note that the seventh nerve, in the retention of its primary as well 
as its secondary root, ts not only more primitive than the fifth, but more 
primitive even than the spinal nerves. ; 

The condition of the roots of the seventh at stage 0 is shown in the 
left-hand side of fig. 9, representing half of a transverse section through 
the hind-brain and roots of origin of this nerve. The two roots, the 
primary (vil a) and the secondary (vii /3), are even more distinct than 
at the earlier stages. The primary root (vil a) arises as before from 

1 Marshall, § Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc.,’ Jan., 1878, pp. 24 and 25. 
? Marshall, ‘On the Early Stages of Development of the Nerves in Birds,” ’ Journal of 
Anatomy,’ vol xi., 1877.” 


the top of the thickened side of the hind-brain just before its junction 
with the thin roof; from this origin the root runs downward, alongside 
of and closely applied to the brain, but unconnected with it, to join 
the secondary root (vu §). This latter is now situated still nearer 
to the ventral surface than at its first appearance, the distance between 
the two roots being considerably greater than at the earlier stages, as 
is evident from a comparison of fig. 9 with fig. 6. The two roots also 
differ histologically, the dorsal or primary root consisting almost entirely 
of elongated fusiform cells, whilst the ventral root (vit 3) is mainly 
composed of spherical ganglion cells. 

This ventral root, at stage 0, has, as shown in the figure, two 
distinct attachments to the brain, one just below the other. It is 
shown in longitudinal and vertical section at stage Nn in fig. 11, where 
the brain presents opposite to its point of origin an external bulging 
precisely similar to that opposite to the secondary root of the fifth 
(v 6). The dorsal or primary root (vil a) is shown at the same stage 
in fig. 12. 

In fig. 14 the two roots of the seventh are seen in longitudinal and 
vertical section, at an age intermediate between stages o and p. The 
dorsal root (vit a) arises very far up the side of the brain, in fact, as 
in the earlier stages, from the junction of side and roof; it is of con- 
siderable length, is widely separated from the secondary root, and still 
consists mainly of fusiform cells ; the secondary or ventral root, which 
is overlaid and almost concealed by the primary root, is only seen 
in part, its most anterior portion alone being visible. 

The dorsal or primary root is also well shown at the same stage in 

fic. 15. 

B. Comparison of the embryonic roots of the Jifth and seventh nerves 
with those of the adult.—It will be convenient here to briefly summarise 
our results concerning the roots of origin of the fifth and seventh 
nerves, and to trace their changes up to the adult form. 

About the close of stage 1 the fifth nerve (fig. 1) still retains its 
primary attachment (v a) to the brain, and is on the point of acquiring 
its secondary one (v 3) ; owing to the growth of the roof of the brain 
the two primary roots, which were at first continuous across the top 
of the brain, are now widely separate. The seventh nerve (fig. 2) 
arises by its primary root from the dorsal summit of the brain, whose 
roof at this point has not yet commenced its rapid growth, so that the 


nerves of the two sides are still directly continuous with one another ; 
there is as yet no trace of the secondary root of the seventh. 

At stage x the fifth nerve (fig. 4) has completely lost its primary 
root and is now attached to the brain by the secondary root alone 
(a B); a slight trace of the former is still present as a small dorsal 
projection on the nerve just beyond the root of attachment. Towards 
the close of stage K, the tertiary or anterior roots have appeared, 
arising almost certainly as outgrowths of the ganglion towards the 
brain ; but whether these are altogether new developments or merely 
new attachments of the primary root is uncertain. The seventh nerve 
(fig, 3) is in the same condition as the fifth at the preceding stage ; it 
is now attached by both primary and secondary roots, the former, 
owing to the growth of the brain-roof, being widely separate from one 

At stage n the condition of the roots is much the same as at the 
end of stage K. The fifth nerve (figs. 5 and 11) is attached by its 
secondary and tertiary roots, the latter being very constantly two in 
number, of which the anterior is the larger and attached to the brain 
some distance in front of the secondary root (v 3). The seventh nerve 
(figs 6, 11 and 12) is attached by both primary and secondary roots, 
the nerve between the two being in contact, but not in connection, 
with the brain ; the secondary root (fig. 11) is divided into an anterior 
or facial, and a posterior or auditory division. 

At stage o (figs 8 and 9) the chief differences are—firstly, that, owing 
to increased growth of the brain, the distance between the primary and 
secondary roots of the seventh nerve is much greater than before ; 
secondly, that the roots of the fifth and seventh nerves, which from 
the first have been quite independent of one another, are now situated 
much closer together than they were at the earlier stages. 

At stage o-P (fig. 14) the two roots of the seventh (vi a and vi f) 
are still further apart from one another, but are now very close to 
those of the fifth, The connection between the two nerves which we 
have already seen is fully established at stage K, and which is shown 
at stage L in fig. 10 (W.c’.) and at stage wn in fig. 11 (Mc’.) is, by stage 
o-P, very much more extensive and intimate than previously. The 
roots of the nerves are still quite distinct from one another (fig. 14), 
but immediately beyond these roots the two nerves become so closely 
and extensively united together that it is impossible to draw a line of 
separation between them, The connection is rendered still more 


intimate by the crossing of one of the branches of the seventh, as will 
be described fully later on, over the main stem of the fifth, so as to lie 
in front of the branches of this nerve. 

The condition of the roots, as of the branches, of the fifth and 
seventh nerves at stage o-p differs but little from that of the adult, 
the sole change of importance as concerns the roots being that the 
ventral roots (v 6 and vit (£) approach still closer together, and come 
into actual contact. 

The primitive distinctness, gradual approximation, and ultimate 
more or less complete fusion of the roots of the fifth and seventh are of 
great interest, as proving that the fusion of these two nerves, so 
characteristic of Pisces and Amphibia, is a purely secondary feature ; 
and that the two are at first as independent of one another in these 
forms as they are throughout life in the higher Vertebrates. 

In adult Elasmobranchs the combined roots of the fifth and seventh 
nerves are usually described together, and the descriptions of different 
observers, though not quite in harmony with one another in certain 
details, yet agree fairly well on the main points. Stannius, whose 
descriptions are the most precise, describes the combined fifth and 
seventh nerves as arising in Plagiostomes by three roots,’ of which one 
is seen on closer examination to be double, giving four roots in all ; 
of these the first, or most anterior one, arises from the ventral surface 
of the medulla by two short non-ganglionic roots, which unite together 
shortly after leaving the brain. This root is in Raja, according to 
Stannius, mainly motor, supplying the muscles by which the respira- 
tory movements of the anterior wall of the spiracle are effected, and 
also certain others in connection with the jaws. The second root of 
Stannius is large, lies posterior to the first, and is in close proximity 
behind with the auditory nerve; it may be distinguished into an 
anterior part which belongs to the trigeminal, and a posterior, more 
ventrally situated portion, which belongs to the facial. The third 
root is very large and much more dorsally situated than the others ; it 
is connected by its deeper fibres with the second root, whilst from its 
superficial fibres are derived, according to Stannius, the ramus ophthal- 
mMACUs superficialis of the fifth, and also, in part, the maxillary and 
buccal nerves. 

Gegenbaur,” in his account of the cranial nerves of Hexanchus, dis- 

1 Stannius, “Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische.” Rostock, 1849, pp. 29 and 30. 
* “Ueber die Kopfnerven von Hexanchus,” ‘Jenaische Zeitschrift,’ Bd. vi, 1871, pp. 
501, 502, and 513, 514. 


tinguishes between the roots of the fifth and the seventh. He describes 
the fifth as arising by the union of two trunks of about equal size, an 
anterior and a posterior; of these the anterior (a) arises from the 
ventral surface of the medulla by two roots situated very close together ; 
the posterior (>) has also two distinct roots, a dorsal one (a) arising 
from the side of the medulla by a large swelling projecting into the 
fourth ventricle, and a ventral one (3) situated immediately above the 
root of the facial, and in front of, and above that of the auditory. 

The seventh nerve in Hexanchus is described as arising by two 
roots, a larger one immediately in front of the auditory, and a smaller 
one passing to it from the fifth. 

Jackson and Clarke! describe the combined fifth and seventh nerves 
in Lchinorhinus as arising by three roots; an anterior inferior root 
(v a), itself with two well-marked rootlets, a second root (Vv /) arising 
by a well-marked superior rootlet from the lobus trigeminus and by a 
smaller inferior one, and a third root (v y and vit) closely connected 
with the second one, 

Balfour? describes the fifth nerve in Scylliwm stellare as arising by 
three roots :—(1) an anterior more or less ventral root; (2) a root 
rather behind this arising by two strands, a dorsal and a ventral, and 
closely connected behind with the root of the seventh ; and (3) a quite 
distinct dorsal and posterior root situated slightly behind the dorsal 
strand of the second root. The seventh nerve is described as arising 
by a single root close to, and behind, the second root of the fifth. 

On comparing these descriptions of adult Elasmobranchs with our 
own observations on embryos and adults we are led to the following 

The fifth nerve in the adult arises by two roots: 

a. An anterior one arising from the ventral surface of the medulla 
by two non-ganglionic rootlets, whose distinctness varies much in 
different adult Elasmobranchs. These rootlets are the tertiary or 
anterior roots of our embryos (figs. 10, 11, and 14, v y). This root 
corresponds to the first root of Stannius; the anterior root (a) of 
Gegenbaur ; the anterior root (v a) of Jackson and Clarke ; and the 
anterior root (1) of Balfour. 

6. A posterior larger ganglionic root, the ventral or secondary root 
of our embryos (figs. 10, 11, and 14, v 6). This is at first quite 

1 “The Brain and Cranial Nerves of Echinorhinus spinosus.” ‘Journal of Anat. and 
Phys.,’ vol. x, p. 81, 

2 Op, cit., pp. 194 and 195, 


distinct from the root of the seventh, but during the later stages of 
development gradually approaches this latter, and in the adult cannot 
be clearly distinguished from it. — 

This root is the anterior part of the second root of Stannius; the 
ventral division (3) of the posterior root (4) of the fifth of Gegenbaur ; 
apparently the inferior rootlet of the second root (v (3) and possibly 
part of the third root (v y and viz) as well, of Jackson and Clarke ; 
and the second root (2) of the fifth of Balfour. 

The seventh nerve in the adult arises by two roots : 

a. A dorsal root arising far up the side of the medulla, at the 
junction of the thickened side and thin roof of the fourth ventricle. 
This root is the primary or dorsal root of the seventh nerve of our 
embryos (figs. 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, and 15, vir a). It has by previous 
observers been almost invariably described as a root of the fifth, and 
never as a true root of the seventh ; owr description and figures here 
given leave no room for doubt that it belongs to the seventh. As already 
noticed, the retention of this root marks the seventh as being more 
primitive than the spinal, and possibly more so than any of the other 
cranial nerves, all the other nerves apparently retaining their secondary 
roots only. 

This root is the third or dorsal root of Stannius ; the dorsal rootlet 
(a) of the posterior trunk (0) of the fifth of Gegenbaur ; the superior 
rootlet of the second root (v 3) of Jackson and Clarke ; and the dorsal 
and posterior root (3) of the fifth of Balfour. 

6. A ventral root arising from the side of the medulla at a rather 
lower level than the posterior root of the fifth. This is the secondary 
or ventral root of the seventh of our embryos (figs. 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 
15, vir 6). The auditory nerve is at first derived from this root, but in 
the adult appears to be more distinct from the facial than is the case 
in the embryo. This root is, at first, some little distance behind the 
secondary one (v 5) of the fifth nerve (figs. 10 and 11), from which it 
is perfectly distinct; in the later stages the two roots gradually 
approach one another (fig. 14), and in the adult are usually in close 

This root is the posterior part of the second root of Stannius; the 
root of the seventh of Gegenbaur ; part or possibly the whole of the 
third root (v y and viz) of Jackson and Clarke; and the single root of 
the seventh of Balfour. 

It would appear, therefore, that the fifth nerve loses its primary 


root, retains its secondary, and acquires tertiary roots, while the 
seventh retains both primary and secondary. Concerning the fourth 
nerve we would suggest the possibility that it may prove to be the 
primary root of a nerve of which the third nerve is the secondary root, 
which has, in this case, acquired complete independence. 

c. The branches of the seventh nerve-—At stage K the seventh nerve, 
which, as we have already seen, has acquired its secondary as well as 
its primary roots of origin (fig. 3), expands below the secondary root 
into a large ganglionic swelling lying immediately behind the third 
head cavity. From this enlargement three branches arise: (1) from 
the anterior and superior angle of the ganglion a large nerve with a 
ganglionic base arises, and runs forward along the dorsal surface of the 
head, lying just beneath the superficial epiblast ; this is the ophthalmic 
branch of the seventh, and is referred to in our figures as VII a. 

(2) The second branch, which is also large, and has a ganglionic 
base, arises from the front part of the ganglion immediately below the 
root of the ophthalmic ; its deeper portion runs forwards and slightly 
downwards over the top of the third head cavity and becomes con- 
nected with the main stem of the fifth; it is referred to in the figures 
as Vic’. The more superficial portion passes on further forward in 
the same direction, crosses the mandibular arch, and enters the 
maxillary process, lying immediately superficial to the maxillary nerve 
and just beneath the external epiblast ; it is referred to in the figures 
as VII d. 

(3) The third branch is the direct continuation of the main stem 
of the facial nerve; it runs downwards and backwards along the 
anterior border of the hyoidean arch, and is the rudiment of the 
posterior or hyoidean branch of the seventh in the adult ; it is referred 
to in the figures as VII ¢. 

Of these branches the first, or ophthalmic, is from its earliest 
appearance connected with the dorsal or primary root of the seventh 
rather than with the ventral root. The second branch is the most 
remarkable of the three ; its deeper portion forms, as we have seen, a 
direct connection between the fifth and seventh nerves, a communi- 
cation which appears to be very early established, inasmuch as by 
stage K the connecting branch is already a nerve of considerable size ; 
the superficial portion of this branch (vm d@) is noteworthy, mainly on 


account of its very close relation with the maxillary division of the 
fifth nerve. 

At stage L the only changes of importance are, (1) that the several 
branches have increased in size, and, excepting the branch vir d, which 
has a very straight course and ends abruptly in the skin, have 
divided into secondary branches near their terminations ; and (2), that 
a small anterior branch has arisen from the hyoidean nerve (vii c), 
some distance from the brain, which runs forward over the top of the 
spiracular or hyomandibular cleft, and then down in the anterior wall 
of the spiracle, «e. in the posterior portion of the mandibular arch ; 
this branch will be referred to as vir 0. 

The several branches of the seventh nerve at stage N are well shown 
in the diagrammatic figures 11 and 12. The ophthalmic branch (v1 a) 
is seen in fig. 12 arising from the base of the primary or dorsal root 
(vir a) as a stout nerve, which expands very shortly after its origin 
into a large somewhat fusiform ganglion, beyond which the nerve rung 
forward as a stout trunk to the extreme anterior part of the head. 
Throughout its course it lies just beneath the external epiblast, and 
immediately dorsal to the ophthalmic branch of the fifth (v a), with 
which it is in very close relation ; like this latter nerve it gives off 
branches along its whole course to the integument of the neighbouring 
parts, the branches being few in number at the proximal end, and 
much more numerous distally. A short distance before its termination 
this nerve, like the ophthalmic branch of the fifth, is crossed at a 
considerable angle by the nerve J (fig. 12). 

The connecting branch (N.c’.) between the seventh and fifth nerves 
is well seen in figs. 11 and 12; it is now shorter and wider than at 
stage u (fig. 10), and contains very numerous ganglion cells along its 
whole length. 

The superficial portion of this nerve (vir d) is not shown in fig. 11, 
but is represented along its whole length in fig. 12; it is a stout nerve 
with a remarkably straight course; it gives off no branches at all 
along the greater part of its length, but near its distal termination 
divides rather suddenly into a number of branches, which end in the 
integument of the maxillary process, the most anterior of them 
extending forwards almost as far as the hinder border of the olfactory 
pit. The relations of this nerve to the maxillary branch of the fifth 
are very curious ; the two nerves are very close together, the branch 
of the seventh lying, as at the earlier stage, immediately superficial 


to-that of the fifth. These relations are well seen in the transverse 
section drawn in fig. 6. This shows, as already noticed, the primary 
and secondary roots of the seventh, and also the proximal portion of 
the nerve vir d. This nerve is seen to be a direct continuation of the 
primary root ; its inner, or deeper, portion is seen on both sides to 
become continuous with the maxillary branch of the fifth (v 6), the 
junction of the two forming the connection between the fifth and 
seventh nerves already noticed. Beyond this point of union the nerve 
vu d is continued downwards, lying immediately superficial to the 
maxillary nerve (v b). The two nerves preserve this relation up to 
their terminal distribution, two of the ultimate branches being 
represented in figure 5 (v 6 and vid). This very remarkable branch 
of the seventh puzzled us greatly for a long time, and it was only 
after working out the whole history of its development up to stage q 
that we succeeded in determining its import. The nerve has already 
been described and figured by one of us,! and named tentatively the 
palatine. This determination now proves to be erroneous ; the palatine 
is a deeply placed nerve, whereas the nerve vu d retains its superficial 
position in the adult. 

This nerve (vi d) we have now identified as the buccal nerve, the 
proof of this determination, consisting in our having traced the nerve 
directly up to the adult. The buccal nerve has always hitherto been 
regarded as a branch of the fifth, and is described as such by Stannius,* 
Gegenbaur,? Jackson and Clarke,‘ Balfour,> and others. Stannius® 
points out that the buccal nerve in fishes is very variable ; that it may 
either arise from the main stem of the fifth, from the maxillary or the 
mandibular, or from both these nerves, or, finally, may be absent 

Up to stage n, as shown in figures 6, 11, and 12, the buccal nerve 
is clearly a branch of the seventh, and could not possibly be taken for 
a branch of the fifth. After stage nN, however, the connection between 
the roots of the fifth and seventh nerves becomes, as we have seen, 
very much more intimate; and at the stage between o and P, 
represented in fig. 14, the buccal nerve (vit d), which is now situated 
completely in front of the maxillary (v 6), might very easily be taken 

1 Marshall, loc. cit., pp. 86, 87; and Pls. V, fig. 15, and VI, figs. 28 and 29. 
2 * Handbuch der Zootomie,’ p. 158. 

3 Loc. cit., p. 509. 

* Loc cit., p 86. 

5 Op. cit., p. 195. 

® “Das Peripherische Nervensystem,’ pp. 41 and 42. 


for a branch of the fifth rather than of the seventh ; careful examina- 
tion shows, however, that the buccal, which is, as before, the most 
superficial of all the ventral branches, can be traced up to the dorsal 
root of the seventh from which it arises, as in the earlier stages. 

This origin of the buccal nerve from the root vir a has already been 
noticed by Stannius,? who, however, as we have seen, did not refer the 
root in question to the seventh. Stannius’ figure of the nerves in 
Chimera? shows clearly the very superficial position of the buccal 
nerve and its independence of both maxillary and mandibular nerves. 

Of the remaining branches of the seventh the anterior one (v1 6) is 
shown in fig. 11 at its origin, arising from a large ganglionic swelling 
on the main or hyoidean branch of the seventh, and running forward 
in close contact with the top of the spiracle (sp.), in front of which it 
divides almost at once into two branches, the distribution of which is 
shown in fig. 12; of these the anterior one (vii pa) runs downwards, 
forwards, and inwards, giving off numerous branches to the roof of the 
mouth, In fig. 12 the anterior branches of this nerve appear to cross 
the posterior branches of the buccal, but it must be borne in mind 
that at this point the two nerves are at very different levels, the 
buccal being very superficial and the nerve (vi pa) lying very deep. 
This latter is seen in transverse section in fig 7, which shows, on the 
right side, its origin from the ganglion, and, on the left, its distribution 
to the mucous membrane of the mouth. By comparing this figure with 
fig. 6, the difference of levels between the two nerves will be at once 
apparent. This anterior branch (vit pa) is the palatine nerve ; it has 
already acquired by stage wn its characteristic distribution, and under- 
goes no further change of importance from this period up to the adult 

The second or posterior division (fig. 12, vu sp) of the nerve (vi 6) 
runs downwards and slightly backwards along the anterior border of 
the spiracular cleft ; it gives off branches along the whole of its length, 
the great majority of which run backwards to the mucous membrane 

of the border of the cleft and to the spiracular branchia. This nerve, 

which at this stage is of about equal size with the palatine, is the 
spiracular or pree-spiracular nerve of zootomists. 

The only branch of the seventh still left for description is the main 
trunk or hyoidean branch (fig. 11, vi c), which forms the direct 

1 Loc. cit., p. 30. 
® Loe. cit., Taf. 1, fig, 


continuation of the main stem of the nerve. This, as is seen from 
fic. 11, arises from the ventral or secondary root of the seventh, and 
is at its origin closely connected with the auditory nerve (viii). 
Immediately after the auditory nerve leaves it, the facial forms a 
ganglionic swelling from which the communicating branch (JV.c’.) to 
the fifth nerve is given off; beyond this point it is continued for a 
short distance as a stout nerve with comparatively few ganglion cells ; 
this very speedily dilates into the large ganglionic swelling on the 
top of the spiracular cleft, from which the anterior branch (vu |) is 
given off. The main stem of the seventh (vi ¢) continues its course 
downwards, running along the anterior border of the hyoid arch and 
very close to the posterior border of the spiracular cleft; during this 
part of its course it contains few or no ganglion cells, but gives off a 
number of branches, of which the first is the largest, from its posterior 
border, which supply the muscles derived from the wall of the third 
head cavity (3). A short distance below the lower edge of the 
spiracular cleft the nerve divides into two branches, of which the 
anterior (vi c’.) runs forward along the lower border of the mandibular 
arch, sending numerous branches to the integument of this part and 
extending forward so as to come into very close relation with the 
posterior branches of the maxillary division of the fifth (vb). The 
posterior of the two branches (vii ¢, 2) into which the seventh divides 
continues the direction of the main stem, and runs down in the hyoid 
arch just in front of the third head cavity, in the terminal dilatation 
of which it ends. Of these two terminal branches of the seventh, 
the anterior, sensory, and superficial one is the ramus mandibularis 
externus of Stanniust and Gegenbaur,? while the posterior, muscular, 
and deep branch is the vamus mandibularis internus v. profundus of 
the same authors. Both these branches have already acquired, by 
stage N, not only the characteristic distribution of the adult nerves, 
but nearly all the minor branches as well. 

To recapitulate ; we find that by stage n the seventh nerve has 
acquired all the important branches of the adult nerve, the main 
trunks and many of the branches being fully developed at a much 
earlier period—stage t. The seventh nerve at stage n has two roots, 
a dorsal or primary, and a ventral or secondary. From the dorsal root 
(vil a) arise two branches: (1) the ophthalmic (vi a) and (2) the 

1 Loc. cit., p. 65. 
® Loc, cits, p. 514, 


buccal (vir d), both of which appear to be purely sensory nerves, 
The connecting branch (J.c’.) to the fifth nerve, though it appears 
in longitudinal section (fig. 11) to be a distinct branch, in transverse 
sections (fig. 6) seems to be only the deeper portion of the buccal 
nerve. From the ventral root arises the main or hyoidean branch 
(vit c), from which the branch vir 6 runs forward over the top of the 
spiracle, dividing, almost immediately, into the palatine (pa) and 
spiracular (sp) nerves, whilst the hyoidean itself divides distally into 
the sensory ramus mandibularis externus (v ¢, 1), and the motor ramus 
mandibularis internus (Vv ¢, 2). 

Tue SrxtH (Aspucens) Nerve.—Concerning the development of the 
sixth nerve our observations simply confirm the account already given 
by one of us." 

The whole length of the nerve is shown in longitudinal and vertical 
section in fig. 13 (v1), where it is seen arising from the base of the 
brain by a number of small non-ganglionic roots which unite to form 
a slender nerve ; this nerve runs forwards a short distance, then turns 
downwards, pierces the investing mass (7.v.), and ends in the posterior 
extremity of the rectus externus muscle (7.¢.). 

Fig. 7 shows the sixth nerve in transverse section at the same stage 

(x): on the left side of the figure the termination of the nerve in the 

rectus externus is seen; while on the right side, which is taken from a 
more posterior section, one of the roots of origin isshown. This figure 
shows that the roots of the sixth are considerably nearer the mid- 
ventral line than are the secondary roots of the seventh nerves, and 
also that the sixth and seventh nerves are quite independent of one 
another. At stage n the sixth nerve appears to be altogether behind 
the seventh, but in stage o it is situated rather further forwards, so 
that the same section may pass through the roots of both nerves. 

We have not yet detected the sixth nerve in embryos younger than 
stage L: concerning the morphological value of this nerve we adhere 
to the opinion already expressed that it is to be viewed as bearing the 
same relation to the seventh that the anterior root of a spinal nerve 
does to its posterior root. 

Tue Ercutu (Aupitory) Nerve.—This nerve also we can dispose of 
briefly : at stage K it appears as a large ganglionic posterior branch of 
1 Marshall, loc: cit,, pp: 89=—93 


the seventh nerve, given off immediately beyond the root of origin. It 
is from the first connected with the ventral or secondary root (vu /3). 
The condition at stage L is shown in fig. 10 (viz). At stage Nn (fig. 11) 
its root, though still intimately connected with that of the facial, 
shows a very evident line of separation from it; the ganglionic 
character of the auditory nerve placing it in marked contrast with 
the non-ganglionic root of the facial. This distinction between the 
two roots becomes more marked in the later stages. 

GENERAL CoNSIDERATIONS.— Several questions of a more general 
character arise out of the facts we have recorded above, and we pro- 
pose to conclude the present paper with a brief notice of the more 
important of these. The problems in connection with the roots of 
origin of the nerves have been already sufficiently discussed, so that 
we at once turn to the consideration of their branches, concerning 
which the most important points are the determinations of the equiva 
lence of the branches of the different nerves to one another. 

We commence with the ophthalmic branches of the fifth and seventh 
nerves, the branches named v a and vil a in our figures. These two 
nerves, whose course and relations are well shown in figs. 11 and 12, 
accompany one another very closely along their whole length; they 
appear to be both sensory nerves, their branches being distributed 
exclusively to the skin of the top and front of the head, and more 
especially to the mucous canals of these parts. Of the two nerves the 
branch of the fifth nerve (v a) is the smaller and the more ventrally 
placed of the two: though the smaller, its branches are, especially in 
the earlier part of its course, more numerous than those of the seventh. 
The two nerves in their course through the orbit le dorsal to alt 
the other contents of the orbit. They are at first quite distinct from 
one another (figs. 11 and 12) and lie close beneath the external 
epiblast (fig. 5, vit a); the branch of the seventh being the more 
superficial of the two. In the later stages of develépment, as in the 
adult, the two nerves lie in very close contact with one another 
(fig. 16, v a and vi a), the branch of the seventh lying immediately 
dorsal to the branch of the fifth ; they also, as shown in fig. 16, lie at 
a deeper level than at the earlier stages. 

The fourth nerve bears, as already noticed, a very close relation to 
these branches. As shown in figs. 11 (iv) and 16 (iv) it crosses the 
ophthalmic branches at right angles, lying at a slightly deeper level 


but turning outwards immediately beneath them, to end in the 
superior oblique muscle (0.s.). At the point of crossing the branches 
of the two nerves are in very close relation with one another, and we 
are inclined to believe that a communication exists between the fourth 
nerve and the ophthalmic branch of the fifth at this point, though we 
have failed to determine this with certainty. 

In determining the morphological value of these ophthalmic branches 
of the fifth and seventh nerves, very valuable evidence, by which we have 
been much influenced, is afforded by the condition of the glossopharyn- 
geal nerve. This nerve, at stage L, gives off, just beyond its root of 
origin, a slender dorsal branch (fig. 10, 1x a), which, at first passing 
upwards and backwards, soon curves round the hinder end of the 
auditory vesicle (awd.), and reaching the dorsal surface of the head, runs 
forward a short distance, lying immediately beneath the superficial 
epiblast. It gives off branches along its whole course, which are 
distributed, as shown in the figure, to the integument of the top of the 
head. At stage N this nerve (fig 12, 1x @) has the same course and 
appearance, the only differences being that it extends rather further 
forwards than at the earlier stage, so as to reach some distance 
in front of the middle of the auditory vesicle; and, secondly, 
that its branches are now seen to be in connection with the 
commencing mucous canals of this region. This branch of the 
ninth nerve is clearly the ramus dorsalis, and an examination of 
the figures 11 and 12 will, we think, leave no doubt that the nerves 
vu a and va, which have a similarly superficial course and a like 
distribution to mucous canals, must be viewed as the equivalent 
branches of the seventh and fifth nerves. We are, therefore, led 
to adopt the view put forward by Balfour, that the ophthalmic 
branches va and vita of the fifth and seventh nerves are the rami 
dorsales of these nerves.1 Stannius and Gegenbaur speak of the ophthal- 
mics as ram dorsales, but refer them entirely to the fifth. 

What the causes are which have led to the very marked extension 
forwards of the ramz dorsales of these nerves is not very evident; we 

1 In my paper on the head cavities of Elasmobranchs I abandoned the view previously put 
forward (‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc.,’ Jan., 1878, p. 30), that the ophthalmics were persistent 
remains of the commissure connecting together the roots of the nerves at their first appearance, 
but did not expressly adopt the view that they were rami dorsales. I have been led to adopt 
this view mainly because it now appears that, instead of being perfectly exceptional in 
their course, as I had previously supposed them to be, the ophthalmics merely express an 

exaggerated condition of a state of things shown ina less extreme form by the ramus dorsalis 
of the glossopharyngeal.—A. M. M, 



would suggest that it is due mainly to an extension forwards, and 
accumulation at the anterior end of the head, of the special tegumentary 
sense organs— the mucous canals—,this extension forwards involving 
a corresponding extension of the nerves supplying these organs; in 
connection with this suggestion it is of interest to note that no one of 
the nerves in front of the fifth sends any branches to these organs. 
Whether there is any trace of a ramus dorsalis to the third is very 
doubtful ; at any rate the fourth nerve cannot be the ramus dorsalis 
of the third, as its course is at right angles (fig. 11) to the rami dorsales 
of the fifth and seventh nerves ; and, secondly, it is a motor and not a 
sensory nerve. 

We now come toa far more intricate problem, viz, the import of 
the connecting branches between the third, fifth, and seventh nerves, 
with which it will be convenient to consider the nerve J. (figs. 10, 11, 
12, and 15). 

These three nerves, V.c., /.c.’, and JV, all appear very early ; we 
have failed to determine the date of their first origin, but by stage kK 
they are fully established. The posterior one (WV.c’.), connecting the 
fifth and seventh nerves together, is the most difficult to investigate, 
owing to its appearing from the first as merely the deeper portion of 
the buccal nerve (fig. 6); in longitudinal sections, however, it appears 
very distinct (fig. 10). It is from the first much shorter than 
either of the other two nerves we are considering, and in the later 
stages (fig. 14) and the adult condition, owing to the close approxi- 
mation of the fifth and seventh nerves, ceases to be visible as a dis- 
tinct trunk, 

The second of the three nerves .(N.c., figs. 10 and 11) forms, as 
already noticed, a direct connection between the Gasserian ganglion of 
the fifth and the ciliary ganglion (c.g.) of the third nerve, and is much 
more slender than W.c’. Concerning the nerve in question, it is of the 
utmost importance to notice that not only is it fully established at the 
stave at which our observations commence, but that it ts from the very 
Jirst a connecting nerve, and that there is no reason whatever in the early 
stages for considering it as belonging to the fifth rather than to the third 
nerve. We have, therefore, in this paper given it a perfectly neutral 

The last of these nerves, JV.,.is still more remarkable ; like the others 
it is present at K. Starting at this stage from the ciliary ganglion it 
runs in an almost perfectly straight course to the anterior end of the head, 


ending abruptly in the external epiblast, and gwing off no branches 
whatever. At stage L it is in very close relation with the olfactory 
nerve, and in some specimens seems to be connected with it, though 
we cannot speak with certainty on this point. 

Ag soon as the eye muscles are established they have very definite 
relations to this nerve; the rectus superior and internus, and the 
obliquus superior lying above it, and the remaining three muscles 
below it (fig. 11). It also passes through the substance of the sclerotic, 
as noticed in a former portion of this paper. 

Concerning the morphological significance of these nerves, bearing 
in mind their very early appearance and the total absence of evidence 
for regarding them as branches of either of the nerves they serve to 
connect, we are disposed to view the nerves WV.c. and JV. c’. as per- 
sistent portions of the neural ridge between the outgrowths to form 
the third, fifth, and seventh nerves, and as being, therefore, homologous 
with the primitive commissure connecting the posterior roots of the 
spinal nerves together.!. As to the nerve WV. we are in much more 
doubt; its apparent connection with the olfactory nerve at L, if 
confirmed, would tell in favour of its being regarded as a similar com- 
missure between the third and olfactory nerves, and would greatly 
support views previously advanced by one of us concerning the mor- 
phological value of the olfactory nerve.? On the other hand, the 
extension forwards of the nerve JV. beyond the olfactory nerve to the 
extreme anterior end of the head must, for the present, be regarded 
as almost conclusive against its commissural nature. Jn this case tt 
can only bea branch of the third nerve, for the only other nerve with 
which it is in direct, or indirect, connection is the connecting nerve 
(N.c.) between the third and fifth, which, if it does not belong to the 
third, there is at any rate no reason for referring to the fifth. 

In the adult Scyldium this nerve retains the relations to other nerves 
which it has clearly acquired by stage N ; it is described in the adult 
by Schwalbe® as “dieser scheinbare Zweig des Oculomotorius.” In 
Mustelus Schwalbe -describes it as a branch of the fifth, We much 
regret that we have had no opportunity of studying the development of 

1 For these commissures in Elasmobranchs, vide Balfour, op. cit., pp. 158—160, and 
Pl. XI, fig. 18, and Pl. XIV, fig. 15b. In the chick, Marshall, ‘Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc.’, Jan., 
1878, Pl. III, figs. 27 and 28. 

? Marshall, ‘ Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc.,’ vol. xix, pp. 300 seq. 

5 Schwalbe, ‘Das Ganglion Oculomotorius,’ p. 16, 


this nerve in Mustelus: should it prove to arise as in Scyllium, then 
it must definitely be regarded as a branch of the third. 

As we have already pointed out, the nerves Vic and J. together 
make up the ramus ophthalmicus profundus of zootomists, a nerve 
which seems to have escaped Balfour’s notice both in the adult and in 
the embryo. Balfour does, indeed, in his description of the nerves of 
the adult Scylliwm, speak of a ramus ophthalmicus profundus, but 
inasmuch as he says concerning it that “this latter nerve arises from 
the anterior root of the fifth, separately pierces the wall of the orbit, 
and takes a course slightly ventral to the superior ophthalmic nerve, 
but does not (as rs usual in Hlasmobranchs) run below the superior rectus 
”1 it is clear that he is describing 
the ophthalmic branch of the fifth and not the true profundus, whose 
existence he has overlooked. There appears to be considerable con- 
fusion in the use of the terms ramus ophthalmicus superficialis and 
ramus ophthalmicus profundus by different writers, a confusion 
which our observations on Scyllium may help to remove. We find, as 
already stated, three perfectly distinct nerves to which the term 
ophthalmic nerve can be, and is, applied ; of these the two dorsal ones 
(v a and vit a of our figures) are the rami dorsales of the fifth and 
seventh nerves, and may be spoken of as the ophthalmic branches of 
the fifth and seventh nerves respectively. Both these nerves are very 
superficial along their whole course, and both lie dorsal to all the eye 

and superior oblique muscles of the eye, 

muscles and other contents of the orbit. The two nerves are at first 
perfectly distinct, but in the adult unite more or less closely together, 
the extent of their union varying much in different Elasmobranchs, 
The two together constitute the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis. 

The third of the ophthalmic nerves, the ramus ophthalmicus pro- 
fundus, has a very different course, and is of a totally different nature ; 
it is formed in Seyllxwm by the union of the connecting branch between 
the fifth and third nerves (WV.c.) with the branch n of the third nerve. 
It is very definitely characterised by its course ventral to the superior 
rectus, superior oblique, and internal rectus muscles ; by its close relation 
with the inner wall of the eyeball ; by the fact that the ciliary ganglion 
is either in its trunk or is connected with it directly ; by its having at 
first no branches, and by its close connection with the olfactory nerve. 

We believe that the ophthalmicus superficialis and ophthalmicus 
profundus always maintain these relations ; that the profundus, which 

1 Op. cit., p. 194: the italics are our own. 


is clearly the nasal nerve of Mammalia, is a primitive and very con- 
stant nerve, and that it never shifts its position so as to lie dorsal to 
all the eye muscles, as supposed by Balfour. 

The two divisions of the ophthalmicus superficialis, on the other 
hand, appear to be very variable indeed in different Vertebrates ; 
they attain their maximum development in the Elasmobranchs, pro- 
bably on account of the great development and importance of the 
organs they supply—the mucous canals. In Mammalia the ophthalmic 
branch of the fifth is represented by the frontal and lachrymal nerves, 
while the seventh nerve has no ophthalmic branch. 

It would hardly be profitable to discuss the various descriptions of 
these nerves by different writers; we will merely point out here that 
Schwalbe! clearly distinguishes the three ophthalmic nerves. He calls, 
as we have done, the ophthalmic branches of the seventh and fifth 
nerves together the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis, distinguishing the 
component parts as portio major (VII a) and portio minor (Vv a) respec- 
tively. He also employs the term ramus ophthalmicus profundus in the 
Same sense ay we have done. Balfour, who was the first to clearly 
recognise the double nature of the ophthalimcus superficialis, is in error 
in calling the lower portion of it (v a) the ophthalmicus profundus, 

Concerning the other branches of the nerves in question, there can 
be little doubt that the hyoidean branch (vir c) of the seventh and the 
mandibular branch (v c) of the fifth are homologous nerves, supplying 
respectively the anterior walls of the hyoidean and mandibular arches ; 
and there appear to be good reasons for viewing the nerve (111 c) as the 
corresponding branch of the third.? All the three nerves in question 
are either mainly or exclusively motor in function. 

The seventh, like the hinder cranial nerves, forks over a visceral 
cleft—the spiracle. As shown in figs. 11 and 12, there are two 
branches of the seventh which run down in front of the spiracular 
cleft, viz., the buccal (vit d) and the mandibular (vi 6), which latter 
divides almost at once into the palatine and spiracular nerves. The 
history of their development and a comparison of the branches of 
the seventh with those of the glossopharyngeal (1x. fig. 12), leave no 
possible room for doubt that of these the mandibular branch (vir 6) is 
the homologue of the anterior branch (1x 6) of the glossopharyngeal. 

1 Das Ganglion Oculomotorius,” ‘ Jenaische Zeitschrift,’ Bd, xiii., pp. 11 seq. 
2 Marshall, loc. cit., p. 88. 


This latter nerve (1x 0, fig. 12) extends very far forwards in the 
hyoidean arch, being in this respect very closely imitated by the 
palatine nerve (vil. pa), so that we are disposed to regard the whole 
of the mandibular division (vir 6) of the seventh, ¢.e. both palatine 
and spiracular nerves, as together equivalent to the anterior or 
hyoidean branch (1x 0) of the glossopharyngeal. . 

Balfour’ describes the mandibular branch of the seventh as being 
large in the embryo, so large, in fact, that he feels difficulty about 
identifying it with the adult spiracular nerve. His figures, however, 
show perfectly clearly that what he describes as the mandibular branch 
of the seventh is really the nerve we have shown to be the buccal.? 

The maxillary nerve (v 6) is, from its time and mode of development, 
almost certainly to be regarded as the true anterior branch of the 
fifth corresponding to the mandibular branch of the seventh, although 
in the absence of a visceral cleft in this region this determination can- 
not be considered absolutely proved. Whether there is any equivalent 
branch of the third nerve is very doubtful; at any rate no such branch 
can be pointed out with certainty. 

There now remains for consideration the buccal nerve, the deter- 
mination of which, as a branch of the seventh, is one of the most 
striking points we have brought to light. Whether this remarkable 
nerve has any homologue among the branches of the fifth is a point 
our investigations have not yet enabled us to determine. It is, 
perhaps, worth while pointing out that there are many points of 
resemblance between this nerve and the ramus ophthalmicus profundus, 
points of sufficient importance to render a comparison between the 
two nerves at any rate a possible and suggestive one. In each case 
the proximal portion of the nerves in question connects together 
directly the ganglion of one segmental nerve with that of the nerve 
next in front, while the distal portion passes forward into the segment 
anterior to that in which the main branches of the nerve are con- 
tained. The early origin, the curiously straight course, and the 
absence of branches until close to their termination, are features 
common to the two nerves, and ones in which they stand in marked 
contrast to most other branches. The deep course of the profundus 
as contrasted with the very superficial one of the buccal nerve may 
perhaps be attributed to the great development of the eye: in front 

1 Op. cit., p. 202. 
2 Op, cit,, Pl. XIV, fig. 2 and fig. 15 a. 


of the orbit the profundus is a superficial nerve, and, like the buccal, 
is purely sensory in its distribution. 

On the other hand, it must be noticed that, as already pointed out, 
the evidence is distinctly in favour of the distal portion of the profun- 
dus (beyond the ciliary ganglion) being a branch of the third rather 
than of the fifth nerve. Another point of distinction between them 
lies in the fact that the former (the profundus) is distributed to what 
is morphologically the dorsal surface, while the buccal supplies the 
ventral surface. 

In the present paper we have purposely refrained from attempting 
to determine the homologies between the nerves of Scyl/iwm and those 
of other vertebrates, preferring to wait until, by the study of the 
development of other types, we are enabled to bring forward positive 
evidence in support of our determinations. 

In conclusion we would express the hope that, by working out the 
development of the roots and branches of the cranial nerves in a very 
typical vertebrate, and following these roots and branches through 
their subsequent changes up to their adult condition, we have rendered 
more practicable than has hitherto been the case comparisons between 
the descriptions of embryos and of the corresponding adult animals, and 
have contributed something towards the establishment of comparative 
neurology upon a firm and satisfactory basis. 




All the figures are taken from sections of Scyllium embryos. 
Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 13, were drawn from single sections. 
Figures 7 and 9 each represent two sections, the right hand half of 
the figure being in both cases taken from a section a short distance 
posterior to that represented in the left hand half. The remaining 
figures, viz. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17, are of a diagrammatic nature, 
each being constructed by combining a number of sections from the 
same embryo; in these, as in the other figures, the outlines were 
drawn by means of a Hartnack camera. 

The numbers attached indicate, in diameters, the magnifying power 

Alphabetical List of References. 

aud., auditory vesicle; Br. 1, first branchial arch; c¢g., ciliary 
ganglion ; er., cerebellum; 4.0., hind-brain; Hy., hyoid arch; znf., 
infundibulum ; 2., lens; m., muscle; m.6., mid-brain ; m.c., mucous 
canal ; J/n., mandibular arch ; n., notochord; J., nerve from ciliary 
ganglion to fore part of head, forming the distal portion of the ramus 
ophthalmicus profundus; N.c., communicating branch between third 
and fifth nerves, forming the proximal part of the ramus ophthalmicus 
profundus; N.c’., communicating branch between fifth and seventh 
nerves; 0.¢., optic cup; 0.2, obliquus inferior; olf., olfactory pit ; 
0.8., obliquus superior; pit., pituitary involution from mouth; me. 
rectus externus; 1r.2., rectus inferior;, rectus imternus; 1.s., 
rectus superior ; spr., spiracle, or hyomandibular cleft ; 1, first head 
cavity ; 2, second head cavity; 3, third head cavity; 1, olfactory 
nerve ; I, optic nerve; 111, third, or oculomotor nerve; 11 0, branch 
of third nerve to rectus superior; 1 c, branch of third nerve to 
obliquus inferior ; 111 B, 1 secondary root of 11; 11 y, anterior roots 
of 11; Iv, fourth nerve, or patheticus ; V, fifth, or trigeminal nerve ; 
va, ophthalmic branch of fifth nerve ; vd, maxillary branch of fifth ; 
vc, mandibular branch of fifth ; v a, primary dorsal root of fifth ; v , 
secondary root of fifth ; v y, anterior, or tertiary roots of fifth ; v1, 
sixth, or abducens nerve ; vil, seventh, or facial nerve ; vil a, oph- 
thalmic branch of seventh nerve; vir 6, mandibular branch of seventh ; 
vil pa, palatine division of mandibular branch ; vit sp, spiracular 


division of mandibular branch; vit c, hyoidean branch of seventh ; 
viel, ramus mandibularis externus, or branch of hyoidean to 
mandibular arch ; vic 2, ramus mandibularis internus, or terminal 
branch of hyoidean to walls of third head cavity ; vm d, buccal branch 
of seventh ; vila, primary, or dorsal root of seventh; vit SB, secondary 
root of seventh ; vii, eighth, or auditory nerve ; 1x, ninth, or glosso- 
pharyngeal nerve ; 1x a, ramus dorsalis of ninth nerve ; 1x 6, hyoidean 
branch of ninth; 1x ¢, branch of ninth to first branchial arch ; x, 
tenth, or pneumogastric nerve; x 0, anterior branch of tenth nerve 
in first branchial arch. 

Figs. 1 & 2. Transverse sections through the hind-brain of a Seyllium 
embryo, intermediate between stagestandK. x 90. 

Fig. 1, showing dorsal (primary) and ventral (secondary) roots 

of fifth nerve ; also the second or mandibular head cavity, 

Fig, 2, showing origin of dorsal (primary) roots of seventh 
nerve from neural crest; also the third or hyoidean head 

Figs. 3 & 4, Transverse sections through the hind-brain of an embryo 
of stage K. x 90. 

Fig. 4, showing the fifth nerve, arising by its ventral or secon- 
dary root alone. 

Fig. 3, showing the dorsal and ventral roots of the seventh 

Figs. 5 to 7. Transverse sections through the hind-brain of an 
embryo of stage n. x 20. 

Fig. 5, showing the ventral roots of the fifth nerves, the 
ophthalmic branches of the seventh nerves, and the ter- 
minations of the maxillary branch of the fifth and the 
buccal branch of the seventh nerve ; also the first head 

Fig. 6, showing the dorsal and ventral roots of the seventh 
nerve, the buccal branch of the seventh aud maxillary 
branch of the fifth, and the connection between these two 
nerves ; also the second head cavity. 

Fig. 7 shows on the left side the ventral root of the seventh 
nerve, the termination of the sixth nerve in the rectus 
externus, the mandibular branch of the fifth nerve, the 


second head cavity, and the termination of the palatine 
branch of the seventh nerve. On the right side, which 
represents a more posterior section, are shown the origin 
of the sixth nerve, the auditory nerve and vesicle, the 
palatine branch of the seventh nerve, and the second 
head cavity. 

Figs. 8 & 9. Transverse sections through the hind-brain of an embryo 
of stageo. x 17. 

Fig. 8, showing the ventral root of the fifth nerve; also the 
optic nerves and infundibulum. 

Fig. 9, on the left side shows the dorsal and ventral roots 
of the seventh nerve, and the terminal branches of the 
buccal and maxillary nerves ; on the right side the audi- 
tory vesicle, the seventh nerve with its hyoidean branch, 
and the termination of the palatine nerve. 

Fig. 10. Longitudinal and vertical section through the head 
of an embryo of stage u. The outline is from one section, 
while the details have been filled in from several consecu- 
tive sections in order to show the roots of the fifth and 
seventh nerves, the relations of the third, fifth, and 
seventh nerves to the head cavities, and the connections 
of these three nerves with one another. The figure also 
shows the glossopharyngeal nerve with its ramus dorsalis, 
and its hyoidean branch. x 20. 

Figs. 11 & 12. Diagrammatic longitudinal and vertical sections 
through the head of an embryo of stage N; as in the 
preceding figure the outline was drawn from one section, 
and the details from other sections of the same embryo. 

The two figures together show the roots and all the branches, 
with their terminal distribution, of the fifth and seventh 
nerves, the connections of these nerves ‘with one another 
and with the third nerve, the principal branches of the 
third nerve, and the course and distribution of the fourth 
and ninth nerves, at stage n. No single section could 
show all or even the greater number of the parts repre- 
sented in either of these figures, as they lie at very 
different levels. x 25. 


Fig. 11, drawn to show the whole course and relations of the 
fifth nerve and its connections with the third and seventh 
nerves. The figure also shows the fourth nerve, and the 
terminal distribution of the hyoidean branch of the seventh. 

Fig. 12 shows the whole course of the seventh nerve and its 
branches, with the exception of the hyoidean branch 
(shown in the preceding figure); also the course and 
distribution of the ninth nerve, and certain branches of 
the fifth and tenth nerves. 

Fig. 13. Longitudinal and vertical section through the head of an 
embryo of stage n; the figure, which is taken from two 
consecutive sections, shows the origin and main trunk of 
the third nerve, the root of the fourth, and the roots, 
course, and distribution to the rectus externus of the sixth 
nerve. x 20. 

Figs. 14 & 15. Diagrammatic longitudinal and vertical sections 
through the head of an embryo of an age intermediate 
between stages o and Pp. x 15. 

Fig. 14 shows the roots of origin of the third, fifth, and 
seventh nerves together with the course and distribution 
of certain of their branches and the mutual connections 
between these three nerves. 

Fig. 15 shows the dorsal root of the seventh nerve, the 
ophthalmic branches of the fifth and seventh nerves, the 
ramus ophthalmicus profundus, the fourth nerve, the 
maxillo-mandibular branch of the fifth, and the buccal and 
palatine branches of the seventh. 

Fig. 16. Transverse section through the head of an embryo of stage 
Q, shortly before the period of hatching. Shows the origin, 
course, and distribution of the fourth nerve, and its close 
proximity to the ophthalmic branches of the fifth and 
seventh nerves. x 10. 

Fig. 17. Diagrammatic longitudinal and vertical section through the 
head of an embryo of stage n. Shows the position and 
arrangement of the segmental cranial nerves. x 20. 

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By A. Mines Marspatt, I.A., D.Sc, Fellow of St. John’s College, 
Cambridge ; Beyer Professor of Zoology in Owens College. 

[The references are to Plates V & VI of the preceding paper.] 

Whether the nerves arising from the brain are directly comparable to 
those taking their origin from the spinal cord, and, if so, to hoy many 
pairs of the more symmetrically arranged spinal nerves the cranial 
ones are equivalent, are questions which have attracted the attention 
and exercised the ingenuity of many of the greatest anatomists, 
and which have been answered in the most varied senses by the 
different writers who have attempted to grapple with their difficulties, 
So long as the problems were attacked from the morphological side 
alone, as was the case with all the earlier attempts to solve them, the 
answers obtained were vague, inconclusive, and mutually contra- 
dictory ; but since the clear light of embryology has been directed 
upon them, the clouds of uncertainty have been to a very considerable 
extent dispersed, and there is now, especially amongst those who have 
most recently dealt with these questions, a very considerable and 
satisfactory agreement as to the main outlines of the answers to be 
given, although in many points of detail there is still much dis- 
crepancy between the several accounts. 

The present paper is an attempt to set forth the actual position of 
these problems, and the leading phases through which they have 
passed in their gradual maturation. In preparing it I have made 


use of the investigations of others, so far as known to me, as well as 
of my own published in this Journal and elsewhere." 

HistoricAL SKetoH.—The older writers relied exclusively on 
anatomical evidence in dealing with the problems before us, and 
their determinations were rather of the nature of guesses than logical 
endeavours to grapple seriously with the difficulties encountered. 
Moreover, in the great majority of cases their judgment was influenced 
in a very prejudicial manner by preconceived ideas on the morpho- 
logical constitution of the skull. 

Inasmuch as these older theories are all based on the same 
arguments, and differ from one another only in points of minor 
importance, it will be sufficient to take one of them and examine it 
critically. For this purpose I select the theory advanced by Stieda, 
the most recent, indeed the only recent, advocate of the views in 

Stieda,? in attempting to solve the problem of the segmental value 
of the cranial nerves, commences by stating that as he accepts Oken’s 
theory that the skull consists of three vertebree, the number of pairs 
of segmental cranial nerves must necessarily be two; viz. a pair 
leaving the skull between the first and second skull-vertebre on either 
side, and a pair emerging between the second and third skull-vertebre, 
the nerves passing out between the skull and the first cervical 
vertebra being universally considered, when present, the first pair of 
spinal nerves. 

Having in this very summary manner determined the number of 
segmental cranial nerves, Stieda proceeds to divide the nerves actually 
present into two groups in accordance with this determination. He 
first rejects the nerves of special sensation, z.e. the olfactory, optic, 
and auditory, on the ground that embryology shows them to be really 
parts of the brain, and therefore not directly comparable with the other 

Concerning the remaining nine pairs of nérves still left for 
consideration, he holds that the most reliable evidence is afforded 
by the fact that zm certain groups of animals some of these nerves do 
not arise independently from the brain, but are represented by branches of 
other nerves. 

1 A list of the works consulted is given at the end of this paper. 
2 Stieda, Studien tiber das centrale Nervensystem der Wirbelthiere, Leipzig, 1870. Separate 
Abdruck wus der Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologic, Bd. Xx,, p. 166, seq. 


Reasoning from these data, Stieda comes to the conclusion that the 
component factors of his first cranial segmental nerve are the third 
or oculomotor, the fourth or trochlear, the fifth or trigeminal, the 
sixth or abducent, and the seventh or facial nerves ; and that of these 
the third, fourth, sixth, and seventh nerves, and the motor root of 
the fifth together represent the anterior or motor root, while the 
sensory portion of the fifth nerve is the representative of the posterior 
or sensory root. In support of these conclusions he adduces the 
following arguments :— 

1. That the three eye-muscle nerves and the facial nerve may 
sometimes be replaced by branches of the trigeminal,’ and therefore 
may be considered as belonging primarily to that nerve. 

2. That the three eye-muscle nerves, the facial nerve, and the portio 
minor of the trigeminal behave with reference to their origin from the 
brain like the anterior roots of the spinal nerves; the portio major 
of the trigeminal, on the contrary, like a posterior root: meaning by 
this, the relations of the nerves in question to the nuclei of origin 
within the substance of the brain. 

The second or posterior cranial segmental nerve he considers to be 
made up of the ninth or glossopharyngeal, the tenth or vagus, the 
anterior roots of the eleventh or spinal accessory, and the twelfth 
or hypoglossal nerves; the ninth, tenth, and anterior roots of the 
eleventh making up the posterior root, and the twelfth nerve represent- 
ing the anterior or motor root, the main grounds of determination being 
the same as those relied on in the case of the supposed first nerve. 

I have quoted Stieda at some length mainly in order to direct 
attention to the nature of the evidence on which he attempts to solve 
the question. The main points on which he relies are contained in 
the passages I have italicised above, viz., (1) that the nerves of special 
sense are contrasted with the other cranial nerves as being, properly 
speaking, parts of the brain and not nerves in the strict sense of the 
word; and (2) that in certain groups of animals one or more of the 
cranial nerves may lose their more uswal independent character and 
appear as, or be replaced by, branches of some other nerve; and 
further, that this is to be taken as indicating that the nerves in 
question were originally branches of this other nerve, and that thew 
independent origin from the brain, when it does occur, is a secondarily 
acquired feature. 

* All the cases in which this replacement is alleged to occur will be discussed later on in 
this paper; 


Now these two points are of primary importance, forming, as is at 
once seen, the whole basis of Stieda’s argument; and in relying on 
them he is very far from standing alone. Indeed, until some five or 
six years ago, their correctness has been assumed, either tacitly or 
explicitly, by the great majority of those who have dealt with the 
question, including some of the most eminent anatomists of the time, 
such as J. Miiller,! Arnold,*? Langer,’ Gegenbaur,* and, though in a 
somewhat less positive manner, Huxley.’ I direct attention to this at 
once, because we shall find further on that there are very strong 
reasons for holding that neither of the points in question is really 
correct. Ihave taken Stieda as the most recent representative of a 
school to which C. V. Carus, Arnold, Buchner, J. Miiller, Langer,® and 
many other prominent anatomists belonged, a school which attacked 
the problem of the segmental value of the cranial nerves by first 
determining perfectly independently the number of segments or 
skull-vertebree in the head, a determination made as a rule on very 
insufficient and often purely fanciful grounds, and having thus 
decided the number of segments, and therefore of segmental nerves, 
proceeding to apportion the several nerves to these segments, usually 
in a very arbitrary manner. The writers named above differ, indeed, 
in the number of head-segments they respectively adopt, but agree in 
the principle on which they work, viz., determining the number of 
segmental nerves from that of the supposed segments or vertebrae composing 
the skull. 

Stannius was the first to deal with the question in a more philo- 
sophical spirit, and to attempt to determine the number of segmental 
nerves by a direct study of the nerves themselves. The results of his 
investigations’ are contained in his invaluable treatise on the Peripheral 
Nervous System of Fishes published in 1849. He leaves the three 
nerves of special sense out of consideration for the same reason aé 
Stieda and the other anatomists we have mentioned, «¢, that they 
are rather parts of the brain than true nerves. He also omits the 

1 Joh, Miller, Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen, 1844, p. 631. 

2 Arnold, Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, 1851, Bd. ii. pp. 880-834, 

+ Langer, Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, 1865, p. 429. 

4 Gegenbaur, ‘‘ Uber die Kopfnerven yon Hexanchus,” Jendisene Zeitschrift, Bd. vi. 1871, 
pp. 648-551. 

6 Huxley, Vhe Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, 1871, pp. 71-74. 

© An excellent summary of the views of these and other writers on the segmental value 
of the cranial nerves will be found in Stieda’s paper already quoted. They all agree in 
principle with the account given above, the differences being merely in points of detail. 

7 Stannius, Das peripherische Nervensystem dev Fische, Rostock, 1849, pp, 125-131, 



eye-muscle nerves, remarking that any attempts to homologise them 
with spinal nerves “encounter insuperable difficulties on account of 
their peculiar origin, their absence of ganglia, and their exclusive 
distribution to the muscles of a sensory apparatus, which are in no way 
comparable with the muscles of the vertebra.” The remaining nerves, 
however, Stannius deals with in a very complete and masterly manner. 
He considers that the fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth nerves are each 
equivalent to a spinal nerve, and compares in detail both the roots of 
origin and the branches of these nerves with those of the spinal nerves. 

Stannius was also the first to point out the very important relations 
of the ventral branches of these segmental cranial nerves to the 
visceral arches. In the essay quoted above he shows how each visceral 
arch is supplied by two branches belonging to different nerves, one 
running along its anterior border, and one along the posterior. He 
points out how the first branchial arch is supplied along its anterior 
border by the glossopharyngeal nerve, and along its posterior by the 
vagus ; how the remaining branchial arches are supplied by the vagus, 
each arch by branches from separate stems; how the hyoid arch is 
supplied in front by the hyoidean branch of the facial nerve, and 
behind by the anterior branch of the glossopharyngeal; how the 
mandibular arch has the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve 
along its anterior border, and along its posterior the anterior branch 
of the facial, which he identifies as the chorda tympani of Aves and 
Mammalia; and finally, how the upper jaw is supplied by the 
ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the fifth nerve. 

He concludes this portion of his treatise with the following very 
suggestive sentence -—“Hence it follows that the number of the 
ventral branches of each cranial nerve, and the number of the 
spinal-like (segmental) cranial nerves is not determined so much by 
the number of the skull-vertebre as by that of the visceral arches.” 

In thus stating that the number of segmental cranial nerves was 
no longer to be determined by preconceived ideas concerning the 
composition of the skull, but by direct examination of the nerves 
themselves, Stannius rendered an invaluable service to morphology. 
Had he, indeed, gone one step further; had he been able to completely 
disabuse his mind of this notion of skull-vertebree which was exercising 
so pernicious an influence on the zoologists of the day, he would have 

1 Stannius, op, zt. p, 181 



anticipated by more than twenty years Gegenbaur’s announcement? 
of that theory of the vertebrate skull which has since, with some 
slight modifications, been accepted almost universally. 

While the school of morphologists we first dealt with determined 
the number of the segmental nerves by that of the skull-segments, 
Stannius showed conclusively that there was no relation whatever 
between the two, but that ‘there was a very definite and remarkable 
one between the segmental nerves and the visceral arches. Gegenbaur 
went a step further, and, starting with the segmental nerves and 
visceral arches, determined from them the number of head-segments, 
thus completely reversing the order of proceeding of the older school. 

Gegenbaur is sometimes credited with being the first to establish 
the relations of the cranial nerves to the visceral arches, a determination 
which, as we have seen, had been already made by Stannius. The 
often quoted table of the cranial nerves given by Gegenbaur,? contains, 
in fact, nothing that had not been already pointed out by Stannius, 
except an attempt to rank the labial cartilages as visceral arches, an 
attempt which has not met with general acceptance. Gegenbaur’s 
real merit consisted in pointing out that the ideal number of skull- 
vertebree, as determined by Oken and other “transcendental anato- 
mists,” was to he left out of consideration altogether ; that the evidence 
offered by the cranial nerves and visceral arches was to be accepted in 
full, and was to be taken as the basis for determining the number of 
segments in the head; and that the vagus nerve was, from the fact 
of its supplying more than one visceral cleft, to be considered as 
equivalent to more than one segmental nerve, and to be regarded as 
formed by the fusion of a certain number of primitively distinct nerves, 

Thus it has come to pass that the cranial nerves, while formerly 
considered of very subordinate importance, are now recognised as 
affording a very valuable and reliable clue to the solution of that 
favourite morphological problem—the segmentation of the vertebrate 
head ; and Gegenbaur’s paper, which was undoubtedly the chief means 
by which the cranial nerves were rescued from their former dependent 
position, must be viewed as marking a most important era in its 

Attention being thus pointedly directed to the cranial nerves, their 
comparative anatomy and embryology quickly engaged the attention 

1 Gegenbaur, ‘‘ Ueber die Kopfnerven yon Hexanchus,” Jéndische Zeitschrift, 1871. 
2 Gegenbaur, loc. cit. p. 552: 


of zoologists ; and during the last five or six years our knowledge on 
these points has received very material additions, additions which 
have, on the whole, tended strongly to confirm Gegenbaur’s views, 
while causing modification of them in many secondary points. 

The most important of these more recent contributions is un- 
doubtedly the series of facts brought to light by Balfour concerning 
the early stages of development of the spinal and cranial nerves in 
Elasmobranch fishes. Balfour showed that,’ contrary to the generally 
accepted theory, the nerves are outgrowths from the central nervous 
system, and therefore of epiblastic origin, instead of being, as formerly 
supposed, structures arising independently in the mesoblast and only 
acquiring a secondary connection with the brain and cord. . 

In the case of the spinal nerves, he showed that the two roots, 
anterior and posterior, arise separately and independently; that the 
posterior roots are local outgrowths of a continuous longitudinal band 
—the neural crest—which grows out along the mid-dorsal line of the 
spinal cord. By lateral growth of the dorsal summit of the cord the 
nerve roots of the two sides, which are at first directly continuous with 
one another across the top of the cord, become separated to a certain 
extent. The nerve root on either side grows downwards, closely 
applied to the side of the cord, it then acquires a new or secondary 
attachment? to the side of the cord, some little distance below the 
primary one. A little later the primary attachment disappears, and 
the secondary alone remains as the permanent attachment of the 
posterior root to the cord. 

The anterior roots arise later than the posterior, each as an indepen- 
dent conical outgrowth from the latero-ventral angle of the cord. 
The roots grow rapidly, and soon form elongated bands of fusiform 
cells, which retain their original points of origin from the cord. Each 
is at first, and for some time, quite distinct from the posterior root, 
with which, however, it subsequently unites to form the adult spinal 

Further differences between the anterior and posterior roots 
are afforded by the fact that the posterior develops at a very 
early period a large ganglionic swelling—the future spinal ganglion— 

1 Balfour, ‘‘On the Development of the Spinal Nerves in Elasmobranch Fishes,” Phit. 
Trans. vol. clxvi: pt, 1, 1875; and A Monograph of the Development of Hlasmobranch Fishes, 
1878, pp. 156-161 and 191-205. 

£ The account of this shifting is based on my own observations. Balfour expresses 
himself as “ inclined to adopt this view” (Comparative Embryology, vol. ii. p. 872), but does 
not definitely do so. 


while the anterior root is devoid of ganglion cells. The roots of origin 
of the anterior root are also very generally multiple, while those of 
the posterior roots, whether primary or secondary, are apparently 
invariably single. 

Balfour’s observations were soon extended to birds and mammals, 
and the description given above is now recognised as that of the 
general and typical mode of development of the vertebrate spinal 
nerves. It was further found that the neural crest is not confined to 
the spinal cord, but extends forwards along the top of the brain, 
and that certain of the cranial nerves are developed from it in the 
same way as the posterior roots of the spinal nerves. By this 
discovery a new and very reliable clue to the segmental value of the 
cranial nerves is obtained, for it is clear that if certain of the cranial 
nerves do, and others do not, conform to the mode of development of 
the typically segmental spinal nerves, there is strong reason for 
regarding the former as being of segmental value, and the latter 
as not. 

Embryology has furnished us with one further test of the segmental 
value of cranial nerves, for which again we are indebted to Mr. Balfour, 
who has shown that in Elasmobranchs (and the observation has since 
been extended to other groups) the two halves of the ccelom or body- 
cavity at an early period extend forward on either side of the neck 
into the head, and that on the appearance of the visceral clefts each 
of the halves becomes cut up in a series of isolated compartments, 
one in each visceral arch.1 If the visceral clefts and arches are 
segmental, it is clear that these “ head-cavities,” as they are called, 
must be also, and that they will therefore afford an additional clue 
to determining the segmental value of the nerves associated with them. 

From what has been said above it will be evident that we have now 
several independent tests of the metameric or segmental value of the 
cranial nerves,—tests with all of which a nerve ought to comply to 
entitle it to rank as segmental. For convenience of reference, these 
tests, the majority of which have already been discussed, may be 
enumerated here :2— 

1 Balfour, Hlasmobranch Fishes, pp. 206-209; also Marshall, ‘‘Head-Cavities and Asso< 
ciated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, January 1881. 

2 Cf. Marshall, ‘‘ The Morphology of the Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” Quart. Journ. of 
Micros. Science, July 1879, p. 317. 


1. Segmental nerves develop at a very early stage as outgrowths 
from the neural ridge on the dorsal surface of the brain, 

2. At an early period they shift downwards, and acquire new or 
secondary roots of attachment to the sides of the brain. 

3. The general course of the main stem of a segmental nerve is at 
right angles, or nearly so, to the axis of the head at the point of 
origin of the nerve. This feature, which is explained more fully in 
the paper quoted above, is evident from an inspection of fig. 17, in 
which the directions of the segmental nerves are shown, and from the 
consideration that the course of segmental nerves must be approxi- 
mately parallel to the boundaries of the segments to which they 
belong : a segmental nerve could not run transversely across a number 
of segments. 

4, Segmental nerves have the characteristic relations to the visceral 
clefts and arches, and, therefore, also to the head cavities in these 
arches, first pointed out by Stannius as noticed above, each nerve 
supplying the borders of one cleft, and therefore of two arches. 
Concerning this test, it may be noted that, although from the 
constancy of the relations of visceral clefts to other structures in all 
vertebrates above Amphioxus, there can be no doubt that Gegenbaur, 
Huxley, Semper, and others are correct in maintaining the segmental 
value of these clefts, yet that the total absence of any correspondence 
between the visceral clefts and the body segments in Amphioxus, and 
still more in the Ascidians, makes it very doubtful whether this 
segmental character is a primitive one. 

5. Segmental nerves very constantly present ganglionic enlarge- 
ments, either at or near their points of division into their two main 
ventral branches. 

Having thus cleared the ground, and explained what we mean by a 
segmental nerve, and why it is of importance to determine which of 
the cranial nerves are of segmental value, and which are not, I propose 
to consider these nerves and discuss their claims in order, beginning 
with the most anterior ones, and taking them in the sequence usually 
adopted by anatomists. 

I. Tue First or Otractory Nerve,—This nerve was until recently 
supposed, by reason of its development, to stand quite apart from the 
rest of the cranial nerves, and to be, properly speaking, a part of the 


brain rather than a nerve in the strict sense of the word.! Instead of 
developing like the other nerves, the olfactory was stated to arise as 
a hollow outgrowth from the anterior part of the cerebral hemisphere 
—the so-called olfactory lobe or vesicle: it was also stated to arise 
considerably later than the posterior cranial nerves, 

It is now known that these supposed distinctions between the 
olfactory and the other nerves do not really obtain,? but, on the 
contrary, that the olfactory nerves develope in precisely the same 
way as the other cranial nerves; that they arise at first from the 
-upper part of the fore-brain and gradually shift downwards, acquiring 
by so doing a secondary connection with the cerebral hemispheres, of 
which they are at first completely independent ; and, finally, that the 
olfactory lobe or vesicle so far from being the earliest part to be 
developed is actually the last, no vestige of it appearing in the chick 
until the seventh day of incubation, in the salmon till long after 
hatching, or in dogfish until stage O of Balfour’s nomenclature. 

If, then, the olfactory nerve agrees in all important features of its 
development with the other cranial, and the spinal nerves, the further 
question at once suggests itself,—has it segmental value ® An exami- 
nation of the evidence at our disposal, which is unfortunately far from 
complete, shows that there is much to be said in favour of such a 
view ; thus, applying to the olfactory nerve the several tests of the 
metameric value of cranial nerves in the order given above, we obtain 
the following results :— 

1. The olfactory nerve develops very early: the actual date of its 
first appearance is very difficult to determine, and has not yet been 
ascertained with certainty in any case, but in both the chick and 
the dogfish it appears at a very early stage of development, and in 
the chick, indeed, an attempt has been made to show that the 
olfactory nerve is ‘fone of the first nerves in the body to appear,”* 
arising before any of the spinal nerves. There is also evidence, 
though as yet inconclusive, in favour of the origin of the olfactory 
nerve in the chick from the neural crest. 4 

1 Vide, ¢.g., Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, p. 71; and Gegenbaur, Elements 
of Comparative Anatomy, English Translation, p. 515. 

2 Marshall. ‘‘ Morphology of Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. 
Science,” July 1879; and Balfour, Comparative Embryology, vol. ii, 1881, pp. 336 and 382. 

3 T have dealt with this question at some length in a former paper on ‘‘ The Morphology 
of the Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, July 1879; to which 
I would beg to refer the reader who may desire further details than I can give here. 

* Marshall, “The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick,” Quart, Journ. of 
Micros. Science, Jan. 1878, p. 23. 



2. The olfactory nerve resembles the segmental nerves in undergoing 
during the earlier stages of its development a very considerable 
displacement of its root of attachment to the brain, and as this 
feature is one of the most remarkable characters of these segmental 
nerves, and is, so far as we know, confined to them, its occurrence in 
the olfactory nerve must be admitted to be of much weight. 

In both the dogfish and chick the olfactory nerves are clearly 
recognisable before the cerebral hemispheres have commenced to 
develop, the nerves at this stage arising from the dorsal part of the 
sides of the original fore-brain or anterior cerebral vesicle. The 
hemispheres in the chick are lateral outgrowths of the fore-brain, and 
are from the first situated above, z.e. on the dorsal side of, the roots 
of the olfactory nerves ; they grow forwards and upwards with great 
rapidity, driving the olfactory nerves down to the base of the brain, 
and so causing these nerves to appear to arise from their under and 
anterior part. Whether the root of the olfactory nerve undergoes 
any change comparable to the secondary attachment described above 
as occurring in the spinal nerves, has, however, not yet been ascer- 

3. The general course of the olfactory nerve in the early stages of 
development is, like the segmental nerves, at right angles to the axis 
of the head at the point of origin of the nerve, although, owing to 
cranial flexure, it is very far from being parallel to the hinder 
seomental nerves. This feature is shown in fig. 17,1. In the later 
stages of development, owing to the forward growth of the nasal 
region this relation becomes completely lost. 

4, Concerning the relations of the olfactory nerve to visceral arches 
and clefts, I must beg to refer the reader to the paper quoted above, 
in which I have drawn attention to “the very close resemblance as to 
form, structure, general relations, time of appearance, &c., existing 
between the olfactory organ and the gill clefts,” and have adduced 
other arguments on which I have attempted to establish the following 
conclusions :—“ That the olfactory organ is the most anterior visceral 
cleft; that the olfactory nerve is the segmental nerve supplying the 
two sides of that cleft in a manner precisely similar to that in which 
the hinder clefts are supplied by their respective nerves ; and that the 
Schneiderian folds are homologues of gills.” 

+ Morphology of Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” Quart. Journ, of Micros. Science, July 
1879, p. 330. 


5. The olfactory nerve is distinctly ganglionic near its root of origin 
from the brain in Elasmobranchs and in the chick. 

It would thus appear that although the evidence is at present far 
from conclusive, and although further information is needed on many 
points, notably concerning the earliest stages of development of the 
olfactory nerve, yet that the nerve answers fairly well to the tests of 
segmental value as defined above; and it is important to note that 
the points in which it responds incompletely are precisely those on 
which our knowledge of the nerve is avowedly imperfect, and that in 
no case is a test directly contradicted. I am therefore disposed, while 
fully admitting the need for further investigation, to rank the olfactory 
nerve as the most anterior of the cranial segmental nerves, the nerve 
belonging to the first head-segment. 

The segmental value of the olfactory nerve has recently been 
advocated by Wiedersheim, who draws attention to the fact that in 
Epicrium, and probably in other Gymnophiona as well, there are on 
either side two olfactory nerves, one dorsal and one ventral, the roots 
of the two being perfectly independent, and some little distance apart.! 
Wiedersheim considers that these two roots are homologues of the 
dorsal and ventral roots of a spinal nerve, and that by their discovery 
the segmental rank of the olfactory nerve may be considered to be 

A similar condition of the olfactory nerve in Pipa dorsigera has 
been figured, though not described, by Fischer.* 

These two cases, in both of which the additional root is the dorsal 
one, tend strongly to confirm the view taken above of the primitive 
connection of the olfactory nerve with the dorsal surface of the brain, 
and therefore presumably with the neural crest ; but in the absence 
of any observations on either the development or the physiological 
properties of the two rovts in question, I do not think that much 
weight can be attached to Wiedersheim’s suggestion of their homology 
with the roots of a spinal nerve. 

Balfour argues against the segmental value of the olfactory nerve, 
on the ground that it is incompatible with the views which he holds 
concerning the primitive vertebrate mouth, and concerning the relations 
between the nervous systems of vertebrates and invertebrates. His 

1 Wiedersheim, Die Anatomie der Gymnophionen, Jena, 1879, pp. 59, 60, and pl. iv. fig. 
35, pl. vi. fig. 62. 

2 Fischer, Amphibiorum nudorum neurologice specimen primum, 1843, Tab. ii. fig. 1, 

& Balfour; Comparative Embryology, vol, ii. 1881, pp. 260-265 and 383, 


views on these points are of very great interest and importance ; but 
inasmuch as they involve the descent of Chetopods and Vertebrates, 
not from a common segmented ancestral type, but from a common 
unsegmented type, and also the existence of a group of segmented 
animals, which “appears now to have perished” without leaving any 
trace behind, it would clearly be impossible to discuss them here in 
full. His theory that the vertebrate fore-brain is the homologue of the 
supra-cesophageal ganglia of Arthropods and Cheeotopods is, however, 
to my mind open to very serious objections, some of the more weighty 
of which he has himself mentioned, viz., (1) that there is no actual 
anatomical or embryological break between the fore-brain and the 
hinder portion of the central nervous system, such as one might 
reasonably expect to find on his hypothesis ; (2) that the lowest known 
vertebrate, Amphioxus, instead of lending any support to this view, 
distinctly contradicts it, the fore-brain being less differentiated from 
the hinder portion than in any other vertebrate, while ‘‘the termina- 
tion of the notochord immediately behind the fore-brain ”—almost 
the only direct evidence he adduces in favour of the “ morphological 
distinctness ” of the fore-brain—again fails completely, the notochord 
in Amphioxus, as is well known, extending to the extreme anterior end 
of the head, some distance beyond the front end of the brain. 

IJ, Tue Seconp or Optic Nerve.—Although, as we have just seen, 
the statement that the olfactory nerve is rather a part of the brain 
than a nerve in the strict sense of the word, is found on examination 
not to hold good, yet, as regards the optic nerve, it is certainly 
correct ; the mede of development of the optic nerve, which is too 
well known to require a detailed description here, placing it in this 
respect in marked contrast to every other nerve in the body. 

From the fore-brain or anterior cerebral vesicle two hollow lateral 
outgrowths arise—the optic vesicles. These become constricted at 
their origin from the brain, the constricted portions or optic stalks 
becoming ultimately the optic nerves. By a process of unequal growth 
or the different parts, coupled with a direct pushing in of the outer 
wall by the formation of the lens, each vesicle becomes doubled up 
on itself, the outer wall being pushed back into the inner, and so 
giving rise to the double-walled “optic cup” or secondary optic 

| ! This mode of development, which, with secondary modifications, 


applies to all vertebrates except Amphioxus, and must therefore be 
considered as primitive so far as vertebrates are concerned, differs go 
fundamentally from. the development of the hinder cranial or spinal 
nerves that no comparison whatever is possible between thera. The 
optic nerve must therefore be regarded as one suc generis, and 
which can accordingly have no claim to be considered of segmental 

The existence of this clearly non-segmental nerve between the 
olfactory and the hinder nerves is undoubtedly an objection to the 
view advocated above concerning the segmental value of the olfactory 
nerve; but until we otain a clearer light than we are at present able 
to throw on the phylogenetic history of the vertebrate eye, and indeed 
of the vertebrate race altogether, it is difficult to gauge properly the 
weight of the objection. 

Tue Eys-Muscite Nerves.—Concerning the morphological value of 
these three nerves—the third, fourth, and sixth pairs—opinions have 
perhaps differed more than in the case of any of the other cranial 

The nerves in question are small, with a singularly limited and 
constant distribution to the muscles moving the eyeball, and to certain 
other parts in connection with the eye, the third nerve supplying the 
rectus superior, rectus internus, rectus wmferior, and obliquus inferior 
muscles of the eye ball, also the levator palpebre superioris and the 
circular muscle of the iris; the fourth nerve supplying the obliquus 
superior muscle, and in many vertebrates sending sensory branches to 
the conjunctiva and the skin of the upper eyelid ; and the sixth nerve 
supplying the rectus externus muscle, and in many cases the suspensory 
muscle of the bulb of the eye and the muscles of the nictitating 
membrane. In dealing with these it will be convenient to consider 
them at first collectively, inasmuch as many points of importance 
concern them all alike, and afterwards to consider briefly the several 
points of individual interest which they present respectively. 

Until very recently it was the almost universal custom amongst 
anatomists, when discussing the segmental value of the cranial nerves, 
to exclude the eye-muscle nerves altogether from consideration, on the 
ground that they were not constant in their distribution, but that one or 
more of the muscles normally supplied by them might under special 
circumstances be supplied by branches of the fifth nerve, the further 


inference being drawn from these special cases that the eye-muscle 
nerves were primitively branches of the fifth nerve, which have in the 
majority of existing vertebrates attained independence and acquired the 
appearance of distinct nerves, a title to which they have really no claim. 

This view has very recently been advocated by Wiedersheim, 
whom I quote in order to illustrate my statements. In dealing with 
the fourth nerve in the frog he notices that it usually forms anastomotic 
communications with the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve as it 
crosses it, and that the number of these communicating branches is 
very variable. He then says:—“ Dies eben beschriebene Verhalten 
sowie auch dasjenige des Adbducens und des spiiter abzuhandelnden 
Oculomotorius liefert eine hiibsche lustration zu der in hoheren 
Thiergruppen in immer stirkerer Weise hervortretenden Tendenz der 
Augenmuskelnerven, sich von ihrem Stammboden, der Trigeminus- 
eruppe, zu emancipiren, um endlich eine gut individualisirte Selbst- 
stiindigkeit zu erlangen.” ? 

As this view, so definitely expressed by Wiedersheim in the above 
passage, appears to have met with very general acceptance, and as it 
very seriously affects and concerns the subject of the present paper, I 
have taken some trouble to collect all the recorded cases in which the 
distribution of the eye-muscle nerves or the supply of the eye-muscles 
in vertebrates is said to present any constant deviation from the nor- 
mal arrangement as noticed above; and I propose now to examine 
critically these alleged exceptions to the general rule. 

1. Amphiovus.’—The azygos character of the eye and its extreme 
simplicity of structure render any comparison with the eyes of higher 
and more typical vertebrates perfectly futile. 

2. Marsipobranchir. 

(a) Hyperotreti.itAmong the myxinoid fishes, according to Stan- 
nius', J. Miiller,? Huxley,® Gegenbaur,’ and others, the eye-muscle 
nerves are completely absent. Here again we are dealing with animals 

1 Vide, e.g., Gegenbaur, ‘‘ Ueber die Kopfnerven von Hexanchus,” Jenaische Zeitschrift, 
1871, pp. 548, 549; Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, 1871, p. 73; also Stieda and 
the various authors quoted by him in his ‘ Studien ueber das centrale Nervensystem der 
Wirbelthiere,” Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Bd xx. 1870. 

2 Wiedersheim, in Ecker’s Anatomie des Frosches, Zweite Abtheilung, 1881, p. 24, note 1. 

$ Stannius, in his Handbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere, Zweite Auflage, 1854, p. 161, 
notices the absence of the eye-muscle nerves in Amphioxus. 

* Stannius, op. cit.; p. 161. 

5 J. Miiller, Vergleichende Neurologie der Myxinoiden, p. 49. 

®° Huxley, Vertebrates, p. 73. 

7 Hexanchus, p. 549. 


in which the eyes are in a very rudimentary condition, and the eye- 
muscles either absent or extremely imperfectly developed ; so that, as 
pointed out by Schwalbe,’ no importance can be attached to them in 
determining the question of the primitive independence of the eye- 
muscle nerves, and this consideration is much strengthened by the 
strong evidence we possess of the Myxinoids being degenerate or de- 
eraded forms.* 

(6) Hyperoartiz.—Attention has been directed to the condition of the 
eye-muscle nerves in the lampreys by a number of writers. According 
to Schlemm and d’Alton,°® the lampreys have independent eye-muscle 
nerves, but their number is diminished, and some of the muscles are 
supplied by the fifth nerve. The fourth nerve is described as having 
its usual origin behind the optic lobes and entering the orbit in com- 
pany with the third, which has an independent origin in front of that 
of the fifth, The combined nerve, formed by the union of the third 
and fourth, divides into two main branches, an upper one supplying 
the rectus superior, and a lower one supplying the rectus internus and 
obliquus superior. The three other muscles, viz., rectus inferior, rectus 
externus, and obliquus inferior, are said to receive their nerves from 
the trunk of the fifth nerve. 

Fischer* and Stieda’ also refer to the peculiar distribution of the eye- 
muscle nerves in the lampreys, but avowedly draw their information 
from Schlemm and d’Alton’s paper, from which it would appear that 
Huxley,® and probably Owen’ and Giinther® also, derive their ac- 

Gegenbaur® gives a slightly different account. He says that in 
Petromyzon there is an independent fourth nerve, but that the sixth 
is a branch of the fifth, which supplies the rectus inferior as well as 
the rectus externus, while the third nerve is limited in its distribution, 
supplying the rectus superior, rectus internus, and obliquus imferior. 
He gives no reference in support of his statement, and must therefore 
be supposed to make it on his own authority, especially as it differs 

1 Schwalbe, ‘‘ Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, Jenazsche Zeitsehrift, Bd. xiii., p. 71. 
2 Cf. Balfour, Comparative Embryology, vol. ii., 1881, p. 268, note 2. 

8 Schlemm u. D’Alton, ‘“‘ Ueber das Nervensystem der Petromyzon,” Miiller’s Archiv, 1838 

* Fischer, Amphibiorum nudorum Neurologic: Specimen Primum, 1843, p. 47. 

5 Stieda, loc. cit., p. 174. 

6 Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, p. 73. 

7 Owen, Anatomy of Vertebrates, 1866, vol. i., p. 300. 

8 Giinther, Introduction to the Study of Fishes, 1880, p. 105. 
® Gegenbaur, Hexanchus, p. 549, note 1, 


notably from the accounts of all other writers whom I have been able 
to consult. 

Concerning the above accounts, it appears that they can be reduced 
to two sources—(1) the description given in 1838 by Schlemm and 
@Alton, which I have assumed to be the source from which Owen, 
Huxley, and Giinther obtain the accounts given in their text-books 
quoted above, because their descriptions, which are very brief, agree 
exactly with that of Schlemm and d’Alton, and add nothing to it; and 
(2) Gegenbaur’s description in 1871, which must be independent, in- 
asmuch as it does not quite agree with Schlemm and d’Alton’s. 
According to Gegenbaur, the only peculiarity is that the sixth nerve is 
not independent but a branch of the fifth, which supplies the rectus 
inferior as well as the rectus externus ; while, according to Schlemm 
and d’Alton, three of the muscles—the rectus inferior, rectus externus, 
and obliquus inferior—are supplied by the fifth nerve ; and, in addition 
to this, the third and fourth nerves unite together, a point which 
Gegenbaur does not notice. 

The dissection is a difficult one, on account of the small size of the 
nerves concerned ; and additional evidence from direct observation is 
necessary before we can decide whether either of the above descrip- 
tions is perfectly correct. 

There are, however, certain points of considerable importance which 
concern not only Petromyzon, but many other forms as well, and may 
be conveniently dealt with here, 

Both the third and fourth nerves are distinctly stated to have in- 
dependent roots of origin, and to arise from the normal situations in 
the brain; and this being the case, I wish to point out that the ana- 
tomical arrangement of the nerves would probably be more correctly 
described by saying that the third nerve, though having a separate 
root of origin, becomes connected with the fifth, so that in the adult 
some of its branches appear to be derived from the fifth ; than by 
saying, with Huxley, Stieda, and Giinther, that the muscles in question 
are supplied by branches of the fifth. 

Fischer long ago adopted this view. He describes, on Schlemm and 
d’Alton’s authority, the condition of the nerves in Petromyzon in these 
words: — “Genus Petromyzon duas Oculomotorii ostendit partes, 
alteram liberam, parisque quarti quoque continentem fibras, alteram 
cum Trigemino conjunctam ;”? and Stannius gives still clearer ex- 

1 Fischer, op. cit., p. 47, note 1, 


pression to it ; for after referring to Schlemm and d’Alton’s observa- 
tions, he says :—‘ Offenbar ist hier ein Theil der Wurzelelemente des 
N. oculorum motorius, so wie auch die Wurzel des N. abducens, in 
die Bahn des N. trigeminus, tibergetreten,”1 and remarks that it is 
quite possible that a very careful examination of the nerve-roots would 
show that the abducens has really an independent root of origin. 

The point at issue is an important one, and must be clearly stated. 
When we find two nerves—the third and fifth, which in the great 
majority of vertebrates are independent of one another both in origin 
and distribution—in certain forms, as the lampreys, arising from the 
brain independently and normally, but becoming united together at 
some point or other of their course, so that it is no longer possible 
from mere anatomical observation to say with certainty to which of 
the two a given branch belongs, are we to infer, as is done tacitly or 
explicitly by many writers,’ that the condition shown by the lamprey 
is the more primitive one, and represents an intermediate stage in the 
process by which the eye-muscle nerves gradually emancipated them- 
selves from their parent nerve—the fifth—and attained ultimately 
the complete independence they show in the great majority of existing 
vertebrates? Or, on the other hand, are we to infer that the indepen- 
dent origin of the third nerve is primitive, and that its connection 
with the fifth, when, as in the lamprey, it does occur, is a secondarily 
acquired one? ‘To my mind there can be no doubt whatever that the 
latter is the correct explanation; and the chief reasons that lead me 
to think so are the following :— 

(2) Though we know of instances—notably in the case of the vagus 
—of nerves originally distinct and independent gradually becoming 
fused, and then this fusion getting thrown back to a very early de- 
velopmental stage; yet we know of no established case of a branch 
attaining independence, and acquiring the character of a distinet 

(b) Supposing it were possible for such a process to occur, it would 
certainly be very surprising if, as in the supposed case of the third nerve, 
the process of differentiation should commence at the proximal end, 
and that there should be a stage in which the roots were independent 
and the two nerves still fused distally. 

(c) There are very strong reasons, which we shall discuss later on, 

2 Stannius, Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische, p. 18. 
a Cf. the authors mentioned above, and especially the passage quoted from Wiedersheita 
on p. 189 above, 


for viewing both the third and fifth nerves as segmental, and there- 
fore primitively independent of one another. 

(d) If Wiedersheim’s view were correct, we should certainly expect 
the third nerve of higher vertebrates in its early stages of develop- 
ment to show some indication of its supposed primitive connection 
with the fifth. So far, however, is this from being the case, that in 
all cases where the development of the third nerve has yet been 
traced, it is a perfectly independent nerve from the start.1 

(ec) A crucial test is afforded by the fact that other nerves—e.g. 
the fifth and seventh—though, as a rule, separate from one another 
throughout the vertebrate series, may in some forms become more or 
less closely united together, so that it is impossible by mere ana- 
tomical evidence to distinguish branches of the one from those of the 
other; the forms in which this fusion of the fifth and seventh nerves 
occurs being, as we shall see more fully later on, in many cases the 
same as those in which the fifth and the eye-muscle nerves tend to 
fuse. In the case of the dog-fish, in which this fusion of the fifth and 
seventh nerves is a marked feature of the adult state, all the stages 
of development are now known,’ and it is found that, so far from the 
state of fusion being a primitive one, the two nerves are in their early 
stages quite independent and some distance apart, as in other verte- 
brates, and that their subsequent gradual approximation and fusion 
are purely secondary characters. 

The above arguments appear to me to establish the proposition that 
the third nerve is primitively an independent one,’ and that its partial 
fusion with the fifth, when it occurs, is a purely secondary and not a 
primary character. 

If they prove the case for the third nerve, so also for the fourth 
and sixth nerves. The presence of independent roots of origin from 
the brain must be held to establish that, however close may be the 
connection of their trunks with the fifth nerve, they are really in- 
dependent nerves, and are not to be described as being “ replaced by 
branches of the fifth nerve.” 

1 Marshall, ‘On the Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick,” Quart. Jowrn. of 
Micros. Science, Jan. 1878, pp. 23—27; and ‘‘On the Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of 
Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, Jan. 1881, pp. 783—88. 

2 Marshall and Spencer, ‘‘ Observations on the Cranial Nerves of Scyllium,” Quart. Jowin. 
of Micros. Science, July 1881, pp. 482—486. 

5 The independence of the third nerve has recently been upheld on anatomical grounds 
by Schwalbe—Das Ganglion Oculomotorit; and by Balfour, on embryclogical ones—Com: 
parative Embryology, vol. ii. 


In the case of the lampreys, then, I hold that we have no reliable 
evidence of the third or fourth nerves being in any way abnormal in 
their distribution to the eye-muscles; while, as regards the sixth 
nerve, although no distinct root of origin has yet been seen, I hold, 
with Stannius, that a much more careful and searching investigation 
must be made for it before any statement as to its absence can be 

3. Ganoide.—In the majority of Ganoids the nerves of the eye- 
muscles have the normal arrangement, and are completely indepen- 
dent of the fifth, except where the third unites with the ophthalmic 
branch of the fifth at the ciliary ganglion. Only one exception is 

In Lepidosteus according to J. Miiller,’ the arrangement is abnormal, 
the third and fourth nerves entering the orbit closely united with the 
ophthalmic division of the fifth, of which they appear as branches. 
The sixth nerve is described and figured as accompanying the main 
trunk of the fifth, but distinct from it. 

Stieda, in his essay® before referred to, quotes Miiller’s account, but 
does so incorrectly, making Miiller say that there is a distinct fourth 
nerve, but that the third and sixth are replaced by the branches of 
the fifth ; whereas Miiller really says that the sixth is a distinct nerve, 
and that the third and fourth are, not “replaced by branches of the 
fifth,” but contained in the ophthalmic nerve. 

Stannius,® referring to Miiller’s account, observes that it is pro- 
bably merely another instance of juxtaposition of originally distinct 

Concerning this alleged exception, we notice in the first case that 
it rests on a solitary description, which has not yet been confirmed, and 
that confirmation is needed is evident from the figures referred to. 
Miiller gives two figures of the cranial nerves of Lepidosteus, which 
do not agree in all points; indeed, the points of difference are so 
marked that the two figures are by no means €asy to reconcile 
with one another. Miiller’s figure 3 appears to me to present nothing 
exceptional, except that the third and fourth nerves enter the orbit as 
one trunk, and that the fourth nerve at the point where it crosses the 

1 J. Miiller, Ueber den Buu und die Grenzen der Ganoiden, 1846, p. 97, and plate iv. figs. 2 
and 3. 

2 Stieda, loc. ctt., p.174. 

3 Stannius, Das peripherische Nevvensystem der Fische, p. 19. 


portio minor of the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis' is rather more ex- 
tensively connected with this nerve than is usually the case. The 
nerve which Miller marks y, and calls the “ ophthalmic branch of the 
fifth,” but which he does not seem to have followed to the brain, I 
see no reason for considering as other than what one would naturally 
suppose it to be from its distribution to all the eye-muscles except the 
rectus externus, t.e. the combined third and fourth nerves. In Miiller’s 
ficure 2 there is a remarkable point of difference, inasmuch as the 
nerve which I have considered in the former figure to be the proximal 
part of the portio minor, or trigeminal portion of the ramus ophthal- 
micus superficialis, is entirely omitted. No mention is made either in 
the text or in the description of the figures of this very important 
difference. I would further notice that, although the two figures in 
question are drawn of the same size and to the same scale, yet that 
the relative proportions of the several nerves, and more especially the 
extent to which they are fused with one another, are so very different 
in the two cases that one is driven to suppose either that the figures 
are taken from different specimens, in which case there must be con- 
siderable individual variability in the very points alleged to be excep- 
tional, or else that one or others of the figures is taken from an 
incomplete dissection. 

The above considerations lead to the conclusion that, in the absence 
of direct confirmation, Miiller’s account of the eye-muscle nerves in 
Lepidosteus does not prove that they are in any way exceptional, 
except in the fact of the third and fourth nerves entering the orbit as 
one trunk. 

Very important information concerning these nerves in Lepidosteus 
has recently been afforded by Schwalbe, who finds, from a careful 
examination of the nerves and brain, that both the third and fourth 
nerves have independent origins from the brain; a fact which, as in 
the case of Petromyzon, must be held to conclusively prove that such 
connection as may actually occur between the fifth nerve on the one 
hand, and the third and fourth on the other, beyond their roots of 
origin, is of a purely secondary character, and that it does not in the 
very slightest degree militate against the claims of the third and 
fourth to rank as independent cranial nerves. 

1 For the nomenclature of these ophthalmic nerves, vide Marshall and Spencer, ‘‘ Obser- 

vations on the Cranial Nerves of Scyllium,” part i., Quart. Jowrn. of Micros. Science, 
July 1881. 

2 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorit, pp. 23, 72, and 73. 



4, Teleoste.—The only recorded instances that I can find of devia- 
tion from the normal arrangement of the eye-muscle nerves among 
osseous fish are :— 

(a) Amblyopsis,' the blind fish of the Mammoth cave of Kentucky, 
in which the eyes are rudimentary and functionless, and the eye- 
muscle nerves, as might be expected, absent. 

(0) Silurus glanis, in which, according to Stannius,? the eyes are 
small, the eye-muscles very slender, and the eye-muscle nerves outside 
the skull closely united with the ophthalmic branch of the fifth. Stan- 
nius points out, however, that careful examination shows that all three 
nerves arise independently from the brain at the normal situations, 
and expressly notices that, but for the discovery of these extremely 
slender roots, the eye-muscle nerves of Szlwrus would have been 
beyond all doubt described as branches of the fifth nerve. It is of 
course probable that in the other species of blind fish, whether living 
in caves, as Zyphlichthys, Stygicola, Gronias, Ailia, &e., or living at 
ereat Ocean depths, as the Scopelide, the eye-muscle nerves are, as in 
Amblyopsis spelceus, rudimentary or absent; but it will be sufficiently 
evident, from what has been already said, that neither these blind 
fish nor such cases as Silurus tell in any way against the independent 
rank of the eye-muscle nerves. 

5, Dipnot.—In his account of the African Lepidosiren (Protopterus) 
annectens, Professor Owen’ notices that the optic nerves “ are remark- 
ably small, in correspondence with the feebly-developed organs of 
vision ;” also that the eye-ball ‘‘has no special muscles, whence the 
absence of the third, fourth and sixth cerebral nerves.” 


According to Hyrtl* in the South American form, Lepidosiren para- 
doxa, in which also the eyes are very small, the four recte muscles are 
present, but the two obliqgui not represented. The eye-muscle nerves 
were not found, but were believed to be replaced by two fine branches 
of the ophthalmic division of the sixth nerve, which branches, how- 
ever, were not traced into the rect: muscles. , 

Professor Humphry’s® description of Lepidosiren (Protopterus) annec- 

1 Noticed by Stannius, Das pevipherische Nervensystem, p. 18; and Schwalbe, Joc, cit., 
p. 71. 

2 Stannius, op. cié., pp. 18, 19. 

3 Owen, “Description of the Lepidostren annectens,” Trans. Linnean Soc., vol. xviii., 
1839, p. 340. 

4 Hyrtl, ‘' Lepidostren paradoxa,” Prag. 1845, p. 44, 

5 Humphry, Observations in Myology, 1872; The Muscles of Lepidosiren annectens with 
the Cranial Nerves, pp. 77 and 79. 


tens very closely agrees with Hyrtl’s of Z. paradoxa in the points with 
which we are now concerned. He finds, contrary to Owen, that the 
four rectt muscles “may clearly be distinguished,” though there are 
no obliqui. “Special nerves to these muscles (the third, fourth, and 
sixth) were not found ;” but the ophthalmic division of the fifth is 
described as giving off in the orbit “ ciliary and oculo-motor nerves,” 
which, however, do not appear to have been traced to their distri- 

Gegenbaur’? simply quotes Hyrtl to the effect that all three eye- 
muscle nerves are represented by branches of the fifth; which, how- 
ever, is a wider and more positive statement than Hyrtl really made. 

Stannius? also states, on Hyrtl’s authority, that the eye-muscle 
nerves have no independent roots; and Huxley* notes that in Lepido- 
siren “the three motor nerves of the eyeball are completely fused 
with the ophthalmic division of the fifth,” a condition which he is dis- 
posed to view as the most primitive arrangement met with among 

In considering what importance is to be attached to this often- 
quoted exception to the general rule, we have first to notice that we 
are dealing with animals in which the eyes are “ very small” and 
“‘feebly developed ;” secondly, that the eye-muscles are so small that 
their very existence was not only overlooked, but expressly denied, by so 
competent an anatomist as Professor Owen; thirdly that the two anato- 
mists, Hyrtl and Humphry, who have described these muscles, agree 
in saying that the rectz muscles are alone present, a condition clearly 
not fully realised by those who state, on Hyrtl’s authority, that the 
fourth nerve is, like the third and sixth, represented by a branch of 
the fifth ; fourthly, that in neither of the cases mentioned were the 
nerves actually traced into the muscles in question. 

To these points we must add one, urged with great force by 
Schwalbe,* and which acquires much weight from the cases of Petro- 
myzon and Lepidosteus already considered, viz. that a sufficiently care- 
ful examination of the brain has not been made to render us certain 
as to the alleged absence of independent roots of origin for such of 
the eye-muscle nerves as may be present. 

The importance of Schwalbe’s warning is strikingly exemplified by 

1 Gegenbaur, Hexanchus, p. 549. 

2 Stannius, Das peripherische Nervensystem, p. 18. 

8 Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, p. 78, note. 
* Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorti, p. 72. 


the recent observations of Wiedersheim' on the nervous system of 
Lepidosiren (Protopterus) annectens. Wiedersheim describes a mode- 
rately long but exceedingly slender nerve which leaves the skull 
through a special foramen in front of that of the fifth, and loses itself 
in the eye-muscles in a manner which he was unable to determine with 
certainty. In spite, however, of taking “all conceivable pains,” he was 
unable to ascertain whether this hitherto overlooked eye-muscle nerve 
arises independently from the brain, or is a mere branch of the fifth, 
though he is inclined himself to regard it as an independently arising 
third nerve. 

Under these circumstances, and especially when we consider Wieder- 
sheim’s discovery of a distinct eye-muscle nerve, and his statement of 
the extreme difficulty he experienced in tracing this nerve even to the 
limited extent which he succeeded in doing, we must, I think, con- 
clude that, whatever subsequent investigation may tell us, Lepedosuren 
at present offers no definite or reliable evidence against the statement 
that the eye-muscle nerves are independently arising nerves in all 
vertebrates in which the eye-muscles themselves are present. 

6. Amphibia.—Statements of exceptional innervation of one or more 
of the eye-muscles among Amphibia are by no means uncommon ; and 
though I have devoted some time to making my list as complete as 
possible, I am far from certain that I have succeeded in collecting all 
the alleged cases. The following list includes all I have been able to 
refer to, and certainly all that are mentioned in the standard works 
and papers on the subject :— 

A. Apoda (Gymnophiona).—-Wiedersheim, in his monograph on this 
group,” mentions that in Cecilia the eye-muscles are present, but of 
exceedingly small size, so small indeed that he could not make out 
either their number or arrangement ; neither was he able to ascertain 
anything concerning their innervation ; indeed, he makes no mention 
whatever of the eye-muscle nerves. Fischer’ also failed, from his dis- 
section of a single specimen, to make out anything definite concerning 
the eye-muscle nerves. Inasmuch as the eyes of Cwcdlia are very 
small, it would seem probable that we have here another instance of 
rudimentary eyes, accompanied very possibly by a reduction in the 
number of eye-muscles ; and we have already seen that the evidence 

1 Wiedersheim, Morphologische Studien, Heft 1; III. Das Shkelet und Nervensystem von 
Lepidosiren annectens, 1880. 

2 Wiedersheim, Die Anatomic der Gynutophionen. Jena, 1879, pp. 55, 56, and 61. 

8 Fischer, op. cit., p. 47. 


yielded by such cases cannot be accepted as in any way affecting the 
question of the primitive independence of the eye-muscle nerves. 
B. Caudata (Urodela). 

(a) Proteus.—The specimen of Proteus dissected by Fischer" was, like 
that of Cecilia, too imperfectly preserved to permit him to make any 
positive statement concerning the eye-muscle nerves ; indeed, he calls 
attention to and expressly regrets his inability to determine whether 
these nerves are present or absent. The eyes of this cave-dwelling 
amphibian are situated beneath the skin, and are of very rudimentary 
structure, being arrested at what is in other vertebrates a very early 
embryonic condition.2 As has been pointed out by Schwalbe,’ Fischer 
does not in any way deny the existence of eye-muscle nerves, but 
merely records his inability to find them in a very imperfectly pre- 
served specimen. 

(6) Salamandra and Triton.—I take these two genera somewhat 
out of their proper zoological order, because they afford perhaps the 
most widely-known and frequently-quoted examples of abnormal in- 
nervation of the eye-muscles—instances which must accordingly be 
carefully considered. 

Fischer, who was the first to draw attention to the point,* states 
that in Salamandra and 7riton the third nerve, though rising indepen- 
dently from the brain, only supplies three of the eye-muscles—the 
rectus internus, rectus inferior, and obliquus inferior—the rectus superior 
receiving a special branch from the ‘nasal division” of the fifth, 
which branch is absent in Anwra in which the innervation is normal. 
In discussing the importance of this, he says :—“ Quid igitur vert 
possit esse similius, quam quod partium duarum, in quas penes Salaman- 
drina divisum sit oculomotorius, altera eandem, quam im Ecaudatis 
retinuertt formam, altera cum Trigemino se conjunxerit?” The fourth 
nerve in the same two genera, according to Fischer, “seems to have 
coalesced with the fifth pair ;” at any rate, he was unable to discover 
any independent nerve, and the obliquus superior muscle is supplied 
by the “nasal branch” of the fifth. The sixth nerve is perfectly 
normal both in its origin and distribution ; it passes very close to the 
Gasserian ganglion, but is really distinct from it, and leaves the skull 
by an aperture distinct from that of the fifth. 

1 Fischer, op. cit., pp. 35 and 47. 

* For a description and figure of the eye of Proteus, vide Semper, Animal Life, Inter 
national Science Series, pp. 78, 79. 

* Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, p. 72. 

* Fischer, op. cit., pp. 24, 25, 32, and 47. 


Fischer’s careful descriptions, which have the great advantage of 
being illustrated by as careful figures,* have been referred to by many 
writers—Stannius,? Gegenbaur,® Hoffmann,’ Stieda,® &c.—who, how- 
ever, have added nothing to our knowledge on the subject from direct 
observations of their own. 

Schwalbe,® who appears to be the only anatomist since Fischer’s 
time who has directly investigated this interesting point, has fur- 
nished additional information of great value concerning it. He finds, 
in confirmation of Fischer’s statement, that the nerve to the rectus 
superior muscle is derived, not from the third nerve, but from the 
“nasal branch” of the fifth; but points out that before this nerve is 
given off the third and nasal nerves cross and lie in very close contact 
with one another. He considers it probable that at this point there 
is direct connection between the two, although he was unable to prove 
it; and he accordingly supports the view, held also by Fischer and 
Stannius, that the supply of the rectus superior by the fifth is only 
apparent and due to the close connection and partial fusion of the 
third and fifth nerves at this point of crossing. 

Concerning the fourth nerve, Schwalbe’s results are more positive, 
and of great importance. He finds that although in the majority of 
specimens of Salamandra maculosa he dissected, the arrangement de- 
scribed by Fischer obtained, the nerve to the obliquus superior appear- 
ing as a branch of the nasal nerve, yet that in some cases, one of which 
he figures,” the fourth may be a completely independent nerve, arising 
from the brain in the normal position. 

Reviewing, then, these much-quoted cases of Salamandra and Triton, 
we find that Fischer’s account of the anatomical arrangement of the 
nerve is confirmed by Schwalbe. We find that the sixth nerve is per- 
fectly independent both at its root and along its whole course—is, in 
fact, in every way normal. That the fourth nerve is, as a rule, an 
apparent branch of the “nasal branch” of the fifth, but, at least in 
Salamandra, may be not uncommonly an independent nerve, normal 
in every respect. That the third nerve always arises independently 
from the brain ; that it crosses the “nasal branch” of the fifth, lying 

1 Fischer, op. cit., tab. ii., fig. 2 (Salamandra), and fig. 3 (Triton). 
2 Stannius, Das peripherische Nervensystem, p. 19. 

3 Gegenbaur, Hexanchus, p. 549, note 1. 

4 Hoffmann, Bronn’s Thierreich, Bd. vi, Heft ii, Amphibvia, p. 204. 
5 Stieda, loc. cit., p. 174. 

® Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorit, pp. 25—27. 

7 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorti, Tah. xiii., fig. 13. 


in close contact with it as it does so; and that it supplies only three 
muscles—the rectus internus, rectus inferior, and obliquus inferior — 
the rectus superior receiving its branch from the “ nasal nerve,” and 
this branch coming off beyond the point of crossing of the third and nasal 
nerves; and that this condition of things is interpreted by both the 
writers who have investigated it directly—Fischer and Schwalbe—as 
merely implying that the third nerve has become partially fused with 
the fifth. 

Concerning this “nasal nerve,” from which, in the two genera in 
question, the branch to the rectus superior always, and that to the 
obliquus superior usually, arises, there is a further point of importance, 
Schwalbe! has attempted to prove that this “nasal nerve” really cor- 
responds, in part at least, to the ramus ophthalmicus profundus of 
Selachians. The point could only be decided by a study of the de- 
velopment of this nerve in Urodela, of which at present we know 
nothing ; but should Schwalbe prove to be correct, the very slight 
amount of deviation from the normal condition which we have found 
to be all that really occurs in Salamandra and Triton would be still 
further reduced ; for embryology teaches us that the ramus ophthal- 
micus profundus of Selachians is really a connecting branch between 
the third and fifth nerves, which cannot be said to belong distinctly 
to either the one or the other, and that the portion of this nerve 
beyond the point at which it crosses the third nerve, from which por- 
tion we have seen that the branch to the rectus superior arises, has 
nothing whatever to do with the fifth, but belongs really to the third 

From what has been said above, I think that no other conclusion 
can be drawn than that the cases of Salamandra and Triton do not 
afford any reason for regarding the eye-muscle nerves as other than 
independent and constant nerves. 

(c) Menobranchus.—Gegenbaur’ states, on Fischer’s authority, that 
in Menobranchus, as in Salamandra and Triton, the fourth nerve is 
replaced by a branch of the fifth. I have been unable to refer to 
Fischer’s account, so that any discussion of the case would be unprofit- 
able. It is, however, very possible that the condition is really what 
Schwalbe has shown to occur in Salamandra. 

1 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, p. 26. 

2 Marshall, ‘Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Journ, of 
Micros. Science, January 1881, p. 89; and Marshall and Spencer, ‘* Cranial Nerves of Scyl- 
lium,” Qaart. Journ. Micros. Sctence, July 1881, pp. 494 seq. 

3 Gegenbaur, Hexanchus, p. 549, note 1, 


(2) Stredon.—Fischer’ has established that the third and fourth 
nerves are normal in origin and distribution, but was unable to make 
out anything definite concerning the sixth nerve. 

(ce) Cryptobranchus. —Schmidt, Goddard, and V. d, Hoeven are 
quoted by Hoffmann? as stating that in the Cryptobranch the third 
and fourth are independent nerves, but that the sixth is a branch of 
the nasal division of the fifth. . 

Professor Humphry® remarks that the dissection of the cranial 
nerves is difficult, on account of the “tough areolar tissue of the 
animal and the numerous accompanying veins.” He was unable to 
‘discover the third, fourth or sixth nerves in the orbit.” The third 
and fourth were, however, found in the cranial cavity, but not the sixth. 

Here, again, our information is too imperfect to allow definite conclu- 
sions to be drawn. Ifthe sixth nerve really appears as a branch of the 
fifth, it is of importance to note that, as is evident from Professor Hum- 
phry’s figure, the fifth and seventh nerves are quite distinct from one 
another—a point to which we shall refer when considering the Anura. 

C. Anura.—The condition of the eye-muscle nerves in Anwra has 
been carefully investigated by a number of anatomists, notably by 
Fischert and Schwalbe. The results of these investigations are as 
follows :—In all Anwra that have been examined, the third and fourth 
are distinct and independent nerves, with normal origin and distri- 
bution. In Pelobates and Bombinator the third leaves the skull by 
the same foramen as the fifth, with which it is in very close contact, 
though the two nerves are really distinct. 

The sixth nerve in all cases has an independent origin from the 
brain in the normal position. In Bufo,° the sixth nerve preserves its 
independence along its whole course, and is in all respects perfectly 
normal. In the other Anura examined—viz. Pipa, Rana, Pelobates, 
Bombinator, and Hyla—the sixth nerve, though arising independently, 
unites with the Gasserian ganglion, and the branch to the rectus ex- 
ternus is derived from the ‘nasal branch” of the fifth.’ 

1 Fischer, Anatomische Abhandlungen tiber die Perennibranchiaten und Derotremen, 
Hamburg, 1864, p. 127. 

2 Bronn’s Thierreich, Bd. vi. 

3 Humphry, Observations in Myology, p. 45, and pl. iv. fig. 22. 

4 Fischer, Amphibiorum nudorum Neurologic specimen primum, pp. 3—22 and 45—48, 

5 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, pp. 28—31. 

® Fischer, op. cit., p. 5, and tab. ii fig. 1; 

7 Cf. Fischer, op. cit., pp. 3—22, and tab. i. fig. 2 (Hyla), fig. 3 (Bombinator), fig. 4 (Pelo- 
bates) ; and tab. ii. fig. 1 (Pipa), fig. 4 (Rana); also Wyman, Anatomy of the Nervous System 
of Rana pipiens, New York, 1853, pp. 26—28; also Wiedersheim in Ecker’s Anatomie des 
Frosches, Zweite Abtheilung, 1881, pp. 20—21, 


But little criticism is called for by the above account. As was 
urged in the case of Lepidosiren, the presence of a distinct root of 
origin in the normal position must be held to prove that the sixth 
nerve is in the cases quoted above really an independent nerve, in 
spite of its apparent fusion with the fifth at the Gasserian ganglion. 
The fact that the sixth in an allied genus (Su/fo) retains its indepen- 
dence, is an additional argument in favour of the fusion being secon- 
darily acquired ; and this view must be considered to be established 
by the statement made by Stannius,® on Fischer’s authority, that the 
sixth nerve is independent of the fifth in the larval stages of those 
forms which, when adult, have the two nerves fused. 

This concludes the list of recorded instances of exceptional inner- 
vation of the eye-muscles. Leaving out, as we are fairly entitled to, 
the cases of Amphioxus and of those forms in which, as in Amblyopsis, 
the eyes are rudimentary and functionless ; the results of an examina- 
tion of the remaining instances may be stated thus :— 

1. That in no single instance has it been established that any one 
of the eye-muscle nerves is replaced by a branch of the fifth, or of 
any other nerve—the cases in which this is alleged to occur being far 
more naturally explained by supposing partial fusion between the 
nerves concerned to have occurred. 

2, That in the alleged cases of replacement of one or more of the 
eye-muscle nerves by a branch of the fifth nerve, the “branch of the 
fifth” in question is very probably the ramus ophthalmicus profundus, 
which is really a communicating nerve between the third and fifth, 
belonging as much to one as to the other in its posterior portion, and 
in its anterior part belonging exclusively to the third. 

3. That the instances in which the absence of one or other of the 
eye-muscle nerves has been alleged are either, as in Petromyzon, Lept- 
dosteus, Pipa, Hyla, &c., cases in which the nerves in question arise 
from the brain in a perfectly normal manner, and after running a 
certain distance within the skull become connected more or less inti- 
mately with the fifth nerve; or else cases in which, as in Lepidosiren, 
the eyes are small, the eye-muscles imperfectly developed, and the 
descriptions of their anatomy incomplete and unsatisfactory. 

4. That such cases do not in any way invalidate the proposition 
that the third, fourth and sixth are independent nerves throughout 
the vertebrate sub-kingdom. 

* Stannius, Handbuch der Zootomie, Zweites Buch, Die Amphibien, 1856, p. 150, note 3, 


I propose now to consider briefly the leading features exhibited by 
the eye-muscle nerves individually. 

III. Tur Turrp, orn Ocutomotor Nerve.—Since the third nerve 
is found to be an independent nerve throughout the vertebrate series, 
it becomes of interest to inquire whether or not it possessés segmental 

Observations by different investigators during the last few years 
have tended very strongly to support, if, indeed, they may not be 
said to have established, the claim of the third nerve to rank among’ 
segmental nerves. Inasmuch as this point has been very fully dis- 
cussed recently’ I do not propose to go over the whole of the evidence 
here, but shall merely apply, in a somewhat summary manner, the 
several tests of segmental value in the order given on a previous page.” 

1. Though the earliest stages of development of the third nerve 
have not yet been ascertained with precision in any case, yet there is 
very strong reason for thinking that in the chick, at any rate, the 
third nerve develops, like the hinder cranial nerves and the posterior 
roots of the spinal nerves, as an outgrowth from the neural crest on 
the top of the mid-brain.® 

2. Inasmuch as, at a rather later, though still early period—about 
the sixtieth hour in the chick, and stage K of Balfour’s nomenclature 
in the dog-fish—the third nerve arises from the base of the mid-brain, 
very near the mid-ventral line, it is clear that, if the observations on 
the earlier stages are correct, the roots must shift downwards at an 
early period, and to an extent unequalled by any other nerve. 

Kolliker has described the later stages of this shifting, as seen in 
rabbit embryos, as follows :*—In an embryo 12 days 5 hours old, and 
7 mm. long, the third nerve arose from the mid-brain, not from its 
ventral surface, but about half-way up its side; later on it shifts 
ventralwards, “‘like the ganglionated cranial nerves and the sensory 
spinal roots,” being found on the ventral surface of the mid-brain in 
an embryo of the 14th day, and 15 mm. long. ; 

1 Marshall, ‘‘ Development of Cranial Nerves in Chick,” Quart. Jown, Micros. Science, 
January 1878, pp. 283—27; and ‘‘ Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” 
Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, January 1881, pp. 783—83 ; also Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculo- 

2 Supra, p. 11. 

3 Cf. Balfour, Comparative Embryology, vol. ii., p. 379. 

4 Kolliker, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Thiere, Zweite Auflage, 

1879, p. 6130 


3. The course of the main stem of the nerve is (fig. 17, IV) at right 
angles to the axis of the head at the point of origin of the nerve. 

4, Morphologists are very far from agreeing as to the existence of a 
visceral cleft in front of the mouth, so that it would be premature to 
discuss the relations of the third nerve to this “lachrymal cleft,” for 
whose existence there is, however, much to be said. Concerning the 
head cavities, however, the evidence yielded by the third nerve is of a 
perfectly definite and convincing character. The nerve in Elasmo- 
branchs passes downwards and backwards from its root of origin to 
the interval between the dorsal ends of the first and second head- 
cavities, where it expands into a ganglionic swelling—the ciliary 
ganglion. Beyond this point the main trunk of the nerve passes 
down between the two cavities, the relations of the third nerve to the 
first and second canities being precisely the same as those of the fifth nerve 
to the second and third cavities.’ 

5. As just noticed, there is a very evident ganglionic swelling at 
the point of division of the third nerve into its two main branches. 

These considerations are, I think, when taken in conjunction with 
its previously established constancy throughout the vertebrate series, 
sufficient to establish the proposition that the third nerve is of seg- 
mental nature. The further question, whether the third represents 
ap entire segmental nerve, or only a portion of one, will be best 
answered by considering the fourth nerve. 

TV. Tut Fourtu, or TRocoHLEAR Nerve.—Having established the 
constancy of this nerve, we have now to consider its morphological 
import. Concerning its development we know very little, but that 
little is of importance. In the dog-fish it has been shown? that the 
fourth nerve, at the earliest period at which it has been recognised, 
arises from the brain at the same spot as in the adult, ze, the dorsal 
surface of the hinder end of the mid-brain; further, that its course is 
from the first that of a segmental nerve. 

Now, if the visceral clefts and arches, and the head-cavities give us, 
as they most certainly do, reliable clues as to the segmentation of the 
head, then it is seen at once that there is no room for a segmental nerve 

1 Marshall, ‘‘Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Jown. of 
Micros. Science, Jan. 1881, pp. 78 seq. 

2 Marshall and Spencer, ‘‘ Cranial Nerves of Scyllium,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 
July 1881, pp. 672—674. 


between the third and fifth nerves ; and therefore, if the fourth is of 
segmental nature, it must belong to one or other of these nerves. 

The following considerations seem to point very strongly to the 
third and fourth nerves being connected together, and favour the view 
that they are together equivalent to a segmental nerve. 

1, The two nerves in question, the third and fourth, both arise 
from the mid-brain or middle cerebral vesicle. Furthermore, they 
are the only nerves that arise from this division of the brain, either 
in the embryo or the adult. There are independent reasons for 
thinking that these brain-vesicles have segmental value ;1 and though 
these reasons may not be considered conclusive on the point, they 
nevertheless lend some support to the view that the two nerves arising 
from one of these vesicles belong to the same segment. 

2. The third and fourth nerves, though arising separately from the 
brain, may be connected together more or less intimately beyond their 
roots of origin. This, for instance, is a marked feature both in Petro- 
myzon and Lepidosteus, also in Salamandra and Triton, if Schwalbe is 
correct in identifying the “ nasal branch” of the fifth with which both 
the third and fourth nerves are connected as the ramus ophthalmicus 

3. According to Meynert,? the third and fourth nerves arise in the 
adult from a common nucleus. This has, however, been denied by 
Forel,® though supported by other investigators, and probably requires 

4, The fourth, though chiefly known as a motor nerve, is really in 
many animals a nerve of mixed function, giving off in Selachians and 
Amphibians* sensory branches to the conjunctiva and skin of the upper 
eyelid. This point is of importance, because if the third and fourth 
are together equivalent to a segmental nerve, it would be only reason- 
able to expect that certain of its fibres should be sensory ; and analogy 
would certainly lead us to look for sensory branches in the portion 
with the more dorsally situated root, 7.e. the fourth nerve, which, 
as we have just seen, does actually present such sensory fibres. 

1 Vide Foster and Balfour, Elements of Embryology, part i., p. 188; and Marshall, De- 
velopment of Nerves in Birds, Journ. Anat. Phys., vol. Xi., p. 510. 

2 Meynert, ‘The Brain of Mammals,” Stricker’s Histology, New Sydenham Society’s 
Translation, vol. ii., pp. 444, 445. 

3 Forel, Haubenregionen. 

* Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, p. 14; Wiedersheim, Morphologische Studien, 
p. 21; and in Ecker’s Anatomie des Frosches, p, 24; also Hoffmann, Bronn’s Thierreich, 
Bad. vi., p. 203. 


5, That the fourth nerve is itself not an entire segmental nerve is 
rendered probable by the fact, noticed by Schwalbe, that it has no 
ganglion, and is strongly supported by the further fact that the third 
nerve almost certainly arises at first from the dorsal surface of the 
brain, and beyond all doubt is, during its early stages, attached much 
higher up the side of the brain than it is at a later stage, ae. that 
the third nerve behaves like a posterior spinal root. 

Since, as we have seen, there is no room for a separate segmental 
nerve between the third and the fifth, I am inclined to view the third 
and fourth nerves as together equivalent to a segmental nerve, which 
has divided into two portions, whereof one—the fourth 
in its primitive position on the top of the brain, while the other—the 

has remained 

third—has, like the other cranial nerves and the posterior spinal roots, 
shifted downwards, the extent of the shifting being greater than that 
of any of the other nerves, but the several steps of the process pro- 
bably the same as in these, This view will be found to he very closely 
in accordance with that advocated by Schwalbe.* 

V. Tue Firts, on TriceminaL Nerve.—It will be convenient to 
continue the consideration of the cranial nerves in the usual sequence, 
and to take the remaining eye-muscle nerve—the sixth—after the tri- 

The fifth nerve completely fulfils all the conditions of a true seg- 
mental nerve.” It appears very early as an outgrowth from the neural 
crest. The root of origin from the brain shifts down at an early 
period, acquires a secondary attachment to the side of the brain, and 
loses its primary attachment completely. The direction of the stem 
is at right angles to the axis of the head at the point of origin of the 
nerve. The maxillary and mandibular branches are related to the 
maxillo-mandibular or buccal cleft in the manner characteristic of the 
posterior segmental nerves, as was first pointed out by Stannius. The 
relations of the fifth nerve to the second and third head cavities are of 
a perfectly typical nature ; and finally a ganglionic enlargement—the 
Gasserian ganglion—is present in the nerve a short distance above 
its division into the two main branches. 

1 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorii, pp. 77, 78. 

2 For the development of the fifth nerve in Elasmobranchs, vide Balfour, Hlasmobranch 
Fishes, 1878, pp. 196—19S ; also Marshall and Spencer, ‘‘ Observations on the Cranial Nerves 
of Scyllium,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, July 1881, pp. 474—479; in the Chick, vide 
Marshall, Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, Jan. 1878, pp. 23—32; and in the Rabbit, Kél- 
liker, Entwickelungsgeschichte, 1879, pp. 610—712, 


The only possible doubt as to the independent segmental value of 
the fifth nerve hinges on the fact that in the two lower classes of 
vertebrates—Pisces and Amphibia—the fifth is very generally fused 
more or less completely with the seventh in the adult condition ; the 
fusion sometimes, as in most fishes, involving the roots to a greater 
or less extent, sometimes, as usually in Amphibians, occurring a short 
distance beyond the roots and close to the Gasserian ganglion. 

This approximation or fusion of the fifth and seventh nerves has, as 
mentioned above, been employed by J. Miiller, Stieda, and others, as 
an argument against the two nerves being of independent segmental 

A crucial test of the force of this argument is afforded by a study 
of the development of the roots of the two nerves in Elasmobranchs, 
in which the fusion of the roots in the adult is so complete that what 
is really one of the roots of the seventh has hitherto been almost in- 
variably described by anatomists as a root of the fifth. In the dog- 
fish it has been shown that the two nerves, though so intimately 
connected in the adult, are in the early embryonic stages perfectly 
distinct from one another, and some distance apart, as far from one 
another, indeed, as they are in corresponding stages of such forms as 
the chick or lizard in which they remain completely separate through- 
out life; and that the gradual approximation and fusion of the two 
nerves, which occur during the later developmental stages, and all the 
steps of which have been traced, must, like the partial fusion which 
we have seen may occur in some forms between the third and fifth 
nerves, be viewed as purely secondary features. 

In early stages of both Zeleosteans and Amphibians, I have also 
noticed that the roots of the fifth and seventh nerves are perfectly 
distinct from one another, and some distance apart, and that their sub- 
sequent approximation must accordingly be, as in Elasmobranchs, of 
a purely secondary nature. 

The claim of the fifth nerve to rank as an independent segmental 
nerve must, I think, from what has been said above, be considered as 
definitely established. 

VI. Tue Sixru, or Appucent Nerve.—The proper morphological 
position of this nerve is by no means easy to determine with any 

1 A full account of the development of the roots of the fifth and seventh nerves in the 
dog-fish, and of the relation of the embryonic to the adult roots, will be found in the paper 
by Mr. Spencer and myself quoted above, Quart. Jowrn. of Micros. Science, July 1881, pp. 


degree of certainty; and the views of different writers on the point 
are far from being in harmony with one another. 

In a former section of this paper we have established the fact that 
the sixth is an independent nerve throughout the vertebrate sub- 
kingdom. It always supplies the rectws externus muscle of the eyeball, 
and may supply other parts as well; thus, in reptiles it supplies the 
retractor muscle of the bulb of the eye, and in Batrachia the suspensor 
muscle of the bulb and the muscles of the nictitating membrane. In 
all cases it isa purely motor nerve. Indeed, if we omit the eleventh 
and twelfth pairs, which are not constant cranial nerves, the sixth is 
not only the most purely motor cranial nerve, but the only exclusively 
motor one throughout the vertebrate series. 

Its point of origin from the brain in adult vertebrates is also a 
remarkable and constant one. It arises from the under surface of the 
medulla, very close to the mid-ventral line, and vertically below, or 
more usually slightly posterior to the common root of origin of the 
seventh and eighth nerves. In some cases the root may be in front 
of that of the seventh nerve. The root is always slender, and devoid 
of ganglion cells. 

Concerning the development of the sixth nerve, we unfortunately 
know but little. At the fifth day in the chick,’ and at a correspond- 
ing stage in the dog-fish’, it has been detected and described, its 
appearance and relations being practically identical in the two cases. 
It is a slender nerve, with no ganglion cells at any point in its length, 
arising from the ventral surface of the hind-brain, below the seventh 
nerve, by a number of small slender roots, and running forward to the 
rectus externus muscle, in which it ends. The roots are, from the 
earliest period at which the nerve can be recognised, close to the median 
ventral line (fig. 7, VI), and some distance below the root of the seventh 
(fig. 7, VII), from which they are from the start perfectly distinct. So 
far as can be inferred from negative evidence, the sixth nerve appears 
to develop later than the seventh and other segmental nerves. 

From the above account it is clear that the sixth has no claim 
whatever to segmental rank, inasmuch as it distinctly fails to answer 
any one of the tests of such rank laid down on page 133. It does 

1 Stannius, Handbuch der Zootomie, Zweite Aufiage, Zootomie der Amphibien, 1856, p. 150. 

2 Marshall, ‘‘ Development of Cranial Nerves of Chick,” Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 
Jan. 1878, pp. 23—25. 

5 Marshall, ‘““Head Cavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” Quart, Journ, of 
Micros, Science, Jan, 1881, pp. 89—93, 


not develop from the neural crest. The roots of origin do noé shift 
downwards, but are from their first appearance in the adult position. 
The course of the nerve is nearly parallel to, and certainly not perpen- 
dicular to the axis of the head. It has not the definite relations to 
the visceral clefts and arches, and to the head cavities, characteristic 
of a segmental nerve. And it has no ganglion cells at any point in 
its length. 

As the nerve is not an independent segmental nerve, it must either 
belong to one of the segmental nerves or else be a nerve of altogether 
exceptional nature. The latter supposition should, I think, only be 
adopted as a last resource if all the other attempts at explanation fail, 
and I therefore propose now to consider the relations of the sixth to 
the segmental nerves, or rather to the fifth and seventh nerves, which 
are clearly the only ones which could claim it. 

By the majority of writers who have discussed this point, the sixth 
is referred to the fifth. Thus, Gegenbaur considers the sixth to be an 
independently arising motor root of the fifth, a view which Schwalbe? 
also adopts. Wiedersheim speaks of the fifth and sixth nerves as to- 
gether making up a segmental nerve; while Huxley’ is disposed to 
view the sixth as primarily part of the fifth. 

Notwithstanding the weight of authority against me, I think that 
the sixth nerve should be grouped with the seventh, and not with the 
fifth, for the following reasons :— 

1. In the early stages of both chick and dog-fish the roots of the 
sixth are completely behind those of the fifth nerve. Indeed, the 
majority of the roots are even behind the roots of the seventh; and 
although a transverse section may, as in fig. 7, pass through the roots 
of both sixth and seventh nerves, yet the root of the sixth in such a 
section is the most anterior of the series, the other roots being further 
back, and completely behind the seventh root. 

2. In adult vertebrates, also the sixth nerve usually arises beneath 
or slightly behind the seventh, very rarely in front of it. 

3. Though the sixth nerve may, beyond its root, be closely con- 
nected with the fifth, yet it is important to notice that all the cases— 
Petromyzon, Lepidosiren, Pipa, Rana, Anura—in which it is described 
as fusing with the fifth, are also cases in which the seventh and fifth 
nerves are very closely connected together, so that the connection between 

1 Schwalbe, Das Ganglion Oculomotorit, p. 74. 
2 Wiedersheim, Morphologische Studien, p. 23. 
3 Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, p. 73, note, 


the sixth and fifth in these instances by no means proves that the 
sixth belongs to the fifth, but is more probably due to the same cause 
—whatever it may be—that determines the approximation or fusion 
of the seventh and fifth nerves. 

Concerning the actual value of the sixth nerve, I see no reason to 
alter the opinion I have previously expressed, that the sixth nerve 
may be regarded as having the same relation to the seventh that the 
anterior root of a spinal nerve has to its posterior root. Ishall return 
to this point when considering the seventh nerve. 

VII. Tue Sevents, or Factan Nervse.—As to the segmental value 
of the seventh nerve there can be no doubt whatever ; for, like the 
fifth, it completely and indisputably fulfils all the conditions of a seg- 
mental nerve laid down on page 133. 

It develops' very early as an outgrowth from the neural crest on 
the dorsal surface of the hind-brain (fig. 2). At an early stage the 
nerve acquires a new or secondary attachment to the side of the brain 
(fig. 3); but, unlike all the other nerves, cranial or spinal, the original 
or primary root is retained as well as the secondary root, whereas 
in all the other nerves the primary attachment appears to be lost. 
The general course of the nerve is at right angles to the axis of 
the head at its point of origin. The relations of its branches to the 
hyo-mandibular cleft, first pointed out by Stannius, and afterwards 
insisted on by Gegenbaur, are those of a typical segmental nerve, as are 
also its relations to the head-cavities ; whilst, finally, it is ganglionic at 
its division into the two main ventral branches. 

As to the independent rank of the seventh nerve, 1 have already 
discussed fully the theory that the seventh and fifth nerves are con- 
nected together primarily, and have stated the arguments leading to 
the conclusion, that although in many vertebrates—fish and am- 
phibians—the two nerves are more or less closely fused together, yet 
that embryology shows that this fusion is a secondarily acquired 

The relation between the sixth and seventh nerves is of still greater 
importance, from its bearing on the disputed question of whether there 

1 For an account of the development of the seventh nerve in Elasmobranchs, vide Balfour, 
Elasmobranch Fishes, 1878, pp. 198—202; and Marshall and Spencer, Quart. Jowin. Micros. 
Science, July 1881, pp. 679—691 ; in the Chick, vide Marshall, Quart. Jowin. Mieros. Science, 
dan. 1878, pp. 34—86 ; and in Mammals, Kolliker, Entwicklungsgeschichte. 



————————— ee —S————C™!TC—COCO OT COU 


are to be found in any of the cranial nerves roots strictly comparable 
to the anterior roots of the spinal nerves. 

In dealing with this question, it is first necessary to establish cer- 
tain general conclusions concerning the cranio-spinal nerves. As was 
first pointed out by Balfour, the posterior roots of the spinal nerves 
must be regarded as of a more primitive nature than the anterior 
roots, the grounds on which this conclusion is based being the fol- 
lowing :— 

1. The actual mode of development of the two kinds of roots in the 
spinal nerves. As noticed in a previous page, the posterior roots 
appear before the anterior ones, and are also in their mode of develop- 
ment of a more primitive character than these latter, the posterior 
roots consisting at first entirely of undifferentiated spherical or poly- 
gonal cells, while the anterior roots are almost from their first ap- 
pearance fibrillar. 

2, The condition of the nervous system iv Amphioxus, in which, 
according to Balfour, all the nerves arise by single roots, which 
roots correspond to the dorsal or posterior roots of other vertebrates, 
and must clearly in Amphiowus be of mixed motor and sensory 

From these facts the further conclusion is drawn “ that primitively 
the cranio-spinal nerves of vertebrates were nerves of mixed function 
with one root only, and that root a dorsal one; and that the present 
anterior or ventral root is a secondary acquisition.” } 

Concerning the several steps by which these anterior roots have 
been acquired, the evidence at our disposal is of an imperfect, and in 
ereat part merely conjectural character. Still I think that, although 
we may not be able to solve the problem completely, we can at any 
rate define its limits fairly accurately, and perhaps indicate the path 
along which the solution will ultimately be found. 

The problem is how, from animals resembling Amphioxus in pos- 
sessing only dorsal roots to the nerves, and these dorsal roots con- 
sequently of mixed function, has the type of spinal nerve met with 
among existing vertebrates, with two distinct roots, dorsal or sensory 
and ventral or motor, been derived ? 

It appears to me that there are two ways in which we can conceive 
this change as having come about :— 

1 Balfour, Elasmobranch Fishes, p. 193: 


Firstly, we might suppose that in some way, and for some reason, 
the sensory and motor portions of the originally single root became 
completely separated from one another, and that while the sensory 
portion of the nerve retained the primitive mode of development and 
position of attachment of the root, the motor portion acquired a new 
mode of development and a new position of attachment, and then 
united farther on with the posterior root to form a spinal nerve. On 
this view the motor and sensory roots of a spinal nerve correspond to 
the motor and sensory portions of the singie root of Amphioxus. 

Or, secondly, we might imagine the anterior root to be, not the 
motor portion of the original root, but an altogether new development, 
an independent outgrowth from the spinal cord to supply the more 
complicated system of muscles that would necessarily accompany the 
gradual perfection and complication of the internal skeleton ; that this 
new root was at first completely independent of the original or dorsal 
root, and for a time coexisted with a dorsal root of mixed function ; 
that in the case of the spinal nerves the whole motor function gradually 
got transferred to, or usurped by, the new root; while the two 
roots, originally separate along their whole length, became united to 
form the mixed trunk of the spinal nerve. 

Now, although there are very considerable and obvious difficulties 
in the way of accepting either of these alternatives, yet it appears to 
me that the second is far more in accordance with the actual facts 
than the first, and that it offers a ready explanation of many points 
unintelligible on the first hypothesis. Thus, the second view explains 
why in actual development the anterior spinal roots appear later than 
the posterior, and why they are for some time quite distinct from 
these latter; it also explains such cases as Petromyzon, in which the 
anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves are said to remain 
distinct from one another throughout life. 

By far the most important argument, however, in favour of the 
second hypothesis is afforded by the explanation it yields of the con- 
dition of the cranial nerves as compared with the spinal; and in 
connection with this pomt I would direct special attention to the 
statements already made concerning the sixth and seventh nerves. 

It has been shown above that the seventh nerve in Elasmobranchs 
develops in a manner precisely similar to the posterior roots of the 
spinal nerves; that it arises as an outgrowth from the neural crest 
(fig. 2, VII), the nerves of the two sides being at first directly and 


widely continuous with one another across the top of the brain; 
that by growth of the mid-dorsal roof of the brain the two nerves 
get separated from one another; that the root acquires a secon- 
dary attachment to the side of the brain (fig. 3, VII), but that, 
unlike the other cranial or spinal nerves, it retains the primary as well 
as the secondary root throughout life. In this respect the seventh is, with 
the possible exception of the fourth, the most primitive nerve in the 
body, inasmuch as it exists throughout life in a condition which is 
only a transitory one in all the other nerves. However unexpected 
this point may be, I cannot but think that it is one of the greatest 
importance in the determination of any question concerning the mor- 
phology of the cranial and spinal nerves. 

The seventh being a very primitive nerve, there is strong a@ priors 
reason for thinking that the sixth nerve, which we have seen reason 
for grouping with the seventh, is also of a primitive nature, and it is 
clear that on the second hypothesis such is the case, the complete 
independence of the sixth nerve being merely the retention of a primi- 
tive character, while its limited and special distribution to muscles 
not present in Amphioxus affords a very possible explanation of its 
appearance in higher vertebrates. On the first hypothesis, on the 
other hand, the sixth nerve would be, not a root which had retained 
us promitive independence of the seventh, but a root which had as a per- 
fectly exceptional occurrence acquired independence, a view directly 
contradicted by the primitive condition of the seventh itself. 

It must surely be regarded as a very significant fact that a trans- 
verse section through the hind-brain of ether an embryo or adult Elas- 
mobranch passing through the roots of the sixth and seventh nerves 
(fig. 7) agrees absolutely in all essential points with a section at an 
early embryonic stage through the roots of a spinal nerve in the same 
animal, ze. that a condition which is transitory in the case of 
the spinal nerves is permanently retained in the case of the sixth 
and seventh nerves. This fact, which is the strongest possible argument 
in favour of the second hypothesis, clearly directly contradicts the first. 

If the doctrine that the cranial nerves are more primitive than the 
spinal appear at first sight paradoxical,! I would point out that there 

1 I have myself on a former occasion both felt and urged this objection (‘‘ Head Cavities 
of Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Journ. of Miscros. Science, Jan. 1881, p. 91). Further investi- 
gation has convinced me that I was then wrong, and that Balfour was right in considering 

(Elasmobranch Fishes, p. 193) the cranial nerves as more primitive than the spinal, though 
do not agree with his con¢lusion that the cranial nerves have no anterior roots. 


is independent evidence-in favour of the head retaining a more primi- 
tive condition than the body. Thus the skull, though subjected to 
very extensive secondary modifications, is really in a more primitive 
state than the vertebral column, for the skull represents the per- 
manent retention of a condition, that of a continuous unsegmented 
cartilaginous tube, which is only transitory in the case of the vertebral 
column except in the lowest vertebrates ; the division of the cartilagi- 
nous tube into segments or vertebree never occurring, and in all pro- 
bability never having occurred in the skull, though so constantly 
present in the vertebral column. The fact that it is in the lowest 
vertebrates alone that this unsegmented condition is retained in the 
trunk as well as in the head is a strong argument in favour of the 
view that the head is really in a more primitive condition than the 
trunk as regards skeletal elements.? 

On the second hypothesis, the mixed—motor and sensory—nature 
of the seventh nerve is explained as due, like the persistence of the 
primary root and the independence of the sixth nerve, to retention of 
the primitive condition, and the extreme variability presented by the 
relative importance of the sensory and motor functions of the seventh 
nerve in different vertebrates may help to render intelligible how the 
posterior spinal roots, which were originally of mixed function, have 
become converted into purely sensory roots. 

If the hypothesis advanced above should prove correct, it would be 
only reasonable to expect that the posterior roots of the spinal nerves 

‘should in some exceptional cases be found to retain in part their primi- 

tive mixed character, and to co-exist as mixed posterior roots with 
exclusively motor anterior roots. I am not aware of any such cases, 
or of the existence of any residual physiological phenomena that would 
support such a view, but would suggest that a direct investigation of 
the functions of the spinal roots in the lampreys, where the two roots 
are stated to remain distinct from one another throughout life, might 
conceivably lead to interesting results. 

The application of the hypothesis to the remaining cranial nerves 
is sufficiently obvious from the accounts given of these. The main 
point of: difficulty concerns the determination of the presence or ab- 

* The following quotation from Balfour, which I only became acquainted with after the 
above passage was written, strongly confirms this view :—‘ This development (of the skull) 
probably indicates that the basilar plate contains in itself the same elements as those from 
which the neural arches and the centra of the vertebral column are formed, but that it never 
passes beyond the unsegmented stage at first characteristic of the vertebral column,”—Com- 
parative Embryology, vol. ii., p. 467. 


“gence of anterior motor roots to these nerves; and on this point I 

have no additional evidence beyond what I have already stated else- 

VIII. Tue Ercuty, or Avupitory Nerve.—ZIn all the forms in 
which the development of the auditory nerve has been ascertained, it 

arises as part of the seventh nerve. Neither its development: nor its 

anatomical relations afford the slightest ground for thinking it to be 
of segmental rank.’ 

IX. Tue NINTH, oR GLOSsOPHARYNGEAL Nerve.—Like the audi- 

tory, the ninth nerve can be disposed of very briefly, but for a directly 

opposite reason. Since Gegenbaur confirmed Stannius’ account of its 
relations to the first branchial cleft, the claim of the glossopharyngeal 
to rank as an independent segmental nerve has been very generally 
admitted; and as the history of its development’ shows that it con- 
forms in all respects to the characters of a segmental nerve as defined 
on page 133, it would be superfluous to discuss in detail its now uni- 
versally recognised claims to segmental value. 

X. Toe TENTH, on Vacus Nerve.—The tenth nerve stands in much 
the same position as the ninth, with the exception that while the 

‘glossopharyngeal is a single segmental nerve, the vagus, from its 

relations to a number of visceral clefts, must be considered as equi- 
valent to an equal number of segmental nerves fused together. This 
was first pointed out by Stannius, and subsequently developed in 
much more detail by Gegenbaur; and since the publication by the 
latter of his memorable essay on the cranial nerves of Hexanchus, has 
been accepted almost universally as the true theory of the morpho- 
logical value of the tenth nerve. It is only necessary to add here that 
the study of its development shows that it completely fulfils all the 
conditions required of segmental nerves. y 

Concerning the number of primitively separate segmental nerves 
fused together to form the vagus, we cannot speak positively. The 

1 Marshall, “Head Gavities and Associated Nerves of Elasmobranchs,” Quart. Journ. of 
Micros. Science, Jan. 1881, pp. 91—93. 

2 For the development of this nerve in Elasmobranchs, vide Balfour, Zlasmobranch Fishes, 
p. 198; in the Chick, Marshall, ‘‘ Development of Cranial Nerves in the Chick,” Quart. Journ. 
of Micros. Science, Jan. 1878, pp. 34—36. 

3 For the development of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves in Elasmobranchs, vide 
Balfour, Hlasmobranch Fishes, pp. 202, seq.; in the Chick, Marshall, loc, cit., pp. 36—89, 


ereatest number of clefts supplied by it in vertebrates above Am- 
phioxus is met with among the Marsepobranchii and in Notidanus, 
where it supplies the six posterior branchial clefts, and must therefore 
be equivalent to at least six segmental nerves. Whether this is the 
full number, however, is a point not yet decided. 

XI. anp XIJ. Tae ELeventu, or Spinan ACCESSORY, AND TWELFTH, 
or Hyrociossat Nerves.—Neither of these nerves is constant as a 
cranial nerve througout the vertebrate series, a fact which renders 
it very doubtful whether the claim of either of them to segmental 
value could be entertained. For this reason, and partly because I am 
at present engaged in investigating their development, about which 
we know as yet very little, I do not propose to deal further with them 
in the present paper. Forming, as they do, the connecting links 
between cranial and spinal nerves, they may be expected to yield 
valuable evidence concerning the validity of the hypothesis propounded 
above concerning the relations between these two groups of nerves. 

Summary.—The conclusions arrived at concerning the segmental 
value of the cranial nerves may be expressed in a tabular form thus 
(c.f, fig. 17) :— 

eT ee 

Segment. Nerve. Visceral Cleft. Visceral Arch. 
1. Preoral. I, Olfactory. Olfactory. 
IIT. Oculomotor, ; 
2 DO: ; Teves Trochiesa i Lachrymal. 
SS aaeata aoe aS a See ES oe Maxillary. 
3. Oral. V. Trigeminal. Buccal. —— 
An Tae veel { VIL. Facial, Spiracular or Mandibular. 
; : VI. Abducent. hyomandibular, ee 
SS SSS Hyoid. 
5. Do. IX. Glossopharyngeal.| 1st Branchial. |—— 
DSSS — 1st Branchial. 
Gy Do: X. Vagus,Istbranch.| 2nd ,, a 
————$ —___—__—_—_— —_——_——| 2nd ,, 
(seo: 9) FRB! - “6p 3rd 5 —_ —___. 
—————— | —— — —_— | —_—_— 3rd 5 
8. Do. SE ROLC ss 4th FH 
ae ae ae ee a ah 
Ss IDG: op) Sees gy 5th 5 —_——_-——_—_ 
——$§,« ——_— —— — —— th oy 
10. Do. a OLDS 55 6th 
pisisisaeewee — —| 6th 1) 

11. Do. ” 6th 9 7th 9 FOREN Er eee 


List of chief Works and Papers referred to, arranged according to 

date of publication. 

1838. Scutemm v. pD’Atton.—Ueber das Nervensystem der Petro- 
myzon. Miiller’s Archiv, p. 262. 

1839. OwEn.—Description of the Lepidosiren annectens. Trans. 
Linnean Society, vol, xviii. 

1840. J. Mitiur.— Vergleich. Neurologie d. Myxinoiden. 
1843. Fiscoer.—Amphibiorum nudorum Neurologic specimen primum. 
1844. J. Mitter.— Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 

| 1845. Hyrri.—Lepidosiren paradoxa. 

1846. J. Mituer.— Ueber den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden. 
1849. Srannius.—Das peripherische Nervensystem der Fische. 
1851. Arnotp.—Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. 

1855. Wyman.—Anatomy of the Nervous System of Rana pipiens. 

1856. Stannius.—Handbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Zweite 

1864, Fiscurr.—Die Gehirnnerven der Saurier. 

1866. Ownn.—Anatomy of Vertebrates, vol. i. 

1870. StrepaA.—Studien tiber das centrale Nervensystem der Wirbel- 
thiere. Zeitschrift f. wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Bd. xx. 
1871. GaaEnBAuR.—Ueber die Kopfnerven von Hexanchus u. ihr 
Verhiltniss zur Wirbeltheorie d. Schidels. Jenaische Zeit- 
schrift, Bd. vi. | 
Huxtey.—Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. 

1872. Meynert.—The Brain of Mammals. Stricker’s Histology, vol. ii. 
New Sydenham Society’s Translation. 

... Humpury.—Observations in Myology. 
1875. Batrour.—On the Development of the Spinal Nerves in Elasmo- 
branch Fishes. Phil. Trans., vol. cxxxvi. 
1877. MarsHatu.—On the early Stages of Development of the Nerves 
in Birds. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xi, 




Batrour.—Monograph on the Development of Hlasmobranch 

GrecENnBAUR.—Llements of Comparative Anatomy, English Trans- 

MarsHatu.—The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the 
Chick. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, vol. xviii. 

K6uuiKker.—Lntwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der 
hiheren Thiere. Zweite Auflage. 

MarsHaLt.—The Morphology of the Vertebrate Olfactory 
Organ. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, vol. xix. 
ScHWALBE.—Das Ganglion Oculomotorii. Jenaische Zeitschrift, 
Bd. xiii. 
WIEDERSHEIM.—Die Anatomie der Gymnophionen. 
GintHer.—ntroduction to the Study of Fishes. 
WirpErsHeim.—Dorphologische Studien, Heft i. 
BatFrour.—Tveatise on Comparative Embryology, vol. ii. 
MarsHaLlt.—On the Head-Cavities and Associated Nerves of 
Elasmobranchs. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, vol, xxi. 
MarsHALL and SPENCER.—Observations on the Cranial Nerves 
of Seyllium. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, vol. xxi. 

WIEDERSHEIM.—Die Anatomie des Frosches, von Dr. Alexander 
Ecker. Zweite Abtheilung. 



By Joun Buard, Pz.D., B.Sc., Berkeley Fellow of Owens College, Victoria 
University, Manchester. 

[Puates VII, VIII, & IX.] 


Among the many weighty questions which have arisen with the rise 
and progress of comparative embryology, that of the origin and an- 
cestral history of Vertebrates has occupied, and still occupies, an 
important place. 

That the question, if capable of solution at all, would be solved by 
the discoveries of embryology, is now, and has been for the last ten 
years, a general opinion among zoologists. So much for a general 
agreement. But as to the particular line of descent one might recall 
half a dozen different theories supported by different schools of workers. 

The impulse to these speculations was first given by the discovery 
of the tadpole-like larva of Ascidians, and the opinion that Vertebrates 
were derived from Ascidians we owe to Kowalewski and Kupffer. This 
view has had its day, and is now only a reminiscence. 

Another important theory, important because clothed with the 
authority attached to the name of Balfour, is the theory that Verte- 


brates arose from unsegmented worms, in which two lateral nerve- 
cords were supposed to have coalesced dorsally instead of ventrally, as 
in Annelida. 

Following this, one is reminded of Hubrecht’s theory, which allies 
Vertebrates with Nemertines, and sees the Vertebrate notochord 
reflected in the Nemetine proboscis sheath. 

By no means least important is the celebrated Annelidan theory of 
the origin of Vertebrates first originated by Dohrn? and Semper. A 
theory which, in spite of all attacks, still survives, and at present 
seems to be more probable than any other. 

Finally, the alliance of Balanoglossus with Ascidians, Amphioxus, 
and Vertebrates, recently advocated by Bateson,’ must be mentioned. 
Interesting though this is, it cannot yet be considered as sufficiently 
established to be accepted without reserve ; but if more evidence for 
it be forthcoming, it is a moot point whether our existing notions of 
the relations of Vertebrates and Annelida will not have to be modified, 
for we know of no existing Annelid which has relationships with Bala- 
noglossus. And here I would point out that my own researches on 
the cranial nervous system and sense organs of Vertebrates, instead 
of supporting the alliance of Balanoglossus with Vertebrates as high 
as fishes, present rather a hindrance in the way of such alliance, whilst 
they are still more opposed to the alliance of Vertebrates with existing 

That Vertebrates have their nearest allies, except Balanoglossus, in 
the group of Annelida, is becoming more and more obvious from recent 
researches, especially from those of Dohrn; but the links of such an 
alliance seem to have been rather in long extinct Annelida than in 
any at present existing. 

In the following pages an account will be given of the morphology 
and development of the branchial sense organs and associated ganglia 
in Amphibians and Fishes, chiefly in Elasmobranchs. The branchial 
sense organs are those sense organs which have usually been called 
organs of the lateral line, and were formerly called “‘ segmental sense 
organs” by me. The name “organs of the lateral line” is bad, be- 
cause it chiefly refers to those sense organs along the lateral line of 

2 Dohrn, ‘ Ursprung der Wirbelthiere,’ 1875. 

2 Semper, ‘‘ Verwandschaftsbeziehungen der gegliederten Thiere,” ‘ Arbeiten a. d. Zool. 
Institut zu Wiirzburg,’ 1875. 

5 Bateson, W., ‘‘ Development of Balanoglossus,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micro. Sc.,’ Supple- 
ment, July 1885, 


the trunk, which morphologically form only a small portion of the 
sense organs. I have myself seen reason to reject the name segmental 
sense organs, because although originally they are segmental, and in 
later life may occur one in each segment of the trunk, still at first they 
are confined to one region only of the body, the gill-bearing region, and 
only extend into the trunk much later. Originally they are seated 
one above each gill-cleft or over the site of each cleft, and may, there- 
fore, be called branchial sense organs.’ 

The so-called ganglia of the posterior roots of the cranial nerves 
arise in connection with them, and must be regarded as originally 
special ganglia of these sense organs.” 

One general conclusion may be referred to here, and that is, that 
at present we are acquainted with no invertebrate nervous system which 
ts built upon the same plan as that of Vertebrates. 

The matter will be discussed later on, and I only refer to it here in 
order that from the outset the branchial sense organs may be raised 
from their present position of neglect and obscurity, and may be given 
that important morphological (and physiological) place which their 
relationships to the gill-clefts on the one hand, and to the ganglia of 
the posterior roots of cranial nerves on the other, most certainly entitle 
them to, 

Unlike many previous observers, I have found that it is absolutely 
impossible to study the branchial sense organs of fishes without at the 
same time dealing with the posterior roots of the cranial nerves, which 
are morphologically as well as physiologically inseparably connected 
with the former. 

It would take up too much time and space to give here a history of 
all the researches on these two sets of organs, which have hitherto 
been usually treated apart from each other as if they had no con- 

The work has been mainly carried out on embryos of Torpedo ocel- 
lata, for which I have to thank the Zoological Station at Naples. But 
I have also studied Teleostei and Amphibians, and have had a few 
embryos of Mustelus and Pristiurus. However, in the descriptions in 
the following pages, unless otherwise stated, the condition of affairs in 
Torpedo will be understood to be under discussion, 

1 Beard, ‘‘ Cranial Ganglia and Segmental Sense Organs,” ‘ Zool. Anzeig.,’ 192, 1885 ; also 
Froriep, ‘‘Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis, &c.,” ‘Archiv fiir Anat. and 
Physiol.,’ 1885. 

2 Beard, op. cit.,; Froriep, op. cit.; and Spencer, ‘‘ Notes on the Early Development of 
Rana temporaria,” ‘Quart, Journ, Micro. Sc.,’ Supplement, J uly 1885, 


In the first place, I think it will be of great advantage and will tend 
to simplify matters very much if the general schema of the develop- 
ment of a cranial nerve (dorsal root) of an Elasmobranch, such as 
Torpedo, be given. 

Then those cranial nerves, which I regard as segmental, will be dis- 
cussed: olfactory, nerve of ciliary segment, trigeminal, facial, auditory, 
glossopharyngeal, and vagus. 

The optic nerve is left entirely out of consideration. Firstly, 
because I have made no investigations, and hence have no new facts 
about it to record ; and secondly, as is well known, its whole develop- 
ment is different from that of the other cranial nerves ; and I can only 
agree with those zoologists who class the optic nerve entirely apart 
from the other cranial nerves. 

Not so, however, with the olfactory and auditory nerves and organs. 
Partly following Marshall, I feel bound to place these nerves in the 
category of cranial segmental nerves, and to class the olfactory and 
auditory organs! as specialised branchial sense organs. 

Finally, after the account of the various nerves, the bearing of the 
facts described on the morphology and ancestral history of Vertebrates 
will be discussed. 

Cranial NERVE. 

According to the existing views of the development of a dorsal root 
of a cranial nerve in Elasmobranchii, based mainly on the researches 
of Balfour,? Marshall,’ and Van Wijhe,* the nerve, soon after its 
development from the neural ridge, divides into two main branches, a 
dorsal one and a ventral one. The dorsal branch is sensory, and 
supplies the so-called organs of the lateral line. The ventral one is 
mainly motor ; it soon divides again into two branches, which, as 
Stannius’ first showed, pass one on each side of a visceral cleft. The 
posterior branch is mainly concerned with the innervation of the 

1 Beard, ‘On the Segmental Sense Organs, &c.,” ‘Zool. ae 161, 162, 1884; ‘‘On 
Cranial Ganglia, &c.,” ‘Zool. Anzeiger,’ 192, 1885. 

? Balfour, ‘‘ Elasmobranch Fishes.” 

* Marshall, ‘‘The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. 
Sc.,’ 1878; Marshall, ‘‘On the Head Cavities, &c.,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc.,’ 1880; Marshall, 

** On the Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves, &c.,” ‘Journ. of Anat. and Physiol.,’ 1882 ; 
also separate. 

* Van Wijhe, ‘Ueber die Mesodermsegmente und die Entwickelung der Nerven des 
Selachierkopfes,’ Amsterdam, 1882. 

* Stannius, ‘Das Peripherische Nervensystem det Fische,’ 1849, 


oill muscles. According to Van Wijhe, the dorsal branch becomes 
intimately connected with the skin, and is there in connection with 
the rudiments of the so-called sense organs of the lateral line. He 
further holds that the sensory epithelium takes part in the formation 
of the nerve. In this respect the dorsal branch differs from the ventral 
one, which does not, according to any writer, arise either wholly or 
partially from the skin, but is a direct outgrowth of the neural crest 
(Marshall). The branch in front of the cleft is developed later than the 
other branches, but how is still uncertain. Atany rate, both Professor 
Froriep and I have failed to gather from Van Wijhe, who alone has 
studied the development of this branch, how this branch and the 
Ramus pharyngeus are developed. In Amphibians, Gotte’ long ago 
held that the so-called dorsal branches were split off from the skin. 

These various branches have all received general names, some of 
which require alteration in view of the researches contained in this 
paper. ‘The branch posterior to the cleft is called the main or posterior 
branch (Balfour), and post-trematic by Van Wijhe ; in this paper it 
will be spoken of as the post-branchial nerve. The branch in front of 
the cleft, viz. the pree-trematic of Van Wijhe, I shall call the pre- 
branchial nerve. 

The Ramus pharyngeus of Van Wijhe will retain the same name 
when spoken of here. But now for the so-called dorsal branches ; of 
all the general names this is by far the worst. It is true that the name 
has been employed by many distinguished zoologists, Stannius, Gegen- 
baur, Balfour, Marshall, and Van Wijhe, and that therefore to propose 
a change, except for very weighty reasons, would be a very high- 
handed and arbitrary proceeding. However, it must be done, and on 
grounds to be afterwards stated. 

Though some of these various so-called dorsal nerves may come te 
occupy a dorsal position, still, as was first mentioned to me by Pro- 
fessor Dohrn, it is morphologically wrong to regard them as dorsal. 
Of the truth of this I have fully convinced myself, and hope soon to 
convince the reader also. I have, however, no means of knowing 
whether my reasons for rejecting the name are the same as Professor 
Dohrn’s. These branches will be described by the general name of 

So much for a general view of the adult condition. A schema of 
the development in Elasmobranchii would be as follows. (This 

1 A, Gotte, ‘Entwickelungsgesch. d. Unke,’ 1875, 


account is in accordance with my own researches, and contains some 
additions to the accounts given by my predecessors.) 

The nerve grows outwards and downwards from the neural ridge 
towards the lateral surface of the head. In its course it lies directly 
under, but unconnected with, the epiblast. In the case of those nerves 
which are connected with gill-clefts, and are therefore typical, the 
nerve lies just over the cleft (fig. 50). All this is well known, and 
has been described by Balfour, Marshall, Van Wijhe, &e. 

The subsequent events are as follows 3? 

1. When the nerve reaches the level of the notochord, or a little 
below that level, it fuses with the epiblast (fig. 34). 

2. Part of the nerve, however, passes on to the lateral muscle-plates 
of the segment (figs. 34, 50). 

3. At the point of fusion mentioned in 1. a local thickening of 
epiblast has previously taken place (fig. 14). 

4, After the fusion has taken place a proliferation of some of the 
cells composing the thickening ensues. The proliferated cells form a 
mass of actively dividing elements still connected with the skin and 
fused with the dorsal root (fig. 16). 

5, This mass of cells is the rudiment of the ganglion of the dorsal root, 
and externally to it is situated the rudiment of the primitive branchial 
sense organ of that root (figs. 12 and 13). 

6. For some time cells continue to be given off from the thickened 
epiblast, and of those already given off many show nuclear figures 
(fig. 8) indicating rapid division. 

7. While the ganglion is still fused with the epiblastic thickening 
the latter begins to grow in length, and to push its way either forwards 
or backwards, as the case may be, between the general epiblast cells 
(figs. 40 and 41). 

8. The general epiblast cells thus pushed away are probably lost 
(figs. 40 and 41, z.e.). 

9. Concomitantly with this growth of the sensory thickening, the 
ganglion begins to separate from the skin, and so comes to lie deeper 
in the mesoblast (fig. 35). As it separates there arises a nerve from 
the sensory thickening (figs. 11, 13, &c.). This nerve grows centri- 
fugally from the ganglion, arising from the elements of the thickening, 
and being in fact split off from the latter along its whole length. It 

+ Beard, ‘‘On the Cranial Ganglia and Segmental Sense Organs,” ‘ Zool. Anzeig.,’ 192, 
1885 ; also, on some points, Spencer, ‘‘Notes on the Development of Rana temporaria,” 
‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc.,’ Supplement, July 1885. 


is the so-called dorsal branch, and, as previously stated, will be here 
called the supra-branchial branch. 

10. The sensory thickening of a segment, which gives rise to the 
branchial sense organs of that segment, may remain very small or may 
increase to a very considerable length, but in any case the nerve con- 
necting the whole length of the thickening with its ganglion is split 
off from the thickening, and split off simultaneously with the growth 
of the latter. 

11. The pree-branchial nerve is also formed as the ganglion separates 
from the skin, and is probably in all cases also split off from the 
epiblast in front of each cleft. 

12. Of the development of the F. pharyngeus nothing can be here 
recorded ; but I think, from the nature of the case, that this nerve also 
probably arises from the cells on the upper wall of the cleft. 

Thus, as the general result of these observations, the existing views 
of the development of the dorsal root of a cranial nerve will have to 
undergo some modification, ‘That in Elasmobranchs the main root of 
the nerve is a direct outgrowth from the neural ridge, as stated by 
Balfour and Marshall, is certainly true. The shifting and acquisition 
of a secondary point of attachment described by Marshall also seem to 
take place. The post-branchial branch also appears to arise from the 
direct outgrowth from the neural ridge, but in the formation of the 
rest the epiblast probably plays a part. In the case of the supra- 
branchial branches this is certain, and it is highly probable in the 
case of the ganglion. That the other branches, viz. the pree-branchial 
and R. pharyngeus of Van Wijhe, are derived from the skin is pro- 
bable, and in one case it can be proved, viz. the pree-branchial nerve 
of the hyoid. 

Having now a general view of the development of a typical cranial 
nerve, the various nerves may be considered. In the above schema 
we have the key to all the cranial nerves. Some, such as the ninth, 
or glossopharyngeal, we shall find to fit in pretty exactly with the 
schema. But in others the story that ontogeny often omits or distorts 
ancestral history is also repeated. 

Some of the branches may be absent even in the ontogeny, while 
others may be abnormally developed. Others, again, may be partially 
fused with neighbouring nerves, as has been abundantly demonstrated 
by previous writers. But whatever the adult condition of any of the 
dorsal roots of the cranial nerves, whatever the actual condition of 


olfactory nerve, nerve of the ciliary ganglion, fifth, seventh, eighth, 
ninth, and vagus complex, all can, by the consideration of their actual 
development, and of the condition of the various organs which are, or 
would be if present, related to them, be reduced to the general schema. 

The divergencies between the various nerves are, as might be 
suspected, naturally dependent on the presence or absence of gill- 
clefts in connection with the segment to which the nerve belongs. 

For this reason I shall consider the nerves out of their natural order, 
taking those of the true gill-clefts first. Their order of treatment will 
thus be as follows: 

Nerve. Cleft. Segment. + 
Seventh. Spiracle, and one absent. Fourth and fifth. 
Ninth. First branchial. Seventh, 
Vagus. Second, third, fourth,and Lighth, ninth, tenth, and 
fifth branchial. eleventh. 
Fifth. Mouth. Third. 
Ciliary. Hypophysis. (?) Second. 
Olfactory. Absent. First. 
Auditory. Absent. Sixth. 

In the above list it will be noticed that the cleft of the fifth nerve 
is described as the mouth. This view, which we owe to Prof. Dohrn, 
seems to me to receive very considerable support from my researches. 
I shall refer to the matter subsequently. 

For the ciliary, olfactory, and auditory nerves I have hesitated to 
assign clefts, because the evidence for their existence is uncertain, and 
the nature of the three nerves is more easily explicable if we regard 
the clefts as absent or metamorphosed. Here it will suffice to say that 
clefts have been assigned to these nerves by various zoologists, with 
what justification we shall see later on. 

DorsaL Root oF THE FourRTH AND Firta SiGMEnts, SeventH Nerve 
OR FactAatis. 
As already described by Balfour? and Marshall,’ the seventh nerve 
arises from the neural crest in the region of the hind-brain and just 
in front of the auditory capsule. 

1 The numbering of the segments is in accordance with those conclusions from my 
researches which appear to me to be fairly certain. Probably the facial nerve is a complex of 
two segmental nerves, apart from the auditory segmental nerve. If this be the case, then 

there are eleven segments at least from the olfactory nerve to the fourth root of the vagus 

2 Balfour, ‘Comp. Embryol.,’ vol. ii, p. 377. 
5 Milnes Marshall, “‘Head Cavities and Associated Nerves in Hlasmobranchii,” ‘Quart. 
Journ. Micr, Sc.,’ 1880; also, “‘ Nervous System of Chick,” ‘Quart, Journ. Micr, Se,,’ 1878, 



These authors further agree in assigning a common root of origin 
to the seventh and auditory nerves. Marshall has, however, in one 
of his early works, drawn attention to a line of division between the 
ganglia of the auditory and facial nerves in the chick. Now, 
although the rudiments of the facial and auditory nerves lie very 
closely together, I consider that at first the two are really distinct. 
The facial grows downwards and outwards from the neural crest, and 
just under the epiblast. When it reaches the level of the notochord 
part of it fuses with the sensory thickening above the hyoid arch, and 
just above the future hyoid cleft. The rest passes on (fig. 20) to the 
lateral muscle plates of the hyoid arch. At the point of fusion with 
the sensory thickening the ganglion is formed. Of this, one stage is 
figured in fig. 20. In this condition the nerve is to be regarded as 
passing through an ancestral stage. Its condition is then figured in 
the diagram of a typical dorsal root (fig. 50), which passes from the 
brain to the primitive branchial sense organ and its associated ganglion 
above a gill-cleft, and from which ganglion a nerve passes along the 
posterior side of the cleft to the muscles of the gill. 

In later stages the ganglion is still partly fused with the skin, but 
it soon separates, leaving behind it the rudiments of several branches. 

These branches are the supra-branchial, the pree-branchial, and the 
pharyngeal. The development of the pharyngeal branch has not yet 
been traced, The other branches are split off from the epiblast. The 
supra-branchial (figs. 21 and 22) is formed at the expense of the deeper 
portion of the sensory thickening, which has begun to grow forwards 
over the face. 

Very soon this nerve divides into two branches; that is, the sensory 
thickening grows forwards as two divergent thickenings, from each of 
which nerve-fibres are split off, and thus two branches are formed (fig. 
51, p.b.n.). This development from the dichotomously dividing 
rudiment has been described by Van Wijhe.t These two branches 
have been described by Marshall and Spencer. The upper one is the 
portio facialis of the oph. superficialis (Marshall), the lower one the 
ramus buccalis (Marshall and Spencer). The upper one Balfour, Mar- 
shall, and Spencer classed as a ramus dorsalis of the seventh. As stated 
by Van Wijhe,’ they are concerned in the innervation of the supra- and 

1 Van Wijhe, op. cit., pp. 26, 27. 

2 Marshall and Spencer, ‘‘On the Cranial Nerves of Scyllium,” ‘Quart. Journ, of Micr. 
Sc.,’ 1881. 

3 Op. cit., p. 27. 


infra-orbital sense organs respectively (branchial sense organs). These 
branchial sense organs, it is hardly necessary to state, are developed 
from the dichotomously divided sensory thickening mentioned above. 
The portio facialis of the ophth. superficialis (fig. 51, p.f.), is obviously 
enough, as pointed out by Marshall, Balfour, and Van Wijhe, a 
so-called dorsal branch ; that is, what we have here called a supra- 
branchial. Van Wijhe has, and I fully agree with him, classed the 
r. buccalis (fig. 51, 7.0.) as a ‘dorsal branch,” and gives these reasons: 
(1) Its origin from the same rudiment as the former nerve ; (2) its 
simultaneous appearance with that nerve ; (3) its similar development 
and distribution to (branchial) sense organs. Van Wijhe, indeed, 
regards the two as branches of one nerve, and as therefore equivalent 
to one so-called dorsal branch. Dohrn’ has advanced very weighty 
reasons for the existence of a hyomandibular segment in front of the 
hyoid and behind the mouth, but has not adduced the cranial nerves 
in support of his view. I would here venture to suggest that an 
additional ground for his view is to be seen in the existence of two 
supra-branchial nerves in the facial. It would indeed be remarkable 
if Van Wijhe were correct in regarding these two nerves as merely 
branches of one nerve, for in no other single and simple cranial nerve 
do we meet with more than one supra-branchial nerve. To my mind 
the best explanation of the presence of these two branches is that the 
facial is composed of the fusion of two cranial segmental nerves, and 
this apart from its fusion with the auditory. The reader may compare 
Dohrn’s views on the nature of the hyomandibular with this explana- 
tion. Except for this the facial seems to be a fairly typical cranial 
nerve, and agrees well with the general schema. It should be noticed 
that the supra-branchial branches grow forwards, for this point will be 
referred to in discussing the vagus. «Though I agree fully with Van 
Wijhe’s* view that there are two segments in the hyoid arch, and this 
apart from the hyomandibular portion, I cannot treat the auditory 
nerve here. ‘The special modifications it has undergone will be best 
considered after some of the other nerves have been discussed. In 
their earliest appearance I believe the auditory and facial nerves are 
not fused, and even in the later stages (figs. 21, 42), as already noticed 
by Marshall in the chick, the ganglia of the two nerves are partially 
separated, and the line of division is easily recognisable. For the 

2 Dohrn, ‘‘Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthier-Kérpers,” No. vii, ‘ Mittheil. a. d. 
Zool. Stat. zu Neapel,’ vol. vi, part i. 

2 Op, cit., pp. 9 and 28, 


later stages of the facial the reader is referred to Marshall’s works and 
to the paper by Marshall and Spencer. 


This nerve arises from the neural ridge (Balfour) immediately 
behind the auditory organ, and grows down the lateral wall of the 
body to just above the point of origin of the first true branchial cleft. 
Its fusion with the skin is represented in fig. 32, and the origin of its 
ganglion from the skin and in connection with the branchial sense 
organ of this segment in fig. 42. The main portion of the nerve grows 
downwards behind the cleft, and proceeds to the lateral muscle plates 
of the first branchial arch. 

Later, as the ganglion separates from the skin, the supra-branchial 
nerve is developed. Like other supra-branchial nerves it splits off 
from the skin in connection with a sensory thickening which gives rise 
to the supra-temporal sense organs. 

Marshall described the course but not the development of this 
branch in the embryo. 

The direction of growth of this nerve is somewhat different from 
that of the corresponding branches of the seventh. It grows dorsally 
and forwards (fig. 51, s.é.g.) 

In late stages pree-branchial and pharyngeal nerves are developed, 
but I have no observations as to their mode of origin to record. 

It is obvious that the glossopharyngeal agrees exactly with the 
general schema. ‘The sole peculiarity to be noticed is the direction 
of growth of its supra-branchial branch. As in the cases of other 
nerves, the shifting and secondary attachment described by Marshall 
probably occur ; I have, however, not studied them. 

Nerves oF THE E1cutu, Ninta, Tanto, AND ELEVENTH SEGMENTS— 

The actual development of this complex has been fairly accurately 
described by Van Wijhe. However, as in the cases of other nerves, he 
omitted to record some steps in the process of development, and referred 
the actual connection of the complex with the skin to a later stage than 
that in which it first arises. 

He further, though describing the connection of the supra-branchial 

1 For the vagus the condition in Torpedo is taken, in which there are at least four nerves 
concerned ; in Hexanchus the vagus has five elements, in Heptanchus six (Gegenbaur). 


branches with the skin, and though figuring the actual fusion of the 
vagus ganglia with the sensory thickening, does not ascribe to the skin 
any part in the formation of the ganglia. 

Like Van Wijhe, I cannot find in the vagus outgrowth itself any 
real segmentation in its earliest stages. The first outgrowth from the 
neural crest (fig. 33) is a broad uninterrupted band stretching from 
just behind the glossopharyngeal, which it almost joins, to a consider- 
able distance backwards. 

Like other posterior roots, this outgrowth grows outwards and 
downwards towards the portion of epiblast just above the second, third, 
fourth, and fifth branchial clefts, which are now just forming (fig. 33). 
Here the epiblast forms a longish sensory thickening, with which the 
vagus fuses. 

Portions of the vagus pass on (fig. 34) behind the rudiments of each 
of the above-mentioned clefts, and form, as in other cases, the post- 
branchial nerves. 

At the point of fusion with the skin, cells are proliferated from the 
epiblast to form the ganglia. 

Soon, as pointed out by Van Wijhe, we get the ganglion of the first 
vagus cleft separated from the rest of the mass and fused with an 
isolated thickening above the second true branchial cleft. 

For the rest of the vagus there is usually only one ganglionic mass, 
which, however, ventrally, and by its post-branchial branches, shows 
a division into three portions. This mass lies over the last three 
clefts, and is to be regarded as made up of the fused ganglia of the 
three branchial sense organs of these clefts, with the addition, how- 
ever, of rudiments of nerve elements of a certain number of clefts 
which have disappeared, and even in the ontogeny hardly present 
traces of their former existence. In Torpedo, however, as first noticed 
by Wyman,! there is a rudiment of one cleft which never breaks 
through to the surface, and which is therefore never functional.* The 
rudiment of this cleft is very obvious in horizontal longitudinal 
sections of certain stages, and is represented in fig. 47. Here there is 
a considerable hypoblastic depression (c/. v1) of the pharynx just 
behind the last or fifth branchial cleft. 

Corresponding to it is a shallower but still marked epiblastic 

2 Wyman, “ Observations on the Development of Raja batis,” ‘Mem. Amer. Acad. of Arts 
and Sciences,’ vol. ix, 1864. 

? This paper of Wyman’s was not accessible, and the statement in the text is given from 
Balfour’s ‘ Embryology,’ vol. ii, 


involution. Along the posterior side of this hypoblastic depression 
the intestinal branch of the vagus runs. Gegenbaur has regarded this 
branch of the vagus as containing rudiments of post-branchial branches 
of aborted clefts ; and I think that in the relationship of this intestinal 
branch in Torpedo to rudiments of a sixth cleft we have a new support 
for this view. 

The ramus intestinalis is, as Van Wijhe states, mainly made up of 
the post-branchial branch of the last true visceral arch ; but, as just 
stated, it must also contain portions of the post-branchial branches of 
one or more aborted clefts. Certainly this is the case in Torpedo. 

In the question of the homology of this nerve I can only agree with 
Van Wijhe in rejecting Balfour’s view that the ramus intestinalis is a 

The statement just made concerning aborted clefts is also in accord- 
ance with Van Bemmelen’s researches on the thymus. His discovery 
of thymus elements behind the vagus is mentioned by Dohrn’ in his 
last great work, as supporting his view that Vertebrates formerly 
possessed many more gill-clefts than they do at present. The question 
will be returned to later on. 

It is thus seen that in Torpedo at any rate the vagus contains the 
elements of at least four segmental nerves and the rudimentary 
portion of a fifth. 

The first one of the lot is, shortly after its first development, slightly 
separated from the fused mass which contains the sense organs and 
ganglionic portions of the rest. 

Hence vagus I. can be treated alone. As mentioned before, its 
post-branchial branch passes along the posterior wall of the second 
branchial cleft to the musculature of the cleft. The skin takes no 
part in its formation. Above the cleft the main nerve fuses with the 
skin, and there, as in other cases, the ganglion and primitive branchial 
sense organ are formed. In this case too—and fig. 34 shows it fairly 
well—the sensory thickening must be considered as taking part in the 
formation of the ganglion. 

Later, the ganglion separates from the skin, and, along with this 
separation, the sensory thickening grows forwards and takes also a 
dorsal direction, a supra-branchial nerve splits off, and the sense organs 
formed are part of the supra-temporal branchial sense organs (fig 51, 

1 Dohrn, “Studien zur Urgeschichte, &c., No. vii, ‘Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel,’ 
Bd. vi, Heft 1, 


st.v.). Here, as in the glossopharyngeal, the supra-branchial branch 
has a dorso-anterior direction. 

Vagus I. also fits into the schema very well. It is formed just in 
the way described in the schema, has the same relation to a cleft, 
develops a primitive branchial sense organ and associated ganglion, 
&e. In fact, its development might have been taken in giving the 

For the rest of the vagus there is only one ganglionic mass, and one 
long, broadish thickening with which the ganglionic mass is associated. 

When the common nerve rudiment grows from the neural ridge and 
fuses with the epiblast, at the point of fusion the ganglionic mass is 
proliferated, probably entirely from the skin. From the ganglionic 
mass branches are sent off along the posterior sides of each of the 
three last clefts to the musculature of the clefts. They are the 
post-branchial branches, and are not developed from the skin. The 
last of the three is the so-called intestinal branch of the vagus. 
Along with the separation of the ganglion from the skin, the sensory 
thickening begins to grow backwards along the lateral surface of the 
trunk (fig. 39), This thickening is the rudiment of the so-called 
lateral line. The description of its development to be given here is 
in the main identical with that given by Van Wijhe.* It agrees with 
Gotte’s? and Semper’s® researches in so far as it describes the origin 
from the skin of the so-called lateral nerve, and in this point it differs 
from Balfour’s account.* It is, as Semper stated, very easy in Elas- 
mobranchs, though by no means so in Teleostei, to follow the whole 
development of the lateral line and nerve. 

In horizontal longitudinal sections the whole process is obvious 
enough, and I can fully endorse Van Wijhe in the opinion that 
Balfour would have had no doubt about the matter had he studied 
the point with horizontal sections instead of with transverse ones. 
The question of the direction of sections is here a vital one. In fig. 39, 
( the compound vagus ganglion is represented as fused with the 
skin, and the lateral line, /./., has commenced to grow backwards. 

It is an interesting and by no means an unimportant point that the 
lateral line increases in length not by the actual conversion of the 
epiblast cells behind the growing point of the line into sensory cells 

1 Op. cit., pp. 34, 35. 

2 Gotte, ‘Entwickelungsgesch. d. Unke,’ p. 672. 
3 Op. cit., p. 256. 

+ Balfour, ‘ Elasmobranch Fishes,’ p. 141, 


similar to those already present in the line, but that there is an actual 
growth backwards of the lateral line itself (figs. 40 and 41). That is, 
the sensory cells which compose the rudiments of the “line,” and 
which anteriorly give rise to the compound vagus ganglion (vg. 2, 3, 
and 4), repeatedly and rapidly divide, and in such a manner that 
the “line” is increased in length and pushes its way between the indif- 
ferent epiblastic cells behind it (fig. 40). These indifferent epiblastic 
cells (figs. 40 and 41, ze.) are actually thrust aside and probably lost 
along the whole course of the “lateral line” and concomitantly with its 

Part of the epiblast which is cast off is figured in figs. 40, 41, ze. 
It is possibly this temporary epiblast seen in transverse section which 
led to Balfour’s view of a special origin of the canals of the sense organs 
in the trunk of Elasmobranchs. 

As in other cases the nerve of the sense organs, the so-called lateral 
nerve, is formed from the deeper portion of the sensory thickening. 
This mode of origin of the lateral nerve was first described by Semper, 
and afterwards more fully by Van Wijhe in Elasmobranchs. 

The point is far easier to determine here than in the case of other 
supra-branchial nerves ; indeed, it attracts the eye with startling dis- 
tinctness in horizontal longitudinal sections of embryos of the proper 
age. The nerve is formed as the sensory thickening grows backwards 
along the body. It is well shown in figs. 40 and 41, U.m., and can be 
traced from the vagus ganglion (vg.g/.) backwards along the thickening, 
eradually becoming thinner and Jess differentiated until finally it 
ceases in the cells of the sensory thickening. 

That here there is no actual growth backwards of the nerve is 
obvious enough, for when the development has taken place for some 
length, then near the ganglion the nerve is fibrillar and has few nuclei, 
these latter increasing as the nerve proceeds backwards, and the fibres 
becoming, part passu, fewer, and ending gradually in the protoplasm 
of the sensory thickening. : 

Where the compound vagus ganglion ( 2, 3, 4) separates from 
the skin (fig. 36) it is easily seen that above each of the three 
branchial clefts fibres are given off from the separating ganglion to 
the sensory thickening. In fact, each of the elementary nerves making 
up the vagus compound, viz. xg. 2 and 3, and the intestinal branch, 
vg. 4 and 5, takes part in the formation of the so-called “lateral line.” 
In other words, the lateral line is made up of supra-branchial branches 


of at least four segmental nerves, probably of more than four, viz. 
vagus 2, 3, 4,5. The fifth root is the rudiment of the nerve of the 
rudimentary cleft mentioned before. 

We have seen that the facial, which is probably a compound nerve, 
has a large forked supra-branchial branch, and we shall find that the 
fifth and ciliary also, as already well known, have each a very long 
supra-branchial nerve, extending over the snout (fig. 51, ops. and 
oph. pro.), and hence we need not be much surprised that a supra- 
branchial nerve, which is made up of the elements of at least four 
Supra-branchial branches, should grow right away to the tail, and 
supply a very long series of branchial sense organs. 

In a former note! I put forward certain hypotheses concerning the 
posterior roots of spinal nerves to account for the apparently abnormal 
innervation by the vagus, that is by a cranial nerve complex, of a 
region extending right to the tail. These hypotheses I now see reason 
to reject, and after a study of the actual facts of development in Elas- 
mobranchs, as now recorded, I can only conclude that the so-called 
lateral line only differs in length and direction of growth from the 
other branchial sense organs. Its length is sufficiently accounted for 
by its containing the elements of at least four supra-branchial nerves, 
and its direction offers in itself nothing really remarkable, for the 
direction of growth of the other supra-branchial branches is not always 
the same. Those of the fifth, seventh, and ciliary grow forwards ; those 
of the glossopharyngeal and vagus I. grow dorso-anteriorly, and that 
of the rest of the vagus grows backwards (figs. 46 and 51). 

In fact, the direction of growth of sense organs and nerves would 
seem to be determined by the usefulness or need of having branchial 
sense organs in regions of the body other than the region just above 
the gill-clefts where they primitively occur. 

Judging by the great variations one meets with in the arrangement 
of these branchial sense organs in Ichthyopsida it would seem as 
though different families of fishes and Amphibians had independently 
solved the matter for themselves. Zhe great morphological point to be 
noticed, and I shall lay great stress on it later, 2s that at first there is 
the rudiment of one branchial sense organ with its associated ganglion 
over each gill-cleft or over the site of a potential gill-cleft. 

With reference to the hypotheses about spinal nerves mentioned 
above, I may here state that I see no reason now for assuming that 

* Beard, ‘On Segmental Sense Organs, &¢.” ‘Zool. Anz.,” 161, 162, 1884. 


true spinal nerves were ever connected with branchial sense organs. 
So far as my researches go there is a wide difference both in mor- 
phology and development between the cranial and spinal nerves. 

The mode of development of the lateral nerve here described is, as 
previously mentioned, in the main the same as that ascribed to it by 
Van Wijhe. The only author who has assigned to it a different origin 
in Elasmobranchs is Balfour, who was inclined to the view that the 
nerve really grows backwards from the vagus ganglion. 7 

My own researches on Teleostei' led me to accept Balfour’s view, but 
since I have had the opportunity of investigating the matter in Elas- 
mobranchii I conclude that my interpretation of the matter in Teleostei 
was erroneous. 

No doubt the account given by Hoffmann? of the development in 
Teleostei is correct. It accords well with the facts as recorded for 
Elasmobranchs here and by Van Wijhe. 

But none the less it may not be superfluous to point out that the 
existing accounts of the development of what I have called supra- 
branchial nerves in Teleostei, Elasmobranchii, and Amphibians—that 
is, the accounts given by Semper, Gétte, Hoffmann, and Van Wijhe— 
contain in them one element of uncertainty. That is, as to how the 
nerve thus developed from the skin acquires its connection with the 
appropriate ganglion. 

Most of the accounts are quite silent on this point. Gdtte, it is 
true, recognised the importance of the matter, and stated that the 
nerve in any particular case separates from the skin along part of its 
length and grows to its ganglion, This view, however, is not in 
accordance with the facts, and I have reason to believe that Prof. 
Gétte has now himself ceased to hold it. 

The apparent absence of connection between the nervous structure 
of the brain and the branchial sense organs of the head was to Balfour 
a great objection to Gotte’s and Semper’s view. He said, and to a 
certain extent he was right, that at first there is no nerve in connec- 
tion with the developing sensory thickening. 

This is right so far as its growing point is concerned, for there the 
nerve has not developed. 

But, as Van Wijhe has pointed out, it is not really the case so far 

as relates to entire absence of nerve in connection with the sensory 
1 Op. cit. 
2 Hoffmann, ‘‘Zur Ontogenie der Knochenfische,” ‘Archiv fiir Micr. Anat.,’ Bd. xxiii, 
p. 45, 


thickening, and further, the connection between sense-thickening and 
nerve is best made out in early stages, and is afterwards not so easy 
to trace. 

Van Wijhe himself, though he has given a true, accurate, but some- 
what incomplete account of the development of these supra-branchial 
branches to the sense organs, cannot be said to have solved the 
difficulty under discussion. He has rather ignored it, and though 
possessing the material for its solution, has not mentioned the matter. 

It is very curious that, although he has figured the fusion of various 
ganglia with the skin, he has apparently not noticed that the supra- 
branchial branches grow in the various cases out of the various ganglia 
so fused, and therefore are in connection with their appropriate ganglia 
from the first. 

In fact the whole rationale of the formation of supra-branchial 
nerves is to be seen in the deploying of the branchial sense organs, 
and in the connection of these organs with the ganglionic centre by 
longer or shorter conducting fibres—the supra-branchial nerves. 
Originally the sense organs were restricted to one over each gill-cleft, 
with an associated ganglion. This increased, and gave rise to two by 
division, and so on. ‘This is the more certain when we remember that 
even in late stages, according to Malbranc,* the sense organs of 
Amphibia increase by division. I have myself noticed and recorded 
this mode of increase in embryonic Teleostei.* 

It is hardly necessary to repeat that Gegenbaur’s view of the com- 
position of the vagus out of a number of typical posterior roots is 
quite true. We have seen that it really contains rudiments of at 
least five such elements in Torpedo. 

It follows from this that the vagus agrees with the schema given in 
the preceding pages. It is equivalent to and shows the development 
of, at least four such schematic nerves, True, there is only one supra- 
branchial branch,* the lateral nerve, for all the elements of the vagus 
except the first. But thisis probably secondary, and due to the fusion 

2 Beard, “‘ Segmental Sense Organs and Associated Ganglia,” ‘Zool. Anz.,’ 192, 1885; also 
Froriep, ‘‘ Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis, &c.,” ‘Archiv fiir Anat. und 
Physiol.,” 1885. 

? Malbranc, ‘“ Von der Seitenlinie u. ihren Sinnesorganen bei Amphibien,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. 
Zool.’ vol. xxvi, 1876. 

* Beard, ‘Segmental Sense Organs of Lateral Line,” ‘Zool. Anzeiger,’ Nos. 161, 162, 

* In Torpedo and many other forms. In other cases the “lateral line” is more compli- 
cated ; especially is this the case in Amphibia, vide Malbrance, op. cit. 





of the posterior elements of the vagus, and, as stated before, vg. 2, 3, 
and 4, all give fibres to the lateral line. 

It is worth mentioning here, because these researches confirm one 
of Balfour’s views, that the “lateral line” was originally, as he 
believed, restricted to the anterior part of the body. The whole 
development of all these branchial sense organs shows the truth of 
this. But it is, at the same time, a very curious fact that these sense 
orgaus along the trunk of Teleostei are segmental (fig. 44, b7.0.). 
This is well known, and is figured in the above figure, which is part 
of a horizontal section of a salmon hatched about six weeks. 

At one time I believed, with Eisig and others, that great morpho- 
logical importance could be attached to these facts; but I feel now 
compelled to adopt Balfour’s view, and in discussing the morphology 
of these sense organs I shall strongly urge that in face of the facts of 
development here recorded, the morphological connection between 
these branchial sense organs of Vertebrates and the “ Seitenorgane” 
of Capitellide, first suggested by Hisig,' becomes of a very doubtful 
nature. And here again I may be permitted to remind the reader 
that Balfour? long ago rejected the existence of any homology between 
these two sets of organs. 


Mr. Spencer has recorded in this Journal’ certain observations on 
the nerves of Amphibians. He has found that not merely the ganglia 
of the dorsal roots of cranial nerves of Amphibians, but that the whole 
of the nerves themselves are split off from the skin. I have figured 
the origin of the vagus nerve and ganglion in the frog in fig. 27. I 
have investigated the facts in Amphibians, and can fully confirm Mr. 
Spencer in most points. The development as seen in Amphibians is 
interesting, as in some respects showing a very primitive condition of 
the nervous system, viz. a nerve sheath or part of one; in other 
respects it is impossible in them to get as good a view of the primitive 
nerve composition of the head as in Elasmobranchs. 

In Amphibians a considerable amount of fusion of once separate 
nerves has taken place, not only behind the auditory organ, but also 
in front of it. As an instance, it may be mentioned that the ciliary 

1 Hisig, ‘‘Die Seitenorgane der Capitelliden,” ‘ Mittheil. a, d. Zool. Stat. z. Neapel,’ 
vol. i., 142. 

2 Balfour, ‘Comp. Embryol.,’ vol. ii., p. 142. 

2 ‘Quart. Journ, Micr. Sc.,’ Supplement, July 1885. 


ganglion, which in Elasmobranchs, and even in birds, is quite distinct 
in its development, is in the Amphibians fused with the Gasserian, and 
the two arise together as one fused mass. 

Vagus 1, 2, 3, and 4 are also all fused into one mass in Amphibia; 
the figure (27) is a transverse section through this mass. In it the 
nerve has not separated from the skin, and the ganglionic portion is 
readily recognisable as a mass of yolk-filled cells on the level of the 
lateral line. Later, both ganglion and nerve leave the skin as in 
Elasmobranchs. : 


The fifth nerve is well suited for studying the development of the 
ganglion of a dorsal root. 

It is well known, from Balfour’s and Marshall’s researches (opera 
cit.), that it arises from the third of the brain vesicles. In fact, from 
their researches and those of Van Wijhe, the development of the fifth 
is fairly well known with the exception of three stages. These are the 
fusion with the skin, the formation of the Gasserian ganglion, and the 
mode of development of the supra-branchial nerve (portio minor of the 
ophthalmicus superficialis, Schwalbe). 

To explain these stages it will be necessary to repeat some facts 
which are already known. 

The outgrowth from the neural ridge, which forms the rudiment of 
the fifth, is broad and extends backwards almost to the region of the 
seventh. Anteriorly it stretches forwards almost to the roots of the 
ciliary, to be hereafter mentioned. 

But the region between the two ganglia is well defined in the earliest 
stages by the indifferent epithelium between them, and by the position 
of the second head cavity which lies between them (fig. 11, h.c. 2). 

The nerve rudiment grows down to the level of the notochord (fig. 14) 
and fuses with an epiblastic thickening, just as the other nerves do. 
Here cells can be seen leaving the thickening to form the ganglion 
(fig. 15). 

In this case and in that of the ciliary there can be little doubt as to 
the actual mode of formation of the ganglion. The thickening which 
gives rise to the ganglion is situated just dorsal to the mouth, and in 
fact has just the position of a branchial sense organ. 

The ganglion is figured in fig. 17, still connected with the skin, and 


possessing then what we may regard as its primitive branchial sense 

Later, the sensory thickening grows in an anterior direction, and as 
it does so the ganglion separates from the skin, leaving behind it, as 
in other cases, a nerve which is split off from the sensory thickening, 
and which is the supra-branchial branch of the fifth (fig. 51, op.s.). 
Its course, &c., have been described by Marshall and Spencer, and it 
is usually called the portio minor of the ophthal. superfic. It was first 
classed as the r. dorsalis of the fifth by Balfour, and Marshall and 
Spencer afterwards expressed their agreement with this view. Where 
the main nerve fuses with the skin its course is continued along the 
mandibular arch by a number of cells of the nerve. These form the 
post-branchial branch, and innervate the musculature of the man- 
dibular arch. Later, a pree-branchial nerve is developed (Van Wijhe 
and others), which hooks over the angle of the mouth in the way that 
other pree-branchial branches hook over gill-clefts. 

Another apparent branch of the fifth is the nerve which Marshall 
has called a communicating nerve between the ciliary and Gasserian 
ganglia (fig. 51, ¢.b.). Its true nature has been worked out by Van 
Wijhe, who has shown that it really belongs to the ciliary ganglion. 
As I accept this statement I shall describe the nerve, as Van Wijhe 
has done, as part of the nerve of the second segment. 

The ophthalmicus profundus (fig. 51, oph. pro.) is also a part of the 
nerve of the second segment. This has been recognised by Marshall 
and Spencer, and also by Van Wijhe. 

The later fusions which occur between the fifth and seventh and the 
fifth and ciliary are in the early stagesabsent. In fact, in its develop- 
ment the fifth has the typical characters of the posterior root of a gill- 
bearing segment. It fulfils in every way, as Marshall found, the 
requirements of a segmental nerve as laid down by him, and it accords 
with our schema. It possesses a primitive branchial sense organ and 
an associated ganglion just above a cleft, the mouth, It has the homo- 
logues of post-branchial and pre-branchial branches, and it develops a 
supra-branchial nerve in connection with the branchial sense organs 
over the snout (fig. 51, op.s.). 

The new additional light thrown on the nature of the mouth will be 
referred to in discussing the general morphological considerations 
arising out of these researches. Suffice it here to say that the facts 


given above seem to me to confirm Dohrn’s' conclusion that the mouth 
arose from a pair of coalesced gill-clefts. 

GANGLION, AND Rapix Lonea. , 

A good deal of confusion exists as to the actual nerve components 
of this segment. 

Marshall? regards the motor oculi as the main stem of the ciliary 
ganglion, and attributes to it the character of an anterior and posterior 
root. In Marshall and Spencer’s* paper the ophthalmicus profundus is 
also classed as part of this segment. Schwalbe* had previously shown 
that the ciliary ganglion was really the ganglion of the posterior root 
of this segment, a demonstration which Marshall confirmed embryo- 
logically. Following on and extending these discoveries, Van Wijhe 
recognised the most important component of this segment in the 
ophthalmicus profundus, which he classed as the posterior root of the 
seement. While accepting to a certain extent Van Wijhe’s view, I 
feel bound to admit that from Van Wijhe’s researches alone, the 
matter does not stand in a very clear light. 

Here, as in other cases, Van Wijhe’s preconceived notions as to the 
correspondence of the roots of cranial nerves to those of the spinal 
nerves, interfered with the proper interpretation. Marshall’ first gave 
an account of the development of the ciliary ganglion ; this account 
Van Wijhe added to, but it is still by no means complete. And 
although the development of no cranial ganglion is easier to follow, 
and no fusion of the epiblast more obvious than the development and 
fusion of the ciliary ganglion, this fusion has never before been figured, 
and Van Wijhe’s earliest stage figured (fig. 31, g/.c., op. cit.) is a stage 
at which the ganglion is in great part separated from the skin, and in 
which the ophthalmicus profundus which runs from the ganglion along 
the snout and forms the supra-branchial branch, has just begun to 
develope. ; 

A glance at the diagrams (figs. 45 and 46) of the cranial nerves, 
according to my views, will simplify matters and pave the way for the 
account shortly to be given. 

1 Dohrn, ‘‘Studien, &e.,” No. 1, ‘Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Station zu Neapel,’ Bd. iii., p. 252, 

: Marshall, ‘‘ Segmental Value of Cranial Nerves,” ‘ Journ. of Anat. and Physiol.,’ 18382. 

5 Op. cit., p. 29. 

+ Schwalbe, ‘ Das Ganglion Oculomotorii.’ 
5 Marshall, ‘‘ Head Cavities and Associated Nerves, &c.,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Se.,’ 1880 


Taking the ninth nerve, or glossopharyngeal, as a type of a cranial 
nerve to a true gill-cleft, we see that there is a main stem (p.r.), a 
ganglion with associated sense organ, and then three other branches. 
These are a post-branchial (p..), a pree-branchial (p.b.n.), and a 
supra-branchial (s.0.n.). As their names imply, the post-branchial 
and préee-branchial run behind and in front of the cleft respectively. 
The supra-branchial nerve is the nerve connected with the later 
developed additional branchial sense organs. 

Now we may turn to the nerve of the second segment. The first 
thing noticeable is that the cleft is absent,1 or at any rate the gill 
muscles are not present even in the ontogeny. 

As a natural corollary to the absence or metamorphosis of the cleft, 
and absence of its muscles, the post-branchial and pre-branchial nerves 
are also aborted. 

In the diagram this abortion is represented by dotted lines (fig. 46). 
Hence all that we can expect to find of the posterior root of this 
Segment is a supra-branchial branch to the branchial sense organs, the 
ganglion of the branchial sense organs, and the main stem connecting 
the ganglion with the brain. The ganglion is the ciliary, the main 
stem is the radix longa, connecting the ciliary and Gasserian ganglia, 
and the supra-branchial branch is the ophthalmicus profundus. 

This identification is very similar to that given by Van Wijhe, but 
the matter is approached from an entirely different point of view. 

The actual development is as follows: From the neural crest of the 
mid-brain, just before the closure of the neural folds, cells grow out- 
wards and downwards to a thickened patch of epiblast just above and 
behind the eye (fig. 7). 

This outgrowth has been seen and described by Marshall and Van 
Wijhe. But Marshall recognised in it the first rudiment of the motor- 
oculi, and Van Wijhe that of the ophthalmicus profundus. Neither 
observer saw the skin fusion or the development of the ganglion. 
When the outgrowth reaches the thickened patch of epiblast it fuses 
with it (fig. 6). Cells are then proliferated off from the skin to form 
the ganglion, and the outer portion of the thickening begins to form 
the primitive branchial sense organ (figs. 8 and 9). From the thicken- 

1 Or metamorphosed. Dohrn has recognised what he believes to be a cleft behind the 
nose and in front of the mouth in the hupophysis. He does not say that it is the cleft of the 
ciliary ganglion, but this would seem to follow if Dohrn’s view were accepted. As at 
present, though possible, no relationship of this supposed cleft to the ciliary ganglion has 
yet been demonstrated, Dohrn’s view must be accepted with reserve. 


ing, cells are given off for some time, until a large ganglionic mass is 
formed, which still for some time remains fused with the skin. 

In fact, in the case of the ciliary ganglion the mode of development 
is well marked and very easy to study. The sensory thickening soon 
begins to grow forwards over the snout, and as it does so the ganglion 
begins to leave the skin. As this takes place a nerve is developed from 
the thickening, and connects the ganglion with its branchial sense 

From its course, relations, &c., this nerve is seen to be the ophthal- 
micus profundus.? It is morphologically the supra-branchial nerve of the 
second segment. 

The distance between the ciliary and Gasserian ganglia, even in 
early stages, is very short. The outgrowth from the neural ridge 
which forms the main stem of the ciliary ganglion is practically con- 
tinuous with the outgrowth which forms the main stem of the fifth. 
Van Wijhe has also drawn attention to this. 

Hence it can hardly be wondered at that the connection of the two 
ganglia with the brain soon becomes a common one, which distally 
divides into two portions, one of which is continued to the Gasserian 
ganglion, while the other goes somewhat obliquely to the ciliary, and 
forms its so-called radix longa (fig. 51, ¢.0.). 

Although I have no observations to record as to the development of 
the third or motor-oculi nerve, still Marshall’s opinions on the nature 
of the nerve must be discussed, and as his views are inconsistent with 
the other facts as recorded in this paper, I shall state what seem to be 
urgent reasons for modifying them. 

Marshall has advanced the suggestion that the third and fourth 
nerves together make up a segmental nerve. Hesays:? “There is very 
strong reason for thinking that, in the chick at any rate, the third 
nerve develops, like the hinder cranial nerves and the posterior roots 
of spinal nerves, as an outgrowth from the neural crest on the top of 
the mid-brain.” Since the third nerve later on arises from the base of 
the mid-brain, “very near the mid-ventral line,” he infers that the 
nerve must shift downwards, and to an extent unequalled by any other 

Now, leaving aside the fact that the shifting in the case of the third 

1 Apparently also Van Wijhe’s identification, but not very obvious from his description. 

2 Marshall, ‘Segmental Value of Cranial Nerves,” ‘Journ, of Anat. and Physiol.,’ p, 35 
1882, : 



nerve, if it does take place, occurs, by Marshall’s admission, to a 
greater extent than in the case of the other cranial nerves, a point 
which is surely of some importance, there are other objections which 
cannot, I think, be ignored. Marshall’s views have also been contested 
by Van Wijhe, for whose reasons the reader is referred to his oft- 
quoted work on the nerves of the Elasmobranchii. 

In any discussion as to the nature of the third nerve the morpho- 
logy of the head cavities is bound to have an important place. The 
second or mandibular head cavity undoubtedly gives rise to the 
superior oblique muscle (fig. 12, h.c.). On this point I can fully 
confirm Van Wijhe. 

This fact alone ought to dispose of the fourth nerve, which Marshall 
considers as part of the nerve of the second segment—that is, as part 
of the third nerve. The mandibular head cavity arises from the meso- 
blast plate of the mandibular arch, according to Balfour, Marshall, and 
Van Wijhe. It gives rise to the superior oblique muscle, therefore 
the nerve of this muscle, the fourth nerve, must also belong to the 
mandibular segment, as Van Wijhe insists. 

Further, if the first head cavity is morphologically of the same 
nature as the second and third head cavities, then the third nerve, 
which innervates the muscles derived from the third head cavity, is, 
a priori, of the same nature as the fourth and sixth nerves. 

Marshall himself regards the sixth nerve as a ventral root of the 
seventh nerve,! and says: ‘‘ Concerning the actual value of the sixth 
nerve, I see no reason to alter the opinion I previously expressed, that 
the sixth nerve may be regarded as having the same relation to the 
seventh that the anterior root of a spinal nerve has to its posterior 

We have also seen reason to believe that the fourth is a ventral root 
of the trigeminal nerve. And from all these facts we might fairly 
regard the third as also a ventral root. 

But further, the dorsal root of no other cranial nerve, if we except 
the third, innervates the structures arising out of a head cavity. The 
dorsal roots, so far as they are motor, only innervate those structures 
derived from the lateral muscle plates (Van Wijhe). 

According to Van Wijhe, the third nerve develops after the ciliary 
ganglion, and hence could not be its dorsal root. The third, at any 
rate, is an exceedingly fine nerve, and is much thinner than the ophthal- 

1 ‘Segmental Value, &c.,’ pp. 42—44. 


micus profundus ; hence, if the third nerve be the dorsal root of the 
second segment, then the proximal stem of the nerve is thinner than 
one of its distal branches. Hence there seems to be no avoiding the 
conclusion, in which I agree with Krause and Van Wijhe, that the 
third is not the dorsal root of the ciliary ganglion, but is the ventral 
root of the second segment. 

Returning to the general schema of the development of the dorsal 
root of a cranial nerve, it is found that, so far as its development goes, 
the nerve of the second segment agrees with the schema, In this 
instance allowance has to be made for the absence of a gill-cleft, and 
more especially, of a gill-musculature. In this the absence even in 
the ontogeny of post-branchial and pree-branchial branches is accounted 
for. Otherwise the development is normal. ‘There is a main stem 
with primitive branchial sense organs and an associated ganglion, the 
ciliary. There are no other branches except the later developing 
supra-branchial nerve (ophth. profund.). This nerve, as elsewhere, is 
developed in connection with the extension forwards of the branchial 
sense organs (fig. 51, oph. pro.). The reduction which has probably 
taken place in the nerve of the second segment prepares the way for 
the recognition and interpretation of the still greater specialisation 
which the two remaining cranial segmental nerves have undergone ; 
and affords a better insight into the true nature of the olfactory and 
auditory nerves. 

First SegmMentaL Nerve—Ouractory NERVE. 

The olfactory nerve has usually been classed with the auditory and 
optic nerves apart from the true segmental cranial nerves, Dohrn, 
in his essay on “ Die Ursprung der Wirbelthiere,” first suggested that 
the nose was a gill-cleft, and Marshall? very strongly advocated this 
view as the result of his researches on the chick and in Elasmo- 
branchii. He insisted, and as I believe with justice, on the segmental 
nature of the olfactory nerve. His reasons for this view were 
based on the actual development of the olfactory nerve; and he 
states—and so far as my researches go they only confirm his state- 
ment—that “the olfactory nerves develope in precisely the same way 

’ Huxley, ‘ Anat. of Vertebrates,’ p. 71; Gegenbaur, ‘Elements of Comp. Anat.,’ English 
trans., p: 515 ; Gétte, Entwickelungsgesch. d. Unke, &c.’ 

2 Marshall, A.M., “The Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick,” ‘ Quart. Journ. 
Micr, Sc., 1878, p. 23; and also, Morphology of the Vertebrate Olfactory Organ,” ‘ Quart, 
Journ, Micr, Sc.,’ 1879, 


as the other cranial (segmental) nerves: they arise at first from the upper 
part of the fore-brain and gradually shift downwards, acquiring by so 
doing a secondary connection with the cerebral hemispheres, of which 
they are at first completely independent ; and finally the olfactory 
lobe or vesicle, so far from being the earliest part to be developed, is 
actually the last, no vestige of it appearing in the chick until the 
seventh day of incubation, in the salmon till long after hatching, or 
in the dogfish until stage O. of Balfour’s nomenclature,” 

For the rest it is hardly necessary to repeat here the evidence 
advanced by Marshall of the segmental nature of the olfactory nerve. 
Though in my opinion not quite conclusive, it is of value so far as it 
goes, and it will be summarised later on after additional evidence 
has been adduced in favour of the segmental nature of the olfactory 

But Marshall recognises in the olfactory organ the rudiment of a 
gill-cleft, and, as I am led to a somewhat different view, it may be of 
advantage to give a summary of Marshall’s reasons for this opinion. 

For the detailed account the reader is referred to the paper on 
“The Morphology of the Vertebrate Olfactory Organ.” The following 
abstract is taken from Wiedersheim’s ‘Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden 
Anatomie,’ p. 375. The epitome there given is so concise and clear 
that I do not feel it necessary to offer any excuse for reproducing it 

Starting from the fact that the olfactory nerve agrees in its develop- 
ment with the other cranial nerves—that is, that it represents a spinal- 
like nerve which springs from the neural ridge—Marshall regards the 
olfactory groove as a primitive gill-cleft, which in exactly an analogous 
position to that in which the true gill-clefts are supplied by branches 
of the glossopharyngeal and vagus, has an anterior (upper) and a 
posterior (lower) branch of the olfactory nerve, these branches being 
respectively in front of and behind the supposed olfactory cleft. The 
Schneiderian folds of the nasal mucous membrane are comparable to 
the gill-filaments of fishes. As a consequence of the above view a com- 
munication between the nasal and oral cavities must once have existed 
in all Vertebrates, including fishes. Leaving aside the fact that such 
a condition is still present in Myxinoids, traces of it are to be seen in 
the naso-oral groove of Selachians, and also in the development of other 
fishes. Thus Marshall found in salmon embryos obvious diverticula of 

1 Marshall, ‘Segmental Value of Cranial Nerves,’ p. 13. 


the oral mucous membrane, which stretched towards the nasal groove, 
but which later in the development disappeared. Smelling, argued 
Marshall, is only a modified breathing, and thus no violent physio- 
logical change is necessary to convert a gill into a smelling organ. 

Wiedersheim! himself formerly supported Marshall’s view, and 
pointed out that in Epicrium, and probably in other Gymnophiona as 
well, there are on either side two olfactory nerves, one dorsal and one 
ventral, the roots of the two being perfectly independent and some little 
distance apart. He considered these roots to be homologous with the 
dorsal and ventral roots of a spinal nerve, and that by their discovery 
the segmental rank of the olfactory nerve was established. But, as 
Prof. Wiedersheim has kindly informed me by letter, he has, since the 
appearance of Blaue’s paper (“Ueber Bau der Nasenschleimhaut bei 
Fischen und Amphibien,” ‘Archiv fiir Anat.,’ 1884), seen reason to 
change his views on this subject. 

The contents of this really important paper will be referred to 
shortly, and here I need only express my conviction that the results of 
Blaue’s work, taken in conjunction with the light which I hope to 
throw on the development of the nose and its relationship to the other 
branchial sense organs, settle in a very definite and satisfactory manner 
the true homology of the nose. 

What has now to be demonstrated is that the nose 2s really a 
branchial sense organ, that is, the sense organ of a non-existent gill- 
cleft, and not a gill-cleft itself. 

It ought here to be mentioned that Hoffmann has already expressed 
a very similar view of the nature of the nose.? That is, he compares 
its whole development to that of the ear and of the so-called organs of 
the lateral line, and rejects Marshall’s view entirely. 

Although I have very little that is new to add concerning the 
development of the olfactory nerve, still the novel way in which its 
development will be regarded is not without importance. 

It was seen in discussing the nerve of the second segment—the root 
of the ciliary ganglion—that the whole nature of the nerve of this 
segment was obvious enough when it was noticed that the musculature 
of the lateral plates, that 1s, the gill-musculature, was absent, even in the 

2 Wiedersheim, ‘ Anatomie der Gymnophionen,’ 1879, pp. 59, 60. 
® Hoffmann, ‘‘ Zur Ontogenie der Knochenfische,” ‘Archiv f. Micros. Anat.,’ Bd. xxiii., 
p. 88. 


As a consequence, post-branchial and pre-branchial nerves were absent, 
and the whole segmental nerve was reduced to a ganglion and a supra- 
branchial sensory nerve, this nerve, as its name implies, being con- 
nected with the innervation of the still-existing branchial sense organs. 
Of course the main stem of the nerve connecting ganglion and brain 
was also present. 

A very similar condition of things exists in the nose. The early 
development has its exact parallel in the development of the nerve of 
the second segment. The sole difference is that the sense organs of 
the nose have not, as in the case of those of the second segment, 
undergone further development in a linear direction (fig. 46), but have 
confined that development to a somewhat circular area; that is, they 
have developed in many directions, but to a limited extent in each. 
A change of function has also probably occurred. In higher forms 
this, of course, is certain. 

A glance at the diagram (fig. 46) will illustrate the meaning of the 
above remarks. The supra-branchial nerve of the second segment 
(s.b.n.) is represented by a line. In the nose (o/f.o.) a supra-branchial 
nerve can hardly be said to be present. The sense organs have 
developed within an enclosed figure. 

For the rest, the development of the nerve of the first segment is 
practically that of a typical segmental nerve in which post- and pree- 
branchial branches are aborted. 

The nerve grows down from the brain to a thickening of epiblast, it 
fuses with this thickening (fig. 1), anda ganglion is formed at the 
point of fusion (figs. 2, 3, and 4). Even with the limited amount of 
material at my disposal, it can fairly well be shown that the ganglion 
is formed from the skin. 

When the nerve first fuses with the skin, just as in other cases, no 
ganglion is present (fig. 1). 

The ganglion first develops after the fusion, and from the inspection 
of figs. 2, 3, and 4, which are camera drawings of actual sections, it 
will be plain that there are strong reasons for believing that, as in 
other cases, the ganglion is proliferated from the sensory thickening. 
At any rate, in a later stage, which has also been figured by 
Marshall (fig. 5), it is seen that the state of affairs exactly resembles 
that in the ciliary ganglion and thickening (fig. 8), Gasserian 
ganglion and thickening (fig. 17), &c. The only difference between 
the olfactory ganglion and thickening and the complete segmental 


nerve, ganglion, and thickening of a gill-bearing segment, is the 
absence in the olfactory segment of any pre- or post-branchial nerves. 

Fig. 2 shows us a ganglion fused with an epiblastic sensory thicken- 
ing and connected with the brain by a short nerve stalk. In fact, it 
is the picture of a branchial sense organ and its associated ganglion. 

The facts of development here given, which accord so marvellously 
with the development of the other cranial segmental nerves, certainly 
render necessary a modification of Marshall’s view as to the nature of 
the olfactory organ, and in fact a modification in the sense of the 
above passage, in which the nose is regarded not as a gill-cleft, but as 
the sense organ of a gill-cleft. 

Marshall based his views firstly on the correspondence in anatomical 
and histological structure between the nose and other gill-clefts ; 
secondly, on the frequent occurrence of two branches of the olfactory 
nerve, one on each side of the supposed cleft ; and he further compared 
the Schneiderian folds of the nasal mucous membrane, as Stannius! 
had previously done, to the folds of a gill. 

The facts of development, as stated by Marshall, have been here 
admitted, but at the same time slightly extended, and in such a wise 
that the development of the olfactory nerve and organ is shown to 
agree very closely with that of the nerve, ganglion, and branchial sense 
organs of any other cranial segmental nerve. 

But now as to the relationships of the branches of the olfactory 
nerve to the supposed cleft, and as to the nature of the branches them- 

In its earliest development the olfactory nerve shows nothing that 
can really be homologised with the post-branchial branch of a cranial 
nerve. Such a resemblance, when present at all, is only existent in 
much later stages, 

But the post-branchial branch of a cranial nerve, whenever developed, 
is, par excellence, concerned with the innervation of the gill muscula- 
ture, and if it contains sensory fibres its main portion ismotor. There 
is nothing like a gill-musculature, even in early stages, connected with 
the olfactory organ. 

No one has yet described an arterial arch, gill-cartilage, or muscula- 
ture in connection with the supposed nasal visceral arch. The 
Schneiderian folds have indeed, in Elasmobranchii and other forms, a 
certain resemblance to gill-folds, but. this alone would not be sufficient 

2 Stannius, ‘Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Anatomie,’ ii. Theil 


to homologise the two structures, and the folding could be more easily- 
explained as brought about by the mere physiological need of increased 
surface. But surely it is a great change from a respiratory structure 
and function to a sensory structure and function ; a change which, in 
spite of the basis of truth in Dohrn’s law of change of function, has 
not, so far as I am aware, been shown to have occurred in any 
other case. True, Dohrn has recognised a gill-cleft in the hypophysis, 
but he has declined to ascribe a sensory function to that structure. 

Froriep,” also, in discussing my views as to the nature of the 
Vertebrate auditory organ, has suggested that the ear is really a 
a modified gill-cleft. But, as I shall presently show, this suggestion 
cannot be accepted, or even be held with any amount of reserve, for it 
is based on erroneous ideas of the primitive nature of the dorsal roots 
of cranial nerves. 

If my discoveries stood alone, I should conceive it as highly 
probable, if not certain, that the nose is really a branchial sense organ. 
But this view of its nature is confirmed in a most striking manner, 
and rendered as certain as anything can possibly be by the researches 
of Blaue.® 

These researches have been carried out on a considerable series of 
fish and Amphibians, and have led to the conclusion that in the lowest 
form of adult nose met with, viz. the nose of some fishes and Amphi- 
bians (Belone, the herring, and Proteus), the structure of the nasal 
membrane is essentially made up of a series of “smell buds” (Riech- 
knospen), and between these an indifferent stratified epithelium. 
These smell buds are identical in structure with the so-called taste- 
buds of the papilla foliata of the tongue, say of a rabbit, and are also 
identical with the structures in the skin of fishes, which are here called 
branchial sense organs, and which are usually known as sense organs 
of the lateral line. 

In the common Triton those structures described by Blaue are 
readily found in transverse sections passing through the nasal cavities. 
One such section is figured in outline in fig. 48, and a part of the 
section, showing two sense bulbs of the nose, or smell buds, is figured 
under high magnifying power in fig. 49. 

1 Dohrn, ‘‘ Studien, &c.,” No. 2, ‘ Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Stat. zu Neapel,’ Bd. ii. 

2 Froriep, ‘‘Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis,” ‘Archiv fiir Anat. und 
Physiol.,’ 1885. 

% Blaue, ‘‘Ueber Bau der Nasenschleimhaut bei Fischen und Amphibien,” ‘ Archiv fiir 
Anat. und Physiol.,’ 1884, 


In Triton I have fully convinced myself by actual investigation that 
Blaue’s results are true and accurate. And I have also somewhat 
examined the state of things in a few fishes. There can really be no 
doubt as to the accuracy of Blaue’s results; and here it only reniains 
to give a very short résumé of the paper, referring the reader who 
desires further detail to the original, which is illustrated by a number 
of very beautiful drawings. 

In many Amphibians and fishes the nasal membrane has the struc- 
ture mentioned above, but in others the indifferent epithelium becomes 
reduced, so that the bulbs come to lie nearer together. This reduction 
of the indifferent epithelium begins around the bases of the buds. The 
basal epithelium is pushed away, and in such a fashion that the bulbs 
are in contact basally, but are separated distally by indifferent epithe- 
lium (Exocoetus), 

In Trigla typical smell buds are found along with others that have 
increased in width and pushed the indifferent epithelium away. 

In Cottus the smell buds are almost completely fused together, but 
there is still a little indifferent epithelium, and a few buds still remain 

Lastly, in Fierasfer and others the indifferent epithelium has dis- 
appeared entirely from the folds of the nasal membrane, and a con- 
tinuous sensory epithelium is present. 

Thus Blaue has furnished very valuable evidence, from which, in 
conjunction with our knowledge of the development in Elasmobranchii 
the nature of the nose can be decided with greater probability than 

In Elasmobranchii separate bulbs are not present even in the 
embryo. The indifferent epithelium has disappeared even in the 
ontogeny ; but from Blaue’s researches on the structure of the nasal 
membrane in adult fishes generally, and from the mode of development 
of the nose, its ganglion and nerve, there can really be no hesitation 
about classing the nose with the branchial sense organs, and hence we 
are justified in calling it the modified sense organ of a gill-cleft.} 
F. E. Schultze* had previously stated his conviction that the “Gesch- 
mackorgane ” of taste buds were the last remains of the skin sense 
bulbs of fishes, and Blaue now homologises the smell buds and the 
sense bulbs of the skin of fishes. 

1 Beard, ‘‘Cranial Ganglia and Segmental Sense Organs,” ‘Zool. Anz.,’ 192, 1885. 
? F. E. Schultze, “Ueber die becherférmigen Organe der Fische,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool,’ 
Bd. xii, 1863, 


But though he is convinced of this homology, he nowhere hints that 
the nose is to be regarded as a specialised portion of the so-called 
organs of the lateral line, and in fact accepts and supports Marshall’s 
gill theory of the nature of the nose, and derives his smell buds from 
skin sense bulbs which, originally present on the nasal visceral arch, 
as in other cases, have wandered into the nasal-cleft. 

Now, although sense bulbs are present on and along the visceral 
arches of many fishes, they are not primitively there, their primitive 
position being above the cleft, not along it. Their presence along the 
arch is a later development. This fact and the facts of development 
as given before are entirely opposed to Blaue’s supposition. 

It is a curious commentary on the influence of the same set of facts 
on the views of different zoologists, that while Blaue, as the result of 
his researches, advocates the gill nature of the nose, Prof. Wieders- 
heim, as he has kindly informed me by letter, since reading Blaue’s 
paper, considers it necessary, as most morphologists would, to give up 
entirely the notion that the nose is a gill-cleft. 

My own opinion does not rest on the researches of Blaue alone. 
Apart from those discoveries, I should believe myself justified in hold- 
ing, as against the views of Prof. Dohrn and of my own teacher, Prof. 
Marshall, that the nose is the modified sense organ of a gill-cleft 
rather than a gill-cleft itself. 

But though maintaining that Blaue’s results are not necessary to 
support this view, yet, blending together those results and the facts 
recorded in this paper as to the development, &c., of the supra-branchial 
sense organs and of the nose itself, I believe that my view of the 
nature of the nose has so solid a foundation in facts that even the 
most sceptical zoologist can have little hesitation in accepting it. 

Shortly stated, the olfactory organ is a branchial sense organ, and 
the olfactory nerve is a segmental nerve, the post-branchial and pre- 
branchial branches of which, in consequence of the absence of a nasal- 
cleft, are not developed. In fact, the olfactory nerve is the sensory 
remnant of the most anterior segmental nerve. 

Hoffmann has described the development in Salmo, but has not 
ascribed an epiblastic origin to the nerve ; this, however, is the case 
in both Teleostei and Amphibians. In Amphibia, Gétte held that 
the olfactory nerve was developed in mesoblast. In fig. 4, the develop- 


ing olfactory nerve and organ of a Teleostean, Rhodeus amarus, is 
figured, and in fig. 3a similar stage in Rana temporaria. In both 
cases there is an epiblastic thickening, with which is united the 
rudiment of a ganglion, and there is also the rudiment of a nerve, 
the future. olfactory nerve (o/f.n), just splitting off from the skin. 
The development here is precisely similar to the development of the 
fifth nerve in the frog as described by Spencer, or to that of the vagus 
in the same animal as described in the preceding pages. 

It is hardly necessary to say that these facts confirm what has been 
said of the nature of the nose in Klasmobranchii. 


In a former paper’ I suggested the homology of the auditory organ 
with the so-called organs of the lateral line or branchial sense organs. 
Subsequent investigation has only confirmed this suggestion, 

Gegenbaur originally ranked the auditory nerve as a dorsal branch 
of the seventh. On embryological grounds Marshall and Balfour had 
also been led to the conclusion that the auditory nerve was not in itself 
entitled to segmental rank, but was in its development only a dorsal 
sensory branch of the seventh. Marshall, indeed, held that there 
was not room for another segmental nerve between the seventh and 

Recent researches have led different zoologists to the opinion that 
the hyoid arch is composed of two originally distinct arches. 

Van Wijhe considers that the obliterated cleft was behind the facial 
nerve, while Dohrn holds that it was in front of the hyoid cleft. The 
possibility that both are right appears to me not unlikely. Dohrn 
sees remains of a former cleft in the hyo-mandibular and in the 
thyroid body. The only evidence afforded by the nerves in support 
of this appears to be the existence of two supra-branchial nerves for 
the seventh. Alone it is not convincing evidence, but taken in con- 
nection with Dohrn’s facts? it is, I think, of importance. 

That a cleft formerly existed behind the hyoid cleft and in front of 
the first branchial is not admitted by Dohrn, and he has declined to 

1 Beard, “On the Segmental Sense Organs, &c.,” ‘Zool. Anzeig.,’ Nos. 161, 162, 1884. 

2 Dohrn even goes further, and postulates a separate spiracular visceral arch just behind 
the mandibular arch. Thus, according to Dohrn, there are four arches included between 
the fifth nerve and the seventh nerve, viz. mandibular, spiracular, hyomandibular, and 
hyoid. So far as my researches extend, I have found nothing in the nerves that would 

suggest a spiracular arch. However, bearing in mind what has taken place in the case of 
the vagus, I should hesitate to cast even a doubt on the truth of his view. 


attach any weight to the reasons which Van Wijhe urged for this 
opinion, which was based on the presence of two head cavities in the 
hyoid arch. Van Wijhe does not appear to have attached much 
importance to the evidence offered by the nerves, for he did not regard 
the auditory nerve as in itself of segmental value, and he never 
suggested the homology of the auditory organ with the branchial sense 


In Elasmobranchii the facts of development for this segment are 
exactly comparable to those described for the olfactory segment. The 
arrangement is here the same. There is no gill-cleft, and of course, 
as a consequence of the absence of that, we cannot expect to find a 
post-branchial nerve. 

The following line of argument may, as in the case of the olfactory, 
be used for the auditory segment. The sense organs and ganglion 
connected with the ciliary segment are without doubt homologous with 
the sense organs and ganglion of a cleft-bearing segment such as the 
glossopharyngeal. The ciliary has no pre- or post-branchial nerves 
because there is no gill-musculature or cleft. The auditory segment 
has no pree- or post-branchial branch just as the ciliary, but its sense 
organs, ganglion, and nerve are exactly like, and have the same structure 
as the sense organ, ganglion, and nerve of the ciliary segment. There- 
fore the auditory nerve, organ, and ganglion are homologous with the 
nerve, sense organ, and ganglion of the ciliary segment, and therefore 
are also the homologues of the nerve, sense organ, and ganglion of the 
glossopharyngeal segment. But the sense organ and ganglion of the 
latter are a branchial sense organ and its ganglion, therefore the 
auditory organ is also a branchial sense organ, and the auditory nerve 
the remnant of a segmental nerve. 

Immediately behind and somewhat overlapping the sensory thicken- 
ing which gives rise to the facial branchial sense organ is a long and 
broad auditory thickening (fig. 23). Behind the outgrowth of the 
neural crest which forms the facial nerve there is at a certain stage a 
small short outgrowth. ‘This is the rudiment of the auditory nerve 
(fig. 23). It soon reaches the auditory thickening, fuses with it (figs. 
24 and 25), and the ganglion begins to be formed at the point of 
fusion, and probably from the thickening itself as a proliferation, just 
as in other cases. 


Before the auditory involution has proceeded very far there is a 
considerable ganglion formed, and fused with the auditory thickening 
(fig. 29). At this stage the whole nerve, sense organ, and ganglion 
correspond exactly with the nerve, sense organ, and ganglion of the 
ciliary segment (fig. 8). 

Soon the involution is carried to such an extent that the auditory 
organ forms a sac, but it still opens on to the surface, and in Elasmo- 
branchs does so throughout life. Even after the formation of the 
sac, cells continue to be given off from the thickening to form the 
ganglion (fig. 31). The later-formed semicircular canals, &ec., are 
obviously secondary complications, which have as their motive the 
extension aud perfection of the sensory surface, and which resemble 
somewhat the formation of a supra-branchial nerve and its sense 

The resemblance in structure between the sensory cells of the ear 
and those of the branchial sense organs is obvious enough, and need 
not be dilated upon here. 

In Amphibia (Rana temporaria) the auditory organ, nerve, &c., are 
formed just like the sense organ, nerve, &c., of the trigeminus of the 
same animal. The nerve is split off from the epiblast, the auditory 
thickening is developed from the deeper layer of the epiblast opposite 
the notochord, and, as in the stage figured (fig 28), there is no 
auditory ganglion, it is fair to assume that it is formed just as in 
other cranial posterior nerves in Amphibia in connection with the 
auditory thickening. 

In Elasmobranchii, &c., the auditory ganglion and nerve become so 
fused with the facial that the nerve has usually been described as a 
branch of the facial. We have seen that it developes separately from 
the facial, and even when partially fused (fig. 21), the line dividing 
the two nerves is readily seen (cf. Marshall). 


Morphology of the branchial sense organs.—It is pretty clear from 
the facts recorded in the preceding pages that the so-called organs of 
the lateral line have some physiological relationship with the gill-clefts. 
They arise at the same time as the latter, are originally seated one 
over each gill-cleft, and have each a ganglion of a dorsal root of a 
cranial nerve arising with and attached to them. From the ganglion 
nerve-fibres pass to the gill-musculature on the one hand, and to the 


brain on the other. In fact, these sense organs may very well be 
regarded as special sense organs of the gill-clefts or as branchial sense 
organs. ‘This conclusion Prof. Froriep and I have independently 
arrived at. 

From the above considerations, and from the facts of development 
recorded here, it also follows that the ganglia of the posterior roots are 
primitively ganglia of these branchial sense organs. Originally con- 
nected directly with this branchial sense organ, the ganglion of the 
posterior root has now left its primitive position and has come to lie in 
the mesoblast, being only connected with its sense organ by nerve- 
fibres. In this conclusion as to the nature of the ganglion I am again 
independently in agreement with Froriep and Spencer. 

In describing the schematic development of a dorsal root I have, I 
think, sufficiently emphasised its true nature. Primitively, a dorsal 
root of a cranial nerve is the nerve of a gill-cleft, and is apparently 
only connected with the innervation of its cleft. It sends fibres from 
the brain to the sense organ and ganglion above the cleft, thence other 
fibres pass to the musculature and walls of the cleft (fig. 50). 

It is not without importance to notice that any division of the dorsal 
root of a cranial nerve into so-called dorsal and ventral branches is 
primitively absent (fig 50). Such divisions only occur in the later 
development in consequence of the separation of the ganglion from the 
skin, and of the formation of a greater number of branchial sense 
organs. Of course the ventral branch is there from the start, but in 
itself it is mainly motor and gives rise to no ganglion, and probably 
never has sense organs in connection with it. It certainly is not 
directly concerned in the innervation of a primitive branchial sense 
organ. Through a misunderstanding of this point Prof. Froriep has 
been led into rather serious errors as to the nature of the dorsal roots. 
He concluded from Van Wijhe’s researches, and, I must admit, not 
without reason, for the matter is there very vaguely stated, that the 
branchial sense organ and ganglion could occur on the ventral branch 
of a cranial nerve as well as on a dorsal. This conclusion led him to 
the opinion that the auditory nerve is a ventral branch. The blame 
of the matter lies very much at the door of Van Wijhe, for he 
described a cranial nerve (dorsal root) as typically possessing two 
branches, a dorsal and a ventral one, both of which could possess a 
ganglion. Now, we have seen in the development that the so-called 
dorsal branch (supra-branchial nerve) forms late in the development, 


and arises simply from the necessity of extension and increase of the 
branchial sense organs, with which it is solely concerned, the ventral 
branch as such being probably solely concerned with the innervation of 
the gill-clefts. 

A few words may be devoted to the researches of Bodenstein' and 
Solger,? which have led to the conclusion that in the sense organs of 
the lateral line in Teleostei nerve strands connecting the various sense 
organs together are present. From the account of the development 
given here such a connection might be expected to occur, for I have 
shown that the “lateral line” has arisen solely by the extension and 
multiplication of the primitive branchial sense organs of the vagus: 
these are, as we have seen, connected in development, being formed 
from one continuous sensory rudiment, and as they form one physio- 
logical whole, we could expect a connection in the adult. Although I 
have not attempted here to give an account of the development of the 
“lateral line” in Teleostei, I may perhaps be allowed a few words on 
it, as it seems to confirm the researches under discussion. 

In this case in the growth backwards of the sensory rudiment there 
are found thicker portions, which are segmental, and thinner portions 
connecting them. ‘The nerve is split off along the whole length, just 
as in Elasmobranchs. The thicker portions give rise to the sense 
organs, the thinner portions only to nerve structures, and probably to 
those connecting strands described by Bodenstein and Solger. 


Prof. Froriep’s paper, leaving aside the small error just mentioned, 
is a very interesting and very important addition to our knowledge of 
the ancestry of Mammalia. It is mainly concerned with the descrip- 
tion of rudiments of these branchial sense organs of the facial, glosso- 
pharyngeal, and vagus in Mammalia, viz. cow and sheep embryos. 
These rudiments are only found in certain stages, and disappear later. 
When they still exist the corresponding ganglia of these cranial nerves, 
viz. the ganglia of facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus, are fused with 
the skin ; indeed, the conditions seem to be much the same as in 
Elasmobranchii. That the ganglia are wholly or partly derived from 
the skin in Mammalia, Prof. Froriep hesitates to decide. It is some- 

> Bodenstein, E., ‘‘ Der Seitencanal von Cottus Gobio,” ‘Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. xxxvii, 
Heft 1. 

* Solger,“* Ueber die Seitenorganen Ketten der Fische,” ‘Zool. Anzeig.,’ 1882, No. 127, 
p 660 


what remarkable that Prof. Froriep should have failed to find rudiments 
of such sense organs in connection with the Gasserian and ciliary 
ganglia, and I cannot help expressing a firm conviction that such 
rudiments exist at some stage or other in Mammalian development. 
This conviction rests on a twofold basis—an a priori one, that in 
Elasmobranchii the sense organs of the ciliary and Gasserian ganglia 
are very well developed ; and, secondly, on the discovery, of which I 
hope soon to give a full account, that such rudiments occur, and are 
very obvious in embryo chicks. They are in the chick especially obvious 
in the cases of the ciliary and trigeminal segments, but they also occur 
in the segments of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus. 

Of course here, as in Mammalia, they disappear after the fish stage 
has been passed through, but when they attain the maximum of their 
development one could almost fancy, in studying them, that it was 
an Elasmobranch embryo which was under examination, the state of 
affairs in both cases being so alike that one can only marvel that these 
rudiments have hitherto escaped notice in the chick. So much for the 


THE Nose anpD Ear as Brancuian SENSE Orcans. 

In the preceding pages abundant evidence has, I think, been adduced 
to show that the nose and ear are specialised branchial sense organs. 
Whether they ever had gill-clefts in connection with them is a point 
which, from the evidence at present at our disposal, we cannot decide, 
and can only suspect that such was once the case from the relationship 
of the other branchial sense organs to gill-clefts, and from the known 
facts that certainly Vertebrates once possessed more clefts than at 
present. At any rate, at present the thymus or thyroid of the nose 
and ear, or their equivalents, have still to be found. 

The only zoologists who have suggested a different view of their 
nature are Froriep and Blaue, who have suggested that the ear is a 
gill-cleft. Apart from the evidence given in the preceding pages, 
which is inconsistent with this view, one may reasonably ask that the 
supporters of such a view shall give us more evidence than that afforded 
by an epiblastic depression that an organ is a gill-cleft. 

In this matter the nose and ear stand on equal terms, and until we 
have a few more of the structures which compose a gill-cleft and visceral 
arch, such as arterial arch, cartilage, &c., assigned to them, we can 
reasonably regard the matter with a certain amount of reserve. 


It is interesting to notice that if my views be correct the nose and 
ear are the only remains of the branchial sense organs’ in the adults 
of higher Vertebrates. They have survived with a possible change of 
function, while the other branchial sense organs have disappeared 
except in the first stages of the embryo, and are then only transitory 


This point has, I think, been sufficiently demonstrated in the general 
part of this work. The supra-branchial nerves are merely concerned 
in extensions of the branchial sense organs to a distance from the 
ganglia. They are erroneously called dorsal, for this condition when 
acquired is purely secondary. 

Any commissural nature of some of these branches, as suggested by 
Marshall and Speucer, is out of question. None of them are remains 
of the neural ridge. Still less can I accept Spencer’s recent suggestion,” 
that “the two curious branches which unite respectively the fifth and 
seventh and fifth and third cranial nerves ..... may be regarded 
as persistent parts of the lateral nerve which united the ganglia of the 
sense organs along the lateral line in the head, and which, separating 
from the skin, have come in the course of development to occupy a 
much deeper position, together with the ganglia, with which they 
preserve their primitive connection.” 

These “curious branches” are portions of fused supra-branchial 
nerves, as a glance at the diagrams (figs. 46 and 51) will show. 


Many attempts have been made to homologise the components of 
the segments of the head and trunk, and naturally such attempts have 
extended to the nerves. The spinal nerves, it is hardly necessary to 
Say, present anterior and posterior roots, the latter of which are 
ganglionated. Such a state of affairs has been sought for also in the 
head, but in face of the facts previously recorded it is at least doubtful, 
even if the existence of cranial anterior and posterior roots be granted, 
whether these can be homologised with those of the spinal nerves. 
The posterior roots of cranial and spinal nerves develop differently, for 

* Professor F. E. Schultze notwithstanding, the possibility that the taste buds of the 
tongue of higher Vertebrates are also to be referred to those sense organs must be borne in 

mind, Their innervation by the glossopharyngeal is, in this connection, very suggestive, 
® Spencer, ‘ Notes on the Early Development of Rana temporaria,’ p. 12. 



the spinal have no connection with the skin in early stages; that is, 
the ganglion is never fused with the skin, and their roots are never 
connected with gill-clefts or with special sense organs. 

One of the most striking results of these researches is the great dis- 
tinction of the body of Vertebrates into a gill-bearing region and a 
non-gill-bearing region; and at present, with the sharply-defined 
differences which obtain in the development of the organs of these two 
regions, attempts to homologise organs in the two different regions 
would seem to meet with indifferent success. That Balfour was right 
in regarding the cranial nerves as more primitive than the spinal is 
probable enough, but at the same time it is very questionable whether 
the spinal nerves ever had the same primitive characters as the cranial. 

Dohrn’s idea that the anus arose from a pair of coalesced gill- 
clefts may be rejected without more ado, for there seems to be 
no evidence for it. Not so, however, his mode of regarding the 
mouth as a pair of coalesced gill-clefts; that is probably true. In 
dealing with the relations of head and trunk, the vexed question 
of anterior roots of cranial nerves crops up, and with it the 
nature of the head cavities. I have no observations to record on the 
so-called anterior roots of cranial nerves except on the hypoglossus, 
which has certainly nothing to do with the cranial nerves, as Dohrn 
has pointed out. Van Wijhe regarded the hypoglossus as made up in 
Elasmobranchs of three anterior roots of the vagus, In this point my 
researches agree with those of Dohrn and Froriep. The hypoglossus 
has nothing to do with the vagus. 

Froriep’s' account of the development of the former in Mammalia 
seems to hold good also for Elasmobranchs. As in Mammalia, the 
hypoglossus of Elasmobranchs is derived from the anterior roots of the 
first three spinal nerves. The posterior roots are developed in the 
embryo, but afterwards abort. I have not figured them, because the 
spinal nerves really lay beyond the scope of this work. 

As to the head cavities themselves, their persistence in the anterior 
part of the head may, as other observers have stated, be due to their 
functional connection with the eyes. That they once occurred in all 
the segments of the head is probable enough, though with what organs 
they were originally connected is not so plain. Possibly from their 
muscular nature, and the apparent absence of sensory elements, even 
in development, in their nerves, they may have been the muscles of 

2 Op. cit., pp. 5 and 48. 


neural parapodia. That they had nothing to do with the gill-clefts 
themselves is pretty certain. 

Nature oF THE Movru. 

A few words may be here said on the bearing of these researches on 
the nature of the mouth. 

Dohrn! first suggested that the mouth was primitively a pair of gill- 
clefts, which have coalesced and come to open mesially. He after- 
wards showed? that it arises in Teleostei as two lateral depressions just 
like gill-clefts. In the preceding pages I have shown that in Elasmo- 
branchs there is a primitive branchial sense organ over the angle of the 
mouth, and with this sense organ an associated ganglion, the Gasserian ; 
and also that, just as in the nerves of other gill-clefts, a supra-branchial 
nerve is afterwards developed from this ganglion in connection with 
the extension of the branchial sense organs of the mouth cleft. I need 
hardly say that I see in these facts a strong additional support for 
Dohrn’s view. 


Admittedly this is one of the most difficult problems in Vertebrate 
morphology, and I cannot flatter myself that I am nearer a solution of 
it than other zoologists. But it may be remarked that the tendency 
of recent researches has been to increase the number of segments 
recognisable in the Vertebrate head. In ordinary sharks with five 
true gill-clefts, Marshall and Van Wijhe recognised nine segments, but 
Van Wijhe rejected Marshall’s olfactory segment, and Marshall did not 
regard the hyoid as composed of two segments. I should increase the 
number to at least eleven in sharks, with four roots to the vagus, and 
apparently Dohrn would agree with this number, but his segments 
might not be quite the same. 

Indeed, at present it is impossible to solve the problem with any 
degree of probability, and it is a question whether it ever will be solved. 
Hence the following table is only a tentative one, and is only meant 
to give a general view of the results of the researches recorded here. 
In passing I may remark that Dohrn’s recent criticism of Ahlborn’s’ 

1 Dohrn, ‘ Ursprung der Wirbelthiere.’ 

2 Dohrn, “Studien, &c,” ‘Mittheil. a. d. Zool. Station zu Neapel.’ Bd. iii I. ‘Der 
Mund der Knochenfische.” 

8 Ahlborn, ‘‘ Ueber die Segmentation des Wirbelthier-Kérpers,” ‘Zeit. fiir wiss. Zool 
Bd. xl., p. 309. ; 


*OUON ouoN ALOT [V19YV'T pue ‘TIT Way pue ro SHAE cyl, OPO SR 
‘TI snova jerpouvig |‘TyInojy “paryy, TI snova | 
Ui Eaiexel 
(es ; 
‘OTLO NT euoN | Youvaq petoduie4-vaidng J snsv A jerpouvig | -uviq puooag Tsusvea |“ TITA 
qeosukat yeosukz 
“OTL NT ¢ | Youvrq tetodurez-vidng | -eydossopy [empouvig [fempouviqysag | -eydossopy | ‘ITA 
a *ouON, oulO NT OTON kioyrpuy | *s10 L10zIpuy _ euON Aroyrpny | ‘TA 
s O10 NT d STTwoonq snuVry Terpomerg, profs Sa 
a sTjeoyzedus snormypery Teley ST[RIOB MT 
= “‘stoONpy paryy |-ydo jo sipeiovz o110g [erpourrg, quosq Vy SAT 
jae / 
*IVOTYOOLY, ptoosg = |-vroyzodnssnormypeyzqdo TUIIOSSVY) yertpouvrg Yynoy, =| snurmesiy | ** TIT 
stsfydod Axeqto Jo 
‘TTNIO 1OJOTT qsiiq |snpunjoad snormyeyzydo Areqig jerpouvrg | -fy to ‘ouoN |esuol xipey | “TT 
"OTLO NT auoO Ny auON f£r0yoejy[Q 810 A1090¥z,O ouON, AroyouyqQ | "1 
“4001 “410T) *8JOO1-OAIO NT 
“APIABD PLO “OAION [UItpURAq-vidng “MOILSUv JO UBSIQ SMES bk) 1@) *queTLseg 
-OATON, [IU A Jo aIN4UN [esiog 

SS ee See anal 



paper on this point seems to me to meet the objectionable points so 
successfully that further criticism is unnecessary. 

In connection with this table the reader would do well to consult 
the three diagrammatic figures (figs. 43, 46, 51). The same results 
are there shown. Fig. 43 is a diagrammatic horizontal section through 
the various sense organs and ganglia, and with fig. 45, which is a side 
view of the same structures, shows the primitive condition, Fig, 45 
shows the primitive position of these sense organs over the gill-clefts : 
in it, for simplicity, the post-branchial nerves are left out; but in 
fig. 46 these and the pre-branchial nerves are shown. The closed 
gill-clefts are also given, with the absorbed branches, in dotted lines. 
Finally, fig. 51 is meant to show the adult condition of the supra- 
branchial nerves, which are very diagrammatically given in fig. 46. 


Fisig? first suggested that these two sets of organs were homologous. 
Since then no one has added anything to the grounds for this 
homology furnished by Hisig. Until now it may truly be said that we 
knew nothing of the morphology of these branchial sense organs of 
Vertebrates. Now we do know a little, and this appears to me to place 
the homology of the “ Seitenorgane” of Capitellids with the branchial 
sense organs in a very doubtful light. We have seen that primitively 
these branchial sense organs are not found in all segments of the 
body, but are limited to the head, that they have special ganglia, and 
are special sense organs of the gill-clefts. 

In all these points they differ from the Seitenorgane of the Capitel- 
lidee, and, interesting and important as Hisig’s researches are, we must 
at present, I think, hesitate to accept the proposed homology. 


Of this we really know nothing. Leydig, who has the honour of 
having first described these sense organs, thought they were organs of 
a sixth sense. By others they have been regarded as touch organs, 
and as organs for testing the water breathed. Lastly, Mayser? 
suggested that they were a low form of auditory organ, and Emery? 

1 Risig, ‘* Die Seitenorgane und beckerformigen Organe der Capitelliden,” Mittheil. a. d. 
Zool. Station zu Neapel,’ Bd. i. 

2 Mayser, “ Studien tiber das Gehirn der Knochenfische, ‘Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ vol. xxxvii, 

5 Emery, ‘‘ Fierasfer,” p. 48, ‘Fauna and Flora of the Bay of Naples,’ 


instituted a comparison between the auditory labyrinth and branchial 
sense organs, and concluded that the two sets of organs have an 
analogous function. That this is the case seems now very possible ; 
that they are concerned in the perception of wave motion is obvious 
enough from their structure. 

T have here shown, and Professor Froriep’ has also come to the same 
conclusion, that they are the special sense organs of the gill-clefts. 
On this view we may assume that they give notice of impending 
danger to the gill-clefts, and so enable the latter to be closed. Of 
course they were existent long before an operculum was developed in 
any fish. 

After this demonstration that these sense organs stand in some 
important relationship to the gill-clefts, it may reasonably be expected 
that experimental evidence of their real nature will shortly be forth- 
coming. Here a valuable field of research is open for the physiologist, 
and a very important one too, for researches in it may lead to a better 
knowledge of other Vertebrate sense organs, such as the nose and ear, 
which appear to have been primitively of the same nature as these 
branchial sense organs. 

If the researches recorded here should give any impulse to the 

physiological study of these organs, they will have done a great deal ; 

for in spite of the many brilliant researches on the structure of these 
branchial sense organs, which have undoubtedly told us much about 
their structure and distribution, we cannot till now be said to have 
gained a clearer insight into their true nature than we possessed after 
Leydig’s researches. This honoured histologist and zoologist showed 
that they were really sense organs, but there the matter has remained 
for thirty-five years. 

My researches on the lateral line were commenced over two years 
ago in Professor Semper’s laboratory at Wiirzburg. In consequence of 
difficulties with the only material I then had, viz. embryos of 
Teleostei, they led to very little result. Afterwards they were for a 
time laid aside for other work. Although the results of the work in 
Wiirzburg were very barren, being made in what appeared to be a 
dreary and empty field, still my gratitude is none the less due, and 
is here expressed, to Professor Semper for his untiring advice and 

1 This was stated by Professor Froriep and myself independently. 


To Professor Milnes Marshall, in whose laboratory the later 
researches on Elasmobranchs were made, my acknowledgments are 
due not only for the privilege of the use of his library of zoological 
works, but also for his valuable assistance, criticism, and advice. I 
also wish to express my best thanks to Professor Wiedersheim for 
good counsel, and to my friend Dr. L. Will, who very kindly made a 
number of useful extracts from Gotte’s great ‘“ Unke” work, a work 
which was inaccessible to me in Manchester. 






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In most cases the objective and ocular used for each drawing are 
denoted by letters, such as Z. D, oc. 2, which signify Zeiss’s objective 
p, ocular No. 2. The figures are mostly camera drawings, and are all 
reduced to one third of their apparent enlargement, 


I, III, V, vil, &c., Olfactory, motor oculi, trigeminal, facial, &c., nerves. 
al.c. Alimentary canal. aud. and au.o. Auditory organ. 
Auditory ganglion. aun. Auditory nerve. 67. Brain. 
Branchial ganglion. 67.0. Branchial sense organ. c.b. Nerve con- 
necting ciliary and Gasserian ganglia. and Ciliary gan- 
glion. cz, Ciliary. cl. Cleft. cl. vi Sixth cleft. ep. Epiblast. fdr. 
Fore-brain. Facial ganglion. fac. Facial. Gass. Gasserian. Gasserian ganglion. Glossopharyngeal ganglion. gloss. 
Glossopharyngeal. Hind-brain. h.c. Head-cavity. h.c.. Second 
head-cavity. Hyoid cleft. «ae. Indifferent epiblast. 1.7. 
Lateral line. 7m. Lateral nerve. J.m. Lateral muscle plates. m. 
Mouth. Mid-brain. me. Mesoblast. ms. Inter-muscular septa. 
nm. Notochord. Nerve of ciliary ganglion. 2s. Nervous 
system. Olfactory ganglion. o/fn. Olfactory nerve. olf.o. 
Olfactory organ. Ophthalmicus profundus. op.s. Ophthal- 
micus superficialis of fifth nerve. y.b7.0. Primitive branchial sense 
organ. p.b.n. Pre-branchial nerve. p.f. Portio facialis of ophthal- 
micus superficialis—one supra-branchial nerve of facial. p.n. Post- 
branchial nerve. .7. Posterior root. 7.6. Ramus buccalis, the second 
supra-branchial nerve of the facial. sb.n. Supra-branchial nerve. sp.c. 
Spinal cord. Spinal ganglion. sm.b. Smell-buds.  s.¢.v, Supra- 
temporal branch of vagus 1. s.¢.g. Supra-temporal branch of glosso- 
pharyngeal. v9.91. Vagus ganglion. v9.1. Vagus ganglion 1. 

Puate VII. 
Fig. 1. Olfactory nerve just fusing with olfactory thickening. Torpedo 
ocellata. Z. D, oc. 2, camera. olf.n. Olfactory nerve. off.o. 
Olfactory thickening. 
Fig. 2. Olfactory ganglion (ol/f.g/.) and olfactory thickening (o/f0.) 
fused together. Torpedo ocellata. Z.D, oc. 2, cam. luc. 


Fig. 3. Transverse section of olfactory organ (o/f.0.) and nerve (olf.n.) 
in Rana temporaria. Z. c, oc. 2, cam. lue. 

Fig, 4. Transverse section of embryo of Rhodeus amarus, showing 
olfactory nerve and thickening both fused with skin. 
Letters as before. fbr. Brain. Z. F, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Fig. 5. Transverse section through fore-brain and olfactory organ of 
an embryo of 7” ocellata. Combined from several sections. 
Shows olfactory nerve and ganglion fused with thickening 
and connected with brain. Letters as before. Z. a, oc. 2, 
cam. luc. 

Fig. 6. Somewhat horizontal section through mid-brain, showing 
nerve of ciliary ganglion (n.¢.gl.) just fusing with skin, 
T. ocellata. Z. F, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Fig. 7. Low-power view of same section. Z.c, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Figs. 8 & 9. High- and low-power drawings respectively of a some- 
what horizontal section through fore- and hind-brain. 
Shows ciliary ganglion rudiment (c.g/.) and its primitive 
branchial sense organ ( The ganglion is in course 
of formation from the epiblast. fdr. Fore-brain. 
Hind-brain. Zorpedo ocellata. Z. D and A, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Fig. 10. Horizontal section through a young Torpedo embryo, showing 
ciliary ganglion still fused with its sensory thickening. 
Algo shows motor oculi nerve, (111). Ciliary ganglion. Primitive branchial sense-organ. 1. Motor oculi. Gasserian ganglion. Hyoid cleft. Mid- 
brain. h.c. Head-cavity. Facial ganglion. Z,. a, oc. 2, 
cam. luc. 

Fig, 11. Drawing under high power of ciliary ganglion and its primi- 
tive sense organ of the preceding section. Late stage, 
but still intimate fusion with skin. Also origin of supra- 
branchial nerve of ciliary ganglion (ophth. profund.) from 
skin. Supra-branchial nerve (s.b7.n.). Z. F, oc. 2, 
cam. luc. ; 

Figs. 12 & 13. Similar drawings to figs. 10 and 11 respectively. Let- 
ters as before. Glossopharyngeal ganglion. 

Fig. 14. Horizontal section through mid-brain and anterior portion of 
hind-brain. Shows course of fifth nerve, which lies just 
under skin, but is not yet fused with it. No ganglion yet 
present. 7. ocellata. Z. 0, oc. 2, cam. luc. 







ig. 20. 


Fifth nerve fused with its sensory thickening (p.b7.s.0.), and 
proliferation of Gasserian ganglion from the skin. G‘gl. 
Gasserian ganglion. 7’ ocellata. Z. 0, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Similar figure to preceding one. JZ". ocellata. Z. 0, oc. 2, 
cam. luc. 

Section through hind- and fore-brain. Shows Gasserian 
ganglion just before its separation from the skin, Z. 
ocellata. Z. A, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

Small piece of a horizontal section of a Torpedo embryo. 
Shows hyoid pree-branchial nerve (pb.n.) lying in epiblast 
and not yet separated from it. Gigli. Gasserian ganglion. Facial ganglion. 

Puate VIII. 

Transverse section through hind-brain of a Torpedo embryo. 
Facial nerve (vi1) just on point of fusion with its sensory 
thickening. Gill-cleft (hyoid) just about to form. Z. o, 
oc. 2, cam. luc. 

A similar section. Facial nerve just fused with skin, and its 
post-branchial (p.n.) passing on to muscles of cleft. Z. a, 
oc. 2, cam. luc. A later stage of facial ganglion in fig. 42. 

. Facial ganglion leaving skin, and still connected by two 

supra-branchial nerves (s.0.2. 1, and s.6.n. 2). Z. D, oc. 2, 
_ cam. luce. 

. Horizontal section of a Torpedo embryo. Facial ganglion 

fused with auditory, but line of demarcation is obvious. 
Facial has just left the skin, and is leaving a supra- 
branchial nerve (s.0.n.) behind it. 

. Part of a transverse section through the auditory region of a 

Torpedo embryo, Auditory nerve (vi) not yet fused 
with auditory thickening (au.o.). Z. F, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

& 25. Auditory just fused with auditory thickening, and 
ganglion proliferating. Letters as before. JZ’. ocellata. 
Z. F, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

. Low-power drawing of a horizontal section, such as the two 

preceding figures form part of. 

Transverse section, rather oblique, through hind-brain of a 
frog embryo. Shows auditory nerve and thickening on one 
side, and vagus nerve and ganglion on the other. awn 













. 30. 





Auditory nerve. vg. Vagus nerve. Vagus ganglion. 
Z. A, oc. 2, cam. luc. 

High-power drawing of auditory portion of preceding. Shows 
auditory nerve not yet separated from skin. Z. F, oc. 2, 
cam. luc. 

Transverse section through auditory region of an Elasmo- 
branch embryo. Shows auditory ganglion and auditory 
thickening intimately fused together. Auditory involu- 
tion as yet only partial. 

Similar section under low power. Auditory involution com- 

Highly-magnified drawing of auditory portion of last sec- 
tion. Shows intimate fusion of ganglion and thickening, 
and proliferation of cells of thickening into ganglion, 
Many nuclear figures near proliferating portion. 

. Transverse section through hind-brain of a Torpedo embryo. 

Shows glossopharyngeal nerve (1x) just fused with its 
primitive branchial sense organ ( Z. ©, oc 2, 
cam. luc. 

. Similar section to preceding. Vagus nerve (x) just before 

fusion. Z. c, oc. 2, cam. 

. Similar section. Vagus nerve just fused with its thickening. 

Post-branchial branch (p.n.) passing on to muscles of cleft. 
Z. D, oc. 2, cam. 

& 36. Portions of similar sections to preceding. Portions of 
vagus ganglion ( above gill-cleft, and just separating 
from skin; in separating, leaving a nerve behind. 
Branchial sensory thickening. pir. Pharynx. cl. Cleft. 
T. ocellata. Z. D., oc. 2, cam, luc. 

Puate IX, 

Horizontal section through head of a Torpedo embryo. Shows 
hyoid pre-branchial nerve ( formirig in epiblast. 
High-power view of small piece of preceding section, showing 
hyoid pre-branchial nerve ( in epiblast. Z. F, oc. 2, 


. Horizontal section through Torpedo embryo. Vagus ganglion 

separating from the’skin. Lateral line (/./.) growing back- 
wards and pushing indifferent epiblast (7.¢.) away. 
Spinal ganglion. Z. a, oc. 2, cam, luc. 









40, High-power view of part of preceding section, showing lateral 
line forming (//.), indifferent epiblast (.¢.) being pushed 
away, and. lateral nerve (/.n.) splitting off from thickening. 
me. Mesoblast. 7’. ocellata. Camera luc. 

41, Later stage of lateral line. Further back in trunk. High- 
power, camera lucida. Shows same things as preceding 
drawing. 7’. ocellata. 

42. Drawing combined under camera from several horizontal 
sections of an Elasmobranch embryo. Shows several cra- 
nial ganglia fused with their branchial sense organs. 
Primitive branchial sense organ. Mid-brain. 
Ciliary ganglion. G‘gl. Gasserian ganglion. Facial 
ganglion. Auditory ganglion. Glossopharyn- 
geal ganglion. 1. First vagus ganglion. 
Second, third, and fourth vagus ganglion. 0. Lateral 
line. Jd.n. Lateral nerve. au. Ear. . Notochord.  sp.c. 
Spinal cord. 

43, Diagrammatic horizontal section through the various bran- 
chial sense organs and their ganglia. The reader should 
conclude nothing from the cerebral vesicles figured here : 
there is probably at least one between the trigeminal and 
seventh nerves, and it is not figured here. 

44, Part of a horizontal section of a six week’s old salmon. 
Shows the position and segmental arrangement of the 
branchial sense organs (07.0.) in the trunk. 7s. Intra- 
muscular septa. ». Notochord. me. Mesoblast. 

45. Diagram of lateral view of an Elasmobranch embryo. Shows 
the central nervous system as plate not yet involuted, the 
posterior roots of the cranial nerves (p.r.) the branchial 
sense organs, the dorsal eye (oc.), mouth, and gill-clefts. 
Letters as before. 

46. Similar diagram, to show the branches of nerves to gill-clefts. 
The aborted branches in dotted lines. Also shows for- 
mation and direction of various supra-branchial nerves 
(s.0.n.). Vagus represented as supplying in all five clefts. 
This figure is a more diagrammatic view of fig. 51, which 
represents nature more or less accurately. 

47. Horizontal section of a Torpedo embryo, showing rudiment 
(cl. v1) of a sixth true branchial cleft. 


Fig. 48. Low-power drawing of transverse section through nose of an 
adult Triton showing Blaue’s smell-buds (sm.0.). 

Fig. 49. High-power drawing of two such smell-buds. Z. F, oc. 2, 
cam. luce. 

Fig. 50. Diagrammatic transverse section through the gill-bearing 
region of an Elasmobranch or other Ichthyopsid. Nervous 
system not yet closed in. On the left side the gill muscle 
plate is shown, and on the right the gill-cieft. h.c. Head 
cavity. m.s. Nervous system. p.r. Posterior root. x. Noto- 
chord. y.b7.0. Branchial sense organ. Branchial 
ganglion. Um. Lateral muscle plate. y.n. Post-branchial 
nerve. al.c, Alimentary canal. 

Fig. 51. Diagram taken partly from my own drawings and partly 
from Prof. Marshall’s. Shows the ganglia and various 
branches of the cranial nerves. Also mouth (m.) and gill- 
clefts (cl.1, cl.z), &c. For lettering, see general list. 

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By B. Metuanp, B.Sc. Platt Physiological Scholar in the 
Owens College. 



Everyone who has considered the subject must admit the essential 
identity from a physiological point of view of all those tissues which 
possess in a special degree contractility. The contraction of a white 
blood corpuscle or amceba is essentially the same phenomenon as the 
contraction of an involuntary fibre cell or a striped muscle fibre. 

When we consider these three contractile tissues from a histological 
point of view we are struck by an apparently essential difference in 
character between the striped muscle fibre and the elements of the 
other two contractile tissues, and indeed cells generally. The voluntary 
muscle fibre is morphologically a cell like a muscle fibre cell and the 
ameeboid corpuscle. Yet it differs from the latter and from all other 
cells in showing a characteristic transverse striation. 

According to Klein,! the protoplasm of the simpler contractile 
tissues, (1) the amceboid cell, (2) the ciliated cell, and (3) the involun- 
tary fibre cell, agrees, inasmuch as it consists of two parts—a matrix 
and an arrangement of fine fibrils, the intracellular network. The 
actual arrangement of the fibrils differs somewhat in the three cases. 

1 ‘Klein, ‘ Atlas of Histology,’ diagrams 1 and 4, and fig 2, pl. xv. 

226 B, MELLAND. 

Tn the white blood corpuscle they are arranged in a network or 
meshwork with polygonal meshes. In the ciliated cell they also form 
a network which seems to be in peculiar relation with the cilia. In 
the ciliated cell of the Mollusc, according to Engelmann,’ the fibrils 
are arranged in a longitudinal manner as fine varicose filaments 
running the whole length of the cell, and in connection with the 
bases of the cilia. In the protoplasm of the involuntary fibre cell 
the fibrils are arranged in a central or axial bundle, anastomosing at 
the poles of the nucleus with the intra-nuclear network. 

Observations on which I have been engaged for some time past, and 
which have been partly worked out in the Physiological Laboratory of 
Owens College, lead me to the belief that the striated muscular fibre 
really agrees fundamentally as regards histological structure with 
the other contractile tissue elements, in containing an intracellular 
network, differing from them merely in the greater amount of differen- 
tiation, and more regular arrangement, of the network. 

I believe, further, that the various conflicting descriptions given by 
different observers, and those points on which competent histologists 
differ more materially, can be explained and brought into harmony 
with one another by this view. 

I have observed this network in the fibres of Dytiscus, the Bee, 
Crayfish, Lobster, Frog, and Rat, prepared by a somewhat special 
method of gold staining, the network being the only part of the fibre 
stained by the gold. 

It may be specially stained also by treating the fibre with acetic 
acid, and subsequently staining with hematoxylin. 

It may be demonstrated, though not so completely, in the living 
fibre, and in acetic and osmic acid preparations. I have submitted 
my drawings and preparations to the examination of Prof. A. Gamgee 
and Prof. Milnes Marshall. 

Muscie Fire. 
(a) Dytiscus marginalis. 
Method of gold staining.—Decapitate a Dytiscus, open the thorax, 
remove a portion of a leg muscle, and place in 1 per cent acetic acid 

1 Engelmann, ‘ Pfliiger’s Archiv,’ xxiii, 1880, and ‘Quain’s Anatomy,’ 9th edition, vol. ii, 
fig. 240. 


from five to fifteen seconds, then into gold chloride solution 1 per cent 
for forty-five minutes, and leave in formic acid 25 per cent for 
forty-eight hours in the dark, Tease and mount in glycerine. 

If now examined with a magnifying power of about 700 diam. the 
appearance shown in figs, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, and 14 will be seen in certain 
of the fibres. The method of preparation has a great tendency to 
soften the fibre, so that it becomes much expanded on compression 
by the cover-slip ; it also has a great tendency to split the fibre into 
transverse discs. 

Fig. 1 represents a fibre which has retained its natural size and form. 
Narrow transverse bands of granular substance, deeply stained with 
the reduced gold, are seen crossing the fibre, separated by wider bands 
of lighter substance. These deeply-stained granular bands correspond 
in position to Krause’s “membranes.” The usual separation into light 
and dim discs of about equal thickness is lost by this method of 
preparation. ‘Traversing the wider unstained discs, and giving the 
fibre the appearance of longitudinal striation, are seen fine longitudinal 

In fig. 2 is seen a portion of a fibre which has been more flattened 
out by pressure. In it the deeply-stained, narrow granular band is 
seen to consist of a transverse row of dots. The longitudinal lines are 
seen to represent fine rod-like bodies traversing the position usually 
occupied by the dim stripe, and being continued into the dots at 
either end. Insome fibres a minute thickening of the rod is apparent 
midway in the position of the so-called “Hensen’s disc” (in the middle 
of the dim stripe). 

This method, as was before stated, has a tendency to split the fibre 
into transverse discs. These isolated discs are found in many parts of 
the preparation; they present the appearances seen in figs. 4 and 5. 
They are seen plainly in all cases to consist of two parts—(1) a net- 
work of fine highly refracting lines, stained by the gold, and having 
thickenings at the nodes ; and (2) an unstained substance lying in the 
interstices of the network. 

The appearance of this network differs somewhat with the degree of 
compression of the discs. When much compressed the network appears 
more open, and the nodal dots less marked. Towards the outside of 
the fibre the meshes appear more oblong, the network extending 
mostly in a radial direction. This network evidently corresponds 
when it is in its transverse position in the fibre with the deeply-stained, 

228 B. MELLAND. 

beaded disc occupying the position of ‘‘Krause’s membrane.” This 
is shown in certain fibres in which the discs are not seen perfectly 
edgeways but in perspective (fig. 6). The beaded disc at each 
membrane of Krause is here seen to consist of a transverse or 
horizontal network, united to the discs above and below by fine 
thread-like lines. This method of gold staining, then, brings out a 
network arranged in a manner represented diagrammatically in dia- 
grams 1, 2, 3, and 4. 

This network differs chemically from the rest of the fibre, inasmuch 
as it resists to a larger extent the action of acetic acid, and possesses 
in a greater degree the power of reducing gold. 

Tt will be shown later, by other methods of preparation, that this 
network differs again from the matrix in its physical properties. The 
network is isotropous and highly refractile. The refractive power is 
somewhat altered by gold staining, but certain optical effects are still 
produced by the refractive action of the network upon light. These 
optical effects can be more definitely seen in isolated portions of the 
network than in the whole fibre. 

Optical Effects produced by the Network. 

Fig. 12 represents a small piece of the network isolated from the 
yest of the fibre, consisting of nine or ten rows of dots and the 
connecting longitudinal bars. There is a single layer only of network 
aud dots. This isolated piece seems to be a portion of sarcolemma 
stripped off the fibre, along with the portion of network immediately 
below the sarcolemma, and attached to it by each transverse network. 

When exactly focussed (fig. 14, 1) each dot appears as a dark 
granule surrounded by a bright halo. The blending of these haloes 
causes a crenated bright transverse band. The effect of alternating 
light and dim bands is thus obtained, the bright band being crossed 
transversely by a row of dots, the dim band longitudinally by a series 
of fine lines. 

On altering the focus (raising ‘0025 millimetre, about), the refractive 
effects are to a certain extent transposed (fig. 14, vu). The dots now 
appear bright, surrounded by a dark border. By coalescence the 
appearance of a narrow bright disc is produced, separated from the 
dim disc at each side by a dark crenated line. 

Similar refractive effects and transposition on focussing are seen in 
the dises isolated by transverse splitting of the fibre. 


Transposition of the Bands. 

The effect known as “ transposition” of the bands has been noticed 
by many observers. On raising the objective what was previously the 
bright band appears now darker than the dim band. 

This so-called transposition is seen in fibres prepared by the gold 
method, better in fibres prepared with osmic acid; diag. 6, u represents 
a fibre at the upper focus. The light band in the position of Krause’s 
membrane appears very bright, and is bordered by a dark line at the 
junction of the light and dim bands. On focussing about 0025 mm. 
lower down (with Zeiss D obj.) the appearance seen in 1 is obtained. 
The darkest part of the fibre is now in the centre of what was the 
bright band, that is, in the position of Krause’s membrane. Bordering 
on this dark band, and separating it from the dim band, is a bright 
zone. The dim band remains much the same as before, though by 
contrast with the now dark Krause’s membrane it may appear lighter. 

The bright haloes round the nodal dots of the network may be 
compared with the similar effects observed whenever any highly 
refractile particle, such as a micrococcus or minute oil globule, is 
observed in a medium of lower refracting index. 

In the oil globule suspended in water similar and very definite 
transposition effects are seen on altering the focus. If focussed low 
it appears as a dark spot surrounded by a bright halo or border 
(u, diag. 7). On raising the objective (about 0025 mm., Zeiss D) 
the oil globule appears bright, surrounded by a dark border. 

The effect produced when a row of oil globules are seen side by 
side is, at the lower focus (x), a bright band (formed by the coalesced 
haloes), with a series of dark dots traversing it; at the upper focus 
(u) a narrower bright band, bordered by dark edges. The beads at 
the nodes of the transverse network may be looked upon as refracting 
and reflecting the light, in the same way as an oil globule in water, 
and as causing the so-called “transposition” of the bands seen on 
altering the focus. 

Identity of Network with Schdfer’s Muscle Rods. 
We cannot but be struck by the resemblance of the appearances 
brought out by gold staining with those described by Schiifer! in the 
living fibre as muscle rods. The two views differ, however, on two 

1H. A. Schafer, “On the Minute Structure of the Leg Muscles of the Water-beetle.” 
* Phil. Trans.,’ xii, 1873. 


230 B. MELLAND. 

points : (1) Schafer describes in a transverse section of the fibre a 
bright ground substance with a number of minute specks or dots; no 
appearance of a network. (2) He considers that there is typically a 
double transverse row of dots in the middle of each bright stripe. 

Concerning the appearance on transverse section we must not forget 
that Schifer’s conclusions were drawn from the living fibre in optical 
transverse section. Probably he saw all that it is possible to see of 
the transverse network in the living fibre, namely, the thickenings or 
dots at the nodal points, the fine network, seen so plainly in a 
transverse view when stained with gold, not being visible in the fresh 
fibre examined in this way. 

Is there a single or a double row of dots in the middle of the bright 
stripe? In the fresh fibre sometimes a single, sometimes a double, 
row of dots is seen, the two appearances often alternating with a 
higher or a lower focus. The same variation is seen in alcohol and 
some other preparations. 

In the gold preparations, when the fine granular disc or transverse 
network is seen perfectly edgeways and in focus, it appears invariably 
made up of a single transverse line of dots. 

When the transverse network is not seen perfectly edgeways, 
through not lying in a plane quite at right angles to the longitudinal 
axis, but slightly obliquely or in perspective, it may appear as a 
double row of dots or as a granular or dotted band crossing the disc 

In a perspective view of the fibre (figs. 3, 6, and 17), not only the 
dots (nodal points of the network) at the near side of the fibre are 
seen, but at the same time those deeper down or at the far side. 
Hence the appearance of two or more rows of dots crossing the fibre. 
When, by raising the focus, the nearer edge of one of these obliquely- 
arranged discs is alone focussed it is seen to consist of a single row of 

It was noticed a few moments ago, when speaking of transposition 
of the bands, that at the upper focus (diag. 6, uv) the coalesced bright 
dots form a bright band bordered at each side by a dark crenated 
line. Each dark line is not unlike a row of dots. Schifer’ seems to 
have figured muscle at this upper focus, and hence describes two lines 
of dots traversing the light disc where it borders on the dim disc. 

1 *Quain’s Anatomy,’ vol. ii, 9th edition, fig. 119. 


(b) Bee. 

Insect muscle may be very conveniently obtained from the thorax 
or leg of a bumble bee. 

Prepared with acetic acid and gold chloride, by the method already 
described, it shows a network identical with that described in Dytiscus. 

In order to obtain muscle in as uncontracted a condition as possible, 
gold preparations were made from the leg muscles of a bee, rendered 
insensible and immovable by chloroform vapour, in which presumably 
there was complete relaxation of the muscle fibre. These prepara- 
tions, however, could not be distinguished from those prepared without 

As the fibres are rendered soft by the method of preparation their 
size and the size of their elements varies with the pressure of the 
cover-slip ; hence measurements are of little or no value. 

(c) Frog. 

The fibres from the gastrocnemius of the frog treated by the 
same gold method as before yield an unmistakeable network. The 
fibres when examined are seen to be more changed by the process 
than is the case with insect muscle. They become very much softened, 
and when pressed upon by the cover-slip expand to many times their 
natural diameter, and thus often altogether lose their shape. Owing 
to this disturbance of the fibre the network usually shows no distinct 
differentiation into horizontal or transverse, and longitudinal portions. 
Hence there is no transverse striation. 

In many places in the preparation isolated portions of fibre show a 
network with polygonal meshes as in fig. 7. This network is also seen 
at the ends of certain fibres which, curling up, show a transverse 
section. The meshes are often, when the fibre is much expanded by 
compression, large enough to be seen with Zeiss A. obj., at other times 
much smaller, approximating in size to the meshes of the horizontal 
networks in insects’ muscle. The size of the meshes seems to depend 
entirely on the degree of compression of the fibre. When the meshes 
are small, distinct thickenings or dots are seen at the intersections of 
the fibres composing the network. This network is particularly sharply 
defined and is plainly seen to be a true network, that is, the lines 
represent linear fibres only. It is not a honeycomb work. The lines 
do not represent the edges of plates of interfibrillar material, 

ee eet eee ee eee ee ae ee nee oer 


232 B. MELLAND. 

(d) Crustacean. 

_ An exactly similar network can be brought out in the muscle 
of the lobster. My friend Mr. C. F. Marshall has made prepara- 
tions of lobster muscle with acetic acid and gold which show this 
network in a most beautiful manner. The muscle in this case was 
left in 15 per cent acetic acid for fifteen minutes (a much longer time 
than I use), in gold chloride thirty minutes, and in 25 per cent formic 
acid in a warm chamber for three hours exposed to the light. 

This network represents the transversely and longitudinally arranged 
network described in insects’ muscle pulled out of shape. In some of 
the fibres indeed it is still seen arranged in the rectangular manner. 
Fig. 8 represents a portion of a fibre in which transverse are crossed 
by longitudinal lines with dots at the intersections. In this case the 
ordinary light and dim transverse striation is obtained by refraction 
round the nodal dots. 

At first sight the meshes of the irregular network described in the 
frog and lobster look too large to correspond in size with the meshes of 
the horizontal network in Dytiscus, that is, with the end view of sarcous 
elements. But we must not forget the effect of pressure ; it expands 
the fibre to about ten times its normal diameter, and a corresponding 
increase in the-size of the meshes takes place. Fig. 11 represents a 
transverse section of the fibre of the frog cut fresh with the freezing 
microtome and stained by the gold method. It has not been much 
enlarged by pressure, and hence the meshes of the network are small. 

Fig. 10 represents a portion of a fibre of the lobster which has split 
into fibrils ; an uncommon effect in gold preparations. When muscle 
splits into fibrils the fibres of the transverse network rupture midway 
between the nodal points; the longitudinal threads and dots remain 
often attached to the fibril of sarcous substance, and cause it to appear 
transversely striated. 

The muscular fibres of the crayfish show exactly the same network, 
the precise method of gold staining seems to make little difference, 
Isolated portions of network are seen pulled out of shape, and thus 
with polyhedral meshes as in fig. 7. At other points the network is 
seen still arranged in its typical manner as in fig. 8. 

(ce) Rat. 
In the Rat most of the fibres show the typical arrangement into 
transverse and longitudinal portions (fig. 9). The transverse network 


is most marked. In certain isolated portions the dots at each nodal 
point of the network are seen surrounded by bright haloes as already 

Such then is the effect of gold staining on the muscular fibre. 
Can this network be demonstrated in any other way? Any method 
which fixes the fibre in that condition in which it is when living gives 
rise to appearances closely resembling those described. Acetic and 
osmic acids seem to act in this way. 


Muscular fibres from the leg of the bee were placed in dilute acetic 
1 per cent for from five to fifteen seconds, then into glycerine, and 

On examination they are seen to present a transverse row of dots 
at each membrane of Krause and longitudinal connecting rods. The 
network, like the sarcolemma, seems to resist the action of acetic acid 
more than the matrix or sarcous substance. If the fibre be stained in 
heematoxylin after the action of the acetic, the network becomes stained 
to a greater extent than the matrix, which remains relatively unstained. 

The fibre now presents the appearance seen in fig, 15. Thin 
granular deeply-stained discs are seen crossing the fibre in the position 
of each Krause’s membrane. They are attached to the sarcolemma 
at the edges, and appear to divide the fibre into compartments. If 
the near edge of one of these discs be focussed it appears as a 
transverse row of dots crossing the fibre, and in many fibres fine 
longitudinal lines may be seen joining the dots of two adjacent discs. 

In some fibres the appearance of a double row of dots crossing the 
fibre in the position of the transverse network is seen. ‘This is repre- 
sented in fig. 16. It is noticed in the preparations made with acetic 
acid, that the double rows of dots are met with, as a rule, in those 
fibres which have undergone least pressure. In fibres expanded by 
pressure a single row of transverse dots is alone observed. 

Fig. 17 represents a fibre treated with acetic acid and afterwards 
stained in watery solution of logwood. At the upper part of the fibre 
the thin dotted transverse discs are not seen edgeways but partially 
from below. Lower down in the fibre the discs are seen more nearly 
edgeways, and appear in perspective view as narrow granular bands. 
These granular bands appear crossed longitudinally, and more or less 
broken up into short parallel longitudinal segments, by fine bright 


234 B. MELLAND. 

lines. These bright lines are caused by refraction from the longitudinal 
rods of the network. 


Preparations made by placing living muscles from the bee in osmic 
acid 1 per cent for ten minutes, and mounting in balsam, give on 
examination the appearances figured in fig. 18 and diag. 6. Thickenings 
(Engelmann’s “fixed waves of contraction”) are seen on many of the fibres. 

In diag. 6, u the fibre is seen crossed at intervals by a dark well- 
marked line, Krause’s ‘‘membrane,” or the horizontal network. On 
focussing upwards this line appears as a thin bright disc, and the 
appearance U is obtained. 

In certain fibres (fig. 18), by careful examination, it can be seen 
that this dark line consists of a row of dots, and occasionally fine 
longitudinal lines may be seen joining them. 

A fined wave of contraction is shown in this figure. The contracted 
part of the fibre is widened out transversely and the distance between 
the transverse networks diminished. The series of haloes round the 
rows of dots extends to the whole of the now diminished interval 
between the successive rows. There is consequently a bright band in 
the position usually occupied by the dim band. Traversing this bright 
band longitudinally are seen fine lines joining the dots of adjacent 
networks. Between this fully contracted and the relaxed part of the 
fibre is the portion showing the “homogeneous stage” of Engelmann. 
The transverse marking is here to a large extent lost, and this can be 
easily understood, when we consider that at the onset of contraction 
the transverse network would be probably more or less pulled out of 
shape. The individual dots would no longer lie in the same transverse 
plane, and hence the haloes would not blend into a continuous bright 
transverse disc. This agrees with the fact mentioned by Schiifer,! 
that mechanical shifting of the elements of a fibre causes a dis- 
appearance of the transverse striations. 

Another point often observed in osmic acid preparations is a caving 
in of the sarcolemma between each transverse network, that is opposite 
the dim stripe. In other preparations the sarcolemma usually bulges 
at these points, and appears to be contracted at its attachment to the 
transverse network or Krause’s membrane. This may be explained 
if it be supposed that in osmic acid preparations there is a certain 

1 Quain’s Anatomy,’ vol. ii, 9th edition, p. 129. 


amount of contraction of the matrix or sarcous substance, by exosmosis 
for instance. The sarcolemma will follow this decrease in bulk but 
will be prevented from doing so at those points where it is held out- 
wards by the more rigid transverse networks. 

IV. Tue Livine FIsre. 

The fibres from the leg of Dytiscus, or the bee, mounted without 
the addition of any fluid, and examined whilst fresh or living, give 
the appearances seen in figs. 19 and 20. Most of the fibres are seen 
to present the appearance of alternate dim and bright batids, the dim 
bands being the thicker. Each dim band is traversed by a series of 
longitudinal lines of a highly refractile substance. Running across the 
middle of the bright band transversely is seen a single row of dots. The 
fine dark lines crossing the dim stripe are traceable at either end into 
the dots of the bright stripe. In this case, just as in the acetic acid 
preparations, there often appears to be a double row of dots in the 
centre of the bright stripe. Fibres are seen side by side, one with a 
single row, another with a double row of dots in this position. When 
a double row is present, the corresponding dots of the two rows appear 
to be always joined longitudinally by fine lines across the middle of 
the bright stripe. This is mentioned by Haycraft' but not by Schafer. 

Sometimes again the appearance shown in fig. 20 is observed. A 
series of short parallel longitudinal lines is seen in the position of the 
transverse network. These lines appear dotted on careful examination. 
This appearance is similar to that described in the acetic acid prepara- 
tion (fig. 17), and may be explained in the same way as a perspective 
view of the network crossed by longitudinal bright lines, caused by 
refraction from the longitudinal rods. “Transposition” of the bands 
may be seen on altering the focus, similar to that already described. 
The line of dark dots, with its series of bright haloes forming the 
bright disc, becomes now a line of bright dots bordered by two crenated 
dark lines. The above observations on the living fibre were made by 
means of the gas chamber. The chitinous integument of the leg of 
the bee was slit longitudinally, the muscle scooped out, and quickly 
teased on a cover-glass and inverted over the moist gas chamber. 
This method may be used for studying the phenomena of contraction, 
by blowing air charged with alcohol vapour into the chamber, and 
thus causing the fibre to contract by chemical stimulus. 

2 *Quart. Journ. Micr, Sc.,’ April, 1881, p. 23. 

236 B. MELLAND. 

On contraction the fibre becomes shorter and thicker, the transverse 
rows of dots approach one another and appear darker, probably by 
contrast with the now bright “dim” disc. These appearances are 
similar to those seen in the “fixed waves of contraction,” described 
in the osmic acid preparations. 

In a preparation of fresh muscle I have seen a fibre undergo slow 
rigor mortis, commencing at one end and gradually extending towards 
the other. It exactly resembled a very slow contraction wave passing 
over the fibre, and the changes undergone by successive discs, as 
the contraction affected them, were similar in appearance to those 
described in fig. 18, and could be observed with more deliberation 
than usual. 

The Fibre under Polarised Light.—The effects observed in the 
living fibre with crossed Nicols were exactly similar to those figured 
and described by Briicke and Schafer (‘ Quain’s Anat.,’ 9th ed., vol. ii, 
fig. 125). Briicke’s drawing is almost identical with diagram 3. 

The fibre is chiefly made up of doubly refractile or anisotropous 
material, but a band of singly refractile or isotropous material crosses 
the fibre transversely in the position of each Krause’s membrane, and 
this band is geen with a high power to consist of a row of rhomboidal 
dots. Fine lines of isotropous material are described running longi- 
tudinally across the anisotropous discs and joining the rhomboidal 
dots. The appearance of the muscle fibre under polarised light leads 
us to the belief that the network consists of isotropous, the matrix or 
ground substance of anisotropous or doubly refracting, material. 


Alcohol preparations of muscle show, in most cases, a somewhat 
different character to those prepared by the preceding methods. 

Spirit has a tendency to split the fibre into fibrils and sarcous 
elements. After the muscle has been in alcohol it may be stained 
with some reagent ; Kleinenberg’s hematoxylin, for instance, gives 
excellent results. Alum carmine may also be used. Mount in Canada 

Absolute alcohol has a somewhat different effect from ordinary spirit. 
It sometimes seems to fix the fibre as it appears during life—that is, 
there is no differentiation into sarcous elements, but transverse rows of 
dots, and longitudinal lines are alone seen, as in the living fibre. Fixed 
waves of contraction may also be found, 


Fig. 21 represents a portion of a fibre of Dytiscus stained in heema- 
toxylin after the action of spirit. It shows an alternation of bright 
and dim discs, the dim discs stained a deep purple and made up of a 
series of sarcous elements side by side. Across the middle of the 
bright discs a granular or transverse line is seen. Fine longitudinal 
lines, the longitudinal bars of the network, may occasionally be seen 
crossing the bright discs. 

This account agrees for the most part with that given by Klein! as 
to the structure of muscle. He, however, figures a continuous line— 
the homogeneous Krause’s membrane—in the middle of the bright 
stripe, and no longitudinal fibrillation in the bright disc. 

Let us consider the influence of the intracellular network in pro- 
ducing the appearances known as sarcous elements, and Cohnheim’s 
areas, in the muscle fibre. 

The matrix, or substance which lies in the interstices of the network, 
is of far greater bulk than the network. It is homogeneous through- 
out ; nevertheless, it may be looked upon as being partially divided 
into columns or fibrils by the longitudinal bars of the network, and 
partially into dises—the contents of muscle compartments—by the 
transverse networks. By the action of spirit the matrix becomes split 
into fibrils. The reagent causes this ‘sarcous substance” to shrink 
(possibly by abstraction of water), and the homogeneous mass now 
separates into fibrils along the lines of greatest weakness—that is, 
along the guide lines formed by the longitudinal bars of the network. 
These fibrils may again divide transversely at the horizontal networks, 
producing sarcous elements (diag. 8). Thus the appearance of sarcous 
elements is seen, as described by Klein,? to be a post-mortem phenomenon. 
In consequence of shrinking the sarcous substance no longer entirely 
fills up the skeleton “muscle caskets,” and the division into sarcous 
elements, which was foreshadowed only before by the bars of the 
network, becomes evident by the development of intervening spaces 
between adjacent elements. The appearance known as Cohnheim’s 
areas is somewhat differently described by different observers. For 
the present we may follow Klein’s® description. The prismatic sarcous 
elements which lie side by side in the living fibre with no intermediate 
substance, shrink through coagulation on dying, and become separated 
from one another by a transparent interstitial fluid substance. In a 

1¢ Atlas of Histology,’ p. 77. 
2 Loc. cit., p. 76s 
3 Loe. cit. 

238 B. MELLAND. 

transverse view there are thus seen small polygonal areas separated 
by clear lines, each polygonal area corresponds to a sarcous element. 

Cohnheim’s areas may be described as the appearances produced by 
coagulation and splitting of the matrix along the guide lines formed 
by the transverse network ; they represent an end view of sarcous 
elements, and are post-mortem phenomena (diag. 9). 

Previous VIEWS. 

I think it unnecessary to give a historical account of the different 
views which have been published with regard to the structure of the 
striped muscle fibre. 

An epitome of the historical results may be found in Schifer’s' paper 
on the leg muscles of the water-beetle; or by the same author in 
‘Quain’s Anatomy,’ 9th ed. 

Reference has already been made to most of the appearances des- 
cribed by different observers, and the way in which these appearances 
may be explained as caused by the presence of a highly refracting 

The relation of this network to Krause’s? views may be noticed. 
Krause’s “muskel-kastchen” are bounded above and below by Krause’s 
membrane, and laterally by the boundaries of Cohnheim’s areas. 
Briicke® regards the isotropous lines which traverse the anisotropous 
disc as optical sections of the partitions between ‘‘ muskel-kistchen.” 
These partitions correspond with the longitudinal bars of the network 
and with Schiifer’s rods. The alternation of bright and dim transverse 
bands has been looked upon by several observers as an optical effect, 
and not due to any anatomical differentiation here present. 

Heppner‘ and Stricker look upon the bright band as the expression 
of total reflexion, which occurs at the line of demarcation between 
Krause’s membrane and the chief substance of the fibre. 

Bowman suggested that the transverse striping shown by the fibrille 
was caused by the moniliform shape. Haycraft’ has recently developed 
this view, and extended it to the whole tibre. 

Striped muscular fibres are met with in the animal kingdom, 
from the Coelenterata upwards; there is no reason to suppose that the 
+ Loc. cit. 

2 “ Ueber den Bau der quergestreiften Muskelfaser,” ‘Zeitschr. f. rat. Med.,’ xxiii. 
3 © Quain’s Anatomy,’ p. 127; and “ Muskelf. im polarisirten Licht,” ‘Wiener Denkschr.,’ xv. 

4 *Stricker’s Handbook’ (Syd. Socy.), p. 548, vol. iii. 
5 *Quart. Journ, Micr. Sc.,’ April 1, 1881, 


cause of the transverse striation is different here from that in the 

I have received the greatest sympathy during this investigation 
from my friend Mr. C. F. Marshall, with whom I have verified most 
of my results. The drawings of the network in the fibres of the Rat 
and Lobster are from gold preparations by him. Mr. Marshall is at 
present working on the histology of the muscle fibre, from the lowest 
types of the animal kingdom in which it occurs upwards, and has 
already obtained interesting results. A study of the comparative 
development or phylogeny of this network, and at the same time of 
its embryology, may lead to its undoubted recognition as an ordinary 
intracellular network. 

My thanks are also due to Professor Milnes Marshall, who has kindly 
examined my drawings and specimens, and suggested alterations in the 
paper, and to Mr, J. Priestley. 


The chief results at which I have arrived may be summarised as 
follows : 

There is an intracellular network present in the striped muscle fibre 
of Dytiscus, Bee, Lobster, Crayfish, Frog, and Rat, which may be 
most clearly demonstrated by certain methods of gold staining. The 
network alone is stained by the reduced gold, and, owing to this 
differentiation, is plainly visible even with comparatively low powers. 
This network may be demonstrated, though not so completely, in the 
living fibre, and in acetic and osmic acid preparations. 

Crossing the fibre transversely, united to the sarcolemma, and more 
or less separating the muscle fibre into compartments, are network 
partitions—the transverse network. 

Running longitudinally down each compartment, and joining the 
dots at the intersections of the fibres of the transverse network, are a 
series of fine rods. The arrangement of this network will be made 
evident by reference to diagrams 1, 2, 3, and 4. 

This network consists of an isotropous material, and is more highly 
refractile than the rest of the muscle substance, which is anisotropous. 
This network serves to explain the transverse striation and other 
complicated appearances presented by the muscle fibre, and brings 

into harmony many of the conflicting statements of histologists on 
this subject. 

240 B. MELLAND. 


Diags. 1, 2, 3, and 4.—Diagrammatic views of the network in striated 

Diag. 1.—Perspective view of the fibre, showing the transverse 
network, a, at each membrane of Krause, and the longitu- 
dinal lines. 

Diag. 2.—Perspective view of a portion of the network, 
showing:—a. The transverse networks, with polygonal 
meshes and dots at the nodes. 6. The longitudinal bars 
of the network ending in the dots. 

Diag. 3.—The fibre geen in longitudinal view. The transverse 
network, a, appears as a row of dots crossing the fibre (in 
the position of Krause’s membrane). c. Minute thicken- 
ings on the longitudinal bars of the network, midway 
between the transverse networks. 

Diag. 4.—The fibre seen in transverse section. 

Diag. 5.—Network as seen in a longitudinal view of the fibre, showing’ 
the production of alternating bright and dim bands by 
refraction around the nodal dots. 

Diag. 6.—So-called transposition of the bands, as seen in an osmic 
acid preparation of muscle of Bee. v. Appearance at 
upper focus. wt. Appearance at lower focus. 

Diag. 7.—Oil globules in water, showing their refractive effect upon 
light. vu. At the upper focus, each globule surrounded 
by a dark border. 1. At the lower focus, each globule 
surrounded by a bright halo. 

Diag. 8.—Production of sarcous elements by contraction of the matrix 
and splitting along the guide lines formed by the bars of 
the network (seen in spirit preparations). 

Diag. 9.—Formation of Cohnheim’s areas by contraction of the matrix 
as above. In this transverse view of the fibre the pris- 
matic sarcous elements are seen on end, and appear as 
polygonal areas separated by bright lines. 

Fig. 1.—Fibre of Dytiscus, prepared by the gold method. Zeiss, 
D obj., No. 5 oc. 


Fig. 2.—Dytiscus, gold method, portion of a fibre more compressed 
than in Fig. 1. 

Fig. 3.—Fibre of Bee, prepared by the gold method; transverse 
networks in perspective. 

Figs. 4 and 5.—-Dytiscus, gold method, showing isolated discs con 
sisting of a network. 

Fig. 6.—Fibre of Dytiscus, gold method, splitting into discs. 

Fig. 7.—Lobster fibre, gold chloride ; isolated portion of a fibre, net- 
work pulled out of shape. Exactly similar networks are 
seen in the Frog and Crayfish. 

Fig. 8.—Frog, gold method; network arranged typically, and showing 
transverse striping. | 

Fig. 9.—Rat, gold chloride; longitudinal view of a portion of a fibre. 
(Preparation by C. F. Marshall.) 

Fig, 10.—Lobster, gold chloride, splitting into fibrils. 

Fig. 11.-—Frog. Transverse section of the frozen fibre, stained by 
the gold method. 

Fig. 12.—Dytiscus, gold method ; isolated portion of the network. 

Fig. 13.—The same, more highly magnified. (Zeiss, F obj., No. 5 

Fig. 14.—The same, showing refracting effect of the network. L. 
Lower focus. v. Upper focus. 

Figs. 15 and 16.—Fibres of Bee, treated with acetic acid, then 
Kleinenberg’s heematoxylin. 

Fig. 17.—Fibre of Bee, treated with acetic acid, then watery solution 
of logwood. ‘The transverse networks seen more or less 

Fig. 18.—Fibre of Bee, prepared with osmic acid, shows a fixed wave 
of contraction. 

Fig, 19.—Living fibre of Bee, showing longitudinal view of network, 
(ts immersion obj). 

Fig. 20.—Living fibre of Bee, transverse networks seen somewhat 

Fig. 21.—Portion of a fibre of Dytiscus, stained in hematoxylin after 
the action of spirit. Shows sarcous elements. 

Where not otherwise stated, the drawings were made from Zeiss, 

D. obj., No. 5 oc. 

Diag. 5 


el ae 

Diag 4 


sritHtss eee E-EEe ean ceseebeasaia 
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By G. Herpert Fow er, B.A., Keble Coll., Oxon; Berkeley Fellow of 
the Owens College. 

[Puates XI, XII, & XIII.) 

By the kindness of Professor H. N. Moseley I have been enabled to 
study the anatomy of certain Madreporaria obtained by him during 
the voyage of H.M.S. “Chailenger.” As in lecture-courses and text- 
books but little information is given relative to this ancient and 
interesting group, and the few papers on the subject are scattered, a 
short sketch of the more recent researches is prefixed to my own 
results. Two forms only are described in this paper, P/labellum pata- 
gonicum and Rhodopsammia parallela: others, it is hoped, will follow 
shortly. The text will be reduced as far as possible throughout. 

An acquaintance with the anatomy and development of an ordinary 
Actinia is presupposed in the reader, this being the type by which 
comparisons are made; but a list of the more technical names used to 
describe the anatomical parts of the polyp is given, with the synonyms 
for the use of those desirous of consulting the literature of the subject. 

Mouth-dise = Mundscheibe, Peristome. 

Body wall = Leibeswand. 

Stomatodeum (cesophagus) = Schlund-, oder Magen-rohr. 

Ceelenteron = Darmhdéhle, Leibeshohle, Estomac. 

Mesenteries (sarcosepta) = Scheidewiinde, Parietes, Replis mesenteroides. 
Mesenterial filament (craspedon) = Mesenterialfaden, Cordon pelotonné, 
Septa (sclerosepta) = Sternleisten, Cloisons, Lames. 

Theca = Mauerblatt, Muraille. 


A “pair” of mesenteries is constituted by two mesenteries whose 
longitudinal muscle fibres are ranged on their adjacent faces (except 
in the case of the two “directive pairs,” each of which is placed at 
one end of the longer axis of the mouth oval, and in which the arrange- 
ment of the muscles is reversed). For the chambers (Radial-taschen, 
Loges) into which the coelenteron is periaxially divided by the mesen- 
teries, I am compelled to coin new names. ‘To those chambers which 
lie between a “pair” of mesenteries the term entocele ig applied 
(fig. 1, B); to those chambers of which one lies between every two pairs 
of mesenteries the term exocele (fig. 1, a). The septa lying in these 
two classes of chambers are similarly called exosepta and entosepta. 

The classification adopted will be found at the end of the paper, 
together with the bibliography. 


In 1873 Lacaze Duthiers (i), studying the development of Astrozdes 
calycularts on the coast of Algiers, found that it agreed in every 
important point with the development of Actinia, his observations 
on which (2) were corroborated and corrected by the Brothers Hert- 
wig (3). With regard to the developing skeleton, he recorded two facts 
of importance—firstly, as appears in his pl. xiv, fig. 27, that it 
was formed outside the polyp; and secondly, that the theca arose 
independently of the septa. Owing to various practical difficulties his 
investigation was incomplete. 

The chief worker in this field has been Georg von Koch, who, in the 
course of several investigations, has arrived at the conclusion that the 
theca is a secondary structure, derived from fusion of the peripheral 
ends of the septa. The evidence adduced in support of this theory 
appears to me to be at present insufficient for complete proof, though 
from our slight knowledge of the group it is injudicious to absolutely 
deny its truth. 

Von Koch first published this theory in 1879, founding it on the 
following observations on Caryophyllia (4). There is no living tissue 
on the greater part of the exterior of the corallum; but at the apex 
the peripheral edge of the mouth-disc overlaps the lip of the calyx in 
such a way that in the highest sections the septa appeared to stand 
free in the ccelenteron, in «sections a little lower to have fused 
peripherally into a theca. The cost are, according to him, and 


as will be seen by the figures, the outermost ends of the septa 
(EEA, 8B): 

Further, the mesenteries and chambers between them appeared to 
be continued into this external part of the polyp. These appearances 
he explained by supposing that, as the peripheral ends of the septa 
approximated and fused, they surrounded the mesenteries, dividing 
them ultimately into a central and a peripheral part. Asa further 
proof he adduced the observation that in microscopic sections of the 
corallum sutures were visible in the theca at the points where he 
supposed the septa to have fused. 

T venture to think with Moseley (5) that this explanation is erroneous; 
that the appearances in the first section (Pl. XI, 4) are due merely 
to the fact that in this, as in many corals, the secretion of calcium 
carbonate is most active about the septa, which consequently rise 
slightly above the level of the theca, as may be seen in any figure of 
Caryophyllia ; and further that, in the second section (PI. XI, B), the 
apparent continuation of the mesenteries and chambers between them 
over the lip of the calyx is not due to their having been cut into two 
portions by fusion of the septa, but to more or less abnormal contrac- 
tion due to the use of alcohol ; in life the polyp, when fully expanded, 
undoubtedly stretches over the lip, but in these forms, so far as I can 
ascertain, in natural contraction it is completely within the calyx. 
Further, as appears from his own researches and those of others on 
different forms, the whole skeleton, instead of being, as he describes, 
free in the ccelenteron, is shut off from it by a layer of endoderm and 
mesoderm, and as much outside it as the rest of the corallum ; these 
layers he himself figures as clothing another part of the septum, 
though of this portion no histological details are given. Von Heider, 
in a paper shortly to be referred to, states that Von Koch has over- 
looked the fact that the whole of the corallum is covered externally by 
ectoderm and mesoderm ; certainly this form requires more complete 
investigation, Again, having ground many microscopic sections of 
corals, I can afford no credence to “sutures ;” in the process cracks 
fly through the coral in all directions. But if evidence of a directly 
contrary character is needed, the case of Flabellum may be adduced, 
in which (5), according to Moseley, sutures run not between the fused 
ends of the septa—ie. through the theca—but down the centre of 
each septum, 


Though Von Koch gives no detailed description of the anatomy of 
Caryophyllia, the following account may be inferred from his figures 
and text (4) (6). The polyp is built on the Actinian type, consisting 
of mouth-disc, stomatodzeum, mesenteries ; the muscles of the latter 
being arranged as in Actinia. No external body wall, its place being 
taken by the theca; inner body wall of mesoderm and endoderm, 
lining the coelenteron, and clothing the interior of the calyx, both 
theca and septa. Mouth-dise drawn down in abnormal (?) alcoholic 
contraction over the lip of the calyx. Entosepta and exosepta both 
present. No mention made of tentacles. 

Of Madrepora variabilis he records, in 1880, the following facts (6): 
Structure Actinian ; in the end-polyps of the colony six pairs of 
mesenteries, six entosepta, and six exosepta; in the side-polyps also 
Six pairs of mesenteries, but six entosepta only. 

Von Koch has also studied Stylophora digitata in somewhat greater 
detail (7). The form of the colony resembles that of Aleyonium 
digitatum ; the polyps live in small calyces on the surface of the 
colony, but the living tissues are not continued down into its centre, 
as in Alecyonium ; the lower part of the cavity formerly inhabited by 
the polyp being shut off by a kind of tabula as it grows upwards. 
Over the surface of the colony lies the ccenosare, the fleshy rind of the 
otherwise calcareous colony, which puts the polyps in communication 
with one another, being permeated by canals which are continuous 
with their ccelentera, and similarly lined by endoderm. The polyp 
possesses six pairs of mesenteries, six larger tentacles, six smaller 
tentacles, and six entosepta. There are two distinct types of nema- 
tocyst. Longitudinal muscles occur on the mesenteries, but the small- 
ness of the latter rendered it impossible to detect whether their arrange- 
ment agreed with Actinia or not. 

In 1881 Dr. von Heider, of Graz, published a description of Clado- 
cora astrearia and Cl. cespitosa (8). These species are also built on 
the Actinian type; and Heider describes for them the same con- 
tInuation of the mesenteries and mesenterial spaces that v. Koch 
mentions as occurring in Caryophyllia cyathus. I have examined 
macroscopically and by sections Cl. cespitosa in a completely retracted 
state, and can find no trace of such a condition, an observation which 
confirms my belief that this appearance is due to partial contraction, 
owing to the use of alcohol. There is no true coenosare such as occurs 
in Stylophora, just as there is no coenenchyme, the calyces being free 


outwardly from the rest of the colony. In luxuriant growth and 
budding, however, according to Heider, both skeletons and soft tissues 
of adjacent polyps may fuse ; an observation interesting as probably 
indicating the history of the formation of the ccenosare and ccenen- 
chyme which characterise many other forms, There is one correction 
to be made in his work which, for the sake of future workers in this 
field, ought to be mentioned here, namely, that in hig Pl. III he 
frequently figures as endodermal cells small spherical bodies with a 
well-staining nucleus, which are zooxanthellee or symbiotic unicellular 
Algze, living free in the ccelenteron in such numbers as often to 
completely obscure the true endoderm, with which they, of course, 
have no connection. While accepting v. Koch’s theory as to the 
origin of the theca from fusion of the septa, he differs from it in some 
details, regarding the “sutures” as merely cracks artificially produced 
in the corallum. Septa and tentacles both entoccelic and exoccelic ; 
mesenteries and their muscles arranged as in Actinia. For further 
details, which are -very thoroughly worked out, his paper should be 
consulted. One point of importance deserves mention: between the 
corallum and the structureless mesoderm-lamella which overlies it 
immediately, and was generally understood to secrete it, v. Heider 
detected certain cells, for the most part scattered, but in some places 
forming a definite layer. To these he gave the name calycoblasts, and 
assigned the function of coral-secretion, with great justice, as later 
researches proved, though their origin was a matter of doubt till 
cleared up by v. Koch. 

The latter, in a paper on the development of Astrovdes calycularis, 
brought into notice the following facts (9). When first fixed, and before 
the secretion of the skeleton has commenced, the embryo is plano- 
convex, and its ectoderm may be divided into two regions, correspond- 
ing to its surfaces, the plane disc of attachment, or basal ectoderm, 
and the convex portion, or lateral ectoderm, the centre of which is 
invaginated as the stomatodeum. ‘The skeleton first appears as small 
pellets of calcium carbonate lying between the basal ectoderm and the 
foreign body to which the embryo is attached, and is therefore outside 
the animal, and consequently the result of secretion by the ectoderm. As 
the corallum is always described in text books as a product of the 
mesoderm, this observation cannot be too strongly insisted upon. 
These pellets become first a ring-shaped disc, then a complete disc 
lying between the basal ectoderm and the foreign body to which the 


embryo is attached. Where septa are to be formed the three body 
layers, endoderm, mesoderm-lamella, and basal ectoderm, rise upwards 
asa fold into the coelenteron; and as they rise, coral is deposited 
beneath them which fuses with the original disc; the septa are thus 
also deposited outside the basal ectoderm. Then they begin to 
bifurcate at their distal ends. The originally basal ectoderm to 
which the secretion of the skeleton is attributable persists in the adult 
as the calycoblasts of v. Heider. 

Von Koch further asserts that the theca results from the fusion of 
the bifurcating ends of the septa; but, though not venturing to deny 
this, I would point out that he neither describes the process nor gives 
figures to illustrate it ; whereas, on the other hand, we have the direct 
evidence of L, Duthiers to the effect that the theca and septa arise 
independently of each other (‘‘les septa et la muraille ne sont pas 
unis”), and a figure, which appears to bear out his statement. It must, 
however, be borne in mind that Lacaze Duthiers may have described 
as theca what v. Koch terms epitheca, a secretion of the lower portion 
of the lateral endoderm of the embryo which fuses with the periphery 
of the original basal disc, and ultimately combines also with what he 
terms the true theca, formed as above mentioned, to become the outer 
wall of the corallum. Were this the case, however, the coste could 
not be, as he regards them, the peripheral ends of the septa. But the 
question can only be finally settled by a study of the embryonic 
development of widely different forms. 

Professor Moseley has published a preliminary note on Seriato- 
pora and Pocillopora (10). These forms were originally classed with the 
Tabulata, but his account of their anatomy brings them into close 
connection with the other Madreporaria at present described. The 
polyps of Seriatopora are oval in outline, with twelve short tentacles, 
which in complete retraction are covered over by the indrawn margins 
of the disc, a condition common in Actiniaria, but very rare in 
Madreporaria. There are twelve mesenteries, only two of which, 
the same two in every polyp, are enormously long and bear 
mesenterial filaments and generative organs. The elongation of 
this pair of mesenteries deep into the colony suggests an inevitable 
comparison with the Alcyonaria; and the similarity is strengthened 

_ by the marked orientation of the polyp, for a division into “dorsal” 

and “ventral” halves is clearly distinguishable in both soft 
tissues and corallum. Two of the septa are very rudimentary, and 


both this fact and the absence of mesenterial filaments on ten of the 
mesenteries would seem to indicate a degeneration, of which I hope to 
bring forward a second instance in a future paper. Between the 
polyps runs a similar canal system to that already described by v. Koch 
in Stylophora. The anatomy of Pocillopora, so far as mentioned, 
appears to agree in all respects with that of Seriatopora, and the polyps 
exhibit the same marked orientation. 

Moseley has also described the microscopic anatomy of three 
other Madreporarian polyps (II). His observations on Flabellum are 
mostly incorporated with my own below, and need not, therefore, be 
recapitulated here ; and of Stephanophyllia I hope to give a detailed 
description in a future paper. 

Of Bathyactis, which is planoconvex in shape, the plane being the 
basal surface, he records that on decalcification a lamina of ectoderm 
and mesoderm separates off from the base. This fact, together with 
its shape, suggests that the original basal ectoderm of the embryo 
persists in this species throughout life, in its primitive position, except 
for such part as grows up with the skeleton (the calycoblasts). 

To sum up the undoubted facts elucidated by these observers :— 

1. The adult Madreporarian polyp is built distinctly on the Actincan 
type, except for the absence of an external body-wall in some cases 
(Caryophyllia, Cladocora), which is then replaced physiologically by 
the imperforate theca. 

2. The corallum is a product of the ectoderm, and deposited outside 
the embryo. 

This ectoderm persists in the adult as the layer of calycoblasts, to 
which the continual growth of the corallum is attributable ; thus the 
skeleton is morphologically external to the polyp throughout life. 

4, Between this layer and the cavity of the ccelenteron, and clothing 
every part of the skeleton, is a layer of mesoderm and endoderm, 
forming the internal body-wall. 

5. Septa, when present, always lie between a pair of mesenteries 
(entosepta), sometimes also in the spaces intermediate between pairs of 
mesenteries (exosepta). | | 

6. Tentacles may be exoccelic as well as entoccelic, but exosepta may 
be present without corresponding tentacles. 

The present classification of the Madreporaria is admittedly 
unscientific. I have therefore laid stress on what may perhaps seem 
the trivial point of the relations of septa and tentacles to the mesen- 


terial spaces, as it is probable that, since the morphological differences 
of the whole group of Zoantharia hexacoralla are very slight, such 
structural variations might be useful for a new classification, which, if 
based upon the relations of polyp to skeleton, will be on a far sounder 
foundation than the present one, which rests upon the skeleton alone. 


This is an imperforate Madreporarian, belonging to the family Turbi- 
nolide. As Moseley (II) has given a full description of the specific 
characters of the corallum in his ‘‘ Challenger” Report (to which 
reference should be made for figures of the complete calyx), only a few 
of them will be mentioned here. 

i. The corallum is solitary and conical, the apex of the cone forming 
a pedicle by which the polyp is attached when young; in the adult 
the pedicle becomes obliterated and the coral free (vide figs. 2, 3, Pe.). 
The outline of the mouth of the calyx is oval (fig. 1). There are four 
orders of septa, all of which are entoccelic ; six of the first order, which 
meet in an elementary form of columella; six of the second, which are 
nearly as long as the primary septa; twelve of the third, and twenty- 
four of the fourth order. In some specimens the full number is not 
developed. The corallum is about 2 cm. high in a well-grown specimen ; 
and the longer axis of the calyx mouth about 24 cm., the shorter axis 
2 cm. in length. 

Along the lines which correspond on the exterior surface of the 
theca with the attachments of the septa on the interior, are shallow 
but distinct grooves running from lip of calyx to tip of pedicle, each 
corresponding exactly in position with a septum. ‘These do not agree 
with v. Koch’s views as to the origin of the theca from fusion of the 
septa, to accord with which costee should be developed in this position, 
such as occur in many forms. . 

The whole of the exterior surface of the theca shows well-marked 
lines of growth (fig. 4), so arranged as to appear to indicate that the 
chief centres of activity for the secretion of coral ‘lie in the septa. 
Hence the lip of the calyx is slightly dentate (figs. 3, 4). 

While the upper fourth of the external surface of the theca is, like 
the whole of the interior of the calyx, glistening, white, and hard, the 
lower three-fourths are soft in texture and brownish. This latter 
portion was described by Moseley as a “light-browu epitheca.” But 
on decalcification the brown substance falls off as soft flakes, which, by 


means of sections are found to consist of dead tissues and algal (1) 
parasites. There is really no epitheca present, recognisable as such, 
in the adult. 

The columella (fig. 3, col.) is incomplete, the septa not always 
meeting regularly along their free edges. 

In the retracted condition of the polyp there is no tissue external 
to the corallum (figs. 1, 2), nothing corresponding to the condition 
described by Heider in Cladocora and by v. Koch in Caryophyllia. When 
expanded, however, the soft tissues almost certainly stretch outwards 
and downwards over the upper fourth of the exterior of the theca, 
which is thus kept white and hard, as mentioned above. Were the 
polyp thus completely expanded to be plunged into a killing fluid, the 
same appearances would ensue as the above-named observers have 

ii. Anatomy.—This agrees in all essential details with the Actinian 
type, except in the absence of an external body-wall, the whole polyp 
being enclosed in the corallum (figs. 1, 2). Moseley mentions that in 
some specimens tissues external to the theca were observed round the 
lip, and figures them (II), pl. xvi, fig. 10, as consisting of ectoderm 
and mesoderm, but had not the means of studying them by sections, 
None of my specimens had any trace of such, and from observations 
on Desmophyllum, a closely-allied form, I imagine that these tissues 
were simply due to the expansion of the polyp, and contained a con- 
tinuation of the coelenteron such as was described by v. Heider in 
Cladocora. On decalcification the polyp appears conical, and divided 
into a series of wedges by the spaces where the septa had been. At 
_ the base of the polyp—z.e. the apex of the cone—these wedges appear 
to be connected together by little bridges of tissue. These latter are 
of no morphological importance, being due apparently merely to the 
incompleteness of the columella, and their arrangement varies in 
different specimens. The polyp consists of a mouth-disc bearing 
tentacles ; a stomatodzeum, which opens into the ceelenteron, the latter 
being periaxially divided into exocceles and entocceles by the mesen- 

The mouth-dise (fig. 2, mp) is peripherally fastened to the extreme 
edge of the lip of the calyx, and is centrally invaginated into the 
typical Anthozoan stomatodeeum. 

On the disc are borne the tentacles, which are simple hollow 
evaginations of the entocceles—z.e. one is placed over each septum. 

SE a ee ee ee 


They are covered by small prominences, each of which is a “ battery” 
of nematocysts. I have not been able to determine whether they 
possess an opening at the tip or not. They vary in size and position 
according to the order to which they belong, the primary tentacles 
being the largest and nearest to the mouth. (Vide Moseley (II), pl. 
xvi, fig. 12.) 

The mouth is oval in outline, and at each end of its long axis there 
is in most cases a well-marked gonidial groove. 

Through the periphery of the mouth-disc protrude the acontia. I 
have by a fortunate section been able to satisfy myself that they are 
ejected through definite openings, not by rupture of the disc ; these 
are therefore directly comparable to the cinclides of Actiniz. 

A mesentery of the first order is drawn in fig. 5 to show the general 
trend of the muscles, though they are much more numerous than 
there represented. They are best seen by mounting the mesentery 
whole in glycerine. 

In the arrangement of the longitudinal muscles on the inner 
(entoceelic) faces of the mesentery, Flabellum agrees with Actinia ; 
these are the retractors of the polyp. On the outer (exoccelic) faces are 
ranged the protractors, oblique in direction ; these differ slightly in 
the species, being confined in 1. alabastrum to the upper third of the 
mesentery, while the longitudinal fibres extend for its whole length. 
Both sets of fibres are continued into the tentacles, the oblique muscles 
of the mesentery becoming their external longitudinal coat, the 
longitudinal muscles of the mesentery passing into the internal and 
approximately circular fibres of the tentacle. This apparent change 
of direction will be understood by fig. 5. 

The two pairs of “directive mesenteries” at the ends of the longer 
axis of the mouth appear to possess the same general direction of the 
muscle fibres, though bearing them on reverse faces; but the oblique 
protractor muscles (in this case entoccelic) are, proportionately to the 
retractors, somewhat more strongly developed, implying, perhaps, that 
the expansion of the polyp is their especial function. 

There are no perforations through the mesenteries, such as are 
described in Actiniee, putting the chambers in communication. 

Both the primary and secondary orders of mesenteries are attached 
to the stomatodzeum for its whole length ; the tertiaries are attached to 
the mouth-disc, but, as the latter passes imperceptibly into the stoma- 
todzum, no importance is to be attached to this. 


What Moseley has termed ‘the contorted mesenterial filaments,” 
a mass of coils lying on the side of the mesenteries, appear to me, after 
careful investigation to be, in part, at least, organs corresponding to 
the acontia of Actiniz, namely, long lamellar offsets of the free edge of 
the mesentery, with one edge thickened to correspond to the mesen- 
terial filament, and charged with very large nematocysts. They pro- 
trude in some instances, as above stated, through definite openings in 
the mouth-dises. Their exact origin from and relation to the mesen- 
teries I have not been able to detect, owing to the brittle condition of 
the specimens, which did not allow of their being dissected out. | 

The ova are developed on all three orders of mesenteries. As their 
origin and position do not appear to differ from the type described 
by the brothers Hertwig for Actinia, no figures are given. I have not 
seen the testes, hence Flabellum may be regarded as dicecious. The 
filament is present along the whole course of the free edge of the 
mesentery, including that region in which ova are developed. The 
latter is mostly below the part which is characterised by great con- 
tortion of the free edge and by (?) the giving off of acontia. 

iii. Histology.—The ectoderm of the mouwth-disc (fig. 6) is charac- 
terised by deeply-staining, very numerous nuclei; and has distinctly 
the appearance of a secreting layer. It probably produces a similar 
secretion to the slime poured forth in quantities by an irritated 

This figure (which is a section along the line a, fig. 2) is taken from 
a well-grown polyp, and shows traces of the originally basal ectoderm 
which secretes the corallum (the calycoblasts of v. Heider) (ch., fig. 6). 
In a younger and actively-growing polyp these are much more 
definitely marked (ch, fig. 7). The nuclei lie in a gelatinous-looking 
matrix, which stains slightly with borax carmine, but in which no cell 
outlines are distinguishable. In the calycoblast layer surrounding the 
septum, at the same height and in the same polyp, the nuclei are 
much rarer (ch., fig. 8). 

The characters of the ectoderm alter considerably on the tentacles ; 
as above mentioned, it is on them raised into a series of knobs, each 
of which is a “ battery” of nematocysts. A transverse section through 
the wall of a tentacle is shown in fig. 9, and exhibits the structure of 
a battery ; the nematocysts are confined to the peripheral part, and 
behind them lie a very large number of nuclei, probably instrumental, 
as was first suggested by v. Heider, in the formation of the cells which 


replace the ejected nematocysts. On the peripheral face of the 
mesoderm-lamella lie longitudinal muscle fibres continuous with the 
transverse fibres of the mesentery ; on the central face, oblique fibres. 

The stomatodal ectoderm is not essentially different from that of 
the mouth-disc ; and though there are well-marked gonidial grooves 
(food grooves, Mundwinkelfurchen), they show no differentiation of 
ectoderm comparable to that of Alcyonarians (the “siphonoglyphe” of 

The whole of the celenteron is lined by endoderm of cubical ox 
columnar cells ; generally it is only one cell deep, and in the living 
animal presumably ciliated throughout, At the point where it passes 
into the thickening known as the mesenterial jilament (if that be 
indeed endodermal in origin) its characters change, and the number 
of nuclei increases enormously, together with the length of the cells. 
Its histological appearance entirely bears out what physiological 
investigation has also shown for the similar filament in Actinie, that 
it is secretory in character, producing a proteolytic fluid (tig. 10). 

Nematocysts do not occur apparently in the true mesenterial filament, 
but only on that portion of it which is continued on to the contorted 
lamellee, which I regard, in part at least, as equivalent to the acontia 
of Actinie. Those occurring on the tentacles are of a different size 
and shape from those which characterise the acontial filament, though 
in the latter both forms are found. The smaller, occurring on the 
tentacles, is ‘06mm. x ‘01 mm.; the larger, which is only to be found 
on the acontial filament, is‘l1mm. x ‘025mm. The thread of the latter 
form is covered with minute barbs, which give it, when coiled up in 
the capsule, a granular appearance. 


This form, belonging to the family Eupsammide, affords a very 
good example of a perforate Madreporarian. Budding sparsely, 
it forms no coenenchyme, so that the polyp can be studied easily and 
without the complications incident to coenenchymatous species. 

i. Of the Corallwm the systematic characters have been already 
described by Semper (12), but certain corrections are to be made in 
his account relative to the arrangements of the septa. Beautiful 
figures of the colony will be found in his paper, which contains much 
valuable and curious information about the group Madreporaria. 

The corallum ofa polyp is about 30 cm. in height ; the calyx, which 


is, as usual, oval in outline, measures about 18 mm. in the longer axis, 
and 9-13 mm. in the shorter. Fresh polyps may be budded off from 
the side, or, more rarely, from the calyx. 

The theca has the porous appearance characteristic of the Perforata, 
and is marked on the external surface by distinct spinous coste or 
ridges ; each of which corresponds externally to the attachment of a 
septum on the interior surface of the theca (fig. 14). 

Both exosepta and entosepta occur in this form. Of true—ze. 

septa there are only three orders, with occasional traces of 
a fourth; from the sides of each primary and secondary entoseptum 
erows out an exoseptum (fig. 14), and the relations of these two classes 
to each other are rather complicated. Such a system as a-a in fig. 22 
shows, in a transverse section taken high up in the polyp, the arrange- 
ment diagrammatised in fig. 19, consisting of five true entosepta (each 
of which lies between a pair of mesenteries), and four exosepta alter- 
nating with them. In a lower section (fig. 20), the two exosepta 
which grow out from the sides of adjacent primary and secondary 
entosepta, fuse over and with the intermediate tertiary septum into 
one. Lower yet (fig. 21) the two compound septa thus produced in 
each system meet over and with the secondary septum, so that the 
columella is due to the irregular fusion (fig. 15) of twelve primary 
entosepta, distinct for their whole length, and twelve other septa thus 
elaborately compounded. 

ii. Anatomy.—In Rhodopsammia, which, like all the other forms as 
yet described, bears a close resemblance to an Actinia, the mouth-dise, 
unlike the case in Flabellum, passes into a distinct external body wall 
of ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (extending in some specimens 
very much further down than is represented in the diagram, fig. 13). 
Between this and the theca lies a narrow space in which run, parallel 
to the long axis of the corallum, lamellee of tissue, connected on the 
one hand with this external body-wall, on the other with the tissues 
clothing the exterior surface of the theca (figs. 13,14, 17, M’). These 
lamellze correspond externally to the attachments of the mesenteries 
on the interior surface of the theca, and are apparently continuous 
with them over the lip of the calyx (fig. 13). They thus divide the 
space between body-wall and theca into a series of long chambers, 
corresponding to the exocceles and entocceles, in each of which lies a 
costa. Between these chambers and the exocceles and entocceles a 
system of ramifying canals permeates the theca, placing the two sets 


of cavities in communication with one another. The columella is 
perforated by a similar system of canals, which unites the whole circle 
of entocceles and exocceles; there is thus free communication through- 
out the whole of the polyp, despite the comparative preponderance of 
skeleton over soft tissue. The canals are composed of endoderm and 
mesoderm, continuous with the same layers that clothe all the rest of 
skeleton ; and in the meshes of the network lies the corallum, theca 
or columella. 

The polyp thus consists of an external body-wall, mouth-dise with 
tentacles, stomatodzeum, and mesenteries ; with a ccelenteron divisible 
into columellar canal system, exocceles, entocceles, thecal canal system, 
and chambers exterior to the theca, corresponding to and continuous 
over the lip with the mesenterial chambers. 

The body-wall and mouth-disc are composed of simple ectoderm, 
endoderm, and mesoderm, agreeing with those of other Hexactiniee. 

The outline of the stomatodzeum is oval, as usual; but I have not 
observed any trace of gonidial grooves at the ends of the longer axis. 

The tentacles, which are simple evaginations, appear to be entoccelic 
only ; they are so invaginated into pockets on each side of the septum 
that it is impossible to make out their exact size and shape. This 
condition is probably due merely to alcoholic contraction, and does 
not imply that involution is the normal method of tentacular con- 
traction. A similar invagination had taken place at the bases of the 
tentacles of Flabellum. They are covered with nematocysts, which 
are not so sharply defined into batteries as was the case in Flabellum. 

At a varying depth below the lip of the calyx (but generally at a 
lower point than is represented in fig. 13, which is considerably 
shortened in the longer axis) the external body-wall perishes, owing 
probably to the various parasites that infest the external surface of 
most coral thecz and polyps; notably a sponge, which in some places 
eats its way right into the theca. The cavity marked / in fig. 15 is 
thus filled with sponge spicules. Below the point at which the body- 
wall ends there is visible in some places a thin line of tissue indicated in 
fig. 15, g, which may or may not be a part of the polyp. ‘The appear- 
ance of the periphery of the theca in such a section suggests very 
strongly that a secondary line of corallum has been deposited round 
the circumference to protect the canals from communication with the 
sea water and against the parasites. At the top of fig. 15 the semi- 
circular outline of the canals seems to indicate such a formation. 


The mesenteries vary in number, and are, like the entosepta, 
generally of three orders. They are divisible into “ pairs,” as in the 
other forms described, and possess the same arrangement of longitu- 
dinal retractor muscles on their entoccelic faces, with the usual 
difference in the two directive pairs. The trend of these muscles is 
roughly indicated in fig. 13; but their minuteness renders it impos- 
sible to recognise the arrangement of the protractor muscles, though 
they are just visible in microscopic sections. There appears to be but 
little contortion of the free edge of the mesentery, and the traces of 
any organs resembling acontia are rare. This, however, may be due 
to deficiency of material, which has much hampered my investigation 
of this form. 3 

Both primary and secondary mesenteries appear to be united to the 
stomatodeeum for its whole length ; those of the third order become 
disconnected from it very high up, and do not run deep down into 
the colony, the cavities in which they lie disappearing among the 
other perforations of the theca. 

The number of pairs of mesenteries right and left of the “directives” 
is not necessarily equal. Complete systems both of meseuteries and 
septa (1, 3, 2, 3, 1, in notation) are generally found only at the ends 
of the long axis of the calyx, z.e. in the neighbourhood of the direc- 
tives. This has been noticed in many other corals. 

That the almost exact correspondence of coste with septa, and of 
the external lamellee (M’ in the figures) with the mesenteries, adds to 
the probability of the correctness of vy, Koch’s view is undeniable. But 
it is to be noted that no muscles are to be recognised on the mesoderm 
plates of these lamellee, as would probably be the case had they once 
been part of the mesenteries; nor in the highest section of the decal- 
cified polyp are any cases of decaying tissue visible where the growing 
theca is supposed to have cut them. 

iil. Histology-—This is of such a simple character as to hardly 
require comment. The ectoderm is composed of simple columnar 
cells, the endoderm of similar but more cubical cells. Calycoblasts 
are present, but in small numbers in comparison with Flabellum. 
Nematocysts are of two forms and sizes, of which, as in Flabellum, 
the smaller is the only one occurring. on the tentacles. Of the mesen- 
terial filament, as unusual in outline, a sketch is given in fig. 16. 

Tn conclusion, I have to acknowledge my obligations to Professor 
Moseley for much kind assistance and most of my material; to Pro- 



fessor Milnes Marshall for valuable advice; to Mr. John Murray, of 
the ‘‘Challenger” office, for several specimens of Flabellum; and 
lastly, to the anonymous donor of the Berkeley Fellowship, whose 
generosity has enabled me to pursue the investigation, 


1, Actiniaria (Malacodermata). 

Lia EVO RACINE Hi .(c,inisicnie ssisiat deteiawsiccleae tite oe Actinia. 
ii, Edwardsiee. 
iii, Zoanthee. 
iv. Cerianthie. 
2. Madreporaria (Sclerodermata). 
A. Imperforata (Aporosa). 
12s Durbimolideaiiey..idiaesecsacseeae reese Flabellum. 
tO Culini dea. SG ome heals Stylophora. 
lis Pocilloporidee: sc... .ccssasteienceneen. Pocillopora. 
3 Seriatopora. 
UVES ERODES \eniuie tae slenacanclonceine antes Cladocora. 
B. Fungida. 
TBM OAC Ce HIarta select. Seve cie eeiers@ctslisies Sect Bathyactis. 
C. Perforata. 
PUM UP SANA ES ing, sloieiselecaelciccies lasts Stephanophyllia. 


|. LacazE Dutuiurs.—“ Développement des Coralliaires,” ‘Arch. 
Zool. exp. et gén.,’ tome ii, 1873, 

2. Lacaze Dututers.—“ Développement des Coralliaires,” ‘ Arch. 
Zool. exp. et gén., tome i., 1872. 

3, O. vu. R. Hertwic.—“ Die Actinien.” Jena, 1879. 

4. von Kocu.—‘ Bemerk ii. d. Skelett d. Korallen,” ‘Morph. Jahrb.,’ 
Band v. 1879. 

5. Mosetey.—‘ Remarks on some Corals,” ‘Proc. Zool. Soc.,’ 1880. 

6. v. Kocu.—“ Notizen ti. Korallen,” ‘Morph. Jahrb.,’ Bd. vi, 1880. 

7. v. Kocu.—Mitth. ti. Colenteraten,” ‘Jen. Zeitschr.,’ Bd. xi. 

8. v. Herer.—-“ Die Gattung Cladocora,” ‘Sitz. d.k. Akad, Wiss.,’ 


9. v. Kocu.—“ Entwick. d. Kalkskeletes v. Astroides calycularis.” 
‘Mitt. d. Zool. Sta, Neap.,’ Bd. iii. 

10. Mosstey.—“Seriatopora, Pocillopora, &c.,” ‘Quart, Journ. Micr, 
Se.,’ October, 1882. 

Il. Mosrtzy.—‘ Rept. Voyage H.M.S. “Challenger,”’ Zoology, vol. ii. 

12. Semper.—“Generationswechsel bei Steinkorallen,” ‘Zeitschr. f. 
wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. xxii. 

v. Kocu.—‘ Die Morphologische Bedeutung d. Korallenskelets,” 
‘Biol. Centralblatt.,’ Bd. i1. 

v. Kocu.—“ Mitt. ti. d. Kalkskelet d. Madreporaria,” ‘Morph. 
Jahrb.,’ Bd, viii. 


b.w. Cut edge of internal body-wall. ch. Calycoblast layer. Cel. 
Celenteron. C. or Col. Columella. Cos. Costa. D. ‘“ Directive” 
septum and mesenteries. Hct. Ectoderm. Hn. Endoderm. 7.5. 
Entoseptum. Ex.S. Exoseptum. J. or Mes. Mesentery. MU’ “ Peri- 
pheral” part of mesentery. J/.D. Mouth-disc. Me. Mesoderm. Me’. 
Mesenterial muscles. J/./. Mesenterial filament. m.long. Longitu- 
dinal muscles. .ob/. Oblique muscles. 2. Nematocyst. Pe. Pedicle. 
S. Septum. Sé. Stomatodeum. Ze. Tentacle. Zh. Theca. 

Fig, 1.—Section through two quarters of Flabellum, diagrammatic, 
the right half showing the primary and secondary mesen- 
teries attached to the stomatodzeum, taken along the line 
b, Fig. 2, the left being lower down in the polyp, where the 
meseuteries have all developed filaments, taken along the 
line c, Fig 2. A. Exocele. &. Entocele. i, ii, iii, 
Orders of septa and mesenteries, wrongly numbered in the 
figure. The numbers should run, reckoning from the 
central directive septum (JD), 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1, &e. 
Corallum coloured deep black throughout the figures. 

Fig. 2. —Diagrammatic section along the line a, Fig. 1, @e. in an 
exoccele, so that the external face of the mesentery is seen 
flat, while the mouth-disc and internal body-wall are cut. 
The contortions of the free edge of the mesentery are 



. 3.—View of half of the corallum of Flabellum, showing the 

relations of pedicle, theca, and septa, and the incomplete 
union of the septa marked x, in Fig. 1, into a columella. 

, 4.—Portion of the lip of the calyx of Flabellum, viewed from 

the exterior by transmitted light, to show the grooves, 
i, li, ill, corresponding to the septa of those orders, with 
the lines of growth of the theca curving upwards at those 

. 5.—Primary mesentery and base of primary tentacles of Flabel- 

lum, showing the direction of the muscles, contortions of 
the free edge omitted. 

. 6.—Section along the line a, Fig. 2, from a full-grown specimen, 

with the layer of calycoblasts between mesoderm and theca. 

. 7.—Similar section through the internal body-wall of a younger 

polyp, in which the calycoblasts are much better marked. 

. 8—Section through the tissues clothing the septum of a young 


 9.—Section through the wall of a tentacle, including one com- 

plete “battery.” 

. 10,—Section through a mesenterial filament of Flabellum. 
. 11.—Transverse section through part of a mesentery, to show 

the mesodermal pleatings on which lie the muscles. 

. 12.—Transverse section of an acontium of Flabellum. 
ig. A. Transverse diagrammatic section of Caryophyllia (after v. 

Koch). a, Septa. 6. Mesenteries. 

, B, Similar section through Caryophyllia, in a lower plane than 

A (after v. Koch). a. Septa. 06’. Central, 6”. peripheral 
parts of the mesentery. c. Costa. th. Theca. 

13.—Diagram of a longitudinal section of Rhodopsammia, con- 
siderably shortened in the longer axis; the right half of 
the figure taken along the lines ¢. c. in Figs. 14 and 15, an exocele; the left along the lines d. d. in the 
same figures, and therefore cutting through a septum and 
a tentacle. c. Cut edge of external body-wall. d. Cut 
edge of tissues clothing theca and columella. 2. Tissue 
clothing the entoseptum, which is seen projecting from 
behind the mesentery. On the left side the inner face 
of a mesentery (M) is seen similarly projecting from behind 
the septum. The coste being in this form rows of spines, 
appear as projections in both transverse (Fig. 14) and 
longitudinal (Fig. 13) sections, 



Fig. 14.—Transverse section of half of the calyx of Rhodopsammia, 

along the plane a, Fig. 13 (camera drawing), The 
numerals 1, 2, 3 are placed in the entocceles formed by a 
pair of mesenteries of those orders. Complete systems, 
1, 3, 2, 3, 1, are only found in the region of the directives. 
The dashed numerals, 1’, 2’, 3’, are placed in the external 
chambers which correspond to the entocceles.  ext.b.v. 
External body-wall. Corallum deep black, soft tissues in 
lighter black lines. 

g. 15.—Similar section along the plane 0, Fig. 13. The septa have 

fused into the columella, and are numbered 1, 2, 3, 
according to their orders. f. Cavity filled with sponge 
spicules. g. Line of tissue which may belong to the polyp. 

. 16.—Mesenterial filament of Rhodopsammia in transverse section. 

Fig. 17.—Part of Fig. 14, enlarged to show the relations of the 


three body-layers. Mesoderm black, corallum grey. . 
Thecal canal system in transverse section. ¢. External 
chambers, corresponding. to exocceles and entocceles, in 
each of which lies a costa. 

. 18.—Part of the thecal canal system of Rhodopsammia, after 

removal of the corallum by decalcification. 

Figs. 19, 20, and 21.—Diagrams of the relations of a complete system 

of septa of Rhodopsammia at different heights. The 
numerals are placed at the bases of the entosepta. 

Fig. 22.—Calyx of Rhodopsammia, viewed from above. From a 

specimen in the British Museum. 







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By A. Mines Marswatt, M.D., D.Sc, M.A., Fellow of St. John’s 
College, Cambridge ; Beyer Professor of Zoology in Owens College. 

[Puate XIV.] 

During a recent visit to the Zoological Station at Naples, I devoted 
some time to an investigation of the nervous system of Antedon, 
with the object of testing by actual experiment the validity of the 
rival doctrines which have been advanced concerning it of late years. 

I propose in the present paper to give (1) a brief sketch of the 
general organisation of Antedon, in order to define the terms employed, 
and to make the following descriptions more readily intelligible; (2) a 
short historical account of the controversy regarding the nervous 
system of Antedon, including the present position of the question ; 
(3) an account of my own experiments and observations; and (4) a 
discussion of certain points of morphological interest affected by the 
conclusions arrived at in the preceding section. 

I. Generat Description oF ANTEDON. 

Antedon! consists of a central disc from which radiate five pairs of 
long arms, fringed with pinnules. 

1 For fuller descriptions, vide Carpenter “ Researches on the Structure, Physiology, and 
Development of Antedon rosaceus,” part i, ‘Phil. Trans.,’1866; and Ludwig, ‘ Morphologische 
Studien an Echinodermen,’ Bd. i, Abth.i; and for a very excellent summary of recent re- 
searches, vide P. H. Carpenter, ‘‘The Minute Anatomy of the Brachiate Echinoderms,” 
Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc.,’ vol. xxi. 


The disc consists of a calcareous cup or calyx (vide fig. 1), and of 
the visceral mass which is lodged within the cavity of the calyx, and 
contains the whole of the alimentary canal and important parts of the 
vascular, sensory, and other systems. 

The surface of the visceral mass covered by the calyx is commonly 
called the dorsal or aboral, the opposite one being the ventral or oral 
surface. In, or near, the middle of the latter is the mouth (fig. 1, 7); 
this leads into a convoluted alimentary canal (s) ending in an anus 
placed at the top of a conical chimney-like projection, which arises 
from the oral surface of the disc not far from its edge, and interradially, 
a.¢. between two pairs of arms. 

To the dorsal surface of the calyx are eatentel from twenty to 
thirty jointed filaments or cirri (fig. 1, p), by which the animal attaches 
itself to foreign bodies. The calyx itself consists of a number of 
calcareous plates arranged as follows (cf. figs. 1 and 3):—In the centre 
is a single pentagonal centro-dorsal plate (C.D.), to the dorsal surface 
of which the cirri are attached, while the. ventral surface is hollowed 
out in its centre to form a cup-shaped cavity closed above by a thin 
calcareous plate—the Rosette (R.); more peripherally the centrodorsal 

plate supports a ring of five plates called First Radials (R.1). To the © 

outer surfaces of these are connected five Second Radials (R.2) which 
overlap and almost entirely conceal the First Radials from the dorsal 
surface (fig. 1), and beyond the second comes a set of five Third 
fadials (R.s). 

Each Third Radial bears distally a pair of First Brachials (figs. 1 
and 3, Br.), which are the first of a series of short calcareous joints 
placed end to end and extending the whole length of the arms. 

The spaces between the radials and between the basal joints of the 
arms as far as the fourth brachials are filled up by uncalcified portions 
of the perisome or body wall, which thus complete the calyx. 

The several joints of the arms are moveable on one another. Move- 
ment towards the oral or ventral surface, which will be called flexion, 
is effected by muscles (figs. 1 and 2, w) running between the successive 

segments ; extension or movement towards the dorsal surface is on the _ 
other hand almost entirely due to the action of elastic ligaments 

placed nearer the dorsal surfaces of the segments. 

The dorsal and lateral surfaces of the arms are covered by an 
extremely thin layer of integument, but along the ventral surface the 
soft parts are much thicker and exhibit considerable complexity of 



structure. Running along the ventral surface of each arm is a longi- 
tudinal furrow, the ventral or ambulacral groove (fig. 2, 2), bordered on 
either side by a fold of perisome, the edge of which is notched into a 
series of concentric leaflets, at the base of each of which is a group of 
three hollow tentacles (h). 

The ambulacral groove is lined by a special ambulacral epithelium 
which is columnar and ciliated and much thicker than the non-ciliated 
epithelium covering the rest of the body. Beneath the columnar cells 
is a fibrillar layer (fig. 2, ), spoken of as the subepithelial band. This 
consists of very slender fibrils arranged for the most part longitudi- 
nally, and so appearing as fine dots in transverse sections of the arm: 
interspersed among the fibrils are very small nucleated cells. The 
subepithelial band in Antedon rosaceus is continuous with the ambu- 
lacral epithelium, of which it may be described as forming the deepest 
layer; it is traversed vertically by strands which are continuous on 
the one hand with certain cells of the columnar epithelium, and on 
the other with a connective tissue stratum underlying the band. In 
other species the subepithelial band appears from the descriptions of 
Ludwig and others to be separated from the ambulacral epithelium by 
a very thin connective tissue lamella. 

At the bases of the arms the ambulacral grooves are continued on 
to the disc ; those of each pair of arms unite together and so give rise 
to five radial grooves which run over the surface of the disc to the 
mouth, where they meet. Round the mouth the subepithelial bands 
of the five radial grooves unite to form a pentagonal ring. 

The tentacles, as described above, are hollow; their cavities com- 
municate with a longitudinal canal (fig. 2, 7) which runs along the arm 
just below the subepithelial band. These radial ambulacral canals are 
continued into the disc and open into a circular canal round the mouth, 
(fig. 1) from which short branching canals are given off ending in open 
mouths communicating with the body cavity. 

Besides the radial ambulacral canal, each arm contains also three 
diverticula of the body cavity or celom. Of these the most ventrally 

ituated (fig. 2, m) is called the subtentacular canal and is commonly 
ae as in the figure, by a median vertical partition; the most 
dorsally placed canal (fig. 2, 2) is called the celiac and communicates 
at the end of the arm with the swbtentacular. The third or genital 
canal is placed between the other two and lodges the cord-like genital 
gland ; it is very small in the arm, but much larger in the pinnules, 


In the centre of the visceral mass is a plexiform structure (fig. 1, g), 
the real nature of which has been much disputed, but which, according 
to Ludwig and P. H. Carpenter, is part of the vascular system from which 
branches are given to all parts of the body, and among others a radial 
ventral vessel down each arm in the substance of the subepithelial 
band. This central plexus passes down through the central canal 
formed by the First Radials, passes through a hole in the. middle of 
the rosette, and enters the cavity in the centrodorsal plate, where it 
expands to forma sac divided by vertical septa into five radial com- 
partments, and hence called the chambered organ (fig. 1, /). 

The chambered organ is surrounded by a thick fibrillar investment 
(d) known as the central capsule, and this is in connection with a 
system of fibrillar bands which run down the arms in the substance of 
the calcareous joints, and are hence called awial cords (figs. 1, 2, 3, a). 

The connection between the central capsule and the axial cords 
is rather complicated; but it is necessary to describe it in some 
detail, as it is with these parts that we shail be specially concerned 
later on. 

The central capsule is lodged as we have seen in the hollow of the 
centrodorsal plate and is covered on its ventral surface by the rosette ; 
it forms a complete investment to the chambered organ (fig. 1) except- 
ing where it is perforated by the central plexus in the middle of the 
ventral surface. The dorsal and lateral walls are, as shown in the 
figure, thicker than the ventral. 

From the dorsal surface are given off processes to the cirri (fig. 1, e), 
each of which is traversed down its centre by a vessel derived from 
the central plexus. 

From the margin of the central capsule arise five short interradial 
processes (figs. 1 and 3), which, passing ventralwards and slightly 
outwards, bifurcate into right and left branches between the centro- 
dorsal plate and the First Radials. These branches, diverging from 
one another, enter the substance of the First Radials and then unite 
in pairs, the right branch of one interradial stem uniting with the left 
branch of the one next to it, to form five stout radial nerves (fig. 3) 
which run outwards in the substance of the First and Second Radials. 
On reach'»g the boundary line between the Second and Third Radials 
each of these radial cords divides into two branches right and left, 
which, traversing the Third Radial, enter the right and left arms 
respectively of the pair, along which they pass as the axial cords 


(figs. 1, 2, 3 a) in the substance of the brachials or calcareous 
segments of the arms. 

Besides the connections described above there are certain others 
which must be noticed. A pentagonal commissure (fig. 3) connects 
all the branches together immediately after they have entered the 
First Radial. There is also a further connection in each Third Radial 
between the branches into which the radial cord divides to supply 
the two arms of the pair; this connection, as shown in fig. 3, consists 
of a transverse commissural band of fibres, and a chiasma formed by 
two obliquely placed bands which cross one another and furnish 
additional communications between the right and left axial cords. 

In the arms the axial cords lie in tubular channels perforating the 
calcareous joints (figs. 1 and 2), Each cord gives off alternately right 
and left stout branches, which enter the pinnules (fig. 2, c), in which 
their relations are the same as in the arms themselves. Besides these, 
finer branches are given off, both from the axial cords themselves and 
from the pinnule branches, which, passing through the calcareous 
joints, can be traced into very intimate relation with the muscles 
moving the arm-joints on one another, with the tentacles and the 

crescentic leaflets bordering the ambulacral groove, and with the 

tegumentary covering of the arms generally. 

Histologically, the central capsule and the various cords in con- 
nection with it consist principally of very delicate fibrils, arranged for 
the most part longitudinally, and having interspersed among them 
very small nucleated cells, both the cells and fibrils closely resembling 
those of the subepithelial bands of the ambulacral grooves. Other 
fibres, of more irregular size and distribution, which traverse both the 
capsule and cords in various directions, appear to be of the nature of 
connective tissue, and to correspond to the vertical strands in the 
subepithelial bands. Externally both the capsule and the cords are 
invested by a layer of cells, which are much larger than the small 
ones found in the substance of the cords, stain deeply, and give off 
branching processes which are in very close relation with the reticulum 
forming the organic basis of the skeletal parts. This external layer 
of cells appear to me to be a mere investment of the cords and to be 
no part of their real substance. 

The pinnules of each arm arise alternately from the right and left 
sides, each of the brachials except the first bearing one pinnule. The 
structure of the pinnules is, with certain exceptions, the same as that 


of the arms, each having an ambulacral groove, subepithelial band, 
tentacles, ambulacral, subtentacular, genital and coeliac canals, a 
branch of the axial cord, &c.; the genital rachis, however, which is 
only a slender cord in the arms, dilates in the pinnules to form the 
genital glands. The proximal or oral pinnules, 2.e. those borne by the 
Second Brachials, differ markedly from the others; they are longer 
than the rest, and habitually bend inwards, so as to arch over and 
cover the disc; they have no tentacles’ and no ambulacral grooves, 
the ciliated epithelium of the grooves and the subepithelial bands being 
both absent ? they possess, however, like the other pinnules, branches 
of the axial cords of the arms. 

I]. HistoricaL SKETCH. 

I propose, in this section, to notice briefly the principal views that 
have been advanced concerning the nervous system of Antedon. 

Miiller,® in 1841, gave the first account of the genital rachis in the 
arms of Antedon, but mistook it for the nervous system, and described 
it as such ; he also mentioned the axial cords, but described them as 

In 1865 Dr. Carpenter, in his ‘Memoir on the Structure, Physiology, 
and Development of Antedon rosaceus, corrected Miiller’s mistake 
concerning the genital rachis; and, with regard to the axial cords, 
stated:* “It will be shown, in the second part of this memoir . . . 
that a system of branching fibres proceeding from the solid cord that 
traverses the axial canal of each calcareous segment of the rays and. 
arms is traceable on the extremities of the muscular bundles, and 
reasons will be given for regarding these fibres as probably having the 
function of nerves, though not exhibiting their characteristic structure.” 

In 1872 Baudelot? called attention to the anatomical and histological 
resemblances between the axial cords of Antedon and the radial nerve- 
cords of other Echinoderms. He mentioned the pentagonal commissure 
in the calyx and the branches of the axial cords to the pinnules, and 
described the cords as consisting of fibrils cemented together by a finely 

2 Carpenter, ‘Phil. Trans.,’ 1886, p. 702. 

2 P. H. Carpenter, ‘Remarks on the Anatomy of the Arms of the Crinoids,” part ii, 
‘Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,’ vol. xi, p. 90. 

3 J. Miiller, ‘Ueber den Bau des Pentacrinus Caput Meduse.” ‘Physikalische Abhandlun- 
gen der Koniglichen Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin.’ 

* Carpenter, ‘Phil. Trans.,’ vol. 156, 1866, p. 705. 

5 Baudelot, ‘‘ Etudes Générales sur le Systéme Netveux,” ‘Archives de Zoclogie Expéri< 
mentale,’ tome 1, 1872, p. 211, 


granular substance and with very small cells imbedded in the fibrillar 
tissue. He appears to have been unacquainted with Dr. Carpenter’s 
work, and, in spite of the resemblances he points out so clearly, denies 
absolutely the nervous nature of the axial cords without stating 
definitely his reasons for so doing. 

Semper, in 1874, published an independent refutation of Miiller’s 
error as to the genital rachis, and suggests, concerning the nervous 
system, in ignorance of Dr. Carpenter’s statement quoted above, “ It 
might even be possible that the cord in the interior of the calcareous 
skeleton (7.e. the axial cord) is a nervous cord; and if so, then the 
so-called heart situated in the calyx would certainly have to be looked 
upon asa ganglion.” Semper also suggests that a fibrous cord described 
by Perrier? as lying above, ¢.e. on the ventral side of the tentacular 
canal, may also belong to the nervous system. He confirms the 
existence of this cord, and refers to it as # in a diagrammatic transverse 
section of an arm. 

In an addendum to the translation of Semper’s paper*® and in a second 
communication to the Royal Society on the structure, physiology, and 
development of Antedon rosaceus,* Dr. Carpenter further develops the 
theory that the axial cords “are really nerve-trunks, and that the 
five-chambered organ in the centrodorsal basin is their centre.” He 
refers to the ‘quickness and consentaneousness” with which the 
coiling and uncoiling of the arms are effected, and to the fact that 
irritation of the oral pinnules causes the whole circlet of arms to close 
together as strong evidence of the presence of a definite nervous 
system, and suggests that the histological simplicity of the axial cords 
may ‘‘be related to the fact that as the muscles are all flexors the 
nerves have only one function to perform, and that there is conse- 
quently no need of the insulation which they require where nerve-fibres 
of very different functions are bound up in the same sheath.” 

He further supports his theory by the following experiment made 
at Oban in 1867, and which for convenience of reference I shall 
describe as :— 

Experiment A.—The entire visceral mass was removed from a living 
Specimen so as to leave nothing but the calyx with the central capsule 

1 Semper, ‘“Kurze Anatomische Bemerkungen ueber Comatula,” ‘ Arbeiten aus dem Zool- 
Zoot. Institut in Wiirzburg,’ Band i, 1874, p. 259. Translated in the ‘Annals and Magazine 
of Natural History,’ 1875, p. 202. 

2 Perrier, ‘ Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale,’ tome ii, 1873, p. 55. 

3 Carpenter, ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ 1875, p. 206. 

* Carpenter, ‘ Proceedngs of the Royal Society,’ 1876, p. 226. 


and its prolongations and the arms. A needle was then passed down 
the canal surrounded by the First Radials (cf. fig. 1) so as to irritate 
the chambered organ, ‘All the ten arms then suddenly and con- 
sentaneously closed up. On the withdrawal of the needle the arms 
gradually straightened themselves again, and again coiled up as before 
when the irritation of the central organ was renewed.” 

In January, 1876, Greef* called attention to the thickened epithelium 
forming the floor of the ambulacral grooves both of the arms and dise. 
He pointed out the close correspondence both in position and_histo- 
logical structure between this ambulacral epithelium of Antedon, and 
the radial nerves and circumoral commissure of a Starfish, and suggested 
that the former, like the latter, was nervous in function. At the same 
time he denied the nervous character of the axial cords. 

In the following month Ludwig,? without being acquainted with 
Greef’s work, described for the first time a “ delicate fibrillar band” 
immediately beneath the ambulacral epithelium, ae. what we have 
named above the subepithelial band (fig. 2, 2), which he regarded on 
histological and morphological grounds as the true nervous system of 
Antedon, and as the representative of the radial nerves of other 

In April of the same year P. H. Carpenter’ confirmed Ludwig’s 
description of the subepithelial bands which he had himself inde- 
pendently discovered, and agreed with him in regarding them as 
nervous. He also showed that the cord w, described by Semper, was 
not identical as he had supposed with Perrier’s fibrous cord, and that 
neither of these structures corresponded to the subepithelial band, 
Semper’s cord being merely a pigmented cellular thickening between 
the ambulacral and subtentacular canals, while Perrier’s fibrous cord 
is a muscular band in the ventral wall of the ambulacral canal. 
P. H. Carpenter, however, differed from Ludwig in regarding not only 
the subepithelial bands, but the axial cords also as nervous, and he 
was the first to distinctly maintain the existence in Antedon of this 
double nervous system, in spite of the morphological difficulties in- 
volved in this view. He brought forward as additional evidence in 
favour of the nervous character of the axial cords the fact that in the 

1 Greef, ‘‘Ueber den Bau der Crinoideen,” ‘Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. der gesam. 
Naturwiss. zu Marburg,’ No. 1, 1876, pp. 16—29. 

2 Ludwig, ‘Nachrichten v. der Kénigl., Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, und der Univer- 
sitit zu Gottingen,’ No. 5, Feb. 28rd, 1876. 

3 P. H. Carpenter, “Remarks onthe Anatomy of the Arms of the Crinoids,” ‘ Journal of 
Anatomy and Physiology,’ April, 1876, 


arms of Actinometra the cord enlarges in the centre of each ossicle 
and gives off branches to both dorsal and ventral surfaces, some of 
the latter reaching “the bases, or in some cases even the tips of the 
respiratory leaves.” He even suspected a connection between some 
of those branches of the axial cord and the subepithelial bands ; some, 
he says, ‘appear to enter into the plexus of tissue forming the organic 
base of the skeleton, others seem to become connected with epidermic 

In a supplemental note Dr. Carpenter also confirms the existence 
of the subepithelial band, and considers that it is “by no means im- 
probable, looking alike to its position and to its histological character, 
that this band is a nerve.” On account mainly of its position he 
suggests that it is ‘an afferent rather than a motor nerve.” He also 
brings forward the following extremely important additional experi- 
mental evidence in support of the nervous nature of the central capsule 
and axial cords. 

Experiment B.—The visceral mass was removed from a large and 
vigorous Antedon, leaving the calyx with the central capsule and the 
arms intact. On replacing the animal in the water 7 executed the usual 
swimming movements as perfectly as the entire animal had previously done. 

Experiment C.—From a second active specimen the entire centro- 
dorsal basin with its contents and appendages were removed. On 
replacing the animal in the water all the arms were rigidly straightened 
out, apparently by the action of the elastic ligaments which the muscles 
were powerless to antagonise. 

Lupervment D.—In an active specimen the soft parts of one of the 
arms were divided down to the calcareous segments. On replacing 
the animal in water al/ the arms worked as usual without the slightest 
disturbance of regularity. 

Experiment E.—By means of nitric acid applied with a fine brush, 
the dorsal half of one of the arms was dissolved away until the axial 
cord was reached and destroyed. On replacing the animal in the 
water the injured arm remained rigidly stretched out, while all the other 
arms worked as usual. 

From these experiments Dr. Carpenter concludes that the central 
capsule is the co-ordinating centre of a nervous system whose peripheral 
portion consists of the axial cords of the rays, arms and pinnules; also 

1 Carpenter, ‘Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ vol. xxiv, 1876, p, 651. 


that the subepithelial band, if a nerve at all, has no immediate relation 
to the swimming movements of the arms. 

In 1877 Ludwig" published a more detailed account of the subepi- 
thelial band in Antedon, in which he describes the band and the 
columnar epithelium covering it as being sometimes directly continuous 
with one another and sometimes separated by a delicate horizontal 
lamella. This lamella he finds to be a more constant and evident 
structure in Antedon Eschrichtii than in A. rosaceus. He considers 
that the subepithelial band is alone to be regarded as the nerve, and 
points out that the close histological similarity between this band in 
Crinoids and the radial nerve of an Asterid, which latter, from the 
position of the eyes, must certainly be nervous, is a strong argument 
in support of his view. He also discusses the claim of the axial cords 
to rank as parts of the nervous system ; but, while admitting the great 
importance of Dr. Carpenter’s experiments, considers that the case is 
not yet satisfactorily proved, and that the morphological difficulties 
involved in the possession by Crinoids of a nervous system altogether 
unknown in other Echinoderms, are too great to permit the acceptance 
of Dr. Carpenter’s views. According to Ludwig, the axial cords are 
parts of the connective tissue basis of the skeleton, which persist in 
an uncalcified condition, and are probably nutritive in function. 

P. H. Carpenter, in a further paper on the arms of Crinoids,? and 
in a monograph on the genus Actinometra,’? brings forward strong 
additional evidence in support of the nervous nature of the axial cords. 
He shows that in Antedon rosaceus the oral pinnules differ from the 
other pinnules, not only in being destitute of tentacles (as pointed out 
by Dr. Carpenter in 1865), but also in having no ambulacral groove, 
no thickened ambulacral epithelium, and no trace of the subepithelial 
band, 2.e. that they are totally devoid of what Ludwig considers to be 
the sole nervous system of Antedon ; and yet these oral pinnules are 
peculiarly irritable, a slight touch being sufficient to cause all ten arms 
to be suddenly coiled up over the disc. 

He further finds that in Antedon LEschrichtii this absence of 
ambulacral groove and epithelium, and of the subepithelial band, occurs 
not only in the oral pinnules, but at the distal extremities of the 

1 Ludwig, ‘Morphologische Studien an Echinodermen,’ Heft i, Abh. i; ‘Separat. Abdruck 
aus der Zeitschrift f. wissenschaftliche Zoologie,’ Bd. 28. 

2 P. H. Carpenter, ‘‘ Remarks on the Anatomy of the Arms of the Crinoids,” part ii, 
‘ Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,’ vol. xi, October 1876. 

3 Pp. H. Carpenter, “On the Genus Actinometra,” ‘Transactions of the Linnean Society,’ 
2nd series Zoology, vol. ii, part i, 1879, 


arms and other pinnules. The allied genus Actinometra is still more 
remarkable, for here entire arms may be completely devoid of ambu- 
lacral groove and epithelium, and of the subepithelial band, and yet 
such arms, though on Ludwig’s theory possessing no nerves at all, are 
described, on Semper’s authority, as exhibiting as regular and active 
movements while swimming as the other arms. On the other hand, 
the axial cords or their branches extend along all the arms and 
pinnules, whether possessing ambulacral grooves or not. 

In all cases the absence of ambulacral grooves is associated with the 
absence of tentacles. Non-tentaculiferous arms are met with in a 
large number of species of Actinometra, no less than twenty-three out 
of the forty-eight species collected by the ‘ Challenger”? having more 
or fewer of such arms, the number of which varies greatly in different 

In a short paper published in 1883 Perrier® adopts very definitely 
the views of the Carpenters concerning the nervous system. He traces 
branches of the axial cords into connection, through the intermediation 
of stellate cells, with the muscle fibres. Other branches were traced 
by him into the tentacles. He gives no figures, however, and his 
descriptions leave some doubt as to whether the stellate cells do not 
rather belong to the connective tissue investment of the nerve or 
muscle than to the nerves themselves. 

P. H. Carpenter® has recently described tripolar cells intercalated in 
the course of the axial cords and their branches in Antedon. He has 
also traced in three species of Antedon a fibrillar plexus, derived from 
the axial cords, into the connective tissue of the perisome forming the 
ventral surface of the disc, and is ‘strongly inclined to believe that 
extensions of this plexus are in direct connection with the fibrils of 
the subepithelial bands.” 

Finally, Dr. Carpenter has very recently* given a summary of the 
investigations concerning the nervous system of the Crinoids which 
have been published since his former paper in 1876. He points out 
that the evidence accumulated in this interval is most strongly in 

1 Pp. H. Carpenter, *‘ Preliminary Report upon the Comatule of the ‘Challenger’ Ex- 
pedition,” ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society,’ No. 194, 1879, p. 395. 

2 Perrier, ‘‘ Note sur organisation des Crinoides,” ‘Comptes rendus,’ tome, xcvii, 1883, 
pp. 187—189. 

3 Pp. H. Carpenter, ‘‘ Notes on Echinoderm Morphology,” No. 6, ‘Quarterly Journal of 
Microscopical Science,’ 1883. 

“Carpenter, “On the Nervous System of the Crinoidea,” ‘Proceedings of the Royal 
Society,’ 1884, 



favour of his view, which, on the other hand, is opposed merely “by a 
theoretical homology, a preconceived notion of what Crinoids ought to 
be.” He concludes with some important observations on the morpho- 
logical aspects of the question, which will be noticed in a later section 
of this paper. 

The present position of the question may be briefly described thus. 
The Carpenters and Perrier, on the one hand, maintain that the central 
capsule and axial cords, with their branches, constitute the essential 
and principal part of the nervous system, both motor and sensory, 
while the subepithelial bands, if nervous at all, are of very subordinate 
functional importance. On the other hand, Ludwig and the German 
morphologists generally maintain that the subepithelial bands consti- 
tute the sole nervous system. The former school cite in support of 
their views a large mass of anatomical and histological observations 
and certain direct experiments ; while the latter school rely entirely 
on theoretical morphological objections to the views of their opponents. 


This section of the paper, containing the account of my own 
investigations made at Naples last April, I propose to subdivide under 
the following heads :—A. The movements of uninjured specimens. 
B. The effects of removal of the visceral mass. ©. The power of 
regeneration. D. The functions of the central capsule. E. The 
functious of the axial cords. F. The functions of the subepithelial 

A. The Movements of Uniniured Specimens. 

The normal position of Antedon rosaceus, the species on which all 
my experiments were made, is a fixed one, the animal being attached 
by the dorsal cirri to some foreign body, and the arms spread out 
horizontally with their tips slightly flexed. The oral pinnules are 
bent over the disc, crossing one another above it; the other pinnules 
are spread out nearly at right angles to the arms. 

In an aquarium containing a large number of specimens the great 
majority will be found attached either to the bottom or sides of the 
tank, z.e. with the oral surface directed either upwards or more or less 
obliquely ; some specimens, however, are almost certain to be found, 
if there be foreign bodies in suitable positions for attachment, inverted, 
with the oral surface downwards. 


An Antedon when once attached exhibits very little tendency to 
alter its position, and may remain fixed in the same place for weeks, 
If detached, either spontaneously or by force, it can, and usually does, 
swim actively until it reaches a suitable place of rest, to which it 
anchors itself by its cirri. The normal swimming movements, which 
are peculiarly graceful, consist in strong flexion of the proximal half 
of the arm, which is raised vertically over the disc, and then extension 
of the whole arm, the distal half of which is thrown out something 
like a whiplash or the line of a flyrod. During flexion the pinnules 
are folded alongside the arm; during extension spread out so as to 
expose as great a surface as possible. Usually two or three arms are 
raised simultaneously, sometimes as many as five, and the only rule I 
have noticed is that the two arms of each pair are always flexed 
alternately and not simultaneously. 

When attached by its cirri, the arms of Antedon exhibit but very 
slight movements; they are usually spread out widely, apparently to 
expose as large a surface as possible for the entanglement of food 
particles, which, if they once come in contact with the ambulacral 
epithelium, get carried by the action of its cilia to the mouth. 

Irritation of the ambulacral groove at any part causes the adjacent 
pinnules to be at once turned forwards, z.e. with their tips towards 
the free end of the arm, and folded alongside the irritated part, 
apparently to protect it from further injury. Slight irritation of a 
pinnule or of an arm causes correspondingly slight and local move- 
ments ; stronger irritation causes movements of the whole arm, which 
may spread to other arms, or lead to the animal detaching itself and 
swimming freely. Irritation of the oral pinnules, however slight, 
causes them to be firmly closed over the disc, and stronger or prolonged 
irritation causes the arms to be flexed strongly, so as to cover the disc, 
or else the whole animal to detach itself and swim away. 

If an Antedon be detached and placed with its oral surface down- 
wards, it will right itself almost at once. If the surface on which it 
is placed be a rough one, the righting movement is effected in a few 
seconds or almost instantaneously. In a glass vessel it takes longer 
to perform, but with an active specimen I have never seen more than 
two minutes spent over the operation. In righting itself an Antedon 
first flexes all the arms slightly, so as to raise the disc a little above 
the ground ; then follows a moment of apparent uncertainty as to 
which arm to use. One arm is then flexed more strongly than the 


others, so as to slightly lift the disc on that side, the pinnules of the 
flexed arm being extended and apparently used to push against the 
ground. Then after another pause, a rather sudden and violent flexion 
of the arms immediately adjacent to the already flexed one causes the 
animal to turn on its side, when a few energetic swimming movements 
place it right way up. An active animal has apparently the strongest 
objection to being placed mouth downwards, and will right itself again 
and again if so inverted. When attached by the cirri, however, they 
may, as noticed above, remain in the inverted position for days or weeks. 

If an arm be cut off from an active Antedon, the detached arm will 
retain its vitality for many hours. It will at first exhibit strong 
movements of flexion, lasting from a few minutes to as long as a 
couple of hours, the arm being alternately coiled up spirally, and then 
extended with great force and rapidity. 

Antedon, if kept in captivity, requires the water to be frequently 
changed, or else very efficiently aérated. Specimens left over-night 
in a small basin of sea-water were found dead the next morning. In 
dead specimens, owing to the unopposed action of the elastic ligaments, 
the arms are very strongly extended. 

B. On the Effects of Removal of the Visceral Mass. 

In a living specimen the visceral mass can be removed from the 
calyx with great ease, as was pointed out long ago by Dr. Carpenter. 
If the visceral mass be grasped with forceps an exceedingly slight pull 
suffices to remove it. In such eviscerated specimens the central capsule 
with its prolongations and the axial cords remain in the calyx intact, 
excepting, of course, the branches of the cords described by P. H. 
Carpenter as distributed to the oral perisome: the ambulacral grooves 
and other soft parts, on the other hand, are torn across at the 
bases of the arms, and the subepithelial bands consequently isolated 
from one another. 

Experiment 1.1—A large and vigorous specimen- was eviscerated. 
without removal from the water. On being released it remained 
quiescent for about a minute, and then swam about the tank actively 
and in a perfectly normal manner. After a short time it came to rest 
on the bottom in a perfectly normal position. Half an hour later, 

1 For convenience of reference I propose to number the various experiments consecutively. 
It will be understood that they were not made in the order given here, and that only those 
which seem of distinct importance are recorded. No experiment is described from a single 
observation only, and in most cases the experiments were repeated several times, 


without the slightest disturbance or irritation of any kind, it began 
spontaneously to swim again actively and normally. Coming in 
contact with a piece of stick, it attached itself to it by the dorsal cirri, 
and remained there for more than a week. 

The above experiment is the same as Dr. Carpenter’s Experiment B 
described above. It is extremely important as proving that the 
co-ordinating mechanism which regulates the complex swimming 
movements of the arms is entirely without the visceral mass. As the 
direct connection between the subepithelial bands of the several arms 
is also destroyed, the experiment renders it extremely doubtful whether 
these bands have any part in regulating the swimming movements of 
the arms. 

Experiment 2.—An active specimen was eviscerated, and allowed to 
come to rest. The ventral surface of one of the arms was then 
irritated gently with a needle; active movements both of the irritated 
arm and of the others resulted. The same effect followed irritation of 
one of the ordinary pinnules; while irritation of the oral pinnules 
caused immediate and strong flexion of all the arms, 

This shows that the effect of irritation of the arms or pinnules is 
practically unmodified by the removal of the visceral mass ; the only 
difference I have noted being that the response is slightly quicker and 
more extensive in an eviscerated than in an uninjured specimen. The 
nervous connection between the sensory epithelium of any one of the 
arms or pinnules and the muscular system, not only of that arm, but 
of all the others as well, must, therefore, be without the visceral mass. 

As a source of irritation in this and other experiments I employed 
at first scratching with a sharp needle. I found afterwards that nipping 
with forceps was preferable, as the needle is apt to shake the whole 
animal, and go cause disturbance of parts other than those it is desired 
to irritate. The nip should be a sharp sudden one, and the irritated 
part released at once. In all the experiments here recorded, except 
when otherwise specified, both needle and forceps irritation were tried. 
Tn some instances the application of acid by a fine brush was made use 
of as an irritant; but this can only be done satisfactorily on specimens 
removed from the water. 

Experiment 3.—An active specimen was eviscerated and allowed to 
come to rest in the normal position. It was then inverted and placed 
mouth downwards on the bottom of the tank, After a short rest it 
righted itself in the normal manner, but rather more slowly than usual, 


the interval between inversion and completion of the righting manceuvre 
being about two and a half minutes. This experiment was repeated 
many times with different specimens. Some righted themselves 
instantaneously, others took a longer or shorter time, but the general 
average of the times taken by eviscerated specimens to right themselves 
was about half a minute longer than that of uninjured ones. 

This affords strong additional evidence that the co-ordinating centre 
of the complex muscular movements of which an Antedon is capable 
is situated not in the visceral mass, but in the calyx. 

C. On the Power of Regeneration of Eviscerated Specimens. 

It has been stated above that an eviscerated Antedon not only 
attaches itself by its cirri in a perfectly normal manner, but that it 
may remain so attached for a week or more. On experimenting one 
day with a specimen that had been eviscerated about a fortnight 
previously, I noticed that it righted itself when inverted rather more 
readily than is usual in eviscerated specimens ; and on examination I 
found that very considerable regeneration of the visceral mass had 
occurred. The soft tissues lining the calyx were of some thickness ; 
a mouth was already present in the centre of the oral surface, and 
ambulacral grooves had formed converging from the arms to the 
mouth. I at once took steps to secure a complete series of specimens, 
showing all stages of this regeneration, and I hope to be able shortly 
to describe the process in detail. 

That Antedon possesses this very extensive power of regeneration, 
greatly exceeding even that of Holothurians, was an entirely new fact 
tome. Dr. Carpenter tells me that he was led to suspect this long 
ago, and he has very kindly shown me specimens that have been in 
his possession for many years, which seem to me to be clearly cases in 
which regeneration has been partially effected. Dr. P. H. Carpenter 
also tells me he has known this fact for some time, though I believe 
no notice of it has yet been published. It is only fair to add that 
while at Naples the possibility that an eviscerated Antedon might 
regenerate its visceral mass was suggested to me in conversation by 
Dr. Orley, of Buda-Pesth. I made very light of the suggestion at the 
time, and was much astonished when a few days later I found the 
specimen described above. 

The influence of the nervous system on the regeneration of lost 
parts isa point concerning which we know very little; but the apparent 


ease with which this extensive regeneration is effected in Antedon 
would certainly be still more surprising were the main centre of the 
nervous system to be lodged in the part lost, and so far may be 
regarded as an argument against such a location, 

D. On the Functions of the Central Capsule. 

Haperiment 4.—A specimen was eviscerated and allowed to come to 
rest ; a needle was then passed from the oral surface down the canal 
surrounded by the First Radials (fig. 1) so as to irritate the central 
capsule ; the result was immediate flexion of the arms, and in many 
cases active swimming movements of the whole animal. 

Luperiment 5.—A specimen was eviscerated and then cut into two 
parts, one having two pairs of arms and the other three. The central 
capsule, which was divided and freely exposed by the operation, was 
then irritated by a needle. The slightest irritation caused very active 
and violent flexion of the arms. 

Laperiment 6.—An active uninjured specimen was held under water, 
and the dorsal half of the centrodorsal plate removed by a single snip 
with a large pair of scissors so as to expose and partly remove the 
central capsule (cf. fig. 1). On being released the animal fell to the 
bottom with the arms very strongly extended, but in about twenty 
minutes gradually righted itself and assumed the normal position. 
The exposed central capsule was then irritated, first with a needle and 
then with strong nitric acid applied by a small brush ; the effect of 
irritation was to cause very strong and spasmodic flexion of the arms, 
which in the first case ceased on removal of the stimulus, but in the 
case of the acid persisted for several hours. 

The three preceding experiments show that irritation of the central 
capsule, whether mechanical or chemical, causes strong flexion of all 
the arms, which persists as’ long as the stimulation is continued. 
Experiment 4 is the same as Dr. Carpenter’s Experiment A, though 
the results are not quite identical ; for while Dr. Carpenter describes 
sudden and consentaneous flexion of the arms as following irritation 
of the central capsule from the oral surface, I have found that 
swimming movements quite as often result. The difference is a 
slight one, and may, I believe, be accounted for by the oral pinnules 
being accidently irritated in some of the experiments. If these were 
clipped off I found that swimming movements of the arms almost 
invariably followed irritation of the central capsule from above. 


The experiments prove in the most positive manner that the central 
capsule is in direct physiological connection with the muscles of the 
arms ; and the further fact that the experiments yield identical results, 
whether performed on eviscerated or unmutilated specimens, proves 
that the subepithelial bands form at any rate no part of the central 

Experiment 7.—The centrodorsal plate of an active specimen was 
removed with scissors and the central capsule carefully scooped out 
with a small scalpel. The animal on being released fell to the bottom 
of the water, where it lay on its side with the arms very strongly 
extended ; it remained in this position for several hours without any 
attempt to move. If taken from the water and thrown in again the 
arms moved fairly actively, but there was no attempt at swimming, 
each arm apparently acting quite independently of the rest. Finally, 
if placed on its oral surface it remained there for an indefinite time 
without making the slightest attempt to right itself. 

Experiment 8.—The preceding experiment was repeated on an 
eviscerated specimen, the results being in all respects the same. 

These two experiments are of very great importance. They show 
that removal of the central capsule completely destroys the co- 
ordinating mechanism between the arms, as tested (a) by the power of 
executing the normal swimming movements, (b) by the power of 
righting itself when inverted; both these powers being permanently 
destroyed by the operation. To obtain definite results it is necessary to 
completely remove the central capsule, and this I have found cannot be 
effected by simply cutting away the centrodorsal plate ; besides this the 
capsule must be either scraped out with a fine scalpel or else destroyed 
by free painting with strong acid. Specimens in which the centrodorsal 
plate has been simply snipped off, though they lose temporarily the 
power both of swimming and of righting themselves, yet regain these 
more or less completely after an interval of half an hour to an hour, 
If, however, sufficient care has been taken to entirely destroy the 
central capsule the loss of power is absolute and permanent. 

Experiment 9.—The centrodorsal plate of an active specimen was 
removed, and the central capsule entirely destroyed ; the cavity was 
also very freely painted with nitric acid so as to expose and destroy 
the pentagonal commissure connecting the axial cords together at their 
roots (cf. fig. 3). After being left at rest for an hour the arms were 
irritated one by one; each arm responded readily and extensively to 


the stimulation, but the movement was limited to the arm directly 
irritated, none of the other arms sharing in it, except sometimes the 
other arm of the pair to which the irritated arm belonged. 

This experiment shows that the physiological connection between 
the arms can be destroyed by removal of the central capsule and of 
its branches, including the pentagonal commissure. After this operation 
the several arms, with the exception of the two of each pair, are 
physiologically isolated from one another, The experiment yields 
identical results whether the visceral mass be present or not. 

I have found it very necessary after severe operations to allow 
sufficient time for recovery from shock before experimenting further, 
and through failure to observe this precaution I obtained at first several 
very contradictory and perplexing results. From half an hour to an 
hour I usually found to be sufficient. 

E. On the Functions of the Axial Cords. 

Experiments on the functions of the axial cords and their branches 
fall naturally under two heads, ¢.e. those concerned with the relations 
of these structures to sensation and to motion respectively. 

I propose to commence with the former of these, though, as it 
sometimes happens that the same experiment is concerned with both 
sensation and motion, it will not be advisable to draw too sharp a line 
between the two divisions. 

Luperiment 10.—Various parts of the surface, both of the disc 
and the arms, of active uninjured specimens were irritated, both 
mechanically and chemically, in order to determine the normal dis- 
tribution of sensation. Ali parts of the surface were found to be 
sensitive, but in very unequal degrees. Irritation of the dorsal surface 
of the calyx caused only slight movements of the arms, unless the 
irritation were severe or prolonged. Irritation of the dorsal or lateral 
surfaces of the arms, where the layer of integument is very thin, 
caused flexion of the arms, with extension of the pinnules close to the 
irritated spot. ‘The response was usually ready, but the movement 
only slight. Prolonged or more violent irritation caused exaggeration 
of the movement, together with approximation of the adjacent arms 
towards the irritated arm, as though to remove the source of irritation, 
and in some cases active movement of the whole animal in a direction 
away from the irritated arm. Irritation of a pinnule causes, according 
to the degree and duration of the stimulation, movement of the pinnule, 


movement of the whole arm, approximation of the adjacent arms to 
the affected one, or active movement of the whole animal away from 
the source of irritation. Irritation of the oral pinnules causes, as 
already noticed, immediate and very active flexion of all the arms, so 
as to close in over the disc. 

The epithelium of the ambulacral grooves is extremely sensitive, 
and the results of stimulation are very definite. The slightest irritation 
causes instantaneous movement of the four or five pairs of pinnules 
immediately adjacent to the irritated spot, the pinnules being folded 
alongside the ambulacral groove so as to close it in and grasp the 
needle or other source of irritation. If the stimulation be continued 
the arm is actively flexed and the adjacent arms applied to it, and 
rubbed along the affected part, as though to remove the source of 
irritation. Finally, irritation of the ventral surface of the disc between 
the ambulacral grooves causes movements of the arms, but not nearly 
s0 active as when the oral pinnules are touched. 

Experiment 11.—An active specimen was eviscerated, and left for 
half an hour. The calyx, arms, and pinnules were then successively 
stimulated, as in the preceding experiment. The results were exactly 
the same, showing that the communication between the sensitive 
surface of any part of the calyx, arms, or pinnules, and the motor 
mechanism of all the arms, is placed elsewhere than in the visceral 

Experiment 12.—An active specimen was taken, and all the soft 
parts scraped away with a knife from the ventral surface of one of the 
arms, the scraped portion being about a quarter of an inch in length 
and one inch from the disc. The pinnules were immediately folded 
closely alongside the wound, and the animal on being released swam 
actively in a direction away from the injured arm. It soon came to 
rest in the normal position, and about six minutes after the operation 
the distal end of the injured arm was nipped with the forceps. The 
distal part of the arm, beyond the injury, was at once flexed actively, 
the proximal part less actively, and the other arms did not move. 
After a twenty minutes’ interval the distal end of the injured arm was 
again nipped, when active movement of all the arms at once resulted, 
the animal moving rapidly away from the source of irritation. 

The above experiment shows that the communication between the 
sensitive surface of an arm or pinnule and the motor mechanism of 
all the arms is not effected by the subepithelial band. The practically 


negative result obtained when the stimulation was applied very shortly 
after the operation is, I think, most certainly to be ascribed to the 
shock of the operation, which, as already noticed, must always be 
kept in mind as a disturbing element. 

If the communication is not effected by the subepithelial band, nor 
by any of the soft parts of the ventral surface of the arm—all of which 
were scraped away in the operation—it must take place either through 
the integument of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the arm, or 
through the calcareous segments, or through the axial cords, for these 
are the only parts left uninjured. To determine which of these is the 
real path of communication the following crucial experiment was made. 

Experiment 13.—A large and vigorous specimen was taken, and a 
quarter of an inch of one of the arms, about an inch from the base, 
thoroughly scraped witha scalpel all round so as to remove the soft 
parts as completely as possible. The pinnules of the affected part and 
for a quarter of an inch on either side of the wound were cut away to 
prevent any possibility of contact communication between the parts 
on either side of the injury. The injured part was then painted all 
round very freely with strong nitric acid, the operation being repeated 
until fully half the thickness of the calcareous segments had been 
dissolved away. ‘The wound was then washed freely with sea water 
and the animal returned to the tank. It fell at once to the bottom 
on its side with the injured arm and the other one of the pair 
stretched straight out horizontally, and the other arms rather strongly 
extended. After a few minutes it began to move slowly, and in six 
minutes had completely resumed the normal position. After half an 
hour’s interval the distal end of the injured arm was sharply nipped 
with forceps, when strong active movements of all the arms at once 
resulted, the animal moving rapidly away from the source of irritation. 

The above experiment, which was repeated several times, both on 
entire and eviscerated specimens, proves conclusively that the com- 
munication between the distal end of the irritated arm and the motor 
mechanism of the arms is effected by the axial cord; in other words, 
that the axial cord plays the part of an afferent or sensory nerve, 
conveying impulses centripetally. Furthermore, that it is the normal 
path of communication of such impulses is, I think, evident from the 
response to stimulation being as ready when it alone remains as in the 
uninjured animal. It remains, however, to show whether it is the 
only path of communication, To test this I attempted several times 


to divide the axial cord between two of the segments by a fine scalpel, 
but I failed, as Dr. Carpenter had done previously, owing to the fact 
that as soon as the knife reached the axial cord the arm was at once 
thrown off, usually at a point two or three segments nearer the disc 
than the injury. I then tried the plan adopted by Dr. Carpenter,? 
z.e. burning away the dorsal half of the arm with nitric acid so as to 
expose and divide the axial cord, and with the following results. 

Experiment 14.—An active specimen was removed from the water, 
the dorsal surface of one of the arms carefully dried, and strong nitric 
acid applied with a fine brush to the dorsal surface of the sixth and 
seventh radials, which were dissolved away until the axial cord was 
exposed and destroyed. If the arm were held during the operation it 
was usually thrown off, but if the dise only were held and the arm 
allowed merely to rest on the fingers, the operation was always 
successful. The animal was then returned to the water, where it 
assumed almost at once the normal position. After half an hour’s 
rest, the distal end of the injured arm was nipped sharply with 
forceps; active movements of the irritated arm beyond the injury 
ensued, but no movement whatever of either the proximal part of the 
injured arm or of any of the other arms. 

This experiment also was repeated several times on both entire and 
eviscerated specimens, the results being without exception as recorded 
‘above. It is difficult to limit the action of the acid to the dorsal 
surface of the arm, but by sufficient care it can be done, and on 
several occasions the ambulacral epithelium, including of course the 
subepithelial band, was left absolutely uninjured, responding to stimu- 
lation in a perfectly normal manner. The experiment must, I think, 
be considered, when taken in conjunction with Experiment 13, as 
proving that the axial cord is the sole afferent communication between 
the arm and the central motor mechanism, for the former experiment 
shows that the communication is still perfect when it alone remains, 
while the latter shows that division of the cord, other parts remaining 
intact, destroys the communication absolutely. 

Experiment 15.—One further and very obvious experiment is worth 
recording. One of the arms of an active specimen was cut across about 
its middle, and the animal held in the tank go that the stump of the 
amputated arm was just above the surface of the water; the cut end 
of the axial cord could then be very readily seen with the naked eye. 

1 Carpenter, ‘Proc, Royal Soc.,’ 1876, p, 654. 



The stump was carefully dried and the axial cord touched with a 
fine needle or with a finely-poiuted brush charged with nitric acid, 
very violent movements of all the arms at once resulting. Similar 
stimulation of the ambulacral epithelium or of other parts of the 
section produced but very slight and local movements, 

This concludes my experiments as to the afferent functions of the 
axial cord, excepting certain points relating to the commissural 
connections between these cords, which will be dealt with later on. 
I propose now to enquire into the motor function of the axial cords. 

Experiment 16.—As in Experiment 12, the soft parts were scraped 
away from the ventral surface of about a quarter of an inch of one of 
the arms, an inch from its base. On being returned to the water the 
animal swam actively, all the arms moving vigorously and normally, 
including the injured one, which, however, was rather less active than 
the others, and a little stiff at the scraped part, probably from direct 
injury to the muscles. 

This experiment, which was repeated on eviscerated specimens with 
identical results, shows that the path by which motor impulses are 
conveyed to the muscles of the arms is neither the subepithelial band 
nor any part of the soft structures on the ventral surface of the arm. 

Experiment 17.—The operation was the same as in Experiment 14, 
the dorsal half of one of the arms, about an inch from the disc, being 
dissolved away by nitric acid until the axial cord was exposed and 
divided. The animal was then returned to the water, where it remained 
quiescent for a few seconds, and then commenced to swim actively and 
spontaneously, all the arms moving perfectly normally, except the 
injured one, the proximal end of which moved slightly, while the distal 
part beyond the injury was perfectly motionless and flexed spirally 
into a coil, After a short time the animal came to rest in a perfectly 
normal position, but for the spiral coiling of the distal part of the 
injured arm, which persisted. After a quarter of an hour’s rest one of 
the uninjured arms was irritated, causing at once active movements 
of the uninjured arms and of the proximal part of the injured arm, 
but none whatever of its distal part. 

Experiment 18.—In a fresh Antedon two injuries, similar to that in 
Experiment 17, were made in one of the arms at spots about an inch 
and a half apart. Stimulation of the arm itself, or of the pinnules, 
between the two wounds caused movements of the middle portion of 
the arm, but none whatever of the proximal or distal portions. 

ee SS ee ee — 


The two preceding experiments show that division of the axial cord 
destroys the motor communication between the parts on either side of 
the section as completely as we have already found it to destroy the 
afferent or sensory communication. When combined with Experiment 
16, which shows that the motor communication is not effected by any 
other of the soft parts, the inference is irresistible that the sole motor 
communication is that afforded by the axial cords. One additional 
experiment may be mentioned in support of this conclusion. 

Leperiment 19.—One of the urms of a vigorous specimen was 
amputated by a snip of the scissors. The detached arm exhibited 
extremely active movements for about a quarter of an hour, coiling 
and uncoiling with great force and rapidity. After a time it became 
quiescent. It was then held in the tank with the proximal end just 
out of water. The end was carefully dried and the exposed section of 
the axial cord touched with a needle and a fine brush charged with 
nitric acid. The slightest irritation, whether mechanical or chemical, 
caused violent and repeated flexion of the arm. Stimulation applied 
to other parts of the cut end produced but very little effect. 

It still remains to inquire into the functions of the commissural 
bands which connect the axial cords together, for if the axial cords 
are really nerves these connecting bands, which are identical with 
them in histological structure, must be nerves also, and experiment 
ought to throw light on their purpose. These commissures are of two 
kinds (cf. fig. 3): there is, firstly, the great pentagonal commissure in 
the First Radials which connect together the roots of the radial cords; 
and, secondly, we have in each Third Radial a rather complicated 
connection, by means of a transverse commissure and a chiasma, 
between the two axial cords into which each radial cord divides. I 
propose to deal with these two sets of fibres separately, taking the 
ereat pentagonal commissure first. 

Luperiment 20.—A specimen was eviscerated, and a needle passed 
down from the oral surface into the chambered organ, and worked 
about so as to destroy as completely as possible the central capsule 
and chambered organ (ef. fig. 1). ‘The animal was then returned to 
the water, and left at rest for half an hour. One of the arms was 
then suddenly nipped with forceps, when all the arms exhibited active 
movement, though the animal did not attempt to swim. 

This experiment shows that the central capsule does not form the 
sole physiological connection between the axial cords (nerves) of the 


several arms. Figs. 1 and 3 show that the pentagonal commissure, 
which is lodged in the First Radials, would not be touched by the 
operation, and, as it furnishes an anatomical connection between 
the axial cords, it was naturally suspected to be the physiological 
connection as well. ‘To test this the following experiment was made : 

Luperiment 21.—The same specimen employed in the preceding 
experiment was taken, and the inside of the canal surrounded by the 
First Radials freely painted with nitric acid, until the pentagonal 
commissure was exposed and destroyed. The animal was then returned 
to the water and left for half an hour on its oral face, where it 
remained without auy attempt to right itself or to swim. The arms 
were then strongly nipped with forceps one by one; each arm when 
irritated responded by active movements, but none of the other arms 
stirred except the other arm of the pair to which the irritated arm 
belonged, which moved sometimes slightly, sometimes actively. 

This last observation shows that there is a physiological connection 
between the two arms of each pair still remaining after the several 
pairs are isolated from one another by destruction of the pentagonal 
commissure. There is, as we have seen, an anatomical connection in 
the Third Radial (fig. 3), and the following experiments were made 
to test whether this furnishes also the physiological connection in 

Lexperiment 22.—A pair of arms was cut off a specimen, the section 

_ passing between the First and Second Radials. After half an hour's 

interval one of the arms was stimulated, when both arms moved 

Experiment 23.—Another specimen was eviscerated and a pair of 
arms removed, the section passing between the Second and Third 
Radials (cf. fig. 3). All the soft parts were scraped from the basal 
portions of the arms, the basal pinnules were cut off, and the Third 
Radial and basal joints of the arms freely scraped and painted with 
nitric acid, so that the sole connection between the two arms was 
through the substance of the Third Radial. After half an hour one 
of the arms was sharply nipped ; the irritated arm moved freely, and 
the other arm slightly but distinctly. The experiment was repeated 
with a second specimen, and an interval of three hours allowed 
between the operation and stimulation of the arm. In this case active 

and extensive movements of both arms followed on irritation of either 


As the radial cord (fig. 3) divides into the two axial cords before 
entering the Third Radial, the sole anatomical connection between the 
axial cords of the two arms in the above experiment is afforded by the 
transverse commissure and the chiasma, one or other of which, or 
both, must therefore furnish the physiological connection which the 
experiment proves to exist. From the anatomical relations of the 
parts, and from the fact that the proximal ends of the chiasma must 
almost certainly have been injured in the operation, I think it probable 
that the transverse commissure is the real connecting link in this 
instance. As to the chiasma, the disposition of the fibres suggests 
that it may be connected with the alternating movements of the two 
arms of each pair which we have seen to occur in the act of swimming. 

F. On the Functions of the Subepithelial Bands. 

The subepithelial bands are supposed by Ludwig, as we have seen 
above, to constitute the sole or main nervous system of Antedon. 
The experiments detailed above demonstrate the incorrectness of this 
view. They show that the central connection of the subepithelial 
bands on the oral disc is in no way essential to, in fact, has nothing 
whatever to do with the complicated and co-ordinated movements of 
swimming, and of righting when inverted; they show, further, that 
division or destruction of the subepithelial band at any place does 
not destroy or even disturb either the sensory or motor communications 
between the parts on either side of the injury. In fact, they not only 
prove conclusively that these structures are not the sole nervous 
system, but even raise doubts as to whether they belong to the system 
at all. 

I think, however, that the close histological resemblance between 
the subepithelial bands and the axial cords, coupled with the close 
correspondence as regards their relations to the ambulacral epithelium 
which exists between Crinoids and other Echinodermata in which, as 
in Asterids, they are most certainly nervous, must compel us to con- 
sider these bands in Antedon as nervous in nature, though what their 
exact function is has yet to be determined. The ambulacral epithelium 
is extremely and exceptionally sensitive, and irritation of it is responded 
to in a definite and peculiar manner, z.e. by the sudden folding of the 
pinnules alongside the irritated spot. ‘The ambulacral grooves are 
structures of great importance to the animal, for it is by them that 
food particles are captured and swept along by the ciliary currents 


to the mouth. Furthermore, the subepithelial band is in very intimate 
relation with that most characteristic Echinoderm system, the ambu- 
lacral vessels and their prolongations into the tentacles. 

Seeing, then, that there are along the ventral surface of the arms 
structures of great importance in very close anatomical relation with 
these subepithelial bands, which agree histologically with what are 
undoubtedly nerves, it seems probable that these bands form a special 
part of the nervous system connected with one or other, or perhaps 
all of these special structures. 

That the connection between the subepithelial bands and the 
ambulacral epithelium and tentacles is a very intimate one is shown 
by P. H. Carpenter’s observation, alluded to above, that in both 
Antedon and Actinometra all three structures disappear together, 
both in the oral pinnules and in those arms or portions of arms 
which are devoid of ambulacral grooves. 

G. Summary of Results. 

1. The central capsule, and its prolongations the axial cords and 
their branches, constitute the main nervous system of Antedon. 

2. The central capsule is specially connected with the complex 
co-ordinated movements of swimming and of righting when inverted. 

3. The axial cords act as both afferent and efferent nerves. 

4, The subepithelial bands are probably also nerves, but their exact 
function, probably a special and subordinate one in connection with 
the ambulacral tentacles and epithelium, is not yet ascertained. 

5. Evisceration apparently causes but little inconvenience to the 
animal, and the visceral mass is regenerated completely in a few 
weeks’ time. 

These results are in complete accordance with the views so stead- 
fastly advocated for many years past by the Carpenters, and recently 
adopted by Perrier; while, on the other hand, they are in direct 
opposition to the tenets of the German school.? 

IV. Morphological Considerations. 
Certain points of very considerable morphological interest arise in 

2 Since this paper was written Dr. Jickeli, of Jena, has published an account of experiments 
made on the nervous system of Antedon, which lead him to strongly uphold the correctness 
of Dr Carpénter’s views. Many of Jickeli’s experiments are identical with ones described 
above, and his paper, (‘Zoologischer Anzeiger,’ 23rd June, 1884) although at present incom: 
plete, contains much valuable information, 



connection with the results detailed above, and I propose in this 
concluding section to notice briefly a few of the more important of these. 

In the first place the morphological difficulty arising from the 
possession by Antedon of an antambulacral in addition to the typical 
ambulacral nervous system of Echinoderms must be considered. This 
objection has been strongly urged by Ludwig, and constitutes indeed 
the real ground of his dissent from Dr. Carpenter’s views ; and it must 
be admitted that the presence of a complicated nervous system in 
Crinoids, which is apparently altogether unrepresented in other Echi- 
noderms, is a feature which a morphologist might well shrink from 
accepting until the fullest proof was forthcoming. This proof I have 
attempted to supply in the preceding section; the morphological 
puzzle, however, still remains to be considered. 

Tiedemann! was the first to describe the ambulacral nervous system 
of Echinoderms, and since his time the five radial bands with their 
connecting circumoral commissure have been universally accepted as 
constituting the typical Echinoderm nervous system. This nervous 
system, as was pointed out by Tiedemann, is differently situated in 
the different groups: in Asterids it is quite superficial, while in 
Ophiurids, Echinids, and Holothurids it is much more deeply placed, 
being separated from the surface by a thick layer of cutis which in the 
two former groups is firmly calcified. Agassiz? urged this difference 
of position as an objection to the homology of the radial bands in 
Asterids and Echinids, but the objection was not sustained. More 
recent researches, while confirming the presence and the nervous 
nature of these radial bands and oral commissure, and adding 
much to our knowledge of their minute structure and relations,’ have, 
however, tended to show that they only form a part of what is really 
a very widely-spread and diffuse nervous system. 

Thus in Asterids it is very easy to demonstrate that the nerve-layer, 
which is perfectly continuous with the epidermis, of which indeed 
it forms the deepest stratum, is not confined to the floor of the 
ambulacral groove, but extends, though as a thinner layer, over the 

1 Tiedemann, ‘ Beobachtungen ueber das Nervensystem und die sensiblen Erscheinungen 
der Seesterne ;? Meckel’s ‘Archiv. fiir Physiologie,’ Bd. i, 1815; and ‘ Anatomie des Rohren- 
holothuries, des Seesterns und Steineigels,’ Landshut, 1816. 

2 Agassiz et Desor, ‘Catalogue raisonné des familles des Echinodermes,” ‘Annales des 
Sciences Naturelles,’ 1846. 

3 Ludwig’s researches on the nervous system of Echinoderms, embodied in his ‘Morpho-~ 
logische Studien an Echinodermen,’ are of especial value and importance ; and a recent 
paper by Hamann, referred to below, contains many new points of great interest. 


tube feet.* The nervous layer can also be recognised with little 
difficulty in the epidermis of the dorsal or antambulacral surface, and 
Hamann* has shown that it really forms a continuous sheath over the 
whole dorsal surface of the animal, which, though exceedingly thin 
over the greater part of the back, thickens considerably at certain 
places, notably at the bases of the respiratory processes. Hamann 
describes the epidermis of Echinoderms as consisting of elements of 
four kinds—(1) supporting cells, columnar cells whose deeper ends 
are produced into fibres which pass down into the underlying dermis; 
(2) sensory cells, columnar and sometimes ciliated cells whose deeper 
ends are continuous with (3) the nerve-fibrils, delicate bands whose 
direction is mainly parallel to the surface of the epithelium and which 
are in places aggregated into bundles; and (4) ganglion cells, small 
nucleated cells connected with the nerve-fibrils. Of these structures 
the two latter form the nervous elements, which in Asterids are directly 
continuous with the more superficially placed columnar cells, 

In Ophiurids the radial nerves, though having the same histological 
structure as in Asterids, are quite distinct from the epidermis, 
and separated from it by a thick layer of calcified dermis. Here also, 
however, branches from the radial nerves can be traced into the tube 
feet, where they form a layer immediately beneath the epidermis. 
Whether an epidermic nerve-sheath or plexus is present on the 
ambulacral surface has not, I believe, yet been demonstrated. I have 
been led to suspect the existence of such a sheath on physiological 
grounds, but have not yet seen it. 

According to Baudelot,? in Ophioderma longicauda each of the nerves 
to the tube feet gives off a branch, which “se portait en haut et en 
arriére, et m’a paru se perdre dans la région dorsale du bras.” 

In Echinids Krohn‘ was the first to show that the radial nerves, 
which, like those of Ophiurids, are separated from the external epider- 
mis by a thick layer of calcified dermis, give off branches, which 
accompany the tube feet through the pores in the ambulacral plates, 
and run in the substance of the tube feet as far as their free ends. 

1 Tbelieve Greef was the first to show this in 1871. 

2 Hamann, ‘‘Beitrige zur Histologie der Echinodermen,” ‘Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche 
Zoologie,’ Bd. xxxix, 1883. 

? Baudelot, ‘‘ Etudes Générales sur le Systeme Nerveux,” Archives de Zoologie Expéri- 
mentale,’ tome i, 1872, p. 208. 

* Krohn, “Ueber die Anatomie der Nervensystem der Echiniden und Holothurien,” 
* Archiv fiir Anatomie,’ 1841, translated in ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles,’ tome xvi, 1841. 


Lovén' describes the branches which accompany the tube feet as 
spreading out on the external surface of the test to form a network of 
fibres with numerous ganglion-cells. He figures a part of this external 
nerve plexus in Brissopsis lyrifera, and says concerning it: ‘On 
concoit que tous les rameaux du trone nerveux se divisant de cette 
maniére, il y aura, répandu a la surface du corps, un systeme nerveux 
pérviphérique extrémement développé, fournissant des nerfs aux radioles, 
aux pédicellaires, aux clavicles des fascioles, et en général 4 toutes les 
parties externes.” 

Fredericq? was led, from a series of experiments on Echinus and 
Toxopneustes, to suspect the presence “d’un plexus nerveux situé 
dans l’épaisseur de la peau qui recouvre le test 4 lextérieur,” but did 
not succeed in demonstrating its existence anatomically. 

More recently Romanes and Ewart® have described experiments on 
living Echini, which lead them to believe in the existence not only 
of an external nerve plexus outside the test, but also of an internal 
plexus on its inner surface; they further believe that the two systems 
are connected by nerve-fibres running through the plates of the test. The 
external plexus they figure* and describe “‘as lying almost immediately 
under the surface epithelium, and extending from the shell to the 
spines and pedicellariz ;” and in a postscript they state that they 
“have been successful in obtaining full histological demonstration of 


the internal nervous plexus of Echinus,” and promise full descriptions 
of “its character, distribution, and mode of communication with the 
external plexus.”® 

Concerning Holothurids, both Krohn and Baudelot describe, in the 
memoirs cited above, branches from the radial nerves to the tube feet. 
More recently Hamann,° in the paper already quoted, has added 
valuable details concerning the distribution of these branches. He 
shows that the branches to the tube feet, which are at first situated, 
like the radial nerves from which they arise, beneath the dermis, soon 

1 Lovén, ‘Etudes sur les Echinoidées,” ‘Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Hands 
lingar,’ Bandet ii, No. 7, Stockholm, 1874, p. 8, and pl. ii, figs. 30 and 31. 

2 Fredericq, ‘‘ Contributions a 1’étude des Echinides,” ‘Archives de Zoologie Expérimeii- 
tale,’ tome v, 1876, p. 438. 

3 Romanes and Ewart, ‘‘On the Locomotor System of Echinodermata,” ‘ Phil. Trans.,’ 
1881, part iii. 

4 Romanes and Ewart, loc. cit., p. 836, pl. 80, figs. 16—18. These figures are very different 
to Lovén’s, which, however, were drawn from another genus. 

5 Loc. cit., p. 882. 

® Hamann, loc. cit., p. 168, and pl. ii, figs. 61, 52, 53, 


pass through this, and expand to form nerve sheaths around the tube 
feet and immediately beneath the external epidermis. 

From the above descriptions it follows that the ordinary text-book 
accounts of the Echinoderm nervous system, which mention the radial 
nerves and the circumoral commissure, but nothing more, require very 
considerable modification. 

We have in addition to the Crinoids four well-marked groups of 
recent Echinoderms, the Asterids, Ophiurids, Echinids, and Holothurids. 
Of these four there is, I think, no doubt that the Asterids must be 
regarded as the most primitive group, while the apodous Holothurids 
are perhaps the most modified. This primitive character of the Asterids 
is well illustrated by their nervous system, which as we have seen 
above, is in the form of a continuous nerve-sheath, enclosing the whole 
body, and directly continuous with the external epidermis of which it 
forms the deepest layer. This nerve-sheath is thickened at certain 
places, notably along the ambulacral grooves, where it forms the five 
radial or ambulacral nerves. Such a condition of the nervous system 
there is very strong reason for regarding as a very primitive one. It 
occurs in a slightly modified form in many Ceelenterates ; it occurs in 
that primitive group of Nemertines which Hubrecht proposes to call 
Paleonemertini; it occurs also in the young of Sagitta and in several 
other cases. Even in Vertebrates the central nervous system really 
remains throughout life continuous with the epidermis, for the epithe- 
lium lining the central canal of the cord and the ventricle of the brain, 
was originally part of the surface epidermis.* 

The fact that the Asterid nerve system remains in this primitive 
condition is of considerable importance from two points of view; in 
the first place it shows us the parent form from which the more 
modified nervous systems of other Echinoderms must have sprung, 
and thereby throws great light on the mutual relations of these several 
forms; in the second place it is of special interest in connection with 
the subject of the present paper, as showing that the Asterids are, in 
at any rate one extremely important respect, far more primitive than 
the Crinoids. I propose to say a few words on each of these points. 

Starting with the Asterid nervous system it is easy to derive from 
it, theoretically, the nervous systems of other groups. The sinking 
down of the radial nerves in Ophiurids and Echinids may possibly be 

1 Attention has recently been directed to this point by Sedgwick in the ‘ Proceedings of 
the Cambridge Philosophical Society,’ vol. iv, pl. vi. 


connected with the development of the protective calcareous plates on 
the ambulacral surface, while the similar position they hold in Holo- 
thurids is probably due to the descent of this group from mailed 
ancestors provided with calcareous ambulacral plates, a line of descent 
for which there is a considerable amount of evidence forthcoming. 
That the radial nerves of Ophiurids, Echinids, and Holothurids are 
really the same things as the radial thickenings of the nerve-sheath in 
Asterids, in spite of their difference of position, is practically proved 
by the identical relations of the branches of these nerves or thickenings 
to the tube feet, which branches in all cases alike form sheaths im- 
mediately beneath the epidermis. The external plexus of Echinids 
may clearly be viewed as a somewhat modified nerve-sheath ; and the 
internal plexus of Romanes and Ewart, which is said to be connected 
directly with the external plexus through the substance of the test, 
may be explained as due to this nerve-sheath having commenced to 
shift inwards, just as the radial nerves have done, but at present 
remaining entangled in the substance of the calcified dermis. 

As regards the origin of the Crinoid nervous system, I think that 
the Asterid again gives us an important clue, though much yet remains 
to be explained. It is commonly assumed that the subepithelial bands 
of the Crinoid are homologous with the radial nerve-bands of an 
Asterid, and I think the homology must be accepted when we consider 
how absolutely identical the relations of these two structures are to 
what is perhaps the most characteristic feature in an Echinoderm, ie. 
the ambulacral system. The histological identity is an additional 
argument, though of less weight, on the same side. 

Accepting this homology as proved, the fact that Crinoids possess 
part of a nerve-sheath in a primitive and unmodified condition is, to 
my mind, strong reason for viewing them as descended from forms 
which agreed with the recent Asterids in possessing a complete nerve- 
sheath (though possibly very unlike Asterids in other respects) ; and 
I am, therefore, disposed to regard the antambulacral nervous system 
of a Crinoid, ze. the central capsule and axial cords with their 
branches, as being derived from the antambulacral part of the primi- 
tive nerve-sheath, and not as an entirely new set of structures 
possessed by no other Echinoderms. A certain amount of evidence 
can be adduced in support of this view. Dr. Carpenter has shown? 
that in an early stage of development of Antedon the radials do not 

1 Carpenter, ‘Phil, Trans.,’ 1868, 


enclose the radial cords, but merely form calcareous plates between the 
cords and the integument, which Jater on thicken, grow round, and 
enclose the cords completely.t In this early stage the relations of the 
radial cords are very similar to those of the ambulacral nerves of an 
adult Ophiurid or Echinid,? and as the latter have certainly acquired 
their adult condition by becoming detached from the epidermis and 
shifting inwards, so also may the same process be supposed to have 
occurred in the Crinoid. The subepithelial bands of the Crinoid retain 
their primitive positions, but the delicate connective-tissue lamella 
that sometimes separates them from the overlying epithelium in 
Antedon rosaceus, and is a far more evident structure in Antedon 
Eschrichtti and in Actinometra, probably represents the earliest stage 
in the process by which the nerve becomes detached from the epidermis 
and shifted inwards, Again, the external and internal plexuses of 
Echinus, with their connecting fibres in the substance of the calcareous 
test offer us a condition of things in some respects approaching that 
of the Crinoid. 

Concerning the morphology of the central capsule, I feel in much 
more doubt. Dr. Carpenter’s observations lead to the belief that, at 
any rate in its present form, it is connected with the change from the 
pedunculate to the free-swimming condition ; and it is worthy of notice 
that the two actions with which it has been found to be specially 
concerned physiologically, ae. the movements of swimming and of 
righting, are ones that the pedunculate form, from the very nature of 
things, can never exercise. 

While, however, this theory of the derivation of the system of the 
central capsule and axial cords of a Crinoid, by concentration from the 
antambulacral portion of a continuous nerve-sheath, renders a compari- 
son between the Crinoids and the Echinoderms possible, it still leaves 
the gap between the two groups a very wide one. Crinoids are some- 
times compared with Asterids or Ophiurids, but they differ from both 
these groups in a great number of points of fundamental importance. 

In the absence of any representatives of ambulacral ossicles, the 
convoluted character of the alimentary canal, the position of the anus, 
the permanent communication between the ambulacral system and the 
coelom, the replacement (functionally if not morphologically) of the 

1 That this condition is a primitive one is shown by its occurrence in some of the Palzo- 
crinoids in which the axial cords often lie in grooves, and not in canals in the calcareous 

plates (Carpenter). 
2 Of course they do not correspond to these. 



madreporic plate by a number of ciliated openings, we have, quite 
apart from the entirely exceptional features of the nervous system, a 
list of characters, which could be very easily added to, which mark off 
the Crinoids as a group widely separate from the other Echinoderms. 

When we bear in mind that in a number of these points the Crinoid 
condition is not only not a primitive one, but a very highly specialised 
one, the gap becomes wider still. | 

I do not propose at present to pursue further this point, which has 
recently been noticed by both the Carpenters, and will close my paper 
by venturing to call attention to the great importance of supplementing 
morphological and histological inquiries by direct experimental investi- 
gations. In this age of specialisation there is a very real danger of 
men confining their attention too exclusively to one side of the problems 
they attack, to the entire neglect of others, which are not only of equal 
importance, but which would in many cases yield them far more ready 

Comparative physiology is a phrase which has become well-nigh 
extinct ; but it is the name of a very real and very necessary science, 
which only requires better opportunities for development, such as we 
hope shortly to see forthcoming in this country, in order to yield results 
of first-rate importance to morphologists and physiologists alike. 

rei ay . 

Plate XIV. 

A.M.Marshall, del. ¥. Huth, Lith? Edin* 



The figures are diagrammatic, and are intended merely to show the 
position and relations of the nervous system ; the other systems being 
omitted, either wholly or in part. The nervous system is coloured 
black in all three figures. In figures 1 and 3, I have borrowed ideas 
from figures given by Ludwig (‘Morphologische Studien’): all the 
figures are, however, constructed from camera drawings of my own 
preparations, and the two mentioned will be found to differ in some 
important points from the corresponding ones of Ludwig. 

Alphabetical List of References. 

a. Axial cord. 6. Branches of axial cord. c¢. Branches of axial 
cord to pinnule. d. Central capsule. e. Branches from central capsule 
to cirri. jf Chambered organ. g. Central plexus. &. Subepithelial 
band (ambulacral nerve). 7. Ambulacral groove. & Tentacle. 7. Am- 
bulacral canal. m, Subtentacular canal. x. Ceeliac canal. o. Pin- 
nule. . Cirri. 1. Mouth. ss. Intestine. ¢ Ciliated openings 
in body-wall. «. Muscle. C.D. Centrodorsal plate. &. Rosette. 
R,. First Radial. A, Second Radial. &,. Third Radial. Br,. First 
Brachial. Br, Second Brachial. 

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic vertical section through the disc and base of © 
one of the arms of Antedon rosaceus, showing the relations 
of the central capsule, axial cords, and subepithelial bands. 
The section is interradial, 7.e. passes between two pairs of 
arms, on the left side, radial on the right. 

Fig. 2. Transverse section of an arm of Antedon rosaceus, passing on 
the right side through the base of one of the pinnules. 
The figure is diagrammatic as regards the branches of the 
axial cord, which are filled in from a considerable number 
of sections. 

Fig. 3. Diagrammatic plan of the central capsule and its branches in 
Antedon rosaceus. 


By Artuur Denpy, B.Sc., Associate of the Owens College. 

It has been known for a long time that the visceral mass of certain 
species of Comatule is separable from the calyx with great ease. 
Thus Fabius Columna in 1592, speaking of the visceral mass of 
Antedon, says: ‘‘ipsum vero et facillime disjungitur a stella.”! This 
passage is quoted by Dr. W. B. Carpenter in his memoir on Antedon 
rosaceus.? The separation of the visceral mass is easily brought about 
artificially, as mentioned by Professor Milnes Marshall in his paper on 
the nervous system of Antedon rosaceus ;* and in some species it has 
been observed, on the Challenger expedition,* by Dr. Carpenter,° and 
by myself, that the animals are not infrequently dredged up without 
any visceral masses at all, these latter, in like manner, being some- 
times dredged up by themselves. 

Not only do these Comatule thus easily part with their visceral 
masses, but it has been shown that Comatule which have lost their 
visceral masses have the remarkable power of developing new ones 
(this has been proved for Antedon rosaceus alone). This fact, suspected 
by Dr. Carpenter many years ago,® was observed by Professor Marshall 

1 Phytobasanus, sive Plantarum aliquot Historia, by Fabius Columna, Neapoli, 1592. 
2 Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., 1866. 

8 “*On the Nervous System of Antedon rosaceus,” Quart. Journ. Micr. Se., July 1884. 
* Challenger Report, Narrative of Cruise, vol. I., Pt. I., pp. 310—811. 

5 Proc. Royal Soc., Lond., vol. 24, p. 215. 
® Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., vol. 24, p. 215. 


at Naples in 1884, and is referred to by him in the paper already 

Professor Marshall at once took steps to secure a complete series of 
specimens, showing all stages of this regeneration, and on his return 
placed his specimens in my hands for description. The greater part 
of my work in connection with the subject has been done in the labora- 
tory of the Owens College, under the direction of Professor Marshall, 
to whom my best thanks are due. Unfortunately the series of speci- 
mens. proved incomplete in many important respects, and in the 
summer of 1885, in the hopes of completing it, I went up to continue 
my investigations at the Scottish Marine Station for Scientific Re- 
search, at Millport on the Clyde, being enabled to do so through the 
kindness of Dr. Murray, Director of the Challenger Commission, to 
whom I am much indebted for the valuable material which I was able 
to collect there. 

The following is a short account of the main features in the pro- 
cesses of evisceration and regeneration as observed in Antedon rosaceus 
(Comatula mediterranea), a species found very abundantly in the 
Firth of Clyde. 

Before proceeding, it may be well to say a preliminary word or two 
with regard to the relations of the visceral mass to the arms and calyx 
in an uninjured Antedon, although I shall have to deal with this ques- 
tion more fully later on. The entire body of Antedon may be divided 
roughly into three main parts, the calyx, the arms, and the visceral 
mass. Of these parts the calyx appears to be the most important, for 
when an arm is cast off it can easily be regenerated, and the same is 
now known to be the case with the visceral mass. But no cases are 
known of an arm or a visceral mass having been able to grow again 
into a perfect animal after separation from the calyx. This fact, as 
suggested by Professor Marshall,’ is to be connected with the fact that 
the most important part of the nervous system is located in the calyx. 
The concave surface of the calyx is lined by a thin layer of connective 
tissue, on which the visceral mass rests and to which it is very closely 
attached. The visceral mass when removed from the calyx, is a 
roundish ball, from a quarter to half an inch in diameter and some- 
what flattened on the ventral surface. This forms such a complete 

1 Perrier, ‘‘Sur J’Anatomie et la Régénération des bras de la Comatula,” Archives de 
Zoologie expérimentale, Tome II., p. 68. 
2 Loc. cit., p. 22 (reprint), 


thing in itself and looks so little like a mere part of an organism that 
a specimen of the isolated visceral mass of one species of Comatula 
was once described as a distinct animal. The dorsal surface of the 
visceral mass, that is the one resting on the calyx, is covered by a 
compact layer of connective tissue, which has a silky appearance on 
the outside. In the centre of the dorsal surface is a minute hole 
which serves for the passage of the central plexus of blood vessels 
from the chambered organ into the visceral mass. The ventral sur- 
face is covered by epidermis overlying connective tissue, and has the 
mouth in the centre and the anal cone at one side. This layer of 
epidermis and connective tissue, covering the ventral surface of the 
visceral mass, has been called by Carpenter the “ oral perisome,” and 
is continuous with a similar layer of tissue clothing the ventral sur- 
face of each arm. 

Tue Process oF EvisceraTion.—In some specimens of Antedon 
rosaceus the visceral mass is very easily removed from the calyx by 
pushing it aside with a blunt needle ; but it is a noteworthy fact that 
this evisceration cannot be effected with equal ease in all cases, for, 
while in some specimens the visceral mass comes away almost with 
a touch, in others it adheres firmly to the calyx and cannot be brought 
away at all except by tearing it to pieces. 

While at Millport, I observed that specimens were dredged up by 
the steam launch ‘ Medusa,” which had already lost their visceral 
masses. At first I was inclined to think that the animals cast them 
out of their own accord on being irritated, as some Holothurians cast 
out their intestines, but this must be regarded as very doubtful, for, 
owing to the slight manner in which they are generally attached to 
the calyx the visceral masses might have been torn out by rough 
treatment in the dredge. This view is perhaps supported by the fact 
that isolated visceral masses have themselves occasionally been 
dredged up.’ 

But although this evisceration is probably in most cases effected by 
the dredge, yet I have very strong reason for believing that eviscera- 
tion and subsequent regeneration of the lost visceral mass occasionally 
occur quite independently of dredging operations. I have in my pos- 
session a specimen of Antedon rosaceus, from the Firth of Clyde, in 
which the visceral mass shows clear traces of having been regenerated ; 

™ Challenger Report, Nav. of Cruise, vol. I., Pt. I., p. 311. f 


this specimen was almost certainly dredged in its present condition : 
it was certainly not intentionally eviscerated, and it is hardly possible 
that it could have regenerated to such an extent in the aquarium 
before I came to examine it, for owing to the great heat of the weather 
and other causes I found it impossible to keep the Comatule alive in 
the aquaria for more than a very few days. The specimen referred to 
has arrived at the stage represented by one of the intentionally-evisce- 
rated specimens from Naples which had been regenerating for about 
nineteen days. In fact, although this Comatula in many respects 
differs from a normal one in appearance, yet regeneration is fairly 
complete. The differences may be enumerated as follows: (1) the disc 
is of a very light colour, while in normal specimens it is usually con- 
siderably pigmented ; (2) the disc is flat, while in normal specimens it 
is usually strongly convex; (3) the lappets bordering the ambulacral 
grooves around the mouth are very slightly developed ; (4) the anal 
cone is very small; (5) the line of tear, caused by the removal of the 
old visceral mass is still marked by the cessation of the pigment spots 
bordering the ambulacral grooves. In all these particulars this speci- 
men agrees with a regenerated specimen of about nineteen days and 
differs from a normal one. 

It has been already stated that in some specimens the visceral mass 
may be very readily removed from the calyx, while in others it adheres 
to it very tightly. I happened to be at Millport at what seemed to 
be the height of the breeding season for Antedon rosaceus (July), the 
pinnules being commonly much distended with ova which were fre- 
quently discharged into the surrounding water in great numbers. 

On examining my specimens after my return I noticed that out of 
all which I had preserved of the specimens dredged without their 
visceral masses, hardly one had the pinnules distended to any consider- 
able extent with genital products. It appears to me also that usually 
those specimens which most readily part with their visceral masses 
are those in which the pinnules are least distended-with genital pro- 
ducts, while, if the pinnules are much distended, the visceral mass is 
more firmly attached to the calyx. It is perhaps possible to trace a 
connection between these facts, for, when the energies of the animal 
are being devoted to reproduction it would obviously be much less 
capable of repairing the loss of such a large amount of tissue as is 
represented by the visceral mass, and if evisceration were to occur at 
this period it. would be likely to result in the death of the animal from 


starvation, the whole alimentary canal being, of course, removed. In 
order to avoid this danger we may imagine that the visceral mass at 
this period becomes more firmly attached to the calyx. If this view 
be correct, we must suppose that the loss of the visceral mags is by no 
means an uncommon occurrence amongst Comatule, and I am strongly 
inclined to believe that such is the case. What is the meaning of 
this process, and whether it plays any special part in the economy of 
the animal must for the present remain undecided ; I have, however, 
thrown out a suggestion on this point at the end of the paper. 

Errects oF EviscEraTion.—Removal of the visceral mass appears 
to affect the animals but little. At first they fold their arms over the 
calyx, but this condition does not generally last for long, and in an 
hour or two, when they have once recovered from the shock, their 
vigour seems to be unimpaired. 

It is evident that evisceration involves tearing of the epidermis and 
dermis, which together form the oral perisome, in a more or less 
regular circle all round where the arms join on to the disc, and that 
the ambulacral grooves and nerves, together with the ambulacral 
vessels, must also be torn across. The central plexus of blood vessels 
must also be broken across at some part of its course. The visceral 
mass, as it appears after its removal from the calyx, has been already 
described. Isolated specimens of the visceral mass of one species of 
Comatula, dredged on the Challenger expedition, were observed by Sir 
Wyville Thomson to perform slow creeping movements ;! but I have 
noted nothing of the sort in Antedon rosaceus—on the contrary, the 
visceral masses appeared to remain quite still, and slowly decay. 

The central capsule, together with the nerves radiating from it to 
the arms, is uninjured by the operation. It will be convenient for 
purposes of reference to speak of the shallow, empty cup, left by the 
removal of the visceral mass, as the “ visceral basin.” 

The earlier stages in the process of regeneration will perhaps be 
rendered clearer if I first of all give a somewhat more particular 
account of the appearance presented by a freshly eviscerated specimen. 
The following description is taken from a specimen which was dredged 
in the eviscerated condition, but will apply equally well to a specimen 
upon which the operation has been intentionally and successfully 
performed. The line of tear, along which the oral perisome has been 

> Challenger Report, Narr. of Cruise, vol. I., Pt I., p. 311. 






separated from the integument of the arms, is very distinctly marked. 
Each ambulacral groove is torn sharply and suddenly across; gene- 
rally at about the level of the base of the first (oral) pinnule. Between 
any two adjacent arms, or pairs of arms, is a tightly stretched, trans- 
lucent membrane, bounded by a free, incurved edge which marks the 
line of tear interradially and radially. These membranes form an 
important part of the floor of the visceral basin, and assist in sup- 
porting the visceral mass. It will be seen that the line of tear forms 
the edge of the visceral basin, This edge does not maintain an even 
curvature all the way round, but is deeply notched. There are ten 
of these notches, or bays, one between the two arms of every pair 
(radial), and one between each two adjacent pairs of arms (interradial), 
the latter being a good deal deeper than the former. 

The floor of the visceral basin is lined by an exceedingly thin, trans- 
parent membrane, of connective tissue, through which a series of 
muscles is very distinctly visible. These are the muscles between the 
calcareous plates of the calyx, and they are arranged in two concentric 
circles. The inner of these two circles is made up of five pairs of 
muscles, connecting the first and second radial plates in pairs. The 
outer circle is composed of ten pairs of muscles, which connect in 
similar manner the third radials with the first brachials. The degree 
of distinctness with which these muscles are visible, beneath the 
overlying regenerating tissues, forms, during the earliest stages, a 
good indication of the amount of regeneration which has taken place. 

On examining sections of a freshly eviscerated Antedon, and com- 
paring these with sections of an uninjured specimen and of the isolated 
visceral mass, it is fairly easy to determine the exact region in which 
the separation of the visceral mass occurs. In sections of a freshly- 
eviscerated Antedon the surface of the visceral basin, including the 
muscles above described, is seen to be covered by a thin, smooth layer 
of connective tissue, excepting in the centre, within the inner circle of 
muscles, where this layer is incomplete. Here we have a deep pit, 
the sides of which are formed by the first radial plates and the floor 
by the perforated rosette. This pit is in the narrowest part a little 
over half a millimetre broad and, in the one specimen I have mea- 
sured, four fifths of a millimetre deep. The central plexus sticks up 
into it through a hole in the middle of the rosette and is surrounded 
by strands of connective tissue, which, attaching it to the walls of the 
pit, support it. In the specimen measured the central plexus projects 


above the surface of the rosette plate to a height of three-fifths of a 
millimetre. The strands of connective tissue which support it appear 
to be continuous with the organic basis of the first radials, 

In sections of the isolated visceral mass we find that the aboral sur- 
face is covered by a thin layer of connective tissue, which has on the 
outside a very distinct outline, caused by an extremely thin, deeply 
staining layer which is possibly epithelial. In sections of an uninjured 
Antedon this layer is seen to rest on the layer of tissue already de- 
scribed as forming the floor of the visceral basin, and is connected 
with it by very delicate bands of connective tissue which run across 
from the one to the other. 

Thus, in the process of evisceration the separation of the visceral 
mass takes place between two layers of connective tissue—the one 
lining the surface of the visceral basin and the other covering the 
aboral surface of the visceral mass. 

Tue REGENERATION OF THE Lost ViscERAL Mass.—Unfortunately 
the series of specimens at my disposal is still very incomplete and it 
is as yet impossible to give a complete account of this process. For 
the sake of convenience I*shall divide the description into several 
parts, according to the length of time for which the specimens treated 
of have been regenerating ; but it must not be thought that all speci- 
mens which have been regenerating for the same length of time have 
arrived at the same stage in the process; this is by no means the case, 
and I find that different specimens of the same date present consider- 
able variations. The regenerated specimens of forty-three hours are 
from the Firth of Clyde, those of later dates from Naples. 

Forty-three hours.—The connective tissue lining the floor of the 
visceral basin has begun to thicken. Asa result of this the two circlets 
of muscles already described are much less distinct than in a freshly- 
eviscerated specimen, although still plainly visible. The thickening 
is more marked around the edges of the injured area than in the 
centre, so that the inner circle of muscles is much more distinctly 
visible than the outer one; in one specimen of this date the outer 
circle of muscles is nearly hidden by the ingrowing mass of connective 
tissue. The line of tear, along which the visceral mass has been sepa- 
rated from the calyx, no longer appears sharp and distinct. 

Two days.—The new growth of connective tissue, which had com- 
- menced at forty-three hours, has proceeded further. The circlets of 


muscles on the floor of the visceral basin are both completely hidden 
by the newly formed tissues. The line of tear is marked by the 
sudden stopping of the lappets and pigment spots along the borders 
of the ambulacral grooves. 

In sections we see that the surface of the regenerating cushion of 
tissue is covered by a thin, deeply staining layer, which is apparently 
formed by the arching over, and ingrowth of the edges of the injured 
area. This layer is formed of two parts, an upper layer, which is 
probably epidermal, and a lower dermal layer. The deeper, connec- 
tive tissue layer is continuous with strands of the same substance 
which have grown out from the floor of the visceral basin. In the 
centre, above the chambered organ, the superficial layer of this regene- 
rating visceral mass is still incomplete; so that on looking at it from 
above two or three little holes are visible in the centre, leading down 
to the chambered organ. The regenerated cushion of tissue is still 
very thin, averaging in thickness only about half a millimetre. 

Regeneration, then, appears to commence in two chief ways; (1) 
by a series of outgrowths from the thin layer of connective tissue 
which forms the floor of the visceral basin; (2) by an ingrowth of 
connective tissue and epidermis from the edges of the injured area, 
forming a roof to the visceral basin. 

Three days.—Of this date I have two specimens, of both of which 
I have sections, but the one is so much further advanced in regene- 
ration than the cther that I shall treat them as two separate stages, 
taking the less advanced one first. 

(a) The new visceral mass is seen to have grown and has thickened 
considerably. The openings leading down to the chambered organ 
are now closed over. In the centre of the regenerating visceral 
cushion is a small opaque papilla, probably due to thickening of the 
epidermis preparatory to the formation of a mouth, but unfortunately 
the sections are not sufficiently well preserved to decide this point. 
Sections show that regeneration has proceeded as far as the formation 
of a cushion of loose connective tissue, much thicker than at two days 
and covered by the deeply staining epidermic layer before mentioned. 
The growth of connective tissue is especially strong underneath the 
point where the mouth is subsequently to be formed ; so that we have 
here a pillar of denser connective tissue, reaching from the top of the 
rosette plate to the roof of the visceral basin and thickest just beneath 
the epidermic layer. The central plexus is very well shown, but in 


these sections, and also in those of later date, I have no means of 
telling how much of it, if any, has regenerated and how much was left 
after evisceration. 

The ambulacral system has begun to regenerate, as is shown by the 
presence of new ambulacral pores. On examining one of these more 
closely, it is seen to be vesicular, lined by columnar epithelium and 
opening to the outside. No internal opening is yet visible. 

(6) This specimen’ is much more advanced than the preceding one, 
in that mouth and alimentary canal are already present; in other 
respects it agrees with it, so that it will only be necessary here to 
speak of the alimentary canal. In the centre of the visceral mass is a 
depression ; the epidermis covering the depressed area is thickened 
and in the centre is a small mouth leading obliquely downwards into 
a feebly developed alimentary canal. The alimentary canal has 
already the characteristic form found in normal specimens; that is to 
say it takes about one turn in an almost horizontal plane and ends in 
an anus placed interradially. The most remarkable feature about it 
is the rudimentary condition of its walls, In histological characters 
the walls of the alimentary canal are almost indistinguishable from the 
roof of the visceral basin, and to all appearance have been formed by 
an invagination of this roof. The roof of the visceral basin is com- 
posed of two layers ; externally a thin layer of minute, rounded, deeply 
staining cells which are probably epidermic, and beneath this a thicker 
layer of connective tissue which stains less deeply. In the floor of 
the central depression already mentioned, the epidermic cells show a 
slight tendency to become columnar. The walls of the alimentary 
canal are composed of exactly the same two layers, a layer of more 
deeply staining cells which corresponds to the epidermic layer of the 
roof, but is now, of course, on the inside, and outside this a layer of 
connective tissue. The cells of the inner layer show a tendency to 
become columnar, and this layer is more distinct than the epidermic 
layer of the roof. The lumen of the alimentary canal is very small 
and its walls are very thin and but slightly folded. There is no trace 
of an anal cone; the anus itself is represented by a minute perforation 
in the roof of the visceral basin. The walls of the last part of the 

1 The great amount of regeneration which has taken place inthis specimen compared with 
the other of the same date suggests the possibility that some mistake may have been made, 
either by myself or at Naples, with regard to the time of regeneration. There seems, how- 
ever, to be no doubt that considerable variation in this respect does occur. 


intestine, just before reaching the anus, are quite indistinguishable 
from this roof. 

I have thus no decisive evidence to bring forward as to the manner 
in which the alimentary canal is formed ; but there appears to me to 
be a strong probability in favour of the view that it is formed by in- 
vagination, the inner, glandular layer of its walls being formed from 
invaginated epidermis and the outer connective tissue layer from the 
underlying dermis. 

Five days.——This specimen agrees closely with the last. The ali- 
mentary canal appears to be in nearly the same condition, It is very 
small and almost solid, the inner layer of its walls being composed of 
minute, deeply staining, nucleated cells, more or less rounded in shape 
and showing a slight tendency to become columnar in places, and 
being histologically indistinguishable from the tissue covering the 
general surface of the disc. Here again the alimentary canal appears 
to have been formed by invagination, accompanied by rapid prolifera- 
tion of the cells of the epidermis. In the specimen described this 
proliferation has formed a thick mass of minute cells projecting on the 
surface at one side of the mouth. No anal cone is as yet visible. 
The terminal portion of the intestine touches the roof of the visceral 
basin, but I found no definite opening through; but it must be remem- 
bered that the anus, on its first appearance, is so minute a structure 
that it might easily escape observation, especially in imperfectly pre- 
served sections. 

No ambulacral nerves or canals are as yet visible round the mouth. 
A number of new ambulacral pores have been formed, apparently by 
invagination. The epithelium lining them is at first not distinctly 

Nine days.—Externally the boundaries of the ambulacral grooves 
are seen to have met and formed a pentagon around the mouth. They 
enclose a slightly depressed area with the mouth in the centre, and 
appear as thickish white ridges, in some places notched, showing where 
lappets are beginning to regenerate. 

It appears to me that the ambulacral grooves are, from the first 
commencement of regeneration, left as areas along which the thicken- 
ing of the regenerating tissue is not so great as elsewhere. This 
thickening takes place centripetally, in five distinct areas, one in each 
interradius; as these grow inwards the ambulacral grooves and the 
central depression around the mouth are left as less thickened portions. 


The mouth is oval, runs obliquely downwards, and is now for the first 
time very distinctly bounded. The beginning of the anal cone is 
visible as a small conical papilla placed interradially. 

In sections the alimentary canal is seen to be fairly well developed; 
it contains food refuse, indicating that it has begun to be used again. 
The epidermis covering the depressed area round the mouth is now 
composed of columnar, nucleated cells, and passes gradually into the 
inner lining of the cesophagus, the cells of which are still more colum- 
nar. The walls of the stomach are also composed of the usual two 
layers, an inner layer of columnar, nucleated cells, and an outer layer 
of connective tissue ; this outer layer is connected with the loose con- 
nective tissue filling the body cavity. In the specimen now described 
the cells forming the inner wall of the alimentary canal have become 
columnar right up to the anus. The anus is very minute and situated 
on the top of a small papilla. The columnar cells lining the cavity 
of the anus are very small and pass gradually into the epidermic cells 
covering the rudimentary anal cone ; the epidermic layer at this point 
is thickened. In the region of the stomach the walls of the alimen- 
tary canal are beginning to become folded, especially on the axial side, 
and on this side also the glandular layer is thicker. 

In another specimen of this date, which appears not to have ad- 
vanced quite so far in regeneration, the alimentary canal, as it ap- 
proaches the anus, narrows very much; its inner wall, which in the 
first part of its course is composed of the usual columnar cells, here 
consists of a layer of very minute cells, such as line the whole of the 
canal at an earlier date, and identical with the cells covering the 
general surface of the disc. In thickness this inner layer is very 
irregular and the cells composing it appear to be rapidly proliferating. 
At its extreme end they block up the lumen of the canal, so that the 
latter appears solid, and the end of the canal fuses indistinguishably 
with the layer of similar cells covering the general surface of the disc. 
At the point of fusion there is a thick masy of these minute round 
cells, forming a little elevation on the surface of the disc. This indi- 
cates the position of the future anal cone. In this specimen I have 
been able to find no distinct anal opening. These facts appear to me 
to support the view that the alimentary canal is formed by invagi- 
nation from its oral end. 

Twelve days—No great advance has been made on the condition 
presented by a nine days specimen. In one specimen the pentagon 


round the mouth, formed by the lips of the ambulacral grooves, has 
become notched into lappets all the way round and in sections the 
alimentary canal is seen to have become very considerably complicated 
and folded upon itself. In sections of another specimen of this date 
the ambulacral epithelium and canals can be traced across the disc 
very nearly to the lip of the mouth. They present the same features 
as in normal specimens ; thus the canals exhibit the transverse muscle 
fibres found in ordinary specimens. The anal cone is still very 

Nineteen days.—Little advance is to be noted except in the further 
erowth of the anal cone, which is now fairly well developed. Sections 
show a large body cavity in the anal cone, surrounding the terminal 
portion of the intestine, which latter is attached to the body wall by 
strands of connective tissue. 

Twenty-one days.—In sections of a specimen of this date a blind 
diverticulum is visible, given off from the alimentary canal at the junc- 
tion of the stomach with the cesophagus, as described by Ludwig in the 
normal animal.t There is little to distinguish a regenerated specimen 
of this date from a normal Antedon, excepting the smaller size of the 
visceral mass and the want of pigment upon it. 

COMPARISON WITH OTHER EcHINODERMS.—So little has as yet been 
written on the regeneration of lost parts in the Echinodermata that it 
is difficult to make any comparison between Antedon and other forms 
in this respect. The most important paper as yet published on the 
subject appears to me to be that by Professor Ernst Haeckel on Comet 

It is a noteworthy fact that comet forms are, so far as I know, only 
described as occurring in Asteroids (e.g. Linckia, Brisinga, Asteracan- 
thion), none being described in Ophiuroids. Schizogony, on the other 
hand, is known to occur in both groups (eg. Asteracanthion and 
Ophiactis). . 

Tn the formation of a comet form a single arm of a star-fish, after 
separating itself from the disc, produces, by budding at the proximal 
end, from the wounded surface, new arms; then a new disc appears 
and thus the perfect condition is again attained. The mouth is at 

1 Ludwig, Morphol. Stud. an Echinoderm. 
2 “Die Kometenform der Seesterne und der Generationswechsel der Echinodermen,” 
Zeit. fiir wiss, Zool., Bd. 30, Suppl. 1878, 


first formed simply from the open end of the gut diverticulum which 
extends into the arm. 

The non-occurrence of this phenomenon in Ophiuroids appears to 
me to be due to the absence of any gut diverticula in the arms of the 
latter, so that a separated arm is entirely without any portion of the 
alimentary canal, by the growth of which the remainder can be regene- 
rated. Schizogony, however, occurs in both Asteroids and Ophiuroids, 
probably because, in this case, the disc itself divides into two parts 
and hence each of the resulting halves will contain a portion of the 
alimentary canal, whether or not the latter be produced into the arms. 

It thus appears that regeneration, so far as it is known, in Asteroids 
and Ophiuroids is very different from that which takes place in An- 
tedon, for, in the two former groups regeneration never appears to 
occur when the alimentary canal has been entirely removed. 

Unfortunately Professor Haeckel has only been able to examine the 
external characters of the comet forms described by him; further 
research will probably throw much light on the subject, and, if comet 
forms should ever be found to occur in Ophiuroids, it may be possible 
to institute a closer comparison in respect of regeneration between 
Antedon and Ophiuroids than between Antedon and Asteroids, 

On the regeneration of lost individual arms in Asteroids and Ophiu- 
roids it is needless to dwell; this phenomenon finds a parallel in the 
regeneration of the arms of Antedon. 

As yet little is known concerning the ejection and regeneration of 
the viscera, including the alimentary canal, in Holothurians, beyond 
the mere fact that it does occur, and this was shown to be the case by 
Dalyell.’ It is possible that we have here a more exact parallel to 
what takes place in Antedon than in Asteroids or Ophiuroids. 

I have stated above that the meaning of the process in Antedon, 
supposing it to be a normal occurrence, must for the present remain 
undecided; suffice it here to offer, as a suggestion, the only explanation 
which seems at all probable. Crinoids, unlike most Echinoderms, have 
no selective power over their food supply; all sorts of food, good or 
bad, wholesome or poisonous, are carried into the alimentary canal by 
the action of the cilia in the ambulacral grooves. If any irritating or 
poisonous particles, or even any dangerous parasite, were conveyed by 

1 The Powers of the Creator, displayed in the Creation, London, 1851, vol.i., p. 49 et seq. 
It was only after considerable difficulty that I obtained this reference, for which I am 
indebted to Professor F. J. Bell, who also pointed out to me Semper’s remarks on the 
subject; Reisen in Archipel der Philippinen, vol. i., Holothurien, p. 200 et seq. 


this means into the alimentary canal, as might easily be the case, the 
only way in which the animal could rid itself of the obnoxious matter 
would be to cast out the alimentary canal, and this, owing to the 
structure and relations of the parts concerned, which have probably 
been specially adapted for the purpose, is most simply and readily 
effected by the rejection of the entire visceral mass. This appears 
to me to be a not improbable hypothesis, and the only one that will 
explain the facts. 


By ©. F. Marsuatt, B.Se., Platt Physiological Scholar in the 
Owens College. 

The following investigations were commenced in the Physiological 
Laboratory of the Owens College during the past winter, under the 
direction of Professor Gamgee and Professor Milnes Marshall, with 
a view to determine the following points in the Physiology of the ner- 
vous system of the Lobster :— 

1. Are there distinct motor and sensory roots to the nerves arising 
from the central nervous system, similar to those by which the spinal 
nerves arise in vertebrates ? 

2. Is there any marked decussation of the nerve fibres in the central 
nervous system ? 

The determination of these points in any invertebrate animal is a 

‘matter of considerable morphological importance. 

No definite results were obtained from the Lobsters experimented 
upon at the Owens College, for the reason that they were not in a fit 
state for experiment by the time they reached the laboratory. 
However, through the kindness of Mr. J. T. Cunningham, I was 
enabled during last August to continue my researches at the Scottish 
Marine Station at Granton, a spot which is eminently suited for 
carrying on experiments of this kind. There I was able to obtain 
perfectly fresh lobsters which were kept in tanks through which sea 
water was constantly circulating. I must here express my thanks to 

314 Cc. F. MARSHALL. 

Mr. Cunningham for much advice and help in conducting the experi- 
ments, nearly all the more important of which were witnessed by him. 

As this paper does not profess to be a complete account of the 
physiology of the nervous system of the lobster, I shall not attempt 
to give an exhaustive account of the literature of the subject, but only 
refer to such papers as bear directly on the questions stated above. 
The most important paper dealing with these questions is one by 
Emile Yung, entitled “ Physiologie de la chaine ganglionaire chez les 
crustacés.”+ This paper I was unfortunately unable to obtain access 
to till after my experiments had been completed. Although many of 
my results were anticipated by Yung, yet, since my methods of in- 
vestigation differ for the most part from those employed by him, I 
think it worth while publishing them. Confirmatory results arrived 
at independently are always of value in experimental physiology. 

Two other papers, one by Richet, “Contribution & la physiologie 
des centres nerveux et des muscles de I’écrévisse,”? and another by 
Fredericq et Vandevelde, ‘‘ Physiologie des muscles et des nerfs du 
homard,” * deal only with the phenomena of muscle and nerve and the 
various conditions of muscular excitability, and do not bear on the 
subject of this paper. Mr. J. Ward has written a short paper “Some 
Notes on the Physiology of the Nervous System of Astacus Fluvia- 
tilis.”* His results were obtained by cutting the nerves and replacing 
the animals in running water and observing the subsequent movements. 
Mr. Ward came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of decus- 
sation of nerves in the central nervous system of the Crayfish. The 
most recent contribution is a short note by Reichenbach, ‘ Beobach- 
tungen tiber die Physiologie des Nervensystems vom Flusskrebs.”® 
This I was unfortunately unable to obtain. 

I shall now give a detailed account of my investigations dealing 
first with the anatomy and then with the physiology, and compare my 
results with those obtained by Yung. 

1. Thoracic Nerves.— Arising from each of the thoracic ganglia, with 
the exception of the supra- and sub-cesophageal ganglia, there are two 

1 Archives de Zoologie, t. VII, 1878. 

2 Archives de Physiologie normale et pathologique, t. VI, 1879. 
8 Bulletin de VAcadémie royale de Belgique, 2° série, t. 47, 1879, 
* Journal of Physiology, vol. I1., 1879-80. 

5 In Humboldt, Bd. I., p. 26-27, 1883. 


nerves on each side of considerable size which pass to the limb of the 
corresponding side. Besides these there are other smaller nerves dis- 
tributed to the wall of the thorax, but these do not concern the pre- 
sent question. Of these two nerves the one is anterior and the other 
posterior with regard to the normal position of the animal: but both 
nerves arise in the same horizontal plane, z.e. one is not dorsal to the 
other. The anterior nerve is much the smaller in the great chelae and 
first and second ambulatory legs, where the posterior nerve is of great 
thickness. In the last two ambulatory legs the two nerves are nearly 
the same size. Throughout this paper the anterior will be spoken of 
as the “small nerve” and the posterior as the “large nerve.” 

On tracing these two nerves to their distribution in the large chelae 
in specimens hardened in alcohol, the small nerve seemed to consist of 
two parts, one of which could be traced to the divaricator muscle (ad- 
ductor of Huxley +) which opens the claw. The other part of the nerve 
appeared to go to the skin. But no such division into two parts was 
found in the fresh specimen. The small nerve also supplies the 
extensor muscles of the various joints of the limb. 

The large nerve gives off branches to the flexor muscles of the limb, 
but is chiefly distributed to the large occlusor muscle (adductor of 
Huxley’) which closes the claw. Also there are numerous branches 
to the skin of the claw. 

In the case of the first or sub-cesophageal ganglion the nerves are so 
crowded together that it is difficult to determine whether the nerves 
to the masticatory appendages which arise from the ganglion are simi- 
larly arranged. 

2. Abdominal Nerves.—From each abdominal ganglion two nerves 
arise on each side in a similar manner to the nerves of the thorax. 
The anterior of these is distributed to the abdominal appendage of the 
Same side, and in specimens hardened in alcohol appeared to consist 
of two parts, but no such division was found in fresh specimens. 

The posterior nerve, after passing between the abdominal muscles, 
terminates in the skin along the side of the abdomen. 

The abdominal muscles themselves are supplied by nerves which 
arise chiefly from the abdominal nerve cord between the ganglia: 
but according to Yung the superior (posterior) nerve ramifies in the 
muscle of the abdomen.” 

1 Huxley: The Crayfish, p. 93. 
2 Loc. cit., p. 487, 

316 Cc. F. MARSHALL. 

In the case of the last abdominal ganglion there are two nerves on 
each side passing to the telson, corresponding to the two divisions of 
the nerves to the other abdominal appendages. There is another 
nerve on each side passing to the skin corresponding to those from 
the other abdominal ganglia, but differing from them in being placed 
anterior to the nerves to the appendage. There are also several nerves 
arising from the posterior end of the ganglion. 

B. PHysioLoey. 

All experiments were performed on the lobster immediately after 
removal from the tanks. A “holder” consisting of a vertical block of 
wood fixed in the centre of a board was employed, on which the animal 
was secured by means of pieces of tape attached to screws placed in 
convenient positions. ‘The chief difficulty experienced was the rapidity 
with which the nerves when exposed lose their power of transmitting 
the nervous impulse, the protoplasm of the nerve appearing to disin- 
tegrate very rapidly. Another difficulty was the presence of the large 
quantity of blood pouring out of the wounds which rapidly coagulated 
and so hindered the operations. 

The first difficulty was overcome after some practice by opening the 
limbs and exposing the nerves as rapidly as possible. Also by opening 
the thorax and letting out some of the blood, the amount pouring out 
of the limbs was much diminished. For purposes of stimulation, a 
Du Bois Reymond Induction coil with Magnetic Interruptor and a 
single Daniell Cell were used. The electrodes used were of Platinum 
wire. In most cases silk ligatures were used for the purpose of lift- 
ing the nerves on to the electrodes. 

I found very little trouble from the animal’s claws, because from 
their great weight they cannot be moved quickly when out of water. 


The chief experiments on the investigation of motor and sensory 
roots were performed on the nerves of the large chelae, since from 
their large size they are most suitable for experiment. The nerves 
are most easily exposed on the ventral surface of the third joint of the 
limb, where they lie close to the anterior border. The animal in these 
experiments was in the supine position. 

Experiment A.—The small nerve being intact, the large nerve was 
ligatured and cut. On stimulating the distal end of the latter nerve 


the limb was sharply raised and the claw closed. On stimulating its 
central end there ensued sharp reflex movements of the thoracic appen- 
dages, flapping of the abdomen and slight movements of the antennae 
and masticatory appendages. Also in the most lively animals there 
was a distinct opening of the claw. 

This experiment shows: (1) that the large nerve contains the motor 
fibres to the muscles which raise the limb and close the claw; (2) that 
this nerve contains many afferent fibres and is hence mixed ; (3) that 
it contains special afferent fibres which cause opening of the claw by 
reflex action through the small nerve which alone supplies the divari- 
cator muscle of the claw. 

Haperiment B.—The large nerve being intact the small nerve was 
ligatured and cut. On stimulating its distal end the claw was sharply 
opened and the limb extended. On stimulating the central end the 
claw was elosed and the limb raised. In some cases slight movements 
of the thoracic and abdominal appendages were observed, but in most 
cases there were no appreciable general movements. 

This experiment shows (1) that the small nerve contains motor 
fibres which supply the extensor muscles of the limb and especially 
the divaricator muscle of the claw ; (2) that it contains afferent fibres 
which cause reflex contraction of the claw through the large nerve 
which supplies the occlusor muscle. This nerve is therefore mixed 
also. Thus these two experiments show that each of the two nerves 
is mixed, and hence separate motor and sensory roots do not exist 
in the lobster. 

Experiment C.—The following experiment shows that there is a 
distinct sense of touch in the claws. In an active lobster the eyes 
and antennae were removed and the animal again placed in the tank. 
The animal then moved round and round in circles and appeared 
unable to walk in a straight line unless guided by the side of the tank. 
When a stick was placed in front of it, it did not grip the stick as it 
did before the operation, but directly the stick was placed within the 
claws the latter closed upon it; thus showing that there is a distinct 
sense of touch in the claw, in spite of the great thickness and hardness 
of the calcareous cuticle. This fact one would presuppose from the 
large number of nerves which pass to the skin of the claw and which 
are chiefly derived from branches of the large nerve. 

Experiment D.—Mr. Cunningham found that on placing his finger 
in the claw after the small nerve was cut he could feel a distinct 

318 C. F. MARSHALL. 

closing of the claw. ‘This was repeated several times. This experi- 
ment again shows that the large nerve contains both afferent and 
efferent fibres: for we have seen above that the skin is sensitive to 
external stimuli, and these passing up the large nerve must have 
caused closing of the claw by reflex action through efferent fibres in 
the same nerve, because the small nerve was cut. 

Lxperiment E.—In an active lobster the circum-cesophageal com- 
missures were cut on both sides. This operation was performed by 
making an aperture in the thorax and cutting with scissors where the 
commissures were supposed to lie. That the commissures were really 
cut was confirmed subsequently by post mortem examination, a pre- 
caution the necessity of which is evident. The connection between 
the cerebrum and the rest of the nervous system was thus severed. 

The experiments A and B were then repeated. On cutting open the 
limbs there ensued general movements much more marked than before, 
the opposite limb being even brought over to the place of operation 
manifestly for the purpose of removing the operating instruments. 

On stimulating the distal end of the small nerve the claw was 
sharply opened, and on stimulating the central end of the same nerve 
the claw was sharply closed by reflex action through the large nerve. 

In the opposite limb on stimulating the central end of the large 
nerve the claw was sharply opened and the limb extended by reflex 
action through the small nerve: and on stimulating the distal end of 
the large nerve the claw was closed and the limb raised. 

All these actions were much more strongly marked and more regular 
than in the case of the animals in which the connection with the cere- 
brum was intact. This experiment shows that all the effects described 
above are due to reflex action, and are more regular in action and 
more strongly marked when the cerebrum is cut off from the rest of 
the nervous system; doubtless because inhibitory impulses which 
might pass down from the cerebrum are stopped when the cesophageal 
commissures are cut. This no doubt explains the fact that in some 
of the animals experimented upon the effects described in A and B did 
not all take place. 

Experiment F.—In another lobster the nerve chain was cut both in 
front of and behind the second thoracic ganglion: the latter ganglion 
which supplies the chelae was thus isolated (confirmed by post mortem 
examination). The experiments A and B were performed on this animal 
with the same results (excepting, of course, the general movements of 


the body and appendages). But the effects were much less marked 
than in the case of E. The reflex divaricator action on stimulating 
the central end of the large nerve was slight. The reflex closing of 
the claw on stimulating the central end of the small nerve, however, 
was distinct, and the effects on stimulating the distal end of each 
nerve the same as usual. The animal in this case was soon exhausted. 

This experiment shows that the second thoracic ganglion acts as a 
special reflex centre for the great chelae; since the reflex closing and 
opening of the claw on stimulating the central end of the small and 
large nerve respectively take place when it is isolated. This is pre- 
sumably the case with the other thoracic ganglia, 

Yung came to a similar conclusion with regard to these ganglia ; he 
says :-—“‘Chaque ganglion est un centre de sensibilité et de mouve- 
ment pour le segment du corps auquel il appartient ; mais la sensi- 
bilité est inconsciente et les movements réflexes lorsque le ganglion 
est séparé de ceux qui le précedent” (pp. 492, 493). “Les gan- 
glions thoraciques se comportent comme les ganglions abdominaux 
pour les membres de leur segment respectif. Leur destruction en- 
traine l’abolition des mouvements volontaires dans les appendices 
situés en arriere” (p. 525). These results were obtained chiefly by 
cutting the chain at various points and observing the subsequent 


Experiments on the nerves in the other ambulatory limbs were not 
carried on in the same detail as in the case of the chelae, for the reason 
that the nerves are much more difficult to expose. 

On stimulating either nerve movements took place in the limb and 
also general reflex movements of the body and appendages ; the latter 
movements being strongly marked in the case of the large nerve, but 
slight when the small nerve was stimulated. When the large nerve 
was stimulated the limb as a whole was flexed, and extended when 
the small nerve was stimulated. 

Thus each nerve is mixed as in the case of the chelae. 

The nerves arising from one of the abdominal ganglia were exposed 
and cut. Sharp flapping of the abdomen took place when the central 
end of either nerve was stimulated, but the effects were stronger in 

320 Cc. F. MARSHALL, 

the case of the posterior nerve which supplies the skin. On 
stimulating the distal end of the latter nerve no effect was observed. 
On stimulating the distal end of the anterior nerve which supplies 
the abdominal appendage, the latter contracted. Hence the anterior 
nerve would seem to be mixed, but the posterior nerve purely sensory. 

These results differ somewhat from those obtained by Yung. He 
states that mechanical excitation of the two nerves produce the same 
effect, each nerve being mixed (p. 487). 

With regard to the investigation of motor and sensory roots, Yung 
does not appear to have experimented upon the nerves arising from 
the thoracic ganglia. He says:—‘“ Les racines des nerfs irradiant de 
la chaine ventrale sont 4 la fois motrices et sensitives” (p. 525) ; but 
this result was obtained only on the nerves arising from the abdominal 
ganglia (p. 486). This result, as stated above, differs slightly from 
the result I obtained from the abdominal nerves, one of which I found 
to be mixed and the other purely sensory. Most of Yung’s experi- 
ments on the thoracic ganglia seem. to have been performed with 
a view to investigate the statement previously made by some 
investigators that the superior and inferior surfaces of the ganglia 
held a different function with regard to motion and _ sensation. 
On page 525 we find :—“L’opinion classique, que la face inférieure 
de la chaine est sensitive, tandis que la face supérieure serait motvrice, 
est infirmée par nos expériences.” 


(A) The cesophageal commissure of one side was cut and the an 
terior end stimulated ; the antennae and antennules of the same side 
moved sharply, those of the opposite side slightly. The same effect 
took place when the other commissure was cut. Also the effects were 
similar when the stimulation was performed on the other side. 

On stimulating the posterior end of each commissure, the thoracic 
appendages moved mainly on the side stimulated, but slightly also on 
the opposite side. The same effects were observed when the commis- 
sures joining the separate ganglia were stimulated. 

These experiments show that there is no marked decussation of the 
fibres as in vertebrates, for if it were so the effect would be more 
marked on the opposite side of the body to that stimulated. 

Yung came to the following conclusions with regard to decussation 
(pp. 525, 526): “Chaque moitié droite et gauche du cerveau agit 


sur la partie correspondante du corps.” ‘“Chaque portion de la chaine 
agit également d’une maniére directe sur le c6té du corps qui lui 
correspond. Il n’y a pas d’entrecroisement dans le parcours des fibres 
nerveuses.” These results were obtained by stimulation with a needle 
and by chemical stimulus. Electric stimulation was not employed. 

Although the normal passage of the nervous impulse is along the 
same side of the nerve chain as that stimulated, the following experi- 
ments show that when the normal path is interrupted by section, the 
impulse can pass across the chain. 

(B) The nerve chain was cut completely across in front of the fourth 
thoracic ganglion, and the interganglionic commissure on the right side 
was cut just behind the same ganglion. On stimulating the stump of 
the right commissure in front of and connected with the ganglion, the 
fourth and fifth ambulatory limbs on the /eft side moved sharply ; this 
shows that the impulse not being able to influence the limbs of the 

‘same side, owing to the commissure being cut on that side, travelled 
across the ganglion and acted on the limbs of the opposite side. 

(C) One of the thoracic ganglia was isolated by section of the cords 
in front and behind. The large nerve to the limb of one side was cut 
and its central end stimulated ; the limb of the opposite side moved 
sharply, the impulse having passed directly across the ganglion. 


(A) Stimulation of the cerebrum or supra-csophageal ganglion 
caused sharp movements of the antennae, thoracic appendages, and 
abdomen. The animal crushed one claw within the other. The same 
effects were observed when the cesophageal commissures were stimu- 
lated, but the movements were even more violent. 

Yung obtained the same result by stimulating the cerebrum with a 
needle and he points out that “le cerveau ou ganglion sur-cesophagien 
est sensible sur toutes ses faces comme les autres ganglions de la 
chaine nerveuse, et contrairement 4 ce qui a lieu chez les insectes et 
les vertébrés” (p. 525). 

(B) Stimulation of the sub-cesophageal ganglion caused movements 
of the masticatory appendages and maxillipedes ; also flapping of the 
abdomen and movements of the thoracic appendages. 

(C) Stimulation of each thoracic ganglion caused movements, mainly 
of the appendages which it supplied, but also movements of the appen- 
dages behind, and flapping of the abdomen. 


322 C. F. MARSHALL. 

Tn all these cases the movements of the appendages in front of the 
ganglion stimulated were slight: hence the normal passage of the 
nervous impulse is down the cord: but if the cord was cut behind the 
ganglion stimulated, the appendages in front of the ganglion moved 
more strongly when the latter was stimulated than before. 


1. Motor and sensory roots analogous to those by which the spinal 

nerves of vertebrates arise do not exist in the lobster. 

2. There is no marked decussation of the nerve fibres in the central 
nervous system: but nervous impulses readily travel 
across the ganglia from one side to the other. 

. Each ganglion is a reflex centre for the appendages which it sup- 

4, There is a distinct sense of touch which can be exercised through 

the thick cuticle of all parts, especially in the large claws. 

5. The cerebrum or supra-cesophageal ganglion is the seat of origin of 


inhibitory impulses: reflex actions are much more marked 
when the connection between this ganglion and the rest 
of the nervous system is severed. 

6, All the ganglia, including the cerebrum, are sensitive, ¢.e. respond 
to stimulation. 

7. The normal passage of the nervous impulse is down the cord, but 
when this path is interrupted, it will pass up the cord. 

It will be seen that the two most important results of these investi- 
gations are negative ones. There is no marked decussation and there 
are no separate motor and sensory roots. Nevertheless it is important 
to have determined these points in such a highly organised inverte- 
brate animal as the lobster. It would be interesting to investigate 
these points in other highly organised invertebrates, such as the Jn- 
secta, Arachnida, and Cephalopoda. 


Motor and sensory roots are now recognised throughout the verte- 
brate kingdom (with the exception of the Ascidians) ; they are now 
even supposed to be present in Amphroxus, and it is a curious point 
if this condition is confined to them alone and does not exist in any 

Concerning decussation, I believe complete crossing of the nerves 
has been found to exist in every vertebrate in which this point has 
been investigated. Now from the experiments described above,— 
especially experiment B,—it appears that although there is no marked 
decussation, yet partial decussation does exist in the lobster, at any 
rate functionally, contrary to the opinion of Yung; but whether this 
is a decussation of nerve fibres only, or whether nerve cells are con- 
cerned in it, is not proved. This is of interest as affording a possible 
clue to the condition found in vertebrates in which the crossing is 
complete and in which nerve cells are concerned. 

My thanks are due to Dr. Michael Foster and to Professor A. Milnes 
Marshall, who have kindly examined the results of my experiments 
and also suggested valuable alterations in the paper. 



By A. Mitnns Marsuauz, M.D., D.Se., Beyer Professor of Zoology 
in Owens College. 

Hydra stands alone, or almost so, among Hydrozoa, inasmuch as its 
reproductive organs, whether ovaries or testes, develop and ripen in 
the body-wall of the animal instead of in special buds or gonophores. 
Concerning the relationship in this respect between Hydra and other 
Hydrozoa two diametrically opposite views have been held, one being 
that Hydra exhibits the simplest and most primitive condition of the 
reproductive organs, prior to the evolution of special sexual buds ; the 
other that the condition in Hydra is one of extreme degeneration, the 
sexual buds that were previously present having become completely 

A short time ago, Professor Weismann of Freiburg published some 
extremely interesting and valuable researches on the development of 
the sexual products in Hydrozoa,’ and it is the object of the present 
paper to enquire into the bearing of these results on the problem 
stated above concerning Hydra. 

In one of the typical hydroid colonies such as Bodecone or Bou- 
gainvillea the sexual products, whether ova or spermatozoa, are con- 
tained in medusoid buds, and do not ripen until these medusze have 
attained full development, and detached themselves from the colony 
so as to lead a free-swimming existence. In many cases, however, the 
sexual products ripen before the medusoid bud has completed its de- 
velopment, in which case the bud remains attached to the colony in 

1 Weismann, Die Entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen. Jena, 1883, 


a more or less immature condition. In some instances the gonophore 
is a fully-formed medusa, which, however, never detaches itself from 
the colony, such a gonophore being called an attached medusa; in 
other cases development stops at a still earlier stage, giving rise to a 
disguised medusa, in which all the essential parts of the medusa are 
present, but in an unexpanded condition; and, finally, development 
may go no further than the production of a hollow diverticulum of 
the body-wall of the parent known as a sporosac or sporophore, within 
the walls of which the ova or spermatozoa are matured. 

It is worthy of notice that the free medusa in the course of its de- 
velopment passes through in succession the stages of sporosac, dis- 
euised medusa, and attached medusa; so that these latter may be 
regarded as due to arrested development of the medusa at an earlier 
or later stage. That this view is correct rather than one which would 
regard the sporosac, disguised medusa, and attached medusa as repre- 
senting stages in the gradual progressive evolution of the free medusa, 
is evident from the consideration that the disguised medusa and 
attached medusa, which have all the parts of the free medusa fitting 
it for independent existence, but never have an opportunity of em- 
ploying them, could never have arisen by a process of natural selection 
from the sporosac, for the possession of a swimming bell that is never 
opened could clearly be of no advantage. 

Hence the forms with free-swimming medusze must be regarded as 
the most primitive, and those with attached or disguised medusz, or 
with sporosacs, must be viewed as derived from these by abortion, 
more or less complete, of the various parts of the free medusa, such 
abortion being intimately associated with the early or premature 
ripening of the sexual products. 

Weismann, in the work alluded to above, has shown that the genital 
cells of Hydrozoa may arise in parts other than those in which they 
are ultimately lodged, and indeed before the appearance of these latter, 
into which they migrate later on. In some cases this may be carried 
so far that the genital cells arise in the body-wall of the primary zooid 
not only before the commencement of the development of the gono- 
phore, or sexual bud, but even before the first trace of the appearance 
of the branch on which the gonophore will subsequently be borne. A 
good example of this is afforded by the fresh-water genus Cordylo- 
phora, in which the ova arise in what Weismann calls the germinal 
zone of the primary zooid, then migrate into the lateral branch of the 


zooid when this is formed, and later on shift again into the gonophore 
which arises as an offset from this lateral branch. 

The explanation of this curious migration is probably to be found, 
as Weismann suggests, in the advantage derived from commencing the 
development of the sexual products ag early as possible. The for- 
mation of the ovum, especially, is a long and complicated process, 
which in most animals is commenced at a very early date; in the 
highest mammals, for instance, the ovary contains either at or very 
shortly after the time of birth all the ova that will ever be developed 
init. The development of spermatozoa is a more rapid and lesg 
elaborate process than that of ova, and we find accordingly that the date 
of their appearance is not thrown back so far as that of the ova. For 
instance, in Eudendrium the ova arise in the primary zooid before the 
appearance of the lateral branches; the male cells, however, are not 
formed till later, and appear first in the lateral branches, from which, 
like the ova, they migrate into the gonophores. 

The suggestion I would make with regard to Hydra is that it repre- 
sents one step further in the process of migration beyond the stage 
reached. by Cordylophora or Eudendrium; 7e. that in Hydra the 
genital products not only make their first appearance in the wall of 
the primary zooid, but remain and undergo their whole development 
in the same position, no lateral bud or gonophore being formed. 

Weismann’ himself takes the directly opposite view that Hydra 
represents a primitive, and not, as I believe it to be, an extremely modi- 
fied condition. He considers that in Hydra there has been no shifting 
of the place of origin of the sexual cells, but that Hydra represents 
in this respect the primitive and original condition. 

In support of the contention that Hydra is, as regards its genera- 
tive organs, a modified and not a primitive form I would submit the 
following arguments :— 

1. Hydra is hermaphrodite, being in this respect almost unique 
among Hydrozoa. A hermaphrodite condition is altogether excep- 
tional among Hydrozoa, and there is not the slightest evidence for 
regarding it as primitive in them; while there is very strong reason for 
viewing it as secondary and acquired, wherever it occurs in other 
groups of animals. 

2. Hydra is fresh water, differing in this respect also from almost all 
other Hydrozoa. It is very generally accepted that fresh water forms 

1 Weismann, op. cit., p. 254, 


are in the great majority of cases derived from marine forms, and also 
that they are very liable to undergo modification in consequence of 
their change of habitat. 

3. The other fresh water Hydroid, Cordylophora affords very inte- 
resting evidence. In the first place, there is very strong reason for 
regarding it having only recently migrated from the sea and adopted 
a fresh water habitat.* Then as regards its sexual organs Cordy- 
lophora is in an extremely modified condition, The genital cells, 
whether ova-or spermatozoa, are lodged when fully developed in gono- 
phores which never reach even the disguised medusa condition, but 
are arrested at a stage very little in advance of the sporosac.? 

This, however, is not all, for Weismann has shown’ that the genital 
cells of Cordylophora do not arise in the gonophores, but in the body 
walls of the primary zooids, where they may be recognised long before 
the gonophores have commenced to develop, though on the appearance 
of these latter they migrate into them. 

These facts seem to me to speak very strongly in support of the 
view advanced above concerning Hydra. Cordylophora is a genus 
which has only ‘recently become a fresh water one, and in which the 
condition of the reproductive organs is such that were the genital cells 
to remain and ripen in the position in which they first appear, i.e. in the 
body wall of the zooid, they would agree exactly in all essential points 
with those of Hydra. It is surely more reasonable to suppose that in 
Hydra, whose fresh water habits have been longer established, a pecu- 
liarity which we find already very highly developed, in Cordylophora 
should be carried just one step further, than that the two forms should 
represent the opposite extremes of the series, for on Weismann’s 
view Hydra is the most primitive, Cordylophora the most modified of 

4, Additional evidence of considerable value is afforded by the struc- 
ture of the ovary itself in Hydra. In its early stages of development* 
this consists of a plate-like mass of interstitial cells which at first are 
all of about equal size, but of which one only, situated in the centre of 

1 Concerning this migration, Semper states :—“It is, so far as I know, the only example 
of an animal that can be proved to have originally lived in the sea or in brackish water, and 
which, within our own time, has gradually accustomed itself to live in pure fresh water.” 
Animal Life, pp. 151-153. 

* For good figures of these gonophores, vide F. E. Schulze, Ueber den Baw und die Ent= 
wicklung von Cordylophora lacustris. Pl. III & IV. 

5 Weismann, op. cit., 29-33. 

* For an account of the development of the ovum in Hydra, vide Kleinenberg, Hydia, 1872, 


the plate, develops into an ovum, the remaining cells supplying it 
with nutriment. This must be regarded as a very highly specialised 
condition, for all the cells of the ovary are at first alike and must be 
supposed to be of equal value. It very usually happens among ani- 
mals that of the cells composing the ovary, certain ones alone develop 
into ova, the others serving to feed them, but it is altogether excep- 
tional that only a single ovum should attain maturity : other instances 
are indeed known, such as Moina and perhaps some other Entomos- 
traca, and also some Ascidians, such as Salpa, but such cases are rare. 

I am disposed to lay stress on this point, for if it be granted, as I 
think it must, that the ovary of Hydra is in an exceptionally special- 
ised condition, it becomes very difficult to believe, as Weismann would 
have us do, that it is also from another point of view in a far more 
primitive condition than that of other Hydroids, 

5. Kleinenberg and others have denied that any direct comparison 
is possible between the reproductive organs of Hydra and the gono- 
phores of an ordinary Hydroid on the ground that the former consist 
of ectoderm alone, while the latter even in their most degenerate con- 
dition involve endoderm as well as ectoderm ; and it must be admitted 
at once that the objection is a valid one. 

However, it does not in the least affect the position I have attempted 
to establish, which is that the reproductive organs of Hydra correspond 
not to the gonophore of Cordylophora but to the zone of germination 
round the necks of the zooids in which the genital cells arise in Cordy- 
lophora and in which they both arise and ripen in Hydra. 

T would in conclusion point out that the above argument only con- 
cerns the sexual organs of Hydra. 

As regards its general morphology I fully agree with Weismann’ 
that Hydra has strong claims to be regarded as having departed very 
little from the condition of the ancestral form from which all Hydro- 
medusee may have sprung. 

1 Weismann, op. cit., p. 254. 






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